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"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 23 de marzo de 2022 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente de los Estados Unidos de América ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente de los Estados Unidos de América ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo IV del Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), tiene el honor de transmitir los datos de registro relativos a los objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestre por los Estados Unidos en enero de 2022 (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Los Estados Unidos solicitan que los objetos espaciales contenidos en el anexo del presente documento se consignen en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre que mantienen las Naciones Unidas. Al presentar esta solicitud, los Estados Unidos señalan que, en consonancia con su práctica de registro de larga data, no son necesariamente el Estado de lanzamiento de cada uno de los objetos espaciales que registran. Los Estados Unidos formulan esta solicitud con ánimo de contribuir a la eficacia práctica de los tratados, y suministran información en la mayor medida posible.",
"Datos de registro de los objetos espaciales lanzados por los Estados Unidos de América en enero de 2022[2]",
"La información que figura a continuación complementa los datos de registro de los objetos espaciales lanzados por los Estados Unidos al 31 de enero de 2022.",
"[1] Los datos sobre los objetos espaciales a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 11 de abril de 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) Los datos de registro se consignan en la forma en que se recibieron."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 23 March 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit registration data on objects launched into outer space by the United States for January 2022 (see annex).[1]",
"The United States requests that the space objects contained in the annex to the present document be placed on the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space maintained by the United Nations. In submitting this request, the United States notes that, consistent with its long-standing registration practice, the United States is not necessarily a launching State for each of the space objects it registers. The United States makes this request in the spirit of contributing to the practical effectiveness of the treaties and is providing information to the greatest extent practicable.",
"Registration data on space launches by the United States of America for January 2022[2]",
"The following report supplements the registration data on United States space launches as at 31 January 2022.",
"[1] ¹ The data on space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The registration data are reproduced in the form in which they were received."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_1050 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 23 March 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit the registration data on objects launched into outer space by the United States in January 2022 (see annex)[1].",
"The United States requests that space objects contained in the annex to the present document be included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space maintained by the United Nations. In submitting this request, the United States notes that, consistent with its long-standing record practice, they are not necessarily the launching State of each of the space objects they record. The United States makes this request in order to contribute to the practical effectiveness of treaties, and provides information to the greatest extent possible.",
"Registration data on space objects launched by the United States of America in January 2022[2]",
"The information below complements the registration data for space objects launched by the United States as at 31 January 2022.",
"[1] The data on space objects referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) Registration data are disclosed in the manner in which they were received."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 18 de mayo de 2022 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo IV del Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), tiene el honor de transmitir información adicional relativa al final de la vida útil de los objetos espaciales Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR) y OWLID000235 (2021-060S) (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Información suplementaria sobre objetos espaciales registrados anteriormente por el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte[2]",
"Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)",
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Designación internacional 1998-067SM del Comité de Investigaciones Espaciales\n Nombre del objeto espacial Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)",
"Estado de registro Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte",
"Documento de registro ST/SG/SER.E/1002",
"Fecha y territorio o lugar 14 de junio de 2021 a las 09.05 horas de lanzamiento UTC; despliegue desde la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI)",
"Parámetros orbitales básicos",
"Período nodal 92,7 minutos",
"Inclinación 51,62 grados",
"Apogeo 422 kilómetros",
"Perigeo 418 kilómetros",
"Función general del objeto El objetivo del satélite SOAR es hacer espacial una demostración de materiales aerodinámicos (en concreto, materiales que reflejan especularmente el oxígeno atómico en el entorno del flujo molecular libre) y del control aerodinámico de la actitud y la órbita. Sus cargas útiles son un espectrómetro de masas iónicas y neutras, para caracterizar el entorno atmosférico y de flujo, y aletas orientables desplegadas, con diferentes revestimientos superficiales, que se usarán como superficies aerodinámicas.",
"Fecha de 14 de marzo de 2022 UTC desintegración/reentrada/ retiro de órbita",
"Información suplementaria facultativa destinada al Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Cambio de la situación de las operaciones\n Fecha en que el objeto espacial 14 de marzo de 2022 UTC dejó de estar en funcionamiento",
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Designación internacional 2021-060S del Comité de Investigaciones Espaciales\n Nombre del objeto espacial OWLID000235",
"Estado de registro Reino Unido",
"Documento de registro ST/SG/SER.E/1008",
"Designación o número de 48983 registro nacional",
"Fecha y territorio o lugar 1 de julio de 2021 a las 12.48.33 de lanzamiento horas UTC; Vostochny (Federación de Rusia)",
"Parámetros orbitales básicos",
"Período nodal 109,4 minutos",
"Inclinación 87,9 grados",
"Apogeo 1.197 kilómetros",
"Perigeo 1.193 kilómetros",
"Función general del objeto Satélite de comunicaciones espacial",
"Fecha de 29 de marzo de 2022 a las 21.45 desintegración/reentrada/ horas UTC retiro de órbita",
"Información suplementaria facultativa destinada al Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Cambio de la situación de las operaciones\n Fecha en que el objeto espacial 29 de marzo de 2022 a las 21.45 horas dejó de estar en funcionamiento UTC",
"Fecha en que se trasladó el 29 de marzo de 2022 a las 21.45 horas objeto espacial a una órbita de UTC eliminación",
"Condiciones físicas en el El satélite estaba a unas cuantas momento en que se trasladó el órbitas de volver a entrar en la objeto espacial a una órbita de atmósfera. eliminación",
"Propietario o encargado de la Network Access Associates Limited explotación del objeto espacial",
"Sitio web",
"Vehículo de lanzamiento Soyuz",
"Información suplementaria También llamado SL0265",
"[1] Los datos sobre los objetos espaciales a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 13 de junio de 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) La información, cuyo formato ha sido ajustado por la Secretaría, se presentó utilizando el formulario preparado en cumplimiento de la resolución 62/101 de la Asamblea General."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 18 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information concerning the end of life of the space objects Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR) and OWLID000235 (2021-060S) (see annex).[1]",
"Additional information on space objects previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)",
"Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Committee on Space Research 1998-067SM international designator\n Name of the space object Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)",
"State of registry United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
"Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/1002",
"Date and territory or location 14 June 2021 at 0905 hours UTC; of launch deployment from the International Space Station (ISS)",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 92.7 minutes",
"Inclination 51.62 degrees",
"Apogee 422 kilometres",
"Perigee 418 kilometres",
"General function of the space SOAR is to demonstrate aerodynamic object materials (specifically, materials which specularly reflect atomic oxygen in the free molecular flow environment), and aerodynamic attitude and orbit control. The payloads include an ion and neutral mass spectrometer to characterize the flow/atmospheric environment, and deployed steerable fins with different surface coatings to be used as aerodynamic surfaces",
"Date of decay/re-entry/deorbit 14 March 2022 UTC",
"Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Change of status in operations\n Date when the space object 14 March 2022 UTC was no longer functional",
"Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Committee on Space Research 2021-060S international designator\n Name of the space object OWLID000235",
"State of registry United Kingdom",
"Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/1008",
"National designator/registration 48983 number",
"Date and territory or location 1 July 2021 at 1248 hours, 33 seconds of launch UTC; Vostochny, Russian Federation",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 109.4 minutes",
"Inclination 87.9 degrees",
"Apogee 1,197 kilometres",
"Perigee 1,193 kilometres",
"General function of the space Communications satellite object",
"Date of decay/re-entry/deorbit 29 March 2022 at 2145 hours UTC",
"Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Change of status in operations\n Date when the space object 29 March 2022 at 2145 hours UTC was no longer functional",
"Date when the space object 29 March 2022 at 2145 hours UTC was moved to a disposal orbit",
"Physical conditions when the The satellite was a few orbits from space object was moved to a re-entering the atmosphere disposal orbit",
"Space object owner or operator Network Access Associates Limited",
"Launch vehicle Soyuz",
"Other information Also known as SL0265",
"[1] ¹ The data on the space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 13 June 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_1056 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 18 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna)",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), pursuant to article IV of the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information regarding the end of the useful life of space objects Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR) and OWLID000235 (see annex).",
"Supplementary information on space objects previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)",
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"International designation 1998-067SM of the Space Research Committee Name of the Space Object Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)",
"Status of registration United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
"Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/1002",
"Date and territory or location 14 June 2021 at 09.05 UTC launch hours; deployment from the International Space Station (ISS)",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 92.7 minutes",
"Inclination 51.62 degrees",
"Apogee 422 kilometers",
"Perigee 418 kilometres",
"General function of the object The purpose of the SOAR satellite is to make space a demonstration of aerodynamic materials (specifically, materials that mirror speculatively atomic oxygen in the environment of free molecular flow) and aerodynamic control of attitude and orbit. Its useful loads are an ionic and neutral mass spectrometer, to characterize the atmospheric and flow environment, and unfolded orientable fins, with different surface coatings, which will be used as aerodynamic surfaces.",
"Date of 14 March 2022 UTC disintegration/reentry/ orbit withdrawal",
"Optional supplementary information for the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Change in the status of operations Date the space object 14 March 2022 UTC ceased to be operational",
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"International designation 2021-060S of the Space Research Committee Name of space object OWLID000235",
"Status of registration United Kingdom",
"Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/1008",
"Designation or number of 48983 national registry",
"Date and territory or place 1 July 2021 at 12.48.33 UTC hours; Vostochny (Russian Federation)",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 109.4 minutes",
"Inclination 87.9 degrees",
"Apogee 1.197 kilometres",
"Perigee 1.193 kilometres",
"General function of satellite space communications object",
"Date of 29 March 2022 at 21.45 decay/reentry/UTC hours orbit withdrawal",
"Optional supplementary information for the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Change in the status of operations Date the space object 29 March 2022 at 21.45 hours ceased to operate UTC",
"Date of transfer on 29 March 2022 to 21.45 space object hours to a phase-out UTC orbit",
"Physical conditions in the satellite was a few times when orbits were moved back into the space object into an atmosphere orbit.",
"Owner or manager of the Network Access Associates Limited exploitation of the space object",
"Soyuz launch vehicle",
"Supplementary information Also called SL0265",
"[1] The data on space objects referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 13 June 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The information, which was adjusted by the Secretariat, was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre[1]",
