jason j stamper npi number
jason j stamper, pa-c – npi #1720087539 Physician Assistant A physician assistant is a person who has successfully completed an accredited education program for physician assistant, is licensed by the state and is practicing within the scope of that license.
[ "Dr. Jason J Stamper, PA has a medical practice at 225 Baldwin Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28204. Currently, Dr. Jason J Stamper specializes in physician assistant in Charlotte area and has over 17 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from his medical school with his medical degree in 2001.", "Dr. Jason J Stamper practices at 225 Baldwin Avenue, Charlotte NC. Profile of Dr. Jason J Stamper, specializes in physician assistant, locations and office hours, phone number, doctor reviews.", "This doctor profile contains information from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), you may contact Dr. Jason J Stamper at 225 Baldwin Avenue, Charlotte NC for for public information or questions about the doctor's profile.", "The sole proprietor must apply for the NPI number using his or her own Social Security Number (SSN), not an Employer Identification Number (EIN) even if he/she has an EIN. Submit Review Reviews for JASON J STAMPER", "NPI Number: 1881689867. Healthcare provider: DR. RICHARD JOSEPH PRYOR M.D.. Practice location address: 250 DELAWARE AVE DELMAR, NY, 12054-1420", "Dr. Jason J Van Eyk, MD is affiliated with five hospitals in the Asheboro area, including Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. The NPI number is 1992719751 and the information was updated approximately 3 years ago.", "1679704779 NPI number belongs to DR. Jason R. Cohen. Jason R. Cohen is located at West Palm Beach FL with zip code 33409. Detailed information of Jason R. Cohen including practice location address, status, phone number contact and so on.", "Dr. Jason Andrew Messingham DDS, MS. The NPI 1952350118 is an Individual type. This NPI number belongs to Jason Andrew Messingham. Dr. Jason Andrew Messingham DDS, MS specializes in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. He is practising at 1050 S 8th St, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906. You can also contact him via phone number (719) 635-2807.", "JASON ANDERSON TRUCKING is an active carrier operating under USDOT Number 2149571 and MC Number 747515.", "Jeffrey P Smith MD. The NPI 1417981200 is an Individual type. This NPI number belongs to Jeffrey P Smith. Jeffrey P Smith MD specializes in Emergency Medicine. He is practising at 5000 Cox Rd, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060. You can also contact him via phone number (804) 822-4351. Practice location address. 5000 Cox Rd; Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 (804) 822-4351", "His real phone number is 324-45472 and if Joseph Garrett aka stampy I'm his biggest fan.I would be playing with him but I don't have Minecraft.", "NPI: 1285606780 National Provider Indentifier (NPI) The 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. Provider Name: ROBERT G VOIGT M.D. Provider Location Address: 1504 TAUB LOOP HOUSTON, TX 77030 Provider location address The location address of the provider being identified.", "The authorized official registered with the 1740516863 NPI Number is KIRSTEN COX. The authorized official title (position) is PRESIDENT/OWNER. You can reach the authorized official at the following phone number 336-629-6500.", "NPI: 1952830093 National Provider Indentifier (NPI) The 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. Provider Name: LAUREN KESSENICH : Provider Location Address: 13241 BARTRAM PARK BLVD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32258 Provider location address The location address of the provider being identified.", "NPI: 1083935357. Provider Name: DR. SAMUEL GREY TILDEN, MD. Classification: Family Medicine - 207Q00000X. Entity Type: Individual Organization: HENDERSON COUNTY HOSPITAL CORPORATION. PECOS Registration: Yes. Address: 1824 PISGAH DR HENDERSONVILLE, NC ZIP 28791 . Phone: (828) 694-8427", "There are currently no reviews for JASON J STAMPER Be the first to post a comment or review. Read our reviews / comments about this provider to help you decide if they are right for you.", "DR. Stephen Richard Burton, M.D. NPI is 1497735740. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male. The provider's business location address is: 200 PATEWOOD DR SUITE B350 GREENVILLE, SC ZIP 29615-593 Phone: (864) 454-4500", "NPI Number information was last updated on 12/17/2009. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 221 W COLORADO BLVD PAVILION II, SUITE 945 DALLAS, TX 75208-2363, US COLLEEN I. KENNEDY, MD, PA can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:", "1942312574 NPI number belongs to DR. Robert B Sanchez. Robert B Sanchez is located at Easton MD with zip code 21601. Detailed information of Robert B Sanchez including practice location address, status, phone number contact and so on.", "NPI: 1265812846. Provider Name: JEFFREY SMITH, MD. Classification: Family Medicine - 207Q00000X. Entity Type: Individual PECOS Registration: Yes. Address: 11937 US HIGHWAY 271 TYLER, TX ZIP 75708 . Phone: (903) 877-7200", "1417981200 NPI number belongs to Jeffrey P Smith. Jeffrey P Smith is located at Glen Allen VA with zip code 23060. Detailed information of Jeffrey P Smith including practice location address, status, phone number contact and so on. Home", "NPI Number: 1245523729: LBN Legal business name: DR. HUGH D. VICE, D.D.S.,M.S. Authorized official: SANDY VICE - (OFFICE MANAGER) Entity: Organization: Organization subpart 1: No Enumeration date: 05/17/2011: Last updated: 05/17/2011 - About 7 years ago: Identifiers", "Detailed Information. NPI Number 1033448295 has the Organization type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — COLLEEN I. KENNEDY, MD, PA . Records indicate that the provider gender is .", "Detailed Information. NPI Number 1356509699 has the “Individual” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — K CHARMIAN DRESEL-VELASQUEZ MD. Records indicate that the provider gender is “Female” .etailed Information. NPI Number 1356509699 has the “Individual” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — K CHARMIAN DRESEL-VELASQUEZ MD. Records indicate that the provider gender is “Female” .", "NPI Number: 1033257001: LBN Legal business name: DANIEL M SANCHEZ, DDS, PC: Authorized official: DANIEL SANCHEZ - (DENTIST) Entity: Organization: Organization subpart 1: Not specified Enumeration date: 02/02/2007: Last updated: 07/08/2007 - About 11 years ago: Identifiers", "Dr. Jeffrey H. Weisblatt M.D. The NPI 1588735799 is an Individual type. This NPI number belongs to Jeffrey H. Weisblatt. Dr. Jeffrey H. Weisblatt M.D. specializes in Anesthesiology. He is practising at 112 Greenway St, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405. You can also contact him via phone number (540) 760-4321. Practice location address. 112 Greenway St", "Dr. James Mark Morris is a male Family Medicine Doctor (taxonomy code 207Q00000X) located in Rusk, Texas. Dr. James Mark Morris's NPI Number is #1871520577 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 12 years. Dr. James Mark Morris's practice location is listed as: 1801 N Dickinson Dr Rusk, TX 75785-1264 and can be reached via phone at (903) 683-3600.", "DR. STEPHEN RICHARD BURTON, M.D. is a neurology psychiatry neurology in Greenville, SC. The provider's NPI Number is 1497735740 with a scope of practice of psychiatry & neurology", "dr. STEPHEN RICHARD BURTON, M.D. is a neurology psychiatry neurology in Greenville, SC. The provider's NPI Number is 1497735740 with a scope of practice of psychiatry & neurology", "Albert Radford Macfarlane Information The 1881638633 NPI number belongs to Dr. Albert Radford Macfarlane MD. Albert Radford Macfarlane is an Individual and working at 4512 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington DE 19808, you can also contact him via phone number (302) 633-6338. Albert Radford Macfarlane's specialty is listed as Pediatrics. About NPI No. NPI Number: 1881638633 (Individual) Name: Albert Radford Macfarlane; Credential: MD", "NPI Number 1134122971 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. MARK J. MAZUR DPM. Records indicate that the provider gender is Male. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 05/24/2005. NPI Number information was last updated on 08/16/2017. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 420 N JAMES RD COLUMBUS, OH 43219-1834, US DR. MARK J. MAZUR DPM can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:", "Dr. Leighton Brown Parker is a male Neurological Surgery Doctor (taxonomy code 207T00000X) located in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Leighton Brown Parker's NPI Number is #1861436586 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 12 years. Dr. Leighton Brown Parker's practice location is listed as: 800 8Th Avenue Suite 118 Fort Worth, TX 76104 and can be reached via phone at (817) 332-1993. Ratings & Reviews Map Nearby Doctors Neurological Surgery Taxonomy", "You can get information about the owner of the 1356509699 NPI number — K CHARMIAN DRESEL-VELASQUEZ MD in the PDF and Text formats.etailed Information. NPI Number 1356509699 has the “Individual” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — K CHARMIAN DRESEL-VELASQUEZ MD. Records indicate that the provider gender is “Female” .", "The NPI Number for Dr. Daniel Robert Frisch is 1760590749 and he holds a License No. MD431530 (Pennsylvania). His current practice location address is 925 Chestnut St, Mezzanine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and he can be reached out via phone at 215-955-5050 and via fax at 215-955-7499.", "NPI Number 1073595435 has the “Individual” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. ROBERT J KARL M.D. . Records indicate that the provider gender is “Male” .", "NPI: 1235184995. Provider Name: DR. MICHAEL EDWARD STOUT, DDS. Classification: Dentist - 1223G0001X. Entity Type: Individual Specialization: General Practice. PECOS Registration: Yes. Address: 30 STONERIDGE DRIVE SUITE 102 WAYNESBORO, VA ZIP 22980 . Phone: (540) 949-8053", "Samuel Gelernter, MD NPI is 1992836654. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male. The provider's business location address is: 760 BROADWAY BROOKLYN, NY ZIP 11206-317 Phone: (718) 963-5858", "The NPI number for Dr. James D Franklin, MD is 1801957014. Based on a NPI lookup from the NPI registry (NPPES), this provider holds a license number MA56569 (New Jersey). Based on Medicare data from 2014, the provider did accept the Medicare approved amount as payment in full.", "NPI Number 1770576035 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — MICHAEL STOUT M.D.. Records indicate that the provider gender is Male. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 08/23/2005. NPI Number information was last updated on 02/22/2012. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 4202 S UNIVERSITY AVE LITTLE ROCK, AR 72204-7841, US MICHAEL STOUT M.D. can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:", "NPI Number 1134122971 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. mark j. mazur dpm.", "The NPI Number is a unique 10-digit number issued by the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) to healthcare providers in the United States. Since 1996, HIPAA requires the adoption of a standard unique number for healthcare providers.", "DR. Jeffrey A Smith, M.D. NPI is 1134105083. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male. Education Medical School: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON Graduation Year:1995. The provider's business location address is:", "The authorized official registered with the 1043490428 NPI Number is WARREN ZEITLIN. The authorized official title (position) is DOCTOR. You can reach the authorized official at the following phone number 928-592-9414.", "NPI: 1861577447 National Provider Indentifier (NPI) The 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. Provider Name: DR. ORRIN WILLIAM PALMER MD: Provider Location Address: 1180 PROFESSIONAL CT HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 Provider location address", "Dr. Robert B Sanchez M.D. The NPI 1942312574 is an Individual type. This NPI number belongs to Robert B Sanchez. Dr. Robert B Sanchez M.D. specializes in Family Medicine. He is practising at 508 Idlewild Ave, Easton, Maryland 21601. You can also contact him via phone number (410) 822-9133. Practice location address. 508 Idlewild Ave; Easton, Maryland 21601 (410) 822-9133 (410) 822-9133; Mailling location address. 7090 Old School House Ln; Easton, Maryland 21601 (410) 822-3997; Not available; Dr. Robert B Sanchez M.D. is PECOS enrolled." ]
does peroxide.foaming mean infection
Finger infection. Since hydrogen peroxide kills germs, it is great to use on a finger infection, or any kind of skin infection. But, it stings! You can soak the infected finger in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It takes a while to work.
[ "1 tray or container to catch the foaming fun. 2 Pour 1/2 cup of the peroxide into the empty water bottle (Hydrogen peroxide can irritate skin and eyes, so make sure you protect your eyes and skin and let a grown up do the pouring.).", "Benzoyl peroxide is a peroxide, the technical term for an unstable bond between two oxygen atoms that can create free radicals. These free radicals kill P. acnes bacteria by destroying the cell walls. Benzoyl peroxide can also peel the outer layer of the skin, and bacteria don’t develop a resistance to this ingredient.", "After 2 months of antibiotics, it didnt go away. I read hydrogen peroxide mixed with water and rinsed in the mouth can kill yeast infections. I did 1 tbl spoon of peroxide to 2 of water, rinsed 2x's a day on and off for a week and a half. Now my gums tingle for 10 days even tho I stopped doing this 11 days ago.", "Hydrogen peroxide is often used as a topical disinfectant in wounds, and the bubbling that is seen is due to the evolution of O2 gas. H2O2 is a potent oxidizing agent that can wreak havoc in a cell; because of this, any cell that uses O2 or can live in the presence of O2 must have a way to get rid of the peroxide.", "1 safety goggles. 2 tray or container to catch the foaming fun. 3 Pour 1/2 cup of the peroxide into the empty water bottle (Hydrogen peroxide can irritate skin and eyes, so make sure you protect your eyes and skin and let a grown up do the pouring.). 4 Add about 8 drops of food coloring to the bottle (optional).", "Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria (antibacterial) and. also works by softening and peeling the outer. layer of the skin. Adapalene and benzoyl peroxide work together to. rapidly reduce inflammation. Your doctor, however, may prescribe EPIDUO. for another purpose. Ask your doctor if you have any questions.", "Tissue damage: Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer. The bubbling that you see is form the breakdown into oxygen and water. This can kill bacteria in your mouth but it can also kill normal cells. The white spots that you see in your mouth is tissue damage. Do not rinse with full strength hydrogen peroxide. It can hurt more than it helps. There are better ways to lighten teeth.", "Ingestion of concentrated solutions (¡ã10%) can cause extreme irritation, inflammation, and burns of the alimentary tract can occur, and hollow-organ distention and rupture is a significant danger. Hydrogen peroxide enemas have caused colonic rupture, intestinal gangrene with gas bubbles, and acute ulcerative colitis.", "A damaged enzyme may no longer work to catalyze a chemical reaction. Catalase is an enzyme in the liver that breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. When this reaction occurs, oxygen gas bubbles escape and create foam. Materials.", "Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria. (antibacterial) and also works by. softening and peeling the outer. layer of the skin. Adapalene and benzoyl peroxide. work together to rapidly reduce. inflammation. Your doctor, however, may.", "Yes, hydrogen peroxide does kill a few cells when used for wound cleaning. However, the strong oxidation does kill anaerobe bacteria, especially tetanus, as well as bubbling dirt, debris and dead cells from the wound. It should only be used for initial cleaning, followed by TAO, betadine, or the like.", "A damaged enzyme may no longer work to catalyze a chemical reaction. Catalase is an enzyme in the liver that breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. When this reaction occurs, oxygen gas bubbles escape and create foam.", "Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent used in aqueous solution as a ripening agent, bleach, and topical anti-infective. It is relatively unstable and solutions deteriorate over time unless stabilized by the addition of acetanilide or similar organic materials.", "Benzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial agent which has been shown to be effective against Propionibacterium acnes, an anaerobe found in sebaceous follicles and comedones. The antibacterial action of benzoyl peroxide is believed to be due to the release of active oxygen." ]
does balsamic vinegar have sugar
During fermentation a lot of the sugar is converted to acid. But there is still more sugar than regular vinegar has. So real aged balsamic vinegar has more calories from the grape sugars.
[ "Mix balsamic vinegar with brown sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer until glaze is reduced by half, about 20 minutes. Glaze should coat the back of a spoon. Let cool and pour into a jar with a lid; store in refrigerator.", "1 Mix balsamic vinegar with brown sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar has dissolved. 2 Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer until glaze is reduced by half, about 20 minutes. 3 Glaze should coat the back of a spoon.", "1 Mix balsamic vinegar with brown sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar has dissolved. 2 Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer until glaze is reduced by half, about 20 minutes. 3 Glaze should coat the back of a spoon. 4 Let cool and pour into a jar with a lid; store in refrigerator.", "From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you.", "From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you. By Rachel Grumman Bender for YouBeauty.com. Posted on 8/07/2014 | By Rachel Grumman Bender.", "From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you. By Rachel Grumman Bender for YouBeauty.com. Posted on 8/07/2014 | By Rachel Grumman Bender | Comments ().", "People Are Drinking Vinegar. From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you.", "Color and Texture: Traditional balsamic vinegar is glossy, viscous, and dark brown, though it captures light beautifully. It moves like syrup, and has a velvety texture on the tongue. Flavor: A rich, complex sweetness that explodes in the mouth with notes of fig, molasses, cherry, chocolate, or prune.", "Balsamic vinegar is considered a gluten-free food. Other kinds of vinegar are made from grains which contain gluten, but balsamic vinegar is made from pressed grapes. Grapes are naturally gluten-free. In addition, the distillation process for maturing vinegar removes gluten even from grain-based vinegars.", "People Are Drinking Vinegar. From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you. By Rachel Grumman Bender for YouBeauty.com. Posted on 8/07/2014 | By Rachel Grumman Bender | Comments ().", "People Are Drinking Vinegar. From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you. By Rachel Grumman Bender for YouBeauty.com. Posted on 8/07/2014 | By Rachel Grumman Bender.", "1. Stay Skinny and in Shape Using Balsamic Vinegar. Balsamic vinegar can help you lose weight! It contains a very low amount of calories and is rich in acetic acid, an ingredient extremely useful in weight loss programs. It has a full, aromatic and sweet flavor and can be used to season salads and other dishes, as well as to make sauces and marinades. One tablespoon of balsamic vinegar contains only 43 calories, which makes of it an excellent low-calorie aid and a perfect substitute for high-fat dressings.", "Balsamic Vinegar of Modena I.G.P. must contain wine vinegar to bring its acidity to at least 6%, and can contain up to 50% wine vinegar, often both aged and young. It may contain thickening agents, caramel, or other colorants to make it more like real balsamic.", "Not all balsamic vinegars have sulfites, but many less expensive choices do. • Heat sweetens balsamic vinegar and boils out acidity. If you want to mellow out the flavor, heat it. If not, use it without heat or add at the very end of the cooking process.", "Besides lowering blood sugar, balsam pears have many other medical values. It contains protein, calcium and various vitamins and has the functions of clearing heat, detoxification, lowering cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. It is especially rich in vitamin C which can help prevent sepsis and protect the heart.", "Other kinds of vinegar are made from grains which contain gluten, but balsamic vinegar is made from pressed grapes. Grapes are naturally gluten-free. In addition, the distillation process for maturing vinegar removes gluten even from grain-based vinegars. Know More.", "Other kinds of vinegar are made from grains which contain gluten, but balsamic vinegar is made from pressed grapes. Grapes are naturally gluten-free. In addition, the distillation process for maturing vinegar removes gluten even from grain-based vinegars.", "Balsamic vinegar is gluten free. Photo by JacobEnos. Balsamic vinegar is not a vinegar in the usual sense, as it is made from grape juice aged in wooden casks. Traditional balsamic vinegar is aged for a minimum of 12 years and sometimes for 25 years or more.", "The original, costly, traditional balsamic vinegar (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale), is made from a reduction of cooked white Trebbiano grape juice, and used as a condiment.It has been produced in Modena and Reggio Emilia since the Middle Ages, being mentioned in a document dated 1046.odena uses a different system to indicate the age of its balsamic vinegars (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena). A white-coloured cap means the vinegar has aged for at least 12 years and a gold cap bearing the designation extravecchio (extra old) shows the vinegar has aged for 25 years or more.", "Much of what is sold as balsamic vinegar here is simply red wine vinegar with caramel or caramel coloring added to make it syrupy and sweet like true balsamic. The surprising news is that vinegar does indeed go bad.", "In addition to traditional apple cider, malt, white distilled and wine vinegar, there is also a variety of specialty vinegars like rice, balsamic, fruit and herbal vinegars. Blood Sugar Several studies indicate that vinegar may lower blood sugar levels, which could help people with diabetes.", "Ingredients. 1 ¼ cup balsamic vinegar (ordinary, not caramelised or syrupy) 2 ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil (or less if you like sharper dressing) 3 Salt and pepper to taste. 1 tbsp balsamic 1 vinegar. 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (or less if you like sharper dressing) Salt and pepper to 1 taste. Honey or sugar, to taste.", "A Surprising Kosher Shortcut The process of making balsamic vinegar begins by boiling the grape juice until it becomes thick syrup. This is most interesting from our perspective because it has the potential to make the vinegar Kosher. Wine is disqualified from Kosher if handled or touched by an Akum.he commonly found white vinegar is invariably not produced from wine and has very few if any kashrus concerns. Balsamic vinegar though, a viscous, sweet smelling vinegar, is made from the juice of freshly crushed grapes, known as “must” and is banned under these laws of Kashrut.", "Vinegar improves blood sugar levels. Drinking apple cider vinegar before a high-carbohydrate meal improves insulin sensitivity—slowing the rate of blood sugar levels rising—in people who are insulin resistant (a prediabetes condition) or have type 2 diabetes, according to a 2004 study.rom apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you.", "Balsamic vinegar is made from pressing and fermenting grapes. It ages in wooden barrels for years, sometimes decades. The longer it ferments, the more intense the flavor becomes and the thicker it gets. Balsamic vinegar has an array of health benefits, but you should not use to treat any type of medical ailment.", "Balsamic Vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is an aromatic, aged type of vinegar, which is traditionally made from the concentrated juice or must of white grapes. It is very dark brown in color, and its flavor is rich, sweet and complex.", "Balsamic vinegar is not a vinegar in the usual sense, as it is made from grape juice aged in wooden casks. Traditional balsamic vinegar is aged for a minimum of 12 years and sometimes for 25 years or more. There’s a minute possibility that gluten based paste used to seal the casks might contaminate the vinegar.", "Balsamic vinegars range in age from young (three to five years) to middle-aged (six to 12 years) to the noble older versions, which can range from 12 to more than 100 years old. By law a vinegar labeled aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena must have been wood-aged for a minimum of 12 years.The word stravecchio on the label tells you the balsamic's been aged at least 25 years. Older, high-quality balsamics are sometimes used as an aperitif or digestif after a meal.White balsamic vinegar also comes from Modena, Italy, but is made by an entirely different process than classic balsamic vinegar. The grape undergoes pressurized cooking, which prevents the caramelization of both flavor and color.lder, high-quality balsamics are sometimes used as an aperitif or digestif after a meal. White balsamic vinegar also comes from Modena, Italy, but is made by an entirely different process than classic balsamic vinegar. The grape undergoes pressurized cooking, which prevents the caramelization of both flavor and color.", "Some of the more commonly used woods are ash, cherry, oak, juniper, and chestnut. The balsamic vinegars sold in your average grocery store are more often than not just wine vinegar with some colouring, usually caramel and thickeners like guar gum or cornflour.he commonly found white vinegar is invariably not produced from wine and has very few if any kashrus concerns. Balsamic vinegar though, a viscous, sweet smelling vinegar, is made from the juice of freshly crushed grapes, known as “must” and is banned under these laws of Kashrut.", "Balsamic vinegar adds lots of flavor to any dish, without packing in too many calories. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, balsamic vinegar provides a minimal 5 calories per teaspoon. This is far less than a 1-teaspoon serving of olive oil which has 45 calories.", "Balsamic vinegar can make your stomach produce less hydrochloric acid that will help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Acetic acid can balance the pH levels in your stomach. This way the stomach will stop producing large quantities of hydrochloric acid. This can help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Small amounts of Balsamic vinegar can be taken before each meal to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.", "The active compound in vinegar, acetic acid, has been shown to inhibit carb-digesting enzymes, which means carbs have less of an impact on blood sugar. It doesn't matter which type of vinegar you use since it's the acetic acid in vinegar rather than the flavor that can help lower blood sugar levels. The recommendations vary from 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons to be taken with meals. Flavoring your salads with vinegar is one way to add this ingredient to your meals.", "– Vinegar can also help lower your sugar level. Most studies use white or apple vinegar. 1-2 tbsp vinegar, usually mixed with vegetable oil to make vinaigrette, can cut the rise in sugar levels after a meal by 20-30%.", "Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI is made from grape “must” that is partially fermented and/or boiled and/or concentrated by adding a quantity of vinegar aged for at least 10 years and with the addition of at least 10% of vinegar produced from the acidification of wine only.", "The vinegar is cooked in pressurized vats and aged for at least two months in large wooden barrels. There is no fermentation stage. Balsamic Vinegar of Modena I.G.P. must contain wine vinegar to bring its acidity to at least 6%, and can contain up to 50% wine vinegar, often both aged and young. It may contain thickening agents, caramel, or other colorants to make it more like real balsamic.", "1 To make the balsamic reduction, add balsamic vinegar and brown sugar to a small saucepan over medium heat. 2 Bring to a slight boil and reduce by half, about 6-8 minutes; set aside and let cool. 3 In a small bowl, combine olive oil, basil and oregano; season with salt and pepper, to taste.", "The original, costly, traditional balsamic vinegar (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale), is made from a reduction of cooked white Trebbiano grape juice, and used as a condiment.It has been produced in Modena and Reggio Emilia since the Middle Ages, being mentioned in a document dated 1046.he original, costly, traditional balsamic vinegar (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale), is made from a reduction of cooked white Trebbiano grape juice, and used as a condiment.", "Vinegar is made by fermenting anything that naturally contains sugar. In the case of distilled white vinegar, it is often made from corn and apples. Like other vinegars, white vinegar contains few calories but packs a lot of flavor. Its acetic acid content may help lower cholesterol levels as well.", "Vinegar and oil dressing makes you feel fuller and and to avoid hunger-induced sugar spikes. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz. glass of water before your two biggest meals of the day helps prevent fat from accumulating in the body.", "Vinegar is 5-8% acetic acid in water. The alcohol that forms in the process of making it is negligible. There are traces of alcohol in vinegar but a very small amount. Wine vinegars such as red or white wine and balsamic vinegar do start with a dilute wine which is then fermented. Instead of the bacteria fermenting sugars, as happens when the wine is made, bacteria from the acetobacter family use the alcohol in the fermentation process.", "Why Balsamic Vinegar Isn't What You Think It Is. We hope you like your salad with a side of fraud, because if you've been dressing it with a balsamic vinaigrette chances are that's what you're getting. Unless you've put down a pretty penny on that dressing, it probably contains no real balsamic in it at all. Balsamic vinegar, the real kind that comes from Modena in Italy and has been carefully aged to dark brown, syrupy perfection, is, well, expensive. Really expensive. 1 If it's cheap, it's probably fake." ]
how much money does a divorce lawyer make after settlement
While many lawyers do tell clients to hire a financial professional, some don't -- and settlement mistakes can cost clients thousands of dollars. Still, the price of hiring a divorce finance pro can range from $4,000 to $25,000.awyers in the association are required to spend at least 75 percent of their time on matrimonial law issues and have at least 10 years' experience in the subject (or with five years' experience, to spend at least 90 percent of their time on such cases). Matrimonial lawyers say clients benefit from their expertise.
[ "Shares & Saves. Save. In the United States, the average cost of an uncontested divorce ranges from $100 to $500 without an attorney and $500 to $10,000 or more with an attorney. Other costs in a divorce case include fees for filing, copies, notary fees, and service and miscellaneous charges." ]
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A joint statement released by Gregory Wetstone, President and CEO, American Council on Renewable; Tom Kiernan, CEO, American Wind Energy Association; Matthew Mallioux, Director, American Conservation Coalition; Heather Reams, Managing Director, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions; Mark Pischea, President, Conservative Energy Network; and Mark Fleming, President and CEO, Conservatives for Clean Energy was also critical of the bill:
[ "Prior to becoming president and CEO, Harris served as PSE's chief resource officer, where she guided the expansion of the company's energy efficiency and wind power programs. PSE is the nation's second largest utility owner of wind power and has one of the largest energy efficiency programs in the nation. Prior to joining PSE in 1999, Harris practiced law with Perkins Coie. Harris serves in leadership roles for the American Gas Association and the Washington Roundtable.", "America's highest-paid CEO is a Houstonian: Meet a $141.9 million man. Charif Souki, chairman, president and CEO of Houston-based Cheniere Energy, is the highest paid CEO in the country with $141.9 million in compensation in 2013. Photo via Forbes. CEO Paal Kibsgaard of Houston-based Schlumberger came in at No. 49 on the list with $22 million received in compensation in 2013.", "Ray Harris is President of MasTec. He was appointed in January 1995; formerly, he was President and CEO of Mesa Power, which was formed by T. Boone Pickens, where he developed and financed wind and other renewable energy power projects.", "Renewable Energy Ceo jobs, careers, employment in United States. 1 CEO/COO/VP/GM executives with experience in IT/Telecommunications Industry2d. Blackmore Partners, Inc.More Blackmore Partners, Inc. jobs in Chicago > Greater Chicago Area. 2 CEO/COO/VP/GM/President executives for a PE backed company3d.", "American Electric Power has named Ashley M. Weaver vice president, Operations and Performance Transformation, with responsibility for leading the company's continuous improvement efforts, effective Jan. 3, 2018. She will replace Barbara D. Radous, senior vice president, who is retiring from the company.", "HOUSTON, Apr. 20. 04/20/2016. ByOGJ editors. Elliot J. Chambers has been named chief executive officer, in addition to his role as chief financial officer, of White Star Petroleum LLC, formerly an affiliate of American Energy Partners LP known as American Energy-Woodford LLC.", "Chambers named CEO of White Star Petroleum. Elliot J. Chambers has been named chief executive officer, in addition to his role as chief financial officer, of White Star Petroleum LLC, formerly an affiliate of American Energy Partners LP known as American Energy-Woodford LLC. White Star, Oklahoma City, is becoming a standalone oil and gas producer.", "“The United States is in the midst of a new era in domestic energy abundance characterized by rising use of renewable energy and increased oil and natural gas production that is strengthening our economic outlook and enabling America to emerge as a global energy superpower,” said API President and CEO Jack Gerard.", "Arunas Chesonis. Arunas A. Chesonis is Chairman of the Board and CEO of Sweetwater Energy, a Rochester, New York renewable energy company. His appointment was announced on December 16, 2011. Chesonis previously served as the Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of PAETEC Corp. since May 1998, when he founded the company. In 2011, Chesonis sold PAETEC to Windstream Communications for $2.3 billion . Arunas Chesonis is a civil engineering graduate of MIT and holds an M.B.A. from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester. References", "President and CEO. Michael D. Dean was most recently Chief Executive Officer of Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc., where he revitalized the global health and wellness company and returned it to growth. He also served as a director on its board and a member of its audit committee.", "Charif Souki, chairman, president and CEO of Houston-based Cheniere Energy, is the highest paid CEO in the country with $141.9 million in compensation in 2013. CEO Paal Kibsgaard of Houston-based Schlumberger came in at No. 49 on the list with $22 million received in compensation in 2013.", "CEOs share insights on wind and solar at APW 2015 There is no denying that wind and solar will play a major role in tomorrow`s energy landscape. Wind, solar and other renewable energy sources are already being used across the US to provide a cleaner, more economical source of energy. The CEOs of American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) are helping drive this change. At APW 2015, they discussed trends in this industry and shared insights on the future of renewables for the country.", "Today's top 79 Renewable Energy Ceo jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Renewable Energy Ceo jobs added daily.", "David J. Lesar. David John Lesar is an American businessman who is the Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Halliburton Energy Services. Trained as a Certified Public Accountant, Lesar spent 16 years at Arthur Andersen. He had spent most of his career at Andersen, where he worked on their Halliburton account.", "Gregory E. Abel, 43, is president and chief operating officer ofMidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, based in Des Moines,Iowa. He also serves as chief executive officer of CE Electric UK,which distributes electricity to approximately 3.7 million customersin England.", "Faulkner is the founder and CEO of Dallas-based Breitling Energy Corporation, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company. He is the author of The Fracking Truth and producer of the movie Breaking Free: The Shale Rock Revolution. Faulkner is not shy when it comes to supporting the fracking revolution.", "On October 20, 2017, the Boards of directors of both MGE Energy, Inc. and Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE) elected Marcia M. Anderson and James G. Berbee as members of both boards of directors, effective as of March 1, 2018.", "“It’s a remarkable transformation that has been made possible because America is uniquely rich in energy resources, a talented workforce and cutting-edge energy technologies.”. “Solar energy is one of America’s great success stories,” said SEIA President and CEO Rhone Resch.", "Dr. Pignatelli is currently the President and CEO of Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc. and the Vice President of MDA National. He is a member of the Board of Directors for Evergreen Energy, Unisource Energy Company, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Arizona and ElectroRent.", "He is CEO and chairman of Tesla Motors, a new all-electric American car company. Elon is also a trustee of the X Prize Foundation and the Musk Foundation, both of which have a strong interest in promoting renewable and environmentally friendly energy technologies.e is CEO and chairman of Tesla Motors, a new all-electric American car company. Elon is also a trustee of the X Prize Foundation and the Musk Foundation, both of which have a strong interest in promoting renewable and environmentally friendly energy technologies.", "Paul Pankratz, chairman of the board of Magma, said: Over the past several years, Magma has emerged as an internationally recognized leader in the development of renewable power from geothermal energy owing to its strong balance sheet, disciplined focus on core objectives, management expertise and outstanding resource management.", "HOUSTON, April 12, 2012 – American General Life Companies (American General) has named James A. Mallon President and CEO. He assumes his new role after serving as President and CEO of American. General Life and Accident Insurance Company (AGLA), a member company of American General, since. 2004. He will continue to oversee AGLA. Mary Jane Fortin, previously President and CEO of American. General, has been named Chief Financial Officer of SunAmerica Financial Group, AIG’s life insurance and. retirement services division. “Jim is a very talented leader who brings in-depth knowledge and over 39 years of experience in the life.", "Who is Larry Nichols? Biography, gossip, facts? J. Larry Nichols (born July 6 1942) is the Chairman of Oklahoma City-based Devon Energy Corporation. Nichols co-founded Devon with his father John Nichols in 1971 and assumed the company's chairmanship in 2000. He served as Devon's CEO from 1980 to 2010 and was President from 1976 until 2003.", "David L. Sokol, 48, is chairman and chief executive officer ofMidAmerican Energy Holdings Company. MidAmerican has$20 billion in assets and is a private company in which BerkshireHathaway holds an 80 percent economic interest.In February 1991, Sokol joined the company as chairman, presidentand chief executive officer.", "by the Royal Academy of Engineering for Dr. Ian Mays, RES CEO for pioneering work in wind energy. largest public-owned wind project in the US 63.7 MW Nine Canyon wind project built.", "Mitch Ingram serves as Executive Vice President, Global LNG. Mr. Ingram joined Anadarko in 2015 with more than 28 years of experience in the oil and natural gas...", "Mr. Hutchens is President and CEO of UNS Energy Corporation and subsidiaries Tucson Electric Power (TEP) and UniSource Energy Services (UES). He served as a nuclear submarine officer in the U.S. Navy and worked as an engineer before joining TEP in July 1995.", "Jon Wellinghoff. Jon Wellinghoff (born May 30, 1949) is an American attorney who served as the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) from 2009 to 2013. The FERC is a U.S. government agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.", "Abel serves as a director of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company and HomeServices of America, Inc., basedin Minneapolis, the second-largest full-service independent residential real estate brokerage firm in the UnitedStates. He is also a member of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) board of directors.", "American Electric Power is participating in a voluntary industry initiative to help provide electric industry investors with more uniform and consistent environmental, social, governance, and sustainability-related (ESG/sustainability) metrics.", "Corporate Officers. Jim Piro is president and chief executive officer of Portland General Electric (PGE), and has 41 years’ experience in the utility business. Prior to becoming CEO in 2009, he served nine years as executive vice president of Finance, chief financial officer and treasurer.", "Forbes points out: Nuclear power is no longer an economically viable source of new energy in the United States, the freshly-retired CEO of Exelon, America’s largest producer of nuclear power [who also served on the president’s Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future], said in Chicago Thursday.", "blog. 1 Inter-American Foundation Names New President The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) is pleased to announce Paloma Adams-Allen as its new president and chief executive officer. She will succeed Robert N. Kaplan, who is stepping down to pursue personal interests outside the organization after a successful six and a half year tenure.", "J. Paul Condrin III, is the Chairman, President & CEO of American Fire and Casualty Company which was founded in 1906. The company secretary is Dexter R Legg. The company treasurer is James P Mckenney. American Fire and Casualty Company primarily deals with insurance. American Fire and Casualty Company is affiliated with Liberty Mutual Insurance Companies. In 2013, American Fire and Casualty Company had total liabilities of $21,355 and total assets of $59,838. Their total liabilities reached $21,355, while their net income was $5,037. Total direct premiums written in 2013 totaled $185,429; and net premiums were $-31,345.", "Windstream CEO Jeff Gardner Resigns. Tony Thomas Steps Up As Company Commits To REIT Plan 12/12/2014 9:30 AM Eastern. By: Jeff Baumgartner. Windstream Holdings announced Thursday that president and CEO Jeff Gardner has resigned, naming Tony Thomas as his successor. Thomas, 43, also named a director of Windstream, has principally served as the company’s CFO for the past eight years, and most recently as its president of real estate investment trust (REIT) operations.", "Tony Thomas Named CEO of Windstream As Jeff Gardner Steps Down. by Lance Turner on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014 4:01 pm. Windstream CEO Tony Thomas. Windstream Holdings Inc. of Little Rock said Thursday that Jeff Gardner has resigned as president and CEO and that Tony Thomas has been appointed to succeed him effective immediately..", "The U.S. can wait and watch others reap the benefits of reduced emissions, energy security, and a thriving production sector, or it can be a global leader in renewable technology. The choice is ours. Tags: energy, renewable energy, solar energy, wind power, China, United States Elena Krieger , Ph.D., is the director of the Renewable Energy Program at PSE Healthy Energy. Michael Shank is an adjunct assistant professor at New York University's Center for Global Affairs.", "Lynn Jurich, the CEO of Sunrun.Sunrun. Solar energy is slowly but surely making its way into the mainstream, with individual consumers installing panels atop their homes and companies like Apple investing heavily in the energy source.", "We are happy to introduce Dr. Martin Keller as the new director at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Keller comes to us from Oak Ridge National Laboratory​, where he served as the Associate Laboratory Director for Energy and Environmental Sciences. Battelle​ teams with MRIGlobal​ in the Alliance for Sustainable Energy to manage NREL for the U.S. Department of Energy​. http://ow.ly/TDMOc.", "Current Chief Operating Officer of Stellar Asia Pacific, Melissa Hamilton, will take over the helm of CEO Stellar Asia Pacific. Stellar Global Announce the Appointment of New CEOs. Stellar wind plays an important role in the Lada-Shu scenario because it provides a way for a star to rid itself of extra angular momentum.", "Windstream director Francis X. “Skip” Frantz will lead the process to select a new president and CEO of the REIT. Frantz will leave the board when the REIT deal is closed, anticipated to occur in the first half of 2015. Gardner will stay on as a senior advisor to Thomas through Feb. 1, 2015.", "CPS Energy CEO and President Paula Gold-Williams, will be the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce chairwoman in 2018. CPS Energy CEO and President Paula Gold-Williams, will be the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce chairwoman in 2018.", "Meet Tom, CEO of Southern Company. Tom Fanning has been chairman, president and CEO of Southern Company since 2010. Under his leadership, our 32,000-strong team continues to build the future of energy and improve peoples’ lives.", "Meet Jack Fusco, Calpine's new president and CEO. At the helm of the independent power producer since August, Mr. Fusco brings 25 years of experience in the industry to a company that's ready for action.", "Leading the way on sustainable growth. Eric is the chairman, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Aramark (NYSE: ARMK), a $15 billion global provider of food, facilities and uniform services. Eric was named president and CEO in 2012 and chairman of the board in 2015.", "Meanwhile, the company that Busch relinquished has been remade. Anheuser-Busch InBev’s CEO, Carlos Brito, has followed through on the one plan August IV and his team had crafted: It was called Blue Ocean and laid out how to cut about $1 billion of company expenses. When Brito finished with that, he cut another billion.", "Christoph Schell is President of the Americas Region for HP Inc. In this role, Christoph is responsible for the go-to-market strategy and overall financial performance of the Americas business across all products, services and go-to-markets." ]
electrical what does SDI stand for
Ski-Doo SDI-a quite different and more economical route to low two-stroke emissions and fuel consumption. SDI stands for Semi-Direct Injection, and it describes a system by which fuel is injected, not into the combustion chamber, but into the fast-moving air streams in the rear transfer ports.DI stands for serial digital interference. It is a video interface used within broadcast environments and supports both SD and HD signals. It runs on a single co-ax cable wit … h BNC terminations.
[ "Posts. 4,604. S.D.I stands for semi direct injection, makes the motor way more efficient and just plain nicer if you don't plan on doing any work to your sleds for some one that wants a start and go sled a 600 sdi is the perfect fit.", "The SDI standard uses data words that are 8 or 10 bits in length. Signals are uncompressed and are self-synchronizing between the source (transmitter) and destination (receiver).", "SDI is a leader in advanced imaging and the SDI network is one of the largest providers of imaging services in the Southwest region. We are pleased to be able to continue to provide in-network radiology services to you and look forward to serving you in the future.", "SDI refers to the teaching strategies and methods used by teachers to instruct students with learning disabilities and other types of learning disorders. 1 Article. 2 Article. 3 Up Next. 4 Up Next. 5 Up Next.", "SDD stands for Solution Definition Document. Suggest new definition. This definition appears very rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Information technology (IT) and computers.", "System Deployment Image. SDI file is a System Deployment Image. SDI is a file format used primarily with Microsoft products to contain an arbitrary disk image, including boot sector information. SDI imaging is a key technology delivered with the Windows Embedded Studio, the platform development tools in Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 1.", "A System Deployment Image (aka SDI) is a file format used primarily with Microsoft products to contain an arbitrary disk image, including boot sector information. Contents. Description[edit] The System Deployment Image (SDI) file format is often used to allow the use of a virtual disk for startup or booting. Some versions of Microsoft Windows allow for RAM booting, which is essentially the ability to load an SDI file into memory and then boot from it.", "The indices commonly used to assess sleep disordered breathing (SDB) are the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and the respiratory disturbance index (RDI). The AHI is defined as the average number of episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour. The RDI is defined as the average number of respiratory disturbances (obstructive apneas, hypopneas, and respiratory event–related arousals [RERAs]) per hour.", "Service data unit. In Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) terminology, a service data unit (SDU) is a unit of data that has been passed down from an OSI layer or sublayer to a lower layer. This unit of data (SDU) has not yet been encapsulated into a protocol data unit (PDU) by the lower layer.", "The SDI file is what determines how the settings for the toolbars are assigned to each Window. The .sdi file extension is also used by the QuickBooks financial software. The SDI files created by this application store data files that are used by the program.", "A. The DHS Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), a subset of the Enterprise. Architecture, consists of geographic information systems software and hardware, geospatial applications, data, standards, policies, programs, and the human. resources necessary to acquire, process, analyze, store, maintain, distribute, and.", "The initiative focused on strategic defense rather than the prior strategic offense doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD). The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) was set up in 1984 within the United States Department of Defense to oversee the Strategic Defense Initiative. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons (intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles).", "What is State Disability Insurance(SDI)? California State Disability Insurance (SDI) is insurance that covers employees for non-work related illness and/or injuries. PPEO represented employees are covered by SDI and pay the cost for this benefit. You must be disabled for seven calendar days before you are eligible for SDI benefits.", "STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE (SDI), also known as Star Wars, was a research project to create a missile defense system that would protect the United States from nuclear attack.", "SDI2 8-Input Expansion Module. 1 Programmable input point functions. 2 Easy to read switch addressing. 3 2 interconnect wiring connectors. Provides eight points.", "Standard-definition television (SDTV or SD) is a television system that uses a resolution that is not considered to be either high-definition television (720p, 1080i, 1080p, 1440p, 4K UHDTV, and 8K UHD) or enhanced-definition television (EDTV 480p).", "SDI, or state disability insurance, is a state program that pays benefits to employees who become disabled as a result of a work-related injury. Only a few states offer SDI, including California, New York, Rhode Island, Washington and New Jersey. Some states require only the employer to contribute to the fund while other states require both the employee and the employer to contribute.", "Short-term disability insurance (SDI) and temporary disability insurance (TDI) are programs that give employees some compensation when they have to take time off work for injuries, illnesses, or disabilities (including pregnancy)." ]
what is the xs modifier used for
The-XS modifier, separate structure, will be useful for skin procedures as well as other types of procedures. For example, use this modifier to indicate that a punch biopsy on a lesion of the face was distinct from the excision of a different, separate benign lesion on the face.
[ "Modifier Codes XE, XP, XS, XU and 59. Effective January 1, 2015, HMSA will accept modifiers XE, XS, XP, and XU and recommends that providers use these modifiers in place of modifier 59 when appropriate.CMS created the new modifiers to be used to report greater specificity in situations where modifier 59 was previously reported.", "You can rule out using modifier XE for the bronchoscopy codes since it is not a separate encounter and XP since it is not a separate practitioner. XS would not be appropriate becasue the procedures are performed on the same organ system (respiratory) That would leave us with modifier XU or 59 to use.", "Effective for dates of service January 1, 2015 and following, Moda Health will accept modifiers XE, XS, XP, and XU and will expect providers to use modifiers XE, XS, XP, and XU in place of modifier 59. when appropriate. • Modifier 59 should not be used when one of the X{EPSU} modifiers describes the reason for -. the distinct procedural service. The -X{EPSU} modifiers are more specific versions of the 59 -.", "Four New Modifiers to Use Instead of Modifier 59 – XE, XS, XP & XU. Proper modifier usage can be one of the biggest hurdles to filing a clean claim. Medicare recently announced they’ve established four new modifiers – XE, XS, XP, and XU – that may be used in lieu of modifier 59. The codes are more specific and become effective January 1, 2015. To start, let’s quickly define the four newest HCPCS modifiers, also commonly referred to as -X{EPSU} modifiers.", "XE, XS, XP and XU, distinct service modifiers. Effective Jan. 1, 2015, four new modifiers more effectively identify distinct services that are typically considered inclusive to another service. Utilizing these modifiers will help with more accurate coding that better describes the procedural encounter.", "Effective for dates of service January 1, 2015 and following, Moda Health will accept modifiers XE, XS, XP, and XU and will expect providers to use modifiers XE, XS, XP, and XU in place of modifier 59. when appropriate. the distinct procedural service.", "Four New Modifiers to Use Instead of Modifier 59 – XE, XS, XP & XU. Proper modifier usage can be one of the biggest hurdles to filing a clean claim. Medicare recently announced they’ve established four new modifiers – XE, XS, XP, and XU – that may be used in lieu of modifier 59. The codes are more specific and become effective January 1, 2015.", "(Original article of 1/5/15). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has created four new X modifiers that will function just as the modifier -59 currently does. Both modifier -59 and these new modifiers are functioning as of January 1, 2015. The new modifiers, which are-XE, -XP, -XS, and –XU, provide more specificity as to the reason for its usage.", "XS – Separate Structure: A service that is distinct because it was performed on a separate organ/structure. XP – Separate Practitioner: A service that is distinct because it was performed by a different practitioner. XU – Unusual Non-Overlapping Service: The use of a service that is distinct because it does not overlap usual components of the main service. These modifiers are appropriate for National Corect Coding Initiative (NCCI) procedure-to-procedure edits only.", "How to use XE,XS,XP AND XU modifier with 59 Modifier-Update from Medicare. The Medicare National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) has Procedure to Procedure (PTP) edits to prevent unbundling of services, and the consequent overpayment to physicians and outpatient facilities.", "However, modifier 59 should NOT be used when a more appropriate modifier, like a XE, XP, XS or XU modifier, is available. Certain codes that are prone to incorrect billing may also require one of the new modifiers.", "These modifiers, collectively known as-X {ESPU}, will be accepted for all lines of business on both professional and facility claims. XE – Separate Encounter: A service that is distinct because it occurred during a separate encounter.", "XSL is used to refer to a family of languages used to transform and render XML documents. CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Hence XSL and CSS are not the same and not interchangeable.", "up vote 2 down vote. XSL is used to refer to a family of languages used to transform and render XML documents. CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Hence XSL and CSS are not the same and not interchangeable.", "XSL is used to refer to a family of languages used to transform and render XML documents. CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language.", "• The modifier and the code have been submitted in accordance with AMA CPT book guidelines, CPT Assistant guidelines, CMS/NCCI Policy Manual guidelines, and any applicable specialty society guidelines. • The medical records documentation supports the appropriate use of s XE, XP, XS, modifierXU, or 59.", "1 Similarly, X can be used as a 'less than' modifier for L and C but not D or M. 2 V, L, and D cannot be used as 'less than' modifiers for anything-forty five cannot be written as VL, it must be given in full as XXXXV.", "Note: Modifier 59 should not be appended to an E/M service. modifier 25. Service.” These modifiers are XE, XS, XP, and XU, and collectively they are referred to as -X{EPSU}. The -X{EPSU} modifiers are more selective versions of the -59 modifier. Ipsilateral On the same side; affecting the same side of the body; the opposite of contralateral. brain or spinal cord lesions producing them.", "Updated the page with current content for modifier code 59 and the addition of modifier codes XE, XP, XS and XU and their content. 03/04/2015. Updated the page to include QUEST Integration in the title and content. 03/09/2015. Revised page title.", "Use the KX modifier only in cases where the condition of the individual patient is such that services are APPROPRIATELY provided in an episode that exceeds the cap. Routine use of the KX modifier for all patients with these conditions will likely show up on data analysis as aberrant and invite inquiry.", "X Macro is a technique in the C and C++ programming languages for generating repeating code structures at compile time. It is used when the same operation has to be executed for a list of items, but regular for loops cannot be used.", "Modifiers that are used on claims for ambulance services are created by combining two alpha characters. Each alpha character, with the exception of X, represents an origin (source) code or a destination code. The pair of alpha codes creates one modifier.", "kx rationale. Using the KX modifier indicates that the Dr. has written this order, it was used to order the equipment/drugs/supplies needed to treat the patient. These orders are usually good for a limited time period. Usually 1 year (in the case of medications/supplies for diabetes).", "Quick Answer. In mathematical functions, the letter x is used as a variable, meaning it's used in place of an unknown value or values. The letter x is commonly used to represent a variable, a tradition that started with the French mathematician Ren Descartes in the 17th century.", "We commonly use abbreviations such as Dx for diagnosis, Fx for fracture, Hx for history, Sx for symptoms, Tx for treatment or transplant and so forth. It is quite convenient to use those abbreviations in writing a medical chart. What I really don't understand is the reason why were those abbreviations such as Dx, Fx, Hx, Sx, Tx created by using x? I mean why an alphabet such as D followed by x means an abbreviation for diagnosis. Why does x mean an abbreviation? I can imagine that perhaps x means something special.", "sx is shorthand for symptoms. It's usually used by medical staff when noting a patients chart. sxs is shorthand for symptoms the plural of sx. NOTE: I have also seen sx used as an abbreviation for surgery so it really depends on the context of what's being discussed in the patients records. Views.", "A: In mathematical functions, the letter x is used as a variable, meaning it's used in place of an unknown value or values. The letter x is commonly used to represent a variable, a tradition that started with the French mathematician Ren Descartes in the 17th century.", "X forms are used to report adjustments to employment taxes and to claim refunds of overpaid employment taxes. If you are a small business owner, you have two options to e-file tax forms of the 94x series.", "The ordered pair (x, y) is used to denote a point in Cartesian Coordinate system. It is the second of the two terms by which a point is referred to, in a system of fixed Cartesian Coordinate axes. The first coordinate, i.e., x coordinate, is called the abscissa. Cartesian co-ordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical co-ordinates, which are the distances from the point to two fixed axes, measured in the same unit of length.", "How to Use the –X{EPSU} Modifiers. Modifier 59 is not going away and will continue to be a valid modifier, according to Medicare. However, modifier 59 should NOT be used when a more appropriate modifier, like a XE, XP, XS or XU modifier, is available. Certain codes that are prone to incorrect billing may also require one of the new modifiers.", "675,412 Discussions. Xanax (generic name: alprazolam) is a fast-acting treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks and insomnia . It acts as an effective sedative and can be also used for a wide range of conditions. However, if used for a long period of time, one can become more and more tolerant to it and higher doses will be required to obtain the desired effect.", "Xanax (generic name: alprazolam) is a fast-acting treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks and insomnia . It acts as an effective sedative and can be also used for a wide range of conditions. However, if used for a long period of time, one can become more and more tolerant to it and higher doses will be required to obtain the desired effect.", "677,081 Discussions. Xanax (generic name: alprazolam) is a fast-acting treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks and insomnia . It acts as an effective sedative and can be also used for a wide range of conditions. However, if used for a long period of time, one can become more and more tolerant to it and higher doses will be required to obtain the desired effect.", "Xanax Uses. Xanax is used for the treatment of panic disorder and anxiety in adults. Using a CNS depressant like Xanax can help reduce anxiety, relax muscles, and stop seizures. Off-label Xanax uses may include the treatment of insomnia, agitation, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).", "UNDERSTANDING YOUR EXPERIENCE MODIFICATION RATE: Also known as an Experience Modification Rating, EMR, X-Mod, Experience Modifier, or just the Mod. This is an adjustment that is made to the Workers’ Compensation insurance premium of companies that meet or exceed a certain size threshold. This threshold is measured in manual premium and varies from state to state.", "What is XaaS? The X refers to “anything” or “everything” as a service. XaaS has frequently been used as an umbrella term to encompass SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service).", "I code a lot of bilateral injections and xrays. I used to code, for example, 20610 - RT, 20610 - 59, LT. I was just reading yesterday that the X codes should not be used if if there is another more specific modifier. And than it goes on and gives an example (such as RT). So this leads into my question.... I began this year coding 20610 - RT, 20610 - XS, LT.", "Namespaces in Real Use. XSLT is a language that can be used to transform XML documents into other formats. The XML document below, is a document used to transform XML into HTML. The namespace http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform identifies XSLT elements inside an HTML document:hen using prefixes in XML, a namespace for the prefix must be defined. The namespace can be defined by an xmlns attribute in the start tag of an element. The namespace declaration has the following syntax.", "Xanax (generic name: alprazolam) is a fast-acting treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks and insomnia . It acts as an effective sedative and can be also used for a wide range of conditions.", "In computing, the term Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is used to refer to a family of languages used to transform and render XML documents. Historically, the XSL Working Group in W3C produced a draft specification under the name XSL, which eventually split into three parts:", "X, a corporation, uses an accrual method of accounting and files its federal. income tax returns on a calendar year basis. As of the end of Year 1, X has a fixed. liability to pay compensation for services provided by X’s employees during Year 1.", "Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same-origin policy.", "49 Responses to New Medicare Modifiers XE, XP, XS, XU: Examples of When to Bill Each One. Hi, What about when you are billing for Ultrasound Extremities. We have been getting denial on this code when using Modifier 59 and 76. (denial reason is payer deems the information submitted does not support this many frequencies.", "DEFINITION of 'XD'. A symbol used to signify that a security is trading ex-dividend. XD is an alphabetic qualifier that acts as shorthand to tell investors key information about a specific security in a stock quote. Sometimes X alone is used to indicate that the stock is trading ex-dividend.", "The Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) APIs can be used for many purposes. For example, with a sufficiently intelligent stylesheet, you could generate PDF or PostScript output from the XML data.ut generally, XSLT is used to generate formatted HTML output, or to create an alternative XML representation of the data. In this section, an XSLT transform is used to translate XML input data to HTML output. Note-The XSLT specification is large and complex, so this tutorial can only scratch the surface.", "Xanax (generic name: alprazolam) is a fast-acting treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks and insomnia . It acts as an effective sedative and can be also used for a wide range of conditions. However, if used for a long period of time, one can become more and more tolerant to it and higher doses will be required to obtain the desired effect. This also makes Xanax an addictive medication, and people can become dependent on it. Xanax should not be stopped abruptly, as it may cause very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. It has become a popular recreational drug, known as Xannies, Upjohn or Blue Footballs.", "1 An apostrophe-s may be used to indicate a plural for single lowercase letters, abbreviations with periods or other abbreviations where the s alone would be confusing such as x's. 2 Generally, apostrophes are only used for lower-case letters." ]
age of exploration monarchs
The Age of Discovery or the Age of Exploration from the end of the 15th century to the 18th century, was an informal and loosely defined European historical period marking the time period in which extensive overseas exploration emerged as a powerful factor in European culture and the beginning of globalization.
[ "Transcript of Age of Exploration: China. work on your Ch.3/L1-3 ID's. China’s independence from the West continues today, even as it forges new economic ties with the outside world. European exploration lead to opportunities for trade, and the European nations who took these opportunities became very wealthy. .. …However, they began to look for new sources of wealth.", "Age of Exploration in the Americas - Exploring the New World. ... began the Age of Exploration, England, France and Spain dominated the New World. Subtopics Explorers (2) Articles & ResourcesSort By : Guide Picks | Alphabetical | Recent De Soto's Trails: Native American ConquestInteresting, well illustrated ..." ]
flashlight lumens distance
Here are some of the brightest flashlights available today - Bright high-powered flashlights with outputs from 500 to over 5,000 lumens. Popular bright flashlights include Streamlight Strion DS HL Rechargeable Flashlight and Fenix PD35 Tac Flashlight.
[ "LEDs can be significantly more efficient than incandescent lamps, with white LEDs producing on the order of 100 lumens for every watt, compared to 8-10 lumens per watt of small incandescent bulbs. An LED flashlight will have a longer battery life than an incandescent flashlight with comparable output.", "The torch shaped light is suited for a wide range of applications. As a mechanic work light, it can fit in most cramped spaces. The ELM-8077 is available in two models: ELM-8077L and ELM-8077L-1. The ELM-8077L has 60 white LEDs on the front, which deliver high brightness of 85 lumens. As flashlight, it gives you a brightness of 30 lumens." ]
gestation period for whooping crane
They construct nests of bulrush and lay one to three eggs, (usually two) in late April and early May. The incubation period is about 29 to 31 days. Whooping cranes will renest if the first clutch is lost or destroyed before mid-incubation.Both sexes share incubation and brood-rearing duties. Despite the fact that most pairs lay two eggs, seldom does more than one chick reach fledging.he life span is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild. Whooping cranes are omnivorous feeders. They feed on insects, frogs, rodents, small birds, minnows, and berries in the summer. In the winter, they focus on predominantly animal foods, especially blue crabs and clams.
[ "Based solely on google searches, it appears the gestation period for sandhill cranes is about 30 to 32 days.They often lay 2 eggs (alternating days) and often only 1 is ferti … le. There are 2 eggs being watched now (5/22/2012) that were layed on or about 5/4/2012.ased solely on google searches, it appears the gestation period for sandhill cranes is about 30 to 32 days.", "When do whooping cranes lay eggs? The nesting season in Wood Buffalo National Park begins in late April or early May. In central Florida it begins in January and extends through May. How many eggs do whooping cranes lay each season? Mean clutch size, or number of eggs per nest, is 1.94 eggs. Most nests contain two eggs; occasionally, nests contain only one egg, and rarely three. How long does it take for whooping crane eggs to hatch? It takes between 29 and 31 days for the eggs to hatch. Both males and females incubate.", "Fortunately, egg predation is uncommon, and re-nesting by whooping cranes is believed to be rare. So, normally whooping cranes usually produce clutches of 2 eggs laid 48 to 60 hours apart. Incubation begins with the first egg laid. Therefore, hatching of the eggs does not occur at the same time.ortunately, egg predation is uncommon, and re-nesting by whooping cranes is believed to be rare. So, normally whooping cranes usually produce clutches of 2 eggs laid 48 to 60 hours apart. Incubation begins with the first egg laid. Therefore, hatching of the eggs does not occur at the same time.", "Whooping cranes generally do not produce fertile eggs until age 4. RANGE AND POPULATION LEVEL: Historic: The historic range of the whooping crane once extended from the Arctic coast south to central Mexico, and from Utah east to New Jersey, into South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.he life span is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild. Whooping cranes are omnivorous feeders. They feed on insects, frogs, rodents, small birds, minnows, and berries in the summer. In the winter, they focus on predominantly animal foods, especially blue crabs and clams.", "In some species, such as the whooping crane, the male and the female take turns incubating the egg. In others, such as the cassowaries, only the male incubates. The male mountain plover incubates the female's first clutch, but if she lays a second, she incubates it herself.", "the whooping cough incubation period is the time between becoming infected with the bacteria that cause this illness bordetella pertussis and developing symptoms the incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days but it can range from 4 to 21 days and in rare cases may be as long as 42 days", "The whooping cough incubation period is the time between becoming infected with the bacteria that cause this illness (Bordetella pertussis) and developing symptoms. The incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, but it can range from 4 to 21 days and, in rare cases, may be as long as 42 days.", "The whooping cough incubation period is the time between becoming infected with the bacteria that cause this illness (Bordetella pertussis) and developing symptoms. The incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, but it can range from 4 to 21 days and, in rare cases, may be as long as 42 days. Advertisement.", "Incubation. Incubation begins with laying of the first egg and continues until the second egg hatches or is abandoned (usually 1 or 2 d after hatching of first egg). Cranes will continue to incubate an addled or infertile clutch 10-15 d beyond the normal incubation period (Nesbitt 1988).ncubation. Incubation begins with laying of the first egg and continues until the second egg hatches or is abandoned (usually 1 or 2 d after hatching of first egg). Cranes will continue to incubate an addled or infertile clutch 10-15 d beyond the normal incubation period (Nesbitt 1988).", "The whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, with a general range of 4 to 21 days; rarely, the incubation period may be as long as 42 days.", "The whooping cough incubation period is the time between becoming infected with the bacteria that cause this illness (Bordetella pertussis) and developing symptoms. The incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, but it can range from 4 to 21 days and, in rare cases, may be as long as 42 days. Whooping Cough Disease.", "The whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, with a general range of 4 to 21 days; rarely, the incubation period may be as long as 42 days. Once whooping cough symptoms begin, there are generally three stages of the illness.", "The bacterium is spread by airborne droplets; its incubation period is to human whooping cough in average 9–10 days (range 6–20 days). Humans are the only known reservoir for B. pertussis. The complete B. pertussis genome of 4,086,186 base pairs was published in 2003.", "The incubation period which is the time span between the infection and the visibility and severity of the symptoms for the whooping cough is about 7 to 10 days, but in worst cases it may go on for as long as 21 to 25 days.", "The period between when a person becomes infected with pertussis and the onset of whooping cough symptoms is known as the incubation period. While the whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, it can range from 4 to 21 days, and even may be as long as 42 days in rare cases. Advertisement.", "The whooping cough incubation period is the time between becoming infected with the bacteria that cause this illness (Bordetella pertussis) and developing symptoms. The incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, but it can range from 4 to 21 days and, in rare cases, may be as long as 42 days.Whooping Cough Disease.ecause the first whooping cough symptoms, which typically develop during the first week or so of the illness, are similar to the common cold, parents can help protect young infants by minimizing their exposure to people who have cold symptoms or an illness with coughing.", "The whooping cough incubation period is the time between becoming infected with the bacteria that cause this illness (Bordetella pertussis) and developing symptoms. The incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, but it can range from 4 to 21 days and, in rare cases, may be as long as 42 days.Whooping Cough Disease.hooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious infection. A person is most likely to transmit the bacteria that cause this illness when he or she is experiencing symptoms, especially during the first three weeks of symptoms.", "The period between the time of infection and when symptoms of whooping cough appear is called the incubation period. The whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, with a general range of 4 to 21 days; rarely, the incubation period may be as long as 42 days.", "The gestation period is 4-5 months. Females give birth to 4-14 (average 9) young every three to five years during late August to mid-September. The young are approximately 1 foot (30 cm) in length at birth and emerge singly from the female, encased in a transparent membrane which is shed in a few minutes.", "Various examples. 1 An average whooping crane egg is 102 mm (4.0 in) long and weighs 208 g (7.3 oz) 2 Eurasian oystercatcher eggs camouflaged in the nest. 3 Egg of a senegal parrot, a bird that nests in tree holes, on a 1 cm (0.39 in) grid. 4 Eggs of ostrich, emu, kiwi and chicken. 5 Finch egg next to American dime.", "the incubation period time between initial infection and the onset of symptoms for whooping cough is seven to 10 days kids health early symptoms mimic the common cold and include a runny nose cough and fever within two weeks a dry and persistent cough develops that makes breathing very difficultinfants and children often make a whoop sound when they try to take a breath after coughing spells this type of severe cough can also cause vomiting blue or purple skin around the mouth dehydration low grade feverbreathing difficultiesithin two weeks a dry and persistent cough develops that makes breathing very difficult infants and children often make a whoop sound when they try to take a breath after coughing spells this type of severe cough can also cause vomiting blue or purple skin around the mouth dehydration", "1 Their gestation period is thought to last between 69 – 150 days, varying by species. 2 When born, the babies weigh around 8-450 grams (about 3-16 ounces), depending on the species, and have soft scales that harden fairly rapidly. 3 Young are usually weaned at around three months of age.", "The period between the time of infection and when symptoms of whooping cough appear is called the incubation period. The whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, with a general range of 4 to 21 days; rarely, the incubation period may be as long as 42 days.Once whooping cough symptoms begin, there are generally three stages of the illness.he whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, with a general range of 4 to 21 days; rarely, the incubation period may be as long as 42 days.", "The length of a gestation period varies from bird to bird. Oftentimes, larger birds require longer gestation periods than smaller birds. For example, muscovy ducks -- one of North America's largest ducks -- require approximately 35 days for gestation, while smaller ducks have gestation periods of less than 30 days.Smaller perching birds, such as northern mockingbirds, have a gestation period of only 13 to 15 days.A smaller bird of prey, the red-tailed hawk, has a gestation period of 28 to 32 days, while the California condor needs at least 56 days for the gestating period.or example, muscovy ducks -- one of North America's largest ducks -- require approximately 35 days for gestation, while smaller ducks have gestation periods of less than 30 days. Smaller perching birds, such as northern mockingbirds, have a gestation period of only 13 to 15 days.", "The length of a gestation period varies from bird to bird. Oftentimes, larger birds require longer gestation periods than smaller birds.For example, muscovy ducks -- one of North America's largest ducks -- require approximately 35 days for gestation, while smaller ducks have gestation periods of less than 30 days.Smaller perching birds, such as northern mockingbirds, have a gestation period of only 13 to 15 days.A smaller bird of prey, the red-tailed hawk, has a gestation period of 28 to 32 days, while the California condor needs at least 56 days for the gestating period.or example, muscovy ducks -- one of North America's largest ducks -- require approximately 35 days for gestation, while smaller ducks have gestation periods of less than 30 days. Smaller perching birds, such as northern mockingbirds, have a gestation period of only 13 to 15 days.", "When a person is infected with B. pertussis, bacteria multiply within the body. The period between the time of infection and when symptoms of whooping cough appear is called the incubation period.The whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, with a general range of 4 to 21 days; rarely, the incubation period may be as long as 42 days.Once whooping cough symptoms begin, there are generally three stages of the illness.hen a person is infected with B. pertussis, bacteria multiply within the body. The period between the time of infection and when symptoms of whooping cough appear is called the incubation period.", "1 Incubation Period: 34–36 days. 2 Once incubation begins, the male and female take turns sitting on the eggs, but the female does most of the work. 3 While one sits on the nest, the other is hunting for food or perching nearby to protect the nest.", "4. Killer Whale “ 17 months. But there's a good reason for that “ after that 17 months, Baby Shamu emerges weighing anywhere from 265-353 pounds and measuring about 8.5 feet long. Yikes. 5. Opossum - 12-13 days, which is one of the shortest gestation periods we know of in a mammal. But since the lifespan of an opossum is only two to four years, this makes sense. 6. Gerbils “ 23-26 days. 7.", "Both parents take turns incubating the egg. They do this by using their bodies to keep the egg warm and turning the eggs so the chick develops properly. Both parents feed and look after the chick. However, parenting skills in whoopers are learned. Whooping cranes become more experienced at raising chicks over time.", "The whooping crane (Grus americana), the tallest North American bird, is an endangered crane species named for its whooping sound. In 2003, there were about 153 pairs of whooping cranes.Along with the sandhill crane, it is one of only two crane species found in North America.The whooping crane's lifespan is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild.After being pushed to the brink of extinction by unregulated hunting and loss of habitat to just 21 wild and two captive whooping cranes by 1941, conservation efforts have led to a limited recovery.he whooping crane's lifespan is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild. After being pushed to the brink of extinction by unregulated hunting and loss of habitat to just 21 wild and two captive whooping cranes by 1941, conservation efforts have led to a limited recovery.", "The length of a gestation period varies from bird to bird. Oftentimes, larger birds require longer gestation periods than smaller birds.For example, muscovy ducks -- one of North America's largest ducks -- require approximately 35 days for gestation, while smaller ducks have gestation periods of less than 30 days.Smaller perching birds, such as northern mockingbirds, have a gestation period of only 13 to 15 days.A smaller bird of prey, the red-tailed hawk, has a gestation period of 28 to 32 days, while the California condor needs at least 56 days for the gestating period.he length of a gestation period varies from bird to bird. Oftentimes, larger birds require longer gestation periods than smaller birds.", "The whooping crane (Grus americana), the tallest North American bird, is an endangered crane species named for its whooping sound. In 2003, there were about 153 pairs of whooping cranes.Along with the sandhill crane, it is one of only two crane species found in North America.The whooping crane's lifespan is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild.he body length averages about 132 cm (52 in). The standard linear measurements of the whooping cranes are a wing chord length of 53–63 cm (21–25 in), an exposed culmen length of 11.7–16 cm (4.6–6.3 in) and a tarsus of 26–31 cm (10–12 in).", "The body length averages about 132 cm (52 in). The standard linear measurements of the whooping cranes are a wing chord length of 53–63 cm (21–25 in), an exposed culmen length of 11.7–16 cm (4.6–6.3 in) and a tarsus of 26–31 cm (10–12 in).he body length averages about 132 cm (52 in). The standard linear measurements of the whooping cranes are a wing chord length of 53–63 cm (21–25 in), an exposed culmen length of 11.7–16 cm (4.6–6.3 in) and a tarsus of 26–31 cm (10–12 in).", "The whooping crane (Grus americana), the tallest North American bird, is an endangered crane species named for its whooping sound. In 2003, there were about 153 pairs of whooping cranes. Along with the sandhill crane, it is one of only two crane species found in North America. The whooping crane's lifespan is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild.", "In brief: 2-4 weeks. The incubation period averages 30 days (range 15 to 49 days), . In brief: 2-4 weeks. The incubation period averages 30 days (range 15 to 49 days), .", "Whooping crane. The whooping crane (Grus americana), the tallest North American bird, is an endangered crane species named for its whooping sound. In 2003, there were about 153 pairs of whooping cranes. Along with the sandhill crane, it is one of only two crane species found in North America. The whooping crane's lifespan is estimated to be 22 to 24 years in the wild.", "The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) incubates the eggs for 12 - 14 days. The nestling period lasts about the same time, typically 13 days. That is when they fledge. Robins have about three broods a year. I'll post some video on youtube of a mother Robin and three chicks using the same user name. Chuck - Saco, ME.", "The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) incubates the eggs for 12 - 14 days. The nestling period lasts about the same time, typically 13 days.That is when they fledge. Robins have about three broods a year.I'll post some video on youtube of a mother Robin and three chicks using the same user name.Chuck-Saco, ME.he American Robin (Turdus migratorius) incubates the eggs for 12 - 14 days. The nestling period lasts about the same time, typically 13 days.", "Unlike many other ducks and geese the male helps with the nest construction. Average egg size (for the mute swan) is 113×74 mm, weighing 340 g, in a clutch size of 4 to 7. The incubation period is around 34–45 days for swan.", "Its forelegs are around 10 percent longer than the hind legs. It has a huge heart, which usually weighs around 22 pounds or 10 kilograms. It terms of length, its heart measures around 2 feet long or 60 centimeters. Its gestation period usually range from 400 to 460 days. Within a day, it only needs very little sleep, which usually last for only ten minutes to two hours.", "Young kids who have not received all five doses of the vaccine may need a booster dose if exposed to an infected family member. Incubation The incubation period (the time between infection and the start of symptoms) for whooping cough is usually 7 to 10 days, but can be as long as 21 days.uration. Pertussis usually causes prolonged symptoms — 1 to 2 weeks of common cold symptoms, followed by up to 3 months of severe coughing. The last stage consists of another few weeks of recovery with gradual clearing of symptoms. In some children, the recovery period can last for months.", "Pertussis, which is commonly known as whooping cough, enters a person's body when the Bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis) bacteria that cause the illness are transmitted through an infected person's respiratory secretions.he period between when a person becomes infected with pertussis and the onset of whooping cough symptoms is known as the incubation period. While the whooping cough incubation period is commonly 7 to 10 days, it can range from 4 to 21 days, and even may be as long as 42 days in rare cases. Advertisement.", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The gestation period for hawks is 28-35 days. The female hawk will lay 1 to 5 eggs after breeding. These eggs are usually laid 1-2 days apart.estation for a whitetailed deer is about 6 and 1/2 months or 200 days. Does can mate in their first year but usually not untill the second year.", "The breeding season is from August to April. Their nests are down-lined and usually well concealed under bushes. Nēnē prefer nesting in the same nest area year after year. Mean clutch size for wild birds is 3 eggs (range 1-6) and the incubation period is 30 days. Nēnē goslings are flightless for about 10 to 14 weeks after hatching. Family groups begin flocking soon after the young are able to fly and remain in their breeding areas for about a month." ]
paint fumes symptoms
The presence of running nose, sinusitis, headache, accentuation of these symptoms upon exposure to the paint fumes guide me more towards allergic rhinitis. If neglected it could lead to viral and then bacterial infection. It is advised to follow these: 1) Avoid exposure to cold air.
[ "Paint fumes are toxic, and can cause long-term pulmonary and respiratory damage. Painting a house does not have to be a toxic and noxious affair. Paint smells will go away in time, but the smell of paint in a wall can linger for months and irritate the noses of people with a keen sense of smell.", "With ingestion, signs include drooling, vomiting, abdominal pain, and sore throat. The hair coat especially around the mouth and paws, may be bleached or smell like chlorine. If fumes were inhaled, signs such as coughing, difficulty breathing, or retching due to pulmonary irritation may be seen.", "Acute exposure to cadmium fumes may cause flu-like symptoms including chills, fever, and muscle ache sometimes referred to as the cadmium blues.. Symptoms may resolve after a week if there is no respiratory damage. More severe exposures can cause tracheo-bronchitis, pneumonitis, and pulmonary edema.", "Acute exposure to cadmium fumes may cause flu-like symptoms including chills, fever, and muscle ache sometimes referred to as the cadmium blues.. Symptoms may resolve after a week if there is no respiratory damage.", "''From the allergic side, some people cannot tolerate exposure to paint fumes,'' he said. ''Allergy patients may be more susceptible than individuals without allergies. In such cases, any irritant may provoke a response.''.", "Inhalation of these fumes may. cause fume metal fever, which is characterized by flu-like symptoms. Symptoms may include metallic taste, fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, cough, weakness, chest pain, generalized muscle pain/aches, and increased white blood cell count.", "Latex paint certainly poses other risks to people and the environment, although this is not as a result of a latex allergy. Latex paint contains various chemicals that can cause contact dermatitis and can release potentially toxic fumes that can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and respiratory problems.", "Take Home Message. Most paints for indoor use are water-based paints. They are very safe to use. Solvent-based or oil-based paints may cause more irritation to the eyes and skin. They may also cause more irritation if the fumes are breathed in. There's no evidence that paint fumes harm pregnant women or the fetus.", "Quick Answer. The most common symptoms of inhaling bleach fumes include coughing and irritation of the eyes, throat and nose. People with sensitivities to the chemicals in chlorine bleach may experience more intense symptoms after exposure. Continue Reading.", "Health Effects Of VOCs In Paint Fumes. There is a wide variety of both short-term and long-term negative health effects associated with VOCs in paint fumes. The severity of the health effect depends on several different factors, including both the length of time and the level of exposure.", "Tags: dangers of paint fumes, effects of paint fumes, exposure to paint fumes, hazards of spray paint fumes, hazards of voc fumes, paint fumes, side effects of paint fumes, spray paint fumes. Carfentanil’s health and safety risks to law enforcement personnel.", "May cause respiratory tract irritation. Inhalation of fumes may. cause metal fume fever, which is characterized by flu-like symptoms. with metallic taste, fever, chills, cough, weakness, chest pain, muscle pain and increased white blood cell count. May cause effects. similar to those described for ingestion.", "Most of the harmful effects of zinc oxide come from breathing in the gas form of zinc oxide at industrial sites in the chemical or welding industry. Symptoms of metal fume fever include a metallic taste in the mouth, fever, headache, chest pain, and shortness of breath.", "Breathing formaldehyde fumes can cause coughing, irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, rashes, headaches, and dizziness. Household products like personal care products, pesticides, household cleaners, solvents, and chemicals used for hobbies. Exposure to these products can cause dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, irritation of eyes, skin, and lungs, and cancer. Certain cleaning products can produce poisonous fumes.", "Health Effects on Adults. Breathing the fumes from crude oil are known to cause chemical pneumonia, irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, nausea, and labored breathing. Chronic exposure can result in irregular heartbeats, convulsions, and coma.", "Workers in asphalt plants have the greatest exposure to asphalt fumes. Symptoms that workers have experienced include irritation of the nose, upper respiratory tract, skin and eyes. Other symptoms include headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, dizziness, and nausea.orkers in asphalt plants have the greatest exposure to asphalt fumes. Symptoms that workers have experienced include irritation of the nose, upper respiratory tract, skin and eyes. Other symptoms include headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, dizziness, and nausea.", "nitric acid fumes. The vapors of nitric acid (HNO3). They are used in various chemical processes. Poisoning is produced by the action of the corrosive fumes on the respiratory tract. Symptoms. Findings include choking, gasping, swelling of mucous membranes, tightness in the chest, pulmonary edema, cough, and shock.", "The glue used in slime causes the same symptoms one would experience from huffing or sniffing glue fumes, including anxiety, convulsions, respiratory failure, seizures, and coma. Ingredients in shaving cream can cause cancer and create health problems for women by mimicking estrogen.", "May 7th 2016. A freshly painted room can do wonders for improving the look of your home. However, the process of achieving that freshly painted look can have an undesirable effect on your health. Read on to find out how paint fumes can be dangerous to people and their pets.", "Breathing formaldehyde fumes can cause coughing, irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, rashes, headaches, and dizziness. Household products like personal care products, pesticides, household cleaners, solvents, and chemicals used for hobbies.", "Exposure to metal fumes (such as zinc, magnesium, copper, and copper oxide) can cause. metal fume fever. Symptoms of metal fume fever may occur 4 to 12 hours after exposure, and include chills, thirst, fever, muscle ache, chest soreness, coughing, wheezing, fatigue, nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth.", "The acute effects of exposure to asphalt fumes include headache, skin rash, fatigue, reduced appetite, throat and eye irritation, and cough. Asphalt paving workers, for example, have reported breathing problems, asthma, bronchitis, and skin irritation (6).hen hot asphalt is applied in a molten state, it generates toxic fumes. Workers exposed to asphalt fumes are at risk of developing headaches, rashes, cough, and possibly cancer. There is no OSHA standard for asphalt fumes.", "Absorb paint fumes quickly. 1 Grab some bowls and fill them halfway with water. Add a few slices of lemon and/or a quarter cup of salt to each bowl. 2 Or instead of lemon & salt, fill a few bowls halfway with vinegar. 3 Place the bowls around the room and let them sit overnight or until the paint smell is gone.", "Volatile Organic Compounds. Oil-based paints and other petroleum-based products have vapors that are harmful when breathed. These vapors are called volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Volatile organic compounds in paints can cause headaches, eye irritation, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.", "Quick Answer. When an individual inhales toxic chemical fumes, he or she is likely to experience difficulties in breathing, inflammation of lungs, pneumonia and swallowing problems, which can be life threatening. The most inhaled chemical fumes include chlorine gas, Grain and fertilizer dust, noxious fumes from pesticides and smoke.", "WARNING! Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women.", "A Dr. Kathleen Handal, MD , Emergency Medicine, answered. Signs and symptoms of injury from inhaling fumes can be sudden or delayed. In a fire, victims are often overcome by smoke inhalation before the flames reach them. In other situations, damage to the lungs may not be evident for 36 hours after exposure. Children and elderly are most vulnerable.", "Source Available from: Kingsley Patrick-Iwuanyanwu. Article: Toxicological effects of inhalation exposure to Nitrocellulose paint thinner fumes (FIAB®, ABRO® and SPRINT®) in wistar albino rats. [Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: The toxicological effect of inhalation exposure to nitrocellulose paint thinners were evaluated.", "Story highlights. 1 Anhydrous ammonia is a pungent gas with suffocating fumes. 2 Symptoms can include breathing difficulty; irritation of the eyes, nose or throat. 3 Exposure to high concentrations can lead to death.", "Poisoning caused by the inhalation of fumes of zinc and zinc oxide, causing destruction of tissue in the respiratory passage. It is rarely fatal. Symptoms include dryness and burning in respiratory tract, coughing, headache, and chills.", "A: When an individual inhales toxic chemical fumes, he or she is likely to experience difficulties in breathing, inflammation of lungs, pneumonia and swallowing problems, which can be life threatening. The most inhaled chemical fumes include chlorine gas, Grain and fertilizer dust, noxious fumes from pesticides and smoke.", "nitric acid fumes. The vapors of nitric acid (HNO3). They are used in various chemical processes. Poisoning is produced by the action of the corrosive fumes on the respiratory tract. Findings include choking, gasping, swelling of mucous membranes, tightness in the chest, pulmonary edema, cough, and shock. Symptoms may last for 1 week or more.", "Paint, lacquer, and varnish removers are sold under various brand names. Paint lacquer and varnish remover poisoning can cause symptoms in various parts of the body. AIRWAYS AND LUNGS. Breathing difficulty (from inhalation)", "Absorb paint fumes quickly. 1 Grab some bowls and fill them halfway with water. 2 Or instead of lemon & salt, fill a few bowls halfway with vinegar. 3 Place the bowls around the room and let them sit overnight or until the paint smell is gone. Rinse the salt water or vinegar down the sink and discard lemons in the trash or compost.", "However, cadmium in welding fumes causes the lung disease, emphysema, as well as kidney failure (Cadmium Exposure from Welding, American Welding Society; Welding Health Hazards, OSHA). If you cut a metal that has been coated with paint that contains lead, it may give off welding fumes containing lead oxide.", "Formaldehyde Poisoning is a disorder brought about by breathing the fumes of formaldehyde. This can occur while working directly with formaldehyde, or using equipment cleaned with formaldehyde. Major symptoms may include eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; and/or skin rashes.", "Inhaling bleach fumes can cause several health risks including damage or burning of the lining of the esophagus or lungs. That can lead to coughing, gurgling breathing sounds and trouble getting enough air. These symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the amount of exposure and your respiratory health. People with asthma, COPD and other chronic respiratory health issues may experience more exaggerated or severe symptoms and/or have a lower tolerance to bleach fumes.", "Effects of Breathing Antifreeze Fumes. While ingesting antifreeze can cause the most harmful effects to the body, it is still not safe to inhale fumes from the product. Antifreeze fumes can cause eye irritation and upper-respiratory irritation. Additionally, inhaled fumes, particularly if from a mist, can cause breathing difficulties, headaches, drowsiness, blurred vision, irregular eye movements, nausea and vomiting.", "From the description of your symptoms, it is evident that your body is not reacting in a normal way to “smell” of the paint. The particular smell of the pain is due to the volatile organic compounds circulating the air. Some people are allergic to them and it seems you are one among them.", "Gastrointestinal effects, such as nausea, appetite loss, vomiting, cramps, and slow digestion, also have been associated with welding smoke. Some welding fume components and welding processes can be especially dangerous in a short period of time. Cadmium in welding fumes can be fatal in a short time. Ultraviolet radiation given off by welding reacts with oxygen and nitrogen in the air to form ozone and nitrogen oxides, which are deadly at high doses, irritate the nose and throat, and cause serious lung disease.", "Inhalation of toxic chemical fumes mostly happens when one is trapped in a burning structure or a building. Individuals that have inhaled toxic chemicals are likely to experience cough and hoarseness, cough up blood, have trouble breathing, headaches, abdominal pain and nausea, vision problems, fainting and soot in the nostrils." ]
fortuna temperature
Fortuna, CA Weather. The average temperature of Fortuna is 54.32°F, which is much lower than the California average temperature of 61.17°F and is about the same as the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather.
[ "Fortuna Foothills, AZ Weather Forecast. 3:04 AM MST TUE FEB 7 2017. TODAY - Partly sunny and warmer. Highs near 77. West wind 5 to 15 mph. TONIGHT - Partly cloudy. Lows 53 to 55. Northwest wind 5 to 15 mph.", "Fortuna, CA Weather. 1 Current weather conditions temporarily unavailable! 2 Source: The Fortuna, CA weather data displayed above is derived from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric). Air quality and pollution data is derived from the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).", "My husband booked this trip, 4 days at the Wyndham Fortuna Resort. Everything about the trip was awesome except the Wyndham Resort. I tried to keep the attitude of hey, but we're in the Bahamas. The excursions, outside of the resort, were super fun with the air temp of 87 and the water was 81.", "Fortuna (formerly, Slide, Springville) (Wiyot: Vutsuwitk Da'l, ashes stay) is a city the northeast shore of the Eel River (approximately 9 miles (14 km) from where it enters the Pacific Ocean), and is on U.S. Route 101 in western-central Humboldt County, California, United States.", "Average Weather in Fortaleza Brazil. Fortaleza has a tropical climate with dry summers. The temperature typically varies from 75°F to 87°F over the course of the year, and is rarely below 73°F or above 89°F.", "The highest monthly average temperature in Fort Worth for August is 85 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Fort Worth for December is 46 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Fort Worth occurs in March with 4.3 inches. The air quality index in Fort Worth is 8% worse than the national average. The pollution index in Fort Worth is 91% better than the national average.", "Fort Pierce North Jetty sea water temperatures peak in the range 28 to 30°C (82 to 86°F) on around the 26th of July and are at their coldest on about the 11th of February, in the range 21 to 24°C (70 to 75°F).", "Fort Worth Temperature Yesterday. Maximum temperature yesterday: 80 °F (at 2:53 pm) Minimum temperature yesterday: 65 °F (at 6:53 am) Average temperature yesterday: 73 °F. High & Low Weather Summary for the Past Weeks.", "1 Water Temp. Today's Fort Pierce North Jetty sea temperature is 28.6 °C. Very warm air temperatures and very warm water(28 °C) too at Fort Pierce North Jetty, warm enough for wearing board shorts and a rash vest in the surf. Cloudy, but feeling very pleasant in and out of the water.", "Fort Myers current water temperature is: 75°F. This water temperature is warm enough for water sports. Water temperatures in Fort Myers range from around 66F in February to 70F in March, and like the land temperature, rise fairly consistently throughout the year to highs of approximately 78.8F in August.", "1 Although Arizona is the 10th the warmest U.S. state, Fort Valley, Arizona experienced 241 consecutive days. with the temperature equal or below 32 degrees, from October 1976 through May 1977. July 2009 was the all-time hottest month in Phoenix since records began in 1896.", "Fort Collins: Annual Weather Averages July is the hottest month in Fort Collins with an average temperature of 75 °F (24 °C) and the coldest is December at 28 °F (-2 °C). Average Temperature: Fort Collins", "Fort Myers: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Fort Myers with an average temperature of 28°C (83°F) and the coldest is January at 17°C (62°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in June. The wettest month is September with an average of 134.9mm of rain.", "Fort Walton Beach water temperatures peak in the range 28 to 31°C (82 to 88°F) on around the 14th of July and are at their minimum on about the 11th of February, in the range 16 to 20°C (61 to 68°F).", "Fort Collins Average Weather. 1 The highest monthly average temperature in Fort Collins for July is 74 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Fort Collins for December is 25 degrees. 3 The most monthly precipitation in Fort Collins occurs in July with 4.5 inches. The air quality index in Fort Collins is 7% better than the national average.", "The highest monthly average temperature in Fort Myers for August is 83 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Fort Myers for January is 64 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Fort Myers occurs in January with 0 inches. The air quality index in Fort Myers is 33% better than the national average. The pollution index in Fort Myers is 1041% worse than the national average.", "Arenal – Fortuna: Costa Rica’s adventure capital, anchored by the country’s most famous active volcano and renowned hot springs resorts, led by the award-winning Tabacon Hot Springs. Outstanding region for Costa Rica honeymoon couples looking for adventures in nature, relaxation in the hot springs and outstanding spas.", "Hotel Campo Verde - Hotel Campo Verde is located right at the base of Arenal Volcano, just minutes northwest of La Fortuna. This paradise, surrounded by beautiful, lush flora and fauna, is the home to one of the most active volcanoes in the world, with fantastic lava shows on a daily basis.", "Daily low temperatures increase by 3°F, from 55°F to 58°F, rarely falling below 43°F or exceeding 67°F. For reference, on August 8, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in North Fort Myers typically range from 75°F to 91°F, while on January 18, the coldest day of the year, they range from 54°F to 74°F.", "Fort Myers is located near a large body of water (e.g., ocean, sea, or large lake). This section reports on the wide-area average surface temperature of that water. The average surface water temperature in Fort Myers is gradually decreasing during December, falling by 4°F, from 73°F to 70°F, over the course of the month.", "Fort Myers current water temperature is: 75°F. Water temperatures in Fort Myers range from around 66F in February to 70F in March, and like the land temperature, rise fairly consistently throughout the year to highs of approximately 78.8F in August. Mid August to mid September has more rainfall which attracts mosquitoes, so come prepared.", "Sea temperatures (25 °C) very warm too. Staying comfortable in the water at Fort Walton Beach won't be a problem, but wear at least a rash-vest to keep the UV off.", "Fort Collins Average Weather. 1 The highest monthly average temperature in Fort Collins for July is 74 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Fort Collins for December is 25 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Fort Collins occurs in July with 4.5 inches.", "Days of Hot Weather in Fort Collins. During late spring and summer, Fort Collins typically has 23 days of 90-degree Fahrenheit temperatures. The hottest days here are in the 100s Fahrenheit (over 38 °C). But that kind of heat only happens once every two years on average. A day of 100-degree weather can show up in June, July or August.", "Days of Hot Weather in Fort Myers. Most summer days at Fort Myers have afternoon temperatures in the 90s Fahrenheit. Indeed, all months but December and January can have a day with 90 degrees or more. Despite nearly one-third of its days reaching the 90s, Fort Meyers rarely gets to 100 °F (38 °C). That happens only twice a decade on average, usually in June.", "The climate in Fort William is warm and temperate. Fort William is a city with a significant rainfall. Even in the driest month there is a lot of rain. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is Cfb. The average annual temperature is 8.6 °C in Fort William. About 1777 mm of precipitation falls annually.", "Days of Hot Weather in Fort Myers. Most summer days at Fort Myers have afternoon temperatures in the 90s Fahrenheit. Indeed, all months but December and January can have a day with 90 degrees or more. Despite nearly one-third of its days reaching the 90s, Fort Meyers rarely gets to 100 °F (38 °C).", "1 The highest monthly average temperature in Fort Collins for July is 74 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Fort Collins for December is 25 degrees. 3 The most monthly precipitation in Fort Collins occurs in July with 4.5 inches. The air quality index in Fort Collins is 7% better than the national average.", "For reference, on August 7, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in Fort Myers typically range from 75°F to 91°F, while on January 18, the coldest day of the year, they range from 55°F to 74°F.", "What’s More…. 1 Though the average temperature on the Big Island ranges from 71 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit in the coastal regions (with temperatures in the low 70s October through April), the summits of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are often blanketed with snow.", "Temperatures at sea level generally range from highs of 85–90 °F (29–32 °C) during the summer months to 79–83 °F (26–28 °C) during the winter months. Rarely does the temperature rise above 90 °F (32 °C) or drop below 65 °F (18 °C) at lower elevations. Temperatures are lower at higher altitudes; in fact, the three highest mountains of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Haleakalā often receive snowfall during the winter.", "The average maximum daytime temperature in Fort Walton Beach in April is a warm 26°C (79°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cool 13°C (55°F). There are usually 9 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 70% of the 13 hours of daylight.", "Fort Lauderdale current water temperature is: 79°F. This water temperature is warm enough for water sports. Fort Lauderdale is perfect for water sports all year round. The region boasts warm waters that don’t alter drastically from month to month. The water temperature from January to around mid March ranges from about 70F or 21C to 74F or 23C, while from mid March to November it is approximately 75F or 23.8C to 78F or 25.5C.", "Max: 22.3°C / 72.1°F. Avg: 19.2°C / 66.5°F. Min: 16.7°C / 62.1°F. These figures are calculated from several years of recorded data and are the maximum, minimum and average temperatures of all the recorded years. Average daily January sea temperatures. Monthly Fort Myers Beach water temperature chart. The bar chart below shows the average monthly sea temperatures at Fort Myers Beach over the year. Monthly average max / min water temperatures.", "Expensive / Cheapest Homes by City in AZ. Most / Least Educated Cities in AZ. The average temperature of Fort Mohave is 70.68°F, which is higher than the Arizona average temperature of 65.97°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F.", "In astrology the term ‘Pars Fortuna’ represents a mathematical point in the zodiac derived by the longitudinal positions of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant (Rising sign) in the birth chart of an individual. It represents an especially beneficial point in the horoscopic chart.", "Fort Collins, Co at 1525 m/ 5003 ft has a mid-latitude cool steppe climate (BSk). Average temperature in Fort Collins, Co is 9.3°C/ 43.7°F Rainfall 382.8mm/ 15.1in. See graphs, tables, comparisons, more.", "Fort Mohave, AZ Weather. The average temperature of Fort Mohave is 70.68°F, which is higher than the Arizona average temperature of 65.97°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather.", "Temperature graph Fort William. July is the warmest month of the year. The temperature in July averages 14.8 °C. January is the coldest month, with temperatures averaging 2.7 °C. Fort William Climate table // historical Weather data", "Fort Myers, located in Southwest Florida, has an overall average high temperature of 84° and an average low of 64°. Nearly perfect weather could have been one of the reasons that Thomas Edison fell in love with the Fort Myers area and built his winter home in 1886.", "The highest monthly average temperature in Fort Dix for July is 75 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Fort Dix for February is 34 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Fort Dix occurs in October with 5.3 inches. The air quality index in Fort Dix is 19% better than the national average. The pollution index in Fort Dix is 114% worse than the national average.", "The highest average temperature in Fort Collins is July at 74.3 degrees. The coldest average temperature in Fort Collins is December at 24.9 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Fort Collins occurs in July with 4.5 inches. The Fort Collins weather information is based on the average of the previous 3-7 years of data. Loading...", "Today's Fort Walton Beach sea temperature is 25.8 °C. Statistics for 15 Oct (1981–2005) – mean: 25.1 °C, range: 23.7 °C to 27.1 °C. Sunny with very warm air temperatures, feeling like 26 °C once we account for any wind.", "Fort Collins, CO Weather. The average temperature of Fort Collins is 45.53°F, which is about the same as the Colorado average temperature of 46.26°F and is much lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather." ]
the earth's core
The Earth's core is the part of Earth in the middle of our planet. It has a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. Outer core. The outer core of the Earth is a liquid layer about 2,260 kilometers thick. It is made of iron and nickel. This is above the Earth's solid inner core and below the mantle. Its outer boundary is 2,890 km (1,800 mi) beneath the Earth's surface. The transition between the inner core and outer core is approximately 5,000 km (3,100 mi) beneath the Earth's surface. The temperature of the outer core ranges from 4400 °C in the outer regions to 6100 °C near the inner core.
[ "Based on the rate at which seismic waves travel through Earth, scientists think our planet's core is made of a solid iron ball surrounded by a liquid iron shell. Above the core lie the solid lower mantle, upper mantle, and crust. (Get an overview of Earth's layers). This liquid layer around the core meets Earth's lower mantle about 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) below the surface. Temperatures at the core-mantle boundary hover around 4,000 Kelvin (6,740 degrees F, or 3,727 degrees C), and the pressure is nearly 140 gigapascals—1.4 million times greater than standard air pressure at sea level.", "At the center of the Earth spins the Earth's core. The core is made up of mostly iron. The outer portion of the core is liquid iron that spins and makes the earth into a giant magnet. This is where we get the names for the north and south poles.", "Core: is the innermost part of the earth, comprised of a) the inner core, at the center of the earth, made of iron; and b) the outer core, which surrounds the inner core, made of iron and magma. Geothermal energy is heat generated 4,000 miles deep inside the Earth‘s core. The iron CORE is very hot.", "The Core's Gross Shape. We knew by the 1890s, from the way Earth responds to the gravity of the Sun and Moon, that the planet has a dense core, probably iron. In 1906 Richard Dixon Oldham found that earthquake waves move through the Earth's center much slower than they do through the mantle around it—because the center is liquid. In 1936 Inge Lehmann reported that something reflects seismic waves from within the core. It became clear that the core consists of a thick shell of liquid iron—the outer core—with a smaller, solid inner core at its center. It's solid because at that depth the high pressure overcomes the effect of high temperature.", "At the center of the Earth lies a two-part core. The inner part is about the size of our moon, Marone says, and has a density of essentially steel. The outer core surrounding it is an ocean of liquid metal 2,300 kilometers thick. The Earth's rotation makes this ocean flow and swirl, and the moving metal generates the planet's magnetic field.", "As if the inside story of our planet weren’t already the ultimate potboiler, a host of new findings has just turned the heat up past Stygian. Geologists have long known that Earth ’s core, some 1,800 miles beneath our feet, is a dense, chemically doped ball of iron roughly the size of Mars and every bit as alien.", "Based on the rate at which seismic waves travel through Earth, scientists think our planet's core is made of a solid iron ball surrounded by a liquid iron shell. Above the core lie the solid lower mantle, upper mantle, and crust. (Get an overview of Earth's layers). This liquid layer around the core meets Earth's lower mantle about 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) below the surface." ]
where is yellowstone park located
Yellowstone National Park Location. Yellowstone National Park is located in the western United States in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. One percent of the Yellowstone is located in Idaho, three percent is located in Montana, and ninety-six percent is located in the state of Wyoming. It spans 3,472 square miles / 8,987 square km, or 2,221,766 acres / 898,317 hectares, or 63 air miles (102 km) north to south, and 54 air miles (87 km) east to west. Information provided by the USGS and the NPS.
[ "yellowstone is in the northwest region of the united states the official address for the park is yellowstone national park wy 82190 usa yellowstone national park information phone number 307 344 7381 visitor information for the hearing impaired tdd call 307 344 2386yellowstone park s official website http www nps gov yellellowstone national park covers 3472 square miles even though the official address is to the state of wyoming yellowstone is actually in three states the majority of the park 96 % is in wyoming", "Yellowstone National Park covers 3,472 square miles. Even though the official address is to the state of Wyoming, Yellowstone is actually in three states. The majority of the Park (96%) is in Wyoming.A small section of the Park (3%) to the north and northwest is in Montana.And a small section of the Park (1%) to the west is in Idaho.he official address for the Park is: Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190 USA Yellowstone National Park Information Phone Number (307) 344-7381.", "the park is located at the headwaters of the yellowstone river from which it takes its historical name near the end of the 18th century french trappers named the river roche jaune which is probably a translation of the hidatsa name mi tsi a da zi rock yellow riverellowstone national park arapaho henihco oo or heetihco héetíhco oo is a national park located primarily in the u s state of wyoming although it also extends into montana and idaho it was established by the u s congress and signed into law by president ulysses s grant on march 1 1872" ]
how to design your own company logo
Try it free in 4 easy steps! 1 1) Enter Your Company Name - We'll use this as your logo text and you can add a slogan too. 2 2) Browse 1000's Of Logo Designs - Pick from tons of options, all created by professional designers. 3 3) Customize Fonts & Colors - Our online logo designer makes it easy to customize the logo yourself.
