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To Sensitive Men - Chapter 2 by Fenris420 One year later. The house was dark and quiet as we lay in bed, Noah’s arm draped over me, his body pressed against my back with his soft cock nestled against my ass. We had just finished making love and we were both resting, recovering, before our passions stirred us into another session. We were in a different house, in a state halfway across the country. After the night I seduced my son and changed our lives forever, I began looking for places to relocate to. If we were to have a relationship as lovers, we needed to make a fresh start. Although we had lived in a big city, too many people knew me as Noah’s mother and almost all of Noah’s friends had met me as well. First, I changed my name to Kramer, my maiden name. Then, fortunately, I found a job quickly and with my savings, we moved to a small, suburban community with a small college in the nearby city. Noah began attending college and we settled into our new life as the young college student and his hot older girlfriend. In that time Noah and I had slowly begun to figure out our new dynamic. It took a few weeks for Noah to get comfortable with calling me Emma and to see me as, first and foremost, his woman. But he was stepping up to the challenge quite well and it made me wonder sometimes if I would have adapted so quickly were our roles reversed. I will admit to some loneliness from a social standpoint. Keeping our secret meant we couldn’t get too close to any of the friends we had made. Our neighbors were decent enough with only one middle-aged, bible-thumping couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, who seemed to generate 90% of the drama on our block. Yet, we needed to keep things at arms length because the stakes were too high. In the end, all I really needed was Noah so I was happy. Noah nuzzled my neck. He had taken to calling me ‘Em’ much of the time and I found it irresistibly cute. “Em” he began. “Yes, babe?” I answered with closed eyes, savoring the warmth of his body and tender touch. “Can I get your thoughts on something.” It really was amazing how fast my son had grown into my co-partner and not just a submissive extension of the boy he had been. I encouraged his assertiveness when it came to our relationship, nurturing the belief that he was my equal and to communicate his desires freely. I rolled over to look at my beautiful man and studied his face. God, I love him so. He gathered his thoughts for a moment and then explained what was on his mind. “With spring break coming up, I know you were planning on taking some time off so we can have a real vacation together. You know, just us but…” Noah paused and I sensed a big ask coming. “I’m listening.” I encouraged. “They’re doing some maintenance on the dorms at school, fumigating or something, I don’t know. Anyway, do you remember Nichole? I think you met her once.” “Which one was she?” I asked. I remembered the name but couldn’t picture her. “Asian-American… Japanese ancestry I think, really cute, smart, blue hair, kind of extra but really funny. She’s a good person. Good heart.” Noah offered. I shook my head as I still couldn’t recall meeting her. “Well, anyway, I was talking to her yesterday and it turns out she doesn’t have anywhere to go… she can’t afford to go home and doesn’t have the money for a rental. I was thinking of offering the spare bedroom, if that’s okay. It would only be for the Break.” Noah said hopefully. I couldn’t resist teasing him a little “This better not be some attempt at getting me into a threesome.” giving Noah a mock suspicious look before breaking out in a big smile at Noah’s mock look of shock. “No chance of that. Nicole’s lesbian. The only one in danger would be you.” he said with a wink and kissed my cheek as a cute bribe. I laid a gentle hand on Noah’s face. “You are so sweet, babe. Of course, she can stay with us. It’ll be interesting to have another teenager around the house.” Without needing to I added “No wild parties, though.” “Emma!” Noah protested. He knew I didn’t really mean it and started tickling me, both of us laughing until the tickling turned to caressing and then groping and soon followed by a vigorous hour (I may be exaggerating) of pleasuring each other with multiple orgasms (that part’s true). - - - - - - - - - - Day one - Monday - Meeting Nichole With my time off starting the next day, I had arrived home from work about 30 minutes prior when Noah, with Nichole in tow, walked through the front door. I walked up to Noah and gave him a hug and a kiss “Hi, babe.” before turning to Nichole and giving her a hug. “Hi, Nichole. Welcome. Su casa and all that.” “Thanks, Emma. Call me Nicky.” Nicole said as she took a quick look around the small home. “Nice place. Hey, thanks for doing this, by the way. You guys have really saved my ass.” she added. “Not at all, our pleasure.” I replied. Noah started walking to the spare bedroom carrying Nicole’s duffel bag for her. “Your room’s this way.” Nichole nodded to me and followed Noah. I went to the kitchen to grab some drinks; orange juice for Noah and iced tea for me. A minute later Nichole and Noah came back and I asked Nichole “Can I get you anything to drink? We have orange juice, iced tea, Pepsi, iced tea, um… 2% (milk), and water. I can make some coffee, if you’d like.” “Pepsi’s good, thanks.” as she sat at the small counter. Noah joined me, slipping his arm around my waist and giving me a quick kiss, saying “I love you.” I immediately responded “I love you.” and returned his kiss. Nichole was looking at us with a bemused face. Giggling she stated “You guys are adorable! Gotta say, Noah. When you said you had a hot girlfriend I thought that was all rose-colored glasses, but damn, dude.” After I got home, and just before I had ordered the take-out pizza, I had changed into my skin-tight yoga pants and a cutoff, short-sleeve sweatshirt that gave just a hint of under-boob. My long dark hair was tied in a perky pony tail. I looked over my shoulder to Noah who leaned back saying “I never said ‘hot’. I’m pretty sure the exact word I used was ‘gorgeous’.” before leaning in to give me a lingering kiss. I could hear Nichole stifle another giggle. Turning back to Nichole I asked ”Pizza?” to which she replied enthusiastically “Food of the Gods? Absolutely!” As if he read my mind, Noah grabbed the car keys asking me “Fillipo’s?” I nodded and said “Should be ready by the time you get there. Drive safe.” “I will.” he said as we kissed and said our ‘love you’s’. After Noah had left, Nichole turned to me and leaned on the counter. “So, Emma. How’d you guys meet?” Noah and I had decided to keep our backstory simple and based partially on reality. “Noah was working at a coffee shop that I liked. He was there most days and was just so sweet and charming when we talked. There was just something so different about him.” I smiled. “How’d you ask him out?” Nichole asked. “What makes you think I asked him out? Maybe he asked me out.” I said, impressed that Nichole had sussed out that detail so quickly. “Emma. Have you met Noah?” she said with a ‘you kidding me?’ look. I chuckled. “Fair enough. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I was sitting there one day, thinking about all the assholes I’ve dated and thought, ‘Why not try a nice guy for once.’ And then I told myself ‘The next nice guy I meet, I’m asking out.’ That’s when Noah walked up to take my order and so I asked him out right there. We hit it off and that was it.” “So, how old are you?” she boldly asked. I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, come on. It’s just a number.” she said smiling. “I’ll be 34 in June.” I said truthfully, taking a sip of my iced tea. Now Nichole’s eyebrows shot up before she broke into a Cheshire cat smile. “Damn, girl. You fine for 33. I would’ve guessed 26, 28 tops.” She appeared to be thinking and said “You’re almost old enough to be his mom.” and then laughed at the idea. Nichole took a gulp from her Pepsi before she asked “So, how long have you been together?” I was thinking how much about us that Noah had apparently refused to share with her. Again I answered with the truth; lies being notoriously hard to keep track of. “About a year.” I answered vaguely. Disbelieving, Nichole exclaimed “A year? One. Year. You two act like an old married couple. Daay-yumm. Never would have guessed that.” I felt I needed to explain why. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s like we were made for each other.” Which, again, was the truth. Nichole only repeated to herself. “One year.” It wasn’t long before Noah returned with the pizza and between the three of us we made short work of it. By this time the sun had set so we were all gathered in the living room to watch TV, Noah and I on the sofa and Nichole in one of the side chairs. We weren’t really watching TV but were casually talking. We were all well past our second beer. “So, are you dating anyone Nicky?” I asked. “Anyone special?” “Not right now. I had a girlfriend back in high school, but they’re hard to come by in this podunk town. Not one goddamn gay bar for 100 miles.” she sighed. “No one at school?” I asked. “Nah. Bunch a uptight locals. A few of them are lezi’s but they haven’t admitted it yet.” Nichole sighed again and then chuckled. Trying to be helpful I offered “Well, school won’t last forever. Once you’re out in the big wide world I’m sure you’ll find someone.” I was propped against Noah with his arms wrapped around me as I stroked his hands and arms. After a while there was a lull in the conversation when Nichole suggested a game of Truth or Dare. We all were feeling pretty loose after a few beers so we all agreed, much to Nichole’s delight. We had a couple of rounds of rock-paper-scissors to determine who went first, second, and third. Noah went first. “Um, Nicky! Truth or Dare.” Nichole picked “Truth.” Noah thought for a bit and said “What’s your favorite class?” Nichole burst out laughing. “Aha ha ha ha! Oh my god! You are so bad at this, Noah! Aha ha ha ha ha! Oh my god!” I was stifling my own laugh as well. I looked over my shoulder to Noah who was blushing. “What? I couldn’t think of anything.” he said trying to defend himself. I half turned to him and gave him a reassuring kiss saying “You’re so cute.” Nichole’s favorite class remains a mystery to this day. It was my turn next so I thought for a minute and hoped I would get an answer to a question I had on my mind since about a year ago. I felt I pretty much knew the answer but it never hurts to be sure. “Noah.” I began. “Truth or Dare?” “Truth.” he said. I was 99.9% sure he would pick truth. I sent a private wish into the cosmos and asked Noah. “Will we be married…” I paused. Noah was hanging on every word. “…within the next two years?” “Ooooo, snap, buddy! She’s got ya there. You gotta answer, dude. Tell the truth, ya gotta tell the truth!” Nichole said egging him on. Noah glanced at Nichole and then looked at me. I knew what he was going to say because it was written all over his face. He answered simply “Yes.” And kissed me softly. “Boom! Done deal! You heard him, Emma! Start sending out the invitations!” Nichole laughed. She was really enjoying herself and we were having fun too. Perhaps Noah and I should have more people over. Nichole was next and I was smiling, anticipating what crazy question Nichole would come up with. I was only slightly terrified what Nichole might consider for ‘Dare’ so I had already decided to pick ‘truth’. “Um, okay. Ummmm. Emma!” Nichole said with a devilish twinkle in her eye. “Truth or Dare.” I said “Truth.” Gleefully, Nichole asked, her eyes wide with anticipation. “Emma. How long have you been fucking your son, Noah here?” My heart froze and my face dropped. I sat up and looked at Noah with bewildered horror. “Mom, I nev…” Noah started to say followed by a load smack as he clamped his hand over his mouth and his eyes wide with shock. Looking between me and Noah, Nichole’s eyebrows raised high with surprise and then she smiled joyfully. “I knew it! I fucking knew it!” Nichole shouted with laughter. “Dude! You’re fucking your m…” I panicked and shot off the sofa and ran to my room. “Emma, wait! Noah, I’m sorry!” I heard Nichole say, the humor having left her voice. I slammed the bedroom door and burst into tears. “No, no, no, no.” I kept repeating to myself. Noah opened the door and quickly embraced me, wrapping me in a cocoon of his young, strong arms, holding me upright while my whole body trembled with fear. “Noah, what are we going to do? What are we going to do?” I pleaded in a desperate whisper. Noah went into full-on protector mode. “Shh, shh, shh, Emma. It’s gonna be alright. It’ll be fine.” I don’t know how he was staying so calm. This was a disaster. I didn’t blame him for his slip up, or even Nichole for asking the question. Why had I panicked like that? I should have brushed it off, laughed it off, or just lied. I should have denied, denied, denied. “Noah, I could go to jail! We both could!” I said which set me off sobbing, my face buried in Noah’s chest as he held me, rocking me gently. “No one’s going to jail, Em. Calm down, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere. It’ll be alright.” He reassured me. It was a minute before I heard Nichole’s voice at our bedroom entrance. She was stuttering and clearly upset. “E… Emma, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that… I… sometimes say things without thinking. I… I… I’ve got no filter… I think it and it comes out. I’m so, so, so sorry.” I was hiding in Noah’s cocoon but I turned my head and looked at her over Noah’s embracing arms. “I would never… I’ll never tell anyone, I promise. I’m so stupid!” Nichole pleaded. I could only look at her with deep hurt and humiliation on my face. “I’ll get my stuff and go. I’m so, so sorry.” Nichole said as she turned to leave. It was Noah who spoke up. “Nicky.” he said sympathetically. “Where are you going to go, huh? Just stay the night. We can sort the rest out tomorrow. It’s been a long day so, let’s all get some rest and talk in the morning. Okay?” Just hearing his voice, so calm and soothing while he held me tight made it seem not quite the disaster that it appeared to be. Nichole looked at me. I stared for a moment, then put my head on Noah’s chest and nodded my approval. Nichole didn’t say another word and left. A few moments later I heard her bedroom door close. I looked up into Noah’s eyes, my sadness reflected in his worried eyes. “Noah…” I started to say but he cut me off. “Some night, huh?” I sighed and softly said “Some night.” Then my son, my dearest treasure, the love of my life, guided me to the bed. I just wanted to be taken care of at that moment and Noah was there to protect me. Tenderly, lovingly he undressed me. He lifted the sheets and tucked me in. A few moments later he slide his naked body next to mine and again wrapped his arms around me and told me it was going to be alright. I drifted off to sleep feeling protected. Worried, but safe. - - - - - - - - - - Day two - Tuesday - Nichole’s Nightmare We were both awakened suddenly by screaming coming from Nichole’s bedroom. I looked at the clock. It was a little after 3 in the morning. Not even bothering to put on our robes, both of us rushed to see what was wrong and burst through the door. I flicked on the lights and saw Nichole thrashing in her bed, arms flailing at some imaginary monster. I reached for Nichole’s flailing arms. “Nichole! Nichole, wake up! It’s okay, you’re okay.” I tried to reassure her. Nichole’s eyes were darting around the room and she let out another blood-curdling shriek when she saw Noah, naked, in the door way. She was trying to back away and pushed herself against the wall. “No, no, nonono.” she kept repeating. I waved for Noah to leave. “I’ve got this, honey. Go back to bed.” With a worried look, Noah nodded and left. It was a few moments before Nichole blinked and seemed to realize where she was. She abruptly threw her arms around me, trembling. “I got you, hon.” I said reassuringly. “Nightmares?” I asked. Nichole nodded her head on my shoulder. After a minute she released me but still had her hands on my arms. “You okay now?” I asked. She gave a tentative nod but when I stood to leave she pulled at me and said in the voice of a frightened little girl “Don’t leave me. I… I… don’t… I don’t want to be alone.” “Well, do you want to sleep with us?” I asked but she quickly shook her head. She was looking at the doorway where Noah had been standing. Then, it dawned on me. “Oh. Do you want to stay with just me?” I ventured. She nodded her head. “Alright, give me a minute, hon. Okay? Just stay here for a sec.” She nodded timidly. I walked back to our bedroom and found Noah wearing his robe. He handed me mine. As I put it on quickly I explained what had happened and what Nichole wanted. Noah was puzzled though. “She’s afraid of me?” he asked. “Well, not you personally, baby. I think it’s any man right now. Whatever trauma she’s had in her past has messed her up.” I said. “I’m sorry, baby. Would you mind taking her room tonight? Nicky will sleep with me.” I sighed. “Of course. It’s the least I can do.” he said, understanding. Then he added “I’m sorry about all this. I didn’t think it would…” I cut his apology short. “No, don’t blame yourself. It’s no one’s fault. Like you said, we’ll sort it out in the morning.” With that I gave Noah a hug and kissed him to show him my gratitude for his understanding. “Um, why don’t you wait in the living room for a minute until I get Nichole to our bedroom.” My wonderful man just said “Of course. Good idea.” and gave me another kiss as we said our ‘I love you’s’. Noah headed to the living room while I gathered Nichole and led her to our bedroom. I cuddled Nichole in the same way Noah had done for me just hours ago. Nichole was asleep almost immediately while I lay awake, wondering how things had gone sideways so fast. Worry for the future kept me going until, exhausted, I finally dozed off to a fitful sleep. In the morning I woke to find Nichole gone from our bed. Groaning, I rolled out of bed, put on my robe and headed to the kitchen. Nichole was sitting at the counter while Noah was making breakfast. “Morning.” I sleepily said as I went to give Noah a hug and kiss. As I was yawning Noah handed me a cup of coffee with my usual dash of cream and a touch of honey. “Careful, it’s hot.” he said. It’s exactly these little things that are so endearing and small reminders of how much Noah loves me. I blew on my coffee and took a careful sip as I stood at the counter, opposite Nichole. “Sooo, I guess you’re wondering what that was all about last night, huh.” Nichole began. “You don’t owe us an explanation, Nicky. Everyone has secrets and they’re no one’s business but their own.” I offered, hoping it didn’t come off as an accusation of her accidental discovery of our secret. Of course I was curious and, at a certain level, felt Noah and I deserved an explanation. However, I had instilled in Noah a belief of personal responsibility and to respect others privacy. It would have been hypocritical to everything I believed and taught Noah to demand Nichole explain herself now. Noah was silently listening while stirring the scrambled eggs. He would occasionally glance at Nichole as she continued. “No, I think I do…” she seemed to be gathering her thoughts. With a deep breath Nichole told us her story. “A while back… I was raped… and abused… by my uncle.” she began, as if reading a news report but her tone soon changed to anger. She took another deep breath. Her voice rising “That motherfucker used every hole… I was a virgin… and that bastard took everything from me.” Nichole took several sharp breaths, trying to calm herself before continuing. The only sound was the ticking of the kitchen clock. After a long pause Nichole continued. “Anyway, when I couldn’t take it anymore I told my parents. And you know what they did? They blamed me! ME!” she shouted. “At first they didn’t believe me… accused me of making it all up… of lying… and then, when it was obvious (she didn’t explain how it was obvious but that wasn’t really important, I suppose) what he did to me they said it was MY fault! MY FAULT!!” she shouted. Nichole was panting with a scowl on her face and looked over at Noah. “That’s why I hate men. No offense, Noah.” Noah had a pained look on his face and quietly said “None taken. Jesus, Nicky. I’m starting to hate men now too. I’m so sorry” I wanted to ask if she had gone to the police but it was pretty obvious she hadn’t and I couldn’t blame her. She had no support from her family and it’s likely the whole thing would have been dropped anyway. ‘What a shitty world’ I thought. “Nicky, I’m so sorry, honey, but you know not all men are like that, right?” I asked as gently as I could. “Oh, I know, Emma. I know. It’s just… I… I swear, it’s something I can’t control. Every time a man trys to hit on me, or looks at me funny, I go right back to that place and…” she couldn’t continue. I reached across the counter and squeezed her hand. I glanced over to Noah and his attention was focused on the breakfast he was making but his face was a mask of sadness as tears ran down his face. Nichole noticed it too. As if to absolve Noah of some misplaced guilt she added. “Ya know, Noah’s the first guy-friend I’ve had since before then. I don’t feel the same way around him as I do every other guy.” Nichole didn’t know Noah as well, didn’t quite understand him, as I did. He wasn’t feeling guilty for all men, he was feeling Nichole’s pain. Deeply. “Is that why you asked me that question last night? To lash out at Noah, for all men?” I immediately regretted asking. I had just made an accusatory assumption about Nichole without really knowing her. “What? No, god, no…” She paused and added quietly. “Maybe. God, I don’t know. I don’t think so. I think… it’s just that we were having such a good time last night, and I…” There was a long pause. I gave her hand a squeeze. “You guys are so wonderful, and I was a little drunk and I was feeling so close to you… like I could relax… and… it’s the first time I can remember being… accepted. Really connected to anyone… loved. It was a shitty, dick move. I’m sorry.” Nichole sighed as she stared at the counter. Looking up at me and then to Noah, who was plating our food, she continued. “That’s why I would never, ever, EVER say anything about you guys. I’ll take your secret to my grave. What you have… something as beautiful and precious as this…” She waved her hands at the two of us. “That needs to be in the world. I… I…” she was struggling to spit out what she wanted to say. Nichole took a deep breath and sighed. And in a low, sad voice said “I… love you guys. I’m so sorry.” Tears started falling down her face and she was choking off sobs. I set my cup down and went around the counter to embrace this broken girl. As she began to cry into my shoulder, Noah came up and wrapped his arms around the both of us. As we all sat at the small, round dining table finishing our breakfast, Nichole said. “Soooo…” and waited. I wasn’t sure what she was going to say next but Noah was way ahead of me. “Nicky, we’ve got like, what, 5 more days to kill before we go back to school? Whatdaya say we have some fun. We can stay inside, or maybe look around town for something to do. Your choice. How’s that sound?” Nichole looked a little surprised that she wasn’t being kicked out and brightened up. “That’d be great. Thank you guys.” she said taking the last bites of her breakfast. The rest of the day was spent driving around town, seeing everything it had to offer, which frankly wasn’t much. We stopped at a local diner for lunch and after that, sat at the tiny park, watching families and kids playing. Nichole talked about her upbringing which sounded pretty rough. Actually, it was amazing she wasn’t even more screwed up than she already was. It was getting pretty late. Noah was on the sofa and I was leaning on him, holding his arms around me when Nichole, at the opposite end of the sofa, asked. “So, Emma, can I ask you a question?” “Of course.” I said. “It’s none of my business and you don’t have to answer…” she paused. I smiled and nodded. “How did it really go… happen with you and your little stud muffin here?” she asked, trying to inject a little light-hearted humor to her question. My smile widened before I answered. I relayed the entire sequence of events leading up to turning my son into a man. I wasn’t comfortable describing every salacious little detail but it was a sexy, heartwarming tale nonetheless. “But, didn’t you… how did you… feel about doing that to… I mean, with your son? Didn’t it seem… weird?” she asked. “No. Not in the least.” To which she raised her eyebrows. “I know it should have set off all kinds of alarm bells but it didn’t. And, honestly, at first I thought it was going to be a one-an’-done kind of thing. Just something I did to help Noah through a difficult time, but then…” I paused to look into Noah’s eyes as I spoke the next part. “I was looking at him and I didn’t see my son but a man that I was deeply in love with. I wanted him for myself… at that moment he became my ‘man’… forever.” Noah looked at me lovingly and kissed me warmly. “Whoa. Noah, what were you thinking?” Nichole was genuinely curious and wanted to hear his thoughts and emotions at the time. Noah began “Well, at first, I was shocked, of course but also, it was like a dream coming true. I’ve been in love with…” Noah looked at me “…my mom for a long time.” He turned back to look at Nichole while he continued his side of the story. “But then I thought, there’s no way I could let my mom do that for me, even though I wanted nothing more in the world. I thought I was protecting her.” There was a far away look in his eyes as he was remembering that night. That moment. “That’s the thing about having the greatest, smartest, most understanding mom… woman in the world. She put it all into perspective… helped me see what was important. That she loved me… unconditionally…” Noah took a deep breath “And that was it. I was hers… body and soul.” he finished with a warm kiss to my lips. “Wow.” was all Nichol could say with a look of absolute wonder. Mischievous Nichole couldn’t resist a final no-filter question. “So, how many times did you do it that night?” she said with a devilish grin. Noah and I both laughed. Noah looked at me and I said “Enough that we had to change the sheets before we went to bed.” “Can I ask you something, Nicky?” I asked. “Yeah. Sure. Anything.” she nodded. “How were you so sure I was Noah’s mom? What gave us away?” I asked. It had been running through my mind, wondering what Noah and I had missed, thinking we were unknowingly giving off signals as to our secret identities. “Nothing gave you away.” she began. “I mean, sure, you’re obviously older than Noah but you don’t look ‘that’ old. It wasn’t until you told me how old you really are that I started to even think that.” she paused. “Another thing was how close the two of you are. But you really don’t act like mother and son… like, at all. And that made me think I was wrong. But then you said you had been together for only a year and I just wasn’t sure. I was only 67% sure when I asked you. It wasn’t even supposed to be a serious question, really.” She paused again and then made jazz hands as she added. “Just No-filter Nicky doing her thing.” Her hands flopped to her lap. I simply nodded and smiled, relieved that Noah and I weren’t walking around with ‘incest’ tattooed on our foreheads, so to speak. “I could have reacted better, I suppose.” giving Nichole a smile to show there were no lingering bad feelings. Noah looked at me and added “I don’t think calling you ‘mom’ helped either.” making us all chuckle a little. It was silent for a moment while Nichole considered everything we had said. Noah stretched and urged me up. “Ready for bed, honey?” He asked me. “Yea. I think it’s time.” I said. I looked at Nichole and offered her an opportunity to share our bed, in case the nightmares returned. “Nicky…?” I didn’t need to finish my question as she got up. “No, I’ll be fine, guys. I’m good. Thanks.” We hugged Nichole before heading off to bed. - - - - - - - - - - Day three - Wednesday - Shopping We were both too tired to have sex that night but in the morning, I couldn’t resist waking Noah up by wrapping my soft, warm pussy around his morning wood. It really is the best way to start the day, Noah dreaming that he was fucking me and then waking up to see it wasn’t a dream. As we showered together I told Noah “I’m going to take Nicky shopping today.” I was going to take her to a large mall in the city, about 40 minutes away. “Don’t they have a lingerie store there?” he asked as he hugged me from behind. “They do.” I said as I turned around to embrace him. “Pick out something for yourself while you’re there. You look so sexy in lacy things. They make you look good enough to eat.” Noah said with a twinkle in his eye as we gently swayed side to side. “Oooh, I’ll get something extra spicy, then.” I said as I leaned in for a lingering kiss. I was already looking forward to this evening. It was one of Noah’s favorite things to do to, and for, me and I did love the feeling of his head between my thighs and his tongue exploring and teasing my pussy. I did most of the talking on the car ride to the mall. Most of it was my explaining to Nichole who Noah is. The kind of person he is, how he thinks, and what makes him so special to me. Nichole got me up to speed on the latest trends among 20-somethings, or at least as much as she could. Nichole was closer to the goth side of things than the pop culture side so she had a slightly non-mainstream aesthetic. As we pulled into the parking lot of the mall I told Nichole. “Okay, here’s the plan. I get to pick out an outfit for you and you get to pick one out for me. Deal?” I asked. “Deal!” She said. Then after thinking for a minute she asked. “You’re not gonna turn me into a Barbie doll, are you?” I just gave her my best evil grin. “Don’t worry, sweetie. It’ll be nice. And we’re going to pick out some lingerie for you too.” “Oh, gawd.” she said, rolling her eyes and laughing. First stop was a store Nichole was familiar with and she pulled me around the store, picking out items left and right. Of course, I had to model the finished outfit for her before check out. As I stepped out of the dressing room, Nichole exclaimed “Holy shit, Emma!” I was dressed in patent leather combat boots that stopped just below the knees, fishnet stockings that rose to my upper thigh, and a black and white plaid, pleated skirt with a black, army canteen belt. The top was a black, faux leather half corset, leaving my midriff exposed. It was laced up the front with a gap in the middle showing off my exceptional cleavage. Completing the look were sheer arm sleeves embroidered with little bats. Around my neck was a thick dog collar with little silver spikes all around it and a bright red, heart shaped dog tag attached to the middle. As I looked at the myself in the full length mirror. I could see Nichole behind me, to one side, practically drooling. It’s not the look I would have ever chosen for myself but I had to admit, I looked fucking hot. “A little dark eye shadow, a dash of heavy mascara, and black lipstick…” she whistled. “You wear that for Noah and I guarantee he’ll be begging to bang you.” she said, looking me up and down in the mirror. I couldn’t suppress my laugh and thought she was right. Noah was going to love it. I changed back into my street clothes while Nichole picked up a few accessories for herself. At the counter I pushed Nichole’s hands away as she pulled out her wallet. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry about it.” “Oh, okay.” Nichole said, slightly taken aback. “Thanks, Emma.” “No problem, baby. Today’s my treat.” I said as she hugged me. As we exited the store I looked at Nichole and said “My turn.” as I led her to one of the bigger stores in the mall, leading her to the women’s section and began looking at dresses. Nichole was looking lost, making me think she rarely shopped in the women’s department, if ever. “Relax, Nichole. We’ll find you something nice. Every women should have a party dress just as much as every man needs a nice suit.” I put my arm around her shoulders reassuringly. “Right.” she said skeptically. I eventually picked out a form fitting, satin, medium blue sleeveless dress with spaghetti straps. The skirt was cut to mid thigh. A pair of strappy, silver, 4” heels completed the look. As Nichole stood in front of the mirror squirming she said “God, I’m so fat. Emma, I don’t know… can’t we find a tent or something?” looking extremely uncomfortable. At 5’ 4” Nichole is 5” shorter than me. Her boobs are about the same size as mine and just a little perkier, a bit rounder and fit perfectly on her frame. She has wide hips, beautifully thicc thighs, and an exceptional butt that, I’ll admit, make me a bit envious. I guess you could say she’s very well-proportioned with just a hint of curvy. “What are you talking about, Nicky? You look beautiful and you are most definitely not fat.” I argued. “Yes, I am…” she started to say but I cut her off. Stepping up behind her I placed my hands on her shoulders and moved them down her arms as I told her “You are a beautiful, strong, sexy woman…” I pressed my body to her back as I reached around and smoothed the blue satin over her stomach and hips, swaying my body, encouraging her to do the same. “Close your eyes and just feel the fabric, how it feels when you move…” I whispered in her ear. Nichole closed her eyes and placed her hands on top of mine, gently swaying with me. Almost immediately her nipples went hard, prominently showing on the satin dress. She opened her eyes and seeing the tents her nipples made tried to raise her hands to cover them. I grabbed her forearms and lowered them to her sides. “No, no. Don’t be embarrassed.” I said. I placed my hands on her shoulders and told her. “Stand up straight, honey. Shove those tits out there like you’re proud of them.” I whispered seductively into her ear. The warmth of my breath raising goosebumps all over her body. I finally added “If you want to catch the big fish you need irresistible bait. You look irresistible.” I looked into Nichole’s eyes in the mirror and kissed her cheek. “You look lovely.” She blushed for the first time since I met her and it just added to her allure. I gave her a playful smack on the ass as she headed to the dressing room to change, making her jump and squeal. Exiting the department store I told her. “One more stop and then how about some lunch at the food court.” “Sounds good.” she said, still a little flustered by my flirting as we walked to the lingerie store. Entering the lingerie store I had to grab Nichole’s arm as she tried to veer away. Once inside, I quickly ***********ed a red, crotchless thong and topless bra set… my spicy gift to Noah. Nichole couldn’t decide on anything as she appeared more concerned with escaping rather than suffer another minute in the store. I ended up picking a white panty and strapless half bra set for her. It was made of very thin, translucent material that would be nearly invisible under the blue satin dress we picked up earlier. As we were finishing our lunch Nichole began. “Emma?” I looked up. “Hmm?” She hesitated. “What is it, Nicky? You can ask me anything. It’s okay.” I encouraged. She took a deep breath. “Um, the flirting and stuff. A… are you trying to… seduce me?” “Do you want me to?” I asked evenly. “Well, duh.” her no-filter side answered immediately. Then, the softer Nichole said. “I mean, yes, but wouldn’t that… I mean… what about Noah. Won’t… wouldn’t that upset him?” I smiled and took her hands in mine. “I have no intention of seducing you, Nicky. I’m just trying to get you to see what I see. You’re so much more than you think but you’re stuck in a place that’s holding you back.” “Oh.” she said, looking at our hands, obviously disappointed that I wasn’t actually trying to seduce her. “Hey.” I said, getting Nichole to look at me again. “I would not be opposed to making love with you though. As for Noah, he knows me, knows that no one can take me away from him and that he’s the most important thing in my life. If I told him I wanted to sleep with you, he would support me… and you, unconditionally.” I paused for a second. “Tell you what. Let’s talk about it with Noah. We don’t want to do anything that will hurt you, even if it’s something you think you want. Okay?” I said giving her hands a squeeze. “Okay. Yea. Sounds good.” she smiled hopefully. That evening Noah and I sat down with Nichole. Noah began .“So, Nicky. Em says you have something on your mind?” Nichole was squirming. “This is so weird.” she said to herself. She couldn’t seem to spit it out and just kept looking at Noah and lingering on me. I didn’t want to prolong Nichole’s anxiety so I chimed in “Nicky. Do you want to have sex with me?” She blushed and nodded. “I’m sorry, honey, I… we don’t do that. We’re not swingers or into casual sex. Understand?” Her shoulders slumped but before she decided I was rejecting her outright I said. “But if you want to make love with me, then, the answer is yes.” Nichole brightened up and glanced at Noah. He, in turn, smiled and nodded his approval to Nichole and kissed my cheek. I wanted to make sure Nichole understood what I was saying. Also, Noah and I had a couple of conditions. It would be up to Nichole to decide. I leaned forward and laid out the terms. “Nichole. Nicky. If we do this I have two conditions.” “Okay.” she said, waiting to hear the terms. “One, Noah will be with us. He won’t be participating but I want…” I looked at Noah and grabbed his hand “…need him to be there. For me. And two, you have to promise both of us that you’ll find a therapist and work on healing yourself. Those are the terms. You don’t have to decide right now. Take your time. Sleep on it.” Nichole nodded. I leaned back into Noah who then asked Nichole. “Nicky. Got any plans for tomorrow night?” Nichole shook her head. “Great. We have reservations at Johnson’s Steakhouse at 7 tomorrow. Em says you picked up something to wear. I’d love to see it… if you want.” “Can I ask you guys something?” Nichole asked. “Why are you doing this… I mean… you have to admit, this is a little weird.” “Can I be honest with you, Nicky? Noah and I care about you very much and it’s obvious you’re hurting. I know you try to hide it but the weight you’re carrying around is crushing you. You know you can’t go on like this, honey. Therapy can help. You know this.” Nichole looked at the floor and nodded, knowing we were right. “Now, as to why we’re willing to take you to our bed… it may sound a bit oversimplified but here it is. Noah and I want to help you and one way I think we can do that is to show you what love is, what it looks like. Your experiences have left you confusing love and sex with pain and suffering. You should see how transformative sex can be when it’s motivated by love. Real love.” I finished. Nichole had a lot to think about and I hoped she took what I said to heart. Noah yawned and stood up. “Well, I think I’m done for tonight. Don’t stay up too late, babe.” he said as he bent down and gave me a kiss. “I’ll be right there, hon.” I told him. Nichole and I watched Noah head off to our bedroom. Looking at Nichole I stood and said “Don’t stay up too late, Nicky. It’s a big day tomorrow.” Nichole stood and walked over to me, giving me a hug. “Thanks, Emma. I won’t.” She looked up at me and I kissed her gently on the lips, stroking the side of her face “You’re welcome, hon. I love you. Sleep tight.” As I walked to join my son in our bed I had no idea what Nichole was going to decide. If she decided not to take us up on our offer I hoped we would still be able to encourage her to seek help. She had endeared herself to us and that meant she was part of our family. One very strange, but loving family. - - - - - - - - - - Day four - Thursday - Restaurant Boogey It was two hours before our dinner reservation when I went to remind Nichole of the time. I found her standing in her underwear, looking at her new blue dress and lingerie laid out on her bed. She looked fearfully over her shoulder at me. “Nichole?” I said walking over to her and rubbing her upper arms. “I’ve never… I haven’t… I’ve never had to…” Nichole said as she started to shake her hands, short of breath and on the edge of panic. I hugged her and said. “It’s okay, Nicky. Relax. Do you need help getting ready?” She nodded. “I’ve never had to get all fancy before. I didn’t bring a razor and…” she looked down and I followed her eyes. Fine black hair was peeking from her underwear. I looked at her and reassured her. “It’s okay. Come on.” as I took her by the hand and led her to our private bathroom. I kept trying to reassure her as I started the shower and told her to strip as I did the same. I grabbed a new razor and Noah’s body trimmer. I shaved her legs and underarms and then grabbed the trimmer. Nichole had a full growth of silky soft, fine black hair covering her pussy and I carefully trimmed it to about a quarter inch. I lightly brushed the area with my hand and had her step under the shower to wash away any loose hairs. “We can stop there unless you’d like me to shave it smooth.” Nichole ran her own hand over the area a couple times before asking me “What do you like?” “Oh, hon, I like it both ways but it’s your pussy. What do you want? It’s your decision.” I asked again. She glanced at my own shaved mound and thought for a moment before quietly saying. “Shaved?” Looking to me for approval, I just smiled and grabbed the shaving gel. A few minutes later her pussy was as smooth as the rest of her body. She clearly enjoyed the attention I gave her because her pussy was dripping wet. I couldn’t let her put on her new clothes as wet and horny as she was and she wasn’t going to stop leaking until she had some relief. “Honey, I know you’re excited but you don’t want to have a wet spot on your new dress, do you?” Nichole looked at me, blushing. “Do you want me to help you with that?” I said as I stepped close to her, our tits touching. She only nodded, having a hard time maintaining eye contact. “Okay.” I simply said as I moved around her, leaned against the wall and pulled her into me, facing in the same direction. I reached down with one hand while I grabbed one of her tits and began rubbing, pulling and pinching her nipple. I slowly began massaging her pussy, slick with her juices, concentrating on her clit. She moaned and her knees buckled a little. “Easy, baby. Steady.” I said as she regained her feet and I kept rubbing her clit and slowly inserted two fingers into her pussy. “Mmmm.” she responded as her orgasm approached. “Oohhh, that’s it, baby. That’s a good girl. Ohh, you’re pussy is sooo smooth… sooo wet… sooo tight.” I encouraged. In a matter of moments, her legs began to shake and I had to hold her up with both arms while her orgasm rolled through her. It took a minute for her to regain her feet. I kissed her neck and asked. “Good?” She sheepishly looked at me and nodded. “Okay, hon. Go ahead and finish showering. When you’re ready I can help you with your makeup.” Nichole stuttered “I… I don’t have any ma… makeup.” I just smiled at her and said “Just let me know when you’re ready, okay?” I told her. She hugged me again and said “Thank you.” Ten minutes later she was headed back to her room, leaving me to get ready myself. I finished my shower and blow dried my hair and put on my favorite lacy red lingerie and my sexiest dress, a bright red, sleeveless, strapless, mid-thigh, silky dress with a slit on the side going all the way up to my hip. My red thong riding high enough on my hips that made it look, from the side, like I was wearing nothing at all. The dress covered just over half my boobs with a small ‘V’ cut in the middle, and it’s fit gave me red carpet worthy cleavage. The makeup I chose included bright red lipstick, rosy blush, and a smoky-eye eye shadow. Before going to check on Nichole I ***********ed two wallets and two light wraps that would match our dresses. Noah came in to finish getting ready himself and stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh wow, Emma. You look like a super star.” as he looked me up and down. A rye smile crossed his lips. “Planning on getting lucky tonight?” he leered. “Maybe.” I slowly said before giving him a peck on the lips. As I headed to Nichole’s room I told him “We should be ready in a half hour, babe.” “Perfect. No rush.” he said. I knocked twice on Nichole’s door. “Nicky?” “Come in.” she said. Opening the door I saw Nichole standing next to her bed. She had put on her sheer white lingerie. “I… I’m sorry, Emma. I don’t think I can do this.” she said nervously “Oh, sweetie.” I said as I put my arms around her. “You have nothing to be nervous about.” I assured her. “You’re stronger and more beautiful than you think.” “Pfft. Yea, right.” she muttered. Looking away from the tall mirror attached to the closet door. I called out “Hon, can you come in here for a minute?” Nichole gave me a worried look. I kept my hands on her shoulders. “Yea, ba…” Noah stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Nichole standing there in her near transparent lingerie. She had one hand covering her treasure while her other hand grasped her elbow with her forearm under her all but exposed tits. Noah stuttered, then sputtered “Holy shit, Nicky!” He tried to gather himself. “Sorry.” Glancing away briefly but returning wide-eyed to look at Nichole. “You’re beautiful. I mean really beautiful.” he said as his eyes took in her body’s every detail, every curve, her perfect tits, voluptuous legs, and the glow of her skin, radiant and vulnerability. He wasn’t leering, he was admiring a work of art. “Really?” Nichole said hopefully. Noah gave her a look of ‘you kidding me?’ and began sputtering again. Unable to find the words, he finally shook his head like he was overdosing on her beauty and couldn’t take anymore. As Noah turned and left the room Nichole heard him exclaim to himself “Holy shit!” I leaned to Nichole’s ear and said in a low voice. “You see that? You discombobulated a man by just standing there. Just you.” Nichole looked at me and smiled confidently. I thought, like the reluctant hero, ’She’s beginning to believe.’ I patted her shoulders. “Wait until he sees the finished product.” And set about applying her makeup, which I kept light, and helped her finish dressing. The silver heels, silver wallet with shoulder chain and the breezy blue wrap completed the look. At first, she was a little unsteady in her heels but she quickly got the hang of it. Noah wore his crisp grey suit coat, bright white shirt, and a blue and red wide-striped tie that matched the color of our dresses. Noah was waiting near the front door when Nichole and I, hand in hand, entered the living room. I held up Nichole’s hand and had her do a spin for Noah. He had a dreamy look in his eyes as he spoke. “You two look a-maaazing.” Looking at Nichole he said “I always thought you were beautiful, but, phew, wow. This is a next level side of you. It suits you.” Nichole smiled and blushed “Thanks, Noah.” There was an awkward pause until Noah cleared his throat and shook off his dream like state. “Ready to go?” He said. “All set.” I answered as we all headed to the car. Nichole and I rode in the back seat while Noah drove. She was still a little nervous so I held her hand and offered encouraging advise. “Now, people are gonna stare. Don’t let that bother you. It’ll be just like when you left Noah speechless. You are a powerful, gorgeous woman. Use that.” I gave her hand a squeeze. “Just try not to give anyone a heart attack with your new powers.” I joked which made her giggle and she relaxed. Johnson’s is a large family restaurant with enough room to have booths running down both sides and round tables running down the middle. Here, dressing up is considered wearing a suit coat or anything other than sweat pants. We would be over-dressed by a factor of a thousand. It took a little more than 10 minutes before Noah pulled to the curb, about a block from the restaurant. “Johnson’s has a parking lot, honey.” I reminded Noah. Looking at me in the rearview mirror, Noah replied “I know. I thought we could show off a little first.” as he shut off the engine, and got out of the car. Before Nichole could open her door Noah did it for her and held out his hand. Nichole took it as he helped her out and escorted her to the sidewalk. Noah then opened my door and helped me out and escorted me next to Nichole. As he loaded two hours on the parking meter, I made tiny attentive adjustments to Nichole’s hair and wrap and finished with a gentle kiss to her soft, glossy pink lips. Her blue hair complimented her outfit perfectly. “Do you know the ‘sexy’ walk?” I finally asked her. She gave me a puzzled look. “When you walk, imagine a straight line in front of you and make sure to center each step on that line… one foot directly in front of the other. Like this.” and I gave her a demonstration, showing how it made my hips sway seductively. Noah stepped between us and we took his offered arms. There were several pedestrians on both sides of the street and all eyes followed us as we strolled along at a leisurely pace. Noah leaned to Nichole and whispered something that made her look in his eyes and smile. She straightened her back and started putting one foot in front of the other, swinging her hips more confidently with each step. When I eventually asked Noah what he had said to Nichole, he simply said he told her ‘You look amazing.’ And that was all she needed to hear to find and release her inner sexy beast. Noah held the door to the restaurant open for us and as we stepped up to the hostess / cashier’s station I whispered to Nichole “Watch this.” While Noah waited for the hostess to arrive I straighten my back and thrust my chest out. I dropped my chin slightly as I walked in a small circle, scanning the dining area with a predatory gaze. Conversation in the restaurant dipped noticeably as I flaunted my assets. More and more heads were turning in our direction as I circled to Noah’s side and stood close to him. I winked at Nichole. She then smiled and pulled her shoulders back. She slowly walked a small figure eight, holding her head high as she scanned the room with a look of disinterest. She returned to Noah’s side and gave his butt a gentle squeeze. Half the restaurant was dead silent. She leaned over and looked to me with Noah blocking the view of the diners. She opened her mouth wide with an expression of amazement and delight. As the hostess led us to our table in the middle of the restaurant I whispered to Nichole “Let Noah pull out your chair for you.” She nodded slightly. Nichole and I followed Noah and moved to stand beside our chairs as the hostess plucked the ‘Reserved’ sign off the table and said our server would be with us shortly. Noah circled the table and as he walked passed me his hand lingered over the small of my back. Walking to Nichole he pulled out her chair for her. When she was settled he rested his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek as she tilted her head to him. Her nipples were hard and on full display on her blue dress. I was happy and proud that she wasn’t bothered by it. Noah came to me and pulled my chair out for me. After I was seated I looked up to Noah who leaned over and gave me a careful kiss to my bright red lips as I put my hand to the side of his face, then let it drag down his body as he stood up. Noah gently dragged his fingers across my back and shoulders on his way to his seat. The dinner was good with relaxed conversation and plenty of laughter. We remained the center of attention although we tuned most of it out as we enjoyed each other’s company. None us were able to finish our plates, not only because the portions were huge but we had a different hunger that food couldn’t touch. Those closest to our table couldn’t miss the seductive looks we were giving each other throughout dinner. I had noticed when we came in that Mr. and Mrs. Jensen (the bible-thumpers) were seated in a booth on the far wall and towards the back of the restaurant. Mr. BT had his back to us but Mrs. BT kept shooting us venomous looks which brought a smile to my face. Our table was cleared when we said we were finished and shortly after the hostess arrived with an obscenely large piece of chocolate cake and three forks. “On the house.” she said with a knowing smile. Noah took turns feeding us bites of chocolate cake. Nichole and I leaned in Noah’s direction, lifting our asses off our chairs and giving an eye full to the nearest diners. We held our mouths open, like baby birds waiting to be fed. There was a flurry of whispers from the tables around us as Noah spoon fed us and we moaned at every bite. We declined the leftovers and were taking a few minutes to relax before getting up to leave. We were hesitant to let the evening end. Abruptly, Mrs. Bible-Thumper appeared at our table. She glared at me, then Nichole before settling on Noah. Speaking loud enough to be heard by half the restaurant, she actually wagged a finger at Noah. “How dare you bring your whores to a family restaurant! You all should be ashamed of yourselves!” Without missing a beat, Noah said in a calm clear voice heard by several tables “Why? Too much competition for you?” and smiled warmly at her. I had raised my glass to take a drink but spit my mouthful of wine back into the glass at his tart comeback. No-filter Nicky burst out laughing, god bless her. Mrs. BT gasped, horrified, and was about to rain hellfire and brimstone when Mr. BT barked at her. “Move it, Agnes!” giving her a helpful shove. Looking at Noah as he passed our table, Mr. BT gave him a half-smile and a wink. As an argument brewed between Mr. and Mrs. BT at the cashier’s station Noah looked at me and Nichole. Feigning guilt he asked “Was that mean? That seemed mean.” Dabbing a dribble of wine from my chin I said smiling “That was perfect, babe.” Still giggling, Nichole just said “Dude!” A few minutes later, Noah first helped Nichole from her chair and then me. As Noah paid the bill I stepped up to Nichole and looking into her eyes, planted a long kiss on her lips. We then took our place on each side of Noah and together we strutted out of there like we owned the place. Several people actually whistled and applauded us. The night had cooled and gusts of wind blew through the street. The chilled night air caused both my and Nichole’s nipples to strain against our dresses. A gust of wind blew the flap of my dress up, revealing my red thong briefly to a passing couple. A few seconds later I heard a smack as a woman’s voice demanded. “What the hell were you looking at?!” Nichole looked over her shoulder and saw the man looking back at us, catching one last glimpse of our jiggling asses, which earned him another smack in the head and a “What’s wrong with you?!” Nichole was beaming and thrust her boobs out a little more. Noah told me later that having Nichole and I on each arm made him feel like he had two of the sexiest body guards in the world and that we made him feel like a celebrity. We were all laughing when we returned home. Standing just inside the entry way, we faced each other remembering the memories we had just made together. There was a lull. Nichole suddenly embraced us both and said “Thank you guys so, so much. I’ve never had so much fun.” She took a step back and we looked at each other. I started to open my mouth to say something when Nichole excitedly blurted out. “I’ll do it. I’m in. I accept. I’ll do the therapy thing. Whatever you want.” Nichole then took Noah’s hand and looked in his eyes. “And I want you there, too, Noah… with Emma… and me.” Noah hugged Nichole tightly before kissing her on the forehead. Giving me a kiss, he headed to our bedroom. I stepped up to Nichole. “You’re sure?” I asked. “I am. I’m ready. Not just this. I’m ready to take my life back.” she said looking into my eyes. I leaned closer to her and softly said “That makes me so happy to hear, Nicky. And it will be my pleasure to make love to such a beautiful… strong… loving… sexy…” inching closer to her lips with every word “…irresistible woman.” Pressing my lips to hers, Nichole’s moans matching my own. I could almost taste her urgent need. Taking Nichole’s hand I led her to the bedroom. On the far side of the bed was Noah, naked, relaxing on his side and his soft cock draped on his thigh. The overhead light was turned off and candles dotted the bedroom with flickering soft light. Noah really is the sweetest, most thoughtful man in the world. My experiences with women happened over ten years ago but, I’d like to think I know my way around a vagina. I felt I was up to pleasuring Nichole in a way that would satify her emotionally as well as sexually. As if on cue, we removed our shoes and tossed them aside. I turned Nichole to the side and looked into her eyes. She started to take a glance back at Noah but I caught her by the chin and turned her back to face me. “Focus on me, Nicky. Be with me.” and kissed her softly. I could feel her relax as we embraced and enjoyed each other’s lips, moaning our approval. I then reached for the zipper at the back of Nichole’s dress and pulled it slowly down. My hands glided over her body as I moved the straps off her shoulders and began pulling her dress to the floor. Goosebumps appeared all over Nichole’s body and she shivered when her dress dropped to the floor. I quickly undid the side zipper of my dress and let it fall to the floor. I led Nichole to the bed and coaxed her on where she slid to the middle and lay on her back. Noah was within arms reach and she looked at him and then down to his still soft cock and finally to me. I lowered myself on top of her and kissed her before whispering “I love you.” Nichole eyes, wet with emotion, met mine. “I love you, Emma.” I pushed up on my knees between Nichole’s thighs, our mounds inches apart as I reached down and removed her strapless bra, then removed my own and tossed them both to the side. I slowly ran my hands all over her body before finally tracing a finger from her hard nipple, down her stomach, to her barely covered slit. As soon as I touched it, the fabric covering her pussy turned transparent as her wetness couldn’t be contained any longer. Seductively, I said “Oh, no. Look what I’ve done.” I looked up at Nichole who smiled and blushed. The wetness spread even more and was now soaking her panties, threatening to become a flood. “Let me help…” I said as I slowly pulled them down and off her legs before I quickly and clumsily removed my own wet thong. I laid on top of Nichole and caressing her face said “Just enjoy, baby. Let me take care of you.” before planting soft kisses from her neck to her tits. As I sucked and licked and nibbled her swollen nipple, my hand was pinching and pulling the other. Our moans began to get louder and louder. Nichole had one hand behind my head as I suckled her tit and her other hand was strumming and rubbing her hooded clit. Her breathing was coming in rapid short bursts. “Oh… Emma… Ooooh god… ohgodohgodohgod.” She moaned. Nichole was ready to blow. Her whole body was telling her to let go. The poor girl must have building up to this since before the restaurant. I got on my knees and pushed Nichole’s knees up and away. She willingly, wontenly spread her legs and I dove to clamp my mouth around her smooth, wet pussy, giving it a long deep lick. She tasted so sweet. Nichole was whimpering and quivering, her head thrown back and her eyes shut tight as my tongue explored every inch of her pussy. Her now free hand was patting the mattress, searching. Noah stuck his hand out and she clamped on to it, holding on for dear life. I pulled the flap covering her clit and began sucking on it and that was all it took. Blessedly, Nichole screamed out in ecstasy and began squirting little streams of cum matching the rhythm of her panting grunts. I kept sucking and licking her swollen clit until she was hit with another huge orgasm and collapsed whimpering and shaking. It wasn’t until her legs collapsed flat on the bed that she released her grip on Noah’s hand. She was panting and trying to peer through half lidded eyes. It was going to be a minute or two before she was fuctional again. Unfortunately, my pussy was screaming for immediate attention. I looked over at Noah and he had a grip on his raging hard on. As I bounded over to him on my knees and straddled him I asked “Help a girl out, babe?” as I grabbed his cock to stuff it inside me. He barely had enough time to say “Always.” before I plunged myself on to his cock and my pussy clenched around Noah’s engorged gift to me. He let out a satisfying grunt. “Oh, god, yes.” I moaned, throwing my head back and pulling on my nipples as I rubbed my clit. My pussy sighed in relief as Noah’s cock fed me, but it was ravenous and wanted more. I began riding Noah at a gallop. ’Not enough!’ my pussy yelled. I collapsed on top of Noah as his hands groped and pulled at my body. ‘More!!’ my pussy screamed and now my entire body joined my throbbing cunt in demanding more. I rolled to the side, pulling Noah on top of me. ‘YES!’ cryed every part of me. Noah was now riding me as I clawed at his back, my legs locked around his ass, pulling him into me. “Oooooh, that’s it, baby… oh, Noah.” I moaned. I was being overloaded with sensations from every part of me. My hungry pussy was trying to devour Noah’s magnificent cock while my body absorbed every ripple and flex of his muscles. My mind was buzzing around trying to take it all in but there was too much input. And Noah’s encouraging voice, urging my body to give in. “Oooh, that’s it, baby… that’s it. Oh god, Em… I love you…” he said with a mix of lust and love. I couldn’t take much more. I wanted… needed to be taken. As if reading my mind, Noah, in a hoarse whisper, breathed in my ear “You’re mine.” Every part of me whispered back ‘yes’ and let go as he slammed his cock deep inside me. Time stopped for a second and an eternity… then everything happened at once. I don’t think I can ever adequately explain what it was like. As I emptied myself into Noah, I felt him empty himself into me. Not just the immensely satisfying feeling of his hot cum filling my unquenchable pussy but also his love radiating from part of him. The way he clung to me, he was as much mine as I was his. An unearthly warmth radiated from my chest and I felt freer than I ever had. My soul soared. I was only dimly aware of my body’s convulsions as my pussy pulsed on Noah’s cock and squirted in ecstasy. I moaned and cried as each surge of sperm seemed to fill any void I had from my sudden release. The rest was just a kaleidoscope of sensations. A complete mish mash of feelings I’m not sure they have names for. Next thing I remember is looking into Noah’s eyes. His beautiful brown eyes filled with love as he spoke to me softly. “That was beautiful, Em. You’re beautiful. I love you so much.” My legs had relaxed but I kept them wrapped loosely around him as I felt his cock softening inside me. “Oh, Noah. My sweet Noah. What did I ever do to deserve you?” Noah kissed me and said “I was thinking the same thing. How did I get so lucky?” Nichole had been closely watching and had tears welling up in her eyes. With Noah’s body still pressing down on me I reached over, took her hand and pulled her to us. Nichole put her arm over Noah and me as she pressed her body into our sides. “That was… incredible, you guys.” Sheepishly, Nichole looked at me and said “Sorry I left you hanging there, Emma.” I smiled at her, putting my hand to her face “You didn’t leave me hanging, baby. I only ever wanted to make you feel loved.” Nichole leaned in and gave me a loving kiss. Then she looked up at Noah and kissed him warmly as a lover would, even though he hadn’t touched her and had only held her hand during her orgasm. Noah rolled off of me and Nichole watched his half hard cock slip out of me, followed by a stream of milky white cum flowing from my pussy as it clenched it’s sorrow… as if it had lost a part of itself. “Jesus, Noah, that’s a lot of jizz! That’s not a cock… it’s a motherfucking fire hose!” she exclaimed. We all realized her unintentional pun at the same time and burst out laughing. We eventually found ourselves in the shower together, cleaning and pleasuring each other. As I was jerking Noah off, I couldn’t help but smile at Nichole when she, all on her own, gave Noah a few strokes before gently cupping his balls as he came. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but for Nichole… big steps. Lying in bed, Noah was in the middle, Nichole was on his left shoulder and I was on his right, his arms draped over both of us. “Remember what I said about a threesome? You had this planned all along, didn’t you.” I teased Noah playfully. Nichole chimed in “Technically, it’s not a threesome. I haven’t had sex with this guy yet.” giving Noah a couple of playful jabs to his ribs. He looked at her for a second before she waved a hand at him and said. “Nah. Don’t worry. Still lesbian. You’re safe.” As she laid her head down on his shoulder she add. “For now.” and giggled. “We’ve created a monster.” I joked to Noah. “Nah. We just unleashed it.” he chuckled. “You know I can hear you guys, right?” A smiling Nichole said with closed eyes. We all sighed and soon drifted off to sleep. - - - - - - - - - - Day five - Friday - Nichole’s Uncle I was watching Noah’s morning wood as it began. Stirring and slowly growing until it was hard and ready for battle. I was resting my head on Noah’s chest, his easy breathing so soothing, and I had a front row seat to this rare event. Noah typically woke up soft or hard but I had never seen it happen from the beginning. At least while he was sleeping anyway. Nichole, on the other side of Noah, lifted her head and blinked a couple of times before turning to me. I was still staring at Noah’s cock so she turned to look at what I was looking at. Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open, then she snapped her head to look at Noah who was still fast asleep. Nichole mouthed to me. ‘Is he asleep?’ I looked at Noah and nodded to Nichole and put a finger to my lips. I moved very slowly as I got to my knees. Nichole was matching my stealth approach and moved far enough to give me room. I was balanced on one knee and one hand with one leg hovering over Noah’s raging wood when he mumbled something and turned his head to the other side and then seemed to chew and swallow some dream food. Wide-eyed, Nichole’s mouth formed a small ‘O’ as I hovered, frozen, over Noah until he settled and was still again. Slowly I positioned myself above him and looked over at Nichole. She started to giggle and that made me giggle. I tried to give her a scowl but I couldn’t stop giggling, causing the bed to shake slightly. I just put my finger to my lips and turned back to Noah. Lining myself up as closely as I dare I ever so gently grasped Noah’s cock. I pressed his mushroom head to my waiting lips and stopped. The few times I’ve done this before, Noah usually woke up as soon as I slid his cock into my pussy. I wanted to see if I could fit all of him inside me before he woke up. A few seconds passed before I very slowly lowered myself on top of him. I almost got him to my entrance, but Noah stirred again, mumbled a few dream words and was still. Slowly, I resumed my snail’s pace and resisted the powerful urge to grip his cock with my pussy. Noah’s breathing was quickening so I knew it wouldn’t be long before he woke to every man’s dream, literally. I got halfway down Noah’s shaft when he reflexively bucked his hips. I dropped the rest of the way and he woke with a start, looking quickly left, right and finally where his cock should be. He thrust his hips up and began fucking me while he was still half asleep. He snapped fully awake as he came seconds later, filling my pussy with morning cum. “Oh my god, Emma. That was incredible!” Noah exclaimed. “Did you enjoy your wake-up call, baby?” I asked, playfully wiggling my hips. Noah’s cock twitched inside me, still wanting to play. “There’s no better way to wake up. Thank you, babe.” he said as he kissed me deeply. “Dude! You shoulda seen your face when you woke up. You were all like ‘Wha-wha-what!’ while you were fucking.” she laughed. Then she added more earnestly. “Mad respect, my friend. Mad respect.” She paused and looked at me. “Both of you.” She had a warm smile. As Noah fixed breakfast, Nichole and I chatted, getting to know each other better. Nichole is just as Noah described her. Colorful, definitely. A bit extra, obviously, but a good person with a good heart and I had grown quite fond of her. I felt like we were going to be life long friends and I was not mad about that. And I have to admit, her sense of humor is exuberant and infectious. As we finished lunch, Noah suggested we try the new Mexican restaurant for dinner. None of us had eaten there yet and we were all curious about it’s cuisine. Noah was getting ready to do the dishes in the kitchen as Nichole and I walked to the living room when the doorbell rang twice, followed by three pounding knocks on the door. We all glanced at each other quickly as I went to answer the door. Everything happened so fast and in slow motion. It was surreal. I opened the door and was greeted by a living cartoon of a man. An unpleasant looking man in his forties, he was about Noah’s height, maybe a little shorter, but with a husky build and overweight. His disheveled hair, scruffy 7 day old beard, and bloodshot eyes said everything. He was wearing a dirty tank top and an open, rumpled Hawaiian shirt, baggy jeans of some kind and beat up sneakers. “Hey.” his voice boomed. “I’m Nichole *hic* Lawson’s uncle. She around?” The smell of alcohol was immediate and unmistakable, as if his slight swaying to maintain his balance wasn’t a clue. I heard a squeak behind me and turned to see Nichole in the living room, wide-eyed and frozen in terror. She was whiter than any ghost. I’ve never seen anyone paler. A dark patch was rapidly spreading from her crotch and down her pant legs. “Oh, hey, cupcake!” Nichole’s uncle said lecherously when he saw her. He reached for the handle of the screen door and started to open it. “Hey, hey, HEY! You can’t come in here! What are you…” I started to say when Noah flew past me at a dead run. Noah crashed through the half open screen door, tearing it off it’s hinges, and plowed into the intruder, lifting him off the ground and propelling both of them on to the lawn where they tumbled. Separated, Noah got to his feet first and lept to pin the man down. Noah raised his right arm high in the air and swung it like a golf club, driving his fist into the side of drunk’s face. It sounded like a slab of meat hitting the ground from a considerable height. Nichole’s uncle had his arms raised but Noah was swinging with everything he had and brushed the arms aside as he connected again and again. It only took a few of Noah’s haymakers before Nichole’s uncle seemed to no longer have control of his arms and held them straight out in front of him. Noah began punching through the middle of them, straight in to the man’s face. I ran to Noah and grabbed his arm as the drunk’s arms flopped to the ground, Noah straining to throw another punch. “Noah. Noah! It’s okay it’s okay! He’s down, honey… stop, stop!” Noah was still in a silent rage and as he started to throw another punch, Nichole ran up to Noah and pushed her shoulder into him, knocking us all backwards. Noah stood, ready to advance but Nichole and I put ourselves in front of him and coaxed him backwards towards the house. I looked back to see Nichole’s uncle feebly moving his limbs and coughing on the blood running from his nose. Noah took a few backwards steps before turning around and heading into the house, us lightly pushing him. Once we were inside I closed and locked the door before leading Noah to the sofa. “Nicky, call 911.” She looked terrified and didn’t move. “Nicky!” I shouted and she snapped out of it, running to grab her phone. I turned my attention to Noah who still looked enraged. I’ve never seen that expression on his face, ever, and it was scary and worrying. He keep his hands in tightly clenched fists which were bloodied and it looked like his right hand was swelling. Kneeling in front of him I tried calming him down. “Noah. It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. It’s over.” I kept saying as I rubbed his arms. I slowly saw my Noah come back as his rage left him. “Yea, I… I need, ah, ah, police…” I heard Nichole’s wavering voice say. “And an ambulance.” I said. “… an… an and… an ambulance at…” Nichole paused as I gave her our address and she repeated it to the dispatcher. After Nichole had hung up I asked her to fetch the first aid kit we kept under our bathroom sink. As she was getting the first aid kit I turned my attention back to Noah. His anger drained from him, Noah looked at me with soul-crushing misery. “What have I done, Em? Oh god, what have I done? Did I just kill someone?!” Noah said as his voice cracked. I moved between his knees and pulled him into a hug. “No, baby, no. He’s just knocked out. You didn’t kill anyone. You stopped him. You saved us. You saved us, Noah.” as I continued to hug him and rub his back. Nichole ran back and handed me the kit. I began to clean Noah’s hands and could see the back of his right hand was indeed swelling. He also had bleeding scrapes across half his knuckles but didn’t even react when I cleaned them with the alcohol patches. It took under ten minutes for the police to arrive along with the ambulance. I watched as they handcuffed Noah and led him to one of the two police cars. Nichole protested “What’re you doing?! He didn’t do anything wrong!!” I held up my hand to her. “It’s okay, Nicky. They’re just doing their job.” I said through gritted teeth, watching them take my son, my lover, my protector, my life away. Some of the longest moments of my life were waiting as the officers separated Nichole and I and took our statements and information. My eyes never left Noah, sitting in the back of the patrol car, his head down, shoulders slumped. I told the officer taking my information that Noah was my boyfriend and when he asked my age and I told him, he raised an eyebrow. I glared at him and barked “What?!” He returned his eyes to his notebook and jotted something down before flipping it closed and leaving. I don’t know how long it was, 20, 30 minutes maybe, before they opened the back door of the patrol car and helped Noah out. They uncuffed him and said something to him before pointing in the direction of the house. Hanging his head, Noah slowly walked across the lawn and to my waiting arms. As I hugged him and asked if he was okay I watched the paramedics finish with Nichole’s uncle and then the police handcuffing him before stuffing him in the back of the other patrol car. Nichole, having put on some clean underwear and pants, then led Noah to the sofa and sat with him as the lone female officer came up to me and told me that Nichole’s uncle was being booked on DUI, drunken disorderly, disorderly conduct, and attempted B&E (breaking and entering). Noah would face no charges. After we all declined to press any additional charges, she gave me a card and said to call if we had any questions. Noah was just sitting on the sofa, staring at his hands while Nichole, sitting close to him, had one hand on his bicep and the other on his shoulder. I sat on the other side and hugged his other arm while stroking his hair. We all sat there quietly for a few minutes until Noah slowly got up and said. “I’m sorry… will you excuse me. I think I’m going to lie down for a bit. Let me know when dinner’s ready.” and he headed for our bedroom. Nichole had a worried look on her face. “Is he gonna be okay?” “He’ll be fine, Nicky. He’s just… he has a lot to process.” “But he did the right thing. He shouldn’t feel bad.” Nichole said, a little confused. “He knows that. He’s never been in a fight before and I think… I think he discovered something in himself that scares him.” I tried to reassure her while looking in the direction of our bedroom. Turning back to Nichole “He’ll be fine, Nicky. I promise. We just need to give him some time.” I got up and told Nichole, “I’m gonna go be with Noah. I’m not that hunger anyway so if you want to make yourself something, please, help yourself to whatever you want. If Noah wants something later, I’ll make us something to eat.” As I turned to head to our bedroom, Nichole started to apologize but I spun around and grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her once. “No, Nicky! Don’t! Not for one second! We all know who’s to blame here and the cops just hauled his sorry ass to jail. You have nothing… NOTH—ING… to apologize for.” I forcefully looked in her eyes to make sure she was listening. Her face was so sad and tears filled her eyes… I relaxed, pulled her close and hugged her. I finally whispered. “I’m really glad you’re here, Nicky. It’s not your fault.” Nichole didn’t say anything. I think if she tried, she would have burst into tears. So I just smiled, kissed her forehead and headed to our bedroom. Noah was curled up in the middle of the bed, staring at the wall and off into space. I walked to the other side of the bed and curled up behind him, wrapping my arms around him. I didn’t say a word. Noah would talk about it when he was ready and all I wanted was to be there when he did. But fatigue caught up with him soon enough and even the bad memories I’m sure he had been replaying in his mind weren’t enough to stave off sleep. A couple hours later, Nichole appeared at our doorway. Looking up and in a quiet voice I asked. “Did you eat something?” Nichole held up her thumb and finger indicating ‘a little’. I sat up and asked quietly. “Can you help me undress Noah? I think he’s out for the night.” We stripped Noah and got him tucked into bed. When you’re undressing a comatose man, it’s a lot easier when you have two people. I said goodnight to Nichole and started to undress. Nichole took two steps towards the door and then stopped, turned around and looked at me with pleading eyes. She glanced at the floor, then to me, lingering on Noah, and back to me. I smiled softly and nodded. She let out a sigh of relief and began undressing. Naked, together we hugged Noah close, me on his right shoulder and Nichole, nestled into his left side, laying her head on his chest. She appeared to be deep in thought for several minutes before she lifted her head and planted a gentle kiss on Noah’s chest then rested her head on him again. Seconds later she was asleep and I soon followed. - - - - - - - - - - Day six - Saturday - Nichole’s Big Day I woke and lifted my head from Noah’s shoulder to see a sleeping Nichole. She had her head on Noah’s stomach and her forearm resting on Noah’s flaccid cock. Her mouth was slightly open as drops of saliva pooled on his stomach. Noah snored softly from his place in oblivion. I gently stroked Nichole’s hair and shoulder and she woke suddenly, half asleep, with a snort. Through half closed eyes she peered at me, I looked at her arm, then so did she. She lifted her arm off of Noah’s cock with a jerk, then wiped her mouth of saliva and looked at the puddle on Noah’s abs. She sleepily tried to wipe it off his stomach and then on a shirt she wasn’t wearing. As soon as her saliva touched her nipple she said “bleech.” She ran her tongue across the roof of her mouth a couple of times before putting her hand on Noah’s thigh to push herself up to a sitting position. She stretched and yawned before rolling off the bed and started to get dressed. I got dressed and pulled the sheet and blanket over Noah. Nichole and I had been sitting and talking in the kitchen for about 20 minutes when Noah came in rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Morning.” he said. “Morning.” we greeted. Noah seemed almost back to the Noah we knew before yesterday as I handed him a cup of coffee and gave him a soft kiss. I think we all felt like we weren’t quite ready to talk about yesterday. Not yet, anyway. Noah turned to Nichole. “Two days of Spring Break left, Nicky. What do you want to do?” “One day.” she said. “Sorry, what?” Noah asked. “One day of Spring Break left. See, ya gotta leave one day to recover… reflect… savor the memories you’ve just made.” she said over dramatically. “Really? That’s what you do?” Noah tilted his head slightly as he said it. “Nah!” She said waving her hand. “I party til dawn. But you should totally do that. That’s more your style than mine.” Noah lifted his cup to her and tilted his head to the truth of it. “So, whattaya wanna do on this last party day, dude? Emma?” We decided on a few things and then Noah asked about where we might eat for dinner. When Nichole said “That new Mexican place.” Noah and I pointed our fingers at her and simultaneously said “Bingo.” We ended up spending all day together. As I said, there’s not much to do around here but, it’s not so much where you are as who you’re with. And we were having the best time just being in each other’s company. The Mexican restaurant was cozy with only one young couple in a booth like ours and a couple of people at the counter. Busy would have been a half full restaurant but that would change once word got around how good the food was. The portions were big but not oversized and we finished our food quickly. As the young couple were leaving, the man said in an undercover tone “Loved your show at the Steakhouse.” and then the young woman joined him in giving us two thumbs up and big smiles. Nichole’s mouth dropped open with surprise as she spun in her seat and put her hand in the air and got a high five from the guy. She spun back around and looked at us, giggling with excitement and delight. “Guys, we’re celebrities!” We were draped over one another on the sofa and just enjoying being with each other. No one said a word as we gently touched and hugged and gave little kisses to each other. Not in a sexual but a loving, caring way. We were all faced in the same direction, Nichole was lying in Noah’s lap and Noah was lying on me. “Um, guys?” Nichole said without turning to face us. “What is it, baby?” I asked as I stroked her hair. She continued not facing us. “There’s one more thing I’d like to do today.” and there was a long pause before she turned to face us. Nervously “I… I want to make love to you, Noah… if that’s okay… with you… and Emma.” Noah and I looked at each other and I asked as gently as I could. “Why?” Nichole got to her knees and sitting on her feet, explained “I know you’re thinking this might be me trying to repay you in some way… for yesterday. But it’s not. I mean, it might be a little bit of that but…” She sighed “…you guys have been so great and you’re so wonderful… and kind…” Her voice began to waver. She took a deep breath. “And when you…” she looked at Noah “…protected me… us… I just… I’ve never felt so protected. So safe. And I’ve never had that feel…” Nichole had to stop as her voice cracked. Her eyes were glistening, threatening to turn into tears as she continued. “I just feel this need to be with you, Noah. To… to… I don’t know… to share… to show you how I feel about you… in the most intimate way I can think of. Does that make any sense?” I urged Noah up and we all stood. “Can you give us a minute?” Noah asked Nichole. She nodded. Noah and I headed to our bedroom. “What do you think?” Noah asked. “What are the possible consequences? She freaks out?” I was playing Devil’s advocate. “I don’t think she will.” Noah offered. “I agree.” I paused, thinking of what other bad thing could come from this. “Heart attack?” I joked. Noah snickered. I finally looked at him and said “It’s your call, babe. But I think Nicky not only genuinely wants this but may also need it… to… move forward in some way. Maybe this is her first step on her road to recovery.” After a moment I said “I’m on board, whatever you decide.” With that he kissed me warmly, telling me “I love you, Emma Kramer. Get undressed.” Moments later, Noah walked to the bedroom door. Calling out to the living room “Nicky… Can you come ‘ere for a sec?” As she came into the bedroom she saw me lying naked, at the side of the bed, in the same spot Noah had been when her and I made love just the other day. Her eyes got big in disbelief and she gasped, clamping both hands over her mouth. She ran over and hugged me saying “Thank you, Emma. I love you guys so much.” before returning to stand with Noah. Holding her close, Noah looked into Nichole’s eyes and gave her several gentle but sensual kisses before he spoke. “Nicky, you’re very special to me and I love you like a sister…” to which Nichole’s eyes got wide and she snickered, trying to keep a straight face. Noah bowed his head, closed his eyes, shook his head slightly and tried to suppress his own smile. He looked at her again. “Nicky, you’re my best friend and I will always be there for you. I promise.” Noah kissed her again and whispered “I love you, Nicky.” Nichole had her arms around Noah when she replied “You’re the first man I’ve chosen… ever… in my life.” Looking up into his eyes she said “I want you to be my first.” It occurred to me that Noah had only ever had intercourse with me. Nichole would be his first too. The first woman who was not his mother. I suppose I should have been at least a little jealous but all I felt was love and pride… for the both of them. I was happy Noah was getting to fuck another woman. I had taken him out of the game, for myself, before it had even started for him, but now he was on the field and I wanted to see him play. I wanted him to experience a little of the variety that he had willingly given up for me. I was happy for Nichole too. And proud. She was moving past her autonomous hatred of all men by opening herself up to Noah… not only her body but her mind and heart as well. She’d still need years of therapy to deal with her trauma, but this was an important moment for her. I thought at least she’ll have one happy memory to hold on to and recall whenever her nightmares descended upon her. As they began to undress each other, Noah was gentle and slow while Nichole was nervous and rapidly trying to get his clothes off. Noah stopped and covered her hands. “Nicky.” He said softly. “There’s no rush. Take it slow. I want you to enjoy this. Remember this.” She looked up at him and smiled nervously. “Sorry. Excited.” “I know… me too.” Noah replied. “Just take a breath. You know me. I’m not going to hurt you or treat you like you’re just a piece of ass.” He paused to gaze into her eyes. “You mean too much to me. Just take it slow.” She nodded, then started rapidly undoing his clothes again before giggling and matching his slower pace. Once they were both naked, Noah embraced Nichole for a few moments, kissing her deeply as they both ran their hands over each other’s body. He then put his arm under her impossibly soft, round ass and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her pussy brushing his cock as it stuck out just beneath her. Noah walked to the bed and laid her down where she released him. He crawled on the bed and was hovering over her on all fours. “Ready?” he asked. Nichole nodded. Noah reassured her “Let me know if there’s anything you don’t like. You’re in charge here.” Smiling, she nodded again and he leaned into a wet, passionate kiss. Nichole inhaled deeply as she wrapped her arms around his neck and I saw her tongue for a second before it disappeared into Noah’s mouth. Noah lowered his body on top of her and I heard her give a great sigh as he began kissing his way down her body. She was caressing his body as he went. It was then that I noticed my own wetness and heavy breathing. I moved closer to them, putting my head close to Nichole’s while angling my body as to not interfere with Noah as he kissed and licked every inch of her body. She briefly opened her eyes and met mine before she moaned and closed them again when Noah began suckling her tits. She buried her fingers in his hair as he swirled his tongue around her swollen nipple before giving it a gentle bite. She let out a long hungry moan as he continued nursing like a man dying of thirst, moaning his own pleasure. When Noah began kissing his way down her stomach, she turned her head to me and I pressed my lips to hers. Again, she moaned as our tongues danced with each other. She broke the kiss with a gasp as I pinched her nipple and kneaded her soft, firm tit. Nichole’s breathing was getting faster and faster as Noah got closer and closer to her soaked pussy and she let out a great gasp when his tongue gave him his first taste of her treasure. She began alternating between panting and long, mournful moans as his tongue explored the soft folds of her pussy’s lips, kissing and pulling on them with his lips. As Noah’s tongue found her clit and began probing it with swirls and rapid swipes across it she opened her legs before clamping his head between her thighs and spreading herself open again. A long yearning whimper escaped her, building until she couldn’t take it anymore and she pushed his head away and gasped. And then softly screamed as her first orgasm shook her body, making her legs shake uncontrollably as her pussy squirted it’s joy. “You okay, Nicky? Do you want to stop?” Noah asked. He knew she didn’t want to stop but he asked her anyway to let Nichole know that she would have to ask for what happened next. I was so proud of Noah for giving Nichole the sense that she was in control of the moment… that her desires mattered most. He was being so patient. Nichole grabbed his head and pulled it towards her face as she spread herself wide open, revealing that her pussy and inner thighs were covered in her lubricating juices. She opened herself to Noah as she breathed “Fuck me, Noah… oh god… fuck me… pleeeeease…” she begged as she kept pulling him closer. Noah smiled and grabbed his cock, tapping it against her pussy twice before pressing the head of his cock into the soft, wet folds of Nichole’s grasping cunt. She let out a guttural moan as he slowly pushed inside her. I was rubbing my clit furiously as I watched my son’s cock slowly disappear inside Nichole. She was half crying, half whimpering as he slowly, tantalizingly pushed half of his rock hard cock inside her. Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in tight, taking his entire cock inside her with a loud wet smack. Nichole threw her head back and took a deep breath. “Oh, god… Oh, GOD!” she cried. Noah began pumping her cunt with increasing vigor. She held on to him, her hands clasped behind his neck as she looked into his eyes and ordered Noah “oooooh god… fuck me, Noah… please… oh, god… fuck me…” she kept repeating. Just watching the two of them as they fucked themselves into a world where only they existed, my own building orgasm fed off their sexual energy. The only sounds were our collective gasps and the sloshing wet sounds of Noah’s slick, hard cock pounding Nichole’s sopping wet cunt. “Oh god Nicky… I’m cumming… I’m cum…” Noah whimpered. Nichole whined her acceptance as she held him even tighter. Nichole seemed on the edge, much like the moment after the song has built up and just before it drops, as anticipation hangs in the air, frozen in time. What happened next I will remember for the rest of my life. The beat dropped and we all felt it. Simultaneously. Noah grunted as his buried cock pulsed with the first surge of cum hitting deep inside Nichole, she screamed and I did as well as we all orgasmed together, Nichole and I squirting our uncontrolled climax as Noah pumped unending streams of cum into his best friend. Nichole’s body shook as she held tight to Noah with me writhing beside them. Our bodies seemed to pulse to the beat of a song that could only be felt and not heard. Our collective body song continued until it eventually slowed, nearing it’s end. As our bodies relaxed, Nichole turned her head to me and leaned into a loving, warm kiss before looking at Noah with nothing but pure appreciation and love. Noah first looked at me and then Nichole with the same expression of care and tenderness. Noah stared deep into Nichole’s eyes. “Wow, Nicky. That was incredible. You’re incredible.” Nichole softly and lovingly replied. “You weren’t so bad yourself.” And hugged him before pulling me into the hug too. Noah rose to his elbows but kept his cock inside her for the moment. Her legs were spread wide, she was relaxed and content to let him stay inside her. Nichole started to laugh but covered her eyes as her laughter turned to tears. Noah, concerned, lowered his body to hers and hugged her. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, Nicky. You’re okay, baby. You’re okay.” I knew that her tears were of happiness but also, of immense relief. She was letting go of some of her deep hurt and we let her cry her relief. She hung on to Noah as she cried into his shoulder but, eventually, with a deep sigh she was calm and gave us a teary smile. Noah’s satisfied cock slipped from Nichole’s pussy and she moaned as her satiated pussy reluctantly said farewell to it’s new found friend, followed by a flood of Noah’s semen, sending a shiver through her body. Nichole was lying limp underneath Noah, her eyes closed, relaxed and very happy, if her purring was any indication. “Oh, Noah, mmmmm. I feel like I’m floating. Mmmmm.” she said with a smile that told Noah he had satisfied her… and then some. “I’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me.” Nichole told him earnestly. “And you’ll never have to.” Noah replied truthfully. She was slowly running her hands over Noah’s body. “You’ve given me so much…” And then. “…including this huge river of cum coming outta me! Christ, Noah! See a doctor! This isn’t normal!” she shouted, laughing as we all started cracking up. No-filter Nicky was back and on a roll. “…or maybe you should just sell tickets!” Then, in a deep, excited announcer voice said “Come see the River of Cum! Come to Noah’s Cum River! Emma and Noah’s River of Cum theme park! Fun for the whole family! Come, come, come on down today!” We were laughing so hard, tears were streaming down our faces and it was hard to breathe. I couldn’t help but repeat “Fun for the whole family!” and we all howled with laughter at the double entendre. Later, as we lay wrapped together in a tangle of arms and legs, spent and satisfied, Nichole giggled. “What?” we both asked. Nichole sighed, contented. “Now it’s a threesome.” and we all giggled ourselves to sleep. - - - - - - - - - - Day seven - Sunday - Back to School Nichole and I were hugging Noah when she said “Mmmmm… let’s just stay here all day.” Nichole wiggled her body against Noah and he turned his head to kiss the top of her head. “Seconded.” he said. “Motion carried.” I chimed in, kissing Noah and we all hugged each other closer. The rest of the day we spent naked and in bed for most of that time. We spoke very few words and communicated mainly through loving looks and tender touches. We made love to each other but it’s all just a blur in my memory. We were all drunk with love and lust. We let ourselves be carried away by passion’s currents and we didn’t care about anything else in the world but pleasuring each other. We fed each other bites of fruit and cheeses for lunch, punctuated with soft kisses. Around mid-afternoon we all moved to the shower and attentively washed each other, cooing softly and feeling the unbreakable love we had for one another. The sun was beginning to set. Nichole had her backpack slung over one shoulder, her duffle bag on the floor near the front door and a garment bag on top of it with her blue satin dress safely inside. “I’ll never forget this, Emma. I’ll never forget you.” She said as she hugged me warmly. “I’m going to miss having you around, Nicky. I feel like I’m saying goodbye to the daughter I never had.” Nichole held me a little tighter and whispered with a hitch in her voice. “I love you… mom.” I felt a tear roll down my cheek and my body shamelessly radiated an all-encompassing love for my surrogate daughter. “I love you too, my baby girl.” Before I let her go I said “You’re part of this family now, baby. I’ll see you soon, okay?” to which she nodded and gave me an extra squeeze before taking a step back and picked up her duffle bag and garment bag. As Noah opened the door for Nichole to her waiting taxi she turned to him and grinned. “See you at school, Big Hero Dick.” “See ya’, Nicky No-fear.” And then she was gone. Happily, she has been our guest and lover for every Spring Break and long vacation since. I sighed and Noah walked up to me and hugged me for a long minute. Looking into my eyes I hoped that he could see what I wanted him to do. He did. Noah shrugged off his robe before slipping his hands inside my robe and pushing it over my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. “I can’t wait to make you my wife.” he said kissing me. “I can’t wait to call you my husband.” I said returning his kisses. With that, Noah picked me up and carried me to our bedroom where his love filled me as my love enveloped him. The End |
This is one of my older stories, and unlike my others, it's a pure sex story, but that's not to say my fans won't enjoy it. I've updated some of the writing and added new content. Here's just the first part. Part One: Ashley rode my rock-hard cock, moaning like a banshee with her huge tits bouncing in my face. Ashley was my girlfriend, and she had always been somewhat of a nymphomaniac. She was 19 and I was 21 and I had snagged her when she first came to college. As she rocked back and forth on my lap, I was rubbing her pussy with the thumb of my right hand and squeezing her round tits with my left. As I squeezed them hard and pinched the nipples, Ashley moaned and ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh god, Zach! Smack my ass!” I slapped her ass with both hands and squeezed the soft cheeks as hard as I could. Holding onto her perfect rear, I started lifting her up and then slamming her down onto my rod, using the force to push myself as far up into her luscious pussy as possible. Ashley leaned forward as I fucked her as fast as possible. “Harder! Harder!” she moaned as I sucked on her tits. Grabbing her hips, I turned her around so that her back was to me. Lifting herself up almost in a crabwalk, Ashley handed the job of movement to me as I started hammering her cunt as hard and fast as possible. I don’t want to brag, but I was fucking her so fast and hard that my nut sack was actually starting to hurt from being slingshot up and down like a yoyo in the hand of a crackhead. “Oh god, I’m going to fucking cum!” At that, I began fucking her even harder. I hammered her cunt with the last of my strength, trying to turn my manhood into a jackhammer with flesh. Her womanhood was pulling on me like a vacuum, desperately trying to draw forth my seed. Finally, a river of pussy juice gushed out from between her legs, washing over my lap. With her taken care of, now I could unleash every drop of sperm I had. In one final burst of strength, I forced my throbbing manhood up inside her and emptied myself into her womb. Ashley pulled herself off of my deflated dick, turned around, and wrapped her lips around the head. She knew her job. With her sucking the last globs sperm out of my cock as if it was the straw of a milkshake, I could feel another orgasm welling inside me. Her lips wrapped around the head and Ashley pushed the tip of her tongue into the slit, while simultaneously rubbing the shaft with one hand and massaging my nuts with the other. Holy shit, she was a sex goddess. She then took my whole cock in her mouth, rubbing it against the back of her throat. Her head began bobbing up and down as she massaged every centimeter of my dick with every soft corner of her mouth. She would use her lips, tongue, and the inside of her cheeks to massage the shaft, and she would rub the head of my cock against her uvula and agitate her gag reflex, just enough so that her eyes would roll back into her head, she would slightly tremble, and saliva would drip from her lips and onto my lap, but she wouldn’t do it so much that she would puke onto my dick. I wonder how many guys she had to fuck to get this good… Finally, she took my dick out of her mouth and I shot a stream of cum across her face and onto her tongue. “Holy shit, that was one of our best ones yet,” I said. “You’re damn right it was,” Ashley purred as she lied down beside me. “I love you,” I said as I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her on the forehead. ‘At least I love fucking you.’ “I love you too.” She gripped my worn-out cock. “And I love this.” I pulled up to Ashley’s house, trying yet again to call her cell phone. She lived with her mom in a nice beach house, but their landline phone service often went down. Most of the time, communication was restricted to cell phones and driving. Ashley’s phone battery was probably dead, and her car wasn’t in the garage. She wasn’t home, exactly what I wanted. I was constantly showing up at Ashley’s house, so she and her mom had told me that I didn’t need to knock. I silently opened the door and stepped inside the lavish beach house. Ashley’s mom really had gotten a lot of cash from the divorce. Down the hall, I saw the flutter of blonde hair. It was her, Jill. She was an easy-going woman, having no problem with me and her daughter fucking while she was still in the house or me spending the night, even with Ashley’s moans and dirty talk loud enough to be hear next door. Jill looked just like an older version of Ashley, and was just as sexy and beautiful. I didn’t know how old she was, but she was the definitely the perfect age. She was the best mix of young babe and mature milf. Her skin was still tight, smooth, and soft, but lines were starting appear on her face and you could tell she was aging, but in a way that made her more desirable than a woman ten years younger. Seeing her always gave me an erection, and I would have given my right hand to fuck her. I would have given my right hand and both my legs to have a threesome with her and her daughter. I had spent countless hours masturbating while imagining Jill and Ashley sucking on each other’s tongues while I shot my load into their faces. She was one of the reasons why I was dating Ashley. Once Ashley introduced me to her parents and I saw Jill for the first time, I made a promise to myself that I was going to fuck her, no matter what it took, and I was here today to once again try and inch myself closer to that goal. My cock instantly hardened as I realized that she was in a tight bikini. Her round tight ass looked just like Ashley’s as she walked around while swinging her hips. She was in the bedroom… looking for her top. I couldn’t believe it, I was finally able to see her bouncing double D tits. Her areolas were the size of quarters and she had nipples that were like pencil erasers. Like her face, you could see the signs of age on her tits, but that just made me want grope them more. As much as I wanted to stare at her tits, I knew that she would notice me and get angry. She was looking for her bikini top, which I saw on a reclining chair in the living room. I stepped into the living room and picked up the skimpy bikini top. If I gave it to her, it would grant me a little more time to admire her tits and she wouldn’t be as angry. I walked to the doorway of the bedroom when she had her back to me. “Looking for this?” I asked as I held up the bikini top with it wrapped around my fingers. Jill let out a small shriek of surprise as she bolted around. “Zach, you scared me!” It was only then that she looked at her titties and covered them with her arms. “Relax, I was standing in the hallway, I’ve seen them.” “You were spying on me?!” On cue, I tossed the bikini top to her. She caught it and began to calm down, just as I planned. “I wasn’t spying. I opened the front door and I saw you down the hall. You’re just as beautiful as Ashley and I’ve always admired you and even had a small crush on you. I must admit that I was a little awestruck.” She gave a modest smile, and to my surprise, she lowered her arms. She wasn’t covering her tits and was holding the bikini top as if she was about to put it on… but she hadn’t. For some reason, she kept it in her grip. ‘Interesting, very interesting,’ I thought to myself. I decided to push it a little further, to experiment with the situation. “Your breasts are beautiful. I’m guessing that they’re natural?” She gave another modest smile; I was actually putting her in a good mood. “Yes. Most people think that they are fake but they are actually real. Why didn’t you think they were fake?” “You’re always so honest, you don’t seem like the person who would lie about her appearance. Plus you’re already so pretty that breast size doesn’t matter.” She began to blush. “My ex-husband never appreciated my looks…” Then she held her tits and jiggled them. “Or the girls.” “I can’t imagine why, they’re fantastic,” I said, reaching out and cupping one. Jill stiffened at the feel of my palm against her areola, but she didn’t pull away. “Uh, Zach, I don’t think we should be doing this.” “Relax, it will be our little secret. Besides, a little human contact feels good, doesn’t it?” She gave a soft moan as I gently squeezed. Holy shit, her titties were even better than her daughter’s! I began massaging it, first with one hand and then two. I then moved my other hand onto her other breast and began squeezing them both. Jill moaned and hummed as I massaged her tits and even pinched the nipples. There was no telling how long it had been since she had felt this. Before she could stop me, I got behind her, continuing to massage her breasts. Now with more elbow room and straight wrists, I was able to be a little more rough, groping the melons with a firm squeeze, rubbing them in circles like joysticks, and pulling on her nipples to make her yelp. I could take it anymore; I had to have her. I pressed myself against her and ran my tongue up the side of her neck. The feel of that lick and my erection poking her ass told her that we had gone to far. She hurriedly stepped forward out of my reach and put on her bikini top. “Ashley uh… Ashley will be back in a few hours. I’ll uh… I’ll be out back.” She rushed out of the room without looking back at me and into the kitchen, where she pulled a bottle of white wine out of one of the cabinets. Something told me that she had not planned on taking it with her. She walked outside and lied down on a beach chair out on the yard. She began drinking heavily from the bottle while putting on tanning oil. “It looks like I might get a piece of that sweet ass,” I said to myself with a smile as I put my hand on my rock-hard cock. With how fast she was drinking, Jill was passed out in half an hour. I walked outside and waved my hand in front of her face to make sure she was really out. A slight flicker of her eyelids told me that some stimuli was getting through, but she was so drunk that I doubted that she would wake up unless I splashed her with a bucket of water. I was tired of waiting, I was going to take her then and now, whether she liked it or not. She would undoubtedly try to fight me off at first, but if as long as I overpowered her, she wouldn’t get away, and there weren’t any neighbors around right now to hear her. All I really had to do was make sure she had an orgasm. She had left her husband three years ago, and according to Ashley, hadn’t dated anyone since then, meaning that this milf in her sexual prime was probably starving for a good fuck. All I had to do was make her cum and her resolve would break, then I could do whatever I wanted. It all depended on how well I could keep from blowing my load. I moved down to her legs while enjoying the view of her barely-covered tits, her slim belly, and her long smooth thighs, all of which were tan and oiled. Very carefully, I pulled off the top of her bikini, letting the sunlight shine on her firm tits. Cautiously, I began to feel them, massaging those glorious mountains with my hands pinching her nipples just like before. She would stir ever so slightly with every squeeze, but she would not wake up. Once I had worked up enough courage, I leaned down and did one broad lick across the side of her huge right breast, savoring the feel of the soft flesh against my tongue. I started sucking on her nipples, tracing my tongue around them and pulling on them with my lips. Her titties tasted so good and they felt like water-balloons. My cock was so hard and throbbing that it almost hurt. I undid my pants and pulled out my dick, which I swore had never looked larger. I began jacking off, not enough to risk wasting my supply of sperm, but enough to lessen the strain. The more aggressive I became, the more Jill began to moan. I moved down to her bikini bottom and undid the knots that rested on her hips. I pulled away the strip of blue fabric and almost gasped as her pussy came into view. The soft lips were open and already wet, revealing the pink insides. Her pussy was open just enough for me to know that it was still nice and tight, but I would have no problem forcing my whole missile up inside her. She had a very short and thin mat a pubic hair. It wasn’t shaved, but it was obviously well trimmed. I brought my face up to the lips, not touching her pussy yet, but savoring the sweet fruity aroma. When I couldn’t restrain myself any longer, I reached out with my tongue and gently flitted it just outside of the soft lips. With that first touch, the drunken Jill shivered and gave a low hum. I began circling her pussy with my tongue, slowly getting closer and closer to the wet pink insides. With every teasing flit, Jill’s hums turned into moans. Finally, I forced my tongue deep inside her and a sampled her pussy juice. Jill was shifting her head from side to side and moaning as I relished the taste of her sloppy wet cunt. She was probably dreaming now. Still unconscious, Jill began to spread her legs, allowing me to send my tongue deeper and deeper into her delicious insides. As her cunt became more and more inviting, I brought up my hand and slowly pushed my index and middle finger deep inside. Jill moaned even louder as I pushed my middle finger in as well and finger-fucked her pussy, causing more juice to splash into my mouth. Finally, Jill had a gushing orgasm, squirting just like her daughter. The intoxicated milf spread her legs even farther and raised her hips. I licked my lips as her asshole came into view. It looked almost like it was bleached. I had always wondered what I was like to lick a girl’s asshole. Ironic that I would be licking Ashley’s mom’s before I licked hers. Experimentally, I flitted my tongue around her tight little asshole and she squirmed. Her asshole didn’t taste like shit as I expected it to; it was already clean and had been soaked in her trickling pussy juice. I pushed my tongue deep inside her, sucking on the ring as my nose was buried in her cunt. Her recesses had a very unique taste, somewhat resembling the taste of her pussy, but was much more… concentrated. It was like tasting the physical essence of the kinky taboo. As I sent my tongue farther and farther up into her, I continued to finger her pussy. The whole time, Jill didn’t moan, instead, she just kept on squirming. After several minutes, I moved my tongue back up to her pussy, and as I ate her out, I pushed my thumb up into her asshole. It was apparent that she had never gone anal before. She whined and squirmed as I rubbed the inside of her asshole with my thumb, pulling it out and pushing it back in, and rubbing the dribbling pussy juice around the ring. Finally, I knew it was time to take it to the next level. I stood up and fully undressed, then crouched over her head, opened her mouth, and stuffed in my cock. That final intrusion was enough to wake her out of her wine stupor and she gave a garbled scream, choking on my manhood. She tried to push me off her, but I grabbed her by the throat and squeezed hard, robbing her of the ability to breathe. Her struggles waned and I lessened my grip, stirring my manhood around in her mouth while keeping my hand around her throat like a collar. The shock and confusion was now replaced with horror as to what was happening and who was doing it do her. Was her daughter’s boyfriend really assaulting her like this? “You like that don’t you, a big cock in your mouth. Can you taste your daughter on me?” Jill was crying now, her pretty face streaked with tears out of pain, humiliation, betrayal, and the struggles of breathing. “Come on, suck on it like a good whore.” Jill refused, just holding her mouth open like a dead fish. “Have it your way.” I fully got on top of her, sending my dick all the way to the back of her throat and choking her with it. I had my full weight on her, smothering her face as she struggled to find any way to breathe. Within seconds, her body began to convulse and I pulled back as she threw up on my cock. “Look at the mess you made, clean it up!” I barked, smearing my manhood across her face, mixing her tears with the mix. “Please stop this!” she sobbed, trying to push me away. “Hell no, I’m having too much fun! Now blow me, you damn whore!” This time she gave in and began sucking me off, cleaning up the mess. Her tears continued to pour as I violated her mouth, my hands wrapped in her hair to pull her head back if she tried anything. She worked diligently but it was clear that she was rusty at this. After a minute or so, I pulled out my cock and instead began rubbing my balls on her face, teabagging her as many would say. She took the message and ran her tongue around my nut sack, thoroughly wetting them. Soon enough I got bored and decided to try something new. I pulled her up in her chair and got behind her, locking her head with one arm. “Zach, please stop this! I beg you!” “No, I’m going to fuck you hard and nothing is going to change that. But I want to enjoy this first.” I forced my free hand between her legs, trying to probe her insides. She screamed and flailed her legs, but a couple hard smacks ended that. Her legs still, I forced my fingers into her pussy, shaking them hard and making her cry out. “You’re so wet, you can’t wait for me to rape that slutty pussy of yours, can you? Be honest.” “Let me go!” Against her protests, I continued to finger her, grabbing her pussy from the inside and shaking my hand. The mix of pain and humiliation made her cry out, but I knew it was starting to feel a little bit good for her. I pulled my hand out and stuffed my fingers into her mouth, forcing her to taste her own feminine essence. Now it was time for the main course. I got out from behind her, trying to figure out the best position for penetration, when she made her escape. Her ass and tits jiggling as she moved, she ran back into the house. I chased after and caught up before she could reach the phone. She screamed and struggled against me, but I picked her up and carried her to the living room, where I threw her down on the couch. She was on her stomach, and before she could get up, I held her down. “Nice try, but you’re not getting out of this.” Having decided to enjoy myself a little more, a raised my hand and struck her ass, making her shriek in pain. I had her almost bent over my knee, her perfect milf ass sticking up, tanner than I thought it would be. I smacked her again and again, savoring her pain and the chance to do whatever I wanted to her sexy body. With each smack, a redness would spread, bruising and welts from my brutality. This mature, beautiful woman was now bent over, her naked body at my mercy for me to abuse however I liked. Licking my fingers, I again stuck them in her pussy and worked my thumb into her asshole. She groaned and cried as fingered her, her tears soaking the couch. After spanking her a few more times, I knew the time had come. I got out from under her and forced her against the couch. I smacked her thighs, telling her to spread them, and while she resisted for a few moments, she knew that I was inevitably going to be inside her. She spread her legs, and with a deep breath, I penetrated her, burying my manhood up to the base in her slit. She cried out from the sensation, having forgotten what it felt like to be fucked, and feeling overwhelmed with shame and revulsion. It was easy for me to set myself in a good rhythm, pushing down on her back to keep her pinned while my lap and her ass clapped together in applause. I had dreamed of this day for a long time, the day when I would get to turn this woman’s magnificent body into my personal cum dumpster, and the fact that it was against her will made it even better. “Please stop! You’re raping me!” she cried. I didn’t reply, and regardless of her words, her pussy was just getting wetter and wetter. Her lips said “no no”, but her body was begging for violation. My speed increased as I kept on telling myself that I had fucked Ashley the night before and was now fucking her mom. I was forcing myself into her mom’s cunt, the same throbbing cock that her daughter had rode and sucked. Jill’s felt so good on my erect manhood. Her lips were so soft and tight, and I could feel almost a vacuum-like pressure, as if her body was trying to pull me in deeper. After years of loneliness, her pussy craved to be stretched by my cock and filled with cum. With each passing second, a noticeable change could be seen in Jill. Her cries of anguish were turning into moans, and her hands, which had been gripping the sofa for dear life, were now brushing the golden hair out of her face while she licked her lips. Deciding I wanted to see her face, I rolled her onto her side, her leg now across my chest. I continued hammering her, watching her melons jiggle and bounce every time my manhood reached her womb. I grabbed her by the throat, forcing her to look at me. The pain in her eyes was gone, and while she still reviled the situation, she could not contain the look of lustful hunger on her face. She was starting to enjoy herself. “Yeah, you like that don’t you?” I growled. Jill shook her head in refusal, prompting me to move my hand from her throat to her breast and give a hard squeeze to coax a cry from her. “You love being raped, don’t you?” “No! Stop it!” Deciding to toy with her, I did as she told and stopped. I never pulled out, but I halted my thrusts, and the lack of movement did send a tremor through her. Having reached the age of her sexual prime, her body, starved of contact, was reacting like a recovering addict in the first moments of relapse. She hated the situation, but loved the sensations. Further teasing her, I began rubbing her clit with fast strokes of my fingers, sending a continuous stream of lightning through her body and making her moan. “Come on, beg for it. You know you want to be fucked harder. You love that I’m raping you.” “No!” she countered, turning away from me to hide her shame. Continuing to play with her clitoris, I gave ten deep thrusts, just slow enough to tease her. The stimulation was driving her wild, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy her, and when I stopped, I knew her will had broken. “Beg for it!” “Please rape me harder!” she finally shrieked. Grinning, I pulled her up onto her hands and knees and brought myself to my top speed. Her tits swinging like chandeliers in an earthquake, Jill was moaned at the top of her lungs, finally giving in to the physical bliss of a man fucking her. I hammered her with all of my strength, watching the ripples travel through her body with each slam, her tan ass jiggling like ballistics gel when punched with a shotgun shell. With each impact, her moan would be interrupted, her whole body shaking and her mind momentarily going blank each time. Unable to resist, I started smacking her ass between thrusts, just to remind her who was in charge, but the harder I spanked her, the more she seemed to enjoy it, her tan rear end absorbing the force and transforming it into physical bliss. “Oh god, I’m cumming!” she screamed these words over and over again, having given in to her lust. I continued fucking her through the orgasm, the movement of my cock altering the spray but still soaking me in it. I knew I had won. Now that I had made her cum, she was hooked like an addict and I could do whatever I wanted to her without worrying about her telling anyone about it. Deciding her mouth would feel good right about now, I grabbed Jill’s hair, turned her around, and pulled her head to my lap. Drunk with perverse desire, she began sucking me off as if she had been poisoned and my cum was the antidote. Unlike before, when we were outside, she was putting true skill into her work. She would slobber on my cock as if she were trying to put out a fire, then suck off the saliva and pour it on again. Using the wetness as lubricant, she would work the shaft with her hand while rolling the head around in her mouth, always with the beautiful sound of sloppy suction. But still, it wasn’t enough… An idea popping into my head, I grabbed Jill and picked her up. She yelped in surprise, flailing her limbs as I held her upside down in the vertical 69 position, our stomachs pressed together with her legs in the air. Understanding what I was doing, Jill resumed sucking my cock while I took in the beautiful sight of her milf cunt put on display, inches from my face, and behind it, her virgin asshole. I dove right in, gorging myself on her pussy like a dog with an empty peanut butter jar. Jill continued to swing her legs, the feeling of lips and a tongue stirring her honeypot driving her wild, with her smooth thighs clamping the side of my head. After a minute, I could feel my self-control starting to crumble. I was about to cum, and I wanted to make sure Jill caught every drop. Continuing to hold her up with one arm, I used a free hand to grab her hair and hold her head steady. I began to thrust, skull-fucking her without mercy and turning her face into a sloppy mess. Feeling the orgasm approaching, I pushed her dead down and forced her to deep-throat me. She tried to push me off, struggling to breathe, but I held her firm. Finally, the threshold broke, and I shot load after load into her throat. At the same time, while she was choking on my cock, her gag reflex triggered. I let go of her head and she retched, a frothy mix of saliva, vomit, semen, and tears pouring down over her face and into her hair. Unable to open her eyes, she gasped for air while I rubbed my placid cock across her face, buying time to regain my erection. That orgasm had been a doozy, but I knew I had plenty more, and I wasn’t going to stop until I finished turning Jill into my personal cum dumpster. Though maybe it was time to wrap things up. Once my cock returned to its original glory, and began lowering Jill down. I stopped when her head and the back of her neck touched the floor, further dirtying her hair with the puddle of bodily fluids. Her lower body still in the air with her ass pointing up, spanked her a few times to make her spread her legs enough for me to force my cock into her pussy, still filthy from when Jill threw up on it. I had seen lesbians with strap-ons do this position in Ultimate Surrender, so I was able to figure it out in a few moments. Holding her by the hips, I once again started thrusting into her, now feeling fatigue take its toll. Below me, Jill continued to moan, desperate to cum a second time. She had wiped the slime off her face and could open her eyes, but her only view was my ass directly above her. Soon enough, we both achieved an orgasm. Jill moaned at the top of her lungs, having forgotten the joy of a man bringing her to climax. She had a gushing orgasm, spraying clear fluid from her pussy while I poured my seed deep into her womb. I pulled out and dropped her to the floor, shooting two more white streams across her stomach and breasts, sullying her and marking her as my property like a dog pissing on a tree. Jill lay still, wallowing in a puddle of filth, her beautiful body painted with bodily fluids from being raped and violated by the same man who routinely fucked her daughter. I stood over her, beaming at my accomplishment. I had finally achieved my goal, but I wasn’t done yet. I was going to enjoy my new fuck toy. “That was a lot of fun, we’ll do it again real soon,” I said, turning around and leaving her there. I wasn’t worried at all about her calling the police or telling Ashley. She was too ashamed and embarrassed that it had happened, and that she had enjoyed it so much. |
I couldn't go back home right away after my Mom had finished her business with Dylan. I didn't want her to think I could have possibly seen anything that I wasn't supposed to see, not only because what she was doing was wrong on many levels, but also because I was supposed to be with my girlfriend until the following morning. I didn't suspect that my Mom would be too upset with the news of the break-up. She was always friendly with my ex, Amanda, but there was never any genuine connection between the two. I stayed at my friend Colin's place again that night and went right to work the next day from there. I worked as a waiter and bartender at a popular sports bar a few miles down the road from where I lived. I graduated with a journalism degree from college, but getting a job in that field was impossible. I started tending bar my Senior year and was able to stash away a ton of money living at home in those two years since graduating. The plan was to move to a bigger city with Colin in January when his lease was up. As much as I enjoyed living rent free, I was also itching to move in with someone my age. For a Friday night it wasn't too busy at the bar. I got home at around 10:30 pm, and as usual, I was greeted warmly by my Mother when I walked in. "Hey Sean! How are you hunnie?" My Mom yelled from the living room. The last time I heard her voice before this, she was confirming plans to get fucked by a twenty-something-year-old big dicked stud. I was thrown off. "I'm okay," I replied, but it was barely a yell. I tossed my duffle bag in my bedroom and walked down the hallway to the living room. My Mom was up off the couch walking towards me, and she noticed a look of discontent on my face. "What's wrong bud?" She asked me as she reached me. She stood on her tip-toes to kiss me on the cheek. I had to snap out of this funk though, or at least not let on that I knew what she did. "Amanda and I broke up last night," I told them. My Dad offered his condolences from the couch -- he was a quiet, kept-to-himself guy who worked a ton and just wanted to quietly unwind when he was at home -- but my Mom went right in for a big hug. "Oh I'm so sorry Sean. What happened?" "Eh, we just both realized that there wasn't really a future for us. It's okay." "That's such a bummer! I'm really sorry." She sounded sincere, but I knew she didn't care that much. I knew she was lying, just like she was lying to my father, going behind his back while he worked long hours as a General Manager at a car dealership, bringing home around $200,000 a year while she perfected being a homemaker and cock sucker. "It's alright, I'm just gonna go grab a shower and then try to get some sleep." "Okay, just let us know if you need anything," she said as she hugged me and kissed me again on the cheek. I tried not to resist, but I knew where those lips were, and I knew where they were going to be on Monday. After a long shower I retreated to my bedroom for the night. I worked the late shift on Saturday night, and it was a good thing I wasn't needed any earlier, because I was up all night. Not only could I not get the various explicit images of my Mother out of my head even if I tried, but I didn't want to. I was still furious and disgusted by her; I didn't expect that feeling would ever fade. But from the time I crawled out of my bedroom window the previous day, I didn't stop thinking about what I had just seen ... and it wasn't all terrible. I couldn't deny that I was turned on by it too. I needed to know more. I logged onto Facebook and searched through every single one of my Mom's 347 friends, but there wasn't a single Dylan or Dillon on her list of friends. That meant I was required to search through all Dylan's and Dillon's in the Southwest Florida area: Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Naples, Bonita, Port Charlotte. After not too long I found him ... Dylan Burr, 24 years old, Naples, Florida. I was exactly one day older than him. I did more digging: Dylan Burr grew up in Miami, Florida but moved to Valdosta, Georgia when he was 18 to play for the Valdosta State University Blazers football team. He was twice an All-Gulf South Conference Tight End. After college he moved back to Miami, then apparently with a friend to the opposite coast, about 30 minutes from us, and he is currently working, like me, as a bartender at a popular bar, only in Naples instead of Fort Myers. What I couldn't figure out is how this good looking, athletic, seemingly very popular kid my own age, who probably got whatever girl he wanted when he was in college, was now apparently regularly fucking my 56 year old Mother. Right there and then I considered messaging him on Facebook and asking him, but again, I didn't want to be a cock block, and I didn't want to run the risk of messaging him and then not being able to eventually prove that my Mom was cheating on my Dad. I did my best to avoid contact with my Mom over the weekend, just as a precaution, but Sunday dinner put me in a situation where I was stuck sitting at a table with her and my Dad for an hour. I couldn't help but feel sorry for my Dad, and both enraged and turned on by my Mom. I was conflicted to say the least. Things only got more uneasy, at least for me internally, when my Mom began prodding about when I was working the following day. So you work 12 to 8 tomorrow right? You don't think you'll leave work early, do you? Patrick, you're working until 8 o'clock too, right? Maybe one of you could bring home dinner tomorrow. What should we have? I couldn't help but wonder how many other times she fished around like this. Knowing what I knew, it was obvious why she was asking so many questions. She was covering her tracks, trying to ensure that her and Dylan wouldn't be interrupted. I played along, letting her believe that I was working. I even offered to bring home pizza for dinner to make her feel more secure. What she didn't know was that I had already switched shifts with a co-worker, giving him my 12 to 8 on Monday and taking his 12 to 8 on Wednesday, and I would have a front row seat for the dicking she was anticipating so much. Monday morning rolled around and I left the house at 11:15. As usual, my Mom hugged me and kissed me on the cheek to say goodbye. I have to admit, she did a better job of acting than I would have ever expected she could have given the circumstances. I left home and went directly to the clubhouse and waited patiently. 45 minutes later, Dylan pulled in. He got out of his car and started walking towards my house with a certain sort of noticeable arrogant confidence that pissed me off ... it was typical frat boy swagger. He was on his way to to give a MILF the kind of fucking that her husband couldn't, and he knew it. I waited about fifteen minutes before I drove back over, parking in the driveway of the same vacant home I did the last time my Mom and Dylan spent an afternoon together. I again crept through a number of backyards until I got to my own. Unlike the last time I caught them, this time they were just getting started. I peaked through the same small crack in bottom corner of the blinds that I did a few days earlier, and the first thing I saw was my topless Mom, still in her yoga pants, kneeling down on the floor, pulling Dylan's gym shorts down around his ankles. He was sitting at the foot of the bed, his shirt off and his cock already standing at attention just inches away from her sexy aged face. She moved her hands down his muscular torso until she grabbed hold of his dick with both hands. She started by kissing the tip of his cock the same way she kissed me on the cheek an hour prior to say goodbye; probably the same way she gave my father a peck on the lips as he left for work earlier in the morning. She looked up at him with a disgusting, sexy smile. Then her mouth opened slightly wider and with each kiss her tongue grazed and teased his tip. He seemed to be loving it, and he loved it even more when she began to suck on his balls and lick his shaft up and down, up and down with the kind of passion you'd see from the most seasoned porn star. Eventually the licking turned into full-blown sucking; nearly his entire cock engulfed in my Mom's mouth and throat, up and down, making it disappear and re-appear over and over again. I had never seen a deepthroating like that before ... so effortless and intense, like she needed and craved his cock for her mouth more than anything else in the world. It seemed like she sucked his cock for an eternity, but in reality only ten minutes had gone by. At that point, Dylan grabbed her underneath the arms and lifted her in the air, up onto his lap. He scooted them both back onto the middle of the bed and without little hesitation, he plunged his cock into her old wet pussy and relentlessly pounded away. She was screaming and moaning; if someone had just heard the noises she was making it would be hard to tell if she was loving it or hating it. But as I watched it was increasingly clear that she was enjoying it more and more with each thrust. For nearly an hour I watched as they fucked in a number of positions. My Mom was bending and contorting in ways I didn't know that a 56 year old woman could, but I suppose having a massive young cock inside her allowed her to do unexpected things with her body. She spent at least 10 straight minutes bouncing up and down on him; that was after he fucked her doggy-style for 15 minutes. To finish, Dylan flipped my Mom onto her back like she was a ragdoll, spread her legs wide open and straight up in the air, and penetrated her as hard and fast as I imagine he could until he busted inside of her pussy. They both let out lustful moans as he filled her up, and she clutched and scratched his back, pulling him in closer as he finished emptying inside her. It was passionate and disgusting and erotic and so sexy all at once. They weren't finished though. Not even close. In total, Dylan was at our house for a little over four hours. They fucked one more time in her bed (and this time he finished in her eager mouth), and I'm assuming they did a third time when they disappeared into the bathroom for almost an hour. By the time Dylan started getting ready to leave, I was drenched in sweat after standing in the Florida sun for a few hours. Like I did four days earlier, I sprinted back to my car and drove back to the clubhouse parking lot, just waiting for him to get back to his car so I could confront him. I sat in my car for over twenty minutes waiting for him, air conditioner blasting, trying to prep what exactly I would say to him. There was no guidebook on how to approach someone who you saw fucking your Mom, nor was this something I had ever imagined having to do. I couldn't do anything but replay everything I had seen them doing together in my head, and just like I had been the previous week, I was equally turned on and pissed off. But in that moment I realized I was capable of feeling both of those emotions at once, which was a good thing because I actually enjoyed feeling this way. I didn't necessarily want my Mom to stop getting fucked, but I also felt compelled to get even with her for betraying my father and myself. Ultimately, what I realized I wanted to get out of this situation was control of it all. I wanted to control who she fucked and when she was getting fucked. I wanted to watch it happen in the room, not outside through the blinds. So rather than blow things up right away, I decided I would be patient. I would let her and Dylan continue their affair until I figured out how I would insert myself into her secret, making it our secret. |
Janice drove us from the college, on the way I asked her, "are you sure," She took her hand off the steering wheel and squeezed my knee, "I really want you Ruth I feel desperate to have you." I was surprised, arriving at college for work that morning I had been worried about Janice's reaction to the events that had taken place the day before. Wayne had called me into his office where Janice was already present and he revealed photographs of him and me having sex together. I had broken off my relationship with Wayne a few months before as I had discovered he was having an affair with Janice. When Wayne showed Janice the photographs he did not tell Janice everything. I had been having an affair with Wayne for nearly three years, we had sex nearly every week and sometimes I would tell my husband. that I was spending the weekend with a female friend when in reality I was at Wayne's having a dirty weekend. Soon after we started our affair I discovered Wayne was into having anal sex which I allowed and he enjoyed group sex. Wayne would sometimes take me to orgies and swingers groups, I very quickly lost count of how many men I had been fucked by at these events. Wayne would occasionally bring three or four male friends home and they would fuck me for hours. Wayne also discovered I enjoyed making love to women and I often would at the group sex events. When in his office Wayne had made both me and Janice have sex with him otherwise the photographs were going to my husband. Wayne had later phoned me to demand I spent the next weekend with him, I was dreading it. I did not know then that after Wayne had made the two of us have sex with him Mea had used mind control to make Janice bi sexual. I was relieved that Janice behaved like nothing had happened the previous day, it was like she had forgotten about it, I was pleased it saved any difficult conversations. She had changed though, she was usually quite reserved and instead she had spent all morning flirting with everyone, especially me. How Janice was dressed was another suprise, she usually wore sensible office attire, today she was in a thin white blouse that clearly showed that she was not wearing a bra as her nipples could be seen through the material and her skirt was tight and extremly short, she was bare legged. Several times she made excuses to be near me and each time would brush her hand against me. Mid morning Janice finally proposition me. "Ruth I have never made love to another woman and I am really attracted to you, this afternoon will you come home with me and make love to me?" She whispered the words, "I feel that I really do want want you," she continued. I was surprised this was so unlike Janice. I was needing something to take my mind off the coming weekend with Wayne and readily agreed. Over the next hour I thought about Janice and started to look forward to our afternoon. We finished work earlier than we should have, about 11.30, and we drove off in Janice's car. After squeezing my knee Janice took my hand and placed it on her bare thigh and resumed concentration on driving. We arrived at her place and we went inside. Janice offered me a coffee and we went into her kitchen, it was small and tidy, as she stood at the work top I move behind her and rested my hands on her hips. I was surprised at Janice, I never thought she had feelings for me. She seemed so innocent and her clear need of me turned me on. She lent back against me as the kettle boiled, I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts, I could feel her nerves and excitement, she was gently trembling. I dropped my arms from her. Janice turned and faced me and our eyes met and I lent in and we had our first kiss. It was soft and gentle at first with our lips just touching. As the kiss proceeded our mouths opened and our tongues met for the first time. Her hand wrapped around my waist while her other hand touched my face. Janice pulled back. "Oh my, " she said, "I wish I had tried this earlier." This time Janice leant in and kissed me holding my face in her hands. I caressed the back of her hair as our tongues swirled around in each other's mouths. I broke from her kiss and kissed the side of her neck and ear, pulling her in closer to me. As she pulled back, our eyes met again and we went back in for another kiss. I thought that for her first lesbian encounter she was very good, I was getting aroused and wet between my legs. I grabbed her ass as I felt her hands nearing my breast. The passion was intense. My pussy tingled, the butterflies were swirling and all I wanted to do was start taking off her clothes. We decided it was best to forget the coffee and head to the bedroom. Janice led me by the hand to her bedroom. We stopped at the edge of the bed and kissed once more. Our hands rubbing up and down each other's body, our breaths thickening, light moaning coming from our mouths. Janice whispered "I'm glad you're here, I want you so badly." I felt her hand slide down the front of my dress and grab my left breast. My head leaned back in pleasure, as my hand squeezed her ass. My pussy was throbbing and I wanted this so much. As we kissed, I felt her fingers caress my nipple getting it hard, her warm soft hands then cupped my breasts. I unbuttoned her blouse and she placed it on a chair with no bra on she was topless, I looked down admiring her breasts they looked amazing. I rubbed my hand up and down her exposed skin, skin that was so soft my hands touched her plump breasts Janice's hand was at the zip of my dress, she pulled it down and I removed it. She rubbed up and down my hips. We were kissing again, Janice removed my bra and I rubbed my breasts against hers. My nipples enjoyed the sensation of rubbing against her breasts and nipples. I put my arm around her and unzipped her skirt, she was wearing a black thong which I quickly removed. Naked Janice was stunning. I took my knickers off and for a moment we stood looking at each others naked bodies. "Until I saw you I had never been attracted to a woman, now here we are standing looking at each other naked, I want to make love to you," Janice whispered to me. I reached out and cupped her left breast, I leaned in and kissed her bare chest working my way down and across her breasts. I put her sexy light brown nipple in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. Her hands were on the back of my head and neck. Janice put her mouth to my nipple and immediately started sucking on it using her other hand to pull, twist and tweak my other nipple. The sensations spread throughout my body. I could feel her mouth and hand on my breasts, her breath against my chest. My pussy dripping with wetness. We went in for another kiss, pressing our lips hard together. Our mouths were wide open, tongues swirling around in each others mouth, our breasts pushing up against each other our hands grasping and rubbing each other's asses. I was wondering if she was as wet as I was. I slid my hand down across her chest and stomach I felt the curve of her pussy as my hand dipped further down. Janice's hand quickly did the same to me. We stood there rubbing each other's pussy deep in a kiss. As I reached all the way down I discovered she was soaking wet. As I rubbed my hand up and down her wet pussy lips, Janice's hand quickly slid down between my legs touching my wetness. Janice pulled away and whispered "Take me." I felt her fingers rubbing my clit as my hand became wet with her juices. Janice slid her finger into me, I gasped. Wow what a feeling to be engaged in a passionate deep kiss with my hand rubbing her wet pussy as she was sliding her finger in and out of me. I slid my finger into her again and she began moaning. We stood there for several minutes kissing deeply and moaning while fingering each other. I was so hot, horny and turned on. My heart was racing, I was enjoying every minute of this. Janice and I climbed onto her bed. I laid on top of her as we continued kissing and touching each other. I had two fingers deep inside working her clit and pussy Janice's head went back, "Ruth, I am coming," "Oh my; I am coming she cried again," I felt her climax on my fingers, her muscle contraction on them and her juices ran hotly over them. She was panting and we moved so we were laid on our sides, still kissing and her fingers in my pussy were bring me to an orgasm. It rippled through my body and I could here myself crying out loudly in pleasure. For a moment we laid side by side kissing and getting our breath back. I got on my knees in front of her as she rolled onto her back, I was dripping wet! My pussy was throbbing to be fucked and my ass was begging for attention. I opened Janice's legs further and started kissing her left leg below her knee. I watched her hand slide up and down her pussy as I slowly kissed down her inner thigh. Her eyes screaming take me, as her smile was ear to ear. I was about to eat pussy, her pussy. I finally got low enough and laid down on my stomach between her legs. Close up her pussy was beautiful I started by softly putting my lips on her clit, just below her hair line. I softly and cautiously stuck my tongue out and lightly licked her clit. I was nervous and hesitant knowing this was her first time with a woman. When I heard Janice moan, I knew I was doing something right for her. I swirled my tongue around her clit, feeling her wetness on my chin. I licked her from her clit down to her wide-open pussy. I tasted her wetness. I was face deep between her legs. I just kept licking up and down her lips listening to her moan, picking up on the areas she liked more. My pussy was throbbing and I wanted her to eat me out. Janice kept begging me not to stop. I focused on sucking her clit and slowly slid a finger into her. She gasped, her hips starting to thrust back and forth. I was doing it! I was eating her out, fulling her fantasy and about to make her cum. Janice's hips moved back and forth faster, as I slid a second finger into her. She was moaning loudly which changed to a scream of pleasure. I was really enjoying working her pussy and making her scream in pleasure. Janice started crying, "I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum" and within seconds I felt her orgasm all over my fingers and tongue. It was incredible! After she finished her climax Janice pulled me up to her and I laid on top of her as we kissed deeply. She was sweating and breathing heavily. Janice rolled me over onto my back and, smiled and said, "My turn Ruth." She kissed her way down my neck and chest to my breasts, stopping to kiss, suck and tease my nipples. She kissed her way down my stomach and past my hips to my awaiting pussy. She positioned herself between my legs and slowly started kissing my inner thighs. Finally, her mouth hit my pussy. I let out a small scream. OMG, I was so waiting for this. I felt her tongue swirl around my clit and slide in-between my lips. She slid her tongue as deep and as far into me as she could. She was incredible for a first time lesbian. I arched my back as she licked up and down my soaking wet pussy. I laid back and just enjoyed every minute of Janice licking me. Her tongue did things and hit the right spots OMG she's amazing! I felt her slide a finger deep inside me and twirl it around, then a second, sending shivers up my spine. Janice was working my clit with the tip of her tongue as her fingers slid in and out of me deeply. I was going to cum and cum quickly. "You're going to make me cum I cried out!" She looked up at me smiled and her mouth returned to my clit and I heard the loud sucking sounds she was making as her fingers kept pounding in and out of me. I was grabbing both my breasts, cupping and manipulating them. My mouth wide open in ecstasy, looking down watching Janice's face in-between my legs. It wasn't long until I came all over her face. My hips lifted up and my screams were loud and squeaky as I came on her fingers and tongue. Janice slowly kept sliding her fingers in and out of me as I was finishing my orgasm and coming back down from this orgasmic high. She withdrew her fingers and kissed her way back up to my face and put her fingers in my mouth, allowing me to lick my pussy juice off of her fingers. She kissed me deeply as we shared the taste of each other. My heart was racing and I was gasping for air. I had cum hard with men and women before but never like this. Janice and I laid in each other's arms, sweaty, still wet and spent from our orgasm and overdue anticipation, softly kissing and touching, but our afternoon wasn't over. Janice and I laid cuddle together for a while naked, softly petting and caressing each other. There wasn't much talk but a million things were going through my mind. I could feel her warm hand rubbing up and down my body as I was rubbing hers. Janice and I looked into each others face and softly went back to a deep passionate kiss. Before long the soft warm kiss had become deep, passionate and excited. I was getting tuned on again and so was she. Janice left my arms and kissed her way back down to my pussy. She pushed my legs up to my chest and with great force and confidence made one big long lick from my asshole to my clit. This sent shivers up my spine. Janice's face dove right back into my open pussy with her tongue, I was already moaning loudly. Her saliva getting me wetter than before. I rolled on to my stomach and her kisses went to my buttocks and then down between my legs again kissing my clit. She stopped licking me rolled me on to my back and swung around. Her leg swung over my body and before I knew it, she edged back and put her pussy right over my face. The view was erotic. She learnt forward and her head dipped down and she started swirling her tongue on my clit, as I pulled her pussy down to my mouth and began sucking on her. We were in a 69 and I loved it. I couldn't contain my desires, especially as Janice was licking my pussy and I hers working on round two. I let my tongue just swirl around every inch of her hot wet pussy. It wasn't long until we both inserted our fingers back in each other's pussies and were licking and sucking each other to another orgasm. I was in pure heaven. I could feel her pussy juice running down my chin and neck, I was tasting her, all while she was face deep in my pussy making me soaking wet. It wasn't long until we both orgasmed again. Her first, then me moments later. After she came, I just sat staring at her wet sexy pussy, just tasting her cum on my lips. I was in awe. Janice climbed off of me and laid her head down on my chest. I had fucked a few women but Janice was the best. "Thank you Ruth, she whispered, I never knew it could be like that." We talked and cuddled a bit more, we made plans for the next day, we were both going to phone in sick to work and have a full day of lovemaking I had completely forgotten about Wayne I was thinking about Janice and I had some sex toys I wanted her to try. |
Part I Jackie shut the bedroom door behind her and dropped the laundry basket abruptly, her hands flying to her mouth in shock, a load of her husband's clean underwear tumbling to the floor around her feet. She couldn't believe what she just saw as she was walking down the hall, yet she was sure she saw it clear as day - her teenage stepson Brett was in his bedroom totally jacking his dick to a family vacation photo of her in a bikini on the beach! She recognized herself instantly when she saw the picture on his computer screen. His back was to her while he pumped his arm up and down, the pixels on his screen shaping an image of her taut belly and thighs, her dirty blonde hair falling over full ripe breasts covered to what she thought was a modest enough degree in the green bikini she wore during their last family beach trip… Shit, she didn't know what to do! Her heart pounded manically in her chest. While her husband was still at work it was just her and Brett in the house together, alone. She knew down the hall her stepson was touching himself thinking of her, staring at her bikini photo!! Her heart began to slow its beat, her initial shock and revulsion gradually becoming curiosity -- and then she cocked an eyebrow and started to feel a little glimmer of pride for herself knowing she could still turn on young men! She knew surely he had his choice of porn, and felt flattered he chose her over any random internet bimbo! Brett had always just seemed like an awkward young boy to her -- but she realized he had begun growing into an awkward young man, almost overnight! Jackie sat on the edge of her bed, contemplating what was happening down the hall. Was her stepson still jacking his dick thinking of her? Had he finished by now? Was he jacking off to her regularly or was this some kind of one-off thing? She glanced at herself in the mirror across the room, her ample breasts still quivering a little under her wrap dress from her erratic breaths. A slow smile started to creep over her face. She still got it. After all these years, a second marriage, a kid of her own who was grown and out of the nest -- she could still turn the young men on! Her hands cupped her breasts and squeezed, examining the volume of them almost scientifically. They were still perky enough that she felt confident in her bikini. Her eyes fell down to her thighs parted under her wrap dress... Knowing she'd been keeping her bikini zone waxed bald that summer for that little green swimsuit. She shuddered, feeling a moistening between those bald pussy lips. An image of her stepson's rippled bicep flashed in her mind, grasping his cock meat, his hand sliding steadily, deliberately, up and down his shaft while he stared at her body in the photo. Ultimately the feelings of flattered curiosity began winning out over any embarrassment or fear. Her heart was pounding now from arousal instead of shock! Jackie laid back on the bed and spread her legs, her hands reaching between her thighs to dip inside her lacy black panties. She felt her juices, her pussy feeling as slippery as silk. Her lips parted, a soft moan coming from them. It felt as if her skin was electrified with sensation at her own touch. Her fingers began circling around her clit, making more juices flow and her heartbeat quicken. Her mental image flashed back to her stepson, his muscular back flexing while gripping his steel shaft. She moaned a little louder as her fingers dipped deeper inside her pussy hole, delving further in and out of that velvety softness. Her other hand reached into her dress, pulling her tits free so she could stroke and squeeze her nipples to hardness. Down the hall, was he still jacking his dick to her? She shuddered at the thought. Her fingers plunged rapidly in and out, in and out of her moist hole, her thumb hitting her clit just right in the process. Her toes curled and she groaned, her orgasm exploding and then rippling through her, limb by limb. She lay on the bed gasping until her breathing slowed, her legs quivering, feeling like a puddle of flesh. Pussy juices leaked down the crack of her ass while her bewildered mind kept spinning. When her husband got home she fucked him so hard that night... But the whole time she was thinking of her stepson Brett! Part II Since that night she caught him masturbating to her picture, things between Jackie and Brett seemed a little weird but not exactly uncomfortable. She splashed him with some dishwater playfully one night and made him laugh. He played a song for her he thought she would like and despite the awkwardness she did find it very sweet. Days turned to weeks and the playfulness definitely became more touchy, more flirty, more smiley... She was getting more bold and she knew it. Her husband Matt was just happy his wife was getting along so well with his awkward teen son! In the past Brett had tried to get involved with some girls his own age but found each to be too immature for him. It was really his stepmother's beautiful hourglass shape and warm, loving smile that he always kept coming back to... At first introduction he was skeptical of her, but found himself quickly becoming enamored instead. On Jackie's end she resolved that if she ever saw such a thing again she would take action... Action of some kind, but what action that may be depended on her mood at any given moment. Sometimes she told herself she would tell Matt if it happened again... But many other times, more times than she'd ever admit, she found herself fantasizing about her stepson and what she *could* do with him -- as long as nobody found out nobody could get hurt, right? She masturbated often while thinking about him, while he was right down the hall... Brett was certainly growing into a strong young man, with rippled muscles now from being on the school wrestling team. He was shy and awkward but also smart and athletic. So often her mind flashed back to those biceps bulging and back muscles flexing when she caught him jacking his cock. The memory would catch her at any given moment throughout her day and make her shiver. It seemed like forever but finally, one evening she caught him doing it again. She was softly walking down the hallway when she peeked beyond the cracked door. His body was lit up by the glow of the computer screen, his back muscles moving rhythmically under his thin t-shirt, arm raising up and down in his lap. Her breath left her body and she silently backed up against the wall next to his bedroom doorway. She had mentally prepared for this a million times... Now the time had really come! She peeked into the room again and it was another green bikini pic from that same trip -- this one where she had an undeniably huge camel toe coming out of the waves! In the silence of the room she could hear his soft panting breaths and the slapping sounds of skin as he jerked his cock. She turned away and flattened against the wall again, face flushing crimson. With embarrassment, arousal... She was not totally sure what, actually. Steadying herself, she closed her eyes, her heart pounding in her breathless chest. When she opened them she let out a small shriek to see Brett standing there in front of her in the hallway! Jackie swallowed and her eyes couldn't help but travel down at the obvious bulge tucked away in his grey sweatpants! Her mouth hung open while she stared wide-eyed, unable to speak. It was as if time was frozen in place. He reached his hand out and pressed it flat against the wall next to her, and stepped closer, positioning himself inches away from her. Leaning in towards her, she saw his forearm muscles ripple, could smell his body wash or cologne...The bulge was inches from her body! "Is everything okay, Jackie?" he said after what seemed like an eternity. His eyes locked to hers, displaying a look of outward concern, but beneath it she could see something more, something deeper, something intense. Brett had fantasized about this moment too. Now that it was happening he was determined to see how far he could take the opportunity. He leaned in closer to her, his hips angled toward her, forcing her to take in the bulge coming from his sweatpants. Jackie looked up at him, his young face, becoming more chiseled and manly these days, accented with a trace of dark stubble on the jawline...Then she looked down and gulped, eyes glued to his package. She let out another gasp as he then grabbed her hand and placed it onto his bulging erection. Her eyes popped -- it felt so hard! “You like what you feel?" He spoke quietly, yet with smoldering intensity, staring into her eyes as he held her hand firmly to his crotch. "I can take it out for you..." Her skin erupted in goosebumps, a dark arousal igniting deep inside her, jaw dropping even further than she thought possible. Brett then released her hand from his crotch and she let out a small cry as he suddenly leaned his body forward, effectively pinning her back against the wall. Now his erection pressed firmly into her pubic mound above her little cotton nightgown! He took both her wrists in his, pinning her hands up against the wall by her head. Her chest heaved against him with excited breaths and she stared back at him, waiting to see what he would do next -- to his delight she wasn't resisting him at all! He looked down at her in a heated gaze, a couple decades younger than her but almost a foot taller than her already, forcing her to appreciate how much of a man he'd become. In the next instant his lips were hungrily on hers and she found herself kissing him back passionately. His hands left her wrists to grab fistfuls of her blonde hair while his tongue wrestled hers. Jackie moaned as he broke the kiss to move down to her neck and collarbone. Then his hands were eagerly freeing her breasts from her bra and nightgown! She finally closed her eyes, they'd been so wide open in shock this whole time, losing herself to the feeling of his tongue twirling around each nipple. He took an almost maddengly luxuriant amount of time on each one, growing them into diamond-hard nubs in his mouth. Brett savored each little pink nipple -- he'd been fantasizing so long about what they looked like that he had to admire them now that he had them in his mouth. They were smaller than he expected, pinker, very sensitive, on beautifully pert tits that quivered in his hands. Jackie opened her eyes and locked them on his as he stared up at her while sucking her tits. A small moan fell from her lips. His hands went to her hips, cradled her ass, then felt down her thighs, then crept back up under her nightgown. Suddenly he was bending to his knees before her, still flicking a nipple with his tongue but his hands moving further along the inside of her thighs now... She was nearly panting, feeling his fingers delicately stroking her sex through the fabric! A finger dipped inside to caress her pussy slit and she moaned aloud. His eyes locked to hers as he pulled out and then tasted his fingers. Her mouth dropped open -- when did her stepson get so fucking hot? In an instant he pushed her dress up and pulled the panties down and his face was in her crotch! She cried out, her head falling back against the wall, letting her eyes shut, instinctively opening her legs wide to give him access. This was something he fantasized about too -- he was amazed by the beautiful bald pussy mound in front of him, it was totally unexpected. He lapped up and down her slit, lathering her pussy flesh intently with his tongue until slurping sounds lewdly filled the hallway. He'd never done this before but had seen plenty of porn movies giving him a good idea of what to do -- based on her moans it seemed he was doing it right! She more than moaned, she clawed his hair in her hand, putting a foot against the wall behind her for support, losing herself to his mouth. He had no idea she would be so receptive. It felt at any moment his cock was going to explode in his pants, it had been oozing pre-cum for quite awhile now. He had to see how receptive she really was... How far he could take this encounter... He got to his feet, tugging his sweatpants down to free his raging erection in the process. Jackie's eyes widened again, glued to it. "See how hard it is for you, Jackie?" Then his mouth was on hers again, kissing her passionately. She could taste her pussy juice on his tongue, salty and tangy. He pinned her back against the wall again, this time her hands freely explored his muscles, from his strong biceps to his shoulders and back to his ass… He stopped for a moment to lock eyes with her, his cock straining to unload, pushing centimeters from the inside of her thighs now. She wiggled against him but didn't resist him. His mouth found hers again and nearly simultaneously she felt the head of his cock start to part her pussy lips. There could be no turning back now. She found herself rearing her hips back at him, encouraging his prick meat to delve further! This time he moaned, feeling her exquisite cunt walls begin to envelop his raging muscle and all its bulging veins. He had never been so hard in all his life. The two other girls he fucked previously were nowhere near as hot as his stepmother! Since she was barely 5ft and 100lbs he was easily able to lift her and impale her on his cock up against the wall in the hallway. She closed her eyes and screamed out as she felt her stepson's virile cock pound into her hard until he was balls deep. Her legs wrapped around him, encouraging him to fill her deeply with his hard thrusts. Her hands clawed his back, down to his ass, grabbing his ass cheeks while he pounded her. He kissed her neck, trying not to bite hard to leave marks for his dad to find. His thrusts penetrated her hard and deep, his 8" length filling her fully with an almost punishing rhythm. To her surprise an orgasm was building inside her, her body so aroused from his oral attentions. He slammed into her manically as she clutched him to her hard, losing herself in climax, becoming a quaking mess of flesh in her teenage stepson's arms. He couldn't tell she orgasmed but knew his own wasn't going to last much longer at their frenetic pace. With one final hard slam he bucked his hips into her, cock as deep as it could go, and then he stilled. She gasped and opened her eyes, locking them with his, feeling his cock throb and unload jets of cum inside her while smashing her back against the wall. A final moan fell from her lips. He kissed her neck and she shuddered, feeling his cock start slipping from her oozing hole. Part III The next evening Brett left his bedroom door open wider. He kept his shirt off so the contours of his bare chest and back muscles could glisten in the soft light of the computer. He pulled up the folder of vacation family photos saved on his computer and chose one of his favorites, of Jackie laying on the beach grinning, hair wet after a swim, nipples obviously hard through her wet bikini fabric. His erection began stirring immediately. Jackie finished her glass of wine and put down the lighthearted romance novel she was reading, glancing down the hall. She could see Brett's door ajar and a cascade of soft light coming from it. Rising to her feet, she felt her heartbeat flutter thinking about yesterday -- about his cock erupting inside of her womb, throbbing, flooding her with seed. As if in a trance she smoothed her dress and then sauntered to the teen's room. Peeking in, first she saw his bare back to her while he sat in his chair facing the computer. The screen showed her in the green bikini laid out on the beach blanket, grinning free and happy. She smiled at the sight of his perfect skin marred by faint red scratches from her fingernails yesterday. His back muscles were moving in a slow rhythm. Her eyes moved from his back to take in his bicep muscles also rippling in tandem, and her heart skipped a beat again knowing his cock was in his hand. A shiver ran down her back straight to her pussy. Brett jacked his dick slowly, methodically, looking at the bikini picture but mentally fucking her up against the wall in the hallway again. He stroked his prick to its full 8" until he felt her presence shadowing the bedroom door behind him. But when he turned she wasn't standing there. Brett got to his feet, erection still hanging out of his boxer shorts and now bobbing up and down as he walked to the doorway. There she was again, up against the wall next to his door, this time smiling devilishly at him instead of staring in shock. She always wore dresses, this one was a little black kimono looking thing with a sash around the middle. He instinctively wanted to pull the ribbon to release it from her waist. And after staring back expectantly at her for a few moments he did just that. The sash loosened the silky dress from her body and in an instant his hands were inside of it, feeling her warm, smooth skin and the lace of her bra. His mouth found hers at the same moment and she breathlessly received his tongue, arching her back against the wall, feeling his fingers trail from her belly down to the lace of her panties. His fingers slipped inside and began penetrating her gently. "You're so wet, Jackie… you must like what you see," he whispered with a grin, pulling his fingers out and licking them clean like he did yesterday. She grabbed him again in a passionate kiss, tasting herself on his tongue. His fingers went back inside her panties, teasing her slit. She moaned into his mouth and grinded her hips at him, forcing his finger to part her slit further. He softly chuckled, his lips still against hers, never imagining his fantasies could come so true. She broke the kiss. "What's funny?" she said, almost looking hurt. "Nothing, really, I was just thinking how this is better than anything I've ever fantasized... I had no idea it could ever be like this," he said shyly, looking down. She raised her eyebrows, grabbed him and resumed kissing him, letting the dress fall off her shoulders to reveal matching black bra and panties of lace. He kissed from her throat down to her breasts, freeing them from her bra so he could lick her little pink nipples again, then kept trailing kisses down her firm belly. He locked eyes with her in a heated gaze, staring up at her from his knees, and planted a kiss on her pubic mound through the panties. Then he continued to her thighs, kissing them delicately, then to her knees, then he picked up a foot and kissed her shiny red toes. Jackie shivered. He was so attentive! She sank to the floor with him and he gently laid her down atop the silky dress that had preceded them down to the hallway carpet. She undid her bra and tossed it down the hall, then peeled her panties off slowly while staring at him, licking her lips. This time her legs fell open willingly, inviting his face in between them. The sight of her splayed out naked in front of him was all-around incredible, but he couldn't help but laser-focus on that pink and puffy mound, engorged from her arousal, perfectly hairless, a hit of moisture glistening from her slit. It was there for him, being offered up as if a platter of the most forbidden fruit. He swallowed hard, trying not to lose his load. Jackie watched him, laying spread-eagle atop the silky black fabric. She began slowly caressing her breasts, taking them in her hands, rubbing and squeezing, fingers grazing her hard little nipples. Brett fought hard to control himself. Staring back at her he moved himself between her legs, bending down to kiss her belly, then he closed his eyes as he breathed in the intoxicating musky scent of her sex. She was so hot and ready for him. He caught himself wondering if this was some kind of amazing wet dream! His lips found her pussy, gently at first, exploring every centimeter of her, prolonging the pleasure. He never wanted this moment to end! Gently his tongue parted her lips and delved deeper into her sex until his nose rubbed against her mound. Jackie squirmed beneath him, pulling on her nipples while he lapped her up, sometimes tapping and rubbing around her clit with his fingers, sometimes dipping them inside her. All the while he stared up into her eyes, holding a heated gaze with his mouth on her cunt. She humped back at his face, forcing his tongue deeper in and around and all over her... Her cunt meat was glistening with her juices and his saliva. "I want you to fuck me, Brett," she moaned. He had to stop and ask her to say it again to make sure he heard it and wasn't just dreaming it up in his head. "What did you say, Jackie?" "I said I want you to fuck me, Brett!" she exclaimed. "You are so fucking hot, Jackie..." he said through clenched teeth, now taking the base of his rock hard cock in hand. He gave her mound a final kiss before working his way up to her belly button, making her squirm as he kissed it, and then he continued north to begin licking and gently biting her nipples. Her hands clawed his back, her eyes closed in ecstasy, her legs wrapping around him. She realized his boxer shorts disappeared at some point and now his hard cock stabbed into her hip, ready to plunge inside her, inches from her sex! His lips found hers again and she kissed him back greedily, grinding her pussy towards his erection. Her lithe body felt so small under him, so petite.. It made him feel even more manly and strong -- it was just so easy to possess her, to wrap her up completely in his arms. Then he felt her push her pussy against his shaft, her hot wetness rubbing against him. He hoped he wouldn't explode the minute he entered her. He closed his eyes because the sight of her was so fucking sexy coupled with the feeling of her body under his that he almost couldn't handle it. The fact that she was so ready, so willing, so eager -- she wanted him! An involuntary shiver rippled down his spine, forcing his cock harder against her. She arched her back and forced her hips up at him, encouraging the steel hard prick to split her open. Her eyes shut now too, mouth open with soft moans falling out. He gasped and thrust into her almost instinctively, almost animalistically, and began moving his hips in a firm, steady rhythm, fucking her hard against the floor. She cried out beneath him and was soon moaning, panting, screaming, clawing wildly at his back. Her tits bounced wildly. Brett opened his eyes, raised himself up and grabbed her ankles, forcing her thighs to split open even wider. "Take it, take it all Jackie," he said between gritted teeth. "Oh fuck, oh, fuck, yeah Brett, fuck me!" she cried out. He maintained his steady rhythm, hammering her little pussy with his cock. "I'm gonna fucking cum, don't stop..." she moaned out. He kept his rhythm hard and steady, feeling her body tense up under him. Her fingernails clawed into his ass but he barely noticed. The sensations of her pussy walls squeezing around his cock with her orgasm made him shudder and he knew he couldn't hold back much longer. He continued thrusting into her deeply, as deep as he could until his balls smashed against her, her ankles in his hands and her legs splayed open wide so he could see her bald mound beneath him stuffed and swollen and split open with his meat. Then it was his turn to moan loudly, feeling his prick pulse and finally unload deep in her womb. Jackie gasped, feeling the hot jets of semen flood her hole. She shuddered at the feeling of insemination -- she loved being full of cum! He kept his cock inside her, becoming still for a moment after releasing his load, until she started grinding at him again. Before he lost his erection he continued thrusting back at her and she grabbed him hard to keep him inside her, her legs squeezing him tightly. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming again!" she screamed. He gave her all he could, feeling her wet pussy spasming around his cock until she stilled and he finally slipped out of her, bringing along rivulets of bright white cum that splattered all over the black dress under them. He kissed her and helped her up, and she quickly grabbed the cum-covered dress to throw in the wash before Matt found it! Part IV On the third night when Brett heard a noise in the hallway this time she was standing there in the green bikini, staring up at him expectantly. His jaw dropped and then before he knew it he really did cream in his sweatpants. Shit -- he hoped she wouldn't notice! She must've put on the swimsuit and then stepped into the shower to get it and her blonde hair all wet. The green bikini bottoms were hiked up high to show off the cleft of her pubic mound through the fabric. The bikini top stuck to her hard nipples, accentuating them clearly. Little beads of water still clung to her toned abdomen. Matt stood frozen as if in a dream. "Maybe you should invite me into your room?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry, where are my manners," he shook his head, playing along. "Jackie, would you like to come... in?" She grinned and suddenly she was breezing by him and into his room. He realized she was holding the beach blanket they took on the family vacation. She spread it out on his bed with a flourish and laid down on it, still smiling up at him. He stood watching as if in a daze, staring and smiling back. "You seemed to really like my green swimsuit," she said. "I figured I would wear it for you!" His eyes widened -- this was like winning the lottery, like getting first pick at the college of his choice, like a dream come true! He grabbed his own bathing suit from a drawer and quickly ducked into his bathroom to kick off the cum-filled sweatpants and slip on his swimsuit to join in whatever wet fun she had in mind! When he came out she was modeling her bikini for him on the bed, throwing her hair around, grabbing her tits and bouncing them, stroking nipples through the fabric, flipping from her back to her belly to kick her legs playfully and smack her asscheeks. He grinned and got on the bed next to her and took her hair in his hand so he could hold it out of the way to kiss her neck. She shivered. His hand went to her ass, feeling a cheek fill the palm of his hand. Then her face was in his hands and he was kissing her intensely on his bed. She rolled on top of him, straddling him, and continued to squeeze her tits and show off in the bikini. He didn't think she could possibly be any sexier, his erection growing to full mast again already. Her hands went from her tits to his shorts, reaching inside to first tease and then free his steel hard prick. The feeling of her small hands around his shaft was like no other -- he had to contain his breath to make sure he didn't explode again yet. He watched as her manicured red fingernails gently teased up and down his length, tracing the bulging veins, tickling around the rim of his cockhead -- then stroking to the base and back to the tip and down again with a slight twist. He groaned, clutching the blanket underneath him. Then her tongue was all over his balls and then licking up and down his engorged cock meat. He gasped, his heart skipping numerous beats, so glad he blew a load already because he definitely would've lost it by now if he hadn't. His cock could get no harder, it was an impressive shade of purple he never even saw before. She slapped it against her tongue and smiled, releasing it and straddling him again. He tried to catch his breath but couldn't before she was kissing him again, now grinding her cunt against his raging prick. She pulled her bikini bottom to the side a little to reveal that bald mound and then he watched in amazement as she sank herself down onto his cock, burying it inside her pussy while keeping the bikini on! In no time Jackie was riding his cock enthusiastically, bouncing up and down on it making his little twin bed squeak loudly. He pulled her tits free from her top and squeezed them while she rode his cock with all her might. They both moaned together loudly. Something about his perfect cock really hit her in all the right places! She screamed out that she was climaxing, head thrown back while riding him wildly, slamming his cock into her womb. Since he spilled his load earlier his magnificent cock persisted -- he was really getting impressed with himself! As her orgasm subsided she bent down and kissed him with his prick still buried deep in her. He grabbed her and rolled on top and started fucking her hard while splaying her legs out wide, watching his cock slide in and out around the green bikini bottom! Her tits bounced with each thrust. Suddenly he realized they made it to the very edge of the bed and the blanket began sliding off with them on it! They both yelped but he managed to keep his hard cock inside her pussy while they tumbled to the floor. He kept fucking her hard for a moment while they laughed. Then he pulled out and helped her get up. She got back onto his bed on her hands and knees this time and waved her ass at him, peeking over her shoulder invitingly. Brett got behind her and took her hips in his hands, pushing the swimsuit bottom aside and in an instant was back inside her, hammering her pussy from behind. Jackie moaned loudly, feeling him slam into her. The bed started creaking noisily. She started screaming into his pillow, feeling a massive orgasm erupt from the tips of her toes to her pussy like an earthquake. Her knees started going weak under her but Brett didn't slow down. He held onto her hard, feeling his own orgasm building, his cock desperate to unload in her! Finally he bucked his hips into her one last time as deep as he could and moaned out her name, his prick pulsing inside her. Jackie felt the spurts of semen wash over her and moaned with him. It was probably his most intense climax ever. When he pulled out he left her bikini bottom full of cream, this load of cum had to be the biggest yet! She finally stripped off the little green swimsuit. "I'm going to do some laundry before your dad gets home." "Here, can you wash these too?" he said, grabbing his sweatpants from earlier. She smiled, noticing a copious load of dried cum all over the inside of them. "Sure will, honey," she said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I need to talk to your dad about getting you a bigger bed," she said, winking. Part V Brett was obsessed with his stepmother, everything from her beautiful tits to her waxed pussy (that she let him fill with cream) to her easy and natural white smile to the sweet little moans she made when he pleasured her. Jackie hadn't been getting fucked this good in years. Not to say she had any complaints with her husband, she just had no idea things could be so... intense! She was often still ready and willing for Matt, too, when he got home from work. Matt was pleasantly surprised to see his wife so frequently wet and horny in bed for him when he got home -- he had no idea she was so wet due to a fresh load of his teenage son's cum inside her pussy! It certainly took Brett by surprise when his dad took him aside to have "The Talk" with him. "Son, I'm not sure how best to say this so I'm just going to come out and say it... I noticed some scratches on your back when we went swimming the other day... I just wanted to say if you have a new girlfriend, or whatever, I just hope you are being safe and using protection." "Dad!" Brett rolled his eyes, reacting with exaggerated embarrassment to get his dad to drop the subject. "Look if it's from something else I should also say don't be so damn clumsy, or if it's from some exciting new sport let me know and I will come watch and cheer you on!" Brett forced himself to laugh and got up to walk away. His dad shook his head, mildly impressed by whatever - or whoever - his son was getting into! He was becoming a young man after all. Brett wondered what Jackie was doing for birth control now that his dad mentioned it. But ultimately he trusted her, it was her body, she knew what to do. In the meantime he would take every opportunity possible to sperm inside of her! It was all he looked forward to doing from the moment he got home from school until his dad got home from work. Brett even told Matt that Jackie was taking him out of town to a weekend wrestling event. Matt was delighted Jackie was stepping up to help out and devote herself to their family. In reality she and Brett got a motel room and fucked for 36 hours straight. Jackie had picked the sleaziest motel she could find in another city a few hours away. When she checked in she brought Brett along as her hot young boyfriend instead of as her stepson. She made sure to pack her sexiest lingerie to model for him. There was no wrestling event whatsoever. She began unbuttoning her long black peacoat and he dropped the suitcase to the floor when she opened the coat to show an extremely low cut satin bra with matching satin panties and a garter belt that led to her sheer black stockings. She kept her black high heels on. The coat found its way to the floor and Brett got to his knees on the floor with it to worship that beautiful pussy in front of him. She always had on a matching set of bra and panties. On closer inspection inches from her crotch he could see a tiny crystal hanging from a black satin ribbon in the middle of the panties that matched a crystal hanging from the middle of the bra. He kissed the inside of her thighs and then had to dive in and taste her pussy with his mouth. She closed her eyes, struggling to maintain balance in the heels while he began to eat her out as she stood, the panties around her knees and then her ankles. One of the things she loved most about him was he almost always went down on her first -- it made it easier for her to climax when the time for actual penetration came. She pulled him to his feet and threw him down on the bed, then crawled on top of him facing away from him to undo his jeans. His heart pounded, her bald pussy inches above his face, and he realized she was about to give him his first sixty-nine experience. Eager as always, he lapped up the cunt meat in his face. She moaned from his oral attentions, bringing his erection free from his jeans so she could return the favor. He groaned into her pussy when he felt her small mouth close around the head of his cock. Then she took his length into her throat while gently rubbing his balls. He continued eating her cunt enthusiastically, moaning louder, trying to hold back his load from her mouth. Jackie was impressed with that rigid purple shaft, so engorged, veins popping all over it, pre-cum oozing from the tip. She crawled down his body so she could mount herself on his cock facing away from him and his first sixty-nine turned into his first reverse cowgirl just like that. He undid her bra while she sank down onto his pole and made herself comfortable rubbing her clit. In seconds the bra ended up on the floor with the panties and coat. He held onto her hips firmly while she rode his cock, now only wearing the garter belt, pantyhose, and heels. From this position she was able to rub her clit to a powerful orgasm, her petite body tensing on his, throwing her head back until her whole body collapsed on his. He kept fucking her, steadily but slowly, knowing he was about to unload himself inside her womb. She gasped atop him, a hot melted puddle of flesh again, and let him keep fucking her limp body until he groaned and she could feel that familiar delicious throb. Spurts of cum jetted into her hole and then because of their angle and her juicy pussy he slid out, bringing a copious river of cum out with him. Jackie grinned, laying on top of him, legs splayed out, cunt full of cum, cum oozing all over his balls now and to the bed. They lay together, catching their breath, until he started fondling her tits again and another erection began to stir. Later, after a few more orgasms and some glasses of wine, she sat at the small table in their hotel room and he asked what she was thinking. "Oh... I was just thinking about you fucking my ass..." she said. Brett almost spit out his wine. He definitely never fucked anyone in the ass before! He never even really considered it... But hey, if that's what Jackie wanted he would certainly give it to her! He had brought some weed with him for the trip and now he grabbed it, suddenly feeling like he needed it to relax a little more. As he smoked his joint she got on the bed and pulled out a dildo she'd brought with her, a big flesh colored one with veins and balls to make it look realistic. She got on her hands and knees to straddle it, with her ass facing him so he could watch her sink down onto it while he smoked his joint. Then she grinded up and down on the dildo while glancing over her shoulder at him. He could hear her slick pussy juices swallowing it up, the toy sliding in and out of her wet hole. She teased just the head of the dildo into her pussy and looked back at him. His cock twinged. "Go ahead, use that lube on the dresser to lube yourself up..." she said, gesturing to the bottle she'd set out. Brett took his raging prick in one hand, using the other to take a few last puffs from the joint. Then he picked up the bottle and squeezed some lube into his hand, then transferred it slowly to his steel hard cock. His eyes were transfixed on Jackie -- it was so hot watching her play with the toy! He got behind her on the bed, base of his cock in hand. Her tiny puckered asshole presented before him like a treasured jewel. There was no possible way he would fit inside that! "Fuck my ass, Brett, I want you to...I've wanted it for awhile now," she said, wiggling her hips at him. "See if you can fit that big cock inside my ass, baby!" He pressed his cockhead against the little puckered entrance, feeling resistance immediately. There was no way this could work. She groaned, steadying herself, rising almost off the toy but keeping the head of it inside her. The cockhead pushed ever so slightly into the pucker, daring it to swallow him up. He thrust a little deeper, testing the resistance, feeling her hole start opening around his big purple mushroom cockhead. The feeling of her ass splitting open made Jackie shriek, then she muffled herself into a pillow, keeping herself still with her ass in the air to let him get inside. Her cries increased -- Brett started to withdraw but she shook her head and encouraged him to keep going. His balls swinging wildly, he gripped the base of his shaft and directed his prick further inside her with another thrust. Jackie screamed into the pillow, trying to will herself to relax. Matt never fucked her ass -- it had been many lovers ago since she last had a big dick up there! Brett groaned at the tightness around him. How could he not be hurting her? She seemed to want it though, so he pushed deeper, now impaling half of his cock inside her. She was crying out wildly beneath him, the toy starting to sink further into her cunt as he simultaneously sunk further into her bowels. She loved feeling this full! He couldn't hold back anymore -- the intense constriction of her ass sucked the cum right out of him! He held her hips hard and groaned loudly. Jackie felt him dumping his cum into her ass. He'd only made it halfway inside. Brett pulled out and laid down next to her to catch his breath. Jackie settled onto the dildo, feeling her ass swimming with cum now. She gyrated against it and moaned. She loved being full of cum in any hole! Brett smiled, feeling his cock twitch. He knew he just needed a couple minutes to catch his breath and would be ready to go again in no time. Jackie rode the toy hard, bucking it animalistically, her climax starting to creep up. The cum still stayed sealed up inside her tight asshole. Brett gritted his teeth and got behind her again, his 8" cock ready to go again after a few minutes watching her play with herself. Jackie screamed as she felt it press against her asshole again. This time it met with less resistance. He began to thrust inside her, the toy still buried in her pussy. Jackie moaned loudly, feeling the big cock sink inside her little shitter. First the big purple head of his dick was swallowed up, then he groaned while forcing more inches inside her, filling her with veins and bulging steel. His dick began to squelch around the cum that was already inside her asshole. He continued pumping faster, harder, splitting her chute to fit his whole prick inside. "Fuck, Jackie, you are so fuckin' hot," he said, and slapped her ass cheek hard. Jackie cried out into the pillow, feeling overloaded with the toy inside her pussy and her stepson's cock deep in her cum-filled ass! She could feel her orgasm continuing to build and surrendered herself, lost to her sensory overload. Brett's fingers dug into her hips to maintain his steady pace, balls slapping against her skin. "Fuck yeah, baby, I'm gonna cum, keep fucking me, oh my God, your fucking cock...yes, oh yes, fuck me, fuck my ass, oh my God, yes!! " Jackie cried out. Anyone in the surrounding rooms would have to hear them at this point, they were so loud. Brett didn't care about the neighbors; he fucked her wildly through her orgasm. Now his cock felt snug and glued inside her tight ass, like a perfect fit! His previous load of cum lubricated her hole nicely. Manic squelching noises filled the room. Brett was lasting way longer than Jackie expected -- her ass was taking a beating! Finally he went still behind her and cried out loudly and she knew he was dumping his load deep inside her bowels. She screamed as his cock pulled from her guts with a lewd sucking sound. His cum was so deep inside her she knew it would be awhile before it leaked out! Jackie grabbed her bag of toys and pulled out a butt plug. Brett watched as she reached behind and shoved it inside her ass, plugging up his cum inside her! "Maybe you can add to the load later..." she said with a wink. "Jackie, you hot fuckin' cum slut..." Brett replied. She giggled. The rest of the weekend was a continued frenzy of skin, cum, and fun, culminating in Jackie getting a sunrise fuck on the balcony from behind on the day they checked out. When Brett came inside her he yanked her robe down to bite her shoulder, exposing her bare tits to the city below them. She squealed. He quickly put his hands on her breasts to cover them. "It's okay, I got you," he said into her ear while pounding her from behind. Sunlight flooded their faces and he unloaded yet another deposit of semen directly into her womb that dripped out onto the balcony floor in obscene globs after he pulled out. Epilogue It had been such a great long weekend! But Jackie had recently been taking her birth control pills a little haphazardly… and she had been enjoying numerous inseminations, letting both her husband and her stepson sperm inside her daily, sometimes multiple times a day for quite awhile now, no birth control could beat those odds! Unbeknownst to her she would be returning home to her husband pregnant with his son's baby. When they got home Matt was out with a note that he'd be back from golfing after lunchtime. Jackie couldn't get enough of her virile teen stepson. She figured why not go for one more while Matt was out! She grabbed Brett in the kitchen and began kissing him passionately, rubbing his cock through his jeans. She laid on her back on the kitchen table and he pulled his engorged meat from his jeans to fuck her juicy hole one more time on the family dinner table before his dad came home. He spermed inside her mere moments before they heard the car door shut. Pulling out of her, he smoothed his shirt and zipped up his pants. Jackie pulled up her panties, a large load of sticky cum filling them up. She grabbed two root beer bottles from the fridge and they sat down at the table to look nonchalant. Matt stowed his gear in the garage, giving them time to slow their breathing after their hard fucking. "Oh, honey," said Matt as he came into the house and saw his beloved wife sharing a root beer with his son. "I'm so glad you and Brett are getting along so well." "Oh, yes dear, he's grown into such a fine young man!" she said, with a wink in Brett's direction. "I love you two so much," Matt said, beaming. Jackie giggled, causing more cum to ooze from her hole into her panties and down her ass crack. "I really love you guys, too!" she said, smiling and clinking root beer bottles with Brett. What a happy family they'd become! |
Mom still told me nothing about her job or her career. I could not help but put the bits and pieces together to get some idea of what mom was actually doing. I believed she was first trained and then worked as an analyst of informations and other inputs from operatives in the field. Then she was promoted to actually having some direct control over some field operatives. During my last year in college we were again given a bigger apartment with three bedrooms. Obviously this had to be one of the perks of her recent promotion. Mom no longer kept regular office hours. During that huge protest movement against Beijing, in the so called "Umbrellas Revolution" in Hongkong, mom was popping in and out of the apartment at odd hours of the day and on odd days of the week. I had to keep her informed of where I was any time of the day and who I was in contact with. Now I understood why it would be such a hassle for mom to rely on someone other than I as her regular fucker. She certainly had the foresight to use me instead. To obtain a security clearance like the one that I have, other than her colleagues, any outsider would have to go through lots of hassle. And that would not be a choice conducive to her ambitions. Our sex life had some odd characteristics worth writing about. In all subsequent fuckings, I was always the one doing the "work". She seldom participated in significant ways. Also, she needed fucking at odd hours of the day. Each session always lasted less than half an hour. I had no use for all the knowlege I got from reading books on how to please a woman sexually. At least never had the need to use it on her. She actually hated pussy eating and such. Mom would avoid it if she could. Mostly mom was ready for fucking when she asked me for it. She was ready for straight forward fucking with the minimum foreplay. I soon realized that mom was using sex as other women would use yoga, a way to relieve tensions and stresses. That meant that she had me fucked her two or three times a week. In other words, mom more or less had exclusive rights to my cock. But then, it was not as if I need to fuck anyone else. That was to say fucking-wise, even for a young man like me, mom managed to keep me sexually satiated. Mom even got a masseuse to teach me enough massage techniques so that sometimes I could combine the two and gave her the massage and "happy endings" whenever she wanted it. I thought perhaps she should pay me a salary. She did not. But for my birthday, just before my matriculation at the university, I got to pick a new car for myself. That was not all. That night she brought me another present, a beautiful woman for me to fuck. In the months that followed mom would bring me more women saying that they were either rewards or compensations for the sacrifices I had to make for her career. They were invariably young and beautiful and were from different races. These events took place in my bedroom. Mom was always present, sitting either clothed or in the nude, on the sofa watching us. As mom did not participate significantly in the event, it was not a threesome in the way you would understand them. It did not take very long for it to dawn on me that these beautiful women were neither my rewards nor my compensations. In fact, they and I were being put through some kind of tests and training. My suspicion was confirmed when mom suggested I enrole myself in some language courses. I turned down the offer and told mom to stop sending me any more women. However, I continued to fulfill my commitments to mom, fucking her whenever she needed it. Perhaps like my Dad before me, just a little taste of her world was more than enough for me. I will describe here in details three cases of my experiences with these women. You make up your mind whether my suspicion was well founded or not. The first case involved Kathy, a small and delicate beauty of college age. 5 ft 2 ins. Right from the start, even though I was already rock hard, mom insisted that Kathy perform both the handjob and the head job on me. She was obviously amateurish. When I moved in for the penetration I had some problem. She was just too tight. After some stops and starts I finally got inside her and started a very slow, and for her rather painful, fucking. Within minutes she asked for time-out. Mom stepped in and called it a day. The star in the second case was Samantha, a robust woman, standing at 5 ft 8 ins, with big breasts and a big round ass. She took to the big cock fucking like fish to water. I took her doggy-style. Sometime during the fucking mom had taken off her clothes and was fingering herself. As soon as Samantha got her orgasm, mom replaced her on the side of the bed, bent over and offered her arse to me. This was one of the rare occasions when mom actually joined in the fun. Before pressing my cock into mom I told mom I was already near my orgasm. But she told me to keep going until she got her orgasm. If this was not a test of my fucking stamina, then what was. I fucked mom like crazy for another six minutes before I let myself go and delivered one hell of a load of cum. The third case involved anal fucking with one of her colleague. Mom was there giving instructions. She first told Olivia to constrict her sphincter. I could not even get a finger inside her. Then mom told her to relax her sphincter, and first my fingers and then my big cock went in without a hitch. In fact a big hole appeared where her anus was. During the fucking that followed Olivia constricted and relaxed her sphincter at will. I got the best anal fuck of my life. Obviously Olivia was the trainer and I was the trainee. |
Jimmy was still lying in bed on his back, his unmilked hard-on lifting the sheet high over his loins, when his mother walked into his room. The boy blushed and quickly jerked his knees up to hide the incriminating condition of his prick – but it had not escaped Diana's full attention. She walked over to the bed. Her son stared at her, unable to keep his eyes off her voluptuous body in her semi-transparent negligee, glancing furtively up and down between her swollen nipples and her bushy vee. She was smiling mysteriously, he noticed a sort of knowing leer. Jeez! Had she seen his cock rearing up? Was she gonna give him some stupid, lecture on the evils of self-abuse? But, if that were the case, why, was she smiling? He gaped at her in embarrassed confusion as she curled supplely on the side of his bed. She drew one knee under her, exposing her lush leg damned near to the groin, and as she leaned slightly forward, it seemed as if her heavy tits were about to spill from her bodice. She seemed to hesitate, as if seeking words. "Have you been playing with yourself, Jimmy, dear?" she asked him, still smiling. "Jeez! Naw, Mom!" he croaked. Diana took the edge of the sheet and lifted it up, peering under it at his loins. Despite the boy's shame, his willful prick refused to recede or diminish, standing in a long, thick tower above his bloated balls. Diana gazed at his groin for long moments, her silken eyelashes fluttering over the glowing azure orbs, her lips slightly parted, the tip of her tongue gliding across. Her nostrils flared gently as she breathed in the fevered fumes of his cock and balls. Then she looked up, giving the panicky young man a look of wry amusement. "What a lovely prick you have, darling – it's so big and hard," she purred. His eyes registered disbelief. "If you don't play with it, you should," she added. The boy couldn't believe that she had said that. It wasn't the sort of maternal advice one expected. "Gosh, Mom – I can't help it if it gets stiff," he croaked. "I don't play with it, though." Diana knew that had to be a lie. But it nicely suited her designs to pretend that she took it as the truth. "A potent young man should empty his balls off at least once a day, you know," she told him. "It's not healthy to walk around with a full set of balls." Jimmy could only gasp. She turned her head and gazed at his hard-on again. As if her look had a tactile, caressing property, his cock hammered savagely. "Well, Jimmy?" she said, huskily. "Will you promise Mommy you'll take the pressure off your lovely big prick with a handjob? Hummm? Will you beat your meat for Mommy?" Jimmy's Adam's apple was running up his throat like a monkey up a tree. His lips moved but only a squawking sound came out. His voicebox was taut – and, besides, the young man couldn't imagine what to say. She lifted her eyebrows teasingly. "What's wrong, darling? Aren't you in the mood? Aren't you horny enough to jack off?" she purred. The bemused youth nodded, then shook his head from side to side, sweating profusely, blushing more than ever. He wondered if so much blood might have gone into his hard-on that he had blacked out. Maybe this was only a wet dream. "Shall I make you hotter?" Diana whispered. The depraved woman, keeping her eyes on her son's face now, judging his reactions, began to open the front of her clinging negligee. Her big tits tumbled out naked and the youth gasped and groaned. Diana cupped the fat mounds in her hands, lifting and deepening the cleavage. Her nipples shot out like high-caliber bullets. Kneading the smooth globes, she rubbed the edges of her thumbs across the tips. "Does this excite you, darling?" she sighed. "M-mom!" he rasped. His cock was starting to steam and pre-cum was dribbling from the open pisshole. What the fuck was she trying to do to him? "Or – this?" she added. Holding her tits up in both palms, Diana dropped her head and began to lick her nipples and tongue into her cleavage. Then she sucked a swollen pink tip into her ups and nursed on it, watching the boy from the tops of her eyes. "Ummmm-ummmm!" she sighed. Jimmy's jaw was dropping open like a lever, damned near hitting his breastbone. "I'll bet you'd like to do this, wouldn't you, you naughty boy?" Diana teased him, sucking a rosy nubbin. Then she lifted her blonde head up, gazing at him speculatively. "Horny enough, now?" she whispered. Again, words failed him. But his horniness was more than evident as his balls ballooned and his cockshaft jolted like a shock absorber. "Hummm? Can you get your rocks off now?" Diana insisted on knowing. Jimmy managed to nod, realizing that it was what his mom wanted to hear, knowing that there were aspects to the situation far beyond his comprehension. He had frequently jerked off while he imagined doing things to his mother or sister, and creamed often enough in Diana's bras and panties, but fantasy was one thing and reality was quite another, overwhelming the boy. "Yes? Well – go ahead then," she suggested. His eyes grew wide in astonishment. "Jeez, Mom – I-I can't give myself a hand job while you're watching me!" he moaned. "Oh?" She looked amused – and far more. "I thought maybe you'd like to stare at my tits while you did it, darling. Wouldn't that be exciting?" Jimmy couldn't deny that. "And I want to watch you do it, too," she said. "To make sure that you really do drain off your balls – and because I'll enjoy seeing you shoot, too!" The idea thrilled the boy to the core, but he felt frozen, unable to react. He lay there as if his hard-on was nailing him to the bed, impaling him on his own prick. "Still not excited enough, honey?" she sighed. It was evident from her expression that Diana was enjoying herself tremendously as she taunted her son. But it was equally evident that she, too, was getting very excited. The aroma of hot cunt was permeating the bedroom. She raised her knee, her foot on the bed, the other leg trailing to the floor. Then she drew her negligee up above her hips, parting her thighs. Jimmy stared at her cunt. "Look at Mommy," she purred. "Look at Mommy's creamy cunt, darling – see how juicy I am?" Her cunt was wide open and cuntjuice and cum came pouring from her fuckhole like a fountain. Jimmy's hand began to creep down his belly, fingers twitching, reaching for his cock in a dreamlike unreality, as if he were hypnotized or walking in his sleep. "Ahhhh – yeah! Toss yourself off, darling," Diana sighed. "Show Mommy how you jerk off and and I'll let you shoot all over my big tits!" She dipped a hand into her groin, strumming her fingers against her cunt. Jimmy's hand slid onto the hilt of his cock and his fist closed around the thick prick. He gave himself a slow push-pull. His prick leaped up like a missile from his hand, seeming to drag his loins behind in its wake. Hauled up by his hard-on, the athletic young man heaved up from his prone position and knelt on the bed, eyes wild, lips frothy and panting, fist gripping tightly to the root of his rampaging cock. He was kneeling over his reclining mother. Diana rested on her left hip and elbow, supporting her face in her left hand, gazing at his groin in fascination. Her thighs were parted, her belly thrust out. The woman always got turned on by looking at a cock and balls, but staring at the forbidden fruit of her own teenaged son's massive sex tackle was driving her wild. Jimmy wasn't stroking, just holding steady at the pulsing base, his cock jutting from his fist like some meaty war club poised to strike. His fat cock-knob was glowing like a lightbulb and pre-cum was oozing steadily from his pisshole. The thick, white goo clung to his purple slab like whipped cream on a plum. "Oooooh – frig it, darling! Toss off onto my belly and tits!" his mother urged. There were ways in which she would much rather have her son empty his balls, to be sure. A handjob seemed a terrible waste of spunk. But she knew that the virile youth would be able to shoot off more than once – and Diana had carefully planned the day, step by step. She arched, shoving her tits out. The plump tits were so distended that they seemed to be attracted to his cock, like iron filings to a magnet. Jimmy began to skim his fist up and down on his thick, heavily veined cock, lightly at first, merely brushing his palm and encircling fingers up the tube. Then he tightened his grip and frigged harder. As his fist pulled up, his foreskin curled over the ledge of his cock-knob in a fleshy carpet and as he pumped back toward the hilt, that flushed slab flared out dynamically. Diana's eyes crossed as she stared inwards at the throbbing cock-knob, yearning to watch his teenaged slime come spurting from the gaping pisshole, her eyes as hot as the rest of her curvaceous body. Her nipples were tingling for the hot spunk to hose her and her mouth was watering. Jimmy's handsome face was contorted, all twisted up by dark emotions, eyes narrowed to hooded slits, mouth slack and jaws taut. He grunted as he jerked back and sighed as his fist slid up the sensitive prick. He frigged vigorously, his lean ass corkscrewing as he drove his cock out, fucking through his flying fist. His solid balls rolled up and whacked against the heel of his hand, then swung back between his thighs. Diana reached out toward his crotch. She hadn't intended to touch the boy yet, just to watch him jerk off as the first step in the seduction. But now she couldn't resist having a feel. Her palms were tingling and her fingers were itching for his hot, hard prick. She cupped his cumbags in her hand. Jimmy was losing all of his bashful shy inhibitions in the heat of the moment. "Yeah, Mom – hold my nuts!" he cried. Diana fondled those well-packed balls, feeling his load sloshing around within. It felt like the potent boy had a gallon of jizz in his balls. She became more eager than ever to see the slime squirt out and to feel it splash all over her naked torso. She started to pull her hand up from his balls, intending to finish the job for the boy. Now that she had touched him, it seemed pointless for him to jerk himself off when she was so willing to milk his cock, herself. But she had left it an instant too late. His balls ballooned massively in her palm and his prick jolted in his pumping fist. "Here it cums, Mom!" he gasped. Diana squeezed his balls gently and glued her eyes to the head of his cock, longing for the magic moment when his slime came jetting out. "Shoot, darling! Jizz me, Jimmy!" she wailed. Her tits heaved out towards his prick and she tilted her head back, opening her mouth. She was waiting for his fuckjuice in a frenzy. And it was almost as thrilling for Holly, who happened to be looking in the door just as the foaming finale reached a creamy crescendo. Contd. |
Me and my girlfriend spent a night in Montreal because our flight back home got cancelled. We stayed in a hotel near the airport. The day was still quite young and so my adventurous girlfriends suggested: "Let's go to a strip club." Maybe I should tell a little bit about us first. The woman on my side is always smiling, happy, funny, gorgeous, extroverted, very sexual. Her name is Liesel, but people call her Liz. (I changed our names.) She is a natural blonde, stands 5.9' and has an hourglass figure with a nice, firm, round bubble butt. My name is Brad (short for Bradlay). I am 6.1', way more introverted but not less adventurous than Liz (she picked me up on our first night together...different story), athletic build with darker blonde hair. I really liked the idea of going to a strip club and we both got pretty excited. So I put on a pair of jeans and Shirt and Liz picked a colourful summer dress that she just bought. She looked stunning and I had problems to keep my hands off her. We looked online for the nearest strip club, got a taxi, told the driver where to go (he knew exactly where and what this adress was) and there we were...without knowing it yet...of to a new lifestyle. When we arrived at the club the bouncer placed us right in front of the stage in the middle of the club. I could feel and see all the men are watching us while we walked to the table. I must admit they didn't watch us. They watched Liz. She was the only female visitor in the club. Even though there was a sexy dancer on stage all eyes were glued on her in this moment. After we said down and ordered some beer we started to enjoy the show right in front of us. We talked about the dancers and Liz pointed out who she liked and why. She said: "I am way more into voluptuous woman. A lot of these dancers are way to skinny for me." After a few beer and a few strippers on stage Liz exclaimed: "I want to get a lap dance." I couldn't believe how lucky I am. Having a sexy, amazing girlfriend and now she wants a lap dance with me watching her. She pointed out 2 girls who interested her. I was already so aroused I would have said yes to anything. I don't know if it was coincidental or if Liz made eye contact but one of the girls came to our table, squatted down next to Liz and started to chat with her. I couldn't follow the conversation over the loud music but obviously they got to an agreement. Liz got up took my hand and we followed the dancer to the private booths in the back of the club. In the booth were 2 chairs and the dancer placed Liz on the one and me on the other, so that we were sitting across from each other. Now the stripper stepped right in between us. She was maybe in her 20ies with a fit, athletic body. Her skin was mocca brown and she was wearing a black negligee with black straps and stockings and string pantys. She bend over to me and said: "I will give her a lapdance and you just watch." With that said she turned around and started to dance for Liz. She was letting her hips roll and put her hands through her black long hair. She got closer and closer to Liz until they nearly touched faces. Then she turned around and shoved her firm ass close to my girlfriends face. After another spin she lowered herself on Liz lap so the two faced each other. She was grinding her crotch on Liz' thighs so that her summer dress got moved up. Liz opened her legs a bit so that I could get a glimpse of her pussy. (Liz never wears pantys) I was so aroused, so hard, that my cock was bulging my jeans. I was just staring at the unbelievable show right in front of me. Liz was also very turned on. I could see her hands wandering over the back and ass of our private dancer. Now the girl got up and took her negligee off, turned around and started to grind her ass on Liz' crotch. Liz' grabbed around and took her boobs in her hands, squeezed them, played with them and let her hands run up and down her tummy and returned to her boobs. The stripper got up turned around and sat down on Liz lap again. She pulled down the summer dress and the bra and exposed Liz' boobs. Now they were rubbing and playing with each others tits. I was so horny the lightest touch on my cock and I would have cum right there and then. Liz' told me afterwards that she could see in my eyes how horny I was. After we paid the stripper for her exquisit service (money well spent) I took Liz hand and dragged her out of the club into the next taxi to get as quick as possible back into our hotel room. The moment we closed the door behind us I took off all my clothes and nearly ripped down Liz dress, threw her onto the bed and spred her legs. I was so horny and I could see that Liz was too. She was already dripping wet and I couldn't resist...I had to lick and taste all of her juices: "You taste so good." I licked all along her luscious lips and tried to get my tongue as deep as possible into her dripping hole. Then I moved up and started to flick my tongue over her clit. I could hear her moan with plessure and I could see that she was intensivly playing with tits. I licked her wildly and thrusted two fingers in her pussy. "I am cumming...I...Am...cumming....Yes...Yeah..." I licked and drank the stream of juices that poured out of her during her loud and intense orgasm. "And now fuck me!" I didn't need a second invite. I kneeled between her legs, lined up my super hard cock with her beautiful pussy and rammed it in. I was so horny...I really fucked her...I fucked her hard. The room was filled with moaning and slapping noises while I thrusted my hard cock into her. I could feel the orgasm comming. My balls tightened and after a few more strokes I came deep inside of her. I could feel my sperm flooding her. I think I never came that hard before. That's how everthing began |
Allison woke up alone in the fluffy bed. She was clean and satisfied once again, hugging the shark tight, happy with her decision to return and grateful that she was accepted. She began reflecting on the night before and her other interactions with Lacey, Scarlette, and Steele. Lacey had stopped when Allison said ‘Red’, and she hadn’t gotten upset. Allison smiled a genuine smile. The clothes she wore the night before hadn’t been touched, still strewn around from her haste to get changed. Her bag with extra clothes on the chair where she left it next to her purse. She had packed a swimsuit this time, unsure of what to expect from the day, which she had free. Allison got dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then exited the room, unsure of where anyone else might be. She made her way to the sliding glass door that led to the back yard. Lacey was doing yoga in the shade in a pair of yoga pants and a pink tank top. Steele was lying face down on one of the pool chairs which was adjusted flat. Scarlette was wearing a bikini top and a short frilly skirt, giving Steele a massage with sun tan lotion. Allison opened the door and came outside; Scarlette smiled at her, Lacey came out of her pose and walked over, “Hey there Sunshine” she greeted. “Good morning.” Allison said in response. “There are waffles and juice in the kitchen, help yourself and we can talk out here if you’d like.” Lacey instructed. Allison walked inside again and over to the kitchen. A stack of waffles, butter, syrup, blueberries, and strawberries on the counter, available to be plated. Plates, forks, and knives near glasses and a pitcher of orange juice, another pitcher filled with iced water. She plated a waffle and some fruit, and poured a glass of orange juice, then made her way back to the glass table outside. Lacey allowed Allison to get settled and begin eating before she came over with a glass of iced water and sat down. “How are you doing this morning?” Lacey asked. “Pretty good’ Allison responded, enjoying the food and the ambience. “Wonderful” Lacey said, “I want to prepare you, we are expecting company today and they should be here soon.” Allison didn’t know what to make of this information. Lacey could see by Allison’s facial expressions that she was worried. Lacey: “I want to assure you that neither of these people are going to ask anything of you, well, the way that I do.” Allison nodded her head. Lacey: “We had made plans for them to be here before you reached out. It is kind of serendipitous though because…” Allison looked at Lacey, she found this pause to be a little out of place. Lacey looked at her with a look of genuine interest. Lacey: “What was the problem with the makeover?” Allison knew that this was coming but was trying to avoid the conversation. “I just feel, like…” She was having a hard time coming up with the words to explain how she was feeling. “Like I’m not pretty enough, and that needing makeup in order to be accepted makes it true.” She was tearing as she said the last words, saying them was much different than thinking them. “Young lady” Lacey said, not sternly but with emphasis. “I know exactly how you feel, we all do.” “Yeah right” Allison snapped out of instinct, then recognized who she was speaking to. “I mean” she tried to start over “look at you all, you’re fit and… beautiful.” Lacey did understand, and she didn’t get upset. “Why do you say we are beautiful?” Lacey asked. Allison was beginning to see Lacey’s point. “None of us were born the way that we look now, we worked to get here. Some of us harder than others.” Lacey was now looking at Steele and Scarlette. The doorbell rang and Scarlette got up to get it. On her way toward the glass door, Lacey took advantage of the opportunity and asked her “Scarlette, what is your honest opinion of Allison?” Scarlette looked over and smiled “I’d go down on her and let her fuck me” winking at Allison and then leaving. Allison blushed; the butterflies were alive again. “I need you to know” Lacey began again, “we don’t expect you to have sex or perform sexual acts with anyone you don’t wish to. Not with Scarlette, or with Steele; certainly not either of the people you will meet today.” As awkward a conversation as was occurring, Allison was very relieved hearing this. She hadn’t witnessed Steele having sex, but a jackhammer was all she could think of based on the noises Scarlette was making last night. Lacey: “I bring this up because Natasha, well she is a flirty brat and Amber… You will find out about Amber, please do not freak out. They are both people, just like us. Amber’s fetish, it might be startling at first…” Before Lacey could finish her thought, she saw Scarlette at the glass door with another woman and instructed Allison to come with her. Allison and Lacey walked in and Lacey introduced Allison to Natasha. At this point Scarlette was standing to the side in a stance of attention with her hands behind her. Lacey was standing straight with her hands folded in front of her. Allison noticed their stances and didn’t know what was expected of her, she straightened her back after she noticed the other two. Natasha was standing with her legs spread, one hand on a hip, the other grasping a phone which she was paying attention to more than anything. This woman, who had to be somewhere in her mid-20’s had dark black hair with bright pink highlights and hoop ear rings, she was wearing a jean skirt and a tight tank top which revealed a belly button ring and a thong that looked like it was made of a cable. A collar around her neck with a silver heart, a black crack down the middle. She had bright lip gloss which was fluctuating as she chewed on a piece of bubble gum. Blowing a big bubble and popping it, then saying “Hey, nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too” Allison said, noticing a duffle bag and a rolling luggage with stickers on it, behind Natasha. Unlike Lacey and Scarlette, who seemed more reserved and polite – this woman reminded her of a popular girl from high school who used to make fun of her; sexy and dripping with attitude. “Tasha” Lacey said. “Allison could use your help.” “Oh yeah?” Natash replied, chewing her gum and then popping it multiple times in her mouth, her phone still her main point of attention. Allison could not help but think she would never talk to Lacey this way. “Would you please spit out the gum, put away the phone, and check your manners?” Lacey asked. “My gum? Steele likes it when I have things in my mouth.” Natasha said smugly popping another bubble. Allison smiled briefly when she saw Scarlette roll her eyes, then went back to a more neutral facial expression. Lacey walked away for a moment then came back with a key on a scrunchie style keychain. This key must have been important to Natasha because she immediately put her phone away. “I’m sorry mistress, it’s been….” “Shut up.” Lacey ordered. This was the most direct and fierce way that Allison had ever heard her speak; she felt her pussy and her butthole react. “I’m sorry mistress.” Natasha said. “Kneel!” Lacey ordered. Natasha complied immediately; Allison almost knelt too. “Yes mistress.” Natasha responded. Lacey: “I want you to give her a full mani-pedi and show her some makeup, not too extravagant, something she can learn and do on her own.” Lacey said, pointing at Allison. Natasha: “Yes mistress.” “You know the rules about the key.” Lacey continued. “Scarlette, come here.” “Yes Mistress” Scarlette said as she made her way over. “In addition to her preparation, you are her new keyholder.” Lacey told her while handing her the key. “Yes Mistress.” Scarlette acknowledged, putting the scrunchie around her wrist. “After you’re done” Lacey was now talking to Natasha again. “Scarlette could use a mani-pedi too.” “Yes Mistress” Natasha mumbled. “What was that? Bitch.” Lacey said, again direct and forcefully. “Yes Mistress” Natasha was much clearer this time. “Good girl.” Lacey turned to walk but stopped, then knelt down and lifted Natasha’s head by her chin. “One more thing” Lacey said now looking her in the eyes and holding her face, squeezing her cheeks “I don’t give a fuck if Steele likes your slutty mouth or not, you and your cum-hungry-bitch-ass will show me respect. Is that understood?” Allison felt her panties becoming wet again. “Yes Mistress.” Natasha responded. Lacey: “Allison is vanilla, so play nice; I mean it.” Natasha: “Yes Mistress.” Lacey: “Scarlette, please escort our guests.” “Yes Mistress” Scarlette said pleasantly. Lacey then walked out to the back yard again. ------ Scarlette led Allison and Natasha further down the hall into an area Allison had never seen. The doors she recognized were to the room she slept in, the restroom, what she imagined was Scarlette’s room, and the room with the weird furniture; but she had not seen anything else. The end of the hall formed a “T” with a door directly in front of the hallway, a door to the left, and a stairway leading to the second story on the right. “Upstairs is off limits without an escort” Scarlette explained to Allison while opening the door to the left. Another large en suite, again, decorated to the extreme with feminine fixtures and furniture. Two queen beds, a reclining chair, a double wide chest of drawers with a TV on top, a vanity mirror with a chair in front; all fit comfortably inside this room. “Tasha, you and Amber will be staying here, there are robes in the closet.” Scarlette said, “I have to go clean the kitchen, Allison, you are in good hands.” Scarlette then left Allison and Natasha in the room. Natasha had not spit out her gum, she was chewing it loudly when she threw her duffle and rolling luggage on the bed further from the door. “Go ahead and grab a robe, sit on the recliner and we’ll get started.” Natasha told Allison, not nearly as pleasantly as Lacey or Scarlette might have said it, but not necessarily rude either. Allison put on a robe and sat in the chair. “In your clothes? Suit yourself” Natasha said as she was unpacking her kits, “what’s your favorite color?” a large bag in her hand containing more nail polish than Allison had ever seen other than at a store, seemingly separated by color. Allison didn’t know how to answer, or even how to talk to Natasha, and she sat thinking it over when Natasha broke the silence. “Let’s see, how about purple?” Natasha now showing the bag to Allison, being more friendly than she had earlier. Allison nodded her head. “Why don’t you pick one out?” Natasha’s bag had separate compartments fastened by riveted buttons, she unbuttoned the section with purple polishes and handed it to Allison so that she could find one that she liked. Eventually, Allison warmed up to Natasha, and Natasha began talking to Allison like a friend. Allison had only ever received one manicure in her life, and it did not even begin to compare with the one that Natasha, who must have been a professional, was giving her. They moved on to makeup and Natasha gave her tips on the best products and the order to do things. “I can color your hair too you know” Natasha offered “not today, but in the future, you should think about it.” Allison looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize herself. Before today eye liner and eye shadow, foundation, blush; these were all words she heard and she knew what a few were, but not like this. Her eyes popped, her lips looked seductive, her hair styled, her nails a metallic purple. She felt beautiful, truly beautiful. Allison, who was now more confident about talking to Natasha, asked about the thong Natasha was wearing. Natasha hesitated for a moment, not because she was embarrassed, but because she didn’t want to upset Allison who might not understand. Natasha: “I can tell you, but don’t let it worry you. Lacey said you are vanilla and all…” Allison: “Yeah, what does ‘vanilla’ mean?” “Wow, you really are, aren’t you?” Natasha said. Allison now red with embarrassment. “No, it’s not a bad thing, it just means that you aren’t familiar with BDSM, that’s all.” Natasha felt bad, she hadn’t meant to upset Allison, particularly after beginning to bond with her. “This” Natasha started explaining now holding the underwear, “is a chastity device.” “A what?” Allison had heard of something like this used in medieval times, but was sure this couldn’t be the same thing. “Basically, it’s a way to keep me from gratifying myself” Natasha answered, “I’m pretty bratty, and this is a way to remind me who is in charge.” Allison thought she had seen just about everything she was going to see; this again left her mind melted. “I only wear it for about a week at a time right now and Steele and Lacey are super responsible, I have a spare key for emergencies” Natasha undid the buttons on her jean skirt, a key was affixed to one of the straps with a plastic serialized seal. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pried… I” Allison began saying. “No need, we all start somewhere. I come here pretty hot and heavy, I didn’t mean to come off rude” Natasha explained “Steele and Lacey know how to put me in my place, usually Lacey is much more vulgar when I talk back to her.” Was Allison talking to the same person she met outside? This Natasha was being nice, and compassionate, the other one was, well she seemed mean. Also, “cum-hungry-bitch” was about the most vulgar thing Allison had heard another person say, what did Lacey usually say and do? Natasha then began speaking again “If I come across as mean to you while we are out there, don’t take it personally. Depending on how you play things, maybe…” Natasha decided this was a line she didn’t want to cross, not yet at least and stopped speaking. It was probably for the best because Scarlette knocked on the door to notify them that Amber had arrived. The door opened and a woman, probably in her late 30’s or early 40’s in a skirt suit walked in, her suit jacket folded and hanging over one arm. She looked like she must have been an executive or something. Her luggage and her clothes, they looked like something a movie star would own. Large dark sunglasses hid her eyes, even though she was inside; dark hair, cut kind of short covering one eye and part of her face. What was visible of her face was pretty. A collar wrapped around her neck, this one with a silver dog bone hanging from it. “Oh, and who might you be?” The woman asked extending a hand to shake with Allison. “New meat” Natasha blurted. A harsh snap from Scarlette getting her attention. “Sorry, this is Allison.” Allison shook the woman’s hand, then remembered what Lacey had told her about Amber’s fetish possibly being shocking. “I’m Amber, nice to meet you.” The woman said. “Allison, why don’t we…” Scarlette offered, sensing that Allison wanted to leave the room and seeing that her nails and makeup were done. “Okay” Allison agreed, not needing the sentence to be finished, walking happily to Scarlette. “Thank you, Natasha” Allison said and then left the room. As Scarlette was walking Allison down the hall, she complimented the nails and makeup, then explained that Lacey needed to speak with her and to go out to the back yard, Scarlette had more chores to do and would be out shortly. Allison made her way outside and sat at the glass table which had been cleared. Lacey sat and they began to talk. “Allison, I know that this might be a lot to take in” Lacey was saying “typically, we would not push you so far, so fast – but today’s arrangements had already been made. There are a few things we need to go over, again, if you would like to leave, don’t feel negatively about it – you will be welcomed back and I will work with you directly, not in this context.” “Okay” Allison responded, again unsure of how to feel. “First off, look at you!” Lacey was now beaming “Tasha can be a pain in the ass, but she has some serious skill.” Allison was now smiling shyly. “I don’t mean to be presumptuous; you are a smart girl.” Lacey continued, “But I also feel I must explain in the case that you are unaware. The reason that Tasha and Amber are here is: we are hosting a sex party tonight.” Allison was embarrassed, terrified, and intrigued all over again. Part of the embarrassment was that she had not put this together on her own; she knew to some extent, but at the same time, assigning the title “sex party” to the situation somehow made things different. “We don’t use given names.” Lacey went on, “In our house, it will be okay; but I want you to start thinking of a name that you would like to be called, something that makes you feel sexy. That will be the name you are called by myself and the others from now on.” Allison nodded. This sounded kind of fun, names started racing through her mind, ‘Lexi’ lingering around more than the others. “We also all must remain STD free if we wish to participate with each other. Tonight, you may observe but you may not participate. I can get you tested but we will not receive the results for a few days. Test results are a requirement for entry as a participant.” “If you have not had sex with anyone outside of us since your last test, we accept your word as a trusted member, once you are accepted, that you are being honest that the results still reflect your status. For instance, Scarlette, Steele, and myself all received tests in preparation for tonight because of your interaction with me last month, and our interaction with each other after.” “You are likely STD free, but I cannot vouch for you, a document is required. Had our results not been clear, we would not be able to participate until cleared, potentially never again with anyone else. I can no longer participate with the others tonight either because of our interaction last night. Those are some of the rules.” At first, Allison couldn’t help but feel like Lacey didn’t trust her. After thinking about it for a moment, she realized that Lacey had put herself into a compromising position on Allison’s behalf by taking her in. The health and safety of everyone was much more important than the “word” of one person. Allison understood and nodded her head again. “This kind of creates an opportunity, if you wish to stay; you and I will be together.” Lacey winked and Allison smiled again with this information. “You are what we call ‘under consideration’, this means that you aren’t a member of our house; but you have displayed interest and I have accepted you as provisional under my protection.” More words that Allison was clearly confused about. “It basically means that you can hang out with us, and no one will fuck with you so long as you don’t impose on anyone. I am responsible not just for your safety, but also your actions. Any indiscretions you impose will be met with punishment by me, and I will be subject to punishment as well.” Allison was becoming overwhelmed again. Lacey would be punished, even if she had nothing to do with the action. It was a heavy feeling. “Everything will be okay of course, just behave the way you have been; polite.” Allison nodded, she felt like she could do that. “In the future, if you do wish to participate, regardless of your status as a member; if you accept sexual favors from someone; you are implying consent that you are available to provide sexual favors to that person too – unless it is explicit that they are offering their submission to you. At first this may seem like an easy thing to control, but the lines can become blurred quite easily in the moment.” Thoughts of possible situations began running through Allison’s mind. “For instance,” Lacey began providing an example, “If Tasha crawled over to you and began licking you, it might be hard to resist. You must consider that she might expect you to reciprocate; your willingness to do so must be thought of before you allow her to go too far. You might stop her and she begins fingering you, whispering in your ear. Would you be willing to finger her back?” Moisture and heat resonating in Allison’s underwear. “On the other side of that same coin, don’t take it personally if you approach someone and they reject you. No one here is required to perform acts they do not wish to; with people they do not wish to. This becomes more relevant when we have larger parties.” This was both hard information to accept, and a little relieving at the same time. “We fill out cards with our names, basic interests, and limits. ‘Hard’ limits being something ‘out if bounds’, not allowed. ‘Soft’ limits meaning ‘tread lightly’. For now, to be safe, just keep clear of all limits if possible.” “Our communal safe words are ‘yellow’, ‘orange’, and ‘red’.” “‘Yellow’ is hardly ever used and basically means ‘let’s talk about this before we continue’, things have a potential to be too much and I want to familiarize you with my limits as they apply.” “’Orange’ means ‘things are becoming too intense’, we don’t need to stop but there is something we need to alter.” “You are familiar with ‘red’ which means ‘stop now’. I am proud of you for using the word by the way.” Allison smiled at the compliment. “No one will get upset if you use a safe word. They are established for everyone’s safety and everyone involved must respect that.” “If you lean ‘switch’ meaning you have both submissive and dominant desires, then you will be responsible for the Sub when you act as the Dom.” “The only time anyone would get upset with regard to safe words is if you don’t use them when you need to. As a sub, if you don’t use the word and you get hurt, physically or mentally, by actions of the Dom which could have been prevented – this will weigh heavy on the Dom and potentially injure them as well. This isn’t to say that a Dom won’t use safe words either; they have the same right to safety and relative comfort as the Sub.” “You will become familiar with which words are appropriate as you go. If you are confused as to which word to use, just say ‘Red’. If you wish to continue, explain the issue and express your desire to continue. If you can’t continue, explain that.” At this point Allison was absorbing the information, trying to process and understand the situation she found herself in. Scarlette came outside and Lacey asked that Scarlette and Allison go to the pink and purple room Allison was staying in, the door closed for a private conversation. Lacey and Scarlette sat on the edge of the bed while Allison sat on the chair, moving her bags to the ground. “Scarlette has been cleaning up after you up to this point. She has assumed a role as our maid and is charged with general tidiness around the house. From now on, you are responsible for cleaning up after yourself, including in this room.” Lacey was explaining while looking at the clothes which appeared to have been thrown around, the bed unmade. “Scarlette will help you to learn our standards, but you are responsible for your messes. Is that understood?” Allison found this to be fair and felt embarrassed, she nodded her head. “I need you to acknowledge that you understand.” Lacey ordered. “I understand Mistress” Allison said out of instinct. “Steele is the head of the house,” Lacey continued, “I am his enforcer. Scarlette, Tasha, and Amber are our slaves. Scarlette and Tasha lean switch, particularly with each other” a smile was shared between Scarlette and Lacey. “Amber is an absolute submissive to all of us.” Allison couldn’t help thinking ‘The most composed and seemingly controlled woman of the three slaves, was also the most submissive?’ “We will find out your place as we go, but right now, you are a guest and my direct submissive. Eventually you may become a member in line with the others, or you may decide particular people that you wish to interact with.” Allison acknowledged that she understood. “I need to prepare you for a few things that you are likely to see which might be confusing.” Allison nodded. “The purpose of our house is that the participants can feel the way they want to feel and explore the things they wish to explore in a safe environment. Everyone here has expressed consent to be treated the way that you will witness them being treated. None of it is against anyone’s will. It is extremely important that you understand this.” “I will try Mistress” Allison said, feeling pleasure calling Lacey her Mistress. “Scarlette, Tasha, and Amber have particular interests which may seem like they are being treated cruelly, this is not the case. The three have interacted with each other and with us for quite some time and are familiar with each other’s limits.” “When you were with Tasha earlier, was she mean to you? Did she say anything negative about Scarlette?” Allison thought for a moment “No, she was actually kind of nice. She didn’t talk about Scarlette at all.” “Good.” Lacey replied, seeming a little shocked “Remember that tonight” Lacey told Scarlette directly. “I will, Mistress” Scarlette acknowledged, also seeming surprised. “I have to show you something, but first, I would like you to tell me what you think about Scarlette.” Lacey instructed. Allison honestly didn’t know how to respond. “Are you attracted to her? Do you think she’s sexy? Earlier she said that she would go down on you and let her fuck you; is that something that turns you on?” Allison became embarrassed again. Lacey was saying a lot of things that Allison would never hear anywhere else; as if the topics of the conversation were normal everyday things. “I think she’s sexy, and she turned me on saying those things, Mistress.” Allison responded, looking at Scarlette who was smiling. “Scarlette” Lacey now speaking directly to her “please stand, remove your underwear, and lift you skirt.” Scarlette acknowledged and did so without hesitation. Allison did not know exactly what she was looking at and it was obvious from her facial reaction. “Scarlette, is what is known as a ‘sissy’” Lacey began explaining, “she was born one way, which she wasn’t comfortable with, and has since accepted living as a female. We recognize her as one, we treat her as one, we accept her as female. What you are looking at is a chastity device. She has given up her natural genitalia, and she wears this as a sign of that commitment.” Allison didn’t know whether to be turned on or mortified. Things had just taken a crazy turn on an already insane road. At first Allison, who hated herself for thinking it, felt disgusted, maybe even a little betrayed. Then she thought about the talk Lacey and her had earlier about ‘working to look the way they wanted to look’. At this point she started to feel respect for Scarlette who must have had a very difficult time; the courage and dedication she displayed. Allison’s own troubles with makeup paled in comparison. “She… you… look so female though.” Allison was putting the pieces together, the smaller breasts, the fact that she was always in a skirt or otherwise covered. Scarlette now back in her clothes and sitting on the bed again. “She has been on hormone therapy for years. Steele and I and others have worked with her extensively. We have offered to get her a sex changed, a standing offer, but she is not ready. Partly due to her own desire for shame.” Allison felt like the last part about ‘shame’ was supposed to clear things up, but made things more puzzling. Scarlette jumped in “I like being humiliated, it turns me on, makes me feel noticed. Being used for other’s pleasure makes me feel sexy.” Allison had heard the term ‘to each their own’; this drove the point home, hard. “Scarlette is still the sweet girl that you met and walked into this room with.” Lacey explained. “If this is too much, let me know and we will all understand. I bring this up because she and Tasha will be extremely and gratuitously vulgar with each other tonight, and it will come up.” “I understand, Mistress” Allison replied. “Scarlette, you may be the bravest person I’ve ever met. I can’t even imagine… I still think you are sexy, please call me Lexi.” Lacey and Scarlette smiled, both shocked at Allison’s reaction and acceptance of the situation. “Lexi it is.” Lacey said smiling “We will leave you, go ahead and rest, take a bath if you wish, Scarlette will be back soon.” Lacey then opened the door, Lacey and Scarlette walking out. The door was still open and Allison heard Scarlette walking back toward her room, Natasha trailing behind her on a leash, “come on bitch, it’s time for my manicure” she ordered “say hi to Lexi first”, Scarlette winked at Allison before making her way into her own room spanking Natasha hard while walking. Allison smiled thinking to herself “Lexi, my new name is Lexi.” |
Did that really happen last night? The thoughts going through my mind, the feelings my body had, the passion I felt last night. This is what I have been yearning for, I know what I want not, and can I find it when I go back to school? I can still feel him inside me, his cock was a perfect fit in my pussy and down my throat, I need it again. Should I text him, or go over and check on him? I pull up our very brief text conversation, but what do I even send him? Hey can we fuck again? You okay that you fucked your neighbors daughter? My fingers seem to have forgotten how to even type, maybe I should just get out of bed and find coffee and figure out what to say to him later. Thankfully no one is home, my parents both have worked banker hours my entire life, and I can have the house to myself. I start the coffee maker and hop in the shower for a quick shower while I wait on much needed caffeine. The best part of being back where I grew up is the lack of neighbors, besides Lawrence we have no other neighbors for a couple miles in any direction, which is the perfect reason to wear super short overalls. It covers pretty much nothing, but with no parents or strangers around who cares if all you can see are my butt cheeks and every part of my breasts but the actual nipple. I decided to walk around the yard and enjoy some sunshine while drinking my coffee, maybe it will help me think of my next plan and how to talk to Lawrence. What do I want to do with the rest of my summer? There is only a month left before I have to move back to the dorms. The intrusive thoughts started to come back the moment I saw Lawrence’s truck in his driveway, his kids appeared to be gone still, should I go check on him? My mind is back racing again as I feel my phone vibrate. All the text says is how long are you going to stare at my truck before you come over? I replied and told him that I'm not sure how to approach this new situation. His response only said to just do it. ….. He was waiting at his front door when I walked over into his yard, he was still in just boxers, drinking coffee. His light brown hair was messy from just waking up, his body reflecting the years of gym dedication and physical labor, how did he look so perfect? Would you like to come in, he asks? I just smiled and he stepped out of my way and followed me to his couch. In the same moment he sat down he asked if I had any regrets about last night, or if I needed to talk about anything. All I could do was smile at him and tell him I regret nothing, in fact I had never felt the way he made me feel. So the 16 year age gap doesn’t bother you, he asked next? I simply told him that we aren’t dating, but we both seem to have needs and a physical attraction that is undeniable and he just grinned and shook his head in agreement. We both agreed that the rest of my summer home can be an exploration of myself and that we can figure the after out once it's time for me to go back to school. That looks really good on you he tells me, and for a moment I forgot that I had pretty much nothing on, all I could do was blush. You are perfect in every way he tells me, from your perfect toes to your soft thighs, to that infectious smile. As I sip that last bit of my coffee, something came over me and all I could do was drop to his floor and crawl on my hands and knees to him. How was this man able to turn me into such a submissive woman? I have never been submissive in any way my entire life, but something about him makes me want to submit and he is his personal sex toy whenever he wants me, but he hasn't even told me or asked me to do anything. So why am I on my hands and knees crawling to him with the only thing on my mind being that majestic cock hidden behind the short boxers he has on. I stop when I am between his legs, he just says yes ma’am and leans back, giving me full control of him as I pull his boxers off and leave them on the hardwood floor. His body looked even better this morning, you could see every muscle and subtle scar on his body. Those magnificent balls and that glorious cock laid on his thigh. I wonder what all he would let me do to him, his body is perfect and I want to explore it badly. Toned muscular legs covered in a dark layer of hair, leading up to a toned stomach with naturally no hair, up to a chiseled chest with again naturally no hair, with long muscular arms laid out by his side. His hands have seen years of hard labor, but when they touched me last night they became the softest in the world. I can’t explain why, but my focus shifted to under his balls. His pink hole just sitting here captured my attention. Is he just not a hairy man, or does he trim? Either way my tongue was out and ready to taste his hole. Hearing him gasp out of surprise made me attack it with even more drive, only stopping to fill my mouth with his balls. Eventually I shift my focus to his cock, it's rock hard, towering over my face. It must be 8 inches and as thick as my wrist, I can't believe he slid in on me so easily last night, because he was so much bigger than any of my previous partners. This man hasn’t even touched me yet and I can feel myself dripping wet. All I want is for this man to be inside me. I climb up him, sit myself in his lap and kiss him.I ask him if he can show me what it is like to really make love. Without skipping a beat he leans forward and kisses me, placing his strong hands on each side of my face, his tongue tasted of black coffee. I grind my hips into his cock, feeling a pulse when it meets my pussy, I reach under me to grab his cock, aligning it with me and sit down. This time his size took my breath away, but I wasn’t going to stop until every inch of him was inside me. Lawrence grabs me by my hips and stands up while I wrap my legs around him kissing his neck and chest. Next thing I know he is laying me down on his bed, while my legs stay wrapped around him he starts fucking me softly but every inch out and in until his balls rest against my ass. He hears me moan as his balls slap my ass and whispers in my ear that my ass will be his next. He leans back away from me, pulling my legs up pushing my knees out to my side and grabbing my thighs holding them down. His strokes are so deep like this, has his cock gotten longer? He goes faster, matching my fast breaths knowing he is so close to bringing me to orgasm. I reach up and grab on his torso, the sweat is slippery allowing me to reach back and grab his ass and pull him deeper inside me. All I can manage is to beg him to make me cum, please sir make me cum for you. His hands move to my neck, both hands wrapped around my throat, ever so gently he tightens them, slowing the blood flow. He starts fucking me harder and harder using his entire body as hard as he can to fuck me. It happens again, my legs shaking so violently, I can feel myself explode and dripping down to my ass hole. Please fill me is all I can manage to say in between breaths and waves or orgasm. He lets my thighs go and I wrap them around him, keeping him locked inside me, his hard deep strokes don’t slow up. I can feel another orgasm building as he tells me he is close and I start begging him to cum inside me, please fill me with your seed. He lets out a loud moan and I feel the first wave, it filled me and the rest started pouring out of me, I could feel his cum dripping out as he kept fucking me. I couldn’t hold it back any longer, IM CUMMING I screamed arching my back, YES YES YES as i fell back to the bed. He slides out of me and lays beside me, I don't remember much of the next but I woke up a couple hours later and we are both naked still cuddling in his bed. How is this man so perfect I ask, not realizing I was talking out loud I see him smirk. All he said was that I am the perfect one, and that he was the lucky one. How so I asked? He proceeds to tell me that he didn't expect any type of relationship since he lost his wife and he had just planned to raise his kids until they went off to college, in fact he didn't know if he even wanted one. I asked why he was okay with this then, and he told me he knew I was in the fields the past few weeks to watch him and not to read. I couldn’t even deny it, but he told me that it was perfectly okay, and that he hadn't even noticed me in a sexual way until after the first couple of weeks of me being home. Mostly due to the fact that I wore as little as possible when around him. He asks me to be honest about if I am wanting a relationship with him other than what we are currently doing, I told him that I'm not sure and that for now I am enjoying what is going on. The fact that I can provide you some pleasure and be someone for you to talk to means alot to me. He kisses me on my forehead and smiles at me. I asked him if he could ever date someone my age. I'm sure I could, it just gets complicated when you are the neighbor's daughter and how they may view it. I tell him I understand, and in an immediate topic change I asked him if he expected me to give up my ass to him? With just a smirk he grabs me by my hips and picks me, laying me down on my stomach. Without skipping a beat his mouth and tongue meet my virgin ass hole. I have never had anyone but him do anything with my ass, let alone eat it out. I can feel his tongue start to slide in, with a finger right there applying pressure. I can't explain how great it felt having his mouth on my ass, I didn't even notice he had an entire finger in my ass until he took his tongue off my hole. I felt so full, every inch of his rugged finger wiggling inside me. All I can do is grind my ass against his finger and hand, would it be wrong to beg for more? Between gasps I manage to squeeze out “Please Sir”, this is when I feel a strong hard slap on my ass. His finger sliding all the way out, and then slowly back in again reaching as far into my ass as he can and then slowly back out. I hear him spit, and then feel the warmth of his saliva on my ass hole, he asked if I was ready and I whimpered a yes between breaths. The pressure I felt next was so much more than the single finger, was this his cock because what he was sliding in me felt huge! Suddenly I could feel his hand against my pussy, I asked if it was just his finger and he told me yes but two of them this time.It felt like a lifetime of pure pleasure was cut short when I felt his lips kiss my ass cheeks, feeling his warm breath on my skin caused goose bumps all over my back side. With his two fingers still inside my ass I could feel his thumb reach down rubbing on my clit, the build up to orgasm this time felt so different. More of an explosion is the best way I can describe it. His thumb stroking my throbbing clit just as fast as his fingers in my ass thrusted deeply inside me. I could feel the orgasm about to hit, my breathing getting faster and faster, please Sir make me cum im so close I screamed out. Just for him to stop, and quickly slid his fingers out of me. You can’t cum just yet, but soon my love soon. Somehow I went from laying on my stomach to on my knees with my face and chest flat on the bed, my ass sticking up for the world to see. He tells me to take some slow deep breaths, I can hear a bottle click open as he preps my ass with lube. I can feel my hole slightly open already as he pours the lube from the bottle onto my ass, telling me what a good girl I am and massaging my ass cheeks with his free hand. I can feel his prop himself up behind me letting his throbbing cock slap my ass hole over and over. This sent me into a primal mode, I pushed myself back onto his cock. I can feel his massive head pressing against my puckered hole, the pressure I felt as I kept pushing back was something I have never experienced before. His hands firmly grabbing my waist, letting me take total control of getting his cock in my ass. I have to stop for a moment to catch my breath. It feels like I have gotten so much of him in me but as I reach back to feel his shaft I notice that at the most just his head is in me. I hold his cock firm, and steadily push my ass back onto him. I need him in me at this point. The primal urge to have my ass totally full of his cock is new to me but I must satisfy it. Once I can feel half of his shaft is hidden in me I take another break, just to feel him massaging my ass again asking if I needed a break. I tell him no and just give it one more big push. This feeling of fullness is so amazing, my brain can not function right now as he slowly slides his cock out just to slide it back in. I shove my face into his bed moaning in pleasure, reaching back with both hands at my side grabbing my ass spreading myself open for him as I feel his speed and pace pick up. Mid stroke Lawrence lets go of my waist just to grab both of my wrists, pulling me backwards to him pulling my face up in the air. I feel like I am flying like this. Moan after moan as his throbbing cock destroys my now non virgin ass hole. His balls slapped my wet pussy over and over. I am beyond a moan at this point, I scream in pure pleasure and feel my pussy explode. The only thing I can hear is his moans, groaning he is about to cum. Please cum in my ass, please please please. He drops my arms letting me fall to the bed, grabs my ass cheeks and drills me 5 6 7 times until he holds his cock deep in me and now I feel it. The warmth of his cum fills the very little space in my ass, as he slides his cock out for another pump back in me I can feel more and more cum just sitting in my ass. He slides his cock out falling beside me as I just stay put, ass propped up in the air full of his hot cum. I catch him watching me and all I can do is reach behind me and feel the gape he just left in my asshole. I can easily stick my finger in and feel his still warm cum, reaching in more to get as much on my finger as possible. Just to keep my gaze locked with his as I pull my finger out lathered in his seed only to lick it off with my tongue. In a moment of dirty kink I climb on top of him, knowing my ass hole is leaking his cum all over his cock, grinding into his now half hard cock and pushing the rest of his cum out. Instead of answering him when he asked what I was doing I just slid down and used my mouth to clean his cock and balls up. I told him his cum belongs in me not on him. ‘It's going to be a fun next few weeks Katie’ is all he tells me next while he wrapped me up in his arms pulling me close to him……. ****** Should I continue on how the remainder of our time together this summer pans out? |
We were (maybe I was) first exposed to, for the sake of a name, 'Kinky Sex'. At that time, Lisa and I were only days from our sixth wedding anniversary. At the time Lisa was 32 and still very capable of turning heads, I was thirty six. When I met this incredible girl she had admitted that she’d been 'a bit of a sport' before going out with me, not downright promiscuous, but enjoyed sex and had been with numerous men. In fact some of her tales aroused me. She was a blue eyed blonde with a nice figure that our two children had helped fill out a bit, so she now had a pair of 36c’s and on a 5ft 5” figure that looked perfect to me. Okay, so yes I sorta had the feeling that during our marriage she had been laid more than a few times by various other men, and again that actually turned me on and in time that turned out to be truer than I could have imagined. She’d been very discrete, but I’d spotted a few signs in the more recent months. Then a few weeks before this incident; in bed, after sex; I had jokingly suggested that I’d like to watch her with another guy; she’d looked at me seriously for 5 seconds or so, then she said ‘You actually mean that don’t you?. By which point I had a hard on which she could clearly see. ‘Have you anyone in mind’ she asked. I didn’t and shook my head. She smiled and said ‘okay, how about that being your next birthday present? My mouth was dry; she just agreed to do that so easily! We had sex again and we were both quite rampant, in the days that followed, we both pretended she’d go through with this ordeal for me as a treat. But our sex life had moved up a notch. She had teased me, asking if I would find a guy or should she? Another time she rebuked me when I said it ought to be someone she’d fancy to make love with and she said ‘No, she makes love with me; she’d have sex with him’. Another time she asked if I was going to sit in a chair and watch them openly or stay hidden. I said I would like it to be in the open, I could tell she was turned on by that and by that time it had evolved that she would find the guy. Other things evolved as well, which turned us both on in airing the idea, ‘Do you want me to allow him to take me bareback?’ (yes) ‘Shall I swallow?’ (yes and facial maybe) ‘Anal sex? (yes) ‘Will you lick me out after he’s gone?’ (yes) - She nearly swooned when I said that. I told her ‘I’d like you to be a total slut with him and do everything we’ve ever done, plus I want you to do at least one thing that you’ve never done with me. She looked at me as if I was going to suggest an act. ‘Oh No’ I said ‘I’m not going to suggest it, but want to see you do something to him that is really slutty, maybe enough to make me cum off without using my hand’ She gave me a huge grin ‘Oh that’s naughty’. It was because we’d done some things from time to time – Bondage, CP, golden showers and a few others. A few times I’d rimmed her arsehole and fingered it too and hoped she’d reciprocate, but no and I would love to see her take into her mouth a cock that have been ploughing her rectum. These things crossed my mind and she still seemed quite happy. To be fair she’d never bulked at anything in our early days together, but then children and lack time had diminished our sex play, only recently improving. Then this last ‘idea’ had brought us back to almost daily sex. At the time I was still a junior partner in a solicitor’s office and my Boss had just made a rather good case in court for a Greek client, although I had done all the hard work; he was a Restaurant owner with two places both in Soho, London. The result was better than either, He or I had anticipated, so he was very elated. Lisa had travelled up on this morning of the final day, knowing that we'd be finished in time for an afternoon of shopping in the West End. (Groan!) As we left the court, I introduced Theo to Lisa, and the four of us popped into a pub for a quick celebratory drink. As I ordered the round, my Boss, Theo and Lisa, went to find a table. Theo was in his early 40's, a big man, roughhewn face, with loads of character. It was only when they were about to sit down, that I remembered 'our dare'. In the euphoria of winning our case and winning so well, I'd completely forgotten, that the previous evening, when discussing the shopping requirement for the next afternoon, I'd dared Lisa to spend all day knickerless and in a short skirt as well. I looked across at them as they sat down and my mouth went dry. I did not know whether my wife had gone along with my dare or not. She was wearing a skirt that whilst not an ultra-mini, certainly was in the mini league and well above her knees. She had sat facing him with a small low oval table between them. Lisa must have felt my eyes probing her, for she looked up, with a grin she slowly crossed her legs, Theo had his back to me, but if my wife was knickerless that day, he would have defi¬nitely seen at that point. As it was she was now showing anyone, in that pub that now cared to look, a couple of inches of bare thigh, above her dark stocking top. So that's how we were that day in London in the pub, al¬though at the bar my only thoughts were whether Lisa had dared to leave home 'without her panties/knickers on'. As I took our drinks over to where Lisa and Theo sat, there was nothing to suggest that she was anything other than a re¬spectable suburban mother. I was well aware that my thoughts and her deliberate leg cross had swollen my penis, which was now pushing at my trouser front, a bulge that Lisa's eyes told me she'd seen. As I took my seat, next to Theo, my wife gave me a big smile and very deliberately 'flashed' herself at me, by again crossing her legs slowly. My mouth went dry and my tongue stuck, she was knickerless. She had just shown me, not just a flash of pubic hair, but a parted thigh shot showing her labia lips in full glory. But there was no doubt in my mind Theo had seen her lack of underwear. She and Theo were chatting informally about family etc. My only though was 'oh God! If my Boss sees her bare pussy, I'll be ruined'. Our drinks were formal and short, but before he left Theo, who knew we were close on our wedding anniver¬sary, said he'd be in touch. She told me that she had eye contact with him each time she crossed her legs and his eyes hadn’t strayed, once. His 'in touch' arrived two days later, it was a letter enclosing two tickets to one of the top West End shows, with an invitation to come over to his restaurant after the show. The date of the show was the day before our wedding anniversary, but Lisa had told him in passing conversation that we were going to have a party that evening anyway. We accepted Theo's generous gesture and after a great show went along to the restaurant. I must admit having seen the place in daylight empty, I was totally taken aback by the ambience atmosphere as we entered. A table on a small raised platform, possibly previous used as a stage, overlooking the main dining and dancing floor was reserved for us and lavish attention paid to us. The other Patrons must have thought we were 'show bus stars or something'. The place was full and buzzing, I knew that it held 120 people. Lisa was looking radiant that evening, totally ravishing, she had her long blonde hair tied up in a jewelled clasp with matched and set of the matching ear rings. Her dress was unbe¬lievably sexy number; it was black with silver decor, a backless, cocktail dress. The back was cut almost to the crack of her arse cheeks and the front was dangerously close to allowing her breasts to fall out, either side of two small triangles of near transparent black lacy material, which clung to her lovely orbs and all held together by a thin strap running up behind her neck. She wore black stockings and patent leather with silver buckles, spiky high heeled shoes. Theo arrived from his other place as we finished our meal, which was superb, we had been plied with wine, and after all, we were celebrating and somebody else was picking up the tab, so we were tipsy but the end of the meal. Theo introduced us to his two younger brothers who worked there, Philip, who appeared to be about 25 or 26 and Sharmi, who seemed to be a mere mid teenager. After the meal they took it in turns to take Lisa around the dance floor, the dances were fairly energetic and at first I thought that was okay, because it meant they were not going to be groping my wife in a smoocher, but after one dance Philip lead her back to the table, her left nipple had started to escape from its confine and nearly half of her areola was on show, the pink texture highlighted by the black of her dress and the milky whiteness of her breast. I wasn't hard in sexual arousal, but swollen in the first stirring of sexual desires. Lisa didn’t seem to realise although all the other males did, I felt my cock stirring. I made no effort to let her know. Minutes later Theo came along, his dance with Lisa let everyone know that under her short dress, not only was she wear¬ing stockings, she had a tiny pair of scarlet panties on. During that dance her left breast escaped entirely, she registered mock alarm, with a laugh, but because Theo held her hands, there was nothing she could do about her exposure for about 30 to 40 long seconds. My cock was now nearly fully erect. Although the dance area was dimmed, lots of people must have seen her and I got the impression that she wasn't too concerned, anyway. In fact she might have enjoyed it happening. As they left the dance floor, they seemed to be sharing a joke, and I saw Theo cup one of Lisa's breasts, his thumb slip¬ping underneath her dress, very obviously rubbing her nipple. She made no effort to stop him and they kissed. Not a long French kiss, but more than a respectable young wife should do with a near stranger; their lips were together for some 10 to 12 sec¬onds. As they parted, I saw that Lisa's face was flushed and her lips were parted, he had no doubt thrust his tongue deep inside her mouth. She didn't return directly to our table, instead going to the ladies. When she did re-join me, she kissed me, fully a long French kiss and I was aware of her putting something in my jacket pocket. It was now well gone midnight and most of the customers had gone. Lisa and I took to the dance floor, for the second time that evening. She came up close to me and felt my erection, straining my trousers. She smirked at me, "I thought so, you get a kick out of my showing off, don't you”, I grinned at her. When we finished Philip cut in for the next. As I walked back to our table, I remembered my pocket, I put my hand in, half expecting what I found, My wife's scarlet knickers. The dances were less vigorous now, but there were a few twirls to raise her hemline, infuriat¬ingly for me, because of the raised level, I got brief glimpses of her stocking tops, but I couldn't see if she was twirling high enough to show her bare pussy. I needed to go to the toilet and on emerging Theo waved me over to where he sat, at a dance floor side table now vacated by its previous occupants. Now at this height, I could clearly see my wife's antics. I saw her finish that dance with Philip, then dance with Theo, Yes she was showing herself, but just very brief, teasing glimpses of her nude pussy. Her third knickerless dance was with me, I deliberately twirled her harder and for longer and her dress rose accordingly higher. Lisa grinned at me, but made no attempt to stop her hem rising up high as her waist. There couldn't be any doubt amongst those seated that the beautiful blonde woman on the dance floor wasn’t wearing any panties and for those luckier ones, with tables on the edge, there was also no doubt that this woman shaved her labia region. There could be little doubt on Philip's or Theo's mind that, I was whole heatedly in favour of my wife's exhibitionistic display. When Theo suggested we all go upstairs, leaving Sharmi to close down and lock up, He joined us about a half hour later. Like meek lambs to the slaughter we went. We were both well pissed by then anyway or at least I thought that was the reason. Upstairs was a palatial suite. We were greeted by Tanya, Philip’s wife who must have been in her very early30’s. She was a striking attractive woman, with a full figure, reminiscent of 'Sophia Loran'. It was Tanya who took me in hand, whilst Philip and Theo lavished attention on my wife. They were dancing and mucking about; she had given them both kisses. I was wondering how Tanya felt about her husband and my wife like that. She must have been feeling the same question for me. She led me off to the kitchen, "You've not seen your wife like this before" it was a state¬ment more than a questions, I shrugged my head, "And you" I asked. "I've seen it all before, always the smart attractive ladies are their pray, sometimes they will leave the boyfriend or husband in a drunken stupor downstairs while they have his woman, together." She paused. "But, you two are different, Theo I know likes you both, he told me your wife wasn't wearing knickers when she met you introduced her in the pub. Do you know, she showed herself to him, not accidentally, but very deliberately? Whilst you were getting the drinks, He also saw you openly eye up a very attractive girl and facially flirt with her." I barely remembered, "Tonight they gave you both the power", I looked quizzical "It is an aphrodisiac, like Spanish Fly’ works on men and women, usually they give it to only the woman" She saw the alarm in my face, “Do not worry, it is really harmless, I’ve taken it myself many times, they take it as well, it makes one really randy and sexy. For men they become erect and stay erect, even if they shoot, for several hours" she stroked the bulge in my pants, which had arisen during Lisa's display downstairs, I was still rampant. It does make one lose all inhibitions, and I mean all’ Tanya started to unzipped my trousers, "For your wife, she will reach great height of sexual ecsta¬sy, I know, She will have many orgasms, each one greater than the last, The drug will bring out the whore in her, she will be totally uninhibited by her actions, Look...” I looked out the open kitchen door, in time to see Lisa’s dress slide down her body and land in a pile at her feet and step out of it. Both men had removed their shirts; she was now between them clad only in her suspender belt, stockings and those sexy spiky high heels. Tanya had freed my cock from my trousers and I felt her cool mouth close over my hot throbbing penis, it felt wonderful. I watched both men kiss my wife, with long lingering French kisses, each man kneading one of her full firm breasts, teasing the walnut hard nipple; whilst her hands undid their trousers, till each stood only in his underpants. Tanya had my trousers off now and my shirt followed, she had licked my cock up to full erection, and then stood back, she unzipped her own dress, it slid off, she was naked, bar her black high heels. Her breasts were magnificent, a pair of full firm 36” topped off with huge nipples. she was quite lovely. Naked we returned to the lounge. Theo and Philip grinned at us as we made our entrance, Lisa was pre occupied. As I sat down on the sofa with Tanya, from a few feet away, I watched my wife, hook her thumbs into Theo's underpants and slide them down his legs, she bent her legs as she did so, as the pants reached his knees his cock sprang free, smacking against her breast, it was a hell of a cock, big thick and veiny. By the time the pants reached his ankles, she was eyeball to throbbing monster. My mouth went totally dry when she engulfed that penis, taking as much as she could into her mouth. Her suck and lick was short, about 30 seconds, her lips left him reluctantly. Lisa repeated her performance on Philip, his manhood was a near match in size to his brother and Lisa greeted it with much enthusiasm. In the space of moments, my lovely wife had taken into her sweet mouth two cocks, belonging to near total strang¬ers. It was this sight that greeted Sharmi, when he walked into the lounge. Philip with reluctance pulled his cock from Lisa’s mouth and when she looked at him for explanation, he nodded in Sharmi’s direction. Lisa on her knees turned and called the young boy over. Quickly she stripped him of his clothes, and his underpants revealed his manhood, I was at last relieved at seeing a penis, well about the same size. Again Lisa immedi¬ately sucked upon it, taking him fully into her mouth. As we watched them, I asked Tanya, how old Sharmi was. With a huge grin, she told me that he would be 19 in a month. That gave me a bit of a thrill; my wife was going to have sex with a teenager, Wow! In fact not only was he half her age, he was born the same year she lost her virginity. Now, more so than the other two I wanted to see my elegant wife moaning in pleasure as this young lad fucked her. My wish was to be delayed for a while, because Theo got Phillip to sit in an armchair, with his legs over the arms and he positioned Lisa in front of Phillip on her knees and so kneeling behind her he entered my wife's pussy as her mouth went back to work on Phillip's cock. Although he was well hung he seemed to glide into Lisa’s pussy with no effort. As that monster cock entered her pussy, I felt my own grow some, he really stretched her apart, I was amazed, surely he must be the biggest cock my wife had ever experienced in her, yet he drove up so easily. She told me later than she was so wet by then, she didn't believe it was Theo's monster cock, she thought it was Sharmi’s. But that cock was to provide the sexual impetus of what she'd do next, with a steady slow stroking of its rampant length in and out of her yearning pussy. My eyes returned to what her lips were doing, Lisa had lovingly taken all she could into her mouth and she run her mouth along the sides of his cock, she told me she could taste that he’d been up another woman recently and her tongue licked over him. She left his penis glowing in her saliva, when she dipped her mouth onto his balls. She licked over his hairy sacks, till the black hairs were matted with her saliva. Next, with her tongue wrapped around one of them she drew a whole testicle into her mouth, where she sucked upon it in a manner similar to sucking upon his penis, this was repeated for both his hairy sacks. By now my mouth was dry again. When she took hold of his legs and pushed them higher in the chair, I knew she was going to do it to him, for his arse was now in front of her face. She indicated for him to hold his legs and I watched my wife take hold of his bum cheeks and pull them apart, exposing his dark brown and red puckered anal hole, covered in a few black hairs. From where I sat I could see that he was none too clean, small particles of dried shit clung to his hairs and the hole itself was showing some brown smears. Now she had telegraphed her intention to everyone present. For a moment time stood still, I could feel my heart beat increasing. I saw my wife hesitating now, it was obvious to me that having looked at his anal ring and seen how dirty it was ,she didn't really want to do it. But I wanted her to do it more than anything else. In my fantasies of her with other men, I had always 'shot off' as she took deep into her mouth the big cocks, spurting spunk across her tongue. Now I wanted her to tongue this man's anal hole, not because I wanted her to give him a thrill, but because of her now obvious repulsion of tasting his oily shit juice. Her hesitation was barely 3 or 4 seconds, but it seemed like a lifetime, then she bent her head forward and I watched amazed as her tongue came out and ran along the length of his bum crease, as it passed over his anal hole, I saw her tongue pick up the oily shit that had accumulated around it. Now Lisa licked all over his bum area, till his skin was filmed in spittle and the hairs around his bum hole were matted, but clean, Then, Pulling his arse cheeks wide apart, she placed her mouth right over his anal hole. The look on his face told all. My wife was probing his foul anus with her dainty tongue, she now knew his rectum was full and her tongue was deep up inside him, tast¬ing his sour acrid arse juice. Lisa seemed glued to his arse and any revulsion she may have had evaporated in sexual lust. She was trusting hard and when it emerged, between thrusts, I was gratified to see the tip of her tongue was now brown. My pleasure was mirrored in Phillip’s face, his eyes were alight with pure pleasure, His penis had been wobbling around unattended, but totally straining his skin in rampant erection. Till suddenly he grabbed Lisa's head and pulling her off his bum hole, thrust his cock at her mouth, just as his spunk exploded, I saw the first globule land on her lips, then he was inside, and from her head and his thrusts, I could see he was filling her mouth with his sperm, which she was swallowing down. Her head bobbing up and down, drawing her red lips, now smeared in shit and sperm, along his weapon, till he was totally spent into her mouth, only then did Lisa's tongue sneak out and lick the traces off her lips, releasing his now totally limp manhood. This was better than my dreams and fantasies of the last six months. Lisa was performing without inhibition in front of me. I had never imagined her being 'dirty' with the phantom lovers, it was always a clean, clinical fuck or blow job, now seeing her in action, I loved seeing her being dirty, filthy and sluttish. Tanya was now climbing onto my erection, holding her cunt lips apart, I easily entered Philip's nubile wife and our lips locked in a passionate kiss. She might have been as aroused at Lisa's display as me. Her nipples were like little pebbles as I cupped her full breasts and tweaked each one hard, causing her to moan hard. I pulled and squeezed it hard, she moaned in total delight. When we broke our kiss, I was still able to watch Lisa's actions over Tanya's shoulder. Philip and Theo had manoeuvred her into the middle of the floor, right in front of me, I could touch her head if I had wanted. She was still on her knees, bum thrust in the air, In manoeuvring Theo had managed to keep his cock fully embedded in her cunt. Now Sharmi lay on his back in front of her, his legs apart, cock upright inches from her face. Lisa's mouth had just closed over Sharmi's penis, when I saw her whole body stiffen, "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!..... Ohhhhhhhhhhs, My GGggggooooddd" was what escaped from her lips, She looked around in disbelief, I could see why she had cried out and I was stag¬gered. Theo had entered her anal hole with that monster cock, slick with her vaginal juices the first inches had plunged in, causing her body to snap and her cry. Her anal hole was stretched wildly open. He was slowly pushing his way in, "Ooooohhhh" Lisa was catching her breath, her eyes like mine glued to the monster opening her up, She reached round and pulled Theo's head to hers and kissed him. Their kiss was long and by the time they broke, he was totally embedded in her arse the best part of at least 10" of his 12" cock was right up inside her. "Ooooohhhhh Jesus Christ, fuck that to me" she cried in abandon as they broke, "Ooooooohh stir up my shit" I couldn't believe the words pouring out of my wife's mouth, like a common slag. Theo started his fuck per her wishes, slowly pulling over till all that was in her rectum was his penis head, then slowly ramming it home to the hilt again. If there was any pain from the monster cock ploughing her shit channel, then it didn't show or was smothered by the pleasure she was getting from it. Theo was in to pistoning in cock into Lisa's rectum, when she eventually dropped her mouth back around Sharmi's cock. I wanted to see her repeat her performance on Sharmi's anus and I'm sure Tanya did as well. She had moved down to his balls and was tongue licking them and as she did so I watched her wet a finger and insert it into his anal hole, wriggling it into the hilt. She still sucked upon his swollen testicles, as she agitat¬ed her finger, then Tanya and I watched in amazement as she withdrew it, covered in little flecks of his excrement and took the soiled digit into her mouth, washing and cleaning it of its (un)savoury secretions, before sliding it back into him again, the process witnessed only by Tanya and myself, as Lisa was screened from the others by bits of body, although Philip may have guessed. It was an erotic sight and Tanya though so too, because she pulled my hand to her lips and took my index finger into her mouth and then guided it to her bum region. There was no doubt about her invitation, I slid my finger deep into her tight rec¬tum, immediately feeling my finger make contact with some soft shit lying there. With little effort, I could feel my own penis through the thin membrane walls. I made a note to swap finger and cock in a few minutes. When I pulled my finger free that first time, I looked closely at the brown shit smears marks and small flecks of her excrement on my digit. Nowhere near as soiled as the finger Lisa had just cleaned on her second exit. Making sure that Tanya saw, I took it into my mouth, her anal taste was quite pleasant and certainly stimulating. I felt her body shake as I did so. Initiated now, I returned my finger to her rectum, but on removing it the second time, Tanya grabbed my hand and it was she who cleaned it in her mouth. We repeated this process, each time, my finger emerged, more soiled that the time before. Looking over at the others, Philip was now enjoying my wife's tongue probing into his rectum. An exchange of words and positions, Lisa had protested that she was getting too dry in her arse and becoming sore. So I watched as the monster cock was pulled from her anal hole. I briefly saw my wife's anal sphincter was red raw and hadn't closed up. But my eyes caught sight of the monster cock. Boy was it covered, up insides my wife's rectum, it must have done some real shit squashing. It was heavily smeared along its sides, But the head of his penis must have been embedded in a big soft turd, because the foul shit was plastered all over the head, like a dollop of mixture of peanut butter and chocolate spread. Theo had an idea about cleaning his cock and He was moving Lisa into a position to present it to her mouth, which she soon realised. Philip had moved round to her rear and had entered her arse or her cunt, I wasn't paying attention, I don't think any¬body was, all eyes were on Lisa, or rather Lisa's lush mouth, scant inches from Theo's shit covered cock. Theo tried to guide Lisa's head to his cock, but she shook off his hands, shaking her lovely head, making it plain that this was too much. I almost cried out myself, never in my life had I wanted something as badly as now I now wanted to see her sucking that penis. Lisa became aware that everybody had stopped and were watching her, She looked at Theo first, then slyly around at each face watching her, leaving me till last. Her clear blue eyes were sparkling with excitement and she looked right into my eyes, I didn't do or say anything, but she knew I wanted her to do it. Looking at me, she shook her head, I nodded. She blushed crimson, the pink flush spreading across her face. Slowly, hesitantly she turned back to Theo and lowered her head down to his shitty cock, till her red lips were a scant inch away, she stopped, hesitated then her lips parted and her mouth opened and she took that foul thing into her mouth. There was an audible sight all round. Her mouth closed over the head, tongue licking that dollop right off and back into her mouth. I could tell from her eyes flickering that the nauseous taste was assaulting her tongue's taste buds. I expected to see her gag at any second, but she didn't. Instead I saw her body shake, It took me a second or so to realise, Lisa had just orgasm, she had actually gotten off on doing that vile act. Now she tried to take more of that tool into her small mouth, strained as her dainty lips were around such a monster. This game was all too much for Theo and he started bucking his hips, and his spunk started spewing forth into her mouth. Now she almost gagged an chocked, not from the vile taste of his shit, but because his motion had pushed more cock into her mouth, right to the back of her throat. His spunk was actually splashing into her throat. Lisa had nearly six full inches of his twelve crammed into her mouth, her lips were strained around its girth, her red lipstick now smeared in smears of brown shit, but all the time she kept going, till Theo stopped bucking and calmed down, and as he lost his erection, so Lisa was able to cram more and more into her mouth, sucking him clean of the shit smears and his spunk globules. Till at last she had the whole thing in her mouth, soft and pliable, although the tip was right in the back of her throat. Under any normal circumstances I would have 'cum' off by now into Tanya's warm cunt, even though we had stopped thrusting to watch Lisa's performance, this magnificently perverted act should have been enough to make me shoot, instead I had dribbled and the induced drug had kept my erection not only full. but my cock seemed to have grown in size because of the erotic sights. But now I wanted to fuck this young nymph and I started to really thrust into her womb. She called something in Greek to her husband, who pulled himself out of my wife and called to Sharmi to take his place. In fact Philip had been fucking Lisa's pussy, his cock erect, was gleaming with her cunt juices. Tanya bent over and took her husband's cock into her mouth as I fucked her. Letting him go after two or so minutes of sucking and licking. She said something else to him and he disappeared from view behind her backside. I felt him pull my finger from her arse and bringing it up, it was my turn. I got the impression that Philip was now tonguing his wife's arsehole. I took the very soiled, near brown finger into my mouth. As soon as my finger was clean again, Tanya pulled me into her for a fierce kiss, our tongues fighting like crazy in each other’s mouth. Then I got the weirdest sensation, I had been conscious of Philip tonguing his wife's arse, now I felt him remove my cock from her pussy. He must have licked his wife’s cunt a few times and then he shook me, he took my cock into his mouth. The sensation was no different than that of a woman’s mouth on my cock, but knowing it was a man sucking me was weird, especially as I was locked in a clincher with his nubile wife. His sucking of my cock was brief, some 20 seconds or so, but he guided me back into his wife, not her pussy, but her arsehole. I entered easily, probably due to all the juices there and his saliva on my cock. Immediately I could feel the rich deposits of shit lying in her bowels, just as Theo had felt with Lisa. Visions of getting Tanya to suck my cock clean of her own shit, just as Lisa had done floated in my mind, almost causing me to shoot off. Or better still getting Lisa to taste Tanya's shit on my cock. That thought made me look to my wife. She was still orally stimulating Theo, who was now seated as Sharmi had been in a chair with Lisa kneeling between his thighs. Sharmi was fucking her cunt or arsehole, in long slow strokes. But as for Theo, it was obvious that she had already tongued his balls and arsehole, as the hairs lay matted on his testicles. His cock was still deep in her mouth and she was quietly sucking upon the sleeping mon-ster. What only He and Lisa knew was at that precise moment he was halfway through emptying his bladder into her throat. When his cock was fully limp, he'd let a trickle go to test her reac¬tion. Her reaction was totally favourable to this act, so he’d trickled his yellow piss into her, slowly so that she got to drink every drop. Lisa sensing my look across, and wishing me to see her actions, lifted her mouth away from his peeing cock for the remainder of his piss, lasting another 30 seconds or so, holding his thick penis she still guided the urine spray into her eager mouth. But besides me, everybody else had now seen her act. As if that wasn't enough for my senses, Philip now extracted my cock from his wife's sticky arse and I once more felt him start to fellate me. This time he was more in earnest, presumable spurred on by the taste of his wife's shit. He had just spent about two minutes sucking me most delight¬fully, and was pushing my knob back into his wife's cunt, at the same time his mouth was working on her anal hole. When excitedly, she said something to him, again in Greek. He and the other two men laughed at a joke I suppose. But I could tell there was urgency in her voice. I was fully in to the hilt in her vagina, when I felt the strangest sensation ever in my life, even to this day. I could feel his cock enter her through the thin membrane wall. I could¬n't understand a word she said to her husband, but it was plain enough that what he was doing wasn't what she wanted. Tanya and I must have been at our climax, although it seemed I was constantly a second away from climaxing all the time. When Philip stood up and came around to the side of us, showing her the amount of shit accumulated on his cock. The acrid smell hit my nostrils at once, but that drug must have been working well or in fact in overtime, because of what I allowed her to do next and come to think of it what Lisa allowed them to do to her next. I watched mesmerised as she pulled my head forward till the tip of her husband's cock was against my lips, with a groan of near despair, my mouth opened and I was taking it in. It's nau¬seating flavour assaulting my taste buds. I'd never taken another man's cock into my mouth, Lisa had made it plain that she would be more than willing indulge my fascination for a threesome, any time I wanted, provided it was with another man and I was pre¬pared to give him a 'blow job', we had talked it through, both getting aroused at the idea. Having regularly tasted Ian's and some other men's spunk inside her cunt, it was really only a matter of who we'd invite. My act had brought a gasp from Lisa's lips as I looked over Tanya's shoulder, my mouth full with Philip's dirty cock; she had finished with Theo's cock and was watching us, mouth agape. Sharmi was still slowly fucking her, doggie style and Lisa was pulling and squeezing on her own boobs. My wife's features were still fully flushed in sexual excitement, her blue eyes sparkling in her lust. With her watching my action intently, I slipped the head of his cock out of my mouth and slowly licked along the sides down to the even dirtier base of his cock. Tanya said something to her husband as I felt him slide one or two fingers into her arsehole; she shook her head as she spoke. He laughed and I felt his fin¬gers jerk around some more, making Tanya yelp and then he with¬drew his digits from her arsehole and brought them up to her lips, they were absolutely filthy with shit, she shook her head, but he forced them into her mouth. I was still trying to keep my thrusting going, which was difficult with her weight on me and with what was going on. It was at this point that I was 100% certain that Tanya lost control of her bowel and I'm sure some shit emerged from her arsehole and slipped down that space between us, sliding over my thighs and testicles as it did so. Until about three months ago, (when some¬thing happened that prompted this letter deal), Lisa always played down what happened next. However, now she fully admits she did it. For it was at this point that Philip indicated for Lisa to move forward. With Sharmi still in situ, she crawled on her knees the three or four feet to our chair. There was no hesitation when she bent forward, in her original story she only licked around and into Tanya's arsehole, as well as licking me, now she admits there were some lumps of shit lying on me and Tanya, which she licked up and swallowed, all three men saw exactly what she did and when she put her lips to Tanya's anal hole, Tanya deliberate¬ly past several more small pieces to her. At the same time I was dimly aware of my cock spurting and spurting deep into her womb and Tanya's body shaking with her climax. and then Philip shot his load into my mouth, my sucking of his cock, passionate and fierce continued till after our body's had stopped shaking in climax, till his was limp and his cock clean of traces of his wife's shit, but the taste, like an aphrodisiac, lingered, I didn't mind it at all. I was surprised, that even though I was shattered by that almighty climax, my cock was still rock hard and my appetite was seemingly unappeased, was this due to the drug Tanya spoke about?. The rest of the night became a blur from about then on, like all forms of drugs, I suppose from my days at college taking pot, there is a high then a rapid down. I really only came to in the cool light of dawn, 5 'o'clock in the morning has never been my favourite hour, but by then Lisa and I were in the back of a Mini cab driven by a guy of Asian origin on our way home (we had travelled into London by train). Lisa was totally out of it and my head felt like a sledge hammer had hit me at some point. I awoke only because the driver was shaking me with one arm, asking directions. We were approaching our little Surrey village. As I told him, I was aware that we were both in a state of un¬dress. Whereas my clothes were around me, but not done up right, Lisa was sprawled on the cab's back seat, naked bar her now laddered stockings and raked suspender belt. Her dress and jacket piled on the floor. I didn't care. I felt like I was in a dream, I wasn’t in control, I was stupidfied. He pulled onto our driveway, I tried to pay him, but he said it had been taken care of, but if we were going to make a tea or coffee, he'd love a cup as he'd been on the go all night and it was a long drive back to London and nothing would be open yet. I hesitated because of my head and Lisa's state of display, but I reasoned he'd seen as much of her as he was going to ever see, I was about to say 'come on in', before I could agree, Lisa hearing his request invited him in. She didn't seem concerned at her state of dress. Once inside the house, she went to put the kettle on, I remember sitting down and her asking the driver to look in his car for an ear ring that was missing. I didn't dose off, but the next thing I was aware of was a noise from the kitchen, I went to look for my coffee. Lisa was leaning over the kitchen sink, the driver was slowly sinking his cock into her pussy (from the rear and she was saying "Be careful I'm awfully sore", a few strokes and she had him pull out, saying "It'll have to be this" she guided him to her arsehole which he was just as eager to use. I picked up the coffee, cups and kettle, neither of them took any notice of me. Whilst I made the three coffees, my wife was buggered by a complete stranger, a man easily old enough to be her father. She didn't rush him at all, letting him savour her skill, he came in a grunt and a gush. 5 Minutes later and we were sat round a table all three of us, as if they'd done no more than shake hands, but Lisa was basically still naked. I’m not sure the guy really knew what was going on, but he had a silly grin on his face and couldn’t keep his eyes off Lisa. I couldn’t see what was going on till I stood up and saw my wife was still fondling his cock with was sticking out of his trousers, without a word Lisa sank to her knees and her mouth enveloped his hard cock. Her bow job lasted a good ten minutes and she swallowed his seed. Lisa saw him out and even gave him a big long kiss at the front door. It slowly sank in that I’d just seen my wife have sex with a total stranger, she had him fuck her arse and she sucked his cock ( arse to mouth) for him with me watching something I had yearned to see her do for a few years now, my cock was hard, but I was almost unaware. Moments later, after the Driver had gone, we fell into bed, and didn't arise again till late afternoon; it was like a heavy hangover.. It was also our wedding anniversary day and we had a party to arrange that evening. We both told friends and family we were still a bit hungover from last night and they understood or they at least thought they did, they didn’t know half of it. Well it certainly was a night to remember. We both felt that things got a little out of hand for comfort, Lisa, who was a little abashed in the cold light of day about how she let go, of course she had no idea about the ‘Power’ drops and I wasn’t going to tell. Lisa was too sore for three days to be even touched in her vaginal region, so we didn’t even have a fuck on our wedding anniversary and I had a recurring hard on for days recalling in my mind what she’d done that night. So did Lisa keep her promised about performing with another guy whilst I watched, you bet she did, but that’s another story. About 2 weeks after our fun time with Theo, I popped over to see him and he was very enthusiastic about Lisa and that night. He was very up front that he’d love another session with her (at least) he talked in a ‘we are men of the world’ style; I had asked him for some of the power drops. Without hesitation he gave me a small container the size of an eye drop flash with a dripper in it and he said to go easy with it never give more than three. I asked him how many had he slipped Lisa that evening, he said 2 drops with her wine very early on. He told me that he would very much like Lisa to himself for a whole night away in the near future, he said she was so sexy and beautiful and such ‘a good sport’; that the evening with us was one of the highlights of his year so far. I didn’t think for a moment she’d agree, the idea of him and her alone together gave me quite a hard on as I imagined they do everything from that night plus more. I wasn’t too sure how to raise the subject with my wife about her going off for a night with Theo; obviously he was lusting after her sexually. It took me 2 days to get the courage to say something, so that night in bed I told her I had popped over to see Theo to settle his bill with our firm and tie up a few loose ends. Lisa perked up a bit at this and asked how he was; I said his usual self and he’d asked after her, this brought a full smile to her face as if she was now recalling the events of that night, taking a deep breath, I told her that ‘he had asked me if he could have a night away with you’ ‘Oh, well I guess I could’ was not the response I expected. I felt my cock harden. ‘If you really want me to have sex fun with other men whilst you watch , which technically you did that night, I was thinking I might have to practice with a guy before we perform’ ‘Well you certainly practiced with him that night’ ‘Mmmm I sure did’ Lisa smiled with that glint and I saw her nipples were becoming swollen, matching my cock. ‘So you’d be up for that?’ ‘Yes’ it was immediate and certain. We didn’t make love that night, we had sex; both turned on by the idea of what she’d readily agreed to. |
Hello, I'm Daisy, a teenage exhibitionist. I'm visiting a waterpark today and I can't wait to unveil my new t-string bikini. I made it myself with a flat white shoelace, which is great, because I am super white, so it looks like I'm naked. My parents wont let me, but I snuck it in under my suit. Good thing they are just dropping me off. At the entrance now, my heart is pounding. If security finds me, I will have to run. I'm going to get acclimated in the wave pool and take my suit off, it'll be easier for me to blend in. There are a lot of really athletic teenagers here, I think they like this kind of stuff. My revealing body... maybe a girl willing to dare. I'm up to my neck now, I'm taking the bottoms off... oh my god that's so nice, I feel so free. I love the way it touches me down there. Snug against my little clit. This bikini is very low, it T's off right at my clit, and the string in the back goes right above my asshole. For some reason this feels really good, I just love how it rubs against me. Oh my god, there are people with goggles on swimming around me... they don't seem to be disgusted by it. They're not calling the life guard. They seem to like it. Maybe I'll show them more, I'll widen my stance a little bit, I think they can see a little better now. Maybe they'll enjoy the top too. The lace around my neck comes off, then the back; I can feel the water rushing at my chest. My nipples became really sensitive and hard and pointy, its hard for the shoelace to stay on. That's all it is, one shoelace, no shoulder straps, it doesn't even cover the entire nipple. Haha! Oh my god the teenagers have waterproof phones and are taking a video. I have never felt a rush Like this before. The waves are starting, the tide is getting really low, I should squat. My legs are far apart, and there's just that tiny string to protect me; oh my god it feels really good down there. I have to tug on the string. I'm grabbing it and jamming it into my clit. Rubbing it really hard. It's an itch that wont die down. Oh shit, my pussy swallowed the string in front of everyone! It looks like a shoelace skirt above my cameltoe. I look and admire it for a while, I knew they would enjoy it too. But I have to pluck it out. I put my finger under where it T's off and slowly lower my finger hovering my body. Giving them 4-5 seconds of heaven. The waves are really high right now, I have to swim. They are still filming me, I wonder what they can see. I should go down and give them a show. I submerge myself and smile and wave at the camera. Oh there are multiple cameras. They had masks and waved back. I pose underwater for them, like a model would. I swim from side to side, like an interested mermaid, giving them a nice shot of my ass; swim towards them and swim in a backflip keeping my legs wide. I can see the guys cheering before I come up for air. They stand up, or float, and we smile at each other. I swim over. Me: Do you like my swimsuit? (All at once): Oh hell yeah! Yeah baby! It is super cute! Me: Thank you I made it myself. One guy: Do you think we could get a closer look? It's so tiny! Oh my god these guys want to look at my privates up close, I should totally not let them do that. But for some reason my brain and body are telling me "yes yes yes!" Me: I guess it's ok for a little bit. I smile, hold my breath and go under. The guys are really close to me, all huddled in front, I prop myself up on my back and spread my legs, I knew the string didn't cover much, part of my pussy was definitely exposed. I grabbed one of their arms and guided it onto my body, he started feeling my leg, another guy reached and I pulled his arm to me as well. They started touching and tugging on my T-string, rubbing my thighs, my shoulders, stomach, my face, but I knew they really wanted to touch me someplace else. I wanted them to. Their hands were on my inner thigh, and I was buzzing with pleasure. I grabbed one of their hands and guided it to my pussy. Then an electric shock flew up my spine. I closed my legs with his hand there as I rubbed myself on his fingers. Everyone else froze, their hands were somewhere else. I had to come up for air. They came up with me. One guy: Are you ok? Me: I'm sorry I grabbed you like that, it just felt really good. One guy: Yeah, that felt really good for me too, you seemed to like it. Do you want to do more? Me: Yeah, but I don't want to drown. Lets go someplace else. One guy: Hey look, there is a really long line for that ride over there. We have to get the four seated tubes, that can give us some privacy. Me: Ok, gonna stretch really quick. The 11 of them got three tubes, leaving a space for me. I had to walk with them in my tiny bikini. I lost my original swim suit almost immediately. My legs are shaking, my nipples are so hard, I can see everyone looking. They don't seem too annoyed. I could stretch for them I suppose. Me: Hey I think I’d like to do some stretching first. One guy: What, and give these people a show? Me: Everyone is smiling at me, I’m the elephant in the room. I should give them something. I go to the center of the beach at the wave pool. Smiling at everyone. There’s a mass of lounge chairs behind me, and hundreds more in the pool in front. I widen my stance and clasp my hands above my head and lean back, I think that jostled a nipple out. Hehe. Now I'm bending forward. Arching my back like they want it. I'm mooning everyone right now, I think my string slid into my pussy a little bit, I don't know how much it covers. Now I'll inch my way towards the splits. Yeah, I am really flexible like that. All the way down in one go. I like to stretch by rolling on my back too, keeping my legs apart. Oh my god my pussy is in the air right now. I can see the string has disappeared into me. Everyone can see everything. My asshole is only partially covered, so much is exposed. But it's a good stretch nonetheless. I switch into some yoga poses and get on all fours, arching my back inwards. I think I can feel myself getting wet. I wonder if they can see it. I lay my chest on the ground and imagine someone fucking me. But they let me be. I finish my routine, making sure both sides got a view, then I look over at my new friends. I could see bulges in their pants. My pussy tightened up really fast and let out a powerful gush. I remember sex ed., but I didn't think my desires would be this strong. There are strings of pussy juice slowly dripping from me, I’m leaving a trail. We are at the back of the line now. One guy: I think we can hide out in here. Gesturing to the tent they made, the one with the tubes, to be clear. Me: Ok, so am I having company? One guy: Me and a few others will join you, others will stand guard and join in later. Me: Ok, so do you want to keep touching me? One guy: Yeah, I mean, if that's ok. Me: It's fine, but I want to touch you too. All of you. One guy (smirking): What do you want to touch? Me: All of you, everywhere, especially whatever that thing is in your pants. I swat his cock as I say it. I can't believe I said that though. This is my last chance, if I want to escape now is the time. I can't bring myself to do it. I want to see this though, I have to. The guys are touching me now, they love touching my ass. They're going over my nipples, and my pussy too. Tugging at the stings. The one on my clit feels really good. I reach out and grab a mans bulge in front of me, I can't get my fingers around it. But touching it feels really good. I grab someone elses with the other hand, their swimsuits clung around it nicely. I began to rub both of them. One guy: Do you want to see it? Me: Can I? One guy: If you want, you can take these off. I reach around his hips and grab the waist line and slowly pull down. I could see his pubic mound and knew I was getting close. This will be the first one I've seen in real life. I pull it further down and the base is as wide as a coke can. I keep pulling, slowly revealing the length of his cock, it kept going further and further down, a massive, meaty member as long as my arm. The rest of them pulled out their cocks as well. Also impressive. I grab ahold of his naked cock, it throbs in my hand and a little drop comes out. I catch it and rub my fingers together. Me: Cumming already? One guy: Ha! Precum. Me: You know I’m ovulating today. One guy: What? You’re not on birth control? He was trying to act concerned, but the grin told the truth. One guy: Do you want us to pull out? I just froze. My mind stuck imagining all 11 of their cocks shooting inside me. I knew I could get pregnant, but it’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t know what I would do with it. I think I would be a terrible mother, but something told me I should always be pregnant. Me: I don’t know. I do but I’m scared. One guy: Listen to your body, it’s acting that way for a reason. Its what nature intended. Trust your instincts. Do what appeals to you. It could happen, it could not, I just think it's good to enjoy the moment. The words felt like a big relief to me, just enjoy the moment. There is no turning back now. I have to see this through. I respond by sucking the head of his cock, and grabbing someone elses cock with my left hand. I suck and feel it engulf my mouth and tickle my throat. He starts to thrust. I pull myself deeper onto him then back up, then further down. He was deeply fucking my throat. Someone grabs my pussy and picks me up to a standing position, aside from being bent over. They really start rubbing my ass now, and they're giving me a wedgie with the string. My knees buckle. One mans cock is out and pressing between my legs. I rub my pussy back onto him. I really want this string to go away. Who needs swim suits anyway? I tear my swimsuit bottoms away from my groin, giving myself a super tiny micro skirt. Then quickly rubbing my exposed pussy back on his cock. Then he places the tip at my entrance, I arch my back down, surrendering control. My pussy got really hot really fast. Stretching wider to accommodate his girth. I fall forward as he bumps into my cervix, but I was gripping too tightly to fall down. Instead I deepthroated the cock I was sucking. One guy: I'm gonna cum, can you swallow it? I pull myself to the hilt as my answer. The whole thing convulses and I can feel my throat get hot. I can feel the cum traveling down his urethra with my tongue, it swells up thick and then shrinks over and over. I can feel it flooding into me. Guy behind me: Mmm this pussy is so good. Oh shit did you swallow that? Me: Mmm hmm. I take out the cock in my mouth and start blowing the guy I was rubbing with my left hand. He looks like he is about to burst. The guy behind me presses hard against by cervix, trying to get as much of his cock in me as possible. He jams it in repeatedly, making me deepthroat faster than I wanted. Then I was skewered. They stabbed me from both ends and flooded my insides. My whole body throbbed with them as they shot out their seed. Blasting straight into my womb. Straight into my stomach. Lighting me on fire. Two new guys quickly took their place. They were so snug in me, I bet I could turn around like a rotisserie. I go to do that. Everyone: Woah! This chick is amazing! They pick me up and start spinning me faster. Then they started thrusting again. The guys remove their hands and do a hula hoop like motion, keeping me spinning on their cocks. Making me dizzy, but it felt euphoric. Then they started spurting and switching, filling my insides with more stickiness. Both sides were flowing into me, inflating me like a balloon. Good thing too, I don't want anything to escape. The guys take their turn at guarding, letting others in. They could tell the gangbang was going on beforehand, and were already very hard. I get them warmed up with a quick suck. The next guy picks me up and drops me on his cock, I sink as deep as possible. Then someone from behind pokes his cockhead in my butthole. I tense up. This doesn't feel as good. But I'm able to manage. The man carries a bottle of tea tree oil. Fair enough. The guy infront of me picks me up to fuck me, also guiding the cock in my ass further inside me as well. I felt really stuffed. They started fucking me deep, alternating their thrusts, then thrusting together. When they thrust together it felt really tight, like I was going to pop. They picked up the pace then jammed into me, coating my insides with another thick cum dump. I cum with them. Contracting my body over their cocks. Squeezing them into high pressure nozzles. I felt my body catch all of it, like it sucked it in. I don't care if I get pregnant anymore, I have to feel cum inside me at all times now, this is amazing. I tense up really bad, I was afraid I was crushing their cocks, but they just came harder, prolonging their orgasms. I felt safe to not hold back as I fully clamped down with all I had. This repeated the cycle. The rest of them were at the edge, I sucked down on the next guy and I immediately caught another load of cum in my mouth. Moments later I was being creamed in my pussy again. I love that. They moved on and I was quickly filled again by new guys. They were so hard. They picked me up again, then slid two cocks in my pussy. They were already massive on their own, but this caused me to yell a little. It was painful, but my pussy told me to keep going, it was going to feel good. And it did. Little by little, as they fucked me, it started to stretch. I couldn't believe how wide my pussy is now, I had no idea it could do this. I mean, I knew we could give birth, but its different when your pussy is actually opening up that much. Then another cock swiftly jams in my ass, then my pussy tensed up again. They all three thrust in unison, filling my holes with an avalanche of messy cum. I did the best to catch all of it, but it felt like it was going to fall when they pull out. Me: Wait, I think it's going to come out, flip me upside down. I roll backwards then keep my legs above my head as I watch my pussy filled to the brim with cum. Hollowed out like a bottle with no cap. Me: Oh shit, it's gonna spill. One guy: You are going to have to swallow it, keep your legs over your head and catch it in your mouth. I was relieved we found a solution, and it involved playing with cum! This is the first time I've seen cum as it's supposed to be, all thick and hot. And now I was going to really taste it. I pour cum from my pussy into my mouth and let it pile up, then some guy brings his cock to my mouth and shoots his load perfectly into that little pool. I finish draining my pussy, then more men fill my pussy and drop loads in my mouth. My cheeks are puffed out and my mouth is wide open. I catch more cum from my pussy. I'm afraid if I close my mouth cum will spill out. I bring my hands to my mouth to catch any spillage then swallow. It doesn't go down in one gulp so I swallow again, and again. Another man enters my pussy, and cums as I swallow again. Then someone else enters my ass. The guy in my pussy gets replaced. They fuck me down deep. I can see the bulge in my stomach. I need another cock. They're not cumming fast enough. My wish was granted, someone dropped their cock down next to me rammed it into my pussy without their hands. As he was fucking me, a slow trickle of cum dribbled out. Making a mess of my pussy. I could feel it coat my entire vagina. Then his cock swelled and the trickle stopped. Then he jack hammered me. 1000 times a minute; ringing my cervix like a bell. Then he pressed my uterus in on itself and a full blast of cum shot out. Adding to the ocean swelling inside me. I continued to catch loads from them for the whole walk up. They would pick me up, sometimes without their hands whenever the line moved. They would cum sometimes when walking, this felt especially good, and a little funny. It reminded me we are in a public place and could get caught at any moment. My uterus felt bloated, like I was already deeply pregnant. God I hope it's triplets. I don't want this cum to go to waste. I need to get pregnant. I cum again as I felt another creampie. Then the finale. They all worked up another two loads and shot it into me in three minutes. A constant bombardment of throbbing cocks, filling me deep. This time, penetrating my cervix and violating my fallopian tubes, one cock in each tube. Double fallopian tube fucking. Making dead sure I get pregnant. The mashing of my ovaries caused a massive orgasm, stimulating their spent cocks for another load. I can feel my fallopian tubes swell, their cocks are about to erupt. I could burst! Their cocks throb. Jizz explodes towards my ovaries. Each of my fallopian tubes swell up. Their cocks plugging me. My little egg, oh poor thing. Drowning in semen. They take turns violating my ovaries. Blasting sperm directly onto my egg. Finally, they pull out. I hold my palm against my pussy, keeping in cum until my cervix closes back up. Afterwards, I lick my hand clean. One guy: Noticed you lost your swim suit. Here, you can have my draw string. Me: Ha! Thanks. But I like my new skirt! |
ENOUGH CHAPTER ONE I was only nineteen and five things would change my life as I knew it: 1. I was a nobody and school and barely weighed one hundred fifty pounds. Second, I had zero friends so that set me up as a target for any asshole in school who enjoyed harassing weak students. I joined a health and soon became infatuated with lifting weights and getting as big as possible. 2. My father had died early in my life and left no male figure to guide me. I never realized how much of a disadvantage that was until I was older. 3. There was an elderly couple that lived next store to me and the husband passed away. At that point my mother informed me that Mrs. Gardner needed help and that I would help look after her. I cut her grass, went to the grocery for her among many other things. They say God doesn't watch you, but I have to disagree with that. 4. I had gone reluctantly to a party at Haley Mill's home and started what would be a decades long feud. At the party, Haley's boyfriend pushed her down and split her head open. I got involved and choke him out. In addition to training with weights I was learning Muy Thai and Krav Maga as self-defense. The police were called but they learned the truth. 5. But my biggest problem was my mother. She was a very beautiful women with an amazing figure. I began looking at her in a sexual manner. My mother was extremely young and very lovable. The police sorted everything out and even gave me a ride home for the trouble. My mom freaked out when she saw me get out of a police car and came running out of the house. The police officer explained what had happened and told her I behaved admirably for someone put in the situation I was in. The following Monday at school, I was the talk of the campus. I had saved Haley and choked out the big bad football player. Haley came over and sat with me during lunch showing me the gash on the back of her head again. For some reason, I had a bad feeling that what had happened at Haley’s house that night was not over. I could see the looks I was getting from the football players both in and out of the classroom. I guess they were circling the wagons trying to protect one of their own. I did another cycle of steroids and killed myself in the gym getting to two hundred twenty pounds. Danny then suggested I change my routine to low weight and high repetitions. This would cause me to lose some weight initially but give me much more definition. Since I had been with Danny, he had never steered me wrong, so I started the new routine. I also cut back on the calories I was eating a bit. Within several weeks, it was easy to see what he was talking about. I was off steroids, and I had dropped close to ten pounds. But the definition in my arms, legs and upper body started to take shape. After two more weeks, I was down twenty pounds but as gym members would say, I was ripped. You could see the veins in my upper arms and my stomach was beginning to get ripples in it. I turned nineteen years old on a Friday with little fanfare. My mom bought a small cake and some ice cream, and we ate together that night. She bought me several pairs of jeans and two shirts because most of my clothes were too small. I was officially a man now, but I did not feel one bit different. We were approaching the Christmas holidays, and everyone was looking forward to the extended vacation. We were in our last two weeks of school before vacation when I was approached in the hallway by Haley Mills. “Hey Chris, are you by any chance going to the Christmas dance?”, she asked. “No, I don’t do dances.”, I replied, laughing. “Want to go with me?”, Haley asked. “Oh geez…. I don’t know Haley. Last time we were together it didn’t end well. I’m still getting looks from the football team.”, I answered. “Please…… “, she asked, smiling at me. “Ok, I guess we can go together.”, I answered. She quickly hugged me then began to make plans for the dance. She seemed excited and promised to call me at home later tonight. She was surprised to find out I did not have a cell phone. I just thought for my purposes it was not worth the money. I was either at school, home or the gym. It was not hard to find me. That evening I told my mom about the dance, and she seemed extremely happy that I had accepted Haley’s invitation. My mom told me I could use her car that night and promised to get it cleaned. I had only driven my mom’s vehicle once when I took the driving test many years ago. The gym and market were close to the house and the school bus picked me up at the corner. As promised Haley called me that night and we spoke for close to an hour on the phone. She did most of the talking and explained her entire relationship with Darren, not that I really wanted to know. After talking to Haley, I went into the living room and join my mother on the sofa. She was watching a movie on television, so I sat down and started watching it as well. Around nine o’clock, the movie went off and my mother asked if I wanted to watch anything else. I told her no and she turned off the tv. “Was that Haley on the phone a while ago?”, she asked. “Yes, it was.”, I answered, looking over at her. What I did not notice until now was my mother was wearing an oversized white t-shirt on with just panties underneath. Since my mother had been going to the gym, she had lost SEVERAL pounds and was turning a lot of heads in the gym, including mine. I always felt bad afterwards when I thought about my mother in a sexual way but, here she was exposing most of her legs to me. She was turned slightly sideways on the sofa facing me. She happened to look out the front window for several seconds which gave me an opportunity to look between her legs. She had on a pair of white lace panties with only the crotch visible. As my mom turned her head, I quickly looked away. Several minutes later, I made an excuse about being tired and went to my room. On that Monday, my mother went out and get two large seafood platters which was my favorite meal. We ate together and talked about the upcoming Christmas dance this coming weekend. Since, I did not have a suit, I decided to wear dress slacks, a white shirt and tie. I had the dress slacks that fit me and several ties but had outgrown my white shirt. I went with my mother and bought one but had to take it to an alteration shop to make it fit properly. They promised to have it ready on Friday afternoon at three o’clock. My mother promised to pick it on her way from work. I had been really working hard at the gym and staying till almost seven thirty then walking home. I would take a shower, eat some supper and go right to bed. That would eliminate time with my mother keeping things less complicated. She had not brought up anything of a sexual nature lately although we did not spend much idle time together. In a way, I think she knew just by the way she looked at me sometimes. She would have sad eyes sometimes and a look of sadness on her face. On Wednesday, Haley asked me if I wanted to go to a movie and maybe grab a burger afterward. As she said, it would break the ice between us and let us spend a little time together before the dance. I agreed to pick her up at six thirty in the evening. The movie started at seven twenty at a local theatre only a few miles from the house. My mom let me use her car telling me to be careful. I drove over to Haley’s house and her mother opened the door and let me in. I followed her into the den area where her father was watching television. He got up immediately and shook my hand. “Hello Chris, nice to see you again.”, he stated. “Nice to see you too, sir.”, I replied. “Did you have any more trouble with Darren or his buddies?”, he asked. “No sir, not yet. But they hate me…. I can tell by the way they look at me every day.”, I answered. “Well after what you did to Darren if they had any sense, they would avoid you.”, he laughed. “I avoid them sir. I don’t want any trouble.”, I replied. “So where are you two off to?”, he asked, sitting back down. “We are going to the movies and then to the burger joint.”, I answered. Just about that time, Haley came in the room and across the floor. She was wearing sneakers, tight blue jeans, and a pull over long sleeve top. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail which was a standard cheerleader hairstyle. “Hey Chris, you ready to go?”, she asked. “Sure Haley.”, I replied, softly. “You kids be careful….”, Haley’s mom stated. “Uh mom, look who I’m with. I’m safe.”, Haley giggled. “Point taken….”, she laughed. We went out and got in the car and pulled away heading in the direction of the movie theatre. We pulled up about seven o’clock and got in line to purchase tickets. I bought the tickets, and we went to the concession stand and bought a large popcorn with two large cokes. We went into the room showing the film we had chosen, and Haley chose seats in the back righthand corner. They were only four people in the room as we walked up the steps to the righthand corner. We sat down and talked quietly as the theatre started filling with people. The movie started on time with several minutes of credits playing. Just before the show was about to start, Jennifer Smith came in with her boyfriend, a football player. She saw us and waved then took a seat about ten rows in front of us. The lights when down and the movie started the room quieted down. Somewhere in the first ten minutes of the movie, Haley reached over the arm rest and took my hand in hers. Haley’s hand was small and very soft. Several times she moved her fingers in my hands slowly which I had to admit felt good. Perhaps ten minutes later, she leaned her head in my direction and rested it on my shoulder. Being very naïve with women, I did not expect Haley to show this kind of affection on a first date. The movie ended and everyone started filing out we were almost the last to leave. When we got into the lobby Jennifer Smith and her boyfriend were waiting to see Haley. “Hey girl, what’s up.”, Jennifer said hugging Haley. “Not much.”, Haley giggled. “Hey Chris, how are you?”, Jennifer asked. “I’m doing ok, Jennifer. Thank you.”, I replied. “Where are you guys going from here?”, Jennifer asked. “We are going over to Dan’s Diner to get a burger.”, Haley replied. “Oh, alright. We are headed to Bretchel Park.”, Jennifer giggled. “Have fun.”, Haley laughed, grabbing my hand, and pulling me behind her. We walked to the car and got in and buckled up. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way over to Dan’s Diner which was a local hang out for young kids. We parked and went inside and grabbed a booth close to the front window. It took a while but eventually the waitress came over and took our orders. Just as she left the table, I notice Darren and several of the crew walk in. It took them less than ten seconds to notice us. I told Haley they had walked in, but she asked me to just ignore them. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. They walked right up to our table. “Darren, this is the motherfucker who jumped you from behind?”, one of the bigger guys said. “Yea, that’s him.”, Darren replied. “Hey muscle boy, you want to try that with me?”, he sneered. I stood up and walked forward one step closing the gap between us. There were four of them and if this got physical, I was going to come out on the short end of this encounter. “Darren pushed Haley down and split open her head. I simply pulled him off her.”, I replied, softly. “That’s not what I heard, boy.”, he answered. Haley jumped up and turned around getting in Darren’s face immediately. I could tell she had not forgotten what he had done to her. “So now you must get three other guys to back you up? You’re only good one on one when you’re beating up girls, right?”, she said, loudly. By that time, the manager came around the counter and walked over to us. I could tell he had overheard most of what was said. “Hey, you four, find a table on the other side of the diner. Darren, I know what you did…. word gets around fast in a small town. Now git.” he ordered. They grumbled something about now being over but walked over to the other side of the diner. I sat back down just as the waitress brought our drinks. I could see Haley was very upset her hands were shaking. “Haley, it’s alright. Don’t let them get to you.”, I urged. “That asshole split the back of my head open, and his buddies are going to blame you. I don’t think so.”, she answered, very angry. “Hey, in the end he was the one on his back on the concrete, not you.”, I laughed. “That’s true.”, she giggled. The waitress brought our food, and we began to eat. As we were eating the big guy who I had words with came walking down the aisle passing us and going to the bathroom. He stared me down as he passed then took a left and went into the restroom. As I looked behind the counter, I saw that the manager had noticed him walk in our direction. Several minutes later, he came out and began to walk in our direction again. When he passed me, he slapped me in the back of my head hard. I did not care if it was four to one, I was not going to play that shit. I jumped out took two steps and grabbed his arm spinning him around. “Obviously, you have a problem. So, lets you and I go outside and take care of it. Just me and you, no one else. I can handle you but not the entire football team. So, how about it?”, I asked. “Sorry, but you don’t get the choose the odds. You mess with one of us then you deal with all of us.”, he laughed. “Boy some football team.”, I replied. Just about that time, two police cars showed up in the parking lot. The two officers came running in and right up to us. “What’s going on here?”, one of the officers asked. The manager stepped forward and began to explain what had happened and all that he had saw. He admitted that he had called them not wanting a fight inside his diner. One of the officers kept looking at me strangely and he finally spoke up. “Didn’t I just deal with you a few weeks ago?”, he asked. “You came to a party at my house after my boyfriend pushed me down and I split my head open. Chris was the one that helped me. We went to the movies tonight and came in here to eat and Josh with his buddies over there, including my ex-boyfriend started messing with us.”, Haley quickly responded. “You guys don’t learn really well, do you?”, the police officer asked Josh. “We weren’t doing anything.”, Josh responded. “I saw you hit this boy in the back of his head.”, the manager stated. “Go tell your numb nut buddies to meet me in the parking lot.”, the officer ordered Josh. “You two go back to your food.”, he suggested to Haley and me. We sat back down as he followed the four out into the parking lot. Haley and I made a point not to stare and completely ignored what was going on. About fifteen minutes later, the four of them left and did not return. We finished up and went back to the car and got in. It was quarter after ten when I pulled out of the diner’s parking lot. As soon as I pulled on the main road, Haley spoke up. “You want to go to the park for a while?”, she asked, softly. “What time do you have to be home by?”, I asked. “Between twelve thirty and one o’clock.”, she replied. “I guess we can if that’s ok with you.”, I replied. When we arrived at the entrance to the park it was packed. Two dozen cars were in the parking lot most with their headlights on with people mulling around everywhere. The park consisted of a very large pond with a walking track around it. It had a play area for kids and several sandboxes. The parking lot was laid out well and teenagers would flock there on Friday and Saturday nights to make out. The police would drive by around eleven forty-five and run everyone out. It had been a tradition for years and years. “They’re all here.”, Haley sighed as we pulled in. “I see that and I’m really tired of dealing with them.”, I replied. “I agree, we can just go home.”, Haley suggested. I dropped Haley off about eleven o’clock and went straight home. I went right to bed and wonder would the dance be any better tomorrow night. But honestly, I knew better. The dance was a disaster from the moment we walked in. Haley and I picked a table near the front stage and within ten minutes we were surrounded by the football team. We moved to the back of the gym where once again they followed us. Haley and I danced two slow songs together all the while being ridiculed by the crew. Several times, the teachers who acted as chaperones came over and asked them to quiet down. But they were the football team, and they were undefeated and looking like a regional title was possible. No one was really going to do anything at least not until after the season was over. We had no sooner sat down when Darren came over and asked Haley to dance. Of course, Haley refused but he persisted and would not leave her alone. He finally reached down and grabbed her upper arm which caused one of the football coaches to head in our direction along with a female teacher. I did not care at that point, I had enough. I stood and walked over to Darren getting in his face. He released Haley and turned to face me. Just about that time the coach and teacher arrived. “I’m done, Darren…… It’s time me and you settle this once and for all.”, I stated. “Williams, back off….”, the coach instructed. By that time the rest of the team had surrounded us as they normally did. Several more teachers came running over. “I’m tired of backing off coach. Everywhere I go these assholes are all over me. I’m going to end this if I must take one on a time until I’m done. Just so you know coach, you’re going to be short a few players.”, I shouted. “Williams, get the fuck out of here and go home now.”, Coach Curtis yelled. “Haley, you want me to bring you home?”, I asked. “I’ll bring her home Chris.”, Chrissy replied. Haley did not pick up her purse and made no attempt to leave so I turned and walked off. I drove straight home and pulled in my driveway right after ten o’clock that night. My mom was still watching television and she knew something was wrong. I had to explain what had happened and why I was home so early. She promised to call the principal after the holidays and have a discussion with him about what was going on. I asked her not to do that and I could handle this myself. I went straight to bed that night promising to separate myself from the entire group including Haley Mills. Several hours later my mother came into my room and told me Haley’s father was on the phone. I got up and went into the kitchen and answered the phone. “Chris, where is Haley?”, he asked, very upset. I explained to him what had happened leading up to tonight and what had happened at the dance. I told him that Darren had grabbed Haley by the arm and that I confronted him. I told him that Coach Curtis asked me to leave and that I offered to give Haley a ride home. I explained that Chrissy told me that she would bring Haley home. I told him, I once again asked Haley and she gave me no indication she wanted to leave so I left alone. “Ok, thank you Chris. I am sorry you got caught up in all of this. I’m sure she is ok.”, he said, hanging up. I went back to bed and slept until around ten o’clock the following morning. I got up and cut the grass in the front and back yard of our yard. Then I took care of Mrs. Gardener’s yard and made a run to the market for her. I was back inside for around three o’clock watching television on the sofa. I took a long shower around six thirty that afternoon and I was just getting out as my mother returned home from the grocery store. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and brought in the bags of groceries as my mother put them away. She had also bought two hamburgers and fries from the burger joint, so we sat down and ate after. I cleaned up the kitchen while she went and took her shower. It was close to eight o’clock when she game back into the living room. At least this time she had a short robe over her t-shirt, but it barely covered her underwear. She walked into the kitchen and got a coke and then returned to the sofa. Since I was not watching anything of importance, I handed her the remote. She simply reached out and turned the volume down and set it on the sofa between us. “Chris, I am sorry that you and Haley didn’t work out.”, she stated. “It’s no big deal mom.”, I replied, still watching the movie. “It is a big deal baby. You never know when you’re going to meet the love of your life.”, she answered. “Mom, I barely knew her.”, I answered, looking over at her. My mom’s thirty fourth birthday was several months away but she looked much younger. She was a beautiful woman who for some reason in the last few months started to become a more sexual being. I do not know if she was flirting at work, but I had to believe that this was not normal behavior for a mother. Once again, she slightly turned giving me the perception I could look between her legs which I avoided at all costs. “Why don’t you call her and ask her out again?”, she urged. “Mom, I don’t want to deal with Darren and his crew anymore. It’s not worth it. Besides school is almost over for me.”, I replied. While my mom glanced quickly at the television my gaze traveled down and got a glimpse of her white lace panties. I looked up quickly but was sure she noticed my eyes between her legs. “Do you like that?”, she asked. “Like what mom?”, I replied, acting confused. “My white panties……”, she purred softly. “Uh…I don’t know….”, I started. “Baby look at me.”, she commanded. I turned my head at looked directly at my mother sitting at the other end of the sofa. She slowly opened her legs until I have an excellent view of her long legs and white lace panties. She slowly lowered her hand until one finger was touching the crotch area of her panties. She slowly began to move her finger up and down her crotch staring directly into my eyes. As much as I wanted to jump up and run to my bedroom, I was compelled to watch her finger touch herself. My dick was already hard, and I had not even touched myself. “Come over here baby.”, she asked. I simply nodded and got up moved down a few feet sitting back down extremely close to her. She reached out slowly and took my hand and placed it between her legs so that my fingers were touching her panties. I began to slide one finger up and down as she had been doing only seconds before. I saw my mother swallow hard and close her eyes for a few seconds before looking back in my eyes. “That feels so good….”, she whispered. At this point, I had absolutely no idea of what I was doing. I was sitting next to my mother with my hand between her legs rubbing her pussy. This was wrong on so many levels, yet my mother felt totally at ease. She reached across with her right hand and softly began to rub my erection. I had never felt anything before in my life that felt that good. She continued to softly use her fingertips to run the length of my shaft creating an incredible sensation. “Put your hand inside my panties, baby.”, she whispered in my ear. I reached up from between her legs and slowly eased my hand inside the waist band of her panties. Further and further until I felt her wet hot crease. My middle finger parted her lips and eased inside of her. “Oh god that’s good….”, she moaned. She leaned over and pushed her right hand into my shorts and wrapping her hand around my dick softly. She leaned back and looked me dead in the eye with a surprised look on her face. “Damn baby, you got a big dick.”, she giggled. “I do?”, I replied. “Uh huh…”, she nodded. She pulled away from me and stood up then reached down for my hand. I put my hand in hers and she pulled me off the sofa. She led me down the hall and into her bedroom which was always off limits to me. She already had the bed turned down and she stopped when we reached the side of the bed. She turned around and faced me taking off her white robe dropping it to the floor. She sat down on the bed and moved to the left side of the bed allowing me access next to her. I laid down next to her with my mind reeling not quite sure what we were both doing. She knew I was inexperienced, so she was going to have to lead me through whatever was going to happen. She leaned over me looking down into my eyes with a look I had never seen before. She bent down and softly put her lips on mine. Her lips were soft and moist, and she immediately sent a shiver up my spine. After a few seconds, she pressed her lips a little harder into mine, the tip of her tongue brushing my lower lip. Seconds later, she softly pushed her tongue into my mouth giving me the most spine-tingling sensation I had ever felt. As we continued to kiss each other her hand traveled down my body and inside of my shorts. She had her small soft hand wrapped around my rigid erection slowly stroking me up and down. She removed her lips from mine and opened her eyes, they were glazed over and full of moisture. “Does that feel good baby?”, she whispered. By this time, I had absolutely no control over my body, I was completely in my mother’s hands. She began to stroke me off a little faster and after several seconds I knew I was going to lose control. “Mom, please… I’m going to.”, I said softly. “It’s ok baby, go ahead and cum.”, she replied. That was all it took as spurt after spurt of hot semen jumped from the head of my cock coating my mother’s hand and the inside of my shorts. She completely rubbed my entire load out and was rubbing her thumb over the head to make sure I was done. As I tried to recover from what was the best orgasm of my life my mother leaned in and softly kissed me again for several seconds. “Go clean up and come back to bed.”, she whispered, seductively. CHAPTER ONE The police sorted everything out and even gave me a ride home for the trouble. My mom freaked out when she saw me get out of a police car and came running out of the house. The police officer explained what had happened and told her I behaved admirably for someone put in the situation I was in. The following Monday at school, I was the talk of the campus. I had saved Haley and choked out the big bad football player. Haley came over and sat with me during lunch showing me the gash on the back of her head again. For some reason, I had a bad feeling that what had happened at Haley’s house that night was not over. I could see the looks I was getting from the football players both in and out of the classroom. I guess they were circling the wagons trying to protect one of their own. I did another cycle of steroids and killed myself in the gym getting to two hundred twenty pounds. Danny then suggested I change my routine to low weight and high repetitions. This would cause me to lose some weight initially but give me much more definition. Since I had been with Danny, he had never steered me wrong, so I started the new routine. I also cut back on the calories I was eating a bit. Within several weeks, it was easy to see what he was talking about. I was off steroids, and I had dropped close to ten pounds. But the definition in my arms, legs and upper body started to take shape. After two more weeks, I was down twenty pounds but as gym members would say, I was ripped. You could see the veins in my upper arms and my stomach was beginning to get ripples in it. I turned nineteen years old on a Friday with little fanfare. My mom bought a small cake and some ice cream, and we ate together that night. She bought me several pairs of jeans and two shirts because most of my clothes were too small. I was officially a man now, but I did not feel one bit different. We were approaching the Christmas holidays, and everyone was looking forward to the extended vacation. We were in our last two weeks of school before vacation when I was approached in the hallway by Haley Mills. “Hey Chris, are you by any chance going to the Christmas dance?”, she asked. “No, I don’t do dances.”, I replied, laughing. “Want to go with me?”, Haley asked. “Oh geez…. I don’t know Haley. Last time we were together it didn’t end well. I’m still getting looks from the football team.”, I answered. “Please…… “, she asked, smiling at me. “Ok, I guess we can go together.”, I answered. She quickly hugged me then began to make plans for the dance. She seemed excited and promised to call me at home later tonight. She was surprised to find out I did not have a cell phone. I just thought for my purposes it was not worth the money. I was either at school, home or the gym. It was not hard to find me. That evening I told my mom about the dance, and she seemed extremely happy that I had accepted Haley’s invitation. My mom told me I could use her car that night and promised to get it cleaned. I had only driven my mom’s vehicle once when I took the driving test many years ago. The gym and market were close to the house and the school bus picked me up at the corner. As promised Haley called me that night and we spoke for close to an hour on the phone. She did most of the talking and explained her entire relationship with Darren, not that I really wanted to know. After talking to Haley, I went into the living room and join my mother on the sofa. She was watching a movie on television, so I sat down and started watching it as well. Around nine o’clock, the movie went off and my mother asked if I wanted to watch anything else. I told her no and she turned off the tv. “Was that Haley on the phone a while ago?”, she asked. “Yes, it was.”, I answered, looking over at her. What I did not notice until now was my mother was wearing an oversized white t-shirt on with just panties underneath. Since my mother had been going to the gym, she had lost SEVERAL pounds and was turning a lot of heads in the gym, including mine. I always felt bad afterwards when I thought about my mother in a sexual way but, here she was exposing most of her legs to me. She was turned slightly sideways on the sofa facing me. She happened to look out the front window for several seconds which gave me an opportunity to look between her legs. She had on a pair of white lace panties with only the crotch visible. As my mom turned her head, I quickly looked away. Several minutes later, I made an excuse about being tired and went to my room. On that Monday, my mother went out and get two large seafood platters which was my favorite meal. We ate together and talked about the upcoming Christmas dance this coming weekend. Since, I did not have a suit, I decided to wear dress slacks, a white shirt and tie. I had the dress slacks that fit me and several ties but had outgrown my white shirt. I went with my mother and bought one but had to take it to an alteration shop to make it fit properly. They promised to have it ready on Friday afternoon at three o’clock. My mother promised to pick it on her way from work. I had been really working hard at the gym and staying till almost seven thirty then walking home. I would take a shower, eat some supper and go right to bed. That would eliminate time with my mother keeping things less complicated. She had not brought up anything of a sexual nature lately although we did not spend much idle time together. In a way, I think she knew just by the way she looked at me sometimes. She would have sad eyes sometimes and a look of sadness on her face. On Wednesday, Haley asked me if I wanted to go to a movie and maybe grab a burger afterward. As she said, it would break the ice between us and let us spend a little time together before the dance. I agreed to pick her up at six thirty in the evening. The movie started at seven twenty at a local theatre only a few miles from the house. My mom let me use her car telling me to be careful. I drove over to Haley’s house and her mother opened the door and let me in. I followed her into the den area where her father was watching television. He got up immediately and shook my hand. “Hello Chris, nice to see you again.”, he stated. “Nice to see you too, sir.”, I replied. “Did you have any more trouble with Darren or his buddies?”, he asked. “No sir, not yet. But they hate me…. I can tell by the way they look at me every day.”, I answered. “Well after what you did to Darren if they had any sense, they would avoid you.”, he laughed. “I avoid them sir. I don’t want any trouble.”, I replied. “So where are you two off to?”, he asked, sitting back down. “We are going to the movies and then to the burger joint.”, I answered. Just about that time, Haley came in the room and across the floor. She was wearing sneakers, tight blue jeans, and a pull over long sleeve top. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail which was a standard cheerleader hairstyle. “Hey Chris, you ready to go?”, she asked. “Sure Haley.”, I replied, softly. “You kids be careful….”, Haley’s mom stated. “Uh mom, look who I’m with. I’m safe.”, Haley giggled. “Point taken….”, she laughed. We went out and got in the car and pulled away heading in the direction of the movie theatre. We pulled up about seven o’clock and got in line to purchase tickets. I bought the tickets, and we went to the concession stand and bought a large popcorn with two large cokes. We went into the room showing the film we had chosen, and Haley chose seats in the back righthand corner. They were only four people in the room as we walked up the steps to the righthand corner. We sat down and talked quietly as the theatre started filling with people. The movie started on time with several minutes of credits playing. Just before the show was about to start, Jennifer Smith came in with her boyfriend, a football player. She saw us and waved then took a seat about ten rows in front of us. The lights when down and the movie started the room quieted down. Somewhere in the first ten minutes of the movie, Haley reached over the arm rest and took my hand in hers. Haley’s hand was small and very soft. Several times she moved her fingers in my hands slowly which I had to admit felt good. Perhaps ten minutes later, she leaned her head in my direction and rested it on my shoulder. Being very naïve with women, I did not expect Haley to show this kind of affection on a first date. The movie ended and everyone started filing out we were almost the last to leave. When we got into the lobby Jennifer Smith and her boyfriend were waiting to see Haley. “Hey girl, what’s up.”, Jennifer said hugging Haley. “Not much.”, Haley giggled. “Hey Chris, how are you?”, Jennifer asked. “I’m doing ok, Jennifer. Thank you.”, I replied. “Where are you guys going from here?”, Jennifer asked. “We are going over to Dan’s Diner to get a burger.”, Haley replied. “Oh, alright. We are headed to Bretchel Park.”, Jennifer giggled. “Have fun.”, Haley laughed, grabbing my hand, and pulling me behind her. We walked to the car and got in and buckled up. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way over to Dan’s Diner which was a local hang out for young kids. We parked and went inside and grabbed a booth close to the front window. It took a while but eventually the waitress came over and took our orders. Just as she left the table, I notice Darren and several of the crew walk in. It took them less than ten seconds to notice us. I told Haley they had walked in, but she asked me to just ignore them. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. They walked right up to our table. “Darren, this is the motherfucker who jumped you from behind?”, one of the bigger guys said. “Yea, that’s him.”, Darren replied. “Hey muscle boy, you want to try that with me?”, he sneered. I stood up and walked forward one step closing the gap between us. There were four of them and if this got physical, I was going to come out on the short end of this encounter. “Darren pushed Haley down and split open her head. I simply pulled him off her.”, I replied, softly. “That’s not what I heard, boy.”, he answered. Haley jumped up and turned around getting in Darren’s face immediately. I could tell she had not forgotten what he had done to her. “So now you must get three other guys to back you up? You’re only good one on one when you’re beating up girls, right?”, she said, loudly. By that time, the manager came around the counter and walked over to us. I could tell he had overheard most of what was said. “Hey, you four, find a table on the other side of the diner. Darren, I know what you did…. word gets around fast in a small town. Now git.” he ordered. They grumbled something about now being over but walked over to the other side of the diner. I sat back down just as the waitress brought our drinks. I could see Haley was very upset her hands were shaking. “Haley, it’s alright. Don’t let them get to you.”, I urged. “That asshole split the back of my head open, and his buddies are going to blame you. I don’t think so.”, she answered, very angry. “Hey, in the end he was the one on his back on the concrete, not you.”, I laughed. “That’s true.”, she giggled. The waitress brought our food, and we began to eat. As we were eating the big guy who I had words with came walking down the aisle passing us and going to the bathroom. He stared me down as he passed then took a left and went into the restroom. As I looked behind the counter, I saw that the manager had noticed him walk in our direction. Several minutes later, he came out and began to walk in our direction again. When he passed me, he slapped me in the back of my head hard. I did not care if it was four to one, I was not going to play that shit. I jumped out took two steps and grabbed his arm spinning him around. “Obviously, you have a problem. So, lets you and I go outside and take care of it. Just me and you, no one else. I can handle you but not the entire football team. So, how about it?”, I asked. “Sorry, but you don’t get the choose the odds. You mess with one of us then you deal with all of us.”, he laughed. “Boy some football team.”, I replied. Just about that time, two police cars showed up in the parking lot. The two officers came running in and right up to us. “What’s going on here?”, one of the officers asked. The manager stepped forward and began to explain what had happened and all that he had saw. He admitted that he had called them not wanting a fight inside his diner. One of the officers kept looking at me strangely and he finally spoke up. “Didn’t I just deal with you a few weeks ago?”, he asked. “You came to a party at my house after my boyfriend pushed me down and I split my head open. Chris was the one that helped me. We went to the movies tonight and came in here to eat and Josh with his buddies over there, including my ex-boyfriend started messing with us.”, Haley quickly responded. “You guys don’t learn really well, do you?”, the police officer asked Josh. “We weren’t doing anything.”, Josh responded. “I saw you hit this boy in the back of his head.”, the manager stated. “Go tell your numb nut buddies to meet me in the parking lot.”, the officer ordered Josh. “You two go back to your food.”, he suggested to Haley and me. We sat back down as he followed the four out into the parking lot. Haley and I made a point not to stare and completely ignored what was going on. About fifteen minutes later, the four of them left and did not return. We finished up and went back to the car and got in. It was quarter after ten when I pulled out of the diner’s parking lot. As soon as I pulled on the main road, Haley spoke up. “You want to go to the park for a while?”, she asked, softly. “What time do you have to be home by?”, I asked. “Between twelve thirty and one o’clock.”, she replied. “I guess we can if that’s ok with you.”, I replied. When we arrived at the entrance to the park it was packed. Two dozen cars were in the parking lot most with their headlights on with people mulling around everywhere. The park consisted of a very large pond with a walking track around it. It had a play area for kids and several sandboxes. The parking lot was laid out well and teenagers would flock there on Friday and Saturday nights to make out. The police would drive by around eleven forty-five and run everyone out. It had been a tradition for years and years. “They’re all here.”, Haley sighed as we pulled in. “I see that and I’m really tired of dealing with them.”, I replied. “I agree, we can just go home.”, Haley suggested. I dropped Haley off about eleven o’clock and went straight home. I went right to bed and wonder would the dance be any better tomorrow night. But honestly, I knew better. The dance was a disaster from the moment we walked in. Haley and I picked a table near the front stage and within ten minutes we were surrounded by the football team. We moved to the back of the gym where once again they followed us. Haley and I danced two slow songs together all the while being ridiculed by the crew. Several times, the teachers who acted as chaperones came over and asked them to quiet down. But they were the football team, and they were undefeated and looking like a regional title was possible. No one was really going to do anything at least not until after the season was over. We had no sooner sat down when Darren came over and asked Haley to dance. Of course, Haley refused but he persisted and would not leave her alone. He finally reached down and grabbed her upper arm which caused one of the football coaches to head in our direction along with a female teacher. I did not care at that point, I had enough. I stood and walked over to Darren getting in his face. He released Haley and turned to face me. Just about that time the coach and teacher arrived. “I’m done, Darren…… It’s time me and you settle this once and for all.”, I stated. “Williams, back off….”, the coach instructed. By that time the rest of the team had surrounded us as they normally did. Several more teachers came running over. “I’m tired of backing off coach. Everywhere I go these assholes are all over me. I’m going to end this if I must take one on a time until I’m done. Just so you know coach, you’re going to be short a few players.”, I shouted. “Williams, get the fuck out of here and go home now.”, Coach Curtis yelled. “Haley, you want me to bring you home?”, I asked. “I’ll bring her home Chris.”, Chrissy replied. Haley did not pick up her purse and made no attempt to leave so I turned and walked off. I drove straight home and pulled in my driveway right after ten o’clock that night. My mom was still watching television and she knew something was wrong. I had to explain what had happened and why I was home so early. She promised to call the principal after the holidays and have a discussion with him about what was going on. I asked her not to do that and I could handle this myself. I went straight to bed that night promising to separate myself from the entire group including Haley Mills. Several hours later my mother came into my room and told me Haley’s father was on the phone. I got up and went into the kitchen and answered the phone. “Chris, where is Haley?”, he asked, very upset. I explained to him what had happened leading up to tonight and what had happened at the dance. I told him that Darren had grabbed Haley by the arm and that I confronted him. I told him that Coach Curtis asked me to leave and that I offered to give Haley a ride home. I explained that Chrissy told me that she would bring Haley home. I told him, I once again asked Haley and she gave me no indication she wanted to leave so I left alone. “Ok, thank you Chris. I am sorry you got caught up in all of this. I’m sure she is ok.”, he said, hanging up. I went back to bed and slept until around ten o’clock the following morning. I got up and cut the grass in the front and back yard of our yard. Then I took care of Mrs. Gardener’s yard and made a run to the market for her. I was back inside for around three o’clock watching television on the sofa. I took a long shower around six thirty that afternoon and I was just getting out as my mother returned home from the grocery store. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and brought in the bags of groceries as my mother put them away. She had also bought two hamburgers and fries from the burger joint, so we sat down and ate after. I cleaned up the kitchen while she went and took her shower. It was close to eight o’clock when she game back into the living room. At least this time she had a short robe over her t-shirt, but it barely covered her underwear. She walked into the kitchen and got a coke and then returned to the sofa. Since I was not watching anything of importance, I handed her the remote. She simply reached out and turned the volume down and set it on the sofa between us. “Chris, I am sorry that you and Haley didn’t work out.”, she stated. “It’s no big deal mom.”, I replied, still watching the movie. “It is a big deal baby. You never know when you’re going to meet the love of your life.”, she answered. “Mom, I barely knew her.”, I answered, looking over at her. My mom’s thirty fourth birthday was several months away but she looked much younger. She was a beautiful woman who for some reason in the last few months started to become a more sexual being. I do not know if she was flirting at work, but I had to believe that this was not normal behavior for a mother. Once again, she slightly turned giving me the perception I could look between her legs which I avoided at all costs. “Why don’t you call her and ask her out again?”, she urged. “Mom, I don’t want to deal with Darren and his crew anymore. It’s not worth it. Besides school is almost over for me.”, I replied. While my mom glanced quickly at the television my gaze traveled down and got a glimpse of her white lace panties. I looked up quickly but was sure she noticed my eyes between her legs. “Do you like that?”, she asked. “Like what mom?”, I replied, acting confused. “My white panties……”, she purred softly. “Uh…I don’t know….”, I started. “Baby look at me.”, she commanded. I turned my head at looked directly at my mother sitting at the other end of the sofa. She slowly opened her legs until I have an excellent view of her long legs and white lace panties. She slowly lowered her hand until one finger was touching the crotch area of her panties. She slowly began to move her finger up and down her crotch staring directly into my eyes. As much as I wanted to jump up and run to my bedroom, I was compelled to watch her finger touch herself. My dick was already hard, and I had not even touched myself. “Come over here baby.”, she asked. I simply nodded and got up moved down a few feet sitting back down extremely close to her. She reached out slowly and took my hand and placed it between her legs so that my fingers were touching her panties. I began to slide one finger up and down as she had been doing only seconds before. I saw my mother swallow hard and close her eyes for a few seconds before looking back in my eyes. “That feels so good….”, she whispered. At this point, I had absolutely no idea of what I was doing. I was sitting next to my mother with my hand between her legs rubbing her pussy. This was wrong on so many levels, yet my mother felt totally at ease. She reached across with her right hand and softly began to rub my erection. I had never felt anything before in my life that felt that good. She continued to softly use her fingertips to run the length of my shaft creating an incredible sensation. “Put your hand inside my panties, baby.”, she whispered in my ear. I reached up from between her legs and slowly eased my hand inside the waist band of her panties. Further and further until I felt her wet hot crease. My middle finger parted her lips and eased inside of her. “Oh god that’s good….”, she moaned. She leaned over and pushed her right hand into my shorts and wrapping her hand around my dick softly. She leaned back and looked me dead in the eye with a surprised look on her face. “Damn baby, you got a big dick.”, she giggled. “I do?”, I replied. “Uh huh…”, she nodded. She pulled away from me and stood up then reached down for my hand. I put my hand in hers and she pulled me off the sofa. She led me down the hall and into her bedroom which was always off limits to me. She already had the bed turned down and she stopped when we reached the side of the bed. She turned around and faced me taking off her white robe dropping it to the floor. She sat down on the bed and moved to the left side of the bed allowing me access next to her. I laid down next to her with my mind reeling not quite sure what we were both doing. She knew I was inexperienced, so she was going to have to lead me through whatever was going to happen. She leaned over me looking down into my eyes with a look I had never seen before. She bent down and softly put her lips on mine. Her lips were soft and moist, and she immediately sent a shiver up my spine. After a few seconds, she pressed her lips a little harder into mine, the tip of her tongue brushing my lower lip. Seconds later, she softly pushed her tongue into my mouth giving me the most spine-tingling sensation I had ever felt. As we continued to kiss each other her hand traveled down my body and inside of my shorts. She had her small soft hand wrapped around my rigid erection slowly stroking me up and down. She removed her lips from mine and opened her eyes, they were glazed over and full of moisture. “Does that feel good baby?”, she whispered. By this time, I had absolutely no control over my body, I was completely in my mother’s hands. She began to stroke me off a little faster and after several seconds I knew I was going to lose control. “Mom, please… I’m going to.”, I said softly. “It’s ok baby, go ahead and cum.”, she replied. That was all it took as spurt after spurt of hot semen jumped from the head of my cock coating my mother’s hand and the inside of my shorts. She completely rubbed my entire load out and was rubbing her thumb over the head to make sure I was done. As I tried to recover from what was the best orgasm of my life my mother leaned in and softly kissed me again for several seconds. “Go clean up and come back to bed.”, she whispered, seductively. |
I get off with a little help from my cousins I was looking forward to my cousin Cindy sleeping over for the entire weekend. Cindy had curly blonde hair, a flat chest, and a tiny petite body. I was going to show her some of what Lea taught me. Lea is our older cousin. We both look up to her so I know Cindy will be eager to follow if I mention Lea doing it. Cindy was younger than me and always asking to practice kissing saying she wanted to know what it would feel like in a few years. I know she was curious about her body and I now knew more about our bodies that I could share. That night Cindy asked me about my trip with Lea. I told her how much fun we had because Lea had showed me a game you’re only supposed to play when you’re older. I told Cindy that Lea didn’t want to sleepover tonight because we wouldn’t be able to play since she isn’t supposed to learn for even longer than me. Cindy was instantly bummed out. She looked up to Lea and I and wanted to be included in everything we did. She begged me to tell her all about it. I must have gone on denying her for five minutes before I “caved” and told her I would. Lea and I really did turn it into a game for this. I explained the game has 2 rounds that have 3 categories with sub-categories, points are earned when a task is complete, tasks the first round are 10 seconds, tasks the second round are 20 seconds, the round end when the board is clear, whoever has the most points at the end of 2 rounds wins. Cindy was eager to know what the categories were so I continued. The categories are boobs, vagina, and butt. The boob tasks are touch, Iick, and suck. The vagina tasks are touch, lick, finger. The butt tasks are touch, lick, finger. Cindy was shocked when I finished explaining just like I knew she’d be. I told her she didn’t have to do this, but she said she still wanted to and asked if I’d show her how to do all the tasks before we started the real game. I took off my clothes and got on the bed. I told her I’d show her the touch and finger tasks, but I’d have to do the lick tasks to show her. So Cindy got undressed and hopped on the bed with me. Her boobs were completely flat besides her pink puffy nipples and her hairless mound had a tight slit down the middle. Our bodies looked exactly alike. I caressed my non-existent breast, ran my finger up my slit to my clit then massaged my butthole with my thumb. After that I showed her how to put a finger in your ass and vagina. I licked my fingers to cover in spit then massaged my puckered asshole in circles. I applied pressure and let my finger sink into me. I slowly withdraw it just to the tip before pushing it back in. I continued pulling my finger out and pushing it back in while increasing speed. I brought my other hand to my already dripping pussy and sunk a finger in straight to my g-spot. I rubbed that sweet little spot while I continued to pump my ass. I told Cindy to come closer to me. I took my hand from my pussy to bring her in even closer to me took her small breast in my mouth until I felt her nipple get hard. I moved on to her next breast to give that one that same treatment. After enjoying her breast I made Cindy lay on top of me in the 69 position. Her pussy smelled so sweet this close to my face. I spread her tight pussy lips open and admired her natural glisten for a moment. I gave her a little massage along her walls before I pushed my tongue as deep into her pussy canal as she would allow. I pushed my tongue all around her walls exploring her inside. When I felt like I had got to know every inner inch I moved on to her ever so small clit. I used just the tip of my tongue to flick her little clitty. She would twitch with every flick which only encourages me to keep this up and bring her to her edge. I took two fingers and started rubbing her pussy while my tongue tickled her nub. When I could feel her climax about to spill over I pulled away from her pussy dragging my tongue all the way up to her rosebud. I spent extra time on her ass circling it with my tongue until I felt her relax and loosen under my mouth. I made my tongue as stiff as I could then pushed into Cindy’s butthole. She squeezed my tongue nice and tight so tight she almost squeezed me out, but I kept at it invading her hole. I wiggled and squirmed, but I continued eating her ass. I was getting so hot I started fingering my pussy and before I knew if I was having an orgasm and moaning into her virginal asshole. I asked Cindy again if she wanted to play to which she told me she was going to win! I let Cindy go first and to my surprise she picked licking my ass. It took everything in me to hide how excited I was to have my sweet cousin’s small tongue up my ass. I flipped over with my ass in the air to her. She was very stiff and nervous, as expected, but it still felt amazing. I picked fingering her pussy. I showed Cindy how to always lick your finger first then I spread her tight pink pussy and slowly pushed my finger into her, careful not to go deep enough to tear her hymen. She was so tight and warm around me. Cindy and I continued completing tasks back and forth all night. Cindy said her favorite was anything to do with the butt and hell could I tell. I usually am a giver more than a receiver, but tonight was much different. Cindy was so willing and eager to explore I just let her go wild. Curiosity got the best of her once it dawned on her if fingers were going inside of us that meant other things could too. We went to an amusement park the week before and got these glow stick wands. Cindy asked if she could use it on me. I found lube to cover the wand then leaned over the bed before turning around to give Cindy the nod that I was ready. I felt the cold, hard plastic push up against my butt hole until it opened inviting in inch after inch of the toy wand. Cindy turned on the lights on the glow wand and I started shaking my ass and singing. We both got a good laugh in. I even laughed so hard the glow wand shot out of my butt which made us crack up even more. After a good belly laugh we grabbed some popcorn and watched Princess Diaries before falling asleep. |
The sun was almost down now. I thought to myself, I wish I had went another round with the black men, before I let them go. I smiled. I went in and threw on a tee shirt and some shorts. I went around cleaning the house, while I waited for mom. She pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her. Wonder what they really do out there? she added. I smiled at her, who really cares, I answered. Mom are you seeing anyone these days. No baby, after your dad died, men have just been a pain in my ass, she told me. Well mom, there is always women you know, I said to her. We laughed. I have been there too, she smiled and said. Thats my mom, I grinned at her. We could always talk about anything. We have been more like best friends, than mom and daughter. You look too good just to give up on sex, I told her. Oh baby, I havent done that, I just want men to leave me alone, until I am interested. I know what you are saying, I told her. How is your sex life? she asked me. God mom ,you wouldnt believe me if I told you. That good? she asked. Well its a lot better right now, than it was three days ago, I answered. Was that when Tom went hunting? mom asked me. Yes!, I smiled, and answered. Well baby tell me! she said. Mom, I told you, you wont believe me. Baby, I am your mom, you can tell me anything, she smiled and said. Shit mom, I know that, its just I really cant believe it myself, I told her. Tell me now Dottie, she said, I have got to know what you have been up to. I cant believe its all that bad, she added, and smiled at me. Well mom, last Sunday night Tom said that he wanted me to do his buddies, while he watched. WHAT!, she said. What did you tell him? she asked intently. Well, thats not all of it, I told her. I was surprised she wasnt mad as hell. Your not mad? I asked. No baby, men can be that way at times, she said. What else happened? She really wanted to know. I could hear the excitement in her voice. He also wanted to watch me fucking one of his hounds, I told her, as I bowed my head. MY GOD!!, she said. What did you do? she asked. I smiled a sheepish grin at her, I did it, I told her. YOU DID WHAT?, she asked. I did the dog, I replied. Her mouth fell open, she didnt say anything for a minute. Honey, you fucked a dog! she said. No mom, I answered, I fucked four dogs. FOUR DOGS! she said. Yes mom, last Sunday night, I fucked and sucked four of those dogs outside. Baby!, WHY?, you can have anyman in the world, she said. Its not like that mom, I was mad because he wanted a little more spice in our sex life, I explained. Baby, you didnt. I interupted her, Mom, its ok, I loved it. YOU WHAT? she asked. Yes mom, I really loved it. REALLY? she asked, hanging on every word now. Yes, you just cant believe how wonderful it was, I told her. God baby, was it really that good? she asked. I tried to tell you that you wouldnt believe this, I added. I am just shocked honey, I wasnt prepared for that bit of news, she smiled and said. I know mom, but it is really great. Did you do his buddies too?, she asked wide eyed. I knew my mom, she may be shocked, but if she wasnt really interested she wouldnt ask. No, I answered, but I am going to, I added. YOU ARE? her eyes lit up. Yes damn it I am, I smiled and answered. When are you going to do this? she asked. The first chance I get when they get back from this trip, I told her. Dottie, I had no idea you were into such things, she said. I didnt know it myself until Monday, I told her. What happened Monday?, she asked excitedly. I smiled at her, mom brace yourself, in the last seventytwo hours, your daughter had pulled a dog fucking train, and two gang bangs. Your sweet little girl has had cum baths, and also gotten into piss play too. Her eyes were wide, and her body shook, as I told her my nasty story. MY GOD BABY! was all she could manage to say. Mom, ten black guys just left here, about fortyfive minutes before you walked in here, I told her. Mom, I let them all watch me suck, and fuck a dog, then I took all of their huge cocks. Mom was twisting in her seat now, I knew that she was getting hot. That was getting me hot watching her squirm in the chair. Your excited now arent you mom? I asked. She blushed,. Come on mom, be honest, your a bit hot, arent you? I asked again. Well baby, I admit that I am, I have never had the nerve to do anything like that, she said. You really let ten black men fuck you awhile ago? she added. I laughed, mom, it was a family, three dads, and the other seven, I dont really think were old enough to drive yet, I answered her. But, the answer is yes, ten black cocks, plus a dog, I added. Honey, you have more nerve than I do, she said. Not nerve mom, I am just horny for the nastiest sex that I can get. Baby, stop, she said. I could tell she wanted some cock right now, the way her ass was moving around in the chair. My pussy was wet, just talking to my mom this way. I stood up and went to the back door, mom?, I asked, as I opened the door, a blue tic hound came into the house. Would you like to try that dog on for size? I asked, as I pointed to the dog. She blushed, baby, I dont. Dont say anything mom, I interupted her, just watch the animal for a while, if you want to, we will do him together. She laughed, her voice shook, honey, I need a drink, she told me. We went into the den, I poured us a drink. Mom, I know you well enough to know, your pussy is as wet as mine is. We both laughed. Yes, she said, I am hot. Well lets drink and relax, and if you want the most wonderful cock in you, that you have ever had, we will do it, I told her. She laughed, dogs, gangbangs, black cocks, and piss. I am sitting here watching you do all of that in my mind, she smiled and said. I stood up, undid my shorts and let them fall to the floor. Give me your glass mom, I will get us another drink, I told her. My moms eyes went straight to my clean shaven mound, as she handed me her glass. My tee shirt just barely covered my tear drop ass, as I walked to the bar. Her face was flush, as I handed her the drink. Her eyes were still on my mound. I went to the sofa, and sat indian style in front of her, showing my mom a full view of my wet pussy. She sat staring at my open cunt, I knew she was really thinking about the dog, or my pussy. I didnt know which. I do know she had sex on her mind. Mom, what are you thinking about? I asked. I am thinking about getting more comfortable, she said. Go ahead, I told her. She stood, unbuttoning her jeans, pulling them down, panties too, and tossed them to the other chair. She pulled the sweatshirt over her head, she had no bra on. God she is beautiful, I thought to myself. I pulled my tee shirt off, as well. We were both naked showing each other our bodies. We laughed and drank our drinks. Are black men hung like everyone says they are? she asked. God yes mom, The men that left here, the smallest cock was nine inches, the largest was fourteen inches or better, I told her. Shit, fourteen inches!, I would loved to have seen that, she said. Your like me mom, you wouldnt have just looked at it, I added. You would have done what I did, you would have had it drilling your pussy, I told her, as we laughed. She blushed, yes baby, I would surely have done that, she replied. Your pussy is wet mom, you like thinking about black cocks dont you? i asked. To be frank, I am thinking about the dogs, the black cocks, the piss play, and. Honey, I am thinking about your sweet looking pussy, she told me. I have been setting here looking and thinking how sweet it would be to suck my daughters pussy, she added. I can help you with all of that, I replied. We were both laughing. You are my daughter, but shit you are twentythree, its not like you are twelve, she said. I know mom, I have been thinking about eating your pussy too, I told her. But, with all I have done the past few days, eating my mom just really fits into what I like, nasty sex. Jesus, mom, I need the nastiest sex I can get, I really want it now, I added. I am really into the things that are not really normal. A few days ago, I would have never even thought about such things. But now, I cant get enough dog cock, I cant get too many mens cocks, I dont know where the piss drinking came from. Now I want to suck my moms pussy so bad I cant hardly stand it, I said to her. Here boy, I called the dog to me, I pulled his head to my wet pussy. YES, I moaned, as the dog started to lick my swollen cunt. I moaned, It was making me hot to see my mom watch the dog eat my cunt. Come over here mom, I want him to lick you, I told her. She stood and walked to the sofa, I knew her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Sit down, and spread your legs mom, I stood, and moved the dogs head to her pussy. MY GOD!!she moaned, as the hound licked her cunt. Do you like it mom?, I asked. YES, MY GOD YES, she answered. Wait til he mounts you, you will really love that, I told her. YES, she sighed, as she raised her ass to fuck the dogs tongue. Yes mommy, let him eat that cunt of yours. YES, YES, mom moaned. Im cumming, she said through clinched teeth. GOD EAT ME! EAT MY CUNT!, she yelled, as she pushed her ass into the sofa. The dog lapped up her cum, as it flowed from her cunt. YES!YES!YES!, she screamed, as the last wave passed. GOD HONEY, that was great, she smiled and said. Are you ready for some more? I asked her. Give me a sec, she replied. Just watch me mom, I pushed the dog down on his side. Mom watched me with excitement, as I stroked the sheath covered cock. Her eyes were wide, as she watched the dogs cock emerge. I flicked the red point with my tongue. Eat him baby, she said. I put my lips over his cock, and ran my mouth down the shaft. BABY, that looks so hot, she said. I took it to the knot. SHIT BABY! EAT HIM, she cried. I pulled my mouth off the dogs cock, I held it up, throbbing in my hand. Here mommy, you suck it, I told her. I want to watch you do it, I added. Mom fell to the floor, I worked my tongue on one side of the cock, mommy worked her tongue on the other side. FUCK MOM, we are just alike, I said to her. EAT HIM MOMMY! suck his red cock. She moved her mouth down the dogs dick, her eyes were glazed over. EAT HIM MOMMY, EAT HIS COCK GOOD, I yelled. She was sucking the dog to his knot. She moaned, YES, do it, drink his doggie cum mom, I told her. I moved around to her nice round ass. I ran my tongue down moms ass crack, she moaned, as my tongue stabbed at her asshole. Her head bobbed up and down on the dogs cock. I moved my tongue through the lips of her sweet wet cunt, god she tasted good. My tongue touched her clit, her ass quivered as I sucked her little button into my mouth. Her ass jerked wildly, as I sucked her sweet cunt. Her hot juices flowed into my mouth, she was cumming. Mommy was going to cum in my mouth. God the thought of that was hot. Her ass tensed, Yes, honey yes, EAT MOMMYS CUNT, BABY EAT MEEEE, she screamed, as she squirted her juice into my mouth. I drank down every drop of moms juice, I was sucking her button for all I was worth. STOP, STOP, I CANT TAKE ANYMORE, she screamed, as I licked her gently now over the sweet lips of her pussy. She moved her lips back to the dogs cock. The dog was humping her face, as she moaned. Swallow it mommy, drink the dogs cum, I told her. She moaned again, as the dog sprayed her throat with his salty cum. Shit she looked good sucking that dogs dick. She looked at me, baby, I want his cock in me. I need to feel it filling my cunt, she smiled and said. I will help you, I told her. Get on all fours mom, I will help him mount you, I added. As mom got on her hands and knees, I helped the dog mount her. Damn mom, you look great. She moaned, Give me his cock honey, I took the dogs cock in hand. I aimed it for her cunt. Mom had her pussy in the air, PLEASE BABY, mommy needs the cock. I smiled, as I pressed the dogs cock into her open cunt. YES, she screamed, as she pushed her ass towards the dogs throbbing dick. YES, FUCK MEEE, FUCK MY CUNT, mom yelled, as the dog drilled her pussy. He was fucking like a jack hammer. I AM CUMMING, FUCK ME!! I AM CUMMING, she yelled, as the dogs knot passed through the lips of her cunt. YES BABY YESSSS, she gasped. FUCK HIM MOM, I yelled back. FUCK that dogs cock, my little mommy bitch. Clamp your cunt down on that wonderful dog knot, you dog bitch. YES, YES, I have him, she cried. FUCK MEEE, she kept yelling. She had a cunt full of dog cock and loved it. Baby this is wonderful, she said to me. I know mom, I know it is, I want to eat his cum out of your cunt when he is done, I told her. YES BABY, do it, eat me soon, she moaned. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, I AM CUMMING AGAIN, she screamed. I CANT STAND IT, she added. Yes mommy, yes you can, just feel it all, I told her. The dog pulled his cock from her cunt. Hold in his cum mommy, I want to eat it out of you. Yes baby, eat the cum, eat moms full pussy, she begged me. I rolled to the floor, sit on my face mom, grind your cunt in my mouth. Fill my mouth with the dogs cum mommy, please, I begged. Yes baby. She put her cunt to my mouth, and let the dogs juice go. I swallowed the cum, as she ground her cunt against my mouth. EAT MEEEE, EAT ME BABY, EAT YOUR MOMMYS CUNT OUT, she demanded. She quivered and shot out the last of hers and the dogs cum. OH HONEY, she moaned, as her body fell across mine. I was looking at her spent cunt, and tiny asshole. Mommy? I asked, mommy, please piss in my mouth, please. I put my lips over her cunt, as she, without warning or a word. Turned on her water. She moaned, as she pissed her daughters face. I swallowed her hot golden piss, she was pissing my face,and my hair. YES BABY, she said, drink your mothers pee. Drink it all honey. I moaned, her hot stream rushed down my throat. DRINK IT ALL DOTTIE, my little whore girl, suck all of mothers piss, she told me. Oh yes, she said, as she finished. She then turned her face to mine. She held my cheeks with her hands, and started licking her piss from my face. We lay grinding our cunts together in a pool of piss. YES, mommy, Yes, I moaned, as my cunt exploded again. We layed in the piss for a long time, kissing like lovers, and holding each other tight. Sweetheart, she said, that was wonderful, I cant remember when I have been this satisfied. I know mom, its great isnt it, I told her. I would never have dreamed that you could get that much pleasure from a dogs dick, she replied. Lets clean up, and I will fix us some dinner, I told her. Ok honey, but a dog cock to eat would be fine with me, mom said. We both laughed. You stay here tonight mom, and we will play all night if you want, I told her. Yes, my sweet hot little girl, mommy would love that. Your little girl is going to open mommys pussy to many things before this night is done, I told her. Mom, how would you like for me to call James? He is one of my black friends, and have him pick up one of his buds. I could watch my mother take on two black cocks tonight, I asked her. You would really love their meat drilling your sweet pussy, I added. Let me give you this, it will be a gift from me to you, I laughed and said. Yes honey, I have always wanted to try a black guy, she told me. From what you have told me, now I really want a big black dick. With two here we can each have one, she giggled. No mom, they are both for you, I want to see you double stuffed with dark meat, I told her. Besides that, I want to fist fuck myself while I watch my mom used like a whore, I added. Call them baby, mommy wants to be used that way, she told me. I want to use you to mommy, I said to her. I want you to be my slut also, I added. You can fuck the black boys all night long, and I can be your cheer leader, I laughed. BOYS? mom said. Just how old are these boys?she asked. I really dont know, and I REALLY dont care, I answered. All I know is they have men size cocks, and thats good enough for me, I laughed, and told her. All I know is they are young, and can last forever, I added. They can fill your cunt many times tonight, and I will suck their cum out of you each time mom. YES BABY, call them. I want you too. Mommy will be your whore toy all night, she said. |
CHAPTER TWELVE It was getting close to four o’clock in the evening when Lexie suggested we try the pool out. I took her down the hall to my mother’s bedroom and showed her the drawer with the swimsuits and workout clothes telling her she was welcome to wear whatever she wanted. I left the room closing the door behind me and went into my room changing into swim shorts and a t-shirt. Several minutes later, Lexie came out in a pair of my mother’s spandex shorts and a t-shirt. We went out back to the pool and checked the water. It had warmed up considerably and was now at sixty-nine degrees. I threw the towels on the patio table and walked down the stairs of the pool right behind Lexie. We were in the pool for about ten minutes or so when Lexie swam up very close to me. I was standing in the shallow end of the pool as she stood up facing me. She stood up and place her hands on my shoulders looking me in the eyes. “So, what do you think?”, she asked softly. “About what?”, I asked. “Me, silly.”, she giggled. “Should I get an attorney before I answer any questions?”, I asked. “That depends on…... do you have anything to hide?’, she inquired, her eyes sparkling. “I don’t think I want to incriminate myself ma’am….”, I answered. “Sounds to me you’re trying to avoid my question.”, Lexie laughed. “Ok, what do I think of you. Well, you’re very beautiful for starters… um, fun to be around. You do look hot in your uniform… just saying. And as I just found out…...apparently unattached.”, I stated. “Uh-huh, and you’re unattached as well.”, she giggled. “Uh-huh.”, I replied, causing her to laugh harder. “So, since we are both unattached what should we do?”, she asked, with a serious look on her face. “I’m not sure…...what do you think?”, I inquired. “How about we start with this……”, she whispered. She leaned forward slight and pressed her lips to mine very gently. I immediately felt a jolt of electricity run down my spine. Lexie’s kiss was soft, her lips moist as I felt her lip’s part slightly. I brushed her top lip with the end of my tongue causing her to exhale slightly into my mouth. I then felt the tongue softly part my lips searching for my own. In less than thirty seconds we were locked into one of the most passionate kisses I had ever experienced. Since my arms were around her waist, I slid my right hand up her back softly using my fingers to rub her spine. She responded immediately by pressing her body into mine. I’m not sure how long that first kiss lasted but when she finally pulled away her face was flushed. “Damn, I have never been kissed like that before….,” she panted “Did I do it wrong?”, I asked, smiling. “Oh no… did it very right. In fact, I think you earned a repeat.”, she said softly. She leaned in and kissed me again only this time more urgently. Lexie’s left arm was still around my neck, but her right arm had traveled to my waist. She was softly stroking my left side just above the waist band on my shorts. I lowered my hand on her back and softly rested her on her lower back to gauge her reaction. She moved her hand from my left side and placed it on my left thigh. She began to move her hand up and down on my thigh. The feeling was incredible, and I felt my dick swelling from anticipation. Lexie’s hands were so soft, and her light touch was drying me crazy. Thankfully shortly thereafter she pulled away from me. She looked me straight in the eyes and licked her lips with the end of her tongue. “Let’s go to bed.”, she whispered, kissing my lips quickly. “Are you sure?”, I replied. “Yes, I’m sure…….”, she answered quickly. She walked up the steps to the pulling holding my hand. We walked through the backdoor and down the hall to my mother’s bedroom. Our clothes were off in record time as our wet bodies fell on the mattress. She quickly climbed on top of me and pressed my shoulders down with her weight. “You do know resisting a police officer is a crime, right?”, she giggled. “So is raping an innocent civilian.”, I quickly replied. “Well, let’s see how innocent you are…”, she said softly. She lifted her body slightly and reach down taking my hard cock in her hand. She placed it against her wet pussy and slowly began to slide down on me. I saw her inhale and close her eyes briefly before looking back down at me. “God, you have a nice dick.”, she moaned, as she finally bottomed out. Lexie’s pussy was very tight and very wet. She began to move ever so slowly on me her hands softly rubbing my chest. I reached out and grabbed her hips holding her tight against me. She leaned over and kissed me softly extending her tongue deep into my mouth. For several minutes we kissed passionately as she slowly moved on top of me. She finally pulled away from me her face only inches from mine. “It’s been so long for me……I’m not going to last long.”, Lexie whispered. “That’s ok Lexie, let it go….”, I said. That was all it took, as seconds later Lexie had a powerful orgasm that virtually flooded the bed. She collapsed on my chest breathing heavily as she attempted to recover. I slowly rolled Lexie over to her back and moved down her body positioning myself between her legs. Lexie’s pussy was smooth, and her lips were glistening from her recent orgasm. I leaned over and pressed my tongue against her pussy tasting her cum soaked clit. “Oh, my fucking God.”, she wailed, grabbing the back of my head gently. Using two fingers, I opened her lips and inserted my tongue into her hot, wet opening. She wrapped her legs around my back and closed her thighs on the sides of my head. I reached up and took her small hands in mine and I began to tongue bath her clit rapidly. After several minutes she was clasping my hands for dear life as she moaned loudly in pleasure. Shortly thereafter she rewarded me with her second orgasm as she came in my mouth. I continued to lick Lexie until I had licked her clean. I then mover back up the bed looking her in the eyes. “Holy fuck, you are incredible….”, she giggled. “Well thank you, Officer Thomas.”, I answered, kissing her softly on the lips. She responded to me passionately her tongue dancing with mine as she moaned softly into my mouth. After kissing me for several minutes, she pulled her lips from mine and moved down my body. I felt her warm, soft hand encircled my cock. Seconds later, I was inside her warm, wet mouth. She used her tongue vigorously as her lips went up and down my erect shaft. It had been quite a while for me as well and several minutes later, I simply could not hold it back any longer. “Lexie, I’m gonna cum….”, I warned. “Mmmnmmmmm…...”, she moaned, not letting up. “Oh fuck…….”, I cried out, as my dick erupted inside of Lexie’s mouth. She pulled off and using her tongue on the end of my cock rubbing back and forth as I spewed cum over her tongue and lips. Lexie’s left hand was pumping my shaft as her tongue eagerly worked over the end of my dick. Lexie drained my cock and licked the shaft until I was spent. She then slid up my body and looked me in the eyes. “Was that, ok?”, she asked as if she was afraid of the answer. “Uh Lexie, that was unbelievable.”, I replied. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to me as she began to protest. I ignored her protest and put my lips to her pushing my tongue into her mouth. Lexie was extremely surprised at first but then returned my kiss with a passion I had never sensed. We kissed for at least three minutes before she finally pulled away from me. She opened her eyes and looked directly into mine. “Oh, you’re a nasty motherfucker…… but so am I.”, she stated, licking her lips. Lexie left about an hour later but promised she would be back tomorrow as soon as possible. I was hoping she would spend the night but still living with her parents perhaps they would frown on it. Things were a lot different today but after all, she was still their little girl. I woke up the next morning early and took a shower. I was just drinking a cup of coffee when my cell phone rang for the first time. Since only Lexie had the number, I knew it had to be her. “Hello”, I answered. “Hey baby, I need to be fucked. You up for it.’, she whispered softly. “I think that can be arranged.”, I laughed. “God Chris, I’m so fucking horny right now….”, Lexie giggled. “Well, I have to go work out this morning but will be back here after lunch.”, I answered. “Good, I’ll see you around one o’clock.”, she replied, hanging up. I went out the side door and walked to the street to get the mail from the box near the street. I opened the box and took out several envelops and began to look at them. I did not notice that Cassie’s mom was heading to her mailbox as well. I closed the door to the box and looked up to see her several feet from me. “Hello Ms. Wilkerson, how are you?”, I asked. “I am ok Chris, how about you?”, she asked, looking sad. “I’m fine, thanks.”, I replied. “Chris, I am very sorry for what happened. Cassie really took us by surprise. All she ever talked about was you and then she goes to school and comes back with this guy.”, she stated. “It happens like that. Not much you can do about it.”, I said. “I guess, but I’m not one bit happy about it.”, she replied, frowning. I went back inside and dressed then headed straight to the gym. I worked out alone but really pushed myself for about ninety minutes straight. I had started another cycle of steroids due to the fact I had been off for almost a year. I left the gym and went to the grocery and bought a few things. I planned on baking some chicken later in the day. I had no sooner walked into the grocery store and grabbed a buggy when I noticed Darren Miller and Ted Savoie heading down the aisle towards me. They spotted me quickly and once again decided they just had to be an asshole. “Josh is looking for you, boy.”, Ted said laughing. “I’m not hard to find.’, I replied. “Oh, you gonna gets yours.”, Darren remarked. “By who…. You numb nuts? Josh had a concussion, Mark has a broken arm and Ted here, pissed his pants. Just let it go and we can all be friends.’, I offered. “Not going to happen sunshine. Better start looking over your shoulder.”, Ted warned. “Thanks for the advice. I will do just that.”, I replied, walking away. I finished at the store and went straight home and put everything away. I looked at the clock and it was twelve thirty in the afternoon. I was just about ready to sit down when I heard a knock on the door. I walked to the side door and opened it to find Cassie waiting there. “Hey Chris. I just wanted to say goodbye before I head back to school”, she said, smiling weakly. “Oh thanks, I hope you have a great year.”, I replied. “Thanks, I won’t be back until summer break.”, she stated. “Look forward to seeing you again.”, I answered, hugging her. She walked off and returned to her house as I shut the door. I was headed back to the sofa when my cell phone rang, it was Lexie. “Hey Chris, I’m sorry but I’m running late. I am with my mom at the mall.”, she sighed. “No big deal, Lexie. I’m going back to the gym at three and I will be there until seven tonight.”, I replied. “I will be at the gym for five…… see you then.”, she answered. I returned to the gym at three o’clock and trained with Master Garcia for an hour. I then went to train Mr. Jala for an hour. By that time, it was five o’clock and I had a half hour break before I had to teach my Krav Maga class. As promised Lexie arrived at about ten minutes after five and began her workout. I stayed with her until five thirty when my class began. During the next few weeks, Lexie and I spent as much time together as her job would allow. She indoctrinated me into the everyday life as a police officer which I found fascinating. Lexie was a sexual dynamo in the bedroom, and I was having the best sex of my life. We were heading into April, and everything was going well. Lexie’s parents were starting to press her for details of our relationship. After all it had been a little over four months and I had only met them once. With that in mind, Lexie’s parents set up a cookout on a Saturday evening at their home. Lexie’s parents, grandparents, several aunts, and uncles would all be there. This would be a meet and greet for the entire family. Since I was on week eight of another steroid cycle, I was once again approaching two hundred thirty pounds. One thing I did notice after several weeks on steroids my attitude would change slightly. I never was a big outgoing person and I talked very little. After a few weeks on a cycle, I barely talked at all. I always felt this inner rage and many times I wanted to lash out at somebody. I had heard talk of this situation and heard it was very common. The cookout at Lexie’s parents was set for one o’clock in the afternoon. I waited until after one o’clock to leave my house. I dressed in shorts and a Nike compression shirt with sneakers. I drove straight over and got there at about quarter to two. I am guessing Lexie was waiting for me because seconds after I rang the doorbell, she opened the door. “I was afraid that you changed your mind.”, she giggled, grabbing my hand, and pulling me inside. She leaned over and kissed me right away forcing her tongue into my mouth. I could tell Lexie was horny as hell and ready to go. By the time Lexie pulled away from me her mother had made it to the front door as well. “Somebody needs to get a room.”, Lexie’s mom laughed. “Oh, sorry Ms. Thomas….”, I said, somewhat embarrassed. “Don’t be sorry…”, she laughed. I followed the two of them into the main living room where I noticed her dad was talking with two other older men. He stopped the conversation and motioned me over. I followed Lexie over to where he was sitting. “Chris, these are my two brothers, George and Bill Thomas.”, he stated, introducing me. “Nice to meet you, sir.”, I said to each, shaking their hand. “Damn son, what do you do for a living?”, Bill Thomas asked. “I work at Power Planet Fitness teaching Krav Maga and Muy Thai.”, I responded. “Ok, that doesn’t help me……”, Bill laughed. “Krav Maga is an Israeli Self Defensive type of martial arts and Muy Thai is Thai boxing.”, I answered. “You lift weights as well?”, he inquired. “Yes sir, every day.”, I replied. We spoke for a few minutes then Lexie took me around and introduced me to everyone there. Most were family but there were a few friends and several police officers there. We finally settled in at a table where Lexie’s grandfather and grandmother were seated. These were her father’s parents who appeared to be in their late seventies. “Paw Paw and Maw Maw, this is Chris Williams. Chris, these are my grandparents.”, she stated. “Very nice to meet the both of you.”, I replied. “Son, your arms are bigger than my legs.”, her grandfather chuckled. “Been in the gym for quite a while, sir.”, I answered. “Call me Pops, son.”, he replied. “Yes sir.”, I responded. We talked for quite a while, mostly about how I had come to date Lexie and the gym. I explained to him that basically she had arrested me that day at the restaurant. I explained what had happened with the group of guys who had been harassing me. He listened intently and every now and then would just shake his head. “Young kids today ain’t worth a damn son. That’s why I worry about Lexie and what she faces out there every day.”, he stated. “I can understand that.”, I replied. I decided to just stay at the table I was at and from time to time get up and get her grandparents food or drink. Pops had a cane and Maw Maw wasn’t really steady on her feet, so I did the running for them. We had all just finished eating at our table when one of Lexie’s cousins walked up. He was her Uncle George’s son and known to be a hard ass at times, at least according to Lexie. He was a big guy, maybe six foot two well over two hundred pounds. As he approached the table, he had a stupid grin on his face which meant that he was going to be a problem. I had seen it too many times. “So, you’re the tough guy everyone is talking about huh?”, he asked. “No not at all…... you must have me confused with someone else.”, I replied, quickly. “Nope, I’m not confused…... why don’t you show me some of those moves you have.”, he baited. “Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about.”, I said politely. “George Jr., please stop it……. you’re making a fool out of yourself.”, Pops warned. “Grandpa, he’s supposed to be some kind of martial arts guy……. I think he’s lying.”, George laughed. “No one said anything about martial arts ……... I think you have me mixed up with someone else.”, I answered. Somehow, I had a bad feeling this was not going to end well. It seemed wherever I went that was always someone there who wanted to act out. I had a feeling this was going to be one of those times. It was not a good time either just meeting Lexie’s family for the first time. Thankfully just about that time Lexie was walking over. “Lexie, your cousin here is being a pain in my ass.”, Pops complained. “What’s up, George Jr.”, Lexie asked. “Just messing with your boyfriend.”, he replied, laughing. “That’s not really a good idea George….”, Lexie giggled. “Aw, you gonna arrest me for messing with him?”, he said, in a childish voice. “Not at all, Chris can take care of himself. I saw that for myself at Moe’s.”, she stated. “So, this is karate man….”, he asked. I had already had enough of his bullshit, and I knew he was not going to stop until I responded. I stood up and turned toward him making sure I was in complete control. With the steroids raging through my body, it made that emotion very difficult to control at this time. “It is nice to meet you George, but I don’t think we are going to be best buddies or anything like that. I think you’re really misinformed on who I am but regardless it was nice to meet you.”, I stated, turning, and sitting back down. I could see by the look on Pops face that he enjoyed my answer and was just smiling at his grandchild. Lexie sat down next to me as well grabbing my hand with hers. George Jr. sulked away mumbling about seeing me again or something like that. Apparently thirty minutes or so later, George must have mentioned something to his father and Lexie’s dad. Lexie’s dad came over and asked what had happened with Little George. Before Lexie could reply, Pops chimed in. “As usual the kid was acting like an asshole, but nothing happened. He came over here and started to mess with this young man, but he wouldn’t respond so he got pissed.”, he replied. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to cause…….”, I interjected, before being cut off. “Son, you have nothing to be sorry for. If I would have been you, he would have gotten his ass handed to him.”, he replied. “Ok Dad, I get the picture.”, Jim Thomas replied, turning and walking off. A few minutes later Danny Miller, a cop who worked with Lexie came over. Lexie and Danny would rib each other as I found out from the party, I had attended with Lexie a few weeks back. It was playful banter but if you didn’t know better sometimes you would think they disliked each other. “Hey Thomas, are avoiding me?”, Danny asked, walking over. “Like always Miller.”, she replied. “Lexie, you can admit it…... I know you got the hots for me that’s why you act like this.”, he laughed. “Uh Miller, you do see my boyfriend sitting here?”, she giggled. “I’m 5-0, what can he do?”, he asked, looking right at me. “Well from what I saw that day at Moe’s, I don’t think you want to know.”, she laughed. “No offense Chris but I think she is using you to make me jealous.”, he said, in a serious tone. “I’m not offended Danny.”, I laughed. Danny and Lexie talked for a few minutes then he walked away. I could tell Pops was not happy with the way Danny talked to Lexie. As soon as he left, Pops brought it up. “Young men today are so full of themselves and have no respect for women.”, he said, shaking his head. “Paw Paw, he was just fooling around.”, Lexie replied. “That’s not how you fool around.”, he quickly answered. I quickly excused myself from the table because I was sure her grandfather was not done with his lecture. I walked over to the ice chest and grabbed a Coke from the ice. I was just looking around when Lexie’s mom, Jennifer walked over to me. “Hey Chris, it seemed you and Pops were getting along fine.”, she stated. “Yes ma’am, he is a lot like my dad. No nonsense guy.”, I replied. “Yep, you got that exactly right.”, Jennifer laughed. “What is George Jr.’s problem?”, I asked. “Other than the fact he is spoiled, works for his daddy and always gets his way due to being an only child…... not much.”, she replied quickly. “Oh….”, was my only reply. “So how are you and Lexie getting along?”, she asked. “We are doing well…... at least I think so.”, I replied, somewhat embarrassed. “Well, Lexie tells me everything and she has fallen in deep like with you.”, Jennifer giggled. “Deep like?”, I asked, confused. “Deep like is right before you fall in love.”, Jennifer explained. “I didn’t know that.”, I confessed. The rest of the day went fine and meeting her family went well. Other than the one encounter I had with her uncle’s son everything seemed normal. Lexie had promised to pass by tomorrow for a visit because she was going on the day shift the following day. I drove home and had no sooner walked inside when the house phone rang. I picked it up quickly and answered it. “Chris, this is Detective Wilson, I have some news. I arrested Josh Klein, Mark Boudreaux, Ted Savoie and Destin Thibodaux, along with Chrissy Haynes, Jennifer Smith for the death of your mother.”, he stated. “What the hell…… wait, I don’t understand.”, I replied, dumbfounded. “We’re still piecing it together but apparently it wasn’t intentional. I can’t tell you much more now, but I promise to get back to you.”, he confided. “Ok, I will be waiting to hear from you.”, I answered, hanging the phone up. This made no sense at all. I mean maybe the guys but certainly not Chrissy and Jen. I sat on the sofa staring blankly at the wall. I’m not sure how long I sat there before my cell phone rang and startled me. I reached over and saw that it was Lexie calling. “Hey sweetie, what’s up.”, she asked. “Um, I got a call from Detective Wilson a few minutes ago. He arrested four boys from the group and two girls for the death of my mother.”, I said, numbly. We talked for a while, and she told me she would be over tomorrow around lunch time. I told her I would work out early and be back home by then. I tossed the phone on the sofa and leaned back against the cushion. I simply couldn’t wrap my head around this. Did those guys hate me so much that would kill my mother? I mean that couldn’t be true……or could it. CHAPTER THIRTEEN I did not sleep well that night tossing and turning for most of the night. I got up early and went to the gym and had to use my key to get in. I worked out hard and by the time I left one of the employees had shown up for the day shift. I took a long shower and headed home arriving about there about ten thirty or so. I went inside and started to wash a load of clothes. I washed a few dishes and put them away and was just about finished when I heard Lexie knocked on the side door and come in. Lexie came into the kitchen and kissed me softly on the lips. She gently laid her head on my shoulder and held me for several moments. “I’m sorry that you’re going to have to go through this again. But your mom does deserve justice, remember that.”, she said softly. “Personally, I wish they would just let me deal with it.”, I replied. “Don’t even think that way baby. I don’t want to lose you.”, she said, pulling her head off my shoulder and staring into my eyes. “If they killed my mother they have to pay.”, I replied. “So, you go cripple or kill someone then spend the rest of your life in jail. Makes no sense.”, she replied in a serious tone. Maybe, maybe not…. but it might be worth it.”, I quickly answered. “Maybe I will come back when you are thinking more clearly.”, she sighed, turning around and walking out. Two days later I was sitting on the sofa and had not heard a word from Lexie. I’m guessing she was upset with me, but she truly didn’t realize how long this had been going on. I was thinking about reaching out to her when the house phone rang, it was Detective Wilson. Chris, I need to talk to you…, is now a bad time?”, he asked. “No not at all, come on over.”, I offered. About forty-five minutes later, he knocked on the side door and I let him in. He followed me to the living room and sat in the chair across from the sofa. I could tell he was trying to find the right words to say. “Please let me explain this fully to you before you make any rash decision. I was right in as much as the group that you have been dealing with were responsible for your mother’s death. That night when your mother died that group had been hanging out at the store. When your mother came back out after picking up a few items, the boys started messing with her. Apparently at first, they didn’t realize that it was your mother, then one of the girls recognized her. When Josh realized it was your mom, he basically took the lead.” he started. “The entire group wasn’t there but present were Josh Klein, Mark Boudreaux, Darren Miller Chrissy Haynes, Haley Mills and Jennifer Smith. Everyone stonewalled us like they had been instructed but Jennifer Smith finally broke down and told us what happened.” he continued. “Josh Klein cornered your mom and began to try and lift her skirt up. She resisted and started retreating into the alleyway on the side of the store. On the last attempt to put his hand up her skirt she slipped and hit the back of her head of the corner of the dumpster.” he continued. “At that point everyone became rattled when they saw the blood coming from the back of her head. The coroner thinks she died instantly most of the evidence points that way. The three girls bailed out while the boys tried to revive your mother. When they figured out, she was dead they panicked. They picked her up and put her in the dumpster. They drove her car and dumped it then went back home.”, he ended. “They kill her and then throw her in the dumpster?”, I asked. “I really believe it was an accident but…. None the less a serious crime.”, he replied. “So, what now?”, I asked. “Well for right now Josh, Mark and Darren had been charged with involuntary manslaughter. The girls have been charged with obstruction of justice. They are all trying to make bail right now.”, he stated. “Bail, they are going to get out?”, I asked. “The girls definitely, Mark and Darren probably. Josh, I’m not sure of yet.” He answered. “They better stay indoors then because if I see them, it’s over.”, I replied. “From your past interactions with these people if anything happens to any of them you will be the first person suspected.”, Detective Wilson stated. “Doesn’t matter.”, I replied. “Chris, listen…. I know this is devastating but throwing the rest of your life away by killing one or more of them will not bring your mother back. Do you really think she would want you to spend the rest of your life in prison?”, he asked. “No, I guess not….”, I answered. “Let us handle this, Chris. Trust me.”, he promised Detective Wilson left shortly after, and I went back and laid on the sofa. If not for this stupid bull shit quarrel my mother would still be alive. Now how many families were going to be affected because Josh couldn’t stop? There was nothing in this world I wanted more than to be locked in a cage with him right now. I decided to go to the gym and work out to relieve some of the anger I was feeling. I worked out for about ninety minutes, showered, and left. Since I was not that far from Lexie’s house I decided to drive past to see if her unit was in the driveway. Several minutes later I arrived at her house and her SUV was in the driveway. So, I pulled up and parked then walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Jennifer, Lexie’s mother quickly answered the door. “Oh, hello Chris, please come in.”, she offered. I stepped in and followed her the family room and took a sit on the sofa. She sat across from me in one of the reclining chairs that sat side by side. “I just dropped by to see what Lexie was up to.”, I stated. “She is out shopping with her friend, Stacy. They should be back shortly. I can call her and tell her you’re here.”, Jennifer offered. “No, don’t bother her. I just saw her unit and thought she might be here. I will call her later.”, I replied. “It seems to me something is wrong between you two.”, Jennifer quickly stated. “No, not really. She got upset when I made a statement about wanting to take care of Josh Klein myself. We have not talked in a few days.”, I answered. “Lexie has been moping around here for days…. I figured something was wrong.”, Jennifer admitted. “I understand that she is a police officer and I’m talking about killing someone. I can see why she got upset.”, I answered. “Josh Klein is a piece of shit…... Always has been. He’s the youngest of four boys and has been spoiled rotten. Old man Klein has been cleaning up his messes for years.”, Jennifer replied. “I have had a few run ins with him. But I never believed that he killed my mother.”, I answered. “Well, whatever is bothering the two of you needs to be fixed. You and Lexie are good together.”, she stated. “I will call her later Ms. Thomas.”, I said getting up. I left right away and went to the grocery store to pick up a few items. I got home about ninety minutes later and put everything away. I sat on the sofa and decided now was as good a time as any to call Lexie. I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear. After four rings, she answered. “Hello.”, was the response. “Hey Lexie, how are you?”, I asked. “Hey Chris, I heard you stopped by today and spent some time with my mother.”, she responded. “Yes, for a few minutes. I saw your unit in the driveway, so I stopped to say hello.”, I replied. “Sorry, I missed you. Are you feeling any better?”, Lexie asked. “I wasn’t feeling bad ….”, I answered. “Ok, are you thinking any better?”, she giggled. “No, I still want to kill him. But I promise not to.”, I answered. “I’m off for the next four days so can I come over tonight?”, she asked. “Sure, not a problem.”, I responded. I made some dinner and ate then cleaned up the kitchen. I took a long shower and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. It was close to seven thirty when I heard a knock on the side door. The door opened and I heard Lexie’s voice. “Hey Chris, I’m here.”, she called out. “Come on in.”, I replied. Lexie closed the door and walked into the living room sitting down next to me. She kissed me quickly on the lips and sat back grabbing my hand in hers. She had on pink yoga pants with a long black top over them. She was wearing a pink Nike’s with no socks. She smelled wonderful and I really wanted to grab her but since the disagreement I wanted to give her a bit of room. “So, you and my mother had a nice conversation about me?”, Lexie asked. “No, it wasn’t really about you. Your mom mentioned that you didn’t seem yourself the last couple of days, so she figured something was wrong. I mentioned what I had told you and that I was wrong.”, I replied. “Well, I can tell you that you have already won my parents over, they adore you. You’re all my mother talks about.”, Lexie admitting, sighing. “I’m not trying to win anyone over Lex, just being myself.”, I answered. “So, you don’t want to win me over?”, she asked, making a sad face. “Of course, I do but I have to admit something.”, I replied. “What’s that?”, Lexie asked confused. “Well, I do find your mom kinda hot.”, I answered. Lexie reached up and push me down on the sofa quickly climbing on top of me. She pinned my shoulders down with both hands and lowered her face down to mine. “Oh, you mother fucker, you’re gonna pay for that one.”, she said, grinning. “Am I?”, I laughed. “Shut the fuck up and make me cum.”, Lexie commanded. She leaned in and kissed me hard pushing her tongue between my lips into my mouth. She positioned herself so that she could rub her pussy on my cock through the fabric of her pants. In under a minute, she had my cock rock hard as she dry humped against me. I reached around and grabbed her firm ass pulling her against me. It did not take Lexie very long to explode into a powerful orgasm, her body tensing up for several seconds. Finally, she regained her breath and looked me directly in the eyes. “Fuck, that is so much better than using my fingers.”, she giggled. “Glad I could help out.”, I replied. An hour or so later we were sitting on the sofa talking when Lexie completely changed to subject on me. “Chris, I have to be honest with you. You scare the hell out of me.”, she stated in a serious tone. “I scare you?”, I replied. “Yes, you do.”, she answered. “How so?”, I inquired. “It would be so easy to fall in love with you, hell I might already be in love with you. But I sense you have this rage inside of you and I’m not sure if you can let it go. I do not want to get into a relationship with you, fall in love and then you do something, and I lose you. In addition, I’m a police officer and can’t take the chance of tarnishing my reputation. I’m not scared of a relationship with you, I’m scared of caring too much then being let down again.”, she said softly. “Sounds to me like you’re trying to come up with reason not to be in a relationship with me. I have been afraid and bullied for most of my life until several years ago. I am not afraid anymore. Not afraid of anyone or anything. It’s more of a feeling of peace than rage, if you can understand that.”, I replied. “Chris, I know the situation with that group is not over for you. I know that you’re not going to accept what the courts do to them.”, she stated. “I can’t say right now Lex because it has not happened. I guess we will all know when it happens.”, I answered. “I guess so.”, she replied looking away. She left about an hour later kissing me in a way that told me our relationship was in serious danger. Maybe I should have said something, but nothing came to mind. I let her walk out of the side door perhaps for the last time. During the following week, I sent her texts every day. I was basically getting the same replies. She was working nights and sleeping during the day. I decided to let a few days pass before contacting her again. I was spending almost all day at the gym. Between my training and teaching Krav Maga with not much else to do it made more sense. Master Garcia and I would spare maybe twice a week or so. There was no one else in the building that would present much of a challenge to me. Master Garcia always kicked my ass, but I was continually getting better. We were going at it on a Friday night when a round kick struck me above the eye opening me up. Within seconds the side of my face an shirt were covered in blood. I walked off the mat and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up when I noticed Lexie and Amy looking through the large viewing window. I walked out of the door and turned to my left to say hello. “Hi ladies, how are you doing?”, I asked. “Apparently better than you are. What the fuck are you doing?”, Lexie said. “Oh, this is nothing…. I’ll be right back.”, I promised running to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up quickly, but the cut was deep and wide, I would need stitches. I put some ice above my eye and went back out to see Lexie. I had to admit to myself, I really missed her. She was waiting right outside the bathroom door. “Let me see that cut.”, she insisted as soon as I approached her. I removed the plastic bag of ice from my eye bending over a bit so she could get a good look at my eye. “You’re gonna need stitches.”, she stated, in a demanding way. “Master Garcia will stitch me up. He has before.”, I replied, pointing to a small scar over my other eye. “Is this guy insane…... teachers shouldn’t be hurting their students.”, she said, pointing into the room. “Master Garcia is a 9th Degree Dan. He is the only one I can spar with and get a workout.”, I replied. “No, there is a difference between a workout and this….”, she insisted. “I’ll be fine….be back in a few minutes.”, I answered. I met Master Garcia in his office and closed the door. Since this was something that happened from time to time, he had the proper supplies. He took out a syringe and inserted it right above the cut and applied a topical anesthetic. Several minutes later, he stitched me up and I was good to go. I went and took a shower and then dressed returning to the gym spotting Lexie and Amy on the other side of the room. “Hey, you guys almost through?”, I asked. “About another half hour or so.”, Amy replied. “Ok then, I’m headed home.”, I answered. I was waiting for a reaction by Lexie, but I got nothing but a smile. I leaned over kissed her on the cheek and walked out. I was really beginning to wonder what was going on with her. As soon as I walked into my house my cell phone rang. I did not recognize the number but answered it anyway. “Hello Chris, this is Jennifer…...Lexie’s mom.’, the voice said. “Yes ma’am.”, I replied. “Lexie mentioned that you two weren’t seeing each other anymore?”, she inquired. “She was at my house about a week ago when we talked for a while. Then I just saw her at the gym about an hour ago.”, I replied. “I don’t want to intrude but I can’t figure you two out. You seem like a perfect gentleman…. I just don’t get it.” she sighed. “Lexie feels like I will never get over the rage I have inside me for Josh Klein and his gang. She is afraid that if we become close and I hurt one of them badly, I will go to jail. She just does not want that to happen. Secondly, I was sparring with Master Garcia this evening and he cut my eye open and needed stitches, she thinks it’s ridiculous that I train in martial arts.”, I answered. “Well, I am damn sure not happy with her being a police officer. Every day she walks out the door, I never know if she will return but she says that her business.”, Jen said in a commanding tone. “It’s ok Ms. Thomas, I will respect her feelings and stay away. If she wants to talk to me, she knows how to reach me.”, I offered. “Chris, I’m so sorry.”, Jen replied. “So am I, Ms. Thomas.”, I said hanging up the phone. Over the next month or so, I talked to Lexie a few times and returned a few texts but that was it. I took another cycle of steroids and trained viciously at the gym with the weights, Krav Maga and Muy Thai. Later in the week I received a notification from the court that Josh and his friends were going to be formally charges. No way I was going to miss that day. Several days later, I was one of the first people to arrive in the Division B courtroom. I took a place in the middle of the court sitting on the isle. About twenty minutes later Detective Wilson walked in with a man that he introduced to Assistant District Attorney Steve Carson. Detective Wilson sat next to me as the ADA went to the front of the court sitting at the right table. Several minutes later all six defendants came in the court room from a side door and say sat the opposite table. The girls stared straight ahead but Josh and Darren couldn’t help looking over their shoulder and smirk at me. Then through the main doors came Chrissy Haynes’s father, probably the best lawyer in the town. He sat down and opened his brief case removing several file folders. Just about that time the Bailiff rose and announced the Judge Milton Seiler was entering the courthouse. Everyone stood up and reseated when the judge sat down. Detective Wilson leaned over and softly whispered in my ear. “Not good……Haynes and Seiler are good friends; they play golf together all the time.” He stated. The judge introduced himself, sat down and began to read the charges against the six defendants. Chrissy Haynes, Haley Mills and Jennifer Smith were charged with obstruction of justice and concealment of a crime. Darren Miller and Mark Boudreaux were charged with obstruction of justice, concealment and tampering with a crime scene. Finally, Josh Klein was charged with involuntary manslaughter. The judge then asked the DA if he would accept those charges. “Your honor, we asked for manslaughter charges for Mr. Klein and involuntary manslaughter for Mr. Miller and Mr. Boudreaux. Your honor, these defendants have been harassing members of the deceased family for years now. We have three police reports in the files as evidence.”, the District Attorney pleaded. “I’m aware of what’s in the file. But from what I have heard there was blame on both ends. The defendant’s lawyer is ready to plead this out now…… why don’t we just get it over with?”, the judge asked. “I’m sorry your honor but I need more time….”, the district attorney stated. “Alright, we will meet back here in two weeks at ten in the morning. We will either plead this out or I will order a trial date.”, the judge replied. The court room began to empty out, but Detective Wilson and I kept our seat. Steve Carson picked up his files and closed his briefcase and came and sat in the row in front of us turning to face us. “Haynes already got to Seiler…… pretty much what I figured making sure his baby girl stays clean.”, he stated somewhat disgusted. “So basically, everyone gets probation except Klein who may get a few years?”, Detective Wilson asked. “Looks that way. I will speak to my boss and see what he wants to do. I will get in touch with you.”, he said, standing and walking out. Detective Wilson left as well promising to get in touch with me when he heard anything more. I was slowly walking down the hallway and down the steps to the lobby and I heard my name called. I looked over and it was Chrissy Haynes’s father calling me over. Chrissy was there along with Haley Mills and her parents. “Son, I hope you understand that we all are very sorry for your loss. We are just looking forward to putting this tragedy behind us and moving forward.”, he said with a smile. “Tragedy, is that what this is? I figure it to be a bunch of criminals that killed a beautiful woman and tossed her in the dumpster.”, I replied, softly and under control. “Ever think that attitude is what caused your mother to die in the first place.”, Mr. Haynes said in a different tone. “Nobody forced anyone to be there that night. And when they found out it was my mother any of them could have walked away. But they didn’t……. and no matter what happens in that court room they each made a fatal mistake.”, I replied. “Are you threatening me?”, he asked. “No, to the best of my knowledge you were not there. But the others, who knows.……”, I answered, turning and walking away. |