"Nota verbal de fecha 30 de mayo de 2022 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente del Canadá ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente del Canadá ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) tiene el honor de transmitir información relativa a los objetos espaciales del Canadá (objetos espaciales Kepler), con indicación de la información técnica requerida de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), en el que el Canadá es Estado parte. Además, la lista incluye información adicional sobre un objeto ya inscrito en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (LEO-1) (véase el anexo)[2].",
"Datos de registro de objetos espaciales lanzados por el Canadá[3]",
"Designación Nombre Estado de Otros Estados Documento de Fecha de Lugar de Parámetros Función general internacional registro de registro de un lanzamiento lanzamiento orbitales del objeto lanzamiento objeto espacial (UTC) básicos espacial registrado anteriormente\n Período Inclinación Apogeo Perigeo(km) nodal (grados) (km) (minutos)",
"2018-008C KEPLER-0 Canadá China - 19 de enero Centro de 95,2 97,4 544,4 522,0 Tecnología y (KIPP) de 2018 a las Lanzamiento transferencia 04:12:00 de Satélites de datos horas de Jiuquan (China)",
"2018-096L KEPLER-1 Canadá India - 29 de SHAR, 93,8 97,4 479,1 457,6 Tecnología y (CASE) noviembre de Sriharikota transferencia 2018 a las (India) de datos 04:27:30 horas",
"2020-061AZ KEPLER-2 Canadá Francia - 3 de Centro 95,2 97,5 538,2 532,7 Tecnología y (TARS) septiembre de Espacial de transferencia 2020 a las la Guayana de datos 01:51:10 (Guayana horas Francesa)",
"2020-068P KEPLER-4 Canadá Federación de - 28 de Cosmódromo de 95,7 97,7 569,9 554,0 Tecnología y (ANTILLES) Rusia septiembre de Plesetsk transferencia 2020 a las (Federación de datos 11:20:00 de Rusia) horas",
"2020-068N KEPLER-5 Canadá Federación de - 28 de Cosmódromo de 95,7 97,7 569,6 554,1 Tecnología y (AMIDALA) Rusia septiembre de Plesetsk transferencia 2020 a las (Federación de datos 11:20:00 de Rusia) horas",
"2021-022Z KEPLER-6 Canadá Federación de - 22 de marzo Cosmódromo de 95,5 97,5 567,7 536,6 Tecnología y (ROCINANTE) Rusia, de 2021 a las Baikonur transferencia Kazajstán 06:07:12 (Kazajstán) de datos horas",
"2021-022T KEPLER-7 Canadá Federación de - 22 de marzo Cosmódromo de 95,6 97,5 567,6 537,1 Tecnología y (C3PO) Rusia, de 2021 a las Baikonur transferencia Kazajstán 06:07:12 (Kazajstán) de datos horas",
"2021-006BR KEPLER-8 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 537,1 527,2 Tecnología y (AMAROK) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006DX KEPLER-9 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 537,8 527,9 Tecnología y (ARTEMIS) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006CS KEPLER-10 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 535,7 523,0 Tecnología y (BABY YODA) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006CU KEPLER-11 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 538,2 527,4 Tecnología y (DANEEL) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006AK KEPLER-12 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 536,6 522,5 Tecnología y (BOBA) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006AT KEPLER-13 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 536,5 523,4 Tecnología y (LUCKY) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006DS KEPLER-14 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,2 97,4 538,5 528,8 Tecnología y (STELLA) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2021-006BA KEPLER-15 Canadá Estados - 24 de enero Cabo 95,1 97,5 537,0 528,4 Tecnología y (SUDORMRF) Unidos de de 2021 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:00:00 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2022-002CB KEPLER-16 Canadá Estados - 13 de enero Cabo 95,2 97,5 542,2 529,1 Tecnología y (ASTRAEUS) Unidos de de 2022 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:25:39 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2022-002CD KEPLER-17 Canadá Estados - 13 de enero Cabo 95,2 97,5 542,9 529,2 Tecnología y (KARINA) Unidos de de 2022 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:25:39 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2022-002U KEPLER-18 Canadá Estados - 13 de enero Cabo 95,2 97,5 542,4 524,9 Tecnología y (BLIP-A) Unidos de de 2022 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:25:39 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2022-002BV KEPLER-19 Canadá Estados - 13 de enero Cabo 95,2 97,5 543,0 529,0 Tecnología y (TBD) Unidos de de 2022 a las Cañaveral transferencia América 15:25:39 (Estados de datos horas Unidos de América)",
"2018-004C LEO 1 Canadá ST/SG/SER.E/996 12 de enero 99,08 99,2 1 001 428 - de 2018",
"[1] ^(*) Publicado nuevamente por razones técnicas el 17 de agosto de 2022.",
"[2] Los datos sobre los objetos espaciales a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 13 de junio de 2022.",
"[3] ^(*) La información, cuyo formato ha sido ajustado por la Secretaría, se presentó utilizando el formulario preparado en cumplimiento de la resolución 62/101 de la Asamblea General."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 30 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) has the honour to submit information concerning Canadian space objects (Kepler space objects), indicating the technical information required under the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), to which Canada is a State party. Furthermore, the list includes additional information on an object already entered in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (LEO 1) (see annex).[2]",
"Registration information on space objects launched by Canada[3]",
"[1] ^(*) Reissued for technical reasons on 16 August 2022.",
"[2] ¹ The data on the space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 13 June 2022.",
"[3] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_1060 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space[1]",
"Note verbale dated 30 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) has the honour to transmit information concerning space objects of Canada (Kepler space objects), indicating the technical information required under the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), to which Canada is a State party. In addition, the list includes additional information on an object already registered in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (LEO-1) (see annex)[2].",
"Registration data on space objects launched by Canada[3]",
"Designation Name State of Other States Document of Parameter Place Date General function international registration of an orbital launch of the space object launch object (UTC) registered previously Period Inclination Apogee Perigeo(km) nodal (grades) (km) (minutes)",
"2018-008C KEPLER-0 Canada China - January 19 Center of 95,2 97,4 544,4 522,0 Technology and (KIPP) of 2018 to launch transfer 04:12:00 time data satellites from Jiuquan (China)",
"2018-096L KEPLER-1 Canada India - 29 SHAR, 93,8 97,4 479,1 457,6 Technology and (CASE) November Sriharikota transfer 2018 to (India) data 04:27:30 hours",
"2020-061AZ KEPLER-2 Canada France - 3 Centre 95.2 97.5 538.2 532.7 Technology and (TARS) September Space transfer 2020 to Guayana data 01:51:10 (Guayana time Francesa)",
"2020-068P KEPLER-4 Canada - 28 Cosmodrome Federation of 95.7 97.7 569.9 554.0 Technology and (ANTILLES) Russia September Plesetsk transfer 2020 to (Data Federation 11:20:00 Russia) hours",
"2020-068N KEPLER-5 Canada - 28 Cosmodrome Federation of 95.7 97.7 569.6 554.1 Technology and (AMIDALA) Russia September Plesetsk transfer 2020 to (Data Federation 11:20:00 Russia) hours",
"2021-022Z KEPLER-6 Canada Federation - 22 March Cosmodrome of 95.5 97.5 567,7 536.6 Technology and (ROCINANTE) Russia, from 2021 to the Baikonur transfer Kazakhstan 06:07:12 (Kazakhstan) data hours",
"2021-022T KEPLER-7 Canada Federation - 22 March Cosmodrome of 95,6 97,5 567,6 537,1 Technology and (C3PO) Russia, from 2021 to the Baikonur transfer Kazakhstan 06:07:12 (Kazakhstan) data hours",
"2021-006BR KEPLER-8 Canada - January 24th Cabo 95.1 97.5 537.1 527.2 Technology and (AMAROK) The United States of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Hournaments United States of America)",
"2021-006DX KEPLER-9 Canada - January 24th Cabo 95.1 97.5 537.8 527.9 Technology and (ARTEMIS) The United States of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Hands of America)",
"2021-006CS KEPLER-10 Canada - January 24 Cape 95.1 97.5 535.7 523.0 Technology and (BABY YODA) 2021 transfer to the Cañaveral America 15:00:00 (United States of America)",
"2021-006CU KEPLER-11 Canada - 24 January Cape 95,1 97,5 538,2 527,4 Technology and (DANEEL) United of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Earth America)",
"2021-006AK KEPLER-12 Canada - January 24th Cabo 95.1 97.5 536.6 522,5 Technology and (BOBA) United States of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Hournaments United States of America)",
"2021-006AT KEPLER-13 Canada - January 24th Cabo 95.1 97.5 536.5 523.4 Technology and (LUCKY) United States of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Hournal details United States of America)",
"2021-006DS KEPLER-14 Canada - January 24 Cape 95,2 97,4 538,5 528,8 Technology and (STELLA) United of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Hands of America)",
"2021-006BA KEPLER-15 Canada - January 24 Cape 95,1 97,5 537,0 528,4 Technology and (SUDORMRF) The United States of 2021 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:00:00 (Automatic data)",
"2022-002CB KEPLER-16 Canada - 13 January Cape 95,2 97,5 542,2 529,1 Technology and (ASTRAEUS) United of 2022 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:25:39 (United States of America)",
"2022-002CD KEPLER-17 Canada - 13 January Cape 95.2 97.5 542,9 529.2 Technology and (KARINA) United of 2022 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:25:39 (United States of America)",
"2022-002U KEPLER-18 Canada - 13 January Cape 95.2 97.5 542,4 524,9 Technology and (BLIP-A) United of 2022 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:25:39 (United States of America)",
"2022-002BV KEPLER-19 Canada - 13 January Cape 95.2 97.5 543.0 529.0 Technology and (TBD) United of 2022 to the Cañaveral transfer America 15:25:39 (United States of America)",
"2018-004C LEO 1 Canada ST/SG/SER.E/996 12 January 99.08 99.2 1 001 428 - 2018",
"[1] ^(*) Reissued for technical reasons on August 17, 2022.",
"[2] The data on space objects referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 13 June 2022.",
"[3] ^(*) The information, which was adjusted by the Secretariat, was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 15 de junio de 2022 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente de Alemania ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente de Alemania ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo IV del Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), tiene el honor de transmitir información sobre un objeto espacial lanzado por Alemania (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Datos de registro de un objeto espacial lanzado por Alemania[2]",
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Designación internacional del 2021-004A Comité de Investigaciones Espaciales\n Nombre del objeto espacial GMS-T",
"Designación o número de D-R092 registro nacional",
"Estado de registro Alemania",
"Otros Estados de lanzamiento Nueva Zelandia y Estados Unidos de América",
"Fecha y territorio o lugar de 20 de enero de 2021 a las 07.26.00 horas lanzamiento UTC; Complejo de Lanzamientos 1 Rocket Lab, Mahia (Nueva Zelandia)",
"Parámetros orbitales básicos",
"Período nodal 109,4 minutos",
"Inclinación 90,0 grados",
"Apogeo 1.229 kilómetros",
"Perigeo 1.198 kilómetros",
"Función general del objeto La función general del satélite GMS-T es espacial poner en servicio las frecuencias de las bandas Ka y Ku",
"Información suplementaria facultativa destinada al Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Propietario o encargado dela explotación del objetoespacial\tOHB Cosmos International LaunchServices GmbH, Bremen (Alemania)\n Sitio web \n Vehículo de lanzamiento Electron Información suplementaria\tServicios de lanzamientoproporcionados por Rocket Lab USA;satélite fabricado y sometido apruebas por OHB Suecia; operacionesrealizadas por OHB Cosmos y OHB Suecia \n\tEstá previsto que el objeto espacialdeje de estar en funcionamiento en2023",
"[1] Los datos sobre el objeto espacial a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 17 de junio de 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) La información, cuyo formato ha sido ajustado por la Secretaría, se presentó utilizando el formulario preparado en cumplimiento de la resolución 62/101 de la Asamblea General."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 15 June 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit information concerning a space object launched by Germany (see annex).[1]",
"Registration data on a space object launched by Germany[2]",
"Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Committee on Space Research 2021-004A international designator\n Name of space object GMS-T",
"National D-R092 designator/registration number",
"State of registry Germany",
"Other launching States New Zealand and United States of America",
"Date and territory or location 20 January 2021 at 0726 hours 0 seconds of launch UTC; Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1, Mahia, New Zealand",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 109.4 minutes",
"Inclination 90.0 degrees",
"Apogee 1 229 kilometres",
"Perigee 1 198 kilometres",
"General function of space The general function of the GMS-T object satellite is to bring into use the Ka- and Ku-band frequencies",
"Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Space object owner oroperator\tOHB Cosmos International LaunchServices GmbH, Bremen, Germany\n Website \n Launch vehicle Electron Other information\tLaunch services provided by Rocket LabUSA; satellite manufacturing andtesting performed by OHB Sweden;operations performed by OHB Cosmos andOHB Sweden \n\tThe year in which the space object isexpected to no longer be functional is2023",
"[1] ¹ The data on the space object referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 17 June 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_1061 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 15 June 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit information on a space object launched by Germany (see annex)[1].",
"Registration data for a space object launched by Germany[2]",
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"International designation of 2021-004A Space Research Committee Name of space object GMS-T",
"Designation or number of D-R092 national registry",
"Status of registration Germany",
"Other launch States New Zealand and United States of America",
"Date and place of 20 January 2021 at 07.26.00 hours UTC launch; Rocket Lab launch Complex, Mahia, New Zealand",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 109.4 minutes",