[ "How this works. 1. Find your logo and buy it before someone else does! 2. Have our in-house designers make it perfect for you. 3. Receive the original vector art and high-resolution files once you approve the revisions. 4. Exclusive ownership. No-one else can buy the same logo.", "Designing an effective, timeless logo when you first start your business is time and money well spent. Besides you will want to still be in love with it in five years time. The strongest logo designs are often simple and classy. Here are four elements to ensuring your logo design is powerful, iconic and timeless. Stylize. In your brainstorming process dream up all the crazy, wild, visual ideas you want, but don't try to include them all into your logo. Look for some simple yet strong themes. One will always be better than the others.", "1 Be consistent with your brand image, without the hassle or cost. 2 With our FREE logo generator, create your business design seamlessly. 3 We offer business card, website design, social media header images etc. Use your logo design for branding all your business designs right away!", "For Branding. 1 Choose a logo for a consistent brand identity for your business. 2 Get business card, stationery, web design, T-shirt design and more. 3 Ready-to-launch brand designs you can customize instantly with a logo. Get all your branding and more done on a shoestring budget.", "Our Brand Portfolio. Our Brand and Logo Design, along with the Design Process, are two elements that we use to create your unique brand identity. We look forward to working with your company to create the best logo design and develop the best brand.now the Competitor. It is just as important for you, the professional, to know and understand the client’s competitor, as it is for the client to know. Just like when you seek out the customer, do the same for the competitor. Ask the client what they know, then do your own research to round it out.", "Choose a logo for a consistent brand identity for your business. Get business card, stationery, web design, T-shirt design and more. Ready-to-launch brand designs you can customize instantly with a logo. Get all your branding and more done on a shoestring budget.", "You know your style, it's what inspired your business in the first place, now it's time to name it. Decide upon a brand name that reflects you and is one your customers will remember. Once you've got the name, design a business logo. Your logo should reflect everything all together - your name and your style.", "1 Tons of alphabet logo designs to suit all kinds of business. 2 Use our logo maker today to create any kind of logo of your choice! 3 Be consistent with your brand image, without the hassle or cost. With our FREE logo generator, create your business design seamlessly.", "It is just that, an apple. It is also one of the best known logos in the industry. Design a logo that is easy for people to see and remember. When you have an idea of what you want, take it to a professional design team, like us here at The Logo Company, who can then bring it to life for you.", "When you want to make your own business card, you usually have two options: pick a well-worn Microsoft® Word template, or spend money on a custom card maker that splashes their logo on the back of your business card.", "Here are a few simple, time-tested tips: Get a great logo. Write down your brand messaging. Integrate your brand. Create a voice for your company that reflects your brand. Develop a tagline. Design templates and create brand standards for your marketing materials. Be true to your brand. Be consistent.", "Logo Design in Minutes. and pay $29.95 only if you need high resolution files. Enter company name to create your business logo. Try It Now!", "These logos aren’t merely part of their brand, they are the brand. If you want your company to enjoy the same success and renown, having a logo design team create a logo for you is the first step. We at Logo Design Works have considerable experience with creating clothing and fashion company brands.", "For Logo Design. 1 A logo maker with thousands of logo templates to choose from. 2 Customize all you want with fonts, colors, symbols and more. 3 Neatly categorized designs according to industry and alphabets. And best of all, our logo maker is absolutely free for use.", "The easiest way to recognize a company and distinguish it from others is by its logo. Below, we go through 10 common logo design mistakes that you should avoid if you want to create a successful and professional logo. [Content Care Dec/15/2016]", "Get your business noticed with Logo Design Studio. Build a new look from scratch, or change 1500+ pre-designed logo templates to create thousands of new looks by adjusting the colors, fonts, shapes and effects. You can even sell your logos to others. 1 File Name: Setup-LDStudio-v1.7.1-Trial-S3.exe.", "1 Be consistent with your brand image, without the hassle or cost. 2 With our FREE logo generator, create your business design seamlessly. We offer business card, website design, social media header images etc.", "A logo is the foundation of your company’s image. It is the reflection of your business, meant to set your company apart from your competition and leave an impression on your customers. So, why would you want to work with a designer who does not create logos or other images in vector format?", "Step 2. Create a description of your products and/or services that the mark represents. The description must be specific enough to identify the nature of the products or services. For example, you can't just say you sell mugs. Instead you must identify the type of mugs such as coffee mugs or beer mugs.et of simbols image by PaulPaladin from Fotolia.com. Your business logo is as much of an as asset as your inventory. Your logo represents your company brand and reputation. To prevent others from using your logo, you need to protect it through trademark registration at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.", "A Reasonable Logo Design Starts at $200. One should expect a simple logo design to cost approximately $200. A simple design is typically a logo with a well-defined company name and mark. Intricate patterns and complex lettering may increase the price of the logo. The finished design should be clear, unique and professional.", "Great business cards need great logos. Whether you design your own or select one of ours, choosing a well-crafted logo is the simplest and most effective form of marketing you can invest in…and it's the first step in designing a great business card. Please enable JavaScript." ]
what county is richmond in?
Richmond, Indiana. Richmond /ˈrɪtʃmənd/ is a city in east central Indiana, United States, bordering on Ohio. It is the county seat of Wayne County, and in the 2010 census had a population of 36,812. Situated largely within Wayne Township, its area includes a non-contiguous portion in nearby Boston Township where the Richmond Municipal Airport is located.
[ "Historic points of interest in Richmond include the Morton Cemetery established in 1825, the 1908 Historic County Courthouse, the 1883 Home of Congressman John M. Moore and the Long-Smith Cottage on the grounds of the Fort Bend Museum, and many more beautiful and historic homes.", "The 1887 Fort Bend County courthouse was very similar in appearance to the 1890-91 Bandera County courthouse when it was built. The clock tower on the 1887 courthouse was removed shortly afterwards. This courthouse stood on Morton St., where the current Richmond City Hall sits, and burned down ca. 1930." ]
weather in norton, ohio fahrenheit
Ohio Weather > Norton Weather Norton, OH Weather Norton, OH climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 83.90 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 20.10 degrees Fahrenheit.
[ "The annual average precipitation at Norton is 36.07 Inches. Rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The wettest month of the year is July with an average rainfall of 3.87 Inches. Weather Data Normal Climate Normal Temperatures", "Norton, OH current local weather conditions, 5-Day forecast, and live traffic updates. Norton report includes detailed weather summary.", "Bad weather have you bummed? Kelly Norton, a designer and software engineer living in Atlanta, Ga., has created an interactive map that makes it possible to find U.S. cities with the most pleasant days in a year. We first saw Norton's map posted at The Atlantic Cities by John Metcalfe. Pleasant means different things to different people, but Norton defines it as a place where the mean temperature is between 55 degrees and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.", "Plan you week with the help of our 10-day weather forecasts and weekend weather predictions for Norton, OH", "Ohio Weather > Nelsonville Weather. Nelsonville, OH climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 85.60 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 17.70 degrees Fahrenheit.", "Latest news from Norton, OH collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: American (23.0%), German (13.7%), Italian (6.5%), Irish (6.0%), English (4.7%), Polish (4.0%). Current Local Time: EST time zone. Incorporated in 1962.", "Norton, OH. Sponsored Topics. Norton is a city in Summit and Wayne counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. The population was 11,523 at the 2000 census. The Summit County portion of Norton is part of the Akron Metropolitan Statistical Area, while the small portion in Wayne County is part of the Wooster Micropolitan Statistical Area.", "On average, there are 177 sunny days per year in Ashland, Ohio. The July high is around 83 degrees. The January low is 18. Sperling's comfort index for Ashland is a 49 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.", "Homefacts City Report. Norton is located in Summit County, OH. The population is 12,033, making Norton the 9th largest city in Summit County. There are 4 public schools in Norton with an average Homefacts rating of A-. The total crime rate for Norton is moderate, and there are 13 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "For a more detailed look at annual Ohio precipitation levels, view this precipitation map. Current Weather Conditions: In these selected cities.... Seasonal Temperature Averages: CINCINNATI. HIGH TEMPERATURES ( Fahrenheit/Celsius ) (Jan) 43/6 (Feb) 33/0 (Mar) 61/16 (Apr) 63/17 (May) 81/26 (Jun) 86/30 (Jul) 86/29 (Aug) 94/34 (Sep) 87/30 (Oct) 73/22 (Nov) 55/12 (Dec) 45/7 . LOW TEMPERATURES ( Fahrenheit/Celsius ) (Jan) 29/-1 (Feb) 15/-9 (Mar) 39/4 (Apr) 41/5", "Norton is an unincorporated community in Delaware County, in the U.S. state of Ohio. Norton was laid out before 1810 by Colonel James Kilbourne. A post office called Norton was established in 1816, and remained in operation until 1912.", "Nelsonville, OH Weather Nelsonville, OH climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 85.60 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 17.70 degrees Fahrenheit.", "For a more detailed look at annual Ohio precipitation levels, view this precipitation map. Current Weather Conditions: In these selected cities.... Seasonal Temperature Averages: CINCINNATI. HIGH TEMPERATURES ( Fahrenheit/Celsius ) (Jan) 43/6 (Feb) 33/0 (Mar) 61/16 (Apr) 63/17 (May) 81/26 (Jun) 86/30 (Jul) 86/29 (Aug) 94/34", "Welcome to Norton ... Norton is located in Delaware County. Norton is 940 feet [287 m] above sea level. <1>. Time Zone: Norton lies in the Eastern Time Zone (EST/EDT) and observes daylight saving time. Norton lies within the (740) area code.", "As for temperatures, Northeast Ohio Media Group research of available weather records back to 1871 found: 1 The average daily low for the month of 5.2 degrees bettered the mark of 6.8 degrees, set in 1978. 2 Both are well below what is typical. 3 Over the last 145 years, the average February low has been 20.6 degrees.", "season. The hills of southeastern Ohio affect the weather in that region, where frosts in spring and fall shorten the growing season. Average temperatures for January in Ohio are less than 32°F. The lowest temperature recorded in the state prior to 1903 was –39°F at Milligan, Perry County, on February 10, 1899.", "According to our research of Ohio and other state lists there were 11 registered sex offenders living in Norton, Ohio as of April 14, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Norton to the number of sex offenders is 1,094 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is smaller than the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Akron, OH (7.4 miles , pop. 217,074).", "Temperature variations between night and day tend to be fairly limited during summer with a difference that can reach 19 degrees Fahrenheit, and fairly limited during winter with an average difference of 16 degrees Fahrenheit. The annual average precipitation at Easton is 45.87 Inches. Rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The wettest month of the year is March with an average rainfall of 4.44 Inches.", "Norton, Delaware County, Ohio. Norton is an unincorporated community in Delaware County, in the U.S. state of Ohio. History. Norton was laid out before 1810 by Colonel James Kilbourne. A post office called Norton was established in 1816, and remained in operation until 1912.", "Ohio Weather > Hamilton Weather. Hamilton, OH climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 30's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 88.10 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 19.90 degrees Fahrenheit.", "Buy Long Range Weather (Nov. 2015 - Oct. 2016). Complete 2016 Long Range Weather Forecast for the Ohio Valley Region, November 2015 to October 2016 includes week-by-week details.Digital Download.OVEMBER 2015: temperature 47° (1° above avg.); precipitation 2.5 (1 below avg.); Nov 1-2: Sunny, mild; Nov 3-6: Rainy, mild; Nov 7-11: Rain to snow, then sunny, cold; Nov 12-15: Showers, mild; Nov 16-19: Snow showers, cold; Nov 20-27: A few showers, mild; Nov 28-30: Snow showers, cold.", "The overnight low will be 82 °F (27.8 °C).Mostly sunny with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C). Winds from E to ENE at 11 to 14 mph (17.7 to 22.5 kph). Thursday. 20%85°82°Thunderstorms today with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C) and a low of 82 °F (27.8 °C).", "Temperatures will begin in the low and mid 20s, but and up in the mid/upper 30s moving north to south ahead of the weather system that will bring a pretty good burst of snow to northern Ohio this afternoon and continuing into the midnight hour. The heftiest snowfall will be over the primary and secondary Snowbelts. A winter weather advisory…", "Ohio Weather > Wapakoneta Weather Wapakoneta, OH Weather Wapakoneta, OH climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 84.00 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 18.10 degrees Fahrenheit.", "Latest News. GRAIN BELT WX ROUNDUP OHIO MORNING TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION SUMMARY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CLEVELAND OHIO 850 AM EDT SUN APR 16 2017 Values represent highs yesterday...lows over the last 12 hours and precipitation over the last 24 hours ending...", "CLIMATE OVERVIEW : Perrysburg, Ohio, gets 34 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 31 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 70. On average, there are 178 sunny days per year in Perrysburg, Ohio. The July high is around 84 degrees. The January low is 18. Sperling's comfort index for Perrysburg is a 48 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54. Our index is based on the total number of days annually within the comfort range of 70-80 degrees, and we also applied a penalty for days of excessive humidity.", "Guide to Ohiopyle weather in October. The average maximum daytime temperature in Ohiopyle in October is a comfortable 17°C (63°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cold 4°C (39°F). There are usually 5 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 48% of the 11 hours of daylight.", "9pm: The Avon, OH forecast for Feb 02 is 16 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 51 percentage chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the West. Avon 10 Day Weather. Friday: The Avon forecast for Feb 02 is 19 degrees and Moderate snow", "Warren, Oh has a humid continental climate with severe winters, no dry season, warm summers and strong seasonality (Köppen-Geiger classification: Dfb). According to the Holdridge life zones system of bioclimatic classification Warren, Oh is situated in or near the cool temperate moist forest biome. The average annual temperature is 9.3 degrees Celsius (48.7 degrees Fahrenheit). See the temperatures page for a monthly breakdown and the fixed scale graph.", "Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded in Ohio is -39 Degrees ; The coldest weather temperature ever officially recorded in the state of Ohio is -39 degrees, which occurred on February 10, 1899, in Milligan, which is located about 120 miles south of Akron. The difference between the all-time coldest temperature ever recorded in Akron (-25) and the all-time coldest temperature ever recorded in the state of Ohio (-39) is 14 degrees. A big statistical difference. Overall, the city of Akron has a milder climate than the extremes in found in the Buckeye State of Ohio.", "Ohio Weather > Defiance Weather. Defiance, OH climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 84.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 17.10 degrees Fahrenheit.", "Lying in the humid continental zone, Ohio has a generally temperate climate. Winters are cold and summers mild in the eastern highlands. The southern region has the warmest temperatures and longest growing season—198 days on the average, compared with 150 to 178 days in the remainder of the state. More than half of the annual rainfall occurs during the growing season, from May to October.", "GRAIN BELT WX ROUNDUP OHIO MORNING TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION SUMMARY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CLEVELAND OHIO 832 AM EDT SAT APR 15 2017 Values represent highs yesterday...lows over the last 12 hours and precipitation over the last 24 hours ending... DTN Chart Technical Points 04/14 16:30.", "Avon Weather Forecast for Sunday, September 03. Countries/United States/ Ohio/ Avon. The Avon, OH forecast for Sep 03 is 65 degrees and Partly cloudy . There is 76 percentage chance of rain and 16 mph winds from the West.", "Latest news from Norton, OH collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: American (23.0%), German (13.7%), Italian (6.5%), Irish (6.0%), English (4.7%), Polish (4.0%).", "0%77°52°Sunny with a high of 75 °F (23.9 °C). Winds from SW to WSW at 9 mph (14.5 kph).Night - Mostly cloudy. Winds variable at 2 to 11 mph (3.2 to 17.7 kph). The overnight low will be 54 °F (12.2 °C).", "The overnight low will be 82 °F (27.8 °C).Mostly sunny with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C). Winds from E to ENE at 11 to 14 mph (17.7 to 22.5 kph). 20%85°82°Thunderstorms today with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C) and a low of 82 °F (27.8 °C). 20%83°80°Thunderstorms today with a high of 83 °F (28.3 °C) and a low of 80 °F (26.7 °C).", "National Weather Service Wilmington OH. Hamilton, OH Current Weather Conditions. BUTLER COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT , OH, United States (KHAO) 39-22N 84-31W 188M. Jan 13, 2018 - 09:53 AM EST / 2018.01.13 1453 UTC. Wind: from the N (360 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT):0. Visibility: 10 mile(s):0. Sky conditions: mostly cloudy. Temperature: 16.0 F (-8.9 C)", "Reading, OH - Weather forecast from Theweather.com. Weather conditions with updates on temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow, pressure, etc. for Reading, Ohio Today: Cloudy skies, with a maximum temperature of 45° and a minimum temperature of 18°.", "Today - Mostly sunny with a high of 70 °F (21.1 °C). Winds from SW to WSW at 4 to 14 mph (6.4 to 22.5 kph). Tonight - Cloudy. Winds variable at 2 to 16 mph (3.2 to 25.7 kph). The overnight low will be 54 °F (12.2 °C).", "The overnight low will be 64 °F (17.8 °C).Sunny with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C). Winds variable at 2 to 11 mph (3.2 to 17.7 kph). Friday. 0%83°63°Sunny today with a high of 83 °F (28.3 °C) and a low of 63 °F (17.2 °C).", "The overnight low will be 77 °F (25.0 °C).Mostly sunny with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C). Winds variable at 4 to 14 mph (6.4 to 22.5 kph). Wednesday. 5%86°77°Scattered thunderstorms today with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a low of 77 °F (25.0 °C).", "The overnight low will be 74 °F (23.3 °C).Sunny with a high of 96 °F (35.6 °C). Winds from NNW to N at 7 to 11 mph (11.3 to 17.7 kph). 0%97°72°Sunny today with a high of 97 °F (36.1 °C) and a low of 72 °F (22.2 °C). 0%90°68°Sunny today with a high of 90 °F (32.2 °C) and a low of 68 °F (20.0 °C).", "Nightly temperatures range from 14° to 17° degrees Celsius (57° to 63° degrees Fahrenheit). Weather is generally bright and sunny. Rainfall has been sporadic during past several years with near drought conditions.", "Cleveland, Ohio at 245 m/ 804 ft has a hot summer continental climate with no dry season (Dfa). Average temperature in Cleveland, Ohio is 9.8°C/ 47.2°F Rainfall 930.4mm/ 36.6in across 151 days. See graphs, tables, comparisons, more.", "It got him wondering where all the nice weather was. To find out, he made this map. Norton’s interactive chart shows which cities get the most pleasant days every year, drawing from NOAA data. Of course, what constitutes “pleasant” weather is subjective, so Norton played it safe.", "Some modifications have been made, such as in our area and sub-zones, such as 6a and 6b were added. The majority of Northeast Ohio is in zone 6a, which means the coldest the area gets is between -5 and -10 degrees Fahrenheit. The Lake Erie coastal areas (within about 5 miles of the lake) are in zone 6b, which means that the coldest temperature there is between -5 and zero degrees Fahrenheit." ]
where did the term bbq come from
Whatever the origin of the term, barbeque, barbecue, or BBQ in the United States has come to mean anything from slow cooking with heat and smoke (the traditional way), to grilling over an open fire, to the gathering itself where grilled or smoked meat is served.he Oxford English Dictionary states that the word barbeque was derived from the Spanish word barbacoa which itself was taken from a Haitian word barbacoa, meaning a framework of sticks set upon posts..
[ "Origin of the word “Barbeque”. 1 In the early 1700’s, sailors wrecked on a French island and lived on goats that had run away from the settlers. 2 Hochatown BBQ is located in the heart of the Beavers Bend State Park area on Highway 259. 3 Uncle Charlie’s Old Time Photo’s is onsite where you can create a lasting memory.", "As it turns out, there are as many origin stories for barbecue as there are spellings of the word on neon signs. These explanations range from a linguistic attempt to connect barbecue to boucan (also French) to a tall tale tracing barbecue to a Texas rancher who happened to brand the initials B.Q. on his livestock.", "Etymology of the word barbecue. Whether you spell it Barbecue, Barbeque, Barbaque, Barbicue, BBQ, B-B-Que, Bar-B-Q, Bar-B-Que, Bar-B-Cue, 'Cue, 'Que, Barbie, and just plain Q, the origins of the word barbecue, and that's how most dictionaries spell it, are pretty clear.tymology of the word barbecue. Whether you spell it Barbecue, Barbeque, Barbaque, Barbicue, BBQ, B-B-Que, Bar-B-Q, Bar-B-Que, Bar-B-Cue, 'Cue, 'Que, Barbie, and just plain Q, the origins of the word barbecue, and that's how most dictionaries spell it, are pretty clear.", "In any case, barbacoa was the first to appear in print, and that's the word that started going around Europe. In 1755 Samuel Johnson, the British lexicographer, essayist, and editor included the word barbecue in his landmark Dictionary of the English Language.", "Barbecue is a true American original with it's roots in the south, but it's popularity has grown over the years and now it has branches reaching all over the place. Each region of the country has it's own unique style and definition of what good Q is.", "From its earliest Caribbean roots, barbecue settled in the state of Virginia, then moved south through North and South Carolina, Georgia, the Appalachians and into Tennessee and Kentucky. From there, barbecue moved westward as Americans began to settle the West.", "In the United States, barbecue (also spelled barbeque or abbreviated BBQ) refers to a technique of cooking that involves cooking meat for long periods of time at low temperatures with smoke from a wood fire; often this is called pit barbecue, and the facility for cooking it is the barbecue pit.n the United States, barbecue (also spelled barbeque or abbreviated BBQ) refers to a technique of cooking that involves cooking meat for long periods of time at low temperatures with smoke from a wood fire; often this is called pit barbecue, and the facility for cooking it is the barbecue pit.", "While the standard modern English spelling of the word is barbecue, variations including barbeque and truncations such as bar-b-q or BBQ may also be found. The spelling barbeque is given in Merriam-Webster and the Oxford Dictionaries as a variant.", "BBQ began in the late 1800's during cattle drives out West. The men had to be fed (cowboys) and the boss (cattle baron) didn't want to feed them the good meat. So, other disposable cuts were used to feed the men. The main choice for this was Brisket, which is a very tough, stringy piece of meat.", "A Word with Many Origin Stories. Guides, reviews, histories, and travel tales from the barbecue trail. One of Warnes' more convincing arguments is that barbecue is an invented word and an invented tradition, drawing from many different backgrounds.. James Howell of the Skylight Inn shovels live wood coals into the pit. [Photograph: James Boo]", "The de la barbe a la queue story. The classic 1938 French encyclopedia of cooking, Larousse Gastronomique, naturally claims barbecue came from the French expression de la barbe a la queue meaning from the beard to the tail.", "A Southern Barbecue, 1887, by Horace Bradley. In the United States, barbecue refers to a technique of cooking that involves cooking meat for long periods of time at low temperatures with smoke from a wood fire; often this is called pit barbecue, and the facility for cooking it is the barbecue pit.", "The fact that even barbacoa can't be traced with certainty to a single culture or definition is significant for the meaning of barbecue today. One of Warnes' more convincing arguments is that barbecue is an invented word and an invented tradition, drawing from many different backgrounds to suit the needs of its writer.", "Grilling has existed in the Americas since pre-Colonial times. The Arawak people of South America roasted meat on a wooden structure called a barbacoa in Spanish. For centuries, the term barbacoa referred to the wooden structure and not the act of grilling, but it was eventually modified to barbecue..", "As the word expanded barbecue came to mean (1) food cooked by a barbecue method, (2) a cooking device, (3) an event at which barbecue is cooked, and (4) a flavor that is similar to sweet ketchup-based barbecue sauce.That is the way the word is commonly used by most people.merican Competition Barbecue in which the food is usually cooked by indirect heat from charcoal with hardwood, straight hardwood, or hardwood pellets, in well insulated steel ovens with precise temperature and smoke control usually managed by constricting airflow.", "The Southern and Western United States define a BBQ as an outdoor festival at which the piece de resistance is a beef or hog dressed whole and roasted on a spit over a pit fire. A large barbecue takes about 24 hours of preparation. First the meat is marinated for a number of hours and the fires prepared. Then the BBQ or basting sauce is usually mixed according to carefully guarded formula of minced peppers, garlic, herbs, tomatoes, lime juice and other sundry condiments.", "This form of cooking adds a distinctive smoky taste to the meat; barbecue sauce, while a common accompaniment, is not required for many styles. Often the proprietors of Southern-style barbecue establishments in other areas originate from the South.In the South, barbecue is more than just a style of cooking, but a subculture with wide variation between regions, and fierce rivalry for titles at barbecue competitions.his form of cooking adds a distinctive smoky taste to the meat; barbecue sauce, while a common accompaniment, is not required for many styles. Often the proprietors of Southern-style barbecue establishments in other areas originate from the South.", "Barbecue or barbeque (informally BBQ or barby/barbies) is both a cooking method and an apparatus.", "In Latin America. In Brazil, churrasco is the term for a barbecue (similar to the Argentine, Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Chilean asado) which originated in southern Brazil. It uses a variety of meats, pork, sausage and chicken which may be cooked on a purpose-built churrasqueira, a barbecue grill, often with supports for spits or skewers.", "In Brazil, churrasco is the term for a barbecue (similar to the Argentine, Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Chilean asado) which originated in southern Brazil.", "As the word expanded barbecue came to mean (1) food cooked by a barbecue method, (2) a cooking device, (3) an event at which barbecue is cooked, and (4) a flavor that is similar to sweet ketchup-based barbecue sauce. That is the way the word is commonly used by most people. The fact is that, to most Americans, cooking burgers, hot dogs, and steaks is barbecue. A handful of snobs can try all they wish, they cannot change a definition based on widespread common usage.", "The origin of the word “barbecue” comes from the Caribbean, where the Spanish word “barbacoa” was used to describe a special wooden frame that was used for drying, smoking, or grilling meat !he origin of the word “barbecue” comes from the Caribbean, where the Spanish word “barbacoa” was used to describe a special wooden frame that was used for drying, smoking, or grilling meat !", "A brief history of Houston barbecue. Much of Southeast Texas' barbecue culture can be traced to the 1920s-era migrations of workers from south-central Louisiana to Beaumont. Barbecue had its Houston beginnings in the Fourth Ward. This restaurant, circa 1950, was located at 407 Dallas. Barbecue had its Houston beginnings in the Fourth Ward. This... The history of barbecue in Houston, like the history of the city itself, is characterized by a diversity of traditions and influences. Political, ethnic, religious, geographic and economic influences have all combined to make Houston one of the most prosperous and unique cities in the world.", "BBM is an abbreviation for Big Black Meat, or less commonly, Big Black Meatstick. It origins are unknown, some say it is related to the rapper Rick Ross.", "One of Warnes' more convincing arguments is that barbecue is an invented word and an invented tradition, drawing from many different backgrounds.. James Howell of the Skylight Inn shovels live wood coals into the pit. [Photograph: James Boo]", "As previously mentioned, for some people BBQ is just a loose term used for outdoor cooking. On the other hand, there is a group of people that looks at BBQ as a saintly way of cooking meat at low temperatures over long periods of time.", "The word braai comes from the word braaivleis, which is Afrikaans for roasted meat. Braai means barbecue and vleis means meat.. The word is pronounced “bry” and although it originated with the Afrikaans, the word and social custom has been adopted by many ethnic cultures within Southern Africa. braai revolves around the fire, and the food. The food is cooked on (as the name of the gathering would suggest) a braai, which is basically a grill. But you won’t find gas on this grill.", "As the word expanded barbecue came to mean (1) food cooked by a barbecue method, (2) a cooking device, (3) an event at which barbecue is cooked, and (4) a flavor that is similar to sweet ketchup-based barbecue sauce.That is the way the word is commonly used by most people.he fact is that, to most Americans, cooking burgers, hot dogs, and steaks is barbecue. A handful of snobs can try all they wish, they cannot change a definition based on widespread common usage. From a culinary standpoint, barbecue is a cooking method that usually involves fire and smoke.", "Despite the fact that Mongolian barbecue first appeared in Taiwan in the middle to late 20th century, the idea of stir-frying ingredients on a large, open grill is originated from Mongolian food and their traditions.", "Asado (Spanish: [aˈsaðo], Brazilian Portuguese: [aˈsadu]) is used in the same was as the English word barbecue, both for a range of barbecue techniques and the social event of having or attending a barbecue[1] in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, where it is very popular.", "Mopping Brisket. Regarding BBQ Inc. Definition: First of all let me say that there are two generally accepted definitions for this word. First of all Barbecue is a food dish consisting of a whole (or good part) of an animal (usually pig) slow cooked over a smoldering fire for a long period of time.Barbecue is also an event or gathering in which people come together to celebrate and eat Barbecue (first definition).he truth is and the only definition that matter, I think, is that barbecue is a gathering, a meal, a sharing of time, food and companionship. Barbecue brings people together and makes them happy.", "The word barbecue when used as a noun can refer to: the cooking method itself, the meat cooked this way, the cooking apparatus used (the barbecue grill or simply barbecue), or to a type of social event featuring this type of cooking.", "Barbecue in the United States. In the United States, barbecue refers to a technique of cooking that involves cooking meat for long periods of time at low temperatures with smoke from a wood fire; often this is called pit barbecue, and the facility for cooking it is the barbecue pit.", "A brief history of North Carolina pulled-pork barbecue. The Early Days When the Spanish arrived in the Americas, they found the Taino Indians of the West Indies cooking meat and fish over a pit of coals on a framework of green wooden sticks. The Spanish spelling of the Indian name for that framework was barbacoa.", "20 pages on this wiki. Barbecue (also barbeque or BBQ) is a method for char grilling food in the hot smoke of a wood fire, usually charcoal fueled. BBQ is usually done outdoors by cooking and smoking the meat over wood or charcoal.Restaurant barbecue may be cooked in large brick or metal ovens.. Chicago style involves seasoning the meat with a dry rub, searing it over a hot grill and a slow cooking it in an oven. The meat, typically ribs, are then finished with a sweet-tangy sauce. 2. Texas style often uses beef and it can be associated with any type of sauce (depends on the person and the establishment).", "This recipe has been posted for play in Culinary Quest-Japan. Recipe found at website: justonecookbook.com. Recipe by Namiko Chen. It is summer and that means time to BBQ! In Japan, Japanese style BBQ is called Yakiniku (literally means grilled meat in Japanese).", "Barbecue or barbeque (informally BBQ or barby/barbies) is both a cooking method and an apparatus. Barbecuing is done slowly over low, indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking process, while grilling, a related process, is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat that hardly produces smoke.", "Asado is the name for BBQ in Argentina but it also refers to the large section of the rib cage that produces the finger-lickin’ tasty morsels of short or spare ribs. You want them a bit crispy on the outside to contrast with the tender meat inside.", "1 The term comes from the word honky-tonk, which dates back to 1875 in reference to the wild saloons of the Old West. 2 The patrons of these saloons were referred to as honkies, and although this was not intended as a racial slur, it was nevertheless a disparaging term.", "Barbecue or barbeque (informally BBQ or barby/barbies) is both a cooking method and an apparatus. Barbecuing is done slowly over low, indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking process, while grilling, a related process, is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat that produces little smoke.", "2. the term comes from the word honky-tonk, which was used as early as 1875 in reference to wild saloons in the Old West. Patrons of such disreputable establishments were referred to as honkies, not intended as a racial slur but still a disparaging term.", "Today, most Americans probably associate barbacoa with a Chipotle burrito. The fact that even barbacoa can't be traced with certainty to a single culture or definition is significant for the meaning of barbecue today.One of Warnes' more convincing arguments is that barbecue is an invented word and an invented tradition, drawing from many different backgrounds to suit the needs of its writer.oday, most Americans probably associate barbacoa with a Chipotle burrito. The fact that even barbacoa can't be traced with certainty to a single culture or definition is significant for the meaning of barbecue today." ]
how to replace tie rod boot
Remove the boot from the inner tie rod end. Only do this if you are replacing both inner and outer tie rod ends. You will need to remove the pinch nut. Next, take a pair of pliers and remove the clamp from the boot on the inside end of the inner tie rod end.
[ "Replacing the outer tie rods should be done in pairs. The steps are lifting the vehicle, pulling the front whee…l/tires, removing the cotter pins and wrenching off the outers rods from the inners. After reassembly in reverse order, the vehicle will require a wheel alignment.", "Replacing the tie rod ends on your Jeep vehicle is needed when they have worn enough that the toe angle of the front-end alignment is unstable while driving.This might be noticed as tire wear, an unstable feel at highway speed or a crooked steering wheel.nsert the tie rod removal tool between the tie rod and its attachment point on the steering linkage, or steering arm, and apply blows with a hammer until it breaks free.", "Intro: Poor Man's Tie Rod End (or Ball Joint) Boot. A simple & cheap way to seal any ball and socket type joint after the boot has been compromised. I teach High School Automotives and while replacing a ... Step 1: Tools and Supplies.", "Even the trusty Jeep Grand Cherokee needs attention when the tie rod ends need replacing. When the tie rods ends become loose, it can affect the steering and you must replace them to fix the vehicle. This is something even the amateur mechanic can do. 1 How to Replace a Tie Rod End in a Plymouth Neon.nscrew the tie rod end, and make sure you count the number of turns it takes. Write that number down. Screw on the new tie rod end, and slip the end into the steering knuckle. Tighten the nut to 70 foot pounds. Tighten the jam nut to 60 foot pounds, then repeat the steps for the other tie rod end.", "1 Verify that the tie rod(s) are bad. 2 Remove the road wheel. 3 Remove and replace the tie rod end(s). 4 Inspect the suspension and steering systems for any worn or damaged parts. 5 Reinstall the wheels. Test drive vehicle.", "4. Thread the new tie rod onto the inner tie rod the same number of turns it took to remove the old tie rod. Position the threaded conical tie rod end mount in the knuckle, thread the castle nut on to the tie rod thread and tighten to about 50 foot-pounds stopping at a position where the cotter pin can be inserted.", "This is a video showing how to replace an inner tie rod on a rack and pinion equipped vehicle. This on is a 1997 Ford Explorer 2 wheel drive. I made a brief reference to a zip tie on the video & didn't explain myself. I used a zip tie in place of the inner bellows boot clamp on the rack.", "Remove the inner tie rod end. To do this, you will need a large, deep socket that fits over the inner tie rod end. Twist the inner tie rod end counterclockwise until it is loose. Pull it off of the car. If you can gain access to the inner tie rod end, this can possibly be done with a wrench, if necessary. You can get an adaptor that fits over the inner tie rod end and makes it easier to fit a socket onto the inner tie rod.", "Customer: replied 6 years ago. Yes to estimate if the dealership is quoting too much for those repairs. Expert: BOBBYSS replied 6 years ago. Okay. For the outer tie rode ends you are typically looking at about $120 per tie rod with about $75 each for labor. You will need an alignment also. THe cv boots are typically going to cost about $200 each. The wiper motor for the front costs about $400 to have replaced.", "1 Step 1: Park the car on a flat surface and loosen the lug nuts. 2 Step 2: Raise the vehicle. 3 Step 3: Remove the lug nuts and the tire. 4 Step 4: Turn the steering wheel to the appropriate direction. 5 Step 5: Prepare to remove the tie rod end. 6 Step 6: Remove the cotter pin from the tie rod end. 7 Step 7: Remove the old tie rod end.", "1 Slide the NEW bellows with clamp over the end of the inner tie rod and onto the gear body. 2 Push the small end of the bellows (2) past the groove (1) machined into the inner tie rod. 3 Apply a small amount of MOPAR® Lubriplate®, or equivalent, uniformly to the groove (1) in the inner tie rod shaft.pecific to: Jeep Compass 2007-2009. Jeep Patriot 2007-2009. 1 Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section. 2 Remove the outer tie rod. 3 Refer to Tie Rod End, removal & installation. 4 Remove the tie rod jam nut from the inner tie rod. 5 Remove the clamp (3) securing the bellows (1) to the inner tie rod.", "If you have the tie rod ends replaced, it's critical that you remind the mechanic to complete a front end alignment, which will set your wheels to point straight. Like any other mechanical part, a worn out tie rod end will display a few warning signs or indicators that the part is failing and needs to be replaced.", "Push and pull the tire near the area of the tie rod. There should be no movement, or play, in the… tie rod end. If there is, that tie rod is bad. Also, you may notice the rubber boot on the tie rod is torn and grease has leaked out.", "Please try again later. How to replace inner and outer tie rods. This video will show you in depth how to change the inner and outer tie rods of your car or truck. You need a special tool, an inner tie rod end tool, to complete the job (this can be rented for free at your local parts store).The job straight forward and anyone with basic tools can do it!ou need a special tool, an inner tie rod end tool, to complete the job (this can be rented for free at your local parts store). The job straight forward and anyone with basic tools can do it!", "Locate the nut and tighten it. It is possible to overtighten that nut, which make the steering stiff and make funny noises. Worn steering links or elements: Place you car on jack stands and check the play of each steering arm and links. If a tie rod has some play or the boot is cracked, change it.The idler arms has a bushing also, don't forget to check it.lace you car on jack stands and check the play of each steering arm and links. If a tie rod has some play or the boot is cracked, change it. The idler arms has a bushing also, don't forget to check it.", "To remove the tie rod end, first remove the cotter pin that is going through the stud. Discard this pin, as a new one should be used. Remove the castle nut from the stud. Please note that the castle nut cannot be removed until the cotter pin is.", "But that’s it. TOM: On the other hand, if the tie rod breaks, you suddenly won’t be able to steer the car. RAY: So if you trust your mechanic, and believe the tie rod really does need to be replaced, I’d spend the $250 on that.That’s a threat to your existence; the CV boot is just a threat to your transportation.TOM: Eventually, the CV joint will degrade and fail due to lack of lubrication.ut that’s it. TOM: On the other hand, if the tie rod breaks, you suddenly won’t be able to steer the car. RAY: So if you trust your mechanic, and believe the tie rod really does need to be replaced, I’d spend the $250 on that.", "Put your thumb and index finger on the inner tie rod, just inside the lock nut, have someone shake the wheel at 3 and 9 oclock, you will probably feel looseness there, that is the inners. You will need to get an inner tie rod remover kit to remove the inner tie rods, and also get a four wheel alignment done afterwards.y just looking I would think that there would be movement in the... show more I'm a little confused on exactly how to tell if both the inner and outer tie rods need to be replaced.", "Remove the cotter pin from the tie rod end, and pop the tie rod end out of the steering arm. If it's frozen, don't whack the end of the threaded shank with a hammer; you'll probably just ding the threads. Leave the castellated nut a few threads on, and use a big screwdriver or pry bar to lift the steering arm up.einstall the tie rod end with a fresh cotter pin, button up the sway bar and any other parts you've removed or loosened, and you're ready to torque the spindle nut, reattach the wheel and take the car off the safety stands.", "1 Install the inner tie rod (1) onto the gear (2) using an appropriate inner tie rod installation tool or crows foot wrench on the hex. 2 Tighten the inner tie rod to 58 ft. lbs. ( 3 78 Nm). 4 Loosely place a NEW clamp over the large end of the NEW bellows.pecific to: Jeep Compass 2007-2009. Jeep Patriot 2007-2009. 1 Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section. 2 Remove the outer tie rod. 3 Refer to Tie Rod End, removal & installation. 4 Remove the tie rod jam nut from the inner tie rod. 5 Remove the clamp (3) securing the bellows (1) to the inner tie rod.", "Replacing Tie Rods and Front End Alignment. If you can shake your front wheel and it jiggles where the tie rod attaches to the steering knuckle, you need new outer tie rods. Should the worn tie rod eventually break, very severe damage would result to your Z, and probably to you.", "I have a 1987 Honda Accord, and the right front CV boot on the drive axle is torn. The mechanic said it would cost about $250 to replace, but then said that the tie rod must be removed and needs to be replaced, so it amounts to $500 to repair.", "If the tie rods on your vehicle do need to be replaced, it's recommend that both right and left sets of tie rods be replaced at the same time, and that a full four-wheel vehicle alignment be done once they've been changed.ie rods are attached on both ends of the steering rack and as the pinion rolls over the slotted rack, they help push and pull the front tires as the steering wheel is turned. Tie rods offer an important function to a vehicle's steering and therefore a car's overall safety.", "Keep in mind: The car may need to be taken to a shop for wheel alignment after this service. Mobile mechanics do not have the equipment to align the wheels. How it's done: Verify that the tie rod(s) are bad. Remove the road wheel. Remove and replace the tie rod end(s). Inspect the suspension and steering systems for any worn or damaged parts. Reinstall the wheels.", "Thread the new outer tie rod end onto the inner tie rod shaft. You should thread it by hand exactly the same number of turns that it took to take it off. Then thread the pinch nut up to the outer tie rod end. Tighten the pinch nut to keep the outer tie rod end from moving.", "Use a ball joint separator tool to remove the tie rod end from the main joint of the steering assembly. 10. Rotate the steering wheel until the wheels are facing a forward direction.", "Separate the outer tie rod from the steering knuckle using a tie rod separator. Unscrew the tie rod end, and make sure you count the number of turns it takes. Write that number down. Screw on the new tie rod end, and slip the end into the steering knuckle. Tighten the nut to 70 foot pounds.Tighten the jam nut to 60 foot pounds, then repeat the steps for the other tie rod end. Put back on the tires, and tighten the lug nuts to 85 to 115 foot pounds. Get your Jeep Grand Cherokee.nscrew the tie rod end, and make sure you count the number of turns it takes. Write that number down. Screw on the new tie rod end, and slip the end into the steering knuckle. Tighten the nut to 70 foot pounds. Tighten the jam nut to 60 foot pounds, then repeat the steps for the other tie rod end.", "Tie rod end replacement 2007 Dodge Caliber Install Remove Replace How to change. Outer tie rod. I do recommend an alignment for your vehicle after replacing steering components.Another very basic job you can tackle with just a few tools, on almost every car or truck out there.I have listed just a few based on the tie rod end part number that covers several vehicles.uter tie rod. I do recommend an alignment for your vehicle after replacing steering components. Another very basic job you can tackle with just a few tools, on almost every car or truck out there.", "The average cost for a tie rod end replacement-inner is between $245 to $348. Labor costs are estimated between $187 to $237 while parts are priced between $58 to $111.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Common Symptoms. Faulty tie rod ends can cause the vehicle to pull to one side when driving or braking. Faulty tie rod ends can cause uneven tire wear on the inside/outside edges. Bad tie rod ends can produce a knocking sound from the wheels when turning them back and forth while parking.", "Updated: I have a 1987 Honda Accord, and the right front CV boot on the drive axle is torn. The mechanic said it would cost about $250 to replace, but then said that the tie rod must be removed and needs to be replaced, so it amounts to $500 to repair. The car has 198,000 miles.", "Signs your tie rod ends need to be replaced include: 1 Your car pulls to one side while you are driving. 2 The tires have uneven wear on the edges. 3 A knocking sound when you maneuver tight turns.", "Please try again later. How to replace inner and outer tie rods. This video will show you in depth how to change the inner and outer tie rods of your car or truck. You need a special tool, an inner tie rod end tool, to complete the job (this can be rented for free at your local parts store).lease try again later. How to replace inner and outer tie rods. This video will show you in depth how to change the inner and outer tie rods of your car or truck. You need a special tool, an inner tie rod end tool, to complete the job (this can be rented for free at your local parts store).", "I have a 1987 Honda Accord, and the right front CV boot on the drive axle is torn. The mechanic said it would cost about $250 to replace, but then said that the tie rod must be removed and needs to be replaced, so it amounts to $500 to repair. The car has 198,000 miles." ]
what is tax deducted at source
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is a system introduced by Income Tax Department, where person responsible for making specified payments such as salary, commission, professional fees, interest, rent, etc. is liable to deduct a certain percentage of tax before making payment in full to the receiver of the payment.
[ "Effective from 1 June 2013, taxes are to be deducted at source (TDS) on payments for the purchase of immovable property (including any land other than agricultural land, or any building or part of a building) @1% as per section 194IA. Taxes would be required to be deducted @20% should the seller not hold a PAN.", "TDS is simply Tax Deducted at Source. As per the Income Tax Act – persons responsible for making payments are required to deduct tax at source at prescribed rates. Instead of receiving tax on your income from you at a later date, the govt wants the payers to deduct tax before hand and deposit it with the govt.", "In respect of payments to which the TDS provisions apply, the payer has to deduct tax at source on the payments made by him and he has to deposit the tax deducted by him to the credit of the Government.his system is called as “Tax Deducted at Source”, commonly known as TDS. Under this system tax is deducted at the origin of the income. Tax is deducted by the payer and is remitted to the Government by the payer on behalf of the payee.", "Tax Collected at Source (TCS) is income tax collected by seller in India from payer on sale of certain items. It is provided in section 206C of Income Tax Act 1961. The seller has to collect tax at specified rates from the payer who has purchased these items : Alcoholic liquor for human consumption.", "Tax deducted or collected at source shall be deposited to the credit of the Central Government by following modes: 1 1) Electronic mode: E-Payment is mandatory for a) All corporate assesses; and. b) All assesses (other than company) to whom provisions of section 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 are applicable.", "Tax deducted or collected at source shall be deposited to the credit of the Central Government by following modes: 1 1) Electronic mode: E-Payment is mandatory for a) All corporate assesses; and. 2 2) Physical Mode: By furnishing the Challan 281 in the authorized bank branch.", "Similarly, as per section 40(a)(ia), any sum payable to a resident, which is subject to deduction of tax at source, would attract 30% disallowance if it is paid without deduction of tax at source or if tax is deducted but is not deposited with the Central Government till the due date of filing of return.", "TDS refers to Tax Deducted at Source. TCS refers to Tax Collected at Source. Both under TDS and TCS, tax is withheld/collected from the assessee or tax payer at the point of transaction. The difference is, TDS is a buyer end activity.i.e, Tax is withheld by the person, who makes payment.", "This source, which can be a person or an organization, is known as the Deductor. The person whose payment is getting deducted is called the Deductee. For instance, a deductor is the employer paying salary to an employee (the deductee). Rates for tax deduction at source 2017-18.", "TDS is tax deducted at source. Your employer cuts a portion of your salary every month and pays it to the Income Tax Department on your behalf. Based on your total salary for the whole year and your investments in tax-saving products, your employer determines how much TDS has to be cut from your salary each month. For a salaried employee, TDS forms a major portion of an employee’s income tax payment.", "The recipient of income receives the net amount (after deducted of tax at source). The recipient will add the gross amount to his income and the amount deducted at source is adjusted against his final tax liability. Basically take credit of the amount already deducted and paid on his behalf.", "Best Answer: TDS stands for Tax deducted at source and TCS stands for Tax collected at source. TDS is deducted on payment from the amount paid or credited in books which ever is earlier. Say you are making payment of RS. 100/- towards contractual services, you deduct TDS @ 2.266% = Rs. 2.67 and pay Rs. 97.33.", "What Does Deduction in Taxes Mean? A deduction in taxes, or tax deduction, is an amount or percentage established by a taxing authority that a taxpayer can subtract from his adjusted gross income. The result is a lowered taxable income that reduces your taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at annual income tax filing on April 15.", "TDS Rates. The term ‘TDS’ refers to ‘Tax Deduction at source’. It is a mechanism wherein a person responsible to pay a sum of specified nature shall deduct an amount towards TDS and pay it to the credit of Central Government. Various TDS rates on various incomes have been prescribed under the Income-tax Act.", "What is a 'Tax Deduction'. A tax deduction is a reduction in tax obligation from a taxpayer's gross income. Tax deductions can be the result of a variety of events that the taxpayer experiences over the course of the year.", "What is a 'Tax Deduction'. A tax deduction is a reduction in tax obligation from a taxpayer's gross income. Tax deductions can be the result of a variety of events that the taxpayer experiences over the course of the year. Tax deductions are removed from taxable income, also known as the adjusted gross income, and thus lowers the taxpayer's overall tax liability.", "What is a 'Tax Deduction'. A tax deduction is a reduction in tax obligation from a taxpayer's gross income. Tax deductions can be the result of a variety of events that the taxpayer experiences over the course of the year. Tax deductions are removed from taxable income, also known as the adjusted gross income, and thus lowers the taxpayer's overall tax liability. Next Up.", "A tax deduction is a reduction in tax obligation from a taxpayer's gross income. Tax deductions can be the result of a variety of events that the taxpayer experiences over the course of the year.", "Tax deduction. Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.", "Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed, and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.", "What Is a Tax Deduction? A tax deduction reduces your taxable income. Your total deductions are subtracted from your taxable income in order to determine your total tax bill for the year. Tax credits are similar to tax deductions, but they reduce your tax bill dollar for dollar. This page lists tax deductions as well as related tax credits. How Do I Qualify to Claim Tax Deductions?", "A tax deduction is a reduction in tax obligation from a taxpayer's gross income. Tax deductions can be the result of a variety of events that the taxpayer experiences over the course of the year. Tax deductions are removed from taxable income, also known as the adjusted gross income, and thus lowers the taxpayer's overall tax liability.", "What Is a Tax Deduction? A tax deduction reduces your taxable income. Your total deductions are subtracted from your taxable income in order to determine your total tax bill for the year. Tax credits are similar to tax deductions, but they reduce your tax bill dollar for dollar. This page lists tax deductions as well as related tax credits.", "withholding tax. noun. 1. tax deducted at source from income, esp from dividends, paid to nonresidents of a country, which may be reclaimed if a double-taxation agreement exists between the country in which the income is paid and the country of residence of the recipient.", "A payee can approach to the payer for non-deduction of tax at source but for that they have to furnish a declaration in Form No. 15G/15H, as the case may be, to the payer to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income of the previous year after including the income on which tax is to be deducted will be nil.", "A basic tenet of tax law is that expenses paid to generate taxable income are tax-deductible. However, the method of deducting those expenses and the tax benefit of that deduction vary considerably based on the type of expense paid. Commissions add to the cost of each transaction. 0. Comments.", "Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.[1]", "If PAN of the deductee is not intimated to the deductor, tax will be deducted at source by virtue of section AA either at the rate given in the table or at the rate of 20 per cent, whichever is higher.ny payment covered under these provisions shall be paid after deducting prescribed percentage.It is managed by the Central Board for Direct Taxes (CBDT) and is part of the Department of Revenue managed by Indian Revenue Service (IRS) . It has a great importance while conducting tax audits.", "The tax to be deducted in a particular week or month is the cumulative tax due from 1 January to that date, reduced by the amount of tax previously deducted. The cumulative system operates for both tax credits and standard rate cut-off points.he cumulative tax liability of €150 deducted up to week 7 exceeds the cumulative tax liability of €40 at week 8. The difference of €110 is therefore refunded to the employee. This is not a refund of the employee's tax credits but rather a refund of excess tax that the employee has paid in the year to date.", "A tax deduction reduces the income subject to tax. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of the tax. The earned income credit is a refundable tax credit for people who work and whose earned income and adjusted gross income are under a specific limit.", "(April 2010) Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed, and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax. 1 Above and below the line.", "EMPLOYEES’ TAX [PAY-AS-YOU-EARN (PAYE)]. Employees’ Tax refers to the tax required to be deducted by an employer from an employee’s remuneration paid or payable.The process of deducting or withholding tax from remuneration as it is earned by an employee is commonly referred to as PAYE.he amounts deducted or withheld must be paid by the employer to SARS on a monthly basis, by completing the Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201) .", "Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed, and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.ax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed, and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.", "But not only interest is eligible to be deducted. Loan origination points, when taken in the year that the loan was made, can also be itemized. The final method for reducing your tax bill is by the utilization of tax credits. Tax credits are dollar-for-dollar reductions subtracted from your tax liability. There are tax credits for college expenses, for retirement savings, even for adopting children.", "Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed, and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.ax deductions can be classified into those above the line, which are beneficial to the taxpayer regardless of income, and below the line, which are only valuable to the extent that they exceed the standard deduction amount of the taxpayer, which in 2014, for example, was $6,200 for a single taxpayer.", "All income taxes imposed by state, local or foreign jurisdictions are eligible to be deducted for individuals itemizing their deductions on their Schedule A. 1 The IRS websites states the following, To be deductible, the tax must be imposed on you and must have been paid during your tax year, (Tax Topic 503, IRS.gov).", "Federal income tax is deducted from an employee's total compensation in the form of payroll withholding. Be aware that the amount of tax withheld on wages might be higher or lower than the actual amount of federal tax due to the government. The actual amount of federal income tax is calculated on the Form 1040." ]
health risks with taking ephedrine
Ephedra and ephedrine promote modest shortterm weight loss; their long-term effect is unknown. Ephedrine plus caffeine boosts immediate physical performance for fit young men; there is no evidence that ephedra or ephedrine improves long-term physical performance of athletes or would work for the general public.Ephedra and ephedrine increase the risk of nausea, vomiting, jitteriness, and palpitations.tudies of Athletic Performance. We found no studies that assessed the effects of ephedra-containing dietary supplements on athletic performance. Thus we analyzed only studies of products containing ephedrine or ephedrine plus caffeine— seven studies in all.
[ "There is some concern that combining creatine with caffeine and the herb ephedra (also called Ma Huang) might increase the chance of having serious side effects such as stroke. There is concern that creatine might cause irregular heartbeat in some people. But more information is needed to know if creatine can cause this problem.", "Increased Blood Pressure. The combination of caffeine and ephedrine can increase your blood pressure. Ephedrine and caffeine stimulate your sympathetic nervous system by increasing neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine. This stimulant effect can increase your blood pressure by constricting your blood vessels. This is why many diet pill formulas, often called an ECA stack, contain ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin to thin your blood to offset the blood vessel constriction." ]
what is product report card
Product Report Card Review. Product Report Card, by SoftLayer Technologies Inc and found at productreportcard.com, is a product testing and evaluation service that offers consumer participation through product testing and trial offers. The website operates as the medium for consumers to be able interact with the company.
[ "What is a CPSR. Cosmetic Product Safety Reports. When we assess your products, you receive a Cosmetic Product Safety Report. (it's often referred to as an assessment document, a certificate or CPSR) It is this document that is required under the regulations to enable you to legally sell your Cosmetic products* and it is written using your exact recipes. Here is the technical explanation of a CPSR; The Cosmetic Product Safety Report takes the form of two distinct sections, Parts A & B as specified by Regulation EU 1223/2009 which came into effect in July 2013 across the whole of the EU.", "Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports is an American magazine published since 1936 by Consumers Union, a nonprofit organization dedicated to unbiased product testing, consumer-oriented research, public education, and advocacy.", "About Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports is a consumer-advocacy magazine that sheds light onto product safety and efficiency issues. In each issue, readers will find product safety guides, industry news, ratings and comparisons between popular products, tips on how to reduce waste, and financial planning and investment advice.", "By Leah Davies, M.Ed. Report cards provide parents with essential information concerning their child’s progress in school. Various formats are used including letter grades, numbers, checklists and teacher comments that indicate how a child is performing in different areas. For each report card period, teachers usually write descriptive comments for every student. These written remarks elaborate on the student’s strengths, and frequently offer ways the child could improve his or her academic work and/or classroom behavior.", "Testing products since 1936, Consumer Reports is an expert, independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to work for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and to empower consumers to protect themselves.", "A line card is: 1) A printed brochure that lists the names, descriptions and manufacturers of products sold by a third party, like a distributor, sales representative or value-added reseller (VAR).", "What is a Consumer Report? A consumer report contains information about your personal and credit characteristics, character, general reputation, and lifestyle. To be covered by the FCRA, a report must be prepared by a consumer reporting agency (CRA) — a business that assembles such reports for other businesses.", "The Consumer Reports 2015 Car Brand Report Cards ranks automakers across the world by reliability, road test performance and other factors. The publication ranked the carmakers with an overall score, which was a combination of each brand's road test score and average reliability score.", "Consumer Reports publishes reviews and comparisons of consumer products and services based on reporting and results from its in-house testing laboratory and survey research center. The magazine accepts no advertising, pays for all the products it tests, and, as a nonprofit organization has no shareholders.", "Consumer Reports is the first place I look for product reviews and ratings especially when I’m looking to make a large purchase. I actually often check Consumer Reports after I've made a purchase just to see if I made the right choice. Their ratings are almost always accurate and insightful.", "vs. Landslide Sales Force Automation. A line card is: 1) A printed brochure that lists the names, descriptions and manufacturers of products sold by a third party, like a distributor, sales representative or value-added reseller (VAR).", "Not to be confused with student report cards, these Report Cards provide information about each school and district, including test performance, teacher qualifications, student safety, awards, parent involvement and much more.", "A balanced scorecard is a report a firm produces that highlights the multiple dimensions of performance, including finance, business operations, customer satisfaction and human resource use.", "Typically reports to a manager or head of a unit/department. View Credit Card Product Manager Salaries Alternate Job Titles: Credit Card Product Manager Categories: Banking, Financial Services Web Product Manager I Salaries Develops product positioning, packaging, and pricing strategies.", "Your report card will be at the top of this list. Your report card is called MyReportCard_ .pdf. You will be prompted to open or save the report card file. Click on save and make sure to note which folder you saved the file to.", "What is a credit report? Your credit report is a snapshot of your financial history. It is one of the primary tools that credit grantors, like banks and credit card companies, use to decide whether to grant you credit.", "Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDR) Purpose The purpose of preparing product quality deficiency reports is to determine the cause of discrepancies, effect corrective action and prevent recurrences.", "Your report card will be at the top of this list. Your report card is called MyReportCard_ .pdf. You will be prompted to open or save the report card file. Click on save and make sure to note which folder you saved the file to. Your report card is called MyReportCard_ .pdf.", "A consumer report contains information about your personal and credit characteristics, character, general reputation, and lifestyle. To be covered by the FCRA, a report must be prepared by a consumer reporting agency (CRA) — a business that assembles such reports for other businesses. Employers often do background checks on applicants and get consumer reports during their employment.", "Price search results for Consumer Reports Magazine Subscription. Consumer Reports Magazine Subscription. Consumer Reports is renowned for its unbiased testing and product reviews. Each issue features reviews of cars, appliances, electronics, health, finance, product recalls and more. This magazine subscription will help you find the best products in the world, don't buy another thing before consulting Consumer Reports.", "The term “investigative consumer report” means a consumer report or portion thereof in which information on a consumer’s character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living is obtained through personal interviews with neighbors, friends, or associates of the consumer reported on or with others with whom he is acquainted or who ...", "Join today and get instant access to objective Ratings and Reviews. Subscribe Now ›. Consumer Reports is an expert independent, non-profit that works for you. We rate over 5,000 electronics, appliances, home and garden products, baby gear and food products, including over 80 cars, trucks, SUVs and minivans each year.", "Landslide Sales Force Automation. A line card is: 1) A printed brochure that lists the names, descriptions and manufacturers of products sold by a third party, like a distributor, sales representative or value-added reseller (VAR).", "What is the Microsoft Office Product Key Card? Product Key Cards make installation fast and easy. Customers who purchase a PC that has the Office 2010 suites preloaded on their PC can purchase a Product Key Card for one of the three Office 2010 suites and use the 25-character Product Key inside the package to install the software on their PC. The Product Key Card package does not include a disc.", "Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDR) Home; Reporting Tools; Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDR) Purpose. The purpose of preparing product quality deficiency reports is to determine the cause of discrepancies, effect corrective action and prevent recurrences.", "Formed as an independent, nonprofit organization in 1936, Consumer Reports serves consumers through unbiased product testing and ratings, research, journalism, public education, and advocacy. We stand firmly behind the principle that consumer products and services must be safe, effective, reliable, and fairly priced.", "Your credit report card is a simple breakdown of what’s on your credit reports, so it’s not as difficult to read as the full version. However, you are entitled to one free annual credit report and you can get the full versions of your Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion reports by going to annualcreditreport.com.", "What is a Credit Report? Your credit report is a record of your credit activity and credit history. It includes the names of companies that have extended you credit and/or loans, as well as the credit limits and loan amounts. Your payment history is also part of this record.", "Reporting side effects. The Yellow Card Scheme allows you to report suspected side effects from any type of medicine you are taking. It is run by a medicines safety watchdog called the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). See the Yellow Card Scheme website for more information.", "Reporting an adverse effect. The Yellow Card Scheme is a special reporting system for possible adverse effects of medicines. If the healthcare professional treating you thinks a medicine may have caused a potentially concerning effect, they will fill in a report and send it to the MHRA.", "allows consumers to access their credit score, monitor their credit score history, access. their “Credit Report Card,” access a summary of the accounts on their credit report, including specific account names and balances, and obtain notifications regarding. significant changes in their credit report.", "Reports provide inventors and entrepreneurs with information about prospective companies that you can select from to submit your invention licensing or new product licensing proposals for licensing a product.", "Your credit report gives a full background of your credit history including personal information, delinquent accounts, and accounts in good standing. Your credit report card is a summary of all of this that shows you how you’re doing in the areas that make up your credit score.", "The product code is located on the back of the SD card. Standard microSD - the product code is located on the front of a Standard microSD card. Ultra, Extreme, Extreme PLUS, Extreme PRO and Pixtor - the product code is located on the back of the card. The product code is located on the back of the MSPD card.", "What is a credit report? Your credit report is a snapshot of your financial history. It is one of the primary tools that credit grantors, like banks and credit card companies, use to decide whether to grant you credit. What is in my credit report?", "The annual report is a document prepared by a company’s management to the shareholders and stakeholders, including employees, unions, vendors, and regulators, explaining what happened in the business for the year. There are no real rules for what an annual report contains and some companies don’t even prepare one.", "breaking down quarterly earnings report an earnings report is a report card of sorts for a public companies it is through these reports that companies let shareholders know how well they have performed over the past time period", "Index cards are used for a wide range of applications and environments: in the home to record and store recipes, shopping lists, contact information and other organizational data; in business to record presentation notes, project research and notes and contact information; in schools as flash cards or other visual aids; and in academic research to hold data such as bibliographical citations or notes.", "The California Report Card works on all screens and is designed for mobile phones held vertically. To participate, please visit California Report Card. About Us Who We Are. We are a system of 13 libraries located in communities throughout Stanislaus County. In our mission to foster the love of reading and open the door to knowledge we provide free access to a wide variety of material, presented in various formats.", "Our exclusive Home Health™ Report Card is included in your heating or cooling System Inspection, and provides an easy to understand assessment of risks associated with the air inside your home.", "Consumer Reports really is a great magazine for anyone who wants a go-to source to help with purchasing decisions of all types. If that’s you, then be sure to check out the current Consumer Reports subscription offers we have at Magazines.com and feel free to give us a call or send us an email with any questions you might have.", "12 Medicines & Medical Devices Regulation A patient’s view of the Yellow Card Scheme (reporting system for possible side effects related to medicines) Patients can use the Yellow Card Scheme for themselves, and on behalf of a child or adult in their care.", "Certain information about consumers are excluded from the definition of credit report.. This includes transaction and experience information, that is, records of purchases of goods and services by the consumer.", "It can also be helpful to create a report card and chart for competitors’ brands simply by rating those brands based on your own perceptions, both as a competitor and as a consumer. As an outsider, you may know more about how their brands are received in the marketplace than they do.", "Those are the savings available to consumer who opt to purchase on of Microsoft’s new Product Key Cards for Office 2010 instead of the traditional retail box. Product Key Cards are a new addition to Microsoft’s Office 2010 sales strategy. Sold by major retailers and some PC suppliers these packs lack an installation DVD – they’re intended to unlock the 30-day trial version of Office 2010 installed on many new PCs and also available as a download from Microsoft’s Web site.", "product identifier (product name) information for the safe handling of the product ; statement that the MSDS is available; may contain the WHMIS hazard symbols or other pictograms. These are the minimum requirements for workplace labels. The employer may wish to put more information on the labels but it is not required under the law.", "Credit report: The credit report, also called the “business version” of your credit report, is an abbreviated version of the TransUnion consumer disclosure available to you. This is the version of your credit report that creditors see.", "A subscription to Consumer Reports provide readers with expert, unbiased reviews and advice about electronics, appliances, automobiles, entertainment, education, nutrition, health care and more." ]
does sibo cause nausea
Symptoms of SIBO. Symptoms of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth may include: Early satiety (feeling full after only “few bites”), bloating and nausea, which forces many patients to avoid food, resulting in weight loss. Sulphur burps. Some patients with SIBO crave sugar.
[ "Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) facts. 1 Small intestine bacterial overgrowth is often associated with other underlying illnesses. Symptoms involving the intestine are non-specific in the early stages and include indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating.", "The symptoms of SIBO include: 1 Excess wind. 2 Abdominal bloating and distension. 3 Diarrhoea.4 Constipation. 5 Abdominal pain.he lack of normal muscular activity also may allow bacteria to spread backwards from the colon and into the small intestine. Many conditions are associated with SIBO. A few are common: 1 Neurological and muscular diseases can alter the normal activity of the intestinal muscles.", "1 SIBO may be caused by dysfunction of intestinal nerves or muscles, intestinal obstruction, or the presence of a blind loop. 2 The symptoms of SIBO are: 3 abdominal bloating or distension, 4 gas, diarrhea, and. 5 abdominal pain. In advanced cases, there may be vitamin and mineral deficiencies and weight loss.", "Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has many conditions associated with it, including diabetes, scleroderma, IBS, and Crohn's disease, and some forms of colitis. SIBO symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, and flatulence (farting).", "When you have SIBO, as food passes through the small intestine, the bacterial overgrowth interferes with the healthy digestive and absorption process. The bacterium associated with SIBO actually consumes some of the foods and nutrients, leading to unpleasant symptoms, including gas, bloating and pain. Even when treating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth with antibiotics, relapse rate is high.", "1 SIBO may be caused by dysfunction of intestinal nerves or muscles, intestinal obstruction, or the presence of a blind loop. 2 The symptoms of SIBO are: 3 abdominal bloating or distension, 4 gas, diarrhea, and. abdominal pain.", "SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is a condition in which bacteria that lives in the large colon moves into the small colon causing symptoms of gas; and abdominal pain, bloating, and distention. SIBO is associated with diseases like IBS, Crohn's, liver disease, alcohol abuse, and fatty liver.", "1 SIBO may be caused by dysfunction of intestinal nerves or muscles, intestinal obstruction, or the presence of a blind loop. 2 The symptoms of SIBO are: 3 abdominal bloating or distension, gas, diarrhea, and.", "When you have SIBO, as food passes through the small intestine, the bacterial overgrowth interferes with the healthy digestive and absorption process. The bacterium associated with SIBO actually consumes some of the foods and nutrients, leading to unpleasant symptoms, including gas, bloating and pain.", "One is associated with identifiable diseases or conditions of the intestines. The other is not. SIBO of either type can give rise to similar symptoms including indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea or loose stools.", "As we mentioned before, SIBO looks a lot like “poor digestion.” This means that SIBO can show up in the body as: 1 Heartburn. 2 Upper abdominal bloating and cramping. 3 Gas. 4 Constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea.", "The primary symptoms of SIBO are similar to IBS symptoms, including: Abdominal bloating; Belching; Gas; Abdominal pain; Cramping; Constipation; and Diarrhea; Leaky gut symptoms are also a big sign of SIBO. These can range from food sensitivities to headaches, fatigue, skin issues, mood issues, asthma, and joint pain.", "According to Bures et al, It is mandatory to consider SIBO in all cases of complex non-specific dyspeptic complaints (bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, abdominal pain), in motility disorders, anatomical abnormalities of the small bowel and in all malassimilation syndromes (malabsorption, maldigestion).", "SIBO- Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. The main symptoms of SIBO are those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). SIBO has been shown to exist in up to 84% of IBS patients and is therefore theorized to be the underlying cause.", "SIBO Symptoms. The main symptoms of SIBO are those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). SIBO has been shown to exist in up to 84% of IBS patients and is therefore theorized to be the underlying cause. It is associated with many other disorders as well, as an underlying cause or as an aftereffect of the pre-existing disease.", "SIBO Symptoms The main symptoms of SIBO are those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). SIBO has been shown to exist in up to 84% of IBS patients and is therefore theorized to be the underlying cause. It is associated with many other disorders as well, as an underlying cause or as an aftereffect of the pre-existing disease.", "Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) People naturally have hundreds and hundreds of different bacterial species in their colon and much fewer in their small intestine. In SIBO, there are large numbers of bacteria or the wrong type of bacteria in the small intestine. There are many medical conditions and treatments that can predispose someone to SIBO, including celiac disease and small bowel dysmotility. People with celiac disease may have a higher incidence of SIBO. SIBO leads to symptoms that mimic gluten exposure such as severe abdominal bloating (a major complaint), abdominal distension (visible protrusion of the abdomen), increased gas, diarrhea and/or constipation.", "10 conditions that may predispose you to have SIBO. 1 Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) 2 Pancreatic insufficiency. 3 Decreased motility in small intestine. 4 Bowel obstruction. 5 Diverticula. 6 Surgical bowel resection or bariatric surgery. 7 Food poisoning (Post infectious IBS) 8 Nerve damage that affects the GI tract. 9 Drugs, like opiates.", "SIBO, the acronym for a condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, is being researched as a possible cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Like many things related to IBS, the issue of SIBO being the underlying problem is complicated and marked by some controversy in the world of IBS research.", "Complications Associated with SIBO. SIBO, left untreated, can cause potentially serious health complications. It’s vital to get rid of the bacterial overgrowth as soon as possible. Bacteria overgrowth in the small intestine can lead to malnutrition, one of the biggest concerns with SIBO.", "It has been suggested, however, that SIBO and its symptoms may occur with smaller numbers of bacteria, for example, 10,000 per ml of fluid. SIBO also is known as small bowel bacterial overgrowth. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 6/23/2015.", "1 SIBO is a condition in which colonic-type bacteria (resembling bacteria normally found in the colon) proliferate in large numbers in the small intestine. 2 SIBO may be caused by dysfunction of intestinal nerves or muscles, intestinal obstruction, or the presence of a blind loop. The symptoms of SIBO are:", "And of course, as I mentioned above, the most common cause I see in my functional medicine clinic is from a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol. 10 Signs Of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). 1. Gas. 2. Bloating.", "Most patients with IBS and “gas” also have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), or IBS/SIBO, which may be contributing to symptoms, diagnosed with a breath test, and treated. SIBO is caused by a disease or disorder, the most common of which is IBS.ost patients with IBS and “gas” also have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), or IBS/SIBO, which may be contributing to symptoms, diagnosed with a breath test, and treated. SIBO is caused by a disease or disorder, the most common of which is IBS.", "Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) & Small Intestine Viral Overgrowth (SIVO) – Part 1. If you know someone who suffers from digestive problems, especially irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, let them know that treatable bacterial and viral infections can be the cause.", "Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a chronic digestive ailment in which the number of naturally occuring intestinal bacteria multiplies significantly as a result of a lack of movement in the small intestine.", "Another underlying cause of SIBO symptoms is blind loop syndrome. This occurs when the small intestine actually forms a loop, causing food to bypass parts of the digestive tract. This causes food to move more slowly through the system, and the result is a breeding ground for bacteria.", "1 SIBO is diagnosed by culturing intestinal fluid or with hydrogen breath testing. 2 SIBO may be the cause of symptoms in at least some individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). SIBO is treated with antibiotics, probiotics, or a combination of both.", "1 SIBO is a condition in which colonic-type bacteria (resembling bacteria normally found in the colon) proliferate in large numbers in the small intestine. 2 SIBO may be caused by dysfunction of intestinal nerves or muscles, intestinal obstruction, or the presence of a blind loop. 3 The symptoms of SIBO are:", "SIBO is a very heterogeneous syndrome characterised by an increased number and/or abnormal type of bacteria in the small bowel. Most authors consider diagnostic of SIBO to be the finding of ≥ 105 bacteria [i.e. colony-forming units (CFU)] per mL of proximal jejunal aspiration. The normal value is ≤ 104 CFU/mL[3,5-7].", "SIBO, left untreated, can cause potentially serious health complications. It’s vital to get rid of the bacterial overgrowth as soon as possible. Bacteria overgrowth in the small intestine can lead to malnutrition, one of the biggest concerns with SIBO.", "[Read: 5 Common Causes of Belly Bloat.] SIBO can often elude diagnosis for a long time, and that’s because its symptoms overlap with a variety of other common digestive conditions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acid reflux and gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying).", "SIBO is a condition in which colonic-type bacteria (resembling bacteria normally found in the colon) proliferate in large numbers in the small intestine. SIBO may be caused by dysfunction of intestinal nerves or muscles, intestinal obstruction, or the presence of a blind loop.", "Other intestinal diseases that may be associated with SIBO include: 1 Crohn's disease. 2 Celiac disease. 3 Achlorhydria (chronic inflammation causes the stomach to become unable to produce acid) Cirrhosis of the 1 liver. Alcohol abuse. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)", "Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where the small intestine is populated by an abnormal amount and/or types of bacteria. SIBO can be caused by many gastrointestinal conditions.It can be diagnosed by the lactulose breath test.he most common cause of SIBO is the reduction of the normal cycle of muscular activity of the small intestine at night. It is during these muscular contractions that the small intestine is stripped clean and by doing so keeping the bacterial population low.", "Blind loop syndrome ( BLS ) , commonly referred to in the literature as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ( SIBO ) or bacterial overgrowth syndrome ( BOS ) , is a state that occurs when the normal bacterial flora of the small intestine proliferates to numbers that cause significant derangement to the normal physiological processes of digestion ...", "I was diagnosed with SIBO three months ago. I have tried FIVE courses of Xifaxin, one of which was combined with neomycin, but I still have bad symptoms sometimes and I still have positive findings (hydrogen breath test). The xifaxin seemed to help some, but the symptoms always come back after leaving for a few days.auren-you probably don't have any good bacteria in your gut and that's why you're so ill after taking the garlic and the antibiotics. They kill all good and bad bacteria in your gut! I can't tolerate yogurt as it feeds the candida and the leaky gut gets worse.", "Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where the small intestine is populated by an abnormal amount and/or types of bacteria. SIBO can be caused by many gastrointestinal conditions.It can be diagnosed by the lactulose breath test. In this test, a non-absorbable sugar solution is swallowed and hydrogen and methane gases are measured in the breath.mall Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where the small intestine is populated by an abnormal amount and/or types of bacteria. SIBO can be caused by many gastrointestinal conditions.", "Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) refers to a condition in which abnormally large numbers of bacteria are present in the small intestine, while the types of bacteria found in the small intestine are more like the bacteria found in the colon. Scleroderma damages the intestinal muscles directly. 2 In both cases, abnormal muscular activity in the small intestine allows SIBO to develop. 3 Partial or intermittent obstruction of the small intestine can interfere with the transport of food and bacteria through the small intestine and can result in SIBO.", "You can find info on SIBO but we’ve found that viral infections can overlap or cause the same problems, and they are only listed in Infectious Disease books, so you might not find much info. These are problems with the small bowel and not considered by most practitioners or patients.", "SIBO has been recognized for many years as a problem with severe disorders of intestinal muscles and intestinal obstruction. The treatment has been antibiotics, and they are very effective. The difficulty is that the disease causing the SIBO often cannot be corrected.As a result, symptoms frequently return when the antibiotics are stopped, and it may be necessary to treat the patient with antibiotics repeatedly or even continuously. Neomycin is not absorbed from the intestine and acts only within the intestines. 2 levofloxacin (Levaquin) or ciprofloxacin (Cipro) for 7 days. 3 metronidazole (Flagyl) for 7 days. 4 levofloxacin (Levaquin) combined with metronidazole (Flagyl) for 7 days.", "It’s not designed to harbor a lot of bacteria, but in many people who have diarrhea this can be the reason. SIBO is an overgrowth of bacteria in the the small intestine and for many who have this condition, diarrhea is the result (others have constipation).", "The use of prokinetic agents may be considered for patients with gastroparesis or intestinal dysmotility. However, the efficacy of these agents has not yet been proven. Treatment for SIBO aims to modify the GI microbiota, usually with antibiotics, in a way that will result in symptomatic improvement.he primary goal of therapy in SIBO should be the treatment of any underlying disease or structural defect, although for many conditions, this cannot be achieved. Management should include correction of any nutritional deficiencies, where present.", "SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Normally, the small intestine has few bacteria. Most intestinal bacteria are contained in the large intestine. When there are too many, or they are the wrong type of bacteria in the small intestine, it is called SIBO." ]
what are diphthongs
Technically, a diphthong is a vowel with two different targets: that is, the tongue (and/or other parts of the speech apparatus) moves during the pronunciation of the vowel. In many dialects of English, the phrase no highway cowboys /ˌnoʊ ˈhaɪweɪ ˈkaʊbɔɪz/ has five distinct diphthongs, one in every syllable.
[ "Next we have diphthongs, which are vowels that are pronounced as a glide between two monophthongs. In Thai, the second vowel of a diphthong is always -ะ /a/. There are three diphthongs in Thai (Tingsabadh and Abramson 1993, Iwasaki 2005). If you see that some other books list many more diphthongs, then they are probably counting the live consonant endings /y/ and /w/ as diphthongs (or triphthongs).", "Meaning: A vowel sound that starts near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves toward the position for another. Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Hypernyms (diphthong is a kind of...): vowel; vowel sound (a speech sound made with the vocal tract open).", "in a single syllable form a diphthong. It means the u would lose a distinct sound in pronunciation and the word formed would not sound similar to the infinitive any more. For that reason, to match the pronunciation, we need to add the letter y between the vowels. The first person singular is irregular and needs to be memorized.", "By Linda Farrell. The terms digraph and diphthong are common terms in the reading world. At workshops on spelling or phonics, I often find that many people are confused about the difference between the two terms. The clear difference is that digraphs are letters and diphthongs are sounds.", "Diphthongs. This is the trickiest part of Irish pronunciation, when two vowels come together. The reason it's tricky is that sometimes one of the vowels is favoured in pronunciation, and the other is just a glide vowel.ach consonant is pronounced either in a broad or slender way, according to the surrounding vowels. Irish spelling requires that the vowels match on either side of a consonant, which is summarized as Caol le caol, leathan le leathan (Slender with slender, broad with broad).", "When a syllable has 2 vowels together, the first vowel is usually long and the second is silent. Examples: pain, eat, boat, res/cue, say, grow. NOTE: Diphthongs don't follow this rule; In a diphthong, the vowels blend together to create a single new sound.", "At workshops on spelling or phonics, I often find that many people are confused about the difference between the two terms. The clear difference is that digraphs are letters and diphthongs are sounds. The morphemes (meaningful word parts) in each word help us remember their meanings.", "Syllables. Every Latin word has as many syllables as it does vowels or diphthongs. (Diphthongs are double vowels which form one sound. The most common Latin diphthongs are ae, oe, and au.) Unlike English, which has silent letters, in Latin each consonant, vowel and diphthong is pronounced separately.he rule for where the accent or stress in a Latin word goes is also straight forward. If the word has only two syllables, the accent always falls on the first syllable. For example, amo is pronounced as AH-moe, not ah-MOE.", "How to Spell Vowel Digraphs. Vowel digraphs are letter combinations in which the two vowels together make a single sound. (Some, like ‘au’ or ‘oi,’ are also diphthongs, in which the combination contains the basic sounds of both vowels, but they glide together to make one sound.) Here are some suggestions for sounding them out in unfamiliar words.", "Vowels and Diphthongs. Each vowel has only one pronunciation and it will be pronounced that way in every Spanish word. Except for the gu and qu combination, there are no silent vowels in Spanish. Some vowels will slur together to create a single sound. These vowel combinations are called diphthongs.", "In bead we have not a single vowel, but a kind of diphthong. The Sounds of Spoken English Walter Rippmann. In the case of two strong vowels forming a diphthong after an accented syllable, the following rules apply.", "1 The diphthong in mouth is often heavily backed and rounded, pronounced IPA ʌʊ or ɔʊ. Hence “about” can sound a bit like “a boat” to American ears. The diphthongs in “goat” and “face” tend to be monophthongs (i.e. IPA go:t and fe:s).", "Review quickly the definition of a diphthong, and the sounds of ou, ow, oi, and oy. Have the students give words that have these target sounds. List them on the board with the students’ help in spelling them. Write these words on the board one at a time.", "or a diphthong and a geminate obstruent in a word with a syllable of Q2 is restricted (a) to genitive plural forms of some nouns and (b) to the second-person present-tense forms of monosyllabic vocalic verb stems, both of which have the suffix-te.", "2. AUM and OM. In Sanskrit, the sound “O” is a diphthong spelled “AU”. A diphthong is the blending of two vowel sounds where both are normally heard and make a gliding sound. As a result, the difference between OM and AUM is simply one of transliteration. 3.", "Hiatus - Two vowels pronounced as two distinct syllables. Diphthong - Two vowels pronounced as a single syllable. When this happens, the unstressed weak vowel has a special sound: the letter I sounds like Y (as in yet) and U sounds like W (as in will).", "Diptongos e hiato - Spanish Diphthongs and Hiatus. When a Spanish word has two vowels side by side, various pronunciation issues come into play: syllable division, diphthongs, and hiatus. In terms of syllable division, Spanish vowels are divided into two categories: strong vowels (A, E, O) and weak vowels (I, U). To pronounce Spanish correctly, you need to understand strong and weak vowels and how they affect pronunciation.", "In myth or hymn it's clearly a vowel, and also in words such as my, where it stands for a diphthong (a combination of two vowel sounds). On the other hand, in a word like beyond there is an obstacle to the breath which can be heard between two vowels, and the same sound begins words like young and yes.", "In Classical Latin, the combination AE denotes the diphthong [ai̯], which had a value similar to the long i in fine as pronounced in most dialects of Modern English.", "The sound [>] is. the short low back vowel as in Englishlot [l>t]. The long form of this vowel is [o:] as in. thought [2o:t]. The diphthong [ei] is the sound ingame [geim] and is a long vowel. Word English pronunciation incorrect German pronunciation.", "Prominent Features: 1 Non-rhotic. 2 Vowel breaking. 3 The diphthong in words like ride and lime tends to be pronounced as a monopthong: i.e. 4 All vowels tend to be pronounced longer than in northern American accents. 5 The vowel in words like thought and long tends to be a diphthong, traditionally IPA ɔo.", "Diphthongs oi, oy. Diphthongs oi, oy. Diphthongs oi, oy. Sound/Symbol. Use coin, boil, boy, and toys to teach students to recognize the oi and oy letter combinations and hear their sound in the medial and final positions of words.", "Transcribing the English diphthongs in high and cow as ⟨ aj aw ⟩ and ⟨ ai au ⟩ is a less precise or broader transcription, since these diphthongs usually end in a vowel sound that is opener than the semivowels [j w] or the close vowels [i u] .", "infinitive form contains a diphthong. It means a weak vowel i/u and a strong vowel a/e/o are combined in a single syllable giving a sound which begins as one vowel and moves towards the other. English also has it in words like: cloud, coin. In this verb group the weak vowel is stressed in pronunciation, so to preserve it in writing", "Transcribing the English diphthongs in high and cow as aj aw or ai̯ au̯ is a less precise or broader transcription, since these diphthongs usually end in a vowel sound that is opener than the semivowels [j w] or the close vowels [i u].", "Indonesian languages have only a few diphthongs and are located at end of the words, mainly due to Arabic influences: / 1 ai/ the diphthong is pronounced as the long vowels /e/ as in pantai beach. / 2 au/ the diphthong is pronounced as the long vowels /o/ as in atau or." ]
when was crocheting invented
‘Crochet began turning up in Europe in the early 1800s and was given a tremendous boost by Mlle. Riego de la Branchardiere, who was best known for her ability to take old-style needle and bobbin lace designs and turn them into crochet patterns that could easily be duplicated.
[ "The Velcro® brand of hook and loop was invented by a man named George de Mestral in the 1940's while hunting in the Jura mountains in Switzerland. Mr. de Mestral, a Swiss engineer, realized that the tiny hooks of the cockle-burs were stuck on his pants and in his dog's fur and wondered how they attached themselves.", "The first sewing machine to make a lock stitch was invented by Walter Hunt of New York, about 1832. His machine had a curved needle with an eye at the point. The needle pierced the goods, and at the moment when it started out, a loop was formed in the thread; at that [127] very same instant, a shuttle carrying a second thread passed through the loop, making the lock stitch.", "A brief Tunisian crochet history & overview. Above: Alex Holderness, VP of Ecom, in his birthday bandana cowl [a purl bee pattern I did in Tunisian, minus the short-rows]; a lacy shawl for my friend Amber from Fancy Tiger; a Tunisian crochet in-the-round cowl pattern for one of my classes.", "The Velcro® brand of hook and loop was invented by a man named George de Mestral in the 1940's while hunting in the Jura mountains in Switzerland.", "The Velcro® brand of hook and loop was invented by a man named George de Mestral in the 1940's while hunting in the Jura mountains in Switzerland.Mr. de Mestral, a Swiss engineer, realized that the tiny hooks of the cockle-burs were stuck on his pants and in his dog's fur and wondered how they attached themselves.he Velcro® brand of hook and loop was invented by a man named George de Mestral in the 1940's while hunting in the Jura mountains in Switzerland. Mr. de Mestral, a Swiss engineer, realized that the tiny hooks of the cockle-burs were stuck on his pants and in his dog's fur and wondered how they attached themselves.", "The hook-loop fastener was invented in 1948 by Swiss engineer, Georges de Mestral who lived in Commugny, Switzerland.The idea came to him in 1941 after returning from a hunti … ng trip with his dog in the Alps. He took a close look at the burrs (seeds) that kept sticking to his clothes and his dog's fur.elcro was invented in Switzerland by a man named George de Mestral after he went hunting in the jura mountains.", "A German named Charles Wiesenthal who lived in England got patented the needle that he designed for sewing machine in 1755. It was in 1790 Thomas Saint, who was an English inventor and a...", "The oldest known iron objects used by humans are some beads of meteoric iron, made in Egypt in about 4000 BCE. The discovery of smelting around 3000 BCE led to the start of the iron age around 1200 BCE and the prominent use of iron for tools and weapons.", "The original patented hook and loop fastener was invented in 1948 by the Swiss electrical engineer George de Mestral, who patented it in 1955 and subsequently refined and developed its practical manufacture until its commercial introduction in the late 1950s.mong them is a series of mechanical-based fastening products, including a brand of fabric hook and loop fastener often colloquially referred to by the company name, Velcro.", "The original patented hook and loop fastener was invented in 1948 by the Swiss electrical engineer George de Mestral, who patented it in 1955 and subsequently refined and developed its practical manufacture until its commercial introduction in the late 1950s.elcro Industries is a privately held worldwide corporation manufacturing consumer and industrial products. Among them is a series of mechanical-based fastening products, including a brand of fabric hook and loop fastener often colloquially referred to by the company name, Velcro.", "The year 1893: The world's first hemstitch sewing machine. In 1893, Karl Friedrich Gegauf invents the hemstitch sewing machine. This machine can sew 100 stitches per minute. It was the world's first machine of this type, and also caused a major sensation abroad. The mechanical production of hemstitching was subsequently known simply as gegaufing." ]
how much is cj wilson worth
C.J. Wilson Net Worth: C.J. Wilson is an American professional baseball player who has a net worth of $35 million. C.J. Wilson was born in Fountain Valley, California in November 1980.
[ "Now you know how much CJ Wilson Salary and CJ Wilson net worth? He is the professional NFL player of Oakland Raiders American football team. This 6 ft 1 player started his carrier in 2015.", "Current Contract. C.J. Wilson signed a 1 year, $745,000 contract with the Oakland Raiders, including an average annual salary of $745,000. In 2015, Wilson will earn a base salary of $701,176. Wilson has a cap hit of $550,588.", "C.J. Wilson signed a 1 year, $745,000 contract with the Oakland Raiders, including an average annual salary of $745,000. In 2015, Wilson will earn a base salary of $701,176.", "Current Contract. C.J. Wilson signed a 1 year, $745,000 contract with the Oakland Raiders, including an average annual salary of $745,000. In 2015, Wilson will earn a base salary of $701,176.", "C.J. Wilson signed a 1 year, $745,000 contract with the Oakland Raiders, including an average annual salary of $745,000. In 2015, Wilson will earn a base salary of $701,176. Wilson has a cap hit of $550,588.", "Brian Wilson Net Worth is $75 Million. Brian Wilson Net Worth is $75 Million. Brian Wilson was born in California and has an estimated net worth of $75 million dollars. A singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and composer, Brian Wilson is most widely recognized as a singer and primary s Brian Douglas Wilson is an American musician, best known as the leader and chief songwriter of the group The Beach Boys.", "Russell Wilson net worth and salary: Russell Wilson is an American professional football player who has a net worth of $14 million dollars and an annual salary of $700 thousand.Russell Wilson was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and began playing football with his father and brother before he started kindergarten.oing forward he will play out his rookie contract this upcoming season for a base salary of $700,000. For the 2016 season his base will jump up to $12.34 million, up again the next season to $12.6 million, then $15.5 million in 2018, and $17 million in 2019.", "What is Brian Wilson Net Worth? Brian Wilson was born in California and has an estimated net worth of $75 million dollars. A singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and composer, Brian Wilson is most widely recognized as a singer and primary songwriter for The Beach Boys. He also served as the band's manager and producer.", "How Much brian_wilson Worth? Brian Wilson Net Worth is $75 Million. Brian Wilson was born in California and has an estimated net worth of $75 million dollars. A singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and composer, Brian Wilson is most widely recognized as a singer and primary s", "Brian Wilson Net Worth is $75 Million. Brian Wilson was born in California and has an estimated net worth of $75 million dollars. A singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and composer, Brian Wilson is most widely recognized as a singer and primary s", "Brian Wilson net worth: Brian Wilson is an American musician who has a net worth of $75 million. A singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and composer, Brian Wilson is most widely recognized as a singer and the primary songwriter for The Beach Boys. He also served as the band's manager and producer.", "Apr 30, 2016 ... Theodore James « TJ » Wilson or just as Tydon Kidd net worth is of $3.2 ... professional wrestler and currently have contract with the WWE. 2019 Tyson Kidd Wrestler Net Worth and Salary in 20172018", "He play as a professional baseball starting pitcher for Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim in MLB.He played high school baseball at Fountain Valley High School and college baseball at Loyola Marymount University. He was drafted by Texas Rangers in 2001 MLB drafts. C.J. Wilson Salary :$11,507,000.", "Brian Wilson Net Worth: Brian Wilson is an American musician who has a net worth of $75 million. Brian Wilson was born in California and has an Brian Brian Wilson Net Worth: Brian Wilson is an American musician who has a net worth of $75 million.", "Russell Wilson Net Worth 2017, Earnings | Salary and Wealth. Football Player. There are a lot of questions about Russell Wilson Net Worth forbes in 2017 salary, earnings and wealth, Russell Wilson is the Quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks. Russell Wilson Net worth (Forbes) Salary and Wealth in 2017: Russell Wilson net worth is $ 14 million. Russell Wilson salary per year is $ 700 000. Russell Wilson source of wealth: Football player.", "Tyson Kidd Wrestler Net Worth and Salary in 2017. Apr 30, 2016 ... Theodore James « TJ » Wilson or just as Tydon Kidd net worth is of $3.2 ... professional wrestler and currently have contract with the WWE. www.whatnetworth.com Tyson Kidd salary, net worth (always non-serious attitude in the ring ... “Theodore James Wilson” who wrestles as “T.J. Wilson” is currently signed to WWE as their professional wrestler from Canada.", "Russell Wilson signed a four year contract extension with the Seahawks worth $87.6 million on July 31, 2015.According to SI’s Peter King, Wilson received a $31 million signing bonus.Per Ian Rapoport of NFL.com the following tweet has the breakdown of the Wilson extension which we are using to estimate the cap charges at the moment. Wilson received $31.7 million fully guaranteed upon signing.ccording to SI’s Peter King, Wilson received a $31 million signing bonus. Per Ian Rapoport of NFL.com the following tweet has the breakdown of the Wilson extension which we are using to estimate the cap charges at the moment. Wilson received $31.7 million fully guaranteed upon signing.", "Are Wilson Combat 1911s Worth $4000? When TTAG announced the arrival of the new Wilson Combat X-TAC Compact, more than a few members of our Armed Intelligentsia wondered why in the world anyone would pay $2680 for a pistol. (And that, 1911 fans, is a non-customized “entry level” model.) Sid put it succinctly: “The price! My God!", "Dean Wilson's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $1000000 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes.", "Wilson made his major league debut in June 2005 for the Rangers and played there until 2011. In 2012 he signed a five year deal with the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim worth $75 million. Wilson has been an MLB All-Star in 2011 and 2012.", "New Contract. On July 31st, 2015, the Seattle Seahawks signed Wilson to a four-year contract extension valued at $87.6 million with a signing bonus of $31 million and $60 million of it guaranteed. Going forward he will play out his rookie contract this upcoming season for a base salary of $700,000.For the 2016 season his base will jump up to $12.34 million, up again the next season to $12.6 million, then $15.5 million in 2018, and $17 million in 2019.oing forward he will play out his rookie contract this upcoming season for a base salary of $700,000. For the 2016 season his base will jump up to $12.34 million, up again the next season to $12.6 million, then $15.5 million in 2018, and $17 million in 2019.", "W. Brett Wilson Net Worth: W. Brett Wilson is a Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist who has a net worth of $1.5 billion dolla... 1 John Saxon Net WorthJohn Saxon net worth: John Saxon is an American actor who has a net worth of $1.5 million. 2 John Saxon was born Carmine Orrico.", "W. Brett Wilson Net Worth: W. Brett Wilson is a Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist who has a net worth of $1.5 billion dolla... 1 John Saxon Net WorthJohn Saxon net worth: John Saxon is an American actor who has a net worth of $1.5 million.", "How much is Flip Wilson Worth? Flip Wilson net worth: Flip Wilson was an American comedian and actor who had a net worth of $6 million. Clerow Wilson, Jr., known professionally as Flip Wilson, hosted his own weekly variety series in the early 1970's called The Flip Wilson Show. The series earned Wilson a Golden Globe and two Emmy Awards. Born on December 8, 1933 in Jersey City, NJ he was one of ten children born during the Great Depression.", "College: Wisconsin Accrued Seasons: 3. League Entry: 2012 NFL Draft, Round 3, Pick 75 (Seahawks). Russell Wilson signed a four year contract extension with the Seahawks worth $87.6 million on July 31, 2015. According to SI’s Peter King, Wilson received a $31 million signing bonus.Per Ian Rapoport of NFL.com the following tweet has the breakdown of the Wilson extension which we are using to estimate the cap charges at the moment. Wilson received $31.7 million fully guaranteed upon signing.ccording to SI’s Peter King, Wilson received a $31 million signing bonus. Per Ian Rapoport of NFL.com the following tweet has the breakdown of the Wilson extension which we are using to estimate the cap charges at the moment. Wilson received $31.7 million fully guaranteed upon signing.", "Grady Demond Wilson Net Worth is $1.5 Million. Grady Demond Wilson is an American actor, author, and pastor. He is best known for his role opposite Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford's long-suffering son, Lamont Sanford, in the 1970sa?? NBC-TV sitcom Sanford and Son.", "It's in large part because of that salary chart. Wilson, who played as well as almost any quarterback over the last half of last season, makes $749,193 annually over the course of his four-year deal that he got as a third-round pick, according to the Free Press' chart. He makes $526,217 in salary this year.That's it.There are 15 quarterbacks who make $10 million or more annually over their deal (we rounded up Jay Cutler and his $9.98 million). Three more make between $7.5 million and $10 million annually.t's in large part because of that salary chart. Wilson, who played as well as almost any quarterback over the last half of last season, makes $749,193 annually over the course of his four-year deal that he got as a third-round pick, according to the Free Press' chart. He makes $526,217 in salary this year.", "It doesn't matter what Wilson accomplishes on the field. He's locked into the deal that netted him a $619,472 signing bonus after becoming the 75th overall pick in last April's draft. He's set to earn $526,217 in 2013 and $662,434 the following season. Wilson's $798,651 salary in 2015 is up for negotiation.t doesn't matter what Wilson accomplishes on the field. He's locked into the deal that netted him a $619,472 signing bonus after becoming the 75th overall pick in last April's draft. He's set to earn $526,217 in 2013 and $662,434 the following season. Wilson's $798,651 salary in 2015 is up for negotiation.", "$200. the corporation declared a 15% stock dividend to be issued to stockholders of record on December 16.000 credit $180.000 shares of its $5 par value common stock outstanding.000 350. 1998.000 shares of stock to be held in the treasury.000.3) At its date of incorporation, Wilson, Inc. issued 100,000 shares of its $10 par common stock at $11 per share. During the current year, Wilson acquired 20,000 shares of its common stock at a price of $16 per share and accounted for them by the cost method.", "Grady Demond Wilson Net Worth is $1.5 Million.. Grady Demond Wilson (born October 13, 1946) is an American actor, author, and pastor. He is best known for his role opposite Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford's long-suffering son, Lamont Sanford, in the 1970sa?? NBC-TV sitcom Sanford and S...", "Grady Demond Wilson Net Worth is $1.5 Million.. Grady Demond Wilson (born October 13, 1946) is an American actor, author, and pastor. He is best known for his role opposite Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford's long-suffering son, Lamont Sanford, in the 1970sa?? NBC-TV sitcom Sanford and S... Grady Demond Wilson Net Worth is $1.5 Million. Grady Demond Wilson is an American actor, author, and pastor. He is best known for his role opposite Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford's long-suffering son, Lamont Sanford, in the 1970sa?? NBC-TV sitcom Sanford and Son. Wilson was born in Valdosta, Georgia and grew up in New York City.", "Wilson Corporation uses an income statement approach to estimate credit losses. Its gross Accounts Receivable of $5,000,000 at the beginning of the period had a net realizable value of $4,925,000.During the period, the company wrote off actual accounts receivable of $100,000 and collected $7,835,000 from credit customers. Credit sales for the year amounted to $9,000,000.ilson Corporation uses an income statement approach to estimate credit losses. Its gross Accounts Receivable of $5,000,000 at the beginning of the period had a net realizable value of $4,925,000.", "Current Contract. Russell Wilson signed a 4 year, $87,600,000 contract with the Seattle Seahawks, including a $31,000,000 signing bonus, $61,542,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $21,900,000.In 2015, Wilson will earn a base salary of $700,000 and a signing bonus of $31,000,000.Wilson has a cap hit of $7,054,868 while his dead money value is $31,854,868.n 2015, Wilson will earn a base salary of $700,000 and a signing bonus of $31,000,000.", "Again, in my original blog, I had Russell Wilson with a $20M base salary. When analyzing the New Money information I received from Jason Fitzgerald, I have revised that down to $14M. This $14M in 2018 brings Russell Wilson's total cash in first four years to $70M and his New Money to $69M.Here is my thinking:gain, in my original blog, I had Russell Wilson with a $20M base salary. When analyzing the New Money information I received from Jason Fitzgerald, I have revised that down to $14M. This $14M in 2018 brings Russell Wilson's total cash in first four years to $70M and his New Money to $69M. Here is my thinking:", "Ann Wilson originally known as Ann Dustin Wilson, has an estimated net worth of $18 million. She has earned her gross amount as the lead…", "Many in the NFL world have speculated that he's going to get a $100 million contract, but it sounds like the deal is actually going to be bigger than that. According to Ian Rapoport of NFL Network, sources close to the team say the Seahawks are going to make Wilson the highest-paid quarterback in the NFL.", "Other family members and associates include Sherry Niswonger, Cindy Niswonger, Nikki Niswonger, Holly Wilson and Jerry Niswonger.He has a reported annual income of 50 - 59,999 and a current net worth value of $10,000 - $24,999.", "About Ann Wilson. Ann Wilson originally known as Ann Dustin Wilson, has an estimated net worth of $18 million. She has earned her gross amount as the lead vocalist for the Rock band Heart. Ann was born in San Diego but her career flourished in all of America where she attained fulfillment in music.", "About Ann Wilson Ann Wilson originally known as Ann Dustin Wilson, has an estimated net worth of $18 million. She has earned her gross amount as the lead vocalist for the Rock band Heart. Ann was born in San Diego but her career flourished in all of America where she attained fulfillment in music.", "Decrease and increase 13) On May 1. declared and issued a 10% common stock dividend. As a result of this stock dividend. assumed converted whether they are dilutive or antidilutive D. The fair value of Kent 's common stock was $20 per share on May 1. decreased by $200.3) At its date of incorporation, Wilson, Inc. issued 100,000 shares of its $10 par common stock at $11 per share. During the current year, Wilson acquired 20,000 shares of its common stock at a price of $16 per share and accounted for them by the cost method.", "Steve Dykes/Getty Images. Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson is the most underpaid player in the NFL right now. He's making a little over $800,000 this year, which is less than 1/20th of what Jay Cutler is making. That's about to change.", "An amount below 100 means Wilson, North Carolina is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Wilson, North Carolina is more expensive. Overall, Wilson, North Carolina cost of living is 91.00.", "Wilson's drawn-out contract negotiations with the Seattle Seahawks have largely centered on guaranteed money. Paul Allen is the wealthiest owner in the NFL with a reported net worth of $17.5 billion, but the Microsoft co-founder has shown no inclination to become the first owner to fully guarantee an NFL contract.", "Perhaps between 20 and 30 times what he is on track to make in 2014. Wilson already has as many Super Bowl rings and more Pro Bowl appearances than Baltimore Ravens starter Joe Flacco, who earns $20 million per year. Jay Cutler, who has never been to the Super Bowl and has one Pro Bowl selection, recently re-signed with the Chicago Bears for an annual average salary of $18 million.", "The median home value in Wilsonville, AL is $225,900. This is higher than the county median home value of $183,600. The national median home value is $185,800. The average price of homes sold in Wilsonville, AL is $225,900. Approximately 63.41% of Wilsonville homes are owned, compared to 19.87% rented, while 16.72% are vacant. Wilsonville real estate listings include condos, townhomes, and single family homes for sale. Commercial properties are also available.", "Steve Dykes/Getty Images. Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson is the most underpaid player in the NFL right now. He's making a little over $800,000 this year, which is less than 1/20th of what Jay Cutler is making.That's about to change.teve Dykes/Getty Images. Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson is the most underpaid player in the NFL right now. He's making a little over $800,000 this year, which is less than 1/20th of what Jay Cutler is making.", "Is Brian Wilson secretly gay and hiding in the closet? It's been a rough year for the singer, but at least he has his millions of dollars to ease the pain. 75-year-old Brian Wilson has taken the No. 1 spot on People With Money’s top 10 highest-paid singers for 2018 with an estimated $82 million in combined earnings. UPDATE 10/02/2018 : This story seems to be false." ]
what is lumbar region
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum. The lumbar region is sometimes referred to as the lower spine, or as an area of the back in its proximity.
