is ocd classified as a mental illness
OCD is considered a mental illness. Many mental illnesses do last for a lifetime. However, they can be controlled with treatment. Sometimes the severity of the illness improves over time, some people may go into complete remission, never have symptoms again, and no longer need medication.
[ "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), formerly considered a type of anxiety disorder, is now regarded as a unique condition. It is a potentially disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of the thoughts, a person with OCD does the same tasks over and over. For example, you may fear that everything you touch has germs on it.So to ease that fear, you wash your hands over and over again.bsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of the thoughts, a person with OCD does the same tasks over and over. For example, you may fear that everything you touch has germs on it. So to ease that fear, you wash your hands over and over again.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), formerly considered a type of anxiety disorder, is now regarded as a unique condition. It is a potentially disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors.bsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), formerly considered a type of anxiety disorder, is now regarded as a unique condition. It is a potentially disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors.", "Around the world there are literally millions of people affected by OCD and it is considered to be the fourth most common mental illness in many western countries that will affect men, women and children regardless of their race, religion, nationality or socio-economic group.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was, until recently, considered to be a rare disorder, but new data have revealed that it is in fact a common illness. I know it's stupid. I feel like a crazy person, but I know that I'm not crazy!.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of the thoughts, a person with OCD does the same tasks over and over. For example, you may fear that everything you touch has germs on it.So to ease that fear, you wash your hands over and over again.Experts don't know the exact cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder.ymptoms of the disorder include: 1 Obsessions. 2 These are unwanted thoughts, ideas, and impulses that you have again and again. 3 They won't go away.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of the thoughts, a person with OCD does the same tasks over and over.For example, you may fear that everything you touch has germs on it. So to ease that fear, you wash your hands over and over again.Experts don't know the exact cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder.ymptoms of the disorder include: 1 Obsessions. 2 These are unwanted thoughts, ideas, and impulses that you have again and again. 3 They won't go away. 4 They get in the way of your normal thoughts and cause anxiety or fear.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or rituals) which attempt to neutralize the obsessions.OCD often causes feelings similar to those of depression.. The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action. 4. The person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images are a product of his or her own mind, and are not based in reality.", "You and your family become slaves to OCD, even as nerve-racking as these compulsions are, you can’t seem to break free from the thoughts or the behaviors. has been considered a form of anxiety; however, there has been some consideration to reclassifying it as a separate illness in the DSMV.OCD is a form of anxiety, and the obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are only the symptoms of a chemical imbalance.We see this disorder running in families and causes are believed to be either genetic or learned behavior. Regardless, the brain chemistry needs to be dealt with in order to treat the condition.ou and your family become slaves to OCD, even as nerve-racking as these compulsions are, you can’t seem to break free from the thoughts or the behaviors. has been considered a form of anxiety; however, there has been some consideration to reclassifying it as a separate illness in the DSMV.", "Report Abuse. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or rituals) which attempt to neutralize the obsessions. OCD often causes feelings similar to those of depression.. The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action. 4. The person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images are a product of his or her own mind, and are not based in reality.", "Traditionally it has been thought that there are four main categories of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), as well as numerous sub-types of the illness within each category. However, typically a person’s OCD will fall into one of the following four areas. Checking. Contamination / Mental Contamination.", "Traditionally it has been thought that there are four main categories of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), as well as numerous sub-types of the illness within each category. However, typically a person’s OCD will fall into one of the following four areas. 1 Checking. 2 Contamination / Mental Contamination.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic illness that can cause marked distress and disability. It is a complex disorder with a variety of manifestations and symptom dimensions, some of which are underrecognized. Early recognition and treatment with OCD-specific therapies may improve outcomes, but there is often a delay in diagnosis.", "What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of the thoughts, a person with OCD does the same tasks over and over. For example, you may fear that everything you touch has germs on it. So to ease that fear, you wash your hands over and over again. What causes OCD?", "People with OCD are more vulnerable to having bipolar disorder, also called manic depression. While it is sometimes confused with OCD, obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is characterized by perfectionism and an unyielding expectation that the sufferer and others will adhere to a rigid set of rules. People with OCPD do not tend to engage in compulsions.", "URL of this page: //medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000929.htm. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), and behaviors that drive them to do something over and over (compulsions). Often the person carries out the behaviors to get rid of the obsessive thoughts.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a serious, yet treatable disorder that often occurs with depression and anxiety disorders. If not treated properly, it may become disabling. OCD has a neurobiological basis, although research has not identified any definitive causes.", "1 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by distressing, intrusive obsessive thoughts and repetitive, compulsive physical or mental acts. Common obsessions include contamination, losing control, perfectionism, harm, unwanted sexual thoughts and religious obsessions.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, images, and sensations (obsessions) and engage in behaviors or mental acts in response to these thoughts or obsessions.Often the person carries out the behaviors to reduce the impact or get rid of the obsessive thoughts, but this ...", "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a more generalized anxiety disorder affecting approximately 3 in 100 individuals. OCD is characterized by recurrent obsessive thoughts that may take the form of ideas, images, impulses, fears, or doubts.", "Share: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an illness that causes people to have unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and to repeat certain behaviors (compulsions) over and over again.We all have habits and routines in our daily lives, such as brushing our teeth before bed.hare: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an illness that causes people to have unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and to repeat certain behaviors (compulsions) over and over again.", "1 Having OCD is not a sign of weakness or a lack of willpower in stopping the thoughts and behaviors. 2 Although the exact cause is not known, experts believe that OCD may be caused in part by an imbalance of a chemical in the brain called serotonin.hat OCD is not. There are many disorders that have been mistakenly labeled as OCD. Some of them are the eating disorders, compulsive shopping, kleptomania, alcoholism, trichotillomania, obsessive-compulsive personality, and body dysmorphic disorder.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neurologically-based anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or thoughts (compulsions) that the sufferer feels compelled to perform.oubt is what fuels the fire for OCD, as sufferers feel the need to have total control over everything in their lives. There is no room for doubt or uncertainty. The irony is this quest for control inevitably leads to just the opposite — loss of control over one’s life.", "While GAD remains in the anxiety disorders section, OCD now resides in a section called Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Conditions. The term “Related Conditions” refers to problems such as hoarding disorder, trichotillomania (i.e., hair-pulling disorder), and body dysmorphic disorder.", "Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of a number of obsessive compulsive and related disorders that has irresistible ideas or images (obsessions) and/or specific rituals/behaviors (compulsions) that may be driven by obsessions as characteristics of the illness.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by two core symptoms--obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are thoughts, images, or ideas that won't go away, are unwanted, and cause extreme distress.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neurological problem that manifests as obsession and/or compulsions that can interfere with a person's life pursuits. Most OCD is caused or triggered by anxiety and it is often a manifestation of deeper anger or fear issues that are often undiagnosed or even known by the patient.", "Though previously considered an anxiety disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV-TR), in the most recent DSM-V it is now in the category of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, which includes both Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Hoarding Disorder.", "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and disturbing thoughts (called obsessions) and/or repetitive, ritualized behaviors that the person feels driven to perform (called compulsions). Obsessions can also take the form of intrusive images or unwanted impulses." ]
where does warthog live
Warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) are wild members of the pig family that live on the grasslands and savannahs of Africa. They look very fierce. Their large heads are shaped a bit like a shovel. Plus, they have sharp lower canine teeth that look like straight tusks. Older warthogs also have curved upper tusks.
[ "Warthogs live in groups called sounders. Whales. A school, herd, grind or gam of whales. OR. A pod of whales (small school). Wild Dogs. A pack of wild dogs. Wildebeest. A herd of wildebeest. OR. An implausibility of wildebeest (or gnus). Wolves. A pack, rout or route (when in movement) of wolves (e.g. Ethiopian wolves). Zebras", "Warthogs have a diet that consists mainly of grass, fruit, berries, roots and insects but warthogs are also known to occasionally eat small mammals, birds and reptiles. The diet of the warthog however, depends on the season and what is growing and therefore available for the warthog to eat.arthogs are also good at running and jumping and are well known for running with their tails pointing towards the sky. The warthog is named after the two sets of tusks that are found on the face of the warthog.", "The common name comes from the four large, wart-like protrusions found on the head of the warthog, which serve as a fat reserve and are used for defense when males fight. The generic name is a compound of 'phaco-' and 'choerus' meaning 'wart' and 'hog'.onservation status [edit]. The common warthog population in southern Africa is estimated to be about 250,000. Typical densities range between one and 10 per km 2 in protected areas, but local densities of 77 per km 2 were found on short grass in Nakuru National Park.", "Head and body length is 900 to 1500 mm. Shoulder height ranges from 635 to 850 mm. Common warthogs have large upper tusks that are 255 to 635 mm long in males and 152 to 255 mm long in females. As their name suggests, warthogs have three pairs of facial warts, comprised of cartilaginous connective tissue.onservation status [edit]. The common warthog population in southern Africa is estimated to be about 250,000. Typical densities range between one and 10 per km 2 in protected areas, but local densities of 77 per km 2 were found on short grass in Nakuru National Park.", "Phacochoerus is a genus of wild pigs in the Suidae family, known as warthogs. It is the sole genus of subfamily Phacochoerinae. They are found in open and semiopen habitats, even in quite arid regions, in sub-Saharan Africa.kull. Although covered in bristly hairs, their bodies and heads appear largely naked from a distance, with only the crest along the back, and the tufts on their cheeks and tails being obviously haired. The English name refers to their facial wattles, which are particularly distinct in males.", "For example, most warthogs like to forage during the light of the morning and early evening. But if they live in an area where people hunt them, they switch to foraging at night. Lions, cheetahs, leopards, painted dogs, hyenas, and eagles all like to snack on a warthog when they get a chance. Warthogs have longer legs than other swine.", "Definition of warthog. : a wild African hog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) that has large protruding tusks and in the male two pairs of rough warty excrescences on the face and that is sometimes placed in two separate species (P. aethiopicus and P. africanus)", "Phacochoerus is a genus of wild pigs in the Suidae family, known as warthogs. It is the sole genus of subfamily Phacochoerinae. They are found in open and semiopen habitats, even in quite arid regions, in sub-Saharan Africa.hacochoerus is a genus of wild pigs in the Suidae family, known as warthogs. It is the sole genus of subfamily Phacochoerinae. They are found in open and semiopen habitats, even in quite arid regions, in sub-Saharan Africa.", "Basic Warthog Diet. Warthogs are grazers, and the bulk of what they eat is grass. Grass certainly isn't the only thing these robust creatures eat, however. They also frequently eat berries, fruit, bulbs, tubers and young and tender bark. Occasionally, warthogs also feed on crops from agricultural sites.", "Warthogs are grazers, which means they mostly eat grass. They also eat roots and bulbs.", "Although they can excavate, warthogs normally use holes dug by other animals, like aardvarks. They sleep and rest in holes. The shelter holes provide is important for warthog thermoregulation—having neither fur nor fat, the warthog lacks both protection from the sun and insulation from cold.he warthog's large tusks are unusual: The two upper tusks emerge from the sides of the snout to form a semicircle; the lower tusks, at the base of the uppers, are worn to a sharp-cutting edge.", "A warthog. Warthogs are omnivorous swines that are closely related to pigs, boars, and hogs. They eat meat, something considered when the designers for Timon and Pumbaa decided to put the two together, stating they took some great measures to make their friendship work. The warthog is a durable animal.", "Areas with many bulbs, rhizomes and nutritious roots can support large numbers of warthogs. Occasionally, warthogs eat carrions (dead animals), too. Warthogs look tougher and meaner than they actually are. If threatened, warthogs most likely choose to flee from the scene than to challenge their enemies. harvybirdman2021 · 1 decade ago.", "Warthogs are also good at running and jumping and are well known for running with their tails pointing towards the sky. The warthog is named after the two sets of tusks that are found on the face of the warthog.Warthogs use their tusks both for fighting off unwanted predators and other competing male warthogs, and the warthogs also use these tusks for digging in the dirt for grubs and insects.arthogs are also good at running and jumping and are well known for running with their tails pointing towards the sky. The warthog is named after the two sets of tusks that are found on the face of the warthog.", "Like most swine, warthogs are not picky eaters. They’ll gobble up grass, roots, berries, tree bark, and even dead animals! As you might suspect when you look at their big snout, warthogs are good sniffers. It’s easy for them to smell things underground that they might want to eat.", "Full Definition of WARTHOG. : a wild African hog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) that has large protruding tusks and in the male two pairs of rough warty excrescences on the face and that is sometimes placed in two separate species (P. aethiopicus and P. africanus). See warthog defined for English-language learners. a wild African hog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) that has large protruding tusks and in the male two pairs of rough warty excrescences on the face and that is sometimes placed in two separate species (P. aethiopicus and P. africanus).", "Adding to the uniqueness is that warthogs are also the only pig species that graze grasses. When warthogs are hungry, they kneel on their padded front knees to nip off short grass or to dig bulbs, roots, and tubers with their snouts and tusks. Occasionally, warthogs eat carrions (dead animals), too. Warthogs look tougher and meaner than they actually are. Adding to the uniqueness is that warthogs are also the only pig species that graze grasses.", "A couple of warthog join a curious giraffe in the manor gardens. 1 Home. 2 Kenya. 3 Nairobi. 4 The Giraffe Manor. 5 At a Glance. 6 Facilities. 7 Rooms. 8 Activities. 9 Rates. 10 Reviews. 11 Map. 12 Location: Kenya, Nairobi. 13 Type of Accommodation: Guesthouse. 14 Comfort Level: Luxury.", "Either way you look at it, the warthog is one of the most popular animals to hunt in Africa. When I made my first African safari nearly a decade ago, a warthog was the first animal I hunted on the continent (below). The thrill of that experience got me completely hooked on hunting Africa.Yes, warthogs are ugly, but they are still magnificent creatures who are extremely exciting to hunt.n this series, I plan on describing the physical attributes and distribution of each species in addition to recommended hunting methods, recommended cartridges, shot placement, and the estimated cost of hunting that animal. My first article is about one of the most widely distributed animals in Africa: the warthog.", "The warthog is a tough, sturdy animal. Males weigh 20 to 50 pounds more than females, but both are distinguished by disproportionately large heads and “warts”—thick protective pads that appear on both sides of the head.he warthog's large tusks are unusual: The two upper tusks emerge from the sides of the snout to form a semicircle; the lower tusks, at the base of the uppers, are worn to a sharp-cutting edge.", "What is a warthog? The warthog is a tough, sturdy animal. Males weigh 20 to 50 pounds more than females, but both are distinguished by disproportionately large heads and “warts”—thick protective pads that appear on both sides of the head.", "Warthogs have longer legs than other swine. This allows them to run away from these potential predators, reaching speeds of up to 34 miles (55 kilometers) per hour. When humans get out of bed, they often stumble along, rubbing their eyes to wake up. Warthogs don’t have the luxury of waking up slowly.", "Commonly referred to by the nicknames Warthog or Hog, its official name comes from the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, a World War II fighter that was effective at attacking ground targets.", "Warthog brings the most realistic PC simulation of a modernDCS: A-10C Warthog is a PC simulation of the U.S. premier Close Air Support attack aircraft. This is the second aircraft in the DCS series, following DCS: Black Shark, and raises the bar even higher in the DCS series. Warthog brings the most realistic PC simulation of a modernDCS: A-10C Warthog is a PC simulation of the U.S. premier Close Air Support attack aircraft.", "I dreamed that TV wildlife guru David Attenborough was narrating a film about my life: And for the 49th time, the runt of the group attempts to climb out of the pit but does a dramatic face plant into decomposing warthog poop. Let's see if he gets up this time..", "1 The warthog has poor vision (though better than most other African wild pigs), but its senses of smell and hearing are good. When alarmed, the warthog grunts or snorts, lowers its mane, flattens its ears and bolts for underground cover.", "Summary: DCS: A-10C Warthog is a PC simulation of the U.S. premier Close Air Support attack aircraft. This is the second aircraft in the DCS series, following DCS: Black Shark, and raises the bar even higher in the DCS series.", "9,218 pages on this wiki. The M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (M12 LRV), commonly referred to as the Warthog, is a variant of the M12 Force Application Vehicle and the UNSC 's most prolific anti-infantry vehicle.,218 pages on this wiki. The M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (M12 LRV), commonly referred to as the Warthog, is a variant of the M12 Force Application Vehicle and the UNSC 's most prolific anti-infantry vehicle.", "The M12 FAV Warthog is the UNSC's primary ground vehicle, used for its scouting and reconnaissance capacity, or as an integral part of a mechanized infantry unit; the M12 has been a part of the UNSC's armored vehicle fleet for fifty years, and is the most recognizable vehicle in their arsenal.he M12 FAV Warthog is the UNSC's primary ground vehicle, used for its scouting and reconnaissance capacity, or as an integral part of a mechanized infantry unit; the M12 has been a part of the UNSC's armored vehicle fleet for fifty years, and is the most recognizable vehicle in their arsenal.", "As the young run in single file, the tail position may serve as a signal to keep them all together. Warthogs trot with a springy gait but they are known to run surprisingly fast. The warthog has poor vision (though better than most other African wild pigs), but its senses of smell and hearing are good.", "Alterac Valley is the third and last Battleground to have PvP reputation associated with it. As with Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, performing quests and achieving Battleground objectives in Alterac Valley grant reputation with the Frostwolf Clan and the Stormpike Guard.", "Many warthogs do have a thicker mane along their backs, though. And, of course, there are the “warts on their heads. The “warts that give warthogs their name are actually protective bumps. They store fat and help protect warthogs during fights.", "Quick Answer. Gray treefrogs eat insects, spiders, mites and snails, according to the University of Michigan. They look for their food on the ground and in vegetation. They live in forested areas near water.", "Other modules that can be purchased for DCS World include: DCS: A-10C Warthog. Warthog brings the most realistic PC simulation of a modern fixed wing combat aircraft in regards to flight dynamics, avionics, sensors, and weapon systems. Warthog is considered by many to be the current bench mark of PC flight simulation.", "A warthog’s “warts” are not really warts, but just thick growths of skin. Even though the growths stick out, they don’t have any bones or cartilage. When a male warthog wants to attract a female, he does a courtship “chant” of rhythmic grunts that sounds like an engine in need of a tune-up." ]
where were pitchforks used
A pitchfork is an agricultural tool with a long handle and long, thick, widely separated pointed tines (also called prongs) used to lift and pitch (throw) loose material, such as hay, straw or leaves.n Europe, the pitchfork was first used in the early Middle Ages, at about the same time as the harrow. The pitchfork was originally made entirely of wood; today, the tines are usually made of hard metal.
[ "The Pitchforks are available throughout the year to perform at a wide variety of events. We regularly perform at dinners, fundraisers, weddings, and university functions, and are always looking for new opportunities.", "The largest pitchfork measures 18.65 m (61 ft 1 in) long and 2.56 m (8 ft 5 in) wide and was created by Jim Bolin (USA) and verified in Casey, Illinois, USA, on 20 October 2015. The pitchfork is on display in front of the local restaurant Richards Farm and weighs approximately 1,940 lbs. All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search.", "Andrews' Pitchfork also incorporates the use of trigger lines, which are essentially trend lines that originate at point 1. Upper trigger lines extend down from point 1 through the peak at point 3. A break above the upper trigger line is a buy signal.", "Reviewed December 30, 2016. Located north of town, Casey, Illinois, not only is the world's largest pitchfork available to see 24/7 but the pitchfork has over photo opportunities for the family and kids all pitchfork related. Be part of a art masterpiece or dine with the swine using their face cutouts for a fun memory.", "Pitchforks can have two, three, four or more tines. Unlike garden forks, the tines are usually curved upwards to provide more scooping ability. Common types of pitchforks in gardens include: Compost fork – A compost fork is a pitchfork with very sharp tines that are designed for cutting into the compost. This makes it easier to grab and lift the compost when turning over the compost pile.", "Breaking Records: The 2017 Guinness Book of World Records, in pictures. The largest pitchfork measures 18.65 m (61 ft 1 in) long and 2.56 m (8 ft 5 in) wide and was created by Jim Bolin (USA) and verified in Casey, Illinois, USA. 20 October 2015. The pitchfork is on display in front of the local restaurant Richards Farm and weighs approximately 1,940 lbs.", "Andrews Pitchfork Trading. Trading with Andrews Pitchfork or Median Line Tool. The Andrews Median line or Pitchfork is a form of tool that is used to identify potential reversals or continuation of trends. The median line tool is one of the standard charting tools available with most trading/charting platforms.", "Colin Pitchfork (born 23 March 1960, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, England) is a convicted British murderer and rapist. He is the first person convicted of a crime based on DNA fingerprinting evidence, and the first to be caught as a result of mass DNA screening. Pitchfork raped and murdered two girls, the first in Narborough, Leicestershire, in November 1983, and the second in Enderby, also in Leicestershire, in July 1986. He was arrested on 19 September 1987 and sentenced to life imprisonment on 22 January 1988, after admitting both murders.", "The Pitchforks. 1,338 likes · 2 talking about this. We are a 4 piece indie rock band from South Wales taking inspiration from bands like the Arctic...", "Andrews in turn responded that if one were to move the A pivot along the price axis then it would be logical to equally move it along the time axes, thus giving us the Modified Schiff, the third and final commonly used version of the pitchfork.n short, market balance, equilibrium. Although the Andrews pitchfork is a tool bundled within many charting platforms, it is typically used briefly and in a cursory manner by those that value technical analysis.", "He is most famous for the American Gothic.. This is commonly known as the farmer holding a pitchfork with the women standing next to him. It was created in 1930. 2 people found this useful.", ", studied at Arizona State University. I graduated in 2004. The hand gesture that represents Sparky's pitchfork was common at any and all athletic events during my time in Tempe. It wasn't like people would be making the gesture to each other for no reason as they walked from class to class on campus.", "World's Largest Pitchfork - Big Things Small Town Workshop - Casey, IL #BigThingsSmallTown.", "World's Largest Pitchfork. The World's Largest Pitchfork really is huge and in a little town in front of what looks to be a pretty cool restaurant. There are photo ops for the restaurant around the pitchfork. [Mallory Billings, 12/01/2016]", "In the late 1800s, most were used to move hay from horse-drawn carts to lofts. To the American farmer, this mechanized system was the antidote to the back-breaking work of slinging hay with a pitchfork. By the 1950s, the hay elevator had pretty much replaced the barn pulley system.", "World's Largest Pitchfork - Big Things Small Town Workshop - Casey, IL.", "“for a massive bale of hay?”. Did you know that the Pitchfork is the tallest of the World’s largest attraction in Casey, IL? Measuring 60 feet in length and 1,940lbs, this unique attraction located at Richards Farm Restaurant makes for a fun photo!", "Rakes & Pitchforks. 1 Blue Hawk 54.5-in L Fiberglass-Handle Welded Steel Garden Rake. (79) Enter your location. 2 Kobalt 36-in Landscape Rake. (23) Enter your location. 3 True Temper Clog Free 30-in Lawn and Leaf Rake. (28) Enter your location. 4 True Temper 49-in Fiberglass-Handle Action Hoe. (5) Enter your location.", "There are different elements of the Pitchfork tool, they are: 1 Median line. 2 Upper median line. 3 Lower median line. 4 Upper/lower Trigger line. 5 Upper/Lower Warning line.", "Pitchfork Essentials: Back to Cali: New School West Coast Rap After years on the periphery, the West Coast is once again a dominant force in hip-hop culture thanks to trendsetters like Kendrick Lamar, Vince Staples, and DJ Mustard.", "Shop pitchforks in the rakes & pitchforks section of Lowes.com. Find quality pitchforks online or in store. Skip to main content free parcel shipping with mylowe's. get started >", "‘In the end, he had to drag her out of the house, only to be greeted by a flock of angry looking villagers, mostly holding pitchforks and axes.’ ‘Kathryn grinned and placed the pitchfork in the wheelbarrow, which she moved to the manure pile quickly.’", "Reading trees: Phylogenetic pitchforks. Often, one sees phylogenies that include polytomies, nodes with more than two descendent lineages, creating a pitchfork. This can mean one of two things: Lack of knowledge Usually, a polytomy means that we don't have enough data to figure out how those lineages are related.", "The Paris Pitchfork Music Festival, the trendiest musical encounter, is back for its 6th edition. BNP Paribas Masters. The epilogue of the 2016 tennis season opens with the Paris Masters 1000, which will take place at the AccorHotels Arena.", "Quick Description: Big pitchfork in Ames, Iowa. North of the Target store parking lot on SE 3rd street in Ames. From Interstate I-35, go West on Hwy 30 to Ames. Turn North on the Duff Avenue exit. Travel one mile North on Duff and you will see the Target store on the East side of the road. Park in the Target lot and walk across the street to see the pitch fork. Just north of Target, 320 S. Duff Ave., sits a stainless steel blue and orange pitchfork that many say is the worlds biggest. The pitchforks creator, Clarence Martin, claims it is true.", "Pitchfork-shaped Greek letter is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 2 times. There are related clues (shown below).", "When did law inforcement start using DNA testing? On September 19, 1987 Colin Pitchfork was the first individual arrested and convicted based on DNA evidence. He was arrested and subsequently convicted of the murders of… Dawn Ashworth and Lynda Mann in England.", "Reading trees: Phylogenetic pitchforks Often, one sees phylogenies that include polytomies, nodes with more than two descendent lineages, creating a pitchfork. This can mean one of two things:", "Pitchfork-shaped Greek letter is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 2 times.", "We have 1 answer for the clue Greek letters that look like pitchforks. See the results below.", "The Paris Pitchfork Music Festival, the trendiest musical encounter, is back for its 6th edition. The epilogue of the 2016 tennis season opens with the Paris Masters 1000, which will take place at the AccorHotels Arena. As a major event in autumn, the Ile-de-France Festival invites you to a new edition.", "The Pitchfork Spotify app is a companion to the site, offering playlists based on features and quick links to the music they review. It's an ideal extension, giving you the chance to make up your own mind as you flick through the site.", "now this is very important because the plants and animals need proteins to live, without this they will be hung and left to die with a pitchfork stuck in the leg. Edit Share to:", "The Devil has a pitchfork, Poseidon has a trident. It does seem plausible that people that graduated earlier than I did may not have been using the fork symbol. Sometimes I see somebody with an ASU sticker on their car and I give them the fork, and the older folks don't seem to get it.", "Pitchfork Music Festivals: Chicago / Paris; Pitchfork Radio; Newsletter; Advertising; Masthead; Careers; Contact; Accessibility Help; Follow Pitchfork on Facebook; Follow Pitchfork on Twitter; Follow Pitchfork on Instagram; Follow Pitchfork on Tumblr; Follow Pitchfork on Snapchat ©" ]
why do i get diarrhea when i travel
1 Travelers' diarrhea usually is caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria or, less commonly, with parasites or viruses. The treatment of travelers' diarrhea is usually plenty of oral liquids as well as over-the-counter medications that control diarrhea and cramps.
[ "But the main reason that anxiety causes diarrhea is because of the way the body is reacting to the fight or flight system. Anxiety is the activation of the fight or flight system when no fears are present. That stress causes a rush of adrenaline that redistributes both water and blood flow.", "Skip tap water and disposable plastic water bottles — do this instead. (Photo: Shebeko/Shutterstock) Drinking contaminated water is one of the most common causes of illness when traveling, including travelers’ diarrhea, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).", "Traveler’s diarrhea has many nicknames such as Montezuma’s revenge, Tut’s tummy, or tourista. Traveler’s diarrhea is a common disease. It is a form of food poisoning caused by consuming water or food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites that attack the digestive system.raveler’s diarrhea has many nicknames such as Montezuma’s revenge, Tut’s tummy, or tourista. Traveler’s diarrhea is a common disease. It is a form of food poisoning caused by consuming water or food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites that attack the digestive system.", "Many of the exact causes of anxiety and its symptoms are still being discovered. But the main reason that anxiety causes diarrhea is because of the way the body is reacting to the fight or flight system. Anxiety is the activation of the fight or flight system when no fears are present. That stress causes a rush of adrenaline that redistributes both water and blood flow.", "The destination is the most important risk factor for the development of travelers' diarrhea. Developing countries all over the world represent the highest risk, and the highest-risk destinations are the developing countries of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia." ]
what type credit cards do kiosk machine take
Services offered on the kiosks are also available online or by mail. The choice is yours! You may pay with cash at kiosks in the DMV offices and select partner locations. All kiosks accept checks, Visa, Master Card and Discover. Visa and Mastercard debit cards are processed as credit cards. Choose Credit if asked.
[ "A church in Kansas City has decided to install a credit card kiosk inside their sanctuary. The machines are called giving kiosk units. Quite frankly, I’m leery of them. Don’t get me wrong here — I get it. Churches sometimes do things as a matter of practicality and to keep up with the times.", "An all-in-one countertop kiosk may start at less than $1000; a mini touch screen kiosk for credit card transactions is estimated at $729. Some businesses are now using tablets as mini kiosks, with touch screen tablet stands starting at $1000, not including the cost of the tablet.", "The DMV accepts cash, checks, money orders for the exact amount, debit cards and major credit cards. Please do not mail cash. If you wish to use a credit or debit card with mailed transactions, complete a Credit Card Authorization (VP 205) form. Transactions at DMV kiosks carry an additional $1 processing fee.", "The tall yellow machine is a Coinstar Exchange kiosk where you can convert gift cards to cash in a few minutes. Let me show you how it works…. Below the touchscreen monitor, there are 3 components. On the left side, there is a magnetic stripe reader and barcode scanner.", "The typical Coinstar coin-cashing kiosk is green and the size of a large vending machine. They are located at grocery stores, drug stores, larger merchants, banks or other retail locations. The coin-counting service is available in the US (including Puerto Rico), Canada, Ireland and the UK.", "Please do not mail cash. If you wish to use a credit or debit card with mailed transactions, complete a Credit Card Authorization (VP 205) form. Transactions at DMV kiosks carry an additional $1 processing fee.", "Cardtronics’ financial kiosk network stretches across two continents and six countries, operating machines throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Mexico. We specialize in providing superior customer service to consumers, merchants, and financial institutions of every size. At Cardtronics, we bring to bear a full range of resources, whether the solution calls for just one ATM or for thousands of advanced-function financial kiosks.", "An example of a vending kiosk is that of the DVD rental kiosks manufactured by several manufacturers, where a user can rent a DVD, secured by credit card for $1 per day. Beginning in 2002, new vending kiosks have started to be deployed which dispense a variety of items including electronic device and cosmetics.", "Bill Payment Kiosks: Our bill payment kiosk allows your customers the convenience of being able to pay their bills from your location. Your customers can pay bills they have with over 110,000 companies that are currently registered within the bill payment system.", "Retail Kiosks / Self-Service Store Integration Creating an EMV compliant Android Kiosk For anyone who has heard about the shift in liability for credit card purchases, an EMV Compliant Android Kiosk is a great option for a secure self service payment solution.", "The financial services kiosk can provide the ability for customers to perform transactions that may normally require a bank teller and may be more complex and longer to perform than desired at an ATM.", "SEPTA Key Cards can be reloaded at SEPTA Sales Offices, online, at Fare Kiosks and over the phone. Loading a pass or funds to your Key Card at a Fare Kiosk is easy. To begin, just tap your Card at the contactless reader below the Fare Kiosk screen and then follow the prompts. The Fare Kiosks and the major SEPTA Sales Offices accept cash, credit cards, and debit cards.", "The DFS-500 Kiosk features exclusive patent pending technologies that offer endless configurability options with Transaction Rewards™, Check Express™, SMART Dispense™, Currency Exchange™, and JACKPOT Pay™; also performs standard operations such as ATM, Bill Break, and Ticket Redemption.", "(03-20-2013). Kiosks are machines kept in shopping malls and other such places by organizations to spread the information and generate orders from customers who visit such malls.Eg. Ambi Pur, a perfume company dealing in room fresheners recently organized a marketing campaign in the Nirmal lifestyle, Mumbai.", "Re: buying a ticket for someone else on Southwest. Jul 21, 2015, 1:44 PM. The credit card in the kiosk is only to identify you to help the system find your reservation. It does not need to be the credit card used to buy the ticket. And, as post 6 said, you can check in online and then don't even need to go to a kiosk.", "Then drop the roll of paper into the credit card terminal so the paper rolls out from the bottom towards the front of the machine. Make sure you are using the correct size paper. Most Verifone terminals us 2 and 1/4″ wide by 85′ long thermal paper. Then close the paper lid. Mke sure to peel off about 10″ of the roll before you try processing credit cards. The first part of the roll is usually not able to print well. Now you are all set to run credit card transactions on your Verifone vx510 / omni 3730!", "These kiosks are generally open from Monday-Friday 08:00 am to 05:00 pm. Some are also open on Saturdays. Please click here for locations of the kiosks and their working hours. Most self-service kiosks accept cash, checks, debit or credit cards.", "Add value to your Clipper Card at Walgreens or a Clipper Card Kiosk. If you load money using Clipper Card's website, it takes five days to process your payment. Yet, when you use the old-fashioned kiosks or have a human interaction at Walgreens where you can buy a Clipper Card, the payment is processed instantly.", "1 One of the stores that sells kiosk machines for dispensing DVDs and Blu Ray is VendVision.com. 2 The company sells several types of DVD dispensing kiosk machines which can also dispense video game discs. 3 The price of the kiosk machines sold through this site ranges anywhere from $2,500 to $5,000.", "If you do not have an existing credit card, you may apply for credit at our Jewelry Kiosk. Approved customers will receive a temporary shopping pass, which is good for 24 hours only in the store in which you were approved.", "The larger machines accept cash, credit cards or ATM/debit cards. The small MetroCard Vending Machines are for credit cards or ATM/debit cards only. They do not accept cash. All you have to do to get started is touch the vending-machine screen. The screen will ask you what type of MetroCard you want and take you through the steps to buy it. You can buy. MetroCard from $5.50 to $80.", "1 The company sells several types of DVD dispensing kiosk machines which can also dispense video game discs. 2 The price of the kiosk machines sold through this site ranges anywhere from $2,500 to $5,000. 3 The website BuyerZone.com provides information regarding kiosk machines including how much they can cost.", "Coinstar's new Coinstar Exchange kiosks will give you cash for them. The offer is typically 60-85% of the balance remaining on your gift card. If you accept the offer, Coinstar will try to verify your identity using your driver's license and credit card. If all goes well, you'll get a printed voucher that you can then take to the store's customer service desk to trade in for cash.", "Here are the instructions from Coinstar about how to obtain an e-gift card from their kiosk. Step 1 – At the kiosk, pick the eGift Card you want. The selection of eGift Cards varies depending on location of the kiosk. Step 2 – Add coins to the tray, lift the handle, and guide coins into the slot.", "Kruk Cards is your one stop shop to sell or buy trading cards and collectibles. We buy everything from one autographed card to entire warehouses full of inventory.Kruk Cards has been in the business for 30+ years and will continue to bring value to our customers with fair prices and superior customer service.Our goal is to make you, the customer, happy.ruk Cards has been in the business for 30+ years and will continue to bring value to our customers with fair prices and superior customer service. Our goal is to make you, the customer, happy.", "In information technology, a kiosk (pronounced KEE-ahsk ) is a small physical structure (often including a computer and a display screen) that displays information for people walking by. Kiosks are common near the entrances of shopping malls in North America where they provide shoppers with directions.", "You can use this Moneypass ATM locator to find for a moneypass ATM machine. You will need to find one that is inside a Walmart because if it shows a moneypass ATM at a Walmart location, it should be the kiosk we are after. When you arrive at Walmart, this is what the kiosk in the money center should look like. Here is step by step how to load the gift cards onto your Bluebird. 1.", "To improve customer service, the PPA has also installed parking meter kiosks in Center City and University City. In addition to coins, bills and credit cards may be used for payment at these devices. The meter kiosks also allow flexibility in the amount of time which can be purchased.", "Step 3: If you don't find your facility in the list please click here. This site is owned and operated by EZ Card and Kiosk. Payments made on this site are immediately posted to the jail or facility when a Payment ID number is issued. Once the Payment ID has been issued, the jail or facility is responsible for your transaction and any changes must be initiated by the location. EZ CARD & KIOSK ©2015 | Privacy | Login.", "MetroCard vending machines and LIRR ticket machines accept cash (U.S. currency only), credit cards and debit cards. MetroCard machines return up to $6 in change (coins). LIRR machines return up to $17.75 in change (coins).", "kiosk. A small, self-standing structure such as a newsstand or ticket booth. The original kiosk had room inside for a person who handled the transactions; however, the term evolved to refer to unattended self-service booths with computers that dispense information or make sales via a touchscreen.or example, digital photo kiosks are today's counterpart to the earlier, manned kiosks for analog film developing. Accepting memory card or CD/DVD input, they allow users to select images and perform limited editing. The units can make prints on the spot as well as burn them onto a CD.", "Point of Sale system, refers to any electronic credit card terminal, credit card software or computer system including Touchscreens, Kiosks or Virtual Terminals, where credit card transactions may be keyed and/or swiped online in a web browser or software application or Gateway.", "There're many cash machines in Moscow, St. Petersburg and major Siberian cities, and a lot of shops and restaurants accept cards in the big cities. However, as soon as you go to smaller towns, you'll find it hard to use your credit card.here're many cash machines in Moscow, St. Petersburg and major Siberian cities, and a lot of shops and restaurants accept cards in the big cities. However, as soon as you go to smaller towns, you'll find it hard to use your credit card.", "After payment has been made, the bill payment kiosk will print and dispense a receipt of the transaction. The bill pay receipt will contain detailed information such as date, time, bill pay kiosk information, transaction number, payment method as well as card authorization number and amount paid.", "Coinstar's new Coinstar Exchange kiosks will give you cash for them. The offer is typically 60-85% of the balance remaining on your gift card. If you accept the offer, Coinstar will try to verify your identity using your driver's license and credit card.", "I had the same problem yesterday on a credit card yesterday. I think it is the 3200, I am home so I cannot look at the machine. You do not have to feed it through a hole; simply replace the orange spindle in the new credit card roll, drop it in, leave a little paper outside, shut the cover, and hit the advance button on the left.", "Business Credit Card Type 3 - Vendor Specific. These cards are the easiest to get approved for because they can only be used at specific locations. There are hundreds of these cards such as; Home Depot, Staples, Lowes, Best Buy, Tiger Direct, and many more.", "Accepting credit cards by phone is easy and less expensive than most wireless credit card machines. Whether you're a plumber, electrician, carpenter, landscaper, a tow trucker, sell at craft shows or sell at flea markets, accepting credit cards by phone can be the right program for your business.hone Swipe credit card processing using a smart phone allows you to accept credit cards without using any merchant account software or equipment. Credit card processing is easily initiated through a smart phone.", "WF-401 Coin Operated Computer (vending computer) and Internet cafe kiosk ( Kiosk computer ) With Internet Cafe or Internet Kiosk Coin acceptor. Just plug our USB adapter WF-4011 and then turn your PC to a vending PC. Save your cost and bring your internet cafe business into more profit.", "store manager flunked math and customer service school. Was in store 7-10-13 and making copies, which I do at least 6 to 10 times per month, and just so happened after recharging the card at the KIOSK, made 30 copies. Checked the tally on the unit and it said $3.19 for 30 copies.", "1 The price will vary depending on the type of kiosk machine that you need to dispense the products that you sell. 2 Each has different features and programming to keep track of your products. 3 On average, a kiosk can range anywhere from $2,000 used to as much as $10,000 new.", "Many Japanese ATMs don’t accept foreign-issued cards, but ATMs in Japanese post offices and 7-Eleven convenience stores do. Likewise, credit cards are not universally accepted in Japan, though can be used at most hotels, department stores, upscale restaurants, JR ticket offices and even some taxis. Still, you should never assume that you can use your credit card – always carry sufficient cash as a backup.", "Many automatic teller machines (ATMs) in Japan do not accept credit, debit and ATM cards, which are issued outside of Japan. The big exception are the ATMs found at the over 20,000 post offices and over 10,000 7-Eleven convenience stores across the country.", "By 1979, electronic processing was progressing. Dial-up terminals and magnetic strips on the back of credit cards were introduced thus enabling retailers to swipe the customer’s credit card through the electronic terminal. These terminals were able to access the issuing bank card holder information." ]
what does medigap cover
Does Medigap Cover Dental? While Medigap plans can cover your Original Medicare deductibles, copays, and coinsurance for dentistry-related hospitalization, generally Medigap does NOT cover dental. Medigap does offer stand-alone dental plans within the application as an additional product for purchase. Learn More about Medigap Get a Medigap Quote
[ "But if you have any type of Medicare supplemental insurance (also known as medigap), your policy covers an additional 365 life-time reserve days, with no copays. Once you’ve been out of the hospital for 60 days, you start a new benefit period if you need to be admitted again, even if it’s for the same illness or injury that took you there before.", "Medicare Part A Hospital Deductible. Medigap Plans B, C, D, F, G and N cover the hospital deductible ($1,100 in 2010) for each benefit period. Plans K, L, and M cover part of it. This benefit usually saves you money if you have to stay in the hospital." ]
how long do runner beans take to germinate
Drop in a Runner Bean seed before backfilling the hole with compost and watering the seed in. Runner Beans will germinate in about a week and grow surprisingly quickly. You will need to harden Runner Bean plants off for 7 to 10 days before transplanting them outdoors.irect sowing outdoors: Alternatively you can sow Runner Bean seed directly in the ground outdoors from May to July. Sow them at a depth of 5cm (2) and a distance of 30cm (12) apart in adjacent rows that are set about 45cm (18) apart.
[ "Mountaineer White is a half-runner cultivar widely grown in areas with cool temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the growing season. Half-runner beans grow about 5 feet tall and take 55 to 60 days to mature. Plant them in an area with at least eight hours of sun a day for the best yield.", "Beans make a healthy addition to summer salads and side dishes. Beans are easily grown from seeds, and require between 40 and 60 days to maturity. Plant fava beans throughout the summer months in neighborhoods that receive large amounts of fog. Runner beans are best planted during the months of June and July. To save space in your garden, grow beans vertically, using twine, stakes or trellises, to make room for additional summer vegetables.", "Mountaineer White is a half-runner cultivar widely grown in areas with cool temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the growing season. Half-runner beans grow about 5 feet tall and take 55 to 60 days to mature.", "They germinate best when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees are ideal. At these temperatures, beans germinate within eight to 10 days. At temperatures below 60 degrees, the seeds might take more than two weeks to germinate.Wait to plant bean seeds until two weeks after the last expected frost, or start them indoors four weeks before the last frost.hey germinate best when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees are ideal. At these temperatures, beans germinate within eight to 10 days. At temperatures below 60 degrees, the seeds might take more than two weeks to germinate.", "Runner beans are tender and don't like frost, or cold temperatures, so wait until May or June to sow the seeds. It is best to start the beans in small pots, and sow two beans per pot 5cm (2in) deep (only plant the strongest plant). Place the pots outside in a coldframe, or in a sheltered position. Once the beans reach 8cm (3in) tall you can plant them out into their final positions, this will be about June or July.", "Germination. Beans are warm-season crops that don't tolerate cold, damp soils. They germinate best when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees are ideal. At these temperatures, beans germinate within eight to 10 days.At temperatures below 60 degrees, the seeds might take more than two weeks to germinate.Wait to plant bean seeds until two weeks after the last expected frost, or start them indoors four weeks before the last frost.ermination. Beans are warm-season crops that don't tolerate cold, damp soils. They germinate best when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees are ideal. At these temperatures, beans germinate within eight to 10 days.", "Check the seeds daily after a week has passed, looking for green sprouts to emerge from the end. Viable green bean seeds germinate in seven to 14 days. A germination test is important if the seed is from an unfamiliar source or is old. Test the soil temperature in late spring with a soil thermometer. If you don't want to buy a soil thermometer, stand in the prepared soil in your bare feet for five minutes.", "When you are planting the seeds, it is recommended to keep a gap for at least 8 inches. They should be planted 1 inch deep in the soil. It will take six to 10 days for the seeds to germinate and the vegetable flowers after five weeks from sowing. The plant beans about 10 to 12 days after flowering. When you see the beans, you should place poles at each end and in the middle of the row to support its growth.", "Time Frame. Bean seeds germinate within 8 to 10 days under optimal conditions. They emerge as a tiny hooked stem with one single lobe and perhaps a cracked seed coat.Within a few days, the first real leaves emerge. Green beans are harvested within 60 to 75 days, depending on the variety.arning. Bean seeds are damaged by soaking in water or by being planted in very wet soil. Plant them in warm, moist, but not soggy, soil at a depth of 1 inch beneath the surface.", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Germination of pole beans should take between eight to ten days. After germination, pole beans can be harvested after about 70 days and can be harvested five times during the growing season.ow long does it take bean seeds to germinate? About 10 to 15 days on average but this depends on a lot of factors such as temperature,climate,sunlight, and moisture.", "I put runner bean seeds into a plastic bag with moist compost. after about a few days the seeds show a root so I know which seed will grow. I pot up the sprouting seeds into rootrainers leave until they are about 8 inches high and then I plant out. I have done this every year for the past 11 years with 100% success.i all........ just a quickie...... planted my runner bean and french bean 2 weeks ago today-all my french beans have just started coming up or are up but no sign of life of the runner beans.", "In a soil temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit, lima beans will germinate within 18 days. In warmer soil temperature of 77 degrees F, germination will occur in seven days. Temperatures that are too cool will prevent the lima bean seeds from germinating.", "Grow Runner Beans from Seed. Runner beans are a half hardy plant, that is they are planted out in early summer after the risk of frost is gone. The runner beans are harvested until the plants are killed by frost in late autumn.emember to dig over the site for the runner beans in the autumn or winter and incorporate plenty of well-rotted manure or compost. When the plants are ready for planting out, fork into the topsoil 2-3oz of a general fertiliser such as Growmore.", "In a soil temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit, lima beans will germinate within 18 days. In warmer soil temperature of 77 degrees F, germination will occur in seven days. Temperatures that are too cool will prevent the lima bean seeds from germinating. When combined with wet soil conditions, the seeds may rot.", "Time Frame. A general time frame for germination of a lima bean is between six and 18 days. This is after the bean is sown in moist, well-drained soil at an depth of 1 inch in soil that is at least 65 degrees.", "Time Frame. On average, it takes bean plants two months to produce beans and fully mature, but time can vary from 45 to 75 days, depending on the climate.", "If you are planting more than one row of bush beans, the rows should be 18 to 24 inches apart. You can expect the bush beans to germinate in about 1-2 weeks. If you would like a continuous harvest of bush beans through the season, plant new bush bean seeds about once every 2 weeks.", "When the plants are 6-7 inches tall you can harden off them off in a cold frame or cloche for a couple of weeks before planting outside. Ensure all danger of frost has passed otherwise the plants will die. Plant each runner bean plant next to a cane and water the base thoroughly. Growing Your Own Potatoes. This method of growing runner beans can be used with a cane or pole support system consisting of a single row of 6-8 ft canes pushed into the soil at 6-12 inch intervals.", "Pinto beans are native to Mexico, and are use in many traditional dishes of this region, including refried beans. Pinto typically take around 90 days to grow as a dry bean, but can be harvested sooner and eaten as a green snap bean.The plants are low growing, runner types that will grow to around 20 tall.Sow seeds 4 apart, with 24-36 between rows and thin as needed.into typically take around 90 days to grow as a dry bean, but can be harvested sooner and eaten as a green snap bean. The plants are low growing, runner types that will grow to around 20 tall. Sow seeds 4 apart, with 24-36 between rows and thin as needed.", "Grow Runner Beans from Seed. Runner beans are a half hardy plant, that is they are planted out in early summer after the risk of frost is gone. The runner beans are harvested until the plants are killed by frost in late autumn.t's much more fun to grow your own from seed, and April (in the UK) is the right time to start them off. Runner beans are a half hardy plant, that is they are planted out in early summer after the risk of frost is gone. The runner beans are harvested until the plants are killed by frost in late autumn.", "Germination: Runner beans need water to germinate but do not need any other special conditions or treatment; they will germinate in the dark (underground) or in the light. The root always starts to grow first and it always grows downwards.The plant is sensitive to gravity and the root grows towards gravity.unner beans need water to germinate but do not need any other special conditions or treatment; they will germinate in the dark (underground) or in the light. The root always starts to grow first and it always grows downwards.", "Beans do not like to be transplanted. Germination temperature: 70 F to 80 F-Germination is slow and poor when soil temperatures are below 60 F. Days to emergence: 8 to 10 - Germination may take two weeks or more if soil temperatures are below 60 F. Seed can be saved 5 years.eans do not like to be transplanted. Germination temperature: 70 F to 80 F-Germination is slow and poor when soil temperatures are below 60 F. Days to emergence: 8 to 10 - Germination may take two weeks or more if soil temperatures are below 60 F. Seed can be saved 5 years.", "The best temperature for germination is from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but black-eyed peas will germinate from 40 to 80 F. As with bush beans, germination in ideal temperatures will take eight to 10 days, but it can take two weeks or more if soil temperatures are below 60 F.", "At its best: Jul, Aug. Plant runner beans now and these vegetables will thrive in the warm, moist soil and quickly twine up their supports. At this time of year you can still sow seeds, which will produce a good harvest of succulent pods, or you can buy young plants.", "Report Abuse. Depending on soil temperature some seeds will germinate faster. Beans for example can begin to sprout in as little as 3 days and be poking shoots up in 4 or 5 days. Here is an article on growing green beans from ordinary pinto bean seeds in your cupboard.Source(s): http://doodlebugs100.googlepages.com/gro...est Answer: It depends on the kind of seed, the temperature and humidity. Lower temperatures will make germination slower or non-existent. Under normal conditions, tomatoes and cucumbers should take about ten days to come out.", "Plant bush bean seeds about 1 1/2 inches deep and 3 inches apart. If you are planting more than one row of bush beans, the rows should be 18 to 24 inches apart. You can expect the bush beans to germinate in about 1-2 weeks.", "How Long Does it Take to Grow a Bean Plant? Bean plants are easy to grow and provide plants relatively fast. They come in both bush and vine varieties and require full sun exposure to grow properly. As one of the oldest cultivated vegetables, beans are incredibly adaptable, and are a staple in many cuisines around the world. On average, it takes bean plants two months to produce beans and fully mature, but time can vary from 45 to 75 days, depending on the climate. Beans can either be shell, snap or dry, depending on when they are picked, with the most common being snap.", "However, runner beans grow so fast from seed that there is little advantage in storing the roots. In frost-free areas, these tubers are perennial. The spacing for my runner bean seeds depends on how they will be grown. For growing up a pole, I plant 8 seeds around the base and thin to the four strongest.Dwarf runners, I space every 6 inches in rows 30 inches apart.owever, runner beans grow so fast from seed that there is little advantage in storing the roots. In frost-free areas, these tubers are perennial. The spacing for my runner bean seeds depends on how they will be grown. For growing up a pole, I plant 8 seeds around the base and thin to the four strongest.", "Pods are suitable for harvest for 3 to 4 weeks, after which time the beans begin to germinate. It is therefore necessary to harvest at regular intervals as the pods do not all ripen at the same time. The frequency of harvesting can have an effect on yield.", "Germination of pole beans should take between eight to ten days. After germination, pole beans can be harvested after about 70 days and can be harvested five times during … the growing season.ermination of pole beans should take between eight to ten days. After germination, pole beans can be harvested after about 70 days and can be harvested five times during … the growing season.", "Quick Answer. It takes about 5 days for a lima bean to germinate. In about 154 days, a lima bean is fully grown. Lima beans, also known as butter beans, are annual seeds. This means they must be replanted every year. They are known for climbing and can reach almost 10 feet tall. These beans need plenty of sun and water in order to flourish. They should not be planted outside if the weather still reaches freezing at night.", "Pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) produce seeds only suitable for dry use. The light tan, speckled seeds provide a good all-purpose bean for soups, burritos and other bean-based dishes. Pinto beans require about 90 days from planting to produce dried beans.into beans grow as small bush plants, so they only need 3 inches of space between each plant in the row, and between 1 and 2 feet between rows so you can access the plants easily. Pinto beans don't require any supports because they don't grow as vines.", "1 Sowing seeds indoors gives a faster and more reliable germination rate, particularly for runner beans. 2 At the end of April sow a single bean seed, 4cm (1.5in) deep, in a 7.5cm (3in) pot filled with multi-purpose compost.ow to sow seeds. 1 Sowing seeds indoors gives a faster and more reliable germination rate, particularly for runner beans. 2 At the end of April sow a single bean seed, 4cm (1.5in) deep, in a 7.5cm (3in) pot filled with multi-purpose compost.", "Pinto beans are native to Mexico, and are use in many traditional dishes of this region, including refried beans. Pinto typically take around 90 days to grow as a dry bean, but can be harvested sooner and eaten as a green snap bean. The plants are low growing, runner types that will grow to around 20 tall. Sow seeds 4 apart, with 24-36 between rows and thin as needed.", "-Runner beans are grown from seed that are sold in packets-Runner beans will grow to the top of 8 foot canes pushed into the ground and then start to tumble down-Fast growing, climbing up to ten feet in a season Hope this helps :) x. LN · 8 years ago. Thumbs up. 1.", "-Runner beans are grown from seed that are sold in packets-Runner beans will grow to the top of 8 foot canes pushed into the ground and then start to tumble down-Fast growing, climbing up to ten feet in a season Hope this helps :) x. LN · 8 years ago. Thumbs up.", "Place the bag in a warm location away from direct heat or bright sunlight; bean seeds don't require sunlight to germinate. Jenean Hare/Demand Media. Remove the paper towel from the plastic bag after three to five days. Unroll the towel carefully and count the beans with sprouts at least 1 1/2 inch and at least one strong root. Bean seeds with shorter sprouts have a slower germination time and are probably not viable.", "There are many types of beans, but they basically all take approximately the same time to grow. Pole bean seeds can be planted directly in the garden around a pole or trellis in May in the northern gardening zones, and they will be ready to harvest in about 60 to 70 days.", "Sprouts (How To Make Sprouted Beans or Peas) It is very easy to sprout various dried beans and peas. Sprouting does take a little planning though; it takes about 2 to 4 days from start to sprout (in warmer weather the seeds sprout quicker). This is also an educational and fun cooking activity for children - they can eat their experiment :) !!", "-Runner beans are grown from seed that are sold in packets-Runner beans will grow to the top of 8 foot canes pushed into the ground and then start to tumble down-Fast growing, climbing up to ten feet in a season Hope this helps :) x." ]
which process requires atp
ATP is necessary for transportation of molecules across cell membranes because it is needed to transport vesicles containing these molecules to the cell membrane. Intracellular signalling requires ATP in order to activate kinase molecules to move the signal throughout the interior of a cell.
[ "Both processes include glycolysis. In aerobic respiration oxygen (O2) is needed and in anaerobic respiration no oxygen needed. Aerobic produces 36 ATP; Anaerobic produces 2 ATP.", "The processes that use the mechanisms are: Cellular respiration – ATP is generated by oxidation of organic molecules, the passage of electrons down an electron transport chain, and chemiosmosis. The final electron acceptor is almost always inorganic. Aerobic – the final electron acceptor is O 2.", "Both processes include glycolysis. In aerobic respiration oxygen (O2) is needed and in anaerobic respiration no oxygen needed. Aerobic produces 36 ATP; Anaerobic produces 2 ATP. *There are many ways to compare and contrast these!!!", "To store the energy released in respiration, ATP molecules are generated which is further used for biosynthesis, transportation of molecules across cell membranes. Aerobic Respiration in Plants and Animals: Aerobic respiration in plants and animals utilize oxygen to generate energy storing ATP molecules. This process is mostly preferred in the breakdown of pyruvate which is formed as a result of glycolysis, requiring the mitochondria to be completely oxidized in the Krebs cycle.", "ATP is the vital energy molecule of all living systems which is absolutely necessary for key biochemical reactions within the cells. The actual synthesis of ATP from the coupling of ADP (adenosine diphosphate) with phosphate (PO4) is very complicated and involves a mechanism called chemiosmosis. The electron flow generates a higher concentration (charge) of positively-charged hydrogen (H+) ions (or protons) on one side of the membrane.", "Anaerobic Cellular Respiration. The production of energy requires oxygen. The electron transport chain, where the majority of ATP is formed, requires a large input of oxygen. However, many organisms have developed strategies to carry out metabolism without oxygen, or can switch from aerobic to anaerobic cell respiration when oxygen is scarce.", "In aerobic conditions, the processconverts one molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate(pyruvic acid), generating energy in the form of two net molecules ofATP. Four molecules of ATP per glucose are actually produced;however, two are consumed as part of the preparatory phase. Theinitial phosphorylation of glucose is required to increase the reactivity(decrease its stability) in order for the molecule to be cleaved into twopyruvate molecules by the enzyme Aldolase.", "In anaerobic respiration, one glucose molecule produces a net gain of two ATP molecules (four ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis through substrate-level phosphorylation, but two are required by enzymes used during the process).", "The bulk of the ATP produced by the human body comes from the mitochondria. Therefore, the bulk of the ATP produced is via “aerobic” processes. The first two energy systems are anaerobic, meaning they do not require oxygen.", "Four ATP molecules are produced by glycolysis and the Krebs cycle combined. The electron transport chain produces 34 ATP. The electron transport chain occurs across the inner membrane of the mitochondria. The electron transport chain requires oxygen.", "The processes that use the mechanisms are: Cellular respiration – ATP is generated by oxidation of organic molecules, the passage of electrons down an electron transport chain, and chemiosmosis. The final electron acceptor is almost always inorganic.Aerobic – the final electron acceptor is O 2.ellular respiration – ATP is generated by oxidation of organic molecules, the passage of electrons down an electron transport chain, and chemiosmosis. The final electron acceptor is almost always inorganic. Aerobic – the final electron acceptor is O 2." ]
containment movie cast
Containment (film) Containment is a 2015 British thriller film written by David Lemon, directed by Neil Mcenery-West, produced by Casey Herbert, Pete Smyth and Christine Hartland; and starring Lee Ross, Sheila Reid, Louise Brealey, Pippa Nixon, Andrew Leung, William Postlethwaite and Gabriel Senior. The film's executive producer is Simon Sole.
[ "RELATEDThe Originals Season 4: Containment Actress Cast as Bisexual Werewolf. As “the outside and inside stories collide,” Plec says the final hour will provide as much wrap-up “as a show that wasn’t expecting to end this way can.", "RELATEDThe Originals Season 4: Containment Actress Cast as Bisexual Werewolf As “the outside and inside stories collide,” Plec says the final hour will provide as much wrap-up “as a show that wasn’t expecting to end this way can.", "Teresa Keaton is a main character in Season 1 of Containment. Teresa is a pregnant teenager who plans to escape the city with her boyfriend. When the quarantine hits, Teresa finds herself trapped inside the ghetto created by the CDC. Teresa has a strained relationship with her mother, Leanne, and is forced to rely on help and advice from her boyfriend Xander Paulson through video calls.", "Production[edit] Containment shot its pilot episode, in February and March 2015, on location in Atlanta, Georgia. Several locals were cast as extras in various scenes. By that October, the show was in regular production in the Atlanta area.", "Theatrical release poster for Containment Mcenery-West began working on the film in 2008 as he had always been attracted to contained thrillers and wanted to do a modern urban version of something like Lord of the Flies.", "The Originals Adds Containment Vet as 'Calculating' Vampire in Final Season 24 January 2018 12:16 PM, -08:00 | TVLine.com The Best TV Directors of All Time – IndieWire Critics Survey", "April 19 (2016-04-19) – July 19, 2016 (2016-07-19) Website. Containment is an American limited series, based on the Belgian TV series Cordon. The show was officially ordered as a series by The CW on May 7, 2015, and aired from April 19 through July 19, 2016.", "Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, Andrew Garfield, Lily Cole, Verne Troyer, and Tom Waits star in the film, though Ledger's death one-third of the way through filming caused production to be temporarily suspended.", "Containment Boss Previews Series Finale Battle, Promises 'Good Closure'. Though Containment is coming to an end, the cancelled CW drama still has some fight left in it. Or at least its headstrong, virus-afflicted characters do. Tuesday’s unintentional series finale (airing at 9/8c) — the episode was filmed in December, five months before the axe came down — is “the culmination of the conflict between Lex and Lommers,” executive producer Julie Plec previews.", "The film stars an ensemble cast consisting of Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson, Jing Tian, Toby Kebbell, John Ortiz, Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, Shea Whigham, Thomas Mann, Terry Notary, and John C. Reilly.", "The film has an ensemble cast including Johnny Depp, Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Kevin Bacon, Jesse Plemons, Peter Sarsgaard, Rory Cochrane, Adam Scott, Dakota Johnson and Corey Stoll. The film follows the criminal career of infamous American mobster James Whitey Bulger (Depp).", "Stanfield is deeply wary but willing to go along to ensure the safety of his family, but when he has reason to doubt that Cox and his cohorts will live up to their end of the bargain, he swings into action to exact justice against the criminals. Firewall also stars Alan Arkin, Robert Forster, and Mary Lynn Rajskub. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi", "Contagion (film) Contagion is a 2011 American medical thriller-disaster film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Marion Cotillard, Bryan Cranston, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle.", "The film features computer animated video games characters, special effects, and stars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Josh Gad, Peter Dinklage, Michelle Monaghan, Brian Cox, Ashley Benson, and Jane Krakowski.", "Title: Containment (2016) 7.2 /10. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below.", "Major themes in the series are love, loss, and duty. On May 12, 2016, The CW announced that Containment would not be renewed, and would remain as a limited series.", "The film stars Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer, Tom Welling, Tom Wilkinson, Alexandra Daddario, and Maggie Grace. Principal photography began on October 13, 2014, in Wilmington, North Carolina. Lionsgate will release the film on February 5, 2016.", "6. 10000 general knowledge questions and answers www.cartiaz.ro No Questions Quiz 3 Answers 1 What movie cast included James Garner, Richard Attenbourough, The Great Escape Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasance, James Coburn, Gordon Jackson, Angus McPhee among many others 2 If you suffer from epistaxis what is wrong Nosebleed 3 In which ...", "Subsequently, Cameron cast Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Frances Fisher, Gloria Stuart, Bernard Hill, Jonathan Hyde, Victor Garber, Danny Nucci, David Warner, Suzy Amis, and Bill Paxton as the film's principal cast.", "The film debuts worldwide on Netflix on January 19, 2018. Main cast: Dylan Minnette, Piercey Dalton, Sharif Atkins, Patricia Bethune, Matt Angel, Aaron Abrams, Kathryn Beckwith, Ethan Cushing, Edward Olson, Leigh Parker, Paul Rae, Jessica Robertson, Katie Walder, Robert Everett Williams Jr.", "Blockers cast and actor biographies. Starring John Cena, Leslie Mann, Ike Barinholtz.", "See full cast ». James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe star in a dynamic and thrilling twist on a legendary tale. Radical scientist Victor Frankenstein (McAvoy) and his equally brilliant protégé Igor Strausman (Radcliffe) share a noble vision of aiding humanity through their groundbreaking research into immortality. But Victor's experiments go too far, and his obsession has horrifying consequences.", "Contagion is a 2011 American science fiction medical thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Marion Cotillard, Bryan Cranston, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle.ollowing that film's release, Burns brought up the idea of producing a medical thriller film depicting the rapid spread of a virus, which was inspired by various pandemics such as the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2009 flu pandemic.", "The film stars Mitchel Musso, Sam Lerner, Spencer Locke, Steve Buscemi, Nick Cannon, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jon Heder, Kevin James, Jason Lee, Catherine O'Hara, Kathleen Turner, and Fred Willard.", "... as Noss. Lori Petty (born 14 October 1963; age 52) is the American actress who played Noss in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Gravity .tar Trek Generations actor Malcolm McDowell played Tank Girl's nemesis, Kesslee, while fellow Voyager guest star Jeff Kober played her love interest. Iggy Pop, Reg E. Cathey, Charles Lucia, and the aforementioned Ann Cusack also had roles in this film.", "The film features a large ensemble cast of actors who would later become stars, including Matthew McConaughey, Jason London, Ben Affleck, Milla Jovovich, Cole Hauser, Parker Posey, Adam Goldberg, Joey Lauren Adams, Nicky Katt, and Rory Cochrane.", "The film features an ensemble cast led by Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Sienna Miller, Jason Flemyng, Mark Strong, Rupert Everett, Ricky Gervais, Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Peter O’Toole, with narration by Ian McKellen.", "The film stars Joey King, Selena Gomez, Hutch Dano, Ginnifer Goodwin, John Corbett, Bridget Moynahan, Josh Duhamel, Jason Spevack, Sandra Oh, Sierra McCormick, Patti Allan, Lynda Boyd, and Aila and Zanti McCubbing.", "The film stars an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Emma Thompson, Kevin Kline, Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor, Josh Gad, Audra McDonald, Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Stanley Tucci.", "Cast & Crew. 1 Craig McLachlan. > Dr Lucien Blake. 2 Nadine Garner. > Jean Beazley. 3 Joel Tobeck. > Matthew Lawson. Rick Donald. Daniel 1 Parks. Charlie Cousins. Charlie Davis. John Wood. Patrick 1 Tyneman. Belinda McClory. > Alice Harvey. Cate Wolfe. Mattie O'Brien.", "Blockers in US theaters April 6, 2018 starring Leslie Mann, John Cena, Ike Barinholtz, Kathryn Newton. When three parents stumble upon their daughters’ pact to lose their virginity at prom, they launch a covert one-night operation to stop th", "The film stars Robert Duvall, James Franco, Josh Hartnett, Adriana Barraza, Jim Parrack and Luciana Duvall. The film was released on June 5, 2015, by Entertainment One Films.", "The film was written and directed by Joss Whedon and features an ensemble cast that includes Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders, Stellan Skarsgård, and Samuel L. Jackson.", "The film is written and directed by David Ayer and stars an ensemble cast featuring Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Cara Delevingne, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Karen Fukuhara, Jay Hernandez, Adam Beach, and Viola Davis.", "The film has an ensemble cast, including John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Woody Harrelson. The film will be distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver. 2012 is scheduled to be released on July 10, 2009.", "The film stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård, Idris Elba, Christopher Eccleston, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Kat Dennings, Ray Stevenson, Zachary Levi, Tadanobu Asano, Jaimie Alexander, Rene Russo and Anthony Hopkins.", "Cast. 1 Arnold Schwarzenegger as Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze. 2 George Clooney as Bruce Wayne / Batman. 3 Chris O'Donnell as Dick Grayson / Robin. 4 Alicia Silverstone as Barbara Wilson / Batgirl. 5 Uma Thurman as Dr. Pamela Isley / Poison Ivy. 6 Michael Gough as Alfred Pennyworth. 7 Pat Hingle as Commissioner James Gordon.", "The film stars Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean and features Carroll Baker, Jane Withers, Chill Wills, Mercedes McCambridge, Dennis Hopper, Sal Mineo, Rod Taylor, Elsa Cardenas and Earl Holliman.", "The film stars Ben Stiller, Carla Gugino, Dick Van Dyke, Mickey Rooney, Bill Cobbs, Jake Cherry, Ricky Gervais, Owen Wilson, Steve Coogan, and Robin Williams. A novelization of the screenplay, by Leslie Goldman, was published as a film tie-in.", "The film stars Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Adelaide Kane and Max Burkholder as a family held hostage during The Purge, an event during which all crime is legalized for 12 hours. Despite mixed reviews, the film was commercially successful, grossing $89.3 million, far surpassing its $3 million budget.", "Cast. The film has an ensemble cast featuring: Reef Ireland as James - A young man recently paroled from detention for drowning a young boy as a child. He returns to the scene of the crime to locate the missing body. Thom Green as Anthony - James' amoral former friend who was with him when James drowned the young boy.", "Gage: Miko Hughes. Missy: Susa (more…)Stephen King's tale about a doctor (Dale Midkiff) who unearths an ancient burial ground with resurrecting powers. Jud: Fred Gwynne. Rachel: Denise Crosby. Victor: Brad Greenquist. Irwin: Michael Lombard. Ellie: Blaze Berdahl. Gage: Miko Hughes. Missy: Susan Blommaert. Mary Lambert directed.", "Cast. 1 Sigourney Weaver as The Warden/Louise Walker. 2 Jon Voight as Mr. Sir/Marion Sevillo. 3 Patricia Arquette as Katherine Barlow. 4 Tim Blake Nelson as Dr. Mom Pendanski. 5 Dulé Hill as Sam the Onion Man. 6 Shia LaBeouf as Stanley Caveman. Yelnats IV. 7 Henry Winkler as Stanley Yelnats III. 8 Nathan Davis as Stanley Yelnats II.", "Stealth. Stealth is a 2005 American science fiction action film starring Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx, Sam Shepard, Joe Morton and Richard Roxburgh. The film was directed by Rob Cohen, director of The Fast and the Furious and xXx.", "Firewall. 1 Release Date: Feb 10, 2006. 2 Rated: some intense sequences of violence. 3 Runtime: 1 hr. 40 min. 4 Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Suspense/Thriller. 5 Director:Richard Loncraine. 6 Cast:Harrison Ford, Paul Bettany, Virginia Madsen, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Robert Patrick. Full cast + crew.", "The Wall Trailer: WWE Superstar John Cena Vs. an Iraqi Sniper. WWE Superstar John Cena and acclaimed actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson are both fighting for their lives when pinned down by an enemy sniper in the first trailer for The Wall. Amazon Studios and Roadside Attractions will release The Wall in theaters on March 10, 2017, putting it up against Warner Bros.' massive adventure Kong: Skull Island.", "The cast includes such distinguished actors as Harry Andrews, Coral Browne, Robert Coote, Jack Hawkins, Ian Hendry, Michael Hordern, Arthur Lowe, Joan Hickson, Robert Morley, Milo O'Shea, Diana Dors and Dennis Price.", "Cast. Sarah Booth as Corey Peters; Kimberly-Sue Murray as Elaina Forrester; Katherine Barrell as Jaqueline Gill; Jennifer Miller as Lisa Jenner; Teagan Vincze as Shelby Hickman; Emily Alatalo as Katrina Larson; Dani Barker as Emily Lewis; Ivana Stojanovic as Caitlin Bowden; Production. Pre-production was announced in July 2013.", "Cast. 1 Adrien Brody. Clive. 2 Sarah Polley. Elsa. 3 Delphine Chanéac. Dren. 4 Brandon McGibbon. Gavin Nicoli. 5 Simona Maicanescu. Joan Chorot. 6 David Hewlett. William Barlow. 7 Abigail Chu. Child Dren." ]
can you swim naturally
Swimming With Natural Hair- Tips for the Pool. You hear many women of color refusing to swim or even get in the water for fear of getting their hair wet. My family had a pool growing up and I can remember throwing out threats such as “You better not get my hair wet!”, while sitting on the edge of the pool with just my feet in the water.
[ "You may not be able to swim for a full workout (30 minutes or longer) right away, but you can work your way toward a longer workout. Start slowly, with 5-10 minutes of laps. Outdoors: Yes. You can swim in indoor pools, too.", "Swimming is just about as good as it gets for a total workout. If you are pregnant, the buoyancy of the water will take stress off your joints. If you swam before you became pregnant, you will likely be able to continue swimming unless you have a problem with your pregnancy.", "Yes. You may not be able to swim for a full workout (30 minutes or longer) right away, but you can work your way toward a longer workout. Start slowly, with 5-10 minutes of laps.", "Swimming. Because swimming is not a weight-bearing activity, it’s a great way to exercise without putting stress on your artificial knee. Many knee replacement patients can resume swimming within 3-6 weeks of surgery. Check with your physician or physical therapist before diving into the pool.", "Swimming is a low-impact, total body workout and an effective way to tone and strengthen just about every muscle in your body. Providing 10 times more resistance to movement than air, your muscles are forced to work harder to move through the water, according to Consumer Reports.", "Because swimming is not a weight-bearing activity, it’s a great way to exercise without putting stress on your artificial knee. Many knee replacement patients can resume swimming within 3-6 weeks of surgery. Check with your physician or physical therapist before diving into the pool.", "The benefits of swimming are numerous, significant, and undeniable. Swimming can be beneficial to people across a broad range of ages and abilities: the very young to the very old, the very slow to the very fast, those with injuries or degenerative conditions, pregnant women, beginner to serious athletes, and fitness buffs.", "Swim whenever you like on your own schedule at your own perfect pace. No traveling, no crowded pools, no heavy chlorine. Just your own precision engineered swimming pool,where you swim or exercise against a smooth current that's fully adjustable to any speed or ability.", "Swim whenever you like on your own schedule at your own perfect pace. No traveling, no crowded pools, no heavy chlorine. Just your own precision engineered swimming pool, where you swim or exercise against a smooth current that's fully adjustable to any speed or ability.", "Angela, you can swim close by in Flint Creek, as well as at the water park in Siloam Springs. Natural Falls State Park also has a small creek side swimming area designated downstream from the falls, just above the catch and release fishing area.", "Plan on doing 2 1/2 hours of swimming a week. Or mix in swimming with other cardio workouts. You can set your own pace, going as fast as you like. Most people swim laps in a pool. If you swim in an ocean or lake, make sure you know how to stay safe in open water with currents. If you don't already know how to swim, there are classes at community pools, gyms, and YMCAs or YWCAs. It's good to know how to swim, for safety's sake, even if you aren't planning to make swimming your main workout.", "Swimming for Back Pain. Swimming for back pain relief is one of the great benefits of this terrific form of back exercise. Swimming is one of the best forms of physical activity for your general health. It is a perfect non-impact exercise which can be enjoyed at any age.", "1 slipped disc operation (lumbar decompressive surgery) – you are advised not to go swimming for a few weeks until your wound heals. 2 heart bypass surgery – you can swim after three months. 3 cataract surgery – you may be able to swim wearing goggles after two weeks, and without goggles after four weeks.", "The benefits of swimming are endless, and your child should learn to swim as early as possible. Here’s why: 1. It’s essential to their safety. According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death to children ages one through 14.", "Swimming is beneficial in this regard not only because it can provide an aerobic workout, but also because the resistance provided by the water builds muscle, which helps with blood sugar control. Some other research has shown that swimming and water exercise programs can help people lower blood pressure.", "1 Swimming is a resistance exercise, similar to weight-lifting. But, unlike weight-lifting, swimming places almost no stress on your joints and bones. So not only does swimming work your muscles but it doesn't have some of the negative impacts that lifting weights has. There are many muscles that swimming can strengthen.", "Fast and effective underwater swimming can make your swim more beneficial to your health and fitness goals. Swimming in a swimming pool will always require underwater swimming when pushing off the walls and during flip turns. Swimming fast underwater will make the transition into your stroke easier and more efficient.", "Swimming, a popular exercise appropriate for all ages, helps reduce your risk of chronic disease, can increase your lifespan, and may even improve your mental health. Use planned training sessions to learn to swim half a mile, or 880 yards, at once.", "No. Swimming immediately after eating isn't dangerous, but it could result in uncomfortable stomach cramps. Parents have long advised children to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before going back into the water. You may have been told that's because swimming with a full stomach can cause severe cramps and lead to drowning. But there's no evidence to support such a warning.", "Burns calories. We all know that swimming is great exercise but there are some extra benefits from doing it in the North Sea that you just won’t get from a warm wade in the Med. Swimming in cold water will make your body work twice as hard to keep you warm and burn more calories in the process.For this sort of exercise, fat is your body’s primary source of energy and the increased work rate will increase your metabolism in the long run.ndorphins are the body’s natural pain killers and, in the case of a cold dip, it uses them to take the sting away from your skin. So, to get high on your own supply, all you need to do is jump in a river.", "Swimming is low impact. Unlike jogging or plyometric training, swimming is a way to fit cardio into your workout routine without putting stress on your bones, joints and muscles. This is a plus for swimmers of all ages and body types, but it's particularly beneficial for seniors and people with arthritis.", "Swimming is a brilliant all-round exercise. It benefits the body and the mind and what’s more it’s fun! It’s good for your health, good for fitness and can help you lose weight. Whatever your age or ability swimming is an option. If you are nervous in the water it’s never too late to have lessons.", "The benefits of swimming are endless, and your child should learn to swim as early as possible. 1. It’s essential to their safety. According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death to children ages one through 14.", "If you are wondering whether one can actually swim with a belly button ring, the answer is yes, you can! Getting a belly button piercing does not mean that you cannot swimming with it on. But you need to essentially wait for the piercing to heal off completely before you start swimming with it. It is recommended to avoid swimming with a new belly button piercing, and hence, three weeks is the duration that you need to consider as the time to strictly stay away from the pool.", "Swimming can help you. Kicking workouts, water aerobics, pool running, or a regular swimming workout can all give you a great exercise session without the weight of your body pounding you with each move. Regular swimming builds endurance, muscle strength and cardio-vascular fitness.", "(WANE) – One of the biggest fears many parents have for their children that go swimming is drowning. It may sound impossible, but you can still drown several hours after swimming while sitting in your home. If you have a choking incident while swimming, doctors say you could still drown from that incident hours later. It’s called dry or secondary drowning." ]
when did the statue of liberty arrive in new york
To the United States. After the Statue was presented to Levi P Morton, the U.S. minister to France, on July 4, 1884 in Paris, it was disassembled and shipped to the United States aboard the French Navy ship, Isère. The Statue arrived in New York Harbor on June 17, 1885, and was met with great fanfare. Unfortunately, the pedestal for the Statue was not yet complete and the entire structure was not reassembled on Bedloe's Island until 1886.
[ "The Answer: French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and the people of France officially presented the completed Statue of Liberty to the United States minister to France in Paris on July 4, 1884.It was then disassembled in Paris and packed in 214 wooden crates for shipment to the United States.The French ship Isere carried the statue across the Atlantic and landed in the United States on June 17, 1885.t was then disassembled in Paris and packed in 214 wooden crates for shipment to the United States. The French ship Isere carried the statue across the Atlantic and landed in the United States on June 17, 1885.", "The French Statue of Liberty from the Île aux Cygnes came to Odaiba, Tokyo, from April 1998 to May 1999 in commemoration of The French year in Japan. Because of its popularity, in 2000 a replica of the French Statue of Liberty was erected at the same place.", "Bartholdi in his studio NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, STATUE OF LIBERTY NM. The Statue was fully constructed in Paris and presented by the Franco American Union to the United States Ambassador in 1884. In 1886, Bartholdi oversaw the Statue's assembly in New York and participated in its inauguration.", "Symon Sez. Statue of Liberty Arrived In Pieces Before Taking the Pedestal. On This Date in History: On America’s centennial in 1876, the French promised to give to the United States a great statue in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence." ]
benefits of renting a home
Buying a home has numerous ancillary costs and liabilities. You are responsible for the maintenance, liable for mechanical failure, market risk, buying and selling commissions, and the increased monthly cost on a mortgage. Renting offers the flexibility to come and go. You are not responsible for most maintenance, liable for most mechanical failures, market risk, buying and selling commissions, or increased monthly costs. Renting offers a liquidity that buying can’t. Over the long-term, the stock market has crushed the housing market.
[ "Among your top goals as a rental property owner should be maximizing your rent income while minimizing expenses and liability. If you own rental property, one of the biggest advantages of an LLC is that it can help protect your personal assets while allowing you to reap some tax advantages.", "Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing Benefits Moderate Income Households, But Not the Poor. The commercial real estate information company CoStar released new data on rental homes that are affordable without public subsidy, known as naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH).", "Or for offering increased security for a lender in exchange for better terms. Now, new Buy to Rent investor loans offer access to the benefits of Blanket Mortgages for refinancing, and expanding single family rental home portfolios.", "The top benefit of requiring tenants to purchase renters insurance involves keeping you out of court. When damage occurs to a renters belongings, and if the tenant does not have rental insurance, there’s a high probability the tenant will try to claim some type of landlord responsibility. Here’s one scenario:", "Landlords reap the benefits of rental property tax deductions more than tenants. If you rent an apartment or house, you may be looking for a rental tax deduction. Unfortunately, renters cannot deduct rent payments from your federal return. The property owner has it better off when it comes to the tax benefits of rental property. Landlords should report all rental income and deduct all out-of-pocket rental property expenses including maintenance, insurance, tax and interest in full, according to the IRS. It’s not all bad news, however, for all the renters out there. Some states offer a rental tax deduction and there may be other federal deductions renters can claim. Let’s take a look at some other tax deductions you may be able to take.", "“For some people, their life is wrapped around the income they can make from their house,” said Nancy Haecker, vice president of The Location Managers Guild of America. Renting your house to film productions can be a smart and fun way to earn extra income with your property.", "Tax-free profit on sale. Another major benefit of owning a home is that the tax law allows you to shelter a large amount of profit from tax if certain conditions are met. If you are single and owned and lived in the house for at least two of the five years before the sale, then up to $250,000 of profit is tax free.", "Agents may have listings for rent-to-own homes, or may have inside information about sellers who may consider such agreements. Renting vs. Owning a Home: Pros and Cons. If an owner is having trouble selling, rent to own provides an alternative to lowering the home's price, taking the home off the market, or renting the home out long term.", "Download Your FREE copy of ‘How to Rent Your House!’. Renting your house is a great way to enter the world of real estate investing, but most first-timers (understandably) have a lot of questions. Fortunately, the experts at BiggerPockets have put together a complimentary guide on ‘How to Rent Your House’.", "We'll special order it for you. There are simply so many advantages to shopping at Rent-A-Center! With so many payment possibilities, our flexible plans help you own your furniture, appliances, computers, smartphones, and electronics on your own time and according to your payment needs, commitment-free.", "July 5, 2009. One of the benefits of condominium living is that you can enjoy the financial benefits of owning your own home without the time or expense of home maintenance. However, the benefits of belonging to a condo association don't take away all responsibility if disaster strikes. Although your condo may be covered by master insurance, you should strongly consider purchasing your own condo insurance policy to make sure you are covered in all situations.", "You could get Housing Benefit to help you pay your rent if you’re on a low income. Housing Benefit can pay for part or all of your rent. How much you get depends on your income and circumstances.", "If so, living in a community with an HOA may be a very frustrating experience for you. One of the major benefits of homeownership is the ability to customize and alter the property to suit your needs, but HOA rules can really interfere with this. 5. Find out about fees Fees will differ for each community." ]
when was james garfield shot
For other uses, see James Garfield (disambiguation). James Abram Garfield (November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881) was the 20th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1881, until his assassination later that year.
[ "The assassination of James Abram Garfield. Charles Guiteau borrowed $15 dollars and bought a revolver at a sporting goods store for $10. The revolver was an ivory handled .44 caliber british bulldog. He Checked into the Riggs House hotel room 222 on the night before he was to execute his plan.", "Charles J. Guiteau. Charles Julius Guiteau (/ɡɨˈtoʊ/; September 8, 1841 – June 30, 1882) was an American preacher, writer, and lawyer who assassinated U.S. President James A. Garfield. He was executed by hanging.", "James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, died 133 years ago Friday in Long Branch. Garfield, who was exactly two months shy of turning 50, was the fourth president to die in office and the second to be assassinated." ]
which word processors are compatible with microsoft word
In 1981, Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi, the primary developer of Bravo, the first GUI word processor, which was developed at Xerox PARC. Simonyi started work on a word processor called Multi-Tool Word and soon hired Richard Brodie, a former Xerox intern, who became the primary software engineer. Microsoft announced Multi-Tool Word for Xenix and MS-DOS in 1983. Its name was soon simplified to Microsoft Word.
[ "Microsoft Word is word processing software that allows users to create and edit text documents. Users can start with blank documents or work from pre-configured templates for projects with frequently used formats. Microsoft Word is often packaged with the Microsoft Office Suite, but it is also sold independently.", "A: Microsoft Word is word processing software that allows users to create and edit text documents. Users can start with blank documents or work from pre-configured templates for projects with frequently used formats. Microsoft Word is often packaged with the Microsoft Office Suite, but it is also sold independently.", "Microsoft Word remains the world's beefiest and most popular word processing program. It's no easy task to simplify an application that has accumulated 30 years' worth of features, but Microsoft has improved the 2013 edition in several key ways, starting with a polished Read Mode and embedded PDF edits.", "For many people, the name Microsoft Word is pretty much synonymous with word processing. It’s the software that’s installed on your office computer, and it often appears as a free trial when you buy a new laptop, so it becomes the default application when you want to type a document. Less tech-savvy users could be forgiven for thinking Word is the only tool that can handle document creation at all.", "Microsoft Word is the most popular word-processing program – and justifiably so. It’s easy to use and allows you to create all different types of documents. Our guides will show you how.", "In 1981, Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi, the primary developer of Bravo, the first GUI word processor, which was developed at Xerox PARC. Simonyi started work on a word processor called Multi-Tool Word and soon hired Richard Brodie, a former Xerox intern, who became the primary software engineer.pening a Word Document file in a version of Word other than the one with which it was created can cause incorrect display of the document. The document formats of the various versions change in subtle and not so subtle ways (such as changing the font, or the handling of more complex tasks like footnotes).", "Word does integrate with Microsoft's version of CVS (TFS) and does support simultaneous editing assuming you put the right back end in place. There are also an insane number of Word add-ins that are used by people that do all sorts of weird and wonderful things.", "Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processing software according to a user tracking system built into the software. Microsoft estimates that roughly half a billion people use the Microsoft Office suite, which includes Word.ord processing was one of the earliest applications for the personal computer in office productivity and was the most popular application on home and personal computers until the World Wide Web rose to prominence in the mid-1990s." ]
what is different about the rotation of venus
Another thing that differs between the two planets is the direction of their rotation. Venus s rotation takes longer than a year and it rotates backwards. Note that a rotation is when an object spins once on its own axis.Our planet takes only 24 hours, or one full Earth day, to rotate on its axis and a year to revolve around the Sun. Venus, however, takes 243 days to turn one time on its axis and almost 225 days to revolve around the Sun in orbit.nother thing that differs between the two planets is the direction of their rotation. Venus s rotation takes longer than a year and it rotates backwards. Note that a rotation is when an object spins once on its own axis.
[ "Current theory holds that Venus initially spun in the same direction as most other planets and, in a way, still does: it simply flipped its axis 180 degrees at some point. In other words, it spins in the same direction it always has, just upside down, so that looking at it from other planets makes the spin seem backward.", "This super-rotation of the planet's atmosphere, some 60 times faster than Venus itself rotates, may be one of Venus' biggest mysteries. The winds at the planet's surface are much slower, estimated to be just a few miles per hour.", "It takes 243 Earth days to rotate once on its axis. The planet’s orbit around the Sun takes 225 Earth days, compared to the Earth’s 365. Venus is often called the Earth’s sister planet: The Earth and Venus are very similar in size with only a 638 km difference in diameter, Venus having 81.5% of the Earth’s mass.Both also have a central core, a molten mantle and a crust.enus is often called the Earth’s sister planet: The Earth and Venus are very similar in size with only a 638 km difference in diameter, Venus having 81.5% of the Earth’s mass. Both also have a central core, a molten mantle and a crust.", "**atmospheric circulation difference due to rotation speed (Earth vs. Venus). Earth-rapid rotation= circulation patterns are broken into smaller cyclonic disturbances Venus-slow rotation=circulation isnt broken up but instead is organized as a planetwide wind pattern.", "No seriously, that is true, it takes about one year for venus to make a complete rotation (i dont mean revolution, but rotation… like spinning a basket ball.) Actually Venus rotates in about 243 Earth days and that's only about 8 months, not a year. One day on Venus is about 243 Earth days long. There are 24 hours in a day on Earth, 243 x 24=5832 hours. That's the rotation period, known as the sidereal day. But it's more complicated than that because you're ignoring the solar day. The solar day depends on a planet's motion round the Sun as well as its spin.", "When the time it takes for B to complete one rotation on its axis becomes equal to the time that B takes to revolve (complete one orbit) once around A. The surface of Venus is hotter than the surface of Mercury because", "Were it not for the planet’s clouds, an observer on Venus’s surface would see the Sun rise in the west and set in the east. Venus spins very slowly, taking about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation with respect to the stars—the length of its sidereal day.", "It is its axis of rotation which makes it unique. The orbital motion of the planets is counter clockwise when viewed from above the Solar System. All the planets except Uranus and Venus have the same direction for their axial rotation and its orbital rotation about the Sun.", "This could have been a collision of a large body at an angle that got absorbed into Venus, or due to some unknown cause. So it continued spinning in the same direction, but flipped itself over. So the rotation looks reversed to us." ]
prevent echo when using phone through stereo
up vote 2 down vote favorite. 1. When I used Google voice to make a call, the other side informed me that he could hear his echo. The reason is that I was using my laptop's internal microphone as input and internal audio stereo as output for me, which could send back any sound played out by the internal stereo.s there any simple way to mute the microphone on my side when the other is speaking? I know I can click the microphone button of google talk, but just for quicker switch between mute and unmute, I wonder if there is a quicker way, such as a shortcut key or something? – Tim Mar 28 '12 at 21:56.
[ "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: tinny sound, or echo is mostly the cause of a poorly designed and manufactured phone... other causes can include the quality of the line between your home and the central office... an unbalanced pair can cause issues with sound quality and hearing others on the line... a ground will normally cause a hum on the line, but could also cause other audible abnormalities...", "We do not recommend using Bluetooth devices for playback or recording when using Snagit. Step 3: Only record the audio you need . If the audio has an echo type effect to it during playback, the system audio may be bleeding into the microphone audio. This is the result of the system audio being recorded twice.", "Echo Dot can be used as a Bluetooth Receiver You probably already know that you can connect a Bluetooth speaker to the Echo Dot and output audio to the speaker. What you may not know is that the Echo Dot can also connect to a Bluetooth audio source and receive Bluetooth audio. If you pair something like a phone or tablet to the Echo Dot, you can play audio originating from the phone or tablet through the Echo Dot’s internal speaker.", "When on, the Echo's two downfiring speakers—a separate woofer and tweeter—radiate sound in 360 degrees. Echo comes with a remote control with a built-in mic, but there's also a dedicated Echo app for use with Fire OS- or Android-based phones and tablets, plus Web-based apps for Macs and PCs.", "It's only when we are using the normal phone to call... The thing is that my voice is mirrored back as an echo but the other line cannot hear me. that is the problem. I have this problem for my phone too but I have an iPhone 5s. I can hear the other party but they can't hear me unless I talk on speaker phone.", "Recently purchased one of these headsets. The mic on this thing echos like crazy! I can hear almost every ambient noise piped through the headphones. The worst is that my voice, when I speak, comes through full volume on a half-second delay, which is extremely distracting when trying to talk. Their support forums offered 2 possible solutions: Turn the Sidetone setting in the softrware down to 0.", "Read on for more. “When using the Apple hands free headset with the phone during a call, I get an echo problem,” one iPhone 4S owner wrote in a thread on Apple’s support forum. “It does not occur immediately. It can vary from 30 seconds into a call and as far up to 9 mins in before it begins the annoying echo.When using the Apple hands free headset with the phone during a call, I get an echo problem,” one iPhone 4S owner wrote in a thread on Apple’s support forum. “It does not occur immediately.", "“When using the Apple hands free headset with the phone during a call, I get an echo problem,” one iPhone 4S owner wrote in a thread on Apple’s support forum. “It does not occur immediately.It can vary from 30 seconds into a call and as far up to 9 mins in before it begins the annoying echo.When using the Apple hands free headset with the phone during a call, I get an echo problem,” one iPhone 4S owner wrote in a thread on Apple’s support forum. “It does not occur immediately.", "Before you begin: 1 Set your Echo device and Bluetooth speaker at least three feet apart. 2 For best results, use a Bluetooth speaker certified for use with Echo Dot. 3 Make sure you can connect your speaker to other Bluetooth devices, like a mobile phone. 4 Turn your Bluetooth speaker on and turn the volume up.", "You can connect Echo to any mobile device over Bluetooth, after which it's recognized just like a typical Bluetooth speaker. There's also some basic hands-free support, allowing you to use voice commands to have Alexa do things like pause and skip media tracks.", "Your third option is to use a Bluetooth speaker in addition to your wired speakers. If the Echo Dot is connected to both wired speakers via the 3.5mm jack and a Bluetooth speaker simultaneously, all audio will go through the Bluetooth speaker.", "By power cycling your phone, you will be able to re-register your phone with the network, which may correct slow down issues, data connection issues and other problems. To power cycle your phone: WARNING: For PDAs and smartphones, performing a power cycle may cause the loss of some unsaved data or information.ast Updated: Nov 16, 2013. Performing the following steps can help you resolve some of the more common device issues that you may experience on your Kyocera Echo™. 1 Check and update device software. 2 Update the device data profile. 3 Power cycle your phone. 4 Check functionality of applications (smartphones/PDAs).", "To get started, simply connect your phone or tablet to Echo by saying 'Alexa, pair my device.' After you start playing your music, you can easily control it by saying the wake word and: play, pause, stop, next, or previous, reads an email from Amazon about Echo's latest updates.s well, Echo has no idea what these services are unless it's paired with a device that already has them. For example, if you're a big Spotify fan, you'll have to pair your Echo with your smartphone that has the Spotify app on it. You can now enjoy hands-free voice control for [Spotify, iTunes, and Pandora].", "Wired Connections. The simplest way to connect your Android to a stereo involves a 3.5 mm headphone male to two RCA male Y-cable. This cable will split the outgoing audio signal from the Android into right and left channels with RCA plugs. Plug the 3.5 mm end into the headphone jack on the Android.", "To pair the device, make sure it's turned on, set to pairing mode, and in range of your Amazon Echo. Note: Phone calls, text messages, and other notifications from your mobile device can't be received or read by Amazon Echo, and audio from Amazon Echo can't be sent to Bluetooth speakers or headphones. Open the left navigation menu, and then go to Settings. 2 Select the name of your Amazon Echo. 3 Open the Bluetooth settings menu on your mobile device, and select your Amazon Echo.", "The option to sync the Echo up with an external sound system and use it more strictly as a point of control would be a good fix, and a nice touch for the audiophiles out there. Unfortunately, you can't do that -- at least not yet. Amazon seems pretty committed to the idea of the Echo as an all-in-one device.", "You can use Bluetooth-enabled speakers to connect directly to your phone, eliminating the need for a home stereo receiver. There are also Bluetooth adapters that attach to your existing stereo, picking up the music from your phone over a Bluetooth network and sending the audio to the stereo's speakers.", "Step 3: Only record the audio you need. If the audio has an echo type effect to it during playback, the system audio may be bleeding into the microphone audio. This is the result of the system audio being recorded twice. Once through the system audio component, and again through the microphone.", "1 If you are using external microphones, position it about 12 inches away from your speakers. 2 Try reducing the volume level of the microphone to 50% or turn off the mic boost option. 3 Try downloading the latest version of Skype that has a built-in Echo Cancellation feature which detects and reduces the echo. Try reducing the volume level of the microphone to 50% or turn off the mic boost option. 2 Try downloading the latest version of Skype that has a built-in Echo Cancellation feature which detects and reduces the echo. 3 Try using a headset or headphones instead of speakers and microphones, if none of these suggestions work.", "To use your voice, say “Alexa Pair” and it will respond with “Ready to pair, to to the Bluetooth settings on your mobile device and choose Echo-###.” Each Echo will have a different identification number.Then open the Bluetooth settings on your mobile device and select the Echo from the list.In my case, I am using an iPad mini. It should take less than a minute to pair, and when the connection is made, Alexa will say “Connected to Bluetooth.”. If you’re using the app or web interface, go to.o use your voice, say “Alexa Pair” and it will respond with “Ready to pair, to to the Bluetooth settings on your mobile device and choose Echo-###.” Each Echo will have a different identification number.", "As well, Echo has no idea what these services are unless it's paired with a device that already has them. For example, if you're a big Spotify fan, you'll have to pair your Echo with your smartphone that has the Spotify app on it. You can now enjoy hands-free voice control for [Spotify, iTunes, and Pandora].", "Voice control with the Echo is now supported for Pandora, iTunes, and Spotify. As before, music streaming from these services must be started from the iPhone or Android phone, with voice control supported once streaming is underway. In addition to this new feature, the update enables the following improvements:", "Voice control with the Echo is now supported for Pandora, iTunes, and Spotify. As before, music streaming from these services must be started from the iPhone or Android phone, with voice control supported once streaming is underway.", "If you shout hello, the sound may bounce back at you from a large object. You then hear your own voice coming back. Your returning voice is called an echo. Radar and sonar are electronic devices that use the principle of an echo to detect and locate objects.", "If there was one complaint with the original Echo, it was that its speaker lacked oomph. The Dot's has even less (because it's tiny), but that's OK because you can pair it with the external speaker of your choice either through a line-out jack for wired connections or wirelessly over Bluetooth.", "To connect your Echo device to a Bluetooth speaker: 1 Turn on pairing mode on your Bluetooth speaker. If you don't know how to do this, refer to the user guide for your Bluetooth speaker. 2 Open the Alexa app and select Settings. 3 Select your device, and then select Bluetooth > Pair a New Device. Your Echo device enters pairing mode.", "Setup is extremely simple. First, decide where to put the Echo, and then plug it in. You’ll see a pretty ring of light swirl on top of the device when you talk to it. Once the hard part is out of the way, just load the companion Echo application on your phone and follow the steps to pair Echo and connect it to Wi-Fi.", "If you have your heart set on using wired speakers with the Echo Dot, there are things you can do to make wired speakers a lot more convenient. Connecting a cable to the 3.5mm audio jack on the back of the Echo Dot will completely disable the internal speaker.", "To disable effects, right-click on the audio device from the Playback or Recording tab, select Properties, choose the Enhancements tab, check the Disable all enhancements box and click OK.. The echo can be caused by either or both of the playback and recording devices." ]
convulsions meaning
The definition of a convulsion is a violent uncontrolled body shake, commotion or laughing fit. 1 An example of a convulsion is an epileptic siezure. 2 An example of a convulsion is an earthquake. 3 An example of a convulsion is someone laughing to the point of rolling on the floor and having to catch their breath.