"Inclination 90.0 degrees",
"Apogee 1,229 kilometres",
"Perigee 1.198 kilometres",
"General function of the object The general function of the GMS-T satellite is space to service the frequencies of the Ka and Ku bands",
"Optional supplementary information for the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Proprietary or responsible for the exploitation of the objectspace OHB Cosmos International LaunchServices GmbH, Bremen (Germany) Website Launch vehicle Electron Supplementary information Launch services provided by Rocket Lab USA;satellite manufactured and subject to approval by OHB Sweden; operations performed by OHB Cosmos and OHB Sweden The space object is expected to operate 23",
"[1] The data on the space object referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 17 June 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The information, which was adjusted by the Secretariat, was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 16 de diciembre de 2021 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo IV del Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), tiene el honor de transmitir información suplementaria relativa al cambio de ubicación del objeto espacial HYLAS1 (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Información suplementaria sobre un objeto espacial registrado anteriormente por el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte[2]",
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Designación internacional delComité de InvestigacionesEspaciales\t2010-065A\n Nombre del objeto espacial HYLAS-1 \nEstado de registro\tReino Unido de Gran Bretaña eIrlanda del Norte Documentos de registro ST/SG/SER.E/618 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.1 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.2 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.3 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.4 ST/SG/SER.E/917 \n ST/SG/SER.E/984 \nFecha y territorio o lugar delanzamiento\t26 de noviembre de 2010 a las18.39 horas UTC; Centro Espacialde la Guayana (Kurú, GuayanaFrancesa)\n Parámetros orbitales básicos \n Período nodal 1.440 minutos \n Inclinación 0,04 grados \n Apogeo 35.794 kilómetros \n Perigeo 35.779 kilómetros \nFunción general del objetoespacial\tSatélite de comunicaciones",
"Información suplementaria facultativa destinada al Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Parámetros orbitales básicos \nUbicación en la órbitageoestacionaria\t81 grados oeste\nCambio de posición del objetoespacial\t\n Posición orbital anterior 117,5 grados este \n Nueva posición orbital 81 grados oeste \nPropietario o encargado de laexplotación del objetoespacial\tAvanti Communications Group PLC\n Vehículo de lanzamiento Ariane 5",
"[1] Los datos sobre el objeto espacial a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 21 de diciembre de 2021.",
"[2] ^(*) La información, cuyo formato ha sido ajustado por la Secretaría, se presentó utilizando el formulario preparado en cumplimiento de la resolución 62/101 de la Asamblea General."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 16 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information concerning the change of location of the space object HYLAS-1 (see annex).[1]",
"Additional information on a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Committee on Space Researchinternational designator\t2010-065A\n Name of space object HYLAS-1 \nState of registry\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern IrelandRegistration documents\tST/SG/SER.E/618ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.1 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.2 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.3 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.4 ST/SG/SER.E/917 \n ST/SG/SER.E/984 \nDate and territory or locationof launch\t26 November 2010 at 1839 hoursUTC; Guiana Space Centre, Kourou,French Guiana\n Basic orbital parameters \n Nodal period 1,440 minutes \n Inclination 0.04 degrees \n Apogee 35,794 kilometres \n Perigee 35,779 kilometres \n General function of space object Communications satellite",
"Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Basic orbital parameters \n Geostationary position 81 degrees West \nChange of position of thespace object\t\n Previous orbital position 117.5 degrees East \n New orbital position 81 degrees West \n Space object owner or operator Avanti Communications Group PLC \n Launch vehicle Ariane 5",
"[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.",
"[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_618_ADD.5 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 16 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit supplementary information on the change in the location of the HYLAS1 space object (see annex)[1].",
"Supplementary information on a space object previously recorded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Registration documents ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.3 ST/SG/SER Basic orbital parameters Nodal period 1,440 minutes Inclination 0.04 degrees Apollo 35,794 kilometers Perigeo 35,779 kilometers General function of the satellite communications object",
"Optional supplementary information for the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Basic orbital parameters Location in the orbitgeostatic 81 degrees west Position change of the objectspace Previous orbital position 117.5 degrees east New orbital position 81 degrees west Owner or in charge of the exploitation of the Avanti Communications Group PLC Launch vehicle Ariane 5",
"[1] The data on the space object referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.",
"[2] ^(*) The information, which was adjusted by the Secretariat, was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 15 de diciembre de 2021 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo IV del Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), tiene el honor de transmitir información suplementaria relativa al objeto espacial RemoveDebris (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Información suplementaria sobre un objeto espacial registrado anteriormente por el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte[2]",
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Designación internacional delComité de InvestigacionesEspaciales\t1998-067NT\n Nombre del objeto espacial RemoveDebris \nEstado de registro\tEl Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña eIrlanda del Norte\n Documento de registro ST/SG/SER.E/864 \nFecha y territorio o lugar delanzamiento\t20 de junio de 2018 a las11.35.00 horas UTC; EstaciónEspacial Internacional (EEI)\n Parámetros orbitales básicos \n Período nodal 92,6 minutos \n Inclinación magnética 51,64 grados \n Apogeo 404 kilómetros \n Perigeo 400 kilómetros \nFunción general del objetoespacial\tDemostración de tecnología\nFecha dedesintegración/reentrada/ retirode órbita\t4 de diciembre de 2021 a las07.10 horas UTC",
"Información suplementaria facultativa destinada al Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Propietario o encargado de la Surrey Space Centre explotación del objeto espacial\n Vehículo de lanzamiento Despliegue espacial desde la EEI",
"[1] Los datos sobre los objetos espaciales a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 21 de diciembre de 2021.",
"[2] ^(*) La información, cuyo formato ha sido ajustado por la Secretaría, se presentó utilizando el formulario preparado en cumplimiento de la resolución 62/101 de la Asamblea General."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 15 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information on the space object RemoveDebris (see annex).[1]",
"Additional information on a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Committee on Space Researchinternational designator\t1998-067NT\n Name of space object RemoveDebris \nState of registry\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland\n Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/864 \nDate and territory or locationof launch\t20 June 2018 at 1135 hours 0seconds UTC; International SpaceStation (ISS)\n Basic orbital parameters \n Nodal period 92.6 minutes \n Inclination 51.64 degrees \n Apogee 404 kilometres \n Perigee 400 kilometres \n General function of space object Technology demonstration \n Date of decay/re-entry/deorbit 4 December 2021 at 0710 hours UTC",
"Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Space object owner or operator Surrey Space Centre\n Launch vehicle Space deployment from ISS",
"[1] ¹ The data on the space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.",
"[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_864_ADD.1 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 15 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit supplementary information on the space object RemoveDebris (see annex)[1].",
"Supplementary information on a space object previously recorded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"International Designation of the Research CommitteeSpatials 1998-067NT Name of space object RemoveDebris Registration status The United Kingdom of Great Britain Northern Ireland Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/864 Date and territory or place of launch 20 June 2018 at 11.35.00 UTC; International Space Station (EEI) Basic orbital parameters Nodal period 92.6 minutes",
"Optional supplementary information for the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Owner or manager of the Surrey Space Centre exploitation of the space object Launch vehicle Space deployment from the ISS",
"[1] The data on space objects referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.",
"[2] ^(*) The information, which was adjusted by the Secretariat, was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 1 de abril de 2022 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), tiene el honor de confirmar que el objeto espacial AMC-18 debe figurar en el registro nacional de los Estados Unidos de América y, por tanto, ha sido trasladado al Registro Suplementario de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre del Reino Unido (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Información suplementaria sobre un objeto espacial registrado anteriormente por el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte[2]",
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Designación internacional del 2006-054B Comité de Investigaciones Espaciales\n Nombre del objeto espacial AMC-18",
"Estado de registro Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte",
"Documentos de registro ST/SG/SER.E/554",
"Fecha y territorio o lugar de 8 de diciembre de 2006 a las 05.00 lanzamiento horas UTC; Guayana Francesa",
"Parámetros orbitales básicos",
"Período nodal 1.436 minutos",
"Inclinación 1,8 grados",
"Apogeo 35.796 kilómetros",
"Perigeo 35.774 kilómetros",
"Función general del objeto Satélite de comunicaciones espacial",
"Información suplementaria facultativa destinada al Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Ubicación en la órbitageoestacionaria\t83 grados de longitud oeste\nInformación suplementaria\tEl Reino Unido confirma que elobjeto espacial SES AMC-18 hasido trasladado del registronacional del Reino Unido alRegistro Suplementario de ObjetosLanzados al EspacioUltraterrestre del Reino Unido.",
"[1] Los datos sobre el objeto espacial a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 11 de abril de 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) La información, cuyo formato ha sido ajustado por la Secretaría, se presentó utilizando el formulario preparado en cumplimiento de la resolución 62/101 de la Asamblea General."
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 1 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) has the honour to confirm that the space object AMC-18 should be held on the national registry of the United States of America and therefore has been moved to the United Kingdom Supplementary Registry of Outer Space Objects (see annex).[1]",
"Additional information on a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Committee on Space Research 2006-054B international designator\n Name of space object AMC-18",
"State of registry United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
"Registration documents ST/SG/SER.E/554",
"Date and territory or location of 8 December 2006 at 0500 hours UTC; launch French Guiana",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 1,436 minutes",
"Inclination 1.8 degrees",
"Apogee 35,796 kilometres",
"Perigee 35,774 kilometres",
"General function of space object Communications satellite",
"Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Geostationary position 83 degrees West \nOther information\tThe United Kingdom confirms thatthe space object SES AMC-18 hasbeen moved from the UnitedKingdom’s national registry tothe United Kingdom SupplementaryRegistry of Outer Space Objects",
"[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat."
] | ST_SG_SER.E_554_ADD.1 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 1 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), has the honour to confirm that the space object AMC-18 should be included in the national registry of the United States of America and has therefore been transferred to the United Kingdom Supplementary Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (see annex)[1].",
"Supplementary information on a space object previously recorded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]",
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"International Designation of 2006-054B Space Research Committee Name of Space Object AMC-18",
"Status of registration United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
"Registration documents ST/SG/SER.E/554",
"Date and place of 8 December 2006 at 05.00 UTC hours launch; French Guiana",
"Basic orbital parameters",
"Nodal period 1.436 minutes",
"Inclination 1.8 degrees",
"Apogee 35,796 kilometres",
"Perigee 35,774 kilometres",
"General function of satellite space communications object",
"Optional supplementary information for the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Location in the orbitgeostataria 83 degrees west longitude Supplementary information The United Kingdom confirms that the SES AMC-18 space object has been transferred from the United Kingdom national registry to the United Kingdom Supplementary Register of Objects Launched into the United Kingdom's Landscaping Space.",
"[1] Data on the space object referred to in the annex were provided in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The information, which was adjusted by the Secretariat, was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101."