[ "Lumbar is referring to the lower back L1-L5. An intervertebral disk in which the nucleus pulposus has protruded through surrounding fibrocartilage. This occurs most frequently in the lower lumbar region.", "There are 5 major regions of the spine: 1 Cervical: The 7 vertebrae in the neck form the cervical region of the spine. 2 Thoracic: The 12 vertebrae in the chest region form the spine’s thoracic region. Lumbar: The 5 vertebrae in the lower back form the lumbar region of the spine. Lumbar vertebrae are even larger and stronger than thoracic vertebrae, but are more flexible due to the lack of ribs in the lumbar region. All of the upper body’s weight bears down on the lumbar vertebrae, leading to many back problems in this region despite the size and strength of the vertebrae.", "Lumbosacral Region of the Spine (Lower Back) Lumbosacral Region of the Spine (Lower Back) The spine is composed of 33 interlocking bones called vertebrae. The lumbosacral region of the spine consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum (5 bones joined together). ByHealthwise Staff. Primary Medical ReviewerWilliam H. Blahd, Jr., MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine. Specialist Medical ReviewerRobert B. Keller, MD - Orthopedics.", "The lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region. They also protect the delicate spinal cord and nerves within their vertebral canal.Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....ound along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....", "The lumbar spine refers to the lower back, where the spine curves inward toward the abdomen. It starts about five or six inches below the shoulder blades, and connects with the thoracic spine at the top and extends downward to the sacral spine. Lumbar is derived from the Latin word lumbus, meaning lion, and the lumbar spine earns its name. It is built for both power and flexibility - lifting, twisting, and bending. See Spinal Anatomy and Back Pain. The lumbar spine has several distinguishing characteristics: The lower the vertebra is in the spinal column, the more weight it must bear. The five vertebrae of the lumbar spine (L1-L5) are the biggest unfused vertebrae in the spinal column, enabling them to support the weight of the entire torso.", "Lumbosacral Region of the Spine (Lower Back). The spine is composed of 33 interlocking bones called vertebrae. The lumbosacral region of the spine consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum (5 bones joined together). By Healthwise Staff. Primary Medical Reviewer William H. Blahd, Jr., MD, FACEP-Emergency Medicine. Specialist Medical Reviewer Robert B. Keller, MD-Orthopedics.", "lumbosacral region of the spine lower back the spine is composed of 33 interlocking bones called vertebrae the lumbosacral region of the spine consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum 5 bones joined togetherby healthwise staff primary medical reviewer william h blahd jr md facep emergency medicine specialist medical reviewer robert b keller md orthopedicshe lumbosacral region of the spine consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum 5 bones joined together", "The lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region.They also protect the delicate spinal cord and nerves within their vertebral canal.Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....hey also protect the delicate spinal cord and nerves within their vertebral canal. Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....", "The lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region. They also protect the delicate spinal cord and nerves within their vertebral canal. Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....", "The lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region.They also protect the delicate spinal cord and nerves within their vertebral canal.Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....he lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region.", "The sacral region (sacrum) is at the bottom of the spine and lies between the fifth segment of the lumbar spine (L5) and the coccyx (tailbone). 1 See: Lumbar Spine Anatomy and Pain.", "The lumbar vertebrae consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower back. These vertebrae carry all of the upper body’s weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region.They also protect the delicate spinal cord and nerves within their vertebral canal.ound along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis....", "Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that occurs in the lower part of the spine (lumbar region). People who have spinal stenosis are not able to walk for long periods of time.", "Five lumbar vertebrae form the lumbar region or loins. Five sacral vertebrae form the sacrum. Four coccygeal vetebrae form the coccyx or tail. The vertebrae in the three upper regions remain separate or distinct throughout life, and are called the movable vertebrae.ive sacral vertebrae form the sacrum. Four coccygeal vetebrae form the coccyx or tail. The vertebrae in the three upper regions remain separate or distinct throughout life, and are called the movable vertebrae.", "Lumbar plexus. The lumbar plexus is a web of nerves (a nervous plexus) in the lumbar region of the body which forms part of the larger lumbosacral plexus. It is formed by the divisions of the first four lumbar nerves (L1-L4) and from contributions of the subcostal nerve (T12), which is the last thoracic nerve.", "The sacral region (sacrum) is at the bottom of the spine and lies between the fifth segment of the lumbar spine (L5) and the coccyx (tailbone).", "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / lumbar definition Medical Definition of Lumbar Lumbar: Referring to the five lumbar vertebrae, the disks below them, and the corresponding area of the lower back. The lumbar vertebrae and their disks are situated below the thoracic vertebrae and above the sacral vertebrae in the spinal column and are surrounded by soft tissues, including ligaments and large muscles.", "Lumbar bulging disc. Spanning from the waist to the hips, the lumbar region of the spine includes five, or sometimes six, vertebrae. Lumbar disc problems are a widespread cause of lower back pain, which can be dull, sharp or burning and radiate to the hips, buttocks, legs and feet. Lumbar bulging discs can also result in weakness, numbness and tingling in the legs, as well as muscle spasms.", "Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis.... Anatomy Explorer.", "Found along the body’s midline in the lumbar (lower back) region, the lumbar vertebrae make up the region of the spine inferior to the thoracic vertebrae in the thorax and superior to the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis.... Click to read more below. Annulus Fibrosus.", "Lumbar Spine (Low Back) The lowest part of the spine is called the lumbar spine. This area usually has five vertebrae. However, sometimes people are born with a sixth vertebra in the lumbar region. The base of your spine (called the sacrum) is a group of specialized vertebrae that connects the spine to the pelvis.", "The neck (cervical) and low back (lumbar) regions have a slight concave curve, and the thoracic and sacral regions have a gentle convex curve (Fig. 1). The curves work like a coiled spring to absorb shock, maintain balance, and allow range of motion throughout the spinal column.", "The sacral region (sacrum) is at the bottom of the spine and lies between the fifth segment of the lumbar spine (L5) and the coccyx (tailbone).1 See: Lumbar Spine Anatomy and Pain.ailbone Pain Video. Unlike the individual vertebrae in other regions of the spine, the vertebrae in the sacral region as well as the coccyx are fused. The coccyx (also called the tailbone) is located at the base of the spine and is composed of four fused vertebrae.", "(November 2014). The lumbar plexus is a nervous plexus in the lumbar region of the body which forms part of the lumbosacral plexus. It is formed by the divisions of the first four lumbar nerves (L1-L4) and from contributions of the subcostal nerve (T12), which is the last thoracic nerve.Additionally, the ventral rami of the fourth lumbar nerve pass communicating branches, the lumbosacral trunk, to the sacral plexus.t is formed by the divisions of the first four lumbar nerves (L1-L4) and from contributions of the subcostal nerve (T12), which is the last thoracic nerve. Additionally, the ventral rami of the fourth lumbar nerve pass communicating branches, the lumbosacral trunk, to the sacral plexus.", "Confidence votes 1.2K. The spine (also called backbone or vertebral column) starts at the top of your neck, just under the scull, and goes all the way down to your tail-bone. There are 5 regions of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal. However the 3 most commonly discussed regions are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions. The cervical region is in the neck. The thoracic region is in the upper to mid back. The lumbar region is in the low back.", "The spine is composed of 33 interlocking bones called vertebrae. The lumbosacral region of the spine (or lumbar spine) consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae and 5 sacral vertebrae. The sacral vertebrae, which are fused together, are called the sacrum.1 The lumbar vertebrae of the spine extend from the bottom of the rib cage to the sacrum. 2 The fifth lumbar vertebra is connected to the sacrum. 3 The sacrum is connected to the pelvic bones and the tailbone (coccyx).he lumbosacral region of the spine (or lumbar spine) consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae and 5 sacral vertebrae. The sacral vertebrae, which are fused together, are called the sacrum. 1 The lumbar vertebrae of the spine extend from the bottom of the rib cage to the sacrum.", "The lumbar portion of the spine bears the most body weight and also provides the most flexibility, a combination that makes it susceptible to injury and wear and tear over time. This is why low back pain is so prevalent.July 2013). In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum." ]
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This document pertains to finding the model and product number on HP notebook PCs. HP provides a type of model name near the notebook keyboard or screen, but this name or number might not be sufficient to obtain support for your computer. These names or numbers often represent a series of many notebook computers that look similar, but have different options and parts.
[ "Product - HP Pavilion 15-br080wm X360 15.6 Touchscreen 2 in 1 Laptop, Windows 10, Intel Corei5-7200U Processor, 8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive, and Active Pen Included, Mineral Silver Product - HP OfficeJet Pro 6978 All-in-One Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner/Fax Machine" ]
why is cheltenham a spa town
CHELTENHAM THE SPA TOWN. Cheltenham was changed forever in the early 18th century when local people noticed pigeons pecking at salt deposits by a spring south of the town. People began to drink the water believing it would heal all kinds of illnesses.hat seems tiny to us but by the standards of the time it was a fair sized market town. However the population of Cheltenham exploded in the early 19th century. By 1851 the population of Cheltenham Spa had reached 35,000 although population growth eased in the second half of the 19th century.
[ "Cheltenham Tourist Information, Gloucestershire. Cheltenham is the most complete Regency town in Britain and one of the few English towns in which traditional and contemporary architecture complement each other. Cheltenham lies beneath Cleeve Hill, the highest point in the Cotswolds and above the vale of the River Severn.", "Cheltenham is a residential township in the most southeastern part of Montgomery County, which is in Southeastern Pennsylvania (locally known as the Delaware Valley). It is one of six municipalities in Montgomery County that borders Philadelphia and is 5 miles northeast of the Center City.", "Cheltenham takes its name from the small River Chelt, which rises nearby at Dowdeswell and runs through the town on its way to the Severn. The town was the meeting place for the court of the Hundred of Cheltingham at the time of the Domesday Book. The town was awarded a market charter in 1226.heltenham has one of the largest croquet clubs in the country, and is home to the headquarters of the national body of the sport, the Croquet Association. The East Glos tennis, squash and women's hockey club, which was founded in 1885, is also located in the town.", "There are famous cities such as Bath, well-known beautiful towns like Cheltenham and hundreds of delightful villages such as Burford and Castle Combe.here are famous cities such as Bath, well-known beautiful towns like Cheltenham and hundreds of delightful villages such as Burford and Castle Combe.", "Cheltenham has one of the largest croquet clubs in the country, and is home to the headquarters of the national body of the sport, the Croquet Association. The East Glos tennis, squash and women's hockey club, which was founded in 1885, is also located in the town.heltenham has one of the largest croquet clubs in the country, and is home to the headquarters of the national body of the sport, the Croquet Association. The East Glos tennis, squash and women's hockey club, which was founded in 1885, is also located in the town.", "It was originally part of Philadelphia County, and it became part of Montgomery County upon that county's creation in 1784. Cheltenham is located 5 miles from Center City Philadelphia and surrounded by the North and Northeast sections of Philadelphia, Abington, Jenkintown, and Springfield. The SEPTA Main Line passes through Cheltenham via 5 regional rail stations, some of which are the busiest in the SEPTA system.", "A diverse community of nearly 37,000, located approximately 20 minutes from Center City, Philadelphia, Cheltenham Township is proud of our beautiful, tree-lined neighborhoods, first-class recreational opportunities, comprehensive libraries, outstanding municipal services & convenient shopping.", "Cheltenham takes its name from the small River Chelt, which rises nearby at Dowdeswell and runs through the town on its way to the Severn. The town was the meeting place for the court of the Hundred of Cheltingham at the time of the Domesday Book. The town was awarded a market charter in 1226.heltenham takes its name from the small River Chelt, which rises nearby at Dowdeswell and runs through the town on its way to the Severn. The town was the meeting place for the court of the Hundred of Cheltingham at the time of the Domesday Book. The town was awarded a market charter in 1226.", "A diverse community of nearly 37,000, located approximately 20 minutes from Center City, Philadelphia, Cheltenham Township is proud of our beautiful, tree-lined neighborhoods, first-class recreational opportunities, comprehensive libraries, outstanding municipal services & convenient shopping. Township Facebook.", "A diverse community of nearly 37,000, located approximately 20 minutes from Center City, Philadelphia, Cheltenham Township is proud of our beautiful, tree-lined neighborhoods, first-class recreational opportunities, comprehensive libraries, outstanding municipal services & convenient shopping. diverse community of nearly 37,000, located approximately 20 minutes from Center City, Philadelphia, Cheltenham Township is proud of our beautiful, tree-lined neighborhoods, first-class recreational opportunities, comprehensive libraries, outstanding municipal services & convenient shopping.", "Cheltenham is an unincorporated community in Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States, with a zip code of 19012. It located directly over the city line (Cheltenham Avenue) of Philadelphia. It also borders Northeast Philadelphia over the Fox Chase Line on the East and over Cottman Avenue (PA 73) on the North side. By the mid-1980s many Korean-Americans moved out of Logan and moved into Cheltenham and other communities.", "Cheltenham was established in 1682 as part of Philadelphia County by 15 Quakers from Cheltenham, England, including Richard Wall and Tobias Leech, who purchased 4,070 acres (16.5 km2) of land from William Penn. Upon creation of Montgomery County in 1784, Cheltenham became the smallest township in the new county.", "Cheltenham Township. Cheltenham Township municipal administrative offices are located at 8230 Old York Road, Elkins Park PA 19027; phone: 215-887-1000. The township was established by English Quakers in 1682. Communities include: Cedarbrook, La Mott, Wyncote, Cheltenham Village and Elkins Park.", "1 View comments. 1. View. comments. Cheltenham Town have two games to preserve their Football League status-and manager Gary Johnson has revealed one of the techniques he is using to try and bring the best out of his players.heltenham Town manager Gary Johnson got every payer to pledge to give his all when he took over. Cheltenham were beaten by Northampton in their last game and have two games left to try and stay up. 'When you come to this stage of the season you need everyone to give everything for the cause,' Johnson added.", "A Brief History [1] Cheltenham Township was created in 1682 as part of Philadelphia County. It was not until September 10, 1784 that Montgomery County was formed and Cheltenham became its smallest Township. William Penn deeded land grants to fifteen fellow Englishmen.", "Cheltenham Township municipal administrative offices are located at 8230 Old York Road, Elkins Park PA 19027; phone: 215-887-1000. The township was established by English Quakers in 1682. Communities include: Cedarbrook, La Mott, Wyncote, Cheltenham Village and Elkins Park.", "(August 2011). Cheltenham Racecourse railway station is a railway station serving Cheltenham Racecourse on the outskirts of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire, England. It is located on the former ex-GWR Cheltenham to Stratford line, which was opened by the Great Western Railway in 1906.The station itself was opened in 1912 specifically to serve the new racecourse at Prestbury Park, home of the famous Gold Cup meeting.t is located on the former ex-GWR Cheltenham to Stratford line, which was opened by the Great Western Railway in 1906. The station itself was opened in 1912 specifically to serve the new racecourse at Prestbury Park, home of the famous Gold Cup meeting.", "Cheltenham is often noted for its atmosphere, most notably the Cheltenham roar, which refers to the enormous amount of noise that the crowd generates as the starter raises the tape for the first race of the festival.he official title of the Cheltenham Festival is the National Hunt Meeting. This originated in 1860, when the National Hunt Chase was first held at Market Harborough and titled the Grand National Hunt, featuring the one race alongside other steeplechases.", "Cheltenham Avenue is a major roadway and is an easy access point to many of the other roadways like Pennsylvania Route 611 and Pennsylvania Route 309. It is also the border between Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.", "Come on by! We're located at Cheltenham Ave. and Washington Ln. near Cheltenham Square Mall, and can't wait to work with you. Welcome to The Home Depot, happily servicing the communities of Jenkins Town, Glenside, and the city of Philadelphia for any and all of your home improvement needs. Your Cheltenham Hardware Store Team.", "Park & Ride. If arriving by car we recommend that you use Cheltenham’s Park & Ride service, this is located at Arle Court (GL51 6SY, near M5 Junction 11) and Cheltenham Racecourse (GL50 4SH). Parking is free, and the service runs every few minutes into the Town Centre; but please note that times vary on Sundays.heltenham is easily accessible by road and rail, and even has a small airport. The convenient town centre location of many events means it can get busy, so make sure you allow plenty of time for your journey.", "There are hotels in the Cheltenham area to suit all tastes and budgets, and a wide range of bed and breakfast accommodation. For more information, contact the Cheltenham Tourist Information on 01242 522 878 or call the course’s Hotel Finder Service on 0870 240 7060.f travelling by road, the maps below indicate the location of course and the best routes to take. Race goers are advised to follow the recommended routes signed by the AA. Nearer the racecourse, you'll find AA signage directing you to the nearest available car park. For GPS users the postcode is GL50 4SH.", "With such a huge variety of entertainment in Cheltenham, choose a performance at the Everyman Theatre, a concert or show at the Town Hall, or a race meeting at Cheltenham Racecourse.See our Events Listings for more details..... For fuller details, call our Tourist Information Centre on 01242 237431.ry our FREE Accommodation Booking Service on 01242 237431, where our friendly staff will find just the right accommodation for your stay in Cheltenham, or call in and see us in the Tourist Information Centre at The Wilson in Clarence Street.", "(March 2009). The Cheltenham Festival is a meeting in the National Hunt racing calendar in the United Kingdom, with race prize money second only to the Grand National. It is an event where many of the best British-and Irish-trained horses race to an extent which is relatively rare during the rest of the season.he official title of the Cheltenham Festival is the National Hunt Meeting. This originated in 1860, when the National Hunt Chase was first held at Market Harborough and titled the Grand National Hunt, featuring the one race alongside other steeplechases.", "If arriving by car we recommend that you use Cheltenham’s Park & Ride service, this is located at Arle Court (GL51 6SY, near M5 Junction 11) and Cheltenham Racecourse (GL50 4SH).Parking is free, and the service runs every few minutes into the Town Centre; but please note that times vary on Sundays.heltenham is easily accessible by road and rail, and even has a small airport. The convenient town centre location of many events means it can get busy, so make sure you allow plenty of time for your journey.", "Trains from London to Cheltenham depart from Paddington station on the western side of the city centre. Paddington has its own Underground station, with connections around London on 4 lines. Stops on Praed Street and Eastbourne Terrace offer a variety of bus routes around the city, which include some night services.rains from London to Cheltenham arrive at Cheltenham Spa station, located to the south-west of the town centre. Buses stop in the station forecourt or nearby on Queen's Road. Route J services connect the rail station to the town's Royal Well bus station. Taxis are available from the rank at the station entrance.", "Located just adjacent to the Cheltenham cinema, its Screening Rooms has become a major attraction to a good number of movie goers primarily because it offers much more spacious seats covered in fine leather, as well as premium quality food and drinks with table service.", "14 miles from Broadway 8miles from Cheltenham. 2 miles from junction 9 M5 Motorway. Tewkesbury-The Historic Town of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire where time stood still for 150 years ensuring the preservation of its medieval character and layout to the present day.Tewkesbury is now a thriving town and at the same time is a living museum of architecture and social history spanning over 500 years.4 miles from Broadway 8miles from Cheltenham. 2 miles from junction 9 M5 Motorway. Tewkesbury-The Historic Town of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire where time stood still for 150 years ensuring the preservation of its medieval character and layout to the present day.", "Cheltenham Town manager Gary Johnson got every payer to pledge to give his all when he took over. Cheltenham were beaten by Northampton in their last game and have two games left to try and stay up. 'When you come to this stage of the season you need everyone to give everything for the cause,' Johnson added.heltenham Town manager Gary Johnson got every payer to pledge to give his all when he took over. Cheltenham were beaten by Northampton in their last game and have two games left to try and stay up. 'When you come to this stage of the season you need everyone to give everything for the cause,' Johnson added.", "State: 4.1%. 61% of Cheltenham township residents lived in the same house 5 years ago. Out of people who lived in different houses, 36% lived in this county.", "Cheltenham racecourse is just a few minutes north of the centre of Cheltenham, and a short distance from the M5. By Car. If travelling by road, the maps below indicate the location of course and the best routes to take.Race goers are advised to follow the recommended routes signed by the AA.Nearer the racecourse, you'll find AA signage directing you to the nearest available car park. For GPS users the postcode is GL50 4SH.f travelling by road, the maps below indicate the location of course and the best routes to take. Race goers are advised to follow the recommended routes signed by the AA. Nearer the racecourse, you'll find AA signage directing you to the nearest available car park. For GPS users the postcode is GL50 4SH.", "Number of foreign born residents: 4,020 (54% naturalized citizens). 61% of Cheltenham township residents lived in the same house 5 years ago. Out of people who lived in different houses, 36% lived in this county. Out of people who lived in different counties, 74% lived in Pennsylvania.", "The Cotswolds is an area of England about the size of greater Tokyo. Popular with both the English themselves and visitors from all over the world,the Cotswolds are well-known for gentle hillsides (wolds), sleepy villages and for being so typically English.here are famous cities such as Bath, well-known beautiful towns like Cheltenham and hundreds of delightful villages such as Burford and Castle Combe.", "The festival takes place annually in March at Cheltenham Racecourse in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. The meeting usually coincides with Saint Patrick's Day, and is particularly popular with Irish visitors.he official title of the Cheltenham Festival is the National Hunt Meeting. This originated in 1860, when the National Hunt Chase was first held at Market Harborough and titled the Grand National Hunt, featuring the one race alongside other steeplechases.", "Overview of Wyncote. Wyncote is a census-designated town place in Cheltenham Township in Montgomery County, PA. Situated about 28 minutes from downtown Philadelphia, Wyncote offers its residents the perfect blend of metropolitan amenities and small-town living, as there are a mere 3,000 residents.", "SWINDON, a parish, post and market town, in the hundred of Kingsbridge, county Wilts, 7 miles from Highworth, 10 from Marlborough, and 41 N. of Salisbury. It is an important station on the Great Western railway, where the Cheltenham Union branches off.", "Dr. Marseille Community Walk & Talk Dates. These fall walk/talk events are opportunities to exercise your body and mind while discussing Cheltenham School District...", "Cheltenham Township. September 29 at 12:45pm · Edited ·. A stained-glass chandelier – reminiscent of the fixture that hung in the same site in the 1950s – was recently installed at the Cheltenham Township Administration Building, 100 years after the building’s construction." ]
what is worksmart
WorkSmart is the leading Managed IT Services consulting firm in the Carolinas. We provide small & mid-sized businesses with help desk and onsite end-user support, IT consulting & project management.
[ "WorkSmart Merchandising has proven to be the leading provider of temporary labor within the retail merchandising industry. We deliver results that are superior in the industry due to our quality management and execution.", "Under Ron Unger’s leadership WorkSmart has grown from a small IT consulting firm to a leading provider of Information Technology managed services in the mid-Atlantic region. Learn more about Ron Unger.", "Noom The Noom Inc. (formerly WorkSmart Labs) mission is to make healthy living a seamless part everyday of life. We believe the best way to attract people to a healthier lifestyle is to develop products that make it enjoyable.", "These cutting-edge strategies include telework, coworking, compressed work week, and alternate scheduling. WorkSmart services are free to employers, thanks to the Washington State Department of Transportation, King County Metro, the City of Seattle, and the Federal Transit Administration. The WorkSmart team of experts has over 30 years of experience working with private, public and non-profit businesses. There is no cost to you, but endless long-term value for your business and employees.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.almart planned to build 15 to 20 Walmart Express stores, focusing on Arkansas, North Carolina and Chicago, by the end of its fiscal year in January 2012. As of September 8, 2014 Walmart will rebrand all of its Express format stores to Neighborhood Markets in an effort to streamline its retail offer.", "Athletic Works is a brand for athletic clothing, such as gym shorts and running shoes, and has been partially replaced by the Starter and recently acquired Russell Athletic. Baby George is a clothing brand for children, organically manufactured for Walmart.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.almart Discount Stores are discount department stores with sizes varying from 51,000 to 224,000 square feet (4,738.1 to 20,810.3 m 2), with the average store covering about 102,000 square feet (9,476.1 m 2). They carry general merchandise and a selection of groceries.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.almart Discount Stores are discount department stores with sizes varying from 51,000 to 224,000 square feet (4,738.1 to 20,810.3 m 2), with the average store covering about 102,000 square feet (9,476.1 m 2).", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries, under a total of 65 banners. The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada.", "Ricky Ayers drives WorkSmart’s success through financial planning and organizational management. He has been instrumental in refining internal processes to handle rapid yet stable expansion. Learn more about Ricky Ayers. Learn more about Ricky Ayers.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.he company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada. It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. In india it has wholly owned Operations, In, argentina Brazil. and canada", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries, under a total of 65 banners. The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada. It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. In india it has wholly owned Operations, In, argentina Brazil. and canada", "A manager usually decides when you work, and arranging your daily activities to meet the demands of your job can sometimes get complicated. At Walmart, we want to change that, so we’re working to put systems in place that will give many of our store associates more control over their schedules.", "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal*Mart before then, is an American multinational retailer corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.t operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. In india it has wholly owned Operations, In, argentina Brazil. and canada", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.It has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries, under a total of 65 banners. The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada.It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. in indian September 28, 2010, Walmart announced it would buy Massmart Holdings Ltd. of Johannesburg, South Africa in a deal worth over $4 billion (equivalent to $4.33 billion in 2015), giving the company its first footprint in Africa.", "Apparel brands. 1 Athletic Works is a brand for athletic clothing, such as gym shorts and running shoes, and has been partially replaced by the Starter and recently acquired Russell Athletic. 2 Baby George is a clothing brand for children, organically manufactured for Walmart.", "About: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal*Mart before then, is an American multinational retailer corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores.", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.It has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries, under a total of 65 banners. The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada.It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. In india it has wholly owned Operations, In, argentina Brazil. and canadahe company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada. It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. In india it has wholly owned Operations, In, argentina Brazil. and canada", "Walmart /ˈwɔːlmɑrt/ , is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969.It has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries, under a total of 65 banners. The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada.It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. in indiat has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries, under a total of 65 banners. The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States and Canada. It operates as Walmart de Mexico méxico Y centroamerica Centroamérica, in Mexico as asda In The, united Kingdom as Seiyu, in japan And As best Price. in india", "Walmart (WMT) is a mass merchandiser. It’s the world’s largest retailer. It has over 11,100 stores in ~27 countries. With a market cap of over $275 billion, it ranks among the top ten companies in the S&P 500 Index (SPY) . The company generated net sales of over $483 billion worldwide in the last 12 months.", "About This Company. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal*Mart before then, is an American multinational retailer corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores.", "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (/ˈwɔːlmɑːrt/), doing business as Walmart, is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores and grocery stores.", "Deskside resolution of generic workstation application incidents, including “Smart” Mobile devices – Operating system, Microsoft Office Applications, Email Applications and Internet. On-site resolution of bespoke applications – support of basic functionality, known errors and where root cause is operating system based.", "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (/ˈwɔːlmɑːrt/), doing business as Walmart, is an American multinational retailing corporation that operates as a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores.", "A workstation is a special computer designed for technical or scientific applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are commonly connected to a local area network and run multi-user operating systems.he workstation market previously employed proprietary hardware which made them distinct from PCs; for instance IBM used RISC-based CPUs for its workstations and Intel x86 CPUs for its business/consumer PCs during the 1990s and 2000s.", "CrunchBase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: The Noom Inc. (formerly WorkSmart Labs) mission is to make healthy living a seamless part everyday of life. We believe the best way to attract people to a healthier lifestyle is to develop products that make it enjoyable.", "A workstation is a personal computer that is used for high end applications such as graphic design, video editing, CAD, 3-D design, or other CPU and RAM intensive programs.A workstation typically has a top of the line, fast processor, multiple hard drives, and a lot of RAM memory. server is an application or device that performs service for connected clients as part of client server architecture. A computer that is used to power applications such as graphic art, 3-D design, Video Editing, or other CPU/RAM intensive software.", "Walmart Stores, Inc. (Template:NYSE), branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal Mart and Wal-Mart before then, is an American multinational retailer corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores.", "ALLSTATE ESMART is a trademark of Allstate Insurance Company. Filed in May 31 (2012), the ALLSTATE ESMART covers Insurance services, namely, underwriting, issuance and administration of property, liability and casualty insurance Log In Sign Up", "FitSmart® Marketing is a full service Marketing and Promotions company that specializes in growing Class Based Fitness Clubs, Mixed Martial Arts Gyms, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Schools, Muay Thai Gyms, Boxing Gyms, Yoga Studios, MMA Training Facilities, Combat Sports Training, Health Clubs, Kickboxing and other comparable Fitness Clubs and Martial Arts ...", "Walmart is a multinational retailer that has its roots in the United States of America. It runs department stores mostly aimed at middle class and lower-middle class people. Today, Walmart is the second largest public corporation in the world according to Fortune Global 500.", "A workgroup is a logical collection of computers that share resources. Normally, workgroups are composed of the computers within a single department or a small company. Each computer can share resources with all other computers. In essence, all computers are of equal status. Within a company, different departments may be workgroups and each may have a unique name to identify the workgroup. Because each computer is independent, each computer is responsible for authenticating users. Like a workgroup, a domain is a logical collection of computers that share resources. One of the key differences is that a single server is responsible for managing security and other user-related information for the domain.", "Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) is the world's largest publicly traded employer, with approximately 2.2 million employees across the globe, a number greater than the population of cities such as Houston, Philadelphia, and Phoenix. In all, nearly 100 publicly-traded companies worldwide employ at least 175,000 workers each.", "AdventureWorks Database is a sample OLTP database that Microsoft ships with all of its SQL Server database products. See complete definition. data mart (datamart). A data mart is a repository of data gathered from operational data and other sources that is designed to serve a particular ...", "Cache, Livelink SDK, Livelink Search, Livelink SmartAgent, Livelink Spider, Livelink Tasks, Livelink Workflow, Livelink. UNITE, OnTime®, Open Text, and WorkSmart®. Other trademarks and trade names in the documentation are owned by. other companies and are used for product and company identification and information only. All rights reserved. Open Text. is the owner of other registered and unregistered trademarks. The above trademark listing is not exhaustive.", "Workstation. A name given to a single computer that is connected to another computer or network. A workstation has no important function and is not a necessity for a network to operate.A workstation is only needed for a single user to connect to the network.For example, almost all users who utilize a computer at their job or school are using a workstation. workstation has no important function and is not a necessity for a network to operate. A workstation is only needed for a single user to connect to the network. For example, almost all users who utilize a computer at their job or school are using a workstation.", "It will give you opportunity to work part time or full time. Contractor is a person who supplies companies with necessary products or services but they are not permanent employees of Walmart. The company contracts to provide non-supplier services of maintenance, recruiting, marketing and transportation.You can contact Walmart to get contract opportunity. If you are carrier service provider, you may mail at carsrvrq@wal-mart.com and ask for transportation services. 2 A company will mail you back along with detailed carrier profile form. 3 You have to fill it completely and send to provided address.", "Working at Walmart. A job at Walmart means an opportunity to build a career. About 75% of our store management teams started as hourly associates, and last year, we promoted about 170,000 people to jobs with more responsibility and higher pay. In the U.S., the average, full-time hourly wage is $12.96.", "Features. 1 LearnSmart LearnSmart is an adaptive study tool proven to strengthen memory recall, increase class retention, and boost grades. Students are able to study more efficiently because they are made aware of what they know and don’t know.", "Working at Walmart. A job at Walmart means an opportunity to build a career. About 75% of our store management teams started as hourly associates, and last year, we promoted about 200,000 people to jobs with more responsibility and higher pay. In the U.S., the average, full-time hourly wage is $13.39.", "About: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal*Mart before then, is an American multinational retailer corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores.bout: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal*Mart before then, is an American multinational retailer corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores.", "Walmart, the second-largest private employer in the state, employs the equivalent of 28,000 full-time workers. The Rochester-based research firm prepared a new report on the economic impact of the University of Rochester. In doing so they compiled a list of the state's largest employers. Getting this data is not as easy as it sounds.", "In 2005, labor unions created new organizations and websites to criticize the company, including Wake Up Wal-Mart (United Food and Commercial Workers) and Walmart Watch (Service Employees International Union). By the end of 2005, Walmart had launched Working Families for Wal-Mart to counter those groups.", "In computer networking, a workgroup is a collection of computers on a local area network (LAN) that share common resources and responsibilities. The term is most commonly associated with Microsoft Windows workgroups but also applies to other environments.", "Its not the most respectable place to work. Walmart has a stigma from taking business from local businesses. They are also known to skimp on pay and health benefits, by limiting hours." ]
how long to defrost a lasagna - full size
Set your microwave to heat the lasagna at full power once it is thawed; use 2 or 3 minutes on high for a single portion of lasagna and 5 to 10 minutes for larger portions. Use a kitchen thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature reaches 165 F.
[ "I froze one & am now baking it to take to a friend who just had a baby. I typically bake my lasagnas for about 45 minutes, but that is with mostly room temperature ingredients plus hot lasagna sauce. How long for a completely frozen one? The pan size is about 8x10...and it is about 2 1/2 inches deep.", "Bake frozen lasagna for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Take the foil off the baking dish and bake for another 30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned and bubbling. Use potholders or oven mitts to remove the lasagna from the oven. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before cutting it into pieces and serving.", "Lasagna Baking & Storage Instructions. 1 Refrigerate until use. 2 Use or freeze within 3 days of purchase. Bake in a 375° preheated oven, uncovered, for 45-60 minutes (note: it may take longer to bake if the lasagna is cold when you put it in the oven, bring to room temperature before baking for best results)", "An exact calculation is next to impossible, anyway. An educated guess would have to take into account the temperature at which the lasagna is frozen, the setting you choose for your oven, the lasagna thickness, and the temperature at which you want to eat it, and will still be way too inexact, something like between 45 and 75 minutes.", "Cook frozen lasagna in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until it is heated throughout. Bake it covered for most of the cooking time, removing the cover at the end to allow the top to become golden and bubbly.", "Quick Answer. Cook frozen lasagna in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until it is heated throughout. Bake it covered for most of the cooking time, removing the cover at the end to allow the top to become golden and bubbly.", "Cover the dish with foil. Place the baking dish on a baking sheet to catch any sauce that bubbles over. Bake frozen lasagna for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Take the foil off the baking dish and bake for another 30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned and bubbling. Use potholders or oven mitts to remove the lasagna from the oven. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before cutting it into pieces and serving.", "Quick Answer. Cook frozen lasagna in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until it is heated throughout. Bake it covered for most of the cooking time, removing the cover at the end to allow the top to become golden and bubbly. Continue Reading.", "Homemade fresh lasagna can be cooked at 350 F for approximately 45 minutes. Thawed store-bought lasagna can be cooked at either 350-400 F for anywhere from 25-55 minutes. The time may be adjusted depending on how quickly the entire dish finishes. Frozen store-bought lasagna can be cooked at either 350-400 F for anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 50 minutes.", "1 Use or freeze within 3 days of purchase. 2 Bake in a 375° preheated oven, uncovered, for 45-60 minutes (note: it may take longer to bake if the lasagna is cold when you put it in the oven, bring to room temperature before baking for best results). The lasagna is done when, the top begins to brown lightly, the lasagna liquids begin to bubble around the sides of the tray, and the internal temperature reaches 165°. 2 If the lasagna begins to brown too quickly, cover loosely with a sheet of aluminum foil until heated through.", "Bake frozen lasagna at a medium-high temperature. If you use a conventional oven, set it to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. To cook the lasagna in the same amount of time in a convection oven, you only need to set it to 350 F because the fan circulates the oven's heat more efficiently.here is no need to thaw it first. In a conventional oven, it will take approximately 90 minutes to fully bake a 38-ounce frozen lasagna, and just 20 additional minutes to bake a 96-ounce family-sized casserole.", "Bake Time. One major advantage of frozen lasagna is that you can take it right off the shelf of your freezer and bake it, from frozen, in a pre-heated oven. There is no need to thaw it first.In a conventional oven, it will take approximately 90 minutes to fully bake a 38-ounce frozen lasagna, and just 20 additional minutes to bake a 96-ounce family-sized casserole.ake Time. One major advantage of frozen lasagna is that you can take it right off the shelf of your freezer and bake it, from frozen, in a pre-heated oven. There is no need to thaw it first.", "1 Refrigerate until use. 2 Use or freeze within 3 days of purchase. 3 Bake in a 375° preheated oven, uncovered, for 45-60 minutes (note: it may take longer to bake if the lasagna is cold when you put it in the oven, bring to room temperature before baking for best results). The lasagna is done when, the top begins to brown lightly, the lasagna liquids begin to bubble around the sides of the tray, and the internal temperature reaches 165°. 2 If the lasagna begins to brown too quickly, cover loosely with a sheet of aluminum foil until heated through.", "If you freeze it, let the lasagna thaw overnight in the refrigerator before baking it, then bake as directed above. If you don't have time to let it thaw, reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees, and bake for an additional half an hour, or until the center is steaming hot.", "1 Use or freeze within 3 days of purchase. Bake in a 375° preheated oven, uncovered, for 45-60 minutes (note: it may take longer to bake if the lasagna is cold when you put it in the oven, bring to room temperature before baking for best results)", "Cover the dish with foil. Place the baking dish on a baking sheet to catch any sauce that bubbles over. Bake it Bake frozen lasagna for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Take the foil off the baking dish and bake for another 30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned and bubbling. Take it out of the oven Use potholders or oven mitts to remove the lasagna from the oven.", "To reheat frozen lasagna portions in a microwave, remove the foil, place in a microwave-safe container, cover, and microwave at 50 percent power for 10 minutes or until hot and bubbly.ake the frozen lasagna according to directions, doubling the baking time. You can also lower the recommended baking temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit and increase the recommended baking time by one-half hour to cook the lasagna more slowly.", "1 Refrigerate until use. 2 Use or freeze within 3 days of purchase. Bake in a 375° preheated oven, uncovered, for 45-60 minutes (note: it may take longer to bake if the lasagna is cold when you put it in the oven, bring to room temperature before baking for best results)", "Start testing the middle of the lasagna with a quick read meat thermometer near the end of the baking time. When it's between 160 and 165 F, remove from the oven and let it set up at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.ake the frozen lasagna according to directions, doubling the baking time. You can also lower the recommended baking temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit and increase the recommended baking time by one-half hour to cook the lasagna more slowly.", "Bake it Bake frozen lasagna for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Take the foil off the baking dish and bake for another 30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned and bubbling. Take it out of the oven Use potholders or oven mitts to remove the lasagna from the oven.", "The cooking time on frozen lasagna varies, depending on how thick the lasagna is and what kind of oven you have. A basic lasagna typically has approximately 4 layers of noodles, cheeses, and sauce.So, based on that figure, it would take approximately 1 hour at 350 F in a convection oven.f it is the meat lasagna, the directions are: Preheat oven to 375 deg, tent foil by bending in the middle and re-attaching the corners. Place on a cookie sheet and cook f … or 1 hr 55 min to 2hr 5 min or until internal temp reaches 165 deg.", "Full Answer. 1 Preheat the oven Position the oven rack to the center of the oven. 2 Prepare the frozen lasagna Remove the lasagna from the freezer, and unwrap it. 3 Cover the baking dish Spray aluminum foil with cooking spray, or lightly oil it to help prevent sticking. Bake it Bake frozen lasagna for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Take the foil off the baking dish and bake for another 30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned and bubbling. Take it out of the oven Use potholders or oven mitts to remove the lasagna from the oven.", "The normal temperature for cooking lasagna is 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Going from 350 degrees to 250 degrees is a 71% reduction. 71% of 30 is 21.3. I would conclude … that it would take 51 minutes.lace frozen tray in microwave; cook on medium high for 9-10 minutes. Remove from microwave with oven mitts and let stand for 5 minutes. Remove film, slice and serve.", "You can reheat frozen lasagna in the oven or microwave to have a delicious meal on your table with little effort. Reheating lasagna from frozen takes some time, so be sure to plan ahead.tep 3. Take the foil cover off of the lasagna and continue cooking it for about 10 more minutes, until the top is well browned. Remove the lasagna from the oven and allow it to rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving." ]
zhangbi ancient village
Zhangbi Ancient Village is a rare well-preserved miniature castle with military, residential and religious functions in Pingyao, adorned with a cluster of precious historical sites, such as remains of Xia and Shang Dynasties (2070 BC - 1046 BC), tunnels constructed in Sui and Tang Dynasties, tombs of Jin Dynasty, theatre stages of Yuan Dynasties, ...
[ "Zhangbi Ancient Fortress was founded about 1600 years ago. It was a military fortress that was strategically situated with difficul access and a 5-layer defense system made up of high walls, complex streets and a 1000-metre underground tunnel.", "Saturday, October 12, 2013. Pingyao’s Treasures: Wang Family Compound, Shuanglin Temple and Zhangbi Ancient Castle. My trip to Pingyao has been quite interesting so far, and it’s not about natural landscape that has charmed me, but the preserved ancient man-made buildings and structures that show a lot about China’s traditional way of living.", "Pingyao’s Treasures: Wang Family Compound, Shuanglin Temple and Zhangbi Ancient Castle. 1 My trip to Pingyao has been quite interesting so far, and it’s not about natural landscape that has charmed me, but the preserved ancient man-made buildings and structures that show a lot about China’s traditional way of living.", "Zhang Yizhi (張易之) (died February 20, 705), formally the Duke of Heng (恆公), nickname Wulang (五郎), was an official of Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty who, along with his brother Zhang Changzong, became a lover of Wu Zetian and became very powerful late in her reign.", "It is not known when Zhang Yizhi was born. It is known that his father Zhang Xizang (張希臧) had, at one point, served as the census officer of Tang Dynasty's capital prefecture Yong Prefecture (雍州, roughly modern Xi'an, Shaanxi) and was a distant nephew of the chancellor Zhang Xingcheng. His mother might be Lady Wei or Lady Zang.", "Zhangye Danxia Landform, Gansu Province. In Brief: See the fantastically-coloured mountains and cliffs in an all-but unexplored area of Gansu; visit Horse Hoofprint Temple, Jiayuguan Fortress, and more. The coloured hills of the Zhangye Danxia Landform.", "Some of the ancient Pagodas in China include Beisi Pagoda built in 1162 at Jiangsu, Daqin Pagoda,built in 751, Giant Wild Goose Pagoda built in 652 in Xian, Huqiu Tower constructed in 961 outside Suzhou,Pagoda of Fugong Temple at Ying County, Shanxi among others.", "Born in Haicheng in 1901, Zhang was educated by private tutors and, unlike his father, felt at ease in the company of westerners. Zhang Xueliang graduated from Fengtian Military Academy, was made a Colonel in the Fengtian Army, and was appointed commander of his father's bodyguards in 1919.", "Hiking photos - Zhangye, May 2011. In May 2011 we made a trip to the see the spectacular scenery of the Zhangye Danxia Landform in Gansu Province. Click through to see photos of the stunning colours of the mountains, as well as camels, Great Wall, and a short stone prospecting detour.", "History: Guoluo was inhabited by Dangxiang (an ancient tribe in northwest China), a branch of the Qiang minority, one of the oldest tribes in China. Until 1946 Guoluo was led by the heads of more than two hundred tribes. Guoluo District was established directly under Qinghai Province in 1950.", "Banpo – the oldest village in China To the east of Xian there is the ancient agricultural settlement of Banpo. This is a unique museum village in the open air, where people lived as early as six thousand years ago. The archaeologists date this monument to the Neolithic culture of Yangshao (5000-3000 BC). The village community lived in matriarchal society, the locals were engaged in hunting, fishing and farming.", "Zhang Wentian and Liu Ying Zhang Wentian (L) and Liu Ying (R) [81.cn] On February 1935, the Red Army took the city of Zunyi in southwest China's Guizhou Province for the second time.", "Zhang ([ʈʂáŋ] ( listen)) is the pinyin romanization of the very common Chinese surname written 张 in simplified characters and 張 traditionally. It is spoken in the first tone: Zhāng. It is a surname that exists in many languages and cultures, corresponding to the surname 'Archer' in English for example. Chang is the Wade-Giles romanization. It is also the pinyin romanization of the less-common surname 章 (also Zhāng).", "Zhang Wentian. Zhang Wentian (simplified Chinese: 张闻天; traditional Chinese: 張聞天; pinyin: Zhāng Wéntiān; Wade–Giles: Chang Wen-t'ien; 30 August 1900 – 1 July 1976).", "A Guide to the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. One of China’s highlights is the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, a national park within the Hunan Province’s Wulingyuan Scenic Area. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is maybe best known for being the inspiration for the Hallelujah Mountains on the movie Avatar’s fictional planet of Pandora.", "The village Ushguli, named Chazhashi by locals is famous as a museum village with 200 dwelling towers, often used as a defense fortification in the past. In this village you will feel yourself in the medieval period were time has stopped. Among of the variety of the highlights, placed in this program, you will explore the places included in the UNESCO World Heritage sites: City Museum Reserve of Mtskheta, Bagrati Cathedral, Gelati Monastery and Upper Svaneti.", "The Tianzi Mountain. Location:Tianzi Mountain is located in the Wulinyuan Scenic Area in Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province. Best time for a visit: Spring and fall, especially in April and Octorber. -Cable car: CNY72 for one way and CNY144 for round way.", "Wulingyuan Scenic Area. Located in northwestern Hunan, the Wulingyuan Scenic Area consists of three parts: Zhangjiajie National Park, Suoxiyu Nature Reserve and Tianzi Mountain Natural Reserve, covering a total area of 135 square miles.", "The closest comparable text is a book called the Zhanguo ce, or Intrigues of the Warring States, which consists largely of collected speeches of political advisors of the period, delivered to rulers in the context of policy discussion. This book was a major source for the historian Sima Qian as he prepared his.", "Zhang Cheng was an astronomer, mathematician, engineer, geographer and inventor, who lived during the Han Dynasty (25 – 220 AD). He is CREDITED with developing the world’s first earthquake detector. Zhang's seismoscope was a giant bronze vessel, resembling a samovar almost 6 feet in diameter. Eight dragons snaked face-down along the outside of the barrel, marking the primary compass directions. In each dragon's mouth was a small bronze ball.", "Zhang is among the most common Chinese surnames. In the 1990 edition of Guinness Book of Records, it was listed as the world's most common surname, with over 100 million people worldwide with this surname. It was also ranked third in the People's Republic of China by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in early 2006.", "14 Days Best of China Tour with Yunnan Ancient Villages. Shanghai / Kunming / Lijiang / Shangri la / Xian / Beijing14 days village tour with Yunnan map. Start your Best of China tour from Shanghai. A seamless blend of tradition and modern, as well as East and West is waiting for you.", "1 A Guide to the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. 2 Avatar Hallelujah Mountain / Southern Sky Column. 3 Golden Whip Stream – with Bonus Monkeys! Yaozizai Route to Yaozi 1 Village. Tianzi Mountain. Wulong 1 Village. Bailong Elevator. Baofeng Lake.", "China; Xian (Sian) Banpo; Ancient settlement of Banpo Banpo – the oldest village in China. To the east of Xian there is the ancient agricultural settlement of Banpo. This is a unique museum village in the open air, where people lived as early as six thousand years ago. The archaeologists date this monument to the Neolithic culture of Yangshao (5000-3000 BC). The village community lived in matriarchal society, the locals were engaged in hunting, fishing and farming. This period was already characterized by the rudiments of agriculture and domestication of first animals.", "Zhang Xueliang. Zhang Xueliang or Chang Hsueh-liang or Chang Hsiao-liang (張學良; 3 June 1901 – 15 October 2001), occasionally called Peter Hsueh Liang Chang and nicknamed the Young Marshal (少帥), was the effective ruler of northeast China and much of northern China after the assassination of his father, Zhang Zuolin, by the Japanese on 4 June 1928.", "Chinese Name: 天子山 (Tian Zi Shan) Location:Tianzi Mountain is located in the Wulinyuan Scenic Area in Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province. Opening time: 08:00-18:00. Best time for a visit: Spring and fall, especially in April and Octorber.", "Zhang used the images for an exhibition that tells the often forgotten role of U.S. and Chinese cooperation in World War II. Here, a British and Chinese soldier exchange greetings when the Chinese and British troops met on the Mandalay Road, Burma on 30 March 1945.", "Pre-Imperial China (7th century – 221 BC) Remnants of the Great Wall of Qi on Dafeng Mountain, Changqing District, Jinan, which was once part of the ancient State of Qi during the Warring States Period.", "1The teenager who survived accidental sword stabbing. Zhang Bin, a 15-year-old boy who was stabbed in the head with a large sword, has miraculously survived. The teenager had invited school friends to his house, but one guest brought the dangerous weapon. Measuring 50cm, it's not known exactly how the sword penetrated 5cm deep into Zhang's forehead.", "Damir Sagolj/ReutersAfter abandonment, nature has begun to reclaim the village. Nearly fifty years ago, more than 2,000 people called this bucolic Chinese village home. Now only a handful of them remain. Houtouwan clings to the lush green coastline of a tiny island in the Zhousan archipelago at the mouth of the Yangtze River in China.", "Transportation in Zhangjiajie is very convenient. The highways extend in all directions, and it is worthwhile to mention that a superhighway connects Changsha and Zhangjiajie. New roads connect the city center to a number of scenic areas, making travel by car very convenient.", "Zhang Daoling claimed to have begun receiving new revelations from Laozi in 142 CE, and founded the Tianshi (Celestial Masters) sect around them. He performed spiritual healing, and collected dues of five pecks of rice from his followers (thus providing an alternative name for his movement).", "Zhangjiajie hopes to capitalise on that fame. Tourists can now join a 'Magical tour to Avatar-Pandora' or a 'Miracle tour to Avatar's floating mountain,' the Zhangjiajie branch of China International Travel Service Corp said on its website.", "What to See and Do. Top Scenic Spots. Located in northwestern Hunan, the Wulingyuan Scenic Area consists of three parts: Zhangjiajie National Park, Suoxiyu Nature Reserve and Tianzi Mountain Natural Reserve, covering a total area of 135 square miles.", "Located not far from the site of Nisa, the ancient capital of the Parthian Empire, it grew on the ruins of the Silk Road city of Konjikala, first mentioned as a wine-producing village in the 2nd century BC and leveled by an earthquake in the 1st century BC (a precursor of the 1948 Ashgabat earthquake).", "Yiwu is a city of China situated 100 km south to the city of Hangzhou which is the capital of Zhejiang Province. It is a hilly urban area. This city was established in the dynasty of Quin in 222 BC.", "Usage: Zhang is a popular first name. It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name. People having the name Zhang are in general originating from China, France, United States of America.", "Yiwu is a city of China situated 100 km south to the city of Hangzhou which is the capital of Zhejiang Province. It is a hilly urban area. This city was established in the dynasty of Quin in 222 BC. Soon it became an economically strong city.", "About Anren Ancient Town. Anren Ancient Town, 41 km from Chengdu, is a famed town with 27 mansions (more than Nanjing) built during the period of the Republic of China. There are well-preserved historical streets lined with diverse architectures in both eastern and western style. Type: Ancient Town, Museum. Best Seasons: All seasons", "Stein published his photographs in the Thousand Buddhas: Ancient Buddhist Paintings from the Cave-temples of Tun-huang on the Western Frontier of China (London, 1921) and Pelliot edited his personal records on the caves and published a part of them with his photographs in Les Grottes de Touen-houang (Paris, 1914-24).", "Add photo. 1 of 21. Lay (Korean: 레이), born Zhang Yixing (Chinese: 张艺兴; pinyin: Zhāng Yixīng) yìxīng On october, 7 (1991 age), 24 is From, Changsha, Hunan. China lay was a local child star In, hunan having won third place in a competition hosted by the POPULAR tv, Program Star (academy) 明星学院 in. 2005 of 21. Lay (Korean: 레이), born Zhang Yixing (Chinese: 张艺兴; pinyin: Zhāng Yixīng) yìxīng On october, 7 (1991 age), 24 is From, Changsha, Hunan. china", "Zhang Wuji. This is a Chinese name; the family name is Zhang. Zhang Wuji is the fictional protagonist of the wuxia novel The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber by Jin Yong (Louis Cha).", "Banpo Village: Gone, But Not Forgotten Banpo is a village that existed some 6,000 years ago near Xi'an in the Shaanxi Province of China. Artifacts that have been unearthed from the Banpo site are all that remains of this prehistoric clan-based community. The village grounds occupied a physical area of 50,000 square meters, and consisted primarily of a residential section, a pottery area, and burial grounds.", "Beijing District Map – Early, the four Districts of Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chongwen, and Xuanwu, located in the loop of the second ring road, are considered as the traditional old Beijing City, also the old inner Beijing city.", "Salty spring-fed lakes, towering sand dunes, and the ghosts of an ancient walled city lie at the heart of China's remote Alashan Plateau in the Gobi.", "Yi Peng in today's modern age. Today, Yi Peng is a photographer's dream come true, as the opportunities for killer photos are numerous through the course of this festival. Around the moat that encircles Chiang Mai, elaborately constructed lanterns in the shape of dragons, lotuses, and other designs can be found on temple grounds and at each of the gates that permit access to the Old City." ]
Examples of Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things. Words like group, herd, and array are collective noun examples. Here, we’ll take a closer look at collective nouns, and provide even more examples, placing them in context so you can gain a greater understanding of how they work.
[ "Use correct verbs and pronouns with collective nouns. Each noun from the list above is a single thing. That thing, however, is made up of more than one person. You cannot have a committee, team, or family of one; you need at least two people to compose the unit. Because people behave as both herd animals and solitary creatures, collective nouns can be either singular or plural, depending on context.", "Collective nouns are nouns that refer to a collection or group of multiple people, animals, or things. However, even though collective nouns refer to multiple individuals, they still usually function as singular nouns in a sentence.", "Collective nouns are used to describe a group or collection of individuals. This includes groups of people, animals and inanimate objects. They have developed throughout the history of the English language, with new collective nouns still being created, although time will tell if these latest additions will survive (think “a hood of bro’s”, “a array of geeks”)." ]
where is mckinsey operations located?
Who We Are. McKinsey is by far the largest global management consulting firm in Greater China. Today we have more than 350 consultants and over 50 Partners located across four locations in Greater China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taipei. They are supported by more than 100 research professionals, and over 200 professional support staff.
[ "Company Profile. McKinsey & Company is one of the world's top management consulting firms. With roughly 105 offices in more than 60 countries around the globe, it serves about two-thirds of the FORTUNE 1000.", "McKinsey & Company, Inc. McKinsey & Company is one of the world's top management consulting firms. With roughly 105 offices in more than 60 countries around the globe, it serves about two-thirds of the FORTUNE 1000.", "McKinsey & Co. McKinsey & Company is roundly considered to be the world’s most prestigious management consulting firm. James O. McKinsey, a professor at the University of Chicago who championed strict budgeting as the key to business management, founded the company in Chicago in 1926.", "ELITE management consultancies shun the spotlight. They hardly advertise: everyone who might hire them already knows their names. The Manhattan office that houses McKinsey & Company does not trumpet the fact in its lobby. At Bain & Company’s recent partner meeting at a Maryland hotel, signs and name-tags carried a discreet logo, but no mention of Bain.", "They include business technology, corporate finance, marketing and sales, operations, organization, risk, and strategy. McKinsey's consulting services focus on more than a dozen different industries, from automotive and banking to pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. Founded by James McKinsey in 1926, the firm is owned by its partners.", "We are comfortable in any geography, with 50 percent of our work in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; 30 percent in North America; and 20 percent in Latin America and Asia Pacific. We operate as one firm, bringing the best experts from around McKinsey and from our external network to each engagement in Greater China.", "McKinsey & Company Home About Us. McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm that serves leading businesses, governments, non governmental organizations, and not-for-profits. We help our clients make lasting improvements to their performance and realize their most important goals. Over nearly a century, we’ve built a firm uniquely equipped to this task.", "McKinstry - 22 reviews - Seattle, WA 98134 (Industrial District area) We are currently seeking a Cash Applications Specialist to join the team as a member of our growing McKinstry division.... 23 days ago - save job - email - more... View all McKinstry jobs in Seattle, WA - Seattle jobs.", "MRC Global has approximately 123 employees at this location and 3,500 total employees at all locations. Are there other companies located at 1301 Mckinney St, Houston, TX? There are 278 commercial tenants at 1301 Mckinney St, Houston, TX.", "According to Forbes, 2013 revenue at McKinsey & Co. was $7.8 billion, generated by only 17,000 employees. For tech companies, maintaining the talent pool requires paying very high salaries to bring in software developers and engineers.", "subsidiary, to Berkshire Hathaway Inc. McLane, based in Temple, Texas, is one of the nation’s largest wholesale distributors of. groceries and nonfood items to convenience stores, drug stores, wholesale clubs, mass. merchandisers, quick service restaurants, theaters and others. It was acquired by Wal-Mart in. 1990.", "Digital marketing operations can bridge the divide between what customers expect and what they get. McKinsey uses cookies to improve site functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and to enable our partners to advertise to you.", "McLane is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Founded in 1894 in Cameron, Texas, McLane Company has grown from a local merchant to an international distribution and logistics company. The company is headquartered in Temple, Texas, and operates 39 grocery and foodservice distribution centers across the country, as well as one in Brazil.", "McKinsey consultants at the office.McKinsey & Company/YouTube. Management consulting was an estimated $71.2 billion industry in the United States in 2016, according to analytics firm Statista, and the industry is only growing larger.", "The elite management consultancy McKinsey has had a ridiculous amount of influence on American society. As chronicled by Duff McDonald in his history of the company, The Firm, the highlights and lowlights include: • Its consultants urged President Eisenhower to create the Chief of Staff position in the White House. • Its consultants helped GE re-organize in the 1960s, leading to a boom in the corporation's business.", "The Historic McKinney Farmers' Market at Chestnut Square and Adriatica. The Historic McKinney Farmers' Market at Chestnut Square and Adriatica is located just south of the downtown McKinney Square at McDonald and Anthony Streets on Saturdays and in Adriatica at Virginia Parkway and Stonebridge on Thursdays. The market is open every Saturday and Thursday from early-April to early-October.", "McKinney National Airport Location. 1 McKinney National Airport is located in the rapidly growing North Texas region at the confluence of Sam Rayburn Tollway (SRT) / S.H. 121, U.S. 75 and U.S. 380 - just 30 minutes from downtown Dallas. In fact, about 80% of the companies in Richardson, Plano and Allen are closer to McKinney than any other Dallas area airport.", "Find a Mckinney Trailers Location Near You. Mckinney is conveniently located throughout the West Coast, Arizona, and Texas near strategic transportation and shipping hubs. See a complete listing of our branch locations, or click on the branch closest to you below. Check here for One-Way Rental availability.", "The elite management consultancy McKinsey has had a ridiculous amount of influence on American society. As chronicled by Duff McDonald in his history of the company, The Firm, the highlights and lowlights include: • Its consultants urged President Eisenhower to create the Chief of Staff position in the White House. Its consultants guided Enron on its path of self-destruction. For better or worse, McDonald writes, McKinsey just might be the most influential collection of talent in the world.. And that talent brings in the big bucks, to the tune of $7 billion in revenue a year.", "The MCP Operations Unit is not open to the public; however, there is a public drop box labeled Motor Carrier Permit in the lobby of Building West at 2570 24th Street, Sacramento. For more information contact MCP Operations at (916) 657-8153.", "Back in Boston, in a suite at the Four Seasons Hotel, Rockefeller’s ex-wife, Sandra Boss—a Harvard Business School graduate earning an estimated $1.4 million a year as a senior partner at McKinsey & Company, the global management-consulting firm—was informed that her ex-husband had disappeared with their daughter.", "Susan Lund is a partner of McKinsey & Company and a leader of the McKinsey Global Institute. She conducts economic research on global financial markets, trade, labor markets, and country productivity and growth. Her latest report focuses on how digital technologies are transforming globalization.", "The company's headquarters are located in Stamford, Connecticut, with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore, Munich, Mumbai, and Mexico City.", "McKinsey received the second highest number of exceptional ratings, and was among the top in 17 of 32 categories. Among the Big Three consulting firms, it stands out for its work in the mining industry, and was also noted for its work in strategy. McKinsey also made job site Glassdoor's 2017 list of the highest-paying companies in the US, with an annual median base compensation of $140,000 and a median total compensation of $153,000.", "McKinsey & Company is the trusted advisor and counselor to many of the world's most influential businesses and institutions.egister to get full access to our articles and reports, including those by McKinsey Quarterly and the McKinsey Global Institute, and to subscribe to our newsletters and e-mail alerts.", "The company, established in 1977, provides well services and is based in Houston, Texas with other offices in Midland, Texas and regional offices in Bakersfield, California; Farmington, New Mexico; Casper, Wyoming; El Reno, Oklahoma; Fort Lupton and Grand Junction, Colorado; Lafayette and Shreveport, Louisiana; and Arnoldsburg, West Virginia.", "The world turns, and most consultants still want to work for McKinsey & Co. The elite firm known by some as the Harvard of consulting beat out competitor Bain & Co. for the top spot in a ranking of consultancies by Vault, a website that researches and ranks companies. McKinsey was voted Most Prestigious for the 14th straight year.", "It is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and is located about 37 miles (60 km) north of Dallas. The Census Bureau listed McKinney as the nation's fastest-growing city from 2000 to 2003 and again in 2006, among cities with more than 50,000 people.", "(December 2012) Fort Lesley J. McNair is a United States Army post located on the tip of Greenleaf Point, the peninsula that lies at the confluence of the Potomac River and the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. To the peninsula's west is the Washington Channel, while the Anacostia River is on its south side.", "1 View all McKinstry jobs in Seattle, WA - Seattle jobs. 2 Salary Search: Cash Application Specialist salaries in Seattle, WA. 3 Learn more about working at Mckinstry. Related forums: Mckinstry - Seattle, Washington.", "McKesson is now bringing WELL standards to its other new offices in Dallas and Scottsdale, Ariz., and Huaco is developing office space guidelines using the new Richmond headquarters as its gold standard.", "The highest rates in consulting are charged by the Global Strategy Consulting Firms, such as McKinsey & Company (with roughly 17,000 employees the largest firm), Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, Strategy&, Roland Berger and A.T. Kearney.", "McKinney is a city in and the county seat of Collin County, Texas, and the second in population to Plano. It is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and is located about 37 miles (60 km) north of Dallas.", "The McKameys are a professional Southern gospel group based in Clinton, Tennessee. Current members are Ruben and Peg Bean, Sheryl Farris, Connie Fortner, Roger Fortner, and Eli Fortner. On average, the McKameys play approximately 150 bookings annually throughout the United States and Canada.", "• Its consultants guided Enron on its path of self-destruction. For better or worse, McDonald writes, McKinsey just might be the most influential collection of talent in the world.. And that talent brings in the big bucks, to the tune of $7 billion in revenue a year. If you land a gig there, chances are you'll be making bank, too.", "In 1990, US sales had quadrupled to $32 billion over the previous five years [4] and Walmart acquired The McLane Company, a food service distributor, which was later sold to Berkshire Hathaway in 2003. In 1991, the company expanded into Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York.", "Washington and his staff established a headquarters at a fieldstone farmhouse owned by the Hasbroucks, a wealthy Dutch Huguenot couple, in nearby Newburgh on the banks of the Hudson River, just north of the American fortress at West Point.", "McKinsey average salary is $121,937, median salary is $125,000 with a salary range from $25,000 to $1,830,400.", "The McKinsey Global Institute has predicted that by 2018 the U.S. could face a shortage of between 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills, and a shortage of 1.5 million managers and analysts who know how to leverage data analysis to make effective decisions.", "Big-firm experience is brought to your family and small- and medium-sized business at a price that makes sense. We do accounting, tax, payroll, and business results improvement. We are QuickBooks and tax gurus. If you are from Frisco, McKinney, Little Elm, Plano, Lewisville, The Colony and the surrounding areas, count on us. We are located in Frisco, Texas, in Frisco Square. You can come to our office, or we can come to you. With CPA, MBA, and significant large- and small-firm experience, we have been helping firms create value and manage the accounting, tax, and financial side of their business for over 20 years.", "We are currently seeking a Cash Applications Specialist to join the team as a member of our growing McKinstry division.... 23 days ago - save job - email - more... 1 View all McKinstry jobs in Seattle, WA - Seattle jobs. Salary Search: Cash Application Specialist salaries in Seattle, WA.", "McKinney redirects here. For other uses, see McKinney (disambiguation). McKinney is a city in and the county seat of Collin County, Texas, and the second in population to Plano. It is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and is located about 37 miles (60 km) north of Dallas.", "For other uses, see McKinney (disambiguation). McKinney is a city in and the county seat of Collin County, Texas, and the second in population to Plano. It is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and is located about 37 miles (60 km) north of Dallas.", "MIO serves McKinsey’s pension plans, partners, former partners and immediate family members. All activities are managed independently and are completely separate from McKinsey’s consulting operations. MIO offers investment management and advisory services.", "There are two ATMs at McMurdo, but only one active at any time, that are owned by Wells Fargo and serviced once every two years by NCR. According to international statistics, the highest installed ATM in the world is located at Nathu La Pass, in India, installed by the Indian Axis Bank at 4,023 metres (13,199 ft).", "DBusiness | October 2015. Pinkerton has opened an office in Seattle, WA to serve as Global Risk Group headquarters. In the article, Brian McNary, Vice President of the Global Risk Group, discusses his group and its capabilities.", "Via METRO: Fort McNair is located about one-half mile from the Washington Metro’s Waterfront station on the Green Line. Leaving the station, cross Maine Avenue/M Street and walk south down 4th Street SW for three blocks until 4th Street SW turns left and becomes P Street SW.", "Wal-Mart Opens First Experimental Supercenter. McKinney, TX, July 20, 2005 - Wal-Mart is proud to announce the opening of a new supercenter in McKinney, Texas, which will also serve as an experimental store.", "Fort Lesley J. McNair. Fort Lesley J. McNair is a United States Army post located on the tip of Greenleaf Point, the peninsula that lies at the confluence of the Potomac River and the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. To the peninsula's west is the Washington Channel, while the Anacostia River is on its south side." ]
how to do a header for a research paper
The Modern Language Association (MLA) specifies a standard format for essays and research papers written in an academic setting: 1 One-inch page margins. 2 Double-spaced paragraphs. 3 A header with author's last name and page number one-half inch from the top of each page.
[ "This page contains general guidelines on how to properly format the headings on your research paper using the MLA format. On the opening page or the first page, you would include the whole heading and your paper’s title. The whole heading would include the following information: 1 Your Name. Your Instructor’s Name.", "Method 1 Recognizing MLA Header Basics. Use the right paper. In general, you should use standard white 8.5 x 11 (or A4) paper when preparing a paper in MLA style. Make sure your word processor is set to this paper size before you format your header.", "Here is how to format your MLA cover page: 1 This page is double spaced and the letters are centered. 2 Type the name of your university or college. 3 Skip to about one-third of the page and type your research paper title, include a subtitle if you have. This page is double spaced and the letters are centered. 2 Type the name of your university or college. 3 Skip to about one-third of the page and type your research paper title, include a subtitle if you have.", "The page header, also known as the running head, should be included at the top of every page. 1 A shortened version of your paper's title should be aligned to the top left of the page. 2 Every letter in the page header should be capitalized. 3 The page number should appear in the top right of the page.", "Formatting the First Page. 1 1. Type your heading in the upper left corner. The heading essentially includes all the information a cover page would include when used. 2 2. Center your title. On the line immediately following the date, you should type your paper's title. 3 3. Write the body of your paper.", "The page header, also known as the running head, should be included at the top of every page. 1 A shortened version of your paper's title should be aligned to the top left of the page. 2 Every letter in the page header should be capitalized. 3 The page number should appear in the top right of the page.f requested, place a list of keywords on your abstract page on the line immediately following the actual text of your abstract. 1 Indent as though starting a new paragraph. 2 Type the word Keywords in italics. 3 In normal, non-italicized font, follow the colon with three to four keywords describing the paper.", "1 A header with author's last name and page number one-half inch from the top of each page. 2 Name of author, name of professor, title of course, date of paper on the first page of the paper. 3 A works cited page beginning on a separate page at the end of the paper." ]
what county is hidalgo, texas in?
The following is a listing of Hidalgo County TX job opportunity websites. This list includes local city job links as well as the larger job posting boards. Hidalgo County's primary cities and towns for this review are Alamo, Donna, Edinburg, Hidalgo, McAllen, Mercedes, Mission, Palmhurst, Pharr, San Juan, and Weslaco.
[ "It is a local myth that Edinburg became the county seat of Hidalgo County in a dramatic, nighttime covert operation in which the county records were removed from the previous county seat. However, historical records show more practical reasons.", "The largest city in the The Rio Grande Valley of South Texas is Brownsville (Cameron County), followed by McAllen (Hidalgo County). Other major cities include Edinburg, Mission, Harlingen, Raymondville, Rio Grande City and Pharr.", "The measure repealed the constitutional provision that authorized the creation of a hospital district in Hidalgo County. This measure was sponsored in the legislature by Rep. Bobby Guerra (D-41) as House Joint Resolution 147 (timed out).", "Small city, BIG ammenities! That is Hidalgo, Texas. The City of Hidalgo is located on lands settled by Spanish -colonizer Jose de Escandon in 1749, as an adjunct to the new settlement of Reynosa, both part of colonial Spain until 1821. The desert settlement was mainly involved with cattle grazing for some 150 years.", "1 You can search for any account whose property taxes are collected by the Hidalgo County. After locating the account, you can pay online by credit card or eCheck. After locating the account, you can also register to receive certified statements by e-mail. Please follow the instructions below. 1." ]
what county is bardwell tx in
Bardwell, Texas. Bardwell is a city in Ellis County, in the U.S. state of Texas. The population was 649 at the 2010 census.
[ "Carlisle County Sheriff Steve Perry P.O. Box 487 Bardwell, KY 42023. Phone: (270) 628-3377 Fax: (270) 628-3392 Email: Email Steve. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am – 4 pm", "Carlisle County Sheriff's Office, Bardwell, KY. 1,768 likes · 143 talking about this · 14 were here. Welcome to the Carlisle Co. Sheriff's Dept page....", "Website Design Works, LLC is at Carlisle County Courthouse. · October 11 · Bardwell, KY · We are proud to partner with 20/20 Xtreme and Carlisle County, KY in creating a new digital marketing initiative and website to spur economic growth in the county! Derek N Martha Lemons is at Carlisle County Courthouse.", "Carlisle County Judge/Executive Greg Terry P.O. Box 279 Bardwell, KY 42023. Phone: (270) 628-5451 Email: Email Greg. Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am – 4 pm. The regular scheduled Fiscal Court meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Carlisle County Courthouse in the Fiscal Court Room, 2nd Floor. Meetings are open to the public.", "Not to be confused with Carlisle, Kentucky. Carlisle County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 5,104, making it the fourth-least populous county in Kentucky. Its county seat is Bardwell.", "Search Court Records in Carlisle County, Kentucky. Results May Include: Case Proceedings, Jurisdiction Information, Hearings, Case Records, Court Record, Appeals Court, Information Recorded, Disposition, Score Sheet, Indictment, Judgement, Complaint, Final Judgement. Carlisle County Courthouse Address: Morgan Rd, Bardwell, KY 42023, United States.", "Farwell, Texas. Farwell is a city in and the county seat of Parmer County, Texas, United States. The population was 1363 at the 2010 census. The city is located on the Texas-New Mexico border with the town of Texico, New Mexico across the border.", "FARWELL, TEXAS. Farwell, in the center of Hansford County about three miles east of what later became Gruver, was established in 1880 by the Canott family of Illinois and was the first town in the county. Water was supplied to the settlement by a hand-dug well 200 feet deep.", "BAGWELL, TX. BAGWELL, TEXAS. Bagwell is at the intersection of Ranch roads 2120 and 2573, seven miles northwest of Clarksville and six miles east of Detroit in western Red River County.", "Latest news from Bardwell, TX collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (2.9%), Italian (1.8%), American (1.6%), English (1.6%), Irish (1.4%). Current Local Time: CST time zone. Elevation: 479 feet.", "To Bardwell Lake Headquarters Office, from Dallas head south on I-45 towards Houston. Head 36.4 miles to exit 247, US-287 North/Congressman Joe Barton Parkway towards Waxahachie/ Ft.Worth. Head north 3.4 miles to Ensign Rd.", "Barbara Wilson Cathey added a new photo — at Carlisle County Courthouse. · July 28, 2013 · Bardwell, KY · Barbara Wilson Cathey is at Carlisle County Courthouse.", "See Also Kentucky Corthouse Records Research Guide. 1 Carlisled County Clerk Address: West Court St., Bardwell, KY, 42023. Phone: (270) 628-3233. 2 Carlisle County Clerk of the Circuit Court Address: Carlisle County Courthouse, 985 U.S. Highway 62, P.O. Box 337, Bardwell, KY 42023-0337. 3 Kentucky, Wills and Probate Records, 1774-1989.", "Carlisle County District Court, Kentucky. Carlisle County District Court is located in Carlisle county in Kentucky. The court address is 985 U.S. Highway 62, PO Box 337, Bardwell, KY 42023. The phone number for Carlisle County District Court is 270-628-5425 and the fax number is 270-628-5456. © Copyright 2018 RecordsFinder.com.", "It was named for Milas (Miles) Bagwell, who operated a tannery and blacksmith shop in the area, and was built on the Texas and Pacific Railway when it was constructed through the county in 1875–76.", "Click to enroll in Paperless Billing. Welcome to Bardstown Internet - connecting Nelson County to the world! HIGH SPEED Internet service may be available in your area. Click here for details! We also offer a continuous updated list of virus alerts and spyware removal tools, remote access email, spam filters, computer repair service, and various payment options.", "Email Address: Incorporated on February 26, 1856, Hartwell is the county seat of Hart County. The city recognizes Nancy Hart, a heroine of the Revolutionary War who served as a spy and captured a group of Tories who threatened her home.", "What is the service area for Allwell Medicare? The counties in our service area are listed below. Allwell Medicare: Bexar, Cameron, Collin, Dallas, Denton, El Paso, Hidalgo, Nueces, Smith, and Tarrant counties, TX. How do you find Allwell Medicare providers in your area?", "Courthouse of Parmer County. Parmer County is a county located in the southwestern Texas Panhandle on the high plains of the Llano Estacado in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,269. The county seat is Farwell. The county was created in 1876 and later organized in 1907.", "By JIM BROOKS Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016, 9 p.m. — The old Cox’s Creek Elementary school building — the former home of the Bardstown City School district’s alternative school program — has been appraised and once the district gets state approval, will be put up for sale.", "Due to its location in an outstanding cotton producing area, Bardwell prospered through the 1920s. Besides its three cotton gins, the town had two banks, six grocery stores, four dry goods stores, a gristmill, a lumberyard, and a weekly newspaper called the Herald.", "Bardstown is a home rule-class city in Nelson County, Kentucky, in the United States. The population was recorded as 11,700 by the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Nelson County. It is named for the pioneering Bard brothers.", "Welcome to Anderson County. Anderson County boasts a mild climate with four distinct seasons, 55,950-acre Hartwell Lake with nearly 1,000 miles of shoreline, and a thriving economic and cultural community.", "Sponsored Topics. Bardstown is a city in Nelson County, Kentucky, United States. The population was recorded as 11,700 by the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Nelson County. It is named for David Bard, the man who obtained the land for the city from the governor of Virginia, and his brother William Bard, the surveyor who laid out the town.", "Goodwell is a town in Texas County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 1,293 at the 2010 census. Goodwell is the home of Oklahoma Panhandle State University, established in 1909. Goodwell is located at 36°35'36 North, 101°37'47. West (36.593348, -101.629848).", "LIVE WELL, PLAY WELL, HARTWELL.... Hartwell/Hart County is filled with year round exciting outdoor adventures, a thriving downtown art and theatre hub, interesting shops and loads of history. It's a great place to visit, live or work. Golf, hike, bike, explore nature, swim, fish or boat in beautiful Lake Hartwell.", "Montgomery County, Texas. Montgomery County is a county in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 455,746. A 2016 estimate places the population at 556,203. The county seat is Conroe. The county was created by an act of the Congress of the Republic of Texas on December 14, 1837 and is named for the town of Montgomery.", "Limestone County, Texas. Limestone County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,384. Its county seat is Groesbeck. The county was created in 1846.", "Anderson County boasts a mild climate with four distinct seasons, 55,950-acre Hartwell Lake with nearly 1,000 miles of shoreline, and a thriving economic and cultural community.", "Montgomery County is a county in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 455,746. A 2013 estimate places the population at 499,137. The county seat is Conroe. The county was created by an act of the Congress of the Republic of Texas on December 14, 1837 and is named for the town of Montgomery. Between 2000 and 2010, its population grew by 55%, the 24th-fastest rate of growth of any county in the United States.", "Taylor County, Texas. Taylor County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 131,506. Its county seat is Abilene. The county was created in 1858 and later organized in 1878. It is named for Edward Taylor, George Taylor, and James Taylor, three brothers who died at the Battle of the Alamo. Taylor County is included in the Abilene, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area, and is considered part of West Texas", "A small town located in Clare County. Farwell has several manufacturing and small businesses in the area. In July, is the Lumberjack Festival with chainsaw carvings, skillet toss, greased pig and more. September over Labor Day Weekend is a large carnival with Figure 8 Demolition Derby.", "Caldwell County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 38,066. Its county seat is Lockhart. The county was founded in 1848 and was named after Mathew Caldwell, a ranger captain who fought in the Battle of Plum Creek against the Comanches and against Santa Anna's armies during the Texas Revolution.", "Goodwell, Oklahoma. Goodwell is a town in Texas County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 1,293 at the 2010 census. Goodwell is home of Oklahoma Panhandle State University.", "Bardstown, Kentucky. Bardstown, the seat of Nelson county, is located in an area that was granted to David Bard by the governor of Virginia. Settlement began in the 1770s and the original town was named Salem. In 1780 William Bard, David's brother, laid out Bard's Town on the site.", "Caldwell County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 38,066. Its county seat is Lockhart. The county was founded in 1848 and was named after Mathew Caldwell, a ranger captain who fought in the Battle of Plum Creek against the Comanches and against Santa Anna's armies during the Texas Revolution. Caldwell was also a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence.", "By JIM BROOKS Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016, 2 p.m. — Bardstown City Schools board of education candidate Donna Molyneaux commended the city school board Tuesday night for approving a lower property tax revenue increase than it originally proposed.", "Taylor County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 131,506. Its county seat is Abilene. The county was created in 1858 and later organized in 1878. It is named for Edward Taylor, George Taylor, and James Taylor, three brothers who died at the Battle of the Alamo. Taylor County is included in the Abilene, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area, and is considered part of West Texas.", "Hamilton County (Texas Brazos River segment 1221); a site on Nolan Creek, which is a tributary. of the Leon River, south of the Killeen WWTP in Bell County (Texas Brazos River segment 1218); and a site in the tailrace of Belton Lake Dam in Bell County (Texas Brazos River segment 1219).", "Orwell is located in the southwest corner of Addison County. Its western border is the New York–Vermont state line, following the middle of Lake Champlain, near the lake's southern end.", "Taylor County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 131,506. Its county seat is Abilene. The county was created in 1858 and later organized in 1878. It is named for Edward Taylor, George Taylor, and James Taylor, three brothers who died at the Battle of the Alamo.", "Coleman County Land Info. Coleman County, Texas, is considered a non-metropolitan area located close to a large metro region. The county is the 179th largest county in the state based on population and it's the 35th largest based on size (1,282 square miles). Coleman County is one of 70 counties located in West Texas. The West Texas region is a sprawling area that can loosely be classified as comprising the counties around the main metro areas of El Paso, Lubbock, Abilene, Midland/Odessa and San Angelo.", "Play | Stay | Plan | Shop | Events | Deals. A small town located in Clare County. Farwell has several manufacturing and small businesses in the area. In July, is the Lumberjack Festival with chainsaw carvings, skillet toss, greased pig and more. September over Labor Day Weekend is a large carnival with Figure 8 Demolition Derby.", "Great town to take break! Elkhart, Texas is located ten miles south between Palestine, Texas, the county seat of Anderson and thirteen miles north of Grapeland which is in Houston County and its county seat is Crockett.", "You have! Great town to take break! Elkhart, Texas is located ten miles south between Palestine, Texas, the county seat of Anderson and thirteen miles north of Grapeland which is in Houston County and its county seat is Crockett.", "Bell County, Texas. Bell County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 310,235. Its county seat is Belton. The county was founded in 1850 and is named for Peter Hansborough Bell, the third governor of Texas. Bell County is part of the Killeen–Temple, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Abbott is a city in Hill County in Central Texas. The population was 356 in 2010. It is perhaps best known as the birthplace of country musician Willie Nelson." ]
how long does it take to make warm beer cold in the freezer
A rule of thumb I use is 1 hour or more use the fridge. A half hour in the freezer will take the edge of a warm beer or cool a room temperature beer to decent temp. One hour in the freezer is about as far as I go unless I forget to take it out. Beer bottle cooling Stages: Hot: left in car.
[ "They also place some beer in the freezer and some in the refrigerator; they plan to test every five minutes to see if it's at drinkable temperature. Meanwhile, they place a six-pack in a bucket and spray it with a fire extinguisher.amie and Adam decide to benchmark the conventional methods of cooling a beer (e.g. cooler with ice, fridge, freezer, et. al.) to see how long they take to cool to about 35-40F.", "Start the root beer float process by placing the glasses in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Make sure the glasses don’t touch each other. If you are short on time, just place a scoop of ice cream in the glass and wait a few minutes until it’s melted and swirl it around to chill the glass.", "You have to be super careful with beer, though. If it gets too cold, it can freeze and burst. Ditto for wine, cider and the like. They contain a lot of water and water expands when it freezes. A few hours in the mild cold probably won't destroy it, though. I'm not sure how cold beer will get if you store it for 3 hours in your trunk. It really depends on its staring temperature, how cold it is outside and how heated/insulated your trunk is . . . and how cold you like your beer, which is a whole other matter.", "The time-tested way to cool down some beer is to put it into the freezer. That works, but has three shortcomings: 1) it takes an hour. 2) frozen beer. 3) exploding beer. My recent experiments with the heat transfering properties of water (Hairdryer vs. Bowl of Water) encouraged me to try", "They also place some beer in the freezer and some in the refrigerator; they plan to test every five minutes to see if it's at drinkable temperature. Meanwhile, they place a six-pack in a bucket and spray it with a fire extinguisher.After three minutes, the beer is at the ideal temperature.hey also place some beer in the freezer and some in the refrigerator; they plan to test every five minutes to see if it's at drinkable temperature. Meanwhile, they place a six-pack in a bucket and spray it with a fire extinguisher.", "If the water is icy, you should be able to sufficiently cool a beer from room temperature to party cold within five minutes. The process might take somewhat longer if you're outdoors, or if the water is warmer. If you're indoors: Dunk the beers in a bucket of ice water, or run them under a cold tap for a few minutes.", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: I love the television show mythbusters... Jamie and Adam decide to benchmark the conventional methods of cooling a beer (e.g. cooler with ice, fridge, freezer, et. al.) to see how long they take to cool to about 35-40F.hey also place some beer in the freezer and some in the refrigerator; they plan to test every five minutes to see if it's at drinkable temperature. Meanwhile, they place a six-pack in a bucket and spray it with a fire extinguisher.", "3. Third, the beer must be kept cold, but not too cold - Kegs WILL Freeze. The 30 - 45 day expiration date usually assumes the beer will be kept below 40 deg F. Higher temperatures greatly accelerate spoilage which can lead to an off taste. The entire system, including the hoses, must be kept cold, from the keg to the faucet. A good rule is to treat beer the same way you would treat milk.", "Age the beer at near freezing temperatures for at least a month. A good rule of thumb is to plan on lagering (cold-storing) the beer for one week for every .010 specific gravity points of original gravity. For example, if the original specific gravity was 1.060, then plan on lagering the beer for six weeks.", "One note, when serving home made beer and wine, which is usually in larger bottles, put them in first, and cover them with lots of ice. They usually need 30 minutes to cool. I keep mine in the refrigerator the week or two before the party to help clarify the drink as well, and it avoids the 30 minute lag.", "The bottles were open now, but I decided to continue the experiment for another 20 minutes. The freezer beer went back into his freezer and the ice-water bath got another ten ice cubes. I mixed myself a singapore sling... and waited. Twenty minutes later, the freezer was starting to have a genuine deliciousing effect.", "“That would be about 20-25 minutes in a freezer. If you put it in a bucket of ice, that would halve that time. If you put water in that ice, it’d be cold (+- 5c) enough to drink in about 4-6 minutes, if you put salt in that water, you’d reduce the chill time to just over 2 minutes. Agitating the can in the water, rolling it around, reduces the chill time even more. The fastest possible way is to grab a CO2 fire extinguisher and unload that sucker on the can. Whatever you do, do NOT bury the can in sand, pour gasoline on the sand and set the sand on fire.", "Set the baggie(s) in your freezer overnight. The alcohol will keep the water from freezing, and they will stay cold for about 30 minutes. I would suggest making several of these cold water packs so that you'll have extra on hand. I made some about a month ago in anticipation of working out in our 100+ heat, and they absolutely work!", "It will blow their minds. This is actually how I serve beer at my house. I call them &quot;slow tippers&quot; because you have to tip them slowly so that it does not slush up on you. I'll put the beers in the freezer in advance and leave them there for about 1 hour and 15 minutes (Dos XX green bottle).'ve tweeted this. Excellent practical instructions including especially how to determine the right amount of time to superfreeze water based on freezer and water brand used. Interesting term, &quot;water bending&quot; I've googled it and it seems to have multiple interpretations both cinematic and real life.", "The amount of time that it takes beer to freeze is determined by the beer's alcohol content and the temperature of the freezer. Beer typically freezes when it reaches 13 degrees Fahrenheit. This happens because beer is a low proof beverage, while alcohols like whiskey and gin are higher proof.", "Fill this container about half full with cold water. Fill the container up about another quarter with ice. Stir in a couple of big handfuls of salt. Obviously, the bigger the container, the more salt you’ll need. Place your bottles of beer into the water/ice/salt mixture. Wait between 2 to 4 minutes.", "If you put it in a cooler with just ice, it will take closer to 25 minutes. If you freeze soda, it will expand and likely break out the can-if you are looking for chilled soda, 25 minutes in the freezer or 15 in the ice will bring it from room temperature to chilly.", "Another way to quickly cool drinks is to wrap each bottle or can in a damp paper towel, then put the drink in the freezer. Water is a better conductor of heat than air, so, as the water in the paper towel cools, it will pull heat from the drink faster than the cold air of the freezer would on its own.asically, when you leave your beer in your freezer for long enough, it actually drops below its freezing temperature. However, because the inside of the bottle is perfectly smooth, there is nothing for ice crystals to form against, so the beer stays as a supercooled liquid for a while.", "Many times when the girlfriend and/or I snag a case of beer that we're excited to quickly start enjoying, we toss a few bottles in the freezer for about twenty minutes or so to drop serving temp to a reasonable 40º-45ºF for drinking. Sometimes, I review said beer.", "“That would be about 20-25 minutes in a freezer. If you put it in a bucket of ice, that would halve that time. If you put water in that ice, it’d be cold (+- 5c) enough to drink in about 4-6 minutes, if you put salt in that water, you’d reduce the chill time to just over 2 minutes.Agitating the can in the water, rolling it around, reduces the chill time even more.. Toss in enough ice cubes to completely cover the sodas. 3. Then fill the pot with room temp. water. 4. Then add 2 cups of table salt. 5. Take a large wooden spoon and stir until the salt dissolves. Place in the freezer for about three minutes and you have Ice-cold soda.", "It takes approximately 4 hours for a keg of beer to warm up from 38 degrees to 48 degrees, however, it can take over 10 hours for a 48 degree keg to cool down to 38 degrees.There are several reasons why a keg’s temperature increases.he most common problem with a draft system is incorrect temperature. When the beer gets warm, it foams and the retailer loses profits, because foam is approximately 25% beer. If the retailer is throwing away 25% of the beer in a keg, they are pouring away several hundreds of dollars in lost profits a week.", "“That would be about 20-25 minutes in a freezer. If you put it in a bucket of ice, that would halve that time. If you put water in that ice, it’d be cold (+- 5c) enough to drink in about 4-6 minutes, if you put salt in that water, you’d reduce the chill time to just over 2 minutes.. Toss in enough ice cubes to completely cover the sodas. 3. Then fill the pot with room temp. water. 4. Then add 2 cups of table salt. 5. Take a large wooden spoon and stir until the salt dissolves. Place in the freezer for about three minutes and you have Ice-cold soda.", "If you have access to a sink, you can cool beers quickly. Hold the beer under the faucet and run a steady stream of cold water over the container. You should be able to cool a beer within five minutes. Save the runoff water in a bucket so that you can re-purpose it.", "Chilling with a Wet Paper Towel. 1 1. Fully wet a paper towel that's large enough to fit around your entire drink. 2 2. Wrap the wet paper towel completely around the drink. 3 3. Place the wrapped drink in the freezer and wait approximately 15 minutes. 4. Remove the drink from the freezer and enjoy your ice-cold beverage.", "If the beer is a lager, the temperature will be maintained at 48 F (9 C) for about six weeks. Since fermentation produces a substantial amount of heat, the tanks must be cooled constantly to maintain the proper temperature.", "In a regular freezer, it's about 45 minutes, remembering that if you're freezing a lot of soda, it will take longer. If you put it in a cooler with just ice, it will take closer to 25 minutes.", "Kegged on date can have a wide range of life, depedning on the beer, at least with my experience. Almost every beer will make it to 3 months, assuming it's been stored cold. They only keg I ever had in my kegerator past it's prime was about 5 months old. The flavor starts to go, but it will never make you sick." ]
what is meant by aggregate number
(August 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) An aggregation number is a description of the number of molecules present in a micelle once the critical micelle concentration (cmc) has been reached.
[ "Aggregate - Other uses. 1 In the social sciences, a gathering of people into a cluster or a crowd that do not form a true social group. 2 In music, a set of all twelve pitch classes, also known as the total chromatic. 3 Aggregate score, in sport, the sum of two scorelines in a two-legged match.", "aggregate ag·gre·gate (āg'rĭ-gĭt) adj. Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. n. A total considered with reference to its constituent parts; a gross amount in a mass or cluster. v. ag·gre·gat·ed, ag·gre·gat·ing, ag·gre·gates (-gāt') To gather into a mass, sum, or whole.", "The general aggregate limit of an insurance policy is the maximum amount of money the insurer will pay out during a policy term. This is different than a.. Phone: 212-777-7113 Email: info@honigconte.com", "To aggregate is to collect into a flock; to collect into a mass or sum. In that country one sees a goat with nearly every flock of sheep. The woman was gone, but over the prison a flock of pigeons were flying. From out the flock, eight only flew, And two are now but game.", "An aggregate corporation is an ideal body, created by law, composed of individuals united under a common name, the members of which succeed each other, so that the body continues the same, notwithstanding the changes of the individuals who compose it, and which for certain purposes is considered as a natural person.", "Aggregate data, in statistics, data combined from several measurements; Aggregate (data warehouse), a part of the dimensional model that is used to speed up query time by summarizing tables; Aggregate function, in computer science (especially SQL), a function that calculates a single result (scalar) from a collection of input values", "Define aggregate. aggregate synonyms, aggregate pronunciation, aggregate translation, English dictionary definition of aggregate. adj. 1. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market. 2. Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. 3. Composed of a...", "ag·gre·gate. adj. 1. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market.2. Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. 3. Composed of a mixture of minerals separable by mechanical means.. A total considered with reference to its constituent parts; a gross amount: An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head (Edmund Burke). 2. The mineral materials, such as sand or stone, used in making concrete.", "1 An example of the adjective aggregate would be how the President represents the total population of the country; the aggregate population. An example of the adjective aggregate would be the federal unemployment rate which is a combination measure of the unemployment rates of all the communities across the country.", "Definition of aggregate - a whole formed by combining several separate elements, a material or structure formed from a mass of fragments or particles loosel Definition of aggregate - a whole formed by combining several separate elements, a material or structure formed from a mass of fragments or particles loosel", "(ăg′rĭ-gĭt) adj. 1. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market. 2. Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. 3. Composed of a mixture of minerals separable by mechanical means.", "You can sum a column of numbers in a query by using a type of function called an aggregate function. Aggregate functions perform a calculation on a column of data and return a single value. Access provides a variety of aggregate functions, including Sum, Count, Avg (for computing averages), Min and Max.ou can add a Total row to a query by opening your query in Datasheet view, adding the row, and then selecting the aggregate function that you want to use, such as Sum, Min, Max, or Avg. The steps in this section explain how to create a basic select query and add a Total row.", "Freebase(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Aggregate. Aggregate is the component of a composite material that resists compressive stress and provides bulk to the composite material. For efficient filling, aggregate should be much smaller than the finished item, but have a wide variety of sizes.", "Adj. 1. aggregate-formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole; aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year; the aggregated amount of indebtedness.aggregated, aggregative, mass.g·gre·gate. adj. 1. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market. 2. Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster.", "aggregate(noun) material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete, mortar, or plaster. aggregate, congeries, conglomeration(adj) a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together. aggregate, aggregated, aggregative, mass(adj) formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole. aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year; the aggregated amount of indebtedness.", "COUNT(*) returns the number of rows in a table. Aggregate functions are used to compute against a returned column of numeric data from your SELECT statement. They basically summarize the results of a particular column of selected data. We are covering these here since they are required by the next topic, GROUP BY.", "the sum total of two or more quantities or sums; aggregate. 2. the sum of the principal and interest of a loan. 3. quantity; measure: a great amount of resistance. 4. the full effect, value, or significance." ]
where is trinidad washington dc
Not to be confused with Trinidad, Washington. Trinidad is a neighborhood located in Ward 5, in the northeast quadrant of Washington, D.C. and is a largely residential area. 1 Geography.
[ "Local news for Trinidad (Washington, DC) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.", "Posted by Trinidad Neighborhood Association. On Saturday August 6, 2016, ANC Commissioner Keisha Shropshire along with DC Metropolitan Police Department and DC Department of Parks and Recreation will be hosting a Trinidad Day for the vibrant, eclectic community.", "With the help of Code Publishing Inc. out of Seattle Washington, the City of Trinidad has recently completed a recodification of its Municipal Code. The last time this occured was 1990, when online, searchable codes were rare.", "Trinidad is a seaside town in Humboldt County, located on the Pacific Ocean 8 miles north of the Arcata-Eureka Airport and 15 miles north of the college town of Arcata.", "Trinidad Day: August 6, 2016. On Saturday August 6, 2016, ANC Commissioner Keisha Shropshire along with DC Metropolitan Police Department and DC Department of Parks and Recreation will be hosting a Trinidad Day for the vibrant, eclectic community.", "Trinidad is a Home Rule Municipality that is the county seat and the most populous city of Las Animas County, Colorado, United States. The population was 9,096 as of the 2010 census, up slightly from 9,078 in 2000. The estimate as of 2012 was 8,771.", "Trinidad is a seaside town in Humboldt County, located on the Pacific Ocean 8 miles north of the Arcata-Eureka Airport and 15 miles north of the college town of Arcata.ituated directly above its own natural harbor, Trinidad is one of California's smallest incorporated cities, (with a 2010 population of 367) and is noted for its spectacular coastline with ten public beaches and offshore rocks.", "Sponsored Topics. Trinidad is a city in Henderson County, Texas, United States, near the Trinity River from which the town's name was derived. The population was 1,091 at the 2000 census. Trinidad is located at 32°08′51″N 96°05′27″W / 32.147365°N 96.090791°W / 32.147365; -96.090791 (32.147365, -96.090791).", "Trinidad is situated in the Purgatoire River valley in far southern Colorado at an elevation of 6,025 feet (1,836 m). The city lies 13 miles north of the New Mexico border. On the northern end of the town is Simpson's Rest, a prominent bluff named for early resident George Simpson, who is buried atop.", "Trinidad, California. Trinidad (Chetco-Tolowa: tvm-sray-me’; Karuk: áas uyâahitihirak; Yurok: Chuerew; Wiyot: Da'guchwayawik, land is curved) is a seaside city in Humboldt County, located on the Pacific Ocean 8 miles (13 km) north of the Arcata-Eureka Airport and 15 miles (24 km) north of the college town of Arcata.", "Search form. Welcome to Trinidad, California. Trinidad is a seaside village on California's far north coast, an easy day's drive from San Francisco or Portland, Oregon. We are one of the oldest and smallest cities in California, with more than 360 friendly people who welcome you to discover TRINIDAD!", "small, scenic and welcoming. Trinidad is a seaside village on California's far north coast, an easy day's drive from San Francisco or Portland, Oregon. We are one of the oldest and smallest cities in California, with more than 360 friendly people who welcome you to discover TRINIDAD! Our rugged coastline and spectacular views attract adventurers of all ages. Here you'll find impressive beaches, kayaking, fishing and crabbing.", "Trinidad: Located in far northern California in Humboldt County, Trinidad is the oldest town on the state’s northern coast and as such, is one place history buffs moving to California won’t want to miss.", "Welcome to Trinidad, California. Trinidad is a seaside town in Humboldt County, located on the Pacific Ocean 8 miles north of the Arcata-Eureka Airport and 15 miles north of the college town of Arcata.", "Situated at an elevation of 174 feet (53 m) above its own North Coast harbor, Trinidad is one of California's smallest incorporated cities by population (367 residents in 2010, up from 311 residents in 2000).", "Situated directly above its own natural harbor, Trinidad is one of California's smallest incorporated cities, (with a 2010 population of 367) and is noted for its spectacular coastline with ten public beaches and offshore rocks.", "TRINIDAD, TX. TRINIDAD, TEXAS. Trinidad is on the St. Louis Southwestern Railway and Farm Road 1667, fifteen miles west of Athens in western Henderson County.", "Trinidad was incorporated in 1870 as a City of the State of California, USA. Trinidad resident Henry A. Boyes was a First Sergeant with the Fifth Marines in World War II; his service was described by Eugene Sledge in the book, With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa.", "John W. McIntyre is the Chargé d’Affaires in Trinidad and Tobago; other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department's Key Officers List. Trinidad and Tobago maintains an embassy in the United States at 1708 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036 (tel. 202-467-6490).", "DeSmedt went on to pave Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, a project that included 54,000 sq. yds. paved with sheet asphalt from Trinidad Lake Asphalt. The durability of this pavement proved that the quality of the asphalt found in the Americas was as good as that imported from Europe.", "Trinidad is one of the oldest and smallest cities in California, populated by over 360 friendly people that welcome you to discover TRINIDAD! Not far from your Trinidad hotel, B&B or vacation rental cottage is the iconic Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse, where you'll discover steps leading down to a beautiful sandy beach.", "Trinidad is located in the Caribbean, surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Trinidad is an island popular to tourists and is found northeast of Venezuela.", "Trinidad and Tobago (/ˈtrɪnᵻˌdæd ən təˈbeɪɡoʊ/, /-toʊˈ-/), officially the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, is a twin island country situated off the northern edge of South America mainland, lying 11 kilometres (6.8 miles) just off the coast of northeastern Venezuela and 130 kilometres (81 miles) south of Grenada.", "Trinidad is the larger and more popular of the two major islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The island lies 11 km off the northeastern coast of Venezuela and sits on the continental shelf of South America. Though geographically part of the South American continent, from a socio-economic standpoint it is often referred to as the southernmost island in the Caribbean. With an area of 4,768 km2, it is also the fifth largest in the West Indies.", "Trinidad is the larger and more populous of the two major islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The island lies 11 km (6.8 mi) off the northeastern coast of Venezuela and sits on the continental shelf of South America.", "Quick Answer. Trinidad is located in the Caribbean, surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Trinidad is an island popular to tourists and is found northeast of Venezuela. Continue Reading.", "Trinidad was the original county seat of the eponymous Trinity County from 1850 to 1851, and of Klamath County, one of California's original counties, from 1851 to 1854.", "Trinidad State Junior College. Founded in 1925, Trinidad State Junior College is a two-year college located in Trinidad, Colorado, United States, with a secondary satellite campus located in Alamosa, Colorado. The school offers 49 degree programs in academic or vocational fields.", "Trinidad State Beach. Trinidad State Beach is 20 miles (30 km) north of Eureka in Humboldt County, California. This scenic state beach is accessed from a signposted side road at Trinity Street and Stagecoach Road in the seaside town of Trinidad. The parking lot at Trinidad Bay below Trinidad Head is another popular access point.", "Trinidad and Tobago are the southernmost islands of the Lesser Antilles, located close to the South American continental shelf. Trinidad lies 11 kilometers off the northeast coast of Venezuela and 130 kilometers south of the Grenadines.", "Trinidad and Tobago /ˌtrɪnɨdaed ˌtrɪnɨdæd ənd/ , tɵˈbeɪɡoʊ officially The republic Of trinidad And, tobago is a twin island country off the northern edge Of South, america lying just off the coast of Northeastern venezuela and south Of. grenadas the majority of the population live in the island of Trinidad, this is the location of most major towns and cities. There are four major municipalities in Trinidad: Port of Spain, the capital, San Fernando, Arima and Chaguanas. The main town in Tobago is Scarborough.", "Trinidad was then joined to the South American continent, and nothing suggests that its inhabitants of the time navigated to the islands located to the north. In the rest of the Antilles, the oldest remains have been uncovered in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Haiti, and dated between 5500 and 4500 BC.", "Political Status: Independent nation and Republic within the Commonwealth. Area: Trinidad is approximately 1853 square miles (4,800 sq km) and Tobago 116 square miles (300 sq km). Location: Trinidad and Tobago are the most southern islands in the Caribbean, located a mere seven miles off Venezuela's north eastern coast.The islands are a 3 hour and 19 minute flight from Miami, 4 1/2 hours from New York and 58 minutes from Caracas.apital: Port of Spain, Trinidad. Population: Trinidad and Tobago's population stands at 1,328,019. People of African and Indian descent comprise the majority of the population, with people of mixed race, European, Chinese and Middle Eastern ancestry adding diversity to our ethnic mix.", "United States President Barack Obama stated on April 17, 2009, in Trinidad and Tobago that the United States seeks a new beginning with Cuba, and reversed the Bush Administration's prohibition on travel and remittances by Cuban-Americans from the United States to Cuba.", "The islands of Trinidad and Tobago are located off the northeast coast of the South American continent, between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and northeast of Venezuela.With an area of about 5,128 square kilometers (1,980 square miles), the country is slightly smaller than the state of Delaware.he Trinidad and Tobago islands are surrounded by the Caribbean Sea to the north and west and by the Atlantic Ocean to the east. In the Caribbean, southwest of Tobago, the Buccoo Reef houses coral gardens.", "Trinidad and Tobago /ˌtrɪnɨdaed ˌtrɪnɨdæd ənd/ , tɵˈbeɪɡoʊ officially The republic Of trinidad And, tobago is a twin island country off the northern edge Of South, america lying just off the coast of Northeastern venezuela and south Of. grenadahe island of Trinidad was a Spanish colony from the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1498 to the capitulation of the Spanish Governor, Don Jose José Maria, chacon chacón on the arrival Of a british fleet of 18 warships On 18. february 1797", "If you or your group would like to know more about county government or would like to visit the courthouse, please call the administration office at 719-845-2568. ______________________________________________________________. Las Animas County was one of the original counties in the State of Colorado. It is the largest county in the State at 4,749 square miles. Trinidad, the County seat, was one of the main stops along the Santa Fe trail. Famous and infamous historic legends such as Al Capone, Bat Masterson, and Wyatt Earp all had a place in Trinidad’s history. The mostly rural county still relies heavily on farming and ranching as its main economic engine.", "Posted by Trinidad Neighborhood Association. The DC Department of Parks and Recreation will be extending hours for the Joe Cole spray park. The spray park will remain open until 9:00 pm, instead of closing at 7:00 pm on the weekdays. The extended hours will remain in effect until July 29, 2016.", "Trinidad and Tobago /ˌtrɪnɨdaed ˌtrɪnɨdæd ənd/ , tɵˈbeɪɡoʊ officially The republic Of trinidad And, tobago is a twin island country off the northern edge Of South, america lying just off the coast of Northeastern venezuela and south Of. grenada", "Diplomacy in Action. Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago is a twin-island nation located just off the coast of Venezuela. Trinidad and Tobago’s location, porous borders, and direct transportation routes to Europe, West Africa, Canada, and the United States make it an ideal location for cocaine and marijuana transshipment.", "Trinidad is the larger of the two islands which make up the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Originally inhabited by Amerindians, chiefly Tainos, it was visited by Christopher Columbus on his third voyage in 1498 and colonized by Spain in the course of the following century.", "Trinidad is the larger and more popular of the two major islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The island lies 11 km (6.8 mi) off the northeastern coast of Venezuela and sits on the continental shelf of South America.", "Not Now. Located on two campuses in beautiful Trinidad and Alamosa Colorado, Trinidad State was the first Community College in the State. 5,607 people like this and 5,402 people follow this. 2,441 people have been here.", "Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago, island country of the southeastern West Indies. It consists of two main islands—Trinidad and Tobago—and several smaller islands. Forming the two southernmost links in the Caribbean chain, Trinidad and Tobago lie close to the continent of South America, northeast of Venezuela and northwest of Guyana. Trinidad, by far the larger of the two main islands, has an area of about 1,850 square miles (4,800 square km).", "The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is located on two islands in the Caribbean Sea off the east coast of Venezuela. The area of Trinidad is 1,864 square miles, and Tobago's area is 116 square miles. The combined area is slightly smaller than the state of Delaware. Tobago is 20 miles from the island of Trinidad. The nearest neighboring country to the islands is Venezuela, which is seven miles away.", "These rocks are part of the California Coastal National Monument of which Trinidad is a Gateway City. This natural landmark is joined by three additional marine landmarks-the historic Trinidad Head Light, the Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse, and Humboldt State University's Fred Telonicher Marine Laboratory." ]
definition of originalists
Brief Definitions Originalist: An originalist is a person who believes that the meaning of the constitution does not change or evolve over time, but rather that the meaning of the text is both fixed and knowable. An originalist believes that the fixed meaning of the text should be the sole guide for a judge when applying or interpreting a constitutional provision.