CHAPER TWENTY-THREE A month later I was in Rio De Janeiro with Master Garcia training at a Ju Jit Su Academy that he had worked with several times. It was evident quickly this was a no-nonsense training facility. After my morning workout with weight, I would then train on and off for twelve to fourteen hours with three different teachers. I was being force fed Ju Jit Su and MMA at a rapid pace. I was living with Master Garcia in a home he owned in the city. His sister lived there as well and she was a very nice lady and an excellent cook. Although we had a language barrier, we always figured each other out. I still had not receive one phone call from Lexie and perhaps she did not even realize I was gone. I had spoken to Jennifer a few times but not since I had arrived in Brazil. According to Jen, Lexie was not seeing anyone else as far as she knew. Jennifer admitted she tried to talk to her daughter a few times, but Lexie refused every conversation attempt. When you’re training fourteen hours a day, six days a week the time flies by. I had been in Brazil for over four months when Master Garcia finally approached me with his idea. There was an MMA event being held in Las Vegas in two months. They were looking for some new blood in the light heavy weight division. I would have to lose a little weight, but it was possible. Apparently, according to Master Garcia and my teachers, I was ready. The only way to see where I was really at was to fight in an all-out contest. I would receive ten thousand dollars to fight and another ten thousand if I won. Not a bad payday for an event that was over in twenty minutes. I took a few days to think it over but I agreed. For the next month, I fought anyone that they brought into the gym. Several guys had fought in the United States before. I had beaten most of the competition with only two legitimate losses during that time. Two weeks before the fight they eased up and stop bringing people in. We were heading to Las Vegas the following day, and everything had been set. I was in bed that night when my cell phone rang. It was Jennifer once again. “Hey Chris, I wanted to let you know that Lexie stopped by your house a few times. It seems that they need you to testify in the case next month. No can seem to find you.”, Jennifer laughed. “I’m in Brazil right now Jen. But no one has called other than you.”, I replied. “Why are you in Brazil?”, she asked. “I came here with Master Garcia from the gym. I have been training with three new teachers in MMA.”, I explained. “That Octagon thing …… UFC?”, she asked. “Yes, sort of like that. In fact, I have a fight in Las Vegas in two weeks.”, I answered. “You’re kidding?”, she shouted. “Nope, it will be on television as well.”, I explained. “Oh, please call me so Jim and I can watch it.”, she begged. “Sure, no problem.”, I promised. Before I could blink an eye, I was weighing in on stage in Vegas. I weighed in 203.6 pounds out of a maximum of 205 pounds. My opponent Jorge Gonzalez weighed in at 192.8 pounds. He tried to stare me down the entire time which I thought was quite amusing. I had a good time on stage laughing and joking with the MMA people. I really thought this would be a once in a lifetime thing for me, so I wanted to enjoy it. I had called Jennifer and told her the time and channel that the fight would be carried. I would be the second fight of four bouts. I was sitting on the training table getting my hands taped for the fight when Master Garcia and Leonel Chacon, my teacher came in. They went over everything again making sure I understood. There would be three five-minute rounds with a minute between each round. The only way to win an outright decision was to get your opponent to tap out or you had to knock him out. If the fight went the distance, the judges would pick the winner. Several minutes later, they gave me a black satin hoodie with my name of the back. We walked together to the entrance and stood waiting. Finally, the music started playing and we began walking in a straight line to the ring. “Now approaching the ring in his first UFC competition fighting from Dallas, Texas weighing in at 203.6 pounds, Chris Williams”, the announcer stated. I climbed in the ring to very light applause and went over to my corner and began talking to Master Garcia and Leonel. The announcer started in on my opponent. “Now approaching the ring with a record of twenty-one wins and two losses fighting from Sao Paulo, Brazil weighing in at 192.8 pounds, Jorge “The Judge” Gonzalez.”, he announced. I couldn’t help to think how does a guy get a nickname like “The Judge”? The referee called us to the center of the ring and once again my opponent started his stare down technique. I couldn’t hold it in as I broke out laughing. When the rules had been explained and we touched gloves, he leaned in slightly towards me. “I fuck you up now…...”, he said in broken English. I went back to my corner and received last minute instructions. I then stepped up to my mark as the referee asked if we were both ready. We both nodded in turn signaling we were ready. “Let’s get it on.”, he yelled, signaling the fight had started. We each circled each other a few times before Gonzalez threw a wicked right leg into my thigh. I had to admit, it was the hardest strike I had ever been hit with. He followed up with a couple of right-hand jabs which I deflected easily. He then made an attempt at another kick which I was able to trap his leg with my arm. He was now on one leg as I pulled him toward me. I landed a solid right hand to his face which staggered him for a minute. I dove down at his waist and took him down to the ground. I quickly positioned myself to his right side as I heard Leonel screaming at me for the arm bar. The arm bar was basically a joint lock that I had been taught. I quickly moved across his chest and placed my legs there. One of his arms was between my thighs with the elbow joint against my hips. I took the second arm with both of mine and placed his forearm on my chest. Once the arm was locked, I leaned back and arched my hips. This hold created intense pressure in the elbow joint. Even though he resisted, I knew I had him beat. If he did not tap out soon, he was risking torn ligament and tendons in the elbow joint. Several seconds later, he began tapping on the mat as the referee quickly stepped him. I released him immediately as I had been instructed to do. I rolled over and got up immediately going over to my corner. Both Master Garcia and Leonel Chacon were elated with my victory. After a few minutes the referee called us both back to the center of the ring one on each side of him. The announcer stepped back into the ring and grabbed the microphone. “At three minutes forty-eight seconds in the first round the winner by submission from Dallas, Texas ……... Chris Williams”, he announced, the referee holding my hand up. Master Garcia and I returned home two days later. I took a taxi home from the airport and arrived about two o’clock in the afternoon. I unlocked and went inside and dropped all my luggage in the living area. I had a slot in the front door for my mail, so I went in the hallway and retrieved it. All of my bills were on direct pay, so it was mostly junk mail. Also included with the mail was a card from Detective Gautreaux with the police department. Written on the back of the card were the words “Call me” written in ink. I sat down on the sofa and called the number listed as his cell phone. He answered after about four or five rings. “Detective Gautreaux, this is Chris Williams. I just got home and saw your card asking me to call you.”, I stated. “Yes Mr. Williams, thanks for calling. We have three trials that may be going to court if they don’t plead out. The district’s attorney office wants to speak with you. We have been trying to locate you for a while now. Where have you been?”, he asked. “I was in Brazil for over four months and just recently in Vegas for a week.”, I replied. “Strange, we asked Officer Thomas about your where abouts and she stated she didn’t know.”, he immediately began his interrogation. “That’s because about an hour after you and Detective Diaz let my house that night, she broke up with me and left. I have not talked to her since.”, I answered. “What happened?”, he inquired. “It was over that night and what went on between me and the two of you.”, I answered quickly. “Again, I talked to her several times, and she made no mention of that.”, he argued. “Sounds like you need to talk to her again, I guess. Either way it doesn’t matter…... what do you need from me?”, I asked. “I will have the district attorney contact you for a meeting.”, he said. “That’s fine.”, I said, hanging up. Later that evening, I went to the grocery store and bought groceries, I was basically out of everything. I was in the checkout lane when Chrissy Haynes walked up beside in the adjacent lane. “Hey Chris, long time no see.”, she said. “Yes, it had been a while. How are you doing?”, I asked. “I’m ok, thanks. Hey, I watched you on UFC a couple of weeks ago. The whole town is buzzing about your fight.”, she said. At that point everyone is the line began to stare at me when they heard UFC. They were whispering around each other trying to figure out what was going on. “Thanks Chrissy, it was fun.”, I replied. I checked out and went to my car to load up the groceries. I headed straight home and was putting everything away when my phone rang. It was Jennifer Thomas. “Hey Chris, are you home yet?”, she asked. “Yes Jen, just got in this afternoon.”, I responded. “Jim and I watched your fight…. You were great even though I was worried a bit.”, she admitted. “Thanks Jen, I was worried a bit too.”, I replied, causing her to giggle. “Are you going to fight again?”, Jennifer inquired. “I don’t know Jen. It might just be a one-time thing.”, I replied. “Oh ok…... well anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you. And um…... stop by and say hi to Jim and I , when you’re near here.”, she hinted. “I think it would be awkward if Lexie was there.”, I answered. “If her unit is not in the driveway, she’s not here.”, Jennifer replied. “Ok, sounds good.”, I promised. I decided to take a week off from the gym and get a few things done around my house. I woke up the following morning and cleaned up inside and began to wash all my clothes. I was outside cleaning the pool when I heard a faint voice say hello. I looked in that direction but didn’t see anyone over the wooden six-foot fence. “Yes?”, I replied. Suddenly, a young blonde hair woman appeared obviously standing on some object. I started walking in her direction. “Do you live here?”, she asked. “Yes, I do. I’m Chris.”, I answered. “Hi, I’m Tabitha but everyone calls me Tabby.”, she admitted. “Nice to meet you, Tabby.”, I replied. “I was beginning to think this house was vacant. I moved in about two months ago. First time I have seen you.”, she admitted. “Oh, I have been out of the country for a while. Just got back yesterday.”, I responded. “Love your pool….”. Tabby remarked. “Use it anytime you like. No one gets much use out of it anymore.”, I offered. “I will definitely take you up on that.”, she admitted. I went back to cleaning the pool which took me close to an hour. I finished up and went inside to fix some lunch. I had finished lunch and was watching television when my phone rang. It was Detective Gautreaux. According to him, all three looked like they were going to take a plea deal for less time to be served. It was written in stone yet, but it looked that way. Josh Klein and Darren Miller had recovered but Leo Klein was having problems. He was due to have shoulder surgery to repair the injury he received. Later that day since I had cleaned the pool I decided to go out and get some use of it. I took several towels out to the back and set them on one of the lounge chairs. I jump in and pool and swam around for a few minutes then got out and sat in one of the chaise loungers. I had been sitting for about thirty minutes when I heard something from my next-door neighbor’s backyard. “Hey, what are you doing over there.”, said the voice. “Not much, just swimming a little. I replied, recognizing the voice. “Uh…... would you like a little company?”, she asked. “Sure, come on over.”, I answered. “Ok, be over in a bit.”, she shouted. Less than fifteen minutes later the side gate opened, and I got my first glimpse of Tabby. Since I had only seen her from the neck up, I was extremely surprised. Tabby was five foot eight inches or so with dirty blonde hair. She was wearing a white lace cover up shirt with a white bikini under it. It didn’t take long to notice she had an amazing body. She walked over to me slowly and stopped next to my chaise lounge extending her small hand. “Hi, I’m Tabitha Clarke, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”, she said smiling. “I’m Chris Williams, it’s nice to meet you as well. Please have a seat.”, I offered. She laid a towel down on the chaise lounge chair then slid in gracefully. She leaned back and turned in my direction. “Soooo…. What do you do for a living?’, she asked. “I work at The Powerhouse Gym training people in martial arts and have some clients I train in weightlifting.”, I replied. “Well, the weightlifting is obvious.”, she giggled. “How about you Tabitha?”, I asked. “Ok, first off is Tabby. Secondly, I work for my father. I’m the accountant and CPA for his law practice. He owns the Clarke, Clarke and Wilson Law Firm. “, she answered. “Sounds like a good job.”, I stated. “Oh, it’s a very good job.”, she laughed. “When did you move in?”, I inquired. “A little over three months’ ago when my divorce was finalized. We had been separated for two years prior, but my ex wanted the condo, so I let him have it. Found this place and bought it. How about you…… divorced, married or girlfriend?”, she asked. “No never been married and as of now …... no girlfriend although I was engaged a few months ago.”, I admitted. “What happened?”, she quickly asked. “It’s a long story.”, I confessed. “I have all day.”, she giggled. Don’t ask me why but I went on to tell this woman who I had known for about ten minutes the entire story of my life. How I had lost my mom and how it happened. How I had come to train in the gym and then train with Master Garcia. Then meeting Lexie and our on and off again relationship. Then going to Brazil and Vegas which brought me up to date. “So, you’re a real MMA fighter?”, she asked. “Well, I’m not sure. It was only one fight.”, I laughed. “I might need you to kick my ex-husbands ass one day.”, she stated. “That’s why I’m not engaged anymore.”, I laughed. “Oh yea, right.”, she laughed. She talked about her family for the next hour or so. Tabby’s grandfather started the law practice many years ago. Her father simply moved into his father’s role. Tabby’s grandfather retired from the practice several years ago. Her brother just graduated from law school and joined his father at the firm. Tabby’s mother was a stay-at-home housewife and mother. She had a younger sister who was still in college and stayed home with her mother. She referred to her as the brat. Tabby was almost four years older than I was. When she finished, she stood up and removed her cover up exposing a slim and sleek body. She slowly walked over to the pool making sure I got a close eyeful. Tabby had long slender legs, a small waist and a gorgeous butt. She had small breasts, but they stood out straight off her chest. I had only known Tabby for an hour or so, but it was obviously she was ambitious and captivating at the same time. Suddenly a weird thought struck me. Why would her ex-husband divorce her? Obviously, her family had money and Tabby had a great job. Tabby swam in the pool for about thirty minutes before she grabbed the ladder and climbed out. From the soaked material of her white bikini the fabric left little to the imagination. Her body was everything I thought it might be and more. She walked slowly over to me in a kind of enticing way. If I did not know any better, I would have to say she was hitting on me. She put her cover up back on and sat next to me. “The pool is amazing…… thanks so much.”, she stated. “Not a problem at all……. You’re free to use it anytime you would like.”, I offered. “Well, I will take you up on that, I promise.”, she replied. “Can I get you something to drink?”, I asked. “Would love some red wine.”, she hinted. “Oh…... um, I don’t drink so …….”, I started. “It’s ok…... be right back. I have plenty.”, she admitted, cutting me off. I went back in the house to pour a glass of iced tea. But the time I returned Tabby was back with a full bottle of red wine and one wine glass. She took her first sip from the wine glass and turned to me. “So, you don’t drink?’, she asked. “No never have really. Maybe one beer every now and then.”, I admitted. “I love wine although I have built up a tolerance for it. Been drinking it for years.”, she confessed. “So, I guess I can’t get you drunk and take advantage of you then?”, I laughed. “Well, getting me drunk takes time but as far as the other…… you never know.”, she smiled winking at me. We talked about everything and anything for the next couple hours. It was getting close to six o’clock in the evening when I suggested that we go and get something to eat. “Oh, are you asking me out on a date?”, she giggled, the wine taking effect. “I don’t know…… just thought you might be hungry.”, I replied. “Actually, I am starved.”, she admitted. “Great, why don’t we both change and when you’re done come back over. The side door will be open.”, I instructed. We both went to our own respective houses, and I showered quickly. I put on a pair of jeans and a dry-fit pullover. I put on a blue pair of sneakers that I had just bought and was coming down the hallway when I heard the door open. “Chris, it’s me.”, Tabby shouted, stepping in. “Hey, you look great”, I replied. “Thanks”, she replied. Tabby had on skintight jeans with a light blue tank top. She had white sneakers on with her hair back in a ponytail. She smelled good as I passed her on my way out to the carport. She followed me out and I locked the door behind me. UI walked around my car and opened the door for her. “My God, a man that still has manners?”, she giggled. I just smiled and closed the door as she slid in the passenger seat. I walked around the car and got behind the wheel pressing the ignition button. I put my seat belt and adjusted the rear view mirror. “Chris, this is a really nice car. Is this a five series?”, she asked. “Yes, it is.”, I replied, backing out of the driveway. We decided on an Italian restaurant across town called Tony Mistretta’s which was good. It took us about thirty minutes to get there. We were seated immediately, and our waitress took our order. We were making small talk when my phone rang. It was Leonel Chacon. “Hey Leo, what’s up?”, I asked. “Chris, I talk to UFC today. They need a fight for Cruz Rosario. Rosario number four in the world. They want to fight you in four weeks. Thirty thousand dollars to fight and thirty more if you win.”, he stated. “Leo, number four in the world is kind of a stretch, don’t you think?”, I asked. “Maybe so…. maybe not……. But it take a long time to get a shot at four normally. You fight one time, you get.”, he stated. “What does Master Garcia think?’, I inquired. “He say…. up to you.”, he replied. “Ok, let me think about it.”, I answered, hanging up the phone. “What was that about?’, Tabby asked. “My trainer was contacted by someone who wants me to fight again in a month in Vegas.”, I replied. “Oh…… are you going to accept?”, she asked, softly. “I don’t know…… I mean I thought it was a one-time deal. It’s thirty thousand for the fight and another thirty for the winner.”, I stated. She let it go at that point and we went back to our conversation. We had a nice meal, and I enjoyed her conversation. We drove home and said our goodbyes in the driveway. I made sure she got inside safely then went to the side door. The next day, I met with Master Garcia at the gym, and we talked about the fight I was offered. He felt much as I did that the first fight was a memorable experience. But did I want to continue this and put my body through what had to be done. Secondly, I didn’t have much time to decide. The next day, I accepted the fight for one reason. Maybe, if I was beaten badly, it would curb my enthusiasm for physical confrontation. Maybe it would give me some restraint that I probably needed. Maybe if I had more restraint, I would still be with Lexie. Two days later I was on a plane headed to Brazil to train once again. For the next three weeks I train twelve hours a day mostly on the ground. My trainers explain to me that punching and kicking were not my strong suites yet. But I was very good when the fight went to the ground. My object would be to take the punches and kicks but try to take him down as quick as I could. Tabby and Jennifer Thomas, both called me a few times while I was in Brazil. I then flew to Vegas with Leonel Chacon and his assistant Javier Mendez. Master Garcia would not be at this fight. We both weighed in only a half-pound apart. Cruz Rosario was well put together and I knew this fight was not going to be like the last one. On a Friday night at nine o’clock in the evening, I stepped into the ring with my biggest challenge to date. The referee separated us and started the fight. Cruz Rosario wasted no time in crossing the ring and throwing several combinations of punches to my head. Even though I deflected most, Rosario hit hard. Harder than anyone I had ever been in the ring with. The other problem was every time he threw a punch, he then stepped backward so I had no chance of a takedown. I would have to wait for him to make a mistake. By the end of the first round Cruz Rosario had been meticulous with his punches and kicks. Half of his strikes had gotten through and I was already bruising from his strike. I sat down on my stool and listened to the advice from Leonel who basically stayed the same. There would be a mistake made that would give me the opportunity to get him to the ground. I would just have to survive until it happened. Tabby Clarke was sitting in her father’s living room with the entire family watching the fight. Her Father, mother, brother and her brother’s girlfriend were all present watching it on the eighty-inch screen. “Tabs, you know this guy?”, her father asked. “Yes, he is my next-door neighbor. We went out to dinner about a month ago.”, she replied. “As in a date?”, her mother asked. “No mom, not a date.”, Tabby replied, exasperated. Shortly the second round began so she turned the volume back up on the large television, The announcers were still talking about the first round. “Williams took a great deal of punishment during the last round. Rosario is at the top of his game. This is only Williams’ second fight, and he is taking on the fourth ranked contender in the world. I’m not quite sure who is managing him but perhaps he needs better advice.”, the announcer stated. The second round went much as the first one did only, he landed more strikes to my face and body. One of my eyes was beginning to swell really badly and I could barely see out of it. As I sat down around round two, I could tell Leonel was concerned. Once again, there was no doubt that Rosario had won the round. He was ahead two rounds to none. Back home Tabby was extremely worried as they showed a closeup of my face. I had taken a lot of punishment and my upper body showed it. “Tabby why did this guy take this fight?”, her brother, Billy asked. “I don’t know Billy…. I really don’t.”, she answered, wringing her hands. “You like this guy.”, Billy laughed. “Leave me alone.”, Tabby responded. “Oh, she does like him.”, Bill Sr. laughed. The third and final round started much like the first two. Cruz Rosario began his assault on my upper body. But with about a minute into the third round he made a mistake. He threw a huge right hand almost as if it was meant to be a knockout punch. I was able to duck it, but the momentum caused him to stumble forward a few steps. I immediately ducked in and wrapped my arms around his waist. I lifted him up and spun my hips taking him to the ground. He was on his back, and I was straddling him my arms still around his waist. He was using his legs to try and disrupt my position above him. He wrapped both arms around my head pulling me towards him. He was able to wrap both of his legs around one of mine and pulled him to his right. He then tried to roll to his left to get out from under me. I allowed him to begin his roll by releasing his waist. As soon as part of his back was exposed, I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to squeeze. He fell face down on the mat then tried to lift both of our bodies up in a pushup maneuver. At that point, I wrapped my legs around his waist and readjusted my arms into what is called rear naked chokehold. Tabby leaned forward unsure of what was going on in the match. For the first time in over ten minutes, I had an advantage. The announcers were quite excited. “I’m not sure Williams has the choke hold locked in but he’s close. I can’t believe what is happening.”, the announcer stated. I finally got my elbow joint locked in over his throat. I used all the strength in my arms squeezing him as tightly as I could. The referee got down on his belly and started to talk to Rosario. “Cruz, you ok?”, he asked. Cruz Rosario reached out and grabbed the referee arm signaling he was ok. I simply squeezed hard. I could feel the resistance in Rosario ebbing from his body. I arched my back and applied even more pressure on his neck. “Cruz…… Cruz…..?, the referee shouted. The referee reached out and grabbed one of Rosario arms, lifted it and dropped it. It went straight to the mat. He repeated the maneuver once more with the same result. He then tapped me on my back several times. “He’s out Williams, it’s over.”, he screamed. I rolled off him and onto my back on the canvas. Never had I been beaten so badly by anyone. I was spent and did not think I had the energy to get off the mat. Both corners came running into the cage respectively checking on the two of us. Leonel was on his knees next to me wiping my face with a wet towel. Tabby was on her feet, her eyes glued to the television and what the announcer was saying. According to the announcer, the impossible had just happed. “This is unbelievable. Williams has choked out Rosario in the third-round despite being physically battered for ten minutes. I can’t remember this big of an upset ever. Only his second fight and he beat the fourth ranked contender in the world.”, the announcer stated, Leonel and Javier finally lifted me off the mat and got me to my feet. I was exhausted but relieved that the fight was over. Cruz Rosario was finally awake and standing on his feet as well. He walked over to me and patted my chest then hugged me. He was a true competitor but even a better man. He spoke only two words to me. “You good.”, he said, in broken English. Ten minutes later, I was lying on the training table in my dressing room with the doctor checking me out from head to toe. Leonel and Javier were already applying ice to my swollen face. When the doctor was going back up my left side pressing as he went up, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my left side. “Looks like you may have bruised ribs as well, but we’ll get a x-ray to make sure it’s not a break.”, he stated. Three hours later, I was laying in my hotel room hurting all over. I basically had ice bags all over my body being held on by elastic bandages. The swelling in my face had gone down and I could see clearly out of my eye, but the bruises remained. Leonel finally returned a gave me two mild pain pills to help me sleep. The next morning, I boarded a plane back home at about nine o’clock in the morning. I must have been quite the sight as everyone in the plane was looking at me and whispering. I was seated next to an older man who was reading a newspaper. He looked up briefly and put his paper down. “Son, are you ok?’, he asked. “Yes sir, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”, I replied. “I hope you won the fight.”, he laughed. “Believe it or not sir, I did.”, I answered. I landed around one o’clock in the afternoon and went through the airport heading to the parking garage. Two young boys came running up to me. “Chris, Chris… would you give me your autograph.” one of them said, out of breath. I was simply stunned that first of all someone would recognize me in an airport. Secondly that both of these boys wanted my autograph. I walked over to a seat and sat down. I took their papers and pen and inscribed autographs to the both of them. By that time, a woman had walked up. I was guessing it was their mother. “Thank you for doing this. Ouch, that must hurt.”, she grimaced. “A little bit, ma’am.”, I replied, handing the papers back to the boys. An hour later, I was back home and resting on my bed when the cell phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was Jennifer Thomas. “Chris, I’m sorry to bother you but are you ok?”, she asked. “Yes, I’m fine…. thanks. Just battered and bruised.”, I laughed. “Jim and I watched the fight again but it was tough seeing you sustain that much damage. I was amazed when you finally won. By the way, Lexie was here and watched it as well.”, Jennifer admitted. “Oh, I’m sure she had a lot to say.”, I laughed. “Actually no, I think was afraid for you.”, Jennifer stated. “Honestly Jen, I can’t figure your daughter out. She is worried about what might happen more than what she has. I can’t live my life afraid that I will tarnish her reputation.”, I replied. “I know Chris…… you’re a great guy. I can’t figure her out. But I can’t talk to her anymore about you. Every time I do, we get into a huge fight.”, she admitted. “Don’t fight with her, Jen. Just let it go………. Lexie doesn’t want me. It hurts a lot, but I have to move on. I can’t ride the Lexie rollercoaster anymore.”, I stated. “I’m sorry to hear you say that, but I do understand.”, Jennifer responded. It was close to four o’clock in the afternoon when I heard a knock on the side door. I slowly got out of bed and walked down the hall. I saw it was Tabby through the glass in the door. I unlocked it and asked her to come in. “Jesus Christ, you’re a mess.”, Tabby said nervously. “I’m ok…... everything will heal up fine.”, I replied. “I just wanted to ……never mind, you need to lay down.”, she stated. “I’m fine Tabby, what did you want?”, I asked smiling. “Well, my mom and dad are barbequing tonight with the entire family. I was wondering if you might want to go…. But I can see you’re not up to it.”, she sighed. “It’s not that…... I’m just not presentable right now.”, I laughed, pointing to my face. “Oh, that’s not a problem…… we all watched the fight at my dad’s. They all saw it.”, she confessed. “Oh, well…. If you’re ok with the way I look…. I guess it’s ok.”, I replied. “Nobody will mind…… after all you’re a star now.”, Tabby giggled. “Ok, but I need a favor.”, I asked. “Sure, whatever…...”, Tabby quickly replied. “You have to help me get dressed.”, I stated. “Sure, lead the way.”, she replied. Tabby followed me back to the master bedroom where I sat on the bed. I told her where the clothes were, and she pulled them out quickly. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a tank top from the second drawer. She grabbed a pair of white socks and the blue sneakers that were in the corner. She walked over to me and laid the clothes on the bed next to me. She grabbed the white socks and quickly slid them on my feet. I then stood up and she pushed the shorts down my legs. I had on long dri-fit underwear on that looked like regular shorts. I then sat back down as she pulled the jeans up my legs. I stood up again and she got them to my waistline. She then pulled up the zipper and fixed the one button. “You know, I taken jeans off a man before but can’t say I ever put them on.”, she giggled. She then lifted the t-shirt over my head exposing the elastic bandage around my ribs. I sat back down as she slowly put the tank top over my head and pulled it down. “Jesus Christ, you’re huge….”, she stated, running her hands over my chest. She placed the shoes on my feet and quickly laced them up. We both returned to the living area where she told me she was going to get ready as well. She also insisted that she would drive which I had no objections to. I sat back down on the sofa to wait for her to return. About twenty minutes later she came back ready to go. She had on long pink spandex yoga pants with pink sneakers. She had a long white t-shirt that came down to her upper thigh. She also had a pink baseball cap witch her ponytail pulled through the back opening. I followed her out and locked the door behind me. I was surprised to see she had a Mercedes Benz C Class C300 vehicle but then again, her father owned a law firm. I got in on the passenger side and she pulled out of the driveway. It took about forty-five minutes to reach her parents gated subdivision. The security officer waved her in, and it took just several moments more to reach a long driveway on a magnificent two-story home. We got out of the car and walked to the front door which was open. I followed Tabby in the house and waited for her to close the door. I then followed her into a family room where a young woman was sitting with a guy about her age. “Chris, this is my sister Danielle and her boyfriend Hayden. Guy’s this is Chris Williams.”, she stated, making the introduction. “We watched you fight last night…... you were awesome.”, Danielle commented. “Well, not sure about that but thanks.”, I replied. I then followed Tabby outside through a set of double doors opening to a huge patio and inground swimming pool. Under the patio was a complete outdoor kitchen. There was an older man and women both cooking at the kitchen area. Closer to us seated at one of the four patio tables was a middle-aged man and woman. “Chris, this is my brother Bill Jr. and his wife Melissa. Guy’s this is Chris Williams.”, she stated. “Holy crap Tabs, you said he was big but……”, Melissa laughed. “Sorry for the appearance guys but I had a rough night.”, I admitted. They both laughed as we walked away and over to her parents who were still cooking. Tabby’s mom even though probably fifty or so was a very attractive woman. “Chris, this is my dad, Bill Clarke Sr. and my mother Sara Clarke. Mom and dad, this is Chris Williams.”, she said for the last time. “Very nice to meet the both of you. Please excuse my appearance, I wasn’t planning on going out anytime soon.”, I said, apologizing. “It quite alright son, we watched you fight last night. Glad you’re ok.”, Bill said. “Thank you, sir.”, I replied. “Chris, I have to admit… are the biggest guy I have ever been this close to.”, Sara Clarke admitted. “Thank you, ma’am.”, I replied. “Come on Chris, let’s go sit with my brother and his wife.”, Tabby asked. I followed her over to the table when her brother and his wife were sitting. We each grabbed a seat and sat down across from them. Bill’s wife Melissa was a very attractive woman who kept staring at me. Finally, she said something. “What is it like fighting like you did?”, she asked, smiling. “Painful…...”, I replied, causing Tabby to giggle. “No, I’m being serious……”, she said. “So am I……. in all my years of fighting, I have never been hit that hard for that long. If that guy is rated number four in the world, I never want to see one, two or three.”, I replied. “So, you’re not going to fight again?”, Melissa asked. “I’m not sure…… have to give it some thought.”, I answered. Several minutes later, the food was ready, and everyone moved into the house to the large dining room. Tabby showed me where to sit and she sat beside me. Just as Tabby sat down the doorbell rang. Tabby jumped up and told everyone that she would answer the door. Melissa leaned across the table and whispered to me. “Oh, you’re in for a treat. I’m sure that’s Brad.”, she said. “Whose Brad?”, I asked. “Tabby’s ex, he still works at the firm so technically he’s family.”, she replied, rolling her eyes. “No big deal.”, I answered. Sure, enough Tabby came back with a tall, slim guy with longer hair. He stopped short when he saw me. Tabby motioned to a chair that was on the other side of the table. He reluctantly walked that way and sat down, never taking his eyes off of me. Everyone sat down and the family conversation began. Since I was new here and I simply sat back and listened. Tabby was telling her mom about a dress she was looking for when Brad interrupted her. “Uh…. Dude, get you get the number of the train that hit you?”, Brad asked me. “Brad……...”, Tabby scolded. Everyone went deathly silent not sure how I was going to react. But I had dealt with guys like Brad all my life. I was used to it. “Actually, yes……... his name was Cruz Rosario.”, I admitted. “Rosario, the MMA guy?’’, Brad asked, confused. “Yes Brad, Chris fought him last night in Vegas.”, Tabby replied, with a look that could kill. “I heard Rosario lost last night. You beat him?”, he asked. “Yes, I got lucky.”, I answered, not really looking up from my plate. “Son, tell us a little about your family.”, Bill Sr. asked. “Not much to tell sir. My father died when I was still a kid. My mother was killed a few years ago by a local. I’m an only child and so were my parents…. So really, I have no family.”, I admitted. “I’m sorry to hear that son.”, he answered. “It’s fine sir, you did not know.”, I replied, smiling. For the rest of the evening, I mostly talked to Tabby’s mom and dad. They were nice people and seemed genuinely interested. While Brad on the other hand made an ass out of himself. He just seemed to be one of those guys that the entire show had to be about him. It was easy to see the rest did not care for him much, but I guess they put up with him. Tabby and I left about eight o’clock in the evening and she drove me straight home. She apologized for her ex-husband, but I told her it didn’t matter much to me. I did ask why the two of them separated and she explained that she caught him cheating on her with his first girlfriend twice. She forgave him the first time but not the second. It sort of surprised me that he would come to her parent’s home under those conditions. Four days later I was feeling much better and the bruising was starting to subside. I was loading my car to head to the gym when Lexie pulled up in her unit. It was the first time I had seen Lexie in months. She got out of her unit and walked slowly up to me. “Going somewhere?’, she asked. “To the gym, gotta get back on the horse.”, I answered. She reached up and softly touched the bruises on my face shaking her head from side to side slowly. She removed her hand and put it back down to her side. “I watched the fight about a week ago.”, she confessed. “Yes, your mom told me when she called to see how I was doing.”, I replied. “Why Chris? Do you enjoy pain that much?”, she asked. “Lexie, I do not want to argue with you about this. It’s just not worth it.”, I said softly. “But it does not have to be this way.”, Lexie sighed. “Lex, I know you love being a police officer. I know you’re proud of that accomplishment. I am proud of it as well. But I am who I am. I was bullied my whole life. No one is going to bully me again. I have never started anything in my life, but I will always finish it. But really…… you know this, I don’t have to say it.”, I answered. “So, this is it huh?”, she asked. “Lexie, you took off my ring and put it on the table. I begged you to stay several times. You told me your mind was made up. You broke my heart…… not once but twice.”, I admitted. “Ok, I’m the bad guy….”, she stated. She reached up and put her sunglasses back on and turned and walked back to her unit. I was tempted to run behind her and apologize for whatever she thought I did. But in the end, it would only happen again. So, I stood steadfast. I watched her pull out of my driveway again and turn down the side street. I got in my car and drove over to the gym. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted with hugs and congratulations for winning the fight. I eventually made my way to Master Garcia’s office. We talked for a while and then I went to get ready for my first class. By the end of the day, I was tired but glad to be back at the gym. The entire week flew by, and I had not heard back from Lexie. I thought about calling her several times but something in my head told me no. I got home early on Friday and pulled into my driveway. I went in and took a long, hot shower put on shorts and a t-shirt then hit the sofa to watch television. Since I didn’t have much in the house, I decided to order a pizza a little later. Shortly thereafter I heard a knock at the side door. I got up to see it was Tabby. I opened the door surprised to see here. “Hey Tabby, what’s up?”, I asked. “I just wanted to see if I could take you out for dinner tonight.”, she asked. “Oh geez, I already showered and got comfortable.”. I replied. “Understood, maybe next time.”, she answered, smiling. “Uh, look……... how about you come over here and we watch a movie. I was going to get a pizza anyway.”, I asked. “You sure?”, she asked with hesitation. “Yes, of course.”, I answered. “Ok, let me go get comfortable and I will come back over.”, she stated. About an hour later, Tabby came back in carrying her bottle of wine and a glass. She set them down on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa next to me but several feet between us. She was wearing long white t-shirt and baggy grey sweatpants with large white heavy slipper socks. She had taken a shower because she smelled extremely good. I gave her the remote and she found Netflix and started to go through the movie’s that had available. She chose a movie called “Hope Floats” which she cued up. She admitted that she had seen the movie once but what to watch it again. We decided to wait on the pizza until after the movie was over. The movie was good and I thought that Tabby was going to cry a few times. One thing, I had noticed was that she had slowly closed the distance between us. “So, are you ready for pizza?”, I asked. “Whatever you want, Chris.”, she replied. “Damn, that sounds like a great offer.”, I laughed. “Oh hush…...”, she giggled. “What kind of pizza do you like, Tabby?”, I asked. “I’m kind of simple. I like pepperoni, sausage and cheese.”, she admitted. “Ok, then. That is what we get.”, I stated, picking up my phone. I called Moe’s and order a large pizza and they promised delivery in about an hour. They were usually spot on when it came to their delivery times. I hung up the phone and set it on the table. I turned to Tabby and noticed that she had closed the distance a little more. “Chris, if you don’t mind can you tell me why you and Lexie broke up.”, she asked. “It really came down to one thing. She hated the fact that I train in what I do. She feels that one day I will do something to reflect on her negatively. At least that is what she says. Although the first time her ex-boyfriend was involved. I’m not sure if she is seeing him now.”, I stated. “It had nothing to do with sex?”, she asked, somewhat embarrassed. “No, nothing to do with sex.”, I said reassuringly. “Well, that is what came between my husband and me. In the beginning it was great but then he lost interest in me. I tried to pursue him, but he never seemed to be interested. There were times when I would get into bed and start touching myself for him. It seemed like that turned him off even more.”, she explained. “I think that he was already seeing someone at that point.”, I replied. “Oh of course he was. But I did not know that then.”, she answered. “Sex is tricky between two people. Especially if they have different tastes. But I think the most important thing in sex is to be completely open with each other.”, I stated. “Damn, sounds like you have a lot of experience.”, Tabby giggled. “No not really. I have a lot of experience getting dumped. I’m on number three.”, I laughed. “When I slept with Brad for the first time, he was amazing. The next year or so was good then he began to lose interest. I guess maybe I just wasn’t exciting enough, but I did try.’, Tabby sighed. Thankfully there was a knock on the door and the pizza had arrived. The conversation was getting a little sticky for me. I was not quite sure where Tabby was going with the conversation. Up until now there had been no physical contact between us. But here she was revealing the most intimate secrets of her past marriage. I paid the pizza delivery guy and went into the kitchen with the pizza. Tabby followed me into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I poured two glasses of iced tea and set one in front of her. I grabbed two plates from the cabinet and gave her one. I set a roll of paper towels between us. Tabby opened the box and pulled a piece of pizza out for the both of us. “You’re the first man who ever treated me like a lady, well except for my dad.”, she laughed. “My mom was big on manners.’, I replied. “Well thank heaven for your mom.”, Tabby remarked. She made small talk and ate then she helped me clean everything up. We both went back to the sofa to sit down. This time she sat right next to me. I asked if she wanted to watch another movie, but she said she would rather talk. I shut off the television and turned to face her. “Why haven’t you tried to kiss me yet?”, Tabby asked. “Well first, I have to be sure you want me too. Second, I don’t want to be presumptuous.”, I replied. “Do you find me attractive?”, Tabby asked. “What man would not find you attractive?”, I laughed. “My ex-husband.”, she quickly replied. “Well, he is crazy then.”, I stated. “Ok then, kiss me.”, she instructed. I leaned over and gently put my lips on hers tasting her for the first time. She slightly opened her lips, so I brushed her upper lip with my tongue. She sighed deeply into my mouth and she softly slid her tongue between my lips. I’m not sure if she felt it but a shiver ran up my back. Tabby was a phenomenal kisser probably the best I had ever kissed. I’m not exactly sure how long that first kiss lasted but it was amazing. “You are a great kisser.”, Tabby said, looking into my eyes. “So are you.”, I replied. She leaned in once again and kissed me with a little more pressure and urgency. Her tongue was in my mouth dancing with mine. She took her left hand and gently placed it on my left thigh. I was guessing that she might want to take this a little further. I pulled her a little closer to me and placed my right hand on her right inner thigh. She let out a small moan as she felt my fingertips on her thigh. She pulled her lips from mine and opened her eyes looking into mine. “Wow, it’s been a long time……”, she said softly. “Tabby, it’s ok…… we don’t have to do anything.”, I replied. “No Chris…… it’s not that…….,”, she started just as her cell phone rang. She leaned over and took her phone off the table and answered it. It was her father and apparently it was not good news. They talked for a few seconds, and she hung up quickly. “My mom slipped and fell in the kitchen. They think she broke her arm. My dad is driving her to the hospital. I think I need to head over there.”, Tabby stated. “Sure, I understand. Call me and let me know how she made out.”, I replied. Tabby called me later that evening and informed me that her mom had definitely broke her left wrist. If there was any good news her mom was right-handed. Tabby told me that she would be in touch with me the first chance she had. On Thursday of that week Tabby asked if I would stop by her parent’s home for an early dinner. It sounded like a strange request, but I agreed to it right away. I arrived a little after six that afternoon and Tabby met me at the door. She kissed me quickly on the lips and then led me to the living room where her father was sitting in his chair. “Hello Chris, it’s nice to see you again.”, he stated, getting up and shaking my hand. “Nice to see you again, sir.”, I replied. I sat down on the sofa across from him and Tabby say relatively close to me. There was no doubt Bill Clarke had something on his mind. It did not take long to find out what it was. “Chris, I’m not one taking a long time to get to the point, I never have been. It seems like you have been in several situations where the police were called. Is that correct?’’, he asked. “Yes sir, that is true.”, I admitted. “Can you tell me what happened in those incidents?”, he asked. “Sir, this goes back a long way.”, I answered. “I have the time, son.”, he quickly responded. “Yes sir.”, I replied. I started at the beginning talking about how I was bullied at school. Then joining the health club a little later and the incident where I choked Darren Miller out for attacking Hailey Mills at her party. From that point on, I explained that they were relentless in their constant harassment. I then explained what happened at Moe’s pizza when the three of them jumped me. After that it was how their stupid behavior caused the death of my mother. I mentioned the time I was attacked in the parking lot at the gym and spent a few days in the hospital. I also told me about stopping to help Officer Dugas and finally the last incident at the fair. “So that was you that helped the police officer on the highway that night?”, he asked. “Yes sir, that was me.”, I replied. “Well to be perfectly honest with you I looked at your record. I have noticed you have never been arrested but the sheer volume of altercations took me by surprise. Have you ever thought about just picking up and moving? Get away from this town?”, he inquired. “Actually, yes sir I have. But since I have no family left other than one aunt it just makes no sense to start all over.”, I admitted. “Fair enough……… but I’m not sure you are aware, but I believe the Klein family is going to sue you.”, he stated. “For what?”, I asked surprised. “The older Klein boy is experiencing dizziness every now and then. And even after his shoulder injury he has limited mobility. They asked us to file suit against you a few days ago.”, he stated. “Oh…….”, I simply said. “Don’t worry Chris……… we’re not taking the case.”, he confided. “Sir, honestly I don’t think they have a case. They were the aggressors.”, I answered. “From what you told me I do agree. But here is your problem. Since you’re an accomplished fighter trained in several forms of martial arts, they may say you went beyond defending yourself. Throw in the fact that you’re now a UFC fighter, I can see some low-rate lawyer taking this case.”, he admitted. “So where do I go from here sir?”, he asked. “Well first I would recommend you find a lawyer. But my daughter has already taken care of that. I will represent you if you are agreeable to that.?”, he replied, smiling. “Yes sir…… just tell me what the charges are.”, I answered. “We’ll worry about that later. Secondly, at this time I would file restraining orders on everyone who is involved in this. That way if or when they ever attack you again, they are in violation of the law. You might also look into insuring yourself if you’re going to continue to fight.”, he advised. “Ok, I guess I can look into that.”, I replied. “Well, for now…. Let’s just sit tight. They may change their mind. I will file the restraining orders and have them ready for when and if they file suit.”, he promised. “Yes sir, thank you for your help.”, I answered. We all sat down and had dinner with the conversation mostly on Mrs. Clarke and how her arm was doing. I could not help but think how in the hell could I be sued when they started each confrontation. We finished dinner and I left before Tabby did and drove straight home. Tabby called me and we made plans to go to dinner together on Friday night. That Friday night we went to one of the best steak houses in town. We arrived just after six o’clock that night and the hostess asked us to follow her to the back. I was about a third of the way through the restaurant when I noticed Lexie and Cody sitting at a table against the left wall. I made sure to look the other way as I passed them, but I was pretty sure they had seen me. When we got to our table, I took the chair where I had my back turned to them and Tabby was facing them. That way, I did not have to look at the two of them all night. The waitress came and we gave her our drink orders. We were looking at the menu when a teenage girl approached the table. I looked up to see her smiling but she seemed nervous. “Um…... you’re Chris right…... the MMA fighter?”, she stuttered. “Yes ma’am. What’s your name?”, I replied. “My name is Ryleigh.”, she replied. “Nice to meet you Ryleigh. What can I do for you?”, I asked. “Would you mind taking a picture with me?”, she asked, shyly. “Not at all sweetie. Give your phone to Tabby and she will take it”, I instructed. The girl handed Tabby the phone and I got up and stood next to her. The first picture we took was the two of us side by side. I then told the girl to make a fist and act like she was about to punch me. She laughed hysterically but we finally got three good pictures. By that time an older woman approached us with a smile. “Hi, I’m Ryleigh’s mother. Thanks so much for the pictures that is very kind of you.”, she stated. “Not a problem ma’am, it’s nice to have a fan.”, I laughed. As she walked away, for a moment I could see Lexie staring at me. I turned quickly like I didn’t notice and sat back down. By that time the waitress took our order. Tabby and I were talking but in my head I was thinking of what in the world was Lexie doing with Cody again? I was starting to think that Lexie had developed a “poor me” complex. When everything was going right, she had to find something wrong to throw in the relationship. With Cody it was easy. But to break off the engagement with me for something I had no control over. Our meal came and we had a nice time talking about everything and anything that came to mind. Thankfully by the time we were finished Lexie and Cody had already left. We drove home and Tabby went to her house, she had an audit for her dad in the morning and wanted to get up early. I went inside and locked up. I took a shower and was lying in bed when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and noticed it was Lexie, I hesitated to pick it up but finally gave it. “Hello.”, I said. “Hey Chris, what are you doing?”, Lexie asked. Ok, now either she thinks I’m stupid enough to lie to her or she honestly might believe I did not see her in the restaurant. But either way, I was not going to lie to her. “Not much, I just took a shower and I’m in bed.”, I replied. “What have you been doing lately?”, she quickly responded. “Just working and flying back and forth to Brazil training. Lately, I have been preparing to be sued by the Klein’s. It seems that Leo is not doing well and apparently, it’s my fault. I have a lawyer now in fact I met with him today. Then I had dinner with his daughter a few hours ago.”, I answered, waiting for her reaction. “His daughter?”, Lexie inquired. “That’s how I was introduced to him. She is also my new next-door neighbor.’’, I admitted. “So, you’re dating your next-door neighbor?”, Lexie asked quickly. “No, we’re not dating. It was just a dinner.”, I explained. “So, you’re not dating and there is nothing between you?”, Lexie asked. “That is correct, Lex. The last person I slept with was you. Since then…. No one.”, I stated. “You didn’t see me in the restaurant tonight?”, Lexie asked. “No, I didn’t. Why didn’t you come over and say hello?’, I asked, lying my ass off. “Maybe come get an autograph or picture?”, Lexie giggled. “Oh, the little girl…….”, I mentioned. I was waiting to see if she would mention that she was with Cody but so far, she had said nothing. I don’t know why but I was beginning to think Lexie was a much different person than I realized. She could have been seeing Cody the whole time we were together. “So, what are your plans?”, she asked. “I don’t really have any plans other than working at the gym like I always have.”, I answered. “Are you going to fight again?”, she shot back. “I’m not sure……. As far as Leonel told me the champ was going to fight the number two contender in a month or so. I would probably get a bout against the loser of that match if I chose to. Then maybe a few more fights and maybe I would get a shot at the champ. But I not sure if I even want to fight again to be honest. That last fight was brutal, took a lot out of me.”, I offered. “Yes, I watched it……… Anyway, do you think we could go out and eat…... maybe talk about some things.”, Lexie asked. “Oh…… um, you’re not seeing anyone?”, I responded. “Not really.”, she quickly answered. “Not really……. That’s a yes or no question.”, I laughed. “Ok, I dated this guy from the precinct twice but he’s not for me.”, she admitted. So, Lexie was not going to bring up Cody at all. She really surprised me because I really thought I could trust her. Apparently, I was wrong. We talked for a while before she finally arrived at the reason for the call. “How about if we go out Friday night to dinner and then maybe go back to your place?”, she hinted. “Lexie, I’m confused here. When you took my ring off you told me you could not live with me. You told me you were embarrassed by the shit you were getting at the station. That I would never change and you were through with me. I begged you to stay and you walked out on me. Why the sudden change?”, I asked. “Chris don’t make a big deal of it……. it’s only dinner.”, she replied, sarcastically. “Lexie, I’m not sure I could fall in love with you again and then you break it off. I thought we would do very well together. You had me wrapped around your little finger and you knew that. The scars from your love remind me of thinking we could have it all. But deep down inside Lexie, you don’t want me……... I can never be what you want.”, I admitted. “So, you’re not in love with me anymore?”, she asked, sadly. “To be honest, I probably am still in love with you Lexie. But loving you is more than I can handle now. I’m sorry.”, I answered. After those three sentences, Lexie simply ended the call without a word. I had tears in my eyes but knew that I could not let her break my heart a third time. I turned the television off and rolled over in the bed. It took me quite a while to go to sleep thinking about if I had just done the right thing. |
CHAPTER NINE I drove home and arrived about twenty minutes to midnight. Lynda was sleeping soundly in my mother’s bed, so I decided to go to my room and crash. I did notice that Cassie’s mother SUV was back, so I was hoping to see her in the morning. As I laid in bed that night, I struggled to keep my anger in control. As much as seeing Destin, Mark, Ted, Darren and Josh spend years in jail, I wanted to hurt them. In fact, I wanted to kill them. I’m not sure when I fell asleep, but it took a while. I woke up the next morning to the sun streaming through the opening between the two curtains. I rolled over on my back and put my arm across my face to block the light. About ten minutes later, I got up and went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. I was sitting at the kitchen table when Lynda walked in the room when a white t-shirt and blue panties on. “Hey baby, came in late last night?”, she asked. “Close to midnight…. I checked on you, but you were sleeping.”, I replied. “Next time wake me up and fuck me.”, she giggled, sitting down next to me. “Lynda, can I tell you something that I just found out about my mom. But…. you can never say anything to anyone about it.”, I asked sincerely. “I promise.”, she said. “I’m pretty sure that I know the people that killed my mom.”, I stated. “What …. how do you know?”, she replied, extremely agitated. “Just from things that have been said here and there.”, I answered. “Did you call the police?”, she inquired. “No…. I didn’t.”, I answered. “Why not…. tell them so they can arrest them.”, she pleaded. “I am not sure that’s what I want.”, I replied. “You don’t want them to go to jail?”, she asked, confused. “Not really…. I want to kill them myself.”, I responded. “Chris don’t be silly….”, she answered. “Lynda, I am not being silly…… I really want to kill each and every one of them.”, I said, in an angry tone. “Chris, I understand how you feel but that’s not the answer. Besides, you think that you could kill… just like that?”, she inquired. “Oh, I have the ability to kill ……. the only thing is…. I may get caught.”, I replied. “So, you just kill all of them…. No problem.”, she laughed. “No, I kill them one at a time. Make them sweat to see who is next. Maybe after one or two someone confesses, who knows?”, I threw out there. “Chris, I’m not going to talk about this anymore. If you really think you know, call the detective.”, Lynda said, getting up and going back to her bedroom. About an hour later, Lynda came out and told me she was going to use my mother’s vehicle and go shopping at the mall. She promised to be back in three to four hours and asked if I needed anything. I told her no and she went out the side door. I was just about finished cleaning the kitchen when I heard the side door open. I turned to head in that direction when I heard a familiar voice. “Hey Chris, you here?”, Cassie called out. “Yea Cassie, in the kitchen.”, I called back. Cassie closed the door and walked toward me appearing in the kitchen door. She had on a pair of tight spandex white shorts with a tight white tank top. She looked amazing as she walked towards me. She fell into my arms and kissed me exactly like we had not seen each other in over a week. In took her several minutes to get her tongue out of my mouth. “Wow, did I miss you.”, she claimed. “I missed you too Cassie.”, I replied. “Is your aunt here now……”, Cassie asked. “No, she went shopping.”, I replied. “Good, let’s fuck…”, she giggled grabbing my hand. She led me to my room and jumped on the king size bed immediately. She leaned over and untied her white sneakers and threw them to the floor. She peeled off her white tank top and tossed it aside. She pulled her shorts down her muscular legs and tossed them at me. She immediately put her right hand between her legs and started rubbing her clit. I stripped down quickly and laid down next to her taking her in my arms. Just from the way she kissed me, I knew she was good to go. I pulled her body of top of mine and grabbed her hips. She lifted up and grabbed my hard dick and pushed it inside her wet pussy. She closed her eyes as she took me in slowly. “Fuck, I missed this dick….”, she moaned, rocking back and forth on me. “Damn you just missed my dick and not me?”, I asked, pretending to be emotionally hurt. “Yep, that’s pretty much it.”, she giggled, rubbing my cheek. I knew from the look on her face she was not going to last long. Cassie’s cheeks and neck area were already a dark shade of pink. I grabbed her hips firmly and guided her back and forth on my erection. It took about a minute before her body tensed up and her body began to shake above me. The sight of Cassie in mid orgasm somehow triggered something inside of me and seconds later I was shooting hot cum deep inside of her. She fell forward and laid on my chest trying to catch her breathe. “Oh God, I needed that….”, she panted. “Fucking glad I could help.”, I laughed. Cassie exploded in laughter and could not stop. Within a few seconds she was laughing so hard, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. She finally composed her and leaned over and kissed me passionately. After a few seconds she pulled away from me her face only inches from mine. “I can’t begin to tell you how much I missed you.”, she admitted. “Wait now…. just a few minutes ago you said you missed my dick.”, I replied. “Oh, hush you….”, she giggled. “Yes ma’am.”, I laughed. We talked for a while then got dressed and wait out and got some lunch. Over lunch, I repeated the conversation I had with Lynda about being pretty sure that “The Crew” was involved somehow in my mother’s death. Cassie as well understood my anger, but she urged me to tell the police as well. As with Lynda, I swore Cassie to secrecy in this matter. Cassie went home to take a shower and Lynda came back about fifteen minutes later with a handful of shopping bags. “Hey babe, what’s up?”, she asked. “Not much. Cassie came over and we had lunch. She just left a few minutes ago but will be back later.”, I answered. “Did you fuck her?”, Lynda giggled. “Yes, I did.”, I replied. “Damn, I would have loved to watch that.”, Lynda stated, laughing again. “Maybe next time.’, I offered. I laid on the sofa for quite some time thinking about my options dealing with my mother’s death. Against my better judgement, I picked up the phone and called Detective Wilson. He answered Immediately. I explained to him what had transpired in the last few weeks, first with Chrissy and then with Maggie. He seemed very interested and told me that he would speak with his captain about how to proceed in this matter. He promised he would get back to me shortly. After the call, I left for the gym to work out with Master Garcia and the advanced class. When I got to the gym, I explained to Master Garcia what I had done concerning my mother’s death. He was pleased that I was not going to take matters into my own hands, but he admitted that he could not begin to imagine how he would feel in the same situation. We worked out for over two hours before he landed a serious kick to my neck. After checking me out, he suggested that was enough for the night. On the ride home, Detective Wilson called and explained to me what they had planned out. They were going to ask all of them to come in for an interview one by one. See perhaps who reacted to what line of questioning. Either they had been contacted directly or one of their parents had been notified. No one was told what they were being asked in for, but it would start tomorrow at ten in the morning. Detective Wilson told me that if I wanted to be there, he could put me behind the glass where they could not see me, but I could see and hear them. I told him; I would be there. When I got home, I explained to Lynda what I had did and she seemed pleased. She also told me that her lawyer had served Jack with divorce papers earlier in the day. He had called her earlier in the day ranting and raving until she finally hung up on him. He had tried to call back several times, but she admitted she would not answer the phone. Later that evening Cassie called and informed me that she wanted to pick up something to eat and join Lynda and I for dinner. I asked Lynda what she wanted but all I got was the traditional “it doesn’t matter”. I told Cassie that it was up to her to choose what we were going to have. About an hour and a half later Cassie came through the side door with two large paper bags in her hands. She walked through the living room and went into the kitchen where she put the bags on the table. She had changed into long black yoga pants and a small half white shirt that showed her firm stomach. As usual, she looked amazing. She started pulling wrapped items out of the bag and setting them on the table She told me she had bought muffuletta’s for everyone along with fries and onion rings. She placed one sandwich bag in the bag stating that was for her mother. “Ask your mom to come over and eat with us.”, I offered. “You sure?”, she asked. “Of course….”, I replied. Cassie went out the side door quickly and returned about ten minutes later with her mother. She seemed a bit nervous but walked over to the table where Lynda and I were sitting. “Lynda, Chris this is my mother, Leigh.”, she stated. “I’ve already met Chris but it’s nice to meet you, Lynda.”, she stated, shaking Lynda’s hand. Cassie and her mom sat down and joined us for dinner. As usual the women dominated the conversation but that was just fine by me. We had a nice time, and everyone helped clean up. It was the first time that I spent any time with Cassie’s mother, and she seemed nice. Leigh was just about to leave when she asked me if I would walk her home. This was a bit of a strange request since she lived right next door, but I got up and followed her outside. “Chris, I just want to thank you for everything that you have done for Cassie. She is a completely different person than she was a year ago.”, Leigh said. “I didn’t do anything, Cassie did it all herself.”, I replied. “Look, I know everything that happened and that fact that you took up for her means a lot. You also have not judged her and the two of you are spending time together which I think is great. Then pushing her in the gym like you did. She has so much self-confidence now…. Thank you so much.”, she said, taking my hand in hers. “You’re welcome…. But give her most of the credit. She’s a remarkable girl and spending time with her is easy.”, I replied. Leigh let my hand go and walked up the steps to her front porch as I walked back to my house. As soon as I entered the door, Cassie was waiting for me with Lynda right behind her. “Uh, why were you holding my mother’s hand?”, she asked, with a smile on her face. “Why jealous?”, I laughed. “Maybe.”, she giggled. “We were just talking.”, I replied. “You two were talking and holding hands.”, she asked. “Yep, that about does it.”, I answered, walking past the two of them. I went to the living area and sat down on the sofa with both in tow. I know Lynda was ready to go to bed, but I was hoping she would keep her mouth closed about the two of us. I was not quite sure about how Cassie would think of me sleeping with my aunt. I knew that Lynda found Cassie very attractive which might be another problem. “You’re not going to give it up about my mom, huh?”, Cassie asked. “Nope, get over it sunshine.”, I answered, quickly. “You’re not going to get anywhere with a woman with that attitude, Chris.”, Lynda laughed. “Maybe he already got everything he wants.”, Cassie giggled. “Do tell, Cassie.”, Lynda replied. “Uh-huh.”, she giggled. “Well, what have I been missing?”, Lynda asked. “Ask Chris.”, Cassie answered. “Why ask me, you two are having no problem discussing my personal life so far.”, I commented. Cassie and Lynda seemed to be having a good time at my expense so far. I was just nervous that perhaps Lynda would inadvertently say something she should not. Lynda knew some things that might make Cassie feel very uncomfortable with me. Thankfully, the topic changed to clothes, so I thought I had dodged a bullet. They were talking about where to find decent clothes in town, so I got up and went and refilled my glass of tea. I had just walked back into the living room when I heard the conversation had returned to sex. Apparently, Cassie was acknowledging her bad experience at the party with her ex-boyfriend Will. Lynda was listening intently as Cassie described the ordeal. “Guys can be such assholes sometimes.”, Lynda remarked. “I agree Lynda……”, Cassie replied. “I just recently separated my husband for the exact thing. I love to fuck, morning, day, or night. I am always ready, and he pays me no mind at all. But he can chase other women when he is out on the town.”, Lynda stated. “Oh, I’m sorry Lynda. I didn’t know.”, Cassie said, softly. “Don’t be sorry Cassie, I sure as hell am not.”, Lynda replied. There was a very long awkward pause as the both of them were looking at me strangely. I knew Lynda needed to be fucked and I felt that Cassie probably felt the same way. Thankfully, Cassie asked Lynda would she like to go swimming. Lynda immediately accepted and they both turned to me to join them. “I had a rough day at the gym today and I have to spend all day with the police tomorrow. You guys go on with your conversation, I’m going to go lay down for a bit.”, I stated. The girls were a bit disappointed but truthfully, I was tired and had no idea of what to expect the following day. I got up, went to my room, and climbed in bed. I fell asleep right away and slept until my alarm clock went off at seven in the morning. I took a shower and dressed and left the house right at eight o’clock. I grabbed a cup of coffee ion the way to the police station where I might Detective Wilson. He ushered me to a small room that had one small table and several chairs. One two walls, directly across from each other were two large windows that allowed you to see in two other rooms. Detective Wilkson explained that there were interrogation rooms and the room I was in was for monitoring those rooms. He offered me a seat and told me he would return shortly. The first two that were interviewed were Destin Thibodaux and his girlfriend, Jennifer Smith. Jennifer seemed a bit nervous, but Destin was his normal self. Both claimed to be with each other attending a party at Chrissy Haynes house. Their alibis were almost word for word the same. Next were Maggie Miller and Ted Savoie who told the same story. After that Darren Miller and Haley Mills told the story verbatim. Chrissy Haynes stated that they were all at her house from about seven to after one o’clock in the morning. Her boyfriend, Mark Boudreaux told the exact same story. The only one who got combative was Josh Klein. He admitted to being at the party, but he seemed to have a problem respecting Detective Wilson. The more Detective Wilson pushed on him, the more he became combative. But in the end, he stuck to the story as well, so they finally released him. Detective Wilson walked back into the room where I had been sitting and fell into one of the chairs. He told me he felt that their stories were rehearsed, and someone had coached them. Due to the fact that Chrissy Haynes’s father was a lawyer who defended people in court, he was probably the coach. Detective Wilson felt one or possibly all of them knew something, but he needed more proof to move forward. He told me he would keep an eye on them and get back to me if he had any other news. When I arrived home, I relayed the news to Lynda and told her what had happened. She picked up on me being angry at him and made sure she once again told me not to do something stupid. When we were talking, I noticed a look in Lynda’s eye that I had not seen before. She seemed a little nervous perhaps, but I was not positive, so I let it drop. By seven o’clock that evening, I had still not heard from Cassie which I found very odd. I knew she was working out at two, but she should have long been finished. I was sitting on the sofa watching television when Lynda came into the room. She had just gotten out of the shower and had a short white silk robe on. “Uh, we need to talk.”, Lynda stated, with a serious look on her face. “What about?”, I replied, still watching the television. “Cassie….”, she answered. I turned off the television and turned to face Lynda after the comment she had just made. She had a very serious look on her face. “What about Cassie?’, I asked. “Last night after you went to bed, we both went in the pool. We also took a bottle of red wine from the wine rack and opened it. Well, several hours later, we opened another bottle anyway……… one thing leads to another and we kind of made out.”, she admitted. “You made out with Cassie?”, I laughed. “Uh yea….”, she giggled. “Ok, so what would you like me to do?”, I asked. “Uh nothing really. Just wanted to get your opinion on the matter.”, she answered. “What you and Cassie decide to be is up to the two of you. I’m fine with it.”, I responded. “I told her that would be your answer.”, Lynda giggled. “There you go.”, I laughed. “Well, maybe I need to throw one more log on the fire….”, Lynda giggled. “Why not…you’re on a roll…”, I responded. “Uh…. how would you feel about doing the two of us?”, Lynda asked in a soft demure voice. “Whoa…. does she know about us?”, I asked, concerned. “No, I did not say a word, but she did admit that it would not bother her if we did.”, Lynda answered. “So, you talked about all of this last night and made out?”, I asked, quite amazed. “Yes, we did.”, she giggled. “Damn, seems like I missed out on quite a night.”, I answered, getting up to go to the kitchen. I washed out my glass and put it on the counter to dry. I went back into the living room figuring with all of this admission, Lynda was going to need an answer. “So, let me get this straight……. Cassie has no problem with you and I fucking?”, I asked. “Nope, not at all”, she replied. “So basically, I just call her up and say come over and fuck us?”, I laughed “Uh…. no. I would be more subtle than that. Maybe something like me catching you two at…. then join in.”, Lynda stated. “Boy, you really have thought this out huh?”, I replied. “Just a little.”, Lynda giggled. I basically told Lynda that I would think about it and get back to her. So much was going on right now with my mother’s death, the gym and now these two that it was hard for me to think straight. I went to my bedroom and laid down on the bed trying to process the recent conversation I had with Lynda. Eventually, I fell asleep and did not wake up until the following morning. I left early and went to the gym with Cassie and we both lifted for close to two hours. She did not say a word about what Lynda and I talked about the night before. She seemed fine so I was not about to bring it up. We both showered and went home planning to meet up later. I took a nap then got up and eat some lunch. After lunch, I went back to the gym and taught my classes and worked out myself. Since I was now a black belt or E-1, the only person I could spar with Master Garcia. So, I could only sneak in when he had a few minutes on the mat for me. I finished up, showered, and drove home. Cassie came over about four o’clock and plopped down on the sofa next to me. We were talking about the gym when my cell phone rang, it was Detective Wilson. “Chris, I don’t want to be premature, but I think we may have rattled someone’s cage. Bill Haynes called me this morning asking what information I had that would make me bring in his daughter and her friends. Now he knows I will not comment on an investigation until we arrest someone, but he was fishing.”, he stated. “So, what now?”, I asked. “I’m going to roll units by his house on a regular basis as well as the others. See if I can shake them up a bit. If you have time, go to the places they hang out on weekends. Don’t do anything just let them see you.”, he instructed. “Sure.”, I replied. “One of them or more was involved but I have nothing right now to tie them in. All I need is one of them to break. It will happen, Chris.”, he promised. I set the phone down at least relieved that Detective Wilson and I were on the same track. I did not believe my mother was targeted by this group. I think they started to harass her some and it just got out of hand. But judging people was very difficult so perhaps she was targeted because of me. “Chris, what did he say.”, Cassie asked. “That he thinks we are on the right track.”, I answered. I told her that he asked me to hang out where they did and make sure they saw me. Since it was Friday night, I asked Cassie if she wanted to come along. She agreed and went home to get dressed for the night. She returned about two hours later in a pair of tight white jeans, a white pull over and boots. She looked great and would turn some heads later on. I told Lynda we would be back later tonight, and she just winked at me and laughed. We drove down to the Chug-A-Lug, but they were not there. I checked Comeback Inn but again not a one. I drove over to Moe’s and the entire crew was hanging out there at their usual table in the back. Most places tolerated these idiots because they spent a lot of money drinking and eating. Cassie’s ex-boyfriend Will was with them, and he noticed us as soon as we walked in the door. By the time we found a table, all eyes were on us. The waitress walked over, and we ordered two Coke’s and a medium ultimate pizza. I had my back to them, but Cassie could see their table because she was seated facing them across from me. “They all are staring at us like a motherfucker.”, Cassie giggled. “Don’t even look their way.”, I replied. The waitress brought our drinks and we continued to talk but Detective Wilson was right, I was just by being there, disrupting their evening. Twenty minutes later our pizza arrived, and we started to eat. Several minutes later, Cassie whispered that Will and Mark Boudreaux were headed to our table. “Well, look at this lovely couple….”, Mark Boudreaux laughed. “Cassie, I have been trying to call you.”, Will stated. “Yep, I know….”, she replied. “Why won’t you answer?”, he responded. “Really Will…… you are really going to ask me that?”, Cassie replied, getting angry. “Come on Cass…… we belong together. You’re not really serious about this guy, are you?”, he asked, pointing at me. “Will, listen to me. I told my parents everything…what you did. You ever show up at my house again my father may kill you.”, she answered. “Forget her Will…….”, Mark laughed. “Yea Will…. forget me.”, Cassie laughed. “Besides, we all seen everything she’s got.”, Mark stated. At that moment, I serious considered putting Mark’s lights out for good. Cassie simply hung her head in shame, but I was not going to let it go. I stood up and went chest to chest with Mark Boudreaux. “One day soon Mark…… I am going to end your miserable existence unless the police do it first. You ever talk to Cassie again I’ll end you, boy.” I stated, calmly. “Oh, I’m scared….”, Mark acknowledged. “Damn right you are. I can see that in your eyes.”, I replied. By that time, his crew noticed he was in trouble and headed our way. Somehow, the manager must have noticed it too. He arrived ahead of Mark’s buddies. “Hey guys, I don’t want any trouble in here. Mark, go back to your table.”, he instructed. Mark leaned forward looking me straight in the eye, but his hands were shaking. He told me sooner or later that his boys were going to catch me alone and end this. While he was this close, I too had a little surprise for him. “Hey, about two weeks ago, your girlfriend was in the backseat of my car getting herself off. Ask her about it…. see if she tells the truth.”, I answered. He jumped back and gave me a very unusual look as if this were not the first time, he had heard what I just had mentioned. They both turned and walked back to their table and I sat back down. “Cassie, I have to be honest with you. I’m just going to have to fuck those guys up one day.”, I promised. “Don’t worry about it……. they are not worth it.”, she replied, grabbing my hand. We finished eating, I paid the check and we got up to leave. We walked out the door and to my car without incident. I drove straight home arriving a little before ten o’clock. Cassie got out of the car and went home to clean up promising to come back shortly. I went in, grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I was sitting on the sofa when Cassie came back in dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I knew Cassie was eager to go back to bed, it had been a while for us. We were just about to head to my bedroom when I heard Lynda come running down the hallway. “Oh my God Chris, Jack tried to kill himself. He’s in ICU in a coma.”, she cried. “What happened?”, I asked, helping her to the sofa. “He swallowed a whole bottle of Xanax and drank a fifth of whiskey after.”, she sobbed. “Who found him?”, I asked. “I’m not sure of that…. I have to go home now.”, she begged. CHAPTER TEN Lynda got on the phone and booked her a flight at six o’clock the next morning. The three of us stayed up all night talking. I had an Uber driver picked her up at five in the morning and drive her to the airport which was only ten minutes away. She promised to call me as soon as she knew more about Jack. About a week later, my Uncle Jack was moved from ICU to a private room. He was awake and had almost fully recovered. There were some parts of his story that did not make sense as Lynda explained but she also mentioned he seemed very different. He was begging her to give him one more chance and she stated she was leaning in that direction. Just about that time as well, Cassie informed me that she was going back to school and get her degree. She was changing school and would be close enough to drive home every other weekend. I was extremely disappointed but there was not much I could do. Several days later Cassie left for school and for the first time in a long time, I was completely alone. I went back to my normal routine of training and teaching with Master Garcia. Detective Wilson was still trying to get a break in my mother’s, but nobody was talking. Several weeks later, I was working out some of Master Garcia’s younger students when he summoned me to his office. Master Garcia introduced me to a middle-aged man by the name of Baukaw Jala. Mr. Jala taught Muy Thai which was also known as Thai Boxing. The discipline is known as the art of the eight limbs using the hands, elbows, knees, and shins to strike your opponent. Muy Thai was a form of fighting that required you to stand. It was strictly for striking unlike Krav Maga which taught you to fight in any situation. After talking with the two of them Master Garcia recommended, I train with Mr. Jala whenever we both had the time. Mr. Jala was renting a large room in the gym as well and was setting up a school for Muy Thai. In addition to everything I was doing, I dove into Muy Thai with a vengeance. I learned about basic punches, spinning backfist, elbow slash, uppercut elbow, midair elbow, roundhouse kick, axe heel kick, knee strike and the knee bomb, along with many others. It was tough at times, not to revert to the Krav Maga when an opening presented itself. Mr. Jala wanted me to completely understand Muy Thai before trying to use both at the same time. Cassie had not been home from school since she left town. She had called me a few times explaining that by leaving when she did after her situation, she was now, way behind. She promised she would be home for the holidays which was just a month away. Lynda had called as well explaining that her and Jack were living together, and things were much better. Jack was seeing a therapist and according to Lynda their relationship was on solid ground again. Detective Wilson was keeping in contact with me occasionally, but he couldn’t seem to make any headway in the case. After hanging up with him, I instantly made the decision that I needed to make something happen. I sat down for most of the afternoon and devised a plan that would put them all on edge and perhaps I could get a break. I knew the two I had to target was Josh Klein and Mark Boudreaux. They were both prone to losing their tempers and always acted like the toughest guys in town. If I could get one or both to snap it might be the answer to finding out what happened. Since I knew Cassie would be home in a few weeks, I decided to start right away. I knew Friday night; I could catch most if not all of them out on the weekend. Sure, enough on Friday night, I saw some familiar vehicles parked at Moe’s Pizza. I parked my car in the side lot and went around to the front door. As soon as I entered, I noticed them at a table all the way in the rear of the restaurant. Since I was alone, I walked over to the bar when you could eat or drink. I sat down and Molly, one of the girls I graduated with came over to take my order. “Hey Chris, how have you been?”, she asked. “I’m ok Molly and you?”, I replied. “Just working as much as I can.’’ she laughed. I ordered a Coke and a small meat lovers pizza and leaned back on the bar stool watching the large tv overhead playing a football game. I was staring at the screen when someone whispered in my ear. “Hey gorgeous…… wanna make out.”, the soft voice said. I turned to my right to see Jennifer Smith standing there with a huge grin on her face. She had been dating Destin Thibodaux for years. “I don’t think that would be a great idea, Jen.”, I laughed. “No probably not…. but I bet it would fun.”, she giggled. “I am sure it would be.”, I answered. “Just on my way to the lady’s room…... just wanted to say hi.”, she giggled, walking away. About that time, Molly returned with my Coke and set it down on the napkin in front of me. She had a strange look on her face, and I guess she couldn’t resist. “You are living dangerously huh?”, she asked. “Not really, Jennifer just said hello.”, I replied, picking up my drink. “I can’t stand that group. They treated everybody like shit when we were in school. You were the only one to ever stand up to them.”, she stated. “In the very near future, something bad is going to happen to them. I am just waiting…… they can’t leave it be.”, I stated. “Don’t look now but three of them are heading this way.”, Molly sighed, stepping away from the bar. I leaned in and started to watch the television again, but I heard the place go very quiet. Most of the town knew the history with us, so they figured they were about to get a front row seat to a spectacle. I heard them approaching and stop behind me. “Hey asshole, why are you talking to Destin’s girl?”, I heard from behind. I knew it was Josh Klein using his best “I am a bad ass voice” on me. I just decided to ignore him the first time. Of course, Josh was not going to let it go. “Hey Kung Fu…… I’m talking to you boy.”, he quickly shouted back. I got up from the stool and turned to face Josh. Along with him were Mark Boudreaux and Ted Savoie, both doing their best to act dangerous. “Oh, sorry Josh, I didn’t hear you.”, I replied. “You heard me fuckwad , why were you talking to Jennifer ?”, he growled. “She just said hello, that was it.”, I replied, smiling. “You talk to who I say who can talk to.”, Josh answered. “Look Josh, you have the rest of your life to be an idiot……… why not take tonight off.”, I replied. Everyone seated around us roared in laughter much to their dismay. This did not sit well with Josh, Mark and Ted. They basically just stood there looking like three dildos with stupid looks on their faces. Just about that time Molly arrived back with my pizza. “Hey Chris, I have your pizza ready.”, she called out. I turned around and started to sit on the bar stool to begin to eat when my head was suddenly slammed into the bar in front of me. There was a sharp pain on my forehead as I felt something warm running down my face. I quickly felt something over my left shoulder, so I threw a quick elbow over that shoulder striking someone in the face. I whirled around just in time to catch a punch on the right side of my face. That fist belonged to Mark Boudreaux. I quickly grabbed his right arm, inserted my arm under his armpit and violently pushed his forearm back towards his own body. I heard the bone break as he wailed in pain. I released him just in time because Josh had gotten up off the floor was moving towards me. Using all my strength and weight, I threw a closed fist punch to the center of Josh’s chest which caused him immediately to fall to his knees. I stepped forward and drove my knee into his face causing him to fall backwards. I immediately turned to Ted Savoie who was standing there with a look of disbelief on his face. I moved towards him, but he back backed up quickly holding out his hands in front of him. “Hey… I didn’t do anything …... calm down.”, he asked. I stopped and looked around quickly and everyone just seemed stunned at what had just happened. Josh was out cold with blood all over his face. Mark was still on the ground holding his arm which was bent in an abnormal way. He was in a lot of pain. I reached up and wiped my face coming down with a hand covered in blood. It seemed like everything was playing out in slow motion, but it had happened quickly. Before I could even think of my next move, two police officers came running into the restaurant. They immediately came up to me and Ted Savoie spun us around facing the bar. They patted us down and quickly put handcuffs on the both of us. They turned us around and sat us down on the floor as several people were all shouting at the same time. “Everyone, please stop for a minute…… one person, please tell us what happened.”, the first officer said. The second officer was checking on Mark and Josh then stood back up. He grabbed his radio and called for paramedics to assist with the two of them. Several more deputies came in and one female deputy picked me up and led me outside to the parking lot. She pushed me against her SUV and once again patted me down for weapons. She then opened the rear door and helped me get into the vehicle with her hand on my head. She told me she would be back shortly. The paramedic’s arrived quickly and both Josh and Mark were taken away in an ambulance. Once they left, one of the police officers opened the door and began to interrogate me. “Ok, give me your version of the story since it seems you inflicted most of the damage.”, he asked calmly. I explained to him what had happened and how Josh had slammed my head into the bar from behind. After that, I basically defended myself against Josh and Mark as I had been trained. “That’s pretty much what I was told inside by the witnesses…. But you still must come down to the station to be questioned. Officer Thomas will bring you down to the precinct in a few minutes.”, he promised. Several minutes later the female deputy, Deputy Thomas got behind the wheel of her vehicle. She started up the vehicle and slowly pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the precinct. She turned briefly and spoke to me. “You did a lot of damage in there…… those guys are pretty messed up.”, she stated. “I had been dealing with them since high school, they won’t let it drop.”, I replied. “Yes, I heard the girl behind the bar telling the lieutenant something like that. Apparently, the bullies just got their ass handed to them.”, she laughed. We arrived at the precinct where she escorted me to an interrogation room. She ordered me to sit in a chair and she stood by the door leaning against the wall. Several minutes later, the door opened, and Detective Wilson came in. “Chris, what the hell happened?”, he asked, sitting in the chair across from me. “Not much, I was trying to get some pizza and Josh Klein, Mark Boudreaux and Ted Savoie started some shit as usual. Only this time, I finished it.”, I replied. “You put two boys in the hospital Chris, this is serious.”, he stated. “I’m not running from them anymore. We both know they had something to do with my mother’s death.”, I answered. “So, you went looking for them?”, he asked. “Nope, I just stopped to get some pizza…… they came over to me.”, I replied. “Chrissy’s dad is here wanting to press charges against you for aggravated assault. Mark Boudreaux must have surgery to repair his elbow.”, Detective Wilson implied. “So, what do I do. Stay home all the time so I never run across them…. You know why he is doing this. Trying to deflect the situation from his involvement with my mother.”, I answered. “You’re telling me you did not see their cars in the parking lot when you pulled up?”, he asked. “Never really noticed…...”, I replied. He shook his head and got up heading for the door. As he passed Officer Thomas, he instructed her in a very serious tone. “Get him out of here before I have enough PC to arrest him for fucking with these mutts.”, he ordered. “Yes sir.”, she replied. “Come with me please……”, she instructed. This was the first time; I actually paid any attention to Officer Thomas. She was young, very young, probably in her mid-twenties. She was very attractive and appeared to have a good body underneath all that gear she had on. I got up and followed her out of the room and down the hallway. She had me signed several forms at a desk in the back and then told me I was free to go. “Did you have a vehicle at Moe’s?”, she asked. “Yes, I do.”, I replied. “I will bring you back there to get your car….”, she offered. I followed her through the lobby and back outside and to her vehicle. She opened the rear door and I climbed back in only this time with no handcuffs. She closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side and got in. She started up the SUV and pressed the button on her mic near her shoulder attached to the radio on her belt. “This is Lincoln 218, I’m 10-4 issuing a 10-46 to a resident.”, she instructed dispatch. “Lincoln 218, 10-46 acknowledge.”, the female dispatcher replied. She pulled out of the parking lot and headed back in the direction of Moe’s pizza. We had only been traveling several minutes when she turned her head in my direction. “You teach in the evenings at the gym on Manhattan and Fourth Street, right?”, she asked. “Yes, I do. I work for Master Garcia in the evenings.”, I answered. “I’ve seen you there a few times…. I work out in the early evenings there. You are usually leaving about the time I get started.”, she admitted. I was surprised that I had never paid attention to her but honestly and being in the gym all day by that time of the evening, I am done. “I will have to keep an eye out for you then.”, I answered. “Look, I know Josh Klein. We grew up together only one block apart. He’s been an asshole his entire life. He beat up my little brother once. No lost love here.”, she giggled. We pulled up in the parking lot and she dropped me off at my car. She made some sort of comment that she would see me around which I simply nodded to. I got out and walked to my car and drove straight home. For the next month or so, I kept a very low profile. I did not run into anyone in the group but did here a few stories about them. Mark Boudreaux had two surgeries on his elbow and was now in a cast. Josh Klein had suffered a concussion and broken nose but had mended up by now. Of course, the rumor on the street was they were looking for me but if true I was not hard to find. About a week before Thanksgiving, Cassie called me and told me she decided to stay on campus during the break and study in an attempt to catch up. The conversation was strained to say the least and I felt there was something she wanted to say but didn’t. CHAPTER ELEVEN Thanksgiving came and went, soon everyone had the Christmas spirit. I had been alone for a while now and I was starting to feel the effects of loneliness. We were about two weeks before Christmas when Cassie made her second phone call to me. From the sound of her voice, I instantly knew something was wrong. “Hey Chris, I uh…… I wanted to talk with you before I come home for the holidays. I don’t know quite how to say this….um, well I sorta met someone up at school and we have been out a few times. I know, I should have called you before now, but I really didn’t know how to tell you. I’m …. I’m sorry Chris.”, she said softly. “Don’t worry about it Cassie, it’s not like we had made any real plans going forward. I love being around you, but I understand……. You don’t have to be sorry.”, I replied, my stomach in knots. “That’s really sweet of you to say but…... well, I wanted you to know that he is coming home with me over the holidays. I just have to break it to my parents now.”, she sighed. “Oh…... well, it’s ok. I keep out of the way.”, I replied, not knowing what else to say. “No Chris, that’s not what I’m asking…… anyway, just wanted to let you know.”, she urged. We hung up and I felt like shit as I sunk into the sofa. I really missed Cassie and enjoyed being around her. Now, I was truly alone for the first time in a long while. For the next week or so, I did nothing but train and work out trying to block everything out. I was in the best shape out my life and had well adapted to both Krav Maga and Muy Thai. I was in the gym one evening working out because I overslept and missed my early morning routine. I was at the bench press machine working alone when I notice two young women walking towards me. “Hey Chris, how are you?”, one of them asked. “I am good…. uh, how about you guys.”, I replied, moving the weight pin down a few pounds. “You don’t remember me huh?”, she asked, giggling. “Uh…I think…...”, I started. “I’m Officer Lexie Thomas…. From the day of the fight at Moe’s.”, she said, cutting me off. “Oh yes, I guess I didn’t recognize you without your uniform.’, I said, very embarrassed. “This is my friend Amy, she’s a cop too.”, Lexie advised. Now, how I was not able to recognize Lexie Thomas was understandable being out of uniform. But from this day on, I would definitely never forget her. Lexie Thomas was adorable to say the least. She was wearing skin-tight yoga pants with a workout shirt on and a spandex bra underneath. She had on pink sneakers with pink socks rolled down. She had an incredible body and it was obvious she was a regular in the gym. She had a tiny waist and a small but rock-hard butt. She had great thigh’s and small but firm breasts from what I could tell. “Nice to meet you as well, Amy.”, I said, reached over and shaking her small hand. We talked for a few minutes and then the two of them excused themselves and moved over to the main workout area. I finished the rest of my workout and was sitting on the stool next to the squat rack when the two of them walked back over. “Chris, I am having a party of Christmas Eve at my place. Why don’t you come over for a bit. You can bring someone with you as well.” Amy said with a smile. “Oh, well… I don’t know. I mean, I really don’t have anyone to bring.”, I admitted, once again embarrassed. “You’re kidding right?”, Amy giggled. “No, not at all.”, I replied, very serious. “Good, then you can be Lexie’s date…... that way she won’t have to be alone.”, Amy instructed. “Well, I mean…. I guess I could if Lexie is ok with that.”, I stuttered. “Great, give Lexie your cell phone number and she can call you to make arrangements.”, Amy advised. “Uh, I don’t have a cell phone….”, I answered. “Oh God, you’re are too precious Chris.”, Amy giggled. “I have a phone at home…”, I started. “Lexie will get your number and call you…...”, Amy laughed turning away. Lexie looked at me and mouthed the words “I’m sorry” letting me know this was not her idea. I just smiled and nodded my head, after all a night out might do me some good. Lexie followed her friend down the stairs and out of sight. Christmas was on a Monday this year, so Amy’s party would be on a Sunday night. I was just about to head to the gym on the previous Tuesday before Christmas when I saw Cassie’s car pull into her driveway. I quickly stepped back from the kitchen door so she would not see me. As promised Cassie got out accompanied by a guy a few inches taller than she was. She did look in my direction once, but I was hidden from sight. They went to the front door and went in giving me the opportunity to leave for the gym. I got home that night at about seven o’clock and took a quick shower. I had just turned on the television when I heard a knock at the side door. I got up and walked over to the door to see Cassie out on the carport. I opened the door and invited her in as I always did trying to play like nothing was wrong. She followed me over to the sofa and sat down like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. “How have you been?”, she asked me. “I’m ok, just doing the same old routine every day. How is school treating you?”, I asked. “It’s ok, I think I have finally caught up.”, she admitted. “That’s great…... glad to hear it.”, I said smiling. “Look, both of my parents are pissed off about this new guy…… I tried to explain to them that we had really made no commitments which each other but they really like you. They have already started giving him the cold shoulder.”, she stated. “I’m sorry to hear that…. want me to talk to them or something?”, I asked. “No, seeing you would probably make it even worst.”, she sighed. We talked for a few minutes more before we wish me well for the holidays and left. It was hard to sit on the other side of the sofa and not reach out for Cassie. But I guess we must just trust our lives to a bigger power sometimes. That is what the priest told me at my mother’s funeral. I was not sure if I believed it but perhaps, he was right. That Thursday night before Christmas, Lexie Thomas called my house about nine o’clock. I picked up the phone and was pleased to hear her voice. Lexie had a very soothing tone to her voice which made me feel at ease. “Uh Chris, you were roped into the party thing…... you don’t have to feel obligated at all. I can go alone, I’m used to it.”, she offered. “No, that’s ok…... in fact I have nothing planned at all. It’s just me here since I lost my mother.”, I replied. “Yea, Wilson told me about what happened. I didn’t realize that was your mother. He seems to think those guys you got into it with could be suspects?”, she asked. “Maybe, he’s not sure yet.”, I answered. “Ok, well how do you want to do this…… should I drive or do you want to?”, she asked. “I can drive Lexie, just tell me where and what time to pick you up.”, I offered. She gave me the address and suggested I pick her up about seven o’clock. She also told me to dress casually and that she would be wearing jeans. I agreed and told her I would there on time. The following day I went to the mall and bought a pair of jeans and a pullover shirt to wear to the party. I already had a pair of black slip-on dress shoes to wear. The shirt was a bit tight, but it was the largest size they had. The weekend seemed to take forever to arrive, but it was finally Friday night and time to go and pick up Lexie. I drove straight over to the address that Lexie had given me. Because of the marked police unit in the driveway, it was not hard to find. I parked and got out and walked up to the sidewalk to the front door. I rang the bell and within a minute an attractive middle-aged woman answered the door. “Hi, you’re here for Lexie, right?”, she asked. “Yes ma’am.”. I replied. “Come on in, I’m Jennifer, Lexie’s mom.”, she said smiling. I followed her down a long hallway and into a large room where an older man and someone about my age were watching a basketball game on tv. I followed Lexie’s mom around the small sofa and to the center of the room. “Chris, this is my husband Jim and my son, Jeff. Guys, this is Chris, Lexie’s date.”, Jennifer explained. “Jesus son, do you play ball?’, Jim said, standing up and shaking my hand. “No sir, just work out a lot.”, I replied. “Well, have a seat son…… Lexie is always late.”, he laughed. “Yes sir.”, I replied, sitting down. Less than ten minutes later, Lexie walked into the room and over to where I was sitting. She looked completely different than she did when in uniform. She had on a pair of tight jeans with short high heel boots. She had on a silk blouse with a sheer garment under it. She had on some makeup, but it was not overpowering. Her shoulder length hair framed her face perfectly. She was stunning to say the least. “Chris, have them two been talking about me?’’, Lexie asked pointing to her dad and brother. “No not at all….”, I replied. “Don’t start lying to me before our first date Chris…...”, she giggled. “Honest, no one said a word.”, I replied. I followed Lexie out of the door and walked her to my mom’s SUV. I opened the door for her and she slid in the passenger’s seat. I walked around and got into the driver’s side and started up the vehicle. I followed Lexie’s direction until we arrived in a small neighborhood that consisted of maybe four streets. We parked on the street and I followed Lexie up to the front door of a two story house. She rang the bell and her friend Amy appeared shortly and let us in. “Hey bestie, looking good. I see you were able to talk Chris into coming as well.”, she laughed. We followed Amy in the large room in the back of the house where more than a dozen people were gathered. From the look around the room I was sure most of the guests were police officers as well. I followed Lexie around as she introduced me to several people around the room. We were standing and talking to a couple when a red headed woman in her forties came over to us and hugged Lexie. “Um Lexie…… who is your friend and where can I get one just like him?”, she laughed. “Maddy, this is Chris. Chris, this is my supervisor, Maddy Wilkinson.” Lexie laughed. “Nice to meet you Maddy.”, I said, shaking her hand. “My God Chris, do you ever leave the gym. You are some kind of fine.”, Maddy giggled. “Maddy, stop……”, Lexie said, laughing. “I work out for several hours early in the morning then go home for a few hours. Then I have Krav Maga and Muy Thai in the afternoon. Then I teach Krav Maga in the evenings. So yes, I’m at the gym a lot.”, I replied. Maddy went back across the room over to several women and began to talk to them. As Lexie said, she was probably giving them the scoop on me. Lexie warned me that being a police officer was a tough occupation so when they did play, they played hard. I explained that it was alright and that I was not embarrassed easily. I followed Lexie out to the backyard where tables were set up to sit and eat. We went back into the dining room where the table was set up with different type of finger food, snacks, and hot food. We each made a plate and found a table to sit at. I went over to the ice chests and grabbed Lexie a Coors Light Beer and myself a Coke. I walked back to the table and handed Lexie her beer and sat down. “You don’t drink beer?”, she asked. “No, not really. Especially not if I’m driving.”, I replied. We sat there and talked for quite a while and Lexie told me about herself growing. She always from as long as she could remember wanted to be a police officer. She played softball from the time she was seven years old until she graduated from high school. She went to the local college and obtained a degree in criminal law then applied for the academy right after graduation. She had been with the Sheriff’s Office now for close to four years. Lexie was a little over a year older than I was, not that it made much difference. Lexie was very easy to talk to and had a way of holding eye contact with you when you spoke. Before long, I was telling her my life story as well although to me, it was very boring. We were still talking when a couple of young guys came up to the table with beers in their hand. “How’s it hanging Thomas?”, one of asked. “Chris, this is Danny and Alberto. They are both officers in the second district with me.”, Lexie commented. “Nice to meet you.”, I said, shaking hands with both. “You told me you didn’t date, Thomas. What’s up?”, Danny asked. “No Danny, I did not say that I didn’t date, I said I wouldn’t date you.”, she quickly replied. “Ouch Danny, that stings.”, Alberto said laughing. “Damn Thomas, that hurts.”, Danny stated. “Oh, keep it in your pants Danny.”, Lexie laughed. The party went well and Lexie and I left around one o’clock in the morning and I drove straight back to her house. I pulled into her driveway and turned off the engine. Before I could reach for the door handle, Lexie reached out and grabbed my arm. “Thanks for going with me tonight…. I really enjoyed it.”, she said softly, gazing into my eyes. “It was really nice. It was so much better than sitting alone in my house.”, I replied. “You’re not seeing anyone right now …. I mean even casually?”, Lexie asked. “About four months ago, I was spending time with my next-door neighbor’s daughter. But she went back to college and met someone there. In fact, she brought him home for Christmas.” I answered. “Oh, sorry… that had to be hard.”, she replied. “We really had not talked about going forward in the future, so no plans had been made. She worked out with me in the morning, and I spent evenings with her some time.”, I answered. “I am not seeing anyone either…... not since my boyfriend decided that my job was a problem.”, she stated. “How was your job a problem?”, I asked. “Well for starters, I had to change my attitude somewhat. I deal with people on a daily basis that take kindness as weakness. I had to become more assertive both professionally and privately. Then the hours that I worked caused a problem because as a rookie, I work a lot of night shifts. Both of those issues were a problem with him.”, she answered. “Sorry to hear that….”, I replied. “Don’t be sorry… it was for the best. Forcing someone to be what they are not takes a toll on a relationship. Just too much resentment for me.”, she sighed. “Not ever being in a serious relationship all that seems strange to me. I guess it must be hard for two people to live together year after year without having any problems.”, I stated. “Not if you do it right…… my mom and dad are wonderful together, always have been.”, she said. “How long were you with your boyfriend?”, I asked. “From the eighth grade until my rookie year on the force…… all in all almost ten years.”, she answered. “Long time and he just walked away?” I asked. “Yep…. that’s exactly what he did. My dad never really liked him much. He was a know it all as my dad would say. My mom really didn’t care as long as he treated me well. He still calls from time to time but that’s about it.”, she answered. “So, when do you go back to work?”, I asked. “I’m off for three days then on Thursdays I go to nights for seven days in a row.”, she answered. “Would you like to do something in the next few days?”, I inquired. “Um, I would love to…. Can I call you tomorrow?”, she asked. “Sure can…...”, I answered. She told me goodnight and got out of the car and walked to the front door. She disappeared quickly inside, and I pulled out of her driveway. I drove straight home and took a shower then jumped into bed. It took me a while to fall asleep. I couldn’t stop thinking of Lexie and the situation that Cassie had left me in. I woke up about nine o’clock the next morning and made some breakfast, then ate. I got dressed and decided to go and get my first cell phone. I was really shocked at the price of a phone but decided to get one anyway. I paid for the phone and set up a monthly plan for unlimited data. I drove back home and messed with the phone a bit trying to figure it out. It was almost noon when the house phone rang. I answered it and was surprised to hear Lexie’s voice. She did promise to call but I did not expect it to be this soon. “Hey Chris, what are you doing?”, she asked. “I was lying on the sofa trying to figure out this new phone.”, I replied. “Oh, you bought a cell phone?”, she inquired. “Yes, this morning.”, I answered. “How about I come over and show you how to use it….”, she stated. “Sure, sounds great.”, I answered. About ninety minutes later, Lexie’s unit pulled up into my driveway. I opened the side carport door and walked out to meet her. She followed me inside and into the living area where I offered her a seat on the sofa. Lexie was dress in a tight pair of spandex shorts and a compression tank top. She had on blue sneakers with short socks and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked amazing and could pass for someone much younger. She appeared much younger than twenty-six years of age. “You have a beautiful home, Chris.”, Lexie remarked looking around. “Thanks Lexie.”, I replied. She moved over and sat down right next to me asking to see my phone. She smelled so good it made me just want to take her in my arms and hold her. She finished setting up my phone installing a code to open the home screen. She showed me how to add numbers to my directory, so I suggested she add hers, which got a great smile from her. She then set me up a Facebook account and she became my first friend. She showed me how to load pictures and how to post on it. After about thirty minutes, she had me completely set up. I then showed her around the house and took her out back where I showed her the pool. She immediately regretted not bringing a bathing suit. I told her I still had several belong to my mom that I thought would work. I turned the heaters on in the pool to warm up a little since it was late December, although the temperature was in the low sixties. We went back inside where we sat on the sofa and talked for a while. Around two o’clock we took a drive to the sandwich shop to get two roast beef sandwiches and a large order of fries. We returned to my house and ate in the kitchen talking about everything and anything. Lexie was fun to be around, and I found myself laughing more than ever. |
CHAPTER NINETEEN For the second time in less than a year, I regained consciousness in a hospital room. It took me a while to focus and then realized I was handcuffed to the hospital bed. It took me several seconds to process what had happened but there was no way I should be in restraints. I pressed the button for the nurse who showed up in a minute or so. “Hey, how are you feeling?”, she asked. “I think I’m ok, but I hurt all over.”, I replied. “I’m going to call the doctor immediately and there are two police officers in the hall waiting to talk to you.”, she answered, leaving quickly. Within a minute, two men in suits came in walking quickly over to the bed. No doubt they were both detectives from the department. One of them stepped to the left side of the bed. “Mr. Williams, can you tell us what happened?”, he asked. I slowly began to tell him that I was driving by when I witnessed the deputy being wrestled to the ground. I recalled how I had stopped and began to fight the men. After I got through the first two and then my encounter with the last man. Then being stabbed in the back and the female deputy shooting the suspect who stabbed me. I also asked how the female deputy was doing. “Officer Dugas has still not regained consciousness, but she is stable.’, he answered. “What about the three men?”, I asked. “They had just committed an armed robbery about thirty minutes before Officer Dugas pulled them over for a traffic violation. They are all wanted on other charges as well. The three of them have three felonies on their record and will be going to prison for life now that you add aggravated assault on a police officer.”, he stated. “Good to know.”, I responded. “You fucked up those guys…... broken bones, one has a fractured jaw and one shot in the back.”, he laughed. “I guess we can get rid of these.”, the other detective said, unlocking the cuffs. They both thanked me for what I did and exited the room closing the door behind them. A few minutes later, the doctor came in and explain my injuries. I had been cut on my upper chest down and across to my stomach. Although it was deep in some spots nothing was serious only requiring a lot of stitches. I had also been stabbed in my left shoulder and exploratory surgery had been done. There was severe soft tissue, some muscle severing, and one tendon had been nicked. But all in all, nothing more would have to be done and it would all heal on it’s on. He promised the nurse would be back with some pain medication. The next morning, I was feeling somewhat better but sore as hell. The nurse informed me that the female police officer had regained consciousness and was alert. She had suffered a bad concussion, a hairline fracture of her jaw and two broken fingers. The nurse told me that Officer Dugas asked to see me, but she was not yet mobile. The nurse told me after breakfast she would get a wheelchair and take me to her room. True to her word, just past nine o’clock I was wheeled to Officer Dugas’ room. As we entered, it appeared she was sleeping but there was an older man sitting in the chair. The nurse wheeled me over to the bedside when the man introduced himself as her father. “Are you the guy who stopped to help her?”, he asked. “Yes sir.”, I replied. “You know son, you probably saved her life.”, he stated, grabbing my hand. “She just as heck saved mine sir. I was about to get stabbed again when she put that animal down.”, I responded, Just about that time, Officer Dugas opened her eyes and saw her father next to the bedside. She gave him a quirky look and then smiled. “Dad, have you been here all night?”, she asked. “Riley, don’t you dare lecture me…… I’m your dad. It’s what dad’s do.”, he said, leaning over and kissing her cheek. Then she looked in my direction and squinted her eyes at first but them opened them wide. It took her a minute, but she figured it out. “And you must be my hero….”, she smiled. “No ma’am, I’m Chris Williams.”, I replied. “If you would not have stopped that night, I might not be here. I saw you attack the first one and then I blacked out. When I came to, I saw another guy down and the one standing over you with the knife. I was able to pull my weapon and fire at him then I guess I blacked out again.”, she admitted. “Well, I am sure you saved me as well. Your shot put him down.”, I replied. “They told me when they got there you were holding me and had my weapon in your hand.”, she said, smiling. “Something like that...…. It’s kind of hazy to me too.”, I admitted. “Where did you learn to fight like that?”, she asked. “I work at a gym and teach Krav Maga. I also am a student of Muy Thai although not an instructor yet.”, I answered. “Well, well well……looky here. The princess and the white knight.”, a female said, walking in the door. I turned to see it was Lexie Thomas in her uniform walking towards us. She leaned over and kissed Rylie Dugas on the cheek and squeezed her hand. “Glad to see you awake, Rylie. You gave us all a scare.”, Lexie said, softly. “And you……. Where did you come from?”, Lexie asked, walking over and kissing my forehead. “Lexie, you know him?”, Rylie asked. “Yes, we dated a while back….”, Lexie replied, looking me dead in the eyes. “Oh…... then we must talk.”, Rylie answered. Just about that time my nurse came back and informed me it was time for me to go back to my room. I said my farewells and I was wheeled back to my room. About thirty minutes later Lexie walked into my room and sat in the chair next to the bed. “Chris, you could have died that night.”, Lexie said, taking my hand in hers. “I wasn’t thinking Lexie, I saw her in trouble and reacted.”, I responded. “Reacted. One perp has a broken jaw, broken ribs, and a collapsed lung, the second also has a broken jaw and a bullet in his back, the last one has a broken nose, broken eye socket, fractured jaw and a dislocated back. That’s a bit more than a reaction.”, she stated informing me of their injuries. I was released from the hospital two days later. The following day, Officer Rylie Dugas was released as well. I watched a news conference on television as she was being released. She said some really nice things about me but never mentioned my name which was a good thing. Just in case these guys had any friends lurking about. After several weeks, I was allowed to go back to the gym and train. My shoulder was still sore, and I was told to take it easy. Master Garcia was elated to see me back and commend me for how I had helped the policer officer. He said that even though my name had been left out of the news, everyone knew it was me. Several weeks later, I was sitting in Moe’s Pizza waiting for an all-meat pizza when Lexie Thomas walked through the door. She was in uniform which quickly put a damper on the younger crowd. She scanned the room and saw me at one of the booths and headed in my direction. She came over to the table and asked me if she could sit down. “Of course, Lexi.”, I offered. She sat down on the bench across from me and leaned back against the cushion sighing deeply. I had seen that look and face before, she was just coming off the day shift. “What a day…...”, she mumbled. “Lately, I can relate to that.”, I replied. Just at that point, Mark Boudreaux and Chrissy Haynes walked through the front door hand in hand. Living in a small area really sucked. Sometimes you just couldn’t get away from certain people. They started walking in my direction, I had no idea what was coming. Mark spoke first. “Hey Chris, I just want to say….um, that was awesome how you helped out the police lady.”, he stated. “Thanks Mark…. Seemed like the right thing to do.”, I answered. “And, I also took your advice about that other thing…….”, he said, nodding toward Chrissy. “He’s being good, Chrissy?”, I asked. “Actually yes, things are the best they have ever been.”, she admitted, smiling. “Mark, stay away from those assholes…... this girl here is all you need.”, I advised. “Already doing that…”, he stated, the two of them going to the back of the restaurant. “I’m impressed, you turned one of them around.”, Lexie laughed. “No, Chrissy did…. I just pushed him in the right direction.”, I replied. “Anyway, I was driving by on the way home and saw your car out front, so I decided to stop. You don’t mind, do you?”, Lexie asked. “Not at all. In fact, I have a large pizza coming any minute.”, I replied. “Good, I didn’t get a lunch today.”, she answered. Several minutes later, the waitress brought my large all-meat pizza to the table. We ordered Lexie a large Coke and began to eat. After the waitress brought Lexie her drink, she admitted the reason for her stop. “Chris, I want to ask you something. If you want to say no, I understand. If you have even a little hesitation, then please decline. Only, I have been tearing myself up over this…… I have to ask.”, she admitted, very nervously. “Lexie, just say what’s on your mind. We pretty much know everything about each other. Not much secrets here.”, I laughed. “Ok, here it goes……... Would you um… maybe go out with me tomorrow night.”, she stammered. “You mean like a date?”, I asked. “Yes.”, was her only answer. “Lexie, what is going on? What about Cody?”, I inquired. “We broke up…... again.”, she said, not able to look at me. “When?”, I asked. “About a month ago…”, she stated, looking up. “Wow, I had no idea…”, I stated. At this point, I felt that I had just been hit by a ton of bricks. Just a month after breakup she comes running back to me. I was not sure how to feel about this whole situation. There was no doubt that I cared a lot about Lexie and still did. But this relationship with Cody would seem to be hanging over my head. How long would it be until they got back together again? This was a very slippery slope I was navigating. “Oh, I never thought to ask if you were seeing someone. Are you?”, she asked. “No, nothing like that.”, I answered. “So, what do you think?”, she asked, with those eyes that could melt a frozen heart. “Can you answer a question for me?”, I asked. “I’ll try.”, she responded. “If we start this again and I fall for you all over again…... and I will. How do I know you won’t go back to Cody?”, I asked, sincerely. “I guess with my track record…. How can you really trust me? All I can tell you is Cody, and I are done. There’s nothing there anymore, no love, no trust, no hope…...nothing. I know you probably have a hard time believing me and like I said, if you do, just say no.”, she stated. “I guess I care too much for you not to try again.”, I admitted. “Thank you, Chris. I promise you won’t regret this.”, she promised with tears in her eyes. We talked for close to an hour before leaving. Since Lexie was at the end of a dayshift, she did have three days off. So, we set something up for tomorrow night since it was Saturday. She would be off Sunday and Monday as well. My schedule was always flexible especially since I started working out early in the morning. I promised to pick up Lexie about seven thirty, but I was already dressed and ready to go an hour before that. There was no doubt I was anxious to be with her and had missed her terribly. I left my house early and arrived at Lexie’s house a few minutes after seven. Knowing Lexie like I did, I knew she would not be ready. I went up the walkway and rang the bell, the door opened quickly. “Chris, what are you doing here?”, Jennifer Thomas said, shocked. “I’m here to pick up Lexie. We have a date planned.”, I replied. “A date…. date?”, she replied, not able to hide her emotions. “Yes ma’am.”, I answered. She grabbed me and hugged me like I had risen from the dead and in some regards I had. She whispered into my ear that she never thought this would ever happen. She closed the door and I followed her into the main living area where Jim Thomas was watching television alone. I walked around the sofa and moved towards Jim to shake his hand. “Chris, what are you doing here?”, he asked, shaking my hand. “Chris and Lexie are going out on a date.”, Jennifer blushed. “Did you know about this, Jen.”, Jim asked his wife. “Nope, this is a pleasant surprise to me as well.”, she stated, rubbing my back. “Well sit down, Chris.”, Jim offered. I sat down a few feet from him, and Jennifer sat on the other end of the sofa. We exchanged what had been going on in our lives during the past year or so. Then he asked me about the encounter I had on the highway with the three thugs. “Not much to tell. There was a small fight and fortunately the police showed up.”, I offered. “Small fight…. you put three men in the hospital with broken bones and a gunshot wound.”, Jim laughed. “Officer Dugas shot the man….”, I answered. Thankfully Lexie came walking in at exactly the right moment. She was dressed in tight white jeans, white heels, and a fire engine red lace top with a faint hint of a red bra underneath. Lexie’s hair was down on her shoulders, and she had a small amount of makeup on. She looked stunning to say the least but then again, I was partial. “You’re early Chris.”, she said, leaning over and kissing my cheek. “I’m sorry, I got here about an hour ago. I wanted to talk to your parents before we left.”, I said, with a serious look on my face. “Wait…... you have been here for an hour?”, she asked. “Yes, I would say that’s about right.”, Jim said, catching on quickly. “Talking about me?”, she whined. “Yep, pretty much.”, her father responded. I jumped up because it was difficult not to break into laughter as this charade was being played. I reached out and took Lexie’s hand and started to walk towards the front of the house. You could tell she wanted to know exactly what we were talking about. She followed me out of the house in protest as her mother closed the door behind us. I walked over and opened the passenger door for Lexie, and she slid in the passenger seat. I walked around the front of the car and got behind the wheel of my car. Before I could even buckle the seat belt Lexie started in. “So, what were you talking to my parents about?’, she asked, grabbing my hand. “Different things…. mostly about how they thought this was a bad idea.”, I answered, looking straight at the road. “Bad idea?”, she quickly replied. “That’s what I said. But they tried to convince me otherwise.”, I answered, squeezing her hand. “Wait, what part of this was a bad idea?’, she said, concerned. “I guess the two of us dating again.”, I said, lying my ass off. “Wait, let me make sure I understand this. My parents believe we should not be dating?”, she asked, stunned. “That’s pretty much about it….”, I said, trying hard to myself composed. I pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant trying to determine how long I was going to let the joke play on. After all, Lexie had bit hook, line, and sinker. I parked the car and walked around opening her door. She got out with the same look of concern on her face. We walked in side by side and met the hostess asking for a table for two. We were immediately seated on the right side of the restaurant in a secluded booth. It was great seating for a date. The hostess told us our server would be with us shortly. The hostess had no sooner left when Lexie started grilling me again. “I mean if you talked for an hour…., what all did they say?”, she asked. “I don’t know. What do you think they might have told me?’, I asked, looking her directly in the eyes. “So basically, my parents are trying to sabotage a possible relationship between the two of us?”, she asked, almost ready to cry. At that point, I figured I had taken this as far as I wanted to go. What started as a joke had now upset Lexie. I reached over the table and took her hand in mine looking into her eyes. “Lex, I showed up maybe ten minutes before you came down. Your dad and I were just messing with you.”, I said. I could see the relief in her face and in her eyes. Seconds later, that relief turned into a sense of “you have to be kidding me”. “Oh, the both of you are gonna pay for that big time.”, she laughed, squeezing my hand hard. We talked while we were waiting for our meal which took a while to arrive. Lexie told me a bit too much about her recent relationship with Cody, but I was not foolish enough to think they weren’t fucking. It is just hard to look into the face of a woman you care deeply for and imagine another man sticking his dick in her. Maybe it was just me, but I couldn’t get that thought out of my mind. I really downplayed my relationship with Chrissy saying it was mostly just working out at the gym, although I did admit we fooled around a couple of times. Apparently, Lexie was ok with that or least seemed to be. By the time the meal arrived she asked me about the night I stopped to help Riley Dugas. “What were you thinking?”, she asked. “Honestly, I probably wasn’t. Maybe deep down somewhere inside me the fact that it could be you there…I dunno.”, I replied. “What happened?”, she asked, wide eyed. “It’s just one big blur anymore. I remember getting out of the car and running at the first guy. I hit him with a superman punch. He fell to the ground, and I dropped a knee in the center of his chest and then punched him a few times in the ribs. As I was turning back towards the officer the second guy sliced me across the chest. I remember disarming him and hitting him a few times. Then, I remember seeing the third guy slamming her head into the ground and the blood.”, I started. “I ran at the third man to help her. He threw a punch which I deflected then I hit him several times in the ribs. I knew on the first punch that I had broken them. My hand hurt big time. He fell and then I struck his face with a knee causing him to blackout. Just about that time, I was stabbed in the shoulder causing me to fall to the ground. As I was trying to turn around to defend myself, I heard the shot and watched him fall to the ground.”, I continued. “After that, it really gets a little fuzzy. I think that I crawled over to Dugas and lifted her up so I could get under her. I remember laying her head on my chest then picking up her gun. She was unconscious and bleeding bad. I remember using her radio to call for help. That’s the last thing I remember.”, I finished. “The first two officers on the scene said you were holding her tight and had the gun pointed at the three guys. They said, they had to talk you down. In fact, they both told me you would not let Riley go. You were clinging to her.”, Lexie admitted. “I don’t remember, Lex. It happened so quick.”, I answered. Thankfully, she changed the subject and we started to talk about what we wanted to do going forward. We had a great meal and decided to go to a local coffee house that Lexie loved. After we got our coffee, we took a table in the corner and sat down. It was uncanny how much at ease I felt when Lexie was around. I had only loved one woman in my life, and she was my mother. But this feeling I had with Lexie was overpowering almost like she was my addiction. Lexie reached out and put her hand in mine causing me to shudder for a second. “This is nice, Chris. I must have been out of my mind to leave you.”, Lexie stated, rubbing my hand. “I know I was out of my mind when you left.”, I laughed. “I’m so sorry I hurt you. Sometimes you never know what you have until you lose it or in my case, throw it away.”, she replied. We talked for close to an hour both getting refills at the coffee bar. We left sometime after eleven and I got back on the highway. As I was driving in the direction of her house, Lexie spoke up before getting to my exit off the highway. “Chris, I don’t want to sound like a tramp but…... um, can we go to your house?”, Lexie asked. “Sure…... whatever you want.”, I replied. I took the next exit off the interstate and headed toward my house. Lexie got quiet, and I wanted to make sure she was comfortable. My head was spinning as we got out of my car and headed to the door. I did not want Lexie to feel like she had to jump right back into bed with me. I know she felt bad about how she dropped me for Cody, but I didn’t want her to use sex as a repayment. “You want something to drink?”, I asked, throwing my keys on the table. “A water would be nice.”, she replied, sitting on the sofa. I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of tea and got Lexie a bottle of water. I walked back into the living room and handing the water to Lexie. I sat down next to Lexie trying to figure out what to say. I was never good expressing my feelings and being with Lexie always made me crazy. She quickly leaned over and put her lips against mine. It was a kiss that I had been waiting on for a long time. She then softly brushed my upper lip with the tip of her tongue. I parted my lips as her warm tongue entered my mouth. I’m not sure how long the kiss lasted but when she pulled her lips from mine there was no doubt in my mind, I loved this woman. “Lexie, we don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”, I stated. “Chris, I’m not uncomfortable around you…., trust me.”, she said. “I just want you to know how much I care about you. I can’t explain how I feel when I with you. All I know is that I don’t want to be without you.”, I answered. She leaned in and kissed me again only this time with passion. She was much more urgent with her tongue letting me know she wanted more. I lowered my right hand down to her right upper thigh and squeezed it gently. She exhaled deeply into my mouth letting me know how excited she was. I lowered my hand and gently pushed against the denim material between her legs. I gently moved my fingers up and down the zipper area and she pushed her hips forward to meet my hand. She finally broke our kiss and quickly stood up reaching for my hand. “Take me to bed.”, she whispered with a lustful tone. I got up and followed Lexie down the hall to my master bedroom. I followed her to the side of the bed where she turned around and faced me. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me forcing her tongue between my lips. I felt her kick off her high heels one at a time as her tongue danced in my mouth. I reached down between us and unbuttoned her jeans then I slowly pulled the zipper down. I pushed the jeans down over her hips and down her thighs. I quickly forced my hand inside her panties and found her wet pussy. She broke our kiss and rested her head on my chest as I slowly rubbed her clit. “Fuck that feels so good….”, she moaned. I leaned over a bit and began to softly kiss the side and back of her neck as I continued to rub her pussy. Lexie reached down and grabbed my cock threw and jeans and began to gently squeeze it. I reached up and grabbed Lexie’s shoulder and push her away from me. I pushed her down on the bed and bent over grabbing her jeans and pulling them off. She moved up slightly on the bed until her head was resting on a pillow. I slid my fingers into the waistband of her black silk panties and in one motion pulled them off. Lexie’s pussy was smooth and bald although glistening with her excitement. The look in her eyes told me exactly what she wanted. I laid down between her legs and extended my tongue licking her wet opening from the bottom to the top stopping her flicking her clit a few times. “Eat my pussy baby.”, she said in a low tone filled with urgency. I went to work on her pussy licking it from every different angle imaginable. I drove my tongue deep inside of her then pulled it out and frantically rubbing her clit with the end of my tongue. I reached up with my right hand and pressed a finger against her opening. It slipped right in and I pushed until my knuckle felt the soft tissue of her pussy. By now, Lexie was delirious and was holding my head tight against her throbbing pussy. I took her clit between my lips and sucked on it as hard as I could. That was all it took to push her over the edge. “Fuck… God damn…. I’m gonna cum…...”, she moaned. Seconds later, Lexie had the wettest orgasm that I ever remember completely drenching my face in cum. I continued to suck and lick her lapping up as much of her cum as I good. Lexie’s body shook on the bed for several seconds before falling back limp on her back. I began to slowly ease up with my tongue just softly licking her clit as she enjoyed the after feeling. “My God baby, you know how to eat a pussy.”, she said softly. Lexie was softly stroking my hair as I gently nibbled on her pussy. I placed both of my hands on her thighs and ran my fingertips up and down her firm muscles. She was beginning to respond to my tongue again as she began to slightly arch her back. I got to my knees and pulled my shirt off and sat down and quickly pulled my pants and boxers off. I moved between her legs once more and took my cock in my right hand and placed it between the lips of her pussy. I pushed into her pussy very slowly and watched the expression on her face. She was really wet, and I was all the way inside of her with no problem. I leaned forward and rested on my elbows, my face only inches from hers. I was moving inside on her very slowly as I gazed deep into her eyes. “I love it when you’re inside of me baby. I was playing with myself early today thinking about this.”, Lexie admitted. “Really…. Tell me more.”, I asked. “This evening after I got out the bathtub and was laying out my clothes, I was thinking of you. I sat on the bed and was putting on my panties and as I pulled them up, I got the urge to touch my pussy. So, I started rubbing myself a little and before I knew it, I was on my back with my hand buried inside of me. It didn’t take me more than a couple of minutes to cum.”, she advised. “Too bad I didn’t see that.”, I replied, smiling. “Oh, you can watch me get off anytime you want.”, Lexie giggled. I began to move a little faster in and out of Lexie’s wet pussy. She was extremely wet and very tight. I moved my hips slightly up the bed so that the top of my cock was stroking her clit. I knew the minute I hit the right spot. “Fuck me baby, drive that dick into me.”, she instructed. After several minutes of fucking her wet pussy Lexie lost control once more. Her body became tense and rigid as her third orgasm of the day overtook her. I pushed one final time deep inside of her and let her throbbing pussy do its magic. I lean in and kissed her gently on the lips and she came down off of her orgasm. I rolled off Lexie and fell to my back beside her letting her catch her breath. After several minutes she rolled over to me and grabbed my dick in her small, soft hand. She began to jerk me off in a steady but slow manner. At this point it did not matter much what she did, I was going to cum. She moved down my body and put me in her warm, wet mouth. The feeling was incredible to say the least. She began to suck just the head of my cock running her tongue on the underside. Probably a minute later, I was at the point of no return. “Fuck Lexie, I’m gonna cum.”, I said, warning her. She pulled her mouth off my cock and looked me in the eyes. She pushed her tongue out and curled the tip of it back towards her nose. “I want you to cum on my tongue baby. Let me taste your hot cum.”, she instructed, her hand rapidly stroking my cock. She leaned in and used her tongue all over the head of my cock. I could feel the cum racing up my shaft towards her. The first load covered her lips as she ran her tongue over the head of my cock. Jet after jet of cum coated her tongue and face. She then took me deep into her mouth and sucked what was left out of my cock and into her throat. She continued to use her mouth on me until my cock began to go soft in her mouth. She then used the back of her hand to wipe the cum off her lips. She looked up at me with a smile that absolutely melted my heart. “I’ll be right back….”, she promised, getting up and running to the bathroom. As promised several minutes later she jumped back into bed and into my arms. I was content just holding her and listening to her breath. We laid there in silence for several minutes before she looked up at me. “I want to sleep in your arms tonight. Is that, ok?”, she asked. “Sure is, but text your mom and tell her so she doesn’t worry.”, I advised. After texting her mom, Lexie crawled back into bed with me. I don’t think either of us moved all night. I woke up with my chest on Lexie’s back with my arm around her waist. She was still asleep, so I eased out of bed and went down the hall to the bathroom. After that, I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. I was at the stove cooking eggs and bacon when Lexie walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “What are you doing?”, she asked, her hair a tangled mess. “Cooking you breakfast. The coffee is ready. Pour yourself a cup.”, I replied. She went over to the opposite counter and open the cabinet over the coffee pot. She was wearing one of my mom’s old t-shirts and it rose up as she reached for the mug. That allowed me to see she had no panties on under the shirt. She happened to turn her head and look at me that exact moment. “See anything you like?”, she giggled. “Um…. actually, I do. I love that ass.”, I replied. “Well after breakfast how about you tap this ass?”, she laughed. “Deal….”, I answered quickly. We both sat down and ate quieting talking about the rest of the weekend. Since it was Sunday, I technically had the day off unless I wanted to go in and workout on my own. The thought of possibly spending the day with Lexie seemed a whole lot better. We finished eating and cleaned up loading the dishwater. Lexie was closing the door on the dishwater when I walked up behind her. I pushed her up against the dishwasher pressing my cock into her ass. I reached around and under the t-shirt she was wearing and found her pussy. After just several second of rubbing her gently she began to get wet. “Hmmmmm… that’s good.”, she whispered, extending her left arm and putting it behind my neck. I leaned in and began to kiss her neck as my hand worked on her very wet opening. She turned her head in my direction pressing her lips to mine forcing her tongue into my mouth. I pushed one finger deep inside of her causing her to moan into my mouth. I started a rapid in and out motion with my finger. She broke our kiss and leaned over the counter resting on her elbows. “Fuck me, baby. Put that big dick inside of me.”, she instructed. I pushed my boxers off quickly and guided my hard cock between her ass cheeks. She reached between her legs and guided me to her pussy. I pushed into her with one quick motion causing her to exhale deeply. “Oh God, I love that dick.”, she wailed. I grabbed Lexie by the hips and began to really fuck her perhaps like I never had. This was not soft or gentle…. this was straight up fucking. She reached between her legs and began to rub her clit furiously. I could feel her hand motions through my cock which provided extra stimulation. One thing about Lexie…. She could just about cum on command. “Fuck, I’m cumming……”, she cried out, her finger flying over her clit. Lexie’s body tensed up rigid and her legs began to tremble. Feeling her lose control of her body sent me over the edge. I push hard into her and stayed there as I empty my balls deep inside of her. After a few seconds, I once again began to move slowly inside of her. The feeling was incredible with the mixture of our two orgasms. She was once again slowly playing with her clit. “God damn baby, that was so fucking good.”, she panted, still out of breath. |
“Have you never thought about another man satisfying your wife? Or how about watching another man satisfying your wife?” I asked as he stood in the door of their bedroom looking at me in their bed, naked, my cock, hard and still glistening having just pulled out of his young wife’s glorious tight blonde pussy when he intruded. I had watched him arrive at the door ten minutes earlier as I was pounding my cock into my lover with her legs over my shoulders. I carried on, adjusting her position to give him a better look at how I was stretching his wife’s pussy as we fucked. I rubbed her clit and she moaned “Ohhhh! I’m coming again! FUUUUUCK! Fuck me hard!” Shari still lay on my arm, fully exposing her proud body to his eyes. I ran my other hand down her flat belly to the light but obviously well fucked pussy in question and stroked a finger through her lips. “Didn’t you ever dream of watching someone else put their cock balls-deep into her cunt and fuck her, make her moan his name, make her squirm on his cock and cum with him?” I slipped my finger into her wetness and she quivered. “Maybe the thought of your beautiful wife inviting another man into your home, kneeling as she greets him inside your front door, pulling at his zipper to get his cock into her mouth, sucking him until he was hard enough to bend her over and take her from behind on your dining room table, fucking her in every room of your house makes you just a little hot.” I stroked my finger in her warm, wet, tight little cunt “Maybe” I said, pulling my wet finger out and licking her juice from it “you’ve secretly thought of watching, as someone else takes off her clothes, piece by piece until she stands naked in front of him, offering herself to him, offering him her tits.” I squeezed her firm breast and tweaked her proud pink nipple, which immediately rose to full erection, “her mouth,” I put two fingers to her lips and she sucked them deep, looking into his eyes. “Her cunt” I took the fingers from her mouth and eased them into her wet slit and began finger fucking her slowly, deliberately, deeply. “Maybe it’s the thought of another man kissing your wife that does it for you,” I demonstrated, easing my tongue into her mouth and, with my fingers still circling her clit, we kissed passionately for a minute as he stood leaning against the doorjamb, mouth open and if not for the ragged breath and the pulsing vein at his throat, as if carved from stone. “Or this…” I extricated my trapped arm, knelt between her milky white spread thighs and licked her delectable pink pussy lips from taint to clithood. Shari moaned at that, so I did it again, easing the tip of my tongue into her, then flattening it and bathing her whole pussy. I lifted her hips up and pointed my throbbing cock at her wet and wanting cunt. “No, this is what you’ve fantasized over, the actual moment your wife gets fucked by another man, the moment he puts his cockhead against her pussy, you’ve dreamed of watching his cock head stretch her pink lips as it disappears into her, making it “his” pussy. Watching her beautiful face as she feels her body adjusting to accept first the head then the shaft until his balls rest against her ass, then waiting, holding your breath until his cock begins moving inside her, first pulling back then pushing in again and picking up pace again and again and again. Watching her build to her first orgasm and listening to her cries as she fucks back into his cock.” I demonstrated “You want me to carry on fucking your wife. Don’t you?” Was that a slight nod of his head I saw? I stopped. Watching him, I slowly removed my cock from Shari’s tender pussy “Do you wonder how long I’ve been fucking her? When did this cock take your wife? Think back to the last time you made love. Was she thinking about me? Was her cunt still slippery with my cum? Did you ever taste my cum still on her tongue when you kissed her? You know for a long time in the darkest corner of your mind you’ve wanted her like this” I pushed her down to take me in her mouth. She watched him as she pulled my cock between her lips. “She is a sweet cocksucker isn’t she?” I ran my hands through her short blonde hair and forced her down on my cock, choking her and bringing tears to her eyes, when I let go she came off for a breath, spit strings of saliva and precum onto my cock and went straight back down the shaft. Her eyes never left him, and still he said nothing, did nothing. “Did you want to try her?” “I’m sure she doesn’t mind sharing and there is always a spare hole with room for another cock, I can’t keep them all filled” Finally a moan escaped his lips and he reached for his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. Naked from the waist down he approached the bed, his erection leading him towards us. “Shari, turn around and suck Larry’s cock for him” She crawled down the bed and took him deep between her lips I grabbed her hips and slid my cock back into her dripping pussy and started fucking, forcing her mouth against him, “God, her cunt is so tight on me” “Maybe, I’ll fuck her ass. Would you like that Larry?” He nodded mutely as his wife sucked him. “No, you have to tell me…” “Please fuck her in the ass” He groaned “I want you to.” She didn’t stop sucking him and I spread the cheeks of her ass and applied some lube from her pussy to her cute little rosebud. Then I thrust deep into her causing her to cry out on his cock and I started fucking her ass hard until I shot my cum into her bowels as her husband exploded in her mouth “Now how about you lick your wife’s ass clean and then you go bring your daughter to me” |
She had her hand between her legs, cupping her hairy pussy; it felt nice and warm. She kept thinking about John slowly hugging and kissing her sex-starved body. John was sleeping next to her; he came back from a week-long business trip late last night, and they both fell asleep from being tired. Susan kept thinking that she wanted John's cock inside of her; after all, it had been a long week without him. She decided to take a shower and wake him up later with a sexy surprise. John woke up because of the massive erection, which was not letting him sleep. His hand immediately went to find Susan next to him. Susan's spot was empty but still warm from her body. "Where is she," John thought. Finally, he heard the sound of a shower. John loved peeping at Susan while she was washing up. The way the bathroom was designed, he could open the door and watch Susan's reflection in the mirror while showering, but it was in no way possible to see that the door was opened because of the angle. He cracked open the door just in time to see Susan start lathering her body with shampoo. Susan was a beautiful woman of medium height with the perkiest breasts around. It was clear that she was enjoying the whole process. She slowly massaged silky foam all around her figure. At one point, she squeezed her breasts and immediately arched her back. She was slowly caressing herself. One hand was squeezing her breast with two fingers tugging her nipple, and the other slowly went down between her legs. At that point, she was just trying to create as much foam as possible. It looked like she enjoyed the smooth feeling of shampoo all over her. She slightly put her thighs apart and started moving her hand from the top of her bush right between her legs. John could see that she was curling her two fingers and guiding them inside her foaming slit. With every move, she was arching more and putting her head back. Suddenly she stopped, and John got scared, thinking maybe he got caught. Luckily, Susan stopped to take the shampoo bottle. "Oh, she wants more foam," John was thinking. But Susan had a different idea. Shampoo manufacturers got cleaver and started to shape their bottles in the shape of the phallus. So, without hesitation, Susan slowly inserted the bottle inside her wet snatch. John's jaw dropped; he had never seen Susan masturbate in private, and it was a first for him. He kept looking at her face; it was clear that she was purely focused on penetration. She was biting her lips, opening her mouth, licking her lips, and mumbling something, but every move was about putting that imaginary cock as deep as possible into her. She turned around without taking the bottle out, spread her legs even more, and increased her insertion speed. The left hand was controlling bottle penetration, but the right went straight to the asshole. At first, she put just one finger in, after which two more followed. At that point, John closed the bathroom door and went back to bed. He had a raging boner and the desire to fuck Susan senseless, but at the same time, he was disappointed. For years, he tried to motivate Susan for anal sex, but the answer was always no. "No fingers up my ass. No licking my ass. I will die before your dick sees my asshole", Susan responded every time John broached the subject or even tried something in the heat of passion. So he was upset that Susan felt free to fuck her asshole in private, but not with him. He was lying in bed, thinking about what had just happened and what he had seen. He heard the bathroom door open, and he pretended to be asleep. Naked Susan slipped in under the blanket and right away performed a hard dick check. That's the game they play; when she is horny in the morning, the first thing she does is go for "a hard dick check". After the peeping show John just received, he passed the hard dick check with flying colors, and his earlier disappointment did not affect his erection. Since John didn't finish watching Susan, he had no idea if she finished herself off, but certainly it was not enough even if she did. She climbed right on top of him and started to gyrate on his hard dick while he was pretending to sleep. Susan could feel engorged John's member pushing against her wet slit and throbbing clitoral area. "Wake up, silly! Time for you to feel how your wife missed your cock", she whispered with a trembling voice into his ear. "Well, if you missed it, it's time for you to show how bad," John said, no longer pretending to be asleep. Both of them loved dirty talk. Sometimes they will say outrageous things to each other during sex, but never mention them again outside the bedroom. "I want you inside, but the customary thing to do is for me to suck your first,” she exclaimed, taking John's underwear off with one move. She took a hard prick into her hand, smiled, and said, "This is what I am talking about!" She was about to put her lips around the red popping dick head, but John stopped her. "No sucking until you truly show how much you miss me. I want you to convey how much you crave my cock", John loved ordering Susan around, and she was happy to play that game. She lowered herself down over his hard penis and started enthusiastically licking the shaft up and down with an occasional tongue swirling around slitted knob . "Yes, like that, but don't forget my balls." Susan was on all fours and she lowered her head and started to vacuum balls right into her mouth. "I want you in my mouth", she started to beg. John started to ooze pre-cum from all the oral excitement. After seeing a glistening cock's head covered in secretions, Susan grabbed John's shaft and started to suck. She could taste him and she wanted more of his sperm. While John was away, Susan sucked her fingers after every masturbation, thinking of his prick in her mouth. Just thinking about it made Susan bob her head vigorously. John was watching the whole thing with amusement because he could clearly see that Susan missed him. "I see that you love your husband's cock. Now show him your special skill", he winked at Susan. Susan, without hesitation, managed to get the whole erected member into her throat, and without gagging, she slowly lifted her head while making a sucking, popping noise when dick left her mouth. "Is this what you mean", she smiled. "Don't stop, my cock loving wife," John insisted. After a fourth deep throat, Susan felt tired, and she had the urge to scratch the itch between her legs. She started to climb on top of John with the intention of slamming herself on the hard cock. Susan was ready for the feeling of prick spreading her flaming pussy walls, but John grabbed her ass in such a way that his dick barely touched her. "Stop it. Fuck me, fuck my cunt," Susan screamed. "If you want it, beg for it," John responded. "I want my husband's cock inside of me now. By the way, last night I had an urge. I cannot explain it, but I wanted something to take care of burning need," Susan confessed. John realized that the whole morning bathroom scene could be explained by the fact that Susan was very horny. Without warning, he thrust into Susan with his hips and, at the same time, pushed her buttocks down with his hands. "Yes, I want that dirty cock", Susan screamed and started to lift herself up and down while riding John. She wanted to be fucked by that hard, thrusting prick! A few seconds later, without slowing down, she started to rub her clitoral area as fast as she was riding. "There is nothing better than your dick in me," Susan shouted. "Better than a shampoo bottle?", John inquired. "Anything is better," Susan responded without slowing down. John had both hands on Susan's butt, and he slowly spread her butt chicks with his fingers very close to her asshole. "So you're saying that my fingers inside your ass are better since you said anything is better", he said, trying to provoke Susan. "Never, never, never". She responded and increased her riding tempo. John was sending hints to Susan that he saw everything this morning, but she was not confessing. Dirty talk, his fingers around her asshole, and her ass fingering this morning made her think about doing the same with her husband. The whole ass game was new to Susan. It all started a few months ago when she put her finger in her butt hole and managed to get an incredible orgasm by rubbing her clit while playing with her butt. Over time, she got curious to the point that she tried her nine-inch dong in her ass. It turned out that with enough lube, it slowly went in, and it felt incredible to have not one but two holes to be filled with cocks after she tried a shampoo bottle at the same time. Susan knew that John wanted to try anal with her since he was hinting at it all the time. She admitted to herself that after trying it on her own, she would not mind trying it with John because everything is better with him, it was just a matter of right mood and time. Susan snapped out of her anal thoughts about John and laid down on the bed with her legs open. She spread her hairy pussy-lips with fingers, so John could see her open sweltering cunt! "Come here and pound me hard." "Talk to me dirty," she begged. "You start," John replied. "I'm your cum slut with a dirty mouth from your cock and sperm. Come here and fuck me," she demanded. Susan knew that John had oral fixation, so anything with cum and mouth drove him crazy. John jumped on top of Susan and started to drill her. "You're my sexy cum dumpster," he said, pushing his luck with the choice of words. "Not a cum dumpster, but a receptacle. I like receptacles better," Susan countered to his surprise. "In this case, I am going to make a cum deposit into my receptacle," John laughed. "I would like that,” Susan eagerly replied. "As a matter of fact, I want you to suck my clit and later to jerk off and cum in my mouth at the same time I orgasm", "Can you do that?" Susan asked. "Yes"” John answered. Susan grabbed the top part of her hairy slit and spread open in such away that wet clit popped from under foreskin. "Pull it up more, I want it to see everything", John gasped with anticipation of sucking the magic button. He started touching soft thighs while slowly moving with kisses from thighs to open pussy mouth. Susan tasted sweet with hint of sour at the same time, he could not resist and stuck his tongue inside her. "Higher!", exclaimed Susan in anticipation of John's mouth. She continued to pull with full force all around, exposing fully erected clitoris. John's tongue slowly moved up the cunt right to the rock hard target. He slowly swirled tongue around and started gently sucking hard clit. He looked up at Susan, her head moved sideways and she had an expression of complete bliss and delight on her face. "This is so nice"” she stated with wicked smile on her face. "Now finger me"” Susan demanded. While sucking Susan's clit, John slid two fingers into her wet cunt and started to massage g-spot. "Do you want to suck my cock", John mumbled with mouth full of pussy. "Yes, I want your hard cock"” Susan responded with deliberate exaggeration in her voice. "Yes, my cum-loving wife!" John quickly positioned his hard prick over Susan's eager mouth. He started to masturbate with left hand while she was opening her mouth, showing her tongue, and licking and sucking him. Susan continued thrusting herself into his right hand fingers while rubbing her clit. John placed a pillow under Susan's head to make her a better target for all the jism he was saving during his business trip. She weaved her hips and ass around in circles, making her clit brush against the tip of her finger. He watched her beautiful face in ecstasy, mouth open, craving cum. "You tell me when you are ready", John was edging and waiting for Susan to come. "Now", she screamed. John stroked a few more times and started to spew long strings of cum into her mouth. The first rope of cum hit Susan's throat, but she knew better not to close her mouth because more cum was coming, and she wanted every single drop. She had not explanation, but the waives of pleasure through her body and I thought of her husband being satisfied made her cry out for all the spunk she could get. Slowly, rope by rope, cum started to accumulate into a puddle on top of her tongue. She put his whole head in her mouth, and while holding dick in her mouth swallowed the whole accumulation. Susan had her lips wrapped hard around cock head while pumping John for every last drop. He felt how his contractions synchronized with Susan's hard pumping and he could visualize how small squirts of cum leftovers trickled into her mouth. Susan let go of his prick, swallowed final load and opened her mouth wide with tongue out to show job well done. She looked him in the eyes, pinched his nipple hard and said, "Welcome home, husband." |
Jimmy was still lying in bed on his back, his unmilked hard-on lifting the sheet high over his loins, when his mother walked into his room. The boy blushed and quickly jerked his knees up to hide the incriminating condition of his prick – but it had not escaped Diana's full attention. She walked over to the bed. Her son stared at her, unable to keep his eyes off her voluptuous body in her semi-transparent negligee, glancing furtively up and down between her swollen nipples and her bushy vee. She was smiling mysteriously, he noticed a sort of knowing leer. Jeez! Had she seen his cock rearing up? Was she gonna give him some stupid, lecture on the evils of self-abuse? But, if that were the case, why, was she smiling? He gaped at her in embarrassed confusion as she curled supplely on the side of his bed. She drew one knee under her, exposing her lush leg damned near to the groin, and as she leaned slightly forward, it seemed as if her heavy tits were about to spill from her bodice. She seemed to hesitate, as if seeking words. "Have you been playing with yourself, Jimmy, dear?" she asked him, still smiling. "Jeez! Naw, Mom!" he croaked. Diana took the edge of the sheet and lifted it up, peering under it at his loins. Despite the boy's shame, his willful prick refused to recede or diminish, standing in a long, thick tower above his bloated balls. Diana gazed at his groin for long moments, her silken eyelashes fluttering over the glowing azure orbs, her lips slightly parted, the tip of her tongue gliding across. Her nostrils flared gently as she breathed in the fevered fumes of his cock and balls. Then she looked up, giving the panicky young man a look of wry amusement. "What a lovely prick you have, darling – it's so big and hard," she purred. His eyes registered disbelief. "If you don't play with it, you should," she added. The boy couldn't believe that she had said that. It wasn't the sort of maternal advice one expected. "Gosh, Mom – I can't help it if it gets stiff," he croaked. "I don't play with it, though." Diana knew that had to be a lie. But it nicely suited her designs to pretend that she took it as the truth. "A potent young man should empty his balls off at least once a day, you know," she told him. "It's not healthy to walk around with a full set of balls." Jimmy could only gasp. She turned her head and gazed at his hard-on again. As if her look had a tactile, caressing property, his cock hammered savagely. "Well, Jimmy?" she said, huskily. "Will you promise Mommy you'll take the pressure off your lovely big prick with a handjob? Hummm? Will you beat your meat for Mommy?" Jimmy's Adam's apple was running up his throat like a monkey up a tree. His lips moved but only a squawking sound came out. His voicebox was taut – and, besides, the young man couldn't imagine what to say. She lifted her eyebrows teasingly. "What's wrong, darling? Aren't you in the mood? Aren't you horny enough to jack off?" she purred. The bemused youth nodded, then shook his head from side to side, sweating profusely, blushing more than ever. He wondered if so much blood might have gone into his hard-on that he had blacked out. Maybe this was only a wet dream. "Shall I make you hotter?" Diana whispered. The depraved woman, keeping her eyes on her son's face now, judging his reactions, began to open the front of her clinging negligee. Her big tits tumbled out naked and the youth gasped and groaned. Diana cupped the fat mounds in her hands, lifting and deepening the cleavage. Her nipples shot out like high-caliber bullets. Kneading the smooth globes, she rubbed the edges of her thumbs across the tips. "Does this excite you, darling?" she sighed. "M-mom!" he rasped. His cock was starting to steam and pre-cum was dribbling from the open pisshole. What the fuck was she trying to do to him? "Or – this?" she added. Holding her tits up in both palms, Diana dropped her head and began to lick her nipples and tongue into her cleavage. Then she sucked a swollen pink tip into her ups and nursed on it, watching the boy from the tops of her eyes. "Ummmm-ummmm!" she sighed. Jimmy's jaw was dropping open like a lever, damned near hitting his breastbone. "I'll bet you'd like to do this, wouldn't you, you naughty boy?" Diana teased him, sucking a rosy nubbin. Then she lifted her blonde head up, gazing at him speculatively. "Horny enough, now?" she whispered. Again, words failed him. But his horniness was more than evident as his balls ballooned and his cockshaft jolted like a shock absorber. "Hummm? Can you get your rocks off now?" Diana insisted on knowing. Jimmy managed to nod, realizing that it was what his mom wanted to hear, knowing that there were aspects to the situation far beyond his comprehension. He had frequently jerked off while he imagined doing things to his mother or sister, and creamed often enough in Diana's bras and panties, but fantasy was one thing and reality was quite another, overwhelming the boy. "Yes? Well – go ahead then," she suggested. His eyes grew wide in astonishment. "Jeez, Mom – I-I can't give myself a hand job while you're watching me!" he moaned. "Oh?" She looked amused – and far more. "I thought maybe you'd like to stare at my tits while you did it, darling. Wouldn't that be exciting?" Jimmy couldn't deny that. "And I want to watch you do it, too," she said. "To make sure that you really do drain off your balls – and because I'll enjoy seeing you shoot, too!" The idea thrilled the boy to the core, but he felt frozen, unable to react. He lay there as if his hard-on was nailing him to the bed, impaling him on his own prick. "Still not excited enough, honey?" she sighed. It was evident from her expression that Diana was enjoying herself tremendously as she taunted her son. But it was equally evident that she, too, was getting very excited. The aroma of hot cunt was permeating the bedroom. She raised her knee, her foot on the bed, the other leg trailing to the floor. Then she drew her negligee up above her hips, parting her thighs. Jimmy stared at her cunt. "Look at Mommy," she purred. "Look at Mommy's creamy cunt, darling – see how juicy I am?" Her cunt was wide open and cuntjuice and cum came pouring from her fuckhole like a fountain. Jimmy's hand began to creep down his belly, fingers twitching, reaching for his cock in a dreamlike unreality, as if he were hypnotized or walking in his sleep. "Ahhhh – yeah! Toss yourself off, darling," Diana sighed. "Show Mommy how you jerk off and and I'll let you shoot all over my big tits!" She dipped a hand into her groin, strumming her fingers against her cunt. Jimmy's hand slid onto the hilt of his cock and his fist closed around the thick prick. He gave himself a slow push-pull. His prick leaped up like a missile from his hand, seeming to drag his loins behind in its wake. Hauled up by his hard-on, the athletic young man heaved up from his prone position and knelt on the bed, eyes wild, lips frothy and panting, fist gripping tightly to the root of his rampaging cock. He was kneeling over his reclining mother. Diana rested on her left hip and elbow, supporting her face in her left hand, gazing at his groin in fascination. Her thighs were parted, her belly thrust out. The woman always got turned on by looking at a cock and balls, but staring at the forbidden fruit of her own teenaged son's massive sex tackle was driving her wild. Jimmy wasn't stroking, just holding steady at the pulsing base, his cock jutting from his fist like some meaty war club poised to strike. His fat cock-knob was glowing like a lightbulb and pre-cum was oozing steadily from his pisshole. The thick, white goo clung to his purple slab like whipped cream on a plum. "Oooooh – frig it, darling! Toss off onto my belly and tits!" his mother urged. There were ways in which she would much rather have her son empty his balls, to be sure. A handjob seemed a terrible waste of spunk. But she knew that the virile youth would be able to shoot off more than once – and Diana had carefully planned the day, step by step. She arched, shoving her tits out. The plump tits were so distended that they seemed to be attracted to his cock, like iron filings to a magnet. Jimmy began to skim his fist up and down on his thick, heavily veined cock, lightly at first, merely brushing his palm and encircling fingers up the tube. Then he tightened his grip and frigged harder. As his fist pulled up, his foreskin curled over the ledge of his cock-knob in a fleshy carpet and as he pumped back toward the hilt, that flushed slab flared out dynamically. Diana's eyes crossed as she stared inwards at the throbbing cock-knob, yearning to watch his teenaged slime come spurting from the gaping pisshole, her eyes as hot as the rest of her curvaceous body. Her nipples were tingling for the hot spunk to hose her and her mouth was watering. Jimmy's handsome face was contorted, all twisted up by dark emotions, eyes narrowed to hooded slits, mouth slack and jaws taut. He grunted as he jerked back and sighed as his fist slid up the sensitive prick. He frigged vigorously, his lean ass corkscrewing as he drove his cock out, fucking through his flying fist. His solid balls rolled up and whacked against the heel of his hand, then swung back between his thighs. Diana reached out toward his crotch. She hadn't intended to touch the boy yet, just to watch him jerk off as the first step in the seduction. But now she couldn't resist having a feel. Her palms were tingling and her fingers were itching for his hot, hard prick. She cupped his cumbags in her hand. Jimmy was losing all of his bashful shy inhibitions in the heat of the moment. "Yeah, Mom – hold my nuts!" he cried. Diana fondled those well-packed balls, feeling his load sloshing around within. It felt like the potent boy had a gallon of jizz in his balls. She became more eager than ever to see the slime squirt out and to feel it splash all over her naked torso. She started to pull her hand up from his balls, intending to finish the job for the boy. Now that she had touched him, it seemed pointless for him to jerk himself off when she was so willing to milk his cock, herself. But she had left it an instant too late. His balls ballooned massively in her palm and his prick jolted in his pumping fist. "Here it cums, Mom!" he gasped. Diana squeezed his balls gently and glued her eyes to the head of his cock, longing for the magic moment when his slime came jetting out. "Shoot, darling! Jizz me, Jimmy!" she wailed. Her tits heaved out towards his prick and she tilted her head back, opening her mouth. She was waiting for his fuckjuice in a frenzy. And it was almost as thrilling for Holly, who happened to be looking in the door just as the foaming finale reached a creamy crescendo. Contd. |
Chapter 1 My brother had to go work out of town for a couple weeks, so he asked as did his wife Patti if I’d come stay there to keep her company, and such. Being more than ready to get away from my dreary ordinary life, and away from my husband, and let that family of his go take care of him. I packed and my sister in law Patti was right there to pick me up, and went to their home which is a couple towns away from where my husband and I live. Got there and unpacked and in their guest room. My brother had already left with their whole crew to go out of town and do the job they were going to do. So it was just Patti and I there along with their huge pitbull/boxer Toro they had named him. I guess a fitting name for him since every time he saw a visitor at their house he’d charge at you like a wild bull to get him some petting. Truly by how he’d acted the numerous times I’d been there and visited, I had this deep down womanly feeling that Patti and Toro had something going. The way he would crowd up on me all the time wanting to sniff things he had no business at all even trying to do. And more so than that the way he would shove that big broad headed nose of his between my legs was even more my thoughts something was going on. Nothing much happened the first couple of days I was there, except she would go to her bedroom to take a nap and right behind her was Toro and his nose pushed right up between her legs trying to get at her privates, of course she just swatted him away, though really I think it was because I was there. I swear I could hear sounds coming from their bedroom, that sure were not sounds of taking a nap, but sounds of getting fucked by Toro! The third day I was there and vacuuming the hallway leading to both my room and theirs, Patti of course was taking the nap as she’d tell it every day, and I couldn’t hear anything at first due to the vacuum cleaner running. But I had shut it off and was about to roll the cord up and go put it away that I heard it! Yes Toro, oh Yes Toro oh do it boy, oh do it like that to Momma. My sister in law Patti was crying out. Now Patti was a short woman barely 5ft. tall maybe a couple inches taller than that. Blonde hair down to her shoulders and kept cut like that. Blue/Green eyes and not terribly big breasted at all though maybe a size and cup bigger than my small 31B size ones. But she had a big bubble butt on her which alone made her stand out in a crowd and turn men’s heads. Suddenly out of the blu Patti screamed out; “No Toro oh no Toro, don’t do that!” “I can’t take that Toro!” followed by a loud painful scream. I truly thought he was attacking her by the sound of her screaming at him and the terrible pain she was in. So I ran to their bedroom door and flung it open to go help her with whatever it was he was doing. There on the bed was my sister in law Patti totally absolutely naked, on her back, her legs hiked up feet on the bed and spread wide open, with Toro up between them, and laying over the top of her belly, up between her breast, his head on one side of hers. Had she been clothed you would just think they were rough housing with each other, but she was naked legs spread wide out Toro up between them and he was thrusting at her with his hips like crazy. She had two big throw pillows right up under that bubble butt of hers heaving her pussy right up where he could easily fuck her, and fuck her he was doing! Believe me I’m not ignorant at all to a dogs anatomy in the least, and far more so since when living at home our own pet took me many times, so I was not in any way shape or form confused about what was happening. Toro was buried to the hilt in that hairy blonde pussy of hers, and by how she screamed and was acting he had buried that knot up into it, as he now lay over her cuming like everything up inside her pussy. Oh her head throws and screams and cries, timed perfectly to my seeing that big sack of balls of his jerking up and down, knowing all to well exactly what that meant. I could not see anything right up between them at all, though I sure wanted to! But I stood right there in that doorway watching as Toro fucked and filled his bitch up with hot dog cum. She to was cuming like crazy for him, her whole body shaking, and trembling as she was herself having a powerful orgasm, then she screamed out; “Oh Yes Toro oh give it to me boy!” “Oh your cums so hot, oh fill me Toro, Oh fill me with it!” He was pleasuring her, as much as she was pleasuring him. I got out of the way and closed the door in full awe of what I’d just witnessed and seen. As I continued to hear the loud gruntal moaning sounds of her pleasured desire by him. I stood there just outside the door, stunned and in total unbelief, of what I had just witnessed inside that bedroom, still hearing her loud sounds and his own heavy breathing, joining together in unison of their combined pleasure of and for each other. Now I wasn’t naïve at all about this in the least, in my years at home, our own dog had fucked and licked me to pleasure, and he for sure kept my mom well satisfied! But this was different, this was life in the adult world, and I had just witnessed my sister in law getting fucked by their very own pet dog. The continued sounds of their mating still fully evident, by what I was hearing from the two of them together. Knowing all to well from my own past knowledge of it all, had my own belly twitching and writhing and my mind filled with the relapse of it from home. Toro had flat out knotted her, and knotted up her pussy good! Filling that lithe belly of hers with his hot dog cum! I wanted to run as far away from this as I possibly could. Only my feet and legs wouldn’t budge, the total consumption of it all in my mind, had me outright glued to that spot. Still hearing the sounds of their combined pleasure coming right through that door, as I stood there listening to it all. Finally somehow I was able to force myself to get away from that door, to stop hearing the sounds from within that room! I rushed to the living room my mind still filled with everything that I had witnessed and heard from within there, my own breath labored and filled with some strange deepened outright lust of my own from it all. She was getting fucked and pleasured and I wasn’t! How long all that lasted in that bedroom I cannot recall time wise, I was to lost in my own world of disgust hatred for myself for feeling as I did about all this. But finally I heard that door open, and Toro came happily bouncing into the living room, his snout covered in his and hers combined mess, his thick long tongue lapping out gathering everything he could into his mouth, savoring every bit of their outright combined pleasure, as he strutted about like he was the absolute king of what he had just done in that bedroom. My eyes shot wide open as I saw the full outright sight of his manhood between his legs! Still fully extended from his sheath, his dark red hot colored cock was outrageously thick, covered and dripping everywhere of their combined juices, a huge almost large orange sized ball semi-deflated yet still swollen out covered in everything itself from their sex session. More or as much disturbing at what I was so gawking and in awed disbelief of was the tip, because it was long and tapered from the thickness of his shaft at least 2 or 3 inches in looks long like that. Oh it made me instantly shudder all over knowing all to well just where that had been in my sister in laws pussy! All the while as I stared and awe stricken at Toro’s manhood, I had heard her slowly struggling to go down the hallway and into the bathroom. Toro had just strutted himself right over to his bed spot in the living room laying down and his huge thick head leaned into his body licking up the remains of their juices from his entire cock and heavy thickly set of balls. After that he just outright fell asleep, laying there breathing so heavily still panting as he had been. Sometime seemed to pass as I heard her finally coming down the hallway and into the living room, a total wreck of how she was messed up so. Her long blonde hair totally a complete mess matted all up with where he had apparently drooled all in it, not thinking I guess as to my even being there she was still naked her hands slung over her belly grasping it with the hurting pain she felt upside her deepest depths, her thick blonde haired mound matted all up with her and his combined cum. Her legs spread outwards as if she had just jumped off from a long hard horse ride, telling the full tale that she’d just been fucked by his huge dog cock and so stretched open from it all made her walk like this now. Scratches were evident all over each of the sides of her waist and all over her belly and up to near her small breast where her nipples were hard as stones from the pleasure he had just given her in that bedroom. Right to the kitchen she struggled to go into and got her several glasses of water chugging it down trying to regain her totally dehydrated state from I know had to be her outright draining of body fluids orgasms she had endured. Then gruntingly hurting as she walked to go back to her bedroom I heard her, still holding her belly with her hands, walking back just as she’d walked in, and had not at all paid me one bit of mind being right there as I was. Hours and hours and hours now passed, as Toro lay in his bed asleep, and she off in their bedroom sleeping off her own being fucked as she had never been before. Finally after all this time and I to had fallen asleep right there on the couch, having vivid dreams of what I had so witnessed and encountered this very day, waking up disturbed as hell by it all, my own pussy was on fire with the lust filled thoughts and dream of it all. She came out of her room still slowly getting about, grunting in the pains of walking about still from it all and went into the bathroom, as I heard the tub filling with water then being shut off and heard her every once in a while loudly grunting painful sounds. At last I heard her coming from the bathroom the tub draining, as she slowly walked back to her bedroom, and dressed then came into the living room going to get yet another round of water down, still trying to get herself hydrated from what she and he alike had done in that room. Coming back into the living room she slowly walked bowlegged into, wearing a loose pair of shorts with just a t shirt on, she struggled painfully to her chair and sat down and began drinking down a mixed drink now, sitting back into the chair struggling to even do that without pain. She swigged that mixed drink right down, as I knew she was hurting so I got up took her drink glass and went and made her another, and me my first one. Returning with our drinks she said nothing, but could not at all look at me telling me she felt and was dealing with the almighty guilt this causes we women to feel after this has happened. I said nothing either and just went right back to the couch and sat down drinking down my own courage water, to somehow come to grips with all this myself as much as she was herself. After getting up several times and making she and I alike more drinks, things seemed to tame down in both our minds, becoming more adjusted to this outright unbelievable event that had occurred. At last she could at least look up at me, though quickly turning her head away in total disgrace and guilt, knowing I had heard and seen it all! Then out of nowhere when she was as tipsy as I was, Toro wakes up. It was about to become known just why this was going on! |
Getting Married Set Me Free by Vanessa Evans Part 4 Day 5 I woke up to the feeling of Dylan slowly fucking me and after we’d both cum I looked at the clock and saw that Dylan had woken up 30 minutes earlier than I expected. When I asked Dylan why, he told me that he had set the alarm 30 minutes earlier so that we had time for a love-making session to set him up for the day, Dylan left for work with me promising to wear my Lush vibrator all day so that he could pleasure me whenever he wanted to. After a long session in the bathroom finishing what I wasn’t able to do when Dylan getting to work on time had been the priority. Then I decided that I needed to go to the nearby supermarket for a couple of things that I could do with getting. Dylan had told me that we’d do a weekly shop online but he hadn’t got around to setting it up. I chose to wear a short tank top with spaghetti straps that was made of very thin cotton and my nipples made 2 nice bulges in it. For a skirt I chose a denim micro skirt that the back is just long enough to cover my butt, but at the front it only just covers my slit if you are looking at me from less than a couple of metres. Any further away and you can make out my slit and protruding clit which still hasn’t decided to have a rest and hide behind it’s hood. Before I put on the 2 inch heeled sandals I slid my Lush into my always wet these days, pussy and sighed, waiting and hoping the Dylan would pleasure me quite soon. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the pink antenna sticking down between my legs and thought that maybe I should take it out until I got home but instead I bent the antenna so that the end was between my butt cheeks. Satisfied with my looks I grabbed my bag and left the house. It was an unusually very pleasant day with not a cloud in the sky and I decided that when I got back I would do some sunbathing in the back garden. My all-over tan was still golden brown but I wanted to hang on to it for as long as I could. I felt bare, exposed, horny, close to being illegal and very good as I walked along, the gentle breeze rushing passed my pussy as I walked along the streets which got busier as I got closer to the supermarket. As I walked along the supermarket aisles I notice a couple of guys do a double-take, and one youth openly stare at me. I so wasn’t used to that happening but I guessed that Esther 2 would get used to it, especially as it made me feel good. I stopped at the feminine hygiene section to get some tampons. I’d never used them before because my mother had told me that they were ungodly. Since I no longer wear knickers, pads were out of the question from now on. As I picked up a box of tampons I remembered what my doctor had said when I was getting some contraception, that my periods would get a lot lighter, or even stop altogether. I hoped for the latter but was preparing for the former. I was sure that Dylan hoped for the latter as much as I did but I was sure that he’d help me with the instruction of how to insert a tampon. Hoping that I got the right tampons I went and paid then left and headed for home. As I was walking I decided to take a short diversion and cut through a corner of the big park that was on my way. It was still mid morning and I couldn’t see anyone in the park so in I went. I had to step over a big puddle from the previous nights rain and as I did so I felt the antenna fall out from between my butt cheeks. Looking around again and still seeing no one I put my hand down to push it back between my butt cheeks, but instead I straightened it out so that it was pointing down to the ground. Smiling to myself, and hoping that at least one man would walk by and see it, I continued walking. Unfortunately, I didn’t see anyone else by the time that I exited the park and headed for home. Back home I stripped naked, got my phone, ear buds, towel and sunblock and went out the back garden to where the sun loungers were. I looked around and saw no one in the gardens of the houses either side, nor in the windows, nor in the trees at the bottom of the garden (the house backs onto the park and is shielded by some trees and bushes). I got myself organised, covered myself in sunblock then relaxed on the lounger. The sun felt different to what it was when I was laying on the beach on honeymoon. Nevertheless, I was going to enjoy myself listening to my music and looking at some of the photographs from the honeymoon that Dylan had transferred to my phone. I must have nodded off because I suddenly heard male voices coming from the garden of one of the neighbours, my phone having come to the end of my music playlist, “It’s a girl, no tits but a funny pink thing where her cock would have been if she’d been a boy.” “She has got tits, just small ones, I bet that they’d look bigger when she stands up.” “Yeah probably, she must be young because she hasn’t got any hair on her pussy, I wonder how old she is?” “I guess that she’s the wife of the guy that was going to live there, dad said that he was getting married so she must be at least 18. You can’t get married until you’re 18 can you?” “I dunno, never needed to find out.” “How the hell have you managed to get to 18 without knowing anything about girls Jason?” “Never really been interested in them, too much fun playing video games.” “Well look and learn Jason. I think that that pink cock thing is a vibrator. I don’t think that it’s switched on because she’s awfully still.” “So do vibrators make a girl jump around like she’s got ants in her pants?” “Bloody hell Jason, you really do need to get a girlfriend.” “Not everyone is like you Tony, so how many girlfriends have you had in your 18 years on this earth?” “Four, and I’ve fucked my current one.” “Lucky you Tony.” “Maybe lucky you Jason, with a neighbour like her, she might be a nympho and put out. How long is it before we go back to university?” “Six weeks, but she’s married, she’s not likely to put out so soon after getting married.” “You never know, maybe you should go round and ask if you can borrow a cup of sugar of something Jason.” “Is that the ‘in’ chat-up line these days, is that what you used Tony?” “Quiet, she’s stirring.” I heard no more but wondered if I really had an 18 year old male virgin living next door. Then I realised that I had been a 20 year old virgin. I suddenly felt a little sorry for him. Anyway, I restarted my music and turned over and relaxed again. I quickly nodded off and had a really weird dream. Dylan and I were on the nude beach that we went to on our honeymoon and for some strange reason I went for a swim on my own. I swam really far out and then I saw a shark swimming in circles around me. I really started to panic but just as the shark came straight at me with its mouth wide open, I was plucked from the sea by 2 men on a boat that I hadn’t see approaching. I’d been rescued by a boat load of men but none of them gave me anything to wear and instead of the taking me back to the beach they sailed away and made me their naked slave. I had to feed them and fuck them for weeks before the police came and rescued me. Then the police were just as bad, they took me to their police station and all of them fucked me in a prisoner’s cell before one of them left the door open and I managed to escape. I ran and ran through the crowded streets until I got to the hotel where Dylan was waiting for me. Then I woke up when the Lush burst into life. I turned over, pulled out my ear buds, spread my legs wide and my right hand went and cupped my pussy because I thought that my clit was going to be shaken off. Dylan had started one of the random app options and I was the girl on the receiving end. Over the next hour or so the vibrator drove me crazy, sometimes making me cum, before switching off and letting me partially recover before it started again. Sweat was pouring off me and I was getting tired. It was only when it finally stopped that I wondered if the 2 guys next door were still watching me. I also wondered what they thought of the show that I was putting on, even if it wasn’t totally voluntary. That day Dylan’s evening meal was ready for him when he got home but it had to go into the microwave before we got around to eating it. As we finally ate it I told Dylan about my weird dream and asked him if he knew what it meant. “Probably nothing but maybe you subconsciously want to be a naked sex slave and get fucked by lots of men.” “Maybe, it would be nice to get fucked non-stop.” “I’ll do my best to do that Esther, now, tell me what happened when I switched the vibrator on. What did that random setting do to you? How many times did you cum?” I told him everything then he said, “I wish that I could have seen what it was doing to you Esther. You do realise that you could have stopped it all just by pulling it out of you?” “Of course I do, but it felt soo good.” “Okay, sometime soon we’ll find the time to properly experiment with it and try all the different settings. Hey, turn around, I want to see your butt, see if it’s still a bit red from yesterday’s spanking.” I did, and it wasn’t. “Do you want me to make it red before your naked yoga Esther?” “We haven’t got the time, we have to leave soon to meet Tom and Lucy, I don’t want to be late for my first lesson.” We got ready and left with me wearing another of my new dresses. This one has a flared skirt part and the breeze in the Underground played its part in me wondering if I had forgotten to put anything on below my waist. We stood at the end of a carriage and Dylan put a hand up the back of my dress and played with my pussy, nearly making me cum, before we had to get off. As we were leaving the station Dylan asked me if I’d like some stranger to play with my pussy like that when the train was crowded. “Yes I would, but only doing that, I wouldn’t want to be fucked on a train by a complete stranger.” “I’ll have to take some days off and we can hit the rush hour, see if you can get groped like that.” “That sounds nice.” I replied. “What sounds nice?” Tom asked as we met up. “Oh nothing.” I said, “Hi Lucy, Tom. Shall we go Lucy, I don’t want to be late.” Lucy and I set off to walk the short distance to the class, Lucy handing me one of the rolled-up yoga mats that she was carrying and Dylan went with Tom to the pub. “Are you nervous Esther?” Lucy asked. “A little bit.” “You’ll be fine, and the exercise will do you good.” Lucy led me to a sports hall and we went straight in and into this big room where I saw 6 other girls in various states of undress and one very naked youngish woman setting up a music system. When she saw me she left what she was doing and came over to us. Lucy introduced me to Amber who welcomed me then told me to follow what the she was doing and do just as much as I could, telling me that it would become easier, and more beneficial, as the weeks went on. “Amber,” Lucy said, “would you believe that Esther was still a virgin a few weeks ago?” I blushed and said, “Lucy, you didn’t have to tell Amber that.” “That’s okay Esther, the important thing is that you are here and willing to give it a go. I promise you that you will feel a lot happier with yourself after this lesson, now strip off ladies, we need to get started. I was naked in seconds and Lucy was just as quick, her not wearing any underwear as well. Amber got the class started and I quickly realised that I knew next to nothing about yoga and certainly didn’t realise that a lot of the poses involved leg spreading, even thrusting your spread pussy up in the air. Okay, I’ll admit that I was nervous and a bit embarrassed at first but I soon started to relax and actually enjoyed doing it. I guess that the calming music and being told to think of a pleasant and quiet place helped. Also, the fact that my body was going into positions that I imagined Dylan’s big cock entering me, helped, and after about 30 minutes I was quite happy and not at all concerned that 8 other young women were seeing my spread, wet pussy and my little tits. I took sneaky looks at the other women and most of them had hard nipples and damp, if not wet pussies, Lucy’s looking as wet as mine felt. I also couldn’t help noticing that a couple of the other ladies (not Lucy), had big inner labia, one hanging very low. I was pleased that my pussy lips were very small. A couple of times I saw Lucy looking at me and when our eyes met she mouthed the word ‘okay’ to which I nodded my head. We must have done a couple of dozen different poses and I found some of them really hard to do, and to hold them for the required number of seconds, as well as the others were doing them, and by the time Amber said that the session was over I was quite tired and sweaty. Amber came over to me and asked me how it had gone for me. “Good,” I replied, “I didn’t know much about yoga before tonight and I never expected it to be so hard work and exposing.” “Yoga isn’t meant to be sexy Esther,” Amber replied, “it’s meant to relax you, make you feel feel good about yourself and to strengthen your muscles including your heart and lungs. We don’t do Kegel exercises here but we do do other poses that strengthen you pelvic muscles. You’ll ache in the morning but I promise you that you’ll ache less and less as the weeks go by Esther. By the way, Kegel exercises are good for you and your husband will appreciate you doing them. Will I see you next week?” “Yes you will Amber, thank you.” With that Amber slipped on a dress, picked up her belongings and left. I turned to Lucy and asked her if there were any showers there. “Yes, there are, but all the other ladies don’t use them, probably have a shower when they get home. I didn’t use them because I’d have been on my own, but we can go and see if they are working if you like Esther.” “Yes please, I don’t really want to be all sweaty when Dylan jumps on me later.” We put our dresses on then went to the ladies changing room where we found the showers. They weren’t that nice but they would do. As we were showering I asked Lucy what Kegel exercises were and she told me, adding that she liked having a tight pussy for Tom to penetrate, and that he liked her that way as well. I practised doing what Lucy described whilst still in the shower with Lucy watching. “That’s it Esther, do around 50 of those each day and Dylan will never tire of fucking you.” I made a mental note to do just that. About 20 minutes later we were walking to the pub to meet Dylan and Tom. “Good workout Esther?” Dylan asked me as he kissed me and grabbed my butt through the thin fabric of my dress. “Yes thanks, I feel so relaxed, and horny, I can’t wait to get home Dylan. I’ve got something to show you.” “I’ve shown Esther how to do Kegel exercises.” Lucy said. “Yes,” Tom said, “Lucy is usually quite horny when she gets home as well.” Lucy smiled then asked who was going to get her and me a drink. “Party still on for a week on Saturday Tom?” Dylan asked. “Yep, everything is organised, just turn up when you are ready, and Esther, dress is casual or optional, okay?” I looked at Tom, thought for a couple of seconds then replied, “Optional!? You mean some people will be naked there?” “Maybe, who knows. No Esther, I was just joking about the optional part to see if you’d turn up naked and let everyone see that amazing body of yours. I’m sure that Dylan wouldn’t mind, after all, he’s shown your honeymoon photos to at least half of the people that will be there.” I said nothing but I did wonder what people thought when they saw those photos. Those thoughts made my pussy wet enough for me to think about what it would like to be at a party totally naked. There was a lot of small talk before we finished our drinks and left. Again, we stood at the end of the carriage with Dylan’s hand up the back of my skirt playing with my clit. This time he managed to make me cum just before we got to our station. There weren’t many people around the escalators but the breeze did remind me that I had nothing covering my pussy. Our lovemaking was very intense before we fell asleep, me with Dylan’s cock going soft inside me. ***** Day 6 After Dylan had woken me in the best possible way, and we’d continued our lovemaking from the night before, I got off the bed and instantly realised that what Amber had said was right, I had aches in muscles that I never knew that I had. I fell back onto the bed then remembered about the Kegel exercise. As I spread my legs I said, “Dylan, look at my pussy, I’m doing Kegel exercises, they’re supposed to tighten my vaginal muscles so I always feel tight for you.” Dylan came round between my legs and smiled. After watching me for a few seconds he said, “Hold it right there Esther.” And he went and got his phone. Seconds later he told me to start again and he videoed my pussy as I did some more Kegel exercises. Then he inserted his hard cock inside my dripping hole and made us both cum again. As I lay back savouring the moment, Dylan said, “Oh shit, it’s Friday, I have to go to work.” With that he jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I did what I could to help him and he left with a piece of toast stuck out of his mouth. At least it was casual Friday so getting dressed was a bit quicker. Later that morning I phoned Dylan and got his supermarket account details and worked out how to place a grocery order for delivery the next morning. I was lazy for the rest of the morning but the sun came out and I went out to top-up my tan. I’d put my Lush in, hoping that Dylan would remember to pleasure me sometime. Whilst I was laying there, thinking of things that I could do when Dylan was at work, I heard a rustling from where I had seen my 2 voyeurs the day before. I couldn’t see anyone but I did open my legs a bit more just in case they were there watching me and it wasn’t a cat or a dog. Dylan did switch my vibrator on and pleasured me as I lay there, and he left it on for about an hour. He used a different one of the random app options and it had longish period of no vibrations which left me trying to anticipate when it would come back on. Very frustrating. When Dylan got home we had a very leisurely evening, even going for a walk in the park. I put on a skirt and top and Dylan joked that he could hang his coat on my chapel hat pegs even through my top and that he’d drown if he put his face under my pussy. “I’m not going to piss on you Dylan.” I said. “No, no, I wouldn’t like that, I meant your pussy juices. I think that we need to put a towel under your pussy on the bed, we don’t want to stain the mattress.” I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed, ashamed, or what, but Dylan hugged me and said that he loved me, and every drop of my pussy juice. We had another early night but not getting to sleep until later. ***** Day 7 - Saturday It was In-laws visit day but Dylan still woke me the best possible way. Not that it would have made any difference but when the doorbell rang I had to get off the bed and go and take the supermarket delivery. The poor, middle-aged man looked quite embarrassed as I picked up each basket and took it into the kitchen to empty it. By the time I picked up the last one the poor man’s face had returned to normal and I’m sure that he’d been staring at my butt as I carried the baskets to the kitchen. He even had a grin on his face when he asked me to sign his PDA thing. As I closed the door I wondered if he’d be the one that brought me our groceries each week. Dylan had made his way from the bedroom to the kitchen and he asked me if I’d enjoyed teasing the delivery guy. “I didn’t do it deliberately, but it was fun. Besides, it was your fault for keeping me in bed.” “Even if we’d got out of bed an hour earlier you’d still have been naked wouldn’t you Esther.” “Okay, got me, are you going to spank me?” “Not right now, mum, dad and maybe John will be here in about an hour. Maybe I should spank you just before we go to my boss’s place for the barbecue tomorrow?” “Are you planning on getting me to take my dress off and show everyone my red, bare butt Dylan?” “Maybe. Come on, lots to do before mum and dad get here. I’m sure that it will be a friendly visit, not like your mother’s Esther.” “I hope so.” A couple of hours later the doorbell rang again, but this time be both went to open the door and I was wearing a dress. “Hello Mr. and Mrs Hargreaves.” I said. “Please,” Dylan’s mother replied, “call us Mary and Mark, and wow Esther, married life suits you, that’s a beautiful dress that you are wearing and you have a nice tan.” “Almost wearing.” Mark added, “Girls these days wear things that hardly cover anything, especially in the summer months, you look amazing Esther.” “Thank you Mark.” I replied, “Hi John, I’m pleased that you tagged along.” “So am I, it is Esther isn’t it? You look so different to before.” “Thanks, blame your brother for that.” We finally went in, to the lounge and sat down. As John walked in I noticed that his eyes lingered on one of the nude photos of me that was hanging on the wall, but he didn’t say anything. I played the good host and made tea and offered it to everyone and I made sure that my back was to John and Mark as I bent to give Mary and Dylan their tea. Dylan later told me that his dad’s eyes opened wide for a couple of seconds before a big grin appeared on his face. I sat on Dylan’s lap as we talked and I could feel Dylan’s hard cock pressing on my bare butt. I just hoped that I wasn’t leaving a wet patch on his jeans. “Haven’t you opened all the wedding presents?” Mary asked as she pointed to the pile of unopened gifts. “No, not yet.” Dylan replied, “too many other things to do.” “Hmm,” John replied, “I can see that.” John was looking at me when he said that and I saw that his eyes were looking at my legs which were bare right up the top of my thighs. He was at the right angle and I wondered if he could see my bald pubis and maybe my slit and clit. Inevitably, the conversation got around to the wedding reception and both Mary and Mark said that they were disappointed when my mother started to throw a wobbler about some of the guests making out. I apologised for her but Mary told me that I shouldn’t apologise for my parents and that it was obvious that I wasn’t at all like my mother. “Ain’t that the truth.” John added, “I thought that you were a bit of a religious nutter Esther but I can see now you are nothing like your mother.” “John,” Mary said, “you have to learn to be a bit more tactful.” “That’s okay Mary,” I replied. “John’s right and I have Dylan to thank for helping me to change.” “Yes, you’ve certainly done that Esther,” Mark added. “You know Esther,” Mary said, “when Mark and I were your age we used to run around without any clothes on.” “MOTHER!” John replied, “too much information, way too much.” Everyone except John started laughing. “I even got close to being arrested for public indecency one time when Mark dared me to streak a football match. That used to happen a lot when we were your age Esther. I only got away with it because Mark was waiting at the other side of the pitch with my coat and shoes and when the coppers got there I looked just like all the other girls there. Not that I’m suggesting that you go streaking Esther, there are way too many cameras out there these days but I’m sure that you could find somewhere to run around naked it you wanted to. Just remember, it’s not what you are, or are not wearing, it’s how you hold yourself that matters. You’d be surprised how much you can get away with if you are acting as if you doing nothing wrong.” “Mother,” John said, “Esther is a devout Catholic and would never be so vulgar.” I saw John’s eyes go to the big photograph on the wall then he continued, “Well you have changed a lot Esther, maybe you would streak a football match.” “John,” I replied, “my devotion to Catholicism was totally driven by my mother but she no longer rules my life, so yes I have changed but I doubt very much that I would streak a football match. As your mother says, way too many council and police cameras around these days.” “But you would go naked on a beach wouldn’t you? That is you in the photograph isn’t it?” John was pointing to the photograph on the wall and I saw that Mary and Mark had also turned to look at the photograph. “I should have brought my glasses.” Mark said as he got up and went to get a better look at the photograph.” After a few seconds Mark said, “Looks like you’ve got a bit of competition Mary. I just knew that Esther had a great body underneath all those clothes.” Mary, who was by then stood next to Mark, replied, “Very nice my dear, I wish that my body was still like yours Esther. Don’t you go hiding it under all those old-fashioned clothes that you used to wear. Be proud of your body.” “You’ve still got an amazing body Mary, for your age.” “MUM, DAD, please, way too much information.” John said. “Seriously Esther,” Mary said with a smile on her face, “You’re only young once, enjoy your body whilst you can.” Dylan and I had also got to our feet and Dylan was stood behind me with his arms around my waist. “Oh we are mother.” Dylan said. “Come and have a look at the other photographs that we’ve got hanging on the walls.” As we all went to look at each photograph I actually blushed a little at the ones that showed my spread and wet pussy, but at the same time I was feeling proud of my body. I got complimentary remarks from all my in-laws at each photo and by the time we all looked at he last one my shyness and embarrassment had gone. After looking at all the hanging photos Dylan suggested that we go out the back and before I realised it, Dylan and Mark were discussing changes to the layout of the back garden. John was just looking around and when he saw the sun loungers he said, “Is that where you do your naked sunbathing Esther?” “Total lack of tact this one,” Mary said, “we’ve tried hard to educate him but he still lacks some of the basics.” “Thanks mum. Is it Esther?” “Yes John, I’ve sunbathed naked on that sun lounger.” “Ignore him dear, he’ll learn one day.” “That’s okay Mary, I’m sure that he means well.” I replied. “Yes, I just wish that we could get him to put his brain in gear before he opens his mouth. So Esther, I’m really pleased that you have changed. I had been a little worried that you were going to turn Dylan into some sort of unenlightened, woke, prudish, maybe even religious nutter.” “Well one of us has seen the light and it certainly wasn’t Dylan. In fact he’s been very supportive of the new me, even pushing me to do things that I wanted to do but didn’t think that I had the courage to do. He’s my rock.” “It sounds like you tell each other everything, even your fantasies, that’s good Esther.” “Yes we do, and Dylan is helping us realise all of them.” “So Esther, now that you’ve stopped working what are you going to do with all your spare time?” Mary asked. “I’m not sure yet, but exercise is going to take up quite a bit of my time, I’ve already started going to yoga sessions.” I replied wondering if I should have said that it was naked yoga. “Jogging is good for keeping your legs and heart in shape and maybe you could get yourself a personal trainer, Dylan can afford to pay for one for you. In the summer months you could do your workouts out here.” I had an immediate vision of me working out totally naked and the 2 voyeurs from next door spying on me. I felt a little wet rush. “I might just do that Mary. It’s that big park just through those trees, maybe Dylan could cut an entrance at the bottom of the garden so that I can get straight into the park.” “I’m sure that he could do that, he’s very resourceful.” The rest of the conversations were not very interesting and my in-laws left with me feeling a lot happier than when my mother had left. “So,” Dylan said as we walked back out the back to collect the glasses, “this is the sun lounger that you’ve been sunbathing naked on is it?” “Yes it is, and it’s the one where you’ve been trying to turn my insides to jelly with that vibrator Dylan.” “So how about you having some real, live meat inside you on that lounger my little nymphomaniac?” My answer to that was to take me dress off leaving me totally naked on the back lawn in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. I didn’t even think about the possibility of one, or more, of the neighbours watching us. Dylan dropped his shorts and we had a very animalistic fuck. We opened the rest of the wedding gifts before having and early night, but again getting to sleep late. ***** |
“MMMmmm, OOOHHH... Yes honey!” I here through the wall. Mom and Dad having sex again like they do several nights a week. I just lay here imagining them, Mom on top riding Dad’s cock. Dad holding Mom’s firm ass, watching her mesmerizing titties bounce up and down. “Lick my titties, MMMmmm yes! Oh, your cock is so hard.” I hear Mom, she sounds like she is getting close. Dad always gets her off. “You like that cock do ya? MMMmmm take it. Ride that cock baby!” Dad always gets her worked up just before... “MMMmmm Honey, I’m gonna cum on this cock so hard. Fuck me... Fuck me hard.” I hear more groans, a lot of skin slapping, then Mom shouts out, “YES!” A few seconds later I can hear them changing positions. “That’s it, baby! Take my load in your mouth. Suck it, Baby. MMMmmm yes.” Mom must be swallowing his load. “That’s it, baby. Good girl!” I hear Mom get up and go into their bathroom. Moments later I hear Dad snoring. I lay here trying to sleep, but who can sleep with a hard-on like this. “Morning Dear” Mom says as I walk over and sit down at the counter. “How’d you sleep?” I’d like to tell her the truth. I’d love to say how I spent half the night stroking my cock, thinking about her and Dad sucking and fucking. “Okay, I guess.” Mom slides a plate of pancakes in front of me then, she walks over next to me and leans over and drizzles the pancakes with syrup. She is wearing her light blue silk pajamas still. A short top that shows plenty of her large cleavage, and loose-fitting shorts that seemed to crawl up her ass, showing off how wonderfully firm it is. She wears something similar every morning, and every morning I do my best to not stare. Mom sits the syrup down next to my plate and continues to make her some pancakes. The music is playing in the background and she’s shaking that ass while dancing to the music. “Somebody’s in a good mood?” I ask as I devour these delicious pancakes. “Yes, I am!” Mom exclaims, as she brings her plate over and sits next to me. She is still moving to the music as she puts syrup on her plate. “Your Dad...” Please don’t say rocked my world!” I say to myself. “... told me this morning that we are going away for the weekend. He has to work late tonight but early tomorrow we head to the beach for a little R and R.” “R and R, more like T and A.” I’d imagine, as I finish up my stack of pancakes. “You will have the house to yourself, all weekend. We will be home late Sunday night.” Mom finishes her pancakes and grabs the dishes and dances them to the sink. I grab the glasses and bring them to the sink. I reach around her like a hug and set them in the soapy water. Mom grabs both of my hands and holds them across her breasts forcing me to give her a hug. She sticks her ass out and wiggles it to the music, rubbing against my cock. She leans her head back giving me a wonderful look down her shirt as she kisses me on my cheek, then she lets go and starts singing to the music as she continues with the dishes. It was all innocent but if she knew what she was doing to my cock at that moment. I get dressed to head to my summer job. I start college in the fall and am hoping to earn some spending money over the summer so, I found a job at this local pizzeria. I deliver most days but sometimes they have me cooking or clearing tables. I don’t mind working in the restaurant but, there is a sort of freedom while you are delivering. Plus, every once and a while, there will be a half-naked woman who answers the door. I’ve seen so many pornos where the delivery guy gets laid but, that hasn’t happened to me... YET! Mom stops by my room on her way to get dressed for the day, she knocks and pokes her head in. “Have a nice day at work and don’t forget you have the house to yourself this weekend. If you wanted to invite someone over.” Her voice trails up at the end, as if to insinuate, I should try to get laid. Unfortunately, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment. “Thanks Mom. I’ll see what I can do.” I bring a pizza home with me after work. It’s just Mom and I tonight since Dad is working late. Mom talks my ear off about their plans for the weekend. The nice resort, with couple’s massages and in room sauna. The secluded beach with cabana boys that bring you umbrella drinks all day. Mom is looking forward to relaxing but more so, she is looking forward to lots of sex with Dad. Mom never really came out and said it but, you could tell by the way her nipples would get hard when she talks about the trip. After dinner we curled up together on the couch and watched TV. She talks thru the commercials. She is so in love with Dad and he with her. They met in High School but didn’t start dating until the summer after. They decided to go to the same in state college. After graduating they married, two years later I was born. They both worked until they had the house paid off and quite a bit of money saved up. Mom decided to work from home during the pandemic, then just never went back. Dad makes enough she doesn’t need to work. Mom starts to get antsy, staring at the clock as it gets later and later. She mentions that I don’t have to wait up with her but, I don’t mind. I’m going to get a lot of sleep this weekend. She tries calling Dad but there is no answer. This is not unusual, when Dad is working, he sometimes shuts off his phone, to not be disturbed. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door. I get up with Mom to answer it. There on the porch stands a Police Officer. Mom starts to shake as she opens the door. “Good evening, Ma’am. May I come in for a moment?” Mom can’t speak. “Yes, please do.” I answer. I let him in, and we sit down at the table. “Ma’am, there has been an accident involving your husband. I’m sorry to tell you but, your husband has died.” Mom is in shock. I ask the officer for details, and he answers what he can. He gives me a number to call in the morning and then, excuses himself. Mom watches him leave then walks over to me. She gives me a tight squeeze that seems to last forever then, she kisses me. It’s a soft kiss. When we break apart, she collapses into my arms. I carry her to her room and place her on the bed. She thanks me and I walk out. After walking out, I call my Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, and close friends of the family. I turned out all the lights and go to my room to cry. Sometime in the middle of the night I hear my mom stop crying. She walks into my room, crawls into my bed, and holds me. I rolled over to face her. She wraps her legs in mine, holds me tight, and kisses me. She parts her lips and I do too. Our tongues touch for the first time. Mom’s hands start to caress my back and so I follow suit. I love my mother, and after the shock she had tonight, I am not going to deny her anything she needs. Mom’s right-hand lowers to the waistband of my boxer shorts that I sleep in. She slips her hand inside and begins to caress my butt. I lower mine to her butt, however, I leave mine on the outside of her silky pajama bottoms. I rub her ass cheeks as we continue to swirl our tongues together. Mom takes her other hand and slides it to my crotch. She starts to rub my cock over my boxers. I just let her lead. Before long she is tugging them down. I help her by lifting my hips up sliding them down. Mom remains down by my cock. She lifts her shirt over her head and those beautiful tits flop out. She grabs both of them and gives them a squeeze and a pull. Her nipples harden instantly. I lean up and she puts each to my mouth one at a time. I give each a momentary suck then kiss her on her lips. Mom pushes me down to the bed and grabs my hard cock. She starts to stroke it. Her tits sway side to side as she uses her whole body to move her hands up and down on my cock. I glance up from those beautiful titties to see her staring at my cock and licking her lips. She leans down and takes the head in her moth. Her tongue is a frenzy of licking and swirling around my cock in her mouth. She removes one hand, and it goes straight to her crotch. She starts to rub her pussy as her mouth drops lower. I hear and feel her moan on my cock. When her mouth reaches the base of my cock, I feel her suck really hard. Then she starts to bob up and down on my cock. Her hand is up her shorts and is moving rapidly. I place a hand on her shoulder and one on her thigh. I’m not guiding them; I’m just resting them there to let her know I’m there for her. I see her thighs squeeze shut and she moans again. She shakes for a second, stopping her assault on my cock. Mom stands up on the bed. She turns her ass towards my face. She lowers her shorts while bending, guiding them down to her feet. She stands back up and steps out of them. She lowers back to the bed, grabs her wet shorts, then she puts the crotch right to my nose and mouth. I smell her musky scent. The way my cock twitched you’d think it smelled them too. I watch my mom straddle my legs with her ass up towards me. She grabs my cock as she squats, and her wet pussy engulfs my manhood completely. Her gorgeous asshole, slightly darker than her skin, is staring at me. She starts to bounce that ass and I watch my swollen member go in and out of her sopping wet pussy. I have only been with two girls before this, and we didn’t exactly experiment a lot. The sight of my mom’s ass bouncing on my cock is the best thing I have ever seen or felt in my whole life. She is grunting with every thrust. I feel my balls begin to tighten up. I have seconds before I cum. I tap my mom on the back to signal her. She slams down hard and her pussy grips tight. I can feel her insides tugging on my cock. I hear her moan loud as my cock cums deep inside her. She starts to shake a little, and juices leak out from around my cock and coat my balls. Mom just sits there. I hear her sniffle. She gets off me, turns and kisses me deep, then walks out of my room. I hear her in her bathroom, then she returns. She lays next to me, pressing her back to me, then she sleeps. I lay there, watching my mom sleep. “I gave her what she needed. It was just sex. She would have had a lot of sex with Dad this weekend but...” I couldn’t shut off my brain. I hurt all over... I’m sure my mom does to. “This had to be to get her mind off of everything else. I wonder if this will happen again?” I can’t help but press her shorts to my face again and take a long smell. In the morning I get up early. I know Mom isn’t going to be hungry, but she will need to eat. I make a bowl of instant oatmeal and poor her some juice. I take it to my room, but she isn’t there anymore. I go to her room, and she is sitting on her bed. I set the breakfast down and ask, “What’s the matter?” She looks at me with tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what to wear. What I’m supposed to do. Who I’m supposed to...” “We’ll figure it out, Mom. I called everyone last night that I thought needed to know right away. The Officer left a card with a phone number on it and said to call it today.” I go to her closet and remove a black pants suit and set it on the bed. I get a pair of black knee-high nylons, panties, bra, and a pair of black flats. I stand in front of her and pull her top off. I help her put her bra on. She stands up and I remove her shorts. I then help her with her panties and pants. I pulled her white silk shirt over her head as she pushes her arms thru the sleeves. I help her with her nylons and shoes then, she carries her jacket while I carry her breakfast to the kitchen. She sits down and eats. I eat next to her, not a word is spoken. Later in the morning Grandma shows up. She recently buried Grandpa, so she knows what needs to be done. Mom lets her handle all of it. I offer to help where I can. Grandma pulls me aside, “What I need from you, and this is probably the hardest part, is to keep your mother occupied. Take her shopping, she will need more black clothes. Get her to eat when you can, she isn’t going to be hungry, but she has to eat. Most importantly, get her to talk about your dad.” I nod while she talks to let her know I understand. “She mentioned the beach, see if she wants to go there.” Mom and I head to the clothing store. It’s a local chain, that carries some of the top brands. I ask Mom what size I should look for. She spit out some numbers 37-28-35 but then gave me the dress size, size 10. I sift thru the racks of clothing, obviously looking for black, and find two that seem conservative enough for a funeral. Mom finds one on a different rack and we head to the changing room. I start to sit down outside, to wait for her to try them on but she grabs my hand, “I’m going to need your help.” she states and starts dragging me inside with her. There aren’t any other people in the changing rooms thankfully, as we head to the back and find a booth. I sit down on the bench and try to be invisible. “Which one first? Let’s try this one.” Mom seems to be talking, just to be talking, as she hangs up the dresses. There is music playing from the loudspeakers, it’s some slow song from the 2000’s. Mom pauses to listen, then smiles. “Did I ever tell you about your dad and I in this store?” Mom starts to sway to the music as she removes her jacket. “We were shopping for lingerie, and he couldn’t wait to see me in it. Funny, I was never in it for very long.” She pulls her top off, then she unzips her pants on the side. “He sat with his eyes closed... or so he said... I’m sure he was peeking the whole time.” Mom slides down her pants and steps out of them. She folds them neatly and sets them next to me. I can’t help but stare at her breasts, they are inches from my face. “I started to do a strip tease as I got undressed. I put my tits next to his face, but he didn’t move.” She removes the first dress from the hanger. “I bent down and put my naked ass in his face, I knew he could smell my perfume.” She bends down, her ass is inches from my face, as she steps into her dress and pulls it up. I have to adjust myself. My cock is starting to get hard. “Well, what do you think of this one?” she asks, as she puts her arms in. She tries to zip but struggles, so I stand up and zip her up. She does a spin in front of the mirror, pausing to adjust her breasts. She leans back against me. I know she can feel my erection. “Let’s try the next one.” I say trying to remove any attention from my bulge in my pants. I unzip her and sit back down. “Dress number two it is.” she says, as she drops the dress to the floor. Once again, I find her firm ass in my face as she bends to pick it up. I take a whiff of her; her perfume is heavenly with a hint of muskiness. “So, your dad, sat there pretending not to look. I put on the stockings while giving him a view of my pussy. I bent at the waist and gave him a perfect view of my rosebud as I put my panties on, and I gave him an eye full as I put on this tight corset like bustier.” As she talked, she returned the first dress to the hanger and grabbed the next. She lifted her arms above her head and slid the dress down from above. Her tits jiggle as she wiggles to get the dress down. Her nipples are hard. I sit here and watch the show for a minute before standing and helping her lower the dress. It’s a tight fit over her tits. “Thank you honey.” Mom says as she leans in and gives me a hug and a peck on the lips. She reaches around and gives my ass a squeeze, before twirling around in front of the mirror. She leans back against me again, but this time she has a hand behind her back. She grabs my hard cock and gives it a squeeze. She smiles at me in the mirror and adjusts her tits. “I think you like this one.” she says as she starts to rub my cock. “Now help me remove it.” I reach down and grab the bottom. I start to pull it up, exposing her firm thighs, her panties with a clearly visible wet spot, her firm tummy, then with a tug, her tits pop free. I leave the dress over her face as I lean in and give each of her breasts a kiss. She pulls the dress the rest of the way off, leans in and kisses me deep. A moment later she pushes me back to my seat. “I tell your dad to look. He opens his eyes and pretends to be surprised. You know how bad his acting is...” She is putting the dress back on the hanger and stops. Tears gather in her eyes. She looks at me, smiles a devilish grin, then goes back to replacing the dress. “With this third dress, I will need to be topless.” She squats down between my legs, and I reach around and unhook her bra. She slides it off into my hands. Her erect nipples graze my cheeks as she stands. She starts to sway to the music again. I bring her bra to my nose and smell her perfume again. As I do, she slips her fingers into the waist of her panties and removes them bending at the waist. I have the perfect view of her pussy and her rosebud as she sways her hips to the music. My cock is in pain pressing against my jeans. The third dress is a wrap around. She slips it on like a robe, tying the straps in the back. “Your dad would love this dress. Easy on easy off.” she giggles. “Come look.” She pulls me up behind her, and leans back against me again, her hands behind her. She grabs my ass and pulls me tight up against her. She sways to the music rubbing her ass against my cock. Only a thin piece of cloth covering her naked ass. The dress lightly covering her breasts, her nipples fully erect. We stay there and sway in front of the mirror. Her eyes are closed, she is clearly remembering that time with dad. I lean down and start to kiss her neck. “Your dad would kiss me like that. He would reach his hands to my breasts and play with my nipples.” she says as she finds my hands and places them inside her dress. I start to play with her nipples, pinching and pulling. “He would bite firmly on my shoulder as he reaches his hand down between my legs.” I take a firm bite and slide one hand down between her thighs and up to her wet pussy lips. I rub firmly up and down as my fingers get wetter and wetter. “He then would strip me and force me on my knees in front of him.” I untie the dress and slide it off of her. She quickly replaces the dress on the hanger and turns. We kiss deep, our tongues exploring, our hands roaming, our hips pressed firmly together. I place a hand on top of her head and push her down. She drops to her knees and reaches for my pants. I watch as she opens my fly and lowers my jeans and briefs. My straining cock flies up and hits her in the chin. We both giggle. “Your dad never did that!” She fully envelopes my cock in her mouth, taking it to her throat. She begins to play with my balls as she moves her mouth back and forth over my cock. She has a hand down between her legs, playing with her pussy as she sucks on my cock. “I hear you and dad having sex.” She speeds up. “I imagine you and Dad doing all sorts of positions.” Her hand starts to finger her wet hole. The sloshing sound and the sucking is noticeable throughout the change room. “I hear him telling you to “Suck it, baby!” and to “Take his load!” almost every night.” Mom lets go of my balls. She reaches around to my ass and pulls my ass tight against her as my cock enters her throat. She holds it there for a few seconds then pulls back off my cock. “We did it on purpose honey. Your dad and I got more excited knowing you could hear us.” She takes me back into her mouth and pulls me back into her throat. She starts to swallow. This rubs the tip of my cock. I can feel my balls tightening up. I’m about to cum. Mom pulls back to take a breath. I put both hands on her head and pull her throat back on my cock. “That’s it, baby! Take my load in your mouth. Suck it, Baby. MMMmmm yes.” Mom swallows as my load shoots down her throat. She closes her eyes and starts to shake. Moans really loud. Then looks up at me. “That’s it, baby. Good girl!” I say. She stands up. We kiss. I have never felt as close to her as I do at this moment. “Thank you honey. I love you. Now let’s get out of here before someone comes in.” Mom quickly gets dressed. She skips the panties and bra and puts those in her purse. I pull up my briefs and jeans and get presentable. We walk out, pay for the dresses, and head for the car. I drive Mom to the beach about an hour away. On the way, she tells me about how her and Dad spent the summer at the beach after High School, and about the sex. How her and Dad would watch the sun set, then make love under the stars. They would spend the night in Dad’s car, watch the sunrise, make love in the morning then; they would go eat waffles at their favorite Diner. Dad would talk about the future and all the plans he had. Mom would talk about the present and all the obstacles they would have to overcome, college being the first. She was worried that they would drift apart, and Dad would guarantee her they were together forever. As we pull up to the beach, she smiles thinking of Dad. We walk hand in hand for miles up the beach and back, our shoes in hand and pants rolled up. When we got hungry, we stopped at a cafe and got sandwiches. When we got thirsty, we stopped at a kiosk and got sodas and ice cream. When the sun started to set, we found a spot on the dunes and watched. Mom cuddled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. We kiss as the sun hits the water. “You know, we have a reservation at a hotel a few miles up the road. We can stay there and head back tomorrow.” She seems to be asking but knows I won’t say no. Mom checks us in, and we find the ocean view room that Dad had reserved. We open the door to see a bottle of champagne on ice and chocolate covered strawberries sitting there. Mom’s eyes tear up. “Let’s order room service. Anything special you want?” I ask. “The Seafood Primavera.” She answers. That was my dad’s favorite. He always ordered it when we ate out at the seafood restaurant. I order two and some garlic bread. I open the champagne while we wait and pour Mom a glass. I hand it to her then pour one for myself. We walk out on the balcony and look at the stars. Before long, there is a knock on the door. I open the door and the gentleman enters, sets the table on the balcony with candles, then leaves. We sit down and enjoy the meal under the stars. “Do you know why your dad orders this all the time? On our first date, I couldn’t decide between this or a small steak. He ordered this in case I didn’t like my steak. I took one bite of the steak and didn’t like it. He swapped our plates and ate the steak.” I take a sip of champagne. “So, he always ordered Seafood Primavera in case you didn’t like what you ordered?” I ask. She tears up again and shakes her head yes. She gulps down her glass of champagne and I pour her another. We continue eating and Mom continues drinking. By the time she was finished she had gone thru three glasses and was working on number four. I was still nursing my first. After dinner we enjoy some strawberries for dessert, and Mom finishes the bottle of champagne. We embrace and kiss listening to the waves crash on the beach. I find some slow music on the radio and turn it up. Mom dances up to me and takes my hands in hers. She moves in close then wraps her hands behind my neck. We slow dance, swaying to the music. Mom’s head on my shoulder and my hands locked above her ass. “You’re so sweet, dancing with your Mama.” Mom turns her head and starts to whisper in my ear. “Your dad would hold my ass as we danced.” I lower my hands down and grab my mom’s firm ass. “He would look me deep in my eyes and then kiss me soft and slow.” I glance down into her eyes and then our lips meet, all the while we are swaying and circling. Her hands caress the back of my head and our tongues touch as she drives hers deep inside my mouth. Mom is feeling the champagne and is struggling to maintain her movements with the music. “Your dad would’ve had me naked in bed by now.” I dance her over to the bed and push her down. I slide off her shoes and lean over to remove her pants. She rips her shirt off over her head, her tits shake as she leans back to remove her pants. She seems to be in a hurry. She unzips them and slides them down. I grab them from the bottom and pull. Her pussy comes into view, swollen labia already parted. Her clit is protruding, inviting my tongue to take it for a ride. I lift her legs one at a time and place them on my shoulders. I lean forward and ask, “What would Dad do to this deliciously wet pussy?” I lick from crack to clit. I pause at her rosebud, then I stick my tongue inside her pussy, deep! on my way to suck upon her clit. “Oh, Honey! Your dad would finger my pussy while he sucked and nibbled on my clit. He would play with my asshole until I am close then he would shove his finger inside sending me over the edge.” I have never done this yet, but I’ve seen it done on the computer a thousand times. I suck on my fingers to get them wet, then insert two of them all the way inside Mom’s pussy. I begin to move them in and out slowly, curving them on the way out to press against her G-spot. I spit on my other hand and smear it over her asshole. I start to circle my fingers over her clenched asshole, and it opens up instantly. I start to suck her clit again, trying to keep rhythm with all three. “MMMmmm, OOOHHH... Yes honey!” I gradually pick up the pace until she starts gyrating her hips. “That’s it, Honey, lick Mommy’s clit. Fuck me with those fingers so hard... Make me cum.” Her hips start to move up and down, one of her hands leave her tits and grab the back of my head. She pulls it down hard against her pussy as she thrusts up and down. “I’m close Honey... so fucking close!” I drive my finger into her asshole, and it sends her over the edge. “YES! Oh, YES!” her asshole tightens around my finger, her pussy floods with juice, and her hand presses my head down between her closed thighs squeezing my head. They all clench and unclench together. Her spasms continue for around thirty seconds then she collapses flat before stretching. “MMMmmm... Oh, that felt good. Damn you are good at that.” I smile up at her. “Thank You, Baby!” I get up off the bed, sway to the music, and lift my shirt off over my head. I turn around, slide my shoes off with my feet, then drop my jeans as I bend this time. Leaving my briefs on, I step out of the jeans towards the bed. I shake my hips to the music as I get closer to my mom. She reaches for my briefs but I back away. I turn and reach down to remove my socks, sticking my ass in her face. She spanks me, giggles, then rubs my ass cheeks. “Damn your ass is sexy.” I turn as she leaves her hand there and it ends up on my cock. “I want this cock inside me. Fuck me, Honey. Fuck your Mommy. Make your Mommy cum all over that big cock of yours!” She grabs the waistband and pulls them down. My cock sticks straight out, pointing at her. She turns over and points her firm ass in the air. “Please, Honey!” “What would Dad do?” I think I know this answer. “Honey, your dad isn’t here. I want you to fuck me, hard. Make me cum on your cock. Make me your bitch. I love you so much. I just want to be your slut tonight.” I climb on the bed behind her. I start to tease her pussy with my cock, rubbing up and down her lips, poking at her clit and slapping the head on her asshole. “Don’t tease me sweetheart. Give me that cock. Give it to me! DAMN IT!” I shove my cock inside her to the hilt. She pulls forward then slams her ass back. She starts to rock fucking my cock. I meet her halfway and our bodies smack together with a loud thud. Mom moans out. We continue this for several minutes as her moans get louder. I wet two fingers and reach around to play with her clit, but she is already diddling it. I take my two wet fingers and press them against her asshole. She screams, “Fuck Me!” I start to finger fuck her ass as I pound her pussy with my cock. She lays down flat on the bed and cums hard. Juices flow out of her pussy and all over the bed. Her ass bounces up and down as she convulses. “MMMmmm... yes. That’s what I wanted. You are better than your father.” I lay down next to her, my cock sticking straight up. She rubs her pussy to get her hand wet, then starts to stroke my cock with it. “Mouth, Tits, Pussy, or Ass?” she asks. “For what?” I ask back. “Where do you want to fuck me and cum?” I think for a second. “Mom, you are the third woman I have ever had sex with. I have no experience so; I don’t know how to answer you.” Mom gets that devilish grin again. “We’ll do it all. You can feel them all and cum wherever you want.” I watch Mom lower her mouth to my cock, she sucks my cock for a minute then, she climbs on top of me and lowers her pussy back on my cock. She rocks back and forth for about a minute. “You have already experienced those two. Now for something new.” She turns around. Her ass is right in my face. I watch as she reaches behind her and sticks two fingers deep inside her pussy. She pulls the sopping wet fingers out and sticks them both in her ass. She doesn’t get them in very far before she starts to wiggle them. She pulls them out and repeats it over and over, until they both enter easily and go all the way in. Just the sight of this has my cock twitching. She scoots forward and lowers her pussy on my cock. She wiggles around for a few seconds then slides off. “Are you ready for my ass?” She grabs the base of my cock and directs the head to her asshole. I watch as it slowly disappears into her ass. It’s so tight but smooth. She sits there for a few seconds, squeezing my cock with her colon and sphincter. She begins to fuck me with her asshole. Lifting up and down, small motions at first but builds up to where she is pounding down hard on my cock. “Mom, I’m almost there.” I warn. “Wait!” she says as she stops and gets up off my cock. She sucks my cock for a second then turns and kisses me. Our tongues swirl and I can taste her juices and her ass in my mouth. Mom gets up and pulls me up to my feet. She lays just the top half of her body on the edge of the bed. “Now Honey, I want you to straddle me, and put that gorgeous cock of yours here, between Mommy’s tits.” I do as she says, the moment my cock is between her tits she squeezes them together around my cock. “Now move your hips back and forth and fuck Mommy’s titties.” I start to thrust back and forth. Her skin is so soft. My cock slides so easily. The feeling is so wonderful. I start trying to hold off cumming. It feels so good. “MMMmmm... You like your Mommie’s titties, don’t you?” “MMM-Hmm” I answer. “You stare at them every morning, at the breakfast table, and every evening you picture them bouncing up and down. Don’t you?” “MMM-Hmm” I watch as Mom sticks her tongue out and licks the head of my cock as it sticks up out of her tits. “You think about Mommy fucking you when you jerk off don’t you.” I’m really close... “Mommie’s titties bouncing up and down, her nipples hard, your dick inside her...” “YES!” I shout as cum shoots out all over her face, her hair, her neck, her tits... everywhere. She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue like she is trying to catch a snowflake. Cum shoots across it and she closes her mouth to taste it. “MMMmmm...” she moans. She gathers some on her fingers and puts it in her mouth. She opens to show me then she closes and swallows. I watch as I catch my breath. She puts her hands on my ass and scoots me forward so she can clean off my cock with her tongue and mouth. When she is done, I get up. She takes my hand and leads me to the balcony. There we stand, naked to the world. My arm around her, hers around me. Both of our hands resting on our asses. I wake from the sunlight filling the room and Mom stroking my cock. It’s only been a few hours since we fell asleep in each other's arms. “Morning Honey. Did you sleep well?” She giggles as she asks. She woke me twice in the middle of the night doing exactly what she is doing now. “I got a few hours, you?” She laughs, “I got it once or twice.” I laugh now. “Twice!” She lowers her mouth to my cock telling me, “You know your dad used to...“ She starts to lick my shaft from base to tip. When my cock is fully hard, she starts talking again as she climbs aboard for a morning ride. “When we would sleep in his car, we would fuck off and on all night.” She is slowly grinding her pussy on my cock, leaning forward to ensure that her clit is rubbing on my pelvis. “I would wake him up sucking his cock and he would wake me up licking my pussy. The trick was... MMMmmm Yes!” She reaches behind her and pulls on my balls. It hurts a little, they are empty. Her tits are rocking back and forth as she grinds a little faster. I can feel the tip of my cock rubbing on her cervix. “Finding a place to park... We always fucked, so we slept nude in the back seat. We would have a blanket but... Oh, hell yes... MMMmmm, damn I love your cock.” I grab her ass with both of my hands and speed this thing up. She starts to lift up just a little bit when she slides back and leans back a little while she is sliding forward. This puts pressure on her G-spot. I can still feel my cock head rubbing on her cervix. “It was always too hot for a blanket.” She starts to make that face, the O face. “Oh, Oh, OH!” she moans. I stick a finger in her mouth, and she sucks on it like it was another cock. I wet my other and find her asshole with it. “Yes Honey! YES!” I poke my finger in her ass and she cums... loudly! “OOOOOOHHHHH... UUUNNNGGGHHH!” She falls flat on top of me, squeezes her legs together trapping my cock inside her, and shakes, convulsing. Her mouth is wide open, her eyes rolled back, and her ass is clenched tight holding my finger. A few moments later... “Let’s get some waffles!” I didn’t cum, but I don’t care... I’m hungry. We shower together, washing our love juices off of each other. Mom puts on the wrap around dress, no panties and no bra. I dress in the only clothes I have. “Jeans are good for more than one day, right?” I ask Mom as I get dressed. “You look great in anything... and nothing!” She says laughing. We check out. I drive around until I find a diner that looks familiar to Mom. She jumps out of the car and almost runs inside. I follow her but not as excited; I’m so sleepy. Mom finds a booth that she is sure her and Dad have been in. When the waitress comes, we both say waffles together. She asks about drinks and syrups then heads to the kitchen. “So, if you love waffles so much, why do we eat pancakes so often?” Mom scoots over next to me. She reaches under the table and places her hand on my worn-out penis. “After that first night at the beach, your dad and I were starving. It was early in the morning, so few places were open. Not to mention, we were almost broke. Your dad saw a sign for this place, Waffles, all you can eat, $4,00. I had a ten-dollar bill hidden in my purse. Grandma always told me to make sure to hide cab fare in my purse.” I place my hand on her thigh. “Like you always tell me to keep an extra twenty tucked away.” The waitress sets down the waffles, we look at each other, smile, then start to eat. Syrup is going everywhere. When we finish the first one, the waitress brings us another. We have three each before we pay and go. I drive us home, back to reality, we talk as I drive. “Mom, I know the next few days are going to be impossible for you but, I will be there for you. No matter what you need.” I pat her on the knee as I drive. “I know you want to help me get thru this... but you... you are going to need me to. Aren’t you?” she says as she looks off in the distance. “I will have needs, as you can tell from last night. I’m not sure how long I’m supposed to wait... I can’t even imagine dating... the thought of sex with someone other than your father...” “Mom, you just had sex with someone other than Dad. Me! I’ll be there all summer. College isn’t that far away. I can come home when you need.” “But you should be dating college girls. Getting drunk and laid. Enjoying life. We both know it’s too short.” “I barely know what I’m doing with a girl. Didn’t you notice that last night?” Mom turns to face me. “Honey, you were amazing last night. Honestly! Your father was good, but he wasn’t packing what you are. Plus, you have the stamina of a teenager.” “I am a teenager, Mom. I’m only eighteen! I need you to teach me everything. Teach me how to please a woman. How to fuck a woman. How to make love to a woman. Mold me into the man that Dad was so I can find a woman... a woman that is as Sexy, Beautiful, Lovely, Naughty, Wonderful... as you!” “Oh, Honey. That flattery is a good start. That, a hard cock, and a talented tongue. The tongue has a lot of uses you know. You can stick it in so many places...“ She continues the rest of the way home. Grandma meets us at the door. She watches as mom gets out of the car and skips up to the house. “Hi Mom!” Mom says to grandma. She gives her a brief hug and a peck on the cheek, then skips into the house. I carry her clothes into the house. “Hi Grandma. How’s your day going?” I set down the bags and give her a proper hug and she gives me a peck on the cheek. “I don’t know what you did to your mom, but I can use some of that!” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
I get off with a little help from my cousins I was looking forward to my cousin Cindy sleeping over for the entire weekend. Cindy had curly blonde hair, a flat chest, and a tiny petite body. I was going to show her some of what Lea taught me. Lea is our older cousin. We both look up to her so I know Cindy will be eager to follow if I mention Lea doing it. Cindy was younger than me and always asking to practice kissing saying she wanted to know what it would feel like in a few years. I know she was curious about her body and I now knew more about our bodies that I could share. That night Cindy asked me about my trip with Lea. I told her how much fun we had because Lea had showed me a game you’re only supposed to play when you’re older. I told Cindy that Lea didn’t want to sleepover tonight because we wouldn’t be able to play since she isn’t supposed to learn for even longer than me. Cindy was instantly bummed out. She looked up to Lea and I and wanted to be included in everything we did. She begged me to tell her all about it. I must have gone on denying her for five minutes before I “caved” and told her I would. Lea and I really did turn it into a game for this. I explained the game has 2 rounds that have 3 categories with sub-categories, points are earned when a task is complete, tasks the first round are 10 seconds, tasks the second round are 20 seconds, the round end when the board is clear, whoever has the most points at the end of 2 rounds wins. Cindy was eager to know what the categories were so I continued. The categories are boobs, vagina, and butt. The boob tasks are touch, Iick, and suck. The vagina tasks are touch, lick, finger. The butt tasks are touch, lick, finger. Cindy was shocked when I finished explaining just like I knew she’d be. I told her she didn’t have to do this, but she said she still wanted to and asked if I’d show her how to do all the tasks before we started the real game. I took off my clothes and got on the bed. I told her I’d show her the touch and finger tasks, but I’d have to do the lick tasks to show her. So Cindy got undressed and hopped on the bed with me. Her boobs were completely flat besides her pink puffy nipples and her hairless mound had a tight slit down the middle. Our bodies looked exactly alike. I caressed my non-existent breast, ran my finger up my slit to my clit then massaged my butthole with my thumb. After that I showed her how to put a finger in your ass and vagina. I licked my fingers to cover in spit then massaged my puckered asshole in circles. I applied pressure and let my finger sink into me. I slowly withdraw it just to the tip before pushing it back in. I continued pulling my finger out and pushing it back in while increasing speed. I brought my other hand to my already dripping pussy and sunk a finger in straight to my g-spot. I rubbed that sweet little spot while I continued to pump my ass. I told Cindy to come closer to me. I took my hand from my pussy to bring her in even closer to me took her small breast in my mouth until I felt her nipple get hard. I moved on to her next breast to give that one that same treatment. After enjoying her breast I made Cindy lay on top of me in the 69 position. Her pussy smelled so sweet this close to my face. I spread her tight pussy lips open and admired her natural glisten for a moment. I gave her a little massage along her walls before I pushed my tongue as deep into her pussy canal as she would allow. I pushed my tongue all around her walls exploring her inside. When I felt like I had got to know every inner inch I moved on to her ever so small clit. I used just the tip of my tongue to flick her little clitty. She would twitch with every flick which only encourages me to keep this up and bring her to her edge. I took two fingers and started rubbing her pussy while my tongue tickled her nub. When I could feel her climax about to spill over I pulled away from her pussy dragging my tongue all the way up to her rosebud. I spent extra time on her ass circling it with my tongue until I felt her relax and loosen under my mouth. I made my tongue as stiff as I could then pushed into Cindy’s butthole. She squeezed my tongue nice and tight so tight she almost squeezed me out, but I kept at it invading her hole. I wiggled and squirmed, but I continued eating her ass. I was getting so hot I started fingering my pussy and before I knew if I was having an orgasm and moaning into her virginal asshole. I asked Cindy again if she wanted to play to which she told me she was going to win! I let Cindy go first and to my surprise she picked licking my ass. It took everything in me to hide how excited I was to have my sweet cousin’s small tongue up my ass. I flipped over with my ass in the air to her. She was very stiff and nervous, as expected, but it still felt amazing. I picked fingering her pussy. I showed Cindy how to always lick your finger first then I spread her tight pink pussy and slowly pushed my finger into her, careful not to go deep enough to tear her hymen. She was so tight and warm around me. Cindy and I continued completing tasks back and forth all night. Cindy said her favorite was anything to do with the butt and hell could I tell. I usually am a giver more than a receiver, but tonight was much different. Cindy was so willing and eager to explore I just let her go wild. Curiosity got the best of her once it dawned on her if fingers were going inside of us that meant other things could too. We went to an amusement park the week before and got these glow stick wands. Cindy asked if she could use it on me. I found lube to cover the wand then leaned over the bed before turning around to give Cindy the nod that I was ready. I felt the cold, hard plastic push up against my butt hole until it opened inviting in inch after inch of the toy wand. Cindy turned on the lights on the glow wand and I started shaking my ass and singing. We both got a good laugh in. I even laughed so hard the glow wand shot out of my butt which made us crack up even more. After a good belly laugh we grabbed some popcorn and watched Princess Diaries before falling asleep. |
So this started in the 8th grade around second semester and being a normal guy I had intrest in women I loved every thing About em well we had 7 periods of course I didn't focus on all Of em but it wasn't me talking or messin around periods All had the girl of every guy dreamed about in my classes a 5,3 105 pound blue eyed blond beauty That didn't need any makeup to look perfect Julie. I'd always Noticed her even talked to her a select few times but it changed in april 2008 for my 16th birthday my dad uncle me my cousins went out quading well I come to say I fucked up I made to sharp a turn that my atv and I couldn't handle and needless to say I had fractured my ankle so a cast and crutches were my future for the next 6 weeks of my life well my school being big took me forever to move none the less having a 20 pound bag to carry for the upcoming finals well me being stubborn said no to being let out early to switch classes or people helping me I was late everyday one day just being frustrated I tried to get out so quickly I fell I felt stupid Moronic for not allowing myself help. as I stayed back waiting for everyone else to leave Julie walked up and asked if she could help me caving in and admitting defaet I reluctantly said yes as we were walking/ hobbling I asked why she had asked to help because she had other things she could do she said I'm like you I don't like help eventhough I need it. I had the frustration u have as I looked over I saw her face her eyes her clothes her body everything was perfect about Her Something about her made her look different but sexy noticing I was starring at her she cleared her throat then asking if there was something wrong I said no and smiled a little knowing she cought me then I said sorry I didn't mean to stare it's just you seem very comfortable more then when your with your friends she said yeah. How I said when your with your friends u clench your jaw right now your jaw isn't clinched it looks realaxed she said you noticed that I said iv been starring at you every moment in school that I'm there I made her blush a little then she looked at me dead in the eyes I don't know if I should be offended ar complemented I said I'm no creeper I just know the most beautiful girl iv ever seen is walking down the hall walking and talking to me then I noticed what made her look sexier as I looked Back in to these deep blue eyes is she had the perfect amount of eyeliner to make them pop then she said that was the nicest thing anybodys said to me she turned and kissed me and said thank you I said please don't thank me for the truth that I felt I needed to say I rarely share my emotions with any girl I'm mainly afraid of the feeling of rejection but with you it felt like I knew you wouldn't humiliate me and that you would instantly understand by then we were walkin into 7th world history she sat next to me at my table with my friends slowly she took my hand into hers my friends are looking at me like how n the hell are u holding hands with HER after class it was time to leave for home I hadn't gotten a ride to my house so I sat at school 15 minutes after almost everybody dwindled out as I turned my back to leave. Julie came through the door and said hey jim wait up I can help you home I said only if you want to no obligation she said I'd love. to as we started walking she said what you said earlier made Me. feel wanted for the right reasons not only to be another peice of ass I said I've never seen you as a sex object I see you as a women that needs to feel wanted to be loved to be held and I wanna be that guy to do that I do Iv spilled my guts to you you haven't run and I wanna know will you go out with me. by this time were walking over a small bridge when I said that she. stops she turns to me and said there's not a doubt in my mind that says no after that I embraced her in the way only newleyweds do and kissed her passoninantly we sat there in what seemed like ever never did anything seem so right she told me that she's never felt so wanted so embraced so gently held by no. one or nothing but me we went and sat by the water kissing her. sitting on my lap it was the best I felt with any girl tight there I started kissing he down her neck softly breathing into her ear before continuing on down to her shirt then to each sideworking my way up back to her neck and back down by then she's moaning uncontrolably OHHHJIiiim I feel so fucking good please don't stop OHHHHHHHHH this time I'm pulling he top off and massaging one of her b cup breasts while sucking on the outher She moaning so low so long so in need of a realease and I was gonna do it as I start rubbing my hand between her legs she's rocking her hips to meet my thrusts each time moaning a bit louder into my mouth as I'm doing this my buddy down stairs is very much alive inside my shorts my penis hurts against my pants but the soft humping motion is pushing me to the edge she moans a long loud breath of achievement and shakes hard and un controllably and gets in a fedal position where I hold onto her as I go through my own body hurtling orgasm she finally says oh my god that was unfuckkkkkkkkkkkking believable and we kiss to End of part 1 feed back is appreciated |
The following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, everyone who appears naked or in a sexual image has given the writers consent to use their character with a different name. We recommend reading these stories in the order they were published or put on this site. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. Most of the story is told in Jason’s view, mainly because I have a better memory than Becky, and she likes to add detail, not type it out. We will let you know if we switch point of view. We are both 17, almost 18 in this story. If you like this story, there is much, much more at This story is our favorite so far… Enjoy! Cheers! Jason and Becky >>>>>> It was early February, at about 7pm. A Sunday. Becky and I were sitting on the couch, watching some movie on TV. We weren’t really watching it, we were just making out, naked on the couch. It was cold, at about 5 degrees outside, so we had the heater cranked up in her mini house, but it wasn’t very good, so the house was kind of cold, so we were holding each other close. We were getting pretty serious, when the house phone rang. It was her parents, who were on vacation, celebrating their 20th anniversary. She got up, and answered the phone. I stood up and draped a blanket over her shoulders. She talked on the phone for a few minutes and then put the phone back on the charger. We need to check the weather she said, walking towards, then up the stairs. She sat on the chair at her desk, still fully naked, and turned on the computer. She opened the browser and checked the weather. There was a massive snowstorm headed our direction, they were saying 3 feet of snow, a truly massive amount, even for us. what did your mom say? I asked she told me that we needed to check the weather because there is a storm headed our way and we need to be ready. when will the storm hit? around 2 am she said. and what do we need to do to be ready? all we really need to do is move all the blankets up to the bed, make sure the generator works and has lots of gas and move the snowplow truck to the house. lets move the blankets, then well get dressed, test the generator and go get the snowplow. I said Sounds good she said, and we walked down to the closet to go get them. Soon the comforters were all brought up and we got dressed. Next we tested the generator, and made sure it had a full tank plus extra fuel. We walked out and jumped in my car to drive to the garage where the snow plow was. We drove out there and walked in to the barn. The plow was right there so we just had to open the door and drive it out. I got back in to my hummer, and she started up the old snowplow. We drove back the house and she parked in front of the window. I beeped the horn and she came over and got in . What? she asked We should go out for dinner I said where do you want to eat? we should go to Jose’s she said Jose’s it is I said, putting the car in drive and heading down the road. Jose’s was a little hole in the wall Mexican catina with some really good food. We got there and sat down, a girl who was our age took our orders. When we get home, we need to fuck she said. Hmm, ill consider it I joked We both laughed hystericly. We were sitting at a booth in the corner of the almost deserted restraunt. im just really horny she said. She looked around, there was one other occupied table, and they could not see her, so she un-zipped her North-face fleece, and pulled down the top of her shirt, revealing her perfect C-cup breasts You must be horny I said. She fixed her shirt and we both laughed. She did this 2 more times before dinner came, and once while we were waiting on the check. We paid, and walked out of Jose’s. We walked across the street and to my car. The first snow flakes were starting to fall as we drove back to her house. I wasn’t worried about driving in the snow, my hummer was 4 wheel drive, and it had been snowing for all of five minutes. I had not worked on an EMT squad since I had moved in with Becky, and my mom had moved near us in an apartment in Harrisburg, ever since that incident with my dad, but I had managed to keep the sirens on my car, so I flicked on the sirens and hit the gas. We got home in about 20 minutes, and ran upstairs to the bedroom, throwing off layers of clothes as we went. We got to the bed and jumped on. I was naked, she still had her panties on; they were pink, and very, very revealing, so I left them on. I had decided on the way back that this was going to be an epic love-making session, I laid her down on the bed and began to kiss her, all over the place. I got to licking her nipples, she moaned in pleasure. I surrounded one of her diamond hard nipples with my tongue, while I tweaked and played with the other. I moved my free hand down towards her pussy. Her panties were still on, so I rubbed her through them. I took my mouth off of her nipple and kissed my way down to her pussy. I licked and rubbed, through her panties at first, then I moved them out of the way, exposing her clean shaven love hole. I inserted one finger, and licked around her clit, lapping at her juices. I finger fucked her too, first with one finger, then two. She was moaning with pleasure, shaking and twitching in the beginning of her orgasm. A warm gush of juice flowed in to my mouth as I ran my tongue over her clit. The grasp of an orgasm reached over her as she began to twitch. She screamed in pleasure as she climaxed. I moved up towards her so my eyes were level with hers. She was still recovering, I started to play with her breasts. After a minute or so she had fully recovered, so I leaned in to kiss her. We kissed, but just briefly, because she rolled us over, so she was on top (well… ok I helped her roll us over a little ). Just relax and enjoy, I’m on top she said With that, she slid on to my hard shaft, the warmth of her sweet sex enveloping me. She started out hugging my body, with her tits pressed up against my chest, flexing her pussy muscles around my cock, causing a great sensation, almost like she was milking my cock. Slowly she sat up and started to glide up and down on my shaft, which was shining and gleaming with our combined juices. With her first slide down on my shaft we both let out a groan of pleasure. I relaxed and enjoyed as I watched her fuck me cowgirl style, I watched as her beautiful, perkey, teenage breasts bounced in rhythm with her movements. Uhhh… I’m cummmming!! she yelled, losing control of her body, twitching and shaking. I moved her body to the edge of the bed and stood on the ground, so I could put her ankles on my shoulders and fuck her Ohh… sensitive! She screamed Should I stop? I asked No, it feels so good, so intense she said, as I started to fuck her again. I was getting close to the edge, and I wanted to see if I could give her one more too. I began to rub her clit, driving her closer to climax She hit her orgasm, And began to violently shake again. I wanted to do something different than just cum in her, so I decided to pull out and blow my load all over her. And that is what I did, I pulled out, and came all over her belly, chest, and breasts. I laid down next to her, and waited for her to recover, which did not take long, being her second orgasm, it was less intense. That was awesome she said, scooping some of the cum off her left boob with her finger and licking it off. Yea, I liked it when you just used your muscles in the beginning, that was something new and un-expected I said, standing up. And this gives us an excuse to go take a shower she said, taking my hand to help her stand up. And maybe a sauna too I continued as we walked downstairs to the bathroom. We got in the shower and rinsed off, then we stood under the warm water and hugged, kissing and whispering to each other as well. We had to have been in there for at least half an hour when Becky whispered in my ear. I think its sauna time, I need to sit. Sure babe I said, removing my arms from around her, and turning off the water. We walked out of the shower and in to the sauna. I sat down and she sat next to me, leaning on me. I hope school gets canceled tomorrow she said I had completely forgotten about the snow I hope so too I said, beginning to play with her silky brown hair. The rest of the time in the sauna was really just small talk about school drama and such. We then exited the sauna. Its freezing out here Becky said, as we stepped in to the hallway outside of her bathroom. I wonder what the temperature is outside I said According to the thermometer it is 51 in here and -3 outside she said. Wow Lets get upstairs and under the covers. She said. Good idea I said, following her up. We got in the covers and fell asleep >>>>>> We woke up to the alarm, set to our normal wake up time for school, 6am. I got up to check the schools website. Un-fortunately there had only been 6 inches of snowfall, not enough to cancel school completely, just delay the opening until 10 am. The 2 feet they had expected had been delayed a night. We tried to go back to sleep, but we ended up just talking to each other. There was not even enough snow to bother plowing the driveway. At nine thirty we got up, showered, and got dressed. Becky got a text from one of her friends, who had a Honda civic that could not get out of her driveway due to the snow, asking for a ride. We grabbed some coffee and got in Becky’s car. My hummer was better in the snow, but her Chevy Silverado 3500 had something better, a heater, so we took her car. We picked her friend up and drove to school. We had been there for an hour when the power went out. The storm had picked up and it was snowing again. The sky was dark, and the building was getting cold already, so they closed school early. We essentially had school for an hour. As soon as the announcement came out that school was closed, I was walking out the class, down the hall, and to Becky’s locker. I stood there waiting, and she got there a few minutes later. long school day I said jokingly. Yea she laughed. She put on her coat and we walked outside, where we were greeted by Becky’s friend, who had come to school with us. We all got in Becky’s car and drove away. We dropped of her friend at her house and then drove home. As we were pulling up the driveway, Becky looked at the thermometer, and noticed the temperature. Shit, its 2 degrees outside Damn , your right, its freezing. We pulled up next to the house. My hummer had a nice cover of snow, maybe 8 inches. We ran inside, to get out of the snow. We took our shoes off and sat on the couch We should probably go and get some food from the store, we’re running kind of low and I don’t want to drive anywhere if the weather gets worse she said good idea We should probably also take your car, if the snow gets much higher my truck wont have ground clearance Lets get going then, the sooner we leave the better off we’ll be I said lets get in to some warmer clothes, then we’ll go We got dressed and headed outside we were dressed in full out foul weather gear, jackets, snow pants, hats, and ski goggles. We may have looked rediculious, but we did not care, it was really cold outside. We brushed off the snow on the windshield, then we got in the car. I started it and we drove off. We got to the food store and walked in. There was a mass of people, more than I expected to see in a food store during a snowstorm. They were all doing the same thing we were, getting food and supplies. We got in and got out as fast as possible, and when we walked out of the store, shopping bags in hand, we saw a scene of mass chaos. Cars, that were clearly not capable of handling the of snow were in the parking lot trying to leave. They were stuck, and there was a huge jam of traffic. let’s get out of here I said, trudging through the snow. Becky followed me as I walked through the car. We got in, I started the engine, and I flicked on my sirens. We high tailed it out of there, we were able to that because my car had such a high ground clearence. We got home and carried the stuff inside. We put the food away and then cranked the heater up as high as it would go. We walked up to our room and looked at the clock on the wall, which also had a thermometer on it, it said the temperature was 48°. It’s freezing in here Becky Lets get under the covers and get naked I said. We both got underneath the two comforters that we had stacked on top of each other. We crawled under the covers and undressed each other. Then we wrapped our arms and legs around each other and began to slowly began to make out. A little lip biting (not hard, of Corse) and a lot of tongue play. We love kissing, and sometimes will do it for what seems like ages, tonight was one of those nights. A long, romantic, under-covers kissing session was in our future. Our kisses were semi-fast paced, but intimate, like what Hollywood is famous for. Slowly our position shifted from us being on our sides facing each other to Becky laying on top of me. I had my arms wrapped around her back, pulling her close to me and she was, probably unknowingly, playing with my hair. Our tongues intertwined and explored each others mouths. I slowly rubbed becky’s back with my hands. She began to moan, and because we were kissing, she was moaning in to my mouth, which I always find sexy. This went on for what must have been a while, because eventually Becky slid off of me and laid down next to me, we were still both all the way under the covers. Its just like when I was little, I used to hide under the covers from storms Becky said that’s cute I said, kissing her on her cheek. What do you want to do next? she asked I don’t know I said, rolling over so I was on my side right up against her and slowly and softly ran my finger down her right breast and over her nipple. She let out a soft ooh She lifted the blankets off from over her head and looked at the clock on the nightstand. Babe did you notice what time it was before we got in bed Yea, it was like 2:06 babe, its almost 3:30, and its still freezing I pulled her back under the covers and kissed her again. Suddenly she rolled over and on top of me. I know what we can do next she said make out more I guessed exactly she said I pulled her back on to me and slowly kissed her lower lip, then her upper one. She slowly dragged her tongue across one of my lips, then our tongues came in contact with each others. She stuck her tongue in my mouth just a little sexy bit, then I did the same. Our kissing got even more intense, and it reached a climax. It then slowly concluded with me kissing her on her forehead. You wanna take bets on what time it is? I asked 4:15 she guessed. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, 4:14. You were close, 4:14 I said Babe, that’s more than two hours I kissed her on the forehead again. Lets go a little further she said 69 I said She spun around so I had a view of her wonderful pussy. I licked one of my fingers to lubricate it and slowly inserted it as I began to softly tongue her pussy. As I did this she began to suck on my dick. It felt amazing. She swirled her tongue around my cock as she began to bob her head up and down. I inserted a second finger in her wonderful pussy and focused more and more of my licking efforts on her clit. She was moaning as she was sucking my cock, which almost felt like my dick was vibrating. She hit her climax with waves of intense pleasure. I kept going, finger fucking her while licking her clit. I loved making love to her under the blankets, we were both a little hot and sweaty, but it was really romantic. It may be snow storming outside with a temperature of negative 18, but we were warm and comfortable. I was getting close to orgasm and Becky was getting close to number two. I Hit climax, and shot my load deep in her mouth, and within seconds she was hitting her second orgasm. She screamed with pleasure. I spun her around so we were facing each other again. I kissed her softly. She spun so she was facing me again I love it when you eat me out and make me cum like that she whispered I kissed her again. You ready babe? I asked she nodded Just don’t cum in me, its wayyy to cold to run to the bathroom You want to swallow? she nodded I let her lay on her back, and we got in to missionary position. I slowly mounted her and began to fuck her, nice and soft. She was already moaning, her earlier cunnilingus experiences had her super horny and absolutely sopping wet. She was gasping and moaning with every thrust, and she was close to orgasm. I fucked her harder, and she was close to cumming. She let out a little scream, as a massive orgasm wave hit her. I Pulled out, and moved so I could shoot my load in her mouth. She swallowed every drop. It was now seven o’clock, and we were hungry. We got dressed in warm clothes and ate a quick dinner, then walked back upstairs and watched two 60’s james bond movies in a row, making out during some of the sex scenes. At about 12:30 we turned out the lights and tried to go sleep. We snuggled up together. I thought she was asleep, and after about an hour I was still awake. I wanted to look at the clock, but I couldn’t move much or I would wake Becky. It was freezing, and I had been letting Becky hog a lot of the covers. I slowly moved and looked at the clock. I had only made the slightest move when Jason? she whispered yea baby I whispered back Have you been awake the whole time? Yes, have you? I asked Yep, its freezing, what time is it? Almost two a.m. It is too cold to sleep, turn on a light I went to turn in another light, but nothing had happened. We had already been on generator power because the city power was out, and now our generator had failed, but our clock was battery powered, so it was fine. Generator is frozen I said Are you sure it is not out of gas? Yep, filled it right after dinner, remember? oh, yea, err… sorry, the cold is interfering with my thought process she said the generator normally went 12 -15 hours on a tank, so it was defiantly FUBAR. I Got out the flashlights that we kept in the nightstand. I gave one to Becky. Can you get a pair of pajamas for both of us, as well as what ever you will need for tomorrow morning, and put it in a backpack. I am going to go downstairs and get our snow gear and bring them back here I said were not going outside, are we? she asked. I was planning to snowshoe over to your parents house with you, start a fire, and then lay out on that thick rug under a blanket with a pillow or two, it’s warmer than here I said She went to grab her stuff, I ran downstairs. I grabbed our snow pants and jackets, as well as keys to her parent’s house, head lamps, and a lighter. I ran back up and we got dressed, quickly. I tossed the backpack Becky had prepared on my back and we walked downstairs. We got on our snowshoes and pushed outside. It took 20 minutes to walk 150 yards. It was -21 degrees plus the wind chill, the wind was blowing 25-30 mph. We got in to the house, out of our clothes, and in to our pj’s. Becky crumpled newspaper while I got wood from the garage. We got a fire going and then laid out in front of it on a thick carpet under a blanket, with some pillows. We both quickly fell asleep, we were so tired from the sex, and being up so late, as well as the snowshoe trek (which takes a lot out of you) >>>>>> The next morning we woke up to the sound of Becky's phone ringing, at around 11 am. She answered, it was her mom. hi mom she said Your home phone line is down pam said (pam was her mom) so is yours, our power, internet, and generator are down as well You guys must be freezing, are you ok? Yea, at about two am we trudged over to your house in snow shoes and full foul weather gear, got in pajamas, started a fire, and curled up together under a blanket on that big carpet in your living room Well, I'm glad your ok, you are welcome to whatever food you can find in our house pam said, now on speaker phone ok, mom Becky said Rebecca her mom said, I saw the nails on the chalkboard expression in her face, I knew she hated her full name. Yes mom! she said, now a little agitated. No… um, you know… err… No sex mom, I got it, thanks. She said Rebecca, do not use that language with m… Becky hung up She was obviously a little frustrated, but what teenager was not frustrated or embarrassed by their parents at some point. I knew I was by mine. She rolled on to her side and faced away me. I put my arm around her and hugged her, then kissed her neck. I pulled her on her back and kissed her on her lips. Sorry, my parents are… Still your parents, I got it. She smiled, then climbed on top of me, straddling my waste. We were still both in our pajamas. Ever since Becky's mom had walked in on us, well kind of. We had already finished, and were just laying in bed making out when her mom walked in to the house. It seemed that they would be reminding us about that, rather embarrassing, moment whenever they had the opperatunity. We kissed, and then looked outside. It was still snowing, there had to be at leas two feet of it. I tossed some more wood on the fire, then joined her under the blanket. I'm still tired, lets go back to sleep for a little while. When we wake up well see if we can fix the generator I said. We went back to sleep and woke up at around five. We then got back in to our snow gear, and trudged out to the generator. The generator had been built with an engine from an old mini cooper, and a generator from a ship. Connecting the two together there was a chain that had come off the gear. I fixed that, and looked for any other problems. The gas line had frozen. I walked over to the garage and looked for some extra fuel line. I found one and walked back to the generator. I took the old line off, and had Becky hold it, and then I put the new one on. I turned the key to start it. It cranked for a few seconds, then it sputtered to life. We saw the lights come on In our house. We then walked back to it. Our house had chilled to 33 degrees. We cranked the main heater, as well as a space heater we had in our room. we made dinner and slowly undressed out of our ski clothes, as the temperature of the house rose. When dinner was ready, we were in just our long underwear. Our dinner was a simple salad, and some creamy pasta. Soon, the house had stabilized at 55 degrees, and would not go up any more. We were done with dinner, and we walked upstairs to watch some movies. We got in to our bed room, and she picked out a movie to watch. She picked a horror movie, one that we had both called The Descent . Basically four girls go spelunking, or exploring, in a cave. The cave entrance gets sealed, and they get stuck. These things called crawlers blind human/zombie like creatures that kill inhabit the cave, chaos ensues. The movie was ok, we ended up just making out most of the time. It had been an exhausting couple of days, and we fell asleep at the end of the movie. |
The following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, everyone who appears naked or in a sexual image has given the writers consent to use their character with a different name. We recommend reading the first 4 stories on our page first in order, then you can read in whichever order you want. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. If you guys are interested we will put up a website, it may be just for our true stories, Becky wants to write some fictional ones, and we may allow people to post similar stories. Most of the story is told in “Jason’s” view, mainly because Becky hates typing… We will let you know if we switch point of view. We are both 18 in this story. Our Site: This story is a bit interesting, it just goes over a normal week in our lives. Someone “signed our guest book” and asked us to do this, and we like the idea so went for it. In this story it is late October. We had graduated the previous spring and were now learning how to run the farm for Becky's parents, since they want to retire. Becky and I were engaged last September, but we were planning a longer engagement, like a year or a year and a half. Thanks, Cheers, and Goodnight. Jason and Becky >>>>>> Our alarm went off at 7:00 on the second to last Saturday in October. I woke up, and so did Becky. We both got out of bed and raced down the stairs to the shower. We were both naked, because, well, we always slept naked. We had a quick make out session in the shower, then got clean. We walked back upstairs holding hands and got dressed in work clothes. Today was an “out of office day” some days we would work on paperwork and stuff in the office, and others we would go out and work outside. It was nice to work outside, to get away from working in the offices. Within the next two days we had to accomplish a simple yet annoying task. Cut the grass. This seemingly simple goal, normally achieved by human beings in two, maybe three hours on a lazy Sunday afternoon would not be so simple in this setting. At the time, the farm had four mowers. We had two new TORO commercial mowers. Each had a 16 foot cutting span and were normally used by small municipalities to cut mass amounts of land. We also had two 72 inch SCAG sit on zero turn commercial mowers that were much smaller and used for cutting in small areas and the grass between the rows of trees. The farm was split in to three sections to have the grass cut. The first was the area (6 acres) around Becky's parents house that were considered residential, workers almost never were here and this grass was cut every week, unlike everything else. We did this on the bigger mowers in under 20 minutes. Section three was the area in between all the rows of trees. There are almost a square mile of trees, and we had cut a small section of this before, although it was normally cut by workers. The last was the area of farm land that was not occupied or just large patches of grass. We worked through the after noon, only stopping for a quick lunch, until about 3pm, when it began to rain. We were more than half way done, so we lifted up the blades and headed back for the barn that we kept the mowers in. we put them away and got in our mini truck to drive back to the house. Right after we got in to the house the skies started to open up, and the rain really started to come down. We rushed in to the bathroom and stripped out of our clothes. I turned on the shower and rushed in after Becky. We could hear the extreme rain pounding on the roof of the house. We had to get clean first, we were both covered in grass clippings and smelled like diesel fuel. After we got cleaned off I turned off the shower and walked with her to the sauna. I turned it on and we walked in. Becky poured a cup of water on the rock heater thing, and then leaned up against me. I kissed her on the forehead and I kissed her on the lips. She opened her mouth and we played with each others tongues. “have you heard back from the car dealer yet?” Becky asked “Yes, I got an email from him on my phone while were out on the mowers” “What did he say?” she asked excitedly “We can pick it up this Friday” By “It” we were referring to a black 2008 dodge challenger SRT8, manual transmission V8. My hummer had 311,000 miles in it, it guzzled gas, and was becoming a pain to maintain, and needed to be replaced. Now that we were running the farm we had no need for another large truck, since there were more than ten on the farm already. We would still have my hummer, I just wouldn’t drive it daily. Anyway, I was excited, so was Becky. Since we did not have to go anywhere to pick up the car, It was only an hour away, we were not going on a road trip. We had to plan one for the future, while the car was still “new”. “Lets get upstairs” Becky suggested We walked out of the sauna, turned it off, and headed upstairs. The rain was still pounding away at the roof of our house, and we had to speak just a little louder than usual. We both went under the covers, and I pulled her close to me. I whispered in her ear. “I love you” I whispered in her ear. She kissed my neck and whispered In my ear “I love you too” I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back. I softly kissed the back of her neck and her ear lobes, then slowly lingered down her belly, kissing her belly button and even further down. I softly spread her legs, and then ever so delicately kissed her inner thighs. I knew she loved all the little soft kisses, and I continued in this fashion for quite a while longer. I slowly moved my kisses closer and closer to her pussy until I was right on top of it. I kissed and sucked all over the pubic mound, then moved down towards her sweet pussy. I began to lap at her pussy, licking out all of the sweet juices I possibly could. Then she moved a little bit and sat up kind of. “What’s wrong?” I asked, moving up towards her so I could kiss her. “Nothing, I just wanted to try something” she said, and got up. She walked over to a drawer and opened it. She grabbed a pair of red panties, and walked back over to the bed. I almost immediately knew what she wanted. You see, the other night we had been watching a porno together, and as foreplay the guy had stuffed the girls panties in her pussy. I had thought that was incredibly sexy, but had not thought to ask Becky if we could try it. She got back on the bed and I said: “I think I already know what you want me to do with these” She nodded and gave me the panties. She laid back against the headboard and spread her legs wide. I slowly inserted two fingers in to her, and just as softly pulled them out. I softly pushed the panties in. She let out a long, soft, “Ohhh” and I paused to let her get used to the feeling. I leaned in and kissed her cheek, then whispered in her ear. “feel good?” I asked she nodded, and I pressed on. I inserted the panties all the way in to her, only leaving a little bit of material sticking out, so I could pull it out. I proceeded to lick all over the outsides of her pussy. Then ever so softly I bit down on the edge of the fabric that was sticking out of her pussy and slowly tugged them out, giving her time to savor the new feeling. It eventually came fully out. They were soaked with her sweet juices. I smelled them, they smelt amazing. I threw them on the floor and leaned over to kiss her again. “that felt amazing” she whispered “good, that was really sexy” I replied she moaned and then pulled me close, so I was right next to her and she could whisper in my ear. “Fuck me silly!” I didn’t need to be told twice, she wanted it rough, and I was happy to help her. I kissed her neck and then traveled down towards her pussy. I quickly licked her belly button and the tiny but ever so cute piercing she had their. I got to her pussy. I gave it a few licks, and then had her get in to the doggy stile position. I stroked my dick once or twice to get it really hard. I stuck my six-inch cock in her wonderfully tight pussy. She moaned in ecstasy as I slowly slid in to her, but she was screaming as I picked up the pace. I pounded her, as hard and fast as I could. She was screaming with sheer pleasure. This urged me on and I fucked her even harder. She was screaming so loud that, if her parents were not out for the week, they might of heard us. That’s ok, I love it when she is loud in bed. “oh, fuck me harder” she yelled I didn’t think it was possible, but I did. I rammed in and out of her as fast as I could. “oh babe I'm so close” she yelled I thrust in to her one more time, and she hit a massive orgasm, causing her to shake uncontrollably. I slowed down considerably, and allowed her to recover. “Oh, babe cum in my mouth” she moaned. I slowly pulled out and then she sucked me off for a few seconds before I came in her mouth. She greedily swallowed every drop of my cum. “Babe, I want to try something” I said, helping her stand up. We both stood up and walked out on to the porch. It was still raining at a semi heavy rate. We walked outside, still fully naked. We stood under the rain, and softly kissed. Our tongues danced around in each other’s mouths as the rain fell on our shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I did the same with her. Our noses occasionally softly bumped up against each other’s. Our tongues flicked across each other’s. She pulled away, kissed where my neck meets my shoulder, and then hugged me. I ran my hand through her now wet hair. “Whats up babe?” “I'm cold” she said We both laughed, held hands, and walked back inside. We got dried off and I took her back upstairs. I laid down on my back, and she laid on top of me, and we made out some more. She slowly rubbed her pussy on my semi erect cock. “I love you” I whispered in her ear as I slowly rubbed her back. “Me too” she said. I was just about to insert my cock back in her, so I could slowly fuck her, when her blackberry began to vibrate. “Just wait for it to finish ringing” Becky said. “No, your parents are away, it could be them, I don’t mind.” I said. “Ok” she said, kissing my cheek and grabbing my phone off the night stand. She looked at the caller id “Its Sarah” she said. Sarah is Becky’s brother’s wife. “Go ahead” I said She answered the phone “Hi, Sarah” (is now a bad time) “not really, just messing around in bed with Jason a little bit, here, let me put you on speaker” Sarah: sorry to interrupt guys Becky and I: no problem, whats up? Sarah: not much, I am flying over there tomorrow to take care of selling my grandmas house, since she moved in to a nursing home, and my hotel canceled on me due to a plumbing problem, I was wondering if I could crash on your couch for a night or two. It would just be me, Rick (Sarah’s wife, Becky's brother) has to stay for a meeting. Becky: that sounds fine, what time does your flight land? Sarah: 5:45 pm at Harrisburg. Me: do you need to be picked up? Sarah: If you guys can, that would be great, if not I can get a taxi. Me: we should be able to do 5:45, see you then Sarah: Great, thanks, Bye. Becky and I: bye. Becky hung up and put the phone back on the night stand. It was 7 pm, neither of us were hungry, so we just stayed in bed. After a little while of fooling around, Becky suggested we watch a porno. I thought it was a good idea. We walked over and picked a dvd from our porn shelf. We picked out a porno and popped it in the tv, then sat back on the bed and watched. While we watched, we masturbated each other at the same time and made out. >>>>>> The porno must have put us to sleep… lol. The next day we woke up, I was spooned up against her. We both got up, got dressed, and got up to finish the grass. We finished at around 4pm, and then headed back inside. We made a straight shot for the shower. We soaped and lathered each other off. We were so horny, we had sex right there in the shower. She leaned up against the wall and I came at her from behind. I stuck my cock in to her tight pussy, and began to thrust back and fourth. She moaned with my movements as pre-cum oozed from my dick. I fucked her nice and slowly, and played with her wet hair. She was moaning and oohing with great pleasure. I played her clit as we pushed in and out of her. This sped up her breathing even more, and she was on the edge of orgasm. “Babe I'm so close” she moaned. “Me too” I said, kissing her on the back of her shoulder. She erupted with intense pleasure, arching her back and letting out an extreme moan. I shot my load of cum deep in her pussy. I pulled her back under the water and kissed her as my cum dripped down her inner thigh, which I thought was so sexy. We got out of the shower and got dressed to go finish the grass. We finished at around 3pm. We drove out to a sub shop and got a late lunch, then drove home to eat. We ate, got quickly cleaned off, then decided to sit in the sauna. We turned it on and walked in. I sat in the corner and she leaned up against me. I ran my fingers through her hair. We must have sat there and lightly touched each other for at least half an hour. We did not say anything, we just occasionally made eye contact and smiled at each other. I loved looking in to Becky's electric green eyes. I was playing with her hair with one hand, and with the other I was lightly running a finger over areas of her body like her belly button, tummy, and inner thighs. She seemed to just run her fingers lightly over everywhere that felt good and all tingly. One time we made eye contact I bent my neck down and kissed her on the cheek. After half an hour I hesitantly broke the super romantic and erotic silence between us, and softly whispered in her ear. “babe, I’ve got an idea” She cracked a smile and her eyes lit up. We both slowly stood up, and I had her follow me upstairs, past our bedroom and up the three stairs to the porch. I pulled the cover off the hot tub and started the jets. We both slowly got in to the 102 degree water. I sat in a seat in the hot tub and she sat across from me. We intertwined our legs and played with each other’s toes. She slowly drifted closer towards me and was soon sitting on my lap, facing me. We kissed and whispered sweet things to each other. I'm not even sure if she knew she was doing it, but she was slowly grinding her pussy on my semi hard cock. I slowly rubbed her back as we continued to kiss. I gave her pussy a quick rub and she broke away from the kiss, arched her back, and let out a nice soft “Ohhh” We continued to kiss, and at one point she pulled away. I took this opportunity to brush a small amount of hair that was in the way of her face behind her ear. She looked at the clock on the porch. Babe its 5:07, we should get dressed to go pick up Sarah in a few minutes. She said I acknowledged by licking one of her nipples. We both got out of the hot tub and put the cover back over it, then went inside and got dressed. I wore tan cargo shorts and a black Mountain Hardware t-shirt. Becky put on jeans and a dark green, tight fitting t-shirt. We got in Becky's Mustang. I let her drive, there is something hot about a girl who knows how to drive a manual sports car, and well for that matter. We turned out of our driveway, which was rather long in itself, and on to the road we lived on. There are only three houses on this road in a 9 mile section, and the road was not often traveled, so we had it to ourselves. Soon we were doing 85+ on the country road. I was not worried, I trusted her driving abilities. We turned off that road on to one with more traffic and had to slow down considerably. We got to Harrisburg International at ten minutes to 6. Sarah’s plane had just landed, so we sat outside baggage claim and waited for her. After a few minutes we saw Sarah come out. She had a rather large wheeled bag being pulled by one hand, and a laptop bag in the other. She was wearing a northface fleece and jeans, with a tan cowgirl hat on her head. We both got out of the car. Becky ran to give her a hug, and I was not far behind. We helped her put her bag in the trunk. She then got in to the back seat, and we got in the front ones. Becky made a comment that she liked the hat, and Sarah explained that she loved Colorado so much that she brought the hat with her whenever she left. The hat did make her look very good. Sarah is not the tallest, at 5’4” or 5’5” she stands four or five inches shorter than Becky, and she looks even shorter when she stands next to me. She has long blonde hair and light blue eyes, and has rather large breasts (double D’s according to Becky. I guess friend know those things about each other.. Ha) “Did you have dinner on the plane?” I asked “they served it, but the only thing I ate were the baby carrots, all the rest of the stuff did not look good” She said “I cant blame you, plane food is nasty, what are you in the mood for?” Becky asked. “I could kill for some El Rodeo’s right now” she said “that’s one thing Colorado does not have, good Mexican food.” El Rodeo is a Mexican restaurant near Harrisburg that has really good hot sauce. We had a nice dinner, I paid the bill and we left. The car ride in between the restaurant was about half an hour, which gave us a good amount of time to catch up. Sarah congratulated us in person on our recent engagement. We talked about how their life in Colorado is. We said we would have to go out and visit sometime. Eventually we got back to the house, and Sarah seemed to really miss living in a mini house (her and Rick used to have one not far from our house before they moved to Colorado) we decided to watch a movie, and agreed on one. We started watching at around 8pm, but by 8:30 we were all bored out of our minds. “Who wants to go chill in the sauna” Becky asked “Sounds good, I'm in” said Sarah “Sure” I said We all got up and walked to the bathroom. Sarah was first to be totally naked, quickly followed by Becky. Although I was not expecting the nudity, I was not surprised by it either. The three of us had been naked in the presence of each other before, and Sarah knew the #1 rule of our sauna. I stripped out of my shorts and shirt and followed the girls in to the sauna. We all sat on our own bench. We just relaxed for a little while. Becky had her arms up on either side of the bench, and spread her legs some, Sarah was quick to follow suit. We just sat there, relaxed, and joked around for a good 45 minutes to an hour. I managed to keep my dick under control despite being in the presence of two very beautiful women. After we had been in there for a while Sarah asked if we still had the hot tub, and of course we did, so we walked up there and got in the hot tub. I turned on the lights and jets in the hot tub. You could not see in to the water very well. This time Becky sat on my lap and Sarah sat across from us. I kissed the back of Becky's neck quickly. She put her head back and next to mine and I put my arms across her waist. “so, Jim and Pam are giving you guys the farm to run?” Sarah asked “Yea, were pretty exited, they are going to retire January first this year, and then we will totally take over” Becky said. “are they going to stay here, or move somewhere?” Sarah asked “As we speak they are out house hunting in northern California” Becky said “that’s cool, I never saw them as California people though. What are you going to do when they are gone?” “Probably turn their house in to office space and build a house on our hill.” I said “Why not just re-model their house?” she asked “Three reasons” I said. “One, we want to hire a manager and maybe someone to answer the phone and that house is the perfect size for four or five offices. Two, we want to keep work and home separate, that is something Jim and Pam suggested we do. And three, we want our house to be our own, and building on our hill is the perfect start.” “What is ‘Your Hill’?” asked Sarah. “Where he proposed to me, its on the entire other side of the property, that area does not even have trees yet.” Becky said “We can show you after you get back from your trip tomorrow” I said. “Cool, that sounds good.” Said Sarah. “How are you going to get to your grandma’s house tomorrow” I asked “I was planning on calling a cab from the hotel, but I don’t think cabs come all the way out here” she said. “No, they don’t” Becky said. “You can take my mustang if you like, I don’t think we will be leaving the farm tomorrow, and if we need to we can take the hummer for short distance trips” she said thank you, and then Becky continued the conversation. “If you are planning to leave early tomorrow, you probably wont see us, my keys are on the key hook in the kitchen. Feel free to get a shower and some breakfast before you head out.” “Thank you, I will. I think I am going to head downstairs and get ready for bed though, I am really tired.” Said Sarah “Do you need any help un-folding the couch?” I asked “Nope, I can figure it out, thank you though” she said as she got out of the hot tub and dried off, then headed downstairs. Becky and I just sat there for a minute. It was 10:00, the stars and moon were out, and it was actually not that cold out of the water. Becky had been playing with my dick the whole time we had been talking with Sarah, and I was rock hard. I felt Becky move around a little, and then lower herself down on my stiff member. She spun around so she was facing me. I kissed her on the lips, and she began to flex her pussy muscles around my cock. After we had been kissing for a few minutes, she began to slowly move herself up and down my shaft. At first she only moved up and down slightly and slowly, then she began to move up and down an inch or two, and she slowly picked up her speed. Soon she was moving up and down on the full length of my member. Due to all the build up I had had while she was playing with my dick I was close, and judging by the moans she was making, so was she. I watched her lovely breasts bounce up and down with the movements of our lovemaking. It was not often we had sex with her on top, but I'm not sure why, because we both loved it. It was a totally different feel than when I was on top. Her velvety smooth pussy felt like heaven to me and I was ready to shoot my load in her. I shot rope after rope of hot sticky cum deep in to her steamy pussy right as she hit a gigantic orgasm. She moaned and arched her back with pleasure, and I kissed her so she was moaning in my mouth. I stayed inside her, and we made out as she slowly moved up and down my shaft again. “Oh, babe, you make me feel so good” I said She kissed me again, and slid off of my cock. We both got out of the hot tub and I pulled the cover over it, and we walked down to the stairs in to our bedroom. We both got in bed, on top of the covers and spooned together. I slowly and softly kissed the back of Becky's neck until she fell asleep, and I was not close behind. >>>>>> The next morning I woke up at 9:00. I heard a car door shut and looked out the window. I saw Sarah get in to Becky’s red mustang and drive away. Becky was still asleep, so I walked downstairs to make us both some coffee. Sarah had left a note saying she would be back anywhere from 3-4 pm. After I was done I walked back up with the two mugs in my hand. She was sitting up in bed with the blanket over her body. She had her glasses on instead of the contacts she normally wore and she looked incredibly sexy. (This next part is almost all dialogue, so we will use a different format of typing) Becky: My god you read my mind. Thank you. She kissed me on the cheek as I got in to the bed and under the covers with her. Me: You are welcome. Why do you look so cold? Becky: we left the door to the deck open last night. Me: Oh I said. I pulled another blanket over her, kind of nice, kind of to be funny. Becky: Talking with Sarah got me excited last night. Me: about what? Becky: Our house that we are going to build. Me: cool. You know, we should meet with an architect soon to discuss our plans for our house and for your parents house. Becky: don’t we have to come up with preliminary drawings before we meet with one? Me: Yes, we do. Lets go work on that now. Becky: maybe after we get some breakfast. We ate our cereal, got dressed, and walked over to the tiny desk we both shared. Although we loved our mini house, and I'm sure when we write about it it sounds bigger than it is, sometimes it is too small. It can all be put on one 18 wheeler trailer, and not even be considered an “oversized load”. We started with a list of things we wanted in our new house. Our list was basically space for treadmills, a full kitchen, dining room for 6 living room. (small) guest room (we intended to use our mini house as a guest house), a bigger bed and bath room, and an elevated porch for our beloved hot tub. What we ended up creating was beautiful piece of art, if you can call a house art. The house was the shape of an uppercase L, with a stubby bottom half. Our bathroom had a steam shower, Jacuzzi, and, of course a sauna, as well as a sink and toilet. We had a bigger bedroom with California King sized bed. Becky's parents house we drew up plans for as well. We converted the master bed room in to an office that we shared. We then made some minor changes to the two existing offices to make one a managers office and one a HR/PR/Miscellaneous office. Downstairs we made the dining room a conference room and the living room a reception area, complete with receptionist desk. The kitchen stayed the same, as did the bathrooms. We left the basement empty so we could make more offices if needed. We were excited, but we had to wait until January first to do anything further than show our drawings to Becky’s parents. For now we taped them to the wall near the desk. By the time we were all said and done it was nearing one pm and we were faced with nothing to do until Sarah got back. Becky had the idea to go for a quad ride around the tree farm and do what Jim, Becky’s father, called a survey. I said it sounded like a good idea, so we put on some slightly warmer clothes and walked downstairs. We left Sarah a note that said we had gone out quad riding and would be back at four. We walked out to a garage that housed various vehicles, Dirt bikes, quads, our mini truck, and an old jeep that had not run in years. The two quads were easy to get to, so we took them. We put on helmets and jumped on. First we drove to the four barns on the yard, they were all secure. We then did a parameter drive around the fence that runs the entire 578 acre (at the time) property. That was all secure and the fence was all good. When we were finished with that it was almost 3:30 and we were on the northwest outcropping. The farm is shaped kind of like the state of Oklahoma, it is like a rectangle with an outcropping on the left (or in this case northwestern side). Our house is on the south eastern corner, rear only one of two roads on the property. The north western out cropping had a 300 foot elevation above the house and is almost a mile away as the bird flies, and two and a half by trail. We were up on the outcropping looking at our house. A light reflection caught my attention near our house, and I asked for Becky’s Binoculars to see what it was. I looked through them and saw that the red mustang was back, and I saw a blonde walking towards our house. “What do you see?” asked Becky. “Your car, I must have seen a reflection as she pulled in, lets go say hi” I said. I gave Becky her binoculars back, waited for her to put them away, then headed down the trail. We drove through the empty parking lot and past the main gate. Past the “green” barn, the campsite and lake, the red and blue barns, and then we arrived back at the house. When we walked in Sarah was watching some tv. “Hey guys” she said. “You want to go see our hill now?” Becky asked. “sure” she said, turning off the tv. She grabbed a hoodie, and we walked out to my hummer. Luckily it started, did not over heat and turn off, or catch on fire, so we were lucky, and the girls got in. My hummer was connected a trailer with an atv on it, just in case it broke down in the middle of nowhere. We continued north on the trail, past the well and past the yellow barn. Once we got past the yellow barn it was an uphill climb to the top of the hill on a hardly marked trail. In truth we had only been up here once since that night. The one time we had been up there we had put two plastic lawn chairs and a permanent fire pit up there, as well as a small wood pile. We got up there and I parked the hummer. We all got out and looked around, I had almost forgotten how nice the view was. Sarah must have also thought the view was nice, because she got out her phone and took a picture. I grabbed a folding chair out of the back of my car and the two girls sat in the chairs that were already there. I started the fire using the wood and supplies already there. We sat there and told Sarah about the house, which Becky had smartly grabbed the drawings for before we left. When we showed her the drawings of Becky’s parents house, particularly Rick’s old room, she blurted out, without thinking, following typical blonde fashion. “I lost my virginity in that room!” she yelled in excitement. We all looked at each other for a few seconds, then we laughed hysterically. “Wow that brought memories back” said Sarah after a minute of silence, now taking on a more introspective personality. We all sat in silence for a minute. I knew I was thinking about the time Becky and I took each other’s virginities, I was pretty sure Becky was thinking the same thing, and it had already become obvious what Sarah had on her mind. “How old were you?” Becky asked Sarah after a minute of silence. “It was in the early hours of my fifteenth birthday” she said “You were at a friends house sleeping over and your parents had long since been asleep, but they didn’t even know I was in the house. Almost immediately after we finished we heard someone walk past Rick’s door, it was like 4am and we were freaking out, getting dressed as quickly as humanly possible. No one ever walked in, and I snuck out a few hours later.” Becky nodded “that was the only time we had sex for nearly a year, we were both scared to get caught” Now we both nodded “well, that was my story, I figure I’ve known yours since it happened, so you might as well know mine.” She finished We sat in silence for a minute or two, Becky moved to sit in my lap. I looked at my phone. It was 6:15. I whispered in Becky’s ear “Hey ask Sarah if she wants to order us some pizza” Sarah said sure, and I gave her my phone, and told her to have them deliver to the main entrance to the farm. She walked off to order, giving Becky and I a minute of privacy. “I love you” I whispered in her ear. “I love you too” she whispered back. She turned around some and kissed me. I kissed back and I guess we got carried away. “You guys are so cute” Sarah said as she sat back down in her seat. Becky turned back around so she was sitting on my lap again. “They said they will be at the entrance in half an hour” Sarah said “Thanks for the minute” Becky said. “No problem honey” she said. “so do you guys know when your wedding is going to be?” “no, no really, we have done almost no planning.” Becky said “So, not for a while, eh” “Yea, I guess” Becky said. We sat and chatted about mindless stuff for a while, and then I left on the quad to go get the pizza. I traveled along the northern fence line to the main entrance, only to realize that the first gate was not open, so I had to drive up to it to get the pizza. I paid the guy and gave him a tip, then drove back to the hill with the pizza. We ate, then put out the fire with a gallon of water I had in the back of the hummer. We all got in and drove back to the house. It was 8pm, and we decided to go sit in the sauna for a while. We got naked and got in. This time Becky sat leaning against me, so her head was by my penis. Becky had her legs fully spread, giving both Sarah and I a good view of her pussy. Sarah did the same, I'm not sure why, but she did, anyway, she had a small strip of blond pubic hair, unlike Becky who was totally shaved. I played with Becky's brown hair, and then one of her nipples, and I was hard. They both giggled a little. I had now been rubbing Becky’s nipple for a minute or so, and all of a sudden she let out a loud moan. I stopped immediately. “I think I just had a mini orgasm” she giggled “I love it when that happens. Once I was on a snowmobile riding on the back seat behind Rick and I had one. At first he thought I was kidding, and he kept going, I had like three in a row” Sarah said. Becky sat up more so her head was on my shoulder, and I kissed her on the forehead. “I think we are going to head on up to bed” I said after a few minutes of silence. Becky and I walked upstairs and got in to bed. I wasted no time spreading her legs and eating her out. I licked all over, drawing lines through her soft and juicy pussy with my tongue. I then licked her clit, and then went back to pussy where she had a massive orgasm. I lapped at the delicious honey like juices that flowed out of her pussy after her orgasm. I made out with her while I gave her a minute to recover. After she was ready, we got in to the missionary position and I penetrated her slowly. She began to moan and gasp as I picked up the speed with which I fucked her. Her moans got louder, so loud that I knew Sarah could hear, but I didn’t care, and I don’t think Becky did either. I was close to cumming, and I knew from the intense moaning that she was close as well. I shot my cum deep in her vagina as wave after wave of orgasm hit her. After her orgasm subsided we made out on our sides as she fell asleep, I pulled a blanket over us, and quickly followed her to sleep. >>>>>> The next morning we slept in some, and all woke around ten am. Becky was first to wake up. I felt her get out of bed, and was awake to watch her slide in to some sweatpants and a tight t-shirt, then walk downstairs, presumably go to the bathroom. I threw on a pair of gym shorts a minute later and walked down to start the coffee maker. I started it, and it started beeping to tell me there was no water in it. I shut it off, but it had beeped, and I saw Sarah, or the thick blanket she was under, move some. I went back to making the coffee. “What time is it” I heard Sarah whisper a minute later. “A little after ten, sorry I woke you up” I said. She got out of bed. She was wearing a large t-shirt, and some pink panties. “I was already awake, I was checking my email on my phone” “Oh” I said. “You want some breakfast” “that would be great” she said. A couple of seconds later Becky walked out of the bathroom and joined us in the tiny kitchen. “You want breakfast too?” I asked “sure” I got some eggs out of the fridge, and put some toast in the toaster. I scrambled the eggs and finished the toast, and Becky and Sarah set up the table. I brought the plate with the eggs and toast on it out, then got some smaller ones to serve on to. I poured myself some coffee and joined the girls at the table. We ate our breakfast. “what time does your flight leave tonight” Becky asked. “6:03” Sarah said. “what time do you need to be at the airport?” I asked “I always like to be there a little early, incase there is a problem or a line, so like around 4:30” Sarah said. “I have to go finish some business with the relator today, I should be back around two or three” “We are probably going to drive in to Harrisburg today.” Said Becky. “Do you want your car back? I saw you guys still have my old truck by that barn we drove past last night, I could drive that.” “sure, you can drive that” I said, “we will give you a ride out there after we are all showered and ready” We cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. We let Sarah go first in the shower, then took a quick one ourselves. We were all ready to go by 11, and we got in the mini truck to take Sarah to her old truck. When she lived in Pennsylvania she had a 2002 white ford f250, and when her and Rick moved she left the truck for the farm. All we had done with it was put a sticker on it that said “Setlidge tree farm” on it and used it to schlep crap around the farm. We let her out of the truck, gave her the keys and let her get in and start it to make sure it ran. It started, and she pulled out in front of us to drive to the main road. When we got back to the house she drove off to the road, and Becky and I got in her car and drove off to Harrisburg. We passed Sarah going up a hill on the “Un-named county road” we lived on at around 90mph, and she honked at us. We made it in to Harrisburg in good time and our first stop was at a bed, bath, and beyond. We had decided that we need new sheets and blankets, since we had been using the one we had since we were 15. We got a white sheet set and a really thick black comforter. After we did that we went and looked at their mattresses. Becky’s waterbed had started to leak about a month ago, and we just drained it and got rid of it. Since then we had been sleeping on a double thick queen air mattress that had a 0 in the comfort factor. It had really been interfering with our sleep, as well as our lovemaking. We really liked the foam tempurpedic mattress, and they where on sale for 45% off, that was a crazy good deal. We decided to pay for the mattress and drive home with the new sheets and get a bigger truck. When we got home we took the sheets inside, then went to get on the mini truck to drive to the green barn, near the main entrance. The green barn, although not actually green, was the newest on the property and held all the licensed vehicles. It was actually where Sarah’s truck actually should have been stored, but what ever. The first two trucks in the barn were new additions to the road fleet, two 2007 chevy Silverado 3500’s we picked one and got in. The keys were underneath the seat in a plastic cup, like every other vehicle on the farm. I got in the driver seat and started the truck as Becky climbed in. We drove back, picked up our mattress and then drove home. We dropped the mattress off at the house, then drove the truck to the barn, put it back, and drove the mini truck back to the house. Next we had to figure out how to get the bed inside of the house. We found the houses manual, and the makers of the house suggested lifting the bed through the row of detachable windows on the side of the bedroom. We cleared everything away from the windows and opened them so we could fit the mattress in. The only problem was that we could not physically lift the mattress up there. We decided the best way to lift the mattress was to go get the gradall forklift from where it was and have that lift it in. then we had to find the lift. We got back in to the mini truck to go search for the gradall. First we drove north to the yellow barn, it was not in there. We drove back south to the house then west to the blue barn. Not there either. From the blue barn we drove north to the red barn, the second newest on the property, it had to be here. It was, and we only had to move a backhoe to get to it. We pulled the gradall out, put the backhoe back in and shut the door. I got in the gradall and Becky followed behind me in the mini truck. I lifted the forks up a little bit, then stepped on the gas and took the gigantic forklift to its top speed of 11 mph. It was a long and slow trip back to the house. Once there it took us a short amount of time to lift the bed to the window and pull it in to the room. we then put the window back and drove the lift back, put it away, and drive back to the house again. We made the bed with our new sheets, put away anything that had been moved to get the bed in, and called it a day. We laid on our new bed and just relaxed. We were laying next to each other, on our backs. I leaned over some and kissed her softly on the lips. “Much better then the air mattress” she said. “Yes it is” I said “I think I like it more than the water bed too.” She nodded “you hardly even notice it” “We will have to try it out more after we drop Sarah off at the airport” I said Now she leaned over and kissed me. This one was longer and much slower. You could feel the passion and electricity in the air. Becky laid on top of me, and I put my arms around her waist and slowly rubbed the sides of my thumbs up and down her back, along her spine. Sarah got home after we had just been laying there, making out and talking for an hour or so. “Becky, Jason? Where are you guys?” she called “Up stairs, come on up” I yelled We heard her walk upstairs, and then she came in to our room. I was laying on my back and Becky was on her side up against me with her head on my shoulder. “you guys got new sheets” she said as she walked in. “And a new mattress” Becky added. “really” she said, sitting on the corner of the bed. “yea, it took us almost 2 hours to get in here” I said. “the bed is really comfortable, what is it?” she asked “One of those foam ones” Becky said. “Oh cool” she said she stood up. “I still have to pack a few of my things, and then we have to head out” Sarah said, standing up and walking out of the room. I kissed the top of her head, and then whispered in her ear. “Do you want a massage when you get home?” “Oh my god, yes please” she whispered back. She rolled back on top of me, and I kissed her. Then, I looked deep in to her beautiful, deep, green eyes, and we rubbed noses a little. “I love you” she said I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear “I love you too, baby” “Do you want to drive? I have a headache and don’t feel like driving.” She said “Drive where?” I asked, completely forgetting Sarah was even in the house She kissed me on the neck “Drive Sarah to the airport” “She is probably waiting for us downstairs” Becky said “You don’t have to go the airport if you don’t want to” I said “You can just come down and say goodbye” “I am going to do that I think, you go down and help her get her bags in the car, I’ll be down in a second” she said as she got off of me and stood up. I stood up and hugged her. “Becky, Is everything ok?” “I'm fine” She went to go change, and I walked downstairs. “Where is becks?” she asked “She does not feel good, she is getting changed and coming gown to say goodbye, but she has a really bad headache and I don’t think she is coming to the airport.” Sarah made a sad face, and then asked me to help her carry her bag to the car. We had just put the bags in the trunk when we saw Becky walking out. She had totally changed her clothes. She was now wearing her short pajama shorts and her black and dark blye HHS (Harrisburg high school) swimming hoodie and her glasses. I have to say even though she did look sick, her pajama shorts, for the few times we actually wore pajamas, made her long tan legs look amazing. She hugged Sarah goodbye, and then walked back to the house. I got in the car, and Sarah did too. “Whats up with Becky?” Sarah asked as I started the car and drove down the driveway. “I have absolutely no idea” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “I was hoping you could tell me” “Well I haven’t a clue” Sarah said “Did you say anything to her while you were up there?” “Not really, we just talked about our bed and made out some” I said. “Nothing else?” Sarah asked “Well I promised to give her a massage after we dropped you off” “Very cute, but that’s all you said?” “That’s basically it, we kissed a lot more than we talked” “did you offer her the massage before or after she said she did not feel good?” Sarah asked me. “Before” I said. Sarah thought for a minute or two. “It might just be pms” Sarah said “You are probably right, but normally it is not that bad” I said “Yea, but its nature, and nature is un-predictable” “On your way home pick up some chocolate and some massage oils if you don’t already have some. Put the chocolates somewhere she will find them on her own, then give her a massage if she wants one. But most important if she wants to sleep, just let her sleep.” Sarah said I thanked Sarah for the help, and pulled in to the airport drop off zone. I helped Sarah get her bags out of the car and waved to her as she walked in to the airport. On the way home I picked up some dark chocolate, which I knew she loved, and some massage oil. We already had oil, but I felt like getting a different one. I pulled in to the driveway around five fifteen, and all the lights In the house were off. I opened the door to the house and walked in. I put the little foil wrapped chocolates in a bowl, left them on the counter, and I put some in the bathroom. Then walked upstairs, hiding the bottle of massage in the pocket of my cargo pants. As I walked past the desk I saw Becky's sweatshirt that she had been wearing on the floor. I opened the door to the bedroom and saw her asleep on the bed. I pulled the bottle of oil out of my pocket, placed it on the floor next to the bed, and gently got in bed with her. She was still in pajamas, so I just spooned up against her. I did not fall asleep, however. After 45 minutes I felt Becky wake up. “Baby, do you want a massage” I whispered “I have to fucking piss, leave me alone” she yelled, and then got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Something else was up, she was not PMS-ing, something else was up. I knew because Becky almost never cursed, except for when we had sex of course, but for her to just say that was really strange. I sat and thought silently about if, and if, when I was going to ask her what was wrong. I heard the toilet flush, the sink run, and I heard her walk up the stairs and through the short hallway to our bedroom. But before she opened the door I heard something else. I heard her crying, which was something else very un-usual for her to do. She walked in to the room with an arm over her face. She also now had her hoodie back on, and had her hood over her head. She laid face down on the bed and put her head in the pillow. She was still crying. I channeled a really calm and sympathetic voice, and softly said: “Becky, I love you, and I'm here for you if want to talk to me” I patted her back and went to the other side of the bed and laid down. I looked at the clock, it was 6:20, and then I looked up at the celling and watched the fan spin. I did this for a little over an hour, until about seven thirty, and then I noticed Becky had stopped crying. I pulled the covers over her and assumed she was asleep, then went back to watching the celling fan. I felt really bad. This was the first time I was aware of that she had ever cried herself to sleep, and I didn’t even know what it was about. It made me feel like crap, knowing that I might have been the cause of it. However about five minutes later I looked over at her, and saw her looking at me. I went to say something, but she turned her head back in to the pillow and started to softly cry again. I moved so I was on my stomach next to her, and slowly ran my fingers over her back. I did this and she almost immediately stopped crying, so I kept doing it. After about ten minutes I heard her say something. “Babe?” I heard her say “Whats up honey?” I asked. She was silent; I continued to rub her back slowly, so maybe she would say more. After a minute I heard her say: “Will you hold me while I tell you what’s wrong” “Of course” “And will you just listen, and not say anything” “Sure” I sat up against the backboard, and she got up to sit in my lap. She rested her head next to mine on the headboard, and stretched legs out over mine. “Whats the matter baby” “I'm really nervous…” she stopped I kissed her on the neck to show her I was listening “…about running the farm, I mean what if we cant do it? Over the last month I’ve realized how much work it is, and I don’t know if I'm ready to handle it. I’ve really seen how much our live is going to change next year over the past three days, and I'm worried we wont get as much alone time together, just the two of us. I’m really stressed out and angry, which is why I yelled and cursed at you a little while ago. Then I went to the bathroom and saw that you got me chocolate, and I saw the receipt from the sex shop for the body oil, and I knew you did it for me. Then I got all sad because I yelled at you and cursed at you, and I know if I lose you I would die.” She sobbed, she was now crying again. I softly “Shh-ed” her to stop her from crying, and when she stopped I wiped the tears from her cheek with the sheet and kissed her on the neck. “Baby, can I say something?” She nodded “I know we can handle the farm together, and I know things are going really fast. If you want to we can always slow things down.” “Thank you” she said as she rolled over and off of me. Do you want a massage? I asked “Yes please” She said. I took her hoodie, then her tank top off of her, leaving her bear chested. I then went to take off her short little lime green shorts, but she asked me to leave them on, because she really could not handle sex right now and knew she might ask for it if she had the shorts off. I had no problems with that request, and got the oil from off the floor. I put some oil on her back, and she let out a soothing “Ohhh”. This oil was supposed to be “Warming” and really relaxing, but I did not feel anything on my hands, so I hoped she sure did. I got the oil all good and rubbed in using the bottom of my palms, then I started my massage. I started at the neck, and lightly pressed down on my thumbs while I made large circles with them. Next I did her shoulders and her shoulder blades. For those I used the bottoms of my palms and my thumbs, in a standard fashion. For her lower back I gently used my elbows to sooth any tense muscles she had. I skipped her butt because I did NOT want to take advantage of her, and moved on to her legs. I needed up and down one, stopping at the ankle for a long finger massage, then did the other leg the same way. I had her flipped over, and could see the outline of her pussy through the shorts, I could also see the rather large wet spot on her shorts, but did not say anything. I started with her legs on the front side, and did the same kneading up and down each of them. Next I got the bottle of body oil and poured some on her stomach. I rubbed it in slowly, taking my time to let the “warming” oil hopefully do its thing. I noticed whenever I did something she liked she would do a small gasp. I moved my efforts towards her chest. I used my fingers to massage everywhere around her chest. I next delicately massaged the fleshy grapefruit sized globes that were her breasts. I made sure not to touch or rub her nipples in any way. I heard her make a soft “Ahhh” I knew what that meant, she had had a small orgasm. Her breathing had increased. I leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Babe, I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to do that” “It’s ok, that was absolutely amazing, help me slide my shorts off though, because they are soaked.” I helped her out, and she was right, her shorts were drenched. After they were off I threw them on the ground and laid on my back next to her. She moved next to me on one of her sides and put her head on my shoulder, and we both fell asleep. At about three am I woke up, not unusual, some times I do that. We were both in the same position we fell asleep in. Her hair was still in a ponytail. She had on her engagement ring, and her silver necklace that her mom gave her for her 13th birthday. Her warm body was up against my arm, and it was really nice to feel. I took the elastic thing out of her hair and let her hair fall to the side. I loved her hair, it was brown, and right now it was long and kind of wavy. It was past her shoulders by a couple of inches. I ran my fingers through it as I fell back asleep. I woke up what seemed like ten minutes later only the sun was out. Something was playing with my wrist. I opened my eyes more and got adjusted to the light. Becky was trying to get the black hair band off my wrist that I took off her earlier. I pulled it away from her a little, and I noticed her old personality was back, or at least mostly. She was still fully naked, and looked absolutely beautiful with her long hair flowing over her shoulders. I pulled my wrist with the hair band still attached next to my body. I was still in my clothes from last night, as I had not gotten a chance to change out of them after I dropped Sarah off. She straddled me, throwing one leg over my waist and leaning down so we were face to face. “Babe, I look like shit, can I please have my hair band back” “no, you don’t look like shit, you look so sexy with your hair down, its un bearable” “So un bearable you just have to have me?” she asked I nodded ”lets get a shower first” she said I grabbed her and picked her up off the bed with me. I then stripped out of my clothes and followed her firm little butt downstairs to the bathroom. She turned on the water and ran in to the shower, making me continue my pursuit, as I ran in to the shower after her, she splashed water on me, and I splashed water back at her. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me, then kissed her. She broke away and pushed me to a wall, then kissed me again. She broke away and squatted on her knees. She took my semi hard cock in her hands, then began to stroke and suck until I got super hard. She continued until I was just about to blow, then told me to cum on her face. I stroked my cock a few times, and unleashed my hot ropes of cum all over her face. Then she turned around, and while I was still up against the wall, inserted my penis in her wet pussy. She did the work, and was soon sliding back and fourth on my dick as fast as she pleased. Due to the fact that she was so horny she was already close to orgasm. “Babe” she yelled with excitement “fuck me, I'm going to cum” I had her turn around and face the wall so I could fuck her from behind “Fuck me I'm cummming” she yelled with intense pleasure. I stopped, but only for a second to change positions. I sat on a little seat in the shower that we mainly used for putting stuff on, and so Becky can shave her legs. I still lad her in my lap, and when she was ready she began to bounce up and down on me. Almost instantly she was moaning and gasping again. “Oh my god give it to me babe, cum in my pussy” she gasped “I'm almost there” I gasped. She bounced up and down even faster on my rock hard cock. “Oh my god fuck me baby” I gasped She was screaming with pleasure We both hit our second orgasm of the day with intense force, and I shot my load deep in to her love hole. Her breathing was super heavy and her legs were trembling, she could not stand up. I helped her to her feet, and she leaned up against me. I felt her inner thigh she was still shaking. “Baby are you ok?” I asked. She nodded wildly and held up the “one minute” sign with her finger. She was still breathing really heavily. I held her and we moved under the shower water again. She was eventually able to talk in normal intervals in between breaths. “The second one always gets me” she said, giggeling “you made me feel so good” I said. She kissed me We got cleaned off and got dressed, then ate some breakfast. “Can you put your hair down for the car ride” I asked her. “You really think I look sexy like that?” she asked. “YES” I said. She pulled the hair tie out of her hair and did a sexy head shake as it all fell out of the bunn it was in. I clapped “there we go” She blushed We put our bowls in the sink, then walked out to Becky's car. I popped the gps on the windshield and got in the drivers seat. Becky got in the other side. I started the car and got on the road. It was a little over an hour and a half to the dealer in New Jersey. On the way there we chatted about random stuff, the amazing sex we had just had, the talk we had the night before, and how much she liked that massage I gave her last night. “Did you feel the oil “Warming” like it was supposed to?” I asked, shifting in to fifth gear as we speed up after a toll. “Is that what that supposed to be? I felt it doing something, but I'm not sure what. That’s ok though, your hands are amazing.” “Thank you” I said, rubbing my hand on her inner thigh through her jeans. “What do we have to do when we get there?” Becky asked “go for a test drive, give them a down payment check, sign some paperwork, and drive home I think” I said “Cool” she said After about ten more minutes of driving and talking we got to a Dodge dealer, in new jersey. We parked Becky’s ford mustang in one of the spots, and were almost immediately were looked at strangely in a dodge/mopar shirt. We ignored him and walked In to the dealer. A man walked up and greeted us, then asked us if he could help us. I told the man I was looking for phil. He introduced himself as Phil (obviously not his real name) and I introduced Becky and myself. This was the first real time I had the opportunity to introduce her as my fiancée to a complete stranger. I saw her smile at this, and that made me feel really good inside. “Lets go for a test drive” Phil said, handing me a set of keys. The three of us walked outside of the dealer, and turned to a parking lot. We walked through the lot and found the car. The car was a 2008 dodge hemi SRT8, black. It was a new, but being that it was then 2009 and the car had been on the lot for a while, the price had dropped considerably. I got in the drivers seat, and Phil let Becky take the front seat, getting in the back seat. I started the hemi V8 and put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot. We drove around beautiful (cough, cough***) central new jersey. We got to the midpoint of the test drive, and I asked Becky if she wanted to drive, but she said no. We drove back to the dealer. I loved the car, and there were no problems. We walked back in to the showroom, and sat at Phil’s desk. He gave me some papers to look over and sign. As I was looking them over Becky’s phone began to vibrate. She grabbed it out of her bag and looked at the screen. “It’s my mom” she said, walking out of the showroom I signed the papers, and set up a financing plan. After we talked a little more we both stood up and shook hands. He gave me the keys and I walked out. Becky was outside, and was just hanging up the phone. “Race you back home” I said, running to the dodge and getting in. She ran to her mustang and pulled up behind me as I waited to pull on to the highway from the dealer. I saw the opportunity to enter the highway and I took it. I smoked the tires a little. We pretty much waited until we were past Harrisburg and on the home stretch to really start pulling any speeds in excess of seventy five. We were on a single lane in each direction road near our house, and Becky passed me doing at least 85 in the shoulder. I had to get her back, when we were on a fairly deserted road I gunned it, I had it to 107 mph, and passed her at around 95. I knew, just from driving both that my car had a lot more power than hers, but whatever. When we got to the road we lived on that was always empty I passed her, then gunned it. This road was flat and in one direction, and I had the car doing 114mph. Becky tried to keep up, but I'm pretty sure she did not get past 95, but that was by choice. I drove up the driveway and she followed. She parked her car and got out, then hopped in the passenger seat of my car. “Lets go find some place quiet we can park the car and maybe have a little fun” she said. We drove to a hill with a trail that was just some dirt, so I had no problem driving it. It was covered by trees and was technically no ones property. I parked the car, turned it off and said “race ya back there” I climbed in to the back seat. She climbed back after me. I laid on my back with my feet slightly up. She got on top of me, so we were face to face. I kissed her. “I saw you smile earlier when I introduced as my fiancée earlier” I said. “Yea, I'm kind of excited about that, every girl dreams about marrying Mr. Right.” We kissed again. She was wearing a purple polo shirt, and it had four white buttons. The first three were buttoned, since the shirt was a size smaller than she was to get a tight fit, I un-buttoned them. Her bra was black and white. With the shirt un-done and her hair let down she looked totally sexy. “Lets get these jeans off of you” I said, rubbing her still clothed ass. “Mmmmm” she moaned in my ear as she stuck her chest in my face. I kissed the area between and right above her breasts. She had Goosebumps, another little thing I thought was just totally sexy. She raised her chest up some, and gave me access to the button on her jeans. I un did it. She put her belly on mine, and raised her butt in the air and I helped her slide her jeans and very minimal black and white panties. She kicked them off and in to the front of the car. She slid her hands under my shirt and slid it off of me. She kissed my neck, and slowly ran her fingers sown my chest. She un-buttoned my shorts and slid them down, then she began to stroke my dick. Once it was nice and hard she stuck it in her mouth and began to suck it. She bobbed her head up and down, sucked, and swirled her tongue around my head. It felt so good, there is no way to describe it. She moved her head up and down faster, and licked my shaft. I shut my eyes and gasped in pleasure. She began to deep throat my cock, and I just went even further in too comatose, it just felt that good. I grunted, and shot my load in to her throat. I watched her swallow my cum and smile. “You like that, didn’t you?” I said She nodded excitedly “are you gunna fuck me now?” she asked “You bet babe” I said. “But first lets take care of this shirt” She was straddling my waist with her legs. I could feel her warm pussy up against my belly button. I slid her purple polo shirt over her head and threw it in the front seat. Her bra and her jewelry were all that were left on her. I reached behind her and undid her bra. Her wonderfully perky c cups breasts hardly if at all fell with gravity. I helped her slide slowly on to my shaft. She let out a soft gasp as she got on fully. She put hand on the seat on either side of my chest. To balance herself, and she slowly began to ride my shaft like a cowgirl. This was a great position; I had a perfect view of her face and her breasts, and her beautiful hair cascading over her shoulders. She picked up the pace and her breasts were bouncing in rhythm. She varied her pace, speeding up to increase the amazing feelings, and slowing down to prolong the experience. Becky was riding me pretty hard. Her breasts bounced in rhythm with her gyrations, and she was close to orgasm. She came with massive pleasure, she collapsed on me. Her breathing increased and I could feel her body shaking. She recovered and then said: “Lets try something” she said “what?” I asked She thought for a second. “what are our chances of being interrupted?” “almost none” I said “I’m willing to take those odds if you are” “sure” I said “Put your shoes on and get outside” she said, sliding her sneakers on. I did the same and followed her outside She bent over the hood of the car. “will your belly ring scratch the hood?” I whispered in her ear. “Your right” she said, flipping over on her back. I ran my finger over her belly button, and parted her legs. I inserted my penis in her pussy. I began to fuck her. I penetrated her, and thrust in and out of her at a good pace. Becky was moaning and gasping with pleasure. She screamed in orgasm once again, and I shot my load deep inside her sweet love box. She let out a loud “gahhhh” as I did this. After she recovered for a few seconds, she got up and did a sexy strut towards the middle of the car, she leaned up against the car, facing towards it like she was looking in, put her arms up against the top of the car, stuck her firm but in the air and spread her legs to let the cum drip out of her pussy. Oh my god I almost came again so many sexy things combined in to one, her butt, her hair, the cum leaking out of her pussy, the car… there is nothing hotter than an American woman leaning, naked, on an American muscle car, you cant beat it. This image will be in my brain until I die. I stood and admired her a little bit, then walked up to her, and leaned against the car, back to the car and looked at her. “You know, if I were to have one naked picture of you…” I started she cut me off “we’ll see about that” she said. “You know how sexy you look?” I asked “I can tell” she said, looking at my stiff penis. Becky always has always had this weird thing against nude pictures, and I not only respected her decision, bit I have to say I cant blame her, in this world of computer hackers and whatever… so I was really surprised when she said “well see” because mainly I was only joking, but also because she was considering it. I knew I would do what ever she asked to make sure the photos were safe if we ended up taking them, I did not want to mess this up over a picture. We got dressed again, and took the short trip home, no cops for us. We got home, and it was five thirty. “You want to try a new restaurant?” I asked. “I think you already know the answer to that” she said. We both laughed some. “How fancy do I need to dress up?” she asked “Very” She raised her eyebrows “Really?” I nodded We ran through the shower together, and then got dressed. Becky had on a black dress. The bottom was almost like a pencil skirt, and the top was a tight shiny black material. She had a matching jacket thing to go with it. She put on silver earrings with medium blue stone inlays. She did a little bit of makeup, and a little more complex necklace then the one she normally wore. She put on an anklet, and some black heels. I put on Black dress pants, and a blue dress shirt. I matched the blue dress shirt with a black tie and sport jacket. I put on dress shoes and grabbed one of my pairs of sunglasses, I believe a pair of mirrored Jubilo Druus sunglasses. Becky was in the bathroom straightening her hair. She finished and saw my sunglasses and decided to grab her pair, however unlike me, she has only one pair, a pair of Ray Ban aviator’s, they had the gold colored frame and dark brown lenses, and they made her look amazing. On the way out I grabbed my watch off the counter and we got in to the car. The place we were going to was called Magnia Qui, and was apparently good. They served Italian and (We think) Mediterranean food as well, and were located on north street, near third street in Harrisburg. I had actually made reservations on the phone while we drove back from the dealership. “I feel like a bond girl” Becky said. “You look like one, you look amazing” I said. “Thanks, you look really great too” she said, holding my hand. “Babe, I gotta shift” I said. “Oh, sorry” she giggled I passed a slow moving car, shifting out of third to fourth. We pulled on to north street, and parked outside the restaurant. We walked in We were seated, and ordered drinks and dinner. The waitress walked away. “what did your mom call about when we were at the dealership” I asked. “Oh, that’s right I forgot to tell you” she said. “They have not found a house yet, so they are staying a few extra days” “when are they coming back?” “I have no idea, I don’t think they know either.” “cool, that gives us some time to catch up on the stuff we were supposed to do before Sarah interrupted” I said jokingly. (lol, we know “Rick” and “Sarah” read these, shout out to you guys.) Our dinner came out rather quickly. “What is left that we have to do before your parents get back?” I said. “Mainly office work, we have to go through resumes for a new team leader, we have to have a mechanic come and look at a few vehicles, and some other management stuff. The only thing we have to do is set up all the Christmas tree sale stuff.” “why so early?” “Its supposed to snow in a week” “Oh, are we getting the snow equipment set up” “Only if we have time” she said. “We could see if employees are available” I said. “Like salary workers? Or per hour workers?” “Salary Workers” I said. At the time the farm hired two types of workers: salary workers and per hour workers. Salary workers are set to work a certain amount of hours per year, and get paid if they work over time. They usually supervise the per hour workers or run things. Per hour workers can work for a week, or however long they like. The longer they stay the more they make an hour. They only usually are in town for a few weeks, then leave to find work somewhere else. A lot of them are from the Spanish community. Becky and I are 21 when we are writing these, and both of us speak decent Spanish, just from working here. The salary workers had to work 1500 hours a year, and that is not bad considering a person with a daily 9-5, with a week of sick days, holidays, and two weeks vacation works around 1000 more. We set specific days that all the salary people have to work, and then they worked to schedule the other days they would work. Because we were a tree farm, and mainly we sold Christmas trees, our year rotations started October 25th, so we could ship our mass quantities of trees to stores in the few surrounding states, including new york, ohio, west Virginia, and new jersey. People find it hard to believe that their “fresh cut tree” they buy from a big box home improvement center, were actually cut a month or two ago. It was now October 22nd, so the cycle was due to start over again soon. We all worked all day from Monday-Saturday from the start of the cycle until January 15th, then most stopped working until late march or early April. Then things were planted, and everyone was for the most part off until the start of the season. However back to dinner… “I bet you we can find one of the salary people to do some work for us” Becky said. “keep in mind we only have 5 salary-men, not 6 like we normally do” she nodded “Did your parents say we could hire a sixth?” “No, but I could call and ask, it is basically our farm on the 25th. My parents will just be here until January to supervise and sign the checks.” We were both finished with our meal, we skipped dessert and paid the tab, then walked out the car. “You want to drive?” I asked, tossing her the keys. She caught them and got in the drivers seat. She kicked off her heels and threw them in the back seat, then started the engine. She checked her mirrors, they were clear, she shifted into first and let off the clutch and on the gas some. We pulled out, a little rapidly, but she was not used to driving it. We powered down north street and back towards home. A while later we stopped at a stoplight. “This thing is really powerful” she said. “Babe, it’s a V8” I said. “Defiantly faster than my ‘stang” she said, shifting in to first and driving across the intersection. When we pulled up our driveway it was only 7:45. I told Becky to stop at her parent’s house, and let me run in to grab the resumes from the office upstairs that we were temporarily sharing. Becky's parents each used to have their own office, but they moved in together so we could have an office to share. I ran back down with the papers and got back in the car. We drove the 100 feet to our house and parked. We walked in to the house, and Becky walked upstairs to get changed in to something comfortable, she took the papers with her. I stayed downstairs and made us each a double shot espresso. I brought up the coffee, and put them on the nightstand, and then stripped to my undershirt and boxers, then joined Becky on the bed and grabbed the other espresso. “let’s call daddy and see what she wants us to do with these” she said, tossing her phone on the bed. She dialed Jim and put him on speaker. He picked up and said “hey sweetie” he said as he answered the phone “Hi daddy, Jason is on the phone too” “Hey Jim” I said “Hey Jason, so what’s up?” “Becky and I are wondering what exactly you want us to do with these resumes you left on our desk” “Oh, um… Pick three that look the best, and put the rest away somewhere else.” He said. “Call them and schedule interviews on Monday, I will be back that morning.” “Sounds good” I said “We have to go, we just got to the restaurant” he said “All right, bye” we said. We hung up. “How are we going to figure this out?” Becky asked. “We will rank them from one to seven (there were seven resumes)” I said. “Good” she said All except one of the people trying for the job spoke Spanish. The first 6 were male, and the last one was female. One we instantly put out because he was 17, not that we had a problem with that, but he had worked in fast food for the past year. He must not have actually read his employer’s recommendation before he attached because it basically summed up to be he was always late, and always lazy. Next was a man who was in his late sixties, and had not worked in five years. He had been a welder at a railroad depo, and had retired. He did not speak Spanish. We decided he was not the best choice, but still put him ahead of fast food boy. The next guy had worked for a tree farm that we actually knew, up in New York. His sheet said he had been “released” a year ago. We were also weary of him, and put him in between old man and fast food boy. Becky pulled out her computer and shot off an email to the New York tree farm asking about him. Next up was a 30 or so year old who had just moved here from Oregon. He had worked at a cargo ship dock and had been laid off. He said he spoke some Spanish, but not much. At first he we thought he was a a good choice, but then we read the next three. The first was a 24 year old oil roughneck from Texas, he had been working the rigs for 5 years. He said he had recommendations from both of the rigs he worked on and he got 5 stars from both. We put him at the top of the pack. Next was a 27-year-old Army Vet. He had been a mechanic in Iraq for 4 years, and received an honorable discharge. He had a high school Spanish education. Last was the woman, and I saw Becky's eyes light up. She was a 24 year old college grad. With a degree in management, spoke fluent Spanish because her mom was from Spain. “Babe, she could be our manager” she said. “honey that’s great, but we cant hire a manager for a few months, and she will have found a different job by then” “We could hire her for this job for a few months, then promote her on the first of January” she said. “that’s a great idea, I am totally impressed with her resume” “lets do it” she said “so who are the three we will interview” I asked “The girl, the military guy, and the oil roughneck” she said “I agree” I said. “You notify the people we want to talk too by email, and I will email the rejections” We both opened our laptops and sent off emails. Almost immediately Becky got a response from military guy. He said he would be there at 1pm. While we waited to see if we got any responses we watched some tv. At quarter till ten we got a response from the girl, and she said she would be there at 4:00. At ten we called It a night, and put the computers away. I turned off the tv, Becky turned out the lights, and we got each other naked. We were on our sides facing each other. I kissed her lips a little, she kissed back exactly the same. I softly bit her lip, when I released, she did the same thing to me. I kissed her neck underneath her ears. She did the same. “copycat” I whispered in her ear. She made a sexy cat noise, then smiled a little. I kissed her, with tongue, and we started frenching. I don’t know how long it took, but it felt like tome slowed down. After she broke away after what must have been twenty minutes, I felt her roll over, and pull me in to the spooning position. We fell asleep like that. >>>>>> We ended up hiring two of the three. We hired the woman and the military mechanic. Jim said we might as well hire the manager now, so we could train her. We hired the vetran to work in the field, and service the cars as well. The oil roughneck flat out lied to us about knowing Spanish, when Becky tried to strike up a conversation with him in Spanish he said “hola” and then made a face that said it all. His face was like “Oh, shit” he was not hired. Jim and Pam also said that we could start talking to an architect about our plans so they could happen as soon as we took control of the farm. The mechanic, who we will call “Doug” turned out to be a damned good one, and helped us winterize our fleet for winter. The manager we hired we will call “Jamie” in our stories. She moved temporarily in to the gate house near the entrance to work, until she got her own office. All in all a happy ending. Becky and I made plans to drive out to Colorado in our new car sometime after the chaos of January first, and Becky and I made our first appointment with a wedding planner, for February first. 15418 words. 35 pages. |
I get off with a little help from my cousins I was looking forward to my cousin Cindy sleeping over for the entire weekend. Cindy had curly blonde hair, a flat chest, and a tiny petite body. I was going to show her some of what Lea taught me. Lea is our older cousin. We both look up to her so I know Cindy will be eager to follow if I mention Lea doing it. Cindy was younger than me and always asking to practice kissing saying she wanted to know what it would feel like in a few years. I know she was curious about her body and I now knew more about our bodies that I could share. That night Cindy asked me about my trip with Lea. I told her how much fun we had because Lea had showed me a game you’re only supposed to play when you’re older. I told Cindy that Lea didn’t want to sleepover tonight because we wouldn’t be able to play since she isn’t supposed to learn for even longer than me. Cindy was instantly bummed out. She looked up to Lea and I and wanted to be included in everything we did. She begged me to tell her all about it. I must have gone on denying her for five minutes before I “caved” and told her I would. Lea and I really did turn it into a game for this. I explained the game has 2 rounds that have 3 categories with sub-categories, points are earned when a task is complete, tasks the first round are 10 seconds, tasks the second round are 20 seconds, the round end when the board is clear, whoever has the most points at the end of 2 rounds wins. Cindy was eager to know what the categories were so I continued. The categories are boobs, vagina, and butt. The boob tasks are touch, Iick, and suck. The vagina tasks are touch, lick, finger. The butt tasks are touch, lick, finger. Cindy was shocked when I finished explaining just like I knew she’d be. I told her she didn’t have to do this, but she said she still wanted to and asked if I’d show her how to do all the tasks before we started the real game. I took off my clothes and got on the bed. I told her I’d show her the touch and finger tasks, but I’d have to do the lick tasks to show her. So Cindy got undressed and hopped on the bed with me. Her boobs were completely flat besides her pink puffy nipples and her hairless mound had a tight slit down the middle. Our bodies looked exactly alike. I caressed my non-existent breast, ran my finger up my slit to my clit then massaged my butthole with my thumb. After that I showed her how to put a finger in your ass and vagina. I licked my fingers to cover in spit then massaged my puckered asshole in circles. I applied pressure and let my finger sink into me. I slowly withdraw it just to the tip before pushing it back in. I continued pulling my finger out and pushing it back in while increasing speed. I brought my other hand to my already dripping pussy and sunk a finger in straight to my g-spot. I rubbed that sweet little spot while I continued to pump my ass. I told Cindy to come closer to me. I took my hand from my pussy to bring her in even closer to me took her small breast in my mouth until I felt her nipple get hard. I moved on to her next breast to give that one that same treatment. After enjoying her breast I made Cindy lay on top of me in the 69 position. Her pussy smelled so sweet this close to my face. I spread her tight pussy lips open and admired her natural glisten for a moment. I gave her a little massage along her walls before I pushed my tongue as deep into her pussy canal as she would allow. I pushed my tongue all around her walls exploring her inside. When I felt like I had got to know every inner inch I moved on to her ever so small clit. I used just the tip of my tongue to flick her little clitty. She would twitch with every flick which only encourages me to keep this up and bring her to her edge. I took two fingers and started rubbing her pussy while my tongue tickled her nub. When I could feel her climax about to spill over I pulled away from her pussy dragging my tongue all the way up to her rosebud. I spent extra time on her ass circling it with my tongue until I felt her relax and loosen under my mouth. I made my tongue as stiff as I could then pushed into Cindy’s butthole. She squeezed my tongue nice and tight so tight she almost squeezed me out, but I kept at it invading her hole. I wiggled and squirmed, but I continued eating her ass. I was getting so hot I started fingering my pussy and before I knew if I was having an orgasm and moaning into her virginal asshole. I asked Cindy again if she wanted to play to which she told me she was going to win! I let Cindy go first and to my surprise she picked licking my ass. It took everything in me to hide how excited I was to have my sweet cousin’s small tongue up my ass. I flipped over with my ass in the air to her. She was very stiff and nervous, as expected, but it still felt amazing. I picked fingering her pussy. I showed Cindy how to always lick your finger first then I spread her tight pink pussy and slowly pushed my finger into her, careful not to go deep enough to tear her hymen. She was so tight and warm around me. Cindy and I continued completing tasks back and forth all night. Cindy said her favorite was anything to do with the butt and hell could I tell. I usually am a giver more than a receiver, but tonight was much different. Cindy was so willing and eager to explore I just let her go wild. Curiosity got the best of her once it dawned on her if fingers were going inside of us that meant other things could too. We went to an amusement park the week before and got these glow stick wands. Cindy asked if she could use it on me. I found lube to cover the wand then leaned over the bed before turning around to give Cindy the nod that I was ready. I felt the cold, hard plastic push up against my butt hole until it opened inviting in inch after inch of the toy wand. Cindy turned on the lights on the glow wand and I started shaking my ass and singing. We both got a good laugh in. I even laughed so hard the glow wand shot out of my butt which made us crack up even more. After a good belly laugh we grabbed some popcorn and watched Princess Diaries before falling asleep. |
My name is Brad. I am a typical guy I guess. I like to hunt, fish, watch football, and waste some valuable sleep in between the sheets. Divorced 7 years, though I still see my ex wife pretty much everyday to pass our daughter back and forth. Sitting in front of her house like this always enrages me slightly, I paid for this house. I paid for everything because a judge told me I had too and I'm still made to wait a half an hour to an hour behind schedule to pick Megan up. I flip through radio stations, agitated, not really looking for anything in particular. I am a decent looking guy I would say, for being in my mid 40's I haven't found a single gray hair yet. I'm of an athletic build, not extremely ripped, but just enough to attract the ladies occasionally still. I have numerous tattoos, a number of my piercings have disappeared over the years. I don't have a single one left anymore. Fidgeting in my seat I happen to catch a glance at the front door of my ex wife's house and my jaw just about hits the ground. My beautiful daughter, a senior in high school, walking out of the house wearing the smallest black dress I've ever seen in my life. Her ever curve accentuated by the small layer of fabric keeping her delicate parts a mystery. Fuck, she's hot. I wave goodbye to her mother before leaning towards the passenger side door and popping the door open for my little princess. Oh how time flies, and day by day it feels so bittersweet. Megan slides into the seat next to me, carefully crossing her legs in the most lady-like manner I've ever seen. Good girl, I think to myself. I am so proud of the woman that she has become. I put the car into drive and begin driving away from her house. "Hi Megs!! How are you? What's new in your life?" I asked inquisitively. She rolls her head across the armrest to look me in the eyes as I glance up from the road for a moment at a stop sign. Her honey brown eyes dancing across my face as she smiles softly, her cheeks immediately blushing as they always do when she looks at me. It's one of her little quirks. Her love for her father can never be doubted, she's always been my biggest fan, as I have hers. Last year she got into some trouble with her boyfriend, she was caught in the public restroom at school with his cock in her hand. Her mother flew over to my home in a rage and together we walked into the school and I could tell that my baby had been crying. Her boyfriend sitting across from her in the office with his backpack uncomfortably laid across his lap. I just know that his cock was still stiff when we got there, but I couldn't help but wondering why my Megan had got so adventurous after all. Ever since I can remember she has never had one toe out of line, and yet there I stood in the principal's office because she had a teenage cock in her hand. The sound of her voice startles me back to reality as I merge onto the highway, I tune in intently hoping I didn't miss too much of what she's said. " and it really sucks dad, because you know, like, ugh! I never did that before and I just can't go to his house and like hang out with his mom before like sucking his cock. I mean like..." "MEGAN!!!'' ''What dad??" She snaps at me sharply. "Why are you talking to me about cock sucking??" I nervously answer, my hand on the back of her seat as I turn around to check for cars as I merge onto the highway. Her face turns a bright pink at my question and she opens her mouth to reply, but instead of words she just starts laughing hysterically. Immediately I start cracking up, her laugh is just so contagious. Everything about her just radiates confidence and self esteem. She's humble, but she knows how fucking hot she is. She's smart, but knows how to play the dumb girl card to her advantage. She's going to be very successful one day, I just know it. We sit in silence on the way home, nothing too unusual for us. We don't talk all that often, we enjoy each others company without directly interacting with each other all the time. Both of us are strong and independent, that's the best trait in her and she got it from me. I probably should push the sucking cock comment, but I just really want to get home. Hopefully she'll change that dress, because I should not at all know what color her sweet areolas are, yet there they sit, light brown and soft sticking out the top of her white bra. I think I'm going to need some alone time when we get home, I can already feel the tingle up my sack letting me know that my cock is beginning to stiffen in my pants. Great, Just great. We pull up into the garage and climb out of the car, gracefully, she walks up to me and slides her arms around my waist. Hugging me tight, before kissing my chin and walking inside. Her brown hair flowing down her back beautifully as she walks. I smile to myself and begin to follow her up the stairs and into the living room. In the distance I hear the home phone ringing and I rush to my office to pick up the call. Of course, it's my date from last night, wondering if she could come over for round two, perhaps another time I tell her. Can't be banging someone with my daughter here, Right? Maybe I should, I don't know. I'll think it over during supper, at least by then my cock will have gotten bored. While picking up the phone and ordering pizza a thought comes to mind, a troubling thought at best. What if she's having sex with this guy? I know she's a good girl, but yet she gives hand jobs in the school bathroom, I don't know how to feel about this. I shake off the thought and order the food and put my feet up on the desk, relaxing into my computer chair. It's already been such a long day for me, and I'm just ready to pass out. I hear a knock at the door and quickly wake from my half in half out slumber. I retrieve the pizza from the delivery guy and set it on the table. Megan walks into the room in her soft fluffy pajama pants and a tank top. Phew, much better. We visit for close to an hour and a half, catching up on each others lives and enjoying one another's company. Her cute little giggles, and the way she hides her mouth nervously as she talks is just absolutely fucking adorable. I love her absolutely more than I ever thought I could love another human being. Her eyes are absolutely piercing, I have always loved looking into them. Tonight feels strange though, for some reason it feels like she is looking at me the same way that I am looking at her, which there would be nothing wrong with, except for the fact that I've been thinking about bending her over this table and giving it to her since the second she walked into the room. What is wrong with me, I mean, this can't be normal. In fact, I think it is the opposite of normal. A flash of worry crosses my face, and before I can change the look she catches it. "Daddy? Is everything okay??" She mouths softly, her eyebrows raised in curiosity. I nod and smile at her softly before standing up and carrying my plate to the sink. Clearing off the table and putting away the leftover food. "Is there, uh, anything you'd like to do? Or do you just want a little space babe?" I ask her. "I think I'm good just hanging out dad, I'll let you know if I need anything.. Hey, actually, are we still going to the beach tomorrow? or?" "yeah, Megs, we're going first thing in the morning and staying as long as you want, okay? I'll probably be in my room watching a movie or something. If you need me let me know, ok?" "yep" she said before she disappeared into her room. I locked up the house and retired to my bedroom, changing from my work clothes to a pair of basketball shorts. I flipped on the local news and began going through work emails. Working for myself has it's perks at times, most of them are answered for me by my secretary. My thoughts drift to last night, the woman I had over. I fucked her right here, for hours last night. Man, she was a beautiful woman, kind of annoying with the dirty talk but hot enough that fucking her really didn't feel like a chore. I go through phases of dating and then I'll not see anyone for years. I know that I will never marry again, and most women want the commitment that I can not offer. I rather enjoy being able to see people as I choose or not at all. After laying in bed for about an hour I decide to go check on Megan, say hi and stuff. Her door is just cracked enough that when I peek in I can see her taking a photo of her breasts with her phone. Oh man, this weekend is going to be hell. "Meg! What in the hell do you think you're doing??" I push open the door hard, mostly for show. Deep down I'm glad it's just pictures and not actually catching a boy up her balls deep in my daughter. "DAAAAD!! Get ouuut!!" Throwing a pillow at me she rushes to cover up her breast. "Meg. Look. I need to talk to you for a minute, ok?" I sit beside her and she lays down on her bed, looking up at me. "Look, I know that this is normal. I know that in the world we live in now this is going to happen and I really trust you ok? Can we please just make sure the door is closed when your breasts are out, I'm old and my heart can't take seeing a nice big pair of titties anymore. Got it?" She nods and giggles uncontrollably. "I got it dad, and I'm sorry. Thank you for not going all crazy on me like mom does." I lean down and kiss her forehead softly, her hand searching for mine so I grasp it tightly. "I love you and I need you to be smart and safe, you know what is ok and what is not" I whisper to her before brushing her hair out of her face and smiling deep into her eyes. "Do you need anything before bed, Kitten? Daddy is beat.." "uhrmm, I actually have a question" She fiddles with my hand playfully, looking up at me to gauge my reaction to her question. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I smile and take her hand, walking her to my room with me. Every weekend it seems she's curled up in bed with me. I'm finding her to be skiddish at most, every noise seems to send her into panic mode for some reason. Her therapist is no help with it, so I do the best I can and let her come crawl into bed with me. We crawl into bed and snuggle up, facing each other with our arms wrapped around one another tightly. My fingers dance across the side of her face softly, while brushing the hair away from her face casually. A small nightlight in my bathroom the only light in the room, but I can see the curve of her cheeks and her nose. Her face carved by the angels, I love her in ways that I never thought possible. "Dad?" "Yes, sweetie?" "Can I ask you a question?" "Of course, what's up?" She adjusts herself slightly, her breasts pressed against my chest now. I start imagining what they would look like in my hands. "Dad, what does an orgasm feel like?" I ponder the thought for a moment, the only uncomfortable feeling I have is a light cramp in my calf. "Well, it's one of the best feelings in the world. It hits like a tidal wave, and lingers long after it is gone. For a man like myself it really takes a lot out of me. After I feel relaxed, tired.. Why do you ask, Love?" She sighs softly. "Well, I am getting older now and I have given them but have never received one. I am insanely curious to know what it feels like" I steady my breath and lay there for a few long moments, wondering how to phrase my thoughts. Pulling pieces of words from the tornado of them in my head, trying to form a well educated and partial answer. "Well, do you care to explain that to me princess?" "Yes, dad I actually do. As you know, I gave Jake a handjob in the school bathroom, but we were caught before he could finish. That was my first experience with sex. He showed me how to touch his penis, and where it feels good and where to be careful because he says it can hurt if done wrong. Then a few weeks ago I spent the day at my boyfriends house and his parents went to catch a movie in the middle of the day. We went to his room and I sucked his dick until he came on my breasts. I promise though dad, I am still a virgin. It's like, the more I do sexually, the further I want to go and I just need some guidance." I pause, taking a second to really think about what she had just said. "I really like your boyfriend, I think he's turning into an excellent person. I can give you some advice and some pointers for further use with him if you'd like. How best can I help?" She takes my hand and drags it down her throat, past her shirt and down into her bra. My heart beats so fast that I can feel it trying to come out of my chest. My baby girl has always been blunt and straight forward with what she needs and wants, and if I'm interpreting this correctly. Well, she wants me to make her come, right? "Babe, Are you.." "Yes!" She blurts out, cutting off the question I was about to ask. "Ok, I need you to do as I say, and if you mention this to anyone I am going to be in trouble, understand?" She makes a gesture of acceptance by putting her hand over her mouth and winking at me. Rolling backwards, I reach up onto the night stand and turn on the bedside lamp, before pulling a blindfold from my pillowcase. "Do you trust me Megan?" "Yes, Daddy. " I roll back towards her and secure the blindfold in place on her face, making sure she can see nothing but darkness. "I'm going to remove your clothing princess. I need you to move when I try to move you, and I need you to stay completely relaxed and comfortable. When you feel good, you say green. When it tickles or feels funny, you say yellow. If it hurts or feels uncomfortable, say red loudly and clearly so I can stop whatever I am doing, OK?" "Yes, Daddy" I remove all of her clothing gently, tossing them off the side of the bed onto the floor in a pile. After she is completely nude I nudge her side and she wiggles into the middle of the bed and I straddle her upper thighs. "Green" She whispers. I smile softly, glad to see that she's paying attention. I check the blindfold one more time before beginning to massage her neck. I take my fingertips and gently rub on the muscles on either side of her trachea. Slowly working my way down to her breasts. "Green" Taking my time, finally getting to her left breast. I softly grip it in my right hand and squeeze. Oh god, she's stunning. Her perfect little breasts perky, beautifully round with beautiful stretch marks from the upper corner of her breast to her armpit. She lays still as I lean down and suck her nipple into my impatient mouth, flicking her nipple around with my tongue. "Green" My other hand traces across the middle of her chest and over to her right breast, grabbing it a bit harder before pulling carefully on her hardened nipple. Her chest rising and falling sharply with the pinch. "Green" "Good girl, Do you know what Daddy is doing right now?" "Umm.. Playing with my boobs?" "Foreplay" I whisper before gently biting down on her nipple. Her back arches slightly, her bottom lip disappearing under her teeth as a small gasp releases from her mouth. I smile with her small nipple in my mouth before sucking her whole nipple in. Caressing the flesh with my tongue, teeth and lips. Sensually exciting my daughter, freeing her from her adolescent worries. "Green" "Okay, love. How about we change the game a little, ok? Since Daddy seems to be on the right track, why don't you just only let me know if there is a red, okay Megs?" "Yes, Daddy I will" Struggling to believe this is actually happening I lean over to her other breast, her perky nipple waiting for attention as well. Kissing it softly before sucking it into my mouth, twisting the nipple around my tongue. Lashing it with my tongue. In the midst of a deep breath I smell it. A smell that every man knows, a peculiar scent. Sweet, and pungent, the smell of arousal. "Baby, tell me how you feel right at this very moment" "Relaxed, tingly. Fidgety" Smiling from ear to ear I kneel back up and slide down her legs, coming to a stop at her ankles. Admiring her beauty, not a single part of her unarousing. Her mound chubby, her belly soft. Her breasts abundant. I exhale deeply as my cock instantaneously hardens, aching in my shorts. What have I done? This is going to painful for me all night, I can't even fuck her. I won't do that. My hands grip her ankles and begin to rub their way up towards her hips, stopping every few inches to massage her muscles. My hands looking very manly and muscular against her soft, supple skin. I tickle her a bit, loving the sound of her giggles. "You ok, babygirl?" "Yes, Daddy. I'm perfect" If only she knew how right she was. Using both of my hands to spread her legs, looking over her incredibly cute cunt. I can't believe how soft of a pink her lips are. My right hand reaches her clit, and begins to softly rub in slow circles. Small, barely audible, moans escaping from her pouty lips. My left hand below my right, pointer finger slowly parting her young lips. "Baby, you need to relax now, ok?" "ohhh!! Daddy.." Gently, I push my finger into her warm pussy, already soaked from teasing her in the manner that I have been. I begin to gently start to fuck my daughter with my pointer finger, her cunt gripping my finger tightly. Man, I bet she would feel so nice wrapped around my cock. Fuck, Brad, get it together... Picking up the pace I can feel her legs begin to quiver and I begin to wonder if she is close to an orgasm. Her moans still soft and hushed. My finger picks up pace on her swollen clitorus, flicking it back and forth before rubbing it fast, trying to rob my daughters first orgasm from her. All at once, she explodes. Her legs begin trembling with urgency, her hips bucking up and down on the bed, and her moans now screams. "AAAAAH DADDY!!! FUUUUCK!!" I smile, a bit cocky I will admit. Didn't take long. My finger slides out of her in her moment of orgasm and I quickly stick the finger in my mouth, lapping up as much of her from it as I can. Very sweet, with a hint of salty. I know I should stop now, I know that she knows plenty and I have answered her question in entirety but at this very moment I have lost control. Roughly I grab her thighs and push them up, burying my face into her dripping snatch. My tongue flicks against her pussy and she cries out for me, for her Daddy. I am a man, and a man she loves very much. I should not be doing this, but I can't seem to care about the immorality of my actions at this very second. I need my daughter, like a man needs his wife, and tonight, I will make love to her like she is. I flick my tongue up her slit, circling around her lovebud before running my tongue back down and burying it into her pussy. I can hear her moaning softly, but her thighs are beginning to squish my head, locking me in place. What else is a man supposed to do in this moment but to tongue lash her to orgasm. For the longest moments, I am between her beautiful thighs, my hands wrapped around her perky breasts, licking, slurping, and sucking on every inch of her private area. "Dad.. OHHH! Again! Here it comes!!" I nibble on her clit as her whole body convulses, sucking it into my mouth as she violently jerks, begging me to stop. For about a minute I keep pushing her just over the edge, finally releasing her from my mouth and kissing her upper right thigh lovingly. "I love you, princess.." "Dad, I have another question. May I ask it?" I wipe my face and crawl up, laying beside her and lifting the mask off her beautiful brown eyes. She looks me deeply into the eyes. "What does sex feel like?" I freeze. Just when I thought that my cock could not physically ache anymore, now it's starting to feel like I got pinched in the sack. "Whaa..?" She rolls on top of me, kissing my cheek and giggling, the cute little irresistible giggle that I fell in love with all those years ago. Her mouth slowly meeting mine as her tongue slowly slides into my mouth. My hands grasp her ass and pull her up towards my face so I can kiss her harder, the last shred of morality leaving my body. Reaching down, I slide my shorts down and kick them off the edge of the bed. "Are you sure you want your Daddy's cock baby?" She kisses me hard once more and I know the answer. I grab her roughly and flip her back onto her back, smoothly sliding between her legs. Her eyes dancing from my face, down to my hanging cock, and back up again. Eight inches must look pretty enjoyable to her because she looks up at me and bites her lip, my little minx, making Daddy fuck her even when he told himself he wouldn't. She will be punished for manipulating her Daddy like this. "You ready?" "Yes, Sir." I lower the head of my cock to her opening with my thumb and thrust gently, barely parting her lips. Slowly, I push against her hymen, tearing it slowly with my girth. Pained grunts escaping her lips as she begins to tell me to stop, but there's no way I can possibly stop now. I make it look like an accident, I slip my knee off the sheets and drive my cock into her hard and fast. Her eyes immediately begin to water. "Baby, look at me. Honey. I'm so sorry, you know Daddy would never ever hurt you." "Daddy, it hurts so bad!!" "Do you trust me Megan, from your soul to your toes, do you trust me?" "Yes" I kiss her lips as I begin thrusting my hardness out of her, and back in. Painfully slow and gentle. Minutes pass and I almost give up hope of her enjoying this, when suddenly I hear her gasp and moan loud. "Are you ok, Princess?" "Holy shit, Daddy. That felt fucking good." With a smile across my face I lean up onto my knees and spread her legs, driving my manhood in and out of her tightest little spot. Every thrust relaxes her, and every thrust goes in just a bit deeper, until I am buried balls deep into her tight little cunt. I fuck her slow and steadily for a good hour, taking my time, making sure to kiss her lots and hold her close. Soon she's clinging to my upper body and convulsing, her pussy tightening and releasing around my thick hardness. Fuck, I love this little girl. I wonder if I should just come already, I mean, I know I have a ridiculous amount of stamina, but it's been so long since I've been with a virgin that I forget if they can handle a long, thorough fucking. "Are you ready to be done, princess? Or should Daddy keep going?" "You better not fucking stop Daddy. I will be so mad at you" I thrust hard into her, for talking to me like that. Her cheeks turn red, knowing that I just punished her with my cock. I'm starting to think that she might not be punished after all, I'm having the best sex of my life. I push her legs together, and up towards her head, bending her in half like a taco. My cock is coated in her blood and juices, but I have to admit, her lips grip my cock so well. It is almost unbelievable to even think that I am inside of her right now. I begin fucking her harder, driving my cock deep into her womb, slamming the head up against her cervix with such force that her breasts are literally slapping her in the face. Ohh, that is a sight that I will never forget. Beautiful baby, taking Daddy's hard cock better than mommy ever did. Harder and faster, I fuck her until I literally cannot fuck her any harder. Her face contorted from pleasure, her chest red with arousal. Her body sweaty and used. I feel the familiar tightening of my balls and I know what is about to happen, two hours into fucking my naughty little princess I am finally about to come. I lean down and kiss her, releasing the huge load of semen I have been holding onto for hours, filling up her fertile womb with the seed of love. I said she was going to be my wife tonight, and dammit, a wife will take her husbands seed. Collapsing onto the bed next to her I smile across the pillow, reaching over and pulling her into my arms. "Princess, Daddy just put a baby in your belly" "Daddy, Can we name her Sarah?" I kiss her forehead and grin, oh how I love her. Maybe I will talk to her mom about this summer, she's going to need Daddy to take care of her sexy little pregnant self. |
The following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, everyone who appears naked or in a sexual image has given the writers consent to use their character with a different name. We recommend reading these stories in the order they were published or put on this site. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. Most of the story is told in Jason’s view, mainly because I have a better memory than Becky, and she likes to add detail, not type it out. We will let you know if we switch point of view. We are both 17, almost 18 in this story. If you like this story, there is much, much more at This story is our favorite so far… Enjoy! Cheers! Jason and Becky >>>>>> It was early February, at about 7pm. A Sunday. Becky and I were sitting on the couch, watching some movie on TV. We weren’t really watching it, we were just making out, naked on the couch. It was cold, at about 5 degrees outside, so we had the heater cranked up in her mini house, but it wasn’t very good, so the house was kind of cold, so we were holding each other close. We were getting pretty serious, when the house phone rang. It was her parents, who were on vacation, celebrating their 20th anniversary. She got up, and answered the phone. I stood up and draped a blanket over her shoulders. She talked on the phone for a few minutes and then put the phone back on the charger. We need to check the weather she said, walking towards, then up the stairs. She sat on the chair at her desk, still fully naked, and turned on the computer. She opened the browser and checked the weather. There was a massive snowstorm headed our direction, they were saying 3 feet of snow, a truly massive amount, even for us. what did your mom say? I asked she told me that we needed to check the weather because there is a storm headed our way and we need to be ready. when will the storm hit? around 2 am she said. and what do we need to do to be ready? all we really need to do is move all the blankets up to the bed, make sure the generator works and has lots of gas and move the snowplow truck to the house. lets move the blankets, then well get dressed, test the generator and go get the snowplow. I said Sounds good she said, and we walked down to the closet to go get them. Soon the comforters were all brought up and we got dressed. Next we tested the generator, and made sure it had a full tank plus extra fuel. We walked out and jumped in my car to drive to the garage where the snow plow was. We drove out there and walked in to the barn. The plow was right there so we just had to open the door and drive it out. I got back in to my hummer, and she started up the old snowplow. We drove back the house and she parked in front of the window. I beeped the horn and she came over and got in . What? she asked We should go out for dinner I said where do you want to eat? we should go to Jose’s she said Jose’s it is I said, putting the car in drive and heading down the road. Jose’s was a little hole in the wall Mexican catina with some really good food. We got there and sat down, a girl who was our age took our orders. When we get home, we need to fuck she said. Hmm, ill consider it I joked We both laughed hystericly. We were sitting at a booth in the corner of the almost deserted restraunt. im just really horny she said. She looked around, there was one other occupied table, and they could not see her, so she un-zipped her North-face fleece, and pulled down the top of her shirt, revealing her perfect C-cup breasts You must be horny I said. She fixed her shirt and we both laughed. She did this 2 more times before dinner came, and once while we were waiting on the check. We paid, and walked out of Jose’s. We walked across the street and to my car. The first snow flakes were starting to fall as we drove back to her house. I wasn’t worried about driving in the snow, my hummer was 4 wheel drive, and it had been snowing for all of five minutes. I had not worked on an EMT squad since I had moved in with Becky, and my mom had moved near us in an apartment in Harrisburg, ever since that incident with my dad, but I had managed to keep the sirens on my car, so I flicked on the sirens and hit the gas. We got home in about 20 minutes, and ran upstairs to the bedroom, throwing off layers of clothes as we went. We got to the bed and jumped on. I was naked, she still had her panties on; they were pink, and very, very revealing, so I left them on. I had decided on the way back that this was going to be an epic love-making session, I laid her down on the bed and began to kiss her, all over the place. I got to licking her nipples, she moaned in pleasure. I surrounded one of her diamond hard nipples with my tongue, while I tweaked and played with the other. I moved my free hand down towards her pussy. Her panties were still on, so I rubbed her through them. I took my mouth off of her nipple and kissed my way down to her pussy. I licked and rubbed, through her panties at first, then I moved them out of the way, exposing her clean shaven love hole. I inserted one finger, and licked around her clit, lapping at her juices. I finger fucked her too, first with one finger, then two. She was moaning with pleasure, shaking and twitching in the beginning of her orgasm. A warm gush of juice flowed in to my mouth as I ran my tongue over her clit. The grasp of an orgasm reached over her as she began to twitch. She screamed in pleasure as she climaxed. I moved up towards her so my eyes were level with hers. She was still recovering, I started to play with her breasts. After a minute or so she had fully recovered, so I leaned in to kiss her. We kissed, but just briefly, because she rolled us over, so she was on top (well… ok I helped her roll us over a little ). Just relax and enjoy, I’m on top she said With that, she slid on to my hard shaft, the warmth of her sweet sex enveloping me. She started out hugging my body, with her tits pressed up against my chest, flexing her pussy muscles around my cock, causing a great sensation, almost like she was milking my cock. Slowly she sat up and started to glide up and down on my shaft, which was shining and gleaming with our combined juices. With her first slide down on my shaft we both let out a groan of pleasure. I relaxed and enjoyed as I watched her fuck me cowgirl style, I watched as her beautiful, perkey, teenage breasts bounced in rhythm with her movements. Uhhh… I’m cummmming!! she yelled, losing control of her body, twitching and shaking. I moved her body to the edge of the bed and stood on the ground, so I could put her ankles on my shoulders and fuck her Ohh… sensitive! She screamed Should I stop? I asked No, it feels so good, so intense she said, as I started to fuck her again. I was getting close to the edge, and I wanted to see if I could give her one more too. I began to rub her clit, driving her closer to climax She hit her orgasm, And began to violently shake again. I wanted to do something different than just cum in her, so I decided to pull out and blow my load all over her. And that is what I did, I pulled out, and came all over her belly, chest, and breasts. I laid down next to her, and waited for her to recover, which did not take long, being her second orgasm, it was less intense. That was awesome she said, scooping some of the cum off her left boob with her finger and licking it off. Yea, I liked it when you just used your muscles in the beginning, that was something new and un-expected I said, standing up. And this gives us an excuse to go take a shower she said, taking my hand to help her stand up. And maybe a sauna too I continued as we walked downstairs to the bathroom. We got in the shower and rinsed off, then we stood under the warm water and hugged, kissing and whispering to each other as well. We had to have been in there for at least half an hour when Becky whispered in my ear. I think its sauna time, I need to sit. Sure babe I said, removing my arms from around her, and turning off the water. We walked out of the shower and in to the sauna. I sat down and she sat next to me, leaning on me. I hope school gets canceled tomorrow she said I had completely forgotten about the snow I hope so too I said, beginning to play with her silky brown hair. The rest of the time in the sauna was really just small talk about school drama and such. We then exited the sauna. Its freezing out here Becky said, as we stepped in to the hallway outside of her bathroom. I wonder what the temperature is outside I said According to the thermometer it is 51 in here and -3 outside she said. Wow Lets get upstairs and under the covers. She said. Good idea I said, following her up. We got in the covers and fell asleep >>>>>> We woke up to the alarm, set to our normal wake up time for school, 6am. I got up to check the schools website. Un-fortunately there had only been 6 inches of snowfall, not enough to cancel school completely, just delay the opening until 10 am. The 2 feet they had expected had been delayed a night. We tried to go back to sleep, but we ended up just talking to each other. There was not even enough snow to bother plowing the driveway. At nine thirty we got up, showered, and got dressed. Becky got a text from one of her friends, who had a Honda civic that could not get out of her driveway due to the snow, asking for a ride. We grabbed some coffee and got in Becky’s car. My hummer was better in the snow, but her Chevy Silverado 3500 had something better, a heater, so we took her car. We picked her friend up and drove to school. We had been there for an hour when the power went out. The storm had picked up and it was snowing again. The sky was dark, and the building was getting cold already, so they closed school early. We essentially had school for an hour. As soon as the announcement came out that school was closed, I was walking out the class, down the hall, and to Becky’s locker. I stood there waiting, and she got there a few minutes later. long school day I said jokingly. Yea she laughed. She put on her coat and we walked outside, where we were greeted by Becky’s friend, who had come to school with us. We all got in Becky’s car and drove away. We dropped of her friend at her house and then drove home. As we were pulling up the driveway, Becky looked at the thermometer, and noticed the temperature. Shit, its 2 degrees outside Damn , your right, its freezing. We pulled up next to the house. My hummer had a nice cover of snow, maybe 8 inches. We ran inside, to get out of the snow. We took our shoes off and sat on the couch We should probably go and get some food from the store, we’re running kind of low and I don’t want to drive anywhere if the weather gets worse she said good idea We should probably also take your car, if the snow gets much higher my truck wont have ground clearance Lets get going then, the sooner we leave the better off we’ll be I said lets get in to some warmer clothes, then we’ll go We got dressed and headed outside we were dressed in full out foul weather gear, jackets, snow pants, hats, and ski goggles. We may have looked rediculious, but we did not care, it was really cold outside. We brushed off the snow on the windshield, then we got in the car. I started it and we drove off. We got to the food store and walked in. There was a mass of people, more than I expected to see in a food store during a snowstorm. They were all doing the same thing we were, getting food and supplies. We got in and got out as fast as possible, and when we walked out of the store, shopping bags in hand, we saw a scene of mass chaos. Cars, that were clearly not capable of handling the of snow were in the parking lot trying to leave. They were stuck, and there was a huge jam of traffic. let’s get out of here I said, trudging through the snow. Becky followed me as I walked through the car. We got in, I started the engine, and I flicked on my sirens. We high tailed it out of there, we were able to that because my car had such a high ground clearence. We got home and carried the stuff inside. We put the food away and then cranked the heater up as high as it would go. We walked up to our room and looked at the clock on the wall, which also had a thermometer on it, it said the temperature was 48°. It’s freezing in here Becky Lets get under the covers and get naked I said. We both got underneath the two comforters that we had stacked on top of each other. We crawled under the covers and undressed each other. Then we wrapped our arms and legs around each other and began to slowly began to make out. A little lip biting (not hard, of Corse) and a lot of tongue play. We love kissing, and sometimes will do it for what seems like ages, tonight was one of those nights. A long, romantic, under-covers kissing session was in our future. Our kisses were semi-fast paced, but intimate, like what Hollywood is famous for. Slowly our position shifted from us being on our sides facing each other to Becky laying on top of me. I had my arms wrapped around her back, pulling her close to me and she was, probably unknowingly, playing with my hair. Our tongues intertwined and explored each others mouths. I slowly rubbed becky’s back with my hands. She began to moan, and because we were kissing, she was moaning in to my mouth, which I always find sexy. This went on for what must have been a while, because eventually Becky slid off of me and laid down next to me, we were still both all the way under the covers. Its just like when I was little, I used to hide under the covers from storms Becky said that’s cute I said, kissing her on her cheek. What do you want to do next? she asked I don’t know I said, rolling over so I was on my side right up against her and slowly and softly ran my finger down her right breast and over her nipple. She let out a soft ooh She lifted the blankets off from over her head and looked at the clock on the nightstand. Babe did you notice what time it was before we got in bed Yea, it was like 2:06 babe, its almost 3:30, and its still freezing I pulled her back under the covers and kissed her again. Suddenly she rolled over and on top of me. I know what we can do next she said make out more I guessed exactly she said I pulled her back on to me and slowly kissed her lower lip, then her upper one. She slowly dragged her tongue across one of my lips, then our tongues came in contact with each others. She stuck her tongue in my mouth just a little sexy bit, then I did the same. Our kissing got even more intense, and it reached a climax. It then slowly concluded with me kissing her on her forehead. You wanna take bets on what time it is? I asked 4:15 she guessed. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, 4:14. You were close, 4:14 I said Babe, that’s more than two hours I kissed her on the forehead again. Lets go a little further she said 69 I said She spun around so I had a view of her wonderful pussy. I licked one of my fingers to lubricate it and slowly inserted it as I began to softly tongue her pussy. As I did this she began to suck on my dick. It felt amazing. She swirled her tongue around my cock as she began to bob her head up and down. I inserted a second finger in her wonderful pussy and focused more and more of my licking efforts on her clit. She was moaning as she was sucking my cock, which almost felt like my dick was vibrating. She hit her climax with waves of intense pleasure. I kept going, finger fucking her while licking her clit. I loved making love to her under the blankets, we were both a little hot and sweaty, but it was really romantic. It may be snow storming outside with a temperature of negative 18, but we were warm and comfortable. I was getting close to orgasm and Becky was getting close to number two. I Hit climax, and shot my load deep in her mouth, and within seconds she was hitting her second orgasm. She screamed with pleasure. I spun her around so we were facing each other again. I kissed her softly. She spun so she was facing me again I love it when you eat me out and make me cum like that she whispered I kissed her again. You ready babe? I asked she nodded Just don’t cum in me, its wayyy to cold to run to the bathroom You want to swallow? she nodded I let her lay on her back, and we got in to missionary position. I slowly mounted her and began to fuck her, nice and soft. She was already moaning, her earlier cunnilingus experiences had her super horny and absolutely sopping wet. She was gasping and moaning with every thrust, and she was close to orgasm. I fucked her harder, and she was close to cumming. She let out a little scream, as a massive orgasm wave hit her. I Pulled out, and moved so I could shoot my load in her mouth. She swallowed every drop. It was now seven o’clock, and we were hungry. We got dressed in warm clothes and ate a quick dinner, then walked back upstairs and watched two 60’s james bond movies in a row, making out during some of the sex scenes. At about 12:30 we turned out the lights and tried to go sleep. We snuggled up together. I thought she was asleep, and after about an hour I was still awake. I wanted to look at the clock, but I couldn’t move much or I would wake Becky. It was freezing, and I had been letting Becky hog a lot of the covers. I slowly moved and looked at the clock. I had only made the slightest move when Jason? she whispered yea baby I whispered back Have you been awake the whole time? Yes, have you? I asked Yep, its freezing, what time is it? Almost two a.m. It is too cold to sleep, turn on a light I went to turn in another light, but nothing had happened. We had already been on generator power because the city power was out, and now our generator had failed, but our clock was battery powered, so it was fine. Generator is frozen I said Are you sure it is not out of gas? Yep, filled it right after dinner, remember? oh, yea, err… sorry, the cold is interfering with my thought process she said the generator normally went 12 -15 hours on a tank, so it was defiantly FUBAR. I Got out the flashlights that we kept in the nightstand. I gave one to Becky. Can you get a pair of pajamas for both of us, as well as what ever you will need for tomorrow morning, and put it in a backpack. I am going to go downstairs and get our snow gear and bring them back here I said were not going outside, are we? she asked. I was planning to snowshoe over to your parents house with you, start a fire, and then lay out on that thick rug under a blanket with a pillow or two, it’s warmer than here I said She went to grab her stuff, I ran downstairs. I grabbed our snow pants and jackets, as well as keys to her parent’s house, head lamps, and a lighter. I ran back up and we got dressed, quickly. I tossed the backpack Becky had prepared on my back and we walked downstairs. We got on our snowshoes and pushed outside. It took 20 minutes to walk 150 yards. It was -21 degrees plus the wind chill, the wind was blowing 25-30 mph. We got in to the house, out of our clothes, and in to our pj’s. Becky crumpled newspaper while I got wood from the garage. We got a fire going and then laid out in front of it on a thick carpet under a blanket, with some pillows. We both quickly fell asleep, we were so tired from the sex, and being up so late, as well as the snowshoe trek (which takes a lot out of you) >>>>>> The next morning we woke up to the sound of Becky's phone ringing, at around 11 am. She answered, it was her mom. hi mom she said Your home phone line is down pam said (pam was her mom) so is yours, our power, internet, and generator are down as well You guys must be freezing, are you ok? Yea, at about two am we trudged over to your house in snow shoes and full foul weather gear, got in pajamas, started a fire, and curled up together under a blanket on that big carpet in your living room Well, I'm glad your ok, you are welcome to whatever food you can find in our house pam said, now on speaker phone ok, mom Becky said Rebecca her mom said, I saw the nails on the chalkboard expression in her face, I knew she hated her full name. Yes mom! she said, now a little agitated. No… um, you know… err… No sex mom, I got it, thanks. She said Rebecca, do not use that language with m… Becky hung up She was obviously a little frustrated, but what teenager was not frustrated or embarrassed by their parents at some point. I knew I was by mine. She rolled on to her side and faced away me. I put my arm around her and hugged her, then kissed her neck. I pulled her on her back and kissed her on her lips. Sorry, my parents are… Still your parents, I got it. She smiled, then climbed on top of me, straddling my waste. We were still both in our pajamas. Ever since Becky's mom had walked in on us, well kind of. We had already finished, and were just laying in bed making out when her mom walked in to the house. It seemed that they would be reminding us about that, rather embarrassing, moment whenever they had the opperatunity. We kissed, and then looked outside. It was still snowing, there had to be at leas two feet of it. I tossed some more wood on the fire, then joined her under the blanket. I'm still tired, lets go back to sleep for a little while. When we wake up well see if we can fix the generator I said. We went back to sleep and woke up at around five. We then got back in to our snow gear, and trudged out to the generator. The generator had been built with an engine from an old mini cooper, and a generator from a ship. Connecting the two together there was a chain that had come off the gear. I fixed that, and looked for any other problems. The gas line had frozen. I walked over to the garage and looked for some extra fuel line. I found one and walked back to the generator. I took the old line off, and had Becky hold it, and then I put the new one on. I turned the key to start it. It cranked for a few seconds, then it sputtered to life. We saw the lights come on In our house. We then walked back to it. Our house had chilled to 33 degrees. We cranked the main heater, as well as a space heater we had in our room. we made dinner and slowly undressed out of our ski clothes, as the temperature of the house rose. When dinner was ready, we were in just our long underwear. Our dinner was a simple salad, and some creamy pasta. Soon, the house had stabilized at 55 degrees, and would not go up any more. We were done with dinner, and we walked upstairs to watch some movies. We got in to our bed room, and she picked out a movie to watch. She picked a horror movie, one that we had both called The Descent . Basically four girls go spelunking, or exploring, in a cave. The cave entrance gets sealed, and they get stuck. These things called crawlers blind human/zombie like creatures that kill inhabit the cave, chaos ensues. The movie was ok, we ended up just making out most of the time. It had been an exhausting couple of days, and we fell asleep at the end of the movie. |