[ "central convulsion a convulsion not triggered by any external cause but due to a lesion of the central nervous system; called also essential convulsion. clonic convulsion a convulsion marked by alternating contracting and relaxing of the muscles. See also generalized tonic-clonic seizure.", "Convulsions are also consistent with an electric shock and improper enriched air scuba diving. For non-epileptic convulsions, see non-epileptic seizures. The word fit is sometimes used to mean a convulsion or epileptic seizure.", "Febrile convulsions are seizures (fits or convulsions) occurring in children to manage the child at home and they can promptly access medical care Medical definition of convulsion medicinenetdefinition by dictionary.", "A url? Q medicinenet script main art. The term convulsion is sometimes used as a synonym for seizure, but not all seizures are characterized by convulsions. What is the definition of convulsion medical dictionary free convulsions symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and causes encyclopedia.", "The term seizure is often used interchangeably with convulsion.. Convulsions occur when a person's body shakes rapidly and uncontrollably. During convulsions, the person's muscles contract and relax repeatedly.", "This abnormal discharge can alter awareness or cause abnormal sensations, involuntary movements, or convulsions. Convulsions are violent, involuntary, rhythmic contractions of the muscles that affect a large part of the body. In newborns, seizures may be difficult to recognize.", "Causes of Convulsions. Convulsions are caused by a variety of factors, including epilepsy, fever, low blood sugar, meningitis, stroke, uremia (from kidney failure), head or brain injury and withdrawal from sedatives. List of causes of Convulsions.", "Located or occurring outside the cranium. (eks'tră-krā'nē-ăl) Outside of the cranial cavity. external to the cranial vault. extracranial convulsions. when the cause of the convulsions is external to the brain, e.g. hypocalcemic tetanic convulsions.", "Causes. Convulsions happen because of sudden, abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Febrile convulsions. Febrile convulsions are seizures that occur because of fever, which is a temperature higher than 38°C. High fevers might come with an infection.We don’t know why, but in these cases, the rapid rise in temperature causes an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain.ebrile convulsions. Febrile convulsions are seizures that occur because of fever, which is a temperature higher than 38°C. High fevers might come with an infection. We don’t know why, but in these cases, the rapid rise in temperature causes an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain.", "Convulsive syncope is a term to describe a situation when a person passes out (syncope) and exhibits jerky movements of the limbs (convulsion). Both of the symptoms reflect inadequate blood--and oxygen--to your brain due to sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up. The convulsions reflects that brain cells with not enough oxygen misfire into neighboring brain centers. I have low blood pressure ... and I sometimes feel dizzy if I get up quickly.", "1. spasm, fit, shaking, seizure, contraction, tremor, cramp, contortion, paroxysm He fell to the floor in the grip of an epileptic convulsion. 2. upheaval, disturbance, furore, turbulence, agitation, commotion, tumult It was a decade that saw many great social, economic and political convulsions.", "A seizure is the physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The term seizure is often used interchangeably with convulsion.. Convulsions occur when a person's body shakes rapidly and uncontrollably. During convulsions, the person's muscles contract and relax repeatedly. There are many different types of seizures. Some have mild symptoms without shaking.", "AFebrile convulsions are epileptic-type seizures (loss of consciousness with shaking of the limbs) that occur with high temperatures in young children. were almost 4 times as likely to have a 1-minute Apgar score [is less than] 7 than were infants of afebrile mothers.", "en españolCrisis convulsivas (convulsiones) Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It can be hard to tell if a person has had a seizure. Someone having a seizure might collapse, shake uncontrollably, or even just stare into space. All of these are brief disturbances in brain function, often with a loss of or change in consciousness." ]
is a social security number my tax id number? same
The tax identification number for an individual is called his Social Security number. The tax identification number for a business entity is usually called an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or just a TIN.
[ "tax time image by Tom Oliveira from Fotolia.com. A business tax I.D., officially known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is to your business what your Social Security number is to you. Your business's EIN is necessary to file federal tax returns for both your business and your employees.", "A federal tax ID number and a federal employer identification number (FEIN) are the same thing. Every limited liability company is required to get a federal tax ID number from the Internal Revenue Service.", "In 1961, the Internal Revenue Service began using Social Security numbers as identifying numbers. In 1976, the Tax Reform Act enabled motor vehicle registration and licensing entities, welfare agencies and State and local tax organizations to use Social Security numbers.", "The provision was first enacted as part of the revision of the Tax Code in 1954. This authority was broadened in 1961 by 26 USC 6109. An EIN is usually written in the form 00-0000000 whereas a Social Security Number is usually written in the form 000-00-0000 in order to differentiate between the two.", "Find the tax year that you owe back taxes on and have your Social Security number available. If you filed a tax return for your business as a corporation, partnership or S corporation, then you will need your EIN --your Employer Identification Number. Step 2. Call the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-4933.", "1. Find the tax year that you owe back taxes on and have your Social Security number available. If you filed a tax return for your business as a corporation, partnership or S corporation, then you will need your EIN --your Employer Identification Number. 2. Call the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-4933." ]
how big is koningsdam
New design for a new flagship. When it debuts in February 2016, ms Koningsdam will be a new type of ship for Holland America Line. At 99,500 gross tons and carrying 2,650 guests and 1,025 crew members, the vessel is the largest ever built for the company.
[ "MS Koningsdam (built/scheduled launch for February 2016) is the newest and biggest Holland America cruise ship of the line’s new Pinnacle class. The ship’s name is in Dutch and means “koning” (king) while dam is a traditional for the line suffix.", "MS Koningsdam (built/scheduled launch for February 2016) is the newest and biggest Holland America cruise ship of the line’s new Pinnacle class.", "MS Koningsdam is an upcoming cruise ship under construction for Holland America Line (HAL), a division of Carnival Corporation. The class leader of HAL's Pinnacle class ships, it will be by far the largest ship ever to be constructed for HAL. The homeport for Koningsdam is the Port of Amsterdam.", "The 2,650-passenger ship is an evolution in design for the linea new Pinnacle Classand is being built at Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri's Marghera shipyard. Since 1883 every Holland America passenger vessel has borne the dam suffix, and ms Koningsdam carries on that tradition.", "SEATTLE, Nov. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- When Holland America Line welcomes ms Koningsdam to the fleet in February 2016, the ship will debut a new era in design approach for the line.", "The homeport for Koningsdam is the Port of Amsterdam. It will also be the first HAL ship to bear the name Koningsdam, which honours Willem-Alexander, the first King of the Netherlands in over a century. Koningsdam is due to be delivered by its builder, Fincantieri, in April, 2016.", "Holland America's new cruise ship, Koningsdam, will mark the first in its Pinnacle Class when the vessel launches April 2016.", "Himalayan Imports flagship khukuri. Here it is -- the BirGorkha Kothimoda, best and biggest Kothimoda in the world. This khukuri is made by the Royal Kami and rates a 10 out of 10. The scabbard is done by one of the best gold and silversmiths in the Kathmandu valley and also rates 10 out of 10.Khukuri specs.Weight is 1 lb 11 oz., overall length -- 17.25 inches, width of blade -- 1 & 7/8 wide, blade thickness -- 7/16 inch.his khukuri is made by the Royal Kami and rates a 10 out of 10. The scabbard is done by one of the best gold and silversmiths in the Kathmandu valley and also rates 10 out of 10. Khukuri specs.", "The size to which koi can grow is simply amazing and continues to rise. Jumbos measure at least 30 inches and can weigh in at over 20 lbs. The magical metre mark has also been broken in the gosanke variety. It is a great accomplishment for a koi hobbyist to grow a 4 inch koi into a 2 foot one. It means both a healthy environment and proper care has been provided the keys to growing big koi", "The size to which koi can grow is simply amazing and continues to rise. Jumbos measure at least 30 inches and can weigh in at over 20 lbs. The magical metre mark has also been broken in the gosanke variety It is a great accomplishment for a koi hobbyist to grow a 4 inch koi into a 2 foot one.", "Holland-America's newest and most luxurious cruise ship, the ms Koningsdam, is homeported at Port Everglades for the 2017 Cruise Season. Crystal Cruises returns to Port Everglades in 2016 with the Nov. 8th arrival of the Crystal Serenity. Port Everglades is consistently ranked among the top three cruise ports in the world and welcomes approximately 4 million cruise guests annually. Port Everglades offers cruise guests more choices with a wide variety of itineraries ranging from 3 to 14-plus days.", "Size & characteristics. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length. Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).omodo dragons are the largest living lizards in the world. They are identified by their massive size, flat heads, bowed legs and long, thick tails.", "The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, is the world's largest lizard, sometimes growing up to 10 feet long (3 meters) and exceeding 150 pounds (70 kilograms). Powerful as this creature seems, it has met its match in man's depredation.", "The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, is the world's largest lizard, sometimes growing up to 10 feet long (3 meters) and exceeding 150 pounds (70 kilograms).", "The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a species of lizard that lives in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rincah, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami.It is the largest living lizard. They grow to an average length of 2–3 meters (approximately 6.5–10 ft) and weigh around 70kg (154 pounds).Komodo dragon bites can be very dangerous, and they sometimes attack people. Western scientists first saw Komodo dragons in 1910.he Komodo dragon's earholes are easy to see, but Komodo dragons are not very good at hearing. It is able to see as far away as 300 meters (985 feet), but it is thought to have poor night vision. The Komodo dragon is able to see in color, but has trouble seeing objects that do not move.", "Kobolds are reptilian humanoids. A kobold stands between 2' and 2'6 (60cm – 75cm) tall, weighing 35 to 45 pounds (16 – 20kg).They have squamous skin between reddish brown and black in color, with burnt orange to red eyes.he greatest art for kobolds is trapmaking. The use of invention and cunning in traps is the mark of a good trapmaker. The other art form is the pictorial representation of the tribe's history, created on the walls of a specially created room in every lair.", "The largest recorded wild male weighed 751 kg (1,656 lb) and had a hind foot measurement of 46 cm (18 in). A large male Kodiak bear stands up to 1.5 m (4.9 ft) tall at the shoulder when it is standing on all four legs. When standing fully upright on its hind legs, a large male could reach a height of 3 m (9.8 ft).", "Size & characteristics. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length. Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).", "The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard. The largest verified specimen reached a length of 10.3 feet (3.13 m) and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg). This may have included a substantial amount of undigested food. More typical weights for the largest wild dragons are about 154 pounds (70 kg).enus/species: Varanus komodoensis. Komodo dragons are limited to a few volcanic Indonesian islands of the Lesser Sunda group including Komodo, the largest at 22 miles (35 km) long, Rintja, Padar, and Flores. They are fed rodents, chicks, and rabbits weekly.", "The largest of the brown bears, is the Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi), is found only in the Kodiak archipelago islands along the southeastern coast of Alaska. Kodiaks can stand more than 10 feet (3 meters) tall on their hind legs and 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall when on all fours. Brown bears exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males being significantly larger than females. This size difference is a result of larger males having better mating success than smaller males.", "Then they wait. The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, is the world's largest lizard, sometimes growing up to 10 feet long (3 meters) and exceeding 150 pounds (70 kilograms). Powerful as this creature seems, it has met its match in man's depredation.", "The 3-Billion-Year-Old Klerksdorp Spheres of Ottosdal. In the small town of Ottosdal, in central North West Province of South Africa, miners working in pyrophyllite mines have been digging up mysterious metal spheres known as Klerksdorp Spheres. These dark reddish brown, somewhat flattened spheres range in size from less than a centimeter to ten centimeters across, and some of them have three parallel grooves running around the equator.", "It was about 12 feet long.”. But the story alludes to one of the reasons it’s unlikely Kasindorf’s lake beast was an eel – eels are bottom dwellers according to Cox. The largest giant eels officially documented in Lake Champlain are about 4 feet long with a diameter of about half that of a person’s wrist.", "The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length.Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).ize & characteristics. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length. Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).", "Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizards in the world, are found on the Indonesian island of Komodo from which they derive their name. They are also found on the neighbouring islands of Rinca and Flores.About.Komodo dragons have a bulky body, with stocky legs, clay-coloured scaly skin for camouflage and a long muscular tail. Males can measure up to 3 m (10 ft) in length and can weigh almost 80 kg (176 lb).hey are also found on the neighbouring islands of Rinca and Flores. About. Komodo dragons have a bulky body, with stocky legs, clay-coloured scaly skin for camouflage and a long muscular tail. Males can measure up to 3 m (10 ft) in length and can weigh almost 80 kg (176 lb).", "The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length.Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).he average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length.", "The active crater at Kawah Ijen has a diameter of 722 metres (2,369 ft) and a surface area of 0.41 square kilometres (0.16 sq mi). It is 200 metres (660 ft) deep and has a volume of 36 cubic hectometres (29,000 acre·ft).", "The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a species of lizard that lives in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rincah, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami.It is the largest living lizard. They grow to an average length of 2–3 meters (approximately 6.5–10 ft) and weigh around 70kg (154 pounds).Komodo dragon bites can be very dangerous, and they sometimes attack people. Western scientists first saw Komodo dragons in 1910.t is the largest living lizard. They grow to an average length of 2–3 meters (approximately 6.5–10 ft) and weigh around 70kg (154 pounds). Komodo dragon bites can be very dangerous, and they sometimes attack people. Western scientists first saw Komodo dragons in 1910.", "Kodiak bears are the largest bears in the world. They have been weighed up to 2,500lbs (approx.) and as long/tall as 14ft (approx.) (measured after being killed). The Kodiak bear's range is limited to the Kodiak Island off the coast of Alaska.", "The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a species of lizard that lives in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rincah, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami.It is the largest living lizard. They grow to an average length of 2–3 meters (approximately 6.5–10 ft) and weigh around 70kg (154 pounds).Komodo dragon bites can be very dangerous, and they sometimes attack people. Western scientists first saw Komodo dragons in 1910.omodo National Park was made to help protect Komodo dragons. The Komodo dragon has other names. It can also be called the Komodo monitor or the Komodo Island monitor by some scientists, but this is not very common.", "Size & characteristics. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length. Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).he average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length.", "The maximum length of the Lake is 21.2 miles (north to south) and the maximum width is 11.9 miles (east to west). The surface area is 191 square miles (122,200 acres). The shoreline length is 75.1 miles and the encircling state highway is 71.8 miles long.", "Then they wait. The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, is the world's largest lizard, sometimes growing up to 10 feet long (3 meters) and exceeding 150 pounds (70 kilograms).", "Size & characteristics. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length. Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).ize & characteristics. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length. Females grow to 6 feet (1.8 m).", "The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard. The largest verified specimen reached a length of 10.3 feet (3.13 m) and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg). This may have included a substantial amount of undigested food. More typical weights for the largest wild dragons are about 154 pounds (70 kg).he Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard. The largest verified specimen reached a length of 10.3 feet (3.13 m) and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg). This may have included a substantial amount of undigested food. More typical weights for the largest wild dragons are about 154 pounds (70 kg).", "image taken from: 404 Not Found | Grasscity the largest grizzlies, the kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorfi) can reach 3 m or 10 ft tall standing upright (most other brown bears are usually 6 - 9 ft or 1.83 - 2.75 meters tall upright) 268 Views · View Upvoters", "Physical description Edit. Kobolds are reptilian humanoids. A kobold stands between 2' and 2'6 (60cm – 75cm) tall, weighing 35 to 45 pounds (16 – 20kg). They have squamous skin between reddish brown and black in color, with burnt orange to red eyes. Their legs are sinewy and double-jointed.he greatest art for kobolds is trapmaking. The use of invention and cunning in traps is the mark of a good trapmaker. The other art form is the pictorial representation of the tribe's history, created on the walls of a specially created room in every lair.", "The largest of the brown bears, is the Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi), is found only in the Kodiak archipelago islands along the southeastern coast of Alaska. Kodiaks can stand more than 10 feet (3 meters) tall on their hind legs and 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall when on all fours.", "Overview of Location. Lake Koocanusa is a 90-mile long lake formed by the 422 foot tall Libby Dam. It extends from Montana to Canada and its relative isolation, compared to Flathead Lake and Whitefish Lake, keep Lake Koocanusa free of crowds.", "The Kodiak travel trailers are offered in four different products. The Kodiak Advantage floorplans are all 7 feet wide and the Kodiak Ultimate floorplans are 8 feet wide. Both of these Kodiak lines of travel trailers have much of the same standard features. The Kodiak Ultimate is the larger line of the two and it is also the one with the most floorplans, including models with up to three slideouts. The third Dutchmen travel trailer product is the Kodiak Express. It has the same aluminum framing and laminated construction as the other Kodiak models and is available in nine models, six of which have expandable tent areas on each end of the trailer. The fourth Kodiak product line is the Kodiak Expandable Trailer.", "1931: The size of Katy ISD was increased to 126 square miles (326 km²), when KISD annexed two small common school districts at the South Mayde and Stockdick communities. Two school buses were purchased, one to bring students in from Waller County and the other from Harris County.", "The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a species of lizard that lives in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rincah, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami. It is the largest living lizard. They grow to an average length of 2–3 meters (approximately 6.5–10 ft) and weigh around 70kg (154 pounds). Komodo dragon bites can be very dangerous, and they sometimes attack people. Western scientists first saw Komodo dragons in 1910.", "Koalas' length differs according to whether they are from the southern part of Australia or the north. Koalas in northern parts of Australia are smaller, with males growing to a length of 74 cm and females growing to 72 cm. Southern koalas are larger. The males can grow to 82 cm whilst females can grow to a length of 73 cm.", "The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a species of lizard that lives in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rincah, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami. It is the largest living lizard. They grow to an average length of 2–3 meters (approximately 6.5–10 ft) and weigh around 70kg (154 pounds).", "Kodiak bears and grizzlies are subspecies of brown bears. A large male Kodiak is approximately 10 feet upright and 5 feet on all fours. Females are substantially smaller. The largest bears live in coastal British Columbia, Alaska and the Kodiak Archipelago.", "While there is generally much variation in size between brown bears in different areas, most usually weigh between 115 and 360 kg (254 and 794 lb). The Kodiak bear, on the other hand, commonly reaches sizes of 300 to 600 kg (660 to 1,320 lb), and has even been known to exceed weights of 680 kg (1,500 lb). Despite this large variation in size, the diet and lifestyle of the Kodiak bear does not differ greatly from that of other brown bears.", "In early April, the fish were a little over eight inches on average, with some pushing ten inches. With typical growth, by July these fish should average ten inches, with some as big as eleven. Estimates of kokanee abundance by age class in Dworshak Reservoir since 2013 and projected abundance for 2016 based on." ]
population of murfreesboro
Murfreesboro, TN Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Murfreesboro is 114,660, which is 66.62% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 13.40% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%.
[ "Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN: CBSA Type: Metro: CBSA Division: CBSA Division Name: CBSA Population: 1,589,934: CBSA Division Population: 0: MSA: 5360: MSA Name: Nashville, TN MSA: PMSA: PMSA Name: City State Key: X25588: Preferred Last Line Key: X25588", "Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN: CBSA Type: Metro: CBSA Division: CBSA Division Name: CBSA Population: 1,589,934: CBSA Division Population: 0: MSA: 5360: MSA Name: Nashville, TN MSA: PMSA: PMSA Name: City State Key: X25945: Preferred Last Line Key: X25945", "Population by Hispanic or Latino Origin (of any race), 2000 Census-Murfreesboro, Arkansas.", "Murfreesboro, Tennessee Population: Compare population statistics about Murfreesboro, TN by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.", "Graph: Population by Age and Race, 2000 Census-Murfreesboro, Arkansas.", "Graph: Change in Population between 2000 and 2010, by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin-Murfreesboro, Arkansas.", "Size of Tennessee Cities by Population. Memphis is the most populated with 650,100 followed by Nashville with 545,524. Knoxville is at third with 173,890 and Chattanooga is fourth with 155,554. Clarksville is at number five with 103,455; Murfreesboro is next with 68,816 residents.", "The population of the state of Tennessee as of the 2000 census was 5,689,283 in an area of 42,169 sq mi (109,217 km 2). The oldest county is Washington County, founded in 1777. The most recently formed county is Chester County (1879). According to the 2000 census, the center of population for Tennessee was located at 35°47′45″N 86°23′52″W / 35.795862°N 86.397772°W / 35.795862; -86.397772, 2.5 mi (4.0 km) south of Murfreesboro in Rutherford County.", "Graph: Change in Population between 2000 and 2010, by Age and Race-Murfreesboro, Arkansas. Graph: Population by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin, 2010 Census-Murfreesboro, Arkansas.", "Compare population statistics about Murfreesboro, AR by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.", "1 Murfreesboro Area - Rutherford County. 2 Statewide County and City Listing: Counties, cities, population, and incorporated municipalities. Counties by Population and Cities by County: Counties listed by population and population class, and cities listed by county.", "Homeland Security Schools near Bowling Green Bowling Green, KY (population: 56,941) has nine homeland security schools within a 100-mile radius of its city center. Draughons Junior College-Murfreesboro, the highest ranked school in this group with a homeland security program, has a total student population of 369.", "The ratio of number of residents in McMinnville to the number of sex offenders is 3,400 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is a lot smaller than the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Murfreesboro, TN (36.5 miles , pop. 68,816).", "Graph: Population by Age and Race, 2000 Census - Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Graph: Change in Population between 2000 and 2010, by Age and Race - Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Graph: Population by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin, 2010 Census - Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Graph: Population by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin, 2000 Census - Murfreesboro, Tennessee.", "Murfreesboro's Largest Employers. Rutherford County Government, 5,100, government. Middle Tennessee State University, 2,208, state university. State Farm Insurance Companies, 1,665, insurance. Alvin C. York Veterans Administration Medical Center, 1,563, VA medical center. Middle Tennessee Medical Center, 1,300, medical center", "Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Quick Facts. Compare population statistics about Murfreesboro, TN by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc.", "» Murfreesboro. Murfreesboro, TN is a Low Risk area for tornados. According to records, the largest tornado in the Murfreesboro area was an F4 in 1997 that caused 18 injuries and 0 deaths.", "Wadesboro has a total of 3,552 people and of those residents there are 1,524 males and 2,028 females. The median age of the male population is 34.5 and the female population is 38.5. There are approximately 353 births each year and around 287 deaths.", "Murfreesboro has the lowest violent crime rate of Tennessee's major cities, but saw the biggest jump in violent crimes in the first half of 2012, according to crime statistics from the FBI.", "Murfreesboro is mentioned 71 times on our forum: Latest news from Murfreesboro, AR collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Irish (14.2%), United States (12.8%), German (9.9%), English (6.5%), Dutch (2.7%), Scottish (1.1%).", "Middlesboro (local /ˈmɪdəlzbɜrə/) is a home rule-class city in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 10,334 at the 2010 U.S. census, while its micropolitan area had a population of 69,060. It is located 1 mile west of the Cumberland Gap and is the largest city in southeastern Kentucky. It is located entirely between Pine Mountain and the Cumberland Mountains in the Middlesboro Basin, which geologists believe to be an enormous meteor crater (one of three known astroblemes in the state).", "With the completion of the Old Hickory Dam in 1954, the city of Hendersonville started to grow into the most populous city of Sumner County and also one of the most populous suburbs of Nashville, along with Franklin and Murfreesboro. The city contains around 0.7% of the population of Tennessee.", "Map of Rutherford County, Tennessee Relief shown by hachures. Shows roads, railroads, property tract lines, tract numbers, and landowners' names. Includes business directories, insets of Milton, Eagleville, Fosterville, Smyrna, City of Murfreesboro, and Christiana, list of names, and table of population.", "Crater of Diamonds (29 replies) Latest news from Murfreesboro, AR collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Irish (14.2%), United States (12.8%), German (9.9%), English (6.5%), Dutch (2.7%), Scottish (1.1%). Current Local Time: CST time zone. Incorporated on 04/19/1878.", "Wilson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 113,993. Its county seat is Lebanon. The largest city in the county is Mt. Juliet. Wilson County is part of the Nashville-Davidson – Murfreesboro – Franklin, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Enlarge. Murfreesboro has the lowest violent crime rate of Tennessee's major cities, but saw the biggest jump in violent crimes in the first half of 2012, according to crime statistics from the FBI.", "Tornado Information for Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Murfreesboro, TN is a Low Risk area for tornados. According to records, the largest tornado in the Murfreesboro area was an F4 in 1997 that caused 18 injuries and 0 deaths. Risk Level: Low.", "Not to be confused with Middletown, Kentucky, near Louisville. Middlesboro (local /ˈmɪdəlzbɜːrə/) is a home rule-class city in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 10,334 at the 2010 U.S. census, while its micropolitan area had a population of 69,060. It is located 1 mile west of the Cumberland Gap and is the largest city in southeastern Kentucky.", "Mr. Roger Featherston, Superintendent. 605 3rd Avenue, Murfreesboro, AR 71958 870-285-2189. Vision: The South Pike County School District is committed to being a safe, caring educational setting in which each student is motivated to learn, and each student is provided the support and resources to do so. Our website is in a transition period from one format to another. Thank you for your patience while information is updated. ALL parents of 5th grade through 12th grade students must watch the video below and fill out the provided form before your student(s) will have permission to take their iPad home.", "Opportunities for jobs in Murfreesboro are abundant. With companies such as Nissan, State Farm, Verizon, Asurion, and Amazon, there are many Murfreesboro jobs for professional, technical, and support. Middle Tennessee State University is also one of the major employers of the area. In 2012, Nissan was the top employer with an estimated 6,050 employees. Opportunities for Nissan jobs in Murfreesboro, TN, include a wide spectrum of positions that require different levels of experience and education.", "1,763 residents are foreign born (3.2% Latin America, 0.5% Europe). According to our research of Tennessee and other state lists there were 160 registered sex offenders living in Columbia, Tennessee as of April 01, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Columbia to the number of sex offenders is 218 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Murfreesboro, TN (40.2 miles , pop. 68,816).", "Manufacturing, Production, Machinery, Mechanics. 1 Website http://www.schwancosmetics.com. 2 Industry Cosmetics. 3 Type Privately Held. 4 Headquarters 3202 Elam Farms Parkway Murfreesboro, TN 37127 United States. 5 Company Size 201-500 employees. 6 Founded 2010.", "Murfreesboro, Arkansas. 1 Lodging (12) 997 Reviews. 2 Vacation Rentals (1) 1 Review. 3 Flights. 4 Things to Do (7) 1,442 Reviews. 5 Restaurants (9) 820 Reviews. 6 Forum 15 Posts." ]
credits meaning
Credit. Credit generally refers to the ability of a person or organization to borrow money, as well as the arrangements that are made for repaying the loan and the terms of the repayment schedule. If you are well qualified to obtain a loan, you are said to be credit-worthy. Credit is also used to mean positive cash entries in an account. For example, your bank account may be credited with interest. In this sense, a credit is the opposite of a debit, which means money is taken from your account. credit
[ "A term used in accounting to describe either an entry on the righthand side of an account or the process of making such an entry. A credit records the increases in liabilities, owners' Equity, and revenues as well as the decreases in assets and expenses.", "Home > Accounting Dictionary > C Terms > Credit Terms. Credit terms or terms of credit is the agreement between a seller and buyer that lists the timing and amount of payments the buyer will make in the future.", "Credit is borrowed money that you can use to purchase goods and services when you need them. You get credit from a credit grantor, whom you agree to pay back the amount you spent, plus applicable finance charges, at an agreed-upon time. Revolving credit.", "1 The English words credit and debit come from the Latin words credre and debere, respectively. Credre means to entrust, and debere means to owe. In financial accounting or bookkeeping, Dr (Debit) indicates the left side of a ledger account and Cr (Credit) indicates the right.", "Credit refers to the practice of borrowing money to make a purchase. Loans are a form of credit, and consumers commonly use them to buy houses, cars, motorcycles, boats and other expensive items.nstallment Transaction. You fill out a loan application to open an installment account for a major purchase. The lender reviews your credit reports and verifies other data, like your employment and income.", "Definition of Debit and Credit. When you hear the terms debit and credit, using a debit or credit card probably comes to mind. In accounting, debit and credit are terms used to describe increases in values of assets, items or accounts that increase your net worth, and liabilities which are known as a legally binding debt.", "Credit – CR. Definition: An accounting entry that may either decrease assets or increase liabilities and equity on the company's balance sheet, depending on the transaction. When using the double-entry accounting method there will be two recorded entries for every transaction: a credit and a debit.redit – CR. Definition: An accounting entry that may either decrease assets or increase liabilities and equity on the company's balance sheet, depending on the transaction. When using the double-entry accounting method there will be two recorded entries for every transaction: a credit and a debit.", "Definitions (3) 1 1. A journal entry recording a decrease in assets. With cash basis accounting, credits are recorded when income is received. 2 2. A contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now and agrees to repay the lender at some later date.", "commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.: Give credit where it is due. 2. a source of pride or honor: You are a credit to your school. 3. the ascription or acknowledgment of something as due or properly attributable to a person, institution, etc.: She got a screen credit for photography.", "The following six points clarify the meaning of credit card: Image credits © Gaurav Akrani. 1 Credit card is a plastic card issued and authorized by a bank or NBFC ready to lend money (i.e. give credit) to its customer." ]
meaning of colour in literature and poetry
Symbolism of green color in literature and poems. As per the 2004 color study, green in literature and poems is used for symbolizing both a ‘riveting’ and ‘relaxing’ effect. Green represents feelings of refreshment but is also associated with ‘tiredness and guilt’.lthough this is the case, writers and poets have the poetic license to use different colors in a manner that create different meanings in their work. Let us study different colors and what they mean in different forms of literature across the world.
[ "Color Symbolism. This theme emerges most palpably in the dark lady sonnets, where the poet's repeated use of the color black to describe the dark lady's features, both physical and intangible, ascribes her with the evilness or otherness that the color has often symbolized in the Western mentality.", "Color symbolism in fairy tales. The best places in literature to study color symbolism are the Fairy tales which used colors richly: examples include: As red as blood, as white as snow, as black as the crow etc-all of which evoke emotional responses and help develop a connection to the story.lthough this is the case, writers and poets have the poetic license to use different colors in a manner that create different meanings in their work. Let us study different colors and what they mean in different forms of literature across the world.", "Home | Literary Movements | Timeline | American Authors | American Literature Sites | Bibliographies | Site Updates. Regionalism and Local Color Fiction, 1865-1895. Definitions. Local color or regional literature is fiction and poetry that focuses on the characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features particular to a specific region. Influenced by Southwestern and Down East humor, between the Civil War and the end of the nineteenth century this mode of writing became dominant in American literature.", "By Shelley Esaak. Definition: (noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.).", "Color symbolism in fairy tales. The best places in literature to study color symbolism are the Fairy tales which used colors richly: examples include: As red as blood, as white as snow, as black as the crow etc-all of which evoke emotional responses and help develop a connection to the story.", "The best places in literature to study color symbolism are the Fairy tales which used colors richly: examples include: As red as blood, as white as snow, as black as the crow etc-all of which evoke emotional responses and help develop a connection to the story.", "Blair's Poetry Blog: Color Poem poetry-by-blair.blogspot.com/2012/03/color-poem.htmlThis poem is supposed to express yourr feelings about your favorite color. Withanalogies, senses, and figurative language, you have formed a color poem.igurative Language and Descriptive Writing-Quia www.quia.com/files/quia/users/mrshurd/Figurative-Language · PPT file · Web viewFigurative Language and Descriptive Writing Crystal Hurd John S. Battle H.S. Adaptedfrom Eric Fish Hints for Descriptive Writing COLORS: When using colors to ...", "By Shelley Esaak. Definition: (noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.).y Shelley Esaak. Definition: (noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.).", "Best Answer: It means the pattern of rhyming lines in a poem. For example: Roses are red, a. Violets are blue, b. Sugar is sweet, a. And so are you.", "color noun (APPEARANCE). › [C/U] the ​appearance that something has as a ​result of ​reflecting ​light: [C] The ​dress comes in ​blue, ​green, ​red, and other colors. [U] Some of the ​pictures in the ​book are in color, and some are in ​black and ​white. › art [C/U] A color is also a ​substance, such as a ​paint or dye, which you ​add to something to make it have the ​appearance of a ​particular color.", "Definition: (noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.).The second property is intensity, which refers to the strength and vividness of the color.For example, we may describe the color blue as royal (bright, rich, vibrant) or dull (grayed). The third and final property of color is its value, meaning its lightness or darkness.noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.).", "Symbolism And Imagery. well, symbolism is when you use something to represent something else. Like the peace sign represents peace, in poetry you could use an animal or a color to represent something. Like say the color yellow would represent the sunrise, or the color blue would represent the sky.", "Definition of color for English Language Learners. : 1 a quality such as red, blue, green, yellow, etc., that you see when you look at something. : 2 something used to give color to something : a pigment or dye. : 3 the use or combination of colors.", "(noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.). The second property is intensity, which refers to the strength and vividness of the color. For example, we may describe the color blue as royal (bright, rich, vibrant) or dull (grayed). The third and final property of color is its value, meaning its lightness or darkness. The terms shade and tint are in reference to value changes in colors. Pronunciation: cull·er.", "Symbolism of Purple in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Asst. Lect. Hazha Salih Hassan ٤٤ ages, n.d.). Porphrya was “a term for the shellfish-derived dye that garment makers used to create the color” (Smith, n.d.). Purple is a secondary color. It is a combination of the two primary colors, the warmest, stimulus, energetic, and longest", "Meanings of color. Here is a table of colors and many of the meanings they tend to evoke, particularly in Western cultures. Notice how colors can mean very different things - it is not that the colors themselves have meaning, it is that we have culturally assigned meanings to them. For example, red means warmth because of the color of fire. Likewise, it means anger because of the increased redness of the face when it flushes with blood. Purple symbolizes royalty only because the only purple dye that was available for many centuries was very expensive. Also:", "Definition of color for English Language Learners. : 1 to give color to (something) : to change the color of (something) : 2 to draw with crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc. : to fill in a shape or picture using markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc. : 3 to change (someone's ideas, opinion, attitude, etc.) in some way.", "The most frequently used color by Dickinson is the color purple. It appears that purple was her favorite color. She mentioned the color purple in her poems 54 times in 54 poems. The study discusses the various meanings of the color purple in Emily Dickinson’s poetry. It tries to shed some lights on the symbolic", "Color symbolism in Gothic literature. Gothic Literature is known for its use of Red and Black as the symbolism associated with these colors really draw the readers in to evoke an emotional response while creating an atmosphere.", "The phenomenon of color is examined in extraordinary new ways in John Gage's latest book. His pioneering study is informed by the conviction that color is a contingent, historical occurrence whose meaning, like language, lies in the particular contexts in which it is experienced and interpreted.", "Chase stated, “The use of colors is one of the. characteristic features of her poetic vocabulary” (1965:109). The most frequently used color by Dickinson is the color purple. It appears that purple was her favorite color. She mentioned the. color purple in her poems 54 times in 54 poems.", "Symbolism of Purple in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Asst. Lect. Hazha Salih Hassan ٤٦ often free thinkers, visionaries, revolutionaries and entertainers (Find Your Color: The Role of Color Psychology, Color Symbolism and the Human Aura, 2008-2011). In Christian art, Purple is associated with royalty and it", "The paler the blue the more freedom we feel. In the meaning of colors, blue relates to one-to-one communication, especially communication using the voice-speaking the truth through verbal self-expression-it is the teacher, the public speaker. The color blue is idealistic, enhancing self-expression and our ability to communicate our needs and wants.", "Although this is the case, writers and poets have the poetic license to use different colors in a manner that create different meanings in their work. Let us study different colors and what they mean in different forms of literature across the world.lthough this is the case, writers and poets have the poetic license to use different colors in a manner that create different meanings in their work. Let us study different colors and what they mean in different forms of literature across the world.", "Visual Arts. (noun) - Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three (3) properties to color. First is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, etc.). The second property is intensity, which refers to the strength and vividness of the color. For example, we may describe the color blue as royal (bright, rich, vibrant) or dull (grayed).", "Meanings of color. Here is a table of colors and many of the meanings they tend to evoke, particularly in Western cultures. Notice how colors can mean very different things - it is not that the colors themselves have meaning, it is that we have culturally assigned meanings to them. For example, red means warmth because of the color of fire. Likewise, it means anger because of the increased redness of the face when it flushes with blood.", "color noun (SKIN). › [U] the ​natural color of a person’s ​skin, esp. when ​considered in ​terms of ​race people of color › Many ​people with ​dark ​skin ​describe themselves as ​people of color: We need to ​protect the ​rights of ​people of color.", "Color is a form of non verbal communication. It is not a static energy and its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual - it all depends on what energy they are expressing at that point in time. it may mean that they are feeling angry that day, on either a conscious or subconscious level.", "Dickinson used purple in many poems about images of. nature, the beautiful scenes of nature in spring, especially the. scenes of sunrise and sunset. It seems she was so taken by such. scenes specially the purple color of the scenes.", "Symbolism of the color yellow in literature Yellow is associated with joy, happiness, intellect and energy. It is a stimulating color that represents honor, loyalty, and stimulates mental activity.", "Color definition, the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue. See more.", "Color symbolism in art and anthropology refers to the use of color as a symbol in various cultures.There is great diversity in the use of colors and their associations between cultures and even within the same culture in different time periods.hite variously signifies purity, innocence, wisdom or death. Blue has similarly diverse meanings. Diversity in color symbolism occurs because color meanings and symbolism occur on an individual, cultural and universal basis. Color symbolism is also context-dependent and influenced by changes over time." ]
what is the primary cause of evolution
Natural selection will only cause evolution if there is enough genetic variation in a population. Before the discovery of Mendelian genetics, one common hypothesis was blending inheritance. But with blending inheritance, genetic variance would be rapidly lost, making evolution by natural selection implausible.
[ "Since the offspring will not receive the changed DNA and any new traits the parent may have will not be passed down, mutations in the DNA of somatic cells will not cause evolution. If there happens to be a mutation in a gamete, that can drive evolution.", "Gene Flow. Evolution can also occur as a result of genes being transferred from one population to another. This gene flow occurs when there is migration. The loss or addition of people can easily change gene pool frequencies even if there are no other evolutionary mechanisms operating. For instance, if all red haired people were to leave Scotland, the next generation there would likely have very few people with this trait.", "In genetic terms, evolution is any change in the allele frequency in a population. Sources of Genetic Variation The three main sources of genetic variation are mutations, genetic recombination during sexual reproduction, and lateral gene transfer. A mutation is any change in a sequence of DNA.n genetic terms, evolution is any change in the allele frequency in a population. Sources of Genetic Variation The three main sources of genetic variation are mutations, genetic recombination during sexual reproduction, and lateral gene transfer. A mutation is any change in a sequence of DNA.", "Overview of Evolution within a Lineage. Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population over time; it can occur due to several factors. Three mechanisms add new alleles to the gene pool: mutation, recombination and gene flow. Two mechanisms remove alleles, genetic drift and natural selection.", "The consequence of this recombination is the production of sperm and ova that can potentially add even greater diversity to a population's gene pool. However, it does not result in new alleles. Subsequently, recombination by itself does not cause evolution to occur. Rather, it is a contributing mechanism that works with natural selection by creating combinations of genes that nature selects for or against.", "Since the offspring will not receive the changed DNA and any new traits the parent may have will not be passed down, mutations in the DNA of somatic cells will not cause evolution. Gametes. Almost all multicellular eukaryotic organisms that undergo sexual reproduction use gametes, or sex cells, to create offspring. Since two parents are necessary to create individuals for the next generation of the species, gametes are typically haploid cells.", "Natural selection does not cause evolution, it is simply a element in the process you might say. Those not adapted to the environment, the environment removes. It is a matter … you might say of the ill adapted being weak of the flesh. Unable to stand the rigours of the environment, this is natural selection, when the environment does the selecting.", "Natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow are the mechanisms that cause changes in allele frequencies over time. When one or more of these forces are acting in a population, the population violates the Hardy-Weinberg assumptions, and evolution occurs.", "T he primary mechanism of change over time is natural selection, elaborated below. This mechanism causes changes in the properties (traits) of organisms within lineages from generation to generation. The Process of Natural Selection. Darwin’s process of natural selection has four components. Variation.", "In genetic terms, evolution is any change in the allele frequency in a population. Sources of Genetic Variation The three main sources of genetic variation are mutations, genetic recombination during sexual reproduction, and lateral gene transfer. A mutation is any change in a sequence of DNA.Most heritable differences are due to genetic recombination during sexual reproduction.dentify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. Lesson Summary Genetics Joins Evolutionary Theory Darwin’s original ideas can now be understood in genetic terms.", "Our subspecies has evolved since 500 years ago. As one example, take the changed prevalence of genetic diseases. As these are caused by alleles (and therefore the frequency of the relevant alleles has changed), and evolution is the change in allele frequencies in gene pools over generations, this is biological evolution. Humans are apes.", "Animals evolve to make the most of the food sources that are available in their natural environment. In fact, natural selection can cause a species to change in shape, size, intellect and habit to make it better able to hunt or forage for food in that environment.", "Mosaic Evolution of Subterranean Mammals. Stress is a major driving force of evolution (Hoffman and Parsons 1991; Parsons 2005). Parsons defined stress as an environmental factor causing potential injurious changes to biological systems with the potential for impacts on evolutionary processes.", "Evolution can occur by processes other than natural selection, especially genetic drift. And. natural selection can occur without any evolutionary change, as when natural selection. maintains the status quo by eliminating deviants from the optimal phenotype.", "Evolution by means of natural selection is the process by which traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more common in successive generations of a population. It has often been called a self-evident mechanism because it necessarily follows from three simple facts:", "T he primary mechanism of change over time is natural selection, elaborated below. This mechanism causes changes in the properties (traits) of organisms within lineages from generation to generation. The Process of Natural Selection. Darwin’s process of natural selection has four components. 1 Variation. 2 Organisms (within populations) exhibit individual variation in appearance and behavior.", "natural selection: - The mechanism of evolution - observable (changes within species) - can occur due to genetic variations that already exist, due to sexual reproduction (mixing of alleles, crossing-over) Evolution: - occurs when natural selection favours traits existing from gene mutations leading to new species - takes millions of year", "Genetic variation. Without genetic variation, some of the basic mechanisms of evolutionary change cannot operate. There are three primary sources of genetic variation, which we will learn more about: 1 Mutations are changes in the DNA. 2 Gene flow is any movement of genes from one population to another and is an important source of genetic variation. 3 Sex can introduce new gene combinations into a population.", "‘The primary premise of this theory is that although errors can occur within highly reliable organizations, they rarely do so.’ ‘It is the fundamental premise of the theory of evolution.’ ‘Throughout the book numerous studies are given as premises for the theories Buss poses, along with many case study examples.’", "The theory of evolution by natural selection, first formulated in Darwin's book On the Origin of Species in 1859, is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring." ]
what is cancer holistic approach
Holistic approach to prevent breast cancer? Question from Terra: Is there a holistic approach being used to help prevent breast cancer, and, if so, what is it? Answers - Patricia Johnson The holistic approach to preventing breast cancer is the same holistic approach to living a healthy life. It includes regular exercise, stress reduction, a healthy diet, and management of one's emotional well-being.
[ "holistic approach. Alternative medicine. A term referring to a healthcare philosophy in which the entire patient is evaluated and treated. Medspeak-UK. Describing an approach to patient care in the UK in which the physical, mental and social factors in the patient's condition, rather than just the diagnosed disease, are taken into account.", "What is the definition of holistic health? It's a wellness approach that addresses the body, mind and spirit or the physical, emotional/mental and spiritual aspects of an individual. holistic health approach doesn't view the body, mind and spirit as separate entities and promotes drugs and surgery only when absolutely essential and after other solutions have been sought. It looks for the underlying causes of symptoms, rather than just covering up the symptoms with a drug.", "LTC is provided using a holistic approach which is: -physical: technical aspects of care, such as medical/nursing car, rehabilitation, diet, etc clean and comfortable environment. -mental: addressing the person's mental and emotional well-being, such as anxiety, depression and boredom. The living environment should promote mental stimulation and positive feelings.", "The better the diet, cleansing and mind therapy, and the less advanced the condition, the less supplements and remedies you need. Based on these general rules you may put your individual program together from the information given below and in accordance with the overall principles of holistic cancer therapy.", "Holistic health care is an integrated approach to health care that treats the whole person, not simply symptoms and disease. Mind and body are integrated and inseparable. Our holistic health care practitioners do more than just identify and treat a specific ailment.", "LTC is provided using a holistic approach which is: -mental: addressing the person's mental and emotional well-being, such as anxiety, depression and boredom. -spiritual: delivery of services should incorporate the patient's personal beliefs, values, and religious preferences. An individual needs long term care:", "Holistic (holistic technology) is an approach to IT management that is concerned with viewing and treating a complex computer system as a single entity.", "Just as a holistic approach to medicine treats each patient as an integrated system and considers how the mind affects the body, a holistic approach to technology focuses on the interdependence of system components.", "A definition of holistic health would not be complete without highlighting the fact that wellness approaches in the holistic field are considered to be wholesome, healthy and not harmful or toxic to the individual or the environment.They promote balance and harmony for the individual, society and the planet. holistic health approach doesn't view the body, mind and spirit as separate entities and promotes drugs and surgery only when absolutely essential and after other solutions have been sought. It looks for the underlying causes of symptoms, rather than just covering up the symptoms with a drug.", "What is Holistic Dentistry? Holistic Dentistry, sometimes called Alternative, Biologic, or Biocompatible Dentistry, is an approach to dental care that tries to integrate the treatment of the mouth and oral area with all of the functioning systems of the human body.", "Report Abuse. Hi there, the holistic approach usually means that there are many ways to heal somebody's body and instead only using traditional medicine, there are holistic methods such as: meditation practice, acupuncture, cyropractic care, etc...eport Abuse. Hi there, the holistic approach usually means that there are many ways to heal somebody's body and instead only using traditional medicine, there are holistic methods such as: meditation practice, acupuncture, cyropractic care, etc...", "Both of them treat symptoms with drugs or surgery rather than looking for what causes the symptom. A holistic health approach doesn't view the body, mind and spirit as separate entities and promotes drugs and surgery only when absolutely essential and after other solutions have been sought.", "Holistic medicine is described as a whole person approach to healthcare. Rather than treating a specific problem or symptom, the British Holistic Medicine Association (BHMA) says this involves considering a person's mind, body and spirit. The BHMA describes the approach as taking time to see beyond the symptoms or the disease to the whole person..", "· just now. Report Abuse. Hi there, the holistic approach usually means that there are many ways to heal somebody's body and instead only using traditional medicine, there are holistic methods such as: meditation practice, acupuncture, cyropractic care, etc... just now. Report Abuse. Hi there, the holistic approach usually means that there are many ways to heal somebody's body and instead only using traditional medicine, there are holistic methods such as: meditation practice, acupuncture, cyropractic care, etc...", "A holistic approach. Finding the right place is finding where you belong. It’s where you’re truly comfortable in your own skin. What we do is a huge part of who we are. It’s not just a paycheck. What we do needs to matter. Spending time with the people you love and respect is what it’s all about. holistic approach. Finding the right place is finding where you belong. It’s where you’re truly comfortable in your own skin. What we do is a huge part of who we are. It’s not just a paycheck. What we do needs to matter. Spending time with the people you love and respect is what it’s all about.", "Holistic health is more then a one-way approach to wellness; it is a lifestyle and an approach to how treatment should be applied. The holistic believer is involved in the role of complete wholeness completely, where as the person being treated by a traditional physician takes a more passive role.", "What is the definition of holistic health? It's a wellness approach that addresses the body, mind and spirit or the physical, emotional/mental and spiritual aspects of an individual.", "Holistique’s individualized integrative cancer therapy program offers you a comprehensive approach in assisting you to fight with your ultimate capacity while rendering you treatment options for your personal needs.", "holistic health care. a system of comprehensive or total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of the person; his or her response to illness; and the effect of the illness on the ability to meet self-care needs. Holistic nursing is the modern nursing practice that expresses this philosophy of care.", "The term “holistic” is often associated with alternative health and homeopathy, but that is just one part of what holistic medicine encompasses. A holistic approach to health involves practices that target healing the entire body, not just certain symptoms or ailments. The Role of the Nurse in Holistic Medicine", "This site will help you gain some understanding of the the terms and modalities in the field of holistic medicine. We've canvassed the field of holistic medicine and compiled a glossary of the most popular modalities and remedies available. A holistic approach to healing recognizes that the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical elements of each person comprise a system. By working with this systems approach the cause of an illness is targeted, rather than just the symptoms.", "A practitioner with a holistic approach treats the symptoms of illness as well as looking for the underlying cause of the illness. Holistic medicine also attempts to prevent illness by placing a greater emphasis on optimizing health. The body's systems are seen as interdependent parts of the person's whole being.here are no limits to the range of diseases and disorders that can be treated in a holistic way, as the principle of holistic healing is to balance the body, mind, spirit, and emotions so that the person's whole being functions smoothly.", "Characteristics of the holistic approach described in the ROSC report pertaining to spirituality include: (1) a responsiveness to personal belief systems and (2) a person-centered approach that provides choices in the area of spiritual supports that are (3) anchored in the community.", "It is important that a holistic approach is adopted for the performance of a building to be understood, as the roof and walls cannot be taken in isolation: they are an integral part of the building and have an active and continuing relationship with the rest of the building, its environment and its occupants.t is important that a holistic approach is adopted for the performance of a building to be understood, as the roof and walls cannot be taken in isolation: they are an integral part of the building and have an active and continuing relationship with the rest of the building, its environment and its occupants.", "See all translations. uk ​ /həˈlɪs.tɪk/ us ​ /hoʊlˈɪs.tɪk/. › dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part: My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease. Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.", "A Mind-Body Approach to Healing. If you have received a cancer diagnosis, you know that the hundreds of questions and concerns you have about what's to come can be as stressful as the cancer treatment itself.", "Holistic medicine focuses on treating the entire person and not just a disorder or affliction. Holistic health care providers believe that an individual is made up of different parts including physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual aspects. All pieces must be addressed and balanced to solve any issues, sickness or disorder, and to make a person whole.", "Holistic dentistry emphasizes approaches to dental care said to consider dental health in the context of the patient's entire physical as well as emotional or spiritual health in some cases.", "A holistic approach to patient care. An initiative in Kent is giving people with long-term conditions ways of improving their health and keeping them out of hospital. Keeping people with long-term conditions out of hospital is going to be key for the NHS as the number of patients rises. ‘Understanding what the patients want to achieve is important.", "holistic health care, a system of comprehensive or total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of the person; his or her response to illness; and the effect of the illness on the ability to meet self-care needs.", "Overview of the Intensive Medical Program. The Intensive Medical Program for cancer at Utopia Wellness takes a six-prong approach that involves innovative therapies and procedures focused on treating the root cause of your cancer.", "Integrated Mathematical Oncology. Cancer is a dynamic complex multiscale system that can only truly be understood via the integration of theory and experiments. The goal of the IMO is to use such an integrated approach to better understand, predict and treat cancer.", "Holistic nursing is an integrated way of thinking, reflecting, practicing, and being-in-the-world and ultimately, a way of approaching patients. Many think of holistic nursing as a way of life as the philosophy, thoughts, and self-care become incorporated into one's daily living and professional identity.", "Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment.", "What is Holistic Dentistry? What Is Holistic Dentistry? Holistic dentistry (also known as alternative dentistry, biologic dentistry, integrative dentistry, biocompatible dentistry, or unconventional dentistry) considers patients’ oral health in the scheme of their entire physical, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual health.", "Definition. Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment.", "Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses care of the whole person – Mind, Body, and Spirit. We do not just treat symptoms, nor do we just treat body parts. We focus on empowering patients to create a condition of optimal health and balance, far beyond the absence of disease.", "Holistic nursing is care of the whole person, which addresses physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational aspects of health. Historically, nursing has always integrated. these aspects into providing care. Nursing developed out of religious orders and was.", "Risk and Quality Management. A holistic approach is necessary for organizational survival. The media has made all of us aware of the global financial crisis caused by the assumption of risk by banks and speculators in stocks and commodities. Even ordinary people took on risk by buying homes in hot markets, hoping that they could quickly resell them and make a big profit.", "Some argue that the holistic approach of the DO is better since it tends to mean the doctor takes more time with patients and may have a slightly improved bedside manner. Doctors trained in either field vary greatly in their ability to listen and to be watchful over a patient’s total health, however.", "Definition. Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment.any alternative or natural therapies have a holistic approach, although that is not always the case. The term complementary medicine is used to refer to the use of both allopathic and holistic treatments. It is more often used in Great Britain, but is gaining acceptance in the United States.", "Definition. Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment.any alternative or natural therapies have a holistic approach, although that is not always the case. The term complementary medicine is used to refer to the use of both allopathic and holistic treatments.", "Dentists who practice a holistic approach will try to treat the underlying problems that cause symptoms in the mouth, attempting to eliminate those problems (and, hence, preventing the symptoms from reoccurring) while ensuring the work done in the mouth does not have an adverse affect on your overall health.", "Another holistic approach would be providing a right to counsel in civil cases, which, as Neuhard put it, “offers the opportunity to look at common problems and combined solutions for the clients of both civil and defender programs.”.", "Definition. Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment.here are no limits to the range of diseases and disorders that can be treated in a holistic way, as the principle of holistic healing is to balance the body, mind, spirit, and emotions so that the person's whole being functions smoothly." ]
bittorrent what is a torrent?
BitTorrent file. TORRENT is a file extension for a BitTorrent file format used by BitTorrent clients. Torrent files contain text and point out the trackers for a download to begin downloading from distributors (known as seeders) and requesting clients (known as leachers).
[ "uTorrent is a program using bit torrent technology. Under the BitTorrent Protocol, files are downloaded quickly and easily. Technically, uTorrent is a client of BitTorrent.", "BitTorrent is a communications protocol of peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) which is used to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, such as digital video files containing TV shows or video clips or digital audio files containing songs.", "BitTorrent is a file distribution system used for transferring files across network of people. As you download a file, BitTorrent places what you download on upload for other users; when multiple people are downloading the same file at the same time they upload pieces of the file to each other.", "Save. Utorrent is a program uses bit torrent technology, which is a way of sharing files sometimes called peer-to-peer. In a bit torrent set-up, many people can upload and download a particular file simultaneously.", "Introduction of .torrent file. A .torrent file is a very small text-type file which has a rigid and invariable format. It is used by a client to transfer data via the BitTorrent protocol. You must have a .torrent file in order to use BitTorrent.licking on the site name will open it in the browser for you. BitComet also has a built-in torrent search bar for you to search for your needed .torrent file. You are not required to use the built-in browser, and can use your own web browser, if you prefer.", "Utorrent is a program uses bit torrent technology, which is a way of sharing files sometimes called peer-to-peer.", "Download uTorrent at here. If you are using GNU/linux, Try Transmission or Ktorrent. uTorrent is what's called a BitTorrent client. Your client is a piece of software that communicates with lots of other computers via a server on the internet. In order to download torrent files, you'll need a BitTorrent client.", "A torrent is a constantly moving file over a large network. typically pirated movies, torrents work by people downloading a small beginning file, and then using a program (ie: transmission) to finish it. this program works by downloading the parts that you don't have from other people doing the same thing, and uploading the parts that others need. most torrent's contents are illegal. the current fine for having a copyrighted movie (most torrents) is up to $250,000 and/or up to 5 years in jail.", "Torrent is basically a file extension for Torrent Clients. These files contain text and point it to trackers to start download from seeders as well as leechers. That’s the reason, Speed of Downloading of any torrent file depends upon Leechers, Seeders as well as number of peers.", "Client. A BitTorrent client is a piece of software that accepts a torrent file and begins downloading the data associated with it. The same way that you use a web browser like Firefox or Chrome to browse the web, you need a BitTorrent client for your computer to make sense of a BitTorrent file.lient. A BitTorrent client is a piece of software that accepts a torrent file and begins downloading the data associated with it. The same way that you use a web browser like Firefox or Chrome to browse the web, you need a BitTorrent client for your computer to make sense of a BitTorrent file.", "As Dominic has stated, bittorrent, or torrenting, is not illegal. There are many legal and illegal torrents. The difference is that one has permission to be shared by the creator of the work. (Books, music, movies, pictures, games etc.) Most people who torrent are getting the illegal files.", "(talking about torrents in computer terminology) Torrent is a small file (around few kilobytes) with the suffix .torrent, which contains all the information needed to download a file the torrent was made for. That means it contains file names, their sizes, where to download from and so on. You can get torrents for almost anything on lots of web sites and torrent search engines.", "Torrent decode This tool will decode a BitTorrent file (.torrent) and display the information within in a human-readable manner. Uploaded files are not stored on the server.", "Torrent is the most popular way of downloading large files, including movies and games (remember legality of downloading) Downloading with a torrent is advantageous especially when downloading files, which are momentarily very popular and whitch lots of people are downloading.", "uTorrent and BitComet are two of the most popular torrent apps around, allowing you download audio, video and software at high speeds through torrents, downloading a file in pieces rather than from one source in order to speed up transfer times.nd in the blue corner – BitComet, an application that prides itself on its wide array of features for managing your torrents.... As opposed to the rather sparse uTorrent interface, the glitzy BitComet swings in with all manner of flashy icons and a a multitude of options that give you more control over your downloads.", "From Torrentopener: Torrent Opener is a tiny BitTorrent client, can help you to quickly open a torrent file, and view all important metadata, also includes a simple downloader. This software is completely free, easy to use very much.", "Find, download (torrent) & play torrents on your phone or tablet with the official BitTorrent® App for Android. Get the awesome torrent downloader with no download speed or download size limits. Now downloading torrents to your phone is easy. From the team that invented the BitTorrent torrent protocol and uTorrent, the BitTorrent torrent app for Android is a beautifully simple way to discover, download, and play media, anywhere. BitTorrent is pleased to announce a version 4 for the most downloaded torrent app on the Playstore. Version 4 represents a significant transition to a new core architecture paving the way for major developments to come.", "Users find a torrent of interest, by browsing the web or by other means, download it, and open it with a BitTorrent client. The client connects to the tracker(s) specified in the torrent file, from which it receives a list of peers currently transferring pieces of the file(s) specified in the torrent.", "The Pirate Bay and Torrentz are the only BitTorrent sites that managed to secure a spot in the top 10. The Internet is the largest copying machine ever invented, and if we take a look at the massive amounts of traffic file-sharing sites get, millions of people are using it to its full extent.", "uTorrent is a relatively small torrent software client used to share files and data around the world. Although uTorrent is used by many, it is not always used to its full potential. Here is a guide that will help you and other uTorrenters maximize your results and increase your download speeds.", "Users find a torrent of interest, by browsing the web or by other means, download it, and open it with a BitTorrent client. The client connects to the tracker(s) specified in the torrent file, from which it receives a list of peers currently transferring pieces of the file(s) specified in the torrent.itTorrent clients are available for a variety of computing platforms and operating systems including an official client released by Bittorrent, Inc. As of January 2012, BitTorrent is utilized by 150 million active users (according to BitTorrent, Inc.).", "Home Guides. uTorrent is a relatively small torrent software client used to share files and data around the world. Although uTorrent is used by many, it is not always used to its full potential. Here is a guide that will help you and other uTorrenters maximize your results and increase your download speeds.", "BitTorrent and µTorrent are said to be two customers that deal with torrent download. The most critical distinction between these two is the size. The individual installing µTorrent is fit in 1MB; whereas individual installing BitTorrent is right around 3MB. In this article we are going to discuss the distinctions between above software. BitTorrent", "The new and improved JSTorrent is a BitTorrent client for Chrome that downloads torrent files with ease. It can download torrents directly to your Downloads folder and can handle large files (multi-gigabyte files) with ease.", "Tree Torrent. Free | Web / Cloud. TreeTorrent is a large meta-search engine for torrents, currently indexing most famous torrent sites including The Pirate Bay, BitTorrent, Torrentz, IsoHunt and Kikass.ree Torrent. Free | Web / Cloud. TreeTorrent is a large meta-search engine for torrents, currently indexing most famous torrent sites including The Pirate Bay, BitTorrent, Torrentz, IsoHunt and Kikass.", "Utorrent is a program used for interacting with torrents. Utorrent will essentially take a torrent file, which you can find from many places online, and download whatever the contents may be. Say you get a torrent for your favorite CD, it downloads the CD onto your computer.", "Utorrent is a program used for interacting with torrents. Utorrent will essentially take a torrent file, which you can find from many places online, and download whatever the contents may be. Say you get a torrent for your favorite CD, it downloads the CD onto your computer. Jon · 3 years ago.", "Part 1 of 2: Installing and Setting Up the uTorrent Client. 1. Download uTorrent at here. If you are using GNU/linux, Try Transmission or Ktorrent. uTorrent is what's called a BitTorrent client. Your client is a piece of software that communicates with lots of other computers via a server on the internet.In order to download torrent files, you'll need a BitTorrent client. 1 uTorrent is only one of dozens of BitTorrent clients. 2 They can be used in more or less the same way, with subtle differences.nable encryption. Encryption is the process by which your client disguises your connection speed in order to keep ISPs from throttling it. If an ISP recognizes a client downloading a bunch of data, it may choose to throttle it in order to keep it from monopolizing the connection.", "You can;t convert a torrent file (which is tiny) into a MP3. A torrent is a tracker file that lets you connect to the 'swarm' to downoad the actual mucis.Download and install FREE Utorrent from their website. Go File Open Select the torrent you have the album will now start to downlaod.ou can;t convert a torrent file (which is tiny) into a MP3. A torrent is a tracker file that lets you connect to the 'swarm' to downoad the actual mucis.", "BitTorrent. Search the Internet for torrent files, and download and upload files. Editors' rating. User rating. Publisher: BitTorrent Downloads: 23,840,252 External File This software is available to download from the publisher site.", "Here is the official description: The new and improved JSTorrent is a BitTorrent client for Chrome that downloads torrent files with ease. It can download torrents directly to your Downloads folder and can handle large files (multi-gigabyte files) with ease. It also runs fine on lower end ARM Chromebooks.", "A torrent file is a file that describes the files involved, their sizes, which server is coordinating who downloads what and when, and other information. Because it does not actually contain the files being sent around, the torrent file tends to be very small.", "Bitlord is a torrenting program, and it's completely safe to download. But just be careful with WHAT you download. Make sure you don't seed anything after it's done downloading, that will definitely get you caught real quickly.Good luck.eport Abuse. Downloading the torrent is fine on either BitTorrent or UTorrent (I prefer BitTorrent to be honest). However, afterwards run a scan on the torrent to check for viruses. If you have working antivirus then it should scan the torrent as it is being downloaded.", "You can quickly download torrent files, within an intuitive interface, neatly organized menus and functions, without exhausting your bandwidth. Torrent RT for Windows 8 is a user-friendly application that can come in handy to all those who like to download multimedia contents or documents via BitTorrent clients. You can monitor the downloading progress and set different levels of priority to your threads, as well as set an upload limit or download speed. System requirements", "Here is the official description: The new and improved JSTorrent is a BitTorrent client for Chrome that downloads torrent files with ease. It can download torrents directly to your Downloads folder and can handle large files (multi-gigabyte files) with ease.", "BitTorrent is the most popular protocol for transferring large files over the internet. This is a list of bittorrent clients as ranked by visitors to our site. Pay it forward and please don’t forget to rate / review software you check out.itComet is a p2p file-sharing freeware fully compatible with BitTorrent, which is one of the most popular p2p protocol designed for high-speed distribution of 100MB or GB sized files. It.", "The torrent protocol is just a clever transmission method for users to download files more easily. If you’re worried that you may be downloading something that’s against the laws in your country, ask below.", "It allows you to download stuff through a format called torrents. In this video I use utorrent to download episode 1 of Game of Thrones as an example.", "The Vuze Bittorrent Client is an end-to-end software application for all your torrent needs. Although it is a complete bittorrent downloader, the Vuze program maintains a lightweight footprint, doesn't slow your computer down, and quickly downloads torrents.", "The user then opens that file in a BitTorrent client, which automates the rest of the process. In order to learn the Internet locations of peers which may be sharing pieces, the client connects to the trackers named in the torrent file, and/or achieves a similar result through the use of distributed hash tables." ]
reflector definition
Definition of 'reflector'. reflector (rɪflektəʳ ) A reflector is a small piece of specially patterned glass or plastic which is fitted to the back of a bicycle or car or to a post beside the road, and which glows when light shines on it. A reflector is a type of telescope which uses a mirror that is shaped like a ball.
[ "A reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is a telescope that uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. The reflecting telescope was invented in the 17th century,by Isaac Newton, as an alternative to the refracting telescope which, at that time, was a design that suffered from severe chromatic aberration.", "Reflecting telescope. A reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is a telescope that uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. The reflecting telescope was invented in the 17th century as an alternative to the refracting telescope which, at that time, was a design that suffered from severe chromatic aberration.", "A reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is a telescope that uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. The reflecting telescope was invented in the 17th century,by Isaac Newton, as an alternative to the refracting telescope which, at that time, was a design that suffered from severe chromatic aberration. Although reflecting telescopes produce other types of optical aberrations, it is a design that allows for very large diameter objectives.", "A reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is a telescope that uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. The reflecting telescope was invented in the 17th century, by Isaac Newton, as an alternative to the refracting telescope which, at that time, was a design that suffered from severe chromatic aberration. Although reflecting telescopes produce other types of optical aberrations, it is a design that allows for very large diameter objectives.", "For example 'the reflector' refers to a person who uses reflection of some sort. A 'critical reflector' more specifically refers to someone who uses Reflective Practice as a learning tool to question and evaluate themselves, others and situations. A 'non-reflector' is a person who rarely or never uses reflection.", "Reflecting telescope. A reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is a telescope that uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. The reflecting telescope was invented in the 17th century as an alternative to the refracting telescope which, at that time, was a design that suffered from severe chromatic aberration. Although reflecting telescopes produce other types of optical aberrations, it is a design that allows for very large diameter objectives.", "A reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is an optical telescope which uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. Added 5/26/2014 11:44:27 PM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.", "The reflector is the surface of a medium of greater density than that through which the incident sou … nd travels, and it can be the surface of water, or a density-boundary caused by sharp temperature or salinity differences in the sea.", "Noun. 1. parabolic reflector-a concave reflector used to produce a parallel beam when the source is placed at its focus or to focus an incoming parallel beam. paraboloid reflector. parabolic mirror-a parabolic reflector for light radiation. reflector-device that reflects radiation.", "A reflecting telescope, aka reflector, or a refracting telescope, aka refractor, both use something called an objective, a lens or mirror that focuses light. The plane where the objective of a telescope forms (or focuses) an image is known as the focal plane, while the distance from a lens or mirror to its focal point is called the focal length of that lens or mirror.", "Reflector. A type of telescope used in most astronomy research is a reflecting telescope. Reflector telescopes use one mirror, or a combination of mirrors, to reflect light and form an image to the viewer. The design of this telescope allows astronomers to see things way out in space that don't emit much light.", "A reflecting telescope, aka reflector, or a refracting telescope, aka refractor, both use something called an objective, a lens or mirror that focuses light. Since telescopes are all about great visuals, let's walk through this lesson with lots of images, otherwise what I'm about to say won't make too much sense.", "Parabolic reflector. A parabolic (or paraboloid or paraboloidal) reflector (or dish or mirror) is a reflective surface used to collect or project energy such as light, sound, or radio waves. Its shape is part of a circular paraboloid, that is, the surface generated by a parabola revolving around its axis.", "reflect. vb. 1. (General Physics) to undergo or cause to undergo a process in which light, other electromagnetic radiation, sound, particles, etc, are thrown back after impinging on a surface. 2. (General Physics) (of a mirror, etc) to form an image of (something) by reflection. 3. (tr) to show or express: his tactics reflect his desire for power.", "reflector - definition and synonyms. What are red words? 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent.", "Definition of parabolic reflector 1 or parabolic mirror: a concave mirror that has the form of a paraboloid of revolution so that rays emanating from the geometrical focus and reflected from the surface are all parallel to each other and to the axis of symmetry and rays from a distant source (as a star) are reflected to the focus and that is used in reflecting telescopes, searchlights, and headlights", "Reflector is an AirPlay receiver that allows you to wirelessly push your iPad or iPhone display on Mac, PC and a variety of Android devices. You just mirror your device without wires or multistep setups.es, you can, and there are plenty of mirroring apps for your computer that will allow you to do just that. Imagine a presentation you have to use your iPad for-you can stream the content wirelessly to the computer that is tied to the classroom or boardroom projector with ease by using some of the methods listed below.", "Reflector is a wireless mirroring and streaming receiver that works great with Fire TV™ and Fire TV Stick™. Display your iOS device or stream movies to your TV! Stream Content Easily stream movies, music, videos and more to any Fire TV. Mirror Devices Share your computer desktop or iOS screen in real time. Works with iOS Reflector receives content from iPads™ and iPhones™. Mirror your screen or stream your favorite videos straight from the palm of your hand. Works with AirParrot2® Reflector receives content from AirParrot 2 for Mac, Windows and Chromebooks™! Limit Access Password protect Reflector to prevent unwanted connections.", "Reflector. A type of telescope used in most astronomy research is a reflecting telescope. Reflector telescopes use one mirror, or a combination of mirrors, to reflect light and form an image to the viewer.The design of this telescope allows astronomers to see things way out in space that don't emit much light.eflector. A type of telescope used in most astronomy research is a reflecting telescope. Reflector telescopes use one mirror, or a combination of mirrors, to reflect light and form an image to the viewer.", "Wireless mirroring where you want it. Reflector is a wireless mirroring and streaming receiver that works great with Google Cast™, AirPlay™ and AirParrot 2®. Mirror your content to the big screen without wires or complicated setups. Play games, watch movies, demo applications or present from the palm of your hand.", "Wireless mirroring where you want it. Reflector is a wireless mirroring and streaming receiver that works great with Google Cast™, AirPlay™ and AirParrot 2 ®. Mirror your content to the big screen without wires or complicated setups. Play games, watch movies, demo applications or present from the palm of your hand.", "Reflecting Telescope Facts. A reflecting telescope is one that causes an image to reflect at a focus point by using mirrors. It was invented during the 1680s by Isaac Newton. These telescopes improved the before used refracting telescopes by giving a clearer picture.eflecting telescopes are also called reflectors. Most telescopes used by astronomers today are reflectors. In Newtonian telescopes, one mirror is used to capture the image while another mirror is used to reflect the image from the first mirror.", "Board Reflectors or bounce cards as they're often called, are simple flat pieces of material with a reflective surface on one side that are independent from any light source. Click here to learn more.", "Circular paraboloid. A parabolic (or paraboloid or paraboloidal) reflector (or dish or mirror) is a reflective surface used to collect or project energy such as light, sound, or radio waves. Its shape is part of a circular paraboloid, that is, the surface generated by a parabola revolving around its axis. The parabolic reflector transforms an incoming plane wave traveling along the axis into a spherical wave converging toward the focus.", "reflect. An individual considers, meditates, ponders, reflects, by himself; he weighs a matter in his own mind, and is sometimes said even to debate with himself.", "A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. Definition and synonyms of reflector from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.", "How to cite the article; suggest additional literature. A distributed Bragg reflector laser is a laser, where the laser resonator is made with at least one distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) outside the gain medium (the active region). A DBR is a Bragg mirror, i.e., a light-reflecting device (a mirror) based on Bragg reflection at a periodic structure.", "Circular paraboloid. A parabolic (or paraboloid or paraboloidal) reflector (or dish or mirror) is a reflective surface used to collect or project energy such as light, sound, or radio waves. Its shape is part of a circular paraboloid, that is, the surface generated by a parabola revolving around its axis.The parabolic reflector transforms an incoming plane wave traveling along the axis into a spherical wave converging toward the focus.he parabolic reflector functions due to the geometric properties of the paraboloidal shape: any incoming ray that is parallel to the axis of the dish will be reflected to a central point, or focus .", "Specular reflectors are large, smooth surfaces, such as bone, where the sound wave is reflected back in a singular direction. The greater the acoustic impedance between the two tissue surfaces, the greater the reflection and the brighter the echo will appear on ultrasound.", "The main difference between reflectors and refractors is that refractors help you see far away things by bending the light to magnify them. Reflectors also magnify, but they also help you see far away things by collecting more light, so you can see them better. For a beginner, a refractor is better.", "A multifaceted reflector (often abbreviated MR) light bulb is a reflector housing format for halogen as well as some LED and fluorescent lamps.MR lamps were originally designed for use in slide projectors, but see use in residential lighting and retail lighting as well. multifaceted reflector (often abbreviated MR) light bulb is a reflector housing format for halogen as well as some LED and fluorescent lamps.", "Refractor vs Reflector Telescopes | Refraction vs Reflection Telescopes. Reflector and refractor are basically the main two types of telescopes mostly used in astronomy. They are also known as reflection telescopes and refraction telescopes. These are mainly optical devices, which use visible light to produce images of distant objects, such as planets, stars, nebulae and galaxies.", "3. reflect-to throw or bend back (from a surface); Sound is reflected well in this auditorium. reverberate. acoustics-the study of the physical properties of sound. reverberate-be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves; the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building.", "Hypernyms (mirror is a kind of...): reflector (device that reflects radiation) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of mirror): car mirror (a mirror that the driver of a car can use) cheval glass (a full length mirror mounted in a frame in which it can be tilted) hand glass; hand mirror (a mirror intended to be held in the hand)", "reflect verb (RETURN) B2 [ I or T ] If a surface reflects light, heat, sound, or an image, it sends the light, etc. back and does not absorb it: He saw himself reflected in the water/mirror/shop window. The light reflected off the surface of the water. More examples. The candlelight reflected on his gold wristwatch.", "re·flec·tion. n. 1. The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected. 2. Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected. 3. a. Serious thinking or careful consideration: engaged in reflection on the problem.", "It is whole. As a kind of definition, to reflect means to look back at how something “went,” and see it for all of its available parts and patterns: Causes and effects; comparisons and contrast; strengths and weakness; its characteristics; how close it came to what you were expecting; your emotions.", "The headlight reflector directs the random light rays of the light bulb into a concentrated beam of light. It is consisted of a layer of silver, chrome, or aluminium deposited on a smooth and polished brass or glass surface. The outer surface of this layer soon tranishes in air.", "Hypernyms (mirror is a kind of...): reflector (device that reflects radiation) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of mirror): car mirror (a mirror that the driver of a car can use) cheval glass (a full length mirror mounted in a frame in which it can be tilted) hand glass; hand mirror (a mirror intended to be held in the hand) glass; looking glass (a mirror; usually a ladies' dressing mirror)", "The zebra reflector (the one striped silver and gold) is a better compromise for warming the colour temperature of the reflected light in many circumstances. It adds that glow of tan, but not to the same degree as the gold reflector. The scrim is", "reflection re·flec·tion (rĭ-flěk'shən) n. The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected. Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected. The folding of a membrane from the wall of a cavity over an organ and back to the wall. The folds so made. Mental concentration; careful consideration. A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.", "Strictly, the three-dimensional shape of the reflector is called a paraboloid. A parabola is the two-dimensional figure.", "20 PAR cans. A parabolic aluminized reflector lamp (also PARCAN light, PARcan, or simply PAR) is a type of electric lamp that is widely used in commercial, residential, and transportation illumination.his article covers only their use in stage lighting. The lamps and their fixtures are widely used in theatre, concerts and motion picture production when a substantial amount of flat lighting is required for a scene.", "Solar Oven Reflectors. Solar Oven Reflectors is a business on a mission - to reduce the need for wood and other cooking fuels in third world countries through the use of safe, durable, and easily constructed solar cooking devices. Up to two billion members of the world's population could benefit from solar cooking." ]
how long is an antibiotic good for
Answers. Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Most antibiotics if they are are in liquid form are good for 7 to 10 days as long as they are refrigerated, a pill form is good for about a year ,they are just not as potent as before call your local pharmacy and check.
[ "This means that keeping the dog on the antibiotics long enough is critical. If a dogs starts to look better after a few days, do NOT take it off the drugs! An antibiotic regime should last at least 7 days, and 12 days is better in most cases. The general rule of thumb is give the dog antibiotics for at least three days longer than it looks like there is a problem.", "The type, dose, and length of the antibiotic treatment depend on the type of bacteria. causing the infection and on your medical history. Treatment is usually quick and effective. Most symptoms go away in 1–2 days.", "Each antibiotic has it's own half-life which is the time it takes for half of the drug to leave the body. Normally, after 5 half-lives, the drug is considered totally gone. So if Ampicillin has a half life of 1 hour, after 5 hours it is completely gone from the body.", "Each antibiotic has it's own half-life which is the time it takes for half of the drug to leave the body. Normally, after 5 half-lives, the drug is considered totally gone. So if Ampicillin has a half life of 1 hour, after 5 hours it is completely gone from the body. Remember, each drug has it's own unique half life. ...Read more." ]
how much money does a geneticist make a year
The starting salary for a geneticist averages from between $45,360 – $68,040 per annum while an average geneticist receives an annual salary ranging from between $55,080 – $82,620 per year.
[ "The basic annual salary for genetic counselors is generally in the range from $49,362 to $89,867 a year, and the yearly bonus earnings can amount to up to $3,020.Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience get $1,000 a year on average in bonuses.he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean hourly salary of $26.84 and a median hourly wage of $27.31 for this profession. 10% of genetic counselors earn $12.28 per hour or less, and the 10% on the higher end of the pay scale make $41.24 per hour or more.", "The basic annual salary for genetic counselors is generally in the range from $49,362 to $89,867 a year, and the yearly bonus earnings can amount to up to $3,020. Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience get $1,000 a year on average in bonuses.he middle 50% of genetic counselors earn an annual income in the range from $38,210 to $71,610 according to the BLS. The average annual salary of genetic counselors working in the U.S. can vary considerably from industry to industry.", "The Bureau of Labor Statistics includes salary data for geneticists in the category of “Biological Scientists, All Other.” For this category, the BLS reported an average salary of $73,050, as of May 2011, with 10 percent earning more than $106,320 annually.ormally, geneticists are divided into two categories: laboratory geneticist and genetic counselor. The educational requirements for geneticists depend on the career path chosen, with some positions requiring a medical degree. Certain personal attributes also are important.", "Genetic counselor salary. Genetic counselor’s salary is around $60,000 in the United States. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows an average genetic counselor salary of $56,800 a year for US.sk.com mentions that genetic counselor in UK is earning salary ranging from £36,771.90 to £38,180.90 per year. This website also mentions that level of education may be a determining factor in salary rate.", "Geneticist Salary Canada: According to Service Canada, the average salary of workers in the Biologists and Related Scientists occupational group is $56,406 per year.", "Average salary. The average salary for genetic counselors employed in the United States is $60,769 a year according to Payscale, $65,595 a year according to Salary.com, and $75,000 a year according to the salary information reported by Indeed.he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean hourly salary of $26.84 and a median hourly wage of $27.31 for this profession. 10% of genetic counselors earn $12.28 per hour or less, and the 10% on the higher end of the pay scale make $41.24 per hour or more.", "It showed average base yearly salaries of $265,000 to $274,000, with total compensation of $280,500 to $317,600. In general, salaries increased with experience. The National Society of Genetic Counselors' 2010 Professional Salary Survey showed averages of $63,700 a year for genetic counselor, with highs up to $150,000.", "Average salary. The average salary for genetic counselors employed in the United States is $60,769 a year according to Payscale, $65,595 a year according to Salary.com, and $75,000 a year according to the salary information reported by Indeed.he middle 50% of genetic counselors earn an annual income in the range from $38,210 to $71,610 according to the BLS. The average annual salary of genetic counselors working in the U.S. can vary considerably from industry to industry.", "Genetic counselor salary, as a new field, has a wide range, from $25,540 up to $85,790. This range brings a mean annual wage of $55,820, affected by many factors including education, experience, the industry worked, and the geographic location.ndividuals who fall in the lowest 10% of all genetic counselors can expect to make less than $25,540 each year whereas others with more experience in the top 10% can expect $85,790 or more. The job outlook for genetic counselors is brilliantly promising, with an expected 41 percent job growth between 2012 and 2022.", "Geneticist Salary Canada: According to Service Canada, the average salary of workers in the Biologists and Related Scientists occupational group is $56,406 per year.f you want to become a geneticist that works in an entry-level research job such as laboratory assistant, you typically need a bachelor’s degree in biology or a related program.", "Geneticist Salary Canada: According to Service Canada, the average salary of workers in the Biologists and Related Scientists occupational group is $56,406 per year.eneticist Salary Canada: According to Service Canada, the average salary of workers in the Biologists and Related Scientists occupational group is $56,406 per year.", "Salary Information for Genetic Counselors. Genetic counselors typically earned an average annual salary of $62,800, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in May 2013.dditionally, the BLS projected job growth of 41% for genetic counselors between 2012 and 2022 is much faster than average, due to innovations in genetic testing.", "The middle 50% of genetic counselors earn an annual income in the range from $38,210 to $71,610 according to the BLS. The average annual salary of genetic counselors working in the U.S. can vary considerably from industry to industry.he middle 50% of genetic counselors earn an annual income in the range from $38,210 to $71,610 according to the BLS. The average annual salary of genetic counselors working in the U.S. can vary considerably from industry to industry.", "Genetic counselor salary in USA. Salary.com reports that the average genetic counselor salary in US is $66,090 where the bottom 10% are earning less than $53,583 while the 90th percentile are making more than $77,833 in a year.PayScale in comparison shows a median salary of $58,720 per annum where basic salaries ranged from $45,257 to $79,909.sk.com mentions that genetic counselor in UK is earning salary ranging from £36,771.90 to £38,180.90 per year. This website also mentions that level of education may be a determining factor in salary rate.", "Geneticist Salary Alberta: According to the 2011 Alberta Wage and Salary Survey, workers in the Biologists and Related Scientists occupational group earn a mean wage of $39.83 per hour.eneticist Salary Canada: According to Service Canada, the average salary of workers in the Biologists and Related Scientists occupational group is $56,406 per year.", "In the private sector, information was only available for those with 16 years of experience and over. It showed average base yearly salaries of $265,000 to $274,000, with total compensation of $280,500 to $317,600.In general, salaries increased with experience. The National Society of Genetic Counselors' 2010 Professional Salary Survey showed averages of $63,700 a year for genetic counselor, with highs up to $150,000.n the private sector, information was only available for those with 16 years of experience and over. It showed average base yearly salaries of $265,000 to $274,000, with total compensation of $280,500 to $317,600.", "In addition, a well-established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $48,279 to $86,474 per annum. An average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour.", "In addition, a well-established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $48,279 to $86,474 per annum. An average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour.On an average, a forensic science technician in USA receives an annual salary ranging from between $28,043 – $58,346. In addition, a bonus of about $42,101 will be credited to his or her account.In fact, a forensic science technician receives his or her total earnings ranging from between $25,168 – $77,762 per annum.n addition, a well-established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $48,279 to $86,474 per annum. An average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour.", "In addition, a well-established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $48,279 to $86,474 per annum. An average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour.On an average, a forensic science technician in USA receives an annual salary ranging from between $28,043 – $58,346. In addition, a bonus of about $42,101 will be credited to his or her account.In fact, a forensic science technician receives his or her total earnings ranging from between $25,168 – $77,762 per annum.n average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour. On an average, a forensic science technician in USA receives an annual salary ranging from between $28,043 – $58,346.", "The hourly salary for these professionals also varies from state to state. Genetic counselors based in California make $26.72 per hour on average, those working in Texas are paid around $23.47 per hour, and professionals employed in Ohio earn an average hourly pay of $26.43.he middle 50% of genetic counselors earn an annual income in the range from $38,210 to $71,610 according to the BLS. The average annual salary of genetic counselors working in the U.S. can vary considerably from industry to industry.", "Location is the final major factor affecting genetic counselor salary, with a range of $25,720 in Iowa to $78,130 in Nevada. New Jersey offers the second highest state wage, at $71,510, and Washington comes in third at $69,800.ndividuals who fall in the lowest 10% of all genetic counselors can expect to make less than $25,540 each year whereas others with more experience in the top 10% can expect $85,790 or more. The job outlook for genetic counselors is brilliantly promising, with an expected 41 percent job growth between 2012 and 2022.", "The yearly salary for top 10 percent of forensic science technicians is more than $84,000 while a yearly salary for the lowest 10 percent of them is less than $35,000.n addition, a well-established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $48,279 to $86,474 per annum. An average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour.", "in addition a well established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $ 48279 to $ 86474 per annum an average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14 90 $ 38 62 per houron an average a forensic science technician in usa receives an annual salary ranging from between $ 28043 $ 58346 in addition a bonus of about $ 42101 will be credited to his or her accountin fact a forensic science technician receives his or her total earnings ranging from between $ 25168 $ 77762 per annumn average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14 90 $ 38 62 per hour on an average a forensic science technician in usa receives an annual salary ranging from between $ 28043 $ 58346 in addition a bonus of about $ 42101 will be credited to his or her account", "the starting salary for a forensic science technician averages from between $ 29577 to $ 46255 per annum while an average forensic science technician receives an annual salary ranging from between $ 28713 to $ 43158 per yearn average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14 90 $ 38 62 per hour on an average a forensic science technician in usa receives an annual salary ranging from between $ 28043 $ 58346 in addition a bonus of about $ 42101 will be credited to his or her account", "The starting salary for a forensic science technician averages from between $29,577 to $46,255 per annum while an average forensic science technician receives an annual salary ranging from between $28,713 to $43,158 per year.n average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour. On an average, a forensic science technician in USA receives an annual salary ranging from between $28,043 – $58,346.", "Genetic test costs taxpayers $500 million a year, with little to show for it. e hear a lot about the wonders of genetic testing, how it can revolutionize medicine and find cures for fatal diseases. A new study from the University of Michigan also shows how it can waste a half a billion dollars a year." ]
is the cavernous sinus directly behind pterion
Introduction. Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a blood clot in the cavernous sinuses. It can be life-threatening. The cavernous sinuses are hollow spaces located under the brain, behind each eye socket. A major blood vessel called the jugular vein carries blood through the cavernous sinuses away from the brain.
[ "Examine the dura left behind in the cranial cavity. Locate the right and left transverse sinuses in the posterior-lateral edges of the tentorium cerebelli. At the junction of the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli (which you cut), trace the straight sinus.", "1 Examine the dura left behind in the cranial cavity. 2 Locate the right and left transverse sinuses in the posterior-lateral edges of the tentorium cerebelli. At the junction of the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli (which you cut), trace the straight sinus.", "Medical Definition of Cavernous sinus Cavernous sinus: A large channel of venous blood creating a sinus cavity bordered by the sphenoid bone and the temporal bone of the skull.", "Lateral sinus thrombosis may be associated with headache and a pseudotumor cerebri–like picture. Extension into the jugular bulb may cause jugular foramen syndrome, while cranial nerve palsies may be seen in cavernous sinus thrombosis as a compressive phenomenon.", "They are the terminal parts of the dural venous sinuses that continue from the transverse sinuses at the level of the tentorium cerebelli. Just after the sigmoid sinus receives the inferior petrosal sinus, it forms a jugular bulb that enters the jugular foramen with CN IX (glossopharyngeal), CN X (vagus) and CN XI (accessory) as the internal jugular vein.", "The signs and symptoms frequently found in patients with cavernous sinus lesions include visual loss, proptosis, ocular and conjunctival congestion, elevation of ocular pressure, ophthalmoplegia, and pain.", "clinical significance of the cavernous sinus. thrombosis and meningitis: it has a lot of communicating vessels, and there are no valves in any of these vessels, so an infection from any of these areas can spread into the cavernous sinus resulting in thrombosis and meningitis.", "Within or immediately outside the jugular foramen are two ganglia (the superior and inferior ganglia), which contain the cell bodies of the sensory neurons in the glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]. The glossopharyngeal nerve [IX] leaves the cranial cavity through the jugular foramen.he maxillary nerve [V2] passes forward in the dura mater of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus just inferior to the ophthalmic nerve [V1], leaves the cranial cavity through the foramen rotundum, and enters the pterygopalatine fossa.", "Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST) is an extremely rare complication of common facial infections, most notably nasal furuncles (50%), sphenoidal or ethmoidal sinusitis (30%), and dental infections (10%).", "Cavernous sinus thrombosis causes symptoms such as abnormally bulging eyes (proptosis) that occurs over days, swelling of the eyelid, severe headache, facial pain or numbness, impaired eye movements (ophthalmoplegia) with double vision, loss of vision, drowsiness, a high fever, and excessively dilated or uneven pupils.", "Note the pterion, a weak point of the skull, where the anterior middle meningeal artery is at risk of damage. There are certain areas of the skull that are natural points of weakness: 1 The pterion: a ‘H-shaped’ junction between temporal, parietal, frontal and sphenoid bones.t encloses and protects the brain, meninges and cerebral vasculature. Anatomically, the cranium can be subdivided into a roof (known as the calvarium), and a base: 1 Calvarium: Comprised of the frontal, occipital and two parietal bones.", "Quick GuideSinus Infection (Sinusitis) Symptoms and Treatment Options. A sinus is a hollow, air-filled cavity. For the purposes of this article, a sinus will refer to those hollow cavities that are in the skull and connected to the nasal airway by a narrow hole in the bone (ostium). Normally all sinuses are open to the nasal airway through an ostium. Humans have four pair of these cavities each referred to as the: 1 frontal sinus (in forehead), 2 maxillary sinus (behind cheeks), 3 ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes), and. sphenoid sinus (deep behind the ethmoids).", "Pterygium, also known as surfer's eye, most often refers to a benign growth of the conjunctiva. A pterygium commonly grows from the nasal side of the conjunctiva. It is usually present in the palpebral fissure. It is associated with and thought to be caused by ultraviolet-light exposure (e.g., sunlight), low humidity, and dust.", "The clivus slopes posterior to the body. The sphenoidal sinuses are located in the sphenoid body behind the nasal cavity and divided by a septum. The lesser wings arise superolaterally from the sphenoid body where they form the optic canal (→ optic nerve, ophthalmic artery). The inferior surface participates in the lateral margin of the orbit while the superior surface forms part of the cranial cavity. The greater wings arise posterolaterally from the body.", "Sinus, Polyps & Allergy. Sinus is a sac or air filled cavity found within the bone or tissues. Sinuses or paranasal sinuses are group of four pairs of sinuses located above the eyes (frontal sinuses), within the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), between the eyes (ethmoid sinuses), behind the eyes (sphenoid sinuses).", "The eyes. In most cases of cavernous sinus thrombosis, the eyes are affected. You may experience: 1 swelling and bulging of the eyes – this usually starts in one eye and spreads to the other eye within 24 to 48 hours. 2 red eyes. 3 eye pain – which can be severe. 4 vision problems – such as double vision or blurred vision.", "23-1 The transverse sinus of the pericardium is a passage between the venous end (left atrium and superior vena cava) of the heart behind and the arterial end (aorta and pulmonary trunk) in front (see fig. 23-2 A).", "1 Bulbospongiosus muscle-Runs from the clitoris to the central tendon of the perineum. 2 Ischiocavernosus muscle-Runs from the pubis to the central tendon of the perineum. 3 Superficial transverse perineal muscle-Is stretched between the two ischia (sit bones). 4 it converges in the center at the central tendon. Corpus cavernosum-This column of erectile tissue is one of two that lie side by side along the penis. 2 corpus spongiosum-This spongy, erectile tissue surrounds the urethra and widens to form the glans of the penis (along the penile head).", "● and pain/ pressure in the eye above the cyst. The maxillary sinus is innervated by the maxillary (2nd) branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). V2 enters the pterygopalatine fossa behind the maxillary sinus and sends nerve fibers to the maxillary. teeth via the anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar nerves.", "There was involvement of the right cavernous sinus with extension into the right aspect of the sella, causing contralateral displacement of the pituitary gland and the infundibulum. Orbital pseudotumor with cavernous sinus and sellar extension", "Foramen rotundum is a term used to describe a rounded hole or opening in the sphenoid bone of the skull, which in turn joins the pterygopalatine fossa and the middle cranial fossa. It transfers the trigeminal nerve’s maxillary nerve branch, the emissary veins, and the foramen rotundum’s artery.", "frontal sinus one of the paired paranasal sinuses in the frontal bone, each communicating with the middle nasal meatus on the same side. intercavernous s's channels connecting the two cavernous sinuses, one passing anterior and the other posterior to the stalk of the pituitary gland.", "Sphenoid sinus Medically reviewed by Healthline Medical Team on January 27, 2015 Sinuses are air-filled sacs (empty spaces) on either side of the nasal cavity that filter and clean the air breathed through the nose and lighten the bones of the skull. There are four paired sinuses in the head. The most posterior (farthest toward the back of the head) of these is the sphenoid sinus. The sphenoid sinuses are located in the sphenoid bone near the optic nerve and the pituitary gland on the side of the skull. There are seven bones that form the orbit (eye socket), and the sphenoid is one of these bones. The pituitary gland, which produces many different hormones that control other glands, is housed in the sphenoid bone.", "The main symptom of surfer's eye, or pterygium (pronounced tur-IJ-ee-um), is a growth of pink, fleshy tissue on the conjunctiva, the clear tissue that lines your eyelids and covers your eyeball. It usually forms on the side closest to your nose and grows toward the pupil area. It can look scary, but it isn’t cancer." ]
what is a chiminea used for
The chiminea originated centuries ago in Mexico by tribesman where they were first used for baking bread and generating heat. Constructed from clay and mud, the chiminea quickly became a very useful tool.