] |
"Información proporcionada de conformidad con el Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre",
"Nota verbal de fecha 11 de abril de 2022 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente de Nueva Zelandia ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)",
"La Misión Permanente de Nueva Zelandia ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo IV del Convenio sobre el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre (resolución 3235 (XXIX) de la Asamblea General, anexo), tiene el honor de transmitir adjunta información sobre los objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestre desde Nueva Zelandia en el período comprendido entre el 1 de junio de 2021 y el 31 de marzo de 2022 (véase el anexo)[1].",
"Información sobre los objetos espaciales lanzados por Nueva Zelandia, incluidos los lanzados desde el territorio de Nueva Zelandia, así como los lanzados desde fuera del territorio de Nueva Zelandia con arreglo a los permisos de lanzamiento de cargas útiles desde el extranjero autorizados por Nueva Zelandia[2]^(,)[3]",
"I. Objetos registrados por Nueva Zelandia",
"A. Objetos lanzados por Nueva Zelandia en el período comprendido entre el 1 de junio de 2021 y el 31 de marzo de 2022",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha y hora Otros Estados Parámetros Función Información internacional nacional de de orbitales general suplementaria lanzamiento lanzamiento básicos del objeto facultativa (hora de espacial Nueva Zelandia)\n Período Inclinación Apogeo Perigeo Propietario o Vehículo de Sitio web nodal (grados) (km) (km) encargado de lanzamiento (minutos) la explotación de la carga útil",
"2022-020B NZ-2022-02 Cuerpo de 1 de marzo Estados 94,92 97,09 555 475 Cuerpo de Rocket Lab USA Electron cohete de 2022, Unidos de cohete Electron 09.37 horas América con etapa de empuje (“kick stage”)",
"2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Cuerpo de 1 de marzo Estados 87,78 97,70 192 137 Cuerpo de Rocket Lab USA Electron cohete de 2022, Unidos cohete Electron 09.37 horas",
"B. Objetos lanzados desde fuera del territorio de Nueva Zelandia, con arreglo a los permisos de lanzamiento de cargas útiles desde el extranjero autorizados por Nueva Zelandia, en el período comprendido entre el 1 de junio de 2021 y el 31 de marzo de 2022",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha de Estado de Otros Estados Parámetros Función general Información internacional nacional lanzamiento registro de orbitales del objeto suplementaria (UTC) lanzamiento básicos espacial facultativa\n Período Inclinación Apogeo Perigeo (km) Propietario o Vehículo de Sitio nodal (grados) (km) encargado de la lanzamiento web (minutos) explotación de la carga útil",
"2021-059L NZ-2022-04 SpaceBEENZ-7 30 de junio Nueva Estados 95,04 97,54 526 514 Comunicaciones e Swarm Falcon 9 - de 2021 Zelandia Unidos Internet de los Technologies v.1.2 (bloque objetos (IoT) Inc. (Swarm NZ 5) Limited)",
"2021-059N NZ-2022-05 SpaceBEENZ-8 30 de junio Nueva Estados 95,04 97,54 526 514 Comunicaciones Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - de 2021 Zelandia Unidos e IoT Limited v.1.2 (bloque 5)",
"2021-059J NZ-2022-06 SpaceBEENZ-9 30 de junio Nueva Estados 95,05 97,54 526 515 Comunicaciones Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - de 2021 Zelandia Unidos e IoT Limited v.1.2 (bloque 5)",
"2021-059D NZ-2022-07 SpaceBEENZ-10 30 de junio Nueva Estados 95,05 97,54 526 515 Comunicaciones Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - de 2021 Zelandia Unidos e IoT Limited v.1.2 (bloque 5)",
"2022-026M NZ-2022-08 SpaceBEENZ-11 15 de marzo Nueva Estados 95,12 97,5 544 505 Comunicaciones Swarm NZ Astra - de 2022 Zelandia Unidos e IoT Limited Rocket 3.3",
"Nota: los SpaceBEENZ-7 a 11 se lanzaron desde fuera del territorio de Nueva Zelandia con arreglo a los permisos de lanzamiento de cargas útiles desde el extranjero autorizados por Nueva Zelandia. Nueva Zelandia registra esos satélites porque los titulares de dichos permisos son entidades con sede en Nueva Zelandia.",
"C. Objetos que ya no se encuentran en órbita",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha y hora Función Fecha de internacional nacional de general del reentrada lanzamiento objeto (UTC) (hora de espacial Nueva Zelandia)\n 2021-106C NZ-2021-16 Desechos de 18 de Desechos - 12 de marzo Electron - noviembre adaptador de de 2022 adaptador de de 2021, carga útil carga útil 14.38 horas",
"2021-120C NZ-2021-25 Desechos de 9 de Desechos - 21 de marzo Electron - diciembre adaptador de de 2022 adaptador de de 2021, carga útil carga útil 13.02 horas",
"2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Cuerpo de 1 de marzo de Cuerpo de 15 de marzo cohete 2022, 09.37 cohete de 2022 Electron horas",
"D. Objetos identificados en un informe anterior que siguen en órbita pero ya no están en funcionamiento",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha de Función Fecha en que el internacional nacional lanzamiento general objeto espacial (UTC) del objeto dejó de estar en espacial funcionamiento (UTC)",
"E. Objetos identificados en un informe anterior que han sido trasladados a una órbita de eliminación",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha de Función Ubicación en la Fecha en que Condiciones físicas en el internacional nacional lanzamiento general órbita se trasladó momento del traslado del (UTC) del objeto geoestacionaria el objeto objeto espacial a una espacial (grados este) espacial a órbita de eliminación una órbita de (cambio de órbita, eliminación pasivación y otras medidas recomendadas en las Directrices para la Reducción de Desechos Espaciales)",
"F. Objetos cuyo registro o propiedad se transmitió de Nueva Zelandia a otro país",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha del Identidad del Identidad del Posición Nueva Cambio de internacional nacional traspaso de nuevo anterior orbital posición la función la propietario o propietario o anterior orbital del objeto supervisión encargado de encargado de espacial (UTC) la la explotación explotación",
"G. Objetos cuyo registro o propiedad se transmitió a Nueva Zelandia",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha del Identidad del Identidad del Posición Nueva Cambio de internacional nacional traspaso de nuevo anterior orbital posición la función la propietario o propietario o anterior orbital del objeto supervisión encargado de encargado de espacial (UTC) la la explotación explotación",
"H. Objetos cuyo registro o propiedad se transmitió de un país a otro, excluida Nueva Zelandia",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha del Identidad del Identidad del Posición Nueva Cambio de internacional nacional traspaso de nuevo anterior orbital posición la función la propietario o propietario o anterior orbital del objeto supervisión encargado de encargado de espacial (UTC) la la explotación explotación",
"II. Modificaciones de la información presentada anteriormente",
"III. Notificación de los objetos espaciales lanzados desde Nueva Zelandia en marzo de 2022",
"Los siguientes objetos espaciales no han sido registrados por Nueva Zelandia.",
"Objetos lanzados por Nueva Zelandia",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha y hora Otros Estados Parámetros Función general Información internacional nacional de de orbitales del objeto suplementaria lanzamiento lanzamiento básicos espacial facultativa (hora de Nueva Zelandia)\n Período Inclinación Apogeo Perigeo (km) Propietario o Vehículo de Sitio web nodal (grados) (km) encargado de lanzamiento (minutos) la explotación de la carga útil",
"2022-020A NZ-2022-01 StriX-Beta 1 de marzo Japón 95,93 97,78 572 554 Teleobservación Synspective Inc. Electron de 2022, 09.37 horas",
"Nota: parámetros orbitales determinados el 1 de abril de 2022 (fuente:",
"IV. Objetos lanzados por Nueva Zelandia que ya no están en órbita",
"Los siguientes objetos espaciales no han sido registrados por Nueva Zelandia.",
"Designación Designación Nombre Fecha y hora Otros Estados Función general Fecha de internacional nacional de de del objeto reentrada lanzamiento lanzamiento espacial (UTC)",
"2018-010A NZ-2018-006 Dove Pioneer 21 de enero Estados Teleobservación 22 de de 2018, Unidos septiembre 01.43 horas de 2019 (UTC)",
"2019-037F NZ-2019-016 SpaceBEE-9 29 de junio Estados Demostración de 16 de de 2019, Unidos tecnología y diciembre de 16.30 horas comunicaciones 2021 (hora de Nueva Zelandia)",
"Nota: parámetros orbitales determinados el 1 de abril de 2022 (fuente:",
"[1] Los datos sobre los objetos espaciales a que se hace referencia en el anexo se consignaron en el Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre el 4 de mayo de 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) Los datos se consignan en la forma en que se recibieron.",
"[3] ^(**) Se especifican en"
] | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 11 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit herewith information concerning objects launched into outer space from New Zealand during the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022 (see annex).[1]",
"Information on space objects launched by New Zealand, including from New Zealand territory, as well as from outside New Zealand territory on the basis of overseas payload permits authorized by New Zealand[2]",
"I. Objects registered by New Zealand",
"A. Objects launched by New Zealand during the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022",
"International National Name Date and Other Basic General Additional designator designator time launching orbital function voluntary of the States parameters of the information launch space (New object Zealand time)\n Nodal period Inclination Apogee Perigee Payload owner Launch Website (minutes) (degrees) (km) (km) or operator vehicle",
"2022-020B NZ-2022-02 Electron 1 March United 94.92 97.09 555 475 Rocket Rocket Lab Electron Kick Stage 2022, States of body USA Rocket 0937 America Body hours",
"2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Electron 1 March United 87.78 97.70 192 137 Rocket Rocket Lab Electron Rocket 2022, States body USA Body 0937 hours",
"B. Objects launched outside New Zealand territory, on the basis of overseas payload permits authorized by New Zealand, during the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022",
"International National Name Date of State of Other Basic General function Additional designator designator the registry launching orbital of the space voluntary launch States parameters object information (UTC)\n Nodal period Inclination Apogee Perigee (km) Payload owner Launch Website (minutes) (degrees) (km) or operator vehicle",
"2021-059L NZ-2022-04 SpaceBEENZ-7 30 June New United 95.04 97.54 526 514 Communications Swarm Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and Internet of Technologies v.1.2 Things (IoT) Inc. (Swarm NZ (Block 5) Limited)",
"2021-059N NZ-2022-05 SpaceBEENZ-8 30 June New United 95.04 97.54 526 514 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (Block 5)",
"2021-059J NZ-2022-06 SpaceBEENZ-9 30 June New United 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (Block 5)",
"2021-059D NZ-2022-07 SpaceBEENZ-10 30 June New United 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (Block 5)",
"2022-026M NZ-2022-08 SpaceBEENZ-11 15 March New United 95.12 97.5 544 505 Communications Swarm NZ Astra - 2022 Zealand States and IoT Limited Rocket 3.3",
"Note: SpaceBEENZ-7 to 11 were launched outside of New Zealand territory on the basis of overseas payload permits authorized by New Zealand. New Zealand is registering these satellites because the payload permit holders are New Zealand entities.",
"C. Objects no longer in orbit",
"International National Name Date and General Date of designator designator time function of re-entry of the the space (UTC) launch object (New Zealand time)\n 2021-106C NZ-2021-16 Electron 18 November Debris – 12 March debris – 2021, 1438 payload 2022 payload hours adapter adapter",
"2021-120C NZ-2021-25 Electron 9 December Debris – 21 March debris – 2021, 1302 payload 2022 payload hours adapter adapter",
"2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Electron 1 March Rocket body 15 March Rocket Body 2022, 0937 2022 hours",
"D. Objects identified in a previous report that remain in orbit but are no longer operational",
"International National Name Date of the General Date when space designator designator launch function object was no (UTC) of the longer functional space (UTC) object",
"E. Objects identified in a previous report that have been moved to a disposal orbit",
"International National Name Date of General Geostationary Date when Physical conditions when designator designator the function position space space object was moved to launch of the (degrees East) object was a disposal orbit (change (UTC) space moved to a in orbit, passivation and object disposal other measures orbit recommended in space debris mitigation guidelines)",
"F. Objects the registration or ownership of which has been transferred from New Zealand to another country",
"International National Name Date of Identity Identity Previous New Change of designator designator change in of the new of the orbital orbital function supervision owner or previous position position of (UTC) operator owner or the space operator object",
"G. Objects the registration or ownership of which has been transferred to New Zealand",
"International National Name Date of Identity Identity Previous New Change of designator designator change in of the new of the orbital orbital function supervision owner or previous position position of (UTC) operator owner or the space operator object",
"H. Objects the registration or ownership of which has been transferred from one country to another, excluding New Zealand",
"International National Name Date of Identity Identity Previous New Change of designator designator change in of the new of the orbital orbital function supervision owner or previous position position of (UTC) operator owner or the space operator object",
"II. Revisions to previously reported information",
"No revisions.",
"III. Notification of space objects launched from New Zealand in March 2022",