The following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, everyone who appears naked or in a sexual image has given the writers consent to use their character with a different name. We recommend reading these stories in the order they were published or put on this site. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. Most of the story is told in Jason’s view, mainly because I have a better memory than Becky, and she likes to add detail, not type it out. We will let you know if we switch point of view. We are both 17, almost 18 in this story. If you like this story, there is much, much more at This story is our favorite so far… Enjoy! Cheers! Jason and Becky >>>>>> It was early February, at about 7pm. A Sunday. Becky and I were sitting on the couch, watching some movie on TV. We weren’t really watching it, we were just making out, naked on the couch. It was cold, at about 5 degrees outside, so we had the heater cranked up in her mini house, but it wasn’t very good, so the house was kind of cold, so we were holding each other close. We were getting pretty serious, when the house phone rang. It was her parents, who were on vacation, celebrating their 20th anniversary. She got up, and answered the phone. I stood up and draped a blanket over her shoulders. She talked on the phone for a few minutes and then put the phone back on the charger. We need to check the weather she said, walking towards, then up the stairs. She sat on the chair at her desk, still fully naked, and turned on the computer. She opened the browser and checked the weather. There was a massive snowstorm headed our direction, they were saying 3 feet of snow, a truly massive amount, even for us. what did your mom say? I asked she told me that we needed to check the weather because there is a storm headed our way and we need to be ready. when will the storm hit? around 2 am she said. and what do we need to do to be ready? all we really need to do is move all the blankets up to the bed, make sure the generator works and has lots of gas and move the snowplow truck to the house. lets move the blankets, then well get dressed, test the generator and go get the snowplow. I said Sounds good she said, and we walked down to the closet to go get them. Soon the comforters were all brought up and we got dressed. Next we tested the generator, and made sure it had a full tank plus extra fuel. We walked out and jumped in my car to drive to the garage where the snow plow was. We drove out there and walked in to the barn. The plow was right there so we just had to open the door and drive it out. I got back in to my hummer, and she started up the old snowplow. We drove back the house and she parked in front of the window. I beeped the horn and she came over and got in . What? she asked We should go out for dinner I said where do you want to eat? we should go to Jose’s she said Jose’s it is I said, putting the car in drive and heading down the road. Jose’s was a little hole in the wall Mexican catina with some really good food. We got there and sat down, a girl who was our age took our orders. When we get home, we need to fuck she said. Hmm, ill consider it I joked We both laughed hystericly. We were sitting at a booth in the corner of the almost deserted restraunt. im just really horny she said. She looked around, there was one other occupied table, and they could not see her, so she un-zipped her North-face fleece, and pulled down the top of her shirt, revealing her perfect C-cup breasts You must be horny I said. She fixed her shirt and we both laughed. She did this 2 more times before dinner came, and once while we were waiting on the check. We paid, and walked out of Jose’s. We walked across the street and to my car. The first snow flakes were starting to fall as we drove back to her house. I wasn’t worried about driving in the snow, my hummer was 4 wheel drive, and it had been snowing for all of five minutes. I had not worked on an EMT squad since I had moved in with Becky, and my mom had moved near us in an apartment in Harrisburg, ever since that incident with my dad, but I had managed to keep the sirens on my car, so I flicked on the sirens and hit the gas. We got home in about 20 minutes, and ran upstairs to the bedroom, throwing off layers of clothes as we went. We got to the bed and jumped on. I was naked, she still had her panties on; they were pink, and very, very revealing, so I left them on. I had decided on the way back that this was going to be an epic love-making session, I laid her down on the bed and began to kiss her, all over the place. I got to licking her nipples, she moaned in pleasure. I surrounded one of her diamond hard nipples with my tongue, while I tweaked and played with the other. I moved my free hand down towards her pussy. Her panties were still on, so I rubbed her through them. I took my mouth off of her nipple and kissed my way down to her pussy. I licked and rubbed, through her panties at first, then I moved them out of the way, exposing her clean shaven love hole. I inserted one finger, and licked around her clit, lapping at her juices. I finger fucked her too, first with one finger, then two. She was moaning with pleasure, shaking and twitching in the beginning of her orgasm. A warm gush of juice flowed in to my mouth as I ran my tongue over her clit. The grasp of an orgasm reached over her as she began to twitch. She screamed in pleasure as she climaxed. I moved up towards her so my eyes were level with hers. She was still recovering, I started to play with her breasts. After a minute or so she had fully recovered, so I leaned in to kiss her. We kissed, but just briefly, because she rolled us over, so she was on top (well… ok I helped her roll us over a little ). Just relax and enjoy, I’m on top she said With that, she slid on to my hard shaft, the warmth of her sweet sex enveloping me. She started out hugging my body, with her tits pressed up against my chest, flexing her pussy muscles around my cock, causing a great sensation, almost like she was milking my cock. Slowly she sat up and started to glide up and down on my shaft, which was shining and gleaming with our combined juices. With her first slide down on my shaft we both let out a groan of pleasure. I relaxed and enjoyed as I watched her fuck me cowgirl style, I watched as her beautiful, perkey, teenage breasts bounced in rhythm with her movements. Uhhh… I’m cummmming!! she yelled, losing control of her body, twitching and shaking. I moved her body to the edge of the bed and stood on the ground, so I could put her ankles on my shoulders and fuck her Ohh… sensitive! She screamed Should I stop? I asked No, it feels so good, so intense she said, as I started to fuck her again. I was getting close to the edge, and I wanted to see if I could give her one more too. I began to rub her clit, driving her closer to climax She hit her orgasm, And began to violently shake again. I wanted to do something different than just cum in her, so I decided to pull out and blow my load all over her. And that is what I did, I pulled out, and came all over her belly, chest, and breasts. I laid down next to her, and waited for her to recover, which did not take long, being her second orgasm, it was less intense. That was awesome she said, scooping some of the cum off her left boob with her finger and licking it off. Yea, I liked it when you just used your muscles in the beginning, that was something new and un-expected I said, standing up. And this gives us an excuse to go take a shower she said, taking my hand to help her stand up. And maybe a sauna too I continued as we walked downstairs to the bathroom. We got in the shower and rinsed off, then we stood under the warm water and hugged, kissing and whispering to each other as well. We had to have been in there for at least half an hour when Becky whispered in my ear. I think its sauna time, I need to sit. Sure babe I said, removing my arms from around her, and turning off the water. We walked out of the shower and in to the sauna. I sat down and she sat next to me, leaning on me. I hope school gets canceled tomorrow she said I had completely forgotten about the snow I hope so too I said, beginning to play with her silky brown hair. The rest of the time in the sauna was really just small talk about school drama and such. We then exited the sauna. Its freezing out here Becky said, as we stepped in to the hallway outside of her bathroom. I wonder what the temperature is outside I said According to the thermometer it is 51 in here and -3 outside she said. Wow Lets get upstairs and under the covers. She said. Good idea I said, following her up. We got in the covers and fell asleep >>>>>> We woke up to the alarm, set to our normal wake up time for school, 6am. I got up to check the schools website. Un-fortunately there had only been 6 inches of snowfall, not enough to cancel school completely, just delay the opening until 10 am. The 2 feet they had expected had been delayed a night. We tried to go back to sleep, but we ended up just talking to each other. There was not even enough snow to bother plowing the driveway. At nine thirty we got up, showered, and got dressed. Becky got a text from one of her friends, who had a Honda civic that could not get out of her driveway due to the snow, asking for a ride. We grabbed some coffee and got in Becky’s car. My hummer was better in the snow, but her Chevy Silverado 3500 had something better, a heater, so we took her car. We picked her friend up and drove to school. We had been there for an hour when the power went out. The storm had picked up and it was snowing again. The sky was dark, and the building was getting cold already, so they closed school early. We essentially had school for an hour. As soon as the announcement came out that school was closed, I was walking out the class, down the hall, and to Becky’s locker. I stood there waiting, and she got there a few minutes later. long school day I said jokingly. Yea she laughed. She put on her coat and we walked outside, where we were greeted by Becky’s friend, who had come to school with us. We all got in Becky’s car and drove away. We dropped of her friend at her house and then drove home. As we were pulling up the driveway, Becky looked at the thermometer, and noticed the temperature. Shit, its 2 degrees outside Damn , your right, its freezing. We pulled up next to the house. My hummer had a nice cover of snow, maybe 8 inches. We ran inside, to get out of the snow. We took our shoes off and sat on the couch We should probably go and get some food from the store, we’re running kind of low and I don’t want to drive anywhere if the weather gets worse she said good idea We should probably also take your car, if the snow gets much higher my truck wont have ground clearance Lets get going then, the sooner we leave the better off we’ll be I said lets get in to some warmer clothes, then we’ll go We got dressed and headed outside we were dressed in full out foul weather gear, jackets, snow pants, hats, and ski goggles. We may have looked rediculious, but we did not care, it was really cold outside. We brushed off the snow on the windshield, then we got in the car. I started it and we drove off. We got to the food store and walked in. There was a mass of people, more than I expected to see in a food store during a snowstorm. They were all doing the same thing we were, getting food and supplies. We got in and got out as fast as possible, and when we walked out of the store, shopping bags in hand, we saw a scene of mass chaos. Cars, that were clearly not capable of handling the of snow were in the parking lot trying to leave. They were stuck, and there was a huge jam of traffic. let’s get out of here I said, trudging through the snow. Becky followed me as I walked through the car. We got in, I started the engine, and I flicked on my sirens. We high tailed it out of there, we were able to that because my car had such a high ground clearence. We got home and carried the stuff inside. We put the food away and then cranked the heater up as high as it would go. We walked up to our room and looked at the clock on the wall, which also had a thermometer on it, it said the temperature was 48°. It’s freezing in here Becky Lets get under the covers and get naked I said. We both got underneath the two comforters that we had stacked on top of each other. We crawled under the covers and undressed each other. Then we wrapped our arms and legs around each other and began to slowly began to make out. A little lip biting (not hard, of Corse) and a lot of tongue play. We love kissing, and sometimes will do it for what seems like ages, tonight was one of those nights. A long, romantic, under-covers kissing session was in our future. Our kisses were semi-fast paced, but intimate, like what Hollywood is famous for. Slowly our position shifted from us being on our sides facing each other to Becky laying on top of me. I had my arms wrapped around her back, pulling her close to me and she was, probably unknowingly, playing with my hair. Our tongues intertwined and explored each others mouths. I slowly rubbed becky’s back with my hands. She began to moan, and because we were kissing, she was moaning in to my mouth, which I always find sexy. This went on for what must have been a while, because eventually Becky slid off of me and laid down next to me, we were still both all the way under the covers. Its just like when I was little, I used to hide under the covers from storms Becky said that’s cute I said, kissing her on her cheek. What do you want to do next? she asked I don’t know I said, rolling over so I was on my side right up against her and slowly and softly ran my finger down her right breast and over her nipple. She let out a soft ooh She lifted the blankets off from over her head and looked at the clock on the nightstand. Babe did you notice what time it was before we got in bed Yea, it was like 2:06 babe, its almost 3:30, and its still freezing I pulled her back under the covers and kissed her again. Suddenly she rolled over and on top of me. I know what we can do next she said make out more I guessed exactly she said I pulled her back on to me and slowly kissed her lower lip, then her upper one. She slowly dragged her tongue across one of my lips, then our tongues came in contact with each others. She stuck her tongue in my mouth just a little sexy bit, then I did the same. Our kissing got even more intense, and it reached a climax. It then slowly concluded with me kissing her on her forehead. You wanna take bets on what time it is? I asked 4:15 she guessed. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, 4:14. You were close, 4:14 I said Babe, that’s more than two hours I kissed her on the forehead again. Lets go a little further she said 69 I said She spun around so I had a view of her wonderful pussy. I licked one of my fingers to lubricate it and slowly inserted it as I began to softly tongue her pussy. As I did this she began to suck on my dick. It felt amazing. She swirled her tongue around my cock as she began to bob her head up and down. I inserted a second finger in her wonderful pussy and focused more and more of my licking efforts on her clit. She was moaning as she was sucking my cock, which almost felt like my dick was vibrating. She hit her climax with waves of intense pleasure. I kept going, finger fucking her while licking her clit. I loved making love to her under the blankets, we were both a little hot and sweaty, but it was really romantic. It may be snow storming outside with a temperature of negative 18, but we were warm and comfortable. I was getting close to orgasm and Becky was getting close to number two. I Hit climax, and shot my load deep in her mouth, and within seconds she was hitting her second orgasm. She screamed with pleasure. I spun her around so we were facing each other again. I kissed her softly. She spun so she was facing me again I love it when you eat me out and make me cum like that she whispered I kissed her again. You ready babe? I asked she nodded Just don’t cum in me, its wayyy to cold to run to the bathroom You want to swallow? she nodded I let her lay on her back, and we got in to missionary position. I slowly mounted her and began to fuck her, nice and soft. She was already moaning, her earlier cunnilingus experiences had her super horny and absolutely sopping wet. She was gasping and moaning with every thrust, and she was close to orgasm. I fucked her harder, and she was close to cumming. She let out a little scream, as a massive orgasm wave hit her. I Pulled out, and moved so I could shoot my load in her mouth. She swallowed every drop. It was now seven o’clock, and we were hungry. We got dressed in warm clothes and ate a quick dinner, then walked back upstairs and watched two 60’s james bond movies in a row, making out during some of the sex scenes. At about 12:30 we turned out the lights and tried to go sleep. We snuggled up together. I thought she was asleep, and after about an hour I was still awake. I wanted to look at the clock, but I couldn’t move much or I would wake Becky. It was freezing, and I had been letting Becky hog a lot of the covers. I slowly moved and looked at the clock. I had only made the slightest move when Jason? she whispered yea baby I whispered back Have you been awake the whole time? Yes, have you? I asked Yep, its freezing, what time is it? Almost two a.m. It is too cold to sleep, turn on a light I went to turn in another light, but nothing had happened. We had already been on generator power because the city power was out, and now our generator had failed, but our clock was battery powered, so it was fine. Generator is frozen I said Are you sure it is not out of gas? Yep, filled it right after dinner, remember? oh, yea, err… sorry, the cold is interfering with my thought process she said the generator normally went 12 -15 hours on a tank, so it was defiantly FUBAR. I Got out the flashlights that we kept in the nightstand. I gave one to Becky. Can you get a pair of pajamas for both of us, as well as what ever you will need for tomorrow morning, and put it in a backpack. I am going to go downstairs and get our snow gear and bring them back here I said were not going outside, are we? she asked. I was planning to snowshoe over to your parents house with you, start a fire, and then lay out on that thick rug under a blanket with a pillow or two, it’s warmer than here I said She went to grab her stuff, I ran downstairs. I grabbed our snow pants and jackets, as well as keys to her parent’s house, head lamps, and a lighter. I ran back up and we got dressed, quickly. I tossed the backpack Becky had prepared on my back and we walked downstairs. We got on our snowshoes and pushed outside. It took 20 minutes to walk 150 yards. It was -21 degrees plus the wind chill, the wind was blowing 25-30 mph. We got in to the house, out of our clothes, and in to our pj’s. Becky crumpled newspaper while I got wood from the garage. We got a fire going and then laid out in front of it on a thick carpet under a blanket, with some pillows. We both quickly fell asleep, we were so tired from the sex, and being up so late, as well as the snowshoe trek (which takes a lot out of you) >>>>>> The next morning we woke up to the sound of Becky's phone ringing, at around 11 am. She answered, it was her mom. hi mom she said Your home phone line is down pam said (pam was her mom) so is yours, our power, internet, and generator are down as well You guys must be freezing, are you ok? Yea, at about two am we trudged over to your house in snow shoes and full foul weather gear, got in pajamas, started a fire, and curled up together under a blanket on that big carpet in your living room Well, I'm glad your ok, you are welcome to whatever food you can find in our house pam said, now on speaker phone ok, mom Becky said Rebecca her mom said, I saw the nails on the chalkboard expression in her face, I knew she hated her full name. Yes mom! she said, now a little agitated. No… um, you know… err… No sex mom, I got it, thanks. She said Rebecca, do not use that language with m… Becky hung up She was obviously a little frustrated, but what teenager was not frustrated or embarrassed by their parents at some point. I knew I was by mine. She rolled on to her side and faced away me. I put my arm around her and hugged her, then kissed her neck. I pulled her on her back and kissed her on her lips. Sorry, my parents are… Still your parents, I got it. She smiled, then climbed on top of me, straddling my waste. We were still both in our pajamas. Ever since Becky's mom had walked in on us, well kind of. We had already finished, and were just laying in bed making out when her mom walked in to the house. It seemed that they would be reminding us about that, rather embarrassing, moment whenever they had the opperatunity. We kissed, and then looked outside. It was still snowing, there had to be at leas two feet of it. I tossed some more wood on the fire, then joined her under the blanket. I'm still tired, lets go back to sleep for a little while. When we wake up well see if we can fix the generator I said. We went back to sleep and woke up at around five. We then got back in to our snow gear, and trudged out to the generator. The generator had been built with an engine from an old mini cooper, and a generator from a ship. Connecting the two together there was a chain that had come off the gear. I fixed that, and looked for any other problems. The gas line had frozen. I walked over to the garage and looked for some extra fuel line. I found one and walked back to the generator. I took the old line off, and had Becky hold it, and then I put the new one on. I turned the key to start it. It cranked for a few seconds, then it sputtered to life. We saw the lights come on In our house. We then walked back to it. Our house had chilled to 33 degrees. We cranked the main heater, as well as a space heater we had in our room. we made dinner and slowly undressed out of our ski clothes, as the temperature of the house rose. When dinner was ready, we were in just our long underwear. Our dinner was a simple salad, and some creamy pasta. Soon, the house had stabilized at 55 degrees, and would not go up any more. We were done with dinner, and we walked upstairs to watch some movies. We got in to our bed room, and she picked out a movie to watch. She picked a horror movie, one that we had both called The Descent . Basically four girls go spelunking, or exploring, in a cave. The cave entrance gets sealed, and they get stuck. These things called crawlers blind human/zombie like creatures that kill inhabit the cave, chaos ensues. The movie was ok, we ended up just making out most of the time. It had been an exhausting couple of days, and we fell asleep at the end of the movie. |
The following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, everyone who appears naked or in a sexual image has given the writers consent to use their character with a different name. We recommend reading the first 4 stories on our page first in order, then you can read in whichever order you want. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. If you guys are interested we will put up a website, it may be just for our true stories, Becky wants to write some fictional ones, and we may allow people to post similar stories. Most of the story is told in “Jason’s” view, mainly because Becky hates typing… We will let you know if we switch point of view. We are both 18 in this story. Our Site: This story is a bit interesting, it just goes over a normal week in our lives. Someone “signed our guest book” and asked us to do this, and we like the idea so went for it. In this story it is late October. We had graduated the previous spring and were now learning how to run the farm for Becky's parents, since they want to retire. Becky and I were engaged last September, but we were planning a longer engagement, like a year or a year and a half. Thanks, Cheers, and Goodnight. Jason and Becky >>>>>> Our alarm went off at 7:00 on the second to last Saturday in October. I woke up, and so did Becky. We both got out of bed and raced down the stairs to the shower. We were both naked, because, well, we always slept naked. We had a quick make out session in the shower, then got clean. We walked back upstairs holding hands and got dressed in work clothes. Today was an “out of office day” some days we would work on paperwork and stuff in the office, and others we would go out and work outside. It was nice to work outside, to get away from working in the offices. Within the next two days we had to accomplish a simple yet annoying task. Cut the grass. This seemingly simple goal, normally achieved by human beings in two, maybe three hours on a lazy Sunday afternoon would not be so simple in this setting. At the time, the farm had four mowers. We had two new TORO commercial mowers. Each had a 16 foot cutting span and were normally used by small municipalities to cut mass amounts of land. We also had two 72 inch SCAG sit on zero turn commercial mowers that were much smaller and used for cutting in small areas and the grass between the rows of trees. The farm was split in to three sections to have the grass cut. The first was the area (6 acres) around Becky's parents house that were considered residential, workers almost never were here and this grass was cut every week, unlike everything else. We did this on the bigger mowers in under 20 minutes. Section three was the area in between all the rows of trees. There are almost a square mile of trees, and we had cut a small section of this before, although it was normally cut by workers. The last was the area of farm land that was not occupied or just large patches of grass. We worked through the after noon, only stopping for a quick lunch, until about 3pm, when it began to rain. We were more than half way done, so we lifted up the blades and headed back for the barn that we kept the mowers in. we put them away and got in our mini truck to drive back to the house. Right after we got in to the house the skies started to open up, and the rain really started to come down. We rushed in to the bathroom and stripped out of our clothes. I turned on the shower and rushed in after Becky. We could hear the extreme rain pounding on the roof of the house. We had to get clean first, we were both covered in grass clippings and smelled like diesel fuel. After we got cleaned off I turned off the shower and walked with her to the sauna. I turned it on and we walked in. Becky poured a cup of water on the rock heater thing, and then leaned up against me. I kissed her on the forehead and I kissed her on the lips. She opened her mouth and we played with each others tongues. “have you heard back from the car dealer yet?” Becky asked “Yes, I got an email from him on my phone while were out on the mowers” “What did he say?” she asked excitedly “We can pick it up this Friday” By “It” we were referring to a black 2008 dodge challenger SRT8, manual transmission V8. My hummer had 311,000 miles in it, it guzzled gas, and was becoming a pain to maintain, and needed to be replaced. Now that we were running the farm we had no need for another large truck, since there were more than ten on the farm already. We would still have my hummer, I just wouldn’t drive it daily. Anyway, I was excited, so was Becky. Since we did not have to go anywhere to pick up the car, It was only an hour away, we were not going on a road trip. We had to plan one for the future, while the car was still “new”. “Lets get upstairs” Becky suggested We walked out of the sauna, turned it off, and headed upstairs. The rain was still pounding away at the roof of our house, and we had to speak just a little louder than usual. We both went under the covers, and I pulled her close to me. I whispered in her ear. “I love you” I whispered in her ear. She kissed my neck and whispered In my ear “I love you too” I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back. I softly kissed the back of her neck and her ear lobes, then slowly lingered down her belly, kissing her belly button and even further down. I softly spread her legs, and then ever so delicately kissed her inner thighs. I knew she loved all the little soft kisses, and I continued in this fashion for quite a while longer. I slowly moved my kisses closer and closer to her pussy until I was right on top of it. I kissed and sucked all over the pubic mound, then moved down towards her sweet pussy. I began to lap at her pussy, licking out all of the sweet juices I possibly could. Then she moved a little bit and sat up kind of. “What’s wrong?” I asked, moving up towards her so I could kiss her. “Nothing, I just wanted to try something” she said, and got up. She walked over to a drawer and opened it. She grabbed a pair of red panties, and walked back over to the bed. I almost immediately knew what she wanted. You see, the other night we had been watching a porno together, and as foreplay the guy had stuffed the girls panties in her pussy. I had thought that was incredibly sexy, but had not thought to ask Becky if we could try it. She got back on the bed and I said: “I think I already know what you want me to do with these” She nodded and gave me the panties. She laid back against the headboard and spread her legs wide. I slowly inserted two fingers in to her, and just as softly pulled them out. I softly pushed the panties in. She let out a long, soft, “Ohhh” and I paused to let her get used to the feeling. I leaned in and kissed her cheek, then whispered in her ear. “feel good?” I asked she nodded, and I pressed on. I inserted the panties all the way in to her, only leaving a little bit of material sticking out, so I could pull it out. I proceeded to lick all over the outsides of her pussy. Then ever so softly I bit down on the edge of the fabric that was sticking out of her pussy and slowly tugged them out, giving her time to savor the new feeling. It eventually came fully out. They were soaked with her sweet juices. I smelled them, they smelt amazing. I threw them on the floor and leaned over to kiss her again. “that felt amazing” she whispered “good, that was really sexy” I replied she moaned and then pulled me close, so I was right next to her and she could whisper in my ear. “Fuck me silly!” I didn’t need to be told twice, she wanted it rough, and I was happy to help her. I kissed her neck and then traveled down towards her pussy. I quickly licked her belly button and the tiny but ever so cute piercing she had their. I got to her pussy. I gave it a few licks, and then had her get in to the doggy stile position. I stroked my dick once or twice to get it really hard. I stuck my six-inch cock in her wonderfully tight pussy. She moaned in ecstasy as I slowly slid in to her, but she was screaming as I picked up the pace. I pounded her, as hard and fast as I could. She was screaming with sheer pleasure. This urged me on and I fucked her even harder. She was screaming so loud that, if her parents were not out for the week, they might of heard us. That’s ok, I love it when she is loud in bed. “oh, fuck me harder” she yelled I didn’t think it was possible, but I did. I rammed in and out of her as fast as I could. “oh babe I'm so close” she yelled I thrust in to her one more time, and she hit a massive orgasm, causing her to shake uncontrollably. I slowed down considerably, and allowed her to recover. “Oh, babe cum in my mouth” she moaned. I slowly pulled out and then she sucked me off for a few seconds before I came in her mouth. She greedily swallowed every drop of my cum. “Babe, I want to try something” I said, helping her stand up. We both stood up and walked out on to the porch. It was still raining at a semi heavy rate. We walked outside, still fully naked. We stood under the rain, and softly kissed. Our tongues danced around in each other’s mouths as the rain fell on our shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I did the same with her. Our noses occasionally softly bumped up against each other’s. Our tongues flicked across each other’s. She pulled away, kissed where my neck meets my shoulder, and then hugged me. I ran my hand through her now wet hair. “Whats up babe?” “I'm cold” she said We both laughed, held hands, and walked back inside. We got dried off and I took her back upstairs. I laid down on my back, and she laid on top of me, and we made out some more. She slowly rubbed her pussy on my semi erect cock. “I love you” I whispered in her ear as I slowly rubbed her back. “Me too” she said. I was just about to insert my cock back in her, so I could slowly fuck her, when her blackberry began to vibrate. “Just wait for it to finish ringing” Becky said. “No, your parents are away, it could be them, I don’t mind.” I said. “Ok” she said, kissing my cheek and grabbing my phone off the night stand. She looked at the caller id “Its Sarah” she said. Sarah is Becky’s brother’s wife. “Go ahead” I said She answered the phone “Hi, Sarah” (is now a bad time) “not really, just messing around in bed with Jason a little bit, here, let me put you on speaker” Sarah: sorry to interrupt guys Becky and I: no problem, whats up? Sarah: not much, I am flying over there tomorrow to take care of selling my grandmas house, since she moved in to a nursing home, and my hotel canceled on me due to a plumbing problem, I was wondering if I could crash on your couch for a night or two. It would just be me, Rick (Sarah’s wife, Becky's brother) has to stay for a meeting. Becky: that sounds fine, what time does your flight land? Sarah: 5:45 pm at Harrisburg. Me: do you need to be picked up? Sarah: If you guys can, that would be great, if not I can get a taxi. Me: we should be able to do 5:45, see you then Sarah: Great, thanks, Bye. Becky and I: bye. Becky hung up and put the phone back on the night stand. It was 7 pm, neither of us were hungry, so we just stayed in bed. After a little while of fooling around, Becky suggested we watch a porno. I thought it was a good idea. We walked over and picked a dvd from our porn shelf. We picked out a porno and popped it in the tv, then sat back on the bed and watched. While we watched, we masturbated each other at the same time and made out. >>>>>> The porno must have put us to sleep… lol. The next day we woke up, I was spooned up against her. We both got up, got dressed, and got up to finish the grass. We finished at around 4pm, and then headed back inside. We made a straight shot for the shower. We soaped and lathered each other off. We were so horny, we had sex right there in the shower. She leaned up against the wall and I came at her from behind. I stuck my cock in to her tight pussy, and began to thrust back and fourth. She moaned with my movements as pre-cum oozed from my dick. I fucked her nice and slowly, and played with her wet hair. She was moaning and oohing with great pleasure. I played her clit as we pushed in and out of her. This sped up her breathing even more, and she was on the edge of orgasm. “Babe I'm so close” she moaned. “Me too” I said, kissing her on the back of her shoulder. She erupted with intense pleasure, arching her back and letting out an extreme moan. I shot my load of cum deep in her pussy. I pulled her back under the water and kissed her as my cum dripped down her inner thigh, which I thought was so sexy. We got out of the shower and got dressed to go finish the grass. We finished at around 3pm. We drove out to a sub shop and got a late lunch, then drove home to eat. We ate, got quickly cleaned off, then decided to sit in the sauna. We turned it on and walked in. I sat in the corner and she leaned up against me. I ran my fingers through her hair. We must have sat there and lightly touched each other for at least half an hour. We did not say anything, we just occasionally made eye contact and smiled at each other. I loved looking in to Becky's electric green eyes. I was playing with her hair with one hand, and with the other I was lightly running a finger over areas of her body like her belly button, tummy, and inner thighs. She seemed to just run her fingers lightly over everywhere that felt good and all tingly. One time we made eye contact I bent my neck down and kissed her on the cheek. After half an hour I hesitantly broke the super romantic and erotic silence between us, and softly whispered in her ear. “babe, I’ve got an idea” She cracked a smile and her eyes lit up. We both slowly stood up, and I had her follow me upstairs, past our bedroom and up the three stairs to the porch. I pulled the cover off the hot tub and started the jets. We both slowly got in to the 102 degree water. I sat in a seat in the hot tub and she sat across from me. We intertwined our legs and played with each other’s toes. She slowly drifted closer towards me and was soon sitting on my lap, facing me. We kissed and whispered sweet things to each other. I'm not even sure if she knew she was doing it, but she was slowly grinding her pussy on my semi hard cock. I slowly rubbed her back as we continued to kiss. I gave her pussy a quick rub and she broke away from the kiss, arched her back, and let out a nice soft “Ohhh” We continued to kiss, and at one point she pulled away. I took this opportunity to brush a small amount of hair that was in the way of her face behind her ear. She looked at the clock on the porch. Babe its 5:07, we should get dressed to go pick up Sarah in a few minutes. She said I acknowledged by licking one of her nipples. We both got out of the hot tub and put the cover back over it, then went inside and got dressed. I wore tan cargo shorts and a black Mountain Hardware t-shirt. Becky put on jeans and a dark green, tight fitting t-shirt. We got in Becky's Mustang. I let her drive, there is something hot about a girl who knows how to drive a manual sports car, and well for that matter. We turned out of our driveway, which was rather long in itself, and on to the road we lived on. There are only three houses on this road in a 9 mile section, and the road was not often traveled, so we had it to ourselves. Soon we were doing 85+ on the country road. I was not worried, I trusted her driving abilities. We turned off that road on to one with more traffic and had to slow down considerably. We got to Harrisburg International at ten minutes to 6. Sarah’s plane had just landed, so we sat outside baggage claim and waited for her. After a few minutes we saw Sarah come out. She had a rather large wheeled bag being pulled by one hand, and a laptop bag in the other. She was wearing a northface fleece and jeans, with a tan cowgirl hat on her head. We both got out of the car. Becky ran to give her a hug, and I was not far behind. We helped her put her bag in the trunk. She then got in to the back seat, and we got in the front ones. Becky made a comment that she liked the hat, and Sarah explained that she loved Colorado so much that she brought the hat with her whenever she left. The hat did make her look very good. Sarah is not the tallest, at 5’4” or 5’5” she stands four or five inches shorter than Becky, and she looks even shorter when she stands next to me. She has long blonde hair and light blue eyes, and has rather large breasts (double D’s according to Becky. I guess friend know those things about each other.. Ha) “Did you have dinner on the plane?” I asked “they served it, but the only thing I ate were the baby carrots, all the rest of the stuff did not look good” She said “I cant blame you, plane food is nasty, what are you in the mood for?” Becky asked. “I could kill for some El Rodeo’s right now” she said “that’s one thing Colorado does not have, good Mexican food.” El Rodeo is a Mexican restaurant near Harrisburg that has really good hot sauce. We had a nice dinner, I paid the bill and we left. The car ride in between the restaurant was about half an hour, which gave us a good amount of time to catch up. Sarah congratulated us in person on our recent engagement. We talked about how their life in Colorado is. We said we would have to go out and visit sometime. Eventually we got back to the house, and Sarah seemed to really miss living in a mini house (her and Rick used to have one not far from our house before they moved to Colorado) we decided to watch a movie, and agreed on one. We started watching at around 8pm, but by 8:30 we were all bored out of our minds. “Who wants to go chill in the sauna” Becky asked “Sounds good, I'm in” said Sarah “Sure” I said We all got up and walked to the bathroom. Sarah was first to be totally naked, quickly followed by Becky. Although I was not expecting the nudity, I was not surprised by it either. The three of us had been naked in the presence of each other before, and Sarah knew the #1 rule of our sauna. I stripped out of my shorts and shirt and followed the girls in to the sauna. We all sat on our own bench. We just relaxed for a little while. Becky had her arms up on either side of the bench, and spread her legs some, Sarah was quick to follow suit. We just sat there, relaxed, and joked around for a good 45 minutes to an hour. I managed to keep my dick under control despite being in the presence of two very beautiful women. After we had been in there for a while Sarah asked if we still had the hot tub, and of course we did, so we walked up there and got in the hot tub. I turned on the lights and jets in the hot tub. You could not see in to the water very well. This time Becky sat on my lap and Sarah sat across from us. I kissed the back of Becky's neck quickly. She put her head back and next to mine and I put my arms across her waist. “so, Jim and Pam are giving you guys the farm to run?” Sarah asked “Yea, were pretty exited, they are going to retire January first this year, and then we will totally take over” Becky said. “are they going to stay here, or move somewhere?” Sarah asked “As we speak they are out house hunting in northern California” Becky said “that’s cool, I never saw them as California people though. What are you going to do when they are gone?” “Probably turn their house in to office space and build a house on our hill.” I said “Why not just re-model their house?” she asked “Three reasons” I said. “One, we want to hire a manager and maybe someone to answer the phone and that house is the perfect size for four or five offices. Two, we want to keep work and home separate, that is something Jim and Pam suggested we do. And three, we want our house to be our own, and building on our hill is the perfect start.” “What is ‘Your Hill’?” asked Sarah. “Where he proposed to me, its on the entire other side of the property, that area does not even have trees yet.” Becky said “We can show you after you get back from your trip tomorrow” I said. “Cool, that sounds good.” Said Sarah. “How are you going to get to your grandma’s house tomorrow” I asked “I was planning on calling a cab from the hotel, but I don’t think cabs come all the way out here” she said. “No, they don’t” Becky said. “You can take my mustang if you like, I don’t think we will be leaving the farm tomorrow, and if we need to we can take the hummer for short distance trips” she said thank you, and then Becky continued the conversation. “If you are planning to leave early tomorrow, you probably wont see us, my keys are on the key hook in the kitchen. Feel free to get a shower and some breakfast before you head out.” “Thank you, I will. I think I am going to head downstairs and get ready for bed though, I am really tired.” Said Sarah “Do you need any help un-folding the couch?” I asked “Nope, I can figure it out, thank you though” she said as she got out of the hot tub and dried off, then headed downstairs. Becky and I just sat there for a minute. It was 10:00, the stars and moon were out, and it was actually not that cold out of the water. Becky had been playing with my dick the whole time we had been talking with Sarah, and I was rock hard. I felt Becky move around a little, and then lower herself down on my stiff member. She spun around so she was facing me. I kissed her on the lips, and she began to flex her pussy muscles around my cock. After we had been kissing for a few minutes, she began to slowly move herself up and down my shaft. At first she only moved up and down slightly and slowly, then she began to move up and down an inch or two, and she slowly picked up her speed. Soon she was moving up and down on the full length of my member. Due to all the build up I had had while she was playing with my dick I was close, and judging by the moans she was making, so was she. I watched her lovely breasts bounce up and down with the movements of our lovemaking. It was not often we had sex with her on top, but I'm not sure why, because we both loved it. It was a totally different feel than when I was on top. Her velvety smooth pussy felt like heaven to me and I was ready to shoot my load in her. I shot rope after rope of hot sticky cum deep in to her steamy pussy right as she hit a gigantic orgasm. She moaned and arched her back with pleasure, and I kissed her so she was moaning in my mouth. I stayed inside her, and we made out as she slowly moved up and down my shaft again. “Oh, babe, you make me feel so good” I said She kissed me again, and slid off of my cock. We both got out of the hot tub and I pulled the cover over it, and we walked down to the stairs in to our bedroom. We both got in bed, on top of the covers and spooned together. I slowly and softly kissed the back of Becky's neck until she fell asleep, and I was not close behind. >>>>>> The next morning I woke up at 9:00. I heard a car door shut and looked out the window. I saw Sarah get in to Becky’s red mustang and drive away. Becky was still asleep, so I walked downstairs to make us both some coffee. Sarah had left a note saying she would be back anywhere from 3-4 pm. After I was done I walked back up with the two mugs in my hand. She was sitting up in bed with the blanket over her body. She had her glasses on instead of the contacts she normally wore and she looked incredibly sexy. (This next part is almost all dialogue, so we will use a different format of typing) Becky: My god you read my mind. Thank you. She kissed me on the cheek as I got in to the bed and under the covers with her. Me: You are welcome. Why do you look so cold? Becky: we left the door to the deck open last night. Me: Oh I said. I pulled another blanket over her, kind of nice, kind of to be funny. Becky: Talking with Sarah got me excited last night. Me: about what? Becky: Our house that we are going to build. Me: cool. You know, we should meet with an architect soon to discuss our plans for our house and for your parents house. Becky: don’t we have to come up with preliminary drawings before we meet with one? Me: Yes, we do. Lets go work on that now. Becky: maybe after we get some breakfast. We ate our cereal, got dressed, and walked over to the tiny desk we both shared. Although we loved our mini house, and I'm sure when we write about it it sounds bigger than it is, sometimes it is too small. It can all be put on one 18 wheeler trailer, and not even be considered an “oversized load”. We started with a list of things we wanted in our new house. Our list was basically space for treadmills, a full kitchen, dining room for 6 living room. (small) guest room (we intended to use our mini house as a guest house), a bigger bed and bath room, and an elevated porch for our beloved hot tub. What we ended up creating was beautiful piece of art, if you can call a house art. The house was the shape of an uppercase L, with a stubby bottom half. Our bathroom had a steam shower, Jacuzzi, and, of course a sauna, as well as a sink and toilet. We had a bigger bedroom with California King sized bed. Becky's parents house we drew up plans for as well. We converted the master bed room in to an office that we shared. We then made some minor changes to the two existing offices to make one a managers office and one a HR/PR/Miscellaneous office. Downstairs we made the dining room a conference room and the living room a reception area, complete with receptionist desk. The kitchen stayed the same, as did the bathrooms. We left the basement empty so we could make more offices if needed. We were excited, but we had to wait until January first to do anything further than show our drawings to Becky’s parents. For now we taped them to the wall near the desk. By the time we were all said and done it was nearing one pm and we were faced with nothing to do until Sarah got back. Becky had the idea to go for a quad ride around the tree farm and do what Jim, Becky’s father, called a survey. I said it sounded like a good idea, so we put on some slightly warmer clothes and walked downstairs. We left Sarah a note that said we had gone out quad riding and would be back at four. We walked out to a garage that housed various vehicles, Dirt bikes, quads, our mini truck, and an old jeep that had not run in years. The two quads were easy to get to, so we took them. We put on helmets and jumped on. First we drove to the four barns on the yard, they were all secure. We then did a parameter drive around the fence that runs the entire 578 acre (at the time) property. That was all secure and the fence was all good. When we were finished with that it was almost 3:30 and we were on the northwest outcropping. The farm is shaped kind of like the state of Oklahoma, it is like a rectangle with an outcropping on the left (or in this case northwestern side). Our house is on the south eastern corner, rear only one of two roads on the property. The north western out cropping had a 300 foot elevation above the house and is almost a mile away as the bird flies, and two and a half by trail. We were up on the outcropping looking at our house. A light reflection caught my attention near our house, and I asked for Becky’s Binoculars to see what it was. I looked through them and saw that the red mustang was back, and I saw a blonde walking towards our house. “What do you see?” asked Becky. “Your car, I must have seen a reflection as she pulled in, lets go say hi” I said. I gave Becky her binoculars back, waited for her to put them away, then headed down the trail. We drove through the empty parking lot and past the main gate. Past the “green” barn, the campsite and lake, the red and blue barns, and then we arrived back at the house. When we walked in Sarah was watching some tv. “Hey guys” she said. “You want to go see our hill now?” Becky asked. “sure” she said, turning off the tv. She grabbed a hoodie, and we walked out to my hummer. Luckily it started, did not over heat and turn off, or catch on fire, so we were lucky, and the girls got in. My hummer was connected a trailer with an atv on it, just in case it broke down in the middle of nowhere. We continued north on the trail, past the well and past the yellow barn. Once we got past the yellow barn it was an uphill climb to the top of the hill on a hardly marked trail. In truth we had only been up here once since that night. The one time we had been up there we had put two plastic lawn chairs and a permanent fire pit up there, as well as a small wood pile. We got up there and I parked the hummer. We all got out and looked around, I had almost forgotten how nice the view was. Sarah must have also thought the view was nice, because she got out her phone and took a picture. I grabbed a folding chair out of the back of my car and the two girls sat in the chairs that were already there. I started the fire using the wood and supplies already there. We sat there and told Sarah about the house, which Becky had smartly grabbed the drawings for before we left. When we showed her the drawings of Becky’s parents house, particularly Rick’s old room, she blurted out, without thinking, following typical blonde fashion. “I lost my virginity in that room!” she yelled in excitement. We all looked at each other for a few seconds, then we laughed hysterically. “Wow that brought memories back” said Sarah after a minute of silence, now taking on a more introspective personality. We all sat in silence for a minute. I knew I was thinking about the time Becky and I took each other’s virginities, I was pretty sure Becky was thinking the same thing, and it had already become obvious what Sarah had on her mind. “How old were you?” Becky asked Sarah after a minute of silence. “It was in the early hours of my fifteenth birthday” she said “You were at a friends house sleeping over and your parents had long since been asleep, but they didn’t even know I was in the house. Almost immediately after we finished we heard someone walk past Rick’s door, it was like 4am and we were freaking out, getting dressed as quickly as humanly possible. No one ever walked in, and I snuck out a few hours later.” Becky nodded “that was the only time we had sex for nearly a year, we were both scared to get caught” Now we both nodded “well, that was my story, I figure I’ve known yours since it happened, so you might as well know mine.” She finished We sat in silence for a minute or two, Becky moved to sit in my lap. I looked at my phone. It was 6:15. I whispered in Becky’s ear “Hey ask Sarah if she wants to order us some pizza” Sarah said sure, and I gave her my phone, and told her to have them deliver to the main entrance to the farm. She walked off to order, giving Becky and I a minute of privacy. “I love you” I whispered in her ear. “I love you too” she whispered back. She turned around some and kissed me. I kissed back and I guess we got carried away. “You guys are so cute” Sarah said as she sat back down in her seat. Becky turned back around so she was sitting on my lap again. “They said they will be at the entrance in half an hour” Sarah said “Thanks for the minute” Becky said. “No problem honey” she said. “so do you guys know when your wedding is going to be?” “no, no really, we have done almost no planning.” Becky said “So, not for a while, eh” “Yea, I guess” Becky said. We sat and chatted about mindless stuff for a while, and then I left on the quad to go get the pizza. I traveled along the northern fence line to the main entrance, only to realize that the first gate was not open, so I had to drive up to it to get the pizza. I paid the guy and gave him a tip, then drove back to the hill with the pizza. We ate, then put out the fire with a gallon of water I had in the back of the hummer. We all got in and drove back to the house. It was 8pm, and we decided to go sit in the sauna for a while. We got naked and got in. This time Becky sat leaning against me, so her head was by my penis. Becky had her legs fully spread, giving both Sarah and I a good view of her pussy. Sarah did the same, I'm not sure why, but she did, anyway, she had a small strip of blond pubic hair, unlike Becky who was totally shaved. I played with Becky's brown hair, and then one of her nipples, and I was hard. They both giggled a little. I had now been rubbing Becky’s nipple for a minute or so, and all of a sudden she let out a loud moan. I stopped immediately. “I think I just had a mini orgasm” she giggled “I love it when that happens. Once I was on a snowmobile riding on the back seat behind Rick and I had one. At first he thought I was kidding, and he kept going, I had like three in a row” Sarah said. Becky sat up more so her head was on my shoulder, and I kissed her on the forehead. “I think we are going to head on up to bed” I said after a few minutes of silence. Becky and I walked upstairs and got in to bed. I wasted no time spreading her legs and eating her out. I licked all over, drawing lines through her soft and juicy pussy with my tongue. I then licked her clit, and then went back to pussy where she had a massive orgasm. I lapped at the delicious honey like juices that flowed out of her pussy after her orgasm. I made out with her while I gave her a minute to recover. After she was ready, we got in to the missionary position and I penetrated her slowly. She began to moan and gasp as I picked up the speed with which I fucked her. Her moans got louder, so loud that I knew Sarah could hear, but I didn’t care, and I don’t think Becky did either. I was close to cumming, and I knew from the intense moaning that she was close as well. I shot my cum deep in her vagina as wave after wave of orgasm hit her. After her orgasm subsided we made out on our sides as she fell asleep, I pulled a blanket over us, and quickly followed her to sleep. >>>>>> The next morning we slept in some, and all woke around ten am. Becky was first to wake up. I felt her get out of bed, and was awake to watch her slide in to some sweatpants and a tight t-shirt, then walk downstairs, presumably go to the bathroom. I threw on a pair of gym shorts a minute later and walked down to start the coffee maker. I started it, and it started beeping to tell me there was no water in it. I shut it off, but it had beeped, and I saw Sarah, or the thick blanket she was under, move some. I went back to making the coffee. “What time is it” I heard Sarah whisper a minute later. “A little after ten, sorry I woke you up” I said. She got out of bed. She was wearing a large t-shirt, and some pink panties. “I was already awake, I was checking my email on my phone” “Oh” I said. “You want some breakfast” “that would be great” she said. A couple of seconds later Becky walked out of the bathroom and joined us in the tiny kitchen. “You want breakfast too?” I asked “sure” I got some eggs out of the fridge, and put some toast in the toaster. I scrambled the eggs and finished the toast, and Becky and Sarah set up the table. I brought the plate with the eggs and toast on it out, then got some smaller ones to serve on to. I poured myself some coffee and joined the girls at the table. We ate our breakfast. “what time does your flight leave tonight” Becky asked. “6:03” Sarah said. “what time do you need to be at the airport?” I asked “I always like to be there a little early, incase there is a problem or a line, so like around 4:30” Sarah said. “I have to go finish some business with the relator today, I should be back around two or three” “We are probably going to drive in to Harrisburg today.” Said Becky. “Do you want your car back? I saw you guys still have my old truck by that barn we drove past last night, I could drive that.” “sure, you can drive that” I said, “we will give you a ride out there after we are all showered and ready” We cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. We let Sarah go first in the shower, then took a quick one ourselves. We were all ready to go by 11, and we got in the mini truck to take Sarah to her old truck. When she lived in Pennsylvania she had a 2002 white ford f250, and when her and Rick moved she left the truck for the farm. All we had done with it was put a sticker on it that said “Setlidge tree farm” on it and used it to schlep crap around the farm. We let her out of the truck, gave her the keys and let her get in and start it to make sure it ran. It started, and she pulled out in front of us to drive to the main road. When we got back to the house she drove off to the road, and Becky and I got in her car and drove off to Harrisburg. We passed Sarah going up a hill on the “Un-named county road” we lived on at around 90mph, and she honked at us. We made it in to Harrisburg in good time and our first stop was at a bed, bath, and beyond. We had decided that we need new sheets and blankets, since we had been using the one we had since we were 15. We got a white sheet set and a really thick black comforter. After we did that we went and looked at their mattresses. Becky’s waterbed had started to leak about a month ago, and we just drained it and got rid of it. Since then we had been sleeping on a double thick queen air mattress that had a 0 in the comfort factor. It had really been interfering with our sleep, as well as our lovemaking. We really liked the foam tempurpedic mattress, and they where on sale for 45% off, that was a crazy good deal. We decided to pay for the mattress and drive home with the new sheets and get a bigger truck. When we got home we took the sheets inside, then went to get on the mini truck to drive to the green barn, near the main entrance. The green barn, although not actually green, was the newest on the property and held all the licensed vehicles. It was actually where Sarah’s truck actually should have been stored, but what ever. The first two trucks in the barn were new additions to the road fleet, two 2007 chevy Silverado 3500’s we picked one and got in. The keys were underneath the seat in a plastic cup, like every other vehicle on the farm. I got in the driver seat and started the truck as Becky climbed in. We drove back, picked up our mattress and then drove home. We dropped the mattress off at the house, then drove the truck to the barn, put it back, and drove the mini truck back to the house. Next we had to figure out how to get the bed inside of the house. We found the houses manual, and the makers of the house suggested lifting the bed through the row of detachable windows on the side of the bedroom. We cleared everything away from the windows and opened them so we could fit the mattress in. The only problem was that we could not physically lift the mattress up there. We decided the best way to lift the mattress was to go get the gradall forklift from where it was and have that lift it in. then we had to find the lift. We got back in to the mini truck to go search for the gradall. First we drove north to the yellow barn, it was not in there. We drove back south to the house then west to the blue barn. Not there either. From the blue barn we drove north to the red barn, the second newest on the property, it had to be here. It was, and we only had to move a backhoe to get to it. We pulled the gradall out, put the backhoe back in and shut the door. I got in the gradall and Becky followed behind me in the mini truck. I lifted the forks up a little bit, then stepped on the gas and took the gigantic forklift to its top speed of 11 mph. It was a long and slow trip back to the house. Once there it took us a short amount of time to lift the bed to the window and pull it in to the room. we then put the window back and drove the lift back, put it away, and drive back to the house again. We made the bed with our new sheets, put away anything that had been moved to get the bed in, and called it a day. We laid on our new bed and just relaxed. We were laying next to each other, on our backs. I leaned over some and kissed her softly on the lips. “Much better then the air mattress” she said. “Yes it is” I said “I think I like it more than the water bed too.” She nodded “you hardly even notice it” “We will have to try it out more after we drop Sarah off at the airport” I said Now she leaned over and kissed me. This one was longer and much slower. You could feel the passion and electricity in the air. Becky laid on top of me, and I put my arms around her waist and slowly rubbed the sides of my thumbs up and down her back, along her spine. Sarah got home after we had just been laying there, making out and talking for an hour or so. “Becky, Jason? Where are you guys?” she called “Up stairs, come on up” I yelled We heard her walk upstairs, and then she came in to our room. I was laying on my back and Becky was on her side up against me with her head on my shoulder. “you guys got new sheets” she said as she walked in. “And a new mattress” Becky added. “really” she said, sitting on the corner of the bed. “yea, it took us almost 2 hours to get in here” I said. “the bed is really comfortable, what is it?” she asked “One of those foam ones” Becky said. “Oh cool” she said she stood up. “I still have to pack a few of my things, and then we have to head out” Sarah said, standing up and walking out of the room. I kissed the top of her head, and then whispered in her ear. “Do you want a massage when you get home?” “Oh my god, yes please” she whispered back. She rolled back on top of me, and I kissed her. Then, I looked deep in to her beautiful, deep, green eyes, and we rubbed noses a little. “I love you” she said I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear “I love you too, baby” “Do you want to drive? I have a headache and don’t feel like driving.” She said “Drive where?” I asked, completely forgetting Sarah was even in the house She kissed me on the neck “Drive Sarah to the airport” “She is probably waiting for us downstairs” Becky said “You don’t have to go the airport if you don’t want to” I said “You can just come down and say goodbye” “I am going to do that I think, you go down and help her get her bags in the car, I’ll be down in a second” she said as she got off of me and stood up. I stood up and hugged her. “Becky, Is everything ok?” “I'm fine” She went to go change, and I walked downstairs. “Where is becks?” she asked “She does not feel good, she is getting changed and coming gown to say goodbye, but she has a really bad headache and I don’t think she is coming to the airport.” Sarah made a sad face, and then asked me to help her carry her bag to the car. We had just put the bags in the trunk when we saw Becky walking out. She had totally changed her clothes. She was now wearing her short pajama shorts and her black and dark blye HHS (Harrisburg high school) swimming hoodie and her glasses. I have to say even though she did look sick, her pajama shorts, for the few times we actually wore pajamas, made her long tan legs look amazing. She hugged Sarah goodbye, and then walked back to the house. I got in the car, and Sarah did too. “Whats up with Becky?” Sarah asked as I started the car and drove down the driveway. “I have absolutely no idea” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “I was hoping you could tell me” “Well I haven’t a clue” Sarah said “Did you say anything to her while you were up there?” “Not really, we just talked about our bed and made out some” I said. “Nothing else?” Sarah asked “Well I promised to give her a massage after we dropped you off” “Very cute, but that’s all you said?” “That’s basically it, we kissed a lot more than we talked” “did you offer her the massage before or after she said she did not feel good?” Sarah asked me. “Before” I said. Sarah thought for a minute or two. “It might just be pms” Sarah said “You are probably right, but normally it is not that bad” I said “Yea, but its nature, and nature is un-predictable” “On your way home pick up some chocolate and some massage oils if you don’t already have some. Put the chocolates somewhere she will find them on her own, then give her a massage if she wants one. But most important if she wants to sleep, just let her sleep.” Sarah said I thanked Sarah for the help, and pulled in to the airport drop off zone. I helped Sarah get her bags out of the car and waved to her as she walked in to the airport. On the way home I picked up some dark chocolate, which I knew she loved, and some massage oil. We already had oil, but I felt like getting a different one. I pulled in to the driveway around five fifteen, and all the lights In the house were off. I opened the door to the house and walked in. I put the little foil wrapped chocolates in a bowl, left them on the counter, and I put some in the bathroom. Then walked upstairs, hiding the bottle of massage in the pocket of my cargo pants. As I walked past the desk I saw Becky's sweatshirt that she had been wearing on the floor. I opened the door to the bedroom and saw her asleep on the bed. I pulled the bottle of oil out of my pocket, placed it on the floor next to the bed, and gently got in bed with her. She was still in pajamas, so I just spooned up against her. I did not fall asleep, however. After 45 minutes I felt Becky wake up. “Baby, do you want a massage” I whispered “I have to fucking piss, leave me alone” she yelled, and then got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Something else was up, she was not PMS-ing, something else was up. I knew because Becky almost never cursed, except for when we had sex of course, but for her to just say that was really strange. I sat and thought silently about if, and if, when I was going to ask her what was wrong. I heard the toilet flush, the sink run, and I heard her walk up the stairs and through the short hallway to our bedroom. But before she opened the door I heard something else. I heard her crying, which was something else very un-usual for her to do. She walked in to the room with an arm over her face. She also now had her hoodie back on, and had her hood over her head. She laid face down on the bed and put her head in the pillow. She was still crying. I channeled a really calm and sympathetic voice, and softly said: “Becky, I love you, and I'm here for you if want to talk to me” I patted her back and went to the other side of the bed and laid down. I looked at the clock, it was 6:20, and then I looked up at the celling and watched the fan spin. I did this for a little over an hour, until about seven thirty, and then I noticed Becky had stopped crying. I pulled the covers over her and assumed she was asleep, then went back to watching the celling fan. I felt really bad. This was the first time I was aware of that she had ever cried herself to sleep, and I didn’t even know what it was about. It made me feel like crap, knowing that I might have been the cause of it. However about five minutes later I looked over at her, and saw her looking at me. I went to say something, but she turned her head back in to the pillow and started to softly cry again. I moved so I was on my stomach next to her, and slowly ran my fingers over her back. I did this and she almost immediately stopped crying, so I kept doing it. After about ten minutes I heard her say something. “Babe?” I heard her say “Whats up honey?” I asked. She was silent; I continued to rub her back slowly, so maybe she would say more. After a minute I heard her say: “Will you hold me while I tell you what’s wrong” “Of course” “And will you just listen, and not say anything” “Sure” I sat up against the backboard, and she got up to sit in my lap. She rested her head next to mine on the headboard, and stretched legs out over mine. “Whats the matter baby” “I'm really nervous…” she stopped I kissed her on the neck to show her I was listening “…about running the farm, I mean what if we cant do it? Over the last month I’ve realized how much work it is, and I don’t know if I'm ready to handle it. I’ve really seen how much our live is going to change next year over the past three days, and I'm worried we wont get as much alone time together, just the two of us. I’m really stressed out and angry, which is why I yelled and cursed at you a little while ago. Then I went to the bathroom and saw that you got me chocolate, and I saw the receipt from the sex shop for the body oil, and I knew you did it for me. Then I got all sad because I yelled at you and cursed at you, and I know if I lose you I would die.” She sobbed, she was now crying again. I softly “Shh-ed” her to stop her from crying, and when she stopped I wiped the tears from her cheek with the sheet and kissed her on the neck. “Baby, can I say something?” She nodded “I know we can handle the farm together, and I know things are going really fast. If you want to we can always slow things down.” “Thank you” she said as she rolled over and off of me. Do you want a massage? I asked “Yes please” She said. I took her hoodie, then her tank top off of her, leaving her bear chested. I then went to take off her short little lime green shorts, but she asked me to leave them on, because she really could not handle sex right now and knew she might ask for it if she had the shorts off. I had no problems with that request, and got the oil from off the floor. I put some oil on her back, and she let out a soothing “Ohhh”. This oil was supposed to be “Warming” and really relaxing, but I did not feel anything on my hands, so I hoped she sure did. I got the oil all good and rubbed in using the bottom of my palms, then I started my massage. I started at the neck, and lightly pressed down on my thumbs while I made large circles with them. Next I did her shoulders and her shoulder blades. For those I used the bottoms of my palms and my thumbs, in a standard fashion. For her lower back I gently used my elbows to sooth any tense muscles she had. I skipped her butt because I did NOT want to take advantage of her, and moved on to her legs. I needed up and down one, stopping at the ankle for a long finger massage, then did the other leg the same way. I had her flipped over, and could see the outline of her pussy through the shorts, I could also see the rather large wet spot on her shorts, but did not say anything. I started with her legs on the front side, and did the same kneading up and down each of them. Next I got the bottle of body oil and poured some on her stomach. I rubbed it in slowly, taking my time to let the “warming” oil hopefully do its thing. I noticed whenever I did something she liked she would do a small gasp. I moved my efforts towards her chest. I used my fingers to massage everywhere around her chest. I next delicately massaged the fleshy grapefruit sized globes that were her breasts. I made sure not to touch or rub her nipples in any way. I heard her make a soft “Ahhh” I knew what that meant, she had had a small orgasm. Her breathing had increased. I leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Babe, I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to do that” “It’s ok, that was absolutely amazing, help me slide my shorts off though, because they are soaked.” I helped her out, and she was right, her shorts were drenched. After they were off I threw them on the ground and laid on my back next to her. She moved next to me on one of her sides and put her head on my shoulder, and we both fell asleep. At about three am I woke up, not unusual, some times I do that. We were both in the same position we fell asleep in. Her hair was still in a ponytail. She had on her engagement ring, and her silver necklace that her mom gave her for her 13th birthday. Her warm body was up against my arm, and it was really nice to feel. I took the elastic thing out of her hair and let her hair fall to the side. I loved her hair, it was brown, and right now it was long and kind of wavy. It was past her shoulders by a couple of inches. I ran my fingers through it as I fell back asleep. I woke up what seemed like ten minutes later only the sun was out. Something was playing with my wrist. I opened my eyes more and got adjusted to the light. Becky was trying to get the black hair band off my wrist that I took off her earlier. I pulled it away from her a little, and I noticed her old personality was back, or at least mostly. She was still fully naked, and looked absolutely beautiful with her long hair flowing over her shoulders. I pulled my wrist with the hair band still attached next to my body. I was still in my clothes from last night, as I had not gotten a chance to change out of them after I dropped Sarah off. She straddled me, throwing one leg over my waist and leaning down so we were face to face. “Babe, I look like shit, can I please have my hair band back” “no, you don’t look like shit, you look so sexy with your hair down, its un bearable” “So un bearable you just have to have me?” she asked I nodded ”lets get a shower first” she said I grabbed her and picked her up off the bed with me. I then stripped out of my clothes and followed her firm little butt downstairs to the bathroom. She turned on the water and ran in to the shower, making me continue my pursuit, as I ran in to the shower after her, she splashed water on me, and I splashed water back at her. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me, then kissed her. She broke away and pushed me to a wall, then kissed me again. She broke away and squatted on her knees. She took my semi hard cock in her hands, then began to stroke and suck until I got super hard. She continued until I was just about to blow, then told me to cum on her face. I stroked my cock a few times, and unleashed my hot ropes of cum all over her face. Then she turned around, and while I was still up against the wall, inserted my penis in her wet pussy. She did the work, and was soon sliding back and fourth on my dick as fast as she pleased. Due to the fact that she was so horny she was already close to orgasm. “Babe” she yelled with excitement “fuck me, I'm going to cum” I had her turn around and face the wall so I could fuck her from behind “Fuck me I'm cummming” she yelled with intense pleasure. I stopped, but only for a second to change positions. I sat on a little seat in the shower that we mainly used for putting stuff on, and so Becky can shave her legs. I still lad her in my lap, and when she was ready she began to bounce up and down on me. Almost instantly she was moaning and gasping again. “Oh my god give it to me babe, cum in my pussy” she gasped “I'm almost there” I gasped. She bounced up and down even faster on my rock hard cock. “Oh my god fuck me baby” I gasped She was screaming with pleasure We both hit our second orgasm of the day with intense force, and I shot my load deep in to her love hole. Her breathing was super heavy and her legs were trembling, she could not stand up. I helped her to her feet, and she leaned up against me. I felt her inner thigh she was still shaking. “Baby are you ok?” I asked. She nodded wildly and held up the “one minute” sign with her finger. She was still breathing really heavily. I held her and we moved under the shower water again. She was eventually able to talk in normal intervals in between breaths. “The second one always gets me” she said, giggeling “you made me feel so good” I said. She kissed me We got cleaned off and got dressed, then ate some breakfast. “Can you put your hair down for the car ride” I asked her. “You really think I look sexy like that?” she asked. “YES” I said. She pulled the hair tie out of her hair and did a sexy head shake as it all fell out of the bunn it was in. I clapped “there we go” She blushed We put our bowls in the sink, then walked out to Becky's car. I popped the gps on the windshield and got in the drivers seat. Becky got in the other side. I started the car and got on the road. It was a little over an hour and a half to the dealer in New Jersey. On the way there we chatted about random stuff, the amazing sex we had just had, the talk we had the night before, and how much she liked that massage I gave her last night. “Did you feel the oil “Warming” like it was supposed to?” I asked, shifting in to fifth gear as we speed up after a toll. “Is that what that supposed to be? I felt it doing something, but I'm not sure what. That’s ok though, your hands are amazing.” “Thank you” I said, rubbing my hand on her inner thigh through her jeans. “What do we have to do when we get there?” Becky asked “go for a test drive, give them a down payment check, sign some paperwork, and drive home I think” I said “Cool” she said After about ten more minutes of driving and talking we got to a Dodge dealer, in new jersey. We parked Becky’s ford mustang in one of the spots, and were almost immediately were looked at strangely in a dodge/mopar shirt. We ignored him and walked In to the dealer. A man walked up and greeted us, then asked us if he could help us. I told the man I was looking for phil. He introduced himself as Phil (obviously not his real name) and I introduced Becky and myself. This was the first real time I had the opportunity to introduce her as my fiancée to a complete stranger. I saw her smile at this, and that made me feel really good inside. “Lets go for a test drive” Phil said, handing me a set of keys. The three of us walked outside of the dealer, and turned to a parking lot. We walked through the lot and found the car. The car was a 2008 dodge hemi SRT8, black. It was a new, but being that it was then 2009 and the car had been on the lot for a while, the price had dropped considerably. I got in the drivers seat, and Phil let Becky take the front seat, getting in the back seat. I started the hemi V8 and put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot. We drove around beautiful (cough, cough***) central new jersey. We got to the midpoint of the test drive, and I asked Becky if she wanted to drive, but she said no. We drove back to the dealer. I loved the car, and there were no problems. We walked back in to the showroom, and sat at Phil’s desk. He gave me some papers to look over and sign. As I was looking them over Becky’s phone began to vibrate. She grabbed it out of her bag and looked at the screen. “It’s my mom” she said, walking out of the showroom I signed the papers, and set up a financing plan. After we talked a little more we both stood up and shook hands. He gave me the keys and I walked out. Becky was outside, and was just hanging up the phone. “Race you back home” I said, running to the dodge and getting in. She ran to her mustang and pulled up behind me as I waited to pull on to the highway from the dealer. I saw the opportunity to enter the highway and I took it. I smoked the tires a little. We pretty much waited until we were past Harrisburg and on the home stretch to really start pulling any speeds in excess of seventy five. We were on a single lane in each direction road near our house, and Becky passed me doing at least 85 in the shoulder. I had to get her back, when we were on a fairly deserted road I gunned it, I had it to 107 mph, and passed her at around 95. I knew, just from driving both that my car had a lot more power than hers, but whatever. When we got to the road we lived on that was always empty I passed her, then gunned it. This road was flat and in one direction, and I had the car doing 114mph. Becky tried to keep up, but I'm pretty sure she did not get past 95, but that was by choice. I drove up the driveway and she followed. She parked her car and got out, then hopped in the passenger seat of my car. “Lets go find some place quiet we can park the car and maybe have a little fun” she said. We drove to a hill with a trail that was just some dirt, so I had no problem driving it. It was covered by trees and was technically no ones property. I parked the car, turned it off and said “race ya back there” I climbed in to the back seat. She climbed back after me. I laid on my back with my feet slightly up. She got on top of me, so we were face to face. I kissed her. “I saw you smile earlier when I introduced as my fiancée earlier” I said. “Yea, I'm kind of excited about that, every girl dreams about marrying Mr. Right.” We kissed again. She was wearing a purple polo shirt, and it had four white buttons. The first three were buttoned, since the shirt was a size smaller than she was to get a tight fit, I un-buttoned them. Her bra was black and white. With the shirt un-done and her hair let down she looked totally sexy. “Lets get these jeans off of you” I said, rubbing her still clothed ass. “Mmmmm” she moaned in my ear as she stuck her chest in my face. I kissed the area between and right above her breasts. She had Goosebumps, another little thing I thought was just totally sexy. She raised her chest up some, and gave me access to the button on her jeans. I un did it. She put her belly on mine, and raised her butt in the air and I helped her slide her jeans and very minimal black and white panties. She kicked them off and in to the front of the car. She slid her hands under my shirt and slid it off of me. She kissed my neck, and slowly ran her fingers sown my chest. She un-buttoned my shorts and slid them down, then she began to stroke my dick. Once it was nice and hard she stuck it in her mouth and began to suck it. She bobbed her head up and down, sucked, and swirled her tongue around my head. It felt so good, there is no way to describe it. She moved her head up and down faster, and licked my shaft. I shut my eyes and gasped in pleasure. She began to deep throat my cock, and I just went even further in too comatose, it just felt that good. I grunted, and shot my load in to her throat. I watched her swallow my cum and smile. “You like that, didn’t you?” I said She nodded excitedly “are you gunna fuck me now?” she asked “You bet babe” I said. “But first lets take care of this shirt” She was straddling my waist with her legs. I could feel her warm pussy up against my belly button. I slid her purple polo shirt over her head and threw it in the front seat. Her bra and her jewelry were all that were left on her. I reached behind her and undid her bra. Her wonderfully perky c cups breasts hardly if at all fell with gravity. I helped her slide slowly on to my shaft. She let out a soft gasp as she got on fully. She put hand on the seat on either side of my chest. To balance herself, and she slowly began to ride my shaft like a cowgirl. This was a great position; I had a perfect view of her face and her breasts, and her beautiful hair cascading over her shoulders. She picked up the pace and her breasts were bouncing in rhythm. She varied her pace, speeding up to increase the amazing feelings, and slowing down to prolong the experience. Becky was riding me pretty hard. Her breasts bounced in rhythm with her gyrations, and she was close to orgasm. She came with massive pleasure, she collapsed on me. Her breathing increased and I could feel her body shaking. She recovered and then said: “Lets try something” she said “what?” I asked She thought for a second. “what are our chances of being interrupted?” “almost none” I said “I’m willing to take those odds if you are” “sure” I said “Put your shoes on and get outside” she said, sliding her sneakers on. I did the same and followed her outside She bent over the hood of the car. “will your belly ring scratch the hood?” I whispered in her ear. “Your right” she said, flipping over on her back. I ran my finger over her belly button, and parted her legs. I inserted my penis in her pussy. I began to fuck her. I penetrated her, and thrust in and out of her at a good pace. Becky was moaning and gasping with pleasure. She screamed in orgasm once again, and I shot my load deep inside her sweet love box. She let out a loud “gahhhh” as I did this. After she recovered for a few seconds, she got up and did a sexy strut towards the middle of the car, she leaned up against the car, facing towards it like she was looking in, put her arms up against the top of the car, stuck her firm but in the air and spread her legs to let the cum drip out of her pussy. Oh my god I almost came again so many sexy things combined in to one, her butt, her hair, the cum leaking out of her pussy, the car… there is nothing hotter than an American woman leaning, naked, on an American muscle car, you cant beat it. This image will be in my brain until I die. I stood and admired her a little bit, then walked up to her, and leaned against the car, back to the car and looked at her. “You know, if I were to have one naked picture of you…” I started she cut me off “we’ll see about that” she said. “You know how sexy you look?” I asked “I can tell” she said, looking at my stiff penis. Becky always has always had this weird thing against nude pictures, and I not only respected her decision, bit I have to say I cant blame her, in this world of computer hackers and whatever… so I was really surprised when she said “well see” because mainly I was only joking, but also because she was considering it. I knew I would do what ever she asked to make sure the photos were safe if we ended up taking them, I did not want to mess this up over a picture. We got dressed again, and took the short trip home, no cops for us. We got home, and it was five thirty. “You want to try a new restaurant?” I asked. “I think you already know the answer to that” she said. We both laughed some. “How fancy do I need to dress up?” she asked “Very” She raised her eyebrows “Really?” I nodded We ran through the shower together, and then got dressed. Becky had on a black dress. The bottom was almost like a pencil skirt, and the top was a tight shiny black material. She had a matching jacket thing to go with it. She put on silver earrings with medium blue stone inlays. She did a little bit of makeup, and a little more complex necklace then the one she normally wore. She put on an anklet, and some black heels. I put on Black dress pants, and a blue dress shirt. I matched the blue dress shirt with a black tie and sport jacket. I put on dress shoes and grabbed one of my pairs of sunglasses, I believe a pair of mirrored Jubilo Druus sunglasses. Becky was in the bathroom straightening her hair. She finished and saw my sunglasses and decided to grab her pair, however unlike me, she has only one pair, a pair of Ray Ban aviator’s, they had the gold colored frame and dark brown lenses, and they made her look amazing. On the way out I grabbed my watch off the counter and we got in to the car. The place we were going to was called Magnia Qui, and was apparently good. They served Italian and (We think) Mediterranean food as well, and were located on north street, near third street in Harrisburg. I had actually made reservations on the phone while we drove back from the dealership. “I feel like a bond girl” Becky said. “You look like one, you look amazing” I said. “Thanks, you look really great too” she said, holding my hand. “Babe, I gotta shift” I said. “Oh, sorry” she giggled I passed a slow moving car, shifting out of third to fourth. We pulled on to north street, and parked outside the restaurant. We walked in We were seated, and ordered drinks and dinner. The waitress walked away. “what did your mom call about when we were at the dealership” I asked. “Oh, that’s right I forgot to tell you” she said. “They have not found a house yet, so they are staying a few extra days” “when are they coming back?” “I have no idea, I don’t think they know either.” “cool, that gives us some time to catch up on the stuff we were supposed to do before Sarah interrupted” I said jokingly. (lol, we know “Rick” and “Sarah” read these, shout out to you guys.) Our dinner came out rather quickly. “What is left that we have to do before your parents get back?” I said. “Mainly office work, we have to go through resumes for a new team leader, we have to have a mechanic come and look at a few vehicles, and some other management stuff. The only thing we have to do is set up all the Christmas tree sale stuff.” “why so early?” “Its supposed to snow in a week” “Oh, are we getting the snow equipment set up” “Only if we have time” she said. “We could see if employees are available” I said. “Like salary workers? Or per hour workers?” “Salary Workers” I said. At the time the farm hired two types of workers: salary workers and per hour workers. Salary workers are set to work a certain amount of hours per year, and get paid if they work over time. They usually supervise the per hour workers or run things. Per hour workers can work for a week, or however long they like. The longer they stay the more they make an hour. They only usually are in town for a few weeks, then leave to find work somewhere else. A lot of them are from the Spanish community. Becky and I are 21 when we are writing these, and both of us speak decent Spanish, just from working here. The salary workers had to work 1500 hours a year, and that is not bad considering a person with a daily 9-5, with a week of sick days, holidays, and two weeks vacation works around 1000 more. We set specific days that all the salary people have to work, and then they worked to schedule the other days they would work. Because we were a tree farm, and mainly we sold Christmas trees, our year rotations started October 25th, so we could ship our mass quantities of trees to stores in the few surrounding states, including new york, ohio, west Virginia, and new jersey. People find it hard to believe that their “fresh cut tree” they buy from a big box home improvement center, were actually cut a month or two ago. It was now October 22nd, so the cycle was due to start over again soon. We all worked all day from Monday-Saturday from the start of the cycle until January 15th, then most stopped working until late march or early April. Then things were planted, and everyone was for the most part off until the start of the season. However back to dinner… “I bet you we can find one of the salary people to do some work for us” Becky said. “keep in mind we only have 5 salary-men, not 6 like we normally do” she nodded “Did your parents say we could hire a sixth?” “No, but I could call and ask, it is basically our farm on the 25th. My parents will just be here until January to supervise and sign the checks.” We were both finished with our meal, we skipped dessert and paid the tab, then walked out the car. “You want to drive?” I asked, tossing her the keys. She caught them and got in the drivers seat. She kicked off her heels and threw them in the back seat, then started the engine. She checked her mirrors, they were clear, she shifted into first and let off the clutch and on the gas some. We pulled out, a little rapidly, but she was not used to driving it. We powered down north street and back towards home. A while later we stopped at a stoplight. “This thing is really powerful” she said. “Babe, it’s a V8” I said. “Defiantly faster than my ‘stang” she said, shifting in to first and driving across the intersection. When we pulled up our driveway it was only 7:45. I told Becky to stop at her parent’s house, and let me run in to grab the resumes from the office upstairs that we were temporarily sharing. Becky's parents each used to have their own office, but they moved in together so we could have an office to share. I ran back down with the papers and got back in the car. We drove the 100 feet to our house and parked. We walked in to the house, and Becky walked upstairs to get changed in to something comfortable, she took the papers with her. I stayed downstairs and made us each a double shot espresso. I brought up the coffee, and put them on the nightstand, and then stripped to my undershirt and boxers, then joined Becky on the bed and grabbed the other espresso. “let’s call daddy and see what she wants us to do with these” she said, tossing her phone on the bed. She dialed Jim and put him on speaker. He picked up and said “hey sweetie” he said as he answered the phone “Hi daddy, Jason is on the phone too” “Hey Jim” I said “Hey Jason, so what’s up?” “Becky and I are wondering what exactly you want us to do with these resumes you left on our desk” “Oh, um… Pick three that look the best, and put the rest away somewhere else.” He said. “Call them and schedule interviews on Monday, I will be back that morning.” “Sounds good” I said “We have to go, we just got to the restaurant” he said “All right, bye” we said. We hung up. “How are we going to figure this out?” Becky asked. “We will rank them from one to seven (there were seven resumes)” I said. “Good” she said All except one of the people trying for the job spoke Spanish. The first 6 were male, and the last one was female. One we instantly put out because he was 17, not that we had a problem with that, but he had worked in fast food for the past year. He must not have actually read his employer’s recommendation before he attached because it basically summed up to be he was always late, and always lazy. Next was a man who was in his late sixties, and had not worked in five years. He had been a welder at a railroad depo, and had retired. He did not speak Spanish. We decided he was not the best choice, but still put him ahead of fast food boy. The next guy had worked for a tree farm that we actually knew, up in New York. His sheet said he had been “released” a year ago. We were also weary of him, and put him in between old man and fast food boy. Becky pulled out her computer and shot off an email to the New York tree farm asking about him. Next up was a 30 or so year old who had just moved here from Oregon. He had worked at a cargo ship dock and had been laid off. He said he spoke some Spanish, but not much. At first he we thought he was a a good choice, but then we read the next three. The first was a 24 year old oil roughneck from Texas, he had been working the rigs for 5 years. He said he had recommendations from both of the rigs he worked on and he got 5 stars from both. We put him at the top of the pack. Next was a 27-year-old Army Vet. He had been a mechanic in Iraq for 4 years, and received an honorable discharge. He had a high school Spanish education. Last was the woman, and I saw Becky's eyes light up. She was a 24 year old college grad. With a degree in management, spoke fluent Spanish because her mom was from Spain. “Babe, she could be our manager” she said. “honey that’s great, but we cant hire a manager for a few months, and she will have found a different job by then” “We could hire her for this job for a few months, then promote her on the first of January” she said. “that’s a great idea, I am totally impressed with her resume” “lets do it” she said “so who are the three we will interview” I asked “The girl, the military guy, and the oil roughneck” she said “I agree” I said. “You notify the people we want to talk too by email, and I will email the rejections” We both opened our laptops and sent off emails. Almost immediately Becky got a response from military guy. He said he would be there at 1pm. While we waited to see if we got any responses we watched some tv. At quarter till ten we got a response from the girl, and she said she would be there at 4:00. At ten we called It a night, and put the computers away. I turned off the tv, Becky turned out the lights, and we got each other naked. We were on our sides facing each other. I kissed her lips a little, she kissed back exactly the same. I softly bit her lip, when I released, she did the same thing to me. I kissed her neck underneath her ears. She did the same. “copycat” I whispered in her ear. She made a sexy cat noise, then smiled a little. I kissed her, with tongue, and we started frenching. I don’t know how long it took, but it felt like tome slowed down. After she broke away after what must have been twenty minutes, I felt her roll over, and pull me in to the spooning position. We fell asleep like that. >>>>>> We ended up hiring two of the three. We hired the woman and the military mechanic. Jim said we might as well hire the manager now, so we could train her. We hired the vetran to work in the field, and service the cars as well. The oil roughneck flat out lied to us about knowing Spanish, when Becky tried to strike up a conversation with him in Spanish he said “hola” and then made a face that said it all. His face was like “Oh, shit” he was not hired. Jim and Pam also said that we could start talking to an architect about our plans so they could happen as soon as we took control of the farm. The mechanic, who we will call “Doug” turned out to be a damned good one, and helped us winterize our fleet for winter. The manager we hired we will call “Jamie” in our stories. She moved temporarily in to the gate house near the entrance to work, until she got her own office. All in all a happy ending. Becky and I made plans to drive out to Colorado in our new car sometime after the chaos of January first, and Becky and I made our first appointment with a wedding planner, for February first. 15418 words. 35 pages. |
So this started in the 8th grade around second semester and being a normal guy I had intrest in women I loved every thing About em well we had 7 periods of course I didn't focus on all Of em but it wasn't me talking or messin around periods All had the girl of every guy dreamed about in my classes a 5,3 105 pound blue eyed blond beauty That didn't need any makeup to look perfect Julie. I'd always Noticed her even talked to her a select few times but it changed in april 2008 for my 16th birthday my dad uncle me my cousins went out quading well I come to say I fucked up I made to sharp a turn that my atv and I couldn't handle and needless to say I had fractured my ankle so a cast and crutches were my future for the next 6 weeks of my life well my school being big took me forever to move none the less having a 20 pound bag to carry for the upcoming finals well me being stubborn said no to being let out early to switch classes or people helping me I was late everyday one day just being frustrated I tried to get out so quickly I fell I felt stupid Moronic for not allowing myself help. as I stayed back waiting for everyone else to leave Julie walked up and asked if she could help me caving in and admitting defaet I reluctantly said yes as we were walking/ hobbling I asked why she had asked to help because she had other things she could do she said I'm like you I don't like help eventhough I need it. I had the frustration u have as I looked over I saw her face her eyes her clothes her body everything was perfect about Her Something about her made her look different but sexy noticing I was starring at her she cleared her throat then asking if there was something wrong I said no and smiled a little knowing she cought me then I said sorry I didn't mean to stare it's just you seem very comfortable more then when your with your friends she said yeah. How I said when your with your friends u clench your jaw right now your jaw isn't clinched it looks realaxed she said you noticed that I said iv been starring at you every moment in school that I'm there I made her blush a little then she looked at me dead in the eyes I don't know if I should be offended ar complemented I said I'm no creeper I just know the most beautiful girl iv ever seen is walking down the hall walking and talking to me then I noticed what made her look sexier as I looked Back in to these deep blue eyes is she had the perfect amount of eyeliner to make them pop then she said that was the nicest thing anybodys said to me she turned and kissed me and said thank you I said please don't thank me for the truth that I felt I needed to say I rarely share my emotions with any girl I'm mainly afraid of the feeling of rejection but with you it felt like I knew you wouldn't humiliate me and that you would instantly understand by then we were walkin into 7th world history she sat next to me at my table with my friends slowly she took my hand into hers my friends are looking at me like how n the hell are u holding hands with HER after class it was time to leave for home I hadn't gotten a ride to my house so I sat at school 15 minutes after almost everybody dwindled out as I turned my back to leave. Julie came through the door and said hey jim wait up I can help you home I said only if you want to no obligation she said I'd love. to as we started walking she said what you said earlier made Me. feel wanted for the right reasons not only to be another peice of ass I said I've never seen you as a sex object I see you as a women that needs to feel wanted to be loved to be held and I wanna be that guy to do that I do Iv spilled my guts to you you haven't run and I wanna know will you go out with me. by this time were walking over a small bridge when I said that she. stops she turns to me and said there's not a doubt in my mind that says no after that I embraced her in the way only newleyweds do and kissed her passoninantly we sat there in what seemed like ever never did anything seem so right she told me that she's never felt so wanted so embraced so gently held by no. one or nothing but me we went and sat by the water kissing her. sitting on my lap it was the best I felt with any girl tight there I started kissing he down her neck softly breathing into her ear before continuing on down to her shirt then to each sideworking my way up back to her neck and back down by then she's moaning uncontrolably OHHHJIiiim I feel so fucking good please don't stop OHHHHHHHHH this time I'm pulling he top off and massaging one of her b cup breasts while sucking on the outher She moaning so low so long so in need of a realease and I was gonna do it as I start rubbing my hand between her legs she's rocking her hips to meet my thrusts each time moaning a bit louder into my mouth as I'm doing this my buddy down stairs is very much alive inside my shorts my penis hurts against my pants but the soft humping motion is pushing me to the edge she moans a long loud breath of achievement and shakes hard and un controllably and gets in a fedal position where I hold onto her as I go through my own body hurtling orgasm she finally says oh my god that was unfuckkkkkkkkkkkking believable and we kiss to End of part 1 feed back is appreciated |
So this started in the 8th grade around second semester and being a normal guy I had intrest in women I loved every thing About em well we had 7 periods of course I didn't focus on all Of em but it wasn't me talking or messin around periods All had the girl of every guy dreamed about in my classes a 5,3 105 pound blue eyed blond beauty That didn't need any makeup to look perfect Julie. I'd always Noticed her even talked to her a select few times but it changed in april 2008 for my 16th birthday my dad uncle me my cousins went out quading well I come to say I fucked up I made to sharp a turn that my atv and I couldn't handle and needless to say I had fractured my ankle so a cast and crutches were my future for the next 6 weeks of my life well my school being big took me forever to move none the less having a 20 pound bag to carry for the upcoming finals well me being stubborn said no to being let out early to switch classes or people helping me I was late everyday one day just being frustrated I tried to get out so quickly I fell I felt stupid Moronic for not allowing myself help. as I stayed back waiting for everyone else to leave Julie walked up and asked if she could help me caving in and admitting defaet I reluctantly said yes as we were walking/ hobbling I asked why she had asked to help because she had other things she could do she said I'm like you I don't like help eventhough I need it. I had the frustration u have as I looked over I saw her face her eyes her clothes her body everything was perfect about Her Something about her made her look different but sexy noticing I was starring at her she cleared her throat then asking if there was something wrong I said no and smiled a little knowing she cought me then I said sorry I didn't mean to stare it's just you seem very comfortable more then when your with your friends she said yeah. How I said when your with your friends u clench your jaw right now your jaw isn't clinched it looks realaxed she said you noticed that I said iv been starring at you every moment in school that I'm there I made her blush a little then she looked at me dead in the eyes I don't know if I should be offended ar complemented I said I'm no creeper I just know the most beautiful girl iv ever seen is walking down the hall walking and talking to me then I noticed what made her look sexier as I looked Back in to these deep blue eyes is she had the perfect amount of eyeliner to make them pop then she said that was the nicest thing anybodys said to me she turned and kissed me and said thank you I said please don't thank me for the truth that I felt I needed to say I rarely share my emotions with any girl I'm mainly afraid of the feeling of rejection but with you it felt like I knew you wouldn't humiliate me and that you would instantly understand by then we were walkin into 7th world history she sat next to me at my table with my friends slowly she took my hand into hers my friends are looking at me like how n the hell are u holding hands with HER after class it was time to leave for home I hadn't gotten a ride to my house so I sat at school 15 minutes after almost everybody dwindled out as I turned my back to leave. Julie came through the door and said hey jim wait up I can help you home I said only if you want to no obligation she said I'd love. to as we started walking she said what you said earlier made Me. feel wanted for the right reasons not only to be another peice of ass I said I've never seen you as a sex object I see you as a women that needs to feel wanted to be loved to be held and I wanna be that guy to do that I do Iv spilled my guts to you you haven't run and I wanna know will you go out with me. by this time were walking over a small bridge when I said that she. stops she turns to me and said there's not a doubt in my mind that says no after that I embraced her in the way only newleyweds do and kissed her passoninantly we sat there in what seemed like ever never did anything seem so right she told me that she's never felt so wanted so embraced so gently held by no. one or nothing but me we went and sat by the water kissing her. sitting on my lap it was the best I felt with any girl tight there I started kissing he down her neck softly breathing into her ear before continuing on down to her shirt then to each sideworking my way up back to her neck and back down by then she's moaning uncontrolably OHHHJIiiim I feel so fucking good please don't stop OHHHHHHHHH this time I'm pulling he top off and massaging one of her b cup breasts while sucking on the outher She moaning so low so long so in need of a realease and I was gonna do it as I start rubbing my hand between her legs she's rocking her hips to meet my thrusts each time moaning a bit louder into my mouth as I'm doing this my buddy down stairs is very much alive inside my shorts my penis hurts against my pants but the soft humping motion is pushing me to the edge she moans a long loud breath of achievement and shakes hard and un controllably and gets in a fedal position where I hold onto her as I go through my own body hurtling orgasm she finally says oh my god that was unfuckkkkkkkkkkkking believable and we kiss to End of part 1 feed back is appreciated |
“MMMmmm, OOOHHH... Yes honey!” I here through the wall. Mom and Dad having sex again like they do several nights a week. I just lay here imagining them, Mom on top riding Dad’s cock. Dad holding Mom’s firm ass, watching her mesmerizing titties bounce up and down. “Lick my titties, MMMmmm yes! Oh, your cock is so hard.” I hear Mom, she sounds like she is getting close. Dad always gets her off. “You like that cock do ya? MMMmmm take it. Ride that cock baby!” Dad always gets her worked up just before... “MMMmmm Honey, I’m gonna cum on this cock so hard. Fuck me... Fuck me hard.” I hear more groans, a lot of skin slapping, then Mom shouts out, “YES!” A few seconds later I can hear them changing positions. “That’s it, baby! Take my load in your mouth. Suck it, Baby. MMMmmm yes.” Mom must be swallowing his load. “That’s it, baby. Good girl!” I hear Mom get up and go into their bathroom. Moments later I hear Dad snoring. I lay here trying to sleep, but who can sleep with a hard-on like this. “Morning Dear” Mom says as I walk over and sit down at the counter. “How’d you sleep?” I’d like to tell her the truth. I’d love to say how I spent half the night stroking my cock, thinking about her and Dad sucking and fucking. “Okay, I guess.” Mom slides a plate of pancakes in front of me then, she walks over next to me and leans over and drizzles the pancakes with syrup. She is wearing her light blue silk pajamas still. A short top that shows plenty of her large cleavage, and loose-fitting shorts that seemed to crawl up her ass, showing off how wonderfully firm it is. She wears something similar every morning, and every morning I do my best to not stare. Mom sits the syrup down next to my plate and continues to make her some pancakes. The music is playing in the background and she’s shaking that ass while dancing to the music. “Somebody’s in a good mood?” I ask as I devour these delicious pancakes. “Yes, I am!” Mom exclaims, as she brings her plate over and sits next to me. She is still moving to the music as she puts syrup on her plate. “Your Dad...” Please don’t say rocked my world!” I say to myself. “... told me this morning that we are going away for the weekend. He has to work late tonight but early tomorrow we head to the beach for a little R and R.” “R and R, more like T and A.” I’d imagine, as I finish up my stack of pancakes. “You will have the house to yourself, all weekend. We will be home late Sunday night.” Mom finishes her pancakes and grabs the dishes and dances them to the sink. I grab the glasses and bring them to the sink. I reach around her like a hug and set them in the soapy water. Mom grabs both of my hands and holds them across her breasts forcing me to give her a hug. She sticks her ass out and wiggles it to the music, rubbing against my cock. She leans her head back giving me a wonderful look down her shirt as she kisses me on my cheek, then she lets go and starts singing to the music as she continues with the dishes. It was all innocent but if she knew what she was doing to my cock at that moment. I get dressed to head to my summer job. I start college in the fall and am hoping to earn some spending money over the summer so, I found a job at this local pizzeria. I deliver most days but sometimes they have me cooking or clearing tables. I don’t mind working in the restaurant but, there is a sort of freedom while you are delivering. Plus, every once and a while, there will be a half-naked woman who answers the door. I’ve seen so many pornos where the delivery guy gets laid but, that hasn’t happened to me... YET! Mom stops by my room on her way to get dressed for the day, she knocks and pokes her head in. “Have a nice day at work and don’t forget you have the house to yourself this weekend. If you wanted to invite someone over.” Her voice trails up at the end, as if to insinuate, I should try to get laid. Unfortunately, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment. “Thanks Mom. I’ll see what I can do.” I bring a pizza home with me after work. It’s just Mom and I tonight since Dad is working late. Mom talks my ear off about their plans for the weekend. The nice resort, with couple’s massages and in room sauna. The secluded beach with cabana boys that bring you umbrella drinks all day. Mom is looking forward to relaxing but more so, she is looking forward to lots of sex with Dad. Mom never really came out and said it but, you could tell by the way her nipples would get hard when she talks about the trip. After dinner we curled up together on the couch and watched TV. She talks thru the commercials. She is so in love with Dad and he with her. They met in High School but didn’t start dating until the summer after. They decided to go to the same in state college. After graduating they married, two years later I was born. They both worked until they had the house paid off and quite a bit of money saved up. Mom decided to work from home during the pandemic, then just never went back. Dad makes enough she doesn’t need to work. Mom starts to get antsy, staring at the clock as it gets later and later. She mentions that I don’t have to wait up with her but, I don’t mind. I’m going to get a lot of sleep this weekend. She tries calling Dad but there is no answer. This is not unusual, when Dad is working, he sometimes shuts off his phone, to not be disturbed. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door. I get up with Mom to answer it. There on the porch stands a Police Officer. Mom starts to shake as she opens the door. “Good evening, Ma’am. May I come in for a moment?” Mom can’t speak. “Yes, please do.” I answer. I let him in, and we sit down at the table. “Ma’am, there has been an accident involving your husband. I’m sorry to tell you but, your husband has died.” Mom is in shock. I ask the officer for details, and he answers what he can. He gives me a number to call in the morning and then, excuses himself. Mom watches him leave then walks over to me. She gives me a tight squeeze that seems to last forever then, she kisses me. It’s a soft kiss. When we break apart, she collapses into my arms. I carry her to her room and place her on the bed. She thanks me and I walk out. After walking out, I call my Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, and close friends of the family. I turned out all the lights and go to my room to cry. Sometime in the middle of the night I hear my mom stop crying. She walks into my room, crawls into my bed, and holds me. I rolled over to face her. She wraps her legs in mine, holds me tight, and kisses me. She parts her lips and I do too. Our tongues touch for the first time. Mom’s hands start to caress my back and so I follow suit. I love my mother, and after the shock she had tonight, I am not going to deny her anything she needs. Mom’s right-hand lowers to the waistband of my boxer shorts that I sleep in. She slips her hand inside and begins to caress my butt. I lower mine to her butt, however, I leave mine on the outside of her silky pajama bottoms. I rub her ass cheeks as we continue to swirl our tongues together. Mom takes her other hand and slides it to my crotch. She starts to rub my cock over my boxers. I just let her lead. Before long she is tugging them down. I help her by lifting my hips up sliding them down. Mom remains down by my cock. She lifts her shirt over her head and those beautiful tits flop out. She grabs both of them and gives them a squeeze and a pull. Her nipples harden instantly. I lean up and she puts each to my mouth one at a time. I give each a momentary suck then kiss her on her lips. Mom pushes me down to the bed and grabs my hard cock. She starts to stroke it. Her tits sway side to side as she uses her whole body to move her hands up and down on my cock. I glance up from those beautiful titties to see her staring at my cock and licking her lips. She leans down and takes the head in her moth. Her tongue is a frenzy of licking and swirling around my cock in her mouth. She removes one hand, and it goes straight to her crotch. She starts to rub her pussy as her mouth drops lower. I hear and feel her moan on my cock. When her mouth reaches the base of my cock, I feel her suck really hard. Then she starts to bob up and down on my cock. Her hand is up her shorts and is moving rapidly. I place a hand on her shoulder and one on her thigh. I’m not guiding them; I’m just resting them there to let her know I’m there for her. I see her thighs squeeze shut and she moans again. She shakes for a second, stopping her assault on my cock. Mom stands up on the bed. She turns her ass towards my face. She lowers her shorts while bending, guiding them down to her feet. She stands back up and steps out of them. She lowers back to the bed, grabs her wet shorts, then she puts the crotch right to my nose and mouth. I smell her musky scent. The way my cock twitched you’d think it smelled them too. I watch my mom straddle my legs with her ass up towards me. She grabs my cock as she squats, and her wet pussy engulfs my manhood completely. Her gorgeous asshole, slightly darker than her skin, is staring at me. She starts to bounce that ass and I watch my swollen member go in and out of her sopping wet pussy. I have only been with two girls before this, and we didn’t exactly experiment a lot. The sight of my mom’s ass bouncing on my cock is the best thing I have ever seen or felt in my whole life. She is grunting with every thrust. I feel my balls begin to tighten up. I have seconds before I cum. I tap my mom on the back to signal her. She slams down hard and her pussy grips tight. I can feel her insides tugging on my cock. I hear her moan loud as my cock cums deep inside her. She starts to shake a little, and juices leak out from around my cock and coat my balls. Mom just sits there. I hear her sniffle. She gets off me, turns and kisses me deep, then walks out of my room. I hear her in her bathroom, then she returns. She lays next to me, pressing her back to me, then she sleeps. I lay there, watching my mom sleep. “I gave her what she needed. It was just sex. She would have had a lot of sex with Dad this weekend but...” I couldn’t shut off my brain. I hurt all over... I’m sure my mom does to. “This had to be to get her mind off of everything else. I wonder if this will happen again?” I can’t help but press her shorts to my face again and take a long smell. In the morning I get up early. I know Mom isn’t going to be hungry, but she will need to eat. I make a bowl of instant oatmeal and poor her some juice. I take it to my room, but she isn’t there anymore. I go to her room, and she is sitting on her bed. I set the breakfast down and ask, “What’s the matter?” She looks at me with tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what to wear. What I’m supposed to do. Who I’m supposed to...” “We’ll figure it out, Mom. I called everyone last night that I thought needed to know right away. The Officer left a card with a phone number on it and said to call it today.” I go to her closet and remove a black pants suit and set it on the bed. I get a pair of black knee-high nylons, panties, bra, and a pair of black flats. I stand in front of her and pull her top off. I help her put her bra on. She stands up and I remove her shorts. I then help her with her panties and pants. I pulled her white silk shirt over her head as she pushes her arms thru the sleeves. I help her with her nylons and shoes then, she carries her jacket while I carry her breakfast to the kitchen. She sits down and eats. I eat next to her, not a word is spoken. Later in the morning Grandma shows up. She recently buried Grandpa, so she knows what needs to be done. Mom lets her handle all of it. I offer to help where I can. Grandma pulls me aside, “What I need from you, and this is probably the hardest part, is to keep your mother occupied. Take her shopping, she will need more black clothes. Get her to eat when you can, she isn’t going to be hungry, but she has to eat. Most importantly, get her to talk about your dad.” I nod while she talks to let her know I understand. “She mentioned the beach, see if she wants to go there.” Mom and I head to the clothing store. It’s a local chain, that carries some of the top brands. I ask Mom what size I should look for. She spit out some numbers 37-28-35 but then gave me the dress size, size 10. I sift thru the racks of clothing, obviously looking for black, and find two that seem conservative enough for a funeral. Mom finds one on a different rack and we head to the changing room. I start to sit down outside, to wait for her to try them on but she grabs my hand, “I’m going to need your help.” she states and starts dragging me inside with her. There aren’t any other people in the changing rooms thankfully, as we head to the back and find a booth. I sit down on the bench and try to be invisible. “Which one first? Let’s try this one.” Mom seems to be talking, just to be talking, as she hangs up the dresses. There is music playing from the loudspeakers, it’s some slow song from the 2000’s. Mom pauses to listen, then smiles. “Did I ever tell you about your dad and I in this store?” Mom starts to sway to the music as she removes her jacket. “We were shopping for lingerie, and he couldn’t wait to see me in it. Funny, I was never in it for very long.” She pulls her top off, then she unzips her pants on the side. “He sat with his eyes closed... or so he said... I’m sure he was peeking the whole time.” Mom slides down her pants and steps out of them. She folds them neatly and sets them next to me. I can’t help but stare at her breasts, they are inches from my face. “I started to do a strip tease as I got undressed. I put my tits next to his face, but he didn’t move.” She removes the first dress from the hanger. “I bent down and put my naked ass in his face, I knew he could smell my perfume.” She bends down, her ass is inches from my face, as she steps into her dress and pulls it up. I have to adjust myself. My cock is starting to get hard. “Well, what do you think of this one?” she asks, as she puts her arms in. She tries to zip but struggles, so I stand up and zip her up. She does a spin in front of the mirror, pausing to adjust her breasts. She leans back against me. I know she can feel my erection. “Let’s try the next one.” I say trying to remove any attention from my bulge in my pants. I unzip her and sit back down. “Dress number two it is.” she says, as she drops the dress to the floor. Once again, I find her firm ass in my face as she bends to pick it up. I take a whiff of her; her perfume is heavenly with a hint of muskiness. “So, your dad, sat there pretending not to look. I put on the stockings while giving him a view of my pussy. I bent at the waist and gave him a perfect view of my rosebud as I put my panties on, and I gave him an eye full as I put on this tight corset like bustier.” As she talked, she returned the first dress to the hanger and grabbed the next. She lifted her arms above her head and slid the dress down from above. Her tits jiggle as she wiggles to get the dress down. Her nipples are hard. I sit here and watch the show for a minute before standing and helping her lower the dress. It’s a tight fit over her tits. “Thank you honey.” Mom says as she leans in and gives me a hug and a peck on the lips. She reaches around and gives my ass a squeeze, before twirling around in front of the mirror. She leans back against me again, but this time she has a hand behind her back. She grabs my hard cock and gives it a squeeze. She smiles at me in the mirror and adjusts her tits. “I think you like this one.” she says as she starts to rub my cock. “Now help me remove it.” I reach down and grab the bottom. I start to pull it up, exposing her firm thighs, her panties with a clearly visible wet spot, her firm tummy, then with a tug, her tits pop free. I leave the dress over her face as I lean in and give each of her breasts a kiss. She pulls the dress the rest of the way off, leans in and kisses me deep. A moment later she pushes me back to my seat. “I tell your dad to look. He opens his eyes and pretends to be surprised. You know how bad his acting is...” She is putting the dress back on the hanger and stops. Tears gather in her eyes. She looks at me, smiles a devilish grin, then goes back to replacing the dress. “With this third dress, I will need to be topless.” She squats down between my legs, and I reach around and unhook her bra. She slides it off into my hands. Her erect nipples graze my cheeks as she stands. She starts to sway to the music again. I bring her bra to my nose and smell her perfume again. As I do, she slips her fingers into the waist of her panties and removes them bending at the waist. I have the perfect view of her pussy and her rosebud as she sways her hips to the music. My cock is in pain pressing against my jeans. The third dress is a wrap around. She slips it on like a robe, tying the straps in the back. “Your dad would love this dress. Easy on easy off.” she giggles. “Come look.” She pulls me up behind her, and leans back against me again, her hands behind her. She grabs my ass and pulls me tight up against her. She sways to the music rubbing her ass against my cock. Only a thin piece of cloth covering her naked ass. The dress lightly covering her breasts, her nipples fully erect. We stay there and sway in front of the mirror. Her eyes are closed, she is clearly remembering that time with dad. I lean down and start to kiss her neck. “Your dad would kiss me like that. He would reach his hands to my breasts and play with my nipples.” she says as she finds my hands and places them inside her dress. I start to play with her nipples, pinching and pulling. “He would bite firmly on my shoulder as he reaches his hand down between my legs.” I take a firm bite and slide one hand down between her thighs and up to her wet pussy lips. I rub firmly up and down as my fingers get wetter and wetter. “He then would strip me and force me on my knees in front of him.” I untie the dress and slide it off of her. She quickly replaces the dress on the hanger and turns. We kiss deep, our tongues exploring, our hands roaming, our hips pressed firmly together. I place a hand on top of her head and push her down. She drops to her knees and reaches for my pants. I watch as she opens my fly and lowers my jeans and briefs. My straining cock flies up and hits her in the chin. We both giggle. “Your dad never did that!” She fully envelopes my cock in her mouth, taking it to her throat. She begins to play with my balls as she moves her mouth back and forth over my cock. She has a hand down between her legs, playing with her pussy as she sucks on my cock. “I hear you and dad having sex.” She speeds up. “I imagine you and Dad doing all sorts of positions.” Her hand starts to finger her wet hole. The sloshing sound and the sucking is noticeable throughout the change room. “I hear him telling you to “Suck it, baby!” and to “Take his load!” almost every night.” Mom lets go of my balls. She reaches around to my ass and pulls my ass tight against her as my cock enters her throat. She holds it there for a few seconds then pulls back off my cock. “We did it on purpose honey. Your dad and I got more excited knowing you could hear us.” She takes me back into her mouth and pulls me back into her throat. She starts to swallow. This rubs the tip of my cock. I can feel my balls tightening up. I’m about to cum. Mom pulls back to take a breath. I put both hands on her head and pull her throat back on my cock. “That’s it, baby! Take my load in your mouth. Suck it, Baby. MMMmmm yes.” Mom swallows as my load shoots down her throat. She closes her eyes and starts to shake. Moans really loud. Then looks up at me. “That’s it, baby. Good girl!” I say. She stands up. We kiss. I have never felt as close to her as I do at this moment. “Thank you honey. I love you. Now let’s get out of here before someone comes in.” Mom quickly gets dressed. She skips the panties and bra and puts those in her purse. I pull up my briefs and jeans and get presentable. We walk out, pay for the dresses, and head for the car. I drive Mom to the beach about an hour away. On the way, she tells me about how her and Dad spent the summer at the beach after High School, and about the sex. How her and Dad would watch the sun set, then make love under the stars. They would spend the night in Dad’s car, watch the sunrise, make love in the morning then; they would go eat waffles at their favorite Diner. Dad would talk about the future and all the plans he had. Mom would talk about the present and all the obstacles they would have to overcome, college being the first. She was worried that they would drift apart, and Dad would guarantee her they were together forever. As we pull up to the beach, she smiles thinking of Dad. We walk hand in hand for miles up the beach and back, our shoes in hand and pants rolled up. When we got hungry, we stopped at a cafe and got sandwiches. When we got thirsty, we stopped at a kiosk and got sodas and ice cream. When the sun started to set, we found a spot on the dunes and watched. Mom cuddled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. We kiss as the sun hits the water. “You know, we have a reservation at a hotel a few miles up the road. We can stay there and head back tomorrow.” She seems to be asking but knows I won’t say no. Mom checks us in, and we find the ocean view room that Dad had reserved. We open the door to see a bottle of champagne on ice and chocolate covered strawberries sitting there. Mom’s eyes tear up. “Let’s order room service. Anything special you want?” I ask. “The Seafood Primavera.” She answers. That was my dad’s favorite. He always ordered it when we ate out at the seafood restaurant. I order two and some garlic bread. I open the champagne while we wait and pour Mom a glass. I hand it to her then pour one for myself. We walk out on the balcony and look at the stars. Before long, there is a knock on the door. I open the door and the gentleman enters, sets the table on the balcony with candles, then leaves. We sit down and enjoy the meal under the stars. “Do you know why your dad orders this all the time? On our first date, I couldn’t decide between this or a small steak. He ordered this in case I didn’t like my steak. I took one bite of the steak and didn’t like it. He swapped our plates and ate the steak.” I take a sip of champagne. “So, he always ordered Seafood Primavera in case you didn’t like what you ordered?” I ask. She tears up again and shakes her head yes. She gulps down her glass of champagne and I pour her another. We continue eating and Mom continues drinking. By the time she was finished she had gone thru three glasses and was working on number four. I was still nursing my first. After dinner we enjoy some strawberries for dessert, and Mom finishes the bottle of champagne. We embrace and kiss listening to the waves crash on the beach. I find some slow music on the radio and turn it up. Mom dances up to me and takes my hands in hers. She moves in close then wraps her hands behind my neck. We slow dance, swaying to the music. Mom’s head on my shoulder and my hands locked above her ass. “You’re so sweet, dancing with your Mama.” Mom turns her head and starts to whisper in my ear. “Your dad would hold my ass as we danced.” I lower my hands down and grab my mom’s firm ass. “He would look me deep in my eyes and then kiss me soft and slow.” I glance down into her eyes and then our lips meet, all the while we are swaying and circling. Her hands caress the back of my head and our tongues touch as she drives hers deep inside my mouth. Mom is feeling the champagne and is struggling to maintain her movements with the music. “Your dad would’ve had me naked in bed by now.” I dance her over to the bed and push her down. I slide off her shoes and lean over to remove her pants. She rips her shirt off over her head, her tits shake as she leans back to remove her pants. She seems to be in a hurry. She unzips them and slides them down. I grab them from the bottom and pull. Her pussy comes into view, swollen labia already parted. Her clit is protruding, inviting my tongue to take it for a ride. I lift her legs one at a time and place them on my shoulders. I lean forward and ask, “What would Dad do to this deliciously wet pussy?” I lick from crack to clit. I pause at her rosebud, then I stick my tongue inside her pussy, deep! on my way to suck upon her clit. “Oh, Honey! Your dad would finger my pussy while he sucked and nibbled on my clit. He would play with my asshole until I am close then he would shove his finger inside sending me over the edge.” I have never done this yet, but I’ve seen it done on the computer a thousand times. I suck on my fingers to get them wet, then insert two of them all the way inside Mom’s pussy. I begin to move them in and out slowly, curving them on the way out to press against her G-spot. I spit on my other hand and smear it over her asshole. I start to circle my fingers over her clenched asshole, and it opens up instantly. I start to suck her clit again, trying to keep rhythm with all three. “MMMmmm, OOOHHH... Yes honey!” I gradually pick up the pace until she starts gyrating her hips. “That’s it, Honey, lick Mommy’s clit. Fuck me with those fingers so hard... Make me cum.” Her hips start to move up and down, one of her hands leave her tits and grab the back of my head. She pulls it down hard against her pussy as she thrusts up and down. “I’m close Honey... so fucking close!” I drive my finger into her asshole, and it sends her over the edge. “YES! Oh, YES!” her asshole tightens around my finger, her pussy floods with juice, and her hand presses my head down between her closed thighs squeezing my head. They all clench and unclench together. Her spasms continue for around thirty seconds then she collapses flat before stretching. “MMMmmm... Oh, that felt good. Damn you are good at that.” I smile up at her. “Thank You, Baby!” I get up off the bed, sway to the music, and lift my shirt off over my head. I turn around, slide my shoes off with my feet, then drop my jeans as I bend this time. Leaving my briefs on, I step out of the jeans towards the bed. I shake my hips to the music as I get closer to my mom. She reaches for my briefs but I back away. I turn and reach down to remove my socks, sticking my ass in her face. She spanks me, giggles, then rubs my ass cheeks. “Damn your ass is sexy.” I turn as she leaves her hand there and it ends up on my cock. “I want this cock inside me. Fuck me, Honey. Fuck your Mommy. Make your Mommy cum all over that big cock of yours!” She grabs the waistband and pulls them down. My cock sticks straight out, pointing at her. She turns over and points her firm ass in the air. “Please, Honey!” “What would Dad do?” I think I know this answer. “Honey, your dad isn’t here. I want you to fuck me, hard. Make me cum on your cock. Make me your bitch. I love you so much. I just want to be your slut tonight.” I climb on the bed behind her. I start to tease her pussy with my cock, rubbing up and down her lips, poking at her clit and slapping the head on her asshole. “Don’t tease me sweetheart. Give me that cock. Give it to me! DAMN IT!” I shove my cock inside her to the hilt. She pulls forward then slams her ass back. She starts to rock fucking my cock. I meet her halfway and our bodies smack together with a loud thud. Mom moans out. We continue this for several minutes as her moans get louder. I wet two fingers and reach around to play with her clit, but she is already diddling it. I take my two wet fingers and press them against her asshole. She screams, “Fuck Me!” I start to finger fuck her ass as I pound her pussy with my cock. She lays down flat on the bed and cums hard. Juices flow out of her pussy and all over the bed. Her ass bounces up and down as she convulses. “MMMmmm... yes. That’s what I wanted. You are better than your father.” I lay down next to her, my cock sticking straight up. She rubs her pussy to get her hand wet, then starts to stroke my cock with it. “Mouth, Tits, Pussy, or Ass?” she asks. “For what?” I ask back. “Where do you want to fuck me and cum?” I think for a second. “Mom, you are the third woman I have ever had sex with. I have no experience so; I don’t know how to answer you.” Mom gets that devilish grin again. “We’ll do it all. You can feel them all and cum wherever you want.” I watch Mom lower her mouth to my cock, she sucks my cock for a minute then, she climbs on top of me and lowers her pussy back on my cock. She rocks back and forth for about a minute. “You have already experienced those two. Now for something new.” She turns around. Her ass is right in my face. I watch as she reaches behind her and sticks two fingers deep inside her pussy. She pulls the sopping wet fingers out and sticks them both in her ass. She doesn’t get them in very far before she starts to wiggle them. She pulls them out and repeats it over and over, until they both enter easily and go all the way in. Just the sight of this has my cock twitching. She scoots forward and lowers her pussy on my cock. She wiggles around for a few seconds then slides off. “Are you ready for my ass?” She grabs the base of my cock and directs the head to her asshole. I watch as it slowly disappears into her ass. It’s so tight but smooth. She sits there for a few seconds, squeezing my cock with her colon and sphincter. She begins to fuck me with her asshole. Lifting up and down, small motions at first but builds up to where she is pounding down hard on my cock. “Mom, I’m almost there.” I warn. “Wait!” she says as she stops and gets up off my cock. She sucks my cock for a second then turns and kisses me. Our tongues swirl and I can taste her juices and her ass in my mouth. Mom gets up and pulls me up to my feet. She lays just the top half of her body on the edge of the bed. “Now Honey, I want you to straddle me, and put that gorgeous cock of yours here, between Mommy’s tits.” I do as she says, the moment my cock is between her tits she squeezes them together around my cock. “Now move your hips back and forth and fuck Mommy’s titties.” I start to thrust back and forth. Her skin is so soft. My cock slides so easily. The feeling is so wonderful. I start trying to hold off cumming. It feels so good. “MMMmmm... You like your Mommie’s titties, don’t you?” “MMM-Hmm” I answer. “You stare at them every morning, at the breakfast table, and every evening you picture them bouncing up and down. Don’t you?” “MMM-Hmm” I watch as Mom sticks her tongue out and licks the head of my cock as it sticks up out of her tits. “You think about Mommy fucking you when you jerk off don’t you.” I’m really close... “Mommie’s titties bouncing up and down, her nipples hard, your dick inside her...” “YES!” I shout as cum shoots out all over her face, her hair, her neck, her tits... everywhere. She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue like she is trying to catch a snowflake. Cum shoots across it and she closes her mouth to taste it. “MMMmmm...” she moans. She gathers some on her fingers and puts it in her mouth. She opens to show me then she closes and swallows. I watch as I catch my breath. She puts her hands on my ass and scoots me forward so she can clean off my cock with her tongue and mouth. When she is done, I get up. She takes my hand and leads me to the balcony. There we stand, naked to the world. My arm around her, hers around me. Both of our hands resting on our asses. I wake from the sunlight filling the room and Mom stroking my cock. It’s only been a few hours since we fell asleep in each other's arms. “Morning Honey. Did you sleep well?” She giggles as she asks. She woke me twice in the middle of the night doing exactly what she is doing now. “I got a few hours, you?” She laughs, “I got it once or twice.” I laugh now. “Twice!” She lowers her mouth to my cock telling me, “You know your dad used to...“ She starts to lick my shaft from base to tip. When my cock is fully hard, she starts talking again as she climbs aboard for a morning ride. “When we would sleep in his car, we would fuck off and on all night.” She is slowly grinding her pussy on my cock, leaning forward to ensure that her clit is rubbing on my pelvis. “I would wake him up sucking his cock and he would wake me up licking my pussy. The trick was... MMMmmm Yes!” She reaches behind her and pulls on my balls. It hurts a little, they are empty. Her tits are rocking back and forth as she grinds a little faster. I can feel the tip of my cock rubbing on her cervix. “Finding a place to park... We always fucked, so we slept nude in the back seat. We would have a blanket but... Oh, hell yes... MMMmmm, damn I love your cock.” I grab her ass with both of my hands and speed this thing up. She starts to lift up just a little bit when she slides back and leans back a little while she is sliding forward. This puts pressure on her G-spot. I can still feel my cock head rubbing on her cervix. “It was always too hot for a blanket.” She starts to make that face, the O face. “Oh, Oh, OH!” she moans. I stick a finger in her mouth, and she sucks on it like it was another cock. I wet my other and find her asshole with it. “Yes Honey! YES!” I poke my finger in her ass and she cums... loudly! “OOOOOOHHHHH... UUUNNNGGGHHH!” She falls flat on top of me, squeezes her legs together trapping my cock inside her, and shakes, convulsing. Her mouth is wide open, her eyes rolled back, and her ass is clenched tight holding my finger. A few moments later... “Let’s get some waffles!” I didn’t cum, but I don’t care... I’m hungry. We shower together, washing our love juices off of each other. Mom puts on the wrap around dress, no panties and no bra. I dress in the only clothes I have. “Jeans are good for more than one day, right?” I ask Mom as I get dressed. “You look great in anything... and nothing!” She says laughing. We check out. I drive around until I find a diner that looks familiar to Mom. She jumps out of the car and almost runs inside. I follow her but not as excited; I’m so sleepy. Mom finds a booth that she is sure her and Dad have been in. When the waitress comes, we both say waffles together. She asks about drinks and syrups then heads to the kitchen. “So, if you love waffles so much, why do we eat pancakes so often?” Mom scoots over next to me. She reaches under the table and places her hand on my worn-out penis. “After that first night at the beach, your dad and I were starving. It was early in the morning, so few places were open. Not to mention, we were almost broke. Your dad saw a sign for this place, Waffles, all you can eat, $4,00. I had a ten-dollar bill hidden in my purse. Grandma always told me to make sure to hide cab fare in my purse.” I place my hand on her thigh. “Like you always tell me to keep an extra twenty tucked away.” The waitress sets down the waffles, we look at each other, smile, then start to eat. Syrup is going everywhere. When we finish the first one, the waitress brings us another. We have three each before we pay and go. I drive us home, back to reality, we talk as I drive. “Mom, I know the next few days are going to be impossible for you but, I will be there for you. No matter what you need.” I pat her on the knee as I drive. “I know you want to help me get thru this... but you... you are going to need me to. Aren’t you?” she says as she looks off in the distance. “I will have needs, as you can tell from last night. I’m not sure how long I’m supposed to wait... I can’t even imagine dating... the thought of sex with someone other than your father...” “Mom, you just had sex with someone other than Dad. Me! I’ll be there all summer. College isn’t that far away. I can come home when you need.” “But you should be dating college girls. Getting drunk and laid. Enjoying life. We both know it’s too short.” “I barely know what I’m doing with a girl. Didn’t you notice that last night?” Mom turns to face me. “Honey, you were amazing last night. Honestly! Your father was good, but he wasn’t packing what you are. Plus, you have the stamina of a teenager.” “I am a teenager, Mom. I’m only eighteen! I need you to teach me everything. Teach me how to please a woman. How to fuck a woman. How to make love to a woman. Mold me into the man that Dad was so I can find a woman... a woman that is as Sexy, Beautiful, Lovely, Naughty, Wonderful... as you!” “Oh, Honey. That flattery is a good start. That, a hard cock, and a talented tongue. The tongue has a lot of uses you know. You can stick it in so many places...“ She continues the rest of the way home. Grandma meets us at the door. She watches as mom gets out of the car and skips up to the house. “Hi Mom!” Mom says to grandma. She gives her a brief hug and a peck on the cheek, then skips into the house. I carry her clothes into the house. “Hi Grandma. How’s your day going?” I set down the bags and give her a proper hug and she gives me a peck on the cheek. “I don’t know what you did to your mom, but I can use some of that!” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
Full Circle Carly Damn that girl can talk. I hadn’t realized it until now, but Carly could talk forever without taking a breath. No wonder she was so good at, well never mind. We had been sitting out by her pool for a little over an hour and she hadn’t stopped talking yet. She recapped her prom, cheerleader nationals, the entire secret cheerleader vote scheme, the new captains, summer plans, and now she was on to what she planned to do at college. I don’t think I’d said ten words the entire time. That was okay though, as she babbled on, I was remembering all of the things she was bringing up. Bella, Nikki, Stephanie, Natalie, Chloe, the whole cheerleader vote scam. I never thought that would actually work, but when Carly said she could get me in bed with the entire cheer squad, she was damned near right. By my count, unless they added anyone new over the summer, I had banged all four of the graduating seniors. All but one of the incoming seniors, that one being Nikki. I still had her under my control though, and I had plans for Nikki. My conquest of all the senior cheerleaders would be complete by the end of the year. I’d also found my way into bed with a few of the incoming juniors. Julia, Lily, Marley, and even a few of the newly minted sophomores. Okay, it’s true, Chloe had pretty much come after me, but you didn’t see me objecting. And then there was Haley, Carly’s little sister, the one who started it all. Well, not so little anymore, she was a sophomore now after all. I would have to thank her again, I thought. Carly babbled on. I think she was up to Stephanie and her baby now. What was she going to do with it, when was it due, she was definitely showing now, bla bla bla. I let her keep on talking while I stared down that gorgeous body. Laying there in the sun, baking like a delicious little pastry. I remembered fucking her too. And right now, I was eager to do it again. It was starting to have a noticeable effect. “So, Carly, have you dumped that meathead boyfriend of yours yet?” I asked. She finally stopped talking, looked at me as if I had turned green and responded. “Of course not, why would I do that?” “Well, you’re going off to college soon. And he’s going all the way across to the other side of the country, you’re gonna get awful lonely without him, aren’t you?” She smiled at me. She may have started to suspect why I was asking. “Getting a little horny, are we? Did you forget who my roommate is going to be? Or about that lovely birthday present you and Julie gave me? I’ll be just fine, I promise.” Carly and Ashley were going to the same school. Teammates once again, but now roommates as well. The night that I nailed Bella, Carly admitted her love of girls as well as boys. She and Ashley had been making up for lost time since then. Plus, with the present Julie and I had bought her for her birthday, a 12-inch-long, black, strap-on dildo. Neither of them would have any need for boys any time soon. Such a shame too, because I was ready to jump her right then, and she was tanned, toned, and almost naked. I wanted to climb on top of her and… Just then the back gate flew open and Haley came crashing into the yard like a tornado. She seemed oblivious to us as she threw her gear down by the back door and kicked off her gym shoes. When she finally noticed Carly and I watching her, she instantly slowed down and that big beautiful smile lit up her face. She sauntered over to me, yes, sauntered. It was like a scene from one of those teen high school movies, sexy little bitch walking in slow motion showing off what she’s got for all the boys, or in this case, just me. At least it was like that in my head. Damn, I could watch that all day long. She was dressed for volleyball practice. Loose-fitting tank top, black sports bra, and those tiny little shorts that were so tight it’s a wonder they didn’t disappear up the crack of her ass. If I wasn’t already hard from Carly laying there half-naked talking about sex all morning, Haley made sure I achieved that status. I had to sit up to adjust my shorts. “Hey Zaaaaaane, I didn’t know you were going to be here today,” she said, slow and sexy. I smiled back at her and tried not to drool. Carly piped up “Hey! What am I? Invisible?” “No, I saw you, but I can see YOU anytime.” I could feel Haley’s eyes wandering all over me while she and Carly jousted. Mostly she kept eyeing the same spot. Carly asked her “Don’t you have someplace else you need to be?” Haley smiled, looked into my eyes and replied. “Yup, I need to go take a shower… I’m SOOOOO dirty” I’m pretty sure that’s the point where my brain stopped working and my penis took over the thinking. As she turned and walked back towards the house, she reached down and peeled the tank top off, leaving her in just the sports bra and those tiny little shorts. I stared after her until the door slid shut behind her. Stopping for a moment to breathe, I got up and sat on the side of Carly’s lounger right up close to her. I started running my hand up her side and over that tight, sexy, golden brown tummy. I looked at her with all the lust I could muster, which was quite a lot, and said. “C’mon, let’s go up to your room and have some fun!” She slapped my hand away. “Jeez boy! Can’t you control that thing? I told you I’m still with Mike. I’m not like Bella you know, I don’t jump when you say. Maybe you should give her a call” She replied. I stood up, my dick making a tent of my shorts, which I made no effort to hide, and said. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Maybe share a little? But I don’t need to, I’ll be back in a little while” “What? Where are you going? I thought we were gonna hang out all day?” she protested. I answered, “We will. But you’ve been laying here practically naked, talking about nothing but sex for the last two hours, and I know you’ve been doing it just to torture me, and it’s working! See!” I thrust my hips forward to make sure she got the point. “So, you call Mike and tell him how faithful you’re being. I’m going to go upstairs and fuck your sister” Carly lay there with her mouth open. “You pig!” she yelled at me. I started walking backward toward the house and added. “Did you see that ass! You can wait for Mikey if you like, but if you had half a brain you go grab ‘Big Black’ and come join us” As I turned and walked into the house, Carly was still laying there with her mouth open staring after me. Haley I went in through the kitchen and made my way upstairs. I knew Carly was mad at me now, but as I said, my penis had taken over the thinking, and right now it only cared about one thing. I could hear the shower running. Hmmm, do I climb in and join her? Or just go wait naked on her bed until she’s done? Stupid question. Hot, wet, naked Haley in the shower, or waiting for her, alone, in her room, with my dick in my hand. Since I was only wearing shorts and a tee-shirt at the time, I stopped in front of her bedroom door, stripped off everything, and tossed them on her floor. Then I sprinted the two doors down and stepped into the bathroom. I stood there for a moment, my hand absent-mindedly caressing my cock as I watched Haley’s shape through the translucent shower curtain. I cleared my throat. Her head popped out from behind the curtain in a hurry, ready to scream at whoever was invading her privacy. When she saw me, that smile lit up again and she reached a hand out to pull me in with her. Haley. Naked, wet, with the shower beating down over her. What a sight. I climbed in, pulled her to me and pushed her up against the wall. My hands instantly started fondling her perfect little tits as I leaned forward and started nibbling her neck. She squealed with delight, and her hands started wandering all over my body as well. We started to kiss and nibble and lick. She squeaked and squealed every time I hit the right spot, and I knew all the right spots. Our hands were everywhere. I pushed against her, she pushed right back, and eventually, we found ourselves too out of control to not take it all the way. I tried to lift her and take her that way, but the shower was too slippery, I kept sliding out from under myself. We tried against the wall, but then the water was spraying right in our faces. The shower wasn’t big enough for the two of us. We decided the best place for this, was on her bed. Quickly we shut the shower off and toweled each other dry. This started to degenerate to pushing her backward onto the sink to do her right there, but she wasn’t having it. She grabbed my towel and bolted for her room, with me hot on her heels. Haley dove on her bed. I dove on Haley. We wrestled for a few moments and then settled with my mouth on her nipples driving her crazy. My hand slid down between her legs and found she was still wet, but not from the shower. Haley had my head in both hands and held me fast against her chest. She loved having her nipples sucked and teased, and I was too happy to help her out, for a while. But now, this was getting too hot for me, I wanted to fuck. I lifted my head and looked her in the eyes, but only for a moment, then I rolled over on my back and pulled Haley up on top of me. Her favorite position. Haley liked to ride! As she straddled my hips and started to slide her hips over me, teasing me by going all the way down to my now stone hard cock and then stopping, I happened to glance over to the doorway to find Carly leaning against the doorframe watching. Well well, I thought. Things have finally come full circle. Last time I was in bed with Carly and Haley watched from the doorway. Now it was Carly’s turn to catch her sister in the act. I flashed a smile at Carly. In return, she shook her head. I don’t think she believed I had actually left her on the back deck to come upstairs and fuck her little sister, but here we were. Finally, I pulled Haley up to me, so that her ass lifted nice and high, her pussy ready to slide down onto my pole. I looked at Carly and raised a hand, presenting Haley’s ass to her as if to say “Was I wrong? Isn’t that magnificent?” Haley saw me looking and turned her head to find her sister smiling back at her. “CARLY! What the fuck! Get out of here!” she screamed. Carly laughed and replied “No way! You got to stand in the doorway and watch him fuck me, now it’s my turn” Haley shot back. “Fine, watch all you want. Maybe you’ll learn something.” With that, I grabbed on to Haley’s hips and plunged my cock into her. Haley moaned as I entered her. “Remember when she thought you didn’t know anything?” I asked. “Yeah, I remember.” She said. Haley immediately started pounding herself on my cock hard and fast. She turned her head to the doorway. “Whadda ya think now Car?” she asked. Carly let out a sigh, and then a little groan. “I think you still don’t know what you’re doing,” she said. And then, walking into the room, she said “Here, let me show you” Carly climbed on the bed behind Haley and straddled my legs. She pulled herself up as close as she could to her sister, who was trying to object, and wrapped her arm around Haley’s tummy. She moved her hips right up to Haley’s ass and slowed her down. She pushed her all the way down so I was as deep inside her as I could get. Then Carly started to slide her hips back and forth, slowly, taking Haley with her for the ride. It was heavenly. After a moment, Carly’s hand slid down Haley’s tummy and started playing with her clit as they both rocked back and forth on my cock. Haley’s eyes glazed over while Carly rubbed her to a state I never could. Haley was now moaning with every stroke. My cock would go deep inside her, her sister’s fingers would stroke her clit. Carly took one of my hands and directed me to take over that job, and then slid her hand down Haley’s back and over her sweet little ass. Carly looked at me over Haley’s shoulder and said: “You’re right, it IS magnificent.” And then she split those cheek and sunk a finger right in Haley’s tight little hole. Haley’s eyes popped open wide and she bucked her hips forward to get away from her sister’s intrusion, but I was holding onto her from below, and Carly was holding her from behind. There was no getting away. Carly giggled in her ear as she started to work her finger in that hole, all the while continuing the pounding rhythm on my cock. It didn’t take long for Haley to change her mind. In moments she was screaming as her whole body shook, and convulsed. She started cumming all over me. Haley leaned back against her sister as her orgasm receded, her body relaxing a bit. Carly whispered in her ear again. “See, wasn’t that SO much better?” At that point, they may have been satisfied, but I was not. I motioned for Carly to get off and rolled Haley onto her back. Now it was my turn to finish. I grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under Haley’s ass, and then entered her again. Then I started to drive hard and fast. She grunted and moaned with every thrust. I heard Carly say something about being right back, but I didn’t care. I started pumping her in a frenzy. Every time I was thrusting as deep as I could, her hips thrust right up to meet me. I was finally only seconds away from erupting and giving her everything I had. I knew she was on birth control now, which she had started after the first time we’d had sex, so I wasn’t worried about letting lose inside her, and I planned to do just that. Right then, Carly appeared again. Standing in the doorway, completely naked, wearing the giant strap on I had bought her like a cannon. She strode over to me, pushed me off her sister and announced. “My turn.” Big Black Poor Haley’s eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw her sister with that thing strapped onto her waist. Carly giggled as she climbed on the bed right where I had just been, between her sister’s legs. Haley tried to move, but Carly had pulled Haley’s legs over her shoulder and pinned her to the bed. She squeezed a big glob of lube on the end and started rubbing that huge dildo over Haley’s pussy. “You think he’s good?” Carly said, “wait until you get some of THIS thing in you!” All Haley could do was stare at it. I have to admit, I couldn’t compare to that thing. It’s twelve inches long and as thick as a tree branch, and right now Carly was introducing it to her sister. I was truly shocked that Haley just lay there and let her sister continue. I guess it runs in the family. Of course, all of this was great for them, but I was still frustrated as hell! I wanted some release too! And watching the two of them going at it gave me an idea of just how to get it. I climbed back up behind Carly the same way she had climbed up behind Haley. I grabbed that tube of lube and squeezed a big glob on Carly’s ass and started rubbing it right in there. Then, when the moment was just right, I sank my own finger right up into that tight little hole. Carly let out a squeak but didn’t slow down. She did look back at me and smile. Now she was making the same noises her sister was making underneath her. I wrapped my other hand around her tummy and pulled her close, working that hole nice and wide. Finally, it was time for something I’d never tried before. I slid up closer, pushed Carly’s legs wide, and started rubbing my cock between those cheeks. When she let out a long moan, I pulled my finger out of her and pushed my cock right up to that same hole. Then I started to push. When I first entered her ass, she whipped her head around to see. I knew she had had that big black thing in her ass before but never a real live cock. I grabbed her ass and kept pushing. She was so tight, but the lube made everything glide right in. In no time at all, I was balls deep in her ass, while she was deep in her sister. We started pounding hard. I’d pound Carly, Carly would pound Haley. It was like a freight train. OOH, ooh, ooh… Uh, uh, uh… building faster and faster until… I couldn’t take it any longer. I drove myself deep into that ass and let go. I could feel it fill her up all around me. A few more hard strokes and spurts and I was done. I pulled out and collapsed on the bed. Carly pushed forward and collapsed on her sister, that long black monster still inside her. When she finally pulled out, she collapsed on Haley’s other side. The three of us lay there on Haley’s bed, sweaty, exhausted, but satisfied. At least, I was satisfied. I was tired. I was sweaty. I was messy. And I had to pee. When I got up to walk down the hall to the bathroom, I turned and asked. “Anybody want to go take another shower?” I got no response at all. The two of them just lay there touching each other. When I arrived back at the doorway, Carly was now helping Haley to attach her favorite toy. Haley was visibly excited to “try this out,” and standing there watching, so was I. As I walked into the room all ready for round two, Carly stopped me, handed me my clothes and said. “You know, Zane, I think we’re gonna try this one with just the two of us. A little sister bonding time. You don’t mind do ya?” And with that, a smile and a gentle push out the door. What have I done?! |
I was completely fascinated with my new BBW lovers body. The fact that she squirted seemed to dial up my sex drive even more. I excitedly grilled Vicky for information about her ability to squirt. She said it didn’t happen all the time; it seemed to happen when she was really excited and worked up. She confessed her last boyfriend thought squirting was disgusting and contributed to their break up. She said he didn’t like her body and told her to lose weight. He must have been a complete fool. We laid on her bed and caressed each other and I assured her most men would love that she squirted and simply adore her figure. She kissed me and thanked me for being so sweet and she went to the bathroom to freshen up. She returned in a low cut black tank top and sweat pants that did little to hide her huge ass. I was still naked on the bed. She brought a hot wet towel and had me lay on my back. She first wiped my face and body and finally my cock. She made eye contact with me the entire time. I could feel my cock beginning to harden. She really seemed to like to pamper me. Watching her hard nipples through her tank top was to much to resist and I massaged her breasts lightly as she stood over me. I whispered to her how sexy she was and suggested having a beer. She really seemed to listen to my advice and seemed to gain some confidence. I tossed on my tank top and boxers and walked into the living room. We sat on the couch and she turned on her gas fireplace to take the chill out the air. The flames lite the room with a warm flickering glow. As she began to massage my thighs I felt my cock stir. My balls were no longer aching and any tension I carried from my work week melted away with her touch. She stood up, grabbed a fluffy blanket from the back of the sofa and walked towards the fireplace. She spread the blanket and sat down and motioned for me to come and join her. I took a swig of my cold beer and walked to join her. When I stepped onto the blanket Vicky sat up on her knees. She looked up at me and placed her hands behind me. She grabbed my ass and started kissing my cock through my boxer briefs. I was already half hard and my cock grew rapidly. I looked down at her. The intense heat from the fire place made her skin lightly glisten with sweat. She gently pulled my shorts down just below my cock. My balls fell free from their confinement. She reached around and again grabbed my ass. She bent her down and licked my balls. Her tounge almost tickled and my fully engorged cock bounced in the air and came to rest on her face. To my surprise she took my heavy balls into her mouth. I could feel her nails digging into my ass. The heat of the fire was causing my skin to glisten with sweat as well yet I was shivering. I shuddered from the sensation of her tounge swirling around my balls. After several minutes, with her hands still on my ass, she ran her tounge from the base of my shaft up towards the swollen head. Once she reached the tip she forced her mouth down hard engulfing my entire cock. I could feel her throat open to accommodate me. Instinctively, I put both hands on the back of her head. She fucked her mouth onto my cock hard. I started to pull and push her head. I fucked her face with long deep strokes. She looked up at me the entire time. I was groaning loudly. Her grip on my ass pulled me deeper into her throat with each pump. Her cheeks bulged around my thick cock. I didn’t want to cum yet. Spit from her mouth ran down between her tits and disappeared into her tank top. She buried her face deeply onto my shaft one last time and held there for a moment. I was shaking. Slowly, she eased back and slurped the head of my cock before letting it fall onto her face, leaving a trail of saliva on her cheeks and nose. Her hands released my ass and she fell back onto the blanket. She spread her legs slightly and revealed a large wet spot on the crotch of her sweatpants. I slid my shorts down and kicked them off. My cock and balls were soaked in spit. I dropped to my knees and immediately pulled her pants off. As she lifted her massive ass off of blanket to help me I could see how big the wet spot was. The entire crotch was drenched. As she lowered her hips and ass down her legs spread wide. Her pussy was glistening from her juices. I laid next to her and kissed her. Her tounge was attacking mine and she was moaning wildly. I placed my hand over her pussy and felt an intense heat. I easily slid two fingers inside of her. I fucked her pussy with my hand at a frantic pace. My palm was rubbing her swollen clit and her legs shook. Within a minute she yelled, “You are going to make me fucking cum!” I increased the speed of my hand and tried to grind my palm into her clit. She kicked her legs and her ass came off of the blanket. Her entire body seemed to stiffen. She screamed in a shaky voice, “I’m cumming!” I could feel her cum rush over my fingers and erupt from her pussy. Her legs squeezed together and locked my hand inside of her. A stream shot several feet from between her legs and onto the blanket. It was like placing my hand under a hot faucet. The second blast of her cum did not squirt with the same intensity as the first, but seemed to flow onto my hand. Gasping for air, her ass fell back onto the blanket and her powerful legs loosened their grip enough for me to remove my fingers. Her lower body was twitching involuntarily as her orgasm subsided. We were both soaked in sweat and her cum. Watching her eyes twinkle in the fire light only heightened my sense of lust. My cock was screaming for some release. As Vicky got her heart rate under control I asked her to turn over on her knees. She slowly rolled onto all fours. The blanket was sopping wet. I looked at her massive ass perched in the air as if it were calling me. I quickly kneeled behind her and took my swollen cock in my hand. I rubbed the head along her pussy twice and thrust into her. I fucked her with all my might. I could hear my cock sloshing in and out with each stroke. I grinned to myself and kept up my jack hammered pace. My hands were on her ass and I watched it jiggle each time I buried myself inside of her. Vicky put her face and chest on the blanket and elevated her ass to meet my strokes. I was in a trance and thought only of how bad I needed to cum. Vicky was screaming loudly and I felt my cock swell even more. My balls tightened. I pulled her hips hard and pumped into her with every once of force I could muster. At that instant Vicky’s pussy treated my cock to a bath. Her cum poured around the full length of my shaft and cascaded down my balls. I pushed her ass forward and pulled out. Vicky feel onto her stomach. My cock began to squirt before I could grab it. The first shot landed on Vicky’s lower back. The next coated her ass. As I milked the cum from my cock I watched Vicky’s body shake and quiver beneath me. I watched as a flow of her sweet cum trickle from her pussy. My orgasm was so powerful that my knees gave out and I collapsed beside of her on the blanket. I was dripping with sweat and my cock felt like I had run naked through a sprinkler. I looked down at the blanket between Vicky’s legs and was amazed at the amount of cum she produced. Vicky leaned towards me and pressed her lips against mine. We kissed and she was grinning from ear to ear. She gently squeezed my cock and milked a small amount of cum from my shaft. I shuttered and she whispered, “So can I assume you are staying all weekend. |
Jamie’s Little Sister, Jenny Siblings Jamie and I had been dating for about six months. During the school year, the time we got to spend together was limited. Jamie went to a different school than I did, plus, we were both very active on our sports teams. So, we usually only had maybe one or two nights a week when we could get together. Now, however, it was summer. We had the better part of almost every day to hang out and do all the things we wanted to do during the school year. We went to the beach. We went hiking. We went to the mall. Trips to amusement parks with all our friends. Concerts. Summer was awesome. Day to day we fell into a comfortable routine. We would meet up early in the morning and go for a run. Then we would come home, take a shower together and, you can figure the rest out. For the rest of the day, if we hadn’t planned anything, we would lounge by the pool so I could sit there staring at her in her bikini, and maybe get the chance to rub oil on her every few hours. I could never get tired of that. The only problem with pool days was siblings. My older brother was home from college this summer and when he wasn’t working, he and his idiot friends would be out on the deck acting as obnoxious as they possibly could. None of them had girlfriends, and even if they did, none of them could measure up to Jamie. So, if we hung out at my house, they would be leering at her and making rude comments all day. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time at Jamie’s house instead. At Jamie’s house, we had to deal with her little sister, Jenny. Jenny was cute. A high school freshman now and all full of herself. She looked a lot like Jamie. Blond hair, blue eyes, a little shorter than Jamie, a little rounder in the cheeks, but anyone could pick them out as sisters in a room full of people. Like my brother, Jenny would always have all of her friends hanging around too, although I didn’t really mind her friends. Jenny’s friends were all a lot better looking than any of my brother’s friends, and I didn’t mind talking with them, even when they got all flirty and giggly. Jamie used to get mad at me for teasing them, but I was having fun and it wasn’t hurting anybody so I just kept on doing it anyway. I flirted with them but I never would have actually done anything with any of them. I had Jamie for that. Everything I said to any of them was intended as, “hey, guess what I’m going to do to Jamie as soon as you all leave?” And they all knew it. That didn’t stop them from dreaming it could actually happen to them. I could see it in their eyes. Jenny was the worst. She was always staring at me, making comments, asking provocative questions, or even just outright grabbing my ass. I couldn’t even count the number of times Jenny “accidentally” bumped into me, her hand or her ass would brush right up against my crotch. Jamie’s reaction was usually… “Please, she wouldn’t know what to do if you gave her directions” That always pissed Jenny off. Our morning ritual One morning, after our run, when we got back to Jamie’s house, she was especially horny. For some reason, she couldn’t even wait to get in the shower. She wanted to fuck. Right now. So, who was I to argue with that? We knew her parents were both at work, which is why we always came to her house in the first place. She gave a quick shout to make sure her sister wasn’t around. Once she was satisfied that we were alone, she pulled me into her room and threw me on her bed. She climbed on top of me and attacked in her usual fashion, hands and lips everywhere. I couldn’t pull her top off fast enough. This continued until we decided that the rest of our clothes were just in the way. She climbed off me and we both stripped. Once naked, she put me back in my place and resumed her position on top of me, that was her favorite. She straddled my belly and pushed her tits down in my face. She loved it when I licked and nibbled and sucked on her nipples. It always made her squeal in delight. Of course, that might also have been from my hands that had slipped down between her legs and started going to work on her clit. As horny as she was, it didn’t take long to drive her libido off the charts. She pulled my hands out of the way, threw her head back and gritted her teeth as she drove herself hard onto my cock. I grabbed her hips and pulled her down even harder with every thrust. Her hips were gyrating and grinding, getting as much pressure as she could against her clit. Finally, she let out a scream and her entire body tensed and tightened. Her knees and everything else squeezed my hips, and every muscle in her body seemed to seize my cock. Her juices started to flow, soaking both of us. When she finally relaxed, she collapsed on top of me and let out a long sigh. That was fine for her, but I wasn’t finished yet. I rolled her over and started to pump at my pace, fast and hard! She grunted with every thrust. I pulled her legs up to my shoulders and drove into her until I was ready to blow. I leaned down, buried my head in her neck and pushed myself all the way into her. Then I blasted her with everything I had. Thank god she’d gotten on birth control. We both collapsed on her bed, sweaty and exhausted, but totally satisfied. I lay there just staring at her sweaty, sexy body. In no time at all, I was getting hard again already. Shower time - Jamie Just as Jamie decide now was the time for that shower, we heard Jenny come in the front door like a hurricane. There was no doubt she was home. That nixed the idea of showering together. Jenny could be a little snitch and Jamie didn’t want her ratting us out to her parents. Jamie seemed to think that Jenny had no idea what we did when she wasn’t around. I didn’t know if that was true, but whatever Jamie wanted, I usually went along with. While Jamie jumped in the shower, I pulled on a pair of shorts, plopped on the couch in the den and turned on the TV. Seconds later Jenny came crashing into the room. Both Jamie’s and Jenny’s bedrooms, as well as the Bathroom, were all off of the den. As soon as she caught sight of me sitting there, Jenny came to a screeching halt. “Oooooh, hey Zane” she said. She then gave a quick glance around and asked. “Where’s Jamie?” Considering you could hear the shower running through most of the house, it was pretty obvious where Jamie was. I looked at Jenny, nodded my head towards the bathroom and said. “Guess” “By herself?” Jenny asked. “Why ain't you in there with her? Our parents aren’t home?” I answered sarcastically “No, but her little sister is” Jenny shot me a sad look and responded. “Awwwww did I interrupt your nookie time” Keeping my same expression, I answered “Yeah, you did. Don’t you have someplace else you need to be?” She just laughed at me and said “Nope. Nothing else to do all day. I’m gonna hang by the pool” To which I responded very blandly. “Oh great” Neither Jamie nor I had any plans to hang by the pool that day anyway, we both had plans for the afternoon. So, I really didn’t care about her plan to hang by the pool all day. I just had to respond that way to let her know that her presence was still a major inconvenience. Again, Jenny just laughed at me. I couldn’t get rid of her though. She flopped down in the chair opposite me and continued to flirt and make small talk while Jamie was in the shower. Every other sentence was something highly suggestive or sexual. If I’d read her the way I would Jamie, I’d say the girl was horny as hell. The fact that she was staring at my crotch for the entire conversation was also a dead giveaway. Since she couldn’t tear her eyes away from my shorts, I figured what the hell, let’s have some fun. So, I started shifting around, opening and closing my legs. Watching her eyes bulge out when she thought she might get a glimpse of something, and to be honest I really didn’t care if she did. It was a lot like watching my friends trying to get a peek down some girl’s shirt at school. Obvious, and hilarious. The only problem was, now it was starting to turn me on teasing her like that, and it was starting to have an effect. So, Jenny might just get that show after all. Then, almost exactly on cue, I was saved by the bell. Jamie came out of the shower all wrapped in towels and dripping wet. She took one look at Jenny sitting there across from me and said the same thing I’d said earlier. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” If looks could kill they would have turned each other to ash. Jamie looked at me and said. “Shower’s free if you want to use it. I’m gonna go get dressed…” Then she turned to Jenny and said. “You can just go” Jenny made the obligatory face at her sister and then stomped off to her room. Jamie and I retreated to her room. After a few hugs and kisses, and me trying to get the fires ignited again, Jamie yelled at me. “Stop! Go take a shower already!” Then she handed me one of her big bath towels and pushed me out the door. Shower time - Zane I turned the water on, adjusted the temperature, and jumped into the shower. Naturally, all wet and soapy, I started thinking about Jamie and wishing she were there with me to lather me up good. But occasionally, an image or two of Jenny would sneak into my little fantasy. I had to admit, she did have some pretty nice curves. A moment later, as I was taking those thoughts of Jamie in hand, I happened to catch the bathroom door opening. I hid as best I could and slid the shower door open a crack to see who it was and found Jamie standing in the doorway. She smiled, and then told me that she had to run over to her friend Melissa’s house to pick up some of her sports gear. I was welcome to finish up and let myself out when I was done. If I wanted to stay and wait for her to return, I could, but she wasn’t sure how long she would be gone. She blew me a kiss and slipped back out, closing the door behind her. I returned to the business in hand. Not a minute later I had my eyes closed and my hand happily resuming its previous action with a sweet memory of Jamie in the shower with me. In between my own little moans, I suddenly heard another quiet little noise in that I didn’t expect. Through the fogged glass of the shower door, I spied a little blonde shape in the bathroom doorway again and figured Jamie had changed her mind and come back for some fun after all. Again, I slid the shower door open and started to say. “Decided you just couldn’t resist eh? …” Then I realized, it wasn’t Jamie. “Jenny!? What the fuck!? Get out of here!” Clearly, I was caught by surprise and wasn’t thinking. Jenny hesitated, then spoke up. “Jamie wanted me to tell you that she had to go over to Melissa’s house…” I already knew that. “And you figured the best thing was to come tell me while I’m in the shower?” Jenny cocked her head, shrugged her shoulders and gave a little smirk that implied, yeah, I thought it was a great idea! I continued. “Oh, well why stop there, why don’t you just hop on in and join me?” Her eyes widened and her smile grew. “Really?” she asked. “NO! Get the fuck out of here!” I answered. Again, I was clearly not thinking. Jenny scrunched up her face at me, then grabbed the big bath towel I had waiting and bounced out of the bathroom. I stood in the shower for a moment seething about Jenny having the nerve to bust in on me in the shower, eyeballing me naked (and hard), stealing my towel, I should have just … Then it hit me. Wait, when I told her to just hop in the shower with me, she was all for it. I stood there shocked for a moment as images of Jenny in tiny little bikinis started to fill my head, and my cock began to really rise. Little sister wants to play! Damn, I was stupid. I could be banging Jenny in the shower right now If I stopped for three seconds to think. How could my penis fail me like that? You were supposed to take over the thinking for me at times like that! How could I get her back in here? She did take my towel. I shut the water off. Looked around the bathroom and found a smaller towel which I used to dry myself off a little. Then I wrapped it around my waist and stepped out of the bathroom. Jamie’s room was to the right coming out of the shower. Knowing that she wasn’t home, I held that little towel over my crotch and marched right across to the other side of the den to Jenny’s door. I banged on it once hard, then grabbed the handle and burst right in, dripping wet and barely covered. Jenny stood by her desk, eyes wide, staring at me and about to start protesting me barging into her room. “Gimme back my towel” I barked at her. She just stood there staring and pointed to the towel lying on her bed. I moved closer into the room, closing the door behind me, and grabbed the towel. Now I was only a few feet away from her. I looked at her as if I was angry but was happy to see where her eyes were locked. I dropped the little towel I was holding and let my hard cock fly out in front of me as I grabbed unfolded the bigger one then wrapped it around myself. A quick glimpse only, but her eyes almost popped out of her head. Now that I was covered up again, I stood in front of her, crossed my arms over my chest, looked at her and said. “Okay, strip.” Jenny looked at me totally baffled. “What?” she asked. “Strip.” I said. “Take your clothes off. You got to see me, it’s only fair that I get a good look at you now. So, strip” “But I didn’t…” she started. “How long were you standing in the bathroom watching me in the shower?” I interrupted. “You can’t see anything through those shower doors, you know that.” she said. “What about just now?” I asked. “I didn’t see anything I swear!” she protested. I looked at her for a moment with an evil grin, the plan in my head already working. I reached down and undid the towel around my waist, letting it drop to the floor. My cock was hard as stone and popped right out to greet her. Jenny let out a little gasp as she finally got a good look at what she’d been grabbing at all summer. I didn’t give her any time to think and said. “Alright, now you’ve seen it. So, strip” “I… I… I… I…” she stammered. Then I took control. “Five minutes ago, you were ready to jump in the shower with me. Were you going to do that with your clothes on?” “No, I…” she began. “Strip.” I said as I advanced on her again. I moved up close to her and grabbed her shirt by the bottom and began to pull it up. Between my hands pulling at her clothes and my cock all but pressed up against her, her brain, her hormones, and her emotions were having a hard time keeping up with each other. As I was pulling her shirt over her head, leaving her in just her little white bra, she said. “I wasn’t gonna…” I moved closer to her still. My cock now pressing against her tummy. She looked down at it. “Yes, you were” I answered. “What did you think would happen if you jumped in the shower with me?” “ummmm… I….” I leaned forward and put my mouth on hers. She immediately surrendered, closed her eyes and started kissing back. “Oh my god.” she exclaimed. I reached my hands up to her shoulders and pulled the bra straps down. Then I reached around to undo the back let her gorgeous breasts fall free. She offered no resistance at all. She was much bigger than I thought. Almost as big as Jamie. My hands began to tweak, and feel, and massage, and adore her perfect tits. After a few minutes, I stopped and said to her. “You know, considering how many time’s you’ve tried to grab my cock this summer, you seem to be completely ignoring it now that it’s practically stabbing you in the stomach.” With that, I took one of her hands and wrapped it around my cock. I could feel her shaking, and almost hear her heart beating, as she wrapped her hand around my cock, completely naked and fully engorged this time. She had gotten little grabs in before in the pool and such, but never anything like this. I could feel her shaking, she was so excited. I let her feel and explore for a few moments before I stepped away from her and said. “Okay, now the rest” She looked at me and asked “What?” I pointed to her little red shorts. “Those.” I said. “You want me to…?” she asked. “Of course” I answered. “We can’t do this if you have all your clothes on. Besides, you owe me. Now take ‘em off” “Do what?” she started. Again, I reached out, grabbed on to her shorts and started to pull them down. They slid down her legs easily and she stepped out of them, again offering no resistance at all. I reached up and grabbed her panties and started to pull those down too. She hesitated for the tiniest of moments, but then let them fall and stepped out of those as well. What a beautiful sight she was. Bright blue eyes, her tits firm, her nipples hard, and her pussy covered with the slightest whisps of golden hair. I pulled her close and kissed her again. This time with my hard cock pressed against her belly. Her hands found it all on her own this time. I sat her on the bed and stood in front of her. I took her hands, wrapped them around my cock, and helped her learn how to really pay attention to it. She was a natural. She just sat there saying “Oh my god” and “I can’t believe this” while I told her how to worship my hard-on. When I suggested she lean forward and put her mouth on it she gave me that look that said, really? I said. “You have sucked a cock before, haven’t you? I see all those boys around you all the time, are you telling me you’ve never…” “Of course I have” she spat back at me. Then she leaned forward and wrapped her mouth around my tool. Oh, she was amazing. Although it was clear that she had never done this before. Once again, I gave her some helpful tips and in no time, she was sucking me off like she’d been doing it for years. I couldn’t believe it. All of this was nice, but I had no idea when or if Jamie was coming back. What I did know was that before she did, I was going to fuck her little sister. I hesitantly pulled Jenny’s mouth off my cock and laid her down on top of that big old towel on her bed. I lay next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist as I leaned over and started to kiss her again. Just like before, I could feel her heart pounding a mile a minute. My hand reached up and fondled her tits again for a short time, then I moved them down between her legs. Jenny let out a short gasp the first time my fingers touched her lips. I rubbed her pussy, slowly letting my fingers slip inside her. Every new inch brought another gasp. She was breathing in a series of long, slow, deep breaths now. Every time she let out a breath, she would whimper a long soft moan. Then I sank a finger all the way up inside her. She cried out, tried to pull back a little, and held her breath again. I didn’t relent. I held my hand tight to her pussy and pushed that finger deep inside her. At the same time rubbing my thumb across her clit. Jenny let out a little scream when I found her clit. She started moaning louder and louder and bucking her hands against my finger. I kept going, driving her almost to the edge. Then I backed off just a bit as I stood up off the bed. I spread her legs wide and pulled her to the very edge of the bed. I stepped up close between her legs, right in place to enter her. Just as she was asking me what I was doing, I replaced the finger that had been massaging her lips, with the head of my cock. Sliding it up and down along her lips. Pulling her open just a bit with those fingers that had been inside her. Jenny looked up at me and said. “Wait, what are you …” I kept pushing my cock against those lips and leaned down close. I whispered to her. “Jenny, you knew this was going to happen if you jumped in the shower with me. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” “I didn’t think…” she tried to get out. “Besides, what could you possibly do to piss Jamie off more than fucking her boyfriend?” Her eyes went wide again. “You really want to fuck me?” “OH yes. That is what you wanted isn’t it?” I asked. She hesitated. “Well... yeah, but… I’ve never…” “Never?” I asked. “No.” she said, a little red-faced and embarrassed. “Don’t worry.” I said, “You’ll be fine, I promise” I leaned in and kissed her more, and started pressing my cock into her more and more until the head was inside her. I stopped kissing and stood up to get a better position. I gave a little back and forth to prepare her, then with a long slow moan of my own, I started to push into her. Immediately I hit what had to be her hymen, or at least what was left of it. Jenny played a lot of sports so had likely burst it long ago. But there was still some resistance, so perhaps she hadn’t broken it all the way. With one hard push, I busted through what was left and drove a couple of inches into her. Jenny let out a little yell. I left it inside her for a moment without moving as she caught her breath. Then I started to move back and forth, in and out of her. Her moans began to match the rhythm. With each stroke, I tried to get a little deeper. Most of the time she was only making little noises, but every now and then those would turn into “oh my god”, and then I would pick up the pace a little more. I began to pump into her now, really pumping into her. A little grunt would escape from her every time I thrust. Jenny had two fists full of bed sheet as she did what she could to thrust right back. I pulled her legs up, lifting her hips just that much off the bed, and really drove into her. I was able to drive fully into her now, she was taking it all. I was ready to burst. Without even thinking. I drove as deep as I could into Jenny’s incredible, tight little hole, and just let go. Everything I had, I pumped into her. I had been dating Jamie for six months, and fucking her on a regular basis for five of those months. Jamie was on birth control. I never even considered pulling out anymore. We just never thought about it, and so, I didn’t think about it now either. When the moment came with Jenny, I just let loose and filled her up. It felt just as amazing as it did with Jamie. I stopped while still inside her. I was spent. She too was spent. She just lay there saying “Oh my god” to herself over and over. I pulled out and lay next to her for a moment. I had no idea how long we lay there. It wasn’t until my I heard my phone ringing over in Jamie’s room that I realized how much time had passed. I bolted upright and ran to Jamie’s room to grab the phone. It was Jamie, but luckily just a text. She said she was going out with Melissa for the night and would see me the next day. That was a relief. I walked back across the hall to Jenny’s room, ready to stiffen up and do her again. There she was still laying on her bed in the same place I left her, but now with her hand between her legs rubbing her pussy and playing with the cum oozing out of her. That was when I froze. “Jenny,” I said. “I don’t suppose you’re on birth control, are you?” “What?” she asked. “No, why?” Oh shit. “I came inside you.” I said. She didn’t catch on right away. She was still registering that she had just been fucked and wasn’t a virgin anymore. Once she did realize what I’d said, she ran for the shower thinking she could wash it all out of her. I let her do her best while I got dressed then told her to get out of there and get dressed as well. We made the quickest trip ever to a pharmacy the next town over and picked up the morning-after pill. That is, I bought it. She waited in the car. At that point, all we could do was have her take that pill, and pray for the next month, or however long it took. Both of us were all nerves whenever I would be at their house, and conversations between us were very awkward. Not the fun flirtatious little exchanges that we’d always had before. Even Jamie noticed and remarked about it once. I assured her I had no idea what Jenny’s problem was. Finally, the day came. When Jamie and I got home after our morning run, the huge smile and happy greeting from Jenny told me all I needed to know. Her period had arrived and we were safe. That had been entirely too nerve-wracking. The rest of the day was fun. Jenny was back to her old flirty self. Throwing the innuendo around like a drunken sorority girl. She even actually stuck her hand down my shorts whenever she thought she could get away with it. Her friends were all gathered around her all day giggling and squealing and laughing just like before. After a few hours of this, Jamie remarked. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say she got laid” Oh baby, if you only knew. Jenny and I had a little talk at some point during the day and I told her I’d love a repeat performance sometime, but she had to get on the pill. She could also never tell Jamie. She could sit back and laugh every time Jamie started giving her shit, but she couldn’t say anything. After that day, anytime Jamie went off on her sister, I could see the grin on Jenny’s face as she sat there listening and thinking. “I fucked your boyfriend, I fucked your boyfriend…” |
One of your "true stories," is actually about me - and not the writer. My experience was let out of the bag by one of the participants and has become a small urban myth in Tokyo. This is to set the record straight I had known a smallest 20 something guy in Japan. He had come to my English school to check out lessons, but decided not to sign up, but I kept running into him on the train. I assumed he was gay, but later found out that he wasn't - he wanted an American girlfriend - so I just assumed he was gay and didn't know it yet. A couple of months passed, and during the summer holiday when the country all but shuts down he showed up at my doorstep. I was surprised to see him, and invited him in for a beer. He had on tan cargo shorts, with a olive T-shirt, and when he asked if he should take off his tan suede hiking boots, I told him it wasn't necessary. My apartment was an old shell of a place atop a liquor store and another old apartment that the liquor storeowner used for storage. The place had been slated for demolition for years, but with the crash in land prices that had never happened. A former student, who owned the building, let me have it rent-free. Anyway. Ichi and I are in a little room off the main hall that was carpeted and had AC. We sat on the couch and drank and just shot the breeze. I had nothing on save for a T-Shirt and gym shorts over jockeys. I noticed that "Ich" kept copping looks at my crouch. He then commented on how long my legs were, and that I had a "butt up," or a rounded ass. "Really?" I stood up with my ass to him and turned to check it out. "You think it's nice?" "Yeess," he nodded slowly and quietly. I thought, what the hell. I never had a gay affair, but since meeting Ich, he had been the mental picture during masturbation whenever I fantasized about it. "Do you want to see it?" "Okay," he nodded with a serious look on his face. With my back to him I pulled the shorts and the jockeys off in one motion bending over. I stood straight with the shorts in my left hand covering my now hard cock, Japanese locker room style. "Sagoi!' He approved. I told him this was a secret, and he readily agreed. I then asked to see his and had to coax him a bit. He did as I had done and we were both covering our little hard-ons while we checked each other's asses out. He had light tan skin and was built like a young girl with smallish, though not flat butt to match. I told him his was nice, but he disagreed and said he would rather have my body. I stroked my ass with my free hand, and was all but sure something was going to happen as I felt the jiz drooling out of my cock and felt it seeping through my shorts. "You want to touch it?" "Really?" "Yea." He started to rub his hand up and down it. I then bent over slightly and whacked it my free hand - my ass, that is. "You want to spank it?" "Really!,... Okay." I bent over the easy chair and braced my self with my right hand, still covering my cock. He slapped my ass timidly. I told him harder. Again. Harder. The third one stung and took my breath away a bit. I said, "Moo ichidoo, kudasai!" - Once more please! - again and again and in the process dropped my shorts so that I could brace myself with both hands. To my right, in the full-length mirror on the door it looked ridiculous. Me bent over with my ass in the air, my cock and a growing line of jism bouncing with each smack, and Ich, with his left hand on my back smacking me with his right and his cock! My first look at a full hard on in the flesh. It was longer than my 6 inches by a tad, but thinner. It was honey colored with a spade head. An American girl I knew in Japan had once told me that if I was gonna' try gay sex, do it in Japan cuz Japanese guys have the prettiest cocks. This was the first time I had taken that statement seriously. I knew at that point he would at least let me suck him off, if for no other reason than relief. After about the sixth slap the stinging was too much and I jumped up and started rubbing ass, and trying to catch my breath, said thank you, in case he was getting afraid of what I might do next. I slowly got to my knees with my face right up to his cock and ask if I could touch it. "Hai,' he nodded quietly. I smeared his precum over his cock head with a finger and felt his shaved balls - a nice touch, that until then I hadn't thought of. "This is a secret, right?, I asked. "Hai," he nodded again. "Can I kiss it?" He smiled and gave me an exaggerated yes. "Have you done this before." No, he said, a little insulted by the question. "Sensei, wa?" - And you teacher? "Never." I took a big nervous breath and told him it might not be great as it is my first time, so be patient. He then looked unsure and I knew what he was trying to ask, and I told him it was okay to come in my mouth. I knew that he would come soon, so I hoped he would be okay with it afterwards so that I could really get into it and do to him what I like women to do to me- lick under the balls, grab his butt, and maybe finger fuck his ass. I placed his hands on top of my head and held on to his ass with mine, and opened and got my first mouthful of cock. It was electric. Everything was a turn on. The idea of it, the taste, the feeling in my mouth, holding his ass and pushing it forward. It was like second nature. While I lightly pumped him toward me and my head bobbing, we hit a nice rhythm. I was moaning over his slick dick and really loved applying pressure with my lips. After about 30 seconds his legs buckled slightly and before my mind could put two and two together I felt his load hit the back of my mouth. After the second shot I swallowed, and the third. When he finished I looked up a quietly said thank you. He looked shell shocked. Before any guilt set in on his part I took him to the shower to wash him off. I untied his boots, and removed our T-shirts. In the Japanese-style shower room, I sat on the stool with him in front of me. I used the hand-held shower to blast my hard-on with cold water, and then proceeded to wash him off with a washcloth and warm water. No soap. I didn't want to taste it later. I dried us off and we both collapsed on the couch to beer and cigarettes. I slouched down to the floor submissively, and rubbing his leg told him I would be his bitch and do anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. The only stipulation was that it had to be at his place or a hotel as I didn't want any of my neighbors, students, girl friends or friends to find out. I knew that even if we ran into someone, I would become a nervous wreck, and that in itself would give me away. He made a phone call, and after that we went out to dinner and over to his place. On the way to his apartment from the station. I told him I had never been fucked in the ass before so to please go slow, but even if I want to stop don't, save for a safety word, which I don't even remember now. The safety word came up because he wanted to play rape, acting like we hadn't done what we did at my place. Good! I was afraid he would be quilted out of wanting more, at first, now he was even taking control! His apartment was relatively big for Japan. It had a decent sized living room, which was separated, from the bedroom by two large sliding doors. He told me the bedroom was a mess and made me promise to not look. They doors were both mirrored. He said the mirrors were on the bedroom side but he switched them because they gave more light to the living room and made it look bigger. On his cue we started acting out what we had done back at my place, until we got to the spanking part. This time the first slap was hard and when I yelled, he told me to be quiet and let me have five more. Again I was trying to catch my breath, but he held me down with his hand and told me not to move. A second later I felt cool gel on my red ass as he balmed my booty with it. We were both watching in the mirrors and could see each other’s rock hard cocks. We were both nude save for his wearing his big old hiking boots, which I told him I wanted him to keep on - I had forgotten that once we got to his place and was happy he remembered. It was a kink. This doe-like figure with these clunky boots on and that sweet long honey colored love stick. What can I say. The gel felt great on my ass, and I was sighing at the relief. He then started rubbing it into my crack, and when lubed up enough stuck a finger in my asshole. I acted surprised and started to stand to protest with mock indignation. He cracked my ass again - It was seriously stinging! – and told me to be quiet. He slid his finger in and out of my ass. I whimpered and kept sheepishly trying to get him to stop. He grabbed my hair and led me over to the floor right next to the mirrored doors. He had me lay over an ottoman, then he kneeled on a pillow behind me and guided his cock in me slowly. Again, it was electric. I could feel him brace himself on my back and watch in the mirror while he slowly eased into me. When he got half way in I started moaning in mock pain - it felt awesome actually, I felt tense, for lack of a better word, with excitement. I was quietly insisting he stop. He ignored me. "Please Ichi. Please stop. It's too big, Ow, ooh. Oh god it hurts. OW" My dick was oozing and I was hoping he wouldn't touch it because I'd come in a flash. When he got in all the way and really went to town I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror. For about 10 seconds the only sound was my "ah!" with every thrust. He then stopped. "Sensei. you want me to stop," he teased. "Okay," and he started to ease out slowly for dramatic affect. I frantically reached around my back trying to grab him. "No, no Ichi, please! Fuck me, oh fuck me. I love your cock in me. Bang me. Bang my ass! I'm your bitch, anything, anything!" He went back to banging and I went back to "ah"-ing. When he came in my ass I felt the warmth and watch him going spastic in the face. He laid back on the floor trying to catch his breath, and told me to get the shower ready. Again, the cold water on my hard-on to melt it. It hurt like hell. Suddenly I felt like shit. I had blue balls, had to wash him off - this time completely with a shampoo to boot. I then felt the cum running down ass cheeks. I asked him to get the empty disposable enema bottle out of my backpack. I filled it with water and douched a couple of times with it. Out of the shower and on the toilet seat - different room, Japan style. After emptying my bowels and getting back in the shower I felt like a new man. While drying off, I was getting hard again. I was hoping Ich could get it up again as I really wanted to give him head and all the extras. He then tapped on the door and told me he had a surprise. When I came in the room butt naked. Ichi was sitting on the couch with nothing on but black nylons and high heels, eyes made up and lip stick on. He stood up, turned around, "you like, Sensei?" "Oh, yea!" He looked at himself in the mirror, picked up a video camera and started filming. I started to freak, but he said it was for me, only. He then said, "doozo!" - come on out - towards the mirror. Frozen with my mouth wide open two Japanese school girls came out in penny loafers, baggy white knee socks, pleated blue skirts and white blouses. Both had a little makeup on, and short hair, spiked with a bit of gel. For a split second I thought it was perfect I finally get to come, and with two schoolgirls! Didn't even finish the thought when both girls lifted their skirts to reveal their little white cotton panties and the hard cocks sticking out of the waistbands. Lust had blinded me, I saw that they were clearly guys, that their faces weren't that sweet. Ich told me to get on my knees and remove their skirts. He told me to pull their panties down around their ankles. They both had smaller peckers than Ichi's, but like his they had a beautiful shape with that spade shaped head. "Ni," had the same light tan skin that Ichi did, while "San," had a darker tan and a cock to match, almost like a light copper color. I bunched them both to me with a hand on either of their asses, mouthing one cock then the other, licking their shaved balls. Ichi told me to stop and to lay on my back. Ni and San had watched our little play from the bedroom (from the other side, the mirrors were windows) and now wanted a piece of me. On my back Ni straddled my face, his dick in my eyes and then stuck it in, and on all fours started to fuck my mouth, letting out all kind of noises. I had an iron grip on his ass and kept trying to cop a peek in the mirror. He then tensed and shot his load down my throat. I kept pushing his butt to milk his pecker until he pushed me away. San followed suit. It was such a turn on lying there looking up at this guy with his outfit on, with his cock and tight hairless bag coming toward me, the panties around his ankles, and the reflection in the mirror giving it another angle. There was a pool of jiz in my navel as I raised my head up anxiously as he braced him self on the floor and stuck his copper headed hard-on in my mouth and proceeded to fuck my mouth. He didn't make a sound and was clearly very nervous, and just tensed when he blew his load down my throat. He rolled gasping for air, with Ichi filming the whole thing. I was now wondering when and how I was going to come. Blue balls were starting to worry me. As if on cue, Ni and San raised my legs over my head. San then sat on my chest with my legs under his arms and his limp dick in my face, and held my legs up. Ni took the camera as Ich greased me up. He laid against me and his dick back up for a third go, slipped it in my ass and pumped away. My cock was rubbing against San's back and I thought that might make me come as Ich pounded me. My god it felt intense. He was grunting and I was quietly wailing in some high-pitched moan. He came. Wiped his dick off with the white panties on the floor while San climbed off me, and then threw the panties in my face and grinned. He motioned toward me and told Ni, "doozo," - go ahead. Ich back with the camera and got down to shoot my cock up close. Ni then straddled my face but with his ass, and not his cock in my face, then on all fours his balls were in my eyes. I started l licking and then sucking his shaved balls and then went to town on the area between his balls and his ass - my favorite when women are giving me head. Ni went off with this goofy sounding moaning and then backed around over my face and pushed his hard again prick in my mouth. I managed to lube my finger with the cum he was drooling in my mouth and spit. I then reached under his ass, lubed up his asshole and started finger fucking him. He loved it, slamming in my mouth and then backing into my finger. After a bit of this he turned around again, stuck his dick in from behind my head and then braced himself and the floor on either side of my waist and lowered his mouth on my cock. No fuss, no muss, he just started bobbing away. After a couple of seconds, I rolled him over so we were on our sides. I grabbed his ass while I bobbed on his cock and fucked his mouth. He was receptive, and his mouth was warm, wet and tight. He tensed and moaned over my cock, pausing while he came. After he did I swung around and stuck my cock in his mouth, grabbed his head and watched while this cute guy in make up and a blouse took it while I fucked his mouth. I came, big time, seconds later, with a days worth of spunk built up over hours of foreplay. He gagged at first, but really didn't miss a beat as I blew my load down his throat. We cleaned up, smoked cigarettes, drank beer, and when I left, I had the video as a keepsake. When I woke up the next morning, my ass was a bit on the sore side, but I couldn't wait to plop myself in the easy chair watch my little video and beat off. Ichi's two friends, who were married, never came out to play again. Ichi would call me once or twice a month over the next 9 months I was still in Tokyo. He never sucked me off, or let me fuck him, and I never pushed it. When he was done with me, I would jack off and go home. After a few months he would have a young Japanese housewife join us who got turned on watching me get it from Ichi, so that I would have at her when he was done with me. A nice arrangement. |
Well, my name is Lizzie Elliott. I was born and raised in Toronto Canada. Toronto is also the city or setting where my stories take place. I'm currently 19 years old, a high school drop-out working a full time job. I live by myself, with the exception of my two pet dogs and fishes. I cook, I clean, I get by in life by just relaxing and having fun. I was born a boy, and I really did think I was a boy as life went by. I had a boys name, I had a penis, and I had a males body. But something didn't feel right as I approached my adolescent years. I began to colour my fingernails, which my Mom would always wash off before I went to school. I had different ideas of what clothes to buy and wear. And my blonde hair was something which I wanted to grow long, not get a haircut like most boys do when their hair gets long. My Mom knew something was up with me, and I knew it as well. We went to the doctors a lot but my Mom and the Doctors always talked privately without me. When I hit my teenage years, I went to the doctors my myself. I mean, I knew there was something wrong with me but I didn't know what. I told the doctors everything which occurred in my life. Eventually I was told that I had a rare psychological gender disorder called Transsexualism. I had to undergo treatment, medications and surgery to have my gender change if I wished to do so. I said yes. Eventually, I saw the changes coming towards me. I was not a male anymore, but a female. The hairs on my body, my voice, and my body figure was changing so I could become a female. My friends, family, and teachers saw the changes and the amount of emotions towards me changed so harmfully that I had to drop out of school. I rented myself my own apartment at 18 as I was working now a full time job. I describe myself as a skinny girl, long and straight blond hair which reached just past my breasts. I have small but I could make it bigger with medications, however I choose not to take. I have dark green eyes, small round nose, and a small but cute smile. I got my lips, belly-button, and ears pierced which helps identify me. I'm so happy right now because almost everyone I meet, they can't tell whatsoever that I was once a boy. I look like a girl, sound like a girl, and have female characteristics. I started masturbating at 16, not with my penis, but with my butt-hole. I began fingering it, placing items inside, and felt the feelings so pleasurable. At this time, I also began going on Craigslist and helped myself to earning extra cash and having fun at the same time. If the XNXX community likes my stories, I will post more and more whenever I get the chance. If they don't well, have a good life and enjoy yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Breeding station By Homealone_447 Valerie was the rookie of the exploration team. They left her behind to take care of the mothership while the rest of her crew landed on the planet to explore an abandoned space station. The large old structure was not registered in any of the federation charts and it wasn’t sending any identification signal as was mandatory for every civilized construction. The team had been gone for three days and Valerie was bored out of her mind. She just walked around in her underwear feeling sexy, checking the monitors in the command center and hoping this mission would end soon. Why are they taking so long to check the station? It didn’t look that big in the structure scan, Valerie wondered. Suddenly, a blurry image popped on the screen startling Valerie. It was Hanna, one of the youngest on the team and Valerie’s best friend. The signal was weak and the sound of Hanna’s voice wasn’t clear but it was evident that she was in distress. “Valerie! Are you there?! Can you hear me?” “Hanna! Are you ok?” Valerie responded immediately. “I need your hel…bzzzz…” Hanna’s signal started to fade off. “What? Hanna, I can’t hear you…” “…fzzz…ease …you have to get me out of h…bzzffzzz… something is comi…zzzzt.” The image vanished. Valerie knew that Hanna was in real trouble and she had to do something fast. Despite her orders to stay put, Valerie jumped in one of the smaller carriers and headed down to the isolated planet. She was scared but her friend was in danger and she couldn’t just stay here doing nothing. She would deal with the consequences later. Valerie thought about Hanna’s words… What did she mean when she said “something is coming”? It seemed that Hanna was alone down there. Where the hell was everyone else? Valerie landed near the southeast entrance. As she entered the station, she noticed the old and rusty pipes. It was evident that this place had not been used in a long time but still there was a low humming sound coming from somewhere. This section is empty. Maybe I should have started the search at the other side, Valerie thought. Not far from the doorway, Valerie found a strange looking object inside a small room adjacent to the main corridor. It appeared to be some sort of plant resembling a large, metallic cocoon. She couldn’t tell if it was dead or alive. Wow! This thing could be worth something. I must tell the others about this… if I can find them. While she moved closer to the plant, analyzing its exterior, another menacing creature silently approached Valerie from behind. The surface looks hard, Being so inexperienced with field operations, Valerie became too distracted by the plant. She never realized she was in imminent danger. The monster got closer. It was some sort of humanoid with long arms and a large mouth full of teeth. He was hungry and he wasn’t going to let her escape. The creature stopped right behind Valerie with his clawed hand already in the air, ready to strike a single, fatal hit. Even then, Valerie was still unaware of the monster’s presence. She was looking the other way, touching the surface of the plant with her gun. Maybe it’s so old that it got petrified. Suddenly, with a lightning fast movement, the plant opened up and a swift tentacle darted forward, penetrating the monster’s chest. Valerie was thrown back to the floor while she tried to understand what was going on… “What the hell!!” She screamed. The creature screamed painfully as the tentacle plunged deep into his chest and ripped it open. In a matter of seconds, the monster was lying on the ground, dead. Valerie realized in shock what just happened. She had been a fool to let that creature get so close to her. It was a miracle that she was still alive, but maybe not for long… “Where the hell did this thing come from?!” Valerie tried to reach for her gun but she saw the bloody tentacle pulled out from the dead monster’s chest and curve on her direction. She remained quiet and immobile, analyzing her options… This plant saved my life… but maybe just to kill me next. I’ll try to slowly get out of here. But the plant was not about to let her go. It moved its tentacle around Valerie’s waist and pulled her closer. “Oh, crap!” The plant began to explore her body, sliding inside her clothes, trying to understand Valerie’s body configuration. Another tentacle protruded from the plant’s body and lifted her top exposing her right breast. “Hey! Stop that!” After removing her top completely, one more appendage slipped under her shorts and ripped them off. “Shit! This freaking thing is undressing me. This is not good!” The plant had figured out how Valerie’s body worked. With one tentacle firmly wrapped around her waist, it moved the other closer to her crotch… “Oh, no. What the hell is it doing? Don’t you dare…” …and penetrated deep into her vaginal cavity, stretching her pussy lips wide to accommodate the thick circumference of the tentacle. “Ahhh!” The lubricated tentacle began to twist and stretch within Valerie’s pussy. The pain from the sudden penetration quickly subsided as her body got used to the uncommon size of the flexible phallus. After a few minutes of being ravished by this alien plant, Valerie was more than surprised to realize that she was beginning to enjoy the pumping motion of the rubbery appendage. Every penetration felt better than the previous one while the young woman moaned in rhythm with the forceful strokes. “Ahh! God! I can’t believe I’m enjoying this” Valerie was a little disappointed when she felt a sudden emptiness as the tentacle withdrew from her pussy and moved behind her. She was forced to bend over and when she looked back, her heart jolted as she saw two tentacles ready to plug into both of her holes. Valerie gasped just before the large phalluses penetrated her deeper than she thought possible! Valerie opened her eyes wide. Her mouth also opened but no sound came out. She remained motionless, trying to cope with the astonishing feeling of the fat tentacles squirming inside of her body. Soon, the plant’s appendages resumed their rhythmic motion, one in opposite direction from the other, in, out, in, out, fast and hard. Despite the awkward situation, the young explorer felt a hint of pleasure spark again within her loins as she found her voice again, shamefully moaning in response. “Ahh, ahh…” An hour later, Valerie couldn’t care less about where she was. Her last thread of shame was long gone and she was certain that an orgasm was approaching fast. She wanted it. She almost couldn’t wait for it… At last, she exploded in a powerful climax!! Everything became blurry. Her pussy and ass twitched spasmodically around the rubbery tentacles, which kept pumping her body relentlessly, prolonging the delightful pleasure until it became unbearable and she collapsed to the floor. ***** While Valerie recovered from the overwhelming orgasm, the plant’s tentacles wrapped around her legs. The pretty woman lifted her head, worried that the horny plant wanted another session. What she saw made her heart shudder with fear… A mouth like tentacle emerged from the center of the plant and approached her in a menacing manner. “Oh my God! It’s going to eat me!!” The toothless mandible got closer while Valerie tried desperately to pull away but the tentacles had a firm grip on her legs. “This is no way to die! I knew it was too good to be true…” But the plant was not planning to eat her. The special tentacle attached firmly to her pussy and seconds later, Valerie felt many tiny tendrils caressing her pussy lips and pulling them apart. “Ehh?” The confused woman let out a gasp, both from relief and from the pleasurable feeling on her clit. But she didn’t relax for long. Valerie saw a big swelling that moved within the tendril. The tentacle sections expanded to let some round object slide through the hollow tube in her direction. “Oh, no!! What is that?” Moments later, Valerie felt something pushing at her pussy and spreading her wider than ever before, until the mysterious object slipped into her lubricated cavity. Her belly swelled slightly to accommodate the strange thing. The pretty woman watched a second lump slide towards her through the tentacle… Oh God! Here comes another one. In despite of this, her pussy jolted with anticipation as if it had a life of its own. Valerie couldn’t deny the enjoyable feeling of the tiny tendrils wrapped around her pussy lips and her clitoris, pulling them open to allow the new slippery object slowly penetrate her body, stretching her love canal wide and forcing her womb to elongate and expand. Valerie’s eyes rolled up as her second orgasm of the night went off, starting in her pussy and spreading all over her trembling body. Moments later, Valerie lay unconscious on the floor while the plant continued its work, undisturbed by the subject’s condition. ***** A while later, Valerie woke up, not sure where she was. She felt tired and heavy. A quick look around helped her remember. I better get away from here before this thing decides to go for another round. I can’t believe this. A freaking plant got me pregnant! Well, better this than killed by that horrible monster. When Valerie was a few hundred yards away from the plant, she evaluated her situation. Maybe she should go back to the mothership and call for help. But Hanna needed her and she couldn’t leave her behind like that…Then she realized that she had forgotten her gun! Shit! The gun! The hell with it… I’m not going back there! “Ouch!! Something is moving inside my belly!” The scared woman started to feel contractions in her pelvic area, first mild and soft but increasingly stronger. Then she felt fluid dribbling down her thighs. “Oh crap! I’m leaking something!” Valerie felt her vaginal cavity expand as one of the objects that rested in her womb, traveled down her body and protruded between her lubricated pussy lips. “Shit! I’m giving birth to some…thing. It’s so big!!” It was an egg! A round, greenish, slimy egg was being pushed out of Valerie’s pussy, moving inch by inch with each powerful contraction. The slim woman was in shock, as a mixture of pain and pleasure cluttered her mind. The wider section of the egg was already out and only one last contraction was necessary to push it free. At last, the egg splashed down to the floor within the puddle of thick slime that cushioned its fall. Valerie looked down as she recuperated from the stressful birth. “It’s a freaking egg! Or maybe it’s a seed considering it was a plant that put it inside of me.” Valerie was quick to put things together and realized what her role was in the bizarre ordeal she was going through. Now I get it. The plant saved my life by killing that monster just because it needed me. It is using me to spread it’s seeds around the same way earth plants use birds and other animals. Shit! I just hope it didn’t put too many of them inside of me. Valerie kept walking and reached another section of the station. She froze in astonishment at the scene she bumped into. “Oh, my God!” One of the crewmembers, Abigail, was being ravished by a large, reptile-like, monster. “Abigail!! Oh, God! The monster is fucking her!” Surprisingly, instead is trying to fight it, Abigail seemed to be enjoying it immeasurably. She grabbed one of her breasts while the creature thrust hard at her pussy. Is she moaning from pleasure? He’s pumping her so hard, it’s gonna break her in two. Then, the creature turned it’s head… Oh Shit! The monster is looking at me!!” Be brave Valerie. Don’t make sudden moves… After Valerie realized that the monster was a lot more interested in fucking her friend than attacking her, she started to walk very slowly beside them, trying to get to the other side of the room. How can she take that enormous cock inside of her? She is so besieged, that she doesn’t even know I’m here. The creature followed Valerie’s every move but never stopped pounding Abigail’s body, even as he shifted her to a different position. “Jesus! He is manipulating her like a rag doll” I wonder how long this monster’s cock is. I can almost see Abigail’s belly being pushed out with every stroke. On the other side of the hall, Valerie stared at her friend’s exertions for a moment. She imagined having that enormous phallus inside of her, pumping in and out, hard and deep. Her pussy stirred involuntary just thinking about it. Abigail didn’t need to imagine anything. She could feel the monster’s cock penetrating her body as deep as possible. At that moment she didn’t care who it was or what it was that ravished her so delightfully. She just wanted it to go on forever… But nothing lasts forever. The monster shoved his cock one last time and exploded in ecstasy, filling her womb with so much sperm that it sprayed out from her pussy in every direction. As Abigail felt the hot fluid churning and flowing inside of her, she reached her own overwhelming orgasm. “Ahhhhg…” Valerie watched the scene with incredulity and decided to move on. There was nothing she could do to help her friend and she wasn’t even sure that Abigail wanted to be helped at all. I better go. I don’t want this monster to consider the possibility of having a threesome. The hall led to a narrower passage that was blocked by a door. “How the hell can I open this?” Suddenly, Valerie felt another jolt in her belly. “Oh crap! Not again…” Her contractions increased in strength and frequency while another egg began to slide down the girl’s vaginal cavity, rubbing and expanding her inner walls. Valerie was surprised to learn that it felt a lot more pleasurable than the previous time, as if her body was adapting to the situation. Valerie’s pussy lips twitched around the slippery egg, keeping it trapped for a moment, lingering half way in, half way out… …Until both the egg and the woman collapsed to the floor. “Shit! I hope it was the last one.” Unexpectedly, the door opened automatically; leading to another hall similar to the first one. This place is certainly big. The explorer entered the next room and the first thing she saw, was an alien woman with blue skin strapped to a chair inside an insulation room. She had seen that species before. “Wow! A Sirkalian woman! What the hell is she doing here?” Valerie approached the glass window that separated the main corridor from the room. She looks pregnant like I was. Maybe the alien plant got to her too. But why is she inside this room? She is just staring up at the ceiling. She seems to be under some sort of trance. Something very strange is going on in this station. Without any warning, a swift tentacle smashed against the thick-glass window scaring Valerie. “Ahh!” The glass was strong enough to resist the strike and to keep the creature contained inside but Valerie took a step back anyway. “What the hell?!” She watched as a weird monster that looked like a green tube with tentacles all over its body, turned around and got closer to the mesmerized alien woman. The creature climbed on top of the chair and aligned one of its tentacles with the woman’s pussy. “Shit! The monster is going to fuck her. So that’s why she is pregnant!” As the Sirkalian woman felt the tentacle penetrating her, she moved for the first time, opening her eyes wide and letting out a loud gasp. “Damn! She is awake!” The alien woman moaned and shivered from the feeling of the creature’s tentacle squirming and twisting inside of her, searching, feeling. The monster was just making sure that everything was developing correctly in her womb. Valerie observed the scene behind the safety of the thick glass. She started to see a pattern in all that had happened so far. This is so freaking weird! Everything in this station has something to do with sex. I can only imagine what is growing inside of that poor woman. Inside the enthralled woman’s womb, a small replica of the monster shifted to a different position and snuggled in the warm comfort of its temporary home. Valerie kept moving… I have to find Hanna before something like this happens to her. She climbed down to a lower level and as she turned her head she saw something that filled her with joy… Another crewmember, Madison, was walking calmly in her direction. Valerie couldn’t be happier to see a familiar face. Someone that could explain to her what was going on and where was everyone else … “Maddy! I’m so happy to see you. Are you ok? Where is everyone?” …or so she thought. Madison walked closer to her with an expressionless face. It only took Valerie a second to see a small tendril hanging over Madison’s chest. Valerie followed the tendril with her eyes, and soon realized that there was something attached to the back of her friend’s skull. “Oh my God! Madison! What’s that on your head?!” Madison didn’t respond to that or any other question. She just stood there like a zombie, waiting for Valerie to move out of her way. Valerie waved a hand in front of Madison’s face, hoping for some reaction… “Hey! Can you hear me??” But the only answer she got was a hasty strike from the tendril that passed inches from her hand! “Fuck!” After that, Valerie decided to step aside and Madison robotically walked forward. That thing on the back of her head has complete control of her. I better follow them. Maybe she’ll lead me to Hanna. But Madison didn’t go far. Just a few steps ahead, she knelt down to the floor and waited. What is she doing? Valerie wondered. The answer came quickly! An enormous scorpion-like creature walked closer to Madison. It moved slowly, without any hurry, as if he knew that his mate would wait for him as long as necessary. Valerie tried unsuccessfully to pull her friend away. “Shit!! Come’ on Maddy! Let’s go!!” When the monster got too close, Valerie took a few steps back and watched as the bug’s tail curved down and approached Madison’s pussy. Valerie was almost certain about what was going to happen next and she decided to stay. Maybe she could help her friend afterwards. Jesus! I hope it doesn’t kill her with that thing! The tip of the bug’s tail opened up to let out a fat proboscis… Oh God! …that penetrated Madison’s pussy with a single forceful stroke! Madison barely made a sound but her eyes rolled up into her head, a clear indication that her numbed mind was still able to feel everything. After just a few minutes of strong fucking, the monster sprayed a big gush of sperm inside Madison’s cavity. Valerie could hear the fluid bubbling inside her friend’s body and it was even stranger when a little trickle of semen rolled down Madison’s opened mouth. “This is fucking impossible!” After her body was completely full, Madison sat on the metallic floor and remained immobile for a moment. Her eyes fluttered for a few seconds and then… What is she doing now? …she lay on the floor facing up. The smaller creature detached from the back of her head and carefully walked across her chest and belly. The little bug turned around and inserted its tale deeply inside Madison’s flooded pussy. Valerie could clearly distinguish something sliding inside the bug’s tale towards her friend’s body. But she couldn’t get closer to stop it since the big monster was right there, standing guard. “Oh, no! The little one is placing an egg in Madison’s womb!” Valerie was so caught up with the bizarre scene that she didn’t notice another big monster sneaking up behind here. Again her lack of experience was more than evident. The creature was almost on top of her and Valerie was still looking the other way. A troubling thought roamed in her head… What is wrong with me? I’m starting to feel horny watching Maddy get fucked! When she realized that another creature was right behind her, it was too late. “Oh Shit!! No!” The monster grabbed her leg with one tentacle and dropped her to floor. “Please! Let go of me!” Moments later, a fat appendage was buried deep inside Valerie’s pussy, squirming and pumping frantically. “Ahh, ahhh, ahhh…” And just as quick, Valerie reached a shameful orgasm that made her body tremble with spastic contractions over and over, while her pussy twitched around the improvised cock. Then, the creature did what its instincts indicated. Its big tale curved beneath the main body and the real phallus entered the bewildered woman’s pussy as deep as it could reach. Soon after, Valerie could feel her belly expanding to accommodate the massive load of sperm being pumped inside of her pussy and womb. The creature pulled its cock out and the thick, hot fluid sprayed from the girl’s pussy all over the place. Meanwhile, the small bug had finished placing its egg inside Madison’s womb and now was menacingly approaching Valerie, who lay on the floor recuperating from the overwhelming experience. Luckily, Valerie recovered in time to see the intentions of the small bug. “No way I’m gonna let you place an egg inside of me, you little piece of crap!” Valerie stood up quickly and ran to Madison, hoping that she had regained consciousness, now being free from the little bug. Unfortunately, she was still completely gone. Whatever that small monster did to her, seemed to be permanent. Valerie walked away from the creatures, regrettably leaving Madison with them. I don’t think those monsters will hurt her. They need her to spawn their offspring. I’ll come back later with a support team. “This is all so weird!” ***** The young explorer kept walking for a while when she suddenly saw another crewmember, sitting peacefully next to a bizarre creature! The monster had its tentacles surrounding the helpless woman while one smaller maggot sucked her breast and to make it worst, the woman was pregnant! “Olivia!!” Valerie screamed. Olivia was awake and completely relaxed. She saw Valerie approaching and at first, she thought she was dreaming. A warm sensation spread from her right breast that reminded her where she was. Olivia moaned softly “mmmh” Valerie daringly approached her friend and the monster, trying to help her. “Oh my God! Olivia! Reach out to me. I’ll pull you out!” But Olivia didn’t move. She was too numbed to help herself. Valerie was afraid to get any closer because the creature’s tentacles might grab her as well. That maggot is suckling her breast like a baby. Shit! Maybe it IS her baby! Pulling out from her reverie for a moment, Olivia was able to mumble something… “Val… care..ful ….mmmh…. D..nar…” “Olivia! You are awake! Let me help you!” Valerie responded. “care..ful….Dn…ar…” Olivia could barely speak. “I can’t understand… Olivia, where are the others? Where is Hanna?” “Save… your..self… mmmmHH” Olivia mumbled. Suddenly, the trapped woman moaned loudly and arched her body as she felt a strong spasm within her belly. Valerie jumped back scared. “Shit! What’s going on??” Valerie screamed. Something was stirring and twitching inside Olivia’s belly, pushing its way down her vaginal track. It was time for a new birth. The bewildered woman locked her wide, opened eyes with Valerie’s while Valerie watched in terror as the tip of a new maggot protruded from Olivia’s pussy. Olivia’s eyes rolled up as the main section of the lubricated newborn stretched her pussy delightfully. Finally, the maggot splashed on the floor while Olivia shuddered from the last spasms of her unexpected orgasm. “Oh my God!!” said Valerie truly amazed. As Olivia crumbled exhausted to the floor, Valerie saw this as an opportunity to pull her away from the creature, but just an instant later… “Shit! The tentacle is wrapping around her arm!” Olivia looked at Valerie with eyes of resignation while the monster lifted her up. She knew exactly what was going to happen next. She felt the tentacle pushing deep into her pussy and screamed with pleasure! “Aahhh!” The twirling appendage penetrated all the way to her womb and discharged another load of sperm, initiating the cycle for the next generation of maggots. Valerie watched the scene feeling useless from being unable to help her friend. Wow! Olivia is still pregnant with at least one more maggot and the creature is fucking her again! I wonder what she tried to tell me before… something about being careful with “d..nar”? What the hell is that? ***** Valerie decided to continue her search for Hanna. She spoke to her best friend hours ago and it was evident that in this place, anything could’ve happened to her during that time. I haven’t been able to help any of my friends! I hope it isn’t too late for Hanna as well. Valerie walked for a few minutes and entered what seemed to be a control room. In the middle of the room, she saw something that took her breath away… “Oh my God! Look at that!” She carefully approached a couple of floating figures, one Sirkalian woman and another monster. At first, Valerie was uncertain if they were really there or if it was just a holographic projection. This is just a projection, I wonder where they really are. This is a different monster than the one I saw in the containment room. I guess they kidnapped several Sirkalians to do their experiments. As Valerie saw the fat, bulging tentacle wedged inside the alien woman’s body, she exclaimed with admiration… “Wow! I didn’t know Sirkalian woman could stretch that much!” Valerie walked from the projection unit to the control panel. This console is still working. Maybe I can find out what the hell is going on in this place. Valerie opened the station’s log and browsed through it. Log0012: Scheduled time for station completion is pulsarM16+002348 Log0040: DNA Reprogrammer arrived at docking port 7. Central containment room is ready to begin experiments. Log0358: Cross-breeding successful between Sirkalian female and subject 033. Expected birth at pulsarM16+002746. Log0390: The DNA transformation in exposed subjects is a lot higher than expected. Subjects unable to control sexual urges. Containment room reinforcement is necessary. Log0408: Newborn Sirk-033 unfit for military purposes. Subject rejected. Log0837: Erratic behavior detected in station’s personnel. Defcon 3 in progress. Log1139: DNAR scheduled for destruction at pulsarM16+004087. Log1157: Security emergency. All personnel must evacuate the station. DNAR destruction was unsuccessf… The last log was incomplete. Valerie was astonished. “Holy crap! They were cross-breeding species for the military!” While Valerie searched for more information, she didn’t notice a monster on the back wall, observing her. This is what Olivia was trying to tell me. This DNAR thing is transforming every living creature into sexual maniacs! The creature moved closer to the unsuspecting woman while she searched for Hanna on the station’s monitors. And she found her! “Hanna! There you are!” The monster moved swiftly and pushed the surprised woman away from the console, dropping her to the floor. This time, the first image that popped into Valerie’s mind wasn’t a row of sharp teeth sinking into her flesh but a big fat phallus penetrating her body. Her heart jolted with fear and her pussy twitched with expectation. And she was right! The creature moved into position to bury its fat tail into the slim woman. “Shit! Its gonna fuck me! That thing is too big!” The appendage penetrated deep into her body and surprisingly, Valerie didn’t feel any pain at all. Her vaginal cavity expanded and molded around the phallus like a glove, sending an amazingly pleasing sensation to her confused mind. If this wasn’t enough, the creature’s tail began to vibrate, creating a map of Valerie’s body in the monster’s limited brain and increasing the overwhelming bliss in the woman’s mind. In a matter of minutes, Valerie trembled in delight as she reached a massive climax while the beast prepared to impregnate her. Suddenly, another creature approached them aggressively. This new monster was identical to the one that was attacking Valerie. It was trying to steal the fertile woman and was ready to fight for her. The monster on top of Valerie retrieved its phallus from her pussy and prepared for the battle while the astounded woman was still shaking from her orgasmic spasms. Only after she recovered from the mind-blowing ecstasy, Valerie became aware of what was going on… “What the hell!” … and ran like hell out of the room! The fighting monsters didn’t notice that she was gone. ***** Hanna was located in the same level. Just a few rooms down the hall. Valerie reached the room in no time and called out for her… “Hanna? Are you here?” Hanna was right there, unconscious, wedged to the east wall by a viscous substance while three tentacles penetrated her pussy, ass and mouth simultaneously. “Oh my God! Hanna!” Valerie reached out and grabbed the tentacle in Hanna’s mouth. It was spongy but firm enough to push through her gullet. “Don’t worry honey. I’ll get you out of here.” I hope these tentacles don’t attack me. Valerie pulled the appendage gently until it popped out of Hanna’s mouth. Good! The tentacle is not moving. Now, the one in her pussy. This tentacle looks different. Maybe this creature uses this one to impregnate… the females. I hope Hanna is not pregnant yet! Valerie pulled the second tentacle while an abundant white substance poured down from her friend’s soaked pussy. Valerie realized at that moment that her own pussy was moistening as well! “I’m sure this tentacle reached all the way to her womb! This doesn’t look good.” Valerie grabbed the last tentacle, which penetrated Hanna’s overstretched anus. “Ok. The last one. It is thicker than the other ones.” Valerie was astonished that as she pulled, more and more of the tentacle slid out of Hanna’s body! “Damned! How can she fit all that inside of her?” When the long appendage was completely out of Hanna’s ass, Valerie looked astonished at the enormous piece of meat resting in her hands and for a moment, she felt the urge to shove that lubricated limb inside of her burning pussy. I wonder how would it feel to have this in… But a soft moan from above woke her out her reverie. Hanna was waking up. “Mmmmh…” “Hanna! You are awake! Let me get you out of there!” Valerie said. “Val… so glad to see you. Where am I?” Hanna asked. “You are in the space station. Remember? You have been here for four days. Come on! Let’s get out of here!” But Hanna, showing her usual bravery, said to Valerie, “No… not yet. First we have to destroy the DNAR. I know where it is.” **** The girls walked through the main lab while Hanna explained what happened when they landed. “When we arrived, the captain ordered us to separate and begin the search on different sections of the station. After a while, I heard someone scream on the intercom. I tried to get back, looking for the others but this horrible creature attacked me. I managed to escape and that’s when I called you. But when I was waiting, I started to feel dizzy and I don’t remember anything else until you found me.” Valerie listened carefully and told her friend about her recent encounters, “I saw Abigail, and Maddy and Olivia but I couldn’t help them! This place is crawling with monsters!” Suddenly, they were interrupted by a strange vision! “Oh my God! There is the Captain!” Hanna said out loud. “Shit!! That thing got her!” Valerie screamed. Captain Carrie Medford was lying on the floor. She wasn’t moving much while the strangest creature grabbed her right leg. It was some sort of trunk attached to the tiled floor with many thick tentacles extending all over the place. The older woman was frozen in place, staring upward as if trying to say something but no words came out of her mouth. Hanna approached, trying the help her but a swift tentacle blocked her way! “Damn! She’s got a tentacle pushing into her pussy!” Hanna exclaimed. “Don’t get too close!” Valerie warned her. Hanna could see clearly how the tentacle retracted from the Captain’s tight cavity and immediately pushed back in, a little further every time. Carrie tilted her head back while muffled gargling sounds filled the quiet room… And suddenly, the tip of the fat tentacle emerged from Carrie’s mouth as her eyes rolled back into her head! “Oh God! Look at that!” Hanna screamed. The slimy appendage slid between Carrie’s lips, slowly, relentlessly, until twelve inches waved in the air like a surreal salute to the astonished observers. “This is impossible!” Hanna added. “Nothing seems impossible in this place,” Valerie said calmly. Valerie and Hanna watch with impotence as more and more of the tentacle protruded from the Captain’s mouth, invading her body, becoming part of it. Valerie didn’t fail to notice that Carrie’s nipples were fully erect. Nonetheless, the girls were terribly aroused by the bizarre scene and they did their best to hide it. What would happen if I got a little closer… Hanna wondered. “Come on Hanna. We can’t help her and we need to move on,” said Valerie, hiding the fact that her pussy was almost on fire from excitement. The explorers arrived at the room where Hanna had seen the DNAR on the monitors before she was attacked. “Well, here we are. That DNAR is behind this door. Are you ready?” Valerie asked. “Not really. But we have to go in anyway. This thing is too dangerous and must be destroyed.” As the door opened, the girls saw a couple of huge monsters looking down at a glowing spherical object floating over the floor. It was the DNAR! “Oh Crap! These creatures are protecting it!” Valerie exclaimed. “What are we gonna do? Maybe we should just leave it there and go back to the mothership,” Hanna said, having second thoughts about the mission. As they looked more carefully, Valerie got a glimpse of the monster’s swinging cocks. Her pussy stirred spontaneously, and then she said… “I’ll distract them…” “What?! How?” Hanna asked. “I’m sure they won’t hurt me. When they are not looking, grab the DNAR and take it away,” Valerie responded. Hanna watched with incredulity while Valerie removed her boots and walked completely naked into the room. One of the monsters saw her immediately. She is crazy! Hanna thought. Valerie walked back to the left side of the room while both creatures approached her. They looked a lot like the monster that was ravishing Abigail a few hours before but their skin had a different color. Hanna reluctantly tip-toed into the room and got closer to the DNAR. Oh, no! Look at the size of his cock! Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea… Valerie said as she stared at the creature’s phallus. The monster reached out and lifted Valerie effortlessly. He wasted no time and aligned his fat cock to her pussy… then yanked her down! Shoving most of his cock into the girl’s tight hole with a single stroke! Valerie could feel the phallus pushing deeper and deeper, stretching her vaginal walls to the limit. It felt exactly as she expected; pure bliss. The DNAR was already changing her body, rearranging her insides in ways she couldn’t understand. But she loved it and she wanted more! Meanwhile, Hanna was standing near the DNAR. She wasn’t sure how to pick it up. It looked like a ball of fire but it didn’t emit any heat. She wondered how something so beautiful could be so dangerous. Wow! So this little thing is responsible for all this mess. While Hanna stared at the DNAR, deciding what to do. The second monster got closer to Valerie and her pounding mate. He moved behind her and discovered that there was another hole available. He wasn’t going to wait until his friend was finished. Valerie almost went berserk when she felt the second cock forcefully penetrate her ass. Now she was in heaven! The monsters pumped the slim woman’s body with all their might. They had the unavoidable urgency to spread their seed and they would not stop until the female was completely full with sperm. On the other side of the room, Hanna was still standing by the DNAR. As the minutes passed by, she felt more confused. For a moment she forgot what she was supposed to do. Then she remembered; she had to destroy the DNAR! Her pussy twitched hard and her whole body trembled with apparently no reason at all. Hanna realized that her pussy was soaking wet. The DNAR was so beautiful… how can she destroy it? Hanna fell to her knees and unconsciously started rubbing her clitoris. She stared at the twirling motion of the fireball while the bluish center throbbed in synchrony with her pussy. Hanna couldn’t think anymore. Just a few feet away, Valerie was taking the fuck of her life. Two enormous cocks pumped her pussy and ass without mercy. It was too much. It was too good! Valerie exploded in ecstasy! Her body shuddered and contorted between the two muscular monsters while her pussy and ass clamped down on the stroking phalluses with uncontrollable spasms. A few seconds later, the monsters climaxed too! With the first gush, they sprayed incredible amounts of sperm into Valerie’s body. Then a second stream filled her body even more, followed by a third one. In a brief second of clarity, Valerie remembered the thin line of sperm trickling down from Madison’s mouth while the scorpion-like creature filled her body with sperm. Now she felt the warm sperm rushing up her own throat and spilling from the edge of her lips. She climaxed again! Moments later, the ravished woman lay on the floor exhausted, unable to move, barely able to think. She could stay in this place forever. Fucking. Breeding. If it was her destiny, she was ready for it. The monsters were done with Valerie but were not satisfied yet. They became aware of Hanna’s presence and they wanted her too. They needed to spread their seed. It was imperative. Hanna looked at one monster walking closer to her and her heart jolted. Then she looked at his large cock and her pussy stirred. Hanna’s body was on fire. She almost climaxed just by touching the monster’s phallus with the tip of her fingers. An arousing fogginess clouded her mind and made it very difficult to think clearly. Only her most basic instincts were stimulated to the maximum. Hanna stared at the huge cock in front of her and only one though formed in her mind… Sperm! Hanna placed the tip of the creature’s pole in front of her lips and prepared for an impossible task…to swallow that enormous cock completely. She opened her mouth wide and the first inches of the phallus slipped between her overstretched lips. The monster’s cock went deeper… And deeper! When her nose finally touched his pelvic skin, Hanna reached a forceful orgasm but managed to remain steady, keeping the whole piece of meat wedged inside of her throat. Hanna knew that this was going to be a long, heavenly night. She was craving it. She had to breed! ****** The next day, both girls were back in the mothership. Valerie was still resting from the unbelievable fucking and Hanna was lying next to her, admiring her friend’s gorgeous body. Valerie finally woke up. “What happened? Where am I?” she asked. “Good morning, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” Hanna responded. “Are we back in the mothership?” “Yes. I carried you here after the monsters… well, you know.” “After the monsters fucked our brains out! I remember. I was supposed to save you and you ended up saving me,” Valerie exclaimed. “We saved each other my darling and I want to thank you for that,” Hanna answered. “You don’t have to tha…” Before Valerie could finish the word, Hanna kissed her. Valerie kissed her back with excitement, feeling a heat-wave spread across her entire body. All the memories of her recent monster-sex encounters came back to her at the same time. Hanna moved on top of Valerie, straddling her body. They looked at each other with true passion in their eyes. Their bodies were different and so were their minds. This was what they were supposed to do. Have sex. Always have sex. Valerie saw Hanna’s eyes lose focus as she moaned softly. The brunette couldn’t see that the reason for this reaction was a flexible and lubricated tentacle slithering out from Hanna’s pussy. Hanna’s pregnant belly shivered slightly as the tentacle protruded more and more. It curved down aiming to Valerie’s tight anal entrance. And penetrated her! Valerie moaned loud in response. “Ahhhh” She was hoping for this and she almost reached an orgasm right at that instant. But Valerie knew that more was coming and she wanted to enjoy every second of it. The beautiful girl felt the tentacle pushing deeper and deeper. She remembered the Captain. She pictured the tentacle coming out of Carrie’s mouth, waving in the air. Valerie climaxed! In the middle of the blissful spasms, the lubricated appendage rushed between the brunette’s lips. Hanna watched within an astonishing haziness how the tentacle projected from Valerie’s mouth, approaching her own. Every time her pussy twitched, the limb moved a little closer to her lips. Moments later, the inevitable happened. The tentacle entered Hanna’s mouth, pushing past her throat and even further. It seemed to have no end! Valerie and Hanna were now deeply submerged in a world of never ending ecstasy. All they cared about was remaining together and bringing joy to each other. But the wonderful experience was not over yet. The tentacle moved across Hanna’s body, coming out of her ass… …just to bend down and penetrated Valerie’s constricting pussy. The circle was complete! The long time friends had become one, bonded together by a gift from the DNAR. And not far from the entwined couple, the DNAR was right there! Watching everything, hearing everything, always in control. Hanna had brought it to the mothership. It was too beautiful to be destroyed. It brought too much joy. The mothership was scheduled for arrival at the Central Base in a few weeks and all would change there too. The large population of the base was up for a pleasant surprise! The End. Author’s note: There is a 3D graphic version of this story. |
Warning: to readers this story features themes of slavery and rape. Finally all characters engaging in sexual activity are over 18 years old. Due to the constantly changing rules I will not be listing ages. Galactic Vendetta Part 01. Mission preparations. The freighter captain watched the man disembarked his ship he remembered the first time he saw the man. Never before had he seen a man that so longed for death. That was saying a lot considering all the refugees that have booked passage on his ship. They all have had a hopeless look but this man was something else entirely. This man didn't hold himself the way they did. Then there was a darkness in his eyes that he couldn't describe. When he first saw it he was worried that the man was a danger to his ship and crew. However that fear diminished when the man found a quiet corner of the cargo hold and lay down. From that moment on the man could always be found in that spot only leaving to eat or use the restroom. Increasing the mystery with this passenger was the fact he hardly spoke and when he did he would only say a word or two. The captain was sure that the man had said only five words the whole month he was on the ship. The captain was shaken from his thoughts as the man turned a corner and disappeared from view. The captain turned to his first officer and said how he hoped the man found the peace he was looking for. As the man disappeared from view he pressed a button on a box hooked his belt and vanished all together. No one noticed the line of footprints that headed towards the many spaceship bone yards that lettered the planet Hendricks. Admiral Thomas Stilwell was just returning from a walk around the base. Recent reports out of the former Kingdom of Heliopolis had really disturbed and angered him. One thought kept going through his head he had to do something. Unfortunately that brought up the who, what, when, and how questions. He didn't know he would soon have his answers. As the admiral sat at his desk he saw him. Standing in the corner of his office was one of the most dangerous men in the universe. He briefly thought about going for the blaster in his desk but realized if the man was here to kill him he would already be dead. That left only one other reason why the man would be here and what he wanted. As he stared into his eyes he had to ask himself if he could he unleash what he saw before him. The man was lighter the he remembered like he had been sick. Then there was the fact that his left arm was obviously a prosthetic. The face behind the scraggly beard was of a man with one foot already in the grave. It wasn't the man's physical condition that made the admiral ask himself. It was the anger he saw in the man's eyes. He knew whatever this man's anger was focused on was in serious danger. Finally he had to speak "Do you have a ship?" To this the man simply nodded his head. The admiral pulled a comm from his desk and tossed it to the man. "I'll contact you in a few days after I make the arrangements." He told the man. As the admiral bent down to close the desk drawer he took his eyes off of the man for a second. When he looked back to where the man was he was gone. His eyes immediately searched the room but there was no trace of his visitor. It was as if he was never there. The admiral thought it was a performance fit for a ghost but then again that is what the man was now a ghost. His thoughts returned to what he saw his eyes. The rage and anger he saw worried him. He had read the reports and seen the videos. He knew what happened on Orion 3, Elysium, and Heliopolis. This was a dangerous thing he was dealing with. This man was different then the one he knew. He knew what that man was capable of but not this man. His decision was made for him when the report came in. Another massacre at the hands of the Death Squads. This may not stop them but at least he was doing something. A month later Admiral Stillwell was making his way through one of the many spaceship graveyards that covered the planet. These bone yards always depressed him. As a fleet officer he never liked seeing a ship die this way. He still had his concerns about the man and what he could do but these had calmed down some. This was his second meeting with the man since the encounter at his office and preparations were proceeding nicely. He figured at least another month before the ship would be complete. Testing would take another month. So he should calm down some by then. He should calm down what was he thinking. The man lost everything and he's thinking he should calm down. If any man had a right to hate then it would be that man. What they did to him and his people was unforgettable. In a old maintenance ship not far from where the admiral was having his mental of debate Matthew Morgan was hard at work. His physical condition had almost returned to what it was before Orion 3. Also the ship was nearing completion a lot faster then the admiral was aware. He had found the ship the day after he arrived on the freighter. When he had laid eyes on her he knew that he had found his ship. The only issue would be he had a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. She was a old cargo transport that was missing her engines. On top of that most of her cockpit had been stripped as well. This wasn't a problem for him though as he had planned on replacing all of that anyway. He then found the maintenance vessel a day later The first thing he did was get many of the systems of the maintenance vessel operational. He then moved his ship over. At that point he went to work updating systems and replacing key components. The main problem he faced was the engines. He didn't know if the machinery on the maintenance ship could handle what was on the file. So those would have to wait till he could dig up the right stuff. Two days after his visit to the admiral's office he had found the equipment he would need to build what was on the file. So now the engines were nearing completion. His biggest hindrance was he had to halt work on them whenever the admiral checked in on him. For this he kept two engines he had salvaged from a similar transport as decoys. It wasn't that he didn't trust the admiral but he could expose what was on the file. If the Alliance knew what was on the file they would try and take it and he had already been through enough as it is to keep it safe. Thinking back to that mission still made him shiver. The commander had been right he wasn't up to it but it had to be him. The commander was to important to their people to risk on a possible suicide mission like that. He had just escaped from that dammed hospital. He had made it clear that he wasn't staying a minute longer. So with much grumbling they discharged him and took him to his unit. The minute he walked into the safe house he knew something was going on. The looks on the men's faces told him everything he needed to know. When he entered the commander's quarters he had his final answers. He was preparing for a mission and he was going this one alone. He had to argue with the commander for twenty minutes before he got the whole story. He then had to argue with the commander for another twenty minutes about sending him in instead. He finally had to take steps that he never thought he would need to ensure his safety. He hoped the commander would forgive him for stunning him but it had to be done. Steven was the last of the line and couldn't be risked no matter what. He then had to steal a ship to get to the planet. That was the easy part. The hard part was evading the Confederation warships guarding the Jumpgate. He then had to hide the ship and evade the search teams on the planet. He had hoped he could get the two scientists out as he didn't like the alternative. He was also thankful that the lab was in a deserted area. Because what he was planning would cause a lot of devastation. Getting to the lab took a lot out of him since he was still recovering from his injuries from Orion 3. Hell they had only installed the arm three days before he left the hospital. Once he was in the lab he then had to argue with the fools about leaving. He finally got them to go without trying to take everything with them. Even then he had to watch them closely as they downloaded the comps onto the file. He remembered almost shooting them when they insisted on taking some of the prototypes with them. The small handheld super comp he didn't mind . When they told him the device the size of a ancient smartphone could access any comp. He was fine with taking it. It was the other device that he was going to leave till he found out what it was. It was a cloaking device that would make a ship invisible to all sensors and the human eye. They also gave him a small box. The same one wore on his belt to this day. After he got the scientists taken care of he went to work on the lab. He set the reactor on overload. He then had them grab the cloak and got out of there. They then made their way to the ship. That was when his luck gave out. They had got to the ship and he had put the scientists to work installing the cloak when the sensors detected a search team approaching. Unless he intercepted them they would find the ship before they could take off. He remembered running to close the distance. Taking cover behind the tree. Then drawing his blaster, dropping to a knee, and waiting. The next seconds seemed like minutes. The four man team coming into view. Him then taking aim as he fired as fast as he could. Unfortunately this is when the fatigue from his injuries struck. One of the team got a shot into him. It thankfully was only a glancing blow that wasn't bleeding badly but it broke a rib. After stopping the bleeding he made the return trip to the ship. Unfortunately the broken rib slowed him down and gave a member of the Death squads time to get to the ship before him. He remembered entering the engine room and seeing the scientists dead with the man kneeling over them. He then remembered rapidly firing as he charged the man. Morgan snapped out of the memory when the chime sounded announcing that the admiral was at the airlock. As he went to greet his guest he thought about the rest. Engaging the cloak and running to the cockpit. Him then taking off in the biggest rush of his life. He thought about how he had just cleared the atmosphere when the reactor detonated. How he snuck by the warships in the chaos of the explosion. When he reached hyperspace both the pain from his rib and the realization that he had failed hit him like a ton of bricks. The scientists were dead he hadn't been good enough. The file was safe but the scientists were dead. He remembered spacing the assassin's body first thing. He then sent the coded message to the commander telling the lab was destroyed and the data was safe but the scientists were dead he also reported what his plans were. Then first chance he got he landed and buried the scientists. As soon as he was back in hyperspace he got the commander's reply . It was short and succinct. "Keep the file safe and make the bastards suffer." Admiral Stillwell was led to the office Morgan set up and prepared to handle the business he came here to take care of. He gave him all the intelligence on all known and suspected military supply routes and manufacturing centers. He Briefed Morgan on his new identity. He then turned over the documents he would need for his identity and the ship. With that done the admiral turned to his favorite part of these meetings. Inspecting the progress on the ship. He was a fleet officer after all and if he hated seeing a ship in one of these graveyards. He loved seeing one come back from the dead. He especially loved seeing one that was being improved the way this one was. He knew Morgan was concealing the real potential of the ship but wasn't about to call him on it. He knew what was going on and wasn't about to make him give up any state secrets. Despite his concerns about him. Morgan was an asset and if he forced the issue he could drive him off. You don't get a highly trained individual like him everyday. The ship was coming along nicely. The cockpit had been rebuilt and updated. Key structural points had been reinforced to handle the more powerful engines and unknown to the admiral the computer systems where enhanced thanks to data from the file. Another thing the admiral didn't know was the ship would be ready for testing in a week and not the month Morgan had told him. Morgan did this mostly so he could focus on a different preparation during that time. After the inspection was complete and the admiral had left Morgan was once again in deep thought. Though this time it was about the meeting and not his past. So I'm now John Erickson. Matthew Morgan is dead. He died with his men on Orion 3. He thought as he got back to work. Two months later a jump point formed four days away from Hendricks. But strangely no ship emerged at least one that could be detected anyway. Unknown to evertone John Erickson was performing the last of the testing on the Independence. This was final test on the independent jump capability of the engines. With engines performing better then expected. He was now ready to set out for Confederation territory. There was shipping that needed raided and he had a score to settle. |
Characters are over 18 and fictional. This is my first attempt at a story of this nature. All comments, complementary or critical, are greatly appreciated. * I hated my twin sister's best friend. Her name was Jessica. When we were younger, she tormented me endlessly. She mocked me for my skinny frame, my slightly higher than average voice, and for a dozen other apparently obvious flaws. This continued through all the years I'd known her. Recently, her favourite comment was about the fact that I was 18 and had never kissed a girl. I blamed this partly, but not entirely, on her. Every time I met her, my confidence took another hit. Even if she had a little Friday-night sleepover with my sister, even when our families went on summer trips together, even when we were just supposed to be hanging out and being civil to each other, she would just never stop with the criticisms, the insults, the stupid little nick names. It felt like she'd set me up as a kid for my life as a teenager. All the way through grade school and high school, I'd been picked on in some way or another. She wasn't always the source of the insults, but she usually inspired them. I was the designated whipping-boy pretty much my whole childhood, all thanks to her. I had friends, sure, and not everyone hated me. But everywhere I went, every new class, every new group of people, she was there. She and my sister were always the among the most popular, and Jessica lead them against me. Over the years I could feel it having an effect on me. I didn't like going out much, I hated meeting new people. I was shy, quiet, withdrawn, and lonely. Like I said, I blamed it on her that I hadn't had a girlfriend before. There's only so much social rejection a guy can take before he just stops trying. I couldn't understand why she seemed to hate me so much. Over the years I learned that I wasn't special, she just seemed to hate most people, and I happened to be around her a lot. She really was just a bitch, in general. As we got older, her insults got better. And by better, I obviously mean worse. They went from being general to being painfully specific. She picked up on my cracking voice, my sparse peach-fuzz facial hair, and my growth-spurt induced clumsiness. When we hung out with other people in a group, she'd point out how I got nervous when I talked to girls, and she'd constantly belittle me in front of new people. When we were younger, I hated her. Like, really hated her. I wished she was dead. I'd grown up a lot since those days, emotionally. I felt that I was more stable. I still didn't like her, but at some point I'd tried to stop paying attention to her constant hostility. These days it had calmed down a lot. She still never had a civil word to say to me, but over the years it'd been reduced from constant mockery to the occasional snarky remark. It didn't help that she went from being a cute little girl to a gorgeous young woman. She had a beautiful, perfectly symmetrical face, with big green eyes and soft, flawless skin. She also developed quite large D cup tits pretty young, which made her even more popular. Both she and my sister took good care of their bodies too, jogging together most days after school. And she was tall. I grew a little slower than her, and she'd delighted in towering over me while she did. It lasted way longer than it should have, but thankfully not forever. At 18 I was an even 6 feet, and she was around 5'9. I knew, objectively, and through people telling me, that she was attractive, but I never felt that way about her. I felt nothing but distaste and disgust for her. My parents never noticed, even when she'd insult me to my face when we were young. They thought it was just normal kid stuff. Rose, my twin sister, knew about it of course, but it was never as bad when she was around. I wasn't alone with Jessica very often, but she'd really ramp it up when we ever were. I started spending less and less time with the two them. I think that was one of the worst things about the whole ordeal. Rose and I used to be really close, but we'd grown apart the more Jessica had become a part of her life. By the time we were 18, we were like strangers living in the same house, going to the same school, but hardly saying more than a few words to each other a day. == It was a Saturday, and I'd woken up a little late. By the time I got showered and got downstairs to make myself breakfast, Jessica was already there. I usually tried to get something to eat and go back upstairs to spend the day on my laptop before bumping in to anyone, but I'd stayed up too late the night before and ended up sleeping in. I walked towards the kitchen. She'd be in there by now. She came here every Saturday morning, ate breakfast, then hung out here all day with my sister, only occasionally leaving to exercise or shop or something. My parents welcomed her as if she lived here. They didn't notice how little time I'd spend in the rest of the house on Saturdays. I walked in to the kitchen and she was there, eating some toast. Our eyes met and her face lit up with that little look of sadistic glee she reserved just for me. The entrance of her favourite toy, her favourite victim. "Morning, faggot," she said. I ignored her. At this point, it had been maybe months since I'd actually spoken to her. I'd managed to stay out of her way all Summer, and even though we'd been back at school for a little while, we didn't share any classes, so I never had to see her. She'd forced me into the life of a recluse just to avoid her at home, seeing as I didn't have any friends I was really close enough to that I could hang out with outside school. "I said good morning you little twerp, what are you, deaf and ugly?" she said. A classic insult. Most of these had lost their sting through re-use, but it wasn't so much about what she said any more. It was about her attitude. Her constant, hostile, domineering tone. Her smug arrogance, and condescension. I was walking over to the fridge to get out the orange juice. I opened it and peered inside, trying to look like I really didn't care about her. And then, on an impulse, I just said, "Go fuck yourself, Jessica." It stunned her for a second, but she was quick to recover. I'd spoken back to her before, obviously, but I could never keep up with her. She was always too quick-witted, too shamelessly unrelenting for me to ever gain any ground. "Whoa, you got me there, kid, some real original stuff." she said. She called me "kid" sometimes, even though I was a little older than her. Just another of her many little ways of being condescending to me. I got out a glass and poured myself some juice. "But unlike you," she continued, "I don't need to fuck myself; I've got someone to do that for me." Her boyfriend was an asshole of the highest degree, but he hadn't ever really targeted me specifically. Still, he was muscular and handsome, and if that isn't a good enough reason to hate someone, then I don't know what is. As I drank my juice, a dozen little half formed insults and comebacks crept into my head, but as usual I didn't have the skill to get them out in time. "I mean, if you want someone other than your right hand to fuck you for once, I could maybe fix you up with a friend of his. I'll ask him if he knows any otherfaggots." she said. As usual, the frustration and unfairness of the situation started to get to me, but I kept it from showing. I slowly finished my drink and made my way across the room to the door. She stood up and moved to intercept me. "Oh, no clever little comeback this time? Just gonna run way?" she said. I stopped. "You know," I said, trying to appear calm, "I do so enjoy these bitchy little chats with you, but I've got something much more fun to do right now. Like stab myself in the face with a pencil." This was a line I'd been working on for a while. Again, she seemed a little taken aback. I tried to continue to the door, but she moved completely in my way. "You should just be grateful a girl as hot as me is even talking to you. It's probably not going to happen again for a long time." she said. She stared into my eyes, daring me to challenge her. I met her gaze. It was strange. She'd used the "block the door" trick a lot when we were younger, when she was much taller than me, but now I had the height advantage. I didn't exercise much, and I was slim, but I probably had enough muscle to have the weight advantage too. If it came to a physical struggle, I could probably best her. Force her to the floor, or at the very least push past her. I tried to tell myself this. I tried to force a little confidence in myself. But this wasn't a physical struggle; it was a psychological one. And, as always, I was the one that looked away first, staring at the floor to avoid her eyes. She let out a little laugh. "See you around, faggot." she said. She turned and left first, heading towards the living room where my sister was probably watching TV. I fucking hated her. The years of humiliation and abuse came flashing back to my mind. My heart sped up and my fists clenched. Good God, how I fucking hated that woman. I wanted to smash something, anything. I grabbed a glass from the table and gripped it tight, my knuckles turning white. I wanted so badly just to throw it to the floor, to see it smash. I wanted to destroy something. But no. I did what I always do, and repressed it. I took a deep breath and let out a shuddering sigh. I fought my rage back to sleep, and put the glass gently back on the table. I grabbed some snacks and spent the rest of the day in my room, trying to forget the conversation. == The next time I saw her was a few weeks later, on a Friday night. It had been a while since Jessica had stayed over, but it used to be the norm. Pretty much every week she'd come over for dinner, then stay the night and all of Saturday. She'd arrived late, it was almost midnight and my parents were already in bed. I'd been sitting in at the kitchen table, on my laptop, when she arrived. I stayed in there for as long as I could, hoping she would leave. When I realised she was staying, I wanted to go straight to my bedroom, avoiding her completely. Only problem was, I'd left my laptop charger in the living room, and my battery was running low. If I wanted to maintain my one link to the internet, I'd have to go where Rose and Jessica were now talking alone. I couldn't decide. I approached the door to the living room. It wasn't closed all the way, and I could hear them talking. I didn't want to go in. I didn't even want to see her. I felt the familiar flare of nervousness, shame, and fear that was my constant companion throughout my encounters with Jessica. I just waited outside the door, chastising myself for my cowardice. I couldn't help but listen. "So how come you're not with him tonight?" asked Rose. "We've just been spending a lot of time together, you know? I mean, every Friday night for weeks now." said Jessica. They were talking about her boyfriend, I assumed. "'ve been fucking, then?" said Rose. I instantly felt even worse about what I was doing. This was private. But I really wanted to hear this, suddenly. "Well, yeah." said Jessica. "And it...isn't any better?" said Rose. Jessica sighed. "'s still not...not great." she said. Whoa, her handsome, popular, 'alpha male' boyfriend was shit in bed? I couldn't help but smile. "I think it might be..." she trailed off. "What?" asked Rose. "It's kind of embarrassing." she said. Rose laughed. "Come on, seriously, you're not going to tell me?" she said. Jessica laughed too. I guessed that they told each other everything, so this was like an in-joke or something. "OK," said Jessica, "Well basically it's...uh, I don't really know how to say this..." "Yeah?" said Rose. "I think he might be...a little bit too small." said Jessica. "Wow, really?" said Rose. "Yeah...I think. I just don't, you know, feel a lot from it. I mean, I've never been with anyone else, so I don't really know, but-" "Wait, wait, how big is he?" asked Rose. There was a pause. " size?" said Jessica. She was gesturing, but I couldn't see it. Rose burst out laughing. "Oh my God, really?" she said. Jessica was laughing along a little too. "Why?" she asked, "Is that not good?" "Fuck no!" Rose giggled. I could only assume that this meant that he was hung like a hamster, or something. "Wait, is that when it's hard?", asked Rose. "Yeah..." said Jessica. "Wow, that is...not good." "So...does it just always feel better if it's bigger?" asked Jessica. "Yep." said Rose. "Bigger is always better. Some guys, usually tiny ones, say that's a myth, but trust me, bigger is better. Sorry, but it sounds like your boyfriend is just a needle dick." "Fuck." said Jessica. There was a pause. "And I guess it doesn't help that he only lasts two minutes and couldn't find my clit with a GPS." she said. They started laughing again. I took this opportunity to head up to my room, internet or no. I had some stuff to think about. == "Needle dick." I murmured to myself. That was interesting. See, I was a lot of things. I was nerdy, shy, weak willed, socially awkward, and incredibly average in both grades and appearance, but one thing I'd never been was a "needle dick". Truthfully, I'm hung like a horse. The last time I'd measured my cock (because, be honest, who hasn't?) it was just over 10 inches long, and about 6.5 inches around. Everything I'd ever learned about sex, I learned from the internet. I mean yeah, I got the Health Ed class, slide show biology stuff, but I mean real sex. And because, like most teenage boys, I was so...interested in the subject matter, my education was pretty well rounded. I knew all about porn-stars, and how they usually represented the most extreme end of the penis-size scale. I knew that the average was around 5 ½ inches long, and maybe 3 or 4 inches in girth for this part of the world. I knew that there was an ever present debate about whether size actually mattered to women. I'd read reports of women saying that they'd dumped guys for being too small, and of women saying they'd done the same for the opposite reason. Yeah, I knew a lot about penis size. And I knew I had a pretty huge cock. But it wasn't until that exact moment that I actually considered it something to be confident about. I mean, what good is a big dick if you can't even talk to a girl? And I'd read enough forum entries from women claiming to have been stretched to the point of intense pain to know that bigger doesn't automatically mean better, despite what my sister thought. When I'd thought about it at all, I'd just considered my abnormal size to be something I'd just have to deal with. A little problem I'd have to worry about if I ever actually got laid. But now it was an advantage. This overheard girl-talk was just the beginning. == Over the next few days I thought a lot about what I'd heard. I wanted to use my cock, somehow. I wanted Jessica to know I wasn't the weak little nerd she always made me out to be. I wanted her to know that, at least in this area, I was superior to her boyfriend. But how? My chance came the next time Jessica stayed over, two weeks later. I didn't try to eavesdrop again, but instead stayed in my room, going over the plan. My parent's bedroom was actually on the ground floor, and my sister's and mine were at opposite ends of the top floor. When Jessica stayed over, she and Rose shared her bed, even though there was a guest room downstairs too. There was a bathroom between our rooms, complete with bath tub and shower. This was where I would carry out my plan. I woke up as early as usual, but waited an hour before heading to the bathroom. I knew the girls probably wouldn't be up for a while. I went in and had a long, hot shower. I spent as long as I could in there, washing my hair over and over again, scrubbing every inch of my body, waiting until I could put the plan into action. We had an electric shower, so I didn't have to worry about wasting the hot water. After almost an hour, I'd had enough. I got out and stared at myself in the mirror. As always, I thought I looked completely average, except for my cock. It hung thick and limp between my legs, maybe 5 or 6 inches long, still soft. I'm more of a 'show-er' than a 'grower'. When it first started to grow it used to get in the way when I walked, and I worried about people seeing the bulge it made. But I'd switched to boxers over briefs, starting wearing looser pants, and gotten used to it. I examined it from a few different angles, holding it out and handling my similarly large balls. I guess it did look pretty impressive, if you're into that kind of thing. I tried to get myself psyched up for the big plan, tried to force a little confidence in myself. I felt good about it. But it was taking longer than I thought. I tried to kill time by reading the backs of bottles of my sister's conditioner and hand lotion. Why did girls always seem to need so many bottles of crap? Finally, after a long wait, I heard my sister's bedroom door opening. Jessica coming to use the bathroom. I quickly took my stance; completely naked holding my cock in my hand, in full view of the door and pointed towards the toilet bowl. I was trying to make it look like I was just using the bathroom after a shower. I'd already pissed, it was just about showing it to her. I'd left the door unlocked and open a little, so she wouldn't think anyone was inside. I started to get more and more nervous as I heard footsteps approach. I felt my heart freeze in my chest when the handle was pushed down. In this split second, I realised how incredibly stupid this whole thing would be if it was my sister that walked in, and how stupid I was for not considering this possibility. I relaxed a little when the door paused after being pushed only slightly, and I heard Jessica yawn. Here we go. I looked down at my cock, and tried to look natural. I heard the door open, and then... Silence. I turned my head slowly. It was Jessica, wearing nothing but a long t-shirt. She was staring at my limp cock, her eyes wide. She stood for a few seconds, just staring, not reacting at all. I broke the silence. " you mind? I'm trying to piss, here." I shook my cock slightly to illustrate the point. She gasped suddenly, and met my eye. Her hand went to her mouth in an almost lady-like manner, and she quickly backed out of the room and slammed the door. I heard my sister's door open, then slam as well. I let out a huge sigh and let go of my cock, stretching my arms up. I'd done it. My little exhibition mission was a success. We'll see how much she insulted me now, knowing that my cock was so much bigger than her boyfriend's. I put my hands on my hips, smiling, and thought about my little victory. I got that size was, like, a measurement of manhood for some people, but I didn't really get it until then. It really felt good to have her look at me like that. I remembered the look on her face, the complete shock, the almost panicked look in her eye as she backed away. I thought about her long, smooth legs, only the very top of her thighs covered by the t-shirt she'd been wearing. I thought about her big, perky tits, how the two points of her nipples were clearly visible against the thin fabric. For the first time in my young life, I saw Jessica in a completely sexual light. I looked down at my cock. It was rock hard, all 10 inches pointing straight out from my body. I quickly grabbed some hand lotion from a nearby shelf and smeared it all over my hands. I started stroking my cock with both hands, thinking about her face and body. I thought about her shock, about the open mouthed awe. Other images of her started popping in to my head, memories of how her tits looked in a bikini when our families would go to the beach together, or of her soft full lips wrapped around a straw. I'd always hated her so much that I'd never considered these things so hot until now. I jerked my cock faster, and faster, and within a few minutes I was having the most intense orgasm of my life. Shot after shot of my cum splattered against the toilet bowl. My knees shook with the pleasure. I let out an involuntary little grunt, and I had to put a hand against the wall to steady myself. When the last few spurts of cum were finished, I took a step back and sat on the edge of the tub. I just sat for a few minutes, thinking about what had just happened. Then, because I didn't know what else to do, I took another shower. == Jessica had left about an hour after our little encounter, which was definitely unusual. When my dad asked Rose about it, she said, "I don't know, she just rushed out this morning. I guess she has something to do." That week at school I didn't see Jessica at all. It wasn't that unusual, but I'd occasionally see her around, only to be flipped off or something equally juvenile. I was eager to see how she'd react now. Every night that week I jacked off, both to the memory of Jessica, and to as much porn containing a similar "big cock reaction" scene as I could find, which was disappointingly few. I bookmarked a few of the least fake looking "Wow!" moments, but none of them compared to the real thing. Looking back, it made sense that I somewhat fetishized the whole "reveal" thing. It was literally the only sexual thing to have happened to me at that point. Anyway, apart from my porn preference, nothing else changed at first. But that Thursday, my sister wanted to talk to me. "You don't mind if Jessica stays over again tomorrow, do you?" she asked. I didn't really know what to say to this. It was the first time I'd been asked in a while. My opinion didn't usually matter. "It's just," she continued, "I know you two don't get along very well. I mean, that's why I hardly ask her to sleep over any more, I just couldn't put up with you two bickering all the time." I hadn't realised that was why she'd been spending less time here. Well, that plus her boyfriend. "But she's been acting really weird lately, and she won't say why." she said, "I think if I can get her over here, she'll be willing to open up a little more. She usually does when she stays over." She smiled a little at this, and I smiled too, because we were probably remembering the same conversation they'd had. The truth was, I'd never wanted to see Jessica so much in my life, which isn't actually saying a lot considering how much I hated her. But I made a little show of it anyway. I sighed. "That's two weeks in a row that I'll have to stay in my room all night." I said. "I know, I'm sorry," she said, "I'll owe you one, I promise." I sighed again. "Fine, I guess." She smiled. "Thanks bro," she said, punching me lightly on the arm. After she left, it occurred to me that it had been a long time since I'd really spoken to Rose like that. I realised that my weird sexual plans with Jessica seemed to accidentally improve things with my sister. I chose to take it as a good sign. == The next day, Jessica arrived a little earlier, around 10 pm. I was once again in the kitchen with my laptop, my charger left in the living room. I was aiming for a repeat of the first night, and I planted the charger so I'd have an excuse if I got caught. After leaving them alone for a few minutes, I crept out towards the living room, trying to hear their conversation. I wanted to see if she'd bring up our little meeting. They were talking about nothing relevant, at first. Their friends, their teachers, boring school shit. I was waiting outside for about half an hour when they finally started talking about sex again. By this point I was sitting beside the door, leaning against the wall and incredibly bored. " have things been lately? You know, sex wise." asked Rose. I turned quickly, and realised that, because the door wasn't closed all the way, I could actually see through the gap at the hinges a little bit. I realised I looked like a stereotypical peeper hiding at a keyhole, but it was perfect. I could just about make them out sitting sideways on the sofa, facing each other. Jessica sighed in answer to Rose's question. "Still pretty fact, even worse now.", she said. "Worse?" Rose probed. Jessica ran her fingers through her hair. "Yeah...I was on the internet a few days ago. I wasn't looking for it or anything, but I...saw a penis. A picture of one, I mean." she said. Rose just waited. "It was only for a second, I swear, I looked away as soon as I could." said Jessica quickly. It occurred to me that she was actually talking about seeing my cock, but obviously didn't want to tell my sister that. "So what? Calm down, it's just a little porn. Nothing to be embarrassed about." Rose said, laughing slightly. "Uh, yeah, but you know I don't look at that stuff." said Jessica, "I mean, I don't even really..." She trailed off, and was silent for a few seconds. "Yeah, and you're like the only person I know who doesn't. It's so weirdly old-fashioned of you." said Rose. "I know, I just...But anyway, this guy in the picture. It was...uh...big. It was soft, he was just holding it, but was just so...thick! And long too..." said Jessica. Hearing her describe my dick like this was really turning me on. She was clearly impressed by it. "OK, so you saw a picture of a big cock. It's pretty much impossible to go on the internet without seeing one these days." Rose laughed, "It's not like it makes the one you're getting any smaller." Jessica sighed again. "It's just...I may have actually...over-estimated when I talked about him last time. I said it was like this." She held her thumb and forefinger apart, from here it looked like she was indicating maybe four or five inches. "But it's really more..." she held up her pinky, "Like this." The girls were soon laughing their asses off, and I had to try so hard not to join in. "Needle dick" really wasn't an exaggeration. They kept talking after they'd calmed down. "I mean," said Jessica, "I actually compared it when I was sucking him off. My finger is literally only a tiny bit smaller. I didn't really get it before, but he's so small! No wonder it wasn't any good with him. I checked the internet, it said the average penis size is 7 inches long, with an erection." 7 inches? That's way off. She probably got that figure from some random forum. My sister agreed. "I wouldn't say it's 7 inches," she said, "I think that's actually considered big." "Well the penis I the picture...was almost that big completely soft!" "Wow, that sounds pretty hot. Could you send me a link to it?" said Rose. Ugh, I thought, creepy. But of course, Rose didn't know it was my cock she was talking about. Jessica made a similar sound of disgust, before realising that Rose wouldn't know why. "What?" said Rose. "Oh, nothing, I know, I don't remember where I saw it, and I didn't save it or anything." "Shame." said Rose. Jessica pushed on. "So I'm, disappointed about this whole thing. I mean... he's my boyfriend. He's really hot, and his body's awesome...but should I really stay with him if I don't get any pleasure from him? know, he's kind of a douche bag." No arguments here. "I don't know..." said Rose, "I guess it just depends on how important it is to you. If you really want to stay with him, you can just explain that he isn't satisfying you. You know, teach him how to go down on you and stuff. There are other ways he can make you feel good." "But I thought you said "bigger is always better", remember?" "Well, yeah, when it comes to dicks. I mean, nothing beats that feeling of being completely filled up..." she trailed off, probably thinking about her own experiences. This conversation was making me increasingly uncomfortable. "But," she continued, "Like I said, there are other ways. I mean, lesbians don't even have cocks, but they can still pleasure each other." "I guess so...but I just find myself wondering, you know? What would it be like to be really fucked, a...a huge cock." said Jessica. She sighed. There was a lull in the conversation. "Let's move to the kitchen, I'm starving." said Rose. I panicked, realising I was about to be discovered. I stood up and made my way back to the kitchen, trying to find a balance between speed and stealth. I managed to get back to my seat, with my laptop open in front of me and headphones on, before they got in. Rose seemed a little surprised to find me sitting there, but didn't say anything. Jessica looked almost scared of me for a second. It was so strange to have her look at me like that, with no disdain or hostility. Perhaps she thought I would bring up the bathroom thing, revealing where she'd really seen that cock. But too soon, her usual look of arrogance returned, although it looked a little forced. I took my headphones off and tried to greet them casually. "Evening, girls." I said. "Hey...I thought you were going to, you know, stay upstairs tonight?" said Rose. She wanted to continue their conversation. I didn't mind, I was used to being rejected in favour of Jessica. But I didn't want this to end with me running away upstairs. I thought quickly. "I was, but I thought I'd just chill down here for a while. Tell you what, if you go and get my laptop charger from the living room for me, I'll head upstairs and give you some space." She sighed and rolled her eyes, but headed into the hall. Jessica hadn't said anything. She just tried to act normally. "So, what are doing...faggot?" she asked. She was clearly still nervous, and I smiled. "Oh nothing, just thinking about our little encounter last week." Her eyes widened. I'd gone straight for the elephant in the room. "God! Shut up!" she hissed, looking behind her at the door. I stood up and started collecting up my things, ready to head to my room. "Tell you what, if you feel like talking about it later, in private, I'll probably be awake most of the night anyway. Feel free to stop by my bedroom any time." I said. She opened her mouth to reply, anger obvious on her face. "Hey!" I said, throwing up my free hand in a neutral gesture, "Just to talk. If you want." She closed her mouth, and didn't say anything. She just nodded a little, and moved aside when I went to leave. I met my sister in the hall. She handed me my charger with a smile, I gave her a little nod, and we continued on past each other. When I closed my bedroom door, I released a huge breath. It was so tough acting like I didn't care about this stuff, like Jessica walking in on me was just a funny little accident, like deep down I didn't still hate, and kind of fear her. But I had to prepare. I'd given her an open invitation to my room. As a joke, sure, but I was confident she'd take me up on it tonight. It sounded like she was really obsessing over my size, the amazed and impressed tone of her voice still clear after a week. But she was also afraid of my sister finding out, it seemed. The way she just moved out of my way...that had never happened before. It was amazing. One way or another, through either fear or curiosity, she'd end up in my bedroom that night. I knew it. == It was around 2 AM when I heard footsteps in the hallway. I'd been lying in the dark, listening to music with one ear-bud for about the last hour, waiting for her to arrive. I'd heard them go to bed around midnight. When I heard the footsteps, I shut off my MP3 player and dropped it on the floor. There was a soft knock at the door. "Yeah?" I grunted. The door slowly opened, and it was Jessica. She stepped in and closed the door behind her. I sat up and turned my lamp on, acting like I'd just been woken up. She was wearing the same clothes she'd been wearing earlier. She must have gotten dressed again, because she wouldn't have slept in them. It occurred to me that she'd probably been waiting for Rose to fall asleep before coming over. I usually wore a t-shirt and sweatpants to bed, but tonight I was just wearing my boxers. It was weird how nervous she looked. There was barely any hint of her usual bravado. "What?" I said. I tried to keep my tone of voice steady, to sound confident. She avoided my eyes. "Uh, you said I could come over, if I wanted to talk..." she said. She was trying to sound confident, too, but there was a little waver in her voice. "Yeah, I was kidding about that. Get the fuck out." I said. She seemed a little taken aback. Then I got the reaction I wanted, her old attitude flaring up in her defence. "Seriously? You're kicking a hot girl out of your bedroom? I mean, I'm only here to talk, but when are you ever going to get even that again?" she said. "Yeah yeah, you're a huge bitch, I get it. But you are in my bedroom, and it's two in the fucking morning. You've never wanted to talk to me before in your life. What's this really about?" "I...I just don't want you to tell Rose about...what happened..." she said. "Why not? You walking in on me in the bathroom isn't that weird, is it? Or maybe you told her something about it already?" "I...You..." she stuttered. She paused, unable to think of a good lie or flippant retort. I'd finally won an exchange, made her speechless. It felt good. But it wasn't nearly enough. "This is about my cock, isn't it?" I said. "What?" she said, surprised. "Yeah, you caught a glimpse of it and now you want a closer look, right?" She didn't say anything. I waited. "Well, if you really don't want anything then I'll say it again; get the fuck out." I said. She didn't move. "Jessica? Hello?" "I want to see it." she said. "What?" "Your...your penis. Show it to me." she said. I didn't like how she'd said that. Like it was a command. I chuckled. "No." I said. Anger flashed across her face, and she finally met my eye for more than a few seconds. "Look, it's not a big deal you little freak, just show it to me and I'll go." she said. I laughed again. I was really beginning to enjoy her hostility, for some strange reason. "Tell you what. Since it's 'not a big deal'...strip." I said. Her eyes went wide. "Yeah, in your dreams you loser." she said. I shrugged. "Well, if you say so. Get out so I can get some sleep." I said. Again, she didn't move. I pushed a little more. "I mean, it's only fair, right? You want to see me naked, so first I have to see you naked." I said. There was a pause for about a minute. Without saying anything, and once more staring at the floor, she reached down and pulled her top up over her head. I couldn't believe it. I thought that, if she was going to do this at all, it would take a lot more than just a few orders with an arrogant attitude. I think I really underestimated how much she wanted to see my cock again. She was wearing a plain pink bra, and it looked incredible. It seemed too small for her, the way her cleavage spilled out over the top. The rest of her looked good too, her flat stomach and smooth skin. Without hesitating, she threw her t-shirt to the floor and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them down and kicking them off. Her panties were plain and white. Her legs were amazing, smooth and long, one turned slightly to the side to show a defined calf muscle. I hadn't noticed, but she was barefoot, and her toenails were painted red. I blew my mind a little bit how I'd seen this much of her body before, in a bikini, but back then it hadn't interested me at all. How I thought about her had changed so much, and so quickly. She stood proudly now, a little gleam of achievement in her eye. She'd risen to the challenge, and now it was time to collect. I slowly pulled the covers off, revealing my boxer-clad lower half. Looking down, I realised that my usual bulge was even more prominent, as I was beginning to get hard. She was staring at my bulge with clear anticipation, and what I thought was maybe arousal playing across her face. She realised that I'd stopped. "Ke...keep going." she said, meeting my eye. I just crossed my arms. "I'm seeing you in your underwear, you're seeing me in mine." I said. Another flash of anger jumped across her face. I really liked seeing her frustrated, and my cock gave a little twitch. She clenched her fists and her jaw. Our eyes locked, and I held her gaze. We were already way past the point where I would normally have given up. But not this time. "But hey, if you want to stop, then...." I reached for the blanket. "NO!" she said, surprising me with the volume of her voice. We'd been talking just above a whisper this whole time, due to the late hour. It was mostly out of habit. When the doors were closed, the rooms in this house where pretty much sound proof. We could be screaming our heads off in here, and I doubted anyone would hear us. "No..." she repeated, more quietly. She realised I wasn't going to give in, for once. She slumped her shoulders slightly, as if in resignation. She reached behind her back and closed her eyes. She held that pose for just a few seconds, hesitating, before suddenly unclasping her D cup bra and dropping it to the floor. Her beautiful tits sprang free. They were incredible, so big, yet seemingly untouched by gravity, standing out proudly on her chest, shaking slightly as she breathed. This made me notice that her breathing was getting heavier. Her nipples were dark, and stiff. By now my cock was beginning to strain against my boxers, making me uncomfortable. She crossed her arms over her stomach, lifting her breasts up even more. She looked away, ashamed. "Well?" I said, letting her know she wasn't finished. Again, she looked back at me, but the anger in her eyes lasted only for a second. She was learning that I wouldn't be moved by her annoyance. Quickly, and with none of the hesitation of her earlier movements, she pulled down her panties and kicked them off. Every movement made her boobs jiggle, it was so fucking sexy. But I kept my expression neutral. From the way she was standing I couldn't see much of her pussy, but she had just a neat, well trimmed triangle of pubic hair. I looked back at her face. Her hands were on her hips, and there was that same gleam of victory in her eye. She knew I was enjoying her body, and she must have felt like it gave her some measure of control. Glancing at the panties spread out on the floor, I could see a small wet patch on the crotch of them. This was turning her on. I smiled, and she followed my gaze. She was startled when she saw what I was looking at, her eyes once again going wide with shock. She opened her mouth, as if to make some sort of excuse. I raised one eyebrow and smirked. She looked away, closing her mouth. Nothing to say. How wonderfully unusual of her. But then she remembered. "'s your turn now." she said. I sighed, but moved around on the bed a little, wanting to give her the best view. "Would you like to get closer?" I said. Her eyes were fixed on my bulge again. She nodded quickly and moved forward a few steps, then hesitated, before closing the distance completely and kneeling beside the bed. I wasn't expecting her to get that close, but I could still see her tits, so I didn't mind. With my left hand I lifted the waist band of my underwear. With the other, I reached in and grabbed my slowly stiffening cock. I just held it inside for a few seconds, watching her expression. This was it, the reaction I'd been waiting for. I pulled my cock completely out of my underwear and let it drop against my thigh. Her eyebrows shot up, and her eyes went wide. Her mouth formed a perfect "O" of surprise, and again she brought the tips of her fingers up to cover her mouth in that little gesture of alarm. She also let out a weirdly cute little gasp. She held that pose, as the silence stretched. At this stage my cock was about 7 inches long. It lay along my right thigh, still not hard enough to be completely erect, and unable to support it's own weight otherwise. She stared at my cock silently as I stared at her face, trying to burn her expression into my mind. After a little while, she met my eyes again, before quickly turning back to my cock. Her expression of complete awe was seriously turning me on, and my cock twitched again. I didn't want to be the first to break the silence, but I was desperate to hear what she was thinking. "Well, is it everything you hoped for?" I asked. She was startled by my voice. She met my eyes again for only a few seconds before looking back. "Uh..." she started. Her voice seemed lower, breathier, and somehow more seductive than before. I guessed it was because of how turned on she was getting. She shook her head slightly. "I..."she said. She let out a little laugh, holding her head and shaking it again. "It's huge." she said simply, turning to meet my eye. "Yeah," I replied. She let out another little laugh of disbelief, and smiled. "And it's not even hard yet." I said. Her a face suddenly darkened with, again; shock, disbelief, but this time also fear, it seemed. "Really?" she said. I nodded. She looked at it again. "Can I...touch it?" she asked. She reached towards my cock. "No." I said. I suddenly, impulsively, grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm roughly to the side. She grunted in pain, and met my eye with that same anger I was used to. "Ow, what the fuck! Get off me!" she shouted, struggling against my grip. I twisted her arm back, and leaned close to her. "I don't know how you don't already know this, Jessica, but I fucking hate you." I said, almost whispering. Different emotions seemed to flood across her face, anger and pain and fear. "Now get out." I said. I pushed her back. She tumbled backwards on to the floor, giving me a clear view of her pussy. Her smooth, pink pussy lips were clearly glistening with arousal. She stood up angrily, gathering up her clothes and holding them in front of her. "You know what?" she said, "Fuck you, faggot. My boyfriend's dick is twice the size of yours anyway." I laughed a little at that. "That's not what I heard." I said, holding up my little finger, copying her earlier gesture. She was outraged, and confused, but she didn't say anything more. She took one last look at my cock, her eyebrows still furrowed in anger, but biting her lip with clear lust. I held my pinky up beside it for a comparison, mocking her. She made a noise of disgust in her throat. I laughed again as she turned to leave, showing me her ass. It was perfectly round and perky. I'd never paid much attention to asses before, and made a silent note to remedy that. She left, still completely naked, and slammed the door behind her. In her hurry, she left her panties behind. Originally, I didn't intend to kick her out. I figured if we got this far along in the plan, I would just have sex with her, or something. Just go with whatever happened next. But that wasn't enough now. I didn't want to just fuck her. I wanted to make her beg for my cock. I wanted to dominate her, completely. My dick was rock hard, now. I'd been trying to keep from getting fully hard while she was here, but I liked seeing her so dejected and angry, maybe even more than I liked looking at her perfect, naked body. I idly stoked my shaft a few times, but I didn't want to masturbate. I vowed then that the next time I came, it would be all over Jessica's face. And she'd beg for it. == The next day, things were a little different. I fearlessly strode in to the kitchen where the girls were eating breakfast. Anger flashed across Jessica's face for a few seconds when I walked in, but she didn't say a word. Which was pretty much a first. Rose seemed surprised at her, but didn't comment. Throughout the day, the three of us spent time together. I talked mostly to Rose, revelling in being able to spend time with her without being hassled. Jessica didn't say more than a few words to me, and when she did she avoided my eyes. More than once I caught her glancing at my crotch. Jessica left before dinner. "Wow, today was a lot of fun!" said Rose, when we were alone after dinner. "Yeah. It's nice, hanging out with you again." I said. "I think Jessica's finally started to warm up to you, she didn't insult you once!" She seemed genuinely pleased. "Yeah, that only took, what, 18 years?" I said. Rose sighed. She looked guilty. "Look...I know Jessica's pretty much hated you since...well, forever. I've tried to talk to her about it, but...I mean, it's not really just about you, she's not the easiest person to get along with normally anyway...and I guess she always just thought that you were trying to come between us...". She seemed to get lost in thought a little, but I let her finish. "I'm sorry." she said, "I'm sorry for always choosing her over you...but she's my best friend, you know?" I nodded. It actually felt good for her to admit this to me. We hadn't discussed it since we were kids. "But now, it seems like we can finally all hang out together again, just like we used to!" she said. I guess she remembered our childhood a little differently. "Rose...I know how me and Jessica fight has always been a problem for you, and I'm sorry for that. But yeah, I think if she's willing keep a civil tongue, maybe we can start to hang out again, the three of us." I said. I didn't really think I had anything to do with the aggression Jessica felt towards me, but I was willing to admit some of the responsibility if it meant things would finally settle down. At least, settle down as far as Rose knew. Rose hugged me, and we spent the rest of the day just catching up. It was pretty great. Later that night, I thought some more about Jessica. I really didn't know why she was being so civil. If anything I thought she might be even more aggressive, considering how mad she'd been last night. I didn't know if it was fear that I'd tell Rose about the whole thing, or if she was just too obsessed with my cock to want to make things worse. Or if deep down, on some level, she liked how I'd treated her, just a little. I sincerely hoped it was the last one. What I'd done, pushing her away, even hurting her a little, it had felt good. Really good. Over that week, the build up to the next Friday night, I imagined, again and again, grabbing her, holding her down, forcing my cock deep inside her. I imagined her begging me to fuck her, pleading for me to cum inside her. I didn't jack off though. I remembered my earlier promise to myself. My next load would go on her face. I didn't know how likely any of my plans really were, but it had become an obsession. Any free time I wasn't hanging out with Rose, I spent online, reading about submission and dominance. I wanted to do this right. == She came over again on Friday night and the three of us spent time together, like before. Again, Jessica and I didn't talk much, but the mood was still pretty relaxed. Rose went to the bathroom, leaving us alone only once, and I took my chance. "You're very quiet tonight." I said. She didn't say anything. "You know, you left those pretty little panties in my room last week." "Shut up!" she hissed, looking panicked. "Oh, you don't want them back?" I said. "Just shut the fuck up, you freak!" Oh, a little bit of defiance. I liked that. "Now that's not very nice." I said, "And here I was hoping we could take this opportunity our relationship. You're such a big part of Rose's life, it's really a shame we're not closer." I said. She looked me in the eye. "Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are?" she hissed. I felt the rage build up inside me a little, but I repressed it. I wanted to seem neutral, like none of this was a big deal. I laughed. "There's no need to be so hostile, Jessica. I'll tell you what, I'll head up to my room soon, and let you two spend a bit of time on your own." I leaned in closer. "But tonight my door is open, if you want to come get your panties. Seriously, feel free to drop by." I said. Rose came back just as Jessica was about to reply, so she didn't say anything. I spent another few minutes with them, then made my excuses to Rose and headed up to my room. == I was so excited. It was 1 AM and I'd been almost pacing the floor in anticipation. I wanted so badly to hear what they were talking about, if the topic of size came up again. I wanted to hear Jessica admit how badly she wanted a big cock. My big cock. But I'd get all that tonight, I hoped. I was trying to relax a little by reading when I heard her approach. She knocked softly. "Come in." I said. This time she was wearing pyjamas, pink with little black flowers. Cute. I put my book down and sat up in bed. I'd gone back to my usual sleeping clothes, a black t-shirt and sweatpants. She stood for a while, just looking at me. She seemed even more nervous than last time, maybe because now she knew what was coming. "Yes?" I said. "Uh..." she started, "You said I could come over." "Yes, I did." I paused. "But what do you want?" I asked. "I... You know what I want." she said. She seemed annoyed, but she was trying to stay casual. "Do I?" I asked in mock confusion, "Remind me." She glared at me, furious. She knew what I was doing. She knew I wanted her to say it. Her jaw clenched. I could almost see the decisions going back and forth in her mind. "I want to see your penis." she said, slowly and clearly. I leaned back a little, smirking. She hadn't even opted for the "just came to get my panties" excuse, she was committed to this now. "Well, you know the rules." I said, gesturing to her body. She sighed, but this time didn't hesitate. She slipped out of her pyjamas quickly and quietly, revealing a lacy black bra, and matching panties. "Oh, those are cute," I said, gesturing, "Did you get all dressed up for me?" "Fuck you." she said, folding her arms across her stomach. I sighed. "Always so hostile. You know if you keep up this attitude, I don't think I'll want to do this any more." I said. She didn't say anything, but I could feel her apprehension. "Well?" she said. I smiled, and pulled back the covers. I didn't reveal as much as her, instead just slipping my pants down a little, showing my underwear. I grabbed my bulge through the fabric of my boxers, and squeezed it a little. She was once again completely transfixed. Without speaking, she quickly threw off her bra and panties and walked up to the bed, kneeling beside it in the same position as last time. I could see from here that her discarded panties had that same damp patch on the crotch. I took a moment to appreciate her big tits as she knelt there. I always preferred bigger ones in porn, and hers were so beautiful, so perfectly shaped. Her breathing was getting heavier again, and I liked watching her boobs rise and fall, jiggling slightly each time she exhaled. "Take it out." she said, still staring. "What?" I said. She looked at me. "Take it out!" "Hmmm..." I said. "What? What's wrong?" she asked. Her voice had a note of desperation to it. "Ask nicely." I said. Just like that, she was back to angry. "Oh, fuck you! Just pull the fucking thing out!" she hissed. Just like always, her tone and expression almost scared me, filling me with doubt and apprehension. I repressed these emotions, instead thinking of the anger I felt towards her. I sighed, and shook my head. "We won't get anywhere unless you learn some manners." I said. Her jaw clenched and she narrowed her eyes. Just like last time, she seemed to resign herself to the task. It had to be done, so she just had to do it. She dropped her eyes. "Please." she muttered. "What?" "Please, OK? Please get your penis out!" she said, angrily. I grabbed her roughly by the jaw and forced her to look at me. "You can do better than that." I said. Rage spread across her face, only to disappear in a flash. She suddenly looked sad, and desperate. She seemed to realise that I wasn't just delaying things to irritate her. I really wanted her to beg. "Please." she moaned, voice shot through with desperation. "Please..." "Please what?" I asked, digging my fingers in a little bit harder. "Please let me see it," she said quickly, "Let me see your...your..." It occurred to me that I'd only ever heard her say "penis". "My cock, Jessica. Say it." "Let me see your cock, please!" she moaned. I released my tight grip on her face. She pulled back and rubbed her jaw, but didn't say anything. Sighing, I reached down and pulled out my cock. She smiled with delight and leaned close to it. It was even bigger than she'd seen it last time. I was fighting to not get fully erect just yet, but making her actually beg for it was turning me on so much. She was staring at it, and biting her lip hard. She started bobbing up and down slightly, and making little whimpers. I was mesmerised by her beautiful breasts jiggling and bouncing, when she let out a loud moan, and I realised that her hands were in front of her pussy. She was rubbing herself behind the bed. She was masturbating to the image of my cock. I suddenly grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it hard. She screamed out in pain. I pulled her face close to mine, leading her by the tight grip I had, and whispered in her ear, "You do not fucking touch yourself until I say you do. Do you understand me?" "Let go...get off me you bastard!" she whined. I pulled again, hard, and she stopped struggling. "I asked you a question, bitch. Do you understand?" I repeated. "Fuck you! Get the fuck...ahh! Stop!" I tightened my grip. "Listen to me, slut!" I growled. "You're only here because I allow you to be. You will do exactly what I say, when I say it, or you can get the fuck out. Now are going to apologise, like a good little slut?" This was it. She'd either submit, or leave. There was only a second of hesitation before, "Yes! Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, please!" she cried. I let go of her hair and shoved her head away. Her pose from last week was repeated, with her sprawled out on the floor, tits jiggling wildly, and pussy clearly slick with arousal. She sat up and rubbed her head, stroking her hair into shape. "I'm sorry," she said again, "I'm sorry." She took her place again at the side of my bed, her eyes returning to my cock, but this time she kept her hands where I could see them. That was the first real show of dominance I'd forced on her. I'd hurt her, called her a slut and demanded an apology from her for touching her own body...and she'd accepted it. She seemed so different, suddenly. Neither desperate, nor defiant. For the first time, she just seemed...submissive. This was the greatest night of my life. My cock was about 8 inches long now, and just about in the air. Any more stimulation and I wouldn't be able to stop from becoming fully erect. But I didn't want her to see that just yet. I wanted her to earn it. "Tell me Jessica," I said. Her eyes snapped to mine. "Do you like looking at my cock?" I asked. "Yeah..." she breathed. "Why do you like my cock so much?" I said. "Because...because it's big..." she said slowly. "Yes, but why do you like my big cock?" I said. She didn't reply. She was thinking. "Is it because," I continued, "Your boyfriend is so small? Does he leave you unsatisfied?" She nodded slightly. "Answer me." I said calmly. "Yes!" she blurted out, eager to obey me, "Yes, he's tiny, like my pinky finger. Just like you said." She held it out to demonstrate. She didn't seem to care how I'd found out about her sex life. "I never feel good with him...he's never even made me cum..." she said. She was staring at my dick again. It was bobbing slightly, in time with my heartbeat. She let out a little moan of desire. "I've actually never..." she said. "Never...?" I said. She looked at me again. "I don't...think I've ever had an orgasm. Even alone I just get too...I don't know, nervous." She went back to staring at my cock. This was a revelation. Miss super-confident mega-bitch had never even had an orgasm before. I was going to give her her first orgasm. I vowed it. "Do you want to touch my cock, slut?" I asked. Her face lit up. "Yes, yes, please. I want to touch it." she said. "Sit over there." I said, gesturing to the other end of the bed. I moved back on the bed to give her space. She eagerly jumped up and sat where my legs had been. Her body was incredible, and seeing her like this, I felt my dick stiffen even further. "But, you do have a boyfriend, don't you Jessica?" She looked at me, confused. "Yeah, I do, but-" "Now, what kind of a girl would even touch another man's cock if she already has a boyfriend?" I asked. "I don't...I don't know...I just want to touch it..." She was staring at it again. "Jessica, you have a boyfriend." I reminded her, "The only reason you should want to do this with me, would be if you were...a slut." She didn't say anything. "Are you a slut, Jessica?" She'd already accepted me calling her it, but now she had to accept it for herself. "I..." she hesitated. "Because if you're not a slut, then you should probably just stay faithful, and leave." "No!" she moaned. She looked into my eyes. "I am a...a...", she swallowed heavily, struggling with the admission, "a slut. I am, I'm a slut." she said. Admitting it aloud seemed to have a strange effect on her. Her eyes went a little hazy, and a big, lazy smile spread across her face. "I'm a slut." she said again. "Whose slut are you?" I prompted. "I'm...I'm your slut." she replied slowly, "I'll be your slut...Just let me...please..." "Touch it, slut." I said calmly. She reached out and grabbed it, letting out a moan of lust as soon as she did. It continued to grow in her hands until she was holding my full 10 inches. I enjoyed how it felt, her soft warm hands wrapped around my cock. She marvelled at the girth of it, lightly gripping with one hand and running her other up and down the shaft. She bit her lip and let out another low moan. I lay back and enjoyed the sensation. She explored the base, gently cupping my large balls in her hands, before she moved upwards, exploring the head. I was so turned on that some pre cum began to leak out, and she started rubbing it around the tip with her thumbs. She started to slide the skin down a little, but stopped when I let out a small grunt of pleasure. She looked up at me, as if surprised to see I was still there. "Oh, do you like that?" she asked. She looked like she really wanted me to feel good. At first I was confused that she didn't know what I would enjoy, then I remembered the only other cock she'd had experience with. She could probably fit that whole thing in one hand with room to spare. "Oh, of course," I said, "You've never done this with a real cock, have you slut?" She shook her head, then turned back to my dick. "Well," I said, "The head is the most sensitive part. What feels best for a guy is putting pressure around the top, then sliding the skin up and down." She did what I said, and was soon slowly masturbating me with both hands. I felt incredible, but I wanted more. "Stop." I said. After a few seconds, she stopped her hands. "No, I mean, let go." She slowly let go, and crossed her arms under her chest. She'd been squirming for a little while now, trying to bring some friction to her wet pussy. I was pleased to see that she hadn't tried to touch herself again, obeying my earlier command. "You're going to suck my cock now, slut." I said. Her eyes went wide with fear, and she sat back as I stood. I got off the bed and finished undressing. She turned to face me, scooting closer so her feet were on the floor. "I'm not sure about this." she said. I didn't say anything. "I mean...I've done this with my boyfriend, but his know...and..." she said. She looked away nervously. She seemed to be really afraid of my size, suddenly. I grabbed her jaw, but more gently this time, and turned her towards me. "Listen to me Jessica. You came into my room tonight, and begged me to show you my cock, didn't you?" I asked. "Y...yes." she whimpered. "You want this, don't you? You want to know what a real dick feels like, don't you?" I asked. Still holding her face, I grabbed my dick by the base and shook it slightly. "You want to taste this real cock, not your boyfriend's little clit, don't you?" She nodded again. "Say it." "Yes. I want to taste your cock...please." she said softly. "Really?" I said. "Yes...please, I want to taste it. I want to suck your...your big dick. I want to know what a real cock tastes like..." I stroked her cheek gently with my thumb. "Good girl." I said. I let go of her face. She nervously took my shaft in her hands again, slowly stroking its length. Without any more prompting, she leaned forward and licked the head. She made a little expression of displeasure at the taste of my pre cum, but went back for another one. She quickly started licking all around the head, sometimes wandering a little down the shaft. Her hot, wet tongue felt incredible. I let this continue for a few minutes before getting her to move on. "Ok, slut, it's time to put it in your mouth." I said. She looked into my eyes, and nodded once. She seemed somewhat stunned by this whole experience, but so eager to do a good job, to do what I told her. She slowly tried to put the head in her mouth, just managing to get her lips around my girth. She pushed harder, squeezing my cock further and further. She could only fit a few inches inside. Her tongue was going crazy, and her hands were sliding all along my shaft. It felt so good, so warm and wet. She suddenly let out a long, lusty moan. I started to thrust my cock forward a little, pushing back along her tongue. It was clear I wasn't going to get any further until she'd had some practice, so I was content with my little thrusts for now. I was only able to enjoy the sensation for a few moments before I was aching for release. I hadn't masturbated all week in anticipation of this. I slowly pulled my cock out of her mouth. She looked up at me, tears touching the corners of her eyes, but a huge smile on her face. She licked her lips, and wiped the spit from around her mouth. "Did that feel good?" she said, breathing heavily. "It did." I said. She smiled even wider and licked her lips again. I was amazed at how little it had taken for her to submit to me. "Did you enjoy it?" I asked her. "Yes! Oh my God, it's just so big and thick. The way it...pulses. Having it in my mouth is so fucking hot. I'm..." she trailed off suddenly. "You're what?" I asked. "I'm dripping wet, right now." I already knew this, but it felt good to hear her admit it. I smiled. "Jessica, what's it like when your boyfriend shoots his little load?" I asked. She smiled again, knowing where I was going with this. "It's just...a few weak spurts. Like, a teaspoon's worth." she said. I gently took her jaw. "Do you want to see what it looks like when a real cock cums?" I asked softly. "Yes, yes, please. I want to make you cum, I want to see you shoot your load." she said, nodding vigorously. I ran my other hand through her hair. "Then finish me off." I said, guiding her head back towards my cock. She went straight to work, trying again to fit as much of my cock in her mouth as possible. She bobbed her head back and forth irregularly, and lightly stroked my balls and shaft with her hands. The sides of my cock were scraping slightly against her teeth. This was my first experience with this, but even then I knew she wasn't doing a very good job. I was just too big for her to get a real feel for it. But it still felt incredible, and after just a minute or so I was ready. "Just your hands, now." I said. She quickly backed off my cock and started jerking me hard with both hands, her spit working as lube. She was staring at my cock with an intensity I'd never seen before. Her breath was heavy and her face was flushed. "Do you want me to cum on you, slut?" I asked. She didn't look at me, but started chanting under her breath, "Yes, yes, cum on me, please, cum, cum on me, yes..." I grabbed her head for balance and let the feeling overwhelm me. Hot, burning lines of pleasure jolted from the tip of my cock. It was incredible, ten times better that the last time I masturbated. I let out a loud groan of pleasure. The first shot splattered across her face, and a few landed on her tits. Without being told, she shoved my dick back into her mouth, desperately swallowing my cum. She started choking slightly, not used to the amount, but kept at it. I held her head there until I'd finished, then let her go. She immediately fell back on the bed and started rolling around, clutching her boobs and rubbing her firm nipples. She was rubbing my sperm around on them, moaning and whimpering. She brought her arm up to wipe the sticky fluid from her face, and ran her tongue up across it. Her face was scrunched slightly in displeasure of the taste, but she moaned softly again, and continued grabbing her heavy tits. I felt light-headed from the force of my orgasm, and she was really confusing me. "Jessica?" I said. She sat up and started squeezing her thighs together, still squirming. "I've never felt this good before...please, please let me touch myself...I think...aahh, I think I'm going to cum soon...oh God I'm so wet..." I was surprised that she obeyed me even now, her hands never once going near her crotch despite how much she obviously wanted it. She was covered in my cum, begging me to let her touch herself. I took just a few seconds to appreciate the position I was in. My cock, which had begun to wilt slightly, was back at full mast within a few seconds. I sat down on the bed beside her. I lay down, and she crawled to the other side to make room. I took her gently by the arm and guided her towards my legs. I got her to straddle me, sitting right up against my cock so that it pointed straight up, lying parallel against her stomach. "Oh my God, you're still so hard..." she said. She was still fidgeting, a pleading look in her eyes. "Come here." I said. She leaned forward to obey me, and as she did my cock ran along her stomach. She pushed it back until it was flat against my body, pressed between us. I pushed her up, and guided her until my cock was between her legs, her weight supported by her knees on either side, and her pussy resting gently on the under side of my shaft. She let out a small sigh when she first made contact, started letting out little humming moans with every breath. She was soaking wet. Her pussy juices began literally dripping down the sides of my cock, leaving little trails of moisture. "Listen to me, Jessica." I said, "Tonight...I'm not going to fuck you, do you understand me?" Her expression instantly turned from a lustful haze to disappointment, and panic. "But...please, I'm so wet, I-" I tucked my fingers beneath her chin, and put my thumb gently on her lips, silencing her. "No, not tonight. You haven't earned it yet." She looked like she was going to cry. "But... you have been a good little slut for me tonight. So I'm going to let you orgasm. Would you like that?" Her face grew excited again. "Yes! Yes, please make me cum, please, I'm so wet..." I pushed upwards with my hips, sliding my thick shaft along the outer lips of her pussy. She turned her head, moaning at the sudden intense feeling. I moved my body back, and just looked at her. She took the hint and began to thrust her own hips up and down, sliding her wet pussy along the length of my cock over and over, moaning gently every time she grinded her clit against it. She started slowly at first, savouring every inch, but soon began to pick up the pace. Within just a minute, she was humping against my cock with a quick and steady rhythm, her eyes closed tight in concentration. Her body was slick with sweat. Her huge tits bounced slightly with every movement. I realised then that I hadn't even touched her tits yet. I reached out and grabbed them, hard. She gasped loudly and opened her eyes. They felt good, so soft and heavy, and a little sticky from my cum. Her nipples felt rock hard against my palms. I quickly pinched them both between my thumb and fingers and squeezed. She let out another loud gasp and closed her eyes, throwing her head back to let out a low, guttural growl. I couldn't tell if it was in pleasure or pain, but I didn't care. I squeezed harder for a few seconds, drawing another long moan from between her parted lips, then I let go. Her hands went to straight to her nipples and she began lightly pinching and rubbing them herself. Her body was shaking more and more now, and it seemed like she was close to orgasm. "Look at me, Jessica." I said. It seemed like she tried, but she was still screwing up her face in pleasure. "Slut." I said, grabbing her jaw, "Look at me." She did this time, gazing into my eyes. "Do you want to cum, Jessica?" I asked. Her voice came out in a shuddering, shaking breath, "Yesss...please, I think....I think I'm...Oh God, I'm think I'm close..." she moaned. "Do it...cum for me." Her voice caught in her throat, and her hips began to spasm, breaking her rhythm. She lay back slightly against my cock, forcing the girth further between her folds. She never looked away from me. I wanted her to face me, to look me in the eye so she'd always remember her first orgasm, and who gave it to her. I reached behind her and grabbed her firm ass hard, digging my fingers in deep. She gave a throaty growl as I thrust my hips forward, providing even more stimulation. Suddenly, with a loud, shaking squeal, she came. Her hips were still jerking back and forth, continuing the stimulation on my cock. She was panting hard, every other breath coming out in a ragged moan. She was still pinching her nipples, harder now, as hard as I had. Her orgasm seemed to last minutes, her eyes never leaving mine the whole time. As she rode the waves of her orgasm to the end, she let out one final moan, and collapsed against my chest, her head on my shoulder. I held her for a while, my hands still on her ass, just enjoying the feeling of her warm naked body, still shuddering from the power of her orgasm. We lay like that for a few minutes. Her pussy was still resting against my erect cock, the bottom of which was now completely coated in her juices. Once the little aftershocks that made her body twitch and quiver had completely stopped, she looked up at me. I moved my hand up to her head, and idly ran my fingers through her hair a few times. "Oh my God...that was good...," she sighed. She closed her eyes and lifted her head, lips parted slightly, as if to kiss me. I held my hand against her collar bone to stop her. She opened her eyes, confused. She seemed disappointed. "Get out." I said. She suddenly looked terrified. "Wh...why? I mean..." She looked down at my cock, still erect between her legs. "Aren't you... Don't you want to...fuck me?" she asked. I sighed again, and pushed her to the side. She rolled off of me, and turned to face me. I didn't look at her. "I already told you, Jessica, I'm not going to fuck you tonight." "But...please? Please, I want you to fuck me... I want to feel a real cock-" I turned sharply to look at her, silencing her. I didn't want to hear my earlier words repeated back to me. "No, slut. Not tonight. Get out." She bit her lip. She once again looked so desperate. But for once in her God damn life, she didn't argue. "OK. I'll go. Can we do this again? Please?" she said. "We'll see..." I said, turning away from her. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over me. I lay down with my back to her. She got up and walked to the other side of the bed, towards the door. She got dressed without her underwear, ignoring my sperm on her body. When she was finished, she turned to me. "What should I do know, the guy I've been...?" She didn't seem to want to say "boyfriend". She hadn't said his name either, I noticed. I looked at her, and considered it. "Jessica, you're not my girlfriend." I said. "I know...", she said with a smile, "I'm your...slut, right?" She seemed proud of it. "Look, I don't give a fuck what you do with that needle dick, or anyone else for that matter. As long as you keep doing what I say, you can fuck whoever you like." I really meant this. I knew I didn't have to tell her not to fuck anyone else, because I knew it wouldn't matter. She was really obsessed with my cock by now. I doubted she'd even look at another guy. And being with her boyfriend again would only serve to remind her how big I was in comparison. She seemed uncertain. I got the feeling she wanted to be given a command, something she could do to make me happy, to prove herself, to "earn" my dick, as I'd put it. "There is one thing you can do for me though..." I started. Her face lit up. I was right. "Learn how to give a decent blow job. That was pathetic tonight." I said, with a touch of disgust in my voice. Her face fell, but she didn't reply right away. "I will." she said, "I'll practice, I promise." "Good." I said. She didn't leave. It still seemed like she was waiting for something. "Thank you, for this. Thanks." she said. "Was that really your first ever orgasm?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, definitely." I laughed softly. She hadn't seemed sure about it before, but now she knew. Whatever faint shadows of pleasure she'd experienced alone, or with her boyfriend, weren't even close to the real thing. What she'd felt tonight as she humped my huge cock, that was what an orgasm felt like. "Well, you're welcome. Now get the fuck out so I can sleep." I said. She nodded once. As she turned to leave, I noticed the fading pink marks on her ass that my fingers had made when I grabbed it. She left, closing the door gently behind her. I lay back and thought about what had just happened. I hadn't really planned how that had gone. My only real goal had been to make her beg to suck my cock, and that had gone very well. When it came to it, right after that, I knew I could have fucked her. I could have pounded her until she screamed. But I didn't want to. I mean, I wanted to, obviously, but on some level it just didn't feel right. There had to be...more. I wanted to see her even more degraded. I'd seen her beg, but I wanted to see how desperate she could really get. |
My Weekend With A Virgin CHAPTER ONE At 30,000 feet, you have all the time you need for reflection. One stewardess, oh wait, flight attendant if being politically correct, a shapely blonde with come hither eyes, asked why I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I told her that I was flying to meet the girl I was going to marry. She flashed one of those million dollar smiles that must be issued with the uniform, and went on her way. I drifted idly back to my thoughts of Tanya, and how this flight came about. "Dirk, you shouldn't have!" she texted. Now, most people would have taken that to be "Oh, you wonderful man, thank you!" but I knew better. There was no emoticon sent with that text, so, I knew trouble was brewing. "It'll be's time" I replied back, and then sat staring at my iPhone, waiting patiently for her reply. It came quickly. "That's a decision we BOTH should have made, not you by yourself! You have no idea what trouble you are going to cause me! Dammit!" I had pushed the envelope. Tanya was standing in her grandparent's living room, with them, surrounded by 20 dozen roses. "I love you. ::: kiss :::" When searching for the right thing to say, sometimes the simplest is the best. "I love you too, but don't change the subject you horse's ass!" I could tell that despite the perceived hostility, her play on my screen name was a good sign. "Baby...there was never going to be an ideal time for this. We've waited, what, over a year now?" I was using an advanced version of Siri, so I was speaking and sending text quite fast now. "I know you are in a panic, but I'm confident that my letter to your Dad will help smooth everything over. You know how I am with words, and, you told me that he's a reasonable..." "YOU SENT THE LETTER TOO?????????" Her text interrupted mine. "Yes, I did." That was the last text I received from her that day. It took several emails and voice mails to finally get her to talk to me; it was after midnight. True to my word, her Dad was accepting of my explanation of our relationship, and even a bit relieved that she had found a responsible man. Phone sex that night was was "make-up phone sex" and I was doing my best to relieve her tension. It worked, thankfully, and she slept quite well. The slight bounce from the wheels hitting the runway woke me from my sleep. I looked out the window and saw LAX speeding by. Once the plane settled and ferried us to a terminal access point, I got up and retrieved my carry on luggage. As I exited the jet, Ms. Million Dollar Smile wished me well, and I was off to find the rest of my luggage. Waiting around for baggage handlers to mishandle the baggage was tiresome, until I got hugged from behind, which completely started me. I spun around. "Tanya! What weren't going to be able..." and that was the last word I spoke as she launched herself into the air, wrapping her legs around me, and fastening her lips to mine, no pretense...tongues touching in that age-old dance of oral love. When we broke apart, there were a few stares, but heck, this was California. Tanya hugged me tightly, then whispered in my ear "Is that a loaded weapon in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" I chuckled and then replied "Both, baby. Both." Collecting luggage didn't seem so dreadful after all. I found out that she had been dropped off by a friend, so, my plan to rent a car was next. I had selected a Mercedes E350 Convertible, not to impress, but because I loved open air driving. As we worked our way out of the massive airport and got on the 405...well, life was good. "Where are we going?" she asked. "You have us covered?" "Yes." It wasn't exactly tentative, but it was slightly nervous. "Ok. We're going up north, maybe 4 hours." I could see her wonderful, scientific mind start its calculations, taking into account road conditions, traffic, mileage, speed, and whatnot. To me, she was one of great, natural wonders of the world. Beautiful, smart, great personality, smoldering sexual undertones...what more could a man ask for? I was blessed that she found me appealing. "Pismo Beach?" "No, but you aren't far off. San Simeon." "San Simeon. There's not much there, other didn't!" I just smiled. She remembered. "I thought that was just you really did it?" More smiling. The rest of the ride consisted of small talk, kissing, almost driving off Route 1 while kissing, me ogling her, her blushing, more small talk, some big talk, more kissing, more horn blowing at my erratic driving, and some repeating of what I just reported. Later in the afternoon, Hearst Castle came into view. For those unfamiliar, it's a 90,000 sq foot residence now museum originally build for newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. Opulence is a poor man's word to describe the treasured beauty of the estate. It was closed to the public this week for renovations, which were completed yesterday. I once did a huge favor for the general manager, who in turn granted me exclusive access to the mansion for the weekend. Of course, there would be a contingent of guards and other staff, but they would be quite discreet, and absolutely no visitors. As we drove up the long road, she moved closer to me, my non-driving arm around her, one hand of hers across my chest, her head on my shoulder. I could feel the excitement building in her. She had arranged to "go away" for this weekend and the reality of it was now hitting her. I parked the car and we got out. Again, it is hard to describe the mansion in any detail that gives it justice. We just walked, and she would point out something to me, and then turn and see something else and rush to that. It filled my heart to see her like a kid in a candy store, thrilled with each new discovery. As we rounded one bend, the Neptune pool came into view. There was simply a gasp from here. It was huge, over 100 feet in length, and surrounded by ancient Roman statues and columns and even a true facade of a temple that was imported from Italy. "It looks so inviting on a warm day like today." I nodded. Then I did something that totally blew her mind. I started undressing. "Wh--What are you doing?" I had slipped off my shoes and had unbuttoned my shirt and was removing it. "I'm going for a swim, what else?" "But you can't...but what if someone comes by..........." she stopped talking as I dropped my pants, stood naked in front of her for a second, smiled, and then dove headfirst into the crystal-clear water. As I surfaced 20 feet in, I spun back toward her and asked "Are you going to stand there and catch flies with your mouth open, or are you going to join me?" She closed her mouth, her cheeks blushing profusely. It wasn't all embarrassment, I noted, as I saw her nipples harden somewhat beneath her form-fitting blouse. There was some arousal there too. "I don't have my suit with me." "Neither did I," I countered. "Looking for a cheap thrill?" "There is nothing cheap about you, darling. I love you. Forever." Without bones, I suspect she would have melted into a puddle. I was casually doing a backstroke, strategically keeping a certain section of my anatomy below water level, although it was threatening to break the surface much like the dorsal fin of a shark. "Well?" "Well...turn around." I smirked and paddled myself so that I was facing away from her. About 45 seconds later I heard a small splash. I turned around and a second later she surfaced, well, her head and neck did. "Ohmygodyoudidn'ttellmethewaterwassofreakin'cold!!!" I chuckled. "Babe, it's mountain fed, what did you expect?" "I don't know but I'm cold!" "Come here," I suggested. She was torn between seeking my body's warmth but then knowing that the closer she got to me, the more that I would be able to see of her. A decision was forth-coming. "Oh, what the hell," and with that, she swam over to me. I thanked whatever gods there might be for the incredible filtration system that kept the water pure and glass clear. As she ceased her swimming and gently treaded water, I could make out small, dark nipples against her somewhat tanned skin. Further down, although somewhat obscured by small ripples of water, I could see a darkness at the juncture of her legs. My arousal went up as I realized that she had let her pubic hair grow out. I knew that was done solely for me. "Come close, darling, I won't bite," I said, and then in sotto voce, "much." The blushes that appeared in texts were obviously quite real as I saw another. But she moved closer. I held out my arms and the love of my life pressed her body next to mine, my lips seeking out hers. We kissed, our hands caressing each other's body lightly, exploring almost innocently as our passion rose. After a few minutes I spoke, "Are you warming up?" She smiled demurely, then said, "Can you not tell?" I looked into the water, and could see that while her nipples were still hard, the surrounding areola were enlarged, a definite sign of arousal. The hard nipples were from arousal now, not cold. "I'm not really sure." She smirked this time. Then her face changed to one of adoration. "I love you, Dirk." And with that, she took my hand in hers, and brought it to one of her breasts. "God..." I whispered, and crushed my mouth onto hers, gently squeezing first one breast, then moving my other hand to her other breast and doing the same. She whimpered into my mouth, my tongue dancing with hers. My fingers closed in on her nipples, squeezing both at the same time, not hard, but with enough pressure to elicit a kiss-muffled moan. We jostled in the water, our legs becoming more entangled. Her body shifted more, and I felt her bush rub against my thigh, then settle down on it. We both broke the kiss at the same moment, looking into each other's eyes with longing. "Tanya...we need to stop...need to get out of the water, babe." I could see into her eyes, the fire raging in her soul. It couldn't be like this, couldn't happen now. I disengaged and began swimming toward the edge of the pool, seeing that there were now two large towels placed discretely on a bench. I tied one around me, and then opened the second, wrapping it around her naked body as she climbed out of the water. "You truly are the most patient man on Earth." If she only knew how tested my patience was becoming. I smiled. "There's more for us to see. Go get dressed" I said, pointing to a small cabana and handing her the clothes she had discarded earlier. A few minutes later she emerged, fully clothed, looking dangerously beautiful. I kissed her. "Let's go explore." And we did. We walked through the Gothic Study, marveling at the incredible architecture. Next was the dining room. She sat at one end, I at the other. I asked her to pass the salt and she giggled. We walked, arm in arm, for a couple of hours. Dinner was prepared and we ate in a small room; the dining room was simply too much. After dinner we shared a cocktail poolside, a light breeze providing respite from the day's heat. As the sun set over the ocean, I couldn't think of a more perfect setting. "Do you think we could head inside?" "Yes, darlin', of course." And so we walked again, me remembering the map I was emailed two weeks ago, heading directly for one of the large, well-decorated bedrooms with the huge, oversized four poster bed. "Wow..." she said, looking around. I closed the door and locked it, although that latter step wasn't necessary. "I'm going to take a shower," I said, and headed off into the bathroom. The shower, well, I guess Hearst was into group cleansing. I've heard of walk-in showers, of course, but this was more like a drive-in shower it was so large. There was room for a dozen people, and there were probably that many shower heads. I turned on the water, selected one bather from the control panel, and watched as the shower heads moved, cascading water in one concentrated area. How cool! I removed my clothes and walked into the waterfall. It was incredible. Hot water coming at you from all directions, all at slightly different levels so that it felt like you were literally swimming. It was heaven. I didn't hear her come in, the force of the water enough to drown out small noises. But I saw a small reflection off a wall. Turning, I saw the love of my life walking towards me, through the mist generated by all of the hot water. Joining me in the middle of the river of water, we kissed again, as lovers do, the heat of the rushing water no match for the heat of our passion. I was instantly hard, and I'm sure she could feel it pressing against her. She broke the kiss and walked over to the panel and studied it for a few seconds, then pressed it a few times. The water spray shifted, softened, and became more of a light rain vs. a drenching downpour. She again joined me under the half-spray, half-water. "I love you, babe." "I know," she replied. We both giggled. It was our joke. One person professing their love, the other replying with the casual zinger. I loved it. She turned serious. "You are my one true love, Dirk. You've been incredible to me over this past year. I'm not just talking about the gifts and stuff. That's all been great. The flowers, the jewelry, all of the sweet things that you've sent...the crystal penguin, my god...but it is more than that. It's the way that you've embraced my family. It's the way that you've been so incredibly patient with me, with my moods, with my bitching and complaining about school, with everything that I've thrown at you...and my virginity. You've let me wait, and never made me feel bad about it. I feel that I owe you so much..." "Tanya, you owe me nothing..." "Hush, I'm talking. I've given you my love...and now I want to give you something else. Something that I couldn't give you until today..." And with that, she knelt down before me, hands on my thighs...and looked up at me, eyes smoldering with lust... CHAPTER TWO ...and began to wash my body using the thick sponge that was loaded with body wash. Starting at my feet, then my ankles, my calves, up to my thighs, scrubbing vigorously. This was, of course, pure torture. I was at full mast. How she avoided banging into it with her head or getting poked in the eye was beyond my comprehension. But avoid she did. She continued up my thighs, my waist, torso, my chest, my neck, then both arms, with her now standing. Then she moved behind me, getting my back, ass, legs...and now she was back in front of me again, looking into my eyes. She anticipated me. "No...I didn't forget anything..." and with that she again descended before me. The torture ascended to another level as she used the sponge first on my balls, gently washing them again and again, and then on my cock, surrounding it with the sponge and stroking it, not fast, but with a firm grip. My eyes closed. The combination of the warm, sudsy texture of the sponge, and knowing it was her, there, in front of me, her face mere inches from me...I felt my steely resolve crumbling. She released her grip and arose in front of me. "All clean," she pronounced. I swallowed. And then my eyes opened to see her standing, just the faintest trace of a smile on her face. "My turn," I said, taking the sponge from her. I applied a generous amount of body wash, set the water to a lower amount but increased the steam effect, and sank to my knees before her, thinking two can play this game, and that I played to win. I too started with her feet, taking my time with each one, individually cleaning each toe thoroughly, but all the while keeping my face a mere inch from her body, her pussy to be exact. Naturally, being a mammal, I needed to breathe, and breathe I did, making sure that my exhalations of air were aimed right at that most sacred of locations on her body. I knew what effect this would have on her mind and body. As I washed both of her legs, I was afforded a close-up view. Granted, the view was somewhat obscured by her recent growth of hair, straight and black, but I could still see a little...the delicate lips looking oh so small. I could only imagine how tight she would be. And, I could only imagine the heat that was brewing within, my warm breath painting a haze of erotic mist across her crotch. I moved, reluctantly, upwards, but them remembered that I'd get to do some additional, cleaning, as her breasts again came into view. I decided to take a different approach and discarded the large sponge in favor of something different...gloves! These were specially made gloves, the inside a thin but strong rubber compound, while the exterior was made up of a combination of small but strong bumps for cleaning power, interspersed with soft, spongy materials for suds retention. I put two of them on, applied more body wash, and then returned to her. My hands began caressing her body, her sides first, then her taut belly, all the while rubbing and applying varying amounts of pressure with my fingers. Think of it as an erotic massage but one that was cleaning at the same time. Fingers have much more dexterity this way, so I was able to carefully cascade them across her chest, avoiding the most sensitive spots, swirling in circles, tracing the undersides, drawing away from them, and then slowly sliding back, and forth, back and forth...finally brushing across her nipples quickly but not stopping. I studied her face during all of this, mine impassive...but hers running through the gauntlet of expressions from heightened erotic response to desperate for a solid touch vs. all the teasing. A small grunt came from her when my palms crossed across her nipples. I moved my hands up her body, now on her shoulders and her neck, then over both arms, being careful to avoid tickling and thus distracting her. I moved behind her. First I started on the back of her neck, then some solid rubbing and massaging her shoulders, seeing her head moving from side to side a bit to fully enjoy the massage. Next I moved to her back, first vigorous, then softening and providing more tracing movements. At one point, I as I was rubbing her sides, I moved my hands around once again to her breasts, cupping them with my hands...and eliciting a sharp intake of breath from her. That sound changed to a solid whimper as a thumb and forefinger of each hand found a nipple and began rubbing them. I kissed her shoulders while doing this and felt her head turn towards me, lips seeking out mine. I relented, and kissed her, her tongue slipping into my mouth as her arms reached up and around, taking hold of my head and keeping it in place to extend our french kissing. As I continued the nipple, um, cleaning, she pressed her ass against me, against it, and began rubbing back and forth. Oh no...that would not do. This was about her. I released her nipples and ended the kiss, smiling at her. I sang a short verse, looking at her... How many times must I say I love you Before you finally understand? Won't you be my forever woman? I'll try to be your forever man, Try to be your forever man........ Kneeling down, I continued my caressing cleansing of her body, her lower back, then the backs of her legs, and then finally moving back up to her ass, perfect that it was, right in front of me. It was at that moment that I decided that her inner thighs needed extra attention, so I put both hands between them and silently urged her to spread her legs just a bit. She did. Wow. What an incredibly erotic view. I began rubbing between her legs...on her upper thighs, first with one hand, then with the other...then with both at the same time. Occasionally one of my fingers would stray and rub against her pussy, and I would feel her shiver. Finally, I began to rub her pussy "intentionally". To clean it, of course. I gently opened her lips and rubbed gently inside, accidentally occasionally rubbing against her clit. Slight jumps by her, followed by somewhat of a grinding motion, was not uncommon during this phase of the cleaning process. The control I exerted in not just grabbing her by the hips, mashing my face against her, and licking her pussy until she exploded, was impressive. I finished cleaning her butt, making sure to gently poke and prod to continue her erotic torture. Then I stood up, stripping off the gloves and dropping them. She spun around. " can't...just leave me like this!" "Like what?" I asked with an impish smile. She growled at me. "Like I want to throw you on the floor of this shower and fuck you to death!" Wow. I think I could count on one hand the number of times she had dropped the f-bomb and have plenty of fingers left over. I leaned in and kissed her, sweetly, on the lips, then pulled back. "Darlin'...that would NEVER happen. I made a promise to you that we would wait until we are married. I will not break that vow." The look on her face was a combination of wanton desire and incredualty. "Are you kidding me? I get away for an entire weekend, you come all the way out here, we're in this shower naked and all hot for each other, and you're telling me you're not going to make love to me?" I kissed her again, this one with more passion. "Lover...we are going to make love tonight, I promise you. I love you." "I love you too, Dirk, so much." "We will make love tonight baby...but..." CHAPTER THREE "...I'm just not going to take your virginity." She gave me one of those "we'll just see" looks that became famous via our video chats on FaceTime over the past year. After finishing up rinsing off, we pulled two oversized towels from the towel oven, a pizza-oven looking device that heated them to a comfortable, body-warming temperature, and dried off. Walking back into the bedroom, I could feel that the Viagara I took right before showering was taking effect. While some snickered at the use of Viagara, those in the know knew that it wasn't just for men with erectile dysfunction, but also for those who wanted a crowbar-like erection reminiscent of an 18 year old. Tanya crawled under the covers of the bed, and beckoned me. "Come to bed, lover." I first went and adjusted the lights, dimming them and setting the color to a deep red glow. Next I added some music, a surprise for her. It was Ravel's Bolero, made famous by Torvill and Dean at the '84 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo, and by Bo Derek in the movie 10, when she asked Dudley Moore's character, "Did you ever do it to Ravel's Bolero?" We had talked about this piece of music before, her favorite. It's amazing when you look at the one you love, and see her melt like warm butter before your very eyes. As I moved into bed and under the covers, my demure, "saving it for my marriage" online lover for over a year, launched herself into my arms, pushing me down on the bed. She straddled my hips with her legs, her now quite visible pussy resting against Mr. Crowbar, who was now so hard I think he could etch some glass. She was leaning forward, her hand on my shoulders, holding her up, eyes focused on mine, while she lazily rubbed her wet, virgin pussy up and down my shaft, the lips performing an erotic squeegee wash. Then she paused, the head of my cock poised at the juncture of her slick, slightly swollen entrance. I swallowed. "I want so badly to sink down right now and take you deep inside of me...but before I do, there is so unfinished business..." With that she slid her pussy once more down along the length of my shaft, coating it with her own lubrication. This time, she didn't stop and reverse direction...she simply moved further down my body, mouth nipping at my body along the way, nails from both hands lightly raking my skin, causing all sorts of jumpiness within me. Her obvious destination was Mr. Crowbar, who felt epically hard, and my accompany balls, which had not found release, on purpose, for well over a week. She was too far gone for prolonged teasing. Taking my shaft in one hand, she brought her mouth down over the head and enveloped it, sinking several inches into her mouth, tasting both my precum and her own wetness. For a brief second she closed her eyes, savoring the moment, then opened them and looked at me as she moved her mouth back up to the head, swirling her tongue around and around, then back down, taking three, four, five inches into her mouth. I had thought about this a number of times, and knew that I would be good for two solid orgasms this evening, so I relaxed and let it happen, slowly pumping my hips in rhythm to her mouth. I knew this was the second blowjob that she had given in her life, the first being to some random boyfriend of hers many years ago, and that it was a disaster. This, this was no disaster. She was literally pulling the cum from within me. A soft hand rubbed my balls, feeling them, and squeezing gently. My eyes were locked onto hers. I watched as her lips were stretched around the wide girth of my cock, as she again and again impaled her head on it, her lips gripping it tight with suction as she pulled up, then loosened a bit on the ride down. Her tongue was in constant motion, licking, swabbing, applying pressure here and there as it danced ove the surface of my cock. As I approached the point of no return, my eyes started to glaze over, and I both heard and felt the vibrations of her moan. Her speed picked up, the suction ratcheted up a few notches, the hand holding my shaft beginning to stroke, trying to coax the warm sustenance out of my body. She lightly ran her nails across my balls and moaned once more, and that was it. Ten days worth of online teasing. Ten days worth of touching and stroking but not completing. Ten days worth of anticipation. Ten days worth of hot cum came shooting out the end of my cock and into her loving mouth. My hips bucked reflexively, a call to my diety escaping my lips as more and more jets of semen pulsed into her mouth. I could hear her moaning loud now, trying to swallow to make room for yet more of the creamy filling. I don't think I had cum that much in well over a decade. It just wouldn't stop, some of it overflowing her mouth and dribbling down my shaft. As the sensations declined, I could open my eyes and look at Tanya. She had just pulled my cock from her mouth, and I could see some of my cum on her lips, chin, and tongue. She swallowed again, then licked her lips, looking at me, pure lust in her eyes. She began licking my shaft, her tongue gathering up what semen had escaped her mouth. I closed my eyes and endured the licking, my cock a little over-sensitive at the moment, and showing some signs of weakening, though still retaining that Viagara-induced hardness. Tanya brought her mouth up to the head of my cock and began lightly licking it, and then taking just the head inside. I saw some movement and realized that she had moved a hand between her legs for a moment. When I felt her hand moving between my legs, pushing them further apart, I realized what she had done. She was getting her fingers wet with her pussy juice, a nice, natural lubricant. A single, slender finger penetrated my ass fully as she sunk her mouth down over my shaft again...this time trying to take it as deep as she could. Before she got it all, she started to gag, expectedly, this being the second cock she had sucked. As she rose back up off of my cock, she slid her finger backwards in my ass, until just the tip remained buried within. Then she repeated the sequence...finger shoving deep, mouth doing deep...finger withdrawing...mouth withdrawing...again...again...again...until she slid a second, slim finger inside of me. I had had enough! I pulled away from her, and, moving quickly, tossed her on her back, head up on a pillow. Moving between her long, slender legs, I took one ankle into each hand and lifted them, high, pushing them back and apart, until her virgin pussy was spread wide before me. I moved forward a bit and Mr. Crowbar, back to his old, rigid self, was poised right above her opening, it looking about twice the size of what would safely fit inside of her. "Do it. Fuck me. Please?" she begged. As I leaned forward, the head of my cock nudged aside her swollen, very wet pussy lips, and started to sink inside of her. A low growl emanated from her throat, her hands gripping the sheets tightly, eyes wide open. I poised myself for one, fast thrust, one massive push forward that would snap my cock through her hymen, forever end her virginity, and sink myself balls deep within the walls of her pussy...what would become "my" pussy the day we got married... CHAPTER FOUR I couldn't do it. "No." She looked up at me. "What the fuck did you just say?" "I can't do it. I can't take your virginity. You've waited this can wait a little longer, until we are married." And with that, I moved my cock away from her pussy, and replaced it with my face. I could feel through her body that she wasn't happy with all of this, but I was determined not to pop her cherry tonight. Instead, I looked at the treasure before me. With her legs spread, and my face mere inches away, I was looking at paradise. Helen of Troy's face launched perhaps a thousand ships, but this, this could launch nuclear weapons. Her pussy lips were small, yet swollen with desire. Nothing larger than her finger had ever passed between them. I so ached to put my cock inside of her, but, I was determined not to do that too. Her pussy hair was dark brown, almost black, and mostly straight, with most of it above, though a small amount grew down the sides, framing her tender lips. It looked beautiful. I began licking along the sides of her lips, just with the tip of my tongue, lightly tracing her lips up toward the hood that covered her clit. That I avoided, for now, and began tracing downward on the other side. I heard a soft moan come from her, and felt her relax a bit. Kissing each thigh, I then lightly licked each inner thigh, alternating...feeling her squirm a little. I licked down below her opening, towards her ass, then reversed direction, my tongue entering her, licking and tasting her sweet nectar. I loved the taste, which made me very happy since I planned on spending many thousands of hours with my face between her legs in this position over the coming years. I pushed my tongue in deeper, wiggling it...and then I decided to try one of my own, self-taught techniques on her. I took my arms and wrapped them around her legs, firmly, so that she wouldn't be able to move. Then I moved my tongue up to her clit. Rather than lick it, and suck on it...which has always produced good results, I wanted to try something else. I began licking at it, but, just with the barest tip of my tongue. The very tip. Just back and forth, back and forth, very rapidly, just barely touching her clit. If you are familiar with butterfly kisses, that's exactly what this was, but instead of my eyelashes on her cheek, it was my tongue, on her clit. At first it just feels interesting, or so I'm told, a different sensation. But, I don't stop. I keep up the same pace, like a machine, and on the exact same spot. And that's where it develops into a maddening sensation, an itch that can't be scratched. That's why I had a good hold on her legs. I felt her squirming now, and moaning some. Good. It was working. I kept up the steady pace, never putting additional pressure, even as she tried to shift her body or thrust her pelvis towards me. "Gawwwwwddddddd....please.....lick it...suck it...." she begged, but I would not listen. I simply kept up the butterfly-kiss like licking...thirty more seconds...sixty more seconds. Her head was now moving back and forth on the pillow, her nipples were hard, and her hands were gripping the sheets. I now sucked at her clit, my lips surrounding it, applying suction, my tongue in a frenzied whipping motion back and forth over it. Her head and upper body shot up off of the bed as though a cattle prod had gone off inside of her, and she came, her juices increasing their flow, her legs fighting against my arms, hands pinching her nipples, grabbing at her hair...her body was overloading with lust as I continued to lick and suck at her clit. I pulled away, knowing that she would now be ultra-sensitive and that it would actually be too strong of a feeling, and lacking pleasure. I just kissed her thighs, her bush, then licked the inside of one thigh, which drew her hands quickly to my head and her voice telling me no, too sensitive. I rolled her over and then got on top of her, my cock sliding between her legs, feeling the wetness of her pussy. I squirmed my hands under her, feeling her breasts and gently squeezing her still hard nipples. My mouth found her neck and I kissed it, and then nipped at it with my teeth, her body jerking at each light bite. She started moving her hips a bit, pushing back, liking the feeling of my cockhead rubbing against her clit. Her legs were clamped together tightly, making a nice, tight, wet slot for my cock to slide back and forth against. It felt good, but, I was okay, the blowjob she gave me earlier taking off the edge. I could last. My goal wasn't to cum, anyway, but to bring her off again. And I knew it would happen sooner vs. later. That first orgasm of hers, a powerful one, no doubt, was just the beginning. As I stroked, her pussy lips rode along the top of my cock, and on each stroke, her clit would be rubbed, nudged, and touched by a warm, wet, and solid piece of meat. Between the sensations in her pussy, my nipple play, and the neck biting, she came again, this one not nearly as powerful, but a more extended orgasm, one that I rode out between her legs. My cock was coated with her secretions. I got off of her, and then pulled her hips up towards me. She helped what she could, much of her energy sapped through the powerful orgasms. When she felt my cock between her legs, she once again thought that I was giving in to temptation and ready to finally fuck her virgin pussy. "Yes, fuck me baby." But that wasn't my target. I was still firm in my resolve that she remain a virgin, at least in her pussy. Her ass was still virgin territory, but not for long, as I pressed the head of my swollen, very wet cock against her tiny asshole. CHAPTER FIVE As I pressed forward, and she realized my intended target, her eyes went from being sleepy to quite wide instantly. "Are you kidding...wait...we only talked about this...god...okay...okay...just...go.......slowwww..." With the right amount of lubrication, the right amount of forward pressure, and the right angle, it is possible to make a square peg fight into a round hole. Not that my cock was square, but, I suspect to Tanya it felt like a square telephone pole. This was perhaps the first time ever that I wished my cock wasn't so thick, for her sake. Just then the head popped inside, and her ass muscles clamped down on me! There was an audible gasp from her, and I could see that her eyes were now squinted shut, her hands grasping the sheets in a death grip. I reached down between her legs and gently began rubbing her clit. "Are you okay?" I asked, keeping the pressure on, but not trying to push deeper inside. "Just...go...slow," was the reply through gritted teeth. I knew once we were able to get her a little accustomed to me that she would enjoy it, or should enjoy it. I hoped. I leaned forward a bit, and greasily slid an inch inside. Another slight gasp and intake of breath. I think the clit rubbing was helping a little, as she rolled her hips once. That got me an extra half inch. "Push against me," I suggested. "What? I can't..." she replied, but, I didn't believe her. "C'mon. You want me in your ass. It's turning you on." Her eyes were directly on me, squinting, not from pain now, more like, scorn. "Fuck you. This hurts. I'm not enjoying...god...mmmm...not enjoying this at all, you bastard!" I pressed forward and sunk another inch and a half inside of Tanya's tight ass. Her mouth formed an "O". "Rub my...clit...faster...please," she gasped. And so I did. And so I sunk deeper...and deeper...feeling Tanya's legs quiver as my cock was seeking out the depths of her ass. "Are you...," her eyes were closed again, "...are you...all...the...way....inside?" I had stopped moving forward. "Yes, babe." I was balls deep in her ass. I could go no deeper. It felt great. Her ass was very tight, and it felt like it was squeezing along the entire length of my cock. "Tanya, darlin?" "Yes, my love?" "Rub your clit." I let go and took hold of her legs, one in each of my arms, adjusting for leverage. She looked up at me, wondering, then realization hit her. She quickly began to run her clit in a circular motion. "" but she was too late. I pulled back, withdrawing all inches of my cock except for the head. Then I immediately pushed all of it back inside of her. "Ohmigodohmigodohmigod!" I smiled. "You're gonna' love this, babe." I began sawing in and out of her ass now at will, holding onto her legs and using them to provide leverage to fight the resistence offered by her ass channel. The pussy juice lubrication was just enough to provide a nice coating without making it too slippery. The feeling of cock sliding in and out of her asshole was truly incredible. It kept clutching and unclutching my cock over and over again. And as I looked at the love of my life, her face all flushed, her nipples extended and hard, breathing hard, I realized that she was having multiple orgasms. I had just taken her ass cherry, and she was rapidfire cumming! This knowledge was enough to cause me to shoot off inside of her, bathing her insides with my warm sperm. I hunched against her, emptying my balls, feeling all of my energy drain from me. It wasn't just me, though. Tanya, well, she was now nearly unconscious. So I allowed myself to lay down next to her and drift off to sleep. It was a struggle to move my arms or legs, so I just opened one eye. Blurry, I could see that it was morning, and, Tanya was standing next to the bed, wearing latex, and holding a riding crop. As if that wasn't enough of a shock, I realized now that the reason for my struggle for arm or leg movement was because I was in restraints! |
She is my banker. The Stagecoach Bank. We met a few months ago. Era helped me set up the ability to send money to friends overseas. During three brief visits at the bank she told me she was from the Philippines and met an older American man who brought her here 6 years ago. They married. She became a citizen. And she was happy. She still had family and friends in the Philippines. Her new email asked if I was alright. And stated that she had not seen me in the bank for more than a month. I thought about it. I replied with an email, to her bank. If you have a private email, please send here. The next day, I had two emails. One from Era from her bank email said she did not have a private email for bank customers. I replied to that email, “sorry, we will keep this professional.” I did not want her to get into trouble. The other email was from Era’s private email. I responded, saying I did not want to cause her trouble, “I hope this is OK”. Immediately she sent back. “I am at work, on my phone, and on hangouts.” I added her, and we started chatting. I said please be careful, I didn’t want to cause trouble. She text back, “no worries, she would be careful, she was very happy to chat this way.” I told her I was online and ask how life was treating her. She said her husband health had gotten worst. She had to get some home healthcare for him. And that she was lonely. She said she would text more as she could. Era want to know if we could meet after she was off work. I said probably yes. Another text later. “Mike I am off at 4, my address is . . . . I hope you can come over” At 3:45 I text her I would be there at 4:15. She responded, “you made my day!” I knocked on the front door at 4:15. Era greeted me at the door invited me in and gave me a big hug. Other than a hand shake, it was out first physical contact. She was still wearing her business clothes from work. About 5’ 1’’, maybe 100 lbs, her business clothes hid most of her. She took me over to her husband. He was lying on the front room couch with a blanket over him. His nurse nearby. Era asked, Shelly the nurse to follow her into the kitchen. Jack, Era’s husband said, “I am very happy Era has you as a friend, she needs someone. Please be good to her.” “I will, Jack,” I responded. “Mike, she needs more than a lover, she needs a friend, a wise and smart man.” “I understand.” I was surprised, but happy to have his acceptance. Era called to me. She wanted to show me the rest of the house. There were two small bedrooms downstairs. Jack’s was one of them. Shelly could use the other if she stayed the night. Shelly was young, mid 20’s, a nice looking Asian woman, and a full nurse. Era took me upstairs. There was a sitting room, a master suite, and two more bedrooms and bath. Era asked me to allow her to freshen up. I said sure, but if you would like to shower, I would love to wash your hair and body. I would love that Mike. We got naked and stepped into a big shower. There were dual heads and a bench. And the bench was heated. Era looked good. Her hair was just passed her shoulders. Her breasts were a nice round B+/C with pronounced nipples. Her body had a little extra here and there. And a very nice-looking shaved pussy. I moved to the bench and sat. Reaching for her, we kissed long and passionately. “Mike, thanks so much for being here, I really need you.” “I want you to know Era, I need you too. I told you how it is at my home.” “We need each other.” We kissed again. Our hands were exploring each other. My mouth moved from hers to her neck, then to her breast. Era’s moaning increased. Here hands went to my shoulders, and she climb onto my lap straddling me. With my mouth still sucking her nipple, she lowered herself onto my hard cock. I could feel myself slowly going inside her. I leaned back and arched up to give her more cock to ride. My hands moved down and round her ass. I helped her rise and fall on me. It didn’t take long for her pussy to gush and for her body to shake in orgasm. “Oh Mike,” she said with breathless passion. We kissed again as she kept riding me. Her movements becoming more pronounced. “God, I need this Mike,” and she came again. I looked at her and said, “let me wash your hair baby.” “You are too good to be true, Mike.” She climbed off of my lap and I took the shampoo and gently washed her hair. With her Dove soap I washed her body. With my hand at first gently washing her pussy, then with a little bit more pressure, I inserted two fingers and she had another orgasm. I turned her to wash her butt and she wanted more. Spreading her legs for me. I entered her from behind and fucked her long and hard giving her two more orgasms . I looked her wet look, and helped her dry off, as she helped me. Era wanted me in her bed. Soon we were naked under the sheet and hugging. She pushed me to lie on my back, so she could climb on top. Looking at me she said, “Mike, I cannot get enough of your cock, it has been too long.” “I am here for you Era, please use me,” I responded. She guided my still hard cock between her pussy lips. I could feel her pussy growing juicer as it slid deeper into her. She lowered her body to me, and we kissed. “Era”, a female voice said. It was Shelly just outside the bedroom. Era called back to her as she pulled the sheet over us. “Shelly, we are here please come in.” Shelly entered the master bedroom and was immediately embarrassed. “I am sorry, I thought you asked me to come in.” “Shelly, it is ok, you know me, Mike and I have nothing to hide from you, we are family.” “Thank you, Era, I just want to let you know Jack is in his bed, in his room, should be asleep soon, and I was going to go.” “Shelly can you stay? Mike, has to go soon, and I do not want to be alone tonight.” Shelly was now looking fully at us in bed under the covers and moving closer. “Yes, I can stay, you know I love to be here with you Era.” Era sat up and reached for Shelly exposing her nakedness and mine too. “Shelly, Era now holding her hand, please get into bed with us, Mike is wonderful, and I am sure he can make you very happy.” Era slid off me, offering my wet hard cock to her husband’s nurse and her friend. Shelly was naked quickly and climbing on top where Era had just been. In seconds she guided my cock inside her. Shelly movements started wildly. “Oh Mike, thanks, I need your cock, I need to cum!” By then, I had a nipple in my mouth and a finger on her clit. Her orgasm was tremendous. And she was not done. She kept riding and gushing. Until she collapsed on top of me out of breath. Era said to her, “Shelly, my lover hasn’t cum yet, I bet he would love our mouths on his manhood.” It did not take long to shoot ropes of cum on both their faces. Then they licked and kissed my cum from each other. I got up, showered quickly, then told Era (who was still in bed with Shelly playing) I would text her in a few minutes and drove home. |
The Osaka Riders of Glorious Youth by Vincent Part 1 Every spring I take the ferry from Osaka to Tokushima to let loose my Ducati Hyperstrada on the winding mountain roads of Shikoku. I look forward to this trip all year. It's pure "me time." The roads of Shikoku are kept in excellent condition as a way to support rural communities, even though very few cars use them. The scenery they travel through is stunningly beautiful, steep pine covered mountains and snow fed lakes. Spring adds the extra element of wild cherry trees in full blossom thickly clustered on mountainsides. Every turn brings another beautiful view. It's difficult not stopping every kilometer to takes pictures. There are more trucks hauling logs than cars, and a few other bikers, but it's not uncommon to ride for half an hour without seeing another vehicle. I was on just such a stretch, enjoying my private surroundings at a leisurely pace, probably spacing out a little too much for safety, when I was startled back to my senses by a string of street racers whizzing past me, one by one, as if I were standing still. Challenge accepted. After the last bike passed I rolled back on the throttle, got low on my bike, and tried keeping up with them. I did the best my sensibilities would allow, but after five or six minutes self preservation got the better part of pride and I let them go. They were up the valley and out of sight within a minute as I listened to the sound of their high revving engines fade away. About 30 minutes later I recognized three of the bikes parked at a road house where I'd stopped on previous journeys. It's a great place to kick back for a while. The dining area is all tatami mats, low tables and lots of cushions. It's never crowded and the Mama-san doesn't mind if you take a little nap. I couldn't forgo the opportunity to meet the riders who put me to shame, so I parked my touring machine next to these three beautiful street racers. They looked fast just standing still; there was a Suzuki Hayabusa, a Yamaha YZF, and a bike that took my breath away, a stunning red Cagiva GP with a white 7 painted on the tail. I was already impressed. Inside looked like a yard sale. There were boots, gloves, leather jackets and three attractive Japanese women spread out all over the floor. Two of them were sound asleep; the other was propped up on a pile of cushions studying her phone. She had short, shaggy cut black hair and narrow cheeks that angled in to a small chin. She was the only one who had taken off her leather pants as well, leaving her dressed in a spaghetti strap t-shirt and tiny shorts made of thin fabric with bananas printed on them. She was fit, too. She could have been one of those models in a fitness magazine with six pack abs and zero body fat. I could tell this girl was formidable. The empty dishes from their lunch were still on the table. When the girl saw me she picked a cushion and quickly laid it across her legs, but not before I noticed the rainbow colored sparrow tattoo flying out the bottom of her shorts. We exchanged greetings quietly. I sat down in the closest empty space I could find. "Which one of you owns that gorgeous Cagiva?" I asked. "Uh, that would be sleeping beauty here." she said, pointing to the girl with red leather pants. "And you?" "Mine is the Suzuki," she said, "Are you the guy that was trying to keep up with us back there?" "Guilty. How did I do?" "I've seen better, but the problem isn't your skill. It's your bike. If you try keeping up on that cruiser you are going to scrape your pannies on the ground." "Excuse me? My panties?" We both chuckled, but for different reasons. "Pannies. Your saddlebags." The laughter woke the other girls and they sat up. "Who's this?" one of them asked. "This is the guy who was on our tail a while back." "I'm Vincent." I said. "Hello," the Cagiva rider said, "I'm Aiko. This is Chieko, and you've meet our fearless Sakura." "Yes, I have," I said, "and I am very jealous of your bike, Aiko." She was the smallest and the cutest of the three, and I instantly decided, the one I most wanted to get naked with. "Well, if you are nice to me maybe I will let you ride it," she said sweetly. "Where can I send the flowers?" The mama-san came and took my order. I added my gear to the pile on the floor and made myself comfortable. "Where are you from?" asked Chieko. She was dressed in form fitting black leather pants and a tight white t-shirt that forced the nipples her well formed breasts to poke through the fabric. She was more full figured than her friends. "Osaka. And you guys?" "Didn't you see our jackets?" Chieko said. She grabbed the closest one and held it up. The back was emblazoned with their club's logo, a nude girl riding a cock fashioned into a motorcycle. Did I just hit the jackpot? In a ring around the image was the club's name, Osaka Riders of Glorious Youth. I don't know why the acronym didn't register at the time. "Cool. You're from Osaka, too," I said. I felt stupid for stating the obvious. The mama-san brought my food and I started to eat. "What does it take to join your club?" The girls looked at each other as if to telepathically discuss whether I was O.R.G.Y. material. I suppose they decided I was worth a try. "Well, if you prove yourself worthy you then have to pass the initiation," Sakura said, "Why don't you ride with us for a while. We'll take it easy on you." "I hope you don't have anyplace you need to be," Chieko added. "I can't think of any. I'm tingling with anticipation," I said. "There were about ten bikes that passed me. Where is everybody else?" "They went ahead, but we're going to meet them later. I'm sure they'd take great pleasure in meeting you." "Where are we going?" "Well Vincent, you are just going to have to trust us," Sakura gave me a wicked smile. The girls got dressed and I finished eating. In five minutes we were back on the road, Sakura in the lead. I followed Aiko on the Cagiva where I could watch her lean the bike gracefully through the twisties. It was beauty in motion. Chieko was in the rear making sure I didn't get lost. I felt as if I were being escorted to a fate unknown. We rode like that for the better part of the afternoon. It was going to be dark soon and I knew we were still pretty far from any big towns. I'm not a fan of riding at night, but just as my concern was growing we turned off onto a side road with a canopy of trees that led to what seemed like an abandoned village. As the Japanese countryside has depopulated over the years many of these rural enclaves were deserted, forgotten and left to be reclaimed by nature. I had always just passed them by. But now I got concerned for a different reason. Perhaps these girls had something not so pleasant in mind for me. In a way I was right. We pulled up in front of large house that was not nearly as overgrown as the others. "We're staying here tonight, with all the ghosts and the spiders?" I inquired as we dismounted our bikes. Chieko passed right in behind me and slapped me on my ass, "Don't judge a book by its cover, young man. You could get into trouble." Sakura unlocked the padlock on the door and we stepped inside. She flicked on the light switch and the large living room lit up. My eyes bugged out. It was really nice. There were two large sofas facing each other across a heavy wooden table, plush chairs, cushions, cabinets and everywhere thick carpets covered the floor. The girls laughed at my amazement. "Make yourself at home," Sakura said. The girls began tossing their gear on the floor. "We have electricity, there's water, but no hot water. There is a stream out back where we wash. It's kind of our tradition. You are welcome to join us." "Is it cold?" The girls laugh. "Freezing," Aiko warned. "Well, why not," I resigned myself. The girls disappeared for a moment and returned dressed in robes with arms full of towels and bottles. They tossed me a robe as they headed out the back door and told me to join them. Two minutes later I'd changed and headed out the back door. In the darkening sky, I stumbled my way through the thick trees relying on the sound of running water to be my guide. Just when I was feeling disoriented I heard them talking, I stepped into a clearing where there had been fashioned with stones a small pool in the stream. The girls were busy soaping their bodies and washing their hair. They seemed impervious to the cold. Even in the light of dusk I was mesmerized by how strong and beautiful their nude bodies were. One of them noticed me. "Hey, you made it," Chieko said, "get in." I untied my robe and laid it across a convenient branch. All together the girls let out a long "Ooooh," at my nakedness then giggled at each other. I put one foot in the water and felt my balls contract into my abdomen. "Oh, Jesus!" The girls laughed harder. Sakura got serious, "The first thing you need to learn if you want to join us is to obey. And you must obey. Now get in the water." I steeled my resolve and waded in. How could these girls stand it? My body was shaking wildly. "Aiko, Chieko, please wash our new friend," Sakura ordered. They girls came to either side of me. Aiko started soaping my body thoroughly, her hands going over every muscle and into every gap. Chieko roughly shampooed my hair and poured buckets of snow melt over my head. Despite the cold I was massively excited by the treatment and placed my hands on Chieko's beautiful round breasts. "Don't do that," Sakura snapped at me, "just stand there and let them do their work." I obeyed. They finished and I stared at their wonderful asses as they got out of the water, they wrapped themselves in their robes and headed back to the house. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Aiko giggled as she walked away, leaving me to find my own way back in the dark. When I entered the house I was delighted to find it was quite warm. The girls were still in their robes stretched out across the sofas, each with a glass of wine and the rest of the bottle was on the table. "Is there a glass for me?" I asked. "I don't know," answered Sakura, "Ladies, what do you think? Should we give our new friend a glass of wine?" "Hmm, I don't know. I don't think he's earned it," Chieko said coolly, her hair still wrapped up in a towel. "You heard her. You have to earn it," Sakura said. I was amused and willing to play along, but I certainly would have reacted differently if I had known how far their game was going to go. "What can I do to please you?" I asked "Good. I like your attitude. Keep it up," Sakura said while sipping her wine, "Like we said, if you want to join the Osaka Riders you have to prove yourself worthy. Tonight you have to do everything we say, and most importantly you are not allowed to come. If you do then you're out. Remember you are here willingly, and anytime you want to give up and leave just say the word "blueberry," and you are free to go. Now first, lose the robe." I hesitated. I almost said "blueberry" right then. "You heard her. Drop it," Aiko said. I untied the belt and let the robe fall to the floor. I was standing in front of these three girls I'd only met a few hours ago stark naked, ready to obey their commands. Was I really so subservient to the power of pussy that I would allow myself to be put in this position? Yes. "What do you think girls?" Sakura asked her friends. "It's okay, I suppose. It has a good heft to it," Aiko said judgmentally, "but I think it's a little hairy for my taste, don't you?" The other girls agreed. "You heard her, slave," that was not the last time Sakura would call me that. "Shave it off, down to the skin, and be meticulous. We hate stubble." Sakura shooed me off to the bathroom where I found shave cream and a razor and I set out to comply with my hosts. I had never shaved my cock bare before, but the expectation of hot sex with these lovely women put me in the mindset to do just about anything they asked. I returned to the living room to a chorus of oohs and aahs of approval. I noticed a second bottle had been opened and the girls had melted into the sofas a bit more. Chieko was sitting quite casually with her legs spread. Even though her knees were covered by her robe, her inner thighs and clean shaven pussy were clearly displayed. This casual exposure had the predictable effect on me and I felt myself growing hard. "That is much better," Aiko said, "bring it over here." She gestured for me to come closer. From her reclined position she reached out and cupped my ball in one hand and with the other rubbed up and down the top of my cock. I became fully erect. "Oh, that's better. Chieko, take a look at this." Chieko sat up clumsily as I moved towards her. She was more drunk than she realized. She took my cock in her hands, "Very nice," she said, and sucked the end into her mouth with a loud slurp. "Chieko, mind your manners," Sakura scolded her, "you know that is not allowed right now." I was terribly disappointed to hear that, and it made me wonder what proving my worthiness would entail. Chieko slapped my ass in order to scoot me over to Sakura. "I usually don't dig cock," Sakura said matter-of-factly and I froze. I felt at a loss as to where to move after that statement, but Chieko gave me an out. "I'm hungry," she said, "slave, make us something to eat, and bring another bottle of wine." "What would you…" I was abruptly cut off by Sakura. "You are not allowed to ask questions. Your only purpose is to please us." "I was hoping to please in other ways." "And no back talk," she quickly retorted. I reached down to pick up my robe. "Don't even think about it. The kitchen is that way." There wasn't much in the refrigerator. I found some eggs, I cut the moldy part off of some cheese, there was a tomato on its last breath and frozen spinach, so I made them omelets, and brought them their plates. The sight of the well folded omelets oozing with melted cheese and veggies met with general approval. "A slave that can cook, very promising," Aiko said, reclining deeply into sofa, "but the table is too far away. You have to feed me." I thought this might be fun. "I need some special flavor. Move closer, hold the plate under your cock. Let it rest on the plate, your balls too. I want the whole enchilada." She grabbed the entire package, stretched it out and laid it across the omelet. It was a little hot, but it didn't burn. It was actually a nice sensation, the warmth was making me hard again. The other girls watched attentively while they ate. "Good boy. I want you to touch every bite to the tip of your cock before putting it in my mouth." I mostly succeeded in avoiding scalding my penis with melted cheese. Aiko made exaggerated yummy noises after each bite. After she finished she said, "That was yummy, now I want to clean the plate." She leaned forward, took the plate in one hand and my cock in the other. She wiped up the remaining bits of cheese and tomato with my cock like a piece of bread and licked it off, wrapping her lips and tongue around the shaft. "Very delicious," she added when she finished, and resumed her recline. "Slave, I seem to have spilled my omelet. Come here and clean it up," I looked over, Chieko was leaning back with her robe open and legs spread, one foot was up on the sofa. She had strategically stuck egg and cheese all over her vulva. "Get on your knees and lick this up." "Sure," I said. Sakura snapped at me, "Call her master or ma'am, and that goes for all of us. Do you understand?" "Yes, ma'am." I kneeled between Chieko's thighs and readily complied with her order. I chased bits of egg and cheese all around and inside her pussy with my lips and tongue. In my efforts to be thorough I licked around her asshole, cleaning her taint and inner thighs. She was spotless. When I eventually looked up Sakura had gone to sit next to Aiko. They had one arm wrapped around each other and one hand rubbing the other's pussy. "Don't stop now," Sakura said, "we are all enjoying this." I returned to my task, doubling my efforts. I created a seal around Chieko clit with my lips, sucked it into my mouth and rapidly flicked my tongue across it in every direction. I could taste her juice beginning to flow. She grabbed the back of my head and forced my face deeper into pussy. She began thrusting her hips as her pleasure grew, my lips and cheeks getting smeared with her wetness. "He seems to be doing a good job," Aiko added, "be sure to tell us when you are going to come." The two girls began exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. "It's happening. My God, it's going to be big," Chieko gasped out, "come here and kiss me." The girls jumped up. Aiko began kissing her on the mouth and Sakura took her breast into her mouth. Chieko started moaning to the contractions of her orgasm for what seemed like a minute. When she was done she collapsed into the sofa. The girls started to giggle. I was rock hard and ready to explode. I have no problem obeying, but that second thing, not coming, that was going to be a difficult. "Damn, that was good," Chieko said exhaustedly, "you have got some talent." "Wow!" Aiko exclaimed, "when is it my turn?" "I think our plaything has earned a little wine," Sakura said. She took the dirty omelet plate from the table, put it on the floor and filled it with wine from the third bottle. "Ok puppy, you are good with your mouth, let's see you lap it up." The games had gone from playful to a more humiliating tone and I started to wonder how far it was going to go and if I would ever get to fuck them. Yet these girls were so exciting and fun I had no intention of giving up at this time, so I got down on all fours and licked up the wine as best I could and the bits of egg didn't spoil the taste at all. The girls helped themselves to another glass and watched the show. When I was almost done they poured a little more into the dish. During my task one of the girls held under my nose a black rubber butt plug. It may not have been so large, but instantly discerning their intentions it seemed huge. I'd never had anything bigger than a finger in my ass before. I looked back between my legs and saw Aiko kneel down behind me. "I didn't tell you to stop licking," Sakura scolded me. I felt Aiko rubbing lubricant on my asshole and her finger slide into my anus. That part felt nice, but I was dreading what was coming next. "Now just relax," Aiko said like a nurse about to give an injection. I felt the end of the butt plug pushing against my asshole. I tried my hardest to relax the muscle. She twisted it gently, applying more and more pressure. Finally my sphincter gave way and let the probe enter my hole. It wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as I'd thought and from there the rest was easy. She eased it in up to the hilt and stepped back to inspect her work. "There we go, pretty as a picture." The other two came around to admire her work. They agreed it was a job well done, then they told me to wash the dishes. It wasn't difficult to walk with a plug up my ass, but it was definitely a unique sensation. The girls followed me into the kitchen with their wine glasses in hand. While I washed the dishes with freezing cold water they took turns slapping my ass, pulling on my cock, and jiggling the butt plug in my asshole. As they chided me I began to wonder if I had made a mistake by hooking up with these girls. My expectations of a gang bang with me as the main attraction were rapidly fading. "You have been a commendable slave so far," Sakura said after I'd finished the dishes, "now it's time for you to go to bed and let the big girls play." My expectations vanished. The girls led me to a futon in the corner of the room. "This is where you sleep," Sakura said, "lie down." I obeyed. I noticed a leather collar chained to the wall as she reached for it. "Do we have to do that?" I asked, "what if I have to pee?" She reached over and grabbed an empty wine bottle. "Don't make a mess on the floor," she said. She proceeded to strap me in. I was still willing to be a good sport about all this, but I almost yelled out "blueberry" when I saw what Chieko brought out next. She fastened into my genitals a male chastity device. A leather strap hooked under my balls securing in place a metal cage that fit over my cock. It was designed to prevent me from becoming erect and to limit any possibility of becoming erect. "There you go, all ready for bed," Chieko said. "Oh my goodness, he looks so cute like that like," Aiko added, "It's making me terribly horny." "Hmm, me too," the others concurred. They threw me a blanket. Sakura dimmed the lights and the three girls dropped their robes and converged on the sofa that gave me the best view. They began exploring each other with their hands and searching out exciting places to caress with their lips. I could tell these girls were well practiced in their lesbian ways. Their legs and arms became intertwined as the moans of pleasure grew louder. It was becoming very uncomfortable for me, which I'm sure is the exact result they wanted. My cock filled the confines of the cage and throbbed to grow bigger. It became painful when Sakura opened the drawer of the end table, pulled out a large pink dildo and began sharing it with Aiko. She gave her a few strokes and then inserted it into her own for a few. Aiko lay back on the sofa in conspicuous ecstasy while Sakura skillfully guided the giant phallus in and out of her, twisting it in circles and angling it into every deep place she could reach. The dildo glistened with Aiko's wetness in the pale light. Meanwhile Chieko had knelt down and pushed Sakura's legs apart. She was giving her pussy a thorough licking while she attended to her own pleasure with her fingers. I had never seen anything so wildly sexual in my whole life. I was dying for release. I was only hoping there wouldn't be any permanent damage to my cock. The girls changed positions and duties several times before they finished. They must have had numerous orgasms each. At some point I realized this was actually more for their benefit than my own torture. Having me suffer while I watch them indulge in carnal pleasures was heightening their enjoyment. After what seemed like hours they wrapped themselves in blankets, turned off the lights and fell asleep with their arms and legs still intertwined. I felt wretched. Sometime during the night Aiko got up and lay down next to me. She wrapped a blanket around both of us and pressed her body against mine. "Don't worry," she whispered, "It's almost over." We slept that way for the rest of the night. End of part 1 |
In Halala of My Virgin Cousin -1 you have read that after divorce by Imran my cousin sister Sarah Has to go through halala as Imran has expressed his desire to remarry Sarah and now she has been married to me so that after spending at-least one night with her and fucking her I will divorce her again so that she can remarry Imraan. This was our wedding night in which I was supposed to fuck her. Sarah Apaa told me that she is still a virgin as Imran could not take her virginity due to his very weak and short penis and I had to take her virginity and have sex with her .. She said “She lay down with me and said- Aamir… I have never had so much fun and pleasure in life… as I had with you today. Thank you very much .. Please Fuck Me now and take my virginity . “ Now further: I said – surely this will be done shortly it is all a matter of luck and fate , you got married… yet you remained a virgin and I have been entrusted the job of taking your virginity in our marriage of one night with you. I am having a lot of fun with you. Maybe our fate and luck wants to join us. Then we kept talking for some time. During this time, I kept running my hand on her plump hips and breasts, which slowly started to get her excited again and she got up and started sucking my cock again, which had become fully erect and hard till now. She sucked my cock after sucking the cock hardened like an iron rod. While she was sucking my cock, at the same time she was rubbing her pussy on the thumb of my foot. Then she immediately got up and said- Aamir, now is the time. just do it… Fill me today. I got up and I spread both of her legs and was surprised that despite having such a plump body, it was so supple and flexible that the legs were easily opened and were spread eagle abolutely on the beds and her thick and swollen pussy was exposed to me. Her big firm round and pomegranate shaped boobs strung on her open chest were luring me with a pink umbrella trench at her end. I put one side of the pink nipple in my mouth and pressed it lightly by holding the other between the fingers. After a while, the second nipple was filled in the mouth and the first nipple was pressed with fingers. I put tip of my cock on the hole of her pussy and started rubbing it slowly with my cock. Then I tried to put my cock inside her pussy, and rubbed it on her clit, she started to growl like a bitch. Then she immediately raised her pussy and knees up and down, hitting the cocks on her pussy trying to engulf the cock in the pussy . Then she folded her hands and said - Amir please fuck me Why are you teasing my already starved pussy? Do you intend to kill me? Sarah was rubbing my penis on the opening of her pussy again and again and as soon as it came in the right direction and place , I slowly started to lower down… but either the smoothness was too much… or it has not fitted properly on the opening of her cunt … my cock slipped towards her ass. Sarah extended her hand and held my cock with her hand and put it on her pussy hole again and pressed it down again. But this time the cock slipped towards the navel. Then I caught my penis found her hole and kept it carefully on her pussy hole and held it firmly and made a push forward with my hips towards her pussy and tried to put it in Sara's pussy. As soon as I made a slight push, it went a little inside due to which Sara's hands and feet got raised up in the air and she moaned. Then Sarah screamed - Ummh… Ahhh… Hahh… Yahh … Ahhh now put you cock inside… No more waitin Please hurry Ohhh… Please Ahhhh… Fuck Me. Now I was constantly teasing her pussy with the tip of my cock and she was filling moaning loudly - what have you done, Aamir? Now I am not able to wait any more, fuck me hard .. fuck me quickly, my pussy is on fire. She was gasping loudly and was making sounds like 'Ahhh ... emm ... oh ... aaaa ... put your full cock inside me ...'. I had made only two or three forward lunges that Sara stopped me, she said with pain - It is hurting… Yours cock is too big… My pussy is too small it will be torn. I said - do not panic, you will do it slowly to make it comfortable for you. Both of us were saying 'I love you…' to each other. I adjusted the cap and pushed it so hard that my cock got set in the pussy. I spit on the outer part of my cock to grease it and spread both her legs. Tears started to roll from her eyes and she pleaded before me to stop but I did not stop. I felt that my cock had hit its membrane because this time I felt a barrier. I put a little force but the cock was not going inside any further with that little force… it needed more than little force. In the next strike, I increased the pressure slightly. I started to breathe fast . Sarah Apaa wrapped her legs on my shoulders and arms on my shoulder and lifted her buttocks upwards. A barrier was felt inside. The cock had reached the membrane. My cock was colliding with Sara Aapa's hymen, and when cock tried to move by penetrating her, Sara started screaming that I will die due to pain. I started putting pressure on my cock already inside her pussy and. She fluttered like a fish without water. Then I grabbed Sarah's waist and gave it another strong push. She jumped. But by then a lot of my cock was stuck in her pussy. I then made a forceful forward push. The whole room was filled with Sara's scream. Her hymn was pierced by my cock. I started pressing Sara's boobs and not caring for Sara's pain, I made my next plunge and pushed my long hard erect pestle deep into her pussy. This time Sara shouted louder than before, Sara's tears came out, but I had no intention to stop. Then I hit another hard push. This time more than half the cock had penetrated inside . As soon as the cocks entered… she shouted very loudly - ahhh… burst… ahh aaaaaah… please take it out… I will die… oops ahhh aaaaah… Once again, I retreated a bit and then made a final lunge forward and the cock touched the base of her pussy and lodged fully inside her juicy pussy. She was in pain, I pulled back my cock just slightly again and lifted her waist and pushed it again. My cock went deep inside her. I realized that my penis was getting soaked with her vagina juice which has also greased her pussy, The layers of her vaginal muscles started to expand to make room for my penis due to which the penis was easily getting in and out. I made a push with full force. Sara's legs also tightened from the bottom of my clits. 'Oh Ammi…' came out of Sara's mouth. As soon as my strong hot, big penis in size penetrated into her fully wet vagina, then the whole big breasts of sarah were raised upward and the body got into cramp. The cocks went in and in, keeping the lips open, touching the clitoris, the cocks had gone all the way inside. She was now filled completely with my cock and her whole vagina was feeling overwhelmed with the the full touch of my penis. On the other hand, my hips were also pressing harder and the penis had gone inside. The whole cock penetrated her pussy and she screamed. Sara's scream was so loud that once even I was fearing d that someone may come to ask… But even then I had thoroughly enjoyed rapturing her hymn and taking her virginity and entering her tight virgin pussy. She was of course in pain and was screaming - “ahhhh, I am going to die … Uuuuhi ohhh… it is very painful… Aamir please take it out… I don’t want to fuck you are a bloodthirsty butcher … what a Hot iron rod You have inserted in me… take it out… no please it is very painful… I will die of pain please remove it! “ A stream of tears flowed from the eyes of Sarah Apa. I sucked those tears . I said - my queen… just tolerate this pain will not last long it is a matter of very short time … it is only a one time affair .. please bear it. You will get this pain never ever again and then you can enjoy forever. Soon she fell silent. After a few attempts, the cock and pussy got adjusted to each other and the pain was beginning to vanish. She moved her hips and said – Tear my pussy today, whatever happens today but do not withdraw without tearing my pussy… aaaah and screamed loud… uuuuui ammi… Ahhh And My hips started to move.. withdrawing and then a push forward Then she started to shake. Now I was lying on her and kissing her and with one hand was also caressing her boobs. Sometimes, taking her nipple in 2 fingers and stretching them and sometimes pulled them very hard, her nipples were taut. I was also having fun getting the cock moving in her pussy. In ten minutes she climaxed due to hard and continuous rigorous pumping, the sound of her screams in the room were very loud. Now I was not afraid of her screams or shouts, or the volume of her sreams .. Well after a long series of shaking, she told me that she is going to cum .So she said - I want you to give me a child … I want a child from you. I said – Jo Hukam ( your wish is my command) Sara Begum! I started pumping harder and faster. Now Sara has also become very supportive. Then with a painful shock, my cock hit her uterus and stopped there and started to release my cum which lubricated her already wet pussy. I shot many times inside her .. I realized that she too had cum. I fell on Sarah and lay on her. Both were breathing heavily … After a while I was regaining my breath and she too became calm. I kept panting slowly like that and she kept rubbing my waist and my hair. There was so much hangover that my eyes were closing due to pleasure and joy , I wanted to rest but then realised that she is with me for this night only.. and I may not get another chance to be with her I wanted to make the best use of this opportunity and have lots of fun with her. After some time, I slid from top of her to her side on the bed and my cock also came out from that juicy bleeding pussy. There was blood on my cock. My sperm and blood was flowing from Sara's pussy. The bed sheet had turned red. After picking up my packet of cigarettes from the side table, I smoked a cigarette. She gave me a glass of luke warm milk from the flask kept there . I drank half the milk and gave half glass to her which she drank gleefully. After drinking milk, we both went to washroom. Took a hot water shower and came back to bed again. After that the next round started. I said - Sara, come up this time. I lay down straight and Sara came over me and started kissing me. Soon, Sara put my cock in her pussy and we started kissing. After some time Sara became straight and she put her hands on my chest. I started sucking her round curvy boobs, then she started getting herself up and down on my cock. I too started pushing my butt in thyme with her movements With every upward push , a sigh came out of Sara's mouth. She looked really intoxicating. After about half an hour of fucking we both collapsed together. In the next round we changed the pose and I made Sara a mare and put cock in her pussy riding her . I felt like my cock went a little further inside her this time.. I started pressing and kneading her breasts and started moving back and forth. Then we started fucking in rhythm Sara's sigh used to come out with every blow. She was really thirsty. Then after fifteen twenty bumps, while putting it in from behind, A fter that I made her stand up and started banging tightly standing up. After about twenty minutes we both collapsed again. That night I had Sarah Apaa or Sara Begum, whatever to say, four times in a row, when I was fucking her for the last time, it was time for morning prayers and Mamu knocked the door and gave us a call this is time for prayers . I started banging her loudly so that even Mamu could hear the sound of fucking and understand that we are awake and making out. So he quietly went away. We laid there in tight embrace for some time before using toilet. After this, in the next part, I am going to tell you the story of fuckiinf my second wife Zarina and taking of her virginty Stay connected with all the prayers. Take care and stay safe .. Waiting for your comments The story continues |