[ "originalism are likely to focus on simplified “sound bite” versions of the theory that conflate the content of originalist theory with the goals it seeks to achieve: “Originalism is the theory that judges should follow the law and not make it.” Likewise, political opponents might define originalism as a view", "New Originalism: A Constitutional Scam. AMERICANS ARE deeply divided over how to interpret the Constitution. Originalism, the view that judges should interpret the Constitution by discovering the original intent or the original meaning of the text, has a strong hold on the public.", "Originalism is not the theory of original intent[edit] As discussed previously, original intent is only one theory in the Originalist family of theories. Many of the criticisms that are directed at original intent do not apply to other Originalist theories.", "Sometimes called original understanding, originalism, or intentionalism, the theory of original intent is applied by judges when they are asked to exercise the power of judicial review during a legal proceeding.", "originalist theory has evolved – the mainstream of originalist theory began. with an emphasis on the original intentions of the framers but has gradually. moved to the view that the “original meaning” of the constitution is the. “original public meaning” of the text.", "The theory of originalism treats a constitution like a statute, and gives it the meaning that its words were understood to bear at the time they were promulgated.", "The theory of originalism treats a constitution like a statute, and gives it the meaning that its words were understood to bear at the time they were promulgated. You will sometimes hear it described as the theory of original intent.", "Originalism, in all its various forms, is predicated on a specific view of what the Constitution is, a view articulated by Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison : [T]he constitution organizes the government, and assigns to different departments their respective powers.", "originalism will be rocky. The quest for agreement on a single definition of originalism is likely to prove Quixotic. For this reason, stipulated definitions of originalism should be avoided. Readers of theoretical texts are imperfect, and the stipulated meaning of “originalism” is likely to be ignored or", "All originalists begin with the text of the Constitution, the words of a particular clause. In the search for the meaning of the text and its legal effect, originalist researchers variously look to the following: 1 The evident meaning of the words. The meaning according to the lexicon of the times.", "Persons who favor giving a more substantial weighting to precedent, consequences, or natural law are called non-originalists. In practice, disagreement between originalists and non-originalists often concerns whether to apply heightened judicial scrutiny to certain fundamental rights that are not explicitly protected in the text of the Constitution. Brief Definitions", "Textualist: A textualist is an originalist who gives primary weight to the text and structure of the Constitution. The text means what it would have been understood to mean by an ordinary person at the time it was written. Textualists often are skeptical of the ability of judges to determine collective intent..", "Learner's definition of ORIGINAL. 1. [count] : a document, film, painting, etc., which is created by someone and from which a copy or translation is made. I gave her a copy of the report and kept the original. This isn't a reprint, it's an original.", "Definitions for originaləˈrɪdʒ ə nl. master, master copy, original(noun) an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made. original, archetype, pilot(adj) something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies. this painting is a copy of the original.", "Today, originalism is popular among some political conservatives in the U.S. , and is most prominently associated with Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Robert Bork. However, some liberals, such as Justice Hugo Black and Akhil Amar, have also subscribed to the theory.", "Originalism is championed for a number of fundamental reasons. First, it comports with the nature of a constitution, which binds and limits any one generation from ruling according to the passion of the times.", "originality. 1 the quality or state of being original. 2 ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability. 3 freshness or novelty, as of an idea, method, or performance.", "The term originality is often applied as a compliment to the creativity of artists, writers, and thinkers. The idea of originality as we know it was invented by Romanticism, with a notion that is often called romantic originality. The concept of originality is culturally contingent.", "For the Wikipedia policy, see Wikipedia:No original research. Originality is the aspect of created or invented works by as being new or novel, and thus can be distinguished from reproductions, clones, forgeries, or derivative works. An original work is one not received from others nor one copied from or based upon the work of others..", "Natural law (higher law, God's law) is now only infrequently suggested as an interpretive guide, even though many of the framers of the Constitution recognized its appropriateness. Persons who favor heavy reliance on originalist sources (text and intentions) are commonly called originalists.. Persons who favor giving a more substantial weighting to precedent, consequences, or natural law are called non-originalists..", "Originalism is usually linked to opposition against substantive due process rights, and the reasons can be found in the following explanation that was endorsed unanimously by the Supreme Court in a 1985 case: we must always bear in mind that the substantive content of the [Due Process] Clause is suggested neither by its language nor by preconstitutional history; that content is nothing more than the accumulated product of judicial interpretation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.", "originalitynoun [ U ] uk ​ /əˌrɪdʒ.ənˈæl.ə.ti/ us ​ /əˌrɪdʒ.ənˈæl.ə.t̬i/ approving. › the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else: We were impressed by the originality of the children's work.", "Originality: ability to generate a product or idea that is unique or very unusual, unexpected, first of its kind. E.g. oxymorons, juxtapositions, unprompted shifts in time/place/role/capabilities, unique combinations. Originality is the pinnacle of creativity. Of the four FFOE skills, originality is most difficult to force but can be REINforced. Originality by definition means producing ideas and products that have not existed before, but we judge it in relative terms.", "Originalist criticisms of original intent. Despite the potential confusion of terms between the original Intent and originalism, other schools of Originalist thought have been as critical of original intent as non-Originalists. Original intent presumes that there is a single, unified intent behind a text.", "original. 1 belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding. 2 new; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising. 3 arising or proceeding independently of anything else: an original view of history.", "originality definition, meaning, what is originality: the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else: . Learn more.", "originator - someone who creates new things. conceiver, mastermind. creator - a person who grows or makes or invents things. beginner, founder, founding father, father - a person who founds or establishes some institution; George Washington is the father of his country.", "6. a primary form or type from which varieties are derived. 7. an original work, document, or the like, as opposed to a copy or imitation. 8. the person or thing represented by a picture, description, etc. 9. a person whose ways of thinking or acting are original.", "Originality is the quality of being new and inventive. A composer who writes a symphony to be played by car horns and cell phones shows great originality. When something is original, it is creative and not derived from something else. It's fresh. Originality refers to the quality of being original and new. Inventors are full of originality: they need to think of brand new ideas and products. A great artist is full of originality, especially when coming up with new and surprising types of art. If something is just like other things, it shows no originality. True originality is a rare thing.", "This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word original. master, master copy, original(noun) an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made. original, archetype, pilot(adj) something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies.", "Originalism: Scalia is one of the most well-known Justices on the court and is famous for his combative personality and his judicial philosophy of originalism (the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted in terms of what it meant to its original authors).", "Fifth, supported by recent research, originalism comports with the understanding of what our Constitution was to be by the people who formed and ratified that document. It affirms that the Constitution is a coherent and interrelated document, with subtle balances incorporated throughout.", "a person who serves as a professional copyist, especially one who made copies of manuscripts before the invention of printing. 2. a public clerk or writer, usually one having official status. 3. Also called sopher, sofer.", "Princeton's WordNet(3.75 / 4 votes)Rate this definition: master, master copy, original(noun) an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made. original, archetype, pilot(adj) something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies. this painting is a copy of the original.", "3. capable of or given to thinking or acting in an independent, creative, or individual manner: an original thinker. 4. created, undertaken, or presented for the first time: the original performance of a play. 5. being that from which a copy, translation, or the like is made.", "original composition meaning, original composition definition | English Cobuild dictionary. original. 1 adj You use original when referring to something that existed at the beginning of a process or activity, or the characteristics that something had when it began or was made.", "Second, originalism supports legitimate popular government that is accountable. The Framers believed that a form of government accountable to the people, leaving them fundamentally in charge of their own destinies, best protected human liberty.", "Original Intent. The theory of interpretation by which judges attempt to ascertain the meaning of a particular provision of a state or federal constitution by determining how the provision was understood at the time it was drafted and ratified.", "the quality or state of being original. 2. ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability. 3. freshness or novelty, as of an idea, method, or performance.", "Often it is a someone's spontaneous originality that makes us call him/her creative.. Of the four FFOE skills, originality is most difficult to force but can be REINforced. Originality by definition means producing ideas and products that have not existed before, but we judge it in relative terms.", "Original materials or original research that has not been filtered through interpretation or evaluation by a second party. Sources that contain commentary on or a discussion about a primary source.", "When used, the term “protists” is now considered to mean similar-appearing but diverse phyla that are not related through an exclusive common ancestor, and that have different life cycles, trophic levels, modes of locomotion, and cellular structures." ]
what type of grain is maize
Corn. Corn (also known as maize), is one of the sweetest tasting grains. In its immature form it is the familiar yellow corn on the cob. When it matures and dries out it is used like other grains to make grain foods like breakfast cereal and tortillas.Corn production in Australia is small, producing 0.6% of total world production, compared with the USA which is responsible for about 43% of total world production.utrition credentials of whole grain corn: 1 High in carbohydrate (mainly starch) and dietary fibre. 2 Higher in fat (4-5%) compared to other grains, with the fat being mostly unsaturated. 3 Generally lower in protein (around 9%) and has a lower vitamin and mineral content than other grains.
[ "Maize or Corn Starch is a typical cereal starch with distinctly low protein and ash contents. Its carbohydrate content of high purity makes it useful in several industries. Corn starch is a popular food ingredient used in thickening sauces or soups, and is used in making corn syrup and other sugar. Textile Industry : Corn Starch is used in textile industry to provide stiffness & to add weight to cloths.", "For food of India, see Indian cuisine. Cornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour. In the United States, very finely ground cornmeal is also referred to as corn flour. When fine cornmeal is made from maize that has been soaked in an alkaline solution, e.g., limewater (a process known as nixtamalization), it is called masa, which is used for making tamales and tortillas.", "The composition of maize starch is genetically controlled. In common maize, with either the dent or flint type of endosperm, amylose makes up 25 to 30 percent of the starch and amylopectin makes up 70 to 75 percent. Waxy maize contains a starch that is 100 percent amylopectin.", "Cornmeal. Cornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour. In the United States, very finely ground cornmeal is also referred to as corn flour.ornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour.", "Cornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour. In the United States, very finely ground cornmeal is also referred to as corn flour. When fine cornmeal is made from maize that has been soaked in an alkaline solution, e.g., limewater (a process known as nixtamalization), it is called masa [citation needed], which is used for making tamales and tortillas. Boiled cornmeal is called polenta in Italy.", "Evolution of Maize Agriculture Corn or maize (zea mays) is a domesticated plant of the Americas. Along with many other indigenous plants like beans, squash, melons, tobacco, and roots such as Jerusalem artichoke, European colonists in America quickly adopted maize agriculture from Native Americans.", "Cornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour.In the United States, very finely ground cornmeal is also referred to as corn flour.ornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour.", "Maize flour is the entire corn kernel milled into flour. It contains protein and fat as well. The grind can vary from fine to coarse (at it’s most coarse you would know maize flour as polenta) and it is better for certain things depending on its grind.", "Cornmeal. Cornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour. In the United States, very finely ground cornmeal is also referred to as corn flour.ornmeal. Cornmeal is a meal (coarse flour) ground from dried maize (corn). It is a common staple food, and is ground to fine, medium, and coarse consistencies, but not as fine as wheat flour. In the United States, very finely ground cornmeal is also referred to as corn flour." ]
are pitted dates good for you
Potassium. Eating approximately six medium-sized, pitted dates provides you with 6 percent of the potassium your body requires daily. As both a mineral and an electrolyte, potassium triggers enzymes crucial for energy metabolism and is needed for cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles to contract properly. 1/4-cup serving of dried or fresh dates contains 3 grams of dietary fiber. This amount supplies 14 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommended daily allowance of fiber for adult men and women following a 2,000-calorie diet.
[ "Jumbo Medjool Dates are one of our crown jewels at Nuts.com. Plump, moist, and luscious, medjool dates are simply divine. They're extremely large and meaty with a tiny pit. Naturally sweet with no sugar added, Medjool dates make a healthy treat packed with potassium. We also carry pitted dates.", "A 3.5-ounce serving of Medjool dates, or about four pitted fruits, has 277 calories, 75 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of protein and almost no fat.", "A 3.5-ounce serving of Medjool dates, or about four pitted fruits, has 277 calories, 75 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of protein and almost no fat. Almost 90 percent of the carbohydrates in a serving of Medjools, or approximately 66.5 grams, are sugar.", "Primary Nutrients. A 3.5-ounce serving of Medjool dates, or about four pitted fruits, has 277 calories, 75 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of protein and almost no fat. Almost 90 percent of the carbohydrates in a serving of Medjools, or approximately 66.5 grams, are sugar.", "The large, semi-soft Medjool date is moist, meaty, exceptionally sweet and widely available in the United States. A 3.5-ounce serving of Medjool dates, or about four pitted fruits, has 277 calories, 75 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of protein and almost no fat.", "Best Answer: There are over 100 varieties of dates, some used for eating or table fruit the others are used for processing or better known as cooking dates, Medjool date are larger, more luscious and have a sweet honey like flavour, I have bought them and used them for years, I use mainly the string or smaller honey dates, with the pits, I buy them and pit them for cooking, if I am baking I buy the bulk ones that are pitted and chopped.", "Whereas most fruits are high in vitamin C and get the majority of their weight from water, dates provide little or no vitamin C and as much as 70 percent of their weight comes from sugar. The large, semi-soft Medjool date is moist, meaty, exceptionally sweet and widely available in the United States. Primary Nutrients A 3.5-ounce serving of Medjool dates, or about four pitted fruits, has 277 calories, 75 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of protein and almost no fat. Almost 90 percent of the carbohydrates in a serving of Medjools, or approximately 66.5 grams, are sugar. This means that 266 of the 277 calories in a standard serving of Medjools come from sugar.", "When you eat dates as dry fruits, they are intensely rich in calories. In fact one Medjool date (a variety of dry fruit date), can provide as much as 66 calories of energy. So eating a lot of dried dates can make you gain muscles and bulk, so you can gain weight in a healthy manner by eating dates.ates are not only rich in nutrients and energy, but they are also medicinal in nature and have the capacity to cure several stomach ailments and strengthen body immunity in general; there are several benefits of eating dates. In this article we will discuss the various ways in which dried dates are good for you.", "Report Abuse. They're both dried fruits, but not the same fruit. Dates come from a date tree, prunes are a type of dried plum. They are both high in fiber, and if you're sensitive to the preservatives sometimes used, they will both probably get things moving when you eat quite a few.I think prunes probably work a little better, raisins too, if you eat enough...ates are soft, almost sticky and grow on the date palm. Prunes are simply dried plums. Both dates and plums are categorized as a fruit called drupe and both are said to help with constipation.", "Place almonds in a large jar or bowl and cover with enough water to cover them. Soak them overnight (8-12 hours). When ready to make milk, put pitted dates into a small bowl and cover with hot water. Let sit for 5 minutes and discard water. Rinse and drain almonds and place into the blender along with the dates, vanilla and filtered water. Blend until well combined, about 1 minute.", "Most supermarkets stock fresh dates in the produce section and keep dried dates near raisins. For both types, look for plump fruit with unbroken, smoothly wrinkled skins. Avoid dates that smell bad or have hardened sugar crystals on their skins. Packaged dates are available pitted, unpitted, or chopped. Dried dates keep for up to a year in the refrigerator. Fresh dates should be refrigerated in tightly sealed containers; they'll keep up to eight months. If stored in the kitchen cabinet, they'll stay fresh for about a month.", "Best Answer: No, dates are different from prunes. Dates are soft, almost sticky and grow on the date palm. Prunes are simply dried plums. Both dates and plums are categorized as a fruit called drupe and both are said to help with constipation.ates are soft, almost sticky and grow on the date palm. Prunes are simply dried plums. Both dates and plums are categorized as a fruit called drupe and both are said to help with constipation.", "When you eat dates as dry fruits, they are intensely rich in calories. In fact one Medjool date (a variety of dry fruit date), can provide as much as 66 calories of energy. So eating a lot of dried dates can make you gain muscles and bulk, so you can gain weight in a healthy manner by eating dates.", "When you eat dates as dry fruits, they are intensely rich in calories. In fact one Medjool date (a variety of dry fruit date), can provide as much as 66 calories of energy. So eating a lot of dried dates can make you gain muscles and bulk. You can gain weight in a healthy manner by eating dates.", "Medjool dates are a wise choice when it comes to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. When you eat them, you increase your insoluble and soluble fiber intake, which in turn can significantly lower cholesterol naturally — particularly LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.", "Dried dates or fresh dates, they are both very healthy for you. People in the Middle East consume dried as well as fresh dates on regular basis as part of their diet, and it has been found that the rate of heart diseases, and cancer, is very low around these parts.", "There are 66 calories in 1 Pitted Medjool Date. Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Medjool Dates including 1 oz and 100 g. Register | Sign In", "Dates are a good source of dietary fiber. Dates are rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants and the essential minerals potassium and magnesium. A diet that regularly includes low-fat, nutrient-dense foods like dates may enhance your health and help decrease your chance of developing many chronic diseases. Available both fresh and dried, dates can be substituted for raisins in baked goods, combined with nuts and rolled oats in granola or used as a sweet counterpoint in chicken- or lamb-based stews. Deglet noor dates are the most commonly consumed variety in the United States, but other types like Medjool and Khala dates are equally nutritious. Dietary Fiber A 1/4-cup serving of dried or fresh dates contains 3 grams of dietary fiber.", "Ultimately, dates are good for overall health despite their fructose concentration. Even if your diet is a sugar-free one, devoid of high-fructose corn syrup, agave, honey, coconut sugar, and cane sugar, you probably still eat fruit, and dates are a fruit too, with loads of benefits.", "What Are Dates Good For? While dates don't appear to be particularly special with their oddly wrinkled, brown exterior, they're satisfyingly chewy and flavorful. Undoubtedly a favorite since the Garden of Eden, dates are considered a drupe because they contain a single pit or stone at the center.", "A 3.5-ounce serving of pitted deglet noors, or 14 dates, provides about 282 calories, 2.5 grams of protein, less than half a gram of fat and 75 grams of carbohydrates, of which nearly 63.4 grams are the simple sugars sucrose, fructose and glucose.", "Homemade Vanilla Almond Milk makes about 3 1/2 cups 1 cup almonds, soaked in water overnight 2-3 pitted dates 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 liter filtered water Place almonds in a large jar or bowl and cover with enough water to cover them. Soak them overnight (8-12 hours). When ready to make milk, put pitted dates into a small bowl and cover with hot water. Let sit for 5 minutes and discard water. Rinse and drain almonds and place into the blender along with the dates, vanilla and filtered water. Blend until well combined, about 1 minute. Place nut milk bag over a large bowl. Slowly pour the blended milk into the bag and tie the top. Lift bag over the bowl and lightly squeeze the bottom of the bag to express the milk. Transfer filtered vanilla almond milk to a jar/pitcher and refrigerate.", "Including Dates in Your Daily Diet. Dates are very beneficial for your body and should be a part of your daily diet. Dates are good for your muscles, stomach health, colon health, they provide immunity and strengthen your heart muscles – these are reasons enough to eat these delicious fruits on daily basis.", "Great Value Pitted Prunes, 18 oz. Great Value: Pitted Prunes are a great snack choice. These 18-oz pitted plums are ideal as an after-school snack. Dried prunes make a healthy option and offer a sweet taste.", "The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates are good for gaining weight also. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health. Some health specialists have said that eating one day per day is necessary for a balanced and healthy diet.", "Five to six delicious California dates or a cup of chopped dates equals one serving. Great tasting, power-packed California dates are part of the USDA Pyramid's food group. Eating jumbo Medjool dates can help you achieve the recommended goal for fruit servings each day. 3. High in Both Soluble and Insoluble Fiber.", "INGREDIENTS: 1 5-6 Medjool dates, pitted (about 1/3 cup) 2 4 Tbs cacao powder. 3 1 scoop Original Green SuperFood. 1/4 cup peanut butter or any nut 1 butter. 1/4 cup rolled oats. 1 Tbs honey or 1 agave. 1 Tbs cacao for dusting.", "I call them ‘energy’ bites because of all the good ingredients that can help to power you through your day. Almonds and cashews provide good fats and fiber to keep you fueled and your heart healthy. Dates, responsible for the naturally sweet component to the recipe, also add fiber and potassium to your diet.", "The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates are good for gaining weight also. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too.These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health.ates are good for gaining weight also. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health.", "Available both fresh and dried, dates can be substituted for raisins in baked goods, combined with nuts and rolled oats in granola or used as a sweet counterpoint in chicken- or lamb-based stews. Deglet noor dates are the most commonly consumed variety in the United States, but other types like Medjool and Khala dates are equally nutritious. Dietary Fiber A 1/4-cup serving of dried or fresh dates contains 3 grams of dietary fiber. This amount supplies 14 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommended daily allowance of fiber for adult men and women following a 2,000-calorie diet.", "Dates are full of sugar and calories which is not good for those want to loose weight. You can enjoy dates but Eat less. If you want to enjoy eating dates then 2 dates are enough but not on daily basis. The dates are wonderful to eat and they are NATURAL.ates are good for gaining weight also. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health.", "Jumbo Medjool Dates are one of our crown jewels at Nuts.com. Plump, moist, and luscious, medjool dates are simply divine. They're extremely large and meaty with a tiny pit. Naturally sweet with no sugar added, Medjool dates make a healthy treat packed with potassium.", "Dates are not only rich in nutrients and energy, but they are also medicinal in nature and have the capacity to cure several stomach ailments and strengthen body immunity in general; there are several benefits of eating dates. In this article we will discuss the various ways in which dried dates are good for you.", "Calories in Medjool dates. Serving Size: 1 date, pitted. Amount Per Serving. Calories 66.5. Total Fat 0.0 g. Saturated Fat 0.0 g. Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g. Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g.", "Dates are a good source of dietary fiber. Dates are rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants and the essential minerals potassium and magnesium. A diet that regularly includes low-fat, nutrient-dense foods like dates may enhance your health and help decrease your chance of developing many chronic diseases.", "Eating dates in moderation can contribute to many health benefits, such as protecting against damage to cells from free radicals, helping preventing a stroke, coronary heart disease and the development of colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers.", "Health Benefits of Dates. As well as being a delicious and versatile fruit, there are plenty of good health reasons for adding dates to your daily diet. 1. Constipation. Whenever you are looking into a natural remedy for constipation, dates will be high on the list of ways to ease the complaint.", "Date is an extremely healthy fruit. It contains a good proportion of fibre which makes it an excellent food to naturally fight constipation. It is also rich in nutrients such as Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Manganese, Magnesium, Sulphur and Copper.", "Report Abuse. No, they're so sticky. The sugar in prunes and dates is really high. It's totally good raw unrefined sugar, you can eat 4lbs of dates and not get a sugar crash, but they will not unblock you down below.They're very filling and paste-like. The best thing for that differes person to person.eport Abuse. No, they're so sticky. The sugar in prunes and dates is really high. It's totally good raw unrefined sugar, you can eat 4lbs of dates and not get a sugar crash, but they will not unblock you down below.", "Medjool dates are fairly high in natural fruit sugars, but are also a good source of the essential minerals copper, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. This is why they’re a better choice for a sweetener, because there’s a lot of good nutrition there too!" ]
define conjectural
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word conjectural. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: conjectural, divinatory, hypothetical, hypothetic, supposed, suppositional, suppositious, supposititious(adj) based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence.
[ "1. indirect, contingent, incidental, inferential, presumptive, conjectural, founded on circumstances He was convicted on purely circumstantial evidence. 2. detailed, particular, specific The reasons for the project collapsing were circumstantial.", "1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Darwin's theory of evolution. 2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural. 3. a body of mathematical principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory. 4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory. 5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it. 6. a guess or conjecture. 7. contemplation or speculation.", "3. a speculative or conjectural view or idea: I have a theory about that. 4. an ideal or hypothetical situation (esp in the phrase in theory) 5. a set of hypotheses related by logical or mathematical arguments to explain and predict a wide variety of connected phenomena in general terms: the theory of relativity.", "3. a speculative or conjectural view or idea: I have a theory about that. 4. an ideal or hypothetical situation (esp in the phrase in theory). 5. a set of hypotheses related by logical or mathematical arguments to explain and predict a wide variety of connected phenomena in general terms: the theory of relativity.", "1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Darwin's theory of evolution. 2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural. 3. a body of mathematical principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory. 4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.", "This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word suppositious. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: conjectural, divinatory, hypothetical, hypothetic, supposed, suppositional, suppositious, supposititious(adj) based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence.", "the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof. 2. an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation. 3. Obsolete. the interpretation of signs or omens. verb (used with object), conjectured, conjecturing.", "The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beside the natural. It is suspended between the mundane and the miraculous. In theology, the term is often used to distinguish marvels or deceptive trickery, often attributed to witchcraft or demons, from the purely divine power of the genuinely supernatural to violate the laws of nature. In the early modern period the term was used by scientists to refer to abnormalities and strange phenomena of various kinds that seemed to", "A hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the relation between two or more. variables. (Kerlinger, 1956) 3. Hypothesis is a formal statement that presents the expected relationship. between an independent and dependent variable.", "hypothetical - based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence; theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural; the supposed reason for his absence; suppositious reconstructions of dead languages; hypothetical situation.", "Definition of crural. : of or relating to the thigh or leg; specifically : femoral crural artery.", "1. abstract, pure, speculative, ideal, impractical theoretical physics. abstract applied, practical, realistic, factual, experiential. 2. hypothetical, academic, notional, unproven, conjectural, postulatory There is a theoretical risk, but there is seldom a problem.", "Definition of hypothetical. : involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory : being or involving a hypothesis : conjectural hypothetical arguments a hypothetical situation.", "2. A hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the relation between two or more variables. (Kerlinger, 1956) 3. Hypothesis is a formal statement that presents the expected relationship between an independent and dependent variable. (Creswell, 1994) 4. Hypothesis relates theory to observation and observation to theory. (Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh, 1984) 5.", "The terms “objectivity” and “subjectivity,” in their modern usage, generally relate to a perceiving subject (normally a person) and a perceived or unperceived object. The object is something that presumably exists independent of the subject’s perception of it.", "The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beside (Latin præter) the natural. It is suspended between the mundane and the miraculous. In theology, the term is often used to distinguish marvels or deceptive trickery, often attributed to witchcraft or demons, from the purely divine power of the genuinely supernatural to violate the laws of nature.", "Basic Applications. 1 Outline describes the outer boundary of a two-dimensional shape. 2 Contour is the use of line to define the edge of an object and emphasize the volume or mass of the form. 3 Gestural lines are quick marks that capture the impression of a pose or movement.", "The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beside the natural. In contrast to the supernatural, preternatural phenomena are presumed to have natural explanations that are unknown. It is suspended between the mundane and the miraculous.", "The terms “objectivity” and “subjectivity,” in their modern usage, generally relate to a perceiving subject (normally a person) and a perceived or unperceived object.", "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Crural(adj) of or pertaining to the thigh or leg, or to any of the parts called crura; as, the crural arteries; crural arch; crural canal; crural ring.", "Use crural in a sentence. Anat. of or pertaining to the leg or thigh, or a leglike structure. Origin of crural. Classical Latin cruralis ; from crus (gen. cruris): see crus.", "1 Cellulitis: Inflammation of skin or subcutaneous tissues. 2 Cellulitis: An acute, diffuse, and suppurative inflammation of loose connective tissue, particularly the deep subcutaneous tissues, and sometimes muscle, which is most commonly seen as a result of infection of a wound, ulcer, or other skin lesions.", "WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2017. sub•ject /n., adj. ˈsʌbdʒɪkt; v. səbˈdʒɛkt/USA pronunciation n. [countable] that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, etc.:He keeps changing the subject and refuses to stick to the topic.", "1 Condictio is a general name given to personal actions, or actions arising from obligations, and is... Conjectio Causae In civil law. A statement of the case; a brief synopsis of the case given by the advocate to the judge in opening the trial.", "con·ver·sa·tion. (kŏn′vər-sā′shən) n. 1. The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech or sign language: gifted in the art of conversation. 2. An instance of this: held a long conversation on the subject. con′ver·sa′tion·al adj.", "The outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object. An artwork about shapes, the black or any other color around the shape is the contour. #synonyms#curve#figuration#figure#form antonyms#center#core. by EsEm September 11, 2007.", "crural (not comparable) ( 1 chiefly anatomy) Pertaining to the leg. 2 Leg-like in shape or constitution.", "1. Terminology. Many philosophers would use the term “objective reality” to refer to anything that exists as it is independent of any conscious awareness of it (via perception, thought, etc.). Common mid-sized physical objects presumably apply, as do persons having subjective states.", "con•text. 1. the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specified word or passage and can influence its meaning or effect. 2. the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc. contextus contex(ere) con-con - + texere to plait, weave compare text ].", "coronary adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, a tall girl, an interesting book, a big house.. (cardiac, relating to the heart).", "con•text /ˈkɑntɛkst/USA pronunciation n. the parts of a statement that come before or follow a word or passage and influence its meaning or effect: [countable]They tried to guess from the context what the message meant.[uncountable]What he said was taken out of context and was completely misunderstood.", "Contribute to our Open Dictionary. a pejorative word, phrase etc expresses criticism or a bad opinion of someone or something In this context, the word ‘provincial’ has pejorative overtones. Synonyms and related words. Words used to describe writing or speech style:articulate, chatty, circuitous... Explore Thesaurus.", "noun. 1 a. A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation. b. 2 A scheduled radio or television show. 3 An ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed; a schedule: a program of physical therapy for a convalescent.", "con·sti·tu·tive (kŏn′stĭ-to͞o′tĭv, -tyo͞o′-) adj. 1. Making a thing what it is; essential. 2. Having power to institute, establish, or enact. 3. Of or relating to the synthesis of a protein or an enzyme at a constant rate regardless of physiological demand or the concentration of a substrate. con′sti·tu′tive·ly adv.", "crural(adj) of or relating the leg from the knee to the foot. crural(Adjective) Pertaining to the leg. crural(Adjective) Leg-like in shape or constitution. Crural(adj) of or pertaining to the thigh or leg, or to any of the parts called crura; as, the crural arteries; crural arch; crural canal; crural ring.", "Definition of abjection. 1 : a low or downcast state : degradation.", "1. (postpositive; foll by with or to) consistent; in agreement. 2. harmonious in tone or sound. 3. (Music, other) music characterized by the presence of a consonance. 4. (Grammar) being or relating to a consonant.", "succinct. adjective brief, to the point, concise, compact, summary, condensed, terse, laconic, pithy, gnomic, compendious, in a few well-chosen words Make sure your work is accurate, succinct and to the point. rambling, long-winded, wordy, diffuse, circuitous, discursive, verbose, prolix, circumlocutory. adjective.", "a concise explanation of the company's retirement plan. pithy, compendious, laconic. Concise, succinct, terse all refer to speech or writing that uses few words to say much. Concise usually implies that unnecessary details or verbiage have been eliminated from a more wordy statement: a concise summary of the speech. Succinct, on the other hand, implies that the message is as originally composed and is expressed in as few words as possible: a succinct statement of the problem.", "lasting or taking a short time; of short duration: a brief walk; a brief stay in the country. 2. using few words; concise; succinct: a brief report on weather conditions. 3. abrupt or curt.", "con·gen·i·tal. adj. 1. Of or relating to a condition that is present at birth, as a result of either heredity or environmental influences: a congenital heart defect; congenital syphilis. 2.", "early 15c., from conjecture (n.). In Middle English also with a parallel conjecte (n.), conjecten (v.). Related: Conjectured; conjecturing.", "The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beside (Latin præter) the natural. It is suspended between the mundane and the miraculous.[1]", "Of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature. Similar: abstract; abstractionist; nonfigurative; nonobjective (not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature) conventional; formal; schematic (represented in simplified or symbolic form)" ]
camron net worth
Camron Net Worth is $8 Million. Camron Net Worth is $8 Million. Cam'ron is a New York-born rap artist and actor with an estimated net worth of $8 million dollars. Cam'ron has released six studio albums and five collaboration albums. Two of his solo albums and one of his collabor.
[ "Cam Gigandet's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $1995262 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes.", "The net worth of Cam is an estimated to be a whopping 2 million dollars with a huge salary every year. He has managed to earn the attention and acclaim of a huge number of fans around the world who constantly search the details of his bio on sites like the wiki. He has a height of 6 feet and the weight of 72 kilograms.", "Cam'ron is a New York-born rap artist and actor with an estimated net worth of $8 million dollars. Cam'ron has released six studio albums and five collaboration albums. Two of his solo albums and one of his collabor Cameron Giles , better known by his stage name Cam'ron or Killa Cam, is a Grammy-nominated American rapper.", "Cam Gigandet Net Worth. Net Worth: $2 Million. About Cam Gigandet. Cam Joslin Gigandet, known to the world as Cam Gigandet is an actor who is famous for his role of the vampire “James” in the Twilight series. The total worth of his assets is estimated to be $2 million. He has mostly acted in thrillers and movies based on the supernatural.", "According to various sources, Cam Gigandet's net worth has grown significantly in 2017. However, the numbers vary depending on the source. If you have current knowledge about Cam Gigandet's net worth, please feel free to share the information below.", "But what exactly is Cam Newton’s net worth right now? Cam Newton’s Net Worth as of 2018: $35 Million We take a look back through Cam Newton’s career to figure out his net worth.", "Cam’ron Net Worth in 2013. 37 year old Harlem native Cameron Ezike Giles has had a lucrative rap career under the name Cam’ron. 6 studio albums under his belt and a seventh entitled Killa Season 2 on it’s way Killa Cam continues to main as relevant in the game as he was in the late 90’s.", "On his own he has surmounted over 5 million records sold worldwide been featured on over 25 singles. His net worth in 2013 is $10 million making him the wealthiest from Dipset. Cam’Ron was introduced to Hip Hop fans in the late 90’s with his solo record Confessions of Fire. It was the Notorious BIG who first recognized him and introduced him to Hip Hop executives.", "With immense talent, a larger than life personality, and at least 10 years left in his career, Cam Newton is poised to be the face of the NFL for a long time. But what exactly is Cam Newton’s net worth right now? Cam Newton’s Net Worth as of 2018: $35 Million. We take a look back through Cam Newton’s career to figure out his net worth.", "With a NFL contract salary growing by the year, and an ever-expanding endorsement portfolio, Cam Newton’s net worth is expected to reach $130 million by 2020. As the face of the biggest sport’s league in America, it is only a matter of time before Cam Newton is one of the most recognizable, and richest, athletes in the world.", "if net worth was the same as earnings cam newton s would be $ 72 million adding up his $ 35 million in salary to date with $ 37 million in endorsement money puts the star at $ 72 million in earnings however there are little things like taxes agent fees and expenses to consider", "Born on: 7th Aug 75 Born in: South Africa Marital status: Single Occupation: Actress. Charlize Theron net worth is estimated at $110 million. The South African actress started her acting career in 1995 with Children of the Corn III but gained popularity couple of years later with The Devil's Advocate. She delivered a huge hit in 1998 with Mighty Joe Young.", "cam newton net worth and salary cam newton is an american football quarterback for the carolina panthers of the national football league who has a net worth $ 45 million cam newton s salary is $ 5 5 million per year thanks to his 4 year $ 22 million contract with the carolina panthers cam newton earned his net worth as an american football player he attended westlake high school in atlanta georgia where he starred in football and basketball", "Cam Gigandet Net Worth. Cam Gigandet is a famous American actor and television personality. Gigandet forayed into the world of showbiz almost 10 years back with a cameo role in the iconic TV series “C.S.I Crime Scene Investigation”.", "Cam Newton net worth and salary: Cam Newton is an American football quarterback for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League who has a net worth $45 million. Cam Newton's salary is $5.5 million per year thanks to his 4 year $22 million contract with the Carolina Panthers.", "With its roots in the utility business, the company enjoyed a solid reputation for old-economy stability. But unlike other energy companies that didn't get it, Enron thrust itself headlong onto the Internet. The business press ate it up; so did Wall Street, sending the stock into the stratosphere. At its peak, Enron was worth about $70 billion, its shares trading for about $90 each. All that came crashing down starting last October, when the company admitted that it had misstated its income and that its equity value was a couple of billion dollars less than its balance sheet said.", "He's worth an estimated $4.6 billion, according to Forbes. We got this pic of Mariah and James taken Friday in Capri, Italy. They're staying on Packer's yacht and we're told they'll be on the boat for an extended vacation.. After Capri, it's on to Cannes and St. Tropez.", "After the $650 acquisition fee and $1,000 Lease Cash, the net capitalized cost becomes $20,885. Toyota estimates than a Camry SE will be worth 63% of its MSRP ($15,545) after 36 months of use at 12,000 miles per year. Therefore, the total depreciation expense is $5,340, or $148 per month.", "Net worth and Salary: As of 2016, the renowned news correspondent Tamron Hall has gathered total net worth amount of $5 million dollars. She might be earning considerable amount of salary from her work as a news correspondent which is yet to get revealed in the media and public.", "Cam Newton Net Worth; Taryn Manning Net Worth; Paulinho Net Worth; Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Net Worth; Mikhail Prokhorov Net Worth; Christina Crawford Net Worth; Robert Duggan Net Worth; Thaksin Shinawatra Net Worth; Thiago Alcntara Net Worth; Martin Lawrence Net Worth; Joseph Gordon-Levitt Net Worth; Tony Fernandes Net Worth; Chris Pontius Net Worth; Pharrell Williams Net Worth", "the foundation of cam newton s net worth is his salary the star s 2015 nfl earnings of $ 13 million are 6 times the average nfl salary and more than half of frontrunner drew brees salary of $ 23 8 million newton s earnings through the years are in the table below", "Boron is currently $5 per gram, or around $2, 268 per pound.he cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars.", "Estimated per capita income in 2016: $23,005 (it was $16,312 in 2000) Chadron city income, earnings, and wages data Estimated median house or condo value in 2016: $123,830 (it was $59,500 in 2000)", "According to the NHSR, the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) industry generated roughly $40 billion in annual revenue in 2007. However, adults in the United States spent roughly $33.9 billion out of pocket on alternative treatments that year.", "Rales is cofounder of the manufacturing and technology company Danaher; according to Forbes, he has a net worth of $3.7 billion. Lawyer Stephen M. Spina bought a five-bedroom, five-bath Victorian on Delfield Street in Chevy Chase for $1.3 million.", "Stocks in Motion: Reebok. Shares of Cooper Cameron ( CAM) were among the NYSE's winners Monday, rising 2.6% after the maker of oil and gas equipment posted first-quarter earnings and sales that easily topped Wall Street expectations. The company earned $28.6 million, or 53 cents a share, on sales of $547.9 million.", "Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN) gained 4.58% with the closing price of $2.51. The overall volume in the last trading session was 4.72 million shares. ROI deals with the invested cash in the company and the return the investor realize on that money based on the net profit of the business. Investors who are keeping close eye…", "Of the $33.9 billion spent on CAM out-of-pocket, an estimated $22.0 billion was spent on self-care costs—CAM products, classes, and materials—with the majority going to the purchase of nonvitamin, nonmineral, natural products ($14.8 billion) such as fish oil, glucosamine and Echinacea.", "1. Camus Cognac Cuvee 3.128 Camus. Price: $3,600 (750 ml) With upwards of 140 years in the distilling business, the Camus family has had more than enough time to perfect its craft. The result of five generations of innovation, the prestigious Cuvée 3.128 is this French dynasty’s masterwork.", "Dell Curry's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $226141850 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes.", "Internet phenomenon. Born on February 19, 1990 in Puerto Rico. LeJuan James’ net worth is estimated at 800 thousand dollars. Real name: LeJuan James Sister: Nani Girlfriend: YouTuber Camila LeJuan James’ Height: N/A Nationality: Puerto Rican Began career: 2013 Source of Income: Social media. How much is LeJuan James worth? LeJuan James’ net worth is $800K. Instagram followers: 1.7+ million (lejuanjames). Nominations: Premio Tu Mundo for Favorite Influencer. Resides: Los Angeles, California. Visitors also look for: LeBron James, Rudy Mancuso, Toddy Smith, Daniel Christopher Preda.", "James Cameron Net Worth (House Cars Salary Income 2017) The Estimated James Cameron Net Worth is $2 Billion. The Net Worth of James Cameron has seen a hike of 26% over the past few years. James Cameron is a Canadian filmmaker, director, producer, screenwriter, inventor, engineer, philanthropist, and deep-sea explorer. While calculating the Net Worth of James Cameron we have included the data updated as of this Quarter.", "He Has a Net Worth of $8 Million. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Curry has an overall net worth of $8 million and has a per year salary of $3.4 million. Following his junior year of college, the 6-foot-3 two-time NBA All-Star was selected by the Warriors as the seventh pick in the first round of the 2009 NBA Draft.", "Vladislav Doronin net worth: $1 Billion. Vladislav Doronin net worth: Vladislav Doronin is a Russian born billionaire who has a net worth of $1 billion dollars. Vladislav Doronin is the President of Capital Group, a Russian real estate development and construction company focused on elite housing complexes.Vladislav Doronin became internationally known after he began dating supermodel Naomi Campbell, and was rumored to have proposed marriage to her, in 2008.The couple now resides together in Doronin's primary house in Russia, but they travel extensively to properties around the globe.ladislav Doronin is the President of Capital Group, a Russian real estate development and construction company focused on elite housing complexes.", "Tate Ellington's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $3162 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes.", "Other family members and associates include Elizabeth Bailey, Steven Lancaster, Jarod Lancaster and Samantha Lancaster.She has a reported annual income of 80 - 89,999 and a current net worth value of $25,000 - $49,999.", "James Cameron Net Worth (House Cars Salary Income 2018) The Estimated James Cameron Net Worth is $2 Billion. The Net Worth of James Cameron has seen a hike of 26% over the past few years.", "Net Worth: In 2013, Celebrity Net Worth claimed that Ciara had a net worth of 15 million USD. Childhood: Ciara was born to Jackie and Carlton Harris in Austin, Texas. The family moved around a lot during her childhood due to her father's military career.", "As one of the first ever models produced to launch the Hot Wheels brand, the Camaro was part of the much-treasured “Red Line” series, which had red lines painted on the sidewalls of the tires. The enamel white version was a prototype, and as such its worth is rated at $5,000 packaged, or $1,250 loose.", "He’s the 23rd Richest Person Alive. Soros is currently no. 23 on the “Forbes 100” list. His net worth is at an all-time high of $24.9 billion. (Source: “The World’s Billionaires; #23 George Soros,” Forbes, last accessed March 3, 2016.) He keeps getting richer even though he hasn’t actively managed funds in a while.", "Industrial conglomerate Textron, Inc., which includes Bell Helicopter and Cessna Aircraft, is Rhode Island’s third-largest public company, with a market cap of $11.7 billion. Among the biggest companies by state traded on the major exchanges, the five smallest are located in New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, and Vermont.", "James Chambers is an American billionaire who has an estimated net worth of $5.86 billion as of March 2017, according to Bloomberg. James Chambers wor Share On Facebook", "Vladislav Doronin was born in Russia and has an estimated net worth of $1 billion dollars. The President of Capital Group, a Russian re...[read more].ladislav Doronin was born in Russia and has an estimated net worth of $1 billion dollars. The President of Capital Group, a Russian re... [read more].", "Estimated net worth: $5 million. The Duchess of Cornwall is worth $5 million, according to CelebrityNetWorth. When she married Prince Charles in 2005, she owned a home worth about $2.5 million, the Telegraph reported at the time.", "Net worth. With vast experience and knowledge in the field of investigative reporting, Rod Wheeler is a definite asset to the Fox News media network. Sources reveal that Fox News pays it's important reporters anywhere from $ 6 million to as much as $ 20 million per year. However, exact figures related to the salary and net worth of Rod Wheeler is still under review." ]
how to make banana peppers recipe
1Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Leave the stems on the peppers. Wash and slit banana peppers carefully, and gently remove seeds and membrane. Make sure the pepper is laying firmly on the counter before you slit the top side lengthwise. If slit properly, the pepper won't tip over when you stuff it, and the filling won't run out of it when it cooks.
[ "Wash peppers, make a slit in ... pour over peppers and adjust seal. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Tip: Heat jar lids before using for best results. 3. PICKLED BANANA PEPPERS OR OKRA.", "You can grow banana peppers from seeds or set out transplants. When the soil is consistently 60° F or more, set banana pepper transplants 12-24″ apart in rows 24-36″ apart in well-drained loam amended with compost. If the soil is low in magnesium, dig in a dusting of Epsom salt.hey are grown much the same way as sweet banana peppers, and go great in chili or spaghetti. Banana peppers are high in fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamins A and C. You have quite a few cultivars to choose from : ‘ Bananarama’ is an 8″ early banana pepper that ripens to red in 60-75 days.", "Use garden shears or scissors to cut banana peppers and a half inch from the top of the pepper. Do not pull banana peppers from the plant as this could damage the plant. For more information on harvesting banana peppers, please see the How To Pick Banana Peppers page.hey are grown much the same way as sweet banana peppers, and go great in chili or spaghetti. Banana peppers are high in fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamins A and C. You have quite a few cultivars to choose from : ‘ Bananarama’ is an 8″ early banana pepper that ripens to red in 60-75 days.", "How to Plant & Care for Banana Peppers. Banana pepper seeds need high soil temperatures to germinate, so in all but the hottest climates start them indoors 40-60 days before transplanting time. Choose a location where the temperature is 70-75° F in the daytime and no lower than 60° F at night. You can grow banana peppers from seeds or set out transplants. When the soil is consistently 60° F or more, set banana pepper transplants 12-24 apart in rows 24-36 apart in well-drained loam amended with compost. If the soil is low in magnesium, dig in a dusting of Epsom salt.", "Directions. 1 Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C). 2 Cut the peppers into quarters. 3 Remove the seeds and the membranes. 4 Roast the peppers until the skin blisters and turns black. 5 Remove from oven and cover with plastic, or a tea towel, or place in a paper bag until cool.", "1 Combine sugar with melted butter and stir in mashed bananas, eggs, and vanilla. 2 Pour flour over banana mixture and sprinkle with baking soda and salt. 3 Mix just until no dry spots remain-do not over mix.4 Prepare pans by spraying liberally with cooking spray and coating the sides with sugar by swirling and tapping. Pour flour over banana mixture and sprinkle with baking soda and salt. 2 Mix just until no dry spots remain-do not over mix. 3 Prepare pans by spraying liberally with cooking spray and coating the sides with sugar by swirling and tapping. 4 Fill pans ⅔ of the way full and sprinkle more sugar on top.", "directions: 1 1. Cut peppers into halves, lengthwise, and hollow out. 2 2. Combine in a mixing bowl raw ground chuck, egg, rice, water, half of the tomato sauce (add salt & pepper if desired); mix well. 3 3. Fill peppers with meat and rice mixture; pour remaining tomato sauce over top of stuffed peppers.", "Preparation. 1. Mash ripe banana in a bowl and combine with egg and flour. Whisk until all ingredients are combined. 2. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Spoon the batter onto the skillet, using 1/3 of the batter for each pancake.", "1 Preheat Oven to 350°. 2 Combine sugar with melted butter and stir in mashed bananas, eggs, and vanilla. 3 Pour flour over banana mixture and sprinkle with baking soda and salt. 4 Mix just until no dry spots remain-do not over mix. Pour flour over banana mixture and sprinkle with baking soda and salt. 2 Mix just until no dry spots remain-do not over mix. 3 Prepare pans by spraying liberally with cooking spray and coating the sides with sugar by swirling and tapping. 4 Fill pans ⅔ of the way full and sprinkle more sugar on top.", "Directions. Prep. Cook. Ready In. 1 Remove seeds and membranes from peppers. 2 Stuff each pepper with a strip of cheese. 3 In a small bowl combine milk, the 1 cup flour, egg, baking powder, baking soda, salt and canola oil; mix well to make a batter.", "Instructions. 1 Preheat oil to 350 degrees in a saucepan or a deep fryer. 2 Set two small bowls side by side, one with a scoop of brown mixed with the five spice, one with water. 3 Cut banana in half crosswise and place in the wrapper. Add slices of jackfruit and sugar mix (amount depends on your preference)", "1 Mash banana in a bowl using a fork; add eggs, baking powder, and cinnamon and mix batter well. 2 Heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. 3 Spoon batter into the hot butter and cook until bubbles form and the edges are dry, 2 to 3 minutes. 4 Flip and cook until browned on the other side, 2 to 3 minutes.", "The look absolutely stunning mixed together in the jars. We eat these pickled banana peppers on everything, salads, sandwiches, if I’m feeling bold I even enjoy a few on a slice of pizza. One of my favorite things to do with them is mix them up with some tuna and mayo and eat them with saltines.", "1 Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C). 2 Cut the peppers into quarters. 3 Remove the seeds and the membranes. 4 Roast the peppers until the skin blisters and turns black. 5 Remove from oven and cover with plastic, or a tea towel, or place in a paper bag until cool.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The banana pepper (also known as the yellow wax pepper or banana chili) is a medium-sized member of the chili pepper family that has a mild, tangy taste. While typically bright yellow, it is possible for them to change to green, red, or orange as they ripen. It is often pickled, stuffed or used as a raw ingredient in foods.", "1. Boil banana and potato in their jackets, peel and mash while still warm. 2. Heat 2 tblsp oil, add chopped onions, fry till browned. 3. Add ground paste, continue to fry for some time, adding dry masalas. 4. Add mashed vegetables, salt and chopped coriander leaves. 5. Mix thoroughly. 6.", "Directions. 1 Slice peppers or leave them whole. ( 2 To prevent bursting, cut two small slits in whole peppers.). 3 Pack peppers tightly into clean, hot jars. 4 Combine vinegar and water; heat to a simmer. 5 Do not boil. 6 Pour hot vinegar over peppers, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.", "Instructions. 1 Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. 2 Wash the peppers and then cut them in half lengthwise. 3 Cut off the stem with a paring knife and scoop out all the seeds and membranes. 4 Place the peppers cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.", "Instructions. 1 Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. 2 Wash the peppers and then cut them in half lengthwise. 3 Cut off the stem with a paring knife and scoop out all the seeds and membranes. Place the peppers cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.", "Method. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan. In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth. Stir the melted butter into the mashed bananas. Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg, and vanilla extract. Mix in the flour.", "Instructions. 1 Heat butter on a frying pan over medium heat until it melts and bubbles -about 2-3 minutes. 2 Add the banana halves. Fry them on one side until golden brown and turn. 3 Cook until the second side is golden brown. Remove and put the fried bananas on plates. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Serve immediately.", "Banana pepper. The banana pepper (also known as the yellow wax pepper or banana chili) is a medium-sized member of the chili pepper family that has a mild, tangy taste. While typically bright yellow, it is possible for them to change to green, red, or orange as they ripen. It is often pickled, stuffed or used as a raw ingredient in foods.", "1 Lightly drizzle oil in a skillet over medium heat. 2 Arrange banana slices in pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. 3 Meanwhile, whisk together honey and 1 tablespoon of water. 4 Remove pan from heat and pour honey mixture over banana. 5 Allow to cool and sprinkle with cinnamon.live oil or coconut oil. Lightly drizzle olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Arrange banana slices in pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. Meanwhile, whisk together honey and 1 tablespoon of water.", "Directions. 1 Begin by washing and drying the peppers. 2 To roast two or more at a time, the oven is easiest. 3 Place on a rack in a broiler pan or baking sheet about 2-inches from the heat. 4 Leave under the broiler until they blacken and blister, turning from side to side to roast evenly.", "Directions. 1 Cut and discard tops from peppers; remove seeds. 2 In a large bowl, mix beans, cheese, salsa, onion, corn, rice, chili powder and cumin; spoon into peppers. 3 Place in a 5-qt. slow cooker coated with cooking spray. 4 Cook, covered, on low 3-4 hours or until peppers are tender and filling is heated through.", "1 Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in the bottom of a skillet over medium heat until sizzling. 2 Place the floured banana sections in the hot butter and cook until browned on each side. 3 Carefully turn once only. 4 Remove from the skillet when browned on each side and sprinkle with a little sugar. Stir until well blended and then coat banana sections with this mixture. 2 Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in the bottom of a skillet over medium heat until sizzling. 3 Place the floured banana sections in the hot butter and cook until browned on each side.", "Beef Stuffed Peppers. 1 1. Gather your ingredients. Here's what you'll need to make beef stuffed peppers: 8 green bell peppers. 2 2. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (176ºC). 3 3. Cut the tops off 6 green bell peppers and remove the seeds. Use a narrow sharp knife to do this carefully. 4. Boil the peppers for 5-7 minutes.", "Method. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan. In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth. Stir the melted butter into the mashed bananas. Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg, and vanilla extract." ]
how far its indianapolis from kings island
Kings Island in Mason, OH 45040 is located 126 miles away from Indianapolis, IN.... 1 How far is kings island in Ohio from Indianapolis, Indiana?
[ "Kings Island is about 22 miles from the cincinnati zoo. The museum is fairly close to the zoo as well(7 miles). Across the river is the Newport aquarium (24 miles from Kings Island). Most online map sites can provide directions and approximate mileage between attractions.", "Kings Island is located 21 miles north of Cincinnati off Interstate 71. Go to the directions page on our website and type in the location of where you will be traveling from for directions to the park.", "Kings Island is located 21 miles north of Cincinnati off Interstate 71. Go to the directions page on our website and type in the location of where you will be traveling from for directions to the park. Then get ready for the most fun you've ever had.", "The distance between Cincinnati and Kings Island in a straight line is 22 miles or 35.4 Kilometers.", "The distance between Cincinnati and Kings Island in a straight line is 22 miles or 35.4 Kilometers. Driving Directions & Drive Times from Cincinnati to Kings Island can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems.", "Kings Island is a 364-acre (147 ha) amusement park located 24 miles (39 km) northeast of Cincinnati in Mason, Ohio.", "Kings Island is located 21 miles north of Cincinnati off Interstate 71. Go to the directions page on our website and type in the location of where you will be traveling from for directions to the park. Then get ready for the most fun you've ever had. That's a day at Kings Island!", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Kings Island is about 20-25 miles north of the Cincinnati Zoo. Just take I-71 north to exit 24 to get to Kings Island. As for things to do around Kings Island, there is the Beach Water park nearby and the Great Wolf Lodge.", "Kings Island is located 21 miles north of Cincinnati off Interstate 71. Go to the directions page on our website and type in the location of where you will be traveling from for directions to the park.Then get ready for the most fun you've ever had.That's a day at Kings Island!ings Island is located 21 miles north of Cincinnati off Interstate 71. Go to the directions page on our website and type in the location of where you will be traveling from for directions to the park. Then get ready for the most fun you've ever had. That's a day at Kings Island!", "Need to know towns or cities within a specific radius of other places try this Towns within a Radius of Cincinnati tool. The distance between Cincinnati and Kings Island in a straight line is 22 miles or 35.4 Kilometers.", "kings island is a 364 acre 147 ha amusement park located 24 miles 39 km northeast of cincinnati in mason ohioit is owned and operated by cedar fair entertainment companyings island is a 364 acre 147 ha amusement park located 24 miles 39 km northeast of cincinnati in mason ohio", "Kings Island is a 364-acre (147 ha) amusement park located 24 miles (39 km) northeast of Cincinnati in Mason, Ohio.It is owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company.n 2014, Kings Island was the second-most visited seasonal amusement park in the United States behind Cedar Point with an estimated 3.2 million visitors. It was third overall for seasonal attendance in North America which was led by Canada's Wonderland.", "Kings Island, located 24 miles NE of Cincinnati just off of I-71, offers 364 acres of family fun, including 41 rides and 14 coasters. However, the area around Kings Island offers more to do that just riding a coaster.. There are museums, golf courses, waterparks, historic sites, and lots more near the park. Soak City Water Park. Located less than a mile from Kings Island, The Beach Waterpark features 35 acres of lush, wooded landscape (even palm trees) and an array of water features, including three pools, 11 slides and three childrens' pools. The park is open from mid-May through Labor Day.", "Kings Island is a 364-acre (147 ha) amusement park located 24 miles (39 km) northeast of Cincinnati in Mason, Ohio. It is owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company. The park first opened in 1972 by the Taft Broadcasting Company in an effort to move and expand Coney Island, a popular resort destination along the banks of the Ohio River that was prone to frequent flooding.", "Kings Island is located 21 miles north of Cincinnati off Interstate 71. Go to the directions page on our website and type in the location of where you will be traveling from for directions to the park.Then get ready for the most fun you've ever had. That's a day at Kings Island!oak City is the region's premier waterpark and features more than 50 water activites including 30 water slides and two wave pools. Admission to Soak City is included with park admission to Kings Island.", "Locations farthest away from Indianapolis. 1 Amsterdam Island, French Southern Territories, 11,555 mi. 2 Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia, 11,154 mi. 3 Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia, 11,124 mi. Port-aux-Francais, French Southern Territories, 11,105 1 mi. Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 11,098 mi.", "Locations farthest away from Indianapolis. 1 Amsterdam Island, French Southern Territories, 11,555 mi. 2 Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia, 11,154 mi. 3 Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia, 11,124 mi. 4 Port-aux-Francais, French Southern Territories, 11,105 mi. 5 Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 11,098 mi.", "in 2014 kings island was the second most visited seasonal amusement park in the united states behind cedar point with an estimated 3 2 million visitors it was third overall for seasonal attendance in north america which was led by canada s wonderlandings island is a 364 acre 147 ha amusement park located 24 miles 39 km northeast of cincinnati in mason ohio", "Kings Island was conceived as early as 1964 when Coney Island, a popular amusement park 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown Cincinnati on the banks of the Ohio River, suffered from a major flood that submerged the area in over 14 feet (4.3 m) of water.", "Kings Island is a 364-acre (147 ha) amusement park located 24 miles (39 km) northeast of Cincinnati in Mason, Ohio.It is owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company.n June 30, 2006, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company purchased Kings Island and the rest of Paramount Parks for approximately $1.24 billion. With this acquisition, Cedar Fair owned all three major amusement parks in Ohio: Kings Island, Cedar Point and Geauga Lake (purchased from Six Flags in 2004).", "Kings Island is a 364-acre theme park and water park located 24 miles north of downtown Cincinnati and 36 miles south of downtown Dayton.he largest theme and water park in the Midwest, Kings Island, entertains more than 3 million guests annually making it one of the most popular seasonal theme parks in the United States.", "Travel thoughts for your from Cincinnati to Kings Island. Driving By Car: If you were in a car and maintained an average speed of 60mph (96 kmh) over the course of your it would take you around 0.45 hours to get from Cincinnati to Kings Island.", "Read about the many attractions near Kings Island. Located about 15 minutes from Kings Island, along I-75, Cincinnati Premium Outlets offers more than 100 outlet retailers, including Coach, Banana Republic, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren and J. Crew. Soak City Water Park. Located less than a mile from Kings Island, The Beach Waterpark features 35 acres of lush, wooded landscape (even palm trees) and an array of water features, including three pools, 11 slides and three childrens' pools. The park is open from mid-May through Labor Day.", "Kings Island amusement park is located in Mason, Ohio, about 24 miles northeast of Cincinnati. The park opened to the public on April 29, 1972. It was named for the Kings Powder Company, which created the town of Kings Mill for its employees. The 700-acre property rests on land once owned by the company. What most visitors to the park don’t realize is that tucked away among the roller coasters, water rides and midway games, is an ancient cemetery. And, by the way, Kings Island is haunted.", "Gas cost estimates for this Cincinnati to Kings Island trip. If you were travelling in a vehicle that averaged 35 MPG and were paying $3.54 per gallon for your gas then the cost for a trip based upon an estimated distance of 26.4 drive miles from Cincinnati to Kings Island * in gas would be in the region of $2.67 USD.", "Note: King Island is in the Bass Strait off the northwestern corner of Tasmania. The island is roughly 50 km (30 mi) long and has a permanent population of about 1700. Currie, on the west coast, is the principal settlement.", "Kings Island's iconic entrance with the Eiffel Tower. Kings Island was conceived as early as 1964 when Coney Island, a popular amusement park 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown Cincinnati on the banks of the Ohio River, suffered from a major flood that submerged the area in over 14 feet (4.3 m) of water.n June 30, 2006, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company purchased Kings Island and the rest of Paramount Parks for approximately $1.24 billion. With this acquisition, Cedar Fair owned all three major amusement parks in Ohio: Kings Island, Cedar Point and Geauga Lake (purchased from Six Flags in 2004).", "Located in the heart of Kingsport, this hotel is 2.9 mi (4.7 km) from Warriors' Path State Park and 3.9 mi (6.3 km) from … More.", "Note: King Island is in the Bass Strait off the northwestern corner of Tasmania. The island is roughly 50 km (30 mi) long and has a permanent population of about 1700. Currie, on the west coast, is the principal settlement. Commercial air transportation is available from Devonport and from Melbourne.", "Historical Facts. Two of the guys who started Kings Island were at a convention in Chicago and they found out that John Allen was there. They asked him to design the Racer for their new park, and he declined saying that he was retired, so they kept buying him drinks until he finally caved in. Kings Island used to own 1600 acres.", "Situated in Kingsport, this hotel is 3.6 mi (5.8 km) from Warriors' Path State Park and 4.6 mi (7.4 km) from Kingsport Town … More.", "1 Once on the island, get in the right traffic lane and continue straight on Kings Way. 2 Continue approximately 3.3 miles through the Village area. 3 Turn right onto Arnold Road, at the yellow blinking light. 4 You will notice The King and Prince sign on the left. 5 The Resort is one block ahead on your right.", "in 1992 paramount communications inc formerly gulf western purchased kings island and the rest of keco s parks for $ 400 million paramount formed a new division known as paramount parks they bought out the remaining 80 % stake in canada s wonderland in 1993 raising the number of parks to fiveings island is a 364 acre 147 ha amusement park located 24 miles 39 km northeast of cincinnati in mason ohio", "3 hours 22 mins. Distance from Battle Creek, MI to Indianapolis, IN is 226Miles or 363 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 22 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 184 Miles or 296 Km, You can get this distance about 53 mins .", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Evansville, IN to Indianapolis, IN is 172Miles or 277 Km. You can get this distance about 2 hours 52 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 146 Miles or 235 Km, You can get this distance about 48 mins .", "Driving distance from Anderson, IN to Indianapolis, IN. The total driving distance from Anderson, IN to Indianapolis, IN is 39 miles or 63 kilometers. Your trip begins in Anderson, Indiana. It ends in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Anderson, IN to Indianapolis, IN so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Battle Creek, MI to Indianapolis, IN is 226Miles or 363 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 22 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 184 Miles or 296 Km, You can get this distance about 53 mins .", "The driving distance between Indianapolis, IN and New York, NY is approximately 710 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions.", "Situated in Kingsport, this hotel is 2.3 mi (3.8 km) from Kingsport Town Center Mall and within 12 mi (20 km) of Warriors' … More.", "Driving distance from Indianapolis, IN to Evansville, IN. The total driving distance from Indianapolis, IN to Evansville, IN is 167 miles or 269 kilometers. Your trip begins in Indianapolis, Indiana. It ends in Evansville, Indiana.", "A narrow portion of Noblesville extends east to the Madison County line, where it is bordered by the town of Ingalls. Noblesville is 23 miles (37 km) north-northeast of downtown Indianapolis. Indiana State Road 37 is the main highway through the city, running east of downtown.", "Driving distance from Indianapolis, IN to Goshen, IN. The total driving distance from Indianapolis, IN to Goshen, IN is 159 miles or 256 kilometers.Your trip begins in Indianapolis, Indiana. It ends in Goshen, Indiana.If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Indianapolis, IN to Goshen, IN so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.t ends in Goshen, Indiana. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Indianapolis, IN to Goshen, IN so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "The driving distance between Indianapolis, IN and New York, NY is approximately 710 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours 45 minutes.", "Distance from Indianapolis, IN to Fort Wayne, IN. The total distance from Indianapolis, IN to Fort Wayne, IN is 109 miles. This is equivalent to 175 kilometers or 94 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Indianapolis, Indiana. It ends in Fort Wayne, Indiana.", "The driving distance between Indianapolis, IN and Fort Myers, FL is approximately 1105 miles. The driving time would be approximately 18 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel … non-stop in good driving conditions.", "Your ending point United States, Kingman is located at (35.2481, -113.764). Total distance from Flagstaff to Kingman is 192.01 kms. 192.01 kms equals to 119.31 miles and 103.61 nautical miles. Latest Searched Country Distances: Jordan and Turkey | United States and Bahrain | Hungary and Italy | Belgium and Sweden | Estonia and United States |.", "Kings Dominion. 23 miles (37 km) north of Richmond and 83 miles (134 km) south of Washington, DC on Interstate 95. The 400-acre (1.6 km2) park is currently owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, and was part of the former Paramount Parks chain that Cedar Fair acquired from CBS Corporation on June 30, 2006." ]
who wrote the tragedy of romeo and juliet book
Romeo and Juliet is an early tragedy by William Shakespeare about two teenage star-crossed lovers. It ends with their suicides, uniting rival households of a long-running family feud. The play has been highly praised by literary critics for its language and dramatic effect.
[ "The earliest known version of the Romeo and Juliet tale akin to Shakespeare's play is the story of Mariotto and Gianozza by Masuccio Salernitano, in the 33rd novel of his Il Novellino published in 1476.omeo speaks of a foreboding he feels in the stars' movements early in the play, and when he learns of Juliet's death, he defies the stars' course for him. Another central theme is haste: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet spans a period of four to six days, in contrast to Brooke's poem's spanning nine months.", "To write a tragedy that did not culminate in death would not fit into the genre. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet must die since Shakespeare was writing a tragedy. If he had been writing a comedy, they would have married and their families would have likely reconciled.", "One of Shakespeare’s classics plays is `Romeo and Juliet`. He is said to have written the play in 1597 approx. Shakespeare tells the tale of two star crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, whose short romance is plagued with tragedy. The play focus’ on popular themes such as romance, tragedy, death and violence.nother example of how Romeo and Juliet’s lives were ruled by fate is how each of their predictions of their early death actually comes true. It is as if they tempt fate. However the audience would have already known this as they are warned about the outcome in the prologue.", "More presentations by Megan Hackney. 1 Copy of Romeo and Juliet Act 1-2 All scenes of act 1 and 2 of romeo and juliet the book with pictures. 2 Daffodils by William Wordsworth TP-CASTT. 3 TP CASTT Poetry.", "23 April 2016 is the 400th anniversary of the death of England’s most famous playwright. We take a look at six settings of his most famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Galina Ulanova and Yury Zhdanov in Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet. 1. Prokofiev.", "Romeo an Juliet is a tragedy scrieven bi William Shakespeare anent twa luvers frae feudin faimlies. It is airguably Shakespeare's maist weel kent wark an haes been adaptit monie times, maist kenspeckle in the 1996 pictur Romeo + Juliet that haed Leonardo Di Caprio in the heid role o Romeo an Claire Danes as Juliet.", "Romeo and Juliet: Act II Scene 2 Through the Years. You appear to be using an older verion of Internet Explorer. For the best experience please upgrade your IE version or switch to a another web browser. Iambic Pentameter in Act II Scene 2. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is written in both prose and poetry. For the majority of the play, the common people speak in prose. Major characters have interactions with one another which include poetic elements. The poetry in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is written in blank verse, poetry which is written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter includes five iambic units in each line. An example of this can be seen in Romeo’s soliloquy at the beginning of Act II Scene 2, also known as the balcony scene.", "Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's most-illustrated works. The first known illustration was a woodcut of the tomb scene, thought to be by Elisha Kirkall, which appeared in Nicholas Rowe 's 1709 edition of Shakespeare's plays.omeo speaks of a foreboding he feels in the stars' movements early in the play, and when he learns of Juliet's death, he defies the stars' course for him. Another central theme is haste: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet spans a period of four to six days, in contrast to Brooke's poem's spanning nine months.", "Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet ends in tragedy, because of some of Romeo and Juliet’s faults. Romeo and Juliet obviously rush into things. They do not listen to the advice of Friar Lawrence and end up paying the ultimate price.", "Although it is one of the most famous quotes from the work of Shakespeare, no printing in Shakespeare's lifetime presents the text in the form known to modern readers: it is a skillful amalgam assembled by Edmond Malone, an editor in the eighteenth century. Romeo and Juliet was published twice, in two very different versions.", "Situational Irony in Literature. 1 Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare - Romeo finds Juliet drugged and assumes she is dead. He kills himself then she awakens, see that he is dead and kills herself. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury - This book is on the top 100 list of banned books in America.", "Romeo and Juliet Creation of the play Romeo and Juliet can be plausibly dated to 1595. Shakespeare must have written the play between 1591 and 1596. The earliest date is considered to be too early, because of Shakespeare’s writing style in the play.", "Creation of the play. Romeo and Juliet can be plausibly dated to 1595. Shakespeare must have written the play between 1591 and 1596. The earliest date is considered to be too early, because of Shakespeare’s writing style in the play.", "exists and is an alternate of . Like most of Shakespeare's plays Romeo and Juliet is set 'long, long ago, in a land far, far away'. Romeo and Juliet was first performed in the 1590's, but the story was borrowed from a book that was popular when Shakespeare was a little boy (Arthur Brooke's 'Romeus and Juliet' - first published in 1562).", "Fate is to Blame for the Deaths of the Main Characters of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.bviously Romeo and Juliet can be blamed for the tragic ending of the play. Romeo went to the Capulets? party even though he had a bad feeling about it and foresaw his own death. After the party he then sneaked back into his enemy?s home to see Juliet again which was the start of the deceit and secrecy.", "Romeo & Juliet is the first piece of Shakespeare's work most people read (Freshman year of high school) and although it is a great story, I prefer the tragic tales of Hamlet and King Lear. It's amazing how perfect this style of storytelling is, even hundreds of years later. I love Shakespeare's plays.", "Romeo and Juliet, TH 42, čW 39, is an orchestral work composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. It is styled an Overture-Fantasy, and is based on Shakespeare's play of the same name. Like other composers such as Berlioz and Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky was deeply inspired by Shakespeare and wrote works based on The Tempest and Hamlet as well. Unlike Tchaikovsky's other major compositions, Romeo and Juliet does not have an opus number." ]
what is the mood or tone in an elegy for a woman of no importance by nazik al malaikah
Transcript of Elegy for a Woman of No Importance. An Elegy for a Woman of No Importance written by al Mala'ikah, is a poem that expresses sorrow for woman who leads a lonely life and has a lonely death. The structure of the poem itself, as well as syntax, support the theme.
[ "Elegy for a Woman of No Importance The Author - she was an Iraqi female poet and is considered by many to be one of the most influential contemporary Iraqi female poets", "In other examples of poetry such as Alfred Tennyson 's The Lady of Shalott, an elegiac tone can be used, where the author is praising someone in a sombre tone. J. R. R. Tolkien in his essay Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics argues that Beowulf is a heroic elegy.", "elegy - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up) An elegy is a meditative lyric poem mourning the death of someone in the public eye or a friend or loved one. Any reflective lyric poem on the broader theme of human mortality can also be called an elegy.", "There is, however a subtle difference. An elegy is a lamenting poem, couplet or a song written in the memory of a deceased person. If used in a musical context, it refers to a composition that has a melancholy tone to it.An elegy has a tone of remorse for the loss of a person.A eulogy is a tribute in the form of an essay or short prose, written in praise of the dead.f used in a musical context, it refers to a composition that has a melancholy tone to it. An elegy has a tone of remorse for the loss of a person. A eulogy is a tribute in the form of an essay or short prose, written in praise of the dead.", "Elegy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind. It may treat of any subject, but it must treat of no subject for itself; but always and exclusively with reference to the poet.As he will feel regret for the past or desire for the future, so sorrow and love became the principal themes of the elegy.legy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind. It may treat of any subject, but it must treat of no subject for itself; but always and exclusively with reference to the poet.", "Elegy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind. It may treat of any subject, but it must treat of no subject for itself; but always and exclusively with reference to the poet.As he will feel regret for the past or desire for the future, so sorrow and love became the principal themes of the elegy.ther than epitaphs, examples of ancient elegy as a poem of mourning include Catullus ' Carmen 101, on his dead brother, and elegies by Propertius on his dead mistress Cynthia and a matriarch of the prominent Cornelian family.", "Significance of Elegy in Literature. The definition of elegy as we know it now only came about in the sixteenth century. In ancient Greece, an elegy was any poem written in elegiac couplets, and could deal with any subject matter, including love and battle, along with death.ignificance of Elegy in Literature. The definition of elegy as we know it now only came about in the sixteenth century. In ancient Greece, an elegy was any poem written in elegiac couplets, and could deal with any subject matter, including love and battle, along with death.", "An elegy is a mournful, melancholy or plaintive poem, especially a lament for the dead or a funeral song. The term elegy, which originally denoted a type of poetic meter (elegiac meter), commonly describes a poem of mourning. An elegy may also reflect something that seems to the author to be strange or mysterious.n elegy is a mournful, melancholy or plaintive poem, especially a lament for the dead or a funeral song. The term elegy, which originally denoted a type of poetic meter (elegiac meter), commonly describes a poem of mourning. An elegy may also reflect something that seems to the author to be strange or mysterious.", "Elegy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind. It may treat of any subject, but it must treat of no subject for itself; but always and exclusively with reference to the poet.As he will feel regret for the past or desire for the future, so sorrow and love became the principal themes of the elegy.ther than epitaphs, examples of ancient elegy as a poem of mourning include Catullus ' Carmen 101, on his dead brother, and elegies by Propertius on his dead mistress Cynthia and a matriarch of the prominent Cornelian family. Ovid wrote elegies bemoaning his exile, which he likened to a death.", "An elegy is a mournful poem about the death of a person or, more rarely, a group. Elegies can also express a feeling of loss in a broader sense, such as for a way of life or a melancholic reflection on human mortality.n elegy is not the same as a eulogy, which is a statement written in prose that is read aloud at a funeral, although an elegy might suffice as a eulogy. An ode may also be composed for a deceased person or other subject, but its main purpose is praise and accolades.", "Elegy is a form of literature which can be defined as a poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased. It typically laments or mourns the death of the individual. Elegy is derived from the Greek work “elegus”, which means a song of bereavement sung along with a flute.", "Elegy Definition. Elegy is a form of literature that can be defined as a poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased. It typically laments or mourns the death of the individual. Elegy is derived from the Greek work elegus, which means a song of bereavement sung along with a flute. The forms of elegy we see today were introduced in the 16th century. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray, and When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d, by Walt Whitman are the two most popular examples of elegy.", "It is important to recognize that the speaker, or narrator is not to be confused with the author and that attitudes and feelings of the speaker or narrator should not be confused with those of the author. In general, the tone of a piece only refers to attitude of the author if writing is non-literary in nature. ‹The template Elucidate is being considered for deletion.›. In many cases, the tone of a work may change and shift as the speaker or narrator’s perspective on a particular subject alters throughout the piece.", "I remember you. While elegy poems are not exactly the most joyful type of literature available, they are certainly worth knowing about since they provide details to the reader about someone else's life. One well known example of an elegy is Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.Generally, elegies serve to mourn the loss of a loved one; but, they can sometimes be about different types of feelings of sadness or loss of productivity as opposed to solely focusing on death. remember you. While elegy poems are not exactly the most joyful type of literature available, they are certainly worth knowing about since they provide details to the reader about someone else's life. One well known example of an elegy is Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.", "Full Definition of ELEGY. 1. : a poem in elegiac couplets. 2. a: a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead b: something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem.3. a: a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholy b: a short pensive musical composition.See elegy defined for English-language learners.. a: a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead b: something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem. 3. a: a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholy b: a short pensive musical composition. See elegy defined for English-language learners.", "Definition of Elegy. An elegy is a mournful poem, usually written in remembrance of a lost one for a funeral or as a lament.An elegy tells the traffic story of an individual, or an individual’s loss, rather than the collective story of a people, which can be found in epic poetry.ignificance of Elegy in Literature. The definition of elegy as we know it now only came about in the sixteenth century. In ancient Greece, an elegy was any poem written in elegiac couplets, and could deal with any subject matter, including love and battle, along with death.", "Definition of Elegy. An elegy is a mournful poem, usually written in remembrance of a lost one for a funeral or as a lament.An elegy tells the traffic story of an individual, or an individual’s loss, rather than the collective story of a people, which can be found in epic poetry.“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” by Thomas Gray, 1750). This poem is a famous example of elegy written by Thomas Gray after the death of his friend, the poet Richard West. “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is a meditation on death that opens in a solemn churchyard.", "Elegy Definition. Elegy is a form of literature which can be defined as a poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased.It typically laments or mourns the death of the individual.Elegy is derived from the Greek work “ elegus ”, which means a song of bereavement sung along with a flute. The forms of elegies we see today were introduced in the 16th century.t typically laments or mourns the death of the individual. Elegy is derived from the Greek work “ elegus ”, which means a song of bereavement sung along with a flute. The forms of elegies we see today were introduced in the 16th century.", "In English literature, an elegy is a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.", "An elegy is a poem of mourning; this is often the poet mourning one person, but the definition also includes Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', which mourns all the occupants of that churchyard, and looks into the future to mourn the poet's own death.n elegy is a poem of mourning; this is often the poet mourning one person, but the definition also includes Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', which mourns all the occupants of that churchyard, and looks into the future to mourn the poet's own death.", "Elegy Definition Elegy is a form of literature that can be defined as a poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased. It typically laments or mourns the death of the individual.", "Definition of Elegy. An elegy is a mournful poem, usually written in remembrance of a lost one for a funeral or as a lament.An elegy tells the traffic story of an individual, or an individual’s loss, rather than the collective story of a people, which can be found in epic poetry.n elegy is a mournful poem, usually written in remembrance of a lost one for a funeral or as a lament.", "noun, plural elegies. 1. a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem, especially a funeral song or a lament for the dead. 2. a poem written in elegiac meter. 3. a sad or mournful musical composition. Origin of elegy.", "Elegy is one of the richest literary forms because it has the capacity to express emotions that deeply influence people. The strongest of the tools elegy uses is its reliance on memories of those who are no more.", "Elegy is the kind of poem that mourns the death of someone or something. Tennyson's In Memoriam mourns the death of his friend Arthur Hallam. Oliver Goldsmith's the Deserted Village is about the demise of a Village.", "elegy. Use elegy in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of an elegy is a mournful piece of music or is a poem written as an ode to the dead.An example of an elegy is a poem written to honor a deceased man.·gies. 1 any poem in elegiac verse. 2 a poem or song of lament and praise for the dead, as Shelley's “Adonais”. 3 any poem, song, etc. in a mournfully contemplative tone: Gray's “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”.", "Full Definition of ELEGY. 1. : a poem in elegiac couplets. 2. a: a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead b: something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem.3. a: a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholy b: a short pensive musical composition.ull Definition of ELEGY. 1. : a poem in elegiac couplets. 2. a: a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead b: something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem. 3.", "Definition of elegy for English Language Learners. : a sad poem or song : a poem or song that expresses sorrow for someone who is dead.", "Definition of elegy. plural. elegies. 1 : a poem in elegiac couplets. 2a : a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is deadb : something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem. 3a : a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholyb : a short pensive musical composition.", "elegy is a type of poem that morn death of someone or something.For example a family morning the death of a relative.", "An elegy poem is a poem that is written on the occasion of or about someone's death.", "Elegy Definition. Elegy is a form of literature which can be defined as a poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased.It typically laments or mourns the death of the individual.legy Definition. Elegy is a form of literature which can be defined as a poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased.", "Popular Literary Devices. Elegy. Definition of Elegy. An elegy is a mournful poem, usually written in remembrance of a lost one for a funeral or as a lament. An elegy tells the traffic story of an individual, or an individual’s loss, rather than the collective story of a people, which can be found in epic poetry.", "The Greek term elegeia (Greek: ἐλεγεία; from ἔλεγος, elegos, lament) originally referred to any verse written in elegiac couplets and covering a wide range of subject matter (death, love, war). The term also included epitaphs, sad and mournful songs, and commemorative verses.ther than epitaphs, examples of ancient elegy as a poem of mourning include Catullus ' Carmen 101, on his dead brother, and elegies by Propertius on his dead mistress Cynthia and a matriarch of the prominent Cornelian family.", "The Greek term elegeia (Greek: ἐλεγεία; from ἔλεγος, elegos, lament) originally referred to any verse written in elegiac couplets and covering a wide range of subject matter (death, love, war). The term also included epitaphs, sad and mournful songs, and commemorative verses.ther than epitaphs, examples of ancient elegy as a poem of mourning include Catullus ' Carmen 101, on his dead brother, and elegies by Propertius on his dead mistress Cynthia and a matriarch of the prominent Cornelian family. Ovid wrote elegies bemoaning his exile, which he likened to a death.", "Elegy. A poem of mourning or reflection on the death of an individual. Ode. A serious or thoughtful poem, usually with a formal structure. This type of poem is generally seen as a way to pay homage to a thing or person. This type of lyric is the most popular and includes the sub-genre of sonnets. Both elegies and odes can be sub-divided into several different kinds of poetry.", "While elegy poems are not exactly the most joyful type of literature available, they are certainly worth knowing about since they provide details to the reader about someone else's life. remember you. While elegy poems are not exactly the most joyful type of literature available, they are certainly worth knowing about since they provide details to the reader about someone else's life. One well known example of an elegy is Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.", "A eulogy and an elegy are similar because both are written for the dead. An elegy is a song or a poem with a lamenting tone that expresses loss of a family member or a loved one. A eulogy, by contrast, is a speech or written tribute to the deceased, or perhaps to a living person, and it is not necessarily in the form of a poem.", "Chances are, you've heard the word elegy before and you know it has something to do with remembering a person who has died, and you'd be correct. An elegy is a reflective poem that laments the loss of someone or something. Of course, losing someone can refer not only to death but simply an absence.n elegy and a eulogy are so similarly spelled and used that they can easily be misunderstood, but their differences are fairly easy to identify. First, they are different forms of writing. Whereas an elegy is a poem or even a song, a eulogy is written as an essay or a short piece of prose.", "If there's one song on your playlist that always brings tears to your eyes, maybe it's because it has an elegiac quality. The adjective elegiac is useful when you're talking about music, a movie, a book, or another work of art that has a sorrowful tone. Sometimes elegiac specifically refers to something or someone that's gone: a person who's died, or a time in the past, especially if you feel a sense of longing for it. You can speak in an elegiac way, or sing an elegiac tune. The word comes from the Greek elegos, poem or song of lament..", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. An elegy poem is a formal poem that mostly reflects death... For example, when a president dies you write a poem about him and his death. It's mostly serious and it doesn't have to rhyme, though if you want it to then you can.nswered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. An elegy poem is a formal poem that mostly reflects death... For example, when a president dies you write a poem about him and his death. It's mostly serious and it doesn't have to rhyme, though if you want it to then you can.", " a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead. An elegy is a song or poem of lament, especially for the dead.Dead means not only a pers … on but can also be beloved animals and even villages.n elegy poem is a formal poem that mostly reflects death... For example, when a president dies you write a poem about him and his death. It's mostly serious and it doesn't h … ave to rhyme, though if you want it to then you can. 5 people found this useful.", "Lesson Summary. So, an elegy is a reflective poem that laments the loss of someone or something and differs from a eulogy in form and tone. While modern elegies are loosely structured and have a more broad sadness, traditional elegies follow the three stages of loss: lament, praise and solace.n elegy and a eulogy are so similarly spelled and used that they can easily be misunderstood, but their differences are fairly easy to identify. First, they are different forms of writing. Whereas an elegy is a poem or even a song, a eulogy is written as an essay or a short piece of prose.", "For all of its pervasiveness, however, the ‘elegy’ remains remarkably ill-defined: sometimes used as a catch-all to denominate texts of a somber or pessimistic tone, sometimes as a marker for textual monumentalizing, and sometimes strictly as a sign of a lament for the dead.", "As we venture back in history, we start with the ancient Greek elegy, which was typically written in the form of couplets and was meant to be sung aloud and accompanied by the aulos, a type of flute. Elegies could be only a few lines long or more than one hundred lines, and a singer told the story or situation to an audience or chorus. Note that the Greek definition of elegy was broad in nature and did not always commemorate the dead. In fact, elegies were often performed at parties. As time went on, elegy came to mean a combination of grieving, praising, and consoling, as in John Donne's 'Death Be Not Proud,' written in the 1500s. Donne deals with his grief by defining death in the following stanzas:", "The musical score is drawn from the heartfelt spirituals and blues of the Deep South, the urban vitality of the Jazz Age, and contemporary concert music by African Americans. Ain’t I a Woman! is a joyful exploration of the trials and triumphs of four passionate and accomplished women.", "elegies. 1 1 : a poem in elegiac couplets. 2 2a : a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is deadb : something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem. 3 3a : a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholyb : a short pensive musical composition." ]
early symptoms of coxsackie in adults
A very serious problem caused by coxsackievirus is infection of the heart and lining of the heart (myopericarditis). Fortunately, this complication is quite rare. Myopericarditis symptoms may vary from mild to severe. Severe cases may result in heart failure, heart attack or death. Myopericarditis is more common in young, active adults.
[ "coxsackie or echovirus groups of enteroviruses are the most common cause of viral meningitis most infections produce no symptoms or mild symptoms such as sore throats colds and flu like illnesses some of them may also cause stomach upsets and diarrhoea", "The coxsackie strain known as hand, foot and mouth disease, produces blisters on the fingers, toes, gums, tongue, throat or the inside of cheeks. Some children have one or two isolated blisters, others will have dozens.", "Quick Answer. Coxsackievirus belongs to the enterovirus genus, the group of viruses that causes the common viral illness hand, foot and mouth disease. Hand, foot and mouth disease usually occurs in infants and children under 5 years of age, but it can affect adults, states the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Keep Learning.", "HFMD is a viral infection caused by a group of enteroviruses, most commonly the Coxsackie virus. The incubation period of HFMD is 3 to 5 days (with a range from 2 days to 2 weeks). Both adults and children can be affected, but young children below 5 years old are more susceptible. HFMD is usually mild and self-limiting. Occasionally, serious complications involving the nervous system and heart can occur.", "Another viral disease with similar symptoms, hand, foot and mouth disease, occurs more frequently in humans, especially in young children; the cause, Coxsackie A virus, is different from FMDV. Coxsackie viruses belong to the Enteroviruses within the Picornaviridae.", "The symptoms usually go away within ten days. This is caused by the virus coxsackie. Kawasaki disease. The rash will appear around five days after a high fever. It is probably due to a viral infection, but the specifics still aren’t known.", "Roseola is a very common childhood infection and causes a very high fever followed by a rash. Aseptic meningitis, or viral meningitis, can cause fever, headaches, neck pain, nausea, and more. Coxsackie virus infection can cause many cold-like symptoms as well as blisters on the mouth hands and feet. Crohn's disease is a digestive condition that causes swelling, cramping, diarrhea, and nutritional problems.", "Coxsackievirus — Coxsackievirus A16 can cause a condition commonly called hand-foot-and-mouth disease, in which painful blisters often occur on the hands, on the soles of the feet and in the mouth. Skin diseases — Erythema multiforme typically causes blisters on the palms of the hands, the forearms, the soles of the feet, and on the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and genitals. Other symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough and muscle pain.", "Cluster headaches occur one to three times a day for several weeks, and cause severe pain behind the eye. Coxsackie virus infection. Coxsackie virus infection can cause many cold-like symptoms as well as blisters on the mouth hands and feet. Diabetes, type 1", "Cluster headaches occur one to three times a day for several weeks, and cause severe pain behind the eye. Coxsackie virus infection Coxsackie virus infection can cause many cold-like symptoms as well as blisters on the mouth hands and feet.", "Coxsackie viruses and other enteroviruses may cause the childhood disease of hand, foot, and mouth disease. However, the majority of children with coxsackie virus infections completely resolve the symptoms and infection in about 10-12 days.Enterovirus 71, like coxsackie virus, also causes HFMD.icture of the coxsackie virus; SOURCE: CDC. Type A viruses cause herpangina (painful blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, feet, or in all these areas). Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is the common name of this viral infection.", "Coxsackie B is a group of six serotypes of Coxsackievirus, a pathogenic enterovirus, that trigger illness ranging from mild gastrointestinal distress to full-fledged pericarditis and myocarditis (Coxsackievirus-induced cardiomyopathy).", "1 HFMD, caused by coxsackie viruses, usually causes fever, malaise, rash, and small blisters that ulcerate. 2 The most frequent locations for the blisters /ulcers are on the palms of the hand, soles of the feet, and in the mouth.", "Picture of the coxsackie virus; SOURCE: CDC. Type A viruses cause herpangina (painful blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, feet, or in all these areas). Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is the common name of this viral infection.Coxsackie A 16 (CVA16) causes the majority of HFMD infections in the U.S. It usually occurs in children (age 10 and under), but adults can also develop the condition.icture of the coxsackie virus; SOURCE: CDC. Type A viruses cause herpangina (painful blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, feet, or in all these areas). Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is the common name of this viral infection." ]
what is the average iq of a surgeon
Anonymous said... To say that the average surgeon's IQ is 234 is completely ridiculous when 140+ is considered genius and the only people in the world to have a 230+ are the 3 highest IQ's ever recorded. You have obviously done little to no research since it took me about a whole of 10 seconds to find this out.nyone that scores 2 SDs (meaning an IQ score of 130, at least with regard to the WAIS-IV IQ test) above the mean (IQ = 100) is considered slightly gifted, or a genius (or at least what MENSA will accept and acknowledge as genius).
[ "Assuming neurosurgeons are like other doctors, they probably average IQs around 125, with an SD around 11. Thus Carson’s expected IQ would be: Of course these stats are based on typical neurosurgeons, and typical neurosurgeons, unlike Dr. Carson, are overwhelmingly non-black.", "By comparison, the perfect average. IQ is 100, with the average range being roughly 90-110. Based on this study, medical professionals skew higher in terms of IQ than any of the other occupation groups included in the study.ut it also shows that there are doctors whose IQ scores fall within the average range, and that many doctors must be of above-average but not-too-unusual intelligence rather than extraordinary geniuses. Source(s): http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/Occupati... Lamia · 8 years ago.", "I work in a hospital and have been associated with a number of surgeons. Surgeons are going to be above average in IQ, but there is no threshold. In fact, being a good surgeon is as much about having good spatial thinking ability and manual dexterity as it is about simple intelligence.I suppose you could say they have a sharp wit....urgeons are going to be above average in IQ, but there is no threshold. In fact, being a good surgeon is as much about having good spatial thinking ability and manual dexterity as it is about simple intelligence.", "Best Answer: IQ is not what you should base a surgeon on. If you listen to a surgeon and they explain things to you in a way that you can understand then they're a great surgeon. Some doctors get high up in the vocabulary and the patient can't comprehend them.urgeons are going to be above average in IQ, but there is no threshold. In fact, being a good surgeon is as much about having good spatial thinking ability and manual dexterity as it is about simple intelligence.", "Although there is no very reliable study of the average IQ of lawyers, most estimates place it between 115 and 130, in the high normal to superior.", "Bankers' IQs fell from 7.5 per cent above average to 6.5 per cent, while university lecturers dropped from 9 to 7.5 per cent above average. Doctors were 12.5 per cent above average in 1958, but 11 per cent above average in 1970. A handful of professions showed that the 1970 generation were at the same level or more intelligent than their older colleagues.", "Opinion: . Actually you can think of it this way, 100 is the IQ of an Average person. So for a genius, I would say that an IQ of 140 would qualify. The person with the highest IQ was actually Marilyn vos Savant who has an IQ of 228. Most people think it's Steven Hawking who has a IQ of just over 200.", "An interesting study published by the University of Wisconsin suggests that doctors (M.D or equiv O.D, dents, etc) have the highest IQ on average. Though I’m not a huge supporter of IQ tests but I would say that most doctors are somewhat smart. However, I would further add that, having a high IQ does NOT make good doctor. Being a good doctor requires more than just book smarts. It requires strong work ethics, commitment and clear communication skills.", "Surgeon average salary is $267,521, median salary is $280,000 with a salary range from $41,267 to $521,500. Surgeon salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.", "Although there is no very reliable study of the average IQ of lawyers, most estimates place it between 115 and 130, in the high normal to superior range. Of course, since that's the average, that means there are lawyers with IQs below that and also lawyers with IQs above that. Although there is no very reliable study of the average IQ of lawyers, most estimates place it between 115 and 130, in the high normal to superior range.", "Last time IQ was tested in college professors they scored an average of 116, doctors 121. Internal polls of Mensa indicate that members of Mensa have a median income of 10% higher than the general population. I suspect that IQ plays a smaller role in income than the average person assumes.", "An I.Q between 90 and 110 is considered average; over 120, superior. Roughly 68% of the population has an IQ between 85 and 115. The average range between 70 and 130, and represents about 95% of the population. A score below 70 may indicate mental retardation, and a score above 130 may indicate intellectual giftedness.", "The IQ estimates range between 111.1 and 138.5, with an average around 125. That places him in the upper range of college graduates in raw intellect (Cronbach, 1960). Admittedly, this average is influenced by Cox's (1926) corrected scores, which may be overestimates.", "Actually you can think of it this way, 100 is the IQ of an Average person. So for a genius, I would say that an IQ of 140 would qualify. The person with the highest IQ was actually Marilyn vos Savant who has an IQ of 228.", "Let's take a look at the average salary of a surgeon and some of the best places to be a surgeon. Check out our 401(k) calculator. Average Salary of a Surgeon: The Basics. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary of a surgeon was $247,520 per year, $119.00 per hour in 2015. Even the lowest-paid 10% of surgeons earn $111,420 per year, $53.57 per hour, so the chances are high that becoming a surgeon will result in a six-figure salary. The average salary of a surgeon is higher than the average salary of doctors, with the exception of anesthesiologists, who earn roughly as much as surgeons.", "The median expected salary for a typical Surgeon in the United States is $294,785. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies.", "The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average.", "Average Salary of a Surgeon: The Basics According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary of a surgeon was $247,520 per year, $119.00 per hour in 2015. Even the lowest-paid 10% of surgeons earn $111,420 per year, $53.57 per hour, so the chances are high that becoming a surgeon will result in a six-figure salary.", "What is the average annual salary for Surgeon? How much does a Surgeon make? The median annual Surgeon salary is $374,012, as of January 30, 2018, with a range usually between $316,290-$443,901, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.", "Yes. Almost all of them do, as a matter of fact. Source If you look at the line for “miscellaneous engineers” you’ll see about 75% of them have an IQ less than 120. Most scales tend to put the upper limits of average around 115–120, so that’s a st...", "What is the average iq of an engineer? The KGB Agent answer: The average IQ of an Electrical Engineer is 126, and for Mechanical Engineers, the average is 125.5!", "The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average. Continue Reading.", "Average Surgeon Salaries. The average salary for surgeon jobs is $99,000. Average surgeon salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term surgeon anywhere in the job listing.", "The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average. Keep Learning.", "The average salary for surgeon jobs is $99,000. Average surgeon salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term surgeon anywhere in the job listing.", "The median expected salary for a typical Surgeon - Neurology in the United States of America is minimum of $170,000 and maximum of $450,000 The person b4 was totally off , its 450,000 - 650,000 I had to go back and take away some zeros and the right answers here 450,000 - 650,000.", "Brain surgeons and Rocket scientists are pretty much in the same category and both make in the High 6 figures. That is a lot of zeros. More realistically here is what I found. The top of the salary range for brain surgeons (neurology) is $673,212 a year. Starting salary is approx.$263,156 a year.Thanks!est Answer: It depends on where you live usually but surgeons always make more than physicians, so if you're looking for more money become a surgeon. The median expected salary for a typical Surgeon-Neurology in the United States is $351,661. http://swz.salary.com/salarywizard/layou... Source(s): Hope i Helped.", "A surgeon may work as a general surgeon or focus on orthopedic surgery, neurological surgery and cardiovascular surgery, among other specialties. The average salary of a surgeon was from $148,294 to $286,782 as of July 2010, according to the career and education website Pay Scale.", "A: The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average.", "Surgeon salary is relatively higher than other doctors in the US. The basic annual salary of a surgeon in the US ranges from $95,540 to $338,119. With bonuses and commissions of around $40,000-50,000, this basic annual salary can start at $95,920 and can increase to as high as $351, 833.verage surgeon salary. PayScale data shows that in a year, surgeon can make as high as $338, 119 in a year which can even increase to $351,833 with bonuses and commissions. The average surgeon salary in a year is $245, 408.", "Surgeons are medical doctors with additional training to perform general or specialized types of surgeries. While surgeons spend time preparing for procedures, reviewing files and meeting with patients, their most critical role is to perform accurately and efficiently in the operating room. The average annual salary for surgeons was $230,540 as of May 2012, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.", "A: The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average. Continue Reading", "How much does a Surgeon make? The median annual Surgeon salary is $365,915, as of March 31, 2017, with a range usually between $309,445-$434,285, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.", "The average IQ is, by definition, 100. To get an idea what this means, someone with an IQ of 80 or below is considered to be marginally able to cope with the adult world. People with IQ's of 80 or below typically work as unskilled laborers such as lawn maintenance and trash pickup.", "High IQ & Genius IQ. Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145, representing ~.25% of the population (1 in 400). Here's a rough guide: 1 115-124 - Above average (e.g., university students). 2 125-134 - Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students). 3 135-144 - Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals).", "The highest IQ was 228, according to Guinness Book of Records, this score belongs to the ‘smartest’ person in the world Marilyn vos Savant who scored it when she was 10 year old. This would, according to recent research, correspond to about IQ 185 at adult age.he average range between 70 and 130, and represents about 95% of the population. A score below 70 may indicate problems in understanding the iQ questions or soem type or retardation, and a score above 130 may indicate intellectual giftedness. 1% of the population has an IQ of 136 or higher.", "Average Surgeon Salaries. The average salary for surgeon jobs is $99,000. Average surgeon salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term surgeon anywhere in the job listing.verage Surgeon Salaries. The average salary for surgeon jobs is $99,000. Average surgeon salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.", "Quick Answer. The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average.", "An IQ in the 90 to 109 range is an average IQ which is what at least 50 percent of the world’s population falls into. You have the ability to learn as well as most of the rest of the population and the ability to create a good standard of living.", "The average salary for a typical surgeon in the USA is $291,000. The lower 25% make around $242,000 and the upper 75% can earn as much as $364,000 plus. fair salary is around $35CAD … an hour. It entirely depends on where you are located however. In England, for example the salaries are a lot lower. In Canada they can be 1/3 higher than in the UK. Hope that helped.", "The average IQ of the population as a whole is, by definition, 100. IQs range from 0 to above 200, and among children, to above 250. However, about 50% of the population have IQs between 89 and 111, and about 80% of the population have IQs ranging between 80 and 120, with 10% lying below 80, and 10% falling above 120.", "An IQ between 90 and 109. An IQ in the 90 to 109 range is an average IQ which is what at least 50 percent of the world’s population falls into. You have the ability to learn as well as most of the rest of the population and the ability to create a good standard of living. An IQ between 110 and 119.", "General surgeons have an average income of around USD 357,091; trauma surgeons at roughly USD 424,555; and oral surgeons at about USD 380,500. Meanwhile, a Profiles survey in 2011 reported that pediatric orthopedic surgeons have a nationwide average income of USD 395,420 in their sixth year of practice.", "General surgeon’s salary in the United States according to the American College of Surgeons ranges from between $249,700 to $336,000 per annum. The salary for a general Surgeon is usually based on various factors such as geographic location, years of work experience, type of facility, age, public demand, and required schedule.", "The average IQ score is defined to be 100, and the standard deviation is 15. These numbers vary slightly between countries, genders, ages, and different sets of test questions. Additionally, the average IQ of the human population has steadily increased over the last 80 years-this is known as the Flynn Effect.", "Quick Answer. The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average. Continue Reading", "Roughly 68% of the population has an IQ between 85 and 115. The average range between 70 and 130, and represents about 95% of the population. A score below 70 may indicate problems in understanding the iQ questions or some type of learning disability, and a score above 130 may indicate intellectual giftedness. 1% of the population has an IQ of 136 or higher.", "High IQ & Genius IQ. Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145, representing ~.25% of the population (1 in 400). Here's a rough guide: 1 115-124 - Above average (e.g., university students). 2 125-134 - Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students)." ]
which type of dermal tissue is commonly known as bark
Dermal tissue called epidermis is made up of live parenchyma cells in the non-woody parts of plants. Epidermal cells can secrete a wax-coated substance on leaves and stems, which becomes the cuticle. Dermal tissue that is made up of dead parenchyma cells is what makes up the outer bark in woody plants. The dermal tissue system is one of three tissue systems, the other two being vascular and ground tissue systems. The protective outer layer of the plant. Everything needs skin, or at least some sort of a covering, for plants, it's a system of dermal tissue.