"The following space objects are not registered by New Zealand.",
"Objects launched by New Zealand",
"International National Name Date and Other Basic General Additional designator designator time of launching orbital function voluntary the States parameters of the information launch space (New object Zealand time)\n Nodal period Inclination Apogee Perigee Payload owner Launch Website (minutes) (degrees) (km) (km) or operator vehicle",
"2022-020A NZ-2022-01 StriX-Beta 1 March Japan 95.93 97.78 572 554 Remote Synspective Electron 2022, sensing Inc. 0937 hours",
"Note: Orbital parameters identified as at 1 April 2022 (source:",
"IV. Objects launched by New Zealand that are no longer in orbit",
"The following space objects are not registered by New Zealand.",
"International National Name Date and Other General function Date of designator designator time of launching of the space re-entry the States object (UTC) launch",
"2018-010A NZ-2018-006 Dove Pioneer 21 United Remote sensing 22 January States September 2018, 2019 0143 hours (UTC)",
"2019-037F NZ-2019-016 SpaceBEE-9 29 June United Technology 16 December 2019, States demonstration 2021 1630 and hours communications (New Zealand time)",
"Note: Orbital parameters identified as at 1 April 2022 (source:",
"[1] ¹ The data on space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 4 May 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The data are reproduced in the form in which they were received.",
"^(**) As identified on"
] | ST_SG_SER.E_1052 | [
"Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space",
"Note verbale dated 11 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General",
"The Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit herewith information on objects launched into outer space from New Zealand for the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022 (see annex)[1].",
"Information on space objects launched by New Zealand, including those launched from New Zealand ' s territory, as well as those launched from outside New Zealand on the basis of New Zealand ' s permits to launch useful cargo from abroad authorized by New Zealand[2]^(,)[3]",
"I. Objects registered by New Zealand",
"A. Objects launched by New Zealand for the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022",
"Designation Designation Name Date and time Other States Parameters Function National international information of supplementary general orbitals launch basic of the optional object (New Zealand space time) Period Inclination Apogee Perigee Owner or Nodal Website Vehicle (grade) (km) (km) charged launch (minutes) exploitation of the useful load",
"2022-020B NZ-2022-02 1 March body States 94,92 97,09 555 475 Rocket Lab USA Electron rocket 2022, United Electron rocket 09.37 hours America with push stage (“kick stage”)",
"2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Body of 1 March States 87,78 97,70 192 137 Rocket Lab USA Electron rocket of 2022, United rocket Electron 09.37 hours",
"B. Objects launched from outside the territory of New Zealand, pursuant to permits for the launch of useful cargo from abroad authorized by New Zealand, for the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022",
"Designation Designation Name Date of State of Other States Parameters General function International national launch record of orbitals of the supplementary object (UTC) optional spatial base launch Period Inclination Apogee Perigeo (km) Owner or Nodal Site Vehicle (grades) (km) responsible for the web launch (minutos) exploitation of the useful load",
"2021-059L NZ-2022-04 SpaceBEENZ-7 June 30 New States 95.04 97.54 526 514 Communications and Swarm Falcon 9 - from 2021 Zealand United Technologies Internet v.1.2 (block objects (IoT) Inc. (Swarm NZ 5) Limited)",
"2021-059N NZ-2022-05 SpaceBEENZ-8 30 June New States 95.04 97.54 526 514 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - of 2021 United States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (block 5)",
"2021-059J NZ-2022-06 SpaceBEENZ-9 30 June New States 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - of 2021 United States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (block 5)",
"2021-059D NZ-2022-07 SpaceBEENZ-10 June 30 New States 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - from 2021 United States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (block 5)",
"2022-026M NZ-2022-08 SpaceBEENZ-11 15 March New States 95.12 97.5 544 505 Communications Swarm NZ Astra - from 2022 United States and IoT Limited Rocket 3.3",
"Note: SpaceBEENZ-7 to 11 were launched from outside New Zealand in accordance with New Zealand ' s permits for the launch of useful cargo from abroad authorized by New Zealand. New Zealand records such satellites because the holders of such permits are New Zealand-based entities.",
"C. Objects no longer in orbit",
"Designation Designation Name Date and time Function Date of national general re-entry of the object re-entry (UTC) (New Zealand space time) 2021-106C NZ-2021-16 Wastes of 18 Wastes - March 12 Electron - November 2022 adapter adapter 2021, payload payload 14.38 hours",
"2021-120C NZ-2021-25 Wastes of 9 Wastes - March 21 Electron - December adapter of 2022 adapter of 2021, payload useful load 13.02 hours",
"2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Body of March 15th Corps rocket 2022, 09.37 rocket of 2022 Electron hours",
"D. Objects identified in an earlier report that remain in orbit but are no longer in operation",
"Designation Designation Name Function Date Date When the international general launch of space object (UTC) of the object ceased to be in space operation (UTC)",
"E. Objects identified in an earlier report that have been transferred to a phase-out orbit",
"Designation Designation Name Function date Location on the date on which physical conditions at the international general launch orbit were moved time of the transfer of the (UTC) from the geostationary object to a space object (grades east) to a space deletion orbit (orbit change, passive elimination and other measures recommended in the Guidelines for the Reduction of Space Wastes)",
"F. Objects whose registration or ownership was transmitted from New Zealand to another country",
"Designation Designation Name Date of Identity of the Position New Change of national international transfer back previous orbital position the function of the owner or owner or previous orbital of the supervise object responsible for space manager (UTC) exploitation",
"G. Objects for which registration or ownership was transmitted to New Zealand",
"Designation Designation Name Date of Identity of the Position New Change of national international transfer back previous orbital position the function of the owner or owner or previous orbital of the supervise object responsible for space manager (UTC) exploitation",
"H. Objects whose registration or ownership was transmitted from one country to another, excluding New Zealand",
"Designation Designation Name Date of Identity of the Position New Change of national international transfer back previous orbital position the function of the owner or owner or previous orbital of the supervise object responsible for space manager (UTC) exploitation",
"II. Amendments to the information presented above",
"III. Notification of space objects launched from New Zealand in March 2022",
"The following space objects have not been registered by New Zealand.",
"Objects launched by New Zealand",
"Designation Designation Name Date and time Other States Parameters General function National orbital information of the supplementary launch object optional spatial basics (New Zealand time) Period Inclination Apogee Perigeo (km) Owner or Vehicle of Nodal Website (grades) (km) charged launch (minutes) the exploitation of the useful load",
"2022-020A NZ-2022-01 StriX-Beta March 1, Japan 95,93 97,78 572 554 Remote Sensing Synspective Inc. Electron from 2022, 09.37 hours",
"Note: orbital parameters determined on 1 April 2022 (source:",
"IV. Objects launched by New Zealand that are no longer in orbit",
"The following space objects have not been registered by New Zealand.",
"Designation Designation Name Date & Time Other States General Function Date of national object of re-entry space launch object (UTC)",
"2018-010A NZ-2018-006 Dove Pioneer January 21st, 2018 Remote Sensing 22nd, United States September 01.43 hours 2019 (UTC)",
"2019-037F NZ-2019-016 SpaceBEE-9 June 29th Demonstration of 16 of 2019, United technology and December 16.30 p.m. communications 2021 (New Zealand time)",
"Note: orbital parameters determined on 1 April 2022 (source:",
"[1] The data on space objects referred to in the annex were reflected in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 4 May 2022.",
"[2] ^(*) The data is recorded in the form in which they were received.",
"[3] ^(**) They are specified at"
] |
"Junta de Desarrollo Industrial",
"50º período de sesiones",
"Viena, 21 a 23 de noviembre de 2022",
"Tema 4 del programa",
"Informe del Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto",
"Informe del Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto sobre la labor de su 38º período de sesiones (21 y 22 de junio de 2022)",
"Párrafos Página",
"Introducción 1–8 2",
"I. Cuestiones de organización y de procedimiento 9–10 3",
"II. Informe Anual del Director General correspondiente 11–12 3 a 2021 (tema 3), y Gestión orientada a los resultados: información actualizada sobre la aplicación del marco programático de mediano plazo, 2022–2025 (tema 3 a))",
"III. Respuesta de la ONUDI a la pandemia de COVID-19 13–14 3 (tema 12)",
"IV. Situación financiera de la ONUDI, incluidos los 15–16 3 saldos no utilizados de las consignaciones de créditos (tema 5)",
"V. Informe del grupo de trabajo oficioso sobre 17–18 4 cuestiones relacionadas con el Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto (tema 6)",
"VI. Movilización de recursos financieros (tema 7) 19–20 4",
"VII. Informe del Auditor Externo correspondiente a 2021 21–22 5 (tema 4)",
"VIII. Gestión general de riesgos (tema 8) 23–24 5",
"IX. Propuestas de actualización del plan de inversiones 25–26 5 de mediano plazo (tema 9)",
"X. Tercer Decenio del Desarrollo Industrial para 27–28 6 África (DDIA III) (tema 10)",
"XI. Reforma del sistema de las Naciones Unidas para el 29–30 6 desarrollo (tema 11)",
"XII. Fecha del 39º período de sesiones (tema 13) 31–32 6",
"XIII. Aprobación del informe (tema 14) y clausura del 38º 33–34 6 período de sesiones",
"Lista de documentos presentados en el 38º período 7 de sesiones",
"1. El Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto celebró su 38º período de sesiones en la Sede de la ONUDI, en el Centro Internacional de Viena, los días 21 y 22 de junio de 2022. El período de sesiones del Comité se celebró en un formato híbrido, con participación presencial y en línea. Participaron en el período de sesiones los 26 miembros[1] del Comité, a saber: Alemania, Argelia, Argentina, Austria, Brasil, Burkina Faso, China, Egipto, España, Federación de Rusia, Filipinas, Finlandia, Ghana, Hungría, India, Irán (República Islámica del), Italia, Japón, Malta, Marruecos, México, Pakistán, Polonia, Túnez, Türkiye y Uruguay.",
"2. Participaron también en el período de sesiones los siguientes 64 Miembros de la ONUDI: Afganistán, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarús, Benin, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chequia, Chile, Chipre, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, El Salvador, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Eslovenia, Estado de Palestina, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordania, Kenya, Kirguistán, Kuwait, Lesotho, Líbano, Libia, Luxemburgo, Madagascar, Malasia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Noruega, Omán, Países Bajos, Panamá, Perú, Qatar, República Árabe Siria, República de Corea, República Democrática Popular Lao, República Dominicana, República Popular Democrática de Corea, Rumania, Senegal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Suecia, Tailandia, Ucrania, Venezuela (República Bolivariana de), Viet Nam y Yemen.",
"3. Estuvieron representadas las siguientes organizaciones: Comunidad Internacional del Coco (ICC), Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (CCG), Liga de los Estados Árabes (LEA), Organización de Cooperación Económica del Mar Negro (CEMN), Organización de Normalización del CCG (GSO) y Unión Europea (UE).",
"4. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 17 de su Reglamento, el Comité eligió por aclamación al Excmo. Sr. Alessandro Cortese (Italia) como Presidente; al Excmo. Sr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher (Pakistán), al Sr. Hazem Zaki (Egipto) y a la Sra. Andrea Nemes (Hungría) como Vicepresidentes; y a la Sra. María Elizabeth Bogosián Álvarez (Uruguay) como Relatora.",
"5. El programa aprobado por el Comité para su 38º período de sesiones figura en el documento PBC.38/1/Rev.1. Tras la aprobación del programa y de un calendario de trabajo propuesto por la Presidencia, el Director General hizo una declaración introductoria, que el Comité tuvo debidamente en cuenta al examinar los temas del programa pertinentes.",
"6. El informe del Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto se presenta a la Junta de Desarrollo Industrial de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 10.4 d) de la Constitución.",
"7. El informe contiene las conclusiones a las que llegó el Comité. En el anexo del presente informe figura la lista de los documentos presentados al Comité en este período de sesiones.",
"8. Las conclusiones del Comité que figuran a continuación contienen recomendaciones sobre las medidas que la Junta podría adoptar en su 50º período de sesiones o que guardan relación con la labor de ese período de sesiones:",
"Conclusión Tema Página",
"2022/2 Situación financiera de la ONUDI 4",
"2022/3 Movilización de recursos financieros 4",
"2022/4 Fecha del 39º período de sesiones 6",
"I. Cuestiones de organización y de procedimiento",