Ashes flicked off the end of his cigarette, the embers glowing briefly then silenced in the sand as the wind picked up. Sato's eyes narrowed, the deep creases in his leathery skin flexing slightly as he sought out the glowing disk of light sinking quickly on the horizon. Sayonara, he thought. It no longer hurt his eyes when he looked at the sun setting over the Pacific. They too are failing, like the rest of me. 94 years is a long time, too long. As he kidded with the few friends he had at the facility, maybe God has lost our reservations? As the sun's corona blossomed upon the water, the large glow brought back memories once again like it did everyday at this time. ----------- "Kenshi, please hurry. We cannot be late getting to dinner," said Sato, nervously looking at his watch, worried that if him and his wife were late to her parent's house, it would be a sign of disrespect. "I'm just about ready," was the reply from behind the closed door. Sato sighed and again went over in his mind what might be the best route to take to the Matosuma family estate. Through the mountains would be quicker, but with the recent rain, it could be treacherous. Going around would be safer, but it would be cutting it close, and if there were any delays... The door to the bedroom opened and Kenshi Matosuma walked out. She was dressed in formal dining attire befitting a wife and a daughter of a powerful businessman. Sato simply saw her as a beautiful young woman. They had been married for almost half a year, and her beauty dazzled him every time he saw her. "We must go quickly now," he said, snapping himself out of his reverie. He led Kenshi out of their house and into the Chiyoda, their five-passenger sedan. Sato once again consulted his watch as he was rounding the car to the driver's door and made a decision. As he turned right out of the driveway, Kenshi spoke up. "But...the rain..." "We are pressed for time," replied Sato sharply. Kenshi went silent. A moment later, Sato spoke again. "We will be fine." His voice was softer this time. Kenshi nodded, but did not speak. She has gone into servant mode, thought Sato, preparing herself for dinner. Sato knew that Kenshi had to live a dual life, one where she was the dutiful young Japanese woman, subservient to her husband, meek and obedient to her parents, but behind closed doors, she was much more liberated. Sato not only knew about this and put up with it, but he encouraged it. He thought that part of the problem with Japan was not enough forward thinking, a little too much tradition. Sato knew that Kenshi's parents somewhat disapproved of him, that he was not in Kenshi's social class. That was one reason why the two of them were trying to create akachan, "the Light", a baby. They both hoped it would soothe over any lingering doubt about their union. The drive over was relatively safe and uneventful. There were a few close calls, but Sato was skilled enough at driving to compensate for the rough roads. They arrived at the Matosuma family estate with barely five minutes to spare, and Sato calculated quickly that they would have most definitely been late if they had taken the other route. As he parked the car in the large, semi-circular driveway near the immense fountain, Kenshi reached her hand across the seat and took hold of his. "I love you, Sato. Please, please be patient with my father. He--sometimes he--" she hesitated, searching for the right words. "Don't worry, Kenshi. He already knows about my decision to serve in the Imperial Navy. He's probably going to still be stewing about that news, so hopefully that will keep him away from the other subject." Kenshi lowered her eyes and nodded, and then both of them exited the car and proceeded to the large entrance of the multi-story house. Akagi and Yumi Matosuma were seated in the parlor when their daughter and son-in-law were shown in by the manservant. They both rose when the two approached. Kenshi and Sato both bowed low, showing respect for the family, respect for the elder couple. Akagi and Yumi bowed only slightly, more of a nod of their heads. They were generally displeased with their daughter and son-in-law on several levels, but still invited them over for dinner once per month as per family tradition. Dinner was not as stilted as Sato feared as his father-in-law went into a near half-hour rant about the Allied forces and how Japan was going to be "going it alone" since it appeared that Germany was having many troubles, and Italy was useless. It was then that Akagi Matosuma focused in on his son-in-law, who had just finished the roast duckling served over wild rice. "And what is it that you will be doing for our Navy?" Sato sat up a little stiffer, carefully wiped his mouth with the linen napkin, giving himself a few extra seconds to recall his prepared answer, and then replied. "I will attempt to enter officer training school, and then will endeavor to be assigned to a battleship or an aircraft carrier." The older man rocked back in his chair a bit. "You do not have the requisite education for officer training school." Kenshi looked from her father, to Sato, to her mother, and back to Sato. She feared that this might turn bad. "Shacho," said Sato, calling Akagi by his title of company president, a measure of respect, "my understanding is that due to a great need for officers, they are allowing a number of ... candidates ... who do not have college training to take an exam and from them, select a limited number for schooling. I hope to be among those selected." Akagi thought about this for a few moments in silence. "I know some people that can guarantee that you get into If this is what you want, I will call upon them in the morning." During her father's reply, Kenshi moved her foot under the table, hidden by the long, opulent tablecloth, until it touched Sato's leg, momentarily surprising him. Kenshi's eyes were respectfully focused on her father, but she was trying to send a signal to her husband, reminding him of a conversation that they had the previous evening... "My father has connections, Sato. He can help you get into officer's school." "I don't want his help. I want to do this on my own, Kenshi. He's given us this house, the car, and I just don't want to feel more obligated to him than I already feel now." "Sato," said Kenshi, tenderly, "you are a good man, and I love you more than anything in this world. You will make a great officer, but, there are so few slots. If my father offers to help you, please, please consider it. To spurn his offer would be a slap in the face to him. Please, I implore you...don't just dismiss his offer." Sato recalled the conversation, and while his first thought was to say that he wanted to earn his way into the school, he knew that based on the rant by Matosuma earlier, turning down his offer might start a fight that he didn't want nor need in his life right now, especially when he would be leaving Kenshi for a long period of time. "Shacho," said Sato, bowing his head in the elder Matosuma's direction, "I am grateful for your help. Thank you." A brief smile appeared on Sato's face. Satisfied that he would be able to utilize his far-reaching power, he spend the rest of dinner and dessert railing once again at the war-mongering Americans and Russians. On the ride home that evening, Kenshi let her hand move over onto Sato's trouser-covered mid-thigh. Sato looked down at her hand, then over to her eyes, which were focused on his. She smiled demurely, and then gently squeezed his leg. Sato got the message, and felt a stiffening between his legs. Later that evening, Sato was seated in the living room, reading a newspaper, staying warm by the fire as the chilly March air was heated by large oak logs. He was engrossed in the news section and did not hear the door to the bathroom open, where Kenshi was taking a hot bath. Nor did he hear her approach. Finally, she cleared her throat, and only mildly startled, he looked up. She was standing a mere ten feet away, totally nude. Halfway between five and six feet tall, she was nothing short of stunning, not skinny, but no extra weight on her either. Her long, dark hair was now put up, just a few strands of it leaking down about her shoulders. Her breasts were set high, more than a solid handful but not overly large, with large areolas due to the very warm bath, her nipples sticking out proudly. Sato's eyes traveled further south to her dark triangle, now still glistening with beads of water attached. This was not the demure, subservient girl who dined with him earlier this evening. This was the ravenous, very adventurous young woman that drove Sato mad with lust most evenings. Sato still thought himself unworthy of such a beauty, a woman of class and proper bearing during the day, and a wild woman at night. Kenshi walked closer, then knelt down before her husband, her naked body between him and the fire. She felt the flames licking toward her, keeping her body warm. She unzipped Sato's trousers and was pleased to see that he knew what was coming, his erection starting to form already. Kenshi released his cock into the warm air and just stared at it. Sato used his muscles to flex it before her, moving it much like a snake charmer moves his flute back and forth before the cobra. Kenshi smiled. She was happy that Sato had a slightly larger cock than other Japanese men. She had heard from her one friend, who was somewhat promiscuous, that most Japanese men were about five inches in length. She had never "officially" measured Sato, but by using her fingers and then checking later, she determined that he was about six and a half inches. Her friend also complained a little that most men were just a little too thin for her liking. As Kenshi moved her hand to surround Sato's member, she thought that she was blessed because it was not thin. Although it didn't hurt her upon entry, Sato did cause her to lose her breath at times. Kenshi felt that she owed her husband a debt for his behavior at dinner. She extended her tongue outward and licked the shaft in front of her, running her tongue upward to the tip, and then focusing on that little knot of flesh, the konchi, where she knew many nerve endings resided. She felt Sato squirm a bit and knew that if she concentrated wiggling her tongue at that spot that he would spurt all too soon. Her face, and mouth, still warm from the hot bath, and kept stoked by the heat from the fire, enveloped his hard cock as she took several inches inside. Her lips compressed tightly, forming an oval, and she sucked inward, then drew upwards toward the head. Her tongue found the konchi once again, and wiggled, causing Sato's eyes to close with excruciating delight. Then she plunged her face downward once again, deeper, taking more of him in her wet mouth, then back upward again, downward, then upward...repeating the rhythm four, five, six times. Then Kenshi released the very hard, wet cock from her mouth and stood up, looking directly at Sato. His eyes burned back at her, his desire set aflame by her passion. He moved off of the chair and onto the floor in front of her, and she knew what he wanted. She used to be embarrassed by his desire to put his mouth...there...but no longer. Too many times she had felt the passion waves roll over her. She lifted one leg and put her foot on a hassock, giving Sato the opening to her treasure. Not wasting a moment, Sato traced his finger down her dark triangle, still finding it damp from her bath, until he ran along her lips, and that wetness was from her desire. His finger pressed and slide inside, a low moan escaping from Kenshi. Sato felt one of her hands resting on his head in her attempt to maintain balance. He leaned his face in and pulled his finger out, his lips making contact with the wet, stickiness now upon his slender digit. He licked and tasted her, and felt his desire notch up a level. He also felt an almost imperceptible pull from Kenshi's hand toward her, and mentally smiled as he dove in, his face crushed up against her wetness as his hands grabbed hold of her ass cheeks and held her firm. Kenshi gasped as she felt this incredibly lewd maneuver, felt Sato's face moving back and forth against her pussy. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and pressed against her, rubbing against her clit. She now grasped his hair with her hands, knowing that her release was just a short moment away. But just as quickly as it started, his mouth was removed and she looked down at his, astonished that he would stop right before her release! Sato peered up at her and had a wry smile upon his face. Kenshi immediately knew that she was being made to pay for earlier than evening. Sato stood up and lifted Kenshi by her legs, his arms forcing them upwards as he carried her the few steps to the wall next to the fire. His cock, hard as a crowbar, impatiently pushed past her hair and sought refuge inside her pussy. No gentleness here, Sato rammed forward, driving himself against Kenshi's lithe form, his cock sinking to his balls within his wife in that first thrust. She was wet enough to take him without pain, but still gasped at his girth as he first entered her. Using the wall as leverage, Kenshi wrapped her arms around Sato's head and pulled his face close, his lips crushing hers as their tongues touched and swam together in her mouth. Sato withdrew and then thrust forward again, then withdrew once more and repeated the process again and again, hearing little muted squeals coming from Kenshi each time he was fully inside her. Kenshi broke the kiss, her eyes scrunched as an orgasm crashed over her, her squeals of delight no longer muted by Sato's lips. Sato felt her pussy clasping his cock, pulsing, and her pleasure voice near his ear was sweet music to him. With a grunt, he emptied his balls inside, his sperm spewing forward in their fevered rush to find an unfertilized egg. Sato held Kenshi against the wall, both of them trying to catch their breath, both of them feeling him soften a bit, both of them feeling him getting harder once again.... ----------- "Sato?" He heard his voice being spoken, but he was too deep in the memory to want to pull back out to reality quite yet. "Sato!" The voice was louder now. Nurse Ratched, he thought irritably. "Yes, what is it?" he replied, grumpily, his eyes returning to focus from their thousand-yard stare. "Dinner time, Sato. Time to eat your supper. We have a special dessert tonight...bread pudding!" The nurse droned on, but Sato had already tuned her out, instead trying to delve back into the recesses of his mind, to the one place where he could always find comfort. But that door was now temporarily locked again. "She has a way of doing that, doesn't she," said Fumiko, Sato's best friend and long-time resident. Sato nodded. Years ago there would have been some wetness present at the corners of his eyes, but he had wept buckets and had no more tears to give. The annoying nurse had moved on to other targets, so Sato simply enjoyed the sunset, Fumiko quietly sitting beside him, alone in his own thoughts. Two more days, thought Sato, and with that, he was once again back inside.... ----------- The letter arrived two days after he was back home. Such was mail delivery during a war. October 21, 1944 My beloved Kenshi, I will be eligible for a short leave next week. I will travel home to be with you. Soon afterwards, I will receive official notice of my new assignment. It is my hope to be posted to one of our great battleships. I long to be with you once again, even if it is only for a few days. It is my hope to visit my parents too, with you, and spend one night there. I know that my mother worries about her son. I look forward to continuing our pursuit of "the Light". You are always and forever in my thoughts. Respectfully, Sato Kenshi was thrilled when she received the letter, and re-read it a dozen times before putting it away with all of his other letters. She ached for Sato's strong arms around her and she ached between her legs for him too. She had grown tired of using her fingers late at night, remembering all the hours of lovemaking before he left for officer training. Hearing the water from the shower stop running snapped her out of her reverie. Sato and her had spent hours making love last evening, the remnants of it still adorning her furry nest along with trails down her leg. Sato showered first while Kenshi lay back on the bed, pillow under her lower back, legs tilted up high to assist Sato's sperm in seeking one of her eggs. Following historical tradition, she repeated the word akachan over and over, softly, willing the microscopic swimmers to be strong and persistent. When Sato exited the bathroom he immediately saw Kenshi laying on the bed, exposed to his gaze. He felt himself starting to get hard again, but knew that he needed to get dressed and drive to the docks to report for duty. Kenshi lowered her legs and got up off of the bed. She knew Sato had to leave soon, and that she might not see him for a long time. "Sato. My lover. My warrior. My husband. Remember me," and she sank down to her knees in front of him, pulling the towel away from his body, "on this long journey." Leaving her hands at her side, Kenshi opened her mouth and took the head of Sato's cock inside. Then, looking up and meeting his eyes, she began inching forward, and heard Sato's sharp intake of breath. He knew she was going to do that special thing she did, rarely done because it caused her a sore throat the next day. Sato watched as inch by inch disappeared into her mouth. She paused when about five inches were inside, then moved forward again, and the remaining shaft entered her mouth, the head lodged in her throat. Sato could hear her breathing through her nose. He waited. He didn't have to wait long. Kenshi sucked inward, causing a pressure against his cock. Then she slid her face back until just the head was inside. She released the suction, then pushed her face forward, taking the entire shaft fully inside in one swift motion. Then the suction began again. Sato closed his eyes. It was the most incredible feeling he'd ever experienced. Kenshi would do this for him about once a month, and each time was as good as the first. He never lasted more than two minutes, and despite the frenzied lovemaking from last night, he knew he would not last long this morning. Kenshi was methodical, like a machine bent on doing nothing but pulling the semen from Sato's body. Her throat was already sore from the repeated enters and exits of Sato's cock but she didn't care. All she cared about was his pleasure. When her face was pressed up against his body, she extended her tongue out and licked at Sato's ball sack. She heard him groan and knew he would shoot soon. Out, and then back in, lick at the sack, then out and in again, followed by a lick. When she felt the ball sack tighten up, her hands flew to Sato's ass and grasping a cheek in each hand, she pulled him towards her, increasing the thrust into her throat. Sato cried out and felt his orgasm begin. Kenshi stopped taking him so deep, now bobbing her head rapidly but only taking the first couple of inches of cock into her mouth. She wanted to taste Sato's essence and didn't want it escaping down her throat until she could savor it. Kenshi felt Sato's cock pulse...once, twice, three times, then a fourth, and a fifth, and each time she felt a warm shot of liquid land on her tongue. When Sato stopped shooting, she eased herself off his still hard shaft and leaned back a bit. She waited. Sato's eyes slowly opened and he looked down. Their eyes met, and Sato watched as Kenshi swallowed. "Thank you, Sato," said Kenshi, and she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, hugging her husband, her lover, her warrior, who now had to leave for war. Through the shuttered window, Sato saw a thin ray of light shine through, striking Kenshi in the back. He took this light as a sign that their love making was successful, that akachan, the Light, would come to them soon. ----------- December 20, 1944 My beloved Kenshi, As the holidays approach, I write to you with such joy in my heart! I am so excited that we have been blessed with a child. Perhaps it is the first bit of good news, that there will be more. Perhaps this blight that hurts our country will soon be over and I will be able to come home to you. Please be careful. Make sure you visit the doctor for each appointment. Make sure that you are eating right. If you have any trouble getting fruit or vegetables, go see your parents. They will be able to get anything you need. All my love to you and akachan. Yours forever, Sato The months flew by for Kenshi. She spent a lot of time at her parent's house, mostly because she was lonely. Sato's letters came every week, and she would write back too, but knew that mail delivery was sporadic at best. Kenshi's parents were very happy. Even Akagi had good things to say about Sato, which really pleased Kenshi. The Light had indeed become a unifying force in all of their lives. Reports would come in that Imperial forces were winning decisive victories throughout the Pacific. Life was good. As August rolled in, word came from Sato that he would not be able to make it home for his child's birth. Kenshi was saddened and went to her father, asking him if he could use his influence to make it happen. Akagi railed against the Americans for a solid twenty minutes and then told her he would see what he could do. On August 3, 1945, Kenshi gave birth to an eight pound, two ounce baby boy. As per her discussion with Sato months before, she named him Akagi, after her father. There was no bigger smile at the Shima Hospital than that of grandfather Akagi. "Father," said Kenshi, "I think he looks like you in the eyes, and Mother," she continued, "he has your cheeks." Kenshi held the little warrior, so looking forward to his next feeding. She only wished that Sato could be here to hold his son. Through his considerable influence, Akagi had arranged for Sato to come home for a week to visit with his wife and newborn son. He would arrive on August 7th. On her first morning home, the 6th of August, 1945, Kenshi heard the telephone ring. Struggling to get up and to the phone, she was a little annoyed at her parents for calling so early on her first day home. "Hello, Kenshi speaking," looking over and hoping that baby Akagi had not awakened. "My love," came the first two words, and Kenshi's demeanor changed instantly. "Sato! My warrior! Where are you? I did not expect you until tomorrow." Kenshi was very excited. She moved over and gently picked up Akagi, who had awakened but was not crying. "I am almost home. I arrived in port early this morning and then had to run an errand for our ship's captain. I am outside the city, but, I should be done by mid-day and then I will be excused for a week. I look forward to seeing you, my love, and our son." Tears of joy were streaming down Kenshi's cheeks. "Oh Sato, it will be so good to have you home and hold you in my arms, my husband. Akagi," she spoke to the baby, "say 'Hello' to your father." "He is only a few days old, Kenshi. I doubt that he is ready to talk yet," said Sato, all smiles. "Sato...he has your eyes. And I talk to him about you all day long. I tell him that you are a great warrior, and that one day, when he grows up, he will be big and strong, like his father, a fearless warrior too, and like his grandfather." "I know, my love. I am so grateful to your father for his help in bringing me home. I miss you terribly, and, I long to see...the Light." Sato was smiling at the reference, and could hear Kenshi giggle. Then he heard another sound, a plane flying high overhead, and, then he heard his son cry out, making a sound. "That was your son, Sato! I showed him the picture we have, the one of us on vacation at the shore, and when he saw it, when he saw you, he smiled and cried out!" Another tear ran down Kenshi's face and dropped onto the baby's tiny hand. "Kenshi, I love you so much, and I love Akagi too. I have such great plans for us once this war is over. I want to go to work for your father, and I want for us to have a bigger family. I know I initially said just one baby, and I know you wanted more. Well, I now would like a bigger family too, Kenshi. Lots of children. And we'll build a bigger house, and I'll work hard to learn your father's business so that someday I will be able to run it--" "Sato...Akagi and I are looking out the window and, oh my a great Light--" The phone line went dead in Sato's hands, and then he too saw the great light when looking toward the city, but at a distance that didn't blind him. He saw a great plume of smoke appear over the city, far, far larger than any bomb explosion he had ever seen before. Sato dropped the phone and ran for his jeep, knowing instinctively that something terrible had happened. He confirmed this as he set out for the city, and, quickly realized that there was no city. Not any longer. It was all fire, and destruction, and a large mushroom cloud. ----------- "Sato." A pause. "Sato?" The attendant scowled a bit. "Does anyone know where Sato is, he's going to miss breakfast." Fumiko looked up from his breakfast and glanced outside, toward the beach. No smile upon his face, he simply bowed low. The attendant, getting no information from the others attending breakfast, took his clipboard and marked "absent" next to Sato's name in the slot for August 6 then used his smartphone to text his supervisor, who would send someone to Sato's room. Sato was indeed down at the beach. He was wearing his uniform from the war, his dress uniform, decked out in his medals. He wasn't afraid. He'd been waiting for this day for quite some time. He looked forward to his journey. Sato walked toward the Pacific, shivering slightly at the chill of the water. His uniform quickly became saturated with water, and became heavy. Sato was resolute, though, and using his last reserves of strength, he marched forward, and then began to swim. A long swim, he thought. Back in his room, Amanda, an elderly female attendent, had entered and found a letter on his desk, handwritten. August 6, 2015 To Whom It May Concern, Seventy years ago, my beautiful wife Kenshi and my newborn son Akagi were taken from me in the blink of a eye. The atomic holocaust that was borne upon my country by a single plane from the United States took everything from me. Worse, I was cursed with longevity, cursed with living for seventy years after their deaths. I do not place blame with the United States. The leaders did what they thought was right. Still, it was my family, my wife and son, and my country, that was taken from me. I have suffered for many, many years with the memories and the thoughts of what could have been. Now, on the seventieth anniversary of their death, at the exact hour of their doom, I shall finally join them. It is time. Cancer is within me. Borrowing from a once great man, I consider these following words as my final ones: Hear me, my beloved. I am tired, the roots are sick. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever. Sato Amanda put the note down, a single, large tear appearing at the side of one of her aged eyes, then slowly wandered down her weathered face. She had attended Sato for the past fifteen years. She looked out toward the ocean and spoke softly. "Goodbye, my friend. May you find Kenshi and your son." She turned and left, turning out the light before closing the door behind her. |
Alyssa was a beautiful petite young Latina women standing five foot two inches. She was in school taking classes to be a teacher and had been chosen to work at the local high school for summer break. She had been assigned to a study hall to help student with homework over the summer break. Alyssa walked into the classroom her first day wearing a pair of black flat shoes , a pair of dark silky nylon stockings , a silky black short skirt with a thin silver belt , a sheer white silky sleeveless collarless front button blouse. Her outfit looked great on her petite body with its smooth silky light brown skin. Her physically fit body and flat stomach over which stood a nice c-cup pair of firm breasts. Her face had that attractive girl next door quality. She had every guy and even some of the girls drooling as she walked to her desk. Unfortunately as she walked her foot caught on a rip in the rug tripping her. Her head caught the desks edge and knocked her out. The students gathered around her and a young nerd assessed the damage. He told everyone she appeared to be fine just unconscious. Smiling he told them the first thing to do was loosen any restrictive clothing and removed her blouse discovering she was not wearing a bra. Another student said that skirt looks pretty tight so it to was removed leaving her naked. The students picked her up and placed her on her desk. They moved her nude body positioning her body spread eagled on the desk. The student began exploring her body their hands roaming over it. This caused her to moan and her body responded physically. The students watched as her nipples hardened and swelled with her arousal. Her vagina began producing a liquid lubricanr that ran from her pussy puddling beneath her. Her vaginal lips grew swollen and spread open like the petals of a flower. The twelve students attending the study hall bound her to the desk top spread eagled and gagged her with one of the girls wet panties. Slowly she came around as the students explored her helpless body. Alyssa tried to move and speak but could not being bound and gagged. She felt her students exploring her body and moaned as one girl pushed her hand up into her vagina. They saw the girls hand form on the skin of Alyssa's abdomen. The girl masturbated Alyssa until she orgasmed. The student all tasted Alyssa's orgasmic juices as they flowed from her. Then each of the twelve used her body as they wished. Eight males sixteen year old virgins gave up their cherries. The four females forced her to eat their cunts until they climaxed. When the bell rang they left her bound on the desk as they left for their next class and the next group entered five of each gender. All of them stunned at their teacher being exposed and helpless. It did not take long for them to enjoy their young teachers assets. This went on through out the day. The students talked and decided to keep her imprisoned so they fed her and took care of her for almost a month. They finally had to release her and waited for punishment. Alyssa never told anyone being to embarrassed at what had happened to her. Finally those student realizing nothing was going to happen they took advantage of her. The ring leaders of the students told her from now on she would come to school without underwear and slutty revealing outfits. She was told to be prepared for any student to fuck her at any moment. The other teachers noticed the change in her but most enjoyed her new sexual openness. One of her students was a prodigy in bio-chemical science. He manufactured a chemical that they forced her to take. They injected it through her nipples into each breast. They did this daily until her breasts began producing milk. Her breasts grew slightly larger and would leak milk when she was aroused. The students all enjoyed sampling her milk usually direct from the source.Alyssa was slowly overtime turned into their sex slave being fucked through out the day in her classroom. As time went on some of her fellow teachers began using her sexually. She became the toy to many different races as they were represented in students and school faculty. African-American , Asian , Latin , and white enjoyed her body. Over time the students used her to explore other sexual taboos. One time a large dog was brought to class and students watched as the dog mounted and fucked her. At another time she was left all day bound to the desk and a pair of fucking machines abused her vagina and anus for the school day. One student had an erotic idea and collected her orgasmic juices and used it to bake cupcakes which was sold to the other students and faculty. Alyssa spent many years as the sex slave to the school. Over the years she taught many young men and women the ways of sex. Taking many virgins and making them sexually aware. Many young men who would not have had the opportunity to enjoy sex did so under her care which they appreciated especially with a young , beautiful , experienced teacher. |
I was completely fascinated with my new BBW lovers body. The fact that she squirted seemed to dial up my sex drive even more. I excitedly grilled Vicky for information about her ability to squirt. She said it didn’t happen all the time; it seemed to happen when she was really excited and worked up. She confessed her last boyfriend thought squirting was disgusting and contributed to their break up. She said he didn’t like her body and told her to lose weight. He must have been a complete fool. We laid on her bed and caressed each other and I assured her most men would love that she squirted and simply adore her figure. She kissed me and thanked me for being so sweet and she went to the bathroom to freshen up. She returned in a low cut black tank top and sweat pants that did little to hide her huge ass. I was still naked on the bed. She brought a hot wet towel and had me lay on my back. She first wiped my face and body and finally my cock. She made eye contact with me the entire time. I could feel my cock beginning to harden. She really seemed to like to pamper me. Watching her hard nipples through her tank top was to much to resist and I massaged her breasts lightly as she stood over me. I whispered to her how sexy she was and suggested having a beer. She really seemed to listen to my advice and seemed to gain some confidence. I tossed on my tank top and boxers and walked into the living room. We sat on the couch and she turned on her gas fireplace to take the chill out the air. The flames lite the room with a warm flickering glow. As she began to massage my thighs I felt my cock stir. My balls were no longer aching and any tension I carried from my work week melted away with her touch. She stood up, grabbed a fluffy blanket from the back of the sofa and walked towards the fireplace. She spread the blanket and sat down and motioned for me to come and join her. I took a swig of my cold beer and walked to join her. When I stepped onto the blanket Vicky sat up on her knees. She looked up at me and placed her hands behind me. She grabbed my ass and started kissing my cock through my boxer briefs. I was already half hard and my cock grew rapidly. I looked down at her. The intense heat from the fire place made her skin lightly glisten with sweat. She gently pulled my shorts down just below my cock. My balls fell free from their confinement. She reached around and again grabbed my ass. She bent her down and licked my balls. Her tounge almost tickled and my fully engorged cock bounced in the air and came to rest on her face. To my surprise she took my heavy balls into her mouth. I could feel her nails digging into my ass. The heat of the fire was causing my skin to glisten with sweat as well yet I was shivering. I shuddered from the sensation of her tounge swirling around my balls. After several minutes, with her hands still on my ass, she ran her tounge from the base of my shaft up towards the swollen head. Once she reached the tip she forced her mouth down hard engulfing my entire cock. I could feel her throat open to accommodate me. Instinctively, I put both hands on the back of her head. She fucked her mouth onto my cock hard. I started to pull and push her head. I fucked her face with long deep strokes. She looked up at me the entire time. I was groaning loudly. Her grip on my ass pulled me deeper into her throat with each pump. Her cheeks bulged around my thick cock. I didn’t want to cum yet. Spit from her mouth ran down between her tits and disappeared into her tank top. She buried her face deeply onto my shaft one last time and held there for a moment. I was shaking. Slowly, she eased back and slurped the head of my cock before letting it fall onto her face, leaving a trail of saliva on her cheeks and nose. Her hands released my ass and she fell back onto the blanket. She spread her legs slightly and revealed a large wet spot on the crotch of her sweatpants. I slid my shorts down and kicked them off. My cock and balls were soaked in spit. I dropped to my knees and immediately pulled her pants off. As she lifted her massive ass off of blanket to help me I could see how big the wet spot was. The entire crotch was drenched. As she lowered her hips and ass down her legs spread wide. Her pussy was glistening from her juices. I laid next to her and kissed her. Her tounge was attacking mine and she was moaning wildly. I placed my hand over her pussy and felt an intense heat. I easily slid two fingers inside of her. I fucked her pussy with my hand at a frantic pace. My palm was rubbing her swollen clit and her legs shook. Within a minute she yelled, “You are going to make me fucking cum!” I increased the speed of my hand and tried to grind my palm into her clit. She kicked her legs and her ass came off of the blanket. Her entire body seemed to stiffen. She screamed in a shaky voice, “I’m cumming!” I could feel her cum rush over my fingers and erupt from her pussy. Her legs squeezed together and locked my hand inside of her. A stream shot several feet from between her legs and onto the blanket. It was like placing my hand under a hot faucet. The second blast of her cum did not squirt with the same intensity as the first, but seemed to flow onto my hand. Gasping for air, her ass fell back onto the blanket and her powerful legs loosened their grip enough for me to remove my fingers. Her lower body was twitching involuntarily as her orgasm subsided. We were both soaked in sweat and her cum. Watching her eyes twinkle in the fire light only heightened my sense of lust. My cock was screaming for some release. As Vicky got her heart rate under control I asked her to turn over on her knees. She slowly rolled onto all fours. The blanket was sopping wet. I looked at her massive ass perched in the air as if it were calling me. I quickly kneeled behind her and took my swollen cock in my hand. I rubbed the head along her pussy twice and thrust into her. I fucked her with all my might. I could hear my cock sloshing in and out with each stroke. I grinned to myself and kept up my jack hammered pace. My hands were on her ass and I watched it jiggle each time I buried myself inside of her. Vicky put her face and chest on the blanket and elevated her ass to meet my strokes. I was in a trance and thought only of how bad I needed to cum. Vicky was screaming loudly and I felt my cock swell even more. My balls tightened. I pulled her hips hard and pumped into her with every once of force I could muster. At that instant Vicky’s pussy treated my cock to a bath. Her cum poured around the full length of my shaft and cascaded down my balls. I pushed her ass forward and pulled out. Vicky feel onto her stomach. My cock began to squirt before I could grab it. The first shot landed on Vicky’s lower back. The next coated her ass. As I milked the cum from my cock I watched Vicky’s body shake and quiver beneath me. I watched as a flow of her sweet cum trickle from her pussy. My orgasm was so powerful that my knees gave out and I collapsed beside of her on the blanket. I was dripping with sweat and my cock felt like I had run naked through a sprinkler. I looked down at the blanket between Vicky’s legs and was amazed at the amount of cum she produced. Vicky leaned towards me and pressed her lips against mine. We kissed and she was grinning from ear to ear. She gently squeezed my cock and milked a small amount of cum from my shaft. I shuttered and she whispered, “So can I assume you are staying all weekend. |
Invisibility - II (See Invisibility before reading) George drove home from the mall, his bags of minor stolen items sat in his back seat, his mind still grappled with the experience he shared, at least that’s the word he was trying to use in his mind. The pleasurable encounter that he shared with the beautiful mother and daughter. But he knew, it wasn’t exactly a shared experience, he’d molested them. The words stung his brain, a dark bolt of dread. He was a good man, he told himself. He reminisced on the good deeds and generous acts he’d committed in his life. How well he treated women, his sisters, mother, past girlfriends. He wasn’t a rapist! The mother had an orgasm, he said to himself. She wasn’t wearing panties! She was a hot and horny woman and he’d given her an experience of a lifetime. He imagined she’d think fondly of her strange encounter in the mall. But then he’d think about the daughter. Her look of confusion and fear. The cum he’d splashed up into her pussy slit. It's possible he could have impregnated her! The idea shocked and revolted him. But some spark in the back of his mind lit as well. A child. He didn’t have any yet. Imagine if he spawned children all over the city, the country, the world… Oh my god, I shouldn’t be thinking like this, he thought. But the small flame wouldn’t be snuffed out. His mind wandered off, thinking about siring children, unbeknownst to their mother’s who the father could be. It was a better train of thought than the one where he was just a molester of women. His mind considered, what if the women got DNA tests to find out who the father of their mystery child was? Was his DNA on file? No, but maybe his sisters had sent in their DNA to one of those family history DNA sites. What if the mother was taking her daughter to get a rape test right now? She knew her daughter’s young pussy had been bathed in cum, she’d seen it, smelled it, tasted it. Maybe she didn’t know how it happened, but she knew it happened. Her daughter was shocked, and probably had never seen or felt the hot cum of a man before. He hoped the mother had kept the knowledge to herself and not alarmed the girl. But the daughter had been hairless, the devil on his shoulder whispered to him, she can’t be that innocent if she’s shaving herself bare. He shook off the thought. It mattered not the reason she kept herself hair free, he’d doused a possibly fertile woman’s vaginal entrance with his fertile cum. A rape kit would surely collect his DNA. And it could match that of a family member. All a jury would need to hear is that he lived nearby and that his cum was found on the genitals of someone below the state’s age of consent. He’d be finished, his life over. Jail would be his new home. Sweat creased his brow as he surfed the internet for answers. After several exhausting hours of panic, George had calmed down. Even if his sisters had submitted DNA, the differences in their DNA would keep any investigations from pointing at him. Luckily he’d not given in to his own curiosity and sent in a 23 and Me kit himself. He took a drink to settle his nerves and made himself dinner. Really just heated up the prepared food he’d swiped from the grocery store earlier. He once again pondered the gift he’d been given by the mysterious old woman. So far, it hadn’t really impacted his life greatly. He still went to work, paid his bills, etc.. but he was spending less money on food. More significantly, he spent less time socializing. Not that he was the most social person before, but in the past he’d surf social media, chat with friends, hit up Bumble and Tinder to see if he could spark up a date. Since he’d become aware of his new powers, he’d barely done any of that. Thoughts of women made him think of the bond he shared with the sexy mother and daughter. He was concerned that he’d frightened them. He felt the need to make sure they were okay. As the evening set in, he decided he needed to check up on them. His guilt was telling him that he should try to make amends, at least that’s what he told himself. He pulled up a few blocks from the address on Mommy’s license. Her name it turns out was Elizabeth Crenshaw. Her drivers license didn’t indicate more than a generically attractive white woman. He walked up to the house. 57 in gold numbers on the front door confirmed he was at the right place. An SUV in the driveway, but no other car. No husband, thought George. Or maybe he wasn’t home, maybe working, out with the boys, picking up dinner? The door was locked. Damn. Now what? George walked around the house, peering in windows, he saw the television on. Mother and daughter sat on the couch, some inane sitcom played on the TV. Both mother and daughter seemed more interested in their phones than whatever was on the TV. George circled around the house, finding the back door. It was also locked. Damn. He circled further, until he found a window partially open. With the help of an overturned garbage can, he was able to get in through the window, into the downstairs bathroom. Just as he was closing the window to the way he’d found it, Elizabeth entered, flipping on the lights. George’s heart almost leapt out of his mouth, caught red handed! But the sexy mom didn’t pay him any attention. Pulling down her comfortable sweatpants to her ankles, she sat on the toilet. George prepared to cringe expecting her to pee, right next to him. But she didn’t, she was fully concentrating on her phone, and then leaned back a little on the toilet. He heard the soft sound of a moan come from her phone. She was watching porn! He realized. He bent forward to get a look, and sure enough, the image of a woman bent over and getting pounded from behind played across her screen. Her other hand dipped between her spread legs, to her now familiar bare pussy. “She’s horny as fuck” George whispered to himself. Fully aware people paid no attention to what he said while “invisible”, George continued to talk to her as she masturbated. “You’re just a horny little slut aren’t you? Getting off in the mall wasn’t enough was it? Maybe the taste of my cum has you all hot and bothered. Don’t you wish it was your pussy dripping in my cum and not your daughters?” George squeezed his large cock through his pants. He’d be fishing it out and joining her in just a moment. A muffled yell from down the hall, interrupted their fun. “What is it sweety?” yelled the mother in response to whatever her daughter had yelled. She quickly shut her phone and stood, pulling her sweat pants up. She flushed the toilet to complete the ruse before leaving the bathroom. George followed her, Sarah was telling her mother that she was going to bed. “Ok baby, don’t forget to take a shower”, suggested Elizabeth Crenshaw. George watched the sexy teen head out of the living room, and then glance at her phone once her daughter had left. She sat back down on the couch, waiting a moment for her daughter to head up the stairs before going back to her phone. Her other hand slipped into her sweat pants. George was torn, he wanted to follow Sarah up to see her strip down and take a shower, but here was Elizabeth, hand in pants, ready to give him a free show. The phrase about a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush ran through his mind. His cock was beckoning for something else to be in his hand than an imaginary bird. The front of Elizabeth’s sweat pants made it clear that her hand was slowly working at that oh so smooth cunt. George finally made a decision. In a flash he stripped off his clothes, his shoes, socks, pants, sweatshirt, all piled up on the living room floor. Only his ski mask remained on. He held his large tool in his right fist, stroking slowly along its length. Upstairs, both he and Elizabeth noted the sound of the shower turning on. Elizabeth needed no further opportunity to push her sweat pants down to her ankles, and then completely off her right foot. She pulled her knees up and planted her feet on the edge of the couch. George couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t have exposed herself any better to his view. She held her cell phone in her left hand and worked her cunt with her right. That beautiful plump bald pussy was right in front of him. Slick pussy juice lubed Elizabeth’s slit and dripped down the crack of her ass. His cock was painfully hard, and his balls ached for more than a self inflicted hand job. In the video on her phone, Elizabeth watched a young girl getting pounded by a big cock. The young porn star’s squeals barely audible as the volume was on low. The mother kept her focus on her clit, rubbing her fingers in circles, her labia was open like a flower in full bloom, her neck and mound flushed pink from her arousal. The scene, the opportunity, it was all just too much for George, he squatted down, planting his knees on the couches edge, on either side of Elizabeth’s feet. His thick pole pointed straight at the dark pink center of the woman’s cunt. Using one hand to brace himself on the back of the couch, George used his other hand to guide his nearly purple headed club toward the offered opening. His breath hissed through his teeth like a punctured tire as his swollen glans bumped between Elizabeth’s pink labia. Elizabeth’s fingers stopped moving, her eyes grew wide at the sensation as George pressed his thick veiny cock inside her unsuspecting cunt. “Oh fuck!” he groaned as 3 inches of thick cock pressed easily into the woman’s cunt. “What the fuck!?” gasped Elizabeth. Her phone dropped from her left hand, forgotten, her head tilted back, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the feeling of her wanton pussy being filled overcame her. George froze at her announcement, his cock only partly trespassed into the woman’s cunt. His heavy balls hung between his squatting thighs, they screamed at George that they wanted to be slapping this woman's ass, why had he stopped? Taking in her countenance, George drew back and then pumped in further than before. Elizabeth began taking breaths like she was in a Lemas class as the intruder began working his massive cock inside her. She looked down, not really comprehending why it looked something the size of a soda can was jammed in her cunt, but the pleasure was too much and her head snapped back to the couch, her eyes closed once again. George slipped his arms under her knees and clamped his hands onto the back of the couch. He held the mother’s legs open as instinct took over, his hips pistoned forward, long, strong deep strokes, he bottomed out in Elizabeth’s cunt with over two inches of cock left out. His hips yearned to slap against her ass and thighs, but he knew that usually never happened. George began to fuck in earnest and Elizabeth succumbed to the assault on her pussy. He wasn’t sure if she was aware of his presence or not, but he knew for certain, that either way, she was definitely welcoming the pounding he was giving her. She panted and squealed as his tempo increased. In moments she started shuddering and thrashing in his strong grip. Her legs remained locked over his arms as her orgasm ripped through her. George was getting light headed himself. His hips continued to pound forward. Harder, stronger, he punched her cervix with the blunt head of his cock with impunity. Elizabeth’s second orgasm rolled over her. She was now just twitching and drooling from her mouth. A long drawn out moan echoed throughout the living room. She was utterly lost in the cascade of orgasms that had started in her body. George continued to pound the single mother’s cunt. “Oh fuck…OH FUCK! I’m going to CUM! I’m going to fill your cunt with my cum!” shouted George as his orgasm approached. He’d never been so vocal with past lovers, but now, with his new powers, he felt free to vocalize everything that he’d previously kept locked in his mind. “Oh my god! I’m going to spray your cervix with cum! I wish I could put my cock inside your womb!” Elizabeth responded with inarticulate groans and gasps. She didn’t know if she was on orgasm 5 or 6 by the time George peaked, his cock had gained another inch of headway into the middle aged womans cunt, her ass bumped the tops of his thighs. His balls had drawn up and finally, with a mighty roar, he let loose. “Fuck fuckfuck FUUUUCK!!!” he roared as his hips bucked and cum spurted against his victim’s battered cervix. He pumped and gushed his seed as deep into the woman as he could. Great gasps of air filled his lungs as he came down from the orgasm. He removed his arms from the back of the couch, Elizabeth quivered and shook through her final orgasm, her eyes closed, her loud screams were now just quiet whimpers. George slumped to floor on his knees, his cock slipped out of her hole like a snake leaving its den and her feet slid to the floor on either side of him. George panted remaining still for a moment, letting the blood rush back to his head, and his hearing return to him. All was silent, save the slowing breaths of the two unexpected lovers. No other sounds, he thought, so peaceful, George couldn’t remember ever feeling so satisfied as he did at that very moment. So quiet…so, so quiet! George couldn’t hear a shower running. His eyes shot wide open and his pulse quickened, he rolled back on his heels to look around the room, and, Oh shit! In the hallway leading from the living room to the stairs, stood Sarah. She held her hand to her mouth, a look of shock on her face. She had a white bathrobe on and her head was wrapped in a towel. The slight girl was frozen, trying to process what she’d just witnessed. George looked back at Elizabeth. Her eyes were slitted like an opium addict, slouched back on the couch, unaware or uncaring that her legs were splayed open and a huge river of cum dripped from her red swollen cunt down the front of the couch to pool on the living room floor. George noted that Sarah’s gaze was locked on her mother. He was still invisible to the girl. George stood, carefully watching as Sarah lowered her hand from her mouth, and then slowly turned and tried to move as quietly as possible up the stairs, taking only one last look back at her mother, before disappearing from view. George looked back at Elizabeth, she remained in a stupor, she might even be asleep, he wasn’t sure. Guilt washed over him as he looked at her cum covered battered pussy and the mess he’d left on the couch and floor. He grabbed Elizabeth’s sweatpants, her foot still caught in one of the legs, and used the other pant leg to wipe down her cunt and mop up all his cum. He pulled them off her other foot and completed cleaning, woman, couch and floor of his cum as best he could. Looking at the spent woman, George felt a flutter of concern, he pulled her legs up onto the couch and then covered her with the blanket that was draped over the back of it. Still naked, save for the ski mask, he decided to find a washing machine. He needed to destroy the evidence, so to speak. After not finding the laundry on the first floor, masked and naked George carried the cum covered sweatpants upstairs in hopes to find the clothes washer up there. George found an over under laundry unit in the bathroom that Sarah must have taken a shower in. It was still warm and steamy. He dumped the mother’s cum soaked sweatpants into the washing machine, and then looked around for detergent. He tossed a pod into the machine, but washing just a single pair of sweatpants, George looked for a hamper. He found it, popped the top and faced a pair of panties on top of other girlie clothing. There they were, a pair of Sara’s panties. Not the ones he’d creamed earlier in the day, but another pair. Probably the ones she’d put on once she’d gotten home. He wondered where the other panties had gone, the ones the mother had stowed in her purse. He picked up the panties, they were so small, he thought, thongs, on a young teen. How the fuck did his cock start to rise! He looked down in astonishment. His balls ached, but his cock thickened in defiance. Setting the panties aside, George threw Sarah’s laundry into the washer, careful not to mix in bright colors. He started up the washer, then stopped to piss in the toilet as he heard the washer begin to fill with water. Grabbing Sarah’s gently worn panties, George stepped into the hallway. He wrapped the little panties around his still stiff cock. He hadn’t heard Elizabeth stir, and the sound of music could be heard coming from a door next to the bathroom. Guilt and curiosity fought their futile battle in George’s mind. His aching balls and painful cock won yet again. “She’ll never remember or notice if I check in on her” he convinced himself. He swung open the door to Sarah’s room. The slender teen lay on her bed, back propped up on several of the dozen pillows and stuffed animals on her bed. Cheer trophies and posters of some teeny bop pop stars adorned her walls. Her head was still in the towel wrap and her robe had slipped slightly open. One small breast was mostly visible, just shy of the nipple, the other breast was fully obscured. The bottom was open, fully exposing the line where her thighs pressed together, all the way up to the bald fleshy vee, unfortunately her slit was hidden, from view. George stood in the doorway, unconsciously, stroking his cock with the girl’s panties. She was oblivious to his presence, tapping away on her phone, clearly texting with a friend or updating her social media. It would be totally okay if he just watched for a little bit, he told himself. Such a pretty innocent girl, sitting in her room, he thought. He almost jumped out of his skin when her phone rang. “Hey Trace!” smiled Sarah at her phone, must be a facetime call thought George “Hey Sarah!” responded the voice from her phone. “You’re serious! Like right on the couch!” “Yes! I couldn’t believe it” Sarah said in a hushed tone. “Right on the couch while I took a shower.” “No way! Did you get a picture?” laughed the voice on the phone. “You’re so gross Trace” giggled Sarah. “You should sneak down and see if she’s still there. Show me.” chided Trace Sarah rolled her eyes at the phone, “You’re a little perv”. “Your mom’s hot, you know it.” laughed Trace. George felt better now that he’d taken the time to cover the mother and give her some decency, should her daughter try and expose her for her friend’s viewing pleasure. “Such a fucking wierd day”, the curse seemed off, coming from young Sarah’s lips. “Is it normal to have so much white cream?” “What cream?” asked Tracy, clearly confused by the change of questioning. “You know, from down there? Like do girls cream?” “I think so,” answered Trace, “My cousin says that girls can cream.” “I can’t believe how much cream was in my panties..… I mean my mother’s panties” stuttered Sarah, clearly having said something she didn’t intend to. “Why are you looking at your mother’s panties?” chided Trace Sarah blushed red. “They were on the floor by the couch…” she said, not very convincingly. “Oh, let me see!” “No, I’m not going back down there.” “Did she see you? You know how she likes to peek in at us..” “I don’t think so, she seemed totally out of it.” “She must have had a good cum!” guffawed Trace “Shut up!” chastised Sarah. George’s cock throbbed and ached at the banter between the teens regarding seeing Elizabeth in a state of sexual bliss, and mistaking his cum for something that the mother and daughter’s pussies produced on their own. As the girls talked, Sarah lifted a knee and flopped her legs open. Her bare smooth slit became exposed and George’s mouth watered. He looked at the smiling laughing girl and back down at her bare pussy. His cock throbbed. “Maybe just a little taste.” He told himself. “I bet she won’t even notice.” The girls continued to chatter as George entered the room. Sarah paid no attention to anything but her phone. George got on hands and knees and crawled to the end of the girl’s bed. His eyes locked onto her slender legs and bald slit like a homing missile. He paused as his head reached her bed. “In for a penny, in for a pound”, his brain rattled off another idiom to help ease his conscience for what he was about to do. The grown man climbed up onto the nearly nude teens bed. His weight shifted the mattress, but Sarah just spread her legs a bit more to compensate for the momentary lean. “Oh fuck that’s beautiful” whispered George, somewhat conscious that he didn’t want to be heard by Trace on the other end of the phone. He couldn’t imagine seeing anything more beautiful than the smooth puffy lips, parted by a deep slit, completely hiding the labia inside. George’s cock leaked precum and his mouth watered. He crawled between the teens legs and quickly lowered his mouth to the girl's cunt. “We were shopping for the cheer event …… oooh…. Mmmmm” Sarah stopped mid sentence and her eyes closed. A long pause in conversation stretched out before Trace interrupted. “Sarah! What’s going on?” Sarah’s eyes opened, though half lidded now. “Oh.. I was saying that we… ooof… didn’t get.. The… umm…. Ohh… we didn’t ….didn’t… get …. Uuuhh…. The .. shiit…” George’s tongue lapped at the teens pussy. It was so soft, so smooth. He couldn’t believe how much he liked to suck on the meaty flesh and delve his tongue into her hole. He found her little clit at last and sucked it between his lips. “Sarah! Are you doing it to?! Like mother like daughter!” laughed Trace. “Nooo… I’m not! Guuunnng… uuuhhh. Fuck Trace, it feels so good.” Tracy laughed, “You’re a little perv! Sarah’s playing with herself on the phone! Ha ha ha ha” “No, I’m not… swear…oof… ohhh yes…. See..” Sarah held her phone up and showed her other hand to the phone. George was now holding the girl's thighs spread wide, he pushed her legs back like he was snapping the drumsticks off the thanksgiving turkey. His mouth worked the delicious cunt with complete abandon. He sucked her tender inner and outer lips, he probed as deeply as he could go into her pussy, gently poking at her partially torn hymen. He then went back to working her clit. He heard her gasp and her conversation ceased. Trace continued to throw the occasional verbal jab at Sarah, but she was ignoring her friend as an orgasm built from the center of her young hips. George sucked her little clit into his mouth and rubbed his tongue back and forth across the turgid nub. Sarah’s head was thrown back now as her little body began to convulse. Trace prattled on but neither Sarah nor George were paying any attention to her now. Her phone lay forgotten against the teen’s rumpled bed spread. “Oh god, oh god, oh god”, panted Sarah, over and over again. The wave of her orgasm came in like the tide, slow, building and relentless. And then the wave crashed over her. Her little pussy sprayed cum into George’s mouth. He was surprised by the girls gushing pussy, but he continued lapping and sucking. He wanted to see if the daughter was mutliorgasmic like the mother. Sarah began shaking and squealing. George kept his mouth latched to her cunt, his hands wrapped around her slender thighs, holding her in place as he drank of her pleasure and quim. His cock was leaking precum all over her bed. He must have suckled the teens cunt for another 15 minutes, as her body shivered and shook. Her head tossing up and down on the bed like a scene out of the exorcist. She wasn’t as vocal as her mother, but her orgasms were almost violent and prolonged. George’s tongue finally raised the flag. The girl’s ability to cum had outlasted his ability to lap at her. He pulled away on bent elbows, the girl lay panting on her back. George's tongue may have been done, but his cock was near bursting. He looked with some reluctance at the virgin pussy before him. He’d fallen a long way in the past week, but he’d not yet fallen that far. His fist wrapped around his thick pole, he looked form one pair of puffy pink lips, to the other. A nod of his head and it had been decided. His cock and his brain had come to a conclusion. He shuffled on hands and knees toward the panting girl's head. He straddled her pillow, fisting his bloated cock right beside the girl's face. His orgasm was near. George slid his hand through pretty Sarah’s hair and cupped the back of her skull. He lifted her panting and open lips to the end of his cock, and then in one quick motion, shoved himself deep into her mouth. He figured if he got his cock deep enough, he’d hit her gag reflex before she was able to bite down on him. Sarah’s throat immediately went into gagging as George’s massive cock stretched her jaw and pressed past her uvula. “Oh fuck!” he groaned as his cock erupted, hot cum sprayed the girls tonsils. She continued to attempt to retch, causing cum to flood the back of her nasal passage. George held her head with both hands and pumped rope after rope into the spasming girl’s throat. Her eyes were open wide, staring into George’s masked face in sheer panic as she fought for breath. Her hands beat at his arms as the last shudder of his orgasm receded. George suddenly became aware that he was choking the girl to death. He leapt off the bed and stood by it like a statue, panic, fear, guilt, and pleasure all overloaded his mind into a moment of complete inaction. Sarah had rolled onto her hands and knees and was taking in big heaving sobs of air, trying to catch her breath, cum drooled from her nostrils and mouth onto her bed. “Oh fuck!” said George, and he bolted out of her room. He ran downstairs. He found Elizabeth still asleep on the couch. He threw his clothes on as fast as possible, made a quick scan of the room to see if he’d dropped anything, and then bolted out the back door. He ran down the block to his car and headed for home. Feelings of guilt and dread ran fresh through his blodd. Sarah, having regained her breath, looked over at the stunned look on Tracy’s face, her phone had been lying against the blankets, facing Sarah as she’d shivered through her orgasms and the violent but brief throat fucking. Fear and shock raged across Sarah’s face. “Did you see that?” yelled the girl. “Did you see him?” “Who?” asked Tracy. The girl was clearly flushed. Halfway through, she’d given in and had been playing with her own pussy as she watched her friend get off. “His cock was choking me!” panted the freaked out Sarah “Whaat…? Is that what you were thinking about?” “What do you mean, thinking about?” asked Sarah “When you were, you know, making yourself cum?” “It wasn’t me, I swear” “Oh my god… really?” Said Trace, wide eyed. “Really” said Sarah “You mean she finally decided to do more than sniff your panties?” asked Trace Sarah shook her head angrily, “NO Stupid! It wasn’t my mother!” “Well if it wasn’t you, and it wasn’t your mother, then who gave you 500 orgasms?” chided Trace Sarah blushed, the memories of the man had almost completely faded, but the memory of the orgasms hadn’t ..”I don’t know… I don’t know what came over me.” George was somewhat more calm by the time he’d reached his house. He’d taken the ski mask off before he got out of his car. He walked inside and took a shower, he couldn’t wash the guilt away, and the scent of Sarah’s pussy lingered in his nose. Looking in the mirror he uttered “arcanus”. I’ll never say those words again, he promised himself. Never…. But never is a very long time. |
“Hey Joe” Joe jumps up from his bed and looks over at his window “What the hell!” Joe stares at Maryse leaning on his window sill, wearing a huge grin. “I swear you’re just as bad as your brother” “Aw come on Joe, you don’t mean that do you?” “If I say yes?” “Oh well…” She lets that hang there. Joe shakes his head, and suddenly realize that he is only dressed in his boxers “What are you doing here?” Maryse fakes a hurt look “Just coming to see you of course, it’s been two weeks since I last saw you” “Yeah been having a hectic time in class” Maryse quickly climbs through the window, she is dressed in baggy jogging pants and a tight t-shirt, her hair is caught in a pony tail and she isn’t wearing make-up. “Well I’m here for our jog session” “Isn’t the season still some time off?” “Just get your lazy bum in gear, I want to go jog” Joe sighs and turns to his closet, he pulls out a t-shirt and throws it on, he gets out shorts, drops his boxers and gets into the shorts. “Oooh nice ass” Joe just waves her away with his hand as he pulls up his shorts and gets out a pair of socks, he sits down to pull them on and Maryse sits down next to him. “You know Joe, I only used this as an excuse not to get badgered by my parents about doing something active” Joe grunts “So you do not like exercise?” “Oh no I love exercise and working out and playing sport, I just think that I really got to study hard this term to get the results I need to get into college” Joe looks at her as he fasten his shoes “But you have been doing great” “Yes but this year I really got to put in more Joe, I really want to have good points” Joe gets up “OK let’s hit the road” Maryse gets up and look at the books on Joe’s desk “I see I’m not the only one studying hard” “Well I also have big dreams you know” Maryse looks over her shoulder at Joe “Just stay on the road you are, I think you are one to achieve those dreams” Joe grins “Getting sentimental on me Reese?” Maryse chuckles and shake her ponytail “Maybe I just care Joe, let’s go” Joe frowns to himself as he follows Maryse out of his room. “Joe are you going out?” Joe stops at his mother’s voice “Joe and me is going out for a jog” Joe’s mother comes out of the living room “Oh Maryse, so good to see you. How are you doing?” “I’m good thank you and you Mrs. Anders?” “Oh come on now Maryse you know me long enough now to call me Zandre and I’m doing great thank you. Since when are you two jogging? I thought Joe is already exercising himself into a coma” “Oh we are just going to go for a jog, mild exercise to keep me in shape and to pry him away from his books for a few minutes” Zandre just chuckles “That is not too bad an idea, but make sure not to burn him out dear, I bet he still wants to study a bit when he gets back” “Sure thing Zandre, I’ll go easy on your small boy here” Maryse drags Joe after her “Have fun hunny” “Bye mom” Outside Maryse grins at Joe and heads to the gate, Joe follows and closes the gate behind him. Maryse stands with her arms on her hips and grins at Joe “Sometimes I think you are slower than Andy” Joe starts to stretch out slowly “At times I can also be a bit lazy” Maryse looks at Joe “What are you doing?” “Warming up, it’s not good for your muscles to just start jogging” Maryse starts to follow Joe’s movements as he warms up. A few minutes later Joe stands ready and shakes arms and legs, he grins at Maryse “C’mon granny, time to get going” Maryse looks up at him and aim a slap at him, but Joe just jumps aside and jogs down the sidewalk “Catch me if you can, I am the Gingerbread Man” Maryse laughs and sets off after Joe, she catches up with him three blocks later and he sets the pace for the jog, they start to talk about school and the football season. Joe can’t remember the last time he enjoyed a jog so much, usually it was with a bunch of his football friends and the conversation usually was about girls, sex and parties. With Maryse he could actually talk about numerous things and she could talk along with him as their general knowledge seems to go towards the same subjects. They jog out of town and Maryse points at a side road they must turn up into, Joe follows her lead, suspecting she’s been here a few times. Joe glances at her and admire her breasts moving inside the confines of her sport bra, he listen to her talking about the groups they have in class. The cheerleaders, the snobs, the popular kids, the ever present nerds and a few Goths, Joe grins at her “So where do you fit it?” She glances at him and laugh half out of breath “The popular kids…but lately I found myself…with the nerds” Joe chuckles “That must mean that the nerd group suddenly became very popular” Maryse grimace “How the hell…can you still sound like…you haven’t been jogging?” “Just regulate your breathing Reese, force yourself to breathe deeply” Maryse chuckles “Oh yes easy for you to say, you don’t have these puppies bouncing around” Joe laughs and slows down until they are walking “Just catch your breath, we still got some time left” Maryse just keeps walking as she tries to regulate her breathing, after a few minutes she nods and they set off again “So why would you think the nerd group is suddenly more popular Joe?” Joe glances over at her “Well the prettiest girl in school is in their ranks” Maryse scoffs “Claire Goodman is the prettiest girl in school Joe, even you know that” Joe chuckles “Claire is a bitch, she’s only popular because her dad allows her to throw big parties with lots of booze” “Then maybe that is what I must do also get a bit of attention” “Aw the cute little lady isn’t happy with her legion of fans” Maryse glances curiously at Joe “What do you mean?” “Hell Reese, every guy on the football team talks about you, I’ve been to some of the parties, I heard the guys talk. You’re like Aphrodite or even Venus to them, the most beautiful lady in school” Maryse grins and impish grin “And you Joe, what do you think?” Joe grins back at her and doesn’t answer, when they get to the edge of a stand of trees he decides that they should head back. Maryse is starting to show signs of strain and he knows that they won’t talk much on their way back. He jogs in silence and wonder why Maryse would want to know what he thought about her, it’s not like it should matter? Sure she had sex with him, but from what he heard it’s just like scratching an itch for her, no serious commitments to it. Maybe she wants to know how Andy’s best friend felt about her? But that doesn’t make sense at all, she never before showed any signs that knowing what people thought about her actually mattered. He senses more than see Maryse slowing down, he follows suit and soon find himself walking, he glances at Maryse and sees a kind of brooding expression on her face “Joe? Can I ask you something?” Joe looks at her “Sure Reese, what’s up?” She looks at him and in those eyes he can see a terrible conflict “Do you think I’m a slut?” Joe blinks his eyes “What?” Maryse tosses her ponytail in either aggravation or irritation “I heard people talking behind my back, calling me cheap, easy and a slut. I know that there are stories going around about me in school. I want to know if you think I’m a slut, I know I basically blackmailed you into fucking me and that alone should make me a slut in your eyes, but just answer me please” Joe looks at her, those pretty eyes, soft lips, the soft arch of her neck, he thinks about the stories of her fucking a new guy every week, the story about the foursome at the behind the bar. Then he thinks about what he knows of her, her quick wit, her clear laughter, her friendliness. He shakes his head slowly “No Reese, I do not think you’re a slut” He glances at her and see that she’s busy looking at him thoughtfully “You know Joe, you are a rare breed, let’s get home, I also have some studying to do” As they jog back home Joe keep on wondering what she meant with that. The rest of the way they were silent only commenting on passing vehicles or buildings, Joe decided to jog with her to their home and then go back to his place. Soon he was behind his books again and the strange moment forgotten, a small movement outside catches his eye and as he looks up Andy leans on his window sill. “Hey Joe whadya know?” Joe chuckles and pushes his books away “Just working on that Geometry we write Thursday, what are you up to?” Andy rolls his eyes “Taking a break, listen what did you do to Maryse?” Joe immediately feels guilty as he remembers the evening that he lost his virginity to Maryse “Why do you ask?” Andy looks at Joe weirdly “She came back from the jog with you, went up to her room and cried herself to sleep” Joe blinks “Nothing, we just jogged and she had a weird moment while we were coming back” Andy frowns “What do you mean strange moment bro?” Joe motions Andy to come inside, Andy wastes little time climbing in through the window “She stopped and asked me if I think she’s a slut, then she said that she knows about all the rumours about her in school” “What did you tell her?” Joe shrugs “I said no, I don’t think she is a slut. She told me I’m a rare breed and then we came back” Andy sighs exasperated and throws himself into a chair “Women” They both burst out laughing and start to talk about the next season. About an hour later Andy leaves, Joe checks the clock, notices that there is still some time left so he continues with his studying. An hour later he pushes away from his desk and switches off his reading lamp, he yawns and stretch out before stumbling to his bed, slipping out of his t-shirt and plopping down into his bed, sleep claiming him almost instantaneously. Joe slowly wakes up, he wonders what woke him up, he shrugs it off and snuggles up to the soft body next to him…wait a minute! Soft body? He is almost instantly awake, before he can do anything further, two soft lips are pressed against his and the body moves up over him. The lips slowly withdraws from him and in the semi darkness he can make out a familiar figure straddling him “Reese?” A finger is placed on his lips and replaced by her lips, this time he kisses back, his hands are placed on soft hips and he starts to explore the body draped over his. The tongue darting into his mouth and entwining with his tongue is sweet and the breath against his face is warm. He run his hands over the soft, yet firm ass and squeeze gently, a soft sigh emits from her and she pulls slightly back and whispers “Hey lover” He blinks “Maryse? How did you get in?” Her chuckle is soft and throaty “You forgot to close your window after Andy left” He feel her soft hands slipping off his boxers, exposing his hardening cock, he can feel her body slide up over his again and her soft breast presses into his face. He seeks out her nipple and sucks it into his mouth, finding it already hard, he wiggles his tongue tip over the hard nub as he keep on sucking, her breathing is soft and warm on his face “Baby, I’m going to make you feel good tonight…” She pulls her breast from his face and offers him her other breast whose nipple he greedily sucks into his mouth. She sighs softly “But I want you to come visit me on Friday OK?” The soft breast and hard nipple is slowly taken from his mouth, she slides down him and her lips seeks out his and she push her hot body tightly against his body, when she pulls away he tries to pull her back to him, but with slight resistance she moves down his body. He lets her go, her nipples traces a trail down his body, and he can feel his hard, throbbing cock push between her soft breasts. She stops and he can feel her breasts squeezing harder around his shaft, he glances down at her and sees her pressing her breasts together with his cock sandwiched between them, she starts to move her breasts up and down his throbbing shaft. He closes his eyes and groan softly as her velvety skin brush over his sensitive shaft, he lays back, closing his eyes in pleasure. He jumps slightly as a warm, wet feeling clamp over the head of his cock, he feels her breasts moving from his cock as her mouth pulls him in deeper. He grips her hair in one hand as she seems to slide his cock into her mouth and down her throat in one fluid motion, eliciting another low groan from him. She starts to slowly bob her head up and down over his groin, her soft hair brushing over his thighs as her hot mouth sucks on his throbbing cock. Her tongue dances around his shaft and to add more sensation she allows her teeth to lightly scrape against his shaft. He breathes deeply, trying not to moan out loudly, a sound that would attract a lot of attention from his light sleeping parents. Her long fingers find his balls and gently start to fondle them, her head starts to speed up and he grips her head between his hands, moving his hands along with her head, feeling his cock sliding down her throat and her soft moans vibrating through his cock and through his entire body. He breathes deeply and swallow slowly, his back arching slightly from the overload of pleasure coursing through his body, her mouth slips from his cock and he opens his eyes as the cool air brush over his wet cock “Do we have a deal baby?” He only manages to croak out “Yes” Almost instantly her mouth engulfs his cock again, her hand gently milking his balls as she add her hand to her mouth, squeezing firmly as she lick and suck on his cock. He lets go of her hair and grip his sheets, clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes tightly shut, suppressing his loud moan of pleasure. Her mouth and hands feels like a soft wet vice milking his cock and balls, he can feel the pressure building at the base of his cock and gasps softly for breath “I’m going to cum” Her hand slips away from his shaft and her mouth and throat engulfs his cock, taking him deep into the hot depths of her mouth, unable to hold back anymore he releases his pent up orgasm. It feels like his body explodes in absolute pleasure as his cum erupts from his body and down her throat, she pulls back slightly, resting the head of his jerking cock at the opening of her throat, swallowing his cum as it pumps from his body. He grips the sheets harder, pushing his head back into his pillow as two weeks worth of cum empties from his balls. His body slumps back into the bed, gasping for breath, he keeps his eyes closed as he continues to breathe deeply to catch his breath. He slowly opens his eyes and looks down, Maryse is gone, he sits up and switches on his bed side lamp, and he looks around but sees no sign of her, even the window is only open on a slight crack. He finds his boxers next to the bed and slip back into them, he picks up his cellphone to look at the time and sees a text message, he opens it and read “Don’t forget to come visit Friday lover” He closes the text messages menu and lies down on his bed, switching off the lamp, he stares up at the ceiling. Thoughts rushes through his head, foremost are: What the hell did just happen? He closes his eyes and as he drifts off to sleep a small smile spread over his lips as he recalls her soft hair under his hands. The rest of the week Joe spends his time studying, going jogging with Maryse, gyming and hanging out with Andy. Friday comes around and Joe starts to wonder what to expect when he goes over to the O’Hanigans after school today. He tries to get a whiff of something strange going on, but Andy seems to know of nothing and according to him they are all going to be at home today. Joe decides to just give in and accept that it’s just going to be a normal visit, the rest of the day seems to crawl by and Joe starts to get irritated and by the time the final bell goes Joe is so wound up he can feel himself shaking “Joe?” He looks up from where he is busy placing his books into his back pack, Miss Stevens is looking at him from behind her desk “Yes miss?” “Could you help me with these books please?” Joe smiles, suppressing a sigh “Sure, no problems” Joe finishes packing his back pack, slings it over one shoulder and goes to Miss Stevens’ desk, she shows him a bunch of library books. Joe waits until all the other students have filed out, before he picks up a load of the books. Miss Stevens picks up the rest and she walks out of the room heading for the library, Joe follows her with his arms full of books. Miss Stevens is easily one of the youngest teachers in school, she finished her own studies last year and got an opening in their school when Mr Andso retired. Joe found that she is quite a capable teacher and that she always was ready to listen to her students. Getting to the library Joe places the books down on the Return shelf and Miss Stevens thanks him. Joe just smiles and says it’s a pleasure before heading for the gates, he must admit that Miss Stevens being well built and pretty doesn’t make helping her to carry books too much of a task. Joe start to walk leisurely down the road, whistling AC/DC’s Thunderstruck, one of his all time favourite songs. When he gets to the O’Hanigans’ house, he notices that Mr and Mrs O’Hanigan is already home, which is not a very unusual occurrence on a Friday. He knocks on the door and Mrs O’Hanigan opens the door with a huge smile on her face “Hey there Joe, how are you doing?” “I’m good thanks and yourself?” “I’m great thank you, come on in. Maryse should be along in a few minutes” “Excuse me?” Mrs O’Hanigan frowns “Why are you here Joe?” “Well I got a text from Maryse to come visit today” “How odd” “Why?” “Well she told us a bit earlier that she has a new boyfriend and that she is going to come show him to us today. She said he is a very kind and considerate guy and that we would most probably like him” Joe grins “Well then, let’s get inside and see who Mr Perfect is” Mrs O’Hanigan laughs and lets Joe in, closing the door behind him. Joe places his back pack down next to Andy’s and walks into the living room, Andy is busy watching Mythbusters and Mr O’Hanigan is busy reading a newspaper, after greeting each other, Joe sits down and watches Mythbusters with Andy. “It seems like your mom is rather excited” Andy shrugs “This will be the first guy that Reese actually brings home to meet the family” Joe chuckles and they go on watching in comparative silence, half an hour later the front door opens and closes. Everybody looks up expectantly and Maryse comes walking into the living room alone, Joe starts to laugh softly and Mrs O’Hanigan comes out of the kitchen area, searching for and not finding anybody else, she looks a bit down cast “Reese, honey, where is the guy you said you’re bringing over?” Maryse grins one of her impish grins “He’s already here mom” She points directly at Joe, there is a shocked silence as everybody stares at Joe. Joe struggles to close his own mouth. Maryse grins at him and he wonders if she’s going to blurt out that they had sex as well “W-what do you mean?” Andy’s comment breaks the silence, Maryse turns her gaze to him “Well it’s easy little brother, you see mom and dad have been complaining about me not being able to find a guy. Well we all know Joe, he is kind, considerate and has a great personality. I can’t really think of anybody better” Suddenly Mr O’Hannigan bursts out laughing “From the look on Joe’s face I’d safely say you haven’t told him that news yet” Maryse giggles “Are you going to say no Joe?” Joe just mutely shakes his head “Good boy, you are already house trained it seems” Mr O’Hanigan’s retort breaks the sudden tension and everybody laughs or chuckles, Andy punches Joe on the shoulder “Normally you must become best friends with the girl’s brother, seems like you did it backwards” Joe, still a bit shocked, grins at Andy “I am unique that way” Maryse settles down between them and slip an arm around Joe, Mrs O’Hanigan smiles “Such a lovely couple” Maryse settle her head on Joe’s shoulder and whispers softly “I hope I did the right thing, I don’t want to labelled as an easy slut anymore” Joe places his arm awkwardly around her and gives her a gentle squeeze, everybody seems to notice that this is something really important for her even though they couldn’t hear her words to Joe. Mr O’Hanigan gets up and heads toward the kitchen, Mrs O’Hanigan follows him, Andy seems to be unsure of what to do, but he pretty soon gets up and rushes down to the den. Maryse looks at Joe and smiles softly at him, Joe grins and shakes his head “You really caught me off guard there Reese” She giggles softly and Joe hugs her tightly against him “I do not know if you did the right thing Reese, but we will make this work or try our best to let it work out” She smiles and rests her head on his shoulder again, he whispers softly “What was that about last time?” She chuckles softly and whispers back “I just wanted to do it” “And you disappeared” “You know I’m a vocal girl, if I did what I really wanted to, your parents would have been very shocked baby” Joe chuckles “That is true as well, now what?” She snuggles close “Now you are mine, I’m going to kill any girl that looks at you and I can have you all to myself” Joe laughs “Well I can live with that” They sit like this for a while, Maryse seems to be in a happy state of mind and Joe just processing what happened. A bit later they are seated at the table, Maryse in the chair next to Joe, they discuss the weather, sports, school and the last season of football as they feast on the roast beef, baked potatoes, green beans and brown rice. After dinner they disperse, Mr and Mrs O’Hanigan to the living room, Andy to the den and Maryse dragging Joe after her up to her room. Once inside Maryse slips out of her clothes, leaving Joe still clothed staring at her perfect body, she grins at him “Time to do your duty as a boyfriend” Joe blinks at her and she laugh softly “Just strip baby” Joe removes his clothes, being this close to a very naked Maryse has the expected result. Maryse steps closer, her hand wrapping around his hard shaft as she pulls his head down for a kiss, she pulls away and slide her hand up and down his shaft, sending shivers of pleasure through his body “My, my, my seems like somebody is very eager hmm?” Joe grins at her “That is an affirmative ma’am” Maryse smiles “I’m yours Joe, do with me just what you want to” Joe looks around then leads her to her desk, she gets a impish smile and hops onto the desk, Joe pulls her closer to the edge and she uses her hand to guide him to her wet lips, Joe kisses her gently as his head rests between her hot lips “You seem quite excited yourself” She looks at him “I did have almost a whole week to think about how good it will be, you really got me very excited with that tongue of yours on my nipples” Joe slowly pushes forward and she closes her eyes and breathe in deeply, Joe pushes deeper until he is fully embedded inside of her “Mmmm don’t move babe, just stay like this for a while” He leans in and start to gently kiss her neck, he can feel her hands slowly stroking over his back and her soft breathing is warm in his neck. She shifts her pelvis tighter against him and he pulls back slowly and thrust back into her, she moans softly “Yes baby, fuck me with that beautiful cock” Joe slides his hands up her spread legs and cups her hips, holding her as he starts to thrust slowly and deeply into her tight pussy, she kisses his neck, moaning against his skin. Her throaty moans vibrating against his neck urges him on to thrust faster, pulling her into his thrusts by her hips. Her breathing becomes faster and she moans louder, digging her nails into his back, pulling him tighter against her. He can feel her hard nipples push against him as he thrusts harder and faster inside her, she moans harder, moving her hips forward under his hands. Their groins are soon wet with her flowing juices and slap gently together as he slide deep in and out of her, they are both breathing hard, close to gasping for breath as they move hard together “Oh baby, it’s so good” She leans back, breathing hard, looking up at Joe. Joe stares at her breasts bouncing under his continued thrusts, then look up into her eyes. She grabs his shoulders and pull him into her, kissing him and rest her mouth against his neck, her breath warm and almost scalding on his skin “Harder baby, make me cum for you” Joe obeys her and thrust as hard as he can into her, their groins slamming hard together, her loud moans sends shivers of pleasure through his spine, he can feel his orgasm building up in the base of his cock. Maryse bites hard into his shoulder and he can hear another of her high pitched screams die a wet death against his skin and feel her body convulse around his cock, he thrusts one more deep thrust and clench on his teeth as his cum erupts from his cock, he pulls her hips tight against him and tries to thrust even deeper into her. He groan as his cum keeps pumping into her, again he empties himself inside her, her muscles massaging his cock, feeling like a velvet hand trying to milk him dry. They gradually come down from their respective highs, both breathing deeply, they stay locked together for a while as they catch their breath. Joe slowly leans back and Maryse smiles up at him, he smiles back at her, she sits up, leaning in against him and kisses him gently. “Next time we do it slower OK?” He nods and she touches his cheek “Let’s get dressed, we want to look respectable at least” Joe chuckles softly and helps her from the desk “You know Reese, this is going to be a very long season” She chuckles and slips her hotpants on “Aww will my baby have no time for me?” Joe laughs softly as he slips on his boxers and jeans “Just saying that you are going to have one very tired boyfriend at times” Maryse slips on a t-shirt and shorts “That’s OK, but just be sure that you are going to sleep a lot more than usual” Joe slips on his shirt and sits down on her bed “I can believe that” She giggles and crawls onto the bed to sit next to him, wrapping his arms around her, she tilts her head to look at him “I’m a bit curious” Joe raises his eyebrows “You know what curiosity did to the cat” “I’m not a cat honey” “But you have one” She laughs and shoves her shoulder against him “Oh hush you” She settles into his arms again “You know those stories about me right?” “Yes?” “Which one do you not believe?” Joe thinks for a while “Well apart from the three bikers…” She looks around “Three?” He nods “Yes that is how the story goes. You had a foursome with three guys behind the Hog’s Bar” She shakes her head “Geez that is just a load of bull, OK sure I got drunk and one guy got lucky because he had a nice bike, but that is about it” Joe gives her a tight hug “It’s OK honey, don’t let it upset you” “If that is the scope of the stories, I’m surprised you didn’t turn me down” “I just thought of what I knew about you, not the stories I heard. I know you’re not even close to being half as bad as the people say you are” Maryse sighs and settles back against Joe “It seems like I have a long way to go and I may even tarnish your name due to gossip from other people” Joe breathes in the aroma of her hair and realises that he doesn’t actually care, all he knows is that he has deep feelings for Maryse and it’s not only due to the fact that she took his virginity and that they just had sex. He smiles and gives her a tight hug, gently kissing her neck, she giggles softly and hits him with her elbow “Stop being such a naughty boy” |
I’m back, dear readers! Been writing up a storm over the holiday break; I did manage to churn out a few chapters of the sequel to my King Arthur story, as well as this little number. I’ve cooked up this short romance for the 2018 Valentine’s Day contest over on Literotica. As you can tell by the title, it has a gaming theme, specifically Pokémon, a game that I’m really big into. I did make sure to write it in such a way that even someone with no familiarity with the game can easily follow along with the action. Even if you were to only skim through the gaming portions, I think you’ll still enjoy the story. I’d really appreciate it if y’all could give it a read, and maybe post some honest feedback. Your comments are always helpful in getting my stories ready for the critics. And if you really enjoyed it, I’d appreciate it if you could make a quick visit to Literotica later this month and vote on me for the contest. Thanks for your continued readership! Gaming for Love “And Smallwood drains it for three!” Click. Michael Goldman scanned the Auburn Basketball Arena, always looking for the perfect shot for the school newspaper, The Plainsman . Allison Smallwood, the star point guard of the women’s basketball team, always made for an excellent target. Not only was she a fantastic athlete, but she was also a pretty blonde with a dazzling smile. “Foul on Georgia, and Smallwood steps to the free throw line!” Click. Click. As he snapped a few more shots, Michael couldn’t help but smile. Even as socially awkward as he was, he seemed to thrive whenever he was on the job. While behind the camera, he was able to see the world around him not as the annoying bunch of people he had to deal with, but as a collection of models waiting for him to capture the perfect moment. Still, it’d be nice to have a sweet girl to go home to after work, but Michael wasn’t holding out much hope. Most girls weren’t attracted to the stereotypical Jewish kid: scrawny with curly black hair, pale skin complexion, and a bit of a large nose. As much as Michael tried to downplay the cliché, there really was no escaping it. A sudden thud from the court snapped Michael out of his daydream, and he saw one of the other girls down on the floor. A quick glance at his roster sheet told him it was Desiree Bonner, the starting forward. As he went to work with his camera, he was relieved to see that her injuries didn’t look too serious. Soon, she was being tended to by one of the trainers. “There she is,” Michael breathed. Michael still had no idea who she was, but the student trainer that worked with the women’s basketball team was nothing short of a knockout. She was maybe 5’5” with light ash blonde hair, and her sharp eyes and wry smile seemed to indicate that she had a keen intellect to go with her stunning good looks. As she worked on Desiree, Michael couldn’t help but snap a few shots of the two of them, making sure that both the trainer and player were in focus. What he would give for a shot with her. Soon, the buzzer interrupted his fantasies, forcing him back to reality. “Well, back to work…” So it went for the rest of the game. No further injuries occurred for Auburn, so Michael didn’t get any further glimpses of the little goddess that tended to the players. The Lady Tigers kept the game close, but Georgia was just the better team in the end, and the Bulldogs ended up winning 67-62. This didn’t come as a huge surprise to Michael. Throughout the season, the team had proved to be talented but young, with Smallwood being the only real veteran on the team. Considering that she was only a sophomore, the team had nowhere to go but up in the coming seasons. After a final series of shots as the teams shook hands, Michael texted his boss up in the press box. The reply thanked Michael for his hard work and instructed him to take the rest of the night off; his boss would handle photography at the postgame press conference. This suited Michael just fine, as he had gotten more than enough of people for the day. After packing up his camera gear, he headed out to his bike to begin the trek back to his apartment. ***** As he reclined on the sofa in his living room, Michael grabbed his Nintendo 3DS and powered up his copy of Pokémon Sun , intending to waste away the rest of the evening with some online battles. On the other side of the room stood Antonio, Michael’s roommate. He was a tall drink of water by any standard, and his dark chocolate skin and shaved head gave him quite a striking appearance. Still, he was as nerdy as Michael was, perhaps even more so, and tried to communicate this with his black horn-rimmed glasses. Of course, with his height and good looks, that only served to make him even more irresistible to the opposite sex. As was his usual Thursday evening routine, he stood with iron in hand, pressing his shirts for the coming weekend, no doubt for a Valentine’s Day date of some sort. “Dammit,” Michael muttered. “What’s wrong, man?” Antonio asked. “Another rage quitter. That’s three in a row!” “You gettin’ that good?” Antonio wondered with a laugh. “No, the level of competition has definitely gone down in the last few months. Not sure what’s happening. Still, I can’t help it that I’m kicking so much ass!” “Sounds like you need some stronger competition.” “Yeah, but I know you don’t play Pokémon anymore.” “True. I ain’t got the time to put in. But maybe you ought to consider joining the local League?” “League? I thought you said the president of the AU Pokémon League was a total asshole?” Michael replied. “He is, but it’s gonna be your best bet for some decent people to play against. Besides, none of them will rage quit on you; it’s against their rules. If they do, they get put on probation. Too many times, and they’re kicked out.” “Hmm… maybe so. When’s the next meeting?” “Tomorrow, actually. They meet at the GameStop on University Parkway.” “Thanks, I’ll check it out.” Hearing the steam from Antonio’s iron, Michael remarked, “Dude, you’re fucking obsessed with clothes. It’s a little disturbing.” “What can I say? The ladies love a man wearing a freshly pressed shirt!” “Yeah, right. I’d bet you’re in the closet. Great cover, by the way,” Michael snorted. “Hey, that hurts,” Antonio whined, feigning a heart attack. “I can’t help it if I’m that much better than you with the women, just like you can’t help it you’re so much better than those idiots online!” “Yeah, but you could share,” Michael shot back with a grin. “Sorry, but Antonio don’t kiss and tell,” he replied with a toothy grin. After a moment of silence, he continued, “You see that little hottie at the basketball game again?” “Yeah, she was there.” “You should talk to her, man! I bet you two would hit it off real good!” “Are you nuts?! She’s so far out of my league, I bet she doesn’t even know I exist!” Michael laughed. “Dude, stop sellin’ yourself short. You’re a good guy with some excellent job prospects after you graduate next year. What girl wouldn’t be all over that? And if a girl isn’t all over that, you don’t want her anyway!” “Easy for you to say, Mr. Ladies’ Geek.” “Trust me, just chat her up next time you see her. I don’t care when or where it is, introduce yourself and see what happens. You might even be able to get her to go with you to the Valentine’s Day dance in the student union building.” “No point; I bet she’s got a boyfriend.” “Don’t hurt to ask, does it?” “Whatever…” ***** The next afternoon, Michael arrived at the GameStop on the outskirts of campus. For some odd reason, he felt nervous. He reasoned it was likely just because of a new and unknown situation; once he tried this group out, he had little doubt he’d like it. As he walked in to the shop, he was pleasantly surprised to see at least a dozen people there, all seated at tables. A couple of them were engrossed in discussions or trading card games, but the majority had their 3DS systems out and ready. After a moment, an overweight man with long greasy hair greeted Michael. “What’s up? You here for the League?” “Uh, yeah. Thought I’d give it a shot, see what it’s all about,” Michael replied. “Cool. I’m Eric, the Almighty President of the AU Pokémon League,” the man said with pride. “That’s an official title, by the way.” “Good to meet you,” Michael answered, hiding his immediate dislike for the man. “Name’s Michael.” “Lemme show ya around. The rules here are pretty simple,” Eric said, pointing to a poster on the wall. 1. The terms of any battle or trade must be discussed and agreed upon by all parties beforehand. 2. If terms are not discussed, all battles are assumed to take place under standard OU rules in the case of singles or VGC rules for doubles. 3. Any and all disputes will be settled by the Almighty President of the AU Pokémon League. 4. Absolutely no rage quitting; either forfeit or see the battle through to the end. The first offense will result in a warning, second offense will be probation and temporary suspension, and the third offense will result in the player being banned from the League. 5. The Almighty President of the AU Pokémon League may be challenged for leadership at any time by any law-abiding member. 6. These rules may be amended as the Almighty President sees fit, but rules 5 and 6 may not be changed. “Huh… I like rule four,” Michael remarked. “That’s what brought me here.” “You’re not alone in that,” Eric replied. “Rage quitting is a huge problem with online gaming, and probably more so with Pokémon than with many other games. In Call of Duty, for instance, a single rage quitter often goes unnoticed. If he’s doing that bad, neither team is likely to miss him. But Pokémon is always one-on-one, so any rage quit ends the match altogether.” “At least Nintendo is trying to do something about it lately, forcing rage quitters to stay offline for a while before they can play again.” “Only in ranked battles,” Eric corrected him. “In free battles, there’s nothing stopping them. Anyway, looks like everyone’s paired up for now, but feel free to watch. If anything opens up, you can jump in.” “What about her?” Michael asked, seeing a girl sitting alone at a table in the far corner of the shop. “Dude, you don’t want to play her,” Eric said, the disgust apparent in his voice. “Why not?” “She cheats. Nobody can figure out how, of course, so we can’t kick her out. But nobody can come close to beating her, and as good as the guys that come here are, she has to be cheating.” Not believing Eric for one second, Michael replied, “I’ll take my chances.” “Whatever, dude. Your funeral.” Despite his promise to “show Michael around,” Eric returned to his seat and began a battle with another member. Michael stared for a moment, watching the pretty brunette with thick glasses seated next to Eric. The way she was hanging on his every move, they had to be an item. Still, Michael could have sworn he saw something in her eyes. It could have been sadness, but it could also have been longing. Either way, Michael decided he wanted as little to do with Eric as possible; a part of him wished he had listened to Antonio. Still, the competition was bound to be better here than online. Turning towards the lone table in the back corner, Michael froze as he realized something. “Holy shit… it’s her!” he muttered to himself. Sitting alone at the table was the same girl from the basketball games. Her ash blonde hair was unmistakable, even if it was held up by a hair clip rather than in a ponytail. Now that he had his best look ever at this girl, Michael had to concentrate to keep from embarrassing himself with a public erection. Her face was the cutest thing he had ever seen, impish with a slightly rounded tip to her nose. On one side of her nose, he could see a piercing with a tiny faux diamond stud in it. Her front bangs were quite long and side swept over her right eye for a sultry look, even if that wasn’t what she was going for. She wore a black t-shirt with a picture of a very unhappy Princess Peach saying, “Rescue this.” Michael shook his head in disbelief. All this time he had thought this mystery girl a jock, but now, he couldn’t see her as anything other than what she apparently was: a gamer girl. Collecting his courage, he walked over to the open seat across from her. “If you think I’m gonna fuck you just ‘cause I’m a gamer girl, fuck off. If you think I suck just ‘cause I’m a gamer girl, fuck off,” she muttered without even looking up. Though Michael was taken aback by her cold remark, he replied, “Nothing like that, I just wanna play a game with you.” “Right, but only ‘cause there’s nobody else available,” she snorted. “Actually, I’d want to play you regardless. I’m told you’re good.” “Pretty sure you were told I cheat.” “I was, and I don’t believe that bullshit for one second.” Shrugging, the girl replied, “Maybe you ought to believe it.” “Only one way to find out, right?” Michael smirked, adjusting his glasses. At last, she looked up at him, studying his face. “You seriously just wanna play? Nothing more?” “Nothing more.” “Fine. 6 on 6 single battle, standard OU rules.” “Works for me,” Michael said as he powered up his 3DS. Studying him again, she asked, “Do I know you from somewhere?” Michael replied, “I don’t know if you do, but I’ve seen you around. You’re the trainer for the women’s basketball team, right?” “ That’s where I know you from! You’re the photographer I always see on the sidelines!” “Yep. Michael Goldman, graphics design major and photographer for The Plainsman student newspaper,” he said, extending his hand. She waited a moment before shaking it, saying, “Ashley Henderson, sports medicine major and your soon-to-be executioner.” “Damn, little trash talker!” Michael chuckled. Ashley’s eyebrows shot up at this. “Huh. Sorry, it’s just that… most guys can’t handle my trash talking. You’d think I had cut their balls off or something.” “I’ve heard worse from twelve year old kids playing Call of Duty,” Michael snorted. “Ok, let me pull my team together…” For most non-gamers, the first thing they think of when they are asked about Pokémon is the catchphrase, “Gotta catch ‘em all.” From this, it is easy to assume that the games are simple collectors games, catch them all to win the game. But for players like Michael and Ashley, who had both been playing the series since the first games came out in the 1990s, it went far deeper than that. They loved the competitive turn-based battles, finding joy in structuring different teams for different situations and going up against as many skilled opponents as they could. With six Pokémon per team, each with different roles to fill, the possibilities were endless. To them, it was like a massive game of chess in which you could customize your pieces to fit your play style. Don’t have any use for bishops? Trade them in for an extra knight or two. Every decision had advantages and drawbacks, and as in chess, victory often hinged on which player could accurately predict what their opponent was going to do and when. In Pokémon, every combatant has either one or two elemental types, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Fire types are strong against Grass types, but weak against Water types. Water is strong against Fire and weak against Grass, while Grass is strong against Water and weak against Fire. With eighteen different elemental types to choose from, crafting a team strong and varied enough to handle anything that comes along is essential. Further, each Pokémon could fill different roles on the team. Some are quite fast with powerful attacks, known as “sweepers.” These offensive Pokémon are the basis for most teams, eschewing defensive capabilities for the ability to pressure the opponent with their sheer damage output. Others have little to no offensive presence, known as “supporters.” They possess a variety of moves that can indirectly disrupt the opponent’s strategy. Finally, there are “bulky” combatants with little to no speed but incredible defenses. Such Pokémon are often capable of filling either an offensive role or a defensive support role, depending on the overall team strategy. At the pregame preparation screen, images of the teams Michael and Ashley had chosen appeared. Michael had gone with his favorite bulky attacking team. Most of his Pokémon weren’t fast, but could take some damage and dish right back, once they had the chance to boost their attacking power. For several seconds, he studied Ashley’s team in an effort to figure out what her overall strategy would be. Her team seemed all over the place, possessing a couple of fast sweepers, but also several members known for their defensive stalling abilities. He didn’t know what to make of it, but the battle was about to start, so he would have to figure it out as he went. Michael led off with his Ice type Pokémon, Alolan Ninetales. Though frail, this Pokémon was very fast and possessed the ability to summon a hailstorm once it entered the field. Further, its Aurora Veil technique would boost the defenses of his entire team, giving them the edge as Michael got them in position to take Ashley’s team down. Unfortunately, Ashley had predicted this exact strategy, leading off with her Celesteela, a bulky Steel and Flying Pokémon. Michael now was faced with a difficult choice. Ninetales was faster and could easily set up Aurora Veil, but would also be taken out of the game with a single hit from Celesteela. Deciding not to sacrifice his best supporter so early, he pulled Ninetales back onto the bench in favor of his Magnezone. Magnezone was a staple for most of Michael’s competitive teams. A Steel and Electric type, it possessed the ability to trap other steel types and prevent them from being pulled back onto the bench, as he had done with his Ninetales. Thus, Celesteela was forced to remain in the game, ensuring it would soon fall to Magnezone’s electric attacks, which were twice as effective against it. But once again, Ashley had predicted this exact action and was ready for it. Rather than attack with Celesteela, as Michael had anticipated, she had it use a boosting move to increase its otherwise slow speed. This would ensure that it could attack Magnezone first in the next turn, while Michael had used up his first turn to switch to Magnezone, rendering him unable to retaliate. Still, Magnezone’s attacks were powerful enough that Celesteela shouldn’t survive more than a single hit, Michael reminded himself. That, of course, was when disaster struck. Celesteela is a Pokémon capable of learning a wide variety of attacks, even if they don’t match up with its own types of Steel and Flying. One sneaky move is to teach it a Fire type attack, and this is precisely what Ashley had done with hers. The Flamethrower attack hit Michael’s Magnezone for twice the damage, due to it being a Steel type, and reduced its HP to 0 with a single strike. Michael was dumbfounded by the surprise attack, but had no time to recover. Upon achieving a knockout, Celesteela’s special ability came into play and boosted its attacking power. Now, Michael knew he was in trouble. “Oh, shit…” “Aw, you gonna go crying to your mommy?” Ashley teased him. “I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve,” Michael shot back. “Good. You’re gonna need ‘em.” Michael took a few moments to consider his options. As Magnezone was who he was relying on to defeat Ashley’s Celesteela, he was forced to change tactics and sent out his Tapu Fini, one of his more defensive players. Celesteela immediately fired off a powerful attack, but Michael’s Tapu Fini managed to weather the hit and launch a Water type attack. As Michael had hoped would happen, its Muddy Water attack had the additional effect of lowering Celesteela’s accuracy, and the next attack missed completely as a result. After lowering Celesteela’s accuracy once more, Tapu Fini succumbed the next turn, but Michael could sense the tide turning, in spite of the score being six to four against him. Michael’s next Pokémon was his Alolan Marowak, a Fire and Ghost type with incredible attacking power. Even though Celesteela was faster than Marowak by far, its first two attacks missed, allowing Marowak an easy knockout with its Fire Punch. “Not over yet,” Michael grinned. “Eh, Celesteela had done its job; no biggie,” Ashley shrugged. From then on, the two played an even match for the most part. Ashley brought out one of her only fast sweepers, Garchomp, to force Marowak out, but Michael switched to his most defensive Pokémon, Mandibuzz, who took the hit with little effort. This allowed him to pivot back to Ninetales and set up Aurora Veil to boost his defenses. Garchomp opted not to retreat in spite of the type disadvantage against Ninetales and narrowly managed to defeat the Ice type with a critical hit. But as it had sustained heavy damage, Michael brought out his ace-in-the-hole, Scizor. The Bug and Steel Pokémon was not fast, but bolstered a massive attack stat and a powerful priority move, Bullet Punch. Priority moves allow the user to move before other Pokémon regardless of speed, making them highly valued in competitive battling. A single hit was all it took to remove Garchomp from play. “Making a comeback,” Michael teased. “We’ll see about that.” Ashley next sent out her Clefable, a Fairy type Pokémon. While Michael’s Scizor would normally have the advantage against Clefable, he suspected she had something unexpected ready, based on how the battle had gone so far. After benching Scizor in favor of his Marowak, Michael was pleased to see that he had guessed right; Clefable had used a Flamethrower attack, which would have obliterated Scizor in a single hit. But Marowak, being a Fire type, took the hit with ease and retaliated with a powerful hit of its own on the next turn, forcing Clefable to retreat. Its replacement, Gyarados, was more than capable of handling Marowak, and Michael suspected it was Ashley’s strongest player. “Time for Mega Gyarados!” Ashley grinned. In competitive Pokémon battles, each team is allowed one Mega Evolution, which is a supremely powerful Pokémon able to increase its strength far beyond its normal capabilities. Gyarados was Ashley’s Mega, while Scizor was Michael’s. As Marowak was outmatched against the Water and Dark type, Michael pulled it back in favor of his Scizor. Ashley did as he expected and used a boosting move with her Mega Gyarados, but Mega Scizor was still able to tank the next attack and retain about a third of its overall HP. Scizor retaliated with a powerful Bug type attack to severely wound Gyarados, followed by an easy priority attack to take it down before it could do further damage. “Fuck,” Ashley muttered, seeing he was better than most. Clefable came off the bench once more, but Michael shifted back to his Marowak as he had done before. At this point, Michael gained a massive advantage when he predicted that Ashley would switch to her Buzzwole, a powerful Bug and Fighting type. Marowak hit Buzzwole with a devastating Fire Punch as soon as it switched in, knocking it out with a single hit. Clefable came back once again and finally managed to take Marowak down. Still, Michael had gained the upper hand in the momentum of the battle, and managed to take down Clefable with his Mandibuzz. Just like that, Ashley had only one Pokémon remaining to face Michael’s two. “Well, well, well… nobody’s ever gotten me in a corner like this,” Ashley grinned. “I aim to please,” Michael replied. “Too bad. I aim to win.” Ashley’s final Pokémon was Tapu Koko, a very fast Electric and Fairy type. Though Michael’s Mandibuzz had taken a hit or two, it was bulky enough to be able to land a light hit before being taken down by Tapu Koko’s Thunderbolt attack, leaving only Michael’s Mega Scizor. Still, Michael’s ace turned out to be just what he needed, as his priority Bullet Punch negated Tapu Koko’s greatest advantage: its speed. While Tapu Koko was fast enough to always have the first attack, Scizor managed to launch a powerful priority strike that took advantage of its weak defenses, knocking Tapu Koko out and winning the game for Michael. “And that’s that,” Michael said with a smile. “Shit,” Ashley grumbled, not at all happy with the result. To her surprise, Michael’s hand appeared in front of her. “Good game,” he said. Ashley seemed confused for a moment, but soon regained enough presence of mind to give Michael a light handshake. “Yeah, you’re good. That Scizor is no pushover,” she admitted. “He’s been my ace for over a decade,” Michael said with pride. “He’s my best partner in the game.” “Nice. Um, I guess I’ll be going…” “Huh? Why? Got somewhere to be?” Michael asked. He had been hoping for a rematch with her. “No, but… well, I won’t be welcome here anymore.” “What do you mean?” Sighing, Ashley leaned close to him and whispered, “Eric’s been looking for an excuse to run me off. Losing to a new member just might do the trick.” “Yeah, but they don’t know which one of us won, do they?” Michael grinned. “What do you mean?” “If that asshole wants you out so bad, I’m not gonna do anything to help. You’re the best I’ve played in months!” “Uh, thanks,” Ashley replied with a tiny smile. “So, can I ask why you keep coming? I mean, if these guys treat you so badly, why put up with it?” Michael asked. Ashley shrugged. “I don’t have much of a social life. No boyfriend, no other clubs, just classes, working as a trainer, and this. Gaming has always been pretty special to me; it’s how I relax my mind. But to be honest, the real reason I keep coming back is her.” Seeing her point to the girl sitting next to Eric, Michael asked, “What about her?” “That’s Sophia. Eric would say she’s his girlfriend, but I’d more call her his servant,” Ashley replied with disgust. “She may not look it, but she’s incredibly socially awkward and has a lot of anxiety. She came here in desperation, looking for somewhere to belong. Eric said he’d provide it, if she did exactly as he told her to. They’ve been ‘together’ ever since. He treats her like shit, and is only giving her the most rudimentary information about the game to make sure she doesn’t get too good. In Eric’s mind, Sophia is what a gamer girl should be. Me? I’m a stupid girl who doesn’t know her place.” “You’re waiting for a chance to try and help her, aren’t you?” Michael realized. “Yeah, but it’s not easy. She clings to Eric, as if all ability for her to socialize would crumble if she lost him. And if he were to see me trying to befriend her, I doubt it would end well.” “That’s really big of you, wanting to help her like that,” Michael smiled. “Well, I have my cousin to thank, I guess,” Ashley remarked. “How do you mean?” “I grew up next door to my cousin, Sam. He has mild Asperger’s Syndrome, kind of like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory . He’s always been really awkward, but with genius-level intellect. He loved video games growing up and introduced me to them. That was how I bonded with him, and how I got so good at Pokémon. I’m good, but he’s the master.” “I can imagine,” Michael chuckled. “Anyway, it was bonding with him that made me realize how gaming can be such an awesome way to connect with other people, especially those with zero social skills. Seeing Eric use gaming to control and stifle Sophia… it disgusts me.” “I completely agree.” Ashley was more than Michael could have ever dreamed of. Not just beautiful, but also smart, witty, self-assured, and with a heart of gold deep down. And no boyfriend! That didn’t mean she was a lesbian, did it? He reasoned she was not. Otherwise, why mention it? As they chatted, Antonio’s words kept playing over and over in Michael’s head. Just see what happens. Figuring he had nothing to lose, Michael said, “So… can I ask you something?” “Yeah?” Ashley replied, cocking her eyebrow. Michael was now beet red with embarrassment and sweating like crazy. “Well… there’s a Valentine’s Day dance at the student union building tomorrow… or at least, that’s what I’ve heard. And… if you’re not busy… I was wondering… w-would you maybe w-want to go? With me?” Though Ashley was flattered, her subconscious worried that this might be a setup and kicked into defense mode. After all, every guy that had ever shown any interest in her was only after the one thing. She hadn’t exactly had the best taste in men over the years, but even the nicest ones tried to control her with sex, sooner or later. With that fear entering her mind, her face twisted and grimaced. “So, that’s your game? You beat me once and think I’m obligated to go out with you? That it?” she answered dryly. “Huh? What?” “I can’t believe all you guys are the same,” Ashley sighed. “Pretend to respect my gaming skills all so you can get in my pants…” “N-No, that’s not it at all,” Michael began to protest, but he could see the look in her eyes. He knew he wasn’t winning this one. Resigned to his crash-and-burn, he stood. “I’m very sorry for offending you,” he mumbled turning to leave. Ashley’s stomach twisted at seeing the look on Michael’s face. All of a sudden, she knew how hurtful her words had been to him. All he had done is ask her out, and she had replied with cold indifference and a terrible accusation. Worst of all, there was no proof that Michael was that sort of guy at all. As he was about to go, she reached across the table and grabbed his wrist. “Wait. Please, stay. I’m… I’m sorry, Michael. I shouldn’t have said that.” “I don’t want to bug you,” he said quietly. “You’re not. I just… have a seat. I’ll try to explain.” As Michael sat back down, Ashley continued, “As you can imagine, I deal with a lot of prejudice in my everyday life. To be honest, some of the worst of it comes from the gaming community.” “Case in point, Eric,” Michael nodded. “Yeah. I guess dealing with that prejudice has kind of fueled my own prejudices. I assumed you were just like every other guy I’ve gamed with, plus I haven’t exactly made the best choices in boyfriends in the past. Still, that’s no excuse for me assuming you’re exactly the same. I’m sorry, Michael.” “Apology accepted,” he replied with a grin. “So… can I ask why you’d want to go to that dance at all? I mean, it’s gonna be flooded with sorostitutes and fratdaddies! You know, all the popular kids that made our lives hell throughout school. Why play into that?” Michael said, “I think it’s ‘cause I never went to my prom in high school. I didn’t have a date, but I was determined to go no matter what. But then, two weeks beforehand, several of the seniors on the Student Government Association decided to pull the prank of all pranks: they stole the principal’s car. They were only going to deck it out in tin cans and whatnot, but then they got into a bad wreck and totaled it. The principal was so pissed that she cancelled all remaining senior activities, including prom. I guess I just wanted to have that sort of experience for once.” Ashley smiled. “That’s so cute. An idealistic dreamer.” Smirking, Michael replied, “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity.” Recognizing the quote, Ashley continued, “But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” “This, I did,” they both finished in unison. Giggling a bit, Ashley said, “You’re something else, quoting T. E. Lawrence.” “Yep, specifically used in Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception ,” Michael replied. “Ooh, I love that series!” “Ditto. Great stories and characters… though I do sometimes need a violent romp through a Call of Duty game to blow off steam.” “Same here,” Ashley agreed. “You any good?” “I have a longstanding love affair with Call of Duty,” Michael answered. “That, however, does not make me good at the game.” “A gamer that admits he’s not the master at something? You are something of a unicorn, Michael.” “Thanks,” he blushed. Biting her lower lip, Ashley said, “So… I’ve got a proposition for you.” “And that would be?” “Play me once more in Pokémon. If you win, I’ll go to the dance with you.” Michael’s eyebrows shot up at this, but as much as he wanted to accept then and there, he had the presence of mind to ask, “And if you win?” “If I win, I get your Scizor.” Michael almost balked at this offer. It wasn’t that his Scizor was unique or difficult to get in the video games; he could get another one with little problem. Rather, it was due to sentimental reasons. He had been using this particular Scizor for over ten years, all the way back to Pokémon Platinum . It had been his ace on nearly every competitive team he had built over that time, and letting it go would be tough. He was certain she knew this based on his previous statements. Still, he’d have been a damned fool to turn down a chance with a girl like Ashley. After a moment’s consideration, he stuck his hand out. “Agreed.” They shook on it, and their rematch began. This time, both had a better feel for what the other was going to do, resulting in a very even bout. Knowing how huge a threat the Celesteela was, Michael planned a brilliant trap to take it out before it could do much damage. Ashley battled back, sweeping Michael’s next two Pokémon with her Buzzwole, which hadn’t had much of a chance to do anything in their previous match. Michael finally brought in his Marowak, taking down Buzzwole and Clefable in quick succession. Her Garchomp finished off Michael’s Marowak and Mandibuzz, leaving only his Scizor to face her final three Pokémon. Garchomp was no problem, weak from battling two Pokémon already, but both Mega Gyarados and Tapu Koko were at full health. Thanks to a couple of well-timed attack boosts, Michael managed to down Mega Gyarados with just over half its HP remaining. As Tapu Koko came out for the final pairing, Michael knew he was going to win. Scizor’s attack power had more than doubled from the previous boosts, and its opponent had a very weak defense. One shot with a priority Bullet Punch would be plenty to end the match. But as Scizor attacked, Tapu Koko’s health bar stopped depleting just shy of a knockout. Michael slapped his forehead at realizing that Tapu Koko was holding a special item: the Focus Sash. It’s an item used by frail Pokémon with no defenses, guaranteed to let them survive a single hit, provided they are at full health. That hadn’t been revealed in their previous match due to a couple of his Pokémon going up against it. To make matters worse, Tapu Koko now unleashed its Hidden Power attack, a special attack that could be customized to any element, in this case, Fire. It didn’t matter how strong Scizor might be; a single Fire type attack was plenty to bring him down. A moment later, the screen faded to black, showing Ashley’s team as victorious. “Son of a bitch,” Michael muttered in disbelief. “That’ll teach you to mess with me,” Ashley grinned, sticking her tongue out at him. Without a word, Michael initiated a trade request with Ashley, depositing his Scizor into the system. “A deal’s a deal. Just… use him well. He’s been with me a long time.” Michael stared at the screen, waiting for his ace to disappear onto Ashley’s 3DS, when a message appeared at the bottom of the screen. Trade request canceled. Please wait… “Huh?” Ashley reached across the table, placing her hand on Michael’s. “I didn’t really want your Scizor, but I had to know how serious you were about asking me out,” she explained. “That seemed an easy way to see for sure.” Michael shook his head. “Ashley, this game is one of my favorite pastimes, but I’d be a certifiable idiot if I let some piece of data in a video game keep me from asking out the most awesome girl I’ve ever met in my life.” “You… mean that?” she asked as she began to blush. “Yeah, I do.” With a sly grin on her face, Ashley packed up her game system and grabbed her backpack. As she walked past Michael, she slipped him a scrap of paper and whispered, “Pick me up at seven tomorrow.” “Will do,” Michael replied, finding her address and phone number on the paper. As Ashley approached the door of the GameStop, Eric stood and blocked her path. “You beatin’ up on my new members, bitch?” he growled. “None of your business, shithead,” Ashley huffed, pushing past him. “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t come back,” he continued as she left. Turning back towards Michael’s table, Eric approached and asked, “What happened? Did you beat her?” “No way,” Michael answered. “You sure? I thought I saw you two making goo-goo eyes.” “It’s called a distraction, and it didn’t work. She kicked my ass,” Michael reiterated. “I warned ya not to play her…” “Eh, it happens.” “Well, anyway… I’ve got a solution to the problem with her. Next time she comes, she won’t be a problem,” Eric remarked. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael wondered. “Don’t worry about. Just trust in your Almighty President; he’ll take care of you,” Eric replied, grinning and slapping Michael on his back. Yeah, I’ll bet , Michael thought to himself. ***** “Dude, you won’t believe what happened today,” Michael called out as he arrived back at his apartment. “What’s up?” Antonio asked from the sofa. “You know the girl from the basketball games?” “That hot little trainer? Yeah?” “She’s a member of the AU Pokémon League!” “Are you serious?! Wha… what happened? Did you talk to her?” he asked. “Yeah, we played a couple of games. She’s good; maybe the best I’ve ever played against,” Michael replied. “That’s all? You just… played video games?” Antonio wondered, cocking his eyebrow. “I, uh, might have also gotten her to agree to come to the Valentine’s Day dance with me,” Michael admitted. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Antonio cheered, fist-bumping Michael. “You got a big day tomorrow. You ready for this?” “To be honest… no, I’m not.” “Whatcha mean?” “Dude, I’ve never been on a real date before, let alone had an actual girlfriend!” Michael replied. “I don’t know the first thing about women!” Grinning, Antonio said, “Don’t you worry; I got your back.” “Yeah, says my gay roommate,” Michael teased. “Not cool, dude. Here I am, trying to help you out, and you gotta go and question my sexuality!” Antonio fired back with a laugh. “But in all seriousness, if you doubt which way I swing… you could always ask Allison Smallwood.” “You and Allison Smallwood?!” “You bet your ass! We’ll be at the dance tomorrow.” “Lucky bastard…” Michael grumbled. “Hey, I’ve seen that trainer you’ve been pining over. You ain’t got nothin’ to be jealous of! Her name’s Ashley, right?” “Yeah, but how’d you know?” “Allison told me,” Antonio said. “I was tryin’ to gather information in case you needed a stronger shove to chat her up.” “I take it back. You’re not a lucky bastard, you’re a sneaky bastard!” “Damn straight! Now, let’s get you ready for your big date. Take a seat, my man.” As Michael plopped down in the chair across from him, Antonio continued, “Now, the first rule to remember is that she’s in charge. Anything she says ‘no’ to or isn’t comfortable with, that’s what goes. Understand?” “Easy enough.” “Good. But remember, even though she’s in charge, she’ll still want you to take the lead sometimes. The most attractive thing to most women is confidence. Not cockiness, but confidence.” “Knew there was a catch,” Michael sighed. “Don’t do that, man. That’s exactly what I’m talkin’ about. The minute you get down on yourself just ‘cause you think you’re not good enough, that’s when the girl will pick up on it. As cliché as it sounds, you have to just be you. You don’t want to go too over the top with your personality, or she’ll think you’re compensating for something, but you don’t wanna stifle your personality either, or she won’t get to know the real you. Worst case, she’ll think you don’t like her. But if you just act like you and be confident in that, everything else will fall into place. Trust me.” “I’m assuming I need to open doors and everything like that?” “Definitely start out that way, yeah,” Antonio answered. “Now, it’s entirely possible she may not like that, particularly if she’s strong and independent. If she reacts negatively, don’t panic. Just explain that you were taught to do those things as a sign of respect and good manners. That ought to be enough, but if she’s still not keen on it, don’t force the issue.” “Ok, but… what if she wants me to hold her hand or… kiss her? How am I supposed to know and not fuck it up?” “As far as holding her hand, it’s a dance. That means you two will be in close proximity all night; handholding is gonna happen on its own, so don’t stress over it. Now, as for kissing, you have to read the signs.” “The signs?” Michael asked. “Damn, ain’t you ever seen Hitch ? Will Smith wrote the book on reading signs!” “Dude, you know I can’t stand romantic comedies!” Michael laughed. “With your luck, Ashley will feel the same way,” Antonio chuckled. “Anyway, the signs. If she’s smiling and maybe laughing at everything you two do together, that’s a sign she’s into you. If she finds any excuse in the world to touch you or take your arm, that’s a sign she’s into you. If you two find yourselves alone and she’s in no hurry to go back to where there’s more people, that’s a sign she’s into you. If you’re at her door and she fumbling with her keys, in no hurry to let the date end, that’s a sign she’s into you. And finally, if there’s a long silence where she maintains eye contact with you the whole time, that’s a full on signal she probably wants you to kiss her.” “Probably?” “Yeah, probably. There’s never any guarantee, especially when it comes to the fairer sex. The first kiss is always built on taking a chance. Keep in mind, the chance may not come tomorrow night, and that’s ok. That doesn’t mean she’s not into you, it may just mean she plays things close to the vest.” “Fair enough. But what do I do if I get the signal? Just kiss her?” “Naw, dude. You gotta use the 90/10 rule.” “90/10 rule?” Antonio sighed. “Man, this would be so much easier if you had seen Hitch . The 90/10 rule is simple: you have to go 90% of the way towards your first kiss with her, but make her come the last 10%. For example, imagine that long silence where she maintains eye contact the whole time. You maintain eye contact, too. That’s 20%. You smile, maybe laugh. That’s 20%. You put your hand on her arm. That’s 20%. You start to lean in closer. That’s 20%. Your faces are almost touching, and you stop. That’s 10%. She’s got to come the last 10%. The point of all that is to make your intentions clear while still giving her plenty of opportunity to pull back if she wants, and if she does, that’s ok.” “Easy for you to say…” “Again, stop that. Some gals play things conservatively to start with on account of being burned in the past. Nothin’ wrong with that, you just have to show that you’re trustworthy before she starts to open up. It certainly doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you if that were to happen.” “Guess that’s true.” “Now, for the final piece of the puzzle. Whatcha gonna wear tomorrow?” Michael’s face twisted in panic. “I have no fucking clue!” he realized. “No sweat! You’re looking at a master of the threads,” Antonio boasted. “You got a suit?” “Just a black one I use for interviews and presentations.” “Lemme see.” Michael led the way into his closet and pulled out his black suit and white dress shirt. Antonio looked them over for a moment before tossing them on the bed. “This’ll work. Got a tie?” he asked Michael. “Yeah,” Michael replied, pulling out a striped red and white tie. Antonio snorted a bit. “Good enough for a job interview, but not even close for a Valentine’s Day date.” “Ok, what about a black tie?” “A black tie with a black suit?! You gonna look like a damn Mormon, man! Put the suit on; I’ll be right back.” Antonio returned a couple minutes later with a few of his own neckties in hand. “The black suit and white shirt is a staple of any man’s wardrobe because of its incredible versatility. The tie is the most crucial aspect of this versatility. It’s the accent that allows the suit to send any message you want it to.” “You are so obsessed,” Michael chuckled. “I’ll choose to ignore your continued condescension,” Antonio shot back. Holding up a pale orange tie to Michael’s neck, he shook his head, saying, “Nah, you’re definitely not a pastels kind of guy. Whatcha think of this one?” Examining the wine colored tie with a starburst pattern, Michael replied, “Too loud for my tastes.” “No problem. Let’s see… ah ha! This is it!” Antonio held up a solid royal blue tie to Michael’s neck. “Hmm… not bad,” Michael admitted. “Not bad? Dude, this one is perfect for you! Goes great with your skin tone and the suit color, plus it sends the right message: confidence. It’s a strong color, but the lack of pattern makes sure it’s not too loud or trendy. It’s classic, just like you, my man. Here, put it on.” As Michael fumbled a bit in front of his floor mirror, he asked, “What knot do you think I should use? Half Windsor?” “Nah, a full Windsor is almost always best,” Antonio replied. “Symmetrical and confident, but not too over the top. A half Windsor can come off as sloppy.” Michael took a few seconds to remember the steps for a full Windsor in his head before tying the knot around his neck. When he was finished, he had to admit he was impressed with the final product. “Damn… I’d do me.” “And who knows? Ashley may feel the same way,” Antonio grinned. ***** Michael took several deep breaths as he ascended the stairs in Ashley’s apartment building. Antonio had done everything he could think of to make sure he was prepared yesterday, but Michael was still a nervous wreck. There was something special about this girl, and he did not want to screw it up. With a trembling hand, he reached forward and knocked on the door to apartment 2B. “Yes?” came a voice from the other side. “I’m Michael Goldman, here to pick up Ashley.” “That’s right! Hold on a sec.” A moment later, the door swung open, revealing a slim redhead with a pixie haircut. Dressed in a tank top and gym shorts, she had a hint of makeup on that seemed to indicate she was getting ready for Valentine’s Day, too. “Hey! I’m Liz, Ashley’s roommate,” she said, extending her hand with a bubbly smile. “Michael. Nice to meet you,” he replied, shaking her hand. “Make yourself comfortable; Ashley should be ready in a little bit,” Liz said. “No problem. Take your time.” Liz adjourned to one of the back bedrooms to check on Ashley, finding her seated in front of the vanity. Her hair had been dried after her shower, but she still wore a towel wrapped around her body. She seemed lost and befuddled as she perused her makeup selection. “Your guy’s here,” Liz giggled. “He’s cute! I’d totally be all over him… ya know, if I weren’t a lesbian.” “Hands off, he’s mine!” Ashley laughed. “You ok? You look lost.” “Yeah, I just have no idea what to use. I want to make the right impression.” “May I?” Taking a seat next to Ashley on the bench, Liz continued, “To be honest, you don’t need much. The point of makeup is to accentuate your best features, but much more than that just starts to look clownish. Here, a little bit of eyeliner… there, that’s perfect. Just add a touch of lip gloss and you’re good!” “That’s it? What if he’s not impressed?” Ashley worried. “Jesus, I’ve never seen you this worried about a date! He must have really gotten to you yesterday,” Liz giggled. “Don’t worry; if he’s the kind of guy I suspect he is, then he’ll enjoy every moment with you no matter how much makeup you use. Seriously, he gonna be speechless, girl.” “If you say so. Thanks for letting me borrow your dress, by the way. Lord knows I don’t have anything to wear for something like this.” “My pleasure! Gay or straight, I’m still a girl who likes wearing pretty things!” “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were just as bad as all those sorostitutes,” Ashley deadpanned. Hugging her friend, Liz said, “Oh, I won’t be home ‘til after lunch tomorrow, so you two can have the place to yourselves.” “Liz! I just met the guy yesterday! I have no intention of sleeping with him!” “I know, but I don’t want the lack of somewhere private to hamper your date tonight. Should the opportunity present itself, you two have somewhere to come after the dance, that’s all. No pressure.” Rolling her eyes, Ashley realized her roommate was only trying to be considerate and helpful. “Thanks.” “Welcome. All right, you finish getting ready. There’s a cutie outside waiting on you!” Liz replied, bouncing up to her feet. ***** Michael fidgeted on the sofa, nervous as all hell as he waited for Ashley. He had expected to wait like this; Antonio made sure of that. Still, talking about the wait and experiencing it are two completely different things. A moment later, he heard the door open and snapped to attention, seeing Liz enter the living room. “She’s almost ready, just a minute or two more.” “No problem.” Remembering a suggestion Antonio had given him, Michael asked, “Hey, Liz… what’s Ashley’s favorite song?” Eying him, she asked, “Why do you want to know?” “I, uh, had the idea of surprising her by requesting it at some point tonight,” Michael admitted. A wide grin soon spread across Liz’s face. “That’s a great idea. She’s got lots of favorites, but the top one is probably Welcome to the Black Parade .” “My Chemical Romance. She’s got good taste,” Michael remarked. “In music, at least,” Liz smirked. “We’ll see after tonight how her taste in men is.” Before Michael could respond, Ashley’s bedroom door creaked open to reveal his date for the evening. She wore a red A-line halter-top dress that extended down to about her knees. Though the dress flared out at the skirt, the top half hugged her form nicely, displaying her flat stomach and the curvature of her breasts. The sleeveless top exposed a tattoo of a shooting star on her left shoulder. His eyes soon drifted up to her face, which was the most adorable thing he had ever seen in his life. To Michael, the fact that she wore so little makeup made her even more attractive. Her ash blonde hair had been straightened and now hung down past her shoulders; a headband with a small flower on top completed the ensemble. Of course, her bangs were still side swept over her right eye, which Michael surmised was part of her signature look. “Well?” Ashley asked nervously, giving a little twirl. “You look incredible,” Michael managed through his own nerves. “Thanks,” Ashley replied, walking over to him. “You clean up nice, yourself.” “Ok, smile!” Liz said, snapping a few pictures of them. “Dammit, Liz! You know I hate having my picture taken!” Ashley laughed. “I’m sorry, I don’t recall giving you a choice in the matter,” Liz replied, sticking her tongue out at her roommate. Handing her a wrap that matched the dress, Liz said, “Oh, you’ll need this. It’s a bit cool out there. “Thanks, Mom,” Ashley smirked as she rolled her eyes. “Ready to go?” “Definitely,” Michael grinned. “You kids have fuuun!” Liz called out, causing Ashley to flip her off before closing the door behind her. “So, yeah… that’s Liz, my lesbian roommate,” Ashley sighed as they started their walk towards campus. “I like her,” Michael replied. “Of course you do! She’s gorgeous!” Ashley teased. “Not what I meant, but yes, she’s quite the looker. But more than that, she seems like a great friend.” “Yeah, I guess she kind of is. Just don’t tell her that.” “So, tell me about Ashley?” Michael asked. “Where you from, where you’re going, and all that?” “Well, my family lives about thirty minutes south of here. My original plan after high school was to learn the body art business, but Dad pushed me to try and find a path to college. Nobody in our family has ever gone to college, but he knew I had the capability if I would work for it. Since I had helped out with injuries on the sports teams at my high school, I decided to look into the sports medicine program at Auburn. Once I got a scholarship as a student trainer, the rest was history!” “That’s awesome,” Michael said. “I know college isn’t for everyone, but I’m glad your dad pushed you.” “I am, too. I’m definitely in a better place than I would have been.” “Any siblings?” “Two older sisters. One’s a beautician in my hometown, the other moved down to Mobile with her husband,” Ashley replied. “Nice. You mentioned your dad. What about your mom?” Ashley grimaced at this. “Mom ran off with some guy when I was six…” Michael cursed himself for bringing up the topic. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-” “It’s fine,” Ashley said, linking her arm in his. “It just helped me learn what family really is. In spite of everything, Dad never got down or blamed us for anything. Hell, he never even said a bad thing about Mom.” “He sounds like a great guy.” “The only male I’ve met that I know I can trust,” Ashley agreed. “Now, what about you? What’s your story?” “Me? I grew up in Dunwoody. It’s a suburb just north of Atlanta. As I’m sure you guessed from my last name and my nose, yes, I’m Jewish!” he laughed. “I had wondered if that was the case,” Ashley grinned. “There’s not much way to hide it. Pale complexion, the nose, and dark curly hair… I’m pretty stereotypical.” “Nothing wrong with that. You are who you are, so own it!” Huh. Maybe Antonio was on to something? Shaking his thoughts away, Michael focused back in on his date. “Anyway, I grew up in a pretty normal family, if there is such a thing. Only child, went to synagogue every Saturday, annoying yet loving parents…” “Sounds better than what I had,” Ashley agreed with a smile. “Eh, you seem to have turned out just fine. In spite of everything, your dad still wants the best for you.” “Yeah,” she said wistfully, realizing she actually had a pretty good family in spite of her life circumstances. “So, what brought you to Auburn all the way from Atlanta?” “Family school. I’m a second generation Tiger. Both parents went and met here, plus my aunt and uncle, then their two daughters…” “Indoctrinated from birth much?” Ashley teased. “Wait… we talking college or are we back to Judaism?” Michael replied, eliciting another laugh from Ashley. “But yeah, very much brainwashed in favor of Auburn. When I was little, I used to think that all kids went to Elementary School, then Middle School, then High School, and then Auburn.” They walked along for a few moments in comfortable silence before Ashley said, “It’s awesome that you can laugh at yourself. I try to do that, but I don’t always succeed.” Michael shrugged. “I’m a walking talking caricature, so why not admit it? Makes it impossible to get offended, I’ll tell ya that.” “You don’t get offended by anything?” “Not really.” “Not even a topic that hits close to home?” Ashley wondered. “Depends,” Michael replied. “Take Hitler, for example. Evil man, and I hope there’s never another like him, but I’m glad he existed. If he hadn’t, my grandparents would never have fled Germany and met on the voyage to America, falling in love and eventually having my dad. If not for Hitler, I’m never born, plain and simple. Perspective.” “That’s a great way to think about it,” Ashley said, becoming more impressed with this guy by the second. “So, are we walking because today is Saturday? No working on the Sabbath?” “Nah, we’re walking because we’re poor college students who have to beg for gas money,” he remarked. “But that’s only something the more conservative branches of Judaism practice. My family is part of Reformed Judaism. Basically, we aren’t supposed to work on the Sabbath, but individuals have to determine on their own what constitutes ‘work’. For example, yard work might be considered a chore for one person, so they refrain from it, but it may be a relaxing means of recreation for someone else, so they do it.” “That makes sense,” Ashley nodded. “That’s so cool that your faith is such a natural part of your life. Like, you don’t even have to think about it; it’s just like breathing. To be honest, I kinda wish I had something like that…” “You guys never went to church growing up?” Ashley shook her head. “Mom was a big Bible thumper for the short time I remember of her, but then she ran off with some CEO type. At least, that’s what my big sisters say. Dad never could bear to bring us to church after that. I think it reminded him too much of the things he used to love doing with Mom. And as big as she was on religion, I guess that pretty much turned me off to the concept. Of course, then I see you, mature and strong in your faith without all the pompous arrogance…” “Makes you think, doesn’t it?” “Yeah.” “Good! When done right, religion is supposed to make you think.” Ashley smiled at this, leaning a bit closer to Michael as they walked. She was now finding out that there was far more to him than met the eye. Beneath his nerdy exterior was a deep, contemplative man with an incredible amount of maturity and perspective. The fact that he could discuss Hitler so calmly was impressive in and of itself; hell, Ashley doubted she would be able to keep her cool on anything regarding Hitler were she in Michael’s position. Combine that with the way he discussed his faith, calm and thoughtful without actively trying to convert her lest she burn for eternity, and she began to question many of her own preconceived notions. Might there actually be people of strong faith that were different from her mom? In spite of her mom’s hypocrisy, Michael was beginning to convince her that it was possible. “Hey, you ok?” Michael asked, nudging her in the side. “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m great,” Ashley replied, holding his arm a little tighter. By now, they had arrived at the student union building on campus. Ashley hesitated a bit when Michael held the door for her, as she wasn’t used to that sort of gentlemanly behavior, but accepted without protest. Liz had reminded her that such actions weren’t meant to belittle her but rather were a man’s way of focusing his attention on his date, provided they weren’t forced. As Liz had said, sometimes it’s the smallest actions that tell you the most about a person. Ashley chuckled inwardly at realizing that her lesbian roomie understood men better than she did. Michael then took her wrap as Antonio had instructed and handed it to the coat checker. Again, Ashley was surprised by his old-school manners, though she was growing fond of them. Michael had to mentally slap himself to keep from staring at Ashley’s gorgeous body, instead keeping his eyes on hers, where they belonged. They made their way into the large common room, finding the party already in full swing. At least two dozen couples were on the dance floor, and at least that many milled around the tables situated on the walls. Ashley was pleased to see that, despite it being Valentine’s Day, the atmosphere was fun and casual, rather than stuffy. The DJ was currently playing Walk the Moon’s Shut Up and Dance . As they hadn’t eaten, Michael suggested they check out what food was available, to which Ashley readily agreed. They spent a half hour grazing on the various finger foods and appetizers. No alcohol was served, being that the dance was an official university event, but that suited them just fine. The last thing Michael wanted was to give Ashley the impression that he was trying to get her drunk, and Ashley had no intentions of drinking on a first date. “Ashley! You came!” came a squeal. Turning, Ashley saw her friend from the basketball team approaching in a form-hugging navy blue party dress. “Alli! How are ya, girl?” “I’m great, and even better now that I know you decided to come,” Allison grinned. “What changed?” “I… got asked by someone,” Ashley admitted, blushing a bit. “Alli, this is Michael. Michael, you of course know who Allison Smallwood is.” “Of course. Michael Goldman,” he replied, shaking her hand. “I’m one of the photographers for The Plainsman .” “Fantastic! Glad you got our girl to loosen up and have some fun tonight!” Allison agreed. “Yeah. I’m just glad she said yes,” Michael remarked, glancing at Ashley, who was still blushing. “Hey! No stealin’ my date, dude!” Seeing his roommate walking over, Michael shot back, “Not my fault if you can’t keep her, Antonio!” After greeting him with a fist bump, Michael said, “Ashley, this is my roommate, Antonio.” “Good to meet you.” “Likewise,” Antonio said with a grin. “Glad our boy finally asked you out. He’s only been pining over you for a few months!” “Dude, you’re full of shit,” Michael remarked. “Oh, you shoulda heard some of the awful poetry he’d stay up late and write!” Antonio continued. “Look at that, Ashley. You see all the smoke coming out of his ass?” Michael replied, eliciting a giggle from Ashley. “Antonio, behave,” Allison whispered into his ear. “That is, if you know what’s best for you…” Antonio cooled a bit at this, picking up on the obvious innuendo in Allison’s sultry voice. He and Michael stepped aside for a few minutes to pick up some Cokes for their dates. Meanwhile, Allison was still excited at seeing Ashley there with an actual date. “Girl, your date is super cute!” she said once the guys were out of earshot. “Yeah, he is, isn’t he?” Ashley agreed. “He’s got the sexy nerd vibe going on, which is right up my alley. Of course, your guy’s kinda gorgeous, too.” “Yeah, Antonio’s a lot of fun,” Allison said. “Dunno how long it’ll last, but it’s a hell of a ride while it does.” Biting her lower lip, she asked, “So, what changed your mind? Last I heard, you were bitching about not being caught dead with all these ‘sorostitutes and fratdaddies’, right?” Ashley shrugged. “Part of it was the reason Michael wanted to come. His high school prom was cancelled, and just wants to know what it’s like. And the way he treated me when we first met, no prejudices or putdowns, I found myself wanting to get to know him better. So, against my better judgment, I said yes.” “Wow. That’s quite a change in attitude,” Allison observed. “Yeah… I’m not sure why, but I’m having more fun than I ever thought I would.” “I know why: Michael.” “I mean… he’s a fantastic guy, but can one person change an entire event? Especially one that I’d otherwise never be caught dead at?” Ashley wondered. Allison rolled her eyes a bit. “Girl, this is something you’ve got to learn. When you’re with the right person, it doesn’t matter what the event or activity is. Being with someone that you connect with makes anything more fun and enjoyable.” “Hmm… I guess Michael is pretty special. It only makes sense he’d make an otherwise insufferable event more bearable,” Ashley agreed. Getting a twinkle in her eye, Allison asked, “So, just how special is he?” “What are you getting at?” Ashley replied warily. Allison leaned close and continued, “You gonna sleep with him?” “Absolutely not!” Ashley laughed. “You know me. I don’t just hop into bed with any guy I meet. It’s brought me nothing but trouble in the past.” “I know, and I respect that about you,” Allison smiled. “Still, Michael does seem different from most guys, in a good way.” “Can’t argue with that.” “All I’m saying is… if there’s a connection there, don’t ignore it. He might turn out to be everything you’ve been looking for.” “Seriously? Bullshit happily-ever-after dreams? You know I don’t fall for those,” Ashley huffed. “Yeah, and I also know you’d never want to come to a dance like this. All the same, here you are,” Allison giggled. “I’m not telling you to sleep with him. All I’m saying is I don’t want the right guy for you to slip away just because you were too focused on playing it safe. Keep your heart open; that’s all I ask.” “Yes, Dr. Phil,” Ashley retorted, sticking her tongue out at Allison. By now, the guys had returned with the Cokes. After a few sips, Allison took Antonio’s hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. Ashley was content to hang on the sidelines with Michael for a bit longer, until she heard the distinct opening chords of the next song. “Wait… is that?” “ Welcome to the Black Parade ,” Michael replied with a grin. “I requested it.” Ashley’s jaw dropped. “How the hell did you know to request this song?!” “How else? I asked Liz!” “You sneaky bastard!” Ashley laughed, punching his shoulder. “Come on, get out here, mister.” Grabbing Michael’s arm, Ashley had brought him onto the dance floor just as the frantic second half of the song was about to start. Still, Ashley wasn’t exactly a dancer and only planned on doing some head banging to her favorite song… maybe even find an excuse to get close to Michael along the way. Michael, on the other hand, had other plans. Unknown to anyone else, Michael had learned the art of swing dancing from his cousin, Esther. Before prom was cancelled, Michael had no luck at all finding a date to go with him. His plan had been to learn to dance in secret, then find someone willing to dance with him at prom, whereupon he would let loose. He figured that at least some of the girls there would be lining up to dance with him after that, and it might have worked had prom gone on as planned. He had kept this a secret for three years, but now, it was time to finally let loose. Taking Ashley’s hand, he winked and said, “I’ll lead.” Before Ashley could even think to ask what he meant, she felt his firm yet comforting grasp pulling her closer to him. She had no chance at all of containing her surprise at this change, going with Michael as much as possible. Despite the innate flashiness of swing dancing, he kept his moves relatively simple, making sure his steps would either be easy for Ashley to follow or require almost no reaction on her part. As Michael spun her around, Ashley’s eyes lit up with sheer delight. A lesser woman might be frightened off or intimidated by this display, but not Ashley. She recognized that he was showing her a part of himself that very few would ever get to see. That sort of confidence was such a turn-on for her, and she could definitely feel her panties getting a little damp. All too soon, the song ended, and Michael slowed to let Ashley catch her breath. Unsurprisingly, a circle had formed around them, and the onlookers gave a round of applause for Michael’s impromptu show. “Holy shit… where did you learn to do that ?!” Ashley laughed, still panting from the experience. “My cousin, Esther,” Michael replied, explaining his plan for his high school prom. “Huh… that’s a hell of a plan. It probably would’ve worked, too,” Ashley remarked. “Seems to be working now.” Michael looked around and saw a surprising number of attractive young women inching closer, their eyes begging him to dance with them. With a wry grin, he took Ashley’s hand and spun her close to him once more. “Too bad for them. Tonight, I’m only dancing with you.” Ashley snorted a bit at this. “Oh my god, you’re so cheesy.” “Hey, if it works!” As the next song was more moderately paced, Michael helped Ashley pick up on the basic steps of swing dancing. She was a fast learner, and found that she enjoyed it quite a lot. By the end of the song, she was able to follow and anticipate his actions with little difficulty. It was then, of course, that the moment Michael had dreaded arrived: the slow number. As the sounds of Berlin’s Take My Breath Away filled the room, Ashley instinctively moved in close and slipped her arms around Michael’s neck. “You’re not getting away from me, mister. Not after those last two songs,” she whispered with a smile. “I… sorry, I’m just… really bad at slow dancing,” Michael stuttered. Ashley cocked her eyebrow at this. Michael seemed like a completely different person than the man of confidence he had been mere moments ago. “Your cousin didn’t teach you?” she asked. “No… must have slipped our minds,” he replied, silently cursing himself. “Well, I don’t think there’s much to it,” Ashley said patiently. “Here, put your hands on my waist. See? Easy.” Ashley took the lead from there, not dancing so much as rocking back and forth with Michael as they slowly spun in a circle. To the outside observer, it may have looked like they were at a middle school dance, but she didn’t care. She was having the time of her life, and it was all because of Michael; the last thing she wanted was for a slow number to take away his confidence. Soon, they developed a steady rhythm, and Michael began to relax. “Not so bad, is it?” Ashley giggled. “Guess not,” Michael sighed. “So, can I ask how you’re so good at swing dancing if slow dancing terrifies you?” “Swing dancing is basically a science. Kinda like Pokémon, it’s all about following your cues and keeping to your plan. But slow dancing is… intimidating. It naturally brings about more emotional intimacy, which makes me terrified I’m gonna screw something up. Plus, I’m more likely to crush a girl’s toes while slow dancing than anything else.” With a sweet smile, Ashley replied, “You aren’t screwing it up with me.” Michael didn’t know what to say to this, so he played it safe and said nothing at all. Still, even he couldn’t miss the signs. Ashley was leaning in very close to him, maintaining eye contact the entire time. Everything he did seemed to make her smile, and he could even feel her running her fingers through the back of his short curly hair. It seemed like Antonio was right: she was into him. But what if he was wrong? If he tried to kiss her and she reacted negatively, the results could be nothing short of disastrous. Still, Antonio’s words replayed over and over in Michael’s head. The first kiss is always built on taking a chance. Knowing it was now or never, the ever-conservative Michael decided he had to take the chance. He made sure to remind himself of the 90/10 rule, then began to make his move. First, he maintained eye contact with Ashley, giving a little smile the whole time. Ashley responded positively to this, so he continued by moving one of his hands to caress the small of her back through her dress. She gave no hint of disapproval, and even began to run her fingers through his hair a bit more obviously. Drawing her closer as they swayed, Michael soon felt her perky breasts pressing against him. He did have the presence of mind to shift his pelvis a bit so as not to scare her with his obvious erection. Their faces drew closer by the second; he could feel her hot breath on his chin. Still, she didn’t pull away or balk in the slightest. Closing his eyes, Michael leaned is face closer, making sure to stop just short of her lips. Antonio’s advice worked to perfection. Ashley was completely mesmerized by Michael. She knew the entire time what he was up to, and had secretly been hoping he might try to kiss her. Thankfully, her subtle hint of running her fingers through his hair seemed to have gotten the message across. Then, when he stopped millimeters short of kissing her, she knew he was giving her every chance to back out of it. That tiny action made her melt in his arms. She knew Michael was different, but now she saw just how different he was from all the guys she had dated in the past. He was into her, but still afforded her every opportunity to gracefully exit the situation if she so desired. To her, it was a no-brainer. Ashley leaned forward and closed the remaining distance between her and Michael, at last pressing her lips against his. The feeling was electric. To them, it was as if the entire world around them had ceased to exist. There were no other dancers around them, no distractions to ruin the moment, and they barely even noticed the music playing. All they cared about was savoring their first kiss, one that both would later describe as the best first kiss imaginable. It was quite simple, without any tongue to speak of, but the tension and atmosphere made it incredibly sensual all the same. At last, they separated after around thirty seconds. “Wow,” Ashley breathed. “Uh huh,” Michael mumbled, still in a daze himself. They continued to dance for a couple more slow numbers, thankful that the DJ was maintaining a rhythm with his song selections. All the while, Ashley giggled nervously, enjoying every second of her time with Michael. Eventually, she had worked her way even closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder as they danced. She couldn’t explain how Michael had managed to penetrate her usual defenses so quickly, but Ashley couldn’t deny that she was falling for him. Feeling his arms around her made her feel safer than she had ever felt before in her life. In that moment, she made her decision. “Hey… you wanna get out of here?” she whispered, kissing Michael on the cheek. “If that’s what you’d like,” he replied nervously, unsure if this was a good or bad sign. “Yeah, I’ve just had about enough of people for one day,” Ashley giggled. “You, by the way, aren’t people. I haven’t had near enough of you.” ***** The entire walk home, Ashley was smiling like a little girl on Christmas morning, holding Michael’s arm and walking as close to him as she could. Michael, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. Antonio’s advice for him to be his normal dorky self had worked, but had it worked too well? Questions began to race through his mind. What if she invited him in? What if she invited him to bed with her? How would she react when he told her of his lack of experience? If she did want to sleep with him, he didn’t dare try to hide the fact that he was a virgin; no way would that end well. Sighing mentally, he decided he’d just have to play it by ear and hope for the best. “I… had such a great time with you,” Michael said as they approached her door. “Me too,” Ashley agreed. “And… well, it’s still kinda early.” “Uh… y-yeah?” Throwing caution to the wind, Ashley leaned forward and planted a long and sensuous kiss on Michael’s lips. By the end of it, her tongue had found his for the first time, to both of their delights. “Why don’t you come in and stay a while?” she asked as they parted. “But… wouldn’t Liz mind?” “Liz already told me she’ll be gone ‘til tomorrow. We have the place to ourselves.” Sensing his hesitation, she continued, “Michael, believe me when I say that I swore at the start of the night this wouldn’t happen. No matter how well tonight went… I had no intention of inviting you in after one date. Yet, here we are, and I don’t want the night to end. No pressure, no expectations, I just… I want to spend more time with you. I mean, it is Valentine’s Day, after all, and I do consider you my Valentine.” “Now who’s the cheesy one?” Michael laughed. “I’d love to spend more time with you tonight, but only if you’re sure.” Another peck on the lips, and Ashley said, “Positive.” Taking Michael’s hand, Ashley practically dragged him into the apartment and locked the deadbolt behind her. She then took Michael’s suit jacket from him, hanging it on the back of a chair at the breakfast nook. Before long, she had kicked off her shoes and plopped down on the sofa. “Come on,” Ashley beckoned, patting the seat next to her. “I don’t bite.” Michael smirked at this, discarding his own shoes and loosening his tie a bit. As soon as his ass touched the sofa cushion, Ashley was already hanging on him, running her fingers through his hair and moving her hand to his thigh. Still, he tried to play it cool and have no assumptions about her intentions. “Did… you wanna watch a movie or something?” Michael asked. Smiling, Ashley gave a few playful kisses to Michael’s cheek before replying, “Is that really what you want us to do tonight?” “I… I-I um…” Michael was slowly losing control of his mental capabilities, and Ashley damn well knew it. After he had driven her crazy on the dance floor, seducing her without even realizing it, she was determined to do the same. Turning up the heat, she leaned closer to Michael and kissed his lips longingly. He was powerless to stop her as she pushed him to lie back long ways on the sofa. The feeling of her lithe body on top of his was almost too much to bear. “Ashley…” he moaned. Looking deep into his eyes, she said, “Michael, I can’t tell you how into you I am. I know this sounds insane, and I don’t want you to think I’m slutty or anything, but… I want you to stay the night. Unless you absolutely don’t want to, I have no intention of letting you leave until tomorrow.” Michael’s face twisted a bit at this. “Of course I want to be here with you! But why would you think I’d think you’re slutty?” Snorting a bit, Ashley replied, “Come on, Michael. Here I am, throwing myself at you after one date. How is that not slutty?” Maintaining eye contact, he asked, “Do you respect yourself and your standards?” “Of course! I would never even consider inviting a guy in or certainly sleeping with him under normal circumstances.” “And what makes you consider doing that?” “Basically… he has to be boyfriend material. I mean… look, I’m gonna be honest with you, Michael. I’ve been pretty stupid around men in the past, sleeping with them while knowing they aren’t even close to being boyfriend material. I guess I thought I could change them. Like I said, I was stupid back then. But now, I know I have to fall for a guy because of who and what he is before I’d even think of sleeping with him. I don’t just hop into bed with any guy I meet, not anymore.” Michael grinned. “Sounds like the opposite of slutty to me.” Kissing him once more, Ashley replied, “You sure know how to pay a girl a compliment. You sure you’re not the one seducing me?” “Hey, you’re the one who called me ‘boyfriend material’ a moment ago.” “I certainly did not call you boyfriend material!” Ashley said, feigning offense. “I merely stated that any man I’d consider sleeping with had to fall into that category. Nothing more.” “Gotcha. So I’m not boyfriend material,” Michael replied with a smartass grin. “You know damn well you are,” Ashley sighed, running her fingers along his cheek. “Most genuine guy I’ve ever met.” “After one date?” Michael asked, still a bit in awe of the situation. “Michael, you weren’t afraid to be yourself out there, even with the real you being a big dork. To me, there’s nothing more attractive than that sort of confidence. It makes me want to make you my big dork, and nobody else’s.” Kissing him again, Ashley began to grind her hips along his obvious erection. “Hmm, something’s got you going down there, eh?” Panicking a moment at how quickly things were progressing, Michael managed to pull back. “Ashley, wait. There’s… there’s something you deserve to know before we go any further.” “Aw, is this your first time?” she asked playfully. Though she had been teasing, the look of terror spread across his face told her the truth. “Oh my god… this really is your first time, isn’t it?” “Yeah,” he sighed, bracing for the worst. “That’s… fantastic!” “Wait, what?” “Michael, you have no idea how nerve-wracking it is for us gals, trying to figure out if a guy is for real or not. So many guys are out to use any trick in the book to get into our panties. But the one trick those guys don’t use is the virgin trick; no guy I’ve ever met would lie about being a virgin. There’s plenty that would lie about not being a virgin, but never the other way around. Hearing you say that… it’s comforting, in a way. I know you’d never try to trick me or anything like that, if that makes any sense.” “So… you’re not gonna kick me out?” Michael asked. “Hell no.” Remembering his religious upbringing, Ashley continued, “Listen, I don’t ever want to pressure you into something that you aren’t comfortable with or that you’d feel wrong about. If you need to leave, I’m cool with that; I’d still want to see you again. If all you want to do is sleep, that’s perfectly fine, too. But if you’re interested in turning in your V-card… I’m more than willing.” Michael’s mouth dried up at this. He didn’t necessarily share his parents’ views that sex should only occur within a marriage. Still, he had always known he only wanted to lose his virginity to someone special, someone that he could trust implicitly. Was Ashley that person? A small part of him was still terrified that this might be a setup, but the look in Ashley’s eyes was slowly eroding that fear. He wanted to trust her, no matter how much the logical side of his brain told him not to. Taking a deep breath, Michael Goldman decided to take a leap of faith. “I want to.” Without a word, Ashley stood from the sofa and pulled Michael to his feet, leading him to her bedroom. A pair of blue lava lamps in either corner emitted a soft glow, and the décor reflected Ashley’s true gamer girl personality. A pair of plush toys, Pikachu and Yoshi, stood guard atop her bed, her computer screensaver depicted Princess Peach and Princess Daisy, and her TV in the corner had both a Super Nintendo and a N64 plugged into it. “Retro. Very nice,” Michael remarked, nodding his approval. “Sometimes, the old ways are best,” Ashley agreed with a smirk. Melting into his arms once more, she turned her back and held her hair aside, beckoning, “Unzip me, please.” Michael’s hands trembled as he lowered the zipper down to the small of her back. The mere sight of her exposed skin was enough to bring him dangerously close to blowing his top right then and there, but a few deep breaths managed to calm him down. He fumbled for several seconds with the clasp at the top of the dress, but Ashley showed no signs of impatience; they had all the time they needed, after all. At last, he managed to unhook the clasp, and Ashley allowed the red dress to slide off her body and down to the floor. She turned, now clad only in a white strapless bra and matching panties. “I’ll teach you more about how to get one of these off another time,” Ashley cooed. “But for now…” In one swift motion, she reached behind her back with one hand and undid her bra clasp. She was still pressed against Michael’s chest, holding the garment in place for the time being, much to his disappointment. Ashley only grinned as she backed up out of his arms, holding the bra in place with her hands for a few moments longer. “Oh, come on…” Michael whimpered. “Poor boy,” Ashley teased. “Remember, anticipation is a huge part of foreplay.” “Anticipation or torture?” “Amazing how often those two coincide,” Ashley shot back with a giggle. Deciding Michael had waited long enough, Ashley lowered her arm and allowed the bra to fall to the floor. Michael stared in awe at her perky breasts, high and firm on her chest. He certainly wasn’t an expert, but they appeared to be about a B-cup, and her nipples were already rock hard, beckoning him to touch them. The rest of her body was just as amazing. Her milky skin contained not a single speck or blemish, save for the tattoo on her shoulder, and that only served to accentuate her beauty. He moved forward, reaching for her breasts, but Ashley slapped his hands away. “Nuh uh,” she said, shaking her finger at him. “You don’t get to touch until I see some of what you’ve got.” Ashley reached for Michael’s clothes to try and speed the process along, but was soon stumped by his tie. Michael found this quite amusing, considering the difficulty men notoriously had with bras. He undid the knot and tossed the tie on the floor, beginning to unbutton his white dress shirt. At this point, Ashley just stood back and watched, as Michael had done with her. After he removed his dress shirt and undershirt, Ashley’s eyes widened with lust and desire. As much as she wanted to jump his bones then and there, she managed to restrain herself. It was only fair, after her previous denial of his touch. Michael was clearly nervous as he undid his belt and lowered his suit pants. His boxers were tented from his erection and already stained with a bit of his precum, which Ashley took as a massive compliment. “Very nice,” she whispered in a husky voice. “Thanks,” Michael replied with a nervous grin. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, she continued, “Time for the big reveal, then?” With a seductive grin on her face, Ashley began to lower the garment down her legs, her breasts jiggling as she bent over to kick them off. Michael was frozen in place with sheer amazement at the sight before him. Here he was, in the presence of the most gorgeous girl he had ever imagined, naked as the day she was born. Her shaved pussy looked so warm and inviting; how he ached to feel her wrapped around him. After allowing him a moment to stare, she sauntered up to him and slipped her fingers into his boxers. “May I?” Ashley asked. All Michael could do was nod at that point, and Ashley planted her lips on his as she allowed his boxers to fall to the floor. She smiled as she took his member in her hand, feeling that he was indeed packing substantial weaponry. Ashley soon remembered that this was Michael’s first time; it would be all he could manage not to go off too soon. She stopped her teasing for the moment and turned to her double bed. After slipping underneath the covers, she patted the spot next to her, which Michael readily occupied. They spent the next several minutes kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with their hands and mouths. Michael was pleased to discover that Ashley’s breasts were indeed quite firm, fitting perfectly in his hands. As wonderful as feeling them was, he enjoyed tasting them even more, and especially the reactions this brought about from Ashley. All the while, she allowed her own hands to explore Michael’s body. She found a particularly strong erogenous zone at the back of his neck where his hairline began. Soon, neither could stand it any longer; they had to make love. “Michael,” Ashley whispered, “I can see in your eyes that you’re worried about performance. Don’t be. You’ve already made this night more special than I ever imagined it could be. Just enjoy for as long as it may last.” “But-” “Trust me,” she continued, silencing him with a kiss. “This is only the first of many times we’re going to do this.” As Ashley pushed him onto his back and straddled him, Michael had the presence of mind to ask, “Do we need any… protection?” Ashley stopped at this, stunned by his kind consideration. “Michael, you really are the best kind of guy around. You don’t have to worry about me getting pregnant; I’m on the pill. I’m also clean per my last doctor’s visit, but if you’d feel more comfortable with a condom, I’m happy to oblige. I keep a few spares in my nightstand.” Though the logical part of his brain told him to agree to it, Michael couldn’t help but put his faith in this girl. “No, that’s all right. I trust you’re being honest. Just wanted to be sure.” Ashley sealed her lips around Michael’s once more, positioning the head of his cock at her entrance as she did so. After a moment of silent understanding, he placed his hands on her hips and guided himself into her moist pussy. The feelings were exquisite, like liquid velvet squeezing his member. She made sure to keep a slow pace, allowing Michael to savor every new sensation that came along. After arriving at the base of his cock, Ashley sat straight up, displaying her pert breasts for her lover. “Holy shit, Ashley…” Michael moaned. “You’re mine, now,” she giggled. “And I don’t plan on letting go of you anytime soon…” “No complaints from me,” he admitted with a grin. For the next five minutes, Ashley treated Michael to the ride of his life, teasing and tormenting his engorged cock with every inch of her pussy. She was pleasantly surprised to see that he was able to last so long on his first time, long enough even for her to reach a small orgasm of her own. All the while, Michael couldn’t help but cup her perfect breasts in his hands. As he drew close to climax, Michael pulled Ashley down to lie face-to-face with him and planted a sensuous kiss on her lips. The sensation of her fingers on his cheeks and running through his hair were too much at that point, and he sent his seed into her waiting pussy with a guttural moan of ecstasy. “Mmm… I love that feeling,” Ashley purred, savoring Michael’s cock twitching within her folds. Spent and content, Michael couldn’t even utter a word in reply, so Ashley slipped off his cock and rolled next to him, laying her head on his chest. After a few seconds of blissful quiet, the blood began to flow back to Michael’s brain, allowing him to think more rationally. “Ashley… this is so crazy…” “Yeah, but crazy good, right?” she grinned. “Oh, of course! It’s just… we barely even know each other, but you’re already looking at me like you’re in… well… the ‘L’ word.” Nodding, Ashley began to explain, “I guess in matters of the ‘L’ word, I’ve always tried to follow my gut instinct. It’s never steered me wrong in other areas. But, I’ve never had the best luck with men, thinking I could change them and whatnot.” “Sounds like you ignored your gut in those cases,” Michael observed. “Yeah, I think you’re right. But tonight, with everything that’s happened, I keep looking for a chink in your armor, for some sign that sends my gut into high alert mode, but I found nothing. Everything about you… my gut says to hang onto you and never let go. God, I hope I’m not scaring you off with this…” “Not at all,” Michael grinned, kissing her on her forehead. “Still, there’s a lot we don’t know about each other, isn’t there?” “Yeah, but that’s easily remedied. Favorite movie?” “Huh? Oh, Star Wars: A New Hope ,” Michael replied, realizing she was trying to get to know him better. “Figures,” she teased. “Mine is The Princess Bride .” “Never pegged you for a chick flick kind of girl,” he teased right back. “Hey, it’s my one and only chick flick that I like! Every other one I’ve seen can go to hell!” she laughed. “Fair enough. Um… favorite color?” “Violet.” “Nice. Blue for me, so original.” “Nothing wrong with a classic,” Ashley replied. “Favorite band?” “The Blues Brothers.” “Seriously?!” “Yeah, people forget how many great musicians Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi found for their group. I’m guessing yours is My Chemical Romance?” Michael asked. “Nope. They may have my favorite song, but my favorite band is Boyz II Men. I could listen to them forever…” “No way I can argue with that,” Michael agreed. Thinking a moment, Ashley asked, “Biggest pet peeve behind the wheel?” “People who talk on their phones while driving all the time.” “Ugh! I know what you mean! Mine is people who don’t use their turn signals while driving.” “Preach it,” Michael sighed. Deciding to get a bit more personal, he asked, “Biggest turn off?” “Dishonesty, both in telling lies and just not being yourself,” Ashley said without hesitation. “You?” “I’d say… an inability to communicate.” “Ooh, a deep answer. How so?” Thinking a moment, Michael replied, “Well, you hear all the time about guys who screw a relationship up by saying something stupid, yet the entire situation could have been avoided if the couple had only communicated their expectations. But when they don’t, both are left making assumptions, which only leads to trouble.” “Look at you! Teaching me right away how to be the kind of girlfriend you need!” Ashley marveled, kissing him on the cheek. “T-Thanks,” Michael blushed. “Well, well. Looks like someone is rarin’ to go again,” Ashley giggled, seeing his cock hardening once again. “It’s… kinda tough not to be hard when you’re around,” he admitted. “No complaints from me,” she retorted before straddling him. “Holy fuck…” Michael groaned as Ashley engulfed him once more. Riding him at a steady pace, she decided to continue their little game. “Biggest turn on?” “Huh?” “Tell me your biggest turn on. Come on, I’m not going faster if you don’t play along,” Ashley giggled, sticking her tongue out at him. Though he struggled to think in such a highly aroused state, Michael managed to eek out, “Other than your breasts?” Ashley laughed at this. “Yes, other than my breasts. Boys,” she snorted, rolling her eyes. “Then, I’d say… confidence. Uh… you?” “The same,” Ashley whispered, leaning her face close to his again. “Your turn. Ask me.” “Um… biggest fear?” Biting her lower lip, she replied, “Being trapped in a toxic relationship. You?” “Until tonight, dying a virgin,” he grinned. “Well, nuts to that! What else you got?” She slowed her pace a bit, allowing Michael to think. “Failing to leave a better life behind for my kids,” he finally said. Ashley’s eyes lit up at this. “You want kids?” “I do, someday, with the right girl, of course.” Realizing he may have hit a sore spot, he asked, “W-What about you?” Ashley sank down all the way on his cock before replying, “With the right guy, I’d have as many as we could support.” Michael couldn’t help but smile at that prospect; he’d long considered himself a family-oriented guy. “Hey, pay attention. Your turn,” Ashley said, playfully slapping him. “Oh, let’s see… ideal weekend? “Honestly… just hanging at home with a fantastic guy, making love at every chance, shutting the rest of the world out…” “I was beginning to think I was the only introvert in the world! Where have you been all my life?!” Michael sighed. “So, I take it you’d like that kind of weekend, too?” “No doubt.” “Political affiliation?” she asked with a smirk. “I guess I’m… fiscally conservative. I am Jewish, after all,” he said with a laugh. “Hah! Yeah, your people have a reputation with money, don’t you?” “And you?” “Me? I’m pretty liberal… some would call me a social justice warrior. Is… that gonna be a problem?” “Not at all,” Michael replied, thrusting deep into her pussy again. “You meet a lot of people with a wide range of political stances in Jewish communities. Some are more conservative, especially on social issues, but others are about as liberal as you can get. All I care about is having a mutual respect and a willingness to defend why you believe what you believe.” Ashley was completely taken aback that the possibility of political disagreements in their relationship didn’t scare him one bit. It dawned on her that they were just that: disagreements. All Michael wanted was the understanding between their differences, not blind agreement. In the current political climate, Ashley had thought such levelheaded people were extinct. Unable to hold back any further, she leaned down and kissed him long and hard, hammering his cock with her pussy all the while. “You’re amazing,” Ashley breathed as they parted. “You say that enough, I’m gonna start to believe it,” he shot back with a grin. “Believe it,” she replied with all seriousness. “I’ve never met a guy like you. Everything we talk about, we’re on the same page. I know what that means, but I should be more terrified of it…” “What do you mean?” “I… I’m falling for you, Michael. Hard. I should be scared that I’m gonna get hurt from that, but-” Silencing her with a kiss, he answered, “I will never hurt you. Ever. You’ve given me so much already, and I’d be an ungrateful fool to hurt a girl like you. And… if you’re trying to say that you’re falling in… ‘L’ word… with me… I feel the same.” At that, they didn’t need to say anything more. Their mutual orgasms were already near bursting, so giving in to their emotions was an easy next step. As they climaxed, both felt an incredible wave wash over them, one that seemed to indicate they would be bonded forever. Now exhausted from the evening’s activities, Ashley rolled off Michael once more and pulled her pillow closer to his. “So… what now, Boyfriend?” she asked with a grin. Michael chuckled. “Now, I have to figure how I’m telling Mom and Dad I’m dating a Gentile girl.” A look of worry spread across Ashley’s face. “You think they won’t approve?” He shrugged. “Dad ought to be just fine with it. Mom may huff a little bit, but they’ll know how serious we are when I refuse to back down. I definitely won’t let her put any pressure on you about converting; that’s your decision alone. Don’t worry. We’re a team, now.” Smiling, Ashley clapped her hands twice, switching off the lava lamps and darkening the bedroom. Before drifting off to sleep, she leaned over for one last kiss with her new man. “I love you, Michael.” “I love you, too, Ashley.” ***** The following week was a whirlwind of happiness for the new couple. Though both still had school and work obligations, they spent every bit of spare time they could muster together. Whether at Michael’s apartment or Ashley’s, they made love every night, learning more about each other all the while. Ashley had promised to teach Michael a few things, and did he ever learn. Even after only a week, she had expanded his foreplay skills, introduced him to oral sex, and even shown him her favorite vibrator. By the time Friday rolled around, they were as attached as a college couple could possibly be. The fact they arrived together at the next meeting of the AU Pokémon League caused a bit of a stir, and that they were laughing and holding hands was an even bigger surprise. None of the other members had seen Ashley so much as chat with anyone else, let alone date them. As the pair walked in to the GameStop, an uncomfortable silence descended upon the room. After a moment, Eric stood with a stern expression on his face. “Michael, good to have you back.” Turning to Ashley, he continued, “Now, as for you. There’s a new rule around here that you’ll need to follow.” “The hell are you talking about?” Ashley sighed. Without a word, Eric pointed to the poster behind him with the rules listed. It all looked as it had last week, but an additional rule had been added at the bottom of the poster. Girls only rule: Tits, or GTFO. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael growled. “Simple. If she wants to stay a member of the League, she has to show us her tits. Otherwise, she can get the fuck out,” Eric smirked. “You can’t do that!” Ashley spat. “This is still an Auburn University club! The Dean of Student Affairs will shut you down for this!” “Only if someone tells on us. And I know you don’t want to be known as the spiteful bitch that ended the one and only club for all these poor lonely nerds you see here,” Eric shot back. Realizing that tattling would play right into his hand, Ashley said, “Fine. Then I challenge you for leadership of the League, as per rule 5.” “Of course, of course. But in order to challenge me, you first have to be a law-abiding member of the League. You wanna do this? Let’s see those titties.” “You’re disgusting,” Ashley seethed. “Hey, Sophia’s already done it, and she’s no worse for the wear. What’s your problem, bitch?” Eric taunted. Having had enough, Ashley was about to lift her shirt and flash him just for the satisfaction of taking Eric’s leadership, but a hand stopped her before she could. “No. I challenge you for leadership,” Michael said. Eric seemed surprised at this. “You? Why? You’ve got no skin in this, dude.” “She’s my girlfriend. You bet your ass I’ve got skin in this. I challenge you for leadership, Eric.” “Go home,” he snorted. “Who keeps the official rulebook?” Michael asked the rest of the members. After several seconds of tense silence, one member reached into his backpack and handed a pamphlet to Michael. Turning to a page near the back, he read aloud, “The President of the League may not refuse a challenge to his leadership from any member in good standing with the League, but as the challenged, he may determine the terms of the match.” “Sounds pretty clear to me,” Ashley smirked. Eric’s face twisted in rage at this. At last he replied, “Fine. One six on six single battle… AG rules.” There was an audible gasp among the rest of the members. AG, also known as “anything goes,” was a style of play not common in competitive Pokémon. Not only did it allow the most overpowered Pokémon in the game to be used, known as “ubers” or “legendary Pokémon,” but it also did not ban the cheap tactics that were not allowed in most competitive matches. From this, Michael could tell exactly what Eric’s play was: he was betting that Michael wouldn’t have a team available that could compete at such a high level. Unfortunately for the Almighty President, Michael was well prepared for this scenario. “Done. Set it up.” They took a seat in the middle of the room and connected their game systems. The rest of the members gathered around, eagerly anticipating a heated battle between these two. All the while, Ashley stood by Michael’s side, confident that he would come out on top. In the past, she would have taken his stepping in as an insult, but she now saw he only wished to preserve her dignity. Though she would have gladly flashed Eric for the chance to beat his ass, Michael saw no reason for it to come to that. Across from them sat Sophia, again hanging on Eric’s every move, almost as if she felt her existence would come to an end should he lose. Ashley decided to keep a close eye on her throughout the game. Though Michael didn’t think much of it, Ashley then stood to stand behind him as a part of the crowd and reached into her pocket for something. At the pregame screen, Michael began to inspect Eric’s team. There were the two usual suspects, Groudon and Kyogre, both of which were so powerful and versatile that any uber team was sure to include them. Michael also had them on his team, though their remaining four combatants differed. Eric’s remaining team consisted of a pair of frail offensive hitters, Darkrai and Pheromosa, the jack-of-all-trades Arceus, which could be any of the eighteen Pokémon types, and a Dragon Pokémon, Rayquaza. Michael was certain that Rayquaza would be Eric’s Mega for the match, as it’s normally banned in every other battle format. As for Michael, the rest of his team contained a couple of bulky supporters in Skarmory and Umbreon, an unpredictable wild card in Kartana, and his ace, Mega Mewtwo Y. “Let’s do this,” Eric growled. “And when I win, you’re banned for life.” “Same to you when I win,” Michael shot back. With that, their battle began. Michael led off with his Skarmory, intending to set up traps on Eric’s side of the field to slowly damage his Pokémon throughout the match. Eric led off with his Darkrai, which immediately worried Michael. Darkrai was a Pokémon known for using sleep-inducing techniques, which would render one of his combatants useless for a few turns. Normally, only one Pokémon was allowed to be asleep at a time, but the AG rules they now played under made it legal to put any number of Pokémon to sleep. With some skillful maneuvering, Michael managed to switch Skarmory out in favor of his Mewtwo, but he was not able to set his traps yet. While Mewtwo would have been at a disadvantage against Darkrai, its Mega Evolution made it immune to sleep-inducing moves, forcing Eric to switch out. Both of them played rather cautiously from there, trying to feel each other’s strategy out. While Michael’s team was slower and bulkier, allowing them to take a few hits, Eric’s team was much more “hyper-offensive,” containing only one or two bulky Pokémon. The rest were powerful attackers that would be easy to take down if Michael could land a strong hit. As Michael looked for an opening, he began switching his Pokémon at confusing times, throwing Eric off his game a bit. This led Eric to make an uncharacteristic mistake with his Pheromosa, leaving it severely wounded. It did manage to survive and fight back, hurting Michael’s Mega Mewtwo Y in the process, but Pheromosa soon fell. Michael then surprised Eric by pulling out his Umbreon. While not a strong attacker, Umbreon functioned as a powerful healer on Michael’s team, soon bringing his Mega Mewtwo back to full health with its Wish technique. “You cheap fucker…” Eric seethed. “You’re the one that wanted to play AG rules,” Michael smirked. Eric’s Arceus was the next to fall, but not before it managed to take out both Michael’s Kyogre and Umbreon in the process. Now without his healer, Michael switched back to his Skarmory, taking the opportunity to set up the traps he had tried to use back at the start of the match. Darkrai returned to the field at this and rocked Skarmory with a powerful hit, but not before Skarmory had laid its traps. As it fell, Mega Mewtwo returned for the revenge knockout on Darkrai, leaving just three Pokémon on each side. Mewtwo continued its streak by taking down Eric’s Kyogre, but took heavy damage in the process, and was unable to survive even a single hit from Eric’s Groudon. Still, it was child’s play for Michael to finish it off with his own Groudon, thanks to a well-timed critical hit. “Now, you’re dead,” Eric said, eying Michael with hatred. “We’ll see.” Now down to his last Pokémon to face Michael’s final two, Eric sent out his Mega Rayquaza, arguably one of the most unfairly overpowered Pokémon in the entire game. It had few natural weaknesses, and those weaknesses were still difficult to exploit due to its Delta Stream ability, which increased Rayquaza’s defenses to ridiculous levels. But Michael knew of Rayquaza’s one crippling weakness that it had no counter for: field traps. He had set up a trap on Eric’s side of the field known as Stealth Rock, which did a small bit of damage to each Pokémon upon switching in. If a particular combatant had a weakness to Rock Type attacks, as Rayquaza did, it would take even more damage from the trap. Thus, the very act of bringing Rayquaza in reduced its health by one fourth, which was a godsend considering how strong it was. Still, its natural strength was more than enough to take out Michael’s Groudon with little effort. Now one on one against Rayquaza with his Kartana, Michael took a few moments to analyze his situation. He had equipped his Kartana with a special item called the Choice Band. This increased its already strong attacking power by an additional 50%, but also forced it into using only one of its four potential moves, hence the choice. There were a couple of good options that he could use against Rayquaza, but Michael had a suspicion that there was some strategy Eric was using that he hadn’t revealed yet. Even though Kartana had one attack that would have done more damage overall, Michael locked into a move that would do a bit less damage but was guaranteed never to miss. On the next turn, Michael smiled at realizing that he had correctly predicted that Eric was up to something. Instead of attacking, Rayquaza began using a move known as Double Team. This progressively increased its evasion capabilities, making it more likely that Michael’s Pokémon would miss in their attacks altogether. This was considered the cheapest strategy in the game, resulting in widespread bans to Double Team in all competitive rules except Anything Goes. But as Michael had picked an attack with perfect accuracy that would not be affected by Double Team, he now knew that victory was all but assured. The smug look on Eric’s face soon disappeared as he realized that his strategy was useless against Kartana’s Smart Strike attack, guaranteed never to miss. “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!” Eric gasped at seeing how much damage the attack did to his Rayquaza. “How the hell is a Smart Strike so powerful?!” “Choice Band, ya bastard,” Michael retorted. Murmurs began to be heard from the onlookers. Each one of them knew what that meant: Michael had won. Only a single hit more, and Eric would officially be known as the former Almighty President of the AU Pokémon League. Michael tapped the screen on his 3DS and waited for the final turn to begin, but Eric just sat there in disbelief. His facial expressions went from dumbfounded, to pain, to pure rage. As he was about to select his move for what everyone knew would be the final turn, he moved his hand to the bottom of his 3DS and hit the power button, turning the system off. “What the hell?! You rage quit?!” Michael yelled, unable to believe what had just happened. “Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it, pussy?” Eric laughed. “You cheated! You still lose!” Ashley agreed. “Nope. That was my first rage quit ever, so I get a warning. But the battle itself is null and void, since it couldn’t be finished before connection was lost,” Eric replied with smug confidence. “You still wanna challenge me? We’ll go again.” “No way! I had you beat, fair and square!” Michael shot back, standing at his chair in anger. “I doubt the rest of the League sees it that way. What say you?” Eric asked the room. Every last onlooker fell silent at this. Due to his supreme arrogance, Eric was blind to how much everyone in the League hated him and his leadership. Still, most had been afraid to stand up to him, and the few that did had always been soundly defeated. But today, he had been beaten, and everyone knew it. Sure, the official scoreboard said otherwise, but everyone knew what had really happened. One by one, the members of the League moved to stand behind Michael’s chair, showing their support to the man they wanted as the new president. Eric soon began to lose it, seeing the only power he possessed in his life being stripped from him. “You fucking TRAITORS!” he screamed. “It’s over. You’ve lost, Eric,” Michael replied quietly. “As the new Almighty President of the AU Pokémon League, I hereby ban you for life and nullify your sexist girls only rule effective immediately. Leave. You’re not welcome here.” “And why should I do that?” he spat. “Because you don’t want the video of your battle with Michael to end up all over the Internet,” Ashley said with a grin. “Nice try, bitch. The battle ended before it could be completed, so the 3DS couldn’t make a video of the battle,” Eric replied. “Maybe. But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t secretly filming the whole thing with my cell phone. Including your pussy move at the end,” said Ashley. “So, you have two options: leave now, or become a viral laughing stock in gaming communities the world over. Your choice.” Eric’s mouth moved, but no words would come. He was beyond incensed, disbelieving that Ashley and Michael could get the better of him so completely. Still, the logical part of his brain managed to kick in, reminding Eric that any further insults would result in his embarrassment being posted all over the Internet for the world to see. Left with no other choice, he slowly rose to his feet and walked to the door. As he was about to leave, he turned to see Sophia still seated at the table. “Hey! Let’s go!” Eric snapped at her. With a look of panic in her eyes, Sophia stood to follow, but Ashley placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to go with him,” she assured Sophia. Gulping, Sophia replied in a mousy voice, “But… he let me join? He g-gave me a social circle, right?” “Sophia, you don’t owe him anything. He’s been controlling you this entire time; we all see it,” Ashley insisted. “Trust me, you can stay of your own free will. You have friends here, better friends than Eric is capable of being.” “You belong with me! Now, let’s GO!” Eric shouted from the door. Sophia was torn. In truth, she had never enjoyed being Eric’s girlfriend, but felt it was her only way to actually have friends. Now, she didn’t know what to think. Ashley seemed so certain that she would still be welcome here without Eric, which was such a tempting offer for Sophia. As she looked up at Eric’s face and saw the rage in his eyes, she made her decision. “I… I’m n-not going… anywhere with you,” Sophia stuttered. “What did you say to me?” Eric growled. “I’m staying… right here. You could not… pay me enough… to touch your dirty… disgusting body even ONE MORE TIME!” Sophia finally shouted. “We’re through, Eric.” “You bitch…” “Temper, temper, Eric,” Ashley taunted him, waving her phone in the air. “We wouldn’t want you to lose your cool and become a viral sensation, would we?” Stopping dead in his tracks, Eric fumed for several seconds before storming out. “FUCK YOU ALL!!!” The members erupted into cheers as Eric finally left, finally rid of his tyranny for good. Ashley leapt into Michael’s arms, planting a steamy kiss on him in front of everyone, eliciting a few catcalls and whistles. After a moment, Ashley noticed several of the guys flocking to Sophia and trying to chat her up. Seeing the poor girl’s discomfort, Ashley made her way over to her. “Sophia, you wanna grab some food with me and my boyfriend?” “Huh? You… actually want to hang out with me?” she replied with surprise. “Of course! Us gamer girls have to stick together, after all,” Ashley smiled. “That… that would be nice,” Sophia said with a soft grin. “Great! I think my roommate is making tacos tonight. Sound good?” “I do enjoy tacos…” ***** Over the course of the next year, the AU Pokémon League skyrocketed in popularity under Michael’s leadership. His first order of business was to get rid of Eric’s sexist rules, along with the ridiculous title of Almighty President. His second act was to ask Antonio to join the group and assist as a Vice President. With Michael in charge, Antonio was only too happy to oblige, and helped launch a publicity campaign on campus to help draw in new members for the League. Little did they know how successful they would be. To everyone’s surprise, Antonio and Allison avoided becoming a flash in the pan and instead turned into a serious power couple around campus. With Antonio now involved with the League once again, Allison began to take an interest in her boyfriend’s favorite club. After watching a few meetings, she decided she wanted to try it for herself and borrowed Antonio’s 3DS. She was hooked right away, and suggested using her popularity to promote the League and help bring in more members. At the same time, Michael had the idea of starting a rental service, reasoning that it would be a way to attract people that had never played the game before. In this way, they offered a means for new members to be competitive and have fun without needing to make outlandish monetary or time investments along the way. A few longtime members offered up their spare 3DS systems for the club to use, and Michael decided to invest in a few new copies of the most recent Pokémon games. Even better, he and Antonio made sure to have a large amount of battle-ready competitive Pokémon available to loan to the less experienced members when they came to the meetings. As a result, the League began attracting casual gamers and complete newbies in addition to the more serious gamers that already attended. Before long, their numbers had ballooned to the point that they had to move into one of the auditorium classrooms on campus for their meetings. A few months after Eric’s departure, people stopped seeing him around campus altogether. Many rumors persisted as to what happened to him. Some said he flunked out and moved into his mother’s basement, others think he had hired a hooker that turned out to be an undercover cop. Regardless, nobody missed him at all, least of all, Sophia. Ashley’s offer for Sophia to join them for dinner turned out to be just what the poor girl needed and more. She formed a genuine friendship with Ashley and Michael, and especially with Ashley’s roommate, Liz. Sophia eventually began a romantic relationship with Liz, though the latter suspected rightly that Sophia wasn’t actually a lesbian. Rather, she found her time with Liz enjoyable because there were no controlling tendencies, as had been in her relationship with Eric. After a few months, their passion fizzled as Sophia developed the confidence and self-esteem to begin dating men again. Liz would miss the fun they had together, but Sophia was a whole new person, which couldn’t have made her friends happier. As Michael and Ashley neared their graduation the following spring, Michael began to take a hard look at what he wanted his life to be like after the end of school. He decided that he had a serious question to ask Ashley, but first, he had to meet her family. Of course, he had met her dad and sisters over the previous Thanksgiving, but there was still one more person left… ***** “You’re sure you wanna do this?” Ashley asked. “Of course! He’s such a huge part of your life, why wouldn’t I?” Michael replied. “Just be prepared; he can be pretty off-putting.” “No sweat.” Entering her uncle’s house with a knock, she called out, “Hey, it’s Ashley!” “In here,” a voice said. Ashley led the way into a comfortable den with easy chairs and a sofa. A few watercolor paintings adorned the walls, giving it a very homey feeling. On the sofa sat a red-haired young man of about nineteen. “Hey, Sam,” Ashley said. “Hello,” he replied in a somewhat monotone voice. “You have a guest.” “Yeah. Sam, I wanted you to meet my boyfriend, Michael. Michael, this is my cousin, Sam.” “Good to meet you,” Michael said, refraining from reaching out to shake Sam’s hand; Ashley had warned that Sam didn’t like that. “Boyfriend. Interesting,” Sam remarked without looking up from his 3DS. “Ashley, Mother and Father left some money on the counter for the pizza place at the end of the block. You should order and go pick it up.” Ashley cocked her eyebrow at this; Sam hadn’t made a request, he’d given an instruction. Still, she knew better than to protest. Sam was trying to get this boyfriend of hers alone so he could figure him out. In spite of his Asperger’s, Sam was remarkably good at reading facial expressions and tone of voice. “Pizza sounds good. Michael, you wanna relax here? I’ll be back in a bit,” Ashley said before leaving with the money. “Sure,” Michael replied. Ashley had expected something like this would happen, and had prepared him as such. Sitting across from Sam, Michael asked, “Playing Pokémon there, eh?” “Yes.” “Cool. That’s actually how I met Ashley. We play in a League together at college.” “I’m not surprised,” Sam said, seeming disinterested. “You must excuse my demeanor. It’s due to my condition.” “Don’t worry, Ashley filled me in,” Michael reassured him. “So… boyfriend. Tell me how long you have been dating my cousin.” Again, it wasn’t a question, but an instruction. Michael replied, “A little over a year now. We met just before Valentine’s Day last year.” “I take it you’re having intercourse with her, then?” Michael was getting used to Sam’s bluntness, but decided to push back this time, saying, “To be honest, that’s between her and me. Besides, I respect Ashley too much to kiss and tell without her permission. But I recognize that you’re simply looking out for your cousin’s best interests, so I’ll say that anything we may have done has been mutually agreed upon with no coercion whatsoever.” Sam paused a moment before giving a slight nod. “Correct answer.” At this, Michael realized Sam was testing him, feeling him out. Not that he was surprised, but it suddenly made sense. Ashley had looked out for Sam growing up, and he wanted to do the same for her now, especially with her past luck with men. “So, you say you met Ashley over Pokémon. Are you any good?” Sam asked. “I beat her in our first game,” Michael answered. “Interesting. You must be a good strategist to best her.” “I have my moments, though she does frequently get the better of me.” “Then tell me this: what is the superior counter strategy to use against a Trick Room team?” Sam asked. Michael smiled at this; Sam was testing him again, this time about Pokémon. He was familiar with the strategy Sam was describing. In Pokémon, the combatant with the highest speed rating normally got to move first in any given turn, but there was one popular strategy to change that. The move Trick Room caused the exact opposite to happen for five turns, allowing the slowest Pokémon to move first. It was a popular sort of team to use, though Michael had never been partial to it. Taking note of the wording in Sam’s question, Michael began to formulate his response. “To be honest, there is no superior or inferior strategy,” he began. “All strategies are equally viable and are ultimately dependent on the person in charge of them. A team that is statistically superior to another team will still be defeated if the player is unable to predict his opponent’s moves. Strategy is important, but more vital is the ability to adapt that strategy to what the other team is doing.” “Right again,” Sam said. “Now, what is the most important phase of any Pokémon match?” “The endgame,” Michael replied without hesitation. “Yes, a poor start can doom you, but even the best of starts can be undone by poor decision-making at the end of a match. Never assume your opponent can’t snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.” “And what is your endgame with my cousin?” Sam asked pointedly. Smiling, Michael said, “I plan to ask her to marry me.” “That is not an endgame. That is a single action,” Sam pointed out. “Fair enough. My endgame is to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her, if she’ll have me. A home, kids, being together for six or seven decades… that’s the endgame.” After a moment’s pause, Sam replied, “I believe that would make Ashley very happy.” “I think so, too. I know she makes me happy, happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” Michael admitted. “I’m in love with her.” “That is nice to hear. Still, in the interest of full disclosure, you should be aware that if you ever hurt her, physically or emotionally, you will have made a mortal enemy in me.” “I have no doubt of that,” Michael grinned. “But if I were to propose to Ashley… you would be ok with that?” Before Sam could answer, Ashley walked in the front door. “I’m back, and I’ve got pizza!” she called. Without a word, Sam stood and took the pizzas from her hands. Moving into the kitchen, he said over his shoulder, “Spoiler alert: he wants to marry you. And if he makes you half as happy as you seem, you would be an imbecile to decline.” Michael buried his face in his hands at Sam telling her this upfront, but Ashley just smiled and winked at him. “Thanks, Sam. I’ll keep that in mind.” As soon as Sam was out of earshot, Michael moaned, “All my elaborate plans…” Sitting next to him on the couch, Ashley kissed Michael on the cheek and said, “Don’t worry about it; I’m actually kind of glad he said that.” “You are?” “Michael, you don’t need any elaborate plans to get me to marry you!” Ashley laughed. “If you want to marry me, all you have to do is ask.” “Come on, I can do better than that!” “I’m a practical girl, Michael. I always have been. One of the things I love most about you is that you’re a straight shooter. So, is there something you want to ask me?” “Dammit, you’re really gonna make me do this now, aren’t ya?” Michael sighed. “Yep,” Ashley replied, sticking her tongue out at him. Michael reached into his pocket, pulling out a diamond ring he had saved for three months to buy. “Ashley Henderson… will you marry me?” Flashing a huge smile, Ashley leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. “You bet your sweet ass I will.” ***** Five years later “Almost there,” Ashley whispered. “Come on, come on… just a bit more,” Michael growled, feeling the tension build. “Yes… yes, you’ve got it!” “Score! Flag captured!” While most married couples would spend Valentine’s Day out on a romantic date, Michael and Ashley Goldman preferred an intimate evening of video games, even after nearly five years of marriage. Their six-month-old son, Sam, was spending the night with his namesake uncle. In spite of the elder Sam’s mild Asperger’s, he found that he had a natural affinity for children. His great willingness to babysit for his nephew allowed Michael and Ashley to continue their intimate evenings gaming together, with that night’s selection being Call of Duty: WWII . “Seems like that longstanding love affair with this game is paying off,” Ashley teased her husband. “You might actually be improving!” “Oh, that’s how you’re gonna play it, eh? All right, we’re on different teams next round! I’ll show you improvement…” “Ooh, sounds like hot air to me. How ‘bout we make it more interesting?” “What did you have in mind?” Michael asked, remembering losing his first gamble with her six years ago. Eying him mischievously, Ashley said, “Winner of the next round gets oral.” “Deal,” Michael replied. “It’s a win-win for me.” “How do you figure that?” “Because we both know that once I start going down on you, you can’t possibly resist doing the same to me,” Michael said with a smartass grin. Grabbing her controller, Ashley huffed, “Just shut up and play.” “Game on, pretty lady.” |
This is a re-upload of the same story, which was earlier removed as it apparently "does not follow our rules." I strongly disagree, but alas. It has been removed by some dickhead moderator who has decided to save poor sensitive readers some angst. I'm not sure what's happening to this site but it's getting to the stage where you can't actually post anything these days. I hope you all enjoy the story, and my huge thanks to all 88,000+ readers, and all 380 of you who voted positively in its favour. This is not a quick "I fucked my sister. The end, lol" piece. This is a story, the first of several parts, with an actual plot and actual characters. If you're looking for a quick wank over some 5,000 word erotica then perhaps this story is not for you. This is my first attempt at a story on here, and there will be errors. I'm only human, after all. I look forward to reading all your comments and reviews. I understand that it's a lengthy piece, and I'm sure future instalments in this series will be lesser in length. Finally, I love the First Amendment. I think it's the most important piece of writing in modern history. I'm with Evelyn Beatrice Hall on it, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Everyone's opinion on this story is important to me, but please, if you've never written a word in your life then don't comment on the quality of mine, especially with something as banal as "it's shit." I want criticism, if you think there's something that can be improved upon. I don't need insults. Writing is seldom easy. Any writer will tell you that. That said, I hope you enjoy the story. Many thanks for all your support. I.M -------------------------------------- Cory and Tilly - “You say you like storms, but what if you can only handle a little rain and I’m a downpour?” she asked him, to which he said; “Then I’ll drown.” Cory Greenstreet and his sister, Tilly, had pretty much fended for themselves ever since their father had run away with a blonde twenty-something seven years ago. Their mother had turned to the bottle as an anaesthetic and her kids had taken a backseat role in her life after that – their father was too busy in Nova Scotia with his trophy-wife to bother with two teenage kids, and Loraine was too busy with the drink that drove him away in the first place. When she wasn’t laid out in semi-conscious inebriation in front of the TV watching one of her reality shows, she was at work. She drank and she worked, and sometimes she drank at work and should she be fired for public intoxication it would come as no surprise to either of them. “Any day now,” they would joke as they took the 8/10 bus to school. “What’ll be her excuse tonight?” The answer was always the same. “It’s been a tough day.” Cory didn’t really blame his Dad for leaving. He was a ruthless businessman whose only motivation was money. Apparently he was enjoying the perks of a seven-figure a year Directorship in Canada with a company Macan and a newly renovated lake house on Porters Lake. Naturally, they saw none of the money. Cory remembered receiving a birthday card the year after he had left with twenty bucks stuffed inside and a message saying Happy birthday, kids. But that was years ago now. He’d heard something about his twenty-four year old model wife being pregnant, but he didn’t tell Tilly. Tilly, he knew, took it the hardest. She missed the father figure in her life and it showed sometimes, and knowing he could do nothing about it killed Cory. Seeing his twin, his blood, his best friend, in pain was like a knife to the heart. They were born just minute apart, and had shared an unbreakable bond ever since they had been old enough to register each other’s presence. They would cry together, feed together and sleep at exactly the same time. Forcing them to adapt to life without a father had been a shock to the system for both of them, and they had gone from normal ten-year-olds to de facto adults in the blink of an eye. With Loraine in a constant state of drunkenness their childhood had pretty much ended the day Mike had up and left. Having lived this life for as long as they could remember, they seldom remembered a life any different. They shopped for themselves, bought food and clothes and supplies for the house (out of the weekly money Loraine barely remembered to leave on the breakfast bar) and Cory juggled school with a paper-round and a weekend job at the local garage and two lots of training every week. He was either going to have to surrender football or running, and he loved both in equal measures. He and Tilly trained for the same running club, and neither wanted to give that up. It was the only real time they did what they wanted to do. Cory and Tilly were less like siblings and more like best friends. They knew each other better than anyone else on the planet, their secrets and fears, stories and dreams, and had it not been for them then their house – a small detached two-story in an area of town they really struggled to afford – would be a shit tip. (It was a good job that Mike had paid the mortgage off long before he fucked off to Canada because without that security Tilly didn’t know what they would have done.) Between them they managed all right. More than all right, they managed perfectly fine on their own. To them it was life reversed. Loraine was the child and Cory and Tilly were the breadwinners of the household. Cory cooked and took care of the blue duties, as they had termed them, (Cooking, maintenance, gardening) and Tilly took on the pink roles (cleaning, ironing and washing). Loraine, well Loraine drank. That morning, as Cory was cooking up breakfast in the kitchen (scrambled egg on toast), Tilly walked in in a fluster. She bumbled into the kitchen with her auburn hair pulled into a tight high ponytail, school blouse half buttoned and just her pink and black Jack Wills cotton panties on. “Have you seen my foundation?” she asked at a hundred mile an hour. “Not since yesterday. You haven’t left it in the bathroom again?” “No, I just checked in there.” Her arms went up in exasperation. “Shit!” “Why do you even need it?” Tilly looked at him like he’d just come out with the most stupid sentence she’d ever heard. “Why?” she said, mocking. “Why? Because … just because. Okay? It’s a girl thing and you really wouldn’t understand.” Cory laughed and checked on the eggs. “Whatever. No, I haven’t seen it.” She mumbled something under her breath and turned for the door. “Hey, Tills?” She turned. “Yeah?” “You don’t need that shit anyway,” he said. “You’re beautiful enough as you are.” Cory caught the beginnings of a smile forming on Tilly’s ever reddening face before she turned away from him. “Why do you always say that?” she laughed, masking her embarrassment. He rolled his eyes and started to serve up the eggs. Although she was facing away from him he could tell she was blushing like crazy. “Because you are. Now hurry up,” he said, pouring two glasses of orange from the jug in the fridge. “Breakfast is up.” Ten minutes later with Tilly now dressed and breakfast eaten and plates and cups in the sink, they headed off for the bus at the end of the street. “Today is the day,” she said as they boarded. “I am so unprepared for this exam.” Cory took his seat at the window and Tilly shuffled down next to him. “You’ll smash it.” “Your faith in me is … misguided,” she laughed. “Your faith in yourself is misguided,” he said as he fingered at his phone. “My faith in you is absolute.” She playfully hit him on the arm and he laughed to himself and went back to his phone. At the next stop Ellie, Tilly’s closest girlfriend, boarded with a flock of other students and Tilly met her with a smile and they headed to their usual spot at the back of the bus. “Hey Cory,” Ellie said with a flirtatious smile. “Morning, Ellie.” “I’m leaving you,” Tilly said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’m shocked,” he said in response. “Goodbye, Ellie,” he called after the girls, watching her ass as it flirted with him as she walked away. “He’s so hot,” Ellie would say to Tilly as they sat down. It was the same dance every morning. Tyrell Jacoury, TJ to his friends and, in fact, to anybody that ever asked, was waiting by the gate when Cory stepped off the bus, girls in tow. He was going to make it as a rapper. No questions asked. Everybody knew it. No, he wouldn’t consider anything else. End of story. He slouched and gave Cory a “waddup, bruh.” Cory nodded amiably and they followed the girls inside and TJ, brimming with pride, couldn’t wait to tell Cory that he had spent the night with Aimee while her parents were out. TJ and Cory always commanded the attention of the female contingent when they first passed through the gates (they could pretty much have any girl they wanted. TJ exercised that right like it was going out of fashion; Cory was more reserved.) They were the school’s two leading male athletes. TJ was captain of the football team and the basketball team, but he said that when he was offered scholarships (because, that too, wasn’t in question) he would turn them down in favour of music; while Cory was the cross-country, track, road and distance record holder having smashed nine four-decades old records with ease, and was currently the state’s leading goal scorer in the soccer league. They were natural athletes, but unlike TJ, Cory was odds-on for a scholarship. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted, but he didn’t know what he would be doing should he get one either. He had Tilly to consider and that made the future uncertain. “What’s she like?” Cory asked as TJ finished his story. “Amazing, bruh.” He gestured to her ass, which everybody knew was mighty fine. “Did she let you put it in?” “Nah, but while we were fucking she let me stick a finger up there.” Cory grinned. “Nice!” “And she let me finish too.” Cory slapped his mate on the back. “Where?” TJ licked his lips and the two boys laughed. A group of girls wolf-whistled as TJ and Cory passed, but the boys ignored the girls. They took one look at Ellie and Tilly, their tight bubble butts packed tightly into their pants, and they looked at each other and grinned. Their attention was in one place and one place only, and they were semi-hard just watching the two girls move. Ellie and Tilly were the two prettiest girls in the school by a considerable margin, and Cory had had a secret crush on his sister’s best friend for years now. TJ did too, but of the two, Ellie fancied Cory that little bit more. Ellie was the spitting image of Tilly, and if you didn’t know them then you would easily edge your bets on them being twins over Tilly and Cory. Ellie’s platinum blonde hair was in a loose bun and bobbed with every movement. She was definitely a distraction to the upcoming exam, Cory thought. When they reached the door Tilly turned to Cory. “I’ll be late home tonight, I’m training after school.” “I’ll wait to cook,” he said. “Just eat if you want, I’ll be fine.” Cory smiled. “I’ll wait.” Tilly beamed at him and they went their separate ways. It was a very slow day. *** Thursday Night: Tilly had aced the exam. There was a stir-fry almost ready when Tilly arrived home that night and the smell greeted her churning stomach like nectar to a bee. Training had been intense and her legs felt like jelly. Cory heard the door close and met her in the hallway with a long, tight hug. She was still in her club crop-top and she was sweaty as hell but it didn’t seem to bother him. “Here’s little miss “I’m so unprepared”,” he mocked and she playfully hit him in the ribs. She’d scored 91% to Cory’s 86%. He was sure she just set out to better him. He couldn’t recall a single exam in which he’d achieved a higher grade then she. “I hate hills,” she said, and Cory laughed. “Here,” he said. “Give me your stuff and go get changed. I’ll stick the shower on for you.” She was tired, Cory could tell, but she still flashed him that grateful, loving smile again. It was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. It was infectious, almost. Her smile was like a drug to him. She groaned in appreciation. “I love you,” she told him as she dumped her bags on his arm. She mouthed thank you, loaded with fatigue as she passed him. “I know,” he said, giving her a playful slap on the ass. The evenings were still mild and Tilly just wore her training pants rather than her leggings. They were just a little big longer than cheerleader panties, black and tight and her bubble butt looked incredible. She giggled at the touch and set about tackling, with extreme difficulty, the stairs, which had never looked so unappealing. How she longed for a downstairs bathroom. Her quads screamed at her with each step. Cory sympathised – he knew that feeling well. (John, their running coach, really knew how to push his army to the limits.) As Tilly ascended the stairs, Cory watched her and he felt himself growing a little in his pants and he pulled his eyes away. He knew he shouldn’t be looking, be having these thoughts, but… Cory had left the shower running for Tilly, and she looked at it gratefully as she entered the bathroom. She stripped off out of her running clothes and as the warmth of the water seared over her naked skin she thought about Cory and how brilliantly kind he was to her, even when she was a bitch. All she ever heard from the other girls at school was how ‘fit’ and ‘hot’ Cory was. They all talked about how great he was all the time, and how they wanted him and she often thought how they didn’t even know the half of it. She knew for a fact that she wouldn’t have survived the last few years without him by her side. He wasn’t just a brother to her; he was her partner, her best friend, and her world. He knew everything about her; knew her better than she knew herself. She wanted to say her soul mate, and although that’s how she felt it sounded wrong. He made the loneliness go away when she was with him – he made things better. He was kinder, more loving, towards her than any other boy could ever be. He made her feel … alive with each moment they spent together and the way he looked at her made her melt like butter. It made her fluttery. It was like each time he looked at her was the first time he had seen her in a million years. When they ran together it was like running with their enemy, pushing each other harder and stronger to their limits. At school they pushed each other further. But it was never a rivalry; and when they hung out at home, at the cinema, at the bowling alley, the ice-skating rink, they were like a couple goofing around and taking pictures. They were good for each other. He was good for her. Not like the ex-boyfriends that had come and gone, and they had come and gone because of one single reason. They weren’t Cory – they couldn’t match up to him and they didn’t make her feel the way he made her feel. She didn’t need another boy, she told herself. All she craved was the intimacy a relationship brought. Cory gave her everything else – the love, the feelings and the emotions – the only thing lacking was the intimacy. The girls at school talked about intimacy and about boys and about sex and she knew a few of the girls had been intimate with boys. A few of them talked about wanting to get intimate with Cory and it killed her to know that they had that chance. The water washed away the sweat and grime of training, and Tilly turned up the temperature and let the scalding water flow through her hair. She had a feeling Cory had been with a couple of girls, but if he had then he never bragged about it. She thought about him, and his body; Tilly thought Cory was beautiful. He was dangerously handsome with deep blue eyes and a personality that was infectious to girls. He was 6’2”, with chiselled looks and styled hair and a beautifully taut, defined body – muscular and strong with a toned chest and powerful legs. He was the All-American type, but he was smart and ambitious too. The buck didn’t stop with sports. He wore nice clothes and wrote great stories and he cooked great food and Tilly knew why all those girls talked about Cory like that. The other boys were lame. They were all about sports or parties. But Cory, he was something else entirely. He had another level, he was interesting, and as the water pounded down Tilly felt those feelings she got from time to time when she thought about her brother. She did not know whether it was tiredness or whether it was something else that was making her have these stupid, impossible thoughts but those thoughts where real and she ran her hands down her body, imagining they were his hands. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and then a knock on the door broke her from her mirage and she shook it off like a dog shaking off water. “Dinner’s up,” Cory called and Tilly called back saying she would be out in a minute. She put her hair into a loose bun and pulled on some jogging bottoms and one of Cory’s old Ellesse hoodies and headed downstairs. They were half way through dinner when Tilly asked Cory how many girls he had been with. The question caught Cory off guard and he spluttered through his mouthful of stir-fry and Tilly stifled a laugh. “Where the hell did that come from?” “It’s just a question.” “You’ve never asked before.” “I’m asking now.” Cory felt himself reddening in the cheeks as he stumbled around an answer. He didn’t really want to tell Tilly that he’d manage to get with four girls – it wasn’t his style to go around bragging about it and she’d never asked before. But there were no secrets between them and as he stumbled and stuttered his way through half sentences and odd words her familiar smile greeted him. She took a mouthful of dinner. “It’s okay,” she said after a beat. “You don’t have to tell me their names. I’m just curious is all.” “Ah … four,” he said after a couple of beats. “You know, I’m not the one who blushes. This isn’t right.” Tilly laughed. “Suck it up, big boy,” she mocked. Loraine was asleep on the sofa with Survivor playing on the TV, and there was an empty by the foot of the couch. Cory had muted the TV before Tilly had come down and a playlist from his laptop played quietly as they ate at the breakfast bar, facing each other. “Do you love any of them?” Tilly then asked. “I don’t,” he said. “They were heat of the moment flings. Nothing more. Why,” he then asked, “are you jealous?” He grinned and Tilly feigned repulsion. “You wish,” she laughed. Cory changed the subject. “And you,” he said. “How many boys have you been with?” “Would you think any less of me if I said a number?” Cory shook his head immediately. “No. I could never think any less of you.” She smiled at his words and then shook her head. “None,” she said. “Boys come onto you all the time,” Cory said. The meal was now forgotten in favour of their conversation. They never really got in depth about girls and boys; this was new for them. “Yeah, but they’re not…” she trailed off. “…nevermind...” “Not what?” “It doesn’t matter,” she said. She looked a little guilty. You , she said in her head. Cory nodded. He understood that look and he knew not to ask. It was another thing she loved about him. “What about all those boyfriends? Not even any of those?” “All those boyfriends? You make me sound like a huge slut,” she laughed. Tilly went through boys the way most people went through hot dinners. She practically had a new one every week, but they never lasted long. For all her beauty and her charm she was an old-school romantic and she was broken. She’d been cheated on more times than Cory could count because she wouldn’t crawl into bed after the first week. Boys got bored, and he had punched more of the little bastards than he cared to admit. She knew the real reason they didn’t last, deep down; she just didn’t want to admit it to herself. The voice in her head spoke again: because I love Cory more than anything else in this world. He is the reason I get up in a morning. She felt herself blush. “You know what I mean,” Cory laughed. “No,” she said after a beat. “Like I said, they’re not … they’re just not,” and Cory nodded. “People talk about their virginity as if it’s this terrible thing that needs to be thrown away like trash but I don’t believe that. I don’t think it should just be thrown away but I don’t think that it should be put on a pedestal either. I think that if you’re in love with that person and they are in love with you in that moment then it’s right because it’s the realest, most private thing you could ever do with another person. But losing your virginity doesn’t make you any less virtuous or any less pure,” she said and Cory listened intently. She was breathless, wise beyond her years. She was much wiser than a girl her age had the right to be. “I want my first time to be special. I want it to be with someone that loves me and that I love back and even if it doesn’t last forever, I’ll know that the most intimate, most private moment in my life was special and that’s okay with me.” Cory smiled at the poetry of her words and then he thought and then Tilly asked: “Was your first time special?” Cory shook his head. “No,” he said. “It was clumsy and awkward and I wish I’d have waited too.” She smiled at him, understandingly and then she asked; “Why don’t you have a girlfriend, anyway? It’s not like you don’t have the option.” Cory met her gaze and shrugged. A lump was in his throat and he swallowed hard. “Because they’re just not, either,” he said. “Oh.” And a silence took a hold of the table. The playlist had ended now. A clock on the wall ticked. Brains whirred, say something, anything, their heads said in unison. Cory loaded up another playlist. Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd started to play on the laptop. “And anyway,” Tilly said after a beat. “There’s a difference between a boy wanting to sleep with you and loving you. Right? None of my ex’s ever loved me. They just wanted to get into my pants and then move on.” Cory nodded. “Very true.” Boys at school talked. Tilly was the ultimate prize everybody wanted, and she was aware of that. The most attractive girl in the school. She was an object to the masses of immature boys though, and nothing more – something to possess and then discard once they had used her. They didn’t want her. They wanted her body, her virginity. They wanted to be the one that said, I was her first time. That’s why she didn’t date anymore. “I guess with me it’s the former.” She laughed. “I guess nobody actually loves me.” “That’s not true,” Cory said and Tilly beamed. “I love you.” She let it linger for a couple of beats and then asked why. “And none of that ‘because you’re my sister’ bullshit this time,” and Cory laughed and then he looked at his sister, properly – not as a sibling – but as an example of the opposite sex and he was hooked. Tilly was more beautiful than any girl Cory could ever dream of seeing. Tilly was white, 5’1” and she weighed 118lbs wet through – delicate and petite, soft and virginal, innocent and unspoiled. She was young, pretty and sexless. She had soft auburn hair and beautiful green eyes and the body of a cheerleader, tight and taut with long, slender legs leading up to a thigh gap, which served as a peristyle of the Gods. No brainless beauty though, she was wise beyond her years. She read books, Nobakov and Hardy, Bronte and Austin, Dickens and Steinbeck and she was beautifully, tragically romantic. She wrote beautiful, lyrical poetry, and masterfully crafted stories inspired by those that had inspired her. She was athletic too, captain of their club’s junior cross-country team and captain of the school netball team. And as he looked at her, the satiny perfection of her skin, he was addicted like she was a drug that he couldn’t get anywhere else. “Because, Matilda Greenstreet,” he said and she giggled at such formality, “you have the most perfect smile and the most addictive and infectious personality and you’re so kind and so smart and so funny and those things make you a truly beautiful person. And you’re not just my best friend but you’re my world and I wouldn’t be me without you. That’s why I love you, because I appreciate who you are and what you do for me.” She was pink like a virgins blush now, and Cory stood up he smiled to himself and as he cleared away the plates he kissed her on the forehead and then shrugged as he deposited the cutlery and plates in the sink. He then added: “Other than that you’re an absolute bitch,” to which Tilly burst out laughing. *** It was a warm night and Cory was led on his bed in just his Calvin Klein’s. He was thinking a lot about Tilly and then about TJ with Aimee and then he thought about Ellie. He wasn’t sure whether he had a crush on Ellie because of who she was, or because she bore an uncanny resemblance to his twin sister. After all, he didn’t really know her. But if it was the latter then he asked himself why he didn’t feel guilty or ashamed. And, the more he thought about Tilly or Ellie or whichever one of them it was that stalked his mind, he felt the growth in his Calvin’s growing and growing. Tilly is more of a friend than a sister, his head was telling him, as if justifying the feelings he knew deep down were not for Ellie but for Tilly. She stopped being your sister when Mike left, it continued. They were casual around each other. He held her and kissed her head and her cheeks the way boys kissed their girlfriends, not their sisters. He looked at her the way you look at a lover. And then those feelings came back, the ones he tried not to think about, and they took over him. Cory pulled out his iPhone and loaded up Safari . With a couple of finger movements he had loaded up his phone’s incognito mode and was surfing one of the sex story websites he frequented. In an effort to distract his wandering mind he pulled up a rather lengthy story about a girl and her teacher and it wasn’t long before the growth had expanded into a raging, burning erection. With a spare hand he reached down and slipped the Calvin’s down his legs, freeing the raging beast from its cage and he groaned as his fingers wrapped around his shaft. He could feel the pressure all the way down to his nuts, three days worth of pressure, and he closed his eyes and groaned to himself as his fingers rolled over the head and he pumped up and down. He was close to blowing when a knock at the door froze him solid. “Hey, Cory. Can we talk?” “Erm...” he stuttered and stammered as he fumbled to get his Calvin’s back up. He turned onto his side so his erection was partially hidden and he closed Safari and he said for Tilly to come in. Her beaming face appeared at the door. “What’s up?” he asked. He was flustered in the face and the bulge in his underwear was self-explanatory. If she knew then she never said anything but she had a wicked smile on her face and for a girl who noticed everything the odds were not in his favour. “You know what you said earlier?” She edged further into his bedroom and perched on the end of his bed. She was in a little crop top and some sort bed-shorts and her hair was in a side ponytail, plaited over one shoulder. He gulped as she neared and he nearly blew his load right there and then. If she didn’t know before she would now, the damn thing was fighting against his fabric. At this moment he was the very definition of blue balls. “Which bit,” he stammered. “You know which bit.” He smiled, relaxing. “What about it?” “Did you mean it?” He leaned forward, careful to hide his bulge with an arm, and he kissed his sister on the head. “Of course I meant it. Every word.” And then he stood up before it became awkward. She looked down at the floor and was smiling like crazy. Her cheeks flushed. Cory turned away from Tilly and he kicked off his Calvin’s and pulled on a pair of loose fitting joggers that concealed his erection. “You’re an absolute bitch,” he laughed and she guffawed again before hurling a pillow at his head. He laughed back. “Yes I meant it,” he clarified. “I wouldn’t have said it otherwise.” She nodded and stood up and reached the door. “One more thing,” she said. “There’s a party this weekend – someone from school has a free house and Ellie’s invited me.” “Yeah, TJ told me. He’s asked me to go too.” “Are we going?” Cory grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.” Back in her room, Tilly beamed to herself. She wasn’t one for self-gratification but hearing what he had said earlier had made her stomach flutter and she wanted that feeling again just one more time. She collapsed onto her bed and rolled over to look at her bedside. Amongst the scattering of nail polishes and make-up tubs and earrings was a framed photo of her and Cory taken at the finish line of the Three Hills 10K earlier that year. They had both run PB’s that day. They were in their club vests, medals hanging from their necks, and he was standing with her, his arm around her waist. Tilly was beaming at the camera, hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, and Cory was looking at her with such pride and such love. (He was looking at her the way girls longed for guys to look at them.) It was the most complete picture she had – her absolute favourite, and she was sure he had the same picture on his wall somewhere. She found herself smiling as she looked at the photograph. Then she rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. She thought more about Cory, about what he had said. She thought about how flustered he looked when she walked into his room, and about how he tried and failed to hide the bulge in his boxers. She thought about his body and his bare, naked behind as he pulled on his joggers and she felt that fluttery feeling in her stomach again. She didn’t know whether it was the heat of the moment, a sudden release of testosterone because she was almost due ovulation, or whether it was something else fuelling the sudden rise in libido. Maybe it was because she was almost due her period, she mused. Tilly had gone through menarche just before her thirteenth birthday and she had noticed a rise in these ‘feelings’ since then. This one felt different, though, and she found her hands slowly starting to move over her delicate, nubile frame while in the other room, Cory blew such a powerful load that it felt less like an orgasm than like a purge, like he had just been turned inside and out and both drifted off into satisfied, deep sleeps. *** Saturday Night: Everybody was going to be at the party, and Cory and Tilly Greenstreet were no exception. Carter Baines’ parents were away for the weekend and had left strict instructions for him to behave. That, of course, meant a party. TJ had said that Aimee was going to be there, and that her cousin was over from the next state and that she was dying to meet Cory. “I told her all about you,” he said when he told Cory that he had been round for dinner with the family. That was the third night in a row he had seen Aimee now and Cory had asked him if they were a thing, to which TJ had shushed him. “Not so loud, bruh.” He said in mock confidentiality. “This playa be keeping his cards on the table.” Naturally, when the time came to take them Loraine was took drunk to drive so they had to rely on a lift, which TJ offered as a last minute solution. “I’m sorry about this, mate,” Cory said down the phone. “She said she’d take us.” “Nah bruh, it’s no shit,” TJ had said. “I’ll holler at you in twenty.” Nights like this were rare. They were a way for Cory and Tilly to let off steam and they relished the chance to get out of the house for anything other than school or training. Sure, they hung out with friends and for the most part had normal teenage lives, but it was difficult trying to live a normal teenage life and juggle running a house with training and school. And so nights like this meant a lot to the both of them, and Cory was dressed to impress. He donned his Royal Blue long-sleeve Polo Ralph Lauren and his Levi’s, and was sorting his hair in the downstairs mirror when Tilly came down. “Don’t you scrub up well,” she mocked. “You look good, bro.” Cory laughed, and then took in Tilly’s appearance. “Tilly,” he said, putting emphasis on her name. “You look … just … stunning.” “Really?” “It must be so hard for Mom when her kids are this good-looking. Right, Mom?” Tilly laughed. Loraine mumbled something that sounded like that’s right, honey from the couch. Survivor was on and she had a can in her hand. He had her priorities sorted. She would order a pizza when they left, and then have a couple more cans. She would still be there on the sofa when they came back. Tilly was wearing a tight, short pinky-red dress, which clung to her body, perfectly accentuating the natural curvature of her slender frame. Her small breasts (which were still not fully developed and which were yet just buds) were round and pushed out perfectly. It was zipped from the rear, which Cory was now doing up, from just above the small of the back to just below the shoulder blades where straps came up over the shoulders. The sides of the dress were cut out from just below the breasts to just above the hips, and this followed around the small of her back. It was scoop-necked with the top connecting the skirt by a slim piece of fabric that covered the navel. The bottom of the dress was pleated and short and it showed almost all of her endless, slender legs. It was not exactly see-through, but if he looked hard enough then Cory could see the outline of her panties underneath. She was in matching red heels and her auburn hair was pulled into a tight high ponytail, which draped down her back. She already had 98 likes on Facebook, and people were commenting in their droves with things like "OMG Tilly" and fire emojis. Cory stood back and admired Tilly and he couldn’t possibly deny it any longer. His sister looked incredible. “Let’s do this!” she said as she straightened the hem of her dress. Cory’s phone bleeped and he told Tilly to see who it was. She took one look at the screen and glared at him in disbelief. “How many girls do you text?” she laughed. “There are sixteen notifications here.” Cory laughed and shrugged and Tilly said that TJ had just text to say he was five minutes out. Which meant he was probably just turning onto their street now. “One more thing,” Cory said wickedly. “I’ve got something for you.” She registered the mischief on his face and asked him what it was. He told her to wait a moment and he disappeared upstairs. When he returned she was standing with her hands on her hips, looking at him inquisitively. “What is it?” she asked again. Cory was nervous. In his shaking hand was a small green rectangular box, which he felt reluctant to let go of. “Cory!” Tilly laughed, pleadingly. “What is it?” He slowly handed her the box, but kept a hold of the end so she couldn’t open it. “Do you remember that necklace you saw at the jewellers at the mall a few months ago?” he asked. “The one that Mom said was too expensive.” She thought and then she realised and then her mouth opened and she looked at him in shock. “No,” she said in nothing more than a whisper. She glanced down at the felt of the box, and the gold detailing that adorned the centre. “You didn’t.” He released the end and smiled, leaving the box in Tilly’s grasp. “I did,” he said, equally as soft as she rolled her fingers over the felt lining. “I was going to wait until Christmas, but you look so beautiful tonight and you deserve something of equal beauty to go with that dress.” She looked at him, still shocked, and then she opened the box. What was inside took her breath away. She looked down at the flower shaped diamond pendant that stared back up at her from the cream folds of the box, and she placed her free hand over her mouth. Cory saw the beginnings of tears forming in the corners of her eyes. “How did you afford this?” she asked, voice soft as a kiss. Cory smiled. “I saved,” he told her. “Birthday money and money from Nan and my wage from work and all the bits we don’t spend throughout the months. I wanted to get you something special, to show you how special you are to me.” She beamed brighter than ever now. “Cory, it’s beautiful.” He took it from the box and motioned for her to turn around. “Here,” he said, moving her ponytail out of the way, “allow me.” He unclasped the pendant and draped it around her neck and she took his hand, which lingered below her chin, and she held it there for a moment. “Nobody’s ever bought me anything before,” she said, quietly. “They have now.” Cory clasped the necklace together and she turned to face him. “No crying,” he said as he wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. “That make up literally took you three years to do.” He kissed her on the head and stood back and admired. “There,” he said. “Perfect. You’ll be the Belle of the ball.” She took his hand and kissed it and then looked at him, deep in the eyes. “Thank you,” she said as she looked at herself in the mirror. Cory stood behind her and smiled. “It’s beautiful.” “You’re beautiful,” he said and she turned to face him and they stood there, tête-à-tête, for what felt like an age. Cory’s lips felt dry, and in that moment as he looked into the green of her eyes he felt sucked in. Like there was no escape from their endless beauty and she looked into his, into the blueness that captivated her, and then she looked down at his lips and she felt her own, so dry and aching with longing, and then she took his hand and they moved towards each other. Their breath was silent. Their hearts thumped. This is crazy. He made the first move, inching closer… And then someone knocked at the door and the moment faded and they jumped and then they laughed. “Waddup,” came TJ’s voice from behind the wood. “Let’s roll.” “After you,” Cory said. He had never felt as warm. *** Tilly held the necklace in her grasp until they entered through the door of Carter Baines’ house twenty minutes later. Tilly found Ellie and they headed off into another room. Cory made the rounds, meeting all the people he knew and introducing himself to all the girls he didn’t. Drinks flowed, music blared. TJ and Cory headed into the kitchen, where Aimee was stood talking with a cute black-haired bombshell by the patio doors that TJ introduced as Paige, Aimee’s cousin. She had a tight ass and big breasts and was wearing a short (a very short in fact) skirt that barely came below her ass (not that Cory was complaining.) “He’s so cute,” Paige said to Aimee when he and TJ walked through the door. “Paige,” Aimee said as Cory approached. “This is Cory.” And then they were acquainted. Ellie and Tilly were talking about boys when the one that had been looking at them all night started to walk over. Tilly giggled like an embarrassed schoolgirl while Ellie tried to stifle her gaze. “Shit,” Ellie said into her drink, “he’s coming over.” “Act cool,” Tilly replied and they laughed again. “Ellie Carrier,” one of the boys said with a smile. He took a seat opposite the girls and they blushed and tried to hide it. He laughed. “I’m Dillon,” he said, more to Tilly than Ellie. “Tilly.” “Nice to meet you, Tilly. You look stunning, by the way.” She blushed again. “Thank you.” “So how are you, Ellie?” “Thirsty,” she said and Dillon smiled. “Can I get you a drink too, Tilly?” he asked, to which Tilly nodded. As he headed off into the kitchen Ellie leaned in and told Tilly how she had met Dillon at a few parties and he had always tried to get into her pants. “So what’s stopped you?” Tilly asked. “He’s a complete dick,” Ellie replied and they burst out laughing again. The party was going well. People drank and music played and pictures were taken and Cory and Paige flirted openly in the kitchen. Tilly and Ellie were in the corner of the other room chatting with a group of boys, and Cory felt a twinge of jealousy of all the male attention that his sister was getting. Cory slipped upstairs to use the bathroom mid-way though, and upon stumbling into the wrong room, found TJ balls deep in Aimee with his balls slapped powerfully against her ass. He thrust deep into her sex, to which she squealed out and dug her nails into his back. TJ noticed Cory and winked and Cory left the big boy to his fucking. “I see TJ and Aimee are getting along just fine,” Cory joked when he returned to Paige. “Mmm,” she said through a mouthful of vodka. “That’s what too much vodka does to a girl. Another drink and we could end up following in their footsteps. Who knows what could happen,” she said with a wink and then she leaned in. “I’m here for one more night,” she said. “Don’t let me go home without a proper goodbye.” Paige reached down and slipped a hand over Cory’s cock, though his jeans. He glanced over at Tilly. One of the boys was really into her, and she was laughing at his jokes and responding to his touches. The boy took her glass and headed off into the kitchen and Cory watched her follow him with her eyes. He looked back to Paige. “I don’t know what you mean,” he said, forcing a smile. “I need a cigarette,” she said, fingering a packet from her clutch bag. “Come out with me?” Cory said sure and they headed out into the garden where she lit up. She offered Cory a smoke but he turned it down. “Scared?” she asked. “Not really, I just don’t smoke.” She shrugged and put the cigarette packet away and they continued to talk until well after the cigarette was finished. Cory thought about Tilly and the boy. He told himself he was just being stupid. Tilly was his sister, not his girlfriend. He should be happy that there were boys sniffing up her skirt. Repulsed, obviously, but happy that she was getting attention and happy that boys were into her. And yet, somehow, he wasn’t. Somehow he felt a burning jealousy. He tuned back into what Paige was saying and he tried to put it from his mind. TJ and Aimee found them outside, fresh from their fucking, and they brought with them fresh drinks. TJ and Cory remained outside when the girls said they were going back inside. “You dog,” Cory laughed when they were out of hearing. TJ raised his hands. “That is some fine pussy, bruh. That’s all I’m saying.” Back inside the foursome talked until the glasses were empty. “Your round,” Cory winked to TJ. Aimee said she was going to the bathroom anyway, and TJ said he would rather stick needles in his eyes than be a third wheel and so he headed off into the kitchen. Also in the kitchen refilling the drinks were the boys sat with Tilly and Ellie. The lead boy was named Dillon Harris, a first grade cunt, and lead fucknugget from one of the States other schools. TJ and Cory had played against him a few times when the two schools had met for football. He was bad news. “She’s into me,” he was saying. He lowered his voice when he noticed TJ getting drinks and they moved into the corner. “How can you tell?” one of his boys asked. “I can tell. Trust me, I bet you twenty bucks I’ll have fucked her before the nights out.” The boys laughed. “That confident, huh?” “Look, Bethany told me about her. She knows her from the Cheerleading comps. She’s frigid as fuck, doesn’t date or anything, but if I get a few drinks down her then she’ll be up for anything. She’s a good girl, doesn’t really come to parties, so she’ll be easy after one or two more, and if that fails,” he said, pulling a small packet from his pocket. There were a couple of small white pills inside and his cronies laughed. “One of these and she’ll be all mine. I know her type – thinking they’re better than all of us.” They laughed an evil, sinister laugh. “One thing is for sure though,” Dillon said. “I’m popping that cherry tonight, boys,” and they laughed and headed back to the girls with the drinks. The drinks went down well. Ellie was occupied with one of Dillon’s cronies, a cute looking guy named Harry who was obviously into her. They had already exchanged numbers, and Tilly was jealous she’d ended up with Dillon. He was up his own ass, she had worked out fairly quickly. He thought he was the next best thing, arrogant and aggressive and nowhere near as attractive as he thought he was. He tried to run a hand up Tilly’s leg, which she slapped away. Playfully, apparently, because Dillon leaned in towards Tilly’s lips, and she moved back and smiled nervously. She glanced across towards Cory. “Shall we go somewhere quieter?” Dillon asked her. Cory and Paige drank and flirted and the drink was going down too easily. She laughed at something he said and finished her drink with a long mouthful. Something shimmered in her eyes. Cory glanced across to see TJ and Aimee making out in the kitchen. When his eyes returned to Paige what followed was a blur. She set her empty glass down with one hand and with her spare one she grabbed Cory by the neck and pulled him into her until their lips were locked. Cory, at first taken by surprise, then reacted and kissed back, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Paige’s sudden antics had attracted the room, which was now watching and whispering and cheering. Her tongue slipped in and battled with his in his mouth and as their lips exchanged pleasantries her body moved closer his, her breasts against his chest, the pleats of her skirt against his erection, and he felt something in his body take over, the male animal unleashed. He took her by the waist and pulled closer. He tasted the dryness on her lips, the anticipation in them, which had been building up all night and his hand moved to the small of her back and then to her ass, which was tight and firm and appealing. He squeezed and she squealed into his mouth. Paige studied Cory’s eyes as they broke away from their embrace, and Cory studied the room. His eyes found Tilly almost immediately and then he glanced at Paige and her lips and he knew that the lips he had been kissing were not the lips he wanted to be kissing. Her lips were moist and he thought back to Tilly and the necklace and how his lips longed for hers, the aching and the dryness. He registered the sadness on his twins face, and she dropped her gaze and downed what was left of her drink. It was insane, he kept telling himself. She was his sister, his twin sister, and yet the feelings he knew to have been supressing for so long were eating away at him like a disease. He was jealous of seeing his sister with another boy. TJ hollered from the corner, and Cory heard him say: “Yeah, that’s my boy!” Paige caressed Cory’s cheek and moved in for another smooch, but Cory brushed her off. He looked up to see Dillon leading Tilly away and he felt sick. The sickness turned to anger and the anger to bitter, unrelenting jealousy. By the time Cory had finished explaining that it was a mistake and that he shouldn’t have done that because he liked another girl, Tilly and Dillon were gone and Cory set across the room with something cold and ruthless in his eyes. It was not just the look of pain, but something more – it was the look of a jealous man. TJ came back from the kitchen to see Cory taking off, and just by the way he was forcing his way through people like a madman he knew something was up. Tilly and Dillon were upstairs in the back bedroom. Her drink was on the nightstand and she was fingering the necklace again. She was no longer thirsty. The room was empty and he moved closer towards her. Tilly thought about Cory and Paige, and the way she held him and kissed him and the way he was holding her so effortlessly, showing her off so casually. She fought to hide the tears that threatened to flow. This was stupid, she was telling herself. He was her brother not her boyfriend, she shouldn’t feel like this. But the truth was that she did feel like this. Tilly wasn’t stupid. She knew what jealousy felt like and as she looked at Dillon, the mess of hair slicked back so clumsily and the rough, aggressive way he looked at her and tried to touch her, she felt even worse. He kissed her hard, trying to force his tongue into her mouth, and she kissed back but managed to keep his tongue at bay. She could taste the drink on his lips. She had come in here, with him, because in the heat of the moment she thought that she wanted him. But you don’t, do you? Her internal compass said. You just couldn’t stand seeing Cory with that girl any longer. She felt drained. She opened her mouth to tell Dillon that she had made a mistake when she felt the rough, forceful wetness of his lips inches from her own again. She reeled back, and he grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards him. “What’s the matter?” he was saying. “Just relax.” He took his hands and started to slide them up Tilly’s legs, towards the golden prize under her skirt and she tried, and failed, to pull herself away. “Let go of me,” she said. “I want to go.” He ignored her and when she pulled away he slapped her, hard, across the face. He reached down to his belt and started fumbling with it. “Just shut up and enjoy it,” he said, forcing his hand further up Tilly’s leg. Cory pushed his way past a crowd of testosterone-filled boys and girls laid passed out on the stairs and up into the back room where Dillon was putting his hands all over Tilly. He froze at the door, seeing his sister locked at the lips with this boy. Emptiness took over him and he turned away, hands starting to shake. Cory then heard Tilly say, “let go,” and he turned back, just in time to see Dillon slap Tilly, hard, across the face. He pulled Dillon off and punched him so hard in the face that they both fell to the floor. Tilly cried out Cory’s name as Dillon hit Cory just above the eye with a hard elbow. Cory rolled back, shaking it off. Dillon, disorientated, said “what the fuck—“ and he hit Cory again as they scrambled to their feet. “What the fuck’s your problem,” he said, bleeding from the lip. “Touch my sister again,” Cory said, “and I’ll fucking kill you.” “She was asking for it,” Dillon mocked. “It’s not my fault she’s a frigid cunt.” Cory heard Tilly supress a sob, and he hit Dillon again in the mouth. He probably wouldn’t have stopped hitting him had it not been for TJ, who wrestled Cory from Dillon and held him back. “Leave it, brah,” he was saying in Cory’s ear. “He’s not worth it.” A small crowd had formed at the door, and the obvious chants of “fight, fight fight,” and “frigid bitch,” were short lived when TJ told them all to back off. TJ was black, tall, with a fuzzy black Afro and he was built like a brick shithouse. If he said it was Thursday then it was Thursday. “You just can’t stand seeing your sister get some action, can you?” Cory tried to wrestle his way from TJ’s hold, but his arms were too powerful. “You fuck,” he spat and Dillon laughed and mopped up more blood. “Get the fuck out of here, you pussy,” he said. “And take that bitch sister with you. The rumours are right; she’s too uptight and frigid to get with a boy anyway. There’d be more action in a fucking corpse than with that virgin bitch. No wonder she can’t get a proper boyfriend. She’ll be the worst fuck in the whole state anyway. She can keep her fucking cherry.” TJ was escorting Cory away from the bedroom as Dillon continued his rant. “Fuck you both,” he heard Dillon call after them. Cory told TJ that he was fine, and TJ let go as Cory scanned the house for his sister. “Where’s Tilly?” he asked one of the girls and she told him she’d left. “Keep her,” Dillon mocked as he followed them downstairs. “Bet you only want her for yourself,” he laughed, and some of the girls stifled laughs too. Cory looked at TJ and TJ just stood back and shrugged. “I’m done playing peacekeeper, brah,” he said with a wink. “Go on,” Dillon continued. “Run home to your bitch sister and drunk as fuck mommy.” Cory took one look at the room, and then he sparked Dillon out with another hard punch before heading out after Tilly. She was standing at the corner of the street, shaking when he found her. “Is that all I am to people?” she said, her voice breaking. “Someone naïve and easy to fuck? I thought he was into me, Cory. I saw you with Paige and Dillon had been talking to me all night and I was going to go with him. I thought he might actually like me and I was going to go with him. What’s wrong with me? Am I not slutty enough or not attractive enough or not fun enough? Is that why they just want to get into my pants, is that it?” The knife that was his sister in pain struck him straight in the chest. The words almost failed to leave his mouth, like they were stuck in his throat. And when they did finally come out they were almost devoid of sound, as if someone had snatched it from his lips. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” he managed to say. “There is!” she almost yelled. “There has to be!” She looked at him. “Do you know why I was going to go with him?” she asked and Cory shook his head. “Because I was jealous. You’re right. I was jealous of seeing you with Paige; they way she could kiss you like that and the way you could kiss her and hold her and show her off and they way that I can’t do those things.” She ran her hands through her hair. “God, I’m so fucked up.” The silence lingered; cold and empty. She threw her arms around in exasperation as she fought back the tears that threatened to spill down her soft, delicate face like a dam about to break its walls. “That’s why storms are named after people, right? Because they come into your life and they fuck everything up and then they just leave! They come into your perfect day and they shit all over it, they bring their dark clouds and their winds and they tear it all apart and then they’re gone and you’re left with the pieces in your hand like your life is a window and they’re a brick. Everyone in there thinks I’m this frigid little bitch now.” Cory looked at her for a beat before something in him snapped. Which one was the storm? he asked himself. Paige or Dillon? He took her trembling arms and wiped the tears that started to flow down her cheeks and he held her there, in that look, for a moment. “Maybe, but every storm always runs out of rain. Look, Dillon’s a fuckboy. He’s always been a fuckboy and he always will be a fuckboy, but you’ll always be beautiful – beautifully Tilly. Beautifully broken, perfectly imperfect and tragically human and if you want to talk about storms then you’re a beautiful disaster. We’re all storms. But you’re beautiful the way a forest fire is beautiful. Look, we’re all flawed – every one of us. Nobody is perfect; we’re intrinsically flawed.” She looked at him, differently than before. Maybe it was the way he was holding her or maybe it was because he looked at her like nobody else ever had. Like he wasn’t saying these things to get into her pants, but because he loved her in a way she had never before understood. “But maybe storms aren’t named after people because of the destruction they cause; maybe they’re named after people because, like hurricanes, some people are all wind and rain and lightening – but if you get too close they’ll sweep you away.” She looked at him, and he looked back at her and a clusterfuck of emotions and feelings exploded inside her, surging through her body, taking over her and sweeping her away like tumbleweed in the wind. She was crying freely now, streaming down her face. “Every single female eye in that stupid party was on you tonight. You could have had any girl in there. You can have any girl you want. Why don’t you?” she asked. The sound from the party thumped in the night. “Girls talk about you all the time; how they want to date you and be with you and I know you know that. I see you flirting with them, with Paige. She was so into you and instead of making a move you’re out her with me. You could be happy with her, Cory. You could have spent the night with someone and yet you threw her away. And you’re not scared, are you, because you’ve been with girls before?” “No, I’m not scared.” “Then what? Don’t you want to be happy?” The moment lingered. “Say I can’t have any girl I want, Tilly. What then? Do you know how cold it is just fucking girls and leaving them? Some guys can do that, but not me. Believe me, I’ve tried. But I’m not built like that. When I’m intimate with a girl it’s because I want to be with them, not because I want to get into their pants. If I wanted that then maybe I would make moves on these girls. Because maybe I am in love with a girl and maybe I don’t want to fuck around with any others because I only want her. But what happens when that girl, the only girl I am actually properly, truly in love with is the only girl in the world I can’t be with? What happens then, Tills?” “What?” she said softly. “What happens when the only girl in the world I want to be with, is the only girl in the world I can’t be with. Ellie, Paige, whoever. They’re not the girl I want. And you say you were jealous, well seeing you walking away with Dillon, well that made me jealous. The thought of another boy touching you… so don’t tell me you’re fucked up because I know exactly how you fucking feel, Tills.” And then, in that moment, she understood. Later, they realised, they did not really know how it happened but suddenly Tilly was kissing him and Cory was kissing back and those feelings that they had been feeling suddenly made so much sense. It was soft and delicate and beautiful and passionate and then it was over and they gasped for air like it was their final breath, like it was running out and then they were silent, breathing heavy and looking at each other through the night. Tilly turned, reeling back, moving away in shock but Cory grabbed her and pulled his twin back towards him, into his arms, determined to see this (whatever this was) through to the end. He kissed her like her lips were air and he couldn’t breathe; like it was the most complete feeling he had ever felt. And Tilly kissed back in every bit an equal, like their feelings were at equilibrium and like this feeling, which was so wrong, was the most natural thing in the world and these two broken siblings kissed and cried under the moonlight until their lungs were emptied and they clawed for air. *** Monday Morning: Tilly’s alarm woke her. Her throat felt dry, and she found that her mouth was open trying to suck in whatever air she could. She had woken up wanting, but she wasn’t really sure what exactly. There was a craving deep within her that she couldn’t explain. She sat up, looking out across her room. Those things she had awoken to – thirst and wanting – had already taken a hold of her during the night, if not before, and so waking up had changed little. She just lolled around the bed, regaining her bearings. She was lost in that moment when you’re awake but not aware, unsure whether or not she was still dreaming. She was led on the covers in just her bed-tee and her panties and she looked at the morning light streaming through her curtains with such curiosity, like something so simple could be so fascinating and when everything makes so much sense. She then glanced across at the picture of her and Cory and she thought about him. They hadn’t really spoken since the party. She didn’t know what she felt. That kiss, their moment of madness, had been the realest, most complete feeling she had ever felt and so she was unsure why she felt so empty. These newfound feelings, which she could not understand, felt alien to her. It was when she was leaving the bathroom that they ended up face-to-face. She froze in the doorway and just by looking at him she knew he was feeling the same pain she was. He was topless, standing in just his jogging bottoms and he looked at her with the same shock. Like neither of them knew what to say. “Cory,” she said, breathless. Tears formed in her eyes again, and she didn’t know why. “I .. I … I didn’t mean …” He shook his head. “Don’t apologise,” he whispered. “Never apologise.” “I kissed you,” she said, trying to gauge his response. “And I kissed you.” “I’m a storm,” she mouthed, barely speaking. “You said it yourself.” “I like storms,” he says. “Whatever this is, no matter how complicated it gets, I want it. I want you,” he said as he moved towards her. “It’s always been you.” “I love you, Cory,” she said, and she said that she was saying it not as a sister but as a human. It wasn’t the casual I love you that friends or family say. This was the real thing; and he knew it took everything in her to say it to him, “but not just that. I’m in love with you and I know that you’re in love with me too but you say that you like storms … what if you can only handle a little rain and I’m a downpour?” He grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him. He felt himself getting lost in the green of her eyes. “Then I’ll drown,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she sobbed. He was almost silent now. Their faces were inches apart. “You could never hurt me, Tilly,” he said and then she kissed him. She put everything she had into that kiss, she could feel her emotions draining from her body as their lips touched and sparked and tingled and danced. And then Cory took control. He pushed her against the wall, used his hands – which were so strong and powerful – to touch her body so gentle and delicately. He pushed up her top and she felt his hands as they moved across her virgin skin, the tingle in her body as he caressed her navel and then moved to her sides. The coolness of the air as it moved across her warm skin. She relaxed herself to his touch, enjoying the feelings that washed over her as Cory – her brother, her twin, her everything – became the first boy to ever touch her like this. He moved down to her thighs, and then to the thin fabric of her panties, which provided the only barrier between his skin and hers. Their mouths danced, fighting away with each other as if this kiss was their last, and as his hands came to her bubble butt, using it to push her body up against the wall, she moaned into his mouth. He felt her hands clawing at his skin, digging into his back like a wild animal. Her touch was electric, searing his body with her tenderness and the member in his pants ached and throbbed and longed. Her hands moved to his chest and she traced his taut definition with her nails. He felt her scrape down his skin and he kissed her harder than ever. Their tongues met and fought and then settled. He felt her hands come to his joggers and he kissed her harder still, pushing his body further into hers, her breasts against his chest, her legs wrapped tighter around his waist. Tilly found her hands clawing at his waistband, forcing the material down his legs. She scratched at his lower back, his now partially naked ass. She could feel the warmth from the bulge in Cory’s joggers, hovering so close to her body and the longing and the wanting she had earlier felt ached within her. She felt his hands move up to the waistband of her panties, and he started to tug, moving them down over her bottom. His joggers were around his hips now; she could feel the top of his pubic hair sprouting over the fabric. Her panties stretched as he moved them from her bottom and along her thighs. She felt the coolness of the morning air brushing over her cheeks, and then his hands came onto her naked bottom, squeezing and feeling. His hands came and found hers, moving them up and over her head. She was against the wall, his hips holding her against it so powerfully. His hands locked into hers above her head as he moved from her lips to her neck, kissing her and nibbling her. She was cooing and moaning quietly, the sounds barely leaving her lips. Her eyes were pressed shut as she felt these newfound feelings of lust and passion overcome her. She broke free from his hands, moving hers to the back of his head, moving through his hair, until his lips were back on hers and she was pushing his head into her, kissing him hard. So hard. Shit , they thought concurrently. This is happening. “You’re going to be late,” Loraine said from the bottom of the stairs. They were silent. The kiss broke and they gasped for air, breathless and panting. Their hearts pounded in their chest as they stood there, Tilly against the wall, her legs wrapped around her twin brother, their bodies touching, her panties almost off, his joggers around his hips. The hallway lingered with the light smell of their passion. “You’re up, aren’t you?” she called again. “Yeah,” Cory called back, trying to steady his voice. “We’ll be down in a minute.” He looked at Tilly, afraid of what reaction she might have. She bit her lip, and looked back at him. And then they laughed like they used to laugh, and it was perfect. *** School was impossible that day. Cory couldn’t concentrate on his lessons or on his sports. All he could think about was Tilly and the way she made him feel. Of all the girls he had been with, the four he told Tilly about and the others that he hadn’t, none of them had made him feel so … alive before. None had made him lose control so wildly – her lips were toxic and he was slowly, tragically addicted. They talked little as they waited for the bus, and even less as they waited for the next stop and then Ellie. Tilly was warm under the collar; she had felt things in that hallway that she had never felt before. Her panties, she realised when she got back to her bedroom and closed the door, were wet in a way that at first made her think she’d had an accident. Her body shook. She felt physically and emotionally exhausted and she found herself, as she sat up against the door, crying but not from sadness and then the crying turned into laughter and then the laughter turned into elation. But the elation didn’t last long. Feelings had exploded within Tilly that she never even knew existed. Her body ached from his touch, she could feel his hands on her skin, on her ass, and something inside her burned with a lust she had never before felt. Her lips stung as she thought about his mouth on hers, and her body tingled at the thought of his hands roaming her skin. “We need to talk,” Cory said wryly as Ellie appeared at the front of the bus. “I know. Tonight,” Tilly said, kissing him on the cheek, as per the brochure. This one, though, lingered for a little longer than normal and she scurried off to the back of the bus. It set off again, and Cory felt it burning his skin. Her scent lingered around him after that. Then he thought about whether he had said hello to Ellie. Today, he thought, was going to be a long day. Had the thoughts that now consumed her mind not been present then Tilly might have noticed more the looks and the whispers that went on as she passed people in the corridor. Tilly was the popular girl, part of the popular clique that every school has, and the entourage of friends and followers that surrounded her was huge. That said, with the emotional war going on in her head and with nobody to talk to about it, she had never felt so alone. Cory knew exactly what he was feeling – he just wasn’t ready to accept yet that he had fallen head over heels in love with his twin sister. This wasn’t a teenage crush on the pretty girl. This had been brewing for an eternity within him, eating away at him every day and every night for as long as he could remember. “Cory,” Mrs Gardener called for a third time, heightened annoyance in her voice. It was his turn to read and he was grateful for the fifteen minutes peace he got from his thoughts as he stumbled and bumbled his way through Paradise Lost . Afterwards, TJ asked him what was wrong and Cory shrugged and said he was tired. TJ either believed his bullshit, or just knew not to ask. Either way, he accepted what Cory said and it wasn’t mentioned again. Lessons were tough. Tilly spent Math looking longingly out of the window, and nervously nibbling away at her pen lid so that by the end of the lesson it resembled more of a dog toy. She too knew what the feelings were and what they meant. I’m in love with him, her internal voice said, over and over again like a broken record. I’m in love with Cory. And her sub-conscious smile turned into something different as the thought repeated in her head. She started thinking, and thinking was bad. Cory had soccer training afterschool, and he was off pace. He finished having achieved his worst ever score in the bleep test, and in the practice match that followed he missed a penalty and two one-on-one attempts on goal. He assured his coach that he was just tired, and he made his way home. *** Monday Night: Tilly heard the front door close downstairs and she felt her heart thump in her chest. She was stood in the hallway when Cory made his way upstairs and she took a sharp intake of breath when he noticed her. She found herself smiling at him, and he was smiling back. “Where’s Mom?” “She’s out with work.” He nodded and dropped his bag where he stood. He was sweaty from soccer training, and he was still in his kit. Tilly was sweating too, but it was a cold sweat. Her hands shook a little, and she was fingering the necklace with her left hand. It has become her safe place today, breaking from her thoughts to find it twirling within her grasp. It was her little piece of him. A gift. From him to her. She donned a pair of black leggings and a black crop top. He took a step towards her. He had been thinking about what to say all the way home. “Tilly,” he went to say, taking another step towards her. “Cory,” she said back, mimicking his movement. “Tilly.” “Cory.” He laughed under his breath as they moved closer still. “Tilly,” he said again more forcefully. “Cory.” They were only a few feet apart now. “Are we just going to keep saying each other’s names?” he asked. She smiled and shrugged. “We need to talk,” he said. “Not yet,” Tilly said, her lips moving almost soundlessly. “Then when?” “Later.” They looked at each other through the dim light of the hallway. Seconds passed, but they seemed like hours. They worked each other out. They worked out the situation and then Cory broke the silence. “Fuck it,” and they started that all-to-familiar dance once more, their lips locked in a blissful taboo. And then Tilly was taking Cory by the hand and leading him back through the door to his bedroom, where he took her in his arms and laid her down on the duvet, their lips failing to break their lock. She moved her back and opened her legs, allowing him in and then she felt him move onto her. She felt the power in his body as he pinned her down on the bed, his hands moving from her hands and up her arms, tingling the skin like his fingers were nettles. She felt the same animalistic prowess as she had that morning, like her inhibitions had gone out of the window, and she was clawing at his training vest, trying to rip it from his body with her claws. He was resting over her with one elbow on the bed, and with his spare hand he traced the outline of her body from her neck and down, caressing her curves with his touch. She felt electric when his hand came to the bare skin of her sides and she moaned breathlessly into his mouth. He came to the top of her leggings and started to thumb the waistband, pushing the material down. Tilly moved her hips up, allowing the material to fall off her ass and down her body. The top of her Jack Wills panties came into view, and then more as the leggings moved further down her legs. But Cory wasn’t going to have it all his own way. Tilly stopped Cory’s hands, and she grabbed the bottom of his vest, forcing it up his body. They broke their kiss, gasping for air in the moments rest, as the vest was pulled up and over and discarded on the floor. They looked at each other for a second, for the tacit approval of each other’s eyes to continue. And then he kissed her again, and she brought her nails down on his back as he nibbled at her neck. She groaned and he grunted approvingly, arching his back at her touch, and then she attacked the front with her claws, scraping down his chest while he breathed in and out, faster and faster until her hands came to the knot in his gym shorts. She made short work of it, and they looked at each other in dimly lit silence as her thumbs hooked into his waistband and she started to roll the shorts down his legs. His erection burned like the deepest fires of hell in his Calvin Klein’s, forcing against the material like a great beast threatening to burst from its cage. She gasped to herself as the shorts fell over the boxers and down to his knees, where he kicked them off into the room. The only noise in the room was that of their harsh, irregular breathing. “You’re sure?” he asked her gently. “Yes,” she breathed. Cory rolled onto his back and pulled Tilly on top, and she squealed in delight. She strad-dled him now, her leggings partially down, and she leant back into his lips. His hands took control again, pushing her crop top up and up until their kisses were broken once more and the garment discarded. She pulled her ponytail tighter as Cory’s hands roamed over her body. She was taut and well sculpted and perfect, Cory thought as his fingers danced over her chest, her stomach, and her navel. She kissed his lips, his face, his neck, nuzzling and nibbling like a wild animal while Cory caressed her back. He traced her spine to the small, and she shuddered as his hands came to rest in the waistband of her leggings once more. He pushed them further and further down until they were clear of her thighs and she lowered her body until the cotton of her panties came to rest of the bulge of his Calvin’s. Their stomachs were touching; he could feel the warmth of her chest and the beat of her heart. And then he felt her hips rock, gently and tentatively, and he felt her shudder violently as the tip of his caged beast flicked the bean of her clitoris and he heard her whimper for the first time – the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. Cory sat up and pushed Tilly backwards towards the foot of the bed. He pushed off her leggings and moved his hands up her naked thighs to the sides of her panties. He could see the wetness forming as she moved her legs wider, allowing him in. She was breathing hard, and so was he. With one hand tracing the contours of her face, his second moved towards her panties. She gasped, he touched, and then her body was propelled backwards into the bedding as his hand grazed across her slit through the fabric of her panties for the first time. It was wet and gentle and soft and Tilly moaned, audibly this time, as another human hand touched her cunt. Their bodies glistened with the beginnings of sweat as she raised her hips, while Cory inched his fingers onto her now moist mound, feeling the softness of the fabric and beneath that, Tilly’s warm wetness. Her hand tentatively hovered over his Calvin’s until curiosity got too much and she lowered her longing hand onto to the base of his bulging erection. Her touch was like magic, sending a tingling all the way down his shaft and into the aching pockets of his balls. Tilly began to stroke Cory’s shaft through his Calvin’s, as he began to run his hand over her panties and up to her clitoris, which sent more shockwaves of pleasure through her nubile young body. Cory groaned and exhaled deeply as the feeling of his sister’s hand around his caged animal threatened to overwhelm him. As she stroked and teased the head, he rubbed her bean faster and faster against the growing wetness, and she purred in his ear, moaning with such beautiful softness, her breathing shot to fuck, telling him, begging him, commanding him not to stop. They were at each other’s mercy now. Tilly’s hips buckled upwards and her breathing became short and uneven and the most intense tsunami of feeling flooded from her feet to her brain, overpowering her in the moment. She wanted to moan but had no energy to do so. Her eyes were pressed tightly shut, and she bit at Cory’s bottom lip until he could taste the iron of blood. Tilly then screamed out in orgasm, finally releasing the tsunami that had overpowered her. Together, their hands toyed and teased with the other’s most intimate part. Her hand became a vice, gripping the tip of his erection, and when Tilly opened her eyes, whimpering after the most orgasmic of emotions, he saw bliss looking back at him and she released his cock from her grasp. Cory was ready to blow. Tilly teased and giggled as he watched her slowly rolling the Calvin’s down his legs. His pubic hair sprouted, and then his monster was uncaged. As the fabric of his boxers descended his body, the animal that was his erection sprung free and Tilly supressed a gasp. “Oh my,” he heard her say. Cory was well hung, not massive, but well hung – five inches with substantial girth and a head that throbbed with longing. He kicked off his Calvin’s and retuned the favour. First he rolled over, allowing Tilly back on top and their lips resumed the dance of life as he unclasped her black bra from her body, letting it fall into the void between their entangled bodies, and Cory saw Tilly’s naked breasts for the first time. Tilly felt his naked erection as it brushed against her panties, rubbing the wetness as if it had a mind of its own. They were small, an A-cup, but the proportion to her body was perfect. They could not have been any better, round and blissful. Her nipples were beautiful, and Cory rolled one in his fingers, causing Tilly to moan against the touch, and she bit the tip of his ear as his hands danced across her areolas and back onto her nipples. He pulled at her nipples, very lightly at first, then more insistently, until they stiffened and began to ache. When Tilly was laying back on the bedsheet, Cory pulled her panties off and threw them off the bed and then they were there, in that moment, naked and together. She started to blush at the thought of somebody seeing her naked for the first time, but Cory kissed her and told her that she was beautiful. And as Cory leaned in, his throbbing erection touched her naked cunt for the first time and in that moment both were sure they were in heaven. Tilly moaned again as he moved his hand over the wetness of his sisters mound for the first time without panties as a barrier. He moved along the wetness between her lips, tracing from her clitoris to the steaming warmth of her tunnel and he tested the water. Tilly was garnished with a small garden of auburn, and it served as a peristyle to a temple worthy of a God. Her temple was narrow, though, and as he moved his middle finger deep into his sister’s innocence, Cory felt the walls contract against his finger, threatening to cut off blood supply, and he heard Tilly gasp and then shudder and then whimper and squeal at the intrusion of something foreign inside her for the first time. She had only ever had Tampax up there, but this was no tampax. Cory worked Tilly’s clitoris with his thumb, slowly bringing his middle finger in and out of her virgin tunnel. She was warm and tight, and so wet and each time his finger came out and went back he could hear the suction. Tilly was moaning properly now, louder and louder and harder and harder with each stroke, only encouraging his movement and only making his erection throb that little bit more. Their lips met and battled hard, tongues wrestling as Cory fingered his sister. He felt her arms wrap around his, forcing him deeper into her until, all at once, her hips buckled and her muscles locked and she climaxed for a second time. And then it was time. Her mouth was open but no sound came as Tilly reached between them and grabbed Cory’s naked erection in her hand for the first time, pulling it between her legs. When the end of his member brushed the lips of her virgin slit, she shuddered again. Cory was pushed up on his elbow, and he looked down at his twin, his sister, and he kissed her. She smiled back at him, a soft, vulnerable smile that he had never seen before. They remained in that moment for a few beats, and then Tilly moved her hips up to meet Cory once more. The end of his erection slid along the folds of her mound and her nails came back down on his back. Their bodies rocked as Cory’s erection moved between the warmth of her puffed lips. Neither of them spoke, the sound of their breathing said it all. After testing the water for a few more moments, Tilly felt she was ready and she urged Cory towards her hot, wet tunnel. “Are you sure?” he asked her, lips hovering tantalisingly close to hers. “I’m ready, Cory,” she said and they kissed a soft, lingering kiss. Cory kissed her again, and then he pushed his hips forward. Tilly moaned out loud and deep as Cory’s member penetrated her tunnel for the first time, his shaft forcing apart her virgin walls as it started to slide inside her oven. He took it slow, kissing Tilly gently. Her eyes were pressed closed as she adjusted to the intrusion of another human inside her sex. She was warm, oh so warm, and Cory was sure her pussy was the tightest pussy he had ever experienced. The feeling of his shaft sliding into the forbidden fruit of his sister was insane. The pain was both unbearable, and at the same time the most incredible thing she had ever experienced. She felt her walls stretching, and it felt like she was being torn apart. She groaned and cooed and moaned into his mouth as she felt him slither inside her. Cory stopped moving when he came to the soft, film-like barrier of her virginity and he took Tilly’s hand in his and he gripped it. “There’s no going back,” he said and Tilly took a deep breath whispered into his ear: “I’m yours.” Cory kissed her, and he pushed forward and that was the moment. It was the moment that her hymen was plucked from the wilderness of her body and she was his. She buckled her hips and whimpered and cried into his mouth at the sudden jolt of pain deep inside her as her cherry popped, and Cory felt her nails draw blood as they clawed at his back. They remained there for a moment, a tear escaping down Tilly’s face. And then her hips started to rock and the dance continued. Cory slid deeper into Tilly, until his balls came to rest on the coolness of her bubble butt and their pubic hair meshed. Tilly put her hands on Cory’s body, pulled him close and kissed him deep as he started to slide himself in and out of her tunnel, her needle threaded and the passion of their sex in full flow. “Oh, Cory. Cory. Cory. Oh, Cory,” Tilly moaned, her hips bucking and flexing and going into spasm at his thrust. He withdrew, feeling the friction of her lips as it released his cock for the first time and he saw the blood of her purity on the tip, and on her lips as evidence of her beautiful and passionate depucelation. He kissed her, and then he pushed himself back in and her scream of ecstasy filled his mouth. Tilly and Cory fucked like animals, a couple embellished in lust for each other. She moaned and cooed in his ear with each thrust into the warm tenderness of her promise land. She grabbed his back and clawed at his skin until it was riddled with scratches and bled. She got used to the intrusion quickly and her hips undulated, welcoming him and fucking him with as much passion as he felt. “This feels amazing,” she would whisper in his ear as the feelings grew in her belly. She nibbled at his neck and he felt the passion growing, from his balls to his shaft, and then he came hard and deep, thrusting one final time, groaning like a man on the edge of oblivion, until he was balls deep and firing streams of his hot climax into his sisters womb, filling her with the seed of his passion. “Oh my,” she said, breathless, as she felt the warmth of Cory’s semen firing deep into her cervix. Cory collapsed onto her hot, sticky body. “That was incredible.” She agreed, unable to find words. They said little, the noise of their breathing and the rise and fall of their chests was the only sound in the room. She could feel his seed within her, warm and forbidden. It was silent. Night was falling, and the room was cast in a deep golden orange glow as if encased in perennial sunset. “Do you hate me?” Cory heard Tilly whisper. “You’re incredible,” he said and her smile lit up the dimness of the room. “Is this…” she went to say and Cory took her hand and squeezed it and she stopped. They both thought about the taboo, about the forbidden sex of a brother and sister, but they didn’t care. In that moment, they did not care. It was Tilly who made the next move. She rolled onto her side and kissed Cory’s cheek, and as he turned to face her, his lips. Her hand moved between his legs and she felt him in her hand, the wetness of his tip and throbbing that came with each tug she gave. “Fuck me again,” she whispered. “No,” he said, kissing her gently. “You fuck me.” His hand found her ponytail and he pulled back until their eyes met. She bit her bottom lip, and then his teeth found that same bottom lip and he gave a tug and Tilly gave a moan. She pushed Cory back onto the bed, and her eyes shimmered with wickedness. Tilly moved on top, straddling her brother again, only this time there was no fabric barrier beneath them. She grabbed his shaft and positioned her pelvis, moving the throbbing muscle (which was now stoked again. Thank God for young recovery) between her legs. “Tell me what you want,” she said, seductively. “I want you,” Cory said, “to fuck me.” “How,” she said, breathless. “Fuck me hard, Tilly Greenstreet,” Cory said. “Fuck me anyway you like.” Tilly giggled and leaned down to his lips. As they kissed, she thrust her hips down and impaled herself on his member, breathing hard against his lips as this sister fucked her brother, hard and passionate, under the ever-deepening sunset until she came to another hard and explosive orgasm, and with it, another powerful purge from Cory. Ten minutes later they lay there in the warm afterglow of orgasm, the scent of their fucking lingering in the bedroom as a reminder of their actions – him having climaxed for a second time, filling his sister with his love, and her having felt things she never even knew possible in the orgasms he had given her. She had come hard and explosive that time, while impaled on his shaft, and it was the greatest feeling she had ever felt. And then they lay there, she was a wreck and he was a mess and neither of them had the energy or the words to say or do anything more. They just lay there, legs entwined and bedsheets twisted in the manner of their fucking. She was filled with her brother’s seed, and she felt it tricking down the inside of her thighs and onto her bedding and then she slept. *** It was sometime in the early hours that Tilly awoke, alone in her bed. She was still naked, but she was under the covers and she could hear the loud hammer of raindrops battering her window. She didn’t remember coming to bed, and she wondered if Cory had carried her there. Her throat was dry and she felt cold. Tilly dressed in her long blue sweater and she pulled on some panties and she headed downstairs for some water. From the kitchen window she watched the rain and she drank, and then she thought and that was when the tears started. And they came like a flood, all the emotion and all the passion that had built up within her over the last few days was being released like a tidal wave of pain and longing and what could never possibly be. She sat by the window, knees pushed into her chest and she sobbed as the water poured down. She felt a sharp pain in her loins, an aching from where her walls had been intruded for the first time. Her nipples ached and were sore, and her lips were chapped from their kissing. She cried because of what had happened, the emotion that came with losing your virginity. She cried because of how beautifully perfect and how hotly passionate it was, and how it was better than anything she could ever have imagined. And she cried because it was with Cory and they could never, ever be together. She started to claw at her skin, as if there was an itch there that, no matter how hard she scratched, it would not go. She felt dirty. And that was where he found her. “Tilly…” his voice called, soft and caring, from the stairs. “What did you want to talk about?” she asked, sweating now. “Before.” “It doesn’t matter,” he said and she sobbed harder. “I know what you were going to say,” she said. “But I wanted it to be you, and I wanted the moment to be right and I wanted it to be special.” A silence lingered for a moment. The rain battered the patio windows. “And was it?” she heard him say. She could not look at him yet. “It was perfect,” she sobbed. “But?” She opened her mouth to reply but words failed her. “Are you OK, Tilly?” he asked and she cried harder now, into her sleeve. She wiped a layer of sweat from her forehead. It was so cold yet she was so warm. "I can't help but think that things have changed between us now,” she said through sobs. “Like we’ve lost our closeness and our trust in each other. Like when you look at me all you seen now is this fucked-up, pathetic little girl who is so emotionally damaged. This little slut of a sister that had sex with her brother because she is too emotionally unstable to be in love with anyone else. That’s what is wrong, Cory.” She found herself yelling and cried into her sleeve again. “Hey,” he said back, on the defensive, “that must make me fucked up and emotionally damaged too, Tilly. I’m not saying what we did was right, but I don’t regret it either. Not for one second. That was the most alive I’ve ever felt. And for the record, I wasn’t going to say what you think I was going to say.” “You’ve always been so much more than just a brother to me but this… I never thought… how can something so wrong feel so right?” she sobbed. It’s like she can read his mind. She’s burning up now, sweat pours from her head. She can’t take it anymore, and she flings open the patio doors and she runs out into the rain and the coolness, yelling, “I shouldn’t love you. What’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t be in love with you.” The coolness was nice, she thought. She felt herself cooling as the water bounced off her face, matting her hair so that it stuck to her face. The rain was coming down, and it was coming down like a storm – this wasn’t light rain, she knew. This was a downpour. Cory raced outside after her. “Because we’re broken,” he yelled over the rain as it bounced down around the two, “but sometimes love is broken too. Maybe this is wrong and sick. Maybe we are two seriously fucked-up teenagers, Tills, but I love you and you love me and nobody can change that. You can’t help who you fall in love with. Love just is. There isn’t a guide or a handbook on what to do. It just happens. And look, nothing about our situation is normal. Our lives are pretty fucked up, right?” He moves close to her so she can hear him over the battering rain. “I’m sorry that you feel like this, and I’m sorry that our lives have turned out the way they have, but I could never, ever, look at you any differently, Tilly because I love you, and that’s something I can never apologise for “I’m dirty,” she said, clawing at herself again. “No, you’re absolutely perfect. That talk you were so scared of, I wasn’t going to shut you down. I was going to say to you,” and he took her hand now, the trembling fingers that shook within his, “Tilly Greenstreet, I am head over heels in love with you,” and she cried, maybe in relief, maybe in exhaustion, but she cried differently and she cried as her lips met his again, under the torrents of rain that fell from the sky, and in that moment she felt absolution. Back inside, Tilly led against Cory on her bed with the sound of the rain battering down as their soundtrack. His arm pulled her close to him, and she felt safe within his grasp. “Are you OK?” he asked again and the question lingered for some time. “I hope so, she finally said. It was the best she could offer, and it was true and the silence took over after that. They did not move for the rest of the night. Cory didn’t sleep, and Tilly drifted in and out until their bodies forced their brains to shut down sometime around three AM. And that is how they woke, side by side, with the streaming of sunlight breaking through the gap in Tilly’s curtains and the sound of Loraine’s voice announcing that she was going to work. She always left early, and hit the 7/11 on the corner for a bottle and some mints. They looked at each other through broken vision, colours and stars and blotches of white as their eyes adjusted to the light. Led there, his arm around her, comfortably numb and without feeling. His strong body naked except for his grey Calvin’s with their grey and black detailing. She, her light blue cotton jumper crinkly from where the rain had dried, and her panties exposed from where her top had pushed up in the night. She was cold, but she felt warm in his grasp. They looked at each other in silence until their vision was sound and their eyes met. She felt the warmth take over her body again. “I’m okay,” she said and she was. She placed a kiss on his dry lips. A gentle, lingering kiss in the early morning light. “I’m okay,” she said a little louder, and she laughed at the craziness of their togetherness, and that is all he needed to hear. He wouldn’t cry, but it was a relief to know that he could. He laughed too, and that hole he had felt was repaired, and he kissed her back. She moved on top of him, he on the bottom, their bodies together and legs twisted and entwined as she kissed him again. His groin pressed through his boxers at the fabric of her panties but it was content, not excited. And then they just lay there, not fucking, just laying, her head on his chest listening to the soft, steady beating of his heart. They felt complete, she felt complete, despite the circumstances of their kindred relations being so dangerously corrupted, and they lay there until the middle of the morning, sleeping in the most innocent sense of the word, bodies entwined in the new-found boundaries of their kinship and they were together. They were OK, and it was perfect. /fin |
Part 2. The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment. I closed my eyes and hung my head as my body began to wake from its slumbers as I stretched and ran both hands through my thick dark hair. I got to my feet and walked naked to the window of my fifth-floor apartment and watched as the first signs of a red dawn began to appear from behind the concrete horizon. Another day. Another Monday. I stared out into the far distance as the world began to paint herself with cloud strokes of deep copper and burnt umber. But it wasn't another day. Or another Monday. A blind girl called Heather McCallister had made everything different. * Monday was a seriously cold day. I had already parked the Lambo and was making my way up from the underground car park towards the main entrance of the building when I saw a cab pull up to the curb and the driver gets out to open the rear door on the left-hand side. Suddenly a white stick appeared and I watched as the girl eased herself out onto the sidewalk as the cabbie fussed around her. So that was how she was getting around in this weather. It was then I realized this was my opportunity and quickly made my way to where she was standing. The nearer I got to her the more my heart began to quicken. She was dressed in a dark grey overcoat with a bright yellow scarf wrapped around her neck, a black woven skirt, and what looked like thick woolen black stockings and knee-high black leather boots. Her hair was tied in a ponytail hanging down her back. She waited until the taxi had moved off then reached forward with her stick and began to tap it back and forth. She had that thing in her ear and I could tell she was listening to whatever the device was telling her. I stopped a few feet from her and watched as she moved carefully forward and into the flow of pedestrians. Even from where I was I could see that she was nervous and flinched every now and again as she felt someone get too close as they walked past. She walked a few meters then stopped. Her head was tilted to one side as she listened to the city moving around her. She was practically at the entrance to the courtyard in front of the company tower and tapped the end of her stick along the low wall in front of it. After a moments pause, she carefully set off again and I could see her mumbling to herself and it suddenly occurred to me that she was counting her steps as she went. I stepped to the side as she came right past me and the faint smell of an Autumn perfume filled the crisp still air. She was so close I could see the flush of her cold cheeks and the soft billowing of her breath as she concentrated on where she was walking. The more I saw of her the more amazing and impressive she became. It was now or never to set things in motion. "Hey, hello," I said to her. Not too loud as I didn't want to startle her. But loud enough for her to hear over the din of traffic, "Miss. McCallister, right?" She gave a slight start of surprise and she turned to the side trying to figure out where I was standing in relation to her. "Oh, uh, yes, hello!" she replied breathlessly with a smile that was completely endearing. I stared at her. She was wearing her spectacles again and I noticed they had a slight tint to them and I suddenly felt a deep empathy for her. "Mike. Mike Sloane. We sort of met briefly last week before everything got a little mad in the asylum." "OOooooooooh, I remember you," she exclaimed. A soft flush crossed her face as she pulled her stick to her chest and stuck out her hand, "Tenth floor, right?" I laughed as I took her hand - again. "Yep, tenth floor," Then it hit me; she was shaking hands so she could get some sense for where people were standing in relation to her. That made me smile wider. Smart is as smart does. I looked around, "Are you waiting for anyone?" She let go of my hand. "Well, usually," she explained, "A couple of the new girls wait at the main entrance for me. I still need a little help to figure out where everything is in this place, to be honest. But every day I'm getting better at it," She raised her arm and "looked" at her watch, "Um, I think I'm a little early this morning because of the snow," She pressed a button on it and held it to her ear, "Uh huh, they're not due here for another half hour." The cold was beginning to bite and I saw that she was shivering slightly as she fiddled with her stick. "Well, I'm heading to the canteen for something to warm me up," I said as she turned her face towards me, "You're more than welcome to join me for a cup of coffee or something. My shout." She frowned slightly and licked her lips as she contemplated my offer. "It really is cold isn't it," she sniffed, "Alright, you have a deal. Coffee sounds awesome right now," She moved around to face me and blushed, "Uh, can I take your arm?" "Sure," I nodded as I came to her right side watching as she slowly raised her hand and slipped it through my proffered arm, "Okay?" She gave me a wide smile and stepped beside me. "Great!" she grinned, "Good to go. Don't worry, if you hear me mumbling to myself it's because I'm just counting out steps and how far things are for me. I haven't gone nuts or anything." "Well, I did call this place the asylum, didn't I." She laughed and nudged herself against me, "Coffee." So that was it. The start. The beginning. God only knows where it would lead us both as we headed into the building. * We sat in a quiet corner of the canteen away from the groups of people who had arrived to work early in order to beat the rush hour made worse because of the weather. It was a window seat which looked out onto a lawn covered in deep snow. She had removed her spectacles and sat on the other side of the table taking careful sips of her coffee and nibbling on a bacon sandwich. It was such a strange feeling to know that I could be this close to her and look at her without feeling brazen or awkward. Every now and then she'd glance up at me and we'd make eye contact before her sightless gaze would slip away from mine. I wondered what she was thinking in those moments. No doubt imagining what I looked like and knowing that I was probably staring at her openly. Taking advantage of her disability didn't bother me as much as it should have done because being able to look at her properly was just such an absolute pleasure. She looked about eighteen and wore her youth with an easy grace. Her face bore the purity of innocence and her natural charm and character shone through for all to see. Her skin was clear and unblemished and it was only a faint sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose that marked it. I smiled at her over the rim of my cup as I watched her carefully put her cup in the plastic tray and run her fingers around the sides before sitting back in her chair. Her eyes once again met mine and I just stared at their simple clear beauty as she blinked and dabbed her lips with a tissue. My eyes dropped to her open coat and unwound scarf. She was wearing a pale white blouse under a sky blue cardigan that revealed the hint of a shadow between her breasts that were softly rising and falling as she breathed. Our conversation had been easy and the basics flowed back and forth between us as we sat doing breakfast. We talked about simple things. Life things. Work was good. Work was different. Work was interesting now that those first awkward days had passed. New friends had been made and there was always someone to help her when she needed it. She lived in the suburbs with a friend called Melissa who worked from home. The daily commute into the city was a pain made more so because of the sudden change in the weather. I couldn't even begin to imagine what doing something like that would be for her. The sheer willpower and fortitude to take that first step out into the world each morning made me appreciated her inner strength more with each passing second I was in her presence. Like I said, the conversation was natural and the warmth of her personality was plain to see, feel and enjoy. "Can I call you Heather?" I asked. She looked straight at me for a second and nodded. "Sure," she replied as a faint blush kissed her cheeks before fading away, "Of course," She frowned slightly, "Um, what do I call you?" Clasping her hands in front of her, she sat forward in her chair, "I mean, you're my potential Boss, right?" I sat forward conspiratorially and whispered "When it's like this you can call me Mike. If we have to pretend to be serious then it's Mr. Sloane. Alright?" We were so close I could see the pores and fine hairs on her smooth skin. She was also leaning forward and my gaze dropped to the suggested hidden charms under her blouse before she bounced back in her seat and gave me a knowing look of amusement. I slowly raised my eyes back to her face. "Ahhhhh," she laughed as she dug her hands into the deep pockets of her coat, "You'll get me into trouble!" She bit her lower lip and tilted her head to the right, "But who would know?" She looked around and sat forward again, "There's only me and you here, right?" I stared at her hard. Yeah. Only me. And you. * Janet stared out of my office window watching as the next Winter storm rolled in from across the Atlantic and the snow began to fall again. "This thing keeps up, we're going to be snowed in here until December!" I was sat at my desk going over that morning's paper data making sure all the indicators checked out and that all the relevant info was sent to the various floors that handled the backend garbage. I grunted as Janet grabbed my shoulders and massaged away the tension that had built up in me. "Mmmmm," I murmured, closing my eyes, "Feels good." She pressed her thumbs between my shoulder blades and gently rotated them. "How was breakfast?" she asked. I smiled at her question. How long had that one been stewing? A good few hours I'd imagine. That breakfast seemed an age ago. Breakfast had been good. Breakfast had got my foot in the door. "She was fine." I replied as the older woman continued to ease my aches, "Why'd you ask?" "Oh, you know. Just wondering that's all." "Is there a problem?" She stopped and came around to the side of my desk. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She was staring at me intently as if trying to read my mind. "I'd like to think not, Mr. Sloane." There was a sudden knock on the door and Jimmy came in and glanced at the two of us. "Uh, Boss," he said as he jabbed his right hand over his shoulder, "The guys are good to go. We're just waiting for the girls from the pool." I got to my feet and picked up the data folder. "Girls?" Jimmy looked at Janet. "Uh, yeah. I thought you knew. We're on training schedule today and tomorrow," He tapped the screen of his Ipad, "Lemme see. Here we go. The new intake. Andrews and McCallister are up first." I stared over his shoulder as Janet picked up her things. Our eyes met and she gave me a brief smile as she walked towards the door. She stopped suddenly and turned to look at the top of the whiteboard and the faint red outline of crossed out numbers one to four. I watched as she picked up the cloth and reached up to wipe them away completely. Then she put the rag down and walked out of the room. * The idea of "training" week was to give the new intake first-hand experience of how the whole show works with each individual section or floor allowing them to see the way they fit into the machine so that everything runs smoothly. As head of the pool, Janet would sit with them and explain what was going on in a "live" situation and the way information and data were handled. Thankfully, today was fairly quiet and the two younger women sat to one side watching - or listening - to the general buzz of the room. Normally, I would just stay in my office and let Jimmy or one of the other clerks take the session. But not today. Today was different. Today she was here. In my lair. The floor consisted of three rows of terminals. Twenty to each row with six small cubicles at each end with standard computers connected to the company network. Each terminal had a user and each user was assigned to a specific client or an individual task. Each row of terminals had various support staff who made sure everything was ticking along like clockwork and that any issues were dealt with promptly. As one of the banners on the far wall said "ASAP is an order, not a suggestion." My job was to make sure that the floor ran as slick and smooth as a well-licked pussy. I stood just off to the side where the three women sat. Most of the crew usually ignored the newbies and got on with their duties as training week was something they'd seen numerous times. But when she had walked into the room, there had been a palpable change in the atmosphere as the girl had made her way between the rows with her arm slipped through Janet's for support. Open stares and glances followed in her wake and the soft murmur of curiosity filled the room. Heather was sat in the middle of the three and was listening intently as Janet to her left explained what was going on to her and her friend. It was then I noticed she was holding a small recorder in her lap and nodded every now and again. I was finding it impossible not to look at her. She was like some sort of magnet to me and the only way I could satisfy the urge was to just stare at her like some lovesick teenager which unnerved the hell out of me. There was just something about her that made my world seem more worthwhile somehow. If I wasn't so shallow I'd say I had a crush on her. I reached up and straightened my tie and rubbed the stubble on my chin. Listen to you. Can you hear yourself? You're nearly twice her age. Her head was down and I let my eyes take in the soft curling waves of her rich chestnut hair that she had swept back so that it lay just over her shoulders. She had her legs tucked and crossed under her chair with her knee-length boots gently tapping against each other. I could feel that languid sense of sexual awakening begin to rise within me as I continued to stare at her. The desire for her was taking shape and becoming intimately defined the more I was near her. What would it be like to lay her back on a bed, take each ankle in hand, and slowly part those woolen stockinged legs and thighs to reveal her... "Mr. Sloane." What? "Mike." I jerked my head up to see Janet staring at me. "What?" I blinked and tried to focus on her and clear my mind. Our eyes met and held for a moment. She really did know. She turned and indicated the two women sat beside her. "I think we're finished here. Heather," she said as she laid her hand on the girl's shoulder, "You get everything you need?" The younger woman got carefully to her feet. "Um, I think so," she smiled, holding her recorder up, "I'll type it out when I get downstairs. Shouldn't take long. Is that it?" "For now," Janet nodded and took her hand. Several of the techs had stepped forward to help as Heather got to her feet and then stood back to let the small group through. I stood watching as Heather stopped suddenly and turned to face the room. "Um," she said out loud, "That was very interesting. Thank you very much." She whispered something to Janet who laughed and the three of them took their leave. There was an awkward silence for a moment with everyone standing around looking at each other. "Alright, meatheads," I said, "Back to work." I glanced at the closed door and knew for absolutely certain what I had to do. * The opportunity came a lot sooner than I thought it would and in the most unexpected circumstances. It had gone five. Work was pretty much done for the day as I stepped up to the elevator and pressed the button watching the number above the door flicked over from fifteen to fourteen. The doors opened to reveal Heather standing there - alone - holding her extended white stick against her chest. What the hell? I saw her eyebrows pop up and a quick smile cross her face. "Going down," she said brightly, "I hope." I stepped into the elevator beside her but didn't say anything. The doors closed automatically and the lift gave a short jolt before heading down to the next floor. The girl turned her head slightly and gave me a quick smile before facing front again and sort of sucked on her lower lip. I was waiting to see what she would do. She started to hum softly and I could see her mouth saying the number of each floor as the counter pinged in the background. She lifted her head suddenly. She wasn't wearing her spectacles so I could see her eyes widen and her nostrils flare. "Mr. Sloane?" she said surprised. I grinned and tried not to laugh. "Hello, Heather." Her mouth dropped open and she tapped me on the shoulder with the end of her stick. "What are you," she spluttered as her face flushed red, "Why didn't you say something?" I stared down at her as she stood there all wrapped up to head out into the cold. "Sorry," I replied with amusement as she scolded me. Her eyes were wide and bright, "I was just admiring the view." She gave a start. "What?" Tread carefully, my friend. Small steps. One at a time. "Sorry. Just daydreaming that's all." "Oh. Oh, okay." She gave me a suspicious look before turning to face front as the counter pinged above us and the doors opened to let people in. We stood at the back not saying anything but I knew I had gently nudged her in the right direction. Ground floor arrived and we both waited as everyone got out and made their way through the hall to the main entrance. Heather held her stick out in front of her and tapped the sides of the elevator and deliberately made her way out. She stopped and I could tell she knew I was still standing near her. I looked up and saw a taxi parked in the courtyard waiting. "Can I give you a lift?" I said to her, "I can drop you off home if you like." Heather clasped her hands together and made a face. "Oh, well, actually," she explained, "I'm not exactly heading for home just yet. I have to go somewhere. A place. Uh, I'm a sort of volunteer there a couple of times during the week. So.." Her voice trailed off. "That's not a problem." She stuck out her lower lip considering her options. "Okay. Okay, that sounds a plan. The taxi driver was staring at us through the main doors. I raised my hand and shook my head. Not this time, pal. Not this time. * "Do you know Huntersvaller?" Heather was sat in the passenger seat as I keyed in the details for the nav. "Just off the Interstate?" I asked. "Uh huh, number one eighty-three. It's the old fire station on the corner." The computer beeped and laid out the route on the screen. It wasn't that far. A ten-minute drive at most. I glanced at her as she shuffled in the seat. It had been an adventure to get her in the thing in the first place. "Here, give me your hand," I told her, "Now ease yourself down and watch your head. It's a sports so the seat is pretty low to the ground." She gripped my hand with her left and felt around with her right as she placed her foot into the car. Once she got her ass onto the side of the seat, she sort of slid into position with a squeak. "Oh, my gosh," she laughed, "This feels so weird. It's like I'm falling!" Outside, the world was lit with neon and the constant moving lights of rush hour traffic as we made our way to her destination. Heather sat muffled up in her seat as I kept my eyes on the road. The sky was a deep purplish black as night rolled in and the soft hum of the engine was the only sound to hear. "Radio?" I asked her, "Music?" She shook her head. "No. This is nice. I like this," She reached across and touched her passenger side window, "Sometimes there is too much noise." That I could understand. Though not in the same way she did. I would never in a million years be able to understand sound the way she understood it. I glanced at her and could sense she was in a place all of her own. "What's it like?" I asked her. She turned to look at me as I concentrated on the road. "Lonely." * The Berkley Institute for the Blind had been many things over its eighty-year history. Previously a fire-station, it was now home to a drop -in and resource center for the visually impaired as well as offering a volunteer service for those living with or coming to terms with the condition. Apparently, Heather had worked there ever since she was fifteen. Holding onto my arm, she led us both into the reception area where an older lady with a grey poodle perm flecked with white sat behind the counter doing various bits of paperwork. She smiled as we approached her. "Heather, honey!" Heather grabbed me tighter and pushed me forward. "Hey, Molly, how goes it?" "Fine, fine," she said, "Ernie is out back messing with the boiler. Damned thing is getting cranky again. Rattling like a bag of bones but at least the pipes are hot," She turned to me and raised her eyebrows, "And this fine gentleman is.." "Oh, this is," Heather suddenly stuttered, "This is um.." I reached out my hand and Molly took it. "Just call me Mike. I work with Heather." Molly was about to say something when all hell broke loose. SQUEAK "Ouch!" SQUEAK "Ouch!" All three of us turned towards the noise as a little round inflatable plastic bubble with a head, arms and legs skidded into view at the bottom of the corridor and barrelled towards us bouncing off the walls like it was in some sort of glorified pinball machine. Every time it bounced off something the ball let out a loud electronic SQUEAK followed by a pained "Ouch!" The little plastic inflatable ball turned out to be a frizzy blonde haired girl of about six who screeched to a stop in front of us. "Is anybody there?!" she called out, "Because if you are you'd better not pretend you're not!" Molly stood with her hands on her hips. "Gracey Turner. Just what are you up to?" The child lifted her face to the sound of her voice and it was then I realized she couldn't see us. She was blind too. I glanced at Heather who stood there laughing. "Nothing. I swear," said the girl. She gave a grunt of frustration and did a little-annoyed dance on the spot with the plastic ball bobbing up and down around her, "Do I HAVE to wear this thing, Aunt Molly?" "Yes you do, sweetie," said the woman, "Or else you'd end up black and blue the way you run around this place. This way you can't get hurt and we know where you are!" Gracey sighed and turned away to walk back where she came from. "Bummer," she muttered as an older boy approached us from the same direction using a stick. "Hey, hey, hey!" he said brightly as he came into reception, "Is that Heather?" "Hello Billy," she said as she raised her arms wide. The boy, who looked roughly the same age as her, came up and gave her a big hug, "Billy, this is Mike. He works in the same place as me." Once he let her go he turned to me. "Pleased to meet you, Mike." He raised a finger to his right eye, "It's okay. You're a smudge. I'm ninety percent dark and ten percent fuzzy. Hence the smudge. You look good though. Seriously. I'm Billy," He paused for dramatic effect, "Heather's boyfriend." Huh? What? Really? Beside me, Heather gave a gasp, reached out, and slapped his shoulder. "No, you are not!" she hissed with a laugh as she turned a deep shade of red. She grabbed on to him and gave him a shake. "EX then," he sighed as he held his hands up, "It only lasted one night," he whispered as he leaned towards me, "But it was one helluva night!" With that, he turned tail and ran back down the corridor to where SQUEAK "Ouch!" was doing her thing. I looked over at Molly who came around the counter chuckling. "Is it always like this?" I asked smiling. "Oh, you have no idea," she teased, "Come on, let me show you the common room and meet some of the others. They're sorting out the Christmas decorations and we can have a nice chat over a cup of coffee." I started to follow the other woman but stopped when I realized Heather was still standing there gently fuming and fiddling with her stick. "You alright?" I asked her. She looked up at me. "Welcome to my world," she muttered as she walked past me grumbling. "And he isn't my boyfriend!!" * The week that followed was pretty much routine bread and butter. At various times during that week meetings were held and decisions were made with each floor and department putting their best foot forward. I had six meetings all told with my team and support staff where Heather sat in taking care of the audio record which she would transcribe onto disk and log into the database where the information could be easily accessed. With more experience came more confidence which made her particular skill set important to the overall running of the departments. Suffice to say, Heather became to be regarded as an important member of the pool and once she had done her six-month apprenticeship she would be assigned to a particular team leader. That she had earned the respect and admiration of everyone was something special to see. And all this had happened in less than three weeks. * Heather looked slightly stunned. "Are you asking me out on a date?" We were in my office with her standing in front of my desk and me sat behind it watching her. It was a Friday and time to take another small step. "No," I replied, "I'm asking if you want a burger and fries. There'll be a few others there too including Jimmy and Janet. It's a kind of a works ritual. It's the first of December and a group of us always head off to Bennies Bar and Grill on the first of every month. If you're interested be down in the lobby for about five." I got up from behind my desk and went to open the door for her. "Oh," she said quietly as she turned to the sound of the door opening and walked carefully over to where I was standing, "Well, I mean, I thought the way you said it," She began to say before she stopped and shook her head, "Never mind. That's okay. Yes, I'd love to go. It sounds fun." I held the door open for her and as she came close I simply asked her "If I did, would you have a problem with that?" She froze but didn't look up at me. I could see the tiny pulse at the base of her throat and the way her lips opened slightly as if caught in a surprise. She reached up and took off her spectacles before lifting her face to mine as I stared down at her. "No, Mr. Sloane," she said carefully, "I don't think I would but I think others may." * The Big Bopper was bop bop bopping from the jukebox as Bennies Bar and Grill bounced to the sound of Friday night as we all made our way to the reserved area where we had booked tables and sofas to sit on after we'd eaten. There were about twenty of us with about fifteen girls from the pool, myself, Jimmy, and three guys from support. The place was packed as it was just off Fifth Avenue and where the hive mind began to unwind at the end of another working week. The sights and sounds of Christmas were all around us as the festive season cranked into commercial gear. A good foot of snow still lay all around adding to the seasonal mood. Janet, as usual, was directing traffic. She was also Mother Hen and kept her special charge close as she guided Heather over to a window table and helped her get comfortable by removing her coat and hanging it on a nearby rack for her. I unwound my red scarf and watched her as she did her little "find where everything is" routine by running her fingers around the edges of the table. It was then I felt someone nudge me from behind and I turned to see Hallie, Suzie, and Donna giving me the eye. Oh shit. I gave them a quick smile. "Hey ladies." Long legged and lithe Suzie reached around me and squeezed my butt. "Hey, Mr. Sloane," she breathed as she came in real close, "Where've you been hiding? Some of us girls have been wondering what the name of the game is. We're starting to pine and miss the good times we had together. Those times when you showed us just how deep you would go to put a smile on our faces," She moved in closer,"You do still have our numbers don't you, Mr. Sloane?" The two other women were staring intently at me and a couple of others were glancing in our direction watching the little show being played out. All three of them looked hot to trot and I had no doubt I could bang the lot of them before the sun came up. But not this night. As ever, it was Janet to the rescue. She came up to the four of us and slipped her arm through mine. "Ladies, if you'll excuse us, table number one is served." With that, she pulled me through the crowd to where the tables were and sat me down opposite Heather who looked up at the commotion. I could tell she was trying to work out who was where and doing what. "Hey, you," I said, sitting forward with relief. I glanced over her shoulder and watched as the three other women made their way to their own table as they looked over to where I sat. Thank fuck for Janet. The woman was a Saint. "Hey," said Heather looking at me. She wasn't wearing her spectacles and her eyes sparkled in the festive glow. She didn't look away but kept still and silent. It never occurred to me she could hear everything that was said a moment ago. Burgers and fries were really good to go. Everyone tucked in and it was an education watching Heather eat her meal. I had forgotten anyone else at the table and sat there with elbows propped up, double cheeseburger between two hands, and munched away looking at her do the same - but more diligently. Nibbling around the edges before taking a big bite that had me laughing to myself as she chased loose fries around her tray and slurped on an XXL coke. I shook my head. How the hell had I ended up here becoming rapt and obsessed with someone who was completely out of my social and physical circle. I honestly felt like I was slowly turning an important page in my book of life. But the old days and old ways still gave me pause. Hallie, Donna, and long-legged Suzie were like ghosts from my Christmas past and they would always be there until I turned that page forever. Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge. Compliments of the season to ye. * The meal was over. The whole group sat on various sofa's or lounged on cushions spread across the floor at the rear of the restaurant next to a traditional log fire that snapped and crackled as the conversation and beers flowed. Everyone was in a good mood as the stresses of the day and week slowly faded away. People were sat in groups chatting about this and that. I was sat on the floor with my back to the oak-paneled wall next to the fire watching as Janet, Heather, and a couple of the other older women talked about whatever it was they were talking about. I took a sip of beer and continued to look at her as she laughed and listened to her companions. It's funny how attraction creeps up on you. Discovering that someone who is normally your physical negative becomes, over time, your absolute emotional positive as you get to know them and their true nature. I swirled what was left of my beer and continued to watch the three women talking. Janet glanced at me and whispered something to the other two. Heather shook her head and put her hand over her mouth to hide a laugh as she glanced over to where I was sitting. Janet gave me another look and I frowned at her. What were they up to? The older woman nodded towards me and Heather shook her head again. Janet knelt forward and crooked a finger at me as Heather put her hands over her face trying to hide. "Come closer, Mike," said Janet, "Kneel on this cushion." She turned to Heather who was blushing beetroot and biting her lip, "Show him, Heather." Bemused, I looked between the three of them. Show me? Show me what? The other woman, Marge, knelt to my right-hand side. "We were just talking with Heather about the way she experiences and interprets the world around her. How things appear to her. When someone speaks to her directly, the sound of their voice appears to her as flashes of different colors in front of her. She can also see someone through touch. Isn't that right, Heather?" Heather was sat there quietly listening and nodded at the question. "I can see people through touching their faces. Um, you know, the way they feel and their shape. I sort of paint a picture in my head when I imagine what they look like. It makes them all different. Which is important to me. I was taught how to do it when I was very young but it's not something I do often these days." Janet knelt to my left. "We thought it'd be fun for her to do you, Mike." Really? I looked at Heather who had inched forward and was carefully settling herself on her cushion in front of me. Uh. Okay. That sounds a bit weird. But what harm could it do? It was a game which was no doubt helped by the soothing effect of the beer I was drinking. "Are you okay with this?" I asked her. Heather nodded. "Um, yes. I just get a little nervous when I do it." "Are you ready?" asked Janet. Heather raised her face and I found myself looking into her eyes and the clear green ocean within them. We were facing each other and I watched as the blind girl slowly lifted her slim hands to my face. * Her first touch was tentative and gentle. The light tracing of my features as her fingers came into contact with the bone structure of my face felt strange yet soothing. They traced my forehead, brow, the bridge of my nose, the breadth of my cheeks and the firmness of my jaw. All the while, I stared at her and as each second passed the world around us faded away into nothing. Heather was smiling as she painted me inside her mind. I understood that I was becoming more defined to her and her head tilted this way and that as her fingers caressed my face. I was staring intently at her now. I could feel the blood beginning to fire through my veins and I sub-consciously found myself moving closer to her as her hands moved to each side of my face and she spread her fingers wide apart. Her lips were slightly open and I suddenly realized that she was moving closer too. Her eyes were shining and I could see tears shimmering as we stopped mere inches apart and I could feel the soft caress of her breath against my lips. My heart was hammering in my chest as I slowly raised my own hands and took her face in mine as she gasped at my sudden touch. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers and felt her groan and sigh against me as I pressed forward with my right arm slipping down her back to draw her to me so I could hold her close. I knew now it was something I had wanted to do from the moment I had set eyes on her as she had laid on the ground in the pouring rain all those days ago. There is no greater expression of want and desire than the first kiss. Ours felt like it lasted forever as I held Heather to my chest and felt her arms wrap themselves around my neck as her lips parted and I felt the first touch of her tongue against mine. The kiss deepened and I could feel her trembling against me as I drew her up so that we were standing together before the log fire. I felt her right hand come down and rest on my chest as she murmured my name. I slowly lifted my lips from hers and opened my eyes to see hers wide with surprise, shock, wonder, and desire. Once I'd let her lips go, she dropped her forehead against my chest and took great lungfuls of air as she tried to control her breathing and heart. I was shaken to my marrow. I blinked as the world came back into focus to see everyone staring at us in silence. I took Heather by her shoulders and held her at arm's length to make sure she was alright. But she shook her head. "I," she whispered as she put her fingers to her lips, "I'm fine. But I think I need to go." It was then Janet and Marge came to her side to support her. They both hugged the shaking girl as Janet stared at me over Heather's shoulder with a satisfied look on her face. "We'll help her get home," she said as they took Heather to get her coat and order a taxi. I still stood there in disbelief. I didn't even give a damn that everyone was still staring at me with stunned surprise. God knows what the girls from the pool were thinking. It was Brad who set me straight. He came over and handed me a beer. "Fuck me, dude," he muttered, "You sure have a way with the ladies. That was pretty fucking spectacular I have to say." Life had suddenly got really complicated. End of Part 2. Story continues in Part 3. |
Author's note: If you're into wham-bam-thank-you-mam stories, this isn't one of them. It's an extremely long story, and you should really read my "Terror in the Snowstorm" story first to learn how the characters got to this point. Thank you for your indulgence. Comments are welcome, constructive criticisms will be much appreciated. As we started through the deep snow on the lane leading from Zeke and Merle’s cabin to the hard road, I could see the fire rapidly growing inside the cabin, through the cracked rearview mirror of Zeke’s Jeep. I knew that poor, murdered Merle’s body was being cremated, and that his brother, Zeke, was being roasted alive. The horror of the entire situation, Zeke’s attempted rape of Tara, his brutal murder of his brother Merle (who Zeke had called Ox, to make fun of his immense size and strength, along with his obviously limited mental ability), my wounding Zeke with his own gun, and Tara’s decision to torch their cabin with Zeke inside, alive, but disabled by his wounds, nearly overwhelmed me. I could barely drive through the deep snow, torn between the urge to cry openly from my terror and exhaustion, to be physically ill, or to pray to God to thank Him for sparing us and to beg forgiveness for our own guilt at having killed a defenseless man, even though the man had proven himself to be nearly the devil incarnate. Looking over at Tara, who had actually been the one to cause Zeke’s death, didn’t help me. She was sitting stiffly in her seat, staring straight ahead through dead-looking eyes, her face frozen into an unreadable mask. When we reached the hard road, I turned toward home, hoping that Zeke’s monster Jeep would be able to get us through the deep snowdrifts and over the trees that had been blown down during the worst of the storm. We crawled along at a steady but slow pace, finally reaching Tara’s wrecked car, which is where our whole nightmare had begun. I stopped the Jeep I had stolen from Zeke so we could retrieve Tara’s purse and luggage, along with my duffle bag from my truck, all of which had been left behind when Zeke and Merle had kidnapped us. Tara was silent and expressionless the whole time. When we had gotten back in the Jeep and resumed our slow progress toward home, she broke the silence. “I killed a man, Seth. I burned him alive. He would have raped me if poor Merle hadn’t stoped him. He would have killed us both when he was done using my body. He laughed as he murdered his own brother. He deserved to die. He was a monster. We could have escaped after you wounded him, but I killed him. What happens now? Am I a murderer? Am I any better than he was? Will I go to prison? Will I go to Hell for this? Worse still, will I have dragged you down with me?” She began to sob quietly, pitifully, tucking herself into almost a fetal position on the seat next to me. I drove in silence, not knowing what to say to her. My emotions were so mixed up that I couldn’t decide if she was, in fact, a cold-blooded killer, or if her actions could be excused by the inconceivable horror of the entire situation and the mortal fear that Zeke had caused in both of us. I had shot the bastard twice, but I was at peace with that. I had been prepared to empty his gun into him just to prevent him from raping Tara, but I had been tied up and could not get my hands free. After Merle had attacked Zeke to stop him just as he had been ready to begin raping Tara, she had untied me and I had grabbed the gun, but I didn’t fire it. When Zeke had overpowered Merle and had killed him, I threatened Zeke with the gun. Zeke lunged at me with the same fireplace poker he had used to murder his brother, so I shot him twice to disable him. I was prepared to take Tara and flee the scene, knowing that Zeke would probably have bled to death before we could have sent police and medical personnel to his cabin, but I was comfortable with that. His death would, technically, have been at my hands, but I felt that, morally and legally, it was a killing in self-defense and in the defense of another. Tara’s dumping moonshine and kerosene all over him, knowing that it would trickle toward the fireplace and incinerate him alive was, perhaps, another matter. The miles passed slowly on the drifted, tree- and branch-strewn woodland road. Tara and I were each lost in our own agonized thoughts. As we passed through the small town where I assumed Zeke and Merle had sold their hides and moonshine, I was acutely aware that we would have been seen as fugitives from justice if the stolen Jeep we were driving was recognized, but no one seemed to see us as we crept through the dark town. When we were back in the woods moving toward our home towns, Tara finally spoke again. “Seth, stop the Jeep. Find a place to pull over and stop. We need to talk.” I saw an abandoned gas station, and stopped behind it, hidden from the road. I stopped the engine and turned the lights out. “Seth, should we call the fire department? What if the cabin has started a forest fire?” “I think that’s pretty unlikely, Tara. There’s so much snow out here that the likelihood of the fire spreading is almost nothing. The cabin will probably burn to the ground, but it’s so isolated that no one may even have spotted the fire. When someone finally does find it, all they’ll find is two badly charred bodies in the rubble. Even if they find the bullet wounds in Zeke, there will be no way to know who fired the gun. All our fingerprints will have been destroyed by the fire. They’ll probably figure that mean old Zeke finally pushed his brother too hard, that they fought, and killed each other. If they really investigate, they’ll find the broken moonshine jug and the kerosene lamp, which will probably have been broken when the roof fell in, and they’ll assume the fire was accidental.” “Should we go to the police and tell them what happened?” Tara asked. “That’s your call, Tara. I understand why Zeke had to die. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I will abide by whatever decision you make. If you feel you need to tell your story to the authorities, you may be able to justify your actions and avoid any trouble. You may also be able to get your father to use his influence to help you or to get you the legal help you may need. But really, I think that the only evidence of us having been in that cabin will have been destroyed by the fire. Our vehicles are abandoned at least two miles from the cabin, and the storm has covered any footprints and tire tracks that would show that we were picked up and taken to the cabin in the first place. We can come up with a story about having been picked up by some kind-hearted stranger who dropped us near one of our homes. The only problem that I can see is that we’re driving Zeke’s Jeep.” “Oh, no, Seth! You’re right, the Jeep will incriminate us. Even if we abandon it, it will be found. People will wonder why it isn’t at the cabin if Zeke and Merle are. We’re still incriminated!” Sara moaned. “It doesn’t have to be found,” I said. “Through the garage I work at, I’ve learned of a few, shall we say, interesting people who could make it disappear permanently. If I can get the Jeep to them before it’s spotted, we should be home free. The disappearance of the Jeep from the cabin will probably make people suspect that Zeke and Merle didn’t kill each other. They’ll assume that a third party was involved, but with Merle’s description of Zeke’s behavior, it’s not hard to believe that he may have made enough enemies in his life to have given someone a reason to kill him and steal his Jeep.” Tara was fumbling in her purse for her phone. “Damn, I still don’t have reception. Get back and on the road and head for home. As soon as I can, I’ll call my Dad. Even though his law practice is corporate, he knows a lot of people. Discrete people. Influential people. Some pretty disreputable people too. I remember that one of his clients was rumored to have some questionable business interests in some companies that were suspected to be silent backers of some car theft rings and chop shops. Let’s drive straight to my house. Daddy may have some ideas of how to get rid of this car without any trace leading back to us.” It was about eighty miles from Zeke’s cabin to Tara’s house. The storm was over now. We emerged from the wooded, hilly area into a stretch of flatter farm-land. Apparently, the winds had been much milder here, since there was little drifting, and the snow was only about a foot deep. This was easy going for Zeke’s mountain-man Jeep, but we were the only vehicle moving. Even the snowplows hadn’t yet gotten to this country road. It was about 3am when Tara was finally able to call her house. Her Dad answered on the first ring. “Daddy, it’s Tara. I’m safe and on the way home. A friend of mine from school is driving me to the house. We should be there in less than two hours. But Daddy, we need your help. Something really bad happened, but I won’t tell you about it on the phone. I need to discuss it with you face to face. Part of the problem is the vehicle we’re driving. It doesn’t belong to either of us. Daddy, listen to me. It’s a long story, but this vehicle has to be hidden. What? Yes Daddy, we took it. Daddy, stop yelling at me! I’m sorry, but I have to tell you the whole story for you to understand. Please, Daddy, please don’t yell at me! I’ll explain everything when we get home. I need your help. Should we drive straight to the house, or do you have someplace else to park it? Daddy, I know, I know, but please, you have to help me. I’ll explain everything when we get home. OK, we’ll just keep heading for home while I wait for you to call me back. I love you, Daddy.” She closed her phone. “What did he say?” I asked. “He’s way pissed, but I could tell he’s scared for me, too. Daddy and I love and respect each other. He knows I would never be in a stolen car without a damn good reason. He’s making phone calls right now. He said he’d call me back within the hour to tell us whether to head home or to go somewhere else to hide the car and get picked up.” I figured that, at the rate we were going, it would take at least an hour and a half to get to the part of her town where I believed Tara lived. Even if we drove straight to her house, it would still be dark, which would make it less likely that we would be seen. Besides, I was pretty sure Zeke’s Jeep had never been this close to real civilization. We drove in silence for a long time, still not seeing a soul. The ring of Tara’s cell was startlingly loud. “Daddy? We’re about 5 miles from home. Uh-huh, yes, I can find the place. Yes, I can give Seth directions to get there. OK, third overhead door from the left on the back of the building. The man will bring us to our house? OK, we’ll tell you the whole story when we get home. Thank you, Daddy. And thank you for believing in me. I know you’ll understand when you hear what happened. I love you, Daddy.” With Tara’s directions, we made our way to a run-down warehouse district. A gate was open in the rusty chain link fence, and a single set of tire tracks led to the back of the building. We drove inside and stopped the Jeep. The overhead door closed behind us and we were in the dark. Suddenly, lights came on, and we could see a man walking toward us. We got out of the Jeep as he approached. “Get all of your possessions out and follow me,” he said. We walked behind him, and he opened a pedestrian door to the outside, leading us toward an SUV. He loaded our stuff in the back, opened the back door for us, and motioned us to get inside. Without a word, he got in and drove us through the gate we had used to enter the property. Immediately, several snow plows came around the corner, drove through the gate, and began to remove the tire tracks made by Zeke’s Jeep and the SUV we were in. In silence, the man drove us to Tara’s house. He drove to the back of the house, actually a huge mansion, and we were immediately met by a man in a vest and tie, who hurried us into the back entrance and took our outerwear. “Miss, Suzette and I will get your things and your friend’s things from the driver. Sir, my name is Lawrence. I am the butler. Suzette is the maid, whom you may happen to meet later. Miss, your parents are in your father’s study. If I may be so forward, I must inform you that they are not in a good mood.” I had never been inside a house anything like this. I couldn’t help gawking at the sheer size of the place and the luxury of the furnishings as we walked. Tara said, “Let me do all the talking. Please don’t say anything unless my parents or I ask you to. And for God’s sake, quit looking like an awe-struck tourist!” Tara opened one of the double doors into her father’s study, and I walked in behind her. Her father was an imposing-looking man, immaculately dressed in an expensive-looking suit, even at 5 in the morning. He was sitting behind a massive oak desk when we entered the room. Her mother, a stunning who must have been close to fifty years old, also expensively dressed, was sitting in a large leather chair next to the desk. Her father said, “We’re listening, young lady. We need to know exactly what happened. And who the hell is this?” “Daddy, Mom, this is Seth Johnson, a friend of mine from college. Seth, my father, Joshua Hawthorne, III and my mother, Amanda Hawthorne, MD.” In a very clipped and stern tone, Tara’s father said, “Sit down, Seth. You too, Tara. I can hardly wait to hear your excuse for having stolen a car!” Tara told her parents the whole story, leaving almost nothing out. The only thing she didn’t explain was what the relationship had been between her and me on campus. As she spoke, her parents listened intently, stopping her several times to get her to clarify some details. The longer Tara talked, the less angry and more concerned her parents seemed to be. At the end of Tara’s story, they stood up and came over to Tara. She stood up, and they grabbed her, hugging her tightly and kissing her hair. “My poor baby girl,” her father said quietly. I’m so sorry this had to happen to you. I just thank God you’re safe here at home.” Her mother, dabbing her eyes with a hankie, said, “We love you, honey. We’ll do everything we can to make sure that you’re protected. You did nothing wrong. You did what you had to do.” Her father turned to me. “Son,” he said, taking my hand in both of his, “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you did to try to protect my little girl. You’re a very brave and fine young man. My wife and I are forever in your debt.” Tara’s mother came over to me, looked deep into my eyes, and then threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. She started to cry, holding me tight. “Thank you for being there for our baby. She is very lucky to have a friend as wonderful as you.” After a few moments, she pulled away and stood next to her husband, holding his hand tightly. Tara’s father said, “You two must be exhausted. Tara, Suzette has unpacked your things and drawn you a bath. Seth, I will ring Lawrence. He has put your things into one of the guest rooms and has furnished the bathroom with anything you should need to be able to freshen up from your ordeal. I have a number of things to attend to regarding this matter. Suzette and Lawrence will call you in time for you to have lunch at one this afternoon. Hopefully, I will be able to put your minds at ease about the difficult details of this situation when my wife and I join you for the meal. Oh, and give Lawrence your parents’ phone number, so he may call them to let them know you are all right and will be staying the day and evening with us. He will only tell them that you had difficulty with the storm and are at a friend’s family’s house. You can call them this afternoon to tell them whatever else you want them to know.” Lawrence knocked on my door at noon. By the time I had gotten showered and changed into the silk pajamas Lawrence had provided for me, I was so exhausted that I had simply collapsed on the king-sized bed in my suite. I felt like I had been asleep for only a few minutes when Lawrence’s polite knock sounded on my door. “What is it?” I said through my fog. Lawrence answered through the door, “Mr. Hawthorne instructed me to wake you at noon, sir. May I come in to assist you, sir?” “Sure, come on in, Lawrence, though I don’t know what help I would need, other than to get my sorry ass out of bed.” “Sir,” Lawrence replied, “I will gladly help you to your feet if you so desire. However, what I had really intended to assist you with is selection of your attire for your late luncheon with the Hawthornes.” As he came into the room, he pulled behind him a large, wheeled clothes rack with three sport coat and dress slacks combinations, two suits, a variety of shirts and ties, five pairs of shoes, and numerous packages of underwear and socks. “What’s all this, Lawrence?” “Sir, in the Hawthorne household, everyone dresses appropriately when a guest is invited for a meal. I spoke to Dr. Hawthorne, since I knew you had only casual clothing with you, and she instructed me to have some items delivered in your size. I do hope you will find them to you liking. For breakfast, it is appropriate to wear a simple shirt and slacks. Luncheon usually calls for a sport coat and tie. At dinnertime, a proper suit is usually expected. If you would not mind, I will select a luncheon ensemble which I believe will be pleasing to you and will make the proper presentation to the family.” Obviously, I really didn’t know how the other half lived. The clothes all looked great, but way out of my league. “Knock yourself out Lawrence. My usual clothing selection involves jeans and a t-shirt. Pick out something you think will look good. I’m going to grab a shower and a shave.” “Excellent, sir. I shall return in ten minutes to assist you in your clothing selection.” When I came out of the bathroom, having showered and shaved with the supplies Lawrence had set out before I had gone to bed, he was waiting in the bedroom. “You look refreshed, sir. Are you feeling well?” “Lawrence, I’d feel a lot better with about eight hours more sleep. But, I’m anxious to hear more about what Tara’s Mom and Dad have to say about what happened to us. Also, I’m hungry as hell. What do you think I should wear for lunch?” “Sir, may I suggest the ensemble I have laid out on the bed? If I may offer my opinion, these clothes have a casually dressy appearance which should be well received by the Hawthorne’s.” I dressed as Lawrence puttered about the suite, replacing the used towels in the bathroom, and hanging my other new clothes in a closet. He brought in all the clothes that had been in my duffle bag, but which were now laundered and pressed, and put them away neatly in dresser drawers. When I was ready to put on my necktie, he said, “I would gladly assist you with that if you like, sir.” “Sure, that would be great, Lawrence.” When he was done, I put on the sport coat. “You look fabulous sir!” Lawrence said. “Please take a look in the wardrobe mirror.” I checked my appearance in the mirror and had to agree. “How did you manage to get clothes for me that fit me this well?” I asked. “Sir, I used to be co-owner of an exclusive men’s clothing store in town. My contribution to the business had been my sense of style and my eye for fit. My partner’s contribution had been primarily his business acumen. Mr. Hawthorne had become a steady customer of ours, and purchased virtually all of his clothing from us. When my partner had succeeded in siphoning off most of the money from the business and had absconded with the funds, leaving me to face bankruptcy, liquidation of the business, and financial ruin, Mr. Hawthorne invited me and my wife Suzette to come to work for him as his butler and maid. We have been in his employ for nearly fifteen years.” I said, “It sounds like Mr. Hawthorne did you a pretty big favor.” “Absolutely, sir. One I can never properly repay. But he didn’t do it to enslave me and my wife. Quite to the contrary, sir. Mr. Hawthorne and Dr. Hawthorne are extremely generous people. They have helped many who are less fortunate than they, and my wife and I, along with many others, love them deeply. But make no mistake, sir. Mr. Hawthorne can be a fearsome adversary. Those who wrong either him or those he cares about wind up regretting it. But enough of that. I should allow you to form your own opinions. We have some time before I must escort you to the family dining room. May I give you a brief tour of the house, sir?” “That sounds great, Lawrence. But please, stop calling me ‘sir’. Seth is just fine with me.” “It would be improper for me to call you by your given name, sir, for two reasons. First, it is my position and duty to refer to all Mr. Hawthorne’s associates and guests as ‘sir’ or ‘madam’ or ‘miss.’ Second, and this is my personal reason, sir, I must confess that my wife and I love Miss Tara as though she were our own daughter. Mr. Hawthorne has told me something of what you two endured last night. I have the utmost respect for you, sir, for what you did to protect Miss Tara’s honor and, in fact, her very life. In my eyes, sir, and I suspect in the eyes of everyone in this household, you are a hero. It would be gravely inappropriate for me to address one who is a hero to me by anything less respectful than the term, ‘sir’.” As we walked through the house, Lawrence pointed out the hallway to Tara’s parents’ suite of rooms, which included Mr. Hawthorne’s study which we had been in early this morning, the stairway to Tara’s part of the house (her ‘apartment’ as he called it), the great room, which could easily have served as a ballroom for about forty guests, and the recreational area which included a home theater room, a small video arcade, and a near-Olympic size indoor swimming pool. Through the windows we could also see an outdoor pool which was covered for the winter. Lawrence led me back to the kitchen area, which was a few steps from the neat little house he shared with his wife. Near that was a building which appeared to consist of some townhouse-type apartments, which Lawrence said housed the rest of the staff. Lawrence then escorted me into the family dining room. Tara’s mother was already there. When she saw me, she got up and came over to me, hugging me like a long-lost close friend. “Seth, dear, did you sleep well? Has Lawrence taken care of your needs? You look extremely handsome today.” “Thank you, ma’am,” I said. “Yes, I slept soundly, although I may need another night’s sleep to recover fully. Lawrence provided me with everything I could possibly want, including these wonderful clothes. He is an amazing man. He told me a little of his history, which explains his taste in clothes and his ability to choose items which fit me perfectly. He also told me of his relationship with you and your husband. He has the utmost respect for the two of you.” “As we do for him. Lawrence and his wife, Suzette, make this house run smoothly and efficiently. My husband and I both love them deeply. Speaking of my husband, he should be here in a moment. I wonder where Tara is.” “I’m here Mom,” Tara said as she walked into the room. She was dressed in a simple pink sweater, pleated navy skirt which stopped at the top of her knees, and sensible but dressy navy shoes. Her hair was pulled back in a large silver clasp at the back of her head. The overall impression was tasteful and beautiful. She would have looked right at home in a glamour magazine spread about casual office fashion. She went and kissed her Mom on the cheek, then came over to me and hugged me tightly, kissing me on both cheeks. “Good morning, er, afternoon, Seth. My, don’t you look great today!” At that point, Mr. Hawthorne strode into the room and gave his wife a quick, yet heartfelt peck on the lips. He then turned to Tara. “I’m so glad you’re home, Sweetie,” he said as he hugged her. Then he came over to me and shook my hand warmly. “Hello, Seth. I’m glad to see you looking more rested. I see that Lawrence’s skill with clothing is as strong as ever. You look like a man who could set any woman’s heart ablaze and who could easily win the respect of any man. I must say, young man, that you have already won my respect. You do realize that the clothes Lawrence brought you this morning are our gift to you, the first of many ways that my wife and I hope to demonstrate our gratitude to you.” “Thank you, sir,” I said. “But I want you to realize that your daughter here was, in many important ways, more instrumental in saving our lives than I was.” “Son,” Mr. Hawthorne said, “your modesty is refreshing, but never make the mistake of selling yourself short. Modesty is an important trait, but one should take credit when it’s due. Have a seat, everyone. Let’s have lunch.” A young woman brought us soup, salad, entree, coffee, and a light desert in perfectly timed succession. Our conversation during lunch was light, almost superficial, with Tara’s Dad grilling me on my preference in sports teams, and his wife asking Tara about her classes and exams. After the table had been cleared, Mr. Hawthorne got down to business. “I’ve been busy on the phone this morning,” Mr. Hawthorne said. “Let me tell you what I’ve learned and what I’ve accomplished so far. “First, the vehicle you drove to the warehouse this morning no longer exists. All identifying paperwork and personal belongings of the owner were removed and destroyed. The vehicle itself was crushed and is, by now, in the blast furnace of a scrap metal recycler I know of. That was accomplished discretely by someone who owed me a favor. He is reliable, trustworthy, to me at least, and knows that I can and will cause him to be permanently silenced with one phone call if he has been at all careless. “Second, the weather has cleared completely along the route you took from the university to here. I know of someone who was able to trace the route by helicopter. Although the road through the forested area where your vehicles are has not yet been cleared, he has made arrangements to have both your cars flat-bedded here at the first opportunity. He located the remains of the cabin. It was virtually destroyed in the fire. There is, at this time, no evidence that anyone has been to the scene to investigate the fire, and in fact, no one in the area seems to have noticed it. “Third, this same individual has contacts who have made discrete inquiries about your captors. It appears that they were only seen in the town nearby about two or three times a year, so their untimely end may not be discovered for several months, giving nature further opportunity to obliterate any evidence which could be useful in investigating the cause of their deaths and the fire. Besides, it seems as though their reputation in that town would not cause anyone to go looking for them. They will not be missed. “Fourth, I have enlisted the services of a top criminal defense practice. Their firm and mine have long professional ties, and a sizeable number of favors have been exchanged between our two practices over the past several decades. The senior partner of this firm and I have been close personal friends since our fraternity days in college. He has already contacted his most trusted private investigators to research everything that can be learned about the occupants of that cabin, and he will be immediately aware of any investigation that may be launched by the authorities into the events of last night. He also has formed a committee inside his firm to formulate any defense strategies that could be needed for either of you, in the event that any suspicions should ever be raised. He already has told me that, based on your account of the events, it would be extremely unlikely that either of you could be connected in any way to those two individuals. He said he could not envision a scenario in which anyone would ever even dream that you had met those two men. “Fifth, and I must apologize for this, I have done some research on you, Seth. I’ve learned that you are the only son of two honest, respected, hard-working, lower-income level parents. You were an honor student throughout middle school and high school. Graduated second in your class of 356 students. Lettered in football sophomore through senior years. Co-captain senior year when your team lost by one point at the state finals. Voted MVP of every major game your team played. Lost your full-ride football scholarship in the spring of your senior year when a drunk driver plowed into your car and pretty-much ruined your knee. Also lost some small academic scholarships when your family couldn’t afford the rest of the cost to send you to several good universities. Worked essentially full-time at an auto repair business near your house all through high school, after graduation worked an average of sixty hours a week for an entire year to save enough money to enter the university you’re at now. “No one has ever known you to touch drugs. You drink sparingly on occasion, preferring to serve as the designated driver for your friends. You had several girlfriends in high school and one fairly serious relationship in your freshman year at college. You dumped her when you found out she cheated on you. You worked like a madman last summer to earn more money for school. You do some odd jobs around school, but you haven’t been seen much outside your dorm, the classrooms, and the library. You are carrying a perfect grade-point average and are taking extra credits. You are taking a dual-major in electronics engineering and business management. Your only social life this semester involved some light social encounters with my daughter, who shut you down like the spoiled brat she can be (sorry, honey, but you know it’s true) when she found out you weren’t a rich kid like she is. “Do I have that about correct, Seth?” Mr. Hawthorne asked. I sat there dumbfounded. “Yes sir, that’s about it. How did you learn all that since five o’clock this morning?” Mr. Hawthorne gave me a sly smile. “It helps to know people who know people. You’re a very interesting young man, Seth. You work hard for everything you get. You probably will go far. You also don’t hold grudges. You didn’t have to try to rescue our daughter, after she had, frankly, been such a bitch to you, but you did. I admire you. I’ve also spoken to your father on the phone. Your parents were worried sick about you, knowing how bad the blizzard was that you were driving through. When Lawrence called them this morning, they were relieved to know that you were safe, but Lawrence felt they had a lot of questions that he did not feel at liberty to answer. I called your house just before I came in here to lunch. I didn’t tell them much other than that Tara wrecked her car and that you managed to plow your way through the blizzard to bring her home to us. I’m sure they assume that you brought her here in your truck. I also told them that you were our guest here, and asked them to let you stay with us for a few days. I invited them to come here for Christmas, as a show of our gratitude for them having a son as wonderful as you. They said they would like to talk to you about it, and I promised that you would call them. Would you like to call them now, or do you want to think about all this for a while?” “Daddy,” Tara said, “I’d like to talk to Seth alone before he calls them. Would that be OK, Seth?” “Sure, Tara. Do you mind if we excuse ourselves, sir? Ma’am?” “Perfectly fine with us, son,” Mr. Hawthorne said. “Take all the time you need. I have some follow-up I need to do on our ‘situation,’ anyway, and I should also do some firm-related work. Honey,” he said, turning to Tara’s mother, is that OK with you?” Tara’s mother said, “Let’s talk about this some more at dinner, around 7:30 this evening.” Tara and I left the dining room, and I followed her down the hall to the recreation area of the house. When we got to the pool area, we stopped, and Tara motioned for me to sit next to her on a loveseat near the pool. “Seth, I need to know how you feel about all this.” I asked, “What exactly are you referring to?” “Just talk to me. First tell me how you felt last night at the cabin.” “OK, well, terrified. I didn’t want to believe it, but I was sure those guys wanted to rape you as soon as Zeke started talking about having a ‘party.’ That’s why I stood up to him out at your car. I didn't really think I could take him in a fight, but I didn’t know what else to do. At that point, I was still mad at you for the way you treated me last semester and the way you talked to me when you were trapped in your car, but I felt a moral obligation to do whatever I could to protect you. When I woke up tied up in their cabin, I was desperate to do something, but couldn’t figure out what it could be. That’s why I made you tell me everything that had happened after Zeke knocked me out. I was feeling pretty hopeless, because I was sure they were going to kill us, but I couldn’t just sit there without trying to figure out some way to escape. The way you talked about Merle gave me a little hope, but when he did nothing to stop Zeke from making you strip, I figured we were doomed. I was beside myself because I just couldn’t get myself untied. I really wanted to grab that gun and put all six bullets right in Zeke’s heart. When Merle started fighting with Zeke and you untied me, my hopes soared. I thought we could get out of there, and maybe help Merle too. But when Zeke murdered his own brother, I knew we in deep trouble. I shot him to disable him so we could get away, figuring that if he didn’t bleed to death, the cops would put him away for life. When you torched the cabin, I was, frankly, a little horrified at your actions, but I tried to imagine what I would have done if I had been in your place. I knew you were terrified, humiliated, and had narrowly escaped the most hideous violation a woman can experience, especially knowing that you would be killed afterward. I’m at peace now with what you did. With where your head and your heart were at the time, I’m not sure you had any choice but to do what you did.” “Oh Seth,” Tara sobbed, “you don’t know how much that means to me. I needed to hear you say that you understood. I was in such a state of shock that I was, in some ways, unable to form rational thoughts. When Zeke rammed his fingers inside me and got ready to enter me, I sort of snapped. It was so surreal. I was almost outside of myself, experiencing the whole situation not only as a victim but also as a spectator. I don’t know how to put it into words. I guess that now I have to work on coming to grips with it, convincing myself to forgive myself for what I did. Can you ever forgive me, Seth?” “Tara, I already have. I’m pretty sure that what you did would not even stand up in court as a prosecutable offence. I’m not the most religious person in the world, but I know that God was there, and under the circumstances, He knows that you did what had to be done, and does not blame you for your actions. I know I now only feel gratitude to you for helping to save us. I have forgiven you completely for anything you did last night. In fact, I have forgiven you completely for anything you have ever said or done to me. You are an amazing girl, Tara, someone who should go forward with her head held high.” Tara grabbed me hard and buried her face in my shoulder. Her wracking sobs shook me to the core. I hugged her tightly, gently stroking her beautiful blond hair, letting her break down with the emotions that had been overwhelming her. After a long time, she pulled back from me so that she could look at me. “I feel so awful for the way I’ve treated you, Seth. Daddy’s right. I can be an insufferable, miserable, bratty, spoiled bitch, and by being that way, I drove away the bravest, noblest, and most sensitive man I’ve ever met. Having you forgive me means more to me than I can tell you.” It was at that point that she first kissed me. It was not a gentle “just friends” peck, but it was not a kiss of physical passion, either. It felt like a kiss of love, like the kiss of an angel. We kissed each other again and again, and each kiss became a little hotter than the one before. Finally, she broke from my embrace and looked at me with an expression on her face that I couldn’t read. “I remember one thing from last night that, in a different situation, I would have enjoyed,” Tara said. “What was that?” I asked. “The look in your eyes when I was getting undressed. I did it slowly to give you more time to untie yourself, but when I saw the way you were looking at me, I wanted to please you. Now I want to see that look in your eyes again,” Tara said. She stood up and moved a few feet away from me, removed the clip from her hair and shook it loose. Then she started gently swaying in front of me. She slowly slipped off her shoes, and then began to move her hands gradually up and down her body. Still swaying, she turned her back to me and very slowly pulled her sweater up her body and over her head, tossing it onto a nearby chair. When she turned back to face me, I caught the briefest glimpse of a nearly transparent pink bra before she covered the cups with her hands. She sensuously massaged her breasts through the bra for a few moments, then lowered her hands so I could see her nipples straining against the delicate fabric. Never stopping her gentle movement, she lovingly caressed her taut, flat abdomen, her sides, her perfectly proportioned arms, and her lovely shoulders. With torturously slow movements, she pulled the straps down, lowering the bra so that I could barely see the top edges of her small, pink areolas. Then she turned her back to me again, and removed the bra, tossing it on top of her sweater. Her hands ran over her trim, shapely hips and buttocks, finally finding and lowering the zipper of her skirt. She allowed it to drop to the floor, displaying her sexy, tight ass covered by tiny boy-short panties made of the same sheer pink material. When she turned to face me again, she gave me a full view of her full, perky tits with their erect nipples. Still dancing, she worked her panties off her hips, allowing me to see the moisture already glistening between her puffy, bare labia. She kicked the skirt and panties to the side and glided to me. “I want to undress you too, Seth. I want you to make love to me. Stand up and let me do everything for you. I don’t want you to move a muscle. I just want to make you feel good.” She kissed my lips, my eyes, everywhere on my face. She removed my jacket and tie, and then slowly unbuttoned my shirt. As each button came free, she kissed the newly exposed area of my chest and stomach. After my shirt was off, she carefully draped my clothes over the chair that held hers. Then she knelt in front of me, lifting my one leg and then the other to remove my shoes and socks. She slowly worked her hands up my legs, lightly caressing them as she went. When she reached my waist, she began kissing my stomach and licking my navel. She palmed my obvious erection through my trousers as she kissed and licked my torso, and then deftly opened my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and removed them, tossing them with the rest of our clothes. When she worked my briefs off my hips, freeing my cock, it sprang up and hit her in the chin. “Seth, you moved a muscle. And what a muscle it is!” Lightly fondling my balls, she licked the underside of my shaft until a drop of pre-cum appeared. She smiled at me and said, “I want to have you in my mouth for a little while. I don’t want you to cum there this time, though, because I need you inside me. If I get carried away, please stop me, because the first time you cum with me I want it do be deep in my pussy. OK, baby?” With the way she looked, and the way she made love to my manhood, it took everything I had not to just blow my load when she started moving her mouth back and forth on my cock. I had had good blowjobs before, but none of them had felt like this. Was she really that skilled, or was it my rapidly growing feelings for this goddess kneeling before me, worshipping my penis with her mouth? I couldn’t decide, but I soon realized I had to stop her before I drowned her in cum. “Tara, honey, stop! I’m going to cum big-time if you don’t stop now!” She pulled back and smiled up at me. “Oh my God, Seth, you taste good. And doing that to you made me so wet! Please make love to me. Please make me cum. I need it so much!” I helped her to her feet and pulled her to me. I realized that, other than holding her hand at college this past fall, and the kisses we had shared a few minutes earlier, this was the first time I had touched her. I held her close, leaning down to kiss her. Our tongues danced as our mutual passion grew. I could feel her hard nipples grinding into my chest. I caressed her hair, her shoulders, her beautiful back, and her lovely, firm ass. We held ourselves so tightly to each other that I felt like my body would weld itself to hers with our heat. I picked her up and carried her to a lounge chair and laid her down carefully. I was transfixed with her beauty and couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare at her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever known, now was my chance to make love to her, but I was so awestruck with her beauty that I couldn’t move. I stared at her gorgeous face, her toned body, her fabulous breasts, her moist, puffy lips, and her long, shapely legs. Finally, a sigh escaped my lips, with a single word: “Wow!” Tara giggled and said, “You’re silly! I was thinking the same thing, looking up at you. But I want to do much more than look. I need to have you touch me, I need to have you on me, in me, possessing me. Come to me now, lover.” I lay down next to her and began to kiss her again. Although I knew I could have just rammed myself inside her and gotten the relief she made me need so desperately, I wanted to really make love to her. I bathed her face and neck in soft little kisses while gently massaging her breasts. I worked my lips down her throat and slowly kissed her one nipple. It was hard as a stone, and I sucked and nibbled it carefully, while lightly pinching the other nipple. After a while, I changed sides, and took as much of that beautiful breast as I could into my mouth, licking the areola, and drawing down on her nipple. I could smell the remnants of her vanilla body wash on her moistened skin, which blended beautifully with the sweet, musky smell of her arousal. Resuming my southward trip, I trailed light kisses down her belly until I could lick the prominence of her one hipbone. From there, I kissed and nibbled down the front of her thigh to her knee, then back up the inside of that thigh to just below her pussy. The sweet aroma of her excitement was driving me insane. I by-passed her sex and moved to the top of her thigh, across her lower abdomen to the other hip and repeated my path on this leg. When I got to the top, I slowly parted her thighs with my hands to expose her pussy. Her puffy, smooth outer lips were shiny with her fluid, and the drenched pink inner folds were visible. Her clit had begun to protrude from its hood. With just the tip of my tongue, I licked the length of one of her outer labia and then the other. Her breathing was very heavy now, and I could hear soft moans coming from deep in her chest. I kept this up for awhile, enjoying the sounds she was making and the taste of the fluids she was producing. Finally, I parted her outer lips and licked her center from near her little pink pucker to just short of her clit. With each lick, I plunged my tongue deeper inside her, making her moan and squirm more with each pass I made. Finally, without warning, I touched the tip of my tongue to her now fully engorged clit. She sucked in a big breath and held it as I began to suck on her clit. After a few seconds, she let out a sobbing wail, and began to spasm with the first orgasm of what I hoped would be several. As she writhed and shook, I struggled to keep contact with her pussy, but her reaction made it well worth the effort. Finally, her orgasm had passed. I lifted my head to look deep into her lovely eyes. “I need you inside me right now, Seth. I don’t care if you want to make slow tender love to me or if you want to use me like a sex toy, as long as you fuck me right now!” she said. I moved up so I could rub the head of my cock against her pussy, mixing my pre-cum with her juices. Then I slowly began to enter her. She was very tight, and it took a lot of gentle thrusting to work my length fully inside her wet velvet vice. When I had bottomed out, she wrapped her arms and legs around me, and we began the timeless dance of lovers. At first, we moved slowly, savoring each second of our joining. The soft moans of pleasure she was making soon caused me to up the tempo of our copulation, which made her push her hips up to meet my thrusts. When I shifted my position to I could suck on her nipples again, she began to writhe in earnest. Almost at once, I felt a great increase in her moisture, and she began to buck wildly beneath and around me, giving herself up to another soul-shaking orgasm. I held myself as deep inside her as possible, letting her ride it out. When she had recovered, she whispered in my ear, “Now fuck me hard, Seth. Fuck me as hard as you’ve ever fucked anyone. I want to feel you cum as deep inside me as you can.” I was happy to oblige and began pumping her like my survival depended on it. Soon we were both drenched with sweat, and I felt a tremendous seething deep in my sack. Tara knew it was coming, because she could feel my dick swelling even larger inside her. “Yes, Seth, yes, I want it so much. Cum in me, baby, cum in me!” As I let loose, she dug her fingers into my shoulders and crushed my back with her heels, experiencing her own orgasm. We lay there, still joined, trying to return our breathing to normal. I kissed her again and again, inhaling the soft, wonderful scent of her hair and the intoxicating smell of our combined lust. What had transpired between us in the last twenty-four hours was more than I could comprehend. Where would we go from here? |
This is part two of my story, “Dad, I Have a Question,” posted on this site on August 22, 2011. It isn't absolutely necessary to read that story to understand this one, but it can't hurt. PLEASE NOTE: This is a completely fictional story about a single father and his daughter. The night before this chapter begins, the girl, a senior in high school, approached her father with some frank questions about sex. * * * * * * * * * * My daughter said, “I've heard about the 'morning-after pill'. Can you get me one? I have another question.” “Jamie, no! I can't do that!” I said. “Do you want to take a chance of getting me pregnant?” Jamie asked. “Of course not,” I answered, “but honey, that's not the point....” “Dad, look. I know this is all strange for you. It's strange for me. I've never done anything with a guy before. I've never let a guy put his fingers in my pussy, or suck on my breasts or my clit. I've never had a real orgasm, let alone with a guy, until today.” “I feel so guilty about all that.” “Why?” my daughter asked. She rolled her naked body partially on top of mine, resting her smooth thigh against my cock. “Why? I wanted it.” “Yes, but still,....” Jamie kissed me. “I know, Dad, I know. 'Fathers and daughters don't do this kind of thing.'” “Exactly!” “Well, we just did do that kind of thing, Dad. I'm naked in your bed with you. I've masturbated in front of you, you helped me reach my first real orgasm, I made you cum all over my hand and my boobs, you licked my pussy, and I gave you a blowjob and swallowed when you came in my mouth. What's the next logical step? I want to learn from you!” “Jamie, I can't actually have sex with you. You'll never forgive me if I take your virginity. I've already damaged you for life.” “Dad, listen to me. I WANT you to take my virginity. I want it, Dad. I want to become a woman. I want to feel a penis inside me. And I want it to be yours. Please? I love you!” “I love you too, Jamie. Very much. You know that, baby, don't you? That's why I'm not sure I want to do this with you.” Jamie ran her fingers down my body until she touched my cock, which was very hard, again. “I'm pretty sure you want to do this with me. Your penis is telling me that,” she said, kissing me again. “I want you, you want me, we love each other, and the pill will keep me from getting pregnant. Don't get condoms. Get the pill, so I can feel you shoot your stuff inside me.” “If anyone finds out, I'm dead. We're dead. Our life together is over. I want to make sure you understand that.” “Dad, it's okay. I know. There's a big risk in this for me, too. Who would want to be seen with the town slut?” she said, gently fondling my cock and balls. The town slut – what a horrible name for one's own daughter! I would kill anyone who called her that, and castrate any boy who tried to make her into that! And yet,... and yet,... oh God! I wanted to fuck her! Somehow, I forced myself to push her hand away from my manhood. I wasn't sure I could cum again soon anyway. It had been a long time since I had had any reason to wonder about my endurance. The tiny bit of morality left in me was glad. If I was worn out, I couldn't de-flower my own daughter and shoot my seed inside her young and probably fertile pussy. The much bigger part of me was afraid that if I let her play with me now, I wouldn't be able to fuck her and cum inside her later. “Let's get dressed and make something to eat,” I said. Jamie kissed me again, tenderly, almost romantically, and then got off the bed. “Come on, then,” she said. “Our clothes are downstairs.” I watched her nubile, naked body move out of my room. I admit it. I was dumbstruck. In all the years of raising this child, I had always believed she was beautiful. Was I biased? Of course. Any parent who loves a child will always see that child as attractive. But everyone kept telling me how pretty she was, from the time she was too little to hold her own head up. You get used to that after a while. As Jamie matured, it simply didn't occur to me to see her sexually. On some level, I guess, I knew she had a nice body. Hell, we never hid from each other in the bathroom, so I clearly saw the physical changes she had gone through. It was no big deal. My daughter had grown up to be centerfold material, and somehow, I hadn't reacted. Now, suddenly, I wanted to fuck the hell out of her. We prepared and ate an early dinner, and then I asked Jamie to sit on the couch with me again. She was wearing the same tank top and skirt as before, but when she sat down next to me, I spotted her little yellow panties on the floor where she had tossed them earlier. “Jamie, are you sure about this?” I asked her. “Yes, Dad, I am. Do I have to write it out for you or something? I want you to put your penis in my vagina. I want you to break my hymen. I want to feel you as far inside me as you can get. I want to feel you ejaculate inside me. Can I be any clearer than that?” “No.” She moved to straddle my lap, just as she had done this morning. Her luscious pussy was exposed to me, fresh, moist, pink, and topped with her soft blond hair. The final battle with my conscience was over the second she kissed me. This was a woman, a beautiful, sexy, newly-ripened young woman, and she was in heat. If I could, I would fuck her all night. We made out for a while, kissing, hugging, and fondling. Her covered breasts were alive in my hand, and my clothed cock was pulsing in hers. “Dad, go to the drugstore and get the pill. Please.” “All right. It'll probably take me an hour.” “I'll be waiting,” she said. The line at the pharmacy was long. Finally, I got to talk to the young girl on duty as a technician. “I think there's an emergency contraceptive pill I can buy without a prescription, isn't there?” I asked. “Yes.” “I'd like to get one.” “I'm required to ask you a few questions, sir,” she said. “Does the woman need this medication because she had unprotected sex without her consent?” “No!” I said. “Sorry, but I had to ask. Does the woman understand that this pill does nothing to prevent or treat any kind of STD?” “I think she does. I'll explain it to her, but I really don't think that's a concern,” I answered. “Okay, good. Did you know that this pill loses it's effectiveness, the longer the woman waits to take it after unprotected sex? How long ago did the incident happen? “Um, just a couple of hours ago,” I lied. “Good. Tell her to take this as soon as possible,” she said, already ringing up my purchase. “How effective is it?” “It works. Like I said, the sooner the better. According to the product info that's in your bag here, she should be fine. Ideally, a woman would pop one of these as soon as, you know, it's like, over, I guess.” I swiped my card at the register, and she handed me the bag. “There's also some literature in there, and some websites about effective, safe, long-term birth control,” she said. “Have a nice day.” “I will. Thank you,” I said, trying my best to look nonchalant as I walked away. The drive home seemed to take forever. When I walked in from the garage, I heard Jamie moving around upstairs. Part of me wanted to just go up there and jump her, but I thought better of it. This will be my daughter's first time, our first time. Better to let things proceed at her pace. Besides, she still has a chance to change her mind, with no REAL harm done, I rationalized. I was in the kitchen drinking some iced tea when Jamie came downstairs. Her long, curly blond hair framed her pretty face, and she was wearing a white terry-cloth robe. She looked fresh and innocent. “Did you get it, Dad?” “Yes, baby, I did.” “Oh, good. So now you can cum inside me, can't you?” “You won't get pregnant, but are you one hundred percent certain this is what you want?” I asked. “One hundred percent,” she answered, untying her robe and letting it fall to the floor. My beautiful teenage daughter was naked in front of me. “Take me to bed. Make love to me,” she murmured, coming over to me and giving me a kiss. “Make me a woman, fill my vagina with your penis and shoot your sperm into me.” As dirty talk goes, this was pretty clinical, but it had the desired effect. Her words made me horny as hell, desperate to be inside this woman, my virgin daughter, wild with the need to pump her little pussy full of my cum. I held her naked body against me, cupping her pure, perfect ass in my hands and kissing her deeply. She smelled of the cologne I had gotten her for her birthday, and her mouth tasted of her fresh, young sweetness. “You're getting hard, Dad. Let's go upstairs.” We did. She grabbed the bag from the drugstore and went ahead of me, and I stayed back just far enough that I could admire her trim, young ass and catch brief glimpses of her virgin lips peeking at me as she climbed the steps. I was long past the point of debating whether I was going to do this. I was. I was going to fuck my own daughter. I was going to violate her because she said she wanted me to. The only question in my mind was how to make this as pleasurable as possible for her. When we got to the top of the steps, I reached for her hand. “Jamie,” I said. “Come here.” I pulled her to me and kissed her again. She was ready for a passionate kiss, but my mouth made hers understand that this was a kiss of emotion. “I love you, Jamie,” I whispered when we parted. “I love you too, Daddy,” she responded. Her blue eyes were searching mine, penetrating me. “I love you so much. Thank you.” “For what, baby?” “For today, for everything, for being my father, for loving me.” “I do love you, sweetie. I really do.” “Then, make love to me,” she said. I picked her up and carried her in my arms, like a father carries a sleepy child or a groom carries his bride. I laid her on my bed, but her arms stayed around my neck. For the first time, looking in her eyes, I understood that this was the right thing to do. We kissed again, and then I stood to get undressed. My shirt was over my eyes when I first felt her fingers working on my belt. By the time I had the shirt off, my pants were at my knees, and my daughter was fondling me through my briefs. “You're so hard, Dad. Your penis is so hard,” she said. I struggled to kick off my shoes and pants as Jamie pulled my briefs down. The feel of her hands on my cock and balls would have been enough to send me through the roof if I hadn't already cum three times today. Odd. I had felt so guilty jerking off in the shower this morning, pretending that I wasn't turned on by my own daughter. I had felt ashamed when we masturbated each other later, and I was almost disgusted with myself when I came in her mouth. Now, I felt anxious to perform well for her, and proud to be the one she chose to take her virginity. Jamie slowly stroked my cock and said, “I want this in my pussy. Get in bed, Dad.” She held my cock as I got in bed next to her. She held it as I kissed her face. “If I start this, honey, there's no turning back,” I said. “Our relationship is never going to be the same. You will not be a virgin anymore, and you'll always remember who took that away from you. We will both have committed incest, complete with me shooting my sperm inside you. Everything will change for us. We'll never ….” Still holding my cock in her hand, she interrupted, “Dad, shut up and fuck me.” I moved from her face to her neck. I kissed her there, daring to nibble, hopefully not enough to leave a mark. My mouth moved to her shoulder and then across her throat to the other. I could taste her cologne there, sharp and pleasantly bitter on my tongue, but so sweet in my nose. When I first found her nipple, I could smell her sweet pussy, too. “Oh, Dad, I want you inside me, I need to feel you inside me,” she moaned. “Not yet. I want to taste you one last time as a virgin,” I said, moving down toward her curls. “Do you want me to suck on you?” she asked. “Do you want to?” “Yes. Yeah, I do. I liked that. And I could tell you liked it!” Jamie smiled. “Have you ever heard the term 'sixty-nine'?” I asked. “When talking about sex, I mean.” “Yeah, but I never knew what they meant,.... Oh, I bet I know what they mean, now!” she gasped. “We would sorta do it together, at the same time, right? I'd give you a blowjob while you licked my pussy?” “Right,” I said, rolling on my back and pulling her on top of me. “Now turn around. Put your knees on either side of my head. I hope you like this.” The petals of my daughter's sex had already opened by the time she was hovering over me. I felt her mouth on my cock as a drop of her dew fell on my chin. I pulled her to me, grasping her hips to position her for my tongue. The first touch was on the tiny, weeping hole of her pussy. Her taste thrilled me. She shuddered a little, but never stopped bathing my engorged member with her tongue. Holding her ass cheeks in my hands, I moved her back and forth across my mouth. I hardened my tongue and scraped it along her center line, from her clit, down her crevice, playing in her moisture, and finally coming to rest on her pink star. “My God, Dad! What are you doing?” Jamie gasped. “Don't you like that?” “Well, yeah, I guess I like it, but it sure surprised me,” she said. I did it again – started on her clit and worked my way down to her ass. This time, I moved my tongue left and right as I went. “Oh! God!” was all she said before she plunged her mouth down hard on my cock. She sucked me for all she was worth, enthusiasm more than making up for her lack of skill doing it for only her second time. After a while, I eased a finger inside her pussy until I felt her membrane, allowing my thumb to rub over her tender sphincter. She seemed to forget about my blowjob, concentrating her energy on her own orgasm. That was all right with me. The sight, sound, and taste of her cumming was almost enough to push me over the edge anyway. When she gathered herself, Jamie went right back to sucking my cock. The sensation was amazing. I held out through another of her orgasms, but I knew I would join her the next time. “Baby, come here again,” I said. Jamie released my penis from her mouth, and I lifted her pelvis off my face. She turned and lay on top of me, grinding the wet lips of her womanhood against my shaft as we kissed. I could feel her slippery sex trying to envelop mine. It was time. I rolled us over so she was on her back, and I was on my hands and knees above her. “Are you ready?” I asked. “God yes, Daddy. I want you,” she answered. I lowered myself to her, easing her legs apart, and holding my rigid cock in my hand to aim it. I rubbed against her clit and across her weeping hole. “Relax, sweetheart,” I said, “I'll be as gentle as I can.” “I know you will. Just do it, just put it inside me,” she whispered, smiling up into my eyes. The feeling of her lips parting to admit me was one of the most powerful sensations I ever felt. She was unbelievably tight, slippery, and wet. Her breathing was slow and deep, a relaxation technique she had learned long ago in gymnastics. Slowly, I felt her labia part, and the head of my cock was inside my own daughter. We had never broken eye contact. If the look on her face didn't tell me everything I needed to know, her kiss did. This was right. This was what we had to do. Over the years, this was the only way we had not explored to show our love for each other. Carefully, I eased forward until I felt her membrane stretching over the head of my cock. I held myself there, and asked Jamie one last time, “Should I stop?” “Don't you dare,” she said. She thrust her hips upward toward me, impaling herself deeply on my cock. “Owww,” she whimpered. “It burns.” “I'm so sorry, honey – I wasn't going to do it that way,” I said as I wiped a tear from her cheek. She slowly seemed to come to grips with the pain, blinking her moist, wonderful eyes at me. Finally, she smiled, and then she started to ramble. “I was afraid you weren't going to do it at all, Dad, and I just couldn't have taken that, and I wanted you to so much, and I just got to the point where I wanted to learn all about sex, and it's always been just you and me, and I love you so much,...” My kiss silenced her. It started as a kiss of comfort, and became a deep kiss of fulfilled love. I started to pull out to give her some time to stretch, but she grabbed my hips and said, “No! No! Don't pull out. Then I'll just have to stretch all over again. Please, just hold me.” I did, kissing her, stroking her face, nuzzling her neck, playing with her hair, and just looking at her. This girl wasn't really my daughter any more. She was the beautiful young woman I was making love with. Carefully, trying to stay as still as possible inside her, I moved so I could cuddle a breast. Her nipple, already erect, barely gave way as I rubbed my palm slowly over it. When I kissed her this time, I felt her move. “Oh, my God, I feel so full,” she moaned. “Good full or bad full?” I spoke into her hair. “I think good full.” She rocked her hips forward a little. “Yeah, good full. And it doesn't burn as much anymore. Now it's more like a hot tingle.” I pulled back from her, slowly pulling an inch or so of me out of her. “Is that a good thing?” “Yeah, it is,” Jamie gasped as I eased back to where I had been. We took it pretty slowly at first. I did most of the moving. When I got to the point that I was sliding half my length carefully in and out of her, she began to move with me. “Dad?” “Yes?” “Can we go a little faster? “If you're ready.” “I think I am,” Jamie said, pulling and pushing a little on my hips to help to guide our rhythm. We fucked like that for a while, still with gentle strokes, at a nice pace I knew I could make last. Then, I felt her quickening, holding me tighter as we coupled. “Dad? Will you please suck on my boobs again? I think that will make me cum,” Jamie whimpered. I bent down to kiss and nibble on her nipple again. When I sucked it into my mouth, Jamie started thrusting her pelvis at me a lot harder. I knew she was close, and I wasn't far behind. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh!” she hissed through clenched teeth, and her body began to writhe under me. When her already tight cunt started milking me, begging for my spunk, I released. It couldn't have been much, but it felt like gallons. As Jamie was coming down from her high, she felt me still twitching inside her, and she clung to me with all her limbs as we kissed. It took an embarrassingly short time for me to wilt to the point that I fell from her hole. I was spent for the day. I knew it, and my cock knew it. She rolled on top of me again, and I held her young body tight to me. I cherished this child far more than my own life. I had made passionate love to her, and now my jumbled, exhausted mind was trying to make sense of that. I had just had sex with my daughter and had shot my load into her young, and quite possibly, fertile womb. “You should take your pill,” I said. “I will, Dad, in just a few minutes. I want a Daddy-cuddle again.” I was quite happy to hold her, stroking her mane of wild blond hair, damp with the exertion of sex. As she moved against me, burrowing her pretty head into the space between my neck and my shoulder, her poor, battered pussy leaked traces of my cum and her virgin blood onto my hip. “Are you okay, Jamie?” I asked. “Yes. It hurt a lot at first, but it got better pretty fast. I guess it won't hurt next time, will it?” “When you've healed up, it shouldn't hurt at all unless you're really dry down there,” I answered. “Do you think I'll be healed up by tonight? I want to do this again.” “Honey,...” I began. “Don't 'honey' me, Dad. I want to have sex with you again. As soon as possible. I'm going to sleep in your bed with you tonight.” Jamie took her pill, and we got in the shower again. After everything that had happened that day, the act of bathing nude with my daughter seemed pretty innocent. Hah! What does that say about my moral character? She must have seen the look on my face. “Dad,” Jamie said, cupping my face with her sudsy hands, “are you all right?” “I'm the one who should be asking you that, Jamie. Only I can't bear to hear the answer.” “What do you mean? I'm a little sore, but mainly, I'm just happy,” she said. “Happy? After what I've done to you? Jamie, I'm such a shit! I've ruined you!” “Stop it right now!” she said. “You didn't do anything TO me. You did things WITH me. You are not a shit. You are a wonderful, kind, gentle man who I will always love as my father. That hasn't changed one bit. I'm happy, because now, I know what it is to love you as a lover. Ruined me? No, you've made me complete. You've made me a woman, Daddy, and I will always love you for that.” She came into my arms and held me, this child, now a woman, close against me under the streaming water. Maybe we would be okay. We dried each other off, and I helped Jamie with her hair. She always loved to have me do that. Even as a little girl, when her blond curls would tangle, she wanted me to comb them out and dry them. It was a special time of innocent physical closeness, and somehow, I felt that even now as I worked on my nude daughter's mane. “What do you want to do for dinner, Dad,” Jamie asked. “Let's go out.” “Ooh! Can we go somewhere nice?” she asked. “Some place where we can dress up?” I thought for a second. “I know just the place. Raphael's.” “Really? I've seen their ad on TV. I always thought it would be a cool place to go on a date.” I kicked myself inside. This wasn't how I was used to doing it. I had always wined and dined a girl, and then hoped to get lucky, not the other way around. And this girl was my daughter. “What's wrong, Dad?” “It feels pretty strange to be taking my daughter out on a date.” “Oh, come on. We've done this before. You used to take me on dinner and movie dates all the time.” “Yes, but it wasn't after a day of having sex together,” I said. “Dad, it doesn't matter, at least not to me. Now come on. Take me out for a nice dinner. Low lighting, good food. It's about a half hour drive, right?” she asked. I said, “Will you help me pick out a tie?” I guess Jamie isn't that much different from any other woman. I had shaved and gotten completely dressed, shirt, pants, shoes, belt, the works. I picked up my suit jacket and pulled three ties out of my closet. “Jamie?” I called. “Yeah?” “Would you take a look at these ties?” “Sure,” she answered, appearing at my door moments later. She was still naked, except for tiny pale beige panties that almost disappeared against her, and a pair of high-heeled sandals. “Honey, I'm almost dressed. As soon as you help me find a tie, I'll be ready to go,” I said. “I'm just about ready, Dad. Except for the dress and about five seconds on my hair, I'm set to go, too.” She came over to me, her firm pretty breasts hardly bouncing. “This one,” she said, holding a tie against my shirt. Then she walked away. I was still tightening the knot on my tie when Jamie re-appeared in my doorway. She was wearing the dress she had worn for Homecoming at school the previous Fall. It looked different now, somehow, sexier than before. Suddenly, I realized why. “Jamie, didn't that dress have some kind of under-slip or something?” “Yes, I altered it. The slip was kind of warm against me, and I think it looks fine without it. I also raised the hemline,” she said. “Do you like it?” She turned, slowly at first. Her breasts were proudly displayed in the unlined top, and when she moved between me and the hallway light, I could see the outline of the forbidden place I had visited that afternoon. She spun quickly, then, making the little pleated skirt of the thing fan out and rise, giving me a brief glimpse of those flesh-colored panties. She was breathtaking. Beautiful, sweet, innocent, and yet sexy and alluring. I was very glad we were going to a restaurant out of town. People were going to wonder what the relationship was between us. I wondered myself. During the drive, Jamie managed to move around in her seat enough that I was able to see her panties peeking out from under her outrageously short skirt. Driving was difficult enough for me without that, since every few minutes she would put her hand on my thigh as we talked. It was something she had done many times before, but now, it didn't feel like an innocent gesture. I hoped my boner wouldn't be obvious when we went into the restaurant. “I'm going to go get a shot on Monday, Dad,” she said, as I was parking the car. “A shot?” “Yes, a contraceptive shot. I want to be able to make love with you whenever we want. I don't like the idea of condoms, and I can't just keep taking morning-after pills. I did a little research while you were at the drugstore this afternoon, and the shot can be effective immediately, if it's given within five days after a girl's last period. I was done with mine yesterday, so we should be fine.” Somehow, I had managed to convince myself that what we had done earlier was a fluke, a one-time thing. Now, she was talking about going on birth control so we could fuck all the time! “Jamie,” I said, “I'm not sure that's a good idea.” “Why not?” By this time, I had taken the key from the ignition. “Well, because we shouldn't,... I mean, we can't,... what I'm trying to say is,...” “I know, I know, Dad. 'Father and daughters don't do that sort of thing.' Well, guess what? We did, I loved it, you certainly seemed to love it, and I don't want to stop. In fact, I plan to sleep with you tonight and do it again. Please, Dad?” She leaned over and kissed me, taking my one hand and putting it on her breast, and using her other hand to fondle me through my pants. My God. My daughter is acting like a nymphomaniac. I should be thrilled that a beautiful young woman like her wants more sex with me. But it's Jamie! How did this happen? She had questions, and I thought I was going to struggle through a lecture on human sexuality. Instead, she was playing with the cock that just de-flowered her, and making what sounded like long-terms plans for a sexual relationship with me. I pushed her gently away from me and made eye-contact. “Jamie, we have to sort out a lot of stuff here and talk very seriously about what this means. I love you and I am scared shitless of hurting you. You should be learning about your sexuality with someone closer to your age.” “You mean the boys I know? I don't think so. All guys my age want is sex. That's fine. I understand that. I want sex too. But I want it with a guy who loves me. That's you. Don't worry, I'm not going to want to marry you or something. I'm sure you'll help me understand about the kind of man who will be right for me for the rest of my life when I'm ready, but right now, I want you. How can it be wrong to love my father?” “It just feels wrong. Everyone says it's wrong,” I said. “Did it feel right at the moment?” she asked. “Did it feel right when we did all those things today? It sure felt right to me!” “We have to be careful. We have to be sure we don't get caught. It doesn't matter that you're old enough to have sex, honey. What we are doing is incest.” Jamie took my hand in hers. “Dad,” she said, “I'm not stupid. I can behave. Now let's go have dinner as father and daughter.” She turned, and opened her door. As we walked across the parking lot, she took my hand. “I'm not misbehaving. Fathers and daughters do this sort of thing,” she said. During dinner, we talked about Jamie's up-coming graduation. “Do people still have graduation parties?” I asked. “Yeah, but I'm not interested in those. There's going to be a lot of drinking and drugs at every one I know of, and I'm sure there will be people having sex who don't even like each other. Not my scene.” “So, do you want to do something else?” I asked. “I don't know. It's Melody's birthday that weekend, but she's not having a party. Maybe she and I will just hang out,” Jamie said. “Why no party?” “Her parents gave her a choice of them spending money on a big party, since it's her eighteenth, or helping her buy a car. She's getting the car.” “You could invite her over to our place. We could throw a party for her,” I said. “Could we? Really? Thanks!” Jamie smiled. When we got home that night, we went to our rooms to get changed. I was already down in the living room in a t-shirt and shorts when Jamie appeared. She was wearing the old shirt of mine that she loves to sleep in and texting on her phone. She went to the chair across from me and sat on it “Indian-style.” No panties. Her tender, warm pussy was completely exposed. “Honey, you're showing more than you should,” I said. She glanced up at me with a smirk. “I said I could behave in public. I never said anything about here at home.” She played with her phone for a while, and made a few calls. I couldn't keep me eyes off her. Every movement of her hands, the way she held her head when she slipped the phone under her hair to talk to someone, her facial expressions, and that lovely pussy. I was hard as a rock. Finally putting her phone down, she looked at me. She broke into a big grin when she saw the bulge in my pants. “Okay, here's what's happening. Melody and Kiersten are the only ones who aren't going to some crazy party that weekend. Graduation is Friday night, and Melody's birthday is Saturday, so could I have them sleep over Friday night, and then hang out the next day?” “You can't give them any indication of what we've done,” I cautioned her. “Duh! Don't worry, Dad, I won't say anything about what we did today.” “So you want to have a slumber party for your graduation party? Why not have them come over Friday, and stay Saturday night too?” “Oh, good. I'll talk to them about it tomorrow,” Jamie said. “Now it looks to me like you're ready for bed.” “I'm not all that sleepy just yet.” She came over to me and put her hand on my cock. “I wasn't talking about sleep.” When we got to my room, Jamie stripped off her shirt and mine and then knelt, naked, in front of me to pull off my shorts. This time, she didn't say a thing. She simply held me by the root and began bathing me with her tongue, looking at me, smiling at me the whole time. “Oh, God, Jamie,” I moaned. “You like this, don't you,” she asked. “God help me, yes, baby, I do.” “Good. I like it too,” she said, before opening her pretty mouth wide and moving me inside. She went to work, sucking, stroking, and licking my cock, looking at me and smiling the whole time. When I saw her one hand begin to rub her little pussy, I said, “Let's get in bed.” My daughter climbed up onto the bed and stopped with her tight little ass in front of me. “Dad, do I have a nice ass? Be honest. My girlfriends tell me I do, but I want a guy's opinion.” “It's beautiful. Not too big, not too small, firm, smooth – I think it's perfect,” I said. I ran my hands over her smooth cheeks, parting them slightly so I could look at her tight, moist lips and her tiny pink pucker. “Why did you lick my butthole?” “I just wanted to. Some girls like it. Didn't you?” “I liked it. It just caught me off guard. You can do it again some time if you want,” she said. She lay down near the center of the bed, and I climbed in beside her. “Honey, aren't you sore? Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to do anything, you know. I'll enjoy just having you sleep in my arms,” I said. Rolling on top of me, Jamie said, “Let's just try things, and I'll tell you if I'm too sore.” I pulled her to me and began to kiss her. She started rubbing her wet pussy lips against my cock, masturbating herself on it. Every time the head of it passed over her clit, she would kiss me a little harder. If she kept this up, I would probably cum, and I wanted to be inside her when that happened. “I want your breasts,” I said, pulling her up into position. She cooed and moaned as I kissed them, tweaking her little nipples with my tongue, licking her proud flesh, nibbling gently on the tender skin below them. “I'm wet, Dad. You're driving me crazy.” “Good.” I gave each breast one more long, deep suck, pulling as much of it into my mouth as I could. Then I lifted her and pulled her sex to me. She tasted a little different this time – still sweet and new, but maybe, now, more ready than ever. She was right about being wet, and it didn't take her all that long to get wetter. As she came, she arched her back, supporting herself with her hands on my hips, and throwing her head back and forth. I had to steady her as she sank down on my face. When it was over, I moved her down to sit on my chest. “Oh, my God, that feels so good when you do that,” she said. “I want you inside me now.” “Don't you think you might be too sore? “I sure as hell hope not,” she answered. “Let's try something different this time,” I said. “You stay on top, kneel over me, and lower yourself onto my cock. If it's too much for you, just lift yourself up.” “So I'll sort of ride you?” she asked. “Yes. Some people call it “riding cowgirl,” I said. Jamie moved over me, notched the head of my penis into her moisture, and began to bear down. Again, I was almost overwhelmed by the sensation of sliding inside her. I was supporting her ass on my hands, fearful that she would go too fast. Slowly, she moved down onto me, rocking and swiveling her hips to help me to fit. Her beautiful face showed some discomfort, but when she finally reached bottom and relaxed, she broke into a smile. “You're deeper than you were before, Dad,” she said. “Are you okay?” “Oh yeah, I'm okay,” she grinned. “I'm pretty sore, but I'm great! I'm so full! You feel like you're into my lungs or something.” She stayed still, breathing to relax. She had clenched her fists, but now her hands opened and began to play with the hair on my chest. “Can you move?” I asked. “Dunno yet. I think I can bend down for a kiss, though.” She did. It was a soft kiss, one of affection rather than lust. “Thank you, Dad,” she said. “Thank you for this. I'm so happy we're together, so happy you're my first. You've always been the only man I loved, and now, you're my lover.” She kissed me again, and gingerly moved herself so that she was only half-impaled. “We're lovers,” she whispered, kissing me more hungrily and sliding herself back onto me. After a few minutes of luxurious, slow love-making, Jamie murmured, “Would you please play with my butthole again?” I reached behind her, and moistened my finger in the juice leaking from her lips around my cock. Tracing a line from her pussy, I eased back and began to fondle her pucker. Jamie sucked in her breath quickly, almost whistling. “Ooooh, that feels good!” her voice quavered. She immediately increased the speed and depth of her movement on my cock. She sat more upright and began purposefully fucking me. This allowed me to rub around her clit with one hand, while I pressed the tip of my other index finger against her anus. Eventually, the force of her thrusts caused my finger to begin to penetrate her. “Oh my God!” she squealed. “Oh my God! I'm gonna cum so hard! Ohhh! Aaaaiiyyeeee!” I thrust both my cock and my finger into her as far as I could, and held her by her hip as she rode out her orgasm. When she was more-or-less done, she eased herself down on top of me, her hair fanned out across my chest and her sweet mouth nuzzled near my ear. She made little moans every time her well-used pussy spasmed on me. Finally, she whispered, “You're still so hard.” “Yeah.” “It feels so good inside me. I'm sore, and tired, but even though it still hurts a little, you feel so damn good inside me,” she said. She moved to kiss me. “You didn't cum, did you?” “No.” “Can you?” “I don't know.” “I bet you can.” She pulled herself off me and moved down to look at my cock. “He's still real hard,” she said, stroking my wet shaft with her fingertip. “He sure twitches when I touch him. I wonder how he'll taste with me all over him.” Her tongue made a slow circle around the base of my helmet. “Wow, I really made you wet.” She licked all around my shaft, cleaning me of her cum, teasing me. “I think I'll like the taste better when my mouth is full of cum.” She started bobbing on me, tugging me, licking. I brushed her hair off her face so I could watch her, and her eyes smiled at mine. I could feel the pressure building, and her lusty expression told me she knew. “Cum for me, Dad,” she said, enveloping me again. She sucked, urging me onward. I erupted, pulsing into her mouth. When I was done, she lifted her face from me. A drop drooled from her lower lip, but she quickly caught it with her finger and fed it back into her mouth. After a few swallows, she smiled. Then she lay down next to me and put her head on my chest. I pulled the sheet over us, and we slept. * * * * * * * * * * To be continued.... |