[ "Often more than one term can be used to describe the bark of a tree or shrub. The young stems often have a different appearance than larger branches, and branches do not resemble the bark found at the base of a trunk. The following are some of the terms used to describe bark.1 Ring bark.he term bark refers to all tissues of a woody stem or root occurring just outside of the vascular cambium, i.e., all tissues that could be stripped away from the woody core. The petiole or rachis of a long-lived leaf can theoretically also form patches of bark, but this normally is not observed.", "The bark of a tree is a mixture of old, nonfunctional phloem and the young functional phloem (periderm). Xylem: There are two types of conducting cells in xylem, tracheids and vessel elements. Both have thick lignified secondary walls and are dead at maturity.round tissue has a wide variety of functions, even though it is composed of fairly simple tissue types. Parenchyma Tissue: The most abundant, diverse, and versatile cells in a plant are found in the parenchyma tissue.", "A Closer Look at Dermal Tissue. Dermal tissue is found covering the younger primary parts of a plant. These include leaves, roots, stems, flowers, fruits and seeds. Plant parts that become woody no longer have dermal tissue as their outer layer, because it is replaced by periderm or cork.robably not. Skin is clearly an important and well-known part of a person or animal. But surprisingly, plants have an outer layer known as dermal tissue that is essentially their skin. This layer is also called the epidermis, which you may notice has the same name as our very own outer layer.", "Bark comprises all the tissues outside the vascular cambium of a vascular plant. The majority of the bark of woody plants develops from three meristems: the vascular cambium that gives rise to the secondary phloem, the phellogen that gives rise to the cork and dilatation meristem that produces parenchyma cells to avoid cracking when the axis increases in diameter.", "Dermal tissue is found covering the younger primary parts of a plant. These include leaves, roots, stems, flowers, fruits and seeds. Plant parts that become woody no longer have dermal tissue as their outer layer, because it is replaced by periderm or cork.robably not. Skin is clearly an important and well-known part of a person or animal. But surprisingly, plants have an outer layer known as dermal tissue that is essentially their skin. This layer is also called the epidermis, which you may notice has the same name as our very own outer layer.", "Bark comprises all the tissues outside the vascular cambium of a vascular plant. The majority of the bark of woody plants develops from three meristems: the vascular cambium that gives rise to the secondary phloem, the phellogen that gives rise to the cork and the dilatation meristem that produces parenchyma cells to prevent cracking when the axis increases in diameter.", "Dermal tissue is composed of epidermal cells, closely packed cells that secrete a waxy cuticle that aids in the prevention of water loss. The ground tissue comprises the bulk of the primary plant body. Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells are common in the ground tissue.", "Bark is the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants. Plants with bark include trees, woody vines, and shrubs. Bark refers to all the tissues outside of the vascular cambium and is a nontechnical term. It overlays the wood and consists of the inner bark and the outer bark. The inner bark, which in older stems is living tissue, includes the innermost area of the periderm.", "Dermal tissue is found covering the younger primary parts of a plant. These include leaves, roots, stems, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Plant parts that become woody no longer have dermal tissue as their outer layer because it is replaced by periderm, or cork.", "In most of the plants the bark includes pericycle, cortex, periderm and some dead cells which are found external to periderm. In the cases where the bark arises superficially; the bark will be seen between the phloem and the epidermis and periderm. But when the periderm is originating from the phloem the layer outside the periderm form the bark. answered by Lifeeasy Authors flag ask related question comment", "Guard cells, chloroplast-containing cells scattered throughout the epidermal layers regulate the opening and closing of the stoma. Periderm tissue forms the outer bark of woody plants and will be discussed later. Observe the prepared slide of a leaf epidermis and compare with the micrograph below.", "Bark is the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants. Plants with bark include trees, woody vines, and shrubs.Bark refers to all the tissues outside of the vascular cambium and is a nontechnical term. It overlays the wood and consists of the inner bark and the outer bark. The inner bark, which in older stems is living tissue, includes the innermost area of the periderm.ark is the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants. Plants with bark include trees, woody vines, and shrubs.", "The dermal layer consists of two parts. The epidermis is a one-cell thick, skinlike tissue that covers the entire plant. In woody plants, this tissue is stiffer and more corky. The epidermis secretes a waxy substance that coats the outside of the leaf, the cuticle. Tiny openings, called stomata, dot the surface of the leaf. The stomata open and close to release water and gasses from the plant.", "The Bark: phloem: Phloem tissue makes up the inner bark. However, it is vascular tissue formed from the vascular cambium. The Bark: phloem: sieve tube elements: Sieve tube elements actively transport photosynthates down the stem. Conifers have sieve cells instead.", "The trunk of a tree is composed of several basic parts. The bark of the tree is probably one of the most familiar parts of a tree. The bark is an outer covering of dead tissue, which protects the tree from weather, disease, insects, fire and mechanical injury.Bark characteristics can vary greatly from tree to tree and can be useful in identification.he next portion of the trunk is called the vascular cambium. The cambium is a very thin layer of living tissue which produces new phloem to its outside and new xylem to its inside. The cambium is most active in the spring and early summer when most tree growth is taking place.", "Dermal tissue: Consisting primarily of epidermal cells, dermal tissue covers the entire surface of a plant. Ground tissue: This tissue type makes up most of a plant’s body and contains three types of cells: Parenchyma cells are the most common ground tissue cells.", "Plants have only three tissue types: 1) Dermal; 2) Ground; and 3) Vascular. Dermal tissue covers the outer surface of herbaceous plants. Dermal tissue is composed of epidermal cells, closely packed cells that secrete a waxy cuticle that aids in the prevention of water loss. The ground tissue comprises the bulk of the primary plant body. Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells are common in the ground tissue.", "Bark is the outer layer of the trunk of a tree. Trees have an inner and an outer layer of bark. The outer part of a tree’s trunk and branches is the bark. The term bark refers to all of the tissue outside the cambium, a layer of actively dividing cells that causes the tree to grow thicker.", "The dermal layer consists of two parts. The epidermis is a one-cell thick, skinlike tissue that covers the entire plant. In woody plants, this tissue is stiffer and more corky. The epidermis secretes a waxy substance that coats the outside of the leaf, the cuticle.he cuticle also provides some structure and stiffness to the leaf. The cuticle is a barrier to entry as well as protecting the plant from excessive water loss.", "The outer bark in older stems includes the dead tissue on the surface of the stems, along with parts of the innermost periderm and all the tissues on the outer side of the periderm. The outer bark on trees which lies external to the last formed periderm is also called the rhytidome.", "The bark is beaten into a paper-like fabric, then dyed or otherwise colored. Tapa cloth is one of the best known types of true barkcloth. Barkcloth is a term that also refers to a fabric, often cotton or rayon, with a somewhat crepe-like feel that is designed to resemble true barkcloth. This fabric is used extensively for draperies, slipcovers, and other home furnishings.", "The inner bark is soft bark that helps transport food from the leaves to the rest of the tree. It is made of tissue called phloem. When phloem dies, it becomes part of the outer bark. The outer bark, also known as rhytidome, is made mostly of dead tissue.", "Dermal Tissue: 1 Covers the plant body and consists of epidermis in young plants & non-woody plants that is replaced later by periderm in woody plant. 2 Epidermis is made of parenchyma cells in a single layer. 3 Epidermis on stem and leaves prevents water loss by transpiration & produces a waxy material called cuticle.", "1 Peeling bark (exfoliating). 2 Especially for ring bark species, occurrence of thick-walled cells alternating with thin-walled cells causes barks to separate like thin wrappers, peeling or exfoliating from where a layer breaks (Bursera, examples one type and another view and another view; Prunus, Betula, certain Jatropha).ften more than one term can be used to describe the bark of a tree or shrub. The young stems often have a different appearance than larger branches, and branches do not resemble the bark found at the base of a trunk.", "Dermal Tissue System: The dermal tissue system makes up the outside covering of the plant. This system consists of the epidermis and the periderm. Epidermis: The epidermis consists of a single layer of cells that covers the majority of young plants. The epidermis is present throughout the life of plants that exhibit only primary growth. Primary growth refers to cells and tissues that originate from the apical meristems.", "Up to 40% of the bark tissue is made of lignin which forms an important part of a plant providing structural support by crosslinking between different polysaccharides, such as cellulose. Condensed tannin, which are in fairly high concentration in bark tissue, is thought to inhibit decomposition.", "Plants have only three tissue types: 1) Dermal; 2) Ground; and 3) Vascular. Dermal tissue covers the outer surface of herbaceous plants. Dermal tissue is composed of epidermal cells, closely packed cells that secrete a waxy cuticle that aids in the prevention of water loss.", "The dermis is tough, and is the layer used to make leather. It can be divided into two regions: superficial region - (papillary dermis) the region around the dermal papillae, which makes up around 20% of the dermis. This layer contains loose connective tissue, and it has many capillaries. It extends up into the epidermis in small projections called dermal papillae.", "A finger-like projection, or fold, known as the dermal papilla (plural = dermal papillae) is found in the superficial portion of the dermis. Dermal papillae increase the strength of the connection between the epidermis and dermis; the greater the folding, the stronger the connections made ([link]). The stratum basale is a single layer of cells primarily made of basal cells. A basal cell is a cuboidal-shaped stem cell that is a precursor of the keratinocytes of the epidermis. All of the keratinocytes are produced from this single layer of cells, which are constantly going through mitosis to produce new cells.", "Dermal Tissue System: The dermal tissue system makes up the outside covering of the plant. This system consists of the epidermis and the periderm. Epidermis: The epidermis consists of a single layer of cells that covers the majority of young plants.The epidermis is present throughout the life of plants that exhibit only primary growth. Primary growth refers to cells and tissues that originate from the apical meristems.arenchyma Tissue: The most abundant, diverse, and versatile cells in a plant are found in the parenchyma tissue. Parenchyma cells have thin cell walls, and their structure is somewhat non-descript, but tend to be more or less isodiametric (equal diameters in all directions).", "Rating Newest Oldest. A) Dermal The single layer of epidermal cells is a dermal tissue that produces the protective waxy cuticle. Epidermal cell walls can form a very tough leathery structure with lignin crosslinking that makes them suffer less damage from wilting. These are called scleromorphic leaves.", "Most naturalists are aware that the type of bark can be used as a diagnostic feature to identify species. In temperate regions, where trees are winter deciduous, students learn to identify species based on bark (and winter bud) characteristics, and bark types are useful taxonomic characters in other habitats as well.he term bark refers to all tissues of a woody stem or root occurring just outside of the vascular cambium, i.e., all tissues that could be stripped away from the woody core. The petiole or rachis of a long-lived leaf can theoretically also form patches of bark, but this normally is not observed.", "There are many types of dermal tissues in plants. The epidermis is a layer of cells that is one cell thick. It serves the same purpose as the skin on a human. There is also th…e cuticle, which is a waxy covering over the leaves of the plant." ]
what part of a steak is a porterhouse
The Porterhouse is a crosscut beefsteak containing part of the tenderloin and part of the top loin, which are separated from each other with a T shaped bone.It is similar to a T-bone steak except that it is thicker and the proportion of the tenderloin to the top loin is greater.he Porterhouse is a crosscut beefsteak containing part of the tenderloin and part of the top loin, which are separated from each other with a T shaped bone.
[ "Strip steak. The strip steak, also called a New York strip, a Kansas City strip steak (US), a sirloin steak (UK/NZ/ZA), or a porterhouse (AU), is a cut of beef steaks from the short loin from a cow. It consists of a muscle that does little work, the longissimus, making the meat particularly tender;[1] although not as tender as the nearby rib eye or tenderloin.", "In English, a steak cut from the contre-filet may be called a Porterhouse steak (as the term is understood in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom), a sirloin steak, a strip steak, a striploin steak, a wing steak, a club steak, a Delmonico steak, or a New York strip steak.", "When cut with a more generous filet, you have a Porterhouse. The name of this steak is derived from the shape of the bone separating two delicious types of beef, strip and tenderloin and the main difference between a porterhouse and TBone is the size of the tenderloin.", "1 The cut comes from the back, between the cow's ribs. 2 A Porterhouse is a very large T-bone. 3 Sirloin and short loin steak comes from below the cow's ribs -- what would be just under the waist, if the cow were to stand up. 4 Depending on the cut, it contains no bones, or parts of the hip or backbones.", "Different Steak Cuts. The best steaks come from the short loin, sirloin, and rib sections—the middle of the cow (or steer), where muscle movement is minimal. PORTERHOUSE: From the short loin, a huge steak whose T-shaped bone separates the top loin and the tenderloin.", "When patrons of fine steakhouses want the best cut of beef on the menu, the waiter will often suggest a large T-bone known as a Porterhouse steak. This steak is quite often the thickest and largest cut offered on most traditional steakhouse menus, with the possible exception of prime rib." ]
what is fadogia agrestis
FADOGIA AGRESTIS Overview Information. Fadogia agrestis is a plant from Nigeria. The stem is used to make medicine. People take Fadogia agrestis to treat ED (erectile dysfunction, impotence), increase sex drive, improve athletic performance, and support body building.Fadogia agrestis is also used to treat malaria.eople take Fadogia agrestis to treat ED (erectile dysfunction, impotence), increase sex drive, improve athletic performance, and support body building. Fadogia agrestis is also used to treat malaria.
[ "Fig 2. HCGenerate (fadogia agrestis ingredient). There are many ways to use fadogia to your advantage as an athlete in competition, a bodybuilder just trying to look good, or a playboy “Gym God”, needing extra lead in his pencil.he consensus is almost 100% that the steroid users have reported increased libido, fuller testicles, and an overall sense of well being. These reports about the effect fadogia agrestis’ is having on all of its users coincides with what scientists showed in the lab.", "FADOGIA AGRESTIS Side Effects & Safety. There isn’t enough information available to know if Fadogia agrestis is safe or what the possible side effects might be. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of Fadogia agrestis during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.eople take Fadogia agrestis to treat ED (erectile dysfunction, impotence), increase sex drive, improve athletic performance, and support body building. Fadogia agrestis is also used to treat malaria.", "The way fadogia agrestis affects the body, seems to completely highjack the body’s own mechanism and keep it from shutting down LH and FHS production during a cycle. This is true no matter how high your androgen doses are and how much estrogen is being produced as a result.he consensus is almost 100% that the steroid users have reported increased libido, fuller testicles, and an overall sense of well being. These reports about the effect fadogia agrestis’ is having on all of its users coincides with what scientists showed in the lab.", "There is not enough information to know how Fadogia agrestis might work for any medical condition. Research in animals shows that it might increase sexual behaviors and increase the male hormone testosterone.But it is not known if it has this action in people.t this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for Fadogia agrestis. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important.", "home vitamins, herbs, dietary supplements a-z list fadogia agrestis. There is not enough information to know how Fadogia agrestis might work for any medical condition. Research in animals shows that it might increase sexual behaviors and increase the male hormone testosterone.But it is not known if it has this action in people.There is not enough information to know if Fadogia agrestis is safe. Do not take Fadogia agrestis if: The appropriate dose of Fadogia agrestis depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions.ut it is not known if it has this action in people. There is not enough information to know if Fadogia agrestis is safe. Do not take Fadogia agrestis if: The appropriate dose of Fadogia agrestis depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions.", "T-Force is powered by Fadogia Agrestis, an herb indigenous to Africa that has been used for hundreds of years to promote sexual health.*. Recent university studies suggest that Fadogia Agrestis has the ability to significantly support testosterone levels .*.-Force is powered by Fadogia Agrestis, an herb indigenous to Africa that has been used for hundreds of years to promote sexual health.*. Recent university studies suggest that Fadogia Agrestis has the ability to significantly support testosterone levels 1 .*. Promoting healthy testosterone levels may lead to:", "Your Cart is currently empty. Omega Sports T-Force sets a new standard for non-hormonal testosterone boosters. T-Force is powered by Fadogia Agrestis, an herb indeginous to Africa that has been used for hundreds of years as a male aphrodisiac.Omega Sports is the only U.S. company to have developed an identification test for Fadogia Agrestis to ensure you are getting 100% pure Fadogia Agrestis in T-Force.our Cart is currently empty. Omega Sports T-Force sets a new standard for non-hormonal testosterone boosters. T-Force is powered by Fadogia Agrestis, an herb indeginous to Africa that has been used for hundreds of years as a male aphrodisiac.", "S. Piero, S. Niccolò, S. Michele, Spedalino, Ferruccia, Catena, Ponte dei Bini, Ponte alla Trave. Area. Agliana is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Pistoia in the Italian region of Tuscany, located about 25 kilometres (16 mi) northwest of Florence and about 7 kilometres (4 mi) southeast of Pistoia. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 15,405 and an area of 11.6 square kilometres (4.5 sq mi).", "Grewia asiatica (Phalsa or Falsa) (Urdu: فالسہ) is a species of Grewia native to southern Asia from Pakistan east to Cambodia, and widely cultivated in other tropical countries.Grewia celtidifolia was initially considered a mere variety of Phalsa, but is now recognized as a distinct species.It is a shrub or small tree growing to 8 m tall. The leaves are broadly rounded, 5–18 cm long and broad, with a petiole 1-1.5 cm long.rewia celtidifolia was initially considered a mere variety of Phalsa, but is now recognized as a distinct species. It is a shrub or small tree growing to 8 m tall. The leaves are broadly rounded, 5–18 cm long and broad, with a petiole 1-1.5 cm long.", "Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.erenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics.", "James D. Agresti is the president of Just Facts, a think tank dedicated to researching and publishing verifiable facts about public policy issues. His writings have been cited by numerous major media outlets, academic institutions, think tanks and government entities.", "Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics.In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.erenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics.", "Grewia asiatica (Phalsa or Falsa) (Urdu: فالسہ, Hindi: फ़ालसा) is a species of Grewia native to southern Asia from Pakistan, India east to Cambodia, and widely cultivated in other tropical countries.Grewia celtidifolia was initially considered a mere variety of Phalsa, but is now recognized as a distinct species.It is a shrub or small tree growing to 8 m tall. The leaves are broadly rounded, 5–18 cm long and broad, with a petiole 1–1.5 cm long.The flowers are produced in cymes of several together, the individual flowers about 2 cm diameter, yellow, with five large (12 mm) sepals and five smaller (4–5 mm) petals.t is a shrub or small tree growing to 8 m tall. The leaves are broadly rounded, 5–18 cm long and broad, with a petiole 1–1.5 cm long. The flowers are produced in cymes of several together, the individual flowers about 2 cm diameter, yellow, with five large (12 mm) sepals and five smaller (4–5 mm) petals.", "Barcelona Cercanias / Cercanías rodalies trains are the trains that connect suburbs and towns Near, barcelona for example towns Like, Sitges Sant, Cugat castelldefels and the areas Like Costa brava and so. on", "See also: Agnosia. Akinetopsia (Greek: a for without, kine for to move and opsia for seeing), also known as cerebral akinetopsia or motion blindness, is a neuropsychological disorder in which a patient cannot perceive motion in his or her visual field, despite being able to see stationary objects without issue.", "Fabada asturiana, often simply known as fabada, is a rich Spanish bean stew, originally from and most commonly found in the autonomous community of Principality of Asturias, but widely available throughout the whole of Spain and in Spanish restaurants worldwide.", "Trichiasis, Distichiasis, and Ectopic Cilia in Dogs. Trichiasis, distichiasis, and ectopic cilia are eyelash disorders that are found in dogs. Trichiasis is in-growth of the eyelashes; distichiasis is an eyelash that grows from an abnormal spot on the eyelid; and ectopic cilia are single or multiple hairs that grow through the inside of the eyelid.", "Bordetella is a genus of small (0.2 - 0.7 µm), Gram-negative coccobacilli of the phylum Proteobacteria. Bordetella species, with the exception of B. petrii, are obligate aerobes, as well as highly fastidious, or difficult to culture.Three species are human pathogens (B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. bronchiseptica); one of these (B. bronchiseptica) is also motile.. bronchiseptica causes several diseases in other mammals, including kennel cough and atrophic rhinitis in dogs and pigs, respectively. Other members of the genus cause similar diseases in other mammals, and in birds (B. hinzii, B. avium). The Bordetella genus is named after Jules Bordet.", "Fascioliasis is caused by two species of parasitic flatworms or trematodes that mainly affect the liver. It belongs to the group of foodborne trematode infections and is a zoonosis, meaning an animal infection that may be transmitted to humans.", "Fasciolosis (also known as fascioliasis, fasciolasis, distomatosis and liver rot) is a parasitic worm infection caused by the common liver fluke Fasciola hepatica as well as by Fasciola gigantica. The disease is a plant-borne trematode zoonosis, and is classified as a neglected tropical disease (NTD).", "What is agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme)? Agalsidase beta is a man-made form of the naturally-occurring enzyme a-galactosidase A. A deficiency of the enzyme a-galactosidase A is called Fabry disease. Agalsidase beta reduces deposits of globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) in the kidneys and other certain other cells in the body.", "Gliridae is an Old World family. Its members are found in sub-saharan Africa, in Europe north to southern Scandinavia, and in Asia east to southern China and Japan (Nowak 1999; Vaughan et al. 2000).iversity. The family Gliridae contains 28 species in 9 genera. It can be divided into 3 subfamilies: Graphiurinae (Graphiurus); Leithiinae (Chaetocauda, Dryomys, Eliomys, Muscardinus, Myomimus, and Selevinia); and Glirinae (Glirulus and Glis) (Wilson and Reeder 2005).", "Get MMi’s Media Watchdog delivered to your inbox. “Net” and “Gross” dollars are an archaic holdover from a compensation model that no longer exists, and the current differentiation between the two serves no purpose other than to create a source of confusion and inefficiency in the media supply chain.", "exists and is an alternate of . Cerenia is an anti-emetic drug (stops vomiting), licensed for use in dogs. The active ingredient is Maropitant. It works by blocking NK1 receptors in the brain. It is also used to stop motion sickness in dogs. Cerenia is an anti-emetic drug (stops vomiting), licensed for use in dogs. The active ingredient is Maropitant. It works by blocking NK1 receptors in the brain. It is also used to stop motion sickness in dogs.", "Yersinia pestis (formerly Pasteurella pestis) is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped coccobacillus, a facultative anaerobic bacterium that can infect humans and animals.It causes the deadly disease named plague.. pestis is a nonmotile, rod-shaped, facultative anaerobe with bipolar staining (giving it a safety pin appearance). Similar to other Yersinia species, it tests negative for urease, lactose fermentation, and indole.", "An ongoing discussion about conservatism in New Jersey. James D. Agresti, a New Jersey native and resident for 38 years, is the president of Just Facts, a non-profit research and education institute dedicated to researching, documenting and publishing verifiable facts on the critical issues of our time.", ") is a country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan.eorgia is a member of the Council of Europe and the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development. It contains two de facto independent regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which gained limited international recognition after the 2008 Russo-Georgian War.", "Streptococcus agalactiae, often referred as Group B Streptococcus (GBS), is one of four Beta-Hemolytic streptococci, which results in complete rupture of blood cells shown in wide and clear areas surrounding bacterial colonies on blood agar. [1 ].ppearance: S. agalactiae is a diplococcal (a pair of cocci, circular, pair) gram-positive, non acid-fast bacterium (~2.0µm) that does not form spores, is not motile, and is catalase-free (catalase is an enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide).", "Acana Regionals is a grain-free plant-based dry dog food using a notable amount of various named species as its main sources of animal protein, thus earning the brand 5 stars. have been feeding my 2 Boston Terriers Acana Ranchland’s Regional Formula Grain Free Dry Dog Food for over a year. I noticed that the last 2 bags I ordered this past Jan and Feb seemed to be unappealing to my dogs. They both have lost interest in this food and have had some digestive issues.", "Giardiasis is an intestinal infection of man and animals caused by a protozoan parasite Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia lamblia).Giardia is a simple one-celled parasitic species; it is not a worm, bacteria or virus. The parasite occurs worldwide and is a common cause of Traveler's Diarrhea in people. dog becomes infected with Giardia when it swallows the cyst stage of the parasite. In susceptible dogs, once the cyst passes into the dog's intestines; it goes through transformation to the trophozoite or feeding form and attaches to the intestinal wall to feed.", "Cuterebriasis is a parasitic disease affecting rodents, lagomorphs (hares, rabbits, pikas), felines and canines. The etiologic agent is the larval development of bot flies within the Cuterebra or Trypoderma genera, which occurs obligatorily in rodents and lagomorphs, respectively. Felines and canines serve as accidental hosts, but research suggests only by Trypoderma spp.", "What is Fabrazyme? Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta) is a man-made form of the naturally-occurring alpha-galactosidase A enzyme. A deficiency of this enzyme is called Fabry disease. Agalsidase beta reduces deposits of globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) in the kidneys and certain other cells in the body. Fabrazyme is used in the treatment of Fabry disease.", "Rava Lapsi. Rava Lapsi or Daliya sheera is a very popular Indian sweet dessert from the Maharashtrian cuisine specially prepared during poojas or festivals etc. This delicious and yummy dish is made from Lapsi and is a considered a very healthy and nutritious breakfast dish especially for nursing mothers.", "Pyometra is an infection of the uterus that may occur in dogs and cats making the pet very ill. The uterus is generally filled with pus. Although the disease has been recognized for decades, the true disease process has still not been completely understood.", "Answer this question. 1 answer. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics. In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.nswer this question. 1 answer. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics. In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.", "1 answer. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.It can also be used in dogs to control vomiting caused by medications.nswer this question. 1 answer. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics. In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.", "Pyometra is a bacterial infection of the uterus that mostly occurs in middle-aged or older unspayed female dogs, though it may also occur in cats or young dogs.It can result in the accumulation of infection in the bloodstream or abdominal cavity, which can rapidly lead to systemic infection, shock, and death.yometra is a bacterial infection of the uterus that mostly occurs in middle-aged or older unspayed female dogs, though it may also occur in cats or young dogs.", "A “gasser” is a type of hot rod originating on the drag strips of the United States in the late 1950s. Most gassers are based on production models from the ‘30s through the ‘60s that have been stripped of extra weight, modified with a solid front axle and “jacked up” with suspension modifications.These changes provide better weight transfer and improved traction on acceleration.ost gassers are based on production models from the ‘30s through the ‘60s that have been stripped of extra weight, modified with a solid front axle and “jacked up” with suspension modifications. These changes provide better weight transfer and improved traction on acceleration.", "Anaplasmosis is a tickborne disease caused by the infectious bacterial organism Anaplasma phagocytophilum. It is transmitted through bites of the deer tick (also known as the black-legged tick) and western black-legged tick. A lesser form of anaplasmosis is caused by Anaplasma platys and is transmitted by the brown dog tick. Anaplasmosis has been reported worldwide in a wide variety of animals. What are the clinical signs of anaplasmosis? Infection often causes lameness, joint pain, fever, lethargy, and inappetance. Infection with the more common form of anaplasmosis, A. phagocytophilum, often causes lameness, joint pain, fever, lethargy, and not eating (inappetance). Most infected dogs will have symptoms for 1 to 7 days; however, some will have no or only minor symptoms.", "Acnologia (アクノロギア Akunorogia), also known and fearsomely reputed as The Black Dragon in the Book of Apocalypse, is a puissant Dragon and an enemy of humanity. He is one of the main antagonists of Fairy Tail.cnologia as a human before transforming into a Dragon. For many years, Acnologia was feared by the people of Earth Land, as he was credited with the single-handed destruction of an entire country. At some point of time, Acnologia ran into Gildarts Clive when the Mage was on his 100 year quest on Zonia Mountain.", "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common Gram-negative bacterium that can cause disease in plants and animals, including humans. It is citrate, catalase, and oxidase positive. It is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world.ne in ten hospital-acquired infections are from Pseudomonas. Cystic fibrosis patients are also predisposed to P. aeruginosa infection of the lungs. P. aeruginosa may also be a common cause of hot-tub rash (dermatitis), caused by lack of proper, periodic attention to water quality.", "Answer this question. 1 answer. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics. In dogs, it is commonly used for the prevention of acute vomiting and vomiting caused by motion sickness.erenia (maropitant citrate) is a prescribed veterinarian medication used in the treatment of vomiting in dogs and cats. Drugs that reduce vomiting are referred as antiemetics.", "Aerococcus urinae is a member of the bacterial genus Aerococcus. The bacterium is a Gram-positive, catalase-negative coccus growing in clusters. Isolates of this genus were originally isolated in 1953 from samples collected in the air and dust of occupied rooms and were distinguished by their tetrad cellular arrangements. Later, it was found in the urine of patients with urinary tract infections and in 1992, A. urinae was assigned as distinct species.", "Streptococcus agalactiae (also known as Group B streptococcus or GBS) is a gram-positive cocci with a tendency to form chains, streptococcus, beta-hemolytic, catalase-negative, and facultative anaerobe.BS is characterized by the presence in the cell wall of the antigen group B of Lancefield classification (Lancefield grouping) that can be detected directly in intact bacteria using latex agglutination tests.", "Aglio e olio is a conventional Italian pasta dish that is frequently associated with rural home-style cooking, also known as cucina rustica. The sauce recipe has several variations, but all versions include olive oil (olio), garlic (aglio) and cheese.", "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common Gram-negative bacterium that can cause disease in plants and animals, including humans. It is citrate, catalase, and oxidase positive. It is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world.seudomonas aeruginosa is a common Gram-negative bacterium that can cause disease in plants and animals, including humans. It is citrate, catalase, and oxidase positive. It is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world.", "Pyometra, or an infected womb, is a condition that occurs in unspayed female dogs. Most commonly it happens in female dogs, or bitches, that are six years old or older.This is because the waves of hormones, especially progestogens, that cause a dog to go into heat, can also cause the dog’s uterus to become cystic, thickened and inflamed. Typically a dog with a pyometra will be put on a fluid flow rate of two or three times the maintenance level, for anything from a 2 to 24 hours prior to surgery, depending on how dehydrated she is. 2 This fluid will be given intravenously." ]
how long can a cooked burger last in the fridge
cooked burger - how long in fridge? yfoodie | Dec 12, 2005. i had a cooked hamburger (just plain ground beef burger, no egg) in the fridge for 9 days. is it ok to eat at this point? if it's been too long, what do u think the cut off point is? 3days? 7 days? Reply to Post.
[ "How long is raw hamburger meat good in the refrigerator? The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that all raw ground meat be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days at most. The temperature recommended for storing ground meat is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The danger zone for meat and other perishable foods is considered to be between 40 F and 140 F.", "Thawed a couple of days in fridge, then cooked low and slow to heat up and glaze. Now it's one week later and still lots of leftovers ! Burger's instructions state ham is good for 28 days in fridge, then freeze.", "1 The precise answer to the question “How long does cooked ground beef last?” depends to a large extent on storage conditions — refrigerate ground beef / hamburger within two hours of cooking.", "Hamburger & Other Ground Meats including; ground beef, turkey, veal, pork, lamb, & mixtures of them 1 to 2 days in the refrigerator 3 to 4 months in the freezer.", "The USDA recommends that hamburger be kept in the refrigerator no longer than two days after purchasing. Hamburger should be refrigerated at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below.", "Arrived frozen. Thawed a couple of days in fridge, then cooked low and slow to heat up and glaze. Now it's one week later and still lots of leftovers ! Burger's instructions state ham is good for 28 days in fridge, then freeze." ]
calories in mini milky way
Milky Way Mini results. 1 Milky Way. Milky Way caramel and nougat chocolate minis Per 5 pieces - Calories: 190 kcals. Fat:8g. Carbs:30g. Protein:2g. 2 Milky Way. Milky Way caramel and nougat minis chocolate Per 1 serving - Calories: 190 kcals. Fat:8g. Carbs:30g. Protein:2g. 3 Milky Way.
[ "Milky Way Mini - Milky Way. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Search our food database by name:", "Miniature Bars (Milky Way, Snickers, Twix, 3 Muskateers) - average 38 calories and 5 g carb each bar. Mr. Goodbar Snack size (17 g) - 90 calories and 9 grams carb. Nestle's Crunch Bars Fun size (10 g) 50 calories and 7 grams carb. Nestle's Crunch Caramel Bars - Fun size - 70 calories and 9 g carb.", "Estimate calories in Milky Way Mini and other nutrition facts. Get full Nutritional Information about Milky Way Mini and other 1,5 million foods on RecipeOfHealth.com Recipe of Health", "Calories in Milky Way Mini Milky Way. Find nutrition facts for Milky Way Mini Milky Way and over 2,000,000 other foods in MyFitnessPal.com's food database. Calorie Counter", "Miniature Bars (Milky Way, Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers): average 38 calories and 5 grams carb each bar; Mr. Goodbar Snack size (17 grams): 90 calories and 9 grams carb; Nestle's Crunch Bars Fun size (10 grams) 50 calories and 7 grams carb; Nestle's Crunch Caramel Bars: Fun size: 70 calories and 9 grams carb; Palmer Peanut Butter cups, small: 6 grams carb", "There are 160 calories in a 2 bars serving of Mars Milky Way (Fun Size). Calorie breakdown: 35% fat, 62% carbs, 3% protein.", "The American Milky Way bar contains 240 Calories in each 52.2 gram bar, while the smaller Milky Way Midnight contains 220 Calories in each 50 gram bar and the Milky Way Simply Caramel bar contains 250 calories in each 54 gram bar.", "Milky Way Midnight Minis - Dark Chocolate Mini Candy Bar. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Mini Midnight Milky Way. Milky Way Dark Mini. Dark Chocolate - Midnight Mini. midnight milky way. milky way midnight.", "For this Index, I’m using the “Fun Size” Milky Way Bar which has the following stats: 80 calories, 3g fat, and 10.5g Sugar. For the nutritional nerds, 1 Fun Size Milky Way Bar has 2.5 Teaspoons of Sugar. According to the American Heart Association, Men shouldn’t eat more than 36g or 9 teaspoons of added sugar a day (3.5 Fun Size Milky Way Bars); Women should stay below 25g or 6 teaspoons of added sugar / day (2.5 Fun Size Milky Way Bars). #1 | Soda.", "Nutrition summary: There are 100 calories in a 1 fun size bar serving of Mars Milky Way Simply Caramel Fun Size. Calorie breakdown: 39% fat, 57% carbs, 4% protein. Related Products from Mars:", "There are 100 calories in a 1 fun size bar serving of Mars Milky Way Simply Caramel Fun Size. Calorie breakdown: 39% fat, 57% carbs, 4% protein.", "There are 100 calories in a 1 bar serving of Mars Milky Way Simply Caramel Bar (Fun Size). Calorie breakdown: 39% fat, 57% carbs, 4% protein.", "There are 160 calories in a 2 bars serving of Mars Milky Way (Fun Size). Get full nutrition facts for other Mars products and all your other favorite brands. Home", "Calories in Milky Way Midnight Minis Dark Chocolate Mini Candy Bar. Find nutrition facts for Milky Way Midnight Minis Dark Chocolate Mini Candy Bar and over 2,000,000 other foods in MyFitnessPal.com's food database. Calorie Counter Log In", "There are 180 calories in a 1 bar serving of Mars Milky Way Midnight. Calorie breakdown: 34% fat, 63% carbs, 2% protein.", "Chocolate Bars and Kisses (Mostly Chocolate) 1 M&Ms, Peanut 1/4 cup candy: 220 calories and 24 grams carb. 2 Miniature Bars (Milky Way, Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers): average 38 calories and 5 grams carb each bar. 3 Mr. Goodbar Snack size (17 grams): 90 calories and 9 grams carb. 4 Nestle's Crunch Bars Fun size (10 grams) 50 calories and 7 grams carb.", "1 M&Ms, Peanut 1/4 cup candy: 220 calories and 24 grams carb. 2 Miniature Bars (Milky Way, Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers): average 38 calories and 5 grams carb each bar. 3 Mr. Goodbar Snack size (17 grams): 90 calories and 9 grams carb. 4 Nestle's Crunch Bars Fun size (10 grams) 50 calories and 7 grams carb.", "MILKY WAY® Brand is available in a variety of pack sizes to suit your individual needs. 1 calories. -. 2 total fat. -. 3 sat fat. -. 4 sugars. -. 5 sodium. -.", "There are 180 calories in a 1 bar serving of Mars Milky Way Midnight. Get full nutrition facts for other Mars products and all your other favorite brands. Register | Sign In", "Heath Bar, Snack size (13 grams): 74 calories and 9 grams carb Kit Kat, Fun size (14 grams): 73 calories and 9 grams carb Milky Way bar, Fun size (17 grams): 75 calories and 12 grams carb", "Calories In Dutch Bros. SF/FF Milky Way (Caramelizer) 16 oz Iced Calories: 238, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 9g, Fiber: 0g. Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 3 mph (20 minutes per mile) Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 2.5 mph (24 minutes per mile)", "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Dutch Bros. SF/FF Milky Way (Caramelizer) 16 oz Iced. 83 calories of Milk, nonfat, (1 cup) 80 calories of SF Caramel Sauce, (1 serving) 70 calories of SF Chocolate Syrup, (1 oz)", "One Kit Kat wafer bar provides 218 calories, 11 grams of fat, 27 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 2.7 grams of protein. One standard-size Snickers bar provides 215 calories, 11 grams of fat, 28 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Twix bar provides 286 calories, 14 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and almost 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Milky Way bar provides 264 calories, 10 grams of fat, 41 grams of carbohydrate, 35 grams of sugar and 2.3 grams of protein. The calories in a marshmallow depend on the size that you consume. Those tiny mini-marshmallows provide only 2 calories per treat. Bigger marshmallows contain about 25 calories. Choosing and Keeping Candy", "Starburst, Fun size (2 pieces per stick): 40 calories and 10 grams carb Twizzlers Mini-bars (14 grams): 11 grams carb Twizzlers Strawberry Twists, Short (9 grams): 32 calories and 7 grams carb", "exists and is an alternate of . Ther very mini bar (1 piece) is 25 calories. The small bar (4 pieces) is 90 calories.", "One standard-sized Twix bar provides 286 calories, 14 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and almost 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Butterfinger bar provides 275 calories, 11 grams of fat, 44 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and about 3 grams of protein One standard-sized Milky Way bar provides 264 calories, 10 grams of fat, 41 grams of carbohydrate, 35 grams of sugar and 2.3 grams of protein.", "Confidence votes 24.4K. Ther very mini bar (1 piece) is 25 calories. The small bar (4 pieces) is 90 calories.", "Miniature (about 9 grams each) - 44 calories and 5 g carb per cup. Snack size (17 g) - 88 calories and 10 g carb. Snack size (21 g) - 100 calories and 12 g carb. White, Snack size (21 g) - 100 calories and 11 g carb.", "in a packet of starbursts original flavours there are around 2500 calories. this is about the amount of calories a man needs in a whole day. however a packet of starbursts sou … r have over 3000 calories and if you eat more than one packet a week you may block up your internal tubes and the blood will not be able to get to your brain causing certain death and a painful expierience. 3 people found this useful.", "FOR 4 x mini cheese and veggie crostini = 200 calories and 4. There are a variety dishes available on the menu such as Mushroom Crostini for starters; followed by the Half Roast Chicken or Pesto Salmon Penne for main; finished with Black Forest Gateaux or Frankie's Christmas Pudding for dessert.", "A single Blow Pop delivers 17 g of carbohydrates, 13 g of sugar and 15 percent of the daily recommended value of calcium. Charms also makes Blow Pops Minis, which offer the same taste of the Blow Pop lollipops in bite-size candies. Blow Pops Minis come in four flavors: Watermelon, Blue Razz, Cherry and Sour Apple. A 14-piece serving of Blow Pop Minis has 100 calories, 25 g of carbohydrates and 20 g of sugar, according to MyFitnessPal.com.", "There are 70 calories in a 4 pieces serving of Kopiko Mini Coffee Candy. Calorie breakdown: 24% fat, 76% carbs, 0% protein.", "Hershey's Miniature Bars (mixed) - average of 42 calories and 5 g carb each bar. M&Ms, plain, Fun size (18 g) - 88 calories and 12 g carb. M&Ms, peanut. Fun size (18 g) - 93 calories and 11 g carb. 1/4 cup candy - 220 calories and 24 g carb.", "One Reese's Mini contains 0.8 percent of each of the recommended daily requirements of calcium and iron. Each piece also contains 26mg of sodium. Calories. Each Mini contains 44 calories.", "Starburst Fruit Chews. 8 pieces: 160 calories, 3.5 grams fat, 23 grams sugar Most fruit candies contain very little or no fat. Starbursts are the exception. Each little piece contains 20 calories, which can add up pretty quickly.", "It didn’t help that the sweets were Tutti Frutti flavour. I’m not saying that a man’s choice in candy says anything about his sexuality, but I wasn’t up for taking any fucking risks. Morale : You only get one asshole in this life. Use it carefully. Dinner. 2x Mini Babybel Cheese – 122 calories", "There are 140 calories in a 3 mini bars serving of Airheads Mini Bars. Calorie breakdown: 10% fat, 90% carbs, 0% protein.", "There are 37 calories in 1 miniature bar (0.2 oz) of Milk Chocolate. You'd need to walk 10 minutes to burn 37 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes.", "There are 184 calories in a 6 pieces serving of Toblerone Toblerone Minis. Calorie breakdown: 50% fat, 46% carbs, 4% protein.", "One Original Tootsie Pop contains 60 calories, while one Tootsie Pop Miniature contains 20 calories. While one serving of Tootsie Pop Miniatures is 15 grams and contains 60 calories, each miniature lollipop is only 5 grams; therefore, each serving contains 3 lollipops with each containing 20 calories. Full Answer >.", "There are 90 calories in a 1 bar serving of Snickers Mini Ice Cream Bars. Calorie breakdown: 57% fat, 38% carbs, 4% protein.", "There are 230 calories in a 6 pieces serving of Hershey's Heath Bar Miniatures. Calorie breakdown: 53% fat, 45% carbs, 2% protein." ]
how long is phlebotomist training
As a summary, let’s briefly calculate how long it will take you to start a phlebotomist from scratch: 1 Preparation and application to schools: 1 month. 2 Phlebotomy training itself: 1-2 semesters, or 4 to 8 months, depending on college.
[ "(A subsequently modified version of the schedule, with two phlebotomists per 7-on, 7-off team, is shown in Figure 1.) Each 7-7 laboratorian would work seven Consecutive 10-hour days followed by a seven-day break.", "Phlebotomy requires good handeye coordination and National examination and state certification: National examination procedures and state If so, for how long?_____. • How long is the class? o 120 hours of class/lab clinical components, you will be eligible to sit for a National Certification Exam.", "A student earning a two-year associate degree in phlebotomy is generally required to complete a minimum of 60 credit hours, although some schools may require 70 or more semester hours.", "Programs Offered: Phlebotomy Certificate of Technical Training. Fletcher Technical Community College offers a phlebotomy training program that consists of 315 total clock hours, and 16 total credit hours.", "This Site Might Help You. RE: I wanna be a phlebotomist how long does it take? I live in florida, but i live 20 mins from alabama and the college there is offering phlebotomy classes,and im really interested. was actually just looking at the phlebotomist course not that long ago and it doesn't take that long at all to complete. Pretty much it's two semesters long. Each semester is roughly 3 months each. Sep-Dec and Jan-May.", "Step 2: Get a Certificate or a Degree Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (Offline) 3 months to a year. Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (Online) Associate’s Degree in Phlebotomy 2 years. Bachelor’s Degree in Phlebotomy 4 years." ]
when will the next solar eclipse take place in the united states
The Next Total Solar Eclipse in the U.S. Will Be August 2017. The next time the sun is completely eclipsed and viewable in the United States won’t be until August 2017. More specifically, according to NASA, it will take place on August 21, 2017. You should probably mark your calendars now! The total eclipse will only be viewable through a narrow corridor across the United States.
[ "On August 21, 2017 there will be a total solar eclipse on a narrow path across the United States. A total solar eclipse occurs when the new Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. The event creates fascinating lighting and allows viewers to see the corona of the Sun. Gallatin, Tennessee will be one of the best spots in the country to view the total eclipse with totality lasting two minutes and forty seconds." ]
what is sales tax on vehicles purchased in ky
Kentucky Sales Tax on Car Purchases: Vehicles purchases are some of the largest sales commonly made in Kentucky, which means that they can lead to a hefty sales tax bill. This page covers the most important aspects of Kentucky's sales tax with respects to vehicle purchases. For vehicles that are being rented or leased, see see taxation of leases and rentals. Kentucky collects a 6% state sales tax rate on the purchase of all vehicles. The maximum tax that can be owed is 375 dollars. In addition to taxes, car purchases in Kentucky may be subject to other fees like registration, title, and plate fees. You can find these fees further down on the page.
[ "A six percent (6%) motor vehicle usage tax is levied upon the retail price of vehicles transferred in Kentucky. 1 On used vehicles, the usage tax is 6% of the current average retail as listed in the NADA Used Car Guide or 6% of total consideration paid.", "Usage Tax. A six percent (6%) motor vehicle usage tax is levied upon the retail price of vehicles transferred in Kentucky. On used vehicles, the usage tax is 6% of the current average retail as listed in the NADA Used Car Guide or 6% of total consideration paid.", "Usage Tax. A motor vehicle usage tax of six percent (6%) is levied upon the retail price of vehicles registered for the first time in Kentucky.", "Usage Tax & Fees. A motor vehicle usage tax of six percent (6%) is levied upon the retail price of vehicles registered for the first time in Kentucky.", "KENTUCKY SALES TAX FACTS. A REVENUE PUBLICATION FOR THE BUSINESS O WNER SEPTEMBER 2006. KRS 139.470(21) was amended in House Bill 380 effective Aug. 1, 2006 to provide an exemption from sales and use tax for: Gross receipts from the sale of any motor vehicle as defined in. KRS 138.450 which is: (a) Sold to a Kentucky resident, registered for use on the public. highways, and upon which any applicable tax levied by KRS. 138.460 (motor vehicle usage tax) has been paid; or. (b) Sold to a nonresident of Kentucky if the nonresident. registers the motor vehicle in a state that:", "FRANKFORT, Ky. – New-car buyers could save hundreds of dollars by postponing vehicle purchases until a state tax credit takes effect next month. Kentucky, under current law, collects a 6 percent motor vehicle usage tax based on the purchase price of new cars. But starting July 1, consumers can lower the tax by subtracting the value of a trade-in from the value of the new vehicle. That could save the average buyer more than $600, state figures indicate.", "A state sales tax is levied at the rate of 6% on the purchase or lease price of taxable goods and on utility services. Local sales taxes are not levied in Kentucky. The Kentucky Constitution requires the state to tax all classes of taxable property, and state statutes.", "Kentucky Sales and Use Tax is imposed at the rate of 6 percent of gross receipts or purchase price. There are no local sales and use taxes in Kentucky.", "The Kentucky state sales tax rate is 6%, and the average KY sales tax after local surtaxes is 6%. Groceries and prescription drugs are exempt from the Kentucky sales tax. Counties and cities are not allowed to collect local sales taxes.", "The Kentucky state sales tax rate is 6%, and the average KY sales tax after local surtaxes is 6%. 1 Groceries and prescription drugs are exempt from the Kentucky sales tax. Counties and cities are not allowed to collect local sales taxes.", "Yes, there is no sales tax exemption that applies specifically to military personnel. However, Kentucky sales tax does not apply to motor vehicles covered under the motor vehicle usage tax exemption for nonresident military personnel under KRS 138.470(4). If the vehicle is registered in Kentucky, sales tax would not apply and the purchase remains tax exempt under the motor vehicle usage tax exemption for military personnel. 13. Do I need to send a sales tax payment with my supplementary schedule? No, do not send payment with your supplementary schedule. Remit payment with your sales tax return as you normally do. 14.", "6.00%. The Kentucky state sales tax rate is 6%, and the average KY sales tax after local surtaxes is 6%. Most raw groceries and unprocessed foods are exempt from the Kentucky sales tax. Alcohol used to be exempt, but a 6% state sales tax was added to all alcohol and liquor sales in April, 2009.", "The Kentucky state sales tax rate is 6%, and the average KY sales tax after local surtaxes is 6%. Most raw groceries and unprocessed foods are exempt from the Kentucky sales tax. Alcohol used to be exempt, but a 6% state sales tax was added to all alcohol and liquor sales in April, 2009.", "The Use Tax is imposed on the purchase price of tangible personal property purchased for storage, use or other consumption in Kentucky. The use tax is a back stop for sales tax and generally applies to property purchased outside the state for storage, use or consumption within the state.", "If you buy goods and are not charged the Kentucky Sales Tax by the retailer, such as with online and out-of-state purchases, you are supposed to pay the 6% sales tax (less any foreign sales tax paid) for these items yourself as the Kentucky Use Tax.", "Your downloads will be available momentarily. Kentucky Tax Rates. The Kentucky (KY) state sales tax rate is currently 6.0%. Kentucky has a single statewide rate. Kentucky was listed in Kiplinger’s 2011 10 tax-friendly states for retirees. Though the sales tax is a moderate 6%, huge income tax benefits and exemptions make it a place to be for retirees. Amazon.com owns and operates a number of fulfillment centers in Kentucky.", "The state general sales tax rate of Kentucky is 6%. Kentucky cities and/or municipalities don't have a city sales tax. Every 2017 combined rates mentioned above are the results of Kentucky state rate (6%). There is no county sale tax for Kentucky. There is no city sale tax for the Kentucky cities.", "The Kentucky (KY) state sales tax rate is currently 6%. Kentucky has a single statewide rate. Kentucky was listed in Kiplinger’s 2011 10 tax-friendly states for retirees. Though the sales tax is a moderate 6%, huge income tax benefits and exemptions make it a place to be for retirees.", "New-car buyers could save with tax credit. A tax credit for new-car buyers takes effect in Kentucky on July 1, allowing consumers to reduce their motor vehicle usage tax based on the value of a trade-in vehicle.", "/4 Tax rate is based on the average wholesale price and is adjusted annually The actual rates are: KY, 9%; and UT, 16.5%. /5 Portion of the rate is adjustable based on maintenance costs, sales volume, cost of fuel to state government, or inflation. /6 Large trucks pay an additional (d) 3.5 cents (g) 12.6 cents. Actual rates (g) 5.1%, (d) 6%.", "Kentucky Tax Rates. The Kentucky (KY) state sales tax rate is currently 6%. Kentucky has a single statewide rate. Kentucky was listed in Kiplinger’s 2011 10 tax-friendly states for retirees. Though the sales tax is a moderate 6%, huge income tax benefits and exemptions make it a place to be for retirees.", "1.6 - Kentucky Local Sales Taxes. Kentucky does not allow local jurisdictions like cities or counties to collect a local sales tax. The Kentucky state sales tax of 6% is applicable statewide. You can view the sales tax rates for various cities in Kentucky here.", "/4 Tax rate is based on the average wholesale price and is adjusted annually The actual rates are: KY, 9%; and UT, 12%. /5 Portion of the rate is adjustable based on maintenance costs, sales volume, cost of fuel to state government, or inflation. /6 Large trucks pay an additional (d) 3.5 cents (g) 12.6 cents. Actual rates (g) 5.1%, (d) 6%. /7 Califonia Gasoline subject to 2.25% sales tax. Diesel subject to a 9.25% sales tax.", "Kentucky state tax quick facts. 1 State income tax: 2% - 6%. 2 Local income taxes: 0.015% - 3.55%. 3 Sales tax: 6%. 4 Property tax: 0.82% average effective rate. 5 Gas tax: 27.6 cents per gallon of regular gasoline, 24.60 cents per gallon of diesel.", "Example 3: If $1,000 worth of goods are purchased in a jurisdiction with a 7% sales tax rate, no use tax is owed to Kentucky because the foreign jurisdiction's sales tax rate is greater then or equal to Kentucky's 6% sales tax.", "This page covers the most important aspects of Kansas' sales tax with respects to vehicle purchases. For vehicles that are being rented or leased, see see taxation of leases and rentals. Kansas collects a 7.3% to 8.775% state sales tax rate on the purchase of all vehicles. There are also local taxes up to 1%, which will vary depending on region. The maximum tax that can be owed is 775 dollars. In addition to taxes, car purchases in Kansas may be subject to other fees like registration, title, and plate fees.", "For vehicles that are being rented or leased, see see taxation of leases and rentals. Kansas collects a 7.3% to 8.775% state sales tax rate on the purchase of all vehicles. There are also local taxes up to 1%, which will vary depending on region. The maximum tax that can be owed is 775 dollars. In addition to taxes, car purchases in Kansas may be subject to other fees like registration, title, and plate fees.", "Thanks to Kentucky’s system of local occupational taxes, there are no local sales tax rates throughout the state. That means that the state’s sales tax rate of 6% is the same regardless of where you are. Most goods and some services are subject to that rate.", "If you look on your car registration, usage tax is listed first, then registration fee, then title fee, then ad valorem tax. The usage tax is sales tax and cannot be deducted. Ad valorem tax is property tax and CAN be deducted. The registration, title and clerk's fees cannot be deducted. If it was a new car, the ad valorem tax may have been paid by the dealer or previous owner for the year and may not be listed on your fees, so you wouldn't have any to deduct on taxes for the year. The next time you register the car, you will pay ad valorem tax (in KY it is a yearly fee paid at the time of registration) and you can deduct it for that year.", "Kentucky considers a seller to have sales tax nexus in the state if you have any of the following in the state: Owned or leased property that is utilized or located in the state. An employee or independent contractor present in the state. Goods in a warehouse. Services completed in the state.", "Odd Tax Facts: 1 At $3.30 per gallon, Kentucky has the highest wine tax. 2 A 6% motor vehicle usage tax is collected on every motor vehicle used in the state. A county clerk or officer collects the tax when.", "Tax Rate 6.5%: Sales tax is due on most purchases or acquisitions of motor vehicles. It is based on the total purchase price or fair market value of the vehicle, whichever is higher. When a vehicle is acquired for nominal or no monetary consideration, tax must be based on the average value of similar vehicles.", "Kentucky has fixed fees for registration and titling of your vehicle. You will also need to pay your usage tax based on a percentage of your vehicle price. Here is a general list of fees, but you will need to contact your county clerk's office to find out exactly what the costs will be. 1 Title fee : $9.2 Speed title : $25 (available if you would like to get a title the next day). 3 Transfer fee : $17. 4 Yearly car registration fee : $21. 5 Title lien statement fee : $22.o register the vehicle, go to the county clerk's office and submit: 1 A certified vehicle inspection by a sheriff from your new county. 2 A completed Application for Kentucky Certificate of Title/Registration (Form TC 96-182). 3 The original title from your previous state.", "Tax Rate 6.5%: Sales tax is due on most purchases or acquisitions of motor vehicles. It is based on the total purchase price or fair market value of the vehicle, whichever is higher. When a vehicle is acquired for nominal or no monetary consideration, tax to be paid is based on the average value of similar vehicles.", "All sales taxes are collected by the Boulder County Motor Vehicle Division when a vehicle is purchased from a private party.", "However, if you live in California, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana or Washington, D.C., you'll pay sales tax on the full price of the new vehicle, regardless of your trade-in allowance. Michigan changed its law in 2013 to exempt the first $2,000 of a trade-in from sales tax.", "Example: You live in Kentucky, but have nexus in Tennessee. You ship to a customer in Jonesboro, TN 37659. You could either charge them the flat 9.25% sales tax rate or their actual sales tax rate of 9.5%.", "Example 1: If $100 worth of books is purchased from an online retailer and no sales tax is collected, the buyer would become liable to pay Kentucky a total of $100 × 6% = $6.00 in use tax.", "The New York Highway Use Tax is a weight and distance based tax charged on vehicles with either a gross weight of more than 18,000 pounds or an unloaded truck/tractor weight of more than 8,000 or 4,000 pounds, respectively.he Kentucky Highway Use Tax is a weight-distance tax based on the mileage traveled by heavy trucks traveling within the state of Kentucky. The Highway Use Tax is applicable to vehicles with combined gross weight or licensed weight in excess of 59,999 pounds, excluding farm licensed vehicles.", "The sales tax rate is 5% and is based on the net purchase price of your vehicle (price after dealer’s discounts and trade-ins.) The 5% rate applies to cars, vans, buses and other private carriers of passengers and truck with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or less.", "If you buy the vehicle from a licensed dealer, the tax is 6.25% of the sales price. If you buy from a private party, such as a friend or relative, the tax is 6.25% of: 1 the sales price, if you paid 80% or more of the vehicle’s standard presumptive value (SPV); 2 80% of the vehicle’s SPV, if you paid less than that amount; or.", "Cars of Particular Interest (CPI) Dealer: New or used vehicles, sales tax is 7% of the purchase price, minus trade-in and other allowances. This applies to passenger vehicles and motor homes only. All other vehicles are excluded from the trade-in allowance.", "You must pay the state sales tax AND any local taxes of the city or county where you live (not where you purchased the vehicle).The state sales tax rate is 4.225 percent and is based on the net purchase price of your vehicle (price after rebates and trade-ins).", "New Vehicle Registration. Sales Tax - The state sales tax rate is 7% of the purchase price, less the total value of any trade in. Local sales tax rates, which range from 1.50% to 2.75% depending on the locality, are imposed on the first $1,600 of the sale.", "Cars of Particular Interest (CPI) 1 Dealer: New or used vehicles, sales tax is 7% of the purchase price, minus trade-in and other allowances. This applies to passenger vehicles and motor homes only. All other vehicles are excluded from the trade-in allowance.", "1.2 -. Kentucky Sales Tax Exemptions. Kentucky doesn't collect sales tax on purchases of most prescription drugs and groceries. In most states, necessities such as groceries, clothes, and drugs are exempted from the sales tax or charged at a lower sales tax rate.", "The combined sales tax rate for Georgetown, KY is 6%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Kentucky state sales tax rate is currently 6%.", "Kentucky. New Mexico. The state of New Mexico charges a weight-distance tax on vehicles with a declared gross vehicle weight of greater than 26,000 pounds. The tax is based on the weight of the vehicle and the number of miles traveled on New Mexico roads.he Kentucky Highway Use Tax is a weight-distance tax based on the mileage traveled by heavy trucks traveling within the state of Kentucky. The Highway Use Tax is applicable to vehicles with combined gross weight or licensed weight in excess of 59,999 pounds, excluding farm licensed vehicles.", "Private Party Vehicle Use Tax (RUT-50) (non-retailer purchased from non-retailer) The rate is determined by either the purchase price or fair market value of the motor vehicle. Fair market value is used when there is no stated price (e.g., the motor vehicle is a gift). If the vehicle is less than $15,000, the tax is based on the age of the vehicle. Use Table A. If the vehicle purchase price is $15,000 or more, the tax is based on the purchase price." ]
what is delrin plastic
DELRIN ® DELRIN ® (Acetal Homopolymer) DELRIN ® is a crys-talline plastic whichoffers an excellent balance of propertiesthat bridge the gapbetween metals andplastics. DELRIN ® possesses high tensilestrength, creep resist-ance and toughness.It also exhibits lowmoisture absorption.It is chemically resist-ant to hydrocarbons,solvents and neutralchemicals. These properties along withits fatigue endurancemake DELRIN ® idealfor many industrialapplications.ELRIN ® possesses high tensilestrength, creep resist-ance and toughness.It also exhibits lowmoisture absorption. It is chemically resist-ant to hydrocarbons,solvents and neutralchemicals. These properties along withits fatigue endurancemake DELRIN ® idealfor many industrialapplications.
[ "Delrin AF Blend is a unique thermoplastic material for use in moving parts in which low friction and long wear life are important. It is a combination of PTFE fibers uniformly dispersed in Delrin acetal resin. This combination offers better wear characteristics than unfilled Delrin. Delrin AF Blend, supplied as a 2:1 blend of Delrin AF100 and Delrin 150 resins, has excellent sliding/friction properties.", "Delrin AF Blend is a unique thermoplastic material for use in moving parts in which low friction and long wear life are important. It is a combination of PTFE fibers uniformly dispersed in Delrin acetal resin.This combination offers better wear characteristics than unfilled Delrin.Delrin AF Blend, supplied as a 2:1 blend of Delrin AF100 and Delrin 150 resins, has excellent sliding/friction properties.ELRIN&REG; SHEET-NATURAL. Delrin offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap b ... ACETAL SHEET ESD NATURAL. ESD Acetal contains no carbon fibers or powders and is for clean room ...", "Acetal, also known as Delrin, is used in precision parts that require high stiffness, low friction and excellent dimensional stability. Please select from the drop down menus in the area below and you may browse by design, material or application, depending on your need.", "Acetal Homopolymer (Delrin®). Delrin® is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® sheets and rods possess high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.It also exhibits low moisture absorption.cetal Homopolymer (Delrin®). Delrin® is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® sheets and rods possess high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness. It also exhibits low moisture absorption.", "Acetal Homopolymer (Delrin®). Delrin® is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® sheets and rods possess high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.", "Acetal Homopolymer (Delrin®). Delrin® is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® sheets and rods possess high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.It also exhibits low moisture absorption.ecaform™ HPV 13 is a brown homopolymer acetal with an internal PTFE lubricant. Its low coefficient of friction, excellent PV values, toughness, wear resistance, and machinability make it an exceptional material for use in many industrial and military components with moving parts.", "DELRIN® by Ensinger is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics.DELRIN® possesses high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.It also exhibits low moisture absorption.It is chemically resistant to hydrocarbons, solvents and neutral chemicals.ELRIN® by Ensinger is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics.", "Delrin® Acetal. Delrin, a homopolymer acetal, is also manufactured and stocked in rod and plate. It offers slightly higher mechanical properties than Acetron® GP Acetal, but may contain a low-density center, especially in larger cross-sections.Copolymer acetal also offers better chemical resistance than homopolymer acetal.elrin® Acetal. Delrin, a homopolymer acetal, is also manufactured and stocked in rod and plate. It offers slightly higher mechanical properties than Acetron® GP Acetal, but may contain a low-density center, especially in larger cross-sections.", "Delrin® (Acetal Homopolymer) Delrin® is a crystalline plastic that offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® possesses high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.It also exhibits low moisture absorption.elrin® (Acetal Homopolymer) Delrin® is a crystalline plastic that offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® possesses high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.", "Acetal Homopolymer (Delrin®). Delrin® is a crystalline plastic which offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. Delrin® sheets and rods possess high tensile strength, creep resistance and toughness.It also exhibits low moisture absorption.ifferences Between Acetal Products. There are two general types of acetal resins available: Acetal homopolymer and acetal copolymers. Each type of acetal has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Acetal (polyoxymethylene, POM) is a thermoplastic polymer commercialized in the early 1960's.", "Plastic-Black Delrin/Acetal Rod 1 diameter, bushings/ bearings 12 inches long. You are bidding on 1 piece of solid BLACK Delrin, 1 inch in diameter, approximately 12 long. This is new stock, not a remnant or bar end, no scratches or dings. I have longer lengths available, in on...", "Delrin® is a homo-polymer Acetal produced by Dupont. The generic Acetal covers both the homo-polymer Delrin® and the co-polymer grades of resin. Both materials meet the ASTM-D-4181, ASTM-D-6100 or ASTM-D-6778 specification (an old call out is L-P-392).", "Acetal Delrin Sheet. Acetal resins (polyoxymethylene or POM) are engineering thermoplastics based on formaldehyde polymerization technology. Acetal resins have high tensile strength, stiffness, resilience, fatigue endurance, a low coefficient of friction against metals, acetals and other plastics and moderate toughness.", "Delrin® is a homo-polymer Acetal produced by Dupont. The generic Acetal covers both the homo-polymer Delrin® and the co-polymer grades of resin. Both materials meet the ASTM-D-4181, ASTM-D-6100 or ASTM-D-6778 specification (an old call out is L-P-392). Homo-polymer is POM111, and Co-polymer is POM211.", "Transcript of Materials BIC Lighter. Made of Delrin (polyacetal homopolymer), a high tech crystaline resin. Both items are injection moulded and joined using ultra sonic welding. The spark wheel is a two part mechanism made from a stack of serrated cutting segments clamped together between a pair of discs or finger pieces.", "ACETAL Acetal is the common name for a family of thermoplastics with the chemical name PolyOxy-Methylene. Acetal is available in a general purpose copolymer grade, a homopolymer version (Delrin ®), and several filled grades.Acetal provides high strength and stiffness, enhanced dimensional stability, and is easy to machine.cetal is available in a general purpose copolymer grade, a homopolymer version (Delrin ®), and several filled grades. Acetal provides high strength and stiffness, enhanced dimensional stability, and is easy to machine.", "Delrin® is a homo-polymer Acetal produced by Dupont. The generic Acetal covers both the homo-polymer Delrin® and the co-polymer grades of resin. Both materials meet the ASTM-D-4181, ASTM-D-6100 or ASTM-D-6778 specification (an old call out is L-P-392).Homo-polymer is POM111, and Co-polymer is POM211.he generic Acetal covers both the homo-polymer Delrin® and the co-polymer grades of resin. Both materials meet the ASTM-D-4181, ASTM-D-6100 or ASTM-D-6778 specification (an old call out is L-P-392). Homo-polymer is POM111, and Co-polymer is POM211.", "Delrin® is a homo-polymer Acetal produced by Dupont. The generic Acetal covers both the homo-polymer Delrin® and the co-polymer grades of resin. Both materials meet the ASTM-D-4181, ASTM-D-6100 or ASTM-D-6778 specification (an old call out is L-P-392).Homo-polymer is POM111, and Co-polymer is POM211.elrin® is a homo-polymer Acetal produced by Dupont. The generic Acetal covers both the homo-polymer Delrin® and the co-polymer grades of resin. Both materials meet the ASTM-D-4181, ASTM-D-6100 or ASTM-D-6778 specification (an old call out is L-P-392).", "ePlastics® offers Acetal Delrin in black and natural colors and carries the material in the warehouse for fast shipping.", "All Balls Upper/Lower A-Arm Delrin Bushing Kit 1998-2005 Arctic Cat 300 4x4. All Balls Upper/Lower A-Arm Delrin Bushing Kit 1998-2005 Arctic Cat 300 4x4 - SKU: 132453 N. All Balls Upgrade Kit Utilizes Delrin Acetal Thermoplastic Resin Bushings for longer service life.", "Our clients seem to prefer the Acetal over the Homopolymer materials due to the inherent center-line porosity in the Delrin Homo-polymer version. This means, that along the center of a rod, or the middle of a sheet, there is a band, of area of tiny porous material.ther brand or trade names: Pomalux, Acetron, Ensital, Unital, Tecaform, Ultraform, Celcon, BASF, Hostaform, Ticona, and Dupont Delrin. Occasionally we are asked for the difference between Acetal and HDPE – here is an explanation. Applications – Frequently used in: 1 Wear and Slide machined parts from Rod and Plate.", "GENERAL PROPERTIES Acetal is the common name for a family of thermoplastics with the chemical name PolyOxy-Methylene. Acetal is available in a general purpose copolymer grade, a homopolymer version (Delrin ®), and several filled Delrin ® grades.ENERAL PROPERTIES Acetal is the common name for a family of thermoplastics with the chemical name PolyOxy-Methylene. Acetal is available in a general purpose copolymer grade, a homopolymer version (Delrin ®), and several filled Delrin ® grades.", "It's Delrin plastic base is easily attached to boat canopies, bimini tops, decks or deck houses, booms, radar towers, dinghy davits, antennas and lights to deter problem birds. The boat base is a polycarbonate non-pentrating adapter that can be used with a bungee cord or other tie down to anchor the Daddi Long Legs to the area where the bird problem is located. A weighted sandbag base is another easy-to-install bird control option, providing a bird barrier for decks or bimini tops.", "With its low coefficient of friction and hard and resilient surface, DELRIN® is the material of choice in many wear applications. DELRIN®s overall combination of physical,tribological and environmental properties. make it ideal for many industrial wear and mechanical applications. Parts exposed. to a moist or wet environment, such as pump and valve components, are especially. appropriate.", "The weight for one cubic inch of Delrin is .049 lb. The glass reinforced Delrin weights more depending upon the percentage of glass. 10% glass = .055 20% glass = .056 30% glas … s = .058.", "Acetal washers, also known delrin washers can be supplied in any shape from simple round or square designs to a bespoke configuration with numerous holes and or slots across the flange. Acetal washers are available mainly in a white/natural colour, but can be supplied in black depending on the thickness you require. Other colours are available including yellow, green, red etc but this is subject to minimum order quantity.", "Delrin®, a homopolymer acetal, is also manufactured and stocked in rod and plate. It offers slightly higher mechanical properties than Acetron® GP Acetal, but may contain a low-density center, especially in larger cross-sections.opolymer acetal also offers better chemical resistance than homopolymer acetal. Delrin® is ideal for small diameter, thin-walled bushings that benefit from the additional strength and rigidity of homopolymer acetal.", "Modifications I made are, The bearings are high speed stainless steel ball bearings in a brass housing, not delrin. The jaws are 440C stainless hardened to 56-58 rockwell, not A-7 or D-2 like on a LAW. Mine will never rust. Vise is made of stainless steel and brass. Delrin used for the drag washers and bobbin rest.", "Trazodone, also marketed as Desyrel, Beneficat, Deprax, Oleptro, and other brand names, is an atypical antidepressant with FDA approval for the treatment of depression and sleep disorders (primarily insomnia but also disturbances such as night terrors and nightmares).", " Deloro Stellite is a manufacturing company with facilities in several countries around the world. They manufacture intricate castings, compressed powdered metal parts, and machine parts. They supply materials and alloys to other manufacturers. And the make machinery for hard facing, machining and laser cutting.Deloro Stellite is a manufacturing company with facilities in several countries around the world. They manufacture intricate castings, compressed powdered metal parts, and machine parts. They supply materials and alloys to other manufacturers. And the make machinery for hard facing, machining and laser cutting.", "Please try again later. This video is to show the difference in the machining (lathing) characteristics of delrin (Acetal) vs UHMW (Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene).1 Education. 2 Standard YouTube License.lease try again later. This video is to show the difference in the machining (lathing) characteristics of delrin (Acetal) vs UHMW (Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene).", "InReach 2-Way Communicator. The DeLorme inReach is the first affordable, two-way, satellite communications device ever. It's about the size and weight of a smartphone, but much, much more durable: it's waterproof, buoyant and impact-resistant.ffordable, two-way, satellite communication has arrived at the ends of the earth-and everywhere in between. It's the two-way feature of the Delorme inReach that is blazing new trail in the industry.", "You need to know some of the differences, Acetal versus Delrin. There are two main types of Acetal; one is a copolymer and the other a homopolymer. Ticona is one manufacture that makes a widely known copolymer called Celcon, BASF produces a high quality copolymer, H2320.Likewise DuPont makes Delrin, a popular brand name and the most commonly used Homopolymer.here are two main types of Acetal; one is a copolymer and the other a homopolymer. Ticona is one manufacture that makes a widely known copolymer called Celcon, BASF produces a high quality copolymer, H2320. Likewise DuPont makes Delrin, a popular brand name and the most commonly used Homopolymer.", "It’s actually the other way around: plastic is a form of resin. Natural resins are thick, sticky organic liquids that are insoluble in water. The sap of pine and other coniferous trees, often called pitch, is a resin.", "It’s actually the other way around: plastic is a form of resin. Natural resins are thick, sticky organic liquids that are insoluble in water. The sap of pine and other coniferous trees, often called pitch, is a resin.The materials we call plastics (polystyrene, ABS, acrylics, polyethylene, etc. ) are synthetic resins in the form of long-chain polymers derived from (usually) petroleum.crylic resins (“resin”) are much more durable than celluloid or styrene-based resins (“plastic”). They’re harder and more resistant to heat and the corrosive action of chemicals such as the oils and weak acids that skin produces.", "In 1973, the trade of tortoiseshell worldwide was banned under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). The material was already often imitated in stained horn, plastic and other materials, and this continues.The synthetic Delrin has been used especially for guitar picks.n 1973, the trade of tortoiseshell worldwide was banned under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). The material was already often imitated in stained horn, plastic and other materials, and this continues.", "Product Summary. A plastic tack is a kind of tack made of the material of plastic which is a material of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids used in the manufacture of industrial products. Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular mass, and may contain other substances to improve performance and/or reduce production costs.", "Compostable Plastic. World Centric ® compostable plastics are made from Ingeo™, a bio-based plastic derived from renewable corn in the U.S. Chemically, this material is known as PLA, or Poly Lactic Acid, which can be derived from a variety of plant-based starches. Benefits . Feels similar to conventional plastics; Freezer safe", "Deltennium Clips, Inc. is an Oregon Foreign Business Corporation filed on July 21, 2015 . The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 1130839-92. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Corporate Creations Network Inc. and is located at 1500 Nw Bethany Blvd #200, Beaverton, OR 97006. The company's principal address is 301 Yamato Rd 1240, Boca Raton, FL 33431 and its mailing address is 301 Yamato Rd 1240, Boca Raton, FL 33431. The company has 1 principal on record." ]
district attorney definition
Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: The District Attorney, in many jurisdictions in the United States, is the elected or appointed official who represents the government in the prosecution of criminal offenses.
[ "DA usually stands for District Attorney, which is a more-specific term for a prosecutor. A District Attorney is normally an independently elected official who performs the role of prosecutor for a given area. Prosecutor is general; DA is specialized.", "Generally, the duties of a district attorney are to manage the prosecutor's office, investigate alleged crimes in cooperation with law enforcement, and file criminal charges or bringing evidence before the Grand Jury.", "Save. A district attorney investigator is a detective who works directly for the district attorney's office rather than for the police department. The position requires police and peace officer training and investigation skills, but the investigator tends to dig more into cases at the direction of the DA's office.", "A “U.S. Attorney” is the federal equivalent of a district attorney, but USAs are not elected; they are appointed by the President or the Attorney General of the United States. Both DAs and USAs will have a staff of “assistant district attorneys” or “assistant U.S. Attorneys” who handle most of the cases.", "The powers of a district attorney (DA) or federal prosecutor arise broadly from statute, case law and procedure, and more specifically from the duties traditional to the prosecutor's office. These activities include.", "The government lawyer who investigates and tries criminal cases. Typically known as a district attorney, state's attorney, or United States attorney. He who prosecutes another for a crime in the name of the government.Prosecutors are public or private.", "U.S. Attorney U.S. Attorney Law and Legal Definition U.S. Attorney is a lawyer appointed by the President to prosecute and defend cases for the federal government in United States district court and United States court of appeals. One U.S. Attorney is assigned to each of the judicial districts, with the exception of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands where a single U.S. Attorney serves both districts. Each U.S. Attorney is the chief federal law enforcement officer within his or her particular jurisdiction.", "DA means district attorney. The relevance of this and urban terminology is it's connection with punishment for crimes. If you get caught by the 'Po (police for yall) selling drugs or whatnot, you will probably have to deal with a District Attorney. District Attorneys only practice law in district courts (imagine that).", "DA means district attorney. The relevance of this and urban terminology is it's connection with punishment for crimes. If you get caught by the 'Po (police for yall) selling drugs or whatnot, you will probably have to deal with a District Attorney.", "DA. DA means district attorney. The relevance of this and urban terminology is it's connection with punishment for crimes. If you get caught by the 'Po (police for yall) selling drugs or whatnot, you will probably have to deal with a District Attorney.", "exists and is an alternate of . In criminal cases, the district attorney (or 'state's attorney') represents the interests of the people/citizens, whereas the public defender represents the interests of the accused individual. Added: They are both employees of the State.", "The New York County District Attorney is the elected district attorney for New York County, New York. The office is responsible for the prosecution of violations of New York state laws. The current district attorney is Cyrus Vance, Jr. District attorneys are legally permitted to delegate the prosecution of petty crimes or offenses. Prosecutors don't normally handle New York City Criminal Court summons court cases, and the Manhattan DA has a memorandum of understanding with the NYPD allowing the", "U.S. Attorney Law and Legal Definition. U.S. Attorney is a lawyer appointed by the President to prosecute and defend cases for the federal government in United States district court and United States court of appeals. One U.S. Attorney is USLegal Home", "In many jurisdictions in the United States, the position of district attorney is an elected position. Individuals standing for that post normally have acquired a great deal of practical experience working as an assistant attorney in a prosecutor's office.areer duration and the particular city each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence. Women make up a slight majority of District Attorneys (52 percent) survey respondents. Job satisfaction for District Attorneys is high.", "Photos by Gary Halvorson, Oregon State Archives. The Oregon District Attorneys Association, Inc. (ODAA) is a voluntary association of the 36 district attorneys, deputy district attorneys, Oregon assistant attorneys general, district attorney office managers and the U.S. Attorneys serving in Oregon.", "Duties in a District Attorney's Office. Assistant attorneys in a district attorney's office represent their state as trial attorneys in all cases. They also act as the petitioner for children, the mentally ill and juvenile defendants. They may provide training for government agencies.", "Welcome to the Oregon District Attorneys Association. The Oregon District Attorneys Association, Inc. (ODAA) is a voluntary association of the 36 district attorneys, deputy district attorneys, Oregon assistant attorneys general, district attorney office managers and the U.S. Attorneys serving in Oregon.", "Bronx District Attorney's Office; See Bronx District Attorney's Office location, address, and phone number, and public records search. District attorneys, prosecuting attorneys and commonwealth attorneys are public officials who represent the state or federal government in legal matters.", "How to Become a District Attorney Investigator. A district attorney investigator is a detective who works directly for the district attorney's office...", "The New York County District Attorney is the elected district attorney for New York County (Manhattan), New York. The office is responsible for the prosecution of violations of New York state laws. (Federal law violations in Manhattan are prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.)", "A prosecutor is a member of the executive branch of the governmennt, much like police officers. The district attorney, or D.A., is usually thought of as the most powerful law enforcement official in his/her jurisdiction. A prosecutor is a member of the executive branch of the governmennt, much like police officers.", "New York County District Attorney. The New York County District Attorney is the elected district attorney for New York County (Manhattan), New York. The office is responsible for the prosecution of violations of New York state laws. (Federal law violations in Manhattan are prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York).", "Criminal AUSAs in the D.C. office may carry a larger number of cases since the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office also acts as the local District Attorney’s (DA) office, and new hires generally have to commit to several years of local prosecution before moving on to cases in federal court. This practice allows", "Former president Barack Obama nominated Seiler to be the U.S. Attorney for the District of South Dakota in October 2015, several months after he became Acting U.S. Attorney following the resignation of his predecessor, the release said. Attorney.", "Bronx District Attorney's Office See Bronx District Attorney's Office location, address, and phone number, and public records search. District attorneys, prosecuting attorneys and commonwealth attorneys are public officials who represent the state or federal government in legal matters.", "What is the difference between the U.S. Attorney's Office and the District Attorney's (D.A.'s) Office? The U.S. Attorney's Office represents the United States in federal cases, including all federal criminal cases.", "If a criminal complaint is issued against a police officer, it is up to the District Attorney’s office to prosecute the case. The District Attorney (DA) is not required to prosecute, and often he or she decides not to. The DA relies on police officers as witnesses and investigators in all of the cases in the office.", "What is the difference between a Public Defender and a District Attorney? The District Attorney is an elected official. The District Attorney is charged with the enforcement of laws in Washoe County and employs Deputy District Attorneys to assist in that effort. The Public Defender is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Every community must provide and fund attorneys for indigent persons facing a loss of liberty.", "The District Attorney’s Office Reviews The Case. A prosecuting attorney will determine whether a person should be charged with a crime by thoroughly reviewing all reports and records, witness statements, and the suspect’s prior criminal or traffic record. The criminal case is either charged or declined.", "The United States Attorney (U.S.A.): The chief prosecutor for violations of federal laws of the United States. The USA is appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate. The United States Attorney's offices are part of the United States Department of Justice.", "district office definition, district office meaning | English dictionary. district. 3 any subdivision of any territory, region, etc. 4 (in England from 1974 and in Wales 1974--96) any of the subdivisions of the nonmetropolitan counties that elects a council responsible for local planning, housing, rates, etc.", "That's an easy one, the State's Attorney, District Attorney, and (state) Attorney General are specific to that state and it's laws. A U.S. Attorney, and the Attorney General of the United States are Federal lawyers, dealing with Federal law and issues.", "exists and is an alternate of . If the district attorney you are addressing was elected in a general election... the indeed he or she would be The Honorable. In conversation you may address the DA as Mister District Attorney or call him Mister - followed by his last name.", "An attorney in her office. The definition of an attorney is a professional who has graduated from law school and who is licensed to represent clients in legal matters.", "Definition of private attorney. : one employed by a private person rather than by a government or a subdivision thereof : attorney-in-fact.", "Acquittal: a judgment of court, based on the decision of either a jury or a judge, that a person accused is not guilty of the crime for which he has been tried. ADA: Assistant district attorney. An assistant district attorney works for the elected District Attorney. An ADA will review and prosecute cases as assigned.", "In a criminal case, the government's lawyer is called the prosecutor -- usually an assistant district attorney (state court cases) or assistant U.S. attorney (federal court cases). Criminal defendants may be represented by a public defender, a lawyer appointed by the court, or a private attorney hired by the defendant." ]
gayla name meaning
English Meaning: The name Gayla is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Gayla is: Festive party. American Meaning: The name Gayla is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Gayla is: Festive party. SoulUrge Number: 2. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.he name Gayla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Gayla is: Festive party. SoulUrge Number: 2. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.
[ "[ syll. gay-la, ga-yla ] The baby girl name Gayla is pronounced G EY-LAH †. Gayla is of Old Norse and English origin.It is used mainly in English. Gayla is a variation of Gail (English). Gayla is also a variation of Gala (Scandinavian, Hebrew, Russian, and Slavic).Gayla is also a variation of Gay (English).Gayla is rare as a baby girl name. At the modest peak of its usage in 1954, 0.031% of baby girls were named Gayla. syll. gay-la, ga-yla ] The baby girl name Gayla is pronounced G EY-LAH †. Gayla is of Old Norse and English origin.", "Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon). According to Vayu Purana, Gaya was the name of a demon (Asura) whose body was pious after he performed rigid penance and secured blessings from Vishnu. It was said that the body of Gayasura was transformed into the series of rocky hills that make up the landscape of Gaya.", "Gayla is a very prominent first name for females (#1027 out of 4276, Top 24%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children.(2000 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the birth name popularity of Gayla for girls.Gayla was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its highest position of #493 in the U.S. during 1950-1959, but is not found in the list currently.2000 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the birth name popularity of Gayla for girls. Gayla was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its highest position of #493 in the U.S. during 1950-1959, but is not found in the list currently.", "Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon). According to Vayu Purana, Gaya was the name of a demon (Asura) whose body was pious after he performed rigid penance and secured blessings from Vishnu.aya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon). According to Vayu Purana, Gaya was the name of a demon (Asura) whose body was pious after he performed rigid penance and secured blessings from Vishnu.", "Gay [gay]▼ as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Gay) is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gay is blithe, cheerful. A surname in the Middle Ages. Taken from the vocabulary word, this was popular as a given name in the 1930s but became obsolete after the meaning of the word changed in the 1960s. This was generally used as a girl's name and has also been used as a pet form of Gail.", "Gaye /gaye/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name. Gaye's name origins are English and Old French, and the name Gaye means blithe, cheerful. Gaye is an alternate form, with the suffix-ye, of Gae (English): from the vocabulary word gay. Kreatif forms: Gayega, Gayela, Gayeza.", "As a baby girl name, Gayla is currently not a popular baby name in the USA. The following chart shows the popularity of the name Gayla in the USA, over the past 100 years. USA baby name statistics. You'll need the Adobe Flash Player and a browser with JavaScript enabled to see all baby name popularity charts.he following names are baby names related to Gayla and are suitable names for brothers and sisters of Gayla: Boys-Amon, Areli, Asher, Elzie, Enoch, Jadon, Javon, Joel, Raphael, Girls-Anais, Derora, Diza, Mikaila, Ona, Yadira, Both genders-Jesse.", "Gaye /gaye/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name. Gaye's name origins are English and Old French, and the name Gaye means blithe, cheerful. Gaye is an alternate form, with the suffix-ye, of Gae (English): from the vocabulary word gay.", "What does Gay mean? Gay [gay]▼ as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Gay) is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gay is blithe, cheerful. A surname in the Middle Ages. Taken from the vocabulary word, this was popular as a given name in the 1930s but became obsolete after the meaning of the word changed in the 1960s.", "What does Gay mean? G ay as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Gay) is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gay is blithe, cheerful. A surname in the Middle Ages. Taken from the vocabulary word, this was popular as a given name in the 1930s but became obsolete after the meaning of the word changed in the 1960s.", "Indian Meaning: The name Gayatri is an Indian baby name. In Indian the meaning of the name Gayatri is: A singer. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 9. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.n Indian the meaning of the name Gayatri is: A singer. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 9. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.", "Name Gayathri generally means Mother of the Vedas or Goddess Saraswati, is of Indian origin, Name Gayathri is a Feminine (or Girl) name.Person with name Gayathri are mainly Hindu by religion. Name Gayathri belongs to rashi Kumbh (Aquarius) with dominant planet Saturn (Shani) and Nakshatra (stars) Dhanishta.how similar names Show variant names. In Local: Name Gayathri generally means Mother of the Vedas or Goddess Saraswati, is of Indian origin, Name Gayathri is a Feminine (or Girl) name. Person with name Gayathri are mainly Hindu by religion.", "Contribute your knowledge to the name Gaylynn. Report inappropriate content. I had a Russian woman tell me it was a common Russian name. This is my name. I have never meet anyone else with this name but I have meet people that told me they have meet people with my name. Nicknames for Gaylynn: | Edit. Gay, Gayla, Gaylynny. Meanings and history of the name Gaylynn: | Edit. Happy flowing fountain. Famous real-life people named Gaylynn: | Edit. Gaylynn Robinson a country singer. Gaylynn in song, story & screen: | Edit Share what you know!", "Personal experiences with the name Gaylynn: | Edit. This is my name. I have never meet anyone else with this name but I have meet people that told me they have meet people with my name. Nicknames for Gaylynn: | Edit. Gay, Gayla, Gaylynny. Meanings and history of the name Gaylynn: | Edit. Happy flowing fountain. Famous real-life people named Gaylynn: | Edit. Gaylynn Robinson a country singer", "Show similar names Show variant names. In Local: Name Gayathri generally means Mother of the Vedas or Goddess Saraswati, is of Indian origin, Name Gayathri is a Feminine (or Girl) name. Person with name Gayathri are mainly Hindu by religion.Name Gayathri belongs to rashi Kumbh (Aquarius) with dominant planet Saturn (Shani) and Nakshatra (stars) Dhanishta.how similar names Show variant names. In Local: Name Gayathri generally means Mother of the Vedas or Goddess Saraswati, is of Indian origin, Name Gayathri is a Feminine (or Girl) name. Person with name Gayathri are mainly Hindu by religion.", "I had a Russian woman tell me it was a common Russian name. Personal experiences with the name Gaylynn: | Edit. This is my name. I have never meet anyone else with this name but I have meet people that told me they have meet people with my name. Nicknames for Gaylynn: | Edit. Gay, Gayla, Gaylynny. Meanings and history of the name Gaylynn: | Edit", "What Does Name Gaytan Mean You are introspective, prophetic, philosophical, and soul searching, but also can be analytical, critical and opinionated. You think deeply and clearly, have an air of mystery, can be solitary and secretive.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it.", "Meaning of Indian name: Gayatri. Meaning of the name Gayatri is 'Mother of the Vedas, Goddess Saraswati'. Gayatri is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for females.The name number for Gayatri is '9'.Click here to get the numerological analysis for the name 'Gayatri'.ayatri is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for females. The name number for Gayatri is '9'. Click here to get the numerological analysis for the name 'Gayatri'.", "What Does LGBTQIA mean? Lesbian – A female-identified person who is attracted romantically, physically, or emotionally to another female-identified person. Gay – A male-identified person who is attracted romantically, physically, or emotionally to another male-identified person.", "Gaitán also spelled Gaytán and Gaitan (From Latin: Caietanus, Arabic: جيتني Geaitani, Ancient Greek: Καίετανος Kaietanos, Modern Greek: Γαϊτάνος/Γαϊτάνης Gaitanos/Gaitanis meaning who come from the cave/port or who come from Gaeta, ancient Greek port of the Italian province of Lazio) is a common Spanish surname of Byzantine Greek-Latin Mediterranean origin.", "Contribute your knowledge to the name Gay. Report inappropriate content. This name is almost never given anymore, as the meaning of the word gay has shifted in the past 40 years to mean homosexual in mainstream speech. Gay was my maternal grandmother's maiden name, my mother's middle name and now my first name.", "Gay-A person who is romantically and sexually attracted to other people of their own gender. “Gay” is usually used by men, but not always. Bisexual-A person who is romantically and sexually attracted to two (or all) genders. Pansexuality-Pansexuality is often confused with bisexuality.", "PETA-GAYE means Meaning Unknown . You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with PETA-GAYE below.", "LGBTIQ Terminology and Definitions Gay Generally refers to a male who is physically, emotionally and/or spiritually attracted to other males. May also refer to females who are attracted to other females, as well as the gay community in general.", "Comments and insights on the name Gaylynn: | Edit. I had a Russian woman tell me it was a common Russian name. Personal experiences with the name Gaylynn: | Edit. This is my name. I have never meet anyone else with this name but I have meet people that told me they have meet people with my name. Nicknames for Gaylynn: | Edit. Gay, Gayla, Gaylynny", "Gay: The adjective used to describe people whose enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attractions are to people of the same sex (e.g., gay man, gay people). Sometimes lesbian (n. or adj.) is the preferred term for women.", "Gayatri (Sanskrit gāyatrī) is the feminine form of gāyatra, a Sanskrit word for a song or a hymn, having a Vedic meter of three pada s or lines of 8 syllables. In particular it refers to the Gayatri Mantra and the goddess Gāyatrī as that mantra personified.ayatri (Sanskrit gāyatrī) is the feminine form of gāyatra, a Sanskrit word for a song or a hymn, having a Vedic meter of three pada s or lines of 8 syllables. In particular it refers to the Gayatri Mantra and the goddess Gāyatrī as that mantra personified.", "Jaldi-jaldi Pucha Gaya Meaning in English Here only one word has been listed for the hindi word 'जल्दी-जल्दी पूछा गया'. Its meaning is 'rapid-fire'.", "a gay person may choose to have a special relationship with someone and share a home and have a family together the word gay describes a man and a man or a woman and a woman who love each other it describes a boy who wants to have a boyfriend or a girl who wants to have a girlfriendgay can refer to either men or women but it is sometimes used just to refer to gay men women who are gay are also called lesbianshe word gay describes a man and a man or a woman and a woman who love each other it describes a boy who wants to have a boyfriend or a girl who wants to have a girlfriend gay can refer to either men or women but it is sometimes used just to refer to gay men women who are gay are also called lesbians", "Contribute your knowledge to the name Gay. Comments and insights on the name Gay: | Edit. This name is almost never given anymore, as the meaning of the word gay has shifted in the past 40 years to mean homosexual in mainstream speech. Personal experiences with the name Gay: | Edit.", "The definition of gay is someone or something bright or happy. An example of gay is a bouquet of flowers with many brilliant colors. Gay means a homosexual person. An example of gay is a man who is only attracted to other men.", "The definition of gay is someone or something bright or happy. An example of gay is a bouquet of flowers with many brilliant colors. Gay means a homosexual person. An example of gay is a man who is only attracted to other men. Gay is defined as a homosexual person.", "English Meaning: The name Charla is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Charla is: Feminine manly.American Meaning: The name Charla is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Charla is: Feminine manly. SoulUrge Number: 2. Expression Number: 7. People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.nglish Meaning: The name Charla is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Charla is: Feminine manly. American Meaning: The name Charla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Charla is: Feminine manly.", "• GAY (noun). The noun GAY has 1 sense: 1. someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. Familiarity information: GAY used as a noun is very rare.", "Gay is a very prominent first name for females (#795 out of 4276, Top 19%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#974 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 u.s. census) Gay reached its apex rank of #354 in the U.S. in the 1940s, but is not in the list currently.", "Lula Name Meaning. You always bring to completion anything you start. You are generous but like to see returns from your giving. You have an executive ability, you are a leader. You are moral, balanced, honest and intellectual, and you may attain spirituality.", "First name PETA-GAYE 's origin is Unknown. PETA-GAYE means Meaning Unknown . You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with PETA-GAYE below.", "The Gayatri is a universal prayer enshrined in the Vedas. It is addressed to the Immanent and Transcendent Divine which has been given the name 'Savita,' meaning 'that from which all this is born.' The Gayatri may be considered as having three parts - (i) Adoration (ii) Meditation (iii) Prayer.", "The acronym LGBT stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender”. 1 Lesbian is used to describe a woman whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction is to other women. Gay is used to describe a man whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction is to other men.", "Mendola Name Meaning. Italian: nickname or more often a habitational name from places named with the dialect term (a)mendola, mendula ‘almond’ (also ‘almond tree’). Related names include Amendola, Lamendola.ou can find out when most of the Mendola families immigrated to the United States. You can focus your search to immigration records dating from that era. Immigration records can tell you an ancestor's name, ship name, port of departure, port of arrival and destination.", "The history of the Gaytan family name begins after the Norman Conquest of 1066. They lived in various counties of England and later in Scotland. The name, however, refers to the family's residence near an important thoroughfare or main road. It derives from the Old English root gate, which means road or thoroughfare.", "[ 2 syll. ga-yat-hri, gay-ath-ri ] The baby girl name Gayathri is pronounced as JHY-aa-TRiy- †. Gayathri's language of origin is Sanskrit and it is predominantly used in Indian. Gayathri is a variant transcription of Gayatri.Gayathri is not commonly used as a baby girl name. It is not listed within the top 1000. Baby names that sound like Gayathri include Gayatri, J'adore, Jethra, Jadira, and Jethria.ayathri is a variant transcription of Gayatri. Gayathri is not commonly used as a baby girl name. It is not listed within the top 1000. Baby names that sound like Gayathri include Gayatri, J'adore, Jethra, Jadira, and Jethria.", "What Does LGBTQ mean? Lesbian – A female- identified person who is attracted romantically, physically, or emotionally to another female-identified person. Gay – A person, mainly a male-identified person, who is attracted romantically, physically, or emotionally to another a person of the same sex. Bisexual – A person who is attracted romantically, physically, or emotionally to both men and women." ]
most expensive things to steal skyrim
Here are the most rare and valuable items in Elder Scrolls V Skyrim along with their locations and how to obtain each one. Rare Item: Nightweaver's Band. Location: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. How to Obtain: You can get the Nightweaver's Band after completing Recipe for Disaster quest.