"9. El 21 de junio, el Comité examinó una propuesta de la Presidencia para optimizar la utilización de los recursos disponibles para la prestación de servicios de conferencias y aprobó la siguiente conclusión, eliminando el plazo de notificación previa de 24 horas para la suspensión de la aplicación de artículos:",
"Conclusión 2022/1 Utilización de los recursos disponibles para la prestación de servicios de conferencias",
"El Comité, con el fin de optimizar la utilización de los recursos disponibles para la prestación de servicios de conferencias, decidió suspender con efecto inmediato el artículo 24 de su Reglamento, relativo al quorum, durante las sesiones de su 38º período de sesiones únicamente y a condición de que en dichas sesiones no se adoptaran decisiones sobre cuestiones de fondo.",
"10. El Comité decidió organizar consultas oficiosas durante el período de sesiones con el objetivo de facilitar la redacción de las conclusiones y encomendó la presidencia de esas consultas a los Vicepresidentes Sr. Hazem Zaki (Egipto) y Sra. Andrea Nemes (Hungría). El Comité, además, fijó el plazo para la recepción de proyectos de conclusión a las 16.15 horas del 21 de junio de 2022, y decidió cerrar la lista de oradores a las 10.00 horas del 22 de junio de 2022.",
"II. Informe Anual del Director General correspondiente a 2021 (tema 3), y Gestión orientada a los resultados: información actualizada sobre la aplicación del marco programático de mediano plazo, 2022–2025 (tema 3 a))",
"11. El 21 de junio, el Comité examinó el Informe Anual de la ONUDI 2021 (PBC.38/2), el informe del Director General titulado “Gestión orientada a los resultados: información actualizada sobre la aplicación del marco programático de mediano plazo, 2022-2025” y una actualización de ese informe (PBC.38/5 y CRP.5).",
"12. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por el Director General sobre los temas 3 y 3 a).",
"III. Respuesta de la ONUDI a la pandemia de COVID-19 (tema 12)",
"13. El 21 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General que contenía información sobre la respuesta de la ONUDI a la pandemia de COVID-19 (PBC.38/12).",
"14. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por el Director General sobre el tema 12.",
"IV. Situación financiera de la ONUDI, incluidos los saldos no utilizados de las consignaciones de créditos (tema 5)",
"15. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General sobre la situación financiera de la ONUDI (PBC.38/4) y una nota de la Secretaría sobre la situación de las cuotas (PBC.36/CRP.4).",
"16. El 22 de junio, tras examinar un proyecto de conclusión sobre la situación financiera de la ONUDI, presentado por la Presidencia (PBC.38/L.2), el Comité aprobó la siguiente conclusión:",
"Conclusión 2022/2",
"El Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto recomendó a la Junta de Desarrollo Industrial que aprobara el siguiente proyecto de decisión:",
"“La Junta de Desarrollo Industrial:",
"a) Toma nota de la información que figura en el documento IDB.50/4-PBC.38/4;",
"b) Insta a los Estados Miembros y antiguos Estados Miembros que aún no hayan pagado sus cuotas, incluidos los anticipos al Fondo de Operaciones y los atrasos de años anteriores, a que lo hagan sin demora;",
"c) Solicita al Director General que prosiga sus gestiones y contactos con los Estados Miembros y los antiguos Estados Miembros para recaudar las sumas pendientes”.",
"V. Informe del grupo de trabajo oficioso sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto (tema 6)",
"17. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó el informe de las copresidencias del grupo de trabajo oficioso sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto y una actualización de ese informe (PBC.38/6 y CRP.6).",
"18. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por las copresidencias sobre el tema 6.",
"VI. Movilización de recursos financieros (tema 7)",
"19. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General sobre la movilización de recursos financieros (PBC.38/7/Rev.1); el capítulo 8 del Informe Anual de la ONUDI 2021, relativo a los resultados en materia de financiación (PBC.38/2); y una nota de la Secretaría sobre los proyectos aprobados con cargo al Fondo para el Desarrollo Industrial, los fondos fiduciarios temáticos e individuales y otras contribuciones voluntarias en 2021 (PBC.38/CRP.7).",
"20. El 22 de junio, tras examinar un proyecto de conclusión sobre la movilización de recursos financieros, presentado por la Presidencia (PBC.38/L.3), el Comité aprobó la siguiente conclusión:",
"Conclusión 2022/3",
"El Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto recomendó a la Junta de Desarrollo Industrial que aprobara el siguiente proyecto de decisión:",
"“La Junta de Desarrollo Industrial:",
"a) Toma nota de la información contenida en el documento IDB.50/7/Rev.1-PBC.38/7/Rev.1;",
"b) Decide delegar en el Director General la facultad de aprobar de manera equitativa y transparente los proyectos, previamente preparados y convenidos por la Secretaría de la ONUDI y las partes y donantes interesados, que se financiarán con cargo al Fondo para el Desarrollo Industrial en 2022 y 2023 de conformidad con las prioridades definidas en el marco programático de mediano plazo 2022‑2025 (IDB.49/8-PBC.37/8);",
"c) Alienta a los Estados Miembros y otros asociados en la financiación a que aumenten sus contribuciones voluntarias a la ONUDI, incluidas las destinadas al Fondo Fiduciario para las Alianzas, así como a la Cuenta Especial de Contribuciones Voluntarias para Actividades Básicas y el Fondo para Grandes Inversiones de Capital;",
"d) Alienta también a todos los asociados en la financiación a que consideren la posibilidad de contribuir a los fondos programables, concretamente para que la ONUDI pueda responder con rapidez a las solicitudes de asistencia y elaborar y ejecutar sus actividades programáticas de manera ágil y coordinada;",
"e) Solicita a los Estados Miembros que consideren la posibilidad de hacer contribuciones a la ONUDI para que esta pueda trabajar con fuentes de financiación que requieran financiación conjunta, ya sea haciendo contribuciones a los fondos fiduciarios especiales o aportando fondos para fines especiales en los planos nacional o mundial;",
"f) Alienta a los Gobiernos de los países receptores a que desempeñen un papel activo en lo que respecta a compartir con la ONUDI la responsabilidad de movilizar fondos para actividades prioritarias convenidas conjuntamente y, en concreto, a que tomen la iniciativa en cuanto a determinar los fondos disponibles en los países y obtener acceso a ellos, incluidas las oportunidades de participación en la financiación de los gastos a nivel local, y los fondos provenientes de asociados en la financiación bilaterales, de fondos fiduciarios de donantes múltiples, del Banco Mundial y de otras instituciones de financiación del desarrollo;",
"g) Recomienda enérgicamente a los Estados Miembros que cooperen con la Organización y la apoyen en sus esfuerzos por elaborar y promover sus programas e iniciativas en el contexto del desarrollo internacional, y en especial por medio de conferencias internacionales y otras formas de diálogo, a fin de garantizar que se conozcan bien esas iniciativas, se reconozca su importancia para los objetivos internacionales de desarrollo y se les asignen recursos”.",
"VII. Informe del Auditor Externo correspondiente a 2021 (tema 4)",
"21. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó el informe del Auditor Externo sobre las cuentas de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial correspondientes al ejercicio económico comprendido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2021 (PBC.38/3); una nota de la secretaría que contenía los anexos del informe del Auditor Externo sobre las cuentas de la ONUDI correspondientes al ejercicio económico comprendido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2021 (sin auditar) (PBC.38/CRP.2); y una nota del Comité Asesor de Supervisión Independiente que contenía observaciones sobre el informe del Auditor Externo (PBC.38/CRP.3).",
"22. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada sobre el tema 4.",
"VIII. Gestión general de riesgos (tema 8)",
"23. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General sobre la gestión general de riesgos (PBC.38/8).",
"24. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por el Director General sobre el tema 8.",
"IX. Propuestas de actualización del plan de inversiones de mediano plazo (tema 9)",
"25. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General sobre las propuestas del plan de inversiones de mediano plazo, 2022-2025 (PBC.38/9).",
"26. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por el Director General sobre el tema 9.",
"X. Tercer Decenio del Desarrollo Industrial para África (DDIA III) (tema 10)",
"27. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General sobre el Tercer Decenio del Desarrollo Industrial para África (DDIA III) (PBC.38/10).",
"28. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por el Director General sobre el tema 10.",
"XI. Reforma del sistema de las Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo (tema 11)",
"29. El 22 de junio, el Comité examinó un informe del Director General sobre la reforma del sistema de las Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo (PBC.38/11).",
"30. El 22 de junio, por sugerencia de la Presidencia, el Comité tomó nota de la información proporcionada por el Director General sobre el tema 11.",
"XII. Fecha del 39º período de sesiones (tema 13)",
"31. El 22 de junio, el Comité tomó nota de la información contenida en el programa anotado (PBC.38/1/Add.1) sobre las fechas reservadas para los órganos normativos de la ONUDI en 2022 y 2023.",
"32. El 22 de junio, tras examinar un proyecto de conclusión sobre la fecha del 39º período de sesiones, presentado por la Presidencia (PBC.38/L.4), el Comité aprobó la siguiente conclusión:",
"Conclusión 2022/4",
"El Comité de Programa y de Presupuesto decidió celebrar su 39º período de sesiones del 15 al 17 de mayo de 2023.",
"XIII. Aprobación del informe (tema 14) y clausura del 38º período de sesiones",
"33. El 22 de junio, el Comité aprobó la versión en inglés del informe sobre la labor de su 38º período de sesiones (PBC.38/L.1), en el entendimiento de que se encomendaría a la Relatora la tarea de finalizar las versiones del informe en los demás idiomas, en consulta con los representantes designados.",
"34. El Comité clausuró su 38º período de sesiones el 22 de junio de 2022 por la tarde.",
"Lista de documentos presentados en el 38º período de sesiones",
"Tema delprograma\tSignatura\tTítulo\n1\tElección dela Mesa\t-\t-\n2\tAprobacióndel programa\tPBC.38/1\tPrograma provisional\n PBC.38/1/Add.1\tPrograma provisional anotado\n PBC.38/CRP.1 List of documents \n3\tInforme Anualdel DirectorGeneralcorrespondientea 2021\tPBC.38/2IDB.50/2\tInforme Anual de la ONUDI 2021\n3a)\tGestiónorientada alosresultados:informaciónactualizadasobre laaplicacióndel marcoprogramáticode medianoplazo,2022‑2025\tPBC.38/5IDB.50/5\tGestión orientada a losresultados: informaciónactualizada sobre laaplicación del marcoprogramático de mediano plazo,2022–2025. Informe delDirector General\n PBC.38/CRP.5\tACTUALIZACIÓN – Managing forResults: Update on theimplementation of themedium-term programmeframework, 2022–2025. Reportby the Director General\n4\tInforme delAuditor Externocorrespondientea 2021\tPBC.38/3IDB.50/3\tInforme del Auditor Externosobre las cuentas de la ONUDIcorrespondientes al ejercicioeconómico comprendido entre el1 de enero y el 31 dediciembre de 2021\n PBC.38/CRP.2\tAnnexes to the report of theExternal Auditor on theaccounts of UNIDO for thefinancial year 1 January to 31December 2021 (unaudited).\n PBC.38/CRP.3\tComments on the Report of theExternal Auditor. Note by theUNIDO Independent OversightAdvisory Committee\n5\tSituaciónfinanciera dela ONUDI,incluidos lossaldos noutilizados delasconsignacionesde créditos\tPBC.38/4IDB.50/4\tSituación financiera de laONUDI. Informe del DirectorGeneral\n PBC.38/CRP.4\tStatus of assessedcontributions. Note by theSecretariat\n6\tInforme delgrupo detrabajooficiososobrecuestionesrelacionadascon el Comitéde Programa ydePresupuesto\tPBC.38/6IDB.50/6\tInforme del grupo de trabajooficioso sobre cuestionesrelacionadas con el Comité dePrograma y de PresupuestoInforme de los Copresidentes\n PBC.38/CRP.6\tUpdate on the report by theinformal working group onProgramme and BudgetCommittee-related issues.Report by the Co-Chairs\n7\tMovilizaciónde recursosfinancieros\tPBC.38/7/Rev.1IDB.50/7/Rev.1\tMovilización de recursosfinancieros. Informe delDirector General\n PBC.38/2,capítulo 8IDB.50/2,capítulo 8\tResultados en materia definanciación. Informe Anual dela ONUDI 2021\n PBC.38/CRP.7\tProjects approved under theIndustrial Development Fund,thematic and individual trustfunds, and other voluntarycontributions in 2021\n8\tGestióngeneral deriesgos\tPBC.38/8IDB.50/8\tGestión general de riesgos.Informe del Director General\n9\tPropuestas deactualizacióndel plan deinversionesde medianoplazo\tPBC.38/9IDB.50/9\tPropuestas relativas al plande inversiones de medianoplazo, 2022–2025. Informe delDirector General\n10\tTercerDecenio delDesarrolloIndustrialpara África(DDIA III)\tPBC.38/10IDB.50/10\tInforme sobre el TercerDecenio del DesarrolloIndustrial para África (DDIAIII). Informe del DirectorGeneral\n11\tReforma delsistema delas NacionesUnidas parael desarrollo\tPBC.38/11IDB.50/11\tReforma del sistema de lasNaciones Unidas para eldesarrollo. Informe delDirector General\n12\tRespuesta dela ONUDI a lapandemiade COVID‑19\tPBC.38/12IDB.50/12\tRespuesta de la ONUDI a lapandemia de COVID‑19. Informedel Director General\n13\tFecha del 39ºperíodo desesiones\tPBC.38/1/Add.1\tPrograma provisional anotado\n14\tAprobacióndel informe\tIDB.50/13\tInforme del Comité de Programay de Presupuesto sobre lalabor de su 38º período desesiones (21 y 22 de junio de2022)",
"[1] De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Artículo 10.1 de la Constitución de la ONUDI, el Comité se compondrá de 27 miembros de la Organización elegidos por la Conferencia. Sigue vacante un cargo correspondiente a un Estado de la Lista B. Actualmente el Comité está compuesto por 26 miembros."