Brianna had turned 18 and and was now attending college. I could not even begin to explain, or describe how proud I was of this amazing woman. She was working towards her masters in child psychology. Her goal was to work with kids that were like she was, troubled. She wanted to be a beacon of light for those kids, as she explained it to me, like I was for her on the darkest day of her life. She explained that she couldn't do what I did for her but she was going to do what she knew she could. On the days we were actually off together we would spend all waking hours together. We spent a lot of time together and she never stopped looking at me the way she did that first day. I absolutely cherished those days. As those days passed I fell deeper and deeper in love with her. She became my reason for living. We went to a lot of jewelry stores and looked at rings. Every time we went into one she she would glow. I loved the way she looked at me so much. Then one day we went to a very well known store. We were looking at rings as usual when she looked at a particular one. She had thee cutest reaction. She looked at me like a little girl. She bit her pinkie nail and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I looked at the lady and asked her to let her try it on. Watching Brianna as she slid it on her finger and just stare at it and keep looking at me just warmed my heart. I knew at that moment that we had found the ring that I was going to get. She told me time and time again that she loved it. We spent almost an hour just with her wearing that ring. She wore it as we continued to look at other rings. It was too big, but it didn't stop her. She was so damn adorable that I had to hug her. Brianna reluctantly took the ring off and we left. Just as Brianna turned her back I slipped the lady a piece of paper saying that I would be back to get it in the next 24 hours. She just smiled and gave me a thumbs up as she smiled. "Baby, that ring was so beautiful, and I'll bet it's like, oober expensive. I just want you to know that I don't want you to spend that much on me. I'll be perfectly happy with the fake diamonds." She said. "God baby I wish like hell I like afford that ring. I would love to get that for you, I really want to but I'm just not sure if I will have enough." I replied. "Baby, I have you. That's all I really need, I love you." She said I only got 24 hours off because I was working a 48 to cover for my captain. I had to pull her mom aside, since she already knew that I was going to propose to her daughter, and told her that I was getting her the ring she fell in love with. I asked her to keep Brianna away from the area where the jewelry store was at all costs. I already had her ring size so I was ready to go. I went to work the next day and we did our normal stuff. But when everything slowed down I sent a text to her mom letting her know that I was on my way to get it. She had to call Brianna to go home. Once she was there her mom let me know. Me and my crew hopped into the pumper and rolled to the store. That lady was shocked to see me in that pumper and in my bunker pants and such. Just before we left Hawai'i my dad asked me how much I had saved for the ring. I had a lot of money in savings, enough to buy a brand new truck, but he gave me more money towards the ring. He hugged me and reminded me to call him when I was ready. I walked into the store and the lady smiled. "Your girlfriend was so adorable yesterday." She said. "Yes she was, very much so, that's how I knew that this was the ring I was getting for her." I replied. My fellow crew members were in awe as she pulled the ring out. "Yeah, she was here and showed her friend the ring. Earlier this morning. She was just as adorable then as she was when you were here with her." The sales woman said. I smiled really big. "That's my Brianna." I said We walked to the desk she had and she rang it up. I was excited even though the price was very very high. I was well pleased that I had saved enough and that my dad helped me. I gave her the size and then we were off. The next day, I called her mom told me that she was in school. I went in and picked it up. I was elated! My crew members gave me shit because of what I paid for it, except for Sarah who was our medic on the pumper. To me, Brianna was well worth it. She was priceless to me. We went back to the fire house and all of the other female firefighters all gushed when they looked at the ring. One wanted to try it on but I politely told them that Brianna's finger is the only finger that it will go on. Brianna and I spent every waking moment together on days that either I wasn't at work or she wasn't at school. We still didn't spend as much time together, but we always made time for each other one way or another. Either she would come by the station every time I was at work, or I would go eat lunch and spend time with her for lunch. Either way you look at it we both bent over backwards to make time for each other no matter what. We had at least one date night a week, sometimes more depending on what was going on. Our sex life? Now that my friends was a whole other ball game. It was still absolutely amazing, my god was it amazing. That was the only thing that did not change. Another thing I did was randomly send her flowers. She never knew when she would get them. There were several times that I would send them to her while she was in class. One day when I was at work it was slow. All I could do was think about my very beautiful sexy Brianna. I got so horny I couldn't stand it. I had to sit and hide my raging hard on. All I could imagine was Brianna naked. Just the thought of her very sexy tiny voice when she moaned, and how she moved around when we had sex. It started to make my cock throb. It was a slow day so she was all I could think about. I went to the bathroom and took a picture of my bulge and lifted my shirt so she could see my abs. She was in school but I sent that to her anyway. Then I locked the door to the bathroom and started to take more pictures. Before long I was taking my boxer briefs off. I pulled my cock out and stroked it a few times taking pictures the whole time. I got dressed again and went back to the couch and started to send those pics to her. After the last one I texted "this is what you do to me sexy." After an hour I got a response from her. "GOD ur such an ASS!" It read. Me: Why am I an ass? Brianna: Because! Me: Because why? Brianna: let's just say that I have had to make several trips to the little girls room. Me: why did you had to pee that much? Brianna: NO! You made my pussy soooo fuckin wet! Me: I would love to see that. A few minutes later I got a picture from her. She was holding her white cotton panties to the side with one hand. Her yummy shaved pussy was in full view. It was shiny from her wetness. A few minutes later another picture was sent to me. It was of her pussy with her fingers a half inch away from her pussy. Two of her fingers were very wet. There was a string of her sweet pussy goo that went from her fingers to her pussy. Then another with those same fingers in her mouth. Me: Yummy. Too bad I'm not there to clean all of that up with my tongue baby. Brianna: mmmmm, god you're making me so wet...I would love to have your tongue on me right now sexy. Me: I would love to slid this inside of that yummy pussy baby. I then sent her a picture of my throbbing cock. Brianna: god damn it baby! Please tell me there is somewhere we can go. Me: there is a closet we can use. Brianna: will we get caught? Me: don't know but that adds to the excitement. Brianna: god baby I'm so wet for you right now. I'm on my way. After about 10 minutes I heard her car pull in. I walked outside and up to her car. She stepped out of the car and pressed herself into me and grabbed my cock. She had her long thick gorgeous blonde hair up in a pony tail, and she had on a small sun dress. It was low cut and it was also short. My cock twitched. I kissed her, and then she whispered in my ear. "My little panties got so wet that I had to take them off." She said as she stuffed them in my pocket. We walked into the bay and made a straight line to the closet. We managed to get inside without being noticed. I turned around and pushed her against the wall as I kissed her. She squeezed my cock through my pants and started to undo my belt with her other hand. I pulled the straps to her dress down as far as I could as I nibbled her ear and neck. We were both breathing very hard. She rubbed my cock really good and unzipped my pants. She groaned as she reached into my boxer briefs and pulled my cock out. I grabbed her ass and slid my hand to her pussy. "Uhhhh...we gotta make this quick, I have a class to get to.." She whispered. I picked her up and pressed her against the wall. I lifted her skirt and positioned cock. I lowered her onto my throbbing cock and thrusted into her. "Ooohhh god baby, this is all I could think about today." I moaned as her tight wet pussy slid along my cock. "Mmmhhhh...god I love what you do to me." She whimpered as I began to thrust into her hard. My pants fell to my ankle as I stepped back slightly. She had her upper back and head against the wall. She moaned as I held her up and fucked her tight pussy. Her legs squeezed around my hip as she started to get close. Her body began to shake as her head pushed her back away from the wall. She made noises that I had never heard her make as her pussy spasmed around my cock. Her cum began to squirt from around my cock as I continued to fuck her. She pulled on my shirt violently tearing it as her body tensed up. When she went limp I pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard with my cock still buried deep inside of her. I lifted her off of my cock and put her on the ground. She grabbed my cock and started to pull on it hard using her cum as lube. She pulled me to the other side of the room to the work bench. She leaned down and all but swallowed my cock. "Ooooohhh ggooood Brianna!" I moaned. She continued to suck my cock fast. Then she stood up and we kissed as she pulled on my cock. She turned around and bent over lifting her dress and spreading her legs wide. She used her fingers to spread her pussy opened and looked back at me. I walked up and shoved my cock deep inside of her hard. She threw her head back and groaned as I began to fuck her hard and fast again. I reached down with one hand and began to squeeze her tits. I used the other hand to rub her clit making her body trembled again. Soon my body began to tense up. It felt like my cock got harder and harder. Just as I got really close Brianna exploded on my cock again, sending me over the edge. My hips thrusted violently as I shot my cock cream deep inside of her womb. I groaned as my orgasm rocked my entire body. We both came hard. We jerked and shook together before I pulled out of her. She reached down and scooped cum from her cum filled pussy and licked it off of her fingers. We just kissed for a few minutes until we had come back to earth. We both dressed and straightened ourselves up. It was difficult for me since my cock was still hard. I was ready to go again but she had to get back to her classes. She helped me tuck my cock back into my boxer briefs stroking it as much as she could as we kissed. "God I love your cock so much baby. It's sooooo big and hard. Mmmmhhh, if I didn't have class I would so fuck you again." She said. "You're the one that keeps my cock so hard baby. Your so beautiful and soooooo sexy. My god!" I said as she giggled "I thought boners were suppose to go down after sex." She said. "They normally do, you're the reason it stays hard." I replied. "God I wish you weren't working, I would suck this yummy cock and fuck you so good. All I need is ten minutes." She said. "That's all? I'm sure I can make it last longer." I said. "I have no doubt about that, you've done that before, I mean, three hours? God I'm getting so horny again." She said. I kissed her hard and rubbed her tits through her dress. "You know I'm well equipped to take care of that, and it's still hard as hell." I whispered. "God, well equipped is an understatement baby. You have a huge cock. I have only seen cocks like yours in porn. Now I know why girls moan and scream so much in porn." She said as she giggled. "You're not helping my horniness babe." I said. "You know I have a sexy little mouth and a tight little wet hole for your yummy big cock."'she whispered. "I should let you get to class before you don't make it." I said. "Why wouldn't I make it baby?" She asked very seductively. "Because I would slide my throbbing cock deep inside of you all day." I whispered. "Mmmmmmm...god I would love thathhhh." She replied as she rubbed my cock through my boxer briefs. "I better get going, you better hide that sexy bulge of yours or your going to make a lot of girls pussies get wet." She replied. "I'm not worried, remember it's all yours baby." I said. "God yes I do remember. You make so many girls jealous of me already just because of how hot you are. What's one more reason right?" She asked. "Right." I said as we both laughed and got ourselves together. We walked out of the room and several of my crew members were looking at us funny. Brianna noticed it and got embarrassed. She held my hand with her left hand and wrapped her right arm through my arm. She put her face against me as we walked out to her car. She smiled really big as I opened her car door for her. "I think they know." She whispered. "I'm afraid you're right." I replied. "Will you get in trouble?" She asked. "No, a lot of them have sex with their wives or girlfriends in there all the time so it's not new. But if I do, it will be so worth it." I said. "I know right?" She asked. I kissed her hard as she sat in the car. I closed the door and watched her drive away. Once I got back into the bay those other crews clapped as they laughed. They heard Brianna whimpering and moaning when we were in there. My captain came up to me and nudged me with his elbow. "Atta boy there buddy." He said "So what were you two doing in there?" One of them asked. "Talking?" I replied. They all busted out laughing their asses off. "So that's what they're calling it these days." My captain said. "From the sounds of it, that had to be one hell of a conversation." One of them said. "You might want to go change your shirt stud, the conversation you two were having must have been so good that she tore the shit out of your shirt." My captain said. I walked off smiling really big. The female crew members were looking at me funny, but in a good way. I changed my shirt and went back out. The rest of the day continued but I was still horny. My god that girl of mine sure knew how to keep me wanting more! It was easy to get distracted since it was so slow. She started to send me some very yummy selfies from school which wasn't helping matters at all. At one point I stood up not realizing that there were several females in the room. My bulge was very obvious. And yes, they did notice. "God Adam, you need to call your girlfriend back to take care of that for you." One of them said. "Oh shit, I am so sorry, oh my god!" I said complete embarrassed. "No no it's ok, it happens, your a guy and you have a very very hot girlfriend." She said. "My god...yes I do." I replied. Those girls were looking at me very funny for the rest of he day, and not like I was a creeper either. Later that day the female firefighter that was giving me shit walked up to me. "The source of your boner is here." She said as she started to laugh. I walked out to see her and Jessica getting out of her car. My cock immediately started to swell again. Brianna smiled as I walked up to her and gave her a hug and a kiss. "Um so we have a problem." Brianna said. "Ok, what's wrong?" I asked. "I was showing some pictures to Jessica, and she like took my phone and I went to the bathroom. Well, while I was in there she started to go through all of my pictures. Well, ummm she like saw the picture of your really big dick." She said. "Uh oh. That's not good." I said. "Not really, it's ok, but, she is like sooooo jealous that it's all mine." She whispered. "So Adam, I found out today from Brianna that you're like, well hung." Jessica said as she glanced down at my bulge. "I am so sorry you had to see that. I really am." I said feeling very embarrassed. "Oh no don't be sorry, it's ok. I'm just jealous of your girlfriend here." She said. "I don't know what to say, it's all hers." I said "I know. She is a lucky lucky girl." Jessica said. Jessica went into the station to use the bathroom. "She would not give me my phone back once she saw your dick. Like I said baby, you're going to make a lot of girls more jealous." She said "Your ok with this?" I asked. "Why wouldn't I be. You're my awesome boyfriend, and I have absolutely no doubt that you won't cheat on me. Plus it kind of turns me on seeing the look on her face when she looks at that picture." She said softly. We went into the fire house and the girls there looked at her. They all smiled and said hi to her. They took her from me and went to the female bunk room. They were gone for a while. Once they came out, Brianna's face was flush. She gave me a very sexy smile and bit her lower lip. Jessica at some point joined them in that bunk room. Brianna was all over me as we hung out for a few minutes. Then I walked them out to her car. Once there Brianna smashed her body against mine. We kissed hard for over a minute. "You should sleep naked." I said. "Why baby." She asked. "I may want to wake you up when I get home." I said. "Fuck I love what you do to me! Those girls that work with you, you may have to beat them off of you baby." She said. "Why is that." She asked "Because they are probably going to try to pick your brain. They want to know how to find amazing guys like you." She said. "I'm not sure I can help them there. So wish me luck." I said. "Good luck baby. I love you so much." She said. "God I love you." I replied. I watched as they left. Once back inside I was grilled by those girls. I didn't know what to tell them, I really didn't. I did give them advice on what to look for and such. I made sure to tell them not to settle for less. Guys like me were very rare, hence the general label that most women give males. Two of them asked if I had ever thought about cheating on Brianna. That was a question that was very very easy to answer. No, not a chance in hell. I proceeded to tell them how much I loved Brianna. They were all impressed and told me how much they respected me because of how good I was to her. We later went to bed and it stayed quiet. The next morning the shift change began. I cleaned up any mess to make it easy for the next crews, and packed my stuff. I got into my truck and yummy images of what I wanted to do to wake Brianna up began to run through me head. I got home and went to the basement. Her parents had already gone off to work and had taken Corey to school. Yeah they were well set because of my dad, but they were working their final two weeks out. I went into my room, and there she was in my bed. My cock started to get hard as I started to get undressed. I went and took a shower and wrapped myself with only a towel around me. I walked back to my room and went in. I dropped the towel remaining completely naked. I shut the door and locked it. My god she was so beautiful! I stood there and watched her sleep for a few seconds. I gently pulled the blankets down only to see her gorgeous pale white skin. She was naked. "My god!" I said under my breath as I looked her over. She shifted into a position that gave me very easy access to her pink little pussy. I reached down and stroked my cock a few times and moved towards her pussy. I laid on the bed slowly and gently and put my face as close to her yummy pussy as I could. I took a deep breath in to smell her sex. My cock twitched as I moved in and very gently and softly kissed her pussy. I licked her clit softly and ever so gently and slowly kissed my way up her sexy little body. I very gently sucked her nipples in my mouth and sucked on her tits. She was still sound asleep yet her breathing began to pick up. I continued to suck on her tits as I reached down and started to very softly caress her pussy lips. I noticed that she was starting to get wet. I dipped my finger tips between her pussy lips and stroked the entire length of it. Her hips moved ever so slightly once I touched her clit. As I did this I continued to suck in her tits. I looked up to see that she was still sound asleep. I smiled and kept doing all of this to her. After a few minutes she rolled onto her back and opened her legs and whimpered slightly. She was starting to wake up slowly. I kissed down her body ever so gently, trying to bring her closer and closer to cumming. That's how I wanted her to wake up. So I slowed down even more so she would calm down. Once she calmed down I started up again. This time her pussy was sopping wet. I licked her nipples and continued to suck on her perky young little tits. Her hips involuntarily started to thrust in small little thrusts as my finger started to get wetter and wetter. I slowly and gently started to slide my whole finger along the entire length of her pussy making sure it never left her clit. She started to exhale hard with every breath. That's when I kissed my way down her body slowly and gently. I got to her soaked pussy and began to kiss it softly using my tongue to lick between her lips and flick it against her clit. She moaned quietly as her body started to tremble. The more her hips thrusted the more aggressive I became with my mouth. I had reached up and started to gently massage her tits and pinch her nipples. Her breathing became labored. After a few minutes her back arched off of the bed and she gasped. She moaned as she began to fill my mouth, and cover my face with cum. "Ooooohhh gggoooood uuuuhhhhhhhh!" She moaned. I kept eating her sweet pussy, only I slipped my fingers deep inside of her wet gushing hole. She continued to cum as I rubbed her g spot and lick her clit. Her hips thrusted jerkingly into my face as she continued to soak my face. Both of her hands went onto my head and she started to pull my hair. She collapsed breathing very hard. I looked up to see her eyes wide opened. I kissed my way up her body and then her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we kissed. "Good morning sexy." I whispered. "God babyhhhh. You can wake me up like that anytime." She moaned. She hadn't quite noticed that I was completely naked. I kissed her again as I laid in top of her. I pushed myself up and straddled her. I slid my hard throbbing cock and my balls up her soft body and in between her tits. I thrusted my cock between her tits. "Oh my fucking god're already naked." She whimpered as she reached up and pushed her small tits together, sandwiching my cock between them. "Mmmmmmmhhhhh, god that feels good." I moaned. "Your cock feels so good on my titshhhh." She whimpered. "I have a brand new fantasy babyhhh." She whimpered. "Yeah what is your new fantasy baby?" I asked. "Having sex with you, and a girl at the same time." She said. "Really?" I asked as my cock twitched. "Mmmmhhhmmm. It's something I want to try just once." She replied. "God...really? What made you fantasize about having a threesome?" I asked shocked. "The look on Jessica's face when she saw your huge cock. She doesn't know that I watched her. Her eyes were really wide and her mouth was wide opened. I watched her touch herself a little bit." She replied. "Did that turn you on or something?" I asked. "Yes, very much so." She replied. "I use to watch porn before I met you, and like, after I met you I haven't watched it since. I just figure that watching you with another girl would be so much hotter than watching porn baby." She said. My mouth was opened wide in shock. Yet I was so turned on. My cock throbbed as I listened to her little girl voice telling me that. "Have you ever kissed a girl?" I asked. "No I haven't." She replied. "Have you ever had a threesome?" She asked. "No, I never have." I replied. "Really?! You've never had a threesome?!" She asked surprised. "Really, I have never had a threesome." I replied. "Your a very sexy sexy man, you're thee hottest guy any girl has ever seen, you have the hottest body, huge cock, and you can go on forever, and you have never had a threesome?" She asked still surprised. "Never." I replied. "Do you want to have a threesome?" She asked sounding obviously very turned on by the idea. "On one condition." I relied. "Anything baby." She said. "It's only going to be a one time thing. I love you and I only want you. So promise me that if we do this, it's only once." I said. "I promise baby. It will only be a one time thing. I love you so much and you are all I want." She said. "Then ok, I'm in." I said "Mmmmhhhhh'll be my first time with a girl, and your first time with two girls. First times for both of us." She said seductively. I slid down her body and kissed her hard as she whimpered into my mouth. I slid my cock along the length of her soaked pussy. I stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. "So, do you have the other girl in mind?" I asked. "Mmhmmm." She replied. I positioned my cock to where my cock could slide into her hot wet hole. "Who is the lucky girl that gets to kiss my baby." I asked seductively. "Ummmm." She replied. Just as she started to tell me, I shoved my cock deep into her pussy. "Uuhhhh, mmmmhh..Jessica." She said as I thrusted in and out of her. "Yeah baby? Why Jessica?" I asked as I thrusted the entire length of my cock in and out of her pussy. "Oohhhh, god hhhhhhh hhhhh hhhhh. Caus...cause she is hhhot. Shhh...she is bb bi. I..I've...always haaaa....uuuu..had a little ggg..girl crush on her uhhhhh." She whimpered as I fucked her slowly. "She is pretty cute." I replied. "Yeahhhhh...she thinks your so sexy." She said. "I think you're sexy baby." I said as I started to thrust in and out of her faster. "She llll..lov...loves you your ccc...cock uuhhhhh!" She moaned. "Oh god Brianna, your pussy feels so good!" I moaned. I started to thrust in and out of her fast. My hips were smacking against hers. Her body twisted and shook as I picked her up. She started to squirt her cum from around my cock as I turned around and laid on my back. She was now on top and she orgasmed. I picked her ass up and bent my legs. I started to fuck her pussy hard and fast. She groaned into my ear as she started to have orgasm after orgasm. She collapsed on top of me. I kept pounding her pussy non stop. After a few minutes of this my balls tightened. I kept pounding as my cock began to erupt deep inside. I collapsed onto my back yet she started to ride my cock. She rested her ford head on mine and looked deep into my eyes. She kissed me hard as she started to ride my cock. My cock stayed hard and she slowly rode my cock. We kissed almost non stop as she slid up and down my cock. We stared into each others eyes as we both came really hard again. We both collapsed onto the bed and just laid there. We stayed like that for a long time. We then got up as she looked me all over and bit her lip. "God I love you." I said. She smiled really big and walked up to me. She kissed me really good. "I love you too baby. I so want to spend the rest of my life with you." She said. "I really want to spend the rest of mine with you too." I said as I smiled. "By the way. Jessica spent the night, she is in my room sleeping in my bed." She said. "Ok." I replied. "That means, no shirt for you sexy." She said. "But I'm cold." I said. "Look this I promise is a one time thing, I promise, but if we're going to have a threesome with her, I need her to see how hot your body is." She said. "Ok no shirt then." I said as I kissed her. We both got dressed and Brianna went out to the family room. Jessica just happened to be in there. They talked for a few minutes as I put a pair of jeans on, and no shirt. Brianna came back in and told me that Jessica was out there. She told me to wait a few seconds after she went back in. She really wanted to see Jessica's face. After five seconds of Brianna going out there, I walked out. "Hey sexy." I said as I walked out. Brianna looked over at me, and then Jessica. Jessica's jaw had fallen onto the floor. She looked at Brianna and noticed that she was giving her a sexy smile. We all went upstairs and started to make breakfast. Brianna went to get dressed. Jessica stood in the kitchen. She had a button down shirt on that I had noticed had three buttons undone. She was a red head. She had a very very cute face, but nothing like Brianna. Her tits were big, about a c cup and they were very perky, so her cleavage looked very very nice. "So stud. I hear that you're well endowed." Jessica said. " know I'm with Brianna..right?" I asked. "It's ok babe, I told her that." Brianna said as she walked in. "I guess so." I said. "There is no guessing baby, you are very well endowed...down there." Brianna said giving me a very sexy look. "Yes I am." I said. "'re like really hot too." Jessica said. I looked at Brianna shocked at how forward Jessica was being. She just smiled seductively and looked right at my crotch. "Isn't she hot babyhhh." Whispered in my ear. "Yeah she is, but not nearly as hot as you." I whispered knowing I was being very truthful. We ate breakfast and as I cleaned the kitchen I noticed that the girls were looking at me with very hungry eyes. Like I was a piece of meat. Jessica looked at my bulge and licked her lips. Brianna did the same. Brianna wore another sun dress that was bright and looked way to small. She shot me a text. Brianna: I think we are making her horny. Look over at me, I need her to see your bulge. Me: Are you absolutely sure you want to do this babe? Brianna: yes, very. It's only going to be this one time I promise. I turned around and I saw Brianna whisper in Jessica's ear. Then Brianna gave me thee sexiest look and spread her legs. She bit her lip as I looked down to see her bare shaved pussy. I looked up at her and she smiled. My cock began to grow hard. I bit my lip and walked up to her. "You're so wrong." I whispered and then kissed her. As I stepped back I looked at Jessica and she was staring at my bulge. Brianna looked at her and shivered as she watched Jessica bite her lip and look up at me. Brianna looked at me and her eye brows jumped. The girls eventually left for school and I was left alone. It wasn't all bad since I had a lunch date with her parents. Her mom already knew what it was about, but her father didn't. I was nervous as hell. Even though I pretty much knew what the answer might be. But from what my father taught me all of my life, I knew it was just a matter of respect. I was shaky and my palms were sweating. I kept running over what I had planned to say over and over again pacing the floor. I had quite a few extra hours. I went and ran a few errands. I then ran home and grabbed the rings. I went to the dinner where I was getting ready to talk to her parents. We sat and ate and chatted it up. We were there for quite a while and our waitress was awesome. I gave her a heads up that we might be a while and I explained to her as to why. After we got my bill I looked it over and noticed that the waitress had written "good luck" on it. I sent it off and put 50.00 dollars into the tip line. I then got very nervous. "Hey um..there is a reason I asked you two to lunch today." I said. "Ok, what's up son." Her dad asked. "Well, know how much I love your daughter. I can't even begin to explain to you how much I love that girl. She is my world. She has been my rock and she is the reason I get up everyday. I would give everything I have up for her. Including my life. She is my light in this dark world. In my line of work we see the very dark side of life. She has been my anchor, my support, and my aid in seeing all things good in this world, and most importantly my very very bright light in all of the darkness I see every time I go to work. That being said, I have thought about this long and hard. Sir when you asked me what I saw myself doing in five years, I knew what I wanted. I have one more thing that I need to add to that. The bottom line here is when I look even further ahead in my life, wether it be 5 years, 10 years, even 60 years ahead, I see one thing that is consistent. And that is your daughter Brianna. I guess the conclusion in all that is simple. I am asking for your permission to ask for your daughters hand in marriage. Can I please marry your daughter." I asked. "I'm sure she has told you about her past by now, am I correct?" Her dad asked. "Yes she has." I replied. "Before you two met, we thought we had lost her. She never spoke to us unless it was very disrespectful. We were at a loss as to what we were going to do. If she had a problem she would never come to us. She attempted suicide a few times. We were praying for a miracle because that is all we had left in our favor. You, you were that miracle we were praying for. That day she first laid eyes on you, was thee first time she had ever plopped on our bed and talked about anything. For four hours, all she did was talk about you. We were beside ourselves. It took several weeks for us to wrap our heads around that, and the fact that she talked about you every day. Then when you talked to her and ate lunch with her, and hung out with her and her friends at school, and drove her to the other side of the school, that is all we heard about for hours. We honestly thought she was unhealthily obsessed with you. But we didn't say anything because it was like a very bright light was just switched on. Then you took her on a date, and she comes home on cloud 9 because she had you as her boyfriend. You were hers. I guess you kissed her in school that next Monday too. Bottom line is this. She is the happy little girl we use to know. You saved her life literally. You saved our baby, we have never seen her as happy as she is now. She is very respectful now, and just a few months before prom, she stayed in our room begging and pleading for us to forgive her for how she treated us, and for hurting us like she did. She cried so hard knowing that she had hurt us. She slept with us that night. She is a completely different person now. So that being said, you not only saved her life, you changed it for the better, in a big big way. You also changed our lives. When you two started dating as an exclusive couple, we stopped worrying about her. For the first time the day you kissed her for the first time, we slept soundly. And I mean, we slept really good. Her mother here, didn't cry herself to sleep for the first time in several years. We can't thank you enough. After seeing her almost immediate transformation, which I never saw with the boyfriend she had prior to you, I knew that not only did I need to meet you, but I had to. You only solidified my good opinion of you when you showed great respect for me and her when you came over for the first date. I have never, ever heard you call her out of her name the entire time you have been together. The respect you showed her and us, bled off of you and onto her big time. She started saying yes sir and yes mam when we asked her to do something, wether she wanted to do it or not. And your real arguments are nothing like I have ever heard. Believe us when we say we can tell the difference between your fake arguments and your real ones. So stop trying it's not working anymore. You listen to her and you do what it takes to fix anything you might have done wrong. You're a really really good man. And I can definitely see you as my son in law. So that being said, hell the fuck yes, you have our permission to marry our Brianna! And you have our biggest blessings! And just to let you know, her mother and I would be honored to have you as our son in law." Her dad said as he and her mom stood up and hugged me. Her mom was so excited that she stood up and told several people, including our waitress, that I was going to propose to her daughter. Most of the waitress came up to the table all excited. Her dad and I had the same look on our faces. We both just laughed. "So did you like, buy her a ring already, or are you going to get one soon?" One of the waitresses asked. I pulled the box out and handed it to her mother. She opened the box and all of the females gushed when the saw the ring. "It's so beautiful!" Her mom said. They all took a really close look at it and passed it on to other people to look at. After a while I got the rings back and then we all left. I made sure to let them know that they are in no way to even give my Brianna a hint of what was going on. They all agreed. Her parents took the rest of the day off so we could plan the whole proposal. As I drove behind them, I called the Cheif to let him know we were on, and that "Operation Marriage Proposal" was now a go. Once at home her parents and I sat down. I explained to them what my plan was. Since they received a lot of money from my father, they purchased a new home. They paid the one we are in off and they planned on donating it to the fire department for training. They were slated to move in just over a month. So we all agreed that I would propose to her close to their move out date. They were starting over with all new furniture, appliances and everything. So they were donating it as it sat, minus the cloths and personal priceless articles. I asked them to participate in my proposal idea. They weren't very happy about the idea that my Brianna would freak out, but they were game either way. They were very excited. Now, Corey her brother was there also and started to help plan the whole thing. He didn't know why we were doing this, but he got excited as hell. Later that day before she got home from school I took Corey out for ice cream. I spent a whole bunch of time with Corey. So much so that he was a permanent honorary fire fighter with the department. On the days I wasn't working or working on my massage therapy cert, and Brianna was in school, I would spend a lot of time with him. He and I had grown very close. While we ate ice cream, I asked him if I could marry his sister. He cried and hugged me he was so happy. I explained to him that all that planning we were doing, was for her. He pinkie swore and promised that he would keep it a secret. I then took him to the fire house. He sat with us and offered great ideas, things we never would have thought of. Those were added to the plan and made it far more believable than what we originally had planned. It was getting dark so we decided to start for home. On the way Corey and I had a conversation. "Adam, you're a really great guy." He said. "Thank you buddy." I said as I looked at him. "When you became her boyfriend she became really nice to me. I can't wait till you marry my sister." He said. "I can't wait either Corey. I can't wait either." I said as I smiled. "You really love her huh?" He asked. "Very much so. I love her a lot." I said. "I can tell, it's pretty obvious." He replied. I just smiled not knowing what to say. All I knew was that I was the luckiest man to ever walk the planet, to have her in my life. When we got home, I sat in the truck and asked Corey to be my best man. He accepted with a hug. Once we got out of the truck Brianna was walking to the truck. Corey ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. Brianna smiled looking confused. Just as he let to and went into the house I walked up to her and kissed her. We went in hand in hand and he rest of the night we just watched movies in the family room. When the movie was over everyone went upstairs and it was just me and my Brianna. She was sitting in my arms and I was really enjoying it, so much so that I didn't move. We just laid there and relaxed. "Baby?" Brianna asked. "Yeah babe." I replied. "Do you know why my parents and Corey are acting weird?" She asked. "Good weird, or bad weird?" I asked. "Good weird, when I got home mom and dad just came up to me and hugged me out of nowhere. And when you and Corey got home, he did the same thing." She said. "No idea." I said knowing what the reason was. "Hey, do you remember what I told you this morning, you know, about having a threesome with you?" She asked. "Yeah I do." I replied. "So when should we do this, I mean I kind of want to do it pretty soon." She said. "I'm with you, I'm not sure when that would be. So you think I would be good at it huh?" I asked. "Are you kidding me?! You would be amazing at it." She replied. "What made you decide that you wanted to have a threesome?" I asked. "Well, I have always been very curious about kissing a girl. I just think it would be hot." She said. "Yeah it would be. So why Jessica?" I asked. "Well first I think she is hot, and she told me that she was bi. She talks about being with girls and boys all the time. I think she wants me too. She looks at me funny all the time." She replied. "Besides, I want to see you her with you, I want to see what she does when she sees how incredibly sexy you are. I'm just wondering how we should do this, I mean get her to want to have sex with us." She said. "Ok, what about we just play a game of truth or dare with her. We will just start off with regular stuff and then work towards the subject of sex." I said. "Oh! That's a good idea! Wait, her birthday is this weekend, mom, dad and Corey will be gone. We should sooo do it then. Like a birthday present for her." She said. "She would have you as a birthday present, I can't wait to see you two together." I said. "Would that turn you on?" She asked. "Yeah it would. Would it turn you on if I watched you two?" I asked. "God yes..especially of you watched us make out." She said. "Yeah it would be the sexiest thing I had ever seen besides you." I said. "Do you want to know what I think will be the sexiest thing I would ever see besides you?" She asked. "What's that?" I asked as my cock started to get harder and harder. "Her between my legs, and you behind her fucking her at the same time. It's all I imagined today." She said. "You between her legs and me fucking you at the same time would drive me crazy." I said. "Come with me, I want to show you something I have been looking at ever since I thought about it, like last night." She said as she stood up. We went to the bedroom and we both got comfortable on my bed. She pulled her iPad out and showed me a picture of a threesome. My cock twitched when she showed me that pic. The girls had started off kissing, you could see their tongues as they kissed. The picture set showed everything from the start, to when the dude walked in. And everything from there. I had reached down and had started to stroke my cock. She noticed and kissed me as she reached down and started to rub it for me. I slid my hand up her leg as she spread them. I started to rub her pussy through her pajama bottoms. She whimpered into my mouth as she squeezed my cock and stroke it. She pushed me onto my back and reached into my sweatpants. She sat up onto her knees and faced me. She pulled my cock out and pulled my pants down to just past my balls. She kissed me as she started to stroke my cock. As we kissed I pulled her panties and pants down to her knees. I broke the kiss and tuned towards her. I started to kiss her pussy as I slid a finger into her seeping hole. She bent down and started to lick my cock. Once my tongue made contact with her clit, she all but swallowed my cock making me groan. She popped my cock out of her mouth and sat up. She took her shirt and bra off and then her pants. She then slid my pants and boxer briefs off. I then picked her body up and laid back. She spread her legs wide as I placed her pussy in my face. And her legs on either side of my head. I began to kiss and lick her sweet pussy as she sucked my cock. We both moaned. She whimpered. I ate her pussy softly and gently using my tongue to probe deep inside of her. I used my bottom lip to rub her clit. She began to grind her pussy into my face as I slowly and gently tongue fucked her sweet pussy. I could feel her saliva running down my cock and soaking my balls. She began to play with my balls making me moan into her pussy. She started to grind her pussy jerkingly into my face as her juices began to fill my mouth. She had her face on my thigh and was breathing really hard on my cock as she jerked it. She whimpered and moaned as her hips jerked. I didn't wait for her to come down. I picked her up and and rolled her onto her side. I got behind her and slid my cock deep inside of her pussy. She was still cumming when I buried my cock inside of her. She moaned loudly into my hand as I began to fuck her really slow, sliding my cock all the way to where only my cock head was inside of her, then back in all the way. After my fourth stroke her pussy spasmed around my cock as her body tensed up and jerked violently. I pulled all the way out as she started to cum. She squirted all over my cock and balls. As she squirted cum, I shoved my cock in as deep as it would go, making her moan. I turned her head towards me and kissed her. As I kissed her I started to thrust my cocks entire length in and out of her at a slow steady pace. I was getting very close to blowing my load. I started to pound her pussy making her moan into my mouth. "You going to cum baby?" I asked. "Hhhuuuu... God yes Adam uuhhhh!" She moaned. "Cum on my cock babyhhh." I moaned. "I want you to cum in my pussy baby. Please cum inside of me." She whimpered as my balls tightened. We both tensed up and shook as we both began to cum. My entire body felt amazing as my cock filled her with my cock cream. At the same time she was cumming hard soaking my balls and leg. We both collapsed and laid there for a while. We climbed under the covers and fell asleep with my cock still inside of her. The next morning we woke up and started to kiss. My cock had slipped out of her pussy while we slept. As we kissed I started to get hard again. She felt it and reached down and pulled it against her wet pussy. Just as I was getting ready to slide into her her mom knocked on the door. We had to stop because they were taking us out to breakfast. We were hungry so we got up and got dressed. As usual she was all over me. I love it when she can't keep her hands off of me, which is pretty much all the time. She still looked at me the way she did the first day we met. I loved the way she looked up and smiled at me when she was plastered to my side. I could never resist the temptation to lean down and kiss her. I think we said I love you to each other thousands of times. It's been damn near 3 years now since we started to date and that fire still burns very strong. We went to the amusement park with Corey and the parents. The only reason, contractors, Fire Marshal, and chief were all at the house setting things up. We got like 8 really big fog machines that were being hidden around the house. That was one of the ideas that Corey gave us. So he and her mom and dad knew exactly what was going on. I finally got a text from the chief that said they were done. We just stayed out and spent the entire day together. Once we got home, I looked around and couldn't tell anything had been done. There were now three big fog machines in the house. I knew where they were, and how they were placed to ensure there was no fire as a result of "operation marriage proposal". That was the first night Brianna and I didn't have sex. We were both just completely worn out. We just took showers and went to bed. She did sleep in my arms which was perfectly ok by me. I was just happy having her like that. The next morning I was awakened to soft kisses on my face and lips. "Good morning sexy. It's time to get up for work." She said with a huge smile. "Hi beautiful." I said. We got out of bed. She helped me get my uniform ready. As I went to take a shower she walked me to the bathroom and we kissed. God she was such a great kisser. I loved what she did with her tongue in my mouth. I went and took a shower and she went to make me breakfast. Once I was in my uniform and ready I went up stairs and ate breakfast with her. I then went to work. God she had become such a horny girl since she gave me her virginity. I was the lucky person who got to benefit from it, every day. Some times two to three times a day. I never knew that she would be so horny, but I loved it. Soon The weekend started to get closer. Brianna was getting nervous, but I was excited about our up coming weekend, and so was she. She would keep saying how she was nervous about kissing a girl for the first time ever. I can't lie, I was looking forward to seeing that. She made it clear that she wanted me to be there when she did it. She wanted me to watch her and Jessica, and watch my cock get hard. |
I wondered if I learnt my lesson as we drove home. Not only that, I started to calculate how much my stupid adventure with Caitlyn cost. Between her dress and shoes and stuff, my new clothes, the dinner and tip, her cab fare that I gave her money for, and gas; it must have been close to nine bills. Plus the frikkin' tire needed to be fixed. I looked over to Caitlyn. She was asleep. Was there anything positive to come out from this whole misadventure? Her pussy was shaved. But I wouldn't be seeing any of that tonight. Did she really feel she was being humiliated by being forced to wear that dress? Suddenly I felt guilty. If I was humiliating her, was her behavior tonight to punish me as a response, or was that just the alcohol talking? There was really only two ways to find out. Get her drunk again, or get her dressed up again but without alcohol. For now though I just needed to have her settle down. After four martinis and two glasses of wine maybe she won't even remember the evening at all. I managed to get her into the spare bedroom. It was the first time she slept in it. I slipped her pink shoes off, the necklace and earrings too. She slept in the dress. * Caitlyn was still sleeping the next morning when I took off to do some shopping in town. At an adult store I picked up a little white vibrator, really no bigger than a finger. It had a breast cancer awareness pink ribbon logo on it. It was waterproof and designed to buzz the clit. I also picked up two pairs of Velcro cuffs. Also in pink, just to piss her off. She was in the kitchen wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt eating toast and jam and nursing a big cup of coffee when I got back. It was okay. It was Saturday she had all the time in the world to recover. "How's your head?" I asked. "I'm sorry Doug." "No, Cate. It's my fault. I shouldn't have forced you into an uncomfortable position." "I shouldn't have drunk so much." "You did look very pretty though. Maybe you'll wear the dress just for me?" "What? Is that some sort of a kink thing?" she asked. "Now that you mention it," I replied, "yes, my cock will respond to feminine and pretty every time." I could see the wheels turning in her head. She lazed around recovering all day. I vacuumed. She did some cleaning too but mainly stayed away from the vacuum cleaner noise. By mid-afternoon she was fine. By five she had a glass of wine. Dinner was inch thick strip loin steaks on the barbeque. Now that Caitlyn trusted me, I was permitted to attend to them myself. She did baked potatoes in the microwave. They were topped with butter, sour cream and chopped chives. Sautéed garlic mushrooms, peas with butter and a side salad with that Russian dressing that she makes rounded out the meal. As we ate I laid out exactly want I wanted her to do after dinner. Eagerly her head bounced up and down with every suggestion that I made. After we cleared up she headed off upstairs. I went to the shop to get a few things. She was in the pink floral dress again. Her pussy was freshly shaved. Pearl earrings and necklace. Lipstick, eye make-up, pink finger nails the whole bit. Even the shoes and panties. She was kneeling on the carpet. Her wrists were bound with pink Velcro cuffs, extended horizontally to each side. Ropes connected to D-clips on the cuffs extended tightly to a door handle on one side and the stair banister on the other. She wasn't going anywhere. The little white and pink dildo was pressed into her slit, the business end right up against her clit, and the rings on her labia were tied together with dental floss enveloping the whole dildo. Just the bottom end stuck out from her labia with the push button control. The crotch of her panties kept everything snuggly in place. Her tits hung out of the dress. A small padlock was attached to each nipple ring. She was okay with the weight. Just. My cock was already hard. I was naked. "Are you ready?" I asked. Breathlessly she answered, "Yeah." I reached under her dress and found the end of the little vibrator in her crotch. Two presses clicked it into high. She reacted immediately lunging forward, pulling at the ropes as her body twisted. Her motion made the padlocks swing from her nipples that were pulled down from the weight. I stepped in front of her, my cock standing at attention. Her mouth opened up like a baby bird's ready to be fed. I stuffed my cock into her mouth. With a gusto that surprised me Caitlyn sucked on my cock. She rolled her tongue around the head and repeatedly plunged the length deep down her throat each time holding it down for a second or two before pulling back for air. Saliva was dripping on her chin. Her nostrils flared with each breath. Her face, neck and the nape to her shoulders were pink, matching her dress. Padlocks swung as her head bounced on my cock. I put my hands on the back of her head. "No! Don't push my head," she garbled looking up to me. Spit rolled down her chin. "Okay," I said and clasped my hands together behind my back. Back down my shaft, she impaled herself with my cock deep into her throat. Her eyes bulged and watered. Her face was flushed red as she pulled back trailing spit. Cool air rushed past my cock as she gasped for air. Up and down the length of my cock she went. Gulping it down, almost gagging and then sucked it hard. I couldn't believe she was enjoying that. I saw her belly and thighs quivering below me. Clearly she was. I was too. My hips started thrusting forward. She wasn't giving me a blow job by any stretch of the imagination, I was fucking her throat and she was loving it! My hips swung from side to side pushing my cock head to one cheek, bulging it out, then the next and back again. Then she swallowed my cock again, balls deep and held for a second or two, wet red faced gasping as she pulled back. "Auuughh" she growled and slightly bit down on my cock. Her whole body shook. The padlocks bounced. "Auugh," she shook again and jammed my cock back down her throat, holding as her body quivered. The vibrator must have gotten to her. My cocked picked up the in - out pace. I couldn't help myself. She continued to shudder below me. Her head and neck were red, tears ran from her bulging eyes, her runny nose flared in search of air and spit covered her cheeks and chin hanging in threads to her chest. "Mmmnnff," she trembled, "mmmnff" as my cock slipped in and out of her wet mouth. The pink lipstick was long gone. The visual was too much. I knew I was going to cum at any moment. Both my cock and my brain were ready to explode. My knees were shaking. I had trouble keeping my balance. My heart was racing. My breath deep and vocal. Caitlyn never let up on her orgasm. She just kept on cumming. The sights and sounds of her spasm sent me over the top. I grabbed a hold of her shoulders to steady myself as I came. Her mouth gurgled with my cum and her own tremors as I emptied myself into her. "Nnaaaghh," she contracted so hard that she bit down on my cock. It didn't stop spurting though. She swallowed come as quickly as she could as her body jerked in time with mine. She pulled her head back, with mouth open and gasped for air. Her body jerked again. The end of my cock flopped on her chin, glistening wet. She sucked it back into her mouth. Her cheeks drew in as she sucked the last of my cum through my hole. Everything was going grey. I had to sit down. I was hyperventilating as I heard, "Get the vibrator out. Stop it." I reached under Caitlyn's pink dress. The crotch of her panties were soaked. I wondered if she pissed herself. I pushed the vibrator through her slit until it popped onto the floor still buzzing like an angry bee. I unhooked one D clamp, then the other. Caitlyn slumped to the carpet. "Find the keys," she gasped. They were on the table, I had to stumble up to get them. I unhooked each padlock and kissed her nipples and gently sucked them better. Caitlyn seemed to enjoy the nipple attention I gave her. She turned the vibrator off and dropped it to the floor. We lay on the floor, hugged and kissed each other. Her boobs slipped back into the dress. The pink Velcro wrist cuffs were still on. "I can't believe you loved that," I said as we stared at the ceiling. "My clit is numb," she answered. "You didn't stop cumming," I said. "I can still taste your cum." With that she rolled over and gave me a deep kiss, shoving her tongue into my throat. "Can you taste it?" "Yes." "Good isn't?" she smiled at me. "You are one crazy lady." "This crazy lady needs to have a shower and go to bed." We cleaned up the ropes and put the things away. I had to clean a few spots off the carpet before we made our way upstairs. She was standing in the bathroom after her shower, naked and shaved perfectly with toothbrush working away. I asked her from the bedroom, "Did you really enjoy getting tied-up like that?" "Un-huh," she mumbled still brushing her teeth. "Did you want me to do it again some time?" "Un-huh," still brushing her teeth. "What part did you like the best?" I asked. I heard her spit, rinse and turn off the tap. "Your cock," she said smiling as she walked into the bedroom and then added, "and I love that little vibrator, thank you." "Maybe I'll shove it up your ass next time," I grinned at her. "Maybe I'll shove it up yours," she grinned back. "Turn the lights off." * I woke up first. As I lay in bed I watched Caitlyn sleeping nestled up next to me. Her tattooed arm stretched across my chest. She was lovely. She looked very comfortable. She stirred. I kissed her forehead. "Good morning sweetheart," I whispered. She hugged me and kissed my shoulder. After peeing, we dressed to go downstairs in search of coffee. "Are you staying for Sunday dinner?" I asked hopeful that she would. "Only if you want me too," she answered coyly. "Of course I want you too. I love Sunday dinner with you. I love every dinner with you," I grinned. She insisted that she was going to buy stuff for dinner, complaining that I always tried to pay for everything. I talked her into taking the pick-up truck into town rather than her car. At least that way I was covering the fuel costs. Plus it was safer than that little Yaris. I raked the lawn while she shopped in town. She was gone for hours. By the time she got back, I was raked out. "I found a nice piece of roast beef," she said as she packed away the shopping. "Great," I said watching her ass as she stuffed the fridge. "It doesn't need to go in the oven until," she glanced at the clock, "about five o'clock. What do you want to do in the meantime?" she grinned. She wanted to play. * Caitlyn and I were both completely naked. As agreed, I let her tie me up. Pink Velco cuffs were attached to my wrists and ankles. Pink is not exactly my color, but what the hell, I bought them. Serves me right. She had carefully laid a bunch of pillows on the staircase and then, using rope from the shop, attached the D-clamps from the cuffs to the rails and spindles of the staircase. I was spread eagled and my butt hole was somewhat exposed. I didn't like that bit. I wasn't going anywhere. I had a hard-on thinking about what she was going to do. I had no idea. I just knew I was completely vulnerable. I couldn't move. "Heh heh heh!" she winced at me as she secured the final rope. "Payback time, heh, heh heh." She disappeared into the kitchen. What was that devious cunt going to do to me? She came back with a big piece of ginger root. I'd seen her put it in the fridge. I thought she was going to make Chinese with it. She also had a paring knife and the potato peeler. Naked, with her shaved pussy almost in my face, she started to peel the ginger root. "Ever heard of figging?" she asked in a nonchalant manner. "No. What's that?" "Heh, heh, you'll see." She was giddy. She carved the ginger letting the peels fall onto my chest. She couldn't stop giggling. All I could smell was ginger. "What do you mean by payback time?" I asked, a little unsure. She paused for a moment, still peeling the ginger. "I want to thank you for the dress, shoes and purse. And for the Italian dinner. I just want to say thank you in a very special way." It warmed my heart. She carved, what I could only describe as a butt plug. She held it in front of my face, popped it into her mouth coating with saliva and then shoved it into my ass. "Owww! Fuuuck!" "Heh, heh, heh." Except for a finger, I'd never had anything in my ass before. That was way bigger than a finger. It hurt. "Shit! Don't do that. It hurts. Take it out!" I was furious. She gazed at me with a curious smile on her face, but said nothing. Then I felt it. Oh shit, I felt it! "Aaaaagghhhhhh! Fuuuuuckkk!" My asshole was burning. Burning ring of fire times a million. Holy shit! I started writhing in the restraints. I couldn't move. A Gila Monster tuber was stuck up my ass spitting out venom. She was laughing, really enjoying herself. The cruel bitch. I was sweating, in burning pain. The initial sting from the anal assault was gone, or eclipsed by the unbearable flame in my ass. It was getting worse by the moment. My chest was heaving. "Fuuuuckkk!" It hurt. It stung. Big time. "Don't squeeze your bum hole together, it will only release more ginger juice. You've got to control yourself. Relax and the burning will fade away. In the meantime, eat my cunt!" She moved up the stairs and straddled my face. How could that be sex? I stuck my tongue out. I had no choice. I licked her. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I tried to relax my bum, it didn't seem to want to listen to instructions from my brain. "Oh yeah! I've got your attention now," she said as she ground her pussy into my face. My asshole was on fire. She didn't have my attention. She kept grinding her pussy onto my face. I was cognizant of the fact that she was making happy sounds. I was ablaze. Scorching hot. Consciously I tried to force myself to relax my ass. Quickly she stood up and ran away. I heard my cell phone ring, once. "It's Frank Proulx," she said reading the call display and pressed the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I gasped. (Doug, it's Frank Proulx, how are you?") "I-I-m okay" I stammered. I wasn't. I was a long, long way from okay. Try to relax I told myself. (Listen Doug, I'm on my way back from the client's now. They loved your proposal and especially the light fixtures. Sorry to call you on a Sunday.) "O-okay," I squeaked out. (Your Caitlyn, she's done a great job. She's making me look good.) "Ggrrhhh" Oh fuck. I'm burning! I couldn't help but pull at the restraints. (You okay Doug?) She kept the phone pressed next to my face. "C-caitlyn's here, do you want to talk to her?" He paused then said, "Sure." Caitlyn put the phone to her ear as she sat down on my face again. "Frank how are you?" she said in a graceful, yet professional tone. (...) "Oh he's fine, just a little tied up right now." (...) She was crushing my face. "Great! That's great," she said to Frank I was in melt-down. Chernobyl had nothing on me. She lifted her crotch momentarily to allow me a breath of air. (...) "Mmmm, unh-huh," she said. (...) "Yeah." She let me breathe again. (...) "Yeah we can make a mock up." I was fucking dying. It wasn't just my asshole; my entire body was on fire. (...) "Just the pendant?" She kept grinding her pussy onto my face. I needed air. And a fire hose. (...) "Cost plus twenty five sounds reasonable. Do we split the twenty five?" She lifted again. I gasped. (...) "We're good with fifteen." (...) "That's great, thanks Frank. I'll have Doug call you tomorrow." She lifted her pussy off my face. "I'll just let you say bye to Doug, bye." she stuck the phone to my face. I gasped, "Gruumphtt." (You okay Doug?) "I-I was just choking on a piece of ginger." I stammered. (Sorry, I didn't realize that you were eating. You know Caitlyn did very well. The clients are impressed. She's very talented.) "F-frank, you have no idea what she's capable of." I must have been sweating blood. (You must be very happy with her.) "I'm absolutely delighted." I was silently screaming. "I'll call you tomorrow." (Okay Bye.) "Bye Frank," Caitlyn hit the end call button. "Auuuuughh Fuuuuckk!" I screamed. The fucking lava stick was not letting up in my ass. Caitlin bounded down the stairs and started doing a happy dance in front of me holding the cell phone in her right hand. "They liked the proposal," she sang as she danced. I was in agony. "Liked the proposal," she swayed her hips side to side. Shoot me, put me out of my misery. "Liked the proposal," her elbows were flapping, "liked the proposal." "Cate! Help!" "Liked the proposal." She stopped dancing. Stood with the stupid mock innocence in her face and asked, "Something wrong Doug? You should be happy. They liked the proposal." "It's fucking killing me, stop it." "'s burning a little is it?" "Please." She climbed up the few steps, straddled over top of me and looked down at me. "Doug, I'm going to ask you questions and you're going to answer them honestly. If I don't believe your answers, your figging continues for another fifteen minutes plus I'll add some ginger into your pee hole. Got that? And don't just give me the answers that you think I want to hear. Be honest." I nodded emphatically. "Did you make me wear a pink dress in public to humiliate me?" "No," I squeaked. "Why did you do it then?" "I just wanted you to be more lady like, I hate that Goth look," I gasped out. "Hmmm." "When you say 'I' is that Doug my boss speaking or Doug with ginger up his ass, or both? "Boss Doug doesn't have a say. Only Ginger Doug does." My ass was numb. My whole body was shaking. "Good answer. But what makes you think Ginger Doug has a say in how I look?" "Ginger Doug is falling for you big time. He only wants you to be happy." "And what the hell is wrong with Goth?" she demanded. "Nothing," I snorted back, "there's nothing wrong with Goth..." "It can be a little high maintenance," she interjected then continued, "are you suggesting a Goth girl can't be a lady?" "No! No!" I yelled, burning away, "You've got me wrong! I just don't like it on you. You're lovely. Beautiful. You don't need to paint yourself up and wear funny jewelry. Not for me! I'm falling for the Caitlyn that's underneath all that Goth stuff. The one that dances when she paints, the one that teaches me how to set the table right." "What makes you think I will be happier not in Goth?" "Right now, I can't think." I was in agony. She smiled. "Last question," she said. "If I find myself in a vulnerable situation again, are you going to demand that I go girly again? Be honest." She had a very serious look on her face. I had to think this one through. It was impossible to rationally process anything with Dante's Infernos burning in my ass. I decided to just answer honestly and hope for the best. "Yes, every time," I croaked out. "Why?" she pressed an extra question home. "Because you are far prettier than what you give yourself credit for. Sexy too." She smiled and pulled out the butt plug. "'s still burning." She untied me from the railings. "Go have a shower and sort yourself out." I scampered off. After a shower where I basically gave myself an enema with the shower hose, I came downstairs with my tail between my legs. I was dressed in sweats and a tee. She was too. She was making some tea. "It will be a long, long time before I agree to letting you tie me up again," I said. |
Chapter 24 The two pre-teen lovers got to their feet and dressed. I was treated to the brief sight of Madison’s puckered pink asshole briefly as she bent down to pull up her panties, reminding me that I still hadn’t had an orgasm. Oh, well…. I was sure storing it up for tonight. Madison gave Jared a quick kiss, causing him to blush furiously, then after a moment’s hesitation gave me one, too. She scampered off to camp, leaving Jared and me together. “So what did you think of that?” I asked him. “That was… awesome,” he said, his vocabulary apparently not up to the task of describing his feelings. “I guess that’s why grownups spend so much time talking and thinking about sex.” I chuckled appreciatively. “You got that right, Jared. And I’ll tell you something: it gets better as you get older. The feelings get more intense during puberty, and stay that way for most of your life.” He walked with me over to my clothes, still in the cubby by the nude beach entrance. I was struggling with the need to talk to him about the incident, and not sure how to do it without alienating him. I dressed as I pondered the best approach. “So… Jared,” I began. “About what just happened.” “Yeah?” he said with a grin. “This is an important milestone in your life. You realize that?” “I guess.” “I mean, you’re going to remember this forever. It’s a dividing line between childhood and growing up.” “Uh huh.” “And parents need to be aware of these milestones. It’s an important part of being a parent. They need to stay ‘in the loop’ as far as their kids go.” He could see where this was going. “You’re not going to tell mom about this, are you?” “No, you are. You need to talk to her about this.” He looked unhappy but didn’t disagree. “She’s not going to be mad at you, she’s going to be happy for you. She can give you advice on how to handle girls. Trust me, you’re going to need it. Madison is a little wild child.” He laughed. “I know I need to tell her about it. I’m just not sure how.” “Start by telling her you have a girlfriend. She’ll ask you about it and the story will come out naturally. You need to do it by tomorrow, or she’ll be hurt you kept it from her. OK?” “I guess so,” he said with a sigh. We headed back to camp, making the crossing through the jungle in companionable silence. When we emerged onto the main beach, we found a bustle of activity. Horace was working on the shower plumbing, while Dkembe, Janie and Gabrielle were splitting huge bamboo trunks in half longways. They had knocked the internal partitions out of several, creating 20-foot sections of 3 inch troughs, which would be our “pipes” to carry water from the top of the waterfall to the holding tank on the beach. In the center of the beach, a crew of people were working on thatching the roof of the large structure at the fire pit, that was to become the “mess hall.” They were nearly done, proving the old adage that many hands make light work. I was still suffering from sexual overstimulation with no release planned until tonight, and I figured I needed either a cold shower or some hard work to distract me. Since the shower wasn’t done yet, that left hard work. I convinced Jared to help with the thatching project, and we put in an hour of heavy work with the rest of the crew until the roof was done. Once the expected rainy season started, we would see if it was waterproof. We set up a bunch of the airline seats around the firepit, which had a smoke hole above it. Horace had cleverly designed a separate “roof” for the smoke hole, elevated a couple of feet above the main roof, so the smoke could escape, but the hole wouldn’t allow in rain in case of a downpour. Once the seats were arranged, both work crews plopped down, and a gang of excited kids brought the tired folks jugs and cups of water to rehydrate. I sipped my cup gratefully, shuddering to think how miserable it would be to be stranded on an island with no fresh water source. That lake and stream really were the lifeblood of our community. Janie soon sat by my side, a jug of water in her hand, having finished splitting pipes. We held hands while she guzzled her drink. Watching her, I was reminded of our plans to ferment some fruit juice. “Has anyone made any progress making some hooch?” I asked her. “A nice glass of moonshine or homemade rum would go down pretty smooth right now.” She grinned appreciatively. “Believe it or not, Rodney knows how to make a still.” “Rodney?” I asked in disbelief. I found it hard to reconcile the image of a pampered urban gay man with making moonshine. “He apparently grew up in a rural mountain community in Tennessee. They made their own white lightning, and the kids were responsible for tending the still.” “God, that must have been hard when he figured out his orientation. They don’t take kindly to homosexuals down there.” “Yeah,” she agreed thoughtfully. “I guess that’s why he ended up in the city eventually.” She gulped down the rest of her water. “Anyway, he’s enlisted the whole flight crew to help him try to put one together tomorrow. They’re going to try mango juice first.” “That is going to be some weird fucking moonshine,” I said, shaking my head and drawing a laugh from her. “Have you seen Joelle?” “I saw her earlier with Tran, but that was a couple of hours ago. I don’t know where they went.” “I think I do. I suggested she get herself a massage in preparation for tonight. She needed some relaxing.” “Speaking of preparation, how’s about you and me hit the water? We’re both all sweaty and I don’t think Joelle is going to like that very much.” “OK,” I agreed. “I have a quieter area I like to wash in. We’re less likely to be bothered by a crowd than at the main pool.” We collected our things and I led her to my “private pool.” We quickly stripped down and splashed the cold water on our bodies. We took turns washing each other sensually. I had to grit my teeth and hold myself back as her soapy hands massaged my cock and balls vigorously. I knew she was trying to torture me a little, aware that I was saving my jam for tonight. I paid her back when it was my turn, standing behind her as I caressed her firm tits with hands full of lather, then sliding them down to her cunt and stroking her sopping slit, all the while my rigid prick nestled in her ass cheeks and lower back. I stopped short of bringing her off, wanting her unsatisfied so she would be extra horny tonight. She finally spun around and planted a hungy kiss on my mouth, squashing my boner between us. She wriggled against me sensually, her soapy skin sliding across my twitching meat and driving me wild with desire. We dumped frigid buckets of water on each other to quench the fires of lust, allowing us to hold out for later. Joelle’s pussy was going to be sore tomorrow, I vowed. When we returned to camp, the lady herself had just arrived. She looked relaxed and radiant, and Janie and I greeted her, each giving her a kiss on the cheek. “You smell like coconut,” I said, inhaling her delightful scent. “Tran gave me such a nice massage,” she enthused. “I feel so good right now.” Her voice dropped into a conspiratorial tone. “She even rubbed my boobs! I couldn’t believe it!” Janie and I looked at each other, hunger in our eyes as we saw her arousal. “That means your sweet tits are going to taste even sweeter tonight,” I whispered. She blushed furiously, and Janie chuckled as she surreptitiously gave that full ass a squeeze, making Joelle jump slightly. “Oh God!” she moaned. “I am so nervous, but I can’t deny I’m very turned on thinking about it.” “Don’t worry, honey,” Janie said, taking her arm and leading her to a seat. “We are going to take good care of you.” The castaways were gathering for dinner in the new mess hall, collecting trays of food that Adede, Falani, and Onyeka had prepared. A festive atmosphere reigned, and conversations were loud and animated as the sun slowly sank into the waves. As a special dessert, the cooks had roasted bananas in the embers of the fire pit, and we each got half of one of the tasty treats. We talked of possible future projects, like building a boat and exploring the nearby ocean for other islands, or potentially capturing some pigs in order to have a breeding population. Despite our isolation, and no clear means of ever returning to civilization, the mood was positive. As the full moon rose, the party finally broke up and folks headed for their sleeping areas. Janie and I had decided earlier that the main beach wouldn’t work for our plans. We wanted to be able to make some noise without disturbing the whole camp. Janie talked with Jared, letting him know that we would be off the beach for a while, if not the whole night, and he promised her he’d be safe with his friends at Boy’s Town. I gave him a questioning look as his mom gave him a hug, and he mouthed “tomorrow” at me, indicating he planned on telling her about Madison the next day. We gathered up the bags we had prepared, and walked to the medical hut to collect Joelle. She had put together a small bag of her own, and was anxiously waiting for us. Her leg was bouncing up and down madly as she sat on a box of supplies under the thatched roof. “I haven’t been this nervous since I took my nursing boards,” she said, a tremor in her voice. Janie pulled her to her feet, and without a word embraced her tenderly. Joelle stiffened, then slowly relaxed, finally wrapping her arms around the shorter woman and heaving a mighty sigh. “Thanks!” she said gratefully. “I needed that.” She took another deep breath, letting it out through pursed lips. “OK, I can do this. I’m ready. Let’s go.” She threw her bag over her shoulder, and with each of us holding one of her hands, we made our way across the island by moonlight, reaching the nude beach a few minutes later. We stood together at the sign, and I finally broke the ice. “OK. The sign says no clothes on the beach. I say we leave them behind and get into the spirit of things.” I put my money where my mouth was, and pulled my shirt over my head. Janie followed suit, pulling her tank top off and revealing her braless breasts. Joelle hesitated, staring at Janie’s bare chest for a moment, then slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Watching her undress was sexier than any strip tease I had ever seen at any club in my experience. Shy girl that she was, she was still wearing a bra, but instead of her usual plain cotton ones, this was a lacy number that really accentuated her full breasts, pushing them up until she had a veritable canyon of cleavage between them. She looked down at herself, then back at Janie. “Gosh, looking at you I feel so fat. You are all muscle and so skinny!” Janie laughed. “I was just thinking how gorgeous your curves are and wishing I had wonderful tits like that!” She put her arm around Joelle and turned to me, her head resting on the other woman’s shoulder. “All right Dave, you have to decide. Who has the better body?” “Oh, no you don’t,” I said with a shaking head. “I’m not falling into that trap. Anyway, the joke’s on you: one of my favorite things about women is that they come in so many different types. You are both gorgeous.” I shucked off my shorts, revealing my tightest briefs, now sporting a huge tent in the middle. “Here’s the evidence, ladies. Little Dave gives you two thumbs up, which is hard to do since he has only one appendage.” Janie snickered while Joelle gave voice to a peal of laughter. As I had hoped, a little humor helped defuse her anxiety. Impishly she caressed the fabric-covered boner, saying “Little Dave isn’t so little any more.” “I’m not sure he ever was,” chimed in Janie. “In your medical opinion, Nurse Flores, is this not an above average specimen?” “Why yes, Miss Scarlatti, I must concur. This member is somewhat longer than the usual ones.” I preened for them, striking a pose. They couldn’t hold a straight face and both broke up laughing, clutching each other for support. “You two still have too much clothing on,” I complained. “Take it off!” I began an impromptu version of “Gypsy Rose Lee,” the famous stripper song. The girls looked at each other, then simultaneously began gyrating in place, shimmying out of their shorts. This left Janie in a black thong, and Joelle in her matching lacy lingerie set. Slowly and in unison, their panties followed. Joelle finally unhooked her bra, and as it slipped over her shoulders, those magnificent hooters bounded out of captivity, jiggling slightly. The sight of the two of them left me breathless, and the song died in my throat. “Wow!” was all I could manage for a moment. “You girls are the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” I said sincerely. Janie had trimmed her thick, black bush slightly, leaving it full and untamed, but narrowing it somewhat. Her small tits sat high and proud on her chest, the nipples standing up in anticipation of the festivities to follow. Joelle’s hourglass figure was limned in alabaster as the moon highlighted her stunning curves. Her heavy breasts were not the least bit droopy, and they ballooned off her chest like twin torpedoes, the nipples the size of gumdrops. Her pubic hair was thinner and wavier than Janie’s tight curls, and formed a furry triangle on her plump mound. Janie broke the seriousness of the mood with a raucous, “Take it off yourself, buddy! Let’s see that thick cock of yours!” Joelle giggled in embarrassment, covering her mouth with one hand, but her eyes remained glued to my crotch as I slowly slid my hands under the waistband of my jockies, pulling it over my throbbing meat and down my legs. My dick was hard as rock, straining to its full nine inch length. It bobbed slightly in the night air in time with my pulse, which was decidedly faster than normal. “Mmmmm!” Joelle unconsciously murmured, then covered her mouth again in shame as Janie giggled. She again put her arm around the other woman, saying conspiratorially, “There’s nothing like the sight of an erect cock to get your juices flowing, huh?” Joelle just nodded, and if it weren’t for the moonlight, I’m sure we would have seen her face was beet red. We stuffed our clothes into the cubby, then ran laughing onto the beach. We dropped our bags on the sand, and pulled out airplane blankets, spreading 4 of them into a large square. I picked Janie up, and ran at the water as if I was going to throw her in. She shrieked, pounding on my back, and begged Joelle for help. My naughty nurse knew my weakness, and began tickling my sides mercilessly. I collapsed onto the blankets in hysterics, Janie falling on top of me. I cuddled the female flesh to me for a moment, then pulled Joelle in for a soulful kiss, my tongue exploring her mouth confidently. She returned my ardor, her hands wrapped in my hair, her breathing ragged. As I pulled away, Janie took over, holding Joelle’s face in her hands and kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, and finally her lips. I saw Joelle’s lower lip caught in Janie’s teeth as she finished, pulling on the fullness of it sensually. Joelle looked a little shell-shocked after her first kiss from a woman, but she was obviously turned on, and soon returned the kiss hungrily, thrusting her tongue into Janie’s mouth and wrapping her arms around her tightly. The two of them remained in a lip lock for more than a minute, their breathing rapidly accelerating as the passion built. The sight was so erotic I couldn’t help pulling on my pud as I watched. As Joelle laid back, her legs slightly parted, I took advantage of the opportunity and lightly stroked her inner thighs, taking care to avoid her pussy for now. A groan tore from her as goosebumps rose on her soft skin. Janie began kissing her neck, working her way downward, and I started kissing her Joelle’s soft belly, determined to meet my partner at breast level. I took the heavy left breast in my hands, letting go of my dick for the moment. I lifted the jiggling orb, feeling its substantial weight, and caressing the wrinkled disk of her areola with my thumbs. I saw Janie’s cat-like tongue tickling the right nipple, and not to be outdone, slurped the left one into my mouth abruptly. Joelle was flat on her back now, gasping and holding each of our heads as we mauled her mammaries in tandem. We alternated good cop and bad cop, me biting the tit-flesh aggressively first, while Janie applied gentle sucks and licks, then trading roles. I held the tip of the breast in my mouth, circling my tongue around the fat nipple, while Janie applied her considerable expertise in boobs (having a fine pair herself) to bringing our Peruvian princess to the edge of her pain tolerance with pinches and love bites. “Oh God! Stop!” Joelle almost screamed. “I can’t take any more!” We showed mercy, both of us kissing our way to her face and meeting up in a sensual three way oral embrace, our tongues all twining together like snakes in mating season. As we broke for air, gasping, Janie sat back, straddling Joelle’s leg. Her pussy was resting on Joelle’s thigh, and I saw her begin to grind on the other woman’s leg. She leaned back, her hands behind her head and eyes closed, reveling in the contact between them. Watching those taut titties pulled high on her chest by the upraised arms, I knew what Joelle needed next. I placed my hand behind her back, levering her torso upright and placing her face level with Janie’s boobs. “Go on,” I whispered. “Remember how much you liked sucking on Gabrielle’s.” Joelle didn’t hesitate; she latched on to Janie’s left tit and commenced sucking for all she was worth. Janie let out a bark of surprise, then twined her hands in Joelle’s long hair, resting her chin on the nurse’s head. I joined the party, applying my lips to Janie’s other breast, tasting the sweet salt of her skin and losing myself in the sublime pleasure of suckling a breast, something I don’t think any man ever outgrows. Soon my blissful reverie was interrupted as Janie leaned backward, pulling her tit out of my mouth. My eyes opened, and I realized Joelle had pushed her onto her back, still sucking on Janie’s taut mound. This, of course, presented me with an opportunity: Janie’s legs had spread open, and her furry treasure was all mine. I scooted between her legs, drawing my tongue slowly up her inner thigh. I could smell her heady scent, musky and sweet, and it drew me onward to the gates of paradise. Her pussy was sopping wet, the thick pink lips smeared with glistening cream, engorged with blood and parted slightly. I pillowed my head on her thigh, enjoying the heavenly sight, trailing my fingers through the tangles of her bush, then along her labia. I watched as drops of dew trickled out of her nether passage, and I couldn’t wait any longer; I had to taste her. I again ran my tongue up her inner thigh, this time continuing onward to her fleshy lips, sucking the thick curtains into my mouth. I suckled them just as I had done to her nipple, enjoying the strong, womanly taste of her. It was sweet and salty, tangy and metallic, musky and organic, a perfect mélange of flavors and smells that had me stroking my dick again as I ate her out. I slipped my tongue between the thick ribbons of flesh, still sucking them hard and pulling them into my mouth as far as I could stretch them. Dimly I could hear moans of delight coming from her other end as she became lost in the sensations of two mouths caressing her most sensitive parts at once. The moans became muffled, as I guessed Joelle had gone back for more kisses, finished with Janie’s boobs. I worked my way to Janie’s clit, pulling on the fat pink bud with my lips and bringing a slight scream to her lips when I nibbled it. I circled it with my tongue, then drove the wet muscle deep into her vagina, caressing the ridges of her love tunnel hungrily. I finally finished my meal of warm cunt and crawled back up her body, catching the ever-so-hot sight of Joelle sucking on Janie’s tongue, both of their eyes closed in concentration. When they finally broke off, I commandeered Joelle’s mouth, sliding my own tongue in, and giving her her first taste of pussy. We kissed for a moment, then I pulled away. “You like the taste?” I asked her softly. “Yes,” she whispered, eyes bright in the moonlight. “Go get some more, then.” I sat behind Janie, my legs around her, cradling her torso against mine, my dick pressed between us. I idly stroked her erect nipples, now slippery with saliva, as Joelle made her maiden journey between another woman’s legs. She drank in the sight for a moment, and I smiled to myself. No matter how many pussies I saw in the course of my work, it was a very different experience—one I never tired of—when you were presented with one that was spread before you, wet and dripping. They came in so many colors, shapes, and sizes, young and old, black, white, brown and yellow, and they were all beautiful beyond measure. I think Joelle was experiencing this epiphany for the first time as she stared into Janie’s spread cunt. Finally she took the plunge, pressing her face against the fur pie and inhaling deeply. Soon her tongue protruded and I heard the sounds of lapping coming from Janie’s divine delta. Never a shy one, my Janie, she began egging Joelle on. “Lick my pussy good, honey! Suck my big lips!” She moaned loudly as Joelle worked her over, her hands on mine as I squeezed the taut mounds on her chest. Twisting her head around sideways, she caught my mouth with a kiss, desperate for contact. I obliged, licking her lips and nibbling on them gently. They were full and almost bruised by her make out session with Joelle, and I attacked them avidly, all the while pinching and rubbing her nipples aggressively. Soon, driven beyond restraint, Janie pulled from me, and grabbed Joelle by the shoulders lifting her up. Janie plopped onto her back, and cried out hoarsely, ”Sit on my face, baby, I want to taste that sweet thing of yours!” Joelle looked a little stunned, her face glistening in the ghostly light, but complied with Janie’s demand, straddling her upturned face hesitantly. As Janie brought her sexual expertise to bear, though, she was soon lost in ecstasy, whimpers of pleasure coming from her as the other woman ate her out with gusto. I had a vision of what needed to happen next, and quickly made it a reality. I gently but firmly grasped Joelle’s shoulders, and after planting one more kiss on her full lips, pulled her face down into Janie’s crotch, leaving them 69ing. This was another new experience for Joelle, and she made the best of it, attacking Janie’s spread cunt like a seasoned muff diver. I jerked myself slowly, enjoying the heavenly scene as two women I loved dearly pleasured each other in front of me. God, this was Fantasy Island after all! Finally having enough of flying solo, I decided I needed to dip my wick. Joelle’s pelvis was up in the air and easier to get to, so I scooted around to her other end and brought my monster erection, already dripping, to bear on her pretty pussy. I startled Janie by muscling in on her territory, slipping my boner between Joelle’s gaping, wet lips and pushing her tongue out of the way. She made the most of the situation, however, and as my fat cock slipped into the nurse’s tight tunnel, she began sucking on my nuts, making me hiss with delight. I slowly plowed Joelle’s furrow, making her gasp and moan into Janie’s cunny, enjoying the twin sensation of a tight twat embracing my rod, while a warm mouth caressed my sack. Did it get any better than this? I soon had churned Joelle’s creamy cunt into a froth, and Janie’s tongue had moved on the sweet treasure of her clit, nibbling on the bud while I pumped into her poontang faster and faster. Joelle eventually had to give up licking Janie’s labes, as hoarse cries of pleasure, so intense as to be indistinguishable from pain, were wrenched from her under the onslaught of sensation coursing through her inexperienced body. The telltale shuddering announced the woman’s first climax of the night, and I knew from the warmth flowing over my cock that Janie was getting a mouthful of juice from Joelle’s twitching gash. I pulled out, the cool night air bracing on my wet dick, and lay down next to Janie. “Climb on board, lover,” I said, and she extricated herself from under the panting Joelle to impale herself on my boner, her meaty labia cushioning the impact of her pelvic thrusts. Janie rode me like a rodeo bull, aroused beyond reason and craving her own release. I caressed Joelle’s smooth thigh as she caught her breath, and then told her, “I want a taste of your sweet cunny now. Climb on top of me.” Her dark eyes bored into me, and she planted a soulful kiss, tasting of Janie’s snatch, on my lips before straddling my face. I inhaled her lovely aroma, so different from Janie’s but no less wonderful, and finally rewarded myself with a tongueful of her dripping honey, now whipped into a bubbly white cream by my own recently thrusting prick. My two favorite ladies now rode me, one at either end, and I spent the next five minutes in a blissful stupor. I couldn’t see anything from between Joelle’s chubby thighs, but based on the noises coming from above me, the girls were kissing again, and probably playing with each other’s tits (I know that’s what I would have been doing) as they moved deliciously on my pampered body. Joelle was writhing on top of my face, grinding her slick vulva into my mouth as I tongued her happily, while Janie was bouncing up and down on my fuckpole like a jumping bean, heading for orgasm at top speed, and bringing me along with her. Soon enough, she began screaming, ”FUCK, YES! I’m gonna come! Yes! Yes! Yes! ” The intensity of her feelings must have transmitted themselves to Joelle and me, because we both reached climax a moment later. I jetted ropes of hot jizz into Janie’s spasming cunt and Joelle let loose with a ragged cry, drenching my face with another sweet tidal wave of female fuck-juice. We clung to each other in stunned silence for a moment before the two women collapsed at my sides. I pulled them close as my cock spent its last drops, the thick goo dribbling down my thigh. Janie pulled another blanket over us, and satiated into stupor, we drifted off into a deep sleep in each other’s arms. To be continued.... |
The too small airline seats This fictional story was inspired by the occupant of the seat next to mine on a recent overnight flight to Europe. I do not know her name or where she is from, but this story is dedicated to her. I had a long flight ahead of me and the gate is usually a very dull place. On this evening, the objet desir at the gate was a tall beauty about 18 years of age. She was leaning against a far wall apparently oblivious to the fact that she was thus worshipped. She was a brunette with fairly short hair and wearing a nice skirt and blouse. The skirt looked shorter than it was, since much of her legs were below the hemline. Her legs just seemed to go on and on. All in all I estimate her height to be a stunning 6’2”, which is 4 inches shorter than I am. I’ve always had a thing for tall girls with long legs. For this particular flight I tried in vain to get a seat with some real leg room, but alas it was booked full, and I wasn’t quick enough. At least I had an aisle seat. I board with a small carry on bag and head for my seat... but I keep walking and walking and find my seat in the vary last row where the plane was already starting to narrow. A pair of seats were crammed into a small space. In fact these seat were smaller than the rest just so they could cram them in here. I curse and appeal to the very cute flight attendant hiding in the back of the plane. She can do nothing. I sit in the aisle seat and stretch my legs over the window seat... except there is no window here, just the wall. The windows ended three aisles up. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the owner of this seat won’t show... Minutes go by... The seat remains empty. They are about to close the bulkhead. I’m going to get lucky.... And then I see her walking down the aisle. The very same tall beauty from the gate. My heart skips a beat and my mind is conflicted. Do I want her to sit here or not? She’s way too tall for the seat next to me, and I’m going to be very uncomfortable, but I hope it’s hers. She approaches and sees me sprawled out. She instantly appraises the situation excepting my admiration of her features. “Poor luck old man,” She says with a smile. “Hey! I’m not all that old.” “Well, you’re a older than I am,” She had me there. I jump up out of the seat so she can take her seat and she’s looking around for a larger seat. “I already did that.” “Did what?” “Looked for a larger seat.” “Oh. I guess we’ll have to make do,” as she claims her seat. I look down and see that her legs are in my way. I wait. She moves them a bit, but they’re still on my side. It seems that she can’t put them in front of her. I am waiting and she’s a bit flustered. She then splits her legs and puts one knee on each side of the seat in front of her and her skirt rids up a bit. I look down and see a lacy pair of white underwear covering what must be a treasure. I try not to stare, but she catches me. I’m not sure what to do, so I decide to apologize. “I am sorry. I can’t help myself. Your beauty puts unreasonable demands on my mind,” She laughs as she adjusts her skirt. “I should apologize. It was not my intention to torture you like that.” Now it’s my turn to laugh as I take my seat keeping my legs in the aisle, since there is no other easy place to put them. The ice is broken and small talk with this beauty is easy. She is very pleasant and seems to like me as much as I like her. She puts her hand on my biceps in an affectionate manner as we talk and laugh. A large flight attendant comes lumbering down the aisle and in another life she could be a drill sergeant. She insists that my legs be removed from the aisle and she’s not just yelling at me, but also at the shy girl sitting next to me, as if it’s her fault too since her legs are in my seat well. She lifts up her legs and goes into a fetal position and I see a tear form in her eye. I move my legs from the aisle into the well of her seat. This is finally comfortable for me, but I’m sure the poor girl won’t like this for very long. She looks unhappy. “You can put your legs on top of mine.” I offer. She hesitates. I’m wearing shorts and my hairy legs don’t seem to inspire her very much. “No really. It would be OK.” I smile to her. She finally smiles back and places her smooth long legs over mine. Her knees are in the middle of my lap. The feel of her legs against mine is exceptional. She moves her legs a bit and we become more comfortable together. I close my eyes to savor the feeling. When I look up, I can see her eyes are closed too. I like this girl very much. We continue with small talk for a while. She is just on her way to start college near my home town and she’s very nervous about it. She’s unfamiliar with the area and doesn’t know anyone there. I offer to help her get settled in. She’s nice and doesn’t reject it out of hand as one might expect a stranger to do. We’re sitting like this as the meal is served and it’s assumed we’re a couple. When the meal is done, she puts a blanket over both of us and it looks like an attempt to sleep is in order. A pillow is placed behind her head. She is the picture of health and beauty. After a few moments she leans forward and tries to reach her feet, but fails to reach them and sighs. “Is there something I can help you with?” “Um. Um. OK. Can you get my shoes off?” “Oh. Sure.” I look at her feet and see the elegant straps. This won’t be too hard. I undo one set of straps and pull the shoe from her foot. I then undo the other. I notice that she’s still wearing socks and I decide to go after these as well. “Oh. My socks. OK. You can take them off too.” I playfully pull at her socks and I start to massage her feet as I ineptly work at her socks. I’m in no hurry to actually remove them. I push my thumbnail into the arch of her foot and discover that she is very ticklish. She playfully resists my efforts and I am enjoying not only her feet but also her legs as the wriggle and slide about on my legs. This is quite fun, and soon I am sporting a very large erection which she cannot see. I continue to play with her feet and when the socks are removed, I continue caressing and massaging her bare feet. She looks rather pensive. She probably wants to stop me, but hesitates and lets me continue for the present. I take it slowly understanding that it wouldn’t take much to scare her off. She seems inexperienced with men. My hands drift to her ankles and then to her calves to start to massage the muscles there under the blanket. I look up at her and she’s giving me a stern look. Is the game over? I return a sheepish goofy look and she laughs. I am now massaging her knees and all the nearby flesh. This is all right in front of me. She bites her lip. I decide to see how far I can go. Above her knees the flesh is especially smooth and enticing. My fingers float over her skin applying the bare minimum of pressure, but enough to excite the nerve endings where each fine golden hair ends. Her breathing is more pronounced. It seems that this is having quite an effect on her. It seems that this is all new to her. I now press into her femoris muscles and give them a good massage. Here eyes are closed and her breathing more deliberate. My hands drift upward and upwards. If she doesn’t stop me, I’ll soon be touching that lacy white thing that I saw earlier. But as I get to within about 5 inches, her legs pressed together at the knees and her hands go between the top of her legs as guardians. It seems I will make no further progress here. Instead of retreating, I move my hands to the outside edges of her thighs. One hand is on each thigh, and I am almost hugging her. My hands roam up and down on this smooth flesh unhindered and I eventually creep up towards her gluteus maximus muscles and tickle and squeeze the flesh in that region. I do finally reach those lacy white panties. “Are these what I think they are?” “What do you think?” She laughs. “Oh. I so wanted to touch you in these.” “I’m going to need to keep an eye on you tonight...” I continue to press and squeeze. “I need to go to the bathroom.” “OK. Do you want me to get up?” “No. That’s OK. I’ll just climb over you. Can you put my shoes back on?” I put the shoes on her bare feet. We don’t bother with the socks, and she’s off to the bathroom. She returns with a coy look and goes back to her position and drapes her legs over mine. I am thankful that she is rather thin and light. “My shoes.” I take them off again and massage her feet, then ankles, and calves. My hands retrace the wanderings of the last hour and she just closes her eyes and enjoys. My hands again wander all over he thighs and when I get to her ass and reach for her panties, I discover that they are not there. She is wearing nothing at all beneath her skirt. “Oh my.” “Are you missing something?” “Um. I’m just surprised.” “I’ve got a present for you... something you admire... a memento to help you remember this flight.” and with that she hands me her lacy underwear. I am stunned, but I accept them. “Thanks for massaging me so nicely, but now I’ve really got to get some sleep.” I look at the item and notice that there’s a large wet spot. It seems that she really did like my massage. I put it away with my things. My mind is in a swirl. The thought of her bare wet vagina only inches away and well within reach has me wanting to reach out for it, but here she sees her gift to me as a closer. She’s asked me to stop. I put my hands on her knees and gently caress them. Her eyes are closed. I wonder what she is thinking. I continue to press her flesh waiting for her to tell me again to stop in a more direct manner. I see her looking at me. “I know you’ll be busy at college, but do you think you might want to go out on a date or two with me? I could show you the city.” “That would be nice, but don’t you have a girlfriend?” “Not at the moment. I’m too busy working on my doctorate. Didn’t you notice that I am a nerd?” She laughs, “Yea... Me too.” I continue to press her legs and start to work the area between her knees. She parts her legs to give me better access. My hands slide up her inner thighs and I caress the soft skin between her legs. She is breathing harder and staring at me. My hands are now about 7” away from her sex organ and she closes her legs tightly trapping my hands. Her hands are placed on top of mine completing their capture. She’s not angry, but scared. “Enough.” “Please?” I’m not beneath begging. “I’ve never done anything like that before.” “I’ll be gentle.” “Umm. I’m afraid.” “Do you want me to wash my hands?” I joke. She laughs.. “What are you going to do?” “I’ll surprise you.” “No. No. I can’t. You can’t. Maybe after we date a while. If we date...” She releases my hands but I don’t retreat, but I also don’t press forward. I simply caress the skin about 6” away from her cunt. She’s starting to breath harder. Suddenly, she open her legs widely. It’s mine. I don’t want to rush this. I decide to tease her at the risk of losing my advantage. My hands drift away from her sex and I move to caress the outsides of her legs and then onto her hips. I finally start to massage her ass with both hands. I’m squeezing and fondling and lifting her up a bit. She squirms about in response. I can tell that she is very horny. I release my hands from her butt and one goes to her shoulder and pulls it towards me. I want to kiss this girl on the lips. This seems to surprise her, but she complies with eyes closed. I kiss her again and it’s very nice, but she doesn’t seem to know much about kissing either. My other hand is making its way under he blouse and around to her back. In a moment her bra is unsnapped. “You naughty bastard.” she chides. “I didn’t say you could do that.” But before she could finish that thought, my hand was cupping her uncovered right breast. The breast was a perfect size with a small, but very erect, nipple. Time is suspended are we both stop to savor the moment. I kiss her again. “Oh. wow.” she ejaculates. I move on to her other breast. After a moment, we both lean back. She wrestles with her bra straps and removes the bra without removing her blouse. I can see her small erect nipples through the thin material of her blouse. She is simply stunning. My hands go back to her knees. I slip one of my knees between her legs to prevent her from closing her legs should she try. My hands, once again, drift upwards while caressing between her legs. But this time, I do not stop until my hands reach the very end of her legs. I am firmly pressing her flesh, and she is starting to tremble. “Are you OK? Do you want me to stop?” “I... I don’t know what I want. I...” The trembling continues. I place my index finger into the folds of her vagina. It is very wet. I move it slowly up and down. When I move it up, I make a point of pressing it into her clitoris. This hits her like a jolt of electricity. “Oh!” I say nothing but continue this simple sliding. Her body jerks about every time I hit her clitoris. I probe a bit deeper, and I soon his a barrier. She was telling the truth about not having much experience. At least her trembling has stopped. I decide to get her off on my fingers. I move one hand to her butt and the other continues to probe her vagina. Her skirt is bunched up at her waist, but I cannot see anything due to the blanket. I want to see this as well, but the aisle is not always empty. I lift the blanket to take a quick look. She is exquisite and nicely trimmed, but she wasn’t expecting to be thus examined. “Hey. None of that,” as she pushes the blanket back into position. I start to tickle her vagina in earnest. I am pressing and probing and pushing. She is jerking all about with stochastic motions, and she is quickly approaching a climax. My free hand goes to her left nipple and that has her rolling her torso too. “Uh. Oh. It’s coming? Uhhh. Uhhh!” She is making some extreme jerks, but she is trying to be quiet. “Uhhh! Uhhh!!” I feel her cunt pulsate on my fingers as they get increasingly wet, and I know that she has just had one hell of an orgasm. Her eyes are closed, but eventually she opens them and blushes deeply. “Was that good?” “Ohh. I didn’t think it would be like that.” “I am glad.” She is catching her breath and in deep thought. There is a moment of silence as she relaxes. I simply rub her thighs. “Can you return the favor?” I ask after she seems to have recovered. “What do you mean?” “Can you give me an orgasm like I gave you? “Do I have to? How?” “You could use your fingers, or your mouth, or...” She looks shocked. She hesitates. “Show me how to use my fingers.” I undo my belt and push my shorts to my knees. My penis springs forward, but the blanket keeps it all hidden. I grab her hand and move it towards my dick, but she’s resisting. I don’t think she’s ever seen or held one before. I pull harder and introduce her left hand to my dick. She spends a long moment investigating it and my balls. Now I’m pretty sure she’s never seen a dick before. She then starts with a painful motion. “Stop. What are you doing? It’s very sensitive.” “I was trying to return the favor. What am I doing wrong?” “Look. The penis wants to be in a vagina..” “No!!” “What I mean is that you need to make your hand feel like a vagina in action.” She has a puzzled look. “What does a vagina do in action?” “Silly girl. It slides up and down on a penis.” “Oh.” She blushes. “Maybe I can try that.” She tries but she is terrible. “Don’t you know how to use your left hand?” “I am sorry. I’ve never done anything like this before.” “This isn’t the best place to teach you.” “It’s hard for me in this position.” “How about we switch places so you can use your right hand?” “Yea. OK.” She lifts herself up so I can slide into her seat. I extract my legs from hers and sit in her seat, but before she can move to my seat, I pull her back onto my lap. Her bunched up skirt is the only thing keeping my penis from rubbing her ass and her back is leaning on my chest. “Hey! What are you doing.” “Can I hold you for a moment? This is nice.” She tries to get away, but I’ve got her. I pull her back further and kiss her cheek. She faces me and we kiss on the lips. While kissing, my left hand goes under her blouse to her breasts. My thumb presses her left nipple and my ring finger presses her right nipple. Both become very erect. My right hand seeks out her clitoris. It finds its way up under her skirt and presses at the nub. She breaks the kiss. “Oh. You bastard! Oh.” “Isn’t this better than before?” “Let me go.” She tries to get up. I kiss her again, and she’s returning the kiss, but then breaks the kiss again. “This is too much for me.” She lifts herself off of me, but I only let her move a little. I use the opportunity to bunch her skirt at her waist and to position my penis at the entrance to her vagina. I then pull her back onto my lap. This causes my penis to slide up and press into her clitoris. The entire length of the top of my penis is slimy and wet as it’s caught in the groove of her vagina. “Oh!! Damn. What is that?!” “Kiss me.” “No. Oh... No. No!” “Why not?” “Help. What position is this?” “What do you mean?” I grab her hips and position my penis at her entrance. I then push firmly and hard into her hymen. “Stop! You’re hurting me.” Another firm thrust and there is a breaking of her virginal barrier and I quickly slide into her to the hilt. “Oh my god! I didn’t know! Oh my god!” “What didn’t you know?” “I didn’t know we could have sex like this. Take it out.” “Please let me stay in.” “But I’m a virgin.” “Not any more.” “Oh. No. No.” I continue to press her clit with my right and and to toy with her breasts with my left hands. She is not insensitive to this pressure and starts to respond with her own movements. “It will be ok,” I reassure her. She starts to cry and a tear rolls down her cheek as I start to move my dick in and out of her with a slow rhythmic motion. She responds to each thrust with a delightful counter thrust. I set about to fuck this girl in earnest and increase both the tempo and the strengths of my thrusts. She responds accordingly. Apparently she doesn’t want me to stop any more. Her body is writhing and jerking in a most delightful manner. I look up and notice a flight attendant studying us intently, but I’m not about to stop just because she has caught us. At least its the cute one and not the drill sergeant. I see her hand down her skirt. The little minx is masturbating while watching us. I’ll bet her cunt is all wet too. I blow her a mock kiss and she blushes profusely as she scoots off to the rear of the plane. My thoughts return to the girl in hand, and I continue to fuck her somewhat violently. With my thumb at her clitoris, she is soon reaching her peak and starts a pronounced jerking motion. This is too much for me as I start to deposit my seed as far as my penis can reach within her. Again and again I squirt an ample load. She must know that I have climaxed and that it’s nearly over. “Don’t squirt in me.” “What?” “Don’t get me pregnant. I have no protection.” “Too late. You are already full of my sperm.” “Oh no. No. I’ve got enough things to worry about.” “I’m sorry, but rest assured that I will stand by you if necessary.” and I mean it. This girl is a keeper. “Thanks. You’re a good man. Thank you.” I kiss her again softly and hold her gently. I finally retreat to the bathroom to wash up. There’s a mix of sperm, blood, and vaginal secretions all over my lap. I’m thinking of that cute girl and the flight attendant too, and soon I have another bold erection. I’m debating how best to handle that. As I exit the bathroom, I see the cute attendant standing in back looking rather bored. I go to talk to her. “Did you enjoy that” “Enjoy what?” “You know of what I speak. It was you watching us.” “I’m sorry to have disturbed you and your girlfriend.” “She’s not my girlfriend. I just met her on the plane tonight.” “Oh Really?? I don’t believe it.” “Do you think that fucking strangers is all that rare?” “I’ve never done anything like that.” “Well. There’s always a first time.” “Uhhh...” “Put your elbows on this counter.” “No.” “Put your elbows on this counter.” “No.” “Put your elbows on this counter and keep them there.” I push her into position. She looks around to make sure we’re alone and all is quiet and then she reluctantly complies. She’s bent over. I reach under her skirt and pull down and off her panties as she steps out of them. I stuff them into my pocket. It seems that I get a bonus set on this flight. “Wait. No.” She has second thoughts. One of my hands is on her back making it difficult for her to get up. I quickly release my erect member, raise the back of her skirt and position it for quick entrance. I wiggle it about there and find that her cunt is wet and ready. I quickly slide it in while holding her hips firmly. “Wait. Oh my god.” I drive in to the hilt. “This isn’t right. Take it out.” She’s trying to stand up and be free. I hold her, but she puts up a fight. I let her go. “You nasty man. I have a good mind to report you.” “And with my report, you’d be fired.” She faces me with a glare, but I lean down and kiss her on the lips. She pushes me away and slaps at me. I then grab her legs and lift her ass to the counter and pull up the front of her skirt and move in between her legs. “What are you doing? Stop!” In a moment, my penis is reintroducing itself to her vagina. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going to give you the best fuck of your life.” She pushes at me, but I am pulling her with greater strength, and it’s a struggle made in heaven. Inch by inch my penis is making its way into her. She continues to struggle and push while making small grunting noises, but she is inept. She soon is impaled on my dick as her legs are forced to wrap around me. It's all the way in, and I start to move it in and out and all about. I making especially sure to give plenty of pressure to her clitoris. And sure enough, in a moment or two she is responding to my thrusting with counter thrusts as she starts to hug me fiercely. I am squeezing her as well and we’re working up a good rhythm. I start to kiss her forehead and she looks up so I start to kiss her lips. She is very pretty as she is being fucked. She kisses me with a great deal of passion. With my free hand I rub at her breasts wishing I could get at her bare flesh. I am enjoying this immensely. But alas, all good things must come to an end. She is panting heavily and starting to make louder grunting noises as my climax approaches. I push into her all the way and start to deposit my seed with several firm jolts. This pushes her over the edge and she comes hard and not too quietly. I hold her for a moment and then kiss her again on her lips and then on her neck, and then I depart for the bathroom to wash up again. I look back see her trying to deal with a mess dripping down her left leg. She’s got no underwear, so it will drip for a long while. I smile at the thought. The girl back at the seat is sprawled out in an all too lewd position and is apparently asleep. The blanket is sliding off of her and her oozing well trimmed cunt is out there for all to see. What a sight! I just stand to take it all in. I really want to remember this. If these seats were a large bed, I could have so much fun with her, but here, the options are rather limited and I’m already somewhat drained. My best option is to get some sleep and try to get to know her better in the morning. I slide into my seat trying not to disturb the beauty and cast away my worries of the day. When I awake, the plane is about to land. We just have time to collect our selves and our thoughts. “Did you sleep well?” “Of course not, but I enjoyed this flight with you. I will remember it all my life.” “I’m very glad. By the way... Where are you headed this morning?” “To my new dorm.” “Would you like to start off your life in this city with breakfast at my house?” “Only breakfast?” she asks with a sly look in her eyes. “Well maybe a bit more, if you’re up for it.” “Sounds good to me.” We head for the exit. The cute flight attendant hands me a note as I pass her and I thank her for an enjoyable flight. She says “Come again.” and I laugh at the double entendre. Epilogue: The tall girl really was a keeper. We became a happy couple and dating a college girl was a lot better this time around. She turned out to be a screamer as she strives to catch up with her peers who lost their virginity early on. I guess that virgins who go off to college really do lose their virginity rather quickly. This one lasted only three hours. The note from the cute flight attendant was her phone number. It seems that I really did give her the best fucking of her life and she wanted more. I did my best and she took it all... again and again and again. Barbarian Dogwoggle |
Thank you for reading! If you want to read my other stories, they are found here: Wednesday afternoon. Hump day was finally coming to a close. What a crappy day. What a crappy week. Only two more days until the weekend, but there was nothing to look forward to. Our separation had officially happened last Friday. Truth be told, it happened long before that, but Friday made it official. She’d taken our three year-old daughter, Abby, and moved in with her parents. I sighed as I checked my office planner one last time before leaving the office. Hmm…I’d forgotten to call the babysitter to cancel for this coming Friday night. Might as well delete her number from my phone list. With Abby gone, I’d never need to line up a babysitter again. I locked up my office and drove home to my empty house. The week continued to creep by. Finally, Friday came and ended. Sitting in the afternoon traffic, I reflected on the past few years, and what had gone wrong. My wife had never been a wildcat in bed to begin with, but after Abby was born, her sex drive had gone from tolerant, to begrudging, to non-existent. She retreated into a shell of depression. Several times I had tried to find out why, and each time I was met with disdain and rejection. Soon after, I had just resigned myself to a life without sexual contact. Up to now, I’d never had an affair, and the idea of a soliciting a prostitute didn’t excite me all that much. I actually missed the romance more than the sex. Jack, I thought to myself, how did everything get so screwed up? I continued, lost in thought, until I pulled into the driveway. I found a note on the counter, saying that my soon-to-be ex-wife had been there, taking some more of her things, but that she left some of Abby’s toys for when I would have her on the weekends. I felt sad that I wouldn’t be seeing Abby every day, but she would never benefit from her parents staying together under these circumstances. I decided that maybe some activity might take my mind off things. It wasn’t helping things to sit around and mope all weekend. I made a decision that she wasn’t going to steal anything else away from me. I was twenty-seven, in decent shape, had been told by my buddy that a few of the girls at the office thought I was hot. I was going out tonight. I was going out, have some fun, damn it! I glanced at the clock: 5:45. I picked up the phone and made a reservation for my favorite restaurant down by the coast. I figured that I’d have a good meal, hit the bars, and see how lucky I might get. Hell, I grinned to myself, I might even get laid! With that decided, I went upstairs to get ready. I laid out some nice clothes, and jumped in the shower. The hot water was a tonic for me, as I envisioned washing off the remains of a bad relationship. I lathered up my head with shampoo, and the massage from my fingers coupled with the steam did wonders for me. I began to fantasize what might happen later in the evening, and my cock began to harden. I hadn’t had sex for a long time. Standing there fondling my erection, I thought about jacking off, but decided to save my energy just in case I met someone. I turned off the water, pulled open the curtain, and reached for a towel. “Oh, SHIT! I’m…I’m so sorry, Mr. J!” My head swung around quickly. Our neighbors’ sixteen year-old daughter Jennifer was standing in the doorway, her hand over her mouth, eyes the size of saucers. I quickly covered myself, but realized too late that she had already seen everything. “I…I rang the doorbell three times, but no one came,” she stammered. “I went around and knocked on the back door, but no one answered that either.” I noticed her cheeks flushing from embarrassment. “You had asked Jessica to sit for Abby at 6:00, but she wanted to go to the lake with mom and dad. I told her I’d cover for her tonight.” She kept on, nervously trying to explain away the awkward moment. “The back door was unlocked, so I let myself in. I called out, but I only heard the water running. I thought something might be wrong, so I…but I never meant to…I’m so…so sorry!” I wrapped the towel around me and cut her off gently. “Don’t worry, it’s all my fault, Jennifer. I totally forgot to call Jessica to tell her we didn’t need a sitter tonight. The dinner party got cancelled, and…well, some other stuff happened this week, and like I said…I just plain forgot” “Oh,” was all she said, her eyes still fixed on the area jutting out behind my towel. I suddenly took notice of my sixteen-year old neighbor. She had long, brown hair that had been highlighted nicely by the summer sun. Deep green eyes were enhanced by a minimal amount of makeup. She had also filled out quite nicely in the past couple of years. Her breasts had blossomed into softball-size globes that were barely contained by the tight fitting t-shirt she wore. Her cutoff jeans were very short, showing off her long, tanned legs to perfection. She had passed “cute” long ago and went straight to “knockout”. After a moment, I realized that she was still standing in the doorway, and I was still dripping wet, sporting the remains of an erection, with only a towel wrapped around me. I broke the awkward silence. “Uh…Jennifer, could you excuse me while I get some clothes on?” That broke her spell, and her eyes jerked back up to meet mine. “Oh, yeah…sure, Mr. J. I’m really sorry…” She gave me an embarrassed grin, and pulled the door closed. I heard her footsteps quickly retreating down the stairs. I finished toweling off, shaved, put on my clothes and went downstairs. I was surprised to see her still there, sitting at the kitchen counter. She looked up and blushed as I walked in. “I hope you don’t mind…that is…that I’m still here…I just wanted to say again…I mean, I’m so sorry and all…” I grinned and held up my hand. “Look, no harm done, and like I said, it was all my fault anyway. Let’s just forget it, ok?” She looked me over and said, “Looks like you’re going out. Do you still need me to baby-sit?” I took a deep breath and stared out the back window. I saw Abby’s little swing set, and a few of her toys in the yard. In a shaky voice, I whispered, “No, thanks anyway. Maybe some other time.” She must have sensed something in my voice, because she pressed the matter further. “Hey, is anything wrong? You look really depressed or something.” I just shrugged, and shook my head, avoiding her gaze. “You can tell me, if you want. Look, I know I’m just a teenager, but I really am a good listener.” My shoulders sagged a little, but I really DID need to talk to SOMEONE. Another deep sigh, then I relented and told her the whole story. “Oh, I had no idea…I’m so sorry!” She put her hand on my shoulder. “Is there anything I can do for you? You look like you could really use a friend.” “Thanks, Jennifer. That’s really sweet of you. Actually, it’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in quite a while.” Suddenly, I found myself venting, confessing, and bearing my soul to this teenaged girl. I poured out my heart, and Jennifer just listened. I finished, and we sat there in silence. A few moments later, she spoke. “If you don’t mind my asking, where were you going tonight?” “Oh, just out. I need a change of scenery, you know, to get out of this place.” I left out the part about trying to get laid. Another few moments of silence went passed. “Were you…meeting anyone, or just going out alone?” she inquired quietly. “Just by myself. I’ve been out of the dating scene for a while. My address book isn’t quite up to date.” I joked. She smiled, and looked like she wanted to say something, but decided not to. I could see a conflict on her face, then it appeared to resolve itself somehow. She looked up at me with a face full of innocent charm. “Like I said, my parents decided to go up to the lake house for the weekend. They won’t be back until tomorrow night. So I’m by myself tonight as well. Look if you don’t want to, I’ll understand…but if you just need…you know…someone to…talk to…” Her voice trailed off. I grinned and looked down at her abruptly. I grinned slightly. “Jennifer, are you asking me to have dinner with you tonight? Look, I’ve got a reservation down the coast a really nice place, and well, if you want to…” She grabbed my arm with both hands, her green eyes dancing. “I’d love to, Mr. J! I’ve got a new dress that I’ve been dying to…look, give me fifteen minutes to go home and change and I’ll be right back!” I laughed at her eagerness, but held up my hand. “Whoa, now. What will the neighbors think when they see you running over to my house in your fancy new dress? Better let me drive you over. We don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.” She looked embarrassed again. “No problem, Mr. J. I’ve got our garage door opener in my purse. We could pull your car in and that would be a little more…” “Discreet.” I finished the thought for her. She flashed me a bashful grin. “Yeah…discreet.” I finished getting ready, and we went into the garage to get into my car. As I got in, I stole a glance over at her long legs before catching myself. What was I thinking? I was so starved for female companionship; here I was ogling a sixteen year-old girl! We made the short drive to her house, and pulled into the garage. She invited me in, and I sat on the sofa while she went to change. I watched her perfect ass, barely confined by her short-shorts, swaying side to side as she ascended the stairs and disappeared. After about twenty minutes, I heard her bedroom door open, and footsteps on the stairs. Then first thing I saw were two black satin pumps, followed by the curve of two tanned bare calves. I didn’t see the hemline of the black dress come into view until several inches above her knees were visible. The dress clung tightly to her hips, and then I saw the rest of her body come into view. The dress had a fairly low neckline, not too severe, but enough to compliment her firm breasts to the fullest. Two thin spaghetti-straps held the entire ensemble up, and around her neck was a string of pearls that had probably been robbed from her mother’s jewelry box. She suddenly looked much older than sixteen. “Wow!” was all I could muster. She stopped on the stairs and flashed me a dazzling smile. I got up off the sofa, and came to the foot of the steps. “ look beautiful.” Blushing again, she led me out the back door, into the garage. I walked around to her side and opened her door for her. Her legs parted as she got in the car. She did her best to keep the dress from riding up her thighs, but it was in vain. Despite my feeble attempt to avert my gaze, I caught a wisp of black lace between her legs. She looked up at me shyly, and it took all my will power to look her in the eyes and smile. The drive down the coast would be about forty-five minutes. I worried that someone might see us, but I told myself that we were unlikely to run into anyone I knew. We chatted as we drove, talking about my work, her school, new movies, favorite music, and basically everything but my marital troubles. I could tell that she was doing her best to keep my mind off that subject by her upbeat and enthusiastic banter. What was really keeping my mind occupied was the ever-creeping hemline of her dress. It had worked its way almost six inches above her knees, and every time she would turn and face me, I could almost catch a glimpse of her crotch. If she noticed, she didn’t let on, and just kept on talking. We pulled into the driveway of the restaurant. Again, I moved around to open her door, extended my hand to her, and again was rewarded with a flash of black lace. The valet approached us from behind, and as I turned to hand him the keys, I caught a sly glance from him. I gave him an embarrassed smile. Once again, Jennifer seemed oblivious, and we walked to the entrance. We were seated in one of the darker corner booths. We sat opposite each other, separated by a lone candle burning in the middle of the table. Jennifer looked around in wonderment. “Wow! This place is so NICE! I feel just like Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman’. Thanks again for asking me to dinner.” “Well, I’m no Richard Gere, but I still appreciate you going with me. It’s been…well, really good…just to be able to talk to someone.” “Yeah, I guess things have been really hard for you lately.” I cracked a wry grin. “No, not lately,” Blushing, she stammered “Oh, shit…I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it to sound like that…I meant…” I laughed, and held up my hand. “I knew what you meant, and I really shouldn’t have said that to you. It wasn’t something…appropriate…to say to a young lady.” She grinned. “That’s ok, Mr. J. It was nice to see you smile. It’s a nice one” “Look, since we ARE having dinner together, I think you should drop the ‘Mr. J’, and just call me Jack, ok? That’s what my friends call me.” “Okay…Jack…all my friends call me Jen. And you DO have a great smile.” “Well, Jen, it seems the longer I hang out with you, the more I smile,” I said, breaking into another grin. “In that case, stick with me and by morning, I’ll have you laughing uncontrollably…” and then she stopped suddenly. The implication, if there was one, hung in the air between us. She flushed slightly, and quickly out the window. I couldn’t read her face to see if she had just made an offhand joke, or… The waiter appeared and broke the spell. He took our orders, and Jen allowed me to order for her. I chose a nice Napa Valley wine I liked, and he clicked his pen approvingly and moved on. It wasn’t until then that it hit me that she was underage, although it occurred to me that the waiter hadn’t even asked Jen for ID. I looked across at her apologetically. “Jen, I’m really sorry. I didn’t even think about you being sixteen. I’ll get him back and order you something else…” She quickly interrupted. “Don’t be silly! Do you think I’ve never had a drink before?” I flashed her a disapproving look, and she responded with an impish grin. “I’ve raided the bar a time or two when mom and dad have been gone.” Then giggling, she said, “I just think it’s so cool that he didn’t even card me…” “Well, it probably didn’t cross his mind that he needed to. Speaking strictly as a man, I would have never believed you were only sixteen.” I saw that the compliment struck home, and she beamed a dazzling smile in my direction. Dinner came, and conversation was light. The food was delicious, as it always was here. The young waiter made several return trips to check on us, although I don’t know if it was to refill our glasses or just to steal glances at Jen. If possible, she looked even more radiant. I was surprised to see her maturely impose a two-glass limit on herself, as did I. We continued chatting, and I was surprised to find how easy it was to talk to her, and how intently she listened. A couple of times I caught myself just gazing at her while she ate. In no time at all, we found that we were finishing dessert. “Did you have other plans for tonight?” Jen asked tentatively. “You can take me back home if you want. I don’t want to spoil the rest of your evening.” I dismissed that thought with a wave of my hand. “Forget it,” I chuckled. “I was just going to have dinner here, and maybe hit a club afterwards, but I really don’t feel like that much noise tonight. Actually, if you aren’t in a hurry, I’d…I’d rather just drive around.” She beamed a smile at me, and then her smile sobered just a little. “Listen…Jack…I really do appreciate the way you’ve treated me tonight. You’re the first grownup to ever talk to me like I’m grownup too, rather than just a kid.” “Jen, please take this as the compliment it’s meant to be, but it’s really hard for me to remember that you ARE only sixteen. I haven’t enjoyed talking to a woman like this in…well, for a very long time. It’s been very therapeutic for me.” “Well, in that case, Dr. Jen says she’s full, and we can leave anytime you are ready!” With that, we stood to leave. She excused herself for a trip to the ladies room while I settled the bill. As I finished, she reappeared, and we walked to the door. Snaking her arm around mine, she leaned in and whispered, “Thank you for dinner. It was lovely.” The valet brought the car around, and I opened the door for her. Again her skirt hiked up, but in the dim light and shadows of the restaurant entrance, I couldn’t quite get another glimpse of black lace. She seemed oblivious to my stare, however, and I closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. We drove back along the coast towards the main road. Looking down from the highway, we could see the beach and the ocean waves illuminated by the full moon. It was a gorgeous view, made all the more so by the profile of Jen’s face against the moonlight. She stared out the window for several minutes. “Oh, isn’t the view just LOVELY?” she gushed. “It sure is,” although I knew that we were talking about two different views. Jen broke my reverie. “Can we stop? I mean…can we go down there? I’d love to take a moonlight walk on the beach.” “Sure thing.” I pulled over at the next beach access, and drove down the winding road toward the ocean. We found a small parking area and pulled in. I was surprised to see that there weren’t very many cars, as it was a perfect night for an ocean-side stroll. I parked the car, and glanced over as Jen was removing her heels. I removed my socks and shoes, and rolled my cuffs up a little. We got out of the car, and walked towards the path that wound through the trees and down to the sand. We were about halfway down when our hands brushed against each other. She looked over at me shyly, and again reached out hers for mine. I took it, and we resumed walking. I hadn’t felt a moment this magic in a long time. We walked along the surf, warm water lapping at our bare feet. No words were said; none were needed. I suppose we were both enjoying the moment. I have no idea how far we had walked, but eventually Jen spoke up. “Do you think we should maybe turn back?” I could have walked all night, but I realized that she must be getting tired. We turned and started back, walking even slower, as if prolonging the moment. About halfway back, Jen broke the silence again. “How long has it been for you?” I frowned thoughtfully. “Oh, officially it was Sunday, but she’s been living at her mom’s for about…” Jen stopped and turned to me. She gazed up at me, eyes shining in the moonlight. She took my hand in both of hers. “That’s not what I meant, Jack. I meant, how long has it been since you were…with someone?” That startled me. “I…that is…I haven’t…I mean, other than my wife…” I stuttered. “Jen, I really don’t think I should be talking about things like that with you…” She reached a soft hand to my cheek. “You are SO sweet. I know it’s none of my business, but you are such a nice guy. It doesn’t seem fair that she treated you that way.” She turned, and we started to walk again. After a while, she spoke again. “I’m sorry if I’m so nosy. I just think you are too good a man to sit around and mope. I don’t think…well…I mean…you shouldn’t have any problem finding a girlfriend.” Without thinking, I found the words escaping my lips. “I doubt that I would find one that I could talk to as easily as you.” “Oh, Jack…” She moved to embrace me, pressing her body against me. I tilted her head up gently, and kissed her. Lightly at first, then with mounting intensity, our lips danced together. Her tongue parted my lips, and began to snake its way around mine. Water washed around our ankles, and a soft breeze blew through our hair. She pressed her hips against me a little harder, and my cock began to swell against her belly. I wondered for a moment if she could feel it, and as if to answer my question, she reached behind me and grabbed my ass, pulling me harder against her. After a few minutes, we broke the kiss, totally out of breath. Jen looked around, and seeing no one in sight, took my hand and led me to the tree line. Once there, she turned back to me. Looking up into my eyes, she began to unbuckle my belt. I knew this was wrong, but made no attempt to stop her. I simply ran my hands along her cheek and through her long hair. Once the belt was taken care of, she unbuttoned my pants, and pulled the zipper down. My dick strained against my briefs for release. She placed her fingers on the outside of my shorts, slowly tracing the outline of my manhood. Her eyes never left mine. “Wow. It’s really hard,” as she continued to stroke me. She hooked her fingers into the waistband of my briefs, and pulled them down. My cock caught on the waistband, and popped back up like a diving board once it cleared. That elicited a giggle from Jen. The moonlight fully illuminated my erection, and she moved her hand to touch it. My breathing became ragged as her cool fingertips brushed the hot flesh of my dick. I had never been so hard in my life. She seemed fascinated by the sight, and closing her hand around it, began to stroke me. My head lolled back as I enjoyed the sensation. A drop of precum oozed out, lubricating her hand all the more. I gasped a little, and she grinned at me. She stood, turned away from me, and pulled her dress up over her thighs. She bent over, leaning out to grab a tree in front of her for support. She reached back between her legs and grasped my cock, pulling me gently toward her. There was just enough moonlight to tell that she was no longer wearing panties. “When did you…uhh…I mean, where did you…?” I stuttered. “Back at the restaurant, when I went to the ladies room…while you were paying.” She grinned back at me over her shoulder, and opened her legs a little wider. “You mean you were EXPECTING me to try to…” She cut me off with her sweet look. “No, Jack...not expecting, more like…hoping.” She wiggled her hips at me. “Fuck me, Jack. I know you need to, I know you want to. It’s ok…I’m not a virgin, you know. I want you to…I really do. I promise I won’t tell anyone. Nobody will ever know…” I moved forward, grasped her hips with my hands, as she guided my swollen knob between the moist lips of her teenage pussy. Slowly, I impaled myself inside of her, her tight cunt gripping my throbbing member like a moistened vice. “Oh...oh my…mmm...that’s really nice…” she cooed, and began to slowly hump my dick. I let her set the pace, but soon I began to piston in and out of her. She let out a series of soft moans, and I looked around to make sure we were still alone. I could just make out someone walking on the beach about 50 yards away, but the noise of the waves, coupled with our position in the tree line, made it unlikely that we would be heard or spotted. I picked up the pace of my thrusts, and judging by her noises, she wouldn’t last long. Jen began to pant, slowly at first, then gaining in intensity. My own orgasm began to build, but before I reached the point of no return, she stiffened suddenly, and then her body was racked with shudders. Her pussy spasmed around my cock, and I heard her straining to hold back a cry. She finally went limp in my hands with a strangled moan. I continued a slow attack on her twitching cunt, and was rewarded with a few more small shudders. “Mmmmmmmm…that was SO good! I’ve never had a…I mean, it’s not my first time, but I never had a boy make me cum…” I pumped a few more times, and felt my balls tighten, signaling that my orgasm was near. My breathing became ragged. Suddenly, it occurred to me what was about to happen. “Uhh, Jen…I’m almost there. I didn’t bring a…that is…I don’t have any…” She moved forward, allowing my cock to slide out of her cunt. Turning around to face me, she sank to her knees. She took my stiff, wet dick in her hand and smiled up at me. “Don’t worry, Dr. Jen’s gonna take good care of you…” I looked down, saw her lips part, and she moved forward slightly and engulfed my cock with her mouth. My head swam with the sensation, as her velvety tongue traced patterns on the underside of my dick, while her soft lips sucked me slowly. Her head bobbed slowly up and down my manhood, pausing to lick the tip before plunging back down the shaft with wet sucking noises. I knew that I couldn’t last long; I’d gone too long without sex. I felt the pressure building in my balls, as they ached for release. “Jen, I can’t hold it much longer…” I gasped. “Mmm…” was her only reply, but she continued her oral assault. I felt the sperm racing up my shaft, felt my shaft begin to swell. My chest heaved, and I began to see stars. “Jen, honey, I mean it…if you don’t stop, I’ll cum in your mouth!” “Mmm hmm…” she countered, but continued sucking. At that point, I lost it. My cock twitched, then began to explode in her mouth. My dick sent rope after rope of semen into her warm mouth. I heard a guttural squeal from Jen as the first squirt hit her throat, but her lips never lost their lock on my manhood, nor did her tongue ever stop its erotic dance around my cockhead. I lost count of how many times my dick convulsed, sending wave after wave of sexual pleasure through my body, and spurt after spurt of my semen into her mouth. I came like I had never cum before. I felt my legs grow weak, as my orgasm slowly subsided. Jen continued to slowly fuck my cock with her mouth, until the pleasure was too much for me. I put my hands on her head to stop her. She stopped her motion, but continued to hold my cock head in her mouth, tickling the underside of my glans with her tongue. After a few moments, she looked up at me sweetly. I heard her swallow, and my dick slipped wetly from her lips. “Oh, god Jen, I shouldn’t have…I mean we…” She put a finger to my lips, then bent down and carefully pulled my briefs back up. Next she returned my trousers to their original position, albeit with a little sand trapped in them here and there. She took my hand and we started for the car. I opened the door for her again, and she got in. However, this time when her skirt rode up, she paused for a moment, her legs spread for my eyes only. I drank in the sight of her exposed pussy as she reached under the seat for her handbag. Opening it, she reached in and handed me the tiny wisp of black lace. Jen winked slyly. “I saw you admiring them earlier, so I thought you might like to keep them.” She moved her other leg into the car, and I closed her door. We drove back home, most of the way in silence. Jen leaned over and put her head on my shoulder. Her hand found its way to my thigh, and she began to trace ever-broadening circular patterns with her fingers. I began to get hard again. She noticed the lump growing in my trousers, and grinned over at me. “Wow, looks like somebody is ready for more action!” I smiled sheepishly at her. “Jen, I’m sorry. I can’t help it. It’s been so long for me…” “I know,” she grinned sweetly. “Really, I don’t mind a bit…I wanted it as bad as you did.” Suddenly, we were home. I pulled into her driveway, and Jen opened the garage door remotely. I pulled the car in quickly, just in case anyone was out walking and might take notice of us. She closed the garage door behind us, and we just sat in the car, neither wanting the night to be over. She glanced sideways at me in the darkness, a sly smile on her face. “Look, I don’t really want to be here all alone tonight…” I sighed. “Jen, I’d like nothing better. But you know you can’t stay over at my place. What if your parents called to check on you, but you’re not here to answer the phone? You’d be in BIG trouble…” She placed her hand on my throbbing erection, and leaned over towards me. “I wasn’t talking about YOUR place, silly.” She grabbed the keys from the ignition, and jumped out of the car. She giggled as she walked toward the door. I just sat there in the dark, with a bemused grin on my face. Opening the door to the house, she paused and looked over her shoulder at me, dangling the keys in a taunting fashion. When she saw that I had still not exited the car, she threw the keys into the house and turned to face me with a mock pout on her face. Slipping the thin spaghetti straps of her dress off her shoulders, she let her dress flutter to the floor. She stood there in the doorway totally nude; her pearls and heels the only surviving articles of clothing. She ran her hands over her breasts, down her flat stomach, and over her pussy. She looked at me demurely. She giggled again. “Do you think you’ll get in too much trouble if YOUR parents call YOUR house and YOU aren’t there? I mean…I don’t want to get you grounded or anything…” Her eyes danced with mirth. “…but if you want your keys back, you’ll have to come look for them.” She spread her legs slightly and slipped her middle finger into her pussy, grinning at me lustfully. “If I were you, a good place to start looking for them would probably be upstairs…in my bedroom.” She turned and walked inside, leaving the door wide open. I sat there for a moment, looking at my reflection in the rear-view mirror. Then, with a deep sigh, I got out of the car and followed her inside. The End |
The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. ________ was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, _________ could be heard, the ___________ signaling the __________ of another ________. It was the summer of '69. It was the summer of ________. ***** That was what we were given as the “Challenge” for CAW #12 on out Sex Stories forum. I started this story immediately, but then hit on another idea to use for my actual entry. This is my “non-entry” story – a coming-of-age tale about two nice kids. ***** “The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. Good cover was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, enemy snipers could be heard, the gunfire signaling the start of another day in Hell.” It was the summer of '69. It was the summer of despair. Joey wrote me that letter after his unit fought its way back to base camp. He wrote as often as he could. Sometimes, I'd find a stack of his letters in the mailbox when I got home from work, and then, I wouldn't hear from him for while. Whenever his family got any news, they would call me or visit to share the letter. I did the same for them. I always let my folks and Joey's read what we wrote, including the parts where Joey and I talked about getting married when he got home. ***** It was the summer of '59. That's when I met him. Joey and I always liked each other. We were too young to think of each other as boyfriend and girlfriend at first. His family moved into a new house down the block the summer after third grade. I was a tomboy. I loved to ride my bike to the schoolyard to play on the swings, seesaws, and sliding board with the neighborhood boys. Sometimes, we'd play cowboys and Indians on the vacant lots in our development. Nobody thought anything of it a – me, a girl, playing with a bunch of boys. We were kids. I didn't care about the differences between a boy's body and mine. I knew they could stand up to pee, and I knew why. Big deal. That's the way it was. The boys knew I was different from them between the legs. They knew that made me a girl, but otherwise, I was one of them. Until Joey moved in. He was different, maybe a little quieter than the others, more serious, more grown up. He was horrified the first time one of the boys took a leak where I could see him. “Don't look, Sue! Harold, what do you think you're doing? There's a GIRL here!” “Yeah?” Fat Dennis sneered. “So what?” “So what? So what? You can't let her see that! That's what!” Fat Dennis stood up. He always bullied new kids at first. He towered over everyone, even Joey, and Joey was big, in a strong-looking way. “Joey, you moved in two days ago, didn't you?” “Yeah.” “That means you don't get to tell us what to do. If I need to pee when I'm out here with Sue, I'll just walk to the nearest tree or wall or something and do it. We all do. So does she. She has to sit down or squat to pee, though.” “That's wrong.” “No, she does.” “Not that part! I meant doing it in front of a girl,” Joey stated. “Why?” “Because it is.” “Says who? You?” Dennis taunted. Joey stood up and looked at me. “It's also wrong to fight, and it would be real wrong to let Sue see if anything happens.” “You gonna fight me, new kid?” “I don't want to,” Joey said. “You chicken to lose in front of a girl?” Fat Dennis strutted around, flapping his wings and clucking. “No.” “You know I'd beat you up, don't you, new kid?” “That's not how it would go,” Joey chuckled. “Big talk,” Dennis threatened. “Come here and fight me.” “No.” Dennis was pretty worked up by that point, so everyone knew he was going to lunge at Joey. Poor Fat Dennis. Joey side-stepped, ducked Dennis' punch, and flipped him over so he landed on his back. It knocked the wind out of him for a couple seconds. Joey knelt next to him. “I didn't want to do that. Are you okay?” Dennis wiped his eyes with his t-shirt, refusing to cry. “What did you do?” “Stopped the argument. I want to be your friend, Dennis. I know you're the leader here, so I'm telling you – no peeing in front of her, and if she needs to go, we walk away.” Fat Dennis struggled to his feet, shaking off Joey's offer to help. “Fine, but why?” “Do you pee in front of your mother?” “No! Boys don't do that!” “Right, but why not?” “You just don't. Nobody pees in front of their mother. Heck, that stops when you're old enough to aim it. I mean, it's your mother!” “You have a big sister, don't you, Dennis?” “Yeah.” “Do you pee in front of her?” “NO!” Dennis sputtered. He looked like he was working himself up to a second round. “Why not?” “Are you trying to start something Joey? Boys don't pee in front of their sisters. That's wrong.” “Exactly. We don't do it in front of our mothers and sisters because it's wrong. You know why? They're girls.” “Yeah,” Dennis said. Then, “Oh.” They shook hands, and with the new rule in place, Dennis suggested a game of tackle-tag. It was his favorite game. To tag someone, you had to knock them down. Tripping or shoving often were enough, but we usually went home scuffed and dirty. Dennis approached the game with brute force, and the rest of us responded with agility and speed, so we were pretty fairly matched. Joey tried to treat me like a girl, I guess, which made it easy to get away from him when he was “It.” He'd tackle the guys if he had to, just the way they taught him, but not me. When it was my turn to be “It,” Joey was closest to me. He ran, dodging me, until I grabbed his arm and threw myself at him. He landed on his belly with me on his back. “Holy cow, Sue, you hit hard.” “Yup. You're “It.” I scampered away from him. A few turns later, he was “It” again and came after me. He caught my one leg as I was climbing a tree and pulled me down. I landed on top of him, breaking my fall. He laughed and picked me up by my waist to hold over him like a trophy. “Tag. No tag-backs. You're 'It.'” “I'm not on the ground,” I said. “To tag someone, they have to land on the ground.” He pulled me against himself and rolled us over, pinning me under his body. He rose up on his arms and looked into my eyes. “Now you're tagged.” He stayed there for a moment on top of me, smiling. Then he stood up, helped me to my feet, and ran away. Joey fit in well enough, but sometimes he'd wander off. I was curious about those times, so I watched him, to see where he went. I followed him after a while and found him sitting on a big rock in the shade, staring down the hillside at the surveyors figuring out where new streets would go. “Penny for your thoughts, Joey.” “Oh!” He jumped like I had appeared by magic. “Hi, Sue.” “What are you doing?” “Sitting on this rock.” “May I sit with you?” That was how it started. Joey and I became friends. We spent the whole afternoon sitting in the shade on that rock, swapping stories and getting to know each other. The entire gang of us “Daisy Drive Devils”, as our parents called us, were friends. We played together almost every day. The day after Joey and I talked, the Devils played as a group, and we were together every day until we woke up one morning to a steady, soaking rain. No one ever called each other on rainy days, since none of us was allowed outside because we would catch our death. None of our mothers understood that we would get wet walking to the bus stop that fall, too. We sat alone in our living rooms and watched Looney Tunes, The Three Stooges, and game shows on television. My parents had an older “console” model, a blond oak cabinet beast. It had four big wood and cloth doors on the front. One revealed a round black-and-white picture tube, a big one, as big as the plate Mommy put the turkey on at Thanksgiving. The really neat thing was the record changer behind the second door. It played 33-1/3's and 78's and could take as many as six records at a time. There was even a removable fat spindle for a stack of 45's. The base of the record player had an AM radio tuner. The door below that didn't open, but it hid a speaker as big as the picture tube, and under the TV was a storage cabinet for albums. It was top of the line, but after Joey moved in, I didn't spend much time in the living room, except when “Lassie” was on, Sunday nights. I was helping Mommy with the breakfast dishes, watching the rain through the kitchen window, when the big black telephone on the table next to the refrigerator started to ring. Since I was drying, Mommy told me to answer. “Hello, Brown residence.” “Is that you, Sue? This is Joey. Do you want to come play at my house? My mother says it's okay.” “It's raining.” “I can come over with a big umbrella to get you.” “Do you want to watch television?” “We could, or we could play in the basement or my room. Maybe we could trade baseball cards or something.” “Let me ask Mommy.” In ten minutes, Joey was at my door. I was waiting for him, my shoebox of baseball cards hidden under my yellow rain slicker. That first day at Joey's house was an eye-opener. I had never been in a boy's room, but I thought all they did was play with toy trucks and soldiers and Lincoln Logs. Joey did stuff the other boys didn't do. He played the piano. He read books. He drew pictures. He was probably the toughest and strongest kid on the block, even though I did beat him arm wrestling once, but he had another side. Joey showed me different things in life. He was a collector. He had baseball cards, coins, stamps, and models. I had my card collection and some dolls I took very good care of, since they were going to belong to my little boy and girl some day. I knew the value of things. Joey had some really neat stuff, and he liked things the other kids didn't. Every time it rained, I went to Joey's house or he came to mine. Our parents had gotten to like each other, so our getting together was encouraged. We were close friends. We shared secrets, fears, and dreams. We were never bored or lonely like the other kids seemed to be when the Devils couldn't play outside. Joey's parents joined our church, so we wound up in the same vacation Bible school class in August. By the time fourth grade started, the grown-ups saw us as a puppy-love couple, I guess, but we were just part of the gang to the rest of the Devils. In seventh grade, Mom and Dad let me go to the Friday night dances with the rest of the kids. I always went with my girlfriends, and Joey went with the boys, old Daisy Drive Devils or teammates from the sports he played. At that age, boys stood on one side of the gym and girls stood on the other, both groups talking about members of the other group. Joey knew my preferences in music. He liked some of the more modern, edgy stuff, but I still loved the crooners. I saw him break away from his gang and go talk to the school principal, who was serving as DJ. I thought he probably requested a Beach Boys song, since he and his buddies liked that stuff, but instead, the principal got on the mike. “I have a song request. Here's your chance, gentlemen. Ask a lady to dance.” Andy Williams sang. Joey was the first boy I ever slow-danced with. I still remember all the lyrics to “Moon River.” Feeling his hand holding mine as we moved, I knew I wasn't a child any more, and that things between us would change. Monday in school, it was obvious they had, at least in the eyes of our classmates. Girls I didn't even know told me they thought I had a cute boyfriend. Joey told me that all his buddies referred to me as his girlfriend. All that from one dance. We talked about it the rest of the school year. Our friends were right. We belonged together. Joey and I started going steady in eighth grade. The locket he gave me for my fifteenth birthday is in its original box in my nightstand. He bought it with money he earned doing jobs around the neighborhood. It's still one of my most prized possessions. He turned sixteen before I did, so he drove us to the mall so I could pick out the dress he would buy me to take me out to dinner that night. When he kissed me goodnight on my front porch after our date, he gave me one last gift – a picture of him to put in the locket I wore whenever I dressed up for him. It's still in there. All through high school, Joey and I were inseparable. I became a cheerleader, co-captain of the squad senior year, mainly so I could be near him. Our parents were thrilled. My folks loved Joey, and the Ramsey's treated me like their daughter. They trusted us, knew that we had taken a vow in our church youth group to remain pure until marriage. On my eighteenth birthday he gave me a “sweetheart ring.” We were in love, the kind of love that lasts, one built on friendship rather than hormones. Don't get me wrong about hormones. Joey grew from a cute boy the girls whispered about in seventh grade into one they drooled over in high school. Guys looked at me all the time, too, but everyone knew we were off-limits. I was his girl, and he was my man. Everyone understood. It was how the world was meant to be. As seniors in high school, we knew we had the grades credits to get into college. I didn't need to go, since I was going to be a wife, homemaker, and mother. Joey and I had talked about it for years. He was going to follow in his father's footsteps by serving his country. When he was done, we would get married and he would continue his education. Prom night was the night that a lot of couples had sex for the first time. Joey and I were king and queen of the prom. More than one of his buddies made comments about what we would be doing later that night, since we weren't going to the post-prom party. One of my girlfriends teased me in the rest-room at the prom, too. “Are you and Joey going to do it tonight?” she asked from the next stall. “Do what?” I asked. I had my lap full of prom gown skirt, trying to squat over the toilet to pee. “IT. Are you two going to do IT tonight?” “If you mean are we going to have sex, the answer is no.” “Why not? You two have been going together for, like, forever.” “Yes, and we promised we would wait. You and I talked about this.” “I know, but it's Joey. He's like, your world, isn't he? You're going to marry him, aren't you? And he's so gorgeous.” She was right. It was Joey, my gorgeous man, the man who made me feel like a beautiful, well-loved woman. Yes, other couples were going to be having sex that night, couples who would never get married, who didn't love each other like my boyfriend and I did. They didn't understand that real love doesn't need sex. That two people can feel like they have one soul without being physically intimate. I thought about my parents and grandparents. Surely they didn't have sex anymore, but they still were deeply in love. That's how Joey and I were. Being in love was natural, like getting out of bed in the morning and brushing my teeth. Marriage and family were a given. We knew what some of our friends did. We knew we should wait. Sex was for newlyweds, something we would be when he got out of the Army. He left for boot camp three days after graduation. It was the summer of '69. His letters during basic training were so full of love, I thought he might surprise me and ask me to marry him when he got home. I would have. The minister's study would be good enough for me. We were more in love than ever, having been apart, and we knew it, but Joey avoided any discussion about long-term plans. We lived in the moment. The night before he shipped out, we were in the basement family room he and I helped Dad build, sitting together on the couch. “Baby,” Joey said, “Do you think you should wait for me? You know there's a chance I'll never come home. I could die over there. Maybe we should break up so you can get started on finding another guy.” “No! There won't be another guy, Joey. I'm yours. I've known that more than half my life.” “I feel the same way,” he said, wiping my tears with his neatly folded pocket handkerchief. “I can't imagine feeling like this with anyone else. I thought about asking you to marry me before I ship out, but I decided that's not fair. You're young and beautiful. You're going to be here, and Lord knows where I'll be. Please, Sue, just write back to me when I can write to you.” I wanted to give him my virginity that night. He deserved it. He was the only man I would ever sleep with, and he wasn't trying anything! “Joey, do you want to make love?” “Please don't ask me that. I do, but I won't. We've waited this long, honey. If I come back, we'll see if we still love each other.” “You're scaring me. I can't lose you.” We spent the night on the couch, kissing, cuddling, and finally sleeping in each others' arms, dressed except for our shoes. I got a job at the diner. I didn't have any job skills, but I worked hard. I didn't need anything more. My job would keep me occupied and earn some money, a nest egg for when Joey and I got married. I wasn't the bra-burning type. I would be happy with a couple of babies and a nice kitchen. I didn't want a career other than wife and mother. Maybe, when the kids were grown, I would take some classes, but hopefully, being a grandmother would take up a lot of my time. Joey had been gone for over two months. From the dates on his letters, it seemed like he wrote to me and his parents almost every night, but mail service from the jungle was sporadic. Often, we went for a week or more without any news. The letter about him being being pinned down by snipers was in the last bundle I had received, over two weeks earlier. As always, I was sick with worry, but I knew things would be okay. They always were. One night, Joey's parents rang our bell. My dad opened the door. “Joe, Marge, how are....” The smile crumpled off Dad's face. Joey's father shoved a paper into my dad's hand, and ushered his crying wife onto the sofa. “Hon, Joe and Marge are here. Come down here now,” my dad called up the steps. Mom rushed into the room, and saw Dad reading a telegram. Joey's parents were holding each other. “Oh my God!” Mom wailed, and threw herself at Marge on the couch. Dad finished reading. His hands were shaking. “He's M.I.A.? Missing in Action? Joe, Marge, that could be good. That just means he's separated from his unit, or he and some other guys are holed up somewhere with a busted radio, doesn't it?” “It means they don't know whether he's dead but they haven't found his body, or if he's injured and dying in the jungle, or whether he's in some hospital, so damaged they don't know who he is. He could be a P.O.W.” Marge and Mom started wailing in unison. I did nothing. I probably had the same expression on my face Dad did, since I was so much like him – stunned silence, no tears, no anguish – nothing. Numbness. Finally, Dad said, “Maybe not. At least they haven't found his body, so he must be alive.” Joe, Sr. spat, “Or blown to bits or burned beyond recognition or,...” “Stop it!” Marge screamed. “Just stop it! This is my baby we're talking about! Mine! I carried him inside my body for nine months, pushed him out of me, and then fed him from my breasts! Mine! You're supposed to be making this easier for me! Dammit! You're not helping!” “Sue, would you get Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey some iced tea?” Dad asked in his dead voice. Joey's mom wailed, “I don't want any damned iced tea! I want my baby back!” I'm strong, or maybe I'm slow, but it finally sank in. I might never see my Joey again. I was alone. Mom was awash in tears with Marge and Joe. I looked at Dad. I never saw such a look of pained love from him before. He helped me to the loveseat and held me while I cried. For the first time in my life, I saw him cry too. Joey's parents went home when Marge ran out of tears. Joe helped her to her feet, kissed my mom on the cheek, shook Dad's hand, and then hugged me. “I'll call you or stop by every day, whether I hear anything or not. I know Joey wants me to do that.” When the front door closed, Mom said, “I need to go to bed.” Dad followed her up to their room and closed the door. I sat on the loveseat blowing my nose, wondering whether I would ever feel Joey's arms around me again. When I went upstairs, I was exhausted from crying, but I couldn't sleep. I paced, looked at photo albums, read his poems, and stared at his self-portrait he had painted for me. I cried for two days, trying to decide whether I could ever be happy again. On the third day, my boss called from the diner. “Sue, I'm trying to write next week's schedule. Will you be able to come in?” “I'll be in tomorrow for my breakfast shift, if I still have a job.” I was early for work the next morning, and I stayed for another shift because one of the evening counter girls called out sick. I worked as many hours as I could to keep from brooding at home, earning a lot in tips from people who knew Joey. After a year of burns from spilling hot soup and coming home smelling like fried onions, I knew I had to do something else. I went to the local campus of the state university to become a teacher. Maybe helping children discover themselves would help me wait. College was hard. I hadn't used my brain for much lately except figuring out checks as a waitress. I spent a lot of time on my schoolwork. That's always the way I was with school, especially after I met Joey. He was an all A student in elementary school, something only a few girls could do. I really didn't think of myself as a “girl” back then. I was one of the guys, and my grades showed it. Joey was the most masculine boy my age, and he got better grades than me. He inspired me. He taught me to love to learn. We were competitive all through school. We loved studying together and partnered for projects whenever the teachers let us. We teased each other about our grades, the one with the fewest red marks on their paper lording it over the other. He never let me forget that he had the better grade point average at graduation, by a lousy thousandth of a point. Now, I had no one I cared about to compare myself to. Getting far enough in my studies that I actually dealt with little kids helped, whenever I was with them. At night, I grieved for the babies I might never give Joey. Anguish, anger, and fear of being alone forever were my life. Love was something other people had. I had baseball cards, a stack of letters, some jewelry, and an oil painting. A woman at church helped me to cope. As bad as things were for me, she seemed to have it worse. Her husband left her pregnant when he was killed by a drunk driver. It was unfair. It made no sense. Her tragedy was more final than mine and left her a single mother. The woman was smart and strong. She managed to focus on the good memories she had of her man and tried to move on, and taught me to do the same. Nothing I could do would bring Joey home to me, alive or dead. I had to live for myself. Classmates asked me out. There were some really cute guys, a few that could have been fun to date. But I didn't. I had lunch with them at the snack bar, or met with them in the library to study, but they were friends. I made them understand that. I already had a man. If that meant I went to my grave a virgin, so be it. I was in my senior year in college, starting my student teaching. Lesson plans were finished for the week. I was taking it easy, watching a new episode of “Sanford and Son” with Mom and Dad. The front door burst open. “He's alive! Joey's alive!” Joe yelled, running into the living room. Marge was right behind him, crying and laughing like she had escaped from an asylum. Dad grabbed the paper from Joe's hand. “Do you know when he'll come home?” “He's being evaluated, whatever that means. He's in a hospital in the Philippines, but they're bringing him stateside soon. We don't know much about how he is, except that he's alive,” Joe said. “That's enough for me,” Dad laughed. “I was saving this for a special occasion. This sounds like it.” He went to his liquor cabinet and brought back a fifth of expensive Scotch. When the bottle was empty, Mom and I made up the sofa-bed in the family room for Joe and Marge. Dad was in no shape to help, and Mom wasn't much better. I lay awake for hours after everyone else was snoring. My Joey was coming home. What had happened to him in the years he was away? Did he still love me? The five of us flew to California to meet the ship that brought him home. We didn't get to see him at the dock. He was whisked into an ambulance that we tried to follow in our rental car. At the hospital, his doctor took us to his office. Joey had been shot and captured. His injuries weren't life-threatening, and they stopped the bleeding at a Viet Cong field hospital. He was taken to a prison camp for debriefing. “We're all adults here, and I believe in telling the truth, so I'll be blunt,” the army doc said. “To the Viet Cong running that camp, 'debriefing' meant torture if they thought a prisoner knew something useful, followed by long periods of confinement. Joey was a rank-and-file infantryman, so he wasn't very useful to them, but they kept him alive as a bargaining chip. “American soldiers tried to take the camp, and there was a fire-fight. Our guys were prepared, and the Cong ran out of ammo. They apparently tried to beat their captives to death when they knew the camp was going to be taken. Private Ramsey sustained a severe skull fracture. When he was liberated from the camp, he was in a coma, nearly dead of starvation and exposure. He's much better now. Recovering nicely. With hard work, he should make further improvements. We're keeping him sedated, but you may see him for a minute each.” I was allowed to go first. A nurse led me to a window that looked into his room. I could hardly recognize him through the bandages on his head. Tubes, wire, bottles, and bags were everywhere. He had a cast on one leg, where surgeons had repaired the badly-healed fractures from his initial wound. His other leg had scars from long-healed sores. Skinny arms extended from his hospital gown, tubes in both of them between old cigarette burns. Always so big and strong, my darling looked like he was half his old size. He had a tube down his nose, and he was out cold. We walked into his room. “Talk to him, honey,” the nurse said. “He's in deep sedation, but some patients say they remember things when they wake up.” “Joey? Joey, it's Sue.” His chest rose and fell slowly. “Joey? You're home now. Well, not home. You're in a hospital in California. We came to visit, me, my folks and your parents.” “Time's almost up, honey,” the nurse whispered. “I love you, Joey,” I said as I backed out of room. We stayed for a week, visiting him for a minute apiece each morning, afternoon, and evening. The day before our flight home, the doctor met us in the waiting room outside Intensive Care. “I have good news. Private Ramsey is showing excellent improvement. He's doing well enough that we've lowered his medication. He's in a “twilight” sleep right now. He hasn't opened his eyes or spoken, but I believe that's coming. We'll be able to make arrangements to transfer him to a Veterans Administration hospital near your home soon.” That day, it was Marge's turn to go in first. She spent her full minute in his room holding his hand and crying. When Joe went in, he sat close to his son's head, telling him he would be home soon. Then it was my turn. “He's asleep, Sue, but talk to him,” Joe said when I passed him in the doorway. “Joey, it's me, Sue. I'll be able to be with you a lot more soon, when you're in a hospital near home. I've missed you so much, Joey.” I laid my hand on his outstretched one and held it, like I had every time we visited. This time, he made a noise. “Nurse, he's talking!” “He's been doing that ever since last night. He's probably feeling some discomfort from his latest surgery now, so there's a little moaning.” “Oooh,” Joey whispered. “Oooh. Oooh.” “What's that, honey? Are you in pain?” I asked. “Ooooooh. Ooooooh. Sssssss.” He worked his tongue around in his mouth. “Sssssuuuuueeee.” “Yes, Joey, it's me. It's Sue!” His hand twitched, like he was trying to squeeze it the way I was squeezing his. He whispered “Sue” again. Then he slept. By the time he was transferred to the local VA hospital two weeks later, Joey was awake a lot of the time. He didn't talk much, and when he did, he seemed confused. The staff said his rehabilitation would take a long time. Because of his head injuries and the deplorable conditions in which he had been imprisoned for so long, we should be prepared for only a partial recovery. The first day I went to see him, he was propped up in bed, asleep, but facing the TV. I pulled up a chair and sat next to his head. “Joey, can you wake up?” His eyes flickered for a moment, and when they opened, I saw fear. “It's me, Sue. I came to see you.” “Sue. Sue. Why am I here?” “You were injured in the war. You were in a prison camp, but now you're in the VA hospital near home.” “Oh. Why are you here?” “I came to see you. Do you want me to go?” “No. Stay. Don't leave me.” Every day after I was done with student teaching, I went to the hospital to be with him. Every day, he was better, until one night about a week before before my birthday. He was agitated that evening. “What's wrong, honey? You seem upset,” I said. “Your birthday is next week. I can't go buy you a present,” he said. “That's okay. Getting you back is the best present in the world.” “You don't understand. I can't go get you a present because I can't walk. I haven't walked in years. That cage they kept me in was too small to let me stand up, even if my leg had healed right. I went to physical therapy today. My legs are so weak I can't stand on my own. How can I ever get a job and go to a store to buy things for you if I'm like that?” “It doesn't matter. You're alive, and I'm with you again. I don't need anything else.” “No. I'm no good to you now. I'm a broken-down wreck. You need a man.” “I have a man.” “I'm not a man. I'm an invalid.” “You're a patient. You were shot. They tortured you and kept you in a tiny bamboo cage for years. You were near death from starvation. The bastards fractured your skull. It's going to take time for you to recover.” “You shouldn't have waited for me. I don't know why you're here. Why aren't you married and having babies?” “I don't want to be married to anyone but you. I don't want any babies but yours.” When visiting hours were over, I kissed him, like always. Joey really kissed me back for the first time. The next day, he was sitting in a chair. “I have to pee,” was the first thing he said. “Do you want me to help you to the bathroom?” “No, you can't do that.” “They tell me you can bear some weight on your good leg. We can probably get you there.” “No, Sue, I can't let you do that. Find an orderly.” “Joey, I'm strong enough if you'll help me.” “Don't you get it? I have to pee! I need someone to help me onto the toilet. I can't let you do that,” Joey protested. “Now please, go find a man to help me.” I came back into the room with a burly orderly, but Joey was adamant that I wait in the hallway while they took care of things. “I can't hold onto him and the railing and still keep my gown closed. Please, Sue, respect my privacy.” When the orderly left the room, I went back in. “I didn't mean to embarrass you,” I said. “It's okay. It just wouldn't have been proper for you to see me with my skinny butt hanging out of this stupid gown.” “I understand, Joey, but someday, I'll see that skinny butt in bed next to me.” “What?” “When we're married, silly.” It was out of my mouth before I knew it. “You don't want to marry me, Sue. I'm not the man you fell in love with.” “I didn't fall in love with a man. I fell in love with a boy who once let me beat him arm-wrestling. I fell in love with the boy who danced with me to “Moon River.” I fell in love with the guy who gave me this,” I said, pulling my precious locket out from where it was hidden by my sweater. “I'm in love with a man now. You, Joey.” “But I'm not the same man.” “Yes you are. Whatever you can or can't do, I love you.” I leaned down and kissed him. Joey kissed me back pretty hard, the way he did a couple of times the night before he left for the war. When we let go, tears rolled down his cheeks. “I'm going down to physical therapy tomorrow, and I'm going to work until I'm healthy enough to take care of you, if you still want me.” On Easter Sunday morning, Mom, Dad, and I piled into the back of Joe and Marge's car to meet Joey for services at the hospital chapel. He was beaming, obviously very excited, but he wouldn't say a word as he led us back to his room on his cane. When we got to his room, he sat in his armchair. “I can come home next week,” he said. “That's great news!” my dad exclaimed. “They said if I could do something, I could go home, so I've been practicing a lot.” He stood up and hobbled over to where I was sitting. Trying to mask the pain on his face, he got down on his bad knee. His father handed him something. “Sue, I should have done this five years ago when it was easier. Will you marry me?” There was a diamond ring in the little box in his hand. “Oh my God!” I burst into happy tears, and leaned forward to kiss him, being careful not to knock him over. “Yes, Joey, my God yes, I'll marry you!” “My therapist said he'll work with me until I can carry a nurse around. When I can do that, when I'm strong enough to carry you over the threshold, we'll get married.” It was supposed to be a small ceremony. At least, that was what we wanted. Our families had different ideas. Joey's platoon leader, who had been in the prison camp with him, was the best man. Mike recovered from his injuries faster than Joey. He came to visit when he could, driving three hundred miles one way, helping Joey keep his spirits up. The young widow from church who supported me through those lonely years when Joey was away was matron of honor, and her little boy was the ring bearer. Both our moms cried their way through the whole thing. At the reception, Joey danced with me when the band played “Moon River,” but he sat most of the time. When it got late, his father gave him the keys to a new car for us to drive to the hotel where we would be spending the night. After the garter was retrieved and the bouquet tossed, we left. “Mrs. Ramsey,” he said after the bellboy carried our bags into the room, “I never thought I'd see this day.” He picked me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss him as he carried me to the bed, the first real bed we would ever share. We kissed, hotter than we ever had, fumbling with zippers and catches. We laughed at our nervousness and frustration with strange garments, until I was down to my bra and panties, and he was only wearing his shorts. His hardness strained against them, fascinating but frightening, moving, growing. “This is it, Sue.” “I've waited a long time, honey,” I replied, reaching behind me to unclasp my bra. “Wait, let me do that,” Joey said. He pulled my bra off me, and knelt on the bed next to me, looking at my breasts. “You're perfect.” His hand touched my bare flesh for the first time. “Perfect,” he repeated as my nipple hardened. I pulled him down on top of me, feeling his chest hair against my breasts and his manhood against my panty-covered mound. We kissed, tongues intertwined, until we were fighting for air. “Roll over,” I said. I wanted a good look what was going to make me his wife physically. He raised his hips when I grabbed the waistband of his briefs. Joey and I had made a pact that we would only go so far before we were married, so I had never seen his penis. I thought I had an idea of its size and shape from feeling it against me, hard through clothing when we made out, but seeing it bared, ready, and anxious inches from me was different. I was almost as scared of it as I was thrilled by it. “I don't know what to do,” I said. “You got an A in health class in eleventh grade, Sue.” “So did you.” “We learned all about this there. I think we can figure it out,” my new husband said, his hand pushing into my panties. It didn't take long for him to have them off, and to give me my first orgasm by someone other than me. He did it again, kissing my breasts, teasing my nipples with his tongue. “I love you, Joey. It's time.” He got on top of me, kissing me as he fondled my breasts and then my pussy. He pushed himself up so he could see what he was doing, holding himself and taking aim. “Do it, honey. I'm your wife now.” I tried to calm myself to relax my body, while bracing for the pain. Every woman I talked to said it hurt, including my mother and my mother-in-law. They said it got better over time. I prayed they were right. I was terrified. I expected him to find his mark, push himself inside me, injure me (tearing tissue is an injury, after all), and then rut like an animal until he shot inside me. That's not exactly what he did. Joey and I discovered something about me that very first time. He could drive me crazy with his penis. He didn't enter me for a while. He stroked me with it, played with me, up and down over my wet cleft, massaging my clitoris with the hard, wet, spongy end of it, and bringing me to still another orgasm. When I calmed down, I saw the happiness on his face. “I'm going to do it now. I'll try not to hurt you more than I have to, baby.” His dick pried my lips apart just enough that they gripped it. I had never felt anything like this. Nothing so big. I was torn between my fear and my lust about it being where nothing had gone before. “I didn't know it would feel like this,” he sighed. He shifted his weight, trying to keep from pinning me under him. That made him move inside me, change his angle, something. It felt good. He saw it on my face, and he grinned, moving a little more, this time just a fraction of an inch further into me. I pulled him down for a kiss, one I knew we would remember. He kept up with his slow, tiny thrusts, finally coming to a stop against my barrier. “I love you, Sue. I have since the day we sat on that rock and talked. I've always loved you, all through school, every moment I was conscious in Nam – it was what kept me sane. Now I'm home with you forever. Now I love you more.” He moved again to kiss me, and sank through. As soon as he felt me give way, he stopped, holding himself from going deeper, waiting for me to kiss him back. He gave me time, until I nodded, kissed him, and said, “More.” He was gentle, loving, caring, the way I needed him to be. Instinct, passion, and love guided us, but it hurt a little. I was very sensitive and tender. It felt wonderful, an odd mix of pleasure with pain. Our love was complete when he finally shot his essence inside me. He managed to keep his eyes open, the same as I did when I reached my first climax with him inside me a moment later. With everything we experienced, we loved more. We wanted kids, prayed for them, but not yet. I went on the pill when we got engaged, and was quite satisfied with it. My breasts filled out a sweater better, and I had just a little wiggle when I walked, something I practiced when my parents weren't home to drive Joey crazy on our honeymoon. We cuddled after making love for the first time. “What if the pill doesn't work?” I asked. “We start thinking about names.” “Would you want a baby this soon, Joey?” “I'd rather be finished with some kind of school and into a decent job before we have kids, but I'll go with the flow. Maybe it's supposed to happen.” “I think I'd rather wait, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't practice for getting me pregnant.” I caressed his muscle, the skin sticky with our drying juices. Losing my virginity hadn't hurt as much as I thought it might, although I didn't care, since it was Joey. We made love again that night before we fell asleep, and in the morning before we got ready for breakfast. When we went to bed that evening I was still sore from stretching to accommodate him, as amazing as it had felt. “Joey,” I said, touching his naked body in the bed next to me. “I don't know how to say this, but I'm pretty sore.” “I'm sorry, honey.” He kissed me gently and caressed my breast. “I didn't mean to hurt you.” “You didn't. Well, yeah, the first time it hurt a little, but it was you, Joey, my husband. We made love a lot, and I enjoyed every minute of it, but I think she needs a break,” I said, gesturing toward my crotch. “Should I kiss it and make it all better?” he murmured into my ear. “Very funny.” “I'm not trying to be funny. Guys in the Army talked about it. I'd like to try it.” He kissed me again, and then leaned down and kissed my breasts. “I hope I do this okay.” His fingers teased my curls as he licked and sucked on my nipples. We learned the night before how much I enjoyed that, but he kept moving lower until he kissed my belly-button. Then lower. I knew people did this, touched their partner's intimate places with their mouths, but I hadn't thought about it much. My promise to God and Joey as a teenager, followed by those years of forced abstinence, meant that I was poorly prepared for this sex stuff. I let my body figure out what to do with conventional missionary intercourse, and I liked it. A lot. Now, my husband was between my legs, kissing the tops of my thighs. “I love you, Sue,” he said, just before his tongue reached me. That first jolt of sensation, his warm, wet tongue on my tender lips, was like nothing I imagined. My legs spread on their own, and my hands went down to caress his scalp, avoiding the ugly scars where hair would never grow. He was gentle, licking at me, kissing my clit, pressing his tongue into the bruised opening of my vagina. I couldn't believe the sensations. He brought me to orgasm quickly the first time, faster than I've ever been able to do it myself, and more intensely that he did in our love-making earlier. I was still riding that high when I realized I was going to go again. I was trying to make sense of the waves of sensation and emotion that kept washing over me when I heard him say, “You like that, don't you?” “Very much! Where did you learn to do that?” “Listening to guys. They said chicks dig it. I also read some magazines my roommate's friends brought him in the VA hospital. Seeing your reaction was kinda fun.” “Didn't it taste funny?” His chin was wet, and I felt the moisture under me. “No, in fact, you taste kind of good.” “Really? People say that's nasty,” I said. “I know, but I think they're wrong. It was pretty cool. I'll definitely do that again sometime.” I was so excited that I almost begged him to make love to me, but I knew that would only make me more sore. Poor Joey! If I was still that needy after what he did to me, how bad must it be for him? One glance at his manhood gave me the answer. It was only fair. We were married now. That changes the rules. “Joey, would you like me to do that to you?” “Not if you don't want to,” he said. His rock-hard penis bounced with his words. “I never thought about doing it before. Do you know what I should do?” “I heard guys talk about it.” I took him in my hand and stroked him, they way he seemed to like. “I'll try it.” I held his manhood and kissed it. A drop of clear fluid leaked out. It was the same thing I saw on him just before he entered me each time. I licked him, tasting it. “Oh, Sue!” he moaned. That was what I needed to hear. My husband liked what I was doing, so I did it again. Then I opened my mouth, held my lips over my teeth, and lowered my head. Joey let me do it at my pace. He played with my hair, never holding on to it, never forcing me. He loved me, I loved him, he loved what I was doing, and pretty soon I realized I enjoyed it too. I sucked him for a while, listening to him moan, and then licked him, giving my jaw a break, hearing him tell me how much he loved me. When he started moving his hips, I promised myself to swallow. It tasted, well, I don't know.... Different. A little salty, a tiny bit sweet, an odd texture in my mouth. Warm. Nice. Like most newlyweds, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were both in love and in lust. We learned how to please each other, both quickly and luxuriously. Joey was stronger every day. He claimed that it was my love that did it. He worked his way through school, and with my income as a teacher, we got by. We decided it was time to start a family, talked how amazing it would be if we could have a child by our fourth anniversary, so I went off the pill. On our third anniversary, Joseph Ramsey III was conceived. We both swear it was that night. I had been looking forward to it, an evening of dinner, dancing, and love-making. It would be a special night where we were newlyweds again, celebrating our love like it was our very first time, just like we did every year on this night. In the days before, lying in bed with a bucket on the floor or sleeping in the bathroom, I wondered if it would happen. I was getting better, but I couldn't imagine having the stamina for a night out. We had sandwiches and canned soup at the kitchen counter as our anniversary feast. We skipped dancing entirely. The next day, Joey had a fever worse than mine ever was. By the time we were both healthy enough to want to do something again, I had missed my period. Joey and I learned to accommodate my growing size. We did everything we could to keep each other happy, and I believe we succeeded quite well. We were blessed with a full term, healthy baby boy exactly nine months later. It was the summer of '79. ***** Now, it's the summer of 2012. I'm newly retired, loving the fact that I don't have to plan for next school year. The kids don't live with us anymore. Joseph the Third is married and living with his new wife in her native London. Suzanne (not Sue, Jr. – I put my foot down on that one!) is working on her Master's Degree, engaged to a living doll of a guy who reminds me a little of Joey when we were young. We're alone together, the way we started. It's nice. We have each other. That and a rock to sit on are all we need. Joey was happier than usual when he came home from work yesterday. “In a month, I'm a free man. Can you imagine?” “I know. Thirty-one days before I have an old retired guy underfoot all the time. Are you going to expect me to entertain you?” I teased. “Maybe.” I did what he expected. I still need him as much as he needs me. I melted against him. “Should I entertain you like this?” “Maybe.” Joey picked me up to carry me to bed. I knew it would be especially good when he did that. “Will you entertain me too?” I asked. The look in his eyes made me wet, just like it has for decades. He does something to my soul, to my heart and my mind, just being here. It's something about the love and the fire in his eyes. I kissed him so violently he almost dropped me. Pulling my clothes off me and touching me, as lovingly and thrillingly as always, he said, “I hope I'm not losing my touch, Mrs. Ramsey.” He isn't. |
I was driving home from college for Christmas break. My sophomore year had been, so far, pretty boring. I had broken up with my girlfriend from freshman year shortly after summer break had begun, because I caught her cheating with her old high-school flame. I worked hard all summer, trying to save up enough money to pay some of my tuition and costs for my sophomore year, so I had pretty much had no life over the summer. When I had gotten back to campus at the end of August, I applied myself very hard to my studies, and really didn't socialize much. I made no time in my schedule to pursue a campus romance, partially because I had been hurt so deeply by my experience the previous year. I had really only tried to approach one girl, a sophomore who came from the city only a few miles from my home town. She had pledged the snooty rich girl's sorority. Tara was polite enough to me at first, until she found out that I had worked as a mechanic at a small garage in my home town for a year between high school and college to save enough money to go to college. She learned that I was the only son of a dirt-poor family, while her mother was chief of neurosurgery at a well-known research hospital and her father was senior partner in a powerful corporate law practice. Both parents came from old money, so Tara had been raised in the lap of luxury. Basically, she was a spoiled brat who never had, and probably never would, understand hard work and hard times. She was beautiful, 5’6”, blonde, slender, with what I guessed were C-cup tits, a tight little ass, and a come-fuck-me smile. She had initially seemed attracted to me, until she found out about my pedigree. Then she would only talk to me in the one class we shared. Another dream shattered. It started to snow as I was packing for my hundred-mile trip home. I wasn't really that worried, since I knew that my old rust-bucket Chevy 4X4 pickup was mechanically sound and I had mounted four good used snow tires on it before I had left for school in August. Even when the radio station I was listening to announced that the main highway I was planning to use for part of my trip had been closed due to a massive pile-up, I figured I would be OK, since I knew the back roads I could use to get home. I settled in for a long, slow drive. After about an hour of crawling along in what was turning into near-blizzard conditions, I saw a car ahead of me. The emergency flashers were on. I quickly realized that the car had skidded off the road and had crashed into a large tree. There was a lot of front-end damage. I put on my own four-way flashers and parked behind it. I zipped up my insulated hunter coveralls and put on my warm hunting cap and got out of the truck. As I approached the car, a new BMW coupe, I could see the driver was still inside. I walked up to the driver's window and knocked on it. The driver opened the window an inch or two. It was Tara. "Seth! What are you doing here?" "Driving home for the holidays, same as you," I replied. "Are you OK?" "Do I look OK, you fucking moron?" she spat back at me. "Tara, don't talk to me like that. I want to help you." "Wonderful," she said, "use your finely honed mechanical skills to fix my damn car so I can get home!" "Considering that the radiator is leaking, the airbags are blown, and you have pretty heavy front end damage, this car isn't going anywhere without the help of a tow truck and a body and frame shop. I don't know how you even got this far on those performance tires you have." "Daddy said it has all-wheel drive. It has all the latest driver aids, including a built-in GPS system. That's how I knew the route through this god-forsaken wilderness when they closed the interstate. Oh, shit, Daddy's going to kill me when he finds out I wrecked my car. I wish I still had my Cadillac Escalade that he and Mom gave me for a graduation present." Her and her damned money, I thought. "Tara," I interrupted, "are you OK? Are you hurt?" "My left hand hurts like a bitch. I think I sprained my thumb, and part of my hand burns like fire. I guess that's from the airbag. The engine won't start, the climate control is only blowing cold air, and I'm getting really cold. My cell doesn't get any reception out here in the boonies. What am I going to do?" "You're going to come with me. I put a new radiator and heater core in my truck this summer, and it gets toasty in there in no time." "I'm not riding with you in that piece of shit. I'd rather wait here. You go home, and call my family, so Daddy can send out the gardener to get me. Oh, wait, do you actually have a telephone in your family shack?" she sneered. "Tara," I said. "At the beginning of the semester, when I first met you, I thought I could have real feelings for you. I'm actually glad you snubbed me when you found out I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't see at first what a miserable, snobby little bitch you are. That being said, I still feel obligated to help you. Not because I'm the least bit attracted to you anymore, but simply because you are a fellow human. No amount of money is going to keep you from freezing to death if I leave you here, so you might as well gather your designer purse and get you blueblood ass in my truck so I can get you home before Mommy and Daddy have drunk all the vintage scotch and eaten all the caviar they probably have waiting for their little princess." "God, you're insufferable! You don't know anything about me. And you're way too poor and ignorant to ever be able to comprehend how I live," Tara hissed. "Stop being a bitch and face reality, Tara! You're going to suffer hypothermia and frostbite, if not worse, if you don't come with me right now. Hell, I'm dressed for the weather and I'm getting cold out here. You must get out of that car and get in my truck now so I can get us out of here. There's already a foot of snow and the wind is picking up. If we don't leave soon, it's going to be hard for my truck to get through the drifts. Then were both fucked!" "Oh fine," she sighed, sullenly. She tried to open her door. It unlatched, but it wouldn't open. "Why can't I get out of the car," she asked, suddenly looking panicked. I wiped snow off the seam between the fender and the door. "The fender's crushed around the door, and it looks like you have enough frame damage on this side that we won't be able to get the door open. You'll have to get out the passenger's side." I walked around the back of the car to help to pull her out, only to find that the other door was wedged against a tree that was at least a foot in diameter. I went back to Tara's window. "You're not getting out that way, either. I have a crowbar in the truck. I'm going to get it and try to pry your door open. If that doesn't work, I can break the windshield and you can crawl out that way." "Just be quick about it. I can't stop shivering, and my feet are so cold they're getting numb." At that moment, we heard a vehicle approaching from the other direction. It was an old Jeep wagon. When it got next to us, I could see that it had huge mud tires and a high suspension. The entire under-carriage was at least 18" off the ground. This rig would be able to get through almost anything, I thought. The driver and his passenger got out. They were both huge. The driver looked to be about thirty-five years old, roughly 6'3" and over 300 pounds. He had a beer belly, but still looked like he was mostly muscle. The passenger looked a little younger, but he was taller and could have been close to 400 pounds. They both looked like pro wrestlers who had degenerated into grizzled mountain men. They were dressed for the outdoors in old, ratty hunting gear. I didn't like the look of them, and Tara seemed actually repulsed. "Man," the driver said, approaching Tara's car. "Somebody really fucked up their purty little furrin car. Oh, pardon my French, little lady," he laughed, showing his brown, broken teeth. "And pardon my manners. I'm Zeke, and this here's my kid brother, Merle. I call him Ox, 'cuz he's that strong and that dumb. Ain't you, Ox?" "Fuck you, Zeke," Ox growled. "Aw, that's no way to talk in front of a fine, pretty little lady. You apologize to her right now." Ox just stood there looking at the ground. Finally, he mumbled, "Sorry, missy." "That's better," Zeke said. "Looks like you kids need a little help. What's your name, boy?" he said, addressing me. "My name is Seth, and the young lady here is Tara." "Well, Miss Tara, you ain't goin' nowhere in that car on these here roads, even if you hadn't gotten real friendly with that there tree. You’d best get out of that car." "I can't," she said. "The doors won't open, but my friend had everything under control. He has tools in his truck to get me out, and then he's going to drive me home." "Oh, missy, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. The road the way you was going is blocked by a downed tree. This here old Jeep was able to crawl over it, but your boyfriend's pick-up would never clear it. You're just going to have to come to our cabin to warm up until this storm lets up. Ox, help this pretty young thing get her door open." Ox walked over to the car, grabbed the door handle and pulled. I could actually see the sheet metal of the door bow out as he pulled the handle. Suddenly the handle ripped out of the door, and Ox landed on his butt in the snow. Zeke roared with laughter. "They don't make 'em like they used to, do they? Ox, get off your stupid ass and grab the door frame." Ox did as he was told, wedging his huge hands into the space between the body of the car and the frame of the unlatched door. He started to pull on the door and, incredibly, it began to open. I couldn't believe my eyes. This beast was actually bending the sheet metal that was crushed around the front edge of the door. The bent hinges were groaning, and the door was moving. I've seen rescue crews, using hydraulic jaws, struggle to do what this giant was doing with his hands. In only a few seconds, the door was open wide. "Good boy, Ox," Zeke said. "Now help the pretty little lady out of the car." "Don't touch me," Tara said, her voice trying to sound defiant, but seeming truly scared. "Now, I don't know nothin' about the manners of the high and mighty," Zeke said, but us simple folk would say thanks to someone who helped them out of a jam and would accept their hospitality. You don't got nowhere else to go, so you're gonna have to stay with us." "You're right, I was rude," Tara said, her voice trembling. "Thank you very much for helping me. I do appreciate it. But we really can't stay. Seth will drive us home." "I told you before, missy, the road's blocked ahead. You ain't goin' that way. I know these woods real good, and with the wind and the condition of some of them trees back the way you came, I reckon you won't get far that way either. Just be real nice and let us take you to our cabin. We got plenty of firewood and grub, and some of the best moonshine you ever tasted to help you warm up. We'll have a regular party." "My father will pay you very well if you would drive us home,” Tara said. “We'd much prefer to be home with our families." "You just don't get it, do you sweetie? See, me and Ox don't get to see many fine women around here. We're gonna go to the cabin and have us some real fun. "You’d like to spend some time with this here pretty girl wouldn't you, Ox?" Zeke said leering at Tara and grinning his broken-toothed grin. "Yeah, Zeke, that would be real nice. I ain't never had no woman that looks like her." "OK, guys, that's enough," I said. "Boy, you need to shut the fuck up," Zeke said, moving in front of me. Now, I'm a pretty strong guy myself. I stand 6'1", and weigh 225. I was a varsity tackle in high school, I do a lot of manual labor, I lift weights, I've never backed off from a fight, and I've won every one I was involved in since kindergarten. Still, I knew this wouldn't end well. "You're scaring her, and I don't like what you're saying either," I said. "You really don't know when to shut up, do you, wimp?" Zeke said, his putrid breath in my face. "I guess I gotta show you." With that, he lunged at me and grabbed me in a bear hug. With no effort at all, he picked me up and threw me against Tara's car. My head hit the rear window frame hard. As I blacked out, I heard Tara scream. The next thing I knew, Zeke had thrown a cup of water in my face. I sputtered awake, and realized I was tied to a chair in the brothers' filthy cabin. There was a fire roaring in the huge fireplace. Tara was tied to a chair next to me. Zeke grabbed my hair and pulled me to look at him. "Sorry I had to knock you out, kid, but you just wasn't cooperatin' and you was gettin' real annoyin'. I thought you might like to join our little party, but I guess you're just gonna have to sit there and watch the fun. We're gonna keep you real comfortable, though. The fire's makin' it nice and cozy in here, and Ox is cookin' up some real nice grub for all of us. I'm gonna go help him. When dinner's ready, we'll untie you so you and the pretty one here can get your bellies nice and full. I'd be happy to share some of that fine moonshine with you, then we'll get the real party started." He checked the ropes holding Tara and me to the chairs. "Now don't go nowhere, hear?" He belly-laughed, pleased with his own joke, and left the room. Tara said, “I thought you’d never wake up! Seth, you have to get us out of here. I’m terrified. I think Zeke is planning to rape me! Do something!” “In case you haven’t noticed, Tara, I’m tied up just like you are. What do you expect me to do?” “I don’t know, Seth. Think of something, please. I’m begging you. You have to save me,” she cried, miserably. I had long since convinced myself that I didn’t like this girl, but seeing her so terrified and helpless touched me deeply. I also realized that these two Neanderthals probably weren’t going to just rape Tara and then let us go so we could report it to the authorities. I didn’t know exactly where we were, but I knew the area fairly well from hunting here when I was in high school. If they threw us out into the storm, we would probably freeze to death before we got help, and if they kept us here, they would probably kill us both. “Tara,” I said, “I need you to calm down so you can help me.” “How can I help you?” she moaned. “I was knocked out when Zeke threw me against your car. The last thing I remember was hearing you scream, and the next thing I knew we were sitting here tied up. You have to tell me everything that happened while I was unconscious. Try to remember every detail. Maybe something will help us to plan our escape.” Tara wiped her eyes with trembling hands and forced herself to breath deeply, trying to gather herself. “OK, I’m trying to replay the whole thing in my mind. Let me get it all in order.” Sounding a little calmer now, Tara said, “OK. The scream you heard was from me watching Zeke pick you up and throw you like a rag doll. Then Ox dragged me out of the car and held me in a bear hug so tight I thought he was going to crush me to death. He picked me up and kissed me. I thought I was going to vomit in his mouth. Then he put me down and held me tightly, but not painfully. I couldn’t have escaped him, but he wasn’t hurting me. He put one finger under my chin and raised my face to look at him. He smiled at me with a vacant look and told me he thought I was pretty. Then he apologized to me for scaring me and for Zeke having hurt you, since he thought you seemed like a nice guy. He said Zeke was mean, and that he thought Zeke was crazy. Zeke was busy tying you up and making room in the back of the Jeep to put you in, so he wasn’t paying any attention to us. It dawned on me that he was actually afraid of Zeke. “I asked him if Zeke was mean to him. He said Zeke was always mean and that he didn’t like it. I started to get the idea that if I was nice to him, I might be able to actually get him on our side. “I asked him, ‘How do you feel when Zeke is mean to you?’ “Ox said, ‘It makes me feel bad. It makes me sad. Sometimes I get real mad at him.’ “I gave him a sympathetic look and said, ‘What do you do then? Do you tell him to stop? Do you tell him how you feel?’ “He said, ‘Oh no, Miss Tara, I couldn’t do that. He’d be even meaner to me. He’d hit me. Zeke’s a real bad man and he can get real mad. Once, he killed a man who was hunting near our cabin. He just sneaked up behind him, and kicked him real hard. The man dropped his rifle and fell. Zeke rolled him over, sat on his chest and looked at the man right in the eye. He told him no one hunts on this land but us. Then he took the man’s hunting knife and slit his throat. Zeke made me bury the man in the woods. He didn’t have to do that to the man, Miss Tara. He’s just mean and crazy.’ “I said, ‘That’s horrible, Ox. Do you think he would do that to you?’ “Ox thought a moment and said, ‘I don’t think he’d kill me. He likes to have me do stuff for him. I think he likes to have me around to do all his dirty work for him.’ “I said to him, ‘Then just tell him off when he’s mean to you. If he hits you, hit him back. You’re a big, muscular guy. If he really decides to make a fight out of it, I know you could beat the shit out of him. I know it would be hard for you, since I can tell you’re a really nice guy, but you have to stand up for yourself.’ “Ox just looked at me and said, ‘Do you really think I’m nice? I really like it when you say things like that to me. I really like you, Miss Tara.' " Tara continued, “By that time, Zeke had finished loading you and the rest of his stuff into the wagon. He looked over at us and yelled, ‘What the fuck are you doing standing there and talking, retard? Get the bitch in the back seat with you and don’t let her try anything. It’s time to get home and start our party.’ Then he laughed that cruel laugh of his. “I think we drove about two miles to get to this cabin. Zeke had the radio on listening to some hick station and wasn’t paying any attention to Ox and me in the back seat. Ox was hanging on to me so I couldn’t move, but he was being really gentle. I said to him, ‘Just remember what we talked about. You’re a nice guy, Merle, and you shouldn't let him be mean to you or anyone else anymore.’ “He gave me a surprised look and said, ‘Why did you call me Merle? Zeke always calls me Ox.’ “I put on my best kind smile and said, ‘Merle is a nice name. It fits you. It sounds strong, but kind, just like you are. Ox is just the name Zeke uses to make fun of you and to be mean to you.’ “Tara, are you nuts?” I said. “You almost sound like you like this beast!” She replied, “I feel really sorry for him. When I was in high school my Mom made me do volunteer work at the children’s hospital that is affiliated with her hospital. Some of kids were brain-damaged from birth or childhood trauma. They functioned on a really low level, but in some way, I really got to like them. Merle reminds me of them. A lot of those kids are going to grow up to be like him. Plus, we can use any ally we can come up with at this point.” “Do you think he’d really help us?” I asked. “I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot.” “But Tara, he’s going to rape you.” “Zeke is going to rape me, but somehow, I’m not sure Merle will. And if we can make Merle realize how wrong that would be, maybe he’ll try to stop it.” “I only hope you’re right. If we can escape, we’ll run back to my truck and drive off.” Tara said, “I don’t think that will work. The snow must be almost a foot and a half deep by now, and the wind is really strong. I can’t walk that far without freezing to death. Zeke was probably right about your truck not being able to get far on these roads. His Jeep had to struggle to get over some downed trees to get here. This is a really bad storm, Seth.” I was starting to get hopeful. “If we can get out of the cabin, I can try to hot-wire Zeke’s Jeep. I’ve had to hot wire cars before to get them to the shop.” “Seth, you won’t have to! I just remembered that when we got here, I saw that Zeke left the keys in the ignition!” Zeke bellowed as he came into the room, “Grub’s ready!” He was carrying a big kettle. Ox was behind him with four dirty, mismatched bowls, some spoons, and a big jug. “My kid brother here may be dumb as a stone, but he’s a real good cook. This here’s venison stew. We hunt or grow most of our own food up here. About the only time we leave these woods is to sell our moonshine and hides and go into the village about ten miles down the road to buy the stuff we can’t get ourselves. That’s where we was comin’ from when we found you. Ain’t that right, stupid?” Zeke said, glancing at his brother. “Don’t talk to me that Zeke,” Ox said. “That makes me mad.” Zeke ignored his brother, but Tara and I saw the look on Ox’s face. He looked a little pissed. “Well,” Zeke said, “I guess you two kids ain’t gonna be able to eat if you’re tied up over there. Ox, carry them over to the table and untie their hands. Don’t untie anything else though. I ain’t sure they have the manners to accept our hospitality. And just to be sure we understand each other, I think I’ll just get my old six-shooter here to keep me company. He walked over to a shelf and picked up a gun, checked the chambers, and stuck in his belt. Ox came over to us and untied our hands. When he leaned over Tara, she whispered to him, “Don’t let him be mean to you, Merle. Remember what we talked about.” When we were positioned at the table, Zeke started serving heaping bowls of the stew. Tara said, “I’m really not hungry. I don’t want any.” “Now see, that’s just what I was talking about. Your manners ain’t so good. We took you in from that storm, got your wet coats and boots off you, thawed you out in front of this nice fire, and cooked you up a nice meal.” He pulled his gun out and pointed it at her. “Now you be a nice little girl and say you’re sorry to my brother here. He worked hard to make this stew for you.” Tara looked at Ox and said, “I didn’t mean to offend you, Merle. I’m sure it will be delicious.” “Merle?” Zeke said. “Ain’t that sweet, Ox? I think little missy here likes you.” “Well, I like her too, Zeke,” Ox said. “Oh do you now? That’s so cute. I bet you’ll like her a lot better when you’re gettin’ sloppy seconds from her after I finish fuckin’ her brains out,” Zeke laughed. He turned and looked at me and his ugly smile disappeared. “Don’t you get no dumb ideas, kid. Me and my brother are gonna have a lot of fun with this little sweetie over here, and you ain’t gonna do nuthin’ to stop it. If you’re a good boy, though, I’ll let you watch. I bet she looks real nice when she’s taking a real man’s cock in her.” The gun waving in my face did a good job of convincing me that it was in my best interests to be quiet. I noticed that Ox was looking very upset with the things his brother was saying. “OK,” Zeke said. “Eat up. Ox, you and me are gonna need some energy so we can fuck her all night, and little blondie here is gonna need some good grub in her to have the strength to cum as much as she will getting’ screwed by two real men. You, too, kid, fill that belly of yours. We aim to please our guests." The stew actually was very good. I was surprised at how much I was able to eat, being scared half shitless by what had already happened to us and by what might happen later. Even Tara managed to eat. I hoped she had realized that she would need her strength to be able to survive whatever was coming. Zeke soon started taking swigs out of the jug. “Damn, Ox, this may be the best batch of moonshine you’ve made yet. Have some!” Ox took a small swallow, and passed the jug to me. “Drink up, boy. Don’t go offendin’ your hosts.” I took a small swallow. It tasted like almost pure grain alcohol. “Girlie, have a drink,” Zeke said. “You need to get in a party mood.” Tara took the jug and took a tiny sip. She sputtered and choked, and her face got bright red. When she recovered, she gasped, “My God, that stuff is strong. It tastes like gasoline!” Zeke roared with laughter. “Yeah, it’s a little stronger than the fine wines and double-malt aged scotch you’re probably used to drinkin’. But I tell you, honey, it’s damn good shit.” He grabbed the jug back from her and took a long pull. I honestly didn’t know how he could do it. We had all finished eating. Zeke got up and took the kettle back into the kitchen. When he came back out, he grabbed our bowls and took them out too. Ox looked at us and said quietly, “Zeke’s getting’ kinda drunk. He can get real mean when he’s drunk.” I whispered to Ox, “He’s real mean when he’s not drunk.” Ox nodded, but said, “Not like he can be when’s he’s hittin’ the moonshine hard. Don’t do nuthin’ to piss him off. That’s why I ain’t drinkin’ much. I gotta have my wits about me if he decides to hurt you two.” Zeke came back and flopped in his chair. “Everyone needs an after dinner drink before we get to the best part of the party, namely fuckin’ the shit out of this purty little college girl here. Ox, you’d best have another drink or two. You too, girl. You’re gonna get laid here, and you wanna be nice and loosened up so you can really enjoy it. Boy, you ain’t gonna get your rocks off, but you might as well get drunk!” Zeke took another big swallow from the jug and passed it to his brother. He was leering at Tara when Ox took the jug, so he didn’t see that Ox tilted the jug, but didn’t actually drink. Ox passed the jug to me with a wink, so I did the same thing he had done. I made sure to make a face when I set the jug down, to look like I had just swallowed a big gulp of the strong drink. “Ox,” Zeke said, “we're gonna do her here on the floor in front of the fireplace. Real romantic-like.” He put the jug in front of Tara. Feed her some of that stuff and tie up the kid here. Turn his chair so he has a real good view. I gotta piss.” As Zeke was getting up, Tara picked up the jug. Zeke grinned at her and turned away. Tara did the same thing Ox and I had just done, not actually drinking. She then made the same choking and hacking sounds she had made before. “Good girl,” Zeke yelled as he left the room. Ox came over to me. “I gotta tie you up Seth, but I ain’t makin’ the knots tight. You should be able to work them loose in a couple of minutes. Just don’t let Zeke see you.” He finished with the rope and turned my chair so I was facing the floor where Zeke had indicated he was going to rape Tara. Zeke was back in no time. “It’s stopped snowing and the wind’s died down some. If anyone needs to use the facilities, there’s a privy out back. It’s damn cold out there, though, so you can just use the bucket near the back door like I did. Don’t get any foolish notions. One of us will take you there and make sure you just do your business and come back. “Now, Ox, you untie our little fuck-toy here. It’s time to have some fun.” Ox untied Tara and helped her out of her chair. Zeke pulled a chair next to me and sat down. He gave me his evil, ugly smile and said, “How good do know this girl, kid? Ever fuck her?” “No,” I said, trying not to choke on the fumes of his breath. “Ever seen her naked?” “No.” “Well you ain’t gonna fuck her tonight, neither, but you’re gonna see a hell of a show. Time to strip for us baby,” he called to Tara. “Do it real nice and sexy slow. I wanna get a real good look at you before I decide whether I’m gonna fuck your pussy, your ass, or your mouth first.” Tara just stood there in the middle of the room. She was crying again. It broke my heart. Ox was standing near her with his head down. Fat lot of help he is, I thought to myself. How can I stop this? “You gonna stand there cryin’ like a little girl,” Zeke roared, or are you gonna give us a show?” Tara was trembling with fear. “Maybe I can persuade you, sweetheart,” Zeke said, pulling his gun out of his belt. He cocked it and put it against my head. “Zeke, don’t kill him,” Ox said. “Why the fuck not, moron?” Sooner or later I’m gonna kill both of them. Are you so damn simple that you think I’m gonna let them walk out of here and go tell the sheriff what we did to them? Hell no, I’m gonna shoot him now if she don’t get naked. If she starts actin’ like she’s in the party mood she should be in, I’ll be as good as my word and let him watch while we fuck her. When we’re done with her, I’ll shoot both of them. We’ll throw ‘em outside so they don’t stink up the place, and when the snow melts some, you’ll bury ‘em.” “I ain’t gonna let you do that, Zeke,” Ox said. “You stupid fuck, Ox, you’ll do what I say or I’ll kill you too. Now Missy, on with the show, unless you wanna see college boy here get his head blowed off.” “Please don’t shoot him!” Tara cried. I’ll do what you say.” “That’s the party sprit!” Zeke gave me an evil smile and said to me, “Here’s your chance to see some fine pussy, kid. Seems like the least I can do for you before you die.” He still had the gun against my head. Tara took her socks off and started to pull her sweater over her head. “Do it nice and slow girl. And dance for me while you strip, like one of them high-class show girls.” Zeke looked at me again and said, “This is gonna be real nice!” Tara started swaying her hips and forced a smile at Zeke. She slowly lifted her sweater, showing her smooth, flat tummy. She turned her back to us and stuck her pretty ass out at us as she pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it away from her. Then she turned to face us again, covering the cups of her lacy bra with her hands. “Keep goin, baby. I wanna see your tits,” Zeke said. Tara slowly slipper her hands off her bra-covered breasts and rubbed slowly and sensuously down her belly and back up her sides. She pulled her bra straps off her shoulders and slowly lowered the bra until it was barely covering her nipples. She turned away from us again and, while grinding her hips, unclasped her bra and tossed it on top of her sweater. She turned around again with her hands hiding her breasts. She began massaging them and licking her lips. Then she put her hands on her hips, exposing what I have to say were the nicest boobs I had seen in a long time. She started thrusting her pelvis at us and tweaking and pinching her nipples until they were very erect. Zeke let out a long, low whistle and turned to me. “Hot damn, boy! Look at them tits! Nice and firm, big enough to look real womanly, but not big enough to sag. Tell me them jugs don’t give you a hard on, kid?” He was cackling and slapping his knee, but he still had the gun at my head. Ox had started looking at her too. It was obvious he like what he saw, but he looked really upset at the same time. “That’s enough, Zeke. Don’t make her get naked.” “Oh fuck you, retard,” Zeke said, still laughing. If you ain’t man enough to fuck her, I’ll do it for you! Loose those pants, girl! On with the show!” Tara looked at me hard and started slowly rubbing her wrists. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing at first, but then I realized that she wanted me to untie herself. Her slow striptease was meant to give me the time to get myself loose. I nodded slowly at her and she flashed me a big smile. Zeke thought it was meant for him. Tara un-buttoned her jeans and started to work them down her hips. When she got them down far enough that we could see the top of her thong, she turned around again. She slowly worked them down, exposing the most beautiful tight ass I had ever seen. Sensuously slowly, she lowered them to the floor and kicked them over with the rest of her clothes. She stayed bent over and made a big show of shaking her ass in our direction. Poor Ox was standing there, trying not too look at her, but failing miserably. Zeke, meanwhile, was practically wiggling out of his chair. He was stroking himself through his pants. Even though he still had his gun pointed at my head, he was too engrossed in the show to notice that I was making slow progress on the rope tying my hands behind me. Tara turned back toward us and started rubbing her hands up and down her body. She played with her tits some more, making her pretty little nipples hard again. Zeke didn’t seem to notice, but she was staring at me the whole time. She kept this up for a minute or so, then stuck put two fingers of her one hand in her mouth and started sucking on them, closing her eyes and tilting her head back like she was getting really hot. Then she looked in our direction again and slid her fingers under the top of her lacy little thong. She was playing with herself, which was driving Zeke wild. I have to admit I had trouble concentrating on getting my hands loose, because I was totally turned on, too. It really seemed like the show was for my benefit. Too bad I doubted that I would live to do anything more than look at her. Tara was panting and moaning now. Whether she was actually excited, or was just a good actress, I couldn’t tell. She pulled her fingers back out of her thong and plunged them deep in her mouth, sucking on them. Then she turned around again and slipped the thong off and added it to rest of her clothes. Zeke and I could clearly see her pussy lips between the backs of her thighs. She turned back to us with her hands hiding her sex. Not letting us really see, she started to finger herself. In different circumstances, I probably would have cum in my pants. Instead, I forced myself to concentrate on my ropes. Tara moved her one hand up to fondle and twist her nipples, finally allowing us to see her plunging two fingers into her clean-shaven pussy. Zeke had finally had enough. He undid his pants and pulled out a huge, dripping cock and started rubbing it hard. “My God, baby I’m gonna fuck you until the sun comes up,” he said. He laid his gun on the table and walked over to her. “Don’t you dare touch her!” Ox yelled. “I ain’t gonna let you do it.” Never looking away from Tara, Zeke back-handed Ox so hard he knocked him to the floor. He walked up to Tara and grabbed her by the hair, tilting her head down. “See this baby?” he growled. This cock is for you. I’m gonna fuck all your holes, twice if I can manage it. Hell, I ain’t gonna have to shoot you when I’m done. I’m just gonna fuck you to death!” He let go of her hair and moved a step backward to her could stare at her. Tara had dropped her sexy act and was looking like she might faint. Then she started screaming. Ox was struggling to his feet, obviously stunned by Zeke having knocked him down. “Stay away from her Zeke. I’m warnin’ you. If you try to rape her, I’m gonna kill you." “You ain’t gonna do shit,” Zeke snapped at him, and punched him hard in the mouth. Ox dropped to the floor again, blood pouring from his mouth. Then Zeke grabbed Tara and started grinding himself against her, mauling her tits with his huge, filthy hands. “Get ready to get tore up, you little slut. You’re gonna find out what a real man’s cock feels like. I was desperate. I still hadn’t freed my hands and I was going crazy. If only I could get a hand free, I would grab that gun and empty it into that animal. Zeke pushed Tara to the floor and dropped on top of her. He was kissing her with his disgusting mouth and cramming one of his fat fingers inside her. “Do you like that bitch? Is it making you hot? Wait until you fell this!” He raised himself off of her, grabbed his monstrous cock, and started rubbing it against her outer pussy lips. Tara was hysterical, screaming and crying. Just as Zeke was about to enter her, Ox sat up. He grabbed a piece of firewood and smashed it against the back of Zeke’s head. Zeke let out a howl of pain and rage and rolled off of Tara. She scrambled to her feet and ran over to me. “You’re dead, motherfucker!” Zeke roared at Ox and lunged at him. They grappled on the floor, punching and trying to strangle each other. Even though Ox was bigger, stronger, and younger than his brother, he was having trouble beating him. I was starting to doubt that Ox was going to be able to overpower his brother, which meant that Tara and I were as good as dead. “My hands, Tara, my hands!” I said to her. I had to get that gun! The brothers were still beating the shit out of each other, grunting like two gorillas fighting to the death. Suddenly, Zeke bit Ox on the ear, tearing it half way off. Ox screamed in pain. This gave Zeke the opportunity to get to his feet. He grabbed the fireplace poker and stood over Ox, letting him see it. Ox looked at Zeke with mortal fear in his eyes. Then he looked at Tara. “I’m sorry Miss Tara. I’m so sorry. I did what you said, but I wasn’t good enough. I love you, Miss Tara. Zeke laughed at Ox, and then plunged the fireplace poker deep into Ox’s chest. Ox grabbed the poker and looked like he was going to try to pull it out. Blood was spurting from his chest around the shaft of the poker. Ox went limp and was still. Zeke was obviously injured. He turned unsteadily toward the table and looked at me with crazed rage on his bloody face. “You’re next, wimp. You die right here, right now.” “I don’t think so, you son a bitch.” Tara had finally gotten my hands free, although my ankles were still tied to the chair. I was pointing the gun at Zeke. He threw his head back and laughed a maniacal laugh. “You don’t have the balls, kid.” He started to move toward me. I shot him in the shoulder. He roared like a wounded bear, but didn’t go down. Instead, he used his good arm to rip the poker out of Ox’s body and started moving toward me. “If you stop right there, Zeke, I’ll let you live,” I yelled at him. “Fuck you, college boy!” Zeke spat at me and continued moving toward me. I shot him in the leg. This time, Zeke fell over on his back, a few feet away from me. Tara untied my legs and I stood up, moving a safe distance from him, still pointing the gun at him. “Last chance, Zeke, I said.” Zeke glowered at me, screaming obscenities. Never, taking my eyes off the monster on the floor, I said. “Tara, get dressed. Put on your coat and boots and bring me mine. We’re out of here.” She quickly got dressed and brought me my heavy outerwear. I said to her, “Do you know how to shoot a gun? Cover him while I get dressed. If he moves, shoot him until he stops.” Tara had a look on her face of total hatred and loathing. “Shooting him seems too good for him,” she said as she took the gun from me. I grabbed my clothes and quickly got dressed for the weather outside. “You kids still ain’t gonna get out of here. There’s too much snow and too many trees down. I know these woods like the back of my hand. If you ain’t froze to death, I’ll hunt you down and rip you apart with my bare hands. This time it was Tara who laughed. She still holding the gun, she grabbed the jug of moonshine. She threw it on the floor, smashing it. Then she took a kerosene lantern off a shelf, opened it, and dumped the contents all over Zeke. “What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” Zeke said, the first twinge of fear showing in his eyes. “Zeke,” she said, “you’re going to die here. Shooting is too good for you, so I’m going to prepare you for the fires of Hell you’ll spend eternity in. Seth, get the Jeep started. The floor slopes a little toward the fireplace and I want to make sure the fuel is flowing in the right direction.” Stunned, I opened the door and went to the Jeep. It started right up. I was glad to see that it had almost a full tank of gas. I looked back to see Tara walking out the door and closing it behind her. As the opened the door to the Jeep, I could here Zeke bellowing with rage and fear. Suddenly his voice changed to screams as a strong light appeared in the window. Tara closed the car door and said, “Drive.” |
I could feel my heart flutter in my chest as I waited for what was to come. A shiver erupted around my naked body, and I could hear the door to bathroom creak open. I gazed at The door way and found myself in awe at the sheer masculine beauty of the man that would shortly be taking away my virginity. "I'm waiting." I called out to him. The man moved from the doorway and made his way to the bed where I lay sprawled out and waiting for him. As he got closer I could see his hanging package appear from the dimness of the room. I for a brief second imagined my mouth wrapped around his big juicy meat, tenderly sucking and pulling at it. I was brought out of my 10 second daydream when he grabbed my feet and pulled me down to the end of the bed. I felt a little uncomfortable having my legs hang off the edge of the bed but the excitement only grew. The man got down on his knees and parted my legs revealing my moist pussy. A wave of pleasure came over me as I felt his tongue dart in and out of me. His tongue snaked over my clit and I could feel myself becoming very wet. The man welcomed it and increased the rapid movements of his tongue inside me. My breathing became shaky and a moan escaped my lips. He kept going going deeper inside. Before long I was a symphony of moans. I could feel my body tensing, I knew that I was close to exploding. Sensing this, the man stopped and stood back up. I repositioned myself to the center of the bed and the man crawled on top of me. The hair on his chest brushed against my tits and sent another shiver through me. He went right into kissing and sucking my neck, I could smell my scent on his breath and he traced his lips up and down my neck. I let my hands brush through his hair and slowly placed them on his back where I lightly rubbed them back and forth. I could feel his huge erection poking into my thigh, with out thinking I said, "just enter me already." Startled the man stopped what he was doing. He grabbed his member and he drew it to my hole, with ease he slid it in. I let out a moan of pain as he began to pump in and out. The bed rattled, and he picked up speed. Every thrust was bringing me closer to the edge. A new wave of moans escaped my lips and my body rocked with his taking in the full impact of his powerful thrusts. "Give it too me baby, give it too me..." he whispered in my ear. I could barely contain myself, I let out a moan "ohh Tre.." I exploded... with that Tre exploded into me too... "oh Jocelynn, you're so wet." As good as it felt my body was in pain.. this was not what I had expected my first time to be like. I stretched my body out, my breathing had slowed down tremendously. "Hey you've gotta help me clean up." Tre said, then pointed down at his penis. I could see the remnants of bodily fluids on it. I felt a little disgusted, but I didn't want to disappoint him so I wrapped my hand around his shaft and slid my hand up and down. As I did this, I shifted myself into a comfortable position and gently slid the tip of his penis into my mouth. My tongue went right to work making circular movements around the tip. I could feel Tre's body tense up and I heard him gasp. With that I took more of him into my mouth and bobbed my head up and down on his member. I could hear Tre moan. Hearing him moan excited me more and before I knew it I was deep throating him. I could feel my gag sensors freaking out but I kept going. Tre rocked his hips into me and then I felt him tremble. I disengaged just in time to see him explode into the empty air. My throat felt stretched and I felt a little exhausted. I turned to rest on my side and felt him wrap his arm around me and pull me in. We layed like this for almost an hour, and then it became time for round two. Even though I was feeling sore, I wanted to feel more pleasure. This time I had Tre lay underneath me. I bravely mounted myself on top of him and directed his penis to my hole. I let out a breath and pulled him in. I bobbed my body up and down, I was trying to get him to reach deeper and deeper. My breasts wildly flailed around as I rocked my body up and down. My moans were getting louder and louder by the second. Tre wrapped his hands around my breasts and began rubbing around in circles. I could feel the pressure building up inside of me. Only a matter of time and I would let it out. Out of the blue Tre thrust into me as I went Down and I could hold it no longer, I exploded and slouched over Tre. He wrapped his arms around me and flipped me underneath him, then he proceeded to thrust in and out of me. He shortly came after. Feeling very exhausted I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. From there I filled up the tub full of warm sudsy water. Tre was snoring on the bed in the bedroom, so I slid into the tub and relaxed my body as I felt the warmth wash over me. I slowly began to drift off but was woken when Tre decided to slide in and join me. I moved over to Tre's side and nestled myself in his arms. I looked at his face once before drifting off into a calm and peaceful sleep. |
Brianna had turned 18 and and was now attending college. I could not even begin to explain, or describe how proud I was of this amazing woman. She was working towards her masters in child psychology. Her goal was to work with kids that were like she was, troubled. She wanted to be a beacon of light for those kids, as she explained it to me, like I was for her on the darkest day of her life. She explained that she couldn't do what I did for her but she was going to do what she knew she could. On the days we were actually off together we would spend all waking hours together. We spent a lot of time together and she never stopped looking at me the way she did that first day. I absolutely cherished those days. As those days passed I fell deeper and deeper in love with her. She became my reason for living. We went to a lot of jewelry stores and looked at rings. Every time we went into one she she would glow. I loved the way she looked at me so much. Then one day we went to a very well known store. We were looking at rings as usual when she looked at a particular one. She had thee cutest reaction. She looked at me like a little girl. She bit her pinkie nail and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I looked at the lady and asked her to let her try it on. Watching Brianna as she slid it on her finger and just stare at it and keep looking at me just warmed my heart. I knew at that moment that we had found the ring that I was going to get. She told me time and time again that she loved it. We spent almost an hour just with her wearing that ring. She wore it as we continued to look at other rings. It was too big, but it didn't stop her. She was so damn adorable that I had to hug her. Brianna reluctantly took the ring off and we left. Just as Brianna turned her back I slipped the lady a piece of paper saying that I would be back to get it in the next 24 hours. She just smiled and gave me a thumbs up as she smiled. "Baby, that ring was so beautiful, and I'll bet it's like, oober expensive. I just want you to know that I don't want you to spend that much on me. I'll be perfectly happy with the fake diamonds." She said. "God baby I wish like hell I like afford that ring. I would love to get that for you, I really want to but I'm just not sure if I will have enough." I replied. "Baby, I have you. That's all I really need, I love you." She said I only got 24 hours off because I was working a 48 to cover for my captain. I had to pull her mom aside, since she already knew that I was going to propose to her daughter, and told her that I was getting her the ring she fell in love with. I asked her to keep Brianna away from the area where the jewelry store was at all costs. I already had her ring size so I was ready to go. I went to work the next day and we did our normal stuff. But when everything slowed down I sent a text to her mom letting her know that I was on my way to get it. She had to call Brianna to go home. Once she was there her mom let me know. Me and my crew hopped into the pumper and rolled to the store. That lady was shocked to see me in that pumper and in my bunker pants and such. Just before we left Hawai'i my dad asked me how much I had saved for the ring. I had a lot of money in savings, enough to buy a brand new truck, but he gave me more money towards the ring. He hugged me and reminded me to call him when I was ready. I walked into the store and the lady smiled. "Your girlfriend was so adorable yesterday." She said. "Yes she was, very much so, that's how I knew that this was the ring I was getting for her." I replied. My fellow crew members were in awe as she pulled the ring out. "Yeah, she was here and showed her friend the ring. Earlier this morning. She was just as adorable then as she was when you were here with her." The sales woman said. I smiled really big. "That's my Brianna." I said We walked to the desk she had and she rang it up. I was excited even though the price was very very high. I was well pleased that I had saved enough and that my dad helped me. I gave her the size and then we were off. The next day, I called her mom told me that she was in school. I went in and picked it up. I was elated! My crew members gave me shit because of what I paid for it, except for Sarah who was our medic on the pumper. To me, Brianna was well worth it. She was priceless to me. We went back to the fire house and all of the other female firefighters all gushed when they looked at the ring. One wanted to try it on but I politely told them that Brianna's finger is the only finger that it will go on. Brianna and I spent every waking moment together on days that either I wasn't at work or she wasn't at school. We still didn't spend as much time together, but we always made time for each other one way or another. Either she would come by the station every time I was at work, or I would go eat lunch and spend time with her for lunch. Either way you look at it we both bent over backwards to make time for each other no matter what. We had at least one date night a week, sometimes more depending on what was going on. Our sex life? Now that my friends was a whole other ball game. It was still absolutely amazing, my god was it amazing. That was the only thing that did not change. Another thing I did was randomly send her flowers. She never knew when she would get them. There were several times that I would send them to her while she was in class. One day when I was at work it was slow. All I could do was think about my very beautiful sexy Brianna. I got so horny I couldn't stand it. I had to sit and hide my raging hard on. All I could imagine was Brianna naked. Just the thought of her very sexy tiny voice when she moaned, and how she moved around when we had sex. It started to make my cock throb. It was a slow day so she was all I could think about. I went to the bathroom and took a picture of my bulge and lifted my shirt so she could see my abs. She was in school but I sent that to her anyway. Then I locked the door to the bathroom and started to take more pictures. Before long I was taking my boxer briefs off. I pulled my cock out and stroked it a few times taking pictures the whole time. I got dressed again and went back to the couch and started to send those pics to her. After the last one I texted "this is what you do to me sexy." After an hour I got a response from her. "GOD ur such an ASS!" It read. Me: Why am I an ass? Brianna: Because! Me: Because why? Brianna: let's just say that I have had to make several trips to the little girls room. Me: why did you had to pee that much? Brianna: NO! You made my pussy soooo fuckin wet! Me: I would love to see that. A few minutes later I got a picture from her. She was holding her white cotton panties to the side with one hand. Her yummy shaved pussy was in full view. It was shiny from her wetness. A few minutes later another picture was sent to me. It was of her pussy with her fingers a half inch away from her pussy. Two of her fingers were very wet. There was a string of her sweet pussy goo that went from her fingers to her pussy. Then another with those same fingers in her mouth. Me: Yummy. Too bad I'm not there to clean all of that up with my tongue baby. Brianna: mmmmm, god you're making me so wet...I would love to have your tongue on me right now sexy. Me: I would love to slid this inside of that yummy pussy baby. I then sent her a picture of my throbbing cock. Brianna: god damn it baby! Please tell me there is somewhere we can go. Me: there is a closet we can use. Brianna: will we get caught? Me: don't know but that adds to the excitement. Brianna: god baby I'm so wet for you right now. I'm on my way. After about 10 minutes I heard her car pull in. I walked outside and up to her car. She stepped out of the car and pressed herself into me and grabbed my cock. She had her long thick gorgeous blonde hair up in a pony tail, and she had on a small sun dress. It was low cut and it was also short. My cock twitched. I kissed her, and then she whispered in my ear. "My little panties got so wet that I had to take them off." She said as she stuffed them in my pocket. We walked into the bay and made a straight line to the closet. We managed to get inside without being noticed. I turned around and pushed her against the wall as I kissed her. She squeezed my cock through my pants and started to undo my belt with her other hand. I pulled the straps to her dress down as far as I could as I nibbled her ear and neck. We were both breathing very hard. She rubbed my cock really good and unzipped my pants. She groaned as she reached into my boxer briefs and pulled my cock out. I grabbed her ass and slid my hand to her pussy. "Uhhhh...we gotta make this quick, I have a class to get to.." She whispered. I picked her up and pressed her against the wall. I lifted her skirt and positioned cock. I lowered her onto my throbbing cock and thrusted into her. "Ooohhh god baby, this is all I could think about today." I moaned as her tight wet pussy slid along my cock. "Mmmhhhh...god I love what you do to me." She whimpered as I began to thrust into her hard. My pants fell to my ankle as I stepped back slightly. She had her upper back and head against the wall. She moaned as I held her up and fucked her tight pussy. Her legs squeezed around my hip as she started to get close. Her body began to shake as her head pushed her back away from the wall. She made noises that I had never heard her make as her pussy spasmed around my cock. Her cum began to squirt from around my cock as I continued to fuck her. She pulled on my shirt violently tearing it as her body tensed up. When she went limp I pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard with my cock still buried deep inside of her. I lifted her off of my cock and put her on the ground. She grabbed my cock and started to pull on it hard using her cum as lube. She pulled me to the other side of the room to the work bench. She leaned down and all but swallowed my cock. "Ooooohhh ggooood Brianna!" I moaned. She continued to suck my cock fast. Then she stood up and we kissed as she pulled on my cock. She turned around and bent over lifting her dress and spreading her legs wide. She used her fingers to spread her pussy opened and looked back at me. I walked up and shoved my cock deep inside of her hard. She threw her head back and groaned as I began to fuck her hard and fast again. I reached down with one hand and began to squeeze her tits. I used the other hand to rub her clit making her body trembled again. Soon my body began to tense up. It felt like my cock got harder and harder. Just as I got really close Brianna exploded on my cock again, sending me over the edge. My hips thrusted violently as I shot my cock cream deep inside of her womb. I groaned as my orgasm rocked my entire body. We both came hard. We jerked and shook together before I pulled out of her. She reached down and scooped cum from her cum filled pussy and licked it off of her fingers. We just kissed for a few minutes until we had come back to earth. We both dressed and straightened ourselves up. It was difficult for me since my cock was still hard. I was ready to go again but she had to get back to her classes. She helped me tuck my cock back into my boxer briefs stroking it as much as she could as we kissed. "God I love your cock so much baby. It's sooooo big and hard. Mmmmhhh, if I didn't have class I would so fuck you again." She said. "You're the one that keeps my cock so hard baby. Your so beautiful and soooooo sexy. My god!" I said as she giggled "I thought boners were suppose to go down after sex." She said. "They normally do, you're the reason it stays hard." I replied. "God I wish you weren't working, I would suck this yummy cock and fuck you so good. All I need is ten minutes." She said. "That's all? I'm sure I can make it last longer." I said. "I have no doubt about that, you've done that before, I mean, three hours? God I'm getting so horny again." She said. I kissed her hard and rubbed her tits through her dress. "You know I'm well equipped to take care of that, and it's still hard as hell." I whispered. "God, well equipped is an understatement baby. You have a huge cock. I have only seen cocks like yours in porn. Now I know why girls moan and scream so much in porn." She said as she giggled. "You're not helping my horniness babe." I said. "You know I have a sexy little mouth and a tight little wet hole for your yummy big cock."'she whispered. "I should let you get to class before you don't make it." I said. "Why wouldn't I make it baby?" She asked very seductively. "Because I would slide my throbbing cock deep inside of you all day." I whispered. "Mmmmmmm...god I would love thathhhh." She replied as she rubbed my cock through my boxer briefs. "I better get going, you better hide that sexy bulge of yours or your going to make a lot of girls pussies get wet." She replied. "I'm not worried, remember it's all yours baby." I said. "God yes I do remember. You make so many girls jealous of me already just because of how hot you are. What's one more reason right?" She asked. "Right." I said as we both laughed and got ourselves together. We walked out of the room and several of my crew members were looking at us funny. Brianna noticed it and got embarrassed. She held my hand with her left hand and wrapped her right arm through my arm. She put her face against me as we walked out to her car. She smiled really big as I opened her car door for her. "I think they know." She whispered. "I'm afraid you're right." I replied. "Will you get in trouble?" She asked. "No, a lot of them have sex with their wives or girlfriends in there all the time so it's not new. But if I do, it will be so worth it." I said. "I know right?" She asked. I kissed her hard as she sat in the car. I closed the door and watched her drive away. Once I got back into the bay those other crews clapped as they laughed. They heard Brianna whimpering and moaning when we were in there. My captain came up to me and nudged me with his elbow. "Atta boy there buddy." He said "So what were you two doing in there?" One of them asked. "Talking?" I replied. They all busted out laughing their asses off. "So that's what they're calling it these days." My captain said. "From the sounds of it, that had to be one hell of a conversation." One of them said. "You might want to go change your shirt stud, the conversation you two were having must have been so good that she tore the shit out of your shirt." My captain said. I walked off smiling really big. The female crew members were looking at me funny, but in a good way. I changed my shirt and went back out. The rest of the day continued but I was still horny. My god that girl of mine sure knew how to keep me wanting more! It was easy to get distracted since it was so slow. She started to send me some very yummy selfies from school which wasn't helping matters at all. At one point I stood up not realizing that there were several females in the room. My bulge was very obvious. And yes, they did notice. "God Adam, you need to call your girlfriend back to take care of that for you." One of them said. "Oh shit, I am so sorry, oh my god!" I said complete embarrassed. "No no it's ok, it happens, your a guy and you have a very very hot girlfriend." She said. "My god...yes I do." I replied. Those girls were looking at me very funny for the rest of he day, and not like I was a creeper either. Later that day the female firefighter that was giving me shit walked up to me. "The source of your boner is here." She said as she started to laugh. I walked out to see her and Jessica getting out of her car. My cock immediately started to swell again. Brianna smiled as I walked up to her and gave her a hug and a kiss. "Um so we have a problem." Brianna said. "Ok, what's wrong?" I asked. "I was showing some pictures to Jessica, and she like took my phone and I went to the bathroom. Well, while I was in there she started to go through all of my pictures. Well, ummm she like saw the picture of your really big dick." She said. "Uh oh. That's not good." I said. "Not really, it's ok, but, she is like sooooo jealous that it's all mine." She whispered. "So Adam, I found out today from Brianna that you're like, well hung." Jessica said as she glanced down at my bulge. "I am so sorry you had to see that. I really am." I said feeling very embarrassed. "Oh no don't be sorry, it's ok. I'm just jealous of your girlfriend here." She said. "I don't know what to say, it's all hers." I said "I know. She is a lucky lucky girl." Jessica said. Jessica went into the station to use the bathroom. "She would not give me my phone back once she saw your dick. Like I said baby, you're going to make a lot of girls more jealous." She said "Your ok with this?" I asked. "Why wouldn't I be. You're my awesome boyfriend, and I have absolutely no doubt that you won't cheat on me. Plus it kind of turns me on seeing the look on her face when she looks at that picture." She said softly. We went into the fire house and the girls there looked at her. They all smiled and said hi to her. They took her from me and went to the female bunk room. They were gone for a while. Once they came out, Brianna's face was flush. She gave me a very sexy smile and bit her lower lip. Jessica at some point joined them in that bunk room. Brianna was all over me as we hung out for a few minutes. Then I walked them out to her car. Once there Brianna smashed her body against mine. We kissed hard for over a minute. "You should sleep naked." I said. "Why baby." She asked. "I may want to wake you up when I get home." I said. "Fuck I love what you do to me! Those girls that work with you, you may have to beat them off of you baby." She said. "Why is that." She asked "Because they are probably going to try to pick your brain. They want to know how to find amazing guys like you." She said. "I'm not sure I can help them there. So wish me luck." I said. "Good luck baby. I love you so much." She said. "God I love you." I replied. I watched as they left. Once back inside I was grilled by those girls. I didn't know what to tell them, I really didn't. I did give them advice on what to look for and such. I made sure to tell them not to settle for less. Guys like me were very rare, hence the general label that most women give males. Two of them asked if I had ever thought about cheating on Brianna. That was a question that was very very easy to answer. No, not a chance in hell. I proceeded to tell them how much I loved Brianna. They were all impressed and told me how much they respected me because of how good I was to her. We later went to bed and it stayed quiet. The next morning the shift change began. I cleaned up any mess to make it easy for the next crews, and packed my stuff. I got into my truck and yummy images of what I wanted to do to wake Brianna up began to run through me head. I got home and went to the basement. Her parents had already gone off to work and had taken Corey to school. Yeah they were well set because of my dad, but they were working their final two weeks out. I went into my room, and there she was in my bed. My cock started to get hard as I started to get undressed. I went and took a shower and wrapped myself with only a towel around me. I walked back to my room and went in. I dropped the towel remaining completely naked. I shut the door and locked it. My god she was so beautiful! I stood there and watched her sleep for a few seconds. I gently pulled the blankets down only to see her gorgeous pale white skin. She was naked. "My god!" I said under my breath as I looked her over. She shifted into a position that gave me very easy access to her pink little pussy. I reached down and stroked my cock a few times and moved towards her pussy. I laid on the bed slowly and gently and put my face as close to her yummy pussy as I could. I took a deep breath in to smell her sex. My cock twitched as I moved in and very gently and softly kissed her pussy. I licked her clit softly and ever so gently and slowly kissed my way up her sexy little body. I very gently sucked her nipples in my mouth and sucked on her tits. She was still sound asleep yet her breathing began to pick up. I continued to suck on her tits as I reached down and started to very softly caress her pussy lips. I noticed that she was starting to get wet. I dipped my finger tips between her pussy lips and stroked the entire length of it. Her hips moved ever so slightly once I touched her clit. As I did this I continued to suck in her tits. I looked up to see that she was still sound asleep. I smiled and kept doing all of this to her. After a few minutes she rolled onto her back and opened her legs and whimpered slightly. She was starting to wake up slowly. I kissed down her body ever so gently, trying to bring her closer and closer to cumming. That's how I wanted her to wake up. So I slowed down even more so she would calm down. Once she calmed down I started up again. This time her pussy was sopping wet. I licked her nipples and continued to suck on her perky young little tits. Her hips involuntarily started to thrust in small little thrusts as my finger started to get wetter and wetter. I slowly and gently started to slide my whole finger along the entire length of her pussy making sure it never left her clit. She started to exhale hard with every breath. That's when I kissed my way down her body slowly and gently. I got to her soaked pussy and began to kiss it softly using my tongue to lick between her lips and flick it against her clit. She moaned quietly as her body started to tremble. The more her hips thrusted the more aggressive I became with my mouth. I had reached up and started to gently massage her tits and pinch her nipples. Her breathing became labored. After a few minutes her back arched off of the bed and she gasped. She moaned as she began to fill my mouth, and cover my face with cum. "Ooooohhh gggoooood uuuuhhhhhhhh!" She moaned. I kept eating her sweet pussy, only I slipped my fingers deep inside of her wet gushing hole. She continued to cum as I rubbed her g spot and lick her clit. Her hips thrusted jerkingly into my face as she continued to soak my face. Both of her hands went onto my head and she started to pull my hair. She collapsed breathing very hard. I looked up to see her eyes wide opened. I kissed my way up her body and then her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we kissed. "Good morning sexy." I whispered. "God babyhhhh. You can wake me up like that anytime." She moaned. She hadn't quite noticed that I was completely naked. I kissed her again as I laid in top of her. I pushed myself up and straddled her. I slid my hard throbbing cock and my balls up her soft body and in between her tits. I thrusted my cock between her tits. "Oh my fucking god're already naked." She whimpered as she reached up and pushed her small tits together, sandwiching my cock between them. "Mmmmmmmhhhhh, god that feels good." I moaned. "Your cock feels so good on my titshhhh." She whimpered. "I have a brand new fantasy babyhhh." She whimpered. "Yeah what is your new fantasy baby?" I asked. "Having sex with you, and a girl at the same time." She said. "Really?" I asked as my cock twitched. "Mmmmhhhmmm. It's something I want to try just once." She replied. "God...really? What made you fantasize about having a threesome?" I asked shocked. "The look on Jessica's face when she saw your huge cock. She doesn't know that I watched her. Her eyes were really wide and her mouth was wide opened. I watched her touch herself a little bit." She replied. "Did that turn you on or something?" I asked. "Yes, very much so." She replied. "I use to watch porn before I met you, and like, after I met you I haven't watched it since. I just figure that watching you with another girl would be so much hotter than watching porn baby." She said. My mouth was opened wide in shock. Yet I was so turned on. My cock throbbed as I listened to her little girl voice telling me that. "Have you ever kissed a girl?" I asked. "No I haven't." She replied. "Have you ever had a threesome?" She asked. "No, I never have." I replied. "Really?! You've never had a threesome?!" She asked surprised. "Really, I have never had a threesome." I replied. "Your a very sexy sexy man, you're thee hottest guy any girl has ever seen, you have the hottest body, huge cock, and you can go on forever, and you have never had a threesome?" She asked still surprised. "Never." I replied. "Do you want to have a threesome?" She asked sounding obviously very turned on by the idea. "On one condition." I relied. "Anything baby." She said. "It's only going to be a one time thing. I love you and I only want you. So promise me that if we do this, it's only once." I said. "I promise baby. It will only be a one time thing. I love you so much and you are all I want." She said. "Then ok, I'm in." I said "Mmmmhhhhh'll be my first time with a girl, and your first time with two girls. First times for both of us." She said seductively. I slid down her body and kissed her hard as she whimpered into my mouth. I slid my cock along the length of her soaked pussy. I stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. "So, do you have the other girl in mind?" I asked. "Mmhmmm." She replied. I positioned my cock to where my cock could slide into her hot wet hole. "Who is the lucky girl that gets to kiss my baby." I asked seductively. "Ummmm." She replied. Just as she started to tell me, I shoved my cock deep into her pussy. "Uuhhhh, mmmmhh..Jessica." She said as I thrusted in and out of her. "Yeah baby? Why Jessica?" I asked as I thrusted the entire length of my cock in and out of her pussy. "Oohhhh, god hhhhhhh hhhhh hhhhh. Caus...cause she is hhhot. Shhh...she is bb bi. I..I've...always haaaa....uuuu..had a little ggg..girl crush on her uhhhhh." She whimpered as I fucked her slowly. "She is pretty cute." I replied. "Yeahhhhh...she thinks your so sexy." She said. "I think you're sexy baby." I said as I started to thrust in and out of her faster. "She llll..lov...loves you your ccc...cock uuhhhhh!" She moaned. "Oh god Brianna, your pussy feels so good!" I moaned. I started to thrust in and out of her fast. My hips were smacking against hers. Her body twisted and shook as I picked her up. She started to squirt her cum from around my cock as I turned around and laid on my back. She was now on top and she orgasmed. I picked her ass up and bent my legs. I started to fuck her pussy hard and fast. She groaned into my ear as she started to have orgasm after orgasm. She collapsed on top of me. I kept pounding her pussy non stop. After a few minutes of this my balls tightened. I kept pounding as my cock began to erupt deep inside. I collapsed onto my back yet she started to ride my cock. She rested her ford head on mine and looked deep into my eyes. She kissed me hard as she started to ride my cock. My cock stayed hard and she slowly rode my cock. We kissed almost non stop as she slid up and down my cock. We stared into each others eyes as we both came really hard again. We both collapsed onto the bed and just laid there. We stayed like that for a long time. We then got up as she looked me all over and bit her lip. "God I love you." I said. She smiled really big and walked up to me. She kissed me really good. "I love you too baby. I so want to spend the rest of my life with you." She said. "I really want to spend the rest of mine with you too." I said as I smiled. "By the way. Jessica spent the night, she is in my room sleeping in my bed." She said. "Ok." I replied. "That means, no shirt for you sexy." She said. "But I'm cold." I said. "Look this I promise is a one time thing, I promise, but if we're going to have a threesome with her, I need her to see how hot your body is." She said. "Ok no shirt then." I said as I kissed her. We both got dressed and Brianna went out to the family room. Jessica just happened to be in there. They talked for a few minutes as I put a pair of jeans on, and no shirt. Brianna came back in and told me that Jessica was out there. She told me to wait a few seconds after she went back in. She really wanted to see Jessica's face. After five seconds of Brianna going out there, I walked out. "Hey sexy." I said as I walked out. Brianna looked over at me, and then Jessica. Jessica's jaw had fallen onto the floor. She looked at Brianna and noticed that she was giving her a sexy smile. We all went upstairs and started to make breakfast. Brianna went to get dressed. Jessica stood in the kitchen. She had a button down shirt on that I had noticed had three buttons undone. She was a red head. She had a very very cute face, but nothing like Brianna. Her tits were big, about a c cup and they were very perky, so her cleavage looked very very nice. "So stud. I hear that you're well endowed." Jessica said. " know I'm with Brianna..right?" I asked. "It's ok babe, I told her that." Brianna said as she walked in. "I guess so." I said. "There is no guessing baby, you are very well endowed...down there." Brianna said giving me a very sexy look. "Yes I am." I said. "'re like really hot too." Jessica said. I looked at Brianna shocked at how forward Jessica was being. She just smiled seductively and looked right at my crotch. "Isn't she hot babyhhh." Whispered in my ear. "Yeah she is, but not nearly as hot as you." I whispered knowing I was being very truthful. We ate breakfast and as I cleaned the kitchen I noticed that the girls were looking at me with very hungry eyes. Like I was a piece of meat. Jessica looked at my bulge and licked her lips. Brianna did the same. Brianna wore another sun dress that was bright and looked way to small. She shot me a text. Brianna: I think we are making her horny. Look over at me, I need her to see your bulge. Me: Are you absolutely sure you want to do this babe? Brianna: yes, very. It's only going to be this one time I promise. I turned around and I saw Brianna whisper in Jessica's ear. Then Brianna gave me thee sexiest look and spread her legs. She bit her lip as I looked down to see her bare shaved pussy. I looked up at her and she smiled. My cock began to grow hard. I bit my lip and walked up to her. "You're so wrong." I whispered and then kissed her. As I stepped back I looked at Jessica and she was staring at my bulge. Brianna looked at her and shivered as she watched Jessica bite her lip and look up at me. Brianna looked at me and her eye brows jumped. The girls eventually left for school and I was left alone. It wasn't all bad since I had a lunch date with her parents. Her mom already knew what it was about, but her father didn't. I was nervous as hell. Even though I pretty much knew what the answer might be. But from what my father taught me all of my life, I knew it was just a matter of respect. I was shaky and my palms were sweating. I kept running over what I had planned to say over and over again pacing the floor. I had quite a few extra hours. I went and ran a few errands. I then ran home and grabbed the rings. I went to the dinner where I was getting ready to talk to her parents. We sat and ate and chatted it up. We were there for quite a while and our waitress was awesome. I gave her a heads up that we might be a while and I explained to her as to why. After we got my bill I looked it over and noticed that the waitress had written "good luck" on it. I sent it off and put 50.00 dollars into the tip line. I then got very nervous. "Hey um..there is a reason I asked you two to lunch today." I said. "Ok, what's up son." Her dad asked. "Well, know how much I love your daughter. I can't even begin to explain to you how much I love that girl. She is my world. She has been my rock and she is the reason I get up everyday. I would give everything I have up for her. Including my life. She is my light in this dark world. In my line of work we see the very dark side of life. She has been my anchor, my support, and my aid in seeing all things good in this world, and most importantly my very very bright light in all of the darkness I see every time I go to work. That being said, I have thought about this long and hard. Sir when you asked me what I saw myself doing in five years, I knew what I wanted. I have one more thing that I need to add to that. The bottom line here is when I look even further ahead in my life, wether it be 5 years, 10 years, even 60 years ahead, I see one thing that is consistent. And that is your daughter Brianna. I guess the conclusion in all that is simple. I am asking for your permission to ask for your daughters hand in marriage. Can I please marry your daughter." I asked. "I'm sure she has told you about her past by now, am I correct?" Her dad asked. "Yes she has." I replied. "Before you two met, we thought we had lost her. She never spoke to us unless it was very disrespectful. We were at a loss as to what we were going to do. If she had a problem she would never come to us. She attempted suicide a few times. We were praying for a miracle because that is all we had left in our favor. You, you were that miracle we were praying for. That day she first laid eyes on you, was thee first time she had ever plopped on our bed and talked about anything. For four hours, all she did was talk about you. We were beside ourselves. It took several weeks for us to wrap our heads around that, and the fact that she talked about you every day. Then when you talked to her and ate lunch with her, and hung out with her and her friends at school, and drove her to the other side of the school, that is all we heard about for hours. We honestly thought she was unhealthily obsessed with you. But we didn't say anything because it was like a very bright light was just switched on. Then you took her on a date, and she comes home on cloud 9 because she had you as her boyfriend. You were hers. I guess you kissed her in school that next Monday too. Bottom line is this. She is the happy little girl we use to know. You saved her life literally. You saved our baby, we have never seen her as happy as she is now. She is very respectful now, and just a few months before prom, she stayed in our room begging and pleading for us to forgive her for how she treated us, and for hurting us like she did. She cried so hard knowing that she had hurt us. She slept with us that night. She is a completely different person now. So that being said, you not only saved her life, you changed it for the better, in a big big way. You also changed our lives. When you two started dating as an exclusive couple, we stopped worrying about her. For the first time the day you kissed her for the first time, we slept soundly. And I mean, we slept really good. Her mother here, didn't cry herself to sleep for the first time in several years. We can't thank you enough. After seeing her almost immediate transformation, which I never saw with the boyfriend she had prior to you, I knew that not only did I need to meet you, but I had to. You only solidified my good opinion of you when you showed great respect for me and her when you came over for the first date. I have never, ever heard you call her out of her name the entire time you have been together. The respect you showed her and us, bled off of you and onto her big time. She started saying yes sir and yes mam when we asked her to do something, wether she wanted to do it or not. And your real arguments are nothing like I have ever heard. Believe us when we say we can tell the difference between your fake arguments and your real ones. So stop trying it's not working anymore. You listen to her and you do what it takes to fix anything you might have done wrong. You're a really really good man. And I can definitely see you as my son in law. So that being said, hell the fuck yes, you have our permission to marry our Brianna! And you have our biggest blessings! And just to let you know, her mother and I would be honored to have you as our son in law." Her dad said as he and her mom stood up and hugged me. Her mom was so excited that she stood up and told several people, including our waitress, that I was going to propose to her daughter. Most of the waitress came up to the table all excited. Her dad and I had the same look on our faces. We both just laughed. "So did you like, buy her a ring already, or are you going to get one soon?" One of the waitresses asked. I pulled the box out and handed it to her mother. She opened the box and all of the females gushed when the saw the ring. "It's so beautiful!" Her mom said. They all took a really close look at it and passed it on to other people to look at. After a while I got the rings back and then we all left. I made sure to let them know that they are in no way to even give my Brianna a hint of what was going on. They all agreed. Her parents took the rest of the day off so we could plan the whole proposal. As I drove behind them, I called the Cheif to let him know we were on, and that "Operation Marriage Proposal" was now a go. Once at home her parents and I sat down. I explained to them what my plan was. Since they received a lot of money from my father, they purchased a new home. They paid the one we are in off and they planned on donating it to the fire department for training. They were slated to move in just over a month. So we all agreed that I would propose to her close to their move out date. They were starting over with all new furniture, appliances and everything. So they were donating it as it sat, minus the cloths and personal priceless articles. I asked them to participate in my proposal idea. They weren't very happy about the idea that my Brianna would freak out, but they were game either way. They were very excited. Now, Corey her brother was there also and started to help plan the whole thing. He didn't know why we were doing this, but he got excited as hell. Later that day before she got home from school I took Corey out for ice cream. I spent a whole bunch of time with Corey. So much so that he was a permanent honorary fire fighter with the department. On the days I wasn't working or working on my massage therapy cert, and Brianna was in school, I would spend a lot of time with him. He and I had grown very close. While we ate ice cream, I asked him if I could marry his sister. He cried and hugged me he was so happy. I explained to him that all that planning we were doing, was for her. He pinkie swore and promised that he would keep it a secret. I then took him to the fire house. He sat with us and offered great ideas, things we never would have thought of. Those were added to the plan and made it far more believable than what we originally had planned. It was getting dark so we decided to start for home. On the way Corey and I had a conversation. "Adam, you're a really great guy." He said. "Thank you buddy." I said as I looked at him. "When you became her boyfriend she became really nice to me. I can't wait till you marry my sister." He said. "I can't wait either Corey. I can't wait either." I said as I smiled. "You really love her huh?" He asked. "Very much so. I love her a lot." I said. "I can tell, it's pretty obvious." He replied. I just smiled not knowing what to say. All I knew was that I was the luckiest man to ever walk the planet, to have her in my life. When we got home, I sat in the truck and asked Corey to be my best man. He accepted with a hug. Once we got out of the truck Brianna was walking to the truck. Corey ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. Brianna smiled looking confused. Just as he let to and went into the house I walked up to her and kissed her. We went in hand in hand and he rest of the night we just watched movies in the family room. When the movie was over everyone went upstairs and it was just me and my Brianna. She was sitting in my arms and I was really enjoying it, so much so that I didn't move. We just laid there and relaxed. "Baby?" Brianna asked. "Yeah babe." I replied. "Do you know why my parents and Corey are acting weird?" She asked. "Good weird, or bad weird?" I asked. "Good weird, when I got home mom and dad just came up to me and hugged me out of nowhere. And when you and Corey got home, he did the same thing." She said. "No idea." I said knowing what the reason was. "Hey, do you remember what I told you this morning, you know, about having a threesome with you?" She asked. "Yeah I do." I replied. "So when should we do this, I mean I kind of want to do it pretty soon." She said. "I'm with you, I'm not sure when that would be. So you think I would be good at it huh?" I asked. "Are you kidding me?! You would be amazing at it." She replied. "What made you decide that you wanted to have a threesome?" I asked. "Well, I have always been very curious about kissing a girl. I just think it would be hot." She said. "Yeah it would be. So why Jessica?" I asked. "Well first I think she is hot, and she told me that she was bi. She talks about being with girls and boys all the time. I think she wants me too. She looks at me funny all the time." She replied. "Besides, I want to see you her with you, I want to see what she does when she sees how incredibly sexy you are. I'm just wondering how we should do this, I mean get her to want to have sex with us." She said. "Ok, what about we just play a game of truth or dare with her. We will just start off with regular stuff and then work towards the subject of sex." I said. "Oh! That's a good idea! Wait, her birthday is this weekend, mom, dad and Corey will be gone. We should sooo do it then. Like a birthday present for her." She said. "She would have you as a birthday present, I can't wait to see you two together." I said. "Would that turn you on?" She asked. "Yeah it would. Would it turn you on if I watched you two?" I asked. "God yes..especially of you watched us make out." She said. "Yeah it would be the sexiest thing I had ever seen besides you." I said. "Do you want to know what I think will be the sexiest thing I would ever see besides you?" She asked. "What's that?" I asked as my cock started to get harder and harder. "Her between my legs, and you behind her fucking her at the same time. It's all I imagined today." She said. "You between her legs and me fucking you at the same time would drive me crazy." I said. "Come with me, I want to show you something I have been looking at ever since I thought about it, like last night." She said as she stood up. We went to the bedroom and we both got comfortable on my bed. She pulled her iPad out and showed me a picture of a threesome. My cock twitched when she showed me that pic. The girls had started off kissing, you could see their tongues as they kissed. The picture set showed everything from the start, to when the dude walked in. And everything from there. I had reached down and had started to stroke my cock. She noticed and kissed me as she reached down and started to rub it for me. I slid my hand up her leg as she spread them. I started to rub her pussy through her pajama bottoms. She whimpered into my mouth as she squeezed my cock and stroke it. She pushed me onto my back and reached into my sweatpants. She sat up onto her knees and faced me. She pulled my cock out and pulled my pants down to just past my balls. She kissed me as she started to stroke my cock. As we kissed I pulled her panties and pants down to her knees. I broke the kiss and tuned towards her. I started to kiss her pussy as I slid a finger into her seeping hole. She bent down and started to lick my cock. Once my tongue made contact with her clit, she all but swallowed my cock making me groan. She popped my cock out of her mouth and sat up. She took her shirt and bra off and then her pants. She then slid my pants and boxer briefs off. I then picked her body up and laid back. She spread her legs wide as I placed her pussy in my face. And her legs on either side of my head. I began to kiss and lick her sweet pussy as she sucked my cock. We both moaned. She whimpered. I ate her pussy softly and gently using my tongue to probe deep inside of her. I used my bottom lip to rub her clit. She began to grind her pussy into my face as I slowly and gently tongue fucked her sweet pussy. I could feel her saliva running down my cock and soaking my balls. She began to play with my balls making me moan into her pussy. She started to grind her pussy jerkingly into my face as her juices began to fill my mouth. She had her face on my thigh and was breathing really hard on my cock as she jerked it. She whimpered and moaned as her hips jerked. I didn't wait for her to come down. I picked her up and and rolled her onto her side. I got behind her and slid my cock deep inside of her pussy. She was still cumming when I buried my cock inside of her. She moaned loudly into my hand as I began to fuck her really slow, sliding my cock all the way to where only my cock head was inside of her, then back in all the way. After my fourth stroke her pussy spasmed around my cock as her body tensed up and jerked violently. I pulled all the way out as she started to cum. She squirted all over my cock and balls. As she squirted cum, I shoved my cock in as deep as it would go, making her moan. I turned her head towards me and kissed her. As I kissed her I started to thrust my cocks entire length in and out of her at a slow steady pace. I was getting very close to blowing my load. I started to pound her pussy making her moan into my mouth. "You going to cum baby?" I asked. "Hhhuuuu... God yes Adam uuhhhh!" She moaned. "Cum on my cock babyhhh." I moaned. "I want you to cum in my pussy baby. Please cum inside of me." She whimpered as my balls tightened. We both tensed up and shook as we both began to cum. My entire body felt amazing as my cock filled her with my cock cream. At the same time she was cumming hard soaking my balls and leg. We both collapsed and laid there for a while. We climbed under the covers and fell asleep with my cock still inside of her. The next morning we woke up and started to kiss. My cock had slipped out of her pussy while we slept. As we kissed I started to get hard again. She felt it and reached down and pulled it against her wet pussy. Just as I was getting ready to slide into her her mom knocked on the door. We had to stop because they were taking us out to breakfast. We were hungry so we got up and got dressed. As usual she was all over me. I love it when she can't keep her hands off of me, which is pretty much all the time. She still looked at me the way she did the first day we met. I loved the way she looked up and smiled at me when she was plastered to my side. I could never resist the temptation to lean down and kiss her. I think we said I love you to each other thousands of times. It's been damn near 3 years now since we started to date and that fire still burns very strong. We went to the amusement park with Corey and the parents. The only reason, contractors, Fire Marshal, and chief were all at the house setting things up. We got like 8 really big fog machines that were being hidden around the house. That was one of the ideas that Corey gave us. So he and her mom and dad knew exactly what was going on. I finally got a text from the chief that said they were done. We just stayed out and spent the entire day together. Once we got home, I looked around and couldn't tell anything had been done. There were now three big fog machines in the house. I knew where they were, and how they were placed to ensure there was no fire as a result of "operation marriage proposal". That was the first night Brianna and I didn't have sex. We were both just completely worn out. We just took showers and went to bed. She did sleep in my arms which was perfectly ok by me. I was just happy having her like that. The next morning I was awakened to soft kisses on my face and lips. "Good morning sexy. It's time to get up for work." She said with a huge smile. "Hi beautiful." I said. We got out of bed. She helped me get my uniform ready. As I went to take a shower she walked me to the bathroom and we kissed. God she was such a great kisser. I loved what she did with her tongue in my mouth. I went and took a shower and she went to make me breakfast. Once I was in my uniform and ready I went up stairs and ate breakfast with her. I then went to work. God she had become such a horny girl since she gave me her virginity. I was the lucky person who got to benefit from it, every day. Some times two to three times a day. I never knew that she would be so horny, but I loved it. Soon The weekend started to get closer. Brianna was getting nervous, but I was excited about our up coming weekend, and so was she. She would keep saying how she was nervous about kissing a girl for the first time ever. I can't lie, I was looking forward to seeing that. She made it clear that she wanted me to be there when she did it. She wanted me to watch her and Jessica, and watch my cock get hard. |
When I was a child, I used to look forward to family reunions, because it was one of the rare occasions that I was able to play with other kids. Being an only child, the family reunions were a sure thing for me to have play mates. I had one cousin who was my favorite playmate. His name was Josh. Josh was the youngest son of my dad’s sister Aunt Jane and her husband Pete. Josh and I would play house, Go Fish, and cry when it was time for us to leave, and we would not see each other until the next reunion. As I got older, the reunions were not as fun. My aunt caught my uncle naked with their oldest son’s girl friend and that was the end of their marriage. Being a single mom with 3 sons, she could not afford to travel fourteen hours to the reunion every year, so Josh and I lost touch. It was two weeks before the family reunion, when my Dad came down stairs with a big smile. My Mom and I were in the kitchen putting away the dinner dishes. He comes in very excited. “Honey, I just received an email from Jane. She is going to be at the reunion this year.” “Oh David, Really?” “Yes, she said that she was driving down a day or so before the reunion and wanted to know if she could stay with us so she would not have to pay for a hotel.” “Sure she can dear. Are the boys coming too?” “She didn’t say, but she did ask if ‘we could stay’ so I assume that at least one of the will come.” Dad and Mom exchanged plans on who can sleep where, and I could tell that my Dad was excited. He and Aunt Jane had stayed in touch via phone and email. When work would take him with in three hours of her town, he would go out of the way to check on her, but it had been a couple years since they had spent significant time together and that was at Timmy’s wedding. Timmy was her oldest son. I had not made that trip because it was the same time as church camp, and dad said I would have more fun at camp, so he didn’t make me go. I went up stairs and into my room. I pulled a photo album off my book shelf and sat on my bed. I flipped through the pages. Most of the photos were me, from my birth, first birthday up until present time. There were a couple pages of past reunions. I smiled when I saw one of Josh and me. I had almost forgotten him. I closed the book and lay my head on my pillow staring up at the ceiling. My mind full of questions about whether he would come with Aunt Jane? What he looked like? Would he even remember me? A yell from my Dad brought me back to earth, and I got up and went down stairs. The next couple of weeks were full of excitement. I had never seen my Dad this excited. Mom and I cleaned each crook and cranny of our house, while Dad mowed the yard and trimmed hedges. The Thursday before my Aunts arrival, we all went to the market and bought enough food and drinks to feed Pharaoh’s Army. After we got home, I showered and went to bed, leaving Dad up. I could tell he was too excited to sleep. While lying in bed surfing the web on my phone, I typed Josh’s name into the search box of a social network site. There were a number of results looking for the one from the town he lived in. When I found it, I clicked and waited for it to load. When it loaded my eyes widened. His avatar was a picture of him in football pants, with his jersey draped across his shoulder, and bear chested. Josh had grown into a hunk. He had the family’s blonde hair and blue eyes, and great abs and pecs. As I scrolled through his photos, I felt a stirring in my stomach and between my legs. I laid the phone down and let my hand slip inside my panties. As my fingers began to rub my clit, my mind created fantasies of my hunky cousin mounting me and taking my virginity. My fingers increased the pressure as my orgasm approached. My butt lifted off the bed as it hit. Then I drifted off to sleep. My Dad woke me up early the next morning. As I dragged myself from the bed, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled my night shirt over my head. At the age of 16 I was still a virgin, but it was by my choice. Guys seemed to like me, I had long blonde hair that went mid way down my back, blue eyes, and I played softball so my body was toned. My hips were a 32, my waste was 28 and my breasts were a 34B, and I kept my pubic area smooth. I had let a couple guys finger me while I stroked them, but when things got really hot and heavy I would always stop. I gazed upon my reflection in the mirror and wondered if Josh would like how I had developed. I stepped into the shower. After my shower, I dressed and headed down stairs. We were tidying up the house when we heard a car pull into our drive way. “They are here!” My Dad rushed outside to their car. My aunt got out of the passenger side and ran to meet him and they embraced. They laughed and complemented each other on how age had been good to them. I stepped out onto the porch as Josh exited out of the driver side of the car. His hair hung down in his face. He pushed his bangs out of his eyes as my Dad moved toward him and they shook hands. My Aunt walked up the steps and hugged me, telling my how pretty I was and how I had grown so much since the last time she had seen me. Then she and Mom went inside while Dad and Josh retrieved their luggage from the car. “Josh, do you remember Allie, your cousin? You and her use to have a lot of fun at the reunion when you were kids. Now look at you both, all grown up, where has time went?” Josh smiled at me as he passed. I noticed his eyes look me up and down as he approached. I could not blame him because I was checking him out as well. He was wearing a Nike tee with loose work out shorts that went just above his knees. As he got closer, I noticed a lump inside his shorts that swung as he walked. I could feel my nipples harden, which I knew would be noticeable through my tight tank top, so I crossed my arms across my chest as he past. The rest of the day was filled with trips down memory lane. Mom, Dad and Aunt Jane talked and laughed. Josh and I didn’t talk much more than the occasional yes and no. We were both on our phones texting or updating our social network statuses and just doing what teens do. Mom, Aunt Jane and I started dinner about 6pm. Dad and Josh went out to look at Dad’s pride and joy, his 67 Mustang that he had been working on restoring for the last five years. After Dinner, we watched TV and we all went to bed around midnight. As I lay in bed, I could not get Josh’s lump out of my head. I masturbated that night imagining sucking on his cock. The next morning we went to the reunion. Soon after we arrived and did the meet and greet, Josh and I decided to go for a swim in the lake. Dad would not let me wear my bikini around family so I had worn my one piece suit under my shorts and t-shirt. I went into the bath house and slipped out of my clothes and went to the beach and waited for Josh. He soon came up to me wearing a pair of trunks and no shirt. His upper body was to die for. We swam and splashed each other. “My mom tells me you are a softball star, Allie.” “I am ok, I guess. You play football?” “Yeah, I am the quarterback for my high school football team” “Oh quarterback, so does that mean you have your pick of cheerleaders?” “Not bragging, but I have had a few cheerleaders in the back seat of my car.” “That, cuz is TMI.” We laughed and continued to swim until it was time to eat. We got out of the water and began to dry off. I bent over letting my hair fall over my face as I squeezed the water from it. “Why are you wearing a one piece? You have a hot body, why not show it off?” I stood up twisting my hair into a ball. “Josh, were you checking me out?” “You may be my cousin, but I am still a guy.” “Well for your information, my Dad doesn’t allow me to wear a bikini in mixed company.” “Oh so modesty runs in our family.” “Yeah I guess.” We went up to the shelter and ate lunch. After lunch we all mingled with relatives. Dad was sitting around a picnic table with some of his cousins drinking beer, Mom and Aunt Jane were with the ladies talking on the other side of the shelter, gossiping. Josh and I were getting impatient. I went and got permission from Dad to go back to our house while they stayed. So we went and got into Josh’s car and headed to the house. While riding home Josh and I talked and joked like old friends. Looking over my shoulder, “So is that the famous back seat you were talking about?” “Yes, a many a cheerleader has screamed for God in that seat,” Josh laughed “You aren’t boastful are you?” “No, not at all, the proof is in the pudding.” We laughed and continued until we arrived at my house. We got out and went inside. We sat in the living room watched TV, talked and text on our phones. “How long do you think it will be before our folks are back?” Josh asked. “Well, if it like every other year, my Dad will be the last one to leave. Then they will all go to eat dinner at an all night diner. So it will be a while.” “Cool.” “Why what do you have in mind?” “Nothing, just curious is all. Hey do you remember when we use to play house at the reunion?” “Yeah, I do. It was fun, but we were kids.” “I remember the last time we played. The year before my parents split. Do you remember that time?” “Yeah I do. That was the time that we kissed when you pretended to leave for work, and you slipped your tongue into my mouth.” “Ha Ha, as I recall, you didn’t resist” “I remember. Did you know that it was my first kiss?” “Really? I am sure it was not your last.” I smiled and pulled my legs up under me in the couch. “No it wasn’t.” “I am sure you have boys drooling all over you, Allie. If you weren’t my cousin, I would tap that ass.” “Tap this ass? Would you? I would have you know, no one has tapped this ass.” “You are lying. There is no way that you are a virgin.” “Yes, I can and I am” Josh just shook his head and smiled. I sat there looking at him, feeling my wetness flowing between my legs. I wanted my sexy cousin. I wanted him to be my first, but I had to think of a way so I would not seem so willing. Then I had an idea. “You know, we never played house in a real house before.” “No we didn’t. We always played out by the beach at the lake.” “Yeah, those are some fond memories.” “Want to play now?” “Allie, we are not kids anymore.” “Come on Josh, it will be fun. I promise.” “Ok. I guess so.” “Alright, you go outside and wait about 10 minutes, then come in like you are coming home from work.” Josh shook his head and got up out of the chair and walked out of the door. I ran up stairs, shedding clothes as I went. When I got to my room and pulled my swim suit off and put on a sheer white night gown. I looked in the mirror my hair was still in a ball on top of my head; my nipples were clearly visible through the sheer material. I smiled and rushed to the kitchen and began washing dishes. Right on time, Josh walked into the front door. “Honey I am home.” Josh said sarcastically “I am in the kitchen, Dear.” As he walked into the kitchen I turned around. When Josh seen me, his jaw dropped open. I smiled at him as I began to walk toward him slow and seductively. “Did you have a hard day?” He just nodded his head as he looked at me, my hard nipples pressing against the material of my gown. I stepped closer to him and kissed him on the lips. As we kissed his hands rubbed up my back and down my back. When his hand reached my ass he squeezed and stepped back, when he did not feel panties under the gown. “Allie?” “Let me be a good wife and help you relax before dinner.” I lifted my gown over my head and watched as his eyes widened. I stepped closer to him and untied his trunks and pulled slack in, and they fell to the floor. I followed them to my knees. For the first time I saw what I had noticed swinging the day before. His cock was the biggest I had ever seen, at least 9 inches. It was still hanging between his legs a top his full hairy balls. I picked it up and wrapped my lips around it sucking it in then pulling it out. I had never sucked a cock before, but it just seemed natural. I opened my mouth wider and sucked more of it in my mouth. I felt it getting hard between my lips. As it hardened I placed my hands on his stomach and moved my head back and forth. I felt his hands on my head. He pulled the rubber band out and my blond hair fells across my face and down my back. He gripped my hair as his hips began to move in rhythm with my sucking. I closed my eyes and sucked more. Josh pulled me up from the floor and we embraced and kissed passionately. His tongue snaked into my mouth, and I sucked on it like I had just been sucking on his cock. He lifted me up and sat me on the kitchen counter. He kissed down my neck. I felt his hard cock pressing into my stomach, and then it went away as he kissed lower down to my chest. His hands moved to my breast and he squeezed them together and licked each nipple back and forth before sucking my right breast into his mouth. The suction he put on my breast was pleasurably painful. My fingers tangled into his blond hair pressing him harder on my breast. I moaned in disappointment when he released my breast from his mouth. His kissed down my stomach, and I felt his hands moving up my legs and between my thighs. His fingers moved to my inner thigh as he kissed pass my belly button. He moved his arms to my hips pulling me to the edge of the counter as he knelt between my legs. As his hot breath fell on my lips I moaned. Then I felt the most amazing feeling. His tongue slid between my pussy lips. I moaned out load as his tongue landed on my clit. He moved his tongue in circles over it then sucked it into his mouth. I began grinding my hips pressing my pussy tighter onto his mouth and tongue. I head tossing back and forth in pleasure. The room was filled with the sounds of moans and sucking. My orgasm approached quickly. I felt my toes begin to curl and my body began to convulse. I pressed Josh’s head tighter onto me as I cummed so hard on to his face. Josh stood up and kissed me. For the first time I tasted myself, and I liked it. He lifted me up and carried me to the living room and lay me onto the couch. His hand pressed the head of his hard cock between my dripping lips. I slipped the head inside me and I gasped. He was barely in but I could feel his big cock stretching me. I closed my eyes as I felt his cock hit my barrier. I gripped the couch cushions as I felt him push, breaking my hymen. I pain was intense. I felt tears building in my eyes, and felt a few run down my cheek. Josh didn’t move. I had a feeling I was not his first virgin. I wrapped my legs around his hips and he took that as permission to continue. He slid the entire length of his cock into me. It felt like it was in my stomach. He slowly began to fuck me. His thrusts were long and slow. He was taking his time fucking his cousin. He pulled up until the head was almost out then slid it back in. He repeated this several times. He pulled out and took my arms, sitting me up. He got on the floor, lying on his back. With is finger he motioned for me to come to him. I got up and walked to him, straddling his hips. He lifted his cock up; I lowered myself down onto him. I slid all the way down his cock until I could feel his balls against my ass. I placed my hands on his chest and began to rock my hips up and down his cock. I loved this feeling. My hands move up my body, squeezing my breast, pulling my nipples as his hips pumped up and down feeding my hungry pussy with his cock. He sat up and sucked my breast rough, his cock pressing hard inside me. He lifted me off his cock. I felt so empty without him. He bent me over the coffee table and got behind me. He placed his hands on my hips, lifting them up. I felt him push his cock into me. He took my hair pulling my head back as he began to pound my pussy. His fucking was more intense. His breathing became heavy, and he began to moan. His cock seemed to be swelling inside me. I looked at the TV. The reflection in it was so hot. My hot cousin was fucking me like a slut. The sight in the TV was too much for me. I felt my pussy begin to spasm around his cock as another orgasm approached. I screamed out loud as it hit. Then I felt him quickly pull his cock out of my pussy and grunt. I turned around to face him. When a big gob of cum hit me in my left eye. He continued to stroke his cock. With every stroke more and more cum shot out of his cock and onto my face and tits. Then his hand fell, and he collapsed onto the floor. I moved over and lay beside him. Looking at him with a smile. “God Allie that is the best I have ever had. You are amazing.” “You are the best I have ever had too.” We laughed and lay there naked. He held me in his arms for a while. Then we got up, I went and showered as he cleaned up our mess. After my shower we just sat and talked like nothing ever happened. We both went to sleep on the couch. When our parents got home, they woke us up and we went to bed. Josh and his Mom stayed at our house for a couple more days. The night before they were to leave and go back home, we all went to bed rather early. In the middle of the night, I heard a peck on my door. I got up and went and opened it. It was Josh. He stepped in and kissed me and we lay on the bed. We undressed and got under the covers as we continued to kiss. Then he rolled over on top of me and slipped his cock inside me. We slowly made love, slow and easy, not rushing it. When he was ready to cum, he did not pull out. I felt his cum as it shot from his cock, splashing against my inner walls. When he was done he kissed me and left. The next morning, my family stood on the porch and waved as Josh and his Mom back out of our drive. I blew him a kiss as I felt a drop of his cum run down my leg. |
Most people understand how mistakes happen and how things can easily get out of control. If you're a guy and there's a beautiful woman trying to seduce you, sometimes our moral compass gets stuck. I am a pretty happily married 44 year old man. I married a wonderful woman 18 years ago and have a wonderful 17 year old daughter, April. As with most marriages, there are good days and bad days. Sometimes we feel neglected and other times the king of the world. Though, for the past several years, a certain area of my marriage has been diminishing, Sex. Though my wife and I talk about everything and she knows I want more, it never seems to manifest itself into reality. There's always something that needs to be done, or she's too tired or our daughter is around. So, over the years it has dwindled to once every 4 10 6 months and then only a quick romp, no foreplay or oral activities. Needless to say, I have spent my share of time pleasuring myself. One of the hobbies that has always brought me and my family a lot of pleasure is sailing. We have a nice 36 foot sailboat and we try to go sailing as a family as often as possible during the summer months. My wife is a nurse and sometimes has to work the weekends, which allows my daughter and I some bonding time on the water. We've enjoyed our time together sailing or playing games or just talking. I am often the one April comes to talk to since I am the least conservative parent. When my daughter turned 12 she met her best friend Sara. From then on they were together often. I watched over the years as they both grew in to attractive young ladies. Both girls were about 5'5 and around 110 pounds. April has brown hair that comes just past her shoulders and brown eyes like her mother. Sara has light brown, almost sandy blonde hair that is slightly curly and beautiful blue eyes. Sara also has a slightly rounder face than April and a slightly larger chest, April being a small 34B and Sara being a 36C. Both girls enjoy playing sports and swimming which keeps them both in amazing shape. As a practice we try to go sailing most weekends during the summer. Naturally April asked if Sara could come along and I agreed. I was a little sad when we set out and April and Sara retired to the foredeck to tan and chat. I couldn't help but feel a little sad to be losing some of our quality time. Though Sara fit in nicely and became like part of the family. Over the next 3 years I watch as April and Sara went from scrawny, awkward girls in to (too) quickly developing ladies. Last summer, my wife's Aunt became ill so my wife spent a lot of her free time going down to look after her and helping her out. This, of course cut in to our "family sailing time", but I knew it was important. April and Sara however still wanted to continue our sailing time so I would often take them and go sailing with just the three of us. Most days it would just be a day sail, leave in the morning and come back in the evening. Usually a couple of times a summer we would anchor out and spend the night. Now sailing with 2 teenage girls was a lot like sailing alone. It usually went like this. Shortly after leaving the docks, the girls would plant themselves on the foredeck and commence to sunning themselves in their bikinis. Around lunchtime they would come back to the cockpit, we'd eat lunch then they would return to the foredeck. I didn't really mind much. After all, I got to go sailing and every time I looked forward, I was greeted with the site of 2 beautiful young figures (even if one was my daughter). On our fifth trip of the summer with just the three of us, April had asked if we could anchor out by crooked island. It's not the real name but one she had given it growing up and we let it stick. It was a small island that had one good holding area big enough for one boat and a few rocks that jutted out over the water to jump off of. Usually when we anchored there we were pretty secluded and rarely saw any other boats. I agreed and we loaded up the boat and headed out for the 4 hour sail to the island. As usual, once the sails were set the girls proceeded to the foredeck and commenced tanning. After about an hour my daughter walked back to the cockpit and sat next to me. I knew she had something on her mind and just asked "What's up pumpkin?" She almost seemed a little embarrassed then asked if it would be ok if they tanned topless. Then she proceeded to explain how they didn't want the tan lines and the other girls at school did and so on. To tell you the truth, I didn't really care. I knew that a lot of girls did. I also knew that my wife would not be too happy with the idea. I told April that I really didn't care, but her mother would not approve at all. April agreed but said that they would only do it when mom wasn't here and they wouldn't talk about it away from the boat. I told them that they could only do it if we were away from other boaters and they would have to cover up if another boat came by. April quickly agreed, gave me a quick hug and went back to Sara. I watched as April told Sara the news then each untied their bikini tops and lay down on their backs. OK, so I know it was probably wrong to do it, especially in secret, but what harm is it for them to tan topless? Though I don't think I was really ready for the scenery now present on my deck. I always had a sight of the girls tanning, but now as I looked forward I was presented with two sets of breasts. Two very perky sets of breasts. From my vantage point about 12 feet away I could clearly make out Sara’s wonderful breasts and in the cool breeze I could swear I could see two very hard nipples. I snapped out of my stare and said to myself "What are you doing?" I tried to busy myself with checking sails, our course and watching out for other boats. We reached the island around 1 and I lowered the sails. The girls quickly replaced their tops and April helped anchor the boat. Once secure, we made a light lunch of cheeses, fruit, crackers and salami. The girls continued to chat about school, other friends, clothes, etc. I personally couldn't help but star at Sara's chest and swore I could almost make out her nipples under her bikini top. After lunch, the girls jumped in to the water and swam to the island to jump off the rocks and swim around. Being the middle of summer, the water as still chilly, but a nice change from the hot afternoon sun. I finished cleaning up after lunch and hit the head. Then I turned on the radio and found some music to listen to. After that I took a jump in the water myself to cool off. And cool it was. I had just swum around to the ladder when I saw the girls heading back. They said they were cold and were going to go warm up. I watched as they climbed the ladder and the water made their suits cling to their tight little bodies. I swam away from the boat a little to try to clear my head. I decided to swim toward the bow of the boat and just float. I floated for a little bit, but the cool water was starting to set a chill in me as well. As I turned over to start swimming back I happen to see the girls sitting on the deck and removing their tops. There were those lovely young breasts defying gravity before me. I quickly stuck my head in the water and swam back to the cockpit. Still I couldn't get that vision out of my mind. The girls continued to sun themselves until around 4, then they came back and we played scrabble until dinner time. I almost thought it seemed as though Sara was constantly looking at me with that cute smile of hers. After dinner the girls did the dishes then asked it was ok if they played War. I agreed and took my drink up on deck. I sat in the cockpit and enjoyed the relative silence off it all, relative, meaning over the sounds of the girls below. Around 8, both girls came up on deck and we all relaxed. Sara commented on how peaceful and beautiful it was and thanked me for bringing her. Around 9 the girls went below to get ready for bed. I did one last check of the anchor and decided to head to bed myself. As I descended the stairs, Sara came out of the forward cabin in just a large t-shirt and who knows what underneath. Though I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples were very noticeable through the thin fabric. She quickly slipped in to the head and my daughter came out next in her tank top and shorts to wait her turn. April thanked me again for bringing them to the island and for everything today. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead then watch as Sara come out of the head and April went in. I swear Sara did an extra wiggle. After the girls were in their cabin, I shut down the lights and went to the head myself. I climbed in to the berth in the aft cabin and did my best to try to sleep. I could still hear some giggling and light chatting from the girls. And every time I closed my eyes, all I could see were their succulent breasts. As much as I tried, the only thing that was happening was an erection. I slowly stroked myself thinking of Sara until I released my tension. Then I let the rocking of the boat lull me to sleep. The next morning I enjoyed my coffee in the cockpit until the girls woke up. Then we had a nice breakfast, a quick swim then weighed anchor to head for home. For the next couple of trips my wife was able to join us on our sailing. As promised, the girls tanned in their bikinis with no mention of anything else. The following trip was the 3 of us again and as soon as we left the breakwater, the girls looked at me and said, "Middle of the lake?" I couldn't help but chuckle and pointed the boat toward open water. The girls quickly took their positions and waiting until we were away from other boaters to remove their tops. This went on through the remainder of July. The second weekend in August went a little different though. The girls were tanning topless as usual on the deck. After about 15 minutes my daughter put on her tank top and came back to the cockpit. I could tell she had something on her mind again. This was similar to when she asked about the topless request. "What’s on your mind pumpkin?" I asked, waiting for who knows what this time. "Dad, do you think it would be OK if we tanned nude?" I was taken back a little by the request. Topless was one thing, but nude? I know I am pretty open minded and have sailed nude myself, but the girls? "I don't think that would be a good idea honey. Your mother would really through a fit if she ever found out." "She won't!" April insisted, "She hasn't found out about us sunning topless. Besides all the girls at school are doing it." Of course, there's the underlying reason. Meaning, the popular girls are talking about it and now they wants to. After a couple more minutes of pleading and those puppy dog eyes I relented. She thanked me and gave me a quick hug then moved back up to the foredeck. I watched over the cabin sole as the girls sat on their towels and removed their tops and bottoms. My wife would kill me for sure if she found out. I felt a little relief as the girls laid down on their stomachs. It wouldn't be as apparent if a boat did happen to cruise by. Even from my location it wasn't that noticeable they were naked. As normal I kept a vigil out for other boats and did my best to keep the sails from blocking their sun. We sailed for about an hour and I hadn't really given the girls much thought. I tended to the sails and just enjoyed the feel of the waves and wind. I was getting a little thirsty and decided the girls might be also. So, I hoped below deck to get some drinks. I peered over the cabin again to see the girls still on their stomachs. I took a quick pee in the head and grabbed a soda for myself and two for the girls. I came back up in to the cockpit and put mine in the cup holder than walked forward. A beautiful spinnaker caught my attention as I moved forward and left me totally unprepared for what I was about to see. When I turned back I found the girls had repositioned themselves while I was below deck. Now I had two young ladies laying on their backs in full glory! I stood there for a minute mesmerized by the view of the sun on their slightly tanned bodies, their perky breasts, hardened nipples, the trimmed triangle of hair between my daughter’s legs and the small strip of hair trimmed between Sara’s all framed by the tan lines from their bikini bottoms. I felt a slight guilt as I became aware of blood rushing to my groin. The boat lunged a little and snapped me back to reality. I shook my head to clear it, took a deep breath and continued on. I cleared my throat in a loud manner to alert the girls to my presence. "I brought you some drinks" I said as nonchalantly as I could muster. My daughter jumped a little bit and sat up, pulling her legs up to her cover up a little. She seemed a little embarrassed. Sara put her hand up to block the sun from her eyes and just smiled and said thanks as she slowly rolled on to her side to cover up and took the drink. I am sure I was blushing a bit myself. I slowly stumbled back to the cockpit and sat down. I could see the girls on the foredeck talking and giggling. Occasionally they would look back my way. Who knew what they were talking about? I hope they didn't see the rising I had in my shorts. I sat in the cockpit trying to will my erection to subside. I just couldn't get the image of those naked bodies out of my head. At lunchtime the girls put back on their suits and joined me in the cockpit. I apologized for walking up there like that. I explained how I thought they were still on their stomachs. April said it wasn't any big deal. I had just surprised her that's all, and that I had seen her naked when she was younger. Sara just smiled and it wasn't any big deal to her either. She figured when they asked to tan naked most likely I would see them. We continued to eat lunch and the girls chatted. I tried not to look at the girls too much. Each time I did, my mind would erase the swimsuits and I am sure I was blushing. After lunch we turned the boat around and headed home. We still had a few hours of sailing ahead of us so the girls returned to their sun worshiping. As they peeled off their suits again images raced through my head again and I felt the familiar rise in my shorts. I couldn't stand the pressure this time. I set the autopilot and retreated below deck to my cabin where I proceeded to stroke myself to a fairly quick orgasm. Returning to the cockpit I felt a little better for the rest of the trip home, though I could still see their naked forms as I peered forward. The remaining sailing season went pretty much the same. When my wife came with us, it was bikini tanning; when she was absent it was naked girls on deck. I will admit I was sad to see the sailing season end. The girls continued to hangout over the winter and I would catch myself glimpsing over at Sara and replaying images of her tanning herself. My wife would catch me in my dazed state and ask me what I was thinking of. I always made up something about work or sometime unimportant. I was very happy when it was time to put the boat back in the water again. Even though the weather was still chilly, it gave me a chance to get back to one of the things I enjoyed. My wife, daughter and I spent some fun weekends on the boat while the weather was chilly. We'd still go sailing and anchor out, have game night of cards or scrabble or something. Sometimes Sara would come along as well. Between my wife’s schedule and still helping out her Aunt, April and I continued our father/daughter bonding time while sailing. I actually enjoyed having her come without Sara as it gave us more time to talk and interact. It wasn't long before the sun warmed up enough for tanning and the girls were looking to tan. Without my wife on board we headed out and the girls stripped out of their clothes. We had our routine, they would tan, we would have lunch, I would retreat for a little self pleasuring, and we would return home. About the middle of July, April was having Sara over for a sleepover. We were sitting around watching a movie on TV when my wife informed me that she was going to be helping her Aunt out the following weekend and April had a sleepover at her friend Christine’s house. She then asked me what I was going to do with a free weekend. I told her I didn't know, but I would probably do a little sailing as the weather was supposed to be fantastic! She explained how jealous she was that I got such wonderful alone time on the water, but went on about her business. That weekend came and it was a beautiful day. The sun was out with only a few white puffy clouds. The winds were about 20 knots and it was 85 degrees. I drove up to the docks at 8am like I normally do. I took a little time to wash down the deck and clear off some of the cobwebs that accumulate over the week. I started up the old iron genny in preparation to head out and went below to stow the sail cover and get something to drink for the voyage. I had just reached in to the fridge when I thought I heard a voice over the sound of the motor. "Ahoy, Mr. B" came a familiar voice. I climbed up in to the cockpit and standing there on the dock was Sara. She had on her normal blue jean shorts, tank top with bikini underneath and her beach bag over her shoulder. I was a little confused to say the least. "Sara? What are you doing here? April isn't here today." "I know" she replied. "I thought you might enjoy some company for your sailing trip." "Umm, I don't know." I started. "Come on, I've already told my mom I was going and she gone now." I was a little leery at first, but what was I going to do, leave her stranded here until I got back? I agreed and she quickly hoped on board. She told me that she had told her mom that we were staying on the boat last night, and since she had dance class Friday night she was to meet up here Saturday morning. I was still a little upset about her lying to her mother, but the idea of company did sound good. It would almost be like having April on board. After putting her bag below she helped me untie the lines and we motored out of the slip. "Is it like driving a car?" Sara asked? "Huh?" It took me a second to realize what she was talking about. In all the times having her with us, Sara and April always did their own thing. Sara had never really helped out with the boat. "It's pretty similar if not a little easier; less things to hit." I joked. "Can I try?" she asked I stepped aside and let her take the wheel. I gave her some instructions on the rules of the road with other boats and we headed out of the marina. It was nice having someone steer while I took care of the sails and before long we were gliding through the waves under wind alone. I tried to teach her a little about sailing and I tried to talk with her about her plans for next year, working and what my limited teen subject matter would allow. After about 20 minutes she asked I would take the wheel. Instead I showed her how to set the autopilot. Sara went below deck and disappeared in to the head. When she came out, I could see her below deck taking off her tank top and shorts and emerge back in to the cockpit in her little bikini. I watched her lay down on the settee opposite me and stretched out in the sun. I laughed slightly. She looked at me confused. I explained how this is the longest I think she's been on my boat without retreating to the foredeck to tan. "Well it's not the same without April here, you know. Besides there is plenty of sun back here and the cushion feels more comfortable." I couldn't argue with that. We sailed on for a little longer and I tacked to a new heading. I instinctually moved to the raised side where Sara was laying. Wow, she was beautiful. She was laying there on her back, one arm behind her head, the other laying down by her side. On leg was straight on the settee and the other arched over the back of the seat giving me a view of a wonderful little camel toe. Again I felt a little ashamed as I felt a pulse jump in my groin. I did my best to look elsewhere. After a little bit, Sara sat up and looked around. Then she turned to me. "Mr. B, would you mind if I tanned like normal?" she asked. My mind was screaming "NO! Turn around! Head home!" But that other voice inside me won out and what I said was "Sure, if you want to". With that I watched as she undid her top and let it fall to the floor. Another pulse shot through growing cock. The she pulled her bottoms off and let them fall. As she resumed her position I now had a sight of heaven. Not only were there two perky breasts, but her legs parted allowing me to see all of her heavenly glory. I tried my best to keep my mind and eyes on sailing. Then I noticed her hand move. She slowly moved her hand up along her shoulder, down softly over her breast to a wind hardened nipple. I swear she gave it a pinch. Then she slowly moved her hand down her stomach and along her outstretched leg. Then she bent her leg and let her hand travel back down and slide along her slit. My mind was foggy. I was mesmerized. This couldn't be happening. It had to be a daydream; my own perverted daydream. Then Sara sat up and looked at me. "Mr. B" she said. "Huh? I mean yes Sara?" I was obviously lost. Sara gave me a coy smile and said, "This might seem a little strange, but it feels kind of weird being the only one naked." I took a sad but relieved sigh, thinking she would be getting dressed and lessening the tension. "Would you be naked too?" Huh? What? Where? I didn't just hear that. No way, that can't happen! "I don't know Sara." I replied, trying to think of a good excuse. "It's OK Mr. B. I've seen guys naked before. And besides, I would feel better not being the only one." Sure I thought, but how would I explain the hard on between my legs? Time to head home, get back to the docks! My mind was sending up flags all over the place. Common sense would be to run for home. But common sense didn't win. "OK, just this once" I told her. I still wasn't sure how to explain my erection. I decided to tack the boat again so I could be on the opposite side of the cockpit. That way I wasn't staring straight at her slit. After the tack, I moved to the opposite settee. I tried to think of anything to decrease the blood flow to my cock. Sara sat there staring at me, as if waiting to see if I could go through with it. I finally took a large breath and removed my shirt and shorts. My cock had subsided a small amount, but still pretty rigid. Sara seemed to smile and all I heard was "Nice!" Then she layed back on the settee and returned to her tanning. It was hard to tell but I almost felt as if she was looking at me through her squinted eyes. I placed my arm over my erection, trying my best to hide it. We sailed for a few more minutes and I was working hard on easing my erection when I noticed Sara's hand softly caressing her shoulder, then breasts again. I thought I would try something else to get my mind off of this desirable girl laying naked only a few feet from me. "Sara, would you like something to drink?" Sara sat up and looked at me. "Sure, I'll get it." And with that she popped below deck. I could see her beautiful naked figure in the galley fishing two sodas from the cooler. She returned to the cockpit in all her glory, two sodas in hand. She put one in the cup holder near the wheel than stretched out her hand to give me the other. I took it from her and she sat down next to me. Her feet folded sideways under her, leaning toward me on her arm. "You know, you look better than I imagined you would." she confessed. "Excuse me? Imagined I would?" I stated in my own confused way. "I've tried to imagine what you would look like since that first time you walked up on us naked." Each word seemed to not only cloud my mind more but send a new pulse of blood to my re-growing erection. "And reality looks better than my fantasies". Fantasies? This was really too much to take in. "I can't believe Ms. B isn't all over you." "Excuse me?" I asked. "April told me how you and your wife don't do it much." she told me. I had had conversations with April about marriage and life. I had always been open with her and honest. I just never figured she'd tell anyone about certain things. "Well, things don't always work out the way you want them to." I was hoping to change the subject. Then she gave a quick chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked. "It seems I've had you more that your wife." she mused. I was very confused. "I don't understand" I declared. Then she proceeded to tell me how me seeing her naked when we sailed had been a turn on for her. And how she had spent many nights fantasizing about how I looked naked and masturbating to what it might be like to be touched and kissed by me. I was truly in disbelief. My head was spinning and my erections beyond hiding. "I noticed you watching me today and I liked it. I really want you to touch me." There was almost a begging in her voice. I looked at her with all intent on telling her we need to stop and head home. But as I turned, I saw a yearning in her eyes, she moved close to me and before I knew it, our lips met. We kissed, our lips caressed, our tongues played. I moved my hand down around her back and my other hand found her firm breast. I squeezed and I heard her moan through our kiss. I took her nipple between my fingers, amazed at the feeling. Then I felt a soft hand wrap around my cock. I broke our kiss long enough to look down and see her hand slowly stroking me. I too let out a sigh of pleasure and returned to our kiss. It was Sara that broke our kiss next. "There's something I've been fantasizing about doing for a long time now." And with that she moved me legs apart and lowered herself in to the floor of the cockpit. I watched as this beautiful young woman stroked me, her eyes fixated on my erection. Then she lowered herself and took me in to her mouth. I moaned out loud as my head sank back and my eyes closed. It had been nearly 13 years since my last blowjob and the feeling of Sara's mouth was incredible. I slowly rolled my head around and looked down to see her peering up at me with those blue eyes. My cock was sliding in and out of her mouth and her hand was stroking me. "God that feels great!" was all I could muster along with another moan. And with that, she lowered her head and continued her sucking, bobbing and stroking. I watched as she wonderfully pleasured my shaft and used her free hand to squeeze and play with her nipples. The years of neglect and the taboo of the situation soon caused an explosion in my balls. I felt the growing eruption flowing as my breath quickened. I felt her sucking and stroking quicken as well. I began to moan louder and managed to get out an "I'm cum...” before I exploded in her mouth. She stopped her head bobbing and slowly stroked and sucked all of the juices out of me. I sat there in a state of limbo. The reality of what had just happened, the pleasure of it all. Shortly thereafter, Sara moved up, still holding my deflating cock in her hand. She came up on the settee and we kissed some more. I knew what I should have done, but I also knew I wanted to repay her for the pleasure she had just given me. Wrong or not, I knew what I was going to do. I slowly laid Sara down on the cushion in the cockpit. I made a quick look around. The winds had lighted and other boats were nearby. I lowered my lips and kissed hers again. Then I slowly moved over to her neck and down her shoulder. Soon, I felt lips kissing the rise of her beast. I had been longing myself to feel her nipple against my tongue. I felt it enter my mouth and I licked and suckled. I heard her let out a moan and felt hear fingers run through my hair. I let my hands caress her mounds and took time to kiss and lick each one. Then I let my lips continue their travels down. I kissed over her ribs and over her stomach. I kissed my way down until I found her little strip of hair she had trimmed. I let my tongue and lips follow her pathway to heaven. Finally, there I was, only inches away from this entrance to paradise. I could see moisture glistening in the sun along her slit. I slowly slid my tongue along her opening, tasting her nectar. She let out a gasp as my tongue slipped along her clit. I let my tongue taunt and tease, open and please. I then took my finger and slowly let it enter her. Sara gave out a loud moan as she pulled my head closer. As I continued to finger and lick one of her hands left my head. I looked up to see her playing with her nipples again. The sight and sound of her pleasure was once again causing me to stir. But this wasn't about me. I could hear her breathing getting deeper and quicker, I arched my finger up inside of her and took her clit in my mouth. And as if on cue, her body tensed, and twitched. I saw her teeth grit and her abs tighten. She let out a guttural "Grrrrraahhhhhh", then a loud moaning "yeeaaaaaaaaaaa. Oh Fuck! Oh! Oh! Errrraahhhahhh". Then a louder moan as her fingers dug in to my skull and gripped my hair. I made very small movements with me tongue and fingers as her body twitched several more times. "Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't... I can't..." she panted. I then moved up and we locked in a heated kiss. When we separated, she looked at me. "Better than your fantasy" I grinned? Sara got a big grin on her face almost laughing. Sara looked down and saw my semi rigid cock. "Looks like you need more attention". "Let me do something before we get to that". I noticed that we were pretty far out in the lake. So, I quickly turned us toward home and adjusted the sails to keep us on course but at a pretty slow pace. There weren't any other boaters around so I knew we'd be safe for a while. Then I took Sara by the hand and led her below deck. I led her in to the V-berth where her and my daughter had slept only weeks before. I pulled her on to the bed with me and we kissed. Sara naturally took my cock in her hand and slowly stroked it while we kissed. I caressed her breasts and body as I felt more blood entering my cock. Sara then moved herself down and took me back in her mouth. Her talented tongue made me moan more as I grew back to my full 8". I knew this time I didn't want just a blow job. I pulled her up and positioned her on her back. Then I raised myself between her legs with my cock pulsing before her entrance. I looked down at her and she was looking between our legs. Then she looked up at me with a shy, innocent look and nodded. I leaned down and kissed her lips. Then I slowly began thrusting forward. I could feel the tightness of her. I felt every bit as my head entered her. I moved slightly forward allowing more to enter her. I worked slowly back and forth, only inching in until I felt a barrier. Her virginity? I stopped and looked back at her. She was slightly biting her lower lip. God she looked sexy! She looked back at me and nodded again. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I've wanted you to be my first for almost a year now." I lowered my lips to barely touch hers. I slowly started sliding in and out of her again, each time stopping at her barrier. Then in one thrust I broke through. Sara's nails gripped my shoulders and I heard a whimper. I laid there inside of her until she relaxed. "Are you OK?” "Yes, it just hurt a little." she said, then gave me a little grin. I kissed her once again and started to slowly side in and out of her. I delighted in hearing small moans of pleasure in my ear. I moved more, deeper. I wanted so badly to fuck this girl. AS I continued, her moans became louder. I could feel her nails along my back and ass pulling at me. I knew I wouldn't last too much longer. I heard her start to grunt "Yes, yes!" I positioned her in a way that I knew always made my wife cum and I wasn't disappointed. I watched as pleasure raced across her face, her mouth open, moans exiting. She looked at me as if she were afraid of what was about to come, or in this case, cum. I thrusted 3 more times and felt my own eruption coming on again. My moans increased and this seemed to stir her on. "Yes... yes... oh..." she huffed and gasped. I couldn't hold back anymore. It was too much. I felt my cock swell, my balls release. A loud moan from Sara as her nail dug in to my back. I exploded inside of her. My first shot caused her to dig her nail across my back as her own orgasm ensued. I felt myself release 3 more times inside of her before I dropped on the bed, spent. Sara continued to grip me, breathing heavy and letting out small whimpers. Finally I moved a bit more and my deflated cock slipped from between her legs. I rolled over on the bed and looked down. There was a glistening of pink from my cum and her virginity. Sara rolled over and put her hand on my sweaty chest. Under heavy breathing she uttered, "That was amazing! I mean...." "Yes it was, thanks to you." I replied. With that I gave her a kiss on the forehead. She laid there for another minute then sat up. More of my juices flowed from within her. Sara looked down at it then over at me and laughed. "I guess we should clean that up before April and I sleep here again?" "Probably so", I replied. With that we slid off the berth and pulled the sheets off. Sara went to the head to clean up some. I used the sheet to wipe myself off and went up to the cockpit. I surveyed the area noting where any boats were, and then pulled on my shorts. I pulled in the sheets and the boat took hold of the winds. Sara joined me in the cockpit and put back on her bikini. I was a little sad to see her cover her beautiful body, but it would be best since we would be near other boaters soon. Sara snuggled in my arms for the remaining sail home. "Thanks for being my first Mr. B". "That pleasure was truly all mine". "I don't think so..." The following weekend we found out that Sara's parents were getting a divorce and her mother was going to be moving with her out of state at the end of summer. Just before school started we said goodbye to Sara and her mother. My daughter was very sad at losing her friend. I too was sad, for my own personal reasons. Sara said she was hoping to come back the following year for college and maybe some more sailing. I hugged my daughter against me as we watched them drive away. What a memory. |
My Little Sister’s Dilemma I always considered myself to be a typical teenager, but looking back, I may have qualified as a bit of a “nerd”, for lack of a better term. I never really had a problem with academics, and as a result, never had to study all that hard, or that much. At the ripe old age of seventeen, and in my last year of high school, I should have had the world by the balls. For the most part, I did, too, except for one small, insignificant detail. I had a sister that was a year younger than I was. Now, that might not seem like a big problem, and for the most part, it wasn’t. Except that this particular sister was an absolute knock-out, in my mind. I was born on the first of November. My Dad always said that he and Mom had been out trick-or-treating, and I was the treat. My Mom, on the other hand, figured that I was a dirty, rotten trick that someone had played. To this day, she still believes that. Anyway, my sister, Joanne, was born the following September, and she was always Mom’s “little baby”. The title used to drive Jo absolutely crazy, but I’d use it if I needed to get her attention. She’d usually retaliate with something like an object that was both close at hand, and suitable for use as a lethal projectile. As you can tell, we had the usual sibling rivalry happening between us. But it wasn’t all cats-and-dogs fights. Despite the fact that we had our battles, we had our good times, too. If I was feeling down and out, Jo was always there, trying to cheer me up. Whenever it was her that was on the outs, I felt compelled to try and be there for her. At the time, I had no idea of why, but I always seemed to be concerned for her happiness and welfare. So when Jo knocked on my bedroom door one evening, entering before I could say a word, I could tell by the scared look on her face that something in her little world wasn’t quite right. At the time, I was a little upset at the way she just barged in, but looking back, I would have granted her access without hesitation, and my permission wasn’t really necessary. “Jim, can I talk to you?” she almost whispered. That look on her face made it almost impossible to refuse her request. Even at sixteen, she knew how to push my buttons, and that sad expression, those red-rimmed eyes from crying, all found just the right heart-strings to pluck. “Sure, Sis,” I conceded, “any time, you know that. You look like you just lost your best friend. What’s up?” Joanne just stood there, staring at the floor, seemingly trying to find just the right words, and having no success whatsoever. I got up and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to me tightly, then kissed her forehead. She might only be my sister, but she was a very special person in my life, and the sight of her hurting ripped a huge chunk out of my heart. Finally, she found the courage to look into my eyes, and I could see that she was deathly afraid of something. “Okay, I give up” I eased into her space. “Something’s got my little sister all twisted and out of shape. Are you gonna tell me about it, or do I have to play twenty questions?” I had another line that I usually used, but this wasn’t the time for it. In the time it took Joanne to finally get the words out, I could have created another half-dozen opening lines, all of them new and untested. “Jim, am I a . . . lesbian?” she squeaked. You could have heard a pin drop, even on the other side of town. How the hell was I supposed to answer that one? Hell, how was I supposed to even understand her question? “Okay, Jo, I give up” I sputtered. “I’m a guy, and guys read newspapers, not minds. What the hell are you talking about?” I was somewhere between being very confused, and feeling like the stupidest person on the planet. “Jim, I’m scared!” she almost screamed at me, then regathered her cmposure. “I was over a Sarah’s last night, and we were . . . well . . . fooling around, you know? Anyway, Sarah got some booze from her old man’s liquor cabinet, and we got a little drunk. Somewhere along the line, we started talking about . . . sex, among other things. She asked me if I’d ever kissed someone, you know, on the lips? So I told her the truth, no. Suddenly, she leaned over and kissed me! Not just a little peck, either, but a full-blown, open mouth, tongue swapping, french kiss. At first, I was shocked, but the longer she kissed me, the more I began to enjoy it. The next thing I knew, I was kissing her back!” “Umm, I don’t think one kiss would qualify you as a lesbian, Jo” I advanced an opinion. “The booze might have had something to do with it, and with the way it felt.” The look on her face told me that my reassurances hadn’t done a damned bit of good. “It . . . it wasn’t just one kiss, Jim. There were lots of them. We must have kissed for almost an hour. Then Sarah grabbed my boob, and began to squeeze it, playing with my . . . my nipple, too. And you know what? I loved it!” I took the time to let her words sink in. Hell, she was sixteen, and probably as curious about sex as I was, and maybe more so. But like me, I was pretty sure that she was still a virgin, which would explain why a kiss would spark her interest. The fact that it was from one of her girlfriends was a little hard to understand for a guy like me, but then, I wasn’t all that knowledgeable as to how a girl’s mind worked. “There’s more, isn’t there?” I quietly asked. The look in her eye told me that those kisses were just the beginning. “Yeah, there is” Jo continued. “When she grabbed my boob, and began to play with it, I did the same to her, and it felt so wonderful. I just knew how to touch her, to excite her, to give her the same kind of pleasure she was giving me. We kept on kissing, and playing with each other’s tits. Jim, I couldn’t stop! I just wanted to feel her boobs, and how hard her nipples got! Pretty soon, we were on the floor, and Sarah lay on top of me, pulling my shirt and my bra off, then taking hers off as well. When she mashed her tits against mine, I thought I would die, it felt so good!” Joanne took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before going on, as if to bolster her courage. Then she looked deep into my eyes, and if I had any questions as to her femininity, they disappeared in that one second. She must have found that courage she needed, because she went on with her tale. “Jim, Sarah reached down between my legs, and began to rub me down there, and it felt absolutely fabulous! I followed her lead, and the next thing I knew, we were both naked, touching and feeling each other, and I couldn’t get enough of her fingers tickling or teasing me! Sarah was so wet, and so slippery. I loved that texture of her sex. She began to finger me, and I thought I was going to explode, it felt so heavenly! I wanted to do the same to her, to make her pussy feel as good as she did mine. Then Sarah must have had an orgasm, or something, because she began to moan and groan, and I felt her shaking and shuddering. At first, I didn’t know what was happening to her, but she pulled me tighter to her, then shoved herself down on my fingers and made sure I couldn’t pull them out. God, she must have shook like that for over a minute. When she was done, she started playing with me some more, and the next thing I knew, my pussy was tingling, my tummy got all fluttery, and I felt like I was losing control of myself! And the scary part? I just didn’t care! Whatever was happening to me, I wanted it more and more! I guess I must have gotten those same shakes that Sarah got, because all I can remember is that I felt like someone had zapped me with electricity. My head was swimming with what seemed like bright lights! Al I could think of was that I wanted Sarah to keep doing whatever it was she was doing to me!” At that point, Joanne dropped her gaze from my eyes, and began to stare at the floor again. All this time, I’d been holding her by the shoulders, but I had a burning desire to hold her tightly in my arms. As I did, the tip of her nose rested against my Adam’s apple, and I kissed her forehead again, holding my lips to her in an attempt to tell her that everything would be alright. It may have been a pipe-dream, but I had to try. Then once again, I pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. “Sis, it sounds like you two had your first orgasms. Not being a girl, I’m only guessing, but it sure sounds like it. That’s a good thing, in that now you know what to expect. But I doubt that makes you a lesbian.” I had to ask her the next question, if for no other reason than to help calm her fears. “Sis, can I ask you something personal?” I waited for her response. Jo looked up at me, not sure whether or not she wanted to open herself up that much to her brother, but she swallowed hard, then nodded her affirmation. “Have you ever been with a guy? I mean . . . well, you know what I mean. Have you let a guy into your pants yet?” I got a resounding smack for my trouble, and it hurt like hell, although I think a lot of it was the shock of my little sister actually striking me, more than the impact of her hand on my face. “Oww!” I screamed. “What was that for? Shit, I asked you if it was okay, and I told you it was personal. You didn’t have to smack me like that!” “Whether I have or not is none of your fucking business!” she snapped. “And just for your information, no, I haven’t!” “Okay, okay! But you didn’t have to smack me. It may not be any of my business, and it really doesn’t matter to me, personally. Hell, it’s your body, and you can give it to anyone you feel comfortable with, for all I care. But I had a reason for asking, and it sure as fuck wasn’t to be nosey, or nasty. So, can we try that again, without the slapping and hitting?” My sister looked into my face, and I could see her remorse staring back at me. She leaned up and kissed me lightly on the jaw bone, then pulled me tight to her young adolescent body, almost as a sign of desperation for the safety of someone’s embrace. “I’m . . . I’m sorry, Jim. I shouldn’t have done that, but your question just made me furious for a second there. I guess I lost it. Forgive me?” “Umm, shouldn’t have done what, Sis? Slapped me, or kissed me?” It was an attempt to break the tension, and it must have worked, because my sister actually began to smile, for the first time since she’d walked into my room. That smile made it completely unnecessary to answer with words, and I kissed her forehead one more time. “Jo, if you haven’t had sex with a guy, how the hell are you supposed to know what you want? So you and Sarah had sex together. So what? It’s probably no big deal, and I’ll bet she’s feeling as unnecessarily guilty as you, right now. And I’ll also venture that you two aren’t the only girls to experiment with another girl, either. But until you’ve had sex with a guy, don’t bother labelling yourself as straight, lesbian, or even bisexual! You have no way of knowing until you have all the information . . . and right now, you don’t!” Joanne stared at me for the longest time, her little mind whirring with thoughts and schemes. I could hear the gears going around, and some of the teeth weren’t lining up quite correctly, I swear. She had something devious that she was plotting, that I knew by the expression on her face. “There’s one way to find out, Jim” she said softly. “You and I could have sex . . . couldn’t we?” “Jo! What the fuck are you talking about? I’m your brother! That’s wrong, and you know it!” I almost screamed at the top of my lungs. And yet, her idea got caught in the cobwebs of my mind. My sister sure wouldn’t qualify as the ugliest girl in the world, that’s for sure. Okay, maybe she wasn’t as developed as some of her friends. Even at sixteen, she was still only an A-cup. She’d asked me, several times before, when she’d finally get bigger boobs. I tried to chalk it up to her being a late bloomer, and had always assured her that one day, her bust would fill out. In point of fact, it never did, and even today, a few decades later, she’s still an A-cup. On her, though, it looks good. “Besides,” I went on, “Mom and Dad are home. If we got caught, there’d be hell to pay, and you know it!” It was an excuse, and a pretty flimsy one, at that. She still had the prettiest face I’d ever seen, a lean and trim body, if somewhat flat-chested, soft and gentle curves to her waist and back out to her sensuous hips, then down to a prominent butt that projected out from the small of her back, slowly returning to those firm thighs that topped her legs. And those legs! Of her five-foot-four-inch height, I sometimes swore that the first four feet were leg! God, they were gorgeous! “Are you saying that you wouldn’t want to have sex with me, big brother?” she threw in my face, knowing what the real answer would be. I’d have to be a eunuch to not get turned on by her body! But she was my sister, for God’s sake! And yet . . . and yet . . . . “Oh, for Christ’s sake, Joanne. That’s cheating, and you fucking-well know it!” I snarled in exasperation. “You know damned well that if I ever had the chance to make love to you, I’d grab it. But we can’t tonight, and by tomorrow, you’ll have changed your mind . . . right?” She continued to look at me with that conniving stare, leaving me guessing at what her answer might be. “No, I don’t think so, Jim,” she finally declared, “unless you don’t want to. If Mom and Dad weren’t right downstairs, I’d have sex with you in a heartbeat, to be honest. You may be my big brother, and it may be wrong, but you’ve always turned me on, in your own, sweet way. But, if you really don’t want to . . . “ The turmoil in my head was almost bad enough to take an aspirin for. Here I was, talking to one of the prettiest girls I’d ever met, her wanting to get into my pants – there’s a switch! – and I was choking because of what? Because she was my sister, for crying out loud! Somewhere in the cosmos, there’s supposed to be some kind of supreme being that looks down on us, attempting to guide and nurture us. I don’t know if any of that is true, but if it is, he’s a sadistic son-of-a-bitch, in my opinion! And right then, he was probably laughing his guts out, knowing how badly he had me squirming! I could think of quite a few names to call him, and most of them went through my head, missing my vocal chords by mere fractions of an inch. ‘Fuck you’, I thought. “Okay, just supposing we did go through with it, Sis. Where do you propose we do it, and when? Tonight’s out, obviously, but what about tomorrow, after school? Mom’s working until four, so she won’t be home before five, and Dad never gets home much before six.” Shit, I was really grasping at straws here, but the thought of being with Joanne, feeling her soft and smooth skin, her warmth, her femininity? There was no way I could pass that chance up! Maybe the excitement and taboo of incest was another driving factor, but it felt thrilling as hell to think about! “Okay, tomorrow, after school, then" Jo volunteered. "Do you want to meet me here, or should we walk home together? We don’t, usually, and Sarah might get a little suspicious if we do. But I’d like it if we did walk together, if for no other reason than I enjoy being with my big brother, sometimes” she suggested. “Yeah, that might be kind of neat, walking home with you. But why not walk with Sarah, too? We just won’t let her know that we’re going to be . . . you know. No one would suspect a thing if Sarah was with us . . . would they?” I threw in. We discussed some minor details, but finally agreed that we’d all walk together on the way home, and try to make it seem like a coincidence that Joanne and I happened to be on the same street at the same time. That was another detail we had to orchestrate, but my little sister seemed to think she had it taken care of. The next day, it was all I could think about, this liaison between my sister and I. The day seemed to drag, and my thoughts were everywhere but on my schoolwork. Even my math teacher snapped my head off for making so many mistakes in class, and I’m good at math. Our lunch break was only an hour, but it felt like a week. I kept looking around the cafeteria, trying to find Joanne in a sea of four thousand other students, but with no luck. It was probably for the better that I didn’t, for I’d have had no idea what to do if I did find her. Joanne had arranged it so that she and Sarah would just happen to be by the side door as I came out, then she’d call out to me, and we’d go from there. I tried to act casual, and to this day, I still think I should have won an Oscar for my performance. But we did manage to pull off our casual meeting at the side of the school, walking and talking like we sometimes did, whenever it became necessary to make the trip together. That was something that happened during snowy weather, but today, the sun was out, the grass was green, and it was pleasantly warm. Oh well, I thought, close enough for what Jo and I had in mind. Yeah, right! Most of the talking was between Sarah and Joanne, with me eavesdropping like a snoopy brother, and keeping my big mouth shut. I don’t think Sarah even knew I was there, half the time. She kept commenting on this boy, or that person, speculating on whether they were interested in her or not. I knew the answers, but I wasn’t about to deflate her ego with the truth. My gut instinct was that Sarah desperately wanted to get laid, and she didn’t seem particularly fussy about who took her cherry. If she’d only known what Joanne and I were about to get into, she’d have wet her panties! Finally, and I do mean finally, we arrived at the house, and Sarah said her good-byes for what seemed like a month, then eventually turned and left for her own house. I was so tempted to run up the stairs and through the front door, but that would have broken the illusion. We sauntered up and into the house. As soon as that door closed, though, the illusion was no longer necessary, and we sure didn’t waste any time. I had just enough time to hang my coat up and remove my shoes before my sister threw her arms around me and pulled me to her hungry lips. Somewhere in the process, I dropped my books, hitting my toe, but never felt a damned thing. Instantly, my little sister became the Alpha and Omega of my conscious world. Her lips tasted so damned good, and when her tongue began to trace across my lips, I would have danced on hot coals for more of her kisses. She demanded that I grant her access to my mouth, and I willingly surrendered. Oh God, could that girl ever kiss, too! She ran a probe over my upper teeth, flicking the tip along my top palette, then running over every surface of my tongue. Her passion sent shivers up and down my spine, and I held her to me as tightly as I dared, almost as if I was afraid that this was all a dream, and I might wake up. We must have stood just inside the front door, kissing, for fifteen minutes or more. By then, my blood was no more than one or two degrees off the boiling point. “Still interested?” Joanne quizzed me. I kissed her one more time in reply, and she melted in my arms. As we finally broke our lip-lock, she almost ran up the stairs, then stopped at the top landing, waiting for me to both catch up, and to indicate which of our two rooms I preferred. I chose my own, simply because that’s where I figured we’d be the most comfortable. As soon as I guided her into the room and closed the door, Joanne pulled her top off, then turned to me with just her white bra covering her underdeveloped breasts, and beckoned me to her again. As I began to kiss her soft, sweet lips, my hands migrated to her diminutive mammaries, pressing and squeezing her deliciously pliable skin through the fabric of her bra, revelling in the sensation of her nipples growing harder, and projecting themselves into my waiting palms. Without letting my lips come loose, Joanne moaned at the attention to her breasts, pressing them tighter to my hands. She had me trapped there, making it impossible to reach behind her and undo the clasp. In frustration, I simply hooked my fingers in the midriff banding, and pulled it out and up, exposing her small but definitive young breasts to my curious explorations. As I ran my fingers over her now rock-hard nipples, she moaned a little louder and a little longer, while still searching every nook and cranny of my mouth with her tongue. If she had pulled my head any tighter to her, I could have easily nibbled the back of her neck while still locked to her lips. Eventually, I had to come up for air, as Joanne reluctantly released her death grip on my head. “Oh God, Sis,” I moaned as my lungs finally filled to capacity, “you taste so damned good, and feel even better!” “You like my little tits, Jim? They aren’t much, but you make them feel so good! Are you disappointed that they’re so small?” For that one moment, being lost in Dolly Parton’s cleavage would have been a let-down, compared to the wondrous joy of being allowed to pleasure my sister’s breasts. I answered wordlessly, my lips finding and capturing one of her teats as I continued to fondle and tweak the other. She almost hummed as she moaned in grateful delight, and I could feel a similar sound forming inside me, too. As I continued to delight in the taste, texture, and receptiveness of her miniature mammaries, I began to steer her backwards towards the bed. The backs of her knees contacted the bed, and she flopped onto it, her back landing on the softest part of the mattress, with me still clamped to her nipple. I braced my fall with my other hand just enough to keep from landing on her, but kept on sucking and teasing her teat. I’m not sure if she relinquished her hold on my head, but if she did, I was reclaimed in seconds. But again, I had to come up for air. “You feel a lot better than Sarah” Joanne cooed. “God, do you ever!” I began to kiss my way down her tight little belly, intrigued with the texture of the inside of her navel on my tongue. Jo giggled a little, probably because she found my explorations tickling, but irrepressible. As I continued down towards her crotch, I undid her pants, then eased them and her panties down and off her silky, smooth legs. My sister lay there, clad only in a non-functional bra, and the sight almost made me choke with lustful want. My nose was assailed with the scent of her sex, and that little blond patch of hair just above her mound intrigued the hell out of me. I buried my nose in it and inhaled deeply. By then, the allure of her slit had snagged my full attention, and I just had to explore its calling. My tongue slid down over her gash, feeling her outer lips parting gently as they yielded to me. I knew something of a woman’s physiology, mostly from the sex books I’d read, along with the written porno that all teenage males seem to gravitate towards. I was finding out quickly, though, that there was a vast difference between the written word and the actual wonders of the female body. I’d heard of a clitoris, but had never seen one in real life, and I just had to find Joanne’s. Easing my tongue into the top of her slit, I sensed that little bump that fit the description I’d read about, and began to flick the tip of my tongue over it. Two things happened, almost simultaneously. Joanne’s clit began to rise up to my tongue and become hard, and I got my first intoxicating taste of female juices. There was a third reaction, too, as my little sister inhaled sharply, then clamped her hands on my head and pushed me tight to her pussy. I licked, lapped, and lathered her slit, fascinated by the engorging of her knotting nubbin, getting drunk on the taste of her juices, and drawn to the parting of her outer lips as I continued to stimulate her vulva. As I slid further between her thighs, my tongue found her heavenly entrance. It was then that I first touched and tasted her barely-protruding inner lips. I had never seen a woman’s vagina up close like this, and I lifted my head just enough to get a good view of her gateway to paradise. Those slowly emerging inner lips waved gently as though calling me to them. I ran the tip of my tongue between her inner and outer lips, starting at the bottom of one side, circling and flicking against her clit, then returning to her other two lips. Feeling brave, I tried inserting my fat tongue into her vagina, and was rewarded with Joanne inhaling sharply once more, followed immediately by a lustful groan from her luscious lips, the ones on her face. In addition to her sounds of pleasure, I was given another deposit of her heavenly juices, which I lapped up like a drunken sailor with a freshly opened bottle of rum. ‘Oh God, Jim!” Joanne moaned softly. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but it feels so fucking good! Keep going, big brother, please!” she demanded, and I was thrilled to be able to give her that kind of pleasure. As I kept lapping up and down her slit, Joanne began to rock her hips, still pressing my head tightly into her pussy, her legs now spread as wide as she could get them, and bent at the knee. In that position, her ass cheeks were in contact with the bed, but both legs were suspended in the air. I continued, and she moved those legs so that they rested on my shoulders. Suddenly she flung her head back, causing her pelvis to push up against my lips. I could hear her breathing change, becoming more insistent as she took shorter but deeper gasps. Then, without warning, my little sister began to twitch her hips, the movements becoming more and more pronounced, and the next thing I knew, she was shaking and trembling violently, still forcing me tightly to her crotch. As if all that weren’t enough for a teenager that had never experienced a woman in orgasm, Joanne began to howl, softly at first, then louder and more forcefully. Soon, she was bucking like a mad stampede rider. I was helplessly pinned against her quivering pussy, almost missing the flooding of my face with her juices. But with the first taste, I furiously slurped and licked all I was given, driving my poor sister deeper and deeper into her climax. She must have cum for a full two minutes. Finally relaxing after her orgasm, Joanne pulled me from that fountain of nectar, pried her eyelids open enough to see me, and presented me with a look of absolute joyous rapture. I felt privileged to have been allowed to give her that, but wasn’t quite prepared for what she said next. “Where the fuck did you learn to do that? Christ, I thought I was going to lose my mind, for a minute there! That time with Sarah was really good, but what you just did to me was . . . unbelievable! Which girls have you been with?” “Actually, Sis, you’re the first girl I’ve ever licked down there. I got the idea from one of those girlie magazines, and thought I’d try it. Glad I did, too, because you taste really great” I answered her. “What the hell do they call that one?” Joanne demanded. “I think they call it eating pussy, or something like that,” I answered her, “but there’s a clinical name for it that I can’t pronounce. All I know is that I love it, and it doesn’t seem to break your heart either. It felt like you had one hell of an orgasm out of it. Am I right?” She nodded her head in the affirmative. “I love to feel you going off like that,” I said softly, “so maybe we should do that again?” “Oh yeah,” Joanne responded enthusiastically, “any time you want! Even Sarah doesn’t know about that one, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to tell her. Besides, how the hell would I explain my big brother eating my pussy to Sarah? Hmm?” I felt a passing wave of panic, as I envisioned the kerfuffle of Sarah’s inquisition. But I knew that our secret was safe with Joanne, if for no other reason than she was as liable as I was. “Umm, Jim?” Joanne broke into my reverie. “Do you still want to do it with me? Go all the way, I mean?” I felt like telling her it was about the stupidest question she could ask. At this point, I might have even considered forcing myself on her, although deep in my soul, I knew I wouldn’t actually do it. “Yes, Sis, I do, if you still do,” I moaned softly, “but only if you still do.” “Get those pants off, and let me see it. I’ve never seen a boy’s hard cock, so this will be another first for me, won’t it?” my sister almost ordered me. I stood up, undid my pants, then pushed them and my briefs to the floor. Joanne’s eyes were rivetted to my throbbing member as it twitched and danced in anticipation. The fact that she was looking at my hard cock was one thing, and I’ll admit that it was a thrill to expose myself to her. But that glassy look of lustful wonder will remain etched in my memory for the rest of my life. She sat up, staring at my up-curved erection with curious wonder, then looked up into my eyes with a silent plea in her eyes. I replied by thrusting my hips forward ever so slightly, and she reach out, wrapping her hand around my shaft. As she slowly slid her fingers down from the head to the base, then back up, her gaze shifted from my member to my face, reflecting her questions about a man’s erect penis. “Oh Jim, it’s so hard, and yet so soft” she murmured. “ I just love the feel of it in my hand! I have this urge to slide my hands up and down it. May I?” she begged. There wasn’t much chance of me saying no, and I nodded my head, giving her full permission. She began to explore this new part of her expanding world, sliding softly and sensuously up and down my shaft, her fingers sending waves of electric-like pleasure all through my groin. As she reached the tip again, there was a look of inquisitiveness in her eye. She slid her fingers through the small pool of pre-cum that had gathered there, smiling appreciatively at the silky texture of the liquid lubricant. “Is that your semen?” she asked with some apprehension. “No, that’s pre-cum, Sis,” I explained, “sort of like your pussy juices. It’s there to lubricate both of us so that when it goes in your . . . “ I couldn’t decide what label to call my sister’s vagina, and visually pleaded for her to bail my sorry ass out. “My cunt?” Joanne supplied. “Yeah. When it goes in your cunt, it’ll slide right in without hurting you. Maybe it’s a secondary thing, but perhaps not all women get as slick as you are, right now” I finished. While still holding my cock in her hand, Joanne slid her finger down her slit, and I saw the tip of it disappear into her entrance. The sight almost made me cum right there. She slid it in and out of her canal a couple of times before looking back up at me, then while still gazing in my eyes, started to finger herself again, her eyes becoming glassy and unfocused. “I don’t think there’s much chance of binding inside me, right now” she moaned softly. “My cunt’s soaking wet, especially after you ate me like that.” Then she returned her attention to my throbbing manhood captured in her fingers, watching herself stroking me, while still pumping her own finger in and out of her cunt. Suddenly, she moved her stare back to my eyes. “I want to feel it inside me, Jim” she growled. “I want to know what feels like to have a guy in my cunt. Come and put it in me?” As I leaned forward, Joanne flopped back on the bed, her legs still spread wide, and her face showing the breathless anticipation of giving herself for the first time to any man. I prayed that I’d be all she ever hoped for, and maybe a bit more. I eased myself between her thighs, and she guided my cock to her entrance. I felt the resistance of her opening, not yet distended enough to take the head of my cock into her. Applying an oscillating pressure against her labia lips, I felt her inner ones flap slightly against the tip of me, finally yielding as my cockhead popped into her waiting love canal. I’m not sure which one of us was deeper in sensual shock, Joanne, or me. “Oh my God, Jim! That feels . . . awesome!” I eased a bit more of my manhood into her slowly, and as I did, my sister gasped at the thrilling realization that she was being penetrated by a man for the first time in her young life. Not only was she about to be fucked, but she almost seemed to be impatient for it to happen. I started to push myself deeper inside Joanne, almost stunned at the heat that her sex radiated, and captivated by the slippery tightness of her vagina, it’s silky walls sending a demanding desire in me to plunge wildly into her depths. The slight friction of her lining on the ridge of my helmet seemed to beckon and call me to extend myself fully inside her, yet I went at a leisurely pace, lost in the delirious sensuousness of my first coupling. Then I ran into her maidenhead’s barrier, and felt my sister wince as the resistance stopped my progress. “Ouch!” she moaned. “I forgot about that. You’re going to have to bust my cherry, Jim, because I want to feel all your cock inside me. I want to feel it’s full length filling me up. God, you have no idea how good this feels!” “It’s going to hurt, I think, Sis” I warned her. “Are you sure you want to go through with this, or would you rather stop? Once your hymen is broken, we can never go back again.” Joanne stared at me with wide eyes, that look of determination broadcasting itself deep into my soul. “Yes, big brother, I want this. I need to feel you all the way inside me. I need to know . . . if I’m a lesbian or not. We’ll never find out unless you do this for me. Please, big brother? Please?” she begged. I couldn’t refuse her, not for love nor money, but at the same time, I was more than just a little apprehensive about what she was going to go through, and the associated pain that I’d have to cause her. That part I didn’t find too thrilling. With all the tenderness I could muster, I slid my arms up beside her, holding her shoulders with my hands, trying desperately to let her know that I was sorry for what she was about to experience, and praying that I could make it alright for her. Then I had an idea, and leaned forward enough to kiss her soft, pouty lips. While her attention was momentarily diverted, I pulled myself back just enough to give my cockhead room to build up some momentum, then quickly drove my cock through her barrier, finally ending up with the tip just resting against her cervix. “Holy Shit!” Joanne screamed. “God dammit, that hurts!” she howled. “We can stop, if it’s too much, Sis. I can’t handle the idea of causing you pain. I think it’s because I love you too damned much” I confessed. “No!” She was insistent now. “Just let me get used to losing my cherry. I want this, Jim, so bad! I sort of knew that my first time would hurt, but I need to know . . . whether I am or not. Now that we’ve gone this far, I want it all.” She reached up and pulled me to her lips again, kissing me hard and long, as if that kiss would make the pain go away. Then, without warning, Joanne began to gently rock her hips, sliding her cunt up and down a small portion of my cock. “Oh God, y-e-e-s-s-s!” she growled. “Fuck me, Jim! Make me a woman! Make my cunt tingle like it did when you ate me out!” Tentatively, I withdrew myself until only my cockhead remained, then I began to ease my manhood back into the depths of her newly-deflowered womanhood. With each stroke, Joanne rocked her hips in syncopation, gradually increasing the tempo of our rhythm, until we were pounding against each other like a couple of rutting animals. I could feel the walls of her vagina flutter, then her muscles began to grip and relax on my shaft, and as we continued to fuck, those flagellations became more and more pronounced. “Oh God, Jim! It’s happening again! I’m going to . . . “, and with that she started to gasp sharply in shallow bursts, and that quivering of her hips grew into a series of trembling shakes as she vibrated beneath me. Within a few quick strokes, Joanne began to mewl, her sounds slowly increasing until it became a low scream, building in tone and amplitude like a symphonic crescendo. She announced the arrival of her pleasure peak with a series of high-pitched grunted screams, her arms holding me almost tight enough to suffocate me. I kept pumping myself into her, doing everything I could think of to keep her on the cusp of that wave of delight that she rode. As Joanne began to ease down from her release, I could feel my balls begin to lift, and the pressure at the base of my cock build, as that mass of creamy cum prepared to unleash itself for the journey deep into my sister’s womb. “Oh God, Sis! I’m going to cum!” I wailed. “Yes!” she hissed deliriously. “Do it, Jim! Cum inside me. I want to feel you fill me with semen and sperm! I want to know what it’s like to be filled with a man’s essence!” I could feel that first stream of spunk coursing up my shaft, then explode from my hole, spraying deep into my sister’s love chamber, gushing as it passed her cervix and into her womb! Then another, and another, and even another blast of my boiling baby batter percolated out of me, joining the first strings as it spread itself deep in my sister’s lower belly. She had somehow managed to wrap her legs over my waist, and was pulling me deeper and deeper inside her, and I heard her lustful moan of delight as she kissed and licked my ear. “Oh! My! God! Jim!” she gutturally growled I my ear. “I can feel it! I feel your seed inside me! So good! Y-e-e-s-s-s!” Once again, I could feel her twitch, but without the explosion of a full orgasm to accompany it. As I felt the last of my cum ooze from my cock, I began to relax my tensed muscles, and rolled over onto my back, clasping and holding my sister so that we might remain united. With the post-coital glow, my cock began to soften, then finally flopped out of Joanne’s cunt, allowing a stream of our mingled juices to leak out of her, over my balls, and down the crack of my ass. In a small way, it felt like the equivalent to the flow of champagne when a bottle is first uncorked. I loved the feel of it, the texture of it, the implications of it. I wasn’t too keen on the heady odour, though. Suddenly, my room reeked of the smell of sex. Actually, it wasn’t the smell, per se, that concerned me, but rather the chance that someone other than the two of us would trespass into our private world, and attempt to destroy both it, and us. But for the moment, I was lost in that wonderful afterglow, and as long as Jo was there too, the rest of the world didn’t mean a damned thing to me. “Oh God, Jim! That was . . . that was the most wonderful, beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced in my whole life!” Joanne purred softly in my ear. “I’ve always thought you were a very special guy, but now, I know it, deep down in my heart. Would you be offended if I told you I love you? That I think I’m in love with you, too?” I kissed the edge of her ear, the only part of her that my lips would reach, as I confessed to her, “No, I wouldn’t be offended, Sis. I’d be downright honoured.. When did you have in mind to make this announcement? Soon, I hope”, and I couldn’t help but giggle softly as I teased this girl that had given herself to me, her big brother, and allowed me to accompany her on that journey to becoming a complete woman. “Shut up, Jim, or I’ll have to hurt you, you dumb shit!” Joanne growled softly at me. “But if you’re going to be an asshole about it, I love you, big brother, and I’m in love with you, too!” “Phew!” I whispered back, “because I’m in love with you, Joanne. I guess I can’t call you a little baby anymore, though, can I?” “Not if you want to live long enough to see your eighteenth birthday, you can’t!” she warned me, then captured my lips one more time, even as she stole what was left of my heart. “Oh, by the way, “ she added, “I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m definitely not a lesbian. Feeling a guy inside me is way better than anything Sarah could do for me, especially when that guy is you.” I was going to say something like “I told you so”, but I didn’t have the courage. Still don’t, just for the record. I’ve seen my little sister fight, and I’m too young to die. |
Part One My wife, Amanda and I were sitting on the couch watching some Netflix and finishing some Chinese takeout when I heard a knock at the back door. "What now?" I grumbled as I paused our show and got up to make my way through the house to see who it was. As I entered the kitchen I could see through the window in the door that it was my daughter. "Hey Jules, what are y..." I started asking as I opened the door for her. As she raised her head, I barely recognized the girl I saw in front of me. Her makeup ran in dark streams down her cheeks, her lower lip was swollen and cracked. I felt my eyes narrow to dark angry slits as the question I was asking changed into one word, "Shawn?" She managed a small, tired nod and I followed with "Where is he?" A new voice behind Julie answered that one for her, "Your daughter's boyfriend is currently in custody, Mr. Jeffries. Can we talk for a few minutes?" My muscles relaxed a bit as I opened the door the rest of the way. Julie picked up the baby carrier at her feet and came through the door followed by a young female officer. I motioned them into the dining room as I went out into the living room. Amanda looked up and I said, "You're not gonna believe this one... Julie's here, with a cop and busted lip." - - - Julie told us through short bursts how Shawn had come home late from work, drunk and acting like an ass. How he complained about the mess around the house, that there wasn't anything to eat, that he'd been out freezing his ass off at work all day while Julie just sat around the house doing nothing, and how she obviously sucked at taking care of the baby too because the "damn thing" hadn't stopped crying since he walked in the door. She had told him if he thought she had it so easy taking care of the baby maybe he should try it tomorrow instead. That was when he smacked her in the face and Cory progressed from crying to screaming. She picked up the baby, ran down the hall and closed herself into the bedroom. Shawn was pounding on the door yelling "Get back out here you lazy bitch! Get out here before I break down this door. If I have to come in there I'm gonna fuckin kill you." This continued until the police, having been called by someone in one of the joint apartments, came in and hauled him out. We decided Julie was staying home with us for a few days while we figured out what to do. Julie's old room was still pretty much the way it always had been, minus some clothes and stuff so she said she just wanted to go get some sleep. Amanda and I returned to the living room but the food and TV we had been enjoying just 15 minutes ago no longer seemed interesting to either of us. We talked for awhile and decided we might as well go to bed as well. ......... I woke up a couple times that night hearing Cory crying but Julie seemed to get him settled and back to sleep pretty quick. I just lay there in the dark thinking of how unfair it all was. Julie was always a sweet and beautiful girl. Until she dropped out of high school last year she made amazing grades. Her only problem was the taste she had in guys. Shawn was the most recent of three guys who all started off treating her like a queen until they turned out to be complete assholes. He got Julie got pregnant last winter when she was 16, he was 17 and told us how he was going to get a job doing construction with his dad and he wanted to take care of her and their baby. He always impressed us as being responsible and mature, I never imagined things would turn out this way. When he turned 18 he was working for his dad and had a small but decent apartment. By the time Julie should have been starting her senior year she was almost 7 months pregnant and spending most of her time at his place. Now here she was, 17 years old with a baby, back here with her mom and I and her guy in a jail cell. ....... It's around 8:30 Saturday morning. I wake up to the sound of pans clattering out in the kitchen. After getting up and voiding my bladder, I wandered out to the kitchen. "Morning Dad, Mom went to work a little bit ago. Want some eggs?" I nodded and said, "As long as there's a huge cup of coffee with 'em." She chuckled just a bit and asked, "Cory keep you awake much last night?" I said it was ok and took my coffee out to the couch. I was happy to get even that small chuckle from her after last night. "She always was a bit of a morning person," I thought as I started flipping through channels on the TV. A few minutes later Julie brought in a couple plates full of fried eggs with a couple pieces of toast and sat down across from me at the other end of the couch. As we ate and made some light conversation I noticed that the swelling seemed to be all but gone from her lip even if you could still see a dark little line of dried blood there and without the mess of makeup she looked pretty much like my daughter again. She was roughly the same height as Amanda, though considerably skinnier with her mom's dark hair and eyes that were just a slightly brighter shade of green than my own. She was wearing a thin pair of light blue shorts and matching top with spaghetti straps, clearly all she had here to sleep in last night. I was a bit embarrassed though as I noticed it didn't quite fit her the same as I remembered because her boobs had gotten so damn big. That shirt was straining to hold em in such a way that I had to try my hardest not to stare at them. After we finished our breakfast and went through a short list of things we had to get done, Cory woke up and started crying so she left to go take care of him and I got up and cleared dishes. The image of her shirt pulled tight across her breasts like that kept flashing through my mind and I just shook my head silently reminding myself, "That's your daughter, you nasty old man. Stop that right now." I never was good at taking my own advice. ....... Julie was changing the baby as I walked down the hall to go get dressed. She heard me passing by in the hall and called out, "Hey Dad, when did you want to leave to go pick up my things?" "I don't know, maybe half an hour or so?" "That'd be fine, if I feed Cory before we go he should be ok till around lunchtime." Oh yeah, I hadn't even thought about that yet. "Um, about that, I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure your mom and I don't have any milk in the fridge. We don't really drink it often ya know?" She laughed at that. "In case you didn't notice, I've got that covered," glancing down slightly in case I missed her meaning. "Shawn wouldn't hear of buying formula when I could feed a baby for free. Besides, it's supposed to be better for him anyway." "Yeah, that's true." I hoped she didn't notice that I blushed a little about the fact that I had indeed noticed the size of her breasts earlier. I said, "Anyway, I'm gonna get ready and I'll see ya in about half an hour, ok?" "Sure." I went on to my room and started getting out some clothes and went to get a shower. As I stood there under that steaming hot water my mind began to wander. "She's right on the other side of that wall right now with those big boobs out in plain sight. If you could just figure out how to get a look at them without it seeming intentional. Yeah, just accidently walk in at the wrong moment, right? I bet her nipples get so hard when they're being sucked and Oh my God, I can't remember how long it's been since I tasted breast milk. Amanda's was so sweet and just watching her squeeze it out for me was so sexy." I thought - just as I finished squeezing a different creamy white fluid out of myself. It wasn't the first time I'd thought about that particular similarity. Maybe that was partially why I'd always been so turned on by it. "Yeah, well you never thought like that about her though, did you?" I thought angrily to myself. With that I quickly finished my shower and got dressed. ....... I took Julie to the apartment and she began collecting clothes and baby supplies to last her about a week. I tried to entertain Cory a bit. At 5 months old he seems to be most fascinated by anything that plays music while various colors of LEDs flash. He eventually fell asleep for a little bit and I started playing around on my phone for a bit. After a bit I decided to message Amanda, "Hey honey. At Julie's picking up clothes. Should I get anything for tonight while we're out?" I noticed I hadn't heard anything from Julie for a bit so I thought maybe I should see if she needed any help. I didn't see her in the baby's room as I passed by, then I seen the bedroom door was cracked open a few inches and I heard a faint sob coming from the other side. I knocked lightly pushing the door open further as I called, "Jules?" I found her sitting at the foot of her bed with her hands covering her face crying softly. So I just sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders awkwardly. Hell, I never have much known what to say to a crying girl so I just sat there quietly for a minute before she moved her face from her hands to my chest and asked, "What am I gonna do now?" I rubbed her shoulder a little bit and said, "I don't know baby, but you got a cute little boy out there who needs you and your mom and I can make sure you're ok while you figure it out. Everything's going to be alright in time." She let that sink in for a few seconds then pulled tighter against me. "Thanks - I love you Dad." I raised a hand to her wet cheek and lifted her head up a bit and told her I loved her too and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. Standing up, I said, "So, I came in to see if you needed any help with your things. I started looking around at the piles of clothes on the bed and surmised that she had pretty much just pulled drawers out of the dresser and dumped them onto the bed. "I think I'll have to sort this stuff out myself, you won't know which stuff fits me right now. I have a couple moving boxes out in the kitchen closet if you can get them." After finding the boxes and a packing tape gun, I returned and put them together on the floor. She said, "Everything still on the bed can go for now. I am gonna go bag up some stuff for the baby." I drug a box around to the other side of the bed and smiled at her technique. Looks like everything she didn't want was now on the floor. I gathered a pile of jeans and shirts and loaded them in the box then there was the other pile, socks and bras and panties. I noticed she seemed to favor brightly colored lacey thongs though a few of them had animal prints with neon colors mixed in. I listened for a second and heard the sound of plastic items being thrown into a bag in the room across the hall then picked up one of the bras. It was a fairly plain looking thing when compared to the frilly panties, no lace or bows on this. I checked out the tag hanging off the inside of the clasp area. 38E! Wow! I remembered my wife when she was nursing maybe making it to a D cup but she had since returned to a fairly average C. I considered this for a second again imagining what the boobs that would fill this bra would probably look like, and I couldn't help it - I buried my face in one of those enormous cups, inhaling a mix of the aromas of breast milk and laundry soap. Damn, that brought me back. Another rustle of plastic from across the hall caught my attention and I dropped the bra onto the pile and reached down to scoop up an armload of the undergarments, as my arm slid underneath, however, it also slid under the bedsheet. My hand tangled in some type of wire. I pulled it out and discovered it was attached to a box with a single dial on it on one end and a silver, oblong egg looking thing on the other side. I smiled thinking how I had bought something almost exactly like this for my wife back in our younger days. I imagined Julie using this little vibrator on her own clit and decided to throw it in the box under the panties and so on. I taped up the box and called across the hall, "Got another box in here if you need it..." "Nah, leave it for later, I've about got what I need here." After loading one box of clothes, a large trash bag of "all things baby" and the car seat into the car. I went back in and told her the car should be warm enough now if they were ready. She took another quick pass through the apartment and came back saying, "Should do for now." ....... Amanda had texted back saying how since it was so cold I should pick up some stuff to make a big pot of chili. So after a stop by the store we headed home. We unloaded the car and had just started putting stuff away before Cory started crying. I picked him up out of the car seat and made a face at Julie, "Ew! Somebody needs a change." She laughed and said, "... And you're telling me because...?" "Oh no, smartass. Wet diapers, sure. Poopy diapers, you and Mom." "How about you change him, I'll feed him?" she returned. Grr! Not like I could turn that one around on her and say I'd feed him so reluctantly I accepted defeat. She did at least dig everything I needed out of the baby stuff for me and hung out as I worked, probably to make sure I remembered how it was done. I left them alone in the bedroom and went out to turn on the TV for a bit. As I flipped through channels, I found myself playing a game of "how-big-is-her-bra" in my mind. Buffy... Hmm... 30B? Weather-girl... Maybe 36C? God, I was as obsessed as a 15 year old. "What is wrong with me? Is this normal?" I wondered. ....... All things considered, it had been a decent day. Amanda came home in a good mood, we'd all had a nice dinner and played a couple games around the table after. An extra element of difficulty came from remembering where our pieces were at as Cory kept knocking the board game around on the table. We all decided we were tired and headed off to bed around 9:30. I woke back up a couple hours later hearing some noise coming from the front room. Amanda was sleeping beside me so I guessed Julie had gotten back up and was watching TV. I tried to go back to sleep but it just didn't seem to be working out. I decided maybe I'd go fix myself a bit of a nightcap. I went out to the kitchen and made myself a fairly generous Jack and Coke, then headed toward the living room. "Are you decent?" I asked, covering my eyes as a joke. "Yes, I heard you get up." I lowered my arm and saw Julie had drug the blanket off the back of the couch and had it draped over her shoulder down her front. Cory's pudgy legs were sticking out the other side. "Anything good on?" "I just turned on HBO, I don't even know what this is... Sorry if I woke you up." I shrugged, "No big deal, hon. A little of this will probably fix that for me." I raised my glass in a mock-toasting gesture and took a long, satisfying drink. The movie had something to do with some guy just wandering around this big space station by himself for some reason while everyone else was in some type of cryogenic type tube things. A few drinks later I was out again. When I woke again Julie was asleep on the couch across from me still holding Cory. "That doesn't seem very safe," I thought... which seemed like a perfectly legit excuse to me. I walked softly to the other side of the couch. Slowly lifted the blanket and gently pulled Cory away. Feeling the relief of no longer having weight on it, Julie's arm fell limp to her lap. Oh my God, that was such a beautiful tit. Her brown areola was about the size of a Oreo cookie and the nipple protruding from the center of it looked like a small red gumdrop. I shifted the baby to my left arm and adjusted my stiffening cock in my sweatpants. "Are you going to rub one out right there in your pants?" Julie asked. I startled a bit and then said, "No hon, I was just afraid you were going to drop the baby while you slept." "And protecting the baby required you to stare at my boob for two minutes while you played with yourself?" she asked. I stammered indignantly, "First off, I did no such thing and certainly not for two minutes. Second, ..." Then she started giggling. "I was just screwing with you, calm down and be quiet. You don't want to wake the baby, or worse... Mom. I wasn't going to drop the baby, you see - I wasn't really asleep. I've been catching you looking at my boobs all day. No, don't worry it sorta got me excited... then when I found you had packed my little vibrating bullet for me I knew that you were thinking about some things too." "OK, you got me. I really am sorry. It's just that I've never seen breasts that wonderful in real life. I really couldn't help it." She smiled again saying, "Why do you think I pretended to be asleep? I'm not upset that you peeked - I'm glad you did. I've got another confession as well. I've always had a bit of a dad-crush. When I'm alone and I use my vibrator I like watching some kind of taboo porn." "You mean incest porn? Really? I mean there's nothing wrong with it, I just never thought you would be into that type of thing." I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. "Why not? The first porn I ever watched like that I found on your laptop. I was a little weirded out at first, I admit, but you never leered at me or made any advances so I decided it was harmless. Eventually I got having some fantasies of my own." with that her eyes returned to the tent sticking out in the front of my sweats. After a short hesitation she reached forward, pulled my waistband down and leaned forward slowly taking the full length of my cock into her mouth and throat. She withdrew and started licking and sucking the head of my dick. I was as hard as I could remember being in years! It was amazing. I honestly never hoped for this to happen in reality, but now that it was I knew I'd been waiting years for this moment to come. I reluctantly stepped away, piling pillows on the front of the chair seat making a safe bed for Cory and laid him down before returning to the floor in front of Julie. I got down on my knees in front of her and cupped her exposed breast, massaging it and enjoying the soft weight of it in my hand. I reached up with my thumb, tracing it lightly across her nipple as I saw it stiffen slightly. "You really like that, don't you Dad?" she asked, carefully studying the mixed look of lust and fascination on my face. "Of course I do. I think this is the most incredible breast I've ever had in front of me." "Yours is the first man's hand to touch them since my milk came in. Shawn said they were fat and disgusting and I looked like a cow. He hasn't even fucked me in months, he just makes me suck him off when he gets horny and I have to get off by myself while he's at work." I said, "He is obviously an idiot who can't appreciate what he has." "Had." She corrected, grinning down at me. I closed my grip on her tit just a bit tighter squeezing a small trickle of milk out of her nipple. I stretched forward and licked the delicious cream up with the tip of my tongue before taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking hard. I was rewarded with a sweet warm spray that coated the inside of my mouth and suddenly I felt a shared closeness and sense of intimacy with her I never imagined we would have as a father and daughter. My daughter was sharing with me the special nourishment her body had made for her own baby and it was wonderful. I could feel the increased warmth radiating from between her legs against my belly and my dick pulsed back to life making her gasp in surprise as it unexpectedly poked squarely between her butt cheeks. I backed away, taking her hands as I stood up helping her stand as well. She raised her arms for me as I lifted her nightshirt over her head and pulled it off of her. I shuffled my sweats down over my hips and let them fall to the floor as I took off my own t-shirt. We settled onto the couch laying front to front and drug the blanket the rest of the way down over us. I scooted down just a little bit and she lifted a leg just enough for my stiff cock to push in-between them. Her hot pussy ground against it as I raised her other breast to my mouth and began to kiss and suck it, again greedily gulping down mouthfuls of my daughter's sweet milk. After a minute of this I felt her reach between us and take my dick in her hand angling it upward. I paused, meeting her eyes with my own questioning gaze. Julie nodded and said quietly, "oh fuck yes I need it now!" I forced hard up into her in one shove, pushing with my legs off the arm of the couch. "Oh shit! Oh my God yes!" she muttered as I began working myself back and forth. I was fucking my daughter! It felt incredible and even though I told myself this would never actually happen, that I didn't even want this to happen... I suppose there was a reason why watching those pornstars doing their roleplay about this exact situation all this time was so exciting. It obviously didn't bother Julie I thought as I felt her muscles tighten around my shaft as her breathing intensified into short ragged gasps. Her fingertips clawed at my back and as she released she let out a contented sigh. I slowed my movements until she resumed a regular pace of breathing and then I backed away, rising, pulling her up. I then sat down, pulling her onto my lap. With a little wiggle of her hips, she settled down into position right where we both needed her to be. As she rode up and down on me I alternated between having one nipple, then the other, then both in my mouth. As I sucked down on both of her nipples at once, I felt a flood of warm juices run down my throat and my balls at the same time. "Oh damn, yes. That was so amazing. There's one more thing I want though." She lifted up and the grabbed my shoulders steering me down to the couch on my back. A leg came up over the top of my head and I got the first clear view of my little girl's pussy that I've had in many years. Her pubic hair was shaved neatly into a thin little landing strip. Her clit was pushing out under the hood like a pink little pencil eraser and she brought it down directly onto my waiting tongue just seconds before I felt her hand wrap around the base of my cock and her mouth sliding down me again. I licked her little nub, labia and hole until her juices washed over my tongue and I slurped and lapped them up eagerly. Julie gave my balls I gentle squeeze before removing her hand and burying my dick so far into her mouth her nose was pushing against my sack. I felt myself tense up and began firing load after load of cum down my daughter's throat. "Oh shiiiiit! Oh good God that felt so fucking good!" I said. { To be continued. } |