[ "I think the most powerful weapon in Skyrim is Daedric Weapon. You can make this by having 90 on skills on smithing and you have to collect a deadric heart and also a couple of … leather strips and also a couple of Ebony Ingrots then go to Whiterun and Blacksmith Forge (Located the shop on the right).", "Where to buy houses in Skyrim. Breezehome (Whiterun) Cost: 5000 Gold. Location: From where you enter Whiterun, it's the second building on the right, after Warmaiden's. How to unlock: To purchase it, talk to Proventus Avenicci in Dragonsreach (we found in him the Living Quarters) after you've completed the Dragons Rising story mission.", "Build the perfect Skyrim PC for $850. It’s to be expected with the current technology available to PC gaming enthusiasts that playing Skyrim on a custom rig is the way to get the best overall play experience. The graphics look better, the world loads faster, and the modding community is vibrant and actively making the game better.", "Skyrim:Tools. < Skyrim: Items: Miscellaneous Items(Redirected from Skyrim:Linen Wrap) Tools are a category of miscellaneous item that groups together an odd assortment of items, ranging from very useful (lockpicks) to useless. Jewelers and blacksmiths, as well as general goods merchants, will buy all tools.", "If you were to build an entirely new computer from scratch, just to play Skyrim at max settings, you’d be looking at around $850 — $150 for the motherboard, $70 for the PSU, $50 for the case, and $50 for an optical drive, assuming you use your old monitor, keyboard, and mouse.", "Proudspire Manor (Solitude) Cost: 25,000 Gold. Location: You can find this in the centre on the high street, on the right 'branch' of the city, next to Skyrim Faction Bards College. How to unlock: You can buy this on the way to becoming Solitude's Thane.", "Skyrim Atronach Forge Recipes. Skyrim Atronach Forge is one of the most useful features in the game. Using the Skyrim Atronach Forge similar to Oblivion’s Atronach Altar, you can craft items like armors, weapons, staves, and hearts. Summoning atronachs and Dremora is also possible. The forge is said to be a legendary Daedric artifact that was made by the Dwemer.", "It's an item specific to Solstheim. Like Michael said, you can kill the big floating Netches. They're relatively slow, but hit hard if they get close. Arrows from range aught to do the trick if you've got a decent Archery score or relative magical ability. You can also buy them from the merchants on Raven Rock. Other than that, random loot is the only way to get it, but Netch Leather won't appear in Skyrim proper, it's only going to appear on Solstheim.", "The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim: How to Buy Hjerim in Windhelm. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, Hjerim is the house you’ll be able to purchase in Windhelm once you gain enough favor with the Jarl there, and costs 12,000 gold. To purchase Hjerim, you need to do either the Stormcloak line of quests, or the Imperial line of quests.", "Danish police are investigating the theft of a bottle of vodka claimed to be the world's most expensive at $1.3m (£960,000). The bottle, made from gold and silver and with a diamond encrusted cap, was on loan to a Copenhagen bar which had a collection of vodkas on display.", "These are the Perks available in the perks tree. Skyrim, being the game that it is, places major emphasis on pillaging and looting. A lot of the time, though, your indiscriminate looting-whoring can be thwarted by locks (on chests or on doors) that require a certain degree of lockpicking mastery to pry open. At first, you are thrown novice and apprentice level locks for you to practice on.", "Precious gemstones found throughout Skyrim. Based on value, from the top in clockwise order are: Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Amethyst and Garnet. Gems are items found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. They are a key component for creating jewelry.", "COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Copenhagen police are investigating the theft of a bottle of vodka that is claimed to be the world's most expensive at $1.3 million.", "How To Change Your Appearance. It costs 1,000 gold, but you can change your appearance in Skyrim. To change your appearance in Skyrim, you need to visit the Ragged Flagon in Riften and see a woman named Galathil. The Ragged Flagon is the Thieves Guild’s tavern, and is located in the city’s subterranean sewer system.Galathil wears a hooded robe and can be found sitting on a bench in the tavern.ow To Change Your Appearance. It costs 1,000 gold, but you can change your appearance in Skyrim. To change your appearance in Skyrim, you need to visit the Ragged Flagon in Riften and see a woman named Galathil. The Ragged Flagon is the Thieves Guild’s tavern, and is located in the city’s subterranean sewer system.", "Skyrim Dawnguard Aetherium Forge Items. In Arkngthamz, I met Katria, a ghost searching for the Mythical Aetherium Forge. With her help, I found the four Aetherium Shards that make up the key to the Forge, and now seek entrance to the Forge itself. Travel to the Ruins of Bthalft. It is located southeast of Ivarstead, close to Treva's Watch.", "Skyrim Levelling - how to power-level every Skill to Level 100. Skyrim Mage Skills - how to max Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Illusion, and Alteration. Skyrim Thief Skills - how to max Sneak, Speech, Pickpocket and Lockpicking. Skyrim Gold - the best, fastest methods for how to earn money and coins in Skyrim.", "Skyrim:The Aetherium Forge. The Aetherium Forge is an ancient Dwemer forge, guarded by several Dwarven automatons. Access is gained during the quest Lost to the Ages via the Ruins of Bthalft.", "Screenshots with anything superimposed on the image (text, real life items) Locations or Items in real life that remind you of Skyrim (dark brotherhood hand prints, sweetrolls), though crafts are permitted. Screenshots of texts, facebook or other social networking sites (jokes on facebook, 4chan images) Any posts related to Piracy (Support the game creators!)", "In Skyrim, gold is a valuable resource early in the game, making that 1000 gold fee for horses pretty steep. Don’t waste your precious cash when you can get a horse at no charge, all it takes is a few minutes of your time.asy Free Horse. 1 NOTE: The horse may not stay with you after riding it. 2 Some people have reported that the horse remains loyal and will follow you around, but others have problems immediately after dismounting. 3 Go to Katla’s Farm, south of Solitude. 4 NPCs can have their dispositions raised by completing simple quests.", "Locations Edit. 1 They can be bought at many of the Merchants or found in the dressers and nightstands throughout Skyrim. 2 There are at least six pairs of gloves inside Fort Greymoor, one on the corpse of Agnis (if you kill her) and some on already dead hunters, on shelves of clothes, etc.", "This unique weapon is one of the most powerful one-handed swords in Skyrim, if the manor is entered once the Dragonborn is at least level 46. With the loot taken, the Dragonborn must make sure to pick up Mercer's Plans.", "1 Comment. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, Hjerim is the house you’ll be able to purchase in Windhelm once you gain enough favor with the Jarl there, and costs 12,000 gold. To purchase Hjerim, you need to do either the Stormcloak line of quests, or the Imperial line of quests.nce you make it to a certain point in either of those factions, you’ll be able to purchase Hjerim. In order to upgrade the house, you’ll need to do the Blood on the Ice quest given by Wuunferth in the castle in Windhelm.", "Overview. The Store Room: To the right of the main entrance is where the storeroom is located. Great enemy free area with a HUGE cash load of Dwarven!!! Will need about 200lbs to carry it all out in one load! The Main Ruin: (You must obtain a key to enter this location.Maybe, through the quest attached.) I will update this...... Mzulft is a Dwarven Ruin located in Eastern Skyrim. You can find it by traveling directly South East from Windhelm.It's along the western base of the mountain, so keep to the foothills of it as you go. This is a particularly good location as it has a large amount of Dwemer artifacts for Dwarven Smithing.zulft is a Dwarven Ruin located in Eastern Skyrim. You can find it by traveling directly South East from Windhelm. It's along the western base of the mountain, so keep to the foothills of it as you go. This is a particularly good location as it has a large amount of Dwemer artifacts for Dwarven Smithing.", "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- Dragonborn. Hjerim. Hjerim is the house that that player can purchase in Windhelm. It features prominently in the quest Blood on the Ice. The Cleanup addition removes the stone altar, bloody chest, and blood and bones on the floor that are found there during the quest. Location: Windhelm. Initial cost: 12000 Gold.", "Once you get there, proceed to the Throat of the World, the highest mountain in Skyrim and follow it all the way to the top. If you can. 3. Track down all 13 Guardian Stones. One of the most exciting things about Skyrim is that it doesn't try to shoehorn you into a certain character class. You don't need to decide to be a warrior, a wizard, or a thief; your actions will determine the way you progress in the game.", "Salvage Kits. Most of these salvage kits can be bought from merchant vendors scattered around Tyria. The closer you can find them next to a bank or Trading Post the better. The mystic salvage kit allows players to save room in their inventory by providing 250 uses for a single kit.iscarded Garments and Rags are two great items to salvage for profit in Guild Wars 2 and can be bought for a relatively cheap 48 – 53 copper each from the Trading post.", "Find one of the 24 Unusual Gems scattered throughout Skyrim. Become a full member of the Thieves Guild (if not one already). Have the gem appraised by Vex at The Ragged Flagon in Riften. Collect the remaining stones of a full set and return to Vex. Retrieve the Crown of Barenziah and return to Vex." ]
where is rappahannock county va
Rappahannock County, Virginia. For the Rappahannock County that existed from 1656-1692, see Rappahannock County (1656), Virginia. Rappahannock County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia, US. As of the 2010 census, the population was 7,373. Its county seat is Washington.
[ "History of Rappahannock County. Rappahannock County was formed in the year 1833 from Culpeper County. It was named for the Rappahannock River, which makes up the northern border of the county. The county seat is Washington, which honors George Washington, who worked as a surveyor in the area and platted the town in 1749.", "Lancaster County was organized from Northumberland in 1651. Old Rappahannock County, VA was organized from Lancaster in 1656. No Combs have been located in the pre-1651 records of Northumberland; and, in fact, no record of any Combs has been located in Lancaster county prior to 1664. We do know that most members of the Underwood &c.", "Where can find Rappahannock County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Rappahannock County vital records can be found at the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Vital Records which has Birth and Death Records since June 14, 1912 and copies of Marriage and Divorce Records since 1918 to present.", "Historic American Buildings Survey, C. & Starkwether, N. G. (1933) Camden, Rappahannock River, Port Royal, Caroline County, VA. Documentation Compiled After. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/va0302/.", "County Government. Rappahannock County has the traditional County Board of Supervisors form of government. The County has five voting districts that are decennially revised based upon population: Hampton, Jackson, Piedmont, Stonewall-Hawthorne, and Wakefield. One supervisor is elected from each district.", "Located on Virginia's Middle Peninsula, Essex County is centrally situated just outside the Washington to Norfolk urban crescent. The county's principal town, Tappahannock, dates back to a 17th century port settlement.", "If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. The Rappahannock Animal Welfare League, (RAWL) is a rescue based in Rappahannock County, Virginia. RAWL is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. 2,680 people like this and 2,582 people follow this.", "You can search online for Rappahannock County Birth, Marriage, Divorce or Death Records. You can also order Order Electronically Online or you can download an application for copies of Rappahannock Co. Virginia Birth, Marriage, Divorce, Death Certificate Applications to mail.", "This peninsula is bounded by the Potomac River on the north and the Rappahannock River on the south. It encompasses the following Virginia counties: Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland. The inclusion of King George County in the Northern Neck varies among commentators. Historically, the grant for the Northern Neck included all land between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers, including far upstream of King George County — some 5 million acres.", "Located on Virginia's Middle Peninsula, Essex County is centrally situated just outside the Washington to Norfolk urban crescent. The county's principal town, Tappahannock, dates back to a 17th century port settlement. The historic cities of Fredericksburg (40 miles north) and Williamsburg (56 miles SE) are within an hour's drive.", "(540) 288-5245. The Rappahannock Regional Jail. City of Fredericksburg | County of King George | County of Spotsylvania | County of Stafford. The Rappahannock Regional Jail. The Rappahannock Regional Jail serves the adult corrections needs of the counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, and the City of Fredericksburg.", "Adjacent counties. 1 Frederick County, Virginia – north. 2 Clarke County, Virginia – northeast. 3 Fauquier County, Virginia – east. 4 Rappahannock County, Virginia – southeast. 5 Page County, Virginia – southwest. 6 Shenandoah County, Virginia – west.", "The referenced Brown family has been traced back.by at least the mid-1600s.to the area of Virginia that was once known as Old Rappahannock County (later Essex County, on the south side of the Rappahannock River). The oldest known ancestor in this family was Francis Brown I, and he left his will in Essex Co., VA in 1691/1692. There was an ...", "Rappahannock County Department of Social Services Beverly Dunford, Director 354 Gay St. P.O. Box 87 Washington, VA 22747-0087 (540) 675-3313 (540) 675-3315 (FAX) Richmond City Department of Social Services Shunda T. Giles, Director Marshall Plaza Building 900 E. Marshall St. P.O.", "You cross the Rappahannock River and enter Culpeper County, ride through it for a few miles and then arrive in Rappahannock County. The first place of interest in Rappahannock County is Amissville, a village which is merely a blur for most folks making their way along Route 211 on their way to Skyline Drive.", "Because Confederate troops had more success in keeping Union troops at bay in the state, Confederate morale stayed reasonably high into mid-1864. Until that point, the Rappahannock–Rapidan River line had served as a de facto boundary, in eastern Virginia, between Union and Confederate control.", "The average teacher salary in Rappahannock County Public Schools is $43,772. To learn how to become a teacher in the Rappahannock County Public Schools, read our how to become a teacher in Virginia article. For average salary information, read our average teacher salary in Virginia article. Staff: 179. Full time teachers: 64.", "About Richmond County VA. Richmond County, Virginia was formed in 1692 from old Rappahannock County. There is no consensus on the origin of Richmond County’s name, but it has been accepted that the county was named for the First Duke of Richmond, cousin to King William and Queen Mary.", "Richmond County is located in the heart of the Northern Neck of Virginia, where it lies on the north side of the Rappahannock River. Its 192 square miles of community is within one hour's drive of the city of Richmond, Virginia and within two hours' drive of Washington D.C.", "Find Amissville Virginia assessor, assessment, auditor's, and appraiser's office, revenue commissions, GIS, and tax equalization departments. Assessors provide information on property and land tax assessment, property listings, values, valuations, property search, and records. Name. Rappahannock County Revenue Commission.", "Buckingham County was added to the Charlottesville MSA; Floyd County was added to the Blacksburg MSA; Rappahannock County was added to the Northern Virginia MSA; A county is added to an MSA if more than 25 percent of all its workers commute into the MSA’s urban area. The Office of Management and Budget states that when over a quarter of a county’s workers commute into an MSA’s urban area it indicates “a high degree of social and economic integration”.", "Spotsylvania. Spotsylvania County is in the Northern Virginia region of Virginia, midway between the state capital at Richmond and the nation's capital in Washington, D.C. It is bordered on the north by the Rappahannock River. 1 Region: Northern Virginia. 2 Spotsylvania County. 3 4704 Southpoint Parkway. 4 Fredericksburg, VA, 22407.", "Alleghany County is a United States county located on the far western edge of Commonwealth of Virginia. It is bordered by the Allegheny Mountains, from which the county derives its name, and it is the northernmost part of the Roanoke Region of Virginia. The county seat is Covington. The county was created in 1822 from parts of Botetourt County, Bath County, and Monroe County (now in West Virginia). At the time, the majority of the population lived around Covington, and the primary cash crop then was hemp, which was used for rope production.", "Warren County Jail Transitions to Court Holding Facility. Warren County Jail Transitions to Court Holding Facility. As of Wednesday, June 25, 2014, all inmates that were housed at the old Warren County Jail at 8 East Jackson Street, Front Royal have been relocated to the new RSW (Rappahannock Shenandoah Warren) Regional Jail.", "Weather at Tappahannock-Essex County Airport, VA - via NOAA's National Weather ServiceWeather at Tappahannock-Essex County Airport, VA - via NOAA's National Weather Service. Winds are South at 5.8 MPH (5 KT). The humidity is 38%. Last Updated on Apr 15 2017, 10:55 pm EDT.", "Other Counties Within Virginia. Prince William County ; Culpeper County ; Rappahannock County ; Warren County ; Loudoun County ; Show More Clarke County ; Fairfax County ; Stafford County ; Madison County ; Orange County ; Page County ; Arlington County ; Spotsylvania County ; Frederick County ; Shenandoah County", "Located on the Northern Neck near the mouth of the Rappahannock River, Lancaster County is part of the Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace wine-growing region recognized by the United States as an American Viticultural Area. Lancaster County is the most densely populated county in the Northern Neck.", "Alleghany County is an American county located on the far western edge of Commonwealth of Virginia. It is bordered by the Allegheny Mountains, from which the county derives its name, and it is the northernmost part of the Roanoke Region of Virginia. The county seat is Covington. The county was created in 1822 from parts of Botetourt County, Bath County, and Monroe County (now in West Virginia). At the time, the majority of the population lived around Covington, and the primary cash crop then was hemp, which was used for rope production.", "Amissville, Virginia. Amissville is an unincorporated community in Rappahannock County in the U.S. state of Virginia. It is located on U.S. Route 211 about halfway between Warrenton and the small town of Washington, Virginia. The Locust Grove/R.E.", "Most recently, Courtland provided speech-language therapy to infants and toddlers in Rappahannock, Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Rockingham County as well as Harrisonburg City. Originally from Harrisonburg, Courtland returned to the Valley nine years ago, with her husband, John, and children, Ted and Sally.", "Carroll County, Virginia. Carroll County is a United States county located in the southwestern part of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Roughly one fifth of the county lies in the Virginia Piedmont region, while the rest is part of the Appalachian Mountains. The Carroll county seat and largest town is Hillsville.", "County History. Formed from Orange County by an act of the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1748, Culpeper County held its first county court in 1749. The original territory included what is now Culpeper, Madison, and Rappahannock Counties.", "Top 6 Restaurants in Lancaster Virginia. 1. Sandpiper Restaurant: Located at 850 Rappahannock Dr in Whitestone, The Sandpiper has been a staple of excellent dining in Lancaster County for decades. With their popular steak and seafood dishes, one is sure to have a wonderful dining experience at The SandPiper.", "Virginia House of Delegates 2018: Delegate Michael J. Webert Preferred Name: Mike: Member Since: 2012: R - Counties of Culpeper (part), Fauquier (part), Rappahannock, and Warren (part) 18th District", "Virginia is for Lovers. Dining Merroir. Merroir is a riverfront gourmet oyster tasting house featuring the celebrated farms of Rappahannock Oyster Company. Also enjoy four craft brews on tap, dozens of world-famous wines and bottled beers, and an always-changing menu of small-plate delicacies.", "Stafford County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 128,961. Its county seat is Stafford. Located across the Rappahannock River from the City of Fredericksburg, Stafford County is part of the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area. In 2006, and again in 2009, Stafford was ranked as the 11th highest income county in America by Forbes magazine.", "This is where it all started – on the banks of the Rappahannock River overlooking where we grow our oysters. We like to call Merroir a “tasting room,” just so people know to expect something different. Everything is either served raw or cooked on an outdoor grill, small-plate-style, and beautifully paired with craft brews and world-famous wines.", "Four rivers define three peninsulas east of the Fall Line. South of the James River, the area was known as Southside, with the exception that the far southeastern corner of the state was called Hampton Roads. The land between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers is the Northern Neck. The neck refers to the shape of the peninsula.", "Dunnsville, Virginia. Dunnsville is an unincorporated community in Essex County, in the U.S. state of Virginia. State Rout 17, which transects the community, has a roadside historical marker commemorating the Rappahannock Industrial Academy. U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Dunnsville, Virginia.", "Virginia apple country includes the mountainous region of the northern Shenandoah Valley through the Roanoke Valley, the rich countryside of Albermarle and Rappahannock counties and the southwest counties of Patrick and Carroll. The majority of apples trees are grown in the Shenandoah Valley.", "Fairfax County. Fairfax County Virginia is the largest county in the Washington, D.C. area. It is inside and outside the beltway. Fairfax County VA includes Falls Church, Reston, Tysons Corner, McLean, Great Falls, Fairfax, Oakton, Springfield, Burke, Annandale, Chantilly, Centreville and Clfiton. Loudoun County Virginia is the fast growing county that has seen many larger homes and diverse communities.", "Below is a list of the coaching vacancies for the 2016-2017 school year including the approved stipend for each position. Returning coaches should submit a letter of interest to Mr. Mike Tupper, Rappahannock County High School Principal. New applicants need to submit the attached application to Mr. Tupper, Rappahannock County High School Principal.", "Coaching Vacancies. Below is a list of the coaching vacancies for the 2016-2017 school year including the approved stipend for each position. Click here to view vacancies for the 2016-2017 school year. Returning coaches should submit a letter of interest to Mr. Mike Tupper, Rappahannock County High School Principal.", "King George County is located on the Northern Neck and is bounded on the north by the Potomac River, which lies in Charles County, Maryland. It is bounded on the south by the Rappahannock River across which lie Caroline and Essex Counties; on the east by Westmoreland County and on the west by Stafford County.", "Berkeley County, West Virginia. Berkeley County is in the Eastern Panhandle region of West Virginia in the United States. The county is part of the Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, the county population was 104,169, making it the second-most populous of West Virginia's 55 counties, behind Kanawha.", "The county is bordered to the west by Pocahontas County in the state of West Virginia, to the north by Pendleton County, West Virginia, to the east by Augusta County, Virginia, and to the south by Bath County, Virginia. The county is 153 miles (246 km) northwest of Richmond, Virginia.", "Machipongo, Northampton County, Virginia $309,000 MAGNIFICENT WATERFRONT LOT WITH COZY COTTAGE ON THE RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER Port Royal, Caroline County, Virginia", "Floyd County, Virginia. Floyd County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 15,279. Its county seat is Floyd. Floyd County is included in the Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA Metropolitan Statistical Area." ]
league of nations germany was allowed to join
Germany s military power was reduced, and it was not allowed any troops in the Rhineland. Germans said this left them powerless against even the tiny countries. Yet at the same time, Germany was not allowed to join the League of Nations an insult.Germany had to pay 6,600 million reparations, a huge sum which Germans felt was just designed to destroy their economy and starve their children. Finally, Germans hated the loss of land.et, although the Allies did not allow Germany an army, they did not let her join the League of Nations. This was an insult, and it also meant the Germany had no way ever to get fair treatment by other states neither armies nor argument.
[ "Conditions. Proclamation of the German Empire in the Salle des Glaces, Versailles. The treaty provided for the creation of the League of Nations, a major goal of US president Woodrow Wilson. The purpose of the organization was to arbitrate conflicts between nations before they lead to war.s a result, the US never joined the League of Nations and later negotiated a separate peace treaty with Germany: the Treaty of Berlin of 1921 which confirmed the reparation payments and other provisions of the Treaty of Versailles but explicitly excluded all articles related to the League of Nations.", "In place of the Treaty of Versailles, in 1921 Congress passed a resolution, known as the Knox–Porter Resolution, to formally end the war with Germany. The United States would never join the League of Nations, which was just one of several problems the organization would have in building power and credibility.n March 19, 1920, the United States Senate rejected for the second time the Treaty of Versailles, by a vote of 49-35, falling seven votes short of a two-thirds majority needed for approval. The Treaty of Versailles was a formal peace treaty between the World War I Allies and Germany.", "Best Answer: The League of Nations was established by the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed at the end of the First World War. To become binding on the United States, it had to be approved the United States Senate.eport Abuse. Woodrow Wilson wanted the US to enter the league of nations. Unfortunately, it was up to Congress to decide. Congress had better things to do and were opposed to joining. Yes, it was a mistake.", "Unfortunately for Wilson, he was met with stiff opposition. The Republican leader of the Senate, Henry Cabot Lodge, was very suspicious of Wilson and his treaty. Article X of the League of Nations required the United States to respect the territorial integrity of member states.ermany was to admit guilt for the war and pay unlimited reparations. The German military was reduced to a domestic police force and its territory was truncated to benefit the new nations of Eastern Europe. The territories of Alsace and Lorraine were restored to France.", "This resulted in the U.S. never signing the Treaty of Versailles and never joining the League of Nations, the U.S. did however, agree to a separate peace treaty with Germany in August 1921 named the Treaty of Berlin.nswer Yes, Germany eventually signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. They did not approve of it, however, and refused to accept it at first.", "The League of Nations was an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes. Though first proposed by President Woodrow Wilson as part of his Fourteen Points plan for an equitable peace in Europe, the United States never became a member. Cartoon critizing U.S. lack of participation in the League of Nations.", "This was a separate peace treaty with Germany that stipulated that the United States would enjoy all rights, privileges, indemnities, reparations or advantages conferred to it by the Treaty of Versailles, but left out any mention of the League of Nations, which the United States never joined.", "I believe that the restrictions the League of Nations had imposed on Germany were too harsh, as it completely broke down the German nation and stripped them of their sense of pride, dignity, power and economic values.", "June 28, 2011 06:00 AM. by findingDulcinea Staff. On June 28, 1919, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles, officially ending its involvement in World War I. The treaty subjected Germany to a number of harsh penalties and restrictions that many historians believe contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler.he Treaty of Versailles established the League of Nations, the world’s first international peacekeeping organization and a precursor to today’s United Nations. Though it was Wilson who insisted on its creation, the United States never joined the League of Nations.", "However, as Germany refused to guarantee its eastern frontiers France sought to give Poland and Czechoslovakia they security they required by signing treaties with them. The Treaty of Locarno was signed in October 1925. This enabled Germany to be admitted to the League of Nations.n 1929 the German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann proposed that France, Germany and Belgium should recognize as permanent their frontiers that was agreed at Versallies. This included the promise not to send German troops into the Rhineland and the acceptance that Alsace-Lorraine was permantely part of France.", "The League of Nations also took control of Germany's overseas colonies. Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.An enlarged Poland also received some of this land.he League of Nations also took control of Germany's overseas colonies. Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. An enlarged Poland also received some of this land.", "The League of Nations also took control of Germany’s overseas colonies. Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. An enlarged Poland also received some of this land.", "Why did the United States fail to ratify the Versailles Treaty and join the League of Nations? Personal enmity between Wilson and Lodge played a part. Wilson might have prudently invited a prominent Republican to accompany him to Paris to help ensure its later passage.ermany was to admit guilt for the war and pay unlimited reparations. The German military was reduced to a domestic police force and its territory was truncated to benefit the new nations of Eastern Europe. The territories of Alsace and Lorraine were restored to France.", "The Treaty of Versailles also created the League of Nations, which was to enforce the treaty and encourage the peaceful resolution of international conflicts. Many Americans were opposed to joining the League of Nations, however, and despite Wilson's efforts, the U.S. Senate failed to ratify the treaty.", "The League of Nations, 1920. The League of Nations was an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes. It was first proposed by President Woodrow Wilson as part of his Fourteen Points plan for an equitable peace in Europe, but the United States was never a member.", "American President Woodrow Wilson intended the League of Nations to be the primary body of a new style of international relations based on the cooperation of all of the nations of the world. The League was to be centered in Geneva, Switzerland, a neutral location. Small nations as well as large nations were asked to join, dependent on their acceptance of the Covenant of the League. The League of Nations first met in November 1920. Forty-two nations were represented at this first meeting.", "Wilson did gain approval for his proposal for a League of Nations. Dismayed by the overall results, but hopeful that a strong League could prevent future wars, he returned to present the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate.ermany was to admit guilt for the war and pay unlimited reparations. The German military was reduced to a domestic police force and its territory was truncated to benefit the new nations of Eastern Europe. The territories of Alsace and Lorraine were restored to France.", "The League of Nations also took control of Germany's overseas colonies. Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.An enlarged Poland also received some of this land.he Treaty of the Versailles affect Germany by taking away German land in Europe, its colonies in Africa and the Pacific. It also limits the size of Germany's armed forces. It … also placed all the blame for the war on them.", "The population and territory of Germany was reduced by about 10 percent by the treaty. On the west Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France, and the Saarland was placed under the supervision of the League of Nations until 1935.", "After the devastation of the war, support for such a good idea was great (except in America where isolationism was taking root). The organisation of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was to be based in Geneva, Switzerland.This choice was natural as Switzerland was a neutral country and had not fought in World War One. No one could dispute this choice especially as an international organisation such as the Red Cross was already based in Switzerland.he country, whose president, Woodrow Wilson, had dreamt up the idea of the League – America – refused to join it. As America was the world’s most powerful nation, this was a serious blow to the prestige of the League.", "America did not join the League of Nations because the Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles. The reason for this is because America did not want to immediately send … troops if another nation was attacked. The League of Nations had stated that, so the Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles.", "The League of Nations wasn't actually something that the US joined, but the US representative, Woodrow Wilson, suggested that it be formed. This was suggested at the Treaty of … Versailles, however after World War 1, the US became isolationist and so the people of the US didn't want to be involved in European affairs.The League of Nations hoped to keep world peace by intervening if one initiated violence with another country.his was suggested at the Treaty of … Versailles, however after World War 1, the US became isolationist and so the people of the US didn't want to be involved in European affairs. The League of Nations hoped to keep world peace by intervening if one initiated violence with another country.", "Member states of the League of Nations. Between 1920 and 1939, a total of 63 countries became member states of the League of Nations. The Covenant forming the League of Nations was included in the Treaty of Versailles and came into force on 10 January 1920. The League of Nations was dissolved on 18 April 1946, when its assets and responsibilities were transferred to the United Nations.", "After helping win World War I by defeating Germany and Austria-Hungary, Wilson asked Americans to accept the League of Nations, a global body of nations designed to protect the peace and security and economic prosperity of the world. Wilson was asking Americans to accept a much more expanded role in the world.", "Woodrow Wilson successfully sold his concept of a League of Nations to the European powers who included it in the Versailles Treaty. He had more difficulty convincing the Senate. Conservative Senators (the irreconcilables) blocked ratification of a treaty that included provisions for a League.", "Americans were also uneasy about Wilson's scheme for a League of Nations. They were concerned that belonging to the League would drag the USA into international disputes that were not their concern. In the end, the Congress rejected the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.he German politicians were not consulted about the terms of the Treaty. They were shown the draft terms in May 1919. They complained bitterly, but the Allies did not take any notice of their complaints. Germany had very little choice but to sign the Treaty.", "The League of Nations also took control of Germany's overseas colonies. Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.An enlarged Poland also received some of this land.ermany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.", "The League of Nations was an international organization that existed between 1920 and 1946. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the League of Nations vowed to promote international cooperation and preserve global peace.t its height in 1934 and 1935, the League had 58 member countries. The member countries of the League of Nations spanned the globe and included most of Southeast Asia, Europe, and South America. At the time of the League of Nations, nearly all of Africa consisted of colonies of Western powers.", "The League did not stop several of the most significant events that led to World War II. Examples of League of Nations failures include: The Axis countries (Germany, Italy, and Japan) withdrew from the League because they refused to comply with the League's order to not militarize.The members of the League of Nations knew that many changes within the organization had to occur after World War II. The League of Nations was disbanded in 1946.he League encouraged countries to reduce their amount of military weapons. Any country that resorted to war would be subject to economic sanctions such as a halt to trade. The League of Nations was founded in 1920 by forty-two countries. At its height in 1934 and 1935, the League had 58 member countries.", "Summary. American President Woodrow Wilson intended the League of Nations to be the primary body of a new style of international relations based on the cooperation of all of the nations of the world. The League was to be centered in Geneva, Switzerland, a neutral location. Small nations as well as large nations were asked to join, dependent on their acceptance of the Covenant of the League. The League of Nations first met in November 1920. Forty-two nations were represented at this first meeting.", "For the Allies, the treaty had created a just peace which weakened Germany, secured the French border against attack and created an organisation to ensure future world peace, to be called the League of Nations. Yet the backlash in Germany against the Versailles ‘Diktat’ was enormous.", "After the devastation of the war, support for such a good idea was great (except in America where isolationism was taking root). The organisation of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was to be based in Geneva, Switzerland.This choice was natural as Switzerland was a neutral country and had not fought in World War One. No one could dispute this choice especially as an international organisation such as the Red Cross was already based in Switzerland.n view of the League’s desire to end war, the only criteria that can be used to classify a success, was whether war was avoided and a peaceful settlement formulated after a crisis between two nations.", "As a provision of the Versailles Treaty, Germany's colonies became mandates of the League of Nations and delegated to France, Japan and Britain. The colonies became in actuality, those of the respective countries, which was one of their purposes in fighting the war.rticle 10 of the Versailles Treaty. The most controversial of the League of Nations covenants, Article 10 said that all nations must protect the territorial and political integrity of other League members. The article meant that if one nation was engaged in war, all others must become involved." ]
how fan clutch works
Step by step guide on how an automotive fan clutch works. This article pertains to all vehicles equipped with a clutch fan. Step 1 - A fan clutch function is to engage the fan blade to the shaft when heated which is mounted to the front of the engine attached to the water pump. This clutch is constructed using silicone grease, and a temperature sensitive coil spring that expands and contracts with heat from the radiator. Clutch Fan.
[ "First, lets discuss what the fan clutch does and why it is there. The fan clutch is just what the. name says, it is a mechanism that will clutch the fan on and off depending on the need for more. or less cooling air to flow thru the radiator. It is a thermostatically controlled device that when. operating normally will vary the fan speed independently of the engine speed.", "A fan clutch is a thermostatic device that exists as an integral component of certain automotive cooling systems. fan clutch is a thermostatic device that exists as an integral component of certain automotive cooling systems.", "A radiator fan clutch is found on the fans that run off of the engine. This system is used primarily in trucks, SUVs, and rear-wheel drive cars where the engine is mounted longitudinally. In these cases, a fan driven off of the front of the engine can blow air onto the radiator to cool it.", "- The fan clutch is driven from a serpentine belt which is connected to the main drive pulley of the engine. Step 3 - To remove the fan clutch a large wrench is needed, it might also require a hammer shock to unlock the clutch threads. These threads can be standard or reverse rotation.", "First, lets discuss what the fan clutch does and why it is there. or less cooling air to flow thru the radiator. operating normally will vary the fan speed independently of the engine speed. this way the fan noise and drag on the engine is greatly reduced. speed to help maintain constant engine temperature.", "Hayden Fan Clutch Operation & Trouble Shooting. The Fan Clutch is a component of the cooling system that varies the fan speed to meet the cooling needs of the. engine. Nearly all rear wheel drive vehicles use Fan Clutches to control fan speed because of their ability to. provide high volumes of air and good fuel economy.", "Controls fans speed based on temperature. When at high speed, the Thermal Fan Clutch can provide high speed operation provides maximum cooling with it may be needed. When engine speed is low, the fan may be disengaged if not needed, providing fuel savings and noise reduction.", "Posts: 435. I think everyone has great ideas of what it does... But why a fan clutch is more simple: Saves fuel. Running ala old american iron a fan all the time drains fuel and slows the engine heating up contributing to wear. It's not uncommon to see an electric fan on all the time or nearly so in the summer-your running the a/c.", "Clutch to engage and the fan to turn. As long as any switch. is closed, the Fan Clutch will be engaged. When all switches are open, or power is interrupted for any. reson, the magnetic field collapses, releasing the fan hub. from the drive pulley. As the field collapses, polarity across.", "Thermal Fan Clutch. 1 Varies the fan speed with temperature of the air behind the radiator. 2 Engaged (high speed) operation provides maximum cooling. 3 Disengaged (low speed) operation provides fuel savings and noise reduction. Greater life expectancy than a non-thermal 1 clutch. Briefly engaged at cold start- up.", "Common Fan Clutch Problems. The most common problem encountered with a fan clutch is when the car overheats while it is not running. This is when the fan clutch does not work properly and thereby decreasing the car air conditioner’s performance as the fan clutch also cools the condenser of the air conditioning unit.", "Step1: Determine the type of your fan clutch. There are two types of fan clutches; one is a fan that is held by four bolts and the other one is held in place by a large nut. Inspect the fan clutch in your car so you would know what type to buy for replacement.", "Well the answer is yes....BUT a better way to ask the question is how do you determine if the fan clutch is working?? If the fan doesn't move at all then the bearing is seized. The fan should always spin with some if not alot of resistance. As to how much resistance is the question... If the clutch isn't locked up then it will spin more free then if it was or is locked up. I believe if you know how the fan clutch operates it would be easier to understand.", "When the vehicle is cold the fan will basically spin at the same RPM as the engine due to the fact it's bolted to the water pump of the engine. Now on the front of the FC (fan clutch) is a thermal-coil style thermostate that engages and dis-engages the FC.", "In these engines, the radiator cooling fan is attached to the water pump by the radiator fan clutch. In some systems, known as non-thermal fan clutches, when the water pump spins, the cooling fan spins. So these types of fan clutches react to speed. In the more sophisticated thermal fan clutch there is a thermostatic spring that controls fluid flow to engage and disengage the fan clutch from the water pump.", "Because these fans are driven by the crankshaft. It's important to check the drive belt for wear and glazing. A viscous fan clutch contains a thick fluid that can leak from the unit. This fluids viscosity is measured in CST or centistokes and will wear over time. Check the unit for leaks through the seams and around the shaft.", "The thermal clutch responds based on temperature changes within the engine bay. Using a bi-metal thermostatic coil they sense the engine bay temperature and engage or disengage the fan from the water pump shaft. When engine bay temperatures are cold, the fan clutch is disconnected.", "If the fan rotates when you turn on the engine, or the fan does not work after four or five minutes when the engine reaches operating temperature, replace the clutch. Keep an eye on the temperature gauge indicator on the instrument panel. Test the fluid-coupling fan clutch visually with the engine running.", "The replacement of the fan clutch is not a complicated job until you realize that the working room is very limited and that a special tool is needed to remove and replace it. It takes a very thin, specially bent 1 7/16 inch wrench, as the clutch is threaded onto the front of the water pump shaft.", "Non-thermal clutches operate based on the shaft speed of the water pump. At low and idling speeds the clutch allows the fan blade to turn at almost a 1:1 ratio. Do NOT replace EV fan clutch unless a specific issue is identified by proper SI (Service Indicator / Check Engine) diagnosis.", "The hotter the engine gets, the more the fan has to spin. If the fan clutch is not functioning correctly, the fan won’t spin at the right speed and therefore can’t provide the cooling needed. It could spin too much and waste power coming from the engine, or spin too little and not cool the engine enough.", "They turn back off when the temperature drops below that point. Rear-wheel drive cars with longitudinal engines usually have engine-driven cooling fans. These fans have a thermostatically controlled viscous clutch. This clutch is positioned at the hub of the fan, in the airflow coming through the radiator. This special viscous clutch is much like the viscous coupling sometimes found in all-wheel drive cars.", "A clutch fan can fail one of two ways, it can either lock up causing poor mileage accompanied by a whirring sound, (like a small airplane is taking off.) Or the silicone grease can leak causing the fan to freewheel while failing to pull air through the radiator.", "Step 3: Replace the fan clutch. This time, disconnect the clutch from the fan. Use the socket and the ratchet to unscrew the bolts that connects the fan to the clutch. Once it's out, place the new clutch and tighten the bolts again to keep the clutch in place.", "Electric fan is more efficient and more reliable. It either works or it doesn't. Most of the overheating problems on these cars are caused by the viscous clutch fan that still has some friction but not enough to keep the car cool. There is really no perfect way to gauge whether the clutch is good or not." ]
what does salt do in lye soap
Lye, or sodium hydroxide, is a chemical made from salt. Yep, ordinary salt. A system similar to electroplating is used to change the salt to lye. I watched a video on how to make it chemically, and it’s simple. Salt is dissolved in cold water to the point just before it starts to precipitate out.
[ "If you’d like a harder bar of soap that releases faster from the mold, you can add sodium lactate to the cooled lye water. Use 1 teaspoon of sodium lactate per pound of oils in the recipe. For this recipe, you’d add about 2 teaspoons sodium lactate. Once you reach a thin trace, add the 1 tablespoon of honey.", "Soapmaking involves a chemical process in which sodium hydroxide (lye) reacts with oils to make soap. This process is called saponification. Because this process requires the use of lye, important safety precautions must be taken.nd then of course there are the molds, soapmaking oils, and distilled water to be mixed with the lye. There are several types of molds you can use to create cold process soap. You can purchase tray molds that are basically hard plastic molds that will create numerous bars of soap at once.", "The lye component is a bit different. Sodium hydroxide is used to make hard bar soap while potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soap. Potassium hydroxide is harder to find and comes in flakes, not beads. The flakes are easier to work with, but are still caustic, so gloves and protective eyewear must be used.You’ll also need a small amount of borax.odium hydroxide is used to make hard bar soap while potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soap. Potassium hydroxide is harder to find and comes in flakes, not beads. The flakes are easier to work with, but are still caustic, so gloves and protective eyewear must be used.", "Sodium hydroxide is used to make solid soap while potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soap. Sodium hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda, is mainly used as drain cleaners or de-cloggers. It is also used as an ingredient in the production of methamphetamine, an illegal and dangerous drug.Thus keeping large quantities of lye is controlled or regulated in some areas.odium hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda, is mainly used as drain cleaners or de-cloggers. It is also used as an ingredient in the production of methamphetamine, an illegal and dangerous drug.", "When soap is made properly, there is no lye or sodium hydroxide left in a cured bar of soap. The process of saponification changes the lye and oil into soap and glycerin, with a pH of approx 8.5 to 10 when fully cured (about 4-6 weeks). When making soap, do use only stainless steel or enamel utensils. Chipped enamel pots or any other metal will be eaten by the lye.", "Once lye has completely dissolved, the milk should be around 50-65° F. If you’d like, add sodium lactate to the lye mixture at a rate of 1 tsp. per pound of oils. It helps the soap pop out of the mold faster, and creates a harder, longer-lasting bar of soap. Stir thoroughly to mix in the sodium lactate.", "The alkali is the lye (sodium hydroxide mixed with water, tea, goat milk, juice, etc.). When mixed together the chemical reaction (saponification) results in... Neat soap: the saponified oils (simple soap) Glycerin: Our handmade natural soaps retain the glycerin which occurs naturally in the soap making process.", ". People often think of lye soap as a soap that is unpleasant to use because too much lye was used in the soap formula and lye (sodium hydroxide) remained in the bar of soap to irritate and burn the skin.Soap cannot be made without using lye. When made correctly, no lye will remain in the bar of soap.aponification is the chemical process of making soap that involves an exothermic reaction between lye (sodium hydroxide) and a fat (usually oils). What is commonly known as. yields a glycerin-rich soap, which used to be referred to as. .", ". People often think of lye soap as a soap that is unpleasant to use because too much lye was used in the soap formula and lye (sodium hydroxide) remained in the bar of soap to irritate and burn the skin. Soap cannot be made without using lye. When made correctly, no lye will remain in the bar of soap.", "What is happening here is that with excess of salt, the harmalas get the Chlorine ions from salt and precipitate in the salt harmala form, harmine and harmaline HCl, which are insoluble in salt saturated water therefore precipitate.f you only have sodium carb and want to separate harmine from harmaline you'll also need a pH meter) Lye (optional). 1 Salt (rock salt or iodine free table salt). 2 Vinegar. 3 Sodium Carbonate (which can be made from sodium bicarb by putting in the oven on high for an hour or two). 4 Sodium Bicarbonate (optional. 5 Lye (optional).", "wikiHow to Make Lye. Lye is an alkaline solution that’s often used for washing, making soaps, and curing certain foods. Lye is sometimes called caustic soda because it has a pH of about 13, which means it’s extremely alkaline and can burn and corrode skin, organic tissue, certain plastics, and other materials.", "Water is needed to dissolve the lye (sodium hydroxide) and for the hydrolysis of the fats. Using too much water may produce soft bars of soap, may demand extra drying time, or may encourage rancidity.", "Now, we need to discuss the ingredients. Cold process soap bars are made using a combination of oils or fats and lye. Lye sounds a little scary, but all the caustic qualities of the lye are removed during the saponification process. When the lye interacts with the oils or fats, it creates glycerine. The type of oils and fats used make a difference in how hard or soft the soap bar ends up being, and how well it lathers.", "Before you Buy Lye. As a soap maker, buying lye is best done in bulk because of its cost effectiveness. When you purchase the sodium hydroxide, it will come in a dry form. The proper amount of water must be added before it's ready to be used in the soap making reaction.ye, also known as sodium hydroxide, is a key ingredient in the soap making reaction called saponification. Although this chemical is essential to produce mild handmade soaps, the substance in an unadulterated form is extremely alkaline and caustic.", "It is the reaction between the lye and the oils that produces soap. Once that reaction (called. There are two types of lye used by soapmakers-sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide is used to make solid soap; potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soaps.", "Soap is made by combining lye (sodium hydroxide is the chemical name) with a liquid and fats and oils. Once these ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction starts to take place. The result of this reaction is soap and if you've made it right, there isn't any lye left. Just good clean glycerin rich soap. Generally the cold process method of soap making goes like this: 1. Weigh out your liquid and lye. Add the lye to the water and stir until combined.", "Now, we need to discuss the ingredients. Cold process soap bars are made using a combination of oils or fats and lye. Lye sounds a little scary, but all the caustic qualities of the lye are removed during the saponification process. When the lye interacts with the oils or fats, it creates glycerine.", "How to Make Lye. Lye, also known as NaOH, sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, is used in making soap and in biodiesel fuel production. Caustic potash, or potassium hydroxide, is also called lye.", "Pure Lye. Sodium hydroxide, also known as Caustic Soda or Lye, is a product that is used in the creation of soap, detergent, paper, textiles and drinking water.It is a chemical base and comes packaged as a white solid.Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) – Uses and Benefits.odium hydroxide, also known as Caustic Soda or Lye, is a product that is used in the creation of soap, detergent, paper, textiles and drinking water.", "Yes, lye is necessary in all handcrafted soaps made from scratch. It is the reaction between the lye and the oils that produces soap. Once that reaction (called. There are two types of lye used by soapmakers-sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.es, lye is necessary in all handcrafted soaps made from scratch. It is the reaction between the lye and the oils that produces soap. Once that reaction (called. There are two types of lye used by soapmakers-sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.", "The glycerine is extracted from the soap with lye2 - a brine solution that is added to the soap. at the saponification stage. Wet soap is soluble in weak brine, but separates out as the. electrolyte concentration increases. Glycerine, on the other hand, is highly soluble in brine.", "Pure Lye. Sodium hydroxide, also known as Caustic Soda or Lye, is a product that is used in the creation of soap, detergent, paper, textiles and drinking water. It is a chemical base and comes packaged as a white solid. Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) – Uses and Benefits.", "Cold process soap bars are made using a combination of oils or fats and lye. Lye sounds a little scary, but all the caustic qualities of the lye are removed during the saponification process. When the lye interacts with the oils or fats, it creates glycerine. The type of oils and fats used make a difference in how hard or soft the soap bar ends up being, and how well it lathers.", "The cold process method is often used to make soap from lye. The lye is mixed with water, and then base oils, butters and fragrances are added. The gradual chemical reaction between the lye and the fats eventually produces a solid soap. Hot process soap making also uses lye as the main ingredient." ]
definition of the word impersonal
LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of impersonal is not being personal and is someone or something that doesn't have a connection to any person or does not show emotions. 1 A large corporation that doesn't focus on people is an example of something that would be described as impersonal.
[ "1 Not responsive to or expressive of human personalities: a large, impersonal corporation. 2 adj. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a verb that expresses the action of an unspecified subject, as in methinks, it seems to me”; Latin pluit, it rains”; or, with an expletive subject, it snowed. adj.", "Meaning impersonal, unbiased is first found 1855, influenced by Ger. objektiv. The noun is 1738, with sense of something objective to the mind; meaning goal, aim is first as a military term from the U.S. War Between the States, 1864 (in objective point), from Fr.; general use of it is first attested 1881.", "Glossary > Accounting > impersonal account. impersonal account. noun. any account other than a personal account, being classified as either a real account, in which property is recorded, or a nominal account, in which income, expenses and capital are recorded. See also account, personal account.", "Words near impersonal in the dictionary. 1 impermissively. 2 impermissiveness. 3 imperscrutable. 4 imperseverant. 5 impersonal. 6 impersonal-subject. 7 impersonal-subjects. 8 impersonal-verb. 9 impersonal-verbs. 10 impersonality.", "1 without human traits:an impersonal god. 2 lacking human emotion or warmth:a cold, impersonal letter of rejection. ( 3 of a verb) having only third person singular forms and used without an expressed subject, as Latin pluit it is raining,'' or occurring with an empty subject word, as the English verb rain in It is raining.", "Impersonation is the ability of a thread to execute in a security context that is different from the context of the process that owns the thread. Impersonation is designed to meet the security requirements of client/server applications.", "An impersonation -- usually at the service of a script; though not always a script. Acting can be considered as a pure art: the artist and the instrument are the same.Acting consists of: 1. a series of tasks, usually in a situation or context; 3. imaginary -- at least part of it.", "An impersonator is someone who imitates or copies the behavior or actions of another. Entertainment: An entertainer impersonates a celebrity, generally for entertainment, and makes fun of their personal lives, recent scandals and known behavior patterns.", "An impersonator is someone who imitates or copies the behavior or actions of another. There are many reasons for impersonating someone: Entertainment: An entertainer impersonates a celebrity, generally for entertainment, and makes fun of their personal lives, recent scandals and known behavior patterns.", "Impersonation is when someone pretends to be another person. If you pretend to be your twin brother all day at school, that's impersonation. There are a few different forms of impersonation — some of them are harmless, like comedians who use impersonation to mimic the voices and mannerisms of famous people, or actors who play historical figures in movies.", "tr.v. im·per·son·at·ed, im·per·son·at·ing, im·per·son·ates. 1. To assume the character or appearance of, especially fraudulently: impersonate a police officer. 2. To imitate the appearance, voice, or manner of; mimic: an entertainer who impersonates celebrities.", "impersonal pronouns. Contribute to our Open Dictionary. the pronoun ‘it’ in English, when it does not refer to a particular person or thing. In the sentences ‘It’s all right’ and ‘It’s important to eat plenty of green vegetables’, ‘it’ is an impersonal pronoun. Synonyms and related words.", "The consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living. The consideration of a human being as an impersonal object. (programming) Process that makes a computable/addressable object out of a non-computable/addressable one. (linguistics) The transformation of a natural-language statement into a form in which its actions and events are quantifiable variables.", "Blog. A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. Definition and synonyms of impersonal from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.", "1 lacking human emotion or warmth:a cold, impersonal letter of rejection. ( 2 of a verb) having only third person singular forms and used without an expressed subject, as Latin pluit it is raining,'' or occurring with an empty subject word, as the English verb rain in It is raining.", "An impersonal verb is different from a defective verb in that with an impersonal verb, only one possible syntactical subject is meaningful (either expressed or not), whereas with a defective verb, certain choices of subject might not be grammatically possible, because the verb does not have a complete conjugation.", "3 Grammar (Of a verb) used only with a formal subject (in English usually it) and expressing an action not attributable to a definite subject (as in it is snowing).ore example sentences. 1 But online stores are cold, impersonal places devoid of any sense of human contact, where every book is merely an itemised commodity. 2 At the time, however, my dad deplored the feeling that he was becoming just another number in an impersonal organization, a cog in the machine.", "1 rain is going on; or Latin pugnatur, it is fought —that is, fighting is going on. In many quasi-impersonal phrases the it is a grammatical subject, anticipating a logical subject that comes later: thus, it hurts one to fall —that is, falling hurts one; and so on. n. That which wants personality; an impersonal verb.", "uk ​ /ɪmˈpɜː.sən.eɪt/ us ​ /ɪmˈpɝː.sən.eɪt/. › to intentionally copy another person's characteristics, such as their behaviour, speech, appearance, or expressions, especially to make people laugh: She's the woman who impersonates all the celebrities on TV. › to attempt to deceive someone by pretending that you are another person:", "adjective. 1 without reference to any individual person; objective ⇒ an impersonal assessment. 2 devoid of human warmth or sympathy; cold ⇒ an impersonal manner. 3 not having human characteristics ⇒ an impersonal God. ( 4 grammar) (of a verb) having no logical subject. ( 5 grammar) (of a pronoun) not denoting a person. without reference to any individual person; objective ⇒ an impersonal assessment. 2 devoid of human warmth or sympathy; cold ⇒ an impersonal manner. 3 not having human characteristics ⇒ an impersonal God. ( 4 grammar) (of a verb) having no logical subject.", "In the first one, impersonation defines a single, specific account. In this case, no matter what user access the application, and no matter what type of user-level security you use, the code will run under the account you've set. In the second one, the user must be authenticated by IIS.", "A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. Definition and synonyms of impersonal pronoun from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.", "Impersonal passive voice. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The impersonal passive voice, sometimes called pseudo-passive voice, is a verb voice that decreases the valency of an intransitive verb (which has valency one) to zero. The impersonal passive deletes the subject of an intransitive verb.", "Personation (rather than impersonation) is a primarily-legal term, meaning 'to assume the identity of another person with intent to deceive'. It is often used for the kind of voter fraud where an individual votes in an election, whilst pretending to be a different elector.", "noun a formal organization characterized by a hierarchy of authority a clear division of labor explicit rules and impersonality openstax college 2012 example the department of motor vehicles or city hall", "Impersonation. Impersonating a law enforcement official, or another type of public servant, in a professional capacity, is almost always illegal. Doing so will most likely result in legal ramifications — unless, of course, the content is clearly satirical or parody.", "1 without reference to any individual person; objective ⇒ an impersonal assessment. 2 devoid of human warmth or sympathy; cold ⇒ an impersonal manner. 3 not having human characteristics ⇒ an impersonal God. ( 4 grammar) (of a verb) having no logical subject. without reference to any individual person; objective ⇒ an impersonal assessment. 2 devoid of human warmth or sympathy; cold ⇒ an impersonal manner. 3 not having human characteristics ⇒ an impersonal God. ( 4 grammar) (of a verb) having no logical subject.", "This article explain the impersonation in ASP.NET 2.0. Impersonation is the process of executing code in the context of another user identity. By default, all ASP.NET code is executed using a fixed machine-specific account. To execute code using another identity we can use the built-in impersonation capabilities of ASP.NET. We can use a predefined user account or user's identity, if the user has already been authenticated using a windows account.", "second-person singular future (impersonal) active imperative of. third-person singular future (impersonal) active imperative of. perito in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press. “perito” in Félix Gaffiot’s Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette (1934)", "Configuring an Impersonation Protection Definition. An Impersonation Protection definition is required to control what identifiers are used to detect phishing, whaling, impersonation, and socially engineered phishing attacks. The definition also controls the action taken, if one or more of the identifiers are triggered.", "(April 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The impersonal passive voice, sometimes called pseudo-passive voice, is a verb voice that decreases the valency of an intransitive verb (which has valency one) to zero. The impersonal passive deletes the subject of an intransitive verb. In place of the verb's subject, the construction instead may include a syntactic placeholder, also called a dummy.", "These sentences are often translated into English as impersonal expressions. In the example, 'Se dice que es muy guapo,' dice is in the singular because it is followed by a clause introduced by que. In the sentence, 'Se puede comprar linda ropa aquí,' puede is in the singular because it is followed by an infinitive.", "This is the British English definition of impersonal pronoun. View American English definition of impersonal pronoun. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for impersonal pronoun.", "In Spanish, the hay form of haber also is considered impersonal. In translation, there rather than it is used as a dummy pronoun. Also known as: Verbo impersonal in Spanish. Examples: The verbs in boldface are impersonal verbs: 1 It is windy. ( 2 Hace viento. ). 3 It is necessary to leave. ( 4 Es necesario salir." ]
what is lysine and will it help with shingles
L-lysine may work the same way on virus that causes shingles, however UMHS cautions that this remains unproven. Sources. Nutritional medicine specialist Alan R. Gaby, M.D. explains that foods such as turkey, chicken, salmon, tuna, halibut, sardines, cheese, tofu and beans contain relatively high amounts of L-lysine and low amounts of L-arginine.
[ "Lysine also helps prevent the body s absorption of the amino acid arginine, which the herpes virus must have in order to replicate. Studies have shown that taking supplemental L-lysine in combination with vitamin C and flavonoids can effectively fight and/or prevent herpes outbreaks.ysine Lysine is an essential amino acid that is well known for its antiviral properties. It helps prevent outbreaks of herpes and cold sores, and is needed for hormone production and the growth and maintenance of bones in both children and adults.", "The following three-day program is recommended for anyone who has just been diagnosed with shingles or if you have post pain from shingles or if you have just developed a cold sore or an outbreak or genital herpes: 1 2,000 mg of buffered vitamin C every hour for three days, then 1,000-3,000 mg per day for maintenance. 1 2,000mg of lysine per day with food. 2 1 mg injection of vitamin B12 (or 500 microgram (mcg) sublingual tablets of B12 every hour) for three days, then 1,000 mcg sublingual tablets per day thereafter.", "Lysine seems to prevent the herpes virus from growing. Cold sores (herpes simplex labialis). Research suggests that lysine seems to reduce cold sores when taken by mouth and also when applied as a cream to the skin. However, some research suggests that it does not reduce the severity or recurrence of cold sores.", "Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Some studies suggest that taking lysine on a regular basis may help prevent outbreaks of cold sores and genital herpes. Others show no improvement. Lysine has antiviral effects by blocking the activity of arginine, which promotes HSV replication.ou have to get lysine from food or supplements. Amino acids like lysine are the building blocks of protein. Lysine is important for proper growth, and it plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping lower cholesterol.", "Vetoquinol Viralys (L-Lysine) Powder (600 grams) meets the needs of a Lysine supplement which is a known help in cat herpes virus treatment, both for respiratory and eye symptoms.", "Harvard health. Lysine works by lysine dosing. Cream containing the amino acid lysine applied directly to cold sore can help as well. I have been taking l lysine for years and i can't remember my last cold sore. A caution if you do take lysine supplements, don't them continually, 22 jun 2015 fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus. Lysine has literally saved me from a coldsore meltdown that was likewise if i feel tingle or see mark increase the dosage, and at these studies have claimed lysine helps in healing preventing cold sores 18 dec 2016 q.", "Lysine is an amino acid commonly paired with Vitamin C in many supplements. While an essential amino acid it does not hold much promise as a supplement beyond reducing the symptoms of herpes simplex. This page features 38 unique references to scientific papers.", "For example…. … when taken with vitamin C, l-lysine appears to help symptoms of the heart condition angina pectoris. It has also been used to treat sores caused by the herpes simplex and herpes zoster viruses. Additionally, it is believed that l-lysine benefits people with osteoporosis by helping to prevent bone loss.", "L-lysine may help reduce the occurrence of cold sores. Although more than 300 different amino acids exist in nature, only 20 serve as building blocks for proteins, and lysine is one of them. Most of these amino acids occur as stereoisomers, which means there are two forms of each – the D form and the L form – that are mirror images of each other.", "L-lysine may help reduce the occurrence of cold sores. Although more than 300 different amino acids exist in nature, only 20 serve as building blocks for proteins, and lysine is one of them.-lysine may help reduce the occurrence of cold sores. Although more than 300 different amino acids exist in nature, only 20 serve as building blocks for proteins, and lysine is one of them.", "It was back in the 1980’s that L-lysine was first used as a treatment for cold sores. It’s an essential amino acid, which means that it can’t be produced by the body on its own. It will only be available to your body through your diet, or the taking of supplements. Lysine is one of the key building blocks of protein.", "Herpes Simplex. The herpes simplex virus is responsible for the occurrence of both oral herpes, or cold sores, and genital herpes. Lysine may hold the virus in check and decrease the number of cold sores or genital herpes outbreaks you experience, and it may also make the sores heal more quickly.-lysine may help reduce the occurrence of cold sores. Although more than 300 different amino acids exist in nature, only 20 serve as building blocks for proteins, and lysine is one of them.", "Lysine is an essential amino acid for horses. In cats and humans, lysine supplementation has been prescribed for the treatment of herpesvirus infections, which can cause keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of the eye) or dermatitis.-lysine supplementation may be beneficial for at-risk horses that have been exposed during an EHV-1 outbreak. The replacement of arginine by lysine in cells is gradual, and lysine supplementation is less likely to be effective in horses that are already showing clinical signs of neurologic disease. References:", "2 Reviews. Lysine is an essential amino acid. Essential means that it is not produced by the body and therefore it must be taken in either by diet or by taking supplements. Lysine is found in foods such as lentils, red meat, pork, poultry, cod fish, sardines, nuts, eggs, soy beans, brewer's yeast, and dairy products.ysine has been used in alternative medicine as an aid to prevent cold sores around the mouth (caused by the herpes simplex virus). This product may make cold sores occur less often and may reduce the number of days a cold sore lasts. Lysine is not a cure for herpes." ]
where is right mastoid
On the more normal right side, the inner ear can be seen (loops just below temporal lobe of brain). Mastoid fluid on axial view of CT scan, again right side of image. Mastoiditis means inflammation of the sinus which is behind the middle ear. This can be seen on imaging studies (see above).
[ "- origin: mastoid process of temporal bone. - course down and forward. - insertion: sternum and clavicle. - functions: elevates sternum (and therefore rib cage) when both left and right muscles are contracted, and rotates head when only one side contracts.", "Mastoid process Origin. It normally projects from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone in the posterior region. The mastoid margin articulates with the jugular process of the occipital bone in the medial position.astoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears. The vertebral level of this bone is C1.", "Mastoid process Origin. It normally projects from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone in the posterior region. The mastoid margin articulates with the jugular process of the occipital bone in the medial position.astoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears.", "The mastoid process is part of the temporal bone, the large bone that runs along the middle bottom of the skull.Ear infections linked to mastoid cells is typically treated with antibiotics. The mastoid process is part of the temporal bone, which is located just behind the ear.. An ear, nose, and throat specialist can accurately diagnose and treat infections of the middle ear before they contribute to the development of hearing loss.View slideshow of images above.he mastoid process is part of the temporal bone, the large bone that runs along the middle bottom of the skull.", "Inside of it are mastoid air cells or sinuses that are prone to inflammation and infection. These are cells are connected to the middle ear. Mastoid air cells are covered by mucoperitoneum that is continuous with the tympanic cavity and with the squamous part of the temporal bone [1]. The mastoid notch is located medial to the mastoid process. It is pierced by stylomastoid foramen in front and mastoid foramen is found on its back.", "It normally projects from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone in the posterior region. The mastoid margin articulates with the jugular process of the occipital bone in the medial position. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process.", "Mastoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears.The vertebral level of this bone is C1.astoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears. The vertebral level of this bone is C1.", "Mastoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears.The vertebral level of this bone is C1.astoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears.", "What is the Mastoid Process and Function. The mastoid part of the temporal bone houses the mastoid process. Mastoid process is the bony prominence easily felt behind the earlobe.It is one of the key features of the lateral cranium. It is located behind and below the external auditory meatus.hese are cells are connected to the middle ear. Mastoid air cells are covered by mucoperitoneum that is continuous with the tympanic cavity and with the squamous part of the temporal bone [ 1 ]. The mastoid notch is located medial to the mastoid process.", "Mastoid process Function. It acts as an important site of attachment for the following muscles present in the neck: 1 Longissimus capitis. 2 Splenius capitis. 3 Digastric posterior belly.4 Sternocleidomastoid.astoid process Location. It is located behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. In simpler words, as a part of the skull, the conical prominence is situated just behind the ears. The vertebral level of this bone is C1.", "[edit on Wikidata] Mastoiditis is the result of an infection that extends to the air cells of the skull behind the ear. Specifically, it is an inflammation of the mucosal lining of the mastoid antrum and mastoid air cell system inside the mastoid process. The mastoid process is the portion of the temporal bone of the skull that is behind the ear which contains open, air-containing spaces. Mastoiditis is usually caused by untreated acute otitis media (middle ear infection) and used to be a leading cause of child mortality.", "The mastoid air cells are open spaces containing air that are located throughout the mastoid bone, the prominent bone located behind the ear that projects from the temporal bone of the skull. The air cells are connected to a cavity in the upper part of the bone, which is in turn connected to the middle ear.", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The purpose of the mastoid process is to function as an attachment for particular muscles of the neck. It is situated in the posterior part of the temporal bone. Definition Mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid bone of the skull. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Mastoiditis is u … sually a consequence of a middle ear infection (acute otitis media). The infection may spread from the ear to the mastoid bone of the skull.", "This portion of the temporal bone is located posteriorly. It can be split into a mastoid and petrous parts. On a lateral view of the temporal bone, such as figure 1.1 above, only the mastoid part is visible. There are two items of note on the mastoid. The first is the mastoid process, a inferior projection of bone, palpable just behind the ear. It is a site of attachment for many muscles, such as the sternocleidomastoid.", "The sternocleidomastoid originates from two locations: the manubrium of the sternum and the clavicle. It travels obliquely across the side of the neck and inserts at the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull. The sternocleidomastoid is thick and narrow at its centre, and broader and thinner at either end.", "The sternocleidomastoid originates from two locations, the manubrium of the sternum and the clavicle. It travels obliquely across the side of the neck and inserts at the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull. The sternocleidomastoid is thick and narrow at its centre, and broader and thinner at either end.", "Mastoid cells - Additional images. 1 Horizontal section through left ear; upper half of section. 2 Mastoid cells. 3 Lateral head anatomy detail.Facial nerve dissection.", "The mastoid part of the temporal bone is its posterior component. The mastoid part is normally pneumatised by the mastoid air cells and is perforated by the the mastoid foramen. The mastoid part has an outer rough surface that provides attachment to occipitalis and auricularis posterior muscles.", "Mastoid process definition, a large, bony prominence on the base of the skull behind the ear, containing air spaces that connect with the middle ear cavity. See more." ]
what foods contain lutein
All varieties of cooked summer and winter squash, peas, yellow corn, beet greens, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, romaine and iceberg lettuce, asparagus and carrots are good food sources of lutein and zeaxanthin and contain between 1 to 4 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin per serving.eafy Vegetables – Richest Food Sources. A single serving of cooked, frozen spinach contains close to 30 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, which is the maximum amount present in any food, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database.
[ "Lutein is a carotenoid found in dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach. Lutein is highly concentrated in the macula, the part of the eye responsible for central vision.* Bausch + Lomb PreserVision ® Lutein brand contains 5 mg of FloraGlo Lutein per soft gel, which gives you 10 mg of lutein per day. Key Features & Benefits. 1 For patients seeking an AREDS-based formula but who should avoid beta-carotene, such as smokers. 2 Convenient to take soft gels - 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. # 3 1 recommended eye vitamin and mineral supplement among vitreoretinal eye doctors.", "Lutein is one of the hydroxy carotenoids found in yellow and orange carrots and makes up the macular pigment of human retinas. Consuming foods high in lutein may increase the density of this pigment and decrease the risk for developing macular degeneration and other age-related diseases.", "Lutein is a naturally-occurring carotenoid that is abundant in fruits and vegetables (especially dark, leafy green ones) and egg yolks, and it is highly concentrated in the macula of the eye, with smaller amounts found in the retina, lens, and optic nerve.esearch has also shown that lutein can lower risk of cataracts. For example, one study found that older women who had the highest levels of lutein (and zeaxanthin, another nutrient that is critical for vision health) were about a third less likely to have cataracts.", "Lutein is obtained by animals directly or indirectly, from plants. Lutein is apparently employed by animals as an antioxidant and for blue light absorption. Lutein is found in egg yolks and animal fats.In addition to coloring yolks, lutein causes the yellow color of chicken skin and fat, and is used in chicken feed for this purpose.here, it may serve as a photoprotectant for the retina from the damaging effects of free radicals produced by blue light. Lutein is isomeric with zeaxanthin, differing only in the placement of one double bond. The principal natural stereoisomer of lutein is (3R,3′R,6′R) - beta, epsilon-carotene-3,3′-diol.", "Lutein is apparently employed by animals as an antioxidant and for blue light absorption. Lutein is found in egg yolks and animal fats. In addition to coloring yolks, lutein causes the yellow color of chicken skin and fat, and is used in chicken feed for this purpose." ]
what does the wctu do
The logo of the WCTU. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) is an active temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform with a program that linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity..
[ "Western Carolina University (WCU) is a coeducational public university located in Cullowhee, North Carolina, United States. The university is a constituent campus of the University of North Carolina system. The fifth oldest institution of the sixteen four-year universities in the UNC system, WCU was founded to educate the people of the western North Carolina mountains.", "Working capital (abbreviated WC) is a financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business, organization or other entity, including governmental entity. Along with fixed assets such as plant and equipment, working capital is considered a part of operating capital.ecisions relating to working capital and short-term financing are referred to as working capital management. These involve managing the relationship between a firm's short-term assets and its short-term liabilities.", "The WCO manages this process through the Harmonized System Committee (representing the Contracting Parties to the HS Convention), which examines policy matters, takes decisions on classification questions, settles disputes and prepares amendments to the Explanatory Notes.", "WCT is based on the contracts for labor, work, or service, and not for the sale of goods; although goods are used to fulfill the contract. For example, when a contractor constructs a building, the buyer pays for the cost of the building, which includes the building material, labor, and other services.", "The Windows Communication Foundation (or WCF), previously known as Indigo, is a runtime and a set of APIs in the .NET Framework for building connected, service-oriented applications.Contents.CF is a tool often used to implement and deploy a service-oriented architecture (SOA). It is designed using service-oriented architecture principles to support distributed computing where services have remote consumers.", "But the WCTU's ultimate goal, a prohibition amendment to the constitution, still seemed impossibly out of reach. It would take the emergence of a new organization, the Anti-Saloon League, for the drys' dream to enter the realm of the possible.", "The WCST test may be used to help measure an individual's competence in abstract reasoning, and the ability to change problem-solving strategies when needed. In this test, a number of cards are presented to the participants.", "wc (Unix) wc (short for word count) is a command in Unix-like operating systems. The program reads either standard input or a list of files and generates one or more of the following statistics: newline count, word count, and byte count. If a list of files is provided, both individual file and total statistics follow.", "A flush toilet or water closet (WC) is a toilet that disposes of the waste products by using water to sweep them away down a drainpipe. The water is also used as a hygienic barrier between the drainpipe and the user.", "World-Wide Temperance Movement: Perhaps no other cause helped the women suffrage movement as much as temperance. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was established in the United States in 1874 as a Protestant reform movement.", "It also often achieved results where other potential avenues to women's rights could not. During the Civil War, for example, when all suffrage efforts virtually ceased, the temperance movement continued to thrive. Later, during World War I, the WCTU successfully lobbied for the federal prohibition of alcohol.", "As the westernmost institution in the University of North Carolina system, WCU provides comprehensive educational opportunities to residents in the state’s western region and attracts students from around the globe to explore the region’s vast natural diversity.", "Western Canada Lottery Corporation (WCLC) is a non-profit organization authorized to manage, conduct and operate lottery and gaming-related activities as agent for its Members, the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.", "Their organization, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), became a force to be reckoned with, their cause enhanced by alliance with Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other women battling for the vote.", "Following the war, the dry crusade was revived by the national Prohibition Party, founded in 1869, and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), founded in 1873. The WCTU advocated the prohibition of alcohol as a method for preventing abuse from alcoholic husbands via education.", "The Non-Partisan supported the temperance and school ballots for women but not universal suffrage. The local Non-Partisan WCTU was the more active of the 2 groups; Cleveland became a center for the national and state Non-Partisan movement. In 1927 the WCTU, Non-Partisan, of Cleveland became the Women's Philanthropic Union.", "The Women's College Coalition (WCC) was founded in 1972 and describes itself as an association of women's colleges and universities – public and private, independent and church-related, two-and four-year – in the United States and Canada whose primary mission is the education and advancement of women..", "WCF is a tool often used to implement and deploy a service-oriented architecture (SOA). It is designed using service-oriented architecture principles to support distributed computing where services have remote consumers.Clients can consume multiple services; services can be consumed by multiple clients.CF is a tool often used to implement and deploy a service-oriented architecture (SOA). It is designed using service-oriented architecture principles to support distributed computing where services have remote consumers.", "The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) is a sub-agency of the Washington State Department of Ecology. It employs men and women 18 to 25 years old in a program to protect and enhance Washington's natural resources. WCC is a part of the AmeriCorps program.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. WCIS (760 AM), Western Carolina Inspiration Station, is a radio station broadcasting a Southern Gospel Music format. Licensed to Morganton, North Carolina, USA, it serves the area. The station is currently owned by WFM Incorporated.", "About WCET. WCET is the leader in the practice, policy, & advocacy of technology-enhanced learning in higher education. WCET is a national, member-driven, non-profit which brings together colleges and universities, higher education organizations and companies to collectively improve the quality and reach of e-learning programs.", "WCO – World Customs Organization. Secure the harmonization and standardization of Customs procedures and the development of Customs techniques. Mission. The main mission of the WCO is to secure the harmonization and standardization of Customs procedures and the development of Customs techniques in order to facilitate and secure international trade.", "For the next two decades Willard led the temperance movement as the WCTU became one of the largest and most influential women’s groups of the 19th century. She expanded the organization’s platform to include such issues as labour laws and prison reform, and in 1891 she became president of the World WCTU (founded 1883).", "A web content management system (WCMS)[1] is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease.", "In the late 1870s, the suffrage movement received a major boost when the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), the largest women's organization in the country, decided to campaign for suffrage and created a Franchise Department to support that effort.", "A web content management system (WCMS) is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease. web content management system is used to control a dynamic collection of web material, including HTML documents, images, and other forms of media. A CMS facilitates document control, auditing, editing, and timeline management.", "Windows Communication Foundation. The Windows Communication Foundation (or WCF), previously known as Indigo, is a runtime and a set of APIs in the .NET Framework for building connected, service-oriented applications. Contents. The architecture[edit] WCF is a tool often used to implement and deploy a service-oriented architecture (SOA).", "The World Coal Association (WCA) is a global lobby group for major international coal producers and stakeholders with membership open to companies and not-for-profit organisations with a stake in the future of coal from anywhere in the world, with member companies represented at Chief Executive level..", "Flush toilet. A flush toilet or water closet (WC) is a toilet that disposes of the waste products by using water to sweep them away down a drainpipe. The water is also used as a hygienic barrier between the drainpipe and the user.", "The Western Canada Lottery Corporation (WCLC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1974 that operates lottery and gaming-related activities for its members, the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut participate as associate members.", "Windows Communication Foundation. The Windows Communication Foundation (or WCF), previously known as Indigo, is a runtime and a set of APIs in the .NET Framework for building connected, service-oriented applications." ]
which equation does the graph of the systems of equations solve?
join brainly today. .Which equation does the graph of the systems of equations solve? −one halfx + 3 = 3x − 4 −one halfx − 3 = −3x + 4 one halfx + 3 = 3x + 4 one halfx + 3 = −3x − 4.
[ "Solve by Graphing. 1 Since is on the right side of the equation, switch the sides so it is on the left side of the equation. 2 Create a graph to locate the intersection of the equations. The intersection of the system of equations is the solution.", "Solving System of Linear Equations by Graphing. MAFS.8.EE.3.8 :Analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations. Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously.", "Solve the system of equations by Elimination OR Substitution. Explain why you chose one method over the other. 3x – 2y = 8 2x + 5y = -1 math Systems of equations can be solved by graphing or by using substitution or elimination. What are the pros and cons of each method? Which method do you like best? Why?", "There are three methods that are usually used to solve the a system of equations. These are graphing, substitution, and elimination. All three methods will get the same answer, but each one has advantages and disadvantages. Graphing: Graphing is the best method to use when introducing a new student to solving systems of two equations in two variables, because it gives them a visiual to recognize what they are looking for.", "Tutorial 20: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables will cover systems that have three equations and three unknowns. We will look at solving them three different ways: graphing, substitution method and elimination method. This will lead us into solving word problems with systems, which will be shown in Tutorial 21: Systems of Linear Equations and Problem Solving.", "Next we solve for y by substituting for z in the equation formed by the second row: Finally we solve for x by substituting the values of y and z in the equation formed by the first row: Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is {x,y,z} = {1,-2,1}.", "0 0. There are three methods that are usually used to solve the a system of equations. These are graphing, substitution, and elimination. All three methods will get the same answer, but each one has advantages and disadvantages. Graphing: Graphing is the best method to use when introducing a new student to solving systems of two equations in two variables, because it gives them a visiual to recognize what they are looking for.", "Your final answer is: X = 1.5 Y = -7.5, which means that there is a minimum value of -7.5 at x=1.5. Solving Systems of Equations using INTERSECT Your graphing calculator can be used to solve systems of equations, provided you first solve each equation for y.", "0 0. There are three methods that are usually used to solve the a system of equations. These are graphing, substitution, and elimination. All three methods will get the same answer, but each one has advantages and disadvantages.", "c Benjamin Aurispa. 4.3-4.4 Systems of Equations. A linear equation in 2 variables is an equation of the form ax+ by = c. A linear equation in 3 variables is an equation of the form ax+ by + cz = d. To solve a system of equations means to nd the set of points that satisfy EVERY equation in the system.", "The basic idea behind solving by graphing is that, since the solutions to ax2 + bx + c = 0 are the x-intercepts of y = ax2 + bx + c, you can look at the x-intercepts of the graph to find the solutions to the equation. There are difficulties with solving this way, though....", "Definition of System of Equations. A system of equations is a set of two or more equations with the same variables, graphed in the same coordinate plane. The figure below shows the graph of the system of equations. 2x + 3y = 6 , x - y = 3. Thier point of intersection gives the solution of the system of equations. A. Graph 1.", "SOLUTION OF A LINEAR SYSTEM Let AX= Brepresent a system of linear. equations. If the determinant of Ais nonzero, then the linear system has exactly. one solution, which is X= Aº1B. Solving a Linear System. Use matrices to solve the linear system in Example 1. º3x+ 4y = 5 Equation 1. 2xº y = º10 Equation 2.", "Solving systems of equations by elimination (old) Equivalent systems of equations and the elimination method. Systems of equations with elimination: King's cupcakes. Systems of equations with elimination: x-4y=-18 & -x+3y=11. Practice: Systems of equations with elimination.", "possible solutions to a system of equations: one solution (where the two graphs intersect at one point), many solutions (when the graphs of both equations are identical) or no solution (when the graphs are. parallel to each other). Step 3 - Distribute the handout, Sample Systems of Equations, to the students.", "Looking at the graph of the system: ...I can see that there appear to be solutions at around (x, y) = (1.5, 0.25) and (x, y) = (0.5, 4.25) . But I cannot assume that this is the answer! The picture can give me a good idea, but only the algebra can give me the actual answer.", "Know if an ordered pair is a solution to a system of linear equations in two variables or not. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by graphing. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the substitution method. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the elimination method. In this tutorial we will be specifically looking at systems that have two equations and two unknowns. Tutorial 20: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables will cover systems that have three equations and three unknowns.", "A. Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously.", "And you used this same procedure to graph the equation. This points out an important fact: Every point on the graph was a solution to the equation, and any solution to the equation was a point on the graph. Now consider the following two-variable system of linear equations: y = 3 x – 2 y = – x – 6.", "To solve quadratic equations by factoring, it's a matter of finding the x-intercepts of the graph, or the point at which the graph crosses the x-axis. Quadratics are in the form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0, so you have to simplify the equation into simple binomials.", "In Section 5.1, we solved a system of linear equations by graphing the lines corresponding. to those equations, and then recording the point of intersection. That point represented the. solution to the system of equations. We will use a similar method to find the solution set for. a nonlinear system. A system with two or more conic curves can have zero, one, two, three, or four solutions. The following graphs represent each of those possibilities.", "Sections: Definitions, Solving by graphing, Substitition, Elimination/addition, Gaussian elimination. A system of equations is a set or collection of equations that you deal with all together at once. Linear equations (ones that graph as straight lines) are simpler than non-linear equations, and the simplest linear system is one with two equations and two variables. Think back to linear equations.", "Explain why the solution to a system of two linear equations is represented by. the point of intersection of the graphs of the equations. Possible answer: The graph of a line represents all the solutions of the equation. When you have a system of equations, all the solutions of each equation are represented by lines. The only solution that satisfies both equations will be a point that lies on both lines, at their intersection. List the three types of SOLUTIONS to a linear system of equations that you have studied.", "If the equations, are the same one, we have graphically, one line sitting on another, and we have an infinite number of solutions. When dealing with Systems of Linear Equations, there are three ways to solve for x and y. Graphing, substitution, or elimination. In this lesson, we will be looking at the elimination method for solving a system of 2 linear equations.", "To find the solution to systems of linear equations, you can any of the methods below: 1 Solve By Graphing. 2 Solve By Elmination. 3 Solve By Substitution. Solve With Meta 1 Calculator. Interactive System of Linear Equations.", "Know if an ordered pair is a solution to a system of linear equations in two variables or not. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by graphing. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the substitution method. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the elimination by addition method.", "Explain why the solution to a system of two linear equations is represented by the point of intersection of the graphs of the equations. Possible answer: The graph of a line represents all the solutions of the equation.", "Systems of equations number of solutions: 4x+2y=16 & y=-2x+8. Systems of equations number of solutions: 10x-2y=4 & 10x-2y=16. Number of solutions to a system of equations graphically. Forming systems of equations with different numbers of solutions.", "The corresponding y -coordinates can be found using the linear equation. Another way of solving the system is to graph the two functions on the same coordinate plane and identify the points of intersection. Example 1: Find the points of intersection between the line y=2x+1 and the parabola y= x 2 −2 . Substitute 2x+1 for y in y= x 2 −2 . 2x+1= x 2 −2.", "1 Know if an ordered pair is a solution to a system of linear equations in two variables or not. 2 Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by graphing. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the substitution method.", "Use the Substitution method to solve the system of equations. x + y = -4 x - y = 2 solve for x in the second equation. x= y+2 Put that in for x in the first equation: x+y=-4 (y+2) + y = -4 solve for y.", "B. Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate solutions by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by inspection. For example, 3x + 2y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 6 have no solution because 3x + 2y cannot simultaneously be 5 and 6. C. Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables.", "1 Know if an ordered pair is a solution to a system of linear equations in two variables or not. 2 Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by graphing. 3 Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the substitution method. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the elimination method.", "That line, therefore, is called the graph of the equation y = 2x + 1. And y = 2x + 1 is called the equation of that line. The graph of an equation, in other words, is the graph of its solutions. It is the picture of those values of (x, y) that make the equation -- that statement -- true. Every first degree equation -- where 1 is the highest exponent -- has as its graph a straight line." ]
what is the difference between possum and opossum
With their signature bare tail, the opossum is North America’s only known marsupial; this means the animal carries its young in a pouch much like the Australian kangaroo. Both the possum and the opossum are nocturnal, nomadic omnivores and live on an expansive diet that includes insects, frogs, birds, snakes and fruits. The opossum is primarily dark gray in color but some resemble cinnamon, and, as in Heidi’s case, white opossums are known to exist. The possum is primarily gray in color. The possum and the opossum are both hunted animals and possess an instinct to play dead, or “play possum” when threatened.
[ "July 14, 2010 by. The North American possum, or opossum as it is more properly called, is the only marsupial (animal with a pouch) found in the United States. Adults grow from 15 to 25 inches long and weigh from 5 to 15 pounds. They have pointed faces, and their fur is usually gray.", "There are more than 60 different species of opossum, which are often called possums. The most notable is the Virginia opossum or common opossum—the only marsupial (pouched mammal) found in the United States and Canada.", "Opossums are nocturnal, spending the day in dens or other protected spots. However, they can be seen at any time of day, especially in winter when food is scarce. At night, opossums forage in areas near their current dens, but can travel up to 2 miles in search of food.possums are nocturnal, spending the day in dens or other protected spots. However, they can be seen at any time of day, especially in winter when food is scarce. At night, opossums forage in areas near their current dens, but can travel up to 2 miles in search of food.", "The Virginia opossum is the original animal named opossum. The word comes from Algonquian wapathemwa meaning white animal. Colloquially, the Virginia opossum is frequently called simply possum. The name opossum is applied more generally to any of the other marsupials of the families Didelphidae and Caenolestidae." ]
biggest museum in new york
Families can enjoy a multitude of choices for great museums across the country, from those focusing on history, such as the biggest and most famous American Museum of Natural History in New York, to the maybe.
[ "The Museum of Jewish Heritage was incorporated and chartered in 1984, dedicated in 1986, and built between 1994 and 1997 in New York City's Battery Park City. The museum's $21.5 million building, designed by architect Kevin Roche opened to the public on September 15, 1997.", "The Museum is affiliated with MoMA PS1, one of the oldest and largest nonprofit contemporary art centers in the U.S. Located in Queens, NY, MoMA PS1 presents over 50 exhibitions each year, including artists’ retrospectives and site-specific installations, and a full schedule of music and performance programming.", "The Hall of Fame for Great Americans is an outdoor sculpture gallery, located on the grounds of Bronx Community College in the Bronx, New York City. Completed in 1900 as part of the University Heights campus of New York University, the 630-foot (192 m) stone colonnade half-encircles the university library and houses 98 bronze portrait busts.", "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the outstanding public collection in the field, was founded in 1929, and the Western capital that lacks a museum explicitly devoted to modern art is rare. The conflict between the new forces and the established academic tradition in France came into the open in 1863.", "› New York City. American Folk Art Museum. Free - always. American Museum of Natural History. Pay What You Wish - always. Bard Graduate Center Gallery. Pay What You Wish - always. Brooklyn Museum.", "Located in the middle of Manhattan, MOMA is often called the most important and influential museum dedicated to modern art in the world today. The collection has works in almost all the major areas of fine and contemporary art, from painting and sculpture to film and new media.", "The Children’s Museum of the Upstate. The Children’s Museum of the Upstate (TCMU) is 80,000 square feet of fun making it the 7th largest children’s museum in the country and the 10th largest in the world. Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Greenville on the cultural campus of Heritage Green, it’s close to all the action and offers ample parking.", "On April 12, 1997, a 125,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility opened, making it the largest African American historical museum in the world. On March 30, 1998, the museum was renamed the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in honor of its founder. After a half century of service and with generous support from individuals, foundations, corporations, and government sources, The Wright Museum continues to be a cultural icon in the city of Detroit and throughout the world.", "Private Combo Tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History. There’s no more efficient or engaging way to experience the best of New York’s museums than on this epic combo tour. Spend a day browsing the art at the ... Location: New York, New York.", "CityPass offers admission to 6 famous New York attractions including the American Museum of Natural History & Rose Center, The Guggenheim Museum, The Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and The Cloisters. Advertisement." ]
who sings is there life on mars
Life on Mars , also known as (Is There) Life on Mars? , is a song by David Bowie first released in 1971 on the album Hunky Dory and also released as a single.
[ "Now, the show’s creator Ryan Murphy has announced the actress’ cover of the song will get a release on iTunes. “Due to popular demand, we will be releasing Jessica Lange‘s version of LIFE ON MARS on iTunes.", "The song really excited AHS fans so much that show creator Ryan Murphy announced via Twitter: Due to popular demand, we will be releasing Jessica Lange's version of LIFE ON MARS on iTunes..", "Now, the show’s creator Ryan Murphy has announced the actress’ cover of the song will get a release on iTunes. “Due to popular demand, we will be releasing Jessica Lange ‘s version of LIFE ON MARS on iTunes. Just wait until you see her Lana [Del Rey] cover,” he tweeted.", "And if you want to keep listening to Lange's Life on Mars, here's good news -- Murphy tweeted that, due to popular demand, her cover will be released on iTunes. Due to popular demand, we will be releasing Jessica Lange's version of LIFE ON MARS on iTunes. Just wait until you see her Lana cover.", "If you’ve ever looked up at the stars and found yourself wondering if life exists out there in the cosmos, you’re already thinking like an Astrobiologist. Albert Einstein once said, “The Universe is stranger than we can imagine,” and he probably didn’t mean there are little green men dancing in the craters of Mars.", "The BBC television series, Life On Mars, was named after this, while its sequel, Ashes to Ashes, was also named after the Bowie song of the same name.", "The song was used also in the American version of the TV series. In the British television show Doctor Who, there is a space station on Mars named Bowie Base One in the episode The Waters of Mars .", "While most of the signals are more “beep boop” than bebop, the module can also play notes. Thus one of our species’ crowning achievements – a rover that is the very avatar of all of our best and most far-reaching efforts – sang a 120-year-old folk song into the arid plains of Mars.", "August 3, 2010. Philadelphia records institution Wansel’s classic record ‘Life On Mars’ can be found here on the album of the same name. Wansel plays keyboards, Derek Graves slaps out a monster riff on bass guitar whilst a session singer, Terri Wells, gives us the backing vocals. This record is a genuine Mancuso Loft classic and is actually like going on a journey to Mars itself, although one that lasts only 7 minutes.", "AllMusic Review by Alex Henderson. Dexter Wansel's second album, What the World Is Coming To, found the Philadelphia-based producer/keyboardist/vocalist temporarily ditching the sci-fi imagery that his debut album, Life on Mars, was known for. But other than that, What the World Is Coming To isn't a radical departure from its predecessor.", "One year later, he collaborated with rapper B.o.B on Nothin on You, and co-wrote Travie McCoy's Billionaire, both of which became Top Ten hits. Mars used that momentum to launch a solo career, quickly becoming the first male vocalist in two decades to crack the Top Ten with his first four singles.", "“ In My Life is a song in PAW Patrol/Les Miserables. It is sung by Skye, Ryder, Chase and Everest... “ This is one of and the last of the songs from Journey to Sapphire Sea. This song's message says...", "Bruno Mars Sings ‘Uptown Funk’ With Young ‘Ellen’ Fan [Video] Singer Bruno Mars had a chance to perform recently with one of his biggest fans — 6-year-old Kai Langer — thanks to Ellen DeGeneres.", "Bruno Mars is Grammy-winning singer/songwriter known for such hit songs as Nothin' on You, Just the Way You Are, Locked Out of Heaven, Uptown Funk and That's What I Like. Who Is Bruno Mars? Singer-songwriter Bruno Mars was born on October 8, 1985, in Honolulu, Hawaii. By the early 2000s, he had begun to find success by writing songs for popular artists, including K'Naan's Wavin' Flag. After several years as one of pop music's premier songwriters, Mars broke out as a singer in his own right with the 2010 hit Nothin' on You.", "Some of our friends at the Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences in Peoria, Illinois, wonder whether there is life on Mars. This is an idea that has intrigued people for centuries, and one that I, perhaps like you, have wondered about for most of my own life.", "Life always finds a way. We see it on Earth that most places on this planet have life, in the deep dark oxygen-deprived ocean trenches to hot acidic springs in the Yellowstone Park to the driest desert. There could be life on Mars that either originated there or here by hitchhiking on space rocks. We might even be Martians ourselves.", "It's arguably the most scrutinised piece of rock ever. Now an even closer look at a meteorite from Mars suggests it may show signs of life after all. In 1996, David McKay of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texax, and colleagues proposed that that a chunk of Mars rock found in Antarctica, called ALH 84001, contained possible signs of past life on the Red Planet, such as complex carbon-based molecules and microscopic objects shaped like bacteria", "Mars is known for his stage performances and retro showmanship. He is accompanied by his band, The Hooligans, who play a variety of instruments such as electric guitar, bass, piano, keyboards, drums and horns, and also serve as backup singers and dancers.", "That said, if you're going to mess around with Wansel at all, this is the CD to do it on, but mostly for the Life on Mars record. That record has a classic or three (#2 and 3 most notably), and the rest of it is still pretty groundbreaking stuff for its time.", "(Fun trivia: Warner/Chappell owns the copyright to the “Happy Birthday” song -- but maybe not in space.). In its first year on Mars, Curiosity has taken more than 70,000 images, fired more than 75,000 laser shots to check soil and rock composition, and driven … an entire mile.", "A song called Reach for the Stars will make its debut, appropriately, from space. NASA plans to broadcast the tune, written by rapper and songwriter will.i.am, from its Curiosity rover, newly landed on the surface of Mars. Though Curiosity has no speakers, it will transmit the song via radio waves back to Earth to be received at 1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m.", "“The evidence seems to be building that we are all actually Martians; that life started on Mars and came to Earth on a rock,” Prof. Steven Benner told the Goldschmidt meeting, this week’s international scientific convention in Florence.n 1896 the American astronomer Percival Lowell hypothesised about “Mars as the abode of life.” He presumed that an advanced civilisation had flourished on Mars, but was dying, despite its desperate attempts to re-engineer its climate by using those canals to tap the planet’s polar ice caps for water.", "Singer-songwriter Bruno Mars was born on October 8, 1985, in Honolulu, Hawaii. By the early 2000s, he had begun to find success by writing songs for popular artists, including K'Naan's Wavin' Flag, the theme song for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.", "Talking to the Moon (song) Talking to the Moon is a song by American singer-songwriter Bruno Mars from his debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010). The song was first unveiled on Mars' debut extended play, It's Better If You Don't Understand (2010), as its last track. It was written by Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Albert Winkler, and Jeff Bhasker, while production was handled by The Smeezingtons in collaboration with Bhasker.", "The hit single from Paul McCartney's 1975 VENUS AND MARS album. 1 Listen To What The Man Said by Wings (Google Play • iTunes • AmazonMP3).", "Mars, who took the [article id=1647730]VMA stage last week with B.o.B and Hayley Williams[/article], had performed a show on Saturday at the Hard Rock. He tweeted fans to come check out his performance, writing, Come see me @ the Hard Rock 2nite!! He did not, however, appear to provide any comment on the arrest.", "Misheard Lyrics From… Jack Johnson, Karmin, Phoenix, and 30 Seconds To Mars share some of their most commonly… Music Videos Do You Hear the People Sing (music video) Comments welcome!", "DCI/DI Sam Tyler is a fictional character in BBC One 's science fiction / police procedural drama, Life on Mars. In the original British version of Life on Mars, Tyler is played by John Simm and in the American version he is played by Jason O'Mara.", "In addition, NASA engineers chose Send Me on My Way as wake up music for the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, for Sol 21. Because of its use in popular culture, frontman Glabicki has said that the song become a different thing for us. It's this thing that lives next to us. Everyone has a great memory or connection with the song. The song grew up and now has a life of its own; it's bigger; we get to sit back and watch it.. ^ Send Me on My Way – Rusted Root | Listen, Appearances, Song Review.", "Mars has reunited with Alexandra Burke, Adam Levine, Brandy, Sean Kingston and Flo Rida, writing songs for them. Mars and his production team wrote Cee Lo Green 's single Fuck You alongside Green.", "The hit single from Paul McCartney's 1975 VENUS AND MARS album.", "Peter Gene Hernandez, known professionally as Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and choreographer. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, by a family of musicians, Mars began making music at a young age and performed in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood. He graduated from high school and moved to Los Angeles to pursue a musical career. After being dropped by Motown Records, Mars signed a recording contract with Atlan", "Twenty years ago, NASA scientists and their colleagues announced they had spotted possible signs of Mars life in a meteorite. The claim ignited a scientific controversy that lingers to this day.", "And what future human explorers can expect. will.i.am has provided the first song on our playlist of Mars exploration. In opening remarks, NASA Associate Administrator for Education and space shuttle astronaut Leland Melvin said, I can think of no greater way to honor NASA pioneer Neil Armstrong's life and legacy than to inspire today's students to follow his path.", "Every Year, The Curiosity Rover Sings A Lonely Birthday Song. On August 5, 2012, NASA's Curiosity Rover touched down on the Martian surface for the first time. It entered the Martian atmosphere at a staggering 13,000 mph. Curiosity, a huge accomplishment in interstellar exploration, is the largest rover ever delivered to the surface of a planet.", "In 2010, Mars received eight nominations and won two awards, including Song of the Year at the Soul Train Music Awards, for his collaboration with B.o.B on the single Nothin' on You .", "Someday, when astronauts are living and working on Mars, they'll be able to thank MIT's Michael Hecht for their ability to breathe on the Red Planet. They'll also have to give a nod to him for the oxygen needed to launch the rocket to bring them back to Earth.", "Bruno Mars Songs List 2017 And Upcoming Releases. Bruno Mars a.k.a. Peter Gene Hernandez is an American artist musician, record maker and lead vocalist of a musical band called “The Hooligans”. He was born on eighth of October in 1985 at Honolulu in Hawai, USA.", "Talking to the Moon (song) Talking to the Moon is the seventh track from American singer-songwriter Bruno Mars' debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010). The song was first unveiled on Mars' debut extended play, It's Better If You Don't Understand (2010), as its last track.", "Bruno Mars may be the PT Cruiser of contemporary pop, but if he is, at least he’s a deluxe model. The man sports every optional bell and whistle one could ask for from a musical performer. He sings gorgeously and dances with impeccable and practiced ease.", "‘Uptown Funk’ by Mark Ronson Feat Bruno Mars was the most played song on Australian radio in 2015. AirCheckTM released the figures today showing ‘Uptown Funk’ in the top spot with 20,234 spins and Walk the Moon with ‘Shut Up and Dance’ in second place with Airplay of 18,637 times.", "Elsa Mars was a singer and German expatriate with a dark past of prostitution. She was a collector and caregiver of human oddities, often finding them in orphanages, asylums, hospitals, and jails.", "2008 Seven Pounds (performer: Que Sera Sera (Whatever Will Be Will Be) - as Sly & The Family Stone) 2008 Life on Mars (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - Things to Do in New York When You Think You're Dead (2008) ...", "Marry You. This song is by Bruno Mars and appears on the album Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010) and on the compilation Now That's What I Call Music! 80 (2011). This song is available as a downloadable track for the video games Rock Band 3, Rock Band 4 and Rock Band Blitz.", "Misheard Lyrics From… Jack Johnson, Karmin, Phoenix, and 30 Seconds To Mars share some of their most commonly… Originals New Music Daily Lyric Videos Laura Branigan How Am I Supposed To Live…. Originals. 5 Love Songs That Are Actually Creepy. A list of love songs are actually kinda creepy when you think about it.", "List of songs written by Bruno Mars. Mars at the Warehouse Live concert in Houston, United States, held in November 2010. American singer-songwriter Bruno Mars has written and recorded songs for his studio albums, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010) and Unorthodox Jukebox (2012), and has written songs for other singers." ]
when was sulphur discovered
Sulfur was discovered and known since ancient times. However, it was officially recognized as an element around 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier in France. Apparently, the year and person(s) who discovered sulfur are unknown to science. We do know it was used up to 2000 years before the birth of Christ by pagan … priests.
[ "Sodium Sulphate was discovered by German-Dutch chemist Johann Rudolf Glauber in 1625.In its processed form it is known as Glauber’s salt or sal mirabilis. Read More..", "Sulfur has been known since antiquity, and oxygen was recognized as an element in the 18th century. Selenium, tellurium and polonium were discovered in the 19th century, and livermorium in 2000. All of the chalcogens have six valence electrons, leaving them two electrons short of a full outer shell. Their most common oxidation states are −2, +2, +4, and +6.", "The sulfur cycle was the first of the biogeochemical cycles to be discovered. In the 1880s, while studying Beggiatoa (a bacterium living in a sulfur rich environment), Sergei Winogradsky found that it oxidized hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) as an energy source, forming intracellular sulfur droplets.ulfur is an essential element for all life, but almost always in the form of organosulfur compounds or metal sulfides. Three amino acids (cysteine, cystine, and methionine) and two vitamins (biotin and thiamine) are organosulfur compounds.", "Sulfur was known to ancients many centuries B.C.E. and they had different names for it. It's given name comes from the Latin. Antoine Lavoisier was the man who, in 1777, helped convince the scientific community that sulfur was not a compound as was thought, but was actually an element.ulfur was discovered around 500 BC. Edit. Share to: 1 Sulfur Crystals: History and its Uses Sulfur is a chemical element that is widely abundant in nature. 2 It is classified as a multivalent non-metal. 3 Sulfur's symbol is S and its atomic number 16.", "Sulfur Hexafluoride, Sulfur Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide. Known to the ancients (in Genesis it is called brimstone), sulfur was first classified as an element in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier. It is estimated to be the ninth most abundant element in the universe.", "The ship's last voyage began on February 2, 1963 out of Beaumont, Texas, with a cargo of sulfur weighing 15,260 tons. On February 4, near Florida, an ordinary radio message was sent by a crewman, giving the position of the ship at 25°45' N, 86°W. The Marine Sulphur Queen was listed as missing on February 6.", "That is the history of sulfur. Who discovered sulfur-nobody knows! Now let’s look at four amazing facts about sulfur. Facts about sulfur. 1 Sulfur is often spelt sulphur in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Ireland and other Commonwealth states, but sulfur is the correct spelling in the United States.irst, let’s look at the question who discovered sulfur. Well, unfortunately, no one really knows who discovered sulfur. Sulfur was known in ancient times and is referred to in Genesis in the Bible (called the Torah in Judaism).", "It is often claimed that the Romans used sulphur to preserve their wines, but the evidence for this is vague. The first explicit mention of its use in winemaking is a German royal decree of 1487. This permitted winemakers to burn sulphured woodchips in barrels used for storing wine.", "History and Uses: Sulfur, the tenth most abundant element in the universe, has been known since ancient times. Sometime around 1777, Antoine Lavoisier convinced the rest of the scientific community that sulfur was an element.", "The exact date of the first government's formation is unknown, but one of the first to hold the mayor's office was William A. Wortham. In 1854, Wortham bought the Texas Star press and moved to Sulphur Springs where he, his brother-in-law, and Bill Davis established the city's first newspaper.lso Texas A&M University-Commerce, a major university of over 13,000 students is located in the neighboring city of Commerce, just 25 minutes west of Sulphur Springs.", "SS Marine Sulphur Queen, T2 tanker ship converted to carrying molten sulphur, noted for its disappearance in 1963 near the southern coast of Florida, taking the lives of 39 crewmen. The loss of the ship was the subject of lengthy litigation between the owner and families of the missing men.", "SF6 or sulfur hexafluoride gas molecules are combined by one sulfur and six fluorine atoms. This gas was first realized in the year of 1900 in the laboratories of the Faculte de Pharmacie de,Paris.or examine chemical properties of sulphur hexafluoride gas, we first introduce structure of this molecule. In this gas, molecule, one sulphur atom is surrounded by six fluorine atoms.", "Hydrated magnesium sulphate (MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O), better known as Epsom salt, was discovered in 1618 by a farmer in Epsom, England, when his cows refused to drink the water from a certain mineral well. He tasted the water and found that it tasted very bitter.", "Sulfonamide drugs were the first antimicrobial drugs. They paved the way for the antibiotic revolution in medicine. Experiments with the first sulfonamide began in 1932 in the laboratories of Bayer AG, at that time a component of the huge German chemical trust IG Farben.", "Gunpowder emerged in the 9th Century C.E. in China. Gunpowder was discovered when alchemists mixed sulfur, saltpeter, and birthwort herb together and the mixture exploded.Originally, the alchemists were searching for an elixir of immortality.unpowder emerged in the 9th Century C.E. in China. Gunpowder was discovered when alchemists mixed sulfur, saltpeter, and birthwort herb together and the mixture exploded.", "After Domagk published his findings in 1935, doctors found that Prontosil could control many bacterial infections. Subsequently, other researchers developed derivatives based on the Prontosil sulfonamide group. The resulting so-called sulfa drugs revolutionized medicine and saved many thousands of lives.", "World’s first SF 6 gas insulated sub-station was established in Paris in the year of 1966. Sulphur hexafluoride medium voltage circuit breakers launched into market from 1971. SF 6 or sulfur hexafluoride gas commercially is manufactured by reaction of fluorine (obtained by electrolysis) with sulfur.During process of producing of this gas, other by products like SF 4, SF 2, S 2 F 2, S 2 F 10 are also produced in small percentages.or examine chemical properties of sulphur hexafluoride gas, we first introduce structure of this molecule. In this gas, molecule, one sulphur atom is surrounded by six fluorine atoms.", "Hydrated magnesium sulphate (MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O), better known as Epsom salt, was discovered in 1618 by a farmer in Epsom, England, when his cows refused to drink the water from a certain mineral well. He tasted the water and found that it tasted very bitter.ydrated magnesium sulphate (MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O), better known as Epsom salt, was discovered in 1618 by a farmer in Epsom, England, when his cows refused to drink the water from a certain mineral well. He tasted the water and found that it tasted very bitter.", "Ships carrying more civilian settlers began arriving in August, and on the King 's birthday, 12 August, the wife of the captain of Sulphur, Mrs Helena Dance, standing in for Mrs Ellen Stirling, cut down a tree to mark the founding of the colony's capital, Perth.", "Oxygen was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his work was published first.xygen is toxic to obligately anaerobic organisms, which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O 2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago during the Great Oxygenation Event, about a billion years after the first appearance of these organisms.", "The term virus (poison) was coined by Pasteur. Emil von Behring received the Nobel Prize in 1901 for his work with Shibasaburo Kitasato on the antitoxin serum for diptheria. Paul Ehrlich in 1912, announced the discovery of an effective cure for syphilis, the first chemotherapeutic agent for a bacterial disease.lexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 whilst working at St Mary's Hospital in London and published the first paper on it the following year. He received the Nobel Prize in 1945, with Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, for their work on Penicillium notatum.", "The name Port Sulphur derives from the Freeport Sulphur Company in the early 1930s, when it set up logistics, refining, storage and shipping operations to support its Frasch Process sulphur mine at Lake Grande Ecaille, located 10 miles west of the town in the nearby marsh.", "The invention of sulfonylurea herbicides, in June 1975, by George Levitt of DuPont revolutionized the use of herbicides and facilitated a change in direction in DuPont's corporate strategy from chemicals to life sciences.", "05 Aug, 2008 Who discovered 0. Sulfur, the chemical element with the symbol S, is a yellow crystalline solid. Sulfur is an essential element for life and is often referred to as brimstone.This article will tackle the question who discovered sulfur and give four interesting and educational facts about sulfur.irst, let’s look at the question who discovered sulfur. Well, unfortunately, no one really knows who discovered sulfur. Sulfur was known in ancient times and is referred to in Genesis in the Bible (called the Torah in Judaism).", "Sulphur Springs derives its modern name from the fact that when the area was first settled, springs of sulphur water were abundant. Before the first settlers arrived, local Native American tribes often used the areas around the springs as their home.he city's name was originally Bright Star. Mail to and from the city was delivered by the Pony Express. On May 18, 1871, the county seat of Hopkins county was moved from Tarrant to Sulphur Springs, and the name Bright Star was removed from the postal directory.", "Sulfur: historical information. 1 Discoveror: known since ancient times. 2 Place of discovery: not known. 3 Date of discovery: unknown. 4 Origin of name: from the Sanskrit word sulvere meaning sulphur ; also from the Latin word sulphurium meaning sulphur .", "Before French chemist Louis Pasteur began experimenting with bacteria in the 1860s, people did not know what caused disease. He not only discovered that disease came from microorganisms, but he also realized that bacteria could be killed by heat and disinfectant.", "Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), except for the smell good apart, is just such a solvent. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was first synthesized in 1866 by the Russian scientist Alexander Saytzeff. Dr. Saytzeff reported his findings in a German chemistry journal in 1867.", "Tellurium was discovered in the Habsburg Empire, in 1782 by Franz-Joseph Mueller müller Von reichenstein in a mineral containing tellurium and. Gold Martin Heinrich klaproth named the new element in 1798 after The latin word for, earth. tellus brittle, mildly toxic, rare, silver-white metalloid. Tellurium is chemically related to selenium and sulfur. It is occasionally found in native form, as elemental crystals. Tellurium is far more common in the universe as a whole than it is on Earth.", "Sulfa drug: One of the sulfonamides, the sulfa-related antibiotics which are used to treat bacterial and some fungal infections. The first sulfa drug was prontosil. It was discovered by the German physician and chemist Gerhard Domagk in 1935.", "Sulfites have such a long history of use that in 1958, when the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was amended to regulate preservatives and other food additives, the FDA classified sulfites as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) (Papazian 1996).", "In 1618 a farmer at Epsom in England attempted to give his cows water from a well. This they refused to drink because of the water's bitter taste. However the farmer noticed that the water seemed to heal scratches and rashes.The fame of Epsom salts spread.Eventually they were recognised to be magnesium sulphate, MgSO 4. Black recognized magnesium as an element in 1755.It was isolated by Davy in 1808 who electrolysed a mixture of magnesia (magnesium oxide, MgO) and mercuric oxide (HgO). Davy's first suggestion for a name was magnium but the name magnesium is now used.his they refused to drink because of the water's bitter taste. However the farmer noticed that the water seemed to heal scratches and rashes. The fame of Epsom salts spread. Eventually they were recognised to be magnesium sulphate, MgSO 4. Black recognized magnesium as an element in 1755.", "Banff was first settled in the 1880s, after the transcontinental railway was built through the Bow Valley. In 1883, three Canadian Pacific Railway workers stumbled upon a series of natural hot springs on the side of Sulphur Mountain.", "What are Sulfonamides. Sulfonamides are a group of man-made (synthetic) medicines that contain the sulfonamide chemical group. They are also called sulfa drugs (sometimes spelled as sulpha drugs or sulphonamides). Sulfanilamide was the first sulfonamide developed in 1906, although it was not used as an antimicrobial until the late 1930s.", "The story and subsequent media attention kicked off America’s great sulfa boom. German scientist Gerhard Domagk was the invented Protonsil, the first of the family of sulfa drugs, in 1935 Prontosil, the first of the family of sulfa drugs, started out its life not as an antibiotic but as an industrial dye.or a long period, humans did not understand what caused disease, much less how to treat pathogenic illness. However, since the end of the 19th century, medical science began to understand the true roots of illnesses caused by pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses.", "The first pasteurization test was completed by Louis Pasteur (whom its named after) and Claude Bernard on April 20, 1862. It was discovered prior to that but Pasteur had not performed an experiment. The process was to heat a liquid (normally milk) to a high temperature, roughly 71C, and then drastically cool it for at least 15 secs.", "What are sulfonylureas herbicides. Sulfonylureas are a family of environmentally compatible herbicides that were discovered by DuPont Crop Protection in 1975 and first commercialized for wheat and barley crops in 1982.", "History. 1 Arabian alchemists of the 12th century may have isolated elemental phosphorus by accident, but the records are unclear. Phosphorus appears to have been discovered in 1669 by Hennig Brand, a German merchant whose hobby was alchemy.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sulfur or sulphur is the chemical element that has the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is an abundant, tasteless, multivalent non-metal. Sulfur, in its native form, is a yellow crystalline solid.In nature, it can be found as the pure element or as sulfide and sulfate minerals.ulfur forms stable compounds with all elements except the noble gases. Sulfur in the solid state ordinarily exists as cyclic crown-shaped S8 molecules. Sulfur has many allotropes besides S8. Removing one atom from the crown gives S7, which is responsible for sulfur's distinctive yellow color.", "Sulfa drug: One of the sulfonamides, the sulfa-related antibiotics which are used to treat bacterial and some fungal infections. The first sulfa drug was prontosil. It was discovered by the German physician and chemist Gerhard Domagk in 1935. Sulfa drugs kill bacteria and fungi by interfering with their metabolism." ]
what does the word papyrus mean
The noun PAPYRUS has 3 senses: 1. paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans. 2. tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times. 3. a document written on papyrus. Familiarity information: PAPYRUS used as a noun is uncommon.