] | [
"Industrial Development Board Fiftieth session Vienna, 21–23 November 2022 Agenda item 4 \nReport of the Programme andBudget Committee",
"Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on the work of its thirty-eighth session (21–22 June 2022)",
"Paragraphs\tPage\t\nIntroduction 1–8 2I.Organizational 9–10 3 and procedural \nmatters II. Annual 11–12 3 Report of the Director General for 2021 (item 3) and Managing for results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025 (item 3 \n (a)) III.UNIDO’s 13–14 3 response to the COVID-19 pandemic \n(item12) IV. Financial 15–16 3 situation of UNIDO, including unutilized balances of appropriations \n(item 5) V.Report 17–18 4 by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues \n(item 6) VI.Mobilization 19–20 4 of financial resources \n(item 7) VII. Report 21–22 5 of the External Auditor for 2021 \n(item 4) VIII.General 23–24 5 risk management \n(item 8) IX.Updated 25–26 5 medium-term investment proposals \n(item 9) X. Third 27–28 5 Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDAIII) \n(item10) XI. United 29–30 5 Nations development system reform \n(item11) XII.Date 31–32 6 of the thirty-ninth session \n(item13) XIII.Adoption 33–34 6 of the report (item14) and closure of the thirty-eighth \nsession \nAnnex Listofdocumentssubmittedto 7 thethirty-eighth \nsession",
"1. The Programme and Budget Committee held its thirty-eighth session at UNIDO headquarters, Vienna International Centre, on 21 and 22 June 2022. The Committee was held in a hybrid format involving in-person and virtual participation. All 26 Members[1] of the Committee participated in the session: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain, Tunisia, Türkiye and Uruguay.",
"2. The following 64 Members of UNIDO also attended the session: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Czechia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, State of Palestine, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Senegal, Seychelles, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Yemen.",
"3. The following organizations were represented: Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), European Union (EU), GCC Standardization Organisation (GSO), Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), International Coconut Community (ICC) and the League of Arab States (LAS).",
"4. In accordance with rule 17 of its rules of procedure, the Committee elected by acclamation H.E. Mr. Alessandro Cortese (Italy) as Chair; H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher (Pakistan), Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt), and Ms. Andrea Nemes (Hungary) as Vice-Chairs; and Ms. Maria Elizabeth Bogosián Álvarez (Uruguay) as Rapporteur.",
"5. The agenda for the thirty-eighth session as adopted by the Committee is contained in document PBC.38/1/Rev.1. Following the adoption of the agenda and the approval of a schedule of work proposed by the Chair, the Director General made an introductory statement that was duly taken into account by the Committee in the consideration of the relevant agenda items.",
"6. The report of the Programme and Budget Committee is submitted to the Industrial Development Board in accordance with Article 10.4 (d) of the Constitution.",
"7. The report contains the conclusions reached by the Committee. The annex to the present report contains a list of documents submitted to the Committee at its current session.",
"8. The following conclusions of the Committee contain recommendations that call for action by the Board at its fiftieth session or are of relevance to the work of that session:",
"Conclusion Subject Page",
"2022/2 Financial situation of UNIDO 4",
"2022/3 Mobilization of financial resources 4",
"2022/4 Date of the thirty-ninth session 6",
"I. Organizational and procedural matters",
"9. On 21 June, the Committee considered a proposal by the Chair to optimize the utilization of available conference-servicing resources and adopted the following conclusion, waiving its twenty-four hour notice period for the suspension of rules:",
"Conclusion 2022/1 Utilization of available conference-servicing resources",
"The Committee, with the aim of utilizing the available conference-servicing resources to the maximum extent possible, decided to suspend with immediate effect rule 24 of its rules of procedure relating to the quorum, for the meetings of its thirty-eighth session only, provided no substantive decisions were taken at those meetings.",
"10. The Committee decided to set up informal, in-session consultations with the aim of facilitating the drafting of conclusions and entrusted the Vice-Chairs Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt) and Ms. Andrea Nemes (Hungary) to chair those consultations. The Committee furthermore set the deadline for the receipt of draft conclusions at 4.15 p.m. on 21 June 2022, and decided to close the list of speakers at 10 a.m. on 22 June 2022.",
"II. Annual Report of the Director General for 2021 (item 3), and Managing for results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025 (item 3 (a))",
"11. On 21 June, the Committee considered the Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 (PBC.38/2), a report by the Director General on Managing for Results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025, and an update thereto (PBC.38/5 and CRP.5).",
"12. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 3 and 3(a).",
"III. UNIDO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic (item 12)",
"13. On 21 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on UNIDO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic (PBC.38/12).",
"14. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 12.",
"IV. Financial situation of UNIDO, including unutilized balances of appropriations (item 5)",
"15. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the financial situation of UNIDO (PBC.38/4) and a note by the Secretariat on the status of assessed contributions (PBC.36/CRP.4).",
"16. On 22 June, after consideration of a draft conclusion on the financial situation of UNIDO, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.2), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:",
"Conclusion 2022/2",
"The Programme and Budget Committee recommended to the Industrial Development Board the adoption of the following draft decision:",
"“The Industrial Development Board:",
"(a) Takes note of the information contained in document IDB.50/4-PBC.38/4;",
"(b) Urges those Member States and former Member States that have not yet paid their assessed contributions, including advances to the Working Capital Fund and prior years’ arrears, to do so without delay;",
"(c) Requests the Director General to pursue his efforts and contacts with Member States and former Member States to effect the collection of arrears.”",
"V. Report by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues (item 6)",
"17. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report by the Co-Chairs of the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues and an update thereto (PBC.38/6 and CRP.6).",
"18. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Co-Chairs on item 6.",
"VI. Mobilization of financial resources (item 7)",
"19. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the mobilization of financial resources (PBC.38/7/Rev.1); chapter 8 of the Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 on funding performance (PBC.38/2); and a note by the Secretariat on projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds, and other voluntary contributions in 2021 (PBC.38/CRP.7).",
"20. On 22 June, after consideration of a draft conclusion on the mobilization of financial resources, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.3), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:",
"Conclusion 2022/3",
"The Programme and Budget Committee recommended to the Industrial Development Board the adoption of the following draft decision:",
"“The Industrial Development Board:",
"(a) Takes note of the information contained in document IDB.50/7/Rev.1-PBC.38/7/Rev.1;",
"(b) Decides to delegate to the Director General the authority to approve in an equitable and transparent manner projects for financing, previously prepared and agreed by the UNIDO Secretariat and the concerned parties and donors, under the Industrial Development Fund in 2022 and 2023 in accordance with the priorities defined in the medium-term programme framework 2022–2025 (IDB.49/8-PBC.37/8);",
"(c) Encourages Member States and other funding partners to increase their voluntary contributions to UNIDO, including for the Partnership Trust Fund as well as the Special Account of Voluntary Contributions for Core Activities (SAVCCA) and the Major Capital Investment Fund (MCIF);",
"(d) Also encourages all funding partners to consider contributing programmable funds, specifically to enable UNIDO to respond rapidly to requests for assistance and develop and implement its programmatic activities in a prompt and coordinated manner;",
"(e) Requests Member States to consider contributing to UNIDO to enable the Organization to work with funding sources requiring co-funding, either through contributing to the dedicated trust funds or by special purpose funding at country or global level;",
"(f) Encourages governments of recipient countries to play an active role in sharing with UNIDO the responsibility for mobilizing funds for jointly agreed priority activities, and specifically to take the lead in identifying and accessing funds available at the country level, including local cost-sharing opportunities, and funds from bilateral funding partners, multi-donor trust funds, the World Bank as well as other development finance institutions;",
"(g) Strongly recommends that Member States cooperate with and support the Organization in its efforts to develop and promote its programmes and initiatives in the international development context, and especially through international conferences and other forms of dialogue, in order to ensure that these initiatives are well known, their relevance for international development targets are recognized, and resources are made available.”",
"VII. Report of the External Auditor for 2021 (item 4)",
"21. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (PBC.38/3); a note by the Secretariat containing the annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (unaudited) (PBC.38/CRP.2); and a note by the UNIDO Independent Oversight Advisory Committee, providing comments on the report of the External Auditor (PBC.38/CRP.3).",
"22. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided on item 4.",
"VIII. General risk management (item 8)",
"23. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on general risk management (PBC.38/8).",
"24. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 8.",
"IX. Updated medium-term investment proposals (item 9)",
"25. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the medium-term investment proposals, 2022-2025 (PBC.38/9).",
"26. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 9.",
"X. Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III) (item 10)",
"27. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III) (PBC.38/10).",
"28. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 10.",
"XI. United Nations development system reform (item 11)",
"29. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the United Nations development system reform (PBC.38/11).",
"30. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 11.",
"XII. Date of the thirty-ninth session (item 13)",
"31. On 22 June, the Committee took note of the entry contained in the annotated agenda (PBC.38/1/Add.1) on the dates reserved for the policymaking organs of UNIDO in 2022 and 2023.",
"32. On 22 June, after consideration of a draft conclusion on the date of the thirty-ninth session, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.4), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:",
"Conclusion 2022/4",
"The Programme and Budget Committee decided to hold its thirty-ninth session from 15 to 17 May 2023.",
"XIII. Adoption of the report (item 14) and closure of the thirty-eighth session",
"33. On 22 June, the Committee adopted the English language report on the work of its thirty-eighth session (PBC.38/L.1) on the understanding that the Rapporteur would be entrusted with the task of finalizing the language versions of the report in consultation with the designated representatives.",
"34. The Committee closed its thirty-eighth session in the afternoon of 22 June 2022.",
"List of documents submitted to the thirty-eighth session",
"Agenda item Symbol Title\n 1 Election of - - officers",
"2 Adoption of the PBC.38/1 Provisional agenda agenda",
"PBC.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda",
"PBC.38/CRP.1 List of documents",
"3 Annual Report of PBC.38/2 Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 the Director IDB.50/2 General for 2021",
"3 (a) Managing for PBC.38/5 Managing for Results: Update on results: Update on IDB.50/5 the implementation of the the implementation medium-term programme framework, of the medium-term 2022–2025. Report by the programme Director General framework, 2022–2025",
"PBC.38/CRP.5 UPDATE – Managing for Results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025. Report by the Director General",
"4 Report of the PBC.38/3 Report of the External Auditor External Auditor IDB.50/3 on the accounts of UNIDO for the for 2021 financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021",
"PBC.38/CRP.2 Annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (unaudited).",
"PBC.38/CRP.3 Comments on the Report of the External Auditor. Note by the UNIDO Independent Oversight Advisory Committee",
"5 Financial situation PBC.38/4 Financial situation of UNIDO. of UNIDO, including IDB.50/4 Report by the Director General unutilized balances of appropriations",
"PBC.38/CRP.4 Status of assessed contributions. Note by the Secretariat",
"6 Report by the PBC.38/6 Report by the informal working informal working IDB.50/6 group on Programme and Budget group on Programme Committee-related issues. Report and Budget by the Co-Chairs Committee-related issues",
"PBC.38/CRP.6 Update on the report by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues. Report by the Co-Chairs",
"7 Mobilization of PBC.38/7/Rev.1 Mobilization of financial financial resources IDB.50/7/Rev.1 resources. Report by the Director General",
"PBC.38/2, Funding performance. Annual chapter 8 Report of UNIDO 2021 IDB.50/2, chapter 8",
"PBC.38/CRP.7 Projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds, and other voluntary contributions in 2021",
"8 General risk PBC.38/8 General risk management. Report management IDB.50/8 by the Director General",
"9 Updated medium-term PBC.38/9 Medium-term investment investment IDB.50/9 proposals, 2022–2025. Report by proposals the Director General",
"10 Third Industrial PBC.38/10 Report on the Third Industrial Development Decade IDB.50/10 Development Decade for Africa for Africa (IDDA (IDDA III). Report by the III) Director General",
"11 United Nations PBC.38/11 United Nations development development system IDB.50/11 system reform. Report by the reform Director General",
"12 UNIDO’s response to PBC.38/12 UNIDO’s response to the COVID-19 the COVID-19 IDB.50/12 pandemic. Report by the Director pandemic General",
"13 Date of the PBC.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda thirty-ninth session",
"14 Adoption of the IDB.50/13 Report of the Programme and report Budget Committee on the work of its thirty-eighth session (21–22 June 2022)",
"[1] As per Article 10.1 of the UNIDO Constitution, the Committee shall consist of 27 Members of the Organization elected by the Conference. One seat from List B remains vacant. Currently the Committee consists of 26 members."