[ "A fire pit is an open burning bowl, whereas a chiminea is built with a chimney. The outdoor fireplace products on the market that have mesh wrap-arounds, multi openings or bowl designs should be considered fire pits.There are many fire pits incorrectly advertised as chimineas, but they are not chimineas.A chiminea will have a flue or chimney that drafts properly much like an indoor fireplace. The drafting on a chiminea naturally brings fresh air into the fire and directs smoke up, away from guests.ith proper use and maintenance our cast iron and cast aluminum chimineas will last for many years. We believe there are too many products on the market today that are designed for a throw-away society. Mass marketed chiminea designs and fire pits do not have the durability or longevity of a Blue Rooster chiminea.", "A fire pit is an open burning bowl, whereas a chiminea is built with a chimney. The outdoor fireplace products on the market that have mesh wrap-arounds, multi openings or bowl designs should be considered fire pits.There are many fire pits incorrectly advertised as chimineas, but they are not chimineas.A chiminea will have a flue or chimney that drafts properly much like an indoor fireplace. The drafting on a chiminea naturally brings fresh air into the fire and directs smoke up, away from guests. cast iron or cast aluminum chiminea is always going to be a better investment that will last many years after a clay one falls apart. The majority of clay fireplaces have a life span of less then a year before needing to be replaced. We recommend metal chimineas to anyone considering purchasing a chiminea.", "The chiminea encloses a majority of the flame which helps reduce the possibility of an accidental mishap. However, we need to realize that the flames and heat generated from burning wood can be dangerous. Every year homes, forests and fields are destroyed by unintentional fires.", "A fire pit is an open burning bowl, whereas a chiminea is built with a chimney. The outdoor fireplace products on the market that have mesh wrap-arounds, multi openings or bowl designs should be considered fire pits. There are many fire pits incorrectly advertised as chimineas, but they are not chimineas.", "Chia, used in this way, is also said to make the alkaline water of the desert palatable. Seeds mixed with water were also used to treat fevers (Bocek 1984). A hot poultice of ground chia seeds was placed inside a cloth or bandage and applied to infected areas of the body.", "The industrial and technological applications of chitosan have been exploited for decades, for example, in the production of cosmetics, drugs, and medicines, food additives, semipermeable membranes, in the development of biomaterials used in Schiff base reactions to produce salicylaldehyde derivatives [1], as a drug delivery agent for the human body ...", "CoverMates Chiminea Cover. To begin, make sure the exterior of the chiminea is clean and dry. Next, you can brush on the sealer or spry it on with a sprayer. A cheep trigger type bottle sprayer can be used and they work pretty well. Cast iron and aluminum chimineas are painted.Over time, the paint will wear off exposing the metal underneath.ven though a chiminea can be constructed of several different materials like clay, cast iron or cast aluminum, they all need the same basic care.....for the most part.", "Outdoor Fireplaces & Chimineas. Outdoor Chiminea: With patio furnishings being one of the most diverse areas to work with in your outdoor d cor and garden areas, chimineas have become a great way to add the style and warmth of a fire place to your relaxing retreat.utdoor Fireplaces & Chimineas. Outdoor Chiminea: With patio furnishings being one of the most diverse areas to work with in your outdoor d cor and garden areas, chimineas have become a great way to add the style and warmth of a fire place to your relaxing retreat.", "With proper use and maintenance our cast iron and cast aluminum chimineas will last for many years. We believe there are too many products on the market today that are designed for a throw-away society. Mass marketed chiminea designs and fire pits do not have the durability or longevity of a Blue Rooster chiminea. cast iron or cast aluminum chiminea is always going to be a better investment that will last many years after a clay one falls apart. The majority of clay fireplaces have a life span of less then a year before needing to be replaced. We recommend metal chimineas to anyone considering purchasing a chiminea.", "Chia seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper. Feel fuller faster: They can also help your diet by making you feel full.", "Clay Chimineas. With the natural beauty and aesthetic of a Clay Chiminea, you and your family can stay snug and warm in your garden even during the colder months of the year. Perfect for dinners, parties and other social events, a clay chiminea will bring any group together.ome clay chimineas also double as a mini barbecue. Your favourite grilled meals aren’t just a summer affair, with a clay chiminea you can enjoy freshly cooked hamburgers and hotdogs anytime of the year.", "All chiminea's and fire pits need some kind on instructions. Clay chiminea's and cast iron chiminea's are fireplaces and we are going to burn fires in them. Each type has it's pro's and con's and both types are great but they both need a few instructions. And shameful enough most retailers sell chimineas without instructions.", "A fire pit is an open burning bowl, whereas a chiminea is built with a chimney. The outdoor fireplace products on the market that have mesh wrap-arounds, multi openings or bowl designs should be considered fire pits.", "All chiminea's and fire pits need some kind on instructions. Clay chiminea's and cast iron chiminea's are fireplaces and we are going to burn fires in them.", "If your chiminea does not have a grill, you can make a platform for cooking by placing a few firebricks in the bottom of your chiminea and placing a big ceramic tile or metal grill over the top. Some clay chimineas have a relatively narrow mouth, so ensure you have enough room to get the pizza in and out.himineas do require some protection from the weather, and there are a few absolute essentials which will make using and enjoying your chiminea not only safer, but a lot more fun, too. Medium Insulated Waterproof Cover 1. Cover – this is an absolute necessity for any chiminea.", "All chiminea's and fire pits need some kind on instructions. Clay chiminea's and cast iron chiminea's are fireplaces and we are going to burn fires in them. Each type has it's pro's and con's and both types are great but they both need a few instructions.", "Chitosan has a number of commercial and possible biomedical uses. It can be used in agriculture as a seed treatment and biopesticide, helping plants to fight off fungal infections. In winemaking it can be used as a fining agent, also helping to prevent spoilage.ommercial chitosan is derived from the shells of shrimp and other sea crustaceans, including Pandalus borealis, pictured here. Chitosan is produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin, which is the structural element in the exoskeleton of crustaceans (such as crabs and shrimp) and cell walls of fungi.", "What Are Chia Seeds? Part of the mint family, chia seeds, also known as salba or Salvia hispanica, are edible seeds that you may know better as the seed used to grow animal-shaped plants. This tiny seed is rich in omega-3s, fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals, and it offers a number of health benefits. Chia seeds are packed full of nutrients.", "Chiminea and Fire Pit. All chiminea's and fire pits need some kind on instructions. Clay chiminea's and cast iron chiminea's are fireplaces and we are going to burn fires in them. Each type has it's pro's and con's and both types are great but they both need a few instructions.", "Some people opt for a chiminea. This is a stand-alone fireplace with a conical shape topped by a chimney. Made of metal or clay, they cost between $50.00 and $500.00. They stand around 5 feet high and are around 2 feet wide.", "Once finished, the chiminea should be smooth with no rough spots. Put a drop cloth in the area where you are working to keep spills and drips from getting in the grass or other kinds of nearby surfaces. Choose a brush-on or spray primer and paint.You may want to use spray because the chiminea's roundness will be better covered with spray. Seal the chiminea with the primer, starting with the interior first and working your way to the outside.One coat usually does the job.nce finished, the chiminea should be smooth with no rough spots. Put a drop cloth in the area where you are working to keep spills and drips from getting in the grass or other kinds of nearby surfaces. Choose a brush-on or spray primer and paint.", "Cast aluminum chiminea bodys do not rust but they will occasionally need paint. The mouth screens on all chimineas are made of steel and will require paint first, use a charcoal barbeque paint on the mouth screen since it will be blackened by the fire soot already.ast aluminum chiminea bodys do not rust but they will occasionally need paint. The mouth screens on all chimineas are made of steel and will require paint first, use a charcoal barbeque paint on the mouth screen since it will be blackened by the fire soot already.", "There are both gas and firewood burning fireplaces. Chiminea fire pit - A chiminea fire pit is an enclosed outdoor fire pit which is generally taller than it is wide. They usually have a tall chimney-like top to them. Again, they vary in styles and materials like other types of outdoor fire pits.", "The fire in a clay chiminea needs to be built on a bed of sand so the fire doesn't actually come into contact with the clay. Check your instructions carefully to make sure you set the fire properly.Not doing so may cause cracks in a clay chiminea. Children's play sand will work well.f you have a clay or cast iron chiminea, you'll want to be sure it lasts for a good long time. Taking good care of it will help. So here are some top tips for taking care of your chiminea.", "Chitosan is a sugar that is obtained from the hard outer skeleton of shellfish, including crab, lobster, and shrimp. It is used for medicine. Chitosan is used to treat obesity, high cholesterol, and Crohn's disease. It is also used to treat complications that kidney failure patients on dialysis often face, including high cholesterol, tired blood , loss of strength and appetite, and trouble sleeping .", "A chiminea is contained. The fire is in a bowl that has sides all the way up to the chimney. THe fire is some what contained. This means you can't burn large fires because the size of the chiminea bowl will dictate the size of the fire.Then when you do have a fire burning in a chiminea the fire is burning in a contained bowl that is usually 24 or so in diameter. Then the fire, the heat, the smoke goes out the chimney that shrinks in size.Like a funnel.his means you can't burn large fires because the size of the chiminea bowl will dictate the size of the fire. Then when you do have a fire burning in a chiminea the fire is burning in a contained bowl that is usually 24 or so in diameter. Then the fire, the heat, the smoke goes out the chimney that shrinks in size.", "Chitosan has been used in water purification plants to absorb greases, oils, metals, and toxic substances. Chitosan has been used in the cosmetic and fabric industry. General uses. There is some evidence of the effect of chitosan on lowering cholesterol and body weight, but the effect is unlikely to be of medical importance. Chitosan dressings are sometimes used in emergency rooms to control bleeding. Chitosan has been used in various drug delivery systems. Antimicrobial and other effects are being evaluated for use in dentistry. What is the recommended dosage? Chitosan has been administered at wide-ranging doses in clinical studies.", "Chia seeds may be added to other foods as a topping or put into smoothies, breakfast cereals, energy bars, granola bars, yogurt, tortillas, bread, made into a gelatin-like substance, or consumed raw. The gel can be used to replace as much as 25% of egg content and oil in cakes while providing other nutrients.", "Be sure and find a level, immovable surface for which to set your Chiminea. Be sure there is nothing above your chiminea i.e. Branches, awnings, umbrellas or anything else that could potentially catch on fire. Remember do not put your Chiminea in a gazebo or enclosed porch.ntroduction Its been a couple of years now since Chimineas (clay outdoor fireplaces) made their way into the hearth and Leisure marketplace. At first you may have noticed them in an occasional hearth store. Next they spread to the local garden center.", "Phentermine is a prescription that helps aid weight-loss and is designed for short-term use with a combination of exercise and a healthy diet.Phentermine is FDA approved but it's currently being studied in combination with other medications for obesity.The first such combination is the appetite suppressant phentermine/topiramate (Qsymia, formerly Qnexa). In 2012, the FDA approved its sale in the United States.t is used medically as an appetite suppressant. Phentermine is approved in Australia as an appetite suppressant and is medically prescribed as a diet pill; intended for obese patients and patients that are considered a medical risk due to weight.", "One serving of chia seeds, or 28 grams, has 30 per cent of your recommended intake of this mineral. With 27 per cent of your daily value for phosphorus, chia seeds also helps you maintain healthy bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also used by the body to synthesize protein for cell and tissue growth and repair. Chia seeds also make a great source of protein for vegetarians and don't have any cholesterol. One 28-gram serving of these super seeds has 4.4 grams of protein, nearly 10 per cent of the daily value.", "After the chiminea dries and you use it the lacquer will urn off and it's loose that shiny, lacquer look. This is what's it's suppose to do. Then after this happens seal the chiminea it a couple times a year and it should last many years. This really works and with a little experimenting the finish product is awesome.ow open the can or cans of paint. If you are using more then one color paint tear the sponge into however many pieces of different paint your using. Dip the sponge pieces into the paint and pat the paint onto the chiminea.", "Chitin is a long-chain polysaccharide that serves as an armor or cell wall for fungi and arthropods, including all crustaceans and insects. Less famously, it is used for the radula (teeth) of mollusks, and the beak of cephalopods such as squid and octopi.", "The complete protein in chia seeds help raise energy levels and many people find they curb hunger to help lose weight. You can even use it as a substitute for fat when baking to reduce calories and add fiber. Chia seeds have no taste so they can be added to food without changing the flavor." ]
tangerine calories and carbs
A typical tangerine yields about 35 calories, which is less than most oranges mainly due to the size difference. Calories are a measure of how much energy a food yields. Tangerines contain no fat and only a small amount of protein. They are, however, very good sources of vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene. They also contain other B vitamins and the minerals potassium and magnesium.
[ "For a Serving Size of 250 ml (250g) How many calories are in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D? Amount of calories in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Calories 120.", "There are 40 calories in 1 small [3.6 oz as purchased, 2.25 dia] (2.7 oz) of Tangerines (Mandarin Oranges), raw. You'd need to walk 11 minutes to burn 40 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes.", "Generic - Tangerine, Fresh, One Piece, Medium (80g) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.", "Calories per serving of Tangerine Chicken, Asian Style. 137 calories of Chicken Breast (cooked), no skin, roasted, (4 ounces). 62 calories of Canola Oil, (0.50 tbsp). 60 calories of Sesame Oil, (0.50 tbsp).", "I found a light orange/tangerine juice in the groceries last week and got one. It is 4 carbs / serving (8oz). Although its not sugar free, its low carb and shouldn't spike your BS.", "These small, aromatic citrus fruits are good sources of dietary fiber, with 8 percent of your recommended daily value of fiber in each medium-size tangerine. One tangerine contains 13 g of carbohydrates altogether, of which 2 g are fiber and 9 g are sugars.A tangerine also delivers 1 g of protein.hese small, aromatic citrus fruits are good sources of dietary fiber, with 8 percent of your recommended daily value of fiber in each medium-size tangerine. One tangerine contains 13 g of carbohydrates altogether, of which 2 g are fiber and 9 g are sugars.", "Negative Calories in Tangerines. Compared to oranges, tangerines are more tart. A negative calorie is not a type of calorie; rather, it’s a lack of calories. More specifically, it’s a concept inferring that certain foods, especially fruits and vegetables, take more calories to chew and digest than they provide for your body.", "Vitamins. Like citrus fruits in general, tangerines are a significant source of vitamin C. One medium-size tangerine has 45 percent of your recommended daily value of this nutrient.It also has 6 percent of vitamin A; 4 percent of thiamin, vitamin B6 and folate; and 2 percent of riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid.hese small, aromatic citrus fruits are good sources of dietary fiber, with 8 percent of your recommended daily value of fiber in each medium-size tangerine. One tangerine contains 13 g of carbohydrates altogether, of which 2 g are fiber and 9 g are sugars.", "Carbs in Mandarin Oranges. The favorite choice for the term Mandarin Oranges is 1 small Tangerine (Mandarin Orange) which has about 9 grams of carbohydrate.The total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber and estimated net carbs (non-fiber carbs) for a variety of types and serving sizes of Mandarin Oranges is shown below.View other nutritional values (such as Calories or Fats) using the filter below: Calories | Total Carbs | Total Fats | Protein | Sodium | Cholesterol | Vitamins.he total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber and estimated net carbs (non-fiber carbs) for a variety of types and serving sizes of Mandarin Oranges is shown below.", "Calories in Mandarin Oranges. The favorite choice for the term Mandarin Oranges is 1 small Tangerine (Mandarin Orange) which has about 37 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Mandarin Oranges is shown below. Popular Serving Sizes of Mandarin Oranges.", "Compared to oranges, tangerines are more tart. A negative calorie is not a type of calorie; rather, it’s a lack of calories. More specifically, it’s a concept inferring that certain foods, especially fruits and vegetables, take more calories to chew and digest than they provide for your body.", "Vitamins. Like citrus fruits in general, tangerines are a significant source of vitamin C. One medium-size tangerine has 45 percent of your recommended daily value of this nutrient. It also has 6 percent of vitamin A; 4 percent of thiamin, vitamin B6 and folate; and 2 percent of riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid.", "Personalized health review for Super Chill Sparkling Water, Zero Calorie, Tangerine Lime: 0 calories, nutrition grade (C plus), problematic ingredients, and more. Learn the good & bad for 250,000+ products.", "Calories in Beverage, Crystal Light Sunrise, Tangerine Strawberry. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.", "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Tangerines, (mandarin oranges), raw Nutrition Facts & Calories. For best results, be sure to enable the option to PRINT BACKGROUND IMAGES in the following browsers: - In Internet Explorer 7 you will need to adjust the default Shrink To Fit setting. (Go File > Print Preview > adjust the Shrink To Fit dropdown to 100%.)", "Oranges and tangerines contain carbohydrate, as do all types of fruit. All foods that contain carbohydrate can raise blood glucose, but this does not mean that you shouldn’t eat them, as carbohydrate is an important energy source for the body. The key is controlling the amount of carbohydrate that you eat at each of your meals and snacks. One small orange (about the size of a tennis ball) contains 15 grams of carbohydrate, as do two small tangerines. You can certainly include either of these fruits in your eating plan (and they’re a rich source of many vitamins, minerals and fiber), but you’ll need to count them as one of your carbohydrate choices or servings.", "How many calories are there in a variety of oranges? Calories in a variety of orangesOrange Average 65 calories Clementine 25 calories Satsumas 35 calories Tangerine 37 calories Mandarin orange 32 calories Jaffa small 25 calorie…s Jaffa Orange one large 100 calories.", "If you want to increase your calorie intake without getting too full, choose foods from the bottom half of the map. Read more about the Nutritional Target Map Nutritional Target Map for Tangerines, (mandarin oranges), raw Nutrition Facts & Calories. For best results, be sure to enable the option to PRINT BACKGROUND IMAGES in the following browsers: - Firefox (File > Page Setup > Format & Options) - Internet Explorer 6/7 (Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Printing)", "There is 0.0 mcg of Vitamin K in 1.0 cup of tangerines (mandarin oranges, canned, juice pack, drained). The recommended USDA amount of Vitamin K for adults 19 and older is 90 mcg/day. You can have tangerines (mandarin oranges, canned, juice pack, drained) without worrying about vitamin k. Here are some examples of foods that compare with tangerines (mandarin oranges, canned, juice pack, drained).", "The skin of tangerines is rich in citrus oils, such as limonene, but most people only eat the flesh of the tangerine. Negative Calorie Concept The concept of negative calorie foods is controversial because of the health implications.", "Find Food on the Web. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to make this website better. Tangerines, juice pack, canned, (mandarin oranges): nutritional value and analysis. Daily values for aminoacids are based on 155 lbs body weight.Interchangeable pairs of aminoacids: Methionine + Cysteine, Phenylalanine + Tyrosine. Other daily values are based on 2000 calorie diet.Nutritional value of a cooked product is provided for the given ...ind Food on the Web. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to make this website better. Tangerines, juice pack, canned, (mandarin oranges): nutritional value and analysis. Daily values for aminoacids are based on 155 lbs body weight.", "A: Oranges and tangerines contain carbohydrate, as do all types of fruit. All foods that contain carbohydrate can raise blood glucose, but this does not mean that you shouldn’t eat them, as carbohydrate is an important energy source for the body. The key is controlling the amount of carbohydrate that you eat at each of your meals and snacks. One small orange (about the size of a tennis ball) contains 15 grams of carbohydrate, as do two small tangerines.", "Tangerines: 9 grams of sugar per medium tangerine. They have less sugar than oranges and are easy to section for fruit salads. They are also easy to pack along for lunches and snacks, with built-in portion control. Nectarines: 11.3 grams of sugar in one small nectarine.", "How much sodium is in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D? Amount of sodium in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Sodium: How much potassium is in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D? Amount of potassium in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Potassium: How many carbs are in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D? Amount of carbs in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Carbohydrates", "Amount of fat in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Total Fat: How much sodium is in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D? Amount of sodium in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Sodium: How much potassium is in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D? Amount of potassium in Orange Tangerine With Calcium And Vitamin D: Potassium 455mg." ]
types of lupus skin
However, five percent or more of the people with this form of lupus may develop SLE later in life. Three types of skin lupus exist: chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE) (also known as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus [DLE]), subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE), and tumid lupus. A skin biopsy is usually obtained to diagnose skin lupus, and each form possesses its own characteristic lesions and pattern.
[ "You can have skin lupus with or without having full-blown systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the most common kind of lupus. Be on the lookout for some of these rashes that can be caused by skin lupus: Butterfly rash: Called a malar rash, this may spread over your nose and cheeks in the shape of a butterfly.", "Skin Changes From Lupus. You can have skin lupus with or without having full-blown systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the most common kind of lupus. Be on the lookout for some of these rashes that can be caused by skin lupus: Butterfly rash: Called a malar rash, this may spread over your nose and cheeks in the shape of a butterfly. The butterfly rash can be just a faint blush or a very severe, scaly rash. The sun's UV rays can trigger it and make it worse. Sores and rashes. Some may be coin-shaped (called discoid lupus). Or you may develop red, scaly patches or a red, ring-shaped rash, especially where your skin gets sun or other UV light. The sores get worse without treatment.", "Skin problems are a common feature of lupus. Some people with lupus have a red rash over their cheeks and the bridge of their nose -- called a butterfly or malar rash. Hair loss and mouth sores are also common. One particular type of lupus that generally affects only the skin is called discoid lupus..", "Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common type. It can be mild or severe, and can affect many parts of the body. Discoid lupus causes a red rash that doesn't go away. Subacute cutaneous lupus causes sores after being out in the sun. Drug-induced lupus is caused by certain medicines.", "1 Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (also known as chronic cutaneous lupus): Cutaneous lupus was the first type of lupus to be diagnosed. 2 This type affects the skin and can cause thick, red, scaly rashes on the face, neck, and scalp that can lead to scarring.he condition only progresses to systemic lupus erythematosus in about 10% of people with discoid lupus. However, it is also a possibility in those people that they already had SLE and discoid lesions were just the first identifiable symptom.", "Approximately two-thirds of people with lupus will develop some type of skin disease, called cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Skin disease in lupus can cause rashes or sores (lesions), most of which will appear on sun-exposed areas such as the face, ears, neck, arms, and legs. 40-70 percent of people with lupus will find that their disease is made worse by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight or artificial light.", "1 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common type. It can be mild or severe, and can affect many parts of the body. 2 Discoid lupus causes a red rash that doesn't go away. 3 Subacute cutaneous lupus causes sores after being out in the sun. Drug-induced lupus is caused by certain medicines.", "Common skin problems that occur from lupus include: 1 round lesions on the face and head. 2 thick, red, scaly lesions. 3 red, ring-shaped lesions on body parts exposed to sunlight. flat rash on the face and body that looks like a 1 sunburn. red, purple, or black spots on fingers and toes. sores inside the mouth and 1 nose. tiny red spots on the legs.", "four types of lupus there are four types of lupus which you could develop these include systemic discoid drug induced and neonatal systemic is the most severe and the most active this is the form that causes periodic flares affecting the nervous system muscle tissue joints lungs kidneys heart blood and skinhere is no cure for lupus but there are treatments available people often go in and out of remission frequently so there is always hope that a particular attack of lupus can be defeated it is also very hard to diagnose lupus because it does affect more than one body system", "1 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common type. It can be mild or severe, and can affect many parts of the body. 2 Discoid lupus causes a red rash that doesn't go away. Subacute cutaneous lupus causes sores after being out in the sun.", "The sun often worsens lupus skin problems. Each of these forms of lupus causes different skin problems. They include: 1 round lesions on the face and head. 2 thick, red, scaly disc-shaped lesions. 3 red, ring-shaped lesions on body parts exposed to sunlight. 4 hair loss. 5 flat rash on the face and body that looks like a sunburn. 6 calcinosis cutis.", "There are three different forms of lupus: 1 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the most serious form, may affect many parts of the body including joints, skin, kidney, lungs, heart and brain. 2 discoid or cutaneous lupus mainly affects the skin. 3 drug-induced lupus is caused by some prescription medicines.", "Approximately two-thirds of people with lupus will develop some type of skin disease, called cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Skin disease in lupus can cause rashes or sores (lesions), most of which will appear on sun-exposed areas such as the face, ears, neck, arms, and legs.40-70 percent of people with lupus will find that their disease is made worse by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight or artificial light.ubacute cutaneous lesions may appear as areas of red scaly skin with distinct edges or as red, ring-shaped lesions. The lesions occur most commonly on the sun-exposed areas of the arms, shoulders, neck, and body. The lesions usually do not itch or scar, but they can become discolored." ]
powershell function declaration syntax
At the most basic level, a function definition (i.e., the code that defines the function) requires the function keyword, the function's name, and a script block, as the following syntax shows: The script block, which needs to be enclosed in braces, contains the statements that run when you call the function.
[ "Declare a Sass signature for a Ruby-defined function. This includes the names of the arguments, whether the function takes a variable number of arguments, and whether the function takes an arbitrary set of keyword arguments. It’s not necessary to declare a signature for a function.", "A declaration is a definition unless. 1 Declaration declares a function without specifying its body, 2 Declaration contains an extern specifier and no initializer or function body, 3 Declaration is the declaration of a static class data member without a class definition, 4 Declaration is a class name definition,", "To use all of .NET's regex processing functionality with PowerShell, create a regular expression object by instantiating the System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class. PowerShell provides a handy shortcut if you want to use the Regex() constructor that takes a string with your regular expression as the only parameter. $regex = [regex] '\\W+' compiles the regular expression \\W+ (which matches one or more non-word characters) and stores the result in the variable $regex.", "CREATE FUNCTION Statement. The CREATE FUNCTION statement creates or replaces a standalone stored function or a call specification. A standalone stored function is a function (a subprogram that returns a single value) that is stored in the database. A call specification declares a Java method or a third-generation language (3GL) routine so that it can be called from PL/SQL. You can also use the SQL CALL statement to call such a method or routine.", "A typedef declaration is interpreted in the same way as a variable or function declaration, but the identifier, instead of assuming the type specified by the declaration, becomes a synonym for the type. declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list opt ; storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers opt. type-specifier declaration-specifiers opt.", "The C library function double pow(double x, double y) returns x raised to the power of y i.e. x y. Declaration. Following is the declaration for pow() function. double pow(double x, double y) Parameters. x − This is the floating point base value. y − This is the floating point power value. Return Value", "It's not unusual to see folks write PowerShell scripts and functions whose first line is [CmdletBinding()] .", "The ampersand (the 'and' sign) here tells PowerShell to execute that command, instead of treating it as a cmdlet or a string. The backticks (the funny looking single-quotes) are there to escape the following character, similar to the \\ in C-based languages, or double-double-quotes () in VB.ow to do it the PowerShell way. Remember that PowerShell is a shell first and foremost. To run the above external command, just do the following: Notice that I'm not putting all the arguments into a single string, I'm just writing them as they are.", "SQL defines some string functions that use key words, rather than commas, to separate arguments. Details are in Table 9-6. PostgreSQL also provides versions of these functions that use the regular function invocation syntax (see Table 9-7). Note: Before PostgreSQL 8.3, these functions would silently accept values of several non-string data types as well, due to the presence of implicit coercions from those data types to text. Those coercions have been removed because they frequently caused surprising behaviors." ]
medical term meaning prurigo nodule
prurigo mi´tis prurigo of a mild type. prurigo nodula´ris a form of neurodermatitis, usually occurring on the extremities in middle-aged women, marked by discrete, firm, rough-surfaced, dark brownish-gray, intensely itchy nodules. prurigo sim´plex papular urticaria.
[ "Contagion and contagiousness refers to how easily the spread of Nodular Prurigo is possible from one person to another. Other words for contagion include infection, infectiousness, transmission or transmissability. Contagiousness has nothing to do with genetics or inheriting diseases from parents.", "It initially develops as a small and an itchy red bump on the extensor surface of the limbs. Prurigo nodularis causes an intense itching that provokes a vigorous scratching to relieve the itchiness. Scratching of the nodules however only intensifies the symptom of itchiness and only brings in more nodules.", "Prurigo pigmentosa is characterized by an inflammatory phase with pruritic erythematous papules and a resolution phase with reticulated pigmentation. It is not a well known entity except in Japan.", "Part 2: Prurigo Pigmentosa. Prurigo pigmentosa (PP) is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by intensely pruritic papules distributed on the back, neck and chest, leaving gross reticular or net-like pigmentation that occurs mainly in young women (Figure 1). Exacerbations and recurrences are the rule.", "Contagion and contagiousness refers to how easily the spread of Nodular Prurigo is possible from one person to another. Other words for contagion include infection, infectiousness, transmission or transmissability. Contagiousness has nothing to do with genetics or inheriting diseases from parents.ontagion and contagiousness refers to how easily the spread of Nodular Prurigo is possible from one person to another. Other words for contagion include infection, infectiousness, transmission or transmissability. Contagiousness has nothing to do with genetics or inheriting diseases from parents.", "a skin condition characterized by itching papules. Two diseases of the time are, faction and fussiness—the one a fever, the other a prurigo. As an anodyne application in irritable ulcers, ringworm, prurigo, and some other skin diseases. To allay the itching in prurigo, and some other skin diseases. Dr. Willan, in one case of prurigo senilis, observed a number of small insects on the patient's skin and linen. An Introduction to Entomology: Vol.", "Prurigo pigmentosa is a rare inflammatory skin condition of unknown cause. It is characterized by a recurrent itchy rash with netlike hyperpigmentation. It responds well to tetracycline, and has an excellent prognosis. Prurigo pigmentosa is also known as Nagashima disease.", "nodule. noun. 1 A small knotlike protuberance. 2 Medicine A small, abnormal but usually benign mass of tissue, as on the thyroid gland, in the lung, or under the skin. 3 Botany A small knoblike outgrowth, especially one on the roots of a leguminous plant that contains bacteria that fix nitrogen.", "pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) – a common skin condition that causes itchy red, raised bumps that appear on the thighs and tummy (abdomen) prurigo gestationis – a skin rash that appears as red, itchy dots and mainly affects the arms, legs and torso.", "Pruritus vulvae is the medical name for an itchy vulva, which refers to the labia, clitoris and the area around the vaginal opening. It is very common, with one in ten women having it at some point. In most cases there is an underlying cause for it which can be treated. Causes of pruritus vulvae. 1 Contact dermatitis, which is inflammation of the skin, can be caused by a number of allergens found in perfumes, soaps, fabric conditioners, fabrics and dyes. 2 Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, which will be more likely if you have those conditions elsewhere on your body.", "Background. The term pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) refers to a benign dermatosis that usually arises late in the third trimester of a first pregnancy.The entity previously had been reported as toxemic rash of pregnancy, toxemic erythema of pregnancy, and late-onset prurigo of pregnancy.he prognoses for the affected woman and her newborn are excellent in pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). PUPPP typically resolves within 4-6 weeks, independent of delivery, and the condition does not tend to recur in subsequent pregnancies.", "The medical term for itchy skin is pruritus. There are two kinds of itchiness that normally occur - one, where there is a change in the texture of the skin at the site where you scratch (scaly skin, bumps, dryness, etc); and two, where there is an itchy sensation but the skin appears to be normal.", "Definition and etiology. Pruritus or itch is defined as an unpleasant sensation of the skin that provokes the urge to scratch. It is a characteristic feature of many skin diseases and an unusual sign of some systemic diseases. Pruritus may be localized or generalized and can occur as an acute or chronic condition.", "Pruritus. Pruritus is one of the most common skin complaints in the geriatric population. The causes of pruritus are numerous. A thorough skin examination and medical history may reveal an underlying skin disease, such as xerosis, seborrheic dermatitis, bullous pemphigoid, or herpes zoster.", "The medical name for it is pruritus, and it is defined as itching caused by the stimulation of nerve endings in the skin. Here, ANGELA EPSTEIN speaks to the experts to reveal the triggers behind the urge to scratch.", "Pruritus is the medical term used to define a dog's sensation to itch, or the sensation that provokes its desire to scratch, rub, chew, or lick... Hair Loss in Dogs. READ MORE. Hair loss (alopecia) is a common disorder in dogs which causes the animal to have partial or complete hair loss.", "ADVERTISEMENT. Pruritus is the medical term used to define a dog's sensation to itch, or the sensation that provokes its desire to scratch, rub, chew, or lick its hair and skin.", "Clinical features of prurigo pigmentosa include: 1 A pruritic (itchy) rash, which may recur. 2 Inflamed, red raised spots (papules) that merge to form a reticulate (network-like) pattern. A symmetrical distribution on trunk with a preference for the upper back, sacrum (natal cleft), abdomen and chest.", "Pruritus is a common manifestation of dermatological diseases, including eczema, dermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis. Corticosteroid-responsive part simply means that the dermatosis is responsive to that particular class of drugs.ruritus is a common manifestation of dermatological diseases, including eczema, dermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis. Corticosteroid-responsive part simply means that the dermatosis is responsive to that particular class of drugs.", "In medical practice, doctors occasionally use the term granuloma loosely to mean a small nodule. Since a small nodule can represent anything from a harmless nevus to a malignant tumor, this usage of the term is not very specific.", "I'v only been taking it a few days and found relief .. I have a condition called Prurigu Nodularis.. it is caused because my ammune system is a big mess.. my skin itches like I have bugs and I scratch to I bleed . I finally went to the Herb Corner and everything is Natural..", "The medical term for the condition is coccygodynia, pain in the tail of the spine. If you march proudly in the pride parade, you immunize yourself, to use a medical term. The medical term for flatulence is flatus, which in Latin means blowing. The medical term for canker sores is aphthous stamatitis.", "Nodule: A small collection of tissue that is palpable (can be felt) at any level of the skin (in the epidermis, dermis, or subcutis) or in another tissue of the body.Nodules characteristically range in size from 1 to 2 cm in diameter.odule: A small collection of tissue that is palpable (can be felt) at any level of the skin (in the epidermis, dermis, or subcutis) or in another tissue of the body.", "Nodule (Definition) Any growth or deposit in the body or on its surface may be casually termed a nodule until its character is determined by the familiarity of the physician with it or by the results of a biopsy if it is not so obvious. The term is casual and not medical terminology. ...Read more.", "Medical Definition of Pruritus. Pruritus: Itching. Pruritus can result from drug reaction, food allergy, kidney or liver disease, cancers, parasites, aging or dry skin, contact skin reaction, such as poison ivy, and for unknown reasons. Last Editorial Review: 5/13/2016.", "Full Definition of NODULE. : a small mass of rounded or irregular shape: as a: a small rounded lump of a mineral or mineral aggregate b: a swelling on a leguminous root that contains symbiotic bacteria c: a small abnormal knobby bodily protuberance (as a tumorous growth or a calcification near an arthritic joint). a small mass of rounded or irregular shape: as a: a small rounded lump of a mineral or mineral aggregate b: a swelling on a leguminous root that contains symbiotic bacteria c: a small abnormal knobby bodily protuberance (as a tumorous growth or a calcification near an arthritic joint).", "Nodule (Definition) 1 Any growth or deposit in the body or on its surface may be casually termed a nodule until its character is determined by the familiarity of the physician with it or by the results of a biopsy if it is not so obvious. The term is casual and not medical terminology.", "Definition and etiology. Pruritus or itch is defined as an unpleasant sensation of the skin that provokes the urge to scratch. It is a characteristic feature of many skin diseases and an unusual sign of some systemic diseases. Pruritus may be localized or generalized and can occur as an acute or chronic condition. Itching lasting more than 6 weeks is termed chronic pruritus.", "Definition of nodule. : a small mass of rounded or irregular shape: such asa : a small rounded lump of a mineral or mineral aggregateb : a swelling on a leguminous root that contains symbiotic bacteriac : a small abnormal knobby bodily protuberance (such as a tumorous growth or a calcification near an arthritic joint)", "A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is defined as a single intraparenchymal lesion less than 3 cm in size and not associated with atelectasis or lymphadenopathy.A lesion greater than 3 cm in diameter is called a mass.his distinction is made, because lesions greater than 3 cm are usually malignant, while smaller lesions can be either benign or malignant. Swensen et al studied the relationship between the size of a SPN and the chance of malignancy in a cohort at high risk for lung cancer (1).", "1. Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy (PUPPS): PUPPS is a condition characterized by itchy red bumps and large patches of hive like rashes on your belly. The cause of this condition is still unknown, and women carrying twins and multiples are more susceptible to PUPPS." ]
can spider plants share a pot?
Pot your spider plant correctly. Use a good houseplant potting medium, not garden soil. Repot it in a larger pot each spring or divide the old plant into several smaller ones and repot them in a fresh potting medium. 2. Place your spider plant in the right light.
[ "2. Spider plants are among the easiest houseplants to grow, making them a great choice for beginners or forgetful owners. A fan of bright, indirect sunlight, spider plants will send out shoots with flowers that eventually grow into baby spider plants or spiderettes.", "Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) produce long, arching, green stems up to 16 inches long and colored with yellow, cream or white variegation. A very popular houseplant, the spider plant can also be grown outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10.", "There's a house plant forum on here also. Come on over there if you have any further house plant questions, or just to read more spider plant or other discussions. You didn't ask, but I'm concerned about your cactus. It looks like its' pot is full of a lot of peat.", "Free Shipping. You will get a 6 of Baby Spider plants you can put them all in on basket and have a really big one fast and you can put 3/4 in small planters and they will multiply.These are Spider Plant baby that co... 6 Reverse ~ Spider Plant Large Babies Hanging Baskets/Pot Clean Inside Air $14.95.", "Steps. 1 1. Pot your spider plant correctly. 2 2. Place your spider plant in the right light. 3 3. Water the spider plant correctly. 4. Fertilize spider plants once a month in the spring and summer with houseplant fertilizer mixed according to label 1 directions. 5. Keep spider plants between 40º and 85ºF (4.5º to 29.5ºC).", "Overview. One of the easiest houseplants to grow in an indoor environment is the prolific spider plant. Spider plants are prolific because not only will they grow into a large and beautiful plant, but often a spider plant will create baby spider plants that dangle down from the mother spider plant.", "One of the easiest houseplants to grow in an indoor environment is the prolific spider plant. Spider plants are prolific because not only will they grow into a large and beautiful plant, but often a spider plant will create baby spider plants that dangle down from the mother spider plant.", "School teachers often use spider plants in their curriculum, as the plants are readily propagated and easy to care for. They are the perfect starter plant for tomorrows' avid gardeners. Spider plants are best grown in containers and hanging baskets, where their shoots and tiny baby spider plants can hang down.", "2. Water the spider plant regularly with distilled or rain water. Check the soil with your finger to ensure it feels moist at a depth of one inch. If it doesn't, water it with until it drips through the bottom of the pot. Pour out any water that remains in the tray or saucer so the plant isn't sitting in it.", "Spider plants usually flower in the summer, and new offshoots (called babies or plantlets) grow out of those flowers. There are several ways to propagate spider plants. The most common is by rooting the babies and growing them as new plants.", "Spider plant (Chrolophytum comosum) The spider plant ranked first for removing ethylbenzene (62%), p-Xylenes (92%), and o-Xylene (93%)—chemicals that are found in inks, rubbers, adhesives, paints, and varnishes. This plant is adaptable to many environments, and often produces baby plants, or spiderettes, that can be repotted and grown to full size.", "Pure Fragrant Spider lily Flowers. Tips for growing healthy spider lily plants in containers- The spider lily plants are grown best when they are root bound. The bulbs then multiply very fast so if you wish to keep them smaller grow them in smaller pots only.", "Cuttings to propagate your spider plants should come from the spiderettes or babies that come from the runners of most spider plants. These cuttings are easy to root and transplant. It’s so easy that you could end up with a dozen or more spider plants, which is great for purifying the air in your home.", "1. Flush the spider plant's soil with one gallon of water per quart of container size. Pour some of the water onto the soil slowly, and allow the excess water to drain outside or in a sink. Wait a few minutes then pour in more.", "The spider plant is so named because of its spider-like plants, or spiderettes, which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web. Available in green or variegated varieties, these spiderettes often start out as small white flowers.", "Spider plants form offsets, which are also called plantlets. Although many plants make these, only the offsets of Chlorophytum comosum are called spiderettes. The offsets form at the ends of long -- even longer than the leaves -- thin flower stems.", "Spider plants usually flower in the summer, and new offshoots (called babies or plantlets) grow out of those flowers. There are several ways to propagate spider plants.", "Place your mother spider plant in a warm and well-lit location. Spider plants are only able to produce shoots when they receive plenty of light. Set your spider plant in a north-facing window or a spot where it gets morning and afternoon sun, but make sure it doesn't get direct sunlight.", "Put your spider plant in the bathtub once every month or so for a nice refreshing shower in place of a regular watering. If the plant’s leaves feel dry, lose color and become weak and lanky, it’s hot and thirsty. Soak it for 10 to 15 minutes in a tub of cool water and allow it to drain freely.", "One of the most common house plants, spider plants are decorative, easy to grow, and also make the NASA list of the best air-purifying plants. Spider plants are effective at fighting pollutants including benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.", "Spider plants have long, slender leaves. Spiders do not conjure images of tranquility, so it seems strange that such an attractive, graceful plant as Chlorophytum comosum would inspire the nickname of spider plant.. Still, there is actually a good reason for it.", "Step 3: Option #2: Starting the plant in dirt immediately. If you have a plant that is already going and you want to thicken up the growth in the pot you might just want to add the baby ... Step 4: Spider Plant Care. Spider plants are very easy to care for.", "The best time to divide your spider lily plant is six to eight weeks after it has flowered. Your lilies need one to two years between divisions to fully regenerate the outer portions of the bulb used in propagating the plant. Mix equal parts of perlite, coarse sand and peat to create custom potting soil.", "Spider plants are very easy to propagate because, when they reach maturity, they put out runners with small plantlets called stolons. These stolons are easy to snip off the plant and grown into entirely new spider plants.", "1 Put your spider plant in an east, west or north windowsill any time of the year. 2 Put the spider plant in a south window during the winter months or 12” (30.5 cm) away from a south window in late spring and summer. 3 Provide bright fluorescent or other lighting and spider plants will do fine.", "Now on to the propagation. Spider plants are very easy to propagate because, when they reach maturity, they put out runners with small plantlets called stolons. These stolons are easy to snip off the plant and grown into entirely new spider plants.", "A happy spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is eager to produce plenty of babies when it matures. Long, slender leaves arch gracefully from the base of the attractive houseplant in large numbers, which has an overall appearance of good health. Unhappy spider plants grow limp and stop producing babies. Leaves turn sickly yellow, and may be spotted or tipped with brown, and look unhealthy from lack of proper care.", "Place the baby spider plant in a small container of soil, while it is attached to the mother. Lay the baby on top of the soil with the bud on the soil. Pack some soil around the ball and water thoroughly.", "Overwintering spider lilies indoors will protect this frost-tender plant. If you move your plant outdoors for the summer, bring it back indoors when the temperature drops to 55°F/13°C at night. Repot in spring when you see new growth, and only when it gets too crowded, probably every 4 years or so. This tropical lily flowers best when potbound. Spider Lily Care Tips.", "Spring Spider/Airplane Plants(Plantlets)12, Houseplant Baskets Clear Air Babies $10.99. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. You will get a 1 Dozen of Baby Spider plants you can put them all in on basket and have a really big one fast and you can put 3/4 in small planters and they will multiply.These are Spider Plant baby t...", "Step 1. Place the baby spider plant in a small container of soil, while it is attached to the mother. Lay the baby on top of the soil with the bud on the soil. Pack some soil around the ball and water thoroughly.", "Water them well but do not allow the plants to become too soggy, which can lead to root rot. In fact, spider plants prefer to dry out some between waterings. When caring for spider plants, also take into account that they enjoy cooler temperatures — around 55 to 65 F. (13-18 C.).", "The same applies to Spider Plants. A small watering can holds a fraction of water opposed to an aquarium, therefore chlorine evaporates faster. Give it a try, it can't hurt. As long as you care for your Spider Plant properly, tips should grow w/o browning.", "Spider Lily Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant. This native bog plant, Spider Lily, Hymenicallis coronaria, This native bog plant, Spider Lily, Hymenicallis coronaria, has one of the most fragrant and attractive flowers of any pond plant. The delicate white narrowly petaled with a web-like center carries a noticeable fragrance during the summer blooms.", "Baby Spider Plant With Roots. 1 The easiest way to root spider plant babies is by putting them in water until new root shoots pop out. 2 Before you put them in water, cut or pinch off any foliage that is growing at the base of the baby or growing under the roots.", "Step 6. Plant one spider lily per planting hole. Plant each bulb with its nose facing upwards and its roots facing downward. Push each lily bulb into the soil gently to secure it in the soil. Scoop in approximately 3 to 4 inches of soil over each of the lily bulbs. Water the spider lilies thoroughly.", "Plant the spider lily bulbs with the tip of each bulb 4 inches beneath the soil surface. Space the bulbs 8 to 12 inches apart in all directions so they have room to spread. Water the soil immediately so it settles around the bulbs. Provide about 1 inch of water, or enough to moisten the top 6 inches of soil.", "Spiderworts typically grow in moist, well-drained and acidic (pH 5 to 6) soil, though I have found the plants to be quite forgiving in the garden and tolerant of many soil conditions. Spiderwort plants do best in partial shade but will do equally well in sunny areas as long as the soil is kept moist. Spiderworts can be grown from purchased plants or propagated through division, cuttings or seed. Plant them in spring about 4 to 6 inches deep and 8 to 12 inches apart." ]
what county is brookings sd in?
Brookings is a city in Brookings County, South Dakota, United States. Brookings is the fourth largest city in South Dakota, with a population of 22,056 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Brookings County, and home to South Dakota State University, the largest institution of higher education in the state.
[ "Because of his drive to settle the Dakota Territory, Brookings County and City were named for a spirited pioneer promoter. Orignally chartered in 1955, SDSU Brookings Federal Credit Union served SDSU and the City of Brookings. Their merger with Dakotaland took place in June of 2005.", "Brookings County Detention Center is a County Jail used by the jurisdictions of Brookings to confine inmates for short periods while awaiting trial or processing. As inmates are staying for usually less than one year, therefore it has fewer amenities than a jail or prison.", "Both county and the city were named after one of South Dakota 's pioneer promoters, Wilmot Wood Brookings (1830 - 1905). Brookings set out for the Dakota Territory in June 1857. He arrived at Sioux Falls on August 27, 1857, and became one of the first settlers there.", "Click here to upload your Brookings County photos (outside city limits). Industries providing employment: Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (27.1%), Educational, health and social services (23.6%), Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services (11.0%).", "U.S. Census Bureau ZIP Code Tabulation Area: 57006: State: 57006 is in the eastern part of South Dakota in the west north central United States: Closest City to the Center of 57006: Brookings, South Dakota (1.0 miles away) Cities in 57006: Brookings (1.0 mi) Is In 57006 These Counties: Brookings County, Moody County: Neighboring ZIP Codes to 57006:", "South Dakota State University is located in Brookings, SD. Brookings is a small city located on the Eastern side of the State of South Dakota (located in the North Central part of the U.S.) and has an estimated population of 22,200 people. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 13.04 square miles.", "Brookings County-Hampton 345 kV project. The 250-mile CapX2020 Brookings County-Hampton 345 kV transmission line was energized March 26, 2015. The project will help meet projected electric growth in southern and western Minnesota, and the growing areas south of the Twin Cities metro area, particularly Scott and Dakota counties.", "10 or fewer of this county's residents moved from foreign countries. 4.60% relocated from other counties in South Dakota ($15,133 average AGI) 3.81% relocated from other states ($15,453 average AGI)Brookings County:3.81%South Dakota average:3.76%.", "10 or fewer of this county's residents moved to foreign countries. 4.98% relocated to other counties in South Dakota ($16,461 average AGI) 4.63% relocated to other states ($16,005 average AGI)Brookings County:4.63%South Dakota average:3.55%.", "The function of the Equalization Office is to annually value all real property in Brookings County at its full and true market value, except for agricultural land, which is valued on its productivity value.", "57006 is a U.S. ZIP code (ZCTA) near Brookings, South Dakota. What is a ZIP Code Tabulation Area? A ZCTA, is a statistical entity developed by the United States Census Bureau for tabulating summary statistics such as population and housing data.", "Also found in Brookings are the South Dakota State Art Museum, the Children's Museum of South Dakota, the annual Brookings Summer Arts Festival, and the headquarters of a number of manufacturing companies and agricultural operations. The mayor is Tim Reed.", "A map showing the boundaries of 57006, a ZIP code near Brookings, South Dakota, U.S.A.", "Same zip code Suburbs Harbor; Similar named locations Brookings (SD) is 1386 miles east-northeast. Qpzm Zip Codes Oregon Suburb of the Day: Roseburg-> Douglas -> Oregon", "GPS Info. Loeb State Park is located 8 miles east of Brookings on the North Bank Chetco River Road off Highway 101 at the south end of Brookings city limits in Curry County on Oregon's picturesque south coast. Turn east on the north end of the Chetco River bridge, then stay to the right.", "Total Users. Marty was first elected Sheriff of Brookings County in 1998. Prior to taking office, he was a member of the Brookings Police Department for 20 years, leaving with a rank of Patrol Lieutenant. He is a member of the South Dakota Sheriff’s Association, the National Sheriff’s Association, and the South Dakota D.A.R.E.", "The Zipcode for Brookings is . Brookings is a city of Curry, Oregon in the Northwest region of the USA. It is located about 208 miles south-southwest of OR's capital city of Salem. In the most recent US census the population of Brookings was 6336.", "The airport is operated by the Border Coast Regional Airport Authority, a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) with a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from Del Norte County, the City of Crescent City, the Elk Valley Rancheria, Smith River Rancheria, City of Brookings, Oregon and Curry County, Oregon.", "Located just north of Buckhead along the Fulton County and DeKalb County line is the sprawling neighborhood of Brookhaven.", "Brookville, IN Franklin County. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Brookline is a town in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States. The population was 4,991 at the 2010 census. Brookline is home to the Talbot-Taylor Wildlife Sanctuary, Potanipo Pond, and the Brookline Covered Bridge.", "The Big Sioux River begins at a pond in Roberts County, about a mile and a half north of Summit, and flows 419 miles south, through nine counties, emptying into the Missouri River at Sioux City. The river snakes through three of our five largest cities — Watertown, Brookings and Sioux Falls — making it the most heavily populated river basin in South Dakota.", "Arlington: State: SD [South Dakota] Counties: KINGSBURY, SD BROOKINGS, SD HAMLIN, SD: Multi County: Yes: City Alias(es): Arlington Lake Poinsett Hetland: Area Code: 605: City Type: P [Post Office] Classification: [Non-Unique] Time Zone: Central (GMT -06:00) Observes Day Light Savings: Yes: Latitude: 44.383934: Longitude:-97.158546: Elevation: 1724 ft: State FIPS: 46: County FIPS: 077", "Brookings Assessor. Find Brookings South Dakota assessor, assessment, auditor's, and appraiser's office, revenue commissions, GIS, and tax equalization departments. Assessors provide information on property and land tax assessment, property listings, values, valuations, property search, and records. Brookings Assessor.", "Welcome to the Town of Brookhaven, the largest town in Suffolk County and a great place to live, work and play. This website is your resource for Brookhaven Town government. Edward P. Romaine Nondiscrimination Public Notice.", "Arlington is located in Brookings County, SD. The population is 931, making Arlington the 3rd largest city in Brookings County. There are 5 public schools in Arlington with an average Homefacts rating of A. The total crime rate for Arlington is very low, and there are 5 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "Welcome to the Town of Brookhaven, the largest town in Suffolk County and a great place to live, work and play. This website is your resource for Brookhaven Town government. Edward P. Romaine. Title VI/.", "Hanson County Sheriff's Office PO Box 97 Alexandria SD 57311 41.9 miles from Hartford 605-239-4409. Hutchinson County Sheriff's Office 140 Euclid Street Olivet SD 57052 45.2 miles from Hartford 605-387-2341. Brookings County Sheriff's Office 315 7th Avenue Brookings SD 57006 48.1 miles from Hartford 605-696-8300", "The National Weather Service out of Columbia has issued a Severe Weather Statement for part of Clarendon County, calling for a strong thunderstorm to affect the west central portion of the area. At 4:29 p.m., a strong thunderstorm was located near Brookdale, moving northeast at 30 mph.", "Brookings is located in Oregon Coast, home to 363 miles of secluded beaches, sand dunes, crashing waves, lighthouses and towering forests. This area includes the nearby subregion: Wild Rivers Coast. Nearby cities are: Gold Beach, Cave Junction / Illinois Valley, Port Orford, and Grants Pass.", "BROOKVILLE — Franklin County Sheriff Ken Murphy has released the monthly report of activity for the month of March. Sheriff’s Deputies responded to 769 calls for service within the month, a 5 percent increase over the 734 call for service in 2016.", "Brookville, Indiana is located in Franklin County. Zip codes in Brookville, IN include 47012. The median home price in Brookville is $144,900 which is roughly $78/per square foot. More Brookville information.", "Brookville Info. Brookville, Indiana is located in Franklin County. Zip codes in Brookville, IN include 47012. The median home price in Brookville is $134,000 which is roughly $77/per square foot. More Brookville information.", "CLINTON COUNTY TOWNSHIP ZONING MAPS. PDF files of township zoning maps are available through the following links. These maps are provided for information only and are not to be considered the official zoning maps for Clinton County. The Official Zoning Maps are kept in the office of the Clinton County Auditor and are subject to interpretation as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Bloomfield Township. Brookfield Township.", "The Brookville Historic District, Franklin County Seminary, The Hermitage, and Whitewater Canal Historic District are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Geography. Brookville is located at (39.422328, -85.009509).", "Read that story here. Police in Sinking Spring, just outside Reading, responded to the family's home on Winding Brook Drive at about 2 p.m. Saturday after a concerned relative asked them to make a welfare check on the family, according to the Berks County District Attorney's Office.", "Topix › Indiana › Franklin County › Brookville › Brookville News Brookville News Local news for Brookville, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web. Tell me when there are new stories Back Home Again In Indiana: Motorcycle Touring in the Hoosier State", "Brookhaven, MS. Sponsored Topics. Brookhaven is a small city in Lincoln County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 9,861 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Lincoln County. It was named after the Town of Brookhaven, New York, by founder Samuel Jayne, in 1818.", "The Chetco River, which runs between Brookings and Harbor, is a favorite locale for Chinook, Cutthroat and Steelhead fishing. Fishing tours can be arranged at the Port of Brookings, at the south side of town." ]
what is a martinez drink
Grandfather to the modern martini, the Martinez is a drink of gin (Old Tom, if you can; try Ransom or Hayman's), sweet vermouth, maraschino or curaçao, and bitters. It's a sweeter drink than the typical dry martini, but the flavor is complex and refreshing.
[ "The result was the Martinez, the said prototype of the Martini. The Martinez was first published in The Bartenders Guide in 1887, the first bartenders manual of its kind and was made with a full wine glass of sweet vermouth, one (1) ounce of Old Tom Gin, some bitters and a dash or two of maraschino. In those days, if the drink weren’t sweet enough, gum syrup was added. The citizenry of Martinez, California believe that the martini was first concocted right there in Martinez by a bartender named Julio Richelieu in 1870. They claim that a miner became disenchanted with the whisky Richelieu served him.", "I wouldn't say a Martinez is on my list of weekly cocktail treats, but I do enjoy one every few months or so. I consider the drink important not just from a historical standpoint, but also as a glimpse of how diverse the world of cocktails can be. Get the Martinez recipe » Martini", "Sometime during the 1870s at the Occidental Hotel, a bartender named Jerry Thomas, the Michael Jordan of mixology in his day, invented a drink for a miner who wanted something special in exchange for a gold nugget. The miner was heading back to Martinez, California, so Jerry named it for the city ...", "Martinez (/mɑːrˈtiːnᵻs/ mar-TEE-niss or /mɑːrˈtiːnɛθ/ mar-TEE-neth; Spanish: Martínez) is a city and the county seat of Contra Costa County, California, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. The population was 35,824 at the 2010 census. The downtown is notable for its large number of preserved old buildings and antique shops. Martinez is located on the south side of the Carquinez Strait in the San Francisco Bay Area, directly facing the cities of Benicia and Vallejo.", "The surname Martinez is a Spanish patronymic surname, an early form of hereditary surnames which were derived from the father's given name. Martinez comes from the personal name Martin, which is itself derived from the Latin Martinus, whose root is Mars, the name of the Roman god of fertility and war. The name Martinez became popular throughout Christian Europe after it was borne by the 4th century saint Martin of Tours.", "The name Martinez is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Martinez is: Warring. Numerology. People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated. People with this name are excellent at analyzing, understanding, and learning. They tend to be mystics, philosophers, scholars, and teachers.", "Martinez ( /mɑrtiːnɨs/ mar-tee-niss or /mɑrtiːnɛz/ mar-tee-nezz; Spanish: Martínez, meaning: Martinson) is a city and the county seat of Contra Costa County, California, United States. The population was 35,824 at the 2010 census. The downtown is notable for its large number of preserved old buildings.", "EXECUTIVE CHEF NICKOLAS MARTINEZ. Our chef, Nickolas Martinez, is a true culinary artist. Born in rural Illinois, Martinez trained in New York under Alain Ducasse at the Essex House and under Joel Robuchon at his l’Atelier. Martinez combined his classical French training with his all-American roots to create an innovative and contemporary (yet un-complicated) style. Today at Foragers Table, you can taste how Chef Martinez expertly transforms simple, organic, and locally sourced ingredients into dynamic New American dishes.", "Martinez, California. Martinez (/mɑːrˈtiːnᵻs/ mar-TEE-niss or /mɑːrˈtiːnɛθ/ mar-TEE-neth; Spanish: Martínez) is a city and the county seat of Contra Costa County, California, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. The population was 35,824 at the 2010 census.", "(Redirected from Martinez, CA) Martinez (/mɑːrˈtiːnᵻs/ mar-TEE-niss or /mɑːrˈtiːnɛθ/ mar-TEE-neth; Spanish: Martínez) is a city and the county seat of Contra Costa County, California, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. The population was 35,824 at the 2010 census.", "Montezuma's revenge. A nickname for an alcoholic drink comprised of a wide mixture of hard liquor drinks mixed together into one bottle. Known for it's foul taste, strong smell, and an ability to caused blackouts, vomiting and a rough morning after.", "Meaning of Martinez. Spanish name. In Spanish, the name Martinez means - warring.The name Martinez originated as an Spanish name. The name Martinez is most often used as a boy name or male name. Spanish Name Meaning - warring. Origin - Spain. Global Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!", "Martinez is one of the only two places in the Bay Area, the other being Golden Gate Bridge, where the Bay Area Ridge Trail and the San Francisco Bay Trail converge.", "Paloma (cocktail) The paloma (Spanish for dove) is a tequila-based cocktail. This drink is most commonly prepared by mixing tequila with a grapefruit-flavored soda such as Fresca, Squirt, or Jarritos and served on the rocks with a lime wedge. This drink also has the option of adding salt to the rim of the glass.", "Montejo is light to medium bodied with the perfect lever of carbonation, which creates a crisp, easy-drinking beer. Montejo is also exceptionally smooth and bursting with flavor. Montejo is a true Mexican beer. It has never been brewed outside of Mexico and this proud heritage is reflected in its consistent, finely-tuned flavor. Some beers are too bitter; some beers taste like water. Montejo is the perfect blend of flavor and drinkability, ensuring the perfect balance in every sip. On January 19, 1900, Jose Ponce Solis established Cerveceria Yucateca, S.A. in Merida, Yucatan with the ambition to create authentic Mexican beer.", "Best Answer: I've heard that it's called a red eye. There are other names: Tomato Beer, Red Rooster, and probably some more. A boilermaker is actually a beer cocktail consisting of a shot of whiskey, tequila, or vodka, and beer. The tomato juice in the beer sounds a little strange, but I think the two flavors would be very complimentory, so it could be pretty good :D. Source(s):", "Bartending/Cocktails/Glossary - J. 1 take a glass filled with 4-6 oz (120-180 mL) of energy drink drop Jägermeister into glass and take quickly. 2 A Jarabacoa is a cocktail made with spiced rum, honey, lime juice, vanilla, cinnamon, and cola. Jarabacoas are usually served in a cocktail glass or lowball.", "Alberto Geddis Martinez (Born June 8, 1966 in Harlem, New York City), better known as Alpo Martinez, is a former Puerto Rican-American drug dealer who is currently living under the witness protection program", "Because hepatitis C rarely presents any symptoms until it begins to destroy the liver, Martinez’s mother was for a long time unaware of the infection. She was given six months to live after it was discovered. Until this year, Martinez was one of the estimated 3.2 million Americans living with hepatitis C. The virus kills more people every year than HIV.", "(July 2013) Sotol is a distilled spirit made from the Dasylirion wheeleri, Asparagaceae (commonly known as Desert Spoon or, in Spanish, sotol), a plant that grows in northern Mexico, New Mexico, west Texas, and the Texas Hill Country. It is known as the state drink of Chihuahua, Durango and Coahuila.", "A Pepsi Perfect bottle at Cafe 80's. Pepsi Perfect was a vitamin-enriched variety of Pepsi cola that was sold at the Cafe 80's in 2015. It was sold in bottles that had a lid with a built-in straw. However, when Marty McFly had first seen the soft drinks container, he was perplexed as to how exactly he was supposed to open it.", "Martinez is a census-designated place in Columbia County, Georgia, United States. It is a northwestern suburb of Augusta and is part of the Augusta, Georgia metropolitan area. The population was 35,795 at the 2010 census.", "I could only talk to my girlfriend 10 minutes at a time due to montezuma's revenge. A nickname for an alcoholic drink comprised of a wide mixture of hard liquor drinks mixed together into one bottle. Known for it's foul taste, strong smell, and an ability to caused blackouts, vomiting and a rough morning after.", "A Caesar cocktail is an alcoholic drink that pairs vodka with Clamato juice and Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces. Depending on the proof of your vodka and the amount of Clamato juice you use, the calories in this cocktail may vary.", "Martinez (pronounced mar-tin-EZ) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Columbia County, Georgia, United States. It is a northwestern suburb of Augusta and is part of the Augusta, Georgia metropolitan area. The population was 35,795 at the 2010 census.", "A traditional Spanish libation, sangria is a wine-based punch that includes seasonal fruit, a sweetener, brandy, and sometimes a splash of soda water. Wine takes the center stage in this cocktail, so choose a wine that is fruity but dry, has good acidity, and is lower in tannins.", "Birth Name: Reginald Martinez Jackson: Nicknames: Mr. October The Straw That Stirs The Drink : Height: 6' (1.83 m)", "And suddenly, within minutes, we’d assembled what is quickly becoming one of our most popular new drinks, the Southbound Suarez. Named after our favorite song on our least favorite Led Zeppelin album, I like to think the same stands of a reminder of just how tough this one was to create.", "PDF Coat of Arms. + Extended History. The surname Martinez was first found in Old Castile, in the heart of Spain, where the name originated in Visigothic times. Spelling variations of this family name include: Martnez, Martinez, Martniz, Martiniz, Martin, Martins, Martn, Marcial and many more.", "Buy PDF History ». The surname Martinez was first found in Old Castile, in the heart of Spain, where the name originated in Visigothic times. Spelling variations of this family name include: Martnez, Martinez, Martniz, Martiniz, Martin, Martins, Martn, Marcial and many more.", "A Caesar cocktail is an alcoholic drink that pairs vodka with Clamato juice and Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces. Depending on the proof of your vodka and the amount of Clamato juice you use, the calories in this cocktail may vary. Count on between 150 and 177 calories per serving.", "A can of Sprite (soft drink). Sprite is a colorless, lemon and lime flavored, caffeine-free soft drink, created by the Coca-Cola Company. It was developed in West Germany in 1959 as Fanta Klare Zitrone (Clear Lemon Fanta ) and introduced in the United States as Sprite in 1961.This was Coke's response to the popularity of 7 Up. It comes in a primarily silver, green, and blue can or a green transparent bottle with a primarily green and yellow label.t was developed in West Germany in 1959 as Fanta Klare Zitrone (Clear Lemon Fanta ) and introduced in the United States as Sprite in 1961. This was Coke's response to the popularity of 7 Up. It comes in a primarily silver, green, and blue can or a green transparent bottle with a primarily green and yellow label.", "Sotol is a distilled spirit made from the Dasylirion wheeleri, Asparagaceae (commonly known as Desert Spoon or, in Spanish, sotol), a plant that grows in northern Mexico, New Mexico, west Texas, and the Texas Hill Country. It is known as the state drink of Chihuahua, Durango and Coahuila, and is also currently produced in Central Texas.", "Martinez is located on the south side of the Carquinez Strait in the San Francisco Bay Area, directly facing the city of Benicia. In 1824 the Alhambra Valley was included in the Rancho El Pinole Mexican land grant to Ygnacio Martínez.", "Another explanation, however, is that the margarita is merely a popular American drink, the Daisy, remade with tequila instead of brandy, which became popular during Prohibition as people drifted over the border for alcohol.", "Best Answer: I've heard that it's called a red eye. There are other names: Tomato Beer, Red Rooster, and probably some more. A boilermaker is actually a beer cocktail consisting of a shot of whiskey, tequila, or vodka, and beer. This Site Might Help You.", "J.R. Martinez is an actor, best-selling author, motivational speaker and U.S. Army veteran.", "1 Joven (gold) — This is a combination of blanco and reposado and is a great choice for mixed drinks. 2 Anejo — Añejo aged between one and three years in oak, barrels this is a sipping. 3 Tequila like a Fine scotch or other aged, spirits it has a refined taste that is best appreciated on its. own", "A can of Sprite (soft drink). Sprite is a colorless, lemon and lime flavored, caffeine-free soft drink, created by the Coca-Cola Company. It was developed in West Germany in 1959 as Fanta Klare Zitrone (Clear Lemon Fanta ) and introduced in the United States as Sprite in 1961. This was Coke's response to the popularity of 7 Up. It comes in a primarily silver, green, and blue can or a green transparent bottle with a primarily green and yellow label.", "Sangria -- The all-time favorite refreshing drink in Spain, sangria is a red-wine punch that combines wine with oranges, lemons, seltzer, and sugar. Be careful, however; many joints that do a big tourist trade produce a sickly sweet Kool-Aid version of sangria for unsuspecting visitors.", "Martinez, Georgia. Martinez (/mɑːrtənˈɛz/) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Columbia County, Georgia, United States. It is a northwestern suburb of Augusta and is part of the Augusta, Georgia metropolitan area. The population was 35,795 at the 2010 census.", "A close-up of a margarita horizontal. Served over ice in a salt-rimmed glass with a wide brim, a margarita is a Mexican beverage that can help you wash down your nachos, tacos or burritos. This drink, which has ingredients that include tequila and lime juice, is characterized by its green, white or yellow color.", "The michelada, one of the most popular drinks in Mexico, is a beer-based cocktail made with lime, hot sauce, Worcestershire, and often tomato (or Clamato) juice, all served over ice in a glass with a salted rim. There are dozens of riffs on this base, which depend not only on which part of the country you're in, but also who's serving it.", "Clamato /kləˈmeɪtoʊ/ is a drink made of reconstituted tomato juice concentrate, flavored with spices and clam broth. Made by Mott's, the name is a portmanteau of clam and tomato. It is also referred to colloquially as clamato juice. Clamato was produced in its current form beginning in 1966 by the Duffy-Mott company in Hamlin, New York, by two employees who wanted to create a Manhattan clam chowder style cocktail by combining tomato juice and clam broth with spices.", "As far as ordering a drink in Spain goes, una copa de vino is a glass of wine, and un bar de copas is a cocktail or mixed drink bar. If you go out for una copa, it usually means you will go have a (mixed) drink, such as a rum and cola or a gin-tonic (important to note, it’s not “gin and tonic”!).", "AB InBev markets Modelo brands in Mexico and other markets world-wide. Earlier this year, the company began limited U.S. distribution of Montejo, a Mexican lager made by a Modelo subsidiary. Oculto will be the second beer with a Mexican profile in AB InBev’s U.S. portfolio. In 2012 AB InBev also launched Bud Light Lime-a-Rita, a flavored malt beverage designed to taste like a margarita, and which has 8% alcohol content.", "For other uses, see Margarita (disambiguation). A margarita is a cocktail consisting of triple sec, tequila and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt or sugar on the rim of the glass. The drink is served shaken with ice (on the rocks), blended with ice (frozen margarita), or without ice (straight up).", "The margarita is a cocktail consisting of tequila, triple sec and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt on the rim of the glass. The drink is served shaken with ice (on the rocks), blended with ice (frozen margarita), or without ice (straight up).", "For the spirit used in cocktails, see Sourz. A sour is a traditional family of mixed drinks. Common examples of sours are the margarita and the sidecar. Sours belong to one of the old families of original cocktails and are described by Jerry Thomas in his 1862 book How to Mix Drinks." ]
where is ford taurus made
For other uses, see taurus (disambiguation). The Ford Taurus is an automobile manufactured by Ford in the United States. Now in its sixth generation, it was originally introduced in the 1986 model year, and has remained in near-continuous production for more than two decades.
[ "Taurus (manufacturer) Forjas Taurus is a manufacturing conglomerate based in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Founded as a tool and die manufacturer, the company now consists of divisions focusing on firearms, metals manufacturing, plastics, body armor, helmets, and civil construction.", "The company didn’t disclose the terms of the acquisition. Heritage Manufacturing, like Taurus’ U.S. subsidiary, is located in Florida. It was founded in 1992, and its flagship Rough Rider SA revolvers are affordable designs that include a .22 LR/.22 Mag.", "The company didn’t disclose the terms of the acquisition. Heritage Manufacturing, like Taurus’ U.S. subsidiary, is located in Florida. It was founded in 1992, and its flagship Rough Rider SA revolvers are affordable designs that include a .22 LR/.22 Mag. combo and .45, .357 and .32 H&R models.", "The original Taurus was a milestone for Ford and the entire American automotive industry, bearing an influential design that brought many new features and innovations to the marketplace.", "Engine Specs and Performance. The 2017 Ford Taurus unveiled in China is powered by a 2.7 L EcoBoost V6 engine which has been adopted from the F-150 pickup. This power-train produces 325 hp and 375 lb-ft of torque. The automaker might also decide to retain the 3.5 L naturally aspirated V6 engine that produces 240 hp and 375 lb-ft of torque.", "Ford shows redone Taurus for China, not U.S. Ford Taurus, a new premium business sedan for China, combines expressive design, exceptional craftsmanship and advanced technology Taurus is the latest vehicle delivered as part of Ford's commitment to bring.", "Is the comeback story coming to an end for the Chicago-made Ford Taurus? The Ford Taurus—a once-revolutionary nameplate that Ford Motor already killed once, until Alan Mulally arrived and gave it new life—again has an uncertain future, at least on this side of the globe. U.S. sales of the Taurus, like many large cars, are tanking, down 28 percent through July.", "In the 1970s, because of the energy crisis and new fuel economy standards, Mercury made smaller cars, including the Capri, initially built in Europe. When Ford developed the Taurus sedan in the 1980s, it gave Mercury a version called the Sable.", "Taurus is a Brazilian gun company that manufacturers a wide range of firearms for both export and sale within Brazil's own borders. Shrewd business manuvers, low labor costs, and an excellent marketing program have allowed the company to sell a high-quality product for less than than the competition while still generating a profit.", "At first, Ford in Germany and Ford in Britain built different models from one another until the late 1960s, with the Ford Escort and then the Ford Capri being common to both companies. Later on, the Ford Taunus and Ford Cortina became identical, produced in left hand drive and right hand drive respectively.ord Motor Company sells a broad range of automobiles under the Ford marque worldwide, and an additional range of luxury automobiles under the Lincoln marque in the United States. The company has sold vehicles under a number of other marques during its history.", "The 1986 Ford Taurus was used as the police cruiser in the movie, due to its then-futuristic design. As of May 2012, RoboCop's Taurus is on display at the Branson Auto Museum in Branson, Missouri. Bob Morton's home was filmed in a home near Dallas featured in the show Beyond 2000 in 1987.", "Current Ford Taurus. The Taurus is a large sedan cast in the traditional American mold. In other words, it's unabashedly large, sports more than a few chrome accents and provides a plush, quiet ride. The Taurus is offered in base SE, midlevel SEL, plush Limited and sporty SHO trims.", "Ford Taurus by City. 1 Ford Taurus for Sale in Dallas, TX. 2 Ford Taurus for Sale in Nashville, TN. 3 Ford Taurus for Sale in Boston, MA. Ford Taurus for Sale in New York, 1 NY. Ford Taurus for Sale in Raleigh, 2 NC. Ford Taurus for Sale in Oakland, 3 CA. Ford Taurus for Sale in Miami, FL. Ford Taurus for Sale in San Francisco, CA.", "Ford Taurus by City. 1 Ford Taurus for Sale in Portland, OR. 2 Ford Taurus for Sale in New York, NY. 3 Ford Taurus for Sale in Kansas City, MO. Ford Taurus for Sale in Miami, 1 FL. Ford Taurus for Sale in Omaha, 2 NE. Ford Taurus for Sale in Long Beach, 3 CA. Ford Taurus for Sale in Washington, DC. Ford Taurus for Sale in Austin, TX.", "Ford Taurus by City. 1 Ford Taurus for Sale in Fort Worth, TX. 2 Ford Taurus for Sale in Long Beach, CA. 3 Ford Taurus for Sale in Dallas, TX. Ford Taurus for Sale in Denver, 1 CO. Ford Taurus for Sale in Sacramento, 2 CA. Ford Taurus for Sale in Philadelphia, 3 PA. Ford Taurus for Sale in Honolulu, HI. Ford Taurus for Sale in Raleigh, NC.", "Taurus produced its first revolver, the Model 38101SO, in 1941. Beginning in 1968, it exported revolvers to the U.S. market through a series of importers.", "In 1997 Forjas Taurus purchased the rights & equipment to manufacture Rossi brand revolvers. They currently manufacture three .38 special models & four .357 magnum models under the Rossi name, manufactured in São Leopoldo, Brazil.", "May, 2012 (Miami, FL) – Taurus®, the world's foremost manufacturer of firearms announces the acquisition of Heritage Manufacturing, Inc. of Opa Locka, Florida, an American company proudly producing an American legend, the Western Single Action Revolver.", "Taurus also produces some pistols which are completely unique to the company. The most famous of these is their Judge line of revovers which are made to fire both a .45 Colt round as well as a .410 shotgun shell.", "Road Test. Owners of the original Ford Taurus SHO, gathered at a Taurus Car Club of America track day at GingerMan Raceway in South Haven, Michigan, are slightly startled as they approached the massively high greenhouse and roofline of the latest 2010 Taurus SHO.", "Every so often, an automobile company brings out a car that wins them new respect (or respect, period). When Ford introduced the Taurus (and fraternal twin Mercury Sable) in 1985 as a 1986 model, it hit one out of the park and won over thousands of new fans. Suddenly, Honda and Toyota had someone in their rearviews.", "Taurus® Acquires Heritage Manufacturing. May, 2012 (Miami, FL) – Taurus®, the world's foremost manufacturer of firearms announces the acquisition of Heritage Manufacturing, Inc. of Opa Locka, Florida, an American company proudly producing an American legend, the Western Single Action Revolver.", "New Models. Used Models. After it hit the market for the 1986 model year, the Ford Taurus quickly became a sensation in America. This front-wheel-drive midsize family sedan looked like no other Ford before it and won over car shoppers with its comfortable and roomy cabin and affordable price.", "This is the fourth oldest nameplate currently sold in Ford’s American line-up. Its comfort and reliability make this model a top pick for American car buyers. Perfect for a family or if you just desire a more roomy vehicle. Most Taurus models come with a 3.0 or 3.8-liter V6 engine producing 140hp.", "Find Used Ford Taurus Near. 1 Ford Taurus for sale near Los Angeles, CA. 2 Ford Taurus for sale near Vancouver, WA. 3 Ford Taurus for sale near Chicago, IL. Ford Taurus for sale near Providence, 1 RI. Ford Taurus for sale near Garland, 2 TX. Ford Taurus for sale near Kansas City, 3 MO. Ford Taurus for sale near Topeka, KS.", "This is the fourth oldest nameplate currently sold in Ford’s American line-up. Its comfort and reliability make this model a top pick for American car buyers. Perfect for a family or if you just desire a more roomy vehicle. Most Taurus models come with a 3.0 or 3.8-liter V6 engine producing 140hp. Its good fuel economy, affordability and strong safety rating will not let you down. Find Ford Taurus Cars for Sale", "The Ford Taurus X was a crossover wagon SUV that was produced for just two years. Technically, it first arrived in 2005 as the Freestyle, changing monikers a few years later when Ford revived the Taurus nameplate.", "Ford continued to hold a candle for station wagons.....it still produced the full-size, rear-wheel drive Country Squire, and in 1986 it introduced the Taurus wagon. It went on to become one of the most popular station wagons ever.", "Used Models. 1986-1991. Every so often, an automobile company brings out a car that wins them new respect (or respect, period). When Ford introduced the Taurus (and fraternal twin Mercury Sable) in 1985 as a 1986 model, it hit one out of the park and won over thousands of new fans. Suddenly, Honda and Toyota had someone in their rearviews.", "The 2017 Ford Taurus starts at $27,345 for the base SE trim. The next level up, the SEL trim, starts at $29,775. The next step up is the Limited, with a starting price of $36,855. The top-tier performance-tuned SHO trim starts at $42,520.", "From Ford's perspective the 2010 Ford Taurus is more than a full-size sedan; it's also a flagship for the brand as a whole. As Ford's standard bearer, the Taurus has become a technology and design showcase, showing off the capabilities of the Blue Oval.", "Photo by Wikimedia Commons A 2013 Ford Taurus. The Ford Taurus—a once-revolutionary nameplate that Ford Motor already killed once, until Alan Mulally arrived and gave it new life—again has an uncertain future, at least on this side of the globe.", "For the base model, the average paid price for a new 2017 Ford Taurus is trending $5,154 below the manufacturer's MSRP. There are six available 2017 Ford Taurus trim lines. The average savings for the 2017 Ford Taurus SEL AWD is 15.85% below the MSRP. Our MSRP Includes the Destination Fee", "Ford Taurus Sales Figures Timothy Cain January 1, 2011 1k Views Here you will find monthly and yearly Canadian and U.S. sales figures for the Ford Taurus and its enforcement partner, the Police Interceptor Sedan. Use the dropdown at the top right of this page or at GCBC’s Sales Stats home to find sales figures for any other vehicle currently on sale in North America. Month Ford ...", "Past Taurus X Models. The Ford Taurus X crossover SUV was produced for just the 2008 and '09 model years. It seated six by default, but adding an optional second-row split increased that to seven. The standard (and only) engine was a 3.5-liter V6 that produced 263 horsepower and 249 pound-feet of torque.", "Find Used Ford Taurus Xes Near. 1 Ford Taurus X for sale near Honolulu, HI. 2 Ford Taurus X for sale near Cape Coral, FL. 3 Ford Taurus X for sale near Nashville, TN. 4 Ford Taurus X for sale near Sterling Heights, MI. 5 Ford Taurus X for sale near Torrance, CA. 6 Ford Taurus X for sale near Kansas City, KS. 7 Ford Taurus X for sale near Glendale, CA.", "Ford Taurus. About Ford Taurus. The 2017 Ford Taurus is a large 5-passenger sedan that’s offered in four trim levels, SE, SEL, Limited and the performance-oriented SHO, which features a twin-turbocharged V6 and all-wheel drive.", "Big and Small. The Taurus is comfortable, reasonably handsome (if chunky-looking), and priced to start at less than 30 grand, but its weaknesses are largely a factor of the ancient Volvo-based platform on which it rides. At more than 200 inches long and 60 inches tall, this Ford casts a giant shadow.", "Best Answer: Ford has major manufacturing operations in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, the People's Republic of China, and several other countries, including South Africa where, following divestment during apartheid, it once again has a wholly owned subsidiary.", "The 2018 Ford Taurus is part of a generation that began with the 2010 model year. Since then, the Taurus hasn't had many major changes aside from a refresh for the 2013 model year. As a result, this review uses applicable research and data from the 2010 through 2018 model years.", "Taurus Performance Parts Buy Ford Taurus Performance Parts. The 1986 Ford Taurus Performance Parts is a very important and successful mid-size sedan that introduced a radical new design philosophy to the United States.Replacing the rear-wheel drive mid-sized Ford LTD, the front-wheel drive Taurus Performance Parts introduced a much rounder and more 'organic' design.Often described as 'jelly bean' shaped, the design proved successful and helped to launch Ford into a new era of prosperity.aurus Performance Parts add horsepower to your car, making it faster from 0-60 and the quarter mile. Every modification you do to your car make the car more enjoyable to drive. Taurus Performance Parts can add as little as 1hp and up to hundreds of hp depending on what type of upgrade you choose from.", "From Ford's perspective the 2010 Ford Taurus is more than a full-size sedan; it's also a flagship for the brand as a whole. As Ford's standard bearer, the Taurus has become a technology and design showcase, showing off the capabilities of the Blue Oval. Driving the Taurus.", "For the Australian-built vehicle of the same name, see Ford LTD (Australia) . The Ford LTD (pronounced el-tee-dee) is a car that was manufactured by Ford for the North American market, with some vehicles made and sold in South America.A range of full-size cars wore various forms of the LTD nameplate from 1964 to 1991 in the United States. 1975: Following the discontinuation of the Galaxie series after 1974, Ford sought to fill its place by expanding the LTD trim lineup. 2 Above the Custom 500 was the standard LTD, the LTD Brougham, and newly introduced for 1975, the LTD Landau.", "A quick look at a Taurus cataglog will reveal how closesly many of their guns resemble those of other firearms manufacturers. Their 24/7 line of pistols bear a startling resemblence to Smith & Wesson's own M&P series. Their extensive revolver line also holds close those made by Smith & Wesson.", "The industry produced an estimated one million modified AR-15-style rifles during the ban — more than it had produced of the original version in the previous decade — says Gary G. Mehalik, a former marketing executive at the National Shooting Sports Foundation and at Taurus USA, a handgun maker in Miami." ]
who is dona marina
Malinali, also known as Malintzin, Malintzín Dona doña marina or most Commonly, as malinche was A native mexican woman who was given To Conquistador hernan cortes as a slave. In 1519 malinche soon proved herself very Useful, to cortes as she was able to help Him, interpret nahuatl the language of The Mighty. aztec empire
[ "“Her accomplishments were summarized by Cortes in his statement, “After God we owe this conquest of New Spain to Dona Marina”’ (Wilkerson, 448).Today in her homeland of Mexico, the name of Malinche lives on but as a derogatory term for an individual who betray their heritage and nation to foreign influences.", "During her baptism she took on the name Marina and through her actions, earned the title of Dona, or 'Lady' from Cortes and his men. Cortes trusted completely in her translations and counsel, and she traveled across Mexico by his side, not only as an advisor but later as his lover.", "La Malinche (meaning the captain’s woman ), known also as Malinalli , Malintzin or Doña Marina , is an important figure in the history of Mexico, and she played a pivotal role in the Spanish conquest...", "Marina Lambrini Diamandis (born 10 October 1985), better known as Marina and the Diamonds (sometimes stylised as Marina & the Diamonds), is a Welsh singer-songwriter. Her stage name, Marina and the Diamonds, consists of Diamandis' first name and the translation of her surname which means Diamonds in Greek.", "“Her accomplishments were summarized by Cortes in his statement, “After God we owe this conquest of New Spain to Dona Marina”’ . This scene shows Malintzin in the act of translating. _source_: Malinche Translating from Palace Roof Top.", "Marina and the Diamonds. This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 15 April 2017. Marina Lambrini Diamandis (Greek: μαρίνα λαμπρινή διαμαντή; born 10 October 1985), known professionally as Marina and the Diamonds, is a Welsh singer-songwriter.", "I think I'm the only sane one in this town.. — Picture quote, Wild World. Marina (タコリーナ, Takorīna) is a normal octopus villager whose debut appearance was in Animal Forest e+ as an islander. She later reappeared in Wild World, City Folk and New Leaf where she is a villager.", "Welsh singer-songwriter Marina Lambrini Diamandis (born 10th October 1985), better known by her stage name as Marina and the Diamonds, found success with her indie electropop since releasing her debut in 2010.", "But not all origin stories are constructive or inspiring. Mexicans, in particular, mythologized a tale of the violent and tragic conquest to explain their birth as a people: the story of the Spaniard Hernan Cortes and his indigenous translator and mistress, Doña Marina, a.k.a. La Malinche.", "Marina is a Spanish-language telenovela that aired on United States-based television network Telemundo. It premiered premièred On october, 16. 2006 the final original episode aired On, Thursday june, 28 2007 it is a remake of The Mexican maria maría La, Del Barrio, maria María Mercedes And Los. ricos tambien también lloran", "Baptized Marina, she distinguished herself in extraordinary ways, becoming instrumental to the Spaniards logistical ambitions and political endeavors. She served as translator, negotiator and cultural mediator. She was also Cortss concubine and gave birth to their son, Martn.", "Marina is The Gambia's premier international school and has been in existence for more than fifty years. The Junior and High Schools share an attractive, spacious campus, occupy the same site but are physically separate within the site at Fajara, Bakau - New Town area of Greater Banjul, the country's capital.", "Filed under: Relationship With Humans - 30 Apr 2013 | Spread the word ! Marina Chapman is the woman who claims to have been raised in the jungle by monkeys. Marina says she is 60 or 62 years old, maybe more, but she can’t be sure. For about five years Marina claims to have lived with monkeys. She could not measure the time in the solitude of the jungle, so she cannot be sure if she spend five years or more only with monkeys.", "Marina is a Spanish-language telenovela that aired on United States-based television network Telemundo.", "The Marina is a natural urban beach along the Coramandel coast on the Bay of Bengal. Primarily sandy, the beach spans about 13 km (8.1 mi), running from near Fort St. George in the north to Besant Nagar in the south and is the longest natural urban beach in India. The average width of the beach is 300 m (980 ft) and the width at the widest stretch is 437 m (1,434 ft).", "OIG Fugitive: Marina Nazarova. 1 On May 6, 2008, Marina Nazarova was indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud, and criminal forfeiture. 2 Nazarova was the part owner of the DME company U.S. Medtrade, located in Burbank, California.", "Marina Sirtis. Marina Sirtis (/ˈsɜːrtɪs/; born 29 March 1955) is a British-American actress. She is best known for her role as Counselor Deanna Troi on the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the four feature films that followed, as well as other appearances in the Star Trek franchise.", "Since her husband - a Soviet defector - was named the man responsible for assassinating JFK, Russian-born Marina has lived a quiet life behind closed doors, hiding away from suspicious eyes.", "LA MALINCHE - Translator and Companion to Corts. In the 16th century, one woman forever changed the course of Mexicos history. She served Hernn Corts as his translator and mistress and without her assistance, the Spanish conquistador would likely have been defeated. She was a woman who had many names, Malintzin in her youth and Doa Marina, after she had been christened.", "Marina Dalmas X Factor is a Singer from Paca France. Marina Dalmas X Factor is 17 years old, born on February 9, 1998. Interested in Marina Dalmas X Factor horoscope zodiac and numerology info? Read all about Marina Dalmas X Factor spirituality and personality characteristics by visiting her astrology numerology pages.", "Marina Abramović is a Serbian performance artist. Her work explores the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind. Active for over four decades, Abramović has been described as the grandmother of performance art. She pioneered a new notion of identity by bringing in the participation of observers, focusing on confronting pain, blood, and physical limits of the body.", "Zig is a hyena and the protagonist of Show. that wants to eat Marina, but is always beaten by Sharko every time. He tries a lot of schemes (which ultimately fail) with the help of his friend Bernie to eat Marina.", "In the early days, Spanish was translated to Maya and then to Nahuatl, later it would be Nahuatl to Spanish or the reverse. From 1519 to 1526, Corts trusted in the translations and counsel of a woman, and she traveled across Mexico by his side. Her name was doa Marina in Spanish, Malintzin in Nahuatl. Today she is often Malinche.", "Marina-Daughter of Pericles and Thaisa, Marina was born at sea during a tempest. Pericles leaves her in Tarsus with Cleon and Dionyza because he believes the child won't survive the journey to Tyre.elicanus-One of Pericles's advisors in Tyre, Helicanus takes care of Pericles in his melancholy moods, and recommends he leave Tyre for a while after the events in Antioch.", "Although the situation was similar to her late sister-in-law, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, even following the marriage of her elder son in June 1961 to the new Duchess of Kent, Marina was a princess of Greece and Denmark by birth, a title she did not lose upon marriage.", "Welcome to Star No Stars Marina Dalmas X Factor biography profile. Marina Dalmas X Factor is a Singer from Paca France. Marina Dalmas X Factor is 17 years old, born on February 9, 1998. Interested in Marina Dalmas X Factor horoscope zodiac and numerology info?", "Fishy Story. Zig is a hyena and the protagonist of Show. that wants to eat Marina, but is always beaten by Sharko every time. He tries a lot of schemes (which ultimately fail) with the help of his friend Bernie to eat Marina.", "A marina is a dock or basin with moorings and supplies for yachts and small boats. A marina differs from a port in that a marina does not handle large passenger ships or cargo from freighters. The word marina is also used for inland wharves on rivers and canals that are used exclusively by non-industrial pleasure craft such as canal narrowboats. In some countries, Marina is used as a Christian female name.", "Marina Joyce: YouTuber Alfie Deyes warns fans not to attend vlogger's east London meet-up. 'I'd hate for anyone to be in danger,' says Deyes. Click to follow. The Independent Online. YouTube star Alfie Deyes is urging fans not to go to the event fellow YouTube sensation Marina Joyce has been publicising.", "Marina Beach. Marina Beach is a natural urban beach in the city of Chennai, India, along the Bay of Bengal. The beach runs from near Fort St. George in the north to Foreshore Estate in the south, a distance of 6.5 km (4.0 mi), making it the longest natural urban beach in the country and one of the world's longest beach ranking with 1.", "Traditional marinara is a very simple sauce composed of garlic, tomatoes, onions and herbs. Marinara translates to “sailor” or “seafaring” in Italian, and there are theories claiming it was invented by sailors or sailors wives to welcome them home from their time at sea.", "Marinara (English: mariner's) sauce is an Italian sauce that originated in Naples, usually made with tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and onions. Its many variations can include the addition of capers, olives, spices, and a dash of wine. This sauce is widely used in Italian-American cuisine, which has greatly diverged from its Old World origins. Italians refer to marinara sauce only in association with other recipes.", "Dona-a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for a woman; Dona Marguerita. form of address, title of respect, title-an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'; the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title.", "Who is Marina Joyce, the YouTuber whose videos led fans to call police. Deyes, who is in a relationship with fellow YouTube sensation Zoella, holds a great deal of influence in the YouTube community and his tweet regarding Joyce has been retweeted over 32,000 times.", "69 pages on this wiki. Sharko (formerly known Good Shark) is a goodnous, he's friendly, he's also a bodyguard or boyfriend and the main protagonist in the series. He is Marina 's boyfriend and protects her from being eaten by Zig.", "Marina Joyce: YouTuber Alfie Deyes warns fans not to attend vlogger's east London meet-up. YouTube star Alfie Deyes is urging fans not to go to the event fellow YouTube sensation Marina Joyce has been publicising.", "Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil. Dona Isabel (English: Isabella; 29 July 1846 – 14 November 1921), nicknamed the Redemptress, was the heiress presumptive to the throne of the Empire of Brazil, bearing the title of Princess Imperial. She also served as the Empire's regent on three occasions.", "Children are looked after at the kids club. Quinta do Lorde Resort-Hotel – Marina can arrange a shuttle service to Madeira International Airport, located 15 minutes’ driving from the resort.uinta do Lorde Resort-Hotel-Marina 5-star hotel This property has agreed to be part of our Preferred Property Program, which groups together properties that stand out because of their excellent service and quality/price ratio with competitive prices. Sitio da Piedade, 9200 -044 Canical, Caniçal – Portugal show. map", "“Hollywood” is track #6 on Marina’s debut studio album, The Family Jewels. In this song Marina portrays a Polish girl in America with dreams of Hollywood fame. The keyboard-playing songstress told the BBC that at one time she was “obsessed with America”. She admitted: “I’m saying: ‘This is who I was.", "Marina...soft-sounding and nautical. It reminds me of Christie Brinkley's choice to name her daughter Sailor. Nicknames...Rini, Rina, Nina, Nini Middle names... Marina Claire Marina Anne Marina May Marina Jane Marina Victoria.", "Marina /ma-ri-na/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced mah-REE-nah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Marina is from the sea. From marine. A saint's name. Shakespeare gave the name to Pericles' daughter in his play Pericles, Prince of Tyre.", "Marina is a very prominent first name for women (#501 out of 4276, Top 12%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#29447 out of 150436, Top 20%). (2000 U.S. Census). Charted below is the birth name popularity of Marina for girls.", "Get the celebrity treatment with world-class service at Quinta do Lorde Resort-Hotel-Marina. Located in Ponta de Sao São, Lourenco Lourenço, Madeira island Quinta Do-Lorde – Resort hotel marina is-a 5 star resort offering luxurious accommodation and. thoughtful servicesuinta do Lorde Resort-Hotel-Marina 5-star hotel This property has agreed to be part of our Preferred Property Program, which groups together properties that stand out because of their excellent service and quality/price ratio with competitive prices. Sitio da Piedade, 9200 -044 Canical, Caniçal – Portugal show. map", "It is believed that the name derives from the Latin 'marinas' meaning dark haired or more likely of dark appearance, and it is probable that the word was applied as a less than friendly nickname to the Moorish Invaders of Spain who conquered the country in the t century." ]
the lost marsh restaurant
Reviewed February 19, 2015 via mobile. The Lost Marsh is a restaurant offering live music & some creative as well as traditional American bistro food. The fire place in the dining room gave a nice feel to the room. The service was attentive, portions ample and that gave us a relaxing place to enjoy our meal.