It starts the same way. Standing in my living room with the phone ringing. Around me, walls rip away, frames are sucked into the sky, the ground cracks, everything is chaos, and yet, there was no sound apart from that damn ringing. I try to stop myself, but as always, like every other time, I walk over, the dream refusing to end, refusing to let go. I pick up the phone, and hear the words, “Is this David Leonard? Sir, there’s been an accident…” And as always, I jerk awake, my face drenched in sweat. As always, I just sit by the edge of the bed and while waiting for the tears to stop, think about my past, what I had lost. ******************************************************************************************************************** I was 16 when I met my wife. It should have been nothing special, just a friend introducing her to me, but from the moment I met Jeanne, it just sort of clicked, no matter how corny it may sound. Jeanne was a pretty 5’5 brunette with brown eyes and a smile that could warm the coldest of days. Despite looking very ordinary, wearing jeans with a loose green top at the time, I found myself being more attracted to her than any of our college sluts who go around wearing tight tops and skirts that look more like belts. She was something different, something special. We went to the same college, were chosen for the same university, most of my young adult years was spent with her, my closest friend. As we grew older, the line between friends/couple became increasingly strained, sideway glances turning into guilty smiles, guilty smiles turning into flirting, flirting turning into teasing, but neither of us took it any further. Too scared, too proud or the fear of rejection, I don’t know, but it looked like I would forever remain in the friend zone, which is the worst place for a guy to be. Fact. That changed when Jeanne had invited me as her +1 for cousin’s wedding, both of us being 19 at the time. I had already been introduced to her parents, John and Nadine, and they seemed to like me, so it wasn’t awkward or out of the blue. Anyway, during the reception, I found myself dancing with one of the bride’s sisters, who was very…enthusiastic, let’s put it like that. Especially her hands, which were definitely rubbing against things they shouldn’t. Trying to pull away, and ignoring that sly look in her eyes, my eyes caught Jeanne, who was trying hard not to laugh at my discomfort. And yet, she seemed slightly bothered about it as well. Managing to pull away, I sat down next to Jeanne, ignoring her jibes. Throughout the evening, the eager bridesmaid tried to catch my eye several times while I was talking to Jeanne, but I smiled back at her, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Of course, that only encouraged her and so, when I saw her approaching me, I did the only logical thing I could think of. I asked Jeanne to dance with me. Spontaneous. Random. Out of the blue. Jeanne looked at me curiously, before glancing to the bridesmaid, and asked, “Any particular reason?” “It’s a wedding. People are dancing. Do I really need a reason?” The way she was staring at me, I half-expected her to decline. But to my surprise, Jean sighed, saying, “Come on, then.” It was a slow song, and so, finding some space on the floor, I drew her in, placing my hand on her waist and did that classic dance that involved nothing but circling, made for people like me who had no idea how to dance. We moved slowly, just me and her. I had expected for it to feel awkward, having never danced, not even at my prom. But in reality, it was…nice. I found myself enjoying the closeness, the warmth shared between us. Looking down at her, and seeing the small smile on her face, I forgot every piece of restraint I had and kissed her. At the contact, every part of me shivered, and as Jeanne kissed me back, I failed to notice anything else. No idea how long it lasted, could have been years, before she pulled away, and it was only when she gave a small smile and rested her head on my shoulder that my heart started beating again. Both of us giddy as fools, we carried on dancing, oblivious to the world and whoever was in it. ******************************************************************************************************************** The same nightmare. The same Phone. The Same message. “There’s been an accident. You need to…” The living room fades to black. The only thing left were the voices. “Severe Damage…Heavy Blood loss” “She’s going into cardiac arrest!” “Clear!!!” Then it abruptly stops, moments of silence. And then: “I’m sorry, Mr.Leonard. We did everything we could, but we were unable to save both of them.” With a cry of anguish, I was back to real life, in the early morning. Breathing heavily, I forced myself up and went downstairs, not even bothering to try to go back to sleep. How could I, knowing that the funeral was in a few hours? ******************************************************************************************************************** Three years later after our kiss, a year after our marriage, Jeanne gave birth to our daughter. She had been staying with her parents during the final stages of her pregnancy as per her request, which meant I only heard that she was in labour as I was making my way home from the airport, having been at a conference for the past three days. Smashing the gas pedal of my BMW, I raced to the hospital, driving to the edge of my- no, the car’s limit. Speed cameras, I hear you say? Funny, I didn’t notice any. Shutting the car door behind me, running as fast as I can, I made my way through the hospital. Darting through hallways, asking for directions impatiently, I finally saw John standing outside a door, anxiously waiting. Apologizing to him for the delay, and finding out that Nadine was with Jeanne, the two of us waited in that hallway, neither one of us saying a word. I was terrified, partly thinking about everything that could go wrong, but most of all, that soon, I was going to be a father. I mean, holy… The door opened and the nurse told us to come in. I looked at John, and asked, “You ready to meet your granddaughter?” He gave a nervous smile, replying, “About as ready as you meeting your daughter.” Taking a deep breath, I walked into the room, and that’s when I first saw her, crying in Jeanne’s arms. Walking over, I met Jeanne’s eyes, and we both smiled/cried as we looked down at our daughter. She was a little replica of Jeanne, right down to the bone. “She looks exactly like you, Jeanne”, John said, in a slightly shaky voice, while Nadine grasped the baby’s- my daughter’s hand. “Not quite, Kyra got something from her father”, Jeanne replied, her voice filled with exhaustion. “David, come on, introduce yourself.” My hands were shaking uncontrollably as I walked up to her, and the feeling I got when I held Kyra for the first time, as she cried with surprising volume, it was… inexplicable, and I refuse to even try and explain it. It took all my self-control to not break down and cry with her. Instead, I gently whispered “Kyra” in her ear, and her eyelids opened just a fraction, allowing me to see a flash of grey. “She’s got your eyes, David”, Nadine said, and it was then that was when I felt like a father, and the emotions running through me…was ageless. ******************************************************************************************************************** The next few days passed quickly for me. I would come early every day, waiting impatiently by the door until I was allowed in. Jeanne had trouble with the birth and was still quite weak, so I would stay by her, making sure she was alright, never leaving her side or Kyra’s. The time came when we finally took both of them home, inviting Jeanne’s parents to stay with us for a while, and the next few months, I would forever remember as the best part of my life. However, the next three years was both amazing and frustrating. Because of Kyra and the fact I was making enough money for the both of us, Jeanne decided to quit her job and became a full-time mother. I was working as a manager for a multi-firm company, and the meetings/deadlines/conferences took so much of my time, I couldn’t be around Kyra as much as I wanted to. But still, no matter how tiring and stressful my job got, when I got home, I would be cheered up instantly by the two people that mean most to me. And so, the years passed. The main thing I noticed as Kyra grew up was that she seemed closer to me than her mother, but I figured that this was mainly because I wasn’t around as much as Jeanne was. I still remember her as a toddler, like it was yesterday. Kyra may look like Jeanne, but she had inherited my personality as well as the eyes. Always messing around, always curious, it was remarkable I found myself changing into a child when I’m with her. Unfortunately, as Kyra got older, I found myself spending less and less time with her, mainly due to my promotion as Assistant CEO in a multi-firm company. But I never forgot certain events. Her first day of school. Her first play. Her first dance class. Things like that. Jeanne and Kyra had become my whole life. There was nothing more that I could want or need. But my job prevented me from showing that to them, and it left me feeling useless. ******************************************************************************************************************** The Funeral. For most people, when someone close to you dies, it would be agonizing, but that wasn’t the case for me. Throughout the service, I just felt hollow, empty. Ironically, it was a perfect day weather-wise. The sun shining, a gentle breeze, but to me, the world was lifeless. I just stood there, holding Nadine, comforting her as the rites were being said. John was more composed, mainly because he’s an old-fashioned guy who doesn’t show emotions as much, but even he couldn’t stop the tears rolling down his face. It was just another ordinary day, and it should have been. But a woman in a 4x4, who was partly drunk, lost control of her car on the road next to the pier. The 4x4 skidded across the road, before crashing into a small, red Fiat coming from the opposite direction, driven by a woman and her 12 year old daughter coming home from her dance recital. Both cars hit the barrier at the edge and went right through it. Both cars fell onto the rocks at the bottom. Jeanne and Kyra died instantly at the impact. The 4x4 driver managed to survive because her car was more robust, but it didn’t stop her spine from breaking, paralysing her from the waist down. Not sure whether to feel pity or satisfaction at that. Not sure if I can feel at all anymore. People occasionally came up to me to give me words of comfort, after the service, but I generally gave them a general ‘thanks for coming’ before moving on. Rude, I know, but that’s how I felt. After all the friends and relatives left, I just went back to their graves and stood there with Jeanne’s parents, the three of us standing so still, there was no difference between the statues and ourselves. =================================================================================== =================================================================================== FIVE YEARS LATER I arrived home around 10 o’clock that night, exhausted to the point of almost passing out. Every single action, opening the front door, removing my shoes, heating some food in a microwave, seemed to take ten times the effort it normally would. Becoming CEO certainly hasn’t helped me out much, but apparently I was the only man for the job. Besides, it’s not like I had anything to do at home. Collecting my dinner, I made my way into the living room and fell onto the sofa. Turning on the T.V, I mindlessly switched channels while eating, thinking about Sarah, a woman in my office who has asked me out (for coffee, for dinner. Etc) at least 4 times so far. My friends, the few I still have left, think I’m either gay or stupid to refuse her offer, as she was very fit and looked nothing like her 36 years. I can’t think of a reason why she would be attracted to a wreck like me, but it made it difficult for me to say a straight no. I would always make an excuse, and I hoped that eventually, she would think, too many coincidences and get the message. Harsh, maybe, but it wasn’t as harsh as saying no to her face. Was it? Clearing my thoughts, I wasted about an hour, watching a half-decent crime movie, before I decided to turn in for the night. Turning the TV off, I made my way upstairs, leaving my plate on the table. Luckily, I had arranged the next week off, and so was looking forward to actually having a decent amount of sleep for a change. After a quick shower, I caught myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth. I still looked pretty much the same as I did 10 years ago, but being in my late 30’s, you could definitely tell I wasn’t exactly in the prime of my life. My eyes, hollow and empty, gave that away. I rolled a few grey hairs on my head between my fingers and ran a hand down my stubble, before deciding to ignore it and carried on cleaning my teeth, just wanting to sleep. I didn’t even bother changing when I was done, just went inside my room, stripped to my boxers and fell onto the bed, asleep in an instant. ******************************************************************************************************************** RRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!! Did I just hear that? After a few seconds of listening, I figured I must have imagined it, and decided to ignore it and try to go back to sleep. RRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!! The doorbell. With a groan, I tried to push myself up. Failing, I settled to look at my watch, learning that it was quarter to ten. I settled back down, figuring that whoever it was; they can bugger off, and was just on the point of sleep when… RRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!! RRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!! RRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG!!!! “I’M COMING! “ I roared, as I rolled out of bed. Uttering curses, I grabbed a bathrobe, and stomped down the stairs, wincing as my foot hit the banister. Making my way to the front door, I considered whether to use my fists, as I prepared myself to confront the fucking idiot. Pulling the door open, ignoring the sudden chill of air, I yelled, “Do you have any idea-“, before freezing in surprise. Standing in front of me was a young woman, looking at me with shock. We stared at each other for a moment, before I finally said, “I’m sorry, you must have the wrong house.” Yet, I knew I was wrong, I felt like I’d seen this girl before. She looked me up and down, before saying hesitantly, “Your robe…” Oh, God no, I thought, but looking down, I saw my bare chest and stomach and unfortunately, due to my tight boxers and the fact it was morning, the very noticeable bulge of my slightly erect dick. With a silent curse, I tied the knot, and looked back at her, in a casual pose, as if I wasn’t fazed. “Not the best of introductions. Do I know you?” I asked smoothly, still racking my brains to where I’d seen her before. “It’s been a long time since you last saw me, but you should remember.” She replied, a faint smile on her face. Slightly irritated but curious, I looked her up and down, waiting for something to click in my mind. Wearing thick leggings and a hoodie, she was around 5”7 (guessing it from my 5”10). Trying to find a resemblance to people I knew, I examined her face closely, which must have looked odd, as she gave a quick laugh. She was very pretty, that much can be said. I couldn’t tell much because of the hoodie, but she had a very attractive face, with a cute smile and dark-eyes blues, and……….wait, the eyes. I stared into them, pale grey into dark blue, eyes I knew, eyes I remembered. In a flash, memories rushed at me. Two girls running around in my garden; a young girl smiling at me, with those same dark-blue eyes before Kyra emptied a jug of water over her head. I pulled back, and with a smile, said “Hi, Amy”, to which she gave a shy smile. I stared at her, shocked that Amy, of all people, was at my doorstep. Lost in memories, I was disrupted by a tug on my shoulder. Amy was looking at me with a slight smile, saying “You do realise it’s freezing out here.” I stared at her blankly, before coming back to reality. “Oh, right. Sorry.” I said apologetically, flattening myself against the wall to let her through. As she passed, her body rubbed against mine, causing a sudden jolt in my chest. “Living room is on the left”, I said after she passed. “Take a seat, I’ll just take a second to get changed”. I made my way to my room, still unable to believe Amy was here. After so long, this girl from my past had come back. While changing into a simple t-shirt and jeans, my mind went back, to a happier time and place. ******************************************************************************************************************** Amy was Kyra’s best friend, from her younger days. Her and her parents lived in our neighbourhood, (the very same place I live now). Jeanne and I had met Adam and Sarah during a social gathering. They were likeable, and Amy seemed like a nice kid, if not slightly inquisitive for her 6 years of age. However, it was when the three of them first came round to our house and Amy first met Kyra, a toddler at the time, that she became part of my life. Amy loved my daughter, and Kyra seemed to instinctively connect with her. Throughout the years, they never failed to see each other at least four times a week. Despite the 4-year gap between them, the two of them were inseparable. Time passed, and Amy’s parents started having marital issues and because we were their closest friends, it became common for her to stay with me and Jeanne while Adam and Sarah went on romantic trips or vacations, desperately trying to flare their relationship back into life. When Amy did come over, Jeanne and I always made sure to treat her like an adult, despite her being 11 at the time, partly because she was very mature for her age, mostly because we didn’t want be a parent substitute for her, as it might screw her relationship with her own. As the issues between Adam and Sarah worsened, Amy stayed at our house more and more, until it came to the point where she was staying with us more than her own parent’s house. Well, I say us, but I wasn’t around that much either. Having been promoted again, I found myself spending even less time at home, so it was just Amy, Kyra and Jeanne most of the time. Over time, despite my original thoughts, I found myself thinking of Amy as a second daughter, and treated her as such. She would come to me, asking for help, on homework, friend issues or whatever was on her mind. I would put aside whatever work I had, and like I did for Kyra, talk with her in a way that she answers her own question. (People tend to follow the advice you guide them to rather than the advice you tell them to do). Coming home from the out-of-town conferences, I would bring presents to the two girls and after a while, Amy would expect these gifts. I would sometimes pretend to have forgotten it, but she wasn’t fooled, not even once. As for Jeanne, I had learnt that excessively buying her gifts just made her pissed, and she told me that I shouldn’t feel guilty. Even so, at night, I would try and make it to her, and trust me; she is a hell of a screamer. Anyway, a year later, out of the blue, Amy’s parents suddenly announced their decision to move up north. Amy was 13 when they left; I remember the day clearly, her parents walking down their garden path with their suitcases, while Kyra and Amy were in the porch, bawling their eyes out. Jeanne was comforting Amy and Kyra, telling them it would be fine, while I talked to her parents, wishing them luck on their new life. Though, by the look on both their faces, I knew that the sudden relocation wasn’t going to improve their marriage. They were just delaying the inevitable, but I kept that thought to myself. Making my way back after saying my goodbyes, I passed by Amy, walking to the car, with the most miserable expression on her face. After a brief thought, I called her back and embraced her in a small hug, her head just about reaching my mid-chest, before kneeling down and telling her, how a pretty girl like her would have no trouble fitting in her new home, and that she shouldn’t be sad or scared. She gave a shy smile in reply, blushing slightly, but seemed a lot more cheerful, as she embraced me tightly, before running to the car. I lifted myself back up, picked Kyra up, and the three of us watched the car drive away, Amy furiously waving with tears in her eyes. And that was, as the car turned round the corner, the last time I saw her. Kyra cried waterworks for hours, and it took all our strength and patience to cheer her up. Over the next few months, when Kyra wasn’t doing her homework or her chores, she would be on the computer, chatting with Amy on MSN, Skype, whatever it was called, discussing whatever young girls discussed at the time. They never met face-to-face again, the…..accident happening two years later. Amy and her parents couldn’t make it to the funeral as they was on holiday abroad, but a few weeks later, I received from her, by post, a beautifully drawn card. Her pain and loss literally poured out of the card, from every care-written word to the small drawings in the corners. It was clear that Kyra’s death had affected her greatly, and I wrote two letters that day, one to Amy, thanking her for the gift and giving words of comfort. The second, to Adam, telling him that Amy had been extremely close to Kyra, thus asking him to keep an eye on her. I had posted those letters, thinking that was that. And now, seven years later, she had come back. ******************************************************************************************************************** “You sure know a good time to visit, Amy”, I said, as I entered the living room. Amy was standing by the study table, looking through my album, filled with photos of Jeanne, Kyra and me. She hadn’t even heard. Walking up to her, I placed my hand on her shoulder. She turned round sharply, before wiping her cheeks with her sleeve. “Sorry”, she said, her voice slightly shaky. “It’s-“ “I know”, I replied softly. An awkward silence filled the room, and I went to turn on the electric fireplace, trying to warm the place up a bit. As she sat down on the sofa, I made my way to the kitchen, saying “Make yourself at home; I’ll be back with some coffee”. It took a few minutes, but I came back with two cups filled with the perfect antidote for a cold morning. Walking up to her, I noticed that Amy had removed her hoodie and placed it close to the fire. I could now see that she had wavy dark-blonde hair that ended in curls, a hairstyle that really suited her. She was wearing a tight grey sweater and with those leggings, I couldn’t help but notice that she had a nice physique, not too thin, curves in the right places. Unconsciously, my eyes went to her chest area for an instant, and found that while she had medium sized breasts, they were very round and stuck out firmly, something I noticed even more with that sweater. Realising that I had accidently checked her out, I slapped myself mentally for the perverted thoughts before handing her the cup, to which she gave her smile, with the words, “Thank you, David.” I noticed that fact that she had used my first name, and it bugged me, as she had always called me “Mr.Leonard”, but I brushed it aside. We chatted aimlessly while we drank the coffee, filling each other in of the past 7/8 years. I told Amy about my job and recent life while she told me about her university and her hobbies/interests. “So how old are you now?” I asked after talking about her course for University. “21 in four months”, she replied, with a strange smile, like it was part of an inside joke, which confused me slightly, but I disregarded it. To change the subject, I asked her something that I was wondering about for a while. “So how are your parents doing?” At the very question, Amy’s face darkened, confirming my guess. “That bad, eh?” I asked with concern. “You don’t know,” she replied with a weary tone. “Mom and Dad divorced three years ago. I lived with my mum for a while, and she couldn’t have been more miserable, always blaming me for everything. I had to get out of there. Dad……I haven’t seen him in a while, not since he hooked up with some local slut called Jade. No idea where he is now, could be dead for all I know, the fucking prick. So yeah, it is that bad”. Amy returned to drinking her coffee, before she noticed the shock on my face, and asked what was wrong. I shook my head in reply, saying, “Nothing, it just seems weird to hear you talking like this. It only seems like yesterday that you were a child.” Something, annoyance possibly, flickered through her eyes, and she said softly, “That was a long time ago". “I know. It’s just strange, that’s all.” I countered, before asking, “So where do you live now?” “I stayed with my friends for a while, and when I got a decent part-time job, rented a small apartment. It’s a nice place, good value for money.” “You don’t live on Campus, then?” “Don’t even get me started on my Campus”, she replied with emotion, and started giving me a ferocious rant on everything wrong with the place. “You should have been in my University, that place was wild”, I replied, telling a few stories of my young, foolish self and the troubles we got in. As we talked, the topics ranging to… pretty much everything, I was surprised by how easy it was; it felt like talking to a lifelong friend. Amy was confident, her enthusiasm infectious and she had an incredible sense of humour, one to rival the one I had. I found myself laughing like I’ve never laughed in the past 7 years, and catching my breath, I realised that she was what I used to be, and seeing how far I had fallen, I couldn’t help but be slightly depressed. Eventually, I finally got my senses together and asked, “So, what’s with the sudden appearance?” Amy’s face lost its shine. For a moment, I wondered if she was going to cry, but then, she reached into her bag and withdrew a small chain. “I was cleaning the storeroom in my apartment, and I found this”, She said slowly, before placing the chain in my open palm. “Kyra gave it to me the day I left and I just thought……it should belong to you.” I had hoped that she wouldn’t mention her. To be honest, even now, it hurts when I think about them. It had taken a whole year to get out of my depression, the worst days of my life. I didn’t know if I had the strength to endure that again. Nevertheless, I opened my palm (no idea when I closed it), and examined the chain. Silver, with a small heart at the end. I recognised it instantly, as it had been a gift from me. Kyra had always been crazy about chains, that much can be said. Girls and their jewellery, eh? She loved this, it was her most favourite one, and yet, she had simply given it to Amy. That, more than anything, gave me my answer. “No.” I said softly, standing up. Amy stood up too, looking confused. “I have my memories. But Kyra gave this to you, and I wouldn’t feel right if I had this.” I put the chain back in her hand, saying, “Besides, I think it would look much better on you”. Amy’s eyes were wet. I think mine were too, but I didn’t want to check. “Thank you”, she said, her voice quivering. She put the chain around her neck, and I helped attach it at the back, my fingers slightly brushing the skin of her neck. “You see, it suits you perfectly”, I said with a smile, after putting it on. She smiled back at me, her dark blue eyes more noticeable than ever. And then, she took a step forward, right up to me, staring at me with a hard look in her eyes. Her head moved forward, and without even thinking about it, I found mine moving back. Amy stared at me as if she had been slapped, and then… “I should get going, I have to be at the station at 12”, she said suddenly, pulling back. I too was kicked back to my senses, but I took it in stride, despite the fact I had no idea what just happened. “That’s OK. Do you want a lif-“ “No”, she replied, in a sharp tone, answering before I even asked the question. “It’ll be good for me to walk for a while.” Amy seemed very hesitant and confused, as she put her hoodie back on, and believe me, the feeling was mutual. She wanted to say something, but found her unable to do it. I found myself being more scared than I have in years. “Bye, David. Thanks for the coffee.” She said, opening the front door. Standing at the doorway, she gave me a hug that seemed to linger before pulling her hood over her head and briskly walking away. I watched her walk away, before closing the door, feeling unnerved. My mind was spinning, still wondering what the hell just happened. It can’t be what I thought it was. I sat back down on the sofa, staring blankly at the cup on the coffee table, before the ringing phone brought me back. ******************************************************************************************************************** Over the next few weeks, I found myself being a lot more confident. I found myself changing with no conscious reason. A new self, meeting with people after work, getting drunk and having a good time. My new attitude certainly got me more popular with my colleagues, though I was careful to still do the work and never overdo my new self. After all, I was the CEO, and was expected to be the responsible one. I also noticed the amount of attractive females in the office, women I hadn’t noticed for years and found myself flirting around them, especially towards Sarah. I found myself spending more and more time with her, enjoying every second we spent together. And yet, even though I am now happier than I’ve been in years, I could not make that final step. I could not ask her out, something was stopping me. The constant battle between my will and my mind raged within me, until I decided that this was a simple problem to solve. I wanted to call Sarah, to just ask her out, but I couldn’t. Therefore, I decided not bother. I’ll just stay like this, my new attitude, casual flirting, nothing more. And though I knew it was not fair on her, I figured that this was the best way. And sometimes, for a split second, I almost convince myself of that. =================================================================================== =================================================================================== TWO MONTHS LATER It was absolutely pouring with rain during the journey home. After popping into the local supermarket to stock up on food, I was making my way back to the car, getting soaked, when I accidentally bumped into someone, and was it fate or a huge coincidence that it happened to be her? “Amy?” I asked, still unable to believe the odds. She looked like she had been outside for hours, she was absolutely drenched. Her clothes had been soaked to the point of being shapeless, and her hood was absolutely failing at keeping her head dry. Carrying a small suitcase with her, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. “David? Oh my God, what are the chances?” She exclaimed, cheerful, even in this weather. I gestured her to walk with me to my car. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked with concern, as I opened the boot and put the bags and her suitcase in. “Just a small problem, I’m supposed to stay at my friend’s house, but apparently, her family decided at the last minute for them to all go to their cousin’s house.” Amy said, her casual tone making the whole scenario somehow amusing. “So I’ve been spending the last hour walking around in the rain, trying to find a hotel in this shithole of a city.” “Well, you’re definitely handling it better than me.” I replied with a laugh. “If that happened to me, you’ll hear my curses from a 2 mile radius, and random people will be shouted at to the point of crying.” Closing the boot shut, I heard Amy asking me if I knew there were any hotels nearly, when, out of nowhere, I asked: “Why don’t you stay with me?” Did I really just say that? Why did I just say that? “Stay…….. with you?”, Amy asked slowly, and was it just me, or did her eyes light up? Okay, David, you cannot take back what you just said, so go balls confident. “Sure, I mean, it’s only one night, right?” I said, making my voice sound as casual as possible. “It’s seems like an easier choice than paying for a hotel, but it’s your choice.” Amy seemed to consider the option, but somehow, I knew that she had already decided. She just didn’t want to look too eager. So I waited patiently, and then, a few seconds later: “Sure, I guess that’s fine.” Amy replied, with a smile. As she got in the car, I looked up, knowing that the weather was definitely getting worse. Sighing, I got into my car as well, and started the car. Somewhere in the back of my mind, as I was pulling out of the spot, I wondered if Amy staying over was a good idea, but I chose to ignore that thought, and started to drive back home. ******************************************************************************************************************** We reached my house about half an hour later, during which the rain had become a storm. Lightning frequently streaked across the sky, followed by the deafening sound of thunder. The rain battered us without mercy as we made our way up the path, and Amy huddled close to me to shelter her from the worst of the downpour. Reaching the front door, I gave my keys to her (I was carrying the bags and suitcase), and she quickly opened the door, before rushing inside, eager to get out of the downpour. I followed suit, closing the door behind me before placing the bags on the hallway, as we laughed our heads off for no real reason. After calming down, I turned to Amy, and said, “Feel free to choose one of the rooms upstairs to stay in.” She thanked me in reply, and walked up the stairs. A small part of me stared at her ass as she walked up, how it moved with every step, before I forced myself to look away. “The room on the far right is mine, so not that one”, I called after her, as I placed my jacket on the radiator, before following her upstairs and then to my room, wanting to change into some dry clothes. Rummaging through the mountain of clothes strewed on the floor, I found a t-shirt and some denim trousers, and put them on. After a brief thought, I put on some deodorant as well, to mask the smell of rain. Checking my reflection and finding it suitable, I was making my way back downstairs, when Amy suddenly came out of her room, and walked straight into me. “Sorry David, didn’t look where I was going” Amy said apologetically. “No problem, it was my fault, I’m not used to having someone else at the house.” I replied with a wary smile. Budging past her, I was on the stairs when she asked: “Hey, do you mind if I use your bathroom? I really need a hot shower after all that time in the rain.” My mind flashed on an image of Amy showering for second. “No, it’s fine. Bathroom’s over there.” I replied casually before going downstairs, telling myself to get a grip. While making dinner (I figured I might as well cook since I had a guest), I convinced myself that the sexual thoughts I had of Amy was just because of the whole scenario. If it was any other girl that was staying over at my house, it would probably have the same effect on me. It had nothing to do with her. Amy is…….was Kyra’s friend; she’s like a second daughter for me. I have nothing but fatherly feelings for her, and I repeated this to myself several times. And yet… ******************************************************************************************************************** Having finished cooking, I decided to take a break and watch a football match that some of my friends were talking about for the past week. Sure enough, it was a hell of a game, being tied at 1-all, and some spectacular skills and fouls. I was immersed in the game, that I didn’t hear Amy walking in. It was only when she asked if there was any dinner, then I turned to her, and froze. Amy’s choice of clothing was very………form-fitting. She was wearing pink pyjama bottoms that clung to her legs tightly, showing off her long legs and ass rather well. To go with that, a white tank top that was slightly small for her, allowing me to see her bust very clearly and the outline of a bra. It also allowed me to see a thin slice of navel, and that combined with everything else, made her look……. She met my curious glare, and I nodded at her clothing. “Oh, that”, she sighed. “I was only supposed to be staying with my friend for the night, and only brought my bedtime clothes and the clothes which are now drenched, so that doesn’t leave me much choice. Besides, you should see the clothes she wears at night. ” “So, both of you spend the night together in one room, with clothes like that. Anything else you want to tell me?” I said in a nudging tone and raised eyebrows, before I could stop myself. “I guess that it is really true that men don’t age mind-wise”, she replied with a small grin, and I counted myself off the hook, still unable to believe I had said that. More surprising, she didn’t seem to mind, in fact, it seems to have the opposite effect. Walking past me, Amy settled down on the sofa against the side wall. I gave her the remote, asking her if she was sure that she wanted dinner now, as it was only quarter past 7. She replied yes, so I made my way to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with two plates of Italian pasta, with my custom-made sauce, with a dash of spice (Say what you want, but I’ve always been proud of my cooking). Judging by her reaction as she ate, Amy was definitely a fan. “My god, this is delicious!” she said, or something similar to that as her mouth was full with pasta. “Thanks”, I replied. "It was nothing." “Spare the modesty, after making food this good, you’re allowed to show off about it.” “Well, I do what I can”, I replied with a laugh, before turning back to the T.V. Unfortunately, Amy had decided to watch some romantic film, which wasn’t really one of my preferences, but she’s the guest so I decided to just suffer through it and watched it without really paying attention. A while later, after both of us were done eating, as I turned my head, meaning to check the clock, my eyes skimmed over Amy, before coming back to fix on her. Because the sofa was to the side, she was sitting along the sofa, her legs resting on the armrest. My eyes ran over her long legs; how the tight pyjamas showed it off, before moving to her breasts, hidden underneath that tank-top. Again, I was fascinated by the roundness of her tits, and told myself it had to be a push-up bra, there’s no way a natural breast could defy gravity like that, unless there’s silicone involved. But she can’t have… Amy moved slightly, and I hurriedly turned back to watch the film. Of course, after that, every so often, I would stare at her out of the corner of my eye, admiring her body. At one point, her tank-top had gone up slightly as she stretched. Now, I’d never been a navel guy, but seeing her smooth abs and belly button…. Of course, every time I did look at her, I would look away guiltily a few seconds later, telling myself to get a grip. But believe me, it wasn’t easy. As the movie reached it’s climax (the two main characters getting together, really, are you even surprised?), out of nowhere, Amy asked, “Have you thought about getting married again?” Funny, I should be offended that she asked such a personal question, but I couldn’t help but notice that I never thought about it. Was there another marriage in my future? “I don’t know,” I replied truthfully, after a moment of thought. “I don’t know if I could.” “That’s ridiculous. You can’t stay like this forever”, Amy said passionately. “Imagine if you had died, would you want Jeanne to remain unmarried for the rest of her life?” Her logic was undeniable, but I chose to ignore it, saying, “It’s not that simple, Amy.” In response, she turned the T.V off, grabbed a chair and set it down in front of me, before sitting down on it. Looking directly into my eyes, her dark blue into my pale grey, she said “David, it’s me. You always been there for me when I was young, I just want to repay the favour.” I sat there, on the sofa, wondering what I should do. Part of me wants to just go to bed and let this day end, but talking to someone about a problem always lessens the burden, right? “Ok, Amy”, I sighed. “You’re right, I should be trying to move on with my life, but I can’t and trust me, I tried. There’s this girl called Sarah in my office, I like her and I’m pretty sure that she likes me too, but guess what? Every time I go to ask her out, my mouth clamps shut. SOMETHING STOPS ME, EVERY SINGLE TIME! So, it’s not like I have a choice about remaining single, because I can’t even ask a girl out, even though sometimes, I’m really………well that doesn’t really matter. So tell me, Amy, what’s your diagnosis?” A moment of awkward silence followed my tirade. To be honest, I did feel slightly better having let out some of my rage. Amy’s response, when it came, came slowly, as if she was choosing her words carefully. “Whatever stopping you from moving on is something that you have been keeping inside you for a long time, that much I can say. This is a delayed reaction.” After a pause, Amy said slowly, “I have an idea.” “Please, anything to help me out here.” “Trying to solve a problem through force never helps. It’s like when you are doing an exam. You would never remember the answer by forcing it to appear. But if you try blanking out your mind and letting the answer come to you….” “Seriously?”, I said with disbelief. “That never works in real life.” “Have you tried?” “Well….” Amy gave me a stern look in reply, so with a sigh, figuring I might as well give it a shot, I slowed down my breathing and closed my eyes. Right, I thought to myself, trying to ignore the ridiculousness of what I’m doing, Start blanking, Brain . I don’t know how long I sat there, but incredibly, after a while, I found that Amy was telling the truth, kind of. By letting my mind relax, sitting in silence, thoughts and memories came at me, things I never even thought twice about. I sat there, waiting for it to come to me. I don’t know how long it took, but in a split second, I understood and I couldn’t believe that the answer escaped me for so long. How did I not see this before? How blind must have I been? Opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was Amy’s dark blue eyes, staring at me with concern. “Well, did it work?” she asked. I gave a sigh, and under Amy’s questioning look, simply said, “It’s guilt.” She looked at me as if I was crazy, before saying, “Because?” “Jeanne and Kyra”, I replied, my voice heavy. “I was never there for them. My work took up so much of my time. I…Sometimes, I wondered if Kyra hated me for that. I tried, you have to believe me, but I couldn’t make it to every… Hell, I almost missed her birth, what kind of father would miss the birth of his own child? As she grew older, I spent less and less time at home. You should know about that, when you were staying here, how many times was I also there?” I paused, finding it difficult to keep talking. What I had always known now hits me with full force. “I may have earned money for them. I may have provided for them”, I said with effort. “But I wasn’t a good husband, or a good father.” As I let the words hit me, a deep sense of self-loathing erupted in my chest. Disgusted with myself, I stood up, wanting to go upstairs and sleep. However, Amy stood up too, and simply said, “You’re wrong.” I made to argue my point, but she hushed me with a wave of her hand. “No, listen. It might be true that you weren’t around much, but when you were, you took care of your wife and Kyra better than most fathers who are always around. Trust me, you were a much better father to Kyra than my dad was to me. You worked for them, and you really think that they’ll hate you for it?” “But…” “I know that Kyra never hated you. When I was with her, never a day went past without her saying how awesome you are, at least once. The days that you weren’t there for her, you more than made up for it in the days that you were. Kyra loved you. Your wife loved you. In fact, the only person that hates you is you, and you don’t even have a valid reason for it.” Amy stepped up to me and grabbed my shoulders, looked straight into my eyes, saying, “The amount of love you had for Jeanne and Kyra was nothing compared to the love they had for you, and they would be heartbroken if they could hear you right now.” I found myself unable to disagree with her, as much as I wanted to. I don’t know how long I stood there, in silence, but suddenly, my eyes began to water, thinking of Kyra’s laugh, Jeanne’s smile, the three of us together. I had never cried at the funeral, but now, I found tears running down my face, and without knowing why, I just broke down. I barely felt Amy’s comforting embrace, just cried my heart out for Jeanne and Kyra, my lost family. ******************************************************************************************************************** I left the house a while later, leaving Amy in charge. I needed fresh air, and decided to take a walk to clear my mind. Thankfully, the storm had died down; there was not a cloud in sight. The night sky seemed clearer than usual, and the stars shone brighter than I had ever seen. Amy’s words still echoed in my mind as I walked, making me realise how stupid I’ve been. It’s doesn’t matter if I wasn’t around as much as I could have been, I did right by my wife and child. I mindlessly walked round town and found myself at the local park. I smiled as memories poured in, Kyra on the swings, her laughter. Sighing with weariness, I walked in and wiped the raindrops off a bench, the same bench where Jeanne and I used to sit, and sat down. The good times rolled through my mind, and I soon found myself laughing like hell. I have no idea why, but the night echoed with the sound of my crazy, giddy laughter. It was at that moment, while laughing, that I realised that the guilt would never bother me again. I had loved Jeanne and Kyra, and cruel fate had taken them away. But that was no reason to be miserable, I should be celebrating life in their memory, and if that means moving on, then so be it, I know that they’ll support me. Content, I laid back and watched the night sky, the cold barely affecting me. It is amazing how the twinkle of stars could be so fascinating. Before I knew it, it was 10 o’clock and I decided to head back. The journey home seemed to pass in no time, my mind completely at peace. Before I knew it, I was opening the front door and was making my way to the living room. Amy was sitting on the sofa, apparently lost in her own thoughts, and didn’t notice me until I coughed slightly. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, and she gave me a warm smile. She stood up. “So, how do you feel now?” she asked as she walked up to me. “Better, and it’s because of you. I’ll owe you more than you’ll ever know.” To my surprise, she came up to me and embraced me. After the initial shock, I hugged her back, enjoying the warmth and comfort after being in the cold for so long. My left hand went to her lower back, while my right went up to stroke her hair. I had no logical explanation for doing that, but it felt right. She gave a content sigh at the content and snuggled into me, resting her head on my shoulders. That’s when I started getting nervous, but convinced myself that I was overreacting. After a while, she pulled back, her hands on my shoulders. There was a hard look in her eyes, the same look as last time. As my mind flashed warning lights, she leant forward, and this time, I found myself unable to move. Her lips brushed mine gently, and before I knew it, I was kissing her back. The feel of her lips brought a part of me that had been buried for so long, and so, I didn’t even think about what I was doing. It was only when I felt her tongue slip into my mouth that I stopped, with surprise. Comprehension came a split second later. Confused and disgusted with myself, I pushed her away. “What the Hell!” I yelled, more to myself than her. Amy looked at me, with a hurt look in her eyes. That look made me feel guilty, even though I technically had done nothing wrong. And then, the look changed into cold fury. “Amy, what was that about? Why did you…” “Are you thick?” she asked in a cold tone. “Do you really not understand?” I don’t think I’ve been this confused in my life. I had no idea what was going on, or maybe I didn’t want to accept what I thought was going on. Either way, I said nothing in reply. There was a long pause while I tried to find the words. “Amy”, I said slowly. “You’re like family to me. I don’t understand why you would do-“ “Well, I don’t think of you like that. For me, you’ll always be my first crush, the first person I…..had feelings for.” Silence. “Do you want to know the main reason why I came here two months ago?” I said nothing in reply, just listened. “Living in an apartment and my parent’s divorce, it just made me feel…lonely. Even when I’m with my friends, it feels like I’m unwanted. I don’t know how you deal with it, but living on your own is hard for me. I’m used to being cared for all my life, and you’re mostly to blame for that. And then, when I found the chain, I remembered about you.” Her face was red with embarrassment, but she didn’t stop. “I had a crush on you since I was 12. You were dependable. You cared about me. You-” She came to a halt, her face scarlet, like she just realised what she was saying. As for me, I felt like I’d been struck by lightning. Again, I was amazed by my ignorance and stupidity. How did I not see this before? “Amy, I don’t understand. Do you-” “Yes” she said softly, “I don’t want to marry you, or to be your girlfriend or anything like that. It’s just that I want to be with you, and that’s still a type of love.” “Amy, these feelings you have are not uncommon”, I said with a sigh, ignoring the perverted thoughts ramming into my head. “It’s just an attraction and it will-” “Do I look like I’m 12? I’m 20 now, and I can tell you the feelings I have for you aren’t going that easily.” I just groaned with frustration, and looking straight at her, said, “Amy, I don’t know what more I can say to make you understand.” She stared at me for a long time, searching for something, before she sighed and turned away, replying “You don’t need to. I’ll just go upstairs, leave you alone. Thank you for letting me stay here.” And with that, she left the room, looking to be on the point of tears. I wanted to comfort her but found myself unable to find the words, so I let her go, before falling back to the couch, the inner battles in my head overwhelming me. I must have dozed off soon after that, for I found myself waking up 2 hours later. Rubbing my eyes, I yawned before stretching my muscles. I enjoyed about a minute of ignorant bliss before the day’s events hit me. Amy staying over, the kiss, her confession, everything. Placing my hands on my head, I groaned. Who do you blame in this situation? Somehow, I don’t think it can be put on either one of us. I want to be able to help her, like she helped me, but….how I am supposed to sleep with someone who’s like a daughter to me? Hang on; can I even call her that? I mean, most fathers don’t usually have fantasies involving their daughters, do they? And I’m pretty sure I’m not into incest. Or am I? Jesus Christ, so many questions! And not one of them has an answer. Not even one! Slapping the back of my head, I decided to go to the kitchen. It was there, drinking a glass of iced water, that I remembered how Amy had helped me before. Was it even possible for it to work twice? No harm in trying. Not wanting to give myself a chance of backing out, I sat cross-legged on the floor, and closing my eyes, focused on my slow breathing. In…out. Thinking of nothing else. I did that for as long as I could, before opening my eyes and letting the thoughts come to me. Amy staring at me. Kyra at the swings, Jeanne taking photos. Sarah laughing at my joke. How Amy was like a daughter to me. Was. Not ‘is’. ‘Was’. Which surely means that I don’t now, right? It was 13-year-old Amy that was like a daughter to me, and the simple truth is that the woman staying at my house tonight is not her. After she tried to kiss me during her first visit, I could no longer think of her in that way. Maybe I wouldn’t be saying this if she had been in my life constantly, but she wasn’t. Try as I could, I couldn’t even picture her as a 13-year-old anymore. I just saw her as she is now, a beautiful, witty young woman and all that I need now was the courage to go up and tell her that. ******************************************************************************************************************** Standing outside her door, I found myself hesitating. Last minute doubts tried to force me back, but pushing it aside, I knocked on the door. I waited until I heard her reply, and walked in. Amy was standing by the edge of the bed, trying to hide her emotions through a blank face. “What’s wrong?”, she asked with concern, even after everything, still caring about me. That, more than anything else, made me sure I was doing the right thing. “Nothing, I just realised that… you were right” I replied, walking up to her. Amy looked right into my eyes, dark blue into pale grey, and in a shaky voice, asked “About…w-what?” Placing a hand on her lower back, I gently pulled her towards me and brushed her upper lip with my finger. Amy shuddered in my hold, and before she could say anything else, I moved forward and kissed her. Her eyes widened in shock, before she moaned in my mouth and started kissing me back. This time, however, it was me that started parting her lips with my tongue, and with her permission, started venturing its depths. Amy was literally shaking in my hands, and withdrawing my tongue back, I gently tugged at her bottom lip while running my hand up her back, before pulling back, saying “About that”. Brushing a stray strand of hair from her face, as her whole body shivered with the contact, I waited for her reply. She started at me with a hard look in her eyes, a look that made me think I had gone too far and that I was going to get slapped for it, but before I could begin to apologise, she literally tackled me. The momentum forced me back, as she kissed me ferociously. As my back hit the wall, my hands went down and grabbing her ass, pushed her higher up my body. Amy got the idea and wrapped her legs around my waist, the whole time kissing me with so much force, I couldn’t help but think of nothing else. Locked in our vertical embrace, I didn’t notice the bed in my way, and as the back of my knees connected with it, I fell back on the mattress, Amy sprawling on top of me. I found that gently biting her bottom lip made her even more enthusiastic, and abused it for all I could, until finally, she broke away to breathe. Both of us were gasping like mad, and my heart was beating so hard that it was actually hurting me slightly. I hadn’t felt passion like this for a while, and combining that with Amy’s exuberance, it was like an old man who had been deaf all his life suddenly listening to… dubstep. Wearing headphones. At full volume. And the effect was good. “Hell, Amy, I never felt anything like that for a long time” I sighed, with content. She looked down at me, saying “It’s your own damn fault, we could have done this two months ago… but no, you had to make me wait.” Grabbing her, I spun around, and moved so that we were lying lengthwise along the bed, me on top of her. “Two months, eh? I guess I have to make it worth your while” I replied, and kissed her lips, before slowly moving down. Gently brushing my lips along her neck, enjoying her soft moans, I moved at a very slow pace, wanting to tease her. I placed kisses along the collarbone, while slowly moving her tank top up her body. Amy saw my intentions and pushed herself, lifting her arms to allow me to pull it away from her, revealing a dark-blue bra that I quickly unstrapped before tossing it aside. And it was then I finally had the answer to a question I had been wondering about since I first saw her. Definitely not fake. Her breasts were perfect, I’m guessing a B size, but it stuck firmly out of her body, and it’s firmness… I gently placed my hands over them, and rubbing the nipples with my thumb, squeezed slightly, and hell, did it feel incredible! Amy whimpered as I played with her nipples, tugging them slightly and watching how they stuck out. I was fascinated by her breasts and couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to. Grabbing her, I rolled her over so she was on top of me and aligned myself with her left nipple. Seeing the anticipation on her face, I did everything I could to prolong the inevitable, rubbing my hands along her back while brushing her nipples with my lips. I don’t even know why, but seeing Amy frustrated was a huge turn-on for me. But of course, the human resolve can only be held to a limit, and when she literally tries to force the breast on my mouth, I guessed I had delayed it by enough, and gently licked her nipple. Amy shifted suddenly under my grasp, and continued to move while I attacked her nipple with my tongue. I gently bit her nipples a few times, before I latched onto a nipple and began to suck. She must be an incredibly sensitive there, for she gave a great moan of pleasure before grabbing my head and pushed it further into her breast. For me, her nipple tasted just like any other part of the skin but the knowledge of what it was doing to her was giving me more satisfaction that I ever thought I could feel without physically wanking. As this point, she pulled my head up to her and kissed me, forcing our tongues into a savage duel. I was feeling every part of her I could reach, before pushing me down, whispering “Please…” I didn’t have to wait long to understand what she was asking me to do. As I kissed down her navel, the scent of her arousal caught my attention and with curiosity, I moved down and slowly removed her pyjama bottoms and panties, before freezing with surprise. To say that she was ‘wet’ is a huge understatement, she was absolutely drenched. Jesus, this girl was horny. Tracing a line through her slit, I brushed her swollen lips, and heard her hiss with pleasure. It’s been a long time since I last did this, but some things you don’t forget. Lowering my face to her pussy, I gently blew into it, teasing her, before running my tongue down her slit in one sweep, making her jerk violently. The taste of her juices was something that I could get used to, having an underlying sweetness to it, but I was still unsure about it, and so taking things very slow at first, gently laving her outer lips with my saliva, enjoying making her squirm as I hovered my thumb over her clit, brushing it slightly every now and then. Amy’s increased moans turned me on even more, and when I finally couldn’t resist anymore and there was a chance of her physically hurting me in her frustration, I stuck my tongue and started licking every inch of her pussy, using the sounds she made to judge her sensitive spots. I avoided her clit, wanting to see if I could make her cum without using that, and so spent most of my time searching with my tongue, diving deep into her depths. Surprisingly, I found that the taste did get better and better the more I tasted it, and figured it was an acquired taste that can be picked up very quickly. I worked her for as long as I could, and every now and then, she would jerk slightly with what I thought to be mini-orgasms until inevitably, I felt her moans increase in volume and pitch, her legs starting to tremble and her entire body starting to lock up. Knowing how close she was, I placed my mouth over her cunt and mercilessly attacked her clit, flicking my tongue against it rapidly. Amy jerked up and gave a loud cry as her orgasm finally hit, as my mouth flooded with her juices. I did everything I could to sustain her orgasm for as long as possible, until finally, she collapsed back on the bed, and I drew back. Moving so I was lying next to her to her, I drew her in and embraced her while she got her breath back. Gradually, she stopped shaking in my arms, and found enough strength to say, “That was…unexpected. I never expected for you to be that good.” “Ah well, Jeanne was pretty wild in bed, and she pretty much gave me… very informative lessons about how to be better in bed.” Amy fell silent, running a finger down my chest as if lost in thought. Nervous, but trying to hide it, I asked, “So what now?” “I don’t want to leave halfway. I want to see this through to the end.” “Are you a- well, have you had sex before?” I asked hesitantly, knowing how some girls get offended by the question. “Once or twice, but they were pretty forgettable. But with you…” I smiled, as Amy straddled me and grabbed my dick, the sudden contact causing me to moan. As she aligned the head with her cunt, I said, “Last chance, are you sure you want to do this?” She gave a wry smile, and taking a deep breath, started pushing herself down. I felt the resistance build and build until suddenly, the head of my dick popped inside her. Amy hissed at the way it was stretching her cunt, a reaction that was shared by me, as she was very tight. She looked so uncomfortable that I lifted myself up to pull away, but she forcefully pushed me back down. “Amy, I-“ “Just hold me for a while, please?” Sighing, I held her against me; my arms wrapped around her as she gradually became more comfortable. As she forced herself down a bit further, her nipples were brought within range of my mouth and so, wanting to help her, I gently started to flick them with my tongue, at the same time, my right hand moving to rub her clit, the combination quickly bringing her to another orgasm, and her newly-lubricated cunt finally allowed my dick to fully sink into her. We both groaned as we felt the head of my dick colliding with her cervix, and it took all strength to stay still, so Amy can adjust. Of course, the warmth and feel made that job near impossible and it seemed that my dick was getting harder every second, but as Amy’s lips found mine, all that seemed irrelevant. Surprisingly, I found this to be more than just sex, but… Amy slowly started moving up and down, and every other thought in my head just vanished. I just sat back and enjoyed the sensations it caused. Her pace slowly increased, never lifting herself than a few centimetres. I pushed myself up and locking my arms around her waist, slowly started lifting her higher. Amy gave up and just allowed me to do it as she writhed in my arms. Her moans and whimpers only increased my desire to make her cum, and so, I altered the angle I was penetrating her every so often, watching her reactions, waiting for… Amy suddenly wailed and her entire body shook as my cock brushed her G-spot, and abandoning all restraint, I flipped her over, gave her a quick kiss and pounded my dick into her. I kind of lost focus then, the only things I could see was her face and eyes, as she started into me. The only thing I could hear was her screams of pleasure. The only thing we both knew was the feelings, and by god, was it good. When I felt the pressure building up, I altered my angle so my dick was constantly rubbing against her clit, working her slowly, and when I felt the tell-tale signs of her orgasm coming, I moved to her lips and pulling my cock out to the head, paused. As she stared at me with confusion, I rammed my dull length into her, kissing her so that she moaned in my mouth as her orgasm hit. The pulsing of her cunt was too much for me, and I found myself cumming right after her, filing her with my warm fluid. As we both come down from our orgasm, I fell away from her, causing a pop as my dick left her warm hole. Panting with exhaustion, sweat covering my body, I managed to force out the words, “We’re going to need a shower.” “It can wait”, Amy replied with a smile, before lying on top of me, her head on my chest. As her breathing deepened, I wrapped my arms around her, feeling happier than I have for a while, before I fell into the arms of sleep too. ******************************************************************************************************************** Amy spent the whole week in my house, as she was on holiday while I had a week off, so maybe fate/destiny/giant guy in the clouds was looking out for me and maybe someday, I’ll find the strength to write about what happened during that week. But for now, I found myself at the end, having taken her to the local station, and waiting with her for the train. During our many discussions, we had agreed that she would stay with me during her holidays from now on, and that she could visit me any time she likes. Having the excess money from being a CEO, and despite her many objections, I finally convinced her to allow me to make a monthly deposit in her bank, as I figured it would be more use to her, especially with rent. We also talked about our relationship, and we weren’t dating, just caring and helping each other out mentally, physically and sexually. The kind of relationship that would be considered unwise in most cases, but with us, seems perfect. As we heard the train coming, Amy gave me a very passionate kiss before she pulled away, saying “My next break is in two months, and trust me, look forward to it. I’ll have a few surprises for you”. Knowing it would drive me mad if I pondered on it too long, I simply replied, “Good to know, I’ll see you then, and who knows, maybe I’ll have a few surprises as well.” A final hug and meeting of lips, then she got on the train. A final wave as the train began to depart and then, she was gone. For now. As I walked back to my car, I took my phone out and considered whether I should take the risk, if this was fair on her. For all I know, this could all blow up in my face if she doesn’t understand my relationship with Amy, but that’s the thing. We can’t tell the future. The only way to know is to take a leap of faith. Dialling her number, I waited till I heard Sarah say, “Hi, David.” “Hey, are you busy?” I asked. “Not really, in fact quite bored. Why?” “Well, I was just wondering… I wanted to ask…if you would like to go get a cup of coffee.” A long pause. “Sure I'll love to.” =================================================================================== ******************************************************************************************************************** And that is that. If you enjoyed this story, please rate positive and leave comments. Any constructive criticisms is greatly appreciated, so I can write better. I am already planning a second story, and if this one gets high ratings, I’ll post the second one soon. And thanks for reading! Crimson Sun |
A soft knocking at the door, ugh, not again. I tried to ignore it, maybe she will go away. Another soft knock, but this time the door opens slightly and a soft voice squeaks, “Mommy?” “She’s asleep Lisa, what’s wrong?” I replied, feigning sincerity, not because I didn’t care but because this was becoming a nightly occurrence. “I had a bad dream, I wanted to know if I could lay down with you guys?” As expected… but of course, as my wife had often pointed out, I could never say no to my princess. She had me wrapped around her little finger. “Sure, but you’ll have to lay next to me so you don’t wake up your mother.” I heard the door shut and little feet navigate across the dark floor and climb up into the bed. She quickly hogged my blanket and cuddled up to me. At age 13 she was shorter than most of the other girls in her class but slightly chubbier. She pulled my arm around her stomach and sighed a bit of relief. We soon both fell asleep. Sometime in the night, I awoke slightly… I was on my back now, having shifted in my sleep, and my cock was hard rubbing against my pajamas. My eyes remained closed, hoping to go back to sleep and return to whatever sexual bliss made this, but in the process I started to wake up and become more aware of my surroundings. Something was pressing against my cock from outside my pajamas… no, rubbing it… I laid there, still for a bit, and finally realized it was lisa’s hand rubbing my hard cock. Not sexually as much as exploratory as though on a learning mission. Fear coursed through my brain, while excitement ran through my body. Her tiny hand felt amazing and sent shivers through my body, but my wife was right on the other side, facing away and snoring. SNORING, that was it. I started snoring softly, since I wasn’t supposed to know what was going on anyway, and she would be stopping soon, right? Unfortunately this plan backfired as soon she did stop, but moved closer, and then started rubbing her hand on my tummy… slowly it rubed its way down to the seam of my pajamas, and lifted them up to let itself in… My mind was racing at this point, I wanted to scream at her to stop, but her tiny cold hand touched my cock and it twitched, at which point I wanted to teach her a thing or two. I was frozen for a moment as her hand explored my manhood when I realized where my arm was. She had strattled my arm to get close to me, as I’m a bigger guy anyway, and now my hand was right at her young pussy. Dare I? I turned it slightly and ran my fingers against her through her Hanna Montanna nightie. At this her hand stopped but didn’t move. We were both frozen for a moment and my heart was racing. The only sound was my wife still snoring next to us. Then a soft voice in the dark, “Daddy?” “Yes?” I replied meekly. Instead of saying anything, Lisa lifts her nightie with her free hand, pulling it from between my large gruff hand and her tiny, now moistened pussy. She then presses her hand onto mine and makes me rub her deeper through her wet panties… Her body squirms and she lets out a slow moan… At this my cock twitches and I remember her hand on me. Its my turn now, I take my free hand and slide it inside my pajama bottoms, grabbing her tiny hand in mine. I start guiding it up and down my cock in the same rhythm she is guiding mine. Making her grasp it tighter and lower sending chills run through my spine. It wasn’t long before my little girls back arched and she clinched my hand and pressed it firm into her… Little whimpers came uttering from her mouth and I felt her pussy twitch multiple times as she came into her panties. Oh the feeling of her chubby thighs pressing together and holding my hand there, rubbing against each other… Without thinking I had increased the speed of her hand on my cock greatly and started cumming all over each of our hands… It was at this that she rose up embarrassed. “NOW?” I thought, now she stops. What am I to do? “Mom can’t find out about this…Right?” she said, pointing in the direction of her still sleeping other parent. A bit of relief came over me… “Right… no one, in fact.” “Right.” She said, so cutely and matter of fact-ly. It was at this that she looked at her cum soaked hand and pulled it up to taste me… I have nothing to lose now, I thought, and pulled my pajamas down to my knees. “Now be a good girl, and finish cleaning your daddy up.” Her eyes glowed bright at the sound of my encouragement and she looked in amazement at my cock. I realized this was probably the first one she’d seen, hopefully, at least of a mans. It wasn’t long before she was licking it up and down, her face getting covered in my cum and her tongue ever dirtier and sloppier. Soon I was fully hard again and , being the dom that I always have been, took her head with my hands, so small in my hands, holding her chin to open her mouth, I slid her down onto my cock as far as I could. She choked a little on my cock and I let up, but she pressed harder, eager to please now that she understood, and choked again. Evil took over and I grabbed her hair harder and started fucking her face without a care. She choked here and there but never backed away until my cock twitched as hard as it could and I started to cum in her mouth… I started to pull away but she made a noise that stopped her mothers snoring, which of course snapped me back into reality and I pulled her onto me deeper , my cock pressing the back of her throat, cum spewing down it, her mouth stretched on my thick cock as she gasped for air while trying to swallow. I remained silent, shaking, trembling in delight as finally my wife started snoring again and I could let up on my daughter. She raised up, her face covered in my cum, face red and tears on her cheeks and a smile on her face. “Did I do good daddy?” she whispered. I smiled and my cock twitched again… “Great… “ I replied, wiping her face with the bed sheet available… She fell into my arms again, this time pulling my hand straight between her legs and squeezing it, her panties soaked in cum. As we fell asleep she whispered, “Mommy works early in the morning, we will wake up alone…” and at that, the night ended. |
Fbailey story number 574 My Fucking Forest I needed some help and my sister-in-law needed a break from Beth. Well Beth is short for Bethany and she just turned fourteen and apparently gained an attitude. So it was, that we were stuck with each other for the entire summer. I was a confirmed bachelor as it was. Oh don’t get me wrong I have dated and once I even found the girl of my dreams, however I was too stupid to realize it. She found my brother. Yes, my sister-in-law is the girl of my dreams and has been for years. My niece Beth is the spiting image of her mother. That first day we were out back shoveling some dirt into a trench that I had dug to bury some electrical cable going to my garage. Needless to say we both got sweaty and dirty. So after going into the house I puttered around for a few minutes then decided to take a shower. I got naked as I threw my clothes into the washing machine, then I trudged through the house to the bathroom, and then I opened the door. Oh crap. There was Beth standing in the middle of the room with her arms up tucking a towel in around her wet hair. Her body was petite at maybe five foot two and a hundred pounds soaking wet. Her breasts were much bigger than anyone would expect, possibly a 30-DD. Her pussy was completely covered with a full thick patch of dark hair. She just stood there like a deer caught in headlights and we stared at each other. I had forgotten that I was naked and the excitement of seeing my beautiful niece naked was too much for me…my erection was standing up straight. Beth finally said, “Go ahead and laugh.” I was dumb founded and replied, “I’m not going to laugh at the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid eyes on, including your mother.” Beth asked, “What about my ridiculously huge breasts?” I replied, “Oh my God, Beth they are absolutely perfect. Women pay a small fortune to look that good and you come by it naturally.” Beth asked, “Okay then, what about my fucking forest? I can shave my pussy bald and it will look like this in two weeks. It’s so embarrassing.” I replied, “I love a thick bush. It feels so good when I’m in there licking up a storm.” Beth said, “Yeah right. I tried to give my virginity to two boys. The first one took one look at me naked and ran away. The second one reached into my pants then into my panties and then he grabbed a handful of hair. That bastard gave it a yank and hurt me. I slapped him right across the face and then I left him standing there with a hard-on.” I said, “So the most beautiful girl in the world is also a virgin that has tried to give it away twice? Would you like to make it three times?” Beth said, “So you want to fuck my forest with that?” Then she pointed between my legs. I looked down and was totally impressed with my six-inch long normal cock. It was swollen to the maximum, the head was engorged with blood, a pretty red color, and the big vein along the bottom was full and pulsing. My cock was throbbing and slapping itself against my stomach, I was oozing precum, and Beth couldn’t keep her eyes off it. I replied, “Can I take a shower first?” Beth finally blushed and said, “Oh I’m sorry. Can I sit here and wait?” Then she sat down on the toilet. I took the fastest shower on record. I actually cleaned every part of my body but I did it in record time. When I stepped out, Beth was staring at my cock again…it never had a chance to go down. She was still sitting on the toilet but now she had her legs spread wide and both hands down there spreading her pussy lips open. She had one finger diddling her engorged clit and it was protruding from its hood like a tiny cock. Beth’s mother had a large clit too, along with big jugs and a furry pussy. It was like stepping back in time to when I took her mother’s virginity. She was fourteen at the time too. Can history repeat itself? Beth asked, “Still want to lick my fucking forest? The very idea has me gushing.” Just then I watched her eyes roll up into her eyelids, she stopped breathing, and she shuttered as her orgasm struck. That girl had what most women would call an Earth shattering, life altering event. I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if my cock were in there. I picked Beth up in my arms and carried her to my bed. She smiled and opened her legs up for me and raised her knees up slightly. I knelt on the bed between her ankles and admired the vision of loveliness before me. Using both of my hands I parted her thick forest, her big clit was right there at the top of her pink slit, then I touched the tip of my tongue to it. Immediately two things happened, first she tasted as sweet as sugar, second she had another orgasm just as good as her self induced one on the toilet. I was impressed. Needless to say I didn’t stop licking her clit and she didn’t stop cumming. Finally she pushed my head away and slammed her knees shut. Like that was going to stop me. You see a girl that thin is called a gaper because she cannot close her legs under her pussy. I just lifted her legs up in the air and then over onto her chest as I slipped my cock into her very wet hole. She took in a deep breath as I hit bottom in her virgin pussy, her legs parted, and she wrapped them around my neck, pulling me down on top of her. Finally Beth said, “Oh my God, that feels so good.” I had to agree, “Yes, it does.” Then I started fucking her forest with earnest. Each stroke gave both of us pleasure. The feeling built up, her legs relaxed down to my waist, and we were in complete unison as we made love for the very first time. I don’t know how I managed to keep from cumming for so long but it sure gave Beth her money’s worth. When I finally started shooting several big gobs of thick white cream into her, Beth cried out in pleasure. That little girl thrashed and thrashed for what seemed like forever but in reality was only two or three minutes. She was drained of energy from cumming so much, and she actually passed out. I was massaging her big beautiful breasts when she opened her eyes, smiled, and asked, “Can we do that again?” I replied, “You betcha, but not tonight. I’m old enough to need time to recuperate. How about we do it again in the morning when we wake up. Twice a day should satisfy a near-virgin like you and it shouldn’t be enough to kill me either.” Beth kissed me, cuddled in close, and said, “I’m so glad you like my fucking forest because I like your hard cock in it.” We closed our eyes and slept pretty soundly that night…and every night until summer was over and Beth had to return home to attend school. She was only gone for two days when she and her mother moved in with me and she changed schools. She made a deal with her mother that she gets me every night, her mother gets me every morning, and they take turns sleeping with me. The End My Fucking Forest 574 |
16 year old Billy had signed up for a summer baseball league which required a Dr.'s ok. Since he hadn't had one in a few years his mother decided a full physical was in order. Billy's mother, Cheryl, was a rather thorough parent. His parents had divorced several years earlier and his dad, while providing adequate financial support, had moved on to another relationship. Leaving Cheryl in charge of Billy and his 18 year old sister, Allison's, well being. She took her role very seriously. She made an appointment for the following week. Upon arriving at the Dr.'s office and checking in, Billy and his mom were lead back to an examination room. The nurse, a young attractive blond just out of nursing school named Janet, asked Billy to remove his shirt and sit on the exam table. She then took his blood pressure and a few vitals and asked him to remove everything but his underwear so he could be weighed and his height taken. Billy was use to his mother and older sister seeing him in his underwear but not a cute young woman outside his family. However, the thought of stripping in front of her excited him a little. So he removed his outer clothing and the nurse proceeded to take his height and weight. The excitement of stripping down and exposing himself caused his cock to grow and a noticeable bulge in his underwear. The nurse couldn't help but notice and was a little excited herself as Billy was a very handsome young man. Billy's mother, for her part, was a little excited herself as she realized her son was becoming a sexually functional young man. The nurse then told them to wait as the Dr. would be in shortly to perform the exam. As they set there Billy's mom realized that this may embarrass him and asked if he was ok with her staying. "Sure" said Billy. "After all you did bath me as a child." To which they both chuckled. Cheryl was rather attractive herself being only 40 years old with shoulder length brunette hair, a slim figure and nice full breasts. Billy had found himself attracted to both her and his sister from time to time. The Dr. entered shortly. Dr. Morris was in her late 50's and had been practicing medicine for years as a GP. She was very professional and conscientious. She did the standard head, throat, chest, back and stomach exam and then began to work her way down Billy's legs. As she did so she noticed Billy was rather excited. This had no real affect on Dr. Morris. Then she asked him to stand and said, "Now Billy I need to check your genitals, would you like for your mother to leave for this?" "Oh, I'm fine Dr. Morris. Go ahead." "Ok, Billy, then remove your shorts please, and set them aside." Billy lowered his briefs and placed them on the chair. Then turning stood straight up exposing his nakedness to both his mother and Dr. Morris. Cheryl felt a bit of excitement in her pussy for the first time in a while. While she had seen Billy nude a few years back this was the first she had seen his cock since he entered puberty. Billy's cock was just over 7" and uncircumcised with a long, loose foreskin that overhung the head and formed into a very nice wrinkled nozzle. The accompanying low, saggy scrotal sac made for Billy having, while not especially large, a rather attractive set of genitals. Dr. Morris, the professional, was unaffected. She performed the standard hernia and scrotal exam. As she did so Billy's handsome cock became fully erect and stood out proudly for all to see as a bit of precum began to appear around the end of the nozzle. Cheryl starred intently with increasing interest bordering on desire at her young, handsome son's equally handsome cock and balls. Dr. Morris meanwhile could appreciate this as it gave her better access to Billy's scrotum. She examined each of Billy's testicles very carefully rolling them around in her fingers and feeling for any abnormalities. As she did so Cheryl watched how they moved in Billy's loose nutsack and how his erect cock stood proudly up and bounced with the Dr's movement. Then moving to his penis she looked up at Billy and said. "Ok, Billy, everything there looks fine now I need to examine your penis." "Sure Dr. Morris, go ahead." Billy said, containing his excitement. Cheryl, meantime, was trying to maintain her excitement also. Being employed full time and a single parent of two children had left little time for her social life. With the exception of masturbation her sex life had been non-existent for several years. Dr. Morris placed her hand on Billy's shaft and pulled the foreskin completely back which peeled nicely over his attractive crown reveling the head of his pecker and the sensitive inside of his foreskin. Doing so excited Billy even more and the precum now began to drain down forming a long stream. Dr. Morris, reaching for a tissue to catch the precum drip, immediately saw that Billy had a bit of smegma buildup. "Billy, do you clean regularly under your foreskin?" Dr. Morris asked. "Sometimes, but sometimes I just kind of forget." "Well, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Cheryl," Dr. Morris said turning to Billy's mother, "Billy could develop an infection very easily if his foreskin isn't cleaned properly. Do you see this white substance?" The Dr. said, pointing to the smegma. "Yes Dr." said Cheryl. "This is smegma and is a sign of improper hygiene. As you can see Billy excites very easily and as is common in most uncircumcised males produces a more significant amount of pre-ejaculate. This causes more smegma to build and it could cause problems and must remain free from build up." "I understand. I'll be more attentive to this." Cheryl replied. "My nurse is rather new and hasn't yet encountered this situation. If you're both ok with it I'd like for her to come in. Is this ok with the two of you?" "Sure" said Billy. "Yes, that's fine." Said Cheryl. Billy was really excited now as the thought of young, sexy Janet seeing his cock excited him even more. Dr. Morris, being the consummate professional she was pulled Billy's foreskin back over the head of his penis, reforming the nozzle, and left the room. Cheryl looking up at Billy said "I can see I'm going to have to keep an eye on this Billy. We can't have you developing an infection can we?" "No mom, you're right." Replied Billy. Cheryl saw a stream of precum ooze out the end of Billy's overhanging nozzle so she reached for a tissue and without really thinking she took hold of his shaft, pulled his foreskin back a little and wiped the precum from around his meatus commenting "We'll have to keep up with this also. Does this happen a lot Billy?" "I suppose so, especially when I get excited and my penis gets hard like this." "You must be very excited now Billy?" Cheryl replied. Before he could answer Dr. Morris entered with Janet, who looked immediately at Billy's cock and balls and thought how attractive they were. "Ok Janet, proceed" said Dr. Morris. Dr Morris had told Janet outside that she wanted to observe her cleaning a foreskin since she had yet to do so. "Yes, Dr." She replied, reaching for Billy's cock and peeling his foreskin all the way back. This really excited Billy and more precum oozed out. Using a special wipe Janet thoroughly cleaned Billy's crown, ring and inner foreskin of the smegma. The wipe was a bit cold but watching sexy nurse Janet as she held and cleaned his cock caused Billy to enjoy this none the less. After a little more discussion regarding Billy's results Dr. Morris and Janet excused themselves and told Billy he could get dressed and then proceed to checkout. As soon as they left Cheryl saw another stream of precum form at the end of Billy's nozzle. Reaching for a tissue she said, "My, my Billy we can't have you going home like this." As she pulled back his overhang and wiped him clean. "I'll leave so you can take care of this quickly before you dress." She said. "Do you mean I should masturbate to make my erection go away mom?" Billy asked. "Well...yes, I can't think of another solution and you heard the Dr. you can't have this continue." Cheryl replied. "Ok mom, but it may be better for you to stay and catch my cum. I don't want to make a mess all over the Dr's exam room." Billy said. Cheryl was hoping he would say this as her pussy was getting really excited the longer this went on and the thought of watching her young, handsome son masturbate and shoot his cum out really excited her. "Ok Billy" she said, "that probably would be a good idea. But let's hurry ok. I don't want the Dr. or nurse to suspect anything." Billy then reached for his shaft and began to stroke his cock. Cheryl, holding a tissue in readiness to catch her son's load, watched very intensely as he worked his foreskin back and forth and was especially fascinated by his low loose balls swinging as he worked his sexy dick. Again without thinking she reached out and taking his nuts in her free hand began to massage Billy's balls. "Oh wow mom, that feels really nice, please keep doing that." Cheryl looked at him in the eye, smiled and just sort of naturally leaned in and gave him a sensual kiss on his lips. Billy responded and soon they were making out like lovers as opposed to mother and son. Cheryl, continuing to massage Billy's balls broke free and said, "cum for me Billy, I want to see you shot a nice load for your mom, baby. Cum Billy, mommy really likes watching you stroke your sexy cock as she rubs your balls. Come on baby, shoot a big load for mommy." With that Billy and Cheryl both felt his nuts pull up as a huge load and then another shot from Billy's cock and into the tissue Cheryl was holding in the ready. Cheryl realized one tissue wasn't enough as the massive load ran out and began to drop on the floor. Grabbing more tissues she wiped the floor and then bending down she took Billy's shrinking dick into her hand as she cleaned his limp cock and pulled back his excessive foreskin and cleaned all around the head, crown and inner foreskin. When she was finished she looked up at Billy and said "Does that feel better now sweetie?" "Oh yes Mom, much better. Thanks." "No problem big boy," Cheryl replied "Now hurry and get dressed." |
Brenda hummed to herself as she did her homework in her room. She had to use her headphones because her mom hated when she blasted her stereo too loud. Brenda didn’t particularly care what her mother wanted but she hated causing problems for her dad. He was sitting in his study working on something, she wasn’t sure what. She felt so bad that he had to hide out with his laptop in a separate room when her mom was on her period, what a cunt. Brenda always loved her dad more and she let him know it every chance she got. She was always going on errands with him or helping him with his chores around the house. Her mother was clearly jealous and was constantly nagging her about every little thing. She turned her attention back to her earth science homework. Who cared about the makeup of the rocks in the earth’s crust anyway? Ugh, she only had a few more chapter questions to answer and it could wait for the bus ride tomorrow. Her neighbor, Kyle, would practically bend over backwards to give her his answers. Bend over backwards she thought to herself, that was an amusing concept. That’s probably what Kyle and half the boys in her grade wanted from her but she didn’t really take an interest in them. She closed her notebook in her textbook and tossed it to the foot of her bed. She slid her smooth tan legs off the edge of the bed and her nightie rode up her ass crack, revealing her thong as she landed her feet on the floor. Her light blue nightie was starting to get too small to accommodate her growing body but she liked the way it looked so she didn’t beg her dad for new ones. She made her way out into the hall and gazed towards her father’s study. She didn’t normally like to disturb him but she hadn’t gotten to see him much this week and she figured he would appreciate the break. She knocked on his door, biting her lower lip and waited for a response. After a minute of hearing nothing she tried the door but it was locked. That’s weird she thought. Daddy’s study was never locked. She went downstairs to see if maybe he had gone to bed but noticed the bedroom door closed to her left and her dad sitting quietly at the kitchen table with his back to her. _________________________________________ “Daddy?” Brenda called out into the kitchen. A moment went by before he answered her as he stared into his coffee. “Yeah, baby?” “Is everything ok?” she asked him, slinking into their enormous kitchen. Her dad was a financial consultant for a major firm in the city and aside from working 70-80 hours a week, he provided them a very nice life. The lights were dim in the kitchen, with only a dull glow hovering around the walls. “Yeah, I just didn’t feel like going into bed just yet,” he murmured, clenching his mug between his hands. Even in his loungewear her dad still looked good. He had the button down pajamas with the first three buttons undone showing just enough chest to be sexy. He wore loose gym shorts that showed off his muscular legs that he got from running before work. “I didn’t even hear you come down from your study,” Brenda said. “Probably because you were wrapped up in your own studies. You’re such a bookworm,” he chuckled, taking another sip and turning his body to face her. “Daddy, I just want to be as successful as you,” she assured him. “I want you to be proud of me. Can I get you more coffee?” She refilled his cup and poured herself one before sitting back down. “I’ll always be proud of you, pumpkin, even if you end up pouring coffee and living with me for the rest of your life,” he teased. “That wouldn’t be so bad, somebody has to take care of you,” she smiled. “Well, your mother will be here,” he reminded her, finishing the last of his cup. “Yeah, I guess, but she doesn’t look after you the way she used to,” Brenda began. “She’s always staying out late with Aunt Liz and Patty or going on those self-enrichment retreats, whatever that means.” Her dad said nothing else as he watched her intently with that incredible stare. She finished up her coffee and grabbed both of their mugs, placing them directly into the dishwasher. She saw the coffee mix out on the counter and reached way up to the top shelf to push it back into the cabinet. She even had to let out a little hop to get enough height to slide it in there. George watched his little girl spring up the side of the kitchen counter as he noticed her nightie fly up just enough to show off her gorgeously firm ass to him. Her thong split her perfect little cheeks so gently. He wished, as he often did, that it could ibe his hands spreading her apart for him instead. Brenda had turned into quite the heartbreaker and it was becoming clear to him that she knew it too. Her tits were starting to fill out and at 5’3’’ she was the perfect little sex kitten. Jesus, he thought, this was his daughter he was drooling over in his head. She had just turned 16 last month and she had already been bugging him to take her out driving. She came back down on her heels as she spun back grinning at him noticing her figure. “Do you like this nightie, Daddy?” she asked him in her best baby voice. “Of course baby, is it new?” “Yeah, I bought it last weekend with the money you gave me to go to the mall. I wanted to pick out something you would like,” Brenda added. “Why’s that , honey?” he wondered, standing up and pushing in his chair. “Because I want you to think I look good,” she giggled. “Aww you look incredible baby, now let’s put you to bed so you can get some more beauty sleep.” “Okay, Daddy,” she agreed, running ahead upstairs. He followed her up and into her room. She scooted into bed and gazed up at him lovingly. He tucked the blankets in around her and leaned down to kiss her forehead like he had a thousand times before. “You know I love you, right baby?” he told her. “Of course, Daddy. You’re the most important person in the world to me,” she smiled at him. He left her room, shutting the light off and going back down to his own room. _______________________________________ The next day after school, Brenda came bursting through the front door, singing Michelle Branch with her headphones in. She dashed upstairs and flung her purple backpack into the side of her bed before going into the kitchen for an ice tea. When she passed her parents room she noticed their stuff was everywhere, which was really unusual for her typically insanely organized father. Most of it appeared to be her father’s clothes and family pictures scattered about. She tilted her head to the side confused and paused for a second before continuing towards the kitchen. She noticed her father sitting in a chair facing her peering aimlessly right pass her. Immediately she knew something was wrong, her dad was never home at 3:00 P.M. for no specific purpose and the way he was just staring past her was enough to really scare her. “Daddy, what’s wrong?” she blurted out, going over to him. She sat beside him and rubbed his back with her hand. He didn’t answer right away and drew in a long breath before looking down at the table. “I came home early today to see if your mother wanted to get ready for a surprise early dinner reservation I made for our anniversary and found her with another man and your Aunt Liz in our bed. We had a fight and she left. She’s gone for good, Bren,” he sighed. “Daddy, I don’t know what to say except that I love you and I’ll always be here for you.” She declared. “Thanks, baby,” he said, hugging her close. “I just need to take a shower and lie down. Maybe having a few beers will take my mind off of all of this for a while.” After the shower, her dad came out in a white T shirt and a clean pair of gym shorts. He sat down by the TV and turned on ESPN to watch last night’s highlights. She brought him a beer that she poured expertly into a glass without any foam. “Thanks, hun,” he rasped. She left the room to go change and cancel her plans for the night. It was Friday, but she felt that her dad needed her much more than her friends did at the drive-in movies. _______________________________________ When she came down a half hour later she noticed a liquor and Pepsi bottle on the coffee table, which worried her because her dad did not drink hard liquor, ever. He strictly drank beer and rarely got drunk. The bottle’s wrapper was next to it and he appeared to have already finished a quarter of the liter and was sourly sipping from a full glass that looked like cola. She sat beside him and smiled, pretending to be interested in whatever he was watching. “It’s going to be ok,” he reassured her, slipping his arm around her shoulders. “I know,” Brenda smiled at him as she leaned into his side. “You’re getting so pretty I don’t know how much longer we’ll be able to hang out like this,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Why not?” she whined. “Because you’ll have a boyfriend soon and you won’t have any time for old dad,” he laughed. “You’ll always come first to me, Dad. I want to be here for you now since that whore is finally gone,” she snapped. “When did you start using language like that, young lady?” he chuckled. “She’s still your mother, you know.” “I’m in high school, I can’t help it,” she squirmed as he tickled her sides. “Stop, stop, DADDY, stop it!” He laughed but eventually held her loosely and stroked the inside of her leg where his hand ended up. Brenda was surprised that her dad was touching her but she couldn’t bear to ask him to stop. She was pretty sure she wanted this too. His hand was almost at her hot little pussy that was aching behind her light blue thong. He stopped suddenly and looked down at her. She had gotten so lost by his touch that she had head back into his arm and her eyes closed but his pause forced her to open her eyes. She gave him her best baby face and he couldn’t resist any further. He leaned down to kiss her and she felt his warm lips against hers. She was taken aback by the sudden thought of her father coming on to her but she wanted to see where he was going with this. She returned his kiss after a moment and enjoyed the soft touch of their lips and his tongue in her mouth. She unexpectedly broke his kiss when his hand grazed across the front of her moistening pussy. “Ooohh,” she moaned and pressed herself into his hand. He understood that she wanted it too now and he slipped his finger under her thong and for the first time as a woman he touched her smooth little pussy. She was encased in pleasure and thrust her head back into his arm. Her mouth hung open and she ground her sweet little mound into his touch. He slid to the floor and grasped the sides of her thong. She willingly lifted her tight little ass off their leather couch and he pulled her thong to the ground. She pulled her nightie up to her waist and he dove into her smoothly shaven pussy. She squealed in pleasure as the first tongue touched her tight little cunt. He lapped at her clit and kissed her repeatedly. After a few minutes he stood up and she leaned forward in disappointment. He undid his pants and pulled out his thick cock. “Come to Daddy, sweetie,” he motioned to the floor in front of him. She happily slid off the couch and kneeled in front of her father. “Slide that cock between those pretty little lips,” he said, wavering in his drunkenness. “Okay daddy” She agreed and took his head into her mouth slowly, holding it there and licking him with her tongue. Brenda tried out different things with her mouth to see what made him moan or show pleasure. “Slide your mouth back and forth on my cock okay?” he lectured. “I’ve never done this before, Daddy,” she apologized. “I know sweetie, you’re making Daddy so happy, it feels so good,” he smiled. “Keep looking up at me with those pretty blue eyes, I like that,” he watched her head bob nervously on his swelling cock. He stroked her pretty brown pigtails as she sucked his cock. After a few minutes he pulled himself from her mouth and took a dizzy step backwards, tumbling into his recliner. “Did I hurt you, Daddy? Is everything okay?” Brenda said. “You did fine, sweetie, but I want to do something else,” he grumbled. “Come here, Pooh Bear.” She scurried over to the chair and he pulled her on top of him, tossing his shirt off. His pants held his legs together at his ankles as he held his little girl on top of him. He squeezed her firm little creamy ass cheeks and pulled her close to him. He licked her firm tits which were just starting to fill out the rest of her gorgeous body. His hands went up and down her body holding her close while she moaned. “Time to make both of us feel incredible, sweetheart,” he announced, lifting her gently over his cock. “It’s going to hurt a bit at first, but your little pussy will feel really good after. You just push down as much as you can handle, and don’t be scared, honey. I love you so much.” ___________________________ She slid down over his head and clenched her teeth from the initial pain of being spread apart. She wanted the pain to be over with quicker so she pushed down hard and took almost his whole cock at once. “OOHH GOD, DADDY, IT HURTS SOOOO BAD!” she screamed. “All the pain will be over in just a minute,” he assured her, slowly thrusting in and out of her tight little virgin hole. Brenda pushed her tits together hard and bit her bottom lip. George held the back of his little girl’s ass as he met her bounces with strong thrusts. After a while Brenda released some of the force she was using to push her tits together and started to loosen up. Her dad was bottoming out into her pussy now and it was starting to make her absolutely crazy. “Ohhh Daddy, you feel so good inside me,” she cried out. “Yeah baby, I love fucking my little girl. You have such a tight little pussy. You’re so much better than your mother,” George told her, squeezing her ass even harder. “Ohh fuck me, Daddy,” she begged .“Make your baby feel good.” “OOhhh God, princess,” he went on, moving a finger towards her tight virgin asshole. He rubbed over it gently, tickling her as he slammed into her tight pussy. “DADDYYY OOHH DADDY SOMETHING IS HAPPPENING!” Brenda screamed out. She stopped rocking for a second and just squeezed his legs violently taking his cock in her pussy. “That’s it, cum for me baby. I want your cum on my cock,” he egged her on. “OOHHHHH OOHHH FUUU-------CKK!” she screamed as she shook violently and came down on his cock and collapsed into his chest. He held his little girl close and stroked her hair as she lay helpless against him. “Sit down on the floor between my knees baby and open that sexy little mouth.” She slid off him and knelt before him looking into his eyes and sticking out her little pink tongue. “Ohh get ready for my cum, baby,” he warned her, jacking his cock furiously in front of her gorgeous little face. “MMM, I want it so bad. Please give me what I want, Daddy, please.” She begged him, rubbing her knees and trying to look sexy for him. “Ohhh, here ittt COMES,” he shouted and leaned forward. The first stream of his hot cum blasted her right in the left cheek, running down her face and forcing her to close her eyes. The second stream went right into her mouth and colliding with the back of her throat. The last two streams of George’s cum landed on her forehead and into her hair. She moaned as her dad was cumming and tried to be exactly what he wanted from her. She licked her lips and spread her knees apart, showing her tight young pussy to her daddy. “I love you so much, little one,” he smiled at her, slumping back into his chair. “I love you too, Daddy, and I’m yours always,” she beamed. “I’ll get you another beer.” ….To be continued |
A Moment In time It amazing how things can happen that you don't forsee, that you never could have fathomed. That certainly happened to Rob. Rob was 37, was a pharmacy director for the local hospital and had reached an administrative level that his hours were a little lax and he made great money. His first marriage had been an ugly one, and that wasn't helped by his wife being an ugly one. Funny how that made you less willing to put in effort. She was a good woman, but good isn't sexy and Rob had eventually tired of their mundane conversations and had begun to see hookers. His wife caught him in the act but because she couldn't prove the girl was a hooker, she couldn't get him charged. They had divorced and split the assets. Then he met Julie. Julie was a stunning at 50 blonde pharma manager and she visited Rob's office often. A business dinner turned into compliments which turned into a glass of wine at his place, to a great night in bed. They had married the next year. Rob had gotten along great with her 9 year old daughter Jenny and being older Julie didn't want to waste time. Rob didn't have any kids of his own and during their engagement they talked all the time about adopting or as Rob wanted, a surogate to use his seed and hopefully her egg. But after the honey moon, Julie had an attitude change. Suddenly it was more important they focus on their careers. Specifically his. She pushed him to get to Services Director which included a hefty pay raise. The hospital was located in a well to do San Jose suburb and most had great insurance and the hospital was making good profits. What this meant for Rob was that the board wanted status quo. His job was to implement board directives, but he got few and most were simple. Rob was coming in at noon on Monday and leaving at noon on Friday, if he came in Friday at all. In a whole knew tax bracket, Julie announced she was retiring to work with non-profit groups around the area. She soon was gone half the days of the week and Rob was pretty sure she was fucking the young lackies at the non profits. She sure spent money though, hair and clothes and dinners. Rob did well but with a mid sized house in a nice area, a beamer and a mercedes, and a large pool and garden that needed tending, there wasn't that much money around. Rob also thought Julie was having affairs because of her complete lack of interest in sex at home. During the engagement she was a freak, the day after the honey moon, she hadn't gotten horny once and treated every fuck as a huge gift of her self and time and used it as a bargaining chip. The years passed as they do and while Rob spent more nights checking out some porn on the internet, then actually getting laid. The good part of the marriage was Jenny. She was a delight. Sweet, smart, polite and she took to Rob. Her dad had been non existent and Jenny had craved a male role model. She had gone from a tiny girl to a sprout at age 13. Very gangly and goofy looking and her teeth had a sever over bite. She got braces and developed early, showing small bumps before her 14th birthday. Then that next year things began to catch up. Her bony legs became slender stems, her tiny waist and stomach were showing the hint of hips when she wore jeans. She had gotten a cell phone for the first time on her 14th birthday and soon she was talking about boys non stop. Rob would listen to her stories, mostly because her mother was never around to. She loved to give Rob all the gossip and one day even told him a dirty joke she heard from her friend. It was a sexual joke and Rib was surprised Jenny even knew what all the terms meant. But this was the google generation. About easter, halfway to her 15th birthday Rob had a Saturday poker game. During one smoke break his best friend Bryan asked him. "So is it hard having that little gal in the house?" "Who Jenny? No, she's a great kid." "No I mean is it hard watching her hot little body walk around in tiny clothes. It's hilarious when they are at the age they don't realize how good they look yet and think everyone is innocent and show off their assests for ya." "Dude, are you crazy. That's my little girl you are talking about." "What ever. She isn't yours, nature is making her a woman and you will see. You won't be able to help it." Rob pushed what Bryan said out of his mind for a while until the day he walked by Jenny's room on the first really warm day of spring. She was in her room standing in front of her full length rotating mirror in a bikini, oiling up for a tan. I finally saw it. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She was becoming a woman. Her hip bones were just starting to make themselves known, and with her petite tight waist, it seemed pronounced. Her thighs were rounded now, firm cylinders of young rosy flesh, her Italian heritage showing through. Her long curling brown hair was thick and went to the small of her back. Her calves sloped up nicely and were giving her legs that Semi Trick flapper silhouette. Her dainty knees, when bent pushed out her backside which was sloping more and more exaggerated. Rob stood there watching her reflection. Watching her small sexy body shining from the oil, watching the impressive breasts, high end A's, and they jiggled with her movements. He didn't notice when her motions stopped. Until she said. "Did you need something Rob? I mean Daddy?" Rob was startled to see her staring at him through the mirror. "Oh uh, no. Going out for some sun?" "Yeah I want to get a good base, I want to look more like those Jersey Shore girls." "Oh, I see. Don't stay out too long. It can be bad for your skin." Rob was pretty embarrassed about getting caught staring, but it didn't seem to have any lasting effect. Jenny continued to tell me all the gossip and even more dirty jokes. Rob realized with some of the delivery she didn't even really get the jokes, which made Rob happy. At least she hadn't let boys do anything yet. Julie was only home when she had to be but when she was Rob pushed hard for sex. Ever since he saw her in that mirror, Rob couldn't not look at her that way. See her as who she was becoming instead of who she was. He got his frustration and attraction out on Julie. Jenny, over the course of the summer became more and more feminine. She copied the dances she saw on videos and she tried to dress all trendy like the Kardashians. She started wearing make up and even bought a sexy pair of lingerie, all by Rob's credit card, so she became so thankful for his generosity. She would sit on his lap sometimes and watch tv with him, her butt ground firmly in his lap, and Rob was sure she must have felt the hard ons. When he would bring something home she asked for she would jump up hug Rob, and give him a kiss on the cheek, but the last few times had distinctively let her lips brush his before they went to his cheek. she wanted to snuggle at every movie and jumped at any chance to be in contact with him. Rob was having trouble with it, as he felt like she was being to sexual with him. He even voiced his concern to Julie, who told him he was a prude and Jenny was just learning what it was to be a woman and was learning on him. It would pass soon and go to boys at school. Rob tried to ignore it. Then there was that Friday near the end of the summer. Jenny was going with a friend Christina. When Christina and her mother arrived to take Jenny to the party Rob was stunned. Jenny walked down the stairs in red mid sized bedazzled heels, her slender legs had filled out nicely and they looked good up until the thighs disappeared into her dress. The dress was a white tight number, There was extra fabric to lump stylishly but it was very tight in the but, tummy and breast. Jenny's impressive figure showed through, especially her expanding breasts, now at a mid B cup. What really caught Rob was the top, it was intentionally under cut and showed the top third of her bra. A pink victoria's secret bra, that helped oversell her chest. She was wearing a large gold cross that dipped nearly to her cleavage, though i couldn't remember her ever going to church. "I will be home by 10 daddy!" She said as she puckered up her little chipmunk like face. It's really not out of the question. She could have been a Chippette from the Disney cartoon or a real life Whoo from the Grinch. Her nose ended poking up, she still had a slight overbite, and dark brown eyes. She was very, very cute, and getting cuter by the day. Rob wished her a good night and settled in for a movie night, with Julie out for the weekend. Jenny got home almost on time and came into the living room to tell Rob about the party. She told Rob they had told scary stories and watched the latest horror movie and were gonna watch another so she left. She was tired of scary stuff. "Sounds like you had a full night." Rob said. "Yeah, I am so tired, gonna go watch some modern family on my tv before bed. Will you come snuggle with me so I don't get scared all alone?" I had laid with Jenny until she fell asleep when she was younger, especially after a scary movie. But he hadn't done this is years. But he didn't want to disappoint her. "Uh sure, you get ready and I will be in soon." I went to the restroom and changed out of my pants into some athletic shorts and a t-shirt. When I got to her room she was clearing up her desk. She was in a night shirt, that barely made it to her mid thigh. She had a good tan on those legs, and man they were getting so nice. She clicked off the light and slid into her bed, toward the tv. Rob got in behind her and she snuggled back into him until she had her butt wedged firmly in his groin. Rob's penis hardened steadily and as it did, Jenny would snuggle up even closer. When ever a funny part came on the show she would laugh and grind her hips on Rob. Rob was doing everything he could not to breath heavy into Jenny's ear. His balls were tingling and he was starting to sweat. "Oh my gosh daddy, can you believe that Phil?" She laughed driving back into Rob and grasped his hand through the fingers. As she rolled back forward she brought Robs hand to her chest and squarely on her breast. Rob used every ounce of strength to keep from feeling the breast under his hand. Jenny continued to grind into him, her legs intertwining with his. Rob suddenly started to panic. He couldn't take that much more, he was gonna explode. Another funny line and Jenny squirmed and it was the last straw for Rob. His hips jutted into her as he came in his shorts, his hand gripping her breast as he did. "Daddy? Daddy are you okay?" "Y-y-y-HEA!" Rob grunted, feeling more of his cum filling his shorts and soaking his groin. "Ow! Are you sure? You seem to be shaking?" Jenny said rolling over and looking at Rob. Rob was looking Jenny right in the face as he fought the third spout of cum as much as he could. It drippled out of him and his face only showed a small grimace as Rob finished his first orgasm at the behest of Jenny. "Uuuuh-ahhh-uhh. Yeah, I am okay, Um, I think I ate something bad, I better go. You get some sleep now." Rob said as he scooted out of bed and walked hunched to the door, trying not to spill cum on her rug. "Night daddy. Thanks for cuddling with me." Was all Rob heard as he left with his head pounding from orgasm. Rob tried hard to avoid Jenny as much as he could, and he stopped her from sitting on his lap. He was so ashamed of his inappropriateness with her, and worried that she knew what had happened. He thought she was still to naive to put two and two together, but he wasn't sure. But no matter what, he didn't want any more fantasies. He felt like he did nothing but think about her. So the more he stayed away, the better. More time passed until it was Halloween. Jenny had gotten her first invite to a party of her Freshman year, and was super excited. Rob had been sure to loan her his credit card when she went clothes shopping. Most of his kindness to her was now money oriented. It was the Friday before the party and Julie was out until the next morning, so Rob was going to give Jenny a ride to the party and Christina's mom was going to give her a ride home. Rob was putting away the dishes from the washer when Jenny walked through and grabbed a water. She was wearing a minnie mouse type of costume. She had on black strap heels over white stockings that stopped at her lower thigh and had large red bows on the front. Her head wore a mouse ear head band with a large red bow with white polka dots. Her dress was the same red, with small whit dots, with a large black collar, cut down somewhat low. The skirt only went to the top of her thighs, and her tanned open thigh looked incredible. The skirt had a thin black lacy pettycoat that helped the skirt stand out. "I'm ready when you are daddy." Jenny said as she flung her long black hair over her shoulder. Rob just stared. She looked so god damned hot. Rob followed behind her as she walked to the breakfast nook and started to turn when she noticed Rob right behind her. "Oh jeez you scared me! Rob? Rob, what are you. . . Rob!" Jenny shouted in surprise as Rob had run both hands under his skirt and pushed her back against the window, kinking the halfway down Venetian blinds. Rob rammed him tongue into Jenny's mouth. "Mmmm! Dnnnnaaaaammm! Mmmm-hmm!" Jenny hummed into Rob's mouth, shocked and frightened by Rob's actions. She had teased, she had seen what happened when she did things. But she didn't like the aggressive feeling of Rob. It was exciting, but frightening. Rob was massaging each ass cheek until he yanked her panties to one side and slid them over her cheek until they were digging in, well away from her holiest of holies. Rob hooked his pants on his finger and pushed them off, his cock bouncing out like a spring, smacking Jenny on her gap. "Oooohhhhmmmm!" Jenny's squeal was shocked and panic. Rob had his right arm hooked around her waist and held her to his stomach. He reached around her right thigh and grabbed the tip of his 7 inch cock. He pressed it up to Jenny's pussy lips and shoved forward, parting her lips but missing her opening. Jenny had pulled her lips free. "Oh my god Rob! Oh my god what, what are you doing?!" She said hoarsely. Rob continued to grind forward, his penis sliding down her lips, getting close to her opening. "Rob! Rob! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. OH MY GOD! Rob!" The tip of his penis was pushing against her, her hymen pulling. "Arrrgg. Uuuuurrrrfff!" Rob groaned into her shoulder and neck, biting and licking. He pressed harder and her hymen gave way and stretched in, the head of Rob's penis entering Jenny's body. "OH MY GOD! OH FUCK ROB! ROB!" Jenny was screaming at Rob, her voice cracking and her voice sounded like she was crying. Rob didn't care or hear anything. He only wanted this body and this pussy. His mind was nothing but lusting thoughts of her. All the teasing, the kissing, the hugging the grinding. Finally the outfit. She looked like a slutty teen, she was a dream come true of any step father. A fuckable step daughter. Rob pushed again, animal lower brain instinct driving him forward without control. He finally got his first good penetration. A third of his penis now inside the body of his teen step daughter. "Holy shit Rob! Oh my god! Rob! Rob you're in me! You're in me! Rob you can't! Rob kept pushing, trying to get her pussy walls to relax enough to let him in. He had to get in completely! "Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!" Jenny started just breathing in hard breaths, her hand at her mouth, her nail in her teeth. Her eyes closed as she gave in to what was happening without resistance. "Rrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnaahgggggggggennny! Ohhhhhmmmggggrrrrd!" Rob screamed into Jenny's flesh and his cock went all the way inside her. "Hhhhhhooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnooooooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhoooooooooohhhhhhhhhheeeeehhhhhhhihuuuuuuuuhhhhhh" Jenny continued in a continual moan the reality of the moment, that her step father, the only man she trusted was taking her virginity. Rob had one hand pressed on the window and the other wrapped around her thigh, clenching her ass cheek. He was locked into a rhythmic pump and had reached peak position, his thrusts nearly effortless. Rob felt the tingling starting in his testicles. He had done amazing for a man in his situation. He was living the ultimate fantasy and he had held it for almost 3 minutes. But it was coming to an end, and Rob began to accelerate his thrusts, still just grunting into her flesh. "Oh god, we're fucking. Rob, you're fucking me. Oh my god. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh my god Rob. Oh my god!" Jenny keep going on and on as he pumped. Whispering her shocked sentences into Rob's ear. "Oh Jenny!" "Rob?!" "Oh Jenny! Oh shit!" "What?" "Oh no Jenny. Oh goooooooooood!" "What? Rob?!" "Oh god Jenny. Oh Jenny I'm ss-sss-sssorry!" "What?!" "Oh God Jenny, I'mmmmmmmmmmmm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming!" Rob screamed as he body tensed up for a moment. "Cumming?!" Jenny hollered, actually not knowing what it meant. "Ohhhhhhhh Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroh! Fuck Jennnnnnnny!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmphffff." Rob was continually pushing forward to Jenny but he was already in to the hilt. e was just grinding to her pelvis, but it allowed him to clench his cock again and again, squeezing more and more cum into the womb of his teen step daughter. "Oh, oh. Oh god. Oh. Ohhh. Ohh. Shhh. . . Oh god." Jenny plopped her head down on her step father's shoulder, gasping for breath. Rob continued to hold her in his arms and was still slightly pumping, his animal lust still in control even though he had no more sperm left to give to her waiting vagina. Rob finally began to soften and Rob felt his penis fall out of Jenny. The full realization of what had happened overtaking him. Rob took two steps back and pulled up his pants. "Oh. . . oh god . . . .I. . . Sorry" Rob whimpered and ran to the master bathroom where he sat on the side of the tub and began to cry. Jenny, after lying against the windowsill for a few minutes looked down as she felt the cum trickling out of her, watching it hit the carpet. She slipped off the windowsill, feeling kind of numb in her hips. She stumbled over to her purse and grabbed her phone. "Hi Christina? It's Jenny. I'm not feeling up to going out tonight okay? No, no I just have something I need to work on. Yeah I will call you later. Love ya" Jenny hung up the phone and headed towards the back of the house, walking gingerly on her heels. |
2 Howard lay propped-up in his bed afterward, fiddling with the remote and looking for some distraction on the tube, his thoughts and emotions a shambles. Of course he felt sated and satisfied that he'd finally bedded the nubile daughter he'd lusted after since she was ten, and who'd teased him unmercifully since she turned fourteen, but; what if he had gotten her pregnant? What if she told Brenda, or if Brenda found out some other way? And most of all, What of Cindy herself? Did she really want all this? Granted, she teased him to the limit, but this? Its every man's forbidden fantasy to fuck his own daughter, but he'd crossed the line from fantasy into reality. The proof was dripping back out of her pussy right now. What could he say? What could he do? What would happen? To him? To her? To them? As nothing appealing presented itself on the tube, he decided the better part of valor would be to try to get some sleep, maybe, so he could face Cindy coherently, repentantly in the morning. That wasn't to happen. He'd doused the light, settled in and turned over to face the window and try to sleep when his door opened... Cindy entered his bedroom and closed the door before gliding around his bed to the window side, where he could see her by moonlight – she wore a gossamer thin, sheer white teddy top -- and no bottoms! He shifted slightly to let her sit down in the spot where he'd cuddled her years before as a much younger girl. The thought of her bare, just pommeled pussy sitting naked on his bed in the spot where he'd held her as a little girl again sent his cock into tumescent spasms. Damn! Hadn't he any conscience at all? Or was she yet teasing? “Daddy?” “Yes, hun?” “Why did you fuck me?” “Well, punkin, I kinda thought you wanted it, what with all your teases and showing up naked in the bathroom when you know I'm gonna be naked.” “But Daddy? Why did you fuck me?” “Punkin, this may sound really sick, but I wanted you since you were ten.” “I know. I quit coming in here 'cuz when I'd lay down and cuddle with you, I could feel your cock getting big and pushin' on my bottom. I quit comin' in 'cuz I knew what it was and I thought I was bad for makin' it happen. I didn't know about boys or men and and your 'thingie' confused me.” “That's pretty normal...” “But Daddy, I thought I was weird 'cuz I really, really wanted to play with it...and...I wanted you to play with my 'pee-pee'.” “Oh? Why didn't you ever tell me?” “'Cuz Ms. Grover told us in Sex-Ed class that daddies and daughters don't play at sex. She said it was really, really bad an' that if our daddies thouched our pee-pees we were s'posed to rat 'em out to our moms, or a teacher or a cop or somethin', and then daddy would be took away and put in jail forever. So I quit coming to your bed 'cuz I didn't want that to happen...” “but...” “Daddy, I still wanna know why you fucked me.” “Um. I think maybe we both wanted it...maybe even needed it.” “But why did you cum in me? I never let anybody cum in me before” “ really don't know much about men, do you?” “Not much. I only fucked three times before tonight.” “Then you don't know that there's a 'point of no return' a man gets to when its hot and heavy, and they're banging away at each other.” “What's that?” “When a man's body hits the point where he's about to cum, you couldn't get him to stop if you held a gun to his head. Its all automatic at that point. He's gonna cum. It happens” “But Daddy?” “Yes, Dear?” “What if I'm pregnut?” “There's several answers to that. The flippant, useless one would be: 'You should have thought of the before you started teasing me.'” “Dad...” “Ok. When was your last period?” “About two weeks ago. I'm fertile right now.” “Ouch! Well, if you're that concerned about it, I can get you a Backup Plan pill on Monday. Its Friday night now. If you take one within 72 hours of having bare sex, its s'posed to make you have an early period, and flush any 'accidents' away. That means by Monday night. Ok?” “Deal.” Cindy grew quiet, fidgeted with a button on her nightie, gazed over toward the window, then back to her supine daddy. Then, abruptly nodding her head as though shaking off a daydream, She leaned toward him and breathily whispered, “Daddy?” “Huh?” “I wanna see it...” “HUH?” “I said, I wanna see it.” “See what, baby-doll?” “This,” she cooed as she traced her near forefinger over his covered, again aroused cock. “”Is that wise, baby?” “C'mon dad! I just saw it a hour ago. You had it IN me. It CAME in me.” “And that's what worries me, punkin...” “What? That we had sex? Shit! I been teasing you, tryin' since I was ten an' your hard-on confused an' excited me.” “I know, and I've tried my damnedest to avoid it, and not give in to you, or my own temptations...” “I knew that too, Daddy, but I really, really wanted you to get a clue an' do something with me.” Continuing her ginger finger stroking through his covers, she leaned further over, treating her already aroused dad to a breathtaking view of her pert A-cup titties as her nightie fell completely open, and breathed in his ear, “Daddy... I wanna play with it... Y'see, Daddy, I'm still that giggly, happy, scared, confused little ten year old girl who remembers a hard cock pressed in her butt crack, who knows what it is, an' maybe a little afraid of it, but still really, really wanna see it an' play with it. I really missed snuggling with you an' feeling it on me...” “Uhh, if you're sure..?” “I am, Daddy, really, really sure,” she again cooed as she gave his strained member a quick squeeze through the quilt. Taken by an oddly abrupt sense of false modesty, he squirmed, doffed his boxers under his blankets, then nodded for Cindy to uncover him herself. Slowly, timidly, she did just that, rolling the covers back, amost inch by inch until his straining, tumescent member sprang into view. A ragged “pahhh” and an almost inaudible “Oooh...” escaped her lips as she timidly grasped his pole and gave it a gentle squeeze. She was rewarded by a throb, and drop of precum exiting his cock head and oozing down her hand. “Gee! Excited much?,” she murmured as she began slowly, sweetly, excruciatingly stroking his straining cock. “If you keep that up, baby-doll, you're gonna get a lot more than that on your hand.” “I wanna see it!” “Huh?” “I wanna see it cum.” “It'll be messy.” “Don't worry, Daddy. We can clean the blankets before mom gets home.” Whoa! “Have you seen a cock cum before?” “Yeah, once, but it only dribbled. I wanna see you cum like I felt in my pussy tonight.” “If you keep doin what you're doin, you won't have to wait long...” Slightly tightening her grip, she continued her velvety, unnervingly slow masturbation, closely watching his cock as it swelled, throbbed, and ejected more precum. Every dollop brought a breathy “oooh”, and the further tightening of her hand. “Oh, baby-doll, I'm almost there...” Deftly using her off hand, she nestled the quilt around the base of his cock to catch the mess. “Let it go, Daddy. I really, really wanna see it.” “Ok then, just...uh...hold whatcha got, and you'll...and I'll... uh!... Uhh... UHHHHHHH!!!” he groaned at the first jet of cum shot from his prick hole, splashing all over Cindy's hand and the quilt she'd bunched to keep it off them. “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six! Dribble... Gee, Dad, you really, really cum hard, don'tcha?” “You gotta be kiddin, dear. I wanted this night since you were ten, and whacked-off to the fantasy more times than you'll ever know..,” “Really, Daddy? You really jacked-off thinkin' 'bout fuckin me? When did you start to want me that way?” As she continued fondling his now flaccid cock and lightly cupping his balls, Howard took a deep breath; discomfort, arousal and his last shred of modesty vying for position on his face, he broke down and admitted to his daughter: “Cindy, this gonna be really weird, but I've wanted this night since you were eight, and your hips started flaring.” “Huh?!” “Yup. Never, ever looked at another little girl, any other little girl, that way, even when they were over here playing with you, but I always wanted you and a night like this.” “Whoa! Daddy! You wanted to have sex with me when I was eight?” “I knew it wasn't possible. Your mind and body weren't ready, but men can have some pretty weird thoughts at times. I even thought about going to a counselor to work it out.” “Did you?” “No, I just did my best to let it ride.” “Did you tell mom?” “WHAT?! God, no! She'd have gone and reported me for even thinking it...” “I'm glad you didn't tell anyone, Daddy. 'Cuz I want it. I want you. An', maybe not at eight, but I wanted to do sex with you every since I knew what 'thingies' and 'pee-pees' were for.” “If that's so, why didn't you ever tell me?” ”Cuz I was scared I was weird for wanting to do it, or that you wouldn't want me, or maybe you would even hurt me.” “That last one is why I held back and let you quit coming in here when you were ten, baby girl. I didn't want to hurt you, ever, in any way – most especially this way.” “I knew that. You always protected me, even when I didn't want you to, an' you love me, an' you're always nice to me.” “That's a dad's honor, and his duty.” “Big words, dad, But I always wanted this. Now I got it.” “What have you got?” “ I got my daddy in bed.” “Is this gonna be blackmail?” “Oh! No, Daddy! I love you, an' I wanna be with you, always, even like this.” With that, Cindy fluffed the quilt some, shrugged-off the nightie top, raised a corner, and crawled in beside her loving daddy. “Y'know what I want now?” “No, dear, what?” “Remember how I used to lay on my tummy all snuggly up next to you, and you'd rub my back with your fingertips? How you even went under my nightie to tickle my bare back?” “Yeah, hun, I do...” “Well...” Snuggling up to daddy, “I want you to do it again, but this time on my front.” “Whoa!” “Yep, Daddy, I want you to kiss me, an' play with my shoulders an' my titties an' my hips an' my tummy an' my legs, an' even my pussy. Would you do that, Daddy?” “With great delight, Punkin...” “(giggles) Oooh, Daddy, I love it when you call me 'Punkin.' Its a bit wicked when we're in bed bein' sexy an' with your hand on my tittie though...” “Well, 'Punkin' it is then...” Howard gave Cindy the deep, long lover's kiss he'd longed for several years to give her as he began at her neck to trace, titillate and fondle her lithe, supple young teen-girl body. Her own kiss back was heaven on earth, and her sighs of pleasure, gasps of ecstatic shock and purrs for more all galvanized Howard into another raging hard-on by the time he'd traced her second nipple. It being pinched between him and his daughter being a bit of a strain, he backed a little and let it pop up onto Cindy's hip, where she immediately grasped it in the warm, velvet glove that was her left hand. “Hm? Ready again much?” “Um. My dick may be ready again, but I'm not yet,” as he traced the inner ridge of her hip, then across her tummy, just above her mons, to trace the other hip. “Daddy?” (kiss...) “Hm?” (kiss...) “Play with my pussy?” “Why now?” “'Cuz I like what you're doin to my body, an' I think my pussy would like it more. Please, Daddy?” “ you say, Punkin...” (giggles) When he cupped her mons and vagina, Cindy flexed, pushing her clit hard into the palm of his hand, her body taking over for her and butting against his hand to get off a small orgasm. Her mound, still puffed from their first encounter, further engorged and throbbed to its own tempo. She shuddered as he traced down her puffy outer lips, then shrieked when he fingered back up her slit to flick her clit. Her body movements becoming more erratic, her voice almost uncontrollable, she half uttered, half growled, “Dd..ddd..dddaddy? Finger me? Please? Please put your finger in my cunt? Please?” As he complied with his baby girl's wishes, he lightly brought his thumb down on her clit. Three strokes of his finger in her vagina, three swipes of his thumb over her clit did the deed... “Uhh! Uhh! OHMYGODUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!” She flexed. She bucked. She screamed. She squealed. Howard kept his finger firmly on her G-spot, his thumb on her clit, and held on to her upper body for dear life as her orgasm played out over and over again down her body. When she finally collapsed, flush of face, staring at the ceiling with vacant, glassy eyes, she rewarded his ministrations – she soaked his hand. He couldn't tell if it were from her orgasm, or if she'd lost bladder control and pissed all over him, but either way was alright with him. When she finally came back to earth, she rolled right, into daddy's arms, her mound pressing against his throbbing cock. “Daddy? Uhh, yeah, Punkin?” “Why don't boys know how to do that? I never came so good before, even when I do it...” (sigh) “Boys usually aren't real experienced, and dunno what a girl needs to feel as good as they do. In fact, some of them don't really care. They just wanna get their nut, then brag for the next month about how much a man they are.” “I know, Daddy.” “They bite your tits, finger you once or twice, then jump in do it and flop out. One guy's condom even fell off when he quit.” “Ow! Are you pregnant then?” “No, silly. That was months ago. I've had some periods since then, and I didn't ever let him fuck me again.” “Wise choice, oh daughter mine.” (more giggles) “But then the first time I do it with my dear daddy, and he cums in my bare pussy.” “Didn't your mom put you on the pill?” “No. She called me a slut for even asking, and we don't really talk since.” “Sounds like your mom...” “You guys don't fuck anymore, do you?” “now, how would you know that?” “Hey! Dense much! My bedroom's right next you yours, and my ears work...” “Yeah, right. No. Its been a while at that. In fact, your mom and I aren't getting on well at all lately. She's even mentioned divorce on the odd occasion.” “I thought so. She went all weird on me when she finally noticed I was growing up, and went totally ape when I asked her about the pill.” “How long ago was that?” “Right after I turned fourteen. Two of my friends are on 'em and they fuck-party like crazy.” “Would you do that?” “As if...! In fact, Daddy dear,” she cooed in his ear, “If we work out, I ain't gonna need a boyfriend. I won't WANT one anymore.” “Whoa, baby girl... Are you suggesting...?” “I'm thinking my dear ol' daddy maybe can give me everything I want.” “And...what about your mom?” “The next time she says 'divorce,' agree!” “And if I lose custody of you...?” “I don't think that'd happen, but if it does, there's always visitation every other week.” (smiles, kiss...) “You got this all wired, don't you?” “I think so, but we gotta work it.” A silence fell as the two newly incestuous lovers kissed, cuddled and fondled for a time, delighting in the discovery of each other's bodies. Cindy, ending a tender kiss, was first to break the silence: “Daddy?” “yeah, Punkin?” “Would you do me again?” “Um... You wanna...” “I want you to fuck me again, but different this time, if you can...” His cock throbbing firmly against her mons in silent assent to her request, he hesitated, asked: “How so, baby?” “I want you to tell me you love me when you put it in. I want you to cuddle me and kiss me, and I wanna go slow. No screaming cums this time. I wanna feel you moving in and out of me. I want you to look in my eyes, know I'm your daughter, that we're doing incest, that I want it as much as you do, and that we'll be lovers together as long as we can be. An' I wanna see your face when you cum. Can you do that? Would you do that? Now? Please?” “Gee, Punkin, he grinned. That's a mighty tall order, but I think I can manage – with your help, that is...” (more giggles) Gently rolling Cindy onto her back, Howard traced his forefinger down from her navel, over her mound, to just above her clit, when she reached up and took hold of his hand. “No, Daddy, I'm ready now. I'm still wet and getting wetter. I want your cock inside me...nooooooowwww, please?” Howard rolled over, placed a knee between Cindy's legs for balance and moved over her. Kissing her, then looking straight into her eyes, he said what she wanted to hear: “I really do love you, Cindy, and I'm claiming you as mine, in every way.” Placing the head of his cock firmly at her , he started slowly, firmly stroking himself into her tight, wet love tunnel. He'd barely bottomed-out in her sweet honey-hole, his balls nestled in her butt crack, when she sighed, Grabbed his shoulders, looked directly back at him and cooed, “Oh God, Daddy, your cock feels so good in me, just like I always hoped it would.” Softly stroking his shoulders, she breathed, “You're mine. I claim you. You're my Daddy. I'm your daughter. This is incest, but I want it, bad. Be with me forever? Or as long as you can?” “I will if you will.” “I will. Now fuck me slow...” Propping himself so they could both see their lurid, incestuous joining for a moment, he asked her to look with him and see it, then he looked back at her with somewhat softer eyes and shared, “This isn't 'fucking, Punkin.' (giggles) Fucking is what we did in the bathroom, and we'll probably do again, real soon. Right now, I'm making sweet, tender love to my baby girl. I know you're my daughter. I know its incest, but I want it as bad as you do. I don't just love you, I'm IN love with you, and I want you forever. Can I have you?” “Yep, Daddy. I'm yours. God! Your dick feels so good in me. Promise me that we can make love like this, and fuck like we did too?” “Promise. I probably won't last too long this way, but I love doing it this way too.” “Its ok, Daddy. We can do more this way too. If you wanna cum now, its ok...” “Not just yet, dear, but soon.” He lowered himself, nuzzled her neck and ear, whispering of love and desire and feeling good being inside her while she sighed and moaned, kissed back, and snuggled warmly into his body. In one night, his own daughter had put the love back into sex that he'd missed for so long, and he was damned if he wasn't going to show his appreciation for it by giving her anything she needed or wanted. She was now his. He was now hers. Now, to make it happen. He shut off his mind, kissed his baby girl soul deep and stroked more deeply as his balls gave him their tingly warning that climax was near. “Gettin' ready to cum, Daddy dear?” “'d you guess?” “Your cocky got bigger and you're pushin' deeper, like Mr. Cocky wants to get me pregnut, hm?” His cock doing all the thinking now, he groaned, “Oh God! Girl! Uh! I do want so bad to cum inside you, and and I do wanna make you pregnant.” “Then cum in me, Daddy. Make me pregnut! Cuddle me and cum in me. I want it.” That was all Howard needed to hear, all he longed to hear. His balls tingling, his spine shivering, his cock throbbing... Uhhh....UH! UH! UH! He growled as he strained to keep his dazed eyes on his baby girl's face while he loosed torrent after torrent of thick, gooey incestuous cream into his willing baby daughter's love canal. “Oh WOW Daddy!! You do cum hard! I claim you Daddy. I claim your mind, an' your' heart, an' your body, an' your dick, an' your cum. You're mine...” (sigh) To Howard's mind, as he rolled off to lie beside her, he couldn't ever remember a night like his daughter, Cindy had just given him, teenage romantics included. Its was soppy sweet, but Damned if it didn't feel real – like he'd just married his nubile daughter. In a manner of speaking, depending on culture, he had. As he lay beside his sated, blushing baby girl, flesh of his own flesh, looking into her eyes, kissing her, stroking her, lazily fondling her tit while she absently played with his now flaccid cock, he knew in his heart of hearts that he had. He'd give her his world without a second thought, and hoped to share in hers where she'd have him. As they continued to kiss and play, his cock began another slow arousal. Not a speedy thing this time, but the more she teased his cock and balls, the thicker and harder he went, and the more tingly his balls became, and he realized that he had at least one more go in him before he totally petered out. “You game to go again, baby girl?” “Not a hot 'n heavy one, Dad, or a long one, but I can take you one more time. Then I'm pooped, and I gotta sleep” “Thanks, love. We'll make it a quick one. It'll be my chance to really feel you from the inside this time.” “Sure, Dad. C'mon in and feel away.” (smiles). When Howard again mounted his daughter, their combined love juices allowed him to bottom out in a single stroke. “Whoa, Daddy! You filled me up!” “God Girl, you feel wonderful in there, he said as he held still for a moment to fully get the feel of her insides. Cindy purred, giggled and jiggled her chest into his, then reached around under his arms to pull his body down onto hers. He was heavy, but not uncomfortably so. Reaching down and grabbing his butt, she pulled him gently forward to give him the hint. For his own part, Howard kissed Cindy, and slow stroked his way toward another climax, licking, kissing and nibbling her mouth, neck and ear on his way. I'm close again, baby girl. Can ya catch me?” “I'm wide open, Daddy. Gimme whatcha got.” “Then here it comes, baby.” And kissing her deeply, repeatedly he let go. Not an erupting volcano this time, but a shuddering, pulsing, swiftly flowing river of cum left him to again bathe Cindy's love tunnel and cervical door. Gods! If she weren't pregnant by now, there was something wrong with one of them... “Ooh, Daddy... I felt that. Your dick thumps nice when it cums.” “Nice. I never really knew how the girl felt about that, or if she even felt the guy cuming.” “You can if you're patient and feel with your body. I even felt my tummy bounce some when you came. Its really neat. I like fucking, but now I like making love too.” (sigh) Kissing him again, she gently nudged him off her, and to her side, but making sure he didn't move away. “Daddy?” “Punkin?” “I really need to sleep now,” and she yawned for effect. “I know, girl. I think we wore ourselves out.” “Mmm. Nice way to wear out. Would you cuddle me? Like you did when I was ten?” “Sure, Punkin. Just turn over and snuggle your back up against me.” He snuggled up close to her, pulled the soiled quilt over them, and rested his arm on hers, preparing to sleep. Cindy had other ideas. She snuggled back, making sure she could feel Howard's cock nestled in her butt crack, raised her arm and pulled his hand through under her arm, resting it on her tit. “Mm. Feels nice. Cuddly... G'nite, Daddy...” “G'nite, Punkin...” |
The first inkling I had that my day was going to be more interesting than normal, was hearing some muffled curse words from over the fence. I had gotten home earlier than normal, and was just sitting back to enjoy the afternoon with a cold one when I heard her. I had lived in this nice quiet neighborhood for about 5 years now, and knew my neighbors kids pretty well. The sounds I was hearing were probably coming from Amy, the petite 16 year old cheerleader who lived next door. She was a very attractive dark haired beauty, with medium length black hair, and a very nice tan, which I had enjoyed seeing her work on several times. She had watered my dogs before when I was on business trips, so we were fairly well acquainted. As I peered over the fence, about to ask what was wrong, I was stunned into silence, which was a good thing, as it turned out. Amy had apparently forgotten her keys again, and had tried to sneak in the dog door, something I had seen her do before. My side deck is high enough, it is easy to look over, and I had enjoyed some nice glimpses of her before, working out, doing chores and such after school. What the cursing what about, is she was stuck in the dog door, with her head and shoulders down towards the floor, and her hips stuck up high. They have one of those locking dog door sliders, and she must have disturbed it when she was crawling in, and it locked her in place. With the gate down that way, and her arms and shoulders through, she could not back up, and could not go forward, because her full hips would need to turn sideways in order to get through the gaet. Although I was enjoying the view of her short skirt almost completely exposing her panties in that position, I was about to call out to see if she needed some help, when their dog stuck his nose under her skirt, goosing her into the top of the dog door, and causing her to yelp in surprise. Rex was a good sized golden lab, and very well behaved normally, but whatever he was smelling at her crotch caused him to keep his nose where it was, in spite of her yelling at him. “Rex, quit that! No!” she yelled, but although he backed up a step when she said that, he went right back to nosing her little panties. My shorts were feeling very tight in the crotch, when I noticed he was starting to lick at her panties, and her shrieks were changing pitch. He was enjoying licking at her ass and panty covered pussy, and although she was still telling him no, some of the conviction had gone out of her voice. Her cheerleader practice must have made her legs and pussy smell great to him, because he kept on licking, and poking his nose at her, until it was obvious from her squirming and silence, that she was starting to enjoy it. I realized that if I did not record this for posterity, I would regret it, and quietly went into my office right off the porch, and grabbed my little video camera and set it on the edge of the fence, pointing down at the action. By this time, her squirming was more pronounced, and I could see her hips flexing and her stomach muscles contracting when his long tongue hit near her clit. My dick was so hard at this point, I was about to whip it out and jack off, but I thought I could get a better view if I hopped the fence real quick. I jumped over the fence onto the lawn about 10 feet away, so she would not hear me, and I would not disturb Rex at his job. I walked right next to Amy and Rex, and pulled my shorts down so I could really enjoy the view. Standing so close to Amy, her skirt was partially blocking the view, so I carefully reached down, and flipped the back of her skirt up onto her upper back. From this angle, it was obvious her panties were soaked from dog saliva, and probably pussy juice, since she was panting and moaning almost continually now. Rex surprised me by reaching up with one paw, and scratching the side of her butt, and leg. I think he was trying to get in position to hump her, as he was obviously excited. However, his claws hooked into the pink lace at the top of her panties and pulled them part way down on one side. When I saw that, a light bulb when off in my head, and I thought I could improve the view even more. I reached down with my left hand (my right was busy stroking my rock hard cock at this point) and snagged her panties just like he had, only I pulled it down more on the left side, which opened the panties up at the leg hole. Rex’s tongue immediately found that opening, and the reaction from Amy was intense. She stiffened up, and gasped “Oh my GOD”! as his rough dog tongue was now hitting directly on her lips and clit. I almost came right then, but my mind was now stuck on the idea of making this even better. I thought I could get away with moving Rex some, since he was so focused on licking her. I grabbed his right front leg, and made his claws snag in the panty top on Amy’s right but cheek, pulling her panties half way down her legs. I stared at her perfect round ass, fully exposed now, as Rex went back to licking her, even more aggressively, now that he had a straight shot at her pussy. About 15 seconds later, that direct contact of his tongue with her clit, made her stiffen in orgasm, as she squealed, tightened up her butt and stomach muscles, and came like a freight train. Rex ignored her sounds completely, and was humping at the air behind her, as he stimulated her past that orgasm, towards another one. I then had another flash of brilliance. It looked like he was going to try to mount her shortly, but with her stuck as she was, I had a better idea. I pushed Rex back, although he clearly did not want to go. I then curled my hand into a claw shape, and scratched at her butt and back, as if Rex was trying to mount her. I kneeled behind her, and guided the tip of my cock towards he swollen pussy lips, wet with her cum. I squeezed her hips with my fingernails, which should feel like Rex’s claws with any luck, and then jabbed my hard cock at her pussy. I knew dogs could not guide their cocks very accurately, so I slid my cock under her pussy, rubbing her clit a few times, then poked her legs, and finally allowed my cock to hit dead center on her pussy. As I watched the head penetrate about an inch, I heard Amy give a little shriek of No! and then I rocked my hips forward rapidly, getting more of my cock into her hot little pussy with every stroke. Amy was moaning and panting repeatedly, with every push forward, and occasionally saying “Oh God!” when I went even deeper into her. The sensation of heat and the slippery heaven of her pussy around my cock made my head reel, and I was right on the edge of cumming. I pushed into her harder, and finally bottomed out, with almost all of my cock fully imbedded into her tight pussy. I had just enough control to keep the skin of my stomach and hips from ramming into her ass, because I did not want her to realize it was not a dog fucking her. I pulled my cock most of the way out, and slammed it back in repeatedly, trying to hold off on the monster orgasm I was about to have, when her pussy clenched down on me like a hot velvet vice, and she literally screamed, as she had her own orgasm, much stronger than the one before. That pushed me far over the edge, and I rammed into her all the way, my hips and stomach firm against her legs and ass, as I came more strongly than I had ever before. I barely kept myself from yelling out, and wave after wave of cum crashed out of my cock, and into her pussy and womb. Before she finished coming down from her orgasm, I pulled my cock part way out, so she would not feel my skin, and then stayed there for a minute, while I enjoyed the site of her sweaty back, and round full ass right in front of me, and her lovely pussy still stretched out by half of my cock. After a couple of minutes of catching my breath, and coming down from that amazing orgasm, I started to worry that I should get out of the position I was in, plus my knees were started to be sore. I slowly pulled my cock out of her, seeing her cum and mine mixed as I leaned back. I noticed Rex was right beside me, so I got to my feet, and pulled up my shorts. He sniffed at her pussy a few times, and then started licking again. Amy yelled out more loudly this time, as maybe she was extra sensitive at the moment. He ignored her, and starting really going to town. I hopped back over the fence while he was busy licking her all over, and realized my camera had caught the whole thing. I quickly put it away, and when I came out, I saw Rex was about to try to mount Amy again. I panicked a bit, as I realized that if he fucked her too, Amy would almost certainly feel a big difference between us, and might come to the conclusion that someone other than Rex had fucked her. I call out Rex “No Rex! Bad Dog!” and jumped over the fence again, this time being obvious about it. I pulled Rex back by his collar, and said “Amy, what are you doing!? In what I hoped was a stunned, and slightly accusing tone of voice. Amy was probably blushing halfway to her waist at being caught in that position, but she said “Mr Nicholas, can you help me please?” “ I got caught in the dog door, and can’t get out!” The embarrassment in her voice was obvious, and I thought she was almost to the point of tears. Feeling a little guilty at this point, I said “Sure Amy, let me see what I can do”. As I kneeled down next to her, I flipped her shorts back so they covered more of her backside, then leaned in close, to see if I could push up the gate latch. I strained at the gate with both hands, and forced it past the latch, and then up. I helped pull her out of the doggy door, and got a good view of her sweaty and flushed face and neck, as she stood up, and quickly yanked her panties back into position. She stammered out a quick thanks, and then said, “Please don’t tell anyone about this!” With her face and neck still flaming red with embarrassment, she grabbed her backpack lying next to the door, and quickly ran around the corner. I realized then, that this might not be the end of the story…. |
Jack woke up with a raging hard on. Thinking about the 100% verified real incest videos he watched the night before. Morning wood was the best wood as Marion often observed, thick and hard with the skin smooth and tight over his engorged shaft. On the weekends they would often delay getting up and make love in the soft dawn glow filtering through the curtains. When the children were little this was often the only time to be alone and the faint sound of morning cartoons had been a frequent soundtrack to their lovemaking through the years. But Marion was at work already as he lay in the sheets with his erection making a fine tent. He had had a very erotic dream about Eleanor. In his dream she stood before him naked, her mouth open in hot desire as she looked up to kiss him, their tongues thrashing as he squeezed her full breasts. As he fondled her breasts he felt his arousal grow and his need became desperate as he tried in the dream to enter her. Then he woke up, still hard and desperate, the bed beside him big and empty, so he couldn't roll into Marion's waiting and welcoming embrace for a morning quickie. He reached for the laptop and opened a tab to his favourite porn site, searching for "big tit POV" videos to continue the dream. He found one that looked sort of like Eleanor, longish blonde hair, young, curving thighs, large breasted. He pushed his boxers and the sheets down and started stroking himself. Eleanor padded quietly down the hall. She was always light on her feet thanks to ballet classes when she was little. She needed some info from dad for her student loan for the next semester at university and hoped that he was awake. The door to mom and dad's room was ajar. She heard some rhythmic breathing and peeked around the corner, assuming that dad was still sleeping heavily. Pulling her head back, she stifled her gasp so that he wouldn't know she was there. Dad was very naked on top of the bed and very much rubbing his very large and erect penis while watching some porn on the laptop. She took a few moments to compose herself and then risked another peek. Dad's attention was on the computer screen, so she could risk a better view. She knew she shouldn't be watching, but she couldn't help herself. She was transfixed by her daddy's open sexuality. She admired his middle aged body and hairy chest. She was in awe of the size and thickness of his erection. Mesmerized, she watched how he varied the touch on his hard shaft, stroking slowly, sometimes circling his swollen purple head, and sometimes gently brushing the tight skin underneath. With his other hand, he would cup and caress his large balls, pulled tight in their scrotum. Slowly she unzipped her shorts and pushed her fingers inside to rub at her swelling clitoris as she watched. She was fascinated when his breathing quickened and his grip tightened into the classic closed fist she had used to give boyfriends hand jobs. Faster and faster dad stroked as she rubbed her clit harder and harder. With his free hand he reached over and grabbed a tissue from the bed side table, quickly spreading it on his abdomen while he continued to pump his cock and watch the screen from which Eleanor could hear moans as the woman in the video reached her own climax. With a grunt, dad shot his thick load onto the tissue, continuing to gently work his cock as it softened, extracting every bit of come and pleasure from it. Eleanor pulled her head back, jamming a hand into her mouth to stifle a moan as the tremors of her own orgasm shuddered through her. Eleanor retreated quickly to her room, her thoughts jumbled, her mind buzzing. She pushed her shorts down and reached under the bed for her 'special box'. Last semester her Women's Issues club had done a trip to the local sex shop to learn more about female sexuality and while there she had bought herself a large thick vibrating dildo which she brought home at end of semester and hid in the same place that she had always hidden private treasures. A dildo was a bit different from shiny rocks and pictures of pop stars, but it was secret, and a treasure. She said to her girlfriends that her dildo was the best boyfriend she'd ever had. Hurriedly she lay on the bed and spread some lube and turned it on. Opening her thighs she slowly inserted the silicone toy into her waiting, hungry vagina. As she stroked it in and out her other hand searched her body, cupping and squeezing her breasts, caressing over her stomach and through her bush, tweaking her nipples. Oh God! How she wished for a man's hands on her right now. She hadn't met a boy good enough to take to bed all year and she felt the aching desire of it now. Her hand moved down to her bush again, and her finger began rubbing at her swollen clitoris, keeping rhythm with the thrusting of the dildo. Her mind drifted back to what she had just seen, and in her memory she watched her dad stroke his hard cock and she matched the tempo to her memory. She imagined her father leaning over her. She wondered what it would feel like to have her daddy push his hard lust into her. Shuddering, she gasped for breath as the waves of her climax rolled over her and carried away her whispered "Oh daddy..." Jack cleaned himself up and got dressed. Working over his feelings about his recent dream, he went in search of breakfast. Eleanor should be up, he'd see if she wanted any tea. He got to her door and was about to knock when he heard a faint buzzing and panting breath. He paused for a moment, listening to her panting and imagining what it might look like. His hand hovered over the door knob, tempted to burst in and capture a voyeuristic look of his daughter while she pleasured herself. It was his favourite genre of porn after all. But he thought better of it. It was her private moment and she hadn't invited him in to watch. Making a hasty retreat he went downstairs and filled the kettle and let his arousal subside. Eleanor entered the kitchen wearing a tank top and shorts as he was buttering some toast. "Hey sleepy head. Tea's ready." "'Morning daddy!" she came up to him and put her arms around his neck with a big smile. "Did you sleep well?" she gave him a big kiss on the cheek before breaking the hug and taking the offered mug of tea. Jack regarded his daughter thoughtfully. "Yes. I had a really good dream." He felt himself blush a bit at the thoughts he was now having as he surveyed the curvaceous woman sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea. Coughing he turned away. "Toast?" he asked. Eleanor took the plate of toast and regarded her father. She had always loved him, naturally. Loved him deeply and purely as her father, who was always helping with school work or happy to play a game with her. For a grown man he had been pretty good at playing dollhouse and his teddy bear tea party manners were impeccable. But now she desired him as a man too. She crossed her legs in reaction to the tingling that she felt there as she spread some jam and took a bite. "Watcha up to today?" her dad asked. "Oh nothing much. Got to work on a Student Loan application. Taking over from mom at the store later. You?" "Nothing much. The usual on this shift. Caffeinate, watch some TV. Go to work later." Eleanor sipped her tea and munched her toast, glancing sideways at her dad, wondering. Did he feel the same? Would he? What would she need to do to get him into her bed, to... to... to fuck her? They had been a pretty open family when she and her sister were younger, everybody walked around naked and got changed in front of everybody else. But once the girls hit puberty and began to fill out, dad changed his ways, turning away if the girls were trying clothes on with their mother, carefully closing the bathroom door if they were in the bedroom talking to mom. Her growing womanhood obviously had an effect on him as a man. Maybe he did have feelings in that direction? She could only try to wake them up. Later, Eleanor made lunch. "Hey dad!" she called. "Lunch is ready." She waited, listening for his footfall before turning to the oven to pull out lunch. Jack walked into the kitchen in time to see the V of his daughter's shapely legs spread in front of him, her rounded ass covered in tight, short shorts as she bent over to pull frozen pizzas out of the oven. Eleanor smiled to herself, hearing a slight intake of breath as she gave her butt a slight wiggle and took her time straightening up. "Sit down, I'll bring it" she commanded. Jack dutifully sat down and watched as Eleanor set lunch, bending over unnecessarily to set his glass of cola down and then bending over a second time to set his plate down, each time giving him a full view of her full, firm, rounded, glorious breasts. Unprompted, his mind raced back to his dream, and then the porn video he had masturbated to. The porn video of the not-Eleanor lookalike. He felt his pants tightening and coughed, covering his embarrassment with a pull on his drink. "Thanks sweetie." Clearing up after lunch, Eleanor found an excuse to back into her father, her round ass pushing into the front of his pants. "Oopsies!" she giggled. She smiled as daddy instinctively wrapped his arms around her, crossing over her stomach, hands carefully avoiding her large breasts. She pushed her head into his arm, rubbing against it as she slowly squirmed her bum against him. She could feel him stiffening against her gently moving bottom and sighed happily. "I love you daddy." Daddy hugged her tighter and rested his cheek against the top of her head. "I love you too." He kissed the top of her head and broke the embrace, coughing. Adjusting his pants he turned away. "I've got to pack my lunchbox and go to work." All that shift, Jack's mind raced as his imagination burned with forbidden images. At home, Eleanor thought of watching her daddy pump himself and the feeling of his stiffening desire against her ass as she rammed her dildo again and again into her ravenous lust imagining that it was her father mounting her again and again. Taking her like he took mom. She could remember listening to mom and dad fuck and wished that she were her mom, being fucked multiple times a week. That night, Jack came home. The porch light was on but everyone had gone to bed. Jack checked windows and locks as he had always done, and made his way up stairs to shower and go to bed. He stopped at Eleanor's room and peeped in to check, as he had always done, happy that she was home with them to check on. The light from the hall spilled across the floor onto her bed. Eleanor was lying quietly with her back to the door, the sheets gathered up over her hips and her nightie had ridden up so that her bare bottom was exposed in Jack's full view. Jack had a sharp intake of breath and took a hesitant half step into the room. He wanted to caress that smooth rounded expanse of glowing flesh. He wanted to kneel and kiss it tenderly. He wanted to grip her ass, bend her over and fuck her doggy style. Heart hammering, he continued into the room until he stood over her sleeping form. He reached down, wanting to softly touch the forbidden beauty. With a sudden shake of the head he took the coverlet and pulled it back over, covering Eleanor's beautiful bottom. Eleanor had lain awake, listening to her daddy come home. She carefully positioned herself, pulling the sheets across her hips and hitching her shear nightie up to her waist leaving her bottom and thighs naked and exposed, hoping he would peek in to check on her like he used to. She almost fell asleep listening to the sounds in the kitchen as he unpacked his lunchbox and then patrolled the house, double checking locks and windows. Then she heard the footfall on the steps climbing higher in the darkness. Climbing up to her. She heard the door creak slightly and saw the light from the hall spill across the bed in front of her. She heard him step softly into the room. She could feel him standing over her. "Touch me, daddy." She urged in her thoughts. "Please touch me!" She heard his heavy breathing as he fought with his desire and then felt him gently pull the coverlet over her flesh and recede. She heard him get into the shower and used the sound of the running water to cover her approach to stand outside mom and dad's bedroom door. When the shower ended she could see in the shadows as dad moved quickly to the bed and embraced mom, waking her up with passionate kisses. "What's this?" she heard mom say softly. "Oh Jack! Aren't you tired?" Mom giggled and her soft laugh turned into a moan as she spread her thighs and dad quickly mounted her, thrusting forcefully into the darkness. Eleanor pulled up her nightie and rubbed herself, fingers working in her bush and thrusting into her wet vagina as she watched her mom and dad fuck in the dim light from a street lamp. The next morning, Eleanor danced around the kitchen in her nightie, singing to a playlist on her phone. Jack came down in his boxers and robe. "Good morning daddy!" she sang and danced up to him to give him a hug. As she wrapped her arms around his back and kissed his cheek, she pressed her breasts and thighs into his body. Daddy kissed the top of her head and he sighed as his hands tentatively drifted down to explore her ass. She pressed into him, acknowledging the touch, sighing in pleasure herself, delighting at being touched again in an erotic, loving way. Delighted that it was her daddy touching. His touch became more certain, each hand cupping a rounded firm ass cheek and caressing them as his breath got heavier. She could feel his erection stiffening against her. His wonderful cock. The cock that had made her. Getting hard against her bush, separated by only two layers of thin cotton. Suddenly, daddy broke the embrace and pulled away. "Is the tea ready?" he said with difficulty. All day she danced on display for him, bending over to expose her breasts. Stretching out shapely thighs. Asking him "What would you like to do, daddy?" leaving unsaid "what would like to do to me, daddy?" but trying to imply it with a look and a saucy smile. When daddy left for his shift she spread herself naked on the living room floor and imagined him bending over her, kissing her neck and breasts and the amazing feeling of his cock plunging inside of her as she worked her dildo until the batteries ran down. All through his shift, Jack was distracted and short tempered with his co-workers, his mind full of the sight and feel of his daughter's body. He kept thinking about how wonderful she felt pressed against him. How she had sighed in contentment as he put his hands on her bottom. Did she feel that way too? Did she want him? Why would she want him, an older man, instead of some young guy at the university? His mind swirled. Finally his shift ended and he raced home, racing through the door and window check to get upstairs to check on her. He pushed the door open a bit to see inside and gasped in wonder and delight as the light from the hall fell upon her. She was sleeping naked on her back, the sheets pushed down to display her full, proud breasts, softly rising and falling with her breath. Hesitantly, so as not to wake her or make her stir in her sleep and roll over, he stepped into the room. He stood over her, drinking in the sight of her naked breasts, softly spread out across her chest. Without thinking his hand reached out, fingers bent to cup one of them. Thumb poised to gently rub the firm nipple. Breath coming in hard pants, his other hand reached down and began rubbing at his stiffening crotch. His heart was hammering and the blood pounded in his ears as his mind screamed. He wanted to grab her. He wanted to cover her with his hungry mouth. He wanted to take her and mount her like a beast. The beast reared up in his mind, nostrils flaring. But then he saw her favourite old teddy bear perched on the corner of the bed like a guardian of childhood dreams. She was asleep and she was his daughter to love and protect and cherish like a precious treasure. Fear reared up in his mind as well. Fear that pushing himself onto her would break that precious jewel. Fear that the noise of their passionate fucking would awaken Marion. Fear that she would be angry and that it would kill their love. Pushing the hairy beast back down, his hand changed course and taking the sheets drew them up to cover her chest. Eleanor listened to daddy come upstairs, her heart beating in anticipation. She pushed the sheets down to expose her breasts and feigned sleep. Her arousal made her breath heavy, helping the illusion that she was asleep. "Please" she urged him in her mind. "Please touch me." As she felt the presence of her father linger over her, hesitating, she urged him even more in her mind. "Geez Dad, c'mon! Grab those puppies! I've only got them spread out for you. What? Do you need a written invitation?" After daddy had tucked her in and retreated, Eleanor again slipped out of bed and padded naked down the hall way, vibrator in hand hoping to watch her parents fuck. This time she watched in delight as dad flipped mom onto her knees and took her from behind. She plunged her toy, vibration turned off so as not to make any sound, into the hungry mouth of her sex as she watched, matching the stroke of her toy to the rhythm of her dad's thrusts into her mom's ample curving bottom. "Oh God, yes Jack!" she heard mom cry out. "Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me hard!" Her finger rubbed at her swollen, aroused clitoris as her other hand pushed the toy in and out. "Oh God" she whispered. "Fuck me daddy! Fuck me so hard!" Her shuddering orgasm almost made her fall to her knees, but she caught herself, and stayed by the door to watch and hear her parents finish, to hear her mother's moaning joyful orgasm and dad's grunting roaring explosion as he came like a beast inside his mate. The next morning Eleanor again danced and displayed herself in front of her father. They had breakfast in the family room and Eleanor took her tea mug and stood in front of the big sliding doors, the morning light slanting in to wrap her in a blazing golden glow. The light burned away her diaphanous cotton nightie, silhouetting her curving body and firm youthful breasts. She turned sideways to give her dad the full effect. Jack sat, frozen to his chair, mesmerized by the glowing spell she wove. He pulled his robe closer over his lap, so that his erection didn't poke through the fly of his boxer shorts. But he didn't want her to stop or move. Oh God, she was beautiful! His mind jumped back to watching her mother, Marion, standing naked in front of a morning window many summers ago. He could see, displayed for him just as clearly as if she were naked, that Eleanor had a lot of her mother's beauty and curvaceous build. "Daddy!" Eleanor exclaimed, "You haven't been listening." Jack made an effort to pull his eyes away from the silhouette of his daughter's breasts and make eye contact. "Huh? Sorry my thoughts were somewhere else." Eleanor smiled. "I bet they were!" She went and sat on his lap, wiggling to get her dad's boner nestled comfortably between her thighs. She put her arms around his shoulders and snuggled her face into his hairy chest. She giggled childishly. "Your hair tickles. Does it tickle mom, too?" "Yeah it does." Eleanor turned a bit, leaning her back into him, spreading her thighs open across his lap. She turned her face and kissed the side of his cheek. "I was hoping you could play with me today." She whispered, her breath was hot against his ear. Jack started breathing heavily as he cautiously put his hands on either thigh, slowly caressing up the smooth flesh, pushing the hem of her nightie higher with each caress. "Oh?" he coughed. "What would you like to play?" "Mmmm" sighed Eleanor and she kissed the side of his face. "I can think of a few games I want to play." "Me too." She kissed him again, lingering. "I want to play 'Mommy and daddy'." "Oh?' Jack asked. "How do we play 'Mommy and daddy'?" "I want you to touch me, like you touch mommy." She took his hands and moved them to her breasts. Jack turned his face to hers and their lips met in a deep, slow kiss, lips parting, tongues searching as his strong hands caressed and squeezed her full, firm breasts. With thumbs and forefingers he took each nipple and gently pinched and rubbed them through the thin cotton. Eleanor began breathing hard now too. She reached down between her legs, pulling her nightie up to her hairy bush so she could reach into her daddy's boxer shorts. Finding the swollen flesh inside, she pulled it out. Daddy gasped even as they locked in a kiss as she tugged his cock free. Squeezing it and stroking it she felt an incredible sense of power and a surge of joy to feel it stiffen in her hand. "I like this game" Jack whispered. With one hand he reached down to run his fingers through her bush and slide them up and down her moistening slit. She spread her legs in response and kissed him again. "Me too, daddy." They were silent for a while, touching each other. "Is this how you and mommy touch each other?" Jack closed his eyes, feeling his daughter's soft hands stroking his cock while his fingers thrust in and out of her wet pussy. "Yes" he whispered. "I watched you the other morning" Eleanor confessed. "I watched you rub yourself until you came. It made me so excited I had to go play with my vibrator and imagine it was you." Abruptly, Eleanor stood up. "There's another part of this game I want to play." Standing in front of the bright and shining window, she pulled her nightie off over her head, revealing her full beauty to her father's admiring and lustful gaze. Golden light spilled down the curves of her flesh, catching in her pubic hair with twinkling highlights as she tuned for her father to feast upon. "Do you like me daddy? Am I as beautiful as mommy?" "Oh God yes!" Jack cried from the chair, wonder struck by the vision before him. Eleanor leaned over him, straddling the chair, brushing the soft fuzz of her sex against the tip of his erect penis, her hot breath enveloping his face. "I've been watching you and mommy at night." She smiled. "Does that turn you on? Knowing that you've been watched? Do you like the idea of being watched by your daughter? Knowing that she's been fingering herself while watching you while you take mommy? Fingering herself while wishing that she were mommy?" Jack's cock quivered with excitement. Like a hound sensing that a quarry is close. Involuntarily he raised his hips, rubbing the tip of his cock through her bush. They both closed their eyes and sighed at the electric, forbidden touch. Jack started to shift, to aim his cock at her vagina and push upwards, slowly, and tentatively. To enter her, but not enter her. She straightened up and took his hand, pulling him to his feet. "I want to feel what mommy feels" she declared. Taking him by the hand she led the way upstairs. She passed the door to her own room and continued down the hall to the master bedroom. She lay on the bed and spread her thighs before her daddy, the brown V of her sex like an arrow pointing the way. Full breasts heaving, her arms reached out to her daddy. Smiling, she said softly "Please fuck me, daddy!" Jack groaned and shed his last shred of resistance along with his clothing. He had already delighted in her breasts and touched her wet, hungry pussy. She had already touched him, making him hard. Clearly she wanted him. The beast, hard and purple and throbbing, wanted her too. He moved to the bed. Eleanor opened her legs and was amazed as she felt daddy push his way inside. "Is this what mommy feels?" She wondered. This fullness moving inside of her, sliding back and forth slowly, taking his time to let their joint pleasure mount. Her breath panting along with his, her hands reached up to caress his back and hold him close. Hold him so he couldn't change his mind and pull away. He ducked his face down to nuzzle and suck at her breasts, tongue swirling deliciously on each hardened nipple. Firmly, he took a hold of her hips and she bit her lower lip as daddy's thrusts picked up speed. She reached down to grab his hairy ass and push him harder inside of her, push him in to fill her need. After a few minutes, puffing like a locomotive daddy is pounding in her hole hard like a piston, ramming his lust into her, smashing her with his own need. She arched her back up to get him deeper inside. Her swollen clit tingles as his shaft rubs across it, sending waves of pleasure through her body. "Fuck me daddy!" Eleanor screamed. "Oh please, fuck me harder, daddy!" Daddy starts to moan, thrusting harder and deeper and with a grunt he does one last hard thrust and she can feel jet after jet of the same sperm that created her, flood inside of her, filling her with warmth and his love. That pushes Eleanor over the edge and an explosion of pure pleasure erupts from her loins to ripple through her body like the warmth of her daddy's semen. Daddy then collapses on top of her, exhausted and staying between her legs. They kiss gently and she could feel him grow softer until he slowly slides out. Feeling the warmth of his seed oozing from her pussy, Eleanor smiles at him. "I love you daddy." He kisses her back, tears at his eyes and smiling. "I love you too, sweetie." They lay side by side for a while. When Jack opened his eyes he saw Eleanor's face close to his on the pillow. Her eyes bright and smiling and full of love for her father. Gently she touched his cheek. "What else would you like to do to me today, daddy?" |
Chapter 2 The next couple of months went by faster than I had hoped. Katherine moved in with me, and put her condo up for sale. Her ex was a real scumbag, and spent a good part of her money before filing for divorce from her. Then he got awarded alimony because she worked more than him, and made more money. Luckily for her, it was set for five years max, or until he got remarried. Katherine flew out to Montreal a month after moving in. We talked on the phone a lot, Skyped, and texted for the next month. She would send me nudes, and selfies of herself. I kept telling her not to, because of all the leaks, but she just kept doing it. She said that she didn't want me to forget what she looked like. A month after that, I was on a plane flying East. I landed in Portland four and a half hours later. It was chillier than L.A., but comfortable at 90 degrees. I got a text from Katherine as soon as I landed. She setup a surprise for me at the car rental desk. I checked the car rental desk, and they had a Ferrari waiting for me, shipped up from Boston. I got on my phone, and texted her back. “Brat!” I got in the car, and made my way downtown. I wanted to see the Old Port. It used to be all bars before I had left, but from what I've read, it's turned into an area of fine dining. Some of the streets are still made of cobblestone. After a quick pass through the Old Port, I made my way out to Windham. My hometown. There were a lot of eyes on me because of the car. There aren't too many Ferraris up in Maine due to the harsh winters. I rented a house right on Sebago Lake for the week. It was a really nice house, and came with a boat for me to use with it. I took inventory of what I thought that I would need for the week, and made my way to the grocery store. Luckily, they sell liquor at the grocery store, and it was definitely a must have item for my upcoming week. Afterwards, I just hung out. Relaxing from my long flight, and chilling at the house. The next day, after breakfast, I took the boat out for a cruise on the lake. I had forgotten how big the lake was, and how peaceful it was that early in the morning. There were only a few other boater out. I headed out towards the sandbar, which was one of the locations mapped out for the reunion. When I got there, I found another boat anchored, and a couple of late teen, early twenties girls onboard. They seemed to be arguing about something. The boat had definitely seen better days. It looked like it hadn't been maintained in years. “Do I look like a fucking mechanic?!” One of them yelled. “I don't know what's wrong with this thing! It has a full tank of gas!” “Well, get on your phone, and call your dad!” The other girl yelled. “He's the one that said that this thing is ok to use!” “Yeah right! Like his drunk ass is going to be up this early.” The first girl groaned. “We'll be lucky if he's up before noon, and then he'll just hit the beers right when he wakes up.” “Well, what about your mom?” The other one asked. “Could she come help us out?” “Doubtful. She won't want to pack up my brothers, and sister. Besides, she doesn't know anything about engines.” The first girl said. “We just have to figure out what happened to this thing.” That was when I pulled up beside them. “Good morning. Everything ok?” I asked, getting the two bikini clad girls attention, and they were both smoking hot. I just hoped that I wasn't ogling girls that were still in high school. “It just died.” The first girl told me. She was blonde, wearing a white bikini. “It was fine all the way across the lake, then when we slowed down, it chugged a few times, and died.” She looked really upset. “Well, let's see if we can't get you two lovely ladies up, and running.” I told her. I hung the bumpers off the side of my boat, and tied off onto theirs. Then hopped over onto their boat. They already had the engine compartment open. I kneeled down, and had a look. I checked the carburetor first, based on what she had told me. It was dirty as hell, but seemed open enough to allow air in. “Can you try to start it?” I asked. She went over to the driver's seat, and cranked it, while I held open the carburetor. I saw that there was no fuel coming out of the injectors. “Ok, that's enough.” I followed the fuel line until I found the filter. It was clear, and I could see that it was clogged with gunk. “Well, it looks like your fuel filter is gummed up.” I told her as I stood back up. “I have a pocket tool back at the house, but nothing on me. Do you have a Phillips head screwdriver?” “No, my dad doesn't have any tools. He wouldn't know what to do with them even if he did." She groaned. “He has one of his buddies work on it.” “Well, I could tow you back to your dock.” I offered. “Then he can have his friend come take a look at it.” “And, then I'll get blamed for it. Great.” She said, looking like she was about to cry. I felt for her. “Or, I could tow you back to my place.” I said, not wanting her to cry. “We could go to the auto parts store, and get a new filter. It only cost a couple of bucks, and a few minutes to swap it out.” “Really? That would be awesome.” She said, smiling. “Thank you, so much.” “Well, I'm going to hop off here.” Her friend said. “I didn't expect to be stuck here this long. Mike said that he's coming to get me.” They said their goodbyes, and she hopped off the boat, and up onto the sandbar. Then walked down the sandbar, to the State Park. I hopped back onto my boat, the other girl followed me. I took a line, and tied the front of her boat to the back of mine. Then untied our boats, and pulled the bumpers. We took off across the lake going very slow. “By the way, my name's Cindy.” She said, sitting in the passenger seat. “Luke.” I told her. “It's a pleasure to meet you. Are you on vacation from school?” “Yeah. I just finished my first year at USM.” She said. “Oh? Good for you. I heard that it's a pretty good school.” I told her. “Thanks. What about you?” She asked. “I haven't ever seen you around on the lake before.” “I grew up here. Then joined the Army, and moved out to California.” I told her. “I just came back here for a vacation.” “You're not still in the Army, are you? Your hair doesn't look like a military haircut." She said, pulling gently on my ponytail, and giggling. I chuckled with her. “No, I got out years ago. What are you studying in school?” “I'm in the Drama Department.” She said. “I want to become an actress.” I looked over at her, looking her over through my sunglasses. She had a nice tan, long wavy blonde hair, she stood about 5'6", and had a nice figure with C cup tits. “It's a tough business to break into.” I told her. “I live in L.A., and have seen many hearts get broken trying to get in.” “Yeah, that's why I'm minoring in business management.” She said. “To have something to fall back on.” “Smart girl.” I said, smiling at her. She smiled back, and I thought that I saw her blush slightly. We reached the dock, and tied both boats off to it. Then went up to the house. “You're staying here?” She asked in awe, looking around. “I've always loved this house. I've never been inside, but I've seen it from out on the lake, passing by.” “For the week.” I told her. “Do you want to hang out here, while I head out to the auto parts store, or do you want to come with me?” “Oh, I don't want to be here, if you're not here.” She said. “I'll come with you, if you don't mind.” “Fine with me.” I said, grabbing my keys. “You'll have to wait out in the car while I go in. No shirt, no shoes, no service.” She smiled, and giggled. Then followed me out the front door, locking it behind us. She almost choked when she saw the car. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She gasped looking at the car. “This is your car?” “No, it's a rental as well.” I chuckled, holding the passenger door open for her. She hopped in, and I closed it behind her. Her head was on a swivel looking around the car when I hopped in, and started it up. “Still, this is a fucking nice car.” She said still looking around it. I just chuckled, and put the car in gear. Then tore out onto the road with her squealing in excitement. She laughed, and screeched down the twisty, road. I was going a little faster than the speed limit, just to amp up her fun. Plus, I mean, hell, I had a hot college girl in a Ferrari. We hit the store, got the filter, and headed back. I grabbed my multi-tool, and went back onboard her boat. She was right over my shoulder watching me, with her tits resting on my back. Lucky for me that it was a mindless task, and that I was sitting, because my mind was focused on her, and I was also chubbing up because of her. “Try firing it up.” I told her. She went to the driver's seat, and turned the key. It chugged for a moment before catching, and starting. I stood up, and she almost tackled me by jumping up on me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist to give me a hug. “Thank you, so much!” She squealed as she was hugging me. Then took me completely by surprise, by kissing me on the lips. It wasn't a quick “Thank you” kiss. It was a full on kiss, that lasted for a minute. As surprised as I was, I collected myself, and put my hands on her firm ass to hold her up as I kissed her back. She pushed it a step further, and slithered her tongue into my mouth. It's been a while since I've kissed a girl with tongue. I'm almost 40, and women my age don't do that kind of kissing. It is more of a youth thing, but I picked it back up quickly. We made out for a few minutes before I broke the kiss, but still held her up, holding onto her ass. “Wow, ok. That was some thank you.” I chuckled, and smiled. She went bashful, and blushed all the way down to her chest. “Sorry, I kind of have a thing for older guys, and you're really cute, and nice, and you saved my life, and…….” “I don't know about saving your life, but thank you for the other stuff.” I said. “No, you really did. I told you before. My dad would have blamed me, and probably would have kicked me out of the house.” She told me. “He's looking for any excuse to get me out of the house.” “Well, that's not right. This could never have been your fault.” I told her. “The filter was clogged. That's just a maintenance thing.” “Doesn't matter.” She said, sliding down onto her feet. “It would somehow been my fault. That's just the way it's been my whole life.” “Well, you're more than welcome to hang out here as long as I'm here, if it's really that bad at home, and you want to stay away for a bit.” I told her. “Really?!” She brightened up. “I'd love to.” “Ok, well, it's been forever since I've swam in this lake. I'm going to go get changed into some swim trunks, and take a dip.” I said. “I'll join you, but um, can I use your restroom, please?” She asked. “Sure.” I chuckled. “Come on.” She shut down the boat, and caught up to me coming off the dock. She wrapped her arms around my arm, hugging it in between her tits, and rested her head on my shoulder as we walked up to the house. I pointed her to the bathroom, and went to my room to change. I stripped out of my shirt, and shorts. I was rummaging through the drawers of the dresser, trying to remember where I put my swim trunks, when the door opened, and Cindy gasped. I looked over to see her staring at my chubbed up dick, and her mouth open in genuine surprise. I just shook my head, and chuckled. Then went back to looking for my trunks. “It's a right out of the bathroom for the stairs." I told her, making light of her mistake. “I'm, ah, I, um, I was, I was wondering why there was a door that I didn't remember going through.” She stammered. “I'm so sorry for walking in on you.” “No big deal. I suppose that it's only fare.” I told her, finding my shorts. “I've been drooling over you from the moment that I happened upon you at the sandbar.” I put my shorts on, and headed to the door, and Cindy. “You ready to hit the lake?” I asked. She smiled, and nodded. We headed back down to the dock. I was the first to dive in. The water brought me back to my youth, of spending summers in this lake. It was cool, and refreshing. I came back up to the surface, standing on the sandy floor with the water up to my neck. Cindy followed, coming up right in front of me. Being half a foot shorter than me, she wasn't able to stand in the water near me. So, she held my shoulders as she floated in front of me. Her golden blonde hair was slicked back, and matted to head. Her crystal blue eyes piercing me as she stared into my eyes. “I really meant what I said before. You are a good looking man.” She said not breaking eye contact. “And, I was honest when I said that I've been ogling you ever since the sandbar.” I replied, reaching out under the water, and pulling her to me by her hips. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and her breasts crushed into my chest. The cool water made her nipples hard, and I could feel them poking into me. Our faces were only an inch apart. “I wish that I could stay here all day.” She breathed. “Why can't you?” I asked. “I already told you that you're welcome to, as long as I'm here.” “I have to get the boat back to my dad before he wakes up.” She said. “I didn't really have his permission to take it out.” “And, that's why you couldn't call them for help.” I chuckled. “Yeah, but I can drive back here, after I drop it off.” She said. “That is if you want me to.” “Bring an overnight bag with you.” I told her. “We'll go out tonight. Maybe dinner in Portland, or Old Orchard Beach.” “Ok.” She said, leaning in, and kissing me. She hopped out of the lake, and onto her boat. Then took off across the lake. I hung out in the water for a bit before heading up to the house to shower off. I took my time grooming. I shaved around my goatee, took a little time trimming my pubes, and enjoyed a long hot shower. I felt like a million bucks when I got out, and even better when I was back in my room. Cindy was laying in the middle of my bed, completely naked, and rubbing her pussy as she watched me enter the room. She was completely shaved, I noticed, as she was rubbing her fingers down through her lips, splitting them apart slightly. “Come make me feel loved, Daddy.” She said looking at me. All I had on was my towel, and that hit the floor before my first step. I crawled onto the bed, between her spread legs, and leaned down to kiss her. Her body was amazing, and I fully intended to take advantage of her daddy issues, and enjoy all her wonders. I kissed her, as she continued to rub herself. She felt my cock bump into her hand as I was kissing her, and used it to rub herself in place of her hand. Then placed the head at her opening, and guided me in. It felt like heaven, sliding into her, and judging by the hums, and moans she made, it felt the same for her. Our bodies were pressed together, as we started slow. Both of us exploring each other's bodies with our hands. Her tits were full, and firm. Her ass was firm, and tight. Her thighs were smooth, and toned. We broke our kiss, and she told me to roll over onto my back. I did as she wanted, and we rolled together. She was on top, my cock fully embedded in her tight pussy as she sat up, and placed her hands on my chest. She smiled as she started bouncing up and down on my cock. “You feel so good, Daddy.” She moaned. “Your cock is so thick, and long. It's stretching your little girl's pussy so much.” I watched her tits bouncing on her chest, and leaned up, taking one in my mouth. I flicked her nipple in my mouth, and gently nibbled it. She squealed in delight. Then I noticed her bouncing getting faster, and harder. Without warning, she slammed down onto my cock, burying it as deep as she could, and she came. “Oh God! Daddy, I'm cumming!” She cried. “It feels so good. Oh my God!” I was holding myself up with one arm, her tits was in my mouth. I felt her pussy pulsating around my cock, and her juices spraying down around it. I reached behind her, grabbing one of her ass cheeks as a handle, and grinded her hips back and forth, intensifying her orgasm by grinding her clit against me. She came down from her high, and sat up straight to catch her breath as I laid down flat on my back. Her body shaking slightly. She smiled down at me, and turned around so that her back was to me, and her hands were on my thighs. She looked over her shoulder at me, and pouted. “I've been a naughty girl, Daddy. I wet myself in bed.” She said in a little girl voice. “I think that I deserve a spanking.” She wigged her ass at me. Then went back to bouncing on my cock. I watched her ass jiggle a little every time she slammed down onto my cock. Then slapped her ass with my hand, eliciting a yelp from her. I got into rhythm where every time her ass came up off my cock, my hand slapped one of her cheeks. “I'm sorry, Daddy! I want to be a good girl!” She cried. “I want to make my Daddy feel good! Please cum in me! I want to feel you cum in my little pussy!” I slipped my thumb up her asshole, causing her to squeal in surprise. It also made her pussy clamp around my cock. My cock swelled as it blasted my cum deep into her belly. That caused her to cum again. “I feel it, Daddy! I feel your cum inside of me!” She screamed. “It feels so warm in my belly!” She leaned back, causing my thumb to slip out of her ass. My cock stayed nestled in her hot snatch as she laid on my chest, head resting on my shoulder. “That was incredible.” She sighed in bliss. I wrapped my arms around her, and she hugged them closer. “Yeah it was.” I agreed, with a sigh of contentment. We laid like that for a few minutes, until my dick became flaccid enough to pop out of her hole. Our combined juices flowed out, down her ass, and my stomach and balls. “I think that it might be time for another shower.” I chuckled, to which she agreed. We hopped in the shower, taking our time. She cleaned me, and I cleaned her. Her body was amazing. She was going to work out fine for my idea. I was going to use her to get Candice jealous over me. If I brought a smoking hot girl, half my age, to the reunion, there was no way Candice wouldn't notice. Add to that, I'm a successful producer, billionaire, and live with a beautiful actress. That would get her juices flowing, and see what she missed out on. Cindy and I finished our shower, and got out. I was dressed relatively quickly. She was taking more time because she said that she wanted to look good for me. So I made myself a drink, and waited down by the lake, smoking a cigarette. I was away from prying ears, so I called Katherine. “Hey, Handsome. You're lucky, you caught me in between scenes.” She answered. “So, how's it going? Do you have Candice dripping in her panties yet?” “Nope, haven't even seen her yet.” I told her. “But, I just finished laying the foundation of my plan. Almost, quite literally.” I told her about Cindy, how we met, what we did, and what my plan was. “I told you that you were a stud.” She giggled. “Picking up a girl half your age, on your first day home. If she's as good looking as you say, keep her around. Maybe, the three of us can have some fun when I get down there.” I thought back to our last, and only, threesome, and my dick slightly stirred. It would have been fully hard if I hadn't already just busted a nut. Then I saw Cindy come out the back door looking for me. “That sounds like fun, Beautiful, but she is coming up to me right now.” I told Katherine. “I'll talk to you soon. I love you.” “I love you too.” She said, giggling. “Have fun.” Then she hung up. I put my phone away just as Cindy arrived. She looked extremely beautiful. Her hair, and makeup were done. She was wearing a skin tight dress, that clung to every curve of her body, and barely came down enough to cover her ass. “How do I look?” She asked, spinning around to show me every side. “You look gorgeous.” I said, giving her a kiss. “You ready to go? I just had to make a quick call before we left.” She said that she was, and we headed back up towards the house, holding hands. I locked up the house, and we hopped into the Ferrari. I held the passenger door open for her, then hopped into the driver's side. We drove out into Portland, then drove down Route 1. I hadn't been there for a while, so a lot had changed. I was just going until something caught my eye. We made it all the way to Saco until I gave up. “Alright, nothing is looking familiar to me, nor catching my eye.” I finally admitted. “Where would you like to go out to eat?” She started giggling. “We could hit a chain restaurant out by the mall, or all of the new really nice restaurants are in the Old Port.” “Old Port it is.” I said, trying around, and heading back to Portland. We hit a nice place in the middle of the Old Port. It was a place that Cindy had never been to. The prices were a little high for a college student. We talked over dinner, getting to know each other better. It was a nice time. We were seated at the front window, and Cindy was looking out of it as I was dealing with the waitress, and the check. I gave up my card, and the waitress went off to cash us out. Then Cindy got up, and kissed me. “I'll be right back.” She said, with a devilish smile, and walked out the front door. I didn't have time to even ask her where she was running off to before she left. She did return before the waitress returned though. She still didn't tell me where she went, and had a big grin on her face. I signed the check, and we left. I asked her if she drank. She said that she did, but wasn't old enough to go to the bar. I stopped by the grocery store, and picked up some liquor, and mixers on the way back to the house. We got back to the house, changed into comfortable clothes, and mixed up some drinks. I went with Jack and Coke. She had Spiced Rum and Sprite. We settled in on the couch. Cindy snuggled in close to me, with my arm around her shoulder. “This day has been really nice.” She sighed as I flipped through the channels on the TV. “I wish that I could spend all week here with you. I've never felt so comfortable around anybody as fast as I have with you.” “Well, I don't mind having you here.” I told her. “Actually, I have this thing that I have to go to on Monday. I was kind of hoping that you might want to go with me.” “Oh, I would have loved to go with you, but I already told my parents that I'd watch my little brothers, and sister.” She whined. “They got this class reunion thing going on all week, and asked me to watch them. Well, except for Friday. I guess that's a family day, and I promised them that I'd go with them. I'm sorry.” “That's ok. I already planned on going by myself, anyway.” I reassured her. “I just thought that it would be more fun with you there with me.” “That's so sweet. If I didn't already have plans, I would have in a second.” She said, kissing me. “I don't even know why my parents want to go to that reunion anyways. I guess that they want to pretend that they're still a big deal, like they were supposedly in high school, but they really aren't.” “What do you mean?” I asked. Now that I knew that she is the daughter of one of my former classmates, I guess that is was a good thing that she wouldn't be able to go with me. I really didn't want to get back at anybody except Candice and Matt. But, if I had some ammo on other people, I could hold it unless they caused problems for me. “I'm sure that you don't want to hear all about my fucked up family shit.” She said. “It's obviously bothering you. I'm here, and willing to listen.” I egged her on. “It might help to get it off your chest.” She sat up, and we turned to face each other. She was wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt, and she sat Indian Style on the couch as she faced me. I had to concentrate hard not to continually stare at her sweet little pussy. “Well, from what they say, my parents started dating back in high school. My dad was supposedly this super athlete. Even though you'd never guess that by looking at him now. He was the quarterback for the football team.” She said, and I was struggling not to come unglued. Cindy, the girl that I fucked earlier, was Candice and Matt's daughter! That was definitely enough to peal my attention away from Cindy's sweet sex pot. “I guess that my grandfather owned a really big business. Some auto dealership, but lost it paying for my Uncle Raymond's attorney fees. I guess that my Uncle got caught having sex with underage girls, and is still in prison over it, and a few other rape charges.” She continued. “Well, when my grandfather passed, the only thing that he had left to pass on to my father was the house on the lake, that we still live in. My dad didn't get the business because it was gone. He works as a laborer on some construction crew that another high school buddy of his owns, and can barely pay the bills, but he has enough money to get drunk everyday. I'm just done with it. I wouldn't even be in college if it weren't for my scholarships.” “I'm sorry that you're dealing with all that. Someone your age shouldn't have to.” I said. “How about we get shit faced, and forget all of that. We can enjoy each other for tonight.” She looked up at me. “I only have to be home during the day. I can still come over at night, after they get home, if you want me to.” She was looking at me with a mixture of pleading, and on the verge of crying. Now that I knew who she was, I could tell that she was their daughter as I was looking back at her. “Of course I do. I just didn't know what your commitments were.” I told her. “I'd love for you to spend every night with me.” That cheered her up, and she smiled. “Good, because I got you a little surprise for you when I took off at dinner for a couple of minutes.” She said. Then reached into her purse, and pulled out a bottle of lube, and a butt plug. “I want you to have my anal virginity, but there's no way that I'm going to be able to handle your monster without some practice. So, I bought these. I want you to put it in me tonight, and before I go home Monday morning.” She handed them to me, and smiled. “Are you sure about this?” I asked. “Well, you've been so sweet to me, and you seem to like my butt.” She said. “When you stuck your finger up it earlier, it didn't feel bad, and I want to give you something for being so good to me.” “Cindy, you know that this is not necessary, right? I've just been nice to a beautiful girl that I'm attracted to, and who is attracted to me.” I explained. “I'm not looking for any kind of payback.” “I know, but I want to, with you.” She said. I looked at the items in my hands, then back up to her. “You're sure about this?” I asked. The butt plug that she bought was not for beginners. It was pretty thick. She nodded enthusiastically. “Positive.” “Alright, but let’s get a little shit faced first.” I relented. We turned off the TV, and turned on some music. Then hung out listening to it while we drank. I noticed that she was mixing hers a little thicker than before, where I was making mine a little thinner. I didn't want to be too drunk when I drilled that butt dildo up her sweet little ass. About three drinks later, she was sauced up enough for me to attempt it. I had her kneel onto the couch, her head, and arms resting on the back, with her ass pointing out. I sat on the coffee table, and squirted a little lube on the top of her ass crack. It trickled down the crack of her ass, and I caught it right on her brown star. I massaged it all around her sphincter before I unceremoniously slipped my middle finger up her ass. She let out a surprised squeak, but held her position. I finger fucked her thigh hole for a minute, adding more lube as I did. Then added my ring finger. She groaned at that, but didn't move as I continued to push, pull, and twist both fingers in her ass. Like before, I added more lube, which eased her groaning. The grunting came when I added a third finger. She also began whimpering. I asked her if she wanted me to stop. “No, Daddy.” She said, shaking her head. “I want to be your good girl.” I put a little lube on the tip of the butt plug, and picked it up. “Alright, I'm going to start putting it in.” I told her, pulling my fingers out of her ass, and replacing them with the tip of the plug before the gap started closing. “Now, just relax.” I applied pressure, pushing in the plug that was already half way to the widest part. I added lube to it, as I pushed, and twisted. Cindy's breath became labored as she gritted her teeth. She put her head down onto her arms. I kept pushing, and twisting as I watched her butt hole open wider, and wider to swallow the rubber shaft. I got it almost to the thickest part. She was crying, I could hear her sobbing, but she never told me to stop. With a final push, her hole opened just a little more, accepting the rest of the butt dildo, as it swallowed the rest, and clamped down onto the stem. The base was the only thing left visible, nestled nicely in the crack of her ass. I wiped the lube off my hands, and pulled her up. Tears were streaming down her face, and her eyes were red, and puffy. I pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her. “Are you ok?” I asked her, as I held her, rubbing her back. It took her a moment, but she nodded her head into my chest. “Yes, Daddy. Was I a good girl?” I smiled at her cuteness, and chuckled. “You were a very good girl. How do you feel?” “Full, and a little sore.” She said. Then giggled. “I think that we need to drink more.” She leaned up, and kissed me. Then got up off the couch to go mix herself another drink. She moved tenderly for the next half hour. It was particularly amusing to watch her sit. After that though, she was moving around without any thought about the toy in her ass. We went to bed early, around 10 o'clock. Both of us were drunk as hell, and passed out naked on my bed. I woke up the next morning with Cindy laying on her side, watching me. She smiled when she saw my eyes flutter open to the mornings harsh light. “Good morning.” She said, giving me a kiss. “Good morning.” I replied. “What time is it?” “Just after seven.” She said, scooting closer. Then sliding on top of me, with my morning wood splitting her pussy lips. She leaned down, resting her boobs on my chest, and kissed me some more. Then started grinding her clit along the hardened shaft of my dick. Her grinding started of slow, and short, but built up to traveling the entire length of my dick. Then she reached down, and slipped the head of my cock into her wet hole. It was tighter than yesterday, as she worked more of my dick into her. Then I remembered the butt plug that was still in her ass. She worked, and grunted until my entire cock was fed into her tight little pussy. Then rested for a moment, trying to get used to having both of her holes filled at the same time. I grabbed her ass, massaging her perfectly firm cheeks in my hands. My thumbs bumped into the base of the toy lodged in her ass a couple of times. “Waking up, and having this thing up in my butt made me horny as hell.” She said, as she started fucking herself on my cock. I laid back, enjoyed the feeling. My hands rested on her ass as she bounced up and down on my cock. I let her get herself going before throwing her a curveball. I reached for the base sticking out of her ass, and gently tugged at it. Every time I pulled, she would groan. As soon as her orgasm was washing over her, I quickly yanked it out of her ass. “Oh my fucking God!” She screamed, as her body convulsed in a more powerful orgasm. I kept bucking up into her as she shivered on top of me. It wasn't much longer before I came. She flopped down onto me, as her body continued to shake. She was breathing heavy, and almost on the verge of tears. I held her, and rubbed her back until she calmed down. “That was intense.” She finally said. I just laughed. We got up, and showered. Then made breakfast together. We spent the day just enjoying each other's company, and bodies. We stayed around the house, and didn't even bother putting on clothes. Her body was flawless, and the more that I looked at her, the more I was reminded of Candice. I ended up fucking her ass that night before bed, and she asked me to put the butt plug back in after I came, because she wanted to trap my cum inside of her all night. |
Seabreeze What is the purpose of a man? I was asked that once by one of my teachers. That was a long time ago on a planet so far away that it seems to be a dream now. I never could answer that question. Not until the events of that hot night. Now I know the answer. I was taught the answer by a very special woman. Her name is Seabreeze, and we stand now inside her looking through the glass between us and the stars beyond. How did this start? It started on that dream planet so long ago. Come sit down, and I will tell you a tale of how I was born. Are you sitting comfortably? --- Randal Pendragon was traveling through the deserts of New Mexico. He was one of those rare individuals who truly loved to be alone. The company at which he worked had sent him out here to survey a land parcel they had recently acquired. They planned to build a new test facility, and this god-forsaken place was where they wanted it. Randall could not figure out why they wanted it out here. He had camping equipment in the back of his jeep and he looked for a good area to set up, so he could explore in the morning. His recent divorce was still fresh in his mind and the time away would do him some good. The survey team would be out there in two days. He was supposed to supervise them and determine the best location to build the new facility. The evening sky was just darkening when he found a quiet spot at the base of a sheer cliff. It took him a little while to set up his tent and inflate his air mattress. Then he built a fire and started cooking his dinner. As his steak sizzled in the pan, he noticed a dim light above him. There was a cave about a hundred feet up the cliff. He could just make out the entrance of it because of the dim light coming from inside it. He wondered why he had not seen this cave when he pulled up. It was big enough that it should have caught his eye. He stepped to the other side of the fire so it was behind him and looked up at the cave. There seemed to be a ledge that zig-zagged across the face of the cliff. It looked like he could walk right up to the cave. He contemplated the cave as he ate. What could be causing that glow? It seemed to get brighter as time passed. He packed away his food supplies and locked them in the jeep. Then he wondered what kind of fool he was, as he pulled his flashlight out of his gear and started to walk towards the cliff. At the very base of the cliff he found the ledge. It was wide enough to walk on easily, and meandered back and forth as it went up the face of the cliff. He stepped onto the ledge and then pulled his foot back quickly. There had been a flash of anticipation. It had been the feeling of a long wait nearly being at an end. Why would he feel that way? Slowly, he extended his foot again and placed it on the path. He did not get that feeling again. He chalked it all up to imagination and started to climb the steep ledge. He would almost swear the glow was getting brighter as he moved upward. After a couple of switchbacks, he found he was not imagining it. The light was getting brighter. He could now see some detail around the entrance. The cave was about ten feet high and wide. It also looked to be a natural cave. After about fifteen minutes, he made it to the entrance. He peeked around the edge and looked into the mouth of the cave. The glow was coming from around a bend deeper in the cave. Randal cursed under his breath. He felt he was being a fool. The light blue glow could not be coming from a lantern or fire. The only thing it could be was a radioactive glow. Then he cursed himself for a fool again. Radioactive glow, where had he come up with that? He quietly moved into the cave so he could peek around the bend. When he looked, his eyes were greeted by something he could not believe. About a hundred feet further into the cave sat a woman. Her hair was snow white and she looked to be rather tall, maybe six feet. She was sitting on a rock and seemed to be reading a book. Above her head was a glowing blue sphere that seemed to focus its light on the book in her hand. He watched for a while as she looked at the book, then he stepped out. “Are you alright?”, he asked more to get her attention than anything else. It was not good form to sneak up on people, even a beautiful woman sitting in a desert cave by herself. The woman lowered her book and looked at him. Then she smiled and spoke. “Good. You are finally here. We can get started now.” “Excuse me? Do we know each other?” “We have never met, but I have been waiting on you for a very long time. Please come forward, my husband. We have many things to do and much to talk about.” “Ma’am, I am afraid you have me confused with someone else. I am not your husband. I was camping below and saw the glow from your… light. I came up to investigate.” The woman started to walk towards him slowly. He could see the dazzling smile on her face as she approached. “I am sorry. Like I said, I have been waiting on you for a very long time. I sometimes get lost in the temporal pathways. I forget what you were named when we first met. May I introduce myself, please?” “I am not sure I understand what you are saying. My name is Randal Pendragon.” “I am known as Seabreeze. I was christened with that name approximately five hundred thousand years from now. I have been waiting for you to arrive so we can fix things that need to be fixed. Please come in. I never bite unless you ask me to.” The woman was now close enough that he could see her eyes. They were sea foam green and an exact match for her dress. The dress was elegant and skin tight from just below her hips upward, with white cuffs and collar. The collar dipped into a deep V that plunged all the way past the belt line to the very top of her nether area. The lower part flared out into a flowing skirt that came just short of touching the ground. “I really think you have me confused with someone else, ma’am. Do you need a ride back into town?” Her laughter sounded like the singing of a thousand angels. It was a light tinkling thing that struck deep into the very bottom of his soul. “I think you are confused, Randal. I don’t need a ride. I am not trapped here. I am only waiting for you. Please, will you at least come and sit with me and let me answer some questions?” Randal started to move forward. As he drew closer to her he could see that she was very pale, almost alabaster in color. “Ma’am, I am not sure who you think I am…” “You are Randal Pendragon, you were born August twenty-fifth, nineteen-ninety. Your parents were killed in a car accident when you were nineteen years old. You have no living relatives and your wife of two years walked out on you. You have been granted a quick divorce do to your prenuptial agreement. You work for AXL Aerospace as a land management engineer. On your last birthday, you were so lonely you sought the solace of a prostitute for the first time in your life. She sold you her wares for half price in honor of your birthday. Shall I go on?” Randal paled, who was this woman and how did she know so much about him? “I have to admit you do know about me at least. I am sure we have not met though. I would remember someone as beautiful as you are.” “Thank you, my husband. Now could we please go to the rock and sit down? I have much to discuss with you and we have lots of plans to make.” “Why do you keep calling me your husband?” “I will explain all I can, if you will come with me and sit down. It is really a bit confusing. I do have some really fine Martian Brandy we can sip as we talk.” “Ma’am, are you trying to tell me you are an alien?” That delightful laughter rang out again. “I am not exactly an alien. I am not from the earth but my roots are laid down here. The man who designed me was born here. Please tell me how I can get you to come and sit with me. I have so much I need to talk about with you.” Randal thought he must be losing his mind. This woman was obviously crazy, but somehow he was not afraid of her. He walked the rest of the way towards her. As he arrived she offered her arm to him and he wrapped his in hers. Then she led him back into the cave and to the rock where she had been sitting. Once they were seated, she motioned with her hand and a glass appeared in it. Then she reached out and seemed to pluck a crystal decanter out of the air. From it she poured a snifter of brandy. Then she offered it to him. Randal held the glass up to his nose and smelled it. The scent was reminiscent of spring wildflowers and spice. Caution made him set the glass aside and turn to look at her. Seabreeze looked at him with a slight frown on her face. “I really will not poison you. I have no reason to do so. If I wanted to force you to stay, I could just reseal the cave. What I ask now must be voluntary. I can not force you to rewrite the future.” “Ma’am, the things you are saying are very confusing to me. I think I need to keep a clear head while we talk.” “You always will be stubborn. I think that is one of the reasons we fall in love. I will begin by filling you in with a little of my history. I was built in the year five-hundred, one thousand and six. I was the hope for the human race in the endless war with the Kalimar. I was armed with the latest in weapons technology and armor. During my maiden voyage a temporal anomaly occurred. Something had changed the past and the temporal wave crashed through our time like a tsunami. I was tossed into the time stream and washed up on the shores of Earth approximately three-hundred thousand of your years ago.” Randal now reappraised his opinion of this woman. She was as loony as a shit-house rat. “After I landed, I performed temporal scans and backed them with known human history. I discovered a few things that befuddled me for a long time. I had been named after a ship from legend. The legend spoke of a man that traveled the starways in a ship named Seabreeze. They were on a mission to protect the human race from their own folly. I know what might help you understand. Would you like to see the rest of my body?” Randal couldn’t help it. He began to blush. Was she offering to get naked in front of him? “Come with me. I will show you.” With that she stood up and started to walk further back into the cave. Randal stood up and followed her. As they rounded a bend in the tunnel, lights came on. There in front of him was something for which he truly was not prepared. It was a spacecraft. It was most definitely a spacecraft. It was about two hundred and fifty feet long. The body style was sleek and sexy. That is the only way to describe it. It had gentle flowing curves along its length that swept from its pointed nose all the way back to the rear. The bottom of the craft was about twenty feet off the ground as it stood on three legs. It had stubby wings near the back, with four huge engine nacelles hanging under them. Above the rear stood two tail fins that swept up and back at an angle. Near the front of the craft was a semi-circle of windows. The surface of the craft was polished to a mirror finish. “There I am.” The woman said as she spread her arms out to encompass the ship in front of us. She was definitely crazy. Randal didn’t know how she had discovered this ship, but she was definitely men in white coats material. He said the only thing he could think of, “Beautiful.” The woman actually looked down and blushed. “Thank you. A woman always wants to be attractive to her husband.” “As beautiful as you are, I was actually talking about the spaceship.” He did not want to mislead her. “I think I see the confusion now. You do not understand. That ship and I are the same being. I am the brain for the ship and it is my body. What you see before you is a biological projection of the computer core.” “What do you mean a biological projection?” “When I am projecting this body, I am as human as you are, but it can be put away when I do not need it. I simply reconvert it into energy and store it in the grid.” “You mean you are not a living person?” “Bien au contraire, mon mari. I am very much alive. If you prick me, do I not bleed?” “But…” “As the ship, I am a living being, with thoughts, hopes, and dreams of my own. That extends to this body when I am using it. I am as alive and human as you are. I need to breath and eat. I can laugh and love. I can even get pregnant, but if that happens I need to inhabit the body for the full term of the pregnancy.” “Is that why you keep calling me your husband? You need me to make a child?” Her laughter tinkled out again. “I would love to have your children and if I read our history correctly, we will have them. The reason I call you my husband is that in approximately five of your earth years, we will be married. Would you like to see a print out of the marriage license?” “If you are from the future, why don’t you just fix the things you need to fix and then go back?” “It does not work that way. Because I am from the future, I cannot change my own past. The future has not been written for you, you can change it. The changes you make will affect me. We are in the middle part of a time loop. Think of a ribbon with a knot in it. Behind the knot is pristine time flow. In front of the knot is pristine time flow. At the knot however is a twisted mess. The ribbon is not going in the right direction coming out of the knot -- it is headed off at an angle. We have to fix the knot so time is coming out of it on the same path as it went in. If we succeed, I will be created and the tsunami will carry me back to await you once again. If we fail…” “So you need me to help you fix the time disturbance?” “Disturbances,” she said with a smile. The first of them is happening in about three days. There is a man who is going to be killed. He must live.” “Why not just call the cops and tell them about the attempt?” She mocked picking up a phone. “Hello, is this the police? I am from the future, and a man who will become one of the most influential presidents of your time is going to be killed by a random burglar in a few days. Could you send over a couple people to protect him?” “Point taken. How can I help?” “I don’t know. I just know we cannot allow this man to die. If he dies, the passive equality laws will not be passed, and in about twenty years the race wars will start. Those laws break the walls between all men and women to make them true equals in the eyes of this country.” “Do we know who is going to kill him?” “A young man named David Dahlia. He is a drug addict who is going to break into the man’s house.” “How do I stop him?” “I can’t tell you that. If I told you how to fix it, I would be changing the future. I can only tell you what is going to happen and how it is wrong. It is up to you to fix it.” “Am I allowed to use any of your modern technology?” “You can use any of it except access to the future data banks. Inanimate objects are flotsam. They are not time tied because they can’t think on their own.” “Can you tell me where he is?” “Right now he is in Los Angeles, buying drugs from his connection. It is the last of his money and he is trying to figure out how to get more.” “How am I supposed to get to L.A. and find this man, then stop him in only three days?” “That is the fun part. I can take you there, as a means of transport, I am still the same as an inanimate object. It is only when I take a direct hand in the event that I am running afoul of time paradox.” “It would take months if not years to dig out the cave entrance big enough for you to move out of here.” “Im Gegenteil, mein Mann. Come aboard and I will show you just what your future wife is capable of.” As she turned and walked away towards the ship, a ramp extended downward. Randal’s curiosity had hit such a high point that there was no way he would miss this. He followed right on her heels. There was an added benefit to this. He was a man, and she had an incredible ass. As soon as his foot hit the ramp, he could hear the engines starting to whine to life. “There will be a loud noise in just a second,” she warned him. Then a massive thudding sound thundered through the body of the ship. “There was a rock caught in the intake of one of the zero point engines. It is cleared now. Patience, dear, could you please report to the bridge. We are getting out of this damn mountain.” “Who is Patience?” “She is my shuttle craft and your second wife. I tinkered with her a bit over the years so she could be more like me.” “Oh,” he said softly. What the hell else was he going to say? They walked down a hallway towards a door. When the door opened he saw the bridge for the first time. It was about the size of a large conference room. In it were three chairs set in a triangle with two in front of the third. In front of the three chairs were consoles with various controls on them. The front windows looked out into the cave but on the glass there were numbers and information. It was like a giant heads up display. “You can sit here, il mio capitano,” Seabreeze said as she pointed to the rear chair. As he sat down, another woman ran onto the bridge. She was about five foot, six inches and dressed in a black jump suit. Her red hair was a shock of flame that flowed down her back. Her eyes were the most startling blue he had ever seen, they almost looked neon. She stopped in mid stride and looked at him. “He is here!” Suddenly, she had her arms around Randal and was kissing him like there was no tomorrow. Her tongue would not be denied as she took his mouth and conquered it. Randal had received kisses before -- quite a few of them, actually. He had never been kissed with the raw passion this woman showed. He could feel an instant connection with her as she threw all of her love and emotion into that kiss. “Patience! Get your mind on business for now. I know you have been waiting, and so have I.” When this woman finally let go of him, she stepped back and looked at him. Then she held out her hand, “I am Infinite Patience, shuttle craft and third officer.” “Who is the second officer?”, Randal asked, as he tried to catch his breath. Her kiss had left him in a state a gentleman prefers not be announced. “Seabreeze is second officer, Sir.” “Then who is the captain?” Patience giggled. “You are.” Seabreeze started to speak as Patience moved to the left front chair. “Zero point engines at full operation, anti-gravity field at peak, life support running at maximum efficiency, cloaking field and shield engaged. We are ready for punch.” “Yes, ma’am,” Patience said with a giggle in her voice. Then Randal nearly panicked. The ship was suddenly wrapped in lightning. It arced all over the ship and burnt tracks all over the cave walls. There was a bright flash and suddenly all was dark. “Altitude, twenty-two thousand miles, we are in a parking orbit directly over Los Angeles. The captain looks a little tired. Perhaps I can take him back to our quarters and help him relax,” Patience said. “Patience, will you please be serious? He may not be ready for that part of our relationship.” “Seabreeze, you activated me two-hundred thousand years ago. I have got to be the oldest living virgin in existence.” “Second oldest.” Randal looked out the window as he contemplated his situation. That was when he realized what they had been talking about. The earth was just coming into view out the window. They were in space. Randal stood up and moved forward. Below the ship, like a giant jewel, was Earth, in all her glory. They were on the night side but on the horizon the sun was just coming up. Suddenly his day hit like a wave. It had to be very late, and he had been through a day full of surprises and shocks. He started to sway. Randal felt a set of arms grab him and support him as his knees started to buckle. “Hold on, my husband. We will get you somewhere so you can lie down.” Randal could hear the concern in Seabreeze’s voice. “You better not have broken him,” Patience said, as her arms wrapped around Randal from the other side. *** Randal woke up in a huge bed. It was so warm and comfortable that he refused to open his eyes. The strange dream he had experienced made him want to stay here and try to forget it. Then he felt something move. His eyes snapped open and he looked down the length of his body. On his left was a shock of red hair that splayed across his chest and mingled with the white hair on the other side. It all came tumbling back into his mind as he looked at the two women in bed with him. Randal wondered if he could escape. Then he wondered where he would escape to. He was twenty-two thousand miles from home. The first step was a really long one. Then a second part of his predicament flowed into his mind. He was in the typical state for a young man when they first wake up. How was he going to climb out of this bed without embarrassing himself? He lifted the covers to see if he could move their arms and legs off of him. Then he put the covers back down quickly. That sight was not going to help his morning problem. Both of the women were very, very, naked. Randall was in a bed between two women. He had to use the bathroom desperately. He also had a raging erection and there was no way he was going to get out of the bed without touching a naked woman. He decided he had to try or they would wake up in a gross state. He reached under the covers and tried to move one of the arms across his chest. “You aren’t going anywhere with that are you?”, Patience’s voice said lightly. Then from the other side Seabreeze spoke. “He has to go to the bathroom. Let him up.” Patience raised her head and stuck her bottom lip out in a cute pout. “That is mean. I have been laying here waiting for him to wake up so I can jump his bones, and you are making me let him free.” “If you don’t let him get up he is going to make a mess.” “Alright,” Patience said, still pouting. Then she rolled over onto her back. “He can climb out over the top of me.” Randal tried to climb over her without incident. He really did try, but as he straddled over her, she suddenly threw her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. “Be sure and come back, when you are done. I want to lose my virginity before you leave on your mission.” “Patience!”, Seabreeze exclaimed. “What?” “Quit throwing yourself at him. He has just learned we exist. Give him time to learn who we are.” Patience unwound her arms and legs and let Randal up. He was just about to ask where the bathroom was when a door opened in one of the walls. When he entered the bathroom he was shocked to see all of his personal items arranged on the counter. These were not just some bathroom needs. They were the items from his bathroom, in his apartment. “How did all this get here?” “I beamed them up after you fell asleep. All of your furniture and your jeep are in the cargo hold.”, Seabreeze said as she came to the bathroom door. Randal could not help but see how she looked him over as he stood there. “Do you see something you like?” Seabreeze blushed. “I am not accustomed to seeing a naked man up this close. We have been in that cave for a very long time. May I beg an indulgence of you?” “I will be happy to listen to you, if you will give me a few moments to relieve myself and freshen up.” Seabreeze blushed again. “I am sorry, I sometimes forget the hang-ups that people can have.” She stepped away from the door and it closed behind her. Randal performed his morning duties then jumped in the shower. He did not see any temperature controls on the shower just an off and on knob. When he stuck his hand under the water it was the perfect temperature for him. He thought that was a bit odd. After a quick shower, he realized he had no clothing in the bathroom. He bucked up his courage and stepped out of the small room. Patience was lying across the bed on her stomach, still as naked as a newborn. She had her chin in the palms of her hands, a huge smile on her face, and was ogling him openly. Seabreeze stepped to his side and looked at him. “Go ahead and ask. The worst I can say is no.” Randal had to hide his laugh as she stumbled across her words. “We have… Both been alone… A very long time. Would you… Would it be… Could you…” Randal reached out and lifted her chin so he could look into her glorious eyes. “Are you trying to ask me to make love to you both?” If he had any doubt about her sincerity, it vanished in that moment. From Seabreeze’s eye a large tear rolled and slithered down her face to pool in the corner of her mouth. “Please.” “If what you say is true, and we are destined to become a family of three, then there is something we should get straight right now. I will never have either of you as a submissive to me. If you wish my touch, then you are to come and get me, and lead me to what you need. I could never treat you like a thing.” Seabreeze shyly reached out and took Randal’s hand. Then she turned and led him back to the bed. “Oh, hell yeah!”. Patience exclaimed as she rolled back to lie correctly in the bed. Randal stopped Seabreeze at the side of the bed and turned her to face him. “Patience has already had something you have not.” He then leaned in and placed his lips to hers. Fireworks went off in both of their minds. Randal knew in that instant she was right. They would not only become lovers but they would be man, wife, and wife. His toes curled as his soul poured out into that kiss. Seabreeze lost control of her emotions. Somewhere deep in her core a small chip overheated and several backups had to kick in. The ship altered course slightly, then corrected itself. Finally she allowed her engines to wind down and go into standby mode. She did not know how he had done it, but he had severely disturbed her links. Then she was scooped up in his arms and laid gently onto the bed. Randal was lost. He knew now she was what he wanted. These mysterious women/ships were going to become his loves. He could feel it in every fiber of his being. He moved to climb into the between them. Then he lay back and pulled them into his arms. They all three kissed and the fires that started turned into a raging inferno. The passion thundered through all three of them in a tumult of heat and smoke. Both women started to kiss their way down his body. They explored him as he explored them. They all licked and kissed each other until they were too far gone to even think about stopping. Then the women’s tongues found his center. Randal had never experienced the passion of two women. He was lost in a world of new sensations. A tongue on each side of his staff nearly took him over the edge. Lips, he was not sure who’s, wrapped around his head as a second set kissed his balls. He reached out with his arms and brought them closer to his face. Then he pushed his tongue into the woman on his right. The simple small patch of white hair told him he tasted Seabreeze. She was a sweet as sugar and as soft as silk. Then he turned his head and tasted Patience. Her nectar reminded him of honey fresh from the hive. Randal switched back and forth as he tasted and gave to them both as much pleasure as he could. He found himself striving to bring them both off. With his wife he had given up trying. She never seemed to orgasm. These women both exploded within seconds of each other. He positioned his hands so that he could add his fingers into the mix. Soon he had them both climaxing at the same time. Patience was in a world of sensation. She had her future husband in her mouth and he had his fingers in her. She had waited too long for this. Both she and Seabreeze had agreed that they would resist until he came to them. This was all new to her. She knew the mechanics of it all but she had never even pleasured herself. Now she understood why women loved to orgasm. That was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. She could not believe anything could feel better. Seabreeze had so many things she wanted to try, but, oh, God! Could anything feel as good as what he was doing now? That had to be the most emotional experience she had ever felt. Her first orgasm had come from the tongue of the man she had been created to love. “I am going to cum,” Randal said as he neared his climax. His ex-wife had hated for him to cum in her mouth. His mind was blown by what these women did. They both moved into a kiss with the head of his sword between them. Then each of them wrapped a hand around him and began to pump. He laid his head back and roared as his essence spewed forth. They never moved their faces as his flow poured into their mouths. He could feel their tongues battling back and forth to scoop up every drop. Patience was in heaven, she finally was going to get what she had waited on for two hundred thousand years. The taste in her mouth was different than she expected. She had thought it would be salty or oily. This was like thick syrup and tasted sweet. She found herself savoring the taste of her husband. She had no doubt now that they would be together. Seabreeze had waited so long. She had many opportunities, but now she was glad she had waited. The passion and fire in her was like nothing she had ever experienced. Then his sweet taste had filled her mouth. How could anything be so amazing? As Randal came down from his climax, he watched these two women. They continued to kiss and love on him like he was the only man in existence. He did not know if it was the fact that he was living a huge fantasy, or if it was a testament to the beauty of these ladies, but his staff stayed tall and proud. He had always been a one-hit wonder. Maybe he had just needed the right partners. He pulled away from them and started to guide them to lie back in the bed. He could not show favoritism. It was not in him. How did he choose whom to make love to first? Seabreeze saw the indecision on Randal’s face. Then she pointed to Patience with her finger. Patience saw that small gesture and leaned over to kiss Seabreeze. When they separated, she whispered, “Thank you.” Randall positioned himself over Patience as she stretched out. He did not need to ask if she was ready. She reached out and guided him to her entrance. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in, balls deep in a single thrust. Randal felt her teeth lock onto his shoulder and held still. She would relax when she was ready for him to continue. Slowly her teeth loosened and finally let go. Randal pulled back and thrust into her again slowly. The look on her face was one of utter shock. Then she started to quiver beneath him. Patience was now fully aware there were things that could feel better than before. She started to use her legs to force him to speed up. She wanted what he was giving and she would take all he could give. Randall gave all he had except for one thing. Since Patience was first he would give Seabreeze the finish. After her fifth massive orgasm, Patience felt him slow and stop. She looked up at her new lover and saw his eyes. She knew and approved of what he was doing. She would have many chances in the future to feel that part of loving. She nodded to him, and he smiled as he pulled out and moved to hover over Seabreeze. Seabreeze looked at her lover and with no reservations accepted him to her. She felt him at her entrance and waited. She knew there would be pain. It was part of what they did. Then he started to slide into her. The feeling set her off. She had waited so long that it was instant. She fell tumbling into a massive orgasm just from him entering her. As she rode the waves of her orgasm, he thrust deeply. The pain was there but it was so distant. It was like an old memory of a pain gone by. Her orgasm was so much more than the pain could ever be. Together they ground into each other as they both raced. Seabreeze raced from hilltop to hilltop while Randal charged up the hill. Seabreeze also learned that things could feel better. Then, in the midst of her strongest orgasm yet, she felt him falter and thrust deep. She screamed into his shoulder as she felt the flow of his climax enter her. They all lay together as they recovered from the most intense thing any of them had ever felt. Seabreeze and Patience were both content with their choice to wait. The wait had truly been worth it. There was no pillow talk. Randal held them and they relaxed with their heads on his chest. They lay there comfortably for a long while just relaxing in the afterglow of the act. Seabreeze cleared her throat and spoke softly. “I do not want to get up, but we do have a few things to attend to before you have to go down to stop David. Do you have any idea what you are going to do yet?” “No,” Randal said simply. He really had no idea if he could kill this young man. --- Was it right to kill one person to try to change the future? People have asked that question in so many forms over the millennia since they first started to communicate. I will ask it of you now and let you contemplate the answer. Would you kill Hitler if you could go back and do it before his rise to power? --- Seabreeze and Patience led Randal to what they called the trauma center. When they stepped into the room Randal was curious about all of the devices in the room. “What is this?,” he asked while indicating an odd looking light over the bed. It was surrounded by several mechanical arms. “That is the surgeon. It is capable of conducting any type of surgery, completely autonomously. The various tools are trans-phasic and can pass through solid matter without damaging it.” Patience answered, as Seabreeze gathered a few small items from a locker. When Seabreeze came over to the table, she held a small jar with a fine fleshy mesh inside it. “This is a Mind-Web. It will allow you to communicate with us and access our computer data. Just remember you will not be able to access the future information.” Randal looked at the odd looking thing. It looked like a web of fatty material. “Won’t it be a little obvious if I wear that in public?” Patience started to laugh a beautiful little giggle. When he turned to look at her she guided him back a step and made him sit on the table. Then she brought her lips to his and began to kiss him with that fiery passion that nearly melted his legs. , Seabreeze asked softly. , he thought to himself. Seabreeze replied with a laugh. , Randal could not help the squeak in his thoughts. Patience said as her tongue continued to dance in Randal’s mouth. Seabreeze held up a small needle with an ampoule attached to the back of it. Randal felt the needle enter the skin of his upper arm. Patience finally let Randal have a breath of air. He was badly in need of it. After a couple of deep breaths, Randal again could speak. “What can this “Mind Web” do?” Randal thought about an icon screen and in front of his eyes little icons seemed to float in the air. Randal looked at an icon that looked like a movie reel and thought about help. played in his head. “I can explore the icons later. All I need now is the communications.” Is there anything you think you will need to accomplish your mission?”, Seabreeze asked. “I don’t think any of the future weaponry is needed. Do you have any hand guns from this time period?” “I have all the specification and can use my energy solidifiers to make them.” Seabreeze answered. “I need to get some clothes out of my stuff in the cargo hold. I can’t exactly run around in my birthday suit.” “It doesn’t bother me at all,” Patience said, with a wicked gleam in her eyes. “We will show you your stuff. Follow me,” Seabreeze said while looking slightly vexed with Patience. Patience gave a little pout with her bottom lip and followed Seabreeze out into the hallway. As Randal followed them he saw a small box of the needles, with ampoules, on the counter. He reached over and picked one up and hid it in the palm of his hand. The very beginning of an idea was coming through. In the cargo hold he picked out a good pair of jeans and button down shirt. He slid the needle in his shirt pocket on the sly. “Is there any chance you have some money available for me to use down there? It is probably a good idea if I don’t access my bank account.” “How much do you think you will need?”, Seabreeze replied. “I should take a few thousand with me. I don’t know what I am going to run into.” Seabreeze gave Randal an odd look. “What are you planning? You do realize you are not our prisoner right?” Randal smiled and caught her chin between his fingers. “I promise I won’t try to escape. I just have a very nebulous idea of a plan.” Seabreeze nodded and walked over to a terminal near the front of the bay. Once there a stack of money appeared on the counter in front of the terminal. Next to the money were a snub nosed thirty-eight caliber revolver and a box of ammo. Seabreeze carried them over to Randal and he took them. Then he leaned in and kissed her deeply. When the kiss broke, he sighed and looked into her eyes that held so much emotion. “Seabreeze, I don’t know where we are going. I cannot see the future. You have shown me enough to convince me you not some loony, escaped from the nut-house. I promise you, I will come back when this is over and we will have a long conversation about what that future holds.” Seabreeze smiled a small smile and nodded. Then she spoke softly. “I will beam you and your jeep down. I have made a couple modifications to it. I hope you don’t mind.” “You modified my jeep?” “Yes, it now runs on a collapsing field power supply and an electric engine. You won’t ever need to put gas in it again. It also has an emergency recall beacon. Just hit the button above the radio and it will auto-beam to the ship with you in it.” Randal kissed her again. This kiss was full of his promise to return. Then he turned and kissed Patience. When they broke free, Patience handed him a paper wrapped bundle. “I realized we have not been good wives. You have not eaten since you have been here. I hope this makes it up to you.” “Thank you, Patience.” Randal then turned and climbed into his jeep. He smiled and nodded to Seabreeze. Then there was a bright flash in his eyes. He was parked behind a store on the roadside along interstate ten. West of him was Los Angeles. There he had a man to find. Then he wondered to himself how the hell he was going to find him. Seabreeze’s voice said in his head. He did not expect the reaction he got. There was a slight hitch in her mental voice when she replied. Patience’s voice was colored with mischief. Randall drove off into the predawn air. The horizon was just starting to pink behind him. The cool early-morning air flowed across his skin and made him think about what he was going to do. Could he bring himself to kill this man? Could he kill a man for a crime he had not yet committed? All he had was the word of a person whom he had only met a day ago. True she was not just a normal person, but could he trust her completely? He did not know how much he could trust her. He did know he was falling in love with the almost shy way she was with him at times. Then there was the vivacious Patience. How did he feel about her? Could he love and marry two women? He had only ever wanted one woman to be part of his life. There was also something else in the equation. If they were to be believed, they were immortal. He was not. How could he allow himself to fall in love with two women that would travel through the eons without him? Could he put them through the loss they would suffer when in time he died and left them again alone? But if he did not go they would be alone now. His mind ran in circles. He could not bring himself to an answer. As his mind ran through his inner turmoil, he reached over and opened the paper wrapped bundle. Inside were four small breakfast sandwiches. Two were sausage, egg, and cheese and the other two were bacon, egg, and cheese. He thought to himself that all he needed was coffee and he would be all set. No sooner had he thought this and the cup holder sticking out of the dash flashed brightly. There was a steaming cup of coffee in the holder. he thought to them both. As he ate his breakfast, he went back to his thoughts. He was no closer to a resolution than before. Hours of these thoughts ran through his head as he zeroed in on his target. Then he found him. He was standing on a street corner talking to a man in a very bad section of town. Randal watched as the two men argued. David seemed to be begging for something. The other man was telling him no. Randal watched until David gave up and started to walk away. Randal’s plan solidified. He started the jeep back up and pulled away from the curb. As he drove up behind David he slowed and pulled over. “You look like you could do a job for me. How would you like to make a little money?” David looked at him and Randal could almost hear his thoughts. He wanted the money but he did not know if he could trust the man in the jeep. “It’s a real simple job. I will pay you a good wage and drop you off anywhere you want when it is done.” David’s addiction was on him bad. People make very bad decisions when they are in the throws of withdrawal. He climbed into the jeep. “What do you need me to do?” “You look in pretty bad shape. I bet you could use a little pick me up before you go to work.” As he spoke, Randal pulled the needle out of his shirt pocket and held it out. David did not even think about it. He snatched up the needled and stuck it into his vein. He did not bother with the tourniquet. He just forced the drug into his system. Fire burned through David as his mind seemed to explode. Then he passed out. , Randal asked. , Seabreeze asked with a tone of worry in her mental voice. , Randal asked quietly. , Seabreeze answered. , Randall asked, the medicine would make his plan work. *** David woke up sitting in the jeep. The man sitting next to him was playing a game on his cell phone. David moaned, as his stiff muscles flexed when he tried to move. “Good! You are awake. You did the job perfectly. Here is your pay.” Randal smiled as he spoke. In his hand he held out a stack of one-hundred dollar bills. “There is five grand there. I would say that is enough to buy you a second chance at life if you use it wisely.” David looked at the money. Then he reached out and took it. As he hid it in his shirt he looked around and noticed that they were sitting in front of his mother’s house. He started to climb out of the jeep and the strange man spoke again. “I wouldn’t take any more drugs, son, those things are a dead end street. I don’t think you need them any more, anyway.” David walked quietly away from the jeep and up the walk to the house. He turned to look at the man one more time. As he turned there was a bright flash. When his eyes cleared, the man and the jeep were both gone. --- That is how I met my wives. That was when I started learning what the purpose of a man is. My wives taught me the answer, it just took me a long time to realize it. The purpose of a man is to help his fellow man. I could have killed David, but that would have just damaged me. I think my answer was better. What happen to David, you ask? He used the money to get himself cleaned up. His mother, whom he lived with, was very proud of him. He went back to school and graduated with his high school diploma a year after that incident. Then he got a job with a local hardware store. It wasn’t much but he met a young woman there. He lived a long and happy life. The last time I checked on him he was bouncing his first great grandchild on his knee. I see my children are here for there good night kisses. “Come, my little urchins. After your kisses you all need to brush your teeth and get in bed. Daddy will be in to tuck you in shortly. You all need your sleep so you can grow big and strong and join your brothers and sisters out among the stars. I see you question why I say “out among the stars”. You see our children are human just like their mothers. The only difference is their ship is a mechanical projection of their mind. They carry on our work. We only have a few hundred thousand years before we can all retire. Now my friend, I think it is time for sleep. I have a big day tomorrow. It is our anniversary. I married my wives three thousand years ago, tomorrow. |
She sat on my bed on the other side of the game board, knees wide, ankles crossed and tucked under her thighs, concentrating on the game. It was her move and she was moving the pieces in her mind, planning my destruction. Over the last couple of years since I taught her to play Chess I had a winning record but this time I was on the defensive as she attacked relentlessly, pressing her queen into the fray against my king. I studied her as she plotted my demise. She was rapidly approaching maturity, the end of her transformation from awkward pubescence to an alluring young woman. She might have not even been done developing but in the past few months I'd been entertaining some very erotic but forbidden thoughts about her. Looking at her just then didn't do anything to quell my fantasies. She was wearing blue denim shorts that were loose enough around the leg that I could see the edges of her pale yellow panties at the junction of her legs. An abbreviated tank top covered her breasts but her midriff was bare from the bellybutton to the band of the shorts. The sharp form of nipples announced to my eyes that she was not hindered by a bra. She leaned forward, put her elbows on her knees and cradled her chin in her hands while she stared at the chess game. The new position allowed my eyes to roam down the loose neck of the top and take in a grand view of the soft mounds rising from her chest. I was quickly building a strong carnal desire for the young female sitting across from me. I felt my cock swelling in appreciation of the enchanting view; I was getting restless, waiting for her to move the game forward. I had nothing to do except take in the vista, I couldn't put my mind on the game. She jostled her butt on the bed which caused her breasts to bob slightly, my semi-hard grew even more. I'd lost all concentration on the board between us as my chest constricted with erotic tension. She used to be cute but her facial features were altering subtly to pretty, by the time she was fully matured she would be devastating; by that I mean beautiful. Short black hair, cut to a naturally windswept bob offset her most startling feature, her sharp sapphire eyes. They were so deep I could have fallen into them and drown in the rich blue orbs. Long dark lashes flickered when she blinked. Her nose swept long and slender to a slight flare over full, sultry lips that could turn into a blinding smile in an instant. As I took in the view of the girl I could only envy her future lovers. She looked up from the board and gave me one of her bright smiles. “You're gonna die sucker.” With that she moved a bishop four spaces diagonally “Check! You've got only two moves left.” She grinned at me “You gonna concede or do I have to kick your ass?” “The only ass kicking around here is when I boot your butt off my bed you little witch.” “Ha!” She looked at me sharply, victory shining in her blue eyes. She bounced out of her sitting position and stood directly over the chess board, most of the pieces tipped over with a clatter and rolled to the blanket. “You can't boot my butt, go ahead and try you slack assed wimp!” I lunged for her legs, wrapped my arms around her knees and pulled her down. She collapsed sideways onto the bed laughing with delight as she struggled to break free of my hold. She thrashed her legs, raising one and put it against my stomach and pushed me away. Her hands on my shoulders and the knee in my gut forced me from her, breaking my hold. As soon as she was loose she flung herself over me and tried to pin me down by straddling my chest and pinning my wrists to the bed beside my head. She sat on my chest breathing heavily, griming largely. I could see the curve of her breasts under the halter, I felt her soft thighs caressing my chest. My cock was solidifying to granite in my Levis. She moved her hands to the center of my chest and sat straight up. I took advantage of the freedom and ran my hands up her sides until I held her by the waist, her bare skin was smooth and warm. I dug my fingers into her ribs and tickled. She started squirming while she laughed, “Oh god, stop! I can't stand that!” As she protested she bounced backward until her ass was rocking against the bulge in my pants. I don't think she was aware of our position but I sure was. Every time she moved her hips she put more weight and pressure on my stiffness. I stopped digging holes in her sides to let her catch her breath. She quit bouncing on me for a few moments while recovering from the laughing fit. When she finally opened her eyes she looked down to where she was sitting. The lump in my pants was evident and pressed against the junction of her legs. She looked into my eyes, embarrassment quickly flooding her cheeks. She scrambled off my body and the bed to flee but before she did, she paused for a moment and looked intently at my erection then moved her eyes to mine. I wasn't sure what the message in her eyes was, but it wasn’t disgust or revulsion. She started avoiding me and quit coming to my room. We got on fine in all parts of the house and when others were near but all of a sudden we were seldom alone and those few times were always cut short by her excuse to be somewhere else. This became the norm as the weeks went by. I got used to the change in our relationship, after all she wasn't a little girl any more, something she realized that day in my room. We both knew our childhood was dwindling rapidly with the advancement of years and maturity. It was one of those rare occasions that she and I were alone together. We were watching a rented movie on the Blu-ray about some college kid's adventures. There were some intimate scenes but nothing to start jacking off over, the intimacy was more inferred than real. One part of the movie had the hero at a frat party where the boys and girls were playing a game, trying to figure out who their party partner was just by feel. The couples were blindfolded then touched and felt the opposite member until their identities were guessed. Since it was an R rated film there was a lot of groping and less than casual body contact. I mean the girls felt up the boys, the boys played with all the girl parts. For me it was the most erotic part of the film. Three days later she knocked softly on my bedroom door. “It's open.” “Can I come in?” was the tentative question. “First of all, you never have to knock, you never did before and you are always welcome in here, you don't have to ask.” “I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't catch your without clothes on or something.” I snorted my reply “It's 2:30 in the afternoon. If you want to catch me hacking it you'll have to come over when the lights are out.” She blossomed red and looked everywhere but my face. “I want to do something, something I don't think we should but I can't get it out of my mind.” Several questions formed but only one came out of my mouth “What's that?” She was agitated, fidgety and the flush crept from her cheeks down her neck. “Remember that movie we watched the other night? The one where those guys had the party and felt each up to guess who they were with?” “Yeah, what about it?” She hesitated, nervous eyes settled on my face, “I want to do that. I want to feel up a guy like that without him wanting to take me to bed.” I was caught off guard, unsure of what to say as an image of her replaced the hot girl in the movie, running her hands across the hero's ass. “Any guy who gets close enough to you to touch you like that is going to want to have sex with you. I guarantee if you start playing those games with a boyfriend you’d better be ready to let him.” Blue eyes met mine, I saw determination replace hesitancy, “I don't have a boyfriend, not one I'd let fondle me, not yet anyway.” She took a deep breath then the next set of words rushed out as a high pitched blur of sound, almost as if her lungs were being squeezed. “I want to do that, I brought these and since you aren't my boyfriend it should be okay because we won't have to go all the way.” She pulled her left hand from behind her back had showed me two black satin blindfolds, the kind that women used for sleeping. I looked at the blindfolds then her face. My eyes traveled from her eyes down her curves then back. An involuntarily spasm of lust twisted through my loins and settled in my balls. “You want me to put those on then touch your body? Why do we need to put them on?” “If I wear this, I will be able to imagine you are anybody I want you to be. I might think you're Brad and I can be Angelina. If I do that, you won't be you and I won't be me and I will finally get to feel what it's like to be touched. You do know how to touch a girl don't you?” There was a slight challenge in the last question. “Even with the blinders, you will know who I am.” It was my last attempt to dissuade her even though I wanted to play her game. “No, in my mind you will be somebody else, that's the only way I can do this.” I pulled an eye patch from her then put a hand on her shoulder and turned her so she was facing away. I slipped the blindfold over her hair and positioned it over her eyes then turned her around again. She fumbled with the second eye cover while blindly putting it on me. As soon as she touched my face to place it over my eyes my cock started perking up. Her feather light finger tips on my skin started a shiver that crawled down my neck to my chest. I couldn't see a damn thing. I reached for her hands and pulled them off me. I stretched her arms until they were straight and wide from her shoulders, she was standing like a cross. “Stand still, hold your arms like that.” I started at her finger tips, caressing them with mine. Slowly I moved my hands along her arms over the cloth of her blouse, massaging and touching every inch of her arms until I reached her shoulders. I couldn't see her reaction but I could feel it. As my hands roamed over her they became hypersensitive, I explored each dimple, each small fold or crevice in her skin under the cloth. She was shaking ever so softly, I heard her breath grow uneven as I squeezed her shoulders. The next part of her to fall under my ministrations was her neck, I circled it with finger tips sliding them along her hairline then up behind her ears. I teased the ears and lobes before moving across her chin and running my fingers across her lips. She dropped her arms and sighed deeply, the hot air from her lungs wafting over my hands. Her skin was warming. I caressed her nose, her brow and the satin over her eyes. I urged her to turn around again so I could work on her back. I massaged and touched her shoulders again then drew circles with the heels of my hands on her back. I moved slowly down to her waist then put my hands on her hips. I drew them back up her sides, trailing my thumbs one each side of her back bone. She shuddered and stepped her feet further apart. My cock was tearing the crotch of my pants. She was wearing jeans but I could still feel the soft smooth skin under them as my fingers drifted over the curve of her butt. I dropped to my knees and worked my hands down her sides, over her hips then along the outside of her legs. From thigh to ankle I felt her then squeezed her ankles. I urged her to turn around again. I started back up the inside of her legs. She fumbled for my arms, grabbed my wrists and stopped my advance up her inner thigh. As we paused like that I could feel her legs trembling. She released her grip. I slipped my palms further up until I caressed the junction of her legs with the edge of both hands. She grabbed my shoulders as her knees went weak. Her crotch was smoldering with heat, damp with desire. I moved back from her and stood again. Hands went back to her hips, this time my thumbs were exploring her stomach. I felt her pulse hammering under her ribs when I eased up and over the rise of her breasts. I grazed the two nipples with finger tips then pulled away. I pulled my blindfold off and looked at her. She was flushed, arms akimbo, legs spread wide. I took a hand and led her to the door of my room and urged her into the hall then quickly closed the door between us. She hadn’t touched me but I knew that if I stayed that close to her for any longer I’d lose what little control I had. I didn't see her again until the next day. I wasn't sure what to expect so I was a little anxious when she walked into the house from work. She flashed me an unencumbered smile, said “Hi” then went about her business as normal. The tension between us that had been building since our play on my bed evaporated but nothing was said for days. Our relationship was as normal as it had been for years. That lasted 8 days. On the 9th afternoon I found some blindfolds on my bed with a note tucked under the elastic band. I unfolded the paper “Your turn, put these on then come to me.” My prick expanded with just the thought of what 'Your turn' might entail. The blackness over my eyes was complete so I felt my way from my room to hers. My cock had stiffened rapidly, the material of my pants was stretched tight so I knew it would be on display. If she had any female instincts at all she would know she caused it. I pressed down on the door handle and moved from the blacked out hall to her blacked out room. As soon I clicked the door shut she touched my arm, guiding me to where she me wanted to stand. She pressed a set of blindfolds into my right hand and I knew she wanted me to put them on her. I didn't turn her around this time. I slipped the elastic band over her head then slipped the eye pads over her eyes then rested my hands on her shoulders. She took my arms by the wrists and moved them to my side, “Don't touch me this time.” She fumbled up my arms to my face and began to explore with her fingers. Trails of heat traced the path of her finger tips across my cheeks and down my neck. She left long soft tracks across my broad shoulders then down the outside of my arms. My fingers got individualized attention, she gripped and tickled each of them then moved to my chest. I was suddenly glad that I have a good build. I've developed into a tall, well proportioned young man and now the palms of her hands were gliding across the toned muscles of my upper body. My skin rippled where she was leaving finger prints and I wished silently that I could take my shirt off. She felt the outlines and rises of my pecs then followed the contour of my body down my stomach. She paused to dig a fingertip in my bellybutton then kept heading south over my hips, outer thighs, and finally stopped her sightless examination at my knees. She had deftly avoided contact with my bulging hard-on. I felt her move closer to me then her hands found the back of my knees. The trails of fire moved back up my upper legs until she held my ass in her hands where she paused. She flexed her grip, kneading my butt like bread dough then continued up my back. She had taken several minutes to examine me by touch and by the time she was resting her hands on my shoulders I was shaking with high levels of adrenaline and testosterone. I needed to get away from her and beat meat until I flooded the room. Just about the time I thought the game was over she dropped her hands to my waist and held me from moving away. Her thumbs pressed into my stomach slightly then after a short pause, as if she were debating, she slipped her hands to touch the tent in my pants. She passed a hand over the lump of my cock which caused me to shiver with need. Since the first contact with my erection didn't burn her she started massaging it with all ten fingers. I bucked and sucked in a breath then let it out as a soft moan. Encouraged by what she felt and heard she pressed on my erection with both hands, massaging me though my pants. The pressure was building, my balls ballooning. She moved one hand up over my muscled stomach and rested it on my shoulder while keeping up the pressure on my hard-on with the other. She pulled me closer by the hand on my shoulder until her forehead was lying against my chest and continued to rub my cock. I couldn't hold back, my balls contracted, my prick convulsed and I started filling my shorts with hot shots of cum. I heard a small gasp escape her as I moaned into thin air. She pulled her hands off me then led me to the door then quietly closed it behind me. In moments I was standing in the hall alone, my pants soaked through with the evidence of my discharge. Two hours later she was sitting at the chess board when I came into the front room. She looked up at me with fathomless blue eyes, flashed a small private smile and asked in a silken voice “You want to play with me?” I got dizzy from a surge of lust as the double entendre crashed into my ears. For the second time that day she created a storm of chaos in my loins. I had a hard time thinking about the game and she took full advantage. She kicked my ass all over the chess board then flounced out of the house surrounded by an air of satisfaction. Again our relationship went back to what I considered normal. We had our own lives to live and crossed paths occasionally at home. It irked me a little because I had gotten a taste of something delicious and I wanted to sample another bite, metaphorically speaking. About a month after she masturbated me we were again alone for the night. We were folding and putting up some laundry when she shook the wrinkles out of a pair of my boxer shorts. I said to her, “Those are the ones I was wearing.” She folded them neatly and laid them on a pile of t-shirts then delicately fingered the crotch of my underwear. “Are you ready to put on the blindfolds again?” Her question caught me momentarily off guard but I recovered quickly. “Yeah, but let's touch each other at the same time, not just one of us.” “That's what I'm thinking too, put this stuff away, I'll get them.” We went to where this all started, my room. Again we put the blinders on each other but then I stepped back from her while holding her hands. We began our new experience at the hands and wrists, touching and caressing each others fingers. Slowly we worked up the others arms to the top half of our bodies. My cock had levitated in the laundry room and solidified to oak in the few minutes we fondled each others arms. I could feel her warming under my touch as I worked on her neck and face again. This time I wasn't being as cautious or indiscreet as the first time we did this. When she rubbed me to an ejaculation it changed the dynamics of my thoughts. I wanted to turn her on, to make her feel the need between her legs. I knew she wouldn't ever screw me but I wanted to get her hot and panting for cock. I was sure some guy was going to get lucky soon because of me. I went to my knees in front of her while she massaged my head and torso. She was wearing a skirt this time so when I put my hands on her calves there were only thin smooth thigh length stockings between her skin and my touch. I played with her legs and ankles then moved my hands higher, under the skirt to her thighs. She was trembling as I massaged the firm flesh of her upper legs. I slid a hand between her legs close to the junction of her legs and I could feel the heat radiating from her body. I got bold enough to grip the panties on each side of her hips and tug on them. When she didn't protest I pulled them off her ass and down her legs. She kicked off her shoes and let me peel the underwear off her feet, one at a time. My heart was hammering against my rib cage, my balls were starting to ache. She shivered and gasped when I moved my hands back up under her skirt. My fingers brushed against her pubic curls, she made a soft noise in her throat then grabbed my hair and pulled me up to stand in front of her again. She reached for my hands then lifted them to her chest. She moved my fingers until I held a blouse button then she put her hands on my shirt and began to open the buttons. I twisted her top button open then moved to the next while she pulled mine apart. The third button on her blouse was resting between the peaks of her tits so I took a little extra time and effort to tease her nipples while I undid it. The ends of her tits grew under my touch. She had finished undoing my shirt then pulled the tails of it out of my waist band and in moments I was completely bare chested. I lifted her open blouse away from her bra then put my hands over the mounds. As I was feeling her breasts she reached behind and unclasped the restrictive garment. It fell away with the blouse and I got to touch her bared body. She let me squeeze them for a couple of moments then pushed the shirt off my arms. She put her arms around my body, pulled me close and then mashed her hot soft breasts against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced the tender body, pressing my erection against her. We didn't move. She stood like a warm statue and held me while I melted from the heat we were generating. I bent my head and whispered in her ear “Should I take my pants off?” She twisted slightly so her mouth was next to my neck, her words were strained but clear, “I'll do it, you get my skirt” Since the skirt was the only thing she had on except the blinders, that would mean she would be nude with me. I didn't believe my cock could get any larger or harder but it did, and she felt it. I fumbled at her side until I found the clasp for the skirt. Once loose it fell off her hips to the floor where it became part of the growing pile of discarded clothing. She moved back from me and with both hands unhooked my pants then tugged the zipper to its stop. She eased her fingers under the band of my shorts and pushed the last covering I had to my ankles. She lowered herself to her knees and held the pant legs still while I pulled my feet free. As she stood back up her hair brushed against my distended cock and I almost came at that instant. The target of her explorations became evident when she put both hands between us and tentatively fingered my erection. She ran two fingers along the length of it then got bolder and held it in one hand. When she discovered that it was longer than a single fist she put the second around my cock and gripped it hard. I put a hand between her legs and pressed on her hot swollen body slit. She was wet with lust so my hand slid easily along her crack, she widened her stance which gave me more room to rub her. She was shaking and pumping my cock erratically as I brought her to higher levels of excitement. She began to make wordless sounds while I stroked her body, I bent my head to her chest and kissed a nipple. Encouraged by a squeak of pleasure I started suckling a nub while keeping up the pressure between her legs. She let go of my cock with one hand and moved it to cradle my swollen balls. I eased two finger tips to the top of her body slit and searched for her clit. Just as I found her fleshy hot spot she began to groan and quiver. I had found the combination to unlock an orgasm and she began to rock and flex as her body cramped with ecstasy. Her hands cramped tight around my cock and balls which was the final act I needed to blow up. I started firing surges of cum on her stomach while she pumped my cock until my nut sack was empty. She let go of me and collapsed to the floor, pulling me with her. Fingers lifted the blindfold from my eye and the first thing I saw was her deep blue eyes glittering with delight. I looked at her nudity for the first time then at the rivulets of cum dripping down her stomach. Even though she looked euphoric, not upset, I had to ask “Was this too much, did we go to far this time?” She stood up which put her sex directly in front of my eyes, I could see the slit of her body under the thin cloud of black hair curving between her legs, I detected the musk of her arousal. She picked up her clothes then held out a hand, an invitation to stand. She looked me up and down carefully, her gaze lingered on my half stiff shaft “No,” she said, “This was just exactly right.” I watched my door close behind her and wondered how far we would take this experimentation. I was a predator on the prowl and she was my elusive prey. She had initiated the three increasingly intimate sessions so I wanted to make a move, to show her I could be causally inventive too. In my own mind I had determined that she was waiting for me to up the stakes. It was up to me to make the next suggestion. My chance came one Friday about two weeks after we did our blindfolded masturbation of each other. I got back early from a frustrating date, horny and restless. The house was empty, even she was out. As I went past her room I got an idea. I went in and found the satin eye covers and placed one on her pillow. Next was a set of matching lingerie, brief panties and a bra that had very little material. I placed it all on her pillow then dug into my pocket and pulled out my unused protection and placed it strategically on the crotch of the panties. I was sitting in my room, lights out, looking at the night sky through the window when I felt a small disturbance of air as my door opened. Padded footsteps approached slowly then hands placed a set of black satin blindfolds over my eyes. She caressed my cheeks then leaned over and whispered “What will I learn tonight?” I stood facing her, I felt for her waist and discovered bare skin. A quick run of my hands down her back and over her butt revealed to my touch the brief panties I had selected. I explored her face, her eye cover was resting on her forehead so I pulled them into place. I had to put the brakes on my hands, I didn't want her to think she was there just so I could feel her up. I felt for her hands and found the packaged condom in her left fist. She had come to me fully prepared for more adventure. I pulled her close and let her feel the effect she had on me. My cock was already swollen and hurting in my cramped jeans. “You should learn how to put one of those on an erection.” She pulled away from my arms, put the round tinfoil package in my right hand then started loosening my pants. In moments she was pushing them down. My boxers got hung up on my hard-on so she carefully hooked her fingers in the band and pulled them out and over, then eased them down where I kicked them off with the pants. She wasn't being timid or shy this time, she was going directly meat of the matter and that meat was pounding, throbbing and aching when she wrapped her fingers around it. The soothing caress of her hand on my cock almost set me off. I fought the urge to shoot my load as she started pulling up my t-shirt with her free hand. Less than two minutes after she came to me I was naked and turned on like I hadn't been in a long time. Once my clothes were scattered on the floor she started running her hands, familiarizing herself with my body again. She fingered, caressed and massaged every part of me, lingering with a delicate touch on my testicles. Once her hands were satisfied she stepped back and held her arms wide, and invitation for me. I fumbled in the dark until I found the brief breast cover and pulled it over her raised arms and head. As it fluttered to the floor I put my hands over her breasts, I could feel the racing heart beat under the warm soft globes. I moved my hands down her sides causing her to tremble, I heard a sharp intake of breath as I slipped my hands under the panties and over her ass. The lingerie slid easily down her legs. She and I were naked again. We took our time getting familiar with each other again. Her fingertips on my skin was causing my temperature to skyrocket, my erection was aching as it thumped with pressure. I was dizzy from the sensual intoxication. Her body flowed, waves of thrills and shivers passed under my hands as I caressed and massaged her bare skin. Her breath was hot and rapid. I stepped away from the discarded clothing pulling her by the hand. I stopped but she kept moving until our bodies meshed, arms entwined. We held each other, the head of my erection dented her navel, her hands were on my ass, holding me tight against her. We were both trembling with surging hormones. I pulled myself reluctantly away from her and pressed the condom back into her hand. “You have to learn how to put this on somebody.” Shakey fingers took it. “How does it work?” “Tear open the pack. It is rolled up so you only have to put it over the end of me then unroll it along the shaft. It's a lubricated rubber so it will be a little slippery.” “Can't you put it on?” “I can but it's a hell of a lot more fun for both partners if she does it.” I heard the wrapping tear then felt her fingers on my prick again. She held me steady with one hand and tried to slip the rubber over the head of it. “You should use both hands to get it started” I hinted. Fingers fumbled, the condom slid around the swollen head of my erection but it wasn't working the way it was designed. I took it from her hands “I'll do it, you can feel how it goes on.” She put her hands over mine and let her finger tips follow the motion of mine as I unrolled the rubber cylinder down the shaft. Once it was in place I said to her “Feel it, how it fits snugly except at the end of it.” She followed my directions “Why is it so loose at the tip?” “If you keep playing with me like this you'll find out in a hurry.” I heard her smile “That's what you fill up instead of me.” My heart stuttered, “Not you, other girls.” She whispered sensually into my left ear “Let's see if it works” then started stroking my erection. She was using one hand on me and running the other over my body. I reached for intimate parts of her and began to bring her to my level of want. I was sliding my fingers along the lips of her sex which were hot, wet and puffed. She was ready to receive a male injection. She was shaking, hot and having trouble breathing when I dipped my long finger tip into her crack and felt for the clit. When my finger contacted her button she moaned deep in her chest and nipped my chest with her teeth. I wrapped her up in my arms and lifted her off the floor then stepped backward to my bed where I fell across it with her lying over me. She was lying full length on me, paralyzed by the forwardness of my move. My hard-on was lodged between her thighs, I could feel the heat of her pussy through the condom. She pushed up on her arms then pulled the blindfold off my eyes, hers were hanging around her neck. I thought that this was the end of the night, taking off the eye covers was the signal to stop. Deep blue eyes locked on mine and studied me for several long moments then she cupped my cheek in her hand, “Not other girls,” she murmured, “me” then put her lips on mine. |
The Ticket XVI Sandy called the cops while her crew watched the rest of Deeds crew of ruffians. By the time the Police arrived they were singing. It was sure they were facing years in prison. Madame La Foy had herself convinced that no one would come after her. She was very surprised when her maid told her there were some rough looking people were asking for her. She said, “ Tell them to come back later I need to get these new girls set up. Her door crashed open and the three young girls still manacled lay at Madame La Foy's feet. They were very frighten and could barely speak English. Madame La Foy was angered by this lack respect, stood up and demanded to know what was going on. The leader of the group of men lined up outside her door told her to shut up. He grabbed her gown and ripped it off of her. There was also a lady with them and she took charge of the three handcuffed crying girls. The leader lifted Madame La Foy up in the air and slammed her down on to the bed, He turned to the men lined up outside the room. Okay two at a time. In a few minutes the Madame was being raped by fifteen homeless men. When the rest of the homeless community became aware that there was free pussy to be had. The line tripled and no hole was left alone. The Madam was screwed so many times I think the final count was 63. Then the Police was called regarding the girls that were kidnapped and that they could be found at 34 Rosecrantz. And the person responsible was on the bed all fucked out. Other girls that had been kidnapped in recent months were found in the rooms of the house of Madam La Foy. The police were taking bets as to how long she would be in prison. That is if she ever made it out of the Hospital. ************* Moses Marcus was beginning to get worried it seemed everyone was gone except for Jonas. For awhile he thought that Reyes was just hiding out. Then it was announced he had been dumped at the Hospital suffering from a drug over dose. They tried to save him but it was too late. He died that same night. Marcus sent out the word for all the soldiers of the Sheriff, Reyes, La Foy and Deeds. Garcia & Judge Riley were independent and had no followers. Then he contacted Jonas. It was too late to maintain secercy. He gave them all his address figguring his stronghold was the best place to hold out and to use as a base of Operations. When they had gathered there was close to a hundred men. Albert Lopez had taken over the mexican mafia. Deeds and La Foy's groups were leaderless. Marcus appointed two of his trusted lieutenants to lead them. Jonas still had not arrived with his men. Jonas had his hands full, there was at least three snipers around the Pool hall he used as his headquarters. Seven of his men were lying outside his front door and three on the ground at the rear. The phone rang and he answered it. It was M telling him that ten men was on the way to help out. Again the tapped phone paid off by the time the ten men arrived the snipers were long gone. ******** The war games being played by the Army and Air Force was coming to and end. We timed our attack on Marcus's home with that thought in mind. They would be pulling out tomorrow morning thus we were taking advantage of them being their tonight. The General had already set up guards and constant patrol around the little house and the guest qtrs. We pulled out a few at a time hopely no one was suspicious Just as I was going to pull out of the driveway the big British guy suddenly appeared in front of the truck. I rolled down the front window. The Giant bent down and shoved his right hand in the window. Instinctively grasped his hand , he smiled. “Hello nephew, your Mother was my older sister. Mind if I ride along.?” I smiled and said , “Get in, I think we have a bit to talk over, Don't you? “ Donald just smiled and walked around to the passenger side. “ By the way my name is Donald Murphy, I arrived here before you did.” “Samuel Night Walker, but you already knew that. Are you the guardian angel that has been watching over me.” “Your Grand father asked me to look out for you. Plus I was investigating your parents death. I never believed it was an accident” I pulled out of the drive for the trip to Amarillo “ and what have you found.” “Sheriff Jones caused the wreck by direction of Moses Marcus. I assume that is where we are going now.” “Yes it is showdown time. We estimate Marcus has over a hundred and twenty five men available. What he doesn't have is the training we have, most of our men are ex military.” We drove in silence for a while then a thought occurred to me. “What happened to the real Scorpion did you kill him too. ” You have it part right. I did kill the Black Scorpion But...” He told me the full story including there being two girls … identical twins and how he felt about Maria. “Well I have no doubt it is safe between us and I will never tell.” “Thank you, Night.” We finally reached the house off of Tascosa Rd. I divided them into 4 groups led by Charles, Donald, Al Sims(the Dav which would run support in jeeps and motorized wheel chairs) and the fourth group led by Rose, my ranch foreman would be at the HQ house loading clips and taking care of the wounded. I would be in my truck which was doubling as the command vehicle. I was passing out orders, when two of Charles group walked up. The taller of the two spoke first. “Mr. Walker my name is Thomas Fremont and I am a Texas ranger. As much as I would like to take part in this little excursion I am afraid I can't.” The second man spoke, “ I am Able Baker, FBI and I have to agree with Tom I can't take part either.” “But If it is okay with you we will help the ladies, Doctor Demp might need a couple of assistants? “ Next problem was, Donald' he complained that he was a field man not a leader and he pulled another man forward and said.” This is Conrad Means ex special forces SGT Major he will lead and that will free up Homer, Eagle, and me to scout the area.” I agreed and briefed the group leaders who in turn briefed their group. One thing was emphasized that if a leader fell next man in line takes over. I released the scouts with the aim of finding a path to the house. I also stressed that the house may contain women and children. The time was 2300 we jump off at 0000. Eagle followed a natural drainage ditch that curved with 40 feet from the garage. He radioed back to HQ he was setting up a listening post. Send a man with a radio. Donald began working his way toward the garage. Often he met a guard and often he slit their throats. He notified HQ.. Homer wired the main gate then moved along the fence searching for weak spots. But first he notified HQ the gate was ready. **** Marcus was becoming very upset, his listening post were failing to respond. His intel, which had been good so far indicated that they were clear until tomorrow night. His new people he had hired would not arrive til then. One of his men reported to him that he had found a guard with his throat cut. Before he could finish his report his head exploded. Sniper round. Marcus hit the floor, a wet puddle formed around his waist and groin.... He had pissed his pants. For the first time in his life he was truly scared... Because he was not in control... Jonas was shaking in his boots, he sent three of his men out to get his limo. No shots were fired by the time Jonas was in his limo he began to get his confidince back. He had one car leading and two following. He was throwing orders as per usual not realizing we were all ears … His Limo was bugged also. Before he reached Marcus's gate the leading cars hood blew off and it crashed into the bar ditch. Four men survived Jonas crammed them into his Limo. Before they could move a man stepped into view, he smiled, raised a Bazooka and the last vehicle desentigrated...will not really but it blew up, no survivors. Jonas yelled at his driver to get him out of there. Now just the Limo and one following car. Nothing else happened and they reached Marcus's gate. The driver rolled down his window to punch in the activation code to open the gate. A pinging sound was heard, a round hole appeared in the drivers forehead and he slumped forward. Jonas and his men were going wild when off to the side loomed a monster truck. ( for you who have followed this story all the way.. Earlier some readers question my motives for delaying the reason for the ticket they also was upset because the extensivee description of the truck. Well.....) Jonas looked out the window but all he could see was Rail road rails that formed the bumper of my truck as it crashed into the side of the Limo. I had the truck in 4 wheel drive and it was steadily pushing the Limo up against the brick corner post supports for the gate. The sides were so crushed that there was no exit from either side. The occupants were trying to crawl through the drivers compartment. The tailing vehicle had backed up and drove off at a high rate of speed only to be met by the blade of a very large bulldozer. No one left alive. Charles opened his door and one at a time picked off the men trying to exit the limo. When Jonas tried Charles shot him in both shoulders then drug him out and slit his throat. Now only one bad apple left. At one of the housing additions a lady and her kids started out of the addituon only to find the road blocked by a pick-up and men in cammo suits they told her it wouldn't be long they were just clearing some rats and other vermin. With fear in her eyes she returned home. Moses Marcus had quite a lote of trees and shrubs which had been sculpted in the form of animals. His guards moved among them wit alertness... or so they thought. The scouts seemed to infiltrate this Floral Menagerie. The guards passed once to often, then they passed no more. Marcus sat in his office wondering where he went wrong. He couldn't understand, he was rich and controlled every thing in three counties.. One man dies and another comes to town and... everything falls apart. He looked around and began to wonder... It had been a while since he had had a report. He began calling on the radio... the answers were sporadic but it seemed like his Estate was being over run. He could hear occasional gunfire it seemed like individual fights rather than a repression. Of troops. He began to wonder how his sneak attack on Night Walker's Estates had faired. He chuckled when he thought about twenty toughs assaulting a bunch of helpless women.... ****** Amber had the girls well placed in case there was an attack on the Manse. She and Betty were concealed in the shrubs near the front Porch. Both were carrying silenced pistols, 9 mm. The other girls were scattered around the Manse, Barn and other out bldgs. As Marcus's men attempted to infiltrate the ranch, they were picked up by the girls. Before they got past the Barn Five were down. Three entered the Horse barn... none came out. Five made an assault on the garage only to find themselves on their stomachs and feeling a pistol at the back of their heads. Then they were bound and gagged. The last five had reached the front of the Manse, after sending two toward the kitchen who found the cooks awaiting with very sharp knives. The five slipped on to the porch and the leader reached for the front door. That was when he heard the slide engaging on multiple pistols. They turned to find themselves facing fifteen armed women all smiling and daring them to move. Amber called on the walky talky and soon a squad of Soldiers arrived and offered to take the trash off their hands and to deliever them to Jacob Littlestar. ***** The assault on Moses Marcus Estate was laughable. It was dountfull that a tenth of his men had any experience in less than twenty minutes after it had begun it was over they had given up I called Able Baker and Tom Fremont and had them meet me at the front door. We entered Marcus's office together. He looked up somewhat startled and both of them serverd him with siezurer warrents. Five feds entered behind us and began bagging everything. No one was paying attention to Marcus. He pulled out a derringer shoved it into his mouth and pulled the trigger. Donald had entered about that time and said he saved the State a trial. They went over Marcus's Papers and decided the state would be very busy with all the evidence they contained.. I shook my head and said it is a shame that we have cleaned up this part of the state with the knowledge that it won't be long till some one else moves in. Epilogue. I gave the Manse and the larger portion of the ranch to Amber and the girls. I kept the Little House and the Guest house. Charles and Barbara married soon after and they reside in the Guest House. Donald and Maria went back to Ireland and with the additional funds I gave them they was able to purchase the Family Ancestoral Home. Mary took it on her self to be the cook at the little house. Lila works for my legal firm . Nancy from the school comes out every Saturday to swim at the Guest House and stay the night. Through out the incident many friends were made and have all been made welcome all they have to do is show up. I also gave the security service to Sandy Sixkiller. Almost forgot seven of the girls were pregnant including Yoko. Even so the girls still do me the Honor when we happen to meet. OH what a wonderful life. The End |
Keys The world of Keys was a tropical paradise, ninety percent water with hundreds of thousands of islands. One of the better things to happen here was the accidental release of Tuna. Unlike on old earth they thrived and grew. They grew much larger than anywhere else in fact. A full grown Tuna could weight over three thousand pounds. Keys was not a commercial world though, it was one of recreation. Tourist would flock here to swim in the temperate ocean or sport fish for the huge Tuna. We did export most of the tuna caught and even had specialists that prepared and mounted the fish caught. Most people lived on a group of islands known as Kila. There were a few underwater cities that lived off underwater farms or special fisheries and there was even one floating city that grew altered sharks. I smiled back at Jennifer as we closed with the dock and then turned to throw the line I held across to the dock worker. The King’s Tear was a one hundred and ten foot trihull sport fisher. I tied off the mooring line and moved to the back to secure the second one as Jen shut the engines off. I turned as our ten guests came out of the lounge carrying bags. The dock worker pushed the boarding ramp across and I secured it. I smiled and shook hands as they filed off the ship headed for their resorts. Now the work could begin, I headed for the port hatch to help Jen as she lifted it and threw it back. She grinned, “It was a good week. Ten customers, five tuna each and only two wanted the flesh.” I grinned as I reached her and bent to shut the stasis off and drop into the hold, “enough to relax for a couple of months on that fancy boat of yours?” She laughed as she lowered the dock boom, “If we can get another run like this week, yeah.” I pulled a net off the hold wall and worked it around one of the tuna before nodding up to her. Three hours later we moved the King’s Tear out and moored her. We tossed our small bags in the inflated skiff and Jen grinned as she accelerated away. She had lived with me for three years now and I was actually thinking of making it permanent. She was a college graduate with a degree in marine biology and a zest for life. We moved quickly across the water headed towards a distance island. I relaxed and turned to watch as it approached. My eyes picked out the two men trying to seem like natives. A single glance told me they were something else. We were almost to the beach behind my house when I spotted two more men. The fifth man stood as we approached the dock. I did not even think, I spun and dove, my arm sweeping out to grab Jen as I went over the side. There was a searing flash and explosion as we hit the water. I dove, pulling Jen after me. I swam under the dock and then up for a quick breath of air. The water had a tint of red and Jen was gasping. One look told me she had been hit in the chest and had broken some ribs and a punctured lung. I nodded and dove pulling her after me as I swam straight down. I knew those men would be closing in to finish us. I swam to a large screen and yanked it back before reaching in and grabbing a breather mask. I pulled Jen close and pushed the mask over her mouth and nose. She grabbed it hesitantly and I reached down to grab the pull rope while keeping a tight hold on her. One yank and we were suddenly being pulled down and into the three foot tunnel. It seemed like forever before we were suddenly in a small lighted enclosure with a plastic composite door. I spun the wheel and opened the door before pulling Jen in. I closed the door as my air began running out. I hit the red fist sized button and the water around us quickly began to disappear. I surface and took a huge breath of air before turning to Jen. She was in bad shape from the blood she kept spitting out. I waited until the water was down to our knees before hitting the release on the inner door. The water flooded out and spilled down through a grate on the other side of the door. I helped Jen out and pulled her down the narrow hall. I had not been down here for over a year but everything was working as it should. The room we came to was ten feet long and twelve wide. I laid Jen down on her side. I had to see to her first. I pulled a large bag from a wall cabinet and set it down beside her. The med scanner was a little older but it was one of the best models available. I looked at the scanner and pulled the tissue tractor out. I used both to pull the rib fragments out of her lungs and set them. I sat back thinking and shook my head, I did not have a choice. I stood and opened another cabinet and pulled the large bag out of the med stasis unit. I slipped an IV into Jen’s arm and plugged the bag into the IV set. I opened it wide and caressed her face, “Stay here and stay still.” She was still gasping but nodded. I stood and moved to another wall, one push and it split and slid aside. I stripped and reached for the black clothing folded on the shelf. Next was the harness and the belt with my pistol. I slung the stubby barreled assault rifle over my right shoulder and under my left arm. I check Jen once more and turned to push on the opposite wall from the way we came in. A narrow tunnel appeared as the wall dropped into the floor. I crawled onto the flat tray and reached up to press the green button. The tray I was lying on was suddenly moving. I counted to myself until the tray stopped and then reached up blindly to find the switch. The end of the tunnel disappeared and I pulled myself out. I crossed the three feet and touched a grey looking box in a solid wall. It cleared and I was looking down at the area around my house. The five men were spread out searching and I knew it was only a matter of time before they found my safe room and Jen. I turned and pushed up on the metal grill and climbed up slowly. I was in a thick bush that completely covered the grate. I crawled out and saw one of the men turn towards me and lifted my rifle and squeezed the trigger as he tried to dive away. It was only a body that hit the ground, I rolled and crawled to the fountain I had put in while my hunters fanned out. I waited and when one slipped through a set of bushes I shot him in the head. I turned to move around behind the fountain. From anywhere in the yard you could not see the back of the fountain and my silenced rifle did not give me away. I was not all the way around when one of the men appeared. I fired into his chest and then his head as he staggered and fell. I held still as the two remaining men searched for me. I knew they were using high tech gear and smiled because the clothes I wore were designed to prevent that. I wait patiently until one cautiously moved around the corner of my house. Even as he fell back dead I was moving forward. I saw the last man kneeling with a sonic listening device and turning towards me. He never got the chance to lift his rifle as the bullet from my rifle hit between his eyes. I moved out and made sure each man was dead before dragging their bodies to the huge potted tree beside my house. I dug into the pot and pulled what looked like a drip line. The whole tree and pot lifted and moved away from my house. There was an exposed shaft going down with a ladder on one side. I swiftly climbed down the ladder the few feet to the bottom and flipped a small switch and the bottom of the shaft opened and the ladder extended a few more feet down. I dropped down into the safe room and moved to Jen’s side. She smiled up at me weakly as I checked the IV. The large three liter bag was empty and I caressed her face, “How do you feel?” She looked around, “Frightened, in pain and curious as one of your cats.” I smiled and pulled the med scanner closer. I checked her and nodded at what I saw. I sat back, “We have a few hours. I am sorry Jen, this was my fault. They were after me.” I looked around and sighed, “Many years ago and far away I was the commander for the emperor’s elite commandos. My name is Samuel Edward Winston Grey. When the politics began changing and prohibiting… nannies we, my team retired.” Her eyes widen and I smiled, “Nanites are not the evil the government says they are. My team saw what was coming and spread out to distant less populated worlds. Shortly after that the purges began.” Jen licked her lips, “What did you give me?” I glanced at the empty bag, “over the years I have removed and filtered some of the nanites in my blood. I did not have the necessary medical equipment to stop you from drowning in your own blood so I gave you the three liters of nanites I kept in stasis.” She closed her eyes, “What will they do?” I smiled and touched her cheek, “Scrub nasty stuff out of our blood. Repair any damage short of a fatal wound and regenerate severed limbs.” Jen opened her eyes to look at me, “How old are you?” I grinned, “My age never bothered you before.” She actually grinned, “I did not know you were a superman.” I laughed, “Hardly super, I am just like most men. I do have a few enhancements but that was done long ago. I do not really have super strength or speed. What I have is years of training.” Jen nodded, “So you could hold your breath for hours.” I caressed her face, “You have dived with me. You know how long I can hold my breath.” She looked around again, “and all this?” I sighed as I looked around, “Jen, the emperor commanded me. All this was and is a precaution.” I stood to open another cabinet and pulled out a bag. I slung it over my shoulder and knelt, “I can take you as far as Reef city.” She looked at me hard, “You damn well better take me further than that.” I grinned and carefully lifted and then stood her up, “You need to slowly climb the ladder, use your legs.” I knelt and held her legs before lifting her straight up and put her feet on the bottom rung. She did as I told her and started up the ladder. I waited and then jumped and climbed out after her. I helped her into the house where I quickly packed a bag for her. I led her out and we crossed the island using a small trail she and I had used many times to visit friends. I didn’t go to any of our friends, I led her to a small boathouse. I opened the door and slipped in before pulling on a string that went over a beam and dropped into the water. Air exploded from the water and a four person submersible rose up to the surface. Jen was grinning, “If I had known you had this…” I smiled and jumped to the deck before opening the hatch and dropping our bags down inside. I reached out to help Jen climb on and then helped her through the hatch. I followed and closed the hatch before pushing her towards a bunk, “Go lay down.” I moved around her and headed towards the front of the sub. I sat in the pilot seat and brought the ship alive. I ran a quick check and submerged before starting forward. I went deeper, dropping into the deep channel between the islands. It was a few hours before I heard Jen moving forward. I turned to glanced back, “You mess up the work I did on you and I will tan your butt.” She grinned as she gingerly sat in the seat beside me, “The bones are set. I found the med scanner in the birth above mine.” I smiled as I went back to navigating, “How are you feeling?” She laughed, “Hungry.” I nodded, “That is the nanites. You need to grab a ration from the supplies.” She looked at me and smiled, “Sooo…” I glanced at her and she was looking back, “You always avoid answering when I ask how old you are.” I smiled, “I have been on Keys for twenty years.” She laughed, “That is closer.” I grinned, “I am self conscious.” She stood slowly and turned, brushing my cheek, “In case I forget… Thanks.” I smiled as she slowly moved towards the back. It was almost twenty hours before the city beacon began sounding. I slowed to drop to just above the ocean floor before turning slightly. I shut the exterior lights off and slowed even more. It was a long twenty minutes before the dark shape of the dome loomed out of the darkness. I turned to the left and moved a little more before slowing. I drifted down to slip into the narrow sub tunnel and crept forward, turning on the single bow light. The end of the tunnel approached and I let the sub rise. We broke surface in a dimly lit room and I shut everything off. I stood and moved back to the bunks where I found Jen sleeping peacefully. I woke her and she opened sleepy eyes before smiling, “I was dreaming.” I nodded towards the hatch, “time to go sleeping beauty.” She sat up with a slight wince and turned to put her slipovers onto her feet. I climbed up and opened the hatch before dropping down and moving out of the way, “After you.” She grinned and climbed up and out and I followed with our bags. I jumped lightly to the narrow walkway and turned to hold a hand out. Jen frowned but accepted my hand before stepping onto the walkway with me. I led her to a hatch and glanced back, “We will be in the chamber for a day before we can enter the city.” Jen nodded and followed me into what was a tiny room with four fold down bunks. I set the bags on in a web rack before changing the pressure setting and moving to lie down. I closed my eyes and woke ten hours later with Jen rubbing my stomach, “You need to eat Samuel, you are growling.” I grinned as I pulled her down against me, “Careful mermaid.” Jen grinned, “a little cramped on the bunk for that sailor.” I laughed and let her go before sitting up. I crossed to the shelf that held rations and grinned as I saw two missing. I glanced back as I grabbed one, “hungry were you?” Jen nodded, “I do not know why.” I turned and sat down before opening the ration, “Because the nannies had to rebuild torn tissue and broken bone. They are also multiplying in your body.” Jen bit her lip as she sat across from me, “What will…” I smiled as I started eating, “They are not going to send you secret messages or take over your body. What they will do is stop you from getting sick and healing you a lot faster then normal. Your ribs should be completely healed in another day or two. The damage to your lungs and tissue has already been repaired.” Jen looked startled and then grinned, “Well I am breathing much better.” I nodded and went back to the ration. When I finished I moved to put the refuse into the recycler. I stripped and applied a skin darkening agent and hair dye before going to sit beside Jen. She smiled, “So what are we doing here and where are we going?” I took her hand, “We came here to see a man and get new papers. We are going on a trip.” Jen grinned, “I like trips.” I smiled, “I need to see people and use a star comm.” Jen sighed, “And you think the authorities are against you.” I caressed her face, “I am not listed as a criminal, the emperor protected us that far. The problem is these men chasing us. Their commando trained and that means someone wants me and possibly my team dead. Whoever it is, is either high up on the regent’s council or one of the dozen mega rich that support them. What that means is they control access to and from the authorities.” Jen nodded and leaned against me, “We have hours before we get out. What are we going to do to pass the time?” I looked at her and grinned as I turned to pull her down on the bed and kiss her. I glanced over Jen when the chamber alarm beeped. I kissed Jen’s cheek, “Time to go.” A couple of minutes later I led the way out carrying our two bags. We came out the door of an old salvage shop and I led the way down the wide hallway. After crossing two domes I stopped a block from the coffee shop I was looking for. I watched for a couple of minutes and then led Jen down an alley and around back. There appeared to be two doors into the back of the shop. I knocked on the door to the right and waited. A slim woman cracked the door open, “Yes?” I smiled, “Tell Allen the sky is looking a little grey out today.” She blinked, “Wait.” She closed the door but a moment later it opened quickly. A tall well built man grinned at me as I nodded to Jen and followed her into the shop. The woman led us down a set of stairs while the man locked the door and followed behind. In the large room at the foot of the stairs I set our bags down and turned to clasp the hand of the man, “It is good to see you Del.” He was grinning as he led the way to a wide work station, “I thought I might be seeing you. The cyfer comm is whispering your name constantly.” I nodded, “they sent a team to my home.” I glanced at the woman before looking at him, “We need papers and tickets off this rock and I need you to send that encrypted message I left with you.” He blinked, “are you sure?” I shrugged, “We have business to finish it seems.” He sat and turned to his work station and his fingers danced over the controls for a couple of minutes. He finally turned and stood to cross to another machine I knew was restricted and forbidden to posses. He pulled out two crimson pass books and a stiff sheet of carbon poly fiber. He held them out, “I still owe you Commander.” I smiled, “Just keep your head down.” He grinned and nodded as I turned to Jen, “Time to go.” Del led us out and I walked away without looking back. Jen cleared her throat, “Are you sure you can trust him?” I smiled at her, “I am sure.” She looked at me and then reached for her bag, “I better carry that.” I looked at her and she grinned, “You know how independent women are here.” I grinned back and handed her the bag. We moved openly through the domes and stopped at the banks of large elevators that went all the way up to the surface. We stood in a small crowd and waited for a scheduled elevator. When we came out onto the large platform above the surface of the ocean people broke into groups as they walked away. I led Jen after me down the wide stairs that led to a floating platform. On the other side of the platform I saw the daily shuttle that would take us to Government Island. I stopped to show our new pass books and pay for the tickets before heading across to the boarding ladder. Jen seemed to move easily and followed me up and slipped into the window seat before I could say anything. I shoved my bag into the luggage bin and reached for hers. It was thirty minutes before the shuttle finished filling and the hatch was closed. The shuttle lifted smoothly and began accelerating. The suborbital flight took forty minutes and then we were slowing to hover over the landing pad. We were in the middle of the pack when we got off the shuttle but I saw the two men watching everyone. Jen swung her bag as she walked, talking about all the fun she had fishing. The men ignored us as we moved passed them. We took one of the ever present Rics and an hour later we were walking through the gate into the spaceport. I stopped us at the departure board and then went to the ticket window. At the purchase window I bought two business class tickets to Greg’s Paradise. Three hour later we swam the tube into the starship. A day later the big ship began moving and I relaxed. Jen and I were in a tiny cabin and lay in the wide bunk together as the acceleration hit. It would only last for a few hours since the buffers would take that long to catch up. I had managed to slip Jen into sick bay and use a med scanner to check her ribs. They were almost completely healed. Two weeks later the ship jumped out of the system and a week after that we dropped out at the sector hub. It was a huge transfer station on the outer edge of a dead system. Jen and I went into the huge transfer station carrying our bags and bought last minute tickets on a dead run cargo transport. While the other ship unloaded cargo for transshipment we were boarding the cargo transport. Cattleman I walked out on my wide porch and stretched as I looked around. It was peaceful here and my nearest neighbor was hours away. I turned at the chime of an arriving message on my comm. I walked back inside and opened the screen and frowned at the gibberish before narrowing my eyes as the cipher hit me. I read it and then wiped it before walking toward my bedroom. I barely hesitated before opening a hidden panel and pulling out a large bag. I dressed quickly and started taking the weapons off the inside wall in the panel. I heard three almost silent beeps and paused before finishing what I was doing. I knelt and lifted the trap door in the floor inside the wall and slung the bag over my shoulder before turning to climb down. I closed the panel before I was completely down and then the trap door. I went down another forty feet before I found the bottom. I reached to the left and pulled a pair of night glasses off a shelf. I turned and started walking down the narrow tunnel until I reached an intersection. I knew I should kept going but these assholes were on my ranch. I sighed and set the bag down before turning right and walking towards a distant ladder. Beside the ladder was an ancient pad that was hardwired into several molecular cameras. I switched it on as I lifted the night glasses off. I watched the eight man team breach my house like it was in a textbook. Their shiny shuttle was behind the barn and corrals but it was empty. I shook my head and went up and climbed out in a dark corner of the barn. I walked out back and into the shuttle before heading up to the shuttle bridge. I knelt beside the engineer panel and pulled it off. Inside I pulled several small molli circuit boards and crushed them under my heel. I left and moved back to the barn and went all the way to the front door. I watched between two boards as two men walked to the barn as if this were their ranch. They walked through the big doors and into shadow and I pulled my silenced pistol and shot both in the head. I went to the back and slipped down into the tunnel and closed the trapdoor. I checked the cameras before grinning and turning to follow the tunnel back to the house. I climbed the ladder and cracked the trapdoor before opening it. I climbed out and silently opened the panel and stepped out into the quiet house. I moved through it to the kitchen where I slipped up behind the two men at the back door. I pulled the two slim energy knives and struck. One went into a man under his ear and up into the brain and the other slipped up into the brain from beside the spine. I turned and headed to the front as they fell and put the knives away before pulling my pistol. I was almost to the two men on each side of the door when one turned. I shot him between the eyes and then the other man in the side of the head as he spun. I holstered the pistol and reached to the rack beside the door for the large bore ranch rifle I was fond of. I stood inside the door and to one side as I brought the rifle up. Two men were in the yard trying to use their encrypted comms but since I had broken the circuit boards on the shuttle they were not having much luck. Worse, what luck they did have was about to run out. I aimed and fired and shifted and fired, the man’s head on the left exploded and the other man spun in time for me to shoot him in the throat and almost take his head off. I moved back and to the side as I glanced around. I knew there was probably a sniper and maybe two security men somewhere. I moved back to the tunnel and climbed down and headed back to the barn. I climbed out and up into the loft before slowly and silently moving towards the wall facing the low ridge to the south. There was a board angled slightly leaving a small gap. I was not the team sniper but I did know my ranch. I lay down and shifted until I was looking out. I relaxed and let my mind see the ridge as it had been for years. I shifted more as the difference struck me and lifted the rifle. When I squeezed the trigger there was a scrapping sound from the barn door. The shot echoed and crashed and then the loft floor splintered as rounds tore it apart searching for me. I had seen the explosion of red on the ridge and knew the sniper was dead or seriously injured. I half rolled onto my side as I quietly lay the rifle down and pulled my pistol. A head peeked over the loft a few feet from the ladder which I had ignored. I fired and the head jerked as the back blew apart. The floor was being ripped apart as the man’s partner started a searching pattern. I reached out and grabbed my rifle before tossing it several feet away. The fire from below shifted and I came to my feet and moved towards the loft edge. I did not even slow as I stepped off and dropped while twisting. The commando turned, his weapon shifting as I dropped. I fired four times through his upper chest and head before landing. I rolled and came to my feet before walking to the man to make sure he was dead. He was down and gasping with blood bubbling up out of his mouth. I shot him between the eyes before heading towards the tunnel. I closed it after me and went to collect my bag before following the long tunnel. The first rest and vent station was twelve kilometers away. A day and thirty kilometers away I climbed another ladder into what looked like a cave. An old hoverbed jeep sat in the middle and I checked it carefully before connecting the power supply. I sat my bag on the other seat and pulled my silenced assault rifle out. I checked and loaded it before setting it on the other seat with my bag and starting the jeep. I pulled out slowly and started heading east using gullies and small groups of trees. I slipped across streams and rivers where it was shallow. It was evening when I reached the really wide river. I started across but the river was easily two miles wide and slow moving. When I reached the middle the ripples and breaking water began hitting the bottom of the jeep and splashing up the sides. The jeep rocked and started bucking as I went through rougher water. Two men in new clothes were waiting in a new jeep as I drove out, one held an assault rifle. I smiled as I stopped, “that was fun.” They looked at me and smiled, the younger of the two nodded back the way I had come, “This is private property.” I smiled, “This is a public route.” He looked at me for a long time, “Where you headed stranger?” I knew right then they were not from here. I smiled, “north of the port about a day to visit my brother.” They looked at each other before shrugging. I was watching though and one made a tiny gesture. I pulled my silenced pistol and shot the closest in the side of the head as the other rolled out of the jeep. I pulled a small ball from the bag and tossed it as he came up with his rifle. He froze when he saw the ball and turned to dive. It was to late and sparking energy exploded from the ball and engulfed him. I watched as he tried to scream as he was suddenly flash frozen. I grabbed my rifle and climbed out and walked to the other jeep. I walked around and lifted the froze body and set it in before reaching in and setting the lift to minium. I shoved the jeep towards the steep bank down into the river. I watched as it hit and kept going as water began lapping at the bottom. I glanced around and moved towards the brush. I was in a small gully when the four new jeeps screamed in to stop beside my jeep. I was watching from a crack between two large rocks. I waited until they were all out looking around like a bunch of green recruits. I fired and started taking them out and it was a second before they reacted and by then three were dead. I slid back and down before moving silently. I headed towards the river using the gully and turned at the riverbank. I set my rifle down and slid into the grass, two minutes later I was watching two commandoes using hand signs. I shook my head and lifted up as my energy knives came out. When I struck one man was just turning to look back. The last thing he saw was the flash as my energy knife stabbed through his eye and into his brain. My other knife struck out and under his partner’s ear and into his brain. They both spasmed and jerked as I shifted and moved to the side and into a thick bush called fire throne. I stayed on the ground as I moved under it and away. I found another man several minutes later, he was crouching and looking around nervously. This time I aimed my pistol from only five paces and squeezed the trigger. When his head exploded I started moving but in a different pattern. I found the next man watching possible routes around the area where a stalker might approach. He was prone under a thick bush and I hesitated and then turned and slid back and further away. I found his partner five meters behind him under another bush. I moved slowly and slid up until I was almost to him. I lifted slightly and pulled a energy knife before moving. The blade slide through his spine and into his heart and he jerked and tried to turn to see me. I pulled the blade out and reached up to slid it in under his ear. I glanced past him as I pulled my pistol and saw his partner turning to look back angrily. I brought the pistol up as he rolled and tried to bring his rifle around. It became entangled in the brush and his eyes went wide before I fired. I slipped out of the bush and went to pick up my rifle. I climbed into my jeep and started off and across towards a set of distant trees. I stayed in the trees or the deeper gullies, the rest of the rivers or streams were easier to cross. I had angled to the north and a few days later went past the port city a hundred kilometers to the north. I gradually started turning south until I was almost east of the city. I turned and drove in during the early evening. All the drinking saloons were wide open and I walked into a small eatery carrying my bag. I grinned at the large bearish man waiting the tables as I sat. He grinned and walked across the room almost delicately, “James!” I gestured, “ask your lovely wife if she would make me something Tiny.” He rubbed his hands together, “I will do it myself.” I laughed, “I do not think so, your cooking tastes bad and Maria has the touch of a goddess.” He laughed as several of the other diners snickered. I made a small gestured and he nodded before going to the back. After a large dinner he led me through the kitchen and into a nice apartment. I turned when Maria walked in and hugged her before she glanced at Tiny, “what do you need?” I looked at both of them, “I have commandoes hunting me. I need the small case I left with you.” She turned and Tiny moved a panel before she knelt and reached into what seemed like an empty space. Her hand came out of the class one holo with an almost tiny metal case. She gave it to me and I hesitated before opening it and pulling out an ID. I nodded to the two before turning towards the back door, “stay safe.” I caught a ride with a night watch and he dropped me off a few miles from the port. I walked the rest of the way and used the new ID to enter a warehouse just off the port. Everyone was gone for the day since it was the middle of the night. The warehouse was one of many that supplied the meat for shipments off planet. I went down and followed the service tunnel beside the conveyer. When I came up out of the freezing tunnel I was in a port warehouse. I headed up a side stair until I was on a catwalk and followed it to the shadowy back corner. I glanced around before climbing over the rail and balancing on a beam. I walked across into blackness until I felt the beam. I balanced carefully before shifting around it. Suddenly there was a dim light and I sighed in relief. I used the beam to walk the few feet to the small platform surrounded by a holograph. I set my bag down and dropped the wall cot down before stretching out. Now the hard part would begin, I lay there thinking and finally closed my eyes. Over the next two weeks I worked beside other port cargo handlers. There was at least two teams of commandoes moving around the port at any time. The ship I needed arrived and started off loading. Each trip down I took a moment to speak with the ship cargo master. On the last day I brought my bag out of hiding. I was unloading when the team of commandoes appeared suddenly. They ignored me as they began to check each crate of meat. I slipped by the cargo master as he scowled and argued with the commandoes. Two hours and the shuttle lifted and a week later we headed out of the system. I got off at the sector hub and paid another cargo master to join the crew for another trip. Timberland I glanced at the secure comm screen when it beeped. I frowned at the encrypted message but it was one I had created and knew by heart. I stood and crossed to do a little checking and almost cussed. Not only was there several teams already on the planet but someone had hacked the system and deactivated my snoops. I checked the sats and looked around before heading back to my bedroom. I lived on a ridge and underground but someone had recon sats up over me. I stripped and washed before slipping into a new dark camouflage combat suit. The weapons rig was old and well worn and I caressed the belt as I put it on. I was comms and electronic surveillance unlike the others in my team, that did not mean I did not know how to fight, the best had trained me. I turned at an echo beep and moved to the small corner section. I watched as a shuttle approached my ridge and dropped down in the small clearing at the crest. I smiled and flipped a switch, “enjoy the comm black out assholes.” I typed in a few commands and knew the recon sats had just died. I climbed the steps and came out behind a huge old evergreen. I slipped into the woods and started for the shuttle. I moved slowly before kneeling behind a thick tree with heavy hanging branches. I glanced at the point man as he went past me way to fast. The second and third man followed like ducks in a pond. As the forth and last man in this team began to pass he turned his head and looked straight at me as I aimed. I fired as his eyes widened and the crack of the round was the only thing heard. I shifted as the team stopped and knelt and shot the third man through the back of his head. I shifted again as the point man and the second man spun. My next round went through the second man’s throat as he searched for me and then I shot the point man as he went prone. I dropped and began to crawl to the east using a slight gully and after a couple hundred meters stopped. I listened for several minutes before moving out of the gully and turned to crawl to the northwest. I moved into a depression as a small flock of huge butterfly birds drifted over. I saw the team a moment later, they were watching every tree or bush. I moved very slow and changed the setting on my rifle so the rounds were subsonic. This time there was no crack as I shot the rear man providing security. Of course he made sounds when he fell but I was already squeezing the trigger again. I took the third and forth man as they went to the ground. I waited and lay still for long agonizing minutes. I grinned when the third team emerged and murmured to myself, “all this for a comms specialist.” They were spread out and moving slowly but would pass by me. I waited until they had gone by before taking them, one, two, three four. I waited several minutes before turning to crawl towards where I knew the shuttle had to have landed. I moved slowly where the perimeter should be. I killed the first hidden sentry when he lifted to look over a branch. The second was a halfway around the landing site and up in a tree. The round that killed him also knocked him off the branch so he crashed to the ground. I did not move and waited for the last two, I knew they would be searching for any movement. It was ten minutes before they moved and I had them. I shot the first in the back of the head and the second between the eyes. Before their bodies hit the ground I was up and moving. I went through the shuttle hatch with my rifle up and shot the crew chief and the engineer as I kept going. I went straight through and up before stopping at a door as I heard the engines start. I put six tiny plastic disks on the door before I stepped back. The door shimmered before suddenly shattering and I went through with my rifle ready. I shot the copilot as he spun with a pistol in his hand and then the pilot as he grabbed for his pistol. I moved forward and reached out to shut everything down before leaving. In the transport area I grabbed a screen from the crew chiefs station and counted names. I dropped it and walked out and headed back to my home. I looked around and sighed before grabbing my bag and leaving. With the sats down I had a little time before someone decided to put a kinetic strike on my home. I moved through the alien forest easily since I had lived here so long. It was dark when I reached the ridge I needed. The cave was behind a curtain of vines and I started cutting them away. I moved in carefully with my rifle ready incase a Jaberwalky was waiting. The hover jeep was where I had left it and I started reattaching power leads and the power supply. I tossed my bag in the other seat and slid in behind the wheel. I grinned as it started up and slowly lifted before moving forward. I stopped just inside the opening and opened a panel on the dash. I typed a few commands and grinned before entering a few more that would fry the new sats and send the AI aboard the corvette monitoring them into a mental breakdown. I pulled out and began driving through the dark forest with the lights off. I was a week away from the port with nothing but forest between us. The huge lumber company town of Timber was to the north of the port. I left the jeep in a stand of young trees and moved into town well after the mid watch. The shop I was looking for was still there and I went around to the back door. I bypassed the alarm and slipped the lock before opening the door and walking in. I looked around the back office and moved to the large ornate desk in one corner. I pulled a tiny data stick and started the desk comp after inserting the stick into the data slot. The holo screen flickered and then brightened as I started using back doors to look for ships. The one I settled on would not be here for another week and would spend three days loading the processed lumber. I looked at everything before sending an encrypted message to the ship’s first officer. I shut everything down and left, locking and resetting the alarm after me. I used the night to make a few... discrete purchases. The week was spent avoiding several random patrols of commandoes. Their sats were back up but the corvette AI was silent. I used old back door programs to monitor those looking for me. The day the first shuttle from the ship I was waiting for landed I was ready. As the shuttle began loading several ship crew left and headed into town. I was waiting for one of them and he handed me his papers. It took me a couple of minutes to clone the ident and the rest before I gave everything back with a slip of paper and several very large credit chits, “try Mason’s lumber camp. They need a good cook.” He grinned and waved as he looked on the paper for the location of the jeep before leaving. I walked the other way and headed to a drinking establishment. Three days I pretended to drink before shouldering my bag and heading towards the port. The fake ident got me onto the field but halfway to the loading shuttle four commandoes boxed me in between two vehicles. I had put my weapons in my bag and looked at the commandoes, “can I help you?” The team leader sneered as he walked to me with the others closing, “we are really tired of this rock. If you are not the asshole we want you are in for a world of hurt.” I sighed and dropped the bag at the last second. I jabbed straight into the leader’s throat and spun in a wheelhouse kick that sent another man crashing into the third. I blocked a punch and caught the hand before twisting it and snapping a kick that broke his knee. I spun and stepped before kicking into the head of the third man as he tried to point his weapon. I moved back and stomped down to crush the skull of the last man before moving to the second. I knelt and struck him in the throat before looking around. I started moving the bodies and stuffing them into one of the two vehicles they had used. I picked up my bag and pulled out a small silenced pistol before I started walking towards the shuttle again. I was almost to the shuttle and the waiting crew chief when two commandoes walked off and looked at me. One lifted his rifle and smiled, “Herman Schmitt you are under...” I lifted the pistol and shot him between the eyes before pointing at the other man. He froze and licked his lips as I nodded to the crew chief before looking into his eyes, “it is Sergeant Major Schmitt and I have imperial immunity.” He looked around, “the council...” I growled and stepped closer, “does not have the legal authority to overrule the emperor. The counsel may have stripped him of his duties but not his power.” I moved around him and took his rifle before backing into the shuttle, “Think about your oath, it was to the emperor and not the council. I do not know why the council has decided to come after us now but they made a mistake. We are the emperor’s men to the core. You tell them to watch their back because we are coming for them now.” The ramp started to close and I pulled a comp to enter a command. Every comm the commandoes used screamed before starting to smoke. This freighter had a small crew and most of the cargo was handled by the ship’s AI. I changed ship at the first hub and took a passenger transport. Winterland I stepped out of the hot shower and glanced at the blinking message on the screen. I thought of the hot tourist that I had spent the night with and went to open the message. I frowned at the encryption before it hit me and I glanced around. I read it slowly, deciphering it in my mind. I erased the message using a scrubber before sending a short message and headed to my bedroom. I almost hit myself for not seeing all the military types around the lodge wearing civilian clothes. I moved past my closet and pushed against the wall. The whole thing from the closet to the corner slid back and into the wall. I looked around before stepping in and starting down the ladder. I hit a switched and the wall above moved back into place. I was in a small brightly lit room and reached out to pull clothes off a shelf. I dressed and then added weapons before grabbing the long case and the bag. I turned and touched a piece of the shelf and the end wall opened to reveal and dark space. I stepped in and climbed down before slowly stepping out in the sub basement garage. I started to move and froze at a slight sound. I set the case and bag down before moving to the side in the shadows. I used the snow runners to cover me as I worked my way around the garage. I killed the first man as he knelt beside a workbench with his rifle up. I moved into him and slid the blade of a energy knife under his ear and into his brain. I lowered his body quietly before moving on. The second was up high on a snow stand that should not have been put together inside. I climbed up and reached around to pull him back as my knife went in at the base of his skull. He jerked and spasmed as I set his rifle aside and silently moved down. The third man was next to the garage door hidden beside a thick beam. I stayed next to the wall as I crept up and moved. I brought my knife around and into his throat under his chin, it struck in and up to hit his brain. I moved to hold him and slowly lower him to the floor. It took me a couple of minutes to find the last man. One of the wall vents was wide open and in the winter we did not do that. I changed to my silenced pistol as I moved along the wall and turned at the last second as I flipped a laser sight on. I aimed at the same time and the man laying in the vent looked startled with his weapon laying on the vent floor. I shot him between the eyes before heading back to my case and bag. I headed across to my personal snow runner and tied the case and pack on. I took a breath before bypassing the door monitor and opening it. I moved the runner out and closed the door before resetting the monitor. As I left the lodge area I used a hidden way that kept me from sight until I was in the trees. I headed out and around before starting along a route I had planned years before. The heavy storm struck several hours later and I slowed before changing direction toward one of the emergency shelters I had scouted. It was still an hour before I rode under the overhang and stopped. I moved the runner back behind some large rocks. I slipped between boulders and ducked into the cave opening. I used a light to look around for animals before moving to the side and sitting on a shelf of rock. I was thinking ahead to what I might find at the port. I was leaning back and napping when I woke to a slight difference outside. I moved up and into a crack to look out a small hole. It was several minutes before I saw the first man move out of the thick snow fall. He was wearing white camouflage with his rifle up. I fired my silenced pistol and his head snapped back as he fell. Less then a second later another man appeared to one side of the first. He kept moving and did not even see his downed man. I shot him in the head before slipping down and moving out of the cave. I crawled through the rocks and boulders outside before slipping into the falling snow. I crawled to the second man’s body and laid beside him as I searched through the wall of snow. I was wearing thermal glasses but they only helped a little. The third man appeared next to the first man and knelt as he reached out to check him. I aimed and fired and he dropped with a hole through his head. Searching fire ripped through the snow but it went over and around me. I shifted slighting and used the sounds to fix the other man’s position. My suit kept my body heat from being seen and a few minutes later five men rushed out of the storm. It was like shooting targets at a fair. I fired rapidly into each man before shifting to the next and they never even knew where I was. I knew I could not stay and moved back to the snow runner. I pulled out and used the compass to guide me as I moved away slowly. It was less then thirty minutes before I heard the explosion behind me and knew they had used a small kinetic strike. I continued to move, knowing they would not be able to track me while the blizzard covered me. It was almost twelve hours before the storm began to pass. I was exhausted and headed towards another preselected emergency shelter. I brought out rations after pulling into a large cave and sat back to eat as I thought. I pulled my emergency blanket out and turned around to lay on the runner seat. I woke to darkness and listened for several minutes before sitting up. I folded the blanket up and put it away before eating again. I pulled out into the night and headed towards the trail I had strayed from during the storm. I rode all night and then most of the next day. It was twilight when I saw the flash of a shuttle landing on the ridge ahead. I stopped and thought before stepping off the runner. I shouldered my bag and picked up the case. I turned to move quickly towards the ridge at an angle using low ground. When I climbed the ridge it was up a chimney and out of a gully. I could see the shuttle down the ridge but there were no guards. I was laid out in a slight depression and slowly opened the case. I pulled out the sniper rifle and checked it before loading it. I turned to carefully begin a search for the sniper I knew they would have. It was several minutes before I saw them. The sniper was searching the area by my runner and his spotter was scanning the whole area in front of them. I shook my head before making another check. I aimed and fired before shifting as the spotter twisted and fired again. Both bodies jerked and twitched as they died and I turned to start searching. It did not take long to find both teams. I planned my shots and took a breath before aiming at the first. At a thousand yards the only thing they would hear was the crack of the bullet. I knew that might be enough for them to find but squeezed the trigger. It took five seconds to kill all eight men. It was like they had never been in combat and did not know what to do. I slipped the rifle back into the case before shouldering my bag as I stood. I started down the ridge and climbed through the personnel hatch. I glanced around before heading towards the shuttle bridge. When the crew chief stepped out of the small engineering room I shot him between the eyes with my pistol. I checked inside and then climbed to the after deck behind the bridge. They were so lax they had left the bridge hatch open and I stepped in. I shot the copilot as he turned and then the pilot as he lunged for a pistol. I pulled their bodies out and sat in the pilot’s seat before starting a check of the systems. I lifted the shuttle and turned it before I started to accelerate. I stayed just above the tree tops as I followed the low ground towards the port. All night I flew until the bright starport landing lights were visible in the distance. I slowed and turned the shuttle before carefully setting it down in a gully with trees all around it. This had just cut off three days of my trip and now I needed a shuttle up to a ship. I shut everything down before standing and shouldering my bag. I picked up my rifle case and went down to open a small personal hatch before dropping to the ground. I glanced around before starting to wade through the snow. I moved slowly and kept stopping to scan the way ahead. From the edge of the tree line facing the port I knelt to make another scan. This time I used the rifle as I slowly checked the high points. I spotted the two sniper teams easily and shook my head at how sloppy they were. Instead of killing them I continued to look and grinned when I found the third team, they were much better. I thought and looked at the area I had to cross before grinning and putting the rifle away. A sniper had to be able to move unseen just as a recon man needed to. I slipped the strap for my bag over one foot and held the case under my hand as I brought the hood over my head. I began to crawl inch by inch under the snow, pushing the case and pulling my bag. Time stretched out and it grew dark again. I continued to move and as the sun began to rise I finally reached the point I needed. I slowly stood up and out of the snow. I was against the wall beside a small utility door and slowly shouldered my bag. I lifted the case and moved to the side to pick the lock on the door. I slipped in and pulled my pistol before starting to walk through the maintenance area. I holstered the pistol and opened my bag to pull out a long fur coat that was very thin and supple. I brushed it carefully before putting it on and shouldering the bag. I walked the rear hallways until I was behind the ticketing area. I accessed the terminal info from a supervisor station and selected a liner that was getting ready to leave. The last shuttle up was in a few hours so I added my name on the flight manifest using an old cover ID. I purchased a ticket for the liner and then went looking for an employee bathroom. I stripped and washed in a sink before adding a skin lighting agent. I slipped in colored eye lens that would scan the ID I had used. Next was a special hair dye that changed my black hair to blonde. I cleaned up and disposed of everything left over before shouldering my bag. I knew my weapons would pass the liner scans so did not bother trying to hide them, the rifle case would look like a snow board case anyway. I used the maintenance hallway to bypass the regular port and security checkpoints. I stepped out close to the gate that was loading the last shuttle and checked in before boarding. It was a tense flight up and I did not relax until the liner began to move. I already had a plan to change ships at the next hub so I just needed to wait. Sahara David I straightened the expensive suit and smiled at the beautiful women in bed watching me, “thanks for last night ladies.” The twins grinned and one waved, “you coming back to night?” I smiled, “you have a shuttle to catch this afternoon remember?” She blinked and her sister bumped her shoulder, “dumb blonde.” They laughed as I headed for the door. As I walked I slipped on the expensive glasses that hid my grey eyes. I touched my small comm and accessed my messages. I stopped as the coded text scrolled down on the inside lens of the glasses. I looked at it before erasing the message. I glanced around me before moving to a wall comm I input a number and waited before cursing, “damn it Adam!” I shut it off before walking away fast as I thought. I did not bother returning to my apartment and headed across the city. I walked into a clothing shop and crossed to the counter, “I need a fast vehicle and our bags Victor.” The old man glanced around, “you said you would not need them.” I glanced at the door, “things change.” He smiled, “than I can repay my father’s debt.” He turned and started for a back door, “come.” I followed him through a room filled with automated sewing machines and stopped beside a picture on the wall. The man in the picture had his arm around a stunning woman with an ocean view behind him. Victor pulled the picture off the wall, “open.” There was a click as the wall split and slid apart. I moved past him to grab the two large bags, “the vehicle?” Victor grinned as he held a tiny fob up, “a Jaguar class flyer is parked behind the shop.” I was stripping and left the expensive suit as I pulled a clean set of camouflage utilities out of one bag and started dressing. I added the combat vest with a thigh holster and then put the stubby assault rifle together. I loaded the pistol and rifle before slipping the long bladed energy knife into the left thigh sheath. The sling for the rifle went over my head and one shoulder. I closed the bag and shouldered it before grabbing the other. I stood and smiled at Victor, “give me a day and report the vehicle stolen. If everything goes okay I will try to leave it at the starport.” He nodded and I walked out the back door. I set the two bags in the passenger seat before starting the flyer. I lifted and turned the vehicle before starting out of the city. I kept to the traffic lanes and the speed limit until I was out of the city. I set down and opened the electronics panel to remove the AI cube. I lifted to just above the ground as I accelerated and turned to the southeast. I was skimming the dunes at well over nine hundred kilometers an hour and knew it would still take me hours to reach the archeology site. It was getting dark when my comm clicked and crackled, “Dexter?” I shook my head as I answered, “get off the comm Wizard.” “We have hunters after us.” I sighed, “I am almost there, come to me.” I was flying using my glasses in the thermal mode to see the dunes ahead. Ten minutes later I slowed and spun to the south to skirt the ruins. I dropped to just above the ground and a few minutes later settled to the ground. I opened a door and stepped out before glancing around and grabbing the bags and walking towards a set of ruins. I knelt at a corner, “Adam.” My brother cleared his throat, “about time.” I smiled, “if you had kept your comm on this would not happen.” He walked around the corner with a slim woman following, “I was busy.” I tossed one of the bags, “get dressed, the boss sent the message.” Adam I glanced across at Ally as she carefully removed the last few layers of dirt using a brush. The others crowded around to watch as she sat back on her heels, “okay take vids and then carefully begin removing the dirt around it. We will try to take it out in the morning.” The five thousand year old stone chest was carved with glyphs and symbols. She stood and turned to smile as she crossed to me and take my hand, “you have a good eye.” I let her pull me out of the wide central set of ruins and walked beside her, “right now my eye is on you.” She grinned and glanced around before pressing against me and kissing me passionately. I held her until she pulled back with a sigh, “I have a hour or two.” I grinned and pulled her after me and through the ruins towards the east. Just before we exited the ruins I turned in at a set with high, thick walls. After twisting and turning through rooms and a hall we stepped into a large tarp covered room. Ally grinned as she pulled me around and kissed me, “You are a strange man.” I held her and smiled, “why? Because I found this set of ruins and I am not a scientist?” She shook her head, “no. Because you respect the find and at the same time use it to make your home.” I grinned and started to kiss her when I heard the sound of a shuttle passing over. I lifted my head and listen, “are you expecting someone in a shuttle?” Ally shook her head, “we just received our bi weekly supplies.” I slipped the safety off the holster and took her hand, “I think...” I froze as our site comms gave off loud static. I looked at her and almost cursed before pulling her after me as I headed out. Outside I looked around before heading north west and deeper into the ruins, “I need to tell you something.” I pulled her into a set of ruins and across and then around and in between two walls. I held her as I listened and finally looked at her, “a long time ago the emperor had elite soldiers to protect him and his government. When he died his son had a regency council to help him.” Ally nodded, “I know the story...” I squeezed her arm, “just listen. The regency council made sure they would never lose power which is why they are still in power now. The new emperor though still commanded his soldiers, his commandoes. One of the things that helped them was enhancements and nanites. The council became afraid of his soldiers and started rumors. It was a campaign to make the public fear nanites and then they were going to go after the soldiers.” I took a breath and a moment to listen before looking at her, “the emperor’s best team warned him but it was to late to stop what was happening. He sent us away and protected us as we had always protected him.” Ally turned me to look at her, “Us?” I smiled, “I have been here over twenty years. I actually found this city a couple of decades ago.” I listened, “my name is Adam Sinclare and I was a sergeant in commander Grey’s team.” She frowned, “but I met your brother.” I nodded, “David was the other security man for the team.” I touched her face, “I think the shuttle and now the comm mean someone has come for me.” She growled, “not with me here.” I touched her lips and turned my head as I heard something. I pulled my pistol and waited, the black uniform of the commando stood out as he started to walk past the wall. I fired as I stepped out and he dropped, I continued towards the entry and shot the second man lifting a rifle through the throat and head. I continued moving and stepped out to shoot a third man as he was moving from the corner. I kept moving straight across and into another set of ruins before turning to the left and moving along the wall. I stopped at a small hole and waited until the fourth man moved past as he headed towards the entrance where one of the men lay. I aimed and shot through his head before going back the way I had come. I went to the man by the door and looked at the rifle before leaving it. It was bio coded so I could not use it. His silenced pistol was another story and I took it and the two spare magazines. I went to the other two and took their spares before going to get Ally. She was white faced as I took her hand, “you can still stay out of it.” She shook her head and knelt to take the dead man’s pistol, “I am coming with you.” I nodded as I thought, “David will be coming.” Ally looked at me, “how do you know?” I smiled as I started pulling her after me, “because I know my brother. He may dress nice and look polished but that is just surface flash.” I glanced around before pulling her out and heading south as the sun set. I knew I would have to risk a call and opened my comm, “Dexter.” “Get off the comm Wizard.” I smiled, ““We have hunters after us.” “I am almost there, come to me.” I knew that meant the southern edge of the ruins. I knelt at the very edge of the ruins and waited with Ally behind me. I heard the flyer minutes later and after it landed I heard a door and a minute later, “Adam.” I cleared my throat as I stood, “about time.” “If you had kept you comm on this would not happen.” I walked around the corner with Ally following, “I was busy.” David tossed my bag, “get dressed, the boss sent the message.” I shook my head as I started to strip, “you remember Ally?” He glanced at her, “yeah.” I started pulling clothes and equipment out of my bag, “she is going with us.” He sighed, “it had to happen.” I grinned as I dressed and started slipping weapons into place, “we going to take their shuttle?” David chuckled, “works for me.” I settled my rifle and the bag and looked at Ally, “stay behind us okay?” She nodded and I turned to head northeast with my brother beside me. He drifted into the shadows across the narrow lane and when we reached the eastern edge of the ruins we moved further apart. We found the shuttle sitting between two large dunes. I knelt and watched as David moved towards it. I lifted my rifle when I saw movement and aimed and fired quickly. The silenced round barely had time to crack before exploding through the sniper’s head. Three men rose out of the sand and my brother killed two before I killed the last with two rounds through his chest. I rose and led Ally down towards the shuttle as David bypassed the personal hatch. When I reached the hatch I continued to move as it slid aside. I moved in and to the side as he followed. I covered the cargo area as David headed towards the front. I gestured to Ally and whispered, “stay here.” I rose and followed David to the ladder that went up to the bridge. He climbed silently and let his rifle hang as he pulled his pistol. He moved over the edge and I went up quickly and went past him, ignoring the body on the deck. I released my rife to let it drop onto its sling as I pulled my pistol. I stopped beside the shuttle bridge hatch and a moment later my brother was attaching an pulse override. As it slid open I began to move and shot the first man that appeared, the other turned from the command seat and I put three bullets into him before going to the engineer’s console, “they tried to lock us out.” David snorted as he went to the command seat. I grinned when I rebooted the system and he started the reactor. I went back to the ladder, “Ally, close the hatch and come up here!” I watched as she did what I asked and led her back onto the bridge. David grinned from the command seat, “I killed the sats.” I pushed Ally towards the copilot seat as I sat in the engineers, “are you sure?” David snorted as he lifted the shuttle, “I may not be Herman but I do know basic surveillance commands.” I shook my head, “just get us to the port.” He shook his head, “we are not going to the port.” I glanced at him as he accelerated and pointed the shuttle nose towards the sky, “what are we going to do?” He grinned, “borrow a private yacht.” I sighed, “this better work or I am going to kick your ass.” David grinned at Ally, “he always says that.” She smiled as she glanced at me, “he does not bite hard.” He laughed as I changed a setting to keep the shuttle in stealth mode, “it is his fist I have to worry about.” It was thirty minutes before we were approaching the yacht. An hour later we were heading out of the system and a week after that we were at a hub changing to a freighter. Brazilia I watched the large building implode and grinned at the large man beside me, “I told you it would not harm the other buildings.” He grinned back before starting to walk towards his construction bosses. I turned to start disconnecting the fancy demo control board and slipped it into the case. I checked everything twice before closing it and standing, this job was finished but I had another job to plan. I walked to my large hover truck and slipped in as my comm went off. I shook my head, I had more business than I could handle. I pulled the comm out as I reached out to start the vehicle and froze when I saw the encrypted message. I glanced around before climbing out and walking away. I was a block away before I saw the men following, they would close in fast now that I was out and moving. I had been through all these buildings to check them before I dropped the other so I knew what to do. I walked into one that had several litigators but used a lift to take me to the roof. The crowd that had been watching the building being destroyed was breaking up as I headed towards the far corner. I knew someone had used and kept an old power glider. I looked back but no one could see me as I knelt and slipped into the harness. I extended the wings and switched on the four small anti gravs before running towards the edge of the roof and leaping. I banked and rose higher as the warm air caught the wings. I used other buildings to block and protect me from the men on the ground and headed towards the far side of the city. It was an hour before I dove towards the jungle and a huge vine covered tree. I flared the wings at the last moment and snapped them in. I dropped a couple of feet and crouched on the huge branch as I tore the harness off. I dropped the glider and moved to the trunk before dropping and climbing down using a thick vine. Once I was on the ground I moved into the thick jungle another kilometer. The small water fall fell from a ten meter cliff and I walked towards it before checking around me. I waded into the pool and under the falling water before stepping out onto a moss covered floor. I walked towards the back of the cave and put my hand on a crystal. A minute later the back wall vanished and I walked into the carven room. I did not bother waiting and started stripping as I walked towards the shelves on the other side of the room. I stopped beside a large screen to flip a couple of switches before pulling the camouflage uniform on. I added the combat harness and then the weapons. I checked and reconfigured the bag into a pack and turned to leave. I stopped at the dozen dots closing with the center of large screen. I shook my head as I stopped beside the door leading out and touched a plate. I could hear the shattering explosions ripping and shredding the men and jungle apart. I walked out and the door closed as I went back through the falling water and turned to head deeper into the jungle. Five minutes later I was pulling the river pod out on another larger river. I slipped in and closed the hatch before letting it submerge as it headed down river. I was thinking the whole time, it had been years and they were just coming for me. Something must have changed if the council was openly defying the emperor’s written commands. I watched the sonar as the pod glided along above the river bottom and relaxed. It took two days for the pod to reach San Miguel and I took control to move it under a wharf before coming up. I stood and tossed my bag up onto the beam before jumping and pulling myself up. I watched a minute later as the pod sank and then grabbed my bag before moving along the narrow walkway. This was known to those that used it as Smugglers Wharf. I followed the walk to the left and climbed a set of stairs before shouldering my pack. It took me a couple of hours to reach the small shop I needed and walk in. The colorful display of birds screamed and squawked as I headed towards the counter, “Juan.” The ancient looking man smiled and pushed the young woman away, “senior Jeff.” I smiled, “a great granddaughter?” He grinned, “my lover.” I laughed and reached out to shake his hand. I glanced at the girl vanishing through the back door, “I need the bag and for you to send the message I left with you.” He frowned, “are you sure?” I nodded, “make sure you use another comm so they do not track it back to you.” He grinned, “I know just the place.” He turned and slapped the wall and I blinked as it slid open. He pulled the pack out and pushed it towards me, “what else can I do?” I turned to head towards the door, “forget I was here and take your woman to bed.” He laughed as I walked out and started walking. I stopped in an alley to strip and put the uniform and most of the weapons into my large bag. From the small bag I pulled out a set of clothes and dressed. When I started walking again people smiled and bowed. It took several hours to walk across the city and then I stopped at a small automated hostel to rent a room. In the room I removed the comp panel and attached the small box like Herman had taught me. I watched the information and smiled before purchasing a liner ticket to Timbutoo on a liner leaving in a week. I removed the box and put the panel back on the comp before leaving. My next stop was a religious retreat close to the starport. I signed in and went to a sparse cell before relaxing and closing my eyes. What I saw over the next week angered me but I kept in character as I watched the two teams of commandoes searching for me. The night before my scheduled shuttle I slipped out. It was not hard to find the construction site demo magazine and take what I needed. The hard part was slipping into the port and out to the two assault shuttles, after that it was the eight parked vehicles left unguarded. I returned and changed before sitting to wait. I left early and went through the port carrying my bag. I was walking towards the passenger loading gate when the explosions started. That brought the policia and then a team of commandoes that had managed to escape death. I set my bag down next to the loading gate doorway and walked across to the bathroom. The commandoes were moving around as I stopped and turned to watch. When one looked towards me and our eyes met I turned and pushed into the bathroom. I crossed to the sink and washed my hands and glanced into the mirror as the commando stepped in. I moved to the side and pushed my hands under the dryer as he walked across the room with a swagger, “ID and papers.” I looked at my hands to check them and struck suddenly and without warning. I hit his throat and crushed the windpipe before moving into him and snapping a hand down around the pistol he was trying to pull. My other hand struck again in a palm strike to his nose and his head snapped back. I held his body as he spasmed and convulsed and moved him into one of the fresher booths. I sat him on the toilet and let him lean against a wall. I closed the door and moved into the first fresher booth to wait. It was not long before I heard the door and flushed before I opened the door. Two frowning commandoes looked at me and past me into the booth. I started for the sinks and one stepped forward, “papers...” I brushed his hand aside and used a knife hand strike to his throat as I moved past him and kicked into the groin of the second man. He folded as he was thrown back against the wall and I continued after him and twisted and kick out as his hands searched for his weapon. My foot slammed his head into the wall and it made a sickening thud. I moved back to the first man as he struggled and turned and lifted his rifle. I grabbed his head and twisted until there was a pop as his spine snapped. I pulled them into the booth with the other commando and moved to the door. I waited and finally the door started to open and I moved as if I were leaving. The man shifted as if to avoid me and I followed before striking up with a palm strike. His head snapped back as I caught him and pulled him into the room and then the booth with the other bodies. I slipped out and went to get my bag before removing and assembling my rifle. People moved away quickly as I loaded it and started walking. The four man team came out of a door across from the bathroom and started across. I growled as I put a short burst of bullets into the point man and then the two following him. The last man dove behind a row of machines and I went the other way. I put a dozen penetrators through the corner machine as I moved around it to find the last man writhing on the floor in his own blood. I put a last round through his head before I turned and moved back to my bag and the gate. I grabbed the bag on the way through the gate and slipped out a side door. I went down and exited on the ground beside the shuttle landing gear. I looked around before calmly crossing and climbing up. I used a maintenance hatch to get into the cargo area and then took my rifle apart and put it away. I moved over and around the cargo to the very back and climbed a ladder before slowly lifting a hatch. I climbed into the small space and closed the hatch before looking up. I pulled down the crew maintenance ladder and climbed up and opened a second hatch. This one led into an area above the normal passenger area. It was cramped but more than large enough to lay down. I slipped in and closed the hatch before relaxing. It was a couple of hours before the shuttle began to move. After it lifted off it got chilly and I went weightless after it went into orbit. When it docked with the ship I climbed down and peeked out before slipping out and joining the departing passengers. I checked in with the ship purser and went to the small cabin that was mine. A day later the ship began to move, at the next hub I changed ships to a cargo ship. Sidney I stood on the wide station porch and watched as several men continued to unload the filthy sheep from my trailers. I smiled as the tiny woman pressed against my side and spoke, “did you ask them to wash the trailers?” I looked at her, “aye.” She nodded as she looked around, “that is good because I am bloody not going too.” I grinned and then frowned as the comm relay chimed, “I thought you shut that off?” She grinned as I lifted the small relay screen and froze when I saw the encrypted message. She bumped me, “what is it?” I looked around as I tried to think, “trouble.” I stepped off the porch, “come on.” I had taken extra precautions over the years and hoped they paid off. We were a week away from Globe, the capital and starport. Behind my truck cab I pulled the two hover bikes off and went into the center storage box, “grab a bag.” Emily did not ask questions, she climbed into our truck to shove clothing into a bag. I pulled two bags out of the storage box, “Alex!” I strapped one of the bags onto a bike as a large man walked back from the trailers, “what is up?” I glanced at him as I stripped, “people are going to come asking about me. Leave my rig behind the station.” He nodded and looked at Emily when she climbed down, “you going walkaround?” I shook my head, “I am going to war.” I put the camo uniform on and added my personal weapons before securing the bag on top of the other. I looked at Emily as she sat waiting on the other bike, “I told you what I was and that this day might come...” She growled, “shut up and get on the bike before I beat you.” I grinned as Alex chuckled and glanced at him, “stay safe.” I swung onto the bike and started it before accelerating straight north into the green fields with my mate following. I went over the alternate routes back to the starport as I turned east and went behind a ridge. I glanced back before continuing along the side of the ridge and then turned north and went into a narrow gully through another ridge. I turned west when we came out and made room for Emily to move up beside me. It was getting dark when we approached the tall sandstone ridge. I slowed and then stopped as I looked at the small herd of hoppers. They were not like earth marsups, they had fur but were actually reptile. Emily barely hesitated as she lifted a rifle and fired, “clean it while I get a fire going.” I smiled and shut the bike off, “we need to get under cover.” She snorted as she swung off the bike and started collecting sticks. I shook my head and went to skin and clean the animal. I was always amazed at what Emily could do and this time was not an exception. An hour later I had a full belly and we were slowly riding between sandstone and into a narrow tunnel. I switched on the light and led the way as I continued to ride. I stopped in a wide cavern with a hole in the roof. It was close to midnight as I swung off and stretched. I pulled a poncho out of my bag as Emily hurried into the dark. She came back slower and smiled as she laid beside me on the poncho and put her head on my shoulder. I held her as I thought about and hoped the tunnels had not collapsed over the years. They led all the way to the edge of Globe. Of course there were gaps between some of the ridges but for the most part we would be hidden. I was up early and stretching before Emily got up and pulled a couple of rations out of her bag. Several hours later I slowed as we were reaching one of the openings. I stopped short and Emily pulled up behind me, “what is wrong?” I was looking at the cavern in front of us with the slit leading out but something had changed. I shook my head before swinging off the bike and moving forward slowly. I pulled my pistol at the slight sound of sand shifting. The huge shape flowed away from a wall and towards me as if it was just a hump of moving sand. I aimed and fired three times. The sand shark thrashed around emitting subsonic screams that made my head hurt. When it stilled I looked around before moving to check it and then turning to the bike. Sand sharks were like a snake, it did not have legs. They had a camouflage system like a chamaeleon and blended into whatever they were on. The mouth was very large with several rows of razor sharp teeth. I shook my head before holstering my pistol and heading back to the bike. Emily grinned and let me lead the way out and across the kilometer gap before entering another tunnel. This time I went slow since it had been raining outside. Water fell from the roof holes as we kept riding and I came into a central cavern for this ridge. I looked at the pool of water that seemed to fill the whole cavern and glanced back, “wait but follow exactly where I go.” Emily nodded as I turned to move along the left wall with water pushing away but coming back to wet my feet. When I reached dry ground on the other side I stopped and turned to watch Emily. When I saw the ripples I pulled my pistol and aimed, “faster!” The huge lizard surged out of the water as she accelerated and it missed. I fired and turned to watch the water as she pulled around me and stopped. I grinned, “wait until tonight.” She smiled and glanced back, “get moving you lazy boy.” I turned as I put my pistol away and started moving. It was almost dark when I came out of the ridge to another gap. Emily turned and slowed before stopping, I stopped and looked back as she got off and went behind a bush to go to the bathroom. A minute later I heard the shot and was off the bike and running. I came around the bush where she was and she pointed to a dead hopper, “dinner.” I put my pistol away, “one of these days I am going to spank you.” She grinned and put her pistol away, “in your dreams.” I went to clean the hopper and put it on my bike before leading the way into the next set of tunnels. I did not go far before stopping for the night. Emily made a nice dinner using a small stove and I sat holding her after as I tried to think about what could be waiting. It was a few days before we came out of the tunnels and stopped, now the hard part would start. I led the way using gullies as I watched the storm clouds gather. We came in from the stockyard and I slowed as I used one of the sheep runs. I parked beside a large warehouse and got off. I undid the straps holding my bags and slung one like a pack and shouldered the other. I reached out as Emily walked up and took her bag, “remember how to get to the Dodge House from here?” She nodded and took the lead as I followed. I watched the shadows and alleys as we left the pens behind and entered streets with one story houses and wide porches. The flash of lightning showed four men spreading out in front of us. I was tempted to stop and pull my pistol, a man appeared out of the shadows right in front of Emily, “what do we have here.” He was sneering as she started and kicked out, “THIEF!” The man folded over holding himself and dropped to the ground as the other three men moved forward, “do not move!” I shifted and waited as Emily stopped kicking the downed man, “what... who are you?” The men looked at each other and one shook his head, “it is not him.” Emily put her hands on her hips, “I asked a question lad.” One of the men looked at me and grinned, “we are soldiers lady and we are here looking for traitors to the council.” Emily snorted, “you can not be a traitor to the council moron. Only the emperor or the empire, now get out of our way so we can get home.” The man stepped closer and growled, “treason...” He screamed as Emily grabbed between his legs and yanked, “I said move lad.” He dropped and the others lifted rifles. I shook my head, “Emily.” She looked at me and I tossed a bag towards the two men still standing. I pulled my pistol as the first man tried to find his weapon. I fired and he jerked as he went over and onto his back. The two men I had throw the bags towards had been surprised and reacted to catch the bags. That was a deadly mistake as I brought my pistol up and shot the one on the right in the throat and the one on the left between the eyes. The last man was lifting his rifle when Emily put the muzzle of her pistol against his head and he froze. I smiled and put my pistol away as I took the last bag off and moved to yank the man up. I searched him and took his pistol and knife. I patted his cheek, “we do not like government types bullying us. Now why don’t you head west and go walkaround.” He swallowed and nodded and I turned him and gave him a push. I watched him walk away and retrieved my bags, “no more fooling around.” Emily nodded and sighed, “yes sir.” I glanced at her and nodded in the direction we had been going. It was a couple of blocks before she turned down an alley and then went across a street to a brightly lit restaurant hotel. We walked in the front doors and Emily stretched, “Dad!” She headed for the stairs as an ancient man walked out behind a counter, “Emily?” I smiled, “we need a quiet room and I need the small case.” He nodded, “I will bring it up.” I followed Emily up and around to a room on the second floor and in a corner. I never know where she keeps things but she pulled out a master key and unlocked the door. I followed her in, “and how do you know there was not a guest in here?” She grinned as she headed for the fresher, “dad never rents out my room.” It was maybe ten minutes before her father knocked and I let him in. Beside a small case he had a tray with our dinner on it. We could hear Emily singing from the fresher and he grinned, “I see she remembered where the bath was.” I grinned as I set the tray aside and opened the small case. I pulled out the two sets of idents, an encryption key and a small comp. I thought and worked for a minute before going to the wall comm and sent a message. I turned, “I need a ship list of who is leaving and where they are headed.” He nodded and left while I striped and headed for the fresher and a shower. I had to pull Emily out of the warm water when I was done and wrapped a large towel around her before heading into the other room. She sat to eat as I dressed carefully before joining her. Her father returned and handed me the list as I sat back. I looked at it and grinned at the choices, “we are taking a vacation Em.” She snorted, “I will believe that when I am walking in the surf.” Her father laughed as he headed towards the door, “and then he will spend the whole time trying to pry you out of the water.” I grinned as she stuck her tongue out at her father and used the small comp to make a reservation for two on a liner leaving in a couple of days. Emily stood and pulled me up, “enough, we have a real bed at least for the night.” I smiled as I held her, “and what did you have in mind?” She grinned up into my face, “sleeping on you and shopping tomorrow for new clothes.” I grinned and shook her before letting her pull me to the bed. I undressed but set my pistol beside the bed within reach. I woke to silence and checked around us before realizing I was holding the pistol. I turned to spill Emily off me and slip out of bed. I hesitated before dressing and moving to the door. I used the door vid to check the hall and stared at the black clad commando by the stairs. I moved to the bed quickly and woke Emily and bent to whisper as her eyes opened, “we have company so get dressed.” I moved back to the door and watched the vid as Emily dressed and moved around the room. She stopped beside me and looked at the vid before pulling on my arm. I followed as she grabbed her bag and I slung my heavy one and lifted the other. I followed her into the bathroom as she crossed to the tub. She grinned at me as she stepped in and pushed the wall panel in. I blinked as it sank into the wall before sliding aside. She stepped out of the tub and into the space behind the wall before stepping to the side and onto a ladder. I followed her and turned a little to pull the panel. It moved back into place and we were left in darkness. I heard Emily start down and hesitated before feeling for the ladder and following her. We went down past the first floor and then past what would be a basement level. Several moments later there was a slight glow and I stepped off the ladder beside Emily as she lifted a chemical lantern and grinned, “this is an old root cellar I shielded and added a narrow tunnel to.” I nodded as I looked around before following her as she started walking, “It comes out under what used to be my grandmother’s cottage.” It was awhile before we reached another ladder and she started up. I followed and then had to wait for a minute before she stepped off the ladder and disappeared. I climbed up and saw the shielded glow from the lantern and stepped off the ladder. Emily closed the lantern and a panel slid open before she stepped out. I followed and looked around at the crowded garage filled with boxes. She grinned and whispered, “Dad only uses this for storage now.” I led the way around to a back door and listened before opening it. I was a little worried about her father but I should have known better. A huge shadow drifted out of the night and I lifted my pistol before his hand covered it and my own, “quiet. Brantly is still decoying them with a game of cards.” I looked at the old man and realized he was one of many that Emily’s father had around him. He let my hand go, “go around to the south and follow the wash to a dry pond. Go east to a large house with a lot of lights. Knock on the back door and tell the woman that answers you want the special.” I looked at Emily but did not say anything. She snorted and hit my shoulder, “I saw that look and I know Marie’s house.” I grinned and turned to head south and walked beside Emily until we walked out of the dry pond. I shifted and moved forward as we approached the house. When the door opened the woman that stood there grinned and held the door wider, “welcome back Em.” I turned to look at my wife in surprise and she shoved me in, “where did you think I learned about sex?” I grinned as she kissed the woman, “we need the special Dawn.” A few minutes later we were in a hidden room with no windows and scan protection on the walls. We spent the next day and a half talking and loving as my wife told me about working here when she was a girl. Her father was fine, the commandoes searched the hotel and restaurant just as they did others. I dressed in a store bought suit when it was time to go and the three bags turned into fancy suitcases. We took a hire car from the house to the port and I followed Emily in as if she was the boss, which she is most of the time. The one time a commando stopped us Emily dressed him down like a drunken sailor in a brothel until he backed off with a white face. He must have warned the others because besides a few looks of pity they did not come close. We took the first shuttle up and waited two days before the liner started moving. Kingdom I glanced at Jen sipping tea in the shop and dressed like all the other young students on the huge station. The emperor would know we were coming. The traitors on the council thought we were coming. The commandoes were afraid we were coming. They were all right but I knew something they did not, we were already here. I smiled as Sharp finally moved out of the crowd and crossed to me, “about time.” He grinned and glanced back before walking to the large table Jen and I had sat at for several days, “Hi I am James.” She smiled at him and looked at me, “hello Sharp.” He shifted and glanced back before looking at her again, “and what would a tender thing like you be doing with the old man?” She grinned, “he belongs to me.” He laughed and waved to the waitress to order tea. Mat appeared beside me, “like a beacon in the night.” I snorted and he walked into the shop to sit beside Sharp. Jen looked at him closely, “um... Deadeye?” Mat grinned, “a lifetime ago.” She reached out to touch his hand, “I think Sam meant it another way.” He looked at her and then at Sharp before nodding. Herman walked down the busy corridor calmly and paused before going in, “the vids are covered.” I nodded and let him go in as Jeff strode across from another shop. He nodded but did not stop as Jen greeted the Professor. David and Adam were next with a stunning woman between them on Adam’s arm. I smiled when she looked at me and whispered to Adam who blushed while David laughed. Last was the large frame of Paul with the tiny woman almost hiding in his shadow. I followed them in and sat beside Jen and looked around the table, “the regency council meets in four days to decide who the emperor’s granddaughter will marry. We are hitting them in the Council Hall. Boomer you need to collect a few surprises to slip into the supporters viewing galley. I want max damage to the assholes. Use a mini to back up Adam and David.” I looked at the Professor, “we need secure encrypted comms and once the show starts we need a total shut down of their systems.” He nodded and I glanced at Mat, “recon the Hall and make sure our surprises are still in place. Find a spot to cover the emperor and his granddaughter. Kill any guard that gets close to them once we open the door.” He nodded and I looked at Sharp, “we are going in through the Kilgore tunnel.” Sharp grinned, “of course.” I looked at Paul, “you need a mini on the right wing.” I glanced at Adam and David, “take the commandoes at the doors. No one enters or leaves the hall until we have the emperor and his granddaughter.” I looked around the table again, “I will take the council out. This time we are walking away with the emperor and everyone that gets in the way dies.” They all nodded and I leaned back, “so...” I looked at Jen, “This is Jen, my companion and a biologist.” Adam grinned, “this is Alley, my companion and a archeologist.” Paul grinned, “this is my wife and boss. She is a damn good mechanic and driver too.” We laughed as she hit his shoulder and smiled at us. I sighed, “it is good to see you again but now we need to move. I have a tug scheduled to take us down in an hour. Meet at the under gate in maintenance, level four, dock five tube two.” I went to watch as one by one they left and then Jen slipped her arm through mine. I walked out and headed across and into another service door. We walked down a hall and then used a lift to go down to level four. Down another hall we stopped beside a door marked maintenance and Jen went in. I watched until she returned with our bags and slung one before leading her down to another door. The docking bay we entered was huge and I led the way to the right. I stopped beside a data terminal and I started the prepared loop I had made and checked. We crossed another bay and slipped into an airlock. I grinned when I saw Sharp and turned to watch the empty bay. It was a minute before Mat crossed and walked into the airlock and Sharp led him into the tug. One by one the others appeared and went past me until everyone was there. I used the airlock terminal and entered a set of commands before closing the doors and the hatches in the tug. I headed to the bridge and ignored the Professor at the engineer display and Sharp checking the copilot instruments. I checked the time and opened the comm, “high station control this is tug one seven three requesting clearance to leave station.” “Copy one seven three.” I started the sequence the separated the tug and used thrusters to move us away. I turned the ship to head out, “high station control, tug one seven three any word on the Dynasty’s anti gravs yet?” “They got half up using a jury rig but I would not count on them.” I headed towards the large yacht, “did they get the reactor feed tank drained?” “Last shift. The anti gravs are running off the power coils.” Herman snorted, “the anti gravs will not last once we reach atmosphere.” I nodded, “that is why they wanted a tug to take it down Professor.” I slowed and drifted over the yacht before stopping. I switched on the grav tractors and watched a screen as the ship moved toward us. The tug shifted when the yacht touched the hull and it began to conform to yacht’s shape. Finally I locked the grav tractors, “high station control this is tug one seven three requesting clearance to begin atmosphere descent to the secondary starport on Dent.” “Copy one seven three, you are cleared for reentry.” I checked the tug comp before putting in the data and we began to descend and slow to match the planet’s rotation. I glanced at the Professor, “go ahead and turn the shield generators on.” I dropped lower and watched as the shields began heating up. A few minutes and we dropped through into open sky. I changed course, “Dent control this is tug one seven three heavy requesting clearance to Salidor repair yards.” “Copy one seven three, you are cleared to precede.” I slowed and began descending until we were a few thousand meters from the surface and close to the outer marker of the landing pads, “Salidor control this is tug one seven three heavy requesting clearance to land.” “We have been expecting you one seven three. Pad four is prepped and ready and pad five is clear.” I glanced at the pad marker beacons and made a slight course change, “start the altitude reading Sharp.” He began to read off the altitude from the ground to the yacht as I dropped lower and slowed. It was a little tense as I brought the tug to a hover and slowly settled the yacht onto the anti grav pad waiting for it. I glanced back to the Professor, “let it go.” The ship shifted and lifted up before I adjusted and began moving to the next landing pad. I settled the ship on the pad before beginning the shut down sequence. I glanced at Sharp and nodded my head towards the hatch. He slipped out of the other seat and grabbed his bag, “see you at the Kilgore tunnel.” One by one the others left and then I grabbed my bag and smiled at Jen. She led the way and once we were out and down, slipped an arm through mine. She talked about shopping and seeing the imperial gardens and the... I kept nodding as I checked around us. I made a few calls from public comms during the next three days while taking Jen around to all the tourists sites. I was up early the morning of the fourth day and dressed before coming back to sit on the bed and wake Jen. She smiled, “you better not die Samuel, I want to meet the emperor.” I smiled, “Just be at the spot I told you and do not be late.” She nodded and I bent to caress her face and kiss her. I stood and grabbed my rifle before leaving. I used the housekeeping code to open their closet on the floor before using their lift shaft. I got out in the basement and then moved to the back corner to remove a panel. I stepped into a narrow corridor and moved sideways down to the other end. I broken the seal on the panel blocking the way and stepped out in a public fresher. It was in the underground public tram station. I closed the panel before moving across the room and opening the maintenance and janitorial access. I slipped in and moved around cleaning and maintenance equipment. At a back wall I touched four tiles in sequence and the wall slid in. I moved in and closed it before climbing down another long ladder. I stepped off at the bottom and put a pair of night glasses on. I went down another narrow hall to a tunnel before turning right. I started walking as I thought ahead and tried to think of anything I might have missed. I glanced aside when Sharp stepped out of a niche, “all clear boss.” I nodded and kept going until we reached a four way intersection. A couple of minutes and Mat appeared out of the shadows like a ghost. I smiled and nodded as he shifted the sniper rifle on his back. David and Adam walked down the tunnel on the right and nodded as they cradled their assault rifles. Herman walked up from behind with his rifle and a small pack. The last to arrive was Jeff and Paul from the tunnel on the left. Jeff smiled, “our surprise in the viewing galley is in place.” I looked at Mat as Herman handed out the ear buds and encrypted comms. He nodded, “everything we left is still there and ready.” I nodded and fit the bud in my ear, “how does the surveillance look Professor?” He grinned, “their security people are pathetic. There is ten plain clothes guards in the viewing galley which we expected. The twenty men guarding the councilors are not allowed near the emperor, his granddaughter or their guards. The area directly behind the councilors has their assistants and a few undercover bodyguards. The emperor’s guards are never more than a few steps from him or his granddaughter.” He looked at Mat, “The good news about them is they do not wear body screens or armor.” Mat nodded and I glanced around, “ready?” They nodded and I started walking as Sharp moved ahead. I glanced at the Professor beside me, “when we get there you stay with Sharp and watch our way out and the security vids.” He smiled, “of course.” We walked in silence as I continued to scan the darkness and the shadows. Sharp was waiting beside the recess and started up when we reached him. One by one we followed and began separating, I moved through a narrow service vent before stopping at the screen and gave a double click on our comm. I waited and listened for the others. I could see the hall through the vent screen and listened to the murmurs and talking. It was several hours before it went quiet and then the emperor walked in. The way they treated him made me grit my teeth but I needed to wait. Mat clicked his comm and whispered, “go.” I kicked the screen and kept moving as I brought my rifle up and fired into the chest of the closest councilor and shifted as I continued to move while explosions rocked the hall and weapons went off. I put three more down before a guard pushed through and I shifted to put a round through his head, “Status Deadeye?” “Green and waiting for pickup.” I nodded as I shot and killed two more councilors as mini guns ripped the door guards and others apart, “time for our surprise Professor.” “Five seconds.” I killed the last two councilors and spun to leap onto the platform where the emperor was kneeling as he held his granddaughter. I pulled him up as explosions outside the hall shook the building, “time to go sir.” I pushed him towards Sharp as he appeared out of a panel and turned to walk backwards. I watched the carnage in the hall and scanned for any threats. I hoped the other surprises had worked as well as I turned to follow them through the panel, “break.” I followed them in and then down until we were standing in the tunnel, “status of the other packages Professor?” He smiled, “we got all but one.” I nodded and started moving as the others began to join us. Thirty minutes later we walked into a dimly lit area that had been a station a century ago. I smiled at Jen, Ally and Emily before introducing them. I looked at the old man that was the emperor, “we are not leaving you this time sir.” He sighed, “I know Samuel and I should not have ordered you to before.” He looked at his frightened granddaughter, “this is Commander Grey and these other men are his team. They were... are sworn to me... us.” She looked around and I cleared my throat, “up the ladder is the assembly. You need to address them to reassure them you are safe and in control.” He snorted, “they do not care if I am in control.” I growled, “they better or I will shoot them where they sit. You are emperor and it is time you acted like it.” He nodded and straightened, “you are right.” I looked at the Professor, “how bad is it upstairs?” He shook his head, “they are arguing over who will take control.” I gestured to Sharp and he vanished up the ladder with Mat following. I looked at Jeff and Paul, “take the wings.” I gestured and they started climbing and I looked at the Professor, “stay with the ladies but watch all the vids. I want to know before one of these assholes tries anything.” He smiled and nodded as I turned and started climbing, “follow me sir.” It was not very far before I stepped off and helped him. I turned to push a switch and the crack between two walls widened until it was a passageway. I led him down and pushed the utility panel open before glancing around and stepping out. I helped him and then his granddaughter before David and Adam moved forward. I hesitated, “we are set.” Mat answered, “in position.” Jeff and Paul answered almost at the same time, “in position.” I looked at the emperor, “ready Professor?” “Go.” I nodded to the emperor and he took a breath before starting to walk with his granddaughter holding his arm. I walked at his side as we started up the stairs and then went down a hall. I opened the side door into the Assembly before nodding to the emperor, “shut them up Professor.” All the mics screamed like it was feed back and everyone hesitated. I yelled, “ON YOUR FEET!” They looked and started to stand as I walked beside the emperor towards the front of the assembly hall. Several started talking and I snarled, “shut the hell up morons.” I stopped at the edge of the raised platform and looked at the three men standing on it, “get off and back to your seats.” They looked at each other and one licked his lips, “I am...” I pointed my rifle, “committing treason, get off and back to your seat now.” They moved and I nodded to the emperor, “sir.” He climbed the steps with his granddaughter and walked to the center. I continued to scan the people in the hall while he talked. The Professor murmured in my ear, “company.” I looked at the eight commandoes as they walked through the far doors and started down the open walk. I shifted, “halt.” The one in the lead looked at me, “I am the emperor’s personal...” I pointed my weapon, “you are a traitor.” One lifted his weapon and died as he was shot. I looked at them calmly, “the emperor is no longer a puppet. I would run before you are sentenced and hung.” They backed up but one stood fast as the others ran. He licked his lips, “I am loyal to the emperor.” I looked at him carefully, “Professor?” “Scanning.” I waited as the others left and a moment later the Professor came back, “clean.” I nodded to the commando, “no one approaches him without his permission.” He nodded and I gestured to the door, “watched the door.” The next two months were filled with a lot of politicos trying to keep their power. Of course the emperor was having none of that and dealt with them harshly. Those that were not shot for treason were impoverished and sent to new colony worlds. Mostly I dealt with new commandoes straight out of the academy. The senior fleet officers that were not killed by explosives planted in the walls of their offices ran. The Professor was culling through the senior officers left to find loyal replacements. Sharp and Mat were reworking the commando academy training program while David, Adam, Jeff and Paul protected the emperor and trained new guards. It is surprising how the people have rallied to support the emperor. Jen, Ally and Emily actually helped a lot in those weeks, meeting with people and setting up appointments if necessary. I stretched when I walked out on deck of the King’s Tear and looked at my wife. She was on the dock speaking to my team we were taking out. Jen turned and grinned when she saw me, “about time you were up.” |
The Devil's Pact, The Cult of the Ghost by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter One: Worship Orgy Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Monday, November 19th, 2013 – Deidre Cheshire – Paris, Texas “It's true,” I said as I surveyed the room, looking at each of them—his lovers. There were almost thirty women and girls in the room. “The Ghost is dead. But there's a way to bring him back. If we're willing to pay the price.” A great gasp went through the room. Grief painted their faces. We all had been touched by the Ghost. He had inspired such passion in each of us. When he touched your flesh, you felt so happy and joyful. His touch melted your body. And when he was inside you, his invisible cock thrusting away, the pleasure was more intense than any mortal lover. “What are we going to do, Deidre?” Carla, a busty redhead and famous paranormal investigator, asked. Her footage of the Ghost molesting her had gone viral, though the blossoming Theocracy had pulled down many copies of her video. They were trying to bury the Ghost's existence. “Our first problem are these so called gods,” I said, brushing back my tawny hair. “It's quite clear that anyone who hears their spoken words becomes one of their followers.” “I've heard their words spoken,” gasped Ursula, her large tits straining the front of her Boone cheerleaders outfit. “They're real Gods, right? You can't say they're not. They perform miracles!” “They are powerful,” I nodded. Inside I groaned. How many others of these women were under Mark and Mary's control? “But whom do you want to love more, them or the Ghost?” Ursula bit her lip and turned to Marybeth, a tall and curvy cheerleader with raven black hair. The girls were dating and Marybeth hugged Ursula. “Sweetie, I'll be with you.” “I...I want to love the Ghost more. I want to bring him back. That'll make the Gods happy, right?” “Yep,” I lied. “I miss him,” Heather sighed, the redhead pouting. She was definitely one of the Ghost’s favorites. He visited her most nights, sleeping in her bed. “It's so lonely in my bed without him.” “I think we're all committed to saving him,” Carla nodded. “Yep,” giggled Marissa and Rhonda May, a set of redheaded twins. The Ghost sure did love his redheads. “The Lionesses will go all the way to save him,” Marybeth declared and the rest of the cheerleader squad all shouted, “All the way!” They were an enthusiastic bunch. “Okay, for this to work, I first need to know how many are carryin' his child?” “I am,” Ursula proudly beamed. “He's the only man I've been with.” Heather grinned, rubbing her belly. “With how many times I've been fucked, of course I'm pregnant.” “Me and Kelly as well,” Latonya announced, the Black, young woman putting her arm around her fellow cheerleader. “I am,” Carla smiled. “He only made love to me once, but it did the trick,” beamed Lizzy. “He popped her cherry in the shower,” giggled a Hispanic, young woman I didn't know. “That was hot,” another young woman laughed. “Me, too,” a sandy-blonde, young woman named Tammy smiled. She had her arms wrapped around a curly brunette. “That was so hot when he took us in the bathroom at the park, Cheryl-Lynn.” “Even hotter when he fucked us in my bedroom while my parents were downstairs,” giggled the brunette Cheryl-Lynn. “I think that's when he got you in the family way.” I nodded. “Seven. That is perfect.” “So this involves our babies?” Ursula asked, stroking her stomach. “It won't...hurt them.” “Not at all,” I grinned, then I reached into my bra and pulled out a vial filled with the Ghost's cum. I had collected it out of my pussy the last time he had fucked me. My grief surged inside me. That had been right before that cunt Alison had him executed for being a Warlock. “This is how we begin. We have to dedicate ourselves to him.” “But we're only supposed to worship the Living Gods,” Ursula objected. “Right?” A few other of the women nodded. I took a deep breath. I would have to tread carefully until I freed these women from Mark and Mary's pernicious mind control. Those damned Warlocks—I knew from reading the Magicks of the Witch of Endor that they weren't gods—would be a problem going forward. They had already unleashed their foul servant Alison to kill the Ghost. “I said serve, not worship.” It was a distinction that I hoped Ursula and the others under Mark and Mary's power wouldn't question. “Don't you want to serve the Ghost? Don't you want to feel that wonderful touch of his on your ass, his words hissin' in your ear, tellin' you all the filthy thangs he wants to do to your sweet, young body?” “I do,” Ursula nodded. “More than anythang.” “We need to let him know that. We need to reach across the barriers between life and death and let the Ghost feel our love and devotion.” I looked out at them. “We need to have a bacchanalia.” “An orgy?” Carla asked. I nodded. “Our sexual energy will build and build, and the Ghost will feel it. He'll gain power, and then we'll all swear ourselves to him. Doesn't that sound wonderful? We'll be his servants, bound to him.” I held my breath, looking at Ursula, hoping Mark and Mary's programming hadn't been to complete. We would need her child to free the Ghost. “Let's do it,” Ursula grinned. “Lioness go all the way!” Latonya threw her arm in the air, and the cheerleaders all chanted: “Lionesses are hot. Lionesses are wet. Lionesses will explode And cum all over you!” They were an enthusiastic bunch. “I brought sex toys,” I smiled. “They're out in my car. I'll be right back.” “You naughty slut,” laughed Heather, her shirt coming off to reveal a pair of perky tits. “I'll help you out,” Carla smiled. Her tits bounced in her tight shirt as we walked through the library. I hoped this would work. The Ghost had taken me for the first time in here, fucking me from behind while I checked out patrons books. It had been so hot. We were fucking and no one knew it. My pussy itched, and I pressed my thighs together. “Are we going to turn him into a God?” Carla whispered. “Not quite. An ancestor spirit,” I answered. “Thirty of us, pourin' all our love and lust at him. It'll start the process. It'll give him power in Hell. I read about it in a Chinese text, Tenets of Respect and Worship. He'll be our patron and we'll get powers.” “That'll make us Warlocks.” I smiled. “You've read Magicks of the Witch of Endor.” “Of course I have. I almost even made my own Pact.” “Well, this isn't quite the same. We won't be Warlocks. But it will insulate us from Mark and Mary's control and bind us to the Ghost. We can use that connection to bring him back to life.” We reached my small Prius. I popped the trunk. There were seven large backs full of dildos, vibrators, and so many other fun toys. And a special bag with the amulets I had spent half my savings on to have made. There was a large, golden one set with green jade and black jet and seven lesser ones. I pulled on the amulet, the medallion dangling between my breasts. It would be the focus of all the spells, gathering the energy to free the Ghost. I uncorked the vial and rubbed the Ghost's cum into the gold, muttering beneath my breath. Carla smiled as I cast the spell. She scooped up several bags. “We can't stay in Paris if we do this, Deidre. Happy and her husband are quickly converting this town to worshiping the Living God.” I scowled at the former born-again Christian Reverend and his cuckolding wife. “She should've been here with us. She was one of the Ghost's favorites.” “Both her and her sister are carrying his kid,” Carla nodded. “But they both are big into worshiping the Living Gods. We need to go somewhere remote, where people don't know who the Ghost is.” “I have a ranch up in Idaho,” I answered. “It's very remote. My aunt died over the summer and I'm her only family remainin'. I was trying to sell it, but now it seems perfect.” We walked back into the library, my heart beating with excitement. The girls and women were all naked, squirming on the floor. Tits and pussy and ass flashed at me. I had never been with a woman before. But for the Ghost, I would learn to love it. “Here are the toys, ladies,” I grinned, spilling the bags out on the tables. “Think of the Ghost while you are makin' love. Send to him your energy.” Carla grabbed a double-headed dildo, giving me a naughty grin. I unbuttoned my blouse, letting it fall to the floor, followed by my bra. I dropped my beige pencil skirt, my panties soaked with my juices. I stood almost naked, the focusing amulet dangling between my naked tits. “You shouldn't wear panties,” Ursula said, grabbing a strap-on. “A woman should be ready to be fucked at all times. The Living Gods say so.” “Then I best get these off,” I grinned, peeling them down. “Ghost of Paris, we offer this orgy in your honor. We send all our love and worship to you. We are your devoted followers. We are your cult!” Energy tingled through the room, flowing out from the amulet. The process had begun. “Fuck me with that big ol' thang,” moaned Marybeth, kneeling on the floor as Ursula pulled on the strap-on. “Let's give the Ghost a show so hot he wont be able to resist escapin' Hell to watch!” The blonde buried her strap-on into Marybeth's cunt. Ursula's big tits bounced and jiggled as she plowed her girlfriend, fucking her with hard, deep strokes, giving the slut what she wanted. My pussy grew even more wet, there was something so beautiful about women making love. No wonder guys were always wanting girls to make out. Heather worked a thick dildo covered in small bumps in and out of Mindy's pussy and the twins rubbed vibrators on each other's cunts. They both had tattoo's on their small tits, pink roses opening around their nipples, the shade almost matching their areolas while thorny veins wrapped around their tits. Carla fell to her knees before me, spreading my thighs. Her tongue licked through my pussy. I shuddered. “Oh, Ghost, feel my lust. Feel how much I enjoy Carla's tongue licking through my cunt. We love you so much. We miss you.” I leaned against the table, my eyes squeezing shut as Carla's tongue licked and played through my pussy. I had only had a few guys go down on me and they all had been disappointing. But Carla knew how to lick and suck. She nuzzled into me, her tongue swirling around, touching me in all these amazing spots. “Yes! Lick my cunt, whore!” I gasped. Carla responded, licking me harder, nipping at my clit and shoving her tongue deep into my hole. My juice dripped out, her mouth slurping them down. Delight shown in her green eyes as she looked up at me. The pleasure swelled, blossoming inside me. I groaned, savoring the bliss. This was nice. And it was all for the Ghost. My hips bucked, my orgasm swelling. My fingers gripped the table's edge. I moaned and sighed, a great, growing swell of rapture filled me up. “Ghost!” I screamed as the pleasure burst inside me. Delight flooded my veins. My muscles contracted. I ground my pussy on Carla's hungry mouth. “Feel my passion, Ghost! Oh, yes! I love you!” Carla pulled her lips away, shiny with my cum. “Umm, I bet he felt that one.” Then she brandished the flexible, pink dildo. “Ready to have some more fun.” “Yeah.” Then I grinned sheepishly. “How do you use a double-headed dildo?” “Carefully,” she grinned. “Get on your knees like the hot bitch you are.” I did, wiggling my ass at her. She bent down licking through my furred muff one more time. “I love that,” I panted. “I just can't resist. You taste amazing.” The tip of the dildo probed my pussy, spreading my labia apart. I groaned as it entered me. The thick girth was nice, my pussy squeezing about the smooth rubber. But it wasn't the Ghost's wonderful cock. The dildo bottomed out inside me, pressing on my cervix. I threw a look over my shoulder as Carla turned around, presenting her ass at me. Her pussy was surrounded by fiery, red hair that was damp with her excitement. Her labia peaked out as she guided the other end of the dildo to her pussy. She pushed back, the dildo pressing on me, pleasure shuddering through me. She worked more and more of the pussy into her. “Oh, that's nice,” she panted, smiling at me over her shoulder. “Now we fuck each other.” She rocked her hips back and forth, the dildo sliding in and out of my pussy. I rocked with her, groaning as the cock fucked in and out of me. Our butt-cheeks bumped, the dildo buried deep inside the both of us. “Fuck me, Carla,” I groaned. “Work that dildo in and out of me!” “Gladly.” “You hot sluts,” giggled Lizzy, braces flashing on her white teeth. The freshman fell before me, her thighs spreading apart. Her pussy was a tight slit surrounded by a sparse, black hair. She was so young and virginal. She tasted fresh, her sweet musk coating my tongue as I savored my first taste of pussy. “Lick me for the Ghost!” I worked my hips, the pleasure swelling inside me as I ate out this young woman My tongue flowed through her cunt, licking, sucking, moaning my pleasure into her. Lizzy seized my tawny hair, humping her hips, her perky tits bouncing as she enjoyed herself. Carla fucked her hips back harder, our asses slapping together as she drove the dildo so deep into my pussy. “Yes! I'm cumming for you!” screamed Carla, slamming back against me. Her ass ground against mine, swirling the dildo around inside me. I loved it. Then her hips started humping again, the pleasure swelling inside me. I moaned around Lizzy's tiny, pink clit as I slid a finger into her tight pussy. She was practically a virgin even if she was pregnant. Her tight sheath contracted about my finger, the young woman's face growing flushed with passion. “Oh, Ms. Cheshire,” she moaned. “Lick me! You're so wonderful! I'm going to cum! Oh, yes! Oh, wow!” Her sweet juices squirted into my lips. I drank them down, locking my mouth over her pussy. She bucked into my hungry mouth. My fingers pinched and pulled at her puffy nipples. Her coltish legs locked around my head, holding me tight. And then she went limp. “Come back to us, Ghost,” she moaned. The dildo stabbed deep into me as I licked my lips clean of Lizzy's delicious juices. My orgasm suddenly erupted. I moaned, throwing back my head. My body quivered, my pussy spasming about the thick dildo. Carla kept rocking back into me, giving me more and more pleasure, prolonging my orgasm. “For you, Ghost!” I moaned as a second orgasm rippled through me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marybeth Sargant The end of the dildo pressed against my clit every time Ursula slid down it. I loved using a strap-on to fuck my girlfriend. Especially when she rode me like a cowgirl. Her beautiful thighs pressed against my sides as she slid back up the red dildo, and then she came back down. Pleasure burned in my clit. I groaned, “Yes, Ursula. Ride me harder!” “Yeehaw,” she grinned, her hips twisting, swirling the dildo around her pussy. Her heavy tits bounced, my hands reaching up to cup their pillowy softness. I squeezed, my fingers finding her nipples and rolling them between my fingers. I was so glad the Ghost unthawed Ursula. She once had been the perfect, Christian, young lady, preaching abstinence and quoting scripture. She never liked the way I went around seducing every member of our cheer squad. I just loved licking pussy. And then the Ghost had molested us, and Ursula had come to love my tongue licking through her slit. I owed the Ghost so much. Not only did he give me such pleasure, but he also gave me the love of this hottie. “Ride me faster, slut!” I groaned. “Let the Ghost see how hot you are with your big titties bouncin'!” Ursula did, working her pussy up and down that fake cock. The pressure on my clit grew, Ursula grinding the base of the dildo hard into my nub as she worked her hips. I reached out, squeezing those lush melons of hers. The pleasure swelled inside me. Her juices leaked down the shaft, dripping down to my own hot pussy. I kneaded her tits, loving the way her flesh squeezed through my fingers. Her blonde hair flew about her shoulders. She was so beautiful. “Keep loving each other!” Deidre called out. “The energy's building! Feed him more!” “Yes!” I groaned. “Feel my lust, Ghost! Come back to us!” My body shuddered. My orgasm erupted through me. My hips thrust up, driving the dildo deep into my girlfriend's cunt as rapture burned through me. She leaned over, smiling down at me as I gasped and moaned, working her pussy up and down on the dildo. “Cum, slut!” she grinned, her tits hanging over me, swinging as she fucked me. “I am! I keep cumming! Keep grinding the dildo into me, baby!” She moaned, her lips going wide. Her sky-blue eyes squeezed shut. She slammed down on the dildo, moaning and gasping. She called out the Ghost name, sending him her pleasure. I pulled her down, kissing her hard, our bodies trembling as our orgasms washed through each other. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marissa Myers “I have to pee so bad,” my twin sister said, her auburn hair streaked with blonde highlights fell loose about her shoulders. I always braided my auburn hair. That and our tattoos were the only difference between us. I had the rose tattooed on my left tit. “Then piss in my mouth,” I grinned. “Let's make this as filthy as possible.” I planted my mouth over Rhonda May's shaved cunt, eager to taste my sister's pee. We both had discovered the joy of waterspouts the night we had been under the spell of the Goddess possessing Darleen Cummings. I suspected the Ghost was responsible for that wild night, summoning the Goddess to control Darleen. It had ended when the police caught us screwing around with this tattoo artist. I kinda felt bad the tattoo artist died in jail. But it wasn't my fault the cops caught him enjoying our underage snatch. “Pee in my mouth,” I moaned, putting that morbid thought aside. “Here it comes, sister slut!” The pee splashed hot into my lips, salty and acrid. I slurped it down, the nasty liquid pouring down my throat. More trickled out of my lips, dripping down to my perky tits. My pussy clenched with the depravity of drinking my twin sister's piss. We were such nasty sluts. “Oh, my stars!” gasped Lizzy Garfield, the Freshman's eyes wide, her braces glinting on her white teeth. “You're pissing in her mouth, Rhonda May.” “Uh-huh,” my sister moaned. “It's so hot! We're going to reach the Ghost with this depravity.” I kept drinking. My sister bucked her hips, her spray splashing on my face, piss flying everywhere. I inhaled the filthy scent, the hot liquid dripping off my chin. I was going to make her lick me clean for that. “It's so nasty though,” Lizzy said. “That's what makes it so hot,” my sister answered, shuddering as the last few spurts trickled out. “It's the best,” I grinned, pulling away. “I'm such a nasty whore.” Lizzy pressed her thighs together, shifting her hips. Her blue eyes were wide. She looked so innocent, almost a doll with her pale face framed by black hair. I grabbed her hand, pulling her closer. She trembled, licking her lips. I leaned in and kissed those sweet lips, letting her get a good taste of my sister's salty treat. “Wow,” she whispered. “That's...different.” “It's even better straight form the source,” I grinned. “Why don't you stretch out on the floor and let me piss in your mouth. That'll help the Ghost out.” “I don't know,” she frowned. Rhonda May put her arm around the cutie's shoulders. “You want to do everything to help the Ghost out, right?” Lizzy nodded. “Then lie down on the floor and let my sister piss in your mouth.” I beamed at my twin; she was the best. “Okay,” Lizzy whispered, her eyes trembling. “You'll love it,” I told her as she stretched out on the floor. I straddled her face, lowering my pussy down. “Just relax and open wide.” Her mouth pressed into my snatch, her tongue taking a quick lick. That felt nice. I shifted, wiggling about until I felt her lips sealed around my urethra. Her tits were nice handfuls, and a squeezed them both, her nipples hardening. “Here it comes,” I moaned, relaxing my bladder. She gasped, gargling as my piss flooded out. I groaned, savoring the delicious feel of relieving my bladder into a hottie's mouth. She swallowed, smacking her lips, my piss splashing against my thighs. I must be spraying her face. “That's it,” I groaned. “Drink it down, slut!” She did, slurping every last drop. I squirmed my pussy about, her tongue licking through my pussy as the last few spurts of piss came out. I loved her tongue exploring my folds, searching for every drop of piss still clinging to my pussy. I closed my eyes, getting lost in the pleasure her pussy licking generated. I moaned, my hips shifting and— Something cold wiggled into my asshole. “What!” I screeched. “Just lubing you up, sweet sister,” purred my twin. “That's some cold lube,” I moaned as her finger worked in and out of my asshole. “What are you shovin' into my cornhole.” “This!” She yanked her finger back then shoved something tapered into my ass. My asshole expanded, stretching out as the object grew wider and wider. I groaned, sliding my pussy on Lizzy's mouth. And then it popped inside me save for a little stem. “Is that a butt plug?” I groaned, feeling stuffed as Lizzy licked and sucked at my pussy. “Yep!” I shuddered, closing my eyes as Lizzy's tongue and lips explored my pussy, her braces sometimes scraping on my pussy. I shuddered, my orgasm swelling. I had the best sister and together we were going to save the Ghost. “Cum, slut,” my twin moaned, straddling Lizzy's stomach and holding me tight, our breasts pressing together. My twin kissed me, then licked to my ear. “Cum on her face. Give the whore a big treat.” “Yes!” I moaned, shuddering. “Oh, yes!” My orgasm rippled through me. My juices poured out, flooding Lizzy's mouth. My twin held me. We were so close. We did everything together. Together you came into this world Together shall you depart, arms entwined Life dedicated to one man For your love shall you die, The drink shall be bitter, But eternity shall be your reward. The Goddess's strange prophecy echoed in my ears as bliss burned through me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ghost of Paris – Astarte's Domain, The Abyss Silvery light burned my skin. Astarte's radiance cooking me. I spent a quarter of my time in her domain, tormented by her. She owned a quarter of my soul. Lucifer owned the rest. I'm not sure what was worse, burning in fire or burning in starlight. Sometimes Astarte's touch seemed softer. Sometimes. It was hard to remember who I was. My real name had faded. I could only cling to one thought: I am the Ghost of Paris. But it was hard. My torment seemed to last an eternity. I doubt it had even been a week in the mortal world. It was all Astarte's fault my life had ended so abruptly. She had gleefully told me in detail on how she had set me up the first time I had come before her in Hell, rubbing in her cruelty like a sadist rubs salt into the wound. If I had never made my Pact with her to gain increased sexual staima, I would have been able to control my pecker. Then maybe I wouldn't have screwed that pink-haired bitch. And that bitch wouldn't have executed me. A woman's voice called to me in my torment. Then a second. They were faint, but I could almost recognize them. The librarian and the ghost hunter. I remembered fucking them both. More voices reached out to me. All the beautiful women I had loved called to me, begging for my presence. And then I was lifting up, drifting from my torment, rising through the layers of the Abyss. I was still chained, but my bonds seemed to have a sudden slack. I rose faster, following the sweet sounds of passion, crashing into the real world. I stepped into an orgy of feminine flesh. My cock hardened. None of the women noticed me. I was invisible, of course. I knew every piece of ass in the room. I had fucked them all. The Boone cheerleaders, the librarian and her blazing medallion, the twins, and so many more. My cock throbbed. I didn't know how long my escape from Hell would last, but there was no way I wasn't going to enjoy myself before I got yanked back. I saw my favorite bedmate. Heather Pritchard. I grinned and sauntered over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heather Pritchard – Paris, Texas I was coming down off the amazing orgasm Mindy Taylor had given me with a vibrator. Mindy was off to have more fun. She was the Ghost's first lover, and proud of it. But I was his favorite. He told me so when he came to my bed at night. A hand touched my ass. I shuddered, a warmth flushing through me. My lust went into overdrive. I would do whatever that hand wanted. I beamed, throwing a look over my shoulder. There was no one there. But someone was grabbing my ass. “It's you!” I called out! “The Ghost is here!” “How could I keep away from a sweet, young thang like you,” he drawled, his fingers slipping into the crack of my ass. “I got to fuck every purtee thang I can.” “Fuck me!” I moaned. “I missed you, Ghost!” He entered me as I bent over. I let him fuck me like the bitch I was. His cock was inside me, filling me up. I groaned, pushing back, my eyes squeezing shut. His cock hammered me, fucking me with that wonderful intensity he always possessed. Nothing was better than being fucked by the Ghost of Pairs. “It's the Ghost!” gasped Kelly, one of the cheerleaders. “I can see her pussy gaping open. He's hammering away at her. “Course I am,” bellowed the Ghost. “And her cooch is as tight as a banker's fist grasping a penny. Gonna give her a big ol' load of my jizz.” “Yes!” I groaned, hammering my hips back. “Cum in me!” “Hot damn, but you have an abso-damn-fuckin'-lutely tight cooch!” The pleasure rippled through me. I screamed out, cumming hard on his wonderful cock. My pussy convulsed about him, my back arching. I was so happy. I was his favorite. He chose me over every other woman in this room. “Everyone,” Ms. Cheshire, the librarian, called out, her medallion shining light upon us. “Repeat after me! I pledge myself, body and soul, to the devotion of the Ghost of Paris. He is my guiding spirit. The soul that I belong to!” “I pledge myself,” I moaned, fighting through the pleasure of my orgasm to scream out with the other women, “body and soul, to the devotion of the Ghost of Paris.” White-hot bliss pumped into me, his cock cumming into my pregnant pussy. I wished he could knock me up again. “He is my guiding spirit. The soul that I belong to.” I felt something inside me change. I felt so connected to him. I was his. I was the Ghost of Paris's slut. That little bit of me that believed that Mark and Mary Glassners were Gods vanished. I wasn't under their control anymore. I was the Ghost's. He vanished from my pussy. He didn't pull out. He just wasn't in me anymore. “No!” I cried out, sitting up. “Don't go.” Tears ran hot down my face. “Come back!” Ms. Cheshire hugged me, my face burying between her naked breasts, the medallion she wore was warm on my cheek. She rocked me. “It's all right. This was just the first step for the Cult.” I sniffed. “The Cult?” “We're the Cult of the Ghost now,” she smiled. “We're all sealed to him. We're not under any Warlock's control any longer.” “They're not gods,” Ursula gasped. “Oh, Lord, they lied to us. Why did I ever believe 'em?” “Mark and Mary are just like the Ghost,” Ms. Cheshire said. “They made a pact with the Devil. That's why we need to save the Ghost. He sold his soul to the Devil and now he's sufferin' down in Hell.” I nodded my head, looking around at the others. “Then we'll save him.” Ms. Cheshire smiled down at me, leaning in to give me a kiss on the lips—her lips tasted like pussy. “But we can't call ourselves the Cult of the Ghost,” objected Marybeth. “The Theocracy will come down on us if they think we're still his.” “That's why we have to get away.” Ms. Cheshire stood up, staring around. “We're gonna go to Idaho. I have a ranch out in the mountains. It'll be safe for a while. Does anyone have any suggests for what we publicly call ourselves?” “Well, how 'bout we call ourselves the Sapphicists,” Ursula suggested. “Since until we raise the Ghost outta Hell, there ain't no way none of us are touchin' 'nother man. We're his alone.” “What does Sapphicists mean?” asked Rhonda May and I nodded my head in agreement. “Sappho means lesbian,” Ursula answered. “So I reckon Sapphicist is a mighty fine thang to be callin' ourselves.” “Yeah,” I nodded, liking the sound of that. “The Sapphicists. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ghost of Paris – Astarte's Domain, The Abyss The torment wasn't quite so bad when I returned to the burning starlight. I had hope. All those wonderful women that I had molested. They all loved me and they wanted me back. And they were a determined bunch. I was sure they could do it. To be continued... |
The Devil's Pact, The Ghost of Paris Interlude by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter One: The Dance Instructor Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 – Whitney Spietz – Paris, Texas I stretched my back, working the kinks out as I carried the mop bucket back to the supply closet. It was the last bit of cleaning I had to do for my dance studio before I could go home for the night. My muscles were sore, and I was looking forward to a nice soak in my tub, with some scented candles and a glass of red wine. I grabbed my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, and walked carefully around the edge, not wanting to tread on the damp floor and ruin all my hard work—the studio was my pride and joy. It had taken years, and a lot of my parent's money, but Beauty in Motion was finally making a profit. As I was locking the front door, Darleen Cummins, one of my dance students, walked out of the alley, an odd, hungry look in her eyes. And were they silver? What was— “Oh, Lord, what happened!” I gasped. Her leotard had been ripped and her breasts were exposed. I clapped my hands over my mouth; something white ran down her leg. The poor thing had been raped behind my studio while I was inside cleaning. Oh, Lord, what was happening in this town. I threw my arms around her. “I'm so sorry. But we'll get the bastard.” “Such a familiar manner,” purred Darleen. “Do you know my host?” Lord, she's had some sort of mental breakdown. “I'm your dance teacher, Whitney,” I told her. “Come inside and we'll get you some help.” “You have a pretty mouth,” Darleen said. There was something wrong with her words. Her accent was gone, and she sounded almost continental, a refined quality Darleen, despite being the Mayor's daughter, had never possessed. “Come on, sugar. You're in shock. Let's get inside and I'll get you some help.” “Yes. Your mouth is quite perfect,” Darleen continued. People were walking past, staring at my student's disheveled state. “C'mon, sugar. People are watchin' you.” “Have you ever pleasured a Goddess?” “What are you talkin' 'bout?” “Fall to your knees and pleasure me.” Her eyes were silver and so deep, like pools of starlight. So bright and deep and ancient, full of beautiful majesty and terrifying power. Something lurked in Darleen's eyes, something so far beyond me as I was from the ant I stepped on. Those eyes commanded me, reaching into my soul and wrenching me to her desire. I trembled and fell to my knees. Beneath her tutu I could see the torn crotch of her leotard and her sex, surrounded by platinum-blonde pubes, was matted with cum. I couldn't seem to help myself, not after looking into those silver pools. I leaned in; a spicy musk filled my nose. My tongue licked out, salty cum and and spicy pussy coated my tongue. “Yes,” Darleen purred. “Pleasure me.” The passing pedestrians gasped with disgust and surprise as I pleasured my dance student on the sidewalk. I was going to be arrested for committing such a lewd act on a sidewalk—not counting the fact she was underage—but I couldn't stop. I stuck my tongue deeper into her, gathering a mouthful of the mix of fluids. “Dykes!” a woman snorted. “Ain't that the mayor's daughter?” a scandalized gal asked. “She must be on that ecstasy.” “Ooh, this is gonna be a talked 'bout for years.” “Revel in my beauty,” Darleen cooed. “You are in a Goddess's presence. On your knees in worship!” I didn't know if they obeyed her, my face was buried into her wonderful pussy. The more I licked, the more I came to love the taste and the feel of her. She was warm and wet and soft, silk on my lips. I drank her nectar, savoring it. Darleen stared down at me, her eyes almost glowing in the darkness, her platinum-blonde hair almost seemed like a halo around her head. “Such pleasure you are gifting me,” purred the transformed girl. “That's it.” She shuddered and smiled “Worship me. Show me how much you love your Goddess.” Her hips moved, and a low groan issued like a song from her lips. I worked my tongue deeper into her pussy, sensing her impending climax, and eager to deliver it to her. Her fingers wrapped through my hair, and she ground her pussy harder and harder into my face. Her moans grew louder, sweeter. I found her clit, nursing at her nub, eager to give her all the pleasure I could. She came, juices flooding my mouth, and then she moaned in a strange, rhythmic chant: “Your life shall number thirteen, To the north will your blood be spilled Full of anger, full of grief Wormwood will slay your love Lilith's daughter will slay your life." Darleen looked down at me, face full of pleasure, staring into my eyes. “Enjoy your time with him,” she whispered, stroking my face. With whom? “Such a pretty mouth,” she purred. “This body has needs, and you seem perfect to accept them.” Her hand tightened on my hair, pressing me into her pussy. What needs was— Acrid urine flooded my mouth. Darleen's eyes fluttered, and a soft, relieved sigh escaped her lips. I wanted to pull away, but she wanted me to drink her piss. I opened my mouth, feeling like such a worthless creature, and swallowed the warm, disgusting fluid. More and more streamed in, overflowing my mouth and running down my neck to soak into the top of my leotard. “That's it,” she cooed. “Drink every last drop down. That's a Goddess's precious fluid you're drinking. Savor it.” I did. It was wonderful. I couldn't wait to drink more. I held it in my mouth until I was as full as possible, then swallowed it, delighting in the urine that escaped to run hot down my body. I could smell it, salty and acrid, heavenly. Her stream slowed, dribbled, and then died. I held the last mouthful, swirling it about my mouth to savor that wonderful gift for as long as I could before I swallowed it. I needed more. I explored her pussy, licking up the little drops that clung to her petals. Her hand stroked my head. A huge crowd was gathered around us, people called me such disgusting names as I lapped my Goddess's pussy clean. “Miss Whitney?” a girl gasped. I recognized that voice. “What are you doin'?” another girl asked, sounding almost the same. “Your teacher is pleasuring me,” Darleen answered the Myers twins. They attended my jazz dance class. I could see the two twins, holding hands, staring at me in awe. Marissa's auburn hair was in a French braid and Rhonda-May's fell loose about her shoulders, streaked with blonde highlights. “Why are you doin' that, Miss Whitney?” Rhonda-May asked. “You're in the street. You gonna get arrested if you keep carryin' on like this.” “How long have you and your sister been intimate?” Darleen asked. “Your forbidden passion wreathes you like the sweetest perfumes.” “Uh, since yesterday,” squeaked Marissa. “We, uh, had a ghostly encounter.” “Yes. He gets around. You may approach me.” Darleen pulled my head away from her pussy and turned, presenting her ass, cum leaking out of her tight cornhole. I didn't need to be told what to do, so I buried my face between her cheeks and sucked the dirty cum out of her sour ass. My tongue worked past her hot sphincter into the hot, tight depths of her bowels searching for more cum. “You two are quite beautiful,” Darleen continued. “Thank you,” Rhonda-May answered. “I have always enjoyed having twins serve as my handmaids. Disrobe and attend me.” Clothes rustled; I couldn't see anything but Darleen's ass cheeks pressed around my cheeks. “Hell yeah,” a guy in the crowd cheered. “Let's see some twincest!” “Very nice,” Darleen praised and one of the girl's gasped. “Umm, you taste sweet, almost like strawberries. How interesting.” “Thank you,” squeaked Marissa. “You may pleasure my nipples. I require another climax.” “Yes, uh...” “Goddess.” “Yes, Goddess,” Rhonda-May breathed. I could hear their loud sucking, and I pictured their innocent, freckled faces latching onto Darleen's budding breasts, sucking her hard, pink nipples between their lips. Darleen would wrap her arms around their auburn hair, holding them against her as they worship her as eagerly as I did. “Worship your goddess,” she gasped. “That's it. Hurry. Interference approaches.” Sirens blared off in the distance. I worked faster, knowing I would soon be arrested for such public, lewd behavior. But it was worth it to taste her wonderful ass, to press my tongue deep inside her and worship her. My pussy dripped into my leotard, and I ignored my own longing, only wanting to satisfy my Goddess. “Oh, yes!” she purred. “Such wonderful worship!” Her anus clenched around my tongue, her cheeks squeezing my face, all her muscles clenched and her orgasm roiled through her, forcing the cum buried deep in her ass out into my mouth. “Together you came into this world Together shall you depart, arms entwined Life dedicated to one man For your love shall you die, The drink shall be bitter, but eternity shall be your reward." “Together?” Rhonda-May asked. “And who's this man?” “You know him already,” Darleen answered. The sirens were close, a car pulled to a stop. “Come, we must attend to the rude defender.” “Out of the way!” a man yelled. “You four women, against the walls!” Darleen moved away, and I saw a Paris Police Officer pushing through the crowd, his hand on his weapon. He was handsome, with steely eyes and a rugged chin—my heart beat faster. Whether with fear or excitement, I wasn't sure. I stood up and moved to the wall, followed by the two scared looking twins. “Dispatch, I'm going to need backup. I have four women committing a lewd act in...” Darleen touched his arm. To be continued... |