[ "papyruses. 1 1 : a tall perennial sedge (Cyperus papyrus) of the Nile valley. 2 2 : the pith of the papyrus plant especially when made into strips and pressed into a material to write on. 3 3a : a writing on papyrusb : a written scroll made of papyrus He discovered a papyrus in the ruins.", "1 : a tall perennial sedge (Cyperus papyrus) of the Nile valley. 2 : the pith of the papyrus plant especially when made into strips and pressed into a material to write on. 3a : a writing on papyrusb : a written scroll made of papyrus He discovered a papyrus in the ruins.", "Papyrus was the first form of durable sheets of paper to write on, and the ancient Egyptians were the ones to develop it. The material was termed “papyrus” because it was made from the papyrus plant. The ancient Egyptians primarily used papyrus for recording religious texts and other important documents.", "It was made from the pith of the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus, a wetland sedge.[1] Papyrus (plural: papyri) can also refer to a document written on sheets of such material, joined together side by side and rolled up into a scroll, an early form of a book.", "Papyrus is a thick paper-like material produced from the pith of the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus, a wetland sedge that was once abundant in the Sudd of Southern Sudan along with the Nile Delta of Egypt.", "Papyrus is a cold, ruthless Royal Guard commander. He cares little about the well-being of other monsters, and will not hesitate to slaughter anyone just to set an example. He rarely shows any emotion, and lacks any remorse for his actions, no matter how gruesome or merciless.", "Synonyms: Cyperus papyrus; Egyptian paper reed; Egyptian paper rush; paper plant; paper rush; papyrus. Hypernyms (papyrus is a kind of...): sedge (grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers).", "Papyrus is an early form of paper, used in ancient Egypt around 3000 B.C. The first paper was made from the papyrus plants that grew exclusively on the banks of the Nile and its delta regions.The Egyptians developed a long and complex process to make the first paper, rolled into scrolls for storage. With some common household supplies, you can make a papyrus-like paper using paper bags.he first paper was made from the papyrus plants that grew exclusively on the banks of the Nile and its delta regions. The Egyptians developed a long and complex process to make the first paper, rolled into scrolls for storage. With some common household supplies, you can make a papyrus-like paper using paper bags.", "Normal (Battle Body) Papyrus is a tall, perhaps anatomically inaccurate skeleton with a skull more vertical and geometric than his brother. Being skeletal, many of his expressions incorporate a toothy grin. His eyes resemble vertical slits; his skeletal pseudo-brows form most of his expressions.", "C14: via Latin from Greek papūros reed used in making paper. Word Origin and History for papyrus Expand. n. late 14c., from Latin papyrus the paper plant, paper made from it, from Greek papyros any plant of the paper plant genus, said to be of Egyptian origin. Proper plural is papyri.", "The word paper comes from the Greek term for the ancient Egyptian writing material called papyrus, which was formed from beaten strips of papyrus plants. Papyrus was produced as early as 3000 BC in Egypt, and sold to ancient Greece and Rome.here is evidence of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Amenemhet III in the twelfth dynasty (about 1800 BCE) using the natural lake of the Fayum fayûm as a reservoir to store surpluses of water for use during the dry, seasons as the lake swelled annually with the flooding of The. nile", "1 volume-Originally the name of a scroll or roll of papyrus, from Latin volvere, to roll up.. 2 bible-Derived from biblios, the name for the papyrus produced in the ancient Phoenician city of Byblos. 3 schedule-Goes back to Greek skhede, for leaf of papyrus; it started out meaning a ticket or a brief note.", "Papyrus (typeface) Papyrus is a widely available typeface designed by Chris Costello, a graphic designer, illustrator, and web designer. Created in 1982, it was hand-drawn over a period of six months by means of calligraphy pen and textured paper. Papyrus has a number of distinctive characteristics, including rough edges, irregular curves, and high horizontal strokes in the capitals.", "A tall tropical plant, found in Egypt. It grows well in marshy areas. It was used to make the first form of paper, we even get the word paper from papyrus. This plant is considered very exotic and is becoming more and more popular because of that. Papyrus is also known as Bulrushes.", "1 volume - Originally the name of a scroll or roll of papyrus, from Latin volvere, to roll up.. 2 bible - Derived from biblios, the name for the papyrus produced in the ancient Phoenician city of Byblos. schedule - Goes back to Greek skhede, for leaf of papyrus; it started out meaning a ticket or a brief note.", "Papyrus plant is a sedge which grew mainly along the Nile river and it had great importance in the ancient Egyptian culture. Egyptians used papyrus mainly for making paper and also for making boats, mattresses, mats, rope, sandals, and baskets.The papyrus rhizomes were used in food and the stems were used for fuel.apyrus as a writing material. Papyrus was widely used as a writing material, especially in Egypt.The stems of the plant have white pith inside which was used to make paper. Papyrus had been processed to make sheets and the sheets were stuck together to make a roll.", "Papyrus is an early form of paper made froom reed found in the marshy areas of the Nile Delta. What is an early form of paper made from a reed found in the marshy areas of the Nile delta? They first wrote on clay. What is the plant called that is used to make paper called?", "The papyrus is a plant that the egyptians used to write teachings. 1 person found this useful. Edit. Share to: The question and answer are locked and cannot be edited.nswer Papyrus was used about 3500 BC. by the Ancient Egyptians. They used it to write records for the Pharaohs. Traders also wrote on this Paper Payrus. They used reed … like instruments to write on the Papyrus. Answer Papyrus is an early form of paper made from the bark of trees.", "- — Papyrus. Papyrus is one of the two skeleton brothers, the other being Sans, and a major character in the story. Befriending him is necessary to achieving the True Ending. He wants to catch a human so that he can become a member of the Royal Guard.", "Save. Papyrus is an early form of paper, used in ancient Egypt around 3000 B.C. The first paper was made from the papyrus plants that grew exclusively on the banks of the Nile and its delta regions. The Egyptians developed a long and complex process to make the first paper, rolled into scrolls for storage.With some common household supplies, you can make a papyrus-like paper using paper bags.he first paper was made from the papyrus plants that grew exclusively on the banks of the Nile and its delta regions. The Egyptians developed a long and complex process to make the first paper, rolled into scrolls for storage. With some common household supplies, you can make a papyrus-like paper using paper bags.", "Quatr.us > Africa > Egypt > Writing > Papyrus. Papyrus plant. When the Egyptians began to write, about 3000 BC, they wrote from the beginning in ink, on papyrus (pah-PIE-russ). Papyrus is a plant that grows wild all over the Nile river valley, which is to say it is very common in Egypt.", "The use of papyrus as a writing material was not limited solely to Egypt. Papyrus was exported throughout the entire ancient Mediterranean world. The introduction of paper in the ninth century CE signaled the beginning of the end for papyrus as the most important writing material of the ancient world.heir roots were a source of food, medicine, and perfume. Their stems were used to make baskets, floor mats, ropes, clothing, footwear, boats, assorted building materials, and the most important writing material in the ancient world. The use of papyrus in making writing materials dates back to Predynastic times.", "It is from papyrus that the word paper comes from. Although papyrus sheets were similar to paper in terms of function, being laminated sheets they were technically more like a mat and therefore not the same as the papers of today.", "Papyrus as a writing material. Papyrus was widely used as a writing material, especially in Egypt.The stems of the plant have white pith inside which was used to make paper. Papyrus had been processed to make sheets and the sheets were stuck together to make a roll.Rolls measuring even 45 yards have been found.apyrus as a writing material. Papyrus was widely used as a writing material, especially in Egypt.The stems of the plant have white pith inside which was used to make paper. Papyrus had been processed to make sheets and the sheets were stuck together to make a roll.", "Papyrus (typeface) Papyrus is a widely available typeface designed by Chris Costello, a graphic designer, illustrator, and web designer. Created in 1982, it was hand-drawn over a period of six months by means of calligraphy pen and textured paper." ]
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Submit Review Reviews for YADKIN DIALYSIS CENTER", "BB&T - Fayetteville 5801 Yadkin Rd, Fayetteville NC 28303-2656 Phone Number: (910) 860-4351", "This web site and associated pages are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by YADKIN DIALYSIS CENTER and has no official or unofficial affiliation with YADKIN DIALYSIS CENTER.", "The MO HealthNet fax line for non-emergency service or equipment exception requests only is (573) 522-3061; the fax line to obtain a drug prior authorization is (573) 636-6470. Do not use either of these numbers for requests for pre-certifications of MRI and CAT scan procedures.", "The MO HealthNet fax line for non-emergency service or equipment exception requests only is (573) 522-3061; the fax line to obtain a drug prior authorization is (573) 636-6470.", "There are currently no reviews for YADKIN DIALYSIS CENTER Be the first to post a comment or review. 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Park Street Suite 2, Pasco WA 99301 MAP Mailing address: PO Box 6762, Kennewick WA 99336 Phone: 509-547-4411 Fax: 509-547-3291 Fridays only: Yakima Medical Center 307 S. 12th Avenue Suite #9 MAP Yakima, Washington 98902 Most insurances accepted.", "Yadkin County Senior Center 207 East Hemlock Street Yadkinville NC 27055 50.4 miles from Hudson 336-679-3596 Davie County Senior Center 278 Meroney Street Mocksville NC 27028 51.3 miles from Hudson 336-753-6230", "Fax: 1-888-761-5070. E-mail: support@redrive.net. Redrive Inc. sell, repair or exchange Yaskawa, Yasnac, Motoman, Okuma, Saftronics, Magnetek, Fuji, Deltron, FANUC, Omron, GE, Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Schneider Electric products.", "yadkin valley community hospital (0.18 miles) hospice of yadkin county (0.69 miles) the yadkin heritage ext care f (0.63 miles) willowbrook rehabilitation and care center (1.28 miles) yadkin nursing care center (0.63 miles) yadkin nursing care ctr inc (0.32 miles)", "Dr. Yelena Yachmenyova is a female Internal Medicine Doctor (taxonomy code 207R00000X) located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Yelena Yachmenyova's NPI Number is #1578579108 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 12 years. Dr. Yelena Yachmenyova's practice location is listed as: 2375 Woodward St Suite 115 Philadelphia, PA 19115-5120 and can be reached via phone at (215) 671-9003.", "Phone: (856) 505-5222. Fax: (856) 505-5899. You may bring in or fax your prescription (include your phone number). We will need you to bring in or mail us your original prescription but this will not hold up your order from being processed. As an alternative, you may request for your physician to phone in your prescription.", "DR. Darrell K. Tew, DDS NPI is 1760542153. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male. The provider's business location address is: 1703 CREEKSIDE LOOP SUITE 100 YAKIMA, WA ZIP 98902-875 Phone: (509) 853-3622 Fax: (509) 853-3623", "Phone (make sure to verify first before calling): (336) 677-1182 Late Shift?: No Chain Owned: Yes Chain Organization: REGIONAL-WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY Profit or Non-Profit?: Profit Certification Date: 05SEP2008 Number of Dialysis Stations: 13 Offers In-Center Hemodialysis: Yes Offers In-Center Peritoneal Dialysis: Yes Offers Home Hemodialysis Training: Yes Dialysis Adequacy: 94% Number of Patients with HGB: 16 Percent of Patients With Low Hemoglobin: 0% Percent of Patients with High Hemoglobin: 56% Year that URR and HCT are based on: 2007", "comed fax number for medical. Mar 8, 2015 … based on the number of patients it serves within …. certificates denoting the …… (315) 788-8280 • Fax: (315) 785-9715. ..9. packet to register, which can be obtained by calling the phone number below.", "Customer Service List. KS Work United Healthcare. toll free: 1(877)908-1747. efax: 1(855)344-5443. Maine - FPSO. toll free: 1(800)482-4071. efax: 1(866)420-0892. Maine - PDO.", "In case of emergency, call us. The Fresenius Kidney Care Emergency Hotline is activated during disasters to help direct you. If you cannot reach your doctor or dialysis center, call our hotline at 1-800-626-1297. Remember, if you are having an emergency, call 911 first.", "Drug sniffing dogs patrol inside the facilities and on the grounds. The following information pertains to the Riverhead and Yaphank Correctional Facilities. Information regarding the D.W.I. Alternative Facility visiting schedule can be obtained by calling 631-852-1893 or 631-852-1894.", "Don’t forget: 1 If you’re getting treatment at a dialysis center—arrange with a friend, neighbor or family member for backup transportation to and from your clinic. Call the Fresenius Kidney Care Emergency Hotline at 1-800-626-1297.", "1003230236 NPI number belongs to App Of Tennessee Ed, Pllc. App Of Tennessee Ed, Pllc is located in 907 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, Tennessee 37804, US and phone number is (865) 983-7211, call them via (865) 983-7211.", "© Copyright 2017, MPD Medical Systems, Inc • 2530 Route 176 Unit 3, Prairie Grove, IL 60014. 877-MPD-CART (877-673-2278) • Fax: 815-477-3131 • Local: 815-477-0707 • info@mpdmedical.com.", "Prior authorization request for PDP drugs can also be faxed to the call center at 1-800-268-2990. Faxed request may take up to 24 hours to process.http://newyork.fhsc.com/downloads/providers/NYRx_PDP_PA_Fax_Standardized.pdf.isted below are some of the most common questions that medical residents have about the Medicaid pharmacy prior authorization programs. If you do not find the information you need, please submit your question using the Contact Us form.", "View contact info, business hours, full address for Davita Davies Dialysis in San Francisco, CA 415-252-7030. Whitepages is the most trusted online directory. Person", "Phone: (919) 286-0411. Fax: (919) 286-6825. Toll-Free: (888) 878-6890. For the location of an inpatient or their phone number, dial the Medical Center at (919) 286-0411(or 1-888-878-6890), and press key 1 if you know the patients phone number or dial 0 for assistance.", "Davita Davies Dialysis is located at the address 45 Castro St in San Francisco, California 94114. They can be contacted via phone at (415) 252-7030 for pricing, hours and directions. Davita Davies Dialysis has an annual sales volume of 501K - 999,999. . For maps and directions to Davita Davies Dialysis view the map to the right. For reviews of Davita Davies Dialysis see below.", "Mercer County Solid Waste Authority Eli Testerman Office: 304-425-2939 Fax: 304-487-9455", "1-888-492-7742. Fax. For any payor other than the specific payors listed below, you may fax an order to our customer service department at. 1-888-492-0010. For medication orders, if the payor is listed below, please fax the order to.", "1 Then, click the “Edit” button for the page that you want to add the phone number link to. 2 Within the WYSISYG editor, type in the phone number (i.e. “If you need assistance, please call us at 978-694-9992″).3 Select/highlight the text that you want to be a link. Then, click the “Edit” button for the page that you want to add the phone number link to. 2 Within the WYSISYG editor, type in the phone number (i.e. “If you need assistance, please call us at 978-694-9992″).", "doctors hospital of laredo lbn laredo regional medical center l p 230 calle del norte laredo, tx 78041-5957 phone: 956-523-2000 fax: website:", "The customer support phone number of Yakima is +1-971-249-7500 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Yakima Service Center and Yakima customer service phone number is given below.", "Fax number: 877-232-7902. Phone number: 877-504-1179. Mailing address: UnitedHealthcare Risk Management MN017-E700 9700 Health Care Lane Minnetonka, MN 55343", "Ypsilanti Medical Clinic: Phone: 734-481-0111 Fax: 734-485-5593. Dental Clinic: Phone: 734-480-9575 Fax: 734-961-0541. Hope Wayne Medical Clinic: Street Address: 33608 Palmer Road, Westland, MI 48185 Phone: 734-710-6688 Fax: 734-710-6612", "Randall Randy Joe Daye, 52. YADKINVILLE - Randall Randy Joe Daye, 52, of Abbott Street died Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2004, at Hoots Memorial Hospital. Born in Forsyth County on Jan. 4, 1952, he was the son of the late Mack Q. Daye and Doris Grey Martin, who survives. Randy was of the Baptist faith.", "Kings Mountain Senior Center 909 East King Street Kings Mountain NC 28086 42.8 miles from Hudson 704-734-0447. Yadkin County Senior Center 207 East Hemlock Street Yadkinville NC 27055 50.4 miles from Hudson 336-679-3596. Davie County Senior Center 278 Meroney Street Mocksville NC 27028 51.3 miles from Hudson 336-753-6230", "Contact Us. Fairchild Medical Center 444 Bruce Street Yreka, CA 96097 Main Phone: 530.842.4121 Fax: 530.841.0913 TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf - not a voice line): 530.842.9072 Medical Records Fax Lines Hospital Fax #: (530) 841-6230 Clinic Fax #: (530) 841-2050", "Download the mail service prescription fax form *, complete it and fax it to 1-800-378-0323 *This form is for health professionals only.", "Grassy Sprain Pharmacy: 640 Tuckahoe Rd, Yonkers, NY Phone: 914-779-5133 Fax: 914-779-8202 Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 8:30pm, Sat: 8am - 7pm, Sun: 9:00am - 5:30pm Click Here for Map and Directions. Terms of Use · Privacy Policy", "The above phone number will connect you to the main automated system. However, if you need to send / fax sensitive patient records, the CORRECT fax number for such information is (509) 526-6225. Should you have questions regarding patient records, please call (509) 525-5200, and ask for Medical Records.", "Call us or visit us. Tel number: 020 3049 4500. Fax number: 020 3049 4510. Email (for administrative queries only): lamccg.riverside@nhs.net. For clinical queries, please contact the surgery directly and speak with a member of staff.", "Fax completed form to: 877.974.4411 toll free, or 616.942.8206. This form applies to: Medicare Part B Medicare Part D. This request is: Expedited request Standard request. Your request will be expedited if you haven’t gotten the prescription and Priority Health Medicaredetermines, or your. prescriber tells us, that your life or health may be at risk by waiting.", "CVVHD: continuous venous-venous hemodialysis. 42 Memorial Drive  Suite 1  Pinehurst, N.C. 28374 Phone (910) 715-8100  Fax (910) 715-8101. FirstCarolinaCare Insurance Company, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of. The above two systems are similar to CAVH and CVVH, respectively, but also add a diffusive.", "If you would like help locating a dialysis center, would like to become a DaVita patient or have comments about one of our centers, please call DaVita Guest Services. 1 Call us toll free at 1-800-244-0680 (Operating hours: Mon.-Fri. 2 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. ET and Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 3 ET).", "Tel number: 020 3049 4500. Fax number: 020 3049 4510. Email (for administrative queries only): lamccg.riverside@nhs.net. For clinical queries, please contact the surgery directly and speak with a member of staff.", "If you would like help locating a dialysis center, would like to become a DaVita patient or have comments about one of our centers, please call DaVita Guest Services. 1 Call us toll free at 1-800-244-0680 (Operating hours: Mon.-Fri. 2 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. ET and Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m." ]
types of radiation therapy for prostate cancer
Radiation therapy for prostate cancer involves the use of high-energy beams or radioactive seeds to eliminate tumors. The most common types we recommend for prostate cancer include brachytherapy, image-guided radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic radiosurgery, and proton therapy. Which radiation therapy approach we recommend depends on the unique characteristics of your disease.
[ "Radiation Therapy for Patients with Prostate Cancer. “Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays or particles to kill cancer cells,” explain the American Cancer Society. It may be used “as the first treatment for low-grade cancer that is still just in the prostate gland,” which has similar cure rates to radical prostatectomy.", "Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, uses various forms of radiation to safely and effectively treat prostate cancer. It works by damaging the genetic material within the prostate cancer cells and limiting their ability to successfully reproduce. When these damaged cancer cells die, the body naturally eliminates them.", "Radiation Therapy. Radiation often is used to treat prostate cancer that is contained within the prostate or the surrounding area. For early-stage disease, patients often have a choice between surgery and radiation with similar outcomes. For larger or more aggressive tumors, radiation therapy may be used in combination with hormone therapy.", "Radiation Treatment for Prostate Cancer. Radiation therapy, also called X-ray therapy, is used to treat cancer cells only in the treated area. Various techniques are used to deliver this type of treatment.", "The most common stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) regimen for prostate cancer is 36.25 Gy in 5 fractions (1). Dose escalation has shown promising biochemical outcomes; however, significant toxicities have been observed (2).", "Internal radiation therapy places radioactive implants directly into the tumor. These radioactive sources can be temporary (removed after the proper dose is reached) or permanent. See Radioactive Seed Implants for more about this type of radiation therapy for prostate cancer.", "ADT alone or combined with external beam radiation therapy is the gold standard of treatment for localized prostate cancer, Dr. Cary, from the Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, and coauthors explain.", "The radiation used in CyberKnife® treatments is referred to as Stereoactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) and is recommended for men diagnosed with low to moderate risk prostate cancer. A. Radiosurgery and radiation are “best guess” treatments that attempt to address all cancerous prostate cells.", "External beam radiation for prostate cancer is one of the standard treatment options to treat prostate cancer. It may also be used for men who have prostate cancer that comes back after surgery. Why it's done", "The most common short-term side effects of radiation therapy for prostate cancer include fatigue, slight reddening of the skin in the treatment area, temporary lowering of blood counts, and urinary and bowel side effects. Brachytherapy and radium 223 dichloride may have some additional or different side effects.", "Results of Treating Prostate Cancer with Radiation Therapy and Hormone Therapy. “Optimizing Hormone Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer: Focus on External Beam Radiotherapy”. SANDLER, HOWARD M. Journal of Urology. Innovations and Challenges in Prostate Cancer: Prevention, Detection and Treatment: Fourth International Conference.", "For men that need treatment for localized prostate cancer, external radiation therapy and brachytherapy can be alternatives to surgery. Modern radiation therapy is as effective as surgery when used to cure prostate cancer. At this stage of disease, radiation therapy is used to attempt to cure the disease.", "Radiation may be used: 1 As the first treatment for cancer that is still just in the prostate gland and is low grade. Cure rates for men with these types of cancers are about the same as those for men treated with radical prostatectomy. As part of the first treatment (along with hormone therapy) for cancers that have grown outside the prostate gland and into nearby tissues.", "IMRT has almost entirely replaced another type of radiation treatment called 3D conformational therapy -- even though it's much more expensive, with little head-to-head evidence showing it works better. And there's an even newer and even more expensive prostate cancer treatment: proton beam therapy.", "Radiation therapy can be used to: 1 Treat low-grade cancer only in the prostate. 2 Treat cancer that has grown outside of the prostate gland and into nearby tissues. 3 Treat cancer that is not completely removed or returns to the area of the prostate after surgery. Reduce the size of the tumor if the cancer is advanced.", "Radiation therapy, also called X-ray therapy, uses high levels of radiation to kill prostate cancer cells or keep them from growing and dividing, while minimizing damage to healthy cells.", "The current standard treatment for high-risk stage II prostate cancer is EBRT in conjunction with long-term androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). By combining ADT with a higher dose of EBRT delivered with 3D-CRT or IMRT radiation therapy the outcomes of high-risk patients can be improved.", "Tomotherapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment. Radiation therapy is an important part of treatment for many men with prostate cancer. Conventional radiation treatment, which delivers a wide beam of radiation, is highly effective in destroying cancer cells.The wide beam, however, can also damage healthy tissue near a cancerous tumor.s a certified TomoTherapy Center of Excellence, Froedtert & the Medical College researchers are actively investigating new clinical applications of this technology. One area researchers are studying is the use of TomoTherapy to treat prostate cancer in less time with higher and fewer doses of radiation.", "The kind of operation you get depends on the size of the tumor and where it is. Radiation. This treatment uses high-energy waves or particles to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. There are a few types doctors can use for cancer that’s only in the prostate, and others for when it spreads to other parts of the body. Hormone therapy. Some of the hormones your body makes can fuel the growth of prostate cancer cells. This type of therapy lowers levels of those hormones or stops the cells from using them. Chemotherapy. Drugs that you take by mouth or through an IV travel through the body, attacking and killing cancer cells and shrinking tumors.", "Stereotactic body radiation, or SBRT, similar to the targeted radiotherapy of Cyberknife and Gamma Knife that revolutionized the treatment of brain cancer, could provide the much needed option for men with localized prostate cancer, Dr. Raquibul Hannan tells Newsmax Health.", "Brachytherapy Treatment for Prostate Cancer. Brachytherapy is radiation treatment that is given inside the patient, as close to the cancer as possible. The radiation is delivered inside the body with radioactive isotopes (chemical elements), inside delivery devices such as wires, seeds, or rods. These devices are called implants.", "Treatment options to address prostate cancer include watchful waiting, surgery, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, hormone therapy, vaccine treatment, bone-directed treatment, and radiation therapy. “Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays or particles to kill cancer cells,” explain the American Cancer Society.", "External beam radiation for prostate cancer kills cancer cells by destroying the genetic material that controls how cells grow and divide. Healthy cells in the beam's path also are affected by external beam radiation therapy, resulting in side effects.", "Standard treatment of stage IV prostate cancer may include the following: 1 Hormone therapy. 2 Hormone therapy combined with chemotherapy. 3 Bisphosphonate therapy. 4 External radiation therapy. Hormone therapy may be given after radiation therapy. 5 Alpha emitter radiation therapy. 6 Watchful waiting. 7 Active surveillance.", "Knowing your prostate cancer therapy options empowers you to make smart choices. 1 Prostate Cancer Therapy Options. 2 Active Surveillance. 3 Radiation Therapy. Radical 1 Prostatectomy. Cryotherapy. Hormonal 1 Therapy. Chemotherapy. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)", "Internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) is a type of radiation that. is given inside the body. Radioactive seed implant is a kind of internal. radiation that can be used to treat prostate cancer. This treatment uses. tiny “seeds” that are made of titanium and contain a radioactive material. The seeds are about the size of a grain of rice and are placed directly. into the prostate. What to Expect.", "Brachytherapy is radiotherapy treatment given from inside the prostate gland. It is a treatment to try to cure early prostate cancer. There are 2 different types of internal radiotherapy for prostate cancer. If you have seed implantation brachytherapy, your doctor puts small radioactive seeds into your prostate gland.", "Antiandrogens like bicalutamide compete with androgens for binding to the androgen receptor, reducing the ability of androgens to promote prostate cancer cell growth. Adding androgen deprivation therapy to radiation therapy can improve survival for some men with recurrent prostate cancer, according to the long-term results of a clinical trial. The combination therapy was also associated with a lower rate of metastases and death due to prostate cancer, compared with radiation alone.", "External-beam radiation therapy aims radiation beams from outside your body at your cancer. This treatment can be used to cure localized prostate cancers or help relieve symptoms of cancer that has spread. It is typically given five days a week for seven to nine weeks, using a machine that looks like an X-ray machine." ]
how many calories is a gyro sandwich
There are 557 calories in 1 gyro of Lamb Gyro Sandwich. Calorie breakdown: 18% fat, 56% carbs, 26% protein.
[ "Calories In Gyro Flatbread w/ Homemade Tzatziki Sauce Calories: 478, Fat: 16g, Carbs: 51g, Protein: 35g, Fiber: 7g. Calories In Gyro rice side Calories: 67, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 15g, Protein: 2g, Fiber: 1g. Calories Burned For Video: 12-Minute Low Impact Cardio Workout from Andrea Metcalf's Keeping Fit: Cardio DVD.", "There are 550 calories in a 1 gyro serving of Arby's Roast Beef Gyro. Calorie breakdown: 45% fat, 37% carbs, 18% protein.", "1 Calories In Gyro Flatbread w/ Homemade Tzatziki Sauce. 2 478 calories, 16g fat, 51g carbs, 35g protein, 7g fiber. 3 Calories In Quick Tzatziki Sauce. 4 13 calories, 0g fat, 1g carbs, 2g protein, 0g fiber.", "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Chicken Gyros. 170 calories of Bread, pita, whole-wheat, (1 pita, large (6-1/2 dia)). 67 calories of Oil and Vinegar Salad Dressing, (0.06 cup). 42 calories of Sour Cream, reduced fat, (0.13 cup). 22 calories of Chicken Breast (cooked), no skin, roasted, (0.25 unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook chicken)).", "A 4 oz. serving of gyro meat provides 178 calories. This amount is about 9 percent of the daily recommended intake of 2,000 calories. Gyro meat is higher in calories than some other types of meat, such as chicken. A 4 oz. serving of chicken breast contains 130 calories.", "In a normal diet of around 2,000 calories per day, that means gyro meat will provide about 25 percent of daily saturated fat, 20 percent of cholesterol, 10 percent of sodium and 30 percent of protein.", "A 4 oz. serving of gyro meat provides 178 calories. This amount is about 9 percent of the daily recommended intake of 2,000 calories. Gyro meat is higher in calories than some other types of meat, such as chicken.at Content. Gyro meat is high in fat, with 11 g in each 4 oz. serving. Of this fat, 4.7 g comes from saturated fat. The USDA suggests you consume 20 percent to 35 percent of your calories from total fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat.", "Gyro sandwich (pita bread, beef, lamb, onion, condiments), with tomato and spread.utrition Info For: Gyro sandwich (pita bread, beef, lamb, onion, condiments), with tomato and spread. Calorie Count:", "Calorie Content. A 4 oz. serving of gyro meat provides 178 calories. This amount is about 9 percent of the daily recommended intake of 2,000 calories. Gyro meat is higher in calories than some other types of meat, such as chicken. A 4 oz. serving of chicken breast contains 130 calories. Gyro meat is high in fat, with 11 g in each 4 oz. serving. Of this fat, 4.7 g comes from saturated fat. The USDA suggests you consume 20 percent to 35 percent of your calories from total fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat.", "It’s typical to find about 4 oz. of meat in a gyro. That amount of gyro lamb meat contains about 175 calories, 11.5 g fat, 5 g saturated, 60 mg cholesterol, 265 mg sodium, 2 g carbohydrates, 0.5 g fiber, 0.5 g sugar and 16 g protein.", "Carbs in Gyros. The favorite choice for the term Gyros is 1 gyro of Gyro Sandwich (Pita Bread, Beef, Lamb, Onion, Condiments with Tomato and Spread) which has about 70 grams of carbohydrate.The total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber and estimated net carbs (non-fiber carbs) for a variety of types and serving sizes of Gyros is shown below.he total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber and estimated net carbs (non-fiber carbs) for a variety of types and serving sizes of Gyros is shown below.", "Ingredient Specific Calorie Information From Our Recipes: Calories In Chicken Gyro Pita Calories: 317, Fat: 7g, Carbs: 36g, Protein: 29g, Fiber: 5g. Calories In Chicken Gyro Salad Calories: 372, Fat: 10g, Carbs: 25g, Protein: 43g, Fiber: 6g.", "Nutrition Facts. It’s typical to find about 4 oz. of meat in a gyro. That amount of gyro lamb meat contains about 175 calories, 11.5 g fat, 5 g saturated, 60 mg cholesterol, 265 mg sodium, 2 g carbohydrates, 0.5 g fiber, 0.5 g sugar and 16 g protein.", "Calories per serving of Lamb Gyro 170 calories of Bread, pita, whole-wheat, (1 pita, large (6-1/2 dia)) 134 calories of Olive Oil, (0.07 cup) 85 calories of Lamb, Cubed, (0.14 lb) 22 calories of Yogurt, plain, low fat, (0.14 cup (8 fl oz)) 4 calories of Garlic, (0.86 cloves) 3 calories of Lemons, (0.14 fruit without seeds)", "Calories in Gyro Sandwich based on the calories, fat, protein, carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Gyro Sandwich. Calories in Gyro Sandwich based on the calories, fat, protein, carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Gyro Sandwich. main content Join Now for Free!", "Calories In Eggplant Gyro Salad Calories: 93, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 16g, Protein: 6g, Fiber: 5g. Calories In Chicken Gyro Salad Calories: 372, Fat: 10g, Carbs: 25g, Protein: 43g, Fiber: 6g. Calories In Chicken Gyro Salad Calories: 233, Fat: 6g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 33g, Fiber: 2g. Calories In Gyro Salad Calories: 503, Fat: 9g, Carbs: 71g, Protein: 36g, Fiber: 6g.", "How many calories are in 1 serving? 593 calories (593 kcal) are in 1 gyro-it is the same (calorie-wise) to 5.93 lbs of turnip greens, 926.56 g of horseradish-tree leafy tips, and 71.16 oz rapini.his item has less carbs than around 53% of all foods in our database. Likewise, compared to foods in the same food group, this specific food has a unreasonable quantity of carbs. In this case, about 25 percent of foods in this food group have a greater carbs ratio.", "Food Nutrition Information for Gyro sandwich (pita bread, beef, lamb, onion, condiments), with tomato and spread, How many calories in Gyro sandwich (pita bread, beef, lamb, onion, condiments), with tomato and spread. How many carbs in Gyro sandwich (pita bread, beef, lamb, onion, condiments), with tomato and spread", "Gyros is a high-calorie food. According to a recipe on the Food.com website, a portion of beef gyros contains 1/4-pound of beef steak, 1/2-clove of garlic, 1/4-teaspoon of oregano, 1 tsp. of olive oil, 1/4-ounce of feta cheese, one pita bread, 1/2 large plum tomato, a little red onion and 1 ounce of ranch dressing.", "There are 800 calories in a 1 wrap serving of Pita Jungle Beef Gyro Pita. Calorie breakdown: 56% fat, 30% carbs, 14% protein.", "Gyro meat is high in fat, with 11 g in each 4 oz. serving. Of this fat, 4.7 g comes from saturated fat. The USDA suggests you consume 20 percent to 35 percent of your calories from total fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat.", "Fat Content. Gyro meat is high in fat, with 11 g in each 4 oz. serving. Of this fat, 4.7 g comes from saturated fat. The USDA suggests you consume 20 percent to 35 percent of your calories from total fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat.", "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Lamb Gyro. 170 calories of Bread, pita, whole-wheat, (1 pita, large (6-1/2 dia)) 134 calories of Olive Oil, (0.07 cup) 85 calories of Lamb, Cubed, (0.14 lb)", "Calories in gyro. Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for gyro. Sandwiches & Burgers : Turkey Gyro. Sandwiches & Burgers : Roast Beef Gyro. Sandwiches & Burgers : Gyro Pita.", "Each 6-ounce gyro has 16 grams of protein, mostly from the meat and some from the tzatziki sauce. A DV for protein is 50 grams; you eat 32 percent of your day’s protein in a gyro. The pita bread is responsible for most of the 22 grams, or 7 percent of a 300-milligram DV, of carbohydrates.", "Calories in chicken gyro. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.", "The chain offers a list of gluten-free menu items, as well. A typical meal at Arby’s, consisting of a Roast Beef Classic sandwich, a medium-sized order of curly fries, and a regular chocolate milkshake, constitutes about 1,500 calories. The JR. Ham and Swiss and the Smoked Turkey Classic contain 265 and 279 calories, respectively. The sandwiches represent the smallest caloric content available in entree items for customers. Other health-conscious options include sweet potatoes, fruit and poppy salads, and coleslaw.", "A 6-ounce gyro has approximately 7 grams of fat, or 11 percent of a 65-gram DV. Most of the fat is from the meat and some is from the pita bread. Of the fat, 2 grams are saturated.You eat 10 percent of a 30-gram saturated fat DV with each gyro. DV for protein is 50 grams; you eat 32 percent of your day’s protein in a gyro. The pita bread is responsible for most of the 22 grams, or 7 percent of a 300-milligram DV, of carbohydrates. The veggies contribute about half of the 5 grams of fiber; the pita contributes the rest.", "A 6-ounce gyro has approximately 7 grams of fat, or 11 percent of a 65-gram DV. Most of the fat is from the meat and some is from the pita bread. Of the fat, 2 grams are saturated. You eat 10 percent of a 30-gram saturated fat DV with each gyro.", "A gyro sandwich is a popular sandwich that combines gyro meat (typically seasoned lamb or beef), tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and tzatziki sauce on a pita bread wrap.tir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan. # Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.", "Half sandwiches sit around the 300 to 400 calorie level, with the Italian Classic boasting the most calories with over 500, a fat count of 30g, and 1,500 mg of sodium. Eating the whole sandwich accompanied by a chili sourdough bread bowl results in over 5,000mg of sodium, 85g of fat, and almost 2,000 calories. To eat healthier, choose lighter sandwiches, like the turkey and vegetables and leave off cheeses.", "Calories in gyro salad. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.", "Gyros are Greek wraps made with pita bread, meat, lettuce, onion, tomato and often, tzatziki sauce, a yogurt-based topping. Gyro meat is made from lamb and is sliced into thin strips before serving. This meat is high in calories and fat, and may not be appropriate for you if you're dieting.", "A plain, Regular Roast Beef Sandwich is a decent choice for controlling calories. But skip the melted cheese, mayo, and the horsey sauce (50 calories and 5 g of fat in a tiny packet.) Arby's sauce adds flavor with zero fat and only 15 calories. The nutrient tally before additions is 360 calories, 14 g fat, 5 g saturated fat. The high sodium content may be a deal-breaker for some at 970 mg.", "Fat Content. Gyro meat is high in fat, with 11 g in each 4 oz. serving. Of this fat, 4.7 g comes from saturated fat. The USDA suggests you consume 20 percent to 35 percent of your calories from total fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat.at Content. Gyro meat is high in fat, with 11 g in each 4 oz. serving. Of this fat, 4.7 g comes from saturated fat. The USDA suggests you consume 20 percent to 35 percent of your calories from total fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat." ]
how long does one bottle of apetamin last for
One (1) bottle of Apetamin lasts approximately one week. The sleepiness or drowsiness usually occurs the first few days of taking Apetamin and will decrease thereafter. The Manufacturer's recommended adult dosage of Apetamin syrup is 10-15mL three times a day, take 10 to 30 minutes before meals.
[ "FreeStyle® - Good until the expiration date on the bottle. Bayer® - Good until the expiration date on the bottle. Agamatrix® - Good for 90 days (three months) after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, which ever comes first. Nipro Diagnostics®- Good for 120 days (4 months) after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, which ever comes first. I find it interesting that Agamatrix®, manufacture of the WaveSense™ technology only last 90 days while the Accu-Chek® last up to 16 months.", "Taking just 10ml of the apetamin syrup 3x before meals enabled me to eat an entire plate and still have room for more. The weight gain wasted no time following the new habit. My weight prior to starting the apetamin was 128.5lbs, 5 days into taking it I weighed 134.3lbs. That’s 6lbs in 5 days!!! Unbelievable, I know.", "OneTouch® - Good for 6 months after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, which ever comes first. Accu-Chek® - Good to the expiration date on the bottle. The strips have an 18 month life span and it is estimated that once they arrive at the retailer they have 14 to 16 months left. FreeStyle® - Good until the expiration date on the bottle. Bayer® - Good until the expiration date on the bottle.", "Nipro Diagnostics®- Good for 120 days (4 months) after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, which ever comes first. I find it interesting that Agamatrix®, manufacture of the WaveSense™ technology only last 90 days while the Accu-Chek® last up to 16 months.", "As long as the bottle is unopened, the juice will be fine for over a year. Once the bottle is opened, its contents should be fine for at least half a year. Some manufacturers add only a tiny bit of preservatives to their product, so it’ll last only a couple of days without going bad: a week, maybe two weeks at most.", "With regular use, you should begin to notice a general improvement in health within 3 - 6 weeks. How long will a bottle last? One 50 ml bottle of Cushex Drops will last for 15 - 60 days, depending on the size and needs of your pet.", "OneTouch® - Good for 6 months after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, which ever comes first. Accu-Chek® - Good to the expiration date on the bottle. The strips have an 18 month life span and it is estimated that once they arrive at the retailer they have 14 to 16 months left.", "For children under 12, please see our Children’s Dosage Guide for recommendations. With this standard dosing suggestion (for adults) of two droppersful three times a day, tincture bottles typically last this long: 1 1oz. tincture bottle will last about one week. 2 2oz. tincture bottle will last two weeks.3 4oz. tincture bottle will typically last about a month.or children under 12, please see our Children’s Dosage Guide for recommendations. With this standard dosing suggestion (for adults) of two droppersful three times a day, tincture bottles typically last this long: 1 1oz. tincture bottle will last about one week. 2 2oz. tincture bottle will last two weeks.", "13 replies. My pharmacist advised that the bottle was good for up to 60 days after opening as long as its kept cool. I find no drop off of effectiveness going to 60 days. I believe it is a waste to through it out after 28 days because I still have over 80% of the bottle left after 28/30 days. As stated, and from what I was told. all insulin should be descarded after 30 days of first use.", "My pharmacist advised that the bottle was good for up to 60 days after opening as long as its kept cool. I find no drop off of effectiveness going to 60 days. I believe it is a waste to through it out after 28 days because I still have over 80% of the bottle left after 28/30 days. As stated, and from what I was told. all insulin should be descarded after 30 days of first use.", "Mom Answers. Once they drink out of the bottle, it must be used used within an hour. You can premix it and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. You can mix it and leave it at room temperature for up to 4 hours as long as he doesn't drink it.", "Products made under the above conditions, if stored properly in unopened bottles, should last at least two years before any loss of potency occurs, and, once opened, they should hold up for at least one year. Initial quality is paramount.", "Once opened the unused portion of the solution may be stored in the original container for up to 75 days until used. Calculate 75 days from when the original container was opened and record this date on the bottle. Verify that the expiration date on the original container is longer than 75 days.", "My pharmacist said that the bottle I'm using can be left out for up to a month. I don't leave it out intentionally, but sometimes I do forget to put it in the fridge or I'm out for the day so it's in my purse.", "7. 7. 0. The bottle is good for one hour after its been warmed (it says not to rewarm after its been warmed), 2 hours if it hasn't been warmed and 24 hours in the refrigerator, at least that's what the back of the formula says. Always go by the label on the back of the formula that your using.", "The ingredients of Cushex Drops have a high safety profile and are generally very well tolerated without any side effects or interactions with other drugs. One 50 ml bottle of Cushex Drops will last for 15 - 60 days, depending on the size and needs of your pet.", "A standard suggested adult dosage for tinctures is 2 droppersful two to three times a day. For children under 12, please see our Children’s Dosage Guide for recommendations. With this standard dosing suggestion (for adults) of two droppersful three times a day, tincture bottles typically last this long: 1 1oz. tincture bottle will last about one week. 2 2oz. tincture bottle will last two weeks. 3 4oz. tincture bottle will typically last about a month.", "You must buy online. I purchased mine from Amazon. It cost me 26.99 + shipping & handling. Prices can very between $26-$60 per (200ml) bottle, shop around first! You can find it on Ebay as well, they even offer bundle deals. Here’s the link to where I will be purchasing my second bottle of Apetamin. THIS is what your bottle should look like. The product will not be filled to the top.", "A: A single bottle of Derma-IonX is 4 fl. oz of liquid and will last approximately one month, depending on the individual weight and health of your pet. If you plan on using Derma-IonX for topical relief, or if your pet needs crisis dosing, one bottle may not last one month.", "As a rule, Rose wines will last the least amount of time in good condition in the bottle (rarely good for more than two years). Most whites should be drunk within 1 to 3 years of bottling (some very sweet or 'dessert wines' can last decades though).", "If you are bottle feeding, make your bottles all at once and store in the fridge. Formula can last in fridge for 24 hours. Wash and rinse bottles thoroughly, sterilize for two minutes in boiling water (0-4 months), make formula according to instructions, fill bottles with formula and store in fridge.ash and rinse bottles thoroughly, sterilize for two minutes in boiling water (0-4 months), make formula according to instructions, fill bottles with formula and store in fridge.", "If the bottle has not been refrigerated for at least 3 days prior to opening, gas will not have had time to absorb into it and escapes with the cap. Kit Brewers, could use “Big head powder” or up to 250g of maltodextrin if the problem persists. Bottle carbonation can take several weeks - It takes a good deal longer to bottle-mature a beer. Allow a Minimum of 2-3 weeks for carbonation and a further 4-6 weeks for conditioning.", "Mom Answers. Once they drink out of the bottle, it must be used used within an hour. You can premix it and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. You can mix it and leave it at room temperature for up to 4 hours as long as he doesn't drink it. posted 05/22/2012 by a BabyCenter Member.", "A bottle is supposed to be fresh for 28 days after you take it out of the fridge and start using it. As long as it wasn't in direct sunlight you should be okay. Cold insulin kind of hurts when you inject it-I never store mine in the fridge except the bottles I haven't opened yet.", "The shelf life for an unopened bottle of Bragg Liquid Aminos (stored in a cool location) is 3 years from the producution date. We recommend that opened bottles best be used within 3 to 6 months in order to maintain quality, freshness and flavor.ragg Liquid Aminos does not need to be refrigerated, either before or after opening/using, as it has a 3 year shelf life. However, we recommend that you keep the product out of direct sunlight, in a relatively cool location.", "As you tap the spout to pour, the bladder collapses, just like those burp-free Playtex Nurser baby bottles. This minimizes the wine's exposure to air, and thus to the corrosive effects of oxidation, as it's dispensed. A boxed wine can survive nicely for several weeks after opening. The bag offers a less-than-perfect hermetic seal, however. Small amounts of air get in over time, even if the box remains unopened. Typically, it's meant to be consumed within nine months to a year, and many boxes come stamped with best-before dates.", "The average bottle should keep for up to 3-4 years. A bottle of vintage champagne … will keep for longer but 10 years is normally the recommended maximum you should keep it.+ 55 others found this useful. Diane Crim.ince it is unopened, it should be fine for a long time and as with most spirits, the alcohol level is enough to kill any bacteria. However, the main problem with alcohol is n … ot bacteria but oxidation. In any case, leaving it unopened will make it keep for years (particularly a whiskey).", "The bottle I have says you shouldn't take it more than 7 days, but on a few occasions, I've taken it for 10 days without any problems.", "Unopened bottles of plain water can last 2 years or more, whether they are refrigerated or not. Bottles of sparkling water can last for 1 year or longer, while flavored water or vitamin-enhanced water has a shelf life of about 9 months.", "You want the primary fermentation to be completed before bottling to prevent explosions. Time in bottles will pretty much be up to your patience at least 3 weeks but better 2 months. And just add 1 teaspoon to the bottles more can cause explosions.", "How long does a bottle of wine last unopened? For 95% of available wines, it's a good idea to open and drink them within 6 months to a year.ince it is unopened, it should be fine for a long time and as with most spirits, the alcohol level is enough to kill any bacteria. However, the main problem with alcohol is n … ot bacteria but oxidation. In any case, leaving it unopened will make it keep for years (particularly a whiskey).", "The 2-Hour Rule: Is a bottle safe when it’s been left out too long? Posted on August 31, 2011 by Suzanne Barston On a message board I frequent, a mother recently asked how many of us obey the “don’t feed formula left out over 2 hours” rule.", "1) I have a tommee Tippee electric steam steriliser and the instruction says they will stay sterile for 24 hours if it is unopened but how long if you open to take a bottle out? There is room for 6 bottles but as you cant make bottled in advance surely they need to stay sterile for a while.", "It’s OK to uncork a bottle after about a month if you just can’t wait, but you’ll usually get better results with a longer fermentation (one to three months) and a longer period of bottle aging (2 or 3 months before opening the first bottle).", "Bailey's website states that an unopened bottle will last for 2 years. Once the bottle is opened, you can drink it within six months. You do not have to store it in the fridge as the whiskey preserves the cream but it is fine if you do! Hope that helps.", "Just play it safe with the 3 day rule. It is a good practice to write the date the bottle was opened on the label if there is a chance of confusion. Dessert wines like Sauternes, most everyday Ports and most Sherries can last much longer but those are special cases. Just play it safe with the 3 day rule.", "In clinical trials, APEAZ has been used safely with minor side effects for up to four months. Possible side effects include mouth dryness. Arginine may interact with certain heart and blood pressure medications. Please talk to your doctor before taking APEAZ if you have low blood pressure or are on heart medication before talking to your doctor.", "As a general rule, most bottles of insulin are good for 28 days once they're opened. Of course, how quickly a person goes through a vial is highly individual. Some may go through a bottle in a week or two. Others, on a lower dosage, may not use all the insulin within four weeks. But the drug's stability and potency is only guaranteed for 28 days. Opened insulin pens typically last 14 days, though some last only 10 days. If you're uncertain, check with your mother's pharmacist to find out how long her insulin should last.", "1 - 1 of 1 answers. Once they drink out of the bottle, it must be used used within an hour. You can premix it and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. You can mix it and leave it at room temperature for up to 4 hours as long as he doesn't drink it. posted 05/22/2012 by a BabyCenter Member.", "Once a bottle is opened for use, it may be stored at room temperature (up to 77 degrees F or 25 degrees C) for 6 weeks. Discard any opened, unused bottles after this time period. Canadian Product: Store the unopened bottles in the refrigerator between 36-46 degrees F (2-8 degrees C).", "Leave bottles upright for 3-5 days and then store them on their side at 55 degrees Fahrenheit for six months (white wine) to a year (red wine) before sampling. If not up to expectations, allow to age another year or more. While this is the essence of this step, there is actually a bit more to it.", "The FDA had retested them periodically ever since, each time approving their continued use. The batch, made by Ayerst Laboratories, now part of American Home Products Corp.'s Wyeth-Ayerst unit, is 18 years old. It is 15 years beyond the expiration date applied by Ayerst. The FDA found it is still good.", "As a general rule, most bottles of insulin are good for 28 days once they're opened. Of course, how quickly a person goes through a vial is highly individual. Some may go through a bottle in a week or two. Others, on a lower dosage, may not use all the insulin within four weeks. But the drug's stability and potency is only guaranteed for 28 days. Opened insulin pens typically last 14 days, though some last only 10 days. If you're uncertain, check with your mother's pharmacist to find out how long her insulin should last. When either of you opens a new vial or pen, make a note on the calendar -- and note the date when you'll need to throw out any remaining insulin.", "One bottle of Focus Formula at full adult dosage (0.50 mL 3 times daily) will last approximately 39 days. For children under the age of 15, one bottle will last longer, as fewer drops are used daily.", "I feel like $79 is a little steep because the bottle doesn't last long at all, so I only use it at night. The last bottle I bought only lasted about (almost) 2 months, and I wasn't even using it EVERY NIGHT! Anyway, with that being said, I still highly recommend this product because it does what claims to do.", "My pharmacist said that the bottle I'm using can be left out for up to a month. I don't leave it out intentionally, but sometimes I do forget to put it in the fridge or I'm out for the day so it's in my purse. She also said to always (whether left in or out) check the appearance for cloudiness or crystals.", "(Most eyedrop prescriptions are dispensed in either 5 or 10ml bottles.) Evaporation is not a big problem so long as the cap is replaced after every application. Calculating for a 30-day month, once-a-day drops and twice-a-day drops in a 5ml bottle will easily last a month. A 10ml bottle will usually accommodate higher doses. Here’s one last tip." ]
where does the mississippi begin
The Mississippi River begins in Lake Itasca in Minnesota, flows through the middle of the continental United States and finally ends in the Gulf of Mexico. At 2,350 miles long, it is the third-longest river in North America. Continue Reading.
[ "The origin of the 2,350-mile Mississippi River is in Minnesota at Lake Itaska. The river flows primarily southward, touching 10 states along the way. It ends at the Mississippi Delta region, where it flows into the Gulf of Mexico.", "Where is the Mississippi River on a map of the U.S.? On a map of the United States, the Mississippi River has its source at Lake Itasca in northwestern Minnesota and flows south to empty into the Gulf of Mexico near the city of New Orleans in Louisiana. Some websites that show a route of this river are Maps of World and World Atlas.", "The Mississippi River is known as the Middle Mississippi from the Upper Mississippi River's confluence with the Missouri River at St. Louis, Missouri, for 190 miles (310 km) to its confluence with the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois.lowing entirely in the United States (though its drainage basin reaches into Canada), it rises in northern Minnesota and meanders slowly southwards for 2,320 miles (3,730 km) to the Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico.", "The Mississippi flows 3770 km from its source at Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico. While the Mississippi ranks as the second longest river in the United States after the Missouri River, it carries a greater volume of water than any other American river.", "Quick Answer. Starting in northern Minnesota, the Mississippi River flows by Minneapolis, St. Louis, Memphis, Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The fourth longest river in the world goes through or forms the border of 10 states. Continue Reading.", "Report Abuse. The source of the Mississippi River is Lake Itasca (which is 1,475 ft above sea level) in Itasca State Park located in Clearwater County, Minnesota. It ends in southeast Louisiana. However, through a natural process known as delta switching the end of the Mississippi River has shifted its final course to the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico every thousand years or so.", "Mississippi River. The Mississippi River is the largest and most important river in North America. This great river, often referred to as the “Mighty Mississippi,” originates as a small brook flowing out of Lake Itasca in Minnesota and, 2,340 miles later, empties into the Gulf of Mexico. It is truly one of the nation’s most important assets.", "The Mississippi River travels south from Lake Itasca through 10 states of America and finally joins the sea in the Gulf of Mexico near the city of New Orleans. The Delta of the Mississippi River covers 12,000 km 2 (3 million acres) and is comprised of coastal wetlands and salt marshes.", "There are ten mapped segments of the Mississippi River in Minnesota, beginning at the source and ending on the Minnesota/Iowa border. Double your fun: try paddling and biking the river! Virtual Tour: Take a virtual tour.", "The Mississippi River is known as the Middle Mississippi from the Upper Mississippi River's confluence with the Missouri River at St. Louis, Missouri, for 190 miles (310 km) to its confluence with the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois. The Middle Mississippi is relatively free-flowing.", "The Mississippi River is known as the Middle Mississippi from the Upper Mississippi River's confluence with the Missouri River at St. Louis, Missouri, for 190 miles (310 km) to its confluence with the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois.", "The two rivers meet in Canyonlands National Park in Utah. The Mississippi River is the 4th largest and 10th longest river in the world, spanning from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. It carries less sediment than the Ohio River, giving it a greener tinge.", "The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico about 100 miles (160 km) downstream from New Orleans. Measurements of the length of the Mississippi from Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico vary somewhat, but the United States Geological Survey's number is 2,320 miles (3,730 km).", "This article is about the U.S. state of Mississippi. For the river, see Mississippi River. For other uses, see Mississippi (disambiguation). Mississippi /ˌmɪsᵻˈsɪpi/ is a state in the southern region of the United States, with part of its southern border formed by the Gulf of Mexico. Its western border is formed by the Mississippi River. The state has a population of approximately 3 million.", "Quick Answer. Some of the major cities the Mississippi River runs through are St. Paul, Minn.; St. Louis, Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; and New Orleans, La. The river starts at Lake Itasca in Minnesota and runs 2,320 miles to its mouth in New Orleans at the Gulf of Mexico. Continue Reading.", "Middle Mississippi. The Mississippi River is known as the Middle Mississippi from the Upper Mississippi River's confluence with the Missouri River at St. Louis, Missouri, for 190 miles (310 km) to its confluence with the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois. The Middle Mississippi is relatively free-flowing.", ". Mississippi is bordered on the east by Alabama, by Tennessee on the north, by Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and by the Mississippi River on the west. These boundaries outline an area approximately 48,000 square miles with a north-south length of 350 miles and an east-west width of 180 miles. Mississippi is bordered on the east by Alabama, by Tennessee on the north, by Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and by the Mississippi River on the west. These boundaries outline an area approximately 48,000 square miles with a north-south length of 350 miles and an east-west width of 180 miles.", "The length of the Mississippi River from its source in Lake Itasca in northwestern Minnesota to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico flows 2,348 miles; it is the second longest river in the United States behind the Missouri (2,466 miles).", "The Mississippi River runs down the mideastern United States, spanning from northern Minnesota, down to the Gulf of Mexico. It passes through several states, including Mississippi, Illinois, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and Iowa.", "State boundaries Edit. The Mississippi River runs through or along 10 states, from Minnesota to Louisiana, and was used to define portions of these states' borders, with Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi along the east side of the river, and Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas along its west side.", "The Mississippi River runs through or along 10 states, from Minnesota to Louisiana, and was used to define portions of these states' borders, with Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi along the east side of the river, and Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas along its west side.", "Mississippi is bordered by Tennessee on the north and the Gulf of Mexico on the south. On the east, Mississippi borders Alabama and on the west, Mississippi borders Arkansas and Louisiana. Total Area. Mississippi covers 48, 434 square miles, making it the 32nd largest of the 50 states." ]
how tall curry
In his sophomore season in 2007–08, Curry had grown to his adult height of 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) and again led the Southern Conference in scoring, averaging 25.5 points per game while adding 4.7 rebounds per game and 2.8 assists per game.
[ "At nearly 24 points per game, Curry -- who is just 6 foot 3 inches and 190 lbs. -- leads all point guards in scoring. He shoots 50 percent from the floor, a clip normally associated with forwards whose attempts mainly come from 16 feet and in.rguably the best part about Curry's success has been its effect on the Warriors as a team. Newly minted head coach Steve Kerr has seen his point guard dynamo lead Golden State to a staggering 15-2 start, the best start to a season in franchise history.", "This is something that always bothers me. Height seems to be a huge deal in the NBA but there are so many discrepancies on how tall people are that its just crazy. I mean think about it. Height is such a big deal that 1 inch can cause you to drop in the draft. If Steph Curry was 6'1 instead of 6'3 he would have gone much later. It is crazy.", "Curry went to high school at Charlotte Christian where he was named all-state, all-conference, and led his team to three conference titles and three state playoff appearances. The then 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m), 160-pound senior did not receive any scholarship offers from major-conference schools.olden State finished 47–35, earning the sixth seed in the 2013 NBA Playoffs and a matchup with the three seeded Denver Nuggets in the first round. This was the first playoff series for Curry and many of his teammates but Golden State beat Denver in six games to advance to the semifinals to face the San Antonio Spurs.", "As a senior he looked like he was about 14 years old.. The eye test said Steph Curry was too small and too frail to handle the physical rigor of high-level college basketball. This was a baby-faced kid who was about 5-foot-8 and 125 pounds entering high school, and about 6-1, 160 coming out in 2006.", "Curry Leaves. Curry leaves are derived from a beautiful, aromatic and more or less deciduous shrub growing up to 0.9 meter, or a small downy tree, up to 6 meter in height and 15 to 40 cm in diameter. The leaves are slightly bitter and aromatic. Curry leaves posses the qualities of herbal tonic.", "Stephen Curry. Position: Guard 6-3, 185lb (190cm, 83kg) Hometown: Charlotte, NC School: Davidson. More player info", "While Curry seems like a perfect fit for a bench shown to lack scoring, the one player that seems to be standing in his way is Nemanja Nedovic. Nedovic, a 6-foot-4-inch guard out of Serbia, was selected with the 30th pick in 2013 by the Warriors.", "Stephen Curry #30 Point Guard - Golden State Warriors | 6'3 190 lbs | Age 29 | Born - Akron, OH, USA", "and. he takes his shots. This season, according to NBA.com, the 6-foot-3 Curry is shooting 65.9 percent on pull-up jumpers (in 176 attempts), 69.8 percent on step-back jumpers (63 attempts) and 72.7 percent on running bank shots (a smaller sample size of 11 attempts).For comparison, Novak has not attempted a step-back jumper.here was a time, years ago, when Stephen Curry shot the ball like Shawn Marion. His release wasn't quite as peculiar -- Marion can look like he's trying to play two-hand bocce with a basketball -- but it originated from the same navel-high location.", "Despite height, Curry stood tall in high school ranks. Updated 7:59 am, Sunday, January 25, 2015. Ben Walton was Stephen Curry’s high school teammate for three years at Charlotte Christian in North Carolina. Walton still remembers the day he was sitting in the office of their coach, Shonn Brown, when the phone rang.", "Without ever taking his eyes off the rim, Curry moves to finish his shot. From his toes through his torso to the top of his head, his body is so vertical, he looks as if he's coming down from the ceiling, not jumping toward it. His shooting elbow passes shoulder height, still at a perfect 90-degree angle.", "One of the outlandish things people want to know about Stephen Curry is what size shoes he wears. It is pretty odd that people want to know that, but hey, who are we to judge. 1 Size: 13.5 (U.S.) 2 Size: 12.5 (UK) Size: 47.5 (Europe)", "MIAMI (AP) — Stephen Curry makes 3's everywhere - even at Augusta National. Calling it an experience he won't forget, Curry was part of a group of Golden State Warriors who got to play the course Tuesday, and the NBA's 3-point leader and reigning MVP even made a 10-footer for birdie on his opening hole. As for his score, Curry is keeping that one quiet. He plays to about a 2 handicap.", "This article is about Murraya koenigii or Bergera koenigii, a tree which produces an aromatic leaf often used in Indian cuisine. For the European plant sometimes referred to as curry plant, see Helichrysum italicum.t is a small tree, growing 4–6 m (13–20 feet) tall, with a trunk up to 40 cm (16 in) diameter. The aromatic leaves are pinnate, with 11-21 leaflets, each leaflet 2–4 cm (0.79–1.57 in) long and 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) broad.", "He had time, at least two seconds. He had room to dribble, five or 10 more feet. But why in the name of indescribable magnificence would Stephen Curry, who is not from this Earth, wait any longer to shoot the basketball when he can make a layup from the parking lot? They called it a 32-foot game-winner.", "(Jack died when Stephen was 2.) This is where Curry's love of the long ball was born, his trying to be the first one in the family to swish it from 60 feet, blind, peeking around the corner from the top kitchen step. I always felt like the love and the lessons of that hoop got passed down to me, Stephen says.", "According to Celebrity Net Worth, Curry has an overall net worth of $8 million and has a per year salary of $3.4 million. Following his junior year of college, the 6-foot-3 two-time NBA All-Star was selected by the Warriors as the seventh pick in the first round of the 2009 NBA Draft.", "Steph is a definitely a fan favorite and he has a ton of fans, who essentially want to know everything they can about him. One of the outlandish things people want to know about Stephen Curry is what size shoes he wears. It is pretty odd that people want to know that, but hey, who are we to judge. Size: 13.5 (U.S.)", "He Has a Net Worth of $8 Million. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Curry has an overall net worth of $8 million and has a per year salary of $3.4 million. Following his junior year of college, the 6-foot-3 two-time NBA All-Star was selected by the Warriors as the seventh pick in the first round of the 2009 NBA Draft.", "The game clock reads 6:31. The ball rises up Curry's body into the ideal shooting pocket just below his chest, while his middle finger and forefinger -- his shooting fork -- search instinctively for a seam at the center of the ball. As the ball continues its ascent, his right palm bends back flat until the skin of his wrist begins to wrinkle.", "Steph is a definitely a fan favorite and he has a ton of fans, who essentially want to know everything they can about him. One of the outlandish things people want to know about Stephen Curry is what size shoes he wears. It is pretty odd that people want to know that, but hey, who are we to judge. 1 Size: 13.5 (U.S.) Size: 12.5 (UK)", "On the year, Curry is averaging 23.80 points per game, out pacing his career average of 20.95 points per game by 11%. He's currently shooting 48.7% from the field, and 44.3% from behind the arch, short of his career high mark of 45.5% from three point range. He is a career 47.1% field goal shooter.", "At 7 ft 5 in (2.26) m he is one of the tallest basketball players in the world. Vraneš was selected by the National Basketball Association’s New York Knicks in the second round of the 2003 NBA Draft. He was waived by the Knicks in December 2003.", "Helichrysum italicum is a flowering plant of the daisy family Asteraceae. It is sometimes called the curry plant because of the strong smell of its leaves.It grows on dry, rocky or sandy ground around the Mediterranean. The stems are woody at the base and can reach 60 cm or more in height.his plant is sometimes used as a spice. Although called curry plant and smelling like curry powder, it has nothing whatsoever to do with this mixture of spices, nor with the curry tree (Murraya koenigii), and is not used as masala for curry dishes either.", "Other point guards who have been named NBA MVP include Derrick Rose, Bob Cousy, Oscar Robertson (who somewhat foreshadowed Johnson in that he was 6' 5 (1.96 m), the height of many forwards in his era), and two-time winners Stephen Curry and Steve Nash.", "Pippen is one of the best perimeter defenders of all time and a 10-time member of an NBA All-Defensive team. His length and athleticism at 6’8” likely would bother Curry, even if it wasn't enough to completely shut the defending MVP down.", "Curry, 27, was born in Akron while his father, Dell Curry, was playing for the Cavaliers in the 1987-88 season. The younger Curry averaged 23.8 points, 4.3 rebounds, and 7.7 assists for a Warriors team that won an NBA-best 67 games this season.", "I really think Seth Curry can find a place in the league. Just watching last night, you could see that he has really developed to become more than just a three point shooter. He scored in every which way and ended up with 18 points at the half with 6'5 PJ Hairston or 6'6 Reggie Bullock on him the entire time.", "Curry grabbed 10 rebounds and had seven assists, tallying a plus-minus of +9 in his 33:25 on the floor. He tacked on two steals. Curry went 3 of 11 from 3-point range. Analysis: Curry has filled out the stat sheet of late, averaging 26.7 points, 10 assists and 6 rebounds in his last three games.", "Analysis: Curry is averaging a pedestrian (for him) 23.2 points in his last five games - all wins - after averaging 35.0 in his three previous contests. He is contributing in other ways with 8.4 assists, 3.4 rebounds and 2.8 assists in that five-game span.", "Next on Tallest AthletesYao Ming (born September 12, 1980) is a retired Chinese professional basketball player who played for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). At the time of his final season, he was the tallest active player in the NBA, at 2.29 m (7 ft 6 in). he is the 7th all time tallest athlete in the history.", "7ft 0in (213 cm) American basketball player. He has stated 7ft 1 as his height. He was measured just under the mark, although DraftExpress noted that he was supposed to have been measured 7ft without shoes in 1992 and it is possible he was near 7ft 1 in shoes..", "Steph's 54 points in a losing effort was the fifth-highest total ever scored by a single player in a loss to the Knicks. Finally, Curry carved out a special place in Madison Square Garden history.", "Curry entered the final night of the regular season averaging a league-leading 7.6 3-point attempts per game, and with the record squarely in his sights, he wasted no time taking aim from long distance, trying (and missing) two triples in the game's first 94 seconds." ]
how does smoking affect periodontitis
Smoking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth.More specifically, it appears that smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells.This interference makes smokers more susceptible to infections, such as periodontal disease, and also seems to impair blood flow to the gums-which may affect wound healing.ore specifically, it appears that smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells. This interference makes smokers more susceptible to infections, such as periodontal disease, and also seems to impair blood flow to the gums-which may affect wound healing.
[ "The main cause of periodontal (gum) disease is plaque, but other factors affect the health of your gums.obacco users also are at increased risk for periodontal disease. Studies have shown that tobacco use may be one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of periodontal disease.", "Smoking can also lead to gum disease. People who smoke are more likely to produce bacterial plaque, which leads to gum disease. The gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don't heal.Smoking causes people to have more dental plaque and causes gum disease to get worse more quickly than in non-smokers. Gum disease is still the most common cause of tooth loss in adults.moking can also lead to gum disease. People who smoke are more likely to produce bacterial plaque, which leads to gum disease. The gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don't heal.", "Health risks are similar to cigarette smoking in nicotine addiction, periodontal health, tooth loss, and many types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, throat, and esophagus. Cigar smoking also can cause cancers of the lung and larynx, where the increased risk is less than that of cigarettes.", "One of the effects of smoking is staining on the teeth due to the nicotine and tar in the tobacco. It can make your teeth yellow in a very short time, and heavy smokers often complain that their teeth are almost brown after years of smoking.he gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don't heal. Smoking causes people to have more dental plaque and causes gum disease to get worse more quickly than in non-smokers. Gum disease is still the most common cause of tooth loss in adults.", "The effect of smoking on gum disease is also dependent on the amount of cigarettes or cigars consumed (both quantity and duration of smoking). Some research in previous decades thought that severe gum disease in smokers was caused by poor dental hygiene, and was made worse by smoking.moking is also a common cause of bad breath and affects the ability for us to be able to taste and smell. Smoker’s melanosis. Smoker’s melanosis is associated with cigarette and pipe smoking, and is seen as brown spots inside the mouth.", "Epidemiological studies have confirmed that patients with diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, are more susceptible to periodontal diseases (Genco 1996). Measures such as the gingival index, pocket depth, and loss of attachment are more severe if the diabetic patients are smokers (Bridges et al. 1996).", "Search. Smoking can affect the health of your mouth and throat. As well as the obvious effects such as unsightly stains on your teeth and bad breath, smoking is the major cause of cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx (voice box), tongue, lips and salivary glands.1, 2 The longer you smoke, and the more you smoke, the greater the risk of these cancers. 2.s well as the obvious effects such as unsightly stains on your teeth and bad breath, smoking is the major cause of cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx (voice box), tongue, lips and salivary glands. 1, 2 The longer you smoke, and the more you smoke, the greater the risk of these cancers. 2.", "Smoking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth.More specifically, it appears that smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells.moking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth.", "It can cause many different medical problems and, in some cases, fatal diseases. However, many people don't realise the damage that smoking does to their mouth, gums and teeth. Smoking can lead to tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and in more severe cases mouth cancer.moking can also lead to gum disease. People who smoke are more likely to produce bacterial plaque, which leads to gum disease. The gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don't heal.", "Smoking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth. More specifically, it appears that smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells.", "Most people are now aware that smoking is bad for their health. It can cause many different medical problems and, in some cases, fatal diseases. However, many people don't realise the damage that smoking does to their mouth, gums and teeth.Smoking can lead to tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and in more severe cases mouth cancer.he gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don't heal. Smoking causes people to have more dental plaque and causes gum disease to get worse more quickly than in non-smokers. Gum disease is still the most common cause of tooth loss in adults.", "Left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. The bacteria from plaque causes gum inflammation, which leads to infection. Bacterial toxins and the body’s natural response to infection start to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place.", "1 Increased Tooth Decay: The sugar and other agents in smokeless tobacco damage your tooth enamel and contribute to cavities. 2 Slowed Healing After Extraction or Other Surgery: The irritating agents in chewing tobacco reduces or impairs the body’s ability to heal. Gum Recession: Having a small “pinch” of chewing tobacco next to your gums causes constant irritation. 2 The effect is permanent damage to your gums and the surrounding bone. 3 Damaged gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, causing sensitivity and additional exposure to tooth decay.", "Oral-Systemic Effects. Did you know that gum disease (periodontitis) can negatively affect the health of the rest of your body? Dozens of studies have shown the negative effects of periodontal disease on the body, and its link to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, pregnancy complications, respiratory disease, and diabetes. Dr. Shumaker and Dr. Miller are experts in the management of periodontitis.", "Search. Smoking can affect the health of your mouth and throat. As well as the obvious effects such as unsightly stains on your teeth and bad breath, smoking is the major cause of cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx (voice box), tongue, lips and salivary glands.", "Periodontitis Causes. Left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. The bacteria from plaque causes gum inflammation, which leads to infection. Bacterial toxins and the body’s natural response to infection start to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place.", "Here are a few examples of other ways smoking tobacco affects your health: 1 Increased risk of gum disease and tooth loss. 2 Wounds taking longer to heal. 3 Decreased immune system function. Increased risk of type 2 1 diabetes. Decreased sense of smell and taste. Premature aging of the 1 skin. Bad breath and stained teeth.", "Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow and makes skin paler. This also depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles.", "Maybe there is no fountain of youth, but there is a surefire way to make yourself look older. Smoking changes the skin, teeth, and hair in ways that can add years to your looks. It also affects everything from your fertility to the strength of your heart, lungs, and bones.Take a look at these side-by-side photos.ellow teeth are one of the most notorious effects of long-term smoking, but the dental damage doesn't stop there. People who smoke tend to develop gum disease, persistent bad breath, and other oral hygiene problems.", "When gingivitis progresses, it develops into periodontitis, a condition in which the gums and bone that hold the teeth in place can be severely weakened. The bacteria on the teeth release toxic substances that harm your gums and cause them to become infected.", "Cilia lining the sinuses and bronchial tubes can be damaged or paralyzed by smoking. Smoking increases the risk of COPD. Smokers who quit can quickly reverse at least some damage to the cilia. Smoking is the most common method of damaging the cilia.", "The substances in tobacco smoke actually change the structure of your skin. Smoking causes skin discoloration, wrinkles, and premature aging. Your fingernails and the skin on your fingers may have yellow staining from holding cigarettes. Smokers usually develop yellow or brown stains on their teeth." ]
cost to install a fire alarm system in a house
1 Fire alarm equipment is usually priced at $1 to $2 per square foot for a basic system that includes smoke and heat detectors and alarms that have both visual and audio alerts. 2 For more complex systems in large buildings, the price goes up to $3 to $6 per square foot.
[ "No. The annual cost of a UL fire alarm certificate is $90 per system. There may be additional charges by the alarm company for providing full, code required NFPA 72 central station alarm service, especially compared to companies that provide monitoring service only.", "1 A basic, wired, install-it-yourself home security system starts around $50-$300, depending on the number and type of sensors and controls.iscounts: 1 Many cities or counties require an annual alarm permit with a minimal fee of $5-$50. 2 Some also charge service fees for false alarms; usually the first incident or two is free, and then the cost can be $10-$200 or more for each false alarm, depending on how many occur.", "Expect to pay at least a couple hundred dollars for a basic installation package and much, much more for a customized system. Most home security systems offer a basic burglary or intrusion package and then allow you to add-on system components, like a fire and smoke alarm system, and more.", "angie s list members reported paying an average of $ 739 for an alarm system installation and many jobs fell in the $ 600 to $ 850 range erker says cameras and security lighting can also drive up the price of an alarm system", "Home Security Cost. 1 A basic, wired, install-it-yourself home security system starts around $50-$300, depending on the number and type of sensors and controls.iscounts: 1 Many cities or counties require an annual alarm permit with a minimal fee of $5-$50. 2 Some also charge service fees for false alarms; usually the first incident or two is free, and then the cost can be $10-$200 or more for each false alarm, depending on how many occur.", "Angie’s List members reported paying an average of $739 for an alarm system installation, and many jobs fell in the $600 to $850 range. Erker says cameras and security lighting can also drive up the price of an alarm system.", "Although typically installed in commercial and industrial settings, residential fire sprinkler systems have become cheaper thanks to some recent advances in the field. A typical residential fire sprinkler system will cost between $10 and $15 per foot to install, including materials.Commercial and industrial installations are typically much less, starting at around $6 per square foot (due to the size of the job). typical residential fire sprinkler system will cost between $10 and $15 per foot to install, including materials.", "If an ADT home security system sounds like the right choice for your residence, the prices below should give you a better idea of how much peace of mind for your family costs. Note, however, that ADT promotional packages for new customers are frequently offered, and the costs shown are only an estimation based on what customers in the past have paid. 1 A basic ADT alarm system might cost around $100-$350 to install if you agree to a 36-month monitoring plan that about $35 per month. A system at this price might include 1 control panel, 3 door/window sensors, 1 motion detector, 1 built-in siren, and a keychain remote.", "The cost of your system will depend on the size of your building, local building codes, and the complexity of installation. Generally, fire alarm systems are more expensive to install in older buildings than with new construction.", "Generally, fire alarm systems are more expensive to install in older buildings than with new construction. There are three basic types of fees that come with a commercial fire alarm system: the equipment, monitoring fees and miscellaneous costs.", "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, installers of security and fire alarm systems earned an average income of just more than $42,000 per year or about $20.25 per hour as of May 2011.mployment Outlook. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment among security and fire alarm system installers and repairers to grow 33 percent between 2010 and 2020. That's more than twice the average growth rate of 14 percent expected for all occupations.", "Sprinkler system installation can push your costs as high as $10 to $25 per square foot or more. As an example, a small retail shop owner with 3,000 square feet of office space may pay $5,000 or more for 3 to 4 pull stations, smoke and heat detectors, and audible and visual alarm devices.prinkler system installation can push your costs as high as $10 to $25 per square foot or more. As an example, a small retail shop owner with 3,000 square feet of office space may pay $5,000 or more for 3 to 4 pull stations, smoke and heat detectors, and audible and visual alarm devices.", "Note, however, that ADT promotional packages for new customers are frequently offered, and the costs shown are only an estimation based on what customers in the past have paid. 1 A basic ADT alarm system might cost around $100-$350 to install if you agree to a 36-month monitoring plan that about $35 per month.DT Home Alarm System Prices. ADT, founded more than 130 years ago, is North America’s large provider of electronic security services.", "Installation of a basic car alarm typically costs another $50-$200 or more, depending on the complexity of the system and the ease of access inside the vehicle's dash, bringing the total cost to $80-$500.", "Hardwired and wireless alarm systems are available, all with free installation. ADT prices range from approximately $9 to $14 per week, or $37 to $53 per month. Additionally ADT will monitor already-installed security systems for as little as $19.99/month. Here are details about each plan:", "Small businesses or homeowners might spend a few thousand dollars to install a fire sprinkler system while large corporations could spend hundreds of thousands. The price depends on a variety of factors. 1 A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive - usually about $2 to $7 per square foot.", "1 Most companies will want to install the sprinkler system throughout the whole home. 2 This is going to include the basement as well as all of the main floors. 3 On average, plan on spending anywhere from $1.50 to as much as $2.85 per square foot to have a complete system installed. For those that are building a new home, adding a new fire sprinkler system will only increase your home mortgage by $3 to $5 per month on the average 30-year note. 2 Factor in the home insurance, and you may actually come out ahead.", "An average home fire pit installation may cost $587, compared to $814 for an installation at a business location. Prices may vary with characteristics such as the type and size of fire pit, the accessibility of the build site, and the level of preparation needed.", "1 On average, plan on spending anywhere from $1.50 to as much as $2.85 per square foot to have a complete system installed. 2 For example, a home that is 1,600 square feet should cost anywhere from $1,600 to $4,600 for a complete sprinkler system. For those that are building a new home, adding a new fire sprinkler system will only increase your home mortgage by $3 to $5 per month on the average 30-year note. 2 Factor in the home insurance, and you may actually come out ahead.", "Some landscaping features may differ between residential and business applications though, and can influence the cost of the job. An average home fire pit installation may cost $587, compared to $814 for an installation at a business location. Prices may vary with characteristics such as the type and size of fire pit, the accessibility of the build site, and the level of preparation needed.", "But how much does it cost to install a fire sprinkler system? The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) conducted a study in 2013 to assess the average cost of installing a fire sprinkler system and the factors that affect this cost. The NFPA calculated the average cost to be $1.35 per sprinklered square foot of a home or business. This is defined as any space, finished or unfinished, that is protected by fire sprinklers once the installation is complete. In Addison, TX – the closest community to Houston that the NFPA used in its study – the average cost was $1.70 per sprinklered square foot as of 2013. Many factors affect fire sprinkler cost.", "Indicate manufacturer and model of Generator and provide specifications. Smoke detectors must be installed in accordance with NYS Residential Building Code section 317.1.1 (see reverse) min. $ 120.00 max. $ 300.00 ELECTRICAL INFORMATION POWER CO.", "You can buy smoke and CO alarms at hardware and home-improvement stores and online. Smoke alarms are relatively inexpensive, starting at about $15 for basic models. CO alarms cost $35 and up. Check the package to make sure smoke alarms meet Underwriters Laboratories Standard 217 and CO alarms meet UL Standard 2034.", "The cost of a home-sprinkler system will depend on a number of factors. A new-home, stand-alone installation can run anywhere from $1.00 to $1.25 per square foot, while a retrofit could cost $5 to $6 per square foot.he RFSI has its own calculation, estimating the cost of a system to be about “1 to 1.5 percent of the cost of the home,” says Marshall. Additionally, insurance companies can offer discounts to homes with fire-suppression systems. These discounts can range from 5 to 15 percent.", "Fire Alarms: Installation and Cost. Because home fire alarms are a component of a larger home security system, installation is typically handled by a security company. You will usually have your choice of a number of security packages or systems and along a spectrum of price points." ]
what county is levelland tx in
Levelland, Texas. Levelland is a city in Hockley County, Texas, in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 13,542. It is the county seat of Hockley County. It is located on the Llano Estacado, 30 miles (48 km) west of Lubbock. Major industries include cotton farming and petroleum production.
[ "Levelland and Hockley County Update. ...The installation of their Quanah Parker Trail arrow in 2013 and the recent completion of their amazing courthouse grounds micro-mosaics by John and Bette Hope..... - Barbara A. Brannon, PhD, Executive Director, Texas Plains Trail Region, May 06, 2013.", "Levelland is geographically descriptive of the region. We were told by someone at the chamber of commerce that the city has no ties whatsoever to Post, Texas, but according to The Handbook of Texas C. W. Post is the founder of both towns. Post bought the Oxsheer Ranch in Hockley County in 1906, a year before he founded Post.", "Property Tax 101. Hockley County, Texas - Assessor's Office. The Hockley County Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in Hockley County, Texas. 802 Houston St Ste 101The Hockley County Assessor's Office is located in Levelland, Texas.", "Lubbock County, along with Crosby County, and Lynn County, is part of the Lubbock Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The Lubbock MSA and Levelland Micropolitan Statistical Area (µSA), encompassing only Hockley County, form the larger Lubbock–Levelland Combined Statistical Area (CSA).", "Hockley County Mobile & Manufactured homes for Sale. There are 82 real estate listings found in Hockley County, TX. There are 7 cities in Hockley County which include Levelland , Ropesville , Anton , Pep , and Smyer . There are 8 zip codes in Hockley County which include 79336 , 79358 , 79313 , 79353 , and 79367 .", "Brownfield, Levelland, Littlefield, Lubbock, Muleshoe, Plainview, Slaton. Map of Counties in the South Plains Region. Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry and Yoakum. Texas Counties and County Seats. 09 - Bailey County: Muleshoe.", "There are 15 counties in the South Plains region of Texas. Visiting the South Plains Region. Brownfield, Levelland, Littlefield, Lubbock, Muleshoe, Plainview, Slaton. Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry and Yoakum. 09 - Bailey County: Muleshoe.", "Headland is located in the southwest corner of Henry County at (31.353410, -85.339793 It is bordered to the south by the city of Dothan and town of Kinsey in Houston County and to the west by Dale County.", "Welcome to Parmer County. Organized in 1907 from a portion of the famous XIT Ranch, the county covers 882 square miles bordering New Mexico in the south-central Texas panhandle. With a population of just over 10,000, our county includes the communities of Friona, Farwell, Bovina, and Lazbuddie, each the home of award winning schools. At an altitude of 4100 feet, we average over 250 days of sunshine and 15″-16″ of precipitation annually. Agricultural industries drive an economy where unemployment is less than 3%, and the cost of living is 18% below the national average.", "Welcome to Parmer County. Organized in 1907 from a portion of the famous XIT Ranch, the county covers 882 square miles bordering New Mexico in the south-central Texas panhandle. With a population of just over 10,000, our county includes the communities of Friona, Farwell, Bovina, and Lazbuddie, each the home of award winning schools. At an altitude of 4100 feet, we average over 250 days of sunshine and 15″-16″ of precipitation annually.", "Courthouse of Parmer County. Parmer County is a county located in the southwestern Texas Panhandle on the high plains of the Llano Estacado in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,269. The county seat is Farwell. The county was created in 1876 and later organized in 1907.", "Richland Hills, Texas. Richland Hills is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States. The population was 7,801 at the 2010 census.", "Location of Richland Hills in Tarrant County, Texas. Coordinates: 32°48′36″N 97°13′35″W / 32.81000°N 97.22639°W / 32.81000; -97.22639Coordinates: 32°48′36″N 97°13′35″W / 32.81000°N 97.22639°W / 32.81000; -97.22639. Richland Hills is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States. The population was 7,801 at the 2010 census.", "Eastland is a city in Eastland County, Texas, United States. The population was 3,960 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Eastland County. During the 1920s, Eastland, like nearby Cisco, Ranger, and Desdemona, were petroleum boomtowns.", "42 Acres (East) CR 466, Coupland, Williamson County, Texas. PROPERTY FOR SALE: 42 ACRES (East) County Road 466 Williamson County - Coupland, Texas 78615 LOCATION: Property is located approximately 5 miles from Coupland and 7 miles from Highway 95. Property is on the north side of CR 466 just east of CR 463 in Type Community.", "Levelland, TX - Official Website - Chamber of Commerce. There's a better way to personalize your website experience. With myConnection, the profile you create allows you to set up a unique starting point for the tasks and transactions that you want to complete in your time on this website.", "Eastland is a city in Eastland County, Texas, United States. The population was 3,769 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Eastland County. During the 1920s, Eastland, like nearby Cisco, Ranger, and Desdemona, were petroleum boomtowns. Eastland is known for the legend of Old Rip, a horned toad that lived many years sealed in the cornerstone of the previous Eastland courthouse built in 1897.", "Eastland, Texas. Eastland is a city in Eastland County, Texas, United States. The population was 3,960 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Eastland County. During the 1920s, Eastland, like nearby Cisco, Ranger, and Desdemona, was a petroleum boomtown.", "PROPERTY FOR SALE: 42 ACRES (West) County Road 466 Williamson County - Coupland, Texas 78615 LOCATION: Property is located approximately 5 miles from Coupland and 7 miles from Highway 95. Property is on the north side of CR 466 just east of CR 463 in Type Community.", "Kingsland is a census-designated place (CDP) in Llano County, Texas, United States. The population was 4,584 at the 2000 census. Texas Ranch to Market Road 1431 runs through the community. Kingsland is located at 30°40′02″N 98°26′41″W / 30.667102°N 98.444627°W / 30.667102; -98.444627 (30.667102, -98.444627). The town is at the confluence of the Colorado and the Llano rivers, which combine to form Lake Lyndon B. Johnson.", "Grapeland is a city in Houston County, Texas, United States. The population was 1,451 at the 2000 census. Grapeland is located at 31°29′30″N 95°28′49″W / 31.49167°N 95.48028°W / 31.49167; -95.48028 (31.491726, -95.480213). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2.0 square miles (5.2 km²), of which, 2.0 square miles (5.1 km²) of it is land and 0.50% is water.", "San Saba County has the small city of Richland Springs, TX 76871, which is more like a large family environment than a city. Great folks, and slightly proud of their football accomplishments (understatement), come join the family and traditions in this lovely 2 acre property with 1200 Sq. Ft. house built in 1999.", "Sponsored Topics. Eastland is a city in Eastland County, Texas, United States. The population was 3,769 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Eastland County. During the 1920s, Eastland, like nearby Cisco, Ranger, and Desdemona, were petroleum boomtowns.", "Kingsland, Texas. Kingsland is a census-designated place (CDP) in Llano County, Texas, United States. The population was 6,030 at the 2010 census. Texas Ranch to Market Road 1431 runs through the community.", "LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in North Richland Hills, Tarrant County, Texas, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "REDLAND, TEXAS (Angelina County). Redland is at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and Farm Road 2021, five miles north of Lufkin in northwest Angelina County.", "Not to be confused with Richland Hills, Texas. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in Tarrant County.", "One of the welcoming signs on Boulevard 26. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in Tarrant County.", "Motto: The City of Choice. Location of North Richland Hills in Tarrant County, Texas. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in Tarrant County.", "Eastland City Demographics. The City of Eastland is located in Eastland County in Central Texas, bordered. on the east by Erath County, on the north by Stephens and Palo Pinto counties, on the west by Callahan County, and on the south by Brown and Comanche counties. The County was named for Capt. William Mosby Eastland, who died in the Texas Revolution.", "North Richland Hills is the third largest city in Tarrant County and the largest city in Northeast Tarrant County. Over 66,000 residents and 1,200 businesses are attracted to the City’s low tax rate, central location, easy access, attractive neighborhoods, low crime rate and excellent schools.", "Motto: The City of Choice. Location of North Richland Hills in Tarrant County, Texas. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in Tarrant County. In 2006, North Richland Hills was selected as one of the Top 100 Best Places to live in America according to Money magazine.", "Sponsored Topics. North Richland Hills is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a suburb of Fort Worth. The population was 66,010 at the 2010 census but estimated to be 75,548 in 2015. In 2006, North Richland Hills was selected as the one of the Top 100 Best Places to live in America according to Money magazine.", "The county comprises 1,778 square miles (1,729 in land) and is the largest Texas county east of the Nueces River. Its southern half is level coastal prairie, and the northern half touches the rolling East Texas qv timberlands. Central Harris County is fifty-five feet above sea level. The land rises gradually to more than 200 feet on the northern borders, while the smallish bluffs around upper Galveston Bay descend to sea level.", "One of the welcoming signs on Boulevard 26. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in Tarrant County. In 2006, North Richland Hills was selected as one of the Top 100 Best Places to live in America according to Money magazine.", "Located in San Saba County along Highway 190 road frontage in Richland Springs, TX 76871 is a prime location for a mixed use residential, commercial or retail property. Right on intersection of Hwy 190 and FM 45 this property has .34 acres and has been most recently used as a residence and restaurant.", "North Richland Hills apartments for rent are home to the third largest city in Tarrant County, Texas. The city began as rural farmland and 500 residents. Today, Richland Hill's 63,000 residents are minutes from both Dallas and Fort Worth, offering community members the opportunity to live, work and play close to North Richland Hills apartments.", "Location in the U.S. state of Texas. Texas's location in the U.S. Parmer County is a county located in the southwestern Texas Panhandle on the high plains of the Llano Estacado in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,269.", "North Richland Hills is also third largest city in Tarrant County with more than 66,000 residents, and is expected to be one of fastest growing cities in North Texas. The community began when W.S. Peters agreed to bring 600 families into the area within a three-year period as part of a land grant.", "Families began arriving in the summer of 1848. In 1849, Tarrant County was established and named for General Edward H. Tarrant. The community of Birdville (adjacent to what is now North Richland Hills' southwest boundary) was named the first County Seat.", "North Richland Hills, TX. Online Offers. North Richland Hills is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a suburb of Fort Worth. The population was 66,010 at the 2010 census but estimated to be 75,548 in 2015. In 2006, North Richland Hills was selected as the one of the Top 100 Best Places to live in America according to Money magazine.", "Tarrant County College District is a dynamic and growing community college in Tarrant County, Texas, serving over 100,000 credit and non-credit students annually through five major campuses in the cities of Hurst/North Richland Hills (Northeast Campus), Fort Worth (South, Northwest and Trinity River Campuses), and Arlington (Southeast Campus).", "North Richland Hills, Texas. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in Tarrant County. In 2006, North Richland Hills was selected as one of the Top 100 Best Places to live in America according to Money magazine and in 2016, the Dallas Morning News ranked North Richland Hills #9 on its list of best Dallas-Fort Worth neighborhoods. Major streets and highwa", "North Richland Hills, Texas. North Richland Hills is a city inside Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a mid-to-high end suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 63,343 at the 2010 census,[5] making it the third largest city in Tarrant County." ]
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[ "Amazon's Kindle Unlimited e-book subscription service, unveiled Friday, raised new questions about how much the company pays its army of self-published authors and the methods it uses to do so. Kindle Unlimited offers downloads on more than 600,000 e-books, as well as thousands of audiobooks, for $9.99 per month. But more than 500,000 of those titles are self-published works through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing Select program, according to industry newsletter Publishers Lunch.", "Amazon Prime is a membership program that gives customers access to streaming video, music, e-books, free shipping and a variety of other Amazon-specific services and deals. Amazon Prime is a no-brainer for those heavily invested in the Amazon ecosystem. And if $99 per year seems like too much of a commitment, you can opt for the monthly $10.99 plan or the Prime Video only plan, which costs $8.99. Starting a 30-day free trial gives you early access to deals, plus free two-day shipping.", "An Amazon promo code can make a good deal great, so check in here before you shop. Amazon is the largest online retailer in the United States with more than 60+ million subscribers to their Prime membership, which offers free shipping, streaming music, movies and other extras for $99 per year.", "Amazon has unveiled a new subscription service dubbed Kindle Unlimited that offers all-you-can-eat e-books and audiobooks for $9.99 per month.mazon rolls out $9.99 Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription. The new service offers more than 600,000 Kindle e-books and thousands of Audible audiobooks for $9.99 a month. by Lance Whitney @lancewhit /.", "As Amazon.com (NASDAQ:AMZN) evolves as an online retailer, the company continues to reward its most loyal of fans -- Amazon Prime members. An Amazon Prime membership costs $99 a year, or you can buy it by the month for $10.00 per month, but it might make sense for frequent users who are looking for free shipping, video streaming and other rewards.", "A: Amazon Inc. (AMZN) is a multinational consumer electronics company and the largest Internet company in the United States as of November 2014. The company also sells a great deal of other consumer goods. Amazon.com operates in three general segments: media, electronics and other merchandise.", "Amazon rolls out $9.99 Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription. The new service offers more than 600,000 Kindle e-books and thousands of Audible audiobooks for $9.99 a month. Amazon has unveiled a new subscription service dubbed Kindle Unlimited that offers all-you-can-eat e-books and audiobooks for $9.99 per month.", "Amazon rolls out $9.99 Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription. The new service offers more than 600,000 Kindle e-books and thousands of Audible audiobooks for $9.99 a month. Screenshot by Lance Whitney/CNET. Amazon has unveiled a new subscription service dubbed Kindle Unlimited that offers all-you-can-eat e-books and audiobooks for $9.99 per month.", "Amazon Prime: is it worth it? Launched in 2007, Amazon Prime is an annual membership programme which offers users unlimited access to a bank of movies, films, music and e-books, for a fixed monthly fee. Services vary from unlimited music streaming to one-hour delivery on your Amazon orders for a set £79 a year. Membership was previously £49 a year, until a £30 price hike in February 2014. Prime members are also granted unlimited streaming of 15,000 movies and TV episodes, and access to 800,000 Kindle books.", "Starting today, you can sign up for Amazon's Kindle Unlimited, a new service that grants access to 600,000 e-books and several thousand audiobooks for $9.99 a month. Contrary to what you might think, the subscription isn't stuffed with self-published titles at the expense of acclaimed books." ]
how long can homemade chocolate chip cookie dough last in the fridge?
Quick Answer. Homemade cookie dough lasts three to five days in the refrigerator, and unopened store-bought cookie dough lasts around two weeks when stored in the refrigerator. Frozen cookie dough that is placed in the refrigerator lasts one to two weeks. Continue Reading.