[ "Related to Lost Marsh Restaurant, Hammond. Restaurants in Hammond, Hammond Restaurants, Hammond restaurants, Best Hammond restaurants, Hammond restaurants, American Restaurants in Hammond, Indiana, American near me, American Restaurants in Hammond, Italian Restaurants in Hammond, Indiana, Italian near me, Italian Restaurants in Hammond.", "Manor House Hotel Moreton in Marsh-Mulberry Restaurant restaurant. 1 2 3 4 5. The Mulberry Restaurant enjoys a well earned reputation for superb, award winning food and an excellent selection of fine wines. The vibrant paintings reflect and complement the lively social atmosphere.", "I have now organized two major events at The Lost Marsh - a high school class reunion for 200+, and most recently, a family reunion for about 50 people and I have finally learned my lesson. I will never use The Lost Marsh again and, for that, I am sorry, because it's a waste of a beautiful space.", "Manor House Hotel Moreton in Marsh-Mulberry Restaurant restaurant. 1 2 3 4 5. The Mulberry Restaurant enjoys a well earned reputation for superb, award winning food and an excellent selection of fine wines.", "The Heartbreaking Story Behind The Lost Kitchen, an Incredible New Restaurant in Freedom, Maine. Two years ago, chef Erin French lost almost everything. Then, in Freedom, Maine, she started anew. Here, recipes from her brilliant restaurant The Lost Kitchen. Two years ago, chef Erin French lost almost everything.", "That’s because Marsh is no longer troubled, at least financially. When Sun paid $88 million in cash and assumed $237 million in debt to acquire Marsh in September 2006, the chain was losing money, flirting with default on its debt, and had just dropped to third in Indianapolis market share behind Kroger and Wal-Mart.arsh used proceeds to pay down debt and plow $60 million into the renovation of 80 percent of its roughly 100 stores. Three years later, Marsh is lean and profitable, focused solely on the grocery business. The chain remains third in market share, but its balance sheet looks pristine compared to 2006.", "Also lost to the storm was Louisiana's only revolving restaurant atop a hotel, the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. However, a hotel remains in the state with a famous revolving bar that provides a unique experience for its guests.", "1 Delicious Deli The finest, highest-quality meats, cheeses and other ready-to-eat foods are available in every Marsh Deli. 2 You’ll find a satisfying array of precooked meals, deli trays, prepared salads, a build-your-own salad bar, rotisserie chicken, an olive and antipasto bar and much more.", "Station 8 was fabulous! It is a little pricey for Marshfield, but well worth the splurge. We sat near the kitchen so we had a great view of all the dishes as they came out. We ordered off the nightly specials from apps to dessert (scallops in bacon, prime rib and filet mignon and a bread pudding awesomess).", "Still hanging out in the Lost River Delta area of Tokyo Disney Sea, right next door to where we picked up the above Mickey Ice Bar, was a food stand called Expedition Eats. It’s at this food wagon that you can find the Yucatan Sausage Roll.ou can find it in Disneyland at the Hungry Bear or over at Disney Sea at the Casbah Food Court. We actually ate at both, but I only took a photo at the Arabian Coast’s Casbah Food Court. We tried the Chicken Curry.", "Marsh Supermarkets. Marsh Supermarkets was an American retail food chain headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, with nearly 100 stores located throughout Central Indiana and parts of western Ohio (including metropolitan Cincinnati). Its parent company was Sun Capital Partners, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.", "• October 2006: Marsh announces the closing of 16 stores — one Marsh, seven LoBill Foods, two O'Malia's Food Markets, two Arthur's Fresh Markets and four Village Pantries. It also lays off 10 percent of the headquarters staff.arsh announced Thursday that it will be closing eight of its stores, including this one at 2802 Lafayette Road, where two customers were seen leaving after making purchases on Jan. 9, 2014. Two of the stores are in Indianapolis.", "In the fall of 2006 Sun Capital bought Marsh Supermarkets for $88 million. Company officers and board members other than Marsh received $17 million. Marsh's 20 percent share in the company stock was worth about $17 million.he Marsh trial brimmed with it. There was the routine entitlement: company money Marsh spent on wedding gifts for his friends, a $554 Hong Kong tailor's bill from one of Marsh's Asian jaunts, a $4,815 purchase at a diamond shop in Scottsdale, Ariz., on the company credit card.", "Marsh Supermarkets. Marsh Supermarkets is a retail food chain headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, with stores throughout Central Indiana and parts of western Ohio (including metropolitan Cincinnati). Its parent company is Sun Capital Partners, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.", "“With two stores downtown, Marsh will be able to serve the larger community of people who live, work and play in Indianapolis.”. The store will be open from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m., Monday through Friday and from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. There will be parking spots for cars and bikes in the attached garage.", "Japan, 〒231-0023 Kanagawa-ken, Yokohama-shi, Naka-ku, Yamashitachō, 巴里堂ビル. Marshmallow is a lovely new(ish) cafe located right in the heart of Chinatown, in Yokohama.", "Debbie Grubb, store manager of the new Marsh Marketplace in downtown Indianapolis. Located on the southeast corner of Senate and West Michigan streets, the store will open on Thursday at 6 a.m. and employ between 175-200 workers.", "Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa is a luxury resort set amid Texas wilderness with multiple restaurants, a waterpark, a spa, and a golf course. Lost Pines Resort and Spa Hotels & Resorts", "Luxury Resort Near Downtown Austin. Nestled along the banks of the lower Colorado River, Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa is a luxury resort that feels like a wilderness retreat, with myriad activities, multiple restaurants, and comfortable guestrooms. Travel throughout Texas; our resort is 23 miles from downtown Austin, and a convenient weekend getaway from Dallas and Houston.", "Top-notch chefs have brought a world of flavors to New Hope, making it one of Bucks County's premier dining destinations. Marsha Brown brings a taste of New Orleans to Bucks County, serving up Creole favorites like fried catfish, po' boys and gumbo ya-ya in a renovated stone church.", "Pizza King Of Geneva. Restaurants. Limber Lost Diner. Buffalo Bar & Grill. Dollar General Store. Morning Stars Dreams On Wings. Broken B Stable & Tack Co", "Palace of the Lost City Reviews & Information. Use the drop down below to find out more information about Palace of the Lost City. The Palace of the Lost City Hotel is a fantastic 5-star hotel situated in the heart of the Sun City Resort and next to the Big Five Pilanesberg Park. The hotel offers guests 5-star, luxurious accommodation, in a setting that is straight out of an Indiana Jones movie.", "Deli. 1 Delicious Deli The finest, highest-quality meats, cheeses and other ready-to-eat foods are available in every Marsh Deli. 2 You’ll find a satisfying array of precooked meals, deli trays, prepared salads, a build-your-own salad bar, rotisserie chicken, an olive and antipasto bar and much more.", "Sun City Resort is home to two exceptional golf courses. The Gary Player Golf Course is a par-72, 18-hole walking course that’s ranked one of the top five in South Africa and hosts the annual Nedbank Golf Challenge.The Lost City Golf Course is a par-72 18-hole desert-style golf course. The entrance fee includes use of all tubes on the slides and the Lazy River. 2 Backrests are free and are available to all guests on a first-come-first-serve basis. 3 Chairs are available to the elderly and disabled on a first-come-first-serve basis.", "In 1991, major changes came to Marsh Supermarkets. The company headquarters moved to a new location along Interstate 69 in Fishers, Indiana. Marsh also released a new plan to re-format the stores, known as the Supermarket of the Future campaign.ithin that same year, Marsh stores also introduced their own popular brand of ice cream. In 1953 when the company went public, Ermal had an operation of 16 Marsh Supermarkets. In August 1959 a horrific plane crash near the city of Logansport, Indiana took the life of Ermal Marsh.", "About Albert's Restaurant - San Diego Zoo. A Restaurant in a Treehouse... Located in Lost Forest of the San Diego Zoo, Albert’s offers full-service dining where you can enjoy deck seating with the ambiance of a tropical waterfall.", "Jazz & Coffee Marshmallow. Marshmallow is a lovely new(ish) cafe located right in the heart of Chinatown, in Yokohama. It was opened 2+ years ago by Mr. & Mrs Joufu, long time Yokohama residents and previously owners of a men's clothing shop, but also the purveyors of the Marshmallow Jazz record label in Japan.", "The Lost Pines Forest occupied 36,400 hectares in 1880 and of this, 34,400 hectares remained in 1952. A portion of the Lost Pines is located inside the boundaries of Bastrop State Park and Buescher State Park, which ensure the trees are protected from development and logging.", "A wonderful gem located right in downtown Bellevue, with 53 acres of display gardens, meadows, wetlands and woodlands. The 1/3-mile Lost Meadow loop trail offers picturesque fall color; be sure to also stroll through the Dahlia Garden as flowers should be in full bloom through mid-November (or the first frost).", "Ermal Marsh died near the city of Logansport, Indiana in an August 1959 airplane crash; his brother Estel succeeded him as company president. 1959-2006: The Estel and Don Marsh years. Under Estel Marsh, the name of the company was changed from Marsh Foodliners to Marsh Supermarkets in 1960. Adapting to a rising trend, Marsh Supermarkets decided to open a new wave of convenience stores across Indiana. In 1966, the very first Village Pantry store and gas station was opened.", "Gravitt, an Atlanta taxi driver, was off duty and driving a private car when Miss Mitchell was struck as she and her husband, John R. Marsh, were crossing Peachtree at Thirteenth Street on the way to a neighborhood movie. Mr. Marsh was the J.R.M. to whom Gone With the Wind was dedicated. Skull and Pelvis Fractured", "What people say. I think the back bar area is long overdue in this part of the world. The river and the swans are truly breathtaking. They offer a great cheeseburger here, charbroiled to perfection...I cant finish the thing give its size. The doneness is always correct. Staff is friendly and accommodating.", "Then, in Freedom, Maine, she started anew. Here, recipes from her brilliant restaurant. To eat at the lost kitchen, you first have to find it. From the mid-coast town of Belfast, Maine, drive 17 miles inland through woods and rolling farmland on a two-lane country road.", "The restaurant is in the hotel complex and there's ample parking. To be fair, we weren't that hungry when we got there, and the food looked good but overall taste was just ok. Got the fish and chips and the veggie burger.", "1973 Love, American Style (TV Series). Marsha Sue (segment Love and the Eat's Cafe). - Love and the Clinical Problem/Love and the Eat's Cafe/Love and the Last Joke/Love and the Persistent Assistant/Love and the Unsteady Steady (1973) ...", "The restaurant, which originated in Austin, Texas, already has locations in Lakeview, Lincoln Park and the Loop, as well as one in Naperville. Get a sneak peek into the new Old Town restaurant, at 1226 N. Wells St., on July 30 at 11 a.m.", "Former New York Times correspondent John Herbers is an old man now, living in retirement in Bethesda, Maryland, with his wife, Betty. but when he was growing up in Mississippi in the 1930s and 1940s, “the lost cause was one of the main themes my grandmother used to talk about: ‘slavery was nothing to do with the Civil War—we had a cotton economy and [the North] wanted to dominate us.’", "My husband and I have been here a few times now. We've gotten the basil fried rice, pad thai, drunken noodles, basil bamboo and mussaman curry. It's not the best thai restaurant we've ever been too, but not the worst either. It's the best we've seen in the Hampton Roads area. Alot of the entrees have a similar flavor, but it's a good flavor. The inside of the restaurant is pretty nice and they just made an additional seating area too.", "The new Marsh Marketplace in downtown Indianapolis located on the southeast corner of Senate and West Michigan streets, will open on Thursday at 6 a.m. and employ between 175-200 workers. Photographed on Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Charlie Nye/The Star.", "Lost Children – There is a Lost Children’s area at the corner of Front and Oak Street at Toad Square. It is located in the Centennial Bank parking lot. Police are available at that location to assist parents and children. All children found by Toad Suck Daze staff members will be brought to this location.", "The Waterway Cafe is a South Florida tradition in waterfront dining since 1986, and the most popular restaurant in the Palm Beaches. Featuring an exciting menu of fresh seafood, steak, chicken, pasta, custom-made pizza entrees and fabulous desserts.", "Chick-Fil-A’s Missing Man Table Has Distinct Items, Here’s What Each Represents May 30, 2016 Alisha Rich U.S. News Empty tables are popping up at Chik-fil-A locations across America.", "Welcome to Lost Lake Resort a Private RV Park. 1 New owners improving park services. 2 Beautiful scenery and a great place to relax or fish. 3 We have many amenities to suit all residents, from miniature golf to a fitness center. Take a relaxing stroll or take a dip in our outdoor pool.", "Stormy's restaurant is one of the oldest roadhouses in the West, established in 1854. We, the Cramer family, have owned the establishment the longest, since 1961. Ellen Cramer, Stormy moved from Berkeley with her son Roger and purchased the building in 1961. At the time she ran it as a bar that served sandwiches and snacks.", "Let's take it as a given that you want to go to Hubert, the first full-service restaurant from Anton Forte and Jason Scott, the Sydney bar czars behind Shady Pines Saloon, The Baxter Inn and Frankie's Pizza." ]
how long should veggie noodle soup cook
Add the frozen noodles and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes. Once the noodles are cooked through and the carrots and celery are tender, add the zucchini and yellow squash, cook for 5 minutes. Add the basil and spinach, stir to mix evenly. Taste the soup and re-season if needed then ladle into bowls and serve immediately. Enjoy.Enjoy.
[ "How to Cook Simple Chinese Pan-Fried Noodles in 20 Mins. It's not Panda Express chow mein but it can sure be the next gen style of it with just thicker noodles and healthier ingredients (like organic chicken). This can be done in about 20 mins. 3.1k Views 328 Likes." ]
who played in tammy movies
For the Tammy movies of the 1950s and 1960s, see Tammy (film series) . For the Tammy television show of the 1960s, see Tammy (TV series) . Tammy is a 2014 American comedy film directed and co-written by Ben Falcone and produced, co-written by, and starring Melissa McCarthy as the title character.
[ "Tammy (Tracy Nelson-A Grandpa for Christmas) and her mother Lucille (Patty Duke-Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure) have had a difficult relationship and she is not alone as her brother and sister have also struggled with their pushy mother who likes to get her own way.o Brother of Mine (2007). Aware that her husband has been having an affair with a colleague Nina St. Clair (Kellie Martin) has worked too hard to build the life they have to just throw it away especially with two children to think of.", "View Resume | Official Photos ». Tammy Taylor was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, California. She is an actress, best known for Meatballs Part II (1984), the 1980 ice-skating drama The Heartbreak Winner on ABC Afterschool Specials (1972) and as the original teen-aged Hope Williams on Days of Our Lives (1965).", "#1 song from the movie. Tammy and the Bachelor. The Tammy movie song lyrics was written by Ray Evans with music by Jay Livingston. It was published in 1957 and debuted in the film Tammy and the Bachelor. The most popular version of the song Tammy is by Debbie Reynolds. It was released by Coral Records as catalog number 61851. The song spent 23 weeks on the Top 40 charts beginning 7/22/57. It was #1 for five weeks replacing Elvis Presley's Teddy Bear on Sept 2, 1957.", "Child actor Kimberly Weber took over the role from October 25, 1974 to April 29, 1975. Natasha Ryan was the child actor who played the young version of Hope the longest from June 4, 1975 through June 27, 1980. From May 11, 1981 until January 8, 1982, young adult actress Tammy Taylor played a teenaged Hope. Actress Kristian Alfonso assumed the role of Hope Williams on April 14, 1983, playing the role through April 20, 1987, reappearing from April 27 to August 3, 1990, and playing the role since May 6, 1994.", "1 Tammy Homolka Tammy Homolka was the younger sister of Karla Homolka, one-half of the infamous murderous duo dubbed by the media as the Ken and Barbie Killers. 2 Karla and her husband Paul Be…. 3 The Most Famous Movie Lines The American Film Institute is a film organization that honors moving picture arts.", "Tammy and the Doctor: Release Date: May 29 th, 1963: Genres: Comedy, Romance: Runtime: 88 minutes: Production Companies: Ross Hunter Productions Inc., Universal International Pictures (UI) Production Country: United States of America: Movie Language: English: Plot Keywords: hospital, nurse", "Tammy Barr is known for her work on A Little Christmas Business (2013), Backstabber (2011) and The Devil Is My Witness (2012).", "Back. 1 Tammy and the Bachelor / Tammy Tell Me True / Tammy and the Doctor (Triple Feature) Debbie Reynolds. 4.7 out of 5 stars 577. 2 Tammy and The Bachelor [VHS] Debbie Reynolds. 4.4 out of 5 stars 62.", "April 03, 1987|ART HARRIS | The Washington Post. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Tammy Faye Bakker's crush on a flashy country singer here wounded her husband's pride and may have pushed him into his now-famous fling with a church secretary, according to people who saw the drama unfold.", "There is a film called 'Tammy and the Bachelor' (1957) or a TV show called 'Nanny and the Professor'.", "I've never met Tammy, but she really seems to be a sweet girl, said Phyllis Perkins, who is known as Phyllis from Mulga on the Paul Finebaum Show, which airs on the ESPN-owned SEC Network. But it's Iron Bowl week, so I don't know about her. She can probably hurt me physically because she's younger than me.", "White was also just cast in his first studio lead, in the forthcoming time travel odyssey, Glimmer. Here he is on getting into character, kissing Liev Schreiber, and why he’s sticking with the ass shot. So first off, I was reading that you’re a Tammy Wynette fan.", "A short time later, Georgia landed the role of Georgette on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Georgia had another film credit in The Outside Man (1972) starring Jean-Louis Trintignant, Ann-Margret, Roy Scheider, and Angie Dickinson.", "Soundtrack | Actress | Writer. Tammy once said: I spent 15 minutes writing [Stand by Your Man], and a lifetime defending it. She was born Virginia Wynette Pugh on May 5, 1942, on her grandfather's cotton farm in Itawamba County, Mississippi. Tammy picked cotton as a child, and as a young woman worked as a waitress, a doctor's receptionist, a barmaid and a shoe factory ... See full bio ».", "Government. 1 Chrysta Bell as FBI Agent Tammy Preston. 2 Richard Chamberlain as Bill Kennedy. 3 Laura Dern as Diane Evans. 4 David Duchovny as FBI Chief of Staff Denise Bryson. 5 Jay R. Ferguson as Special Agent Randall Headley. 6 Miguel Ferrer as FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield. 7 Ernie Hudson as Colonel Davis. 8 Stephen Kearin as FBI Driver.", "Sunny in the WWF. Tamara Tammy Lynn Sytch (born December 7, 1972) is an American professional wrestling manager, personality, occasional wrestler and pornographic actress. She achieved her greatest success under the ring name Sunny within the World Wrestling Federation during the 1990s, and is considered the first Diva.", "#tommie lee & #tammy rivera are real friends! #lhhatl - Create your sugar daddy or sugar baby profile and start dating online for free on the top sugar daddy dating site.... Tammy rivera - “daddy’s little girls” by the rated-r superstar . starring jessica, ashlee, joe, & tina simpson . codes:inc, mf, cons, oral, anal, slut . disclaimer:the follow... Tammy rivera says women are weak for not forgiving cheating husbands - Jango is about making online music social, fun and simple.", "Rocky: Tammy performing with one of her ex-husbands, country singer George Jones, in 1995. It's a horrible, sordid tale in which we learn, over and over, how Tammy was beaten and used by most of her husbands and then sang, quite beautifully of course, about it on her million-selling albums.", "Country producer Billy Sherrill, who gave us such crossover hits as Tammy Wynette's Stand By Your Man (#19-1969, which he co-wrote with Tammy) and Behind Closed Doors (#15-1973) and The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (#1-1973) from Charlie Rich, died Tuesday (August 4) following a short illness at his Nashville home...", "Lawson has made appearances in two different television miniseries. In 1998, she appeared in The Temptations as Diana Ross (whom Lawson is related to through Ross's daughter Rhonda Ross Kendrick); and in 2001, she was cast as Anna Bella Monroe in Anne Rice's The Feast of All Saints.", "Tammy Lynn Sytch. Tamara Lynn Sytch (born December 7, 1972) is an American professional wrestling manager, personality, occasional wrestler and pornographic actress. She achieved her greatest success under the ring name Sunny within the World Wrestling Federation during the 1990s, and is considered the first Diva.", "Tammy Torres is a hip-hop/eye candy model and aspiring actress who appeared with rapper Lil Wayne in his music video Ms. Officer in 2011.", "Stephanie Gatschet. Stephanie Lucile Gatschet (born March 16, 1983 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American actress, who has appeared on the soap operas Guiding Light (as Tammy Winslow) and All My Children (as Madison North).", "On Nov. 15, 1989, the Herbert Ross-directed dramedy Steel Magnolias opened in theaters across the U.S. Based on Robert Harling’s successful stage play and starring Sally Field, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Dolly Parton, Daryl Hannah, and a promising young actress named Julia Roberts, it told the story of six Southern women who bonded over the ...", "Brittany Murphy was a rising star in Hollywood, starring in major motion pictures like Cluelessand 8 Mile. She was also a regular on the animated series King of the Hill. Murphy voiced Luanne Platter, Hank and Peggy Hill’s niece, until her unexpected death in 2009.", "Storyline. Tammy, who was recently fired from a Topper Jack's fast food restaurant, returns home only to find her husband enjoying a romantic meal with the neighbor. She quickly packs her necessities, and travels down three houses to her parent's home.", "According to Deadline, the movie will tell the true story of a woman who struggled and sacrificed to raise her two sons, Kevin and Tony. Wanda is played by Cassandra Freeman while Kevin is portrayed by Daniel Bellomy.", "Cast. Suzanne Somers as Bonnie Katt; Steven Keats as Jerry McCabe; Mark Wheeler as David Hunter; Kimberly Beck as Cathy; Perry Lang as Billy; Michael Biehn as J.D. Biff Warren as Norman; Les Lannom as Stan; Rosanna Arquette as Beverly; Gary Imhoff as Frank; Leonard Stone as Johnson; Steve Franken as Rick; Richard Molinare as Frank; Tanya Roberts as Denise; P. J. Soles as Nancy", "They later divorced. Tammy Faye Bakker, the diminutive and elaborately coiffed gospel singer who, with her first husband, Jim Bakker, built a commercial empire around television evangelism only to see it collapse in sex and money scandals, died Friday at her home near Kansas City, Mo. She was 65.", "The grief-stricken widow joins the company for her own safety, and the rest of the film is the story of the calamitous and bloody journey through the heartland of America. Also Read: Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Steve Carell in Talks for Adam McKay's Dick Cheney Movie", "Both women have played small supporting roles in other films -- McKinnon appeared in the Tina Fey and Amy Poehler comedy “Sisters,” and Jones was in Chris Rock’s “Top Five,” but “Ghostbusters” is a breakout opportunity for each.", "Lynn did, however, make time to work with Dolly Parton and Tammy Wynette on the 1993 album Honky Tonk Angels, and in 1995 she starred in a limited-run television series, Loretta Lynn & Friends, as well as playing a handful of tour dates. Lynn's husband died in 1996, marking the end of their 48-year marriage.", "“Jim asks for Tammy at least a dozen times a day and has to be re­minded that she died and he has a new wife.”. Bakker married Tammy Faye in 1961 and they had two children. They divorced in 1992, and she tragically died of cancer in 2007. Meanwhile, Bakker wed Lori Beth Graham in 1998. She helped him launch the “Jim Bakker Show” five years later." ]
is yttrium dangerous
Yttrium is mostly dangerous in the working environment, due to the fact that damps and gasses can be inhaled with air. This can cause lung embolisms, especially during long-term exposure. Yttrium can also cause cancer with humans, as it enlarges the chances of lung cancer when it is inhaled.
[ "Health effects of yttrium. Yttrium is one of the rare chemicals, that can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. All rare chemicals have comparable properties. Yttrium can rarely be found in nature, as it occurs in very small amounts.", "Yttrium is one of the rare chemicals, that can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. All rare chemicals have comparable properties. Yttrium can rarely be found in nature, as it occurs in very small amounts.", "Yttrium reacts with water to form yttrium hydroxide plus hydrogen gas. Yttrium is often used as an additive in alloys, increasing the strength of aluminum and magnesium alloys. It is also used as a detoxifier for non-ferrous metals such as vanadium. It is used as a catalyst in ethylene polymerization.Yttrium oxide is the most important compound of yttrium.It is used to make the high-temperature superconductor YBCO (yttrium barium copper oxide) and it is used to produce phosphors, which provide the red color in color television tubes.ttrium reacts with water to form yttrium hydroxide plus hydrogen gas. Yttrium is often used as an additive in alloys, increasing the strength of aluminum and magnesium alloys. It is also used as a detoxifier for non-ferrous metals such as vanadium. It is used as a catalyst in ethylene polymerization.", "Yttrium is a chemical element with symbol Y and atomic number 39. It is a silvery-metallic transition metal chemically similar to the lanthanides and it has often been classified as a rare earth element .", "Yttrium, a very versatile element, is utilized for a variety of purposes that affect everyday life. To begin with, yttrium is commonly used in laser systems, used in surgeries, weapons, and measuring tools. Yttrium oxide is probably one of the most useful compounds of yttrium and is responsible for its most common uses.", "Yttrium is a soft, silvery metal. Yttrium usually exists as a trivalent ion, Y 3+ , in its compounds. Most of its compounds are colorless. Yttrium’s properties are very similar to those of the rare earth elements of the lanthanide series.", "Yttrium, a rare earth metal, has a silver-grey color and metallic luster. It also appears highly crystalline. Yttrium displays chemical properties similar to those of rare earth elements. It dissolves in both mineral acids and alkalis, which are chemical opposites of one another.", "Yttrium is a chemical element with symbol Y and atomic number 39. It is a silvery-metallic transition metal chemically similar to the lanthanides and has often been classified as a rare-earth element. Yttrium is almost always found in combination with lanthanide elements in rare-earth minerals, and is never found in nature as a free element. 89 Y is the only stable isotope, and the only isotope found in the Earth's crust.", "Yttrium (Y) Yttrium is one of the rare elements, and can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. Yttrium can rarely be found in nature, as it occurs in very small amounts. Yttrium is usually found only in two different kinds of ores.", "Yttrium (Y). Yttrium is one of the rare elements, and can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. Yttrium can rarely be found in nature, as it occurs in very small amounts. Yttrium is usually found only in two different kinds of ores.", "Yttrium is a chemical element with symbol Y and atomic number 39. It is a silvery-metallic transition metal chemically similar to the lanthanides and it has often been classified as a rare earth element .Yttrium is almost always found combined with the lanthanides in rare earth minerals and is never found in nature as a free element.t is a silvery-metallic transition metal chemically similar to the lanthanides and it has often been classified as a rare earth element . Yttrium is almost always found combined with the lanthanides in rare earth minerals and is never found in nature as a free element.", "Gadolin tested the properties of yttria (yttrium oxide) in detail and found it did not melt even at the highest temperatures of the blowpipe; it also formed a clear colorless glass with borax. (3a) (These were to be typical properties of all the rare earth metal oxides.) Yttrium was the first rare earth element to be discovered. We now know Gadolin’s yttria was impure; in addition to yttrium oxide, it contained eight other rare earth metal oxides. These were discovered separately in later years; these metals were: erbium, terbium, ytterbium, scandium, thulium, holmium dysprosium, and lutetium.", "Yttrium is one of the rare elements, and can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. Yttrium can rarely be found in nature, as it occurs in very small amounts. Yttrium is usually found only in two different kinds of ores.", "Yttrium never occurs in nature as a free element. It is found in almost all rare earth minerals and in uranium ores. The yellow-brown ore xenotime can contain as much as 50% yttrium phophate (YPO4) and is mined in Malaysia.", "Definition of YTTRIUM. : a metallic element usually included in the rare-earth group that occurs usually with other rare earth elements in minerals and is used especially in phosphors, YAG lasers, and superalloys — see element table.", "Yttrium (Y, element 39; emits red light) Yttrium oxide glass is heat- and shockresistant, and used for camera lenses. Yttrium is used in superconductors, which can conduct electricity without any loss of energy; and yttrium aluminium garnet is used in lasers and makes sparkling diamond-like gems.", "Anders Gustaf Ekeberg confirmed this in 1797, and named the oxide yttria. Yttrium is an element that's symbol is Y and has the number 39. It is a silver metallic transition metal that has properties similar to lanthanoids and is a rare earth mineral.", "Yttrium is a transition metal. Transition metals are those elements in Groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how chemical elements are related to each other. The element above yttrium in the periodic table is scandium.", "Yttrium oxide is added to the glass used to make camera lenses to make them heat and shock resistant. It is also used to make superconductors. Yttrium oxysulfide used to be widely used to produce red phosphors for old-style colour television tubes.ses. Yttrium is often used as an additive in alloys. It increases the strength of aluminium and magnesium alloys. It is also used in the making of microwave filters for radar and has been used as a catalyst in ethene polymerisation.", "Yttrium has an exceptionally high affinity for oxygen, with a free energy of formation for the oxide of 1817 kJ mol -1, probably the greatest of any element. Yttrium also dissolves oxygen gas in relatively high concentrations.", "Yttrium oxide is also used to make yttrium iron garnets (Y3 Fe5O12), which are very effective microwave filters. 90Yttrium, a radioactive isotope, is used in treatments for various cancers and is used in precision medical needles to sever pain-transmitting nerves in the spinal cord.", "Yttrium oxide is the most important compound of yttrium. It is used to make the high-temperature superconductor YBCO (yttrium barium copper oxide) and it is used to produce phosphors, which provide the red color in color television tubes.", "Overview. Yttrium is one of four elements named for the same small town of Ytterby, Sweden. The other three elements are erbium, terbium, and ytterbium. The element was discovered in 1794 by Finnish chemist Johan Gadolin (1760-1852).", "Yttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements. This small town, near Stockholm, bears the honor of giving names to erbium, terbium, and ytterbium as well as yttrium.", "Yttrium is one of four elements named for the same small town of Ytterby, Sweden. The other three elements are erbium, terbium, and ytterbium. The element was discovered in 1794 by Finnish chemist Johan Gadolin (1760-1852).", "Yttrium is found in the rare-earth mineral monazite, of which it makes 2.5%, and in smaller quantities in other minerals such as barnasite, fergusonite and smarskite. The output of yttrium is about 600 tonnes per year, measured as yttrium oxide, and world reserves are estimated to be around 9 million tonnes.", "Yttrium also has several uses in the scientific field. For example, the yttrium iron garnet is used as a transmitter of acoustic energy. In addition to this, small amounts of yttrium (0.1 to 0.2%) are used to reduce the grain size in the elements chromium, molybdenum, zirconium, and titanium.", "Uses. Yttrium oxide is one of the most important compounds of yttrium and accounts for the largest use. It is widely used in making YVO 4 europium, and Y 2 O 3 europium phosphors to give the red color in color television tubes. Hundreds of thousands of pounds are now used in this application.ttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements.", "Yttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements.", "The story of yttrium’s discovery begins in 1787, when Carl Arrhenius found a coal-like mineral in a feldspar/quartz mine near Ytterby, Sweden. The mine had been developed in the early 18th century as a result of the mineral requirements of the local pottery industry.", "Yttria, which is an earth containing yttrium, was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the sire of a quarry which yielded many unusually minerals containing are earths and other elements. This town, near Stockholm, bears the honor of giving names to erbium, terbium, and ytterbium as well as ytterium.ttria, which is an earth containing yttrium, was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the sire of a quarry which yielded many unusually minerals containing are earths and other elements. This town, near Stockholm, bears the honor of giving names to erbium, terbium, and ytterbium as well as ytterium.", "Yttrium and its compounds have a wide variety of uses. Yttrium oxide (Y 2 O 3) accounts for the element’s largest use. The oxide, as well as yttrium vanadate (YVO 4), is used with europium to make phosphors to create the red color in television tubes.Hundreds of thousands of pounds of yttrium oxide are used this way.It is also used to produce yttrium iron garnets, which are very effective microwave filters.he oxide, as well as yttrium vanadate (YVO 4), is used with europium to make phosphors to create the red color in television tubes. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of yttrium oxide are used this way. It is also used to produce yttrium iron garnets, which are very effective microwave filters.", "Namded after Ytterby, a village in Sweden near Vauxholm. Yttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements.This small town, near Stockholm, bears the honor of giving names to erbium, terbium, and ytterbium as well as yttrium.ttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements.", "Uses for Yttrium: ~Yttrium oxide is one of the most important compounds of yttrium and accounts for the largest use. It is widely used in making YVO4 europium, and Y2O3 europium phosphors to give the red color in color television tubes.ses for Yttrium: ~Yttrium oxide is one of the most important compounds of yttrium and accounts for the largest use. It is widely used in making YVO4 europium, and Y2O3 europium phosphors to give the red color in color television tubes.", "Namded after Ytterby, a village in Sweden near Vauxholm. Yttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements.", "General | States | Energies | Oxidation & Electrons | Appearance & Characteristics | Reactions | Compounds | Radius | Conductivity | Abundance & Isotopes. Yttrium was discovered by Johan Gadolin in 1794 in the mineral gadolinite. Yttrium metal was first isolated in 1828 when Friedrich Wöhler heated anhydrous yttrium (III) chloride with potassium. The element was named after the Swedish village of Ytterby, where it was mined.", "Yttria (yttrium oxide, Y 2 O 3), was discovered by Johann Gadolin in 1794 in a mineral called gadolinite from Ytterby. Ytterby is the site of a quarry in Sweden which contains many unusual minerals containing erbium, terbium, and ytterbium as well as yttrium.", "History. Namded after Ytterby, a village in Sweden near Vauxholm. Yttria-- earth containing yttrium-- was discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Ytterby is the site of a quarry which yielded many unusual minerals containing rare earths and other elements.", "Uses. Yttrium oxide is one of the most important compounds of yttrium and accounts for the largest use. It is widely used in making YVO 4 europium, and Y 2 O 3 europium phosphors to give the red color in color television tubes.Many hundreds of thousands of pounds are now used in this application.ses. Yttrium oxide is one of the most important compounds of yttrium and accounts for the largest use. It is widely used in making YVO 4 europium, and Y 2 O 3 europium phosphors to give the red color in color television tubes.", "Definition of YTTRIA. : yttrium oxide Y2O3 obtained as a heavy white powder and used especially formerly in incandescent gas mantles.", "Although metallic yttrium is not widely used, several of its compounds are. Yttrium oxide (Y 2 O 3) and yttrium orthovanadate (YVO 4) are both combined with europium to produce the red phosphor used in color televisions.lthough metallic yttrium is not widely used, several of its compounds are. Yttrium oxide (Y 2 O 3) and yttrium orthovanadate (YVO 4) are both combined with europium to produce the red phosphor used in color televisions.", "Thus by 1803 there were two known rare earth elements, yttrium and cerium, although it took another 30 years for researchers to determine that other elements were contained in the two ores ceria and yttria (the similarity of the rare earth metals' chemical properties made their separation difficult).", "The largest use of the element is as its oxide yttria, Y 2 O 3, which is used in making red phosphors for color television picture tubes; it also has other uses. Yttrium metal has found some use alloyed in small amounts with other metals.", "In the high-yttrium version of these, dysprosium happens to be the most abundant of the heavy lanthanides, comprising up to 7–8% of the concentrate (as compared to about 65% for yttrium). The concentration of Dy in the Earth crust is about 5.2 mg/kg and in sea water 0.9 ng/L.ysprosium is a chemical element with the symbol Dy and atomic number 66. It is a rare earth element with a metallic silver luster. Dysprosium is never found in nature as a free element, though it is found in various minerals, such as xenotime.", "* Exposure to 50 mg / m3 (as Zirconium) is immediately dangerous to life and health. If the possibility of exposure above 50 mg / m3 (as Zirconium) exists, use a MSHA/NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode.EASON FOR CITATION * Zirconium Sulfate is on the Hazardous Substance List because it is regulated by OSHA and cited by ACGIH, DOT, NIOSH and EPA. ventilation at the site of chemical release. If local exhaust * This chemical is on the Special Health Hazard Substance List because it is CORROSIVE.", "[edit] Notable characteristics. Ytterbium is a soft, malleable and rather ductile element that exhibits a bright silvery luster. A rare earth element, it is easily attacked and dissolved by mineral acids, slowly reacts with water, and oxidizes in air.", "Yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG), Y 3 Al 2 (AlO 4) 3, is used for synthetic gemstones. Due to its fairly high refractive index, YAG was used as a diamond simulant in the 1970s until the methods of producing the more advanced simulant cubic zirconia in commercial quantities were developed.ndradite is a calcium-iron garnet, Ca 3 Fe 2 (SiO 4) 3, is of variable composition and may be red, yellow, brown, green or black. The recognized varieties are topazolite (yellow or green), demantoid (green) and melanite (black)." ]
how long do apple vinegar cider pills last
You'll notice an expiration or best by date printed on the side of your apple cider vinegar packaging. Apple cider vinegar is typically fine for up to five years, even after opening. Just consult the date on the side of your bottle; this date refers to the date by which the flavor, consistency and quality of the apple cider vinegar begins to falter.
[ "In some cases, consuming a lot of apple cider vinegar might not be safe. Consuming 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar per day, long-term might lead to problems such as low potassium. There has been one report of a person who developed low potassium levels and weak bones (osteoporosis) after taking 250 mL apple cider vinegar daily for 6 years.", "If you are experiencing side effects from drinking apple cider vinegar, stop drinking any and all vinegar immediately. Symptoms should begin to abate in 24 hours. Drink plenty of water during this time. Make sure you do not accidentally consume any additional vinegar in your diet, like salad dressing, for example.", "After drinking apple cider vinegar you may develop a stomach ache that lasts for over an hour. Mixing the vinegar with a bit of baking soda will balance out the acidity that can help prevent this remedy. Mixing eight ounces of water with two teaspoons apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon baking soda is recommended.", "Johnston has been studying vinegar and its health effects for more than a decade. While her own research efforts have not linked vinegar ingestion to significant weight loss, a 2009 study from Japan found that swallowing two tablespoons of diluted apple cider vinegar twice a day with meals helped people lose about four pounds after 12 weeks.", "I will try to make it more comprehensible: 1 cup of Raw apple cider vinegar (the one with the mother in it) 1 cup apple cider Put in a jar and cover with a coffee filter over it. You can use a rubber band to secure it. Put this in your pantry/ cupboard for about 1 month.aste it to see if it is strong enough. If so, continue on-For the next batch, use 1/2 cup of your vinegar in a mason jar and fill the rest with apple cider. This batch will go much faster and will be done at about 2 weeks. You will no longer need to buy apple cider vinegar.", "To make apple cider vinegar, simply leave an open container of apple cider out to ferment naturally. First it will turn into hard apple cider, with enough of an alcohol content to make most people a little tipsy. From there it will turn into apple cider vinegar, usually in 2-4 weeks.Since the vinegar fermentation process is an aerobic one, you want as much of the surface area of the apple cider exposed to the air as possible. For that reason, use the widest mouthed container you can get.Then protect that opening from insects and debris by covering it with a cheesecloth.ince the vinegar fermentation process is an aerobic one, you want as much of the surface area of the apple cider exposed to the air as possible. For that reason, use the widest mouthed container you can get. Then protect that opening from insects and debris by covering it with a cheesecloth.", "A friend told me about apple cider vinegar, so I tried 3 tablespoons in a 6-ounce glass of water three times a day for five days. I dealt with the nasty taste of the vinegar and had some initial heartburn discomfort, but I didn't take any OTC meds.", "» What Is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple Cider Vinegar has been used in cuisine and medicine since ancient times. It is a product of fermented apple juice. Apple Cider Vinegar can be produced in a number of different ways, from the slow going traditional methods that can take over 2 years to the quick 3 month fermentations as used by commercial producers.", "According to eMedTV, no set dosage of apple cider vinegar has been proven to be safe and effective. However, people often use doses ranging from a teaspoon to a tablespoon taken with a full glass of water up to three times per day. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can cause the enamel of your teeth to become eroded, irritate your throat or interfere with blood-thinning medications, diuretics or insulin.", "Apple cider vinegar mimics the acid level of your stomach to help digest foods properly, according to Disabled-World.com. Taking 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar before each meal may reduce symptoms, and continuing the practice for three to nine months may eliminate acid reflux.", "January 16, 2015. Five days ago I started sipping 2 Tbs. of apple cider vinegar diluted with water to speed weight loss. It’s worked wonders—my cravings have disappeared and I’m down 8 pounds. There’s just one problem: Three days after I started drinking the vinegar water, my skin broke out in a dry, itchy rash, plus I have major brain fog.", "Apple Cider Vinegar Pills for Weight Loss Support, Healthy Digestive Function, & Overall Health by Natural Pathway - 60 Capsules $10.00 $ 10 00 ($0.17/Count) $39.99 Only 15 left in stock - order soon.", "Headaches. As your body detoxes it can cause your body to develop a headache after using apple cider vinegar. These headaches should not be severe and will stop after a few weeks. If they continue or become severe, stop using apple cider vinegar.", "Drink apple cider vinegar by itself in 2 oz shots or dilute it in water, either way consume it for 1-7 days before doing a liver flush to help soften and dissolve stones and decrease the risk of a stone(s) getting stuck in the bile ducts.", "They divided the participants into three groups. Every day for 12 weeks, one group drank a beverage containing half an ounce of apple cider vinegar. Another group drank a beverage with one ounce of apple cider vinegar. And the third group had a drink containing no vinegar at all.", "Apple cider vinegar is a powerful bacteria-fighting ingredient. It also helps eliminate body odor by balancing the pH level of your skin. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on your underarms. Wait two to three minutes and then take your shower.", "A friend of mine emailed me. She told me that apple cider vinegar and honey helped her arthritis, so I tried it. I diluted a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. I drank that once a day for a couple weeks. At the end of two weeks, the pain in my hand was gone.", "So I guess the good news is that I can switch immediately to apple cider vinegar. I can even make my own fruit infused flavors, as Maria pointed out in her blog posting this week, which is exactly what I did. But it's 4-6 weeks until I have a supply, so I picked up some of this at Whole Foods this morning:", "Often, people take apple cider vinegar pills in the hopes of losing weight. These pills are said to help a person feel full for a longer period of time, which means it can work as a natural appetite suppressant. If a person feels hungry less often, he may find it easier to consume fewer calories and lose weight.", "Your stomach may not have enough acid or you may eat foods low in acidity, resulting in acid reflux. Apple cider vinegar mimics the acid level of your stomach to help digest foods properly, according to Disabled-World.com.Taking 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar before each meal may reduce symptoms, and continuing the practice for three to nine months may eliminate acid reflux.our stomach may not have enough acid or you may eat foods low in acidity, resulting in acid reflux. Apple cider vinegar mimics the acid level of your stomach to help digest foods properly, according to Disabled-World.com.", "Combine 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar with one gallon of water and drink throughout the course of a day for an You can repeat this process for up to three days, but one to two days is generally sufficient. It may irritate your throat if you drink it often or in large amounts.pple cider vinegar is also great as a salad dressing when mixed with flaxseed oil and. Delighted Momma Sweetened Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir: My grandmother has always made M the acv with hot water honey got colds. I felt a cold this morning DVD started drinking. How often do you.", "Read This Before Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar (Side Effects) htpnojco | September 30, 2015 | Fitness & Diet | No Comments Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an age-old element for sound living. Drinking it can bring various medical advantages. For one, there is broad exploration about how apple juice vinegar can assist you with getting thinner. In 2009, The Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry diary distributed a study finding that drinking it for only three months brought […]", "And because apple cider vinegar can help eliminate dead skin cells, it may even help fade away acne scars. Mix apple cider vinegar with honey; then, using a cotton ball, apply to the skin or affected area. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, and then rinse. You can do this two to three times a day.", "When I heard about apple cider vinegar (from another book) I told my husband to try it. He didn't think there was much to it. Then I bought the Bragg Amino Acids from my health food store and this book on Apple Cider Vinegar. This time, I just started giving him the vinegar honey drink twice a day for a week. He noticed SIGNIFICANT changes in his digestion and has been able to cut back on the Tums, etc. What he didn't realize was that he was LACKING sufficient stomach acid, and the pills were reducing his acid even more! The Braggs aren't the only ones who know about apple cider vinegar and its benefits. I've read books by James Balch MD (Prescription for Nutritional Healing), and M. Ted Morton (Your Health, Your Choice), and they concur on the use of apple cider vinegar for indigestion.", "Apple Cider vinegar that has had eggshells soaked in it for two weeks becomes very alkalizing. One tablespoon can be taken in water every day, or add to your drink bottle for the day and sip at it. It is also full of highly absorbable calcium from the eggshells.", "Catherine -- Hendersonville, TN. I have been taking apple cider vinegar for about 3 months and have seen good results. I have asthma, and it has really helped with my breathing. It has also helped with restless legs, muscle cramps, and has really helped my stomach, and psoriasis.", "Apple cider vinegar rinses are great as well. Mix a solution of 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to 3 cups of water, pour into a spray bottle, saturate hair, cover with a plastic cap, and let sit for 20-30 minutes. “This will help with many irritating scalp conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dandruff.", "However, they had to consume 30 ml of apple cider vinegar 4% (made in Septico Co., Mashhad, Iran) twice a day (morning and afternoon) for eight weeks. At the end of the second, fourth, and eighth weeks, 5 ml blood samples were obtained after 14 hours of fasting.", "Dandruff: Combining the first two benefits, give apple cider vinegar a try if you're plagued by dandruff. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, and spritz it on your hair and scalp. Then wrap your head in a towel, leave it for 15 to 60 minutes, and rinse the vinegar out. Repeat a few times a week.", "VINEGAR (Apple Cider) and Vinegar in general has been used for Medicinal purposes for at least 12,000 years. It was used in Assyria Babylon as an anti-septic as long as 12 thousand years ago. It was used by the Egyptians for medicinal purposes, at least 4,000 years ago.", "9. As your body detoxes it can cause your body to develop a headache after using apple cider vinegar. These headaches should not be severe and will stop after a few weeks. If they continue or become severe, stop using apple cider vinegar. Some have found that using apple cider vinegar has actually helped to cure migraines.", "How to take an apple cider vinegar bath. Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock Fill your tub with warm or hot water and add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar. Soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Once you are finished, let the apple cider vinegar water dry on your skin. If the smell is too much, rinse off in the shower afterwards. Source: naturallivingideas.com", "Even if the color and clarity of the liquid changes, it's still safe to consume up to the expiration date on the bottle. Of course, if your apple cider vinegar has been stored open and uncapped, it should be discarded, as dust, bugs and other contaminants could get into the liquid.", "Add a 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to bath water and soak for at least 10 minutes. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Place the soaked cotton ball on the wart and secure it with a band-aid or medical tape. Keep on overnight.", "The Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar expiration date is printed on the upper portion of the bottle, at the shoulder and neck taper area, see photo below. The upper line of the 2 contains the expiration date.", "For some, no results may appear for up to a month or more. In the instance of apple cider vinegar and varicose veins, diligence and persistence is the key. The first known remedy is to soak a towel such as cheesecloth or other thin material, or a bandage in apple cider vinegar, and apply it to the affected area.", "1 Alternatively, warm ½ cup of apple cider vinegar in a pan and pour it into a small tub filled with warm water. Soak your feet in the tub for 5 to 10 minutes, 2 times daily for 1 or 2 weeks. You can also mix 1 tablespoon each of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of warm water." ]
what documents do you need for a new social security card
After your application is complete, you’ll need to gather the following documentation as well. If applying for a social security card replacement as an adult, you’ll need to prove citizenship through a U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport, or Naturalization Certificate.
[ "Documents Serving as Proof of a Legal Name Change. You will need proof of your current legal name. In some cases, you may also need to show proof of your current U.S. citizenship or legal permanent resident (green card) status. [ How to Get a Certified Copy of Your Birth Certificate ]. Documents Social Security will accept as proof of a legal name change include original or certified copies of: 1 Marriage Licenses;", "Each state maintains different policies, but in general you will need to provide some or all of the following documents: 1 Your current drivers license. 2 Your full legal name. 3 Your Social Security number. Proof of legal presence, identity, and date of 1 birth. Proof of residency. Proof of a name change (if applicable).", "Each state maintains different policies, but in general you will need to provide some or all of the following documents: 1 Your current drivers license. 2 Your full legal name. 3 Your Social Security number. 4 Proof of legal presence, identity, and date of birth. 5 Proof of residency. 6 Proof of a name change (if applicable). Your full legal name. 2 Depending on your state, you may need to provide either one or two forms. 3 Your Social Security number. 4 If you are not eligible for a Social Security Number, you must provide proper proof of this (i.e. a letter issued by the Social Security Administration).", "An acceptable document must be current (not expired) and show your name, identifying information and preferably a recent photograph. Social Security will ask to see a U.S. driver’s license, state-issued nondriver identification card or U.S. passport as proof of identity." ]
how long to grow beard
Beards can reach full length in as little as two months or as long as six years. The final length of a beard is determined by the length of the hair's growing period, which is called the anagen phase. Everyone's anagen phase is different, which is why there is such variance when it comes to the time it takes to grow a full beard. Keep Learning.
[ "Yes, not to be Captain Obvious here, but that’s it – put down your razor. Put it down for at least the first four weeks of growth. A common rookie mistake would be to give in to temptation and start shaping and sculpting your beard way too early in the process. Give it four weeks, not four days.", "Commit to growing your facial hair. Many potential beards and goatees get shaved off at the first sign of itching. It will take at least four weeks for your facial hair to grow in completely, and you will have to endure a period of uncomfortable itching. Resist the temptation to shave it and eventually the hairs on your face will soften. Also, don’t trim or shape your facial hair for the first month, as the hairs grow at various rates on different areas of your face. Step 4. Work with what you’ve got. Unlike the hair on the top of your head, your beard will not cover every area of your face.", "It varies from person to person. Each of us grows facial hair at slightly different rates. From my personal experience, I would say about two weeks for a mustache of reasonable length. 9 people found this useful.", "Head hair grows continuously as opposed to facial hair. Even though beard has the same number of cycles (3 cycles explained below ), facial hair alternates between growth spurts and periods when it doesn’t grow which can be between three and six months. It normally happens a few months – between one and up to five – after you start growing your beard.", "Get your razors at the ready as it was revealed today that a beard can make men look up to ten years older. Even a light stubble can age a man by three years and having a moustache can add up to five years to a man's age. study has shown that by having a beard men can increase their age appearance by up to ten years, a panel agreed that George Clooney looked five years younger without his beard.", "There is no set time. Everything depends on your age and your genes. As you age the beard growth will be more pronounced. One of my friends got his full facial hair growth at 18, I didn't get mine until about 25. Over time as you age you will notice the consistency and growth change somewhat. The average hair growth speed is half an inch a month:", "Step 3. Commit to growing your facial hair. Many potential beards and goatees get shaved off at the first sign of itching. It will take at least four weeks for your facial hair to grow in completely, and you will have to endure a period of uncomfortable itching. Resist the temptation to shave it and eventually the hairs on your face will soften." ]
ach and aba routing number
refer to you check to determine the appropriate number. ACH Routing: 021300077 or 222370440 Wire Transfer: 021300077 Florida ABA (Ordering Checks): 067014181 Wire Transfer & ACH Routing: 041001039 Ohio - Columbus ABA (Ordering Checks): 044000642 Wire Transfer & ACH Routing: 041001039 Idaho ABA (Ordering Checks): 124101555
[ "For all NYCB Wire Transfer and ACH requests, the routing number is 226071004. How do I send a wire transfer? At this time, wire transfers can only be originated in our branches.", "Ach Routing Number (182) Routing Number (93) Routing (73) Swift Code (136) Cash Management (140) Management (57) Corporate Banking (113) Bank Routing Numbers (111) Contact; Sitemap", "ECSI – service never rests. An ABA number (also known as routing number or routing transfer number) is a sequence of nine numeric characters used by banks to identify specific financial institutions within the United States.", "Be careful when looking up this information online; ensure that you have the correct number for your account type and location. ACH may also be listed on the website as “electronic” or “direct deposit.” ABA may also be listed as “check routing number.”.", "The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI. 1 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank. 2 1 = Send items to customer routing number. 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field." ]
when is the texas wildlife expo?
HLSR Ranching and Wildlife Expo. When: March 7, 2017. Where: Houston, TX. Hosted By: TWA and HLSR. Who: All are welcome! Part of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (the Rodeo), the Ranching & Wildlife Expo enhances educational programs that promote the conservation and co-existence of ranching and wildlife habitats.
[ "Print Flyer. Texas Wildlife & Woodland Expo and Spring Fling a free, how-to event affords families, youth and adults a chance to get outdoors learn about the natural environment recognize the significance healthy forests, trees, wildlife, and pollinators have on clean air, clean water and our overall health.", "JOIN NOW! The Texas Farm Ranch and Wildlife Expo (TFRWE) is a unique, one of a kind agribusiness event that serves as an opportunity for vendors to interface directly with a combination of farm, ranch and/or wildlife managers and rural consumers in the Big Country.", "SPONSORED BY:​. The Texas Farm Ranch and Wildlife Expo (TFRWE) is a unique, one of a kind agribusiness event that serves as an opportunity for vendors to interface directly with a combination of farm, ranch and/or wildlife managers and rural consumers in the Big Country.", "The Texas Wildlife & Woodland Expo was funded in part through a grant awarded by the Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, US Forest Service. Texas A&M Forest Service is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer committed to excellence through diversity. Copyright © 2010-2011 Texas A&M Forest Service.", "Birdiest Festival in America. From April 20, 1:30 pm until April 23, 6:30 pm Location: South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center 8545 S Staples St, Corpus Christi, TX 78413, USA. Named “birdiest city” for a decade, Corpus Christi holds its inaugural “Birdiest Festival in America,” April 20-23,... view event for more details.", "- The Texas Centennial Exposition was held in Dallas, Texas from June 6-Nov. 29, 1936. - Most Centennial souvenirs were marked with the official logo created for the exposition or the dates 1836-1936.", "Texas offers a huge choice of annual events, all embraced as purely Texan. Outside of Austin, travelers head to Houston’s Livestock Show & Rodeo (March), the world’s largest livestock exhibition. Fiesta San Antonio (April) is a 10-day celebration with more than 100 events citywide.", "TEXAS FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 27 th Annual Conference – April 14 - 17, 2015 Dallas – The Westin Park Central CONFERENCE AGENDA 2 of 17 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm TFMA TEXAS NATIONAL CFM EXAM NOTE: Need to be a TFMA Member and submit CFM Exam Application with $100 Exam Fee at least 2 weeks in advance.", "Hey, Central Texas! Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 30th annual Bell County PRCA Rodeo coming to the Bell County Expo Center February 9-11, 2017. Featuring some of the most exciting bull riding on some of the rankest bucking bulls from Andrews Rodeo Company, known for the legendary Bodacious!", "Caylea Woodbury talks to the baby chicks at Big Texas Farmyard while filming, Little Women: Dallas, at the State Fair of Texas at Fair Park in Dallas, on Thursday, October 20, 2016. The new reality show will begin airing Nov. 2 at 9 p.m. on Lifetime.", "Kilgore College Rangerettes Cera Taylor, left, and Rachel Meents, right, pose in front of Big Tex after an official ceremony welcoming back the structure to the State Fair of Texas, Friday, Sept. 27, 2013, in Dallas. The fair runs Sept. 27, through Oct. 20.", "These schedules are effective from Monday, September 21 through Sunday, October 18, except for Saturday, October 10. The State Fair of Texas is open from Friday, September 25 through Sunday, October 18.", "The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Each year, the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo draws more than 2 million fans to experience rodeo action, major musical acts and an enormous carnival midway. The 2017 show is set for March 7 through 26. See below for the full concert lineup and click here for more info.", "The Blue Angels are back in town and will be putting on a show for North Texas at the Air Power Expo. This event will take place at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth on Saturday and Sunday. (Published Friday, April 25, 2014).", "MacKenzie Center Events: Wildlife July 7; Archery July 18. 7/1/2015 3:05:00 PM. Join the MacKenzie Center for two exciting events in July: Apex Predators Wildlife Tour: Tuesday, July 7, 6pm-8pm. Spend the evening getting up close and personal with some of our apex predators in our Wildlife Series.", "The Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society at Texas Tech will be co-hosting the third annual Severe Weather Awareness Day on Saturday, February 28th, from 11 am to 5 pm at the Science Spectrum and OMNI Theater in Lubbock. More information can be found at the 2009 Severe Weather Awareness website.", "TXDOT provides bloom sighting updates via a wildflower hotline at 1-800-452-9292 and on its website. Ennis, the Official Bluebonnet City of Texas, holds a festival in mid-April each year and opens 40 miles of mapped bluebonnet trails, April 1 through April 30.", "These schedules are effective from Monday, September 21 through Sunday, October 18, except for Saturday, October 10. The State Fair of Texas is open from Friday, September 25 through Sunday, October 18.hese six easy steps explain everything you need to know about navigating the DART Rail System. 1 Go to your train station. 2 Buy your ticket. 3 Go to the train platform. 4 Board the train. 5 Hold on to your ticket. 6 Get off at your stop.", "RIO GRANDE — Buckeye Hills will once again host its annual expo on April 22 and 23, with an entertainment lineup recently announced.The event wi... April 12th, 2017 updated: April 12th, 2017.", "1 Click here to view special schedules for Saturday, October 10. 2 View more information about DART service to the State Fair of Texas. 3 Trinity Railway Express (TRE) will operate special weekend schedules during the State Fair of Texas.", "Elk Expo. Details. Join us August 16 - 17 for the 2014 Elk Expo brought to you in partnership by the Pa Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau and the Keystone Elk Country Alliance. This exciting and fun filled weekend will have seminars, exhibits, vendors, entertainment, the PA Elk License Drawing and more!", "2015 Texas Book Festival submission period is. To be considered for the 2015 Festival, your package must be postmarked on or between January 5th and June 1st. The Texas Book Festival typically presents approximately 250 authors, from Texas and beyond, whose books are published in the year the Festival takes place.", "Saturday April 22 and Sunday April 23 is the always well attended Lake Conroe In the Water boat Show with dealers and marinas offering over 50 brands of boats. Come test drive them! NEWS: We have posted a Message from Texas Parks and Wildlife concerning the Zebra Mussell threat to Texas lakes. Please read this message.", "This year, the fair opens on Friday, September 30 and runs until Sunday, October 23, 2016. The very first Texas state fair was held in 1886. Not long after that, the fair became the first, and still the only state fair with a full blown auto show, which continues to be a huge attraction for fair goers.", "Add an Event. 1 Exhibit - “Nature is Local” July 24, 2017 from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Lufkin, TX. 2 Exhibit - “Vintage Hats” July 24, 2017 from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Lufkin, TX. 3 Exhibit - “Vintage Hats” July 25, 2017 from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Lufkin, TX. 4 Exhibit - “Nature is Local” July 25, 2017 from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Lufkin, TX.", "All FFA Exhibits must be in place by 6:00 p.m. (Those schools exhibiting at the Arkansas - Oklahoma Fair at Ft. Smith may be granted special permission to bring in exhibits (other. than Crops or Booths) on Tuesday, September 27. Contact Guy Shoulders for approval before September 15.)", "Houston Rodeo tickets. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a one-of-a-kind event that takes place in NRG Stadium, home of the Houston Texans. The Houston Rodeo occurs over 21 days beginning in late February or early March of that year and is the highest paying professional rodeo in the world. This is an invitation event and only the best cowboys and cowgirls are invited.", "The 2017 TSHA Convention will be held at the Austin Convention Center in Texas on Feb 23 rd –25 th. TSHA is expecting more than 4,500 attendees! There will be a mix of Audiologists, SLP, CFY and speech language and hearing scientists and students. The TSHA Convention offers education sessions, graduate school fair & career fair, Exhibit Hall, Student Luncheon, and Leadership Seminars", "UTRGV kicks off Earth Fest celebration in Brownsville. The Office of Sustainability at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley held their annual Earth Fest, Wednesday, April 19, which brought sustainable living experts and representatives to the campus to promote how we can make a difference in our environment each day. 01.25.2017.", "Aikman Wildlife Adventure. Saturday, April 2, 2016 -. 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are excited to announce our soft-opening date of Friday, March 11. The soft-opening will be for our drive-through only and will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until our grand-opening of the entire park Memorial Day weekend.", "They expected to open the Conservation Education Center by the end of December 2011, with the rest of the museum planned to be open by December 2012. As for March 2017, the museum is planned to reopen on September 21, 2017 as America's Wildlife Museum & Aquarium.", "The State Fair of Texas, held each September in Dallas, is home to tallest Ferris wheel in North America, the largest new car show in the Southwest and the iconic 52-foot-tall cowboy figure, Big Tex.", "While other parts of Texas have Fire Ant, Chigger and Mosquito Festivals, Luckenbach celebrates Spring's arrival each year by holding a contest to see who witnesses the arrival of the first Mud Dauber Wasp. The choice of this non-aggressive and home-oriented insect reflects Luckenbach's philosophy.", "Amanda Loy, (from left), Asta Young, and Caylea Woodbury share a selfie moment during a break while filming, Little Women: Dallas, at the State Fair of Texas at Fair Park in Dallas, on Thursday, October 20, 2016. The new reality show will begin airing Nov. 2 at 9 p.m. on Lifetime.", "Each year, for 9 fun-filled weekends September 30 to November 26, The Texas Renaissance Festival presents an enchanted world full of Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Knights, Nobles, Fairies, Elves, Pirates, Barbarians and other fanciful interactive characters.", "Tulsa Home & Garden Show is a 4 day event being held from 12th March to the 15th March 2015 at the River Spirit Expo Center at Expo Square in Tulsa, United States Of America. This event showcases product from Architecture & Designing, Household Consumables industries. + Add me as visitor.", "Antique European Linens and Decadence Down is pleased to announce its attendance at the Arbor Antiques Show currently being held in Round Top, Texas until Saturday, April 7th.", "Tour schedule for DEFECTORS: APR 20 Texas State / TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (SAN ANTONIO) APR 21 Texas State / TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (SAN ANTONIO) JUN 1 New York City / BOOK EXPO SIGNING.", "Office Hours Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Kinder Play (Davis, Jessop, DeLaRosa, Shugard) @ 6:00 pm, Tuesday, April 18. Kinder Pay (Snyder, Keeler, Ortiz, Friday) @ 6:00 pm, Thursday, April 20. Texas State Aquarium Visits to Celebrate Earth Day, Thursday, April 20 & Friday, April 21.", "THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS (October 14, 2015) – Residents are encouraged to register now for Tasteful Landscapes, a free Gardening 102 seminar about fall vegetable gardening, held Saturday, October 17, 2015, from 9 a.m. to noon, Read on...", "There will be five qualifying events for each rodeo event, culminating with the semi-finals in Mesquite, Texas on February 21-23. The top qualifiers will then move on to compete against the top 10 in the World at THE AMERICAN on March 2.", "Discover What’s Next: Spotlight on SXSW 2018 Video. Join us for unparalleled discovery, networking, and inspiration at the 2018 SXSW Conference & Festivals in Austin, Texas from March 9-18.", "DUG Permian Basic Conference. Aug 4, 2016 | Confrences | 0 Comments. We attended the DUG Permian Conference & Expo in Fort Worth, TX! Exciting things are happening in the nation’s most active basin, as the rig count is steadily increasing.", "VIEW ALL 1 -. 20 March 2017 by Corning, Arkansas, in Community Events,Home PageSara House – Blooms & Bows Gala 2 ... 31 January 2017 by Corning, Arkansas, in Chamber news,Community Events,Home Page2017 Business Expo The date for the 2017 Business Expo has been set for Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 11 ..." ]
does plant cells contain mitochondria
Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Plant cells contain chloroplasts as well as mitochondria. You're correct that photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are present in order to produce glucose via energy from sunlight.The glucose is then transferred to the mitochondria where aerobic respiration takes place. Chloroplasts generate ATP, but not enough to keep the cell functioning.The reason that you'll find mitochondria in plant cells is because mitochondria generates most of the ATP required for the cell to function. The fact that plants contain mitochondria does not mean that indoor plants don't contain chloroplasts.ou're correct that photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are present in order to produce glucose via energy from sunlight. The glucose is then transferred to the mitochondria where aerobic respiration takes place. Chloroplasts generate ATP, but not enough to keep the cell functioning.
[ "Eukaryotes have a membrane bound nucleus, which contains DNA, but prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus (true nuclei). Eukaryotes contain other membrane bound organelles too. Chloroplast in plant cells, mitochondria, and nucleus are enveloped from two membranes. Eukaryotic cells have chloroplasts and mitochondria as organelles and those organelles also have ribosomes 70S. Therefore, eukaryotic cells have different types of ribosomes (70S and 80S), whereas prokaryotic cells only have 70S ribosomes.", "Nucleus and Mitochondria have DNA. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration, and the vacuole gives support to plant cells when filled. Phospholipids make up the cell membrane.", "Eukaryotes have a membrane bound nucleus, which contains DNA, but prokaryotes lack a membrane bound nucleus (true nuclei). Eukaryotes contain other membrane bound organelles too. Chloroplast in plant cells, mitochondria, and nucleus are enveloped from two membranes.ibosomes on the membrane of the nucleus and on the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum are called bound ribosomes. Chloroplasts in plant cells and mitochondria in all eukaryotic cells have ribosomes, which resembles prokaryotic ribosomes.", "Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own DNA, which is thought to be inherited from their ancestor—a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that was engulfed by an early eukaryotic cell. Chloroplasts cannot be made by the plant cell and must be inherited by each daughter cell during cell division.", "A: Plants need mitochondria because they are essential for the production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. In addition, the Krebs Cycle and the electron transport chain, two important steps in cellular respiration, take place inside of the mitochondria.", "The cytoplasm has cell components like endoplasmic reticulum, lysomes, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. In the plant cells chloroplasts too are found in the organelles of cytoplasm which has a periphery surrounded by fatty membrane.", "In eukaryotes, the nucleus contains DNA. In both animals and plants, the mitochondria contains DNA. In plants only, chloroplasts contain DNA. The mitochondria and chlosplasts both contain their own DNA because they were once free living bacteria.", "In animal cells, the mitochondria produces the majority of the cells energy from food. It does not have the same function in plant cells. Plant cells use sunlight as their energy source; the sunlight must be converted into energy inside the cell in a process called photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are the structures that perform this function.", "Most significant is the lack of a nucleus in prokaryotic cells as well as membrane-based organelles found in all eukaryotic cells. Both have DNA, but eukaryote-DNA contain histones and chromosomes in a linear structure.Mitochondria (or the plant equivalent chloroplasts) is one of the many membrane-bound organelles present in eukaryotes, along with: 1 Nucleus. 2 Nucleoli. 3 Cytoskeleton. 4 Endoplasmic Reticulum. 5 Golgi Complex.oth have DNA, but eukaryote-DNA contain histones and chromosomes in a linear structure. Mitochondria (or the plant equivalent chloroplasts) is one of the many membrane-bound organelles present in eukaryotes, along with: 1 Nucleus. 2 Nucleoli. 3 Cytoskeleton. 4 Endoplasmic Reticulum." ]
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If you wish to cancel your Sky Subscription, you are required to contact Sky first of all in any of the following ways: 1 Call Sky customer care. 2 For Sky Talk customers the calls are free.3 You can begin an online ‘Live Chat’. Call Sky customer care. 2 For Sky Talk customers the calls are free. 3 You can begin an online ‘Live Chat’. 4 Sky customer care is available 7 days per week from morning 8.30am to evening 8pm for the UK customers.
[ "5 Limited-not all subscriptions cover calls to mobiles and landlines. You can check which subscriptions include mobiles and/or landlines from the subscription page. 6 Discount – with an active subscription, you can get a discount on a Skype Number.The discount for a 12 month Skype Number is 50%.How do I get a subscription? Just go to our subscriptions page, select the subscription that you want, and follow the on-screen instructions.f you cancel your subscription, it will run to the end of the subscription period. For example, if you have a 3 month subscription and you cancel it, it will continue to run until the end of the 3 months. Can I cancel my subscription? To cancel your subscription, all you have to do is cancel your recurring payments.", "Canceling your subscription reverts your account to the Free level. 1 Go to our Subscription page. 2 Under Subscription and payment, click cancel your subscription. 3 Select a reason (select Other reasons if you're canceling for a promotion). Click CONTINUE. 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To cancel a subscription: 1 Click in the top right of Facebook and select Settings. 2 Click Payments in the left column. 3 Click Account Settings.", "1 Tap the subscription that you want to manage. 2 Use the options to manage your subscription. 3 You can choose a different subscription period, or turn off Automatic Renewal. 4 Turn off Automatic Renewal to cancel a subscription.", "1 In this case, contact the content publisher or app developer directly to cancel your subscription. 2 Tap the subscription that you want to manage. Use the options to manage your subscription. You can choose a different subscription period, or turn off Automatic Renewal.", "Once you've set up a subscription, you can later cancel it. To cancel a subscription: 1 Click in the top right of Facebook and select Settings. 2 Click Payments in the left column.", "To cancel your subscription, go to your My Account page, and choose Manage account. On the Manage account page, in the Payment and Billing section, choose Cancel Subscription. Note You can also choose Turn off auto-renew instead of Cancel Subscription.", "Cancelling your subscription is easy. Just make sure to do so by the Wednesday prior to the delivery by 11:59PM (Sydney time) via your online account, or by 4PM if you'd like Customer Care to make the change on your behalf. To cancel online yourself, just need to follow these steps:", "1 You can cancel any time on your account page under Subscriptions. 2 You may request a refund for this purchase in accordance with Skype's refund policy. † A connection fee applies to pay as you go with Skype Credit. Other rates apply to SMS, special, premium and non-geographic numbers.", "Cancelling a Membership or a Subscription. 1 1. Use the formal business format. 2 2. Specify the membership or subscription you are cancelling. 3 3. Provide a brief reason for the cancellation. 4. Request confirmation of the 1 cancellation. 5. Sign and send the letter. 6. Make a copy of the letter for your records.", "How to Cancel Subscription on iTunes. 1 Step 1. Open iTunes on computer > Sign in with your Apple ID. 2 Step 2. Choose Account from the menu bar > View My Account… > Enter your password. 3 Step 3. Scroll down a little and you will see Settings > Click on Manage next to Subscriptions. Step 4. Find the subscriptions you wan to cancel > Click on Edit.", "1 Tap the subscription that you want to manage. 2 Use the options to manage your subscription. 3 You can choose a different subscription period, or turn off Automatic Renewal. 4 Turn off Automatic Renewal to cancel a subscription. Scroll to the Settings section. 2 To the right of Subscriptions, click Manage. 3 If you don't see a subscription in iTunes and are still being charged, make sure that you're signed in with the correct Apple ID.", "How to cancel a subscription. Tap [PlayStation Store] on the home screen and go to [Online ID] > [Account Settings]. Go to PlayStation Store. Sign in, go to your Online ID at the top of the page and click [Account Settings]. Click here and sign in for the account management site. 1 Go to the Media tab and select [Games] or [Music] from the options on the left. Select the current membership and click ‘Cancel Automatic Renewal’.", "1 Use the options to manage your subscription. 2 You can choose a different subscription period, or turn off Automatic Renewal. 3 Turn off Automatic Renewal to cancel a subscription. 4 Your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle. Scroll to the Settings section. 2 To the right of Subscriptions, click Manage. 3 If you don't see a subscription in iTunes and are still being charged, make sure that you're signed in with the correct Apple ID.", "Canceling your subscription reverts your account to the Free level. 1 Go to the subscription page. (Note: If you don’t know your password, go here to reset it.). 2 Under Subscription and payment, click cancel your subscription.", "1 In this case, please contact the content publisher or app developer directly to cancel your subscription. 2 Choose the subscription you want to manage. 3 Use the options to manage your subscription. 4 You can choose a different subscription period, or turn off Automatic Renewal.", "1 Use the options to manage your subscription. 2 You can choose a different subscription period, or turn off Automatic Renewal. 3 Turn off Automatic Renewal to cancel a subscription. 4 Your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle." ]
what is expressionism in music
In music, expressionism is a mainly German/Austrian affair, closely linked to the second Viennese school (Arnold Schoenberg, Schönberg Alban berg And Anton), webern and. atonalityxpressionism is a style in visual arts from the early 20th century, which is focused on expressing one's emotions, like angst, despair, anger and grief.
[ "Expressionism is a movement that began in the visual arts (painting), finding its way into literature, cinema, theatre and other arts soon after. No one person started the movement, although Germany in the early 1900s is largely credited as one major location for its origins. A simple Google search should help you.", "Definition of expressionism. : a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist.", "Definition of EXPRESSIONISM. : a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist.", "Expressionism is an early 20th century style of art that is charged with an emotional or spiritual vision. It is an artistic movement centered in Germany. Expressionism - The Spirit of Expressionist Art", "Definition of EXPRESSIONISM. : a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist. — ex·pres·sion·ist \\-ˈspre-shə-nist\\ noun or adjective often capitalized.", "expressionism. (c. 1905–25) An emphasis on pictorial distortion or chromatic exaggeration within any art of any period. The movement emphasizing heightened emotion and the artist’s subjective vision, and was characterized by bold brushwork and stylized forms.. (Art Movements) (sometimes capital) an artistic and literary movement originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, which sought to express emotions rather than to represent external reality: characterized by the use of symbolism and of exaggeration and distortion. (ɪkˈsprɛʃ əˌnɪz əm). n. (often cap.", "Expressionism is art that is more associated with emotion or feeling than with literal interpretation of a subject. Expressionistic art uses vivid colors, distortion, two-dimensional subjects that lack perspective.", "Unlike the French impressionists, who were primarily concerned with artistic technique to create a different effect, Expressionism is not primarily driven by technique, but a desire to express emotion. Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form. Also, unlike Impressionism, which was limited primarily to painting, Expressionism spread to many art forms, including not only painting, but literature, film, architecture and music.", "Expressionism[edit] A 20th-century European art movement that stresses the expression of emotion and the inner vision of the artist rather than the exact representation of nature. Distorted lines and shapes and exaggerated colors are used for emotional impact. Vincent Van Gogh is regarded as the precursor of this movement.", "Definition of EXPRESSIONISM. : a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist. — ex·pres·sion·ist \\-ˈspre-shə-nist\\ noun or adjective often capitalized. — ex·pres·sion·is·tic \\-ˌspre-shə-ˈnis-tik\\ adjective.", "Expressionism was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.hile the word expressionist was used in the modern sense as early as 1850, its origin is sometimes traced to paintings exhibited in 1901 in Paris by an obscure artist Julien–Auguste Herve, hervé which he Called. expressionismes", "Expressionism was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.he name came from Wassily Kandinsky 's Der Blaue Reiter painting of 1903. Among their members were Kandinsky, Franz Marc, Paul Klee, and Auguste Macke. However, the term Expressionism did not firmly establish itself until 1913.", "Expressionism was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.owever, the term Expressionism did not firmly establish itself until 1913. Though initially mainly a German artistic movement, most predominant in painting, poetry and the theatre between 1910–30, most precursors of the movement were not German.", "Definition: Expressionism is a term used to describe a movement of the early 20th century (c.1905-20) that was most prominent in Germany and Austria.The aims of an Expressionist were to express emotions through the use of vivid colors and strong, distorted lines, rather than capturing a likeness or reality.xpressionism is the opposite of Impressionism, which emphasized painting what the artist observed. The work of Vincent van Gogh had a lot of influence on artists who are now classified as Expressionists. See Also: 1 How to Paint Like an Expressionist. 2 Exhibition Photos: Vincent van Gogh and Expressionism.", "Definition of EXPRESSIONISM. : a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist.— ex·pres·sion·ist \\-ˈspre-shə-nist\\ noun or adjective often capitalized. — ex·pres·sion·is·tic \\-ˌspre-shə-ˈnis-tik\\ adjective.— ex·pres·sion·is·ti·cal·ly \\-ti-k(ə-)lē\\ adverb. a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist. — ex·pres·sion·ist \\-ˈspre-shə-nist\\ noun or adjective often capitalized. — ex·pres·sion·is·tic \\-ˌspre-shə-ˈnis-tik\\ adjective. — ex·pres·sion·is·ti·cal·ly \\-ti-k(ə-)lē\\ adverb.", "View More. Definition: Expressionism is a term used to describe a movement of the early 20th century (c.1905-20) that was most prominent in Germany and Austria. The aims of an Expressionist were to express emotions through the use of vivid colors and strong, distorted lines, rather than capturing a likeness or reality.xpressionism is the opposite of Impressionism, which emphasized painting what the artist observed. The work of Vincent van Gogh had a lot of influence on artists who are now classified as Expressionists. See Also: 1 How to Paint Like an Expressionist. 2 Exhibition Photos: Vincent van Gogh and Expressionism.", "1. expressionism-an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality. art movement, artistic movement-a group of artists who agree on general principles.", "expressionism \\expressionism\\ n. 1. an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a genre of German painting that tried to show the subjective responses to scenes rather than the scenes themselves. [WordNet 1.5].. an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a genre of German painting that tried to show the subjective responses to scenes rather than the scenes themselves. [WordNet 1.5].", "Noun. 1. expressionism-an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality.art movement, artistic movement-a group of artists who agree on general principles.xpressionism. a movement in the 20th century that attempted to express feeling and emotion directly by distorting forms, choosing violent subject matter and harsh colors, and keeping the overall design out of balance. — Expressionist, n. — Expressionistic, adj.", "Expressionism was developed as an avant-garde style before the First World War. It remained popular during the Weimar Republic, particularly in Berlin. The style extended to a wide range of the arts, including expressionist architecture, painting, literature, theatre, dance, film and music.", "Expressionism was developed as an avant-garde style before the First World War. It remained popular during the Weimar Republic, particularly in Berlin. The style extended to a wide range of the arts, including expressionist architecture, painting, literature, theatre, dance, film and music.owever, the term Expressionism did not firmly establish itself until 1913. Though initially mainly a German artistic movement, most predominant in painting, poetry and the theatre between 1910–30, most precursors of the movement were not German.", "Expressionism generally refers to a twentieth century art movement that began in Germany.", "Noun. 1. expressionism-an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality.art movement, artistic movement-a group of artists who agree on general principles.. (Art Movements) (sometimes capital) an artistic and literary movement originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, which sought to express emotions rather than to represent external reality: characterized by the use of symbolism and of exaggeration and distortion. (ɪkˈsprɛʃ əˌnɪz əm). n. (often cap.", "In a broader sense Expressionism is one of the main currents of art in the later 19th and the 20th centuries, and its qualities of highly subjective, personal, spontaneous self-expression are typical of a wide range of modern artists and art movements.", "Art Periods-Expressionism. Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form.", "Expressionist artists sought to express the meaning of emotional experience rather than physical reality. Expressionism was developed as an avant-garde style before the First World War. It remained popular during the Weimar Republic, particularly in Berlin. The style extended to a wide range of the arts, including expressionist architecture, painting, literature, theatre, dance, film and music.", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Expressionism is a term first used at the 1911 Fauvist and Cubist exhibition in Berlin. It describes art which distorts reality through exaggeration, vigorous and visible brushwork and strong colour, in order to express an artist's ideas or emotions." ]
where is gonzalo valdivia from?
Orthopedic Surgery | Palm Bay, FL. Dr. Gonzalo Valdivia is an orthopedic surgeon in Palm Bay, Florida and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Health First Palm Bay Hospital and Holmes Regional Medical Center. He received his medical degree from McGill University Faculty of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
[ "Home > Find an Orthopedic Surgeon > FL > Palm Bay Orthopedic Surgeons > Dr. Gonzalo Valdivia, MD.", "Local names originally denoted the proprietorship of the village or estate. The Valdivia family originally lived in Valdivielso. This place-name is derived from the Asturian word val-di-vieso, which means old man's-valley.", "Dr. Valdivia's Overview. Dr. Valdivia graduated from the McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Montreal, Canada in 1993. He works in Palm Bay, FL and specializes in Orthopaedic Surgery. Dr. Valdivia is affiliated with Palm Bay Hospital.", "Valdivia, Chile - City of Rivers. Valdivia, Chile, the City of Rivers, was founded on the Bahía de Corral by Pedro_de_Valdivia on February 9, 1522 who named the new settlement Santa María la Blanca de Valdivia.", "Find us on Facebook. Noble surnames, such as Valdivia, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people. The original bearer of the name Valdivia, which is a local surname, once lived, held land, or was born in the beautiful region of Spain. In Spain, hereditary surnames were adopted according to fairly general rules and during the late Middle Ages, names that were derived from localities became increasingly widespread.", "Not long after, he died in Peru. Foundation of the city of Santiago. Pedro de Valdivia had taken part in a large number of battles by then. After helping Pizarro to win the battle against Almagro, he managed to obtain a rich mine of silver and a considerable number of natives to work for him.", "Framed Surname History and Coat of Arms. Noble surnames, such as Valdivia, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people. The original bearer of the name Valdivia, which is a local surname, once lived, held land, or was born in the beautiful region of Spain.", "1960 Valdivia earthquake. The epicenter of this megathrust earthquake was near Lumaco (see map), approximately 570 kilometres (350 mi) south of Santiago, with Valdivia being the most affected city. The tremor caused localised tsunamis that severely battered the Chilean coast, with waves up to 25 metres (82 ft).", "The Valdivia earthquake occurred at 15:11 UTC-4 on 22 May, and affected all of Chile between Talca and Chiloe Chiloé, island more 400,000 400000 square (150,000 150000 sq). Mi coastal, villages such As, tolten. toltén disappeared", "Location: Valdivia, Chile | Date: May 22, 1960 | Magnetite: 9.5. Valdiva earthquake was the largest earthquake ever recorded by the instrument in the history. It was originating at coast of southern Chile on may 22 1960. The earthquake occurs at 7:11 PM, 100 miles off the cost of Chile, parallel to the city Valdivia.", "1 This have 20 years of tradition on Valdivia city. Has a menu with more than 50 variety of chinese food. Villa Santa Clara Restaurant, Lord Cochrane 855 (Follow the big signs to Villa Santa Clara from the bus stop Puelche), [1]. A really nice and secluded place in Niebla.", "Valdez /vælˈdiːz/,/vəlˈdɛz/ (Alutiiq: Suacit) is a city in Valdez-Cordova Census Area in the U.S. state of Alaska. According to the 2010 US Census, the population of the city is 3,976. The city is one of the most important ports in Alaska.", "The epicenter was near Lumaco (see map), approximately 570 kilometres (350 mi) south of Santiago, with Valdivia being the most affected city. The tremor caused localised tsunamis that severely battered the Chilean coast, with waves up to 25 metres (82 ft).", "Valdivia earthquake Almost 25% of the global seismic energy released between 1906–2005 occurred in the Great Chilean earthquake. The Valdivia earthquake occurred at 15:11 UTC-4 on 22 May, and affected all of Chile between Talca and Chiloé Island, more than 400,000 square kilometres (150,000 sq mi).", "In 1540, Pedro de Valdivia marched into Chile and, despite stout resistance from the Araucanians, founded Santiago (1541) and later established La Serena, Concepcion, concepción And. Valdivia after an initial period of incessant warfare with the, natives The spanish succeeded in subjugating the indigenous. population", "Valdivia earthquake (1960) Location: Valdivia, Chile | Date: May 22, 1960 | Magnetite: 9.5Valdiva earthquake was the largest earthquake ever recorded by the instrument in the history. It was originating at coast of southern Chile on may 22 1960.", "Soon the Spanish began to conquer Chile and Pedro de Valdivia founded the city of Santiago on February of 1941. Unlike Peru, Chile was not rich with gold and silver, but its central valley held the riches of agriculture. Soon Chile was part of the Spanish Empire. In 1810, the Chileans decided to fight for their independence from Spain.", "Fancy yourself as a bit of a gourmand—Puerto Vallarta is second only to Mexico City as the country’s food mecca—from taco stands and beach vendors selling shrimp and fish on sticks to glamorous gourmet restaurants tucked in the hills with expansive views of the Bay of Banderas.", "Valderrama was born in Miami, Florida, the son of Sobeida and Balbino A. Valderrama, who owned a farm equipment rental company. When he was 3, they moved to Venezuela and then later moved back to the United States.", "The 1960 Valdivia earthquake holds the record the strongest earthquake in the world. The epicenter was located about 900 km south of Santiago and it was powerful enough to deliver 10.7 meters high Tsunami 10,000 km away from the epicenter. Death tool was about 5.700-6,000 lives.", "[valdobˈbjaːdene]) is a town in the province of Treviso, Veneto, Italy. Valdobbiadene is a wine growing area. Just below the Alpine areas of Veneto, it provides a climate for cool varieties of grape.", "The 1960 Valdivia earthquake or Great Chilean Earthquake of Sunday, 22 May 1960 is to date the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Earth’s history, rating 9.5 on the moment magnitude scale. It occurred in the afternoon and its resulting tsunami affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia, and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.", "1960 Valdivia Earthquake or Great Chilean Earthquake Image: The 1960 Chilean tsunami radiated outward from a subduction zone along the coast of Chile. Its waves reached Hawaii in 15 hours and Japan in 22 hours.", "1960 Valdivia Earthquake or Great Chilean Earthquake. Image: The 1960 Chilean tsunami radiated outward from a subduction zone along the coast of Chile. Its waves reached Hawaii in 15 hours and Japan in 22 hours.", "The minerals draw workers to the Atacama from all over Chile. On the evening of August 3, 2010, Juan Carlos Aguilar began a bus journey of more than a thousand miles to reach the San Jose José, mine leaving from the temperate rain forests Near. valdivia", "The Val d’Orcia, or Valdorcia, is a region of Tuscany, central Italy, which extends from the hills south of Siena to Monte Amiata.", "The Valdivia earthquake occurred at 15:11 UTC-4 on 22 May, and affected all of Chile between Talca and Chiloe Chiloé, island more 400,000 400000 square (150,000 150000 sq). mi", "Valladolid was a city of Kings, Queens and prominent figures of the Spanish history. History has left an imprint in the city which is visible in its architectural diversity. Today it is one of the largest cities in Castilla-Leon with a population of around 500.000 inhabitants.", "1. 1960 Valdivia earthquake, Magnitude 9.5, (Valdivia, Chile) May 22, 1960. The 1960 Valdivia earthquake holds the record the strongest earthquake in the world. The epicenter was located about 900 km south of Santiago and it was powerful enough to deliver 10.7 meters high Tsunami 10,000 km away from the epicenter. Death tool was about 5.700-6,000 lives.", "The 1960 Valdivia earthquake was the largest earthquake ever recorded, occurred on 22nd May. It is ranked as the deadliest and the most powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 9.5 on a seismograph. It affected many countries including Japan, Hawaii, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Aleutian Islands.", "Valpolicella is a viticultural zone of the province of Verona, Italy, east of Lake Garda. The hilly agricultural and marble-quarrying region of small holdings north of the Adige is famous for wine production. Valpolicella ranks just after Chianti in total Italian Denominazione di Origine Controllata wine production. The red wine known as Valpolicella is typically made from three grape varieties: Corvina Veronese, Rondinella, and Molinara. A variety of wine styles is produced in the area, includi", "Valarie is a member of the State Bar of California. Valarie lives with her husband and filmmaking partner Sharat Raju and their son Kavi Singh in Los Angeles. She believes that “the way we make change is just as important as the change we make.”. Click here for recent press and upcoming appearances.", "At that juncture came Gondomar sallying out from the western gate, with fresh troops to reinforce the defenders of the vallum. Annals of a Fortress E. Viollet-le-Duc. He promised to reinforce Vidal at once with three battalions of chasseurs.", "1. Valdivia earthquake (1960) Valdiva earthquake was the largest earthquake ever recorded by the instrument in the history. It was originating at coast of southern Chile on may 22 1960. The earthquake occurs at 7:11 PM, 100 miles off the cost of Chile, parallel to the city Valdivia.", "He was arraigned on Thursday afternoon in Criminal Court in Manhattan and released on his own recognizance. As he left court, he declined to speak to reporters. Mr. Valastro, who lives in East Hanover, N.J., gained national fame after his family’s bakery was featured on the TLC reality television series “Cake Boss.”.", "Answers. Best Answer: Puerta Vallarta is a Mexican city on the Pacific coast. Puerto Vallarta is named after Ignacio Vallarta, a former governor of Jalisco. In Spanish, Puerto Vallarta is often shortened to Vallarta, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Vall... The Spanish verb vallar means to fence in / to enclose.", "Gonzalez gonzález was born in the home of his maternal (Grandfather Martin) martín Ramirez Ramírez, In Los, herrera Nuevo Leon León, to pablo gonzalez gonzález Barrera A, Customs, officer from ciudad Mier Tamaulipas And. His wife elvira ramirez'ramírez gonzalez, González due to his father s profession gonzalez gonzález spent His. early infancy in various states of northern mexico", "Location of Segovia on a map. Segovia is a city found in Castille and Leon, Spain. It is located 40.95 latitude and -4.12 longitude and it is situated at elevation 996 meters above sea level. Segovia has a population of 56,660 making it the 9th biggest city in Castille and Leon. It operates on the CEST time zone, which means that it follows the same time zone as Valladolid.", "St. Gonzalo Garcia, patron of Bombay, India. Martyred as a missionary in Japan. He was the child of an Indian mother and a Portuguese father, and is the only Catholic martyr from India. Dr. Gonzalo Gonzalez-Stawinski (The Cleveland Clinic), consultant on Three Rivers Show. Uruguayan football midfielder who plays for Rosario Central in Argentina.", "Morelia (Spanish pronunciation: ; from 1545 to 1828 known as Valladolid) is a city and municipality in the north central part of the state of Michoacán in central Mexico. The city is in the Guayangareo Valley and is the capital and largest city of the state.", "9.5 Magnitude - May 22, 1960 near Valdivia, Chile. World's largest earthquake - tsunami map: The Chilean earthquake produced a powerful tsunami that traveled at a speed of about 200 miles per hour across the Pacific Ocean.", "The 1960 Valdivia earthquake or Great Chilean earthquake of 22 May is the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. Various studies have placed it at 9.4–9.6 on the moment magnitude scale. It occurred in the afternoon, and lasted approximately 10 minutes. The resulting tsunami affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia and the Aleutian Islands. The epicenter of this megathrust earthquake was near Lumaco, approximately 570 kilometres ...", "Meaning of name Gonzalo. Etymology: From the medieval name Gundisalvus, which was the Latin form of a Germanic name composed of the elements gund war and salv which is of unknown meaning. Saint : Origin: Spanish.", "Valdivia-Silva JE, Navarro-González R, Fletcher L, Perez-Montaño S, Condori-Apaza R, McKay CP: Soil carbon distribution and site characteristics in hyper-arid soils of the Atacama Desert: a site with Mars-like soils.", "PV or Vallarta (as locals call the place) is a city located on the Pacific Coast of Mexico in the State of Jalisco within a large bay called Banderas Bay (Bay of Flags) or Bahía de Banderas. Check out the map.", "9 5 magnitude may 22 1960 near valdivia chile world s largest earthquake tsunami map the chilean earthquake produced a powerful tsunami that traveled at a speed of about 200 miles per hour across the pacific ocean the wave killed 61 people in hawaii 138 in japan and 32 in the philippines" ]
who is responsible for deceased debt
No. The estate of the deceased person owes the debt. If there isn't enough money in the estate to cover the debt, it typically goes unpaid. But there are exceptions to this rule. You may be responsible for the debt if you: 1 co-signed the obligation; live in a community property state, such as California;
[ "If the deceased had unsecured debts in their name only, and the married couple did not reside in a community property state, only he/she is liable for the debt(s). If it is a secured debt in his/her name only the property may be subject to repossession, lien placement, sale, and so on. What action a….", "Debt Claims. When settling an estate, the executor of the estate must receive claims and bills against the deceased. For example, someone who is owed a debt by the deceased would have to submit a claim to the executor to have it paid. The claim must be submitted within a certain period of time as governed by the rules of the probate court.", "This is not entirely true. If possible, all debts will be paid via the Deceased’s estate during formal or informal probate proceedings. Debts in an Estate: The creditors of the Deceased have the right to file a claim on the estate in order to recover funds owed to them. This usually happens during the probate process.", "The executor should also request a copy of the deceased’s credit report. This is the best way to find out exactly what debts were outstanding. Here’s the process, in the words of TransUnion: Step One: Contact all creditors that the deceased person(s) did business with and request that they mark their files accordingly.top Using Credit Accounts. If you are an authorized user on a credit card account, don’t continue to use the card after the main cardholder dies. Because you’re not liable for the debt, this could be considered fraud. A surviving spouse can ask for a card to be issued in his or her own name.", "Here are the facts. Generally when someone dies, the outstanding debts of the deceased are paid out of her estate during the probate process. If there is not enough money in the estate to pay all of those debts, the unpaid creditors are out of luck.", "The Role of the Estate and Credit Card Debt. Typically, the first place a credit card company will turn for reimbursement of any outstanding debts in the case of death is to the deceased individual’s estate. If there is any money available, it will first be used to settle any existing debts that the deceased left behind.", "When someone dies, debts are recoverable from any assets or money left behind. This is known as the ‘estate’. No one else has to pay for the debts unless they are already liable under the terms of the original agreement. A person can be liable, for example, if the debt is in joint names or if someone has signed as a guarantor. Dealing with an estate can be complicated. You may need legal advice.", "Responsibility for Costs. Laws vary by state, but the decedent’s estate is usually responsible for paying funeral expenses. The executor is not personally obligated to pay these expenses, but must decide how to fund the burial before the estate is finally settled.", "How to pay off outstanding debts after a death. Step 1: Tell creditors that the person has died. There is a lot to do when you’re dealing with the debts and estate of a deceased. Getting letters or phone calls from creditors demanding payment just adds to the stress of the situation. So, contact the creditors and let them know that the person has died.", "Laws vary by state, but the decedent’s estate is usually responsible for paying funeral expenses. The executor is not personally obligated to pay these expenses, but must decide how to fund the burial before the estate is finally settled.", "1 co-signed the obligation; 2 live in a community property state, such as California; 3 are the deceased person's spouse and state law requires you to pay a particular type of debt, like some health care expenses; or. 4 were legally responsible for resolving the estate and didn't comply with certain state probate laws.", "Field recommends doing a few smart things if a relative dies with credit card debt: Cut up the cards and send them to the issuer with a statement of the date of death, and contact the three credit reporting bureaus — TransUnion, Equifax and Experian — informing them of the date of death and to close the credit profile.", "Report Abuse. No, they are not financially responsible. The estate of the deceased is now it's own legal entity, and falls under the rules of the state concerning disposition of assets and property. The power of attorney and all it's obligations stopped the second person B passed away.", "The estate is responsible for paying the decedent's debts. If the debts exceed the assets, potential inheritors are not liable for paying them. But before paying any debts, the executor is responsible for ensuring the estate's assets can cover them all. If not, creditors will be prioritized by the state.", "What happens to debts when someone dies? When someone dies, debts they leave are paid out of their 'estate' (money and property they leave behind). You're only responsible for their debts if you had a joint loan or agreement or provided a loan guarantee - you aren't automatically responsible for a husband's, wife's or civil partner's debts.", "If your husband or wife dies owing money on a loan or credit card that was solely in his or her name, you are not personally liable for the debt. The same applies if the decedent is your mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, etc.", "Pay bills and taxes. The estate is responsible for paying the decedent’s debts. If the debts exceed the assets, potential inheritors are not liable for paying them. But before paying any debts, the executor is responsible for ensuring the estate’s assets can cover them all. If not, creditors will be prioritized by the state.", "Pay bills and taxes. The estate is responsible for paying the decedent’s debts. If the debts exceed the assets, potential inheritors are not liable for paying them. But before paying any debts, the executor is responsible for ensuring the estate’s assets can cover them all.", "Using funds from the estate, the executor must pay taxes due on the property of the deceased, including estate tax. Tax payments are viewed as a debt of the deceased and, as such, funds cannot be distributed to heirs unless and until all debts have been paid in full.", "Executor Duties. An executor is responsible for filing tax returns for both the deceased individually and for her estate. The estate return is usually due within nine months after death. With the individual return, the executor should also file a copy of the death certificate and alert the IRS that the taxpayer has passed away.", "Credit card companies and debt collectors are allowed to contact a decedent’s spouse, administrator or executor of the estate, guardian, or any other person with authority to pay the decedent’s debts from his or her estate.epending on state law, when a person passes away, creditors have a certain amount of time to file a claim against the assets in his or her estate. If the decedent’s estate does not have sufficient assets to pay the debt, the credit card company is usually out of luck." ]
what airport is the closest to jupiter florida
The closest airport is Palm Beach International Airport (PBI). Distance from Palm Beach International Airport to Jupiter is 27,9 kilometers (17,4 miles).
[ "Take exit 116 toward Florida 706/Jupiter/Interstate 95. Continue straight (signs for FL-706/Jupiter). Turn left onto W Indiantown Rd. Follow approximately 10 miles to the end of Indiantown Rd to the entrance of Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa. From Tampa International Airport (TPA). Head south.", "- The Melbourne International Airport, which is only 55 miles. - The Orlando International Airport, which is 100 miles approximately. Near by Cities from Fort Pierce FL. - Stuart, FL-Jupiter, FL-Port St. Lucie, FL-Vero Beach, FL-Melbourne, FL. As a desirable vacation destination Fort Pierce, Florida and its neighboring cities attract thousands of visitors annually.", "Storm causes at least a million dollars in damage at Palm Beach International Airport. Dike at Lake Okeechobee and flood control system reduces damage. At Jupiter, the highest recorded wind speed gust was 153 mph. August 27, 1964 Hurricane Cleo causes $50 million in damages in Palm Beach County.", "Jupiter is the northernmost town in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. According to the 2014 Census Bureau estimate, the town had a total population of 60,681. It is part of the Miami metropolitan area, which was home to an estimated 6,012,331 people at the 2015 census.", "Jupiter is a town located in Palm Beach County, Florida. According to the 2014 Census Bureau estimate, the town had a total population of 60,681. It is one of the northernmost suburbs of the Miami metropolitan area. It was rated as the 9th Happiest Seaside Town in America by Coastal Living in 2012.", "The driving distance between Naples, FL and Jupiter, FL is approximately 165 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driv … ing conditions.", "The driving distance between Naples, FL and Jupiter, FL is approximately 165 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. The driving distance between Naples, FL and Jupiter, FL is approximately 165 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions.", "The closest airport is Tampa International Airport (TPA). Distance from Tampa International Airport to Hudson is 46,1 kilometers (28,6 miles). Tampa International Airport is located approximately 5,4 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of Egypt Lake-Leto and about 5,8 kilometers (3,6 miles) southeast of Town 'n' Country. Tampa International Airport IATA code is TPA.", "The closest airport is Tampa International Airport (TPA). Distance from Tampa International Airport to Lakeland is 57,8 kilometers (35,9 miles). Tampa International Airport. Tampa International Airport is located approximately 5,4 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of Egypt Lake-Leto and about 5,8 kilometers (3,6 miles) southeast of Town 'n' Country.", "Closest Airport to Mount Dora, FL. The closest airport is Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB). Distance from Orlando Sanford International Airport to Mount Dora is 39,8 kilometers (24,7 miles).", "For Jupiter Island in Martin County, see Jupiter Island, Florida. Jupiter is the northernmost town in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. According to the 2015 Census Bureau estimate, the town had a total population of 62,707. It is one of the northernmost communities of the Miami metropolitan area, which was home to an estimated 6,012,331 people at the 2015 census.", "Closest Airport to Lakeland, FL. The closest airport is Tampa International Airport (TPA). Distance from Tampa International Airport to Lakeland is 57,8 kilometers (35,9 miles). Tampa International Airport is located approximately 5,4 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of Egypt Lake-Leto and about 5,8 kilometers (3,6 miles) southeast of Town 'n' Country. Tampa International Airport IATA code is TPA.", "After a brief encounter with asteroid 132524 APL, New Horizons proceeded to Jupiter, making its closest approach on February 28, 2007, at a distance of 2.3 million kilometers (1.4 million miles). The Jupiter flyby provided a gravity assist that increased New Horizons ‍ '​ speed by 4 km/s (14,000 km/h; 9,000 mph).", "Closest Airport to Neptune Beach, FL. The closest airport is Jacksonville International Airport (JAX). Distance from Jacksonville International Airport to Neptune Beach is 34,6 kilometers (21,5 miles).", "Closest Airport to Gainesville, FL. The closest airport is Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV). Distance from Gainesville Regional Airport to Gainesville is 6,7 kilometers (4,2 miles). Gainesville Regional Airport is located approximately 6,7 kilometers (4,2 miles) northeast of Gainesville and about 57,4 kilometers (35,7 miles) north of Ocala.", "The Jupiter, FL air quality index is 17.9% less than the Florida average and 41.7% less than the national average.", "i do believe wakulla volcano, which is located in Florida is the closest. that is however if you believe the rumors and legends that surround it.he nearest major airport is Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL / KFLL). This airport has international and domestic flights from Fort Lauderdale, Florida an … d is about 4 miles from the center of Hollywood, FL. 2 people found this useful.", "Closest Airport to Palm Harbor, FL The closest airport to Palm Harbor is St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport (PIE). Distance from St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport to Palm Harbor, FL is 20,1 kilometers (12,5 miles). St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport (PIE) St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport is located approximately 7,6 kilometers (4,7 miles) north of Pinellas Park and about 9,0 kilometers (5,6 miles) south of Safety Harbor. IATA airport code is PIE. Tampa International Airport (TPA) Distance from Tampa International Airport to Palm Harbor is 25,4 kilometers (15,8 miles). Tampa International Airport is located approximately 5,4 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of Egypt Lake-Leto and about 5,8 kilometers (3,6 miles) southeast of Town 'n' Country.", "The nearest major airport is Miami International Airport (MIA / KMIA). This airport has international and domestic flights from Miami, Florida and is about 34 driving miles fr … om the center of Homestead.", "Major airports near Palm Springs, Florida: The nearest major airport is Palm Beach International Airport (PBI / KPBI). This airport has international and domestic flights from West Palm Beach, Florida and is 5 miles from the center of Palm Springs, FL. Another major airport is Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL / KFLL), which has international and domestic flights from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is 46 miles from Palm Springs, FL.", "Orlando International Airport (Code: MCO) is the closest airport near Port Canaveral which is within the city limits of Cape Canaveral. Orlando Airport is almost exactly a 45 minutes drive from the port and it’s 48 miles west of Port Canaveral.Here are some of the most popular distance questions: How far is: 1 Kennedy Space Center to Port Canaveral: 20 Miles and 25 minutes drive.2 Universal Studios resort/ SeaWorld/ International Drive Resort area to Port Canaveral: 55 Miles and 1 hour & 5 minutes drive.ere are some of the most popular distance questions: How far is: 1 Kennedy Space Center to Port Canaveral: 20 Miles and 25 minutes drive. 2 Universal Studios resort/ SeaWorld/ International Drive Resort area to Port Canaveral: 55 Miles and 1 hour & 5 minutes drive.", "detailed map of Jupiter and near places. Welcome to the Jupiter google satellite map! This place is situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States, its geographical coordinates are 26° 56' 2 North, 80° 5' 40. West and its original name (with diacritics) is Jupiter. See Jupiter photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Jupiter in United States.", "Jupiter Medical Group is located at 126 Center St, Jupiter, FL 33458.. This location is in Palm Beach County and the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL Metropolitan Area.", "The closest major airport to Port Saint Lucie, Florida is Palm Beach International Airport (PBI / KPBI). This airport is in West Palm Beach, Florida and is about 53 miles by c … ar from the center of Port Saint Lucie. 3 people found this useful.", "I think Breakers to Jupiter would be about 15 miles- maybe 20-25 min drive. Jupiter is the northernmost town in Palm Beach County.", "Jupiter is a town located in Palm Beach County, Florida. As of the 2000 census, the town had a total population of 39,328. The estimate population for 2009 is 50,606. As of 2006, the population had grown to 50,028, according to the University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. Jupiter is well-known for its beauty and beaches. It is often referred to as a beach town and has become a popular vacation spot.", "The closest major airport to Everglades City, Florida is Naples Municipal Airport (APF / KAPF). This airport is in Naples, Florida and is 37 miles from the center of Everglades City, FL. If you're looking for domestic flights to APF, check the airlines that fly to APF. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Everglades City, FL, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports. You can also browse local airports if you're a pilot.", "At perihelion(closest point), Jupiter is 741 million km or 4.95 astronomical units(AU) from the Sun. At aphelion(farthest point) it is 817 million km or 5.46 AU. That gives Jupiter a semi-major axis of 778 million km or 5.2 AU and a mild eccentricity of 0.048.", "1. Orlando International Airport MCO, located inland, approximately 35 miles west of the Kennedy Space Center. Interstate Hwy 4, the Florida Turnpike and other smaller arteries can take you quickly to both the Gulf Coast to the West or the Atlantic Ocean to the East.", "A hurricane warning -- meaning winds of at least 74 mph were expected within 24 hours -- was in effect from Jupiter Inlet south to Florida City, including Lake Okeechobee to the west. The storm was relatively small. The eye was only 10 miles across, and hurricane force winds extended only 15 miles from the center.", "Cities > United States > Airports near Gainesville, FL. The closest airport is Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV). Distance from Gainesville Regional Airport to Gainesville is 6,7 kilometers (4,2 miles). Gainesville Regional Airport. Gainesville Regional Airport is located approximately 6,7 kilometers (4,2 miles) northeast of Gainesville and about 57,4 kilometers (35,7 miles) north of Ocala.", "Jupiter, FL. Sponsored Topics. Jupiter is a town located in Palm Beach County, Florida. As of the 2000 census, the town had a total population of 39,328. The estimate population for 2009 is 50,606. As of 2006, the population had grown to 50,028, according to the University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research.", "One of Florida’s most golf happy regions, the Jupiter area is home to miles of spectacular fairways. You can tee up at more than 50 courses in and around Jupiter such as Jupiter Dunes, Cypress Links, Jonathon’s Landing, Emerald Dunes Golf Club and the PGA National Resort.", "Facts, figures, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com. The closest major airport to Rome, NY is Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR / KSYR). This airport is in Syracuse, New York and is about 46 miles by road from the center of Rome.", "Closest Airport to Boca Raton, FL. The closest airport is Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (FLL). Distance from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport to Boca Raton is 32,6 kilometers (20,3 miles).", "Jupiter is a town located in Palm Beach County, Florida. According to the 2014 Census Bureau estimate, the town had a total population of 60,681.It is one of the northernmost suburbs of the Miami metropolitan area.It was rated as the 9th Happiest Seaside Town in America by Coastal Living in 2012.upiter's consort was Juno, inspiring a neighboring town to name itself Juno Beach . The most notable landmark is the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, completed in 1860. Made of brick, it was painted red in 1910 to cover discoloration caused by humidity.", "The nearest major airport is Palm Beach International Airport (PBI / KPBI). This airport has international and domestic flights from West Palm Beach, Florida and is 17 miles from the center of Gulf Stream, FL.", "Major airports near Mount Dora, Florida: The nearest major airport is Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB / KSFB). This airport has international and domestic flights from Sanford, Florida and is 29 miles from the center of Mount Dora, FL. Another major airport is Orlando International Airport (MCO / KMCO), which has international and domestic flights from Orlando, Florida and is 44 miles from Mount Dora, FL. Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB / KDAB) has domestic flights from Daytona Beach, Florida and is 52 miles from Mount Dora, FL. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Mount Dora, FL, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports.", "At its closest, or perihelion, Jupiter lies 460 million miles (741 million km) from the star; at its farthest, or aphelion, it is 508 million miles (817 million km) away. On average, the distance to Jupiter is 484 million miles (778 million km).", "Major airports near Sun City Center, Florida: The nearest major airport is Tampa International Airport (TPA / KTPA). This airport has international and domestic flights from Tampa, Florida and is 36 miles from the center of Sun City Center, FL.Another major airport is Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (SRQ / KSRQ), which has domestic flights from Sarasota, Florida and is 36 miles from Sun City Center, FL.nternational airports near Sun City Center, FL. 36 miles: Tampa, FL (TPA / KTPA) Tampa International Airport. 100 miles: Orlando, FL (MCO / KMCO) Orlando International Airport. 115 miles: Fort Myers, FL (RSW / KRSW) Southwest Florida International Airport.", "The nearest major airport is Miami International Airport (MIA / KMIA). This airport has international and domestic flights from Miami, Florida and is 15 miles from the center of South Beach. Another major airport is Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL / KFLL), which has international and domestic flights from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is 31 miles from South Beach.", "Orlando International Airport (Code: MCO) is the closest airport near Port Canaveral which is within the city limits of Cape Canaveral. Orlando Airport is almost exactly a 45 minutes drive from the port and it’s 48 miles west of Port Canaveral.", "CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A NASA spacecraft circling Jupiter is revealing the up-close beauty of our solar system’s biggest planetary storm. Juno flew directly over Jupiter’s Great Red Spot on Monday, passing an amazingly close 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometres) above the monster storm.", "The nearest major airport is Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL / KFLL). This airport has international and domestic flights from Fort Lauderdale, Florida an … d is about 4 miles from the center of Hollywood, FL.", "Closest Airport to Sun City Center, FL. The closest airport is Tampa International Airport (TPA). Distance from Tampa International Airport to Sun City Center is 33,8 kilometers (21,0 miles).he closest airport is Tampa International Airport (TPA). Distance from Tampa International Airport to Sun City Center is 33,8 kilometers (21,0 miles).", "International airports near Odessa, FL. 23 miles: Tampa, FL (TPA / KTPA) Tampa International Airport. 104 miles: Orlando, FL (MCO / KMCO) Orlando International Airport. 134 miles: Sanford, FL (SFB / KSFB) Orlando Sanford International Airport.earest airports. Travelmath helps you find the closest airport to any city, as well as a list of smaller local airports. You can use these pages to plan your trip and figure out the easiest way to get to your destination.", "West Palm beach would be the next closest airport but it is further than Orlando and there are more flights going into Orlando than WPB, but if you can get one cheaper into WPB, it is an option. __________________. ================================================== ==========. Carnival Cruise Lines:" ]
how long does mazda warranty their tires
Mazda Warranty. When you buy a new car from a Mazda Dealer, you get a comprehensive Manufacturer’s Warranty. It includes: New Vehicle Warranty for 3 years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first. Paint and Surface Corrosion Warranty on body sheet metal panels against surface corrosion for 3 years regardless of mileage.