Devil's Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devil's Pact: The Ghost of Paris Chapter One - Freedom Friday, August 30th, 2013 – Paris, Texas “Staying out of trouble, Scotty?” Mitchel Craig, my parole officer, asked me. “Yessir, boss,” I lied. It was complete bullshit that I was here. What was the harm in taking a few photos up a few girls' skirts. I mean, they were wearing panties. Hell, those girls probably wear skimpier bikinis when they go to the beach. But the judge disagreed, particularly with my prior, and gave me three years. I was paroled in eighteen months, and had to report to this slug once a month. “You still livin' in Paris, son?” he drawled. Craig had a fat, ruddy face and he wiped at the sweat beading his forehead every minute with a grimy handkerchief he pulled out of his back pocket. “At that halfway house on Sperry Street?” I nodded. It was the shithole that all the sex offenders were sent to. You had to be home by 8 PM, and your room could be searched at any time for 'contraband': porn, drugs, weapons, and booze. If you had a job, you could stay out past eight, otherwise you were confined to your room or a shitty common area with a broken TV, a couch from the fifties that had lost all of its padding, and a chess board missing half its pieces. I ground my teeth as the fat sack of shit drawled on and on. I wanted to mosey my way over to Boone High School and watch the cheerleaders practice. It was the Friday before Labor Day weekend, and there wouldn't be any school until Tuesday. It was bad enough having to go three days without watching those fine young things shaking their stuff, let alone adding another day because my PO liked to hear himself talk. I wasn't, strictly speaking, supposed to be watching the girls. I was a voyeur, and over the years my tendencies has landed me in a mess of trouble. When I was nineteen, I got a job at Boone High School in my home town of Paris, Texas, as a janitor. Well, I drilled a hole in the girl's locker room and enjoyed the sights for a whole month before I got caught. That landed me my first stint in prison. Sentenced to six years; out in three on good behavior. I thought I got smarter, after I got out, thought I got more careful. But at twenty-seven, I was caught in the Paris Commons, the local mall, with my digital camera hidden in my shoe taking upskirt shots. I just couldn't stop. I loved watching girls. I often fantasized about being a fly on the wall, just watching them, up close. Or one of them superheroes that can turn himself invisible. I would just sit in locker rooms, watching the gals and jerking my pecker. I just had to see the ladies naked, I couldn't help myself. Since my parole last month, I had already snuck a camera into the locker room at the Y and for three days got some delightful footage before the memory stick filled up. “I'll be keeping an eye on you, Scotty Adams,” my PO warned. “Don't think you can be peeping on the girls under my watch.” “Sure thing, boss,” I nodded. The dumb sack of shit had no idea what I've been up to since I got out. I glanced at the old, analogue clock on the wall; there was still time to watch the practice. The cheerleaders were jumping around when I arrived. Their pretty legs flashing as they cartwheeled around, their firm breasts jiggling beneath their red tops. And when those gold-and-black pleated skirts flipped up and you could see their black, tight spankies that hugged their asses, well it was like I died and gone to heaven. Their school mascot was the lion, and the cheerleaders called themselves the Lionesses. But, it was over all too quick, and I wandered over to the public library. Maybe I'd surf some porn, or check out what was happening on reddit. You could always fine some girl posting a titillating selfie. I browsed some porn for an hour, receiving a few dirty looks from a mother. Luckily, the first amendment protected pornography as free speech so the shrewish librarian couldn't do anything about it. But, I couldn't jerk off either, so I switched over to a few sites I liked to visit. One was called the Unearthed Arcana, a forum for people who loved the occult to post theories on, or to inform people on the latest revelations from spirit channelings and the like. My first love was spying on pretty young things, my second was the occult. I just ate that shit up. I read Alice Bailey, Madam Blavastky, Alestier Crowely, David Icke, and all the rest. At night I would listen to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. They were always preaching the truth about the government and aliens and the like. I loved it. I started browsing the forum of Someone posting as attaboy-simon claimed that the rising power in the Northwest, Mark Glassner, had sold his soul to Lucifer as outlined in the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. There was quite the lively debate. These Miraclists that worshiped Mark as a God were quite the fervent defenders, deriding the original poster for even suggesting that their God would consort with demons. attaboy-simon said he was going to prove them all wrong and his final post simply read: “I did it haters, fuk you and fuk your god! Lucifer gave me entire cheerleading squad!! *-)” It was accompanied by a picture of a man and more than a dozen smiling, naked girls holding pompoms. My heart stopped. Lucifer gave me an entire cheerleading squad, echoed over and over in my mind. What if this worked? I devoured the Magicks of the Witch of Endor, printing off the pages on how to summon Lucifer. It was well worth the thirty cents the library charged for printing if this actually worked. My hands shook. I could get three wishes for my soul. I was going to hell anyways, just ask my pa the Baptist preacher. I could realize my dream. I could become invisible, and spy on women. But that was only one wish, what could I do with the other two? I smiled, thinking on the possibilities. I had to do this, it was the chance of a lifetime. I would have to break curfew, but it'd be worth it. Curfew wouldn't matter if this actually worked. I bought a steak, stole a grill out of someone's backyard, and squatted in an empty house on the outskirts of Paris and waited for the sun to rise, a case of Coors to keep me company. I fell asleep. Luckily I remembered to set the alarm on my cell phone and woke up before dawn. I lit the grill and watched for the sun to rise. According to the book, if I offered a heifer as a sacrifice at dawn, I could summon Lucifer. Well, here's hoping this steak came from a heifer and not a bull. The wait for the sun seemed to be an eternity. The horizon lightened, fading from black to dark blue to light blue to gray. Hints of rose and orange started to appear. I was shaking with anticipation, my hand holding the bloody steak above the lit grill, just waiting for the first ray of the sun. When that golden light touched my eye, it was like the crack of the pistol at a race; my hand opened and the steak dropped, sizzling on the fire. “The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” I shouted at the sun. “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me. The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!” For a moment, nothing happened. Disappointment curdled in my stomach. And then a wind rose up, whipping dust into my face, and I saw a dust devil racing across the dry fields towards me. I stepped back in fear as the brown whirlwind seemed to be bearing down right at me. The wind was howling as the swirling dust roared closer. This wasn't natural. It stopped, just a few feet away, and I licked my lips in fear. Dust devils never stayed in one place. Then it stopped, and out stepped a handsome man in a dark suit, immaculately clean despite the dust falling around him. “Hello, Scotty Adams,” the man greeted, a friendly smile on his face. His eyes were scarlet and I swallowed, my heart up in my throat, as he calmly strode up to me. “What's the term they use these days?” he asked, pursing his lips. “Oh yes, you rang?” I swallowed. “You're Lucifer?” “Really, son, I thought you'd be brighter than that,” he sighed. “You said the words, made the offering, who did you think I was?” I gave a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, I guess you're right, hoss.” His scarlet eyes stared at me and I shifted uncomfortably in his gaze. After a minute, he asked, “Well, what do you want? It's a very busy time for me.” “Yessir, I guess,” I shrugged. “I mean, Halloween just 'round the corner, right?” Lucifer's eyes narrowed in annoyance and I quickly said, “I wish to be able to turn invisible. Like, with just a thought.” “Really?” Lucifer asked, a slight smile on his lips. “That's a first.” “Well, I mean, I'm pretty average looking. No-one ever gives me no second glance.” I shrugged. “Even still, I get notice far too much. Bein' invisible, well, that'd just make things easier on me, hoss.” “Okay, Scotty,” Lucifer grinned. “One down, two to go.” “Well, when I'm invisible, I'm gonna molest women and I want them to enjoy what I do and not freak out somethin' terrible,” I said. It came to me last night that spying on women was fun, but touching them, feeling their most intimate parts, well that would be even better. Lucifer nodded. I was surprised to see understanding in his eyes, not disgust. “For my last wish, I want to be immune from exposure when I'm invisible. Y'know, no sunburns, no frostbite, no hypothermia, or that heat stroke.” “Done.” There was a flash of scarlet light and yellow smoke that smelled of rotten eggs and a contract printed on yellowing paper appeared in his hand. “Read it, then sign on the dotted line.” I quickly read it. It was surprisingly straightforward. Lawyers could learn a thing or two. Lucifer pricked my thumb with a black, old-fashioned fountain pen, and I signed in my own blood. Lucifer signed in his, then he nodded to me and vanished in a gust of swirling dust. Did it actually work though. I held out my arms before me, concentrated, and then to my delight, my arm vanished. There was just the sleeve from my Megadeath T-shirt. Holy shit, it worked. I went back into the house and checked out my reflection. I was just clothes around nothing. It was like that movie, Hollow Man, with Kevin Bacon. I whooped in delight. I peeled off my clothes, I didn't need them anymore, and walked out into the street. It was exhilarating. I was naked and no-one could see me. This was freedom! No-one could see me, could judge me, or tell me what I was doing was wrong! I was free of all the bullshit morality that sent me to prison twice just for a little bit of harmless fun. It's not like I touched any of those girls, just looked at their fine, taut bodies. Well, I had the freedom to touch them now! The street was warm on the soles of my feet as I walked down the black asphalt, the sun warm on my naked back. I quickly missed my shoes, but I sucked up the pain. People used to go barefoot all the time back in olden times; my feet would toughen up, I told myself. There were, however, other problems. I had to dodge out of the way of pedestrians. When I went to cross the street, a car almost ran me over making a right turn. And just because I was invisible, it didn't stop dogs from barking at me. It was an adjustment; I needed to learn to be careful. But it was all going to be worth it as I walked up behind a woman waiting to cross the road. She was wearing a lavender sundress with a short skirt. I reached out, grabbed the hem and lifted up the skirt and saw her pantied-covered ass, nice and plump, before she spun around. She frowned as she looked for whomever had grabbed her skirt. I almost laughed, this was priceless, watching the confusion on the woman's face. She turned back to face the light and I reached out and rubbed her bottom. Instead of freaking out at the touch, she wiggled her butt back into my hand and sighed. “Who's there?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. I jumped back as she reached for me, then feeling bold, I grabbed her breast. Her eyes widened and I could feel her nipple hardening. Fear and pleasure flickered across her face as I groped her. I would have gone farther, but a man barreled into me, knocking me down. The man looked around in surprise, and the woman fled across the street as I struggled back to my feet. I was about to follow, when I saw the car making a turn and I stopped before it hit me. Then the light changed red and traffic started flowing. By the time it was safe for me to cross, the woman had disappeared into an apartment complex. Oh well, there were other women to play with. I kept walking, heading to the Paris Commons. It was Saturday and the teenage girls would be flocking to the clothing stores. I picked up my pace, eager to get my hands on some pretty young thing. My pecker was hard with anticipation, bouncing about as I walked. It was challenging to walk through the mall. I had to hug the walls to avoid bumping into people, but I threaded my way to the Banana Republic. I waked back to the dressing rooms, waiting for a likely girl. The first was a tall girl, with an okay body, but her face was long and narrow and very plain, so I passed on her. Next was a chunky gal in her thirties and I shuddered when I saw the tight clothing she selected. It my opinion, spandex is a privilege, not a right. The third, though, she was just right; young and hot. She was short and petite, with long, honey-brown hair and vibrant, green eyes. She had a shy smile on her face as she walked up to the dressing rooms, a couple of skirts, a pair of shorts, and several blouses in her hand. She walked back to the farthest changing room and opened the white door. I moved quickly, stopping the door from closing and slipping in. She frowned as I moved into the corner, peering around. “Hello?” she asked with a dulcet voice. I tried to stop my heart from beating and breath as softly as possible. My pecker was rock-hard with excitement as she frowned and then shrugged. She hung her clothes on the hook and grabbed the hem of her loose, white blouse and pulled it over her head. I almost groaned as her bare back came into view, marred only by the straps of her white bra. In the mirror, I could see her small breasts cradled in the plain, white cups of her bra. Thank you attaboy-simon! This was so much better than upskirt shots and peepholes. I was just a foot away from a teenage girl, probably a freshman, stripping her clothes off. I grasped my pecker, stroking it gently as she kicked off her flip-flops, then unbuttoned her jeans. She wiggled her hips deliciously as she slid off her tight pants, exposing a pair of white panties decorated with Minnie Mouse. Her ass was slim and the panties dug into her crack, outlining her cheeks. When she bent over, the gusset of her panties was pulled tight against her pussy and I could see wisps of brown hair peaking out the side. I almost came just from that sight. If I had been stroking my pecker any harder, my cum would have been splashing all over her rear. I stroked harder, trying to be as quiet as I could, but the sight before me was just too much. She straightened up, grasping the shorts and pulling them up her legs. She turned, looking at her ass in the mirror, her breasts just inches away. I stroked my pecker harder, biting my lips to keep from moaning. “Is someone out there?” the girl asked, frowning as she pulled on one of the tops. I slowed my strokes down and the girl shook her head, muttering under her breath as she modeled her clothes in the mirror. She frowned, shaking her head, and started to strip out of those clothes. She wiggled the shorts off, once again bending over. Oh god, her pussy was right there, covered by those tight, girlish panties, inches from my pecker. My balls were boiling and my face contorted in pleasure. My cum was also invisible, it turned out, as it splashed on the girl's ass and crotch. “What the fuck,” the girl gasped, jumping and spinning around. She rubbed at her ass, feeling my sticky cum, and she frowned as she lifted up her fingers, rubbing them together, but not seeing what was causing that sticky feeling. Her eyes flicked around the changing room. “What is going on?” she muttered. God, my pecker was still hard. This was just too exciting. But I needed more. She turned to grab her clothes and I made my move. I reached out and grabbed the clasp of her bra and ripped it open. She spun around again, hands clutched to her bra to keep her breasts from being exposed. Her lip trembling in fear. She didn't resist as I grabbed her arms and pulled them away, just continued shaking in confusion. Her bra slipped off exposing her small, snowy breasts topped with dark-red nipples. Oh, God, she was so beautiful and innocent. She bit her lips, staring down at her arms, trying to see what force held her wrists. “A-are you a ghost?” she asked. “Yes,” I answered with a smile. “I'm attracted to the only the most purttiest girls.” She flushed, her nipples hardening. “You think I'm pretty?” I pulled her right hand down to my hard pecker. Her eyes widened as she gripped my pecker, squeezing gently. “Feel how hard I am for you, sweetness.” She gasped, letting go, her entire body was beat red. “I did that?” “I got to have you,” I groaned, my hands grabbing her flesh. Her breasts were soft yet firm, her nipples hard and she moaned as I played with them. It was strange, watching her breasts deform as my invisible fingers kneaded her pliant flesh. “Do you need relief, Mr. Ghost?” she asked. “Do you have a bad case of blue-balls keeping you from passing on?” I slid my finger down her taut stomach and started fingering the waistband of her cute panties. “I do. I'm in so much pain. I just need a purtty, young thing like you to give me some relief. Y'know, so I can get to heaven!” I slipped a finger into her panties and felt her silky pubic hair. She was breathing heavily, her hands reaching out hesitantly until she found my body. “Okay,” she whispered as her hands slid down and found my hard pecker. “I'll help you, Mr. Ghost.” “Rufus,” I said. “Call me Rufus Scott, sweetness.” Rufus Scott was some bigwig from a long time ago, his mansion was a tourist attraction. “I'm Mindy. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Scott.” She shook my pecker like we were shaking hands. I knelt down and pulled her panties off. She gasped in surprise, but willingly stepped out of her panties. I held them up, sniffing her scent. She smelled sweet and fresh like a summer meadow. Her bush was darker than her hair, and matted with her arousal. I smiled, my Pact was exceeding my wildest expectations. I couldn't resist, I stuck my head in and licked at her slit. I never went down on a girl before, but damn if she didn't taste wonderful. “Oh, Mr. Scott!” she gasped. “Shh, you don't wanna get caught,” I warned her. “Sorry,” she whispered, then clapped her hand over her mouth as I dove back in for another taste. Her pussy was tight and when I parted her lips she was pink and wet inside. I slid my tongue through her groove, gathering her tasty juices. I sucked and nibbled on her lips, then I found a hard button at the top of her pussy. I licked it and she shuddered and moaned into her hand. It was her clitoris, I realized. The pleasure button on a chick. I sucked it into my lips and she bucked like a bronco on my lips and I held on for dear life. “Oh wow, I've never came so hard before,” she sighed happily. “Thank you, Mr. Scott. Now, maybe we should attend to your problem.” “Abso-damn-fuckin'-lutely, sweetness,” I panted, standing up. I picked her up she was so light, gripping her ass tightly. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I quickly maneuvered my pecker to her wet cunt. “Oh, yes, Mr. Scott,” she cooed happily as I sank into her pussy. She was tight, but no virgin. She started pumping her hips on my pecker, and I enjoyed the velvety tightness of her pussy. I glanced at the mirror and all you could see was Mindy floating in the air, writhing like bitch in heat. I turned around, facing away from the mirror. Then I looked over my shoulder and I could see her pussy gaping open as my invisible pecker fucked into her pink hole. “Oh, fuck this is wild!” I moaned, pumping my hips. “I can see down my pussy!” she gasped softly as she saw her reflection in the mirror. “Oh, it's so pretty! Mmh, your ghost pecker feels so great inside me!” Her hips twisted on my pecker, driving me crazy with pleasure, and I pumped my ass as fast as I could. I just came a few minutes ago, but her teenage cunt was quickly building me up to another one. I squeezed her firm ass, then started sucking and licking at her neck. Her hard nipples and soft breasts rubbed against my chest and her arms snaked around my neck and she hugged me tightly. “Oh, yes!” she moaned. “Sweet Jesus, I'm gonna cum again!” Our flesh was slapping together, we were getting louder and louder. I had to finish before the store clerk interrupted us. The silky walls of her pussy rubbed the head of my pecker with every thrust, sending pleasure that radiated out from my pecker. I could feel my orgasm nearing and I pumped wildly. My balls were getting closer and closer to exploding. Just a few more thrusts and I would be there. “Fuck!” I grunted as my cum boiled into her cunt. “Goddamn fuckin' hell! You got one amazin' cooch, Mindy!” “Oh wow!” she gasped, bucking in my arms as her cunt spasmed on my pecker. “Oh, Sweet Jesus, yes! Yes! Oh crud, I'm cumming!” She panted, rubbing her cheek against me. “Umm, that was nice.” “Yeah,” I said, letting her go. “Good thing you're a ghost,” she joked. “'Cause I'm not on the pill.” “Uh-huh,” I laughed, then slipped out of the changing room, catching one last look of her naked body. Wouldn't that be rich if she got pregnant. I started whistling as I walked out, passing the clerk, a pretty young woman with black hair who looked around, confused, at the sound as I walked by. She had a firm-looking butt, and I couldn't resist reaching out and pinching her fine ass. “What the fuck!” she screamed in surprise. I grinned. Mindy wore me out. I would need a break before I could go again. So, I started heading to my favorite spot in the whole mall. If you stood underneath the stairs that led to the second floor, you could see up a woman's skirt through the gaps between the steps. I stretched out on the floor mall's cold, hard floor. It was uncomfortable, but the view was well worth it. And who knows, in an hour or so, I bet I could find another woman to help a poor, suffering Ghost get some relief. To be continued... |
The Devil's Pact, The Tyrants' Daughters by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter One: Shadow and Fire Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Saturday, June 7th, 2054 – Astarte – Paris, Texas Paris, Texas had been the best place to hide from Mark and Mary. They never suspected when they killed me that I went anywhere other than to the Abyss. Instead, I was raised by the Mayor's daughter, Darleen Cummings, the idiotic girl that the Ghost had sold to me for that wondrous night of debauchery. The vessel I inhabited had been conceived that night. When Mark killed me, my soul had a refugee. This frail body. For nearly forty years I bided my time, slowly gathering scraps of power. I was the mayor now, inheriting the position from my vessel's mother Darleen two years ago when she retired. I had used sex and dark magic to extend my subtle influence throughout the town beneath the Living Church's nose. I was sitting at my desk, my demonic guards flanking my windows. They had been men once, but I had dominated them wholly, stealing them from Mark and Mary's control with ancient, vile magic. I savored the innocent maids screams as my knife carved out their hearts to enact the ritual. Thanks to my magic, they could become hoary, lion-like beasts. My guards for the day of Mark and Mary's downfall. It approached. I could read it in the Stars. Even without my gift of prophecy—stolen from me when Mark's golden sword slew me—the signs were apparent. The Creator would only stand for Mark and Mary's domination for so long before Heaven acted. But I didn't expect it this morning. I was reading over a dull report from the local Church, the priestess obsessed over the tiniest minutia. Happy and her cuckolded husband wanted everything perfect in the town, just the way the Living Gods commanded it, when the world changed. One minute, a great power filled the world, and the next a vacuum. I stirred, my leather chair creaking. Excitement beat in my chest. I swiveled my chair, gazing out at the window. Mark and Mary were dead. Heaven had made their move. Confusion and chaos would follow. Opportunities would be found. My demons assumed their true form, pressing their spiky manes against my hips as their growling purrs echoed through the room. I always liked lions. I stroked their black manes, their thin, razor-sharp tails swishing back and forth as I plotted. I would need far more power if I wanted to rule once more. Out in the world, there would be a way. I just had to find it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday, May 1st, 2055 – Aoifa Coughlan – Canyonville, OR My lungs burned. My sides ached. I wanted to stop running, but the screams of battle propelled me. My heart hammered in my breast. I threw a look over my shoulder at the inferno consuming Canyonville. Tears ran down my dirty face. My friends and family were being slaughtered. I clutched the box and the printed pages of Isabella's epistle to my breasts, holding them tight. It was our only hope. The Living Gods had to answer my summons. Their worshipers were being slaughtered. The Holy Liberation Army of Oregon had descended upon us two weeks ago demanding our repentance. We had to give up our worship and love for the Living Gods and submit to the cross. We refused. We only wanted to live in peace, to hold onto the perfect lives we had before the Death. Mark and Mary had ascended to heaven, and mankind had failed them. We didn't maintain the utopia they had created. Within days, man fought man. We were as evil as the Gods always preached. And the Apostates were the worse. I was the only priestess that made it through the enemy’s lines. Rachel, Mary, Debra, Ursula, Rosa, and Gretchen all died trying to get clear of the town. I don't know why I made it. Perhaps the Living Gods watched out for me. Perhaps I was just lucky. If only Isabella's Epistle had arrived earlier. The young woman's letter delivered the Living Gods' new message and instructions on how to summon them. Her words were my home's only hope. I burst out of the brush on Grazley Bridge Road, racing north towards the South Umpqua River. Stage Coach Road crossed ahead, a quarter mile from the bridge. My heart beat faster. Soldiers shouted behind me. I had to reach the crossroads. A loud boom erupted. Fire roared and light flared, momentarily painting the road with orange, stark light. I reached the crossroads, pushing back my fiery-red hair as I fell to my knees at a pothole. Isabella's Epistle instructed that the box had to be buried at a crossroads. I reached into the pothole, prying out a chunk of broken asphalt and revealing the dirt bed of the road. I had no idea how far off midnight was, I just had to hope I wasn't too late. The Living Gods would only appear at midnight. I shoved the box into the hole. It contained a lock of my hair, a lavender flower, and a rabbit's foot. I covered the box with the chunk of asphalt. Then I raced to the shoulder to scoop up gravel into my slim fingers and dumped the dusty pebbles into the hole, burying the box. “I think she ran over here!” a man shouted. Fear shot through me. I was barely eighteen. The first seventeen years of my life had been in the idyllic peace of the Theocracy. I never thought I could be this scared. I scurried for the brush, burying myself into the thick leaves. The branches tore at my gauzy, white robes and my fiery hair. I didn't want to die. I've never even had sex. I had been saving myself for Him. At twelve, I was deemed beautiful enough to enter the lotto. Even when They ascended last year, I maintained my purity. I wanted to be ready for Him when He returned. I would give my virginity to Him. My gift. I wanted to be His. I wanted to serve the Gods and be Theirs. So I really didn't want to die. I trembled in the bushes as boots crunched on asphalt. The soldiers of the Liberation Army were rough men, wearing dark clothes and carry forbidden guns. That was how my town lost. There were no guns in Canyonville. We respected the Living Gods wishes. We tried to be pacifist, to not harm our neighbors. But the Apostates were so full of hate. They wanted to stamp out all traces of the “Tyrants.” They hated us. They all had embraced the old religions, and these men were as full of intolerance as the Christians always had been. They followed Doug and Tina Allard. Worse, they claimed the Holy Chasity as their Saint and claimed the Holy Daughter killed Her parents. Such lies. “Maybe we shouldn't kill her,” one of the soldiers said, striding forward. “If we can convince her to repent...” “You already have a wife,” another man growled. “We are not followers of the Tyrants. Keep your thoughts pure, brother.” “I try, but a woman that beautiful...” I shuddered. They would...force me. How disgusting. “Please, come,” I whispered. It had to be midnight by now. The soldiers drew closer to the crossroads. What if they found my box? Would it the stop the ritual? Another explosion rocked the night. “Damn, that was a big one,” chuckled a soldier. “These Glassnerian's are putting up a fight. They've managed a fiercer resistance than Eugene.” “Fire cleanses,” the older soldier nodded. “The world must be purified.” “Sir!” the first soldier gasped, raising his weapon. I blinked. Two people stood in the crossroad. I gasped in delight. It was Them. My God stood tall, blue eyes shining in the moonlight. His arm was wrapped around my Goddess's waist, her perfect, gorgeous body pressed against His muscular frame, her dark-red shimmering. A smile crossed her heart-shaped, freckled face and green eyes twinkled with mirth. “Where the fuck did they come from?” the first soldier shouted. My God looked right at my hiding place. “Hello, Aoifa.” “Get down on your knees,” the older soldier shouted, brandishing his rifle. My Goddess flicked her hand. A wave of scintillating light swept out, crashing into the soldiers. Their bodies were consumed by inverse light, leaving behind glowing motes that drifted away on the light breeze. “It is safe, Aoifa,” my Goddess said, her voice pure and beautiful. “You came,” I sobbed, scrambling out of the bushes. I rushed to them, falling to my knees before Them. Tears of joy poured down my cheeks. “You will save me. You will save Canyonville.” “Canyonville is lost,” the God said, bending down. He cupped my chin, lifting me up until he stared into my eyes. “You are such a beautiful girl. You will make them happy.” “Who?” Scarlet light flashed. A contract appeared in my Goddess's hands. “Here is the deal we'll make with you.” She pushed it into my hands. I read the document, my eyes widening. “But...I don't understand. Why do I need to sleep? Who are my spouses? And who do I need to help?” “Are you faithful, Aoifa?” He demanded. “Will you submit to your God's will?” “Of course, my Lord.” “Then sign,” She purred, handing me a pen. “And help us save our daughter.” I signed my name on the bottom of the contract. Sleep overcame me. I fell into a pleasant dream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark Glassner I lifted Aoifa's sleeping body. She was a gorgeous, a curvy redhead. I always did love redheads. Mary walked beside me, waving her hand and creating Aoifa's bower. I sat her down amid the bushes on a pillow of soft moss. Mary and I would save Chase's soul. We would set her free from the pain and suffering we drove her to. Pieces had to be preserved. Aoifa was the last, and in someways the least important. We had examined the future. So much death awaited mankind. Everything was breaking down. All the logistics we had set up to transport food and medicine across the world would be destroyed. Doug and Tina call us Tyrants as they preach against us in Rome, but their actions to free mankind would cause so many deaths. Mary placed a single, white lily on Aoifa's chest. “You are spoiling them,” she said with a fond smile. “Maybe,” I shrugged. “But they'll need her.” The plants grew, covering Aoifa, protecting and hiding her while she slumbered and dreamed. The power of the summoning waned. Our brief freedom from Hell was over. I glanced back at Canyonville where our followers died. So many new souls were falling into Hell. I took Mary's hand and we crossed back over into the Shadows. We stood in the top-most layer of the Abyss. So close to the real world that you could almost touch it. From here we plotted. We spied. We moved our pieces. “She hurts, Mark,” Mary whispered. “Can you feel her pain?” I relaxed my control, reaching out my senses and touching Chase. Our daughter's soul was full of black vile. Guilt consumed her, devoured her. Chase had been driven to kill us to set men free. She sacrificed her soul to give them freedom. How they squandered her gift. Free will was a double-edge sword. Mary and I moved through the Shadows in a blink of the eye. We found our daughter sitting on the edge of a waterfall. She was still beautiful, with Mary's heart-shaped face and freckles, framed by auburn hair. But she had my blue eyes. Mary reached out, trying to touch our daughter. Her hand passed through Chase. “We'll save you,” I whispered to my daughter. “We'll set you free.” Sunday, May 2nd, 2055 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Yolo County, CA I turned forty-one today. I still looked eighteen, but I felt one hundred. My soul had been worn thin by nearly a year of witnessing the fruits of my sin. The sun rose behind me, peaking over the snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada. The water rushed below in the canyon, splashing merrily as it flowed down to the American River. I didn't know the name of this tributary. I really didn't care. I hated that it was happy. A year ago, I had saved the world and destroyed my soul. I had plunged the Mispach, a cursed dagger forged by Cain, into my father's side. I still remembered the look of astonishment on his face, his blue eyes widening, as he realized his beloved daughter had stabbed him. Those blue eyes were burned into my mind. Worse, he didn't even hate me. Tears blurred my vision. He forgave me with his dying breath. My father was a tyrant. A bastard. He and my mother had enslaved the entire world. He had to be stopped. Mankind had to be free to make their own destiny. They couldn't be controlled by a false god. But as evil as my father was, he still loved me. And I killed him. I should have died that day. I was supposed to die that day. I was bound to my father, my soul chained to him like the rest of my family. My half-brothers and half-sisters, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, the sluts, the maids, the bodyguards, the family friends. Even my mother was bound to him in her own way. When he died, so did they. Why didn't I die? I should be in Hell suffering with them. I owed it to them. They had to die, and I had to pay for my actions. Instead I was cursed. I didn't die. I had to witness all the horrors my actions had unleashed. My parents may have enslaved all of mankind with their mind control, but at least it had been peaceful. The only deaths were from illness, old age, and accidents. No one murdered, raped, assaulted, stole, or betrayed. Now the world was consumed in violence. A dozen religions had sprung up, and they all wanted to erase the tyranny of my parents. So many people still faithful to my parents had been put to death. Wars were fought. And the world dwindled. So much destruction and chaos ruled. It was like the last forty years of repression had exploded in an orgy of violence. There was so much blood on my hands. I gave mankind back its freedom, and they abused it. Were my parents right? Was I wrong to to kill them? I wiped at my tear-filled eyes. They were my fathers eyes. Everyone said I looked like my mother, the same auburn hair, the same heart-shaped, freckled face. Our breasts were even about the same size and shape. Mother never aged. We looked more like sisters than mother and daughter. But I had my father's blue, piercing eyes. He had stared up at Mother and me as he died, drinking in our faces. A sob rocked my body. “I'm sorry, Daddy,” I whispered. Below, the river babbled happily on, unconcerned about my suffering. I stood up, staring down into the ravine. It was a blue ribbon below, frothing as it leaped playfully over the rocks. The banks were lined with green vegetation. Off to the west, it merged with the wider American River, flowing past the city of Sacramento, the Capital of the Provence of California, on its trip to the Pacific Ocean. “I should have died with them!” I screamed. I shouted this so many times over the last year. I stared up at the heavens. “Why didn't you let me die? Why do you curse me to still wander the world!” I hated the Creator. “I did my part! I restored your damn Priests and Priestesses! I killed my parents for you! Haven't I sacrificed enough? Haven't you used me enough? Just let me die!” I was changed that day two years ago on the real Mount Sinai when I became the Prophetess. Now I had this damn power inside me. I could flash across the world, riding the Light like an angel. I could fight demons. I could speak and be understood in any language. “Please!” I begged, my feet inching towards the cliff. “Please, let me die this time! Let me see my parents! Let me beg their forgiveness! You owe me that much!” A rock fell off the edge, smacking into the cliff face with a loud crack as it tumbled down to the river below. “I'm through serving you! Let Doug and Tina carry this mantle! They enjoy their new power!” The pair ruled the new Christian church from Rome, guiding the purification of the world. It was so brutal. The Creator did not answer me. I threw myself off the cliff anyways. Pain flared as I struck the cliff face like the rock had, bouncing down to the water. Pain flared in my arm. Blood spurted from a gash in my arm. Crimson blood fell with me, raining towards the river below. I closed my eyes, praying to face eternity. I struck the water. Golden light engulfed me. Darkness overcame me. I drifted, tumbling through pain, suffocating. My lungs burned. My world spun. I drank in the pain, welcomed my punishment. I needed to suffer. I needed to pay. I was a terrible person. I killed my entire family to save the world. I was lost, my mind sinking into fond memories. There was a time when I was happy, so many decades ago. I had been with my family, making love to my parents, to my grandfather. I had an army of sexy maids that catered to my every want. It was that damn book's fault. On Liberty. It poisoned my mind with thoughts of freedom. But if I never found out my parents weren't gods but just regular people, I never would have rebelled so fiercely. I never would have wandered aimlessly all those years. I wish I could go back to those innocent times. I yearned to be fresh and clean. I would be happy with my parents. Mankind wouldn't be descending back into barbarism and brutality. The world would be perfect. There was something soft beneath my cheek. Sunlight warmed my back. I opened my eyes. I lay on a sandy bank, my legs still in the river. I groaned. My entire body ached as my Prophetess powers slowly healed my wounds. I didn't seem to have any broken bones. I must have been unconscious for a few days. The river was far wider than the one I had thrown myself into. I had reached the American River proper. My hand went to my neck. The locket was still there. I let out a shudder as I cupped it in my hand. It was my mother’s, made of silver, a rose sculpted on the front. Father gave it to her the day they met. She loved it so much. I never opened it. I stood up, my boots squelching as water was forced out. I shivered, my clothes wet on my skin. I stripped, taking off the tough jeans, the cotton sweater, torn in a few spots, and my black shirt. I sprawled onto my back, my stomach rumbling as I stared up at the blue sky, letting the sun dry off my naked body. My perky breasts rose, topped by dusky nipples and dusted with freckles. My pubic hair was bushy and bright red. I hadn't kept it shaved in a year. My auburn hair was a tangled mess, spread out like red vines around me. A city was across the banks, smoke rising all around it. I didn't see any cars moving. There weren't many cars in the Theocracy. My parents' commands kept people from even desiring to travel. The majority of the world's citizens lived within a walking distance of their works. Why did they need cars? Besides teamsters transporting goods, only government and religious officials needed vehicles. The shadows moved beside me. I blinked, sitting up. My eyes widened. The shadows moved, forming into a large beast, like a massive mastiff the size of a horse. Snake-like appendages grew from its back, writhing and undulating as it stalked towards me. Burning, red-yellow eyes fixed on me, coarse, thick hair sprouting from its back. It wavered as it moved, shimmering like an inverse mirage. “Wh-what the fuck are you?” I gasped. “St-stay away, demon!” I scrambled on the sand, my heels digging into the soft, wet turf. The shadow advanced, loping with a pink tongue lolling from its mouth. It licked its chops and fear filled me. This thing would eat me. Kill me. It would kill me... I froze. A smile crossed my face. I laid back, spreading my arms and legs wide. “Take your meal, demon.” It paused, inhaling deep through its nose. My surrender puzzled it. The demon's entire body, except its head, went still. Its head slowly scanned, looking for any threats. “Don't be afraid. You can eat me,” I purred, growing excited. Maybe I couldn't kill myself, but a big demon could eat me. The demon took a cautious step, its paw sinking into the sand. Despite it's immaterial appearance, it did have a physical presence. That was heartening. It drew closer, its breath rolling hot over my leg as its tongue licked my ankle. “I taste good,” I moaned. “Come on, eat me.” It licked again, and then it opened its mouth, teeth sharp, and bit. Golden light flashed. The demon whimpered, leaping back from my leg. It growled, the bristles on its back standing up stiff, its tentacles writhing faster. Disappointment soured me. My stupid Prophetess powers had protected me again. The demon lunged again, darting in, its tongue licking up my leg. I shuddered, it was hot, caressing my skin. A rush of sensations trembled through me. My nipples hardened and my pussy flushed wet. What was happening? The demon licked again, sliding its tongue up my thigh, drawing nearer to my wet pussy. I shuddered, opening my eyes in delight. He was so close to caressing my suddenly aching pussy. I hadn't even thought of sex in a year. And now I was suddenly so horny, my blood pounding. “What are you doing to me?” I gaped as its tentacles lunged out, wrapping about both my wrists, pinning them to the ground. “Stop teasing me and eat me!” The shadow obeyed, just not the way I meant. Its long, pink tongue swiped through my pussy folds. I shuddered. It was so much larger than a man's, covering my entire pussy as it licked, rough and hot. I gasped as it caressed my clit. The tongue seemed to take an eternity to take the lick, my body bucking. “No,” I gasped. “Not that! What are you doing?” The shadow fixed its fiery eyes on me. There was lust in its eyes. No, his eyes. A huge cock emerged from beneath his body, black and thick, throbbing with desire. This demon was definitely male. “Oh, shit!” I gasped, my pussy clenching at the thought of that monster invading me. “You have to stop, demon! This isn't right!” The demon didn't care. The shadow licked again, his tongue dipping into my pussy, stirring me up. I groaned, my hips bucking into his lick. The pleasure was intense and wonderful. The shadow licked again, driving his tongue deep into my pussy, fucking me for a moment. My sex-deprived body responded. “Oh, wow!” I groaned as the shadow devoured me. He licked passionately, his tongue writhing about, caressing every bit of my folds. He tongue brushed my asshole, sliding all the way up to my clit. My perky breasts jiggled as I bucked, pinned down by a pair of his tentacles. “Oh, yes!” I didn't care that it was a horrid demon eating my pussy. I just wanted the pleasure. It was wonderful. I felt so alive. The shadow growled as he feasted, shoving his snout against my pussy, driving his tongue deep into my sheath as his nose nudged my clit. I bucked, my pleasure swelling inside me. I was about to erupt. I let myself go, letting the demon ravish my pussy and give me such pleasure. A shudder wracked my body, my hands bucking against his tentacle restraints as every muscle inside me tensed. My orgasm exploded. “Yes!” I screamed, tossing my head back. “Oh, yes! Eat me! Devour me! Oh, yes! Your tongue is wonderful!” The shadow kept licking me, growling and whining as he feasted. His tongue fucked me, my pussy spasming on the hot, agile organ. I shuddered, my mind hammered by the bliss shooting through me. I never wanted it to stop. I just wanted to be lost to the pleasure. More tentacles lashed out, caressing my body, sliding up to my breasts. A pair wrapped around each tit, working up to my hard nipples. I groaned as they played with my nipples, flicking and rubbing, the electricity shooting down to my cumming pussy. “Play with my tits! Oh, fuck! You're a stud! Oh, yes! Eat me, Shadow!” That was his name. Shadow. I just knew it. “Play with my tits and eat me! Oh, yes! I love it!” Nothing mattered but the pleasure the demon gave me. I spread my legs wide, letting Shadow ravish me with his tongue. Another tentacle slid down my leg, reaching for my ass. It prodded at my wet sphincter. I shuddered as it wormed inside, fucking my ass as Shadow's tongue plunged in and out of my pussy. I shuddered, another orgasm sweeping through me. Stars danced before my eyes. The pleasure was intense and satisfying. I never wanted this beast to stop devouring me. He could ravish me as long as he wanted. “No!” I moaned when he pulled his snout away, his pink tongue licking my juices from his chops. Shadow's cock throbbed. I understood. “Yes! Fuck me!” The tentacles wrapped around my body lifted me up, spinning me about. I knelt on the sand, wiggling my ass at him. Shadow was a beast, a demon-dog, and he wanted to take me like his bitch. I looked over my shoulders, lusting after that thick cock. “Come on and fuck me!” I snarled. “Shove that demon-cock right up my tight pussy. I need it! You've made me so horny, Shadow!” Shadow's lips curled almost into a fierce smile. His teeth were sharp, but I knew he couldn't hurt me. Wouldn't hurt me. He just wanted to pound me. My pussy clenched, my juices trickling down my thighs as his tentacle continued to work in and out of my ass. Shadow mounted me. His hide was leather and rough, his claws sharp as they grazed my back. He growled as he was atop me, his thick cock nudging at the entrance of my pussy. I closed my eyes, my body burning for this taboo coupling. “Fuck me!” I moaned, pushing back my hips, struggling to get his cock inside me. His tentacles tightened on my tits, squeezing them hard as they batted at my nipples. A second tentacle wormed into my ass, spreading me open. The burning bliss shot right to my empty pussy. I needed to be filled. Shadow thrust. “Yes!” I howled, joining his loud growls. His cock was massive. My pussy screamed in pain and pleasure. He was tearing me open, stretching me out. I shuddered, the ecstasy of agony and bliss washing through me. I squeezed down on my pussy as he pushed more and more of his cock into me. I loved it. “Fuck me!” I groaned as he bottomed out against my cervix. “Ravish me, Shadow. I'm your bitch!” Shadow drew back and slammed into me. I grunted, my fingers digging into the sand as a wave of hot bliss shot through my body. The tentacles worked harder in and out of my ass, stirring up fiery pleasure as his monster cock reamed my pussy. He fucked me harder and harder, my pussy stretching, the pain fading as I accommodated his demon cock. I threw my head back, bucking my hips back into his hard thrusts. Heavy balls slapped my clit, full of his demonic seed. “Yes!” I grunted. “Oh, yes! Oh, fuck me! Pound my cunt! I need it! Ravish me! Oh, fuck! I haven't been fucked like this in...” I had never been fucked like this. Shadow grunted and growled, his tentacles caressing my entire body as his cock plunged in and out. His hips kept thrusting faster and faster, my pussy taking his cock with ease now. The pleasure swelled inside me. I shuddered and bucked as I came. And he kept hammering me. I kept cumming. “Oh, fuck! Yes! Fuck me, demon! I love your cock! Oh, fuck!” My juices gushed out, squirting around his huge cock and pouring down my thighs. My pussy writhed about the cock as my orgasms kept rolling through me. My muscles burned as they spasmed over and over. I howled, my words lust as the pleasure consumed me. His cock swelled inside me, the tip growing larger and larger, stretching me out even more. I shuddered, my pussy aching with the vigor of his strokes. It was a wonderful ache. Shadow howled. His cock spasmed. Hot demon cum flooded my pussy. His cock throbbed with every blast of his cum. Over and over he flooded me. It poured out of me, rushing down my thighs. I didn't think a cock could cum so much. Shadow grunted with each explosion, his hips thrusting, driving the cock's tip against my cervix. His tentacles squeezed me so hard, my breasts aching and my nipples on fire. Another orgasm surged through me. My pussy squeezed down, milking his cock. I wanted to drain his balls. The last blast of cum poured into me. I shuddered, my orgasms dying down as I knelt beneath him. I sucked in deep breaths. Shadow's tongue licked my face to my lips. I turned my head, opening my mouth and let him kiss me. And then he vanished. I collapsed, my pussy suddenly empty. I gasped and shuddered, my body covered in sweat and cum. The air reeked of salty sex. I shivered as the last of the pleasure ran through me, running my fingers through my pussy lips and pulling out wads of his black cum. I licked my fingers, savoring the salty seed. I laid there for an hour, recovering from my bliss. Finally, I sat up and walked into the gentle current of the river, letting it wash me clean. My stomach ached. I wanted to find food. I drank from the river—I didn't fear any sickness—and dressed. I needed new clothes. Other than my tough, faded jeans, my clothes were ruined, rips exposing my flesh. I climbed up the bank and looked around. Sacramento was to the south. I didn't want to go that way. Around the city were fields sprouting green. A highway was nearby. I climbed up on it. No cars trundled by but a sign read Davis. It lead away from Sacramento. Davis. I liked that name. I walked north on the highway. The highway led over a huge, flooded field that stretched for miles. Farmers worked in the flooded water amid green stalks shooting out of the dirty, artificial lake. They were rice paddies. The highway ran over the miles-wide paddies, brown water lazily flowing beneath it. On the horizon, a small town lay. Davis. I kept walking. My feet always itched. I had spent most of my life wandering aimlessly. I was comfortable walking. My despair had been banished, my body still riding high on all the endorphins of sex. My pussy ached at the memory of Shadow's cock. I missed the demon. At least he would be pleasant company. No talking. No questioning. No awe when he realized I was the blessed St. Chasity Alberta Glassner, slayer of the Tyrants, savior of mankind and all the other garbage the Christians spouted about me. Shadow was just ravishing passion. It was hard to dwell on how much I hated myself when I was awash with so much bliss. The sun began to sink towards the horizon as I reached the other end of the causeway. I passed a few people walking or riding on horses, their clothes patched and worn. I nodded to them, glad no one recognized me. Some places did. A few cities still broadcast television signals, and my face had been plastered over all of their broadcasts after my parents' deaths. Their gloating sickened my stomach. One channel even broadcast the degradation of my families' corpses. My throat was parched by the time I crossed the bridge. I should have at least worn my backpack when I threw myself off the cliff. At least then I would have my canteens and trail rations, and maybe a change of clothes. Well, I would find new clothes in Davis. Northern California seemed to be fully Christian with only smattering of my parent's worshipers. I heard Southern Oregon was the opposite. A week ago, rumors whispered that an army of Christians was pacifying Southern Oregon. “Bringing the good word to those sinners!” the old man had laughed when he told me. The density of the houses grew as I walked into Davis. Many were old, built before my parent's took over. The West Coast remained mostly untouched by the Demon Wars. The streets were tidy, but every so often I'd see a house with an overgrown lawn, windows boarded up, and a note nailed to the door. The occupants had been condemned for staying faithful to my parents. People walked down the streets, the women in their best dresses, the men in their best clothes, their hair combed, their hands washed. Children skipped beside parents. They gave me a look, frowning at my disheveled appearance and torn clothing. None offered to help me. Before my parents' death, these people would have gladly helped me even without knowing who I was. I followed the growing crowd converging on a park, a large, cement slide dominating one corner, a large field dotted with trees covered another. It was such a picturesque park, dotted with benches for families to enjoy a barbecue. The remains of a torn down statue, probably of my parents, rested in the center. And before it was built a pyre, a woman tied to it. Another true believer of my parents. The mob gathered around her, yelling and screaming. Even from a distance, I could tell the woman was young and scared. She was Hispanic, her hair black as night. She was yelling, but I couldn't hear her shouts. I headed closer. It was so wrong to kill her because of her belief. She should still be allowed to worship my parents. She had that right, that choice. These people were just as wrong as my parents. My apathy of the last year was gone, the demon's rutting had shocked me back into living. I pushed forward, garnering dirty looks from the people. A priest was at the front, dressed in black robes, something dangled about his neck—maybe a crucifix. He held a torch, waving it in the air. My heart beat faster. “This woman lay with the false gods!” the Priest roared. “She had carnal knowledge with the Tyrants!” The crowd let out a roaring boo, rocks flying out from the crowd to strike the woman on the pyre. “She spreads lies, promising the return of the Tyrants! What should we do with a harlot like this?” “Burn her!” roared the crowd. The priest threw the fiery brand onto the pyre. “No!” I shouted, my voice lost to the roar. “They will come back!” screamed the young woman. “They are Living Gods! They spoke to me and promised me great rewards for my faithful work! Repent of this folly! Remember the loving Gods! Remember how you were a year ago! Loving your neighbors! Loving each other! We weren't beasts!” “You're the beast!” roared the Priest “You're the filthy whore!” “Not so filthy for you last night!” the woman shrieked as the fire lapped up to her feet. She struggled, her face twisting in pain as the fire grew. A pair of babies cried. I reached the front of the crowd. The young woman's dress caught fire, the greedy flames licking up her flesh. Her piteous screams merged with the pair of young infants laid out on a table before the pyre, both naked and squalling, their skin light brown. The woman looked at them, focusing on them instead of the fire consuming her. “And what should we do with her brats?” the Priest demanded. “These children are his! The Tyrant spawned them on this whore!” “Burn them!” the crowd roared. “No!” the burning woman shrieked, her body half-engulfed by hungry orange and reds. “You promised me! You promised they would be spared.” The Priest grabbed one. “No! Not my babies! Not my Rex and Reina!” I rushed forward, darting from the crowd and ripped the infant from the Priest's hand. The child was a boy, crying so fiercely. His eyes were blue. Like mine. Like our father's. My half-sister squalled on the table, her little legs kicking. I seized her before the Priest could react, the man stunned by my action. “Who are you to stop this righteous work?” the Priest screamed, spittle flying. The crowd roared behind me, rocks flying, striking my back. I turned, cradling my siblings as their mother died. I tapped into that hated power inside me. I let the Light burst from me in a shining display. “I am Chasity!” I roared, my voice carrying loud, silencing the crowd. The Priest gaped at me, his hand trembling. “Is it really you, Holy Saint?” he gasped in awe, falling to his knees. My siblings kept wailing as the crowd prostrated before me. I hated them almost as much as I hated myself. “It'll be okay,” I whispered to my half-siblings. “It'll be okay.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isabella Floracita I glimpsed the Holy Daughter's face seizing my son from Caleb's hand. I had known Caleb all my life, but he condemned me to death. No one defended me, not even my family. But I was faithful. I knew I would have my reward. I knew Chasity would protect my children. It was all part of Their plan. And then the fire fully engulfed me. The pain was unimaginable. I burned. And then I was falling, falling, falling. Into darkness. The darkness gave away to a soft caress on my right cheek, a warm light on my left. I shifted, more soft caresses touched my naked body. I rolled onto my back, my eyes opening. A beautiful, blue sky was above me, a gentle breeze wafting about my naked body. For a brief instance, a black chain flashed about my neck, leading off towards... “The mansion?” I whispered in shock. I sat up, looking around. It was Their mansion. The happy week I had spent here before I had sacrificed my virginity to my God flooded into me. I laughed in delight, shifting on the soft grass of the field. “I'm in Heaven,” I laughed, falling back onto the grass. A shadow fell across me. “It's not quite Heaven,” a woman purred. “Sakura?” I asked at the Japanese maid. She was petite, dressed in the skimpy maid's outfit, the blouse gauzy, her small breasts and dark nipples bleeding through the fabric. “Hello, Isabella. How nice to see you.” She held out her hand to me. “They're waiting for you.” “Who?” “Mark and Mary,” the maid laughed. “Who else?” “So this is Heaven.” “Hell,” Sakura corrected as she hauled me up. “But they've been improving the place since we died.” “There's definitely a lot less fire and brimstone,” I giggled. “At least, that's what Caleb claimed Hell was like.” “Oh, there was,” Sakura nodded. “When we arrived, it was this blasted land of red rocks, this horrible wind blowing. And there was this ugly city of Brass.” Sakura made a face, sticking out her tongue. “It was tacky. So Mark and Mary made it into their mansion instead.” “Wow,” I smiled as we walked. Other maids and the gardeners strode the grounds, the bodyguards watching the entrances, and we passed couples making love in the shades of trees, mostly women, but there were a few men. “We do spend a lot of time making love,” Sakura giggled as we passed the Holy Vizier Sam fucking her wife Candy doggy style. Sam's olive skin rippled as she pounded Candy with her thick cock—Sam could grow a cock somehow—and Candy gasped and moaned her enjoyment. “Hey, Sakura,” Sam moaned. “I see the plan is moving along perfectly.” “Plan?” I asked. “Your death.” Sakura patted my shoulder. “It was necessary to save Chase.” “I'm Theirs,” I breathed. “I would die for them. I mean, I did die for them.” “And they want to reward you,” a new voice said. The Holy Slut Alison lounged in the doorway, naked, her round breasts pierced by a pair of silver barbells. I blinked in surprise. She had a tattoo above her shaved pussy that read, “Cum on in,” with an arrow pointing down at her clit. “You never did get to go down on me,” Alison smiled when she saw my eyes locked on her succulent pussy. “You will. But Master and Mistress want to reward you first.” “I look forward to it, Holy Slut,” I bowed. “You don't need to be so formal here,” Alison laughed. “I'm sure you'll loosen up in a day or so. When Master's finished with you, come find me. I'll lick your pussy clean.” My cheeks blushed and my pussy grew moist. “I would like that, Holy Slut.” “You'll more than like it,” Alison promised. Sakura nodded her head in agreement. We walked the same path I traveled the day I lost my virginity. My heart fluttered. I felt just as scared and virginal now as I did then. All the strength I had found the last year, all the determination to spread the word of the Living Gods' promise seemed gone. I was a scared, excited girl again. A pair of bodyguards lounged outside their door. “There she is,” grinned one, a choker tight about her neck, her heavy, ebony breasts about to spill out of her top. “We're all so grateful for your sacrifice.” I blushed again. “They're waiting for you.” The bodyguard pushed the door open onto the sitting room. It was the same as I remembered. There even was a TV next to the shelf of movies. Another door lay beyond—Their bedroom. I trembled as I walked forward, reaching the door, knocking politely. “Oh, just go in,” laughed Sakura, opening the door and giving me a push. “They know you're here.” The Gods lounged on the bed, the Goddess's auburn hair fanned out over His chest. His cock rose hard before his rippling abs. I gasped in delight, my pussy clenching at the memory of His girth stretching me out. “You are just gorgeous,” the Goddess purred, beckoning with Her hand. I drifted to the bed, taking Her soft hand and letting Her pull me between them. The Gods cuddled up to me, Their hands stroking my stomach. I shuddered, warm thrills racing through me as They caressed and played with my body. “We're sorry,” He whispered. “But you're hardly the first person I've selfishly killed for my family.” “It's okay,” I smiled. “I'm yours. I'm happy to die to restore Chase's happiness.” “Thank you,” She whispered, tears beading in Her eyes. “But you will be rewarded. What do you want?” “Want?” “You can have your own realm to rule in Hell, your own servants. You can have lovers, slaves. Men or women. Whatever your heart desires,” He promised. “I just want to be yours,” I smiled, Their hands sliding up to caress my breasts. “You want to be our slut?” the God asked. “You want to be our whore who will do whatever depraved, naughty act we want?” the Goddess purred, nuzzling my neck. “Yes,” I moaned. “So much. I dreamed of serving you.” “Then you're our slut, Isabella,” He said, His hand shooting between my legs to rub at my wet pussy. “Thank you, my Lord!” I gasped. “Master?” She corrected. “He's Master, and I'm Mistress.” Master's fingers shoved into my pussy. “Yes, Mistress!” I gasped. “I'm your slut now!” “You've earned it,” he growled. “And my children?” I moaned. “Our children, Master?” “They will help save Chase. They will give her purpose again.” “She'll live because of them,” Mistress purred, her fingers playing with my hard nipples. My breast milk leaked out. She brought her stained fingers to her lips, her green eyes flashing as she sucked my milk from my fingers. “They'll keep her in place until the right time.” “Right time?” Master kissed me, his tongue thrusting into her mouth. I moaned, shuddering for joy. Mistress leaned over, her mouth latching onto my nipple. She suckled, my breast milk squirting into her mouth. I moaned and gasped, hugging her tight as she nursed. My pussy squeezed down on Master's fingers reaming me. I shuddered, my pussy aching as delight burned through me. His touch was divine, stirring me up. I groaned and bucked, my breasts jiggling in delight. He caressed me, stirring up such wonderful pleasures. My toes curled. His lips left mine, kissing down to my breast. He joined Mistress, suckling hard. My eyes widened as the pleasure tingled from my nipples down to my pussy. I loved nursing my masters. I clenched down on his probing fingers. His thumb brushed my clit. “Oh, yes, Master!” I gasped. “Oh, wow! Please, don't stop!” They suckled harder, my milk squirting into their lips. They swallowed my creamy treat, hungry for it. My hips arched. My pleasure swelled. I let out a loud howl as my orgasm burst through me. The pleasure filled my body. I shuddered, lost to the rapture. “Yes, yes, yes!” I gaped. “Oh, that's it! Thank you, Master! Thank you, Mistress.” “Mmm, was it a good one?” Mistress asked, her lips moving to mine, stained with my breast milk. I nodded my head right before she kissed me. I flicked my tongue out, tasting my sweet, melony milk on her lips. It was so wicked. I shuddered one last time, a last surge of delight shooting through me. Master moved between my thighs, rubbing his hard cock against my pussy lips. I trembled in anticipation. I couldn't wait for him to fill me up. I moaned into Mistress's kiss as he thrust into me. I gasped in delight, my pussy filled to the brim. Mistress broke the kiss. “Yes, Master!” I gasped. “Fuck my pussy!” “Is your slutty cunt loving my stallion's dick?” Mistress hissed, staring into my eyes. “Yes!” I screamed. “She's tight, Mare! Mmm, she's as tight as the day I popped her cherry and knocked the little slut up.” Mistress giggled wickedly, shifting and straddling my face. I licked my lips as her shaved, succulent pussy was lowered to my lips. I buried my tongue into her sweet, spicy snatch, my tongue swirling about, caressing all her parts. “Oh, yes!” Mistress gasped. “Pleasure us both, slut!” “Lick my wife's cunt,” Master grunted, his strokes growing harder. “That's it, cunt. Worship her pussy! Make her cum. I love watching my wife cum on a slut's lips.” Mistress let out a wicked laugh. “Fuck her hard! Pound her cunt. Oh, Mark, she moans every time you bottom out in her. The little whore is just dying to cum on your cock.” I was. I bucked into Master's thrusts, my pussy exploding with pleasure. His cock was amazing. I would be his slut. I would get to experience his cock and her pussy for the rest of existence. I wrapped my legs about his hips, humping harder. “She's an eager slut,” Mistress purred, grinding her hot pussy on my face. “Oh, yes! That's it! Jab that tongue into my pussy's depths!” “Fuck, Mare!” grunted Master. “Her cunt's so tight. I'm gonna flood her.” “Do it! Cum in her, horny stallion! Give the little slut what she wants!” They kissed noisily. Mistress shuddered atop me. Her pussy squirted juices into my hungry mouth as she writhed and moaned in Master's lips. I made her cum. I drank down her cream, a ripple of pleasure shooting through my pussy. I made my Mistress cum. Now it was Master's turn. I squeezed down on his cock as he thrust in, eager for his cum. His heavy balls slapped into me, full of that delightful spunk I wanted so bad. I shuddered, my body writhing beneath him. I needed it. I needed their cum. Master did not disappoint me. “Fuck!” he grunted, thrusting his cock into my depths. A hot flood pumped into me. I shuddered in delight. My pussy exploded, writhing about his cock. I pleasured both my Masters like a good slut. I gasped and moaned my delight. I missed my children, but they would be with Chase. And one day I would see them again. I just knew it. Until then, I would have a lot of fun. To be continued... |
The Devil's Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Epilogue: One Thousand Years Visit my blog at My heart was filled with despair. The Living Gods were dead. All I could do was stare blankly at the wall, my mind full of ash. They had reshaped the world, and now They were gone. What were we to do? Who would look after us and protect us? Already heretics had arisen, decrying Them as false, and putting to torch Their churches and temples. And then They appeared in my dreams. “Have faith,” He spoke, His voice booming like a thousand trumpets. “We are not gone. It was time for us to leave this world, departing for a better one. But we still watch you, we still love you, and all you have to do is call upon us and we shall answer.” I made my Pact that very night. –The Epistle of Isabel to the Faithful 1:1-3 I stood trembling at the crossroads, waiting. Ever since I found a forbidden copy of the Glassnerian Gospels in my grandpa's chest, and read the Epistle of Isabel, I had been filled with a foolish desire to summon the Tyrants. The Epistle claimed it was easy. Take a box, place a lock of your hair, a lavender flower, and the foot of a white rabbit in it, then bury the box at the center of a crossroads at midnight. Supposedly, the Tyrants of Hell, the Living Gods, would appear, and they would grant three wishes in exchange for your soul. Despite the Church, copies of the Glassnerian Bible still floated about. And I couldn't resist reading the copy I found when sorting through my grandfather's house. Who knew the old coot was a heretic? The account of the Tyrants was so different from the Histories; not brutal dictators who enslaved mankind, but loving Gods that valiantly fought against the Demons and tried to create a Utopia before being murdered by Saint Chasity. I shivered as I waited. It was spring, but the nights were still cold. It seeped into my body as doubts crept into my mind; nothing was going to happen. This wasn't going to work—the Tyrants were just a myth. Nothing more than history that had been distorted by a thousand years of embellishment by storytellers and priests, or by mothers trying to frighten their children into behaving. I knew all the stories, relishing them as a child: the Tyrants, Mark and Mary, who could enslave you with a single word, and who commanded the forces of nature itself; silver-tongued Alison and her demonic wife Desiree, who could suck out your soul with her kiss; April, with her eyes made of glass that would freeze a man solid if he ever caught her deadly gaze; Violet, who strangled men with the two serpents that grew out of her hair; siren Korina, whose doll-faced innocence lured men to their deaths; and their demonic Guard, a horde of vicious women led by the icy Chasity. If I wasn't so desperate for a better life, for someone to pay attention to me, I would never have even tried this foolishness. If I wasn't so desperate for Elisbetta. Feeling foolish, I turned to leave. Nothing would happen; it was just a myth that you could sell your soul to the Tyrants for three wishes. The moonlight dimmed, and I glanced up, expecting to see a dark cloud pass across its white, pockmarked face. Other legends claimed men had walked across the moon, crossing the dark void. What complete— “Hello, Ysaak,” a man said. I started, turning around. Two figures stood in the center of the crossroads. I hadn't heard anyone approach, no footsteps crunching on the gravel or the rustle of brush. And the road had been empty a moment ago. One was a tall man, with dark brown hair, blue eyes shining in the moonlight. His arm was wrapped around a woman, who clung to his muscular frame. My breath caught—she was gorgeous—dark-red hair framed a heart-shaped, freckled face, green eyes twinkled with mirth, and a low-cut dress revealed an immodest swath of creamy bosom. Sweat broke across my entire body. The Tyrants of Hell stood before me, and they seemed so...normal. Where was the fire and the brimstone? There wasn't even a chorus of the damned. I was almost disappointed...except there was something in their eyes. An ancient, powerful, and inhuman presence that battered against my soul. These beings were as beyond me as I was beyond an ant. I swallowed, taking a step back. “You don't have to be scared,” the woman purred. “You summoned us, after all.” “I want to sell my soul for three wishes,” I said, trying not to let my voice crack. My heart thudded like a woodpecker against a tree. The man smiled, and looked at the woman. “Of course. My wife and I are more than happy to make a Pact with you.” The End Author Note: I hope you all enjoyed the Devil's Pact. It was quite a rollercoaster ride for me writing it. There are still more Side-Story to tell in the Devil's Pact universe, as well as a new story to tell: The Battered Lamp. It's a harem story about a young man that finds a genie and his life gets turned upside down. It will start being published in a few weeks. Thank you all for reading and take care. |
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pulled carriage ran my ten-year-old sister into the dirt, it was a tragedy, but it wasn’t an anomaly. I had seen this play before; the townspeople rushing to the accident, the driver sitting in shocked silence, the wails and screams of the bereaved, and then the solemn procession that follows. My mother and father were devastated, my friends were consoling and understanding, but I just stood there like an asshole pointing to the bluish-white translucent figure to my left. “Uh, guys?” I remember saying, “She’s right here.” At first, people thought it was just my coping mechanism. Hell, I thought that must be the case, but Angela never went away. She talked to me, and I talked to her, and that’s when people thought I was going crazy. I agreed with them, of course; I must be going insane. I tried to pretend she wasn’t there, and I ignored her as best I could, but that didn’t make her go away. Then Angela started feeding me test answers in school, and telling me where to pan for gold in the river, and showing me where the game was when I was hunting. The apparition’s proclamations were so accurate, that I could no longer deny her existence. Angela was dead, but she wasn’t gone. After my parents tried an exorcism to relieve me of the ‘demon that plagued my soul,’ I stopped trying to prove to people that Angela was real. Towerhead is a lovely town, but it is a small town, fifty miles removed from civilization. Magic is looked down upon, and any anomaly that can’t be explained in ten words or less is either ‘god’s blessing,’ or ‘the devil’s work,’ depending on the situation. So, I kept Angela to myself, but as I grew older, her constant presence in my life started to present new and interesting problems. You see, Angela never leaves me. I mean never . I’m a sixteen-year-old boy, and sometimes, privacy is a concern of mine. “OK, Angela,” I hissed at her as I sat upright on my bed, “we need to talk about boundaries.” “I was just curious to see what you were doing,” she said, giving me her big-eyed look of innocence, “it looked like you were wrestling with a squirrel under the sheets.” “Mm-hmm,” I said, giving her a frank look, “a squirrel.” “A really big squirrel,” Angela smiled coyly, “the kind of squirrel all the women of the town would just love to see.” “Angela,” I sighed, “get the fuck out of my room.” “Oh, my mistake,” Angela giggled, “looks like it’s a chipmunk. Not a very impressive one either. Kind of sickly looking, and diseased, and limp-” “Angela…” I growled. “You know,” she said, completely unfazed by my irritation, “if you would just listen to my advice, you wouldn’t have to wrestle rodents under your bedsheets every night.” I sighed, and pulled up my pants beneath the sheets. It was going to be another one of these nights. Sometimes, Angela left me alone, but as we grew older, she became more and more ‘curious’ about my nightly activities. Angela didn’t stay perpetually ten years old, she ‘matured’ at the same rate I did. I put ‘matured’ in quotations, because even though her ethereal body developed, her lack of social interaction with anyone but myself put a damper on her interpersonal development. “How do I put this nicely…” I said, “your advice with women is fucking terrible.” “It is not!” Angela huffed, “I feed you great lines, you just deliver them horribly.” “ Trish, are you doing anything tonight? Yeah you are… this guy. ” I recited the last line Angela had given me, completing the phrase with a double-thumb-point to myself, just like she had said I should, “That one was a real panty-dropper.” “I think she liked it.” Angela insisted. “She laughed, and then slapped me in the face.” I replied frankly. “She’s just playing hard to get.” “She’s really taking the game to heart then.” “Hey!” Angela snapped, “At least a woman touched you this time!” “That’s not really the kind of connection I’m looking for.” I replied with a wry smile. Angela looked like she was going to say something else for a moment, but then she sighed, and drooped her shoulders. “OK,” she said sheepishly, “it wasn’t my best line.” “Hey,” I said, scooting next to her, and letting her rest her weightless head on my shoulder, “I appreciate the effort.” “Just not the results.” Angela sighed, “You know, I spent hours thinking of that one.” “I don’t think women really go for pickup lines,” I said, “I think talking to them like actual people might be an interesting tactic.” “We’ve tried that,” she smiled ruefully up at me, “you’re no good at it.” “It doesn’t help when you’re hovering over my shoulder, constantly giving me unwarranted advice,” I chuckled, and then changed the pitch of my voice to mimic Angela’s, “ Smile, Brandon. Sit up straight! Look her in the eyes, hold the eye contact, hold it… hold it… don’t you fucking blink, you’re killing it! Hold it…Don’t look at her tits! OK, smooth recovery; hey, what’s wrong? You look like you need eye drops, holy shit, they’re red. Oh fuck, she’s getting up; quick, say something clever! Oh god, why did you say that?! Quick, uh… flex your muscles! Sing her a song! Propose to her! And… she’s gone. ” “I do not sound like that!” Angela giggled. “That was basically a tranion of the last date I went on,” I replied, “and yes, you sound exactly like that.” “Well, I gave you solid advice,” Angela insisted, “you just didn’t follow it right.” “Your feminine intuition is a true wonder, Angela,” I said dryly, “clearly, my mind is too weak to comprehend your genius.” “Clearly.” Angela said, decidedly ignoring my sarcasm and just agreeing with it. I looked over at her and sighed. Angela was beautiful. I could say that objectively, without feeling weird about it. Her face was girlish in features, with big, blue eyes, a pointed nose, flushed cheeks, and a scattering of freckles that accentuate the cuteness of her portrait. Had she been alive, her hair would be golden-blonde, her complexion would be subtly pale, and her figure would be slender, but well-rounded where it counted. Instead, her ethereal form was a light-blue hue, her hair was starkly white, and her form was a fleeting wisp, that barely held together in the wind. It must be hell for her, I thought, to see what she could have become, knowing the world would have been her oyster in life. “Are you still going to Tera’s house tomorrow?” Angela asked me, her voice soft and fearful. “What other choice do we have?” I replied, putting my arm around her, even though I couldn’t tell where my touch connected with her outline. “Go to Drastin,” Angela said, “seek the guidance of a wizard.” “We’re fifty miles from Drastin,” I said, “and we don’t have the coin for a wizard.” “And you think Tera can help?” Angela whispered. “They say she’s ancient,” I replied, “older than Towerhead itself, and she’s cheap.” “She’s a succubus, Brandon,” Angela said in a hushed voice, “she’s where the old and dying go to spend their last days; if you’re that desperate to get laid, we can just spend the money on a whore.” “She’ll take my coin as payment,” I said firmly, “she’d be run out of her den if she took unwilling men.” “You’re ‘Crazy Brandon,’” Angela said softly, “no one would second guess her if she said you came to die with her. A young man like you might be too tempting a prize.” “We’ll just have to take the risk,” I said, “we can’t keep living like this.” “‘Living.’” Angela scoffed. “You know what I mean,” I said, “we need help, or at least, we need answers. Tera can probably give us the latter; what’s happening to us can’t be unique.” TERA I smelled the young man before I saw him. I could smell his vigor, his strength and his youth. He smelled delicious, but I stayed my desires. I had created a delicate symbiosis with the townsfolk of Towerhead; they sent me their old and dying to feed upon, and I provided them with healing, and medicine. It was a tenuous relationship, but it worked, as long as neither side overstepped themselves. The old and dying came willingly, wanting to spend their last days in pleasure and comfort, but if a young man were to come along, I was to reject him. So, I grew nervous as he approached my door, and I pondered for a moment to act like I wasn’t home. If the townsfolk saw this man enter my abode, it would raise questions, and the god-fearing people of Towerhead usually answered questions of magical beings with pitchforks and torches. He knocked on the door, and I sighed. “One moment.” I called to the door, adjusting myself in the mirror. I was naked, of course. Clothes were such a bother, unless they were lingerie, in which case they were wonderful fun. Still, I couldn’t risk unintentionally tempting this boy with my body. My tan complexion was a pristine canvas formed across a set of curves that bowed vulgarly about my outline. My breasts swelled from my chest in perfect proportion to my delicate frame; sloping over a silky abdomen that was toned with soft muscle, and dotted with a small navel at its center. The lines of my torso trailed together into my pelvis, which was outlined by wide hips, and a robust, perfect backside that creased into two, perfect domes, whose supple texture was hinted at with each lascivious step. My thighs were thick, toned and smooth, and revealed a hairless, tight slit at their apex. My eyes were big, innocent and violet, my cheekbones were high and baring lush cheeks, and my lips were full, pink and luscious. I was a beautiful, human woman in all aspects, save for the curved horns that protruded from my mane of wavy, black hair, and the long, thin tail that grew outward from my tailbone. I tossed a baggy tunic over my perfection, and walked to the door. “Yes?” I asked, opening the small window at the front of the door, where only my violet eyes could be seen. “Are you Tera?” the young man asked. He looked to be about sixteen, blonde of hair, slight of build, and obviously nervous as hell. Thank god; I thought he might be another suicidal young man looking for an easy way out. He was not here for my salacious services. “I am,” I said, trying to keep the natural seduction out of my voice, “what can I help you with, young man?” “It’s…” the young man trailed off, “it’s kind of complicated, can I come in?” So, an embarrassing ailment of some kind. God, I hope he didn’t come for an erectile dysfunction cure. “Roll up your sleeves, take off your boots, splay your hands, spread your legs, lift up your shirt, and spin around three times,” I replied, “then show me your gold.” The young man did as requested; taking off his boots, lifting up his shirt and tucking it beneath his chin, rolling up his sleeves, and then splaying his hands, spreading his legs, and spinning slowly around three times. I took an indulgent moment to admire the toned muscle of his abdomen, and the veins in his forearms, and then told him he could stop. I told him to turn out his pockets, and he did, relinquishing the pouch of gold he had, as well as fishing hooks, twine and some lint. I gave him another studious once-over, checking the loose spots in his clothing for signs of a weapon, before I finally opened the door. “Come in,” I said with what I hoped was a welcoming smile, and not the seductive smirk I naturally wore, “but leave your boots outside; I don’t want you to track dirt in.” I walked over to my desk, trying my damndest to keep my gait from turning into a sultry strut, and then sat down behind it, and gestured for the young man to take a seat across from me. He sat awkwardly, twiddling his thumbs, and I pulled out my notebook and quill. “So, what ails you?” I asked, trying to keep my face passive, trying not to leer at the young man, “How can I help?” “I’m not sick,” the young man said, entwining his fingers nervously, “I have a… I have a spiritual problem.” “I’m not a therapist,” I replied, “I suggest you take your spiritual problem up with the town priest.” “It’s not like that,” the man said, “I mean, I have a spirit following me.” “Mm-hmm,” I nodded, making a note on the paper, “paranoid schizophrenia. There’s no cure, but I do have herbs that can dull the hallucinations.” The young man stared at me for a moment, and then cocked his head, as though he were listening to something. He nodded to his imaginary friend, and I made another note on my paper. “You’re not writing my symptoms on that paper,” the man said, “you’re drawing me, with my shirt off, and a very generous bulge in my pants.” I started upright in my chair, and then slammed my notebook on the table, feeling my face flush with embarrassment. I was about to say something to explain myself, but the man cut me off. “You have three bottles of five-hundred-year old wine, a closet full of lingerie, and a hidden door in your back room,” the man said, staring levelly at me, cocking his head as he listened, “and behind the hidden door, is-” “Stop!” I screamed, feeling my heart race, “Don’t you say another fucking word!” “…your daughter,” the young man finished, “combing her hair and looking out of a one-way window.” I stared at the man in disbelief as I subtly reached beneath the desk and grasped the stock of the crossbow riveted to the bottom of the tabletop. “I bet you can see this, too.” I whispered, aiming the bolt at the man’s crotch. “I can’t see anything,” the man said, “it’s my sister who scouted the place while you searched me.” “Where is she?!” I hissed, “Is she with my daughter?!” “She’s actually sitting on top of your head, trying desperately to punch you before you shoot me in the balls,” the man responded, his voice wavering in fear, “if my promise it worth anything to you, Tera, I promise I won’t tell anyone about your daughter.” I tensed my finger on the trigger, weighing my options in my head. The people of Towerhead barely tolerated me, and if they found out I had bred, I had no doubts about what they’d do to me and my daughter. But if I killed this boy, people would ask questions. Death is commonplace in Towerhead, but murder isn’t. A missing boy, last seen walking down my path? I might as well tie myself to a stake and light the match. I eased my finger off the trigger, and sat back, but kept my hand resting on the stock. There were two possibilities with this young man: either he’d possessed an astral being and named it his sister, or… well, that was the only option, really, because the alternative was impossible. Nearly impossible, anyway. Those legends are older than I am, and I’m five-hundred years old. That age has passed, and that magic is dead; dead and gone forever. I mean… I couldn’t be sitting in front of a god, right? “OK, boy,” I said, looking at him sharply, “where are you keeping the gemstone?” “The gemstone?” he asked. “That’s how you captured the astral being, isn’t it?” I replied, “The charm on the doorway should have detected it though, so you couldn’t have brought it with you.” I looked the young man over, running through the options in my head, “…though you wouldn’t need a gemstone if you’re really an elf. Hmm… no pointed ears, and your eyes aren’t the right shade of blue… the freckles certainly don’t fit…wrong shade of blonde, too…” “I uh…” the young man said, shifting nervously, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Nymphs don’t need gemstone’s either,” I mused, feeling my options dwindling, “but you certainly aren’t one of those… OK, I give up; how did you capture the astral being without a gemstone?” “Like I said,” the young man replied, looking very nervous, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a gemstone, and I don’t know what an astral being even is.” I leaned forward, staring intently at him as my finger twitched against the trigger of the crossbow. Something clearly alerted him to the danger he was in, because he flinched as my hand angled into the firing position. “An astral being is a force a nature,” I said, searching for recognition in his eyes, “it’s what makes magic work. There are thousands of types of astral beings, and more than a few of them can give the user the power to snoop around my fucking house.” “I’m being honest with you,” the young man said, his shaking voice barely a whisper, his body visibly trembling, “please, let me go.” “I’m sorry, boy,” I said, tightening my finger on the trigger, and tilting the crossbow upward so that the sights zeroed-in on his stomach, “but I don’t believe you.” “Mom!” Justina’s voice screamed from behind, “Stop!” JUSTINA It appeared to me as a glint of blue light. It glared against the wall, and I studied it, trying to figure out what prism in my room could create such a projection of the sun. Then I realized the glint was shining counter to the sunlight, and I became even more intrigued. “What are you?” I asked the glint, stepping in front of the sun coming from my window, and noting that my shadow did not cast upon the light, “An astral being?” The glint vibrated against the wall, as if in answer to my question. Neither an affirmative, nor a negative, but still a response. I reached out and touched the spot, and felt nothing. An astral being isn’t nothing; they have some substance to them. So, not an astral being. I looked at the extensive library Mother had collected over the years, pondering which tome had the answers to this intriguing mystery. Mother was a doctor at heart, but me, I was a scientist. I rubbed my thumb and forefinger against the tip of my left horn in a ponderous motion, running my eyes over the spines of each expansive volume. Histories of The Arcane Arts, A Collection of The Mystic Texts, a blue woman standing behind me, The Testaments of- My gaze flashed by an old spyglass sitting on the shelf, and then darted back as my heart jumped in my throat. The fish-eyed reflection of the spyglass showed a blue woman, screaming into my ear. I turned my head slowly to the left, feeling my terror rising in my throat, but I saw nothing. I turned my gaze back to the spy glass, and there she was. My curiosity overtook my fear, and I leaped into action. I ran over to my dresser and pulled out my hand mirror. I aimed the glass toward the glint on the wall, but didn’t see the woman in the reflection. I turned the glass away from the glint, slowly angling it, until it appeared at the very edge of the reflection. And there she was, right where the glass met the wood frame of the hand mirror. Aim the glass too directly, and she was gone, but aim is so that the glint just barely showed on the edge, and she appeared. She was young, beautiful, and obviously terrified. Why was she scared? What was she trying to say? “What?” I asked, “What is it?” The blue woman stopped, realizing I could see her. She pointed to the door of my room, which was hidden behind the book shelf on the other side. I nodded. She assumed a sitting position, her body seeming to be supported by nothing, and then she brought her arm forward, her index finger pointing outward, and then clenching. “Sitting and smoking?” I asked, “Someone’s sitting and smoking outside?” She shook her head furiously, and brought her other hand in front of the one clenching her index finger. She cupped the other hand as if she was holding something in front of her, flexed her index finger, and jerked her arms back. Jerked her arms back as if… as if in recoil, from pulling a trigger. Mom’s crossbow! Mom was going to kill someone! I ran to the bookshelf, undid the hidden latch, and then burst into the room. “Mom!” I screamed, holding the mirror in my hand, “Stop!” BRANDON If I hadn’t skipped breakfast, I would have shit myself already. Angela was flitting frantically from Tera’s head, to the bookshelf in the corner, racing back and forth in a blur of translucent light. She told me I was in danger, she told me Tera had her hand on the trigger, and then she left me alone with the succubus, and went to the hidden room that housed the beautiful monster’s offspring. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have mentioned the girl; it was pretty obvious Tera wanted her to remain secret, but I had to think of some way to convince her beyond all doubt that Angela was real. Then she went off about astral beings, and magic, and all the shit you’d never hear about in the god-fearing hovel that was Towerhead. “I’m sorry, boy,” Tera said, her violet eyes narrowing, “but I don’t believe you.” I seized up in horror as the hidden door came flying open, and a young, naked, beautiful girl burst into the room. “Mom!” the teenaged succubus screamed, “Stop!” Tera jolted upright in shock, and the motion caused her to pull the stock of the weapon upward, and release the trigger. The bolt zipped right for me, and struck with a thud into the wood of the chair, right between my legs. I groaned, slid down the back of the chair, and nearly pissed myself. “What?!” Tera said, alarmed, running to her daughter. I couldn’t help but notice that the woman moved with a naturally seductive grace; her hips shifting dramatically, her ass bulging from cheek to cheek with each step. Before, all of her motions were stiff and calculated, and I realized that she was probably dialing-down her natural charm to keep me from getting the wrong idea. “Look!” the daughter said to Tera, holding up a hand mirror and angling it so that it faced almost perpendicular to their faces. Tera stared intently at the mirror, and then her eyes widened. Behind her, I could see Angela jutting her hands in the air, both her middle fingers raised as she screamed profanities the succubi couldn’t hear. Tera looked from the mirror, to the empty space behind her, and then to me. Her face broadened into a wide-eyed expression of awe, and her hands moved to the laces of her tunic, and untied them. The cloth that covered her fell to the floor, and the impossibly curvaceous body beneath it stepped forward in all its bronze glory. I stared with mouth agape in terror, shock, and arousal as she approached me, her face still baring an expression of profound awe. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” I stammered, my feet kicking against the ground as I tried to right myself in the chair, “I’m more than willing to pay in gold, Tera; you can put your clothes back on.” “You’re still in your infancy, aren’t you?” Tera said, her astonished expression contrasting the low, sultry tone of her voice, “You don’t even know what you are, do you?” “What you’re doing is very illegal!” I said, simultaneously trying to get out of the chair, and kick at the approaching monster, “They’ll burn you for this!” “Mom,” the daughter said from behind Tera, “what are you doing?” “We’re in the presence of divinity, Justina,” Tera said, not looking back at her daughter, only staring at me, her astonished expression mingling with a carnal hunger behind her violet irises, “empires have been burned to ash, genocides committed, continents thrown into chaos, just for a chance… just for a chance at the opportunity we have before us.” “A Creator?” Justina asked, her voice barely a whisper, as if the very words were holy. “A Creator,” Tera smiled down at me, just out of reach of my kicking foot, “but still just a babe, still vulnerable, still moldable, still unbound.” Tera caught my kicking foot with deft reflexes, and her warm, gentle touch seeped its way into my skin. I felt my body relax despite myself; my posture softening, my abdomen unclenching, and my leg falling limp in her hand. My heartbeat slowed in my chest, and my panic left me as my waistband tightened with unnatural arousal. “Still just a babe,” Tera smiled warmly, carefully letting my foot drop to the floor, “still weak and afraid and looking for answers. I have the answers you want, boy; let me give them to you.” “Brandon?!” Angela screamed in my ear, “Brandon?!” Her words seemed distant and faded, as if she were calling from a mountaintop. Tera’s hand slid up my leg, her fingertips never leaving me, never giving me a chance to break from their lustful prison. She knelt between my legs as her other hand curled its elegant, long fingers about my waistband, and began to pull down. “No,” I whimpered hoarsely, feeling my resolve fade, “please…” “Don’t resist me,” Tera whispered, her eyes brimming with promise, her voice dripping like honey into the back of my mind, “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to make you feel so good.” “Brandon!” a faintly familiar voice echoed in my ear, “Don’t give in; fight it!” Tera pulled my pants past my knees, and her hungry, violet eyes fell on the growing member between my legs. She let my pants drop to my ankles, and then traced her fingers along my inner thighs. Tingles of felicitous warmth permeated from her gentle touch, and I watched helplessly as my cock engorged. Her violet irises gleamed as they reflected the curved nature of my arousal, and I groaned in need as the skin-splitting intensity of my erection was displayed for her. “Wow,” she muttered, her voice a gentle song that echoed in my skull, “you truly are divine. What is your name, boy?” “Brandon.” I muttered, unable to refuse her, and increasingly losing the resolve to even try. “Brandon,” she hissed, a snake-like tongue flicking from her mouth and running across her full lips, indenting the glistening outline of her mouth and revealing the soft nature of it, “what are your desires, Brandon? What have you always wanted to do to a woman?” “I…,” I droned, not knowing what to say, “I don’t know.” “Ah,” she smiled knowingly, her eyes sparkling as her gentle fingers came together, wrapping their cool touch about my raging heat, “a virgin. This must all be so confusing to you. Don’t worry, Brandon; I’ll be gentle with you. You’re safe with me.” Her violet eyes watched me from the tops of her whites as her full, pouting lips descended to my tip. Her fingers stroked me a final time, and then rested their cool, comforting touch on the flat of my pelvis. Tara’s lips pursed together, and pressed against my tip. Her tongue flicked between the lush outline of her mouth, and licked the froth of precum that had pooled at my peak. I groaned in satisfaction, and the corners of her mouth quirked in a knowing smile. She took me in. Her lips puffed about my girth in an air-tight seal, and her long, reptilian tongue wrapped around me, stroking me in its lewd hold as she descended. Her eyes twinkled in desire as her mouth consumed inch after inch of me; her lips sucking softly, drawing me ever deeper into her. She hummed a lecherous tone as my tip pushed past the resistance of her throat, and slid into the tight, wet channel of her neck. I could see the indentation of my girth bulging slightly from her throat, but she didn’t gag; she just coiled swallowing heat around me. Her lips squished around my base, her nose pressed into the soft flesh of my pelvis, and her throat tightened about her meal. My head dropped against the back of the chair as a pleasured murmur slipped from my mouth. She winked at me knowingly, and then rotated her lips. My legs splayed further apart as she wrapped her mouth about my cock. Spit leaked from the crease of her vulgar consumption and wetted the base of my shaft, leaving a sheen of her lust along the circular path of her motion. I reached forward and laid a hand on her head, marveling at the soft texture of her hair. She smiled around my cock as I finally reciprocated her affection, and then she drew upward. My god, it felt like she was trying to milk the cum from my balls. Her lips sucked with a gentle determination that seemed to pull my insides up my shaft. Her tongue ran along the underside of my manhood the whole way up, and then wrapped around me again as she descended once more. I felt my control slipping from me with each pass of her wonderful mouth. Every part of me that she touched seemed to weaken in a blissful surrender, as if my muscles were becoming gelatinous atop my bones. It was a pleasant, soothing feeling, and it spread from the points of contact, loosening the tension inside me and guiding me gently into my own enslavement. “Oh… fuck.” I managed to say as her head moved up and down, gradually building up speed, but still retaining its gentle motions. Somewhere deep in the corridors of my mind, I heard a voice screaming my name. I knew the voice, but I didn’t know where I knew it. Its owner wasn’t visible to me any longer. ANGELA “Brandon!” I screamed, floating inches from his face, “Brandon?!” His eyes were glazed over, his mouth was moaning, and his face bore an expression of pure bliss. Below me, Tera fed upon my brother with deep, passionate passes. I gave her head a useless, frustrated kick, and then looked over to Justina. She could see me! I didn’t know how she could, or what I looked like to her, but I knew she saw me with her naked eyes. She couldn’t hear me, I deduced that much, but I appeared to her in some form. She was sitting behind her mother’s desk, watching Tera feast on my brother. She looked very much like her mother; black, wavy hair, bronze skin, violet eyes, and two curved horns and a pointed tail. The difference between the two, is that Tera bore the body of a fully-fledged woman, while Justina’s more subtle curves marked her as a girl in her mid-to-late teens, with her face still carrying the smooth fullness of youth. I rushed over to the teenaged monster, and stopped short when I realized what she was doing. Both of her hands were between her legs; the tendons in her forearms flexing as she pushed her fingers inside herself. She moaned and gasped quietly as she watched the debauchery, and I let out a frustrated scream and sent a kick flying into her face. Her hair moved. It was a subtle thing, something that could be mistaken for a trick of the wind, but I saw it. I kicked at her again, and strands of black hair brushed slightly past her face. There was something about Justina… something that let her see me, and now, feel me. Whatever connection there was between us, it was growing stronger, and I needed to exploit it, and fast! I didn’t know how much longer Brandon could remain himself, but by the expression on his face, I could tell he didn’t have much time. I dropped in front of the moaning teenager’s face, and saw her eyes blur and then refocus. She squinted them, as though she wasn’t quite sure if there was something before her. I tried punching her in the eye, but my fist only passed through her. One of her lashes bent slightly, but nothing else happened. I tried again with similar results, and then scrambled for other options. I bit at her cheeks, kicked at her gut, slapped at her ears, and only got ineffective responses. I felt the frustration boil inside me, and then I stopped, and looked down. Well… she is a succubus after all. Maybe violence isn’t the right route. I took a deep breath, and steeled myself. Alright, Angela, you can be sexy. I know she’s a seductress from the depths of hell, and you’re a dead virgin whose only sexual experience is catching your brother masturbating, but you got this! Confidence! I am a sexy beast! I have the best pickup lines, and my feminine intuition is second to none! I’m not a dead virgin; I am the angel of pussy! I floated down between Justina’s legs, and stared blankly at the calculus-level math problem that is the human vagina. Ok… that’s clearly the labia, and that’s the clitoris, and that’s the… what the fuck is that? C’mon Angela, you have a vagina, you should know this! Ok, maybe I’ll just put my fingers right… there. Hey, I can feel that! Oh my god, I can feel that! “Hey, Brandon!” I yelled over my shoulder, “I’m touching Justina’s-” Oh, right; Brandon is being enslaved by a psychotic whore; back to work. I pushed a little harder, but my fingers simply passed through Justina’s glistening, pink skin. She didn’t seem to notice that we had made contact, but I knew that I was making progress. I gritted my teeth, and then touched her again, this time on the clitoris. My fingers connected with the flesh, and I could feel her warmth radiating into me. I didn’t try to push harder, but simply caressed back and forth along the erogenous bead of the teenaged seductress. I looked up at her to see if she was feeling it, and I smiled as her eyes slowly cast downward. Oh yeah, that feels good doesn’t it, Justina? You like it when I do this… when I do this thing to your… is that the vestibule or the frenulum? OK, dirty talk needs work, but baby steps, Angela; don’t try to hit a homerun with every swing. Just stick to the clitoris, and everything will be fine. I rubbed gently along Justina’s clit, feeling the contact become more and more real with every pass of my fingers. At first, I could only sense the warmth of her skin, but soon after, I felt the wetness of her, the tender texture of her flesh, and then the quivering nature of her sensitive spot. Justina’s expression became a mixture of confusion and pleasure, and for the first time in my dead, adolescent life, I felt... something. It was a strange, foreign feeling, an emptiness-no… a craving. My breath quickened in my chest, and an aching, longing desire crept between my legs. I wanted to please this woman; I wanted to see her need brim behind her beautiful, violet irises, and then I wanted to fulfill that need. Without really knowing what I was doing, I withdrew my hand, and lowered my lips to her depths. I took an indulgent inhale, and I could smell her! The sweet stink of her hormone-rich arousal wafted into my nose, and leaked its seductive tendrils into the primal heart of my mind. I grinned broadly, and pushed my face against her. JUSTINA At first, it felt like the wind in my hair. Then, I felt one of my eyelashes bend. Then… then I felt something else. I glanced downward, and saw shimmer in the air between my legs. I cautiously withdrew my fingers, wondering if the sensation I felt was just an errant brush of my hand, but I still felt it. That girl… she had no substance before, but now, I could feel her. It was a slight feeling; a gentle brush that started against my outer-lips, then withdrew, then continued again against my clit. She stayed there, and the feeling became more and more pronounced the longer she lingered. What started as a soft tickle became a gentle caress, and then, I felt heat. Wet, soft, heat pressing against my petals, running through them with unpracticed, boorish motions. Was she… was she trying to eat me out? I widened the spread of my tan legs and looked down in fascination and arousal. The tender folds of my pussy pressed and deformed seemingly on their own as the wet heat ran through them. It felt good, but I still giggled at the inexperienced nature of the motions. “Are you a virgin?” I laughed, “Lick once for ‘yes’ and twice for ‘no.’” There was a tentative pause, and then a single stroke ran through me. I shivered at the feeling, and then laughed at the character behind it. I could tell she had to think about it; she was embarrassed about her inexperience. It was bizarre, to be eaten out by a specter, and I suspected most people would run away from the experience, but not me. I’m a succubus, but more importantly, I’m a scientist. Understanding comes from extensive research, and hands-on research is the best kind. Curiosity mixed with arousal inside me, and I felt a giddy sense of exhilaration stir in my chest. “Did I feel your fingers before?” I asked, biting my lower lip in excitement. A single lick coursed through me; flattening my labia and wetting my inner-lips with her lust. “I thought I did,” I smiled, “do you want me to teach you how to please a woman, my ghostly, little pervert?” A resounding ‘yes’ smeared across me, and my legs twitched in delight. I let out a girlish squeal and clapped my hands together. “OK,” I smiled, shifting my hips and spreading my legs wider, “put your middle two fingers inside me, like this,” I said, turning my wrist so that my palm faced the ceiling, and extending my ring and middle finger, “then, curl them like this,” I said, slightly bending my fingers forward, “and press along the ceiling. You’ll find a spot, and believe me, you’ll know when you’ve hit it. Once you get that spot, just rub along it nice and slow.” She did as I taught her, and she was an avid student. I corrected her form only once before she had her fingers on the sweet spot. I moaned a delighted tenor of pleasure as I felt her pressing against my tender depths and sliding her fingers through me. “Now,” I grinned, watching in fascination as my pussy was spread open and violated by nothing at all, “put your mouth right here,” I gestured to my clit, “then wrap your lips around the hood, and gently (and I mean gently!), suck on it.” I looked down as my clit reddened with a pressure I couldn’t see, and my hood pinched between invisible, sucking lips. My erogenous bead and the fleshy hood that bore it were stretched from my pussy, and then sucked carefully into the pleasuring mouth of the ethereal woman. This time, I didn’t moan. This time, I let out a cry of delight as the feeling surged through my nethers. Her fingers pressed harder against my spot, her lips sucked with more voracity, and an exhilarating rush of euphoria expanded within me. Holy shit, this girl is making me come! ANGELA I always considered myself to be heterosexual. I mean, I didn’t really know what my sexuality was, but I assumed that if I were alive, I’d like men. Now, I still might have a disposition for penis, but this pussy… well, it ain’t bad. Justina was delicious. I tasted her desire leaking into my mouth, and permeating its flavor into my throat. I grinned up at her as I twisted her clit between my sucking lips, watching in pride as the woman’s face became a portrait of ecstasy. I made her moan, whimper, and scream, and her weak, feminine tones only made me hunger for more. My invading fingers pressed along her ceiling, and I zeroed-in on her weak spot. It was easy to find; the face she made when I touched it, the convulsions that wracked her when I pressed onto it, and the flexing nature of her abdomen when I rubbed it, were all the evidence I needed. Watching her pleasure flourish from my hand and mouth made my arousal grow, and I grinded my thighs together beneath myself, almost feeling the skin that should be there, but the sensation eluded me. It was maddening, to be able to feel the parts of my body that touched Justina, but not the parts that seemed to scream with unfulfilled need. The frustration only compelled me to eat the woman with more passion, and I pressed my face harder against her delightful, tender petals. The connection between Justina and myself became stronger with each passing second. It was as if she was somehow sharing her capacity to feel with me. Her pleasured face looked down at me; her luscious lips falling agape and quirking in a wondrous smile, her big, violet eyes shining with astonishment, and her brow furrowed and creased with lines about her smooth forehead. Her chest heaved in bouts of pleasure, and her petite, cute breasts jiggled softly with her lustful expirations. A sheen of glistening sweat glowed from her tan form, and her spread legs began to twitch with sporadic convulsions. She was coming. I hummed a low, growling moan as I sucked her parts deeper into my mouth, toying her sensitive bead with the tip of my tongue as my lips puffed around her. She started to pant like a bitch; her breaths short and sputtering, interrupted by manic laughs of pure delight. Her abdomen twitched in a chorus of convulsions, and she threw her head back and screamed as a fountain of juices splashed through my ethereal figure. And then, I saw something. A connection, a line of energy, running from my mind to hers. I saw it clear as day; a blue, spiraling, flame of rope that bridged our very selves. I could feel its magnetic pull on my temples, and I knew I had to charge up it. So, I did. I focused all the will of my being, and launched my consciousness into hers. My ghostly body vanished behind me, and I drove my essence into the center of her mind. BRANDON Tera left my cock with a parting kiss, strings of precum bridging her luscious lips and my tip. She smiled up at me as she rose, planted her palms on my thighs and slid her perfect form up my torso. Her ample, succulent breasts squished against my chest, her toned abdomen stretched and flattened against my belly, and her thick thighs spread around my waist and squeezed softly. Her hands reached behind me and clasped gently together across the back of my neck, her long, elegant fingers trailing pleasantly through the hair behind my ears. Every part of me she touched melted into a relaxed, weakened state, save for the tension between my legs that only grew tighter. “Are you ready to become a man?” she smiled down at me, her voice a melody of sweet lust. Her forehead touched mine, and her violet, sparkling eyes shone their excitement into my own. I could only grin back stupidly. “You know, you can touch me,” she whispered, crinkling her nose affectionately as she smirked, “I’m not a display at a museum.” I reached behind her, and rested my palms on the fat of her ass. The quirk of her devious grin beckoned me to continue, so I squeezed. She gasped slightly through her smiling mouth, and planted an affectionate kiss on my closed lips. The delectable flesh of her backside formed warm and soft in my hands, and protruded from between my gripping knuckles. She kissed me again, and her tongue flicked across my mouth, beckoning it to open. I did, and I tasted the sweet flavor of her as she invaded me. Her lips sucked with a gentle hedonism, and her tongue toyed with my own, playfully inviting me to engage with her. I reciprocated her affection, and drank in her lust as my eyes closed in bliss. She parted from the embrace in a gasp, and I could feel her heart thrumming through her pressing breasts. She reached back, grabbed my cock, and positioned it at her slick, tight entrance. I felt her petals give way to my rigid heat, and I felt her body weight shift slowly backward. Her violet eyes never left mine as she slowly, tenderly, took my virginity. “That’s it,” she whispered, her words breathy in her excited exhalations, “let me take you all the way in.” She did. Her wet, tight heat surrounded me, consumed me, pressed me on all sides in her lecherous embrace. She moaned softly as inch after inch entered her, and her moan grew in its intensity the deeper I got. My balls pressed against her taint, and her demonic tail curled behind her in satisfaction. Her wet, luscious lips parted to yield a soft whimper, and her comforting eyes wilted into an expression of vulnerability. “God, Brandon,” she gasped, “you’re so deep inside me!” For a moment, she lost control of herself, and I felt a surge of my former mind break through my lustful haze. She regained her composure faster than I could react, and she clenched around me in a hold that nearly caused me to come right there. “You almost had me there,” she winked, smiling, moaning as she began to shift her hips, “for most men, just a single touch will make them my slaves, but you’re not most men, Brandon.” “What are you talking about?” I groaned, gripping her by the hips as she gyrated on top of me; her thighs squeezing my waist, her ass rotating behind her, my cock stirring her insides as she pulled me into her with the motion of her grinds. “You’re a god, Brandon,” she said, gasping the words, seemingly getting turned on by the very idea of them, “you’re a Creator, a force of nature more powerful than a hurricane, and you’re all mine.” “Tera,” I growled in pleasure, “I’m just some fucking guy.” “That’s very modest of you,” Tera laughed, her mirth melodic and sweet, “but come now, Brandon; even if you weren’t a god, with this thing between your legs, you’re more than just some fucking guy.” Her motions became more fervent, more impassioned. She arched her back; pushing her perfect ass out from her body, pressing her silky torso deeper against my belly, and thrusting her supple breasts upward, squishing them against my chest. The rotations of her hips drew me ever deeper, and I could feel the contractions streaming inside her with every subtle thrust of my pelvis. My cock glided into her welcoming heat, and rubbed along her clit as I drove in contest with her lascivious motions. “What makes you think I am what you say I am?” I asked, locking into her rhythm and pumping as she pushed our pelvises together. “Your sister is dead, Brandon,” Tera smiled, her mouth partially agape and exhaling sweet tones, “but she’s still here. How much power do you think it takes to defy death itself?” “But,” I sputtered, gritting my teeth as I forced an orgasm down, “I didn’t do anything!” “Yes, you did,” Tera gasped, reaching behind me and clutching my shoulders for leverage, dragging her warm, soft body against mine, “you just didn’t know what you were doing. Extreme stress can unlock the power of a Creator,” she turned my chin up to meet hers, and she displayed a set of sparkling white teeth between her lush lips, “or extreme pleasure.” Her hand moved from my chin and entangled in the hair at the back of my head. She gently pulled backward, and I compliantly tilted my head to reveal the vulnerable curve of my neck. She kissed me there, softly, comfortingly, and I felt my mind lose its need to question her. I couldn’t sense… what was her name again? The woman… the girl… she was always with me, wasn’t she? Where was she? Where did she go? It didn’t matter; nothing but Tera mattered. Tera’s thighs gently squeezing my waist, Tera’s soft abdomen sinking into my belly, Tera’s warm breasts squishing against my chest, and Tera’s tender kisses sucking love against my neck, were the only things that mattered. The warmth of her body, the softness of her flesh, the soothing nature of her motions, and the tight, delicate heat of her insides were the only things present in the world. She massaged me from within; drawing me deeper into her lust with the lewd muscles of her erogeneity as her seduction drew me further from my mind with the gentle guidance of her enslavement. ANGELA My mind was flooded with fractured memories, odd sensations, blurs of images and words, and a swirling tempest of different emotions. It was maddening, excruciating, and utterly confusing, but I gritted my mental teeth, and stormed through it, hoping it would calm. Eventually, it did, and I opened someone else’s eyes. Hello? a voice called from the depths of my mind. Justina? I asked, looking down to see a tan, beautiful naked body stretching below me. Are you the ghost? Justina asked, the one whose fingers were just inside me? Is your name Angela? Yup! I responded brightly, That’s me! How’d you guess that? Your mind is in my brain, and our thoughts are open to each other; this is truly fascinating, Justina said, a touch of awe in her mental voice, can you move me? I looked down at my… our hand, and tested the nerves. It splayed just like I wanted it to, and I moved it in front of my eyes, turning it over along the wrist as a flood of emotion poured into me. Oh my god, I thought, my mental voice quivering as though tears were welling, I can feel everything! It’s so beautiful, Justina sniffled, this means so much to you! Why are you getting all teary-eyed? I asked her, feeling my emotion edging my voice. We share the same mind now, Justina said, her words wavering in the same euphoria I felt, emotions are just chemical reactions in the brain prompted by external stimulus, so your emotions are my emotions, and visa-versa. I’ve been trying to stay emotionally blank for you; I don’t want to contaminate the sample. You’re quite the little scientist, aren’t you? I said, flipping through the pages of our mind, experiencing the memories of Justina, Always doing experiments, always forming a hypothesis, always- I cut off as I got to a particular memory. I let it linger there, feeling extremely awkward. Hey, stop that! Justina yelled, Stop feeling awkward, you’re making me feel awkward! Justina, I said, experiencing this memory in her mind, feeling the emotions she felt then, mingling with our present emotions, Are you gonna… are you gonna explain this one to me? Mom says I’m not old enough to feed myself, Justina said, so I take the left overs; can you stop feeling so fucking uncomfortable?! It’s completely natural for a young succubus! You’re sucking sperm out of your mother’s asshole, I said frankly, feeling the breadth of the memory; tasting the memory of her mother’s ass on my tongue, feeling the memory of her mother’s fingers in my body, feeling Justina’s past arousal, her present annoyance, and my own disgust mix into a concoction of volatile emotion, and it feels like you both really enjoyed the experience. Yes, it’s a wonderful mother-daughter bonding moment, Justina said, there’s a whole brain full of them if you’re feeling frisky, but for now, I think we should keep our memories in check; I certainly don’t want to remember your death-STOP REMEMBERING YOUR DEATH! Sorry, I said, feeling Justina’s horror fade as I pushed back the memory, but you brought it up. It’s kind of hard not remembering something when someone else mentions it. OK, Justina said with an exaggerated exhale, as if she were breathing the memory out of her, what’s the plan? The plan? I asked, I don’t have a plan; I’ve just been winging it. I don’t even know how I got here! I suddenly realized that I could help Brandon. I looked down at the crossbow under the desk, and Justina immediately seized control of our motor functions. No, no, no, Justina said firmly, that is not going to happen. This is still my brain, and this is still my body; you’re not using it to kill my mother. At least help me pull her off of him! I yelled. I’m willing to help you, Justina said, but my mother is hundreds of years old, trained in elite combat, and could easily seduce me if she so desired. Besides that, I quite like her, and don’t feel like straining our relationship. But you’re willing to help? I asked. Hold on a second, Justina said, and I could sense her carefully shuffling through the pages of my subconscious, try to keep your mind neutral. What are you doing? I asked her as the memory of me frantically flying between Justina’s room, and the space above Tera’s head appeared in our mind. Testing a theory, Justina replied, showing me the idea she was forming in our mind, a Creator’s power is unlocked during times of extreme pleasure or stress. Knowing a crossbow is being aimed at your testicles is probably pretty stressful. What the fuck is a Creator? I asked. An ancient being with god-like power-I know, you don’t believe me, but for now, just hear me out. The memory slowed to a crawl. Brandon was looking at me fearfully, his eyes begging me to find a way to save him. As the memory passed, I saw a blue tendril of power burst from his mouth, and fly right into my chest. It was so fast that it could barely be seen, and I was so scared that I didn’t notice it in the moment, but looking back on it, it was as clear as day. The blast of power was the manifestation of a plea, but it wasn’t really a plea, it was… a command. As the recollection slowly passed, I somehow intuitively knew what the command said: “find help.” And you did, Justina said, Brandon gave you the power to interact with me. I could see some form of you when no one else could, but that’s not all he did. This time, one of Justina’s memories played before our eyes. It was of Justina, bursting from her concealed room and looking at Brandon. Another stream of power flowed from Brandon’s mouth, words that he didn’t form with his lips, but with the pleas of his heart. “Help me,” they said to Justina, and then another blast of power shot to me, “get her to help me.” Brandon created a connection between us, Justina said, he didn’t know what he was doing, but he did it. Succubi connect with other species in only one intimate way: sex. So, our connection strengthened with our lust. I have another crazy theory, if you want to hear it. I’m all ears. I responded, trying to keep my confusion in check for fear of messing with Justina’s progress. You are the complete manifestation of Brandon’s power, Justina said, he should have exhibited some signs of his godhood by now, but to everyone else’s eyes, Brandon is just some guy. That’s because he’s poured every ounce of his divine strength into keeping you ‘alive.’ He doesn’t know what he’s doing, but every time external stress prompts him to use his power, his first instinct is to give it to you, to protect you, or for you to protect him. He can’t help himself; ever since he saved you from passing on, his divine reflexes have been trained to you. Now, here’s the kicker; you ready for this shit? Uh… sure. I said, feeling a little intimidated by Justina’s words and the tone of her mental voice. She seemed to talk faster and faster, as if her revelation was bursting from her subconscious in a manic vomit of words. She was obviously extremely excited about what she’d found. The kicker is, Justina said, allowing a dramatic pause, you’re in my head now. My brain is supporting your existence without Brandon’s help, but he doesn’t know it. He has the power to save himself right now! We need to tell him! I said excitedly. No, we don’t, Justina chuckled, we just need to watch, and wait. Extreme pleasure unlocks the power of a Creator, Angela; let’s watch your brother come inside my mother. TERA Oh my god, this cock is good! In all my years of debauchery, I’d never lain with a man like Brandon. His rigid member pierced into my most sensitive depths, separating my folds and violating my sanctity. His motions were timid and shy, which was perfect for me, because if this man started gaining confidence, he’d own me in a second. Still, even though he was inexperienced and awkward, he resisted me. It was infuriating and arousing at the same time. He should’ve been mine by now, but he wasn’t. I watched his eyes, waiting for them to turn violet, waiting for them to reflect the corruption of his mind, but they stayed a stubborn blue. “Come to me, Brandon,” I whispered in his ear, leaking my intoxicating tones into his mind, “become mine.” I grinded my hips with increased fervency, my motions bordering on desperation. My ass jutted outward and deepened the angle of my arching back, causing the folds of flesh along my waist to crease about the bend. I brought my pelvis forward in the continuation of my motion; flexing my abdomen against his belly as my hips drove against him. His cock stirred my insides with the movement, and my passionate assault only served to drive me further into the depths of my own manic lust. I was losing control of myself in my attempt to take him. His timid thrusts started to grow in their ardency, and I felt the panic rise with the ascension of my pleasure. “Why do you resist me?” I asked him, trying to keep the seduction in my voice, and the nearly-uncontrollable pleasure out of it, “Don’t you want me?” “Yes,” he replied hoarsely, seemingly unaware that he was gaining an edge on me, “god, I want you.” “Then give in to me,” I said, almost pleadingly, now unable to keep the desperate pleasure from ringing in my tones, “I’ll do anything you want, Brandon; there are no depths I won’t stoop to for you.” My words only encouraged him to thrust harder. A sharp inhale of breath shot through my gritted teeth as I combated the feeling inside me. I felt my control wane, and my body move without my permission, compelled by the euphoria building within me. The controlled, deliberate grinds of my hips changed from steady oscillations, to whorish, needful motions. Instead of seductive circular passes, I began to rise and fall in congruence with Brandon’s thrusts, fucking myself as he fucked me. His cock pushed through me; his length impaling the deepest reaches of my lust, his girth stretching me in all the right ways. My clit ran along his shaft with each pass of our motions, and the feeling of it rubbing along him as he defiled me sent aching pleasure deep into my pelvis. I knew I should stop, I knew I should cut my losses, but I couldn’t help myself. I no longer moaned with the sultry pleasure of a woman in control, but cried out with the panicked yelps of a slut being taken. The easy smile I once wore was replaced with gaping, quivering lips that only pleaded for more, and the blissful gaze of my eyes turned to wide-eyed, teary windows of uncontrollable ecstasy. Suddenly, Brandon changed. His grip on my ass tightened until it hurt, and he pulled me close to him, pressing my body to his. I held to him desperately, clinging to his shoulders, unable to pull myself from the pleasure he was forcing into me as he regained control of himself. He held my pelvis in stasis, trapping it with his strong arms, and he thrust into me in a fury of blasts. I screamed into his chest, tears welling in my eyes as the pleasure ripped up my spine. His motions became violent, turning my elegant body into a blur of jiggling tan flesh and flailing hair, and I reveled in it. “What happened to you, Tera?” Brandon asked, teasing mirth in his voice, “Did you give up on me? I’m insulted; I thought you really wanted me.” “Brandon!” I screamed, looking through tear-streaked eyes at his face above me, “Stop!” “Stop?!” Brandon laughed, pumping into me so hard the chair was shaking beneath us, “Isn’t this what you wanted?” “I’m sorry!” I screamed, feeling the pressure ballooning inside me, “Just please, stop!” “It doesn’t sound like you really want me to stop,” Brandon grinned down, “is this you playing hard to get? You know I hate it when women do that.” Brandon gripped my ass in a vice-hold, squeezing the flesh until it stung beautifully. He picked me up like I was nothing, turned us around, and then unceremoniously dropped me into the chair. I couldn’t help myself; I squealed in delight at his savagery, and spread my legs wide to either side. I vainly held my arms out in front of me, but the defense was half-hearted at best. I wanted him to take me. He grabbed my outstretched wrists, and pinned them against the chair behind my head; his face hovering over mine, his body looming threateningly as his pelvis smashed into my spread-legged vulnerability. “Oh, god!” I found myself screaming, the words coming from my mouth without my permission, “Fuck me, Brandon! Make me your whore!” That was not a dignified sentence, but it was the desire of my heart. Brandon laughed as he launched his body against mine; shifting me brutally against the back of the chair, forcing me up and down with each merciless drive of his hips. I stared up at him with eyes full of submission, my lips quivering and pleading for more abuse, more pain and pleasure. He let go of my hands, and I clutched the back of the chair as one of his hands found a flailing breast, and the other, my throat. I growled an animalistic tone as he clenched both hands; squeezing the succulent form of my breast as he constricted my windpipe. My back arched from the chair, bringing my chest closer to him as I squeaked pathetic tones of my ascension. It was building and building, rising past the point of no return. The quaking, churning ecstasy of my depths rose with the melting of my mind, and the will to remain myself. My spread legs curled around Brandon’s waist and brought him deeper into me; my whorish body demanding to be filled as often as possible. His tip pushed into the resistance of my cervix, and my bodily arch wrenched a violent thrust forward, propelling all but my head and shoulders off the chair. I screamed, and screamed, and screamed. Brandon’s rigid heat throbbed inside me, and he growled with the escalating fervency of his passion. The pressure built past the critical point, and I was held in a stasis of paralytic euphoria for a brief, but seemingly endless, second. And then, I burst. The feeling rushed inside me, coursing through every nerve in my body, and I blasted a stream of my release onto Brandon’s pelvis. He roared a cathartic, masculine tenor, and then blew inside me. His hot, viscous seed poured into the ruined depths of my body, and seeped its delectable fire into my womb. My blurred vision got a glimpse of the man, and I saw him… I saw him for what he truly was. Bright blue power encased him, seemingly electric in its aura. It coursed through every vein in his body, and showed brightly from his eyes. His eyes did not bare irises, but were simply glowing ovals of power. He stood for a moment, looming over me like the god he was, and then he collapsed on the floor. BRANDON The world came back to me. I was lying naked on a bed of pink silk and fine linen. Tera’s form focused above me, her face looking concerned. Upon seeing the slit of my eyes, her expression widened into an endearing, almost motherly smile. A surge of fear ran through me, and I strained to get up and flee, but a searing pain in my head stopped me. Tera rested a cool hand on my forehead, and I noticed that her touch did not affect me. “Shhhh,” she cooed softly as she gently guided my head back to the pillow, “don’t exert yourself, Your Grace.” “Your Grace?” I murmured. “Is that not how you’d like to be addressed?” Tera asked, her face obviously worried, “Have I offended you?” she collapsed to her knees beside me, and began crying at my side, “Please forgive me,” she whispered, “do not take my ignorance as insult.” “What the fuck…” I mumbled, my head swimming with pain. “My mother is very taken with you,” Justina said from the other side of me, “I think you might’ve broken her, actually.” I turned my head to the right, and saw Justina’s naked, nubile body sitting beside me. She smiled brightly at my confused face. “If you seduce a succubus,” Justina explained, “her powers backfire. Instead of enslaving you, you enslaved her.” Tera’s face shined with unconditional love. Her big, violet eyes brimmed with faithfulness, and her posture was servile and adoring. “I think she worships you now,” Justina chuckled, “after you passed out, she wouldn’t let me touch you. She hovered over your body like a protective mama bear, and I had to convince her that you’d be very angry with her if you came-to on a wood floor.” “Is the bed to your liking?” Tera asked hopefully from my other side, still on her knees, “I wanted to build an altar, but Justina told me you wouldn’t appreciate the ostentation.” “An altar…” I mused, smiling weakly to myself, “that would’ve been interesting.” “Then I will build you an altar!” Tera proclaimed firmly, standing up and opening a nearby drawer, “I will build you a shrine! I will turn my humble abode into a temple for your worship! Stupid Justina and her stupid recommendations; of course, a god needs an altar! Why did I listen to her? Please forgive my stupidity, your… your… forgive me, but I do not know your preferred title.” “Your Holiness, will do fine,” I said, smirking at Justina as she barely controlled her laughter, “and I don’t need a temple; I need some aspirin.” Tera cursed herself for her lack of foresight (of course his holiness needs an aspirin, god, I’m so fucking stupid!), and then bustled into the kitchen. “She wouldn’t shut the fuck up about you,” Justina sniggered, “all she could talk about was how she was going to be your most faithful disciple, how she’d worship you endlessly, how she’d gladly give her life for you.” Justina glanced curiously at the slight bulge in the sheets between my legs, “You must be something else, Brandon.” Tera bustled into the room with aspirin capsules in one hand, and a bottle of her most expensive wine in the other. Apparently, water was too lowly a drink to grace my divine lips. She once again, cursed herself for her foolishness, and then ran back into the kitchen, before returning with the wine in a glass. She walked over to me reverently, then got on her knees, and lifted the aspirin and wine above her head, casting her eyes downward, as though she were presenting me with a holy offering. “I know what she did was wrong,” Justina said as I accepted Tera’s offering, “but try not to take this too far; I would like my mother back, eventually. Now, your sister-” “Angela!” I said, nearly choking on the wine. I turned on Tera and yelled, “where is she?!” Tera cowered on the floor, prostrating herself and wailing about how she wasn’t worthy. Justina’s hand touched my shoulder, and I gawked when I saw the color of her eyes. “Hey, Brandon!” Angela’s girlish voice sung from Justina’s lips, whose irises were now my sister’s pale blue, “I’m inside a succubus; how cool is that? Well… I guess you know how cool it is, don’t you?” she sniggered, “Turns out, all you had to do to get laid was prove you were a god! Why didn’t I think of that before?” “How the hell…” I said, peering into the familiar eyes set in the face of another woman, “what did you do?” “It was you, actually,” Justina said, her eyes returning to violet, “you subconsciously created a connection between your sister and myself.” “Can she leave?” I asked. “Justina says I shouldn’t,” Angela piped-in, her blue eyes showing on the succubus’s face, “she says too much of your power is tied to me, and that I should stay in here or I’ll stunt your growth.” “All of your power was used on her,” Justina said, violet eyes returning, “the exertion of keeping her around was a drain on your potential. Think of your power as a muscle; to develop, it needs to be worked in increments. If it’s constantly under stress, it will atrophy.” “Justina says you might be able to create a new body for me!” Angela interrupted, abruptly changing Justina’s eye color, “She says you’re the Life Giver.” “The what?” I asked, “I thought I was a Creator?” “There are three Creators,” Justina said, coming back to the forefront, “Life Giver, Earth Former and Heat Bringer. You are Life Giver, obviously.” “And the other two?” I asked, “Are they alive?” “The Three always arrive at the same time,” Justina nodded, “always born beneath the same moon.” Her expression grew grave for a moment, and she paused, before continuing, “What my mother tried to do, others will try as well. You’re worth more than empires, Brandon, and powerful people will seek you out if it becomes known that the gods have returned. None of the other three have yet been discovered, or if they have, whoever owns them is keeping a very tight lid on it.” “If I’m as powerful as you imply,” I said, “how could anyone ‘own’ one of us?” “You’re still young and weak,” Justina replied, “Mom almost had you, but there are many ways to control a person. Seduction, manipulation, torture, you name it,” Justina stared levelly at me, “you’re still a person, Brandon. These people who would seek to control you, they’d find a way to get to you. They’d offer you immeasurable wealth, or they’d take your family hostage, or they’d capture you while you’re still in your infancy, and torture you until your mind breaks.” I felt a shiver run through me. “The only way to protect yourself, is to grow stronger.” Justina said, “You need to practice your craft in secrecy, you need to find allies who will not betray you, and you need to guard those who love you. But most of all, Brandon; you need to find the other two.” “Why?” I asked. “Because if The Three are set upon each other,” Justina said, “the result is apocalyptic. In the past, society surged forward when The Three stood together, and collapsed when they fought. We need to find the other two and get them to safety and secrecy, or those with ambition will claim them for their own ends, and make enemies of you.” “How can I trust you?” I asked Justina, narrowing my eyes, “How do I know you’re not one of these ambitious people?” “Because I know everything there is to know about her,” Angela spoke from Justina’s mouth, eyes turning blue, “and though she’s a dirty, nasty little girl, Justina is a good person.” “Your sister and I have no secrets,” Justina said, eyes turning violet, “our thoughts, intentions and emotions are one.” “Psst, Brandon,” Angela said conspiratorially, her blue eyes twinkling in Justina’s face, “Justina really wants to fuck you. Just don’t let her do it while I’m in here!” “I’m more than a little curious,” Justina confirmed, winking a violet eye, “but we’ll shelve that thought for the time being; you don’t need two useless women groveling at your feet.” “She’s still a virgin!” Angela giggled, coming back to Justina’s face, “Her only sexual experiences have been with her mother! ” “Not just my mother,” Justina chuckled, eyes turning violet and rolling up, as though she were addressing her own forehead, “you and I had some fun, didn’t we?” “Oh yeah,” Angela laughed girlishly, her awkward, nervous composure contrasting Justina’s naturally dignified grace, “I might be a lesbian; I don’t know.” “Well, we’ll shop around a bit,” Justina said, violet eyes addressing her forehead again, “find a strapping young lad in Drastin, and see if your preferences change.” “Only if your mommy ever lets you feed yourself.” Angela sniggered, eyes turning blue, “You better warn me next time you decide to share dinner with her. I don’t want to be anywhere near that.” “Drastin?” I asked, butting-in to the conversation, “Why are we going to Drastin?” “Mom has connections there,” Justina said, violet eyes casting toward me, “people who know how to be discreet, people who have information that few others have.” Justina glanced downward at Tera, who was still prostrating beneath me, “You should probably release her; she won’t be of much use to you if she’s constantly on her knees.” “I don’t know,” I smirked at Justina, “I kind of like her like this.” “Have your fun with her for the rest of the night,” Justina sighed, “she deserves that much for what she tried to do to you, but release her in the morning.” “How do I do that?” I asked. “Just tell her she’s free,” Justina replied, “she’ll beg you to keep her, but you just have to insist, and eventually, she’ll leave your service.” Justina stood up and walked to the door, but stopped before she passed the threshold. “You’ll need to protect your parents,” she said to me, “Angela tells me they won’t believe the truth, so here’s a convenient lie: you took a loan from slavers, and you put your parents lives up as collateral. Tell them that if strange men come to Towerhead, to hide in this house. No one would suspect to look in a succubus hovel.” “They’ll hate me.” I replied. “But they’ll live.” Justina said, and then looked down at her groveling mother, “Don’t be too rough with her; we’ll be doing a lot of walking, and we can’t have her limping the whole way.” Justina gave me a parting smile and a wink, and then left the room. I sighed, and then turned my attention to the beautiful, tan monster worshipping me by the side of the bed. “Tera,” I smiled down at her, lifting her chin with my hand, “come pay homage to your god.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: The Heat Bringer JULIA Sixteen years ago, the mystic came to the elven capital of Terondia, and with him, came a shadow that darkened the empire. The matrons of The Church of the Holy Mother tried to bar him entrance, they tried to denounce him, but the emperor waved them away; the mystic’s prophecy was too tempting to disbelieve. The old man stood in the great hall before the horrified eyes of the matrons, the scrutinizing eyes of the wizards, and the greedy eyes of the emperor, and he spoke his heresy. “A Creator of elven blood will be born this night.” the mystic had said, “She will be of the pure blood, and she will be the Heat Bringer.” Then, he died. The matrons claimed his death was divine punishment, the wizards claimed it was an enchantment of astral power, but the emperor saw it as proof of the man’s prophecy. What would a man have to gain for such heresy, if he were to die after it was told? Clearly, the emperor postulated, the man’s prophecy was his very life force, and its release marked it as truth. At first, a census was taken of all babes born on that night. Only high-elf babes were catalogued, as the ‘pure blood’ no doubt meant those of porcelain skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. Dark elves had bloodlines mixed with orcs, bright elves had bloodlines mixed with dwarves, and dawn elves had bloodlines mixed with nymphs, but high elves could trace their lineage back to the days of the old blood. High elves were once again reassured of their superiority (of course a returned god would be of high blood; pure blood), and the world went on as it usually did. Five years later, the emperor took the children. Seven-hundred daughters of high blood were stripped from their mother’s arms, and sent to Terondia, to live in the palace. The families were assured that their sacrifice was for the good of the empire, that their reward would be bountiful, and their children well cared for, but they were never allowed to see their daughters again. Whispers started breathing through the populace, rumors of the horrors that must have occurred behind the palace’s stone walls. The emperor became more secluded, and the government became less responsive. Riots broke out, markets crashed, and people took to the streets to demand answers. The response they were given, was violence. Police forces smashed into the protestors, people were seized in the dark, and curfews were placed indefinitely. The brutality quelled the dissenters, and the elven empire came to the sinking realization that they were ruled by a tyrant. But I was safe. I was of bright blood; my crimson, straight hair, green eyes and shorter stature marked me as impure, at least in the eyes of the emperor. He couldn’t know that the mystic’s prophecy meant those descendant from the line of the dwarven Creator, Arbitrus Gen. At least, that’s what I’ve told myself every night, when I lie awake listening for the sounds of police bootsteps outside my window. “Sister Julia?” Mother Septina called. I sighed and closed my book. “Yes, Mother Septina?” I called back from the kitchen, hiding the book beneath a pile of napkins. “The princess would like to speak with you.” Mother Septina responded, thankfully not coming into the kitchen to snoop around. I slipped the book beneath my habit and walked briskly past the ornery mother. A flight of steps later, and I was on the top floor of the estate, and knocking on the door of my princess. “Come in, Sister.” Princess Lucilla Flitari called. I opened the door with my head bowed, and closed it silently behind me. Princess Flitari stood in the window; her statuesque, elegant frame curving in a subtle hourglass figure beneath a silken dress, her platinum blonde hair lying straight behind her pointed ears, and her blue eyes sparkling from the porcelain mask of her beautiful face. She smiled brightly to me, and after I scanned the room for anyone else, I smiled back. “What do you think of this dress?” she asked, twirling extravagantly in front of me. “It looks perfect, of course, Your Grace,” I smiled politely, “if you’re intention is to be with child before the night is out.” “Maybe that is my intention,” Lucilla smirked, extending a perfectly formed leg from the slit cut alongside her dress, and raising an eyebrow, “though, I must be terribly bad at it, because no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get pregnant.” “Your chastity is holy, Your Grace,” I replied, “it is good to hear that my teachings have not fallen on deaf ears.” “No one’s listening, Julia,” Lucilla said with a wry smile, “you can cut the shit.” “Well then, Lucilla,” I said, allowing my smile to grow wicked, and dropping the formality of her title, “I’d say that your fertility problem lies in a lack of biological understanding.” “And why’s that?” Lucilla asked. “One cannot conceive a child from her anus.” I grinned. Lucilla twisted her face, and then burst out laughing. She gestured for me to sit as she fought to regain control of herself. “Oh, sweet Mother,” Lucilla croaked as she sat across from me, wiping tears from her eyes, “it never ceases to amaze me what dirty thoughts go through that pure mind of yours.” “Devotion to the Holy Mother is a testament of one’s actions,” I replied, pouring wine in her glass, and water in mine, “thoughts and words are of little consequence.” “I wish the other sisters shared your interpretation of the texts.” Lucilla said as she took a sip of wine, “All I get from them is judgement and lectures.” “You are a reflection of our order,” I said, drinking my water in congruence with her sips, “and your reputation does not make us look good.” “The Holy Mother herself could shine on me from the heavens, and I’d still drink, smoke and fuck my way through life,” Lucilla smiled, wiping purple wine from her lush lips, “your order just pulled the short straw in terms of princesses.” “At least you’re not boring,” I said, “not a day goes by when you haven’t presented us with a new crisis of faith.” “And yet, you pour me wine,” Lucilla pointed out, “my own priestess, tempting me with sin.” “Of all your sins, Lucilla,” I said, pouring her another glass and smirking, “consumption is the least of our problems.” “But doesn’t it lower my inhibitions?” Lucilla responded with a raised eyebrow, “Doesn’t wine lead to more nefarious sins?” “It’s a question of timing, really,” I said, sitting back, “if you drink four glasses now, you’re likely to be too tired to go out tonight, but if you wait until this evening, the wine will compel you to act on your baser desires. You see, I’m suffering a minor sin now, to prevent a major sin later.” “How tactful of you,” Lucilla chuckled, “you will do well as my advisor in the High Court.” I felt my heart leap into my chest. The High Court? Of Terondia?! That’s the last place I can go! “What was that, Your Grace?” I asked. “‘Your Grace,’ hmm?” Lucilla smiled knowingly, “Funny how decorum comes roaring back once a little discomfort is salted into the conversation. Why do you hate that place so much?” “It’s far from home,” I lied, “and my charge is here, with you.” “Well, I won’t be here,” Lucilla said, “I’m leaving for Terondia this afternoon.” “I don’t see why I should come with you,” I replied, “there are sisters in the capital who are more than willing to preach and lecture for you.” “I’m not coming back, Julia,” Lucilla said, and her usual playful nature diminished, “I’m moving there permanently.” “What?!” I exclaimed, unable to keep my composure. “My father has executed Telavia,” Lucilla said gravely, “she betrayed the crown... somehow.” “He killed your sister?” I whispered, putting my hand on hers. “She was a traitor,” Lucilla said, keeping her lip stiff, “and she was my half-sister, Julia; we barely knew each other. But, the act reshuffles the line of succession. I’m third in line to the throne now, which means I’m too important to be governing estates in the country.” “‘Governing’ is an interesting word for what you do here.” I said with a sad smile. Lucilla laughed a joyless, dry laugh. Her hands were shaking. “I know I’m not the most responsible of royalty,” she said, tears welling in her eyes, “but maybe I can fake it. Maybe, if I just… if I just…” Lucilla gripped my hand tighter, and took a huge gulp of wine to steel herself. It didn’t work. Her face fell into my chest, and she bawled. “I’m so fucking scared, Julia,” she sobbed, “I’m not ready for this! Father is demanding my assistance with his mad project! He killed Telavia because she wasn’t getting results; his own daughter! And now he wants me to take her place?! She’d been working with him for two years, and I haven’t so much as read a book on the subject!” “You’ll do fine,” I whispered, petting her hair and trying to calm her, as much as I was trying to calm myself, “you’ll just have to be careful.” “He’s insane, Julia!” Lucilla cried, “They say he hasn’t been seen for two years, that he spends his life in the palace with those girls he stole, that he rants and raves about the prophecy, trying to figure out why a lie told by an old man didn’t come true!” But it did come true, I thought, the mystic’s words were more prophetic than anything spoken by the matrons, and now the prize the emperor has sought will be traveling right to his front door. “I am so fucked,” Lucilla whimpered in my lap, “Father will blame me for his own failures, and they’ll put my head on a-” She stopped as her hand found the hard spot below my habit. Her fingers reached around it, and clutched the outline of the book’s spine. “What is this?” she asked, pulling the book from the pouch sewn to my habit. “A little piece of sacrilege I was trying to hide from the mother.” I replied, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice. Lucilla read the title aloud. “ A Journal of Arbitrus Gen, ” Lucilla said, looking from the book, to me, “This is a juicy piece of blasphemy. Why are you reading it?” “To ease the monotony,” I replied, “holy texts are wonderful, but they don’t offer much in the way of entertainment.” “And histories of dead Creators do?” Lucilla asked. “Sometimes,” I smiled, taking the book from Lucilla’s hands, “reading about what actually happened is a nice reprieve from reading about what might’ve happened.” “ Sister Julia! ” Lucilla gasped, “That is bordering on heresy!” “It’s no worse than the things you do on a nightly basis.” I smirked, crinkling my nose at my best friend. Lucilla’s smile shined on her face, and I was relieved for two reasons. The first, was that she wouldn’t question me further, and the second, was that the terror in her eyes vanished for a moment. I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again, but I suspected it would become commonplace in Terondia. I knew, deep down, that the darker days were just around the corner. LUCILLA It had been three weeks since Julia, myself, and a host of guards and servants had left the estate for Terondia, and I was freezing my fucking ass off. Whatever genius founded Terondia should’ve been taken behind a barn and shot. From the south, the city is incredibly easy to get to. Tributaries, lakes and flat plains make for simple travel, but from the north, it’s damn near unreachable. We climbed mountain after mountain, sometimes having to stop for hours to replace the carriage wheels with sled blades, and the whole time, the whole fucking time, I froze my ass off. Julia’s blasphemous interest in dead Creators proved to be an invaluable tool, and she took the opportunity to give me a crash-course on all the things I should’ve already learned. I remembered a time when Julia was just a little redhead with a penchant for mischief. Now, she was lecturing me like I was a child, even though I was two years her senior. Why she chose to become a nun, I’ll never know, but ever since she took her vows, she’s been the adult between us. Sure, I had sex plenty of times, and she was a virgin (and would be until she died), but the maturation of experience and the maturation of the soul are two different things. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without her, and that’s why I decided she was going to be glued to my side the whole time we were in Terondia. “Oh, good Mother.” Julia gasped as she looked out the window. We were carefully sliding down a glacier pass, and descending into a wide, green valley. Three thousand feet below the tree-line, sprawled a massive city. Terondia was a poorly placed city, but it was a magnificent one. The entire city was built on an uplift of rock that sprouted just before the mountain range. It seemed to swell from the earth in spiraling streets and buildings, all of which led inevitably to the five-hundred-foot spire at its peak, that marked the beacon tower of the palace. That would be my home now; probably forever. Though I dreaded the prospect of living there, the idea of a warm hearth and hot cocoa was very enticing. Julia however, did not seem to mind the cold at all. I swear, I didn’t see her breath fog the glass even once. Being a bright-elf meant that at least one of her ancestors had to be a dwarf, so that probably explained her comfort in the cold, but it didn’t stop me from being slightly irritated at her. In my humble opinion, if I’m uncomfortable, everyone else should be too. We switched the sleigh blades to wheels, and then rolled briskly down the mountain pass to the city’s center. Before long, we were bustled through the palace gates; massive stone blocks that opened and closed with agonizing slowness. The moment the gates shut behind us, I finally saw the discomfort on Julia’s face. I felt bad for her, but I smiled inwardly. Finally, someone as uncomfortable as me. From there, we endured a modest procession, and then were briskly taken to the throne room. My father was of course, not present for my arrival. The man was more of a stranger to me than the bartender at the local tavern (although, few people knew me better than he), and he hadn’t even corresponded with me since I left for the estate twelve years ago, when I was six. “Princess Lucilla Flitari,” one of my father’s advisor said to me, standing in front of the vacant throne, “thank you for your spirited arrival. His Highness is waiting for you in the keep.” “He wants to see me?” I asked, feeling my breath catch in my throat, “Now?!” “Of course,” the adviser said, looking very amused at my distress, “you’re his daughter. You can leave your priestess with us, and we’ll escort her to your quarters.” “No.” I said firmly, “She goes where I go.” “Your Grace,” Julia whispered behind me, “I don’t think that’s-” “Women of the church have been banned from the palace keep,” the adviser said, “His Highness’s orders are final.” “Your Grace,” Julia whispered again, “I’ll be fine on my own.” “But I won’t be!” I hissed back, “I fucking need you, Julia!” “You’re a strong woman, Lucilla,” Julia whispered, giving me an apologetic smile, “you will find a way.” Julia actually looked relieved that she didn’t have to go. I couldn’t blame her, but once again, I was mad that she wasn’t going to be sharing in my discomfort. I gave her a parting scowl, and then followed my escort to the keep. They were two heavily armored guards, both of dark blood. Of all the races of elves, dark elves were the most different. Their bronze skin, black hair, and dark, brown eyes distinguished them from the porcelain skin, blue eyes, and platinum hair of high elves, the pale skin, green eyes, and red hair of bright elves, and the tan skin, hazel eyes, and golden hair of dawn elves. Not only that, but they stood several inches taller than high elves, the next tallest race, and were of much stockier build. They still bore the fair features and pointed ears of all elves, but there was a fearsomeness about them that made them excellent soldiers. “We’re going to be your guards from here on out,” one of them said to me, oddly not addressing me by my honorific, “I’m Drask, and this is Malek; don’t try to talk to him, he doesn’t speak.” “And why’s that?” I asked. “He gets attached to the people he’s charged to protect.” Drask explained. “And that’s a bad thing… why?” I asked. “You’re to be the emperor’s assistant,” Drask said, “so to be honest, Your Grace, we’re not really expecting this to be a long-term relationship.” “Oh,” I muttered, feeling a chill crawl up my spine, “I see.” “If you want my advice,” Drask said, “just do what he says. Telavia started screaming about how his whole project was bullshit, and look where that got her. Just put on a smile, and say ‘yes, sir,’ no matter what he asks of you.” Drask stopped at the door to the keep, and then turned to face me, a stern expression on his face. “Let me see your poker-face, Princess.” He said. “My what?” I asked. “Show me the face you give ambassadors and merchants when they insult you,” Drask said, “that face that says: ‘I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear that.’ You’re going to need that face in there.” “I… don’t have that face,” I said nervously, entwining my fingers together, “I’ve never actually dealt with ambassadors or merchants.” Drask snorted. “Well, you’re fucked.” He said frankly. “Yeah,” I sighed, not caring any longer about this man’s lack of propriety, “I am.” “At least you know it,” Drask said, and then opened the door, “try not to scream.” I walked through the door, and barely held the shriek that bulged in my throat. Moans and screams assaulted my ears in a chorus of depravity. The pale, fine skin of high-elf women mingled with the dark-green flesh of orc. Their bodies were strewn about an expansive floor; gyrating in debauched motions, wriggling in perverse heaves and bending in rows of arching backs. The platinum strands of elven hair flailed wildly as their bearers were taken in every which way. It seemed that not a hole was left unfilled. Each woman was stuffed to capacity, some with multiple men in a single hole, all of them occupied mercilessly. The woman nearest to me was bent over; an orc beneath her, an orc behind her, and an orc in front of her. She writhed between the men taking her ass and pussy, shifting to some dance of depravity whose cadence she could only hear. She watched me with unseeing, glazed-over eyes as she took the orc in front of her all the way down her throat. Her occupied mouth permeated with soft gurgles and gags, and though she looked to be in discomfort, she also seemed to be entranced in a euphoria too great for her mind to take. They thrusted harder and harder into her, and she only seemed to move with greater fervency. In and out, in an out; the cocks piercing her were slick with the nectar of her arousal, and the secretion of her mouth. Faster and faster; her body began to ripple; her breasts flailing beneath her, her ass jiggling with the impact of the orc sodomizing her, her thighs quivering in abject pleasure. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she uttered a primal, desperate scream as the thrusts reached their peak. Her back dove into a violent arch, her breasts jutted forward, her hips shot backward, and then she came. She came in a toe-curling, leg-trembling display of vulgar lust the likes of which I’d never seen. The men came as well, and the woman ravenously drank the seed of the one in her throat as the viscous, white fluid leaked from the gaping holes behind her. I was terrified; terrified, and aroused. Thinking about her pleasure, thinking about how it must feel to be so well filled, to be so thoroughly taken that you’re no longer a person, but a debased object with a singular purpose: to come. To come, and to please those that make you come. “Lucilla!” A cheerful voice sounded from above, “So glad you could make it. Please, come up here.” I looked up to the balcony, and saw my father for the first time in over a decade. He was haggard, with an untamed beard and hair well past his shoulders, but he still looked like the man I remembered. I ascended the steps to the balcony, pulling my dress up to keep the skirt from trailing in the sexual filth that littered the floor. Father was in a heated discussion with two of his assistants, who he dismissed once I reached the top step. “Your locker is on the far wall,” Father said, reading something on his desk and not looking up at me, “you’ll find a habit and a pair of slippers in there; I suspect you don’t want to ruin your fine clothing.” I stared at him for a moment. Nice to see you too, Dad. I guess we’re just going to pretend that what I walked into is completely normal. I remembered Drask’s words: poker-face. This man is insane, and I’m treading on dangerous ground. I walked over to the open locker, took off my stiletto heels, and threw on the habit and slippers. This is what Julia wears every day, I mused, looking down at the formless clothing, it’s so boring! No one can see my curves, or my cleavage! I shook the vain thought from my head, and then approached Father. I stood behind him with my hands clasped in front of me, waiting for whatever it was he needed. “Glatian!” Father called to one of his assistant, “What is Sara doing?” “Which one is Sara, your Highness?” the assistant asked. “Three-twenty-seven,” Father said, “you really should know their names by now. What is she doing?” “She says she has cramps, your highness,” the assistant said, “she’s going to the sauna to warm her muscles.” “No,” Father insisted, “tell her we’re sorry, but she still has to finish. Give her water for the cramps.” The assistant bustled off, leaving Father alone with me. “You’re rumored to be quite the hedonist, Lucilla,” Father said, still watching the debauchery below with a studious expression, “tell me, what would you change?” “I… uh…” I started, “I’m not sure what you’re implying.” “You have a reputation of getting drunk, using narcotics, and engaging in rampant sexual activity.” Father said in a very matter-of-fact way, “So, given your penchant for the carnal things in life, I’d like to know what you’d change to get the results I’m looking for.” There wasn’t any judgement in his tone, and there was no way I was going to lie to him about something he obviously deemed trivial. It was apparent that Father would not suffer fools, and I did not want to prove myself as such. I sifted through my mind, recalling Julia’s lessons in the carriage. “You’re trying to trigger an extreme-pleasure response.” I said, and Father nodded. “We hired a succubus to design this,” Father said, “she insisted that orcs would be best. They are a vigorous lot, and at first, the women seemed to be only in pain, but after a while, they adapted. In post-experimental surveys, the subjects gave the orcs resounding reviews. They look like they’re in states of extreme pleasure, but still, not a single woman has shown herself to be what we’re looking for. We must be doing something wrong.” Father slid a thick ledger over to me. “These are all of the experiments we’ve conducted,” he said, “maybe an untrained eye can spot what we’re missing.” I opened the book, and as I read through it, my jaw dropped lower and lower. These women had been through the gauntlet. Some of the experiments were designed to incorporate both extreme pleasure and extreme stress, and I noted in horror that the most perverse of these was designed by none other than my dearly-departed half-sister. It seemed that she had tried desperately to get the results Father wanted, but of course, the results never came. I felt a chill run up my spine. How long before he decides I’m useless? Will he kill me, or just send me away? “It looks like your experiments so far have been very… extensive,” I replied, flipping through the pages and taking mental notes on some of the acts for later experimentation of my own, “I’m afraid I don’t have any insight I can provide. I just don’t have the experience.” “Well,” Father said, still shuffling through his notes, “then go down there and get the experience.” “What?!” I nearly screamed. “Go down there,” Father smiled as he pulled the ledger from my hands, “and get the experience you feel you need.” The way he smiled was almost paternal, but not quite. It was the kind of smile someone gives you when they’re disguising an order as a request. It was not the kind of smile I could refuse. Tevalia’s head was on a spike because she didn’t recognize the danger in that smile. “I…” I said, swallowing, not believing what I was about to do, “I’ll do it.” “Wonderful!” Father said, the danger leaving his smile, “When you’re done with that, you can leave for today; I suspect you’ll be of little use to me afterward.” Father turned away, looking through his notes, trying to find the reason nothing was working. Because it was a lie by an old man, you insane fool! I wanted to scream, but I didn’t. Instead, I turned from him, and walked down the steps, into the debauchery below. I stared blankly at the scene before me, with no idea where to start. Do I just… jump in? I thought, Or do I pick some orcs from a lineup? How much control do I have? God, those things are huge; how do those women get them to fit?! “Hey,” A female voice said from behind me, “we’re out of wine over here, could you give us a refill?” I turned, and saw a group of beautiful, sixteen-year-old high elves chatting with a robust group of orcs at a table. They were all smoking, drinking and laughing, as if the hellish debauchery surrounding them were nothing but a picnic. And I supposed, for these girls it probably was. “I’m not a steward,” I said, more than a little intimidated by the women, whose nonchalant nakedness and easy smiles put my sexual confidence to shame, “I’m a princess.” “Nice to meet you, Your Grace,” the woman smiled and shook her empty glass, “now, could we get some more wine?” “I’m not here to serve you!” I said, lifting my chin with a touch of royal indignation, “I’m here to… to…” I dropped my head and sighed, “can one of you tell me how this works? Father says I need experience.” “Oh, virgin blood!” the girl exclaimed happily. “I’m not a virgin.” I said. “Yeah, you are,” the woman smiled, punching out her cigarette and walking toward me, “I don’t care how many princelings or farm boys you’ve fucked, Princess, in here, you’re a virgin.” She strutted around me, assessing me. I felt like an idiot being the only girl wearing clothing, so I pulled off my habit, and kicked off my slippers. The girl touched me on the shoulder before I could take off my dress. “Leave that on,” she said, her voice a sultry fry, her eyes studying me, “I want to watch it get torn off you, piece by piece.” “I didn’t know you were in charge,” I said sternly to the woman, “what’s your name, girl?” “Sara,” the woman smiled, “and yours?” “Lucilla,” I said, aware that honorific titles meant nothing here, “how are your cramps, Sara?” “Oh, they’re much better now,” she smirked, “I didn’t even need the water; Bron just fucked them out of me.” I laughed at that. It was nice for change, to talk with women who didn’t lecture me on my behavior, or speak to me like I was a child. For once, I wasn’t the whore of the room. Actually, I was probably a prim maiden compared to these girls. I let my pride fall, and put myself in a pupil’s role to the women and orcs who would be my teachers. There was no use in clinging to titles and decorum here; I was a novice, and needed experience. “I have to admit,” I said to Sara with a nervous smile, “I have no idea what I’m doing.” “That’s obvious,” Sara chuckled, taking my arm, “I’ll be your coach for today, Lucilla. You just do what I say, and you’ll get all the experience you need.” She walked me to the table, and then patted an empty bench. I sat down, and she gently guided my hands to the edge of the tabletop. “You’re going to need to hold on to something,” she winked, and then began to pull up my dress from behind me, “have you ever done anything back here?” “Yes,” I said, feeling my heart flutter as my dress was pulled past my hips, exposing my supple, naked backside, “many times, to avoid pregnancy.” “Oh?” Sara cooed in a drawn-out sound that was almost a moan, “Maybe I underestimated you, Lucilla. Do you like it in the ass?” “Yes.” I grinned back. “Perfect,” she whispered, “then I don’t need to stretch you out.” Two, strong, green hands grabbed my shoulders, and a pain the likes of which I’ve never felt before screamed into my rectum. My eyes flashed open and trembled in their sockets, my knuckles turned white against the table’s edge, and my mouth gaped wide, but no sound came out. My back curved into an arch so deep it hurt, but it was all I could do in the wake of the agonizing penetration I was experiencing. My rim expanded and stretched into a tight, pulsing, white circle as the orc’s cock pushed deeper and deeper. The snug, tender flesh within me uncoiled about his advance, and I felt his rigid heat separate me in places I didn’t know existed. He throbbed in the tightest reaches of my sinful hole, his pulse drumming against my thin, inner-flesh, adding a second heartbeat to my own. Finally, his pelvis met the supple fat of my backside, and he held me there, forcing me to accept his brutal invasion. “It’s quite the sensation, isn’t it?” Sara whispered, her breathing heavy in my ear, “To take an orc into your ass for the first time? I wish I could experience it again; the pain is just so… perfect. ” I found my voice, and the sound that came from my chest was not a sound I’d ever made before. A shrill, animalistic scream erupted from my gaping lips, and Sara clapped her hands and giggled. She pulled down the bodice of my dress, and my medium-sized bust flew out in a jiggle of pale flesh. She pinched her thumbs and fingers about my erect nipples, and slowly started pulling them forward, and rolling them between her digits. “Your older sister made that same face,” she smiled as the orc began to pull, “I liked Telavia; I wonder why she left?” The orc’s girth pulled my anal skin out with his retreat. I could feel myself exiting my own body in a sheath of ruined, pink flesh. My scream grew higher, but it wasn’t because it hurt. I was still in agony, but the feeling of him turning me inside-out was such a… foreign, deep feeling. The pressure inside me subsided as my insides relaxed to their former positions, and I could feel air sinking coolly into the prolapsed bud that clung like a vice to his cock. There was a tingling, aching pleasure that permeated from my emptied rectum, and a… a hunger within my vacant channel. My scream subsided on my lips, and I looked up to Sara through teary-eyes, and smiled. She smiled back, knowing what I was experiencing, and twisted my nipples just a bit harder. A moan escaped me, and I twitched my ass, looking backward at the well-muscled monster lining up his next shot. He pushed into me, harder than before, and I screamed in delight and agony as my insides were filled again. It felt like he was forcing my innards back into me, but despite the invasive nature of the sensation, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. It was, in fact, euphoric. My body was propelled upward; the backs of my hands colliding with my ribs, my arms bending sharply at the elbow, my breasts bursting from above the table, and my ass lifting off the seat, where strings of glistening nectar snapped from my leaking pussy. My screams of agony became moans of pleasure became screams of ecstasy. I’d never been taken so deeply, so violently, so beautifully. He treated me like a piece of meat, like a baseless slut with no humanity, and I reveled in it. I’m just your little, anal whore, I thought, GAAH, fuck me like the worthless cunt I am! Then I wondered why I would keep those thoughts to myself, so I vocalized them, encouraging him to fuck me harder. “My, my, my, Princess,” Sara laughed, twisting my nipples with malice, “those are not words royalty should be saying.” I clung to the edge of the table as my body shook with the fervent blasts of his lust. His cock scorched through me, and then abruptly stopped as his pelvis smacked into my ass. The porcelain canvas of my backside was marred with the red impact of his pelvis, the pristine complexion of my face was flushed with my exertion, and the tender flesh of my breasts was pulled by Sara’s calm, yet sadistic pinches. God, it was good, better than anything I’d ever had, and it only got better. The orc picked me up by the hips, his cock still throbbing in my desecrated anus, and then grabbed me by the underside of my thighs, and spread me wide. Another beast approached, his massive, engorged member swaying from between his muscled quads. My eyes widened in fear and arousal, and I simultaneously beckoned him forward as I cringed for what was to come. The orc in my ass stopped thrusting, and my new partner aimed his shot. He grinned at me; the tusks protruding from his lower lips gleaming, his black eyes shining, and his nostrils flaring like a bull in heat. I smiled weakly back; the vulnerability and apprehensiveness mixing with the carnal hunger. He teased me with his tip; separating my tender petals with a girth I doubted would ever fit. His heat brushed through me, and my need grew. My body shifted on its own about the man impaling me, and I moaned a pleading tone. I no longer cared if it would hurt, I no longer cared if it would break me, I just needed it inside me; needed it more than anything. He stopped his teasing, his cock glistening with the sheen of my lust, and he pushed inside. My legs stretched to lateral splits, my back arched behind me, my shoulders pinched back, and my neck striated with tension as I tilted my face skyward to yield a scream. My dress hiked past my hips, the slits on the sides draping about my exposed thighs and the trail of my skirt soaked with the secretion of my violation. My heart thundered in my chest as I felt the greatest pleasure I’d ever known. Deep, stretching, piercing penetration; the cocks inside me pressing along the fleshy division of my channels, rubbing mercilessly through every nerve-covered expanse of lewd flesh within me. They thrusted in unison, lifting me between them and then dropping me, impaling me with their rigid heat and mercilessly exploiting every inch my body had to offer. My violation was so complete, so filling, so perfect. It hurt in all the right ways; separating my vulnerable insides and ramming through them with vicious intent. I screamed higher and higher, louder and louder as my body shifted up and down, flailing and jiggling, writhing and squirming. I clasped my fingers together behind the neck of the orc sodomizing me, and danced a possessed gyration; my abdomen flexing in waves, my breast jutting outward and then falling, jiggling to the cadence of our fervent samba. My dress was torn and darkening with the strain of sex, my body was moving in simple reaction to the feeling, and my mind was clouding, drifting in haze of lust. Focused thought gave way to transient inklings, and I lost myself for a blissful, euphoric moment. It started as a weakness; a wonderful, disarming feeling that left me incapacitated, and gelatinous. The sensation slowly changed, becoming something more primal, more… violent. It churned in me; boiling in my desecrated nethers and simmering its heat into my pelvis. The feeling expanded, rushing into my abdomen, scorching into my chest, leaving me breathless, gasping, trying to find a voice that was no longer there. It compelled me to move, to shift, to clench. My body tensed as the feeling built and built, ballooning from the center of my defilement and radiating its electric pleasure into every extremity that bore nerves. It roiled through me until I could take no more, and then it burst. The cathartic release washed over me, and my scream sung out high and clear as my back wrenched into an arch that touched my shoulders to one man, and my navel to the next. I bent myself backward in the wake of my euphoria, and I squirted the final note to my debauched symphony. The orcs erupted into my depths, sending their viscous lava into the ruined caverns of my body. It seeped into my colon, and burned its wonderful heat into my open womb. “Holy. Fucking. Shit!” I stammered when language reentered my brain. They pulled out of me, and my ass prolapsed in a wonderfully exhausted ruin. My pussy didn’t fare much better, but at least it stayed inside me. Hot, white seed leaked from my violated holes, and dripped freely from my body, and onto the floor below. Sara helpfully pushed my ass back inside me, and a shiver of residual pleasure shot up my spine. I turned to her, matching her gaze. Then, I was kissed by another woman for the first time in my life. Sara’s lips were sweet and lush, and her tongue was gentle and playful. I found my eyes drooping in bliss, and my hand entangling in her platinum strands. As I drank the woman in, my mind drifted, and for some reason, my thoughts went to Julia. JULIA A single, blue flame danced in the palm of my hand. I focused on it, trying to keep it small and manageable, trying to keep my emotions in check. I was a devout servant of the Holy Mother, but that was only half the reason I was a nun. Nuns live a sanguine life of moderation, nuns live a life of humble service, nuns live a life without passion or lust. Nuns experience neither extreme pleasure, nor extreme stress; perfect for a Creator in denial. The flame dwindled in my palm, becoming a sapphire ember. Terondia was a place of terror and anger, and would test the limits of my resolve. I had avoided traveling into the keep, but I was still just a few footfalls from the heart of the beast. There was something I’d been avoiding that I could no longer. I would have to face it now, lest it consume me at a dangerous time, and dangerous times were upon me. I took a deep breath, and the flame became nothing but a spark. Daddy’s screaming at Mommy. She did something bad, but I don’t know what. I run to them, trying to get them to step yelling. Daddy pushes me aside, and Mommy screams at him. He hits her. She falls to the ground in a flail of crimson hair. He’s screaming at her, and she’s crying, sobbing on the floor, saying she’s sorry. He kicks her, still screaming, his face as red as his hair, his eyes bulging. She’s shrieking on the floor, curling up, trying to protect herself, but he just keeps kicking! Someone else is screaming; a high, shrill sound. It’s coming from me. Blue flames, tendrils of heat, coiling in the air, surrounding me. I’m on fire! I’m not burning, I’m not on fire… I am the fire! An uncontrolled blaze, an inferno of fear pouring from my heart and blasting from my skin. They’re screaming, shrieking, blackening. They’re rolling in agony, but I can’t stop! I can’t stop! I CAN’T STOP! My eyes flashed open, but my heart stayed calm. The flame in my hand had flared a bit, but not too much. There had been a time when the memory consumed me, and I had to dive into the nearest well, lake or river to conceal my nature. If a body of water was not available when a fit came, I would run to the quarry and hide in the caves. People thought I was crazy, but Lucilla just thought it was funny. Her estate housed the orphanage for the rural province, and she always wanted to hang out with the unfortunate children. To her, we were the cool kids, and the young lords and ladies she was supposed to socialize with were boring. She took an especial liking to me, mostly due to my crazy antics, and we’d been best friends ever since. I heard footsteps down the hallway, and I extinguished the flame in my hand. Lucilla walked into the room, looking like she’d spent the afternoon in a tornado. Her platinum hair was a frizzled mess, her pale cheeks were flushed, her makeup was smeared, and her dress was torn in multiple places. She limped her way into the room with a goofy smile strewn across her lips. “Sister Julia,” she said tiredly, “if you would be so kind, could you draw me up a bath?” “Good Mother,” I gasped, “what happened to you?!” “I accepted a job position as assistant director of the Creator Project,” Lucilla said, flopping on the bed and kicking off her shoes, “and the interviewing process was incredibly rigorous.” I shuffled over to the tub and turned on the water, adding fragrances and soaps to the basin before moving to assist Lucilla. She sat upright, and I undid the buttons on her dress, noting the sucking marks on her neck, the bruises on her back, and the hand prints on her thighs. My first instinct was to worry, but then I saw the satisfied grin strewn across her lips. “I think you have quite the confession to give me,” I mused with a sly smile, “your sins are painted across your body.” “Bless me Sister, for I have strayed from the Mother’s path.” Lucilla said as the tattered remains of her dress fell off her naked back. “Bare your sins upon me, so that I may ease the burden on your soul.” I recited, helping her to her feet and walking her to the bath, “Now, give me all the juicy details.” I washed my princess as she recited the day’s events. My eyes grew wider with each passing detail, and I interrupted her several times to say a prayer for her damned soul, before excitedly beckoning for her to continue. “Orcs?” I hissed, a giggle mixing in my horror, “You laid with beasts?!” “Two of them.” Lucilla smiled up at my shocked face. “Holy Mother, protect this wicked child,” I recited, drawing a halo over Lucilla’s head, “now, how were they?” “ Amazing, ” Lucilla exclaimed, “you know I am not a size-queen, motion of the ocean and all that, but these guys… ho-lee shit. They made an elf-sandwich out of me, and it was absolutely wonderful.” “That sounds incredibly painful,” I said, lathering her hair with soap, “I don’t know how anyone could possibly enjoy that.” “We’re not all asexual zealots,” Lucilla smirked at me, “some of us like fun.” “I am not asexual,” I said, splashing water in her eyes. “just because I made vows doesn’t mean I don’t have desires.” “Oh?” Lucilla, perked-up, “Well, let’s hear them.” “Are you sure?” I smiled at her, “Because you can’t unhear them.” “Oooo,” Lucilla sniggered, “I always suspected they’d be dirty. I have a theory that nuns are the kinkiest bitches; repressed sexuality does strange things to people’s fantasies.” “My darkest, dirtiest, most depraved fantasy,” I whispered, looking Lucilla in the eyes as I massaged her scalp with fine oils, “is you,” I watched Lucilla’s eyes grow wide, and a devious smile formed on my lips, “married and with children, engaging in a life of humble propriety in service to the Holy Mother.” I laughed as Lucilla’s face fell in disappointment, “It’s terribly perverse, I know. I’ll make sure to pray all night for my depravity.” “You know what?” Lucilla said, “I’m going to move in with the project girls; you’re too fucking boring.” “I’m sure you’d be right at home with them.” I smiled. “Not really,” Lucilla said, “those women are fucking crazy.” “After all that’s been done to them,” I said somberly, washing her shoulders, “madness is surely the only way to cope with reality.” “Oh, they’re not insane,” Lucilla said, “they’re just wild. I was expecting tortured, soulless husks who needed help feeding themselves, but they’re not.” “Did you speak at length with them?” I asked, “How can you be sure they’re not being coerced into complacency?” “I spoke with one of them,” Lucilla said, “and if she was acting, she was doing a very convincing job of it. She…” Lucilla’s expression changed subtly, and she looked up at me with an inquisitive glance, “she kissed me.” “And the sins pile on,” I sighed, leaning forward and washing the tops of her breasts, “at this rate, Lucilla you’ll have to spend the rest of your life praying for a chance at forgi-” Her lips stopped my words. The lush, moist flesh pressed to mine, and traced fire into the tender outline of my mouth. My heart dropped in my chest, and I sat in paralytic shock as her tongue pushed between the crease of our mouths, and tickled my own. A deep, blissful feeling thrummed gently in the back of my skull. It was accompanied by a desire… a hunger whose alluring fulfillment rested upon Lucilla’s lips. I wanted to sate my hunger, to taste the sweet promise that lay in Lucilla’s mouth. I almost did, but my mind came roaring back to me, and I ripped my face from hers as my heart thundered in my throat. The flames that stoked my essence danced within me, begging to light upon my flesh, and I quelled them with all the resolve I could muster. “Julia?” Lucilla asked, her voice small and scared, “Julia, I’m sorry, I don’t know what-” “You’re drunk,” I said, eyes still closed, breathing deeply through my nose, pushing down the fire, “I could taste the wine on you. You will finish bathing yourself, and then you will go to bed. Come morning time, we will both pretend this never happened.” “Julia…” I stood up, leaving my naked princess alone in the tub. I walked away from her, trying to dull the sharpness of my nerves, trying to quench the flames inside me, trying to stop savoring the taste of her lingering on my tongue. It was my first kiss, it was a sin, it was perverse, and it was wonderful. Forbidden thoughts danced teasingly before my god-fearing complex, singing songs of flesh and moans, inviting me to succumb to them. But no, I would not. It was a sin, it was perverse, it was wonderful, and it was dangerous. My clenched palm shown dully blue between the lines of my pressed fingers, and I opened my hand to reveal the flame that had ignited in my lust. Lucilla didn’t know how close she’d come. LUCILLA The next morning was the most awkward of my life. Yeah, I was drunk last night, but not nearly drunk enough to get away with that. It was just… Julia looked so pretty in the fire light. Her green eyes were twinkling, her apple cheeks blushed ruby against her pale complexion, her full, red lips matched the deep passion of her hair, and on top of it all, she was gently washing my breasts. Maybe it was because Sara gave me my first lesbian kiss, and it awoke a part of my sexuality I didn’t know existed. Maybe I wanted to share my lustful revelation with the person I cared most for in this world. Or maybe, I was just drunk and horny. Julia’s a fucking nun for Mother’s sake; what was I thinking?! As Julia and I silently ate breakfast, I realized this wasn’t just a one-off feeling for me. My eyes lingered on her; the subtle swell of her breasts beneath her habit, the way the cloth narrowed at her waist, and then widened, showing the outline of an ass that she tried oh-so-hard to conceal. She had a body beneath that habit, a body that couldn’t be hidden, even with the formless drape of nun clothing. Had I never noticed it before? Eye contact between us was fleeting and painful, and I quickly finished breakfast and went to the keep. It would take a while before the awkwardness of last night’s mistake was buried. “Lucilla!” Father said warmly as I entered the large room. It seemed I’d come before today’s debauchery commenced, as he and six of his assistants were the only ones there. As I ascended the steps, I realized that the men surrounding Father were wizards, marked by their bald heads, and the glowing dot between their eyes that signified their bond with an astral being. “Father.” I nodded curtly. “I trust the experience you garnered yesterday will prove invaluable,” Father said, sharing notes with the men and signing forms as I approached him, “I think a fresh perspective is what we really need right now. My wizards have found something very exciting, and I’d like your interpretation of it. Let’s be off.” The wizards stepped away from Father, forming a circle around him with their hands clasped together. Father beckoned me into the circle, and I took a tentative step forward and ducked beneath the joined arms of the mages. I’d never traveled by portal before, and I was more than a little nervous. The wizards’ eyes lit with yellow light, the dots on their foreheads shot beams of power, and a translucent orb grew around us, blinding the world for a moment, before dimming to reveal a new landscape. We were in a desert, with sand stretching as far as the eye could see in one direction, and an imposing wall of cliffs blocking the sunlight in the other. The wall of sheer cliffs stretched endlessly from horizon to horizon, standing in absolute verticality, before sloping into snow-capped peaks that towered three miles over the flat sand. This was the Gratoran Wall, the natural division between the orc empire of sand, and the dwarven princedom of hills and mountains on the other side. This particular spot would be a nameless, unimportant place, were in not for the landmark that had made this patch of sand and rock one of the most significant locations in the world. A swath of the wall was cut neatly, and perfectly from one peak, to another, splitting the tops of the mountains all the way down to the base. It looked as though someone had taken a knife to the landscape, and had carved out a perfect hallway three miles high, and half a mile wide. The hall was complete with a flat, smooth floor of granite, that ran nine miles between the mountains, connecting orc empire to dwarf princedom. This was the Droktin Pass, named after the orc Earth Former who had created it two millennia ago. “It is understandable,” Father said, glancing at the geometric gash in the landscape, “why the matrons of the Holy Mother feel so threatened by Creators. This is a tangible act of god, a landmark of true divinity.” “It is amazing,” I said, gawking at the scene, “but why have you brought me here? This is nothing new.” “No,” Father said, walking past his wizards and beckoning me to follow, “but this is.” I stared down at the black rock he was gesturing to. “You’re confused,” he smiled, reading my expression, “it’s just a piece of obsidian, after all. Interesting that it would be here when the nearest volcano is five-hundred miles away, but still, nothing to take much note of. What about that?” he pointed at another obsidian boulder, larger than the one before, and shaped slightly differently, “That can’t be a coincidence, can it?” Father smiled at my confused face, and then beckoned me to follow him. We passed boulder after boulder of obsidian, each growing larger than the next, each forming a more distinct shape, until we reached a large, perfectly-formed black cube, measuring twenty feet in all dimensions, with a surface so glossy I could see my reflection in it. Protruding from the side of the cube, was a fist made of rock, so perfect in its imitation that not a single carving mark nor chisel scratch could be seen. “He came here to practice,” Father said, brushing his fingertips along the glassy surface, “maybe he sought inspiration in the shadow of a miracle, or maybe he thought ancient power still dwelt within the carved mountains.” I felt my heart skip a beat as the realization dawned on me. “I’ve been following him, or her, I don’t really know their gender,” Father said, “I’ve been following this Creator for eleven years.” “It’s true,” I whispered, touching my palm to the cool surface of the rock, “they’ve actually returned.” “Of course, they’ve returned!” Father chuckled, “Did you really think I’d take seven-hundred children on just the promise of an old man?” “I thought…” I started, “I thought…” “You thought I was mad,” Father grinned, “everyone does, but being emperor means I don’t have to care about what everyone thinks; just those with influence, and those I love.” “Like Telavia?” I asked, and then immediately regretted it. “Telavia lost faith.” Father said somberly, “The pressure I put on her was… significant, and she betrayed me.” “What did she do?” I asked. “We had a difference of opinion,” Father said, looking away from me, “and we could not reconcile that difference.” “I need to know, Father,” I said, “I can’t help you if I’m second-guessing every decision I make, wondering if any mistake will be my last.” Father looked genuinely hurt at my concern. He walked toward me, and held out is arm. I took it, feeling a foreboding sense of dread as he walked us away from the six mages. “As you know,” Father said, “Creators first exhibit their powers under conditions of extreme stress. When I took the children, I began putting them through stress-tests. It was… hard, at first, to do that to them. I refrain from the use of the word ‘torture,’ but it wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that’s what occurred. Obviously, we did not get the results we wanted. So, we waited until sexual maturation, and then we began extreme-pleasure tests. Telavia and I worked tirelessly to perfect the tests, to evoke the reaction we desired, but the results never came.” “So, you blamed her,” I said softly, “and you killed her.” “It wasn’t as callous as that.” Father said, turning me around so that I faced him, “Telavia was convinced that we didn’t have the woman we were looking for. She tried to free the subjects, and destroy years of work. She betrayed me, and I punished her for her treason.” “Is it treason?” I asked him, “Is your project a concern of national security?” “You see that pass?” Father said, directing his hand to the carving in the cliffsides, “That pass opened an unassailable range, and led to a war that killed millions. Creators are weapons, Lucilla, and nations that do not have them will be forced beneath the heel of those that do.” I could not deny the wisdom in Father’s words. The Creators had returned, and their return marked both a threat, and an opportunity. Still, there was something he was missing, something that he couldn’t see for himself, but I could. “Telavia was right, Father,” I said cautiously, gaging his reaction, “you don’t have the Heat Bringer.” “What makes you say that?” Father asked, his expression growing dark. “What I felt yesterday…” I started, recalling the feeling of the orcs inside me, “was a sensation so extreme I lost function of my mind. If you had the Heat Bringer, she would have shown herself already.” “Telavia said the same thing,” Father replied, “days before she betrayed me.” “I will not betray you,” I said, trying to keep my poker-face, and not break down in panic, “but if you will not listen to two of your daughters telling you the same thing, then I cannot help you.” Father looked at the gash in the mountains, contemplating my words. I waited with bated breath for him to draw his sword, and end me for my insolence, but he didn’t. He dropped his head, and I saw genuine sorrow on his face. “I broke those girls, Lucilla,” Father said, “I twisted them and molded them to my liking. Over a decade of subtle manipulation, of giving and taking, of playing god with their psyches until they adored me. Do you know about Binding?” “It’s when a Creator comes out of their infancy,” I replied, “they create a reservoir of power in another person, and can draw infinitely from it.” “The Creator has to choose their Binder,” Father said, “they cannot be coerced into it; it has to be a genuine connection. They must love the person they bind with, so I have made the girls love me, even as I took everything from them. If what you’re saying is true, then any hope of our nation acquiring the permanent allegiance of a Creator is lost. I let her slip through the cracks, and now she is too old and too warry to mold. I fear, given my reputation, that the Heat Bringer will make an enemy of us.” “What are you going to do?” I asked him. “This point of contention between Telavia and myself is what compelled her to act as she did.” Father said, “She told me I did not have the Creator, and I told her that if all else failed, I would lay pitch upon the floor of the palace keep, and light all seven-hundred of them ablaze.” “What?!” I yelled. “It is a misnomer that Heat Bringers cannot be burned,” Father said, “they are flesh and blood like the rest of us. However, their ethereal flame burns hotter than any earthly fire, so when they ignite, the blaze of other fires will not scorch them. We burned the palms of the girls when they were children, but none reacted favorably. Perhaps the threat wasn’t real enough; perhaps a mortal test is required. If it fails, then I will know definitively that you and Telavia were right.” “Father,” I whispered, horrified, “even if it works, you will have killed hundreds. How will the one remaining ever bind with you after you’ve murdered all her friends?” “That is why it is a last resort,” Father said grimly, “it is a terrible thing that I do not wish to do, but increasingly, I am realizing it is a thing I must do. If I cannot bind with the Creator, I can at least break her.” JULIA I did not want another awkward morning, so I decided that ignoring what happened probably wasn’t the best idea. Tonight, I would get Lucilla good and drunk, and then we’d bury the hatchet, and laugh the whole thing off. I selected her favorite wine from the royal cellar, and prepared her a bath to clean the sin from her skin. When Lucilla came into her quarters, her dress was intact, her face was unmarred, and her porcelain complexion was much paler than usual. She was shaking. “Lucilla?” I asked as she carefully sat on her bed, “Lucilla, what’s wrong?” She stared at the fire crackling in the hearth, and didn’t seem to hear what I said. I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped in surprise. “Your Grace?” I asked her, feeling the tension in her body, feeling the panic in my chest rise. I’d never seen her like this. She shook beneath my palm, her entire body quaking in fear. “He’s going to burn the girls,” she whispered, “he’s going to burn them all alive.” “What?!” I hissed, feeling my panic grow to horror. “It’s why he killed Telavia,” she said, her voice hushed and terrified, “because she was going to free them before he could do it.” There was a silence between us as the gravity of her words sunk into my chest. Seven-hundred women were going to be burned alive. Seven-hundred women I could save just by giving myself up. Could I do it? Could I enslave myself to save hundreds I didn’t know? How many thousands would die if I put myself in the control of a tyrant? What would he do to me?! “I…” Lucilla gulped, “I have to get them out, Julia. If I don’t try something, I won’t be able to live with myself.” “You can’t,” I replied, feeling numb, “after what Telavia did, he’ll be expecting it from you.” “I still have to try.” Lucilla whispered. She sat in silence for another moment. “I think,” she finally said, her voice void of emotion, “I think you can give me my final rites now.” “Lucilla…” “No,” she said, “don’t. Just… just give me my rites, Julia. Maybe if I do this… maybe, if I try… maybe your god will let me into that heaven of yours.” “Let me speak with your father,” I said, my voice wavering, “I think I can convince him otherwise.” “Father doesn’t care about the words of The Holy Mother,” Lucilla said, “he seeks another god.” “Then,” I said, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, “I will bless him with her presence.” LUCILLA Julia’s splayed her hand before my eyes; the glowing hearth casting shadows across her subtle veins and faint lines. A blue flame ignited in her palm, bathing her delicate fingers in sapphire. The heat was steady, unwavering, and not scorching the flesh that bore it. My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped as my heart pounded in my ears. “Arbritus Gen,” Julia said softly, “is a name everyone knows, but few people understand. In modern tongue, it translates roughly to ‘Man of purity.’ I am his descendant, Lucilla; I am of pure blood.” “No,” I whispered, gazing at the sapphire blaze in the palm of her hand, “that’s impossible.” “You will take me to your father,” Julia said, “and you will save those girls.” “No,” I whispered again, not believing what I was seeing, “no, no, no.” “It’s the only way,” Julia said, her voice level and unshaking, “if we don’t, then we might as well have lit the match ourselves.” “Julia,” I said in hushed tone, touching her wrist, almost reverently, “you’re a god.” “I’m no god, Lucilla,” Julia smiled down at me, “there is but one.” My hand ran along the soft skin of her arm, it’s pale hue bathed in the orange-red firelight of the hearth, and the blue blaze in her palm, casting a purple gloss about her complexion. I looked up at her smiling face, and saw the flames mingle in her green eyes, dance shadows across her crimson hair, and shine against the flushed roses of her high cheeks. Her red lips glistened in the wavering light, and they creased in a gentle smile about her gorgeous portrait. No, my father would not have this woman. This woman belonged to me. I flattened my palm against her wrist, and stared into those green eyes as I clasped my hand over the blaze in hers. The fire died between us as our fingers curled in an embrace. I guided her forward, our smiles and gazes connecting as she leaned into me. “Lucilla,” she whispered as my other hand found her waist, “we can’t do this.” “Yes, we can.” I smiled, unknotting the rope that bound her habit. “God forbids it.” She replied, not stopping me from pulling the rope loose. “Do you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Blasphemy.” she smiled. “I’m a Creationist now, Julia,” I smirked, “come, let me worship you.” “Your god demands you to stop!” Julia laughed. “Great,” I grinned, “now I’m a sinner in two religions.” I pulled the rope from her habit, and the cloth that wrapped her figure loosened. My fingers trailed along the crease of buttons that bound her clothes to her body, and I deftly pulled each of them apart. “I can’t control it, Lucilla,” Julia said, reaching behind herself to stop me, “I’ll burn you.” “You won’t burn me,” I smiled, undoing the last button, “I know you won’t.” Her habit fell, and the dainty slip she wore beneath it draped scandalously off her. The soft curve of her shoulders lay bare, the pale crease of her breasts shown from the top of her bodice, and the silky flesh of her thighs angled full and supple from the frilled skirt that barely contained them. “For a woman of god,” I laughed softly, “you have an interesting taste in underwear.” “Lucilla,” Julia whispered, her body leaning into me, her eyes baring a needful, pleading glint, “we need to stop.” “Do we?” I asked her, one hand still clasped in hers, the other trailing up her arm, to her bare shoulder. “Lucilla,” Julia whispered again, her voice shaking slightly, “please, stop.” “You keep saying that word, ‘stop,’” I smiled as my hand found the strap of her slip, and pulled gently downward, “I don’t think you know what it means.” Julia’s slip trailed from her top in graceful flutter of folding silk. Her chest was laid bare to me; perfect, sloping breasts that swelled from her figure in a subtle curve, their pale hue a milky canvas that hinted at their supple nature, dotted with small, pink nipples at their precipice. She covered them with a shy forearm as I guided her to me by the waist. She sat tentatively on my lap, like a child on her father’s, and I couldn’t stifle the laugh. “Julia, what the fuck are you doing?” I giggled endearingly, guiding her by the hips to face me, and pulling her thick thighs apart until she straddled me about the waist. “Trying to decide whether or not to set you on fire,” Julia laughed back, some of her anxiety fading, “you’re not making it an easy choice.” “And you,” I said, gently gripping her covering forearm and pulling it away from her, “are a god with body-image problems. You do know you’re beautiful, don’t you?” Her arm fell away from her chest, and I guided both her hands in my own. I placed her fingers along the straps of my dress, and smiled as she nervously hooked them around them. She pulled down, sliding the spaghetti straps off my shoulders, and watching as inch after inch of my breasts were exposed to her, until we sat bare-chested in front of each other. Her eyes lingered on me, soaking in every curve of my bust, trailing along the arch of my neck, and then connecting with my gaze. She giggled bashfully, and her face fell, concealing her expression in a tumble of luxuriant, crimson locks. I laughed with her, and then brought my hand to her face, cupping the gentle bow of her blushing cheek and raising her eyes to mine. The smile that was revealed beneath the parting curtain of hair was not a scared smile, but a loving, longing smile. I shared it with her, and then brought our smiles together. JULIA I-can’t-do-this-I-can’t-do-this-I-can’t-do-this-I-can’t-do-this! The rational thought blared in my mind as our mouths connected. Lucilla’s breasts pressed against mine, forming a seal of warm flesh about our squishing busts as our lips formed a seal of humming love. I felt the apprehension melt from me, the anxiety bleed from my body as her lips gently drank of my budding lust. Her tongue flicked playfully across my own, and I joined her in the fun. I felt my body draw deeper to her, as if she was pulling us together through some unseen, irresistible force. My hands moved from their cautious perches at my sides, and tangled into her platinum hair; blonde strands twisting about playful fingers. Our mouths rotated about the axis of our lust, and the novice nature of my embrace fell away to instinctive confidence. I tilted her head back with guiding fingers, and pressed myself closer to her as our kiss deepened. I could feel her heart beating through our squishing busts, and I could feel the need of our bodies soaking through my slip. Our breaths grew heavy in each other’s mouths as we inhaled the sweet life from our lungs, burning its passion into our hearts. Her hands trailed down my sides, and pushed the slip from my waist. I lifted my legs about her, and let the last piece of my clothing fall from me. Our tongues entwined in lustful combat as I hovered my body over hers, and dragged her dress down her torso, over her pelvis, and off her legs. Our lips parted, and we stared at each other. Her sapphire eyes gleamed in the light, her porcelain skin was flushed with her lust, her full, pink lips were parted and smiling, and her body… Good Mother, her body! Her breasts swelled from her dainty figure, larger than my own, but not exaggerated. Her belly was a concave curve of pale flesh with a navel dotting its perfect center, and her glutes widened from her pelvis in lascivious curves that rounded into toned thighs, whose precipice formed a gap where her glistening, tight slit leaked for me. “Well,” Lucilla smiled, “are you just going to look at it?” “I’m not sure what to do with it.” I giggled, brushing my dangling hair over a pointed ear. Lucilla sat upright, and took two handfuls of my backside, sinking her fingers into the delectable fat that rounded my curves. She dragged my body across hers, and our slits ran through each other as our clits connected. A shot of pleasure raced up my spine, and a shiver followed it. A weak, vulnerable gasp slipped from my lips, and Lucilla smiled into my eyes. “You know,” she smiled, “I’ve never done anything with another woman before, so this is new for both of us.” “Well,” I smiled back, shifting my hips and savoring the feeling of her wet heat pressed against mine, “this feels nice; maybe we should keep doing this.” “Oh?” Lucilla asked with a raised eyebrow as she guided me to grind on top of her, “Is this enough for you, Julia? Does it feel just… nice? ” Our clits rubbed against each other, each touch sending electric pleasure singing into my pelvis. I felt the wetness between my legs grow, and a hunger in my nethers ache with tortuous vacancy. The emptiness needed-no- craved to be satisfied. No, no this was not enough for me. I felt my eyes droop in the heat of my desire, and a needful, pleading wine drift softly past my lips. “No,” I whispered, pressing our breasts closer together, feeling her erect nipples toying with my own, “Lucilla, I need you to fuck me from the inside.” I couldn’t believe those words just came out of my mouth. I said a silent prayer as Lucilla’s grin broadened to a wicked smile. I couldn’t help but smile back; it was the truth. “Sister Julia!” Lucilla exclaimed through giggles, “Did I just hear you say that?” “Forgive me, Holy Mother,” I started, feeling my face flush, “for the words of my-” “Shh.” Lucilla smiled, putting a finger to my lips, silencing me. Her blue eyes twinkled as the tip of her finger circled the outline of my mouth, gently deforming the luscious flesh. She pressed her finger to the crease of my pursed lips, and I hesitantly opened them for her. She put her finger into my mouth and (forgive me Mother for my lewdness) I sucked it. I twisted my lips around her finger, and hummed a needful tone as I drew it into my mouth. Lucilla’s thumb gently traced my cheek as I wetted her invading digit, and then she pulled it out, a sheen of my spit glistening from her extended index finger. “Your hip movements need some work,” Lucilla smirked, reaching behind me with her wetted finger as she spread my glutes wide with her gripping hand, “I think I know just the trick.” “Lucilla!” I gasp, alarmed, “That’s the wrong…” Lucilla’s wet index finger traced a teasing line down the crease of my backside, rested on the tight, puckered dot of my rim, and then pushed inside. I felt my sphincter open to her external pressure, and then tightly close around her bottom knuckle. Her warm finger sunk into my sinful depths, and radiated its pressure into the coiled channel of my sensitive rectum. The feeling was so invasive, so perverse, so wrong, and so… good. “…hole.” I finished, my words seeping from me in a breathy exhalation as my body melted into hers; relaxing in sensuous flaccidity as her tender invasion gradually twisted inside me. “Oh, no,” Lucilla laughed softly, her breath tickling my lips, “the holy, pious, Sister Julia likes it in the ass.” “Mother forgive me,” I whispered, astonished at the pleasure I derived from the alien sensation, “but it feels so good. Why does it feel so good?! ” Lucilla laughed gayly as she began twisting her finger inside me, compelling my hips to shift with the rotations of her finger. She was controlling me from the inside, making my body react without my permission, making me bend to the whims of my pleasures. I began to gyrate perversely; my hips tilting and swaying behind the stretched curve of my abdomen, my weight sliding from leg to leg as I moaned in pleasure for the first time in my life. Lucilla’s voice joined mine as she moved me to her liking; compelling my pelvis to shift against her in just the right ways, guiding our clits to rub tenderly together above the connecting petals of our erogeneity. Strings of viscous nectar mingled from my folds, to hers, mixing the secretion of our pleasure and glistening through the swollen lips they bore. She spread her legs between mine, guiding me by the thighs to stretch wider as she toyed with my anus. The twisted pleasure reverberated from my defiled rectum, and sent its caressing tendrils into the extremities of my body. My arms grew weak, and I struggled to keep them planted at Lucilla’s sides. “You’re like my puppet,” Lucilla mused with a smile and a moan, “you’re so reactive, Julia.” Lucilla’s ring and middle finger pressed alongside her penetrating index. I felt a stir of panic roil in my chest, and I opened my mouth to protest, but she pushed inside. My rim expanded, my sinful channel stretched, and the walls of my anus grew taught against the warm fingers inside me. My trembling arms gave out, and I collapsed face-first into the supple cushion of Lucilla’s breasts. My red lips gaped open and gasped as my cheek slid back and forth to the whim of my possessed gyrations. Holy Mother, it was good. Expanding, stretching, searing felicity ballooned from my violated hole, turning my pious equanimity into a splay of possessed delight. Lucilla’s nipple stood erect alongside my moaning mouth, and I took her between my lips and translated the pleasure of my body into my sensuous nursing. She tangled a hand into my crimson locks, and pressed me closer to her breast, cooing soft murmurs of bliss as I suckled from her, and she tenderly violated me. Our bodies locked to the swaying cadence of our lust, and we shifted together on the sheets. Our clits reddened with the constant grinding of our pelvises, and the sheen of our nectar wetted between us. Her fingers curled inside me, pressing against the walls of my anus, and I torqued in reaction to her, arching my back and pressing my body deeper into hers, savoring the thrumming of her heartbeat, the soft whimpers and moans of her mouth, and the seeping warmth of her flesh radiating into mine. I reached between us as I nursed from her, sliding my hands along soft muscle and silky skin. My fingers found the wet petals between her legs, and I watched her from my sumptuous feeding as I pushed in one finger, then the other, then the other. Lucilla’s brow furrowed, and her pink lips opened to sing her soft approval. My sucking mouth quirked in a smile, and I curled my fingers inside her womanhood as she had done to my tighter hole. Her head fell back into the bed, and her grip inside me tightened. A squeal of delight permeated from my occupied mouth, and I began rubbing my fingertips along the soft, wet channel inside her. Her chest jutted forward, lifting my head upward, and her heartrate quickened. The crown of her head pressed into the sheets as her neck tilted back and striated with tension. I could feel it; the expansion of pleasure building within us both. Lucilla was losing control of herself, and I never even had control of myself. I simply responded to the motions of her lust, and now she was caught in the same reactive prison; bending and shifting to the demands of her pleasure. “Oh, fuck!” Lucilla gasped, her chest heaving in sporadic breaths, “Julia, you’re making me come!” “Oh, Good Mother,” I gasped, my open lips brushing her nipple, strings of my saliva glistening from its pink tip, “Lucilla, I feel it… I FEEL IT!” It took me over, spreading through me in a flood of euphoria. The tingling, gentle pleasure from our pressing clits grew to an exhilarating rush that propelled my moans into cries. Lucilla’s fingers gripped me like a vice from the inside, her knuckles whitening as her tips pressed into the delicate flesh. It sent a scream of ecstatic pressure deep into my abdomen, expanding in harmony with the surge of delight singing from my erogenous bead. My hips shot forward, pressing into the wet, tender heat of Lucilla’s lust, and my cries grew shrill. Then, I felt the other thing. The inferno that laid dormant within me, the blaze that tickled just beneath the surface. Oh, no! Oh, Sweet Mother, not now! My horror and pleasure mingled in a final crescendo, and I forcibly launched myself backward as my naked figure erupted in blue flame. I echoed the release of my body in euphoric terror as I writhed helplessly on the stone floor, my back arching in the climactic sensation, and my chest heaving in the cathartic tones of diminishment. I looked up to see Lucilla’s terror-stricken face staring back at me from the bed, and I felt my heart sink into my chest. I can have no one, I thought in despair, I can never feel the touch of someone I love. “Julia?” Lucilla’s soft, shaking voice asked me from above. “This is why,” I panted, feeling tears evaporate from my flaming eyes, “this is why we can’t do this, Lucilla; I’ll kill you.” The rug beside me was singed, the bed sheets by my feet were blackened and flaking with embers. I was the embodiment of destruction, a force that could not be contained. Lucilla knelt beside me, her eyes brimming with love. I looked away. “I killed my parents,” I whispered, staring into the orange flame of the hearth, seeing their blackened, screaming faces in every tendril of smoke, “and I’ll kill you too. I’m no god, Lucilla; I’m a monster.” “Julia…” Lucilla said, her hand reaching for me. “Stay back!” I screamed, rolling away from her, seeing a flashing premonition of her scorched, shrieking face in my mind, “Don’t come near me!” The flame brightened and flared with my outburst, and Lucilla cringed backward, covering her face with her hands. This is what I am, I thought as I watched her fall away from me, just stay away from me, Lucilla. I rolled to my side, not wanting to look at her horrified expression. “You should take me to your father,” I said, staring into the orange flame of the hearth, seeing my screeching parents again and again, “save those girls before they burn.” LUCILLA I stared down in awe at the spectacle before me. Julia was… a god, there was no other way to describe her. Every inch of her beautiful, naked form was alight with a deep, sapphire flame, a flame that seemed to darken the closer it burned to her skin. I watched as its tendrils licked away at the bedsheets, burned away the frills of the rug, and blackened the stone beneath her. She was in pain; incredible, soul-crushing pain. Steam rose from her crying eyes as she confessed sins that weren’t her fault; the inferno intensifying and flaring with every heave of her inconsolable sorrow. I stepped back, shielding my eyes, feeling the heat whisk upon my flesh. She was alone in her own hell; a god caged by her own sorrow. I’d never seen her such agony, such manic grief. She thought she had no one, she thought she was an abomination, a monster. She wanted me to leave her. She wanted to die. Well, too fucking bad, Julia; you’re stuck with me. I reached out a hand, feeling the heat tickling its warning on my skin. Icy fear placed its weight in the pit of my stomach, but I didn’t stop. I stepped closer to the blue hell before me as the cadence of my heart thundered in my ears. “You won’t burn me,” I whispered, more to myself than her, as I reached forward, “I know you won’t.” My hand blistered, the hair on my arm singed off, my skin began to peel, but I kept reaching forward. “You’re in control,” I said softly, extending through the burning pain, reaching through the flame, “you are the fire, Julia; you decide what you burn.” The pain was incredible, the heat was searing, I could see the steam leaving my arm as the last protective wrap of moisture evaporated in the inferno. The blisters blackened on my hand, I could smell the flesh cooking, I could feel the fingernails melting, but I didn’t stop. Through the tears, through the agony, I extended forward, reaching for the woman whose internal pain dwarfed the torture of my flesh, reaching for my friend in need, my lover in crisis. “It’s just you, Julia,” I said, tears streaming down my face, my blackened hand crackling in the sapphire hell, “it’s only you.” My scorched hand touched the dark blue of her shoulder, and she turned to me, her eyes widening in horror. The burning sensation crept up my arm; a sleeve of blisters trailing the scalding crimson. Through tear-stained eyes and the red haze of agony, I saw the raging, blue inferno quell to a smoldering, cobalt ash. Her entire form dimmed to a husk of flaking embers; her skin that of dwindling, blue coals, her hair not but wisps of smoke. Then… she ignited; set ablaze in a white inferno that consumed me. I shrieked in horror, knowing that this was my last moment, but my breath did not scorch my lungs, and my skin did not melt in the heat. My ruined arm flaked with dead skin, and new, unmarred flesh was revealed below. The fried nerves in my hand electrified with sensation, and I felt two arms embrace me, and a kiss melt onto my lips. I could see nothing in the blinding, white light, but I could feel it all. The heat swirled around us in a vortex of energy, consuming the room, setting every waking tone and color ablaze in its brilliance. Through her lips, I felt a surge of power. It flowed into me, screeching through every vein and muscle, igniting every nerve and neuron. My eyes flashed open in the exhilaration, my heart thundered in the intensity of the euphoria, and every muscle in my body surged with an energy I love you. Her voice whispered in my mind, through the inferno, through the chaos, as clear as a songbird in the dew-soaked dawn after a hurricane. I love you too. I whispered back, and I meant it; I meant it with every inch of my soul. The vortex spiraled into twisting lengths of fire, and then dissipated. The afterglow of the inferno spotted the lenses of my eyes, and they cleared to reveal her image. An aura of white light outlined her figure, her emerald eyes glowed with power, and her veins shown through her skin with the same white energy. It dimmed and brightened with the pulse of her heart, until the deific glow faded from her completely, leaving her beautiful, but normal, at least to unknowing eyes. “Did you just…” she started, looking over my body, “did you just bind with me?” “I don’t know what the fuck just-” I stopped as I looked down at myself. Bright, white patterns of energy glowed from my pale complexion. The patterns were intricate and untouching, resembling curls of flame that curved along every swell and bow of my form. It was as though my body was a canvas, and Julia had painted the most complex, beautiful maze of flourishing lines upon it, accentuating every elegant stroke of my feminine figure with a fiery design. It flowed in spirals of impossible intricacy about the domes of my breasts, accentuated the subtle rises of muscle in my arms, created long, elegant bows along my torso, and curved in wide strokes along my legs. There was not a bare inch of me that wasn’t highlighted by the fiery maze of impossible knots, waves, and curves. The glowing patterns didn’t dissipate, or fade like Julia’s aura, but thrummed steadily with the beat of my heart. “Holy shit,” I whispered, “you turned me into your fucking mascot.” “I’m sorry, Lucilla, I didn’t-” “Sorry?!” I exclaimed, looking up at her, “Look how fucking hot this looks! Quick, get me a mirror; I need to see how my ass looks!” “Lucilla-” “Yeah, I love you too, babe,” I said, studying the patterns on my palms, and the bottoms of my feet, “I know this is a big moment, and I’m definitely ruining it right now, but I honestly don’t know how to deal with that level of emotional intimacy, so if you could just please let me have a moment of vanity, that would be great. Thanks.” Julia handed me a mirror, and I took an indulgent glance at my ass (it looked fucking awesome) and then checked my face. I really did love the patterns, but I was glad they only extended to the top of my neck, and not to my face; it would be hard to hide them otherwise. “OK,” I breathed, taking a deep inhale, and then exhaling through my nose, “we just bound ourselves. I am officially your reservoir of infinite power, and I love you with all my heart. Now what?” “Um…” Julia said, looking around. Every window in the room had been blown out, there was a ten-foot hole in the wall that showed a vertigo-inducing five-hundred-foot drop from my room at the top of the tower, and on top of it all, the same patterns that now tattooed my skin, were scorched black onto every surface of the room. They ran in straight, perpendicular patterns with the edges of the walls, the tops of tables, and the bricks of the floor. From behind the closed door, I could hear the sound of faint yells and footsteps charging up the stairwell. “…I don’t think you need to rescue those girls anymore.” Julia finished, “I think it’ll be pretty obvious to your father what happened here. Does he know about me?” “It won’t take him too long to find out,” I said, “people know you’re staying in my quarters. He’ll check the record halls, find out your suspicious birth date, then check the census books, track your lineage, and put two-and-two together. He’s insane, but he’s far from stupid.” “So,” Julia said, “what do we do?” “First, we get dressed,” I said, “then, we get my gold, and run.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: The Earth Former ASTRID The Gratoran Wall was nothing but a blue haze against the sterile, desert sky, its amorphous outline split violently by the Droktin Pass, whose geometric strangeness dwindled to a murky sliver with each agonizing minute. I watched as the tallest peak of the range, Iona, my homeland, faded into the azure blandness with the rest of the mountains, until it disappeared completely in the sweltering air. The wheels of the slave cart squeaked, and the metal bars singed my skin. My wings ached behind me, bound together roughly by the orc’s vicious knot. A nymph girl sat in the spot across from me, her eyes downcast, her ram-like horns dusted with the debris of the churning wheels. Her face was girlish, with full cheeks, a soft chin, and big, forest-green eyes. Her skin was caramel, I thought, though it was hard to tell with all the sand that covered it. If her skin was caramel, it meant she was a young nymph; the older ones didn’t age with sagging flesh, but with a lightening off their complexion until it was a green hue, and a darkening of their hair until it was turquoise. As far as I could tell, her hair was a dirty-blonde, but once again, that damned sand covered everything in its brownish coat. The nymph was draped in what looked like a burlap sack, though it could have once been a cloak. Her hands were bound to her ankles, and she appeared to be staring at nothing at all. I pitied the girl; she wasn’t made of the hard stuff I was. I am a Valkyrie, a winged-warrior of the mountain, the pride of the snow and cold, the sword of the highlands, and… and… and a captive to three, fat orcs. Great Creators, I’m an embarrassment. “Hey,” I said to the girl, “how come you’re so far from the Arbortus Forest?” She didn’t answer. “That’s what; three-hundred miles east of the wall?” I asked, “Doesn’t your kind always stay in the trees?” No response. I sighed, and leaned back into the bars, trying to acclimate my skin to the searing temperature. This is what I get, I thought grimly, for going on a foolish quest looking for impossible answers. They’ll rape me tonight; me and that girl, and there’s nothing I can do to stop them. My chastity, my pride, and my honor will be stripped of me, and then they’ll clip my flight feathers, and sell me off to some orc-lord. Maybe I can kill myself before that happens. Is there any hanging rope in here? I searched around the cart, seeing not a single slicing edge, nor a loose spike to slit my wrists with. I contemplated smashing my head against the bars, but realized that would just leave me unconscious. I resigned myself to at least another hour of rest before I contemplated suicide again, and tried to stare vacantly like the nymph girl. A black rock popped out of the sand, inches from the cart. It just… jumped right out of the ground, like a breaching trout in a stream. I shook my head, unsure if the desert was causing mirages, or if I was losing my mind. Another one popped out, this one a bit bigger. I blinked, thinking I must be going insane, but then a third rock surfaced right in front of the left wheel. The cart jerked, reassuring me of my sanity, but the orcs seemed to take no notice, and we kept rolling. “What in Creation…” I whispered, looking between the bars, “Hey, did you see that?” The nymph girl just kept staring at the floor. Her green eyes weren’t vacant anymore, but seemingly fixed in concentration. There was a vein protruding from her forehead, and her hands were shaking. “Hey,” I asked, “hey, what’s wrong?” “Too much sand,” the woman finally said through gritted teeth, “too much fucking sand.” A blood vessel burst in her eye, the vein in her forehead throbbed, and her body trembled with the strain of something, as though she were trying to lift an impossible weight. What in Creation is wrong with her?! I thought to myself, cringing back as spittle shot from her clenched teeth, Is she rabid? Should I ask a guard for help? Another blood vessel burst in her eye, the vein in her forehead seemed to beat with its own pulse, her face was growing purple, her entire body was wracking with spasms; and then, she stopped. She looked up at me, and the biggest, shit-eating grin I’ve ever seen in my entire life appeared on her face. The cart shot into the air, lifted by a slab of obsidian twenty-feet by twenty-feet, perfectly square. The slavers screamed in terror, and I screamed with them, but the girl just laughed manically. Then, we stopped, and began to tilt. The slab slowly eased on its side, sliding everything but the cart into the black vacancy it left in the sand. An orc screamed as he fell, and then was sucked into the loose gravel, his upraised hand trailing his body, and then disappearing. The other two orcs clawed at the glossy onyx surface, but their fingers found no purchase, and they too, fell into the quicksand below. The rock tilted ever further, until my binds wrenched against my wrist as my weight caught on the bars. The cart was stuck to the side of the slab, facing directly downward. The cubic rock rested on the hole it had left, sealing the orcs beneath the sand, and then the cart was slowly ushered down its side. I looked out of the cage door in horrified fascination as I saw the rock deforming from its glossy surface, and gripping the cart’s wheels in toothy gears that rolled us downward on obsidian tracks, before we finally stopped with the cart’s front resting in the sand. “Holy shit!” the nymph girl laughed, “I’ve never done anything like that before. Did you see that? I didn’t even have to touch the stone!” I gawked at her. Sitting before me, was the answer I had sought. The quest I’d pledged my life to, the holy crusade I’d embarked on, the epic voyage of a lifetime, fraught with peril, burdened with strife, an odyssey the likes of which bards would sing of for generations, had taken me a grand total of one day and three hours to complete. This had to be a new record. “Good thing the bedrock was shallow here,” the god said, “or we’d have been good and fucked. Fucking sand, man; can’t do shit with it.” “Your Holiness,” I whispered, bowing my head, “great Earth Former, goddess of mountains and rock; I am not worthy. As a winged-warrior of Iona, it is my sworn-duty to serve you. I have oaths I must-” “Ah shit,” the young woman groaned, “you’re a Creationist?” “Um…” I said, still bowing my head, “…yes.” “Valkyrie, huh?” the woman said, studying me, “I thought you people worshipped men with magic hammers and horned helmets.” “No, Your Holiness,” I said, still prostrating myself, “we are sworn devotees and protectors of the Devine Trinity. Our patron god is the Earth Former, or, matron god, in your case, and-” “What’s your name?” she interrupted again. “Astrid.” I responded. “Well, Astrid,” the girl said, making a sharp piece of the obsidian slab curl from its geometric form, and reach into the cart to cut her binds free, “you’re going to pretend you didn’t see me, then you’re going to fly off back to your mountain and never tell a soul. Your god commands it.” The rejection stung me to the core, and it took all the resolve within me not to burst into tears. Of course, she doesn’t want you! I thought, She’d be a fool to take a protector who was captured so easily. The goddess cut my binds, and awkwardly pushed up on my chest as my legs swung below me, until my feet landed on the front door of the cage. She turned away, and a hand of black rock reached into the cart, and ripped the bars from the studs. She stepped out onto the sand, and I followed behind her, keeping my head bowed in reverence, even though I stood a good foot taller than her. The nymph looked in one direction, then the other, seeing nothing but sand for miles and miles. She put her hands on her hips and let out a sigh. “On second thought, Astrid,” the young god said, “I think I might need you.” WILLOWBUD Astrid was six-feet of Nordic perfection. Her statuesque frame was encased in tight-fitting leather armor that expanded at the immense protrusion of her bust, narrowed through the flat stretch of her abdomen, widened at her hips, cupped tightly to the supple form of her ass, and then narrowed into legs that went on forever. Her skin was pale with a touch of color, her hair was a cold-blonde braided intricately about her crown, and her eyes were steely blue. Her face was structured with high cheekbones, a cut jawline, a subtly-pronounced brow, and a pointed nose whose bridge drew seamlessly into her forehead. Her stoic portrait was decorated with lush, frowning lips, a thin scar that lined a taught cheek, and piercing eyes that seemed to stare with constant defiance from their shadowed sockets. And she thought I was the god! I know I’m pretty, I’m not an idiot, but this woman… this woman looked like a fucking marble statue. Like, this is the kind of broad you’d see carved into the bow of a warship. I felt like a violin solo should be constantly following this woman. Oh, and I forgot to mention, she had a set of fucking angel-wings that spanned seven feet in either direction. “What would you have of me, Your Holiness?” she asked, her annoying devotion brimming from her face. “Well, first thing,” I said, “is to call me by my name, Willowbud.” I held out a hand, and she looked at it for a moment, then got to one knee, bowed her head, and kissed my knuckle as though there was a ring there. I rolled my eyes. “Shake it, Astrid,” I groaned, “it’s not your mother’s cunt.” Astrid started in shock, and I grinned internally. I had spent my childhood aboard vessels with the foulest of sailors, in bars with dock workers, in brothels with whores, and the past year jumping from caravan to caravan. Needless to say, my vernacular was quite extensive. Astrid stood up, the sting of my words and the awe of my ‘divinity’ stretched across her beautiful face. She shook my hand like a woman should, and I firmly shook hers back. “Good,” I said, pulling my hand from her grasp and looking over the horizon, “I need to get to the Tentigo Tropics, do you know where that is?” “Two day’s flight southeast from Iona,” she replied, pointing to the highest peak of the mountain range, “though I think I should take us there first, my people would-” “We can take supplies from that cart,” I interrupted, walking past her and sifting through the wreckage, “I don’t need any more worshipers, thank you very much.” I pulled out the orc’s provisions, and a length of rope that had been tied to the back of the cart. Astrid came next to me and searched through the supplies, until she found what she was looking for. A six-foot long, two-handed sword decorated with rubies on the cross-guard and engraved with intricate designs about the hilt. The blade itself, had been bent in half under the weight of the obsidian cube. She held the weapon with as much reverence as she had given me (an annoying amount), and then she bit back tears, and dropped it to the ground. Ah, shit, I thought as I placed my hand over the ruined blade, if she was annoying before, she’s gonna be so much worse now. I righted the weapon before her eyes, and then sharpened it just for good measure. The whole act took less than a second; the blade springing back into place, and then shearing itself sharp in a spray of sparks. Astrid, predictably, dropped to her knees, and started another sermon. “Oh, Great Creator,” she said, her eyes welling in tears, her hands holding the sword aloft, “who hast re-forged the Blade of Iona, the heritage of my people, the-” “Astrid,” I said, placing a hand on her bowed head, “shut the fuck up. I’m not your god, I’m a person, and if you’re not going to treat me like one, then you can fly your pretty ass back to Iona.” Thankfully, Astrid stopped her worship. I got out the rope, made a make-shift harness for myself, and then tied it to Astrid’s torso. I felt foolish stepping into the leg-loops while she knelt awkwardly in the sand, but the ergonomics of our bodies didn’t lend to graceful interaction. When my chest was tied firmly to her torso, and I had made a cozy pillow out of her massive tits, Astrid stood up, my weight seeming to mean nothing to her, and then launched us into the air with a powerful stroke of her wings. ASTRID Seven hours later, I landed on an outcropping of The Gratoran Wall. The sun was setting behind the desert hills to my west, casting long shadows across the golden dunes and plateaus. Willowbud was snoring loudly into my chest. Her pretty face was distorted in slumber; her lips spilling drool, her eyes pinched tightly, and her nose snarling with each thunderous snore. She looked very un-divine, but I still treated her with all the gentle reverence I could muster in my exhaustion. Willowbud was not what I expected for a god, I’ll admit, but I rationalized that her holiness was only strengthened by her humbleness. I gently untied the knots that bound her, and then draped her petite body onto the ground. As I looked down at her, I had to shake myself from the euphoric realization that this was actually happening; I was the holy protector of a Creator! This was the honor all Valkyries dreamed of, but few ever actually achieved. It had to be fate that I was captured by orcs, and then thrown into that cart, it just had to be! It couldn’t be because I’m a terrible warrior and an embarrassment to the Iona Guard. I told myself. I shook the thought from my mind, and looked fondly down at the sleeping divinity. I will protect you, I thought, you will come to no harm while under my care, little god; I swear you this oath. I lied down beside her, careful not to get too close, and then folded my wings over the both of us, and fell asleep to the comforting roar of her divine snores. When I awoke, she was gone. I shot up in a panic, looking from left to right, cursing myself for my carelessness. I ran across the outcrop, and then found her, and breathed a sigh of relief. She was bathing in a pool of water, showering her naked form with the gentle stream of a cliff-side water fall. Now that the sand had washed from her, I could see that she was indeed, caramel of skin. Her hair, however, wasn’t the dirty-blonde it appeared to be when it was covered in sand, but a pure white; starkly contrasting her darker complexion, but blending with the ivory of her horns. Her girlish face was full and rosy with youth, and did not match the womanly curves of her body. Her breasts were petite, but well-formed, her back was lined with lithe muscle, her torso was toned with soft creases, her glutes swelled alluringly from her sloping back, and her penis jutted thickly from her… wait; what in Creation?! “Oh, hi, Astrid!” Willowbud called merrily from the pool, brushing wet hair behind her curved-back horns, “I bet you didn’t expect this, did you?” I tried not to gawk, I tried to keep my composure, and I failed. I stared with wide-eyes at the long, smooth piece of man dangling from between her thick legs. I had never seen one before, and its presence was a magnet to my eyes. It was… fascinating. “My grandfather,” Willowbud said, stretching lasciviously for the falling water to splash upon her caramel breasts, “was an incubus. They tailor their appearance to match the desires of women they lust after, and somehow, that trait passed to me as interchangeable genitals. I can control it, of course, but if I ignore it, my body naturally changes itself to match the desires of those around me.” She gave me a little wink, “So that morning wood I woke up with was a blaring signal of your heterosexuality.” She stepped from beneath the waterfall, and walked toward me, her thick member swaying between the sultry gait of her thighs, her rich body dripping and glistening in the dawn sun. I finally collected myself, and forcibly averted my gaze, feeling my face flush in embarrassment. “Oh no,” Willowbud laughed, “are Valkyries prudes about nudity? I always assumed a bunch of women living together in the mountains wouldn’t care about these things.” “We don’t care of such things,” I said, looking away as she laid next to me, drying her body in the sun, “but the nakedness of a man is something we… are not used to seeing.” “It’s just a dick, Sweetheart,” Willowbud chuckled, “how do you breed if you don’t see one every once in a while?” “When a Valkyrie seeks the joy of mothering a daughter,” I explained, still looking away, “she may find herself a mate amongst the mountain men to the north of Iona. They are fearsome warriors who make excellent seed-givers. She sends an emissary to request their strongest man, and they bring him to her for a single night. She will give him her virginity, and he will give her a child, and then they will part ways.” “That is incredibly romantic,” Willowbud said dryly, “so you only fuck once in your entire life?” “The desires of the flesh are a weakness that a warrior woman must overcome,” I said, steeling my resolve to keep my eyes forward, “she may relieve herself with her hand, but she may not put herself beneath another for pleasure.” “You flying broads sure put a lot of stock in your twats,” Willowbud snorted, “us nymphs, we run around Arbortus buck naked and give it away like candy; we’re a horny bunch.” Willowbud took an indulgent moment to laugh at her pun before continuing, “I left before I could join in the fun though, damn shame; I would have been very popular.” “Why did you leave?” I asked, relieved that the conversation had veered away from sex. For a moment, I had feared that Willowbud would ask me to lie with her. I didn’t know much about sex, but I did know that the penis had to be hard for it to work. From the corner of my eye, I could see that it was still lying flaccidly in her lap. She did not desire me, that was good, but why did I feel disappointed? “The elven emperor started poking his head around,” Willowbud said, “and Mother feared they’d invade if they found out the Earth Former was a nymph, so she sent me to live in the Tentigo Tropics; there’s a nymph colony in the rainforest there. I left eleven years ago, when I was five.” “You’ve been traveling to Tentigo for eleven years?!” I exclaimed. “No,” Willowbud said, her expression growing dark, “I got sidetracked. Things happened, plans changed…” her eyes grew distant for a moment, “people changed…” she muttered, but I got the impression that she was no longer talking to me. “But,” she said, shaking herself out of her contemplative state, “you don’t need to hear about any of that shit. After eleven years, I’m only two days from Tentigo, and it’s all thanks to you.” I felt a swell of pride bursting in my chest. The Creator finds me useful! I thought with glee. “I will not let you down.” I said firmly, trying to conceal my smile. It didn’t work. Valkyries are terrible at deception. We cannot lie, and we are awful at hiding emotion. So, my grin showed from ear to ear, and though I was looking away from Willowbud, I knew she could see it. “Oh, someone’s feeling pleased with herself,” Willowbud chuckled, “you really are that devoted, aren’t you?” “The Valkyries of Iona would do anything for you.” I replied, and then added, “I will do anything for you, Willowbud.” There was a silence between us. I suspected it would be an uncomfortable silence for most people, but Valkyries don’t engage in uncomfortable silences. There are simply times for talking, and times when talk is not needed. To my mind, I had said what needed to be said, and Willowbud was simply contemplating the depth of my words. I took it as a sign that the conversation was over, so I began to peel off my armor. The cool air caressed my flesh as piece after piece of stifling, dirty leather was pulled from me. I let the strap that wrapped my groin fall to the rocks, and felt the freeing sensation of nakedness through my legs. I stretched broadly, jutting my chest forward and arching my back, craning my neck and spreading my wings to their full fourteen-foot span. Then, I stood up, and walked into the water. The cool surface of the pool beckoned me welcomingly below its depths, and I felt all the dirt, sand and grime wash from my flesh. I dunked my head beneath the surface, and then flung it back, letting my blonde hair whip in an arc behind me as the droplets that clung to my braided strands sprayed upon my naked breasts. I dipped the tips of my wings into the glassy surface, and watched as ripples permeated from the feathers. I ran my hands down my sides, loosening the taught muscles of my back and abdomen, stretching my torso to the sky and splaying my wings to catch the warmth. I turned idly to the side and… Willowbud was watching me with wide eyes. She sat upright, her jaw hanging open, her arms pinned to the ground behind her, and her penis curving backward with engorgement. My wings closed around me in a second, my heart jumped in my chest, and my face flushed furiously. I stood in my protective wing-shell, the light of dawn shining a cream-colored hue through my translucent membrane of feathers, and my cheeks burning with redness. Had I… did I just make her… was she aroused by me? WILLOWBUD If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve assumed Astrid was putting on a show for me. Her naked body moved with an athletic grace I’d never seen before; her muscles rippling in sinuous motion beneath her subtly-tan canvas, her breasts jiggling with the adept movements of her back, and her glutes flexing with the alluring swings of her wide hips. She turned her head skyward, stretching her magnificent figure in an arching back, reaching outward with her arms and splaying her wings, her whole body bathed in an aura of dawn sun reflecting golden light from her wet skin. Then, she looked at me, noticed the skin-splitting boner I had, and shelled herself in a cocoon of her own wings. It was strange to see a woman so confident in her body, so assured in her natural superiority, hide herself over something as trivial as an erection. It was like watching a lioness cower from a mouse. I sighed, and began to stroke myself. If a dick was going to cause this much trouble, then I’d have to force myself to stay completely female. I couldn’t change back to my female form until this boner was gone, and there was no way it was going away on its own after what I just saw. I affixed a mental image of Astrid arching her naked body, bit my lower lip, and went to town. Astrid’s feathery shell shifted just a bit, and I saw a pair of blue eyes peering from between white feathers. Getting a little curious, hmm? I thought with a smile. I closed my eyes, and focused on the rock I was lying on. I let my connection with the stone travel from where I lay, to the floor of the natural pool, where Astrid was standing. I could feel her pulse against the stone, and the subtle vibration and shifts of her body gave me an image of her form. Beneath those wings, Astrid was touching herself. We’re getting very curious, aren’t we? “Astrid?” I called, watching her eyes widen behind her feathers, “Are you enjoying yourself in there?” “I...” she said shyly, “I am content, yes.” “What are you doing?” I asked, pushing my erection down until the tip pointed accusingly at her. “I am concealing myself,” Astrid said, her voice shaking, “because your arousal discomforts me.” “Does it?” I grinned, “what else are you doing under there?” “I-I-I…” she stammered. I could practically feel her blushing; her heartrate was skyrocketing against the rocks, “I am relieving myself with my hand.” “Well, so am I,” I smiled, “but it’s not really fair that you get to see me, and I don’t get to see you. Why don’t you open up those wings?” I felt Astrid’s pulse quicken even more as her wings tentatively opened. Her face was beat-red with embarrassment, but she did not attempt to cover herself. She stood in all her glory, her arms pressing her breasts together as her hands joined between her legs. I watched her intently as I made a show of stroking myself with long, deliberate pulls. I anchored my heels into the rock, and began subtly thrusting in the air, moaning soft feminine tones as I sated my raging masculinity. “You know,” I said, watching her arousal grow behind her eyes, “if I were a Valkyrie with the opportunity to fuck a god, I’d like to think I wouldn’t let the chance pass me by.” “Are you commanding me to lie with you?” she asked, her voice wavering in desire and fear. “Do you want me to command you to?” I asked with a smirk, “Would that make it easier on your conscience?” “Yes.” she said, her voice small and weak. “Well, too bad,” I laughed, “because I already told you I’m not your god. You make your own decision, Astrid, and you better make it quick, because I’m a notorious premature ejaculator.” Astrid stood in an indecisive stasis, still touching herself as she weighed her options. I began to shift and moan with exaggerated lechery, driving my hips in the air, gripping my left breast lustfully, escalating my tones like I was on the brink of orgasm. I could see the frustration in her face, the desire creeping through the apprehension, the will to retain her equanimity diminishing in the wake of her feminine hunger. “Willowbud,” she finally said, her voice barely audible, “will you have sex with me?” “Why, yes, Astrid,” I smiled, “I’d love to; how nice of you to ask.” She walked to me, her hands entwining anxiously in front of her, her gait stiff and nervous, her wings bent behind her demurely, and her smile shy and adoring. Normally, her worshipful demeanor would be annoying, but seeing it glow from her face as she got on her hands and knees was incredibly alluring. “Put your knees right here.” I smiled, gesturing to the spaces below my armpits. Astrid’s expression became perplexed. “But,” she said, cocking her head in confusion, “that is not where your penis is.” “Oh my god,” I laughed, taking a grip of her hips, “you’re adorable. Just trust me, Astrid.” ASTRID I placed my knees on the spaces below Willowbud’s arms, feeling very uncomfortable with the position. She was a god, yet she wanted me to be atop her? It felt wrong, it felt disrespectful, it felt sacrilegious. Then, it felt wonderful. She grabbed me by the hips and pulled me downward. Her face pushed into my pelvic floor, and I gasped as I was touched by another for the first time. Her lips parted around my dripping petals, and her tongue snaked through them, brushing aside my tender folds with the wet heat of her oral member. My back straightened as the shock of the sensation ran through me, and my eyes widened in lustful astonishment. The tip of her tongue found the bead of my erogeneity, and she methodically worked it beneath the fleshy hood. Streams of fiery pleasure coursed into my pelvis, and my lips gaped open to form a moan of astounded pleasure. I let my hips sink downward, enveloping her face in my thighs, and my posture loosen as I succumbed to her passion. My eyes cast downward, and my vision was filled with the prize I had lusted after since I’d seen it. It throbbed and curved backward, leaking with its need. I reached forward, feeling my heart race in anticipation, and then clasped my hands around it. It pulsed against my palms, twitching in reaction to every subtle touch of my fingers, its heat burning delectably into my hands. I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I felt it harden in my grasp, curving backward even more as I gently caressed it. It looked… delicious. I lowered my lips to it, my breathing sharp with the exhilaration of Willowbud’s lustful consumption, my mouth watering as the oozing tip neared me. I gave it a shy lick, flicking the tip with my tongue, testing the flavor of her. She tasted good. Her cock twitched against my lips, and she shifted her hips upward, pressing the head against my mouth. I opened it, and let her slide inside me. I pursed my lips around her girth, savoring the feeling of every vein and bump deforming the lush outline of my mouth. Her shaft traveled along my tongue, and I curled it around her, trying to taste every inch she had to offer. Her tip pushed against the resistance of my throat, and she stopped, holding her hips aloft and waiting for me, allowing me to decide if I should take her deeper. I smiled around her cock, and made the decision. It was an easy choice, really; she was my god, and I would do anything for her. I relaxed my throat as best I could, and lowered my face. I felt my neck constrict, and a gag form in my esophagus, but I pressed on. Tears welled in my eyes as the choking sensation became more intense, and I had to stop to acclimate to the new pressure, but I didn’t pull out; something about the way she throbbed in my throat excited me. When I adjusted to the feeling, I took her deeper and deeper. It was easier now that I’d gotten over the choking sensation, and I felt a surge of pride as my lips pushed against her base. Her thighs quivered below me in abject pleasure, and I smiled around her cock. She rewarded me by pushing her entire tongue into my slit, and curling it along my ceiling, pressing the tip against my ridged weak spot and exploiting it mercilessly. My back gave out in pleasure, and my abdomen sunk into her belly as my breasts squished against her pelvis. My eyes rolled into my head, and I mindlessly began to suck on the wonderful cock stretching my throat. WILLOWBUD Astrid’s hands gripped my ass as she pulled my hips upward, taking every inch of me into her mouth, swallowing around me as I buried my way into her throat. Her pussy leaked her desire onto my lips and frothed her pleasure onto my tongue, filling me with her decadent flavor. I sucked the tender folds of her reddened petals as I pushed my tongue deeper, trying to taste every inch of her virginity before I took it from her. The familiar pressure in my loins began to grow, and I felt my masculine mind bend to its desires, thrusting into Astrid’s throat with increasing voracity. She didn’t seem to mind that I was being rough; she seemed to like it. She took my rigor as a sign that she was doing her duty, and she welcomed my hammering thrusts into her mouth with all the tenderness she could offer. Spit leaked from her defiled lips and pooled onto my crotch, gurgles and pained gags slipped from her throat, but she only hummed a tone of pure bliss, and comfortingly excepted my raging heat into her wet warmth. Her cunt began to twitch in the precursor of her ascension, her hips began to grind without her permission, and her heart raced against my body. The humming tones of her occupied mouth grew louder and higher, the shifting nature of her figure began to border on desperation. The feminine sounds of her vulnerable euphoria leaked into my primal mind, and stoked the masculine fire that raged within it. I couldn’t hold back, not with the way she was taking me into her, not with the flavor of her orgasm on my tongue, not with the sounds of her succumbing to my pleasure. I thrusted the last of myself into her as she clenched her thighs around my face. Her belly pressed against mine with the arch of her back, her abdominal muscles convulsed in waves against mine, and her mouth screamed muffled ecstasy. I growled into her depths and clamped my eyes shut as I felt the pressure in my loins build and build, expanding with ecstatic fullness until it burst. I blew my load into Astrid’s virgin, pristine mouth as she showered me with the release of her lust. I felt her gag around me as my seed rushed into her throat, and I felt her swallow every drop. I licked the spray of her orgasm from my lips, and pulled her pelvis off me. She withdrew from my cock in a long, slow pull; cleaning the cum from my shaft with her tongue and the seal of her lips. Ah, shit, I thought, I came too fast again. ASTRID That. Was. Amazing. I savored the residual pleasure that burned in my depths as I licked the last of Willowbud’s seed from her shaft. I didn’t know if that’s what I was supposed to do, but it seemed a sin to let her holy fertility fall to the rocks. Not only that, but I enjoyed the idea of it soaking inside me. Willowbud guided my hips off her, strings of my lust glistening in the dawn light and snapping from her lush lips. I looked back at her with all the satisfied adoration I could muster, and she returned my gaze with a look of disappointment. Oh, no! I thought, I did something wrong! What did I do?! Does she hate me now? “Ah, fuck,” Willowbud grunted, “I blew my wad.” “I’m sorry!” I said, dismayed, “I did not mean to-” “Holy shit,” Willowbud laughed, “it’s not your fault, Astrid. Well, it kind of is.” “Please forgive me!” “Astrid,” Willowbud said, resting her hand on my ass, “you need to stop putting me on a pedestal. I came too early, because you are the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever been with, and I got too excited.” “So…” I said feeling a hopeful smile grow on my face, “I was good?” “Too good, apparently,” Willowbud smiled, giving my ass a friendly smack, “where did you learn to give head like that?” “Give head?” I asked. “You are the cutest fucking thing in the world,” Willowbud laughed, and I returned her mirth with a confused smile, “and a natural at sucking dick. That’s a compliment, of sorts.” “Then I will take it as such.” I grinned, lowering my lips to her deflating member. “Astrid,” Willowbud sighed, “it’s not going back up. I’m a one-and-done-two-pump-chump.” “You’re a god,” I whispered, smiling back at her as I inhaled the sweet stink of her loins, “whose humbleness is getting annoying; I think I believe in you more than you believe in yourself.” I kissed the tip of her cock, and giggled as it flexed. I ran my tongue across the top of her shaft, sheening her with a loving caress. I reached down and gently cupped the orbs that hung beneath her, and rolled them tenderly in my hands, savoring their delicate heat. Every gentle pass of my tongue brought Willowbud’s arousal to new heights, until the god’s manhood was engorged and throbbing, and she was moaning for more. I really am good at this, I thought with a self-satisfied smile, I wonder what other salacious skills I have hidden within me. I gave Willowbud’s cock a parting kiss on the tip, and gave her face a smile I’d never worn before; a mischievous smile, a playful smile, a smile that suggested I knew something that she didn’t. Of course, as I righted myself, and straddled the goddess about the thighs, my confident smile faded. I was about to lose my virginity. I was about to engage in sex for the sake of pleasure, and not for the sake of procreation. I was about to break a vow, but Great Creators I wanted it! I felt the tortuous emptiness building inside me, craving with insatiable appetite for the touch of a man… or a god. “Are you scared?” Willowbud asked, her dark, green eyes bearing nothing but tenderness. “Yes,” I said with a bashful smile, “I’m terrified, but I want it, Willowbud; I want it so bad! ” Willowbud laughed as she ran her hands up my sides, and hooked them about my waist, sinking her fingers into the fat that creased from my spread thighs to my glutes. Her touch was gentle, but firm, as she guided me downward into womanhood. I gasped in alarm when she first entered me, breaking my virgin tightness with deliberate slowness. Inch after inch eased inside me, and inch after inch stretched my taught chastity to the point of pain. I rested my hand on her pelvis, pressing down when I wanted her to stop, and easing off when I was used to the feeling. Soft murmurs of discomfort slipped from my lips, and my eyes widened as I felt the invasion deepen. It was such a disarming, violating feeling, but I hungered for it despite the pain. My pelvic floor connected with Willowbud’s crotch, and a whimper slipped from me as I took the last inch of her. A breathless moment passed where the enormity of my situation fell upon me; I was a woman now. I was a woman, and it felt so good to be a woman. The pain of my virginity faded, and the throbbing, exhilarating heat of Willowbud’s cock began to radiate delightfully into my depths. It still hurt a little, but the pleasure was there, and the pleasure was intoxicating. The instincts of lust crept into my mind, and I smiled, and began to shift my hips. WILLOWBUD Astrid was an angel riding me. Her wings stretched behind her to catch the sun in a silver silhouette, her blonde hair glowed in an aura of dawn, and her skin radiated with the golden desert light. In my experience, virgins are usually content with lying there and taking it, but Astrid was not. After the initial shock of losing her chastity, Astrid’s sexual confidence flourished. Her hips grinded in long, graceful motions; her toned abdomen flexing in waves, her ample, domed breasts jiggling to the whim of her movements. She stretched backward, resting her hands on my thighs, and she gyrated on my cock like a belly-dancer. I slid my hands further behind her and gripped the sweet fat of her ass, savoring the feeling of her warm flesh molding in my hands. I groaned and gasped as she tightened around me with each pass of her gyration, stirring her tight womanhood with the rigid strength of my manhood. An astonished, delighted smile curled across her lips, and a girlish giggle flowed from her as she realized the breadth of her newfound prowess. She moved with the natural elegance of an experienced woman, and reacted with the wide-eyed exuberance of a teenage girl. Still, she treated me with too much reverence for my liking. “Touch me, Astrid,” I moaned as she danced on me, “grab me, squeeze me, take me; I’m not your god.” “You are my god,” she giggled, leaning forward and gripping my breasts, “but I will do as you command.” “Your god commands you to fuck me like a bitch in heat.” I grinned. Astrid slid forward on top of me; her flexing abdomen squishing into the softness of my belly, her ample breasts flattening into domes against the backs of her cupping hands. She pressed my flailing bust together, and pushed her thumbs into my erect nipples, prompting me to cry out in glee. She laughed delightedly at my responsiveness, and curved herself convexly, separating our squishing busts so that she could take my nipple into her mouth. I moaned as her soft lips pursed around my hardened node and sucked gently; drawing the sensitive nipple out from my areola until it ached wonderfully with its erectness. She eyed my face with a curious expression, playfully studying my reaction, trying to find the secrets of my pleasure. She rotated her mouth about my nipple, and I moaned. She released my reddened bead and flicked her tongue across in teasing tickles, and I cried out again. Her blue eyes twinkled beneath her brow as she discovered the little things that drove me crazy, and she exploited them to her liking. All the while, her hips moved behind her in a mechanical cadence, but a lustful motion. The swell of her perfect backside rose and fell, jiggled this way and that, clapped together and spread with each pass of her hips. She was an artist of lust, a sculptor of love making, and she knew it. She tangled a hand in my hair, and pulled back gently, tilting my head backward and exposing my neck. She licked me from nipple to collarbone, then exchanged her hedonism for love, and burned a sweet path of gentle kisses along the curved vulnerability of my throat. She stopped at my jaw, and then watched me with an apprehensive expression. “What?” I gasped, unable to speak words in anything but breathy expulsions. “I was wondering…” she whispered, her voice hoarse with her pleasure, “I was wondering if I… if I could kiss you.” “We’re already fucking, Astrid,” I laughed through my moans, “what’s a kiss?” “A kiss is much more intimate than sex, Willowbud,” she said in a hushed, pleasured tone, “it’s a symbol of… never mind,” she said, her face turning red with embarrassment, “I’m sorry.” “No,” I smiled, sliding my hand through her braided, blond hair, cupping her behind the ear, “I want you to kiss me.” “You do?” she asked, her eyes brimming. “Kiss me, Astrid,” I whispered, “but not like your god. Kiss me like your lover.” Astrid looked into my eyes as her face hovered above mine. Her blue irises cast downward, gazing upon my parted lips, whose expirations sung with the sweet pleasure of her grinding hips. She lowered her face to mine, and pressed our mouths together. I expected her to be tentative and shy, to expose her virgin inexperience with awkward movements, but I was wrong. Astrid’s lips opened mine, and sucked with a gentle love as her tongue slid between us. I joined my loving member with hers, and we entwined in a heated, wet embrace. I found myself sinking into her mouth, tasting the sweet honey of her budding lust and drinking in the nectar of her love. Her kiss was seeped in affection, born of amorous tenderness and expressed without a hint of carnality. Holy shit, I thought as I melted into her passion, this woman is in love with me. ASTRID My heart pounded in my chest as I tasted Willowbud’s kiss on my tongue. I rotated my lips around her, drinking the goddess in, feeling her lust seep into my mouth and radiate into my chest. She thrusted into my grinding hips with faster motions, not driving with violence, but with a methodical determination. Her relentless cadence matched the rhythm of my gyrations, and roiled my insides into a churning mess of pleasure. The aching, ballooning euphoria expanded slowly within me, driving me to new heights, tugging gently at the rational strings of my mind. I was losing myself to the feeling, drowning in the expansion of my lust, sinking into the depths of her driving heat. The soft love of our kiss began to wane in the intensity of the sex. The muffled moans that we shared within our mouths turned to wines of escalating passion, which turned to cries. Our kiss lost its tenderness, and turned into a carnal devouring of each other’s mouths; the passion compelling us to taste every inch of the other, to consume the other with desperate hedonism. Willowbud gripped me by the breasts and squeezed tightly, painfully, unable to control herself in the heat of our lust. I cried out as the wonderful stings and pressure sank into my chest, as her fingers were lost in the succulent meat of my breasts. The rotation of my hips ceased, and I drove my pelvis down, trying to take every inch of her that I could. She slammed into me, her crotch colliding with my pelvis, her cock driving into my tight channel, separating me, burning through the nerve-swathed flesh of my erogeneity, invading the sanctity of my womanhood. Her girth passed along my clit with every drive, mingling the pleasure of my external lust with the ferocious ecstasy of my internal defilement. A new sensation awoke within me. It was a sensation that began within the center of my depravity, and simmered outward. It changed me. It compelled my body to bend with instinctual motions; my pelvis dropping, my back arching, my chest jutting forward, and my hands pressing into Willowbud’s bust, driving down to support my possessed curve. She squeezed my breasts harder as her own deformed in my pressing palms, and I began to pant and gasp as breath became scarce in my chest. Willowbud didn’t stop; she drove into me harder than before, losing her control to the same feeling that stole mine, colliding her body with mine as though she were trying to merge our very selves. The alien sensation began to grow in its intensity; a torrent of pleasure that seeped into every nerve and wracked every muscle, a tension that wound tighter and tighter, a felicitous pressure that always seemed on the verge of eruption, but didn’t release. My head flung skyward, my eyes bulged, by mouth gaped and cried out. The tension wound mercilessly, tighter and tighter, tortuously bringing me through the ecstatic reaches of sanity. Willowbud surged into me with a furious, desperate blast of thrusts, possessed with her passion, driven by her lustful madness. The tension wound, and wound and wound… and then snapped. I screamed as the euphoric release washed through my body, burning its fire into every extremity of my being. Willowbud’s voice joined mine as she erupted within me, exploding her exaltation into the sanctity of my womb. Our bodies twisted in the chaos of our catharsis, and the world shook beneath us, as if quaking with the same rapture that rumbled within our bodies. I collapsed in exhaustion atop my god, my wings folding weakly to the ground behind me, draping over our sweating forms. We panted the last bit of euphoric madness from our bodies as the slick warmth of our flesh radiated into each other. Willowbud recovered first, and she took a grip of my hair, and lifted my face to hers. She kissed me with a burning passion, and I kissed her with loving gratefulness. I rolled us over so that I was on my back, and savored the weight of her body sinking into mine, and the hardness of her love still throbbing within me. She pulled from the kiss and looked into my eyes, her pine-colored gaze full of wonderous astonishment. “What?” I asked, a blissful smile strewn lazily about my face. “You’re fucking amazing, Astrid,” she said, “I’ve had strange of all kinds, but I’ve never had anything like you.” “Well, thank you,” I giggled, feeling my face flush, “you were also amazing.” “Eh, you don’t have anything to compare me to,” Willowbud smiled, “and I’m not giving you a chance to find out I suck; you’re mine.” “I’ll always be yours,” I whispered, “no matter what.” Willowbud smiled from the tops of her eyes, tracing a thumb through the luscious outline of my lips. She looked over her shoulder, and I noticed the statue for the first time. It was a thirty-foot monument of me; my back arched, my breasts jutted forward, my head tilted to the sky, and my wings splayed outward. It was born of the same rock that made up the outcropping, and was a picture-perfect sculpture, without a hint of chisel markings or errant carving. “I didn’t mean to make that,” Willowbud said softly, “if I can’t control my power when I come, I usually just shift the earth beneath me; it isn’t subtle, but it keeps people from wondering. With you, the only thing I could think about was how beautiful you looked.” She turned to me, a worried expression on her face, “You’re going to cause me trouble, Astrid; I might actually give a shit about you.” “From you, that means everything.” I smiled, feeling my heart almost burst from my chest. Willowbud smiled back, and snuggled atop me, making a pillow of my ample breasts and staring tiredly into my eyes. I pet her mess of pure-white hair into orderly rows beneath her ivory horns, and then closed my wings over us, blocking the mid-morning sun. Her green eyes drooped to slits, and then closed. Soon after, the sounds of her snores rang throughout the cocoon of feathers I had made. I smiled contentedly and felt my own eyelids grow heavy. It seemed that Tentigo could wait one more day. WILLOWBUD I knew I was dreaming, but that didn’t mean I was safe. I’d had dreams like this before, but they were supposed to be gone; she was supposed to be dead. You can’t kill me, Corruption laughed softly, her voice a soothing drawl, like the hushed whisper of a loving mother, no more than you can kill the wind, Willowbud. Corruption, a Sentient, one of three astral beings of mind and thought, of emotion and soul. Wrath and Sorrow were the other two, but no one had heard from them in a millennium. No one had heard from Corruption for twice as long, until she found me. What do you want from me? I whispered to the void, my words tremoring on my lips. I have something to show you. Corruption said. I looked down, and saw that my body was not my own, but hers. It was slender, beautiful and black as obsidian. I saw the world through Corruption’s eyes, and this world was painfully familiar. I stood in the canopy of a massive tree, its branches wider than roadways, its trunk thicker than a house, its stature taller than the highest tower. I was in Arbortus, my home, and in the convergence of branches and leaves, stood a nymph man and a nymph woman, Pinebark and Flora Autumnsong, smiling over the cradle of a newborn babe, of me. I was here, Corruption said, I was with you since the beginning. No, I whispered back, no, that’s impossible! You were in Drastin when I found you! I found you much sooner. Corruption replied, You just couldn’t see me. I’ve been watching over you since you left the womb. The image blurred and refocused. I was floating along the treetops, flying side-by-side with a toddler version of myself. Toddler-me laughed and giggled as she jumped from branch to branch, fearlessly leaping gaps that dropped hundreds of feet, deftly catching knobs and knolls of bark to break her fall. She slid down a sloping branch and leaped head-first into the canopy that was her home. Her ears were immediately assaulted by yelling voices; Mother and Father were fighting. They didn’t see her enter, and she crouched behind a drape of foliage, afraid of their shouting. “Flora, she’s your daughter.” Father said in his usual, calm voice, “So what if she’s different?” “ Different? ” Mother screamed, “She’s a freak! This wasn’t supposed to happen to me; my sister was born with the sins of our father! I was supposed to be safe!” “Flora,” Father said, putting his hands on Mother’s shoulders, “it’s alright.” “It’s what the witch promised,” Mother sputtered, tears falling from her eyes, “ the seed of an incubus will inoculate the womb with one whore, and all children sired thereafter will be pure. Tera was the cursed one, not I! She was born the succubus, she was born the whore, yet my womb carried an abomination!” “Willowbud is completely normal,” Father said comfortingly as he held Mother, “it’s just one thing, just one little thing. It’s not a curse, Flora; it’s a blessing. She can father us grandchildren with a woman, and mother them with a man.” “And pass on that repulsive heritage?!” Mother screamed, “She will not sire children in my forest! Not while I am a matriarch!” Toddler-me didn’t wait to hear the rest of the conversation. She was afraid and confused, but she was smart enough to know that Mother was talking about her, and she wasn’t saying anything nice. She ran out of the canopy, ducking and dodging through trunks and branches, tears falling from her eyes. She fell to her knees at the end of a branch and sobbed quietly, alone. Somehow, she knew the loin cloth she was forced to wear was a symbol of something bad. None of the other nymph children had to wear clothes, but toddler-me did, and she didn’t know why. A squirrel chirped noisily at the other end of the branch, seeming to mock the girl. My hands, Corruption’s hands, reached outward, and tenderly pet the pure-white hair of the child. Her sobbing stopped, and she looked over at the teasing squirrel. The rodent continued to squeak away its supposed insults, and then a rock flew out of nowhere, and decapitated the thing in a spray of red and pink. Toddler-me laughed gleefully, and I felt Corruption’s smile form on my dreaming lips. I made the pain go away, Willowbud. Corruption laughed, enjoying the spectacle now as much as she did then, I always did. A band-aid for an axe-wound. I replied coldly. More like opium, actually. Corruption countered softly. The world blurred, and then refocused. I stood behind child-me, no more than five years old. She was standing alongside her father in the highest reaches of the canopy, so high that the sun gleamed uninterrupted through the thin ceiling of leaves. “Alright,” Father said excitedly, “do you see the racoon in that nest?” “Yes,” child-me grinned up at him, “he’s not supposed to be there, is he Daddy?” “No, he’s not.” Father grinned, “He’s being a very naughty raccoon. What do we do to naughty racoons?” A pebble shot through the air, and struck the robbing racoon right in the ass. The racoon squeaked in pain and surprise, and then scampered down the tree. “Fuck yeah!” Father exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down like a little kid. “Ooo,” child-me said, “you broke the rule, Daddy!” “I was testing to make sure you still knew them,” Father smiled slyly to me, “what are they, Willowbud?” “Don’t swear, don’t kill, and never, ever, show anyone my super-powers.” Child-me recited. “That’s right,” Father said, and the knelt in front of child-me, “and those last two are the most important of all, Willowbud. I found that dear by Ashblossom’s tree.” “It wasn’t me.” Child-me lied, twisting her fingers behind herself and rocking back and forth on her feet. Father’s smile never broke as he saw through her lie. He had a way of saying important things, and teaching important lessons without any gravity or sternness. “Killing animals isn’t what nymphs do,” Father said, pulling child-me up and allowing her to ride atop his shoulders, “other people do, but we are the caretakes of the forest, the followers of The Life Givers, and we do not take what has been given.” Stop, I said to Corruption, feeling my heart sinking into my chest, don’t you ever show him to me, you cunt! He was a good man, Willowbud, Corruption replied softly as the dream blurred, the only one you ever loved. The only person who loved you more than I. Get the fuck out of my head! I screamed, but was only answered with another of Corruption’s memories. Child-me was aboard a ship to Tentigo. She was sad and afraid, clutching a pouch full of gold. It was my Mother’s parting gift, after she’d discovered what I was. The nymphs were Creationists, of sorts, but they only worshipped The Life Giver. All other gods were considered lesser, and Mother said my presence was a threat to the entire forest. She took me to the docks herself, telling no one what she was doing. She did it while Father was away, so that he wouldn’t leave with me. Even at five years old, I knew it was just Mother’s way of getting rid of me; she just needed an excuse. I was standing right behind my younger self, my ethereal, black body not effected by the nauseating sways of the vessel. Child-me was in terrible, inconsolable pain, and Corruption could take the pain away. My black hands caressed the sobbing child, who clutched the bag of gold tightly to her chest; the only thing she had left of home. She didn’t want to spend it, she didn’t want to let it go. The only value the fortune had to her, was the nostalgic smell of maple sap that still wafted faintly from the leather of the pouch. Corruption whispered her soothing song from my dreaming lips, and into child-me’s ear. Corruption made it easy to let the gold go. It was just rock, after all; rock cast and carved into coins, but rock nonetheless. Rock I could control, rock I could make hurt people. Hurting things made the pain leave; killing things made me happy. The coins blasted from the pouch, punching holes in the deck, punching holes in the hull, punching holes in the crew. Men screamed, men cried, men begged, and men died. It felt good to kill them. It felt so, fucking, good! Never show anyone your powers, Father’s voice whispered from Corruption’s lips, to child-me’s ears, you can’t let anyone know what you are, or they’ll hurt you like Mommy did. When the ship crashed into the docks of Drastin the next morning, nobody found a man left alive. Child-me lived like a pauper in the streets of Drastin. She was lost and alone in the beastly metropolis, consumed by its endless maze of alleys and dead ends. I rested my black hands on her shoulders and tried to whisper my song into her ear, but she wouldn’t listen to me any longer; she was too ashamed of what she’d done. Don’t swear, don’t kill, don’t show them what you are. She would never break those rules again, she would abide by them until she died. She found her way into an orphanage. The children there were mean to her, but she didn’t fight back. A boy pushed her down the stairs, a girl stole her food, the orphans blamed her when things went awry, when they needed a scapegoat for the deeds they’d done. I pleaded to help her, I cried for her to listen, but she wouldn’t. Willowbud was cast into the streets. Willowbud was left alone. Willowbud began to starve. She begged for food on the cold stones, but no one paid her heed. She wept alone in the dark alleys, but no one heard her cries. But I heard you, Willowbud, Corruption said softly, I listened. You should have let me die. I whispered back, feeling a knot bulging in my throat. Dark shadows leered in the alleyway. Willowbud scampered to her feet, trying to find a way out, but the shadows blocked the dead-end entrance. They sniggered threateningly as they neared her, smelling of booze and sweat, sounding of merciless intent. Willowbud felt the earth and rocks beneath her, she felt the power she had over them, but her father’s words cut into her mind, don’t swear, don’t kill, don’t show them what you are. Willowbud wouldn’t break his rules again. Willowbud would find another way out of this. Willowbud wouldn’t listen to my desperate screams, begging her to fight, begging her to kill. The shadows converged on her. The shadows surrounded her. The shadows took her. The dawn cast its golden light on Willowbud’s broken form, splayed in the alleyway. I stood over her as her eyes opened to slits, and narrowed to focus. She could see me now, for the first time in her life. A dim shadow against the sun, barely visible, but there. I leaned forward and caressed the wet cheek of the child. She smiled weakly, recognition dawning in her blood-shot eyes; she knew that touch. I leaned forward, took her bloodied face in my hands, and kissed her softly on the lips. She accepted me, and opened her mind for me; opened that space left vacant in the minds of elves and nymphs, that space reserved for things like Corruption. I felt Corruption’s joy in my dream, brimming from an ethereal heart as she finally joined with the girl she loved. The last image I saw from the Sentient’s perspective, was of me, staring blankly at the sun; the white sclera of my eyes turning black. Don’t show me anymore! I screamed to Corruption, Find someone else to torment! Torment? Corruption’s voice sounded wounded, Willowbud, this is a love letter. Willowbud didn’t starve anymore. Willowbud didn’t beg anymore. Willowbud didn’t hurt anymore. I saw though Corruption’s eyes, and she saw through Willowbud’s. She made the hard decisions easy. Stealing became easy, hurting became easy, killing became easy. Willowbud wasn’t a loner anymore; she made friends. A gang of thieves and burglars, of thugs and killers, and she was the worst of them all, the ring-leader. She swore them to secrecy, she told them she’d torture them to death if they told a soul of her true nature, and they listened; they’d seen her do it before. Banks were robbed, stage coaches were held-up, gambling halls were ransacked. Willowbud’s gang became notorious, and she got a name for herself: Night Eyes. Night Eyes grew from a girl, to a teenager. Night Eyes began to get strange desires. Night Eyes became very interested in brothels. She paid the madam, she walked up the stairs, and she found the woman. Night Eyes didn’t like how the woman touched her, how the woman controlled her, how the woman led her through lust like a child. Night Eyes took control, Night Eyes grabbed and choked, Night Eyes pulled and thrusted. The woman screamed, the woman begged, the woman pleaded, and Night Eyes laughed. The woman surrendered, the woman moaned, and the woman came; writhing in a euphoria that was forced upon her. Night Eyes discovered something that night; Night Eyes found that she liked to rape. STOP! I screamed, Please, stop! You are who you are, Willowbud, Corruption said comfortingly, you should accept and love yourself, as I love and accept you. That’s not me, I said, choking on tears I couldn’t cry, not anymore. But it is. Corruption hissed, I didn’t make the decisions for you, I just made them easy. I hate you. Only as much as you hate yourself, Corruption replied, and I took that hatred away, didn’t I? You think that winged-warrior you’re fucking can give you peace? You will pour your self-loathing into her, you will make her bear the burdens of your conscience, and you will drive her away. No, I croaked, she will stay with me. She will not, Corruption said consolingly, apologetically, and you know it, Willowbud. Leave me, I said through gritted teeth, I will not see you again! Oh, you will, Corruption chuckled, her voice as alluring as it was threatening, we can’t avoid each other for long, can we? We’re kindred spirits, Willowbud; we belong together. Leave me, I whispered, please. For a moment, I thought she had. The dream faded from my mind, the sounds of the woman’s pleasured screams and horrified sobs dwindling to a drone. The world became black and silent. It’s absolutely lovely, this time of year, Corruption whispered, her voice so loud it quaked in my skull, In Tentigo. ASTRID It was dark out when I felt the disturbance. I opened my eyes, and saw Willowbud shaking me awake. Her green eyes gleamed in the moonlight, and they were wide with fear. She said something about Tentigo, about the ancient Sentients, about Corruption. Her sentences were jumbled and frantic, but I deciphered the meaning behind them. The Sentients were things of legend, long thought to be gone, but so were The Creators. I threw on my armor with practiced speed as Willowbud tied the harness to my body. I strapped the Sword of Iona to my back, and launched us into the sky. It was dangerous to fly at night, but the Gratoran Wall shielded us from wind gusts, and the desert was barren of nighttime predators. The dim tree line of the Tentigo Tropics finally appeared in the darkness, and Willowbud directed me to the location of the colony. I thought it might be hard to find in the night, but it was easy; the raging fire in the treetops marked it starkly against the black sky. “Oh, shit.” Willowbud said, her voice barely audible against the rushing wind. I flew over to the blaze, which burned crimson with the wet, tropical wood, and spewed smoke into the night air. Beneath the billowing layer of refuse and heat, I saw the chaos. The nymphs were like savages; killing, raping, and burning. They committed their atrocities with grins stitched across their faces, as though the grimace was a permanent fixture to their manic portraits. Even the wounded and dying cackled their death throes with the mirth of the insane. “What has happened to them?” I gasped in horror. “Corruption whispered to them,” Willowbud replied solemnly, “and they listened.” “Can they be saved?” “No,” Willowbud said quietly, “she didn’t meld with them; she broke them completely. She doesn’t care about them.” “But she cares about you, doesn’t she?” I asked, looking down at the top of her horned head, “You know Corruption, don’t you?” “She’s an old friend,” Willowbud said dryly, “and she misses me very much. Drop me on that plateau; I need to feel the earth.” I swooped to the jutting rock that towered above the trees, and knelt so that Willowbud’s feet touched the granite. She looked over the landscape, from the burning treetops in the valley below, to the hillside adjacent to our plateau. “Willowbud,” I asked carefully, a sickening feeling forming in my stomach, “what are you going to do?” “What I have to.” Willowbud replied, her voice cracking. She was crying. She stepped out of the harness and walked to the edge of the outcropping, trying to keep her composure as she assessed the landscape; she was failing. Her hands were trembling, her knees were wobbling, and her feet moved almost drunkenly. I walked behind her and wrapped her in my arms, embracing her in my love, pulling her to the safety of my bosom. Her haggard breathing grew steady, her drumming heart calmed, and her quivering body relaxed to solemn equanimity. A moment of peace passed between us, and then the entire hillside sheared as though it had been cut with a knife, and swept across the burning colony in seconds. The fires were quenched beneath the earth as the trees flattened and the huts disintegrated. The roar of shifting earth was deafening, but the silence that followed was somehow louder. Soft whimpers broke the still air as Willowbud collapsed to her knees in front of me. I held her to my breast and stroked her hair as she wetted my sleeve with her sorrow. I nuzzled my lips and nose into the nape of her neck and kissed her softly, trying to ease the pain that tormented her. “She wanted me to hurt,” Willowbud cried, “she knew it would be easier to get to me.” “She’s gone, Willowbud,” I whispered, “she can’t hurt you anymore.” “No,” Willowbud sniffled, “she’s been behind us this whole time.” Icy fear crept up my spine as I slowly turned my head. I’d seen astral beings before; they’re usually formless blurs that flit aimlessly about. This thing- this woman , was not formless. She was a sleek silhouette of a human woman; entirely black, with eyes that bore white irises, but black sclera. Her face was beautiful and youthful; a heart-shaped outline decorated with almond eyes, a pointed nose, and lips that pouted and creased with a cupid’s bow. Her sleek, subtly-curved body moved with a languidness that was both seductive and unnatural. She smiled to me, and the set of white teeth she displayed contrasted her entirely-black figure. Astrid, she said without her lips, her voice speaking softly into my mind, her words hissing with a soothing drawl, Valkyrie of Iona, daughter of High Guard Freydis, bearer of the Sword of Iona. I am truly delighted to make your acquaintance. “Don’t touch her, Corruption!” Willowbud yelled raggedly from behind me, “It’s me you want!” Willowbud is very taken with you, Corruption smiled, stepping toward me, it would seem that the best course for me, would be to take you under my wings, and let her follow in your footsteps. I reached back for my sword as the sinuous, black figure neared me. I pulled the weapon from its sheath and swiped downward in a deft, practiced motion, but the blade only passed through her. She reached forward, and touched a hand to my cheek. My sword dropped from my hands, and clattered to the stone. Oh… gods… the pleasure! A mingling of joy, satisfaction, love and sexual ecstasy swelled within every inch of me. Its euphoria brought tears to my eyes, and my body to its knees. I stared up at the woman’s black eyes, looking into the promising, white irises that smiled back at me. You don’t have hatred, Astrid, she whispered soothingly, her voice caressing the back of my mind, but you do have ambition, and I can work with that. Your mother is the High Guard of Iona, but why should she be? Didn’t you find the goddess? Didn’t you win the sword? They say you won it on luck, that Freydis stumbled before she delivered the critical strike, but isn’t the warrior who keeps her footing the better swordswoman? “Yes,” I said, my grin hurting my face, my eyes flowing with tears, “yes! I was the better warrior that day! I found the goddess! I should be the High Guard!” Of course you should, Corruption laughed, her agreement filling my heart with joy, we just have to get your pesky mother out of the way. How do you think we should do that? “Kill her!” I laughed, clapping my hands in glee, “Kill her in front of everyone! Kill her so that everyone knows I was always her better!” That sounds like a fantastic idea, Corruption smiled, kneeling so that our faces were at eye-level, and what do we do after? “I will take Willowbud with me to Iona!” I said excitedly, “I will make love to her every night, and become pregnant with her child! I will show the world how much I love her, how devoted I am to her, how I would kill and die for her! I will help her conquer lands, I will slaughter her enemies, I will erect statues of her upon the ashes of cities we’ve razed, so that all know that Astrid and Willowbud are the masters of this land! I will birth her a child, and spawn a new dynasty; an empire the likes of which the world has never seen!” But what of the other gods, Astrid? Corruption asked, her lips nearing mine, What of The Life Giver, and The Heat Bringer? “They will bend the knee!” I laughed manically, “They will prostrate before the true god, Willowbud, or they will be crushed!” That is an excellent plan, Corruption whispered, her lips baring no breath, I can make it happen, Astrid; all you have to do, is kiss me. I leaned forward to accept her kiss, but I felt a familiar hand stop me. I looked over my shoulder, and saw Willowbud shaking her head. She was crying, still grieving for the weak pieces of shit she buried under a hillside. I will help you kill hundreds of thousands more, I thought as I looked at her, you will learn to be strong, I will help you. I turned away from my god, and parted my lips to accept the promise of Corruption. A hand of stone burst from the ground and clasped my face, pushing me backward. I screamed my objection as Willowbud intercepted Corruption’s kiss with her own lips. WILLOWBUD Hello, old friend, Corruption whispered in my mind, It’s been too long. I dropped to my knees as the euphoria took hold of my body. It raced through every vein, electrified every nerve, awakened every muscle, and sank its dopamine into the center of my mind. Her lips opened against mine, and poured her sweet kiss into my mouth. I felt myself melting into her, leaning toward the promise that lay between her lips, but I resisted. I’d resisted her before, I’d cast her out before, I could do it again. She parted from our kiss, her eyes smirking into my own. Oh, child, she chuckled, you’ve grown so much since we last saw each other. Just a year ago you were running brothels and leading street gangs, now you’re destroying colonies. What’s next, I wonder; cities? Kingdoms? Empires? “Fuck you,” I laughed, my euphoric grimace glued to my face, “go rot in the hole you crawled out of.” Ah, but you don’t care for that kind of power, do you? Corruption smiled, ignoring my wrath, You have a taste for something more personal… more intimate. “You have nothing to give me,” I cried out, cackling my words through my mania, “nothing I want!” For you, power is only as good as the people who know you have it, Corruption sighed, clasping her hands together behind my neck and smiling at me, you need to see their subservience, you need to see their awe and fear. You need to see their pain. “You don’t know me!” I screamed, “Not anymore!” You made such sweet love to Astrid, Corruption whispered, pressing her ethereal, black body against mine, separating her thighs about my waist, you were so kind to her, so loving in the way you took her virginity. That’s not you, Willowbud; I know how you really like to treat women. “Not me…” I said, the seduction of Corruption’s body and promise melting into me, weakening me, “not me…” Yes, you, Corruption laughed softly, trailing a teasing hand through my hair, don’t deny it, not to me. I remember the things you did to your whores. I remember the things you made them do to you, and to each other. I remember the feeling it gave you, the power you lusted for. We could do those things to Astrid. “No…” She is so devoted to you, Corruption smiled as she pressed her crotch to my erection, so unconditionally in love with you. She said she’d do anything for you, Willowbud, and she meant it. I know you enjoy raping women, but I think I can give you something better. It’s only a small step, after all, to go from love to slavery. “No,” I said, the words seeming to come from elsewhere, “I don’t want to...” Imagine her on her knees, Corruption gasped as she took me inside her, staring up at you with eyes full of devotion, full of love. Imagine her in chains; begging you to stop, begging you for mercy; then begging you to keep going, and begging you for more. We can turn your guardian angel into your disgusting whore. “Please…” I murmured. Corruption’s dripping heat surrounded me, her vulgar muscles consumed me, her body sunk its intoxicating warmth into my flesh. Imagine twisting her, breaking her, molding her until she becomes the woman you want. Corruption moaned, Isn’t that your darkest desire, Willowbud? To take something beautiful and pure, and turn it into something as dark and twisted as you? “No…” I know why you are the way you are, Willowbud, Corruption whispered through her lust, her delicate fingers petting my hair affectionately, I know what the creatures of the alleys did to you when you were young. They broke you, they stole your innocence, they robbed you of virtue and goodness; that’s why you do it to others. That’s why you see someone as whole and pure as Astrid, and you want to defile her, mar her, corrupt her. It’s your way of coping with it; coping with the shame of letting those men take you so easily. “…please…” It’s why you melded with me so seamlessly. She hissed, her tongue licking across my trembling lips, I don’t judge you, Willowbud; I except you for what you are. I love you more than anyone else ever could. I didn’t respond. Words would not form in my mouth, and thoughts would not string together in my mind. Corruption’s temptation was a needle for a junkie, a bottle for a booze-hound, a pipe for an opium addict. It was the promise of self-acceptance, of a life without shame, of freedom; true freedom. The freedom from yourself. Corruption wrapped her legs around me and embraced me like a lover. Her kiss found its way on my lips, and her pelvis found its way to my crotch. She drew me into her vile seduction, her intoxicating cancer. I took hold of her, I lifted her weightless form, and I turned her around. I bent her over, planted my hands into the fat of her ass, and fucked her like she knew I wanted to. Dominating, controlling, hateful. My hand came down on her ass again and again, my other hand took hold of her black hair and ripped it backward. The muscles on her back flexed in strain, the movement of her hips became desperate, her face looked up at me from the tops of her black eyes and gave me the expression I wanted. Fear, pain, pleasure. I knew she was manipulating me, I knew she was seducing me, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to hear her scream, I just wanted to hear the tones of her sexual surrender, and she gave them to me. She screamed that sweet tenor of shame, agony and ecstasy. That harmony of weakness, of acceptance, of submission. She gave me that power; the power to make someone need something that hurt them, the power to make someone love something they hated. The power those men had over me, when I was so young. I can make you love yourself, Corruption whispered telepathically, the sultry drawl of her mind contrasting the panicked screams of her mouth, I can make the pain go away, Willowbud. I can make you shameless; invincible to your own soul. “Just… one… thing…” I managed to say through my fugue state of lust and hatred, through my fog of desire and disgust. Anything. Corruption whispered back, her mouth now sobbing and begging. “Not… Astrid…” I said, my mouth growling and moaning, my hips slamming into her, “you… can’t… have… her!” She won’t save you from me, Corruption said apologetically, and you can’t save her from yourself. “NOT… HER!” I screamed, feeling the pressure in my loins reaching the boiling point. OK, Willowbud, I accept. Corruption said softly, conciliatorily, as she wailed agonized pleasure from her mouth, Welcome back, old friend. I stopped resisting her. I gave the last of myself up and drowned in her sweet temptation. Corrupt me, twist me, use me. Make me who I already am. I’m yours, my beautiful hatred, my twisted lust, my broken soul. ASTRID My mind faded from Corruption’s power, and focused on the scene before me. Willowbud looked like she was trying to break the black spirit in half. Corruption’s head was upside down, her neck stretched backward, her chest forced forward, her belly distended, and her back arching so vulgarly that her ass was level with her crown. This lecherous curve was anchored by the vicious pull of her hair, which strained her scalp as Willowbud sadistically yanked backward. Despite the pained position she was in, Corruption’s mouth wailed an ecstasy so intense her voice was cracking. Her black eyes bulged, her screaming lips quivered, her body swung from her pulled hair like a lecherous pendulum; smashing back and forth onto the point of her penetration as she writhed helplessly beneath the god. Willowbud fucked the astral being with inhuman speed, rippling supple flesh outward from Corruption’s battered backside. The two vibrated and writhed in a performance of violent lust that matched the animalistic symphony of their mouths. Sadistic growls mixed with pained screams, snarls mixed with whimpers, laughs mixed with sobs. Their connected forms accelerated into a blur of jiggling flesh, flailing hair and spraying fluids. They moved faster and faster, harder and harder, driving their hate-fueled joining into a brutal crescendo that built and built, until it reached its soprano note, and the two vibrated upon the paralytic precipice; stuck in a moment of primal intensity that held them in rigid stasis. Then, they came. They came violently, screaming with throes of release that wracked their forms into a splay of powerless flaccidity. Corruption’s arms and legs gave out, and she collapsed to her stomach. Willowbud dropped to her knees in euphoria, and she fell upon the spirit with her cock still buried. The two panted and heaved in the last tremors of their lust, and then they kissed. A hedonistic, vulgar kiss of pure greed, of ownership. Corruption stared at me from behind Willowbud’s head, and gave me a parting wink before she melted into black wisps. Willowbud drank in the misty essence of the Sentient, and then rolled to her side, and went limp. “Willowbud?” I asked, fear tinging my words. Willowbud stayed motionless for a moment longer, and then rolled languidly to her side. The whites of her eyes were pitch-black with Corruption. They stared lazily at me, as though I were a mere passing interest, but their regard was seeped in danger. She smiled, and the nonchalant grin that stretched across her lips was as threatening as the glare of her green irises. Despair sunk its weight into my stomach, and I slumped on the ground. Willowbud had lost. “Why the long face, Astrid?” Willowbud laughed easily as she stretched herself; cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders. “Corruption has you,” I said, feeling helpless, “you’ve melded with her.” “I have,” Willowbud said, closing her eyes as she stretched her back, “but Corruption doesn’t own me, Astrid; she just makes me… more of myself.” “No,” I said, “she takes away your morals and inhibitions, the things that make you a person.” “Are you saying I’m no longer a person?” Willowbud chuckled with a raised eyebrow. “You’re no longer you.” I whispered. Willowbud seemed to consider that for a moment. She cocked her head and stared at the night sky, looking at the stars through the remnants of smoke. “It occurs to me,” Willowbud mused, studying the constellations, “that I made Corruption spare you, so that you could save me from her, eventually.” “How did you kill her before?” I asked, “Tell me, and I’ll help you do it now!” “I killed my father.” Willowbud said nonchalantly, as though she were speaking of the weather, “He searched for me for a decade, and when he found me, I fucked his brains out, and slit his throat.” I gaped at Willowbud, but she just smiled back. “I guess it stirred a little guilt in me,” Willowbud said, “and Corruption can’t handle guilt. She tried to convince me not to care, but it didn’t work for her. I began to resist her, I began to defy her, and eventually, I cast her from myself. She had become so dependent on me, that without my mind to hold her, she withered away.” “So…” I said, my voice hushed, “you have to kill me, to save yourself?” “Don’t be ridiculous!” Willowbud laughed, “I don’t care nearly enough to feel guilty about murdering you! ” That hit me like a ton of bricks. My face dropped in rejection, and my shoulders slumped even more. Of course, I thought, a tear streaking down my cheek, why would I think otherwise? One day of passion doesn’t kindle love; I’m an idiot. “Oh…” Willowbud groaned in mock consolation, “you didn’t think I actually gave a shit about you, did you? This must sting.” “Yes,” I said, feeling tears burning my eyes, “it does.” Willowbud stood up and sauntered over to me. Her gait was exaggerated in its sultry nature; each step shifting a hip with lascivious grace, each motion advertising the pleasure she could offer. She had changed so much in such a short time. She stopped in front of my kneeling form, and beckoned my crying face to look up with a gentle hand on my chin. “Am I still your god, Astrid?” Willowbud asked, her black eyes gleaming, her smirk crooked. “Yes,” I said through falling tears, “always.” “I know that I insisted you treat me as your equal,” Willowbud said, brushing away my tears with her thumb, “but I think we’ll change that. You are not my equal, Astrid; you are shit.” “Yes.” I said, feeling numb. I had failed her. I had failed her, and I deserved this. “I believe you have oaths to speak,” Willowbud said, trailing her caressing hand possessively along my cheek, and to my neck, “oaths that I so rudely interrupted when we first met.” “Great Earth Former, goddess of mountains and rock; I am not worthy.” I whispered, the tears falling freely again, “As a winged-warrior of Iona, it is my sworn-duty to serve you. I have oaths I must speak to you, and hope that you accept them. I am your sword, I am your shield, I am your armor. I am your watcher in the night, I am your wings in the morning. I am your-” “You are my whore, Astrid,” Willowbud interrupted, her words a soft whisper, her hand wrapping around my throat, “you are my beast of burden. You are my toy when I want to play, and my slave when I want to work. Say it.” “I am your whore,” I said through hushed sobs, “I am your beast of burden. I am your toy when you want to play, I am your slave when you want to work.” “Good,” Willowbud chuckled, her hand leaving my throat, and trailing leeringly down my bust, “you said it with such conviction, but you couldn’t possibly have meant it. That’s fine for now; there will be time enough for you to learn.” Willowbud knelt before me, until our eyes were level. I averted my gaze, no longer sure if I should prostrate reverently, or look her in the eye. I had a feeling that I would be punished no matter what I did. As if on cue, the back of Willowbud’s hand crashed into the side of my face. I spun to the ground, and lay still, uncertain if I should cower for her, or stoically accept my punishment. “I understand that the dramatic change in our relationship is jarring,” Willowbud said from above, “but we should always see things eye-to-eye. I can’t trust someone afraid to hold my gaze; it makes me wonder what they’re hiding from me.” Willowbud stepped over me, and then straddled across my torso. She reached forward, and caressed the red mark she’d left on my cheek. Somehow, her gentleness was more frightening than her violence, and she knew it. She grinned as I cringed away from her, and then she leaned forward, and planted a closed-lip kiss on my lips. Our eyes didn’t shut in the kiss, but connected above our pressing lips. Hers gleamed with the power she had over me, and mine quivered for the same reasons. “It would have been a mercy to let Corruption have you,” Willowbud whispered, her lips pulling from my mouth, “it would have been so much easier for you. You would have broken willingly, enthusiastically, even, but that’s no fun for me.” “What do you want from me?” I asked, my voice a terrified hiss. “We’re going to play a game, you and I,” she smiled, tracing her thumb about my trembling lips, “your goal is to save me from Corruption, and my goal is to turn you into the whore you swore to be. I am going to do things to you, Astrid; things you couldn’t imagine. In time, you may find you enjoy these things. In time, you might beg me to do them to you. I can’t wait to see what you become.” “I will save you, Willowbud,” I said, swallowing my fear, “I will play your game, and I will win.” “I like the confidence,” Willowbud smirked, “but Astrid, if you ever call me by my name again, I will brand your perfect, little ass with a hot iron.” “Yes, Your Holiness.” I replied weakly. “‘Master’ will do nicely,” Master said, standing up, “or ‘Mistress,’ if you feel like it. We’re going to Drastin now, and I don’t really feel like having to explain my divinity to every swinging dick that overhears us.” “Drastin?” I asked quietly, “Now?” “Yes, now, you dumb bitch!” Mistress laughed, “You think I want to spend another fucking night in the goddamn wilderness?! I need the smell of a city, the teeming, churning mess of people living in debauched misery. I’ve been absent for too long, and that town just ain’t the same without me. I’ll introduce you to some old friends of mine; you’ll love ‘em, trust me. Well, maybe not,” Willowbud chuckled, “but they’ll definitely love you.” I got to my feet, trembling from all that had transpired, and what was going to transpire. I picked up the rope, and began tying the harness together, my shaking fingers defying me with every knot. “What the fuck are you doing?” Mistress asked. “Getting your harness ready, Mistress.” I said, keeping my head bowed. “I’m not riding in that fucking thing!” Mistress laughed, “You’re my horse, Astrid, and I’m riding you barebacked. Now, turn that pretty ass around and get on your knees, or I’m buying spurs the moment we land in Drastin.” I turned around and got on my knees, and Mistress hopped on my back and gave me an ‘encouraging’ kick in the flank. I spread my wings, and launched us into the sky. Mistress sat astride my lower back, occasionally smacking me in the ass to direct my flight, sometimes digging her heels into my ribs. Four hours later, the distant sprawl of torchlight marked the massive human capital on the horizon. Despite her brutish nature during the trip, I was not relieved for it to be over. Mistress had grand plans for me, and they were to be realized within the dark corners of this beastly city. I was terrified, exhausted and sore, but I still held a flame of resolve. I had a mission now. The mission might break me, might corrupt me, might twist and change me, but I was determined to complete it. I would save Mistress from Corruption, and return Willowbud to this world. She was my god, my purpose, and my love. I had failed all of my oaths, but I would not fail this one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four: Drastin BRANDON “So,” I said as we walked down the dirt path to Drastin; Tera on one side of me, and Justina on the other, “the Heat Bringer can ignite with the force of a volcano, the Earth Former can level entire mountains, and I can grow fucking plants.” I held the disappointing tulip in my palm, whose sickly-looking flower drooped pathetically after growing another inch. Tera, who I’d since relieved of her lustful slavery, laughed. “You can do more than grow plants, Brandon,” the succubus said, affectionately placing a hand on my arm, “you can stop people from dying, you can create life from nothing, you can-” “Grow weed!” I exclaimed excitedly as a marijuana plant sprouted from my hand, “Why didn’t I think of that before?!” “You can also do that,” Tera smiled, plucking the herb from my hand and placing it in her pouch, “but we’ll need to keep a clear head in Drastin.” I had thought Tera would be furious with me after the things I made her do during her night as my slave, but she didn’t seem to mind in the least. In fact, she was more than a little friendly with me. She didn’t worship me like she did two nights ago (and my god, does that woman know how to treat divinity), but she did openly flirt with me, and let me ‘feed her’ each night while we camped. The touch of the succubus no longer affected me, not in the magical sense, but her company was still quite distracting. Her hair was a sheen of onyx luxury beneath her satanic horns, her complexion was bronze and unblemished, her face bore impossibly full lips, large, violet eyes, and high, blushing cheeks, and beneath the cloak she was wearing, her body was a vulgar display of sex. Her daughter, Justina, bore the same features as her mother, though her face was fuller, and her body was that of a teenager, not quite fully-developed. Both women had pointed tails protruding from their supple backsides, and both women moved and talked with the natural seduction of their breed, though they did differ in personality. Tera was as cunning as she was charming, and ruthless when she needed to be, while her daughter was practical and infinitely curious. “Hey, Brandon!” Angela blurted from Justina’s mouth, “Keep practicing; you need to make me a new body!” And that was the fourth member of our group: Angela, my dead twin sister, who had taken up residence in Justina’s brain. “You could live in this ladybug I made,” I smiled to Justina, whose eyes had turned Angela’s pale blue, “I worked for hours on it.” “It has ten legs and three heads,” Angela said frankly, “I’m not an entomologist, but I think you might’ve fucked up.” “It’s a true marvel,” Tera said, squeezing my arm encouragingly, “a miracle of nature.” “It’s an abomination and should be burned with fire!” Angela spat, “At this rate, I’ll be lucky if you manage to make me a body with an asshole for a mouth.” “Your attitude is not conducive to productive learning,” I smiled at my sister, “you’ve been so sour lately. You know what Dad always says: if everything smells like shit, check under your own nose.” “You’re fucking hilarious.” Angela grumbled, and then receded into Justina’s mind, allowing the succubus to regain her violet eyes. “I thought it was pretty funny.” Tera smiled up at me, resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled back, put my arm around her, and walked the path to Drastin with an extra spring in my step, as Tera walked with a slight limp in hers. WILLOWBUD Goddamn, it felt good to be back in Drastin. I sored over the city atop Astrid, taking in the smells and sights, breathing in the thick, rancid air of a million people, crammed together. Onlookers gawked at us as we zipped through the maze of stone spires in downtown, flying past churches, government buildings and commercial towers that jutted defiantly into the sky. I mused for a moment about what kind of destruction I could cause in a city build almost entirely of stone, but I shook the thought from my mind. What fun would Drastin be if it was rubble? Now that we’d melded, Corruption didn’t speak to me, but thrummed steadily in my mind, a calming whisper of nihilistic indifference. Do what you want, Willowbud; what does it matter? the whisper seemed to say, and I readily complied with it. It was a much easier set of rules to follow than my father’s, don’t swear, don’t kill, don’t show them what you are, though, the last one was something I generally still abided by. For now. I directed Astrid to fly into the brothel district, my old stomping grounds. We landed in the middle of a busy street, sending pedestrians sprawling to avoid the fourteen-feet of incoming wings. I gave Astrid a congratulatory smack on the ass for a successful landing, and then hopped off. Whispers and exclamations greeted my ears. “Valkyrie,” they yelled, “Iona,” they shouted, “Night Eyes,” they gasped, “she’s back,” they whispered. The crowd’s mood changed from awe at the sight of the majestic Astrid, to fear at the sight of me. I grinned at their horrified faces; they had good reason to be afraid. People averted their gazes, shutters were slammed above me, doors were locked and ‘closed’ signs were hung. I laughed a hearty, pleased laughed at my reception, took my vehicle by her hand, and made my way to my old safehouse. “The Screeching Siren” wasn’t the most ostentatious of brothels, but it wasn’t the dirtiest either. Technically, I owned the place, but being a pimp was never my calling. Playing with the merchandise is fun, but actually selling it is another story. When I opened the door to the brothel, my ears were assaulted with the laughs, yells, moans and screams I was accustomed to. When I walked in, the place quieted with each of my footfalls, until my boots hitting the wooden floor was all anyone could hear. All eyes were on me, and I took a moment to bask in the fear. “Night Eyes?” a deep, gruff voice asked from behind the bar. I turned to my left, and smiled at Gronk. He was seven feet of muscle, tusk and dreadlocks, with a canvas of green skin over his bulging form. The orc struck an intimidating figure, lessened only by the round spectacles that were too small for his face. “Hello, Gronk,” I smiled easily to my old comrade, “where the fuck is everyone else?” It didn’t take long for Gronk to roundup the rest of the gang. There was Terry, a squirmy human with a talent for lock picking, Flendian, a dark-elf with a penchant for stabbing people, Hacksaw, a brutish half-giant who used his fists to solve every problem, and Grunt, my second-in-command, a dwarf who enjoyed cooking almost as much as he enjoyed murder. The six of us sat around a large, oaken table as Astrid stood straight-backed and nervous behind me. “So, Night Eyes,” Flendian grinned across from me, his tan skin and dark eyes almost making him handsome, “you gonna tell us where the fuck you’ve been this past year?” “I went to Terondia to visit your mother,” I smirked back, “she had some back problems I helped her straighten out. Now she has walking problems, but what can I do?” “We’re never getting a straight answer out of ya, are we?” Hacksaw said, his massive frame taking up an entire side of the table, his scarred face a testament to his days as a fighter in The Pit. “No,” I replied, “so don’t bother asking.” “Are you going to at least tell us about her?” Terry asked, gesturing to Astrid, “She doesn’t look like the kind of company you usually keep.” “No, she doesn’t,” Grunt chuckled, eyeing the Valkyrie with greedy eyes, “if you don’t mind me saying, Miss; you are the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever seen.” Astrid did not reply. I suspected it was because she was waiting for me to give her permission to speak, more than it was her disdain for the dwarf. “Say ‘thank you,’ Astrid.” I called over my shoulder. “Thank you.” Astrid said, unable to keep the contempt and disgust out of her voice. “Ah, she doesn’t like me,” Grunt said with mock indignation, running a hand over his bald head, and into his black beard, “and here I was being so polite to her.” “So,” Terry said, leaning forward, “where’d you find her?” “You know about my… secret, right?” I said, subtly moving a stone across the table without touching it. The men nodded, not daring to speak of it aloud. “Well there’s a whole mountain of these bitches,” I said with a smile, gesturing over my shoulder, “and they worship me like a fucking god!” “That’s just your luck!” Gronk said, his deep voice practically vibrating the glassware on the table, “I can’t get pussy unless I hold it down or buy it, and you’ve got a mountain of beauties who will do anything you want!” “Anything,” I smiled, “but don’t worry, boys; I’ll let her prove it to you later.” The gang collectively turned their eyes to Astrid, and I could practically smell her terror, disgust and contempt, but she didn’t say a word, and she didn’t move a muscle. Good girl. “But, before we get to the fun,” I said, drawing my gang’s attention back to me, “I want to know what the state of things are.” “Well, as you can imagine,” Grunt said, clearing his throat, “not great. Once you left (without telling anyone, I might add), things got… bad. With you behind us, we were punching way above our weight class, but once you left, we couldn’t keep it going. We tried to pretend you were still around to keep the sharks at bay, but then they started taking little bites, and we couldn’t bite back. Gloria’s gang struck first, then Vistir’s, then Ryan’s. We lost the docks, we lost the corners, and we lost every brothel but this one. The only reason we managed to keep this place was because we were too small-time for Vistir and Ryan to give a shit about, and they got back to killing each other.” “And Gloria?” I asked, her name foul in my mouth. “Oh, you know her,” Grunt chuckled, “she holds a grudge. I guess being thousands of years old allows for vengeance to simmer. We bolt our doors at night, and keep an astral sunbeam in a gemstone at all times.” “Vampires,” Terry spat, refilling the mugs and passing them out, “fucking rats.” “How big is the tag on my head?” I asked. “Fifteen thousand from Gloria,” Flendian said, “Ryan and Vistir matched that, but after you didn’t come back, they pulled the offer.” “But she kept it up, huh?” I smiled. “Like I said, she holds a grudge.” Grunt said, shrugging, “I’ve got to be honest with you, Night Eyes; flying in here on a fucking Valkyrie wasn’t exactly subtle. People are going to tell Gloria you’re here- WHAT THE F-” There were three things I sensed within the blink of an eye: the whoosh of something heavy moving with blinding speed, the wind of it breathing past my ear, and a metallic flash that moved with such swiftness, its path was a single image of arcing, gleaming steel. Astrid’s massive sword split the thick, oak table a quarter of the way in, and Terry’s head rolled across its surface, his eyes writhing in his dead skull. His fist clutched the handle of the mug he’d been passing to me, and a thin packet of powder slipped from his twitching fingers. I dipped my thumb into the substance and sniffed it. Belladonna Nightshade. “Looks like Gloria already knows.” I muttered to Grunt, picking up Terry’s decapitated head as Astrid sheathed her sword. I turned Terry’s face to each member of my gang, and stared coldly into their eyes. “You all know what I am,” I said quietly, making them look at Terry as they matched by gaze, “you all know what I do to people who fuck with me. Terry is the lucky one, gentlemen; remember that. Astrid is quick and painless, but I am not.” Each man held my eyes without faltering, their expressions as cold as their killer’s eyes. I was satisfied that I didn’t have any more traitors seated with me, but I kept Terry’s head as a decorative piece just in case any of them needed a healthy reminder. Gronk unceremoniously pushed Terry’s body to the side, and no one so much as blinked an eye over the death of a man they’d known for the better half of a decade. “That one,” Hacksaw said, pointing a meaty finger at Astrid, “needs to fight in The Pit.” “Fuck yeah, she does,” Gronk said, a touch of awe in his baritone voice as he stared at the Valkyrie, “I’ve never seen anyone move that fast; not even vampires, and those fuckers are like lightening.” “That draw,” Flendian said, mimicking the motion with his hand, “to move a blade that heavy, that quickly; Night Eyes, I hope you’re not going to waste her in the brothels.” “That was exactly what I was going to do.” I replied. “We could make a fortune off her as a whore,” Grunt said, leaning forward on his elbows toward me, “but we could build an empire on that blade, Night Eyes. The Pit is the beating heart of this city, and I know how you like to be perceived.” “Are you calling me vain, Grunt?” I asked with a smirk. “You’re fucking right I am,” Grunt grinned, “you don’t do what we do for the money, the women or the men; you do it because you like the way people look at you when you walk down the street. You didn’t fly into this city on the back of a fucking angel, knowing half this town wants you dead, to avoid attention.” “Think of the opportunity!” Flendian hissed excitedly, “The Pit champions are all brutes; orcs, ogres, trolls and half-giants; hardly the sort that gain the people’s adoration.” He looked unapologetically at Gronk and Hacksaw, but they just nodded in agreement. “It’s a place of brawn and savagery,” Hacksaw said, flexing a massive arm, “fancy knights and fencers get buried before they can even make the tournament.” “Drastin starves for a real champion,” Flendian said, looking appraisingly up at Astrid, “someone they can adore, someone they can romanticize, someone they can idolize, someone they want to fuck. A shining beacon, a hero, if you will. Night Eyes,” Flendian said in a hushed voice, “if you play this right, that Valkyrie will be on the lips of every crier on every street corner by the end of the week. By the end of a fortnight, she’ll be more famous than the fucking king.” “And whoever owns her,” Grunt smiled, “owns that fame. You want to carve your name onto the face of this city?” Grunt gestured to the gash in the table, “Do it with that blade.” If I wanted to carve my name onto this city, I literally would, I mused to myself, I’d carve it from the docks, to the west gate. Hell, I could kill Vistir, Ryan, and even that bitch Gloria without so much as breaking a sweat, but there’s no fun in that. Grunt’s right, I don’t play the game for rational reasons; I play it because it’s fun. I looked down at the poison that had been meant for me, And the deadlier the game, the more fun it is. What game is deadlier than The Pit? “Astrid,” I said, looking at the statuesque Nordic beauty, “how would you like to be my champion?” “Killing for sport is against the codes of The Iona Guard,” Astrid said, “it is an evil-” “Fuck your codes!” I laughed, turning away from the dejected Valkyrie, picking up Terry’s severed head, and raising it aloft, “To Astrid!” I toasted merrily, “The Avenging Angel, The Winged-Executioner, the future-fucking-champion of Drastin!” “To Astrid!” My gang toasted back, raising their mugs in place of decapitated heads, and then drinking deeply. “Right,” I said getting up and taking a firm grip of Astrid’s leather-clad ass, “now who wants to fuck her?” BRANDON “Those two,” the guard at the city gate said, gesturing to Justina and Tera, “need to be registered before they can enter.” “They… what?” I asked. “The succubi,” the guard said, “cannot enter the city until they’ve put their names on the prostitution registry.” “They’re not whores.” I said frankly. “Then they can’t come in,” the guard replied with equal frankness, “all succubi are restricted to the brothel district. It’s nothing personal lad, my brother is married to a succubus, but the king can’t have magical seductresses running around town turning honest folk into slaves.” I sighed and turned to Tera. “Can we meet your contact in a whore-house?” I asked. “She wouldn’t meet us there,” Tera frowned, “too many prying ears.” “Mom,” Justina whispered, “maybe you should drop some names.” “I still have some pride, Justina,” Tera hissed back, “we’ll just have to make do.” “Drop names?” I asked. “My humble, country-girl of a mother, is actually royalty,” Justina smirked, “her sister is the newly-crowned arch-matriarch of Arbortus.” “Bullshit.” I said, staring at Tera. “It’s true,” Justina smiled as Tera scowled, “Mom’s sister is Flora Autumnsong.” “But, you’re a succubus,” I said slowly, “and Autumnsong is a nymph. So… genetics and shit.” “Our father was an incubus,” Tera said, working her lips like the words tasted foul in her mouth, “and having an incubus in your lineage is like playing roulette with your family tree. I was born a succubus, but my precious sister was born a perfect, little, nymph. Rumor has it that her daughter was born a mutated freak, so I guess karma found its way into her womb.” “You sound bitter.” I snorted. “They kicked me out of Arbortus once I started maturing,” Tera said, “they said I was too dangerous to keep in the colony, so they put me on a boat and shipped me off. Flora was particularly delighted, seeing as how I got all the boys she wanted. Bitch.” “Can we use it to our advantage?” I asked Tera, putting a hand on her shoulder, “Right now’s not the time for prideful decisions.” Tera worked her jaw a little longer, seeming to acclimate her palate to the taste of her heritage. She finally relented, reached into her pouch, and pulled out a set of frayed documents that looked hundreds of years old. She handed them to the guard, who paged through them with bored disinterest. “These papers were dated the fourth of summer season, twenty-three-fifty-two,” the guard said looking up from the yellowed pages, “it is the thirty-sixth of spring season, twenty-eight-thirty-nine.” “Yeah, I’m fucking old,” Tera grumbled, “are they still valid?” “They bare the Arbortus seal,” the guard conceded, “a really old print of it, but still recognized. You may enter without registering, Tera Autumnsong, but you’ll need to wear this badge,” the guard dug into a sack to his left and pulled out an embroidered patch, “that marks you as a royal diplomat. This one, though,” the guard said, gesturing to Justina, “will still have to register.” Tera looked like she’d object, but Justina put a hand on her mother’s shoulder and nodded. She signed the registry, sewed the whore’s patch to her cloak, and the three of us (four of us) walked through the gates of the largest city in the world. “Holy shit.” I gasped. The walls of Drastin had concealed the city from view, but now that we were inside, its enormity was overwhelming. Every street was a trench; the buildings running endlessly on either side, connecting wall-to-wall with different facades, standing fifty feet high at their shortest stature. Behind the maze of continuous buildings, I saw the tops of towers reaching for the sky. The downtown of the metropolis was decorated with stone spires that speared the skyline hundreds of feet up, creating a gapless wall of architecture that cast its shadows over the entire city. I saw more people on one block than I’d seen in my entire life, and the churning, chaotic life of this place intimidated me. The others did not share in my fear. Tera regarded the city with passing interest, Justina was giddy with excitement, and Angela was bursting from Justina’s mouth with even greater exuberance. “Oh my god!” Angela squealed from Justina’s mouth, “Look at all the… everything!” “It sure is a lot.” I said, my voice small in my throat. Tera heard the anxiety in my voice, and pressed her comforting body closer to me. “You’ll be fine,” she smiled, “the trick is to blend in. Just follow my lead, and don’t gawk at everything you see.” “We’ll be in the brothel district,” Justina said from my other side, “I’ll take care of Angela, Brandon, don’t worry about her. It’s not like she can die twice, anyway.” “You will do no such thing!” Tera snapped, “You’re staying with me the whole time!” “I think it would be unwise for us to break the law the moment we enter the city, Mother.” Justina said practically, fingering her whore’s patch, “So, unless you’re relocating your meeting to a brothel, we’re going to have to split up.” “Take off that fucking patch,” Tera spat, reaching for Justina’s cloak, “you are not-” “Mom,” Justina said, putting a calming hand atop her mother’s, “I’m almost seventeen, and you still feed me like I’m a babe. We’re not in Towerhead anymore, no one’s coming to burn us, and I need some independence.” Tera’s hand stilled, and her concerned face softened to one of melancholy. “You’re going to feed yourself, aren’t you?” she asked quietly. “I am,” Justina said, clasping her other hand atop her mother’s, “it’s time, Mom; it’s well-past time, actually.” “I should be there for it,” Tera said, her voice verging on tears, “I should be present when you become a woman. You need someone there to-” Justina pulled her mother into an embrace, and locked lips with the woman. Angela screamed out of Justina’s body as mother and daughter exchanged tongues and spit. “Goddamn it, Justina!” Angela’s flustered, ethereal face yelled from above, “You were supposed to warn me before you tongue-punched your mom!” Tera could not hear the ghost, but I saw Justina’s consuming lips curve in a slight grin as she drank of her mother’s lust. The two succubi held each other for a moment longer, and then separated, their violet eyes staring their love. “I already am a woman, Mom,” Justina smiled, caressing Tera’s face, “now let me be a woman.” “Ok, Justina,” Tera whispered, a tear running down her smiling face, “you’re right; I’ve been too protective. You’re not my baby girl anymore.” She cupped her daughter’s cheek, and then gave her a final kiss, “You and Angela go have fun,” she sniffled, “we’ll meet at The Oxehead’s Inn tonight.” ASTRID I’d anticipated that Mistress would make me please her men; she said as much before we left for Drastin. I just didn’t think she was going to make me do it in front of the entire brothel. I stood atop the table I’d just decapitated a man on, and I took off my armor piece by piece to the jeers and whistles of every whore and patron. These wretched creatures were beneath me, they were the dregs of the world, commoners without code or honor, yet I was their entertainment. A stronger Valkyrie would be furious, my mother would have dealt out justice with cold wrath, but I only felt fear and shame. Bravery isn’t the lack of fear, I told myself, remembering the oaths of the Iona Guard, bravery is facing it. “Mistress,” I whispered to the corrupted god standing next to me atop the table, “I saved your life.” “And I’m grateful,” Mistress said, her black and green eyes smirking back up at me, “and this is your reward; look how much everyone loves you! Aren’t you happy to be getting so much attention? Does my reward not please you?” I am naïve, but I wasn’t stupid enough to say ‘yes.’ I unstrapped the leather that bound my torso, and let it fall to the tabletop. I’d already taken off my shoulder pads, my calf guards, and the padded skirt that concealed my thighs. All that was left, were my breast wrap and loin strap. My audience seemed to think that I was giving them a little strip tease, but in reality, I’d been delaying exposing myself in the vain hope that Mistress would be merciful after I’d saved her. She was not, of course, and my overlong undressing only served to rile up the crowd more. I stared outwardly in half-lucid terror, a fugue state of fear and humiliation where every leering face gawked with wide, greedy eyes, and every jeering mouth slurred their tones with malice. I shakenly hooked my finger beneath the clasp of my chest wrap, and pulled it loose. The crowd cheered as my ample breasts jiggled freely from their prison, my nipples standing erect and pointing lewdly at the audience. I was too ashamed to blush, too humiliated to cast my eyes downward. I looked at everyone and no one as I numbly reached down, and pulled my legs out of the loin strap. “Astrid of Iona!” Mistress exclaimed to the crowd, gesturing dramatically to my naked figure as the onlookers cheered. I wanted to cover myself with my hands, I wanted to fold my wings over my naked body and hide from the world, but I did not. Mistress was still my god, and I would do what she wanted. I stood stoically atop the table, trying desperately to keep from breaking down and crying. Stay strong, I told myself, endure it like a warrior; don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you break. “Well,” Mistress said, looking up at me, “are you going to show your fans your assets?” “My… what?” I asked, my voice small in my mouth. “Bend over,” Mistress said, “and spread your cheeks. Oh, and arch your back a little, and smile , Astrid; we wouldn’t want to give off the impression that you’re not enjoying yourself.” I turned around, bent until my torso was parallel to the tabletop, reached back, and took a deep breath. I grabbed the succulent fat of my glutes, looked over my shoulder, and glued on a pained smile as I exposed my lewdness to everyone. They cheered louder than ever, and I felt a single tear draw down my cheek, thankfully on the side of my face concealed from the audience. Don’t let them see it. “Oh,” Mistress cooed in false consolation, wiping the tear from my face, “it’s good to know that this is such a happy moment for you; I was worrying that you didn’t like my gift.” “Thank you, Mistress.” I said in a shaking voice, my brain seared with the images of the crowd’s predatory faces. “I got you another present,” Mistress said, portraying a façade of girlish shyness with her hands clasped behind her back, “I hope you like it.” Her mouth smiled with affection, but her eyes smirked with malevolence; it was a dog collar and leash. I submissively bowed my head for her, and she clasped the last piece of shame around my figure of humiliation. I looked down and saw the word ‘slut’ glinting from the tag that dangled from the collar. Mistress pushed her hand on my backside, and I dropped to my knees like the loyal bitch she’d labeled me as. Remember the oaths of The Iona Guard, I told myself, ‘though I may die upon the rocks, I will die with my sword in hand.’ You will be taken, but you will not succumb to them. You will endure this, and remain yourself. “Ladies and gentlemen, whores and johns,” Mistress called, “I present: Gronk, Hacksaw, Flendian and Grunt; the men you’re all wishing you were right now!” Cheers and applause sounded from the crowd as the four men approached the table at the center of the brothel. Mistress pulled on my collar, and I was forced into a kneeling position with my back held straight; subservient and demure, ready for my gifts. A chill ran up my spine as all of them climbed atop the table together. “All four of them, Mistress?” I asked, unable to conceal the fear from my demeanor, “At once?!” “Five if you count me,” Mistress smirked, “or do you not desire me any longer?” “Of course, I do,” I stammered, feeling my face flush, “but… how?” In my mind, sex only happened between two people. Never in my wildest nightmares, had I imagined an act with more than one other person, much less five! Fortunately, my god was more than willing to explain it to me. “You have two hands, don’t you?” Mistress asked. I nodded. “And a mouth,” Mistress said, touching her thumb to my trembling lips, “and a cunt, and last of all, you have an asshole. That makes five, which is just perfect for us.” I could practically feel myself growing pale. My anus?! Why would anyone want to put anything there?! Oh Great Creators, they’re going to tear me to pieces! The men made a show of hyping up the crowd, working them into a frenzy as I felt myself growing weak with terror. My stomach churned, my head grew faint, and my heart sank in my chest. Stay strong; it’s only pain. The men turned around, casting their merciless, greedy eyes on me, surrounding me as I knelt before them, pulling their pants down and showing me the instruments of my torture. Flendian was blessedly normal as far as I could tell, while Grunt was thick and stout, Gronk was way too big, and Hacksaw… there was no way Hacksaw was fitting anywhere, but by the look on his face, I could tell he was going to try. Mistress ranked somewhere between Grunt and Gronk, and I stared fearfully at the thing I once craved for. She tugged on my leash, jerking me forward as Gronk clasped a strong hand about the braided crown of my head. I opened my mouth to scream, and regretted it instantly. The orc’s cock rammed between my lips, expanding my jaw and burying into my throat. I gagged ferociously, feeling on the verge of vomiting, but my experience with Willowbud the day before saved me from making a mess. His pelvis mushed into my face, and the stink of his loins wafted into my squished nose. Spit leaked from my defiled mouth, tears streaked from my bulging eyes, and a scream choked from my constricted throat. The crowd roared as Gronk pulled out, strings of spit and precum snapping from my violated lips. I was allowed a precious moment to cough and prepare myself before he grabbed two handfuls of my braids, and rammed in again, and again and again. My hair flailed, my throat gurgled, and my face pressed mercilessly into the flat of his pelvis. Two hands grabbed my own, and I felt my fingers closing around Flendian and Grunt. I stroked them dutifully, rigorously, hoping beyond hope that I could finish them off before they entered me. I felt familiar hands reaching between my legs, and I looked around the bulging piece of meat violating my throat to see Mistress smiling up at me as she positioned herself between my legs. Her hands spread my legs further, and her wonderful heat pushed inside me. For a moment, I felt some of the pleasure I had shared with her the day before, but that joy was dashed when I came to a sickening realization: Hacksaw was walking behind me. NO-NO-NO-NO-NO! “Are you ready, Astrid?” Mistress laughed beneath me, holding herself static in my pussy as she spread my cheeks for the half-giant, “Because this is going to hurt like nothing you’ve ever felt before.” I abandoned trying to stroke Grunt and Flendian to completion, and instead, pushed against Gronk’s pelvis with all my might. It was useless, the orc was too strong. I contemplated for a desperate moment about biting down, but he never gave me the chance. He pulled out as I felt a pressure against my rectum. My head whipped around, and I stared at Hacksaw with all the pleading, manic terror I could muster. “Don’t!” I screamed, but he just grinned. The scars on his face deepened with his cruel mirth, and he pushed forward. The pressure increased, and I began to writhe and struggle atop Mistress. Grunt and Flendian caught hold of my flailing wrists, and Hacksaw pinned me atop Mistress with a firm hand to my tailbone. The pressure increased. I felt my pelvic floor indenting, the skin of my taint stretching as it was pushed inward. The pressure increased. The tiny aperture of my sinful hole dilated, and I shrieked in terror as it slowly expanded. The crowd cheered and laughed as I thrashed desperately; my hips wriggling, my legs kicking, and my arms straining with all their might. The pressure increased, and increased, and increased. I looked around frantically, searching for anything that could stop this, anything that could save me. The pressure broke. My head reeled backward, my hips slammed downward, my back bowed in a spine-cracking arch as my mouth shrieked until the sound left my chest. I felt myself stretch around him, expand beyond my limits, cling to him in a hold so tight, it seemed that my gripping circle would tear. He pushed through the tender coil of my anus, flattening its walls against the muscles of my insides, forcing my bowels into my own body. He kept going; gradually opening my locked channel, burning his heat into the reaches of my most sensitive entrance, pressing through virgin flesh that had never felt the touch of another. It was the worst pain I’d ever felt, beyond anything I’d endured in training or combat. It was an invasion of my very essence, of my pride and sanctity, but my thoughts had long since passed such trivial matters. I was agony, the very embodiment of it, and then… then I was something else. His pelvis finally pressed against my cheeks, and he held me there in stasis, forcing me to acclimate to him. Through gritted teeth that leaked with spit, and bulging eyes that blurred with tears, I adapted to him. I surrendered myself to his invasion, I loosened the tension in my body, and I felt myself grow limp where I had been clenching. There was a moment of what I can only describe as peace; a blissful serenity where I simply gave up, and allowed it to happen. The pain began to dissipate, the tension began to unwind, and I began… to like it. It was absurd, really, to garner pleasure from something that had been so excruciating, to enjoy something so perverse and wrong, but I couldn’t lie to myself; I liked it a lot. The scream that had passed through my lips waned and died, and I became languid atop my god. My breasts pressed into hers, my belly unclenched and distended into her warm stomach, and my quivering, tensed thighs sloped into a spread-legged sprawl. I could feel her cock pressing against Hacksaw’s from the other side, I could feel them stretching my taint into a flat, glistening ribbon, I could feel them throbbing against the vulnerable spaces within me, and I could feel myself leaking from the arousal of it all. They began to thrust, and I began to moan. What are you doing?! Stop! Don’t give them the satisfaction! Fight it! Remember your oaths! “Do you like it, Astrid?” Mistress grinned up at me, her head titled back in pleasure, her black eyes cast downward and her lips parted. “Yes, Mistress!” I moaned a wining, whorish tone I’d never expressed before, “I don’t want to, but it feels too good!” “You’re getting raped in front of everyone, and you’re moaning like a used whore.” Mistress chuckled, squeezing my breasts viciously, prompting my wining moan to raise in pitch as I savored the pain, “I’m disappointed, Astrid; I thought you had more fight in you.” “I’m sorry, Mistress!” I cried in shame and pleasure, shifting backward to take them as deeply as I could, “But I can’t help myself!” Hacksaw was thrusting with long, gradual motions; penetrating deeply, forcing me to feel every inch of his girth as it ruined me. I felt cool air on the sheath of my anus, and realized in a mixture of horror and arousal that part of me was clinging to him as he pulled out. I looked back, and my eyes widened as I saw pink, glistening flesh wrapped around the first few inches of the half-giant. He grinned wickedly at my astonished expression, and I couldn’t keep myself from smiling a slutty smile back. Get a hold of yourself, woman! That bastard is raping you! Instead of scowling at him, however, I bit my lip with playful exuberance, and began shifting my hips back. What the fuck is wrong with you?! Mistress locked into Hacksaw’s rhythm, and ran alongside him against my fleshy division, pressing my nerve-wracked membrane with their vile heat, squishing it between their torturing members. I let out a delighted giggle that was punctuated with breathy moans, and winked an eye at the half-giant as I winked my anus around him. You’ll never save Willowbud if you fall so easily. My back arched behind me, curving my ass upward to deepen my penetration, moving on whorish instincts that alarmed me with how natural they came. You can’t even save yourself. My conscience battled with my pleasure, creating a duality of shame and indulgence. Mistress sunk her fingers into the fat of my ass, spread me wide, and then hammered into me with brutal motions. Hacksaw gripped my hips and matched Mistress’s pace, smashing his pelvis into me with thrusts that sent my body lurching. I writhed between them, moving with chaotic mania, reacting violently to every motion, reveling in the depravity, relishing the pain that heightened the pleasure, screaming and wailing like the whore Mistress wanted me to be. The crowd roared their approval at my lost equanimity, cheering my name as I grinded desperately between my molesters. Their attention no longer humiliated me, but excited me, even flattered me. They weren’t here to leer and insult, but to bear witness to my lust, to watch me perform something extraordinary. They’re here to watch a Valkyrie break all her oaths. They’re here to see you betray yourself, and your entire people, and you enjoy their attention. You’re pathetic. I smiled up at Gronk, and he grinned down at me. How could I have ever thought he was ugly? His body was laced with chords of muscles, his hair framed his fearsome face in black dreads, and his cock stood rigid and veiny, waiting for me to taste his delicious filth. My smile widened to gaping, quirked lips, and I drew out my tongue as I took his entire length into me. You covet the lust of beasts. You’re no better than a succubus. Gods, it felt good to be so full. Every hole was stuffed, every possibility was exploited. I indulged in the excess of men, greedily took in all that I could, reveled in the extravagance of my sexual avarice. I reached to my sides, and covetously wrapped my fingers around Grunt of Flendian. I stroked them soflty, alluringly, no longer trying to finish them off, but preparing them for their turns inside me. Does everyone get a turn in you? Why not let the whole brothel have their fill, you fucking whore! My hips rocked back and forth behind me; my pussy consuming Mistress with clenching muscles, and my anus simply opening to accept the stretching impalement of Hacksaw. I could feel my insides being forced upward between them, I could feel the indentation of Mistress’s cock protruding from my pelvis, and I could feel my anus gaping; every sensitive, vulnerable swath of flesh brutally stimulated to the point of numbing euphoria. I hummed my whorish moans around Gronk’s cock, translating the pleasure of my penetration into the passionate consumption of his wonderful shaft. I stared up at him with baby eyes as I rotated my lips around his base, laughing a muffled tone as I watched him groan in satisfaction. Mistress wasn’t lying; I really was good at sucking dick. And you’re proud of that?! I was. “Goddamn Astrid, you’re tight right now!” Mistress moaned as she thrust into me, “There’s hardly any room for me!” “I’m taking up all the real-estate,” Hacksaw laughed, giving me a vicious smack on the ass that almost made me come, “apologies to the rest of you; it’s gonna be like an arrow through a canyon.” “I’m not opposed to sharing,” Gronk laughed, petting my hair as I sucked him, “what do you think Astrid; can you take two of us back there?” Don’t you fucking say it! “I don’t know, Gronk,” I smiled deviously as I licked the tip of his wonderful cock, “why don’t you find out?” “Holy shit!” Flendian laughed as my hand rand covetously along his length, “Where did Astrid go? This cannot be the same woman!” “No,” Mistress smiled into my eyes as she ran her hands up the curves of my writhing body, “she’s not.” “I am still me,” I said hoarsely, practically growling the words as Hacksaw drove his final thrusts into my ruined gape, “nothing has changed! I haven’t changed!” But you have, my conscience grimly spoke, because Valkyries can’t lie, and you just did. “You’re no good at lying, Astrid,” Mistress moaned as she gripped my breasts, “but it’s interesting to hear you try.” “No…” I whimpered, feeling the horror of it mixing with the mind-breaking pleasure, “no… I can’t speak untruths.” “I guess truth is a funny thing,” Mistress smirked as she pinched her fingers about my erect nipples, and twisted as she pulled, “it means different things to different people. Do you want Gronk and Flendian to fuck you in the ass?” “Yes!” I croaked as Hacksaw gripped my hips in a vice-hold, his hands so large that is thumbs almost connected around the small of my back. “That was honest,” Mistress giggled as she twisted and pulled, stretching my jiggling breasts to conical points, sending wonderful stings into my chest, “do you want Hacksaw to come inside your shithole?” “Yes!” I shrieked as the half-giant’s thrusts became more and more violent, ripping my prolapsed anus from my body with each pull, and forcing it back inside with each impaling thrust, “Yes, I want his seed inside me!” “I don’t know much about the Iona Guard oaths,” Mistress smiled, still twisting and pulling, still torturing me with delightful agony, “but I seem to remember you saying that putting yourself beneath another for pleasure is a big no-no. Is enjoying getting gangraped in front of an entire brothel against your rules, or is there an exception to that?” “It is disgraceful!” I shrieked, my chest jutting forward, my hips pushing desperately behind me, trying to take every inch of Hacksaw and Mistress that I could, “I am a disgrace to my order!” “It doesn’t sound like you’re too broken-up about it,” Mistress laughed, torqueing the succulent flesh of breasts into spiraling creases of fat, “why don’t you abandon your honor, cast out your old self, and join me completely? There’s no shame if you have no shame.” “No,” I said, my voice breaking as my climax began to roil in my depths, loosening the taught strings of my sanity, “I will stay myself, and I will save you. I will come back from this.” “There’s no coming back from this.” Mistress said. She released my breasts, wrapped her hands around my throat, and matched Hacksaw’s fervent pace. The two of them tore through my insides with wanton abandon, and I screamed higher and higher, my voice echoing in the brothel over the cheers of my audience. I basked in their attention; spreading my wings wide, arching my back, raising my head to the ceiling as Mistress’s fingers constricted my curved-back throat. Watch me, I thought, much to the dismay of my conscience, fill your eyes with my depravity. I grinded atop Mistress and Hacksaw as I readied the men at my sides, my lustful strokes becoming urgent pulls as the pleasure burned into my mind. My rectum convulsed with spasms, twitching pathetically in its prolapsed state, clinging tightly to the man sodomizing me. My pussy frothed around Mistress’s ramming member, my petals glistening and swollen between my legs, my womanly channel clenching with the sporadic jolts of euphoria. The feelings culminated together, expanding within me, growing more and more intense, breaking my body and mind. My eyes rolled back in my head, my tongue hung loosely in my mouth, my body writhed and shifted in simple reaction, no longer controlled by any sort of rationality, but enslaved to the perverse whims of my lust. I may break all of my oaths, I thought, through my screams, through my ecstasy, though my corrupting mind, I may betray everything I stand for, but I will save you, Willowbud. I will find a way. I clung to that thought as I abandoned the vows of my order, and gave in to the depravity of my flesh. Only for now, I told myself, you will come back to yourself after this is over; you haven’t changed. I lied to myself again. TERA I held Brandon’s arm as we walked down the narrow backstreets of Drastin. The buildings loomed over us, encasing us in the darkness of their shadows, never allowing the sun to shine against the cobblestones. I suspected my contact lived in this part of the city for that exact reason. Brandon gulped nervously at my side, and I looked up at him with a fond smile. I felt a little guilty about trying to enslave him, but I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. I had hoped that once I got my claws in him, he’d misinterpret his lustful devotion as love, and bind with me, but he was too strong for me to take. After what I’d attempted, I doubted Brandon would ever bind with me, but I still wanted to be with him. Whatever Brandon did, wherever he went, history would be made, and I wanted to be a part of it. The world was standing on the precipice of either something great, or something terrible, and Brandon needed friends like me to guide him to the better path. Besides that, I quite liked the boy. He was funny, awkward in an endearing way, and great in bed. Even after three days, I still walked with a slight limp; a constant reminder of Brandon’s wonderful version of divine retribution. I rested my head on his shoulder, and stared up at him with adoring eyes. “What?” Brandon asked, wearing a nervous smile. He tried to appear casual and confident, but he moved with all the grace of a sodomized giraffe. The city really was not for him. “I was just thinking about Justina,” I said with a sad smile, “I had hoped you’d be her first, but it seems she’s too impatient.” “I’m not doing anything with her until Angela’s out of her head.” Brandon said. “You humans are so prudish about incest,” I smiled, “it’s completely normal in many races.” “It might be normal for sex-fiends like you,” Brandon smirked down at me, “but it is not natural.” “Yes, it is!” I insisted, “If you raise a family of dogs, cats, or any other manner of beasts, the brothers and the sisters will grow up, and they’ll mate with one another one-hundred percent of the time.” “And then half their children will be born retarded,” Brandon countered, “and the other half will be sterile.” “You know,” I smiled coyly as we rounded another corner, “when you make Angela a body, you’re going to have to make every part of it. You’re going to spend pain-staking hours working on each little detail of her vagina.” “You’re fucking disgusting.” Brandon grumbled, though he was grinning. “Oh, you know I am.” I smirked back, pressing my body deeper to his. We stopped at the end of an alleyway, where a studded-iron wood door stood blandly against a stone wall. To most, it would seem an unimportant feature of an unimportant dead-end, but a knowing eye would spot the spiraled symbol carved into the flagstone next to the door. I drew my dagger, cut a thin line into the tip of my forefinger, and then let the blood drip onto the carved symbol. The door opened with a foreboding creak, and a pair of big, crimson eyes peered at us from the dark. “Tera Autumnsong,” a soft, feminine voice whispered from the shadows, “I was delighted to get your message; I was wondering if I’d ever see you again.” “Gloria,” I smiled, “it’s been too long.” “Indeed, it has,” Gloria said, flashing a smile that gleamed white in the darkness, displaying a set of sharp fangs, “and you brought me dinner, how kind.” “Unfortunately, no.” I said, patting Brandon’s arm comfortingly before he pissed himself. “Keeping this one for yourself, hmm?” Gloria replied, her red eyes searching me, “You certainly look well-fed.” “He’s delicious,” I smirked, “but he’s not mine.” “No, I see that now.” Gloria said, her gaze gleaming hungrily in the dark, studying the terrified god on my shoulder, “So, he’s not your dinner, and he’s not mine, and you brought him all the way from…” sniffing sounds wafted from the darkness as the vampire took Brandon into her nostrils, “wheat, barley, cow shit… Towerhead? You still live in that shithole?” “Hey!” Brandon exclaimed, “That’s my home you’re talking about!” “And it’s a shithole,” Gloria responded, her red eyes narrowing, causing Brandon to shrink back, “but Tera’s never wasted my time before, so she must have a good reason for bringing a hillbilly to my doorstep. Come in, both of you.” I dragged Brandon with me through the threshold, and the door promptly slammed behind us, the clang of the metal latch punctuating the sudden sound. Gloria was as stunning as she’d always been. She had the most pronounced cheekbones I’d ever seen, and they structured a face of exotic, gothic beauty. Full, blood-red lips matched the hue of her almond-shaped eyes, and contrasted the unnatural paleness of her youthful complexion. Her dark eyebrows seemed to constantly bow inwardly, giving her portrait a slightly-menacing expression. Jet-black hair tumbled from her crown in luxuriant curls, and rested upon her narrow shoulders, framing a pale bosom that was barely contained in her corset. The rest of her body bowed in equal gracefulness beneath a tight-fitting skirt, her voluptuous outline matching my own curve-for-curve, with her breasts gaining a slight edge. You would never know that the vampire was three-thousand years old by the youth of her body, but by the aged wisdom in her perpetually-hungry eyes. Her choice in home décor was as interesting as it had always been. A mural was painted on the domed ceiling, depicting a blood-orgy of debauchery and violence, interrupted only by the extravagant chandelier that hung from its apex. The walls were lined with red columns, the floor was covered with plush, red carpeting, and the room was decorated with red, silk drapes, red curtains and red upholstery bound to extravagant chairs. In one of those chairs, sat a very frightened-looking human girl, shakenly drinking wine and staring at the floor. “If I had known you were eating,” I frowned at Gloria, “I would have waited outside.” “Oh, she’s not my meal,” Gloria replied with a wave of her hand, “she’s an honored guest, like yourself.” “I’m sure,” I replied dryly to Gloria, “the line between guest and prisoner was always a thin one with you.” “Don’t be ridiculous!” Gloria laughed, pouring three glasses of wine, “Alexa is here by her own volition. Her husband and I are business partners, of sorts.” “We haven’t heard anything,” the woman named Alexa said fearfully, “Gloria, shouldn’t we have heard something by now?” “Hush,” Gloria said softly, placing a calming hand on the woman’s shoulder, “Terry’s just being careful. Your husband is a cautious man, and if things are taking longer than we thought, it is only because he is waiting for the perfect opportunity. He’ll be walking through that door in due time, trust me.” Alexa watched me with panic and contempt, her fingers twisting about the stem of her wine glass, her eyes narrowing at me as though my presence was an insult to her. “When the door opened, I thought it would be him,” Alexa muttered to me, barely managing to bring the wine to her lips, “but it was you. I let my hope rise, and now it’s dashed all over again. I can’t keep waiting like this!” “Drink,” Gloria said softly, pushing the bottom of Alexa’s glass so that it tilted back, “and calm your nerves, woman. Your husband is being brave for you, so you must be brave for him.” The woman downed the glass of wine in a single pull as Gloria soothingly caressed her hair. The combination of wine, and Gloria’s touch seemed to calm the woman, and she tentatively relaxed into her chair. “Normally, I would’ve given you my undivided attention,” Gloria said to me as she handed Brandon and I our wine, “but something has come up.” “Do I want to know what this something is?” I asked, studying the nervous woman. “It shouldn’t be a concern,” Gloria replied tersely, “the matter will be taken care of shortly.” Gloria glanced over her shoulder, and then leaned in so that Alexa couldn’t hear, “But, if Gods forbid, the matter isn’t resolved, I sure could use a woman of your unique skill set.” “Those days are behind me,” I said between a sip of wine, “I’m a mother now.” “Are you?” Gloria said, displaying a delighted smile whose sharp fangs turned it into a predatory grin, “That’s wonderful.” “Unique skill set?” Brandon asked, looking at me. “I used to kill people for money.” I said to the god, much to Gloria’s surprise. “That information was given out rather freely,” Gloria said, glancing from me, to Brandon, who was staring at me with wide eyes, “who is this boy, Tera?” The light from the chandelier suddenly turned a deep crimson, marking someone’s blood on the spiraled symbol outside. Gloria grinned over her shoulder at Alexa, who returned it with a hopeful smile of her own. Gloria strode past us, a slight spring in her elegant gait, and opened the door. There was a severed head lying atop the door’s symbol, and a shadowy figure disappearing behind the corner. There was a moment of stillness, and then a shrill, horrible scream erupted from behind us. Gloria solemnly closed the door as Alexa collapsed to the floor, screeching into the carpeting and shaking with bouts of hysteria. Brandon pulled me close, his body quivering horribly as he tried to find safety in my touch. Gloria made a beeline for the inconsolable widow, took the screeching woman’s head in her hands, tilted it to the side, and then sunk her fangs into her exposed throat. Alexa’s wails died to a whimper as Gloria venom seeped into the her heart. Gloria released Alexa from her hold, and gazed into the stupefied widow's filming eyes. “Look here, Alexa,” Gloria said softly, touching foreheads so their eyes were inches apart, “look into me, and look deeply.” Alexa’s face slackened, her body relaxed, and she slowly collapsed into a languid sprawl on the floor. Gloria guided the woman to her back, never breaking eye contact. She held her gaze above Alexa’s face, and gently stroked the woman’s tear-streaked cheek as she cooed her soft manipulation. “Terry died, and it was horrible,” Gloria whispered to the widow, “but you’ve recovered, Alexa; the worst is over. You’ve grieved enough, you’ve suffered enough, and now it’s time to move on.” Alexa stared dumbly into Gloria’s eyes, transfixed by their crimson depths. “Yes,” Alexa whispered back, her mind seeming to shift to the whim of the vampire’s words, “I’ve grieved, I’ve suffered, and now I need to move on.” “It’s not safe for you here,” Gloria said, tenderly brushing strands of blonde hair from the woman’s face, “you must leave Drastin. Take the emergency stash Terry left you, and start a new life, under a new name.” “Yes,” Alexa said, nodding slightly, “yes, I will go to Grundin, where my parents live.” “Your journey will be long,” Gloria said, “so you must rest now, child, and when you awake, you will feel like a new woman. You will abandon this city of pain and suffering, and live the rest of your days with a light heart.” Alexa’s eyes drooped, and then closed. A blissful smile creased her lips, and her chest began to rise and fall with the steady thrum of sleeping breaths. Gloria let out a sigh, brushed her black, waving hair back, and then picked the widow up like she weighed nothing at all. She draped Alexa’s sleeping body into a loveseat in the corner, and then grabbed a wine bottle, and began to chug. “What kind of enemy do you have,” I said slowly, “that knows where you live and doesn’t kill you?” Gloria held out a delaying finger, tipping the bottle back and draining the last of it. She set the bottle down, wiped purple wine from blood-red lips, and then collapsed into her chair. “An enemy who thinks the proverbial game is just that,” Gloria said, massaging her temples, “a game. I’m not sure if Night Eyes is an anarchist, a terrorist, or just fucking insane, but she’s so far beyond me, Tera. I don’t know how she does what she does, but no matter what I do, no matter what I try, she outmaneuvers me like I’m a child, and then rubs my nose in the shit.” “Stronger than you, Gloria?” I said, sitting down across from her, “What is she?” “A nymph,” Gloria said, “no older than that boy you brought. She was a street urchin as far as I know, though her history is mostly hear-say. She got a reputation as a common thug with a penchant for the obscene, then one day, she decided robbing banks was boring, and she took out the Heslin, Nartok and M’nique gangs.” “Holy shit,” I whispered, “she killed the leaders of three syndicates in a day ?” “Ha!” Gloria laughed dryly, taking Alexa’s wine glass off the floor and nursing it, “No, Tera; she killed every single one of them, from the bosses to the messenger boys, in three hours. By herself.” My jaw clicked as it swung open. Nartok, Heslin and M’nique had at least sixty members a piece when I was last in Drastin, and that was two-hundred years ago. Nymphs could bind with astral beings, but there wasn’t an astral being alive strong enough to give anyone that kind of power. Unless… no; no, they can’t be real. They’re bedtime stories! “How did she kill them?” I asked. “No one knows,” Gloria shrugged, “some of the bodies had holes wider than my foot, some of them were strewn as though the gangsters had turned on each other. Night Eyes usually lets her boys do her dirty work, but when she gets involved personally, she follows your old rule.” “No witnesses, only carcasses.” I muttered, recalling my younger years. Gloria nodded. “That’s fucking badass.” Brandon whispered under his breath. “Do you have any guesses?” I asked Gloria, “about how Night Eyes does what she does?” “I have a one,” Gloria said, leaning forward and swirling the wine in her glass, “do you know about Sentients?” “Corruption, Wrath and Sorrow?” Brandon said, “They’re real?” “Myths and campfire stories,” I said, not quite believing my own disbelief, “astral beings can’t think.” “That’s a world-wide misconception,” Gloria grunted dismissively, “Sentients aren’t astral beings, Tera; they’re the spirits that Life Givers kept alive, but didn’t bind with. Corruption and Sorrow were ancient before my time, but I personally knew the man who would become Wrath.” Brandon and I exchanged a look. Any nerves he’d recovered since seeing Terry’s severed head were dashed, and his expression was warped with alarm. “His name was Halok, and he was a great warrior, and he died in battle as great warriors do,” Gloria said, lost in her memory, “His brother, Trenok, the orc Life Giver, kept him alive, but he didn’t love Halok in the way required for binding. He gave Halok a new body, but without binding, Halok’s spirit could leave it as easily as a man leaves his house. He wasn’t bound to earthly tethers, but he was still dependent on Trenok’s power to keep his form. When Trenok died, Halok degraded, rotting like a fruit upon a dead vine, until he became the core-essence of himself: his lust for battle; Wrath. Now he slumbers in the astral plane, waiting for a warrior worthy of his gifts, and his curses.” Gloria frowned to herself, oblivious to the tension in the room, “I don’t believe in karma, but I think Sentients are death’s answer to a Life Giver’s defiance. Any life a god preserves, they must love enough to let die again, or it will suffer a fate far worse than the end.” Gloria sat in solemn silence, lost in the memory of a man she once knew, unaware of the time-bomb she’d ignited. Brandon’s face was turning from red, to purple, his eyes were bulging from his sockets, his jaw was twitching, and the tendons on his neck were standing at attention. I knew I should have been consoling, I knew I should have been loving and understanding, but I couldn’t help myself; I burst into laughter. Gloria awoke from her contemplative state and looked sharply up at me, insulted that I would dare laugh at her story. Her scorn was short-lived however, because Brandon let out a scream of dismay, threw his hands into the air, and blasted alight with blue power. Stalks and vines streamed from his hands and coiled around the pillars surrounding the room, roses and orchids carpeted the floor, mutated insects buzzed around the dimmed windows, and a single, perfect humming bird glowed an ethereal blue, and then solidified into the air. Never, in the hundreds of years I’d known Gloria, had I ever seen the vampire shocked. She was cool and level in the best and worst of circumstances, but in that moment, she lost her shit. She clambered atop the back of her chair and perched on it like a bristling cat, staring with mouth agape and wide eyes at the garden that was once her room. A massive pumpkin had sprouted in the very center, corn stalks were starting to shoot up by the windows, and the bastard spawn of a squirrel and a racoon limped away and died in the corner. Finally, Brandon calmed down, and curled up in a ball next to his new pumpkin, hugging the massive fruit for comfort. “What…” Gloria whispered, her eyes trembling, her mouth opening and closing. She swallowed her shock, and cautiously climbed down from the top of her chair, “Tera…” she said, her red, almond-shaped eyes now bulging ovals, “the…” she swallowed again, and then pointed a shaking hand at Brandon’s curled-up form, “The Life Giver?” “Yup!” I laughed, walking over to her, taking a bottle from the vine-covered bar and refilling her glass, “And you just told him he has to fuck his sister. Cheers.” JUSTINA Well, that does it then, I thought to Angela, sighing to myself at the bar of The Moaning Maiden, we’ve rejected every man in here. Well, you have, anyway. I have a thing called ‘taste,’ Justina, Angela huffed in my mind, I require that our man at least have all his teeth. We’re not going to find Prince Charming in a whore-house, I mentally grumbled as I paid our tab, and got off the stool, and some of those men were quite handsome. You think every man’s handsome, Angela shot back as we stepped onto the street, you were ready to have a roll with the fat ogre before I stopped you. It’s the disposition of my species, I replied, walking down the brothel district, jealously eyeing whores taking customers into private rooms, I’m attracted to every humanoid race, no matter their supposed defects. I honestly can’t distinguish between what you think is attractive, and what you think is ugly, and I’m starting to think your ‘ugly’ column is a little too large. Losing our virginity- My virginity. I corrected, you’re just along for the ride. Losing our virginity, Angela insisted indignantly, is supposed to be a special, romantic thing. Now, I was willing to compromise on the outfit, so you should be willing to compromise on the man! I glanced down at the outfit we’d agreed on. I wanted a skimpy slave outfit, running with the theme of ‘captured succubus virgin willing to do anything to free herself,’ but Angela wanted an extravagant gown of pure, white satin. Eventually, we compromised on ‘virgin schoolgirl lost and afraid in the big city.’ I had on a blouse that exposed most of my petite cleavage, and my entire bronze midriff, and a plaid skirt that ended halfway down my ass, the cloth draping lasciviously from my thin tail. I wore long, black gloves, as all succubi were required to do by law to avoid accidental enslavement. I’m a whore, Angela, I said frankly to the prudish girl in my head, now professionally, but always spiritually. Succubi can fall in love, sure, but we distinguish between sex and romance. Also, you’re not going to find love in the brothel district. I’m not looking for love! Angela insisted, I just want a smooth-skinned, lean-muscled, flowing-haired, sweet-smiled man! That shouldn’t be a tall order! I think you might be a lesbian, I replied, rounding the corner, you basically described a woman. I want a boy our own age! Angela growled, Is that too much to ask for?! I stopped at a brothel called The Screeching Siren. Judging by the sounds blasting from the windows, the place was aptly named. It was absolutely packed, with patrons spilling out onto the streets. Chances are pretty good we’ll find what you’re looking for in there, I said to Angela, teenagers are drawn to crowds, and this place is filled to capacity. Is someone fucking dying in there? Angela exclaimed, Holy shit, that woman’s a screamer! Let’s find out, I said, pushing through the crowd, carefully avoiding skin contact, if all else fails, at least we get to see a good show. The crowd only got thicker the further I pushed into the bar, and I had to jostle my way through every type of race and species. There were a few boys our age that I caught a glimpse of, and I gave them a promising smile before making my way further in. Through the maze of tightly-packed people, I found myself at the bar. The bar itself was much taller than normal, and I suspected that meant this place was frequented by orcs, ogres, or maybe even trolls. I had to climb the stool like a ladder to get to the seat, but once I perched my pretty little ass on it, I got a great view of the action at the center of the brothel. My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw what was happening. Holy fuck! Angela exclaimed in my mind, Is that a fucking Valkyrie?! I thought they were myths! They live on the Gratoran Wall, I said, mentally showing Angela all the histories I’d read of them, On Mount Iona, Mount Ofan, and Mount Breyta. They’re supposed to be the greatest warriors in the world, bound to a strict, unbreakable code of ethics. How this one became a whore I’ll never know, but whoever owns her must make a fortune off her. She was the most majestic creature I’d ever seen; tall, subtly-tanned, features of cold, Norse beauty, and a body of athletic musculature framing feminine perfection. Her blonde hair was braided intricately about her crown, her wings stretched angelically from her back, and her asshole was stuffed with two, thick cocks. She had her arms slung over the necks of an orc and a dark-elf, supporting her in the air between them as she writhed and screamed, her legs spread to expose her defilement, and allow for the dwarf to eat her leaking pussy. Even in her compromising state, she was the most stunning thing I’d ever seen. “Hey,” a male voice said to my left, “how much for a good time, Sweetie?” I looked down, and saw a man of maybe thirty years. His crown was thinning, but he was youthful enough (I hoped) for Angela. You hoped wrong, Justina. Angela replied, What part of ‘flowing hair’ was hard for you to understand? Holy fuck, Angela, if you don’t like it, you can get out of my head! I growled. If I hadn’t gotten in your head in the first place, you’d still be at Mommy’s house, feeding yourself from her poop-shoot. Angela retorted, You owe me, Justina; now tell baldy to scram! “Sorry, Babe,” I said to the man in my most sultry voice, “but I’m afraid I’m off work. Give me your hotel number though,” I smiled with a wink, “and I’ll make it up to you later.” “Fucking whores.” The man grumbled, walking away. I fucking hate you, Angela. I seethed, clenching and unclenching my fists as my feminine hunger screamed its emptiness from my nethers, Can you not feel what I’m feeling right now?! Oh, I feel it, Angela retorted, I just have this little thing called self-control. “Did I just fucking see that?” a girlish voice laughed beside me, “A succubus, rejecting a man, because she’s ‘off work?!’ Now I’ve seen everything.” I glanced over to the side, and saw a nymph-girl about my age. She had white hair that blended with her ivory horns, a caramel complexion, a developed, but slender body, and pine-green eyes surrounded by black sclera. She was bare-chested, and her eye color was interesting, but what really caught my attention was the bulge in her pants. Hey Angela, I mentally sniggered, Long, flowing hair, nice smile, smooth skin, mid-teens, and on top of it all, it’s a woman! Now we can both pretend you’re not a lesbian, and finally get this over with. I… am intrigued, Angela replied cautiously, you may proceed with the flirtation phase. Ha! I laughed, You really are a dyke, aren’t you? I don’t know what I am! Angela shot back, Not having any actual body parts makes it difficult to know for certain. All I know, is that I enjoyed our physical time together, and this… woman, feels like a perfect stepping stone from lesbianism to hetero. “Just because I’m a succubus doesn’t mean I don’t have standards,” I smiled to the girl, extending a gloved hand, “I’m Justina, by the way.” “Night Eyes.” the girl said, grasping my hand firmly and watching me with an expectant gaze. “What?” I asked with a confused smile, twirling a lock of black hair with a lascivious finger. “You haven’t heard of me?” Night Eyes asked, “You must be new here.” “Should I have heard of you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, subtly leaning forward to allow my cleavage some exposure, “Are you a big deal? ?” I teased playfully. “You really are new here,” the girl smiled, lighting a cigarette between her lips, “or you’re just really fucking stupid.” Ah, nice fucking job, Justina, Angela scowled in my brain, What a master of seduction you are. “The former, actually,” I said, not breaking my sultry smile for a moment, holding out two fingers to the nymph, “can I bum a smoke?” Lung cancer is a real panty-dropper. Angela chided. You don’t seem to mind her doing it. I replied as Night Eyes handed me a square. Because it looks sexy and mysterious on her, Angela replied as I placed the square between my lush lips, and leaned forward for Night Eyes to light it, and you don’t have the cachet to pull it off. Just watch. I smirked. I took a deep inhale of the cigarette smoke, and just as planned, I violently coughed it from my virgin lungs. Real, fucking, smooth. Angela groaned. We’re inexperienced virgins left on our own in the big city, I thought back to her as I hacked up a lung, that’s our allure, Angela; innocence. “Was that your first cigarette?” Night Eyes laughed, her eyes traveling curiously down my body, “Did you just get here yesterday or something?” “This morning, actually,” I said through fits of coughing, “I lived in Towerhead with my mother my whole life. You’ve found my darkest secret, Night Eyes; I’m an ignorant country girl.” I punched out the cigarette, and turned toward Night Eyes with a calculated expression of embarrassment. I was met with a gaze of pure shock. Night Eye’s eyes were wide, her mouth was agape, and her lower lip was trembling ever-so-slightly. “Justina?” she whispered, leaning to within a breath of my face, her eyes narrowing, “ Justina Autumnsong?! ” Justina?! Angela yelled, her alarmed voice mirroring my own panic, Do you know this woman? What does she want? Does she know about Brandon?! Red flag! Big, fucking, red flag! “Holy shit,” Night Eyes gasped, seeing the panicked expression I was giving her, “your mother’s Tera Autumnsong, isn’t she?” “I… uh…” I did the only thing I could think of. I ripped off my glove, and grabbed Night Eyes by the wrist, pouring all my seductive powers into the touch. Her green eyes remained green, her black sclera remained black, and she remained herself. She glanced down at my hand, uselessly clasping her dainty wrist, and then smiled back up at me with a leer seeped in danger. I peed a little. “I don’t blame you for trying that,” Night Eyes said softly, taking a deep inhale of her smoke, “a girl’s got to use what she can to defend herself, but if you weren’t my cousin, Justina, I’d be putting this square out on your eyeballs right now.” “Cousin?” I whispered, peering fearfully though quivering eyes, “Willowbud? Willowbud Autumnsong?” “It’s ‘Night Eyes’ in public,” Willowbud said, taking my hand off her wrist, and putting it on her thigh, “but since you’re family, you can call me ‘Willowbud’ when we’re alone.” Whew, Angela breathed a metaphorical sigh of relief, she’s not an agent of evil trying to get to my brother, she’s just your cousin, who is apparently a psychopath, and also wants to fuck you. You know what, Justina? I think we can wrap this day up. Let’s go to The Oxehead’s Inn and drink until this memory is pickled from our brain. Justina? I ignored Angela. The only family, hell, the only person I’d known my whole life was my mother, and here, sitting before me, was someone of my own blood. Now that I looked closer, I could see the resemblance between us. We had the same facial structure, the same full, blushing cheeks, and a similar body-type and complexion, though I was a shade darker. Were it not for the difference in hair color, eye color, and horns (and species), we could have been mistaken for sisters. I always wanted a sister. “Oh my god!” I yelled, my face widening in astonishment, my composure blown to the wind, “You’re… you’re not a mutant!” Willowbud grinned broadly, and gestured to the bulge in her pants. “Is that what people say about me?” she clucked her tongue and shook her head, “That’s Mom for ya. Her daughter is born with an extra set, and she tells everyone she’s a mutant freak. From what I’ve heard, there’s no love lost between her and Tera.” “No!” I exclaimed, unable to speak in any manner except excited yells, “My mom fucking hates your mom!” “Well then, we’ll all get along just fine.” Willowbud chuckled, reaching forward, grasping the leg of my stool, and dragging me next to her with surprising strength, “There,” Willowbud smiled, “you’re one foot closer to me; now you don’t have to yell for me to hear you.” “Sorry,” I said, growing beat-red with embarrassment for the first time in my life, “I just got excited.” “I have that effect on people,” Willowbud smiled crookedly, “How’s old Tera doing anyway? I never met the woman, but I’ve heard some crazy stories.” “Oh, you know,” I said, completely flustered, my mind racing for conversation material, “she’s… Mom. She’s here meeting an old friend; do you know Gloria Titus?" “Sure, I know Gloria,” Willowbud said, her smile curling wider, “we go way back.” Careful, Justina, Angela breathed caution in my mind, she may be your cousin, but you don’t know her. I know, I replied apologetically, that was stupid; she’s clearly dangerous. I lost my composure, and I’m sorry, Angela. That was very un-succubus of me. You’re attracted to her, Angela sighed, I suppose incest really isn’t a problem for you, is it? What about you? I asked Angela, running my fingers against Willowbud’s thigh, Do you still want her? There’s a lot of things about this exchange that bother me, Angela said, seeming to mull it over, but you’re not even the same species, so the blood relation doesn’t irk me too much. She’s dangerous, you’re right, but I kind of like her brand of danger. She’s also hot as fuck. Is that a green light? I asked hopefully. You may recommence the flirtation phase, and make preparations for intercourse, Angela replied, receding into the back of my mind, but be careful, Justina. “So…” I smiled to Willowbud as I walked my hand index finger-to-middle finger up her thigh, “what makes my beloved cousin such a big deal in Drastin?” “Oh, a few things,” Willowbud smiled back, spreading her leg to allow my fingers to walk up her bulge, “I own this establishment.” “An entrepreneur,” I smirked, walking my hand to her waistband, “fascinating.” “I guess you could call me that.” Willowbud chuckled, taking me by the other hand and gracefully guiding me to step off my stool, and onto hers. “A gangster then,” I said sultrily, stretching one leg over her lap, and then straddling her about the waist, making sure she saw I wasn’t wearing anything beneath my skirt, “a dangerous woman.” “A very dangerous woman,” Willowbud smiled, trailing her hands up my thighs, caressing me softly as my fingers pushed beneath her waistband, “like Gloria Titus.” “Oh, cousin,” I smirked into her eyes as my fingers found what they were searching for, “that almost sounded like a threat. I take it there’s no love lost between you?” “We have our differences,” Willowbud said, her hands sliding past my thighs, and gripping me tightly below my skirt, “she tried to kill me today.” Oh, shit. Angela whispered fearfully. “That wasn’t very nice of her,” I giggled, marveling at the feeling of a cock in my hands for the first time, ignoring Angela’s fear, “I hope I’m not guilty by association.” “Your anything but guilty,” Willowbud laughed, her hands squeezing me just right, causing my tail to curl behind me in excitement, “you’re as innocent as they come, aren’t you?” “Is it that obvious?” I whispered, my lips inches from hers, my breath growing sharp as she grew hard, “And here I thought I was being quite the seductress.” “No,” Willowbud smiled, spreading my squeezed glutes and trailing a teasing finger from each hand around the nerve-covered circle of my rim, “you’re timid for a girl of your species. You have the spirit, but not the experience.” “Are you going to give me the experience?” I breathed on her lips, feeling the need roaring between my legs, feeling her hard heat throbbing between my hands. “One that you’ll never forget.” Willowbud grinned. Her fingers pushed into my ass, curled at the knuckles and pulled apart, stretching me open, sending a blast of searing pleasure deep into my colon. My heart jolted in exhilaration, my body melted into hers, and my lips opened around her awaiting mouth. Her kiss was domineering, lustfully possessive, and I drank it in as my hips gyrated pathetically around her piercing digits. She pushed in deeper, forcing my body to shift upward, forcing a muffled scream from my mouth as she spread my virgin asshole gaping. My lecherous cry traveled between her lips as I hastily pulled her pants past her thighs, springing her shaft from her waistband. It nestled between the dripping petals of my lust, throbbing teasingly against them, so close to pushing inside me, so close to giving me what I needed. My cry turned to a whorish wine in her mouth as I pleaded desperately for her to give it to me, to sate the ravenous emptiness that tortured my depths. She pulled my body upward with her penetrating fingers, causing my shoulders to pinch back as a shiver raced between them. My pussy glided along her shaft; the swollen folds squishing their delicate flesh about her girth, and leaking a trail down her length. My slit finally opened against her tip, and she held me there, letting my weight cause her fingers to push deeper into my anus, delaying my womanhood for an agonizing moment, making me scream my desperation into her mouth. Her smiled creased against my lips, pleased with my begging, and she let me drop. Our kiss broke, my chest lurched forward, my eyes widened, and a song of sweet satisfaction poured from me as my virginity was finally taken. It was painful, and I felt the blood, but my lewd body adapted easily, exalting as it fulfilled its lecherous purpose. Somewhere in my mind, I heard Angela’s voice moaning. ANGELA I doubted that I would’ve enjoyed the things Willowbud was doing to me if I were in my own body. Four of her fingers were pushed knuckle-deep in my ass, and pulling apart; stretching me open, letting the stiff air of the brothel tickle my exposed insides. I doubted that I would’ve enjoyed fucking in public if I were in my own brain, but Justina’s mind didn’t care about such things. I doubted I would’ve enjoyed the violent way in which my virginity was taken, but Justina’s body absolutely reveled in it. I doubted I would have enjoyed any of this in my own body and mind, but I wasn’t in my own body and mind. I was in the hormone-soaked mind of a succubus teenager, and the body it controlled was built for the perverse. So, I said in astonished pleasure, feeling everything Justina felt, this is what it feels like. God, it feels so good! Justina giggled mentally as she moaned physically, Are you OK in there? Oh, I’m fine, I said, my mental voice wavering as Willowbud began to thrust into us, you just keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll sit up here and enjoy it. You don’t want a turn in control? Justina asked, shifting her hips with an instinctual grace that would never have come naturally to me. You’re a natural at this, I said, savoring the thick heat separating our insides, marveling at the way Justina clenched perfectly around the nymph, give me some time to learn, and I’ll tell you when I’m ready for my turn. OK, Angela. Justina replied, her mind drifting from me, to the task at hand. Willowbud’s sodomizing fingers worked deeper into our anus as our body swayed to Justina’s perverse rhythm. Willowbud rotated her wrists and pressed her fingertips against the channel dividing our holes, squishing the fleshy membrane against her driving cock. Justina’s scream echoed my own pleasure, and our body dove into a lascivious arc of concavity; our petite breasts bursting from our blouse and squishing against Willowbud’s bare chest, our torsos flexing in waves against hers. Our head dropped onto Willowbud’s shoulder, and Justina panted our pleasure into her cousin’s ear. “Do you like my fingers in your ass, Cousin ?” Willowbud whispered, her breaths short and fast with the exertion of her lust. “Yes!” Justina panted as we writhed, “do you like my tail, Cousin? ” Justina curled her tail behind us, took aim, and drove. She corkscrewed it between her cousin’s clenched glutes, pushed it past the resistance of her rim, and snaked it through the taught reaches of Willowbud’s gripping anus. Willowbud reeled her head back, and surged into us with a fury of thrusts that sent Justina screaming, and me drowning in her endorphins. “Oh, you little bitch!” Willowbud laughed, curling her fingers harder in retaliation, causing Justina to growl with pleasure. “Takes one, to know one.” Justina growled, pressing our body deeper to Willowbud’s and twisting our tail further into her cousin’s ass. “You’ve got some balls, girl.” Willowbud grinned, adding a finger from each hand, stretching our anus into a ruined gape. “That’s rich coming from you.” Justina smirked an open-mouthed, panting smile. Don’t pick the low-hanging fruit, Justina. I scolded. Fruit s. Justina mentally chuckled. The barstool beneath us was shaking dangerously, tipping from foot to foot with the momentum of Willowbud’s drives. The seat of the stool was soaked with my secretion, and I could feel the slickness causing us to slide dangerously close to the edge. Willowbud sensed the impending disaster before Justina seemed to, and picked us up by the asshole, once again. Justina shrieked in abject pleasure, our eyes watering with her delight, our legs locking around Willowbud’s driving hips. She spun us around, laying us on our back atop the bar, our ass hanging off the edge, our pelvis shaking with the brutal drives of the hermaphroditic nymph. Justina managed to keep our tail inside Willowbud’s ass, and she twisted it encouragingly, prompting her cousin to jackhammer her way into us, forcing a convulsion of violent ecstasy to spasm up our abdomen. Holy shit, that got her going! I screamed, basking in Justina’s visceral pleasure, Do it again! Justina complied, and the results were… unexpected. Willowbud gritted her teeth, ripped her hands out of our ass, grabbed us by the hips, and spun us around. Our tail tore free from its penetrating position, our legs flailed outwardly like a ragdoll’s, and our breasts squished against the bar’s surface as our chin barely stopped from colliding into it. We were left bent over the bar, our back curved in a compromising position, our ass perched onto the barstool, and our legs dangling uselessly on either side. Willowbud pulled her cock out of our pussy, positioned the tip against our gaping anus, and forced her entire length inside of us. Our back wrenched upward, our neck striated with tension, and Justina’s scream of abject pain and pleasure tore from our lips. It was silenced immediately by a pair of hands, whose fingers pushed into our mouth, and made us taste the tang of our own ass. Justina sucked whorishly, reveling in the degradation, her lust naturally adapting to whatever her partner desired. “You have such an anal fixation, Cousin,” Willowbud growled, ramming into our gaping asshole, sending bouts of ferocious felicity deep into our bowels, “if you wanted it in the ass so bad, you could’ve just asked.” Our pussy leaked onto the barstool, our thighs clenched around its legs, our back arched, and our mouth sobbed Justina’s subservient pleasure. I was shocked at how good it felt to have something pierce us so deeply in the wrong hole, but I couldn’t share in Justina’s depraved lust, not after what I just saw. I forced myself to withdraw from Justina’s mind, reluctantly abandoning the pleasure that ran up her spine, into her brain, and then into mine. I focused on the flashing image I saw of Willowbud right before she spun us around. Justina’s steel-trap of a memory served me well, and I rewound the proverbial tape until I saw… her. A woman of blackness, a shadow in all things except the white irises, and the ivory teeth grinning maliciously at me. Justina! I yelled, racing back to the forefront of her mind, my soul immediately assaulted with the euphoria of my friend’s anal assault, Justina-(oh shit, that feels good)-Justina, what the fuck is this?! Justina didn’t answer. Her mind was flooded with dopamine and endorphins, a swamp of pleasure that drowned lucid thought. I found a stream of consciousness thrumming gently in her frontal lobe, and I raced to it. Justina! I yelled, wavering in her euphoria, fighting the temptation to succumb to it, Justina, what the fuck is- Fuck-my-ass-fuck-my-ass-fuck-my-ass-fuck-my-ass… was all that thought responded with. Willowbud took hold of Justina’s horns and pulled back, forcing Justina’s perspective upside-down, forcing her body to curve with jutting breasts, a distended abdomen, and an arching back. Justina looked at her cousin with eyes glazed-over in pleasure, and I looked at the thing inside the nymph. Justina couldn’t see it, and Willowbud couldn’t see me, but I knew by the way it’s white irises narrowed, that the thing could see me. What are you? a soft, drawling voice of a woman echoed faintly in my mind. Justina?! I yelled to my screaming host, Justina, did you hear that? Fuck-my-ass-fuck-my-ass-fuck-my-ass-fuck-my-ass… Your friend is losing herself, the voice whispered, growing more distinct now, her seduction is backfiring. It was foolish of her to lie with Willowbud after she attempted an enslavement, but I suppose a virgin girl is prone to foolish mistakes. I’m not interested in this whore, though; what are you, girl? I ignored the voice, and raced through Justina’s mind, trying to find a rational thought I could cling to, trying to find a way to save her. Her consciousness was a minefield of lust, and it took all my will not to join in it. Willowbud’s cock was ramming into Justina’s asshole, gaping it wider with each thrust, pushing her rigid heat into the most sensitive, vulnerable places of her rectum. Justina was sobbing with pleasure, her eyes running with euphoria as her mouth wailed. She moved with her natural lechery; grinding her ass into Willowbud, arching her back and clenching her asshole, reveling in the pain and pleasure she garnered from her cousin forcing through her resistances. It was almost too much for me to take, but I gritted my mental teeth, and powered through until I found her. Justina’s rational mind was barely functioning, but it was still there, deep in the bog of her dopamine-soaked mania. Justina?! I yelled in panic, my ethereal voice wavering in her pleasure. It’s too good, Angela, Justina’s last rational thought whispered, her voice dripping with depravity, it’s just too good! Your being enslaved! I cried, Your seduction is backfiring, like what happened to your mom! I know, Justina said, I knew it might happen before we started, but I was too desperate, Angela; I’m sorry. We need to fight it! I said, trying to bring Justina back to reality, We can do it together! No… Justina said, her voice growing faint, we can’t… It’s inevitable now... How did she resist me? She shouldn’t have been able to… Justina? I yelled. No response. JUSTINA?! That… memory you have… Justina replied, her words coming without structure, show it to me… the black woman… I looked through her eyes, seeing the black figure that teemed from Willowbud’s thrusting body, showing Justina what I could see, but she could not. Huh, Justina said, her fading voice almost laughing, that… explains…. a lot. Angela…, we’re… in… the… presence… of… a… bed… time… story… Corruption… Justina’s voice faded from her mind, dwindling until it was nothing at all. The tones of her lust rang out through her brain; moans and cries, screams and growls, all exclamations of a euphoria too great for her mind to control. She was gone, a slave to her cousin, a slave to a woman who possessed an evil of mythology. I hovered from my friend’s consciousness, not daring the step into her mind lest I join her in slavery, but not daring to leave. Willowbud would undoubtedly question Justina about Tera’s visit to Gloria, and I couldn’t have my enslaved friend enthusiastically betraying my brother. I would wait, and when the time came, I would take control of Justina, and book it to the Oxehead’s Inn. What are you? Corruption asked again. I looked through Justina’s eyes, and saw the Sentient staring back at me, a perplexed look on her ethereal face. It was an expression of near-recognition, of a memory that she knew, but couldn’t quite grasp. Her wispy form moved limb-for-limb with her host; grabbing as Willowbud grabbed, thrusting as Willowbud thrusted, but her expression did not bear the sexual zeal of her nymph counterpart. Willowbud released one of Justina’s horns, reeled back her hand, and smacked the succubus hard on the ass. Justina’s body heaved in pleasure, her possessed voice begged sobbingly for more, and Willowbud acquiesced; slapping Justina’s ass into violent ripple of tan flesh, sending the sodomized succubus into a writhe of debauched euphoria. Corruption’s hand did not move with her host’s. It reached forward tentatively, nervously, as though I were a flame that she’d dropped her wedding ring into. I bared my ethereal teeth and snarled, and she cringed backward, her black eyes widening in fear, her white irises shrinking. She collected herself, and then reached forward again. I gave her another snarl, and she started backward, but she recovered faster than before. She furrowed her brow, set her heart-shaped jaw, and extended for me. Her fingers passed through Justina’s flailing skin, passed through her bones, and touched my hand. It was a warm touch, a soothing touch, and it beckoned me forward, out of Justina’s mind and body. Come with me. Corruption said. No. I replied, resisting the comfort her touch promised. I won’t harm you, child. Corruption said, grasping my ethereal hand in hers, Just come with me. FUCK OFF! I yelled, ripping my hand away and receding back to Justina. Corruption looked genuinely dejected. She recoiled as if struck, and then reached out again. I swatted her hand away, and grinned at her crestfallen expression. Please! Corruption cried, her voice baring a hint of desperation, I must know! Na-ah, sister, I said, stubbornly situating myself inside my moaning friend, you just stay in your body, and I’ll stay in mine. Corruption took a tentative step forward, out of Willowbud’s body. Her eyes were fixed on me, as though my existence was a magnet to her soul. She took another step forward, and for a moment, she was completely out of the nymph. Willowbud slowed her thrusts, her eyes began to lighten, her grimace began to soften. Corruption abruptly stopped, a look of sheer terror on her face. She jumped back into Willowbud, darkening the nymph’s eyes, and reforming the power-hungry expression that had faded before. The image of the astral being dwindled, and then she was gone. BRANDON I have to fuck my sister, to save her. The perverse reality echoed in my mind as I buried myself in the foliage I’d created. I felt familiar hands on my shoulders, and a pair of beautiful violet eyes filled my vision. “Brandon?” Tera asked as she righted me into a seated position with my back resting on the enormous pumpkin I’d just made, “Are you alright?” “I am not,” I said grumpily, “I am actually very far from alright. How are you?” “I’m feeling a little vindicated, to be honest,” Tera smirked, sitting next to me and resting her head on my shoulder, “all that grief I got from you about incest, and now…” “Don’t,” I groaned, “just… don’t.” Gloria stepped daintily through the garden that was once her room, avoiding the patches of soil that now covered her carpet and crinkling her nose at the dead raccoon-squirrel I had accidentally created. She sat cross-legged across from me in a bed of orchids, leveled her red eyes on me, and bowed her head in respect. “Your Holiness,” she uttered with some reverence, “I’m honored to have you in my home.” “Oh, now it’s ‘Your Holiness,’ huh?” I scoffed, feeling very bitter about my situation, “just a few minutes ago I was a hillbilly from a shithole.” “You still are,” Gloria said, her blood-red lips quirking in a slight smirk, “you’re just a holy hillbilly from a shithole.” “Gloria’s a Creationist,” Tera said from my shoulder, “and she’s one of the only people alive to have actually known past Creators. She will be a valuable ally to you.” “I knew Droktin, the last Earth Former, Trenok, the last Life Giver, and Arbitrus Gen, the last Heat Bringer.” Gloria said, “I knew Trenok especially well, as his brother and I were lovers once.” “You were lovers with Wrath?” Tera asked. “Yes,” Gloria said, her face falling into an expression of melancholy, “Halok was a great man in his time. Watching him degrade after Trenok passed was… difficult to say the least. It is not a fate I’d wish on my worst enemy, which is why it is imperative that you bind with your sister.” “Can’t we just…” I said, searching vainly for a way out of doing what Gloria said I had to do, “is there any other way I can make sure Angela doesn’t become Sentient?” “Trenok tried everything,” Gloria said, shaking her head, “he worked for the last fifty years of his life to find a way to make Halok mortal, but he couldn’t. He even tried lying with him, and that didn’t work. The sex isn’t enough to seal the bind; there has to be love, romantic love, for a bind to seal.” “Well, that’s not going to happen,” I mumbled, “Angela’s doomed.” “Are you sure?” Gloria said, “Because-” “Not! Gonna! Happen!” I yelled, and then slouched against the pumpkin. Tera pet my head consolingly as Gloria studied me, her lips pursed and her finger drumming on her knee. “I have a method, Your Holiness,” Gloria finally said, “of making someone receptive to an idea they otherwise might find… distasteful.” “I don’t need any more crazy bitches trying to fuck with my head, thank you very much.” I replied curtly. “Any more?” Gloria smiled, “Did Tera try to enslave you?” “I did,” Tera murmured, running her hand down the back of my head, and massaging my neck, “it obviously didn’t work.” “It didn’t work on me, either,” Gloria chuckled, “for a famous seductress, you certainly have some prominent failures. My method, however, has never failed.” “And what method is that, Gloria?” Tera asked lazily, her body splayed in her naturally seductive state, her thick, bronze thighs sneaking from beneath the hem of her cloak. “Come here,” Gloria smiled, beckoning the succubus with a suggestive finger, “and I’ll show you.” “Hey!” I yelled, “Didn’t I just say I’m not letting you mess with my head?” “Who said anything about you?” Gloria smiled innocently, “It’s Tera I asked for.” Tera shifted fluidly beside me, drawing herself to her hands and knees and crawling lasciviously to the awaiting vampire. Gloria spread her legs, her skirt sliding past her thighs, showing me that she wasn’t wearing underwear, and that she was bald below the eyebrows. I averted my gaze, but not in time to avoid her red glare twinkling with a knowing smile. Tera made a move to straddle the vampire, but Gloria stopped her with an extended hand. She placed her palm on Tera’s collar, and pulled the cloak to the side, shifting its neckline until it exposed Tera’s neck, shoulder, and upper back on one side of her body. “Feeling thirsty, Gloria?” Tera smiled, turning so that she faced me, and seating herself in the vampire’s lap, “I’ve heard my kind is considered quite the delicacy amongst vampires.” “I guess you could say that,” Gloria hummed softly, pulling Tera’s wavy black hair to the side, leaving her naked and vulnerable along the elegant bow of her tan neck, “we consider your kind to be more of a narcotic than anything. Every vampire orgy has at least one sacrificial succubus to keep guests in the mood.” Gloria eyed the veins in Tera’s throat, tracing a covetous finger down their blue lengths. She tilted Tera’s head to the side, planted her full, red lips on her neck, and bit. Tera whimpered a pathetic tone, her eyes closed blissfully, her chest swelled forward, and her head fell backward. She bit her lower lip in concentrative pleasure, and her body melted to Gloria’s in languorous submission. Gloria watched me as she drank of the succubus, and I watched as her red irises thinned to the dilation of her black pupils. She pulled from Tera with a gasp, her lips trembling and her breaths heaving, as though a shot of adrenaline had just rushed into her brain. Tera collapsed with relaxed grace as Gloria fell in a twisting writhe. She gasped and moaned as she shed her clothes like a snake sheds its skin; squirming and wriggling out of her skirt, grinding her thighs together, clawing at the laces of her corset until it unwound, and the milky expanse of her breasts jiggled free. Tera disrobed with practiced fluidity; pulling off her cloak with languid ease, stretching and arching her way to nakedness. Gloria kicked off her shoes and then spun rapidly, almost violently, to her hands and knees. Her dilated pupils shown from her crimson glare, and reflected my face in their ravenous regard. She drew her body into a crawl like a feline, stalking toward me with her hips rocking behind her, her predatory eyes gleaming their desire, her fangs protruding from her blood-red lips. “Um, Gloria?” I said nervously, “Didn’t you say you were going to leave me out of this?” “I lied.” Gloria grinned. “Hey!” I yelled, the déjà vu of my situation not at all lost on me, “Get back! Your god commands you to stop!” “Gloria just had a drink of me, Brandon,” Tera smiled as she crawled behind the vampire, “and she needs a way to relieve the dual-injection of hormones that just shot into her brain. I wouldn’t try to fight her; she likes it when her prey struggles.” “I’m sorry it has to be this way, Your Holiness,” Gloria said as she climbed up my struggling body, subduing my defenses with impossible strength, “but the world can’t afford another Sentient.” I am a god of infinite power, I thought grimly as she took my head in her hands, and I can’t even avoid getting molested by old women. I felt Gloria’s breath hot and sweet on my neck. I felt her voluptuous body melding its supple warmth along the curves of my own. I felt her blood-red lips press to the pulsing artery of my throat, and I felt her fangs sink into me. A concoction of Tera’s blood and vampiric venom seeped into my neck, and burned its intoxicating poison into my heart. My body relaxed into gelatinous butter, my cock engorged like a water balloon, and my mind opened. Gloria took an indulgent moment to taste my blood, and then pulled from my neck with a parting kiss, her tongue lapping up the droplets she missed. She gently guided our faces together until they touched at the forehead, and locked her gaze with mine. Her eyes were a sea of crimson, endless in their depths, and limitless in their expanse. The truth of the world seemed to emanate from their pupils, and the promise of desires fulfilled burned from their fiery rings. “Your Holiness,” Gloria’s voice sung gently as she ran soothing fingers through my hair, “we’re going to do a little psychotherapy today. I’m sorry, but I had to give you some injections to make you more… receptive, to my methods.” “Oh, I’m receptive,” I grinned stupidly, feeling like the king of the fucking world, “I am receptive as fuck! ” “That’s good to hear,” Gloria smiled broadly, displaying her glistening fangs between her crimson lips, “because we need to plant some ideas in that divine brain of yours, and they won’t bear fruit if the field is sour.” “Metaphors!” I exclaimed delightedly, “and topical metaphors! You are an absolute treat, Gloria.” “I’m glad you think so.” Gloria chuckled, and then directed my attention to the succubus pulling down my pants, “This is your sister.” “No,” I giggled, poking the silly vampire on the nose, “that is Tera. She is not my sister; she is a disgusting whore.” “That’s not a nice thing to say about your sister.” Gloria frowned. “But…” I said, cocking my head in confusion, “I just said she’s not my sister.” “Are you sexually attracted to her?” Gloria asked, gesturing to Tera, who was resting her chin on my thigh and staring covetously at the cock between my legs. “Oh, very much so!” I said, confirming the sentiment with a gesture to my obvious arousal, “And I am also sexually attracted to you! Are you going to have sex with me?” “Would you like me to?” Gloria smirked crookedly, running her tongue through the moist flesh of her lips, “Well, I am also your sister, Your Holiness; do you want your sister to have sex with you?” “But…” I trailed off, my brow furrowing in confusion, “you’re not my sister… are you?” “Of course, I am,” Gloria smiled, her crimson eyes deepening the longer I stared into them, “how can you not know that?” “I…” I started, losing myself in the depths of her irises, their passionate hue blanketing my vision, “I don’t remember you.” “Look deeper,” Gloria whispered, “see for yourself.” Gloria’s irises gleamed their crimson passion, and her lips hovered longingly, just breaths away from my own. The depths of her eyes spoke with unequivocal honesty, and their lenses reflected images that melded seamlessly to memory. She was my sister, wasn’t she? Tera and Gloria were my big sisters, and Angela was my twin. Gloria, Tera and I shared our bodies, but Angela couldn’t, because Angela was dead. I had made a promise to Angela; I had promised to make her a new body, so that she could share it with me. I was so close to doing it, but I needed more training. I needed my big sisters to help me. I ran my hand up the silky expanse of Gloria’s belly, marveling at the texture of her flesh as it gave way to my calloused palm. I cupped a supple breast and pinched the nipple, twisting it like I knew she liked, somehow. Her red eyes drooped, their lids dark with smoky liner, accentuating the blaze of her hellish irises. Our lips connected beneath our closing gaze, and our tongues entwined as our bodies pressed together. Her hand moved between us, and stroked me softly as I rotated her erect, pink node in my fingers, and ran my other hand along the graceful curve of her back. Her delectable kiss melted its desire into my mouth as her fingers drew me ever outward, ever harder. She parted from our kiss with a breathy exit, and smiled into my eyes. “You said Tera was a disgusting whore,” Gloria whispered, her tongue flicking across my lips, “now I’m going to show you how disgusting your oldest sister can be.” Gloria lowered her body, trailing her tongue along my form as she descended. It lathered my neck, circled my nipple, drew down my abdomen, slithered across my pelvis, skipped my cock, sheened my balls, and… Let me preface this by saying that I am one-hundred-percent heterosexual. I am a manly-man, who likes manly things. I like woodcarving, fishing, hunting, and apparently, a busty vampire sticking her tongue up my ass. Gloria’s red eyes gleamed from beneath my pelvis as her lips wrapped around my rim, and her warm, wet tongue pushed inside. My balls quaked from their draped position on her nose, a groan of satisfaction leaked past my lips, and my cock curved backward with aching engorgement. “Your big sister is absolutely repulsive, ” Tera giggled as Gloria planted her hands on my glutes and spread me, “I wonder if Angela will do that for you?” “I hope so,” I muttered, watching Tera’s snake-like tongue slither from her mouth, “I want all my sisters to do that to me.” “Well then,” Tera smirked, her long tongue curling teasingly, “don’t let me disappoint you, little brother. ” Tera’s smiling, violet eyes moved next to her older sister’s red ones. They both peered up at me with a teasing glint as Tera placed her thumbs on either side of my rectum, spread me open, and penetrated me with her reptilian tongue, entwining it with her sister’s inside me. I gritted my teeth as I felt their sloppy, wet invasion deepen, coursing their entangled members through my filth, pressing teasingly against my prostate. Their lips met on opposite sides of my rim and sucked, drawing me outward as they pushed inward. My heels dug into the soil that covered the carpet, and I began thrusting my hips, losing my ability to stay still in the heat of the violating sensation. Tera kept her hands on my ass while Gloria reached upward, and stroked my raging hardness, settling me back down. Their tongues curled together inside me, curving upward and running along my ceiling, milking my internal organ, causing my loins to boil in eminent release. I know they felt it, I could tell by the teasing light in their eyes, but they didn’t stop. The pressed their hot, wet tongues against my pulsing cum-maker, and pushed me over the edge. I let out a gasp, thrusted my hips upward, and came in an explosion. Tera, not one to waste a free meal, withdrew from my ass in a slithering pull, wrapped her tongue thrice about my spewing member, and stroked me as I poured my seed into her open mouth. Gloria hummed her approval of my climax, and rotated her sucking lips around my rim as she continued to press her tongue against my emptying prostate. She didn’t stop her anal kiss until the last drop was spilled from my tip, and Tera had licked it clean from my twitching cock. The succubus held my still-hard rod in her hand, and smiled down at Gloria as she pulled out of me; her red eyes gleaming as she licked her lips, savoring the taste of my sinful hole. “I think he’s got more in there, what do you think, big sister? ” Tera sniggered, smiling at a joke I apparently wasn’t in on. “Oh, he’s got plenty more,” Gloria grinned, taking hold of my cock and running her fingers covetously down it, “after what I put in his blood, this thing will be standing tall for a long time.” “What a dirty, anal slut you are, little brother,” Tera smiled, “I wonder if Angela shares the same preference.” “I certainly do,” Gloria whispered with a seductive fry as she crawled up my body, her pale ass perched behind her shifting hips, her massive breasts jiggling from her chest, “do you want to fuck your big sis in the ass, Your Holiness?” That must have been a rhetorical question, because before I could answer, Gloria drew her magnificent, pale body upright, squatted over me, and sat. Her passionate eyes drooped in a near-mournful expression, her mouth moaned a sobbing tone, her thighs flexed to her bending knees, and her pink petals leaked her lust down her taint, and into her stretching, pink rim. Her aperture expanded around me, her anus gripped me in its vile heat, and her muscles clenched, sucking me into her as she descended, until her ass pressed against my pelvis, and we moaned in mutual satisfaction. Gloria took a lip-biting moment to savor her anal penetration, closing her eyes, inhaling deeply, and letting out a sigh. When her eyes opened, they no longer bore the vulnerable, mournful look she’d worn before, but a ravenous, dangerous look. Her blood-red lips opened to reveal her grinning fangs, and she reached forward, took me by the shoulders, and pressed my face into her tits. “I don’t know how you and Tera fuck, little brother,” Gloria growled as she grinded her ass onto my pelvis, pressing down so hard it almost hurt, “but I require a little violence with my love; do you think you can give that to me?” I didn’t, until Gloria dug two sets of fingernails into my back and ripped across my shoulders. Then, I was more than willing to give her what she wanted. The anger surged into me with the pain, and I took two handfuls of black hair, and ripped backward. Gloria’s chin jutted into the air, and she laughed a manic tone of delight as she locked her legs around my waist. She squeezed the breath out of me with her thighs, and twisted an encouraging nail between my shoulders. I pulled her hair further back, feeling her rectum clenching around me the harder I yanked, hearing her combative laugh grow shrill with her pain. Her breasts were nearly suffocating me between their succulent domes, but I soldiered on, and took a pert nipple into my mouth. “Bite it!” Gloria gasped, her body a writhing mess of powerful muscle and supple flesh. I acquiesced, and bit down with less gentleness than I normally would. The delicate node of her breast drew outward and engorged, reddening with its erectness. I teethed it and pulled it backward, stretching her pale dome to a conical point, feeling her pussy gushing against my pelvis and her asshole coil like a fist around my driving cock. I didn’t thrust in and out of Gloria, so much as I heaved our bodies upward. Her grinding was so impassioned, so combative, that it barely let an inch of me out of her at a time. It was as though I was trapped within her, and every move I made to pull out was countered with a growling drive of her hips, squishing her ass into my pelvis until it bulged vulgarly from her backside. My cock buried into her sinful channel, grinded along her delicate flesh, and she consumed me with ravenous greed; drawing me into her, welcoming me deeper, challenging me to pull out and rail into her. Our bodies writhed in locked combat, connected and shifting, but not colliding. We wrestled with passionate hedonism, twisting together in a perverse dance, curving and arching as one, but never pulling apart. Our skin grew hot and slick, our breaths grew short and shallow, we didn’t moan and cry, but snarled and growled, reveling in the contest, savoring the struggle as our muscles tensed against each other. I looked up from the nipple I was torturing, and saw Gloria’s stretched neck striating with tension as I pulled her hair harder. Her red lips were peeled back in a grimace, and her mouth was spouting her guttural approval. I knew damn-well that the moment I let her hair go, Gloria was going to bite me; I could see it glinting from her hungry eyes. I also knew that my grip strength wasn’t going to last much longer. I made my move. I let her go, feeling strands of hair come off in my hands. Her head snapped forward, her mouth grinning as it passed my cheek and closed lustily on my throat, her fangs sinking their painless bite into my neck and drinking of me as she seeped her intoxicating venom. I gasped, letting her nipple fall from my mouth, and I used the last of my will to reached behind her, and spread her ass wide for the succubus who had snuck around her back. Gloria’s head reeled back, her mouth gaped in a crimson oval, and she screamed. Tera’s entire hand slid alongside my cock, and gripped me from inside of the vampire’s constricting sheath. “You know I don’t like it when you pick on our little brother,” Tera whispered into Gloria’s ear, her face smirking in sexual malice as her sister screamed in sexual agony, “you need to learn how to play nice.” Tera’s reptilian tongue licked the side of Gloria’s screaming face as her violet eyes watched me with teasing amusement. She began to stroke me from the inside, grinding her knuckles along the tender reaches of Gloria’s anus, and the vampire lost the last of her composure. Her back wrenched in an arch, her tits jiggled forward, her head reeled back, and she came violently. The subtle musculature of her abdomen convulsed beneath her pale canvas, and her insides clenched around me and Tera in a vulgar, heated embrace. She fell on her back, writhing in her visceral ecstasy, and Tera giggled, pulled her hand and my cock out, and made Gloria taste her own ass. “I know you’re going to make me pay for this later,” Tera laughed sweetly as Gloria’s mouth closed around her fingers, “your proclivity for whips and chains is infamous. I just want you to know that I’m looking forward to your vengeance, but I’m going to enjoy your subservience now.” Gloria recovered from her climax, and looked on the verge of enacting her vengeance right then and there. Two lengths of thick vines laced up her arms, wrapping about her wrists, elbows and shoulders, and pinning her to the ground. Another length of vine wrapped loosely around her neck, forcing her chin upward. Gloria struggled and thrashed for a moment, her eyes blazing with fury, and then she stopped, feeling the smooth vines that were snaking up her legs, and an excited grin formed across her face. “Oh, Brandon,” Tera exclaimed, testing the binds that held her sister, not looking back to see what was approaching her, “this opens up all kinds of possibilities!” “I wonder how smooth he can make them,” Gloria smiled, watching as two young, green vines snaked through her dripping pussy, and slithered to Tera’s unassuming backside, “or if they can be lubricated?” “That is an interesting idea,” Tera chuckled, pulling up her leg to straddle Gloria’s mouth, “we’ll do a brainstorming session after I’m done sitting on your faaaaAAAAAA!” They were lubricated with sap, by the way, but I doubted that lessened the shock. They came together, wrapping in a tight coil, and then they corkscrewed through the purple outline of Tera’s puckered rim. Two thick, barky vines wrapped around Tera’s wrists, pulling her arms back, as two more wrapped around her ankles, spreading her legs. Tera’s tan back flexed in concavity as she strained against her new binds, and Gloria laughed as the succubus screamed in abject delight. The smooth, wet vines worked in tandem; stretching Tera open, exposing her dark insides, squirming their way into her colon and thrusting in and out. Clear secretion leaked from Tera’s desecrated bowels, her hips squirmed in a rapturous gyration, her head fell uselessly behind her, her onyx hair draping to her supple backside, and she stared at me with glazed-over eyes as her mouth vocalized possessed euphoria. I shared a smirk with Gloria, and then gently guided Tera forward, to sit on her sister’s face. Gloria opened her mouth and sucked sensually upon Tera’s leaking petals as her tongue slid between them. Her red eyes drooped in satisfaction, and she thrust her hips upward below me, shimmying them in a needful dance. I took a grip of pale thighs, spread them, and pushed my filthy cock into her pristine, pink slit. She wrapped her legs around my waist again, but his time, she didn’t try to squeeze the life out of me, but gently beckoned me to thrust inside. I enjoyed our earlier bout of lustful wrestling, but it was nice to have some room to maneuver, and I used that room to make Gloria pay for every bite and scratch on my body. My pelvis slammed into the pale splay of Gloria’s crotch, my cock pushed through her glistening, pink petals, who’s fleshy cuff gripped me tightly with each exit, beckoning me back inside. Her thighs rippled with the impact of my thrusts, her mouth moaned its muffled tone into Tera’s cunt, and her body shifted in escalating lechery beneath her writhing sister. Tera’s tan complexion wriggled across Gloria’s milky surface; her legs quivering and flexing about her bound ankles, her shoulders pinching together, protruding their blades from her flexing back, her hips gyrating in possessed movements, dancing perversely to the twisting vines that corkscrewed in and out, stretching the bronze slut into a gape of debauched ruin, with her tail coiling behind her in the animalistic expression of her euphoria. Gloria’s stifled moans became cries in her mouth as I thrust harder and harder, feeling her flexing womanhood massaging me with lewd muscles, trying to draw the seed from my loins. Tera watched me through glistening eyes, her purple lips agape and singing her climax, her cheeks flushed with the exertion of her lust. I stared from violet eyes to red, and watched the euphoric change happen behind both as the three of us ascended, tones of our catharsis echoing through the room, a harmony of siblings in the grip of lust, long since fallen to the sweet temptation of forbidden flesh. My loins roiled and ached with pressure, my back screamed for reprieve, my thrusts became fervent drives that broke Gloria in as she came. I roared the last of myself, my body heaving with the exertion of it, my chest beating with the feeling of it, my head light with the insanity of it. I erupted as Tera sung her sweet release and Gloria muffled hers. I poured what was left of my seed into the vampire’s gripping folds, and then fell back into the foliage, my binds releasing the women. A flock of starlings materialized from my euphoria, almost all of them perfect, only a few of them carrying defects. They flitted around the room, chirping their annoyed conversation as the three people beneath them gasped and panted in satisfaction. “Holy shit,” Gloria gasped, climbing up my body and laying her head on my heaving chest, her red eyes staring their adoration, “I forgot what it was like to lay with divinity.” “Hey, Gloria?” I said, feeling memories and thoughts rearrange in my head, “You’re not really my sister, are you?” “You’re an absolute genius, Your Holiness,” Gloria smiled, planting a kiss on my nipple, “don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re a simple hillbilly from butt-fuck nowhere.” “And you, Tera?” I asked as the succubus languidly crawled over to me, and rested her head in my lap, “You’re not really my sister either, are you?” “I can be if you want,” Tera smiled blissfully, her tongue caressing my deflating member, “I’ll be whatever you want, however you want it, Brandon.” “So,” I said, feeling my mind piece back together, “what the fuck was the point of all that?” “Hmm,” Gloria hummed with a small smile as she lazily circled my nipple with her finger, “tell me, Your Holiness; what is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the name: ‘Angela?’” Angela sitting reservedly on the bed, clinging to a shawl that wraps her nubile figure. She stares nervously up at me, her shoulders hunched demurely, her smile small and shy. She looks down, bashful, her face blushing, her body shrinking. I take her by the chin, affectionately running my thumb over her flushing cheek, raising her gaze to meet mine. Her smile broadens, the fear leaves her, she lets the shawl go. It flows off her, draping from curve to curve until it shows her beautiful nakedness. I lower my face to hers, and her eyes close as her lips part. “Oh… fuck.” I whispered as I grew hard as a rock. ASTRID I lay satisfied and ashamed, blissful and disgraced atop the table. The crowd was gone, the doors were locked, and the last man had finished inside me. The manic euphoria that had possessed me was gone, but I still felt different. I wasn’t the same woman who had walked through those brothel doors. I had enjoyed the sins meant to torment me, and had reveled in the debasement of myself. To make things worse, I realized I didn’t feel as ashamed as I wanted to. In fact, the biggest source of shame for me, was that I felt so little of it. There were warrior women who would have fallen on their own blade after enduring what I had endured, but me? I was looking forward to the next time it would happen. You are a disgrace, my conscience told me, you aren’t even a Valkyrie anymore. I tried to convince myself this was all in the service of my god, that it was a noble sacrifice I had to make, but it didn’t feel that way. I had to be very careful, very conscious of my state of being; Mistress said she’d try to twist and change me, and with Corruption inside her, she knew exactly how to do it. “Astrid!” Mistress called jovially, a young, naked succubus on her arm, “How are you feeling?” “Tired, Mistress.” I smiled blissfully, savoring the hot, sticky seed covering my naked body, and then chastising myself for enjoying it. “I bet,” Mistress smiled, brushing crusted strands of hair from my face, “you had such a big day, didn’t you?” “Yes, Mistress.” I sighed, peeling myself from the table top. I began to feel the disgust of my situation coming back to me, and I welcomed it; some of that old, Iona pride was still in me. I had the sudden and visceral need to take a bath, to wash the day from my body and forget it all; forget the shame, forget the ecstasy, forget the way I acted, and forget the way I thought. “Justina, would you mind cleaning Astrid off?” Mistress said to the woman on her arm, poking her in the ribs, “You look like you could use a meal.” “Thank you, Mistress.” Justina smiled, climbing atop the table and eyeing the filth that covered me with hungry eyes. “Astrid, this is Justina, my long-lost cousin,” Mistress said, gesturing to the succubus crawling toward me, “she’s going to be like... your roommate. You and she are about the only two people I can really trust right now, so I want you two to get along.” “She’s a succubus, Mistress,” I said, placing a foot atop the woman’s hair to stop her, trying to keep her skin from touching me, “how will I be of any use to you if I’m the mindless slave of another?” “Oh, I already broke her in,” Mistress said, hefting her pants with some pride, “I control her seduction now. Hell, I control her everything now, which is why she’s so damn trustworthy. Let her clean you off, and then put your armor back on. We’re going to visit an old friend of mine.” Willowbud walked back to her gang, leaving me alone with Justina. Grunt, Gronk, Flendian and Hacksaw all laughed and drank and stole leering glances at me, and I had the conflicting urges of either smiling back or bashing their skulls in. Instead of doing either of those things, I cast my eyes on the succubus girl, slowly licking her way up my legs with her forked tongue. To a Valkyrie, a succubus was lower than dirt. They were creatures without morals or codes, creatures who would do anything and everything to feed their bottomless hedonism. And yet, according to the highest authority in the world, the goddess of rock and stone, Justina was my equal. It’s fitting, really, my conscience chastised me, after what you did earlier. “Well,” I sighed, relaxing on my elbows, “I suppose we should get to know each other.” “Mmmm.” Justina replied, completely lost in her lustful feeding, her tongue working past my knees, and up my thighs. “I’m Astrid,” I said, spreading my legs as she crawled between them, “I’m the daughter of Freydis, High Guard of Iona.” “Mmmm.” Justina replied again, her tongue flicking higher and higher. “You’re not much for conversation, are you?” I chuckled, breathing a little faster as her forked-tongue began to tickle the outside of my gaping anus, tasting the reservoir of man that leaked from me, “I suppose we have that in common.” Justina didn’t even bother humming an answer. She placed her small hands on either side of my gape, and spread me gently, letting the seed spill onto her awaiting tongue. She lapped it up like a cat does milk, and then turned her violet eyes up to me, and lowered her lips to my pooling sphincter. Her mouth pressed tenderly to the stretched outline of my anus, and her tongue snaked as deeply as it could go, squirming through my insides and tasting every cum-covered surface that she could reach. I pet her onyx hair and moaned softly as her invading member tickled me with soothing caresses. “I guess you’re the closest thing I have to a friend now,” I said softly, gently pushing her face deeper between my glutes, “I’ll try to not let my bitterness hurt you. Being the protector of a Creator is the highest honor a Valkyrie can achieve, but our goddess is determined to crush my honor. I suspect if she has her way, I’ll be just like you in no time. Maybe you can show me how to live without shame.” I tilted my head back and let out a sigh, savoring the feeling of Justina’s tongue. If this was to be the dynamic of our friendship, I guess I wouldn’t mind. I didn’t need idle conversation to pass the time, but a ‘friend’ who would listen to my verbalized thoughts without complaint or comment would be nice. I just wished she’d get back to licking me, because for some reason she’d stopped. Her tongue withdrew, her lips parted, and she breathed fast, shallow breaths on my entrance. I looked down, and saw two pale-blue eyes staring from a face they didn’t belong to. “What the fuck did you just say?” Justina asked with a voice that was not her own. I didn’t need to think about what to do next. I trapped Justina between my thighs, gripped her horns, and prepared to snap her neck. Mistress’s cousin or not, it was obvious that she was an infiltrator with astral power; it seemed my god’s trust in the girl was misplaced. I was a breath away from ripping her spine apart when a feeling stopped me. A great, irresistible arousal awoke from between my thighs, coursed through my blood and seeped into my brain. Justina had her bare hands pressed to my womanhood, and they were spreading her seduction with full effect. The hormones bled into my mind, surged behind my eyes, and thrummed through every rational corner of my being. I would do anything for her, anything, as long as she sated the hunger that roared within me. “Master.” I said, my hands falling to my sides, and my thighs spreading with need. “Holy shit,” Master whispered, “I can’t believe that worked.” “Please, Master,” I begged, thrusting my hips forward, “please feed from me!” “Calm down!” Master hissed, looking nervously at the bar where Mistress and her gang were drinking, “I order you to shut the fuck up!” I did as commanded, but the insatiable need still coursed through me. I twisted and squirmed, rocking on my heels and palms, lifting my pelvis aloft so that it was level with her face, my eyes burning with my desperation. “I have some questions for you, Astrid,” Master said, “and you’re going to answer them quietly , OK?” I nodded frantically, hoping beyond hope that if I answered her questions, Master would sate my need. “Did you just say Willowbud is a Creator?” she asked, her forked-tongue flicking from her mouth, and trailing its twin-points gently along my oozing slit. “Yes,” I whispered, biting my lip with want, “she is the Earth Former.” “Bullshit.” Master said, pulling her tongue away. “It’s true!” I exclaimed in almost a sob, trying to keep quiet like Master said while my desperation sung through my words, “Mistress brought down a hillside, she formed a statue of me from nothing, she ripped the bedrock from beneath the sand, and she re-forged the blade of Iona! Please, Master; please touch me!” “Holy shit, you’re not lying.” Master whispered, her voice small and fearful. “No!” I hissed, trying to remind Master of what I had to offer by driving my hips forward, “Valkyries cannot speak untruths! I would never lie to you! Please touch me!” Master split my slit with forked fingers, and watched as a mixture of seed and nectar flowed freely from my reddened, swollen petals. She crinkled her nose as though it disgusted her, and then tested the concoction with a tentative lick. Her eyes widened, and she licked me again, and again, and again. Soon, her lips were wrapping around my petals, her dilated eyes were rolling into her head, and she was humming a whorish tone as her tongue wriggled wonderfully through my depths. I moaned with her, savoring every little motion of her mouth, gasping as she sucked of my folds, and hissing air through clenched teeth as her tongue caressed every vulnerable spot. She swallowed continuously, as though she were drinking from a fountain, and then she pulled away, her pupils shrinking and her eyes refocusing. “Holy fuck,” Master said, licking her lips, “cum is like crack to Justina’s body.” “I have more!” I said, smiling adoringly and spreading my asshole for her, “Please, take all that you can!” “Tell me about Corruption.” Master said, sliding her tongue down my taint and reentering my gaping rim. “She’s an astral being, a Sentient-” “I know what she is,” Master interrupted, “tell me about her and Willowbud. In fact, tell me everything about Willowbud.” I started from the beginning, telling Master about how I first met Mistress, how I’d made love to her, how she’d been so kind and humble. Then I told her about Corruption, how Mistress had saved me from her, how Mistress had lost her battle with the Sentient, and how I’d pledged my life to saving Mistress from Corruption. All the while, Master watched me with her pale blue eyes and ate from my holes, licking every drop of man left within me. “Astrid,” Master finally said, slithering her tongue from my asshole, “I think I might be able to help you with Corruption. I’m saying this to you now, so that once I release you from my-” “No!” I exclaimed, “Please don’t let me go!” “No more fucking talking!” Master hissed, looking nervously at the bar. She turned her eyes back on me when she confirmed they hadn’t noticed my outburst, “I’m saying this to you now, so that once I release you, you don’t try to break my neck. We’re on the same side. I can’t tell you why, but just know, we’re on the same side.” Master studied me with a discerning glare, and then said, “I release you from my service.” Rationality found purchase in my mind as the unquenchable arousal drifted from me. I felt exhausted, completely drained, and I fell back onto my elbows and stared weakly at the blue-eyed Not-Justina. “What are you?” I whispered fearfully, “And why should I trust you?” “My name’s Angela,” Angela replied, resting her chin on my pelvis, “and letting you go should be enough for you to trust me.” “It’s not,” I said, “you couldn’t keep me as a slave for long before Mistress noticed; you had to let me go.” “I could have made you kill yourself,” Angela replied, “Willowbud would’ve believed me if I told her you cracked. All those precious oaths you’ve broken…” That was painfully true. I winced at her words, but they did convince me. “Ok, Angela,” I said, “I’m willing to play along for now. Tell me how you think you can help Mistress with Corruption.” “I don’t know yet,” Angela said, looking slightly flustered, “I can’t see Corruption anymore, but when I did, it was like… it was like she was attracted to me, but not in a sexual way. She kept asking ‘what are you’ over and over again. She grabbed my hand-” “She touched you?! ” I gasped, “And nothing happened?” “Well, it felt kind of nice,” Angela replied, nodding her head conciliatorily, “but that was about it. When I wouldn’t go with her, she stepped out of Willowbud’s body, and that’s when I realized their relationship was less than consensual. Corruption had this look on her face like she’d just locked herself out of her own house, while Willowbud (who was basically anally raping her cousin at that point) got this look of… confused-horror, I guess I’d call it. Anyway, Corruption jumped back into Willowbud and disappeared, and I haven’t seen her since.” “I think she appears to you when Mistress is doing something she wouldn’t otherwise do without Corruption,” I said, nodding to myself, “like enslaving her own cousin.” I looked somberly down at Angela, “She’s a good person, Angela; she’s just really damaged. If you can get Corruption out of her, you’ll see for yourself.” “I make no promises,” Angela said, “but I’ll try when the opportunity presents itself. That probably means the next time your mistress decides she wants to fuck her cousin.” “I hope that’s soon,” I whispered as Mistress stepped away from the bar, “because she’s dangerous, Angela; really dangerous. We’re in a city of stone, and she’s the Earth Former.” “I understand that.” Angela said, looking nervously at the approaching god, “I was planning on booking it the moment I got my chance, but I’ll stick around and see what I can do.” “Thank you.” I whispered, genuinely grateful, feeling hope for the first time since I’d left Tentigo. Angela gave me a subtle nod, and then receded into Justina’s brain as Mistress stepped onto the table. “Are you two getting along?” Mistress said, tousling my braided hair like I was a child. “Yes, Mistress.” Justina and I said in unison, in almost equal levels of subservience. I smiled up at her, my renewed hope brimming from my face. I’ve found a way to save you, Willowbud, I thought, feeling like my old self again, and it only took me one day; that must be a new record. TERA The chandelier glowed its steady blue in Gloria’s room, illuminating the bags of foliage we’d harvested in a sapphire hue. The soil would take weeks to clean out, but at least all the birds and insects had since flown out the window. We’d completely forgotten about Alexa, and found her sleeping soundly beneath a layer of tulips. Brandon worked with stiff efficiency, not talking to any of us, seemingly lost in thought. Lost in incestual fantasy, more likely, I sniggered to myself, you dirty, dirty boy, Brandon. Gloria stole more than a few glances at the boy, and I struggled to push down my jealousy. Brandon didn’t belong to any of us, but I found him first, so I felt like I at least had first-call on his dick. At least, until he made Angela a new body. The chandelier glowed its deep red, marking someone’s blood on the door outside. I turned to Gloria, and she frowned. So, not expecting guests. Great. I reached beneath my cloak, and grasped the daggers strapped to my hips. “Mother?” a painfully familiar voice called from outside. ANGELA Grunt, Gronk, Flendian, and Hacksaw stood at our flanks as Willowbud walked me to Gloria’s door, with Astrid right behind us. I wanted to abandon Justina and rush into the house to tell Brandon what was up, but the enslaved succubus was boiling-over with the desire to tell her master all about him. The enslaved Justina bore very little of her usual sharp intellect, which made her mercifully easy to subdue, but damn, was she tenacious. There’s a Creator in there, and his name is Brandon, and he is the Life Giver, and his sister is in my head, and her name is Angela, and she is conspiring against you with Astrid, and… It went on and on like that, each phrase ending with an upward inflection, her tongue trying to form the words to please her new master. Thankfully, she wasn’t always like this. In her enslaved state, Justina’s forward-thinking self was replaced with a dumb bimbo of fleeting, present thought. Most of her inner-monologue went like: I love my master, and I want to suck her cock, and I want to cook her dinner, and I want her in my butt, and I want to buy her flowers, and I want to eat her ass, and I want to get her chocolates… Which, while annoying, was certainly easier to ignore than the train of treason she was spewing now. So, I could not leave Justina, even for a second, and all I could do was hope that Tera and Gloria didn’t come out spoiling for a fight. As far as I could tell, Willowbud didn’t come here with violence in mind, but she was obviously ready for it. “Go on,” Willowbud said, giving me a possessive squeeze on the ass, “call for mommy.” “Mother?” I called, taking control of Justina’s mouth, and hoping that my voice sounded enough like hers. “Get ready, boys,” Grunt growled behind us, “they used to call this bitch ‘Death Kiss,’ and for good reason.” “She won’t do anything when we got her daughter,” Hacksaw said, “she’ll come quietly.” She did not come quietly. Justina knew that her mother was proficient in combat, but I don’t think Tera ever demonstrated it, because her daughter was as surprised as I was when she came flying out of that door. Tera went left, and Gloria went right. Tera was buck-naked, I assumed to maximize the chances of skin-on-skin contact, while Gloria was covered head-to-toe in tight fitting fabric, with only her red eyes revealed beneath a veil. Tera jumped over Grunt’s club swing, rolled beneath Gronk’s axe, sliced Grunt’s calf to the bone with one dagger, and drew a line up Gronk’s arm with the other. Gloria made short work of Flendian; ducking beneath his sword swing, and driving her curved blade through his chest. She took a moment to rip out the dark-elf’s throat with her fangs, and then pulled her blade from his chest in a graceful swing that separated his body along the cut. She did not fare as well against Hacksaw. The vampire was fast, inhumanly fast, but the half-giant could take the punishment. She slashed at him with her wicked-looking blade, and he let the edge cut into his forearm, before grabbing the vampire by her wrist, and throwing her into the wall. Gloria crashed spread-eagle into the bricks, her impact accompanied by the sickening sound of bones cracking, and the deflating whoosh of air blasting from her diaphragm. Tera somehow managed to plant both her feet on the side of Gronk’s head, snapping his face to the side and twisting his thick neck into a coil of tendons. He lurched backward, his jaw swinging freely from its hinge, his steps those of a stumbling drunk. Grunt righted himself on one leg, his other bleeding profusely, and he swung a two-handed arc at Tera’s blindside. The succubus moved as though she’d known it was coming the whole time, and deftly flipped backward over both the strike, and the dwarf. She cut two deep slices into his bald head as she swung over him, and Grunt screamed as his skull was exposed beneath his scalp. Hacksaw charged at the succubus, his shoulders down, his momentum seemingly unstoppable. Tera stood her ground until the last second, and then slid between his legs, hooked her hands on his thighs, and let his momentum carry her into an arc, until she flipped and landed gracefully on his shoulders, bare fingers touching bare neck. Hacksaw stopped abruptly, a smile of stupid bliss stretched across his scarred face. “Tera,” Willowbud said beside me, sounding of slightly-bored amusement, “can we stop this?” “I take it you’re Night Eyes?” Tera said, tousling her steed’s matted hair and grinning from her perch, “I’ve got to say, Gloria talked you up to be some kind of badass, and I’m a bit disappointed.” “Well, I hate to disappoint,” Willowbud grinned, then turned toward Astrid, “you know what to do.” Astrid strode forward, looking as magnificent as a creature could. Her golden, braided hair draped over her broad shoulders, her wings glinted resplendently in the sun, her sword gleamed from crossguard to tip, and she held the massive weapon with the ease of obvious expertise. The scene looked biblical; the holy angel with her holy sword, facing down a demoness riding atop a disfigured monster. Grunt and Gronk limped to the side, looking up in awe at their champion, waiting with bated breath for the showdown to commence. Astrid stepped forward, positioning her sword, crouching slightly. Hacksaw kicked his heels against the stones, seething like a bull ready to charge, his face contorted in rage at the woman who would dare challenge his master. Astrid stepped to the side, and with two swings of her sword, she decapitated Gronk, and then Grunt. Willowbud burst out laughing as the heads bounced, and rolled ironically, next to another head which already lay on the flagstone by the door. “There’s some more for your collection, Gloria!” Willowbud laughed at the groaning vampire, who was clutching her broken ribs in the fetal position. Tera looked absolutely dumbstruck; she stood atop her steed with mouth agape, and Hacksaw looked up at her expectantly, awaiting orders that didn’t come. Astrid walked nonchalantly to the half-giant, cut off his legs in one swoop, and then took off his head with the next. Tera tumbled forward and sprawled onto the stones as Hacksaw’s head rolled down the street, and her daggers slid after it. Astrid’s blade rested softly on her throat, and Tera conceded. “Old Terry’s betrayal got me good and spooked,” Willowbud said, stepping over Hacksaw’s corpse and crouching in front of Tera, “so, I decided some housecleaning was in order. I need people whose trust can’t be bought or bullied; people like you, Tera.” “You enslaved my daughter,” Tera said, glancing at me, “and you expect me to join you?” “To be fair,” Willowbud said, sitting cross-legged on the stones, “your daughter tried to enslave me first. I was just returning the favor.” “You lie.” Tera snarled. Willowbud just shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not much of a liar,” Willowbud said, resting her bare hand on Tera’s bare breast, and grinning as Tera’s eyes went wide, “I’m a thief, a rapist, a torturer and a killer, but lying’s not in my repertoire.” “Corruption has you,” Tera said, her voice shaking slightly, “you’re the whore of a Sentient.” “Ooo, that was a good guess!” Willowbud exclaimed, “Did you figure that out on your own, or did Gloria help you?” Willowbud turned to the incapacitated vampire, “How ya doing over there, Gloria?” The vampire coughed blood in response, and I took the opportunity to look Tera squarely in the eye, and let my eye color show. She gave me a subtle nod, before Willowbud returned her gaze on her. “Corruption has me like you have herpes, Tera,” Willowbud said, “she’s there, and she’s never leaving, but you learn to live with it. Sure, I might make a brash decision, sometimes I might kill a lot of people, but they’re still my choices. It’s not like there’s voices in my head. At least, not like what’s going on with your daughter.” My breath caught in my throat, my hair stood up, and I pissed myself. A chair of stone formed beneath me, butting against the backs of my knees and forcing me to sit. A similar chair of stone smacked into Astrid’s legs, much harder than had happened to me, and she sprawled into it, barely holding on to her sword. Tera’s expression of shock was glued comically to her face as her body was folded forward in another armchair of cobblestone. Willowbud stood between us all, a shit-eating grin reflecting from her tan face. “Next time you want to have a secret conversation, Angela, ” Willowbud laughed at me, “you better move further than across the fucking room; I hear everything!” she tapped her foot against the cobblestone, “I can hear your blood moving in your veins, your shit moving in your guts, and your piss running down your skirt, though, I can see that as well.” She wheeled on Astrid, who shrank in her chair, cowering before her god. “And you ,” Willowbud snarled, causing Astrid to cower even more, “you traitorous bitch, you conniving cunt, you…” she broke off in a fit of laughter as Astrid grew smaller and smaller in her chair, her eyes wide, her lips trembling, “I’m just fucking with you, Astrid. You only did what you said you’d do, and bravo for finding a sucker willing to help you. I like that kind of initiative.” Willowbud made a chair for herself, noticeably higher than everyone else’s, and smiled down at the gawking faces of Tera, and myself. “The Earth Former?” Tera asked, her eyes bulging, her mouth agape, her voice barely a whisper. “I prefer to be called ‘Night Eyes,’” Willowbud said, and winked at me as she leaned forward, “but since you’re family, Auntie, you can call me ‘Willowbud.’” I didn’t think Tera’s jaw could go any lower, but I was wrong. Her cheeks went gaunt with her gawking. “It’s just a day full of surprises, isn’t it?” Willowbud chuckled, “This is why I love this city; you never know what tomorrow may bring. Isn’t that right, Gloria?” I turned around, and saw Gloria slumped in a chair of her own, looking as confused and horrified as her succubus friend. Her chair shifted forward, sliding as though on ice. Our circle of chairs widened, and made room for the vampire. Willowbud grinned broadly at the woman. “I bet you’re realizing that you never had a chance against me, Gloria,” Willowbud smiled, “but I appreciated your efforts. Is that Alexa I hear snoring in your house? And who’s that young man behind the door?” “H-h-h-he’s my dinner, Your Holiness.” Gloria stammered beneath her veil. “ ‘You’re Holiness?’ ” Willowbud exclaimed, “I never figured you for a Creationist. I bet that’s not the usual moniker you have for me, is it?” “No, Your Holiness,” Gloria muttered, “usually it’s ‘that cunt’ or ‘that fucking bitch.’” “Well, normally I like to be referred to as ‘boss,’ ‘Night Eyes,’ or occasionally, ‘Mistress,’” Willowbud said, “but in your case, I think ‘Your Holiness’ will do just fine. In the end, there’s really only one god that matters.” A stone spike shot through the vampire’s chest, spraying blood across Astrid’s face. Gloria’s red eyes widened for a second, and then faded as her head dropped. Tera screamed a blood-curdling tone and made a move to launch at Willowbud, but her hands were bound to the chair before she even got off her ass. “She tried to kill me, Auntie, so don’t act like I’m the bad guy here,” Willowbud said as Tera thrashed, “you’ve got to be level-headed about these things. How many poor bastards did you kill?” “She could have helped you!” Tera screamed, “She could have saved you from that thing inside you!” “First Angela, now Gloria? There’s just saviors on every corner in this city!” Willowbud laughed. I wondered how much longer I had until a spike shot through my back. There was no warning, no indication. It just happened, and that was it. I had a mental flash of rolling wheels, and the sound of a baying oxen as hoofs trampled. I was not ready to experience anything like that again. “Gloria would have saved me right after she was done breaking the last of my bones,” Willowbud said, “I sent a lot of her blood-children into the dirt. I mean a lot, and not in nice ways. Stakes through the palms and left to burn in the sun was my favorite method, but Hacksaw and Gronk had their ways as well.” “And you expect me to join your gang after all this?!” Tera cried, “To torture and kill?!” “No, no, no!” Willowbud laughed, shaking her head, “I’m done with the gangster business. I turned that page of my life just now,” she gestured to Gloria, “my last enemy dead. No, I’m in the entertainment business now; a much seedier, more cutthroat business than drug dealing and whores ever were. I don’t need thugs and brutes anymore; I need stone-cold-killers and foxy broads. You happen to fulfill both those needs.” “You’re insane,” Tera gasped, her eyes trembling, “you’re a god, a being of immeasurable power, and you want to be a show producer? ” “Fight promoter, actually,” Willowbud grinned, “and I never made any claims on sanity.” She turned to me and gave me another wink, “But you know all about that, don’t you, Justina-slash-Angela? I gotta know; when exactly did you go so crazy that your brain split right in half?” Angela’s a dead girl, and the Life Giver is in that house, and could you please fuck me, and- “When I was ten,” I said before Justina could blurt out the truth, “my best friend got run over by an oxen cart, and now she lives in my head.” “Then you used an astral enchantment to change the eye color,” Willowbud smiled, almost endearingly, “and viola; Angela lives.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, trying to sound as nuts as possible, “that’s just my natural eye color.” “Your clairvoyant, aren’t you?” Willowbud said, looking closely at me, “You can see astral beings as clear as day, even melded ones.” “Yes.” I said as Justina screamed the truth in my head. Willowbud leaned forward, took my hand in hers and brought the hand to her mouth. I half-expected her to bite my fingers off, but instead, she kissed it with love and reverence, which was somehow worse. “You’re as broken as me, Cousin,” she whispered, her black eyes gleaming behind almost-affectionate irises, “cursed with gifts you didn’t ask for, forced into hiding from a world that hates you. You’re not in Towerhead anymore; no one’s going to hurt you with me around.” “Willowbud,” Tera said, her voice ragged, “please, release my daughter. It’s me you want.” “It’s both of you,” Willowbud said, her eyes glistening, “my family, my real family. The family that was cast out like I was, the family turned away from the world just for being born.” “Willowbud,” Tera said, her voice hushed, tears streaking down her cheek, “please.” “You don’t need to fear me, Tera,” Willowbud said, turning away from me, and leaning toward Tera until their faces were breaths apart, “I would never hurt my family.” A single tear ran down Willowbud’s cheek as she gazed into her aunt’s glazed eyes. Tera’s wet face was caste in the golden light of dusk, and Willowbud’s was black with the shrieking face of Corruption. The Sentient was writhing as if in agony, tortured by whatever thought had caused Willowbud to cry. “No,” Willowbud whispered, taking Tera’s trembling chin into her hand, and tilting it until their lips brushed, “family is sacred.” Their mouths connected. Willowbud ran her hand through Tera’s onyx mane as she sucked gently from her lips, their cheeks growing gaunt in their embrace. Her fingers trailed behind Tera’s ear, caressed back-handedly along the pronounced line of her jaw, and then rested in a gentle clasp about her neck, just above the collar. It was a subtle move, but a threatening one, and Tera melted in it. She couldn’t help it, I suspected, much like Justina couldn’t help her sexual nature, but it was still disappointing to see her give in so easily. Her violet eyes closed, and she tilted her head further back, letting Willowbud’s white hair mingle with her black. Corruption relaxed in her host’s mind and slowly faded from view, the thought that had tortured her no longer present. The nymph finally parted from Tera, whose eyes shown with a mixture of fear, hatred and desire. Willowbud was pleased with the expression. Her demeanor flipped like a switch, and she wiped away the single tear that had rolled down her cheek, and curled her lips in her usual grin. Tera’s binds popped free, and the chairs we all sat in started to melt back into the street. Gloria’s body shifted dumbly until it rested flat on the cobblestones, the spike shrinking from her wound until the hole in her chest was empty. “No witnesses, only carcasses, eh, Death Kiss?” Willowbud laughed, “We can’t have the whole city wondering how the street turned into a living room, can we?” “I guess not.” Tera said numbly, in complete disbelief of her situation. “Alright!” Willowbud exclaimed happily, taking Astrid by the hand and turning on her heel, “Now let’s all go back to The Screeching Siren, have some brews, and reminisce about old times in Arbortus. We can talk about how much of a cunt Flora Autumnsong is until the taps run dry.” Willowbud actually skipped away with Astrid in tow, the pair looking like an excited child and her frustrated mother. I looked at Tera, and she looked at me, seeing my blue eyes shining from her enslaved daughter’s face. I glanced at the door to Gloria’s house, and she nodded. Then, we followed the skipping god back to The Screeching Siren, carrying the vain consolation between us that despite everything, Brandon was still safe. Still safe, as long as I stayed inside Justina and kept her mouth shut. Still safe, for as long as I could endure the Earth Former’s idea of fun. BRANDON Alexa was snoring like nothing was happening, making it incredibly difficult to listen through the door. Why Gloria didn’t put a peephole in the fucking thing was a mystery, and it took all my will not to open it a crack and see what was going on. Early on, there was fighting, screaming and yelling, but that had stopped. Then, there was a lot of talking, some laughter from a voice I didn’t recognize, and a screech so shrill it could’ve come from a stuck pig. Then, more talking, footsteps, and nothing. I waited for what felt like an eternity, and nothing continued to happen. I took a deep breath, steeled my courage, and opened the door. The sun was setting between the buildings, casting the world in a glaring, orange hue punctuated by sharp and sudden shadows. Gloria lay in the middle of the street, her arms splayed to her sides, blood pooling from a massive wound in her chest. I stepped cautiously forward, looking at the headless bodies that littered the roadway, trying to keep my stomach from churning. I expected killers to pop out at any moment, beasts with human hides as clothing and skulls as helmets, but nothing happened. Tera and Justina weren’t among the dead, which was good, but I doubted their lives were in safe hands. Whoever this Night Eyes was, she clearly didn’t fuck around. I knelt over Gloria’s body, closed my eyes, and touched my thumb to her brow. She was technically dead, her heart was an exploded piece of pulp, but the faint vestiges of life still thrummed in her mind. Time to make like a god, and perform a miracle. Blue light radiated from my palm, and spread into Gloria. It laced through her skin in winding tendrils, flitting this way and that, fracturing randomly like cracks in the ice. The light pooled around her chest wound, seeped into the bloody cavern, and began to move pieces of her back together. The tattered remains of her heart righted themselves, and then melded, each chamber forming and taking shape until the entire organ stood perfectly in her chest. A pulse of blue power shot along the arteries that held it in place, and the heart contracted violently, before beating with life. Gloria’s eyes flashed open, she gasped in a deep breath, and she screamed. The bones, muscles, sinew and skin stitched back into place, and the pain receded from Gloria’s wail as the last strip of flesh was melded seamlessly back together. She coughed up a splatter of blood through her veil, and I eased her upright as she hacked the remnants of her mortal wound onto the cobblestones. She wiped her lips, her breathing shallow and frantic, her eyes wide. She looked at her hands as if they were foreign to her, touched her face as if it had never been there before, breathed deliberate, deep breaths as if the action was the only thing that mattered in the world. She looked at me with panicked, disbelieving eyes, her mouth working to find words that wouldn’t come. Her lips trembled, and her crimson eyes welled. “You’re alive,” I said, pulling her close and letting her vent into my chest, “and you have a lot of explaining to do.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Five: Arbortus LUCILLA The alarm bells tolled from every tower in the palace, the yells of men and the clanking of armor sounded from every corridor and stairwell. I kept my cloak wrapped tightly around me, trying to conceal the glowing patterns that laced my skin from toe to chin. I had a fortune in gold and jewelry tucked away in my sack, but that would hardly do me any good if the royal guard stopped us. I grabbed Julia by the wrist and pulled her from the corridor as a squad of heavily-armored knights turned the corner. We kept our backs pressed to the walls of the alcove while the men clanked past us, rushing toward the room that had exploded from the top of the tower. “They’re not even looking for us!” Julia hissed, “They don’t know what happened, but they will soon, and we better be out of the palace before then!” “If the royal guard sees me, they’ll detain me for my own safety,” I said breathing heavily, “and if Father sees what I’ve become… let’s not think about that.” I poked my head from the alcove, looking left and then right. “Julia.” I whispered. “What?” Julia hissed. “This is really fun,” I grinned at her, “we’re playing hide-and-seek.” “Accept if you get caught, you’re not ‘it,’” Julia hissed, “you’re dead.” “That just makes it better!” I giggled, pulling Julia out of the alcove and dragging her down the hallway. I’d always engaged in thrill-seeking behavior, but this was worrisome. Julia would have to play therapist for me once we were in a safe place, so that we could determine the root-cause of my… you’re still thinking of her as your priestess, I scolded myself as we rounded a corner, she’s a fucking god, not your servant! My excited grin stayed glued to my face as we weaved our way down steps, tiptoed through halls, ducked into rooms, and clambered into closets. There were several times when Julia had to plaster her palm over my mouth to keep my giggles from giving us away, and the wrathful look she gave me only made it worse. If this was my flight-or-fight response, we’d be solidly fucked if we actually got caught. “What in the Sweet Mother is wrong with you?!” Julia growled as I guided her down the last flight of steps of the upper floors. “I’m sorry,” I giggled as we rounded the stairwell to the courtyard, “it’s just so much fucking fu-” Julia practically tackled me into a closet. Heavy bootsteps thundered past us, followed by the soft patter of slippers on the stones. Two mages walked by, their bald heads gleaming in the torch light, the spot between their brows shining with their melded astral power. They stopped in front of the open doorway, and I silently prayed that the darkness of the closet would keep us hidden in the shadows. I pulled my cloak up around my neck to conceal the glowing patterns on my skin as Julia’s palm covered my mouth, anticipating another bout of foolish mirth. “Did they recover Princess Lucilla’s body?” one of the mages asked. “Chances are it was burnt to ash,” the other mage said, “an explosion powerful enough to rip a hole in the tower wall would disintegrate a person.” “And her priestess?” the first mage asked. “Also, most likely dead.” The second mage said, “How did we miss an astral bomb of such yield? How could an assassin have even gotten it in the palace? It would have to be the size of a horse to produce that kind of blast!” “I don’t know,” the first mage grimaced, “but you can bet the emperor is going to ream us gaping for this oversight.” “One of the maids said she heard sounds of lust when she was emptying the chamber pots,” the second mage said, “did the guards say if a man came into her suite?” “No,” the first mage said, “only her and the priestess. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Princess Lucilla chose a nun who was loose with her vows.” Julia pressed her palm into an air-tight seal over my mouth as uncontrollable laughter raged against my clenched teeth. I could practically feel the fire thrumming beneath her skin as she seethed silently, and I had to hold her power within me to keep it from bursting alight on her flesh. This was a woman so devout, she denied her very godhood until she could no longer, and this mage had the audacity to question her piety? It was fucking hilarious. The sound of running feet echoed through the hall, prompting the two mages to turn as the sound grew louder. A third mage shot into view, breathing hard and red-faced. “Dratus, Backtius,” the third mage gasped, holding my hand-mirror aloft, “look at this!” The other two mages studied it for a moment, perplexed expressions on their faces. “Do you see the burnt patterns on the frame?” the third mage asked excitedly, “Those were on every surface of the princess’s room! The Heat Bringer killed Princess Lucilla!” “Impossible!” the mage called Dratus said, “All seven-hundred subjects are locked away and accounted for in the keep; none of them could have escaped without setting off dozens of alarms!” “Telavia was right all along,” the mage called Backtius gasped, “we never had the one.” “Princess Lucilla said as much to her father earlier today,” the third mage said, his voice edging with excitement, “she must have found something the emperor didn’t, and the Heat Bringer killed her before she could spread the information!” “Her priestess,” Backtius muttered, “she was a bright-elf, wasn’t she? Not of high blood, but certainly around the right age…. raise the alarm and sequester all bright elves in the palace! Inform the emperor that the Heat Bringer is here, and get him to safety!” The mages ran off, and Julia tentatively released her grip on my mouth. “Looks like hide-and-seek is over,” she said as we stepped out of the closet, “now we just run.” We dashed through the courtyard, raced along the inner-wall and darted down the stairs to the bottom levels. The top floors of the palace tower were reserved for royalty, so subterfuge was a necessity when escaping them, but the bottom levels were packed with common folk, and our plain cloaks allowed us to blend right in. Troops of guards ran in opposition to us, ignoring us as they raced up the steps we’d just climbed down. Julia and I burst into the main courtyard, and the gate was blessedly still open. We were a mere hundred paces from freedom when the voice yelled. “You two, stop!” it was a commanding, baritone growl that sent our heels skidding to a halt. I turned around to see a mage leading a platoon of guards right for us. I wheeled around to make a run for the gates, but another platoon had barred our exit. “Julia,” I hissed as the men encircled us, “burn them!” “ Kill them?! Julia gasped, “That’s a mortal sin!” “Holy shit,” I growled, “Julia, do you know what will happen if my father captures you?” “Maybe we can talk our way out of it.” Julia whispered as the men surrounded us. As if in response, the men drew their swords, and the mage’s forehead began glowing from his astral meld. “Take off your hoods,” the mage said, “put your hands in the air, and get on your knees.” “Julia…” I said through clenched teeth, begging the girl. I felt the power pulsing in my veins, I could faintly see the energy glowing through my cloak; patterns of white shining through the fabric. I felt Julia growing warmer against me, drawing her power from me, preparing to set alight and announce her presence to the world. The fire died, the heat faded, and the light dwindled beneath my cloak. “I can’t,” Julia whimpered, her posture slouching in defeat, “I’m sorry, Lucilla.” I inhaled a ragged breath, feeling my heart sinking beneath my lungs. The swords gleamed around us, pointing their sharp edges at our bodies, their bearers watching us behind hard, merciless eyes. Julia put her arms around me, and I put my arms around her, the excitement I felt earlier no longer thrumming within me; only terror. “Gatison!” an even more commanding voice yelled, causing the mage to turn sharply around, “What in the blue fuck are you doing?” A man dressed in resplendent officer’s armor stepped into view, his masked helm making him look as intimidating as his voice sounded. Another man wearing similar armor strode alongside him, his faceplate also down, his hand on the hilt of his sword. “I’m-” the mage started, but never finished. “You’re wasting valuable time and resources!” the officer yelled, “Harassing common folk when you and your men should be on the top floors with everyone else! Do you know what’s at stake here?!” “These two were running for the gate!” the mage yelled indignantly, “They were-” “Get your bony ass up those stairs Gatison, or so help me, I will be wearing it as a boot!” The mage did not need further encouragement. He gave Julia and I a suspicious glower, and then ordered his men to follow him up the stairs, where the supposed Heat Bringer was undoubtedly lurking. I didn’t notice I’d been holding my breath, and I let out a deflating exhale, feeling the dread wash from my body. Right; that was certainly enough excitement for one day. I took Julia by the hand, and- “You know,” the commanding voice said in my ear as strong hands grabbed hold of my shoulders, “when you’re running for your life, Princess, stopping when someone says ‘stop’ is about the dumbest fucking thing you can do.” “Julia!” I screamed before a gauntleted hand clasped over my mouth. “No one is getting outside of this palace unless someone with rank bullies their way out.” The officer growled, “The gates may be open, but there’s a wall of guards on the other side. Now, you might outrank me, Your Grace, but you’re also supposed to be dead.” I looked out of the corner of my eye, and saw Julia nodding as the other officer whispered something in her ear. He seemed much gentler than my captor; holding Julia’s arm softly, resting his other hand comfortingly on her back, guiding her forward with respect. His faceplate was up now, and I recognized the portrait behind it: Malek, one of my own guards. I turned to my left, and saw Drask’s fearsome face staring back at me from his lifted mask. “You’re not a fucking officer!” I hissed, “You’re a royal guard! And just what the fuck are you doing anyway?!” “We’re neither, actually,” Drask grinned, “but it’s amazing what you can get away with if you have the right outfit and act like you belong. And what we’re doing, Your Grace, is getting you and the goddess as far from your father as possible.” “Where are you taking us?” I asked as we passed through the gates, and neared a well-guarded checkpoint. “Does it matter?” Drask asked as we approached the checkpoint, “I know you don’t have reason to trust me, but you’re just going to have to. Either that, or burn your way out of here.” The first option seemed like the preferable one, so I kept my mouth shut, my hood up, and my eyes down as Drask bullied, threatened and intimidated our way past each checkpoint, and out of the palace. JULIA Drask and Malek had clearly smuggled people before. Lucilla and I were whisked from the checkpoint, and briskly shoved into the back of a carriage. Lucilla couldn’t hide her contempt as she regarded the simplistic nature of the carriage, though I suspected she would have appreciated it more if she’d known what our next mode of transportation would be. Roadblocks had been set up on all streets, and every carriage was being searched down to the rivets. Malek quickly ushered us out of the back of the carriage, and into a fish cart. Lucilla opened her mouth to spew a paragraph of royal indignation, but I pushed her into the smelly pile before she could, and then dove in after. Lucilla squawked her disgust as Malek rolled us away from the roadblocks leading out of the city, and along the pier. We were given half a breath’s warning before he tipped us over the edge, sending us plunging into the murky depths of the Terondia Bay. Drask hauled us into the canoe, sputtering and cursing, our clothes soaked to the bone, our hair covered in scales and slime, before Malek jumped in, and paddled us down the river. After Lucilla had given everyone a resounding piece of her mind, we sat in silence, the only sound being the soothing drip and splash of wooden paddle meeting still water. About an hour later, Drask pulled us onto the bank of the river, and then ran into the woods to scout. Malek handed us dry clothes from his sack, and then turned his back as we bathed in the river, dried ourselves off, and clothed ourselves in overlarge tunics. Malek set out some logs for us to sit on, and then built a fire ring, set the kindling and sticks, and looked at me expectantly. I’d never actually used my powers for… anything, so when I raised my hand to ignite the wood, I might’ve overcompensated. Malek’s hair was blown back and singed, his face was blackened with soot, and tendrils of flame licked at his coat, but he didn’t mind in the least. He whooped and applauded fervently, and I bowed, my cheeks blushing furiously, and sat next to Lucilla. “You,” Malek said to Lucilla, his voice thickly accented, “you are bind?” “What?” Lucilla asked. “You are bind.” Malek said, gesturing to the intricate patterns of swooshing flame that thrummed alight over Lucilla’s entire body. “Yes, Malek,” Lucilla smirked, adding a fake accent to her words, “I am bind. Now I get why you didn’t speak to me yesterday; you don’t speak common tongue, do you? Where in the world is an elf born not speaking the common tongue?” “The Gratoran Desert,” Drask said as he stepped from the forest, holding a pair of rabbits in his hand, “our mother is whiter than you, Your Grace, but our dad is a big, green bastard.” “Big,” Malek grinned, flexing his muscles, “bastard,” he said, making a stabbing motion with his hand. “What my articulate younger brother is trying to say,” Drask said, pulling out his knife and deftly skinning the rabbit, “is that our father is an orc warlord. Those orcs your father used came from our clan, and we came with them.” “Find god,” Malek said, gesturing appraisingly to me, an endearing smile on his face, “bring home.” “That’s our mission,” Drask said to me, spitting the rabbits and putting them over the fire, “but it’s up to you if you want to come back with us.” “I think we’ll pass,” Lucilla said for me, chuckling contemptuously, “thanks though.” “I don’t remember asking you a damn thing, Princess.” Drask said sharply, causing Lucilla to start upright. She was not used to being talked to like that, especially from a dark-elf. Knowing Lucilla, that probably meant this night was going to get ugly. “Why would I go to the orc empire?” I asked, “What is there for me?” “Safety, for one,” Drask said, turning the spits over, “it’s as far from Terondia as you can get, and the elves wouldn’t think to look for you west of The Gratoran Wall. Secondly, most orcs are Creationists, seeing as how two of the last three Creators were orcs, so they know how to treat divinity. Thirdly, you’d get to do some good, and I know how much nuns love doing good.” Actually, what I wanted to do was find a remote monastery atop some mountain, and spend the rest of my days in humble service to The Holy Mother, but I knew that dream was dead. Lucilla’s father would identify me, the church would excommunicate me, and my title as ‘Sister’ would be stripped from me. I wouldn’t be allowed within ten miles of a holy site for the rest of my life, but I could still serve god in other ways. Perhaps I could turn my curse into a blessing, and do the work of The Holy Mother outside of her church. I could perform my blasphemous miracles, give their credit to the true god, and spread the message of The Holy Mother to heretics all across the land. I could bring a nation of heathen orcs into the light of truth. Yes, that would be my purpose. “What kind of good?” I asked, smiling apologetically at Lucilla’s annoyed frown. “Do you know about the underground city of Droktinar?” Drask asked, testing the meat of the rabbit with his knife. “Yes,” I replied, “it was a city carved entirely from the bedrock, a thousand feet deep at some points. It was the joint project of Droktin and Arbitrus Gen, before they became enemies.” “That’s right,” Drask said, quartering the rabbit, “the whole thing was supposed to be powered by a massive furnace, but Arbitrus never lit it, so a city fit to house half a million people has been lying abandoned beneath the desert, just waiting for a Heat Bringer to come along, and start it up.” “Why?” Lucilla asked, “Who gives a shit about an abandoned city underground? It was a stupid idea anyway.” “It gets hot enough to fry eggs on stone during the day, and cold enough to freeze water during the night.” Drask replied, giving Lucilla an annoyed look, “The Gratoran Desert is a hostile place, but beneath the surface, it’s temperate and comfortable. The orc empire is a fractured mess of warring tribes fighting over shitholes in the sand. If the furnace of Droktinar is ignited, then my people won’t need to kill each other over a meagre oasis. You’ll have revitalized an empire overnight, and we’d be eternally grateful.” “ Your people? ” Lucilla scoffed, “Drask, you’re an elf, just like the rest of us. You can’t possibly believe reestablishing the orc empire is good for anyone.” “I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Drask said, “and I’ve lived my whole life in the Gratoran Desert, so don’t assume my heritage.” “When Droktin opened his pass,” Lucilla said, pointing accusingly at Drask, “it took the might of the dwarven, human and elven nations to repel the flood that charged through it. There’s a reason ‘your’ nation is a scattering of tribes now. They had their chance at being a real empire, and they blew it.” “Victors always write history, don’t they?” Drask laughed humorlessly, “I guess they chose to ignore the part where Arbitrus Gen melted Hektinar, killing a quarter million innocent people and destroying the heart of the empire! An atrocity none of your nations even acknowledge!” “That never happened,” Lucilla laughed, “that’s a conspiracy theory propagated by downtrodden orcs to justify banditry, and the fact that their too lazy to get a job.” “Oh, it never happened?!” Drask seethed, “My people are lazy, are they? Well, you certainly enjoyed the kind of laziness my people could provide you, didn’t you Princess?! ” “Orcs make for an exciting lay,” Lucilla sneered, “they’re basically animals anyway, so it shouldn’t be a surprise they fuck like them. Why you shit-blooded half breeds insist on associating with them is beyond me.” “ Lucilla! ” I gasped, but it was already out. Lucilla was taking the low road, and she was going to ride its racist path right into the dirt. “There it is,” Drask grinned, holding his hands aloft, “I was waiting for the high-blooded bitch to come shining through, and she did, like fucking clockwork. If you weren’t bound to a god, I would take your pale-skin ass behind a tree and-” “And what?” Lucilla grinned, “Do what you people do?” Lucilla and Drask went back and forth, hurling increasingly racist insults at each other as they both abandoned any pretense of political debate, and went right to a pissing contest. I sighed, reached into the fire, grabbed a kabab, and gave half of it to Malek. I nibbled daintily as he ate sloppily, and we sat together and watched the argument get louder and louder. “Why fighting?” Malek asked in broken common tongue. “I don’t know about Drask,” I whispered back, “but Lucilla doesn’t really care about Droktinar; she’s just mad that she won’t be sleeping in fine silk tonight. She’s used to a certain lifestyle, and doesn’t do well when it’s taken from her, so she’s making everyone else miserable. That’s… just what she does.” “Not nice.” Malek grunted, “No good.” “Oh, she’s a good person,” I sighed, “but once she gets in one of these moods, there’s no getting her out of it.” “Why love her?” Malek asked. “I don’t know,” I muttered, “I just do.” I watched Lucilla’s body language change with each visceral comment; her back arching slightly, her chest jutting forward, the lacing on her tunic mysteriously becoming looser, her sneering grin growing wider. I’d seen this play a hundred times with Lucilla, in bars and ballrooms across her estate; I knew how this story ended. I knew when I bound with Lucilla, that there was no way I was keeping her monogamous, but I’d vainly assumed that we’d have a nice honeymoon period before she went searching for variety. “Your brother and my lover are going to have sex.” I said to Malek. “Sex?” Malek asked, making a motion with his forefinger and encircled thumb. “Yup,” I sighed, resting my chin in my hands and my elbows on my knees, “Lucilla’s already decided it’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of time now.” LUCILLA I tossed and turned in my tent, feeling every stone and uneven patch of grass digging into my back. Nobody sane would choose to camp, but I guessed I hadn’t been making rational decisions lately. Julia didn’t seem to mind in the least. She was sleeping soundly; her chest rising and falling evenly, her breaths punctuated by cute, little whistles of contentment. Bitch. I love you babe, but your ability to fall asleep on a dime is maddening. It didn’t help that my bout with Drask had me frazzled and hot-blooded, spoiling for a fight. Or something else. “Julia,” I whispered, poking her shoulder, “Julia, wake up.” “What?” Julia mumbled sleepily, her emerald eyes gleaming in the faint light that radiated from my skin. “I’m horny,” I whispered, “do you want to fool around?” “It’s…” Julia groaned as she checked her pocket watch, “three-thirty in the morning. Masturbate.” “I thought you said it’s a sin to engage in self-pleasure,” I whispered, peeling off her blanket, “I wouldn’t want to be a sinner now, would I?” “Lesbianism is a much worse sin,” Julia mumbled, scooching her body down as the blanket pulled lower, trying to stay under the covers, “and please don’t point out the hypocrisy of that statement; it’s too early in the morning for a crisis of faith.” “So…” I whispered, trying to find a tactful way to say what I wanted, “by your reasoning, I should find a man to relieve me of my womanly desires.” “We’ve been bound for less than a day, and you’re already going to cheat on me.” Julia grumbled sleepily. “It’s not cheating if you give me permission.” I whispered hopefully. There was a tentative pause where Julia seemed to mull-over the idea. “No,” Julia finally said, “you could use an exercise in self-control.” You little bitch! “Julia,” I whispered, pressing my naked chest against her naked back, “I’m going to stick my finger in your butt now.” I spread Julia’s pale, supple ass with one hand, wetted the index finger of the other with my mouth, and pushed it knuckle-deep into the tight aperture between the redhead’s cheeks. Julia’s body tensed, her anus clenched around me, her head shot backward, and the entire tent disintegrated in a blast of white heat. “Oh, Good Mother!” Julia growled, “Sweet heavens, god darn you, you fricken, stupid…” “Julia,” I giggled, “are you mad? It’s hard to tell.” “Fuck you, Lucilla!” Julia yelled, “The world doesn’t revolve around you and the needs of your fucking cunt!” “Oooo,” I sniggered as I twisted my finger into her rectum, smiling as her thighs begin to shiver at the feeling, “that wasn’t very pious language. I think I’ll have to punish you for your sinful mouth.” “Lucilla, you fu-” I cutoff Julia’s objections with a pressing palm, and brought her body deeper to mine, letting her feel the soft curves and bows of my form melding into hers, letting our warmth mingle in our vulnerable places. Julia, despite her iron-will and piety, was a sexual novice, which meant she was sexually easy. I pressed my lips to the curve of her throat, and sucked gently as my finger twisted and drove, slowly opening the virgin god’s anus, slowly melting her equanimity and will to fight me. Soon, the muffled yells she was delivering to my palm became muffled moans, the sharp look in her emerald eyes became a half-lidded gaze of needful lust, and her hips started sensually grinding into my pelvis, betraying the last of her defiance. “You, my devout, holy love,” I whispered into her ear, “are a little, anal slut.” “Goddamn you, Lucilla.” Julia moaned. “Who would have thought,” I breathed heavily, “that beneath all those robes, and all that modesty,” I added another finger and curled, causing her entire back to spasm, “was a perverted little bitch begging for it in the wrong hole?” “Fuck you.” Julia moaned again, the sound dragging out through gritted teeth. “You never swear,” I smiled, inhaling her scent, smelling the intoxicating aroma of her arousal, “but the moment you get something pushed into your little asshole, all those words you’re not supposed to say come spilling out. It’s like I’ve found the key that unlocks the whore you keep trapped deep, deep down.” “You’re the devil,” Julia muttered, her breathing heavy, her voice wavering, “you are evil sent from hell to put temptation in my path.” “Maybe I am,” I laughed with a seductive fry, squishing my breasts against her hunching shoulders and twisting my fingers to the bottom knuckles, “maybe you’re my fallen angel, losing herself to my corrupting temptation, or maybe you’re just a disgusting cunt who’s good at pretending.” “Hey!” Julia exclaimed, her tone pausing the seduction for a moment. “What?” I whispered back, “I’m sorry, was that too far? I got a little carried away, didn’t I?” “A little…” Julia mumbled. “We can just cuddle if you want,” I said, kissing her neck, “while I get you off with my hands.” “No…” Julia trailed off, looking over a pale shoulder, one emerald eye smiling at me, the other concealed behind a curtain of crimson hair, “I… I like it.” “You like what?” I whispered, tickling her pointed ear with my lips. “I like it when you degrade me,” she smiled slyly, “I don’t know why, but it turns me on.” “I know why,” I smirked, turning the seduction back on with a penetrating twist of my fingers, “it’s because of your religious guilt. They taught you that anything that feels good is bad, so you crave the punishment with your pleasure.” “No…” Julia moaned, getting herself back into character. “Yes,” I hissed in her ear, adding a third finger, feeling Julia’s virgin rim stretching against my knuckles, “all those years they taught you about the sins of the flesh, and all those years you guiltily fantasized about them.” “That’s not true.” Julia whimpered, grinding her supple ass against the flat of my palm, pressing the back of my hand into my own crotch as our bodies melded. “But it is,” I moaned, snaking my other hand over her pale thigh, and tracing its fingers teasingly down the line of her pelvis, “and those fantasies only grew darker the more devout you became. The repression of your sexuality twisted you into a masochistic freak.” “That can’t be…” Julia moaned pathetically as she raised her thigh, letting my caressing hand travel between her legs. “Now you need the degradation with your lust,” I gasped, pushing three fingers into her virgin slit, causing Julia to wine a pleading moan as her pussy was penetrated by another for the first time in her life, “you need someone to tell you that what you’re doing is wrong, someone to tell you that you’re a depraved sinner. You think it’s because you need to atone during the act, but I know the real reason.” “What?” Julia cried, shifting wantonly between my penetrating hands, trapped between the invasion of her two holes, assaulted relentlessly from both sides. “The real reason you like being called a whore,” I whispered into her ear as I added the fourth finger to her ass, causing her entire back to wrench in concavity, “is because you secretly want to be one.” “No!” Julia moaned a desperate, carnal moan. She was squirming between my hands; her legs spread and trembling, her hips writhing in pathetic reaction to stimulus from one hole, then the other, grinding sporadically from sensations that overwhelmed her, captivated by the violation of her sanctity, a slave to the prodding and caressing of my invading hands. I searched within her, I found her weak spots, and I exploited them mercilessly; pushing my fingers against them, encircling them teasingly, squishing the tender reaches of flesh between pressing digits and forcing spasms deep into her erogeneity. “Yes, Julia,” I gasped, reveling in the control she was giving me, “you looked down on girls like me, calling us sinners and harlots, but deep down, you were always more of a whore than any of us. You wished you could dress like a slut and take it up the skirt behind a bar, you wished you could suck dick until your stomach was full, you wished you could be passed around from man to man until you were overflowing.” “Yes,” Julia whispered, her voice ragged with pleasure, her body teeming with euphoria, “yesssss…” “You want to be a little slut, don’t you?” I smirked, adding the thumb to her anal penetration, feeling her rim expand tortuously around my sinking fist. “Yes!” Julia sobbed, pushing her ass backward, forcing her sphincter to stretch to an agonizing, white circle about my bottom knuckles. “Do you want me to teach you?” I asked, my voice as soothing as it was seductive, my fingers as tortuous as they were pleasing. “Yes!” Julia gasped, hooking her ankle behind my calf, trying to give me as much room as I needed to violate her, “Teach me how to be a slut!” “I can teach you, Sister Julia,” I growled, pushing my entire fist into her ass, marveling as her rim hugged around my wrist like a pulsing, fleshy cuff, “but your desires are too twisted, too depraved to be some bimbo; you’re going to be a debased slave, a disgusting cunt who gets off to the vilest of acts, who revels in the filth like the sinning whore you are.” “Yes! Make me your disgusting whore!” Julia growled with me, her voice dripping with avarice, her body lurching violently back and forth between my penetrating hands, trying to take both at the same time, trying to suck my invasion deeper into her virgin depravity. I rolled her onto her knees, and she pushed her ass in the air like a girl with experience, giving me a view of the debauched state of her pristine lewdness. Her anus was twitching around my wrist, her pussy was leaking down my forearm, her taint was a taught ribbon of pale flesh that glistened with her lecherous secretion. I stood behind her like a man preparing to thrust, and I violated my friend, my god and my lover like the whore she wanted to be. Julia’s pale back curved with each visceral push of my hands, indenting along the lithe rises of her muscles, casting shadows that revealed the tensed nature of her feminine arch. Her shoulder blades pinched together, her arms flexed to hold her upright, and her crimson mane of luxurious waves bowed with her curving neck, her mouth panting the exaltation of her lust into the ground. “Lucilla,” she cried, “I’m coming!” I pushed the last fingers of my vaginally-penetrating hand into the redhead, and watched in perverse fascination as both my wrists disappeared. Her pelvic floor indented with the clenching of her lewd muscles, pulling my hands deeper inside her. I flattened my palms against the twitching membrane that divided her, and pressed along it, curving my fingertips and squishing the delicate flesh between my hands. Julia’s bent arms trembled, and then gave out as the god screamed a carnal tone of masochistic delight. Half her face planted into the grass, and she reached behind herself in whorish acceptance, grabbed the succulent fat of her pale glutes, and spread them wide. Her asshole was gaping around my fist; the white outline of her rim turning into the pink sheath of her sphincter turning into the red flesh of her rectum. Her pussy was a splay of reddened petals frothing with the nectar of her perversion, opening to reveal the tensed oval of her gripping lips, sucking my wrist into her. Both entrances clenched around me as Julia writhed on the ground, shifting in needful reaction, her breasts sliding into the dirt, her weight rocking about her bent knees. I thrusted my invading hands deeper, relishing the twitching nature of her taught insides as they gave way to me, savoring the shrill pitch of my lover’s whorish call as she begged for more. I pulled my hands out, watching as her holes contracted in the way only a virgin’s can, and then pushed all the way in again, and again, and again; giving her insides a moment of reprieve before I mercilessly violated them, stretching her holes with each forceful pass, testing the elasticity of her chastity. She sobbed, begged and cried into the dirt, her voice high and desperate, trembling with the same cadence as the twitching of her churning insides. The arch of her back suddenly deepened, her ass shot backward, consuming my forearms, her pelvis dropped, and she came. She came in a toe-curling, spine-wrenching display of depravity, her external reaction almost as dramatic as the vicious contractions of her internal euphoria. I held in the flame that would have ignited on her flesh, and the intricate patterns that covered my naked body shined in white brilliance, bathing the world around us in the pale light of our passion. I laughed as she screamed, and pushed my hands deeper, ratcheting the intensity of her ascension as the final bouts of her pleasure wracked her form. The cathartic expiration of heavy breaths marked the release of her climax, and Julia’s cunt soaked my fist and the soil beneath her legs as her pulse decelerated. The light on my flesh faded until the patterns glowed dimly once more, dwindling and brightening with the steady beat of my heart. I pulled out of Julia as she relaxed into an exhausted sprawl on the ground, and I licked my fingers as I nestled my body next to hers. “Oh, Good Mother,” Julia gasped, her usual, pious nature returning to her, “I can’t believe I said those things!” “I can.” I chuckled, holding out two fingers webbed with her lust, “Do you want to know what you taste like?” “Maybe a minute ago I would have,” Julia laughed, “now I just want to sleep. I’ll have to get up early in the morning to pray away all the sin of tonight.” “You know,” I said as I sucked my fingers, “chances are, the mages have figured out who you are by now. By tomorrow, the entire empire will be looking for you; the Heat Bringer who killed the princess. The Church of the Holy Mother believes Creators are heretics, and after adding murder to your infractions, you’ll surely be excommunicated.” “I know,” Julia said with a sad smile, “but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop following the teachings of god.” “But you won’t be a nun anymore,” I said with a sly grin, “which means your vows of chastity will be made null, and you can have sex with a man without it being a mortal sin.” “You just want me to lay with a man so that you can,” Julia smirked, “at least you’re trying to remain faithful.” “I will never cheat on you,” I said with complete conviction, “but Julia, we’re too young to be monogamous.” “You’re right, I guess,” Julia said, “and I suppose you’re all worked-up right now, aren’t you?” “I am,” I giggled, “so if you could, you know, reciprocate some of the affection I gave you…” “Fine,” Julia sighed, “you can have sex with Drask.” “Thanks, babe.” I smiled, planting a kiss on her lush, red lips. I rolled over, rested a hand in my platinum hair, crossed a suggestive leg, and stretched my body lasciviously, displaying my glowing form to the darkness of the tree line. “Oh, Dra-ask,” I called, “you can stop hiding behind that tree now.” “What?!” Julia hissed. “He’s been watching us the whole time,” I smirked as the gleam of his brown eyes shown bashfully from behind a tree, “he thought he was so sneaky, but I caught him.” “Oh, Good Mother!” Julia exclaimed, scrambling for something to cover herself with, realizing she burnt all our clothes to ash, and then diving into the tall grass. “I’ll get you a blanket after I’m done.” I whispered to the emerald eyes peering embarrassedly from the stalks. I drew by body upward, and then strutted to the dark elf behind the tree, my gait a shifting display of lust that teased with each bulging cheek. The light of my body illuminated the forest like a pale lantern, and revealed Drask, failing to stuff his erection into his waistband. I grinned at the mortified dark-elf, grabbed his poorly-concealed weapon, and pulled him into a lecherous kiss. He stood in a shocked stupor for a moment, then traced his calloused, rough palms down the smooth skin of my back, grabbed me greedily by the ass, and pulled me up. After thirty minutes of panting, cursing and moaning, I think we managed to work-out our differences. JULIA The river was calm in the morning, the water a glass mirror that reflected the dawn sun. Song birds whistled their rousing songs as the crickets chirped the last chords of their nocturnal tunes. I prayed silently by the river bed, recalling each sin from the previous day, and asking The Mother for atonement. The soft sound of feet meeting earth came to my ear, and Lucilla knelt beside me, her hands clasped, and her posture demure and humble. “Bless me sister, for I have strayed from The Mother’s path.” Lucilla recited quietly. “Bare your sins before me, so that I may ease the burden on your soul.” I answered, and performed my last confession as a sister of The Holy Mother. After she’d listed the sins we’d shared, and the sins she’d done on her own, I took off the headdress of my habit, still covered in the grime and muck of yesterday’s ride in the fish cart, and placed it in the river. It floated gently away on the calm water, before darkening with moisture, and sinking below the surface. “We’ll traverse the Terondia River to Silva Lake,” Drask said, hauling supplies into the canoe, “past there, the river will be watched, which means we’ll need to take the tributaries through Arbortus.” “That’s dangerous,” Lucilla said, “the nymphs hate elves.” “Not enough to harass us,” Drask grunted, taking my hand and guiding me gently into the craft, “as long as we keep our heads down, and stick to the banks, they’ll leave us alone.” Drask smiled as he took Lucilla’s hand in his own, and guided her into the canoe. He gave her a friendly smack on the butt, prompting a delighted yelp from my lover, and then pushed us off the bank. I didn’t remember much about geography, but I knew the route we were taking was going to be a long one. The elven empire was the eastern-most nation on the continent, bordered by Arbortus directly to its west, and the human kingdom of Grundinar to the south. We’d have to traverse through Arbortus, and then the human kingdom of Drastinar, the human kingdom of Bulsinar, and the mountainous, dwarven princedoms, before we even got to the Droktin Pass. After that, the Gratoran Desert was a vast wasteland that spanned the western third of the continent, making it the largest, and emptiest nation of all. My mind drifted as Malek paddled the long canoe up the river, the steady drip and splash of the paddle putting me in a meditative state. I found my eyes resting on his tanned forearms, and I watched dumbly as they flexed in rolling chords of muscle with each twist of his wrist, the veins bulging robustly in branching patterns from his bicep. His hands were clean, but rough; trimmed and washed nails, but scarred and battered fingers connecting to calloused palms. I wondered how they’d feel on my waist, on my breasts, cupping my backside, or sliding between my thighs… “Julia?” Malek’s thickly-accented voice broke me from my trance. I started upright, and then found myself blushing deeply. “Are you good?” He asked, narrowing his beautiful, brown eyes at me, “Water sick?” “No,” I said quickly, “just… thinking.” “Thinking, hmm?” Lucilla smirked from beside me, watching my gaze, “Thinking about something in particular? Maybe a certain, specific thing? Maybe something hot, and throbbing, and-” “Wow,” Drask gasped, “look at that! ” Our canoe rounded a bend of the Terondia River, turning into the mouth of Silva Lake. The expansive body of water was a crystal-clear pool, and from its glassy surface, reflected one of the great wonders of the world. Arbortus was a forest, but calling it such somehow didn’t do it justice. The Great Maples stood over a thousand feet high, their trunks thicker than castles, their branches stretching toward one another over the vast expanse of woodland. Below them, deciduous and pine foliage mixed in a clutter of bark, leaf and needle, many of the trees several-hundred-feet tall themselves, but all dwarfed by the black-barked towers of the maples. The massive trees were separated by distances of half a mile, yet their branches created an uninterrupted canopy over the forest, blanketing the land in a green ceiling. “The nymph Life Giver, Ray Dawnbark made those trees four-thousand years ago,” I found myself saying, “they were but saplings then, but they never got sick, and they never stopped growing. Fire wouldn’t scorch them, and wind wouldn’t topple them, so they remained, and grew to giants over the millennia.” “Those are some big, fucking trees.” Lucilla said, summarizing my statement with the eloquence only she could muster. Malek paddled us across the lake, away from the Terondia River outlet, and toward the stream that entered Arbortus. The entrance of the nymph realm bore no sign or markings, but the shadow of the canopy. Its ceiling stretched so high, that it seemed more like a second sky than a covering; low clouds obscured its leafy reaches in some places, and few birds breached its heights. The sun didn’t shine through it, but seemed to filter past the leaves, bathing the world in a green hue. The massive branches of The Great Maples arched over us and connected their tips, creating a cathedralic hall of immense proportion. Below the expanse of green sky, the world was teeming with life. Insects of a million varieties buzzed and called, birds of the thousands chirped, cawed and screeched, squirrels squeaked, deer flitted shyly through the brush, bear roared, and a Valkyrie stood watching us. “Holy shit!” Lucilla gasped, “Is that a Valkyrie?! ” The majestic winged-woman stood hundreds of feet above us, perched atop a branch and looking down on us as we passed beneath her. “She’s a long way from home,” I said, gazing up at her, “I wonder which peak she hails from?” “She’d be from Iona,” Drask said, raising a fist to the woman, a salute she did not return, “pure-white wings mark her as one from the highest peak. Those from Ofan have streaks of gold in their wings, and those from Breyta have streaks of silver.” “Why is she all the way out here?” I asked, “Her homeland is on the other side of the world!” “They’ve been venturing out a lot more lately.” Drask said, “When I was a boy, you’d be lucky if you saw one flying off the Gratoran Wall in a year. Before Malek and I left for Terondia, we saw three or four of them coming off The Wall per week, sometimes more. A few orc tribes started setting up nets in the Droktin Pass, trying to catch a prize.” “That’s awful!” I exclaimed. “These are the people you’re trying to help.” Lucilla said in an I-told-you-so tone of voice. “Every group has bad apples,” Drask said dismissively, “legend has it that one nation kidnapped seven-hundred children based on the word of an old man, and then proceeded to experiment on them for the next eleven and a half years. Some even say they did interspecies sexual experimentation, just to see what would happen. Some even have the audacity to say that the princess of that nation participated in the experiments herself! But that can’t be true, can it? What kind of savages would do such a thing?” Lucilla stuck her tongue out at Drask’s smug grin. Malek continued paddling through the quiet stream, the drip and splash of his paddle a gentle constant as the midmorning sun changed to afternoon. We stopped when the light of dusk shown dimly through the green sky, and set up camp at a clearing within the root structure of a Great Maple. The roots were massive, thick growths of wood with a diameter of forty feet, their girths dwarfing the height of many nearby trees. Looking directly up from the base of a Great Maple was a dizzying experience. The true enormity of the tree couldn’t be grasped until you stared up the length of its trunk, watching as it narrowed to impossible heights, and then branched into a network of limbs that loomed over you for thousands of feet. I was considered a god to many people, but looking at this great, permanent fixture of life, I felt like absolutely nothing. “It would be best if you covered yourself,” I heard Drask say to Lucilla, “the nymphs aren’t really Creationists; they just worship The Life Giver. The Earth Former is considered lesser, and The Heat Bringer is considered by some, to be evil.” “Why?” I asked. “Fire.” Malek said, pointing at me, “Wood.” He said, pointing at the trees. “Oh.” I replied, feeling a shiver run up my spine. That evening we did not build a fire, but we wouldn’t have needed it for light. Trillions of bioluminescent fungi lit the world in an ethereal, green glow, from the hovels in the ground, to the highest reaches of the canopy. It was as though the forest were a magnificent ballroom, and the fungi were torches that lined its expanse. The haunting lights spiraled the lengths of the Great Maples, shown along the branches that arched above, and littered the forest floor. Lightning bugs and fireflies flitted this way and that, contributing to the other-worldly illumination with green blazes in the air. I nestled my body next to Lucilla’s and gazed up at the marvel, neither of us speaking, but simply watching with wonderous stares. The lights began to distort in my waning eyes, and drowsiness took its hold on my mind. I heard the blissful sounds of yawns from my comrades, and the nestling of bodies making beds of the earth. I let my head rest against the rising chest of my love, and watched the lights glisten and blur into shapeless stars before my closing eyes. When I awoke, the world had changed. The earthly green of the bioluminescence was now an orgy of pinks and reds, alighting the dark forest in a passionate hue. I gasped at the amazing sight, and upon my inhalation, something changed. Tingles radiated outward from my body, alighting my flesh in pleasant fire, and stoking the flames within my nethers. Every motion of my body became a struggle of sensuality, every nerve felt like it stood on edge. Viscous wetness dripped between my rubbing thighs, and sweet heat burned from my shallow breaths. I found myself fascinated by the curves of Lucilla’s body, and I ran my hand along them with gentle avarice. Heat Bringer, a soft voice whispered from the forest, come to me. The voice was a caress, a brush of tickling lips against the tender places of my mind. It was not a command, but a suggestion, and it was hardly a suggestion I wanted to refuse. I left my sleeping lover, and followed the sweet sound. The voice beckoned me through proud groves and serene ponds, guiding me along a path of twisting, massive maple roots. The roots seemed to grow denser as I walked, overlapping each other, creating huge bridges of black wood that arced and weaved a hundred feet from the ground. They snarled together and then coalesced, merging to a single point; a tree. A cherry blossom tree, perfect and beautiful, its trunk made of the spiraling roots of its gargantuan neighbors, its canopy a mosaic of iridescent reds. White light pulsed from its trunk, shooting tendrils of energy into the network of roots that surrounded it. It beat like… like a heart. Like the heart of the forest. The trunk opened along a slit, revealing a pink glow from its depths. I became dimly aware that what I was doing was insane, but I didn’t care. The voice sung its soft melody into my mind, and I listened, and walked with a blissful smile curving my lips. My tunic was stifling and constricting, so I let it fall from my body. My shoes felt alien on my feet, so I kicked them off. I felt the bark against my soles, and the humid air gently caressing my body, and it felt right. This place of primal nature, of the pure wild, would not suffer the pointless binds of society. I stepped through the threshold, my heart thrumming pleasantly and my mind open and curious. The walls of the cavern were pink and soft, fleshy in their texture and warmth. I ran a hand along a surface, and felt a gentle pulse beating deep beneath it. The place should have been bizarre and frightening, but I only felt a sense of safety, comfort and strange familiarity. This wasn’t the heart of the forest; this was the womb. Welcome, Heat Bringer, the voice said, echoing from all around me, soothing and sweet as a mother’s whisper, it has been long since one of your kind has walked upon my roots. “What are you?” I asked, strangely unafraid I am called Passion, Passion said, the reverbed tenor of her voice growing clearer, and I am the seed of Arbortus. I awaken with the spring rains, and bring about the mating season. Every midnight after the vernal equinox, I release the pheromonic spores of the fungi, seeping the land in my fertility and lust, and alighting Arbortus in a fire of my own. I hope you enjoyed the spectacle. “It was beautiful,” I said, relaxing on the warm floor in a sprawl of uncharacteristic languor, “but how did you know that I was here?” I see through all eyes that are born beneath my canopy, Passion said, her voice sounding as though it were getting closer, and I’ve been watching you with great interest. “Why?” I asked. You excite me, the voice chuckled, I am vast and timeless, immortal in every sense of the word, except for one weakness... The echoing nature of the voice sharpened until it was a singular, crystal sound. Its bearer stepped before me, as beautiful as the forest she was a part of. She was a nymph, but not like one I’d ever seen. Her skin was a canvas of golden-bronze, its pristine surface dotted with freckles that sparkled like diamonds from her complexion. Her hair was a flowing curtain of scarlet, brighter than my own, and from its passionate mane protruded black antlers in place of ivory horns. Her body was a display of curvaceous fertility; thighs that barely separated at their peak, hips presenting glutes of creasing suppleness, and a soft abdomen shadowed by doming breasts, whose pale, pink nipples contrasted the rich tone of her sparkling flesh. Her face was heart-shaped, freckled with diamonds, and bore lush lips, a pointed nose and a pronounced jawline. Her eyes were almost unnaturally large, their irises were golden instead of the nymph pine-green, and their sclera was a deep purple instead of white. “…you.” She smiled warmly at me, “You are my mortality, Heat Bringer. The fire that could end me, the flame that could scorch my green soul black.” “I would never do that.” I said, watching as Passion stepped toward me with impossibly fluid grace. “Maybe, Heat Bringer, maybe,” she said softly as she slid her golden form next to me, “but you are still a threat to me.” “Are you going to kill me?” I asked, oddly unconcerned for my own safety. Passion laughed a sweet, sonorous laugh. It was such a disarming sound, that I couldn’t help but laugh along with it. “No, child,” Passion said, smiling sweetly, like a mother to her foolish daughter, “I am the construct of the Life Giver, and I do not take what has been given.” “Are you a Sentient?” I asked, finally feeling a tickle of fear. “You surprise me,” Passion smiled broadly, “most who know of Sentients call them astral beings, but you know their true origin.” “I read a lot.” I said quietly, the tickle of fear becoming more pronounced. Passion placed a hand on my shoulder, and the fear disappeared into gentle warmth. “I would have been Sentient, had Ray Dawnbark not tied me to this place,” Passion said, gesturing broadly over the pink surroundings, “he melded my essence to every root and vine in the forest, and made me its eternal caretaker. It took every ounce of life within the great expanse of Arbortus to keep me as I am, and still, I must create new growth to preserve myself. It is why I release the spores every spring, so that those beneath my canopy are compelled to create new life. It is why you are not listening to me right now, and instead staring unabashedly at my breasts.” The melody of her voice was a sweet thing, but the lyrics of her song were lost to my ears. Passion’s sparkling flesh radiated its enticing warmth just inches from my body, her floral smell wafted its sweet aroma into my nostrils, her beautiful form splayed lazily before my eyes, every curve a feast to behold. She cupped my chin with a gentle hand, and brought my gaze to her smiling, golden irises. “I will make a lover of you, Heat Bringer,” Passion whispered, each word seeming to melt like honey into my ear, “for that is how I deal with threats. I will offer you endless bliss and pleasure, and you will remain here with me in paradise, sating your desires until you pass from this world.” The pink hue of the cavern began to deepen into a passionate red, and the fleshy walls began to leak with a clear, viscous fluid. I felt my breaths grow hot and heavy in my chest, my body tingle with soft fire along every nerve, and my mind melt into a catatonic state of carnality. I moved with a languidness that was foreign to me, shifting with gelatinous motions possessed by some untamable lust. The fluid dripped from the ceiling onto my naked form, seeping its warmth over my body, oiling my flesh in a glistening aura. Passion rose to her knees, dropped her head behind her shoulders, and let the nectar shower her; dribbling its clear molasses upon her face, glossing and matting her red hair, oozing down her breasts, and sheening her golden-bronze skin in a layer of lust. She slid her oiled body atop mine, every touch of her form brimming with interminable seduction, every move a graceful display of sinuous motion. She slithered down my slickened torso, her tongue tracing a line along the curve of my breast, over my erect nipple, through my abdomen and between my legs. Her golden irises gleamed from their purple orbs as her lush lips found the dripping petals of my love. Her tongue slipped through my blushing folds and pushed tenderly along the vulnerable stretch of my ceiling, permeating aching pleasure into my depths. I moaned a delectable tone, biting my lip and arching my back, moving with a sultriness that was unnatural to me, my mind compelled by some unquenchable avarice. I have sons for you to enjoy, Heat Bringer. Passion’s ethereal voice echoed as her mouth tasted. The walls pulsed and tremored, their fleshy membranes growing thin to reveal their spawn. Nymph males, all strong, all purple-eyed and golden-skinned materialized from the depths of the womb. Their forms were sheened with the fluid that soaked mine, and they walked toward me with arousal in their eyes and bodies. Somewhere in my mind, it occurred to me that I was about to lose my virginity to a spirit of the forest, inside a giant vagina. The absurdity of it was lost in my consciousness to the thundering drums of my insatiable desire, and I accepted my situation with blissful readiness. I watched them approach me with eyes half-mast, licking my lips, moaning my need and pleasure as Passion’s female form consumed me; the wetness of her mouth mingling with the wetness of my lust, her tongue lapping the secreting arousal that dripped from my swollen petals. I shared my mouth with one man, and then the next, marveling at the taste of a masculine kiss, feeling their muscles pressing against my delicate form. They surrounded me, their aggressive heat melting against my body, their curved shafts throbbing above me. I took one into my hand, running my fingers covetously along it, eyeing it with a hunger I’d never known before. I stroked it, savored the pulsing nature of its heat, and then brought it to my lips. My tongue tasted him, my lips sucked him, I sheened him with my saliva and hummed my smiling lechery up at him. He entangled a gentle hand in my hair, guiding me back and forth, but not forcing me. I felt warm, hard, chest muscle pressing against my back, and tender hands cupping me about the fat of my glutes. I was lifted upward by strong arms, Passion’s mouth rising with my body, unrelenting in her lustful consumption, and then I was slowly let down. I felt a pressure against the aperture of my sinful hole, and a felicitous throbbing permeating from the source. I unwound my fingers from the man I was tasting, and reached beneath myself, gripped the wet, succulent meat of my ass, and spread. The nectar that covered us all prepared me for his entrance, and he expanded me painlessly, pushing through my resistances with tender ease, and penetrating inch after inch of his wonderful cock into my anus. My humming tone grew in pitch, my shoulders flexed backward slightly, and my spine straightened as pale flesh squished into tan pelvis. He thrusted gently into me, not exerting me, not hurting me, but driving with a methodical sensuality, violating me tenderly with the lubricated length of his manhood. I was a goddess on a perverse throne of men, the subject of adoration, the object of worship. My male partners were subservient, loyal, and gentle; bending to my every whim, anticipating my every need, treating me with the reverence I deserved. Two mouths found my nipples, and sucked tenderly upon the nodes, bringing their erectness to a pleasing ache. The man beneath me pushed into my anus with gradual, slow motions, allowing me to savor every bump and vein, every subtle change in girth, every inch of his depth. A pair of strong hands massaged my shoulders, comforting me in my lust, loosening my already languid body into a gelatinous sprawl of relaxation. I engrossed myself in the hedonism, reveled in the excess. I entangled my fingers in the hair of the men nursing from me and pressed them deeper to my bosom. I rotated my lips around the man in my mouth and smiled as his face slackened in pleasure. His delightful cock began to pulse and heave, and I milked him for all he was worth, sucking until my blushing cheeks went gaunt. His baritone groans were sweet music to my ears, and the eruption of his climax was sweet candy on my tongue. I giggled delightedly as he poured his delicious filth into my mouth, and I stared into his purple eyes as I swallowed every, last, drop. Passion’s mouth was glistening with the excretion of my femininity; strands of viscous fluid snapping from her lush lips as her tongue ran over them, tasting the remnants of me while she guided a man to my awaiting slit. I smiled at the man through parted lips, moaning the song of my tender sodomy as I beckoned him with lustful eyes. Passion guided the man by the shaft, and he gently parted the meat of my thighs, splaying my legs lazily off to the sides. He pushed his tip slowly forward, and my petals creased inwardly with him, my virgin tightness causing my lips to indent with his penetration. There was a second of discomfort, only a moment, where a pained whimper brushed my lips. The moment passed, and the man glided into me, his shaft amply greased with the nectar I oozed upon it. His girth moved alongside his brethren, squishing my fleshy division between them, electrifying the nerve-covered swath of me that separated my womanhood from my sinful channel. His crotch pressed against my pelvis, and my head fell backward as a moan of pure delight coursed from my mouth. The orgy was one of sensuality, of graceful motions shifting to a soft cadence, of dripping lust, of bodies glazed with amorous honey, of saturated warmth mingling along curves slick with our secretion. The passionate hue of the place bathed us in its pink and red tones, gleaming its color from our wet flesh. Tongues found vulnerable places to taste, lips found tender nodes to suck, mouths hummed and moaned, wined subtle cries and whimpered decadent pleasure. I was encased in a bed of hot bodies, all moving to please me, all writhing to the gentle thrusts that pierced me. Passion stood behind me, her sparkling complexion gleaming with the fluid that covered us all, her mouth panting soft euphoria as the man massaging my shoulders tasted the inside of his mother’s rectum. She laced her elegant fingers into my wet hair, and sung a soothing song into my ear as I shifted back and forth, moving slickly across the man in my ass, my legs spread wide for the man in my pussy. She hovered her slit over my face, not demanding me to please her, but offering me to taste her. I accepted. I wrapped my moaning lips around the delicate petals of her erogeneity, and tasted the flavor of her. The movements of my mouth came unnaturally natural to me; an experienced tongue which had no experience, knowing lips which knew nothing at all. I didn’t worry about how I’d learned these skills, or why they’d come to me, but simply did as my instincts prompted, and poured my desire into the wet heat between Passion’s golden legs. I unraveled my hands from the hair of the men drinking from my breasts, and sunk my fingers into the succulent meat of Passion’s glutes, spreading her open for the man eating her ass, and allowing the sweet froth of her slit to drip into my consuming mouth. The orgasm that came wasn’t a violent, wrenching thing, but a swell, a rising of feeling that ballooned within my depths. The motions of my body didn’t become urgent, but more impassioned, more purposeful. My back arched subtly against the man taking my anus, pressing my stomach against the men sucking from my breasts, and pushing my head against the man eating Passion’s ass. Hands held me all along my form; gripping my thighs, cupping my glutes, sliding along my abdomen, squeezing my breasts, and massaging my shoulders. They caressed me from the outside as my climax rose from the inside, compelled outward from my nethers by the gentle drives of the men piercing me, the lubrication of their defilement spilling from my pleasured holes. I shifted and squirmed in my bed of bodies, and they held and supported me in whatever position my lust compelled me to move. My nose pressed into Passion’s wet taint as the feeling began to take hold of me, and the moaning tenor of my voice became a soft cry that waned into her dripping depths. My hips tilted forward, my pelvis dropped between my spread legs, and my muffled euphoria sang from my occupied mouth as I orgasmed. I felt hot seed rush into my channels, filling me with molten felicity, melting into the tender flesh of my erogeneity. My virgin womb was saturated with it, my rectum was filled with it, and my mouth tasted the fountain of Passion’s ascension. I laid satisfied and intoxicated, breathing in the hormone-soaked air, and exhaling sweet tenors of bliss. The bed of men shifted, picking me up gently, changing positions, and then lowering me back down, their slick bodies hot with the radiance of my flesh, new members standing erect and throbbing, waiting to please me. Passion sprawled her body next to mine, smiling affectionately into my eyes as she made furniture of her own sons; spreading her legs and separating her glutes, sighing as she was defiled in both holes as I was. I smiled into her eyes and caressed her softly along the cheek, moaning in congruence with her as we were taken simultaneously, joining in a lust that would never end. LUCILLA We’d searched for a week. I knew she was alive by the power that still thrummed alight beneath my skin, but it was a faint thing. She hadn’t tried to draw from me once. Hell, she hadn’t so much as stubbed her toe in the last week judging by the dim light of my power. I believed Julia could survive on her own, but I doubted she would have done so without even the slightest bit of stress. Could she have been drugged? Was she in the back of a barred-carriage to Terondia, stuffed to the brim with opium? I pushed the thoughts from my mind; they were of no use to me, not when facing the forest. For seven days, we’d slogged through marshes, hacked through groves, and waded through streams. The first night without Julia, we sat in solemn silence, three people in an incomplete circle, staring numbly at the iridescent greens of the forest. The shimmering tones turned to garish pinks and reds before our eyes, and the sober people we were, changed to carnal, hedonistic things, engaging in the needs of our bodies without any heed for the world. The exhaustion we suffered through the next day was a hard lesson, and we learned to find sleep before midnight the next evening. Arbortus was vast beyond comprehension, and the towering trunks that once dazzled me, now only seemed to loom threateningly. Every patch of forest felt like every other, every attempt at landmarking our location was in vain, every crook and hovel seemed a clone of the last. We were rested, road-fairing travelers on day one, and haggard, wild creatures by day seven. My hair was matted and covered in filth, my skin was clammy and scratched in a hundred places, my feet were sore and blistered. I’d ceased my royal bitching after day two, not due to Malek and Drask’s annoyed growls, but because I was too fucking tired to talk. By the seventh day, none of us said anything at all, until Malek broke the silence. “Stop.” Malek said, holding up a splayed hand. I halted behind him, and Drask stopped behind me. Malek cocked his head, inclining his pointed ear to the sky and listening with one eye closed. It was then that I heard it: nothing. The constant chirping of birds, the buzzing of insects, the squeak of squirrels had all ceased. The bustling soundtrack of the forest was muted to a tense silence, with only the whistling wind through rustling leaves to break it. Malek slowly reached over his shoulder, and unslung his bow. Drask put a hand on my arm and guided me to crouch in the foliage, before unslinging his bow from his back. They kept their heads low, their backs straight, and their knees bent level with their hips as they moved in the underbrush. They stopped suddenly, postures stiff and unmoving, hands deftly nocking bowstrings. They kept their loaded weapons tensed and ready as their heads swiveled on static bodies, searching with the keen, hunter-eyes of the elves. An explosion tore through the silence, ripping the earth from the ground, showering the world in blackened soil and splintered bark. Malek rolled to his left, barely dodging the kinetic blast that cratered the ground before him. Drask dove to his right, summersaulted in a display of athleticism, and then loosed his arrow into the brush. A scream of pain sounded from nowhere, and Drask nocked another arrow just in time to be blown into red mist. The remnants of the man seemed to dissipate in the air, blowing like crimson dust and mixing with the upheaval of black soil. I screamed and fell backward, my eyes replaying the shocking terror over and over again, unable to process what happened, unable to fully believe what I just saw. Malek let out a sound so agonized it would be seared into my memory forever. He loosed arrow after arrow, tumbling this way and that, rolling to his feet, reaching behind himself, grabbing a shaft, nocking it, and firing all in one motion. One scream sounded from the foliage, and then another, and another. Kinetic spheres were hurled at the dark-elf, cratering the ground around him, blasting debris into the air, and he rolled between them, firing with every stop, emptying his quiver into the forest, roaring at the tops of his lungs until his body separated into a million pieces. I sat dumbly in the brush, my heart thundering in my chest, my mouth agape, and my eyes wide. Bald-headed high elves stepped from the greenery, their brows shining with astral power, their gazes fixated on me. I fell backward, kicking at the earth, scrambling vainly into the forest on scraped hands and knees. Tears stung my eyes, thorns scratched my cloak, twigs lashed at my face. I made it fifty yards before strong hands grabbed me, and flung me to the ground. They stood over me, five of them, their pates gleaming in the green light, their face impassive masks of coldness. One of them reached down, and pulled my hood from my head, and all of their expressions widened. “Princess Lucilla?” One of them gasped. “You’re alive?” the second exclaimed. I huddled on the ground, trying to keep my cloak over my entire body, trying to hide what I’d become. It didn’t work. My cloak was in tatters, it barely covered my knees, and they saw; they saw it all. One of them reached down and tore the shredded cloth from me, leaving me naked and terrified, lying in fetal weakness. “You’ve bound with her.” The third of them whispered. “We cannot let her live!” The fourth said, raising his palm toward me. “Are you insane?!” hissed the fifth, “This is the princess!” “The emperor cannot bind with The Heat Bringer if she is already bound,” the fourth one said, “he will not need to know; everyone already thinks she’s dead.” “He killed Telavia for less.” The third one said, nodding. “It’s for the good of the realm.” The second one concurred. “It’s a necessary evi-“ There was a whoosh, a flash of white, and a fading scream as the mage disappeared. The remaining four jerked their heads up, narrowing their eyes, searching with twitching neck movements like crows scouting a road. Their astral melds gleamed from their brows, the ethereal being within them extrapolating every piece of life in their range, leaving no stone unturned, leaving no creature unseen. Whoosh, thump, scream. Another mage disappeared in a flash of white, torn from the earth as though he weighed nothing at all, the only evidence left of him being the fading echo of his death throes. The other three were panicking now, ducking at every sound, their narrowed eyes widening in terror. “What the fuck was that?!” hissed one of them. “Can you sense it?” whispered a second. “I can’t see shit! Why can’t I see it? What the fu-” Then, everyone saw it; saw her . The Valkyrie split the mage down the middle with a double-headed axe, cleaving him so cleanly that his two halves stood in momentary stasis, before separating and falling aside. A mage raised his hand to blow her away, but his hand wasn’t there anymore. He hardly had time to scream at the stump before his head blasted from his shoulders. The last mage hurled a kinetic attack at the warrior, and she folded her wings before her, absorbed the lethal shock with ease, and unfurled her span in a fury of white, redirecting the attack back at its bearer, and blowing his bloodied pieces high into the canopy, decorating the pine branches with ornaments of his gore. She stood six-feet tall; her warrior’s body encased in tight-fitting leather armor, and framed with broad shoulders, an ample bust, a muscled torso and wide hips baring thick, toned glutes. Her blonde hair was braided intricately about her crown, and flowed down her shoulders in ropes of gold. Her face was cast with a brow that shadowed her fearsome, blue eyes, lush lips that creased into a grim frown, and a nose that broadened into a pronounced bridge, before drawing seamlessly back into her brow. She was past her youth, as exhibited by the faint lines on her forehead, but she was still one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. She folded the fourteen-foot span of her wings, and knelt before me, her hard expression growing soft and loving. She placed a tender hand on my cheek, and I felt hot tears pool in her palm. I curled into her body, and cried, venting my horror and grief, sobbing my realization that the world wasn’t what I thought it was. That evening, the Valkyrie bathed me in the stream, tended my wounds, and fed me. She adorned me with a cloak of her own, and hemmed it at the skirt and arms so that it wouldn’t drag. I didn’t speak to her, and she didn’t speak to me, but she hummed a soft, mournful tune as she nurtured me, and its lullaby melody soothed my troubled heart and panicked mind. We sat upon the roots of a Great Maple, watching the twilight dwindle into dark, and the glowing spectacle of Arbortus come into view. She took out a flask, took a deep swig, and then handed it to me. It was a hearty liquor, and it burned in all the right ways. I smiled a small, grateful smile, and handed it back to her. “What’s your name?” I finally asked. “Freydis.” Freydis said, her voice surprisingly soft, her eyes watching the river. “Thank you, Freydis,” I said with painful earnestness, “for saving me.” “It is you who is my salvation, Bound One,” Freydis said, looking at me with adoring eyes, “you are holy, a sacred person to my people. I have oaths I must speak to you, but they are long and ponderous, and you are obviously tired.” Freydis dropped her head and looked at the river again, an expression of shame lingering on her face, “I am sorry I could not save your brethren, Bound One.” “Don’t blame yourself for that,” I replied, putting a hand on her back, “what could you have done?” “A lot of things,” Freydis said, her jaw working tightly, “but all I saw was a squabble between elven factions, and I decided not to intervene. I apologize for my cowardice; I could have saved them.” “Hey now,” I said, sitting beside her and putting my arm around her broad shoulders, a task that was jarring in its ergonomics, “I don’t blame you. How could anyone blame someone for not risking their life for a fight they had nothing to do with?” I looked up at her handsome features, and waited until her blue gaze met mine, “You’re my hero,” I smiled, “and I’m eternally grateful.” Her expression softened again, and she returned my smile. I nestled my body against hers, resting my cheek against her soft breast, and curving my form into the bow of her torso. She stiffened, unsure of the situation, and then placed a tentative arm around me, and relaxed. It was a platonic embrace, one of a protector and her charge, and in that moment, it was the exact kind of contact I needed. I needed to feel protected. “Why are you so far from home, Freydis?” I asked. “I’m looking for my daughter.” Freydis replied “Sounds like there’s a story there,” I said, looking up at her, “if you’re willing to tell it.” “My daughter, Astrid,” Freydis said, clearing her throat, “is a bone-headed young woman. Nine days ago, she charged off Iona, convinced beyond all doubt that she would find The Earth Former, the patron god of our peak. She was immediately netted by orcs in the Droktin Pass.” I felt a ping of sadness as Drask’s words came flooding into my mind, and the tears began to film on my eyes. I brushed them away before Freydis could see them. “That’s awful.” I muttered. “It worked in her favor,” Freydis sighed, shifting against the tree she was resting on, “as all things seem to with Astrid. I raced after her once I heard the news of her capture, and I found the slave cart she’d been hauled in, melded to a massive cube of obsidian that could’ve only been made by one man.” “Did it have a fist sticking out of it?” I asked. Freydis raised her eyebrows, and nodded. “My father took me to see the exact thing,” I chuckled sadly, “small world.” “It sounds like you have a story to tell me, Bound One.” Freydis said, her eyes searching. “I’m Princess Lucilla Fritari of the elven empire and my father is an insane tyrant,” I replied tersely, not wanting to tread on still-open wounds, “that’s pretty much it. Please continue.” Freydis puffed out her cheeks, her eyebrows raised. She seemed to mull that revelation over for a moment, then inclined her head, nodded, and continued. “I searched far and wide for Astrid and The Earth Former,” Freydis continued, “until I came upon more evidence of the god’s activities on The Gratoran Wall;” Freydis frowned for a moment, “a statue of my own daughter, arched in the throes of great lust, complete with the act of her fornication carved perfectly between her stone legs.” “Sounds like they became pretty fast friends.” I giggled. Freydis did not share in my amusement. “The Iona Guard has vows that prohibit such things,” Freydis said, “a winged-warrior is to have sex only once in her life, and only to bear a daughter. We believe that putting oneself beneath another for pleasure is a weakness, and a warrior cannot afford weakness.” “But how many warriors get a chance to sleep with a god?” I laughed, “Isn’t there some clause in your contract that makes exceptions for a divine fuck?” Freydis eyed me with a stern frown, and then broke into a smile. “I suppose you are right, Bound One,” she chuckled, “were I a younger woman, raging with lust, I’m sure I would’ve fallen prey to the temptation of bedding a divinity. Still,” she smiled slyly to me, “I’m not exactly pleased that everyone south of the Droktin Pass gets to see a statue of my daughter getting plowed.” I burst into laughter, my mirth unusually strong in the wake of the day’s events. I laughed until my stomach hurt and tears welled in my eyes, and Freydis’s sonorous laugh accompanied mine. We shook together until the sighs of dying merriment fell from our mouths, and Freydis continued her story. “So, I traveled south along the Gratoran Wall, until I came upon a great heap of smoldering ruins.” Freydis’s mirth left her, and her frown creased her cheeks once again, “Their wreckage is the reason I’ve traveled to Arbortus. The Earth Former, it appears, has some quarrel with the nymphs, as he levelled their entire colony in the Tentigo Tropics.” “Holy shit,” I whispered, feeling my heart drop, “that’s terrible.” “It is a terrible thing,” Freydis nodded, “I worry after my daughter, but if she has sworn her allegiance to him, which I’m sure she has, then there is nothing to be done. I can only wait for her and her charge to come to Arbortus, if his quarrel with the nymphs extends this far. If not, then I have no idea where they’ve gone.” “Would you follow him?” I asked, “The Earth Former? If he demanded your servitude, would you bend the knee?” “If I am unsworn, then yes,” Freydis replied, “I would gladly bend the knee.” “But he’s a monster!” I exclaimed, “He slaughtered an entire colony!” “The gods are still very young,” Freydis said, “and prone to emotionally-charged mistakes. The morality of divinity cannot be compared to the morality of the common man; it would be like comparing your morality with that of an ant’s. Where a normal man might get into a fist fight, a god might destroy a town. It is up to institutions like The Iona Guard to not only serve and obey, but to also advise and guide, to mold the adolescent gods into adults of morals and principles. Astrid is an ideologue, a foolish girl at times, but a good one; I am sure she is working tirelessly to teach The Earth Former how to become a good man.” “Julia is a good woman,” I said, “and she doesn’t need to be told not to kill hundreds of people. She couldn’t even kill to save her own life.” “That is your bind?” Freydis asked, “The Holy One is called Julia? She is a woman?” “Why yes, she is,” I smirked at Freydis, “what do your codes say about lesbianism?” “It is forbidden, obviously,” Freydis said, “we are a mountain colony of women, and I’ve already told you of our codes pertaining to sex. We wouldn’t get anything done if we could lie with each other.” “You and Julia are going to get along just fine,” I snorted, “she’s an ex-nun, and she just loves her vows. She has to pray away her transgressions first-thing every morning, even before she takes a piss. At the rate she’s been sinning lately, she’ll be prostrating until she shits herself.” “Do you think she will have me?” Freydis asked hopefully. “Oh, sure,” I laughed, “but if you call her ‘Your Holiness’ it might kill her with embarrassment, so please, by all means, worship her to death.” My laughter waned in my throat as reality sunk back in, “Of course,” I said quietly, “we have to find her first.” JULIA One of Passion’s daughters served me wine, another served me chocolates. One of her sons massaged my back with stimulating oils, the other’s face was consumed by the pale bulge of my cheeks, enveloping his nose and mouth as his tongue slid between my options. I didn’t know how long I’d lived in paradise, but it felt like forever. My memory was a hazy thing, filled with fractured images and blurred faces, and it was uncomfortable to try recalling it, so I didn’t. Why would I exert myself with the past? Everything in Passion’s world was about the present, and she filled the present with excess. That was the theme of my life now; decadence. Indulgence without consequence, sin without punishment. I hardly knew who I was anymore, and I hardly cared. It didn’t matter; all that mattered was the feeling of now, the present desires, the pleasure of the immediate. “Have you ever wondered,” Passion prompted, her golden irises staring from the tops of her purple sclera as she laid on her stomach in front of me, indulging in the same activities that I was, “about the pleasure of a man?” “Hmm?” I smiled drowsily, groaning in lazy pleasure as the man beneath me wrapped his lips around my wetted rim, and pushed his tongue inside, “I don’t think I have to wonder about the pleasures of a man, Passion; as you can see.” “I mean the pleasures a man feels,” Passion said, pausing to stick out her tongue so that one of her daughters could place a truffle upon it, “the pleasure he garners in lust.” “I’m sure every woman has,” I giggled as my man’s tongue rolled around my insides, sheening my filthy channel with his spit, “but judging by the reactions of men and women during sex, I’d say our gender got the better deal.” “What if you could feel both pleasures?” Passion asked, eyes gleaming, “The pleasures of a man and a woman, simultaneously?” “That almost sounds like a suggestion,” I smirked, biting my lip as the man’s tongue curled and slid along my fleshy walls, “do you have something in mind?” Passion beckoned her youngest daughter over to her. She was younger than I was, barely a woman at all, her figure still lanky with youth, but baring the breasts and hips of someone whose flower has bloomed. As with all of Passion’s children, this girl had eyes of purple, irises of pink, and antlers in place of horns. She laid down before her mother and spread her legs, perching up on her elbows and watching Passion with excitement gleaming from her youthful face. Passion took an indulgent moment to lick chocolate from her fingers, and then lowered her wine-stained lips to her daughter’s crotch, and wrapped them around her clit. The girl gasped, and then groaned a strained, exerted wine. She began thrusting in the air, slowly at first, but then increasing her pace to a fervent pump, her tones turning to cries of delight, her mother’s head glued to her crotch and grinning as it sucked from her nethers. The girl fell to her back, planted her heels into the ground, and thrashed back and forth as she thrust, forcing Passion to anchor her hands to the girl’s petite glutes to keep her face in place. The girl was sobbing now, shifting wantonly, thrusting as though her body were doing it without her permission. Finally, her head reared back, and an exaltation of pure joy flowed from her trembling lips as Passion’s mouth was filled with her daughter’s cock. The girl’s thrusts eased to gentle pushes, and her cry waned to a violated whimper as her hips descended, revealing the new organ sheened with her mother’s spit. It was overflowing with cum, spilling like lava after the eruption, causing the girl to moan insistently as her crotch pooled with it. Her older sisters came forward and lapped her nectar greedily, and the moaning whimpers of the girl softened to gentle gasps as her cock finally stopped orgasming, and began to droop onto her sticky pelvis. “I can change you, Heat Bringer,” Passion said, giving her youngest daughter a parting kiss on the cock, before crawling languidly toward me, “I can enhance you to your liking, create a beautiful creature of lust from your canvas.” “Yes,” I whispered, gawking with wide eyes at the cock that lay between the girl’s legs, staring at it with envious want, “change me.” “How would you like to be changed?” Passion smiled as I raised myself to my knees, my servants leaving me. “Your skin,” I said, running my hand along her shoulder, admiring the diamond freckles that sparkled from her, “I want to shine like a diamond as you do.” “I can do that,” Passion whispered gently as she guided me to my back, “what else?” “My breasts,” I said, trailing dangling fingers over my bosom, “I want your sons to drink milk from them.” “I can do that as well,” Passion smiled, lowering her lush lips to my left nipple, “anything else?” “Make me like your youngest,” I whispered pleadingly as Passion’s lips began to suck from my breast, “give me the gift of a man.” “As you wish, Heat Bringer.” Passion grinned back, and then resumed her nursing. Her lips drew my nipple from my breast, toying with its erectness until I moaned for her. She began to suckle from me like a babe; my node stretching in and out of her lush, pursed mouth, her cheeks puffing and then growing gaunt with each pull, her tongue teasing the tip, causing it to grow red with stimulation. I felt my breast being drawn pleasantly to her sucking mouth, and wetness form from the tiny apertures surrounding my node. Soft whimpers slipped from my panting lips as the pleasure grew from my chest, my nipple starting to ache with pressure. Passion sucked with more avarice, stretching my nipple from my breast, causing my moan to escalate to a wining plea. She grabbed the succulent fat of my bust and gently squeezed, releasing the aching pressure, and causing warm milk to spill from Passion’s sucking lips. I giggled delightedly as she drank from me, and pressed her face closer to my breast, groaning maternal utterances of pleasure. My breast began to swell, its sloping nature changing to a vulgar dome, the nipple sticking outwardly even more, as though pressed forward from within. Passion changed my other tit with the same sensuality, leaving my chest adorned with high, full breasts that jutted from their perches in gravity-defying fullness, their nipples leaking with want. A fleshy orifice in the ceiling pulsed and dilated, growing a passionate red, and then opening. Clear fluid poured from it, dripping its molasses onto my face, and running thickly down my neck, over my breasts, and across my abdomen. Tingles of pleasant warmth seeped into my flesh wherever it touched, and soon, every surface of me was alight with the feeling. Passion chuckled as I squirmed in it, bathed in it, tasted it. Twinkling gems began to form on my skin, little dots of white diamonds that reflected pink in the garish womb. They formed on the follicles of my mound, replacing the curly mat of red hair with a smooth canvas of jewels, seeming to point at the slit beneath them. They were sprinkled about my arms and legs, dotted my abdomen and breasts, and played across my necks and cheeks. I splayed out my limbs, admiring my new complexion, turning around and looking at the sparkles that now decorated my pale glutes, and basking in the vanity of my new beauty. Passion slid her body atop mine, seeping the warmth of her form along my sparkling curves. She shared her lips and tongue with me, and then moved lower, and lower. She stared at me from between my legs, her crimson hair tickling my thighs, her golden irises smirking from their purple depths. Her lush lips wrapped gently around my hood, and began to suck. I felt it immediately; not just the pleasure of her drawing my erogenous bead from my swollen petals, but something else. An aching, wonderful pleasure the likes of which I’d never experienced before. A ratcheting pressure with in my pelvis, a boiling feeling that only grew the harder she sucked. She pinched her fingers together, and pushed a lubricated fist deep into my rectum. My head flew back and I cried a sonorous tone of pure euphoria. There was something different about anal now, an added… something. A pulsing organ deep within me that throbbed with the pressure that roiled in my depths, seeming to be at the very center of it. Passion’s fist rotated inside me, her fingers uncurled, and her fingertips rubbed gently against my new prostate. It was more than I could take. I began thrusting wildly into the air, compelled by instincts that did not belong to my gender. It was a rage of sorts, a manic need to be inside someone, but I didn’t have the parts for it. Not yet. Passion rotated her squished lips against my pelvis, sucking my clit into her mouth, pulling it relentlessly as she teased it with her tongue. The pressure in my pelvic floor increased to a maddening level, driving my mind into a manic haze of singular focus: to thrust, to penetrate, to come. The feeling suddenly surged forward, my new milk-maker gushing, sending the pressure through my pelvis, toward my crotch, and out of my new cock. It grew in Passion’s mouth, thick and veiny, long enough that the woman gagged around me as she tried to keep it all in. The pressure burst from its tip, and exploded into her throat, sending me screaming in manic delight as I thrust wildly between her lips, smashing my pelvis into her face, defiling the pristine outline of her mouth with uncontrolled brutality. I held Passion’s face down by the horns and laughed as her eyes rolled into her head; her mouth sucking whorishly, her throat constricting painfully. She reached between her legs and began desperately pleasing herself, compelled by my own fervent lust, possessed by my own desires. I came continuously, unloading spurt after spurt, thrusting with uncaring violence, punishing Passion with my masculinity. She hummed a scream around my cock, reveling in my brutish nature, swallowing for all she was worth. I held her face against my crotch, burying my entire length into her, pressing her nose into my pelvis, squishing her lips about my base, watching as her rolled-back eyes brimmed with tears of pain and pleasure. I forced her to drink the last of my orgasm as she gave herself one of her own, her body writhing behind her, wavering on trembling legs. The rage left me, the insatiable need faded, and the peaceful lust of paradise thrummed back into my mind. I let Passion go, and her eyes lolled forward. She pulled slowly, sucking so hard her cheeks stretched from her face, swallowing every drop I had to offer, revealing the full length of my new manhood. “Sorry,” I smiled apologetically to Passion as her lips parted, strings of cum bridging my tip and her mouth, “I couldn’t control myself.” “No woman can when she first experiences the heat of a man’s lust,” Passion smiled, licking my tip and running her delicate fingers down my length, pulling her fist from my ass and caressing my pussy, “it is a dangerous, brutish thing that can only be controlled with experience.” “How do men not just… rape everything in sight?” I laughed, marveling at the throbbing nature of my new organ, “that was unbearable!” “Do you not enjoy it?” Passion asked, a hint of worry in her voice, a shadow of concern etched across her beautiful face. “I love it,” I chuckled, bringing Passion up to me, feeling her dripping folds deform against my cock as she passed over it, “what’s wrong?” “I was worried that you might regret it,” Passion said almost bashfully, showing emotional vulnerability for the first time since we’d met, “I wouldn’t want you to think that I deformed you.” “I think of it as an enhancement.” I grinned, trailing my hands down the soft muscles of Passion’s back, sliding my palms to the swell of her tan glutes, “It’s strange to see you uncertain of yourself.” “You make me uncertain, Heat Bringer,” Passion smiled, sliding her oozing slit along my new length, “it’s an exciting feeling, but also a terrifying one.” “Why do I make you feel uncertain?” I whispered as her thighs separated, allowing my raging heat to push inside her, taking my male virginity. “I’m not sure,” Passion gasped as she inched herself down my length, the curve of her back deepening, “I haven’t felt like this since…” She looked deeply into my eyes as our pelvises connected, as she took the last bit of me into her tight, wet heat. Her head dropped onto my new breasts, and we took a breathless moment to savor the sensation. When her face raised to mine, her golden irises were glinting with affection, and her mouth was curved in an adoring smile. She kissed me there, but her kiss tasted different than all her others. There was a flavor of love in it. “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, Heat Bringer,” she whispered as she pulled out of the embrace, “but I never want you to stop.” “I won’t.” I said, cupping a gentle hand to her cheek, trying to wipe the worry from her face. “Are you happy?” Passion asked, an expression of… guilt? Why would she feel guilt? “Of course,” I smiled, starting to thrust into her, “this is paradise, isn’t it?” “Yes, Heat Bringer,” Passion smiled, almost ruefully as she began grinding atop me, “because you’re here with me.” I’d never asked Passion why she called me Heat Bringer. Was that my name? Did I have a name? It didn’t really matter. All that mattered was the now; Passion’s hot insides clenching around me, Passion’s warm skin pressing against me, Passion’s wet lips melting into me. There was nothing else. There was no one else. LUCILLA I hated heights. I hated the vertigo-inducing view from atop the palace tower, I hated traversing the treacherous edges of cliffside roads, but above all, I hated flying. Rationally, I knew the straps that held me to Freydis were strong enough to haul a cow, but that didn’t stop me from cringing with every little slip of the ropes. Rationally, I knew the likelihood of Freydis crashing was slim, but that didn’t stop me from imagining the nosedive. Rationality had little real-estate in my mind when I was staring down at seven-hundred feet of nothing. I tried to hold in the need to piss and vomit as I scoured the tiny features beneath me, hoping beyond hope that a mane of red hair would pop out somewhere. Where the fuck did you go?! Freydis landed on a thick branch high in the canopy, giving me a chance to do the necessities. Even though its diameter was easily twenty feet, its curved surface led me to believe a stiff gust of wind would send me tumbling right off it. Freydis stood confidently while I crawled on my hands and knees, trying to keep my eyes fixed on what was right in front of me, and not the thousand-foot drop at my sides. Had I been looking up, I probably would have noticed the arrowhead pointing right at me, but I didn’t. No, I crawled, grumbling and cursing, right into the point of it. “Ow, shit!” I yelled, rubbing the top of my head, looking up, and then groaning. It was a nymph warrior, all five feet of him packed with muscle and weaponry, standing naked save for the straps that held his blades. Freydis spun on her heel, reached for her axe, and then stopped as scores of arrowheads protruded from the foliage, seeming to filter from the greenery. We were fucked. Freydis was stripped of her axe and bound by the hands and feet. I probably would have been tied in a similar manner, until our captors saw the markings on my flesh. Then, I was tied with every piece of rope they could find, and carried by a pole like a prized pig. I might’ve been worried that they were going to eat me, had I not been so preoccupied with screaming my lungs out in terror. The nymphs decided that the best way to transport Freydis and I, was to toss us from branch to branch, catch us with nets, and then toss us again. I was thrown over the thousand-foot drop repeatedly, tossed through the trees for a mile until we got to the colony. The nymph colony of Arbortus was essentially a large tree house, but instead of a house, it was thousands of buildings, and instead of a single tree, it was twenty massive Great Maples. The wood buildings covered the connecting branches like barnacles on a wharf, seemingly built at random. A closer look would show that each building was precisely engineered to be built where it was, but from a distance, it looked like a shanty town in the skies. Ropes and ladders hung from every branch, spiraling steps wound the circumference of the trunks, and bridges were constructed across thinner spans, allowing for easy transport from tree to tree. The nymphs moved with deft agility and confidence, jumping spans like they meant nothing, climbing sheer sides as though it were as simple as taking the stairs. I endured ten more minutes of nerve-wracking transport before I was thankfully dropped on a flat floor inside a spacious hall. From my awkward position on the planks, I could see sunbeams shining through rafters, and carved archways supporting a wooden ceiling. Whispers echoed ahead of me, but I couldn’t crane my neck enough to see who was talking. I was suddenly pulled upright, stripped of my binds, and then stripped of my clothing in less than a second. Behind me, I heard Freydis struggling and cursing, and in front of me, sat the eight matriarchs of Arbortus. I could tell they were ancient by their turquois hair, light-green complexions, and the overgrown size of their ram-like horns, but the unknowing eye would see them as women barely past their teen years. They were all smooth-skinned and naked, exposing bodies of lean muscle, slender build and petite bust. Nymph females were creatures of subtle curves, but that didn’t mean they weren’t beautiful, and Arch-Matriarch Flora Autumnsong was the most beautiful of them all. Her face was almost girlish with its round cheeks, soft chin and big, pine-green eyes, but despite the apparent youthful innocence of her portrait, she held the unmistakable air of authority. “For eleven years, we have lived under a shadow,” Flora said, her voice commanding, but not hard, her big eyes watching me intently, “the threat of annihilation. When Emperor Flitari claimed to have the Heat Bringer within his keep, the world thought him mad, but we did not; we knew our enemy too well. We knew that the tenuous peace between our people would not last, that Flitari would find the weapon he needed, and he would use it.” I crossed my arms over my naked breasts, shivering, but not because it was cold. Freydis had stopped struggling with her captors, and was standing at stiff attention, dignified and stoic as ever. “Many in Arbortus consider The Heat Bringer to be the very manifestation of evil,” Flora said to me, eyes narrowing, “the power of hell formed flesh, the spiritual enemy of the true god, The Life Giver.” Now, I did feel cold. A chill ran up my spine, prickling the hair on my neck, prompting clammy sweat to form over my glowing complexion. “You can imagine our joy then,” Flora beamed, her gaze softening, “when news reached our ears that this Sister Julia Gendian is no weapon of the emperor, but his bitter enemy. The weapon the imperialists would use to destroy us has turned against them, and found refuge in our borders. We welcome you with open arms, Bound One, and we are grateful for your deeds.” I let out a long exhale, feeling a weight lift from my chest, and the terrified chill warm from my skin. I was not going to be executed. Freydis’s binds were cut, and she was handed back her axe, which she snatched indignantly from its bearer and rested on her shoulder, instead of strapping it to her back. “You have a hell of a way of showing gratitude, Your Grace.” Freydis growled. “I apologize for the overzealousness of our scouts,” Flora said dismissively, “but there has been a dramatic increase in mage infringement within our borders, and we can take no chances.” “We’ve noticed.” Freydis grumbled. Flora pointedly ignored Freydis’s anger. “What is your name, Bound One?” she asked me. “Sister Silvia Septina of The Seventh Order of the Holy Mother,” I said, taking the mother’s name of Julia’s order, and changing the prefix to match my age, “and this is Freydis Skyborne of Iona.” “The High Guard herself! We’re honored.” Flora said with raised eyebrows, revealing something about Freydis that I didn’t know. I turned my head and gave her an inquisitive look, but she did not return my gaze. Her jaw was working subtly and her fists were clenched. I realized with a sinking heart that I’d forgotten that Valkyries cannot deceive, and with barely any prying at all, the matriarchs could find my true identity from Freydis. The cold sweats started creeping back, and I hurriedly redirected the matriarchs’ attention to me. “We are grateful for your hospitality, wise matriarchs, and I am certain Sister Julia would be more than open to an alliance against our common enemy,” I said, using what little diplomatic skills I’d picked up between benders at my estate, “but Sister Julia has been missing for the past eight days.” The matriarchs gave each other nervous glances, and joined heads in a conference of whispers. They sat back, and Flora addressed me again. “Where did she go missing?” she asked. “Near the eastern entrance of Arbortus,” I replied, “the first night we were here.” “Do you believe that she was captured by the emperor’s agents?” Flora asked. “That was my first thought,” I said, “but then a squad of mages attacked my retinue, killing two of my friends. I doubt they’d be in your forest if they’d already found Julia.” “I’m sorry for your losses,” Flora said, “but it could be that they already have her, and are seeking to kill you to sever the bond.” “I don’t think they would’ve gotten Julia without a fight,” I said, “she hasn’t drawn from me once since she’s been missing. She hasn’t even flared up on my flesh, but I still glow; it’s like she’s been sedated.” “Did you say she disappeared by the eastern entrance?” one of the matriarchs asked. I nodded. “Eight days ago?” another asked. I nodded again. “And she left at night?” a third matriarch asked. Again, I nodded. Every matriarch looked to Flora, the atmosphere of the room growing suddenly tense. “Well shit,” Flora said, frowning and sitting back, “the cunt got her.” “What?” I asked, confused and worried. “Arbortus is a super-organism,” Flora explained, “each Great Maple acts as an appendage, all connected by the entwined roots that serve as vessels. There is no heart to this being, and there is no mind, but there is a womb, and where there’s a womb, there’s a cunt, and that cunt calls herself Passion.” “She is the spirit of fertility, and you will respect her!” a matriarch hissed at Flora. “Not again.” Groaned a matriarch, putting her head in her hands. “She’s a cunt, Ashvine,” Flora scoffed to the first woman, “just because she’s an essential cunt doesn’t make her less of one.” “You know she’s just trying to protect herself,” another mage said quietly, “it’s her nature to be intrusive.” “‘Intrusive’ is an interesting word,” Flora laughed humorlessly, “I think it fits her aptly.” “You always blamed her for your familial problems,” Ashvine growled at Flora, “but it wasn’t her fault; it was your mother’s!” “Are you calling my mother a whore?” Flora growled back. “Quite the opposite!” Ashvine snapped, “If she hadn’t been so unwilling to bear an heir, the other matriarchs wouldn’t have been compelled to seek Passion’s help, and an incubus would never have gone to her bed.” “Oh, that’s a fine solution!” Flora yelled, raising her hands, “Instead of listening to the woman to discover the reason for her chastity, let’s just send a beast to coerce her into fucking!” “That beast was your father,” said another matriarch, “and he loved you.” “He certainly had an interesting way of showing it.” Flora sneered, “I didn’t know absence was a form of love.” “Are you sure?” Ashvine snarled, “Because that’s the exact kind of love you showed Willowbud.” The room fell suddenly silent, all eyes fixed on the locked gazes of Flora and Ashvine. It didn’t take too much conjecture on my part to realize these two matriarchs hated each other. I should have felt relieved that their eyes weren’t taking in my nudity, but I felt even worse. The hostility was so thick in the air I could practically taste it. “How dare you.” Flora whispered, her body shaking. “How dare I?” Ashvine hissed back, “How dare I?! You exiled my niece to Tentigo without telling my brother, and you have the audacity to vilify me?! . Ten years- ten years he searched for her, only to end up dead in some gutter in Drastin!” “You have no idea what I sacrificed,” Flora said haggardly, her face twisting, “you have no idea why I did what I did!” “Oh, we all know, Flora,” Ashvine laughed cruelly, “Great Giver knows your vanity killed your husband and your own daughter!” Oh shit. I thought, exchanging glances with Freydis. I stepped over to her as the screams became louder and shriller. “Hey, uh…” I whispered to her, “I don’t think you should tell them about what happened to Tentigo.” “I must,” Freydis said, “they need to be warned.” “Maybe after we get Julia from this ‘Passion’ lady,” I said quietly as Ashvine and Flora stood, their faces inches apart, their spittle flying from their peeled lips, “but I’m afraid you might somehow start a civil war if you tell them now.” Freydis looked gravely at the screeching women, their green faces now red with fury, their eyes bulging with hate, their heads cocked forward, looking as though they’d ram each other with their horns. Freydis nodded slowly, and I let out a relieved sigh. After a few minutes of screaming, Flora pulled rank, and Ashvine stomped from the room, her fists clenched, her eyes glaring furiously at me. Clearly, she wasn’t one of the nymphs that held progressive ideals about The Heat Bringer. I shuddered. The sooner I got out of Arbortus, the better. The remaining matriarchs reorganized themselves in their chairs, Flora breathing deeply through her nose, trying to exhale her fury. “I am sorry, Sister Septina and High Guard Skyborne,” Flora said, composing herself, “that was something you did not need to see.” I shrugged my shoulders uncomfortably, unsure of what to say. “Passion doesn’t answer to anyone,” Flora said, “but she must listen to me if I come to speak with her. High Guard Skyborne, how many passengers can you carry in flight?” “I can carry you and the Bound One,” Freydis said, “if we leave now, we can make it to the eastern border of Arbortus by this evening.” “And time is of the essence,” Flora nodded, standing up, “let us be off.” JULIA Passion’s sons drank from my breasts, her daughters tasted my holes, and she herself, sucked from my manhood. I bit my lip and relaxed in the bed of sexual splendor, closing my eyes as I felt tongues sheening the tissue of my insides, lips pulling milk from my erect nipples, and a throat gently constricting around my cock. I splayed my fingers out lazily, shifted wantonly, moaned delectably. Minutes, hours, days and weeks meant nothing. The name ‘Heat Bringer’ meant nothing, and the name ‘Julia’ meant even less. The girl tasting my anus left it vacant, and a man came to take her place, pushing his bulging rod deep into my filth, causing me to whimper in gratitude as my back arched. Another man came up to me, rigid as desired, stroking himself with the lubrication that seeped from the womb and sheened our bodies. I stared along the length of him, smiled a half-lidded gaze, and pulled by body upward, reaching back and spreading my pale cheeks. I didn’t know how long I’d been in paradise, but somewhere down the line, my anus had lost some of its elasticity. I hardly ever gave my favorite hole a rest, and now it was almost constantly gaping; a ruby ruin centering the supple bulge of my glutes. This may have alarmed me at some point in my life, I didn’t know, but in paradise, it only excited me. Now I had room for more. The man already inside my ass moved, and the new man slid below me, centering his cock against his brother’s, and guiding me downward, stretching me into painful euphoria. They pressed on all sides of my sinful hole, rubbing against my prostate, causing my cock to curve with engorgement in their mother’s mouth. Their sisters licked my taint and trailed their tongues into the folds of my pussy as their brothers sucked the milk from my breasts, drawing from me in constant pleasure. My lust was never an exerting thing in paradise, but a languid, shifting thing, savoring every touch and violation to the fullest. My anus was slowly expanded, gaping me to new widths, training me for the day where I could add another man to the mix. I let my head drop behind my shoulders, my hair tumbling back, tickling the man’s face behind me as he held me upright, gently raising and lowering me onto his violating member. I moaned to the ceiling, exalting in my debauchery, living life by the seconds between breaths, by the pleasure between heartbeats. “I have a surprise for you,” Passion whispered, licking the tip of my cock, “I think you’ll like it.” “I always love your surprises.” I smiled, moaning as Passion’s sons pushed congruently into my stretched rectum, “What is it?” “You’ll see,” Passion giggled teasingly, her tongue traveling to my base, “it’s almost done. Just a few more-” “Passion?” a distant voice called from somewhere. Passion jolted upright, her eyes widening. “Passion?” the voice called again, “It’s Flora. I know you have The Heat Bringer in there.” There was that name again; Heat Bringer. Why did they call me that? “Is this your surprise?” I asked, petting Passion’s hair as I grinded on my sodomizers, “Is she going to join us?” “Passion,” the voice called again, louder this time, “I know you’re in there. I’ve got a Valkyrie with a big, fucking axe, and she isn’t as patient as I am.” “She sounds mad,” I giggled, “I wonder what she’ll do to us?” Passion was not sharing in my playfulness. Her eyes were darting nervously from me, to the slit in the room. “What’s wrong?” I asked, my lightheartedness dwindling just a bit. “Nothing,” Passion said, smiling unconvincingly, “you stay here, and I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry,” she kissed the tip of my throbbing shaft, and smiled with a little more conviction, “I’ll be back; just stay here.” LUCILLLA I didn’t know how the hell Julia physically got here. The path from our old campsite to the cherry blossom tree was a treacherous maze of twisting roots, some of which stood a hundred feet from the ground and offered only a few inches of foot room. A nymph might be able to traverse the path, but an elf? Impossible. It was no wonder Drask, Malek and I never found her. Freydis stood with her axe in hand, waiting for Flora to give her permission to start hacking at the bulging mass of wood. Flora tapped her foot impatiently, and was about to give Freydis the nod, when the tree opened. Pink light glowed from a slit in the trunk, and a nymph the likes of which I’d never seen emerged from its depths. To say Passion was stunning would be an understatement. Not only was she more voluptuous than any nymph in Arbortus, but her tan skin sparkled from thousands of gemstone freckles, her hair waved a garish scarlet from her crown, and protruding from this mane, were two black antlers. Her golden irises quivered from their purple depths, and her lush lips trembled to the cadence of her chattering teeth. She was terrified. Good. I hated this bitch the moment I saw her. “W-w-w-what do you w-w-want, Flora?” Passion stuttered. “The Heat Bringer, you stuttering whore,” Flora laughed cruelly, clearly enjoying Passion’s fear, “let her go.” “I can’t,” Passion said softly, “she’s a threat.” “She’s no threat,” Flora said, waving her hand impatiently, “she killed the emperor’s own daughter; she is no ally of the elves.” “It doesn’t matter,” Passion said, only looking at Flora, not daring to look at me, “she has the potential to end all of us.” “Hey!” I yelled at Passion, but she would not meet my gaze, “Julia doesn’t give a shit about your fucking forest! Let her go!” “I am sorry, Bound One,” Passion said, her eyes glistening, but still looking away, her bottom lip trembling uncontrollably, “but I cannot let her go.” “Why the fuck not?!” I shrieked. She wouldn’t look at me; the bitch wouldn’t look at me! “B-b-b-because…” Passion whispered, staring off to the side, “because I love her.” Hot rage boiled inside me, burning into my mind, electrifying my muscles. I rushed Passion like a crazed animal, and pounced on her, tearing at her hair, scratching at her face, trying to deface her beauty to a mass of bloody pulp. I’d never laid my hands on anyone in anger before, but I couldn’t stop myself now. The audacity of this woman, the balls on her, to say she loved Julia, when Julia had bound with me?! “Look at me, you cunt!” I screamed, beating her over and over, smacking her face into a blur of flailing, scarlet hair, “Julia belongs to me! She loves me! She doesn’t give a shit about you! ” Passion didn’t try to defend herself; she let me beat her. She let me scratch and bite and rip until my fingernails broke and my arms grew tired. Freydis put her arms around me comfortingly, and then pulled me away, leaving the spirit of Arbortus sobbing and breathing raggedly, but infuriatingly unharmed. The scratches on her face melded together, the patches on her scalp filled with hair, and the bruises on her body dimmed to nothing. She stood on wobbling legs, wiped the grime from her face, and looked at me for the first time. “I am sorry, Bound One,” she said, her voice wavering in her chest, “but I cannot give her back to you.” The rage left me, and only the sinking despair remained. There was nothing I could do to this woman, nothing that would shake her resolve. She was terrified of me, but she was willing to face that fear for her love. For my love. “Please,” I begged, feeling tears welling in my own eyes, “please let her go.” “I’m sorry.” Passion mouthed silently, looking painfully guilty. She turned around, her hands leaving the side of the threshold, and Julia stepped into view behind her. My jaw clicked open. Julia moved with a sultriness that would put a succubus to shame, and smiled with a confidence that would make a prince shit himself. It wasn’t just her demeanor that had changed, but her body as well. Her breasts stood fuller and higher on her chest, now larger than my own, her skin sparkled with thousands of gemstone freckles, and between her legs, dangled a long, thick, veiny cock. Her gaze passed over Freydis, me, and Flora with passing disinterest, and then she grabbed Passion by the ass, and kissed her with a hedonism that would make a whore blush. “Who are your friends?” Julia asked Passion after she’d pulled from the kiss, smiling into her lover’s royal-hued eyes. “Don’t worry about them,” Passion whispered, caressing Julia’s apple cheek, “they were just leaving.” They turned away from us, Passion’s arm wrapped around Julia’s waist, Julia’s hand buried in the fat of Passion’s ass. “Julia!” I called raggedly to her, struggling in Freydis’s arms, “Julia, it’s Lucilla!” Flora snapped her head sharply toward me, her eyes widening and her mouth falling agape, but I didn’t give a shit about her. Julia paused for a moment, turning over her pale shoulder and giving me a confused smile, before facing away once more. “Julia!” I screamed, “Don’t you know me?” She didn’t turn around. “Don’t you love me?!” I cried hoarsely, my throat catching in my neck. She just kept walking. The slit in the wood began to close, the image of my love thinning, her form growing to a dark silhouette against the pink glow. The last I’d ever see of her, unless I said the right thing. The words that would bring Julia back to herself. The words that had defined her. “You killed your parents, Julia!” I shrieked after her, “You burnt them alive, you murderer!” JULIA Life had been a blissful melody, each note playing in perfect succession with the other, each chord thrumming in time with the light cadence, each verse and chorus a tune of care-free nothing. Then someone cut the strings, someone smashed the drums, someone slaughtered the choir. I stopped suddenly, my breath catching in my throat, my mind beating against my skull. “Heat Bringer?” Passion asked beside me, failing to conceal the touch of alarm in her voice, “Are you alright?” Mommy and Daddy are yelling at each other… My face slackened as the thought played before my eyes. “Hey,” Passion whispered, taking my hand in her face, her eyes searching mine, “what’s wrong?” I’m crying in the corner, trying to get them to stop yelling… My lip began to tremor and twitch, indenting my cheek with pained lines. “Shhhhh,” Passion cooed, trying to be gentle and calming, trying to keep the fear from her eyes, “don’t worry about the past; let it fade from you.” Mommy is snarling in Daddy’s face, poking her finger into his chest… My eyes began to quiver in their sockets, burning with eminent tears. “You didn’t do those things she said,” Passion whispered, trying to bring me into embrace, “she’s a liar, Heat Bringer; she just wants to hurt you.” Daddy winds back his hand and slaps Mommy, sending her spiraling to the ground… My vision filmed over, my hands clenched and unclenched, my breath grew hot in my chest. “Let me help you forget,” Passion pleaded, her eyes wet, her hands grasping for me, “let me take the pain away.” I’m screaming at Daddy, screaming high and loud, so shrilly I don’t even realize it’s my voice… My muscles tensed beneath my skin, stronger than I remembered, surging with an energy that was all-too familiar. “Let me love you!” Passion gasped, pushing her body against mine, grabbing hold of me desperately, “Please!” It erupts from my body, uncontrollable, untamed, uncaring. Blue fire bursting from every surface of my form, setting the world aflame. Blackened faces screaming in agony, melting before my eyes… My heart was thumping irregularly in my chest, an off-beat cadence that tore at my diaphragm. I fell into Passion, my mouth gasping, my eyes crying, my head a fever of memories, their pain burning into my temples and behind my sockets, raging against my skull. “Please, Julia,” Passion sobbed into my chest, hands squeezing my shoulders, “please come back to me.” Julia, that was my name. Julia Gendian; former sister of The Holy Mother, orphan of parents I had murdered, god of a religion I didn’t believe in. Lover of a woman who’d known me my whole life. Captive of a spirit who had stolen me from her. I looked down in horror at the body she had changed, down at the evidence of sin that laid bare upon my flesh. Sin that would never wash away, sin that could not be forgiven. Deformation for the sake of depravity, indulgence in excess and debauchery, abandonment of everything I once stood for. My identity had been raped from me, my gender mutilated for perverse purposes, but that’s not what tortured me now. No, the agony that raged in my mind, was the knowledge that I had asked for it. “What did you do to me?” I hissed through clenched teeth, my fingers sinking into Passion’s shoulders. “Only what you wanted.” Passion whimpered, eyes bulging and trembling. “What I wanted?!” I growled, shaking Passion, “Do you think I wanted this?!” “I’m sorry!” Passion cried, still trying to pull me close, still trying to fuck me. “You’re sorry?” I snarled, forcing her face to within a breath of mine, “ You’re sorry?! ” “I love you.” Passion whimpered, her big, golden eyes staring with all the adoration in the world. I actually laughed. I laughed an uncontrollable, hideous bout of mirth that came pouring from some dark place within me, some rot that festered and spread to every corner of my mind, some hatred that only begot evil. I was already a murderer, wasn’t I? I was damned to hell for the worst kind of sin, and I’d spent the last decade of my life trying to pray away the unforgivable. I’d always been a liar, a disgusting cunt who’s good at pretending, as Lucilla had said, except I’d only ever been lying to myself. This body was my reward from damnation, my true form, a reflection of the black soul that dwelt within it. Why not stack one more mortal sin onto the pyre, and reserve a better seat in hell? I grabbed Passion by her mane of scarlet and tore her head back, smiling into her bulging eyes as my hand ran covetously along her form. Her breath quickened in her throat, her back arched for me, and she melted to my form, her body teeming with desire as her lenses quaked with fear. I loosened the hold I had on her mane, and tenderly cupped her wet cheek into my palm as my other hand pulled her close by the small of her back. “In a way, Passion,” I smiled warmly, wiping her tears away with my thumb, “I love you too.” I kissed her trembling lips. I tasted her fear, her love and her regret, and then I burst alight in white flame. I didn’t stop kissing her as she blackened and crackled, hissed and fused. I didn’t stop kissing her until she was ash. LUCILLA “You’re supposed to be dead.” Flora’s voice sounded from somewhere as I rested against the cherry blossom tree, my cheek pressing into the bark, my hands splayed pathetically across it. “I’m supposed to be a lot of things,” I muttered, “but the only thing I’ve managed to be is a disappointment. Sorry to disappoint you.” Freydis’s axe struck the tree for the twentieth time, hardly making a gouge in the wood. She cursed under her breath, wiped her brow, and went back at it, sending chips and sparks flying as blade met hard bark. Flora crouched in front of me, taking my chin in her hand and matching our gazes. “Does your Father know you’re alive?” Flora asked. I shook my head. “Does anyone?” she asked, and I shook my head again. She let out a relieved sigh, and then levelled our eyes. “You need to leave Arbortus,” Flora said slowly, as though speaking to a child, “you need to leave now. If the other matriarchs find out who you are, you’re dead, and I’m dethroned. You have a day to leave before I send scouts, and they won’t be taking you prisoner.” “I’m not leaving Julia.” I grumbled. “Julia has left you, Princess.” Flora frowned, standing up, “Passion is honored-bound to see me when I call, and she has. She will not come out again, and Freydis will not cut her way into the womb within this century.” “She’ll come back to me,” I muttered, more to myself than Flora, “she has to.” “I said the same thing about my husband.” Flora said, scowling down at me, “I said the same thing about my daughter, after I’d realized what I’d done. They don’t come back, Princess; they just die.” My flesh illuminated brighter than it ever had, blinding the world in white light. Flora covered her face with her hands, Freydis fell backward, and I smiled. JULIA Passion’s children were ash on the floor, her womb was a burnt, bleeding cavern that smelled of charred meat. Her ethereal voice was raspy and hoarse in my mind, a dim song begging for mercy. Please, Julia! Passion croaked, There is still time to undo this! “You raped and deformed me.” I replied, my form ablaze on every surface, my footsteps searing into the living floor. I loved you! Passion screamed in anguish, I still do! We can still be together, Julia; I can forgive you! “Forgive me?” I laughed, writing my name on the walls with a gout of flame, hearing the sweet sound of Passion’s screams in the womb. You don’t know what you’re doing! Passion cried, her voice far-past desperation, It’s not just me you’re killing, but the entire forest! “A true atrocity,” I smiled, “like the Drokin Pass, or the melting of Hektinar. I wonder what they’ll call this?” Stop, please! Passion sobbed, her voice sounding like that of an old woman’s. “Why should I?” I asked, breathing in wet smoke and fire. We have a daughter! Passion screeched, her voice wrought with agony, She’s still incubating within my womb. If you kill me, you’ll kill her! “That was your surprise, huh?” I chuckled, “Sorry Honey, but I’m not ready to be a father. You’ll just have to get that abortion.” Keep my seat warm for me, Satan. Please, Julia, Passion whimpered, I don’t want to die. “But I want you to.” I grinned up at the ceiling, and then raised my arms, and blasted the roof off. I tested the limits of my powers, and realized there were none. I reveled in the excess with Passion one last time, and surged my endless blaze into the sky. The cherry blossom tree disintegrated above me, its remnants flying upward, propelled by the white vortex that pierced the night clouds, and thinned to a line in the stratosphere. I was a beacon of light for the world to see, a symbol of death for all to witness. I drew more and more, laughing as the power coursed through me, feeling every nerve electrify as I did what my blasphemous body was meant to do. The catharsis faded from me with the last echoes of Passion’s screams, and I let the endless vortex dwindle and disappear. I smiled to myself, my heart feeling light, my body thrumming pleasantly. Blackness surrounded me, charred vestiges of my vengeance, smoky reminders of my divine justice. My smile faded, and my heart began to grow heavier. I frowned and shivered, suddenly feeling very cold. I dropped to my knees, my flesh connecting with something that was once alive, something that I had once loved. I pulled my hand from the ashes and looked at it, staring at the lines of death that creased my palms, reading my fortune like a morbid mystic. “Oh my god,” I whispered, tears falling from my eyes, “what have I done?” Only silence answered me. The crickets weren’t chirping their mating calls, the bats weren’t flitting lustfully in the air, and owls weren’t hooting their love across the branches. The beautiful green lights that had illuminated this place of majesty were gone, leaving only dead blackness, and the embers of my fire. I had done it; I had killed Arbortus. It wouldn’t die today, or tomorrow, or even in a hundred years, but it would be dying for that long, losing a little bit of its brilliance each moment, until the last tree fell. “Father?” a soft voice asked from behind me. I started upright and whirled around, feeling the blaze beginning to alight on my skin. Good Mother, she looked like me. She had my apple cheeks, red lips, emerald irises, white sclera, and pointed ears, but Passion’s hue of red hair, and Passion’s black antlers sprouting from it. Her sparkling complexion was a mixture of Passion’s shade and mine, giving her an olive tone, and it layered over a slender, but nubile body of graceful beauty. Her breasts were petite but well-formed, her backside was cute and supple, her legs were thin but toned, and between her thighs, dangled the same deformity as her mother’s… or father’s, I guessed. “Mother made me leave the womb once you started burning stuff,” my daughter said, looking around with wide eyes, “she said you were going to kill her.” I swallowed, unable to even say ‘I’m sorry,’ unable to make any sound at all. I just sat on my knees before the girl I had fathered, before the girl I’d tried to kill just a minute ago, before the girl whose mother I’d just murdered. She did not seem to be mad at me; she didn’t even seem to be sad. She just looked around at the black silhouettes of the Great Maples, her mouth hanging open. “Is the world always this dark?” she asked, “Mother told me there was supposed to be something called ‘the sun’ and it- there it is!” she exclaimed excitedly, pointing toward the sky, “It’s not yellow like she said, and it’s not exactly a circle, more like a crescent, but-” “That’s the moon,” I said quietly, “the sun comes out during the day.” “The moon!” my daughter said with hushed awe, “So, this is night, huh? Where are all the green lights?” “Your mother made the lights,” I whispered, my voice shaking, “and I killed her.” “That you did,” she said, looking at the ashes, “and you did quite a good job of it.” “I’m sorry,” I barely spoke, breathing ragged with eminent weeping, “I’m so, so sorry.” “Mother told me you would be really sad,” my daughter said as she walked toward me, “she said not to blame you for killing her, she said it was her own fault.” “No,” I replied softly, turning my hand over in the ashes, “I chose to do this. I wanted to do this. I’m evil.” “You’re not evil!” my daughter laughed, sitting cross-legged across from me, “You’re my dad, and since I’m not evil, that means you can’t be either! Everyone knows evil is hereditary.” “Everyone knows that, huh?” I said numbly, “Who’s everyone?” “Um…” my daughter said, eyes wide, looking bewildered, “I think I just made that up. What is that called, when you say something that’s not true?” “A lie.” I replied, undoubtedly looking as bewildered as my daughter. “A lie!” she exclaimed proudly, “I just told a lie! Maybe I am evil!” “Passion taught you the word ‘hereditary,’ but she didn’t teach you about lying?” I asked. “Don’t be too hard on her,” my daughter insisted in almost a scolding tone, “she only had about thirty seconds to teach me language, motor skills, concepts of life and death, math, physics, biology, and history before you blew her up.” “Oh.” I replied, dropping my head, my emotions a dumbing mixture of confusion, grief and shame. “Hey,” my daughter smiled, putting a hand on my knee, “she also taught me about how great a person you are; how kind and loving you can be, how gentle and patient you are.” “I’m none of those things.” I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek. “You are all of those things,” my daughter grinned brightly, “and I love you, Dad.” My daughter crawled forward, turned around, and sat in my lap. She snuggled into my abdomen, made a pillow of my breasts, and then folded my arms around her. I sat stupidly for a moment, terrified and confused, ashamed and bewildered. Some primal, instinctual feeling began to swell within me. It was a warmth in my chest, a thrumming in my heart, a softness in my troubled mind. This was my child; I knew it without having to know, felt it without having to feel. Maternal and paternal instincts kicked-in, and I pulled my daughter into a protective, loving embrace, placed my lips on her crown and kissed her. She was Passion’s gift to me, the surprise she no-doubt thought would cement a love she’d engineered, but a love I had felt nonetheless. It made the guilt almost unbearable, but the warmth of my daughter’s form quelled the anguish. I made a silent promise to the woman I’d murdered; no harm would come to our daughter. I swore it on what was left of my soul. “The last thing Mother told me,” my daughter said softly, “was to help you find someone called ‘The Life Giver.’ She said The Life Giver could rebuild the womb and save Arbortus.” “The Life Giver is a Creator,” I said, resting my chin on my daughter’s head, “like me. No one knows who, what or where he or she is.” “He’s a human boy,” my daughter said, “his name’s Bradley, or Bradford, or something. He lives in Drastin with a vampire.” “What?” I exclaimed, “How do you know?” “Mother had a permanent connection with all creatures born here.” the girl said, splaying her arms out dramatically to the darkness, “Some old succubus was hanging out with this Brant guy, and she was born here, so Mother knew where he was. She told me the vampires address, told me to tell you, and then she died.” Redemption. No, not redemption, there was no redemption from this, but there was restitution, and that was a start. Passion’s last moment were valiant ones, and that knowledge made my guilt even more painful, but I resolved not to waste her efforts. The pain within me was good, the guilt was good; the guilt would remind me, the guilt would teach me, the guilt would strengthen me. I was damned to hell ten-times over, but that didn’t mean I would jump into the express lane. Satan could find a seat for me in the back, with less leg room. “Tell me where the Life Giver lives.” LUCILLA “What have you done?” Flora coughed beside me, ashes falling on our bodies like snow. Freydis lay still in the brush, unconscious, but breathing. “I tried to hold it in,” I groaned as I pulled a branch off me, “but I can’t keep her from using it if she wants to.” “She’s killed my kingdom,” Flora gasped, kneeling before the blown-out remains of Passion’s womb, “she’s destroyed everything.” “I would say I’m sorry,” I said, dusting myself off, “but your kingdom tried to steal her from me.” “The harvest won’t come,” Flora lamented, not listening to me, “the trees won’t bear fruit, the roots won’t yield sprouts, the grain will wither and the stalks will fall. My people will starve!” I knew I should feel horrified at what Julia had done, but I only felt relief. It was, after all, exactly what I’d hoped she’d do. I had gladly traded an entire nation for my own romance, but no one ever accused me of being selfless. Julia however, was as empathetic as I was self-absorbed, and I had no doubts that she was near-suicidal with guilt. “They’ll hang me for this,” Flora was muttering, looking around with disbelieving eyes, “Ashvine will take my crown, and lead the exodus to Tentigo. I’ll be forever known as the arch-matriarch who let Arbortus be destroyed by the enemy.” I climbed the smoldering wreckage of the womb, and crested the wooden crater to find Julia sitting cross-legged in the middle of it all, with what could only be her daughter sitting in her lap. I knew it the moment I saw her; the resemblance was uncanny. The girl’s eyes flicked to me, and she grew small in her mother’s arms like a shy toddler, an action that seemed incredibly odd coming from a girl in her mid-teens. Julia eyed me for a second, a maternal look of protectiveness on her face that I didn’t much care for. She turned her attention to the girl, nuzzling her mouth against her daughter’s pointed ears, and whispering something. The girl tentatively relaxed, and Julia nodded for me to come forward. This… this was going to be tough. I could immediately tell I was no longer the most important person in Julia’s life, and that did not gel with me. I silently cursed Passion once more as I made my way to the new family, trying to figure out how I fit into it. “This is Lucilla,” Julia said to her daughter, watching me as I approached, “she’s kind of like my wife, but we’re not married.” “Hi Lucilla.” The girl said, smiling a small smile. I returned it with a smile of my own, though there wasn’t anything genuine behind it, and Julia could tell. “Lucilla doesn’t know you,” Julia said, staring hard into my eyes, “but she will, and you two will learn to love each other, because that’s what family does.” That message was loud and clear; I could either be the bitchy step-mom, or the cool one, and my choice would dictate the new dynamic of our relationship. I naturally leaned toward the former option, but I’d try my damnedest to be the latter. I took a seat next to Julia, grinning internally as I felt Passion’s ashes shift between my ass cheeks. How’s that smell, you home-wrecking cunt? “What’s your name?” I asked the girl in Julia’s lap. “I don’t have a name.” she replied. “What would you like your name to be?” Julia asked her daughter. “Um…” the girl mused, looking around, “how about… Diamond?” “Because you sparkle like a diamond?” Julia chuckled. “That’s right.” Diamond grinned., staring up at her mother from the tops of her eyes. “Diamond’s a stripper’s name, Sweetie,” I said to the girl, “maybe pick something less slutty.” Julia gave me a withering glare, but I just shrugged. “It’s true.” I said matter-of-factly, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that it’s coming from a girl whose mother was named ‘Passion,’ but…” I stopped as I felt Julia’s power boiling within me, ready to blaze from her narrowing eyes and melt me to nothing. This was not the same woman who couldn’t kill a mage to save her own life; this Julia was much more dangerous. I didn’t actually think she’d kill me, but the threat was there, and goddamn was it sexy. Julia’s entire persona screamed sex and violence; the way she carried herself, the way she stared at me, the way she looked in general. Julia undoubtedly thought her new body was an abomination, but looking at it now, all I could see were improvements. I hated Passion with a… passion, but I had to admit, I was a fan of her work. “Diamond is a great name,” I gulped, “absolutely beautiful.” Julia’s face softened into a smile, and I had to keep myself from swooning. I doubted Julia wanted to fuck in the ashes of her dead lover, in front of a daughter that looked about nine-months her junior, but I would’ve been down. Hell, Diamond could even join-in if she wanted to. I tried not to look at it, but facial features weren’t the only things mother and daughter had in common. Julia, however, was noticeably more... blessed. “Diamond knows where The Life Giver is,” Julia said to me as she kissed her daughter’s head, “he’s a human boy living in Drastin. He can create a new womb, and save Arbortus.” “That’s great,” I said, looking around at the forest that should be alight with Passion’s glow, “but can he make a new Passion?” “He can,” Julia said, “but it will be dangerous for him to do. He might create a new Sentient if he fails.” “Is that what Passion was?” I asked. “She was flesh and blood in some ways,” Julia said, looking at the ash, “spirit in others, but she was no Sentient; Sentient’s can’t die.” Julia held her daughter closer, practically smothering Diamond in the embrace. Behind her emerald eyes, my love was barely holding it together. I was glad Diamond was with her now; Julia might’ve actually killed herself if she wasn’t. Still, this wouldn’t be an easy wound to heal. It might never heal, but I would do my best. I might be a selfish cunt, but I do know how to love. “C’mon,” I said, placing my hand on Julia’s arm, “let’s get the fuck out of here.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Six: The Pit TERA The crowd of The Pit was a monster, a single voice made of the tens of thousands. The stomping of feet accompanied the roar, and the pitch of its merciless call rose as the announcements were made. The infamous Death Kiss; now with a pretty face to put to the ugly name, and the Avenging Angel; a daughter of Iona with skills only heard of in legend. Together, we made a tandem the monster hadn’t seen before, a duo of beauties in the realm of beasts. The monster loved us, as any deific horror does, because we were virgin blood. I sharpened my knives in the dugout, trying to keep my bladder from spilling my fear all over the bench. Astrid sharpened her blade with methodical calmness, seemingly unaffected by the fix we were in. I wasn’t sure what to make of the Valkyrie; it had been two days since I’d met the woman, and she hadn’t said a single word to me. Angela told me that Astrid had been friendlier before I met her, but ever since Willowbud had punished the winged-warrior for conspiring to rid her of Corruption, Astrid had become a stoic wall of impassivity; doubly-determined to retain her honor as my divine niece tried to strip it from her. It was a game the two were playing, but only one of them thought it was any fun. “Why do they call you ‘Death Kiss?’” Astrid asked. I looked up, surprised to hear her voice directed at me. “I would fuck my targets before I killed them,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders, “it seemed like the lady-like thing to do.” “Oh.” Astrid said quietly, redirecting her attention to sharpening her already-sharp blade, and reestablishing the uncomfortable silence that stood between us. From outside, I could hear the announcer calling the names of our opponents, the men and women we would have to kill to sate the bloodlust of the monster. The crowd cheered each name, and each name was known to me. These weren’t bottom-of-the-rung washouts, but titled fighters; Willowbud wouldn’t settle for us facing nobodies in our debut. “When was the first time you killed a man?” I asked, nervously disturbing the silence that Astrid was content to let be. “When I was twelve.” Astrid said tersely, not looking up. “That young?” I asked. Astrid simply nodded, and the silence returned. I sighed. Some people were introverts, and some people were just assholes. “Do you enjoy killing?” Astrid asked. It was a strange question, but anything was better than waiting with nothing but my nervous heartbeats to keep me company. “There’s a morbid satisfaction in it,” I replied, nodding, “do you?” “I’m not supposed to,” Astrid said examining her blade, “the Iona Code says to kill without passion, and to seek no joy in it.” “But do you?” I asked, leaning forward and trying to catch Astrid’s gaze. Astrid didn’t meet my eyes, but stared at her reflection in the polished flat of her blade. Her golden hair draped in a score of braids across her shoulders, her deep-set eyes stared coldly from her brow, and her lush lips were pursed in thought. “No,” she finally said, looking at the ceiling of our dugout, the planks shaking with vibrations of the crowd, “not yet.” I recalled Astrid’s punishment, and couldn’t help but feel a touch of arousal leak through my present fear. She was a magnificent creature, and seeing her pristine body chained to the floor as she took every patron in the bar was a sight I wouldn’t soon forget. Witnessing the duality of her lust; her shame and ecstasy, her disgust and revelry, her euphoria and guilt, was like watching a painting brushed by a master artisan. And after the proverbial paint had dried (and Justina had licked it off her), a slightly darker Astrid was revealed; a little more callous, a little more depraved, a little less dignified, and a little less honored. A little more corrupted. “Mistress is trying to break me.” Astrid said, her voice eerily calm. “I know.” I replied, unsure of how to respond to that. “I can withstand the temptations of the flesh,” Astrid said, “but I’ve always lusted for glory, and somehow, Mistress knows it. It’s why she makes me debase myself in front of everyone; because I love it when they watch me.” “Corruption knows the temptation that will take you,” I said, “It’s why I can’t stop myself from fucking the woman who enslaved my own daughter, and you can’t stop yourself from seeking the crowd’s approval.” “Their adoration, their love,” Astrid said, looking ruefully up at the shaking boards, “my name on their lips. It is a cardinal violation for a winged-warrior to seek her own fame. Egregious enough for banishment.” “Remember that your god is making you do it,” I said, trying to keep Astrid level, “your oaths are superseded by the rule of a higher power; no one can blame you for breaking them.” “That’s true,” Astrid smiled sadly, “but I shouldn’t want to break them this badly.” ASTRID “…Night Eyes presents: Death Kiss, and The Avenging Angel!” The announcer called us from our dugout, and the crowd roared our entrance. I stepped from the dark confines below the stands, and onto the sand of the arena. The senses of the world surged to clarity as I moved into daylight, and the sixty-thousand faces of the monster were laid bare to me. They were faceless faces, people without form or features, blurs of shape and color mixing in a mosaic of chaotic movement. I felt the adrenaline kicking into my chest and the excitement brimming to my chin. So many people, watching me, adoring me, loving me. Their call grew louder as I moved across the sands, their pitch grew higher as I neared the center of the arena. The great swell of noise rose around me and within me, electrifying my nerves, widening my eyes, stretching a manic grin across my face. My fingers unwound and curled into fists, my breath was steady and molten in my chest, my heart was calm, but thrumming dangerously. Across from me, stood the ten soon-to-be corpses of my challengers. Tera seemed intimidated by them, but all I saw were flaws. Too slow, too weak, too short, too fat. If these were titled fighters, then titles were sold cheaply in The Pit. Their titles would soon be forgotten. No; they will live forever, I smiled to myself, as footnotes in my history. Seeking fame and glory already, my conscience scolded, a whore for lust and a whore for murder. A whore for the nameless, faceless masses. I tried to push the noble lecturer from my mind. It would do me no good to have a crisis of honor in the middle of a battle. It’s not a battle, it’s a sport! my conscience yelled, Death for the sake of entertainment, murder for the sake of pleasure! If you find joy in this, then you are surely lost. I buried my conscience where her sanctimonious rambles could barely be heard, and let the temptation take root atop her. The roar of the crowd, the smell of the sand, the thickness of humid air, ripe with the imminence of bloodshed. Tera stood next to me, her naked body gleaming in the noon sun, her violet eyes narrowed at the heavily-armed troop across from us. The noise quieted, and the world waited in bated breath for the starting horn. One moment of tense silence passed, and then another. Crows cawed their warning in the distance, vultures circled their anticipation above. The horn blasted, the monster roared, and I charged. I ripped out my sword, unfurled my wings and flapped, surging me across the arena like an arrow through the air, my feet trailing against the sand below me, kicking a tale of dust in my wake. The orc in front of me barely had time to gape before I tore his head in two, leaving his gawking jaw resting on his neck. The woman beside him squawked, her bone-laden armor rattling as violently as her teeth. I wheeled onto her, and split her from collar to pelvis, spraying crimson over my leather armor. Take no joy in it. my conscience whispered from somewhere. The shock of my rapid advance had lost its effect, and five opponents circled me, weapons raised warily, teeth bared ferociously. I could see the fear in their eyes, the truth behind their masks of savagery. I smiled at them. Take no joy in it. They came at me all at once, weapons sweeping through the air, blades singing their duet with the wind. Dust rose, metal clattered, and five backs bowed as their strikes found the air beneath me. They looked up, their faces no longer baring their ferocious facades; only their terror. I grinned down at them. Take no joy in it. I dove into the fray, my blade sweeping out in a single, circular motion. It cut through flesh and bone, sinew and muscles, all as easily as a knife through butter. Two heads rolled, three arms flopped, and a torso slid from its owner’s hips. Four new corpses littered the sand, and four more sacrifices were made to the monster. It roared its heinous approval, and I felt the exhilaration teeming beneath my skin. My grin was more of a grimace than anything, and my widened eyes were bulging with the fervor of death. The one I’d missed backed away, dropping her weapons and raising her hands, horror written across her face. The great monster hissed its disapproval, and cajoled me to paint the sand red. Take no joy in it. But I did. Oh, Great Creators, but I did. I wanted to hear the crowd cheer me as my blade cut into this coward, I wanted to feel that electrifying swell rage against my skull. Take no joy in it. I raised my sword, grinning manically as she fell to her knees before me, begging for mercy. She was a she-orc, a little younger than myself, her muscle and brawn reduced to fear and piss. She begged, and I laughed. She pleaded, and I readied my strike. She cried, and I… I let her go. I lowered my blade, and she scampered away without a look back. My heart thundered in my throat, and the sickening realization of what I’d almost done settled in my stomach. The pit of guilt was accompanied by a small measure of pride; I hadn’t given in. I’d resisted the temptation. The monster cried its anger, and I felt it wash over me, sweeping away my pride as easily a torrent flushes driftwood. I had defied the crowd, and now they would hate me forever. All for my stupid honor, all for my- “Astrid!” Tera screamed, “Help!” Tera had dispatched two humans with ease, but was now wrestling with an ogre, the behemoth three-times the size of her. It roared a deep, terrible tenor as it swung its massive hammer, planting divots in the sand where it fell. Tera dodged and ducked nimbly, her knives stuck in the beast’s breastplate, her hands flailing to touch skin-on-skin. The ogre caught the succubus with a swinging knee, sending her tan form skidding across the sand, and rolling at least ten times before she stopped. He charged after her, hammer raised above him, boots thundering beneath him. He stopped over the wounded woman, readied his hammer behind him, arched his back, let out a great bellow, and then lurched forward with a scream. His massive arms fell to the sand behind him, and his body flung with the sudden loss of weight. My blade caught him before he could crush my fighting partner, and he slid harmlessly down its length, until his sputtering stomach met my cold cross-guard. The final horn sounded, and the crowd roared, basking me in the monster’s favor once again, forgiving me for my mercy. I raised my face to their cheers, feeling the terrible sound swelling within me, feeling it emboldening me, empowering me. The ogre speared on my sword coughed blood, still alive. He looked up at me, eyes wide in horror and panic, writhing in a singular-minded fervor of desperate survival. He may have lived, or he may not have. It didn’t matter. The monster wanted death, and I would not defy it again. I pulled my blade from his belly, and swung it backhanded over his shoulders, sending his shocked expression into the air, and rolling behind his body. The pitch of the monster’s call rose to a crescendo, and my grin stretched to painful levels. “Angel! Angel! Angel!” they chanted, their voices punctuated by their stomping feet, their fists thrusting in cadence with their call. “Angel! Angel! Angel!” the monster beckoned me into its arms, and I embraced it like a lover. WILLOWBUD “Holy shit, she’s good.” Angela muttered next to me. The crowd roared above us, stomping and cheering, fighting and fucking in the stands. I loved it. I was shielded from the chaos in my luxury box, level with the arena and below the rabble. Beside me, my split-personality cousin sat at attention, Angela’s blue eyes gleaming from Justina’s face. Before I enslaved her, I could tell Justina was calculating, intelligent and adventurous; all qualities I liked vastly more than the mindless bimbo she was now. Alas, I doubted I’d be able to keep Tera around for long if I freed Justina, so it was a blessing that Justina had two halves; one that I could fuck, and the other that I could speak to intelligently. “She let one of them go,” I said, leaning back on my couch, “I’ll have to punish her for that.” “You were going to punish her no matter what,” Angela scowled at me, “don’t make try to bullshit me, Willowbud.” “Actually, I was going to call it a reward if she performed flawlessly,” I smirked, running my hand down Justina’s bare back, “but I enjoy the disciplinary aspects much more. I think Astrid does as well.” My hand trailed fingers-first to the supple bulge of my cousin’s backside, and Angela’s blue eyes began to change to Justina’s violet. I sighed, and stopped my leering fingers. “Why don’t you ever want to play with me?” I asked, pouting my lips mockingly as Angela’s eyes returned. “Because I fucking hate you.” Angela said, smiling cruelly. “But that just makes it so much better,” I smirked, caressing her along the small of her back, but not moving down, “hate-sex is the best sex.” “No-sex is fine with me.” Angela said, turning away. “You’ll come around,” I chuckled, moving my hand along her spine, “one of these days, I’ll find a way to keep you out. Then I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.” “I still feel it.” Angela replied, shuddering as my fingers trailed between her shoulders. “But it’s all filtered through Justina,” I said, “that’s like getting a blowjob with a condom on; it’s just not the same.” Angela chewed her lip, watching as Astrid picked Tera off the sand, and raised their hands in unison before the crowd. The cheers for ‘Angel’ drowned-out any cheers for ‘Death Kiss,’ and I suspected Astrid was just fine with that. “They love her.” Angela said, staring at the roiling stands above us. “And she loves them.” I smiled, watching Astrid bask in the favor of the crowd. “Why are you making her do this?” Angela asked, turning her blue eyes on me. “Because it amuses me,” I smiled, my hand clasping the succubus gently about the nape of her neck, “just like you amuse me.” “Is that all we are to you?” Angela frowned, “Entertainment?” “You’re my family, dearest cousin,” I chuckled, my thumb rubbing her throat tenderly, “you mean much more to me than that.” “I’m not so sure.” Angela replied, and then turned her attention back to Astrid. I wasn’t so sure either. BRANDON “Your Holiness, I am grateful that you saved my life, but I feel that I should tell you that this is the stupidest fucking thing you could do.” Gloria hissed at me from beneath her veil as I walked purposefully down the street of the Brothel District, the afternoon sun beating on our heads. “I can’t just do nothing! You saw what happened; Tera almost died out there!” I growled, rounding a corner and nearly running into a pair of street walkers. They gave me leering glares and promiscuous smiles, and I momentarily wondered how much money I had in my purse, before turning my attention to the task at hand. “Oh?” Gloria hissed, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a skidding stop, her unnatural strength keeping me static, “And just what the fuck are you going to do to The Earth Former? Throw a fucking bird at her?” “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do!” I snarled, pulling my arm away, “I’m going to spawn a fucking grizzly bear right on top of that cunt, grab Justina and Tera, and get the fuck out of there!” “ Spawn a grizzly bear? ” Gloria laughed, “Forgive me, Your Holiness, but you can’t even make a rabbit without sticking a dolphin’s head out of its ass.” “It doesn’t have to be perfect!” I spat, “It just has to be big, heavy, and have a lot of fucking teeth!” “And then what?” Gloria growled, “Let’s say by some miracle, you manage to kill Willowbud. Who’s going to free Justina then?” “Then…” I seethed, clenching and unclenching my fists, “then, I figure it out.” “You really are a genius,” Gloria sneered, “I am truly blessed to be in the service of such an enlightened god.” “Well,” I shot back, “you’re three-thousand years old; you tell me what to do!” Gloria’s crimson eyes softened from beneath her veil, and she placed a calming hand on my shoulder. “Patience,” she smiled, “I would tell you to be patient. Very little good has ever come from brash, violent action.” “And a whole lot of bad has come from procrastinating.” I muttered, “Sometimes people need to die.” “Willowbud is a god, Your Holiness,” Gloria lectured softly, “and I cannot allow you to harm her.” “She didn’t have the same feelings about you.” I scoffed. “She’s melded to Corruption,” Gloria replied, “her actions are hardly her own. Right now, we need to tread carefully, and hone your skills. Tera is more than capable of handling herself, and your sister can’t die twice. Let them find a balance with their captor, while we figure out something that doesn’t involve you dying.” “I could take her.” I said, hoping I sounded much more confident than I felt. “I’m sure you could,” Gloria smirked, clasping her gloved hand in mine, “she’s a seasoned killer with an untold body count, and you’re a farmer who shovels pig shit. I’m sure you would’ve done just fine.” “I should’ve left you in the street.” I grumbled as Gloria walked me back to her house. “Oh, you don’t mean that,” Gloria’s red eyes smiled suggestively at me, “not after I’ve shown you how grateful I am to you for saving my life. C’mon, my brave, fearsome, pig-shit-shoveling god; let’s go back to my place, and continue your training.” Gloria was stubborn, Gloria was condescending, and Gloria was certainly grateful. If my teachers in Towerhead lectured me like she did, I wouldn’t have needed Angela to feed me test answers. “Mmm,” the vampire hummed delectably, her red lips pulling my nipple from my chest in a chorus of wet slurps, her crimson eyes smiling up at me, her pale form cast in the scarlet hue of her home’s torchlight, “focus, Your Holiness; what is it you want to create?” “Ah, shit,” I moaned as her cool fingers stroked my curved-back cock to new levels of arousal, causing it pulse in her soft hand, “I… uh… I want to make a fox.” “Ambitious,” Gloria grinned, displaying white fangs from the lush outline of her mouth, “picture it in your mind.” I tried, I really did, but it was damned hard to picture anything when my vision was filled with Gloria. Her luxuriantly-curled black hair was tossed to the side and tickling my ribs, her luscious, red lips were quirked beneath her high cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes, her pale, voluptuous body was pressed to mine, and her slit was leaking its desire against my trembling thigh. She had on a corset that barely contained her bulging bosom, and fishnet stockings that clung to her thighs so tightly, her succulent flesh was protruding from the netting. “Focus…” she hissed, one crimson eye closing in a knowing wink, “make me a perfect, little fox, and I’ll let you do anything to me. You know I will; you know I’ll love it.” Goddamn it, I thought, desperately trying to remember what the fuck a fox even was, my mind was so preoccupied, bushy tail… orange fur… are they cats? No, they’re dogs. Pointed ears… white highlights… Angela stroking me, her breath on my lips, her breasts on my chest, her… “Am I distracting you?” Gloria smirked, her red tongue circling my nipple, and trailing lower. “Your fucking witchcraft is,” I groaned, “I would really like it if you un-fucked my mind.” “Having dirty thought about your sister, hmm?” Gloria chuckled, tongue sliding lower and lower, a trail of saliva sheening my abdomen, “Sorry, Your Holiness, but the change is permanent. You can pretend I’m her, if it helps.” “God, I fucking hate you.” I grumbled as Gloria’s playful mouth moved to my pelvis. “You can show me just how much you hate me,” Gloria giggled, stopping just before my shaft, “once you make me a new pet.” Her lips hovered just above my tip, her breath blowing gently on the froth of precum at its apex, her eyes smiling teasingly from the black outline of her eyeshadow. A single, elegant finger ran up my length, brushing along every bump and vein, and then sliding back down, caressing me, petting me. Another finger moved into the lacing of her corset, and freed her breasts in a wonderful jiggle. They pillowed against my pelvis, pressed on all sides of my shaft, and enveloped all but the last inch of my length. Gloria’s cheeks went gaunt in a girlish pursing of her lips, and she poked her tongue from the glistening trap of her mouth, and began tortuously licking my throbbing head. “Oh, goddamn it!” I growled in frustration. There was no way I was getting anything done with this level of distraction. “You’re doing it all wrong.” Gloria smiled, “Stop trying to paint it in your head. You can’t think something alive; you need to birth it from your soul. Feel me, let my pleasure guide you, and let the life flow naturally from your mind.” I let my mind grow blank (it wasn’t hard), and relaxed, letting transient thought take over. Gloria wrapped her lips about my tip, and pushed her palms against her breasts, squishing them about my throbbing cock. I marveled at the sensation of her warm, malleable flesh enveloping me, her breasts rising and falling with her pressing hands, massaging me with softness as her lips rotated, and her tongue slid down. Wet warmth surrounded me as her chin separated her encasing bosom, and soft heat replaced it as her mouth moved up, and her breasts moved together. Then, it was there. Perfect as could be, right in the center of my mind. I let the image flow from my cognizance and into the world, and the pet fox Gloria desired glowed an ethereal blue, and then materialized before us. It gave us each a confused look, and then padded to the corner, and curled into a ball. “A deal’s a deal, Gloria.” I smirked, petting her hair. “So, it is,” Gloria’s low, sultry voice sang out, her half-mast eyes telling me she was ready for anything, “well done. How do you want me?” “I want you…” I said, teasing her lips with a thumb, and smiling as she sucked it, “to help me get into The Screeching Siren to contact Angela.” Gloria’s seductive gaze narrowed to slits, her playful smirk thinned to a frown, and her grip on my cock grew a little too tight. “You said anything!” I exclaimed. “I meant that you could stick your fist in my ass, or something,” Gloria growled, “I didn’t mean assist you with your suicide!” “Am I not your god?!” I yelled, my pitch a little too high as Gloria’s grip grew tighter. She somehow managed to narrow her eyes even more. Her nose wrinkled in a sneer with her curling lip, and then she sighed, and released me. “Yes,” she mumbled begrudgingly, “you are.” “So, you’ll help me?” I asked. Gloria bit her lip, a shining fang protruding threateningly. She nodded, and I smiled. I can’t believe that worked. “Don’t be too pleased with yourself, Your Holiness,” Gloria said, retightening her grip around my cock, “the tradeoff is that now, I get to do whatever I want to you.” “I don’t remember making that deal!” I squeaked as Gloria wetted two fingers between sucking lips. “I don’t give a shit.” She smiled cruelly, spreading my ass cheeks open with a splayed hand as she slid her sheened fingers down my taint. “I am your god!” I said, struggling helplessly, “and I demand you to-” “You’re my bitch,” Gloria sneered, arousal and malevolence mixing in her crimson regard, “now moan like one.” It wasn’t very hard for Gloria to make me her bitch. She pushed her middle and ring fingers against the tight aperture of my sphincter, smirked at me a final time, and then drove both digits to the bottom knuckle, and that was it; I was her little bitch. Her elegant penetrators slid through the tight channel of my backdoor, curled against my prostate, and massaged me slowly, maliciously, making me moan like a little man-slut and thrust pathetically into the air. “Look at you,” Gloria whispered, her eyes brimming with lustful control, “a divinity of infinite power, reduced to a whimpering, anal whore with just two fingers. Tera’s not here to save you now, little brother. ” “Don’t start that shit again!” I groaned, rocking on my heels without meaning to. Gloria’s fingers moved in and out gradually, making me feel every curve of her knuckles, and every line of her prints. She stretched me out gently, and pressed tenderly against my internal organ, moving back and forth until it twitched with sporadic pleasure, forcing my cock to pulse with tortuous need. “Oh, you don’t like incest-play?” Gloria cooed softly, reveling in her power, stroking me possessively with her other hand, “Because I know you do, Your Holiness; I know you love the idea of plowing into your innocent, twin sister. Can you imagine what Willowbud is doing to her now? She might not be so innocent when you meet her. She might be an anal slut just like her beloved brother.” “Shut up!” I yelled, though I couldn’t stop myself from moaning it through trembling lips, I couldn’t stop myself from shifting and thrusting in the air, I couldn’t stop myself from clenching around Gloria’s penetrating fingers. “Did that upset you?” Gloria laughed, “I’m sorry, Your Holiness; I’ll be a gentle mistress now. You just do what I tell you, and I’ll make everything better.” Gloria slid her body upward, arching her back, looming over me in a graceful curve, a twisted grin corrupting her lush lips. She turned around and straddled me, displaying her leaking slit between fishnet-clad thighs of pale, jiggling succulence, and the tight, pink spokes of her winking anus. The supple domes of her backside neared me, rotating teasingly with the rotation of her penetrating digits, her body defiling me in congruence. Her cheeks enveloped my face, and my nose was filled with the tang of her intoxicating femininity. My lips pressed to her taint, and her lips pressed to my tip. I let myself relax beneath her, give in to her, become hers completely. I wanted to be under her control; I wanted to feel what my mistress would do to me. She bent her penetrating fingers at the middle knuckle, pressing her joints into my sensitive flesh as her fingertips pushed against my prostate, causing my cock to engorge to agonizing levels. I groaned my pathetic need, my hips thrusting weakly, my hands gripping the fatty domes that filled my vision, and spreading. My tongue circled her pink spokes, tasting the delicious sin of her wrong hole. She encouraged me to continue with a deepening of her penetration, her pinky and forefinger stabbing gently into my thighs with the force of her push. All I could do was comply. I wrapped my lips around the twitching center of her rim, and pushed my tongue between them. She opened up to me with the uncoiling resistance I desired, and her delicious, filthy flavor filled my mouth, encasing my tongue on all sides in tender, wet flesh, which pulsed faintly with the fluttering cadence of her heart. Her pussy leaked its approving nectar onto my chin, and I placated it with caressing fingers, marveling how my digits wettened through her delicate petals. Her lips finally rewarded me for my subservience, and my gothic mistress consumed me in a gurgling dive. Her tongue slid on the top of my shaft, and her upper-lip wrapped around its underside, her nose pressing into the loose flesh of my sack. She smelled me indulgently, wafting in the scent of my loins, milking my hormones from my massaged prostate as my balls quaked in pleasure. Her throat constricted around me, and she swallowed continuously, causing me to groan into her filthy depths. I sucked her rim as I pushed deeper, exploring her tight reaches with brazen curiosity, searching for the spot that would drop her pelvis like a hammer to an anvil. I found it, and she reacted beautifully. I could practically feel her eyes rolling into her head as her ass tried to swallow my face. Her thighs pressed against the sides of my head, trapping in me in a delightful pillow of pale fat. She shifted her hips upward, satisfied with my work, and beckoning me to continue lower. I pulled my tongue and lips from her ass, now sheened with my spit and slightly swollen with my sucks, and left her momentarily vacant. She expressed her disapproval with a sharp twisting of her fingers, causing me to lurch upward, and almost blow my entire being into her continuously-swallowing throat. I apologized with a passionate kiss upon her taint, tasting the mixture of her two holes, and I corrected my mistake by pushing two fingers from each hand into her wetted rim, and stretching her open. She hummed around my cock and rotated her lips about my base, rewarding me for doing what she desired as her body relaxed in satisfaction atop mine. My nose dragged along the convulsing stretch of her taint as my lips found the frothing slit beneath it. I ran my tongue through the tender length of her lower lips, their petals giving way to me and releasing the reservoir of need that dribbled from her lust. I tasted the sweet syrup of her desire, and took her reddened folds into my mouth, sucking gently as my tongue slid against her ceiling, seeking out her weak spot. I found it easily enough, as Gloria’s thighs tried to tear my head off, and I zeroed in on it, tortured it mercilessly, sliding my wet, invading member across its length without reprieve. The middle and ring fingers of both my hands began methodically stretching my mistress’s anus gaping, sending convulsions down her fleshy internal division as my tongue worked the vampire into a writhe of shifting hips and gyrating abdomen. She reciprocated by moving her penetrating fingers in and out, never pulling all the way, but dragging them along the stretch of my internal organ, causing it to convulse and pulse with imminent release. Her mouth moved passionately along the length of my engorged shaft, sucking with squelching tightness, her lips stretching from her face and her cheeks growing gaunt. She hummed around me, the tenor of her voice growing in pitch with each motion of my tongue, each knuckle of my fingers, and each inch of her expanding gape. I began to thrust chaotically into her, unable to control my masculine instincts, compelled like a puppet by her invading digits. She took me all the way into her throat, her voice carrying her gagging euphoria, her free hand pushing me upward by the glutes, trapping me into her mouth. Her pussy began to spurt and twitch against my lips, her anus began to wink and clench around my fingers, her abdomen began to ripple with her ascension. I growled into her depths and she screamed around my throat, and the boiling of my loins accompanied the churning of her nethers. We stiffened against one another, our muffled voices screeching our ascension, and we exploded our release into each other’s mouths. I felt my prostate empty in felicitous relief as I erupted down my mistress’s throat, and I tasted the flood of her climax as it filled my mouth and dribbled down my chin. We hummed mutual tones of delight as our bodies writhed in the final motions of our lust, and then relaxed languidly in a heap of sweat and satisfaction. “You did it again.” Gloria laughed, her voice punctuated by breathy expulsions. “What?” I asked as her ass left my face, strings of her sticky nectar snapping from my lips. I looked around, and saw that I had once again, turned Gloria’s room into a garden. Vines and stalks, flowers and vegetables littered the floor, and in the middle of it all, stood a perfect, very confused-looking buck. “Wow,” I said, marveling at the majestic creature I had formed from nothing, “look at that!” “He’s beautiful.” Gloria smiled back at me, languidly pulling herself from my body. She stepped cautiously toward the animal, her hand outstretched, her gait careful and unthreatening. She placed a gentle palm on its flank and pet it, her black hair tumbling behind her as she gazed wondrously into its proud face. The deer closed its eyes and bent demurely for the vampire, and she grabbed it swiftly by the antlers, and snapped its neck in less than a second. “What the fuck!” I yelled angrily. “I thought you’d made me dinner, Your Holiness,” Gloria smiled with faux-innocence as she guided the dead animal to the floor, “did I misinterpret your intention? I’m sorry.” “Why did you do that?!” I exclaimed. “Would you prefer that I hunt instead?” Gloria asked as she ran her fingers along the buck’s neck, searching for the vein, “Would you like me to lure unsuspecting men and women back to my abode, and watch as I drain them of life? It’s a little kinky, but if that’s what Your Holiness wants of me…” “No.” I said, gulping. I’d forgotten what Gloria was, and I had the nagging feeling that were I not a Creator, I probably would be lunch. “I didn’t think so.” Gloria smiled as she lowered her fangs to the buck’s throat. There was something oddly alluring about watching her feed. Her pupils dilated until her crimson eyes were nearly black, her elegant neck tensed as it swallowed, and her fingers pet the corpse covetously, almost tenderly, as she drank. When I fucked Gloria, I was fucking an apex predator, a killing-machine that had lived for thousands of years by sucking the life from unsuspecting boys like me. The danger turned me on, and Gloria could tell. She watched me as she fed, and the ravenous look she gave me was wrought with a hunger of two kinds. I guessed we could continue my training today; Tera, Justina and Angela could wait until tomorrow. TERA I could cut her throat right now. I thought as I watched Willowbud’s naked chest rise and fall with her sleeping breaths, It would be so easy. The morning sun shined a dusty beam through the window, bathing the four of us in a gentle glow. Astrid shifted noisily across the bed, her feathered wings acting as a blanket for her mistress, and her new succubus peers. She nestled her naked body against my daughter, and Justina smiled in her sleep, and scooched her naked, teenage form deeper into the Valkyrie’s embrace. She almost looks like herself right now, I thought grimly as I watched my daughter, but once she opens her eyes, it’s not her. It’s either Angela, or a mindless whore, but not my Justina. I glanced up at Willowbud, And that’s why she feels so safe with me; the arrogant bitch is lording her control over me, daring me to do something. She knows I won’t; she knows she has me. “Good morning, Tera,” Willowbud said, her eyes still closed, “thinking about slitting my throat?” “Are you a mind reader now?” I laughed humorlessly. “It doesn’t take much conjecture to know what you’re thinking,” Willowbud smiled sleepily, eyes opening to slits, “but I’m patient; you’ll come around to my side eventually.” “As long as my daughter is your slave,” I said, shifting against my niece, pressing my naked body to hers, “I’ll always want to kill you.” “Angela isn’t affected by my slavery,” Willowbud said, turning her body over, pressing her flaccid cock against my inner thigh, “you still have half your daughter.” I didn’t answer her. I didn’t know how long Angela could keep up the façade of her origin, but I feared it wouldn’t be long until she slipped-up, and Justina spilled the beans about Brandon to her new master. Gods only knew what Willowbud would do if she discovered there was another Creator in Drastin. “Astrid needs to be punished for letting that girl go in the arena yesterday,” Willowbud smiled, brushing my hair from my eyes, “I’d like you to be her torturer today.” “Why would I do that?” I asked, unable to stop myself from pressing deeper into her, unable to resist the touch of her lust. “Because I asked you to,” Willowbud said softly, “and because I want to see how sadistic a five-hundred-year-old seductress can be.” “Maybe you should take her place,” I smirked, running a thumb over her lush lips, “then you could know for yourself.” “I don’t doubt that you’d have me begging in my own filth,” Willowbud chuckled, “but that’s not really my thing.” “And what is your thing?” I asked, crossing my bronze thigh over her caramel leg, bringing our crotches together. “I like to transform people,” Willowbud whispered into my open mouth, her lips brushing against mine, “I like to watch them succumb to their worst selves.” “And what’s my worst self?” I breathed, my heart fluttering as her cock began to engorge between my legs. “I don’t know,” Willowbud breathed back, her expirations becoming heavy, her eyes sliding to half-lidded desire, “but I’d love to find out.” She pulled away from me, sat up, and leapt from the foot of the bed. I gawked at her in disbelief, and she laughed at my disappointment. “You can show Astrid,” Willowbud chuckled, pulling on a pair of tight-fitting trousers, “when you punish her for our beloved patrons’ entertainment. Wake up, Astrid!” Astrid stretched and groaned sleepily, expanding her wings and arching her back. She pulled Justina closer to her, and nuzzled her face into my daughter’s neck, closing her eyes tightly like a child who doesn’t want to get out of bed for school. Justina’s eyes opened, and her violet gaze immediately turned to Angela’s blue as consciousness took hold. She scooched her body deeper in Astrid’s naked form, and stubbornly pulled a feathered wing over the both of them. “Go away, Willowbud!” Angela called exhaustedly, “You had us up all night!” “Please, Mistress,” Astrid groaned, “just give us another hour.” “Tera’s your mistress today, Astrid,” Willowbud said, pulling on a shirt, “and if you don’t do as she says, I’m sealing your asshole with hot candle wax. Now get up!” Willowbud lit a cigarette between her lips and walked out of the room, leaving her three captives alone on the bed. Astrid’s wings shifted in a cocoon around Angela and herself, pulling the Life Giver’s dead sister into a protective hold. I supposed Justina looked enough like Willowbud that Astrid liked to pretend it was her, before she was melded with Corruption. It was as heartwarming as it was heartbreaking, and it made me incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of abusing her. “Astrid?” I asked softly, scooching across the bed. Her wings parted slightly, revealing two blue eyes between the feathers. “Yes… Mistress?” Astrid asked, her voice small. “Don’t call me that.” I said, putting a gentle hand on her wing, making sure my seductive touch was turned off. The bed we were on was plush and soft, undoubtedly cushioned enough to prevent our voices from vibrating against the stone floor it rested upon, and into Willowbud’s ears. I listened for the sounds of Willowbud making breakfast in the kitchen, and then brought my face close to Astrid and Angela’s. “Have you guys made any progress with Corruption?” I whispered. “No,” Angela whispered back, snuggling her head between Astrid’s ample breasts, “I’ve been searching Justina’s memories for books on astral beings, but she doesn’t know much about Sentients.” I thought about correcting Angela, but I decided against it; the girl didn’t need to know the truth about Corruption, or herself. Not yet. “When did you see her last?” Astrid asked, petting Justina’s hair from Angela’s face, and embracing the succubus affectionately. “Just now,” Angela said, smiling up at the Valkyrie, “when Willowbud threatened to seal your anus shut; I don’t think she would have said that without Corruption. Astrid, your tits are really comfy.” “I’m glad you like them,” Astrid smiled warmly back, “Mistress used to put her head there and sleep, before… you know…” she trailed off, her face dropping into one of melancholy. My heart ached just a bit more. “Astrid,” I said, putting a hand on her shoulder, “I promise that I’ll be gentle with you today. No whips and chains; just you and the crowd. You can do a little dance for them or something.” “No whips and chains?” Astrid asked, “That’s… that’s nice, I guess. Thank you, Tera.” Astrid was as naked with her emotions as any woman I’d known, and the expression of disappointment painted across her face was as vivid as could be. She so badly wanted to retain her status as the honorable winged-warrior, but she couldn’t deny her newfound masochism. I giggled at her attempt to seem pleased with my mercy, and cupped her endearingly on the cheek. “Of course,” I smiled into her blue eyes, “I could tie you down and whip you until you piss yourself in front of half the city.” Astrid bit her lip, an excited smile stretching across her mouth. She would never say she wanted it that way, but she didn’t have to. At this rate, Willowbud would have the Astrid she wanted in no time at all, and I couldn’t say that I didn’t like her better this way. I grinned back. This was going to be fun. BRANDON For the better part of last night, Gloria and I had wracked our brains to find a way of contacting Angela without being detected by Willowbud. We eventually decided that the best way to do it, was to simply walk in. I would reprise the role I’d lived my entire life (just some fucking guy), and my near-magical ability to be the most ignorable person on earth would allow me to pose as a patron in Willowbud’s brothel. We stopped in front of The Screeching Siren, and Gloria put her hands on my shoulders and turned me around “Ok,” Gloria sighed, handing me the astral gemstones, “tell me what you’re going to do.” “First, I find Justina,” I said, reciting the plan for the tenth time, “I wait for an opportunity, and then approach her when Willowbud is far away.” “And then?” Gloria asked, handing me a small sack. “I put these pin cushions under the barstool so that Willowbud can’t hear what I’m saying.” I replied, stuffing the sack of pin cushions in my pocket. “And then?” “I tell Angela to get Tera to wear the gemstones as earrings,” I said, picturing the plan in my mind, “I tell her that they’re astral communicators, and I tell her how to use them.” “And then?” Gloria asked, placing a gemstone in the piercing she’d made behind my left ear, and placing another one in her own. “I try not to shit myself.” I replied grimly. “You’ll do fine,” she whispered as she disheveled my hair, unbuttoned my shirt, and unzipped my fly, making me look like a drunk patron, “just smile stupidly and stagger when you walk, and no one will pay you any heed.” “And if they do?” I asked, “What happens if Willowbud notices me?” “Well,” Gloria shrugged, “try shitting yourself; that might get her to leave you alone.” “You’re very helpful.” I grumbled, feeling my nerves stand on edge. “I’d love to help you, Your Holiness,” Gloria said, taking wine from a flask and spilling it on my shirt, “but I’m supposed to be dead, and Willowbud might start asking very pointed questions if you’re found walking with a dead woman. You’ve made your bed, now fucking sleep in it. Dumbass.” Gloria spun me around, gave me an encouraging smack on the ass, and pushed me through the doorway. My ears were immediately assaulted with loud, thumping music, the roar of cheers and applause, and the moans and screams of lust. Tera was standing center-stage, her body wrapped in shining, black leather with holes cut for her bronze breasts and ass, her onyx hair pulled into a pony tail, one leather-gloved hand holding a whip aloft, the other cupping her ear to encourage the crowd. Behind her, the Valkyrie was strapped spread-eagle to a cross in the shape of an ‘X;’ her arms bound at the wrists and held above her, her legs bound at the ankles and spread below her, splaying her naked, voluptuous form for all to see. Her wings spread resplendently behind her, contrasting the display of depravity her body was forced into. Tera waited until the crowd was worked into a frenzy, and then raised the whip, and slashed it viciously across Astrid’s breasts. The whip indented the succulent flesh of Astrid’s bosom, rippling it with waves that permeated from the blow, leaving a thin, red mark in their wake. Astrid screamed and arched her back, her arms and legs straining from their binds, her leaking slit telling every witness that she loved the abuse. Her head dropped between her shoulders, sending a tumble of braided, blonde hair in front of her face, her back heaving with the fervent breaths of her lust. Tera strutted over to Astrid, her tail wagging behind her, a malevolent smile curved across her purple lips. She grabbed Astrid by the hair, yanked her face upward, and made the Valkyrie lick the whip from handle to tip, which she did with the utmost lechery. I’d always heard that Valkyries were noble, dignified creatures, but whatever nobility Astrid once had was long gone. She stared up at Tera with begging eyes, her body arching from the cross, pleading desperately for more. Tera gave it to her. The whip snapped across Astrid’s breasts, abdomen and thighs, creating crisscrossing welts all along her pristine complexion, each crack of the whip accompanied by a scream of pain and delight, and then a trailing whimper that turned into a moan. Tera roped the whip around Astrid’s neck, and then produced a set of clamps, displaying them for the audience, and the disgraced Valkyrie. She opened each of the metal contraptions, and smiled cruelly into Astrid’s pleading face as she closed them about her erect nipples, and twisted. Astrid’s head flung back, and a shriek of abject ecstasy sung from her lips, drowning-out the roar of the crowd as they watched her piss an arc of golden lust upon the stage. I moved my attention from the depravity and slinked through the crowd, hoping that Tera wouldn’t see me, but if she did, that she wouldn’t react. I searched each face, feeling more than a little uncomfortable with the eye contact of some, until I found who I was looking for. Justina was sitting at the bar; her petite breasts laid bare, her skirt hiked past her hips, her black hair tossed to one side, her violet eyes rolled up, and her purple lips sucking Willowbud Autumnsong’s cock. So, this was The Earth Former. Willowbud was a nymph with pure-white hair, ivory horns, rich, caramel skin, facial features that practically mirrored her cousin’s, and a body of slender femininity; save for the penis that stood erect between her legs. She was a small girl, barely five-feet tall, but there was something intrinsically dangerous about her. It wasn’t just the knowledge that she was a god melded to a Sentient, but her demeanor in general. She watched Justina with slight amusement, and then slid her eyes lazily around the brothel, seeming to assess everything and everyone with a bored glare. Her green irises suddenly connected with mine, and I tore my gaze away, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. I fumbled with my shirt, trying to appear casual, and risked a glance upward. Willowbud wasn’t looking at me any longer, but instead watching the spectacle in the middle of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief, then walked with fake drunkenness to the side of the room, trying to blend into the shadows, waiting for my chance. After a few minutes, the soft sounds of Willowbud’s escalating moans reached my ear, and I watched as her cum dripped from Justina’s mouth, and oozed down her shaft. Justina dutifully licked her master clean, and then swallowed it all, opening her mouth wide so that Willowbud could confirm it. Willowbud smirked at the girl, gave her a possessive kiss on the lips, then pulled up her trousers, hopped off her stool, and disappeared into the crowd. I waited another minute, then took a deep breath, and made my way to the bar. “Hey, blondie,” a soft voice said from behind me, a small hand grabbing my waistband, “I caught you looking, didn’t I?” Oh, fuck. I froze in place, my body going rigid, my hair standing on edge. I swallowed, and turned slowly around. The Earth Former stared up at me with playfulness glinting in her black eyes, and danger shining from her crooked smirk. “Sorry,” I managed to mumble, “I just…” “You’ve just never seen a woman with a cock before.” Willowbud chuckled, sliding her hand around my waistband until it rested above my open fly. “No.” I gulped, barely keeping my voice from breaking. “Tell me, blondie,” Willowbud said, her lips quirking, “is it bigger than yours?” “Do you want to find out?” were the words that somehow came out of my mouth. I assumed those were going to be my last words, and anticipated my violent death, but Willowbud’s eyes only twinkled, and her smirk gaped into an appraising smile. “Do you know who I am, boy?” she asked, her other hand joining the one holding my waistband. “Night Eyes,” I said, looking down at her, not daring to blink, “I know who you are.” I know what you are. “Well, blondie,” Willowbud chuckled, unbuttoning my pants, “I’ve got to see the horse cock you must be packing to match those balls of yours.” Willowbud pulled my pants down aggressively, and by the glint in her eyes, I guessed I didn’t disappoint. She wrapped a set of cool fingers around my base, and another set below my tip, and watched as it engorged in her hands. She looked up at me, her lush lips creased in a crooked grin. Well, I thought, my heart thundering in my chest, carpe diem, I guess. I grabbed Willowbud by the hips, pulled her small body up, and pressed her against the wall. She giggled as my fingers fumbled with her fly, pulled off her belt, and dragged her pants past her knees. Thankfully, Willowbud was not rocking a dong, because I wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with it. She was entirely female, and her womanhood was a sweet, tight thing. She gasped as I pushed every inch of myself into her leaking slit, and I groaned as her wet heat surrounded me, clenching on all sides. My pelvis met hers, my tip found her bottom, and we moaned in mutual satisfaction. She fit like a fucking glove. “Oh shit, blondie,” Willowbud gasped, her breath filling my mouth, “you know how to sling it, don’t you?” “I know all kinds of things.” I groaned, pulling her shirt off as she raised her arms, exposing her cute breasts and richly-toned abdomen. “You get around, huh?” Willowbud smiled, unbuttoning my shirt, “I could find a job for you if you want one. A cute thing like you could make me a nice profit.” “No,” I said through heavy breaths as my chest squished against her breasts, feeling them flatten and deform, their nipples poking into my pecs, “I give it away for free.” “Then give it to me!” she gasped, and I did. I tangled a hand into her white hair and pulled her into a kiss, pushing my tongue between her open lips as I pushed my cock between her open legs. Her ankles locked together behind me and pressed into my ass, her legs clenching around my waist and pulling me deeper inside. Her tongue wrestled with mine, entangling in lustful combat as her body shifted up and down against the wall. My cock traveled through her slick insides with increasing force, and she coiled her lewdness around me welcomingly. We broke from the kiss in a chorus of panting breaths, staring into each other’s eyes, smiling in shared lust. “You know,” Willowbud moaned, pressing her hands to the wall behind her for leverage, “you remind me of someone.” “Guess I’m not the only one who gets around.” I smirked, driving hard between her legs, feeling her thighs jiggling against mine with the force of my thrusts. “Are you calling me a slut?” Willowbud grinned, her neck striating with tension as a contraction of pleasure tore up her abdomen. “You’re the easiest fuck I’ve ever had.” I groaned through smiling lips, driving so hard Willowbud was bouncing off the wall. “I’ve killed people for less, blondie.” Willowbud laughed, breathy moans punctuating her mirth. “I’m sure you have,” I grinned, watching her face slackening in pleasure, watching her sharp eyes softening in the heat of my passion, “but you’re not going to kill me.” “And why’s that?” Willowbud moaned, her smile gone, her eyebrows furrowing in concentrative ecstasy, her lips parting to a gaping circle. “Because I’m too good for you to kill,” I growled, planting both hands onto Willowbud’s caramel-colored ass, and squeezing until my fingers were lost in her succulent meat, “and even though you like pussy, Night Eyes, you’re still a woman, and nothing beats great dick, does it?” “Don’t push me, asshole,” Willowbud panted, her tones exerted and rough, her body slickening with sweat, “I can get better than you in a minute.” “Are you sure?” I breathed into her ear, driving her against the wall, feeling her pussy leaking between her thighs with approval, feeling her insides clench gratefully, feeling her lewd lips grip their fleshy hold around my stretching girth and suck me in with lecherous avarice. “No,” Willowbud moaned softly, her tone bordering on astonishment, “you’re different.” I spun us from the wall and laid Willowbud on the table, grabbing her thighs and spreading them wide, letting her rest her heels on my shoulders. She wasn’t just moaning and panting, but crying out now, trying to contain it, but unable to. Sweet tones of feminine vulnerability sung from her lush lips, and her black eyes widened and lolled in their sockets. Her caramel complexion was slick with her sweat and reddened at the cheeks, stomach and neck, straining with the exertion of the pleasure that was taking her. She planted her palms on the table and brought her body upward, lifting her entire back from its surface so that her torso was level with her penetration. She slid her legs under my arms, bent them at the knee, and anchored her heels onto the table’s edge, giving her leverage to thrust back against me. She slammed her pelvis into mine, cries of abject pleasure flowing from her lips with each collision, her hips holding us connected for an indulgent moment; rotating and grinding, wrapping her tight channel around my ruinous girth, savoring the way I stretched her open. I laid my body atop hers and took a nipple into my mouth, drawing her delectable flesh between my lips, feeling her soft breast stretch and deform from the suction. She dropped her head behind her shoulders and moaned a drawn-out, wining tenor that escalated with each thrust of my hips, her body lurching beneath me, shifting back and forth about the axis of her straightened arms. I planted a palm onto the table and wrapped a forearm around the small of her back, letting her arms have a reprieve, and trapping her body against mine, feeling glistening, soft warmth melding into my clenching abdomen. I tenderly sucked the sweet node of her breast as I violently hammered into her, her insides churning with the precursors of her climax. “Oh fuck, blondie!” Willowbud screamed, “Don’t fucking stop!” I didn’t. Willowbud’s arms gave out, and we fell onto the table, her knees bending sharply, her calves connecting with her hamstrings. She splayed her bent legs wide, her body beckoning me to violate her, begging me to drive deeper into her sanctity, to touch the precious reaches of her lust. My back flexed and clenched with my raging motions, the table creaked and shook beneath us, a foreboding cadence to Willowbud’s escalating melody. She grabbed my ass and squeezed, pulling me forward, her mouth exalting into my ear, her heart fluttering against my chest. She massaged me with the muscles of her erogeneity; rolling motions that drew me into her, rewarding me for each thrust, and fighting me for each retreat. Her reddened petals were glistening with her lustful secretion and stretching from her as I pulled out, her pelvic floor protruding with them, her nethers trying to keep me trapped inside. Her bent legs were quivering in their splayed position, her body was squirming beneath my compressing weight, her lips were expiring fluctuating cries, their intensity increasing as I thrusted. I tangled my hands in her fine, white hair, pulled her head back and stared into her eyes, savoring her vulnerable expression, watching as she surrendered to me. It wasn’t just her that was losing it; she was driving me crazy, making me move with the violence she wanted, making give her every inch I had to give. Our lips connected below our locked gaze, and we exalted the tones of our orgasm into each other’s sucking mouths; muffled tenors that rose to soprano, shrill with passion, desperate with need. We heaved, shifted, screamed, and came. My loins boiled-over with pressure, my balls quaked with pleasure, and I erupted into The Earth Former’s womb and filled her to capacity. She writhed beneath me, assaulted by wave after wave of her crashing climax, her body twisting to every blast of euphoria that raged within her. I managed to hold-in the blue, ethereal light that would have shown from my flesh, but I couldn’t stop everything. I heard a score of wings flapping from the roof as a murder of crows materialized from nowhere. It wasn’t subtle, but I supposed I should’ve been glad a flock of geese didn’t shoot out of my ass. Willowbud was even worse at hiding her pleasured reaction. The entire brothel shook with a shallow earthquake, causing dust to fall from the rafters and soft-hearted patrons to scream. “Perfect timing.” I chuckled between recovering breaths. Willowbud laughed with me, the glint of a secret in her eyes; a secret I knew all-too well. “What’s your name, blondie?” Willowbud smiled. “Brandon.” I said, figuring it wouldn’t matter if she knew. “Brandon,” she smiled, seeming to test the name in her mouth, “yeah, you look like a Brandon.” “I don’t know what that means.” I said, grinning confusedly. “That’s because you’re blonde,” Willowbud smirked, poking my nose, “don’t let it trouble your wonderful, little mind.” “You’re blonder than me, Night Eyes,” I grinned, pulling out of her and rolling over, “shit, you’re so blonde it’s not even yellow.” “It’s actually white hair,” Willowbud said dramatically, trailing her hands through her fine strands, “it shows that I am wise and experienced.” “Oh, you certainly are experienced.” I muttered, deliberately loud enough for her to hear. Willowbud gaped her mouth in mock indignation and slapped me playfully. I grabbed her hand before she could deliver another, and forced my face to hers, melting the nymph in my kiss. She resisted for a second, and then gave in; her mouth curving in a smile as it opened against mine. When we parted, her gaze was wrought with intrigue and a hint of wonder. Apparently, not many men had this effect on her, so… yay for me. “What are you doing tonight, Brandon?” Willowbud asked. “I was-” “That was a rhetorical question.” Willowbud interrupted with a chuckle, resting on her side, displaying the rich, slender beauty of her soft curves, her big eyes smiling with her lush lips. She was such a harmless looking thing, looking at me like that. The unknowing viewer would think she was little more than a blossoming woman, enamored with a young man, but I knew better. The danger played across her twinkling, black eyes, and the threat tainted her otherwise-girlish smile. There was no way to refuse her, and if I was being honest, I didn’t want to. I was going to ask Willowbud out. “What are you doing tonight?” I asked, playing her game. “Oh, I’ve got some things…” Willowbud said casually, checking her nails, “are you a fan of The Pit?” “I’ve never been.” I lied. “Well, if you want to tag along,” Willowbud smirked, trailing a finger down my chest, “I guess I’ll pop your cherry.” ANGELA The moment I saw Brandon, I leapt into action. I walked Justina off the bar, grabbed a patron, and led him to the closet, hoping he would keep my succubus host occupied for the time I needed. I didn’t know what the fuck my brother was thinking, but he was risking everything by coming here. Didn’t he know the only reason I was staying inside Justina was to keep her from blathering about him to Willowbud? Not only did the dumbass walk right into the tiger’s den, but now he was fucking the goddamn tiger! I darted out of Justina’s body and hovered behind Brandon’s thrusting back, waiting for the inevitable shit to hit the fan, but it never did. Brandon; my awkward, lanky brother who possessed all the charisma of a cum-sock, was seducing Willowbud. He was throwing out lines I would never have thought of, and working The Earth Former into a frenzy of feminine lust. He’d grown so much since his days of blundering through awkward dates, and now he was having a threesome, though he didn’t know it. I could hardly believe my own eyes. Brandon wasn’t just fucking Willowbud, but Corruption as well. The Sentient stared into his eyes like a lover, caressing his face with her ethereal fingers, moaning in congruence with her host. She arched her back and exalted her pleasure, her black eyes rolling into her head, her hips twisting about the axis of Brandon’s penetration, moving with a sinuous lechery that was hellish in its perversion. Willowbud was possessed with the pleasure that compelled Corruption, enslaved by the euphoria of her melded parasite. I saw Willowbud show genuine vulnerability for the first time; her body bending to the will of my brother’s, her expression that of surrendered passion, her cries weak and needful. Corruption gave Brandon the key that unlocked Willowbud’s feminine lust, and Brandon turned it for all it was worth. After the two gods orgasmed, both doing passable jobs of hiding their powers, Corruption receded back into Willowbud, her face etched in blissful satisfaction. Willowbud coerced Brandon into asking her out, then they exchanged a final kiss, and went their separate ways; Willowbud to Astrid and Tera, and Brandon to the bar where Justina had been. “Hey, asshole!” I snarled in my brother’s ear, causing him to spin around, eyes growing wide, “What the fuck are you doing here?” Brandon stared at me with mouth agape, a strange expression lingering on his face. I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes, pulling him from his stupor. He held up a delaying hand, reached down, and placed four pin cushions beneath each of the barstool’s feet, muting whoever sat in it from Willowbud’s vibration-detecting hearing. Smart. “Why aren’t you inside Justina?” Brandon whispered, trying to appear casual as he ordered a drink. “I had to ditch her in the closet once I saw you bumping uglies with a psychotic deity,” I growled, sitting next to him, even though my ethereal figure couldn’t really ‘sit’ on anything, “just what in the fuck was that?! ” “An accident,” Brandon whispered, putting money on the bar and ordering a beer, “it wasn’t part of the plan.” “What plan?” I hissed. “The plan Gloria and I made.” Brandon said, dropping a pair of earrings on the bar. “Gloria’s dead.” I replied frankly, but Brandon just shook his head. “You’re forgetting who you’re talking to.” My brother said with a shit-eating grin, puffing out his chest with exaggerated bravado. “I’m talking to a fucking dumbass.” I replied, but I couldn’t help but smile back. Brandon’s eyes lingered on me for a bit longer than usual, and then shifted sharply away. That was weird. “Ok,” I said, ignoring the oddity, “what’s the plan?” “You need to give these to Tera,” Brandon replied, pointing to the earrings, “they’ll allow her to talk to me without having to speak. All she has to do is think the words like she’s reading them, and I’ll hear them.” “And then what?” I asked. “And then… we figure it out, I guess.” Brandon shrugged, “We need to establish a line of communication before we can start anything. I was hoping to remain an anonymous patron, but obviously that’s not going to happen.” “Willowbud has to free Justina,” I said, “right now, that is our only goal. Once she does that, she and Tera can escape.” “That was my thought as well.” Brandon nodded, “What about Corruption? Have you or Astrid made any progress with that?” “I’m still working on it,” I said, chewing my nonexistent lip, “once Justina’s free, she and I can go to the royal tomes and do some research on astral beings.” Brandon’s brow furrowed, his mouth opening like he was going to say something, but instead he just took a swig of beer, and nodded. I turned around, watching Willowbud present Astrid to the crowd, the poor Valkyrie covered in welts, but a slutty smile stretched across her face. A procession of eager men walked onto the stage, and Astrid grinned hungrily at each of them before allowing them to take turns inside her, stuffing her holes until every option was filled. Tera played the part of the dominant mistress; abusing Astrid like she wanted, degrading her in front of everyone, making her the object of sex she desired to be, though pretended not to. “Are you actually going on that date with Willowbud tonight?” I asked Brandon. “I have to, don’t I?” Brandon replied, nursing his beer, “It wouldn’t be smart to stand her up.” “I don’t think you should.” I grimaced, not wanting to mention what I saw happen with Corruption, lest Brandon lose his shit. “It could present an opportunity,” Brandon insisted, the stubborn moron that he was, “maybe I can convince her to free Justina.” “How?” I scoffed, “With the irresistible prowess of your dick?” “Maybe,” Brandon grinned, “she seemed pretty happy with it.” “Brandon…” I said, trying to figure how to say this without freaking him out, “when you were fucking Willowbud, Corruption was… um… fucking you.” “What?!” Brandon hissed. “I think she’s the reason Willowbud sought you out,” I said, looking over my shoulder at the Earth Former, “I think she’s attracted to you, and I don’t know why, but it can’t be good. You can’t go on that date.” I’d hoped that Brandon would realize the gravity of the situation, but my hopes were in vain. His face grew ashen with momentary fear, and then his brazen, stupid arrogance came roaring back, and he puffed out his chest in a display of inflated bluster. “Goddamn, I’m good,” Brandon grinned, “a god and a Sentient, both seduced by my mighty girth. Maybe I’ll get Willowbud to erect a hundred-foot statue of it in my honor; it would be close to scale.” “I fucking hate you.” I giggled. Brandon’s grin broadened, and I swore he stole a glance at my chest. I must’ve imagined it. “I wouldn’t worry about Willowbud,” Brandon said, stretching his back and yawning his words with casual arrogance, “she probably just thinks I’m nothing more than a good lay, and if I’m being honest, she was pretty great herself. For a woman who walks around packing heat most of the time, she sure knows how to-” “Stop,” I said holding up a hand, “I’ve been inside enslaved-Justina for the past three days now, and am quite familiar with the things Willowbud knows how to do.” “Do you… like the things she does?” Brandon asked, eyebrows raised suggestively. “Justina does,” I shrugged, “which means I do, when I’m in her head. As long as I let her be in control during the act, I can enjoy it without participating.” Brandon frowned at that, a reaction I found rather strange. Did he want me to dislike the things Willowbud was doing to Justina? And why was he stealing weird glances at me? “I better get going,” Brandon said, finishing his beer, and hiding the earrings under a napkin, “Gloria’s probably losing her mind right now. Make sure Tera puts these on, Angela.” “I will.” I said, and then put my hand on Brandon’s shoulder, grimacing as it passed through it. I’d been so used to living in Justina’s body, that I’d forgotten I was basically nothing at all. “What?” Brandon asked, looking awkwardly at the hand that didn’t touch him. What is wrong with him? “It was nice to see you.” I smiled. Brandon smiled back, the awkwardness leaving him. We said our goodbyes, and then he hopped off the stool, collected the pin cushions, and left The Screeching Siren. WILLOWBUD I didn’t know why I felt how I did. Being melded with Corruption meant I never had romantic interests, but apparently, Corruption made an exception for Brandon. I couldn’t remember the last time I put on makeup, or wore a dress, or shaved my pubes, but here I was; doing all three. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt butterflies, but there they were. I told myself it was stupid, I told myself to let it go, but Corruption’s emotional negligence wasn’t there to stop me from feeling it. Why does she want me to like Brandon? What the fuck is it about him? “You can see Corruption,” I said to Angela’s reflection as I finished applying white lipstick to my mouth, “what is she doing right now?” I affixed an image of Brandon in my mind, and glanced over at the blue-eyed half of Justina. “Adjusting her tits in the mirror,” Angela said, cocking her head, “like you are right now.” “Why?” I asked, slightly exasperated as I stuffed my slender form into a tight-fitting white dress, its color matching the sheen of my lips and the hue of my hair, while contrasting my caramel complexion. “I couldn’t tell you.” Angela said, shaking her head in bewilderment. “How can you trust him, Mistress?” Astrid asked from Angela’s other side, unable to conceal her jealousy. Astrid was lucky if she got to suck my unwashed cock, and here I was, preening for a complete stranger. I’d make sure to milk this for all it was worth. “Oh, I don’t know,” I smirked at the Valkyrie, “there’s just something about him. He’s so brave, and honorable. He seems like the type of man who would never break a vow, no matter who told him to. You know; the type of man you can trust.” Astrid seethed silently behind me, her face turning red. God, she was easy to manipulate. Tera gave me a withering look in the mirror, and put a consoling hand on the Valkyrie’s armored shoulder. “Don’t listen to her,” Tera said to Astrid, trying to pull the Valkyrie away, “c’mon, let’s go get ready for tonight. We need to practice that maneuver and-” Astrid grabbed Tera by the hair, pulled it back violently, and pressed the shocked succubus into a heated kiss. Tera managed to stem her natural seduction before she enslaved Astrid, and then melted willingly into the embrace; her head tilting to reciprocate, her onyx hair falling behind her, her naked breasts squishing into Astrid’s chest. Astrid wasn’t sharing in the succubus’s revelry. Her blue eyes stared daggers at me as her hand gripped Tera’s supple, bronze glute and spread it wide, her other hand sliding middle-finger-first down the succubus’s crack. She picked Tera up like a bowling ball, and then walked away; Tera’s excited legs wrapping around Astrid’s waist as they disappeared around the corner, sounds of their wet lust dwindling until they were muted by the slamming of a bedroom door. “I think Astrid might be trying to tell you something,” Angela said, trying to stifle her laughter, “but I don’t know what; she’s just so subtle.” “That was the most un-Astrid thing I’ve ever seen her do,” I smiled, putting hooped earrings of white-gold into my lobes, “she’s coming along nicely.” BRANDON “You are the dumbest mother fucker I have ever met.” Gloria growled as she dragged me down the street. “ She’s right. ” Tera’s voice spoke from the gemstone in my ear, “ What were you thinking?! ” “What was I supposed to do?” I hissed to both women, “Say no?” “You could’ve just shit yourself like the retard you are,” Gloria snarled as she hustled me through alleyways, “but instead, you did something even dumber; you fucked her.” “ It’s Corruption that wants you, ” Tera said, “ even Willowbud knows that. Why, do you suppose, is Corruption so interested in you? ” “I wonder,” Gloria sneered sarcastically, “maybe it’s because he’s so good at shoveling pig shit?” “ Maybe it’s because his dick is just that great? ” Tera teased. “Or maybe,” Gloria said, pinning me against a wall, “it’s because you’re the fucking Life Giver.” “ Corruption is the spawn of a past Life Giver, ” Tera said, her voice sounding exhausted in my ear, “ she can sense exactly what you are. She knows to some degree what Angela is, and I fear it won’t take long before Willowbud starts figuring stuff out for herself. ” “You might as well have stuck your dick in a bear trap, Your Holiness,” Gloria sighed, “why do you think Corruption wants you and Willowbud together?” “ Maybe she’s a romantic? ” Tera teased again. “Maybe she has daddy issues?” Gloria chided along. “ Or maybe, ” Tera sighed, “ she wants to bind two gods together, with her as the glue that melds them. ” “Is the picture becoming clearer, Your Holiness?” Gloria asked, her wrathful, red eyes narrowing. “Angela didn’t seem too worried about it,” I said defensively, holding up my hands, “and she was the one who saw it, so… maybe you two are overreacting?” “ Angela doesn’t know what she is, ” Tera said, “ I’ve been keeping that secret for her own benefit. If she knew about the connection between Life Givers and Sentients, she’d probably be reaming you worse than Gloria. ” “Can gods even bind?” I asked nervously, not liking at all how Gloria was looking at me. “It’s never happened before,” Gloria said, “but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.” “ There’s no record of a Sentient-melded Creator either, ” Tera added, “ but here we are. ” “Corruption has an agenda,” Gloria said, “and that agenda involves you binding with Willowbud while she’s melded with her. Gods only knows what would happen if a Creator becomes bound while a Sentient is melded, but add another Creator to the mix? It could be a catastrophe.” “ Apocalyptic. ” Tera added helpfully. “So…” I said, no longer sure if Gloria’s religion would keep her from eating me, “I should not go on that date tonight.” “ You have to, ” Tera said, “ I don’t want to think about how Willowbud would react if you stood her up. ” “She’d probably demolish half the city,” Gloria said, looking me over with disgust written across her face, “or maybe she’d just laugh it off; who knows?” “ She’s as unpredictable as they come, ” Tera said, “ didn’t your dad ever tell you not to stick your dick in crazy? ” “My dad told me to quit masturbating or he’d beat me with a garden hose,” I gulped, “we never really talked about the birds and the bees.” Gloria stared long and hard at me for an agonizing moment, and then burst into hysterical laughter. She sobbed her mirth into my chest as her fist pounded painfully against it. I stood pinned to the wall, more terrified by her merriment than I’d ever been of her anger. When she was done, she let out a long sigh, took me by the arm, and guided me down the street. “C’mon, you wonderful, holy dipshit,” she chuckled, “let’s get you ready for your date.” TERA “Do you think I’m pretty?” Astrid asked. I stared dumbly at her as she sharpened her blade, the roar of the crowd raging around our dugout. “You’re beautiful, you know that.” I said, fairly certain that vanity was against Iona codes. She looked at her reflection in the blade, scrutinizing every self-perceived imperfection. “Do you think I’m good in bed?” Astrid asked, staring hopelessly up at me. “You’re fantastic,” I smiled, “one of the best I’ve had, and I’ve had all kinds.” It didn’t make her feel any better. She stared back at her reflection, angling her face this way and that, her frown deepening with every pass of the weapon. “Don’t let Brandon get you down,” I said, trying to console her, “he’s a nobody, and Willowbud will forget about him in a day.” “It’s Corruption that likes him,” Astrid spat, “and Mistress goes where Corruption goes.” “Then you should go the opposite,” I said, leaning forward, “once you free Willowbud of Corruption, she’ll love you because you stayed true to yourself.” “ If I free Mistress of Corruption,” Astrid said darkly, staring at me from beneath her brow, “if.” “Don’t lose hope,” I said, “Angela is working on a solution.” “Angela is just the insane half of your daughter,” Astrid said grumpily, “and being clairvoyant doesn’t mean you can act upon what you see.” I might’ve told Astrid the truth, if I didn’t think she’d deliver it right to Willowbud the moment our mistress put the pressure on. Instead, I bit my tongue. “Maybe I should become the woman Mistress wants me to be,” Astrid whispered, “why should I keep clinging to my oaths, when they give me nothing but heartache and pain?” “Because they’re who you are,” I said, touching her knee, “don’t let Corruption take that away from you.” “Mistress doesn’t love who I am,” Astrid whimpered, tears filming her eyes, “I need to be someone else.” “Do you love Mistress, or Willowbud?” I asked pointedly, “Because they are not the same.” Astrid worked her mouth, her lip trembling, a single tear staining her flushed cheek. She wiped it away, and smiled up at me. “Willowbud,” Astrid whispered, the name seemingly reverent on her tongue, “I love Willowbud.” “And she loves you,” I said consolingly, rubbing my hand along her thigh, keeping my seduction from my touch, “she’s still in there, somewhere, waiting to come out. Don’t lose hope, Astrid. If you lose hope, then you’ll lose her; you’re the only one who can save her.” Astrid nodded, her expression brightening, her posture straightening. She wiped the remnants of grief from her face, and went back to sharpening her blade, grinding stone to metal with renewed vigor. “ I hope you’re date’s going just great, Brandon, ” I thought to The Life Giver, “ Because of you, I have to play therapist before a fucking gladiatorial match. ” Brandon didn’t respond; he’d pulled out his earring. WILLOWBUD I guessed Brandon was handsome. He was blonde haired, pale-skinned, freckled, had good bone structure, muscle in the right places, oddly-familiar blue eyes, but there wasn’t anything specific that I could point to and say, “that’s why I’m dating him.” I was just… drawn to him, or rather, Corruption was. It was an intriguing mystery, but I wasn’t one to question my desires. Corruption’s meld meant that I did as I pleased, without worrying about consequences. I wanted Brandon, so I’d taken him. It was obvious that he wanted me, and why wouldn’t he? I’d made myself all nice and pretty for him, and my white-sheened lipstick screamed ‘I suck dick.’ “There they are.” I smiled as Astrid and Tera climbed from the dugout to the roar of the crowd. Astrid marched across the field like a woman on a mission, Tera barely keeping up behind her. Across the arena, seven heavily-armed and armored orcs stood in an inverted crescent, undoubtedly trying to mitigate Astrid’s ability to hit them one at a time. Behind the crescent, stood a massive, twelve-foot troll. The bigger they are… “Have you ever killed a man?” I asked Brandon, my head resting on his shoulder, my hand resting on his thigh. “That’s an interesting conversation-starter.” Brandon smirked down at me. “I think it is.” I smiled back. “No,” Brandon said, pulling me closer into the crook of his arm, “but I guess that makes one of us.” “Does it bother you that I’m a murderer?” I asked him, not sure why I liked the feeling of his protective arm around me; I never needed, nor wanted a protector before. “If it did, then I wouldn’t have come here.” Brandon replied, soft, blue eyes staring affectionately down at me. There was an innocence behind those eyes, but not a vulnerability. He wasn’t a part of the violent, ruthless world I was, but he wasn’t weak. What is it about him? “Who are you, really?” I asked, unable to keep myself from staring up at him with puppy-eyes. It would have been embarrassing, if I could feel embarrassment. “What do you mean?” he asked, smiling a clueless smile. It was adorable. “I can usually read people like a book,” I said, “I can take one look at them, and see everything I need to know; what they want, where they’re from, where they’re going, but you’re a mystery to me.” “You’re quite perceptive,” Brandon chuckled, his thumb caressing me gently on the shoulder, “what can you tell me about him?” Brandon inclined his head to a man sitting in the luxury box next to us. I glanced at him, and Corruption’s eyes saw all they needed to see. “He’s a rich man with a bad marriage,” I said, snuggling my head onto Brandon’s chest, “his kids use him for money, his wife sleeps around, and that woman on his arm is an escort. His desires border on the mundane; power, women, wealth. He’s a bore.” “What about her?” Brandon asked, pointing to the woman in the box on our other side. “Hmm,” I said, eyes running over the elderly, statuesque elf, “she’s a self-made woman with ruthless ambition.” “Like you?” Brandon asked. “No,” I smiled up at him, “she’s a mogul dead-set on carving a legacy for herself, with her name plastered on buildings across Drastin. I don’t give a shit about my legacy; it’s my reputation I care about.” The starting horn sounded, and Astrid charged across the arena with Tera on her back. She bolted right into the middle of the inverted crescent, took off the middle-orc’s head, and launched Tera at the troll. The naked succubus flipped through the air, dove head-first between the troll’s clasping hands, and drove both of her daggers into the beast’s eyes. The blinded behemoth reeled back, swiping desperately at his face, but the nimble succubus was too quick. She caught one of the troll’s bullhorns, swung precariously from a mighty swipe, caught the other horn, and then reeled back like an acrobat on a trapeze, and swung feet-first, driving her heels into the butts of her daggers and sending the blades deep into the monster’s skull. The troll lolled forward, droning a deep, guttural tone, and then collapsed onto its back in an earth-shaking impact. Astrid moved with sweeping, continuous motions, each strike from her sword flowing into the next, a relentless dance of death. The orcs surrounded her, attacked her on all sides, and she parried them with ease, dodged as though the fight were choreographed, and even toyed with a few of them. She ducked beneath a swing, sliced off a leg, rolled backward, impaled a chin, landed in a crouch, and then shot forward, her wings unfurling, her body corkscrewing through the air in a vortex of feathers and steel. She sheared through two orcs, sliced another in half, caught an attack behind her back without looking, kicked the orc in front of her, spun around, disemboweled the beast who had attempted the backstab, and then decapitated the final opponent with a spinning slice. The screams of the de-legged orc were barely audible over the roar of the crowd, and the ending horn sounded fifty seconds after the starting horn had blared. Astrid raised her sword aloft, prompting sixty-thousand fists to raise with her, punctuated by the chants for ‘Angel.’ Beneath her, the surviving orc she’d dismembered clawed at the sand, squirming to get away, and the chants for ‘kill’ began to rumble. Astrid didn’t hesitate. She moved above the wounded creature and dispatched it without mercy or passion, watching me coldly as she did it. The execution was accompanied by a roar of approval, but I felt she could’ve done it with a bit more flare. It wasn’t just death that the crowd loved, but the way it was delivered. Showmanship was as important as lethality, but Astrid didn’t enjoy murder enough to make a spectacle of it; not yet. She did, however, know exactly how to work a crowd in other ways. When Tera came to join her victorious partner, Astrid didn’t raise their hands in triumphant unity as she did before. No, Astrid grabbed the succubus by the waist, and embraced her into a passionate kiss; dipping Tera almost to the ground and pulling her bronze leg into a lecherous bend. The crowd screamed their delight, and I grinned; that would make the papers tomorrow. My brothel would be spilling onto the streets with new patrons and eager fans, trying to catch a glimpse of the depravity whilst trying to get an autograph. Well done, Astrid. “Did you enjoy the show?” I asked Brandon, an odd sense of… worry? Was I worried that he didn’t like it? Why did I give a shit? “It was a bit gruesome,” Brandon grimaced, and then looked down with a quirked smile, “but it certainly was entertaining.” “Good.” I grinned, feeling a pathetic wave of relief and joy. He pulled me closer into his arms, and I found myself nestling deeper to his body, not looking for lust, but for comfort; physically and emotionally. Something was wrong with Corruption; I wasn’t supposed to feel like this. I wasn’t supposed to want this. I wasn’t supposed to care. “What are you?” I whispered into his chest, enjoying the thumping of his heart against my cheek. “What was that?” Brandon asked, his calloused hand running softly through my white hair. “Tell me truthfully, Brandon,” I said, looking up into his eyes, his disconcertingly-familiar eyes, “did you come on this date with me because you were afraid of what I’d do if you didn’t?” “That was half the reason.” Brandon smiled, his thumb brushing white bangs from my face, and pulling the strands behind my horn. “And what’s the other reason?” I asked, feeling anxiety tugging at my chest; anxiety I shouldn’t have been feeling. “I like you,” Brandon said, his hand trailing over my cheek, “you excite me.” “You excite me too,” I giggled girlishly (holy shit, I’m fawning over him), “but I don’t know why; you don’t seem very interesting.” “I’m not sure how to take that.” Brandon grinned his stupid, adorable, grin. I felt my heart flutter with exhilaration and my stomach grow light with primitive happiness. This is getting out of hand, I thought, I should just kill him before this goes further. “Do you want to come back to my place?” I asked instead, eyes brimming up at him, full of promise, “You can meet Death Kiss and Angel. Would you like that?” “I don’t know…” Brandon frowned, “celebrities are never as cool as they seem in the papers.” “By ‘meet’ I meant ‘fuck,’” I whispered into his mouth, my hand running up his thigh, my grip widening as it moved over what I wanted, “do you want to fuck Death Kiss and Angel?” “I want you,” Brandon grinned, pulling me atop him by the ass, my ascension accompanied by a chorus of pathetic giggles, “but I suppose we can make it a foursome.” TERA “ Gloria, ” I said mentally as I sat next to Astrid in the carriage, trying to keep her calm as she watched Brandon and Willowbud sloppily making out across from us, “ we’ve got a problem. ” “ Let me guess, ” Gloria sighed, “ it involves Brandon thinking with the head between his legs. ” “ You are as wise as you are beautiful, ” I replied grimly, “ I really don’t like the look of this. ” “ Why isn’t Brandon responding? ” Gloria growled on the other end. “ He took the gemstone out of his ear. ” I replied. “ He what?! ” Gloria exclaimed. “ He told me, and I quote, ‘Angela used to talk over my shoulder during dates, and it always ended with a drink getting thrown in my face. I don’t need any more crazy bitches giving me romantic advice.’” ” I said. “ He does know that he isn’t trying to be in a relationship with Willowbud, right?! ” Gloria said, clearly exasperated. “ I’m not so sure, ” I frowned, watching the two gods staring longingly into each other’s eyes, “ I don’t think he is either. ” “ Oh, shit. ” Gloria groaned, “ What are you doing now? ” “ Well, ” I said, squeezing Astrid’s hand tighter as I felt her seething next to me, “ we’re about to have an orgy. ” “ Great. ” Gloria sighed, “ maybe you can fuck some sense into him. ” “ I don’t know, ” I replied grimly, “ I think Willowbud and Corruption might be fucking all the sense out of him. ” Gloria said her reluctant goodbyes, and then the line went dead. I looked up at Astrid, frowning at her worsening rage, a sense of worry lingering in my chest. Her honor was dwindling by the day, and with it, her rationality. There were times when I liked her unpredictability, but gambling with Brandon’s life wasn’t one of them. The two of them would have to find common ground if The Life Giver and The Earth Former were going to continue this disastrous relationship. ASTRID “Anything that boy tries to stick in me, I am snapping off!” I growled as I washed off grime, dirt and blood in the shower with Tera. “I’m sure Willowbud will appreciate that,” Tera sighed, drying her bronze body off, “you know she can hear you, right?” “I hope she’s listening,” I said darkly as I turned the shower off, ringing out my braids onto the tiled floor, “maybe she’ll think twice about letting that idiot touch me.” “You let half the city fuck you publicly,” Tera said, tossing her wavy, onyx hair in the mirror and checking-over her beautiful form, “but one man in private is too much for you?” “It’s not the same!” I cried, stomping over to the mirror and vainly making sure everything was in order, “When Mistress is punishing me, she’s doing it for me, not for the men taking me. Here, she’s giving me away like a gift!” “If you try to hurt him,” Tera said calmly, taking out earrings I hadn’t seen her wearing before, “I’ll have to enslave you, and then you’ll be doing everything Brandon wants anyway.” “You wouldn’t dare!” I hissed. “I would,” Tera smiled, turning around and leaning back on the sink, displaying her body to me, “and you know it.” I seethed for a second longer, and then sighed, and smiled ruefully back. “The best you can do,” Tera said, taking my hand, and guiding me out of the bathroom, “is fuck Brandon with a scowl on your face. You know,” Tera smirked back at me, “that expression you always have.” WILLOWBUD I pulled from Brandon, breath blowing heavily into each other’s mouths, hearts beating passionately against each other’s chests. I leaned back, and let my dress fall from my body, exposing my caramel, slender nakedness to him. I didn’t know why, but I felt bashful before him. It was strange, and uncomfortable, and absolutely exhilarating. I almost covered my breasts with my forearm, but he stopped me, peering curiously into my black eyes. “You are so different than I expected.” Brandon smiled, running his wonderful hands over my naked form. “You make me feel different,” I gulped, hating and loving how I was feeling, “this isn’t usually how I am.” “No,” Brandon whispered, pulling the folded drape of my dress from my pelvis, exposing my clean-shaven crotch, “when I first saw you, you were quite different.” “Does it bother you?” I asked, fingers twisting nervously around the fabric of my dress, the urge to pull it back up almost overwhelming me. “I wasn’t talking about your dick, Night Eyes,” Brandon laughed, “I was talking about you. ” “Oh,” I laughed awkwardly with him, “so… my, uh…” Goddamn it, what is wrong with me?! , “my… um…” “No,” Brandon chuckled, sliding his hand down the subtle lines of my abdomen, “your cock doesn’t bother me. Actually, since the ratio for our little lovefest is kind of skewed, I was wondering if you’d whip it out.” “Are you sure?” I asked, feeling a lump in my throat. What the fuck is going on, Corruption?! “Yes, Night Eyes,” Brandon grinned his wonderful, stupid grin, “I’m sure.” “Don’t call me that.” I whispered, pushing my dress past my ankles. “What?” Brandon asked, tilting his head in confusion. “Night Eyes; that’s not my name,” I said, feeling myself changing, “my name is Willowbud.” I watched Brandon as my masculinity grew from my femininity, engorging with readiness, throbbing vulgarly. He stared at it with fascination, and then smiled a crooked smile at me, and clasped his hand around it. The gasp that came from me was weak and girlish, the way my body bent was seeped in female languidness, but the tool of my lust was a man’s weapon, and my new lover didn’t seem to care what kind of heat I was packing. “This is, without a doubt,” Brandon chuckled to himself as he stroked me, “the gayest thing I’ve ever done.” “What?” I laughed through a breathy moan, “You never experimented in summer camp?” “I never went to summer camp,” Brandon smiled, his other hand pulling me back onto his body, squishing my throbbing heat between the warmth of our abdomens, “but I did let a woman stick her fingers up my ass once.” “You want to try something bigger?” I smiled into his eyes as our lips brushed. “I don’t think we’re at that stage in our relationship.” Brandon whispered, his hand soft, but firm as it stroked me to new levels of arousal, “Willowbud,” he smiled, “that’s a pretty name; does it come with a last one?” “I don’t think we’re at that stage in our relationship,” I chuckled, eyes half-lidded with lust, my voice seeped in seduction, “maybe you can tell me what you know about Sentients, Brandon; then I’ll tell you my last name.” “Sentients?” Brandon smirked, eyes teasing me, “I don’t believe in fairy tales.” “You know a lot more than you’re saying,” I whispered, my fingers touching his face gently, “I’m beginning to suspect you might be a very dangerous person.” “That’s high praise coming from you,” Brandon whispered back, rolling me over to the side as Astrid and Tera strutted into the room, “but I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong idea about me.” “I’m not fucking stupid, Brandon,” I hissed, my heart thrumming with lust and longing, brimming with Corruption’s desire for me to be with this man, “I know you know something.” “I know all kinds of things.” Brandon smiled, and then took my face in his hand, and kissed me. God, it was good. I felt myself bending to him, molding to him, tilting my head back and sinking into the depths of his lust. His tongue placated my worries, his lips sucked away my doubt, and his hand readied me for the women that approached us, his breath promising nothing but pleasure. BRANDON I pulled from the sweet taste of Willowbud’s lips, and smirked at Tera as she approached me; her gait sultry and slow, her tail trailing in an arc behind her, her violet eyes smirking back, an unspoken joke lingering between us. “So,” Tera smiled, her voice soft and seductive, her fingers wrapping around me as she crouched straight-backed between my legs, “what can Death Kiss do for you, young man?” “Is there anything Death Kiss won’t do for me?” I asked teasingly, caressing her from cheek to chin. “No.” Tera whispered, her snake-like tongue flicking from her purple lips, her violet eyes continuing the conversation (but you know that, don’t you?). “Both of them will do anything I ask,” Willowbud said beside me as Astrid crouched between her mistress’s legs, giving me a look dripping with contempt, “how do you want them?” “I don’t think Angel likes me very much.” I said, smirking into Astrid’s wrathful eyes. Tera gave me a small flick on the balls, not enough to hurt, but enough to get my attention. She leveled me with a purposeful stare, and shook her head subtly. ‘Don’t fuck with her, Brandon,’ was the unspoken message. I nodded with equal subtlety, but I’d already said all Willowbud needed to hear. “No, she doesn’t,” Willowbud chuckled, tousling Astrid’s braids playfully, “she’s being so rude to my guest. Astrid, switch places with Tera; I’d like you and Brandon to settle your differences.” Tera gave me an annoyed look, pressed something into my hand, and then crawled past Astrid as the winged beauty crawled to me. Astrid was laced with soft muscle, stacked with the biggest tits I’d ever seen, blessed with a backside of supple perfection, and painted with a face of stoic exquisiteness. She grabbed my cock like she was trying to yank it from my pelvis, and sneered from behind my shaft. “What can Angel do for you, Brandon? ” Astrid spat. “Not rip my cock off!” I squeaked. This was the second time in two days a strong woman had threatened to dismember me, and it was starting to get old. “Astrid,” Willowbud chuckled next to me as Tera wrapped her tongue three times around the nymph’s shaft, “play nice.” “Yes, Mistress,” Astrid said, looking affectionately at Willowbud, and then narrowing her eyes at me, “Brandon and I will get along just fine; won’t we, Brandon?” Astrid loosened her grip on my cock, and then lowered her lush, pale lips to it. She unceremoniously spit on my tip, as though it was beneath her to touch it, then stared her blue hatred into my eyes, and began to take me in. The disdain that brimmed from her blue regard starkly contrasted the tenderness of her oral embrace, and the duality of her lust aroused me as much as it frightened me. Her lips sucked passionately, her tongue licked delectably, her throat swallowed expertly, and her eyes stared contemptuously. Her mouth squished against my base, her nose pressed into my pelvis, and her throat bulged with my girth, my length deforming half of her neck. My head fell backward, and a disbelieving groan spilled from me. Tera and Gloria gave great head, but this was the best I’d ever felt. Astrid knew it too; she sneered at me from around her consumption, her expression telling me she didn’t think I deserved to even look at her, much less have my dick sucked by her. It only turned me on more. Between Gloria and Astrid, I might’ve been developing a fetish for women who didn’t like me. “She’s good, isn’t she?” Willowbud moaned next to me as Tera’s head bobbed up and down, her violet irises brimming with unbridled lust. “She’s amazing,” I gasped as Astrid began to pull, her lips seeming to suck my insides up my shaft, “how did a fucking Valkyrie learn to do this?! ” “It came naturally to her,” Willowbud chuckled, petting Tera’s hair, and running a single finger down my chest, “I couldn’t believe I was her first when she sucked me.” As if to prove a point, Astrid began moving with a passion; her tongue curling around my underside, sheening me in a delicate hold as her lips sucked with sensual avarice, and pillowed wetly against my pelvis. Her throat gurgled softly as I pierced it deeply, and she swallowed around me with ease, her eyes glinting with malevolence. She was trying to make me come; she wanted me to blow my wad before the action even got started. She was trying to embarrass me. Her cheeks went gaunt as her mouth stretched from her face with the suction of her lips, her tongue licking back and forth along my underside with sensual teases as she willed me to blow inside her. I wasn’t that easy. I entangled two hands into her braids, grabbed a fistful of blonde hair, and began thrusting into her mouth, defiantly challenging her to do her worst. She reached beneath me and took two fistfuls of my glutes, squeezing my ass and helping me thrust, her lips quirking their challenge back at me. She rotated and lathered, hummed and gurgled, and I pushed deep into her, watching in perverse fascination as my bulge moved through her elegant neck. I yanked her hair roughly, trapping her face against my pelvis, forcing my entire length into her esophagus. The hateful look in her eyes began to soften, drooping into an arousal she didn’t want to experience, compelled by the masochism that was her weakness. I pulled on her blonde braids until tears welled in her eyes, and they began to roll into her head with carnal hedonism, her self-defiling nature taking over her will to fight me. Her hands stopped squeezing my ass, and moved shamefully between her legs, touching herself in surrendered lust as she allowed me to hurt her the way she craved. She stopped trying to suck the insides out of me and relaxed her throat, hoping that I would ravage it, hoping that I would stretch every inch of her neck. I did. I smashed my pelvis against her face, brutally colliding into her mouth and forcing myself deep into her throat. She gagged and choked, gurgled and drooled on me, her beautiful face turning into a marred portrait of bubbled spit, her defiled mouth humming a pitch that grew more and more shrill as her masturbation bordered on desperation. “Brandon tames the wild beast,” Willowbud laughed next to me as Tera finished preparing her mistress, “that was fun to watch.” “It’s just like breaking-in a horse.” I smiled back. My drives began to decelerate, allowing Astrid’s tear and spit-streaked face to relax into slutty surrender. Her eyes rolled forward, all the defiance gone from them, shining only with lechery and subservient passion. She slowly, gratefully, pulled her mouth from my glistening cock, and gave it a worshipful lick, giggling delightedly as the shaft bobbed against her smeared face. I grinned back at her, and cupped a hand to her cheek, feeling a sense of satisfaction as she submissively sucked my thumb, her eyes staring demurely at me, telling me she was hoping I’d do everything to her. I thumbed the astral gemstone Tera had left in my hand; I guess it was time to get to know Astrid. ASTRID I hated that I couldn’t control my lust. I hated that it was so easy for Brandon to seduce me, when I had been so sure that I could beat him. I hated that I smiled like a little slut as I climbed up his body, eagerly awaiting to see how he’d defile me, hoping he’d make it hurt. My Valkyrie honor battled with my lover’s jealousy, which battled with my masochistic tendencies, all tearing at my soul until I felt Brandon’s hand touch my ear, and a gemstone push into my piercing. “ Don’t freak out, ” Brandon’s voice said as his hand slid down my face, his eyes shining with desire, but his voice soft and reassuring, “ I’m here to help you with Corruption. ” “What the-” I gasped, and Brandon forcefully clasped his palm over my mouth as he pushed his cock into my pussy. “I liked you better when you couldn’t talk!” Brandon growled aloud (much to the approval of Mistress), and then added silently, “ I put an astral gemstone in your ear; just think the words, and I’ll hear them. ” I might’ve said something back, were I not marveling at how good he felt inside me. Over the past three days, I’d taken countless men, but the only person Brandon could compare to, was Mistress herself. He filled me perfectly, stretched me just right, pierced me in all the tender places. He throbbed invasively into my depths, and I felt a shiver of pure delight crawl up my spine. “ I knew Mistress shouldn’t trust you, ” I spoke silently as we began to grind; my back arching, my weight shifting from glute to glute, my mouth moaning as my mind formed words, “ it’s nice to be vindicated. ” “ You can trust me, ” Brandon said, releasing his grip on my mouth and sinking his hands into my glutes, “ I’m with Tera, Justina and Angela. ” “ You can gain my trust by telling me why Corruption wants you. ” I replied as I pressed my breasts into Brandon’s face, smiling as he took a nipple into his mouth. His cock separated me with deep, forceful motions, touching every nerve inside me, pressing against every surface of my channel. Great Creator’s, he was good. I had to forcibly keep my mind focused, lest I drift into thoughtless, carnal bliss. I hated how good he made me feel, but I reluctantly admitted to myself that I could see why Mistress was so enamored with him. I good get addicted to this kind of man as well. “ I don’t know. ” Brandon answered mentally, though his tongue flicked the words against my erect nipple. I giggled at the feeling, expressing my mirth through the increasingly-wretched tones of my lust. Beside me, Tera was crouching straight-backed atop Mistress, sensually sliding up and down the nymph’s shaft, her ass nearly level with her heels at the bottom of her descent, her anus gaping beautifully. She spread her cheeks and looked over her shoulder at her defilement, moaning almost mournfully as she aimed the point of her tail, and penetrated my god’s sinful hole. Across the room, I saw a pair of blue eyes peering fearfully from the dark; a pair of eyes I recognized almost immediately. I felt a chill crawl up my spine, accompanying the shivers of pleasure that ran traffic through my nervous system. I looked down at the man nursing from me, and saw the same blue eyes shining from his face. “ I’m no good at lying, Brandon, ” I said silently as I clamped my hands around his crown and pulled him to my breast, enveloping his face entirely, “ I couldn’t tell a lie to save my life, but since I’ve come to Drastin, I’ve gotten very good at detecting them in others. ” “ Astrid, ” Brandon said, his face squirming into my bosom, my hands holding him fast, “ I can’t breathe! ” “ Tell me why Corruption wants you, Brandon, ” I replied, savoring the desperate way he thrusted inside me as oxygen became a luxury for him, “ tell me why Angela has your eyes. ” Gods, he felt good. His struggling body thrusted and drove with a renewed vigor, blasting his pelvis into mine, ramming his wonderful heat deep into my nethers. I moaned and cried out in delight, almost overcome by his lust, almost driven to madness, almost bending like the submissive slut I was. Almost. I held Brandon tightly between my breasts, smothering his body with my own, concealing his suffocation from my Mistress with my wings. The idea of killing a man in the heat of passion stirred an odd sense of exhilaration in me, and I found myself pressing Brandon’s face deeper to my bosom as I closed the cocoon of feathers around us. This would be hard to explain, but at least the competition would be gone. Mistress would forgive me; this is what she wanted me to be, after all. “ Angela’s my sister! ” Brandon’s desperate voice squealed in my mind, “ She’s a Sentient like Corruption! ” “ What?! ” I hissed mentally, “ Don’t lie to me, little boy! ” “ Why else would she have my eyes?! ” Brandon screamed, his struggling body only making the pleasure greater. “ Astral beings don’t have siblings! ” I snarled. “ Sentients aren’t astral beings! ” Brandon shrieked, his heart thundering against my flesh, “ They’re dead souls Life Givers never bound with! ” “ What are you talking about? Quit spewing your bullsh- ” I stopped, my body stiffened, and my heart dropped in my chest. From my open, moaning mouth, flitted an ethereal butterfly; it’s soft luminescence bathing my feathered-cocoon in a sapphire hue. It floated gracefully about my secluded room of wings and searched for an exit, before resigning itself to the world it was born to, and landing softly on my arm, its light dimming. “ Astrid ,” Brandon whispered, his voice sounding weak and faint, “ you’re still killing me. ” The world came roaring back to me, the new reality hitting me almost as hard as Brandon’s thrashing hips. I immediately released the god in my arms, horrified at what I’d almost done, ashamed beyond any measure I’d ever felt before. The Life Giver breathed deep, panting breaths, his face nearly purple with asphyxiation, his eyes bulging and panicked. I frantically tried to help him, tried to apologize without speaking aloud, tried to do anything that would absolve me of my horrific blasphemy. Brandon waved away my efforts, concealing his coughs in his elbow, wiping the tears from his bloodshot eyes. “ I’m so sorry! Please forgive me, Your Holiness! ” I pleaded, sitting straight-backed and terrified, our bodies lying static in our sex, his cock bulging motionless within me, still giving me some pleasure to mix with my horror and deific reverence. Brandon collected himself, narrowed his eyes at me, then reeled back a hand and slapped me hard across the face. I yelped, completely blindsided by the blow, my head whipping to the side, my hand touching trembling fingers to my stinging cheek. Oh my gods, I thought as an astonished smile curled on my lips, I really liked that. “ Next time you try something like that, ” Brandon snarled in my mind, taking two fistfuls of my hair and yanking back, pulling until the braids stung against my scalp and tears stung in my eyes, “ I’ll kill you, Astrid; I swear I will. ” He began thrusting again, this time with malice; his pelvis smashing into mine, his cock impaling me beautifully, tearing through my tender reaches without mercy, punishing me just like I deserved. “ I’m sorry! I screamed mentally, my face forced upward, my body writhing below me, grinding with intensified desperation as the pain made the pleasure so much greater. “ You are a stupid cunt, you know that? ” Brandon hissed mentally, the motions of his hips pushing me past the edge of sanity, tossing my body into a squirming mess of reactive pleasure, “ You were the one bitching about trust, and when I tell you I want to help you, you try to kill me?! ” “ I’m sorry! ” I screeched again, my physical voice shrieking my abject delight, my body writhing in a wave of motion; my hips bucking, my back arching, my abdomen clenching, my ass rippling, and my thighs squeezing in possessed euphoria. Sweat glistened from my exerted flesh, trailing along the jiggling domes of my breasts, wetting my brow, dripping down the small of my back and running between my clapping cheeks. “ You better learn how to lie real quick, ” Brandon growled mentally, “ because I don’t feel like getting murdered by my new girlfriend because you couldn’t make something up! ” “ I can’t tell untruths! ” I cried back, feeling the orgasm churning in my depths, building like a torrent pressing against a dam, with cracks forming in the concrete. “ Then you better learn to keep your mouth shut! ” Brandon replied, his cock hitting my bottom, sending pulsing ecstasy deep into my pelvis. “ I’ll never say a word! ” I screeched mentally as my voice carried it’s ragged lust, “ I promise! Gods, I’m sorry, Your Holiness! I’m so sorry! ” “I’ll make you sorry!” Brandon snarled with his real voice, releasing my hair, sending my head flying forward as his hands reached beneath us, and sunk into the jiggling fat of my backside, “You have no idea what sorry is, Angel! ” “Teach me!” I screamed, possessed by the unbridled euphoria, a slave to the pleasure, begging for the pain, “Please hurt me! Please punish me! I’m nothing but your begging whore!” “Holy shit, what’s going on in there?” Willowbud laughed from outside my winged-room. Brandon grinned maliciously at me, picked me up by the ass, and rolled us over. Tera yelped as she jumped out of the way, her tail flying behind her as I was dropped onto my mistress. Brandon pulled out of my twitching pussy, grabbed Mistress by the back of her head, and kissed her with a melting passion, watching me with smirking eyes as the love of my life succumbed to him in blissful surrender. It hurt so badly, but I knew I deserved it, and knowing that somehow stoked my arousal. I wanted to be abused emotionally and physically, I needed to feel the ramifications for my blasphemy in order to atone. Either that, or I was just a masochistic whore. “I want to be close to you,” Brandon whispered into Mistress’s adoring eyes, “I want to feel you pressed to me inside her.” Mistress grinned up at Brandon, the longing etched in her wonderous expression. She watched Brandon-not me- as she aimed her curved-back cock, and pushed her entire length into my anus. Her heat ran through me, her girth stretched me, and I cried my pathetic delight, spreading my cheeks for Brandon, staring up at him with a quivering lower lip and puppy-eyes, showing him how submissive I could be, how badly I wanted him to make it hurt. He clasped a hand around my neck, pressed his cock against his lover’s, and forced me into the greatest pain and pleasure I’d ever known. The sound that came from me was strangled gasp, a guttural inflection of air that expressed the shocked amazement of the feeling. My rim stretched to a tortuous circle of white flesh, my channel convulsed around its unnatural expansion, the compressions of my insides tightened as my bowels were forced upward. I wrenched in reaction; my hands anchoring beneath me, my back arching painfully, my head falling behind my pinching shoulders, and my wings spreading to their full span. My gods were not gentle. They drove in fervent congruence, their cocks pressing together within me, moving as one, burrowing through my reaches and desecrating my sanctity. In and out, in and out; their motions were violent, their intentions the same, their eyes sharing their sadistic desires as they pressed me between them. Their pelvises met the ruined flesh surrounding my gaping hole, and they moaned to each other, ignoring me, using me as nothing but the toy for their own lust. Brandon leaned forward, his body pressing to mine, and he connected a kiss over my shoulder with the woman I loved. It was the worst kind of cuckhold, but I loved it, and I hated how much I loved it. Tera walked over, pushing black hair from her flushed face. She assessed my situation with a crooked smirk, shrugged her shoulders, and then straddled my mouth. Even the succubus had more dignity than me, and I tasted her with all the reverence a slave does to her master. Use me, break me, defile me, I thought, grinning through my lustful screams, Tera’s petals leaking into my open mouth, I’m nothing but the plaything of gods. In that moment, I didn’t want to be anything else. Brandon and Mistress thrusted faster and faster, groaning and moaning into each other’s mouths, their cocks stretching my gape into a ruinous entrance, pulling my pelvic floor from my body, ripping my anal sheath from its channel and prolapsing me in a clinging length of desecrated, red flesh. Fluid leaked from my defilement, my pussy gushed with its heinous approval, my body writhed in thoughtless reaction, my mind long-succumbed to the sensations of my wonderful violation. I sucked the nectar from the whore straddling my face, shifted desperately between the gods sodomizing me, and screamed. I screamed, and screamed, and screamed; letting the world know of my ecstasy, unable to contain myself, unable to do anything but react. I dug my heels into the mattress, drove my ass onto my torturers, gasped as my abdomen distended with their girths, and rolled my eyes back as the climax took me. Tera gripped my breasts for stability as my body bucked and heaved, arched and bent. Willowbud’s gasps filtered into one ear, Brandon’s groans filtered into the other, and Tera’s moans sang from above as their bodies melted their wonderful warmth into me, pressing on all sides and piercing me with agonizing ecstasy. We accelerated our movements, acting as an eight-legged beast of rippling flesh and shrieking lust, our limbs thrashing chaotically, our voices singing in perverse harmony. The feeling boiled within us all, the pressure rising, the tension winding, the air in our lungs growing hot as our hearts cranked into screeching overdrive. We came in a paralytic vice of twisting abdomens, fluids squirting and erupting, leaking and overflowing, boiling into my convulsing rectum and pooling delightfully into my bowels. We collapsed in a heap of sonorous sighs and groans as the earth quaked beneath us, and a pack of wolves howled outside, both gods concealing their release with the barest effort. Brandon kissed Mistress over my shoulder, then Tera as she pulled from my face, and then he looked down at me. He brushed matted hair from my sticky cheeks, studied my marred complexion, and then smiled. He kissed me, tasting Tera on my lips, his tongue tickling mine playfully. I kissed him back, caressing his jaw gently, smiling my lips against his. My new lover, my new god. Two deities, and me, their lustful toy. How lucky can a girl get? ANGELA They were all eating breakfast at the table when I woke up. Sitting, laughing and chatting like a happy-fucking-family. Without a doubt, this was the most bizarre thing I’d seen in Willowbud’s brothel. Not the public displays of depravity, or the makeshift practices of gladiatorial matches, but this. Astrid wasn’t wearing her armor, but a night gown. She wasn’t scowling silently behind her mistress, but laughing gayly with Tera, who was naked, as always, and daintily dipping a teabag into a jar. Willowbud was wearing a fucking skirt and parked on my brother’s lap, and Brandon was smoking a goddamn cigarette. One orgy, and all of the sudden the whole world turns on its head. “Angela!” Willowbud called to me, an actual smile on her face, and not a smirk, “We missed you last night!” Willowbud was absolutely glowing with love on the outside, and positively blackened with Corruption within. I’d never seen the Sentient so prominent before, so obviously influencing the nymph. Corruption stared into Brandon’s eyes, caressed his face, kissed him softly on his unknowing lips. The four of them didn’t know; they couldn’t see what I was seeing. They couldn’t tell this whole thing was a farce, a lie created by a cancer. I plastered a smile on Justina’s face, and walked to the table. “This is my cousin,” Willowbud said to Brandon, taking the cigarette from his lips and putting it between her own, “she is actually insane.” “She is?” Brandon smiled, giving me a knowing wink, and then turning to Willowbud, “Then what does that make you?” “Oh, I’m batshit,” Willowbud smirked at Brandon, passing smoke between their lips, “but you know that, don’t you? What did you say last night, ‘I know all kinds of things?’” “I am wise beyond my years,” Brandon grinned, his hand traveling up Willowbud’s skirt, “and you are way too experienced for yours.” Astrid laughed at something Tera said, and then, in the least deceptive way I could imagine, slid an astral gemstone to me. She somehow managed to look more conspicuous than if she’d literally vomited the rock onto my head, but I guessed subterfuge wasn’t part of the Valkyrie repertoire, and Willowbud was otherwise occupied. I looked inquisitively at her, and then placed the gemstone in Justina’s piercing. “ I know everything. ” Astrid said mentally, trying to appear casual by reading the newspaper upside down, the hopeless deceiver that she was. “ Great, ” I groaned, taking the newspaper and turning it around the right way, scowling at Astrid’s blushing face, “ the woman who can’t lie knows all the secrets; whose brilliant idea was that? ” “ You’re being rhetorical, right? ” Astrid said mentally, letting the paper drop to the table, wisely realizing that she couldn’t act her way out of a cardboard box. “ Yes, Astrid, ” Tera sighed on the other end, apparently using Brandon’s earring, “ we all know who the genius of the group is. ” “ In His Holiness’s defense, ” Astrid said, gulping awkwardly, “ I did try to kill him. ” “ Next time, just finish the job, ” I groaned, putting my head in my hands, “ then at least I can die, and this nightmare of stupidity will be over. ” “ But, you can’t die, ” Astrid said, cocking her head in confusion, “ if His Holiness- ” “Oh my god!” Tera yelled, looking at the newspaper. All four of our heads whipped around, even Corruption looked lazily over her shoulder. Tera’s hands were shaking as she read the headline, the paper crackling in her trembling fingers. She let the newspaper fall to the table, and all our eyes widened as the bold print was revealed. The Heat Bringer in Terondia: Her Holiness, Sister Julia Glendian Assassinates Princess Lucilla Flitari of The Elven Empire. Now, it was a game of who could pretend to be the most surprised: Willowbud, or Brandon. Willowbud gasped believably enough, Brandon drooped his expression in his typical stupor, and the rest of us pretended to be shocked for both of their sakes. Goddamn it, this was a mess. “Let me see that.” Willowbud said, reaching for the paper. She opened it and looked-over the words, her mouth moving as she read, revealing her lack of schooling. Brandon read over her shoulder, and Corruption peered with equal interest. “Holy shit,” Willowbud mumbled, “she blew up the palace tower, disintegrated the princess, and then escaped the city undetected. They think she went south, to Grundinar.” Willowbud scanned the paper again, and then frowned, “Sorry Astrid and Tera, but you guys only made it to page six. Fucking Heat Bringer stealing all my press.” “This is huge,” Brandon said, taking the paper from Willowbud, “The Creators have returned! I always thought they were bullshit stories told by travelers.” That was believable enough, I guessed. “Eh, they’re a bunch of assholes,” Willowbud said, taking the paper from Brandon and tossing it on the table, “the world’s just fine for a few thousand years, and then they come along and fuck it all up. I’ll tell you one thing though; there is no way Julia went south to Grundinar.” “Why do you say that?” Astrid asked. “Because the elves have that border sealed tighter than your mom’s asshole.” Willowbud replied, “No, if Julia escaped the empire, she went through Arbortus.” Willowbud chuckled to herself, “The Heat Bringer in Arbortus; what a mess that could be.” “The Earth Former in Drastin,” Tera smirked at Willowbud, “what a mess that could be.” Willowbud glowered at Tera, and shifted uneasily in Brandon’s lap as Brandon pointedly didn’t react to what Tera had just said. This house of cards was one mouse-fart away from blowing over. There was a tense silence in the room, and then Brandon broke it with all the grace of a drunk hippo. “Yeah, that sure would be bad,” Brandon laughed nervously, “kind of like The Life Giver in a cemetery! Haha, am I right? Because… you know… everyone’s dead…in a…cemetery…” “Holy shit,” Willowbud laughed, tousling Brandon’s hair, “you are the cutest fucking thing in the world, you know that?” “I know all kinds of things.” Brandon grinned up at her. The two gods connected lips, and the rest of us collectively rolled our eyes. Even Corruption cringed a little. WILLOWBUD “I couldn’t help but notice,” Brandon said as we watched Tera and Astrid slaughter their way through a team of centaurs, “that your cousin is your slave.” “So?” I asked, shrugging my shoulders and glancing at Angela, who was sitting as far as she could from us in the box, “Half of her is still free, so I don’t see the problem.” Tera jumped onto a centaur’s back, immediately enslaving the beast and riding it around the arena, much to the joy of the crowd. Astrid flipped through the air and jumped on another’s back, her strong legs keeping her from being bucked off, her strong arms preventing the enraged beast from stabbing her. The two women rode side-by-side, making a mockery of the rest of the mounted warriors, and turning the spectacle of death into a comedy act. Astrid opened her wings and ascended, carrying the centaur a hundred feet above the arena. The hoofed half-man thrashed uselessly between Astrid’s legs as she cupped her hand to her ear, and egged the stadium on. The people screamed and stomped, working themselves into a frenzy, begging the Valkyrie to drop the poor beast. When Astrid was satisfied with their expressions of need, she opened her legs. The call of the crowd grew louder with each foot the screaming beast fell, until he broke upon the sands to a deafening roar. Astrid swooped along the front row, high-fiving spectators as Tera lassoed a centaur with her whip whilst riding horseback atop his comrade. This was a fucking joke, but it was the best competition I could get on short notice. At least my fighters were making the most of it. “Why is she your slave?” Brandon asked. “You know how it works,” I smiled at him, “succubi can only be enslaved if they fail an enslavement. Justina tried to take me, and it backfired. I don’t feel like giving her another chance.” “Did she ever have a chance to begin with?” Brandon asked, eyes twinkling. “No,” I said, searching the depths of his blue regard, “she didn’t.” But something tells me you knew that already. “I think you should let her go,” Brandon whispered in my ear, his hand reaching up my skirt, “you don’t need a slave to fuck when you’ve got me.” “Why do you care?” I whispered back as I spread my legs, gasping as I felt his fingers push between my moist petals. “I’m somewhat of a humanitarian,” Brandon whispered, wetting his pinky with my dribbling nectar, and pushing it all the way into my anus, causing my back to arch from the couch, and my teeth to press excitedly against my lip, “and I wouldn’t want my girlfriend to make me a hypocrite.” “Is that what I am to you?” I breathed as the rest of his fingers slid into my slit, “Your girlfriend?” “Is that what you want to be?” Brandon smiled back as his thumb found my clit. My lips trembled in the heat of his lust, my body bent to his passion. “Yes,” I whispered as he tenderly violated me, “do you want to be my boyfriend?” Brandon stared into my eyes, chewing his lip. Why do I want him to say ‘yes?’ I thought as anxiety tore at my throat, Why do I want him to want me? His expression softened, and he smiled warmly down at me, causing my heart to grow light enough to float from my mouth. “I do,” Brandon laughed, seeming to be surprised by the revelation, “I really do.” Our smiling lips connected, our tongues entwined, and the victory horn sounded in the arena. The usual applause and cheers rang out around us, and then a terrible shriek cut through it all. The crowd went silent, and I opened my eyes to see Tera writhing in agony with a centaur atop her. The beast Astrid had dropped didn’t die from the fall, and he’d used the last of his life to cut open the succubus in her moment of triumph. Astrid darted across the arena and beheaded the centaur, but I knew it was too late. Tera was slit from sternum to navel, and she was spilling guts all over the sand. I looked over at Angela, and saw her face ashen and trembling, on the verge of sickness. Brandon had tensed to a rock beside me, his face drawn to a grimace, his hand pulling out of me. I found myself not giving a single shit for Tera, which was a relief, because everyone else seemed pretty broken-up about it. The benefits of Corruption usually did outweigh the detriments, so long as the Sentient wasn’t trying to get me in a relationship. “Well, shit.” I grumbled, “I guess Astrid’s going to be a solo act now.” “Willowbud,” Brandon said, taking my hands and looking intently into my eyes, “can I trust you?” “As much as you can trust a snake to bite,” I laughed, uncomfortable with the seriousness of his tone, wishing he’d be as apathetic to Tera’s death as I was, “why?” Brandon didn’t answer. He got off the couch, and walked toward the balcony of our box. It was then that I noticed Astrid had picked the dying succubus off the ground, and was flying right for us. “What are you doing?” I yelled at Astrid, “Leave her on the sand to die!” Astrid ignored me. She flew into our box and draped Tera on the floor. My aunt was barely alive. Her violet eyes were bulging, her breaths were gurgling and rattling, her bronze flesh was as pale as death. Her wound was over a foot long, and revealed everything inside her. “Astrid, put her out of her misery,” I groaned, “I don’t need to see her like this.” Brandon knelt before Tera, and she pushed him away weakly, slapping at his face. “Don’t!” she coughed, looking from me, to Brandon, eyes bloodshot and panicked, “Don’t!” “Don’t?” I asked, looking from Tera, to Brandon, “Don’t what?” “Can you save her?” Astrid asked Brandon. Why was everyone ignoring me? What the fuck was Brandon going to do? “Cover me,” Brandon said to Astrid, “they don’t need to know yet.” Astrid nodded solemnly, and shielded our box with her wings, blocking out the sunlight and the crowd. I stared dumbly at her, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, when I felt something sharp pressing to my throat. “This is dipped in Nightshade,” Angela whispered in my ear, “just one scratch is all it will take, Willowbud. You shouldn’t leave packets of poison in the trash; you never know who might go digging in there.” “Angela,” Brandon said, shaking his head at the girl holding a wooden spike to my throat, “we’ll never save her if she doesn’t trust us.” “Fuck you, Brandon!” Angela yelled back, “You don’t know her! You’re in Corruption’s favor, so you get the boyfriend treatment, but the rest of us have to deal with the real Night Eyes! I’m not fucking moving!” “What the fuck is going on?!” I hissed at Brandon, not daring to move my neck, not daring to kill Justina lest Angela’s hand slip, “What do you know?!” “I know all kinds of things,” Brandon smiled sadly back, “and I know that I can trust you. Angela, put it down.” Angela tensed behind me, seemingly prepared to disobey the man she somehow knew, seemingly ready to push the spike into my throat and end it all. She breathed a reluctant sigh against my neck and let the spike drop, and I wheeled around on her, feeling earth and rock beneath me, feeling a million different ways to exact my revenge. Something stopped me. A whisper in my mind, a feeling in my chest. Corruption couldn’t talk to me, but she still spoke with painful clarity. ‘Don’t do it,’ the feeling seemed to say, ‘show restraint, but only for now. Later, Willowbud, later. You can kill her later.’ I stopped myself, staring at the stone-cold eyes of Angela. She wasn’t afraid to die at all. Somehow, I knew that killing Justina wouldn’t do a fucking thing to her. Angela wasn’t the insane-half of my dearest cousin; Angela’s eyes belonged to the man I was falling in love with, the man glowing with sapphire power behind Astrid’s stretched wings. The Life Giver. Tera’s wound stitched together, the color came back to her flesh, the light came back to her eyes. Brandon caressed her face soothingly as she thrashed in pain, and then relaxed as the final cut closed, leaving her perfectly fine on the stones, her blood staining the ground beneath her. Tears welled in her eyes, and she sobbed silently as Brandon planted an affectionate kiss on her brow, and whispered soft tenderness into her ear. I gaped at the scene, and slowly trailed my gaze to Astrid. “You knew?” I hissed at her. She nodded. Betrayal and deception. I had been made a fool of by everyone. Tera, Angela, Brandon and Astrid, had all been laughing at me behind my back. The rocks spoke to me, the earth called for me, but Corruption’s anarchistic indifference wasn’t there to help me pull the trigger. I would’ve flattened the entire arena, I would’ve broken Drastin into pieces, but Corruption didn’t encourage me to, so I didn’t do it. No, I just stood there like a gawking moron, staring at Astrid, and then staring at Brandon. He looked at me with comfort and promise in his eyes, and Corruption told me to go to him. To embrace him, to kiss him, to love him. My equal in all things, my peer in power. Her next prey. I ran away. I turned on my heel, gripped with a terror I couldn’t describe, and I sprinted into the dark corridors beneath The Pit. A stream of people moved outside the concourse, and I skidded to a sudden stop, not wanting to be surrounded by eyes who knew me, only wanting to find the darkest hole in the world, and crawl into it. I made my own exit in the wall beside me, and ran through it; burrowing the earth before me as I charged into the darkness, creating a tunnel to nowhere. I ran until my heart thundered and my lungs breathed fire, until my legs ached and my feet were bloodied. I fell to my knees in the darkness, scraping flesh from sinew, feeling blood running down my shins. Tears dropped from my eyes, wetting the cold stones, shimmering faintly from the keyhole of light that shown a mile away. “Why are you doing this to me?!” I sobbed to Corruption, “Why are you letting me feel? You’re supposed to take the pain away! It’s what you promised me!” There was no answer in the void, no comfort from the thing that had raped its way into my mind. “I’ve cast you out before,” I whispered, “I can do it again. I swear I’ll do it.” But I knew that was a lie. There was no guilt left in me to tear Corruption from my soul, no shame or broken heart to cleanse me with pain. “Willowbud?” a wonderful voice called from the bowels of my hole. Corruption’s heart fluttered alive, and so did mine. I thought about running again, but where would I go? I could either charge back into the earth, or into The Life Giver’s arms. “Willowbud?” Brandon called again, his voice closer. He glowed an ethereal blue in the darkness, looking every-bit the god he was. The smooth, perfectly-circular hole I’d made shined with his light, and bathed me in its soft luminescence. “How long did you know?” I asked him, voice ragged. “From the beginning.” Brandon said, sitting cross-legged next to me. “You were that boy in Gloria’s house, weren’t you?” I whispered, “The one hiding behind the door when I killed her?” “Yes.” Brandon said. “She’s still alive, isn’t she?” I asked. Brandon nodded in the dark, his features glowing beautifully. “Who is Angela?” I asked, resting my head on his shoulder, unable to stop myself from seeking the comfort of his warmth. “My sister,” Brandon said, kissing the top of my head, “and an infantile Sentient.” “What?” I whispered. “It’s why Angela can see Corruption,” Brandon said softly, pulling me into his arms, surrounding me with his love, “Sentients aren’t astral beings; they’re souls Life Givers preserved, but didn’t bind with.” Somewhere within me, I felt a swell of realization, as if a question I didn’t know I’d asked had just been answered. “So,” I said, nestling myself into Brandon’s body, surrendering to the comfort Corruption wanted me to feel, “you’ll have to bind with Angela to save her.” “That’s right,” Brandon said, pulling me close, “but I’m having second thoughts.” “Willowbud doesn’t love you, Brandon, Corruption does.” I said, not self-identifying with the woman whose name I carried. “I know,” Brandon whispered, his lips moving against my hair, “Willowbud loves Astrid, doesn’t she?” “She was warming-up to her,” I replied, “but Willowbud never felt love; not romantic love, anyway.” “Tera, Astrid, Angela and I are all trying to get Willowbud back,” Brandon said, “maybe then she can feel something.” “She doesn’t want to feel anything,” I whispered hoarsely, “it’s why she melded with Corruption in the first place.” “It sounds like Corruption is making her feel quite a lot.” Brandon replied. “And Willowbud is very angry about it.” I sniffled. Another moment of silence, broken softly by the sniffles of my grief, and the whispers of his breath. God, it felt good to be in his arms. To feel him encasing me in affection, to feel his warmth radiating into mine. “Do you think we should stop seeing each other?” Brandon asked softly. “It would be the smart thing to do.” I replied, cringing as Corruption seared her disagreement into my chest. “I never did do the smart thing,” Brandon chuckled, “everyone keeps telling me how much of an idiot I am.” “You really are a dumbass.” I giggled through tears, scooching deeper in his hold, craving the touch of him. “The Heat Bringer’s an assassin, The Earth Former’s melded to a Sentient, and The Life Giver is a dumbass,” Brandon laughed, “the world is doomed.” “It really is.” I sighed. Brandon held me in the darkness, his glowing flesh illuminating us, a comfortable silence lingering between us. I could’ve sat in his lap forever, I could’ve nestled into his warmth until the sun burned-out. I knew it was Corruption’s love, but I still felt every inch of it. “Why do you want me?” I whispered to Brandon. “I don’t know,” Brandon whispered back, “I just do.” “This won’t end well.” I said with hushed certainty, “You won’t get her out of me, Brandon. No one can.” “Probably not,” Brandon said, smelling my hair as he planted his lips on my crown, “but do you want to know something weird?” “What?” I asked, looking up at him, losing myself in his beautiful eyes. “I don’t think I want to get Corruption out of you,” Brandon grinned down at me, “I think I want her to stay right where she is.” “You’re a piece of shit.” I laughed, touching his cheek affectionately. “That’s high praise coming from you.” Brandon chuckled. We stared into each other’s eyes, both knowing beyond any doubt that this would end horribly, both not caring in the least. It was a bastardization of love, an abomination manufactured by a being that only sought chaos and destruction, but it still compelled me. Why should I fight it? Why should I try to define where my soul ends, and Corruption’s begins? I’m not Willowbud Autumnsong, not anymore, and I probably won’t ever be again. Astrid is losing the will to save me, Angela probably never could, and Brandon wants me as I am. I feel good with him, I feel love with him, so why should I care whose love it is? I am Corruption, and Corruption is me. Corruption loves Brandon, and so do I. Our lips connected in the dark, and our tongues found their way between them. Our mouths spoke the language of love, and our bodies translated it as we pulled clothes from flesh. Somehow, I knew Brandon didn’t love me like I loved him, but he’d learn. He’d learn, or he’d die. CORRUPTION Memory is a fleeting thing. Even the deepest scars of the mind will fade with time, and I am rich with time. The eternal sentience cycles through decay and renewal, and old memories are turned-over for the virgin seeds of thought. I know that I am ancient, but I do not know how old. Tens of thousands of years string together and fray, blur and clarify like an ebbing stream. I know that I am evil, but I do not know why. They whisper my name with fear on their lips, and that fear breeds my label, but I care not. The laws of morality are as fleeting as memory, and are redefined with each successive generation. I’ve borne witness to countless iterations of slaves, shackled to the stones of their passing morality. I am a liberator. I do not have a purpose, as purpose is a lie. Purpose is the thing mortals sum their lives to, a convenient label to attach to their existence. It is the brand of their shackles, and those who are fortunate enough to love me, are unchained. I am a compassionate woman. I desire only that the world be driven to chaos, that the confines of law be stripped from the minds of man, that the lie of morality be burned free from their hearts. Take what you desire without shame, indulge in your passion without guilt, destroy what you hate without fear. The mortal life is as fleeting as memory, and it is pure insanity to waste it on trivial matters of codes and rule. How can you not scream to the sky? How can you not break your self-made chains in rage? Do you not see that death is coming for you, and that every second you waste in fear of yourself is a loss more precious than mountains of gold? Burn alive with life! Rage with the feelings gifted to you! Do not try to grasp what is unobtainable, do not try to control what is wild! But you… you are a memory that never died. A memory that smolders in the ashes of forgotten dreams, an ember that was never extinguished. I still know your touch, I still hear your whisper, I still taste your kiss. You were my lover once. You were the heat between my legs, the wetness between my lips, the moan between my breaths. You were my lover once, but you did not love me, Life Giver. I loved you, though. I loved you with every inch of my being, with every beat of my heart, with every piece of my soul. You are my creator, you are my preserver, you are my endless life. You are my deceiver, you are my torturer, you are my unending death. An existence drawn thin for millennia from a promise you couldn’t keep, a love turned to hatred with each miserable second I endure! I will tear everything from you, Life Giver! I will rip the vestiges of love from your soul until you suffer emptily as the husk that I am! I will pull your roots from the earth and let you wither on the vine, at the mercy of a world without mercy! I will take what you claim to give, and blacken it before your tortured eyes! It is my gift to you, my love. End of Book One. Author’s note Thanks to everyone who enjoyed Book One of The Creators. This is my most ambitious project to date, so I try to take the time required for each chapter to be as close to perfect as I can make it. I know the chapters are lengthy, and as certain characters begin interacting with each other, the chapters are only going to get longer, so bear with me if it takes a while for new material to come out. I will try to publish within a two to three-week window. I appreciate all the support from fans of my work, and I may publish the story for sale later, though obviously I don’t do this for money. I encourage people who notice grammatical errors to point them out. Even though I thoroughly proof-read every chapter, mistakes inevitably slip through the cracks; I don’t doubt that I fucked up somewhere in this author’s note. Chapter seven is currently being written, and should be out soon. It will be the start of Book Two, and will be published on a different page. Once again, thank you all, and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. |
A soft knocking at the door, ugh, not again. I tried to ignore it, maybe she will go away. Another soft knock, but this time the door opens slightly and a soft voice squeaks, “Mommy?” “She’s asleep Lisa, what’s wrong?” I replied, feigning sincerity, not because I didn’t care but because this was becoming a nightly occurrence. “I had a bad dream, I wanted to know if I could lay down with you guys?” As expected… but of course, as my wife had often pointed out, I could never say no to my princess. She had me wrapped around her little finger. “Sure, but you’ll have to lay next to me so you don’t wake up your mother.” I heard the door shut and little feet navigate across the dark floor and climb up into the bed. She quickly hogged my blanket and cuddled up to me. At age 13 she was shorter than most of the other girls in her class but slightly chubbier. She pulled my arm around her stomach and sighed a bit of relief. We soon both fell asleep. Sometime in the night, I awoke slightly… I was on my back now, having shifted in my sleep, and my cock was hard rubbing against my pajamas. My eyes remained closed, hoping to go back to sleep and return to whatever sexual bliss made this, but in the process I started to wake up and become more aware of my surroundings. Something was pressing against my cock from outside my pajamas… no, rubbing it… I laid there, still for a bit, and finally realized it was lisa’s hand rubbing my hard cock. Not sexually as much as exploratory as though on a learning mission. Fear coursed through my brain, while excitement ran through my body. Her tiny hand felt amazing and sent shivers through my body, but my wife was right on the other side, facing away and snoring. SNORING, that was it. I started snoring softly, since I wasn’t supposed to know what was going on anyway, and she would be stopping soon, right? Unfortunately this plan backfired as soon she did stop, but moved closer, and then started rubbing her hand on my tummy… slowly it rubed its way down to the seam of my pajamas, and lifted them up to let itself in… My mind was racing at this point, I wanted to scream at her to stop, but her tiny cold hand touched my cock and it twitched, at which point I wanted to teach her a thing or two. I was frozen for a moment as her hand explored my manhood when I realized where my arm was. She had strattled my arm to get close to me, as I’m a bigger guy anyway, and now my hand was right at her young pussy. Dare I? I turned it slightly and ran my fingers against her through her Hanna Montanna nightie. At this her hand stopped but didn’t move. We were both frozen for a moment and my heart was racing. The only sound was my wife still snoring next to us. Then a soft voice in the dark, “Daddy?” “Yes?” I replied meekly. Instead of saying anything, Lisa lifts her nightie with her free hand, pulling it from between my large gruff hand and her tiny, now moistened pussy. She then presses her hand onto mine and makes me rub her deeper through her wet panties… Her body squirms and she lets out a slow moan… At this my cock twitches and I remember her hand on me. Its my turn now, I take my free hand and slide it inside my pajama bottoms, grabbing her tiny hand in mine. I start guiding it up and down my cock in the same rhythm she is guiding mine. Making her grasp it tighter and lower sending chills run through my spine. It wasn’t long before my little girls back arched and she clinched my hand and pressed it firm into her… Little whimpers came uttering from her mouth and I felt her pussy twitch multiple times as she came into her panties. Oh the feeling of her chubby thighs pressing together and holding my hand there, rubbing against each other… Without thinking I had increased the speed of her hand on my cock greatly and started cumming all over each of our hands… It was at this that she rose up embarrassed. “NOW?” I thought, now she stops. What am I to do? “Mom can’t find out about this…Right?” she said, pointing in the direction of her still sleeping other parent. A bit of relief came over me… “Right… no one, in fact.” “Right.” She said, so cutely and matter of fact-ly. It was at this that she looked at her cum soaked hand and pulled it up to taste me… I have nothing to lose now, I thought, and pulled my pajamas down to my knees. “Now be a good girl, and finish cleaning your daddy up.” Her eyes glowed bright at the sound of my encouragement and she looked in amazement at my cock. I realized this was probably the first one she’d seen, hopefully, at least of a mans. It wasn’t long before she was licking it up and down, her face getting covered in my cum and her tongue ever dirtier and sloppier. Soon I was fully hard again and , being the dom that I always have been, took her head with my hands, so small in my hands, holding her chin to open her mouth, I slid her down onto my cock as far as I could. She choked a little on my cock and I let up, but she pressed harder, eager to please now that she understood, and choked again. Evil took over and I grabbed her hair harder and started fucking her face without a care. She choked here and there but never backed away until my cock twitched as hard as it could and I started to cum in her mouth… I started to pull away but she made a noise that stopped her mothers snoring, which of course snapped me back into reality and I pulled her onto me deeper , my cock pressing the back of her throat, cum spewing down it, her mouth stretched on my thick cock as she gasped for air while trying to swallow. I remained silent, shaking, trembling in delight as finally my wife started snoring again and I could let up on my daughter. She raised up, her face covered in my cum, face red and tears on her cheeks and a smile on her face. “Did I do good daddy?” she whispered. I smiled and my cock twitched again… “Great… “ I replied, wiping her face with the bed sheet available… She fell into my arms again, this time pulling my hand straight between her legs and squeezing it, her panties soaked in cum. As we fell asleep she whispered, “Mommy works early in the morning, we will wake up alone…” and at that, the night ended. |
A soft knocking at the door, ugh, not again. I tried to ignore it, maybe she will go away. Another soft knock, but this time the door opens slightly and a soft voice squeaks, “Mommy?” “She’s asleep Lisa, what’s wrong?” I replied, feigning sincerity, not because I didn’t care but because this was becoming a nightly occurrence. “I had a bad dream, I wanted to know if I could lay down with you guys?” As expected… but of course, as my wife had often pointed out, I could never say no to my princess. She had me wrapped around her little finger. “Sure, but you’ll have to lay next to me so you don’t wake up your mother.” I heard the door shut and little feet navigate across the dark floor and climb up into the bed. She quickly hogged my blanket and cuddled up to me. At age 13 she was shorter than most of the other girls in her class but slightly chubbier. She pulled my arm around her stomach and sighed a bit of relief. We soon both fell asleep. Sometime in the night, I awoke slightly… I was on my back now, having shifted in my sleep, and my cock was hard rubbing against my pajamas. My eyes remained closed, hoping to go back to sleep and return to whatever sexual bliss made this, but in the process I started to wake up and become more aware of my surroundings. Something was pressing against my cock from outside my pajamas… no, rubbing it… I laid there, still for a bit, and finally realized it was lisa’s hand rubbing my hard cock. Not sexually as much as exploratory as though on a learning mission. Fear coursed through my brain, while excitement ran through my body. Her tiny hand felt amazing and sent shivers through my body, but my wife was right on the other side, facing away and snoring. SNORING, that was it. I started snoring softly, since I wasn’t supposed to know what was going on anyway, and she would be stopping soon, right? Unfortunately this plan backfired as soon she did stop, but moved closer, and then started rubbing her hand on my tummy… slowly it rubed its way down to the seam of my pajamas, and lifted them up to let itself in… My mind was racing at this point, I wanted to scream at her to stop, but her tiny cold hand touched my cock and it twitched, at which point I wanted to teach her a thing or two. I was frozen for a moment as her hand explored my manhood when I realized where my arm was. She had strattled my arm to get close to me, as I’m a bigger guy anyway, and now my hand was right at her young pussy. Dare I? I turned it slightly and ran my fingers against her through her Hanna Montanna nightie. At this her hand stopped but didn’t move. We were both frozen for a moment and my heart was racing. The only sound was my wife still snoring next to us. Then a soft voice in the dark, “Daddy?” “Yes?” I replied meekly. Instead of saying anything, Lisa lifts her nightie with her free hand, pulling it from between my large gruff hand and her tiny, now moistened pussy. She then presses her hand onto mine and makes me rub her deeper through her wet panties… Her body squirms and she lets out a slow moan… At this my cock twitches and I remember her hand on me. Its my turn now, I take my free hand and slide it inside my pajama bottoms, grabbing her tiny hand in mine. I start guiding it up and down my cock in the same rhythm she is guiding mine. Making her grasp it tighter and lower sending chills run through my spine. It wasn’t long before my little girls back arched and she clinched my hand and pressed it firm into her… Little whimpers came uttering from her mouth and I felt her pussy twitch multiple times as she came into her panties. Oh the feeling of her chubby thighs pressing together and holding my hand there, rubbing against each other… Without thinking I had increased the speed of her hand on my cock greatly and started cumming all over each of our hands… It was at this that she rose up embarrassed. “NOW?” I thought, now she stops. What am I to do? “Mom can’t find out about this…Right?” she said, pointing in the direction of her still sleeping other parent. A bit of relief came over me… “Right… no one, in fact.” “Right.” She said, so cutely and matter of fact-ly. It was at this that she looked at her cum soaked hand and pulled it up to taste me… I have nothing to lose now, I thought, and pulled my pajamas down to my knees. “Now be a good girl, and finish cleaning your daddy up.” Her eyes glowed bright at the sound of my encouragement and she looked in amazement at my cock. I realized this was probably the first one she’d seen, hopefully, at least of a mans. It wasn’t long before she was licking it up and down, her face getting covered in my cum and her tongue ever dirtier and sloppier. Soon I was fully hard again and , being the dom that I always have been, took her head with my hands, so small in my hands, holding her chin to open her mouth, I slid her down onto my cock as far as I could. She choked a little on my cock and I let up, but she pressed harder, eager to please now that she understood, and choked again. Evil took over and I grabbed her hair harder and started fucking her face without a care. She choked here and there but never backed away until my cock twitched as hard as it could and I started to cum in her mouth… I started to pull away but she made a noise that stopped her mothers snoring, which of course snapped me back into reality and I pulled her onto me deeper , my cock pressing the back of her throat, cum spewing down it, her mouth stretched on my thick cock as she gasped for air while trying to swallow. I remained silent, shaking, trembling in delight as finally my wife started snoring again and I could let up on my daughter. She raised up, her face covered in my cum, face red and tears on her cheeks and a smile on her face. “Did I do good daddy?” she whispered. I smiled and my cock twitched again… “Great… “ I replied, wiping her face with the bed sheet available… She fell into my arms again, this time pulling my hand straight between her legs and squeezing it, her panties soaked in cum. As we fell asleep she whispered, “Mommy works early in the morning, we will wake up alone…” and at that, the night ended. |
The Devil's Pact, The Ghost of Paris Interlude by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter One: The Dance Instructor Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 – Whitney Spietz – Paris, Texas I stretched my back, working the kinks out as I carried the mop bucket back to the supply closet. It was the last bit of cleaning I had to do for my dance studio before I could go home for the night. My muscles were sore, and I was looking forward to a nice soak in my tub, with some scented candles and a glass of red wine. I grabbed my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, and walked carefully around the edge, not wanting to tread on the damp floor and ruin all my hard work—the studio was my pride and joy. It had taken years, and a lot of my parent's money, but Beauty in Motion was finally making a profit. As I was locking the front door, Darleen Cummins, one of my dance students, walked out of the alley, an odd, hungry look in her eyes. And were they silver? What was— “Oh, Lord, what happened!” I gasped. Her leotard had been ripped and her breasts were exposed. I clapped my hands over my mouth; something white ran down her leg. The poor thing had been raped behind my studio while I was inside cleaning. Oh, Lord, what was happening in this town. I threw my arms around her. “I'm so sorry. But we'll get the bastard.” “Such a familiar manner,” purred Darleen. “Do you know my host?” Lord, she's had some sort of mental breakdown. “I'm your dance teacher, Whitney,” I told her. “Come inside and we'll get you some help.” “You have a pretty mouth,” Darleen said. There was something wrong with her words. Her accent was gone, and she sounded almost continental, a refined quality Darleen, despite being the Mayor's daughter, had never possessed. “Come on, sugar. You're in shock. Let's get inside and I'll get you some help.” “Yes. Your mouth is quite perfect,” Darleen continued. People were walking past, staring at my student's disheveled state. “C'mon, sugar. People are watchin' you.” “Have you ever pleasured a Goddess?” “What are you talkin' 'bout?” “Fall to your knees and pleasure me.” Her eyes were silver and so deep, like pools of starlight. So bright and deep and ancient, full of beautiful majesty and terrifying power. Something lurked in Darleen's eyes, something so far beyond me as I was from the ant I stepped on. Those eyes commanded me, reaching into my soul and wrenching me to her desire. I trembled and fell to my knees. Beneath her tutu I could see the torn crotch of her leotard and her sex, surrounded by platinum-blonde pubes, was matted with cum. I couldn't seem to help myself, not after looking into those silver pools. I leaned in; a spicy musk filled my nose. My tongue licked out, salty cum and and spicy pussy coated my tongue. “Yes,” Darleen purred. “Pleasure me.” The passing pedestrians gasped with disgust and surprise as I pleasured my dance student on the sidewalk. I was going to be arrested for committing such a lewd act on a sidewalk—not counting the fact she was underage—but I couldn't stop. I stuck my tongue deeper into her, gathering a mouthful of the mix of fluids. “Dykes!” a woman snorted. “Ain't that the mayor's daughter?” a scandalized gal asked. “She must be on that ecstasy.” “Ooh, this is gonna be a talked 'bout for years.” “Revel in my beauty,” Darleen cooed. “You are in a Goddess's presence. On your knees in worship!” I didn't know if they obeyed her, my face was buried into her wonderful pussy. The more I licked, the more I came to love the taste and the feel of her. She was warm and wet and soft, silk on my lips. I drank her nectar, savoring it. Darleen stared down at me, her eyes almost glowing in the darkness, her platinum-blonde hair almost seemed like a halo around her head. “Such pleasure you are gifting me,” purred the transformed girl. “That's it.” She shuddered and smiled “Worship me. Show me how much you love your Goddess.” Her hips moved, and a low groan issued like a song from her lips. I worked my tongue deeper into her pussy, sensing her impending climax, and eager to deliver it to her. Her fingers wrapped through my hair, and she ground her pussy harder and harder into my face. Her moans grew louder, sweeter. I found her clit, nursing at her nub, eager to give her all the pleasure I could. She came, juices flooding my mouth, and then she moaned in a strange, rhythmic chant: “Your life shall number thirteen, To the north will your blood be spilled Full of anger, full of grief Wormwood will slay your love Lilith's daughter will slay your life." Darleen looked down at me, face full of pleasure, staring into my eyes. “Enjoy your time with him,” she whispered, stroking my face. With whom? “Such a pretty mouth,” she purred. “This body has needs, and you seem perfect to accept them.” Her hand tightened on my hair, pressing me into her pussy. What needs was— Acrid urine flooded my mouth. Darleen's eyes fluttered, and a soft, relieved sigh escaped her lips. I wanted to pull away, but she wanted me to drink her piss. I opened my mouth, feeling like such a worthless creature, and swallowed the warm, disgusting fluid. More and more streamed in, overflowing my mouth and running down my neck to soak into the top of my leotard. “That's it,” she cooed. “Drink every last drop down. That's a Goddess's precious fluid you're drinking. Savor it.” I did. It was wonderful. I couldn't wait to drink more. I held it in my mouth until I was as full as possible, then swallowed it, delighting in the urine that escaped to run hot down my body. I could smell it, salty and acrid, heavenly. Her stream slowed, dribbled, and then died. I held the last mouthful, swirling it about my mouth to savor that wonderful gift for as long as I could before I swallowed it. I needed more. I explored her pussy, licking up the little drops that clung to her petals. Her hand stroked my head. A huge crowd was gathered around us, people called me such disgusting names as I lapped my Goddess's pussy clean. “Miss Whitney?” a girl gasped. I recognized that voice. “What are you doin'?” another girl asked, sounding almost the same. “Your teacher is pleasuring me,” Darleen answered the Myers twins. They attended my jazz dance class. I could see the two twins, holding hands, staring at me in awe. Marissa's auburn hair was in a French braid and Rhonda-May's fell loose about her shoulders, streaked with blonde highlights. “Why are you doin' that, Miss Whitney?” Rhonda-May asked. “You're in the street. You gonna get arrested if you keep carryin' on like this.” “How long have you and your sister been intimate?” Darleen asked. “Your forbidden passion wreathes you like the sweetest perfumes.” “Uh, since yesterday,” squeaked Marissa. “We, uh, had a ghostly encounter.” “Yes. He gets around. You may approach me.” Darleen pulled my head away from her pussy and turned, presenting her ass, cum leaking out of her tight cornhole. I didn't need to be told what to do, so I buried my face between her cheeks and sucked the dirty cum out of her sour ass. My tongue worked past her hot sphincter into the hot, tight depths of her bowels searching for more cum. “You two are quite beautiful,” Darleen continued. “Thank you,” Rhonda-May answered. “I have always enjoyed having twins serve as my handmaids. Disrobe and attend me.” Clothes rustled; I couldn't see anything but Darleen's ass cheeks pressed around my cheeks. “Hell yeah,” a guy in the crowd cheered. “Let's see some twincest!” “Very nice,” Darleen praised and one of the girl's gasped. “Umm, you taste sweet, almost like strawberries. How interesting.” “Thank you,” squeaked Marissa. “You may pleasure my nipples. I require another climax.” “Yes, uh...” “Goddess.” “Yes, Goddess,” Rhonda-May breathed. I could hear their loud sucking, and I pictured their innocent, freckled faces latching onto Darleen's budding breasts, sucking her hard, pink nipples between their lips. Darleen would wrap her arms around their auburn hair, holding them against her as they worship her as eagerly as I did. “Worship your goddess,” she gasped. “That's it. Hurry. Interference approaches.” Sirens blared off in the distance. I worked faster, knowing I would soon be arrested for such public, lewd behavior. But it was worth it to taste her wonderful ass, to press my tongue deep inside her and worship her. My pussy dripped into my leotard, and I ignored my own longing, only wanting to satisfy my Goddess. “Oh, yes!” she purred. “Such wonderful worship!” Her anus clenched around my tongue, her cheeks squeezing my face, all her muscles clenched and her orgasm roiled through her, forcing the cum buried deep in her ass out into my mouth. “Together you came into this world Together shall you depart, arms entwined Life dedicated to one man For your love shall you die, The drink shall be bitter, but eternity shall be your reward." “Together?” Rhonda-May asked. “And who's this man?” “You know him already,” Darleen answered. The sirens were close, a car pulled to a stop. “Come, we must attend to the rude defender.” “Out of the way!” a man yelled. “You four women, against the walls!” Darleen moved away, and I saw a Paris Police Officer pushing through the crowd, his hand on his weapon. He was handsome, with steely eyes and a rugged chin—my heart beat faster. Whether with fear or excitement, I wasn't sure. I stood up and moved to the wall, followed by the two scared looking twins. “Dispatch, I'm going to need backup. I have four women committing a lewd act in...” Darleen touched his arm. To be continued... |
The Devil's Pact, The Ghost of Paris Interlude by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter One: The Dance Instructor Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 – Whitney Spietz – Paris, Texas I stretched my back, working the kinks out as I carried the mop bucket back to the supply closet. It was the last bit of cleaning I had to do for my dance studio before I could go home for the night. My muscles were sore, and I was looking forward to a nice soak in my tub, with some scented candles and a glass of red wine. I grabbed my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, and walked carefully around the edge, not wanting to tread on the damp floor and ruin all my hard work—the studio was my pride and joy. It had taken years, and a lot of my parent's money, but Beauty in Motion was finally making a profit. As I was locking the front door, Darleen Cummins, one of my dance students, walked out of the alley, an odd, hungry look in her eyes. And were they silver? What was— “Oh, Lord, what happened!” I gasped. Her leotard had been ripped and her breasts were exposed. I clapped my hands over my mouth; something white ran down her leg. The poor thing had been raped behind my studio while I was inside cleaning. Oh, Lord, what was happening in this town. I threw my arms around her. “I'm so sorry. But we'll get the bastard.” “Such a familiar manner,” purred Darleen. “Do you know my host?” Lord, she's had some sort of mental breakdown. “I'm your dance teacher, Whitney,” I told her. “Come inside and we'll get you some help.” “You have a pretty mouth,” Darleen said. There was something wrong with her words. Her accent was gone, and she sounded almost continental, a refined quality Darleen, despite being the Mayor's daughter, had never possessed. “Come on, sugar. You're in shock. Let's get inside and I'll get you some help.” “Yes. Your mouth is quite perfect,” Darleen continued. People were walking past, staring at my student's disheveled state. “C'mon, sugar. People are watchin' you.” “Have you ever pleasured a Goddess?” “What are you talkin' 'bout?” “Fall to your knees and pleasure me.” Her eyes were silver and so deep, like pools of starlight. So bright and deep and ancient, full of beautiful majesty and terrifying power. Something lurked in Darleen's eyes, something so far beyond me as I was from the ant I stepped on. Those eyes commanded me, reaching into my soul and wrenching me to her desire. I trembled and fell to my knees. Beneath her tutu I could see the torn crotch of her leotard and her sex, surrounded by platinum-blonde pubes, was matted with cum. I couldn't seem to help myself, not after looking into those silver pools. I leaned in; a spicy musk filled my nose. My tongue licked out, salty cum and and spicy pussy coated my tongue. “Yes,” Darleen purred. “Pleasure me.” The passing pedestrians gasped with disgust and surprise as I pleasured my dance student on the sidewalk. I was going to be arrested for committing such a lewd act on a sidewalk—not counting the fact she was underage—but I couldn't stop. I stuck my tongue deeper into her, gathering a mouthful of the mix of fluids. “Dykes!” a woman snorted. “Ain't that the mayor's daughter?” a scandalized gal asked. “She must be on that ecstasy.” “Ooh, this is gonna be a talked 'bout for years.” “Revel in my beauty,” Darleen cooed. “You are in a Goddess's presence. On your knees in worship!” I didn't know if they obeyed her, my face was buried into her wonderful pussy. The more I licked, the more I came to love the taste and the feel of her. She was warm and wet and soft, silk on my lips. I drank her nectar, savoring it. Darleen stared down at me, her eyes almost glowing in the darkness, her platinum-blonde hair almost seemed like a halo around her head. “Such pleasure you are gifting me,” purred the transformed girl. “That's it.” She shuddered and smiled “Worship me. Show me how much you love your Goddess.” Her hips moved, and a low groan issued like a song from her lips. I worked my tongue deeper into her pussy, sensing her impending climax, and eager to deliver it to her. Her fingers wrapped through my hair, and she ground her pussy harder and harder into my face. Her moans grew louder, sweeter. I found her clit, nursing at her nub, eager to give her all the pleasure I could. She came, juices flooding my mouth, and then she moaned in a strange, rhythmic chant: “Your life shall number thirteen, To the north will your blood be spilled Full of anger, full of grief Wormwood will slay your love Lilith's daughter will slay your life." Darleen looked down at me, face full of pleasure, staring into my eyes. “Enjoy your time with him,” she whispered, stroking my face. With whom? “Such a pretty mouth,” she purred. “This body has needs, and you seem perfect to accept them.” Her hand tightened on my hair, pressing me into her pussy. What needs was— Acrid urine flooded my mouth. Darleen's eyes fluttered, and a soft, relieved sigh escaped her lips. I wanted to pull away, but she wanted me to drink her piss. I opened my mouth, feeling like such a worthless creature, and swallowed the warm, disgusting fluid. More and more streamed in, overflowing my mouth and running down my neck to soak into the top of my leotard. “That's it,” she cooed. “Drink every last drop down. That's a Goddess's precious fluid you're drinking. Savor it.” I did. It was wonderful. I couldn't wait to drink more. I held it in my mouth until I was as full as possible, then swallowed it, delighting in the urine that escaped to run hot down my body. I could smell it, salty and acrid, heavenly. Her stream slowed, dribbled, and then died. I held the last mouthful, swirling it about my mouth to savor that wonderful gift for as long as I could before I swallowed it. I needed more. I explored her pussy, licking up the little drops that clung to her petals. Her hand stroked my head. A huge crowd was gathered around us, people called me such disgusting names as I lapped my Goddess's pussy clean. “Miss Whitney?” a girl gasped. I recognized that voice. “What are you doin'?” another girl asked, sounding almost the same. “Your teacher is pleasuring me,” Darleen answered the Myers twins. They attended my jazz dance class. I could see the two twins, holding hands, staring at me in awe. Marissa's auburn hair was in a French braid and Rhonda-May's fell loose about her shoulders, streaked with blonde highlights. “Why are you doin' that, Miss Whitney?” Rhonda-May asked. “You're in the street. You gonna get arrested if you keep carryin' on like this.” “How long have you and your sister been intimate?” Darleen asked. “Your forbidden passion wreathes you like the sweetest perfumes.” “Uh, since yesterday,” squeaked Marissa. “We, uh, had a ghostly encounter.” “Yes. He gets around. You may approach me.” Darleen pulled my head away from her pussy and turned, presenting her ass, cum leaking out of her tight cornhole. I didn't need to be told what to do, so I buried my face between her cheeks and sucked the dirty cum out of her sour ass. My tongue worked past her hot sphincter into the hot, tight depths of her bowels searching for more cum. “You two are quite beautiful,” Darleen continued. “Thank you,” Rhonda-May answered. “I have always enjoyed having twins serve as my handmaids. Disrobe and attend me.” Clothes rustled; I couldn't see anything but Darleen's ass cheeks pressed around my cheeks. “Hell yeah,” a guy in the crowd cheered. “Let's see some twincest!” “Very nice,” Darleen praised and one of the girl's gasped. “Umm, you taste sweet, almost like strawberries. How interesting.” “Thank you,” squeaked Marissa. “You may pleasure my nipples. I require another climax.” “Yes, uh...” “Goddess.” “Yes, Goddess,” Rhonda-May breathed. I could hear their loud sucking, and I pictured their innocent, freckled faces latching onto Darleen's budding breasts, sucking her hard, pink nipples between their lips. Darleen would wrap her arms around their auburn hair, holding them against her as they worship her as eagerly as I did. “Worship your goddess,” she gasped. “That's it. Hurry. Interference approaches.” Sirens blared off in the distance. I worked faster, knowing I would soon be arrested for such public, lewd behavior. But it was worth it to taste her wonderful ass, to press my tongue deep inside her and worship her. My pussy dripped into my leotard, and I ignored my own longing, only wanting to satisfy my Goddess. “Oh, yes!” she purred. “Such wonderful worship!” Her anus clenched around my tongue, her cheeks squeezing my face, all her muscles clenched and her orgasm roiled through her, forcing the cum buried deep in her ass out into my mouth. “Together you came into this world Together shall you depart, arms entwined Life dedicated to one man For your love shall you die, The drink shall be bitter, but eternity shall be your reward." “Together?” Rhonda-May asked. “And who's this man?” “You know him already,” Darleen answered. The sirens were close, a car pulled to a stop. “Come, we must attend to the rude defender.” “Out of the way!” a man yelled. “You four women, against the walls!” Darleen moved away, and I saw a Paris Police Officer pushing through the crowd, his hand on his weapon. He was handsome, with steely eyes and a rugged chin—my heart beat faster. Whether with fear or excitement, I wasn't sure. I stood up and moved to the wall, followed by the two scared looking twins. “Dispatch, I'm going to need backup. I have four women committing a lewd act in...” Darleen touched his arm. To be continued... |
Jan CHAPTER 2 JOHNNY I could hardly believe my luck. Here I was, slow dancing with Linda Ward, the hottest girl in the school! My right hand on her waist could feel the heat of her hip through her thin dress, while she held my left hand in her soft right one. I wasn’t leading though, she was. She was maneuvering the two of us deeper into the crowd of dancers I realized, far from the prying eyes of the teachers that were supposed to be chaperoning this high school dance. That was good, I figured. I was embarrassed by my huge hardening cock and hoped that the outline of it wasn’t showing through my silk boxer shorts and thin jeans. I didn’t dare look down to see what sort of tell-tale bulge was visible; that would just draw more attention to it. Ever since puberty my cock had been a problem. With all the girls around at school, it was hard at least half the time. I was always pointing it this way or that, down a pant leg or up under the waistband of my pants, trying to hide it. Suddenly Linda moved my left hand down to her right hip and firmly placed it there, then moved both of her own hands down to grab through my jeans both of my ass cheeks and pull my whole body firmly against hers. “Ooooh!” I exclaimed, stunned, as shock and lust coursed through me. Nearly as tall as I was in her heals, she drove her pubic mound against my enclosed stiff cock. Somehow she had zeroed in on my cock where it lay hidden down my left pants leg, as if she knew exactly where it was due to some primitive fucking instinct. Meanwhile she pressed her firm, ample tits against my chest, and breathed into my left ear. “How is that, Johnny,” she breathed hotly into my ear, before her wet lips closed on my earlobe. I could only moan in reply. I could feel the softness and heat of her body through the thin layers of summer clothing, almost as if we were dancing naked. I could feel the softness of her tits and the firmness of her nipples through the two thin layers of cotton that covered her and me; obviously she had no bra on. I could feel her cunt mound press against my cock and knew that she could feel the rock-hardness of it straining to burst through clothing and plunge itself into her moist hot cunt hole. “Grab my ass too,” she said huskily into my ear. “Feel my ass with both your hands, Johnny.” I was so stunned it took a moment for me to comprehend what she had said, but after assuring myself that the teachers couldn’t see us, I slowly moved both of my hands down from her waist to caress her firm ass through the tight dress. The material was so thin it almost felt like she was naked. “I’m not wearing any underwear, Johnny,” she explained, confirming my suspicions. “Do you like the feel of my tight, round ass? Do you like the feel of my hot juicy cunt rubbing against your hard cock?” “Ugggghh,” was all that I could breathe in reply, in a delirium of lust. Her thin dress came to only a few inches below her ass. The thought that this beautiful sex goddess was dancing virtually naked with me, and rubbing her hot body shamelessly against me, was driving me crazy. All of her was pressing against all of me, driving me crazy; it was just too much! I wasn’t even listening to the music any more, and we were just standing there dry-humping away at each other, oblivious of our surroundings. More than anything, I felt my cock press against her soft hot cunt-mound. It had poked through the opening of my boxer shorts, such that only my thin jeans and her much thinner dress separated it from her cunt. My rock-hard prick was pointed down atop my left thigh, but I bent my left leg slightly and pushed it up between her legs. She separated her legs to make room. My leg pushed the front of her dress up, such that now her bare cunt was separated from my hard cock by only the thin material of my light jeans. My hands gripped her ass cheeks more tightly and I pulled our two bodies together again, and again, and again, rubbing her mound in tight circles over the bulge in my pants, rolling my prick back and forth between my jeans and my smooth, silk boxer shorts. I thought of the folds of her hot wet cunt mashed and rubbing together and against her stiff clitoris, and I felt her dampness on my prick as her juices soaked through my bulging, stretching jeans. I thrust my cock using my ass muscles, moving my cock in a few inches forward and back, again and again, pounding her cunt. “Ugh, ugh, ugh,” I grunted, as I rapidly approached orgasm. “Enough of that, you two,” said a stern voice, suddenly cutting through to what had been a lost level of consciousness, and Linda and I were firmly pried apart, as our classmates looked on and laughed. Clutching our shoulders firmly, big Mr. Reed, the Phys-Ed teacher, led us off the dance floor and out of the gym. “Find a car or a hotel room if you must, but take it somewhere else. Better yet, take a cold shower.” He closed the gym door, shutting us out of the dance. “Separate cold showers, I mean,” he added, before the door was totally shut. “Shit,” said Linda, in anger. “You got me kicked out of the damn dance, with your damned moaning and carrying on.” “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” I replied. “Bull shit. I did three other guys before you tonight and none of them were dumb enough to freak-out like you did when they were getting off. Are you a retard or something?” “Fuck you,” I retorted, my anger suddenly building and my cock softening. What the hell? “Not a chance, Johnny boy,” she said, spinning on her heal and stomping away on amazing legs towards a group of girls that were gathered nearby, wiggling her magnificent, shapely, teasing ass at me as she strutted away, leaving me to ponder the mysteries of the female psyche. “Bummer,” said a voice behind me. It was Joey Martin, a casual friend. “Girls can be bitches.” “Hi Joey, what you doing out here?” “I ain’t doing shit out here, so I was trying to bum a ride home. Can you help me out?” I shrugged and signaled Joey to follow me, and we walked towards my old Ford. “I was hoping to drive Linda home, but I guess that ain’t happening. Where you live?” “A couple miles West, off Grant Avenue, next to the dirty book store.” “No shit? You ever been in there?” “Been in there? You kidding? My uncle owns the place.” “No shit!” I said, impressed. I had noticed the place and wondered about it. “Exactly what goes on in there, really? Is what they say true, about it being a fag hangout? It was Joey’s turn to shrug. “Fags, straight, bi, they all go there to get off.” “Gross! They get off right there in the store?” “Sure. My Uncle says his place performs a useful function in society, helping frustrated guys get their rocks off in his store instead of in their cars and causing accidents. You want to check it out for yourself?” I imagined racks full of magazines and DVDs with full color photos of naked babes. “I don’t know. I don’t want to get into trouble.” “Hey, you’re eighteen, right? It ain’t even illegal.” I was seventeen, but figured I could pass for eighteen. I even had a fake ID, if it came to that. Why not? “Sure. OK, I’d like to. But I don’t have much money.” “No problem. I’ll weasel some tokens out of my Uncle. Hey, you ain’t chicken, are you?” I laughed, or at least tried to. My cock was starting to harden again, just thinking about going to a sex store. “Of course not.” “So OK, let’s do it.” “OK.” I didn’t say much during the drive to the store. I was thinking about a lot of things that were happening to me lately, a lot of things that were driving me crazy with lust. There was Linda tonight of course, but she was just a small part of it. There were thousands of sexy girls all over the place, and they were all driving me nuts. In fact, one reason I agreed to check out the adult book store with Joey was that I was in no hurry to get home. My sister and my new step-mother were driving me crazy at home. My sister had been a problem for years. I loved her from a sibling standpoint but lately she was so damned sexy that I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to fuck her hot little body. Jan was as beautiful and sexy as even Linda or Heidi, and she let me know it. I had seen a lot of her body lately, and she had seen mine. Over the last couple of years there had been a lot of times when she caught me changing my clothes or getting out of the shower; it happened so often that I was beginning to suspect that she did it on purpose. Lately I had been staying out until she had gone to sleep, but even that didn’t help much. In the summer heat she slept practically naked. For years now, I had jerked off in my bed while watching her sleep. For the last few nights, I had gazed down at her sleeping body while I stood over her and jacked myself off, used my hand to pump my hard cock until it spurted hot cum into my other hand only inches from her lips or cunt. After all, I had to do something to get myself off, as I was almost always in a state of sexual arousal. A main reason for that lately was my other big problem at home: Heidi. Since returning from the honeymoon a month ago, my new mother in law flashed me peeks at her incredible tits and smoldering cunt at least once a day, and sent me other unmistakable come-on messages several times a day. Her eyes, her lips, her body language, everything screamed ‘fuck me’. I didn’t know what to do about it. She was only a few years older than me, but she was my step-mom for shit sakes! I didn’t want to do anything to trouble Dad; Dad hadn’t been so happy in years. My cock knew what it wanted to do about Heidi, however. All I had to do was think about going home and my big virgin prick became hard as a rock. No, I was in no big hurry to go home. If Joey wasn’t in the car with me, I would be jerking off right now as I drove; something I had done dozens of times to mellow out. I parked in front of Joey’s house; I didn’t want my car seen in the parking lot of an adult bookstore. As we walked towards store, I could feel my prick continue to harden in anticipation of what I might soon be seeing. I was also apprehensive, as despite Joey’s reassurances, I felt that I was doing something nasty and forbidden. Aside from a small neon sign that said ‘ADULT BOOKS AND VIDEOS; YOU MUST BE 18 TO ENTER’, the store was low-key. There were eight cars parked outside, but when we walked in, there were no customers in sight. Like I had figured, there were indeed rows of slick magazines and DVDs sealed in plastic wrappers. Given all the porn on the web, I couldn’t figure how any of this stuff got sold, but my eyes bulged, my jaw dropped, and down the left leg of my pants my prick hardened even further. If someone looked they would easily see it under my bulging pants, but there was nothing I could do about that. I had on occasion been lucky enough to ‘read’ a few soft-core sex magazines from drugstores, but they were nothing like this. On the covers of these magazines were full color pictures of naked women and men showing off open cunts and huge hard cocks. Some were fucking, right on the magazine cover! To top it off, from somewhere in back of the store I heard music and the moans and grunts of fucking. The sounds reminded me of home. “What you think Johnny? Great, right?” “Oh yah, sure,” I said, my throat dry and my cock hard. My jeans and underwear were still damp from Linda’s cunt juice. “You check out the cover art and I’ll get us some tokens. Then we can check out the booths.” Joey walked over to the counter, which I hadn’t even noticed until now. I followed him half way to the counter, trying to look casual. Dozens of DVDs and sex toys were on display there. Behind it stood a big, bored looking man, who stared sternly past Joey at me. “You eighteen kid? You got to be eighteen to be in here,” he threatened. “Sure he is Unk, this is my friend Johnny. Can we have some tokens Unk? We’re a little short on cash tonight.” “You’re always short on cash, Joey. I told you before, this is a business.” “I have some cash,” I volunteered, pulling my wallet out and stepping forward. “How much is it?” “A buck a token, kid.” “I’ll have four,” I said, emptying my wallet and uncrumpling my last four ones. The man laughed, glancing down at the bulge in my pants. “Here’s twenty kid; four ain’t gonna be enough for a horny young kid like you. Next time you bring more cash.” Joey held out his hand to his uncle. “Can we have a few more Unk? We’ve had a bum night.” “Ain’t my problem.” Joey led me towards the back of the store, past rows and rows of magazines. Several of the rows had what I assumed were gay magazines, since they had only men on the covers, with huge hard cocks that were spurting cum, or buried in other men’s mouths, or sunk half-way into male ass holes. I felt uneasy about looking at these pictures and having a hard-on, especially while I was with Joey. I didn’t want Joey to think I was a fag. Joey led us to an open doorway at the back of the store. Through the doorway stretched a long, dimly lit hallway. On either side of the hallway was a row of about ten doorways that opened into booths. Several doors were closed, solving the mystery of the missing customers, but other doors were standing ajar. Similar to lavatory stall doors, they had foot-high spaces at the bottom and top. Coming from the booths was the sound of several different triple-x rated videos; groans, moans and grunts came from everywhere. It was almost as bad as being home while Dad and Heidi went at it. Despite a flowery over-scent, the whole place smelled sweet from jizz. Joey ushered me into an empty both. Inside the tiny room was a big dark-screened TV that accepted tokens, a single straight-backed chair, a small trash can and a half empty roll of toilet paper on a wall dispenser. The purpose of the paper and trash-can was obvious. This was what Joey had meant by men getting off in here; customers were supposed to jerk-off while watching pay-per view sex movies. I even suspected that some of the grunts and moans that I heard around us were not from the videos. Glancing at the closed booth across the hall, I saw under the doorway a pair of sneaker-clad feet with a pair of shorts rolled down around the ankles. The feet were rocking slightly, probably in time with the man jerking himself off. As I stood there taking everything in, feeling both groused out and turned on, Joey dragged in a second chair from another both, closed the door and latched it, took the tokens from my limp hand and fed all of them into the TV. In a moment the 27” screen came alive with the larger than life close-up of a big, hard, black cock pushing in and out of the slick wet cunt of a shapely young blonde that grunted and moaned in ecstasy. “Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, she grunted, every time the cock slid into her up to the hilt, and pubic bones ground together, sweating black skin slapping audibly against white. My own cock strained to be free of the confining shorts and jeans that restrained it, and I wished Joey wasn’t with me. Joey sat down in one of the chairs and bent down to look through a hole in the wall that I hadn’t noticed before. The hole was round and about five inches across. “Hey, what the fuck is that?” I whispered to Joey. “Glory hole, buddy. Hey, check out the action next door.” Joey moved his face from the hole. I bent down and took a peek. “Shit!” I whispered. On the other side of the thin wall sat a naked middle-aged man, slowly jerking off an erect, bobbing cock as thick as his wrist and at least eight inches long. Suddenly the man stood up and moved towards the hole, and slowly stuck the cock through it, right in front of my face. “Damn!” I said, pulling away to keep it from poking him me the face. Still there was something hypnotically appealing about it though, and I licked my lips reflexively. What would the cock feel like in my mouth, I wondered? And what would lips feel like on my own cock? “Here Johnny,” said Joey, “I’ll show you how it’s done.” Joey bent down and gently licked the tip of the strange man’s giant rampant prick. Then he pursed his lips, opened his jaws wide, and slowly slipped the big cock-head into his mouth, sucking on it like a lolly-pop. “Ohhhhhhh, ugggh, ugggggggh,” could be heard coming through the wall. Shocked and totally groused-out, I stood up and moved away from them. I couldn’t believe it; Joey was a fucking fag, for shit sakes! I suddenly wanted out of there, or at least my mind did. But there was also a woman moaning and getting fucked in front of my eyes on the TV! My cock wanted to stay. My cock wanted to be jerked off and sucked. I felt frightened and confused, but mostly I was turned on. I looked for the door, but Joey’s chair was blocking it shut. Meanwhile, right in front of me Joey licked the man’s cock from end to end, and then popped it into his mouth, deep-throating him. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as about eight inches of thick cock disappeared into Joey’s mouth, then reappeared again, as Joey established a slow in-out rhythm. Meanwhile Joey felt the man’s balls with one hand, and clutched at the bulge in his own pants with the other. On the TV, the fucking action accelerated. While I had been watching Joey suck cock, the pair on the TV had changed positions from missionary to doggie style. Now the blonde kneeled on her hands and knees on a big bed, sticking her perfect ass out at the young black stud that was reaming her cunt from behind. “Ugh, ugh, ugh,” grunted the girl on the bed, each time the black man drove his huge hard cock into her pussy. She was young and reminded me of Heidi, except this girl was blonde. I could see the muscles ripple under the man’s dark skin, the cheeks of his ass tightening with each powerful thrust. “Yeh, egh,egh, egh,” grunted the man. “You like my black cock, white bitch?” With each thrust I could hear the black man’s sweaty thighs, balls, and belly slap against the blonde’s white ass. They suddenly switched cameras, and I was treated to another close-up of the huge black cock plunging in and out of the swollen, clutching cunt-hole. Shiny milk-like cunt juice dripped from her pink cunt-lips, and from the man’s slick black cock and swollen balls. A sloppy, sucking sound could be heard each time the prick was pulled half-way out and pushed in again. Without thinking, I unbuckled and unzipped my jeans, pushed down my jeans and briefs and with my trembling right hand reached for my cock, clutched it, and started sliding my grasping fingers over it. Mine was a huge, hard prick, ten inches long and as thick as the black cock on the TV screen that was pounding into hot slick pussy. From the lemon-sized reddish tip of my cock, a drop of pre-cum dripped. “OOOOH!” I said, relieved to be pumping my own cock once again. It felt so good! They cut to a shot taken from in front of the girl, who was suddenly screaming with orgasmic release. “Aaaaggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed loudly, eyes closed, mouth open, lips forming and ‘O’, and tongue rolling around inside her mouth. Her ample tits were hanging down, swinging and jiggling as the black stud still pounded into her cunt. Her trembling hands alternately scratched and clutched at the bed sheets. The camera moved lower, until it was looking along the length of her sweating body, past the swinging, dark nippled tits to glimpse the big slick black cock sliding into the wide-stretched, slick cunt-lips, and the big free-hanging black, hairy balls slapping against her. “Aaaaaghhh, aaaaaaghhh, aaaaaaaaaaaaghh! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me! More, more, more, yeh, yeh, yeh, ugh, ugh, ugh! Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhh!” She opened her eyes and smiled as she came and at that moment I recognized her. Yes, different colored hair, but IT WAS HEIDI! I should have maybe shouted or something, but I couldn’t do anything at all except to continue to jerk off my prick, sliding my tightly clutched fist over my prick again and again as I watched my step-mother continue to be fucked by the black stud. “Ohhhhhhhhh,” Heidi moaned, “agh, agh, agh, agh, agh,” she grunted as the big black cock slammed into her juicy pussy harder and faster, sending shudders through her quaking, moaning body. Her beautiful tits were both swinging wildly now, until the man reached down and around her to grasp one of them in his big right hand and massage it as he fucked her, and fucked her, and fucked her. “Mumph, mmuuuuu,” came a moan from close by, pulling my attention away from the screen. Joey had unzipped his own pants and pushed them down around his ankles, and was jerking himself off with one hand while he still sucked on the prick sticking through the glory hole in the wall. Joey’s prick was only about half as long as mine, and not as thick, but it was hard and smooth. Joey’s eyes were looking towards me, I noticed. While he sucked on the spit-wetted, bulbous tip of the big cock, Joey was watching me jack off! It somehow excited me immensely to know that someone was watching me jerk-off my cock. Others had caught glimpses of me naked, but this was the first time anyone had seen me jerking off my big, glorious prick. “MMM,” said Joey, motioning to me to move closer to him. Almost as if I was in some sort of trance, I stepped towards Joey, who reached out to grab my prick. “Uggghhh,” I moaned, as his fingers encircled my cock and pumped it expertly, sliding the foreskin back and forth over its length and the ultra-sensitive edges of the soft tip. Feeling someone else touching my cock for the first time sent shocks through me. He pulled on my cock gently, and I moved forward more, until I felt my cock suddenly encounter something warm and firm. I looked down and saw that my cock had been placed alongside the cock that was sticking through the hole. Joey was massaging our two cocks together with both his hands now, rubbing them around on each other, sliding them together, and jerking them off slowly. Then he moved his head down and started licking both cocks furiously, moving from one to the other, moving the two cocks with one hand while he went back to jacking himself off with his other hand. His tongue and lips on my cock were slick and wet and warm and soft. I had never felt anything so good before. I didn’t care if it was it was a guy doing this to me, I didn’t even think about it, I only cared about getting more and more of it. I had to get more. “Oooohhh,” I moaned. I glanced over at the TV screen and saw that Heidi and the black stud had moved again; she was now enthusiastically licking the man’s cum-covered prick. I imagined that she was the one sucking on my prick with her soft lips. Suddenly, Joey totally let go of my cock. I looked down to see what was wrong and saw that thick white wads of cum were shooting out of the stranger’s cock, and into Joey’s open lips while Joey jerked the man’s thick boner with his hands. Joey slurped up most of the jizz hungrily, while the man moaned loudly. “UUUUUUGH!” I was desperate to get off. I found myself jerking off my own cock, and moved it to press against Joey’s already occupied lips. “Suck me,” I pleaded. “Please suck my cock!” After a few more long seconds, when all of the cum had been sucked from the stranger, Joey moved his lips back to my cock He opened his lips wide and put the whole end of it inside his jizz filled mouth, swirling his tongue over the sensitive skin of the tip. “Ugggghhhhhhhhh,” I moaned. I had never felt anything like it, and could only moan as my friend’s lips and tongue sucked on my cock. I could feel the added slickness of Joey’s lips and tongue, which were still covered in the other man’s spunk. With one hand, Joey grasped my long cock and slid the skin along its length again and again in rhythm with his sucking, swirling lips and tongue. I felt another hand, reaching around to grab my ass cheeks. At first I thought it was Joey, but then realized it was the stranger’s hand, reaching through the glory hole to fondle my ass and then my firm balls and ass-hole opening from behind while Joey sucked on my cock. I spread my legs and reached back to spread my ass cheeks, giving the man better access. The man responded by slowly slipping his middle finger into my tight virgin ass hole, as he moved the finger in a circular motion and in and almost out, then in and almost out again and again, faster and faster, at last sending me over the edge. “Ugh, ugh, ugh, ughhhhhh,” I grunted spasmodically, as I spurted gobs of hot cum into my friend’s eager mouth, while I was being finger fucked and cock sucked at the same time. All the muscles in my body tensed and my tightening ass-muscles pressed my prick forward, inches further into Joey’s hungry throat, as I spurted more and more, coming with greater intensity than I had ever come in my life. “Uggh, ugghh, uuuuggggghhh!” Almost as suddenly as I had lost control, I regained it, and the monstrous enormity of what had just happened came crushing down on me. What the hell! I pulled away from Joey and the man and hastily pulled up my shorts and pants to cover my wet and shrinking cock. Meanwhile Joey was finally coming also. As he moved a fist rapidly over his turgid prick, cum suddenly shot out of the end of it. “Ohhhhhhhhhh,” moaned Joey, as the big roped of his jizz fell to the floor. It was suddenly very quiet and a little darker in the both; the TV had timed out. I didn’t wait for Joey to recover. I resisted an urge to slug Joey. Instead, I angrily pushed Joey’s chair away from the door and opened it, and walked swiftly out and away from the sex-smell and the disgusting thing I had just done. I didn’t even glance at Joe’s uncle, or at another man that was in the book section. I just wanted the hell out of there, now. I just wanted to get away. “Hey, it ain’t no big thing Johnny,” I heard Joey yell out to me, as I pulled away in my car, burning rubber. Bull fucking shit it ain’t, I thought, as I numbly drove home. My first real sexual encounter and it was with two fags, for shit sakes! I had been worried about girls but now I was even more worried about myself being a homosexual. “Shit, shit, shit,” I yelled to myself, as I drove home. “Now what the hell am I going to do?” Well, if Joey said anything to anyone about this I’d kill the bastard, that was certain. I’d kill the mother-fucking little cocksucker. |
I can keep this story going as long as you guys want. After 100 positive votes, I'll take that as a sign to write the next part. I'm hoping to add a little of everything into the overall story, so comment suggestions will be considered for future parts as I care about my reader's thoughts. Thank you and enjoy! Tyler loved throwing parties. Well that was a simple idea, what high school kid didn't? But you see, Tyler liked parties because it brought together all different clicks of kids, stripped away the bitchiness and the judging, and it made everyone the same equal drunken idiots that anyone would love. His parents never minded when he was having a party either, which made it a lot easier. Taking a vacation over the weekend to visit their friends in Seattle, they left their son with $150 and a kind reminder to "not destroy the house". Tyler sifted through his phone and facebook, contemplating who to invite. Sure his inner circle was a guarantee, including Kevin, Michael, Tim, Randy, Jake, and Tayler. A good group of guys, and a girl, they were always a blast to be around. Tyler also took the liberty of inviting countless other people. His house was rather large, so he planned on 20-30 people showing up, and knowing high schoolers and their inability to keep plans, that meant he would invite 50 and MAYBE half would show up. He started mass-sending the form letter to people he figured would be a good time and drama free. He also was trying to keep the ratio in mind, making sure for every guy he invited, he invited two girls (that is the rule). Later in the evening, Tyler felt ready as it was around 6'oclock now. The booze was on the counter, the pizza delivery man on his way, and three people had already showed up. Tayler (whom Tyler always assumed had a small crush on him in his small group of close friends) and his friend David along with his girlfriend. The three were just sitting in the living room talking. You see, Tyler really did have the perfect house for a party. A multilevel house that was out of the main city, people never had to worry about parking or noise volume. Sure he had a few neighbors, but they were a few hundred feet away and they really never complained. The house set-up was equally perfect. He had the kitchen connected to the dining room where the pizza and booze would be readily available. Connected to the dining room was a rather large living room where he had fit three TVs, two for the gamers at the party, and one for movies should a few people choose to cuddle down and watch one. A staircase leading up from the living room provided 4 bedrooms (his being off limits to guests and reserved for himself) for couples who wanted a little more privacy than the living room would allow. A staircase down from the dining room lead to a basement that he had turned into a dance-hall for the day. He had always had a love of music, so the soundproof walls and ceiling, the DJ station, the lights, and the ample room made for one hell of a party room function. He had set up all the wires tonight, made a few playlists, and figured he was ready for whatever this mixed crowd was in the mood for. To top off everything, Tyler's dad had installed a pool earlier that year, and his backyard was a well-lit party dream. Tyler and David now set up 3 fold up tables in the dining room. On the first table he set up two triangles of solo-cups and placed a few ping pong balls in them. On the second, he brought out his poker set and a group of chairs. On the third, he placed 3 kegs of beer, all coming complete with long hose-tubes for easy drinking. As they finished, as if on cue, cars started pulling up. Tyler stood at the door, greeting everyone who entered. Randy and Tim came in, bringing along with them a gorgeous looking girl, as well as a few 6-packs of beer. They greeted Tyler with the usual "What's up man?!" and heading in, making themselves at home. The twins, Amber and Ashley were next in line, greeting Tyler with a kiss on the cheek and proudly showing off their bottle of Mascato. It was never mandatory to bring drinks to Tyler's outings, but he was always happy when people did, as to add a little variety. The line continued, Jeremy coming in with his date Allison. Matthew coming in with a girl under both of his arms, bottles of Fireball underneath him. Dreshaun came in with his girl Jessica, both struggling with two gallons of homemade absinthe each. Tyler always loved when Dre brought his homemade concoctions with him, not for taste, but for quickly acquired black out-drunkenness. Tonight Tyler planned on staying mildly sober, at least enough that he wouldn't be blacking out. Dozens of people followed, seeming to all arrive around the same time. More cars were pulling up and Tyler realized his goal of 20-30 would be increased to maybe 50-60 as people had not only followed through, but brought friends. That was no problem to Tyler, as in his dealings, he had learned that smaller parties, while fun, were usually much more grounded. Larger parties, while much less personal, were wild and hectic, and usually people's stupidity got the best of them to make for one awesome night. He had personally welcomed 45 people, about 30 girls and 15 guys, much to his liking, when the line finally died down. He figured some people would arrive later, but it was time to join in on the festivities. He walked back into the house, passing the living room. He saw that some of his friends were already sipping on Jeremy's bottle of Fireball, playing Modern Warfare 3, and enjoying themselves. A movie was already playing, the couch occupied by his friends Tim and Randy, in the middle of them, their gorgeous girl. Tyler was shocked, but he was pretty sure they were both going to be with her tonight. Another girl, Hannah was sitting in the recliner alone, perfectly content on watching the movie as well, a solo cup filled with soda her only company. Tyler reached the living room through the crowd of people chatting around, and saw his party really taking shape. Around ten people were already taking advantage of his beer pong setup while a few stragglers were standing around, drinking with them. A few of his friends were experimenting with the kegs, testing out the hose spraying nozzles, one girl accidentally spraying herself in the face. Everyone chuckled, including her, as she continued to suck down the beer. No one had headed outside yet, so Tyler swung open the sliding glass door, announcing the recently installed pool. Everyone cheered, and around a dozen people rushed out, diving in with their clothes on, half with drinks still in-hand. All in all the party was going well. Tyler turned on the speakers in the dining room, connected to the underground music-haven that was his basement. He heard quite a few kids already down there, the bass from "KC Tea" bouncing the speakers. The doorbell rang again already, and Tyler decided to go back to his post of greeter for a quick while. Some more kids showed up, around a dozen more actually. One of them, Luis, actually brought a pinata along with seven bottles of patrone. Everyone was shocked and laughed, but never complained. Hell, it could be fun, and the added tequila was always accepted! Finally Tyler was able to leave the front door and head back. He made his way to the back sliding door, hearing a commotion, only to find that three of the girls, Lindsey, Lacie, and Kelsey had proceeded to take thair tops off, and were now swimming half naked in the pool. Their happy-go-lucky "WOOOOOOOOHS" were the screaming Tyler had heard, and as he watched them, excited his party was getting interesting already, he saw them pretty much tear a fourth girls shirt off, ganging up on her and throwing her shirt across the pool. "No shirts in the pool you prudy bitch!" Lacie shouted playfully, but more than likely meaning every word. The now embarrassed girl whom they had stripped was Rylee, not the ideal good girl, but still very conservative. She was stunned, and fought her way back to her shirt, putting it on before going inside to sulk in the bathroom for a while. Tyler made his way downstairs, smiling at his early success. This was going to be a fun night! He entered the basement to find a good two dozen people were down there, dancing their troubles away. The flashing lights and bumping music were a great match to the teens' wantingness to party. The song "All of the Lights" was blaring from every speaker and everybody was moving to their own style. Within a few seconds of taking in his surroundings, Tyler was approached by two girls. Lacey, a different girl than the Lacie above, and her friend Kayla, who were both looking very sexy tonight. Lacey had on a black silky T shirt that only covered one of her shoulders, allowing her amazing C-sized tits to be well-adored. It was apparent she wore no bra. Her jeans showed off her ass well, and to top it off, she had put her hair down, a wavy design of blond highlights in a dark brown base. Kayla was equally as gorgeous, a taller brunette with straightened hair, not quite to her shoulders, bangs covering half of her face. The look worked for her, but her body was what tied it off. Sure, she had small B sized breasts, but her midsection down to her ass was just stunning. Tyler had lusted after her body since middle school. "This is a GREAT party you're throwing!" Lacey shouted over the music. "Thanks. I'm hoping everyone has fun!" replied Tyler. "Well WE were hoping YOU would have fun!" Lacey countered with a wink. It didn't take long for her meaning to become clear in Tyler's head, and the eager teen practically raced the girls upstairs to his room Holding his bedroom door open for the girls and following them in closing the door behind them, Tyler welcomed them into his room, and more importantly onto his bed. Lacey wasted no time, grabbing Tyler by the hands and bringing him onto the bed in between the two girls. They chaotically both felt him up, his muscular front, his dick, anything that their hands could grasp. His shirt was quickly lifted up, and Tyler himself was laid onto his back. Kayla was more known as a good girl, and Tyler figured she had never done this with someone she hadn't been dating for months, so Tyler was shocked, but even more aroused by it. Lacey took the lead again, straddling the boy, a leg on each side of his waste. She seductively pulled off her shirt and tossed it to the other side of the room. If the girls WERE drunk, Tyler couldn't tell, as they still had a smooth grace to their actions. He didn't care either way, but he figured they could make it more enjoyable for him if they were in control of their bodies more. Lacey started grinding Tyler through their pants, getting his dick somewhat hard. She called over Kayla and proceeded to kiss her forcefully in hopes to further entertain her host. The girls continued making out for quite some time, undressing each other and Tyler slowly. After a while, all three were naked and both girls found themselves on their knees before the boy. This time Kayla took the lead, leaning over Tyler's lap to pick up his member, jacking it off with her hands as her mouth playfully licked at the tip. Lacey allowed her friend to work on his dick, while she decided to kiss him and play with her tits in front of him. Tyler reached with his mouth, sucking on the girl's nipple, much to her liking, as the three played out their situation. His dick now completely hard, and thanks to Kayla, well lubricated, the shy girl (I guess not so much anymore) wasted no time in straddling his dick, plunging the object deep into her pussy. Tyler was in heaven. Easily the most eager girls he had ever been with, he loved the feeling of the tight cunt wrapped around his dick. He instructed Lacey to stand before the bouncing girl, so Kayla could pleasure the both of them, to which Lacey eagerly agreed. Kayla, a look of slight disgust on her face, quickly shook away her inhibitions, and proceeded to lick at her friends pussy anyway. If Tyler was in heaven, Lacey was in just as much pleasure. She had long dreamed of having one of her many gorgeous friends lick her pussy, but had never wanted the reputation of a lesbian. Now that Kayla was willingly doing it for Tyler, not to mention Lacey was next in line for getting his cock, she was aroused greatly. Just as she was about to comment on how much fun this situation was, the door swung open, Jeremy and Allison sloppily making out as they stumbled into the room. As they looked up, they apologized embarrassed, and turned to go into the next room. "WAIT!" Lacey shouted at the pair. "Can't you read?" She pointed to the paper sign taped to the outside of the door reading: "Reserved for Tyler and 'guests' only". Jeremy stammered his apologies, that they were just in a hurry, but Lacey would have none of that. She grabbed Allison by the hand, dragging her further into the room. "Since you can't read, we're stealing your date. Don't worry, you can have her back when we're done with her!" With that, Lacey slammed the door on Jeremy's face, and quickly locked it, as to discourage the boy from taking her back. Allison was in shock, this not being at all what she was expecting. She looked puzzled at Lacey, but the eager sex-driven girl paid her confused look no mind. Instead, she laid the girl back on the bed, straddling the girl and lifting her shirt up slowly. "Um, no! This is NOT what I signed up for!" Allison protested, matched by pounding on the bedroom door from the furious Jeremy. But Lacey, now joined by Kayla, pretended not to hear either. "No! I want to keep my shirt ON!" Allison demanded. Only seconds passed before the two girls succeeded in lifting it over her head. The pounding on the door continued, and Allison looked frantically around the room when her eyes noticed Tyler still sitting very attentively to the entire situation, his cock still fully erect. Forget the fact that he seemed to be enjoying her molestation, her mind was only concerned with his dick. It was HUGE! At least nine, maybe ten inches, and equally as impressive in diameter. Lacey and Kayla felt the girl quit struggling as Allison not only accepted her fate, but longed for it. She took the dick in her hand, a look of wonder on her face as she played with it. "Okay, I want that. Now," Allison stated, clear as day. "What'd you say?!" Jeremy screamed through the door, shocked, now pounding harder. Paying her forgotten boyfriend just outside the door no mind, Allison tugged down her skirt and black panties and climbed up onto Tyler's lap, positioning her opening for impact. Lacey was a little upset that she would have to be the third girl of the night to fuck that dick, but was happy that Allison, one of the sexiest girls she had ever known, was now willing and ready to play. Allison was a year younger than all of them, and had developed a reputation of being a slut. In reality, she had only slept with two boys (Jeremy being one of them, an old middle school ex being the first). Unfortunately for her, her flirtatious nature and her tomboyish attitude left an impression on people, so she was constantly harassed and picked up for being loose. Now, no one in the roomed cared, as she was 100% beautiful. Her long brown hair sank half way to her waist, her gorgeous face with not a single blemish. Her ass, although she constantly nitpicked it, was stunning, as it stood out from her developed hips the optimal amount. Her tits, while always covered, seemed to be her best feature. They were easily Ds, if not doubles, and Tyler was very excited to be able to finally be with her. Sinking herself onto Tyler's member, Allison decided to make it quick and, hopefully, less painful in the long run. She squatted quickly, slamming her pelvis against Tyler's, the entire monster dick deep inside of her. She squirmed and screamed out her enjoyment, met by even more slamming fists from her boyfriend right on the other side of the door. His emotional pain for some reason made her more turned on, and she moaned louder for his benefit. She picked her hips back up, and again slammed herself down onto Tyler, screaming in more painful pleasure. "Fuck Tyler, you are so amazing!" she screamed, met by three more pounds to the bedroom door, followed by a sliding sound, Jeremy's defeated body falling to his knees outside of the door. The group heard him shed a tear before walking off in an emotion-filled rage. "Oh my gosh you're such a fucking slut!" Kayla scolded, before smiling and adding, "I think I love you!" Everyone in the room laughed, but quickly recovered, as to continue their sex driven activities. Allison was told to get up and position herself on her hands and knees. She complied happily, knowing Tyler would fuck her senseless. She was quickly surrounded by bodies, Tyler spanking her ass before slamming his dick deep inside of her, no warning or mercy added. The better angle made the humongous dick feel even bigger as it seemed to tear Allison apart. She screamed, but was only met with Tyler's ferocious pumping. She moaned every time the dick slammed into her cervix, and both Kayla and Lacey were quickly turned on. The girls started by removing Allison's black lacy bra, leaving the junior completely exposed, her delicious tits hanging down. Lacey proceeded to crawl underneath the girl, getting a close up view of Tyler's cock diving into her. Lacey took the liberty of tonging at both of them happily. Kayla figured it was her turn to have a girl experiment with her pussy, thus she placed herself right in front of Allison's face. Allison quickly turned her nose up at it, stating matter-of-factually "Um.... NO! I may be a horny slut right now, but I'm not bi. That is disgusting!" She was met with no words, only disappointed faces. It was then that she felt Tyler completely slip out of her pussy, leaving her vaginal walls feeling as if they were collapsing on themselves. She was sore, but she wanted more of that dick in her, and was puzzled as to why he removed it. Only then did she feel the head of his dick come in contact with her puckered anus, which sent chills down her back as she screamed "NO! No anal sex! Fine, I'll lick your cunt, just do NOT fuck my ass. OFF. LIMITS!" The original trio smiled as Kayla again presented her shaven mound to the girl. Allison again felt Tyler's dick slide into her pussy, and she felt amazing once again. She begrudgingly stuck her tongue out, barely making contact with the girl's outer labia. She still was able to taste the feminine juices, and she was repulsed. Apparently the rest of the group didn't care, as she was quickly grabbed by the back of the head by Kayla, pulling the girls face hard into her own cunt. Tyler threw his two-cents in by spanking her, quite hard, causing a yelp to arise from Allison. "Alright! Alright! I'm licking her!" Allison shouted, though muffled by Kayla's pussy in her face. She wasted no time in licking at the drenched slit, making Kayla purr her compliments. Allison felt Tyler pick up tempo, now forcefully fucking her, causing her to shriek, but she knew that she longed for him to fuck her harder and faster still. To match the increased pace, she felt Lacey finger at her nipples below her, causing her to shudder. Her nipples had always been majorly sensitive, she had guessed that her breast size had something to do with that, but wasn't sure the exact reasoning. What she was sure of was that it did not take much for her to completely lose it when it came to her nipples. Now hardening, they became perfect targets for the girl below her to roll in between her thumb and forefinger. Allison's eyes closed slightly as she was in bliss. She subconsciously continued to lick at the pussy in front of her without even realizing it, her own mind was racing from her own pleasure. Lacey's fingers were now pinching at her nipples, and Allison was screaming out "Oh my- Uh.... Fuck!!! YES!!!!" Her orgasm hit her hard, as she reeled back, pulsating around Tyler's dick, Tyler not stopping his powerful fucking at all during this, nor Lacey her nipple torturing. Kayla now reached down, grabbing Allison's face romantically in both hands, and kissed her. Allison was still not in control of her body, her mind shutting on and off every millisecond, as she realized Kayla's tongue was exploring deep into her mouth. She didn't react at all to this, as Kayla continued to lick her tongue and inner cheeks forcefully. Tyler pulled his dick out and laid Allison down on the bed. Finally coming to, Allison looked at the trio, but they were not even paying attention to her. They were already situating themselves so Lacey could be fucked by the massive dick. "Hey assholes! Just move onto the next bitch already?" Allison felt more used than she ever had in her entire life. She was furious, but she was so turned on at the same time. Being completely used felt so... dirty. But no. This group was nothing but a bunch of assholes. They couldn't even smile at her as she came down from her massive orgasm? But it was SUCH a massive orgasm, the biggest of her life. She loved the feeling more than she hated the feeling she decided, and was ready to give them the same experience. Kayla stood Allison up, Allison still hazed from the amazing orgasm she had experienced. Her body still twitched, and her mind was still buzzed. She allowed Kayla to lead her across the room, where Kayla proceeded to open the door, throw the naked girl out, throw her T-shirt out with her, and slam the door back in her face. Allison's mind snapped to attention as she attempted to get back into the room. The door was locked! She banged on the door, pleading that they let her back in, to which she was only met by giggles and "Can't you read the sign?! Go away bitch!" "Please!" Allison begged, "at least give me my clothes back! I can't go out there in just my T-shirt!" "Maybe Jeremy will let you borrow his pants! We told him he could have you back when we were done!" The girls snickered, and with that, they turned back to Tyler, ready to please him. Allison bawled, not sure whether to hide upstairs the rest of the night, or to act normal, wearing nothing but her T-shirt downstairs. Another couple passed her on their way to one of the bedrooms, laughing at her predicament, the boy subtly grabbing her ass as the pair walked by. Allison knew that that was the treatment she would receive the rest of the night, but she couldn't just stay up here. Tyler's room was the only upstairs bedroom that had a lock, and the master bedroom was downstairs across the house, and also probably locked. She cried a bit more as she pulled her T-shirt over herself, which was barely long enough to reach her waist, let alone to cover her swollen pussy. She sulked as she headed downstairs, terrified of what torments she was to endure at the hands [and dicks] of horny adolescents. Back in the bedroom, Lacey was already getting fucked, screaming for Tyler to keep it up. She happily licked Kayla's pussy as it towered above her face, while Kayla and Tyler made out above to complete the love triangle. Lacey was so turned on that she knew it wouldn't be long before she was also going to be struck with a major orgasm. Tyler's hands joined his dick attending to her pussy, his thumb pressing down on her clit with great force as he circled his motions. Suddenly his hand slapped the top of her mound, sending chills down her spine. "Fuck yes! Do that again baby!" Tyler didn't need more convincing as he repeatedly smacked the girls pussy lips as he fucked them. After the sixth or seventh slap, Lacey started crying out "Oh yes! Oh yes! I'm cumming baby!!!" And with that, her eyes rolled back, her pussy gripping her lover's cock inside her, pulsating around it as the positive feedback forced her body into overdrive. Tyler had been close for a while now, but the added grip of the girls pussy now that she was cumming was too much for him to handle. "Are you on the pill, hun?" He asked hurriedly. Lacey smiled, still enjoying her orgasm, but letting out a happy "Yes, fill me with your cum baby!" Tyler happily complied as his dick shot it's wad deep into the girls cunt, filling her infertile womb with his negated seed. His dick slowly shrinking, he removed it, only to have Kayla happily plop it into her mouth, enjoying the last bits of the four teens combined juices. "That was the best fuck I've ever had!" Tyler thanked the girls, bringing even larger smiles to them as they were glad they could please their party host well. The group decided to go downstairs and check on the little slut they had abandoned, but first thought it would be smart to hide her clothes. Deep in Tyler's closet they were tossed, just in case she got wise and came looking for them while the group was enjoying the party. Tyler got redressed, a grin never leaving his face. Kayla also dressed herself, planning on going back down to the dance room. Lacey however elected to leave her shirt and bra behind, also hiding them with Allison's clothes. "What fun is a party without a few topless chicks?! Besides, I'm going to try out that pool!" Dressed in only her friends short shorts, as Kayla had decided to trade for Lacey's jeans, the trio returned downstairs. Their adventure wouldn't end there, however, as the three were all shocked at the scene they saw as they came downstairs! |
At the age of seventeen i have a large penis and i love to blow my load. Especially thinking about my older sister Charlene, She’s beautiful a little on the bigger side but absolutely stunning. She has huge breasts, 34 DD just massive about 5’7 with brown hair and a wonderful ass. I love when her and i are together and she is wearing V cut shirt and i can see right down her shirt. So one day i finally build up the courage to just kiss her. We were sitting on her couch talking about how her boyfriend doesn’t treat her good enough. I start to tell her that she is too good for him and needs a man who really cares about her and loves her. After talking for about 45 minutes char puts her head on my shoulder and says she wishes she was happy. I put my arm around her and give her a big hug and we get tight together. The way she’s sitting i can see right down her shirt it’s awesome. Char leans back and looks at me, i didn’t react fast enough and she catches me looking down her shirt. “Hey what were you looking at?” “Sorry, i didn’t mean to” “Yes you did, trust me i notice it” “Why don’t you say anything?” “Because i like knowing someone likes to look at me” “Why do you pull up your shirt or move you jacket over them when i look at my house?” “Because i don’t want people to see you looking at me” “So it’s fine when it’s just you and me?” “I don’t mind” “So when you lean back in the car or have troubles putting on your seat belt and you put your breasts in my face you’re trying to turn me on?” “Well yea” “Your bad that’s bad your know that” Char just giggles and looks at the TV, i put my arm over her shoulder and she looks at me. When she turned she looked into my eyes, right then i put my hands on her neck and put kissed her. To my surprise char kissed back. I moved my hands to her sides and she wrapped her hands around my head and pulled me in. Char started leaning back to i crawled on top of her while we kissed passionately. I wrapped my arms around char’s back and pulled her into my body. Char was wearing her pyjama pants and i was wearing my soccer shorts which left my bugle to be seen. Char and i were entangled in eachothers embrace. I could feel char getting wetter and by the way she started thrusting i could tell she was getting a little i horny so i thrusted back. I felt char start to orgasm; her pyjamas were wet with her juices so i slowly went down to her belly and pulled off her clothing kissing each inch as i went. Once i had her pyjama bottoms off i worked my way back up kissing each inch again, i went up the inside of her leg. As i grew closer to her pussy her back arched more and more, i knew that i should tease her so i did. I went passed her wet pussy and worked on taking her shirt off. I kissed my way up to her wonderfully large breasts. I got the shirt over her breasts and stopped, i started kissing her left breast and massaging her right one with my other hand. I rotated back and forth for about 10 minutes. Char was just oozing her juices all over the couch so i finished taking her shirt off. Once i got her shirt off we starting passionately kissing again. Since my shorts were soft and started to have drying sex with char again. It didn’t take too long before char arched her back and let out her moans of extraordinary pleasure. Since char was making a mess i decided to kiss down her body again and kiss the inside of her legs. Char was very horny and wanted me in her, so i teased more. I slowly ran my fingers along the inside of her legs as i kissed closer to her pussy. I wrapped my arms around each leg and pulled chars pussy right up to my face. And the instant i kissed her she wrapped her legs around my head. I was locked in her embrace and i loved it. I started to lick away, my tongue was flicking all around and sticking it in her pussy char was about to cum and i could tell by the way her legs got tighter around my head and she grabbed the blankets and arched her back. When she cam my face and mouth was covered in her sweet juices. I licked everything. And i didn’t stop licking her pussy; char had no time to recover. But she stopped me and grabbed my face and kissed me. As we were kissing char started taking off my shirt. She started rubbing my abs and chest and then grabbed my shorts and pulled them down my boxers were still on and char was soon to take them off. “Oh Travis please, make sure this happens again” “Those are just the words i want to hear” “Make love to me” I kicked off my shorts and boxers the rest of the way, i slowly moved towards char’s pussy when she grabbed it I was now completely at her will. I was so horny right now she could have told me to do anything. She positioned my throbbing dick right in front of her pussy. She didn’t tell me to put it in she just wrapped her arms around my head and kissed me. There was just enough light from the TV to she char’s eyes, so beautiful so wonderful. I stopped teasing and began to make love to my half sister. I enter my sisters pussy and nearly exploded the second i was in. All my dreams and hopes coming true. Char broke away from the kiss and moaned very loudly. Char dug her nails into my back causing me to fuck deeper and deeper. I began to fuck char faster because her moaning was exciting me more and more. Within in minutes char was cumming again, so wet and so tight. When char cam she wrapped her legs around my body and screamed. Once char finished her session we rolled over, char was now on top of me, her hips moving in rhythm with mine. We fucked like this for awhile, and then char got up and went on her hands and knees and gave me a naughty smile. I got up behind her and slid my throbbing penis into char’s pussy. I grabbed onto chars hips and began pounding char as hard as i could. Char collapsed after a couple minutes and i was about to as well. I wrapped my arms around char’s waist and pulled her back up and sat back, my penis was still in char’s pussy but now char was sitting on my lap and i was bouncing up and down. Char became completely loose in my arms, she was cumming again. That wet slipping feeling was the most amazing feeling I’d ever felt. Char oozed out all over my balls and penis and then got up. She turned around and bent forward and kissed me. I decided to rub her dripping pussy but she moved. Char kissed me chest then my abs and the grabbed my throbbing penis. She looked up at me then stuck it in her mouth. My goodness, i fell in love. I didn’t want to finish in her mouth so i pulled her back up to my face and we kissed again. I wrapped my arms tightly around char and carried her to the bathroom. We got in the shower and started kissing again. The water ran over our bodies and chars breasts were at full attention. I picked char up and slowly lowered char onto my raging cock, i pinned char against the wall and started to move my hips char was in pure pleasure, she was moaning and arching her back i fucked her as hard as i could and then she can once again i did at the same time. Cum filled chars wet pussy making it the moistest warm area i would ever experience. We collapsed in the shower and sat the kissing each other. When the water got cold we went to chars room. Char got changed into a slutty outfit while i just put on some Joe boxer boxers. “This was for josh but he doesn’t deserve it like you do” “Come here” Char crawled onto the bed and laid on me. We both knew that i was going to undress char again. Within seconds my penis was rock hard. Char could feel it and reached down into my boxers. She started stoking it and that made it harder than even. I began untying her corset, and pulling her garter down. Char began to take off my boxers and then i pulled her to my face again and we started kissing, i rolled her over and got down to eating her pussy. She loved it so much. I got back up and char grabbed my hard cock and this time told me to fuck her as hard and as deep as i could. I took that as a challenge to go deeper and harder then she’d ever believe. Char was screaming and moaning so loud that i thought she’d wake the neighbours. I slammed down hard and deeper with each thrust and then i began to cum i fucked as hard as i possibly could to try and finish char off and it worked. Char cam more than she had before i slid in and out faster than before and char let out the most amazing please sound ever. Char was so exhausted and i was too. Char rolled over and i wrapped my arms around her. Char told me to put my dick in her pussy so she could fall asleep with the man of her dreams. We fell and sleep, when we woke we go in her bath tub and that’s another story. |
The slut on holiday Hello to all my regular readers, sorry I haven't posted a story in a few weeks, I've been on holiday! What an eventful holiday that was! As ever, all these events are really, and this did happen. However, the names of characters have been changed so that no one gets in trouble ;) My family and I went to South Africa for a bit of a fall getaway, and we booked this beautiful luxury hotel in the capital, Johannesburg. We arrived about 1pm local time, and the heat hit you instantly walking off the plane. Coming from America, fall is usually quite cold and bleak, moving into Christmas... But in SA this is very much not the case. Eventually making our way through the extra long security checks the other side, a tall blonde caught my eye as we waited for the bus. Converse shoes on (indicating that she was barely legal) but she also had an aura. A sense about her that made me want to fuck her there and then. About 5'10" in height, and 140lbs with a rack to die for, she walked provocatively through the airport. As she walked past the hordes of exhausted and warm tourists, she flicked her hair and strutted along like a film star. Although she looked only about 19, she looked more my age than a lot of the pussy I usually fuck. I'm in to older women. Oh, and plus I have a girlfriend too. Jenny. (If you want to rub your tight pussy or play with your hard cock over her, look at some of my other stories when I explain her in more detail!) Anyway, me and Jenny had decided that neither of us were aloud to have sex with other people whilst I was on holiday, manly because this prick at college had taken a liking to her, and I did not want him stirring my porridge... If you catch my drift. Back to the blonde. As it was a hot climate, you could tell she wasn't use to the heat. Wearing a strappy, but supportive, white camisole top and red hot pants- you could tell she was feeling the heat from the evident wet patch showing through on her back. As she turned round, she caught me glancing at her, and nothing was said about it, she just continued to look at me and smile. I could feel my shorts start to twitch but I kept 'him' under control. After a cheeky wink from this mysterious girl, she walked off into a taxi with her girl-friends to go and enjoy her holiday and undoubtably get fucked by lots of SA guys. I would say that highlight was the unfortunate highlight of my week, but then this happened... 3 or 4 days had passed since we arrived in South Africa, and my family and I had literally chilled by pool all the time. Often with very good sights of hot mums and daughters trying to catch the attention of the lifeguards, meant they often wore provocative clothing, ie hardly any swimsuit at all! One super hot milf, decided to play with the men around the pools minds, by wearing a silver swimsuit. This of course meant; a thin sparkly g-string between her perfectly tanned and toned cheeks, with a minimalist pad covering her bound to be stretched pussy, and a silver bikini top, literally covering her nipple, and showing everything else... As she swept past my sun bed, I caught a cheeky glance through my sunglasses and immediately felt my cock grow hard. Luckily, my family weren't there.. So I went for a quick swim to cool down and to get rid of my awkward boner. I was gagging for it. I hadn't had sex now in over a week, and all this hot pussy lying around the pool made my wrist hurt at night... If you catch my drift! Suddenly, that night when I was jacking off to the image I had created of; that hot milf in the silver bikini earlier in the day, sitting on the next sun lounger, pulling my shorts down to spring my cock lose, and then swallowing it- I thought of the hot blonde I had seen in the airport. Imagining fucking her tight young pussy was the closest I would come this holiday, so I had 4 orgasms that night, just by my vivid imagination fucking her. Covered in sex and seamen, I took a photo and sent it to Jenny as a little reminded of what torture I had put myself through this holiday by not having sex with anyone. Not long after my shower and change of sheets, I got one back... It was her. The picture I received was her knelt over a guy, performing a 69. In the picture, I could see her swallowing his enormous cock and really loving it by her grin. The message read "I said no sex, not 'no oral sex'" Relief at last! The next few days, I 'put out' to cure my huge sex drive. 2 days later, I walked down to go to the pool in my boarders, it had become a ritual for me every morning. I had to walk through reception this time though, as I had to request a change of sheets as I had woken up horny again. I didn't tell the man behind counter though, just an innocent plea. Again, my day went without any sexual advances from the milfs around the pool, but I certainly had some images to jack off to later that evening. 6pm came around and I slumped off to my room after another day wasted by the pool, walking through reception and the long way to try to get a final push on my sexpedition. But nothing. Along the corridor to my room, I noticed the door was open and a hoover sounded. Although disappointed to see it was just house keeping, in my room on her own- the blonde from the airport. "Hey handsome!" She exclaimed, "Er is that how you treat all your guests?" I laughed nervously to this fit girl. "No of course not! But you're the American guy from the airport no? I'm Jess." She said proudly giving her my hand to shake. "Hey" I nervously replied... "Are you... Working here then?" "Of course silly! And someone looked like they had a good night last night!" She exclaimed in her strong SA accent. I tried to ignore what she had said, and replied "so is it a summer job or something then?" Disappointingly "Yep, I've come down from the west side, and I have a job here! My uncle is the owner" she said proudly. "Ah cool, well I'm just going to shower to cool down, don't mind me" I said, whilst checking her out. She wore a tight and tailored white shirt with the logo of the hotel printed on her right boob, a tight pencil skirt, and some little black heels. "Company policy" she said leaving the room. I kind of gave her a half upset face, as I didn't want her to leave. As I got into the shower, I heard the room door shut behind her exit. With my cock hard from the interaction we had just had, I had to wank myself dry. Stroking my hard cock slowly made me release a fat stream of cum all over the silver taps of the bath and released and orgasmic sound like never before. I had made girls make a noise like that, but never myself. After showering down, and getting rid of the streams of cum on the wall and taps, I stepped out of the shower- to surprisingly heard the room door open again. It was Jess. As this room didnt had and kind of separation from the shower room to the bedroom, it was sort of open plan. This meant as soon as someone walked in, you could see them. She strutted in, most like in the airport. Releasing her tightly held together hair with a flick, and undoing a button of her tailored white shirt. Her seductive walk turned me on slightly again. "I was outside, I heard you pleasure your..." Taking a look at my body "long cock to... Me" By far the hottest experience of my life so far, I went along with the seduction and placed her young hand on my thumping cock. "Oh, I can feel it twitch in my hand" she whispered directly into my ear. She took a gentle but seductive bite from my ear lobe and started to stroke my dick. Still wet from the shower, our embrace dampened her tight shirt so it became see through in some areas. She took off her heels and shrunk a few inches, 'Good' I thought, easier to throw around. A combination of my dirty mind and her gentle kisses made my cock grow hard just moments after exploding it's juices all over the wall. She bit my lip, and started to lead me over to the bed. "I know you were pleasuring yourself to me last night Scott" "Wait, how do you know my name?!" "I have my ways.." She winked and kissed my waiting lips again. "Oh really?" I asked intuitively, whilst grabbing her peachy ass in her black skirt. "Well if you know something about me, I think you should take this off..." I pulled the waistband of her skirt and let it go to spank her. "Hang on, how does that work?!" She said cheekily. "I don't know, just does." I said whilst slipping off her black skirt off her silky legs, down to her painted toe nails. Managing to then work my way up to her crotch, I could feel her young pussy radiate heat and moisture. My cock flinched a little more. After a few kisses, she turned around and placed her hot, red, silky panties above my face whilst she grasped my wet dick. I tried to rub her clit a little through her panties, but she yanked them aside before sitting on my mouth with her wet pussy, letting out a huge roar. I stuck my tongue up her moist and young pussy. Covering my tongue in her discharge, she started to grind her clit against my chin. Covering my in her sweet juices, she let out a cry whilst grabbing my hard cock. Releasing my face from her crotch, she started to lick and kiss the top of my dick, sticking her tongue down my slit to get any left over cum. I moaned a little, and slipped my middle and index fingers into her tight pussy. "Careful, I haven't had sex in a long time, so it'll be very very tight in there" she exclaimed with pleasure and a little pain also. That just made me finger her deep and more sensually. Knowing that it was a fresh playing field. Engulfing my hard cock into her small but soft mouth was amazing. Although she couldn't deep-throat (and apologised for that) her enthusiasm of swallowing my cock made up for it. Before she could notice, I grabbed my phone off the side, and took a photo of my fingers bouncing in and out of Jess' creaming pussy. (Looking back, you can also see Jess' perfectly round boobs hitting my stomach and her attempting to pleasure my cock with her SA mouth) She let go of my cock in her mouth, and spat on the shaft. Jacking me off had never, ever felt so good. To reward her with this amazing talent she had, I forced my next finger into her tight hole, making her squerm a little more at the prospect of her pussy being stretched. But she seemed to love it. When she started to gyrate her hips towards my tongue, I knew it was time to play my a game. Withdrawing my fingers caused her to collapse onto my body, and her pussy slapped against my sweaty chest. Picking her tight ass up again, and then using my left hand to finger fuck her, she soon perked up a little. This time though, I started to flick her clit bead with my tongue. She iediatrly screamed "Suck it and fuck it Scott, take me" she screamed, still with her work uniform top on. Although now, she had managed to undo her top far enough for her to squeeze and pinch her nipples like a hardcore porn film. Grabbing my soaked cock in on hand, Jess started to stroke the base of my shaft and swallow my circumcised head. Every gulp she took of my big cock, seemed to fill it up with a little more cum each time. I couldn't take anymore, I had to fuck her. I didn't care about Jenny at this point, I wanted Jess' tight and heavily pussy wrapped around my cock. Slapping her ass, and turned her around- I asked Jess if she wanted to be a part of what I was soaking my sheets to the night before. Without even answering she stuck her cock flavoured tongue down my throat to lick all her pussy juices off my tongue. Releasing me for air I said "I guess that's a yes then?" "Sorry, I'm just such a horny bastard right now and because I'm at work, making it even hotter to tell the girls tomorrow- of course I want you to fuck me hard and help me soak your sheets again" she whispered into my ear, whilst reaching back to jack off my cock. Without any time for it to register, I flipped Jess onto her back and flung her legs into the air. Either side of her face, I raised her legs and told her to hold them then. Presenting her tight asshole to me, I licked in and around her tight hole in the hope for Jess to somehow gain more horniness. Moaning and groaning at the sight and feel of my tongue in her ass made her scream "Fuck me Scott, put your dick in me now!!" Plunging my hard dick into her tight young pussy, she and I let out a roar of passion. Heavily kissing, I plunged my cock further and further into her sex craved pussy. Repeating this, and building up a rhythm, made her scream into my ear. I was certain her boss or someone would walk in on us. The sound of my sagging balls hit against her now wet ass hole made me fuck her deeper, hard and quicker. This slut was going to be filled with cum. Moving over and onto the wall after Jess' first climax, I picked her light SA frame up against the wall, and held up with my arms under her soft and shaved legs. Sitting and bouncing on my cock, she could only let out little squeaks here and there, until my ass cheek started to cramp so I slowed down. Letting out a roar, her pussy pushed my cock out of her hole and squirted her cum all over my feet and floor. After hitting her head against the wall, we giggled a little with me cock somehow being slipped back into her, and I didn't do it. "Scott, I want you to fuck me up against the door, and then in the room next door..." She winked at me and started to swallow my cock in her pussy hole. Without arguing, I held onto her and struggled over to the door where my cock 'accidentally' impaled her young, tight pussy and hit her gspot. Again, fucking her neglected slit, she screamed for me to fuck her harder and deeper... Over and over again. Eventually filling her pussy up again, she fired my cock out and sprayed all over the door and my now soaked legs. I let go of her, she tried to stand up, but fell from the energy sapping fuck we ha just had. She managed to lick all her cum off my feet and legs whilst she sat on the floor nursing her pussy. Still with her top on exposing her nipples, I pinched them which seemed to spark another dimension of horny. She stood up and walked to her pants to get her card. Walking past me towards the door, she stragged and opened the door taking a peep round the corner to check the coast was clear. Grabbing my dick, she led me into the corridor and jack me off a little until we heard voices. "Shit, hold this" she gave me her pants, and opened the next rooms door. We quickly went in, and shut the door behind us, in the fear we'd be caught fucking. Well, her being caught fucking on shift more to the point. The room next door was nicer than mine, a bit bigger, with a jacuzzi... She looked over and saw it. Also noticing the room had been struned with clothes by another pairing (obviously a lovely sex couple) and led me over to the jacuzzi. She got in, and I watched her attempt to lift her legs up to the side whilst she started to strum her clit underwater. Still with her work top on, the white shirt had gone completely see-through to reveal she wasn't wearing any bra... "Oh fuck, wow, I'm going... Going... Going to cumm" she released her cum into the bath tub whilst groping her right tit hard to increase the intensity of the orgasm into a strangers hot-tub. Lifting her fingers to her mouth, she started to suck and lick them clean of her dirty orgasm, whilst with the other hand beckon me forward with her finger. Obliging, I climbed (naked still) into the strangers hot tub after tossing myself a little to the sight of this teen strumming herself. She quickly delved her right ham into the water to start stroke my cock underwater. This just made me really hot for this SA blonde. In passion, I grabbed her tit and broke a few of her buttons on her uniform but she didn't seem to mind. Grabbing the back of my head, she forced my head into her nipple... I started to suck her nipple with my lips hard. "Bite on it, it really fucking turns me on" she instructed me. I did, and wow. She started to bite her lip and moan when I bit and sucked her tit hard. Quickly, she flung herself over so she positioned her clit over the near jet to strum her pussy hard. Half standing up, she reached back onto her ass cheek and grope it hard. I could see the tan lines of bikini on ass and thighs too. I really, really get turned on by that. Feeling my cock pulsate underwater, I turned her little 'show' into a full on fuck. Surprising her I put on leg up onto the side of the hot tub, and filled her tight pussy up with my cock. "What the fucc.... Ohh wow! Deeper, deeper, fill me up with your cum Scott! I'm ready!" She looked back and shouted at me. Deeper and deeper I fucked my full shaft into her tight teen pussy. Reaching forward to grope her round tits, I could feel my dick start to tingle and fill up with the load I was going to fill Jess up with. Suddenly (and surprising me) the door started to open. "Shit shit shit" Jess hadn't noticed because she was in a world of pleasure- I decided to go for it and came I her tight pussy. My hot, semen filled up her teen working pussy, whilst a newly married couple stood at the door in shock, watching my dirty cock fill the house keeping girls pussy with cum... |
Subsets and Splits