[ "• Dough for rolled, sliced/icebox, hand-shaped, and drop cookies (except meringues) will keep for two to three days in the refrigerator or three months in the freezer. Twice-baked and bar cookie doughs should be baked immediately. • After baking, all cookie varieties will keep for three months in the freezer. At room temperature, rolled, sliced/icebox, hand-shaped, and drop cookies (except meringues) will keep for three to five days . Twice-baked cookies will keep for two weeks, and bar cookies will keep for 3 to 4 days.", "1 Cookie dough can be made in advance, and refrigerated (up to 1 week) or frozen (up to a couple of months). Cookies can be rolled, cut, baked, and cooled, then stored in an airtight container (for a week) or in the freezer (up to a month), before being decorated.", "A writer for The New York Times recently conducted an experiment with a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough, where he baked a portion after chilling the dough for 12 hours, for 24 hours, and for 36 hours. In an informal taste test among his colleagues, the 36-hour cookies won conclusively.", "Label your cardboard tube with the date and type of cookie dough, then place in gallon size freezer bags for freezer or place in fridge. Most recipes indicate for how long you can refrigerate the dough, many of mine can only be refrigerated for2-3 days.", "How long does cookie dough last in the fridge? Depending on whether fresh strawberries are stored cut or whole, they can last for different time periods. When stored in a refrigerator, whole strawberries can last up to 7 days, while cut ones will last up to 3 days. Stored in the freezer, whole or cut strawberries can last a few months. For example, the cut fruit can last up to 4 months in a freezer.", "Label your cardboard tube with the date and type of cookie dough, then place in gallon size freezer bags for freezer or place in fridge. Most recipes indicate for how long you can refrigerate the dough, many of mine can only be refrigerated for2-3 days. Happy Baking, GinaG.", "The cookie dough should last you around two weeks. Place the food in an air tight container for the best results. If you would like to keep the cookie dough for an even longer period of time, freeze the cookie dough in the air tight container. Pat Mele Curtis.", "Bar cookies: Store cookies in the pan in which they bake; cover with plastic wrap or foil. Shelf life • Dough for rolled, sliced/icebox, hand-shaped, and drop cookies (except meringues) will keep for two to three days in the refrigerator or three months in the freezer.", "1 Baked cookies will keep in the freezer for up to 3 or 4 weeks. 2 As with freezing cookie dough, double-wrap the cookies securely and write the date and the type of cookie on the outside of the package.", "Most cookies will last at room temperature up to three days. However, keep cookies with cream cheese frosting (such as pumpkin bars) in the fridge for up to a week. Cookie Covers Store each kind of cookie separately in a tightly covered container.", "By August 14, 2012. Most cookie dough can be refrigerated, well-wrapped, for three to five days before baking. If you want to make it farther in advance, freeze the dough. See my previous post on freezing cookie dough for more information. If you need ideas for your holiday baking, see our collection of Cookie Recipes.", "Bar cookies: Store cookies in the pan in which they bake; cover with plastic wrap or foil. • Dough for rolled, sliced/icebox, hand-shaped, and drop cookies (except meringues) will keep for two to three days in the refrigerator or three months in the freezer.", "Most cookie dough can be refrigerated, well-wrapped, for three to five days before baking. If you want to make it farther in advance, freeze the dough. See my previous post on freezing cookie dough for more information. If you need ideas for your holiday baking, see our collection of Cookie Recipes. You May Like.", "1 Baked cookies will keep in the freezer for up to 3 or 4 weeks. 2 As with freezing cookie dough, double-wrap the cookies securely and write the date and the type of cookie on the outside of the package.ost cookie doughs freeze extremely well and can be kept frozen for up to 4 or 6 weeks. Use these tips for freezing: 1 Double-wrap dough in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn and absorption of odors from your freezer.", "Heat oven to 350°F. Place frozen cookie dough rounds about 2 inches apart on an ungreased OR parchment-lined cookie sheet. Bake your sugar cookies 14 to 18 minutes or until golden brown, or bake your chocolate chip cookies 11 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Cool 2 minutes before removing from cookie sheet.", "• After baking, all cookie varieties will keep for three months in the freezer. At room temperature, rolled, sliced/icebox, hand-shaped, and drop cookies (except meringues) will keep for three to five days . Twice-baked cookies will keep for two weeks, and bar cookies will keep for 3 to 4 days. Baked cookies should not be refrigerated.", "Most cookie doughs freeze extremely well and can be kept frozen for up to 4 or 6 weeks. Use these tips for freezing: 1 Double-wrap dough in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn and absorption of odors from your freezer.2 Write the type of cookie dough and the date it was frozen on the outside of the package.3 When you are ready to bake, simply let the dough defrost in the refrigerator.ost cookie doughs freeze extremely well and can be kept frozen for up to 4 or 6 weeks. Use these tips for freezing: 1 Double-wrap dough in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn and absorption of odors from your freezer.", "Instructions. 1 Combine flour, baking soda, cornstarch and salt in a medium sized bowl. 2 In another bowl combine sugars, oil, applesauce, egg and vanilla. 3 Mix the dry ingredients in with the wet ingredients. Pour in the chocolate chips and mix in 1 well. Chill cookie dough in the fridge for 30 minutes up to overnight.", "This means that glazed doughnuts or cakes will usually last two to three days in the pantry, while hard cookies can last as long as two weeks. The reason that these goods don’t require refrigeration is because the glaze no longer contains any liquid, much like powdered milk.", "Storing Homemade Cookies and Candy. Most cookies will stay fresh when stored in an airtight container at room temperature for about three days. After that, it's best to freeze them. Most candies will keep well for two to three weeks if stored tightly covered in a cool, dry place.", "Step 2. Place frozen cookie dough rounds about 2 inches apart on an ungreased OR parchment-lined cookie sheet. Step 3. Bake your sugar cookies 14 to 18 minutes or until golden brown, or bake your chocolate chip cookies 11 to 15 minutes until golden brown.", "Wrap the cookie dough log in plastic wrap, and then place it in a plastic bag or container. 1 Refrigerate a cookie dough log for two to three weeks. Slice and bake cookies directly from the refrigerator. 2 Freeze a cookie dough log for up to two months.", "Roll slice-and-bake cookie dough into a log. Wrap the cookie dough log in plastic wrap, and then place it in a plastic bag or container. Refrigerate a cookie dough log for two to three weeks. Slice and bake cookies directly from the refrigerator. Freeze a cookie dough log for up to two months.", "Chill sugar cookie dough in the refrigerator for at least one hour or overnight. If the dough is very hard after chilling, allow it to soften for 10 minutes on the counter top before rolling it out. Flour the counter top and roll the cookies 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick, depending on your preference.", "Ensure that the plastic bag or wrap is tightly closed so the cookie dough does not dry out. For longer storage, freeze sugar cookie dough for up to three months. Freeze baked sugar cookies in a plastic box instead if you prefer.", "Items which can last between six to eight months in the freezer include baked cookies and baked fruit pieces whilst cookie dough can only be stored safely for three months. Unbaked fruit pies can be frozen for up to four months whilst pumpkin or pecan pieces will only last for two.", "Stir in the chocolate chips. Drop heaping tablespoon-size balls of dough about 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Bake until cookies are golden around the edges, but still soft in the center, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and let cool on baking sheet 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature up to 1 week.", "How long does chocolate chip cookies stay in the oven for? Depending on what type of cookies are! Check in the recipe to see if it says their if not around 15 and 30 minutes!", "Place shaped dough on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer for one hour to harden. Remove from freezer and wrap in plastic wrap or foil. Place in a self-sealing plastic bag and return it to the freezer. Dough can be kept frozen up to 4 weeks.ough can be kept in the freezer up to four weeks. For an even thaw, place it in the refrigerator overnight. When ready to use, partially unwrap dough and place it on the counter for 15 minutes to bring it to room temperature. Punch down the dough." ]
what is a specified trade or business under the new tax law
The new tax law can change your tax bill if you're planning to trade in a business vehicle for a new one. Here's what to know.
[ "Both multinational corporations and pass-through businesses, which pay taxes through the individual side of the tax code, could face complex new tax rules on Jan. 1, even though it would take the Treasury Department months if not years to spell out the details of how exactly those new regimes would work.", "I would report this amount as other income on the first page of your Form 1040, and NOT as self-employment income. SE tax is imposed on gross income from a trade or business minus allowable deductions from operating that trade or business.", "To determine filing requirements and how we tax a trade or business in California, see Single-Sales Factor and Assignment of Sales. To review recent law changes on how we tax a trade or business in California, see Corporation Tax Law Changes. [1] Indexed.", "Business Privilege. and Mercantile Taxes. When an entrepreneur decides to. start a new business, there are many. state and local tax considerations that. should go into the planning process. Here is a brief update on the business. privilege and mercantile tax, just one. local tax applicable to some businesses.", "The new car cost and trade value will come off the sales contract for the car deal. For example, if you are buying a new car for $25,000 and the dealer is giving you $10,000 for your trade, you will pay sales tax on the $15,000 difference. If sales tax in your state is 8 percent, the tax would be $1,200.", "The name cannot be substantially identical to a name already registered with the Department. A trade name is a name under which a person transacts business, other than one’s legal name (personal name) or a registered corporate name, general or limited partnership name, limited liability company name or limited liability partnership name. A trade name is also known as a fictitious name or a DBA (doing business as). A registered business entity can file for Registration of Trade Name (Form T-1) as long as the name is different from its registered name.", "The new car cost and trade value will come off the sales contract for the car deal. For example, if you are buying a new car for $25,000 and the dealer is giving you $10,000 for your trade, you will pay sales tax on the $15,000 difference.", "Trade Regulations are laws enacted by Congress and/or by a state to ensure a free and competitive economy. The U.S. Constitution, through the Commerce Clause, gives Congress exclusive power over trade activities between the states and with foreign countries.", "Topic 429 - Traders in Securities (Information for Form 1040 Filers) This topic explains if an individual who buys and sells securities qualifies as a trader in securities for tax purposes and how traders must report the income and expenses resulting from the trading business. The term security is defined in Internal Revenue Code section 475(c)(2).", "A trade name is a name, other than the true name, of an entity or individual under which the entity or individual is authorized to transact business or conduct activities pursuant to section 7-71-101, C.R.S. Sometimes a trade name is referred to as a “doing business as” or “DBA” name. trade name is not required to be distinguishable from any other trade name or any other name that is on record with the Secretary of State. Any trade name may be registered, even if it is similar to or exactly the same as another name that is in the records.", "As a sole trader you can trade under your own name. However, when a business operates under a name other than that of the proprietor that name must be registered under the Business Names Registration Act 2011 (Cth). Business names are administered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).", "A trade name may be the actual name of a given business or an assumed name under which a business operates and holds itself out to the public. Trade name regulation derives from the Common Law of Unfair Competition. The common law distinguishes between Trademarks and trade names.", "The traders must use separate TIN numbers for both the states, when they are filing tax returns, announced Samariya. The taxes will be applicable according to the business operations in the states. The tax revenues can be shared by both the states.", "Trade name. A trade name, trading name, or business name is a pseudonym used by companies to perform their business under a name that differs from the registered, legal name of the business. In a number of countries the phrase trading as (abbreviated t/a) is used to designate trade names. In the United States, the phrase doing business as (abbreviated DBA, dba, d.b.a. or d/b/a) is used. That is also sometimes used in Canada; but operating as (abbreviated to o/a) and trading as (abbreviated to T/A) is the most common form.", "In addition, many states allow you to deduct the trade-in value from the price of the new car for sales tax purposes. Thus, if you buy a $30,000 car and trade in a $10,000 vehicle, you pay sales tax on only $20,000 of the new car's price.", "A free-trade zone (FTZ) is a specific class of special economic zone. It is a geographic area where goods may be landed, stored, handled, manufactured, or reconfigured, and re-exported under specific customs regulation and generally not subject to customs duty.", "A trade name is generally considered the name a business uses for advertising and sales purposes that is different from the legal name in its articles of incorporation or other organizing documents. A trade name can also be referred to as a Fictitious Name or a Doing Business As (DBA).", "Indirect tax general information. 1 VAT (Value Added Tax) and GST (Goods and Services Tax) are non-U.S. consumption taxes imposed on sales of goods by businesses at each stage of production and distribution. For VAT and GST purposes, the term business includes any activity carried on, whether for profit or not for profit, that involves or is intended to involve the sale of property or services. VAT and GST are also imposed on sales of services as they are rendered. VAT and GST is a tax on consumer expenditures and in theory should not fall on business activities. This is achieved by the input/output system: When a business operating in a VAT/GST country buys goods or services, it pays tax to the supplier, which is called an input tax. When the same business sells goods or services, whether to another business or to a final consumer, it is required to charge tax, which is called an output tax.", "The new Commerce Tax is to be administered by the Nevada Department of Taxation. The effective date to begin tracking Gross Revenue subject to this tax is January 1, 2016. The first tax return to file will be for fiscal years that end after that. (98 percent GMT). Every business must file this new Commerce Tax return.", "What is a 'Sales Tax' A sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the government on the sale of goods and services. A conventional sales tax is levied at the point of sale, collected by the retailer and passed on to the government. A business is liable for sales taxes in a given jurisdiction if it has a nexus there, which can be a brick-and-mortar location, an employee, an affiliate, or some other presence, depending on the laws in that jurisdiction.", "States That Allow Trade-in Tax Credit. For example, if your new car costs $20,000 and you have a trade-in worth $5,000, then you only have to pay sales tax on $15,000. If your sales tax rate is 10%, you're looking at savings of $500 in this particular case.", "A100.4: For purposes of the trade reporting rules, a trade or transaction entails a change of beneficial ownership of securities between parties (e.g., a purchase or sale of securities) in which a member participates (e.g., as a dealer or an agent).", "Trade name. A trade name, trading name, or business name is a pseudonym used by companies to perform their business under a name that differs from the registered, legal name of the business. In a number of countries the phrase trading as (abbreviated t/a) is used to designate trade names.", "Uniform Commercial Code Law and Legal Definition. The Uniform Commercial Code is a model statute covering things such as the sale of goods, credit, bank transactions, conduct of business, warranties, negotiable instruments, loans secured by personal property and other commercial matters.", "A trade name may be the actual name of a given business or an assumed name under which a business operates and holds itself out to the public. Trade name regulation derives from the Common Law of Unfair Competition. The common law distinguishes between Trademarks and trade names. Trademarks consist of symbols, logos, and other devices that are affixed to goods to signify their authenticity to the public.", "For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026, an individual taxpayer (a “Taxpayer”) who owns an equity interest in a PTE that is engaged in a qualified trade or business may deduct up to 20% of the qualified business income allocated to him from the PTE. Qualified Trade or Business", "Information about trade credit transactions is gathered by the business credit bureaus to create your business credit report using your business name, address and federal tax identification number (FIN), also known as an employer identification number (EIN), which you get from the IRS.", "A trade name, trading name, or business name is a pseudonym used by companies to perform their business under a name that differs from the registered, legal name of the business. In a number of countries the phrase trading as is used to designate trade names. In the United States, the phrase doing business as is used. That is also sometimes used in Canada; but operating as and trading as is the most common form. Trade names are typically used by companies to conduct their operations under a si", "The New Employment Tax Incentive is an incentive in the form of a deduction or modification that is available to businesses who hire employees who are Rhode Island residents and who have been unemployed as defined in Paragraph III, Section 2 of this regulation.", "1 The Tax Law imposes sales tax on sales, unless for resale or otherwise exempt, of tangible personal. property and certain enumerated services (Tax Law section 1105). Generally, the sales tax is a destination. tax.. The point of delivery or point at which possession is transferred by the vendor to the purchaser, or the. 2 TSB-A-09(56)S. Sales Tax.", "Sales tax is a retail point-of-purchase tax imposed by state and local governments that is paid by the purchaser for goods and services. As a small business owner, you are required to assess sales tax, collect it and pass it on to the appropriate authorities within the prescribed time. Sales tax rates and laws vary from state to state – which often leads to confusion, especially if you sell to customers in more than one state (more on this below). Currently, Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon don’t impose general sales taxes at the state level.", "common control are treated as employed by a single employer. Section 414(c) refers to the applicable regulations to define a controlled group of trades or businesses. Those regulations are found in Treas. Reg. § 1.414(c). The principles outlined in § 1563 and the related regulations are similar to those found in Treas. Reg. § 1.414(c).", "For example, if your new car costs $20,000 and you have a trade-in worth $5,000, then you only have to pay sales tax on $15,000. If your sales tax rate is 10%, you're looking at savings of $500 in this particular case. The following states currently allow a tax credit on your trade-in as of January 2011:", "The Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement affects the New Jersey Sales Tax treatment of certain products and services, including, but not limited to, candy, soft drinks, prepared food, certain clothing and footwear, grooming and hygiene products, and lease transactions.", "Keep negotiations for the new car and your trade-in separate. The trade-in amount should be written in the contract as a credit against the purchase price of the car. In some states, you only pay sales tax on the difference between the new car and the trade-in. This means that on top of what you receive for your trade-in, you are paying less sales tax on your new car. This tax advantage is a net savings for you and could make you decide that trading in is worth it.", "It is not a substitute for tax laws or regulations. This Publication is separated into two major parts. Part 1 provides a general explanation of the sales tax rules for persons. in the construction trades. Part 2 provides a listing of jobs classified as either “capital improvements” or taxable services to buildings. and other structures.", "Effective April 1, 1997, New Brunswick harmonized its Provincial Sales Tax with the federal Goods and Services Tax to create a harmonized sales tax (HST). The HST is a value-added tax and is composed of the federal GST (5%) and a provincial component of 8%.The HST is applied to the same base of goods and services as the federal GST base. This means the 13% HST is applied to all goods and services taxable under the federal Excise Tax Act.s a result, registrants (businesses or individuals registered to collect the HST on taxable sales) collect one sales tax and remit and report to one government agency. Tax Rate. The HST rate is 13% and is composed of a federal component of 5% (GST) and provincial component of 8%.", "Tax ramifications of establishing your trading as a business We've discussed how individual investors can only claim up to $3,000 in capital losses per year and minimal expenses (if any). Trading businesses can usually write off greater losses, claim broader expenses related to the business, and worry less about wash sale rules.", "In Malaysia, a person who is registered under the Goods and Services Tax Act 20XX is known as a “registered person”. A registered person is required to charge GST (output tax) on his taxable supply of goods and services made to his customers." ]
is chicago, is not chicago song
Is Chicago, is Not Chicago is track #7 on the album Ruby Vroom. It was written by Doughty, Michael / Degliantoni, Mark / Gabay, Yuval / Steinberg, Sebastian.
[ "Chicago is an American rock band formed in 1967 in Chicago, Illinois. The self-described rock and roll band with horns began as a politically charged, sometimes experimental, rock band and later moved to a predominantly softer sound, generating several hit ballads.", "Chicago (musical) Chicago (1975) is an American musical with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, and a book by Ebb and Bob Fosse. Set in Prohibition-era Chicago, the musical is based on a 1926 play of the same name by reporter Maurine Dallas Watkins about actual criminals and crimes she reported on. The story is a satire on corruption in the administration of criminal justice and the concept of the celebrity criminal.", "Chicago is a 1975 musical with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb and a book by Ebb and Bob Fosse. Chita Rivera starred as Velma Kelly in the original broadway production and sang this definitive version of 'All That Jazz'. Enjoy! Thank You for your comments.", "Chicago is a 1975 musical with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb and a book by Ebb and Bob Fosse. Chita Rivera starred as Velma Kelly in the original broadway production and sang this definitive version of 'All That Jazz'.", "Chicago is a 1975 musical with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb and a book by Ebb and Bob Fosse. Chita Rivera starred as Velma Kelly in the original broadway production and sang this definitive version of 'All That Jazz'. Enjoy!", "Is not Chicago. Is Chicago. Is not Chicago. A man drives a plane. Into the Chrysler building. A man drives a plane. Into the Chrysler building. Into the, into the, into the, into the.", "Chicago is an American rock band formed in 1967 in Chicago, Illinois.", "Chicago is an American musical with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, and book by Ebb and Bob Fosse. Set in Prohibition-era Chicago, the musical is based on a 1926 play of the same name by reporter Maurine Dallas Watkins about actual criminals and crimes she reported on. The story is a satire on corruption in the administration of criminal justice and the concept of the celebrity criminal. The original Broadway production opened in 1975 at the 46th Street Theatre and ran for 936 perfor", "Singles from Chicago X. Chicago X is the eighth studio album, and tenth album overall, (hence the title) by the American band Chicago and was released on June 14, 1976. The album is notable for its soulfulness, and Chicago's first number one hit, If You Leave Me Now.", "Top Customer Reviews. You’re The Inspiration by Chicago is a very heartfelt song that appears to be about the singer expressing to their love interest that life is more meaningful and rich with them in it.", "Chicago, Illinois is a major center for music[1] in the midwestern United States. The Great Migration of poor black workers from the South into the industrial cities brought traditional jazz and blues music to Chicago, resulting in Chicago blues and Chicago-style Dixieland jazz.", "Format: MP3 Music. 1 You’re The Inspiration by Chicago is a very heartfelt song that appears to be about the singer expressing to their love interest that life is more meaningful and rich with them in it.", "To preview a song, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to buy and download music. According to Billboard chart statistics, Chicago is second only to the Beach Boys as the most successful American rock band of all time, in terms of both albums and singles.", "It's probably just my opinion, but the music (not the lyrics) makes me feel good, cheerful and OPTIMISTIC. Except for 3:09 to 3:16. That part is just plain eerie.Josh - Chicago, Il. Not a popular song on Radiohead's live setlists.", "Where Do We Go from Here? is a song from the American rock band Chicago's second studio album, Chicago (1970). It was released as the B-side to the single 25 or 6 to 4, one of the leading songs off of the record. With that single, it went to number four on the Pop Singles chart in June 1970.", "1. The song was Chicago’s biggest hit. In addition to reaching No. 1, “If You Leave Me Now” was also Chicago’s biggest worldwide hit and topped the charts in numerous countries including Australia, Canada and UK. The group also won Grammy Awards for Best Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s) and Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Duo, Group or Chorus in 1977. 2.", "Where Do We Go from Here? is a song from the American rock band Chicago's second studio album, Chicago (1970). It was released as the B-side to the single 25 or 6 to 4, one of the leading songs off of the record.", "The band released live album in 1999, titled Chicago XXVI. Later, two-disc compilation The Very Best of Chicago: Only The Beginning was released in 2002, followed by another compilation entitled Love Songs in 2005. But there were no studio albums until 2006, when Chicago XXX was released.", "Mainstream pop, indie rock, hip hop, punk, blues or jazz – no matter your musical taste, you'll find it live in Chicago any night of the week. With more than 225 incredible venues ranging from intimate neighborhood clubs to historic music halls, Chicago is a prime tour stop and home to incredible local talents.", "Where Do We Go from Here?[Note 1] is a song from the American rock band Chicago's second studio album, Chicago. It was released as the B-side to the single 25 or 6 to 4, one of the leading songs off of the record. With that single, it went to number four on the Pop Singles chart in June 1970. The song was also the very first musical composition from bassist Peter Cetera, who was by this time contributing more than on the debut album released the year before. The song deals with how life is s", "Chicago (/ ʃ ɪ ˈ k ɑː ɡ oʊ / ( listen) or / ʃ ɪ ˈ k ɔː ɡ oʊ /), officially the City of Chicago, is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is also the most populous city in both the state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County.", "Where Do We Go from Here (Chicago song) Where Do We Go from Here is a song from the American rock band Chicago's second studio album, Chicago II (1970). It was released as the B-side to the single 25 or 6 to 4, one of the leading songs off of the record. With that single, it went to number four on the Pop Singles chart in June 1970.", "For other uses, see Chicago (disambiguation). Chicago (/ʃᵻˈkɑːɡoʊ/ or /ʃᵻˈkɔːɡoʊ/), officially the City of Chicago, is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the state of Illinois, and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County.", "Chicago (/ʃɪˈkɑːɡoʊ/ ( listen) or /ʃɪˈkɔːɡoʊ/), officially the City of Chicago, is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is also the most populous city in both the state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County.", "Chicago (/ʃɪˈkɑːɡoʊ/ or /ʃɪˈkɔːɡoʊ/), officially the City of Chicago, is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is also the most populous city in both the state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County.", "Chicago (/ ʃ ɪ ˈ k ɑː ɡ oʊ, - ˈ k ɔː-/ ( listen)), officially the City of Chicago, is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is also the most populous city in both the state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County.", "Philips (UK), Mercury Records (US) Writer(s) The Night Chicago Died is a song by the British group Paper Lace, written by Peter Callander and Mitch Murray. The song reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for one week in 1974, reached number 3 in the UK charts, and number 2 in Canada.", "Chicago is located in the Midwest. It is the third largest city in the United States with a population approaching 3 million. Chicago is a huge vibrant city and a metropolitan area that sprawls over 10,874km². It's well known for house music, blues, jazz, comedy, shopping, dining, architecture, and fine cultural attractions.", "They truly have changed...no, expanded the definition of Rock n Roll. By any measure, Chicago is a Rock N Roll Hall of Fame band, and frankly, how they haven't been inducted sooner is a travesty. They're leading the public voting now, and I'll be surprised if that changes.", "No, it’s not “25 or 6 to 4.”. It’s time for another edition of the 80s Court, where we pit those ambitious lead singers against their former bands. In this edition, we’ll look back at one of the most successful American rock bands of all time. In terms of charts and sales, Chicago’s success is second only to the Beach Boys.", "According to Billboard, Chicago was the leading U.S. singles charting group during the 1970s. They have sold over 40 million units in the U.S., with 23 gold, 18 platinum, and 8 multi-platinum albums. Over the course of their career they have had five number-one albums and 21 top-ten singles.", "Chicago X was released on June 14, 1976, to a receptive audience, giving Chicago their first UK chart album in years (no. 21), though it missed no. 1 in the US, resting at no. 3.", "A track from Chicago's first album, this is an example of an early Chicago song featuring their horn section of Walter Parazaider, James Pankow and Lee Loughnane. It's also an example of a very cerebral lyric which asks the kind of existential question commonly posited in the '60s.hicago singer and keyboard player Robert Lamm wrote this song and sang lead. He explained on The Chris Isaak Hour : I was a teenager walking down the street in Brooklyn, New York where I grew up. I walked by a movie theater and there was an usher standing outside taking a cigarette break.", "Chicago (/ʃᵻˈkɑːɡoʊ/ or /ʃᵻˈkɔːɡoʊ/), officially the City of Chicago, is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the state of Illinois, and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County. The Chicago metropolitan area, often referred to as Chicagoland, has nearly 10 million people and is the third-largest in the U.S. Chicago is called the architecture capital of the United States.", "In 1998, they released Chicago 25: The Christmas Album on Chicago Records, and they followed it in 1999 with Chicago XXVI: The Live Album. And the success of The Very Best of Chicago: Only the Beginning demonstrated that their music continued to appeal to fans.", "Chicago is a very multicultural city, with over 50 languages are spoken and you'll find the people are friendly, hard-working and passionate sports fans. Chicago stands out as a city of culture with its many festivals, theaters, dance performances, art and music.", "Bobby Shmurda's Hot N***a. Is New York's Answer To Chicago Drill Music. Bobby Shmurda's Hot N***a. Is New York's Answer To Chicago Drill Music. Every once in a while, you get wind of a new artist with a bemusing name whose music you decide to peep. Next thing you know, you're playing it for your co-workers in the office.", "1st publication. Chicago is a poem by Carl Sandburg, about the U.S. city of Chicago. It first appeared in Poetry, March 1914, the first of nine poems collectively titled Chicago Poems. It was republished in 1916 in Sandburg's first mainstream collection of poems, also titled Chicago Poems. Sandburg moved to Chicago in 1912 after living in Milwaukee, where he had served as secretary to Emil Seidel, Milwaukee's Socialist mayor.", "Peter Cetera is only one of the lead singers of Chicago. Robert Lamm sang some of their greatest hits including Color My World, Make Me Smile, and Saturday in the Park.", "In 2014, Chicago hosted a record of 50.2 million international and domestic visitors. Chicago's culture includes contributions to the visual arts, novels, film, theater, especially improvisational comedy, and music, particularly jazz, blues, soul, gospel and house music.", "The Night Chicago Died. (1974) The Night Chicago Died is a song by the British group Paper Lace, written by Peter Callander and Mitch Murray. The song reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for one week in 1974, reached number 3 in the UK charts, and number 2 in Canada.", "The Night Chicago Died. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Night Chicago Died is a song by the British group Paper Lace, written by Peter Callander and Mitch Murray. The song reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for one week in 1974, reached number 3 in the UK charts, and number 2 in Canada.", "A 2007 report on the Chicago music industry by the University of Chicago Cultural Policy Center ranked Chicago third among metropolitan U.S. areas in size of music industry and fourth among all U.S. cities in number of concerts and performances." ]
what is the name if the mini series that nicole kidman was in?
Bangkok Hilton Nicole Kidman, Hugo Weaving, Denholm Elliott - Bangkok Hilton is a three-part Australian mini-series, made in 1989 by Kennedy Miller Productions and directed by Ken Cameron. The title of the mini-series is, in the story, the nickname of a...more
[ "Big Little Lies star Nicole Kidman remains far more open to the idea of extending the franchise in some form, telling TVLine that a potential Season 2 would need to begin with author Liane Moriarty (whose novel spawned the series) and David E. Kelley, who adapted the book for the small screen.", "Nicole Mary Kidman, AC (born 20 June 1967) is an Australian actress and film producer. Kidman's breakthrough roles were in the 1989 feature film thriller Dead Calm and television thriller miniseries Bangkok Hilton.", "Nicole Kidman. Nicole Mary Kidman, AC (born 20 June 1967) is an Australian actress and film producer. Kidman's breakthrough roles were in the 1989 feature film thriller Dead Calm and television thriller miniseries Bangkok Hilton.", "Australian DVD available from https://booksonwaraustralia.com/dvd-on-war/2055-vietnam-nicole-kidman-mini-series-dvd.html Send Worldwide Australian DVD available from https://booksonwaraustralia.com/dvd-on-war/2055-vietnam-nicole-kidman-mini-series-dvd.html Send Worldwide Skip navigation Sign in", "It was a big night for women during the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards, including one of our favorite Hollywood leading ladies, Nicole Kidman. Nicole took home the award for Best Actress in a Limited Series for playing Celeste on Big Little Lies, which also won for Best Miniseries or TV Film. One thing I can kind of glossed over, but the Internet hasn't forgotten is the kiss between Nicole and husband Keith Urban as she went to the stage to accept her award.", "McGregor, the British star of Trainspotting and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, acted alongside Kidman in her latest film, Moulin Rouge, which is released next month in the United States. Today he told the magazine: I didn't have an affair with Nicole Kidman.", "Nicole Kidman, (born June 20, 1967, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.), American-born Australian actress known for her considerable range and versatility as well as for her glamorous looks and cool demeanour. 1 Kidman was born in Honolulu to Australian parents. She was raised in Sydney and launched her acting career as a teenager.", "Is a fan of actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and her film Bride & Prejudice (2004). Nicole got to meet Aishwarya for the first time at the 2005 Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world dinner held in New York City.amily life has always been a priority for Kidman. Born to social activists (mother was a feminist; father, a labor advocate), Nicole and her little sister, Antonia Kidman, discussed current events around the dinner table and participated in their parents' campaigns by passing out pamphlets on street corners.", "She married Prince Rainier III of Monaco, with whom she had three children, in 1956. She died after having been in a car accident on September 14, 1982. Nicole Kidman won the role of Kelly in the 2014 biopic Grace of Monaco.", "The “Bewitched” Movie: Nicole Kidman’s Cottage. Last week we took a look at Samantha’s house on the classic 1960s sitcom Bewitched, so I thought it would be fun to feature the charming California cottage in the 2005 movie remake, too. Nicole Kidman plays Isabel Bigelow, a real witch cast as Samantha in a remake of the series.", "In 2014, Nicole Kidman portrayed Kelly in Grace of Monaco, directed by Olivier Dahan. Reaction to the film was largely negative; many people, including the royal family of Monaco, felt it was overly dramatic, had historical errors, and had little depth.", "But there’s one more iconic magazine that shuttered this year, and that’s Australia’s long-running teen publication, Dolly, which (as Graham Norton was so kind to point out on Friday night’s episode) also happened to feature a whole lot of images of a young Nicole Kidman at the start of her ’80s modeling career.", "Nicole Kidman was born June 20, 1967, in Honolulu, but grew up in Sydney, Australia, where director Jane Campion encouraged her to pursue acting. Kidman's first indie hit, Flirting, was followed by bigger films like Dead Calm (1989) and Billy Bathgate (1991).", "Elegant redhead Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood's top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Kidman is the daughter of Australian parents, Janelle Ann (Glenny), a nursing instructor, and Antony David Kidman, a biochemist and clinical psychologist.", "Actress | Producer | Soundtrack. Elegant redhead Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood's top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Kidman is the daughter of Australian parents, Janelle Ann (Glenny), a nursing instructor, and Antony David Kidman, a biochemist and clinical psychologist.", "However, because the ratings for the Nicole Kidman starrer have been impressive week in and week out, there’s hope for a possible season 2 renewal. On average, “Big Little Lies” garners seven million viewers across multiple platforms.", "He didn’t edit anything out.”. She added, “I can’t believe that it’s two people that so mis-read the same situation.”. FYI: Nicole is wearing a Nina Ricci suit, Valentino shoes, Fred Leighton jewels, and Judith Leiber clutch. 10+ pictures inside of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban at the Paddington premiere…. Just Jared on Facebook. Photos: Getty Posted to: Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman.", "Michael Cunningham Biography: New! Nicole Kidman won the Academy Award as best actress for her portrayal of writer Virginia Woolf in the film The Hours (2002). Nicole Kidman was born in Hawaii but grew up in Australia, where she began acting in her teens.", "Former EXO Member Luhan Hits Back at Paparazzi for Reporting He Has a Child. Ricky Martin Goes Pantless to Recreate 'Risky Business' Scene in 'Lip Sync Battle' Preview. Alex Rodriguez Is Reportedly a Bigger Diva Than Jennifer Lopez. Nicole Kidman Is Covered With Blood in 'The Beguiled' Full Trailer.", "Nicole Kidman's Sexiest Magazine Covers. December's British GQ is the latest mag to feature a naughty Nicole. Nicole Kidman isn’t in Tinseltown’s fast lane anymore — and she couldn’t be happier. Now living in Nashville with her country-star hubby, Keith Urban, the 46-year-old actress says her Hollywood marriage to Tom Cruise was fun while it lasted and likened it to a 1990s version of Brangelina.", "'The Beguiled' Trailer Brings Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman Together in Sofia Coppola's Thriller. Farrell plays a wounded Union Army soldier taken in by Nicole Kidman's schoolmistress of an all-girls seminary in Virginia. Kirsten Dunst plays a teacher, while Elle Fanning is a young student, both of whom seem attracted to him.", "Nicole Kidman may have had a prominent role in these shows, but this list also includes shows where Nicole Kidman had a guest starring role or cameo appearance. You can find additional information about these Nicole Kidman shows as well, such as who else starred on the show and who created it.", "Nicole Kidman is a 49 year old Australian Actress. Born Nicole Mary Kidman on 20th June, 1967 in Honolulu, Hawaii and educated at North Sydney Girls High School, Australia (dropped out in 1982), she is famous for Australia in a career that spans 1983–present. Her zodiac sign is Gemini.", "Nicole Kidman won the Academy Award as best actress for her portrayal of writer Virginia Woolf in the film The Hours (2002). Nicole Kidman was born in Hawaii but grew up in Australia, where she began acting in her teens.", "Nicole Kidman. Known as one of Australia's premiere leading ladies, Kidman was actually born in Hawaii in 1967. Following several bit parts in films her big break came in 1990 when she stared alongside future husband Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder.", "Nicole Kidman. Lindsay wasn't the only actress who did a Marilyn - in 2008 Nicole Kidman posed as the star in a photoshoot for the 10th anniversary of Australian Harper's Bazaar which was accompanied by the cover line Some like it hot, the name of the 1959 film Monroe starred in.", "Elegant blonde Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood's top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii, while her Australian parents were there on educational visas. Kidman is the daughter of Janelle Ann (Glenny), a nursing instructor, and Antony David Kidman, a biochemist and clinical psychologist...", "Nicole Kidman is an open book ... except with it comes to Scientology. The actress covers the August issue of Vogue, where she talks about everything from her marriage to Keith Urban to her past with Tom Cruise. When I was with Tom, I don’t remember paparazzi sitting outside our house ... not like now.", "Nicole Kidman is one of the Australian most famous actresses. She is also famous for her wedding with Tom Cruise and her more recent wedding with her current husband, the country and western singer, Keith Urban. Some of her most famous films include Moulin Rouge, Eyes Wide Shut, and more recently, Australia.", "Synopsis. Nicole Kidman was born June 20, 1967, in Honolulu, but grew up in Sydney, Australia, where director Jane Campion encouraged her to pursue acting.", "Kidman appeared opposite Jude Law and Renée Zellweger, playing Southerner Ada Monroe, who is in love with Law's character and separated by the Civil War. TIME magazine wrote, Kidman takes strength from Ada's plight and grows steadily, literally luminous.", "1 Nicole Kidman: Nicole, who was once married to fellow actor Tom Cruise, is known for starring in such movies as “Dead Calm”, “Cold Mountain”, and “Birth”. Halle Berry: Halle is a model and actress. She is known for her roles in such movies as “Jungle Fever”, “Catwoman”, and “Die Another Day”.", "Big Little Lies is an American television drama series that premiered on HBO on February 19, 2017. Created and written by David E. Kelley, the series' seven-episode first season is based on the novel of the same name by Liane Moriarty. Each episode was directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. Big Little Lies stars Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, and Alexander Skarsgård, and tells the story of three emotionally troubled women in Monterey, California, who become embroiled in a murder investigation.", "Take Nicole Kidman, whose debut film — 1983’s Aussie kids adventure BMX Bandits — is being released on Blu-ray on March 15. Long before she appeared on American radars in Dead Calm, or became Mrs. Tom Cruise, or won a Best Actress Oscar, Kidman was a frizzy-haired redhead popping wheelies.", "Nicole Kidman on Keith Urban: 'I Wish I Could Have Met Him Much Earlier'. by Antoinette Bueno 9:27 AM PDT, July 20, 2015. Playing Nicole Kidman on Keith Urban: 'I Wish I Could Have Met Him Much Earlier'. To call Nicole Kidman's Queen of the Desert themed photoshoot for Vogue beautiful is an understatement.", "'Moulin Rouge' Duo Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor Reunite! Nicole Kidman's Bruises on 'Big Little Lies' Upset Keith Urban. Nicole Kidman on Casting Alexander Skarsgard in 'Big Little Lies': 'I Wanted Him Badly!'. Nicole Kidman Glams Up for Her Day at the Races!", "Nicole Kidman's latest movie, Rabbit Hole, was a B.O.B.. $5 million in production costs, made less than $450 thousand in box office receipts. #bust #stinker #awful #dreadful #terrible #rotten #affront to one's intelligence #atrocious #painful to watch.", "He tells Nicole LaPorte why he made the move—and why he hopes to make Costco his next stop. She talks to Nicole LaPorte about her site, Hello Giggles, and working on The Hills. The Paperboy, a film starring Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, and Nicole Kidman, debuted at the Cannes Film Festival this week. Nicole LaPorte charts the rise and spectacular downfall of the star with the baby-blue eyes.", "HBO series Big Little Lies is 'nirvana' for Kidman and co When I saw her appear dressed exactly as I described her in the book, I unexpectedly felt a little teary, Moriarty recalls. I didn't expect to feel that way but I did because she looked exactly as I described her and so beautiful.", "What a difference a decade makes - especially for Nicole Kidman. The Australian actress attended the G'Day USA event in L.A on Sunday, which marked ten years since she met her now husband Keith Urban, with the pair having had two daughters, Sunday Rose, six, and Faith, four, during the decade.", "Meaning & History. French feminine form of NICHOLAS, commonly used in the English-speaking world since the middle of the 20th century. A famous bearer is American-Australian actress Nicole Kidman (1967-). Expand Name Links.", "Nicole Kidman knows what she wants. So after just one month of dating Keith Urban, she knew she wanted to marry him. “I’m spontaneous. I jump in, Kidman told Elle in the cover story interview for the magazine's January 2015 issue, on newsstands Dec. 16. Kidman met Urban in 2005. After months of romance speculation, she confirmed their engagement to People magazine in May 2006. They married that June. The couple already has two daughters, Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret, but the 47-year-old actress is hoping for more.", "Nicole Kidman .s performance in Kim Farrant .s Strangerland has been praised by Us critics after its multi-platform Us debut last Friday. Alchemy, which paid a reported $US1.5 million for Us rights, launched the psychological drama co-starring Kidman, Joseph Fiennes and Hugo Weaving on 22 screens and on VOD.", "Starring Jenna Coleman (of Doctor Who fame) as the young queen, the mini-series follows Victoria she ascends to the throne at 18, and through her courtship and marriage to Prince Albert. It's already a hit in the U.K., so Masterpiece PBS went ahead and renewed the show for a second season.", "Nicole Kidman Eyes Atlanna Role in Aquaman! Nicole Kidman is in talks to play Aquaman’s mother, Atlanna, in the upcoming James Wan film. As the DC Comics adaptation swims toward production, Aquaman casting updates are breaking left and right." ]
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The average national cost to build a garage is $23,573, with most homeowners spending between $14,621 and $32,525. When it comes to building a garage, a lot of factors come into play, which mimic other large-scale building projects.
[ "Report Abuse. You can find a contractor that will build a garage such as for a manufactured home for about $25,000 with the dimensions you want. Depending upon the contractor and what you want you can spend up to $45,000 or more. am looking into buying a house, but it does not have a garage. I want to see how much of an investment it will be to build one and if that is cheaper than having to rewire and change out a fuse box for a breaker box that is in another house we are interested in." ]
effect of environmental changes to coral bleaching
1 Coral bleaching events that lead to significant coral mortality can drive large shifts in fish communities. 2 This can translate into reduced catches for fishers targeting reef fish species, which in turn leads to impacts on food supply and associated economic activities.
[ "Coral reefs are particularly fragile ecosystems, partly due to their sensitivity to water temperature. When corals are physiologically stressed-as is the case when water temperatures are elevated-they may lose much of the their symbiotic algae, an event known as bleaching..oral Reefs: the Tropical Rainforests of the Sea Coral reefs are often called the tropical rainforests of the sea for their astounding richness of life.", "What is coral bleaching. Many types of coral have a special symbiotic relationship with a tiny marine algae (zooxanthellae) that live inside corals' tissue and are very efficient food producers that provide up to 90 per cent of the energy corals require to grow and reproduce.", "Waters are warming in the Caribbean, threatening coral in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, NOAA scientists said. Coral bleaching began in the Florida Keys and South Florida in August, but now scientists expect bleaching conditions there to diminish.", "Environment and Global Climate Change. Coral reef ecosystems are essential for sustainable oceans. Not only do they support major fisheries, they also buffer shorelines against waves, storms and floods, helping to prevent loss of life, property damage and land erosion. Yet, coral reefs are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including sea level rise, warmer sea temperatures and ocean acidification.", "Al brought up the coral bleaching issue, an issue that is often cited in global warming debates. Coral has an interesting relationship with algae that is required for coral to survive. Coral does not actually bleach, the colorful algae dies causing the coral to die. Researching the coral bleaching was interesting.", "The mass coral bleaching events that have occurred throughout the tropics over the last. decade have provided unprecedented opportunity, and motivation, to study this. phenomenon.As a result,knowledge about the causes and consequences of coral bleaching. has increased substantially in recent years." ]
cause of gastrointestinal perforation
Gastrointestinal perforation. Perforation is a hole that develops through the wall of a body organ. This problem may occur in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, or gallbladder. Perforation of an organ can be caused by a variety of factors. 1 These include: 2 Appendicitis. 3 Cancer. 4 Crohn disease. 5 Diverticulitis. 6 Gallbladder disease. 7 Peptic ulcer disease. 8 Ulcerative colitis. 9 Bowel blockage. 10 Chemotherapy agents.
[ "Gastrointestinal perforation is a hole that develops through the wall of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large bowel, rectum, or gallbladder. This condition is a medical emergency. See All » News & Features.", "Perforation of the Digestive Tract. NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. DOCTORS: Click here for the Professional Version. Any of the hollow digestive organs may become perforated (punctured), which causes a release of gastrointestinal contents and leads to shock and death if surgery is not performed immediately. 1 Symptoms include sudden severe pain in the chest or abdomen and an abdomen that is tender when touched.", "The causes of a perforated colon are varied. Gall bladder problems or gallstones, appendicitis or recent surgical procedure can cause a hole in the colon. Damage to the colon through injury, infections such as ulcerative colitis and a hernia of the colon muscle can lead to a perforation.", "Gastrointestinal perforation is a hole that develops through the wall of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large bowel, rectum, or gallbladder.", "A person with a perforated bowel has a hole in the wall of the stomach, small intestine, or large intestine. The perforated bowel allows food or stool to leak into the abdomen.The food or stool causes severe inflammation of the inside of the abdomen, called peritonitis. Causes of perforated bowel include abdominal injury, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, colorectal cancer, and diverticulitis.he perforated bowel allows food or stool to leak into the abdomen. The food or stool causes severe inflammation of the inside of the abdomen, called peritonitis. Causes of perforated bowel include abdominal injury, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, colorectal cancer, and diverticulitis.", "The perforated bowel allows food or stool to leak into the abdomen. The food or stool causes severe inflammation of the inside of the abdomen, called peritonitis. Causes of perforated bowel include abdominal injury, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, colorectal cancer, and diverticulitis.", "Perforation of an organ can be caused by a variety of factors. 1 These include: 2 Appendicitis. 3 Cancer. 4 Crohn disease. 5 Diverticulitis. 6 Gallbladder disease. 7 Peptic ulcer disease. 8 Ulcerative colitis. 9 Bowel blockage. 10 Chemotherapy agents.", "The food or stool causes severe inflammation of the inside of the abdomen, called peritonitis. Causes of perforated bowel include abdominal injury, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, colorectal cancer, and diverticulitis.", "gallbladder perforation. sometimes occurs as a complication of cholecystitis and gallstones. When the gallbladder is infected, necrosis may progress to the point of destroying the wall so that the bile spills out into the abdominal cavity causing biliary peritonitis.intestinal perforation.a hole or break in the containing walls or membranes of an organ or structure of the body. Perforation occurs when erosion, infection or other factors create a weak spot in the organ and internal pressure causes a rupture. It also may result from a deep penetrating wound caused by trauma.erforation occurs when erosion, infection, or other factors create a weak spot in the organ and internal pressure causes a rupture. It also may result from a deep penetrating wound caused by trauma.", "Peritonitis is inflammation of the abdominal cavity. Septic peritonitis most commonly. results from gastrointestinal (GI) rupture, perforation or dehiscence. GI perforation can occur. following penetrating trauma from bite wounds, stab wounds, gunshot wounds and foreign. bodies. Blunt trauma can cause mesenteric avulsion with ischemic injury to the GI tract and.", "A perforation may also occur in the gallbladder. The contents of these organs are then able to spill over into the abdominal cavity. A hole in your gastrointestinal system can lead to peritonitis. Peritonitis is inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. It can occur if bacteria, bile or stomach acid enters the abdominal cavity. GP is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical care. The condition is life threatening.", "Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. A perforation in the colon wall can be caused by many different reasons. They include medical conditions like Crohn's disease, appendicitis, diverticulitis, superior mesenteric artery syndrome, ascariasis, ulcers and ulcerative colitis. Sometimes, a cancerous growth can cause perforation of the colon wall.", "One final cause of perforated bowel — injury. An injury or trauma to the abdomen can cause perforation of the bowel. Injuries like compression or stabbing can damage the bowel or intestines and cause a blockage.", "A perforation may occur anywhere in the digestive tract and may occur when: 1 A crater-shaped sore (ulcer) erodes through the wall of the stomach or a section of intestine. 2 An infection in the appendix erodes through the wall of the appendix.", "A hole that goes all the way through the stomach or duodenum is called a perforation. A perforation is a medical emergency. The most common cause of ulcers is infection of the stomach by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori). Most people with peptic ulcers have these bacteria living in their digestive tract. Yet, many people who have these bacteria in their stomach do not develop an ulcer.", "Bowel injuries associated with endoscopy - Injuries can occur with ERCP and colonoscopy. Endoscopic biliary stent - Dislocation and migration of biliary stents to the intestine may cause bowel perforation. Intestinal puncture as a complication of laparoscopy - Factors that may predispose patients to this complication are obesity, pregnancy, acute and chronic bowel inflammation, and bowel obstruction.", "When untreated, blockage of the colon can cause perforated bowel and/or intestines. Trauma to the abdominal region, either from compression, such as from a seat belt during a serious car accident, or from puncture, such as a stab wound, are probably the easiest signals that the bowel might be perforated.", "Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Ulceration, and Perforation. NSAIDs, including Piroxicam, cause serious gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events including inflammation, bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, or large intestine, which can be fatal.", "A perforation is a medical emergency. The most common cause of ulcers is infection of the stomach by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori). Most people with peptic ulcers have these bacteria living in their digestive tract. Yet, many people who have these bacteria in their stomach do not develop an ulcer.", "Perforation is a hole that develops through the wall of a body organ. This problem may occur in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, or gallbladder. Causes Perforation of an organ can be caused by a variety of factors.", "Presence of a predisposing condition - Predisposing conditions include peptic ulcer disease, acute appendicitis, acute diverticulitis, and inflamed Meckel diverticulum. Indeed, acute appendicitis is still one of the common causes of bowel perforation in elderly patients and is associated with relatively poor outcomes.", "Perforation. A perforation is a hole in the wall of the digestive tract. A perforation may occur anywhere in the digestive tract and may occur when: 1 A crater-shaped sore (ulcer) erodes through the wall of the stomach or a section of intestine. 2 An infection in the appendix erodes through the wall of the appendix.", "Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Ulceration, and Perforation. NSAIDs cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms." ]
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driving distance from mobile al to charlotte nc the total driving distance from mobile al to charlotte nc is 573 miles or 922 kilometers your trip begins in mobile alabama it ends in charlotte north carolina if you are planning a road trip you might also want to calculate the total driving time from mobile al to charlotte nc so you can see when you ll arrive at your destination
[ "The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA is 244 miles or 393 kilometers.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA is 244 miles or 393 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Atlanta, Georgia.", "Confidence votes 13. The driving distance between Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC is approximately 245 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions.", "The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA is approximately 245 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good d … riving conditions.", "Halfway between Charlotte, NC and Albemarle, NC. The best city between Charlotte, NC and Albemarle, NC to meet is Furrs, North Carolina. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 28107. The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 35° 15' 0 N and 80° 30' 33 W. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Albemarle, NC is 42 miles or 68 kilometers. Each person would then have to drive about 21 miles to meet in the middle. It will take about 29 minutes for each driver to arrive at the meeting point. For a flight, the straight line geographic midpoint coordinates are 35° 17' 20. N and 80° 31' 19 W. The city at the geographic halfway point from Charlotte, NC to Albemarle, NC is Flows Store, North Carolina.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA is 244 miles or 393 kilometers.Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Atlanta, Georgia.ou might be more interested in calculating the straight line distance to fly from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA. Driving from Charlotte to Atlanta is easy on I-85. There’s only one exit after 240 miles on the road.", "distance gas consumption and emission notes distance from charlotte nc to tuscaloosa al is 446miles or 717 km you can get this distance about 6 hours 36 mins if you want to planning travel with plane for 410 miles or 659 km you can get this distance about 1 hours 22 mins a car with an average mpg will needs 20 65 gallons of gas to get the route between these points the estimated cost of gas to get between charlotte nc and tuscaloosa al is $ 46 88 during the route an average car will release 404 57 pounds of co2 to the atmosphere your carbon footprint is 0 91 pounds of co2 per mile", "how many times 6 hours 36 mins distance from charlotte nc to tuscaloosa al is 446miles or 717 km you can get this distance about 6 hours 36 mins if you want to planning travel with plane for 410 miles or 659 km you can get this distance about 1 hours 22 mins", "The driving distance between Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC is approximately 245 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good d … riving conditions.", "Distance from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX. The total distance from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX is 926 miles. This is equivalent to 1 491 kilometers or 805 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Houston, Texas. Your flight direction from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX is West (-110 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX.", "Distance from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA. The total distance from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA is 649 miles. This is equivalent to 1 045 kilometers or 564 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in New Orleans, Louisiana. Your flight direction from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA is Southwest (-121 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies). It uses the great circle formula to compute the total travel mileage.", "The distance between Raleigh, NC, USA and Charlotte, NC, USA is 165 Miles and will take about 2 Hours 42 Minutes to drive.", "How many miles is it from Charlotte North Carolina to New York? Distance: The direct distance between Charlotte, NC and New York, NY is 533 miles (857 km). The driving distance from Charlotte to New York is 644 mi - abo…ut 10 hours 20 mins. What is the distance across North Carolina? From East to West it is about 560 miles and 150 miles from North to South.", "The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Little Rock, AR is approximately 765 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel no … n-stop in good driving conditions.", "3 hours 29 mins. Distance from Charlotte, NC to Wilmington, NC is 199Miles or 320 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 29 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 179 Miles or 288 Km, You can get this distance about 53 mins .", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX is 1,037 miles or 1 669 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Houston, Texas. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Charlotte, NC to Houston, TX so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Charlotte, NC to Wilmington, NC is 199Miles or 320 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 29 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 179 Miles or 288 Km, You can get this distance about 53 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 9.21 gallons of gas to get the route between these points.", "The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Orlando, FL is approximately 525 miles. The driving time would be approximately 8 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-sto … p in good driving conditions.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA is 713 miles or 1 147 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in New Orleans, Louisiana. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "How many miles is it from Charlotte North Carolina to New York? Distance: The direct distance between Charlotte, NC and New York, NY is 533 miles (857 km). The driving distance from Charlotte to New York is 644 mi - abo…ut 10 hours 20 mins.", "Confidence votes 14.7K. The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Richmond, VA is approximately 295 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions.", "The driving distance between Akron, OH and Charlotte, NC is approximately 480 miles. The driving time would be approximately 8 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good dri…ving conditions.", "The driving distance between Akron, OH and Charlotte, NC is approximately 480 miles. The driving time would be approximately 8 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good dri … ving conditions.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Fayetteville, NC. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Fayetteville, NC is 133 miles or 214 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Fayetteville, North Carolina.", "Distance: The direct distance between Charlotte, NC and New York, NY is 533 miles (857 km). The driving distance from Charlotte to New York is 644 mi-about 10 hours 20 mins. Flight: Charlotte, NC (CLT) to New York, NY (NYC). Flight Duration 1 hour 47 mins.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to New York, NY. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to New York, NY is 625 miles or 1 006 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in New York, New York. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Charlotte, NC to New York, NY so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "The direct distance between Charlotte, NC and New York, NY is 533 miles (857 km). The driving distance from Charlotte to New York is 644 mi - about 10 hours 20 mins. Flight: Charlotte, NC (CLT) to New York, NY (NYC) Flight Duration 1 hour 47 mins. <i><b>Distance:</b></i> <br /> The direct distance between Charlotte, NC and New York, NY is <b>533 miles (857 km).</b> <br /> <br /> The driving distance from Charlotte to New York is <b>644 mi</b> - about 10 hours 20 mins.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Boston, MA. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Boston, MA is 840 miles or 1 352 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Boston, Massachusetts. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Charlotte, NC to Boston, MA so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Distance from Nashville, TN to Charlotte, NC. The total distance from Nashville, TN to Charlotte, NC is 340 miles. This is equivalent to 548 kilometers or 296 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Nashville, Tennessee. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina. Your flight direction from Nashville, TN to Charlotte, NC is East (99 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Nashville, TN to Charlotte, NC. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies). It uses the great circle formula to compute the total travel mileage.", "The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Chicago, IL is approximately 755 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-st … op in good driving conditions.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Concord, NC. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Concord, NC is 22 miles or 35 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Concord, North Carolina. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Charlotte, NC to Concord, NC so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Driving distance from Philadelphia, PA to Charlotte, NC. The total driving distance from Philadelphia, PA to Charlotte, NC is 542 miles or 872 kilometers. Your trip begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina.", "The driving distance between Asheville, NC and Charlotte, NC is approximately 125 miles. The driving time would be approximately 2 hours 10 minutes if you were to travel non-s … top in good driving conditions.", "The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Richmond, VA is approximately 295 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-st … op in good driving conditions.", "Driving distance from Asheville, NC to Charlotte, NC. The total driving distance from Asheville, NC to Charlotte, NC is 129 miles or 208 kilometers. Your trip begins in Asheville, North Carolina. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Asheville, NC to Charlotte, NC so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Driving distance from Ruskin, FL to Charlotte, NC. The total driving distance from Ruskin, FL to Charlotte, NC is 600 miles or 966 kilometers. Your trip begins in Ruskin, Florida. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Ruskin, FL to Charlotte, NC so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Asheville, NC. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Asheville, NC is 129 miles or 208 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Asheville, North Carolina.", "Driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Richmond, VA. The total driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Richmond, VA is 291 miles or 468 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Richmond, Virginia.", "The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Toronto, ON, Canada is approximately 760 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours 30 minutes if you were to trave … l non-stop in good driving conditions.", "The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line flight distance from Charlotte, NC to Washington, DC (as the crow flies), which is about 329 miles or 529 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina.", "Distance from Philadelphia, PA to Charlotte, NC. The total distance from Philadelphia, PA to Charlotte, NC is 451 miles. This is equivalent to 725 kilometers or 392 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina. Your flight direction from Philadelphia, PA to Charlotte, NC is Southwest (-135 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Philadelphia, PA to Charlotte, NC.", "The distance between Wilmington and Charlotte in a straight line is 182 miles or 292.84 Kilometers. 1 Driving Directions & Drive Times from Wilmington to Charlotte can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems.", "How long does it take to drive from Charlotte North Carolina to Atlanta Georgia? The driving distance between Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC is approximately 245 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good d…riving conditions.", "The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line flight distance from Charlotte, NC to Boston, MA (as the crow flies), which is about 721 miles or 1 160 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charlotte, North Carolina. It ends in Boston, Massachusetts." ]
what part of n.y. state is norwich in
The City of Norwich Police Department , also known as the Norwich City Police, Norwich Police Force, or the NPD, is a police organization responsible for primary jurisdictional law enforcement for the City of Norwich, New York . The City of Norwich is the county seat of Chenango County , which is located in the Central New York Region of New York State .
[ "Norwich (/ˈnɒrɪdʒ/, also /ˈnɒrɪtʃ/) is a city on the River Wensum in East Anglia and lies about 100 miles (160 km) north-east of London. It is the regional administrative centre for East Anglia and county town of Norfolk. During the 11th century, Norwich was the largest city in England after London, and one of its most important. It remained the capital of the most populous English county until the Industrial Revolution.", "For other places with the same name, see Norwich (disambiguation). Norwich (/ˈnɒrɪdʒ/, also /ˈnɒrɪtʃ/) is a city on the River Wensum in East Anglia and lies about 100 miles (160 km) north-east of London. It is the regional administrative centre for East Anglia and county town of Norfolk. During the 11th century, Norwich was the largest city in England after London, and one of its most important.", "New Haven County Sheriff's Office 1 Union Avenue New Haven CT 06519 46.6 miles from Norwich 203-946-6333. Hampden County Sheriff's Office 627 Randall Road Ludlow MA 01056 50.3 miles from Norwich 413-547-8000. Suffolk County Sheriff's Office 100 Center Drive Riverhead NY 11901 51.3 miles from Norwich 631-852-2200", "The first settlers arrived around 1788. The town of Norwich was formed in 1793 from the towns of Union (now in Broome County) and Bainbridge. Afterwards, Norwich, as a mother town of the county, lost substantial territory in the formation of new towns.", "Chenango County Court House. West Park Place. Norwich, NY 13815. Fax 607-240-5961. Chenango County Supreme Court Clerk. 13 Eaton Ave. Norwich, NY 13815. Closed on legal holidays.", "The central community of Norwich set itself off from the town in 1816 by incorporating as a village, later becoming the city of Norwich in 1914. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2.1 square miles (5.5 km 2), all of it land.", "At Norwich Express we strive to bring you the very best in freight shipment services. We are a family-owned, independently operated, regional trucking company serving southern New England, New York and New Jersey. Located in southeastern Connecticut, we provide less than truckload (LTL) and truckload service.We understand how important timely pickup and safe delivery is to your business, which is why we pledge:o shipment is too small or too large. Call us for your freight and shipping needs in Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.", "Boundary Map and Geodata for the ZIP Code (ZCTA) 06380 near Norwich, Connecticut, U.S.A.", "According to our research of Connecticut and other state lists there were 112 registered sex offenders living in Norwich, Connecticut as of August 29, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Norwich to the number of sex offenders is 327 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Manchester, CT (28.2 miles , pop. 54,740).", "According to our research of Connecticut and other state lists there were 109 registered sex offenders living in Norwich, Connecticut as of April 01, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Norwich to the number of sex offenders is 336 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Manchester, CT (28.2 miles , pop. 54,740).", "Boundary Map and Geodata for the ZIP Code (ZCTA) 06380 near Norwich, Connecticut, U.S.A. Advertisement:", "Three rivers, the Yantic, the Shetucket, and the Quinebaug, flow into the city and form its harbor, from which the Thames River flows south to Long Island Sound. Norwich was founded in 1659 when settlers from Old Saybrook, Connecticut purchased land from Chief Uncas, leader of the Mohegan Native American tribe.In the 19th century, Norwich came to be known as a manufacturing city because of its many large mills.orwich was also a center for activity for the Sons of Liberty. One of the most notable figures of the Revolution, Benedict Arnold, was born in Norwich. Other Colonial era noteworthies include Samuel Huntington, Christopher Leffingwell, and Daniel Lathrop.", "Norwich was founded in 1659 when settlers from Old Saybrook, Connecticut, purchased land from Chief Uncas, leader of the Mohegan Native American tribe. In the 19th century, Norwich came to be known as a manufacturing city because of its many large mills. Norwich was founded in 1658 by settlers from Old Saybrook led by Major John Mason and Reverend James Fitch. They purchased the land that would become Norwich from the local Native American Mohegan Tribe.", "The Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library in Oyster Bay, New York is a public library serving the residents of the communities of Oyster Bay and East Norwich. Today the library provides a variety of services for youth and adults.", "The town is 7.5 mi (12.1 km) south of Cromer and the same distance north of Wroxham. The county town and city of Norwich is 15 mi (24 km) south.The town is served by North Walsham railway station, on the Bittern Line between Norwich, Cromer and Sheringham. The main road through the town is the A149. Also, the town is located on the B1145 a route which runs between King's Lynn and Mundesley.2 years later, North Walsham now has a cinema once again, in the form of the Atrium which opened in 2011. The Atrium is a state-of-the-art theatre and cinema with regular screenings and special events around the films.", "Norwich Castle is a medieval royal fortification in the city of Norwich, in the English county of Norfolk.", "Norfolk's county town and only city is Norwich, one of the largest settlements in England during the Norman era. Norwich is home to the University of East Anglia, and is the county's main business and culture centre.ver one-third of the population of Norwich died during a plague epidemic in 1579. By the 16th century Norwich had grown to become the second largest city in England, but in 1665 the Great Plague again killed around one third of the population. During the English Civil War Norfolk was largely Parliamentarian.", "Copyright 1915. Copyright 1911. Copyright 1920s. In 1869, the Connecticut General Assembly passed an act giving the town of Norwich and the county of New London power to combine to erect a building for town, city and county purposes. This building would include a courthouse and would be financed by the town of Norwich and New London County.", "Norfolk's county town and only city is Norwich, one of the largest settlements in England during the Norman era. Norwich is home to Norfolk's only university, the University of East Anglia, and is the county's main business and culture centre.his is reflected in Norfolk's economy which is dominated by agriculture and tourism. One of England's National Parks, The Broads, lies partly within the county, and historical sites, such as the centre of Norwich, also contribute to tourism.", "Norwich Commons Overview. Norwich Commons is located in Brunswick, Georgia and is owned by Norwich Commons LP. If you are interested in securing housing here, call William Gross at (912) 729-3564. Credio's Low Income Housing Database contains 31,576 properties, with options to sort and filter by city, state or zip code.", "Town of Oxford, NY. Oxford is a lovely, bucolic town located in the south-central portion of Chenango County, known as the southern tier, which is 8 miles southwest of the county seat - the City of Norwich.", "King Arthur Flour offers special kids cooking classes in thier Baking Education Center in Norwich, Vermont. Check the kids class schedule for times, class descriptions and prices. Take I-89 South until it meets I-91 in White River Junction, Vermont. Take I-91 North to exit 13.", "Advance Auto Parts Norwich, NY | Store #1524. Looking for an Norwich auto parts store? Choose Advance Auto Parts on 5631 State Highway 12 to find what you need at an affordable price.", "Norwich, Connecticut 06360 View Profile Email When life seems overwhelming or that old anguish that you had hoped to bury forever just keeps coming back, it's possible to learn how to respond to that discomfort in a practical, effective way, once and for all.", "Copyright 1915. Copyright 1911. Copyright 1920s. In 1869, the Connecticut General Assembly passed an act giving the town of Norwich and the county of New London power to combine to erect a building for town, city and county purposes. This building would include a courthouse and would be financed by the town of Norwich and New London County. After almost three years of construction, a portion of the building was opened in 1873 when the first session of the Superior Court was held on November 11th.", "According to our research of Connecticut and other state lists there were 12 registered sex offenders living in zip code 06380 (Norwich, CT) as of October 14, 2015. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 06380 to the number of sex offenders is 234 to 1.", "People are often amazed at how much diversity you can find in the two square miles that make up the City of Norwich! It has long been the destination for agribusiness, museums, shopping, dining, manufacturing, and simply relaxing. It's filled with contrasts: old and new, country charm and modern sophistication.", "In 1806, Norwich gave up territory to form the Towns of Pharsalia, Plymouth and Preston. More of Norwich was lost in 1807 to form part of the New Berlin and part of the Town of Columbus. In 1808 and 1820, Norwich exchanged territory with the Town of Preston.", "In addition to Norwich, the first private military college in the country, his vision resulted in the creation of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). As the birthplace of ROTC, Norwich houses all four branches of the U.S. Department of Defense military services: Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.", "The community is served by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District. The name Oyster Bay is first recorded by Captain... (more...) Oyster Bay is a hamlet and census-designated place on the North Shore of Long Island in the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, New York. The community is served by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District. The name Oyster Bay is first recorded by Captain... Oyster Bay is a hamlet and census-designated place on the North Shore of Long Island in the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, New York. The community is served by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District. The name Oyster Bay is first recorded by Captain... (more...)", "Norwich State Hospital (AP Photo/Jack Sauer) (WTNH)– It’s almost Halloween and our state may just be the perfect place to celebrate because there are several places in Connecticut known to be very haunted.", "The Arc New London County, Norwich, Connecticut. 1.7K likes. In partnership for full equality since 1952.", "Other colleges/universities with over 2000 students near Norwich: 1 Connecticut College (about 12 miles; New London, CT; Full-time enrollment: 2,068) 2 Eastern Connecticut State University (about 15 miles; Willimantic, CT; FT enrollment: 4,985) 3 University of Connecticut (about 21 miles; Storrs, CT; FT enrollment: 22,037)", "GREENE COMMUNITY POOL SCHEDULE (In Collaboration with the Norwich Family YMCA) Norwich Family YMCA 68-70 North Broad St. Norwich, NY 13815 607-336-9622 www.norwichymca.com 2014 FALL Session: October 6, 2014-February 1, 2015.", "I-395 and Route 2 create plenty of traffic for the Norwich CT court house. Former NBA star Vin Baker had a DWI case going here in the summer of 2007. Hopefully he'll get through it and do well. Always seemed like a good fellow. Both civil and criminal are housed in the same building. Civil is the Norwich Judicial District Court, while criminal court and traffic court are Geographical Area 21.", "Find Province in Norwich, NR6. Get contact details, videos, photos, opening times and map directions. Search for local Carpenters & Joiners near you on Yell.", "Find Norwich Connecticut sheriff's office, department, headquarters, jail and detention center. Sheriffs provide information on records, arrests, inmates, warrants, and mugshots. Name. New London County Sheriff's Office.", "Find Norwich Connecticut clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Norwich Clerk.", "King Arthur Flour offers special kids cooking classes in thier Baking Education Center in Norwich, Vermont. Check the kids class schedule for times, class descriptions and prices. Directions from Burlington, Vermont (approx 95 miles) Take I-89 South until it meets I-91 in White River Junction, Vermont.", "City of Norwich, CT Free Public Records Directory Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public. City of Norwich Official Website:" ]
does gel nail color have toxic chemicals
1 Some of the gel nail polishes contain a chemical called methyl acrylate which can cause an allergic skin reaction, called contact dermatitis. 2 Wherever the chemical comes into contact with the skin, a rash may develop. 3 Because we inadvertently touch our eyes throughout the day, the rash can also involve our eyelids.
[ "For starters, dip powder manicures don’t require UV lights like gels do, which can be damaging to your skin. And, though they’re not completely natural and 5-free, they are free of three common nail polish chemicals: formaldehyde, toluene, and DBP, according to SNS, one of the two major brands that create dip powder products for salons (the other is Revel Nail.", "1 Not all polishes contain this chemical, so check the ingredient list. 2 Gel nail polish is set or cured with ultraviolet light. 3 Think of the light as baking the polish into the nails.", "DBP is the first of the toxic trio. The other two toxic ingredients commonly found in nail polish include: 1 Toluene, which is made from petroleum or coal tar. 2 Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage, and may affect a developing fetus.he other two toxic ingredients commonly found in nail polish include: 1 Toluene, which is made from petroleum or coal tar. 2 Formaldehyde, a skin, eye, and respiratory irritant, and a known carcinogen (formaldehyde exposure has been associated with leukemia specifically).", "Be aware that gel polish is porous, and cleaning products, pool chemicals and other chemicals can cause it to peel or chip. Likewise, the UV light used to cure the polish can lead to age spots and the method use to remove the polish can dehydrate your nails and skin around them.", "© iStockphoto.com/pederk. Nail polish, also called nail enamel or nail lacquer, has evolved throughout the centuries thanks to scientific research. Most nail polishes on the market today are non-toxic, yet contain chemicals to help with application, drying, glossiness and long-lasting adhesion to the nail.", "Gel manicures can increase the risk of SKIN CANCER as well as wreck your nails. They have been marketed as the most convenient way to have glossy, chip-free nails for weeks. But gel manicures could cause lasting damage to the nails and even increase the risk of skin cancer, dermatologists have warned. A gel manicure uses three coats of a special type of polish from brands such as Shellac or OPI. Each coat is set using UV light - and experts say this could have dangerous side-effects.", "NonyX Nail Gel (pronounced Non-X) is clinically proven to clear out discoloring keratin debris under the nail. Apply to dark or yellowing toenails and fingernails. Nail discoloration is actually keratin debris build-up under the nail.NonyX Nail Gel breaks down and removes this yellow or darkened build-up and keeps nails looking clear and attractive with regular use.f your toenails or fingernails look dark or yellow they may need NonyX Nail Gel. NonyX Gel contains ethanoic acid to remove keratin debris build-up from under the nail. With regular use, your nails are clear and healthy-looking – or your money back. Safe, even for diabetics. The 4oz. bottle is a 6 month supply.", "gel nails are definitely better. acrylic are known to be much worse/damaging in comparison and they also turn your nails yellow. i loved the way my gel nails came out no yellow! i personally don't remember how long it took to get my gel nails done...", "1 We don't think that this type of light will cause skin cancer. 2 To remove gel polish, your nails are soaked in or wrapped in acetone. 3 Acetone is a very drying chemical and will cause your nail to become brittle and peel after repeated use.", "The other two toxic ingredients commonly found in nail polish include: Toluene, which is made from petroleum or coal tar. Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage, and may affect a developing fetus. In nail polish, toluene is used to give the polish a smooth finish.", "Posted May 8, 2010. gel nails are definitely better. acrylic are known to be much worse/damaging in comparison and they also turn your nails yellow. i loved the way my gel nails came out no yellow! i personally don't remember how long it took to get my gel nails done...", "Gel nails can be painted any color, but many people choose to get clear ones for a natural look. The color generally lasts for a few weeks without significantly changing, but tanning beds can cause a slight yellowing. The gel itself is usually a soft white color, which can enhance the look of a person's fingernail tips.", "Due to a lack of government oversight, many products used in hair and nail salons contain a number of hazardous chemicals that may harm your health. Below are some particularly toxic chemicals to avoid in salon products, along with the health problems these chemicals are linked to.", "While it is true that Formaldehyde is toxic, Tosylamide/Formaldehyde Resin used in nail polish is considered to be safe. That’s because the chemical process used to make this polymer completely changes the structure of Formaldehyde so that it is present in very minimal concentrations (usually 0.2%) or even not at all.he resin are ingredients that add depth, gloss and hardness to the film of a nail polish. An example of a polymer used as a resin in nail polish is tosylamide-formaldehyde resin (a soft resin made with Toluenesulfonamide and Formaldehyde.).", "“Pure Healthy Nails Dip-Gel” from. Exclusive Wholesale Distributor. No odor, No damaged nails, No heavy feel, No Ultraviolet (UV) light, Looks natural, Nails grow healthier after Dip Gel removal, Longer lasting, No Chinese Chemicals or Ingredients, and Made in America!!", "No Nail Polish Needed – With 160+ different colors of Dip Gel, there is no need for Nail Polish as the Dip Gel powder is a solid color. This saves both time and money for the customer and Nail Salon owner. If any abrasions, nicks, scratches or chips should occur they are nearly invisible.", "Steps to Prevent Exposures and Protect Worker Health. In a study run by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, a limited number of nail salon products claiming to be free of one or more of the toxic trio tested positive for the chemicals of which they claimed to be free.", "Longer Lasting – because of the softer and more flexible Dip Gel’s final result, the nail looks better for a longer period of time. No Nail Polish Needed – With 160+ different colors of Dip Gel, there is no need for Nail Polish as the Dip Gel powder is a solid color. This saves both time and money for the customer and Nail Salon owner. If any abrasions, nicks, scratches or chips should occur they are nearly invisible.", "The size of the person and the timing of the exposure are as important as the amount of exposure, Malkan added. Proponents of DBP use in cosmetics are correct that nail polishes that include the ingredient have not been conclusively proven to be toxic to humans.Nor, however, has it been proven that DBP in polishes does not cause harmful long-term effects.n 2004, OPI was forced to remove DBP from its polishes sold in Europe after the European Union banned it along with many other personal-care product ingredients known or strongly suspected of causing cancer, mutations or birth defects.", "1 Gel nails may look more natural and glossy than other types of cosmetic nails. 2 The curing time is faster than acrylics. Gel nail mixtures lack the fumes associated with acrylic nails - they're considered a safer, more eco-friendly option.", "The European Union classifies DBP as very toxic to aquatic organisms. 2. Formaldehyde — (Yes, seriously. In your nail polish.) Formaldehyde is a common ingredient in nail hardeners in concentrations of up to five per cent.In nail polish, tosylamide/formaldehyde resin is used, and may contain residual formaldehyde concentrations of up to 0.5 per cent.The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen.he European Union classifies DBP as very toxic to aquatic organisms. 2. Formaldehyde — (Yes, seriously. In your nail polish.) Formaldehyde is a common ingredient in nail hardeners in concentrations of up to five per cent.", "After many years of use nail polish can weaken your nails. There is also another type of more advanced nail polish technology that is called gel nails. It is a more luscious, thick, and vibrant nail polish. There are many types of chemicals inside nail polish and should be used with caution. Another point about the industry of nail polish is that there are many nail polish brands that are competing to have the most business.", "Comments. You can look up less toxic nail polishes on the EWG Skin Deep Website. It will give you a list of non toxic cosmetics by category and you can also look up individual products and it will give you the ingredients and toxicity rating. Thanks! I would appreciate a list of safe non toxic nail products.", "These three have been linked to problems ranging from skin irritation in people to birth defects in animals. 1. Piggy Paint, non-toxic, odorless, kid-friendly, kid-colored, water-based formula. 2. Honeybee Gardens, an alternative to solvent-based nail polish, water-based, odorless, removes with rubbing alcohol.", "Gel polish contains polymers that harden when your nails are placed under an ultraviolet (UV) lamp to cure, or dry, the polish. In 2009, a small study of two healthy middle-aged women with no history of skin cancer developed non-melanoma skin cancers on their hands.", "What Salon Customers Need to Know. Due to a lack of government oversight, many products used in hair and nail salons contain a number of hazardous chemicals that may harm your health. Below are some particularly toxic chemicals to avoid in salon products, along with the health problems these chemicals are linked to.", "Some people find that the nail polish stays in place for a full month, but new nail growth may send them back to the salon for a touch-up. Be aware that gel polish is porous, and cleaning products, pool chemicals and other chemicals can cause it to peel or chip. Likewise, the UV light used to cure the polish can lead to age spots and the method use to remove the polish can dehydrate your nails and skin around them.", "DBP is the first of the toxic trio. Toluene, which is made from petroleum or coal tar. Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage, and may affect a developing fetus. In nail polish, toluene is used to give the polish a smooth finish.", "6 Responses. 1 I would appreciate a list of safe non toxic nail products. 2 Thanks! 3 You can look up less toxic nail polishes on the EWG Skin Deep Website. It will give you a list of non toxic cosmetics by category and you can also look up individual products and it will give you the ingredients and toxicity rating.", "Toenails also develop a white appearance due to damage from toenail polish and toenail polish remover. Most nail polish have chemicals, such as formaldehyde and toluene, that dry and damage the toenails. Nail polish remover also has chemicals, such as acetone, that does the same.", "1 To remove gel polish, your nails are soaked in or wrapped in acetone. 2 Acetone is a very drying chemical and will cause your nail to become brittle and peel after repeated use.3 Massaging a moisturizer into you nails several times each day will help to combat the dryness. We don't think that this type of light will cause skin cancer. 2 To remove gel polish, your nails are soaked in or wrapped in acetone. 3 Acetone is a very drying chemical and will cause your nail to become brittle and peel after repeated use.", "1 Use traditional nail polish instead of gel nail polish if you have recurring nail problems, or if you have an allergy to acetone, which is used to remove gel manicures. 2 Rehydrate your nails several times a day with a moisturizing product, such as petroleum jelly, to combat brittleness, thinning and chipping.cetone dries nails and irritates the skin around the nail, Adigun said. She said women who get frequent gel manicures need to know that the UV light used to cure the gel is a risk factor for skin cancer. Also, photo damage from the UV light can cause cosmetic changes in the skin surrounding nails.", "Nail polish may also contain stearic acid, glycerol and cochineal, or crushed bugs, all animal byproducts. With a small amount of research, you can easily find cruelty-free alternatives. 6." ]
what is a basic lava cone
exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. a basic lava cone is a group of sedimentary rock formed in the lava been pushed and pushed till it has formed a cone and they call that a basic lava cone.
[ "C inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "C inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.eologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds--cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes.", "C inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone. inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "C inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone. ome of the Earth's grandest mountains are composite volcanoes--sometimes called stratovolcanoes. They are typically steep-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimension built of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs and may rise as much as 8,000 feet above their bases.", "C inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.rincipal Types of Volcanoes. Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds--cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes.", "Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "Rockhound. Acid lava comes from composite cone volcanoes, is slow moving and viscous. Basic lava comes from shield volcanoes, is runny and flows faster. Acidic lava is felsic, or high in quartz and potassium feldspars. Basic lava is mafic, and higher in plagioclase feldspar.", "Cinder cones. Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "Cinder cones. Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.hield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes, the third type of volcano, are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Flow after flow pours out in all directions from a central summit vent, or group of vents, building a broad, gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, with a profile much like that of a warrior's shield.", "M ost composite volcanoes have a crater at the summit which contains a central vent or a clustered group of vents. Lavas either flow through breaks in the crater wall or issue from fissures on the flanks of the cone. Lava, solidified within the fissures, forms dikes that act as ribs which greatly strengthen the cone. inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds--cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes. Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent.", "Principal Types of Volcanoes. Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds--cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes. Cinder cones. Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "S ome of the Earth's grandest mountains are composite volcanoes--sometimes called stratovolcanoes. They are typically steep-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimension built of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs and may rise as much as 8,000 feet above their bases. inder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.", "A cinder cone, also called a scoria cone, is a volcano composed of volcanic cinders (scoria), or small, rough particles of hardened lava.", "Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are made of small pieces of solid lava, called cinder, that are erupted from a vent. The ground shakes as magma rises from within the Earth. Then, a powerful blast throws molten rocks, ash, and gas into the air.", "Best Answer: Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds--cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes. In regard to your question, Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano.They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent.ost cinder cones have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit and rarely rise more than a thousand feet or so above their surroundings. Cinder cones are numerous in western North America as well as throughout other volcanic terrains of the world. Shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows.", "Definition. A cinder cone, also called a scoria cone, is a volcano composed of volcanic cinders (scoria), or small, rough particles of hardened lava. When lava that is highly charged with gas bubbles erupts from a vent under pressure, it tends to shoot straight up into the air.", "Definition. A cinder cone, also called a scoria cone, is a volcano composed of volcanic cinders (scoria), or small, rough particles of hardened lava.", "Definition. A cinder cone, also called a scoria cone, is a volcano composed of volcanic cinders (scoria), or small, rough particles of hardened lava.When lava that is highly charged with gas bubbles erupts from a vent under pressure, it tends to shoot straight up into the air.esson Summary. Cinder-cone volcanoes are volcanoes whose cones are composed of small, rough particles of solidified lava. The cone builds up over time from lava eruptions that shoot straight up, break apart, cool rapidly and fall near the vent they erupt from.", "Cinder cones (tephra cone) are a type of volcano that consists almost entirely of tephra (another term used for pyroclasts or solid volcanic ejecta). Magma that contains abundant volatiles (gases) bubbles as it reaches the surface and small bits of magma are thrown into the air in the process.inder cones (tephra cone) are a type of volcano that consists almost entirely of tephra (another term used for pyroclasts or solid volcanic ejecta). Magma that contains abundant volatiles (gases) bubbles as it reaches the surface and small bits of magma are thrown into the air in the process.", "Cinder cones can sometimes be found on top of or on the flanks of stratovolcanoes and shield volcanoes. Examples include Paricutin, Sunset Crater. * Lava domes: These are domes of very viscous rhyolitic lava that build up. Most lava domes are part of a stratovolcano rather than volcanoes in and of themselves. Novarupta is an example of a lava dome.", "Classic cone volcanoes form from ejected ash and lava when magma reaches the surface of a plate. The most likely places for a volcano to occur are near the 2 tectonic plates - Eurasian plate and the North American plate, in Ireland (Eyjafjallajokull).", "Composite volcanoes, sometimes called stratovolcanoes, are typically deep-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimension built of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs and may rise as much as 8,000 ft above their bases.", "Composite Cone Volcanoes. Composite cone volcanoes, which are also called 'stratovolcanoes' or simply 'composite volcanoes,' are cone-shaped volcanoes composed of layers of lava, ash and rock debris. Composite cone volcanoes are grand sites and can grow to heights of 8,000 feet or more.", "Lava cones are nearly unique to Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea, within the Melanesia subregion of Oceania. However, an unnamed group of seven lava cones is located in the Obul-Samarask upland of southern Georgia, in Western Asia. The cones are early Pleistocene to Holocene in age.", "Scoria cones, also known as cinder cones, are the most common type of volcano. They are also the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 meters.They can occur as discrete volcanoes on basaltic lava fields, or as parasitic cones generated by flank eruptions on shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes.Scoria cones are composed almost wholly of ejected basaltic tephra.The tephra is most commonly of lapilli size, although bomb-size fragments and lava spatter may also be present. The tephra fragments typically contain abundant gas bubbles (vesicles), giving the lapilli and bombs a cindery (or scoriaceous) appearance.hey can occur as discrete volcanoes on basaltic lava fields, or as parasitic cones generated by flank eruptions on shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes. Scoria cones are composed almost wholly of ejected basaltic tephra.", "Cinder cone volcanoes (also called scoria cones) are the most common type of volcano and are the symmetrical cone shaped volcanoes we typically think of. They may occur as single volcanoes or as secondary volcanoes on the sides of stratovolcanoes or shield volcanoes.alderas: A caldera is a bowl-shaped depression formed when a volcano collapses into the void left when its magma chamber is emptied; there are three types. The first type is a crater lake caldera. This is the result of a stratovolcano collapsing into its magma chamber during a violent eruption.", "Cinder Cones. Cinder cones are simple volcanoes which have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit and only grow to about a thousand feet, the size of a hill.They usually are created of eruptions from a single opening, unlike a strato-volcano or shield volcano which can erupt from many different openings.inder cones are simple volcanoes which have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit and only grow to about a thousand feet, the size of a hill.", "Cinder cone. A cinder cone or scoria cone is a steep conical hill of loose pyroclastic fragments, such as either volcanic clinkers, cinders, volcanic ash, or scoria that has been built around a volcanic vent. They consist of loose pyroclastic debris formed by explosive eruptions or lava fountains from a single, typically cylindrical, vent.", "The type of volcano that is built entirely of ejected lava fragments is a volcanic cone. Volcanic cones can be of varying types, and it depends upon the nature, and size o … f the fragments ejected during the eruption.", "Cinder cone volcanoes (also called scoria cones) are the most common type of volcano and are the symmetrical cone shaped volcanoes we typically think of. They may occur as single volcanoes or as secondary volcanoes on the sides of stratovolcanoes or shield volcanoes.irborne fragments of lava, called tephra, are ejected from a single vent. The lava cools rapidly and builds up around the vent, forming a crater at the summit. Cinder cone volcanoes are fairly small, generally only about 300 feet (91 meters) tall and not rising more than 1,200 feet (366 meters).", "Scoria cones, also known as cinder cones, are the most common type of volcano. They are also the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 meters. They can occur as discrete volcanoes on basaltic lava fields, or as parasitic cones generated by flank eruptions on shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes.", "Scoria cones, also known as cinder cones, are the most common type of volcano. They are also the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 meters.They can occur as discrete volcanoes on basaltic lava fields, or as parasitic cones generated by flank eruptions on shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes.coria cones, also known as cinder cones, are the most common type of volcano. They are also the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 meters.", "Cinder Cones. Cinder cones are simple volcanoes which have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit and only grow to about a thousand feet, the size of a hill. They usually are created of eruptions from a single opening, unlike a strato-volcano or shield volcano which can erupt from many different openings.", "Volcanoes are grouped into four types: cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes and lava volcanoes. They are: Cinder Cones: They are circular or oval cones made up of small fragments of lava from a single vent. They have been blown into the air, cooled, and fallen around the vent.", "Magma that flows over the Earth's surface is called lava. A shield volcano produces lava that spreads over a wide area to form a broad mound. Magma collects underground in a space called a magma chamber, before erupting through vents to form low cones, and through fissures (long cracks). A dome, or cone, volcano is formed when thick, sticky lava erupts from a volcano crater. The lava cools and solidifies quickly to form a dome. Further eruptions may add more layers. The collapse of a dome can produce dangerous pyroclastic flows – fast-moving flows of hot gas and volcanic fragments.", "Cinder cones (tephra cone) are a type of volcano that consists almost entirely of tephra (another term used for pyroclasts or solid volcanic ejecta). Magma that contains abundant volatiles (gases) bubbles as it reaches the surface and small bits of magma are thrown into the air in the process.olcanoes are spectacular (as well as dangerous) when they erupt, and they are among those geological features that give us a very clear sense of the power of geologic processes.", "Cinder cone volcanoes (also called scoria cones) are the most common type of volcano and are the symmetrical cone shaped volcanoes we typically think of. They may occur as single volcanoes or as secondary volcanoes on the sides of stratovolcanoes or shield volcanoes. volcano is a vent or fissure in Earth's crust through which lava, ash, rock and gases erupt. A volcano is also a mountain formed by the accumulation of these eruptive products. Let's take a look at how volcanoes form: Earth's crust is 40 to 250 miles (64 to 402 kilometers) thick.", "• Composite cone volcanoes are the most common. They are very tall, and they erupt with runny lava followed by explosive thick lava. They also have a lot of ash. These volcanoes have very steep sides because the ash and thick lava cools and becomes part of the surface.", "cindercone is incorrect Stratovolcanoes build from eruptions of lava and tephra that pile up in layers, or strata, much like layers of cake and frosting. These volcanoes form symmetrical cones with steep sides Cinder cones build from erupting lava that breaks into small pieces as it blasts into the air.inder cones are very small cone-shaped volcanoes Shield volcanoes form from eruptions of flowing lava. The lava spreads out and builds up volcanoes with broad, gently sloping sides. The shape resembles a warrior's shield. Source(s): THE USGS learning website http://interactive2.usgs.gov/learningweb...", "Best Answer: Shield volcanoes are formed primarily by lava flows. This results in smooth sloping sides that resemble a convex shield laying down, facing up. Cinder Cone Volcanoes are formed primarily by ejected solid matter. This makes steep sides that make the volcano more conical. Composite volcanoes exhibit a mixture of ejected rock and lava flows. So they are something in between, a volcano not as steep as cinder cone volcanoes but still somewhat conical.", "For example, geologists have identified nearly 100 cinder cones on the flanks of Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the island of Hawaii. These cones are also referred to as 'scoria cones' and 'cinder and spatter cones.' The most famous cinder cone, Paricutin, grew out of a corn field in Mexico in 1943 from a new vent. Eruptions continued for nine years, built the cone to a height of 424 meters, and produced lava flows that covered 25 km².", "Volcanoes are vents in the earth's crust through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor and gases are ejected. There are different types of volcanoes based on their size, shape, composition and eruptive style. Composite cone volcanoes are cone-shaped volcanoes composed of layers of lava, ash and rock debris. Composite cone volcanoes can grow to heights of 8,000 feet or more and have explosive eruptions. Shield volcanoes are broad, domed-shaped volcanoes with long, gently sloped sides.", "Cinder cone volcanoes are the most common kind of volcanoes.They are steep sided cones of basaltic fragments and are smaller and simpler than composite volcanoes. Streaming ga … ses carry liquid lava blobs into the atmosphere that fall back to earth around a single vent to form the cone.hese pyroclastic materials which include lava, lahars, tuffs & welded tuffs accumulate to form the cone shape we observe in these tyoes of volcanoes. They generally have slopes ranging between 30 to 40 degrees. Cinder cones are generally small volcanoes and do not exceed 500m in height.", "Cinder cone volcanoes are the simplest type of volcano. The cinder cone volcanohas a bowl shaped crater and usually never rises over 1000 ft. This volcano is a steep sided volcano that is created by the layers of ash and cinder that is cooled down after an eruption, creating a more steep and rough ground.", "Cinder Cones. Cinder cones are simple volcanoes which have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit and only grow to about a thousand feet, the size of a hill. They usually are created of eruptions from a single opening, unlike a strato-volcano or shield volcano which can erupt from many different openings.inder Cones. Cinder cones are simple volcanoes which have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit and only grow to about a thousand feet, the size of a hill. They usually are created of eruptions from a single opening, unlike a strato-volcano or shield volcano which can erupt from many different openings.", "Shield Cone Volcano. Shield Cone Volcanoes are volcanoes with gradual sloping sides, wide bases, and flat craters. They are volcanoes that are created by freely flowing lava, or quiet eruptions. Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii. Photograph by D. Little. Cinder Cone Volcano.Cinder Cone Volcanoes are volcanoes with steep sides, and bowl shaped craters. These volcanoes are created by a buildup of cinder and ash. The Cinder Cone Volcano is usually the most dangerous type of volcano because it tends to explode when it erupts.hese volcanoes are formed by lava flows and volcanic rocks. Another name for Composite-Cone Volcanoes are Stratovolcano. Composite-Cone Volcanoes are know to have two kinds of eruptions, free-flowing, or slow moving, and violent erupts.", "A cinder cone volcano is constructed from pyroclastic materials ejected from a central vent. These pyroclastic materials which include lava, lahars, tuffs & welded tuffs accumulate to form the cone shape we observe in these tyoes of volcanoes.They generally have slopes ranging between 30 to 40 degrees. Cinder cones are generally small volcanoes and do not exceed 500m in height.hese pyroclastic materials which include lava, lahars, tuffs & welded tuffs accumulate to form the cone shape we observe in these tyoes of volcanoes. They generally have slopes ranging between 30 to 40 degrees. Cinder cones are generally small volcanoes and do not exceed 500m in height." ]
meaning of teeming and lading
Definition of teeming and lading noun an attempt to hide missing funds by delaying the recording of cash receipts in a business’s books
[ "There are many variations of teeming and lading according to the nature of the accounts concerned. The object in each case is the same-todefraud and to conceal the offences committed. The basic principles are common to all its variations. A person in charge of accounts usually receives money, records it", "Dictionary entry overview: What does teeming mean? • TEEMING (adjective) The adjective TEEMING has 1 sense: 1. abundantly filled with especially living things Familiarity information: TEEMING used as an adjective is very rare.", "Definition. Fraudulent practice of concealing theft of cash. Lapping occurs when a cashier or clerk steals cash from one customer's payment and covers it up by stealing cash from the next customer's payment ... and so on.It is easier where cash handling and cash recording duties are handled by the same person.Also called teeming and lading.ou should never be involved in any lapping or you could get terminated from your job or even have charges pressed against you. 6 people found this helpful. I am a store owner and recently added cameras throughout my store to prevent lapping, as I have been sure there has been money missing from our safe and registers.", "What does teeming mean? Definitions for teeming ˈti mɪŋ Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word teeming. Princeton's WordNet (5.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: teeming (adj) abundantly filled with especially living things the Third World's teeming millions; the teeming boulevard", "Teeming means completely full, especially with living things. If your grandmother's apartment is teeming with cats, she sure has a lot of them. Any time something (or someplace) is filled with life, it's teeming with it. A gorgeous purple garden in the south of France might be teeming with lavender plants, and you might describe the crowded state fair grounds as teeming with people. The Old English root teman means to give birth to, and this used to be a common meaning of teeming — being fertile or pregnant, or producing young.", "Teeming means completely full, especially with living things. If your grandmother's apartment is teeming with cats, she sure has a lot of them. Any time something (or someplace) is filled with life, it's teeming with it. A gorgeous purple garden in the south of France might be teeming with lavender plants, and you might describe the crowded state fair grounds as teeming with people. The Old English root teman means to give birth to, and this used to be a common meaning of teeming — being fertile or pregnant, or producing young.", "teeming. adjective full, packed, crowded, alive, thick, bursting, numerous, crawling, swarming, abundant, bristling, brimming, overflowing, fruitful, replete, chock-full, brimful, chock-a-block The area is usually teeming with tourists.wanting, short, lacking, deficient.he Mirror of the Sea by Conrad, Joseph View in context. The jungle, as usual, was teeming with life, but as Ned and Tom did not wish to kill wantonly they refrained from shooting until later in the day.", "lading (countable and uncountable, plural ladings) ( 1 countable) The action of loading. ( 2 uncountable) Shipment, cargo, freight. 1719, Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe the ship remained there, in providing his lading and preparing for his voyage, nearly three months...", "TEEMING AND LADING 281. The following example will illustrate. You wish to remember. directly you arrive at the Police Station to submit a report to your Chief. Constable on a prospective Road Safety campaign. There is no need. to become worried by continually thinking about it or to admitweakness. by making a written note.", "(lād′n) v. A past participle of lade. adj. 1. Weighed down with a load; heavy: the warmish air, laden with the rains of those thousands of miles of western sea (Hilaire Belloc). 2. Oppressed; burdened: laden with grief.", "1a : loading 1b : an act of bailing, dipping, or ladling. 2 : cargo, freight. a bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier that lists goods being shipped and specifies the terms of their transport.", "What is another word for teeming? Synonyms for teeming are alive, brimful, brimming, bristling, bursting,... What does the word teem mean Teem definition: To be full of things; abound or swarm. What are synonyms for the word 'teem' Synonyms for the word teem are : 1. overflow, brim, overrun, bristle. Thank you... Can you use the word teem in a sentence as a verb? The word, teem, as a verb means to abound or swarm. A sentence using the verb,... what is the Definition and sentence for the word teem?", "› If a ​place is teeming, it is ​full of ​people: the teeming ​metropolis. (Definition of teeming from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press). If a ​place is teeming, it is ​full of ​people: the teeming ​metropolis. (Definition of teeming from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "Definition of 'tee'. Word Frequency. tee (tiː ) Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense tees , present participle teeing , past tense , past participle teed. 1. countable noun. In golf, a tee is a small piece of wood or plastic which is used to support the ball before it is hit at the start of each hole.", "TEEMING AND LADING 281 The following example will illustrate. You wish to remember directly you arrive at the Police Station to submit a report to your Chief Constable on a prospective Road Safety campaign. There is no need to become worried by continually thinking about it or to admitweakness by making a written note.", "[tee] /ti/. noun. 1. Golf. Also called teeing ground. the starting place, usually a hard mound of earth, at the beginning of play for each hole. a small wooden, plastic, metal, or rubber peg from which the ball is driven, as in teeing off.", "Split and merge into it. Answer by Notyouraveragedummy ... Confidence votes 95.2K. The word 'teeming' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to teem, meaning to be swarming with, to be full of. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.Examples:The store was teeming with last minute holiday shoppers. (verb).plit and merge into it. Answer by Notyouraveragedummy ... Confidence votes 95.2K. The word 'teeming' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to teem, meaning to be swarming with, to be full of. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.", "tee, teeing ground(noun) the starting place for each hole on a golf course. they were waiting on the first tee. tee, football tee(noun) support holding a football on end and above the ground preparatory to the kickoff. tee, golf tee(verb) a short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball off the ground.", "In computing, tee is a command in command-line interpreters (shells) using standard streams which reads standard input and writes it to both standard output and one or more files, effectively duplicating its input. It is primarily used in conjunction with pipes and filters.", "Chambers 20th Century Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: lōd, n. a vein containing metallic ore: a reach of water: an open ditch.—ns. Lodes′man, a pilot; Lode′star, the star that guides, the pole-star—often used figuratively; Lode′stone, a stone or ore of iron that attracts other pieces of iron. [A.S. lád, a course—líðan, to travel.]", "Bill of Lading. A document signed by a carrier (a transporter of goods) or the carrier's representative and issued to a consignor (the shipper of goods) that evidences the receipt of goods for shipment to a specified designation and person.", "tee (Noun) A flat area of ground from which players hit their first shots on a golf hole. tee (Noun) A usually wooden or plastic peg from which a golf ball is hit on the first shot on a golf hole. tee. The target area of a curling rink. tee (Verb) To place a ball on a tee. Origin: From teen, from teon, from teuhanan, from dewk-.", "Definition of tee. 1 1a : a small mound or a peg on which a golf ball is placed before being struck at the beginning of play on a holeb : a device for holding a football in position for kickingc : an adjustable post on which a ball is placed for batting (as in T-ball) 2 2 : the area from which a golf ball is struck at the beginning of play on a hole.", "Definition of tee. 1a : a small mound or a peg on which a golf ball is placed before being struck at the beginning of play on a holeb : a device for holding a football in position for kickingc : an adjustable post on which a ball is placed for batting (as in T-ball)", "Bill of Lading (BOL): A legal document between the shipper of a particular good and the carrier detailing the type, quantity and destination of the good being carried. The bill of lading also serves as a receipt of shipment when the good is delivered to the predetermined destination.", "In golf, a tee is normally used for the first stroke of each hole, and the area from which this first stroke is hit is informally also known as a tee (officially, teeing ground). The word tee is derived from the Scottish Gaelic word 'tigh' meaning house and is related to the house' in curling (the colored circles).", "Medical Definition of TEE. TEE: Transesophageal echocardiography. A diagnostic test which employs ultrasound waves to make images of the heart chambers, valves and surrounding structures and which is done through the esophagus. TEE may be used, for example, in the treatment of children having heart surgery.", "Definition of bill of lading (B/L): A document issued by a carrier, or its agent, to the shipper as a contract of carriage of goods. It is also a receipt for cargo accepted for transportation, and must be presented for taking delivery ...", "Definition of teeming in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of teeming. What does teeming mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word teeming. Information about teeming in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. English for Beginners Practical English Travel English Telephone English Banking English Accounting English Dictionary", "Definition of 'tee'. tee (tiː ) In golf, a tee is a small piece of wood or plastic which is used to support the ball before it is hit at the start of each hole. On a golf course, a tee is one of the small flat areas of ground from which people hit the ball at the start of each hole. tee1 (tiː )", "A bill of lading (sometimes abbreviated as B/L or BoL) is a document issued by a carrier (or his agent) to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment. In British English the term relates to ship transport only, and in American English to any type of transportation of goods.", "Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 tee(Noun) A flat area of ground from which players hit their first shots on a golf hole. 2 tee(Noun) A usually wooden or plastic peg from which a golf ball is hit on the first shot on a golf hole. 3 tee. 4 tee(Verb) To place a ball on a tee.", "A bill of lading (sometimes abbreviated as B/L or BoL) is a document issued by a carrier (or his agent) to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment. In British English the term relates to ship transport only, and in American English to any type of transportation of goods.[citation needed]", "TEE (Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram) The TEE test takes a detailed picture of your heart and its major blood vessels. This test helps to detect heart valve disease, heart tumors, and blood clots inside the heart. It also helps detect an aneurysm (AN-your-izm), which is a swelling, like a balloon, in a blood vessel. TEE stands for trans-esophageal (trans-ee-SOFF-uh-jee-ul) echocardiogram (ek-oh-CAR-dee-oh-gram).", "Ladle(verb) a cuplike spoon, often of large size, with a long handle, used in lading or dipping. Ladle(verb) a vessel to carry liquid metal from the furnace to the mold. Ladle(verb) the float of a mill wheel; -- called also ladle board.", "bill of lading. n. a receipt obtained by the shipper of goods from the carrier (trucking company, railroad, ship or air freighter) for shipment to a particular buyer. It is a contract protecting the shipper by guaranteeing payment and satisfies the carrier that the recipient has proof of the right to the goods. The bill of lading is then sent to the buyer by the shipper upon payment for the goods, and is thus proof that the recipient is entitled to the goods when received.", "Fillet weld. Fillet welding refers to the process of joining two pieces of metal together whether they be perpendicular or at an angle. These welds are commonly referred to as Tee joints which are two pieces of metal perpendicular to each other or Lap joints which are two pieces of metal that overlap and are welded at the edges.", "Tee definition: In golf, a tee is a small piece of wood or plastic which is used to support the ball... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog", "A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment. In British English, the term relates to ship transport only, and in American English, to any type of transportation of goods. A bill of lading must be transferable, and serves three main functions: it is a conclusive receipt, i.e. an acknowledgement that the goods have been loaded; and it contains or evidences the terms of the contract of carriage; and it serves as a document of title to the goods, s", "A TEE is a special type of echocardiogram that takes pictures of the back of the heart through the esophagus (the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach). TEE also is often used to define complex heart defects. Catheter procedures also are sometimes used during surgery to help repair complex defects.", "What is a 'Bill Of Lading'. A bill of lading is a legal document between the shipper of goods and the carrier detailing the type, quantity and destination of the goods being carried. The bill of lading also serves as a receipt of shipment when the goods are delivered at the predetermined destination.", "TEE is a test that uses sound waves to make pictures of your heart’s muscle and chambers, valves and outer lining (pericardium), as well as the blood vessels that connect to your heart. Doctors often use TEE when they need more detail than a standard echocardiogram can give them. The sound waves sent to your heart by the probe in your esophagus are translated into pictures on a video screen. After this test, you may have a mild sore throat for a day or two.", "The word tee is derived from the Scottish Gaelic word taigh meaning house and is related to the 'house' (the coloured circles) in curling. This would make sense, as the first golf tees were within a circle of one golf club length round the hole. Nowadays, modern courses have separate, designated tee boxes for each hole. For example, the ninth hole of a course is played from the ninth tee to the ninth green, and similarly for the other holes." ]