[ "Save your tires before it’s too late. Choose your alignment warranty (3-month/4000 miles, 1-year/12,000 miles or 5-years/unlimited miles) to insure against potholes other alignment-compromising road hazards that come with the winter weather (and beyond).", "Save your tires before it’s too late. Choose your alignment warranty (3-month/3,000 miles, 1-year/12,000 miles, 3-year/36,000 miles or Lifetime/Unlimited miles) to insure against potholes other alignment-compromising road hazards that come with the winter weather (and beyond).", "Finally, your Mazda3’s clutch stops working all together. You head in to the nearest dealership, warranty in hand because your Mazda3 is covered by a three-year/36,000 mile warranty, and confident that your Mazda dealer will replace the clutch.econd generation (2009-2013) Mazda3 owners need to know that premature clutch failure is a common problem well-known to Mazda, and Mazda should be forced to honor its warranty and replace the clutch at no cost to you.", "If a tire is determined adjustable under the terms of this warranty, the tires are replaced at no charge during the first 25% of wear and the first 12 months of use. After 25% wear and 12 months, the tires are pro rated, based on remaining tread depth.", "Many replacement tires, especially the all-season ones that come standard on a car, minivan, or SUV, have a prorated mileage warranty. It’s based on how long the tread on a tire is expected to last. For the tires we tested, it was usually between 40,000 and 90,000 miles.", "Mazda extends rotary warranty on RX-8 to 100k miles. Jeremy Korzeniewski. Click above for high-res gallery of the 2009 Mazda RX-8. You've got to hand it to Mazda for its perseverance with the Wankel rotary engine design. Ever since it's engineers managed to make it semi-reliable, the turbine-like smoothness of the quick-spinning lump has seen duty in numerous Mazda-branded vehicles, and even a few others as well.", "Replace the tires at least every 6 years. If you're not sure, the minimum replacement time that is recommended by the NHTSA is six years regardless of use, with 10 years being the maximum service life for tires. Check your owner's manual for specific recommendations related to your car.", "BFGoodrich? tires have a limited warranty,* which covers defects in workmanship and materials for the life of the original usable tread, or for 6 years from the date of purchase, whichever occurs first. BF GOODRICH Corporate Customer Service Address.", "8. Replace the tires at least every 6 years. If you're not sure, the minimum replacement time that is recommended by the NHTSA is six years regardless of use, with 10 years being the maximum service life for tires. Check your owner's manual for specific recommendations related to your car.", "The Toyota basic warranty applies for 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first. The warranty on the wheel alignment and wheel balancing is 1 year or 12,000 miles and the safety restraint system is covered for 5 years or 60,000 miles.", "If you experience an issue with your tires, it may be covered under our tire-replacement limited warranty.*. 30-Day Goodyear Pledge. Our satisfaction pledge gives you 30 days to decide whether to keep select tires or exchange them for a different set of Goodyear tires.*.", "Some tires also come with life wear warranty, meaning they'll have 20k, 40k, 60k + mileage before they need replacing. Too many variables. If you do indeed drive 2k miles a year, then a tire should last you 6 to 10 years before they need replacing regardless of how much life is on it.", "All MICHELIN® tires4 (both Replacement & Original Equipment) come with a limited warranty for treadwear, as well as a limited warranty which covers defects in workmanship and materials for the life of the original usable tread, or for 6 years from date of purchase, whichever occurs first.", "BASIC LIMITED WARRANTY. There is no free replacement period. Coverage extends up to 5 years (3 years for Primewell brand) from the date of purchase – proof of purchase date required. Without proof of purchase date, then 6 years (4 years for Primewell brand) from the date of tire manufacture.", "As a brand, they often showcase some of the quietest and smoothest riding tires. The Michelin Primacy MXV4 is known for longevity as it's offered with a 60,000 mile tread life warranty and provides good snow-handling capability for an all-season tire. Michelin's LTX….", "We offer two wheel alignment service plans to help improve your car's performance, MPGs and extend the life of your tires. 6 Month Alignment Includes 6 month or 6,000 mile warranty.", "Quiet Tires: Look No Further Than Michelin. …offered with a 60,000 mile tread life warranty and provides good snow-handling capability for an all-season tire. Michelin's LTX M/S2 is also extremely long-lasting with a 70,000 mile warranty, along with nimble handling characteristics for your truck or SUV. If a great value in a passenger tire….", "Tire manufacturers such as Continental and Michelin say a tire can last up to 10 years, provided you get annual tire inspections after the fifth year. The Rubber Manufacturers Association says there is no way to put a date on when a tire expires, because such factors as heat, storage and conditions of use can dramatically reduce the life of a tire.", "Report Abuse. I think Mazdas are as good as Hondas and toyotas when you buy them new and care for them, like any other car (besides US cars unfortunately). They all come to a point where the warrantees are the difference makers, and where options and parts are more or less cheaper. own a mazda 6 for 2 yrs now and I love it. NO buyers remorse here. I purchaced the 7yr/160,000KM extended warentee. well worth it. The 3's are a great car. and reliable too. but I just heared that there is a way criminals have figured out to brak into the 3's without braking the glass ect.", "2- Ten years is a maximum. If the tires haven't been replaced 10 years after their date of manufacture, as a precaution, Michelin recommends replacing them with new tires. Even if they appear to be in usable condition and have not worn down to the tread wear indicator.", "NOTE: Steering or suspension parts installed after the alignment voids the limited warranty. PARTS: 6 months or 6,000 miles, whichever comes first. LABOR: 6 months or 6,000 miles, whichever comes first.", "Advantage T/A Sport All BFGoodrich® tires have a Standard Manufacturer's Limited Warranty, which covers defects in workmanship and materials for the life of the original usable tread, or for 6 years from date of purchase, whichever occurs first. See warranty for details. Download PDF Version of Warranty.", "Mileage warranties and limited warranty. All MICHELIN® tires4 (both replacement and original equipment) come with a limited warranty for treadwear, as well as a limited warranty which covers defects in workmanship and materials for the life of the original usable tread, or for 6 years from date of purchase, whichever occurs first.", "Tire Tech Information - Determining the Age of a Tire. …week the tires were manufactured. So if you purchase new tires that were manufactured exactly two years ago they will be covered for a total of six years (four years from the date of purchase) as long as you have your receipt. If you lose your receipt, your tires' warranty coverage will end five….", "Parts (excluding tires) replaced under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty receive the greater of: (i) a. 3 month or 5,000 km (whichever occurs first) warranty or (ii) the balance of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, and such warranty shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. NOTE: Tires replaced under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty receive the balance of the Basic Coverage. only.", "Replace the tires at least every 6 years. If you're not sure, the minimum replacement time that is recommended by the NHTSA is six years regardless of use, with 10 years being the maximum service life for tires. Check your owner's manual for specific recommendations related to your car.s the tires wear, these bars will become flush (level or even) with the tire's tread. At this point, it's time to replace the tires. 3. Check the tread by using the penny test. Take a penny, and place it upside down with Lincoln facing you in the center of the tread (at the thickest part of the tire).", "That all depends on how long you're going to keep your BMW , and if it's used, or new. If it's new, and you believe that you'll be looking for a newer car in less than five years, then no, it's not worth it. Their new vehicle warranty is 4 years, 50k miles with a maintenance package included. That means, you're only responsible for tires and gas for up to 4 years or 50k miles, whichever comes first.", "New tires also come with a 60,000-mile warranty. Some vehicles that the Road Hugger tires are designed to fit are the Chevrolet Cruze, Honda Civic, Hyundai Accent, Kia Spectra, Nissan Altima, Toyota Camry and Corolla, and the VW Golf and Jetta.", "When it comes to car part longevity, however, there are always circumstances when the auto part information given by a manufacturer may not apply. In the case of tires, the estimate of how long a tire can last is based primarily on the tread wear. But some safety advocates want to add an expiration date of six years onto each tire, regardless of how much tread is left on them. The reason for setting up this six-year standard is that some research has shown that after that amount of time passes, tire failures dramatically increase.", "warranty issues. Posted Wed October 18, 2006 2:24 pm, by samantha s. written to Michelin North America, Inc. Write a Letter to this Company. I purchased a brand new mazda 6 on 6/30/06 with michelin pilot tires as original equipment. Last night I experienced a flat tire which I changed (in the pouring rain) to the spare tire.", "EXAMPLE: If your tire had a tread life limited warranty of 80,000 mi. (130,000 km) and delivered 56,000 mi. (91,000 km) prior to wear-out (down the 2/32), the tire will be replaced for 70% of the advertised selling price of the comparable tire at the time of adjustment.", "Regardless of tread wear, vehicle manufacturers generally recommend you replace your tires at six years. Most tire manufacturers recommend you replace your tires at 10 years. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations on your specific tires.", "Sadly, they don't accept warranty for tires. I had to pay thousands of dollars in Cash/Credit. First time at gateway for a flat tire- they fixed my tire in 20 minutes for FREE! Their customer service was excellent and I loved getting in and out quickly so I can go about my day. Gateway tire definitely has my business! I don't know why I keep hoping I will have a good experience here.", "Tire Warranties. 1 Goodyear Tread Life Limited Warranty. We know you want to get the most out of your tires. 2 Goodyear Highway Auto & Light Truck Tire Replacement Limited Warranty. If you experience an issue with your tires, it may be covered under our tire-replacement limited warranty.*. 3 30-Day Goodyear Pledge." ]
what is a provider ptan
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) A PTAN is a Medicare-only number issued to providers by MACs upon enrollment to Medicare. When a MAC approves enrollment and issues an approval letter, the letter will contain the PTAN assigned to the provider.
[ "New Hampshire Preschool Technical Assistance Network. PTAN is a grant-funded statewide technical assistance and support network that promotes quality, developmentally appropriate and culturally competent early childhood education and special education programs. It is a project of the Southeastern Regional Education Service Center (SERESC) in Bedford, NH.", "All Acronyms. PTAN - Provider Transaction Access Number [Internet]; Sep 2, 2017 [cited 2017 Sep 2]. Available from: https://www.allacronyms.com/PTAN/Provider_Transaction_Access_Number.", "Before establishing a Railroad Medicare Provider Transaction Access Number \\(PTAN\\) the provider must first be enrolled with their local carrier. This form is for electronic billers only; it is not intended for paper submitters. This is not for EDI enrollment. DO NOT submit any claims with this form.", "'PTAN - Provider Transaction Access Number', All Acronyms, 2 September 2017, <https://www.allacronyms.com/PTAN/Provider_Transaction_Access_Number> [accessed 2 September 2017] Bluebook. All Acronyms, PTAN - Provider Transaction Access Number (Sep. 2, 2017, 1:09 PM), available at https://www.allacronyms.com/PTAN/Provider_Transaction_Access_Number.", "The list of acronyms and abbreviations related to. PTAN - Provider Transaction Access Number. EPA Environmental Protection Agency. FDA Food and Drug Administration. IT Information Technology. OMB Office of Management and Budget. FY Fiscal Year. NIH National Institutes of Health.", "You must have a Provider Transaction Account Number (PTAN), National Provider Identifier (NPI), and tax identification number (TIN) to register for Online Provider Services (OPS). Palmetto GBA cannot release patient or provider specific information if you do not identify yourself with your PTAN, NPI, and TIN.", "CPT only copyright 2011 American Medical Association. Page 2 of 5 What You Need to Know This article explains the difference between a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). There are no policy changes in this article.", "Re: NPI and P10 legacy medicare numbers « Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 09:57:11 AM » The PTAN is the Medicare Provider Transaction Access Number and Michele is right, it cannot be accessed via any online database, below is the MLM Article on this.", "Answer: You must have a Provider Transaction Account Number (PTAN), National Provider Identifier (NPI), and tax identification number (TIN) to register for Online Provider Services (OPS). Palmetto GBA cannot release patient or provider specific information if you do not identify yourself with your PTAN, NPI, and TIN.", "J11 Part B News for 9/10/14. Examining the Difference between a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) This article (Special Edition 1216 revised) explains the difference between a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). There are no policy changes in this article.", "They are used for I.D. purposes when trying to access any Medicare info pertaining to the billing. The PTAN is tied to the registered address of the billing entity. Since your guys bill under the Group, the billing would go in with the Group's address. So any queries regarding that billing might require the Group's PTAN rather than the individual provider's PTAN.", "According to the article, your NPI is the ten-digit number that you enter on your claims to identify yourself as an entity eligible to bill Medicare for services performed. The PTAN, however, is a number that authenticates you when you contact Medicare contractors.", "Please check internally with your credentialing area. You may also locate the PTAN in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). This number is typically listed at the bottom of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) detail screen when doing an NPI search. You may also request it in writing through the Medicare Provider Enrollment (PE) Department. In the event you must contact PE for this information, please be aware that Internet Only Manual (IOM) 100-08, Chapter 15, Section 15.23.2 provides the following guidance regarding the release of a provider's PTAN. Specifically, the IOM states:", "1 Retrieved October 13 2015 from http://www.acronymfinder.com/Provider-Transaction-Access-Number-(medicare-reimbursements)-(PTAN).html. 2 APA style: PTAN. (n.d.) Acronym Finder. ( 3 2015).", "Ptan Lookup by NPI Number. May 30, 2012 … Examining the Difference between a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and a. Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). Verifying that unique Medicare Billing Numbers are accurately listed in EHB for … referred to as the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). … In contrast, an NPI is a 10-digit number that is used to identify a health care provider/site in.", "The NPI is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. … The NPI. Registry enables you to search for a provider\\’s NPPES information. … The NPI and PTAN are matched using the following information. a Railroad Medicare Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN).", "Bookmark Email Print Font - Font +. Answer: You must have a Provider Transaction Account Number (PTAN), National Provider Identifier (NPI), and tax identification number (TIN) to register for eServices. Palmetto GBA cannot release patient or provider specific information if you do not identify yourself with your PTAN, NPI, and TIN. You may access the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) NPI Registry to search for the PTANs and NPIs listed for your office.", "PTAN - Provider Transaction Access Number. 1 EPA Environmental Protection Agency. 2 FDA Food and Drug Administration. 3 IT Information Technology. 4 OMB Office of Management and Budget. 5 FY Fiscal Year. 6 NIH National Institutes of Health. 7 NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.", "FAQ–Medicare Billing Numbers. Verifying that unique Medicare Billing Numbers are accurately listed in EHB for … referred to as the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). … In contrast, an NPI is a 10-digit number that is used to identify a health care provider/site in. Title: Part 2: Using myCGS: Beneficiary Eligibility, Claims, Claim …. Apr 12, 2013 … begin on the New Search screen, which is the default secondary tab.", "The PTAN is your Medicarelegacynumber (sometimes call the Medicare PIN). If you've forgotten you PTAN, you can look it up on a past Medicare remittance advice. Some PTANs contain both letters and numbers.", "FAQ–Medicare Billing Numbers. Verifying that unique Medicare Billing Numbers are accurately listed in EHB for … referred to as the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). … In contrast, an NPI is a 10-digit number that is used to identify a health care provider/site in. Title: Part 2: Using myCGS: Beneficiary Eligibility, Claims, Claim …. Apr 12, 2013 … begin on the New Search screen, which is the default secondary tab. … To find the total number of pending claims for your NPI/PTAN, go to the …. (NPI) Reference Document – National Government Services. The NPI is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. … The NPI. Registry enables you to search for a provider\\’s NPPES information.", "There are a few ways in which you may be able to locate your PTAN. This number is assigned to each provider and group when they enroll with Medicare. Please check internally with your credentialing area. You may also locate the PTAN in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). This number is typically listed at the bottom of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) detail screen when doing an NPI search. You may also request it in writing through the Medicare Provider Enrollment (PE) Department.", "1 MLA style: PTAN.. 2 Acronym Finder. 2015. 3 AcronymFinder.com 13 Oct. 2015 http://www.acronymfinder.com/Provider-Transaction-Access-Number-(medicare-reimbursements)-(PTAN).html. 4 Chicago style: Acronym Finder.", "You may also locate the PTAN in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). This number is typically listed at the bottom of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) detail screen when doing an NPI search. You may also request it in writing through the Medicare Provider Enrollment (PE) Department.ou may also locate the PTAN in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). This number is typically listed at the bottom of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) detail screen when doing an NPI search. You may also request it in writing through the Medicare Provider Enrollment (PE) Department.", "… To find the total number of pending claims for your NPI/PTAN, go to the …. (NPI) Reference Document – National Government Services. The NPI is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. … The NPI. Registry enables you to search for a provider\\’s NPPES information. … The NPI and PTAN are matched using the following information.", "Citations. 1 MLA style: PTAN.. 2 Acronym Finder. 2015. 3 AcronymFinder.com 13 Oct. 2015 http://www.acronymfinder.com/Provider-Transaction-Access-Number-(medicare-reimbursements)-(PTAN).html. 4 Chicago style: Acronym Finder.", "FAQ–Medicare Billing Numbers. Verifying that unique Medicare Billing Numbers are accurately listed in EHB for … referred to as the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). … In contrast, an NPI is a 10-digit number that is used to identify a health care provider/site in.", "… To find the total number of pending claims for your NPI/PTAN, go to the …. (NPI) Reference Document – National Government Services. The NPI is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. … The NPI. Registry enables you to search for a provider\\’s NPPES information.", "1 Acronym Finder. 2015. 2 AcronymFinder.com 13 Oct. 2015 http://www.acronymfinder.com/Provider-Transaction-Access-Number-(medicare-reimbursements)-(PTAN).html. 3 Chicago style: Acronym Finder. 4 S.v.", "Acquiring the NPI number is the first step in becoming a provider for third party … the data and will issue a supplier number (PTAN) linked to the NPI before you can. Checking into Medicare – The Caring Institute. Oct 26, 2012 … Claims should be submitted with the tracking number that was listed …..", "You need to provide the PTAN that is tied to both the place-of-service address and the NPI number that was submitted with the billing. In this case, the only PTAN that matches this criteria is the PTAN of the Group. I need it initially to enroll the group for EDI claims submission.", "Difference between the Medicare Provider Numbers. In order for a provider to enroll into Medicare program, the provider must have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) issued by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).The NPI is used to identify providers in the HIPAA standard process, such as the claims submission process.fter the Carrier issued the PTAN, a Unique Provider Identification Number (UPIN) was issued to the provider through the UPIN Registry. The PTAN is used for claims processing system and access to information purposes and the UPIN was used for ordering and referring purposes.", "If you have no credit balances as of the last day of the reporting quarter a signed and dated certification page must still be submitted. 1 Provider 6-Digit Number – Be sure to complete a separate Medicare Credit Balance Report for each provider number (also known as a PTAN).", "Page 4 of 5 Relationship of the NPI to the PTAN The NPI and the PTAN are related to each other for Medicare purposes. A provider must have one NPI and will have one, or more, PTAN(s) related to it in the Medicare system, representing the provider’s enrollment.", "The PTAN would have been assigned when he enrolled in Medicare. It would have been on the acceptance letter. If you cannot find it, and it's not on NPI (which it may be, so as Charlene said, I would start there) the provider will have to request it in writing. Medicare will not give it out over the phone.", "Difference between the Medicare Provider Numbers. In order for a provider to enroll into Medicare program, the provider must have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) issued by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).The NPI is used to identify providers in the HIPAA standard process, such as the claims submission process.he MAC's Provider Enrollment department issues Medicare Providers a Medicare Transactions Number called the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN).", "CMS-838 Certification Page. If you have no credit balances as of the last day of the reporting quarter a signed and dated certification page must still be submitted. Provider 6-Digit Number – Be sure to complete a separate Medicare Credit Balance Report for each provider number (also known as a PTAN).", "However, after you achieve your accreditation, you will need to apply for the PTAN, which allows you to bill CMS. To obtain your PTAN, you will need to submit a Medicare Enrollment Application, or CMS Form 855S, to the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC).", "The PTAN is USUALLY the license number for chiropractors. In California (for example) it's DC1234567. On the phone you have to enter the letters as a * plus the 2 digits that represent the letter. They have an explanation on the CMS site.", "Quick tips for requesting access to SPOT. Review your provider's information in internet-based PECOS. You will be required to enter the billing entity’s NPI, PTAN, last five digits of the TIN, the practice official’s name, and role as designated in the billing entity’s official Medicare enrollment record. If any of the information does not match the official record, the application will be denied.", "Search for: PTI Nebraska is a statewide resource for families of children with disabilities or special health care needs. PTI Nebraska empowers parents and provides them the knowledge and capacity to improve the education and healthcare outcomes for their children. It is the vision of PTI Nebraska to empower YOU as the parent to become a life-long advocate for your child. Our trained, expert staff also have children with disabilities and have been down the same road you are on–feeling overwhelmed, confused, and alone.", "Medical provider networks. A medical provider network (MPN) is an entity or group of health care providers set up by an insurer or self-insured employer and approved by DWC's administrative director to treat workers injured on the job.", "Parent-Teacher Association. A parent-teacher association (PTA) or parent-teacher-student association (PTSA) is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. 1 Australia and New Zealand." ]
what is proctology the study of
What is Proctology? Proctology is the study of medical disorders associated to the colon, rectum and anus. In more modern medical circles, the field is more commonly referred to as Colorectal Surgery. Accordingly, proctologists, or colorectal surgeons, are medical specialists in the field of proctology.
[ "The word proctology is derived from the Greek words πρωκτός proktos, meaning anus or hindparts, and -λογία -logia, meaning science or study. Physicians specializing in this field of medicine are called colorectal surgeons or proctologists.", "Proctologist - Definition. Definition. A proctologist is a doctor specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the anus and rectum. Proctology, more often referred to as colorectal surgery, not only represents a medical specialty in itself, but also belongs to the field of gastroenterology. A proctologist can perform several common medical examinations, such as digital rectal examination, anoscopy, or rectoscopy.", "proctology +‎ -ist. Noun . proctologist (plural proctologists) A doctor specializing in the colon, rectum and anus, an expert in proctology. The referral was to a proctologist to treat the hemorrhoids. Translations", "the branch of medicine dealing with the rectum and anus. Origin of proctology. 1895-1900. First recorded in 1895-1900; procto- + -logy.", "Proctologist FAQs: What is a Proctologist? A Proctologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the anus, colon and rectum. A Proctologist can treat Crohn's disease, constipation, hemorrhoids and other related conditions. A Proctologist can also perform a proctology exam on men. What treatments can a Proctologist perform? A Proctologist can prescribe medication, give nutritional advice, and administer an enema. If the Proctologist is a surgeon, the Proctologist can perform colorectal surgery as well. Where does a Proctologist work? A Proctologist can work in a clinic or hospital, or in private practice. Proctologist Related Terms: proctology, anus, colon, rectum, intestine, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, constipation, colorectal surgeon", "the branch of medicine dealing with the rectum and anus. Origin of proctology. 1895-1900. First recorded in 1895-1900; procto- + -logy. Related forms. proctologic.", "A proctologist is a specialist focused on the diagnoses and treatment of the rectum or anus. These doctors are often called colorectal surgeons. In practice, they often work closely with urologists. The rectum or anus is part of the digestive system and is the last six to eight inches (15.2 cm to 20.3 cm)of the colon. The first requirement to become a proctologist is to complete medical school.", "A proctologist specializes in disorders of the rectum and anus. A proctologist is a specialist focused on diagnosis and treatment of the rectum or anus. Later in their career, proctologists often develop their own private practice.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from Proctologist) Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. The field is also known as proctology, but the latter term is now used infrequently within medicine, and is most often employed to identify practices relating to the anus and rectum in particular.", "Define proctologist. proctologist synonyms, proctologist pronunciation, proctologist translation, English dictionary definition of proctologist. n. The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus. proc′to·log′ic , proc′to·log′i·cal...", "Proctologist Summary: A Proctologist specializes in diseases of the anus, rectum and colon. A Proctologist is able to perform colorectal surgery, and often works with urologists, OBGYNs or gastroenterologists. Some of the conditions a Proctologist can treat include fecal incontinence, severe constipation, cancer of the colon or rectum, hemorrhoids and fissures.", "Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum or anus. The field is also known as proctology, but the term is outdated in the more traditiona…l areas of medicine. The word proctology is derived from the Greek words Proktos, meaning anus or hindparts, and Logos meaning science or study.", "Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon.The field is also known as proctology, but the latter term is now used infrequently within medicine, and is most often employed to identify practices relating to the anus and rectum in particular.he word proctology is derived from the Greek words πρωκτός proktos, meaning anus or hindparts, and -λογία -logia, meaning science or study. Physicians specializing in this field of medicine are called colorectal surgeons or proctologists.", "Proctologist What is a Proctologist? The colonoscopy procedure is often performed by a proctologist, also known as a colorectal surgeon. In the past this term was more widely used, today the term proctologist is rarely used and further delineation into colorectal surgeon or gastroenterologist is preferred. Proctologists are trained in the diseases of the rectum, anus and colon. They often work with gastroenterologists, urologists, obstetricians and other specialized medical doctors to provide attention to patients suffering from colon-related issues.", "Educational Requirements for a Proctologist. Proctologists are specialized surgeons. Proctologists, also known as colon and rectal surgeons, treat diseases and abnormalities of the colon, intestine, anus and rectum, including hemorrhoids, colitis and cancer.", "What is a proctologist and what does he do? Older terminology: The more current terminology is colorectal surgeon, as they deal with all aspects of colon and rectal diseases including hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, colon screening, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, ibs, diarrhea, constipation to name a few. ...Read more.", "1 What is a proctologist and what does he do? Older terminology: The more current terminology is colorectal surgeon, as they deal with all aspects of colon and rectal diseases including hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, colon screening, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, ibs, diarrhea, constipation to name a few. ...Read more.", "Colorectal surgery. Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. The field is also known as proctology, but the latter term is now used infrequently within medicine, and is most often employed to identify practices relating to the anus and rectum in particular.", "Digestive System Procedures/specialists. Gastroenterologist – a physician specializing in diseases of the digestive system including esophagus, stomach and intestines. These specialists do not do surgery. Patients needing surgery are referred to a general surgeon. Proctologist – a physician specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus. Proctology is a surgical subspecialty. Guaiac test (Hemoccult, Fecult) – a special chemical test to identify blood in the stool (feces). Blood in the stool may have many causes including cancer and hemorrhoids.", "Proxemics is the study of the nature, degree, and effect of the spatial separation individuals naturally maintain (as in various social and interpersonal situations) and of how this separation relates to environmental and cultural factors. Proxemics is made up of featured spaces: fixed space, semi-fixed, and informal.", "A prolactin test is a blood test that measures the level of the hormone in your body. Find a obsetrician or a gynecologist or a endocrinologist near you.", "Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. The field is also known as proctology, but the latter term is now used infrequently within medicine, and is most often employed to identify practices relating to the anus and rectum in particular.olorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. The field is also known as proctology, but the latter term is now used infrequently within medicine, and is most often employed to identify practices relating to the anus and rectum in particular.", "Proxemics is the study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour, communication, and social interaction. Proxemics is one among several subcategories in the study of nonverbal communication, including haptics, kinesics, vocalics, and chronemics. Edward T. Hall, the cultural anthropologist who coined the term in 1963, defined proxemics as the interrelated observations and theories of humans use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture. In his foundat", "Colorectal surgeons specialize in the field of medicine called proctology. 1 As stated, they deal with disorders relating to the colon, rectum and anus. Possible disorders a colorectal surgeon might encounter and treat with surgery include: 2 Hemorrhoids—swollen or inflamed veins located near the rectum and anus.", "Defecography (also known as proctography, defecating/defecation proctography, evacuating/evacuation proctography or dynamic rectal examination) is a type of medical radiological imaging in which the mechanics of a patient's defecation are visualized in real time using a fluoroscope.norectal angle This is the mid-axial longitudinal axis of the rectum and the anal canal, created by the anterior pull of the puborectalis sling at the level of the anorectal junction. At rest, it is held at 90 - 100°.", "Let's be honest…going to the doctor is a pain in the butt. Sometimes more literally than others. A proctologist, or colorectal surgeon, specializes in medical issues concerning the colon, rectum, and anus. You rectum, they'll fix 'em. Just the thought of having to visit one of these badonkadonk specialists is enough to send a shiver right down your spine and into your coccyx.", "Proctocolitis is a general term for inflammation of the rectum and colon.", "A prolactin (PRL) test measures how much of a hormone called prolactin you have in your blood. The hormone is made in your pituitary gland, which is located just below your brain. When women are pregnant or have just given birth, their prolactin levels increase so they can make breast milk.", "A medical specialist who performs colonoscopies is a proctologist: a doctor who specializes in diseases of the rectum and anus. Karen Roche.", "Leave a comment. The term “postphenomenology” refers to the work of an international and interdisciplinary collective of scholars studying human-relations to technologies. This perspective blends together insights from the phenomenological and pragmatic traditions of philosophy, and builds on the work of American phenomenologist Don Ihde.", "Proxemics is the study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour, communication, and social interaction. Proxemics is one among several subcategories in the study of nonverbal communication, including haptics (touch), kinesics (body movement), vocalics (paralanguage), and chronemics (structure of time).", "exists and is an alternate of . A medical specialist who performs colonoscopies is a proctologist: a doctor who specializes in diseases of the rectum and anus. A medical specialist who performs colonoscopies is a proctologist: a doctor who specializes in diseases of the rectum and anus.", "Quick Answer. A colorectal surgeon, also known as a proctologist, is the type of doctor that removes hemorrhoids. The colorectal surgeon is a specialist in diseases of the colon and rectum, according to About.com. Continue Reading.", "About This Site. The term “postphenomenology” refers to the work of an international and interdisciplinary collective of scholars studying human-relations to technologies. This perspective blends together insights from the phenomenological and pragmatic traditions of philosophy, and builds on the work of American phenomenologist Don Ihde.", "So what is proxemics. Well the term proxemics came from E.T. Hall, a researcher in 1963. Proxemics is the study of the nature, degree, and effect of the spatial separation individuals naturally maintain (as in various social and interpersonal situations) and of how this separation relates to environmental and cultural factors.... [tags: Papers]", "Big And Not So Big. Collegiality. Colon and rectal surgeons, formerly known as proctologists, begin as general surgeons, trained to treat all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. They are board certified by the American Board of Surgery and may be members of The American College of Surgeons.", "Prolactin (also called PRL or lactogenic hormone) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. Prolactin plays an important role in the reproductive health of both women and men. Its main role, however, is to stimulate the production of milk in women after childbirth.", "Proctitis is inflammation of the lining of the rectum. Proctitis may be acute or chronic. Anal sex, inflammatory bowel disease, or radiation therapy to your pelvic area or abdomen may cause proctitis. If not treated, proctitis may have complications.", "Colorectal surgeons, also called colon and rectal surgeons or proctologists, are physicians who specialize in the medical and surgical treatment of conditions that affect the lower digestive tract (i.e., the large intestine). Colorectal surgeons undergo extensive education and advanced training.", "Proxemics is the study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour, communication, and social interaction.[1] Proxemics is one among several subcategories in the study of nonverbal communication, including haptics (touch), kinesics (body movement), vocalics (paralanguage), and chronemics (structure of time).[2]", "Confidence votes 17.1K. A medical specialist who performs colonoscopies is a proctologist: a doctor who specializes in diseases of the rectum and anus. A medical specialist who performs colonoscopies is a proctologist: a doctor who specializes in diseases of the rectum and anus.", "Medical Definition of proctoscope. : an instrument used for dilating and visually inspecting the rectum and lower portion of the sigmoid colon.", "Patients often turn to a proctologist, also known as a colon and rectal surgeon for help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The Difference. Big And Not So Big.", "proxemics. The study of how people interact with each other spatially, e.g., how closely they approach each other, how directly they face each other, and how they enter or leave each other's personal space.", "Proxemics. Proxemics is a subcategory of the study of nonverbal communication along with haptics, kinesics, vocalics, and chronemics. Proxemics can be defined as the interrelated observations and theories of man's use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture.", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Proctocolitis is a general term for inflammation of the rectum and colon. U.S. National Library of Medicine(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Inflammation of the RECTUM and the distal portion of the COLON.", "The discipline of phenomenology is defined by its domain of study, its methods, and its main results. Phenomenology studies structures of conscious experience as experienced from the first-person point of view, along with relevant conditions of experience.ntentionality is thus the salient structure of our experience, and much of phenomenology proceeds as the study of different aspects of intentionality. Thus, we explore structures of the stream of consciousness, the enduring self, the embodied self, and bodily action.", "1 Periodontology (also called periodontics) – The study and treatment of diseases of the periodontium (non-surgical and surgical) as well as placement and maintenance of dental implants. Prosthodontics (also called prosthetic dentistry) – Dentures, bridges and the restoration of implants.", "Defecography sometimes referred to as evacuation proctography is a radiological study of the defecation process using fluoroscopic techniques. Contrast material, usually barium is placed in the rectum followed by fluoroscopy of the anorectal activity during squeezing, relaxation and evacuation.efecography sometimes referred to as evacuation proctography is a radiological study of the defecation process using fluoroscopic techniques. Contrast material, usually barium is placed in the rectum followed by fluoroscopy of the anorectal activity during squeezing, relaxation and evacuation." ]
what is common age for menarche in girls
Girls experience menarche at different ages. It may not be the same as your friend. However, there is a range for most girls, which is about 11 to 14 years. A few girls may have menarche as early as age 9 or as late as the age of 15. Nevertheless, it should not be too early or too late. In general, you should see your doctor if you have your first menses before 9 or have not yet had any menses by 15 years.
[ "Menarche is the start of the first menstrual period. Menarche has occurred at a younger age during the last century. This may be due to improved nutrition (and subsequent weight) in the population. The average age of menarche is 13 years but it can be as early as 8 years and as late as 16 years and still be normal.", "Follow-up data from the Fels Longitudinal Study show that girls who start menstruating at age 10 grow, on average, 10 cm (4 inches), while those in whom menarche is delayed until age 15 grow, on average, 5 cm (2 inches). 7 Additional reassurance is provided by data suggesting that earlier thelarche is associated with a increased interval before menarche: for example, an 8- or 9-year-old girl who has just started developing breasts will have an average time to menarche that is closer to 3 ...", "This work has previously shown the average age of menarche to be 12.7 years. For each 12 month ‘delay’ in age at first period of a mother or older sister compared with the average, the younger relative had a delay of around three months.", "1 Menarche is the start of the first menstrual period. 2 Menarche has occurred at a younger age during the last century. 3 This may be due to improved nutrition (and subsequent weight) in the population. 4 The average age of menarche is 13 years, but it can be as early as 8 years and as late as 18 years and still be normal. This may be due to improved nutrition (and subsequent weight) in the population. 2 The average age of menarche is 13 years, but it can be as early as 8 years and as late as 18 years and still be normal.", "At the other extreme, no breast development by age 13 is thought to be late and should also be evaluated. Menarche (the first menstrual cycle) occurs approximately two to two-and-a-half years after the appearance of breast buds. The average age of menarche is the United States is 12.77 years. The decline in the age of menarche during the last hundred yeas has been attributed to improved nutrition." ]
what is capa certification
The Certified Automotive Parts Association is a non-profit organization that certifies the quality of automotive parts used for collision repairs. CAPA oversees a testing and inspection program that certifies the quality of automotive parts used for collision repairs.
[ "Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is a credential offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As of November 2013, there were 24,196 active CAPM certified individuals worldwide. PMI’s Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is an entry-level certification for project practitioners.he CAPM exam is based on the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (aka the PMBOK Guide). The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Credential Handbook, notes the distribution of questions from the PMBOK: 1 Chapter 1 Introduction (0%).", "The Certified Associate in Project Management, CAPM, is a credential for project managers that the Project Management Institute offers to professionals.The organization is the largest association for project management in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.o qualify to take the certification examination, candidates must have a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent. Project Management Institute also requires candidates to have a minimum of 1,500 hours of experience in a project management role.", "CAPM stands for Certified Associate in Project Management, which is an entry level certification program for project management practitioners. The certification is offered by the PMI to professionals who do not have any project experience, or have little experience in project management. Also, if you do not work in projects but are interested in moving your career into project management, you can obtain this certification.", "Ambulatory Perianesthesia & Post Anesthesia Nursing (CAPA/CPAN) PearlsReview offers the following unique CAPA/CPAN certification test prep courses to help you prepare for your CAPA/CPAN certification exam.", "1 Oct 05, 2015 - The Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) is holding Asian Accountants—Leading the Way, Inspiring the Future in Seoul, South Korea, October 27-29, hosted by the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants.", "The CAPM is the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s entry level certification for project managers or people who are interested in entering the field of project management. It is based on PMI’s project management framework as explained in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), in its fifth edition as of January, 2013.", "All products require a Certificate of Conformity also referred to as a SASO CoC to enable them to be cleared through Saudi Customs. The Conformity Assessment Programme (CAP), is the standard set by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry for all products exported to Saudi Arabia.", "The CAPM exam is based on the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (aka the PMBOK Guide). The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Credential Handbook, notes the distribution of questions from the PMBOK: 1 Chapter 1 Introduction (0%).he CAPM exam is based on the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (aka the PMBOK Guide). The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Credential Handbook, notes the distribution of questions from the PMBOK: 1 Chapter 1 Introduction (0%).", "The CAPM is the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s entry level certification for project managers or people who are interested in entering the field of project management.hile CAPM certification does not show managers or recruiters that you have experience leading and directing projects as does the more powerful PMP certification, it does show that you have at least some degree of dedication to a career in project management.", "CAPM stands for Certified Associate in Project Management. This designation is a stepping stone on the way to becoming a PMP, for those people who do not yet have enough experience to qualify for writing the PMP exam.f you do not currently meet the experience requirements for becoming a PMP, there are a number of options you can take to obtain project management credentials. One option is to obtain a CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) designation.", "of a formal Corrective Action / Preventive Action (CAPA) program. CAPA is a major area of concern for both FDA, ISO 9000, as well as the Automotive and Aerospace industries. They have recognized that how a quality system is maintained and monitored is critical to its effectiveness.", "ABPANC sponsors two certification programs for qualified registered nurses caring for patients who have experienced anesthesia, procedures requiring sedation, and analgesia: the Certified Post Anesthesia Nurse (CPAN®) and the Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse (CAPA®) programs.", "Answers. Best Answer: The CAPA certified aftermarket fender is certified for fit and finish and has a manufacturers warranty. Still does not mean it will fit perfectly and since they do not package aftermarket parts like dealer parts expect some damage.k got in a acident and i am looking at parts online and there are 2 fenders one is capa certified what is that the other is not do i need a capa certified. Add your answer. Source.", "CAPM Certification and Exam Details. In 2003 PMI began offering an additional certification called the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM). The exam for the CAPM ® is easier than the PMP ® exam, requires less experience to qualify to take it, but covers the same topics as the PMP ® exam.he exam for the CAPM ® is easier than the PMP ® exam, requires less experience to qualify to take it, but covers the same topics as the PMP ® exam.", "Examination questions are written by practicing perianesthesia nurses,who are also CPAN ® and/or CAPA ® certified. BASIS FOR EXAMINATION CONTENT The CPAN ® and CAPA ® examinations are based on theresults of a Role Delineation Study (RDS), also called aStudy of Practice or Practice Analysis. have an ethical and legal duty to protect the security of the CPAN ® or CAPA Certification Examination.2. The examination and questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the American Board ofPerianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc. (ABPANC) – theCPAN ® or CAPA ® Certification Examination Program.3.", "Find study tools, award and scholarship information, volunteer opportunities, plus tips for promoting certification. CPAN ® and CAPA ® are nationally accredited and recognized credentials that validate your specialized knowledge as a Perianesthesia nurse.ecognizing and respecting the unequaled excellence in the mark of the CPAN and CAPA credential, perianesthesia nurses will seek it, managers will require it, employers will support it and the public will demand it. American Board of Perianesthesia.", "How is Certification from the Project Management abbreviated? CAPM stands for Certification from the Project Management. CAPM is defined as Certification from the Project Management somewhat frequently. CAPM stands for Certification from the Project Management.", "The CAPM is a relatively new credential, introduced in 2003 (the PMP, on the other hand, was introduced in the United States in 1984). The CAPM exam features 150 multiple choice questions that must be completed in a three hour time period at a registered testing center (like Prometric in the United States).", "Being certified means it meets the quality standards set by the CAPA. However, not being certified doesn't mean it is lower quality, it simply means that the company didn't ask CAPA to come in and perform their certification process. They may have their own QA (quality assurance) checks and tests that are even more stringent than CAPA, but they may not.", "The Center for Domestic Preparedness is CAPCE Provider USDHS0030. ENA accredited courses. This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Emergency Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.", "What does CAPM stand for? CAPM stands for Certification from the Project Management", "Being certified means it meets the quality standards set by the CAPA. However, not being certified doesn't mean it is lower quality, it simply means that the company didn't ask CAPA to come in and perform their certification process.They may have their own QA (quality assurance) checks and tests that are even more stringent than CAPA, but they may not. am going to warn you now: DO NOT GET A CAPA part. It's an aftermarket part that is dangerous, doesn't fit right, and does not absorb damage like a OEM part should. Let me give you an example: A volvo had an aftermarket, capa certified hood.", "Certified Addiction Peer Recovery Coach. ICAADA is pleased to announce the availability of the Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CAPRC) credential. This credential is intended for individuals who have a lived experience of recovery and who desire to help people in addiction recovery.", "RE: capa certified? what's it meanIP: Logged Message:Having sold aftermarket crash parts in the past, I can tell you the difference is anywhere from minimal to unbelievable. Crash parts are, for all intents and purposes, photocopies of the original parts.", "We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with what does capa stand for in nursing on Search Engine › What is capa certified mean › What does capa stand for in nursing in nursing keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website", "CAPA stands for Certificat d'Aptitude à la Profession d'Avocat What is the meaning of CAPA abbreviation? The meaning of CAPA abbreviation is Certificat d'Aptitude à la Profession d'Avocat What is CAPA abbreviation? One of the definitions of CAPA is Certificat d'Aptitude à la Profession d'Avocat", "American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) In 1939, urged by the SEC, the AICPA appointed the Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP). During the years 1939 to 1959 CAP issued 51 Accounting Research Bulletins that dealt with a variety of timely accounting problems.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Corrective and preventive action (CAPA, also called corrective action / preventive action, or simply corrective action) are improvements to an organization's processes taken to eliminate causes of non-conformities or other undesirable situations." ]
what county is deep creek maryland in
Updated as of. About Deep Creek Lake. Conveniently Located Close To Several Major Cities. Located in Garrett County in north-western Maryland, Deep Creek Lake is a man-made reservoir conveniently located a short drive from Morgantown, WV (45 minutes), Pittsburgh (2 hours), Baltimore (3 hours), and Washington DC (3 hours).
[ "Valuable Links. 1 Deep Creek Hospitality - Garrett County and Deep Creek Lake's online guide to activities, events, things to do, and entertainment guide. 2 The Town of Oakland - Retailers and activities for this great small town. 3 Garrett County Local Government - Local government information and phone numbers.", "Deep Creek, Virginia. Deep Creek Bridge, a bascule-type drawbridge over the Dismal Swamp Canal. Deep Creek is a former unincorporated town of the former Norfolk County (extinct) which since 1963 has been located in the independent city of Chesapeake in the South Hampton Roads region of southeastern Virginia.", "Deep Creek is an area in Deep Creek, Port Charlotte CCD, Charlotte County, Southwest, Florida with a population of 24,497. There are 11,451 male residents living in Deep Creek and 13,045 female residents. The total number of households is 11,472 with 2.08 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Deep Creek are below the national average. The median age of the current population is 55.04 with 10,590 people being married and 8,718 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 65% white collar employees and 35% blue collar employees in Deep Creek.", "Garrett County State Parks. 1 Deep Creek Lake State Park. 2 New Germany State Park. 3 Herrington Manor State Park. 4 Casselman River Bridge State Park. 5 Swallow Falls State Park. 6 Garrett State Forest. 7 Savage River State Forest. 8 Big Run State Park. 9 Potomac Forest.", "Deep Creek Lake is definitely one of our area’s gems, offering a cooling rush to our summer season and a frozen beauty during the winter. Another charm to Garrett County is the small-town local culture. Towns neighboring Deep Creek Lake to the north and south seem to have their own identity and way of life. Oakland is the county seat, located south of McHenry and Deep Creek Lake. Brick sidewalks line shops and cafes and meander through town, leading past museums and the old train station. Oakland is a hub for unique antique shops and community events.", "Deep Creek Lake is the largest inland body of water in the U.S. state of Maryland. It covers approximately 3,900 acres (16 km2) and has 69 miles (111 km) of shoreline. Like all lakes in Maryland, it is man-made. The lake is home to a wide variety of freshwater fish and aquatic birds.", "July 4, 2017. (Rain Date July 5, 2017) The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce presents the annual Fire on the Mountain Fireworks Display. Join the celebration! Fireworks will light up the sky above Marsh Mountain at Wisp Resort overlooking Deep Creek Lake on July 4th. The display is set to begin around 9:30pm and is set off from the Bear Claw Tubing Park.", "Deep Creek Lake. Deep Creek Lake is the largest inland body of water in the U.S. state of Maryland. It covers approximately 3,900 acres (16 km2) and has 69 miles (111 km) of shoreline. Like all lakes in Maryland, it is man-made. The lake is home to a wide variety of freshwater fish and aquatic birds.", "Eventually, the rancher sold part of his ranch to Letterman and then gave him an easement to our county road. Today, at the end of county road 380 is a horse barn built by the Deep Creek ranch that is so large it can easily be seen on Google Earth.", "Boats docked at a Deep Creek Lake pier in May 2008. Deep Creek Lake is the largest inland body of water in the U.S. state of Maryland. It covers approximately 3,900 acres (16 km2) and has 69 miles (111 km) of shoreline. Like all lakes in Maryland, it is man-made. The lake is home to a wide variety of freshwater fish and aquatic birds.", "Deep Creek Lake. Boats docked at a Deep Creek Lake pier in May 2008. Deep Creek Lake is the largest inland body of water in the U.S. state of Maryland. It covers approximately 3,900 acres (16 km2) and has 69 miles (111 km) of shoreline. Like all lakes in Maryland, it is man-made. The lake is home to a wide variety of freshwater fish and aquatic birds.", "Deep Creek. This spot in Western Maryland is a true all-seasons destination. Snowboard, ski and even ice-fish or dogsled all winter, then come back for white water rapids, bass fishing, jet skiing and more in summer.", "The boat launch at Deep Creek Lake, also in western Maryland, is open year-round, unless the lake is frozen. Trout, walleye, bass and yellow perch are abundant. The creeks on Janes Island, on the eastern shore of the Bay, and the docks on Tangier Sound are prime locations for croaker, flounder and bluefish.", "Deep Creek Lake, Maryland Vacation & Local Information. Carved in the quiet mountains of western Maryland, Deep Creek Lake is a unique four-season destination. The mountain climate gives our area four distinct seasons, with plenty of adventure and action for each.", "Originally known as Deep Creek, Cedarville was founded around 1864 as a stopping place for wagon trains. In 1867 a trading post was being run by William Cressler and John Bonner, who later also built the first road over Cedar Pass, which connected Surprise Valley to Alturas and the rest of Modoc County.", "The primary coordinate point for Deep Water is located at latitude 38.1204 and longitude -81.2534 in Fayette County. The formal boundaries for the Deep Water Census Designated Place (see map below) encompass a land area of 0.88 sq. miles and a water area of 0.11 sq. miles. Fayette County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). The elevation is 659 feet.", "Deep Creek neighborhood, Chesapeake, Virginia (VA), 23321, 23323, 23322 detailed profile", "The Deep Water Census Designated Place is located within Valley District, a minor civil division (MCD) of Fayette County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Deep Water population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data.", "Fishing in Deep Creek Lake State Park. Deep Creek in Western Maryland provides a serene backdrop for bass fishing. Fly Fishing at Deep Creek Lake State Park. The trout fishing is as sublime as the lake itself here.", "Find the top things to do in Deep Creek Lake Maryland, like skiing at Wisp Resort, going to the Autumn Glory Festival and biking the Eastern Continental Divide.", "Deep Creek neighborhood in Chesapeake, Virginia (VA), 23321, 23323, 23322 detailed profile. Options. X.", "Life's Good at the Lake - Deep Creek Lake Summer 2016 from Railey Realty Marketing Team on Vimeo. The cool, sapphire blue water, the sunshine that seeps into your soul; Deep Creek Lake is truly more of an experience than a destination. Here you’ll find unmatched splendor and beauty, nestled in the quiet mountains of Western Maryland. Built in 1925, Deep Creek Lake has been a beloved place to both live and play. Deep Creek Lake is the largest fresh water lake in Maryland, covering 3,900 ac with 65+ miles of shoreline. A hydroelectric dam controls the lake, and during the off-season, water is drained from the lake to supply several tributaries used for top class white water rapids.", "Deep Creek was a small settlement on the edge of the Great Dismal Swamp. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the unincorporated town was a busy stage-coach stop on the road between Norfolk and Elizabeth City, North Carolina.", "Around the middle of June, a number of changes come to Deep Creek Lake, none of which are welcomed by bass anglers. As Maryland’s favorite inland vacation destination, the lake attracts hordes of visitors each summer, and the water is inundated with pleasure boats.", "Deep Water, West Virginia. Homefacts City Report. Deep Water is located in Fayette County, WV. The population is 183. There are 0 public schools in Deep Water with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Deep Water is moderate, and there are 1 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Deep Water is high and the median home sales price is $0.", "Explore some of the several state parks in our area, like the beach area on the lake, or gazing at the tallest free-falling waterfall in Maryland. Leave your worries behind you, cross into the mountains, and experience Deep Creek Lake!", "Deep Creek Lake, Maryland Vacation Planning & Activities. Vacation Rental Homes. With a total of over thirty years experience in the Deep Creek Lake vacation rental market, our friendly staff members are experts in the industry. Choose from over 390 premier vacation rental homes in the Deep Creek area. Our homes are impeccably maintained and range in size from cozy one bedrooms to spacious ten-bedroom properties.", "A comprehensive index about questions and answers of anything and everything about Deep Creek Lake, McHenry, MD. We are a small group of people, going by the name of SPORE, who are attempting to collect meaningful data and information about Deep Creek Lake and to provide some understanding on how best to use this magnificent resource.", "33.Klamath Falls 34.Deep Creek Falls-Lake Cn. The are few waterfalls in Klamath County, most are located around Crater Lake. There is a bit of trivia on 'Klamath Falls to read. The last waterfall is in Lakeview called Deep Creek Falls which is actual in LAKE County. We have heard of a Ground Hog Falls in Malheur County by Jordan Valley but there is no info that we can find on it at this time.", "click on any photo to see a larger view. Photos contributed by: Bernard Yin and Pat Emerick. Deep Creek starts in the San Bernardino National Forest running 23 miles into the Mohave desert. Because of a recent fire that occurred in 1999, some of the prime fishing spots were destroyed.", "Mojave River Forks Reg Park. Deep Creek Hot Springs Trail is a 5.1 mile heavily trafficked out and back trail located near Apple Valley, California that features hot springs and is rated as moderate. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until October.", "A quiet tributary flows from its source in southern Pennsylvania, winds its way through Washington County, Maryland, and finally joins the Potomac River just south of Sharpsburg." ]
what are normal levels reading hdl and ldl
Quick Answer. Most patients should aim for an LDL level below 130 milligrams per deciliter, advises Mayo Clinic. An HDL level at or above 60 milligrams per deciliter is considered best, but a level between 50 and 59 is okay in women, and between 40 and 49 is okay in men. Continue Reading.
[ "Check your LDL Cholesterol Level: mg/dl. LDL normal levels of cholesterol, or bad cholesterol, should be under 130. If it's between 160 and 189, it's high, and if it's 190 or more, it's very high. You must focus on lowering LDL/Bad cholesterol.", "A score below 40 mg per dL (1 mmol/L) for men and 50 mg per dL (1.3 mmol/L) for women is known to be low. This places you at the threat of cardiovascular problems. A normal HDL cholesterol is between 40 and 49 mg per dL (1 and 1.3 mmol/L) for men.", "A score below 40 mg per dL (1 mmol/L) for men, and 50 mg per dL (1.3 mmol/L) for women is known to be low. This places you at threat of cardiovascular problems. A normal HDL cholesterol is in between 40 and 49 mg per dL (1 and 1.3 mmol/L) for men.", "Normal Levels for HDL Cholesterol. A normal cholesterol level for HDL is one above 40 mg/dL. For HDL levels, the higher the numbers, the better. In fact, HDL levels above 60 mg/dL are thought to protect against heart disease.riglycerides are not actually cholesterol, but a form of fat carried through the bloodstream. Most of your body's fat is in the form of triglycerides stored in fat tissue. Only a small portion of the triglycerides in the body are found in the bloodstream. Normal levels for triglycerides are less than 150 mg/dL.", "Target Range. Healthy LDL levels fall within the optimal target range, which is less than 100 mg/dL. If you have a history of heart disease, your target range is under 70 mg/dL. Near optimal is between 100 and 129. Levels between 130 and 159 mg/dL are considered borderline high, while over 160 mg/dL is considered high.", "A normal total cholesterol level is 200 mg per dL or less. A normal LDL level is 130 mg per dL or less. When the LDL level is higher than 130, fat can build up in the walls of your blood vessels. This fat can plug up your arteries and keep the blood from flowing through them.", "A score below 40 mg per dL (1 mmol/L) for men, and 50 mg per dL (1.3 mmol/L) for women is known to be low. This places you at threat of cardiovascular problems. A normal HDL cholesterol is in between 40 and 49 mg per dL (1 and 1.3 mmol/L) for men.As for women, it is between 50 and 59 mg per dL (1.3 and 1.5 mmol/L). result of under 200 mg per dL (5.2 mmol/L) is ideal. A level somewhere between 200 to 239 mg per dL (5.2 and 6.2 mmol/L) is within the edge line of high-risk class. In that case, your doctor might advise you to develop a preventing low cholesterol diet plan.", "A score below 40 mg per dL (1 mmol/L) for men, and 50 mg per dL (1.3 mmol/L) for women is known to be low. This places you at threat of cardiovascular problems. A normal HDL cholesterol is in between 40 and 49 mg per dL (1 and 1.3 mmol/L) for men.As for women, it is between 50 and 59 mg per dL (1.3 and 1.5 mmol/L). normal HDL cholesterol is in between 40 and 49 mg per dL (1 and 1.3 mmol/L) for men. As for women, it is between 50 and 59 mg per dL (1.3 and 1.5 mmol/L).", "What Are Good Levels for the HDL Cholesterol? A cholesterol test or lipid panel tells the level of HDL cholesterol. What do the numbers mean? HDL cholesterol levels greater than 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) are high. That's good. HDL cholesterol levels less than 40 mg/dL are low. That's not so good. In general, people with high HDL are at lower risk for heart disease." ]
is shomi or crave tv better
Canada’s top TV providers have been maligned for not embracing video streaming, but the launch of Shomi by Rogers and Shaw, and CraveTV by Bell are respective attempts to add some digital credibility.Unlike Netflix, which leans heavier towards movies, both of these streaming services are oriented more towards TV shows.hat already puts a damper on what each service offers, especially in a time where consumers are looking to cut the cord to save money. Rogers, Shaw and Bell look at their streaming options as a way to augment an existing TV subscription. It’s an extra $8.99 per month for Shomi, and $4.00 per month for CraveTV.
[ "shomi is a new kind of video-streaming service for Rogers Internet or TV customers, which puts a huge selection of movies and TV series right at your fingertips. For a low monthly fee, watch as much as you’d like, however you’d like – on your TV or streamed to your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.Watch at home or on the go. Whenever or wherever you need an injection of entertainment, shomi video-streaming service delivers it.ou love movies and TV. You love watching them at home, on the go, whenever the mood strikes. And you love the idea of making new discoveries when it comes to films, series, directors and all things entertainment.", "At launch, shomi will boast 11,000 hours of TV shows — including 340 series — and 1,200 movies. Each TV show will include all of the past seasons, right up to the most current episode. To compare, Netflix Canada has about 4,000 titles, but users often complain that the content is not as good as Netflix’s U.S. service.sers can watch content on up to two devices at a time – but there is no limit to how many people access shomi through their cable boxes. Here is what the #shomi interface looks like on tablet. Nice large images, tap and hold for more info, trailers.", "Shaw Communications and Rogers Communications have teamed up to create “shomi,” an on-demand video streaming service that will give Canadians access to thousands of movies and TV shows.sers can watch content on up to two devices at a time – but there is no limit to how many people access shomi through their cable boxes. Here is what the #shomi interface looks like on tablet. Nice large images, tap and hold for more info, trailers.", "Shomi will be heavy on TV at launch when it is set to feature 11,000 hours of television from 340 series and 14,000 episodes. It will also include 1,200 movies and about 30 per cent of the content will be Canadian.arbara Williams, VP of content for Shaw and Keith Pelley, president of Rogers Media pose with a tablet showing the new Rogers-Shaw streaming video-on-demand service, Shomi, at the launch event in Toronto, Aug. 26, 2014.", "HEY!! shomi is a new kind of video streaming service created for people who love to be entertained, by people who love entertainment.We have movies you WANT to watch, shows you NEED to binge and collections you HAVE to try. We also have TONS of hit TV shows you can’t find on any other streaming service.EY!! shomi is a new kind of video streaming service created for people who love to be entertained, by people who love entertainment.", "Overview. shomi is a brand new video streaming service that brings together the best of technology with active content curators to give you an unforgettable entertainment experience.shomi can be accessed through shomi.com, the mobile shomi app, and directly through your Shaw digital box, Gateway, or PVR.verview. shomi is a brand new video streaming service that brings together the best of technology with active content curators to give you an unforgettable entertainment experience.", "Yes you do. CraveTV requires third-party cookies in order to confirm your subscription through a third-party service that validates this with your TV service provider. CraveTV does not have access to your username and password that is shared with the TV service provider.", "Currently only open to Rogers and Shaw customers, Shomi will cost $8.99 a month after a free trial. If Shomi is successful, it’ll be because users keep finding TV shows to binge on, not because of the service’s lineup of films.urrently only open to Rogers and Shaw customers, Shomi will cost $8.99 a month after a free trial. If Shomi is successful, it’ll be because users keep finding TV shows to binge on, not because of the service’s lineup of films.", "Description. HEY!! shomi is a new kind of video streaming service created for people who love to be entertained, by people who love entertainment. We have movies you WANT to watch, shows you NEED to binge and collections you HAVE to try.We also have TONS of hit TV shows you can’t find on any other streaming service.EY!! shomi is a new kind of video streaming service created for people who love to be entertained, by people who love entertainment.", "Josh Elliott, CTVNews.ca. @joshelliott14. Bell Media officially unveiled its plans on Wednesday for the launch of CraveTV, a premium television streaming service offering thousands of hours of exclusive on-demand TV series, comedy specials and documentary programming.ew content will be added every week on #ICraveFridays, with a new big-name hit series joining the catalogue once a month, Cosentino said. The service will be ad-free at launch. Crull said the goal is to have CraveTV available through all television content providers, including RogersTV.", "The content on the Canadian Netflix side doesn't offer the level of choice you get on American Netflix, and that's largely the result of this very restrictive, highly concentrated media structure in Canada, Christopher said. Obtaining licenses in this system is a problem..etflix has some emerging Canadian players to contend with in the streaming space as well — namely, Bell's CraveTV and Rogers' and Shaw's Shomi. It's doubtful that these rival Canadian video-streaming services would get a viewership boost from a possible Netflix crackdown on VPN, however.", "Shomi content can be accessed as an over-the-top service through the service's website and apps, or through the video on demand libraries of participating television providers.homi content can be accessed as an over-the-top service through the service's website and apps, or through the video on demand libraries of participating television providers.", "The Property: Crave TV. The Pitch: Bell Media's entry into the streaming-content game launched last December and is currently available only to Bell cable and satellite-TV customers and subscribers to a select few other cable providers.nder its original banner, Crave TV has exclusive Canadian rights to the atomic-bomb development drama Manh(A)ttan, which was produced for U.S. cable's WGN America, and Bosch, a new cop drama from Amazon Studios.", "Posts: 1. When are you releasing some solution for Apple TV and/or Airplay. I have shomi right now as part of the internet package but without being able to watch on the big screen, it seems a little useless. I saw somewhere on the forum that it would be early 2015.osts: 1. When are you releasing some solution for Apple TV and/or Airplay. I have shomi right now as part of the internet package but without being able to watch on the big screen, it seems a little useless. I saw somewhere on the forum that it would be early 2015.", "Bell. TORONTO — Bell's streaming competitor to Netflix and Shomi will launch to TV lovers'' next week at about half the price. But it requires a TV subscription with Bell, Eastlink or Telus Optik TV and isn't available to cord cutters.ell. TORONTO — Bell's streaming competitor to Netflix and Shomi will launch to TV lovers'' next week at about half the price. But it requires a TV subscription with Bell, Eastlink or Telus Optik TV and isn't available to cord cutters.", "To make CraveTV an exception to your computer's firewall, go to your Internet service provider's online Help section and follow the instructions. For firewalls at work, you will need to contact your company's Information Technology department.se of the CraveTV app on your mobile device via Wi-Fi will count against your Internet data plan when used at home, but not your cellular data plan. If you are using a free Wi-Fi network outside the home, the service will not count to your home Internet data plan or cellular data plan.", "Netflix Canada: Anyone with an internet connection and a spare $7.99 per month is welcome to subscribe to this service. shomi: As of this posting, shomi is only available to Rogers and Shaw internet or TV customers.f you want to access Netflix and other streaming stations on your Xbox 360 you can use UnoTelly as I do to get around the geo block. Shomi is garbage. Half the shows say no videos available yet.. ie. all seasons of Sons of anarchy, American horror story, the league.", "In addition to being able to access CraveTV on demand on your television's set-top box, CraveTV is now available on Apple TV! Simply make sure your country region is set to Canada, CraveTV will show up on your Apple device! Follow the login steps on Apple TV and you will be able to start watching on your TV.se of the CraveTV app on your mobile device via Wi-Fi will count against your Internet data plan when used at home, but not your cellular data plan. If you are using a free Wi-Fi network outside the home, the service will not count to your home Internet data plan or cellular data plan.", "• Bell Fibe TV: Press the On Demand button on your remote or go to channel 310/1310. • Bell Aliant: Press the On Demand button on your remote or go to channel 523, or press the Menu button to access VOD, where you can access the CraveTV folder.", "The young streaming service, which launched in December, is just the latest of several all-you-can-watch services to promise that consumers will be able to subscribe regardless of which company they choose as an Internet provider, or whether they pay for cable or satellite TV.anadian video streaming services continue to come untethered from traditional television, as Bell Media said Monday that starting next year CraveTV will be offered directly to any Canadian with an Internet connection.", "If you are a subscriber of The Movie Network or Movie Central with Bell TV, CraveTV is already included with your TV package, at no additional cost. Simply use your online username and password to sign in.", "Xbox 360 users will also be able to access shomi through their consoles. Users can watch content on up to two devices at a time – but there is no limit to how many people access shomi through their cable boxes.Here is what the #shomi interface looks like on tablet. Nice large images, tap and hold for more info, trailers.sers can watch content on up to two devices at a time – but there is no limit to how many people access shomi through their cable boxes. Here is what the #shomi interface looks like on tablet. Nice large images, tap and hold for more info, trailers.", "Use of the CraveTV app on your mobile device via Wi-Fi will count against your Internet data plan when used at home, but not your cellular data plan. If you are using a free Wi-Fi network outside the home, the service will not count to your home Internet data plan or cellular data plan.se of the CraveTV app on your mobile device via Wi-Fi will count against your Internet data plan when used at home, but not your cellular data plan. If you are using a free Wi-Fi network outside the home, the service will not count to your home Internet data plan or cellular data plan.", "On a whim and prayer, he proposes. However, there’s more to marriage than a Vegas chapel and an Elvis impersonator, as Alex and Isabel soon learn. (See more...)On Yify TV you can Watch Fools Rush In free instantly without waiting. Watch more Andy Tennant's movies for free on Yify TV.", "The eyes have it. If you believe LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony, curved TVs aren’t just pleasing to the eye, they are what the eye craves. The crux of the “more immersive” argument has to do with the shape and structure of the human eyeball.", "• Bell Fibe TV: Press the On Demand button on your remote or go to channel 310/1310. • Bell Aliant: Press the On Demand button on your remote or go to channel 523, or press the Menu button to access VOD, where you can access the CraveTV folder.• Eastlink: Press the On Demand or VOD button on your remote, or press the Menu button to access VOD, where you can access the CraveTV folder.se of the CraveTV app on your mobile device via Wi-Fi will count against your Internet data plan when used at home, but not your cellular data plan. If you are using a free Wi-Fi network outside the home, the service will not count to your home Internet data plan or cellular data plan.", "How to access CraveTV™ with your Fibe TV receiver. You have two options to locate the content 1 : Press your remote’s on demand button (or navigate to the On Demand section in the menu) and select the CraveTV™ category. 2 Go to channel 310 or 1310 and press SELECT.nce the app is installed, follow these steps: 1 Start the Bell TV app. 2 Log in with your MyBell username and password. 3 Don’t have a username? 4 Select the On Demand button. 5 Select Movies & Series (or Movie channels & more on version 4 and prior). 6 Select CraveTV™ .", "Keeso started the web series in 2013, and says it came from his upbringing in Listowel. Letterkenny Problems will be the first original Canadian series on CraveTV, which was launched last year. Production for the show will begin in the summer of 2015.", "Crimsafe is quality, not ‘cheap’. Naturally, the cost of installing genuine Crimsafe will be higher than installing fly screens, diamond grille or other Crimsafe imitations, but to put it simply – you get what you pay for.Crimsafe is the market leader in security screens.hen it comes to assessing your home for Crimsafe doors and windows, along with size requirements we will also assess other factors such as whether: 1 You require a build out: if the frame around your door or window is old, rotting, or in any way not structurally sound, a build out will need to be installed.", "You already know about four of your major taste receptors: sweet, sour, bitter, salty. But there's another-one that delivers deliciousness-called unami (sounds like tsunami). Unami is why we crave foods; it's literally why some foods make you salivate more than a 14-year-old boy with the latest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. And it's partly what creates a dietary tug of war in your body.", "(Shomi) The war with Netflix is officially on in Canada with the news that Shomi, the streaming joint venture from Rogers and Shaw, will be opening to all Canadians this summer.The streaming service launched in November, but has only available since then to internet or TV subscribers of the two companies.Shomi) The war with Netflix is officially on in Canada with the news that Shomi, the streaming joint venture from Rogers and Shaw, will be opening to all Canadians this summer.", "How to Buy a Plasma TV. For the most part, when buying a plasma TV there is no best brand, only the one(s) that you like best. You can't go wrong with any of the major brands, such as Pioneer, Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, etc.They are all good quality; each has its strengths and drawbacks.Ad.e aware that plasma is probably ideal for you if your TV room is a dark one. Plasma TVs have a very shiny screen and reflect light creating a glare that is akin to trying to read a glossy magazine with a shiny light. If you have a Tube television and you have glare now, you are used to it. Ad.", "Quorn is okay, and their different products do taste different to each other and have different textures. But personally, I think there are much better brands out there. Cauldron for sausages, RealEat for mince, and probably Quorn is best for mock chicken. But it's all a matter of what you think tastes best. think the Quorn products are great!!!! They each taste pretty close to what they are imitating. The steak and lamb ones aren't quite as close as say the sausages or the chicken like items, but over all they are good!!!!", "Dolby doesn't make TVs, but if it did they'd probably be the best in the world. Well, at dealing with its Dolby Vision HDR tech anyways. Until then, though, Dolby is working quietly away signing up the TV silicon manufacturers to use its impressive, though proprietary, high dynamic range technology. The latest is Chinese chipset maker, MStar.", "How to access CraveTV™ on your tablet or Smartphone. You can access the content through the Bell TV app or the CraveTV™ app. Please note: 1 You can watch CraveTV™ over Wi-Fi or a mobile network (3G or 4G). 2 Note that it will count toward your monthly Internet or mobile data usage.nce the app is installed, follow these steps: 1 Start the Bell TV app. 2 Log in with your MyBell username and password. 3 Don’t have a username? 4 Select the On Demand button. 5 Select Movies & Series (or Movie channels & more on version 4 and prior). 6 Select CraveTV™ .", "Naturally, the cost of installing genuine Crimsafe will be higher than installing fly screens, diamond grille or other Crimsafe imitations, but to put it simply – you get what you pay for. Crimsafe is the market leader in security screens and Crimsafe is an attractive, functional product.zi-Pay Crimsafe options. We also offer our clients the option of Certegy Ezi-Pay, so that they can get their entire home secured by Crimsafe security screens immediately, but pay off the costs over time with Certegy’s interest-free payment plan.", "Samsung,Sony, LG, Panasonic are the best brands who makes the best LCD, LED, and Plasma TV Brands. If you are owning a good budget, you can go with the best - Sony & Samsung. Also, whether you are planning to purchase it from showroom or online, don’t forget to look at the ratings & user reviews (Those will help you a lot!)", "So the problem is that my LCD TV has a scrambled picture when my computer is turned on and connected to the TV via HDMI. I got analog signal TV connection but the picture is fine while the PC is turned off. Yeah I know I should get digi TV but till then I would like to sort this out.", "Best Answer: The closest any Tv series comes in resemblance to Homeland is BBC's Luther (both of them are psychological thrillers) and as for movies go its Manchurian candidate also you might like the gideon raff israeli series Hatufim from which Homeland is adapted. PS 24 is no match to homeland.", "The CRTC also argued that Men TV and Spike had dissimilar natures of service, with Men TV having a specific focus on lifestyle programming oriented towards men, and Spike being a general entertainment channel targeting a male audience.", "I already own the old Apple TV I have a TiVo or a PS3 or an Xbox or a Wii I don't have anything, and I want internet streaming video All I want is Netflix, and I want it as cheaply as possible I torrent a lot I like as much stuff to watch as possible.For these folks, Roku has a good amount of channels, even if not all of them are of high quality. Sony's Netbox is close, but doesn't have as many and doesn't seem to have the expandability that Roku does. like as much stuff to watch as possible. For these folks, Roku has a good amount of channels, even if not all of them are of high quality. Sony's Netbox is close, but doesn't have as many and doesn't seem to have the expandability that Roku does.", "The Fire stick as an advantage over the Chromcast as it has built in user interface that can turn any TV into a Smart TV. The Chromcast is more reliant on a laptop, tablet, smartphone to stream the content. The Roku Streaming TV Stick is closer in setup to Amazons Fire Stick but with less up-to-date hardware.", "How to access CraveTV™ on your tablet or smartphone. You can access the content with the Bell TV app or the CraveTV™ app. Please note: 1 You can watch CraveTV™ over Wi-Fi or a mobile network (3G or 4G).nce the app is installed, follow these steps: 1 Start the Bell TV app. 2 Log in with your MyBell username and password. 3 Don’t have a username? 4 Select the On Demand button. 5 Select Movies & Series (or Movie channels & more on version 4 and prior). 6 Select CraveTV™ .", "The biggest advantage to getting a Roku box is that it supports hundreds of apps, including ones that show obscure content such as Kung Fu Theater, Cultorama TV, Retro Family Christmas and Manga. Those are just the official Roku channels, but there are hundreds more created by users that aren't on the Roku list. If you're going to buy a new television anyway, it will be difficult to find one that isn't a smart TV. If you do find one that doesn't have the functionality, make sure it's at least $100 cheaper than one with it so you save a little money if you then buy a Roku or a similar box." ]
what is a caqh
CAQH is a non-profit alliance of health plans and trade associations, developing and leading initiatives that positively impact the business of healthcare. Consider how joining CAQH may be the right career choice for you.
[ "CAQH CORE: Operating Rules to Drive the Business of Healthcare. 1 Established in 2005, CAQH CORE is a multi-stakeholder collaboration of more than 130 organizations –providers, health plans, vendors, government agencies, and standard-setting bodies – developing operating rules to simplify healthcare administrative transactions.", "Operating Rules. CAQH CORE: Operating Rules to Drive the Business of Healthcare. Established in 2005, CAQH CORE is a multi-stakeholder collaboration of more than 130 organizations –providers, health plans, vendors, government agencies, and standard-setting bodies – developing operating rules to simplify healthcare administrative transactions.", "The CAQH Universal Provider Datasource is designed to accomplish administrative simplification by gathering credentialing data in a single repository that may be accessed by participating health plans and other health care organizations.", "Welcome to CAQH ProView™, formerly the Universal Provider Datasource®. CAQH ProView is more than a credentialing database. Available at no cost to you, CAQH ProView eliminates duplicative paperwork with organizations that require your professional and practice information for claims administration, credentialing, directory services, and more.", "DataSource™ (UPD) for gathering credentialing data. for physicians and other health care professionals. The. CAQH UPD has been available free to physicians. and health care providers since 2004. As of May 2011, more than 900,000 health care providers are actively. using the UPD. This system enables physicians and. other health care professionals to provide credentialing. data to multiple health insurance companies through a. streamlined process. UnitedHealthcare has implemented. the CAQH process as our single-source credentialing. application nationally.", "– is an online provider data-collection solution. It streamlines. provider data collection by using a standard electronic form that meets the. needs of nearly every health plan, hospital and other health care. organization. CAQH ProView enables physicians and other health care professionals in all.", "CAQH ProView enables physicians and other healthcare professionals in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to enter information free-of-charge into a secure central database and authorize healthcare organizations to access that information.", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited disorder of the adrenal glands that can affect both boys and girls. People with CAH cannot properly make cortisol and in some cases, are unable to produce aldosterone. They also produce too much of some androgens, such as testosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone.", "This system enables physicians and. other health care professionals to provide credentialing. data to multiple health insurance companies through a. streamlined process. UnitedHealthcare has implemented. the CAQH process as our single-source credentialing. application nationally. Given that there are currently.", "CAH is a group of inherited disorders of the adrenal glands. It affects men and women equally. Both parents must carry the gene in order for a child to be born with CAH. Researchers have identified the location of the gene that causes the most common forms of CAH as chromosome 6.", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited disorder of the adrenal glands that can affect both boys and girls. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys and produce three types of hormones: Cortisol, which regulates energy, blood pressure and blood sugar and helps us recover from a sudden illness.", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of inherited genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands, a pair of walnut-sized organs above your kidneys. A person with CAH lacks one of the enzymes the adrenal glands use to produce hormones that help regulate metabolism, the immune system, blood pressure and other essential functions.", "What Is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia? Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of hereditary disorders that affect the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. CAH is caused by genetic defects that prevent these glands from producing these two hormones either entirely or at normal rates.", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of genetic conditions that can be caused by a change (mutation) in several different genes: 1 21-hydroxylase deficiency is caused by mutations in the CYP21A2 gene. 2 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency is caused by mutations in the HSD3B2 gene.", "About Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (pronounced kuhn-JEN-i-tl uh-DREEN-uhl hahy-per-PLEY-zhuh), or CAH, refers to a group of genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands. These glands sit on top of the kidneys and release hormones the body needs to function.", "Critical Access Hospital (Health Care) Law and Legal Definition. Critical access hospital (CAH) is a rural primary health care hospital that gives limited outpatient and inpatient hospital services to people in rural areas. CAH offers essential services to medicare patients and their services are reimbursed by medicare on a reasonable cost basis.", "A study conducted for CAQH by IBM Global Business Services shows that the CORE rules are helping to accelerate adoption of health information technology (HIT) and helping to provide better access to patient coverage information.", "Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): Overview. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (pronounced kuhn-JEN-i-tl uh-DREEN-uhl hahy-per-PLEY-zhuh), or CAH, refers to a group of genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands. These glands sit on top of the kidneys and release hormones the body needs to function.", "The suite of provider data management solutions by CAQH ensures that health plans have the high-quality provider information needed for a range of business uses including credentialing, directories, sanctions monitoring and EFT/ERA enrollment.", "A cacique (; ; feminine form: cacica) is a leader of an indigenous group, derived from the Taíno for the pre-Columbian chiefs or leaders of tribes in the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and the northern Lesser Antilles.", "A Cacique (. [kaˈθike] ; [kɐˈsikɨ, kaˈsiki] ; feminine form: cacica) is a leader of a indigenous group, derived from the Taino taíno for the-Pre columbian chiefs or leaders of tribes in The, Bahamas Greater, antilles and the Northern Lesser. antillesn the Taino taíno, culture the cacique rank was apparently established through democratic. Means his importance in the tribe was determined by the size of his tribe rather than his warlord, skills since The tainos taínos were mostly a. pacifist culture", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) refers to a group of genetic conditions that affect the adrenal glands. These glands sit on top of the kidneys and are responsible for releasing various types of hormones that the body needs to function.", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of rare autosomal recessive disorders characterized by a deficiency of one of the enzymes needed to make specific hormones.", "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are any of several autosomal recessive diseases resulting from mutations of genes for enzymes mediating the biochemical steps of production of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids or sex steroids from cholesterol by the adrenal glands (steroidogenesis).", "CAQH ProView simplifies the process by enabling providers to submit one standard credentialing application to a single source, the CAQH ProView credentialing application database, to satisfy the credentialing requirements", "CAHPS is a program administered by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the lead federal agency involved in developing and distributing standardized, evidence-based surveys and related tools used to assess patient experience with the United States health care system (AHRQ CAHPS Program Brief).", "For orthopedic surgeons, there is not. For primary care doctors, there is, and it is called a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in sports medicine .. It is a rigorous examination that covers the medical and musculoskeletal aspects of sports medicine.", "For orthopedic surgeons, there is not. For primary care doctors, there is, and it is called a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in sports medicine.. It is a rigorous examination that covers the medical and musculoskeletal aspects of sports medicine.", "Robin Thomashauer, executive director of CAQH, said: We are pleased to see UnitedHealth Group join the growing number of companies that have become CORE certified and the first to become CORE certified in a 5010 format.", "By streamlining data collection electronically, CAQH ProView is reducing. duplicative paperwork and millions of dollars of annual administrative costs. for one million physicians and other health professionals, as well as over 650. participating health plans, hospitals and health care organizations.", "Every health plan may use CAQH ProView if they choose to participate. Other healthcare organizations that handle credentialing functions on behalf of health plans – or that have their own need for credentialing –may also choose to use the solution.", "CAHPS® is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Some information on this webpage is from: [acocahps.cms.gov] Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services, Baltimore, MD. May 26, 2015. acocahps.cms.gov.", "Cry. Cacnea (Japanese: サボネア Sabonea) is a Grass-type Pokemon pokémon introduced In GENERATION. iii", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The carbon-hydrogen bond (C–H bond) is a bond between carbon and hydrogen atoms that can be found in many organic compounds. This bond is a covalent bond meaning that carbon shares its outer valence electrons with up to four hydrogens.", "CAQH UPD has been available free to physicians. and health care providers since 2004. As of May 2011, more than 900,000 health care providers are actively. using the UPD. This system enables physicians and. other health care professionals to provide credentialing. data to multiple health insurance companies through a. streamlined process." ]
general observation definition
General Observation. You, as a medical student, will be seeing a patient after an initial assessment by another physician. He would have set into motion certain actions which are clues to the patient's problem. Medicine is an art. Learn to be like a detective in solving medical problems.
[ "Observation is referred to in several places in the revised Early Years Foundation Stage. Put simply observation is the practice of looking at and listening to children to find out how they are developing, what they like doing and what they are learning through their play and the experiences on offer.", "Observation is a systematic data collection approach. Researchers use all of their senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally occurring situations. Some researchers draw a distinction between participant observation and observation. This distinction is murky.", "Observation Is: Systematically watching what a person does and says and recording the behaviors in order to make instructional decisions. Observation should: • Be done for a specific reason; • Provide samples of a child's/student's behavior over a period of time, in a variety of settings; and • Be objective.", "Descriptive Observation and Experiment. Normative observation is discussed on another page. Observation means studying and gathering information on an activity: of what happens, what your object of study does or how it behaves. Observation is visual: you use your own eyes, perhaps assisted with a camera or other recording instrument.", "– observation. 1. 'observance'. The observance of a rule or custom is the practice of obeying it or following it. Observance is a fairly formal word. Local councils should use their powers to ensure strict observance of laws. 2. 'observation'.", "Descriptive Observation and Experiment. 1 Normative observation is discussed on another page. Observation means studying and gathering information on an activity: of what happens, what your object of study does or how it behaves. Observation is visual: you use your own eyes, perhaps assisted with a camera or other recording instrument.", "NOTES (p 17): Observation - recognizing and noting some FACT to gather information about the world You make observations using your five senses. Observations must be specific and accurate, not relative, so that it means the same to everyone. Example: Incorrect - the burning bag smelled nasty.", "Observation: Summary. Naturalistic observation refers to collecting data without interfering with the ongoing behavior. Observation relies on information available to the senses -- sight, hearing, touch, etc. It provides information about the what of behavior, but does not reveal it underlying motivation (the why). Observational research begins with casual observation - checking out the setting and the activities that occur there. To collect valid data, it is important to distinguish between observation and inference. Systematic observation uses decision rules and operational definitions in order to reduce error.", "Observation in philosophical terms is the process of filtering sensory information through the thought process. Input is received via hearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch and then analyzed through either rational or irrational thought.", "1. the act of observing or the state of being observed. 2. a comment or remark. 3. detailed examination of phenomena prior to analysis, diagnosis, or interpretation: the patient was under observation. 4. the facts learned from observing.", "Observation is a fundamental aspect of all scientific research. Scientists learn and develop concepts through observing the environment, people, animals, things, and how they affect each other. There are two types of observation: quantitative observation and qualitative observation. They are either used separately or together using a variety of tools necessary for the gathering and measurement of data.", "This lab is adapted from an assignment by Dr. John Ruys. Observation is a frequently use method to collect data on the behavior of humans and a variety of other species. The behaviors that can be observed include the simplest of movements to patterns of social interactions between groups of animals.", "Observation is a form of audit evidence. Observation consists of looking at a process or procedure being performed by others. Examples include observation of the counting of inventories by the entity's personnel and observation of the performance of control activities.Observation is limited in the evidence it provides because client personnel may act differently when the auditor is not observing them.xamples include observation of the counting of inventories by the entity's personnel and observation of the performance of control activities. Observation is limited in the evidence it provides because client personnel may act differently when the auditor is not observing them.", "observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself. 2. the tendency or disposition to do this. 3. sympathetic introspection. Origin of introspection.", "Observation is referred to in several places in the revised Early Years Foundation Stage. Put simply observation is the practice of looking at and listening to children to find out how they are developing, what they like doing and what they are learning through their play and the experiences on offer.t is based on on-going observation and assessment in the three prime and four specific areas of learning, and the three learning characteristics, set out below: ‘The EYFS Profile is not intended to be used for on-going assessment or for entry level assessment for Early Years settings or Reception classes’.", "Observation is the process of watching a child at work or play without. interfering in the activity. Recording is the process of documenting the observed activity or behavior. Although many teachers do this naturall~ a systematic approach helps ensure.", "Observation gives access to a wide range of data, including kinds of data whose existence the investigator may not have anticipated at the time he began his study, and thus is a method well suited to the purposes of the case study.", "The core of the standard provides the observation schema. An observation is an act that results in the estimation of the value of a feature property, and involves application of a specified procedure, such as a sensor, instrument, algorithm or process chain.The procedure may be applied in-situ, remotely, or ex-situ with respect to the sampling location.bservations and Measurements (O&M) is an International Standard which defines a conceptual schema encoding for observations, and for features involved in sampling when making observations.", "Observation consists of receiving knowledge of the outside world through our senses, or recording information using scientific tools and instruments. Any data recorded during an experiment can be called an observation.bservation consists of receiving knowledge of the outside world through our senses, or recording information using scientific tools and instruments. Any data recorded during an experiment can be called an observation.", "Definition of under observation in US English - (especially of a patient or a suspected criminal) being closely and constantly watched or monitored Definition of under observation in US English - (especially of a patient or a suspected criminal) being closely and constantly watched or monitored", "But to see it more clearly: scientific observation is to view the movements, and effects of those movements, or to view any situation, and the effect of it. Example: I saw a fish swim though the water. So based on what I observed, I ask questions, like, how did the fish swim though the water.", "nursing observation. an objective evaluation made by a nurse of the various aspects of a client's condition. It includes the person's general appearance, emotional affect, nutritional status, habits, and preferences, as well as body temperature, skin condition, and any abnormal processes, including those of which the client complains." ]
definition of death benefit
What is 'Death Benefit'. Death benefit is the amount on a life insurance policy, annuity or pension that is payable to the beneficiary when the insured or annuitant passes away. A death benefit may be a percentage of the annuitant's pension. For example, a beneficiary might be entitled to 65% of the annuitant's monthly pension at the time the annuitant passes away. Alternatively, a death benefit may be a large lump-sum payment from a life insurance policy.
[ "Life Insurance Death Benefit. A person typically purchases a life insurance policy to secure a death benefit made payable to the survivors of the insured once he is no longer living. Insurance companies offer a total death benefit for whatever amount is deemed appropriate by the insured as long as the policy is in force and premiums are paid.", "The death benefit of a life insurance policy represents the face amount of the policy that will be paid out on a tax-free basis to whoever the owner or beneficiary of the policy is. Therefore, if you were to purchase a policy with a $1 million dollar face amount (i.e.", "Accidental Death Benefit. What is an 'Accidental Death Benefit'. The payment due to the beneficiary of an accidental death insurance policy, which is often a clause or a rider connected to a life insurance policy. The accidental death benefit is usually an amount paid in addition to the standard benefit payable if the insured died of natural causes.", "Accidental Death Benefit-In a life insurance policy, benefit in addition to the death benefit paid to the beneficiary, should death occur due to an accident. There can be certain exclusions as well as time and age limits.", "Accidental Death Benefit - In a life insurance policy, benefit in addition to the death benefit paid to the beneficiary, should death occur due to an accident. There can be certain exclusions as well as time and age limits.", "1 contingent beneficiary A beneficiary who only receives his or her benefit when specific conditions have been met. 2 death benefit (DB) A payment or series of payments made to the beneficiaries of a life insurance policy. ➥ An amount paid to a beneficiary in a life linsurance policy. irrevocable Unalterable.", "Level Death Benefit A life insurance payout that is the same whether the insured ... Acceleration Life Insurance A type of policy that pays a portion (typically 25\\% or 50\\%) ... Death Benefit The amount on a life insurance policy or pension that is payable ...", "See also: Tax on death benefits. In most cases, when a person dies their super fund will pay their super to the person they have chosen as their nominated beneficiary. Super paid after a person's death is called a 'death benefit'. Last modified: 08 May 2015QC 44997.", "Death benefits In most cases, when a person dies their super fund will pay their remaining super to the person they have chosen as their nominated beneficiary. Super paid after a person's death is called a 'death benefit'. You nominate your beneficiary with your super fund.", "Term life insurance policies also offer a level death benefit; whether the policyholder dies five years into the term or 20 years into the term, the death benefit will be the same. Variable Death Benefit. The amount paid to a decedent's beneficiary that is dependent ... A common benefit option on life insurance policies wherein the ... The amount on a life insurance policy or pension that is payable ... A type of policy that pays a portion (typically 25\\% or 50\\%) ...", "RELATED TERMS. 1 Level Death Benefit A life insurance payout that is the same whether the insured 2 ... Acceleration Life Insurance A type of policy that pays a portion (typically 25\\% or 50\\%) ... 3 Death Benefit The amount on a life insurance policy or pension that is payable ...", "A term used to describe a policy that pays additional benefits to the beneficiary if the cause of death is due to a non-work-related accident.", "Sum Death Benefit at the same time. (continued on back) What Is a Living Needs Benefit? The Benefits Plan offers terminally ill members covered under the Death and Disability Plan the option to receive a portion of the available death benefits prior to their deaths to help pay expenses during their final stage of illness. How Does It Work?", "The Survivors Pension benefit, which may also be referred to as Death Pension, is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to a low-income, un-remarried surviving spouse and/or unmarried child(ren) of a deceased Veteran with wartime service.", "En español | Q. I know Social Security pays a $255 death benefit to the family of a person who dies. Who exactly is eligible to receive this? And how do you apply? A. The death benefit is a lump sum, paid upon the death of a person who worked long enough to qualify for Social Security benefits. It goes to a surviving spouse who was living in the person's household at the time of death, or, if living apart, was receiving certain Social Security benefits on the deceased's record.", "An Accidental Death Benefit Rider is a provision in a Life Insurance policy that can provide an additional payment if your death occurs as the result of an accident, often double the amount of money.", "The two main types of life insurance are term life insurance, which offers coverage that may be purchased for a specific time period, and permanent life insurance, which offers protection for an entire lifetime. death benefit is the amount paid to the beneficiary at the time of the death of the insured. Face amount. The face amount of the policy is the amount of the death benefit as stated in the policy. This does not include additional amounts that the policy may provide.", "Under an insurance contract, a death benefit or survivor benefit is guaranteed to be paid to the listed beneficiary so long as premiums are satisfied during the time the insured or annuitant is alive.", "The death benefit of a whole life policy is normally the stated face amount. However, if the policy is participating, the death benefit will be increased by any accumulated dividend values and/or decreased by any outstanding policy loans.", "Death Benefit. If you are a surviving dependent (either a spouse, minor child, or parent) of an employee that died due to a work-related injury, you are entitled to a death benefit. The primary death benefit is a lump sum, ranging from $250,000 to $320,000." ]
what is oklahoma state income tax rate
The income tax withholding formula for the State of Oklahoma will include the following changes: 1 The flat tax rate on supplemental wages will change from 5.25 percent to 5.00 percent. 2 The Single and Married withholding tables will increase.