] | IDB.50_13 | [
"Industrial Development Board",
"Fiftieth session",
"Vienna, 21-23 November 2022",
"Agenda item 4",
"Report of the Programme and Budget Committee",
"Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on the work of its thirty-eighth session (21 and 22 June 2022)",
"Paragraphs Page",
"Introduction 1-8 2",
"I. Organizational and procedural matters 9-10 3",
"II. Annual report of the Director-General for 11-12 3 to 2021 (item 3), and Results-oriented management: updated information on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022-2025 (item 3 (a))",
"III. UNIDO ' s response to the COVID-19 pandemic 13-14 3 (item 12)",
"IV. Financial situation of UNIDO, including 15-16 3 unexpended balances of appropriations (item 5)",
"V. Report of the informal working group on 17-18 4 issues related to the Programme and Budget Committee (item 6)",
"VI. Mobilization of financial resources (item 7) 19-20 4",
"VII. Report of the External Auditor for 2021 21–22 5 (item 4)",
"VIII. General risk management (item 8) 23–24 5",
"IX. Proposals for updating the investment plan 25–26 5 medium-term (item 9)",
"X. Third Industrial Development Decade for 27–28 6 Africa (DDIA III) (item 10)",
"XI. Reform of the United Nations system for 29-30 6 development (item 11)",
"XII. Date of the thirty-ninth session (item 13) 31–32 6",
"XIII. Adoption of the report (item 14) and closure of the thirty-eighth 33-34 6 session",
"List of documents submitted at the thirty-eighth session 7",
"1. The Programme and Budget Committee held its thirty-eighth session at UNIDO Headquarters at the Vienna International Centre on 21 and 22 June 2022. The session of the Committee was held in a hybrid format, with presenceal and online participation. The Committee ' s 26 members[1] participated in the session: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, Türkiye and Uruguay.",
"2. Also participating in the session were the following 64 Members of UNIDO: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d ' Ivoire, Ecuador, El Salvador, Philippines, State of Palestine, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Lesotho, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Myanmar,",
"3. The following organizations were represented: International Coco Community (ICC), Gulf Cooperation Council (CCG), League of Arab States (LEA), Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (CEMN), GCC (GSO) Organization and European Union (EU).",
"4. In accordance with article 17 of its Rules of Procedure, the Committee elected H.E. by acclamation. Mr. Alessandro Cortese (Italy) as President; H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher (Pakistan), Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt) and Ms. Andrea Nemes (Hungary) as Vice-Presidents; and Ms. María Elizabeth Bogosián Álvarez (Uruguay) as Rapporteur.",
"5. The agenda adopted by the Committee for its thirty-eighth session is contained in document PBC.38/1/Rev.1. Following the adoption of the agenda and proposed timetable of work by the Chair, the Director-General made an introductory statement, which was duly taken into account by the Committee in its consideration of the relevant agenda items.",
"6. The report of the Programme and Budget Committee is submitted to the Industrial Development Board in accordance with article 10.4 (d) of the Constitution.",
"7. The report contains the conclusions reached by the Committee. The list of documents submitted to the Committee at this session is contained in the annex to the present report.",
"8. The Committee ' s conclusions below contain recommendations on the actions that the Board may take at its fiftieth session or which relate to the work of that session:",
"Conclusion Item",
"2022/2 Financial situation of UNIDO 4",
"2022/3 Mobilization of financial resources 4",
"2022/4 Date of the thirty-ninth session 6",
"I. Organizational and procedural matters",
"9. On 21 June, the Committee considered a proposal by the Chair to optimize the use of available conference-servicing resources and approved the following conclusion, eliminating the 24-hour pre-report period for the suspension of the implementation of articles:",
"Conclusion 2022/1 Use of available conference-servicing resources",
"The Committee, with a view to optimizing the use of the resources available for the provision of conference services, decided to immediately suspend article 24 of its rules of procedure, relating to the quorum, during its thirty-eighth session only and provided that no substantive decisions were taken at those meetings.",
"10. The Committee decided to organize informal consultations during the session with the objective of facilitating the drafting of conclusions and entrusted the chairmanship of those consultations to the Vice-Chairs, Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt) and Ms. Andrea Nemes (Hungary). The Committee also set the deadline for the receipt of draft conclusion at 4.15 p.m. on 21 June 2022, and decided to close the list of speakers at 10 a.m. on 22 June 2022.",
"II. Annual report of the Director-General for 2021 (item 3), and Results-oriented management: updated information on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025 (item 3 (a))",
"11. On 21 June, the Committee considered the Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 (PBC.38/2), the report of the Director-General entitled " Results-oriented management: updated information on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022-2025 " and an update on that report (PBC.38/5 and CRP.5).",
"12. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on items 3 and 3 (a).",
"III. UNIDO ' s response to the COVID-19 pandemic (item 12)",
"13. On 21 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General containing information on UNIDO ' s response to the COVID-19 pandemic (PBC.38/12).",
"14. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 12.",
"IV. Financial situation of UNIDO, including unutilized balances of appropriations (item 5)",
"15. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report of the Director-General on the financial situation of UNIDO (PBC.38/4) and a note by the Secretariat on the status of assessed contributions (PBC.36/CRP.4).",
"16. On 22 June, after considering a draft conclusion on the financial situation of UNIDO, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.2), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:",
"Conclusion 2022/2",
"The Programme and Budget Committee recommended to the Industrial Development Board the adoption of the following draft decision:",
"“The Industrial Development Board:",
"(a) Notes the information contained in document IDB.50/4-PBC.38/4;",
"(b) Urges Member States and former Member States that have not yet paid their assessed contributions, including advances to the Working Capital Fund and previous years ' arrears, to do so without delay;",
"(c) Requests the Director-General to continue his efforts and contacts with Member States and former Member States to raise outstanding amounts.”",
"V. Report of the informal working group on issues related to the Programme and Budget Committee (item 6)",
"17. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report of the co-chairs of the informal working group on issues related to the Programme and Budget Committee and an update on that report (PBC.38/6 and CRP.6).",
"18. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the co-chairs on item 6.",
"VI. Mobilization of financial resources (item 7)",
"19. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report of the Director-General on the mobilization of financial resources (PBC.38/7/Rev.1); chapter 8 of the Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 on funding results (PBC.38/2); and a note by the Secretariat on projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds and other voluntary contributions in 2021 (PBC.38/CRP.7).",
"20. On 22 June, after considering a draft conclusion on the mobilization of financial resources, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.3), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:",
"Conclusion 2022/3",
"The Programme and Budget Committee recommended to the Industrial Development Board the adoption of the following draft decision:",
"“The Industrial Development Board:",
"(a) Notes the information contained in document IDB.50/7/Rev.1-PBC.38/7/Rev.1;",
"(b) Decides to delegate to the Director-General the authority to approve projects in an equitable and transparent manner, previously prepared and agreed by the UNIDO Secretariat and interested parties and donors, to be funded from the Industrial Development Fund in 2022 and 2023 in accordance with the priorities defined in the medium-term programme framework 2022-2025 (IDB.49/8-PBC.37/8);",
"(c) Encourages Member States and other funding partners to increase their voluntary contributions to UNIDO, including those for the Partnership Trust Fund, as well as the Special Account for Voluntary Contributions for Basic Activities and the Fund for Large Capital Investments;",
"(d) Also encourages all funding partners to consider contributing to programmeable funds, specifically to enable UNIDO to respond rapidly to requests for assistance and to develop and implement its programmatic activities in a streamlined and coordinated manner;",
"(e) Requests Member States to consider making contributions to UNIDO to enable UNIDO to work with funding sources that require joint funding, either by making contributions to special trust funds or by providing special-purpose funds at the national or global levels;",
"f) Encourages the Governments of recipient countries to play an active role in sharing with UNIDO the responsibility to mobilize funds for agreed priority activities jointly and, in particular, to take the lead in identifying and gaining access to available funds in countries, including opportunities for cost-sharing at the local level, and funds from bilateral funding partners, multi-donor trust funds,",
"(g) It strongly recommends that Member States cooperate with and support the Organization in its efforts to develop and promote its programmes and initiatives in the context of international development, and in particular through international conferences and other forms of dialogue, in order to ensure that such initiatives are well known, their importance for international development goals and resources are recognized”.",
"VII. Report of the External Auditor for 2021 (item 4)",
"21. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the financial period from 1 January to 31 December 2021 (PBC.38/3); a note by the secretariat containing the annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial period from 1 January to 31 December 2021.",
"22. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided on item 4.",
"VIII. General risk management (item 8)",
"23. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report of the Director-General on overall risk management (PBC.38/8).",
"24. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 8.",
"IX. Proposals for updating the medium-term investment plan (item 9)",
"25. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report of the Director-General on the proposals for the medium-term investment plan, 2022-2025 (PBC.38/9).",
"26. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 9.",
"X. Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (DDIA III) (item 10)",
"27. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report of the Director-General on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (DDIA III) (PBC.38/10).",
"28. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 10.",
"XI. Reform of the United Nations development system (item 11)",
"29. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report of the Director-General on the reform of the United Nations development system (PBC.38/11).",
"30. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 11.",
"XII. Date of the thirty-ninth session (item 13)",
"31. On 22 June, the Committee took note of the information contained in the annotated agenda (PBC.38/1/Add.1) on the dates reserved for UNIDO policymaking organs in 2022 and 2023.",
"32. On 22 June, after considering a draft conclusion on the date of the thirty-ninth session, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.4), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:",
"Conclusion 2022/4",
"The Programme and Budget Committee decided to hold its thirty-ninth session from 15 to 17 May 2023.",
"XIII. Adoption of the report (item 14) and closure of the thirty-eighth session",
"33. On 22 June, the Committee adopted the English version of the report on the work of its thirty-eighth session (PBC.38/L.1), on the understanding that the Rapporteur would be entrusted with the task of finalizing the versions of the report in the other languages, in consultation with the designated representatives.",
"34. The Committee closed its thirty-eighth session on 22 June 2022 in the afternoon.",
"List of documents submitted at the thirty-eighth session",
"Agenda item Symbol Title 1 Election of officers - - 2 Adoption of the agenda PBC.38/1 Provisional agenda PBC.38/1/Add.1 Provisional agenda annotated PBC.38/CRP.1 List of documents 3 Annual report of the DirectorGeneralcorrespondientea 2021 PBC.38/2IDB.50/2 Annual report of UNIDO 2021 3a) Management oriented to the results: Report of Director General PBC.38/CRP.5 UPDATE – Managing forResults: Update on theimplementation of themedium-term programmeframework, 2022–2025. Reportby the Director General 4 Report of the External Auditor 2021 PBC.38/3IDB.50/3 Report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDOcorrespondents to the financial period from 1 January to 31 December 2021 PBC.38/CRP.2 Annexes to the report of theExternal Auditor on theaccounts of UNIDO for thefinancel year 1 January to 31December 2021 (unaudited). PBC.38/CRP.3 Comments on the Report of theExternal Auditor. Note by theUNIDO Independent OversightAdvisory Committee 5 Financial position of UNIDO, including unused balances of credits PBC.38/4IDB.50/4 Financial position of UNIDO. Report of the DirectorGeneral PBC.38/CRP.4 Status of assessedcontributions. Note by theSecretariat 6 Report of the working group on issues related to the Committee for Programme and Budget Report of the Co-Chairs PBC.38/6IDB.50/6 Report of the working group on issues related to the Programme and Budget CommitteeReport of the Co-Chairs PBC.38/CRP.6 Update on the report by theinformal working group onChair7/Reportgramme and BudgetCommitte Report of Director General PBC.38/2, Chapter 8IDB.50/2, Chapter 8 Financial Results. Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 PBC.38/CRP.7 Projects approved under theIndustrial Development Fund,thematic and individual trustfunds, and other voluntarycontributions in 2021 8 Managementgeneral deries PBC.38/8IDB.50/8 General risk management.Report of the Director General 9 Proposals for updating the medium-term investment plan PBC.38/9IDB.50/9 Report of Director-General 10 Third Decade of Industrial Development for Africa (DDIA III) PBC.38/10IDB.50/10 Report on the Third Decade of Industrial Development for Africa (DDIAIII). Report of the DirectorGeneral 11 United Nations System Reform for Development PBC.38/11IDB.50/11 United Nations System Reform for Development. Report of Director-General 12 UNIDO ' s response to the COVID-19 pandemic PBC.38/12IDB.50/12 UNIDO ' s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Report of the Director-General 13 Date of the thirty-ninth session PBC.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda 14 Adoption of the report IDB.50/13 Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on the preparation of its thirty-eighth session (21 and 22 June2022)",
"[1] In accordance with Article 10.1 of the UNIDO Constitution, the Committee shall consist of 27 members of the Organization elected by the Conference. A position for a State on List B remains vacant. The Committee is currently composed of 26 members."
] |
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