[ "The local sales tax is collected in addition to the Oklahoma sales tax of 4.5%, so the actual sales tax you pay on purchases in Oklahoma may vary between 4.5% and 6.500% depending on which county or city the sale is made in.", "The cost of living in Oklahoma (OK) is lower than the nationwide average. The average yearly pay in Oklahoma is $42,457.00, which is lower than the U.S. average annual salary by $7,351.00.The consumer price index (CPI) of 214 in Oklahoma is 8.15% lower than the U.S. city average CPI of 233.The sales tax is 4.50%.he average yearly pay in Oklahoma is $42,457.00, which is lower than the U.S. average annual salary by $7,351.00. The consumer price index (CPI) of 214 in Oklahoma is 8.15% lower than the U.S. city average CPI of 233. The sales tax is 4.50%.", "Oklahoma Use Tax [View Main Article] If you buy goods and are not charged the Oklahoma Sales Tax by the retailer, such as with online and out-of-state purchases, you are supposed to pay the 4.5% sales tax (less any foreign sales tax paid) for these items yourself as the Oklahoma Use Tax.", "The Midwest, Oklahoma sales tax is 8.35% , consisting of 4.50% Oklahoma state sales tax and 3.85% Midwest local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 3.85% city sales tax. 1 The Midwest Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Midwest.", "And as in many other states with large rural populations, more than 18% of Oklahoma’s workforce was employed by state and local governments, the fifth largest proportion nationwide. The annual median household income in the state was $45,690, almost $7,000 below the national median income." ]
how many different types of lamborghinis are there
TELLING HIM THAT HE FORGOT EMBALADO. oh, and dude, you also left out the lamborghini alar. its coming soon. We have a total of 16 different types of Lamborghini that area available.
[ "Lamborghini Aventador Colours. 1 Lamborghini Aventador is available/sold in the following colours in India: Arancio Argos (Orange), White, Nero Noctis, Blu Achelous, Grigio Titans, Giallo Midas, Giallo Horus, Bianco Canopus, Grigio Lynx, Bianco Monocerus, Blu Caelum, Rosso Mars and Verde Mantis.", "As of the 2017 model year, Lamborghini's automobile product range consists of two model lines, both of which are mid-engine two-seat sports cars. The V12-powered Aventador line consists of the LP 700–4 coupé and roadster.", "With a total volume of 14,022 cars produced, the Lamborghini Gallardo has been the most successful Lamborghini ever and, in its ten-year lifecycle, lifted the Lamborghini marque to a whole new level. Its successor, the new Huracán, has been developed from scratch down to the very last detail and, like the Gallardo and most other Lamborghini models, derives its name from the world of bullfighting.", "The Lamborghini models are listed by year they were built, starting with the first 350 GT from 1964 up to the latest Gallardo and Murcielago, each car has the Msrp from that year and a look at the current value of the car.", "Lamborghini Aventador. EMI: 6,27,213/- EMI calculated for 40% of the ex-showroom price, for a tenure of 5 years at 10% interest rate. Lamborghini Aventador, a Coupe has 3 versions available in India. Aventador has 3 Petrol cars. Lamborghini Aventador comes in 5 colours, namely, Orange, Red Metallic, Silver, White, Yellow.", "Further on the Most Expensive Lamborghini. The first expensive Lamborghini is 2014 Lamborghini Veneno Roadster that only produced in 9 units. These luxurious Lamborghini units were launched to commemorate 50 th anniversary of Lamborghini. This type price is $5,600,000 more than ten times of Aventador type’s price.", "2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4. The latest in a line of otherworldly supercars that includes the Miura, Countach, Diablo and Murcielago, the Aventador is Lamborghini's technology- and performance-packed flagship.", "Details: 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo. The 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo is available in coupe and convertible body styles. It’s also available in several models: the LP 560-4, the LP 560-4 Spyder, the LP 570-4 Superaleggera, the 550-2 Valentino Balboni, the 570-4 Spyder Performante and the Bicolore.", "1 The picture presents three-quarter views of 4 Lamborghini Huracáns lined up at the race track and ready to go. In the foreground is the blue model followed by the orange, red and finally yellow. 2 The image shows an orange Lamborghini Huracán Performante as it speeds through a desert landscape.", "In recent years, ultra-fast Lamborghini models include the 2006 Murciélago LP640 with a top speed of 211 mph, the 2011 Aventador LP700-4 with a top speed of 217 mph, and the 2000 Diablo Coatl, a reworking of the Lamborghini Diablo for the Latin American market, which could reach top speeds of 239 mph.", "Named after a famous breed of fighting bull, the V-10 Gallardo has been Lamborghini's sales leader and stable-mate to a succession of V-12 flagship models—first to the Lamborghini Murciélago (4,099 built between 2001 and 2011), then to the current flagship Lamborghini Aventador.", "The 2016 Lamborghini Aventador exotic supercar now comes in two delectable flavors. The LP 700-4 is the more vanilla of the two, offering up a paltry 700 horsepower in a car so stunningly gorgeous it often draws longer stares than the models hired to show it off.", "In the case of the 2015 Lamborghini Aventador Superveloce, Lamborghini announced that it was limiting production of this lightweight, high-output Aventador to just 600 units – globally. After that, you’ll either have to settle for a standard Aventador or wait around for the 2016 Aventador SV Roadster.", "Furthermore in an effort to protect the brand’s prestige as the world’s leading manufacturer of exotic sports cars, Lamborghini limits the number of vehicles sold in each model class to a set number each year. In 2011, Lamborghini manufactured 1711 cars and employed roughly 800 people.", "Lamborghini Aventador. About Lamborghini Aventador. The 2016 Lamborghini Aventador exotic supercar now comes in two delectable flavors. The LP 700-4 is the more vanilla of the two, offering up a paltry 700 horsepower in a car so stunningly gorgeous it often draws longer stares than the models hired to show it off. The other is the LP 750-4 Superveloce that sheds 100 pounds but gains 40 horsepower.", "The 350 GT and 400 GT 2+2 made the Lamborghini name known throughout the world, but the Miura made it legendary, the name alone made people dream of supercars and road-ready race cars ... even 40 years later the Miura is still considered a masterpiece.", "The Lamborghini Aventador is crowned as Lambo’s most iconic model, and since its introduction in 2011, the family has grown considerably. After the base Aventador hit the road, it paved the way for models like the Aventador J, the LP 750-4 SuperVeloce, the Dreamliner Edition, and was even used as the basis for cars like the Veneno and Centenario.", "At the rate it’s going, the Lamborghini Huracán could become the most sought-after model in Lamborghini history. It’s certainly on track to surpass the Gallardo’s record. In fact, the Italian automaker just celebrated the 8,000th unit of the Huracán to come off the production line.", "If that's not enough, there is also the Veneno hypercar in which less than a dozen have been created. Lamborghini’s founder was convinced that he could build a better car than Enzo Ferrari’s infamous vehicles, but the company has evolved into something beyond a Ferrari clone.", "But even if you do have the scratch to consider buying one of these monsters, don’t get too excited yet: Lamborghini is only making 3 Venenos, and they’ve all been spoken for. Might as well save your money for Steve McQueen’s Ford GT40.", "Lamborghini Countach. The Lamborghini Countach is a mid-engined, V12 sports car produced by Italian car manufacturer Lamborghini from 1974 to 1990. Its design pioneered and popularized the wedge-shaped, sharply angled look popular in many high-performance sports cars.", "Lamborghini Gallardo. The Lamborghini Gallardo (/ɡaɪˈjɑːrdoʊ/; Italian: [ɡaʎˈʎardo]) is a sports car built by Lamborghini from 2003 to 2013. It is Lamborghini's best-selling model with 14,022 being built throughout its lifetime.", "Due to the low production numbers, only 2,042 cars in total were built from 1974-1990, meaning selections of Lamborghini Countachs in most any variation is limited. Depending on timing and market demand, we offer the Lamborghini Countach for sale in a select grouping.", "The Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 is an Italian sports coupe that appears in The Crew. Like the LaFerrari, this car is popular among users, especially in PvP lobbies. Engine - Lamborghini 6.5 L V12. Max Power - 700 HP (515 kW) @ 8,250 rpm.", "Discover all the Lamborghini Huracán models. 1 huracán performante. 2 huracán coupé. 3 huracán spyder. huracán rwd 1 coupé. huracán RWD Spyder. huracán avio.", "The Lamborghini Reventón is a mid-engine sports car that debuted at the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show. It was the most expensive Lamborghini road car until the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento was launched, costing two million dollars. Its top speed was recorded in UAE at 221 miles per hour. The official press release stated that only 20 vehicles would be sold to the public, with one additional car produced for the Lamborghini museum. Although early rumors indicated the total number would actually be ...", "The Lamborghini Gallardo has ten cylinders and the Ferrari has eight cylinders. So the Lamborghini has more power and energy coming from the engine. The Lamborghini Gallardo and the Ferrari 458 Italia have many differences that make each car unique and extraordinary in their own way.", "By sales, the most important markets in 2004 for Lamborghini's sports cars are the U.S. (41%), Germany (13%), Great Britain (9%) and Japan (8%). Prior to the launch of the Gallardo in 2003, Lamborghini produced approximately 400 vehicles per year; in 2011 Lamborghini produced 1,711 vehicles.amborghini grew rapidly during its first ten years, but sales plunged in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and the oil crisis. Ferruccio Lamborghini sold ownership of the company to Georges-Henri Rossetti and Rene René leimer and retired in. 1974", "Lamborghini Aventador. About Lamborghini Aventador. The 2016 Lamborghini Aventador exotic supercar now comes in two delectable flavors. The LP 700-4 is the more vanilla of the two, offering up a paltry 700 horsepower in a car so stunningly gorgeous it often draws longer stares than the models hired to show it off.", "About Lamborghini Aventador. The 2016 Lamborghini Aventador exotic supercar now comes in two delectable flavors. The LP 700-4 is the more vanilla of the two, offering up a paltry 700 horsepower in a car so stunningly gorgeous it often draws longer stares than the models hired to show it off. The other is the LP 750-4 Superveloce that sheds 100 pounds but gains 40 horsepower.", "Lamborghini is a pretty exclusive company – maybe not so much as other high-end manufacturers out there, but exclusive enough that 2015 was a record year for the company with just 3,245 vehicles sold worldwide. That accounts for an averages sales volume of just 8.89 units per day throughout all of last year.", "Lamborghini Murciélago. The Lamborghini Murciélago (Spanish for bat) is a supercar produced by Italian automaker Lamborghini between 2001 and 2010. Successor to the Diablo and flagship of the automaker's lineup, the Murciélago was introduced as a coupé in 2001. The Murcielago was first available in North America for the 2002 model year.", "Lamborghini's first car, the 350 GTV was introduced at the Turin Motor Show in the fall of 1963. Production started the next year, with the model 350 GT and followed in the 1960's and the early 1970's by the legendary Miura, Islero, Espada, Jarama, and Countach.", "For the Shooter Jennings album, see Countach (For Giorgio). The Lamborghini Countach is a mid-engined, V12 sports car produced by Italian car manufacturer Lamborghini from 1974 to 1990. Its design pioneered and popularized the wedge-shaped, sharply angled look popular in many high-performance sports cars.", "About Lamborghini Aventador. The 2016 Lamborghini Aventador exotic supercar now comes in two delectable flavors. The LP 700-4 is the more vanilla of the two, offering up a paltry 700 horsepower in a car so stunningly gorgeous it often draws longer stares than the models hired to show it off.", "With 40 more horsepower, a serious reduction in weight and the addition of electronically dampened shocks and dynamic steering, the new 2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP 750-4 Superveloce is the ultimate Italian stallion.", "2016 Lamborghini Huracán LP580-2: Bolognese Boogaloo. Less power, less weight, fewer driven wheels. Six years ago, Lamborghini put a stripe on a special-edition Gallardo and named it in honor of Valentino Balboni, the company’s longtime test driver. While toiling away over the sticker package, Lambo’s engineers also yanked the front differential and slightly detuned the car, creating the rear-wheel-drive Gallardo LP550-2.", "This marks an increase of 7%. The largest markets are the USA, Japan, UK, Greater China and Germany. Thanks to the 1,370 units delivered of the V10 Huracán model, the first half of 2016 has been the most successful semester yet in Lamborghini's history for V10 sales.", "With all new Lamborghini Veneno 2013, the Italian car giant put forth their newest edition to the world of car aficionados, as a part of Lamborghini’s 50th anniversary.aunched with four examples at a go, the Italian giant will be bringing all four models of Lamborghini Veneno in gray-metallic finish with three versions offered in red, white and green accents.", "Lamborghini Batmobile. The new Lamborghini Ankonian may be fifty percent Hot Wheel and fifty percent Batmobile, but somehow that combination results in it being one-hundred percent badass. In an attempt to take the Lamborghini Reventon “to the next level”, designer Slavche Tanevsky turned the volume up to 11.", "The 2016 Lamborghini Aventador exotic supercar now comes in two delectable flavors. The LP 700-4 is the more vanilla of the two, offering up a paltry 700 horsepower in a car so stunningly gorgeous it often draws longer stares than the models hired to show it off. The other is the LP 750-4 Superveloce that sheds 100 pounds but gains 40 horsepower. Both cars cost more than most homes, with the price tags for the coupe and roadster starting well north of $400,000.", "Discover technical specifications, dimensions, performance, and the detailed features of all the new Lamborghini Aventador models. 1 Aventador S Coupé. 2 aventador coupé. 3 aventador roadster. aventador sv 1 coupé. aventador sv roadster. aventador miura 1 homage. Aventador Pirelli.", "By Mark Smeyers on October 20. 2013 in LamboNEWS. An overview of the Lamborghini production at Sant'Agata from 1963 when the company was founded and started building their first real production model the 350 GT over some of the most legendary exotic cars in the world like the Miura, the Countach, the Diablo, the Murciélago and now the Aventador ..." ]
what is melting point of silicon
The melting point of the element, silicon, is about: Melting Point: 1687 K (1414°C or 2577°F) Boiling Point: 3538 K (3265°C or 5909°F) Resource: http://education.jla … b.org/itselemental/ele014.html You can find the freezing point of the element there as well. Thank you. :}. 1 person found this useful.
[ "Melting Point Boiling Point Date of Discovery Crystal Structure. Element Groups: Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Metals Other Metals Metalloids Non-Metals Halogens Noble Gases Rare Earth Elements Basic Information | Atomic Structure | Isotopes | Related Links | Citing This Page. Basic Information Name: Silicon Symbol: Si Atomic Number: 14 Atomic Mass: 28.0855 amu Melting Point: 1410.0 °C (1683.15 K, 2570.0 °F) Boiling Point: 2355.0 °C (2628.15 K, 4271.0 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 14 Number of Neutrons: 14 Classification: Metalloid Crystal Structure: Cubic Density @ 293 K: 2.329 g/cm 3 Color: grey Atomic Structure", "Number of Neutrons Melting Point Boiling Point Date of Discovery Crystal Structure. Element Groups: Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Metals Other Metals Metalloids Non-Metals Halogens Noble Gases Rare Earth Elements Basic Information | Atomic Structure | Isotopes | Related Links | Citing This Page. Basic Information Name: Silicon Symbol: Si Atomic Number: 14 Atomic Mass: 28.0855 amu Melting Point: 1410.0 °C (1683.15 K, 2570.0 °F) Boiling Point: 2355.0 °C (2628.15 K, 4271.0 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 14 Number of Neutrons: 14 Classification: Metalloid Crystal Structure: Cubic Density @ 293 K: 2.329 g/cm 3 Color: grey Atomic Structure", "The silicon melt temperature was measured for 30 min. The temperature variations at the melt surfaces and bottom with the temperature of crucible top and bottom being 1450°C and 1430°C are shown in Fig. 4. The concentrations of boron added are non-doping, 1×10 18 and 1×10 20 atoms/cm 3, respectively.", "It has a giant lattice structure similar to that of diamond, in which each silicon atom is covalently-bonded to four other silicon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This extends in three dimensions to form a giant molecule or macromolecule. Silicon has a very high melting point and boiling point because:", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Silicon melts at 1,414 degrees Celsius (2,577.2 degrees Fahrenheit). Silicon boils at 2,900 degrees Celsius (5,252 degrees Fahrenheit). 1948 degrees 1948 degrees F is equal to 1064.44 degrees C Gold melts at the temperature of i060 degrees C 1064.18 °C OR 1947.52 °F when it is heated to high temperatures. Gold melts at 1 948.316 degrees Fahrenheit. + 22 others found this useful. Austin Cutler.", "This means that, overall, the ratio is two oxygen atoms to each silicon atom, giving the formula SiO 2. Silicon dioxide is very hard. It has a very high melting point (1,610 °C) and boiling point (2,230 °C), is insoluble in water, and does not conduct electricity.These properties result from the very strong covalent bonds that hold the silicon and oxygen atoms in the giant covalent structure.ilicon dioxide. Much of the silicon and oxygen in the Earth's crust is present as the compound silicon dioxide also known as silica. Silicon dioxide has a giant covalent structure.", "Silicon dioxide is suitable for lining furnaces because of its very high melting point of 1,600 to 1,725 degrees celcius. It is so high because of the strong intermolecula … r forces between SiO2 molecules in the giant covalent structure comparable to that of diamond and graphite.A large amount of energy is required to overcome these intermolecular forces and thus SiO2 has a high melting point.ilicon dioxide is so important in fabrication process because it exhibits good thermal isolation and also having low thermal conductivity and more it has low thermal expansio … n coefficient.", "Silicon: Symbol: Si Atomic Number: 14: Atomic Mass: 28.086 atomic mass units Number of Protons: 14: Number of Neutrons: 14: Number of Electrons: 14: Melting Point: 1410.0° C: Boiling Point: 2355.0° C: Density: 2.329 grams per cubic centimeter: Normal Phase: Solid: Family: Metalloids: Period: 3: Cost: $50 per pound", "Silicon is a chemical element with symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is a tetravalent metalloid, more reactive than germanium, the metalloid directly below it in the table.Controversy about silicon's character dates to its discovery; it was first prepared and characterized in pure form in 1823.ilicon is a solid at room temperature, with relatively high melting and boiling points of 1414 and 3265 °C, respectively. Like water, it has a greater density in a liquid state than in a solid state, and so, like water but unlike most substances, it does not contract when it freezes, but expands.", "Silicon dioxide. Silicon dioxide silica is the mineral quartz and is a giant molecule with a melting point of over 16000C. Methanol is a molecular compound (an alcohol) with a… melting point of -980C.", "Facts About Silicon. 1 Atomic Number (number of protons in the nucleus): 14. 2 Atomic Symbol (on the Periodic Table of Elements): Si. 3 Atomic Weight (average mass of the atom): 28.09. 4 Density: 2.3296 grams per cubic centimeter. 5 Phase at Room Temperature: Soild. 6 Melting Point: 2577 degrees Fahrenheit (1414 degrees Celsius)", "Silicon - a giant covalent structure. Silicon is a non-metal, and has a giant covalent structure exactly the same as carbon in diamond - hence the high melting point. You have to break strong covalent bonds in order to melt it. There are no obviously free electrons in the structure, and although it conducts electricity, it doesn't do so in the same way as metals.", "The boiling points of the carbon group tend to get lower with the heavier elements. Carbon, the lightest carbon group element, sublimates at 3825 °C. Silicon's boiling point is 3265 °C, germanium's is 2833 °C, tin's is 2602 °C, and lead's is 1749 °C. The melting points of the carbon group elements have roughly the same trend as their boiling points.", "Much of the silicon and oxygen in the Earth’s crust is present as the compound silicon dioxide also known as silica. Silicon dioxide has a giant covalent structure.Part of this structure is shown in the diagram-oxygen atoms are shown as red, silicon atoms shown as brown:t has a very high melting point (1,610 °C) and boiling point (2,230 °C), is insoluble in water, and does not conduct electricity. These properties result from the very strong covalent bonds that hold the silicon and oxygen atoms in the giant covalent structure.", "The material, a compound of silicon, copper, nickel and iron, “melts” (actually turning from a solid to a slush-like mix of solid and liquid material) as it cools below 900 degrees Celsius, whereas silicon ordinarily melts at 1414 degrees C.", "Freezing point of Silicon (Si) is 1414 °C [ Convert 1414 °C to different units ] Find Freezing point of ...", "Find Freezing point of Silicon (Si) or Find freezing point of different substance like freezing point of water, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sodium, aluminum, iron, zinc, helium, silver, gold, mercury, lead, iodine, platinum and many more Freezing point of Silicon (Si) is 1414 °C [ Convert 1414 °C to different units]", "A metalloid element that occurs in both gray crystalline and brown noncrystalline forms. It is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust and can be found only in silica and silicates. Silicon is used in glass, semiconductors, concrete, and ceramics. Atomic number 14; atomic weight 28.086; melting point 1,410°C; boiling point 2,355°C; specific gravity 2.33; valence 4. See Periodic Table.", "The semiconductor has a melting point of 942 °C and appears in the form of grey crystals with a cubic structure. It is very similar to gallium arsenide and is a material having a direct bandgap. Indium arsenide is popular for its narrow energy bandgap and high electron mobility.", "Silicon tetrafluoride. Silicon tetrafluoride or Tetrafluorosilane is the chemical compound with the formula Si F 4. This tetrahedral molecule is notable for having a remarkably narrow liquid range (its boiling point is only 4 °C above its melting point). It was first synthesized by John Davy in 1812.", "The second material is Silicon Carbide (SiC). This is found in our Premium range of DPFs and is a compound of silicon and carbon. It has a melting point of 2700°C so is extremely unlikely to melt during regeneration. It has to be made from small segments fixed together with special cement to enable it to cope with heat expansion. They also boast 99% filtration efficiency. They are commonly used in O.E and catalysing DPFs.", "Giant covalent structures. Such as silicon dioxide, have extremely high melting points and low solubility in all solvents. They are non-volatile and conductivity depends on the availability of electrons in the valence shell (eg graphite). If all electrons are used in bonding they are insulators.ow melting points:- The bonds between molecules are very weak, especially when the molecules are small. It only requires a small quantity of heat energy to create enough molecular vibration to break the molecules attraction for one another and the solid melts.", "1 Silicone is used as an insulator in heat-resistant potholders and similar items; however, it is more conductive of heat than similar less dense fiber-based products. 2 Silicone oven mitts are able to withstand temperatures up to 260 °C (500 °F), allowing reaching into boiling water.", "The built-in nonstick characteristic of silicone makes it an efficient choice for bakeware, despite some limitations. Silicone withstands indirect heat up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, the highest temperature setting of most home ovens. You can purchase silicone cake, pie, bread and muffin pans, plus nonstick mats for cookie sheets and cupcake liners. Food-grade silicone, made from sand, performs like rubber, with a flexible shape and durable surface.", "The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as silica (from the Latin silex), is an oxide of silicon with the chemical formula SiO2. It has been known for its hardness s … ince antiquity. large amount of energy is required to overcome these intermolecular forces and thus SiO2 has a high melting point. Note: no silicon-oxygen bonds are broken during melting, just intermolecular forces between SiO2 molecules.", "Silicon is the seventh most abundant element in the universe and the second most abundant element in the earth's crust. Today, silicon is produced by heating sand (SiO 2) with carbon to temperatures approaching 2200°C. Two allotropes of silicon exist at room temperature: amorphous and crystalline.", "Silicon is the seventh most abundant element in the universe and the second most abundant element in the earth's crust. Today, silicon is produced by heating sand (SiO 2) with carbon to temperatures approaching 2200°C.Two allotropes of silicon exist at room temperature: amorphous and crystalline.Amorphous appears as a brown powder while crystalline silicon has a metallic luster and a grayish color.oday, silicon is produced by heating sand (SiO 2) with carbon to temperatures approaching 2200°C. Two allotropes of silicon exist at room temperature: amorphous and crystalline. Amorphous appears as a brown powder while crystalline silicon has a metallic luster and a grayish color.", "Silicone is one of the most versatile of rubber compounds. With its extreme temperature range (-80°F to 550°F), it exceeds all comparable materials in their insulating properties as well as flexibility in a wide range of electrical applications.", "Indium arsenide is a semiconductor material made of arsenic and indium. The semiconductor has a melting point of 942 °C and appears in the form of grey crystals with a cubic structure.", "Silicon dioxide reacts with elemental silicon at high temperatures to produce SiO: SiO 2 + Si → 2 SiO Water solubility. The solubility of silicon dioxide in water strongly depends on its crystalline form and is three-four times higher for silica than quartz; as a function of temperature, it peaks around 340 °C. This property is used to grow single crystals of quartz in a hydrothermal process where natural quartz is dissolved in superheated water in a pressure vessel that is cooler at the top." ]
which plant part is part of the male reproductive organ in an angiosperm
Stamens. A stamen is the general term for the male reproductive part of an angiosperm. Most flowers posses several of these upright structures, which consist of two main sections. The filament, or stalk, of the stamen stands vertical inside the flower petals.
[ "The Male Reproductive Organ: The Stamen. The male parts of a flower consist of one or more stamens. Each stamen is made up of paired anthers (sacs containing pollen) on a filament or stalk. The anthers are the orange/yellow structures often seen in the centre of a flower.", "They have stems, roots, and leaves. Unlike gymnosperms such as conifers and cycads, angiosperm's seeds are found in a flower. Angiosperm eggs are fertilized and develop into a seed in an ovary that is usually in a flower. The flowers of angiosperms have male or female reproductive organs.", "The Male Reproductive Organ: The Stamen. The male parts of a flower consist of one or more stamens. Each stamen is made up of paired anthers (sacs containing pollen) on a filament or stalk. The anthers are the orange/yellow structures often seen in the centre of a flower.he Male Reproductive Organ: The Stamen. The male parts of a flower consist of one or more stamens. Each stamen is made up of paired anthers (sacs containing pollen) on a filament or stalk. The anthers are the orange/yellow structures often seen in the centre of a flower.", "Unlike gymnosperms such as conifers and cycads, angiosperm's seeds are found in a flower. Angiosperm eggs are fertilized and develop into a seed in an ovary that is usually in a flower. The flowers of angiosperms have male or female reproductive organs.", "Reduced male parts, three cells. The male gametophyte in angiosperms is significantly reduced in size compared to those of gymnosperm seed plants. The smaller size of the pollen reduces the amount of time between pollination — the pollen grain reaching the female plant — and fertilization.", "It's where the ovule, or egg, is waiting to be fertilized. The fertilized ovule becomes a seed, and the ovary matures and forms the fruit to guide the newly-formed seed on the next step of its journey. The function of the male parts of flowering plants is to produce pollen grains.arts of a Flower. A flowering plant is an angiosperm, which is any plant that produces a flower or fruit. The sole purpose of the flower is to allow the plant to reproduce. Each part of the flower plays a role in the steps of reproduction. Some flower parts are sterile but still aid in the process of reproduction.", "The Male Reproductive Organ: The Stamen. The male parts of a flower consist of one or more stamens. Each stamen is made up of paired anthers (sacs containing pollen) on a filament or stalk. The anthers are the orange/yellow structures often seen in the centre of a flower.ach ovary contains one or more ovules. The green structure at the top of the diagram is the ovule. The integuments are the 2 walls of the ovule. There is a small opening in the walls called a micropyle.", "As was true in the gymnosperms, the main plants in angiosperms are sporophytes, while the gametophytes are confined to the flowers, usually male and female together. Male gametophytes are called stamens, female gametophytes are pistils.", "As in gymnosperms, the male gametophyte is the pollen grain. In order for fertilization to occur in most flowering plants, insects or other animals must transport the pollen to the pistil. A major distinguishing feature of angiosperms is the practice of double fertilization. An angiosperm ovule contains an egg cell and a diploid fusion nucleus, which is created through the joining of two polar nuclei within the ovule.", "As in gymnosperms, the male gametophyte is the pollen grain. In order for fertilization to occur in most flowering plants, insects or other animals must transport the pollen to the pistil. A major distinguishing feature of angiosperms is the practice of double fertilization.", "Angiosperms are vascular plants. They have stems, roots, and leaves. Unlike gymnosperms such as conifers and cycads, angiosperm's seeds are found in a flower. Angiosperm eggs are fertilized and develop into a seed in an ovary that is usually in a flower.The flowers of angiosperms have male or female reproductive organs.hese angiosperms start with one seed-leaf. The main veins of their leaves are usually unbranched. There are about 30,000 species of monocots. Monocots include orchids, lilies, irises, palms, grasses, and grains like wheat, corn and oats. Fruits like dates and bananas also belong to this group.", "Angiosperms are vascular plants. They have stems, roots, and leaves. Unlike gymnosperms such as conifers and cycads, angiosperm's seeds are found in a flower.Angiosperm eggs are fertilized and develop into a seed in an ovary that is usually in a flower.The flowers of angiosperms have male or female reproductive organs.ngiosperms are vascular plants. They have stems, roots, and leaves. Unlike gymnosperms such as conifers and cycads, angiosperm's seeds are found in a flower.", "The pollen grain is the male gametophyte. When pollination occurs and the pollen grain makes contact with the stigma (the apex of the pistil), the tube cell elongates its cytoplasm, forming the pollen tube that grows towards the ovary.The generative cell divides to form two sperm nuclei (male gametes), which then migrate through the pollen tube.3. A typical seed is composed of the embryo, endosperm and shell. Within seeds of angiosperms, there are one or two cotyledons (seed leaves, one in monocots, two in dicots). The endosperm is the tissue within the seed that has the function of nourishing the embryo.", "The male gametophyte in an angiosperm is the stamen. The female gametophyte in an angiosperm is the pistil. This is completely wrong. The male gametophyte consists of the ge…nerative cell and the tube cell in the pollen grain. The female gametophyte is the 7-celled 8 nucleate embryo sac.", "· just now. Report Abuse. In short: in angiosperms (flowering plants) the male and female gametophytes are reduced to three-celled and seven-celled structures and found within the reproductive organs of the familiar flowering plant (the sporophyte).Sniper of Goth · 8 years ago. Thumbs up.0.eport Abuse. In short: in angiosperms (flowering plants) the male and female gametophytes are reduced to three-celled and seven-celled structures and found within the reproductive organs of the familiar flowering plant (the sporophyte). Sniper of Goth · 8 years ago.", "The male reproductive part of a flower is referred to as the stamen and consists of the filament and the anther. The filament is a stalk-like structure that attaches to the base of the flower and supports the anther, which is the structure that produces pollen.", "The stamen is considered the male portion of a plant and the carpel is considered the female portion. 1 Sepal - green, leaf-like structure that protects the budding flower. 2 Petal - colorful and often scented part of the flower that attracts insect pollinators. 3 Stamen - the part of the flower that produces pollen.", "Parts of the Flower As the reproductive part of the plant the flower contains the male pollen and/or the female ovule plus accessory parts such as petals, sepals, and nectar glands. The pistil is the female part of the plant.", "If you look inside a typical flower, you will see many small parts. The male reproductive part of a flower is called the stamen. It is composed of a long tube, called a filament, and has a pollen-producing structure on the end. This oval-shaped structure is called the anther. It is crucial in the reproduction of flowering plants, as it produces the male gametophyte, known as pollen.", "The Male Reproductive Organs: Stamens are the male reproductive parts of flowers. A stamen consists of an anther (which produces pollen) and a filament. The pollen consists of the male reproductive cells; they fertilize ovules.", "The stamen is the male part of a flower — the reproductive organ that produces the sticky powder known as pollen. The stamen is made up of a filament that holds the anther. The filament is a thin stalk. An anther sits on the tip of each filament and contains the pollen, which is the plant’s male reproductive cell.ertilization results in the formation of seeds. Pistil. The pistil is the female part of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, ovary and ovule. The stigma is the part of the flower that receives the pollen during fertilization. It sits on top of the pistil and is sticky in order to catch the pollen.", "Angiosperms reproduce by producing flowers (male and female sex cells) and after pollination, seeds-this is called sexual reproduction.heir seeds develop without a protective covering of ovary wall. Conifers (like pines, redwoods, and fir), gingkos, seed ferns, cycadeoids, and cycads are gymnosperms. Angiosperms have to undergo a process called pollination before they can reproduce. Angiosperms have male sex organs called stamens.", "LIFE CYCLES IN ANGIOSPERMS. As was true in the gymnosperms, the main plants in angiosperms are sporophytes, while the gametophytes are confined to the flowers, usually male and female together. Male gametophytes are called stamens, female gametophytes are pistils.", "Flowers house the female and male reproductive structures. The female reproductive part is called the pistil and is comprised of the stigma, style, and ovary. The male reproductive part of a flower is referred to as the stamen and consists of the filament and the anther.his lesson will explore the male reproductive structures of flowering plants, with a focus on the structure known as the stamen. The lesson will also focus on the parts of the stamen, their functions, and their involvement in pollination.", "As in gymnosperms, the male gametophyte is the pollen grain. In order for fertilization to occur in most flowering plants, insects or other animals must transport the pollen to the pistil. A major distinguishing feature of angiosperms is the practice of double fertilization.n gymnosperms (conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants), the meeting of the gametes occurs in the following way: male gametes are enclosed in pollen grains and are carried by wind or insects to the female reproductive organs.", "The stamen is the male part of a flower — the reproductive organ that produces the sticky powder known as pollen. The stamen is made up of a filament that holds the anther. The filament is a thin stalk. An anther sits on the tip of each filament and contains the pollen, which is the plant’s male reproductive cell. Pollen fertilizes the ovules or female reproductive cells of the plant. Fertilization results in the formation of seeds. Pistil" ]
what does numeric keys mean
Numeric keypad. A numeric keypad, number pad, numpad, or ten key, is the palm-sized, 17-key section of a standard computer keyboard, usually on the far right.It provides calculator-style efficiency for entering numbers.he arrangement of digits on numeric keypads with the 7-8-9 keys two rows above the 1-2-3 keys is derived from calculators and cash registers. It is notably different from the layout of telephone Touch-Tone keypads which have the 1-2-3 keys on top and 7-8-9 keys on the third row.
[ "With a dedicated numeric keypad, you’ll find all of the keys you need in close proximity. This significantly reduces the amount of movement needed to enter data rapidly. Less movement means fewer chances for injury and a great reduction in muscle and joint fatigue throughout the day.", "In the modern era, the concept of Data Entry Speed has become more complicated. The introduction of 10-key pads on keyboards (also known as Numeric Keypads) have split numeric data entry from text data entry. Numeric data entry has also created a separate metric for measuring Data Entry Speed: Keystrokes per hour (KPH). Numeric data entry using a 10-Key Pad is generally expected to be much faster, as no thought has to be put into the meaning or formatting of the text.", "Many, but not all, computer keyboards have a numeric keypad to the right of the alphabetic keyboard, often separated from the other groups of keys such as the function keys and system command keys, which contains numbers, basic mathematical symbols (e.g., addition, subtraction, etc.), and a few function keys.", "Num Lock or Number Lock (⇭) is a key on the numeric keypad of most computer keyboards. It is a lock key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state (on or off) affects the function of some of the keys, and is commonly displayed by an LED built into the keyboard. A keyboard with Num Lock turned ON.", "In the modern era, the concept of Data Entry Speed has become more complicated. The introduction of 10-key pads on keyboards (also known as Numeric Keypads) have split numeric data entry from text data entry. Numeric data entry has also created a separate metric for measuring Data Entry Speed: Keystrokes per hour (KPH). Numeric data entry using a 10-Key Pad is generally expected to be much faster, as no thought has to be put into the meaning or formatting of the text. Competitive speeds for numeric data entry are generally around 10,000 KPH, often as high as 12,000 KPH.", "Whether you make frequent calculations, or only perform number-intensive tasks once in awhile, an external numeric keypad is an excellent way to speed you through the data entry process and protect yourself from Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) like carpal tunnel syndrome.", "On Apple Macintosh computers, which lack a Num Lock key, the numeric keypad always produces only numbers; the Num Lock key is replaced by the Clear key. The arrangement of digits on numeric keypads with the 7-8-9 keys two rows above the 1-2-3 keys is derived from calculators and cash registers.It is notably different from the layout of telephone Touch-Tone keypads which have the 1-2-3 keys on top and 7-8-9 keys on the third row.he arrangement of digits on numeric keypads with the 7-8-9 keys two rows above the 1-2-3 keys is derived from calculators and cash registers. It is notably different from the layout of telephone Touch-Tone keypads which have the 1-2-3 keys on top and 7-8-9 keys on the third row.", "The Num Lock key exists because earlier 84-key IBM PC keyboards did not have arrows separate from the numeric keypad. Num Lock would be used to choose between the two functions. On some laptop computers, the Num Lock key is used to convert part of the main keyboard to act as a (slightly skewed) numeric keypad rather than letters. On some laptop computers, the Num Lock key is absent and replaced by the use of a key combination.", "What these frequently used numerics mean reveals the mind of God and the divine design of His revelation to man. We have shown in other materials the supernatural design in the use of numbers, both in the works of God and in the Word of God. We now come to their spiritual significance.", "Numeric expression that is the sum of values specifying the number and type of buttons to display, the icon style to use, the identity of the default button, and the modality of the message box. If you omit Buttons, the default value is zero. Optional. String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.", "The U.S. numeric keypad contains the below keys (going from top left to bottom right). 1 Num Lock. 2 Forward slash (divide). 3 Star (times). 4 dash (minus). 5 numeric 7, also used as the home key. 6 numeric 8, also used as the up arrow key. 7 numeric 9, also used as the page down key. numeric 2, also used as the down arrow key. 2 numeric 3, also used as the page down key. 3 enter key. 4 numeric 0 key, also used as insert. 5 period, also used as a delete key.", "Num lock means number lock ... and it is used for converting number pad at the keyboard from entering numbers to entering mouse coordinates .....good luck.est Answer: Num Lock is the button you use if you want to use the number keys at the side of your keyboard. Press it once t activate them and once again to knock it off.", "Num Lock is a key on the numeric keypad of most keyboards, used to switch that pad between number entry and arrow keys. It is a toggle key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state is usually represented by a light on the keyboard.", "Use of Numeric Keys in the Data Entry Jobs. Besides having strong reading and writing skills you also possess an extensive knowledge of using the numeric keys and spreadsheet programs. Many of the clerical jobs are related to the data entry of the numerics or figures.", "Num Lock would be used to choose between the two functions. On some laptop computers, the Num Lock key is used to convert part of the main keyboard to act as a (slightly skewed) numeric keypad rather than letters. On some laptop computers, the Num Lock key is absent and replaced by the use of a key combination.", "Num lock. The Num Lock key exists because earlier 84-key IBM PC keyboards did not have cursor control or arrows separate from the numeric keypad. Most earlier computer keyboards had separate number keys and cursor control keys; however, to reduce cost, IBM chose to combine the two in their early PC keyboards.", "Wireless Numeric Keypad. Go cordless with a travel friendly numeric keypad that allows users to type and calculate numbers efficiently. The Targus Wireless Numeric Keypad allows users to type numbers into spreadsheets and other applications quickly and easily. The full-size 19mm keys improve speed and accuracy by making it easier to locate and press the numbers you are looking for.", "Mouse Keys enables you to use the numeric keypad on a standard keyboard as a three button mouse, see Fig 1. Press ‘ Alt ’ + ‘ M ’ or click to select ‘ Turn on Mouse Keys’, to customise click to select ‘ Setup Mouse Keys ’ or press ‘ Alt ’ + ‘ Y ’.", "Purpose. Numbers have been used throughout history to calculate transactions and develop mathematics. Today, the term numeric character refers to the use of numbers in computer systems. Often, numeric characters are used in software to set parameters, such as the start and end point for a script. Digital passwords benefit in security from the addition of numeric characters.", "Num Lock is a key on the numeric keypad of most keyboards, used to switch that pad between number entry and arrow keys.It is a toggle key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state is usually represented by a light on the keyboard.est Answer: Num Lock is the button you use if you want to use the number keys at the side of your keyboard. Press it once t activate them and once again to knock it off.", "It is a lock key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state (on or off) affects the function of some of the keys, and is commonly displayed by an LED built into the keyboard. The Num Lock key exists because earlier 84-key IBM PC keyboards did not have cursor control or arrows separate from the numeric keypad.", "numeric variable. numeric variable. [nü′mer·ik ′ver·ē·ə·bəl] (computer science) The symbolic name of a data element whose value changes during the carrying out of a computer program.", "Find Alt code. Numeric code that stands for symbol you want to make. They're all here in Alt codes list. Enable Num Lock. Usually Num Lock is a button located on keyboard's right side (on numeric Keypad). It unlocks the numeric pad. When you'll enable it, the green Num Lock indicator will shine green. Press Alt (button).", "Computer Numeric Control (CNC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium (computer command module, usually located on the device) as opposed to controlled manually by hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated by cams alone.", "Num lock means number lock ... and it is used for converting number pad at the keyboard from entering numbers to entering mouse coordinates ..... if NUM lock is off then you can use the number block to the right of your keyboard if it's on then you can't use it. NUm lock is short for Number lock.", "The Num Lock key is included on some computer keyboards to change the functionality of the number keys, enabling more functions and shortcuts to be built into the keyboard. In the same way that Caps Lock turns all letters into capitals, Num Lock switches on or off the secondary function of the number pad keys.", "Keyboard has no num lock key. I just received my new XPS 8500, and there doesn't seem to be a num lock key on the keyboard. Hitting keys on the numeric keypad produces numbers or arithmetic symbols, not functions like Home and End, which is what I've used the numeric keypad for since the 1980s.", "Question. I have a laptop with the numeric key pad. My keyboard quite often acts as though the numeric keys are on the right half of the regular keyboard when I have the num lock on. The number keypad also just does the home, right arrowes etc.", "In the said document I can find the term numeric digit . What is this? Also, what is it not? In my mind a digit is a character in the set of 0123456789 , while something numeric is a a set of characters consisting of characters in the set of 0123456789 (yes, it's the same set).Perhaps we can define the term in question by exclusion from all the other possible cases' definition.hese digits all have a numeric value ranging from 0 to 9. In the Unicode character properties, any code point with the general category of Decimal Number also has the Digit character property. In other words, digit=Yes is just an alias for General Category=Decimal Number, or in fact for gc=Nd.", "A numeric value, a formula that evaluates to a numeric value, or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value. format_text. Required. A numeric format as a text string enclosed in quotation marks, for example m/d/yyyy or #,##0.00.", "Num Lock. Short for numeric lock or number lock, the Num Lock key is located on the top left corner of the numeric keypad of the keyboard and enables and disables the numeric pad.", "2.Activate the numeric key pad on the right of the keyboard by pressing Num Lock (upper right of keyboard). The Num Lock light on the keyboard will indicate that the numeric key pad is on. NOTE: You must use the numeric key pad; if you use the number keys on the top of the keyboard, the characters will not appear. If you are on a laptop or computer without a separate numeric keypad one of the other methods is recommended. 3.While pressing down the ALT key, type the four-digit code on the numeric key pad at the right edge of the keyboard. The codes are case sensitive..", "key n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (button on a computer keyboard) tecla nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino (mesa, tabla). After finishing a line, you need to hit the Enter key. Al final de cada renglón, tienes que presionar la tecla Enter. key n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (on a piano, etc.) tecla nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino (mesa, tabla). A piano has many white and black keys. El piano tiene muchas teclas negras y blancas. key, key to [sth] n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (solution)", "numeric variable. numeric variable. The symbolic name of a data element whose value changes during the carrying out of a computer program.", "numeric variable. (computer science). The symbolic name of a data element whose value changes during the carrying out of a computer program. 1 Facebook.2 Twitter.umeric variable. (computer science). The symbolic name of a data element whose value changes during the carrying out of a computer program. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter.", "What is the meaning of numerical order? Quick Answer. A numeric order is a way to arrange a sequence of numbers and can be either ascending or descending. For example, an ascending numerical order of area codes for the United States starts with 201, 203, 204 and 205.", "Num Lock: Pressing this key makes the numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard produce numbers. Press this key again, and you can use the numeric keypad for moving the text cursor. Scroll Lock: This key has no purpose in life. Some spreadsheets use it to reverse the function of the cursor keys." ]
what is caidi
CAIDI is the average duration of an interruption, calculated based on the total number of sustained interruptions in a year. It is the ratio of the total duration of interruptions to the total number of interruptions during the year.
[ "Calcium iodide. Calcium iodide (chemical formula CaI2) is the ionic compound of calcium and iodine. This colourless deliquescent solid is a salt that is highly soluble in water. Its properties are similar to those for related salts, such as calcium chloride. It is used in photography.", "The Community Associations Institute (CAI) is a trade association of individuals and businesses that sell supplies or services to HOAs, and is dominated by lawyers and homeowner association managers. The CAI does not represent homeowners associations.", "CAIDI is perhaps the least straightforward of the indices. While SAIFI and SAIDI are driven primarily by frequency or time duration respectively, both variables drive CAIDI. Strategies for improving SAIFI and SAIDI can sometimes adversely affect CAIDI.", "Calcium iodide (chemical formula CaI2) is the ionic compound of calcium and iodine.This colourless deliquescent solid is a salt that is highly soluble in water.Its properties are similar to those for related salts, such as calcium chloride.alcium iodide (chemical formula CaI2) is the ionic compound of calcium and iodine.", "CAIS is a registered charity and leading voluntary sector provider of personal support services in Wales. We help people who are having problems with addictions, mental health, personal development and employment – as well as offering assistance and information to their families and friends.", "The Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Muslim advocacy group advocacy organization. It is headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. , with regional offices nationwide. Through media relations, lobbying, and education, CAIR promotes Islamic perspectives to the American public and promotes social and political activism among Muslims in America.", "A caiman is an alligatorid crocodilian belonging to the subfamily Caimaninae, one of two primary lineages within Alligatoridae, the other being alligators.", "About CAIS. CAIS is a registered charity and leading voluntary sector provider of personal support services in Wales. We help people who are having problems with addictions, mental health, personal development and employment – as well as offering assistance and information to their families and friends.", "California Accountability & Improvement System (CAIS). CAIS is a web-based support system used to review school plans and monitor compliance documentation for schools (public and non-public), districts, and county offices that receive funding for certain programs.", "Caiman crocodilus, the spectacled, common, or brown caiman, is a crocodilian native to northern South America, Central America, and certain parts of the Caribbean.", "1 The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the United States largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, originally established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America.hile an estimated 10 percent of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa arrived as Muslims, Islam was stringently suppressed on plantations. Prior to the late 19th century, most documented non-enslaved Muslims in North America were merchants, travelers, and sailors.", "Cai Wenji (蔡文姫, onyomi: Sai Bunki) is one of the artistic style names attributed to a poet named Cai Yan. She comes from a family of imperial scholars who specializes in poetry and composing music. Historically, she was kidnapped by a group of nomads and rescued by Cao Cao.", "Caim is a Gaelic rendering of biblical 'Cain', who appears in a variation of the fantastical pedigree of Dardanus of Troy that is spun out in Lebor Bretnach, the Middle Irish language recension of the compilation called Historia Brittonum, known in the 9th century version by Nennius. Dardain m. Ioib m. Sadoirn m.", "CAIR is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with affiliates in 20 states (many of which manage multiple offices), and 33 chapters in the US. CAIR and its affiliates are managed by board members from 50 American cities, and combined employ more than 70 full-time staff.", "CAIR, which is the Council on American Islamic Relations, is the largest American Muslim civil rights and advocacy group in the United States with 27 chapters throughout the country. The national office is in Washington DC and was founded in 1994. CAIR Oklahoma was founded in 2006 by a group of local Muslims. I was among the 8 volunteers that were founding board members. When it started I was still in college and was the youth liaison for the group. I was there to generate excitement among young people get them interested in the organization.", "Caillou (French pronunciation: ​[kaˈju]) is a Canadian educational children's television series that was first shown on Télétoon and Teletoon, with its first episode airing on the former channel on September 15, 1997; the show later moved to Treehouse TV, with its final episode being shown on that channel on October 3, 2010.", "Caiman crocodilus, the spectacled, common, or brown caiman, is a crocodilian native to northern South America, Central America, and certain parts of the Caribbean.aiman crocodilus, the spectacled, common, or brown caiman, is a crocodilian native to northern South America, Central America, and certain parts of the Caribbean.", "Caiden is basically a new invention. The name only first appeared on the U.S. popularity charts for the first time this century, specifically in 2001.", "cai-Computer Definition. See air interface. (1) (C omputer-A ssisted I nstruction) See CBT. (2) See CA. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. © 1981-2015 The Computer Language Company Inc. All rights reserved.", "Cai is creative. Equal parts brand maven, art director, illustrator and design demigod, Cai’s has worked closely with Ontario craft breweries, music and literary festivals, restaurants and cafes, and a handful of national and multi-national corporations to boot.", "California Independent System Operator. California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is an independent, non-profit Independent System Operator (ISO), serving California. The CAISO oversees the operation of California's bulk electric power system, transmission lines, and electricity market generated and transmitted by its member utilities.", "Caillou (French pronunciation: ) is a Canadian educational children's television series that was first shown on Télétoon and Teletoon, with its first episode airing on the former channel on September 15, 1997; the show later moved to Treehouse TV, with its final episode being shown on that channel on October 3, 2010.", "Caiden. The most bad ass little toddler around. Often exceeding the cool-ness of his parents.... He will take over the world one day.", "compounding aseptic containment isolator (caci): A compounding aseptic isolator (CAI) designed to provide worker protection from exposure to undesirable levels of airborne drug throughout the compounding and material transfer processes and to provide an", "The spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus), also known as the white caiman or common caiman, is a crocodilian reptile found in much of Central and South America.he maximum reported size for the species is 2.5 m (8.2 ft), with a body mass of 58 kg (128 lb) although potentially growing up to 3 m in length. The largest female was reportedly 1.61 m (5.3 ft) long and weighed 20 kg (44 lb).", "The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) operates a competitive wholesale electricity market and manages the reliability of its transmission grid. CAISO provides open access to the transmission and performs long-term planning. In managing the grid, CAISO centrally dispatches generation and coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in California and a portion of Nevada. CAISOs markets include energy (day-ahead and real-time), ancillary services, and congestion revenue rights.", "Cai (Cài: chinese) 蔡 is A chinese surname that derives from the name of the Ancient cai. statehese names were formed from the surname, one character of the given name, and the suffix -co, a Minnan honorific ko (哥), literally meaning older brother. In Thailand, most Thais of Chinese descendance use Thai surnames.", "Learn more about this article. Caiman crocodilus, the spectacled, common, or brown caiman, is a crocodilian native to northern South America, Central America, and certain parts of the Caribbean.earn more about this article. Caiman crocodilus, the spectacled, common, or brown caiman, is a crocodilian native to northern South America, Central America, and certain parts of the Caribbean.", "What is CAIVRS? CAIVRS (Credit Alert Verification Reporting System) is operated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is used to determine if a loan applicant has any federal debt that is currently in default or foreclosure or has had a claim paid by the reporting agency within the last three years.", "For the less common surname, see Zai (surname) . Cai (Cài: chinese) 蔡 is A chinese surname that derives from the name of the Ancient cai. State it is regionally more common In'china S Fujian province and in countries settled by Ethnic chinese from that province than In china as a. wholehese names were formed from the surname, one character of the given name, and the suffix -co, a Minnan honorific ko (哥), literally meaning older brother. In Thailand, most Thais of Chinese descendance use Thai surnames.", "A Chinese chef's knife — sometimes referred to as a Caidao, which literally mean vegetable knife, Chinese cleaver or chopper— is the rectangular-bladed, all-purpose knife traditionally used in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and many other Asian countries to prepare a variety of meats, fish, and vegetables.", "CAIEP (Complaint Assistance IEP) is a special. type of IEP meeting that is intended to pro-. vide parents with an opportunity to discuss. disputed IEP-related matters, and to provide. the public agency with an opportunity to ad-. dress and resolve their concerns.", "Cai is a rare first name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#7178 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. Census). Displayed below is a comparison of the popularity of Cai and associated names. Prominent related forms of Cai (not in Top 1000) are Kai (#177 the previous year) and Kay.", "Caiman is a reptile that is closely related to alligators and crocodiles. There are six species of caiman that can be found in Central and South America: in Puerto Rico, Cuba, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, French Guyana…Caimans live in swamps, flooded savannas, mangroves, slowly moving rivers and lakes.", "Caiden is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Cai-den. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 272 in baby name popularity for boys with 1346 occurrences.", "(P25) Phase 2 refers to P25 requirements and standards for a digital Common Air Interface (CAI), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based, which provides one voice channel per 6.25 kHz channel spectrum efficiency.", "Schneider’s dwarf caimans are small. More. The Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman or Musky Caiman, Paleosuchus palpebrosus, is a relatively small crocodilian reptile from northern and central South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela.he dwarf caiman is the only crocodilian that has this type of unusually-shaped skull, which is very high and smooth.Map_dwarfcaiman. More. The Dwarf caiman is the smallest and grows to about 5 feet long. The Spectacled caiman can grow up to 2.5 meters in length.", "Last Updated: March 11, 2015 | | Hits: 21320. Nihad Awad is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest non-profit Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States.", "Physical Characteristics: The caiman (scientific name: Caiman crocodiles) is a reptile similar to the crocodile that inhabits the South and Central American continent, favoring the river and wetland areas, being able to live in both fresh and salt water. The males range between six to seven feet in length with the females reaching about five feet.", "1 Caipiríssima is a caipirinha made with rum instead of cachaça; the word was coined for an advertisement for a popular rum brand in the late 1970s. 2 Caipinheger is another variation made using Steinhäger. Caipirão is another Portuguese variation made using Licor Beirão instead of cachaça.", "Caillou is a Canadian educational children's television series that was first shown on Télétoon and Teletoon, with its first episode airing on the former channel on September 15, 1997; the show later moved to Treehouse TV, with its final episode being shown on that channel on October 3, 2010. The series is based on the books by Hélène Desputeaux.", "Caiman Facts. Caiman is a reptile that is closely related to alligators and crocodiles. There are six species of caiman that can be found in Central and South America: in Puerto Rico, Cuba, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, French Guyana…Caimans live in swamps, flooded savannas, mangroves, slowly moving rivers and lakes.", "The spectacled caiman is a small to mid-sized crocodilian. Males of the species are generally 1.8 to 2 m (5.9 to 6.6 ft), while females are smaller, usually around 1.2–1.4 m (3.9–4.6 ft).he maximum reported size for the species is 2.5 m (8.2 ft), with a body mass of 58 kg (128 lb) although potentially growing up to 3 m in length. The largest female was reportedly 1.61 m (5.3 ft) long and weighed 20 kg (44 lb).", "CAILLOU is an enjoyable cartoon about a 4-year-old boy who lives with his parents and little sister, Rosie. Each program has a theme and is divided into several short, attention-holding sections that mix animation, puppet skits, and video of kids in real-life situations.he program is full of diverse characters who exhibit positive behavior. Caillou himself sometimes acts like a real-life 4-year-old, which turns some viewers -- particularly adults -- off, but it's relatable for kids.", "The spectacled caiman is a small to mid-sized crocodilian. Males of the species are generally 1.8 to 2 m (5.9 to 6.6 ft), while females are smaller, usually around 1.2–1.4 m (3.9–4.6 ft).he spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus), also known as the white caiman or common caiman, is a crocodilian reptile found in much of Central and South America.", "Caillou (. [kaˈju]) is a Canadian educational children's television series that was first shown on Teletoon télétoon And, teletoon with its first episode airing on the former channel On september, 15; 1997 the show later moved To TREEHOUSE, tv with its final episode being shown on that channel On october, 3. 2010", "Caixa may refer to: La Caixa, the largest savings bank in Spain. Caixa Econômica Federal, also referred to as Caixa, a Brazilian bank. A Caixa, a 1994 Portuguese comedy film directed by Manoel de Oliveira. Caixa (São Vicente), a mountain on the island of São Vicente, Cape Verde.", "Caimans inhabit Central and South America. They are relatively small crocodilians, with the smallest being Cuvier's dwarf caiman (Paleosuchus palpebrosus), which grows to 1 m (3 ft) long, and the largest being the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger), which can grow to 4 m (13 ft) or more." ]
where are cysts most commonly found
Epidermoid cysts, also called sebaceous cysts, are benign (non-cancerous) skin cysts formed by an outpouching from the hair follicle. Most commonly, epidermoid cysts are found on the genitals, chest, and back; but, they also can occur in other areas of the skin. In general, epidermoid cysts have a round appearance.A dark portion of the cyst is visible on the skin. If the cysts become infected, they will become red and tender.ysts are noncancerous, closed pockets of tissue that can be filled with fluid, pus, or other material. Cysts are common on the skin and can appear anywhere. They feel like large peas under the surface of the skin.
[ "The slow growing cysts are localized in the liver (in 75% of cases), the lungs (in 5-15% of cases) and other organs in the body such as the spleen, brain, heart and kidneys (in 10-20% of cases). The cysts are usually filled with a clear fluid called hydatid fluid and are spherical and usually consist of one compartment.", "Sebaceous cysts are much less common and affect the sebaceous glands, the oil glands in the skin. Epidermoid cysts can be made up of a protein called keratin and fat. They usually appear on the face, neck, or upper body, especially the chest and shoulders.", "Accumulated fluid in a particular area of the ovarian tissue forms the cyst. As to their position in the body and the numbers of cysts, the ovarian cyst can be located on or beside the ovaries and can appear singly or they can be multiple cysts at the same time. An ovarian cyst, the size of a grapefruit is probably the largest cyst possible, though minute and small cyst are more common." ]
weather in granada spain in january
Averages for Granada in January. The weather in January in Granada, Spain can be quite cold. However, the days of January can also be quite sunny and bright in this trendy Spanish town. Additionally, as the month progresses, the daily temperatures begin to rise, so that the end of the month is warmer than the start.
[ "With spring and April there is also a better chance of rain in the city and surrounding towns. Unlike every other city in Andalucia, there is a chance it will snow in Granada! I have experienced snow in November, December, January and February, but that is not to say in October or March it won't happen.", "The autumn weather and climate in Granada is pleasant, with average temperatures of 20°C / 68°F in September and 15°C / 59°F in October. A popular time of year to visit, autumn in Granada brings a number of rain showers, together with cold nights, when coats are necessary.", "Weather in Granada. While glorious sunshine is not something that can be guaranteed, Andalucía is said to enjoy 333 days of sunshine a year. It is also said that the Spanish wouldn’t bet on the weather before the 10th of June hence the famous saying Hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo Don’t take your raincoat off until May 40th!", "In July the Granada temperature is in the range of 17.1 and 33.5 degrees before the Granada climate begins to cool in October when the mean maximum temp is just 21.9 degrees. At this time of the year the mean low temp is in the region of 9.5 degrees.", "Occasional rainy weather and heavy showers are not unheard of during the summer in Granada, although these are usually short-lived and disappear as quickly as they arrive. The autumn weather and climate in Granada is pleasant, with average temperatures of 20°C / 68°F in September and 15°C / 59°F in October.", ", I can't change it. This is the weather at my house, near Barcelona - Spain -, at 4:30pm GMT on January 20, 2016. It showered a bit earlier, now it's serene with rainbow. The temperature is 11 centigrades, 71% humidity, wind speed 5km/h.", "It looks on Friday, 26 January the Santander, Spain weather is going to be light rain shower. The visibility is going to be around 15 km i.e. 9 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1039 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 11 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 7 °c at night.", "Weather in Barcelona in January. January is one of the coldest months of the year in Barcelona, though the weather is still very mild here in winter, with average highs of 13.4 C (56.1 F) and average lows of 4.4 C (39.9 F).The daily mean is 8.9 C (48 F). Days in January are typically sunny and clear, with little rainfall (5 days on average).eather in Barcelona in January. January is one of the coldest months of the year in Barcelona, though the weather is still very mild here in winter, with average highs of 13.4 C (56.1 F) and average lows of 4.4 C (39.9 F).", "The weather and climate in Granada is extremely sunny, warm and enjoyable, with mild winters and hot summers. Typical of the Mediterranean, Granada's stunning weather, combined with its scenic locations, make this part of Spain an extremely appealing place to visit. Spring is a particularly alluring time of the year in Granada, when the temperatures begin to rise and the sunny weather starts to attract tourists.", "With leaves bursting and flowers blooming, spring in Granada is a particularly exciting and memorable time, when temperatures are almost perfect, hovering around 15°C / 59°F. Featuring constant sunny weather from June to September, summer in Granada is hot, although this is generally a dry heat and not humid.", "Holiday Weather. After the winter months that have colder temperatures and shorter days, April has people in Granada celebrating the arrival of spring. The days are becoming warmer and at the end of the month even the evenings can be mild and temperate.", "January Weather in Spain; January Weather in Madrid; January Weather in Barcelona; February Weather in Spain; Festivals in February in Spain; To the north and south of these regions things are a little warmer. Andalusia will still be reasonably warm and sunny while the north coast will be warmed slightly by the Atlantic.", "The climate of Malaga in january is tolerable. the weather in Malaga in january is relatively dry (with 90mm of rainfall over 10 days). This is better than the previous month since in december it receives an average of 131mm of rainfall over 7 days.", "The national weather service for Barcelona, Spain is reporting Thursday 11 th January to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 1.10mm (or 0.0 inches) of rainfall. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Barcelona, Spain.", "Weekly Weather Report for Los Rocas Viejos, Spain. Looking at the weather in Los Rocas Viejos, Spain over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 20℃ (or 67℉) on Sunday 21 st January at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 10℃ (or 50℉) on Saturday 20 th January at around 9 pm.", "(Granada, Andalucia, Spain) The weather and climate in Granada is extremely sunny, warm and enjoyable, with mild winters and hot summers. Typical of the Mediterranean, Granada's stunning weather, combined with its scenic locations, make this part of Spain an extremely appealing place to visit. Spring.", "Average Temperature in Granada. Granada Spain is located at about 37.20N 3.60W. Height above sea level 680m / 2231 feet. It has hot dry summers and cool winters. For much more detailed in formation about the climate in Granada, click here.", "Weather in Granada. The south of Spain has, in general, a mild climate when compared to the northern parts of the country. For me to tell you what the weather will be like when you arrive is a little like you asking Santa for a new car this Christmas: don't count on it, and if you get it don't thank Santa.", "Day by Day weather log for Barcelona Weather in January. Daily Comment: Temperature 8° C around 46.4 F Clear skies today. Daily Comment: Temperature 7° C around 44.6 F Sunny with clear skies all day. Daily Comment: Temperature 11° C around 52 F Clear skies with sunshine in the morning but by late afternoon (16:00) some light cloud.", "Weather lowdown. January falls within the winter season in Barcelona. The average daytime temperature tends to hover around 13°C (55°F) whereas the average minimum temperature drops down to 4°C (about 40°F). However, even at this time of year the temperature can still exceed 16°C one day in ten!", "Despite being the winter, the weather and climate in Granada at this time of the year is still fairly mild. Many people choose to visit Granada during the winter months, when the city is at its quietest and the hotel rates are at their cheapest.", "Granada Weather, When to Go and Climate Information. The weather and climate in Granada is extremely sunny, warm and enjoyable, with mild winters and hot summers. Typical of the Mediterranean, Granada's stunning weather, combined with its scenic locations, make this part of Spain an extremely appealing place to visit.", "The national weather service for La Palma, Spain is reporting Sunday 28 th January to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 6.50mm (or 0.3 inches) of rainfall. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in La Palma, Spain.", "This is the perfect time to visit the Alhambra and go walking in the mountains. Semana Santa or Easter week is perhaps the most important week in the Spanish religious calendar. And, with the Alhambra Palace for a backdrop, Granada puts on one of Spain’s most spectacular events. Summer. It is a long, hot and steamy summer in the city and this is when Spaniards head for the coast. You will find it cooler, and less humid in the mountains but rather scorched and barren after the riot of spring.", "January – January is the middle of winter and normally the coldest month in most of Spain, Benidorm is no exception. January sees the temperature drop to around 11 Celsius on average with a night time temperature of around 7 Celsius.", "The national weather service for Santander, Spain is reporting Thursday 25 th January to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 4.20mm (or 0.2 inches) of rainfall. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Santander, Spain.", "(Granada, Andalucia, Spain) The weather and climate in Granada is extremely sunny, warm and enjoyable, with mild winters and hot summers. Typical of the Mediterranean, Granada's stunning weather, combined with its scenic locations, make this part of Spain an extremely appealing place to visit.", "Weekly Weather Report for Madrid, Spain. Looking at the weather in Madrid, Spain over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 16℃ (or 61℉) on Wednesday 17 th January at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 4℃ (or 40℉) on Saturday 20 th January at around 6 am.", "Weather in Morocco in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Morocco in January is a comfortable 18°C (64°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 70% of the 10 hours of daylight. Expect 32mm (1.3 inches) of rainfall across the whole of January with 6 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be moderate (3 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear. The average night-time temperature is usually a cold 6°C (43°F). The weather in Morocco in January is represented by Marrakech.", "Weekly Weather Report for Barcelona, Spain. Looking at the weather in Barcelona, Spain over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 13℃ (or 56℉) on Wednesday 10 th January at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 8℃ (or 46℉) on Friday 12 th January at around 6 am.", "1 The weather in January is somewhat dry with periodic periods of snow. Just 75.6mm (3in) of fluid is dumped during an average of 20 days. In January the blue above Reykjavk is extremely dismal having on average a murky 0:46 of resplendent sunshine per day.", "The weather in january in Mecca is dry ; it does not rain often (13mm of rainfall over 3 days). The climate quite pleasant in this location january. The thermometer averaged maximum of 29°C. The seasonal minimum is 22°C. Thus, the mean temperature average in january in Mecca is 25°C.", "Averages for Granada in April. After the winter months that have colder temperatures and shorter days, April has people in Granada celebrating the arrival of spring. The days are becoming warmer and at the end of the month even the evenings can be mild and temperate.", "However, the climate of these Spanish cities is very different, as Valencia is located at the seaside; Madrid is located in the approximate middle of the inland plateau. Valencia has much warmer winters (data from January, the coldest month): Valencia: 16.4 °C (61.5 °F) during the day and 7.1 °C (44.8 °F) at night Madrid: 10 °C (50 °F) during the day and 2 °C (36 °F) at night and also Valencia has longer summers and milder temperatures in the middle of summer during the day. See also. Climate of Barcelona; Climate of Bilbao; Climate of Madrid; Climate of Gibraltar; Climate of Spain; References", "Weather in Spain and Italy January and Febuary. My mother and I are cruising from Barcelona on January 22 to the Canary Islands, then, again on January 31 to Italy. I am nervous about what to pack because this is my first time to Europe and it appears that it will be cool during that time.", "Weather in Spain. Spain is not all blue skies and sunshine. Coming into Granada in May, you can still see snow on the mountains, while the northern regions have a very European (rather than Mediterranean) climate, with plenty of rain for much of the year.eather in May: averages only tell you half the story. Share. What to expect of the weather in Barcelona in May. How hot does it get, can you sunbathe and what were recent years' temperatures like.", "Weekly Weather Report for Santander, Spain. Looking at the weather in Santander, Spain over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 15℃ (or 60℉) on Monday 22 nd January at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 6℃ (or 43℉) on Saturday 20 th January at around 9 pm.", "Weekly Weather Report for Barcelona, Spain. Looking at the weather in Barcelona, Spain over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 15℃ (or 59℉) on Tuesday 30 th January at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 4℃ (or 38℉) on Thursday 1 st February at around 9 pm.", "January is characterised by a contrast of warm days and chilly evenings. It may be one of the cooler months, but it still has an average daytime maximum temperature of around 21°C, which is around 71°F, while the average minimum temperature falls down to 9°C, or 47°F.", "The average maximum daytime temperature in Morocco in January is a comfortable 17°C (63°F), while the average minimum night-time temperature is a cool 8°C (46°F). On average 76 mm (3 inches) of rain normally falls in Morocco during January with rain falling on 10 days of the month.", "Averages for Agadir in January. Weather Lowdown. January is coldest of the three winter months in Agadir, Morocco though temperatures still average a high of 23° C during the day.Most days are partly cloudy but generally you will experience a few days in the month when there is plenty of sunshine without a cloud in the sky.hunderstorms occur, but are relatively uncommon in winter months. There is on average a less than 2% chance of a thunderstorm in January. When it does rain, moderate or light showers have the most likelihood of keeping you indoors for a time.", "Weather in february in Malaga. the weather in Malaga in january is relatively dry (with 90mm of rainfall over 10 days). This is better than the previous month since in december it receives an average of 131mm of rainfall over 7 days. The climate is fairly cool here this month, but it is livable by dressing warm." ]
how far from seattle to las vegas
The total distance from Seattle, WA to Las Vegas, NV is 871 miles. This is equivalent to 1 402 kilometers or 757 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Seattle, Washington. It ends in Las Vegas, Nevada. Your flight direction from Seattle, WA to Las Vegas, NV is Southeast (152 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Seattle, WA to Las Vegas, NV. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies).
[ "The flight distance from Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA) to McCarran International Airport (LAS) is miles ( kilometers, nautical miles). Estimated flight time is h min. Time difference between Seattle and Las Vegas is 0 Hours. Current local time in Seattle is 2017-04-15, 00:50 PDT and time in Las Vegas is 2017-04-15, 00:50 PDT. Please fill out the fields below to calculate distance. Search by IATA airport code, city or airport name.", "Distance from Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA) to McCarran International Airport (LAS) The flight distance from Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA) to McCarran International Airport (LAS) is miles ( kilometers, nautical miles). Estimated flight time is h min. Time difference between Seattle and Las Vegas is 0 Hours. Current local time in Seattle is 2016-08-14, 04:13 PDT and time in Las Vegas is 2016-08-14, 04:13 PDT. Please fill out the fields below to calculate distance. Search by IATA airport code, city or airport name.", "Gas cost estimates for this Seattle to Las Vegas trip. If you were travelling in a vehicle that averaged 35 MPG and were paying $3.54 per gallon for your gas then the cost for a trip based upon an estimated distance of 1050 drive miles from Seattle to Las Vegas * in gas would be in the region of $106.2 USD.", "Other distances from Las Vegas, NV. 1 Distance from Las Vegas, NV to Winston-Salem, NC: 2223 mi. 2 Distance from Las Vegas, NV to Tacoma, WA: 1143 mi. 3 Distance from Las Vegas, NV to Cleveland, OH: 2081 mi.", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Kennewick, WA to Las Vegas, NV is 909Miles or 1462 Km. You can get this distance about 13 hours 45 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 725 Miles or 1167 Km, You can get this distance about 2 hours 3 mins .", "1 The AAA fuel calculator estimates a trip from Seattle to Las Vegas in a 2009 Toyota Camry is about 2,476 miles and requires 117.9 gallons, at a cost of $470-$500 for fuel.2 Room rates at hotel fluctuate a great deal, and it's possible to find inexpensive lodging on the Strip by shopping around.ypical costs: 1 A three-or four-day weekend for two with meals, shows, gambling and other adventures typically costs about $1,000-$3,000 -- although it's possible to spend a lot less or a good deal more.", "The total distance from Bellingham, WA to Las Vegas, NV is 945 miles. This is equivalent to 1 521 kilometers or 821 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Bellingham, Washington. It ends in Las Vegas, Nevada. Your flight direction from Bellingham, WA to Las Vegas, NV is Southeast (154 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Bellingham, WA to Las Vegas, NV. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies). It uses the great circle formula to compute the total travel mileage.", "How many times? 13 hours 45 mins. Distance from Kennewick, WA to Las Vegas, NV is 909Miles or 1462 Km. You can get this distance about 13 hours 45 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 725 Miles or 1167 Km, You can get this distance about 2 hours 3 mins .", "1 The AAA fuel calculator estimates a trip from Seattle to Las Vegas in a 2009 Toyota Camry is about 2,476 miles and requires 117.9 gallons, at a cost of $470-$500 for fuel.2 Room rates at hotel fluctuate a great deal, and it's possible to find inexpensive lodging on the Strip by shopping around. For example, Cirque du Soleil has several ongoing productions for $35-$180 per ticket. 2 Vegas.com provides a list of Las Vegas shows and offers advance reservations at many Las Vegas hot spots. 3 Cover charges vary and front-of-the-line passes will cost more.", "Driving directions from Seattle (Washington) to Las Vegas (Nevada) Calculate the Driving Distance Between Seattle (Washington) and Las Vegas (Nevada) - If you need to reverse this and get a map and driving directions from Las Vegas to Seattle click on the link.", "Distance from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Distance from Los Angeles to Las Vegas is 368 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 229 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Los Angeles and Las Vegas is 368 km= 229 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, It takes 0.41 hours to arrive. Los Angeles. Los Angeles is located in United States.", "The distance between Primm and Las Vegas in a straight line is 36 miles or 57.92 Kilometers. 1 Driving Directions & Drive Times from Primm to Las Vegas can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems.", "Distance: The distance between Sydney and Las Vegas is 7714 miles (12415 km). Flight: Sydney (SYD) to Las Vegas, NV (LAS) Flight Duration * 16 hours 47 mins * … Via Los Angeles International Apt, Los Angeles (LAX). 4 people found this useful.", "The driving distance between Las Vegas, NV and Washington, DC is approximately 2455 miles. The driving time would be approximately 39 hours if you were to travel non-stop in g…ood driving conditions.", "The distance between Los Angeles and Las Vegas in a straight line is 231 miles or 371.68 Kilometers. Driving Directions & Drive Times from Los Angeles to Las Vegas can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems.", "The transportation system along the strip is great, and everything can be reached either by walking, taking the bus ($5 for 24 hrs), or taking the monorail ($12 for 24 hrs). On Southwest, the standard rate for a flight from Seattle to Vegas is about $99.", "Distance: The distance between Sydney and Las Vegas is 7714 miles (12415 km). Flight: Sydney (SYD) to Las Vegas, NV (LAS) Flight Duration * 16 hours 47 mins * … Via Los Angeles International Apt, Los Angeles (LAX).", "From Las Vegas, NV - 275 miles/ 443 kilometers. 1 Drive north on I-15 for 128 miles/ 206 km, just past St. George, UT to Rt 9. 2 Drive east on Rt 9 for 10 miles/ 16 km to Rt 59. 3 Continue east on Rt 59 for 32 miles/ 51 km. Continue east on Rt 389 for 33 miles/ 53 km to the junction with US 89a.", "If you live in Seattle, WA and you want to call a friend in Las Vegas, NV, you can try calling them between 7:00 AM and 11:00 PM your time. This will be between 7AM - 11PM their time, since Las Vegas, Nevada is in the same time zone as Seattle, Washington. If you're available any time, but you want to reach someone in Las Vegas, NV at work, you may want to try between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM your time.", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Primm, NV to Las Vegas, NV is 44Miles or 71 Km. You can get this distance about 40 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 42 Miles or 66 Km, You can get this distance about 35 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 2.04 gallons of gas to get the route between these points.", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Las Vegas, NV to Fairbanks, AK is 3280Miles or 5279 Km. You can get this distance about 2 days 8 hours. If you want to planning travel with plane for 2392 Miles or 3849 Km, You can get this distance about 5 hours 37 mins .", "The shortest driving distance is 265 miles. It is 265 miles from LA to Las Vegas, about 4 hours driving time, depending on weather, traffic, and road conditions. Traffic from LA to Vegas is very heavy on the weekends, it once took me 6 1/2 hours to make the trip.", "Apart from the trip distance, do you need road driving directions? Refer the Directions from Seattle to Las Vegas, NV via San Francisco! How much would be the distance if one could just fly from Seattle to Las Vegas like a bird in a staight line? Check the Flight distance between Seattle and Las Vegas, NV. Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Seattle to Las Vegas, NV via San Francisco. This will help you estimate how much time you will spend travelling for the distance from Seattle to Las Vegas.", "Locations farthest away from Las Vegas. 1 Amsterdam Island, French Southern Territories, 11,729 mi. 2 Port-aux-Francais, French Southern Territories, 11,479 mi. 3 Île de la Possession, Crozet Islands, French Southern Territories, 11,455 mi. Port Mathurin (Rodrigues), Mauritius, 11,294 1 mi. Saint-Pierre, Réunion (French), 11,268 mi.", "Seattle and Las Vegas are both in the Pacific time zone. This means that when it is 8 pm in an Eastern city like Boston or New York, it is 5 pm in both Las Vegas and Seattle. Seattle and Las Vegas are both in the Pacific time zone.", "3 hours 56 mins. Distance from Los Angeles, CA to Las Vegas, NV is 269Miles or 433 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 56 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 229 Miles or 368 Km, You can get this distance about 59 mins .", "The transportation system along the strip is great, and everything can be reached either by walking, taking the bus ($5 for 24 hrs), or taking the monorail ($12 for 24 hrs). Flight: On Southwest, the standard rate for a flight from Seattle to Vegas is about $99.", "The total driving distance from Las Vegas, NV to Los Angeles, CA is 270 miles or 435 kilometers. Your trip begins in Las Vegas, Nevada. It ends in Los Angeles, California.", "The shortest driving distance is 265 miles. It is 265 miles from LA to Las Vegas, about 4 hours driving time, depending on weather, traffic, and road conditions. Traffic from LA to Vegas is very heavy on the weekends, it once took me 6 1/2 hours to make the trip. The approximate driving time and mileage information -. Between: Los Angeles, CA.", "Most searches will turn up travel via Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Boston or Chicago. This takes 14 -15 hours including stopover Distance: The distance between London, England and Las Vegas, Nevada is 5235 miles (8424 km).", "As the crow flies, 228.674 miles. <br /> About 270 miles of road. 270 miles424 kilometersThe shortest driving distance is 265 miles.It is 265 miles from LA to Las Vegas, about 4 hours driving time, depending on weather, traffic, and road conditions.", "The driving distance between Las Vegas, NV and Milwaukee, WI is approximately 1835 miles. The driving time would be approximately 29 hours if you were to travel non-stop in go … od driving conditions.", "Driving distance from Las Vegas, NV to Blackfoot, ID. The total driving distance from Las Vegas, NV to Blackfoot, ID is 607 miles or 977 kilometers. Your trip begins in Las Vegas, Nevada. It ends in Blackfoot, Idaho. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Las Vegas, NV to Blackfoot, ID so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Driving distance from Las Vegas, NV to Los Angeles, CA. The total driving distance from Las Vegas, NV to Los Angeles, CA is 270 miles or 435 kilometers. Your trip begins in Las Vegas, Nevada. It ends in Los Angeles, California.", "The driving distance between Las Vegas, NV and Vancouver, BC, Canada is approximately 1265 miles. The driving time would be approximately 21 hours 15 minutes if you were to tr…avel non-stop in good driving conditions.", "The distance between San Francisco and Las Vegas in a straight line is 416 miles or 669.34 Kilometers.", "In addition to driving, visitors hoping to travel from Reno to Las Vegas also have the opportunity to go by air and bus. Reno to Las Vegas. Driving distance between the two cities is 452 miles / 727 kilometers. Air. Southwest Airlines offers several nonstop flights between Reno and Las Vegas daily.", "The total driving distance from Las Vegas, NV to San Francisco, CA is 566 miles or 911 kilometers.", "The geographic distance between Los Angeles, CA, and Las Vegas, NV, is 227 miles, while the road distance via I-15 is roughly 280 miles. Other routes between the two major destination cities exist, but they are significantly longer. Continue Reading.", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Los Angeles, CA to Las Vegas, NV is 269Miles or 433 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 56 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 229 Miles or 368 Km, You can get this distance about 59 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 12.45 gallons of gas to get the route between these points. The estimated cost of gas to get between Los Angeles, CA and Las Vegas, NV is $28.26. During the route, an average car will release 243.92 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.", "The shortest route from Los Angeles to Las Vegas is via Interstate 15, which covers about 280 miles from one city's downtown area to the other. It is also possible to get from one city to the other on Interstate 10, but this route covers about 330 miles and is not as efficient as the I-15 route.", "The distance between Las Vegas and Williams in a straight line is 177 miles or 284.79 Kilometers. 1 Driving Directions & Drive Times from Las Vegas to Williams can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems.", "The distance between the starting point and the destination is 1,313mi, (2.113km), and with reasonable traffic conditions it will take approximately 19 hours 22 minutes of driving time. Driving directions to Las Vegas, NV, USA 1,313 mi - about 19 hours 22 mins Calgary, AB, Canada 1. Head north o….", "Driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to Las Vegas, NV. The total driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to Las Vegas, NV is 296 miles or 476 kilometers. Your trip begins in Phoenix, Arizona. It ends in Las Vegas, Nevada." ]
does divorce affect child development
Child Development and the Effects of Divorce. Divorce in and of itself does not harm children; it is the intensity and duration of the conflict-between-parents that negatively impacts a children’s adjustment.It is important to know that children’s behaviors are likely to change as a normal response to divorce.Divorce does, however, affect children’s behaviors and their reaction varies widely, depending on many factors, especially age. Divorcing parents usually do not know what is best for their children at this time.t this age, children may be ashamed or embarrassed by the divorce and may feel powerless to do anything about it. They may experience somatic symptoms based on their conflict about the divorce. They may complain of headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, and generally feeling out of sorts.
[ "Divorce can be produce various negative effects on children. It is seen that children who have experienced a divorce frequently have lower academic achievement and to drop out of high school than children from non-divorced families. To know more just go through the link..lder research studies shows that parents who went through a divorce is the main cause of children’s increase psychological distress. In today’s society, divorce is becoming more common. A newer studies shows that children of divorce parents are more affected from the high parental conflict during the marriage.", "Education, training, experience, and/or supervision in the areas of child and family development, child. and family psychopathology, and the impact of divorce on children help to. prepare the psychologist to participate competently in child custody evaluations.", "Divorce can be produce various negative effects on children. It is seen that children who have experienced a divorce frequently have lower academic achievement and to drop out of high school than children from non-divorced families. To know more just go through the link..", "The effects of divorce are immense. The research shows not only that it permanently weakens the relationship between a child and his or her parents, but also that it leads to destructive ways of handling conflict and a poorer self-image.", "Older research studies shows that parents who went through a divorce is the main cause of children’s increase psychological distress. In today’s society, divorce is becoming more common. A newer studies shows that children of divorce parents are more affected from the high parental conflict during the marriage.If parents are both sensible to each other and keep their children aware of the situation and will not experience as much trauma.n today’s society, divorce is becoming more common. A newer studies shows that children of divorce parents are more affected from the high parental conflict during the marriage. If parents are both sensible to each other and keep their children aware of the situation and will not experience as much trauma.", "Effects of Divorce on Children. Parents in seperation and divorce are very concerned about the effects of divorce on children. They wonder whether their decision will affect the happiness and health of their child. Reliable information about the effects on children is still being gathered and analyzed by sociologists and psychologists.", "How Divorce Affects Children. 1 How children are affected by divorce is a question of huge importance to your children and, of course, to you. Sadly, experts sometimes are confused about how divorce affects children, and they can offer parents conflicting advice. That's why I emphasize what research tells us in The Truth about Children and Divorce.", "Among effects of divorce on children are negative emotions like bitterness, stress, emotional pain, anxiety, fear, feeling abandoned, feeling betrayed and loss of self-esteem. Judith Wallerstein concluded from her long term research project that the highest impact of divorce on children comes 15 to 25 years after the divorce, when the children enter into a serious romantic relationship.", "How Divorce Affects Children. How children are affected by divorce is a question of huge importance to your children and, of course, to you. Sadly, experts sometimes are confused about how divorce affects children, and they can offer parents conflicting advice.That's why I emphasize what research tells us in The Truth about Children and Divorce.n fact, how you parent and work with your children's other parent basically is going to determine whether your children are resilient — or end up as a statistic. I tell you how to do this — practically and emotionally — in The Truth about Children and Divorce.", "Divorce can be a difficult time for a family. Not only are the parents realizing new ways of relating to each other, but they are learning new ways to parent their children. When parents divorce, the effects of divorce on children can vary. Some children react to divorce in a natural and understanding way, while other children may struggle with the transition. Children are resilient and with assistance the divorce transition can be experienced as an adjustment rather than a crisis. Since the children in a divorce vary (different temperaments, different ages), the effects of divorce on children vary, too. FamilyMeans understands this and approaches a divorce by understanding what the effects are on children of all dispositions. With this in mind, here are some of the most commonly seen effects divorce has on children FamilyMeans can help parents manage:", "How Divorce Affects Children. How children are affected by divorce is a question of huge importance to your children and, of course, to you. Sadly, experts sometimes are confused about how divorce affects children, and they can offer parents conflicting advice.That's why I emphasize what research tells us in The Truth about Children and Divorce.ow Divorce Affects Children. How children are affected by divorce is a question of huge importance to your children and, of course, to you. Sadly, experts sometimes are confused about how divorce affects children, and they can offer parents conflicting advice.", "We have all seen the effects of divorce on children in our family, neighborhood or community. Multiple scholarly studies show that the divorce of their parents causes a big impact on children. Learn how children of divorce are affected by the breakup of a family and what parents can do to make the transition easier.", "Perhaps the most important element in how well your children might adapt to divorce is the quality of the parenting you provide them during the difficult changes of a divorce. The stresses of divorce and your own emotions can affect your parenting.", "Divorce has powerfully negative economic effects for children. A Canadian study shows that 61 percent of children’s households become “per capita” low-income households if the two parents separate, compared to 13.1 percent of children’s households when the two parents stay married.", "If, however, a divorce is necessary, it is important to know what research says about how divorce affects children. In this chapter we briefly summarize what we know from good research about the effects of family breakdown on children. A.", "Infants and toddlers may seem too young to understand what is happening during a divorce, but they can still be affected by stressful events. During their first three years of life, children grow quickly, become mobile, learn language, begin to understand how the world works and form social relationships.", "Divorce is a crisis for children. However, there is much parents can do to foster children’s long-term adjustment to divorce, or to any major change in the family. If relationships with parents are close, nurturing and dependable, they can buffer children from many of the consequences of these changes.", "0. Divorce is a crisis for children. However, there is much parents can do to foster children’s long-term adjustment to divorce, or to any major change in the family. If relationships with parents are close, nurturing and dependable, they can buffer children from many of the consequences of these changes.", "Moreover, the long-term consequence for most children of divorce is resiliency rather than dysfunction. Factors such as the age of the child, time since the divorce, parenting style, financial security, and type and extent of parental conflict all contribute to post-divorce adjustment.motional distress in children of high-conflict divorce: the impact of marital conflict and violence. Family Conciliation Courts Review, 37, 297-314. Belsky, J., Youngblade, L., Rovine, M., & Volling, B. (1991). Patterns of marital change and parent-child interaction.", "Against common belief about the effects of divorce on children, most children are mentally strong and do not face negative consequences of the separation of their parents. The effects of the divorce is dependent of the type of the divorce: a civilized and sensible divorce, a divorce in which parents fight all the time or a separation due to abuse or violence.", "Young infants (birth to 8 months) Infants do not understand divorce, but they pick up on changes in their parents' feelings and behavior. Following a divorce, parents might become temporarily depressed, have less energy and be less responsive to their infant.", "However, it is strongly recommended you do. If you have children, your divorce will forever change your parenting time. A divorce will have a huge impact on your financial planning. You will need the help of a professional to fully understand all your rights and obligations.", "The Damage of Divorce. Research shows that children of divorced parents suffer in numerous ways, but one of the most profound effects is the impact on a child’s later marriage. What children see and experience during the failing marriage of their parents can become part of their view of themselves and of society.", "Parental divorce is also linked to a range of poorer academic and behavioural outcomes among children. “There is thus value for children in promoting strong, stable marriages between biological parents.” [14]. The same destructive impact of divorce on children has been amply documented in Australia. For example, research about rising crime rates in Western Australia has revealed the strong connection between broken families and crime.", "As is the case pre-divorce, children in low-conflict post-divorce families have fewer emotional and behavioral problems. Finally, the research demonstrates that the best predictor of child adjustment following divorce is the parents' psychological health and the quality of the parent-child relationship.motional distress in children of high-conflict divorce: the impact of marital conflict and violence. Family Conciliation Courts Review, 37, 297-314. Belsky, J., Youngblade, L., Rovine, M., & Volling, B. (1991). Patterns of marital change and parent-child interaction.", "It's known that divorce can be traumatizing for everyone involved and is especially hard on kids. Now, new research suggests that the mental health effects of divorce may linger on well into adulthood, putting children of divorce at greater risk of suicide.t's known that divorce can be traumatizing for everyone involved and is especially hard on kids. Now, new research suggests that the mental health effects of divorce may linger on well into adulthood, putting children of divorce at greater risk of suicide.", "A common impact of parental divorce on children is not the inability to love but the loss of trust that gets in the way of forming committed loving relationships. In counseling, exploring how to dare to trust can often open the door to the possibility of love.", "Given the effects of divorce as already enumerated, this lowered quality of marriage for children of divorce should not be surprising. 181 It is evidenced in higher levels of jealousy, moodiness, infidelity, conflicts over money, and excessive drinking and drug use.", "Cause and Effects of Divorce on Children. Essay ...Divorce in today's society is very common. Divorce also has terrible and lasting effects on children. In today's society, marriages are less likely to last as they did 20 years ago.", "Researchers do not believe that divorce always causes pain in children. Divorce can have both positive and negative results. For some children, the parents’ divorce can be a disaster. It might be negative for the child both now and later.here is no age when all children would definitely have problems or definitely do well. Each age and stage of development presents different issues and challenges. For example, some researchers have found that preteen children (about ages 10 to 12) are the most upset about the divorce.", "When thinking about the possibility of a divorce, one of the most important things that people think about is how divorce will affect their children. “Janet” told us in our interview with her how central this concern had been to her: M y children would cry every time Daddy left the house [while we were separating].", "0. Divorce is a crisis for children. However, there is much parents can do to foster children’s long-term adjustment to divorce, or to any major change in the family.", "More recent research underscores our need to better understand the impact of marital conflict pre-divorce and family environment on child adjustment. Some children do well post-divorce and others do not.motional distress in children of high-conflict divorce: the impact of marital conflict and violence. Family Conciliation Courts Review, 37, 297-314. Belsky, J., Youngblade, L., Rovine, M., & Volling, B. (1991). Patterns of marital change and parent-child interaction.", "Children fare better if parents can limit conflict associated with the divorce process or minimize the child's exposure to it. Further, children who live in the custody of at least one well-functioning parent do better than those whose primary parent is doing poorly.", "Again, this underscores the need to better understand contextual factors that contribute to children's post-divorce adjustment. The manner in which parents resolve conflict has been determined to affect child adjustment. Chronic, unresolved conflict is associated with greater emotional insecurity in children.motional distress in children of high-conflict divorce: the impact of marital conflict and violence. Family Conciliation Courts Review, 37, 297-314. Belsky, J., Youngblade, L., Rovine, M., & Volling, B. (1991). Patterns of marital change and parent-child interaction.", "Children and spouses often share the financial impact of divorce. In addition to the direct emotional costs of growing up with an alcoholic parent, children must also often cope with the challenges of a parental divorce.Children of alcoholics also commonly experience low self-esteem, shame, isolation from peers and emotional distress.hildren and spouses often share the financial impact of divorce. In addition to the direct emotional costs of growing up with an alcoholic parent, children must also often cope with the challenges of a parental divorce.", "This is not to say that divorce does not affect them at all, it is merely to say that they make a quicker recovery to normalcy because they accept it and younger children have harder time understanding the consequences of divorce.There are positive and negative effects that divorce has on older children.They still have fear but not as the younger children do. Older children fear that if they enter their own love relationships the result may be the same as their parents’. For this reason, they will be hesitant to enter a relationship.here are positive and negative effects that divorce has on older children. They still have fear but not as the younger children do. Older children fear that if they enter their own love relationships the result may be the same as their parents’. For this reason, they will be hesitant to enter a relationship.", "In this column, we discuss these findings as well as factors that may protect children from the potentially harmful effects of divorce. Rapid Recovery. Divorce affects most children in the short run, but research suggests that kids recover rapidly after the initial blow.", "Developing a parenting plan is an essential part of the divorce process. Although parenting plans can be drawn up at any stage in a separation or divorce, it is advisable that matters relating to children be sorted out sooner rather than later. It is important for children to have plenty of access to both parents.", "Parents can play an important role in managing these negative effects of divorce on children. Especially during the first 2 years after the divorce, the children need much support from both their parents. An authoritative parenting style seems to reduce the negative effects of divorce on children.", "In a 2002 study psychologist E. Mavis Hetherington of the University of Virginia and her then graduate student Anne Mitchell Elmore found that many children experience short-term negative effects from divorce, especially anxiety, anger, shock and disbelief.", "Children are very sensitive to conflict between their parents. While disagreement is normal in any family, a continuation of conflict makes life very difficult for children. In fact, research shows that this is one of the critical factors affecting children's adjustment after separation or divorce.", "Resilient vs. at-risk children. One of the foremost researchers on the effects of divorce described children’s experience of divorce this way: “For a young child, psychologically, divorce is the equivalent of lifting a hundred-pound weight over the head." ]
what should you eat after getting food poisoning
What to Eat After Food Poisoning. 1. Liquids. Dehydration turns out to be one of the biggest concerns if you are having food poisoning. Body tends to lose fluids briskly by vomiting and diarrhea so replacement of these fluids is certainly required.
[ "Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).", "Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).", "Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish). Food poisoning is especially common during summer when food may not be kept cold enough to prevent bacteria from growing.", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish). Food poisoning is especially common during summer when food may not be kept cold enough to prevent bacteria from growing.", "Anywhere from a few hours to a few days after consuming contaminated food is the typical timeframe for experiencing symptoms of food poisoning. Although these symptoms may vary and may be mistaken with symptoms of other illnesses, the cramping, watery diarrhea, and vomiting may be part of the ordeal of food poisoning. Give your stomach a break by not consuming food or drink for a few hours; 2 When you start eating again, eat bland foods and avoid dairy, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and spicy foods; 3 Sip small amounts of liquids like water, clear broth, or clear soda;", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).or a severe case of food poisoning, you may need to stay in the hospital to receive fluids and electrolytes, so health care providers can monitor your breathing. Doctors may need to insert a tube down the throat (intubate) or connect you to a machine to help with breathing.", "Important precautions for preventing food poisoning include: 1 Avoiding raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. 2 Avoiding non-pasteurized dairy products. 3 Throwing out food items that are old or have an off smell. 4 Keeping foods cold until ready to serve. 5 Storing and cooking foods properly.", "Give your stomach a break. Don't eat large meals or lots of solid food. Chances are these won't sound good anyway, but your body needs a chance to recover from whatever toxin or bacteria has made you sick. Avoid eating very much for the first day or two that you have food poisoning symptoms.hey help to replace minerals and nutrients that your body is losing through vomiting and diarrhea. You can usually buy them from pharmacies. 1 To make your own rehydration fluid, mix 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and 4 tablespoons of sugar into 4 1/4 cups (or 1 litre) of water.", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).Food poisoning is especially common during summer when food may not be kept cold enough to prevent bacteria from growing.sually bacteria and algae cause food poisoning, but poisonous plants and animals are other potential causes. Common bacterial causes include: 1 E. coli in undercooked hamburger, unpasteurized apple juice or cider, raw milk, contaminated water (or ice), vegetables fertilized by cow manure, or spread from person to person.", "While food poisoning symptoms usually go away in one to two days, symptoms may last for up to ten days. Immediately contact a health care provider if you experience high fever (a temperature of 101.5F or more), bloody stools, dehydration, and diarrhea lasting more than three days. Give your stomach a break by not consuming food or drink for a few hours; 2 When you start eating again, eat bland foods and avoid dairy, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and spicy foods; 3 Sip small amounts of liquids like water, clear broth, or clear soda;", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).ymptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).", "While food poisoning symptoms usually go away in one to two days, symptoms may last for up to ten days. Immediately contact a health care provider if you experience high fever (a temperature of 101.5F or more), bloody stools, dehydration, and diarrhea lasting more than three days. Give your stomach a break by not consuming food or drink for a few hours; 2 When you start eating again, eat bland foods and avoid dairy, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and spicy foods; 3 Sip small amounts of liquids like water, clear broth, or clear soda; 4 Rest up; 5 Avoid taking anti-diarrheal medications.", "What To Eat Now: after food poisoning. Expert nutritionist, author and our weekly columnist Ian Marber, talks us through the foods and drinks we should stick to after an unwelcome bout of food poisoning while on holiday. BY Ian Marber | 03 March 2014. What To Eat Now: after food poisoning Photo: Getty Images.", "Drink one cup of ginger tea after eating lunch or dinner to stop heartburn, nausea and other symptoms associated with food poisoning. To make ginger tea, boil one teaspoon grated ginger in a cup of water for a few minutes, add a little sugar or honey and your tea is ready.", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).ntroduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.", "If you have food poisoning, you will most likely begin to feel the symptoms two to six hours after eating the contaminated food. The most common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and headaches [source: Mayo Clinic ]. Most food poisoning doesn't require medical attention.", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.While food poisoning is often caused by bacteria, it can also result from eating poisonous plants (some mushrooms, for instance) and animals (pufferfish).sually bacteria and algae cause food poisoning, but poisonous plants and animals are other potential causes. Common bacterial causes include: 1 E. coli in undercooked hamburger, unpasteurized apple juice or cider, raw milk, contaminated water (or ice), vegetables fertilized by cow manure, or spread from person to person.", "Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.", "Introduction. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and generally start 4 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.", "General Guidelines to Prevent Food Poisoning. 1 Make sure that food from animal sources (meat, dairy, eggs) is cooked thoroughly or pasteurized. 2 Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the food. 3 Avoid eating raw or spoiled meats and eggs. Wooden cutting boards are not recommended, because they can be harder to clean. 2 Avoid unpasteurized milk or foods made from unpasteurized milk. 3 Do not thaw foods at room temperature. 4 Thaw foods in the refrigerator and use them promptly.", "Eating raw or undercooked foods is a common cause of food poisoning. Proper cooking destroys bacteria, but they can start to grow on cooked food if it is left out or in the refrigerator for too long. Food also can become contaminated when someone infected with a virus or other “bug” handles it.owever, some people who are receiving or have recently finished cancer treatment should avoid some foods entirely, even if they may have eaten them with no problems in the past. These include: 1 Cold hot dogs or deli lunch meat (cold cuts)—Always cook or reheat until the meat is steaming hot. 2 Dry-cured, uncooked salami.", "Beef food poisoning. This type of food poisoning refers to beef and meat products in general, e.g. beef burgers. It also includes pates, sausages and sliced cooked meats. Red meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and is highly versatile as well.he symptoms of beef food poisoning appear within the first 48 hours after consumption. They include: 1 Stomach pains/upset stomach. 2 Fever. 3 Vomiting. 4 Diarrhoea. 5 Nausea.", "Probiotics May Help Prevent Food Poisoning This research article caught my eye because eating probiotic foods like cultured milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir) is what I recommend to promote normal intestinal function during diarrhea, vomiting or intestinal cramping due to food poisoning.", "Beef food poisoning. This type of food poisoning refers to beef and meat products in general, e.g. beef burgers. It also includes pates, sausages and sliced cooked meats. Red meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and is highly versatile as well.he symptoms of beef food poisoning appear within the first 48 hours after consumption. They include: 1 Stomach pains/upset stomach. 2 Fever. 3 Vomiting. 4 Diarrhoea. 5 Nausea. 6 Bloating. 7 Aches and pains. 8 General feeling of being unwell.", "Here are some suggestions from the Food Poisoning Bulletin on how to protect yourself: Buy greens in bags with an expiration date as far in the future as possible. Eat the lettuce two to three days before the expiration date. The closer the product is to that date, the higher the bacterial counts.", "Food poisoning after eating oysters. Food poisoning is a condition which develops after ingesting a certain food that contains toxins, viruses, parasites or bacteria. Once an individual consumed raw food including oysters, he/she is at high risk for developing food poisoning. The indications of food poisoning usually develop 2-6 hours after consuming the food but can be delayed until the next day.", "When I was nauseated, I would eat exclusively, ginger snaps, ginger ale (the real stuff), matzo or saltine crackers, green tea, peppermint tea, chai tea, chicken or beef broth and papaya. Are you able to eat a 5 days or week after chemo? That's when you bulk up with high fat, high calorie foods.", "Nausea or vomiting one to eight hours after a meal may also indicate food poisoning. However, certain food-borne bacteria, such as salmonella, can take longer to produce symptoms.", "By Mayo Clinic Staff. Food poisoning often improves without treatment within 48 hours. To help keep yourself more comfortable and prevent dehydration while you recover, try the following: 1 Let your stomach settle. Stop eating and drinking for a few hours. Try sucking on ice chips or taking small sips of water.", "Food poisoning is characterized by nausea and vomiting 0.5 to six hours after the ingestion of a contaminated food product. In more severe cases, abdominal cramps and diarrhea might occur with symptoms lasting up to 24 hours. Widely distributed in nature; can be isolated from meats, milk, vegetables, and fish.", "Additionally, the beneficial bacteria and yeasts in the probiotics will help your digestive tract return to normal faster after a bout of food poisoning. In some cases, an unexpected side effect of food poisoning is that the sufferer develops lactose intolerance (a problem digesting milk and foods made with milk).", "Beef food poisoning. This type of food poisoning refers to beef and meat products in general, e.g. beef burgers. It also includes pates, sausages and sliced cooked meats. Red meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and is highly versatile as well.", "To prevent food poisoning, keep eggs refrigerated, cook eggs until yolks are firm, and cook foods containing eggs thoroughly. Milk, Cheese, and Dairy Products. Raw milk, as well as cheeses made with raw milk, may contain E. coli, salmonella, and listeria.", "Other foods which are associated with this food poisoning include: 1 Fish. 2 Unpasteurised milk. 3 Desserts. 4 Soups. 5 Salads. 6 Cheese and cheese based products. 7 Pasta. 8 Starches such as rice and potatoes.", "BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images. If experience stomach aches right after you eat, you may conclude that you've eaten something bad or something your stomach doesn't agree with. Eating undercooked meat can lead to food poisoning and painful stomach aches.uring these circumstances, it's safe to avoid foods that are more difficult to digest, such as meat and fried foods. Eating heavy foods may cause you to release it. Eating is still necessary, so it will be best to eat after you've stop vomiting. Eat lighter foods such as jello or crackers." ]
where was the last place the titanic docked?
Titanic left Southampton, April 10th, heading for Cherbourg, France. From France, it headed for Queenstown, Ireland. Titanic arrived in Queenstown April 11th, and departed lat…er that day, heading for New York City, USA. The last port Titanic was in, is therefor in Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland.
[ "RMS Carpathia recovered survivors from the Titanic for four hours on the morning the liner sank, April 15, 1912.She arrived in New York in the evening on April 18, 1912. + 3 others found this useful. Robyn Campbell.itanic first left the port of Southampton, in Liverpool. After that she made two other stops in Cherbourg (North of France) and Quenstown (South of Ireland). In fact, she nev … er docked at her final destination-New York.", "Titanic was planned to arrive to New York Pier 54 on the morning of April 17. After leaving Queenstown Titanic followed the Irish coast as far as Fastnet Rock, a distance of some 55 nautical miles (63 mi; 102 km).", "I went to New York like 3 weeks ago and someone said that our dinner cruise pier was where the Titanic was supposed to land. I want to know where it really is supposed to land for a project in school.1 following. 2 answers 2.he Carpathia dropped off the Titanic's lifeboats at Pier 59 before going back south to Pier 54 where it unloaded the passengers and survivors. Thousands of people assembled at the dock to greet the ship.. Both piers are in an area known as ‘Chelsea Piers’: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Pie...", "It completely compromised the ship and led to an accelerated sinking -- Titanic couldn't stay afloat long enough for an effective rescue, he said. Molony said the pictures were taken at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Northern Ireland, by John Westbeech Kempster on the first two days of April 1912 -- just over a week before it sailed, bound for New York City.", "The wooden lifeboat, the last to cast off from the doomed passenger ship as it plunged into the icy water, was spotted some 200 miles from the wreck site by crew on board the passing RMS Oceanic on May 13, 1912.", "Although she never visited Liverpool, Titanic had strong links with her home port. Titanic's managing company, the White Star Line, had its head office in James Street, Liverpool. White Star's main New York service sailed from Liverpool until 1907, when it was transferred to Southampton.", "The Titanic salvage fleet was actually filmed off the coast of San Diego, CA. The shot of the Titanic docked in New York Harbor was actually filmed in Greece. The bow is the ship Athinai used for the live exterior/interior shots.The rest is a matte painting.he Titanic salvage fleet was actually filmed off the coast of San Diego, CA. The shot of the Titanic docked in New York Harbor was actually filmed in Greece. The bow is the ship Athinai used for the live exterior/interior shots.", "This film is one memorable scene after another. Titanic leaving port in Southampton. Rose and Jack at the bow, flying. Iceberg, right ahead!. The screws hanging unbelievably out of the ocean. The screams of the doomed after she went down. And that ending that brought even the burliest man in the theater to tears.", "The Titanic sailed to Cherbourg in France and later to Queenstown in Ireland to pick up additional passengers. There were 1320 passengers and 907 crew. The first few days of the voyage were uneventful.", "The Boat Deck, on which the lifeboats were housed. It was from here during the early hours of 15 April 1912 that Titanic's lifeboats were lowered into the North Atlantic. The bridge and wheelhouse were at the forward end, in front of the captain's and officers' quarters.", "In this April 10, 1912 file photo, the liner Titanic leaves Southampton, England on her maiden voyage to New York City. Five days into her journey, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, resulting in the deaths of more than 1,500 people.", "Most accounts of the Titanic end with the rescue ship, the Carpathia, sailing into New York harbour in thick fog. My book is more concerned with how the disaster shaped the lives of some of the 705 survivors.", "Titanic only carried enough lifeboats for 1,178 people—slightly more than half of the number on board, and one-third her total capacity. After leaving Southampton on 10 April 1912, Titanic called at Cherbourg in France and Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland before heading west to New York.itanic was planned to arrive to New York Pier 54 on the morning of April 17. After leaving Queenstown Titanic followed the Irish coast as far as Fastnet Rock, a distance of some 55 nautical miles (63 mi; 102 km).", "The Titanic Aftermath (and more!). For 150 victims of the Titanic, Halifax, Nova Scotia (on the East Coast of Canada) proved to be the final stop for the doomed voyage.", "The wreck of the RMS Titanic is located about 370 miles (600 km) south-southeast off the coast of Newfoundland, lying at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 m) or about 2.37 miles (3.81 km). The liner sank in April 1912, when it hit an iceberg during her maiden voyage.", "The wreck of the RMS Titanic is located about 370 miles (600 km) south-southeast off the coast of Newfoundland, lying at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 m) or about 2.4 miles (3.9 km). The liner sank in April 1912, when it hit an iceberg during her maiden voyage.", "RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, UK, to New York City, US.itanic was planned to arrive to New York Pier 54 on the morning of April 17. After leaving Queenstown Titanic followed the Irish coast as far as Fastnet Rock, a distance of some 55 nautical miles (63 mi; 102 km).", "The Titanic Aftermath (and more!) For 150 victims of the Titanic, Halifax, Nova Scotia (on the East Coast of Canada) proved to be the final stop for the doomed voyage." ]
what material should i use for reusable wipes?
The best way to make reusable wipes is to cut up a piece of fleece material into 30X15cm strips. There is no sewing involved as fleece doesn't fray. Add message | Report
[ "But I always hate throwing them away- it feels so wasteful. So I came up with a solution: reusable cleaning wipes! These wipes are totally green, effective, and washable! Plus they dispense like a dream. I can’t get enough of them. AND the solution that I use to make the wipes cleaning and disinfecting only costs 50 cents.", "Both raw material of flushable wet wipes and finished products manufacturer. Supply nonwoven fabrics rolls for flushable wet wipes. Flushable wet wipes is just like the common wipe which is a small moistened piece of nonwoven fabrics in easy and convenient package for use.", "Disinfecting wipes. Disinfecting wipes are often made of rayon, which is produced from the wood component cellulose, because of its softness and high absorbency. These characteristics allow the rayon sheet to hold a disinfecting liquid while maintaining its texture and shape.", "TYPES OF CLEAN ROOM WIPE MATERIAL. A clean room wipe is a low lint cloth used in a clean room or controlled environment to wipe away surface. contamination and spills. Common cleanroom contaminates would be solid particles, liquids and bio. contaminants. Different types of clean room wipe material have been developed to offer absorbency, cleanliness, resistance to chemicals and abrasion resistance. DRY KNITTED CLEANROOM WIPES are the cleanest level of wipes. Most widely used in a. Class 10 (ISO 4) and Class 100 (ISO 5) cleanroom.", "Our flushable wipe is Eco friendly, 100% biodegradable wipe. We choose this material for our baby wipes, personal hygiene wipe, toilet wipes. Additionally, the formulation of dispersible wipes is improved natural ingredients which are gentle to our skin. They are perfectly for sensitive skin types.", "A lint-free nonwoven wipe or a polyester knit wipe will work best because both are extremely low in particle generation and chemical extractables.Di Water, a blend of Di Water and Isopropyl alcohol blends, cleanroom compatible cleaners, and disinfectants are examples of cleanroom compatible cleaning solvents.", "There are several different choices and considerations that a person can make when trying to determine what material is best for reusable water bottle. Popular choices are stainless steel, plastic,aluminum,...", "Our Sturdy and Reusable stencils can be used again and again. One stencil can produce many images unlike one-time use vinyl decals. Our sturdy clear 12 mil stencil material is user-friendly and easy to clean.", "Reusable packaging materials should be free of bleaches and detergents. that could produce a chemical reaction during the sterilization process. The toxic residue could be harmful to the patient and the members of the. surgical team, who are handling the packaging material ,and sterile team. members, who are handling the contents, as well as cause instrument. discoloration. S. Promote integrity of the seal that is used to secure items, so that content.", "Do not re-use cloths or wipes. Soap, detergents or enzymatic cleaners should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. GE is not responsible for damage incurred during the cleaning process for products which no material compatibility evaluation has been conducted.5.", "Among the fabrics used in scrubs, cotton remains the finest material. Many doctors and nurses look for scrubs made of 100 percent cotton. This is understandable since the greater the amount of the cotton in the blend, the softer and more comfortable the scrubs will be.", "In cleaning products, microfiber can be 100% polyester, or a blend of polyester and polyamide (nylon). It can be both a woven product or a non woven product, the latter most often used in limited use or disposable cloths.", "Clorox Healthcare® ready-to-use bleach wipes and cleaners meet these guidelines for surface disinfection and are formulated at or above the recommended 1:10 concentration. Additionally, proprietary purification processes maximize shelf life, so you can trust Clorox Healthcare® products to be effective.", "Non-alcohol wipe pads can be used to supplement cleaning during intermittent use. Storing Respirators: Clean respirators should be stored in nonporous, sturdy, airtight containers (like a Ziploc plastic bag). To avoid collecting dust, the respirator should be put away as soon as it is dry. Respirator face pieces and valves should be stored in a manner that does not distort the shape.", "Press fit wiper (hydraulic), suitable for open housings. Retaining ring manufactured from hard plastic material for ease of installation and stable fit in the housing. Standard wiping lip material is 95 shore A polyurethane.", "ENDURACOOL FABRIC IS DESIGNED TO LAST A LONG TIME, IT’S REUSABLE AND MACHINE WASHABLE. HOWEVER, AS WITH ANY TEXTILE OR APPAREL, THE FABRIC STRUCTURE OF THE TOWEL WILL WEAR DOWN OVER TIME WITH NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR, AND THE STANDARD WASH & DRY PROCESS. RESULTS MAY VARY.", "The objective of the research work was to evaluate the efficiency of three different sampling methods (Ghost Wipe, micro-vacuum, and ChemTest) in the recovery of Be dust by assessing: (1) four Be compounds (beryllium acetate, beryllium chloride, beryllium oxide and beryllium aluminium), (2) three different surfaces (polystyrene, glass and aluminium) and (3) inter-operator variation.", "Red Shop Towels - 100 Pieces Affordable Wipers shop towels are made with high quality cotton. They are ideal for machine shops, body shops, lube centers, print shops, auto repair shops, janitorial and industrial cleaning, paint, marinas, aerospace, manufacturing, and may other types of industries.", "Here is the list and the picture of the materials that you will need: -metal scrubber (sos pads are the best I think). -safety glasses. -a bucket. -2 towels (1 that will be wet and 1 that will be dry). -spraypaint (color and amount of cans depends on the surface you will be painting.", "It is indicated on the package whether it is safe for Teflon/non-stick. 1 Plastic scrubbing material is also sold by the yard (m) at most fabric stores. 2 You can create a non-stick scrubber by acquiring this fabric, cutting a square and attaching it with a rubber band to a dishwashing wand.", "In replacing wipers, go for rubber rather than silicone. While silicon lasts longer, it does not clean as efficiently. Unlike standard blades, many new cars opt for flat blades; these more aerodynamic and quiet blades do not use a metal frame. If your car comes with flat blades, they require flat blades for the future.", "When picking the reusable water bottles to test out as potential favorites, we focused on the ones that we know (as of now) to be made of the safest materials for storing water. We chose mainly non-plastic reusable water containers made of food-grade safe materials like stainless steel, aluminum (with BPA-free linings) and glass.", "yes of course. it can be recycled and can be use for some other purpose like carry bag, hard cloth envelop cover, small cloth items n such many more. Either small pieces of cloth can be used or thread used in clothes can be separated by recycling process n regenerate thread for some other cloth purpose.", "Th is material is consumable and will gradually wear out like eraser. - Dip the magic eraser with water. You will not find a better sponge for less. - Scrub on the area you are working on gently. - Wh...", "This section describes how to: ł Prepare disinfectants. ł Clean and disinfect used gloves before reuse. ł Clean and disinfect used medical instruments and supplies. ł Disinfect patient waste and spills of infectious body fluids. ł Disinfect and discard infectious waste and non-reusable. supplies. ł Clean and disinfect protective clothing, boots, and patients™.", "Sell reusable bags. Stores are required to offer reusable bags to their customers for purchase and allow the use of reusable shopping bags. (Note: A reusable bag is made of cloth or other machine washable fabric that has handles or is a durable plastic bag with handles made for multiple use).", "1 Designed to pick up and hold dust and fine particles. 2 Use on wood, metal, and plastered surfaces between sanding & finishing. 3 Cloths are sold individually. 4 Reuseable - chemically treated to stay soft and prevent drying out. Cloth measures 18 by 36.", "Stainless steel water bottles are easier to clean than plastic reusable bottles because plastic can crack, get scratched and harbor bacteria in those nicks. Stainless steel is a much stronger material and is naturally anti-bacterial.", "Gloves, liquid-resistant gown, eye protection and a. surgical mask if risk of splash or aerosols is present.  Reusable general purpose utility gloves (i.e. rubber household gloves) and. goggles or face shields should be cleaned at least daily.", "A reusable package or container is “designed for reuse without impairment of its protective function.” The term returnable is sometimes used interchangeably but it can also include returning packages or components for other than reuse: recycling, disposal, incineration, etc. Typically, the materials used to make returnable packaging include steel, wood, polypropylene sheets or other plastic materials.", "Choose the shower curtain material. You can decide if you want vinyl, polyester, cotton, or other decorative textiles. Remember that vinyl and plastic shower curtains can often be spot-cleaned while fabric curtains may need to be taken down and washed.", "Povidone-iodine wipes/swabs - Used if blood culture is to be drawn. Gauze sponges - for application on the site from which the needle is withdrawn. Adhesive bandages / tape - protects the venipuncture site after collection. Needle disposal unit - needles should NEVER be broken, bent, or recapped.", "1 If frequent soiling is a problem, use a spray-silicon soil retardant to prevent dirt and stains from setting. 2 If your fabric was treated at the time of manufacture or purchase (with a finish such as Teflon or Scotchgard), it is important that you use compatible products whenever cleaning the piece.", "New White Knit Wiping Rags 10 lbs Box. Red Shop Towels - 100 Pieces. Affordable Wipers shop towels are made with high quality cotton. They are ideal for machine shops, body shops, lube centers, print shops, auto repair shops, janitorial and industrial cleaning, paint, marinas, aerospace, manufacturing, and may other types of industries.", "You can create a totally green and non-toxic cleaning supply arsenal with just a few items, all of which can be bought in bulk for additional savings and less packaging: A large jug of white vinegar, a large bulk bag of baking soda, ecological dish soap, rags, a natural cellulose sponge, a good scrub brush, and steel wool pads.", "Most of my scrubs are constructed with a fabric that is a 65% cotton and 35% polyester blend. The small amount of polyester seems to keep body fluids from seeping through the fabric onto my underlying skin. Some scrubs are 100% cotton. However, be sure to use a soft and durable fabric if you intend to make the scrubs with the 100% cotton. lvmama likes this.", "For some reason, for me, cloth wipes seemed like more of a mental roadblock to overcome than the diapers themselves. But I was absolutely sold after using them! They clean better than the disposable wipes we’ve used. They are easy on soft baby bums. They wash up beautifully. And I love that I never have to buy packs of wipes. There are a lot of different cloth wipes you can use. Some people buy specially made, two-ply, bamboo, gold-plated, hand-sewn, organic wipes for like $10 a pop. I am not one of those people. I went the simple route and made my own single-ply flannel wipes.", "To prevent soapy residue on plastic: Do not soak plastic items, do not use too much soap, and rinse quickly and thoroughly in very hot water. Or switch to glass for storage and reheating, Pyrex 1072164 Storage 18-Piece Round Set here’s the set I use and love¹. Submit your questions to helpme@home-ec101.com.", "REUSABLE DUST MASKS FOR WOODWORKING If you want to take a step up, then you should strongly consider a reusable mask. In fact, you might invest a little more upfront, but eventually being able to wash and reuse your dust mask will pay for itself. The best reusable dust mask for the money is the “Comfy Mask.” You can tell from the photo above, that it has a jersey-like material which is so much more comfortable during a full day of work that a disposable mask.", "Stainless Steel Magic Cloth Wipes are convenient, but that's the product's only selling point. This cleaner earned the lowest marks in our test for performance, failing to wipe away tough dirt or resist fingerprints and leaving behind a noticeable film. And since the wipes are pre-moistened, the solution gets on your hands while cleaning.", "Wipes clean with ease. 1 Clean design Seams integrate into overall design for seamless look. 2 Groutless Tile Look Tile-inspired patterns deliver easy-to-clean, timeless style. 3 Solid Nonporous Material Nonporous composition ensures surface simply wipes clean. High-Gloss Surface High-gloss surface repels water and dirt.", "Gather your materials. Zippo lighters are generally made to be reusable. In order to refill a zippo lighter, you'll need zippo lighter fluid, a small flathead or pin, and a zippo lighter. You can buy lighter fluid online, or at the store where you purchased your zippo lighter.", "Clorox's answer: Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner is non-abrasive, so unlike harsh cleansers, it can be used on most bathroom surfaces, including glass shower doors, glazed ceramic tile, plastic, chrome, fiberglass, glazed porcelain and synthetic marble.", "Given its antibacterial nature, it is no surprise that bamboo fabric is also used for medical supplies and sanitary materials. 1 The fabric can be made into many different products in this section, which can include: 2 Sanitary towels. 3 Gauze. 4 Bandages. 5 Absorbent pads. 6 Surgical wear (scrubs) 7 Doctor's coats. 8 Medical masks.", "Sometimes one type can substituted for another in certain settings, though generally if people are looking for gloves for medical procedures, they look for those made specifically for medical use. There are common materials that make up most types of disposable gloves. These include latex, vinyl and nitrile. All three materials can separately make medical disposable gloves, but people can also find gloves in these three fabrics that are less designed for medical work.", "Check us out and you will see that we add up to the company you need. 1 CLEAN GREEN REUSABLE TEXTILES: Prudential is a leader in the reusable textile industry. Prudential uses less water and energy in our process compared to home wash and disposables.", "Surgical Huck Towels When it comes to wiping rags, our Surgical Huck Towels are the cream of the crop. U.S. Wiping Materials manufactures, stocks and sells high-quality Huck Towels made from 100% cotton. Our Surgical Huck Towels are hemmed on all four sides for dependability, are extremely absorbent and are great for any no-streak wiping needs. Our surgical Huck towels can be used as hospital towels, but are also great for woodworking, carwashes and numerous applications. We are proud to offer both new and Reclaimed Surgical Huck towels, and include an FDA and TAA certified model that comes in four different colors and six different sizes.", "A fast, temporary patching solution for leaks and holes in steel, pipes and other processing. equipment until a permanent repair can be made. • Reusable- Comes with replaceable wear pads for repeated use. • Tension screw pushes the disposable wear pad tight against the leak- all in seconds.", "Woven polypropylene, non-woven polypropylene and RPET are the most common recycled fabrics we use. Polypropylene, also known as PP, is a thermoplastic resin material made from post-industrial, or rather pre-consumer, recycled content. RPET is a fabric made from recycled plastic bottles." ]
datamaster dmt manufacturer
The DATAMASTER TRANSPORTABLE (DMT) is an infrared evidential breath alcohol test instrument manufactured by National Patent Analytical Systems, Inc., Mansfield, Ohio, at (800) 800-8143. The operating principle of the DATAMASTER DMT is based on infrared absorption.
[ "breath alcohol. The DATAMASTER DMT has evolved through the years to its present state-of-the-art instrument with expanding computer capabilities. The DATAMASTER DMT was chosen to replace the current BAC DataMaster in Michigan. A contract was established to cover the purchases of the test equipment and for the maintenance and service of the instruments. The DATAMASTER DMT:", "DATAMASTER DMT; know the exterior components of the instrument; and know the pretest, subject, and accuracy check procedures and sequences. The ease of operation of the DATAMASTER DMT offers the real possibility to train all", "DATAMASTER DMT; know the exterior components of the instrument; and know the. pretest, subject, and accuracy check procedures and sequences. The ease of operation of the DATAMASTER DMT offers the real possibility to train all. law enforcement officers in the state of Michigan.", "BAC DataMaster (with or without the Delta-1 accessory) X: X BAC Verifier DataMaster (w/or without the Delta-1 accessory) X: X DataMaster cdm (w/or without the Delta-1 accessory) X: X DataMaster DMT : X: X DataMaster DMT w/Fuel Cell option SN: 555555: X: X DataMaster DMT w/Fuel Cell option SN: 100630 : X: X : Omicron Systems, Palo Alto, California:", "If, while the subject is blowing into the DATAMASTER DMT, he/she has a. discontinuous breath flow, i.e. starts and stops blowing, or sucks back on the. breath tube, the instrument may display “Invalid Sample.”. Residual mouth alcohol may also cause an “Invalid Sample” message.", "Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) is an ester of terephthalic acid and methanol. DMT is a primary ingredient used in the manufacture of polyesters and industrial plastics. It is a building block for an assortment of products--from X-ray and video films to polyester fibers and electrical capacitors.he ortho form (1,2-benzenecarboxylic acid) is called simply phthalic acid. It is a white crystals decomposing at 191°C and slightly soluble in water and ether. This compound is mainly produced and marketed in the form of its anhydride produced by the oxidation of orthoxylene and naphthalene.", "Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) is an organic compound with the formula C 6 H 4 (CO 2 CH 3) 2.It is the di ester formed from terephthalic acid and methanol. It is a white solid that melts to give a distillable colourless liquid.) Esterification of the resulting acid with methanol results in Methyl p-toluate at 250⁰C and 2500 kPa and subsequent oxidation and esterification of Methyl p-toluate yields Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) as shown in the below reaction: Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT) production through Direct Esterification.", "Production [edit]. Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) has been produced in a number of ways. Conventionally and still of commercial value is the direct esterification of terephthalic acid. Alternatively, it can be prepared by alternating oxidation and methyl-esterification steps from p-xylene via methyl p-toluate.) Esterification of the resulting acid with methanol results in Methyl p-toluate at 250⁰C and 2500 kPa and subsequent oxidation and esterification of Methyl p-toluate yields Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) as shown in the below reaction: Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT) production through Direct Esterification.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine and potent psychedelic drug, found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body where its natural function is undetermined.", "Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) are colourless crystals, insoluble in water but soluble in ether and hot ethyl alcohol. DMT is available in molten (liquid) and flake (solid) forms.In Europe, mainly molten is delivered, with minimal imported quantities of flake material.ver 25 years of reporting on key chemicals markets, including Dimethyl terephthalate, has brought global recognition of our methodology as being unbiased, authoritative and rigorous in preserving our editorial integrity.", "Updated: 07/12/2017 by. Short for Dynamic Video Memory Technology, DVMT is an architecture that offers breakthrough performance for the motherboard through efficient memory utilization and Direct AGP. Computer motherboard help and support.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. DMT is found in many plants along with the human body.DMT is created in the body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase and the neurotransmitter serotonin. DMT can be ingested, injected, and inhaled.r. Strassman discovered that DMT is released by the pineal gland while a person is approaching death. Thus explaining the imagery reported by survivors of near death experiences (NDE phenomenon). DMT is also released during the 49th day of fetus development.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine found in various animals, fungi, and plants.", "DFS manufactures a variety of chemical delivery blending and process control systems for the semiconductor and related industries.", "Dimethyltryptamine or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally-occurring tryptamine and psychedelic drug, found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body where its natural function is undetermined.", "DESCRIPTION. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine found in various animals, fungi, and plants.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).MT can produce powerful psychedelic experiences including intense visuals, euphoria and hallucinations. DMT is generally not active orally unless it is combined with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) such as a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A (RIMA), for example, harmaline.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT). study published in 2014 reported the biosynthesis of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in the human melanoma cell line SK-Mel-147 including details on its metabolism by peroxidases.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally-occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. This drug is found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body, where its natural function, if any, is undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and other psychedelic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenin (5-OH-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. DMT is found in many plants along with the human body.DMT is created in the body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase and the neurotransmitter serotonin.DMT can be ingested, injected, and inhaled.r. Strassman discovered that DMT is released by the pineal gland while a person is approaching death. Thus explaining the imagery reported by survivors of near death experiences (NDE phenomenon). DMT is also released during the 49th day of fetus development. Dr. Strassman attributes this to the beginning of the soul.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. DMT is found in many plants along with the human body. DMT is created in the body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase and the neurotransmitter serotonin. DMT can be ingested, injected, and inhaled.", "dvmt Updated: 07/12/2017 by Computer Hope Short for Dynamic Video Memory Technology, DVMT is an architecture that offers breakthrough performance for the motherboard through efficient memory utilization and Direct AGP. Related pages Computer motherboard help and support.", "1 A popular name for DMT is Dimitri. D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is one of the most powerful mood-changing chemicals. It is a clear or white odorless material made from lysergic acid, which is found in a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. DMT is found in many plants along with the human body. DMT is created in the body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase and the neurotransmitter serotonin. DMT can be ingested, injected, and inhaled. Doctor Richard Strassman was among the first psychologists to study the effects of DMT and other psychedelic chemicals.", "1 The drug is usually a white crystalline powder. A popular name for DMT is Dimitri. D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is one of the most powerful mood-changing chemicals. It is a clear or white odorless material made from lysergic acid, which is found in a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. LSD has many other names, including Acid, Blotter, Dots, and Yellow Sunshine.", "Dynacast is a global manufacturer of precision engineered metal components. Utilizing proprietary die cast and metal injection molding technologies, we offer robust solutions to many industries including automotive, consumer electronics, and healthcare.", "BMT is a leading manufacturer of Automatic and Semi-Automatic Can Making and Seaming machines.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a powerful psychedelic drug, and a type of tryptamine alkaloid. It is a naturally occurring substance, found in various plants and animals, and in small quantities in the human brain, where its function is unknown.", "In April 2011, Stanley Black & Decker (DeWalt's current parent company) launched a line of hand tools under the DeWalt brand. Most of these hand tools are manufactured in China, Mexico, Taiwan or Thailand.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. DMT is found in many plants along with the human body.DMT is created in the body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase and the neurotransmitter serotonin. DMT can be ingested, injected, and inhaled.MT is found in many plants along with the human body. DMT is created in the body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase and the neurotransmitter serotonin.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a powerful psychedelic drug, and a type of tryptamine alkaloid. It is a naturally occurring substance, found in various plants and animals, and in small quantities in the human brain, where its function is unknown. DMT is famous for its power.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).n general, blood or plasma DMT levels in recreational users of the drug are in the 10–30 μg/L range during the first several hours post-ingestion. Less than 0.1% of an oral dose is eliminated unchanged in the 24-hour urine of humans.", "DESCRIPTION. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine found in various animals, fungi, and plants. These tryptamines are often used by humans for their psychoactive properties, although not all tryptamines are psychoactive.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DESCRIPTION. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine found in various animals, fungi, and plants. These tryptamines are often used by humans for their psychoactive properties, although not all tryptamines are psychoactive.", "Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine found in various animals, fungi, and plants. These tryptamines are often used by humans for their psychoactive properties, although not all tryptamines are psychoactive. DMT can be found in many species of plants.", "View detailed financial information, real-time news, videos, quotes and analysis on Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DVMT). Explore commentary on Dell Technologies Inc. and hear what the experts at TheStreet are saying about DVMT.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family.It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family.", "DataWind is the third company started by Tuli and his older brother, raja Singh Tuli, who is based out of Montreal. DataWind Prepared $20 Tablet Computer for Indian Market Nina Strochlic January 29, 2013. “There had to be no question they were Smurfs,” says the director raja Gosnell (Scooby-Doo).", "N, N-Dimethyltryptamine. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-OH-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-OH-DMT).", "(Redirected from Dimethyltryptamine) N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a powerful psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).", "DPC DATA, Inc. is a financial information services company headquartered in Roseland, NJ, specializing in municipal bond disclosure data and related services.", "DMG MORI is a worldwide leader of cutting machine tools for turning and milling, as well as a comprehensive supplier in additive manufacturing using powder nozzle and powder bed. lasertec 30 slm", "Computer dictionary definition for what DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology) means including related links, information, and terms. Computer dictionary definition for what DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology) means including related links, information, and terms.", "About Dynacast. Dynacast is a global manufacturer of precision engineered metal components. Utilizing proprietary die cast and metal injection molding technologies, we offer robust solutions to many industries including automotive, consumer electronics, and healthcare. ©2017 Dynacast.", "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).", "-Dimethyltryptamine. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a tryptamine molecule which naturally occurs in many plants and animals. It can be consumed as a powerful psychedelic drug and has historically been prepared by various cultures for ritual and healing purposes. Rick Strassman labeled it the spirit molecule.", "DMT is a powerful hallucinogen, meant to be carefully administered in a calm environment to someone who has prior experience with other psychedelic drugs. The drug is relatively rare due to the lack of commercial demand and the scarcity of people with the knowledge and motivation to isolate it from plants.", "DPD has developed proprietary lending relationships combined with the data expertise to deliver pre-qualified marketing solution to the automotive and consumer finance industries. Direct Performance Data Inc. (DPD) provides multi-sourced data solutions for the Automotive and Consumer Finance industries. DPD is your complete source, offering a real-time count and order platforms. Through our strategic lending partners we offer the most comprehensive prequalified marketing solutions in the industry." ]
what is the lymphatic system made up of?
The lymphatic system is made up of groups of lymph nodes throughout the body, which are connected by a network of lymph vessels. The lymphatic system: 1 acts as a one-way drainage system transporting fluid from body tissues into the blood circulation. 2 contains white blood cells called lymphocytes, which fight infection. 3 gets rid of waste products produced by cells.
[ "The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system, along with the thymus, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, appendix, and Peyer patches in the small intestine. The lymphatic system is a network of lymph nodes connected by lymphatic vessels. This system transports lymph throughout the body. Lymph is formed from fluid that seeps through the thin walls of capillaries into the body's tissues. This fluid contains oxygen, proteins, and other nutrients that nourish the tissues.", "The lymphatic system is also a major part of the immune system. Lymph and lymph nodes contain white blood cells called lymphocytes and antibodies which defend the body against infection. The lymphocytes are made in the bone marrow.", "The lymph system is a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that make and move lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. The lymph system is a major part of the body's immune system. Watch this video about:Lymphatics and the breast. Lymph is a clear-to-white fluid made of: 1 White blood cells, especially lymphocytes, the cells that attack bacteria in the blood. Fluid from the intestines called chyle, which contains proteins and fats.", "The Lymphatic System-Design: parts of the lymphatic system. A network of vessels, tissues, organs, and cells constitute the lymphatic system. Included in this network are lymph vessels, lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus, and lymphocytes. Running throughout this network is a watery fluid called lymph.", "The Lymphatic System - Design: parts of the lymphatic system. A network of vessels, tissues, organs, and cells constitute the lymphatic system. Included in this network are lymph vessels, lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus, and lymphocytes. Running throughout this network is a watery fluid called lymph. Lymph comes from the Latin word lympha , meaning clear water..", "The lymphatic system is an extension of the circulatory system consisting of a fluid known as lymph, capillaries called lymphatic vessels, and structures called lymph nodes. Lymph is a watery fluid derived from plasma that has seeped out of the blood system capillaries and mingled with the cells.", "The lymph system is a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that make and move lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. The lymph system is a major part of the body's immune system. Watch this video about:Lymphatics and the breast. Lymph is a clear-to-white fluid made of:", "Lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system, which is one of the body's defense mechanisms against the spread of infection and cancer. Lymph is clear fluid that is made up of water, white blood cells, proteins, and fats that have filtered out of blood vessels into the spaces between cells.", "1. The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and the lymph fluid itself. The lymph is not a closed system and is free flowing. The lymph fluid is formed when the blood plasma excretes out of the capillaries through capillary filtration.", "View full size image. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the circulatory system's veins and capillaries.", "The lymphatic system is an important component of the immune system. It includes lymphatic fluid, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, adenoids, Peyer patches, and the thymus. Lymphatic fluid consists of an ultrafiltrate of blood collected within lymphatic channels, which run throughout the entire body.", "The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic fluid (called lymph ) flowing through a system of lymphatic vessels, including lymphatic capillaries, other lymphatic vessels of various sizes (which can be compared with blood vessels), and lymph nodes (which are encapsulated masses of B Cells and T Cells).he Spleen-This is the largest single mass of lymphatic tissue in the human body. The outer covering of the spleen is formed by dense connective tissue. The spleen itself consists of two types of tissue, called white pulp and red pulp. White Pulp: lymphatic tissue that consists mostly of lymphoctes and macrophages.", "The Lymphatic System | Back to Top. The lymphatic system is composed of lymph vessels, lymph nodes, and organs. The functions of this system include the absorbtion of excess fluid and its return to the blood stream, absorption of fat (in the villi of the small intestine) and the immune system function.", "The lymphatic system contains three parts, a network of lymphatic vessels, a fluid inside of the vessels called lymph, and l ymph nodes that cleanse the lymph while it passes through.", "Credit: Juan Gaertner | Shutterstock. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the circulatory system's veins and capillaries. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system. Description of the lymphatic system" ]
which quote reveals the author's point of view and potential for bias?
The quote that reveals the author's point of view and potential for bias is, as a teacher, I am in favor of opening a new school. The correct answer would be option B. This shows a potential of bias because the author speaks only to his own point of view as to why he is in favor of something. This quote is not based on any objective view.
[ "exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answer by Rasheemaowens. Confidence votes 127. An author's bias states the author's opinion on the subject or uses text supporting their point of view. It is often difficult to tell when an author is using bias on a subject unless you know more about the subject than just that author's writing.", "Author’s Point of View. The author’s point of view reveals the author’s beliefs, personal judgments or attitudes toward a. certain subject. There are devices that the author uses to reveal their beliefs: 1) choice of words; 2) descriptions; 3) character’s actions.", "According to this approach, the combination of these three biases (jumping to conclusions, attributional style, and theory of mind dysfunction) explains a bias in favor of confirmatory evidence, particularly for delusions of reference and persecution.", "Bias/Prejudice. An important skill of critical reading is the ability to detect an author's bias and prejudice. The reason you need to be able to do this, of course, is that bias and prejudice may invalidate an author's claim. There are several ways to detect an author's possible bias and prejudice, for example:", "A personal judgment either for or against a particular person, position, or thing. Bias can be favorable or unfavorable and can be used to sway an audience. An important skill of critical reading is the ability to detect an author's bias and prejudice.", "Word choice can indicate an author's bias. Biased language can cause a reader to focus on how a writer says something rather than what the writer says. Careful writing is inoffensive and sounds natural, not contrived.", "Part of being an effective reader is recognizing biases, assumptions and stereotypes and thinking about them critically. Bias occurs when a writer displays a partiality for or prejudice against someone, something or some idea.", "When writing about history, our ability to detect and identify such bias and prejudice is a valuable and necessary skill. Please note that bias and prejudice, although they may invalidate an author's claims, do not necessarily disqualify that author's work as a suitable subject for consideration.", "All history is, in this sense, biased. For the reasons I have listed, history is a value-laden discipline. Howard Zinn, the author of a book to which we will return in a minute, makes the following statement: It is not that the historian can avoid emphasis of some facts and not of others.", "Example Sentences for bias. 1 Grotius was not a recluse, but a man of the world, who certainly had no bias to the side of religion. 2 His bias, the precise nature of his propaganda, are frankly exposed. 3 They say, or do, or think, something which gives a bias at once to the whole of their career.", "Perception, bias, and identity. A quote attributed to author Anais Nin declares, “We don’t see things as they are. The truth of these words is apparent in the following anecdotes, which I invite you to consider. ”White,” he answered. ”A banana isn’t white!” he was told. Fortunately, my son was not intimidated.", "It's important to understand bias when you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of writing, a painting, a photograph-anything. You need to be able to identify bias in every source you use.", "Authors Purpose. Background Definitions Author's Purpose: To inform To persuade To entertain Point of View: Position from which a writer addresses a topic to include beliefs, assumptions, and biases. Tone: The attitude toward a subject, a character, or the reader.", "Identify bias. It's important to understand bias when you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of writing, a painting, a photograph - anything. You need to be able to identify bias in every source you use. The following questions will help you work out how reliable and accurate information is.", "1 Point of View: The perspective (visual, interpretive, bias, etc) a text takes when presenting its plot and narrative. 2 For instance, an author might write a narrative from a specific character’s point of view, which means that that character is our narrative and readers experience events through his or her eyes.", "It's important to understand bias when you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of writing, a painting, a photograph-anything.", "Identify bias. It's important to understand bias when you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of writing, a painting, a photograph-anything.", "Identify bias. It's important to understand bias when you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of writing, a painting, a photograph-anything. You need to be able to identify bias in every source you use.", "Author’s Point of View When writing, authors must decide from what point of view they want to express their ideas. There are three different choices – first person, second person, and a variety of third person point of views.", "The author has the choice to share these traits through word choice, sentence structure, and diction. In a way, the first person perspective allows the reader to see how the character thinks and experiences the world around them. 4) It’s “Easy” to Write. “Easy” is a misleading word.", "Delicious. It's important to understand bias when you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of writing, a painting, a photograph-anything.", "Which statement describes the author's perspective and purpose in this excerpt? The perspective is personal and serious-minded; the purpose is to inform. Why is it important to consider the historical and social context of a text?", "Background Definitions Author's Purpose: To inform To persuade To entertain Point of View: Position from which a writer addresses a topic to include beliefs, assumptions, and biases. Tone: The attitude toward a subject, a character, or the reader.", "statement. The writer anticipates the reader\\'s concerns, biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author\\'s posttion All sentences are well- constructed with varied structure", "Point of view is the writer's most important technical choice. It is both the reader's means of perception and the writer's (John Dufresne, The Lie That Tells a Truth, 2003).", "A point of view where the narrator knows all of the characters' inner thoughts and motivations. 4. Speaker - d. A term used to differentiate the first-person narrator from the author. 5. Tone - h. the attitude an author takes toward a subject or a text e. The voice through which an author expresses their views.", "Proving my point on rational thinking, the author shows his own improper statistics, confused rational thinking, and political bias in this article. However, I find his skepticism appropriate and instructive. I'll find a better article eventually, so read this with a cautious eye, and as food for thought.", "Quick note: Proving my point on rational thinking, the author shows his own improper statistics, confused rational thinking, and political bias in this article. However, I find his skepticism appropriate and instructive.", "The approach of authors such as Olaudah Equiano, C.L.R. James, Howard Zinn, Michelle Cliff, or Merle Hodge to his or her writing style is directly connected to his or her motives. One particular clue a reader has to discovering an author's motives, is the author's intended audience. Once recognized, the audience unveils multiple motives.", "Point of View is the perspective from which an autobiography is written. Since autobiographies are written by their subjects, they are told from the first-person point of view and use the pronouns I, me, and mine. Readers experience events through the writer's eye-- knowing only what they think and feel about any given experience. · An autobiography is told from the writer’s perspective, or point of view. The first-person point of view reflects only the writer’s thoughts, feelings, opinions, and biases. · The third-person point of view can be used to reflect the opinions, feelings, thoughts, and biases of multiple characters.", "In literature, point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem, or essay. Point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction has. Examples of point of view belong to one of these three major kinds: First person point of view involves the use of either of the two pronouns “I” or “we.”", "1 Title of the author’s claim is not in direct dependence from theme, except for reflection of work content. 2 It can be a starting point of the author’s thoughts. 3 Free writing of author’s claim is subordinated to its internal logic, and it is necessary to search the main point in the “pied lace” of the author’s thoughts.", "A common example of the human bias towards pareidolia. Bias is an inclination or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective, often accompanied by a refusal to consider the possible merits of alternative points of view.", "Proving my point on rational thinking, the author shows his own improper statistics, confused rational thinking, and political bias in this article. However, I find his skepticism appropriate and instructive.", "Definition, Usage and a list of Point of View Examples in common speech and literature. Point of view is the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion, or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature, point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem, essay etc. Point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction can have.", "Definition of Point of View. Point of view is the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature, point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem, or essay. Point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction has.", "Point of view is an integral tool of description in the author’s hands to portray personal emotions or characters’ feelings about an experience or situation. Writers use a point of view to express effectively what they want to convey to their readers.", "An autobiography is told from the writer s perspective, or point of view. The first-person point of view reflects only the writer s thoughts, feelings, opinions, and biases. The third-person point of view can be used to reflect the opinions, feelings, thoughts, and biases of multiple characters.", "David Eskey asserts that second language reading literature promotes a “top-down bias…[that] produce[s] a somewhat distorted picture of the true range of problems second language readers face” (95). He also issues the caution that “even educated guessing at meaning is not a substitute for accurate decoding” (97).", "Example Sentences for biased. In the selection of these she was biased by her personal feelings, but to a degree far less than was to be anticipated. On literary subjects they are often full of over-statement and of biased judgment.", "Bias is the tendency to have an opinion, or view that is often without considering evidence and other information. Biases can be learned implicitly within cultural contexts.", "Definition of Point of View. Point of view is the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature, point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem, or essay. Point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction has. Examples of point of view belong to one of these three major kinds: First person point of view involves the use of either of the two pronouns “I” or “we.” “I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace.”", "The most common include: 1 Bias by omission, which occurs when the media leaves out one side of a story, or one aspect of a story. 2 Bias by selection of sources, which occurs when a media outlet leaves out sources that support an opposing point of view.", "Use bias in a sentence. The president was unable to make a fair decision on which employee to hire because he had a strong bias for any candidate who went to the same university as him. 21 people found this helpful.", "Remember, an author may color his/her ideas with these or any other emotions. A keen reader recognizes these attitudes or tones by identifying the subject, the length and flow. of the sentences, the atmosphere, the word meanings/contexts/ connotations, the point of view and purpose of the author.", "Bias is a just one view point. It is the point of view of or in another words the inclination of a person, group, organisation or thing but not the only possible one. … Bias is uneven, unlevelled or unbalanced. Bias is very often controversial but not always. The meaning of bias is prejudice that is against or in favor of a person, thing or group compared with another in a way considered to be unfair. 5 people found this useful. Notyouraveragedummy ...", "It can be inferred from the passage that the author's conclusion that Einstein's approach is “erroneous” might have to be modified because. A it is theoretically possible to generate plausible theories with hidden parameters within them", "The availability bias is the human tendency to think that examples of things that come readily to mind are more representative ... See complete definition. deductive argument. A deductive argument is the presentation of statements that are assumed or known to be true as premises for a conclusion that ..." ]
average human cell size
Answer by Floris bag. Confidence votes 50. The average size of a human cell varies quite a lot. a single nerve cell can be up to a meter long while a cheek cell averages about 50 micrometers or .05 mm. the average cell though is between 10 micrometers and 100 micrometers.he average female brain capacity is 79.3 cubic inches, slightly smaller than the male … brain of 88.5 cubic inches. The largest human brains may be twice those of average size, but size has no relevance to brain performance.
[ "How big is a bacteria compared to a human cell? The size of a typical bacterial cell is 0.5-5.0 micrometers, a average human cell is 10 micrometers.8 people found this useful.Edit.he consensus among biologists is that only 5 to 10% of the trillions of cells in our bodies are human. The rest are alien cells: yeast, fungi, bacteria, viruses.", "How big is a bacteria compared to a human cell? The size of a typical bacterial cell is 0.5-5.0 micrometers, a average human cell is 10 micrometers.", "The largest cell in the human body is the female ovum, or egg cell. It is about 1/180 inch in diameter. The smallest cell in the human body is the male sperm. It takes about 175,000 sperm cells to weigh as much as a single egg cell.", "Cell size, concentration and viability of SF9 cells was measured before and during protein expression. Micrograph on the left shows small cells with an average diameter of 13.0 microns. This population is displayed in the Cell Diameter Histogram with green bar lines.The size of SF9 cells increases during protein expression and in the micrograph on the right the average cell size is 23 microns in diameter.urthermore, in a cell sample that contains cells of different sizes, the Cellometer cell size parameters can be set such that only the cells of a particular size are counted. This versatility allows researcher to obtain an accurate cell count, concentration, viability, and cell size in a single 20 µl assay. Features.", "In the human body, the biggest cell by diameter is the oocyte, also referred to as the human egg cell, or ovum. It is approximately one millimetre, or 1000 micrometers in diameter. The ovum needs this size for sustenance before it implants itself in the uterus. The ovum, or human egg cell. It's the only cell that is visible to the naked eye. In the human body, the biggest cell by diameter is the oocyte, also referred to as the human egg cell, or ovum. It is approximately one millimeter, or 1000 micrometers in diameter.", "Your human body, for example, has about 200 different types of cells. An average cell would have a volume of just four billionths of a cubic centimeter with a weight of just one nanogram! Given that tiny size, the human body must have a lot of cells in it.", "The average size of a Protista cell is between 10 and 100 micro meters. A Protista cell is a classification of organisms that include both single and multicellular organis … ms.1 person found this useful. typical cell mass is 1 nanogram, but all cells are different sizes and masses. For example, the largest known cell is that of an unfertilized ostrich egg cell. The smallest … knwon independent cell is that of Nanoarchaeum equitans.", "The largest cell in the human body is the ovum, the female sex cell. The ovum is about 1000 micrometers, or one millimeter, in diameter. It is typically visible to the naked eye without the aid of a microscope or other magnification device. Apr 25 10, 7:06 AM.", "Quick Answer. A human egg cell is about .1 millimeters, or .004 inches, in diameter. It is one of the largest cells in the human body and is just barely big enough to be seen without the aid of a microscope. Continue Reading.", "Typical prokaryotic cells range from 0.1 to 5.0 micrometers (μm) in diameter and are significantly smaller than eukaryotic cells, which usually have diameters ranging from 10 to 100 μm. The figure below shows the sizes of prokaryotic, bacterial, and eukaryotic, plant and animal, cells as well as other molecules and organisms on a logarithmic scale.", "Cell (biology) Some organisms, such as bacteria, are unicellular, consisting of a single cell. Other organisms, such as humans, are multicellular, (humans have an estimated 100 trillion cells; a typical cell size is 10 µm, a typical cell mass 1 nanogram). The largest known cell is an ostrich egg." ]
what does colorin colorado mean
It is difficult to translate the meaning of colorin colorado.. Colorín colorado este cuento se ha terminado. Usually we use this sentence to end a children's story. But in order to respond to you, colorin refers to the word colour and colorado refers to red color, and colorin colorado, this story is over. It's a Mexican expression. Dec 27, 2012
[ "Recipes from Colorado. jump to the recipes. Colorado means colored red in Spanish. You often see the term chile colorado in cooking which essentially means a spicy red sauce, and has nothing really to do with the state of Colorado.The state, however, is known for some foods.olorado means colored red in Spanish. You often see the term chile colorado in cooking which essentially means a spicy red sauce, and has nothing really to do with the state of Colorado.", "Colorado is of Spanish origin, meaning colored red.. All State Name Origins. The name was applied to the Colorado river because of the red sandstone soil of the region, and came into use for the entire territory after the discovery of gold in the Pike's Peak region. In 1861 congress chose Colorado as the name for the Territory. In 1876 Colorado became the 38th state.", "Flag of Colorado. The colors in the Colorado state flag represent environmental features of the state. White symbolizes the snow on her mountains, gold acknowledges the abundant Colorado sunshine, red represents Colorado's red soil, and blue is a symbol of her clear blue skies.he colors in the Colorado state flag represent environmental features of the state. White symbolizes the snow on her mountains, gold acknowledges the abundant Colorado sunshine, red represents Colorado's red soil, and blue is a symbol of her clear blue skies.", "Colorín colorado este cuento se ha acabado y quien no levante el culo, se queda pegado. [Whoever doesn't lift their ass, will get stuck] Everybody hurried to stand up after hearing that.", "State flag of Colorado. Colorado is located in the western United States, or the Mountain Region. This is a list of people from the American state of Colorado. It includes people that lived, were born, were raised, or have significant relations with the state. Coloradans have been prominent in many fields, including literature, entertainment, art, music, politics, and business.", "Origin of Name: Colorado is from the Spanish term color red or reddish color and was first given to the Colorado River and then to the state. It was the 38th state to achieve statehood and has been called the Centennial State because it was admitted to the Union 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.", "Translating Colorado: 14ers, Continental Divide, Four Corners & More. Coloradans have a funny way of saying lots of things. Here’s a short list of terms to know that will make you feel right at home in the Centennial State (see the definition for that below!). Updated: 6/6/2016.", "Colorado - The Colorado state flag is a popular symbol of the state. All of the different colors of the symbols represent a part of Colorado’s natural beauty: The yellow circle is the sun, the red C is the ruddy-colored earth, the white is the snow-capped mountains, and the blue is the sky.", "Blue is a symbol of the sky, white represents snow, and yellow symbolizes Colorado's gold mining history. The Rocky Mountain columbine is a beautiful endemic flower threatened by collectors who want it for their rock gardens. A law was enacted in 1925 to protect this rare and delicate flower.", "Colorado (/kɒləˈrædoʊ/, or /kɒləˈrɑːdoʊ/) (Spanish for ruddy) is a state in the United States encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains.", "Mole rojo: Red mole which is sometimes called mole colorado. Colorado means reddish in Spanish and is a way of saying that something is sort of red..like the many of the canyons and cliffs of the state of Colorado. This mole uses exactly the same ingredients as mole negro but without blackened chile seeds and stems.", "In a state known for its snow, a mountain wildflower seems an appropriate choice. State lawmakers agreed, and in 1899 the Colorado General Assembly decreed the White and Lavender Columbine the Colorado state flower. Coloradans have good reason to be proud of their state flower. The perennial’s blooms are distinctive and beautiful.", "In this article written for Colorín Colorado, Jennifer Himmel of the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) provides an overview of how to use language objectives in content-area instruction for English learners. Her overview includes: what a language objective is.", "Another Reason to be Proud to be a Coloradan: Brick made from the State’s Incredible Soil. Talk to a resident of Colorado – whether they are new to the state or have been here for generations – and there is good possibility that the word “proud” will makes its way into the conversation in the first few minutes.", "Colorado specifies the white and lavender Rocky Mt. Columbine which has blue-violet petals and spurs, a white cup and yellow center. Blue is a symbol of the sky, white represents snow, and yellow symbolizes Colorado's gold mining history.nother honor was bestowed on the Rocky Mountain columbine in 1915 when the song Where The Columbines Grow was adopted as the official Colorado state song.", "Fact Sheet on Yule Marble from Girl Scout Troop 357: Colorado is the Centennial State. Colorado has a red Official State Mineral, rhodochrosite. Colorado has a blue Official State Gemstone, aquamarine. If the state rock were white, the Official Geological symbols would be red, white, and blue. The Yule Marble is white.", "Colorado River. For other uses, see Colorado River (disambiguation). The Colorado River (Spanish: Río Colorado, lit. colored, with an implication of reddish) is one of the principal rivers of the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico (the other being the Rio Grande).", "Its very common to see or hear colorín colorado… este cuento se ha acabado Dec 28, 2012 | link", "Colorado Medicaid. Colorado Medicaid is public health insurance for low-income Coloradans who qualify. Colorado Medicaid is funded jointly by a federal-state partnership and is administered by the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.olorado Medicaid is public health insurance for low-income Coloradans who qualify.", "(pronounced *day cuh-lor'-ess*) is a greeting from the Spanish song of the same name. What does De Colores mean? In Spanish, it simply means the colors. It's also the name of a song traditionally sung on Cursillo, Emmaus and Chrysalis weekends that praises the beauty of the diversity and simplicity of God's creation.", "Colorado Medicaid. Colorado Medicaid is public health insurance for low-income Coloradans who qualify. Colorado Medicaid is funded jointly by a federal-state partnership and is administered by the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.he Affordable Care Act provides a simplified method for calculating income eligibility for Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). This method calculates eligibility for all programs based on what is called Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI).", "The Colorado State Flag was designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson and adopted by the Colorado General Assembly on June 5, 1911.The flag specifications seemed clear enough when adopted but modification to the legislation was required in 1929 and in 1964.he colors used in the Colorado State Flag represent environmental features of the state. The gold represents the abundant sunshine enjoyed by the state. The blue symbolizes the clear blue skies of Colorado. White represents the snow capped mountains of the state and red represents the color of much of the state's soil.", "The Colorado State Flag. The Colorado State Flag was designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson and adopted by the Colorado General Assembly on June 5, 1911. The flag specifications seemed clear enough when adopted but modification to the legislation was required in 1929 and in 1964.he colors used in the Colorado State Flag represent environmental features of the state. The gold represents the abundant sunshine enjoyed by the state. The blue symbolizes the clear blue skies of Colorado. White represents the snow capped mountains of the state and red represents the color of much of the state's soil.", "The health care safety net serves as the primary source of care for Colorado’s most vulnerable residents. With more than 800,000 uninsured Coloradans, historically high public health insurance caseloads and escalating health costs, the safety net plays a crucial role in the state’s health care system.", "Colorado (/kɒləˈrædoʊ, -ˈrɑːdoʊ/ ( listen)) is a state in the United States encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains.", "“Affordable and attainable housing is a critical issue for Colorado. We support the work to engage more Coloradans to fight homelessness and find housing that meets the needs of every Coloradan.” Kelly Brough, President and CEO, Denver Chamber of Commerce", "Colorado (/kɒləˈrædoʊ, -ˈrɑːdoʊ/) is a state in the United States encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains.", "What is the meaning of the ado suffix? Does it mean something in Spanish? There are several locations that seem to have this ending. Colorado -- means colored red. Eldorado -- City of gold. Silverado -- I can guess, but the pattern doesn't seem to fit. I would think that Colorado could be broken into two parts color and ado.", "Colorado State Flower. Columbine Flower or Rocky Mountain Columbine-White and Lavender (Aquilegia caerules) is the official Colorado State Flower. Columbine flower is a spring-blooming flower. The Columbine flower (Colorado Blue Columbine) was designated as the Colorado state flower in April, 1899. The Columbine Flower, also known as the Colorado Columbine, was named from a Latin word Columba, which means dove, as it looked like the bird of peace.", "Colorado (/kɒləˈrædoʊ, -ˈrɑːdoʊ/ ( listen)[8][9]) is a state in the United States encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains.", "Colorado (/kɒləˈraedoʊ/ , kɒləˈrædoʊ /or/) kɒləˈrɑːdoʊ is A.U. s state encompassing most of The Southern Rocky mountains as well as the northeastern portion of The Colorado plateau and the western edge of The Great. plainsolorado is bordered by Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Kansas to the east, Oklahoma to the southeast, New Mexico to the south, Utah to the west, and Arizona to the southwest, at the Four Corners.", "Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) is public health insurance for low-income Coloradans who qualify. Health First Colorado is funded jointly by a federal-state partnership and is administered by the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.", "In-state residents can only buy an ounce at a time. Out-of-staters are limited to 1/4 ounce. As with alcohol, you must be 21 or older to buy marijuana in Colorado. And if you’re a Coloradan, you can’t buy more than an ounce in a single transaction — the equivalent of about 60 joints.", "In mineralogy, color is one of the primary diagnostic properties of natural compounds, of great importance in geological prospecting for the identification of minerals.", "The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree.It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States.Redirected from Picea pungens). The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree. It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States.", "Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce, or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree. It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States.", "An Out-of-State Visitors Guide to Marijuana in Colorado On December 10, 2012, Coloradans passed Amendment 64, effectively legalizing the possession and sale of marijuana in the State of Colorado, making Colorado one of two places in the world where an adult, over the age of 21 can legally possess and consume marijuana recreationally.", "Blue spruce. The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce, or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree. It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States.", "Columbine is a recognizable plant to many Colorado gardeners. The familiar blue and white Colorado columbine is our state flower.And there are many kinds of columbine that feature a variety of flower colors and form.olumbine is a recognizable plant to many Colorado gardeners. The familiar blue and white Colorado columbine is our state flower.", "The names Colorado spruce, blue spruce and Colorado blue spruce tree all refer to the same magnificent tree—Pica pungens. Large specimens are imposing in the landscape because of their strong, architectural shape in the form of a pyramid and stiff, horizontal branches that form a dense canopy.", "Columbine flower is a spring-blooming flower. The Columbine flower (Colorado Blue Columbine) was designated as the Colorado state flower in April, 1899. The Columbine Flower, also known as the Colorado Columbine, was named from a Latin word Columba, which means dove, as it looked like the bird of peace.he Columbine flower is the most honored state flower in all of the United States. The Columbine flower transforms into a fruit with in five erect follicles and shiny black seeds. Columbine plants are popular for their distinctly unique Columbine flowers, which range in a variety of colors and spur lengths.", "(Redirected from Picea pungens). The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree. It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States.Redirected from Picea pungens). The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree. It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States." ]
dog head tremors symptoms
Dog tremors while sleeping or awake are not uncommon. One of the major symptoms of dog tremors is panting. Other symptoms of dog tremors include shaking and shivering, weakness, body pain, loss of appetite, inability to cope with day-to-day routine, and loss of vitality and vigor.
[ "Tremors/Shaking in Dogs. Overview of Tremors and Shaking in Dogs. Tremors are rhythmic, to and fro involuntary movements that persist through the waking state. True tremors stop during sleep. There are a variety of causes of tremors, depending on which part of the body is affected. Causes of Canine Tremors or Shaking. Tremors of the Head.", "White dog shaker syndrome (also known as Generalized Tremor Syndrome and responsive tremor syndrome) is one of these disorders, causing full body tremors in young dogs. While first discovered in small breeds such as Maltese and West Highland White Terriers, it can occur in any dog, regardless of size or breed.", "Discover the medications, conditions and dog illness symptoms that include shaking and tremors. Because there are different levels of shaking, it's important to pay close attention to the severity and if the shaking is full body or specific to one area.", "Generalized Tremor Syndrome (GTS). GTS is also called steroid responsive tremor syndrome or white shaker dog syndrome. First noticed in small, white dogs such as Maltese and West Highland white terriers, it can occur in dogs of any size, breed, or color.No one knows what causes GTS.hen to See a Vet. Dogs shake and tremble for all kinds of reasons -- excitement, pain, old age, even nausea. Shivering and trembling may be symptoms of something serious -- like poisoning, kidney disease, or injury.", "The causes of head tremors in dogs may be various, but sometimes an exact cause cannot be found. Diagnosing the exact cause of tremors often entails a process of elimination, meaning the vet will test for several diseases, and if the dog ends up having none, the vet may call the head tremors idiopathic, meaning their cause is unknown.", "As dogs get older, some develop tremors in their hind legs. Sometimes, the tremors may be in the front legs, as well. These tremors usually don't affect how your dog moves or walks. It's easy to assume that symptoms like shaking legs are due to your dog just getting older. But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. So, always talk to your vet if your aging pet develops tremors. Poisoning. Several toxins or poisons can cause tremors or shaking in dogs. Some of these are harmless to people but toxic to your pet.", "If your canine displays dog shaking head syndrome, it typically means one thing: There is something bothering his ears, causing him discomfort and possibly pain. If you know what to look for, you can diagnose the problem rather quickly and even treat it yourself.", "Tremors in Dogs. Tremors are involuntary, rhythmic and repetitive muscle movements that alternate between contraction and relaxation, usually involving to-and-fro movements (twitching) of one or more body parts.f brain disease is the primary cause of the tremors, the laboratory tests are usually found to be normal. In metabolic diseases, the biochemistry profile may indicate lower than normal levels of glucose (hypoglycemia), lower than normal levels of calcium (hypocalcemia), and abnormal kidney functions.", "There are other less common reasons for shivering, shaking, trembling, or tremors in dogs. Chronic kidney failure can lead to tremors. So can neurological problems that may include inflammatory brain diseases or seizure disorders.", "Because sometimes head tremors are confused with epileptic seizures, affected dogs may be prescribed the anti-seizure medication phenobarbital; however, in the case of idiopathic head tremors, this drug doesn't help; its long-term use risks harming the dog's liver.", "Generalized Tremor Syndrome (GTS). GTS is also called steroid responsive tremor syndrome or white shaker dog syndrome. First noticed in small, white dogs such as Maltese and West Highland white terriers, it can occur in dogs of any size, breed, or color. No one knows what causes GTS. GTS symptoms usually start between 9 months and 2 years of age.", "Parkinson's Disease. This condition is found in dogs as much as it is in humans. Parkinsons is caused by a loss of a neurotransmitter, dopamine, in nerve cells. Symptoms include tremors, stiff muscles or movement, and difficulty with balancing and walking.", "Poisoning. Several toxins or poisons can cause tremors or shaking in dogs. Some of these are harmless to people but toxic to your pet. For instance, items that can be poisonous for dogs include: chocolate, cigarettes(which can cause nicotine poisoning), and xylitol, the sugar substitute found in many chewing gums.t's a common cause of tremors in dogs. Other signs of distemper include eye and nose discharge, fever, coughing, and other symptoms. Treating distemper generally involves supportive care while your dog's immune system fights the virus.", "Not only is excessive head shaking a symptom of a problem, it can actually be a cause for one as well. Sometimes a dog can shake their head so much that it will cause the blood vessels in the ear flap to rupture, resulting in a hematoma. This will look like a swelling of the ear flap.", "The symptoms of essential tremor include: affects the voluntary muscles (the muscles that you can consciously move) head nodding, if the head is affected. shaky, quivering voice, if the larynx (voice box) is affected. a small, rapid tremor. tremor that is exacerbated by activity or movement.", "Involuntary Muscle Trembling in Dogs. Tremors in Dogs. Tremors are involuntary, rhythmic and repetitive muscle movements that alternate between contraction and relaxation, usually involving to-and-fro movements (twitching) of one or more body parts. The tremors may be rapid, or they may be slow vibrations, and they can occur in any part of the body.", "Symptoms Resulting in Coma. Some of the more serious symptoms of canine encephalitis are high fever and an uncoordinated gait, or the dog tripping frequently while trying to walk. Another symptom is head tilting, brought on by inner ear problems creating dizziness or light-headedness.", "Tremors are defined as rhythmic, oscillatory, involuntary movement of all or part of the body. The nervous or musculoskeletal systems are affected. Many breeds are afflicted with generalized tremor syndrome. Dobermans, Labradors, and English Bulldogs are all overrepresented with head tremors.Tremors in general are often the result of abnormalities in the brain, particularly in the cerebellum. Identified causes can be degenerative, congenital, inflammatory, immune mediated, or toxic.remors are defined as rhythmic, oscillatory, involuntary movement of all or part of the body. The nervous or musculoskeletal systems are affected. Many breeds are afflicted with generalized tremor syndrome. Dobermans, Labradors, and English Bulldogs are all overrepresented with head tremors.", "The symptoms of essential tremor include shaky voice, head nodding, no tremors during sleep, tremors that worsen when a person is stressed and poor balance. This condition is usually confused with Parkinson's disease, which also has involuntary tremors when a person is not moving.", "Symptoms can include collapsing, jerking, stiffening, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, drooling, chomping, tongue chewing, or foaming at the mouth. Dogs can fall to the side and make paddling motions with their legs. They sometimes poop or pee during the seizure. Some dogs may look dazed, seem unsteady or confused, or stare off into space before a seizure. Afterward, your dog may be disoriented, wobbly, or temporarily blind.", "Symptoms of Aural Hematoma in Dogs. An aural hematoma is pretty easy to diagnose, because most dogs will show distinctive symptoms. *Note:Not surprisingly, most owners that bring in a dog suffering from a swollen ear will also say that their dogs were shaking and scratching their head a lot lately.", "The primary symptoms associated with essential tremor include: 1 Uncontrollable shaking that occurs for brief periods of time. 2 Shaking voice. 3 Nodding head. 4 Tremors that worsen during periods of emotional stress. 5 Tremors that get worse with purposeful movement. 6 Tremors that lessen with rest. 7 Balance problems (in rare cases).", "The primary symptoms associated with essential tremor include: 1 Uncontrollable shaking that occurs for brief periods of time. 2 Shaking voice. 3 Nodding head. Tremors that worsen during periods of emotional 1 stress. Tremors that get worse with purposeful movement. Tremors that lessen with 1 rest. Balance problems (in rare cases)", "Anyone experiencing head tremors in Dobermanns and who have not been able to find out anything about it, please rest easy. Unfortunatly this condition seems to be on the increase and breeders are less than forthcoming in making it know, apparently Bulldogs are prone to it.he may have had the head tremors before, and her owner, not wanting to handle it, thinking it was something really serious, just dumped her. The fact that they chose your gate and the two of you got together is the result of a higher power.", "A few of the more common causes of shaking, shivering, trembling, or tremors in dogs include: Distemper. Caused by a virus, canine distemper most often occurs in puppies and adolescent dogs that haven't been fully vaccinated. It's a common cause of tremors in dogs.", "We've talked about Gumby Love here before, but we haven't talked about the head tremors. Idiopathic head tremors essentially mean the dog's head shakes, we don't know why!. It is, theoretically, harmless. Some Dobermans have full on seizures, and depending on the head tremors, it could in face be a seizure behavior.Elka's head tremors have always seemed to be stress related, or at least want related.The very first time we noticed them was after she was spayed, when she was still wearing the cone of shame.e've talked about Gumby Love here before, but we haven't talked about the head tremors. Idiopathic head tremors essentially mean the dog's head shakes, we don't know why!. It is, theoretically, harmless. Some Dobermans have full on seizures, and depending on the head tremors, it could in face be a seizure behavior." ]
synonymous mutation
Abbreviation: Ks values. A synonymous mutation is a change in the DNA sequence that codes for amino acids in a protein sequence, but does not change the encoded amino acid. Due to the redundancy of the genetic code (multiple codons code for the same amino acid), these changes usually occur in the third position of a codon.
[ "This type of substitution is called a synonymous or sense mutation; it is also known as a silent mutation because there is no change in the amino acid sequence. (Find out how silent mutations can still have an effect on the gene and its resulting protein.). slide 3 of 5.", "This type of substitution is called a synonymous or sense mutation; it is also known as a silent mutation because there is no change in the amino acid sequence. (Find out how silent mutations can still have an effect on the gene and its resulting protein.) slide 3 of 5.", "If a strand of DNA undergoes a point mutation in the codon CAA that changes it to CAG, it would still code for valine. This type of substitution is called a synonymous or sense mutation; it is also known as a silent mutation because there is no change in the amino acid sequence. (Find out how silent mutations can still have an effect on the gene and its resulting protein.). slide 3 of 5.", "If a strand of DNA undergoes a point mutation in the codon CAA that changes it to CAG, it would still code for valine. This type of substitution is called a synonymous or sense mutation; it is also known as a silent mutation because there is no change in the amino acid sequence.", "Synonymous mutation gene design to overexpress ACCase in creeping bentgrass to obtain resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides Douglas L. Heckart . Brian M. Schwartz . Paul L. Raymer . Wayne A. Parrott Received: 27 March 2015/Accepted: 20 February 2016 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 Abstract Overexpression of a native gene can cause", "For example, if a mutation process generates multiple mutations in a gene, then functionally neutral synonymous mutations could be enriched in oncogenes because of “hitchhiking” with missense mutations that are positively selected.", "The relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) value (SNc/Na) was associated with a change in local translation elongation rates (Sharp and Li, 1986), as previously described to assess the synonymous mutation (Sauna and Kimchi-Sarfaty, 2011).", "Examples of spontaneous mutations include point mutations and frameshift mutations. Point mutations are the result of incorrect base pairings during cell division. If the amino acid code (triplet) is not altered by the change in bases, the point mutation is said to be synonymous. The resulting protein is not altered.", "To examine the results that would be generated by other programs that calculate synonymous–non-synonymous mutation rates, users have the option of ignoring partial differences. There are two online implementations of Syn-SCAN.", "1 Missense mutations: Code for a different amino acid. A missense mutation changes a codon so that a different protein is created, a non-synonymous change. Conservative mutations: Result in an amino acid change. However, the properties of the amino acid remain the same (e.g., hydrophobic, hydrophilic, etc.).", "(A) shows full set of mutations (same as in Figure 2 H in the main manuscript, median enrichment over tissues = 1.98x), while (B) shows the enrichments after removing the synonymous mutations if there was another nonsynonymous mutation in the same gene in the same tumor sample (median = 1.84x).", "1 A silent mutation has no effect on the functioning of the protein. 2 A single nucleotide can change, but the new codon specifies the same amino acid, resulting in an unmutated protein. 3 This type of change is called synonymous change, since the old and new codon code for the same amino acid. Silent mutations: Code for the same amino acid. 2 A silent mutation has no effect on the functioning of the protein. 3 A single nucleotide can change, but the new codon specifies the same amino acid, resulting in an unmutated protein.", "The smallest mutations are point mutations, in which only a single base pair is changed into another base pair. Yet another type of mutation is the nonsynonymous mutation, in which an amino acid sequence is changed. Such mutations lead to either the production of a different protein or the premature termination of a protein. As opposed to nonsynonymous mutations, synonymous mutations do not change an amino acid sequence, although they occur, by definition, only in sequences that code for amino acids.", "The deer mutation is a tyrosine to cysteine substitution of residue 150 of Mc1r, located in the second intracellular loop that is commonly mutated in red-haired humans. Expression/Localization Mc1r expression is confined to the skin, where it is found largely in melanocytes (29;30), and also in keratinocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and some immune cell types .", "Genetic Mutation. Mutation is simply defined as, random changes in genetic material. In molecular biology and genetics, mutations are accidental changes in a genomic sequence of DNA: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence in some viruses. · A heterozygous mutation is a mutation of only one allele. · 2 A homozygous mutation is an identical mutation of both the paternal and maternal alleles. · 3 Compound heterozygous mutations or a genetic compound comprises two different mutations in the paternal and maternal alleles.", "Neutral mutation. In genetics, a neutral mutation is a mutation that has no effect on fitness. In other words, it is neutral with respect to natural selection. For example, some mutations in a DNA triplet or codon do not change which amino acid is introduced: this is known as a synonymous substitution.", "For other uses, see Mutation (disambiguation). In biology, a mutation is the permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elements.", "MUTATION, French law. This term is synonymous with change, and is particularly applied to designate the change which takes place in the property of a thing in its transmission from one person to another; permutation therefore happens when, the owner of the thing sells, exchanges or gives it.", "In biology, a mutation is the permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elements.", "In biology, a mutation is a permanent change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elements.", "Mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of genetic materials whether by substitution, duplication, insertion, deletion, or inversion.", "Those individuals who are homozygotes tend to have blond hair, while those who are not tend not to have blonde hair. TYRP1 is a pigmentation related locus, so it isn’t surprising that the mutation was around that region of the genome. The key though is to note that the specific mutation is not found in Europeans.", "In biology, a mutation is a permanent change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elements. Missense mutations or nonsynonymous mutations are types of point mutations where a single nucleotide is changed to cause substitution of a different amino acid. 2 This in turn can render the resulting protein nonfunctional.", "Mutation. Definition. noun, plural: mutations. (general). A change in or the process of changing, e.g. nature, form or quality. (genetics). (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome.(2) A mutant, or an individual exhibiting such a change.genetics). (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome. (2) A mutant, or an individual exhibiting such a change.", "Mutation. Definition. noun, plural: mutations. (general). A change in or the process of changing, e.g. nature, form or quality. (genetics). (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome. (2) A mutant, or an individual exhibiting such a change.", "1 Point mutations (= 'nucleotide substitutions') 2 at non-coding DNA site (=> nothing happens, unless it's a regulatory sequence) 3 at synonymous site (=> does not change amino acid; minor effect, if at all) at non-synonymous sites (=> changes amino acid; can have a major effect)", "Mutation. Any alteration capable of being replicated in the genetic material of an organism. When the alteration is in the nucleotide sequence of a single gene, it is referred to as gene mutation; when it involves the structures or number of the chromosomes, it is referred to as chromosome mutation, or rearrangement.", "Mutation. Definition. noun, plural: mutations. (general). A change in or the process of changing, e.g. nature, form or quality. (genetics). (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome.", "Definition of Missense Mutation. A mutation is a permanent change in a DNA sequence. DNA is the unit of heredity of all organisms, so this means that mutations can often be passed on to offspring. You probably associate the word mutation with something that is bad, but mutations don't have to be bad.", "synonymous. adj. 1. (often foll by with) being a synonym (of). 2. (foll by: with) closely associated (with) or suggestive (of): his name was synonymous with greed.ynonymous. adj. 1. (often foll by with) being a synonym (of). 2. (foll by: with) closely associated (with) or suggestive (of): his name was synonymous with greed.", "Mutation, an alteration in the genetic material (the genome) of a cell of a living organism or of a virus that is more or less permanent and that can be transmitted to the cell’s or the virus’s descendants.", "Mutation. Definition. noun, plural: mutations. (general). A change in or the process of changing, e.g. nature, form or quality. (genetics). (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome.utation. Definition. noun, plural: mutations. (general). A change in or the process of changing, e.g. nature, form or quality. (genetics). (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome.", "In biology, a mutation is a permanent change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elements.utations result from damage to DNA which is not repaired, errors in the process of replication, or from the insertion or deletion of segments of DNA by mobile genetic elements. Mutations may or may not produce discernible changes in the observable characteristics (phenotype) of an organism.", "Mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene or a chromosome. Based on the effect of mutation on the gene structure, mutations may be: (1) small-scale mutations or (2) large scale mutations. Small-scale mutations are a type of mutation where one or few nucleotides of a gene are affected. They are further classified as follows: (1) substitution mutations, (2) insertion mutations, and (3) deletion mutations. Insertion mutations are a type of mutation wherein one or more nucleotide base pairs are inserted to a chromosome or a DNA sequence.", "Summary. A missense mutation is a permanent change in a DNA sequence in which one nucleotide is changed so that the corresponding RNA codon specifies a different amino acid during translation. This is what happens in individuals who have sickle-cell disease.To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.issense Mutation Example. Remember a missense mutation is a mutation in which one DNA nucleotide is switched out with another one in a way that changes the amino acid specified. When a missense mutation occurs in a DNA molecule, it changes one of the RNA codon sequences made during transcription.", "mutation. n. 1. (Genetics) the act or process of mutating; change; alteration. 2. a change or alteration. 3. (Genetics) a change in the chromosomes or genes of a cell. When this change occurs in the gametes the structure and development of the resultant offspring may be affected. See also inversion 11. 4. (Genetics) another word for mutant 1.", "mutation. n. 1. (Genetics) the act or process of mutating; change; alteration. 2. a change or alteration. 3. (Genetics) a change in the chromosomes or genes of a cell. When this change occurs in the gametes the structure and development of the resultant offspring may be affected. See also inversion 11. 4. (Genetics) another word for mutant 1. 5.", "X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), or Bruton agammaglobulinemia, is an inherited immunodeficiency disease caused by mutations in the gene coding for Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK). The disease was first elucidated by Bruton in 1952, for whom the gene is named. BTK is critical to the maturation of pre–B cells to differentiating mature B cells.", "Missense Mutation: A missense mutation is a nucleotide substitution that changes a codon so that it codes for a different amino acid in the protein. This usually results in a change of the activity of the protein. The change may be harmful or beneficial to the protein. 3. Nonsense Mutation: A nonsense mutation is the same as a missense mutation except the resulting codon codes for a STOP signal. The result is a premature termination of translation. The protein is shorter than usual (or nonexistent) and does not contain all the amino acids that it should.", "In biology, a mutation is a permanent change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elements.utation can result in several different types of change in sequences. Mutations in genes can either have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely.", "mutation(n.) (Biol.) (a) As now employed (first by de Vries), a cellular process resulting in a sudden inheritable variation (the offspring differing from its parents in some well-marked character or characters) as distinguished from a gradual variation in which the new characters become fully developed only in the course of many generations.", "Typically, one allele of a variation will be the same as the contig (contig reference), and the other allele will be either a synonymous change or a nonsynonymous change. In some cases, one allele will be a synonymous change, and the other allele will be a nonsynonymous change." ]
how many protons neutrns and electrons are in iron
Best Answer: Protons = 26 Neutrons = 30 Electrons = 26 Protons is the atomic number. In order to balance the charge of the atom, there needs to be the same number of positive subatomic particles (protons) as there is negative (electrons).
[ "Naturally occurring iron contains 5.82% of 54^(Fe)26 {the 54 is SUPERSCRIPTED and the 26 is SUBSCRIPTED) , 91.66% of 56^(Fe)26 , 2.19% of 57^(Fe)26 and o.33% of 58^(Fe)26. The respective atomic masses are 53.940 amu, 55.935 amu, 56.935 amu, and 57.933 amu.", "A standard atom of copper has 29 protons, 35 neutrons, and 29 electrons.", "Indium, (In) atom number 49, has: 49 protons (same as atom number) 49 electrons (same as protons in the UNcharged neutral atom) 113-49=64 neutrons in In-113 isotope or 11…5-49=66 neutrons in In-115 isotope, both are natural occurring isotopes of In (5% and 95% respectively).", "Indium, (In) atom number 49, has: 49 protons (same as atom number) 49 electrons (same as protons in the UNcharged neutral atom) 113-49=64 neutrons in In-113 isotope or 11 … 5-49=66 neutrons in In-115 isotope, both are natural occurring isotopes of In (5% and 95% respectively).", "The mass number (total number of protons and neutrons) of copper is 64 and the atomic number (number of protons) of copper is 29. The number of electrons is the same as the number of protons. So if the number of protons is 29, then so is the number of electrons. Then to find the number of neutrons, subtract the atomic number from the mass number. 64 - 29 = 35. Therefore there are 29 electrons and protons and 35 neutrons in the element copper.", "Copper has 29 electrons and 29 protons. “In nature it has two isotopes, 63 (69.09%), which has 29 electrons and protons and 34 neutrons, and 65 (30.91%), which has 29 electrons and protons and 36 neutrons. Brass and bronze are alloys of copper.”. Here is the description from Environmental Chemistry :", "Copper has 29 protons and 29 electrons, corresponding to its atomic number of 29 on the periodic table. Copper also has 35 neutrons. It has an atomic mass of 63.546 atomic mass units and is grouped in the transition metals.", "If Zinc has an atomic number of 30 and a mass number of 65 the correct number of protons neutrons and electrons respectively is? The answer to this question is 30 protons, 30 electrons, and 35 neutrons.", "Copper has 35 neutrons. Because its atomic number is 29, copper also has 29 protons and 29 electrons. Copper is a metal and is a member of group 11 on the periodic table.", "Four protons each contribute a charge of +1 for a total of +4. Five neutrons each contribute a charge of 0 for a total of 0. Three electrons each contribute a charge of -1 for a total of -3. The total electronic charge is +1.", "The atomic number of lead is 82, which means this ion contains 82 protons. Since it has a charge of +2 , this ion must contain 80 electrons. Because neutrons and protons both have a mass of about 1 amu, the difference between the mass number (210) and the atomic number (82) is equal to the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. The ion therefore contains 128 neutrons.", "Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge. In order to form a neutral (no charge) atom there must be the same number of protons as electrons. Therefore there are 17 protons since there are 17 electrons. Both cancel each other out since 17+ -17= 0.", "When it comes to zinc, the amount of neutrons is considerably higher than the number of protons and electrons. In zinc there are 30 protons include, 35 neutrons and 30 ele…ctrons. Unless you are dealing with Ion, the number of protons is always equal to the number of electrons.", "How many protons electrons and neutrons does cadmium have? Cadmium has an atomic number of 48, therefore it has 48 protons in the nucleus and 48 electrons in the neutral atom. There are a number of isotopes (list from wikipedia arti … cle Cadmium) 106Cd 58 neutrons 108Cd 60 neutrons 111Cd 63 neutrons 112Cd 64 neutrons 113Cd 65 neutrons 114Cd 66 neutrons 116Cd 68 neutrons / /", "there are 7 neutrons and 7 protons as you take the atomic number from the mass number to find the number of neutrons 14-7 =7 and the remaining are protons so 7 protons and if … the atom is neutral which means there is no charge there will be equal electrons and protons which is 7.f it is an isotope of nitrog … en other than the most common (N-14), the number of neutrons will be different. Protons = Atomic Number Neutrons = Atomic Mass-Protons Electrons = Protons Atomic number is the amount of protons in element.", "Iron (atomic number 26, symbol Fe) is a chemical element and a metal belonging to the first transition series. Iron is one of the most common elements in the Earth's crust, and it is abundant in rocky planets, resulting from fusion in high-mass stars.", "The mass number (total number of protons and neutrons) of copper is 64 and the atomic number (number of protons) of copper is 29. The number of electrons is the same as … the number of protons. So if the number of protons is 29, then so is the number of electrons. Then to find the number of neutrons, subtract the atomic number from the mass number. 64 - 29 = 35. Therefore there are 29 electrons and protons and 35 neutrons in the element copper.", "The number of protons in the observable universe is called the Eddington number. In terms of number of particles, some estimates imply that nearly all the matter, excluding dark matter, occurs in neutrinos, and that roughly 1086 elementary particles of matter exist in the visible universe, mostly neutrinos.", "eight protons; nine neutrons #-># they do not influence the net charge of the atom; ten electrons; Now, electrons and protons carry opposite charges. A proton is said to carry a #1+# charge, while an electron is said to carry a #1-#. In your case, you have #8# protons and #10# electrons. This means that the atom will carry a total #2 xx (1-) = 2-#" ]
violate meaning
violate - act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises; offend all laws of humanity; violate the basic laws or human civilization; break a law; break a promise breach, infract, transgress, go against, offend, break
[ "; see bhreg-in Indo-European roots .]. Synonyms: breach, infraction, violation, transgression, trespass, infringement. These nouns denote an act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or of failing to fulfill a duty, obligation, or promise.", "2. violation-an act that disregards an agreement or a right; he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment. infringement. actus reus, wrongful conduct, misconduct, wrongdoing-activity that transgresses moral or civil law; he denied any wrongdoing.copyright infringement, infringement of copyright-a violation of the rights secured by a copyright. foul-an act that violates the rules of a sport.ctus reus, wrongful conduct, misconduct, wrongdoing-activity that transgresses moral or civil law; he denied any wrongdoing. copyright infringement, infringement of copyright-a violation of the rights secured by a copyright. foul-an act that violates the rules of a sport.", "1. Violation of another's rights or of what is right; lack of justice. 2. A specific unjust act; a wrong. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin iniūstitia, from iniūstus, unjust : in-, not; see in-1 + iūstus, just; see just1.]", "[Middle English breche, from Old English brēc; see bhreg- in Indo-European roots.] Synonyms: breach, infraction, violation, transgression, trespass, infringement. These nouns denote an act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or of failing to fulfill a duty, obligation, or promise.", "breach, infract, transgress, violate, go against, offend, break - act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises; offend all laws of humanity; violate the basic laws or human civilization; break a law; break a promise.", "Students who violate [=break] the rules will be punished. He was arrested for violating his parole. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. b : to take away, interfere with, or ignore (something, such as a person's rights or privacy) in an unfair or illegal way. He claims that his rights were violated. [=that he was treated unfairly] The company violated its customers' privacy.", "1. to break or infringe (a law, promise, instructions, etc.). 2. to disturb rudely: to violate someone's privacy. 3. to assault sexually, esp. to rape. 4. to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; desecrate: to violate a church. [1400–50; < Latin violātus, past participle of violāre to treat with violence]", "Nouns denoting acts or actions. Synonyms: ravishment; rape; assault; violation. Hypernyms (violation is a kind of...): sex crime; sex offense; sexual abuse; sexual assault (a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat).yponyms (each of the following is a kind of violation): sedition (an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government). bearing false witness; lying under oath; perjury (criminal offense of making false statements under oath).", "Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. vb tr. 1 to break, disregard, or infringe (a law, agreement, etc.) 2 to rape or otherwise sexually assault. 3 to disturb rudely or improperly; break in upon. 4 to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; outrage. he violated a sanctuary. 5 Obsolete to mistreat physically. adj. 6 Archaic violated or dishonoured.", "2. Breach, infraction, violation, transgression all denote in some way the breaking of a rule or law or the upsetting of a normal and desired state. Breach is used infrequently in reference to laws or rules, more often in connection with desirable conditions or states of affairs: a breach of the peace, of good manners, of courtesy. Infraction most often refers to clearly formulated rules or laws: an infraction of the criminal code, of university regulations, of a labor contract.", "[with object] 1 1Break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement) ‘they violated the terms of a ceasefire’. ‘Anyone who violates the rule is liable to lawsuits or may even jeopardize his or her position.’. 2 2Treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect. ‘he was accused of violating a tomb’.", "Violation or infringement; breach of a statute, contract, or obligation. The term infraction is frequently used in reference to the violation of a particular statute for which the penalty is minor, such as a parking infraction.", "Use infringement in a sentence. noun. A violation, as of a law, regulation, or agreement. An encroachment, as of a right or privilege: copyright infringement. See Synonyms at breach.", "1 To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate: infringe a contract; infringe a patent. Obsolete To defeat; invalidate.", "1. to break, disregard, or infringe (a law, agreement, etc) 2. to rape or otherwise sexually assault. 3. to disturb rudely or improperly; break in upon. 4. to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; outrage: he violated a sanctuary.", "of·fense. n. 1. a. The act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure, or affront. b. The state of being offended. 2. a. A violation or infraction of a moral or social code; a transgression or sin.", "A breach, violation, or infringement; as of a law, a contract, a right or duty. In French law, this term is used as a general designation of all punishable actions.", "verb break, violate, contravene, disobey, transgress The film exploited his image and infringed his copyright. infringe on or upon something intrude on, compromise, undermine, limit, weaken, diminish, disrupt, curb, encroach on, trespass on It's starting to infringe on our personal liberties.", "Violating a court order—whether civil or criminal—is a criminal (arrestable) offense. “What happens from there really depends on the language of the law in that state,” Sarver says. “In general, any intentional or knowing violation would be charged as a class A misdemeanor.”. But not all violations are treated equally.", "a violation or breaking of a social or moral rule; transgression; sin. 2. a transgression of the law; misdemeanor. 3. a cause of transgression or wrong. 4. something that offends or displeases.", "violate - definition and synonyms. Close. 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. Close. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning." ]
how to fix tv antenna
Instructions. Check the connection from your antenna to your converter box and make sure the cables are correctly set. Check the connection from your TV to the converter box. Make sure the TV is set to channel 3 or 4 to detect the signals.Replace your RF cable from your antenna to your TV if it looks corroded or worn-out.Corroded and worn-out cables prevent the transmission of signals. Adjust the antenna position if the signals are still weak. The higher the antenna, the more strongly it will detect the signals.ake sure the TV is set to channel 3 or 4 to detect the signals. Replace your RF cable from your antenna to your TV if it looks corroded or worn-out. Corroded and worn-out cables prevent the transmission of signals. Adjust the antenna position if the signals are still weak.
[ "I realized it doesn't work and I don't want to waste my money on more of these faulty antennas. Sometimes the best way to fix something is to Do It Yourself !!! I decided to get rid of cable television many months ago. My local cable company convinced me to pay $10 a month for local channels-it seemed alright.", "Sometimes, the problem is damaged antenna equipment, or it can be related to the location and type of antenna for the area. If a homeowner moves to another area, the original antenna may not be adequate to pick up new TV signals.Troubleshooting an outdoor antenna without professional help can be exceedingly difficult.epairing a TV antenna can be a simple matter of replacing or repairing broken equipment such as cables or elements. However, sometimes an antenna is too old to work properly or is even located in the wrong place.", "How to Fix the Wi-Fi Antenna on an iPhone 4. By Published by. eBay. How to Fix the Wi-Fi Antenna on an iPhone 4. May 14, 2015. Views. Comments Comment. 6 Vote 6 Votes. Please sign in to vote on this Guide. - Get Under the Hood. Begin by powering off the device by holding the power button at the top and swiping the slider to the right when the prompt appears. Once fully powered off, unscrew the 5-point screws flanking the charging and data port at the bottom of the phone using the pentalobe screwdriver.", "Share. Show All Items. TV Antennas have been around for many years-and people have tried all sorts of unsightly things to fix them or make them work better-anything from attaching a metal clothes hangar to aluminum foil!", "All you need to do once your antenna is set in the right direction is connect the cable from the antenna to your cable-TV line on your TV directly. You can connect the line to a cable splitter as well for more than one TV.", "1 Note that outdoor antennas normally get better reception than indoor antennas. 2 Watch the signal strength meter on the digital-to-analog converter box or television as you move or aim the antenna. 3 Try to get the highest reading possible.he best solution to either problem is to find a way to boost the incoming signal. Here are some tips for boosting a digital TV signal: 1 Move the antenna to new location or height, if you're using an indoor antenna.", "Luckily, the way to fix the iPhone 4 antenna problem is pretty simple: prevent your finger or hand from bridging the antenna and you'll prevent signal strength from dropping.Steve Jobs' initial response was to tell users not to hold the phone that way, but that’s obviously not a reasonable (or always possible) option.he problem the iPhone 4 experiences with its antenna has to do with what’s called bridging the antenna. This occurs when a hand or finger covers the antenna area on the side of the iPhone.", "1 This may reduce or eliminate multipath problems. 2 Note that outdoor antennas normally get better reception than indoor antennas. 3 Watch the signal strength meter on the digital-to-analog converter box or television as you move or aim the antenna.he best solution to either problem is to find a way to boost the incoming signal. Here are some tips for boosting a digital TV signal: 1 Move the antenna to new location or height, if you're using an indoor antenna.", "You will also need a length of coax cable between the antenna and the TV that is long enough to allow you to move the antenna around so you can find the location(s) that offer the best reception. 1. Mount the antenna on a section of mast.", "You will also need a length of coax cable between the antenna and the TV that is long enough to allow you to move the antenna around so you can find the location(s) that offer the best reception. For New Installations: 1.Mount the antenna on a section of mast.2.robing involves mounting a TV antenna on a section of mast, connecting it to a TV, and moving the antenna around the outside of your house until you find the location where the TV reception comes in the best. Probing is especially important when the reception of UHF TV channels 14-69 is desired.", "Weedmark photo. Connect the antenna to your TV's antenna input using the coax cable it came with. Read the antenna's instructions for the best placement, but in most cases it can lie flat on a shelf, table, or on top of your TV cabinet. Weedmark photo. In your TV's settings, look for the autoprogram option.", "The first step is to connect the box to the cable; it brings the television signal into your house. You should have a cable with an RF connector on the end that looks similar to the cable you used. with the antenna. Attach that to the box at the jack labeled input.", "How to connect: Plug one end of the cable into the Out to TV port on the back of your receiver. Plug the other end of the cable into the In From Antenna port on the back of your TV. Use your TV remote (not your DIRECTV remote) to tune in to Channel 3 or 4.", "sep. 2009. http://tvrepairinfo.com. This is a how to video on replacing broken TV antenna connectors. =======================================. If your a professional looking for more understanding on how repair LCD TVs or an electronics hobbyist here are some great resources.Troubleshooting & Repairing LCD TVs by John Preher at.ep. 2009. http://tvrepairinfo.com. This is a how to video on replacing broken TV antenna connectors. =======================================. If your a professional looking for more understanding on how repair LCD TVs or an electronics hobbyist here are some great resources.", "Your HDTV should have a digital TV Tuner (ATSC) which may need an indoor antenna. Change your TV's input selector to TV or Antenna or Digital (probably one of those three) and scan for channels. If you don't get any channels, then you do need an antenna. Probably another $10.", "If you are far way from the TV station transmitting towers and they are more than 120 degrees apart (example 2 TV stations south and 1 TV station to the northwest), you will need either need an antenna rotor to help you point a TV antenna mast or 2 TV antennas to get good TV antenna reception.ou will need about 3 feet of coax cable, a metric ruler, a cable splitter, a screw on coax cable end, and 15 minutes of your time. If you are getting interference from a TV station, go back to the tv channel frequency website and determine its frequency.", "Graeme Redman from Pure Australasia adjusts an antenna. It's like a scratch on a long-playing vinyl record or in a DVD that causes the vision to freeze. It is interference on digital TV and it is annoying. While many viewers might blame bad weather, there are other reasons for pixelation. And in many cases, they can be fixed.", "The TV antenna reception on these antennas is a relatively flat response, so you will have to pitch the antenna a little bit to get the best TV antenna reception. Finally, there is no difference in an HDTV antenna or a non HDTV antenna.ou will need about 3 feet of coax cable, a metric ruler, a cable splitter, a screw on coax cable end, and 15 minutes of your time. If you are getting interference from a TV station, go back to the tv channel frequency website and determine its frequency.", "Antenna problems are particularly common in cars with retractable antennas. You must extend manual antennas by hand, and they often get stuck in the retracted position. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers to gently pull out a stuck manual antenna. Automatically retractable antennas can also malfunction.", "Answer Yes, you can use the old antenna. However, some new antennas are specially designed to better capture digital TV signals. And the direction, angle, distance, and type of digital signals in your area could influence your choice of antenna. HDTV is a picture format, not a signal format.", "Installation is equally simple: 1 Mount antenna with minimal obstruction to the outside (window or near one is best. 2 Plug the RV TV antenna cable into the back of the TV or Video Switcher. 3 Turn on your TV and use the settings menu to scan for channels (use your TV’s manual for directions).any RV'ers use satellite TV but the cost conscious tend to use a RV TV antenna mounted inside or outside their RV to get free TV wherever they are.", "You need to straighten heavy solid copper wire before you can precisely bend it into shapes for building your own Gray-Hoverman TV antenna. Rather than straighten the wire in bulk, I deal with only each short length as needed, and it takes just a few minutes of hand work.", "When first setting up a radio or moving a radio to a new, permanent location, its antenna needs to be tuned. Learning how to tune an antenna entails lengthening or shortening the antenna so that, for the radio's specific frequency, it is working as efficiently as possible.In order to tune an antenna, a radio needs to be hooked up to an SWR (standing wave ratio) meter using coaxial cables.This guide will teach you how to test an antenna's efficiency using an SWR meter, and how to tune your antenna accordingly.o to an open area free from buildings, trees, radio towers, or other structures. Ad. 2. Put your radio and antenna in the positions in which you will use them. 1 For a CB radio, put the radio in the car and the antenna on the body of the vehicle.", " Go in the trunk, pull the carpet back and it's very straight forward. 2 screws for the bracket and unplug the antenna. The antenna unscrews from the rubber piece on the … quarter panel, and then you just pop out the rubber piece in the quarter. Should take you 5 minutes with a metric socket set, 8mm I think. Go in the trunk, pull the carpet back and it's very straight forward. 2 screws for the bracket and unplug the antenna. The antenna unscrews from the rubber piece on the … quarter panel, and then you just pop out the rubber piece in the quarter. Should take you 5 minutes with a metric socket set, 8mm I think.", "1 Take the remote button side down, and slap the button side of the remote against the palm of your hand. 2 This doesn't take a lot of force. 3 Check for physical damage. 4 Check the Sensor Bar cord for frayed wires or kinks. 5 If there is any physical damage to the sensor bar, a replacement will be needed. Replace the batteries, re-sync the remote, and see if the problem is resolved. 2 Check for interference from other light sources. 3 Such as: 4 Sunlight, behind or near the TV, shining towards the remote or reflecting off the TV screen. 5 Reflective surfaces near the TV that may reflect other light sources.", "For those of you who are not familiar with digital television, these are free old fashioned TV Channels that are able to be picked up with a digital tuner and antenna. Most new televisions are equipped with built-in digital tuners or you can purchase a tuner from your local electronics store. As well, you can purchase the proper antenna at your local electronics store. Many viewers under the broadcast signal of the television station can use a small, digital antenna inside the home. For those on the outer edge of the signal or to receive the best signal, an outdoor antenna may be required.", "You will also need a length of coax cable between the antenna and the TV that is long enough to allow you to move the antenna around so you can find the location(s) that offer the best reception. 1.robing involves mounting a TV antenna on a section of mast, connecting it to a TV, and moving the antenna around the outside of your house until you find the location where the TV reception comes in the best. Probing is especially important when the reception of UHF TV channels 14-69 is desired.", "In order to watch local television stations, an antenna has to be installed. A TV antenna, also known as an aerial, works by picking up the VHF and UHF airwaves in order for viewers to catch the news, weather and local shows on their television screens.", "Instructions. Buy a digital or satellite television signal strength meter. One of the problems with RV television reception is that the dish or antenna may not be correctly aligned with the TV transmitter. A signal strength meter will help you to lock on to the strongest signal, wherever you park your RV.heck the coaxial cable linking the RV television set to the antenna or satellite dish. If you find any rips or fraying along the cable, replace it. Use high quality RG-6 coaxial cable for minimum signal loss. Replace the RV antenna with a preamplified television antenna system.", "If after moving into a new apartment you find that the external TV antenna is not working, you may need an antenna booster power pack. An antenna booster power pack looks like a mobile phone or laptop power pack. TV antenna installer may try to persuade you to buy a new antenna mounting, which often costs more than $500 when all you need is a new antenna booster power pack which you can buy from us for $30. That’s far less than some antenna installers will try and get you to pay for the antenna mounting.", "Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the outdoor antenna. Attach the other end to the amplifier. Attach a second piece of coaxial cable to the indoor antenna. Attach the other end to the amplifier. Check your cell phone's signal strength and make a call.", "Compare the cost to install a TV antenna by doing it yourself with the labor and material cost of hiring a service and learn how to plan the job and what steps are involved.1 National Average Cost.n antenna service charges $318 to remove an old antenna and replace it with a mid-range unit, mast, chimney mount and coaxial cable lead-in for a single set.", "In fact, if all you want is local stations and you're close to the broadcasters, you may find a simple dipole TV antenna will work. A dipole antenna is made of two telescopic rods joined at an apex with a pivot; there should be a cable running from the pivot to a connector.", "Grounding the Mast. The NEC requires that the antenna mast and mount be grounded directly. No splices or connections are allowed in the ground wire between the mast and the ground rod. First, attach one end of a No. 8 or No. 10 copper or aluminum ground wire to the TV antenna mast. One of the bolts on the mount can be used as a fastening point." ]
how long does it take to wipe a blackberry?
1 Tap Delete Data. The security wipe process can take up to 15 minutes to complete, do not attempt to restart the BlackBerry 10 smartphone or pull the battery until the BlackBerry 10 has completed the Security Wipe.
[ "A security wipe can take up to 15 minutes or longer, and it’s important that the security wipe operation is left to complete on its own. In other words, after starting a security wipe, do not remove the battery or attempt to restart the smartphone, otherwise you may run into unexpected issues.", "Period. Blackberry removal is slower than weeds but, oh, so thorough. It can take six months for a large blackberry plant to completely exhaust its nutritional reserves. At that point, roots won't resprout and the cut stems can't grow new roots in your brush pile.o treat an infested bed, dig up the plants you want to keep, clean their roots well, and pot them up or move them into a nursery bed. Next, spray the bed soil with the Blackberry & Brush Blocker and let it sit for a few weeks.", "hi have security wipe my bb Z10 mobile it stuck at 98% for about 2 days and atlast My mobile switched on indicating a 'not allowed' symbol so help me ... Its been 3 days and security wipe is still going on Its 98% now since last 24hours I dont know how much more time will it take please help and if u ... Hy i'm a blackberry passport user i have security wipe my blackberry passport since 1 day ago the loading process is stuck on 96'/ So what should i ...", "In May pick up some blackberry twigs, let them dry and keep it in a dark dry place. In a case of upset stomach, take 1 blackberry twig with 4-5 leaves on it, add 1 cup of boiling water, boil it for 5 minutes on low heat and let it cool.", "BlackBerry offers a secure data wiping function remotely as well as via the homescreen (see last paragraph). The Z10 deletes all the data on the device, including data, files and apps (you can recover your apps from BlackBerry World later) by writing zeros in one pass – this conforms to the DoD and NIST standards, so is very secure.", "Unpack and Soak: Unpack blackberry and soak in water for 3 to 6 hours just before planting. Cut Broken Roots. Cover Roots: Cover roots from sunlight when planting. Blackberries have a high mortality rate when roots are exposed to sunlight while planting.", "5) As soon as you confirm that you want to perform a BlackBerry wipe and delete all your handheld data, another dialogue box appears as a final safeguard asking you to type the word BlackBerry to start the process.", "How to Wipe Your BlackBerry Clean and Delete All Device Data. Before starting the BlackBerry-wipe process, be sure to back up any information on the device that you don't want to lose. Once the device data deletion process is commenced, it cannot be stopped.", "Once you are pleased with the flavour and sweetness of your blackberry vodka, I tend to leave mine for 10 or so weeks which ties in perfectly with the festive season, strain through muslin or jelly bag and decant the filtered brew back into a clean bottle.", "To keep cool, it is recommended that you store in refrigerator or cool place. 1 Unpack and Soak: Unpack blackberry and soak in water for 3 to 6 hours just before planting. 2 Cut Broken Roots. 3 Cover Roots: Cover roots from sunlight when planting. Dig Hole(s): The width of the hole should allow you to spread 1 roots. Spread Roots in Hole.", "I'll now be without my phone today and that's a real problem. How much longer will it take? Is there a way interrupt the security wipe and start reloading the OS now?I have breaking your record of 10 hours security or factory reset wiping . I have security wipe at 1430hours to next day at 0930 hours.", "For the Blackberry Simple Syrup: 1 Put the blackberries and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat. 2 Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until blackberries have softened and you have a thick syrup. Strain syrup through a mesh sieve to separate any seeds or lumps from the syrup.", "Blackberry Care & Harvesting. Each year blackberry plants produce new canes from the crown just below the soil surface, and from roots that extend some distance out. Each cane lives for 2 years. The first year a cane produces only leaves, the second year it bears fruit.", "If you want to delete contacts directly off your BlackBerry smartphone, you must clear each contact individually. With a lengthy address book, clearing the entire address book could take a while.tep 2. Connect your BlackBerry to your computer using its USB cable. Related Reading: How to Erase All Contacts From the BlackBerry Storm. Step 3. Run BlackBerry Desktop Manager. Step 4. Click the Device drop-down button at the top left. Step 5. Click Delete Data.. A dialog box opens.", "Its battery life last 20 minutes before needing a recharge, and a recharge takes approximately 20 hours. A 20 minute battery life may not sound like much, but each cleansing cycle lasts 1 minute, so it should last you 20 days if you’re using it once daily. It claims to cleanse 6 times better than using your hands alone, which in turn will result in softer, smoother skin that more easily absorbs creams, serums, toners etc.", "BlackBerry is shutting down its phone business after 14 years of making handsets. The company’s devices were once the phone of choice for professionals, providing access to emails on the move, but BlackBerry has struggled to keep up with competition from rivals Apple and Samsung as mobile users increasingly opt for touchscreens.", "If your blackberry plants have been affected by cane rust in the past, spray fungicides to reduce vulnerability. Most fungicides are utilized on a 7- to 14-day spraying schedule. Spray lime sulfur on blackberry plants during the winter months to stop cane rust from overwintering and affecting new growth in the spring.", "To prep blackberries for making a puree: Heat the blackberries, fresh or thawed, in a saucepan over medium heat. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice for every 1 cup of berries, fresh or thawed. Heat to warm the berries through, stirring as needed. Blackberry puree can be made with or without seeds. One cup of fresh blackberries produces 1/2 cup of puree, while 1 cup of thawed berries produce 3/4 cup of puree. Store the puree, seeded or seedless, in an airtight container or jar in the fridge for three to five days.", "I'm getting a replacement Blackberry Bold 9780 from my insurance company because my phone was stolen, and the directions say to charge it for 12 hours. I looked it up and people are saying that it activates the battery or something and to charge it the first two or three charges rather than just the first.So...eport Abuse. Ok, so we all know its very annoying when youget a new phone and you have to charge it. :) I charged my new phone until it said fully charged. It does not take 12 hours to charge a phone. Maybe the first time you get it you have to charge it a little longer, maybe 4-6 hours.", "Even if you don't have a BlackBerry device, you can use this app on an Android device absolutely free for 30 days. After that, you can continue using the app for free, with some ads. To remove ads and unlock access to more apps, subscribe to BlackBerry Hub+ from the app. Keep organized with BlackBerry Hub.", "The phone is a bit sluggish but I've read that it can take 2-3 days for the system to optimize everything. My biggest concern is that I had hundreds of photos in my camera gallery and many more in my Facebook folder before the update. I now have 50 left in the camera gallery and 1 in Facebook.emember to uncheck any boxes in backup and restore. Wipe the phone and THEN check for and take the update. Only thing you need to do is make sure Data is off and WiFi is on.", "I made this today, and have to say that the first part of the instructions - to use sugar on the blackberries (to make the syrup) was a colossal failure. After 4 hours - yes, 4!- the sugar was still stuck to the berries. At that point I combined blackberry jam with water and slowly simmered it until it was all liquid. I rinsed the berries and then poured the liquid over it.", "Wipe down your cell phone with a damp cloth. This should get off the residue from the spilled drink. Let your cell phone and the battery dry completely. This might take several days. Put the battery back in your cell phone once they're both completely dry. Plug your phone into the charger and turn it on.", "Hard Reset BLACKBERRY Classic. 1 Turn on the phone. 2 From the device’s home screen go to Settings. 3 Then select Security and Privacy. 4 In the next step tap Security Wipe. 5 Enter the word “blackberry” in the box provided. 6 Next select Delete Data. 7 Success!", "The next step might seem a bit crazy, but get a bowl and fill it up with rice. Yep, regular rice from the supermarket. Bury your phone in the bowl and keep it in there for 12 to 24 hours. Rice absorbs moisture and has long been used as a wet-gadget-saving measure.pen the bag, drop your phone in for 24 hours, and the phone might just come out working again. The bag did work with an old BlackBerry, but we didn't have an extra iPhone for a test. According to the company, the bag soaks up water 700 percent better than rice.", "Select “Reset Phone” . By default, all of your phone’s internal storage will be wiped. If you want to erase all of the data on your phone’s SD card as well, check the box at the bottom of the screen. 3. Tap “ Erase Everything”. This will delete all data and restore back to your device’s factory settings.The Android erase cycle may take 10 minutes or more to finish, depending on how much data is stored on your device and/or memory card.Your phone will be as if it just came out of the box.ou can erase and reset your phone with three simple steps: 1. To initiate the Android device wipe process, first tap your Android Menu key to bring up a number of on-screen options. Open your device’s Settings and Select the “Privacy” settings, and scroll down to “Factory reset” .", "After you have waited at least 24 hours, or longer if needed, check to see that every area of your cell phone is clean and looks dry. Check all the ports, compartments and in between crevices for any moisture or dirt. Wipe away any dust and dirt from the device and covers and insert the battery into the phone.", "I used 'unlockthatmobile' unlock a blackberry mobile phone and also a motorola of my girlfriend. The unlock code for the blackberry was sent to me after 5 minutes while the un … lock code for the motorola mobile phone took about 6 hours to be sent to my email. The blackberry model I unlocked was the blackberry pearl while my gf's mobile was a motorola v3. The cost was reasonable in my opinion since you always get what you pay for.", "Blackberry Syrup. Syrup for use on pancakes. You can store the syrup in the refrigerator if you intend to use it quickly. To preserve for a longer time, sterilize the jars, pour into the canning jars to within 1/4 inch of lid, adjust lids and process in boiling water canner for 10 minutes.", "Photo by gardengus. Each year blackberry plants produce new canes from the crown just below the soil surface, and from roots that extend some distance out. Each cane lives for 2 years. The first year a cane produces only leaves, the second year it bears fruit.", "A 2009 study published in the medical journal Nutritional Neuroscience indicated that blackberry intake may have a positive impact on motor and cognitive skills, which often decline with age. The researchers fed blackberries to aged rats for 8 weeks, after which they tested their ability to perform a series of tasks.", "Hard Reset BLACKBERRY Classic. 1 Turn on the phone. 2 From the device’s home screen go to Settings. 3 Then select Security and Privacy. 4 In the next step tap Security Wipe.", "Many other testing sites use a test called OraSure. With this test, a probe that looks like a toothbrush sits in your mouth between your cheek and gums for about 4 minutes. Results from either type of test usually take 1 to 2 weeks. There is a rapid HIV test where you can receive the results in less than 30 minutes.", "The technical accreditation training path for the BlackBerry Systems Integration Professional is comprised of BlackBerry UEM web-based and instructor-led training, which includes hands on. labs. The training must be completed through BlackBerry Universe and one of BlackBerry’s Authorized Training Partners and will take 4 days to complete.", "Erasing all content and settings on an iPhone 3G or earlier and iPod touch (2nd generation or earlier) can take several hours. Before erasing one of these devices, connect your device to a charger and leave it connected until your device resets.", "A. It takes 40 minutes to charge the Oral-B 5000 for just one more brushing after the battery starts to indicate that it is low. To fully recharge the unit, it takes almost 24hours, which is not a problem for me since I only use mine in the morning. I use a regular toothbrush at night so as not to overbrush my gums.", "It takes 40 minutes to charge the Oral-B 5000 for just one more brushing after the battery starts to indicate that it is low. To fully recharge the unit, it takes almost 24hours, which is not a problem for me since I only use mine in the morning. I use a regular toothbrush at night so as not to overbrush my gums.", "My electrical engineer husband told me afterwards that if such a thing happens, POWER OFF / SHUT DOWN the phone immediately. Remove the battery. Dry it as best as you can. Then leave it in a bag of rice. Not sure for how long... I would say at least 3 days to a week. Then it may have a chance of survival. ETA: And remove the sim card too", "It takes 40 minutes to charge the Oral-B 5000 for just one more brushing after the battery starts to indicate that it is low. To fully recharge the unit, it takes almost 24hours, which is not a problem for me since I only use mine in the morning.", "Reset Time. The expected time taken for the reset process to complete varies with both the model and storage capacity of your iPhone. The original iPhone and the iPhone 3G can take several hours, as they are designed to write blank data over your old data after it has been erased as a security measure.", "Berries frozen this way are good for at least six months, though some sources recommend using them up to eight months after the date of freezing. The frozen berries can be used in cooking and baking recipes (like blackberry pie, for example) and can even be enjoyed as a semi-thawed dessert on their own or with a sprinkling of sugar. As a general rule, you shouldn't thaw berries before using them in baking recipes, as this can throw off their moisture content.", "A. It takes 40 minutes to charge the Oral-B 5000 for just one more brushing after the battery starts to indicate that it is low. To fully recharge the unit, it takes almost 24hours, which is not a problem for me since I only use mine in the morning.", "Domestic blackberry vines are deciduous and will continue to produce fruit for 15 to 20 years in a temperate climate. Erect varieties of blackberry plants produce long, upright canes. Trailing varieties spread laterally along a fence or trellis. Blackberries fruit on second-year canes, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension Program.", "Get help. Erasing all content and settings on an iPhone 3G or earlier and iPod touch (2nd generation or earlier) can take several hours. Before erasing one of these devices, connect your device to a charger and leave it connected until your device resets.", "A message has been sent to your BlackBerry 10 smartphone to install this item. To continue, check your BlackBerry 10 smartphone now. It may take up to a minute or two for the message to arrive. Your BlackBerry 10 smartphone must be turned on and have network connectivity to receive the message. If the message does not arrive, please launch BlackBerry World on your smartphone to find the content you are looking for.", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: a secure wipe with 32 passes would take rougly 7-12 hours. a low level format shouldnt take more than 20 minutes here is a good how to http://www.ehow.com/how_6026_format-hard...OTE: Internal HD Format may not locate the disk if it is using a hard disk driver installed by another utility, including Drive Setup. If there is any doubt, use Drive Setup instead. 8. If you are arriving at this step for the second time, go to step 11 now.", "Cleaning the Exterior, Screen, and Keyboard. Every three months or so, you should clean off the dirt, dust, fingerprints, residue, food particles, and other detritus that your laptop has accumulated during its travels.tart with the LCD screen and the touchpad (if your laptop has one), since they are the most sensitive areas of your laptop's chassis. Lightly dampen the lint-free cloth with your homebrewed or store-bought cleaning solution, and gently wipe the screen and touchpad." ]
injection mold manufacturers in usa
Injection Mold Tooling: M&P Manufacturing USA, Inc. has full in house tooling capability. M&P provides solutions from Rapid Injection Molding to full Production Tooling. Shot size range from under 1 gram up to 8kg.
[ "Building injection mold in China and saving 30%. I started building injection molds in China, Taiwan, HongKong, and Portugal back in the late 70's. This was when I lived and worked in the US and the molds were to run production in the US. The very same injection molds were quoted by our US and Canadian companies.", "Plastic Injection Molding Services. Injection Works is a plastic injection molder based in New Jersey. Injection Works specializes in a variety of molding materials, and provides injection molding services and related services to a broad range of industries.", "Injection Molder for all Industries. Injection Molding in New Jersey and Servicing the Globe. Injection Works is a New Jersey based Injection Molder proudly serving DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, the surrounding areas and beyond for over 25 years.", "Injection Mold. The most common and recognizable plastic manufacturing process is injection molding. This process uses thermoplastics and is responsible for many of the consumer products we enjoy today. During the process, the thermoplastic is super-heated and injected into a ceramic mold. The plastic is pressed into the mold and held until cool.", "Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts. It is a manufacturing process of producing parts by injection material into a mould. It can be performed with a host of materials including glasses, metals, thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Injection molding (British: moulding ) is a manufacturing technique for making parts from. both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials in production . Molten plastic is. injected at high pressure into a mold , which is the inverse of the product's shape.", "With 21 state of the art injection molding machines and over 35,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space, we can mold parts ranging from 3 oz. shots (35 ton press) to a 55 oz. shot (400 ton press). Besides standard plastic injection molding, we also perform thermoset molding, insert molding and over molding.", "Injection molding is a manufacturing process in which plastic material is forced into a mold cavity under pressure. Pelletized resins are fed into the injection molding machine, as well as any colorants required. The resins and colorants are introduced into an injection barrel where they are heated and melted.", "Injection molding. Injection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by injecting material into a mold. Injection molding can be performed with a host of materials, including metals, glasses, elastomers, confections, and most commonly thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.njection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by injecting material into a mold. Injection molding can be performed with a host of materials, including metals, glasses, elastomers, confections, and most commonly thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.", "Injection molding is the most commonly used manufacturing process for the fabrication of plastic parts. A wide variety of products are manufactured using injection molding, which vary greatly in their size, complexity, and application.The injection molding process requires the use of an injection molding machine, raw plastic material, and a mold.njection molding is used to produce thin-walled plastic parts for a wide variety of applications, one of the most common being plastic housings. Plastic housing is a thin-walled enclosure, often requiring many ribs and bosses on the interior.", "Plastic injection molding is a manufacturing process using various thermoplastic materials that are fed into a heated barrel, mixed and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the cavity configuration.", "Injection molding is a method to obtain molded products by injecting plastic materials molten by heat into a mold, and then cooling and solidifying them. The method is suitable for the mass production of products with complicated shapes, and takes a large part in the area of plastic processing.", "Reaction Injection Molding is the Most Advanced Process for Polyurethane Parts Molding. “ 1 Our first two projects together (Abbott Molecular and Therox) posed plenty of size and shape challenges and the end results are something we can all be proud of.", "Injection molding is the most commonly used manufacturing process for the fabrication of plastic parts. A wide variety of products are manufactured using injection molding, which vary greatly in their size, complexity, and application.The injection molding process requires the use of an injection molding machine, raw plastic material, and a mold.eturn to top. The process cycle for injection molding is very short, typically between 2 seconds and 2 minutes, and consists of the following four stages: 1 Clamping-Prior to the injection of the material into the mold, the two halves of the mold must first be securely closed by the clamping unit.", "All Service Plastic Molding, also known as ASPM, is a company that specializes in injection molding. It offers component assembly, pad printing, sonic welding and hot stamping services. The company is located in Dayton, Ohio and serves the automotive, consumer, electrical, medical, telecommunications, and office and business equipment markets.", "Injection molding is a process in which a polymer is heated to a highly plastic state and forced to flow under high pressure into a mold cavity, where it solidifies.", "Rated World Class by the most rigorous customers anywhere for plastic injection molding and for medical plastic molding of quality plastic parts and devices. Since 1955. Plastic Injection Molding. The best of domestic and off-shore plastic injection molding, all from one source. Medical plastic injection molding to Industrial plastic injection molding. Mold Making", "What is Injection Molding Definition Injection molding is a manufacturing process where heated molten plastic is forced into a mold cavity under pressure.A mold cavity is a negative of the part being produced, when the cavity is filled with plastic, it is cooled and the plastic becomes solid material resulting in a completed positive component.hat is Injection Molding Definition Injection molding is a manufacturing process where heated molten plastic is forced into a mold cavity under pressure.", "Injection molding is another method for manufacturing plastic parts. Injection molding involves taking plastic of your choice in the form of pellets or granules and heating this material until a melt is obtained. Then the melt is forced into a split-die chamber/mold where it is allowed to cool into the desired shape.or fast set-up and production of plastic parts, especially large parts in quantities from dozens to thousands, ThermoFab's thermoforming and blended processes are commonly selected over injection molding. Time to market is greatly reduced-from files to finished products in 4-6 weeks!", "Injection molding is a commonly used manufacturing process for the fabrication of plastic parts. the injection molding process need injection mold and injection machine.njection molding plastic is a tool used to mold hard material through thermal heat, for example steel or aluminum are not metals that could be heated using the tool which mak … es the material easier to manipulate or mold into varies of shapes.", "Injection molding is widely used for. manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest component to entire body panels of cars . Injection molding is the most common method of production, with some commonly made. items including bottle caps and outdoor furniture.", "If you are the one to buy plastic injection mold from China, you might be interested to read the buyers guide so that you can estimate your budget. The injection mold includes the costs of mold design, mold manufacture, mold test and shipping if buy from China. Injection mold cost estimation.", "Injection molding is the process of making custom plastic parts by injecting molten plastic material at high pressure into a metal mold. Just like other forms of plastic molding, after the molten plastic is injected into the mold, the mold is cooled and opened to reveal a solid plastic part.", "“Injection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by injecting material into a mould. Injection moulding can be performed with a host of materials, including metals, glasses, elastomers, confections, and most commonly thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.ence, parts to be injection moulded needs to be designed with sufficient care keeping into account, the substance used for the part, the desired shape and features of the part, mould material and also the various properties of the moulding machine.", "Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. Injection molding is a process of shaping plastic by melting it and injecting it into a predesigned mold. The process was first designed in the 1930s and was originally based on metal die casting designs.", "Injection moulding. Injection moulding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by injecting material into a mould. Injection moulding can be performed with a host of materials mainly including metals, (for which the process is called die-casting), glasses, elastomers, confections, and most commonly thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.", "injection molding. Shape-forming process in which molten metal or plastic is injected into aluminum, ceramic, or steel molds (shaped like the end product) and squeezed under high pressure. Injection molding is employed mainly in the production of solid objects. Also spelled as injection moulding.", "Commissioned by: Abstract: Injection molding is one of the most important processes in the plastic manufacturing. industry. More than one-third of all plastic materials are injection molded, A nd the mold. is one of the main components in the injection molding process. Th e aim of this.", "Injection Molded (Pelican Storm) Allcases is a Leading Distributor of the entire Pelican and Pelican Storm product line, including a range of waterproof Storm Cases. Pelican Storm Cases are injection molded, which utilizes an injection molding machine and a mold to heat and form raw plastic material.", "Injection molding is a process in which a polymer is heated to a highly plastic state and forced to flow under high pressure into a mold cavity, where it solidifies. The molded part, called a molding, is then removed from the cavity. The process produces discrete components that are almost always net shape.", "Injection molding is a process in which a polymer is heated to a highly plastic state and forced to flow under high pressure into a mold cavity, where it solidifies. The molded part, called a molding, is then removed from the cavity.", "Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. Thermoplastic injection molding is a process used in manufacturing to create a variety of parts and components for industries ranging from aerospace to automotive to construction.anufacturers can experiment with literally dozens if not hundreds of variations in the thermoplastic injection molding process to optimize their processes. Changes can be made to the pressure applied to the mold, the speed of the injection of the resin plastic or to the geometry and structure of the molds.", "Injection Mold. This type of mold is made is the original is thin walled and requires help other than gravity to insert the casting material. A two part mold is often the basis for a rubber injection mold. Once the mold is completed sprue holes are added to allow air and excess casting material to escape.", "Injection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by injecting material into a mold. In injection molding process,both injection mould and inejection machin … e will be used. Injection molding is for producing plastic products, such as chairs, tables, pipe fittings, etc.njection molding plastic is a tool used to mold hard material through thermal heat, for example steel or aluminum are not metals that could be heated using the tool which mak … es the material easier to manipulate or mold into varies of shapes.", "Top 10 facts about the world. Injection molding is a process of shaping plastic by melting it and injecting it into a predesigned mold. The process was first designed in the 1930s and was originally based on metal die casting designs.", "The injection molding process entered commercial production. Due to the newness of the materials, the properties and behavior of the plastic materials were not well understood. Many products were introduced that failed, creating a negative impression about plastics in the public's mind." ]
how does blood raise body temperature
How to tell if you're having a hot flash: The rise in temperature involved in hot flashes is not severe. During a hot flash, the blood rushing to the vessels nearest the skin may raise skin temperature by five to seven degrees, but core body temperature will not usually rise above a normal 98.6 degrees.he middle layer of the skin, or dermis, stores most of the body's water. When heat activates sweat glands, these glands bring that water, along with the body's salt, to the surface of the skin as sweat. Once on the surface, the water evaporates.
[ "Best Answer: In heat gain, heart rate increases as the result of changes in the core body temperature. Dressing appropriately is the most important consideration to maintain the bodies core temperature. Dehydration causes heart rate to increase.In heat loss, heart rate decreases as adjustments result in improved exercise capacity to heat exposure but minimally to cold stress. This generally takes about 10 days.Shivering can increase the heart rate significantly to increase core temperature.eport Abuse. Unless the temperature is so hot or so cold that it is shocking or painful, temperature really doesn't affect your heart rate directly Oxygen content in the air is affected by temperature sometimes. For example, room temperature atmosphere usually holds 22% oxygen.", "exists and is an alternate of . Making the world better, one answer at a time. Core body temperature is the balance between energy produced in the body and heat loss from the body. The dilation of blood vessels in the skin helps increase the loss heat from the body core to the skin and from there out of the body. Of course if one lived in a climate much warmer than 37 degrees the effect would be reversed.", "Body temperature is a measure of the body's ability to generate and get rid of heat.hen you are too hot, the blood vessels in your skin expand (dilate) to carry the excess heat to your skin's surface. You may begin to sweat, and as the sweat evaporates, it helps cool your body. When you are too cold, your blood vessels narrow (contract) so that blood flow to your skin is reduced to conserve body heat.", "The body gains about a half a degree increase in temperature an hour. The process can be the cause of serious risks including an increased rate of infections. Changes to the blood sugar, fluid balance, blood pressure, heart rhythms and abnormal clotting are all concerns with the cooling and rewarming process.he body gains about a half a degree increase in temperature an hour. The process can be the cause of serious risks including an increased rate of infections. Changes to the blood sugar, fluid balance, blood pressure, heart rhythms and abnormal clotting are all concerns with the cooling and rewarming process.", "Core body temperature is the balance between energy produced in the body and heat loss from the body. The dilation of blood vessels in the skin helps increase the loss heat from the body core to the skin and from there out of the body. Of course if one lived in a climate much warmer than 37 degrees the effect would be reversed.", "If your body temperature rises as high as 107.6°F (42 °C), you can suffer brain damage or even death. Many factors can affect your body’s temperature, such as spending time in cold or hot weather conditions. Factors that can raise your internal temperature include: fever; exercise; digestion; Factors that can lower your internal temperature include:", "Rep Power. 100. Well, its normal actually since before and during sex, you experience increased heartbeat, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Basically, you become excited, which means your heart pumps blood faster, so more blood circulates around your body and your body rises in temperature. Also, sex requires energy, and producing energy always results in producing heat. So, its all cool. 16-01-2013, 09:47 PM #3. cutekomal View Profile.", "Since your bloodstream is responsible for bringing the oxygen to your muscles, your heart needs to pump a great amount of blood for maintaining the oxygen supply to the muscles that are working. To fulfill this goal, the heart starts beating rapidly and forcefully, which increases the heartbeat. In addition to that, if you are exercising on a hot day, then too, the high temperature coupled with the vigorous activity performed by your heart will result in an abnormal increase in your heart rate.", "The skin is vital to good health because of its ability to regulate body temperature. The hypothalamus signals the sweat glands to begin producing perspiration when the bo … dy temperature rises above normal (approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). As the perspiration evaporates from the surface of the body, cooling results. In addition, during increased body temperature, the blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate to release heat to the exterior of the body; conversely, if the body is too cool, these vessels constrict to decrease heat loss.", "As you pick up the pace, the body, like any engine, produces heat -- and needs to cool off. The blood vessels in the skin dilate, increasing blood flow to the skin. The heat then dissipates through the skin into the air. At the hypothalamus's signal, one of two types of sweat glands, the eccrine glands, get to work. These sweat glands produce odorless perspiration, a mixture of water, salt and small amounts of other electrolytes, directly onto the skin's surface. When this sweat evaporates into the air, your body temp drops.", "But such high temperatures also pose another risk - to the body itself. Extreme temperatures result in stress to the body. The body works best within a narrow range of body temperature - 36C to 37.5C - and gets rid of heat mainly by sweating, although breathing and an increased heart rate can also expel heat. The hotter and more humid it gets the more the body has to sweat, increasing the risk of dehydration.", "Your body creates sweat when your internal core temperature becomes too high, since moisture naturally cools your body. The same concept is true should you find yourself wet while in cold weather or sweaty after a strenuous workout. Towel off and find dry clothes to raise your core body temperature again." ]
what time is second shift
Quick Answer. First shift or day shift is generally between the hours of 6 a.m.and 6 p.m. Second shift or afternoon shift is between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. Third shift is between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Hours vary by company, but most shifts fit into these time frames. Continue Reading.
[ "First shift can start anywhere from 6-9 AM, but 7 or 8 is most common. Each company has its own system. The other shifts start 8 hours later. Third shift isn't so bad if it starts on Sunday night. I liked 3rd better than 2nd. #6 May 20, 2002.", "(redirected from Third shift) Also found in: Dictionary, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Third shift: Second shift. Work in a hospital, company, factory (e.g., automobile, petrochemical or textile factory), or other business that is open and operating 24/7 or hours outside of the usual “9 to 5” business hours.", "The afternoon time shift, or afternoon shift, is also known as the evening shift or the swing shift. The afternoon shift is the second of three work shifts within a 24-hour period. There is no specific definition of what constitutes the afternoon shift. Many employers start the afternoon shift at 3 p.m. Full-time employees working an eight-hour shift would then end their shift at 12 midnight.", "by Susan Echaore-McDavid, studioD. The afternoon time shift, or afternoon shift, is also known as the evening shift or the swing shift. The afternoon shift is the second of three work shifts within a 24-hour period. There is no specific definition of what constitutes the afternoon shift. Many employers start the afternoon shift at 3 p.m. Full-time employees working an eight-hour shift would then end their shift at 12 midnight.", "The afternoon time shift, or afternoon shift, is also known as the evening shift or the swing shift. The afternoon shift is the second of three work shifts within a 24-hour period. There is no specific definition of what constitutes the afternoon shift. Many employers start the afternoon shift at 3 p.m. Full-time employees working an eight-hour shift would then end their shift at 12 midnight. In some organizations, the afternoon shift for full-time employees is 4 p.m. to 1 a.m.", "shift work. (redirected from Third shift) Also found in: Dictionary, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Third shift: Second shift. shift work. Work in a hospital, company, factory (e.g., automobile, petrochemical or textile factory), or other business that is open and operating 24/7 or hours outside of the usual “9 to 5” business hours.", "What are the hours of 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift? Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by erub, May 20, 2002. I'm flipping through the classifieds, and places advertise 1st & 2nd shift..obviously they think this is common knowledge - so what are the hours of each shift? Where I work 1st is 7:30-3:30 2nd is 3:30-11:30 and 3rd is 11:30-7:30.", "The Second Shift is where companies who embrace the evolving nature of work find talent to support their staff and strategy needs. The Second Shift is where companies who embrace the evolving nature of work find talent to support their staff and strategy needs. Member Signup.", "Most companies, facilities, academic institutions and organizations that hire employees to work a third shift schedule the shift to start an hour or two before midnight and end early to mid-morning.", "The Second Shift is where companies who embrace the evolving nature of work find talent to support their staff and strategy needs. The Second Shift is where companies who embrace the evolving nature of work find talent to support their staff and strategy needs. We find the projects that you want to work on.", "Whereas, Dartmouth College's third shift starts at midnight and ends at 8:00 a.m. and Duke University's third shift starts at 11:00 p.m. and ends at 7:00 a.m. Most third shifts last either eight or eight and a half hours.", "What Is an Afternoon Time Shift? The afternoon time shift, or afternoon shift, is also known as the evening shift or the swing shift. The afternoon shift is the second of three work shifts within a 24-hour period. There is no specific definition of what constitutes the afternoon shift.", "While shifts vary according to a healthcare facility or hospital, the typical night shift is between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Some nurses may start a shift as early as 8:00 p.m. At the end of a night shift, nurses return home where they usually rest and rejuvenate in the early hours of the day.", "While shifts vary according to a healthcare facility or hospital, the typical night shift is between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Some nurses may start a shift as early as 8:00 p.m. At the end of a night shift, nurses return home where they usually rest and rejuvenate in the early hours of the day. Unfortunately, sleeping throughout the day is sometimes difficult to achieve.", "The first one will be from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m.; whereas the second one will be from 9 p.m. till 12 a.m.; as well as covering the working hours in rotation centres as per the set schedule by the region.", "Shift time refers to the time interval between gear changes in a transmission during which power delivery is interrupted. This is usually in reference to motor vehicles but can apply to any gearbox.", "Working on the swing shift can be grueling, especially for parents, as it requires a somewhat unusual sleep schedule. Classically, the swing shift runs from 4:00 in the afternoon until midnight. Variations may run from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM, 6:00 PM to 2:00 AM, and so forth.", "Second shift (sometimes first) is The Starbucks Experience class, usually taught at the Regional Training center (but in ND, we were a remote market, and I taught this class for all new hires in Grand Forks and Fargo in my store).", "Night shift = 4PM - 11PM. I hope you best luck with your job and I hope this answer your question.", "Specifically, Night Shift will open Season 2 on Monday, Feb. 23 at 10/9c (leading out of The Voice’s two-hour Season 8 opener), while Undateable’s sophomore run will air Tuesdays at 9 pm, starting March 17. (Both shows’ first seasons ran May to July.)", "If you've ever had to work the third shift, frequently known as the midnight shift or the graveyard shift, you probably already know that most of the work hours are non-daylight hours. There's not an exact time frame that identifies a third shift, but it usually entails working just before midnight until mid-morning. Most businesses that employ a third shift of workers are open 24 hours a day and frequently schedule employees to rotate between shifts.", "When you consider the evening shift as running from around 4 p.m. to midnight and a night shift as running from midnight to 8 a.m., some other differences in roles exist. In a retail store, the night shift often performs inventory restocking and other organizational duties while customer demand is relatively low.", "Time Period of Eligibility. Shift differential will be paid for all consecutive hours worked when the following criteria are satisfied: Work period begins on or after 2 p.m. and before 4 a.m. Work periods beginning on or after 4 a.m. or prior to 2 p.m. will not be paid shift differential.", "I know that night shift hours are basically 7 PM to 730 AM if you have a twelve hour shift or 11 PM to 730 AM if you work an eight hour shift. I don't think there are any other variations of night shift hours at this time. Hope that helps! In the area where I live, 12-hour night shifts are from 7pm to 7am.", "However, the quartz and atomic clocks invented during the 1930s and 1950s are even better timekeepers, and show that the Earth does not rotate steadily but wobbles. Since 1967 the definition of the second has been related to the movement of electrons in a caesium atom: The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom." ]
difference between a domain name and a url
Domain name and URL are NOT the same thing, though they are often used interchangeably quite like world wide web and the Internet. A domain name is simply a human readable form of an I.P. address while a URL stands for Universal Resource Locator and indicates the location of a file on the Internet.
[ "A URL, short for Universal Resource Locator, can be thought of as a hand pointing to the person you want to talk to. URLs are generally domain names that refer to a series of numbers called an IP address. The URL makes it easier to access a web page because people like to remember names instead of long strings of complicated numbers.", "Domain Names and URLs. The universal resource locator, or URL, is an entire set of directions, and it contains extremely detailed information. The domain name is one of the pieces inside of a URL. It is also the most easily recognized part of the entire address. When computer users type a web address directly into the field at the top of their browser window, it initiates a process of locating the page requested.", "The domain vs website question is common in SEO, as is URL vs domain name. They're defined by the following: 1 Domain: The name you register for your online address. 2 Website: The pages that visitors see when they enter your domain. 3 URL: The address visitors type or click to access your domain and view your site.", "The difference between a domain and hosting is that a domain is a personal address with an unique name. This domain will then be linked to a hosting service where the actual data of a website is being stored. The difference between a domain and hosting is that a domain is a personal address with an unique name.", "The domain name is one of the pieces inside of a URL. It is also the most easily recognized part of the entire address. When computer users type a web address directly into the field at the top of their browser window, it initiates a process of locating the page requested.", "Understand what a domain name is. A domain name is the unique URL or address of a particular website that defines itself from every other website on the World Wide Web. For example, this site is WikiHow, but its domain name is www.wikihow.com.", "A domain name is a Web address, such as coolexample.com, that is linked to an IP address (which represents a physical point on the Internet). When someone types a domain name into a Web browser, the requested Web page displays. A domain name consists of a top-level and a second-level domain.", "Domain names are the names or web addresses that identify web sites. For example, Techwalla.com is a domain name. Domain refers to the server or domain where the web site is hosted. Allowed Characters. Domain names allow alphabetic and numeric characters only.", "The URNs are part of a larger Internet information architecture which is composed of URNs, URCs and URLs. bar.html is not a URN. A URN is similar to a person's name, while a URL is like a street address. The URN defines something's identity, while the URL provides a location. Essentially, what vs. where. A URN has to be of this form where is the Namespace Identifier, and is the Namespace Specific String. To put it differently: 1 A URL is a URI that identifies a resource and also provides the means of locating the resource by describing the way to access it.", "A domain is a registered name and a website is all the site content including the files (which need to be stored somewhere). Let's use the car analogy. Your domain name is like your license plate. It identifies your site and makes it able to be found on the world wide web. Of course, just like a license plate, a domain name needs to be registered before you can use it.", "Unless you are physically running a website, you may not know exactly what a domain name is or how it works. The simple answer is that a domain name is the address that the browser uses to find a website. Domain names are used in web addresses (www.domainname.com) and in an email address (any@domainname.com). It is a unique identifier for a website or email account.", "A domain is the name of your website. A domain name is not something physical that you can touch or see; it is merely a string of characters that give your website an identity (yes, a name, like human and businesses).", "A URL technically has five parts: the protocol, the domain name, the path, the directory and the file name. Consider the URL http://coolexample.com/funky/music.html. The protocol is http://, the domain name is coolexample.com, the path is /funky/music.html, the directory is /funky/ and the file name is /music.html.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages. For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com.", "Domain names are the names or web addresses that identify web sites. For example, Techwalla.com is a domain name. Domain refers to the server or domain where the web site is hosted. (See Ref. 1) Domain names allow alphabetic and numeric characters only. Accented characters and symbols are not allowed.", "Parts of a URL. The first part of the URL is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol to use, and the second part is called a resource name and it specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web.", "The URNs are part of a larger Internet information architecture which is composed of URNs, URCs and URLs. bar.html is not a URN. A URN is similar to a person's name, while a URL is like a street address. The URN defines something's identity, while the URL provides a location.Essentially, what vs. where. A URN has to be of this form where is the Namespace Identifier, and is the Namespace Specific String.To put it differently: 1 A URL is a URI that identifies a resource and also provides the means of locating the resource by describing the way to access it. URN has to be of this form where is the Namespace Identifier, and is the Namespace Specific String. To put it differently: 1 A URL is a URI that identifies a resource and also provides the means of locating the resource by describing the way to access it.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages. For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com. Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages. For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com. Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains. For example:", "To simplify: A domain name, is like the address of your home; web hosting on the other hand, is the space of your house where you place your furniture. Instead of street name and area code, set of words or/and numbers are used for the website’s naming’.", "A URL is a URI. A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web. The term Web address is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.", "An Internet Protocol, or IP, address is different than a domain name. The IP address is an actual set of numerical instructions. It communicates exact information about the address in a way that is useful to the computer but makes no sense to humans. The domain name functions as a link to the IP address.he domain name is one of the pieces inside of a URL. It is also the most easily recognized part of the entire address. When computer users type a web address directly into the field at the top of their browser window, it initiates a process of locating the page requested.", "A URL is the Internet address of a particular site or document available via the World Wide Web.URLs are composed of the Internet protocol used to access the document or site you are trying to reach, the Internet address of the host computer, on which the document you want is stored, the directory path on the host computer that will take you to the exact file you are trying to retrieve, and the name of the file you are trying to retrieve.", "A URL is a URI but a URI is not a URL. A URL is a specialization of URI that defines the network location of a specific representation for a given resource. These URIs also define the file extension that indicates what content type is available at the URL.", "March 31, 2015. Domain names are the names or web addresses that identify web sites. For example, Techwalla.com is a domain name. Domain refers to the server or domain where the web site is hosted. (See Ref. 1) Domain names allow alphabetic and numeric characters only. Accented characters and symbols are not allowed.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages. For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com. Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains. For example: Because the Internet is based on IP addresses, not domain names, every Web server requires a Domain Name System (DNS) server to translate domain names into IP addresses.", "A domain name is registered so that there is an internet address. A trademark is registered to identify a product or service. A business name is registered to identify a business that wishes to trade other than with its own name. A company name is the name of a specific type of legal entity.", "Domain Name is a name of your own website through which you can access/request your information from an online server where you host or upload the content of your website and that online server name is called host name for your website.", "On the Web, the domain name is that part of the Uniform Resource Locator(URL) that tells a domain name server using the domain name system (DNS) whether and where to forward a request for a Web page.The domain name is mapped to an IP address (which represents a physical point on the Internet).n the Web, the domain name is that part of the Uniform Resource Locator(URL) that tells a domain name server using the domain name system (DNS) whether and where to forward a request for a Web page.", "The domain name is a pointer to an IP address which hosts a server. Think of it as the difference between the street address Example Street 42 (the domain name) and the house on that address (the server). You could argue forever about whether it's more semantically correct to call the domain name server or domain in an example like that.", "Domain Names and IP Addresses. An Internet Protocol, or IP, address is different than a domain name. The IP address is an actual set of numerical instructions. It communicates exact information about the address in a way that is useful to the computer but makes no sense to humans. The domain name functions as a link to the IP address.", "A domain name is the name by which Internet users locate your website, which is included in your URL. For example, the address in the bar at the top of this page starts with www.webpagefx.com — and that is our domain name. The domain name, purchased from a domain registrar, is an important part of your online branding. It may reflect the name of your company, the products or services you sell, or even your location. When someone looks at your domain name, they should be able to tell what it is you do or have to offer.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages.For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com.Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains.For example: Because the Internet is based on IP addresses, not domain names, every Web server requires a Domain Name System (DNS) server to translate domain names into IP addresses.here are only a limited number of such domains. For example: Because the Internet is based on IP addresses, not domain names, every Web server requires a Domain Name System (DNS) server to translate domain names into IP addresses.", "Patents & Technology. URL & Domain Name Trademarks. A domain name is part of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which is the address of a site or document on the Internet. In general, a domain name is comprised of a second-level domain, a “dot,” and a top-level domain (TLD).", "A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System. Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In general, a domain name represents an Internet Protocol resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet, a se", "A domain name is an address that people use on the internet, whether for websites or for email. It's a string of characters which usually spells out a word, a company name or person's name.You can buy domain names from a domain registrar such as GetDotted.com, and they can be incredibly useful things (see below). domain name is an address that people use on the internet, whether for websites or for email. It's a string of characters which usually spells out a word, a company name or person's name.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages.For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com.Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains.For example:or example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com. Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains. For example:", "March 31, 2015. Domain names are the names or web addresses that identify web sites. For example, Techwalla.com is a domain name. Domain refers to the server or domain where the web site is hosted. (See Ref. 1)", "A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names can also be thought of as a location where certain information or activities can be found. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes.", "An Internet Protocol, or IP, address is different than a domain name. The IP address is an actual set of numerical instructions. It communicates exact information about the address in a way that is useful to the computer but makes no sense to humans. The domain name functions as a link to the IP address.", "Registering a Domain. To implement and publish any website, you need to register a Web domain. A domain, also referred to as a URL, is the address that usually begins with www, which a customer types into a Web browser to find your site.", "A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes.", "Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages.For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com.Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains.omain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages. For example, in the URL http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html, the domain name is pcwebopedia.com.", "Best Answer: URL. (Uniform Resource Locator) The address that defines the route to a file on an Internet server (Web server, FTP server, mail server, etc.). URLs are typed into a Web browser to access Web pages and files, and URLs are embedded within the pages themselves as hypertext links." ]
translation memory system
Translation Memory Technology A dynamic database system, translation memory (TM) technology stores and updates your source and target language words, sentences, and text strings—automatically, and in real time. This important linguistic asset also doubles as a valuable cost-saving tool for you.
[ "Terminology system, quality assurance, project management, and unlimited use of the translation memory. Use the variant of the Across Translator Edition that best suits your mode of operations and project volume.", "Who has access to the Translation Memory? Those with a paid subscription on the localization platform POEditor can access the Translation Memory on their own account, and can also grant access to this feature to their contributors (who can use their own TM and the TM of the paid account).", "The operating system manages virtual address spaces and the assignment of real memory to virtual memory. Address translation hardware in the CPU, often referred to as a memory management unit or MMU, automatically translates virtual addresses to physical addresses.", "A translation lookaside buffer (TLB) is a memory cache that is used to reduce the time taken to access a user memory location. It is a part of the chip’s memory-management unit (MMU). The TLB stores the recent translations of virtual memory to physical memory and can be called an address-translation cache.", "You can import data into a translation memory and you can export data from a translation memory into a file. This import or export data includes the translation units and all of their associated fields and values.Translation memory imports and exports are performed in the Translation Memories view.OTE. When you export data from a translation memory, it does not include access level passwords, language resource templates or recognition settings. Importing this data after you have exported it will not recreate that functionality in SDL Trados Studio.", "Showing page 1. Found 2 sentences matching phrase ubupfura.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Auto-propagate translation memory hits across a translation project in real-time. Search across projects Translators and managers can search for terms across a project in real-time to see how other translators may have translated a term.", "Showing page 1. Found 6 sentences matching phrase gratias ago.Found in 1 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Example sentences with dubh, translation memory. add exampleNo translation memories found. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase dubh.Found in 0.127 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Exporting Translation Memory Data. To export data from the translation memory use the Export Wizard. Data is exported from the translation memory in the form of a Translation Memory Exchange *.tmx or a *. tmx.gz (compressed *.tmx) document.OTE. When you export data from a translation memory, it does not include access level passwords, language resource templates or recognition settings. Importing this data after you have exported it will not recreate that functionality in SDL Trados Studio.", "Showing page 1. Found 304240 sentences matching phrase labas.Found in 49 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "TRADOStag Documents (*.ttx). SDL Edit Documents (*.itd). To import translation memory data into a translation memory: Click the Translation Memories button in the navigation pane to display the Translation Memories view. Make the translation memory for which you want to import data the active translation memory.Select from the menu bar.The Import Wizard is displayed on the Import Files page. Click Add on the Import Files page, navigate to the location of the document you want to import, select the document and click Open. Repeat these steps to add additional documents.You can only import supported document types.RADOStag Documents (*.ttx). SDL Edit Documents (*.itd). To import translation memory data into a translation memory: Click the Translation Memories button in the navigation pane to display the Translation Memories view. Make the translation memory for which you want to import data the active translation memory.", "[...] possible to create translation jobs from TCToolbox in the translation memory system across, request their status and, once complete, reimport [...]", "Found 196 sentences matching phrase transactivation.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Showing page 1. Found 148 sentences matching phrase gratias.Found in 4 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 1548 sentences matching phrase busara.Found in 4 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 383 sentences matching phrase annotation.Found in 9 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Software within the operating system may extend these capabilities to provide a virtual address space that can exceed the capacity of real memory and thus reference more memory than is physically present in the computer.he operating system manages virtual address spaces and the assignment of real memory to virtual memory. Address translation hardware in the CPU, often referred to as a memory management unit or MMU, automatically translates virtual addresses to physical addresses.", "Showing page 1. Found 79 sentences matching phrase rotation handle.Found in 17 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase digitus.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Found 15 sentences matching phrase baboon.Found in 13 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Showing page 1. Found 61 sentences matching phrase omnia omnibus.Found in 5 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Showing page 1. Found 12 sentences matching phrase omnes.Found in 0.13 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 31 sentences matching phrase dysuria.Found in 7 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 32 sentences matching phrase oncoplastic.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Vietnamese or English: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called translation memory and is very useful for translators.", "With address translation, the hardware transforms each. memoryaccess(e.g.,aninstructionfetch,load,orstore),changingthevir-. tual address provided by the instruction to a physical address where the. desired information is actually located.", "The export feature allows you to export some or all of the contents of a translation memory to a *.tmx or * . tmz.gz file. You may want to export in order to: Exchange translation memory data with third-parties or between different players in the translation supply chain who may use different product versions.OTE. When you export data from a translation memory, it does not include access level passwords, language resource templates or recognition settings. Importing this data after you have exported it will not recreate that functionality in SDL Trados Studio.", "Found 5581 sentences matching phrase aktieselskab.Found in 15 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Found 2 sentences matching phrase Pearl Index.Found in 2 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase kaihatsu.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 1 sentences matching phrase photoelectric converter.Found in 3 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Example sentences with sekka, translation memory. add exampleNo translation memories found. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase sekka.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase arthropod.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 1 sentences matching phrase inama.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase clearly trivial threshold.Found in 1 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Example sentences with neurotypical, translation memory. Showing page 1. Found 2 sentences matching phrase neurotypical.Found in 1 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Example sentences with invalent, translation memory. add exampleNo translation memories found. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase invalent.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Showing page 1. Found 2 sentences matching phrase profundoplasty.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.", "Found 50 sentences matching phrase saluti.Found in 4 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Found 117 sentences matching phrase normoxic.Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked." ]
who invented the modern computer
Inventors of the Modern Computer. The First Freely Programmable Computer invented by Konrad Zuse. By Mary Bellis. In 1941, the Z3 contained almost all of the features of a modern computer as defined by John von Neumann and his colleagues in 1946.The only exception was the ability to store the program in the memory together with the data.aper was in short supply in Germany during the war. According to The Life and Work of Konrad Zuse (by Horst Zuse). The block structure of the Z3 is very similar to a modern computer.
[ "Who invented the first computer is not a question with a simple answer. There have been a lot of major milestones throughout history that warrant mentioning. The adventure starts in the year 1936.1936- Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 Computer. This was the first computer that was freely programmable.1942- John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry created the ABC Computer. 1944- John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly came up with the idea for the ENIAC 1 computer.984-Apple invented the Macintosh Computer. It was the first affordable home computer and created an entirely new revolution in desk top computing. As you can see, the case for who invented the first computer is a hard one to solve.", "1 It was Konrad Zuse. 2 He invented the z1, z2, z3, z4 and other ones. 3 The z3 was the first fully functional program-controlled electromechanical digital computer in the world-completed in 1941. 4 Charles Babbage just made a mechanical computing machine.", "Who invented the first computer is not a question with a simple answer. There have been a lot of major milestones throughout history that warrant mentioning. The adventure starts in the year 1936.1936- Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 Computer. This was the first computer that was freely programmable.1942- John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry created the ABC Computer. 1944- John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly came up with the idea for the ENIAC 1 computer.It was the first real scenario where vacuum tubes were used.942- John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry created the ABC Computer. 1944- John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly came up with the idea for the ENIAC 1 computer. It was the first real scenario where vacuum tubes were used.", "Tweet. Who invented the first computer is not a question with a simple answer. There have been a lot of major milestones throughout history that warrant mentioning. The adventure starts in the year 1936.1936- Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 Computer. This was the first computer that was freely programmable.1942- John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry created the ABC Computer. 1944- John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly came up with the idea for the ENIAC 1 computer.936- Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 Computer. This was the first computer that was freely programmable. 1942- John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry created the ABC Computer. 1944- John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly came up with the idea for the ENIAC 1 computer." ]
what is the definition of wary
Use wary in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. Wary is defined as watchful or cautious. An example of something wary is a glance in your rear view mirror when you think someone might be following you; a wary glance.
[ "This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term wary. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: wary(adj) marked by keen caution and watchful prudence.", "Definition of cautious. : careful about avoiding danger or risk cautious investors cautious optimism.", "1718, untrustful, suspicious, either from leer +‎ -y, or from dialectal lere, lear (“learning, knowledge”) +‎ -y. More at leer, lear. Adjective. Cautious, hesitant, or nervous about something; having reservations or concerns. Since he was bitten by a dog when he was young, he has always been leery of animals. Translations Cautious, hesitant, or nervous about something; having reservations or concerns", "having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble kept a wary eye out for signs of the enemy Synonyms alert, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, carefulRelated Words advertent, attentive, awake, observant, regardful, vigilant, watchful; hypercautious; foresighted, ...", "1 having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble careful drivers slow down on slick or icy roadways Synonyms alert, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, wary Related Words advertent, attentive, awake, observant, regardful, vigilant, watchful; hypercautious; foresighted, ...", "E. Simple. 15. Wary is most nearly opposite in meaning to. A. Uncritical. B. Worried. C. Lively. D. Impeccable. E. Salubrious. Questions 16-20 are sentence completions. Choose the answer which contains the words that best fit the blanks and complete the meaning of the given sentence.5. Wary is most nearly opposite in meaning to. A. Uncritical. B. Worried. C. Lively. D. Impeccable. E. Salubrious. Questions 16-20 are sentence completions. Choose the answer which contains the words that best fit the blanks and complete the meaning of the given sentence.", "Warily is defined as something done cautiously or carefully. 1 When you are walking along a rocky stream very carefully and are a little afraid you are going to fall, this is an example of a time when you walk warily.", "Synonym Discussion of careful careful and cautious mean taking care to avoid trouble. careful is used for a person who is able to prevent mistakes or accidents by being alert. Be careful when you paint the fence. cautious is used for a person who takes care to avoid further problems or difficulties. A cautious driver will drive slowly in bad weather.", "adverb. Warily is defined as something done cautiously or carefully. 1 When you are walking along a rocky stream very carefully and are a little afraid you are going to fall, this is an example of a time when you walk warily.", "Cautious, like careful, means you're on guard. You should be cautious crossing a busy street, or cautious borrowing your sister's new shoes without asking. A fusing of caution and ous, the adjective cautiousis the opposite of hasty and rash. It actually comes from the Latin word cautus, which means careful or heedful.. Cautious people always take their time, always approach decisions thoughtfully, and never throw caution to the wind..", "A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. Definition and synonyms of wary from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.", "having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble she has a reputation for being quiet and circumspect in investigating charges of child abuse Synonyms alert, cautious, chary, careful, conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, waryRelated Words advertent, attentive, awake, observant, regardful, vigilant, ...", "Examples of wary in a sentence. 1 Great critics are sometimes wary of great authors. Eliot and Pound usually sidled past Shakespeare. 2 Though sycamore wood was much used, pioneers were wary of the tree's fuzzy leaves, which they believed brought allergies and even consumption.", "guarded. adjective cautious, reserved, careful, suspicious, restrained, wary, discreet, prudent, reticent, circumspect, cagey (informal), leery (slang), noncommittal The boy gave him a guarded reply.", "a cautious driver circumspect suggests less fear and stresses the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding. circumspect in his business dealings", "Examples of wary in a sentence. 1 Great critics are sometimes wary of great authors. 2 Though sycamore wood was much used, pioneers were wary of the tree's fuzzy leaves, which they believed brought allergies and even consumption.", "Attentive to all the circumstances of a case or the probable consequences of an action; cautious; prudent; wary.", "Learner's definition of CAUTION. 1. [noncount] : care taken to avoid danger or risk : a careful attitude or way of behaving. You should use caution when operating the electric saw. He injected a note/word of caution in his talk. Her financial adviser urged caution before investing in the project.", "1. insecure, dangerous, uncertain, tricky, risky, doubtful, dubious, unsettled, dodgy (Brit., Austral., & N.Z. informal), unstable, unsure, hazardous, shaky, hairy (slang), perilous, touch and go, dicey (informal, chiefly Brit.), chancy (informal), built on sand Our financial situation had become precarious.", "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of guarded is being cautious or nervous about something or what is going to happen, or is not openly jumping into something. 1 An example of guarded is when you are considering going on a trip but just aren't sure if it's the right choice. 2 An example of guarded is when a doctor is cautiously optimsitic.", "cautiously. [ˈkɔːʃəsli] adv [ say, respond ] → prudemment, avec prudence; [ act, proceed ] → prudemment, avec prudence; [ move ] → avec precaution; [ précaution ] → optimistic. Prudemment the government reacted → Cautiously le gouvernement a reagi. réagi prudemment", "cautiously. [ˈkɔːʃəsli] adv [ say, respond ] → prudemment, avec prudence; [ act, proceed ] → prudemment, avec prudence; [ move ] → avec precaution; [ précaution ] → optimistic. Prudemment the government reacted → Cautiously le gouvernement a reagi. Réagi prudemment she cautiously opened → The door elle a ouvert la porte. avec precaution précaution", "circumspect. adjective cautious, politic, guarded, careful, wary, discriminating, discreet, sage, prudent, canny, attentive, vigilant, watchful, judicious, observant, sagacious, heedful You should have been more circumspect in your dealings with him.", "2. [singular] : the act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something: the act of approaching. : an act or occurrence in which something comes nearer. The cat made a cautious approach. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.", "Webster Dictionary(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 Caution(noun) a careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided; prudence in regard to danger; provident care; wariness. 2 Caution(noun) security; guaranty; bail.", "noun. Wariness is defined as the state of being cautious. An example of wariness is being nervous and taking precautions when hiking on a ledge. the quality or state of being wary. Noun. (uncountable). 1 vigilance or the condition of being alert.", "2. watchful, careful, alert, cautious, prudent, attentive, vigilant, circumspect, heedful Keep a wary eye on children when they are playing near water. watchful rash, reckless, careless, negligent, unsuspecting, foolhardy, unwary, unguarded, imprudent, remiss.", "Learn More about wary. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for wary Spanish Central: Translation of wary Nglish: Translation of wary for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of wary for Arabic speakers.", "uk ​ /ˌmɪs.kənˈstruː/ us ​ /ˌmɪs.kənˈstruː/ formal. › to form a false understanding of the meaning or intention of something that someone does or says: She said Harris had misconstrued her comments. Their caution was misconstrued as cowardice. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.", "1 8. 501 Synonym & Antonym Questionsexample, “atrocious’’ means “utterly revolting’’; in this case, “revolt-ing’’ would be a more accurate synonym than “unpleasant.’’ Each question is fully explained at the end of the chapter. 501 Synonym & Antonym Questions17. 2 d. a qualm is a feeling of uneasiness about a moral issue, or a scruple18. 3 d. wary means to be attentive especially to danger, or to be cautious19. 4 c. to distort means to twist out of a normal state, or to deform20.", "You could simply call such individuals cautious. You don't give any context in your question, but if you want to emphasize the planning ahead aspect, you could use foresightful, defined by the American Heritage dictionary as (among other things): n. Care in providing for the future; prudence." ]
can detox drinks help you lose weight
While detox drinks may help you lose weight, it's not because they contain some magical formula of liquids that helps your body melt fat, but more likely because they are so low in calories. Consult your doctor before adding a detox drink to your diet.
[ "But it’s doable. The following detox drink can cleanse and rid the body of toxins. It naturally helps you heal by speeding up your metabolism, burning extra fat, lowering blood pressure and most importantly, fighting diabetes. If you think that it is too good to be true, then try it out yourself and experience the positive results.", "Detox drinks are great for cleansing the body of toxins that have you experiencing digestive issues, weakness, bloating, nausea, mood swings and skin issues. Detox drinks help to boost energy, cleanse the liver, aid weight loss, reduce inflammation and promote skin health.", "Whether you're trying to avoid sugary soda or flush toxins from your system, Detox Water is one of the best tools for fast weight loss and better health. Lose Weight By Eating with Audrey Johns Home", "Takeaways. 1 Detox drinks are great for cleansing the body of toxins that have you experiencing digestive issues, weakness, bloating, nausea, mood swings and skin issues. 2 Detox drinks help to boost energy, cleanse the liver, aid weight loss, reduce inflammation and promote skin health.", "If your goal is weight loss, a detox diet might help you drop a few pounds, but you’ll likely just gain it back. In the end, you haven’t accomplished anything, and it’s certainly not a healthy approach. If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat.", "It also makes it a famous drink for detox treatments just like the “lemon detox” or “master wash. Detox water is likewise regularly endorsed in weight loss plans, mainly as a replacement of high-sugar drinks. RELATED: Best Detox Drink Ideas. Make Your Own Detox Water. Making detox water at home is very simple.", "All of these detox recipe ideas call for 12 ounces of water, but you can always play with these portions and tweak the combinations. Any combination of these awesome detox drink ingredients will help to remove toxins from the body, boost energy, reduce inflammation and promote weight loss. 1 A handful of mint leaves, 2 cups of cubed watermelon and wedges from 1 lime. 2 Wedges from 1 lemon and 1 cucumber sliced.", "Because you're getting so few calories, you'll probably lose weight. You’ll also be losing muscle, bone, and water. And you're likely to gain the weight right back. There's no proof that detoxifying leads to long-term weight loss.", "Because you're getting so few calories, you'll probably lose weight. You’ll also be losing muscle, bone, and water. And you're likely to gain the weight right back. There's no proof that detoxifying leads to long-term weight loss. Plus, you don't need to detox your body -- your liver takes care of that.", "Here you will find the 10 best detox juice recipes for weight loss. Detox juice recipes are considered to be one of the best ways to lose weight fast. Here you will find the 10 best detox juice recipes for weight loss.", "Not really. If you drink nothing but juice for a week, you'll lose weight, but it's because you're not eating, not because your body is detoxing. Water is stored in your muscles with glycogen. When you eat a low calorie diet, you use up those glycogen stores, and lose the water weight with it.", "Although detox is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to a short-term diet that proponents claim can facilitate toxin removal and promote weight loss. Minimize the amount of chemicals ingested (for example, by eating organic food).", "drink this to lose weight, healthy drinks to lose weight water, fruits to lose weight, water detox recipes for weight loss, detox drinks for energy, easy detox drinks, drinking water to lose weight, lemon detox water to lose weight, weight lose recipes.", "The first concern we have was the ineffectiveness of Miss Fit Skinny Tea ingredients. “Typically, detox drinks contain a formula supposedly helping remove toxins from the body,” said our Research Editor. “However, this may not be the case with this one.”. “Too much of a hassle for me.", "Adding ACV to your detox regimen can help to kill off these bacteria and help you feel better. 7. Boosts Metabolism. Apple cider vinegar is often used as a weight loss tool for those looking to drop the pounds.", "Slim Down Detox Water. This great detox water not only rids your body of toxins but helps to flush fat from your body as well. Cucumbers are diuretics can help you to avoid water retention. Lemons and limes help to flush out toxins from your digestive tract and grapefruits help you to burn fat.imple Morning Detox Water. The easiest way to get detox water every day is to simply squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a tall glass of water each morning. Drinking at least eight ounces of lemon water every morning will flush out those toxins and keep them from building up.", "This great detox water not only rids your body of toxins but helps to flush fat from your body as well. Cucumbers are diuretics can help you to avoid water retention. Lemons and limes help to flush out toxins from your digestive tract and grapefruits help you to burn fat.", "Also known as skinny tea, weight loss tea or cleansing tea, a detox tea recipe consists of hot water steeped in herbs or other plant materials such as roots. There are many types of common ingredients. Herbal tea companies offer a huge variety of leaves to choose from, but there are several ingredients that are the most popular. Here are the top three types of ingredients: Green Tea. Green tea is a wonderful drink if you’re looking to lose weight and add nutrients, many love it for it’s detoxifying benefits.", "Although detox is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to a short-term diet that proponents claim can facilitate toxin removal and promote weight loss. Although there are many different types of detox diets, they generally follow the same principles:", "Drinking the right detox water can help you burn fat by providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function like a well-oiled machine. Here are three different fat burning detox waters, each one delicious and ready to fuel you up. 2. Morning Lemon Detox Water.", "If your goal is weight loss, a detox diet might help you drop a few pounds, but you’ll likely just gain it back. In the end, you haven’t accomplished anything, and it’s certainly not a healthy approach. If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat. Toxins don’t build up in your liver, kidneys, or any other part of your body, and you’re not going to get rid of them with the latest detox wonder. Especially avoid diets that promise to detox your liver with supplements or “cleanse” whatever the diet determines needs washing out. The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more whole foods like fruits and vegetables.", "Fat Burning Detox Water. This recipe gives you a detox water that flushes out nasty toxins and really does help you to drop a few pounds, too. It’s got apple cider vinegar which has so many benefits that it’s impossible to list them all.", "Green tea detox drinks help cleanse your body and make you feel better. It’s also a delicious metabolism boosting powerhouse. Pair the above recipes with green tea. Make a pitcher for your fridge and sip your way to a faster metabolism. Makes 8 servings. 7 cups water. 5 organic green tea bags with the paper tags cut off. 1 lemon cut into rings. 1 orange cut into rings. ¼ cup ginger, peeled and sliced into rings.", "Top 50 Detox Water Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss🍋🍓🍉💦. Detox water is the latest diet craze to take off in recent years, and it looks like more than just a mere fad. This approach to losing weight is miraculous for a variety of reasons.", "3. Lemon Ginger Detox Drink. For an ideal lemon water detox program, no weight-loss elixir can compare to this zesty potion. It is also remarkably simple to prepare. All it takes to bring this recipe to fruition is a 12-ounce glass of water, half a ginger root knob and a freshly squeezed lemon.", "If they do, great, but what we want here are herbs that help boost metabolism, give you energy and clear up your skin. Any detox cleanse effects are just a bonus. Detox Tea Cleanse for Weight Loss. Detox tea has been a popular topic due to it’s popularity with celebrities.", "Slim Down Detox Water. This great detox water not only rids your body of toxins but helps to flush fat from your body as well. Cucumbers are diuretics can help you to avoid water retention. Lemons and limes help to flush out toxins from your digestive tract and grapefruits help you to burn fat.", "DETOX TEA - 1/2 cup Cranberry juice, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 2 pure green tea bags, cold water Drink for: weight loss, constipation, stomach aches, liver detox, to wake up, fill up and refresh. See More", "You reboot. Well, the 10-Day Detox can do the same thing for your metabolism — by following my diet and lifestyle practices, we can reset your metabolism to factory settings. You can lose weight without going hungry, and possibly even clear up a whole list of health symptoms. And all it takes is 10 days.", "No, Magnum Detox Drink is a masking product that holds the toxins in your body allowing you to pass a urine drug test easily. Many toxins are stored in the fat cells of the bo…dy and are released when fat cells are burned. This product stops those Toxins from being expelled from the body.", "Unhealthy Weight Loss. One of the positive side effects of a detox cleanse is weight loss. However, according to the same review article in Obesity Reviews, you're not losing fat weight on such a severe diet, but precious muscle mass.", "The truth is, there is not conclusive evidence, and there are opinions on both sides of the argument as to whether or not you can truly detox on a liquid diet cleanse. But I personally strongly believe you can lighten your bodies' load of toxins if you drink fresh presses juices and smoothie on a habitual basis. And a juice or smoothie cleanse may also help your body focus its energy on removing toxins and healing problems in your body. But really, you have to lISTEN TO YOUR OWN BODY. That is the number one way you can evaluate whether or not juice and smoothie diets are helpful for you.", "As the name suggests, it is water that you drink to help detox your body. This can be great for a multitude of things, including flushing out fat and helping to get over the common cold. There is no one perfect way to make a detox water. In fact, you can find tons of awesome recipes out there.", "The goal of this detox are: 1 Reduce total body inflammation by minimizing the number of different foods you eat. 2 Lose weight by reducing calorie intake. 3 Shrink your unhealthy fat, rather that your much needed normal body fat, to lose inches.", "While the drink combo alone may not help you lose weight, if it gets you to drink more water, it may help your weight-loss efforts. A study published in 2008 in Obesity found that drinking water helped overweight women on a diet lose weight and fat." ]
what is webseal / simple terminology
Introduction: What is WebSeal? WebSEAL is a high performance, multi-threaded Web server that applies fine-grained security policy to the Tivoli Access Manager protected Web object space. WebSEAL can provide single sign-on solutions and incorporate back-end Web application server resources into its security policy.
[ "WebSeal Kits. The WebSeal system is a comprehensive range of 96 well micro titer plates with glass inserts and a silicone/PTFE coated sealing mat. This system provides the analyst with 96 completely inert chambers and reduces the risk of cross-contamination from well to well when removing the cover.", "The connection between a WebSEAL server and a back-end Web application server is known as a WebSEAL junction. A WebSEAL junction is a TCP/IP connection between a front-end WebSEAL server and a back-end server.", "IBM Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL is a high performance, multi-threaded Web server that applies fine-grained security policy to the Tivoli Access Manager protected Web object space. WebSEAL can provide single sign-on solutions and incorporate back-end Web application server resources into its security policy.", "•<WebSEAL-instance-name> is the name of the WebSEAL server. Use the following syntax: <WebSEAL_instance>-webseald-<tam_server>. where <WebSEAL_instance> is the instance name of the WebSEAL server that setup to manage FEB, such as default, and <tam_server> is the host name of the Tivoli Access Manager server.", "WebSEAL can provide single sign-on solutions and incorporate back-end Web application server resources into its security policy. This overview chapter introduces you to the main capabilities of the WebSEAL server. Topic Index: 1 Introducing IBM Tivoli Access Manager and WebSEAL.", "Absolute Absolute links and canonical host names WebSEAL requires the host name, as encoded in the junction, to be the same as the host name in the absolute link. When you create a junction, sometimes Tivoli Access Manager for e-business changes the server name to its canonical form.", "The process flow is as follows: 1 User requests a protected web resource via WebSEAL (let's assume index.html). 2 WebSEAL determines if the user needs to be authenticated and sends a custom login form. 3 User inputs the user id and password and submits to WebSEAL. WebSEAL's token CDAS interface is called.", "web·site. n. A set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization.", "web·site or Web site (wĕb′sīt′) n. A set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization.", "Internet Enable your Applications using WebSEAL with Active Directory Authentication. Let’s say you have a set of applications you use within your organization that you want to make available for access from the Internet. Let’s further say you want remote users to login using their Active Directory credentials.", "pass response from external authentication interface (EAI) through webseal to browser. I have an application that wants to return a response back to the browser from the EAI. In this case, the response is a dynamically created XML document. WebSEAL seems to drop this response and ...", "Basic Definitions. The term web is used to describe thin materials which are manufactured and processed in a continuous, flexible strip form. Web materials cover a broad spectrum from extremely thin plastics to paper, textiles, metals, and composites. Web processing pervades almost every industry today.", "1 The word “phrase” was coined in 1530 by John Palsgrave, a language scholar. 2 He confused everyone by giving it two different meanings: today’s more common meaning, which is “a small group of words expressing one meaning,” and “manner or style of speech or writing.”.", "The World Wide Web (commonly abbreviated as the Web) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a Web browser, one can view Web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them using hyperlinks.", "Website vs. web page. A website (usually one word, though a few publishers use Web site or web site) is a collection of linked documents and content associated with a single organization, person, group, or topic and usually sharing a server and a domain name. A web page (usually two words) is a single page of content on a website.", "SafeSearch (or SafeSear.ch) is a browser hijacker that may invade your computer without your permission asked. So, if you have just discovered it on your Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other web browser, you should know that that was done not without of no reason.", "Traditionally “phrase” is defined as “a group of words that does not contain a verb and its subject and is used as a single part of speech.” This definition entails three characteristics: (1) it specifies that only a group of words can constitute a phrase, implying that a single word cannot;", "History of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web (WWW or simply the Web) is a global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is a service that operates over the Internet, just as e-mail also does.", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet The World Wide Web (commonly abbreviated as the Web) is a very large set of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_...", "The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeably in everyday speech; it is common to speak of going on the Internet when using a web browser to view web pages. However, the World Wide Web or the Web is only one of a large number of Internet services. The Web is a collection of interconnected documents (web pages) and other web resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.", "The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeably in everyday speech; it is common to speak of going on the Internet when invoking a web browser to view web pages. However, the World Wide Web or the Web is only one of a large number of Internet services. The Web is a collection of interconnected documents (web pages) and other web resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.", "Getting WebSEAL FORBIDDEN error when using basic requestedAuthnPolicy for the SSO service. In testing out the SSO service, I want to use the baisc requestedAuthnPolicy. The resource you have requested is secured by Access Manager WebSEAL. You are not logged in to this secure domain. You are logged in to this secure domain, but do not have the correct permissions to access the resource.", "The Computer Adaptive Placement Exam (webCAPE) is created and managed by Brigham Young University, the #1 ranked language school in the United States.", "Understanding WebSEAL junctions. Tivoli Access Manager provides authentication, authorization, and management services for a network. In a Web-based network, these services are best provided by one or more front-end WebSEAL servers that integrate and protect Web resources and applications located on back-end Web servers.", "A web page (or webpage) is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser.A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device.The web page is what displays, but the term also refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML or comparable markup language.Web browsers coordinate the various web resource elements for the written web page, such as style sheets, scripts and images, to present the web page. web page can either be a single HTML file, or made up of several HTML files using frames or Server Side Includes (SSIs). Frames have been known to cause problems with web accessibility, copyright, navigation, printing and search engine rankings, and are now less often used than they were in the 1990s.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web navigation refers to the process of navigating a network of information resources in the World Wide Web, which is organized as hypertext or hypermedia. The user interface that is used to do so is called a web browser.", "XML is used to tag the data, SOAP is used to transfer the data, WSDL is used for describing the services available and UDDI lists what services are available. A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network. It is a software function provided at a network address over the Web with the service always on as in the concept of utility computing. The W3C defines a Web service generally as: Many organizations use multiple software systems for management.", "Traditionally “phrase” is defined as “a group of words that does not contain. a verb and its subject and is used as a single part of speech.”. This definition entails three characteristics: (1) it specifies that only a. group of words can constitute a phrase, implying that a single word cannot; (2) it distinguishes phrases from clauses; and (3) it requires that the groups. of words believed to be a phrase constitute a single grammatical unit.", "SafeSearch.net is a Search Engine also called homepage, which is installed by browser extensions toolbar or addons. Once SafeSearch.net is installed on your computer, the default search engine and homepage for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is replaced with www.safesearch.net or safesear.ch.", "Related Terms. The term Web services describes a standardized way of integrating Web-based applications using the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI open standards over an Internet protocol backbone. XML is used to tag the data, SOAP is used to transfer the data, WSDL is used for describing the services available and UDDI is used for listing what services are available.", "The term webinar is a portmanteau -- a word made from two other words or parts of words -- of web and seminar.. See also: death by PowerPoint, Pecha Kucha, massive open online course (MOOC), Khan Academy, distance learning, distributed learning, open and distance learning (ODL), virtual classroom.", "(often lowercase) the Internet: used jocularly when pretending to be or referring to an inexperienced Internet user, or when expressing a disdain for certain Internet content: vague recollections presented as fact on the Interweb. Also, Interwebs, Interwebz [in-ter-webz] /ˈɪn tərˌwɛbz/ (Show IPA).", "A web page (US spelling webpage or Web page) is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and web browsers. A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. The web page is what displays, but the term also refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML or comparable markup language. Web browsers coordinate the various web resource elements for the written web page, such as style sheets, scripts, and images, to present the web page.", "A web page (or webpage) is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser.A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device.The web page is what displays, but the term also refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML or comparable markup language.Web browsers coordinate the various web resource elements for the written web page, such as style sheets, scripts and images, to present the web page. web page (or webpage) is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser. A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device.", "Required certificate authentication mode. WebSEAL always requires a client certificate for every client request made. If the client does not present a certificate, the SSL connection with the. client is closed and client-side certificate authentication is not attempted.", "A web page (also written as webpage) is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and web browsers. A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. The web page usually means what is visible, but the term may also refer to a computer file, usually written in HTML or a comparable markup language.", "Yes that is a simple web service. Web services are really nothing more than a request/ response mechanism that allows a client to remotely access/ modify data. There are formal standards for web services (SOAP, SOA etc), but your simple page is a service too.", "The back-end server can be another WebSEAL server or, more commonly, a third-party Web application server. The back-end server Web space is connected to the WebSEAL server at a specially designated junction (mount) point in the WebSEAL Web space.", "It [Web Service] has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other web-related standards.", "A web container (also known as a servlet container;[1] and compare webtainer[2]) is the component of a web server that interacts with Java servlets. A web container is responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets, mapping a URL to a particular servlet and ensuring that the URL requester has the correct access-rights. A web container handles requests to servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP) files, and other types of files that include server-side code. The Web container creates servlet instances, loads and unloads servlets, creates and manages request and response objects, and performs other servlet-management tasks.", "A website is a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server. A website may be accessible via a public Internet Protocol (IP) network, such as the Internet, or a private local area network (LAN), by referencing a uniform resource locator (URL) that identifies the site.", "A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web.The term Web address is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994 and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) URI working group.he term Web address is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994 and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) URI working group.", "The World Wide Web (abbreviated WWW or the Web) is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989." ]
who founded inattentional blindness
The best-known study demonstrating inattentional blindness is the Invisible Gorilla Test, conducted by Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Christopher Chabris of Harvard University.
[ "Sights unseen Research on a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness suggests that unless we pay close attention, we can miss even the most conspicuous events. by siri carpenter", "Inattentional blindness, also known as perceptual blindness, is a psychological lack of attention and is not associated with any vision defects or deficits. It may be further defined as the event in which an individual fails to recognize an unexpected stimulus that is in plain sight.", "Sights unseen. Research on a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness suggests that unless we pay close attention, we can miss even the most conspicuous events. By SIRI CARPENTER . Monitor Staff. April 2001, Vol 32, No. 4. Print version: page 54", "Change Blindness Edit. Inattentional blindness is the failure to see a stimulus, such as an object that is present in a visual field. However, Change Blindness is the failure to notice something different about a visual display.", "This classic study is a clear example of how people can fail to perceive a stimulus that is fully visible when their attention is focused on a different task, and as shown in the following example, inattentional blindness is applicable to real-life situations as well.", "Sights unseen. Research on a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness suggests that unless we pay close attention, we can miss even the most conspicuous events. Picture this: a teen-ager, cruising down a familiar highway, keeping a conscientious eye on the speedometer, the rear view mirror, the oncoming traffic. Too late, he notices a deer standing in the road. He slams on the brakes but can't avoid striking the animal.", "Mack and Rock note that explanations for inattentional blindness can reflect a basic failure of perceptual processes to be engaged by unattended stimuli. Or that it may reflect a failure of memorial processes to encode information about unattended stimuli.", "Abstract. Change blindness and inattentional blindness are both failures of visual awareness. Change blindness is the failure to notice an obvious change. Inattentional blindness is the failure to notice the existence of an unexpected item. In each case, we fail to notice something that is clearly visible once we know to look for it. Despite similarities, each type of blindness has a unique background and distinct theoretical implications.", "Individuals who experience inattentional blindness are usually unaware of this effect, which can play a subsequent role on behavior. Inattentional blindness is related to but distinct from other failures of visual awareness such as change blindness, repetition blindness, visual masking, and attentional blink.", "The Problem With Inattentional Blindness. The most effective cloaking device is the human mind. Viewers of this video were asked to count how many times white-shirted players passed the ball. Fifty percent of them didn’t see the woman in the gorilla suit. For more than a decade, my colleagues and I have been studying a form of invisibility known as inattentional blindness.", "Evidence through research on inattentional blindness contemplates that it may be possible that inattentional blindness reflects a problem with memory rather than with perception. It is argued that at least some instances of inattentional blindness are better characterized as memory failures than perceptual failures.", "More than 100 years after it was first described, hemineglect—also known as unilateral spatial neglect, or unilateral inattention—is still one of the most fascinating and mysterious of the neuropsychological disorders. I have assessed many patients with this strange disorder and I am still amazed by their behaviors.", "Percy Wyndham Lewis - (18 November 1882 - 7 March 1957) was an English painter and author. He was a co-founder of the Vorticist movement in art, and edited the literary magazine of the Vorticists, BLAST.ouis Braille - (January 4, 1809 - January 6, 1852) Louis Braille became blind after he accidentally stabbed himself in the eye with his father's awl. He later became an inventor and designed braille writing, which enables blind people to read through feeling a series of organized bumps representing letters.", "Where it Began. Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is a non-profit organisation that provides life-changing services to people who are visually impaired and to families who have children with autism. It was co-founded in 1976 by the late Mrs. Mary Dunlop and our current President Mr. Jim Dennehy.", "While early research on the topic was heavily focused on early selection, research since the late 1970s has shifted mainly to the late selection theories. This change resulted primarily from a shift in paradigms used to study inattentional blindness which revealed new aspects of the phenomenon.", "Colour-Blindness. Daltonism Colour-blindness was discovered by John Dalton (1766-1844) when he scandalised his family by inadvertently buying his mother a set of racy underwear as a birthday present. John Dalton was so precocious that he was put in charge of the local Quaker school at the age of 12.", "Braille was invented by a nineteenth century man named Louis Braille, who was completely blind. Braille's story starts when he was three years old.He was playing in his father's shop in Coupvray, France, and somehow managed to injure his eye.n 1821, Braille's teacher, Dr. Alexandre Francois-Rene Pignier, invited a man named Charles Barbier to speak to a classroom of young blind students at the National Institute for Blind Youth in Paris.", "Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is a non-profit organisation that provides life-changing services to people who are visually impaired and to families who have children with autism. It was co-founded in 1976 by the late Mrs. Mary Dunlop and our current President Mr. Jim Dennehy.", "The Braille system for the blind was invented on January 1, 2, or 3 of the year 1825 by Louis Braille (January 4, 1809 - January 6, 1852.). At the age of 3 Braille had an accident which sadly made him blind. But, he was eager to learn and even more eager to read.", "Confidence votes 281. The Braille system for the blind was invented on January 1, 2, or 3 of the year 1825 by Louis Braille (January 4, 1809 - January 6, 1852.). At the age of 3 Braille had an accident which sadly made him blind. But, he was eager to learn and even more eager to read.", "It is worth noting that despite its name, the color-changing card trick video does not use magic to make its point. Inattentional blindness differs from change blindness in that there is no need to compare the current scene with a scene from memory.", "Laura K. Windsor, O.D., F.A.A.O. Published in Vision Enhancement Journal. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), originally called retrolental fibroplasia, was the leading cause of blindness in children in the 1940s and 1950s. It was first described in the medical literature in 1942 by Terry.", "Confidence votes 281. The Braille system for the blind was invented on January 1, 2, or 3 of the year 1825 by Louis Braille (January 4, 1809 - January 6, 1852.). At the age of 3 Braille had an accident which sadly made him blind.But, he was eager to learn and even more eager to read.onfidence votes 281. The Braille system for the blind was invented on January 1, 2, or 3 of the year 1825 by Louis Braille (January 4, 1809 - January 6, 1852.). At the age of 3 Braille had an accident which sadly made him blind. But, he was eager to learn and even more eager to read.", "She co-founded Helen Keller International in 1915 and worked for the American Foundation for the Blind for more than 40 years. An inspiration to millions of people around the world, Helen Keller received numerous awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Legion of Honour. Here are her 10 major achievements.", "Established in 1961, the American Council of the Blind (ACB) is a national organization of blind, visually impaired and sighted individuals whose mission is to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and improved quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people. Services include:", "The American Council of the Blind ACB-Founded in 1961-Located in Washington DC-President: Kim Charlson Our Mission The American Council of the Blind strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life, for all blind and visually-impaired people. ACB Help-They help to make the daily living of blind people easier.", "Confidence votes 17.2K. Louis Braille invented his Braille system of raised-dot reading to assist the blind in 1821.", "Patricia Bath continues to promote community ophthalmology through academic positions and through her presidency of the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness, which she founded. (Black Biography). Patricia is a strong and intelligent woman in the medical field and has never let her race or gender get in the way of her goals.", "A doctor named Heinrich Hoffman first described Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which had not yet been named, in his book published in 1845. Decades later, Sir George Frederick Still, a pediatric doctor in Britain who later served the royalty, delivered lectures describing the condition in 1902.uring the 1970s, doctors narrowed ADHD down to three types: primarily inattentive, primarily hyperactive-impulsive, and combined type. ADHD was known as ADD (attention deficit disorder) for quite some time. In 1994, the H was added to the name.", "Carl Rogers. Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to psychology.", "Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to psychology.", "Louis Braille, Inventor of Braille. History & Culture. Louis Braille, a blind student in Paris who was propelled by his own thirst to read and learn, invented a revolutionary reading and writing system of raised dots that allowed the blind read with their fingers. The system, which bears his name, has been adopted across the globe and has profoundly changed millions of lives.", "Lead singer, Third Eye Blind. Stephan Jenkins is lead singer and guitarist for the Third Eye Blind, a San Francisco-based alt-rock group Jenkins founded in the early 90s. Although diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, Jenkins showed an early aptitude for music. He went on to attend UC Berkeley and graduated as valedictorian of his class with a BA in English Literature.", "(1834–1908), Dutch ophthalmologist. Snellen was director of an eye clinic at Utrecht. In 1862 he introduced a test for measuring the acuteness of vision which consisted of printed letters or words in type of various sizes.", "It was plain that she was, whether from fatigue and privation alone, or from illness also, in a helpless state. The Bright Face of Danger Robert Neilson Stephens. Blindness is a 'privative', to be blind is to be in a state of privation, but is not a 'privative'. He had been well reared, with fine and delicate tastes, and accustomed to money; and privation was very bitter to him. Similarly blindness is not said to be blindness of sight, but rather, privation of sight. Saturn produces death by privation and obstructions, by chills and colds.", "Gallaudet was also the founder of the Gallaudet Home for the Aged and Infirm Deaf Mutes at Wappinger Falls, New York, the first of its kind. This home later was sold and another one purchased in Poughkeepsie, New York.allaudet was also the founder of the Gallaudet Home for the Aged and Infirm Deaf Mutes at Wappinger Falls, New York, the first of its kind. This home later was sold and another one purchased in Poughkeepsie, New York.", "Louis Braille (/ b r eɪ l / ( listen); French: ; 4 January 1809 – 6 January 1852) was a French educator and inventor of a system of reading and writing for use by the blind or visually impaired. His system remains virtually unchanged to this day, and is known worldwide simply as braille.", "VISION 2020: The Right to Sight is the global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness, a joint programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). VISION 2020: The Right to Sight was launched in 1999. It sought to promote:", "Edgar Degas: One of the most influential artists of the 19th Century, Edgar Degas, began losing his eyesight around the 1880s. His depression and isolation grew exponentially with his blindness, as he could no longer perfectly capture the beauty and grace of his subjects.", "Macular Degeneration Glasses for Distance. Interview with Co-Founder of OcuTech - Bioptic Glasses. Henry A. Greene, O.D., F.A.A.O. is an optometrist and the founder of Academy Eye Associates, and the co-founder of Ocutech, Inc, a company that develops innovative hi-quality bioptic telescopes for the visually impaired.", "Reverend Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, LL.D. , (December 10, 1787 – September 10, 1851) was a renowned American pioneer in the education of the deaf. Along with Laurent Clerc and Mason Cogswell, he co-founded the first institution for the education of the deaf in North America, and he became its first principal.", "The same principle applies to digital media campaigns. Consumers have seen enough banner advertising that the term “banner blindness” was coined to describe users’ ability to condition themselves to simply ignore the top banner of most websites.", "Twitter Facebook Tumblr Email Print. Enabling the blind to see is the greatest joy of Dr. Patricia Bath, eye surgeon, professor of ophthalmology, inventor of the Laserphaco Probe for the treatment of cataracts, and founder of the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness.", "In 1975, Bath became the first African-American woman surgeon at the UCLA Medical Center and the first woman to be on the faculty of the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute. She is the founder and first president of the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. Patricia Bath was elected to Hunter College Hall of Fame in 1988 and elected as Howard University Pioneer in Academic Medicine in 1993.", "Margaret Mahler and Separation-Individuation Theory. Hungarian-born psychiatrist Margaret Mahler (1897-1985) worked first in her native Hungary, and then in Britain, and finally in the United States. She is best known for originating the Separation-Individuation theory of child development.", "AHP Founder – Carl Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology.", "EVANSTON, IL (August 7, 2017) — About 80 percent of the world’s 285 million visually impaired people have treatable eye diseases, according to the World Health Organization. Rotary and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) aim to promote eye health to underserved communities." ]
does hulu show the tv station cmt?
Christmas may be coming early for Nashville fans. Series creator Callie Khouri allegedly announced on Friday night at a Grant Ole Opry concert, which counted Nashville star Charles Esten among its headliners, that the ex-ABC drama would launch its fifth season on CMT and Hulu this December.
[ "What’s on TV. NASHVILLE 9 p.m. on CMT. This former ABC series changes its channel and its tune in this sneak preview of the first half of its two-hour Season 5 premiere. The drama begins with the crash of Juliette Barnes’s plane — sending Rayna Jaymes on the road to self-discovery.", "The hit country-music soap opera Nashville was dropped from its original home on ABC after the fourth season concluded last spring, but luckily for fans of Deacon, Rayna, Scarlett and the rest, the drama was quickly picked up and revived by CMT.", "Nashville has been saved. After weeks of negotiations and fan campaigns, country music-themed cable network CMT has picked up the country music drama for Season 5. I hear the order is for 22 episodes, in line with the full broadcast seasons the show produced for ABC.", "KDLT-TV is the NBC-affiliated television station in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, serving eastern South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota. The station broadcasts a high definition digital signal on UHF channel 47, which remaps to former analog channel 46 via PSIP.", "Nashville was picked up at CMT for a 22-episode fifth season, which is standard on the broadcast networks, but Connie Britton seems to have more of a cable drama deal happening.", "Connie Britton on “Nashville.” Credit Mark Levine/CMT. NASHVILLE 9 p.m. on CMT. This former ABC series changes its channel and its tune in this sneak preview of the first half of its two-hour Season 5 premiere. The drama begins with the crash of Juliette Barnes’s plane — sending Rayna Jaymes on the road to self-discovery.", "CMT Sets 'Nashville' Season Premiere Date. After four seasons on ABC, soapy country-music series will debut on the cable network this January. Charles Esten and Connie Britton will return for Season Five of 'Nashville' on CMT. Credit: Mark Levine/Disney ABC Television.", "TV shows renewed for 2017-18 and beyond. ‘Nashville’ plays on with Season 6 on CMT. ‘The Americans’ premiere triples in cable Live +7 ratings for March 6-12. Thursday cable ratings: NBA Basketball leads the night, ‘Nashville’ dips. ‘The Walking Dead’ makes its lead even bigger in cable Live +7 ratings for Feb. 20-26.", "I think it'll be a really exciting start to the show. Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Sam Hunt, Florida Georgia Line, Zac Brown Band, Kelsea Ballerini, A Thousand Horses, Frankie Ballard and Reba are among the other performers on the 2015 CMT Music Awards. The show broadcasts live from Nashville tonight at 8 p.m. ET on CMT and CMT.com.", "Yes Emergency! does air on RTV DTV CH. 7.1 in my area. I got so sick and tired of twisting and turning the HD UHF/VHF antenna around so much that I unplugged it and put it away. I guess I shouldn't count on Hulu for every TV show to be available to watch.", "All articles filed in Nashville Ratings. 1 TV shows renewed for 2017-18 and beyond. ‘ 2 Nashville’ plays on with Season 6 on CMT. ‘ 3 The Americans’ premiere triples in cable Live +7 ratings for March 6-12. Thursday cable ratings: NBA Basketball leads the night, ‘Nashville’ dips.", "The deal will also bring a few other channels to Hulu, including HBO2, HBO Family, HBO Latino, HBO Comedy, HBO Signature HD, HBO Zone, MoreMAX HD, ActionMAX HD, ThrillerMAX HD, MovieMAX HD, 5StarMAX HD, and OuterMAX HD.", "(UPDATE: ABC canceled Nashville, but the CMT cable channel announced that it's picking up the series.) Castle (ABC): Costar Stana Katic had been let go, and ABC was making noises about continuing the show to Season 9, with Nathan Fillion and the supporting cast, so this was also a somewhat unexpected cancellation.", "CMT sets January return for 'Nashville,' adds more new series Cable network is flipping the script on its programming; 'Nashville' returns Jan. 5. Post to Facebook", "In 2001, as TNN began to phase out its association with country music, the decision was made to shift the awards show to sister network CMT. The 2001 show was simulcast on both networks and was called the TNN/CMT Country Weekly Music Awards.", "CMT sets January return for 'Nashville,' adds more new series. Cable network is flipping the script on its programming; 'Nashville' returns Jan. 5. SUBSCRIBE NOW to get home delivery", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The CMT Music Awards is a fan-voted awards show for country music videos and television performances. The awards ceremony is held every year in Nashville, Tennessee, and broadcast live on CMT. Voting takes place on CMT's website, CMT.com. 1 History.", "Country Music Television hosts the annual show honoring country musicians with various awards voted on by the fans. Originally named the Flameworthy Awards from 2002 to 2004; it was changed to the now named CMT Music Awards in 2005.", "Jonathan Jackson, star of ABC's TV show 'Nashville,' while on the Red carpet of the the fourth annual CMT Artists of the Year ceremony held at the Music City Center in downtown Nashville on Tuesday Dec. 3, 2013.", "SHOW TIME: 8 p.m. ET/PT. RED CARPET LIVE STREAM: Click here to check out the CMT Music Awards RED CARPET live stream, starting at 6 p.m. ET/5 p.m. CT. TV CHANNEL: CMT – Click here, type in your zip code, select your TV provider and use the channel finder to locate the channel number for your area.", "The CMT Music Awards is a fan-voted awards show for country music videos and television performances. The awards ceremony is held every year in Nashville, Tennessee, and broadcast live on CMT. Voting takes place on CMT's website, CMT.com. 1 History." ]