Isomorphic Pruning for Vision Models
Structured pruning reduces the computational overhead of deep neural networks by removing redundant sub-structures. However, assessing the relative importance of different sub-structures remains a significant challenge, particularly in advanced vision models featuring novel mechanisms and architectures like self-attention, depth-wise convolutions, or residual connections. These heterogeneous substructures usually exhibit diverged parameter scales, weight distributions, and computational topology, introducing considerable difficulty to importance comparison. To overcome this, we present Isomorphic Pruning, a simple approach that demonstrates effectiveness across a range of network architectures such as Vision Transformers and CNNs, and delivers competitive performance across different model sizes. Isomorphic Pruning originates from an observation that, when evaluated under a pre-defined importance criterion, heterogeneous sub-structures demonstrate significant divergence in their importance distribution, as opposed to isomorphic structures that present similar importance patterns. This inspires us to perform isolated ranking and comparison on different types of sub-structures for more reliable pruning. Our empirical results on ImageNet-1K demonstrate that Isomorphic Pruning surpasses several pruning baselines dedicatedly designed for Transformers or CNNs. For instance, we improve the accuracy of DeiT-Tiny from 74.52% to 77.50% by pruning an off-the-shelf DeiT-Base model. And for ConvNext-Tiny, we enhanced performance from 82.06% to 82.18%, while reducing the number of parameters and memory usage. Code is available at url{}.
[ "['Gongfan Fang' 'Xinyin Ma' 'Michael Bi Mi' 'Xinchao Wang']" ]
Randomized Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Bayesian Data Assimilation
We propose a randomized physics-informed neural network (PINN) or rPINN method for uncertainty quantification in inverse partial differential equation (PDE) problems with noisy data. This method is used to quantify uncertainty in the inverse PDE PINN solutions. Recently, the Bayesian PINN (BPINN) method was proposed, where the posterior distribution of the PINN parameters was formulated using the Bayes' theorem and sampled using approximate inference methods such as the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) and variational inference (VI) methods. In this work, we demonstrate that HMC fails to converge for non-linear inverse PDE problems. As an alternative to HMC, we sample the distribution by solving the stochastic optimization problem obtained by randomizing the PINN loss function. The effectiveness of the rPINN method is tested for linear and non-linear Poisson equations, and the diffusion equation with a high-dimensional space-dependent diffusion coefficient. The rPINN method provides informative distributions for all considered problems. For the linear Poisson equation, HMC and rPINN produce similar distributions, but rPINN is on average 27 times faster than HMC. For the non-linear Poison and diffusion equations, the HMC method fails to converge because a single HMC chain cannot sample multiple modes of the posterior distribution of the PINN parameters in a reasonable amount of time.
[ "['Yifei Zong' 'David Barajas-Solano' 'Alexandre M. Tartakovsky']" ]
Learning to (Learn at Test Time): RNNs with Expressive Hidden States
Self-attention performs well in long context but has quadratic complexity. Existing RNN layers have linear complexity, but their performance in long context is limited by the expressive power of their hidden state. We propose a new class of sequence modeling layers with linear complexity and an expressive hidden state. The key idea is to make the hidden state a machine learning model itself, and the update rule a step of self-supervised learning. Since the hidden state is updated by training even on test sequences, our layers are called Test-Time Training (TTT) layers. We consider two instantiations: TTT-Linear and TTT-MLP, whose hidden state is a linear model and a two-layer MLP respectively. We evaluate our instantiations at the scale of 125M to 1.3B parameters, comparing with a strong Transformer and Mamba, a modern RNN. Both TTT-Linear and TTT-MLP match or exceed the baselines. Similar to Transformer, they can keep reducing perplexity by conditioning on more tokens, while Mamba cannot after 16k context. With preliminary systems optimization, TTT-Linear is already faster than Transformer at 8k context and matches Mamba in wall-clock time. TTT-MLP still faces challenges in memory I/O, but shows larger potential in long context, pointing to a promising direction for future research.
[ "['Yu Sun' 'Xinhao Li' 'Karan Dalal' 'Jiarui Xu' 'Arjun Vikram'\n 'Genghan Zhang' 'Yann Dubois' 'Xinlei Chen' 'Xiaolong Wang'\n 'Sanmi Koyejo' 'Tatsunori Hashimoto' 'Carlos Guestrin']" ]
On scalable oversight with weak LLMs judging strong LLMs
Scalable oversight protocols aim to enable humans to accurately supervise superhuman AI. In this paper we study debate, where two AI's compete to convince a judge; consultancy, where a single AI tries to convince a judge that asks questions; and compare to a baseline of direct question-answering, where the judge just answers outright without the AI. We use large language models (LLMs) as both AI agents and as stand-ins for human judges, taking the judge models to be weaker than agent models. We benchmark on a diverse range of asymmetries between judges and agents, extending previous work on a single extractive QA task with information asymmetry, to also include mathematics, coding, logic and multimodal reasoning asymmetries. We find that debate outperforms consultancy across all tasks when the consultant is randomly assigned to argue for the correct/incorrect answer. Comparing debate to direct question answering, the results depend on the type of task: in extractive QA tasks with information asymmetry debate outperforms direct question answering, but in other tasks without information asymmetry the results are mixed. Previous work assigned debaters/consultants an answer to argue for. When we allow them to instead choose which answer to argue for, we find judges are less frequently convinced by the wrong answer in debate than in consultancy. Further, we find that stronger debater models increase judge accuracy, though more modestly than in previous studies.
[ "['Zachary Kenton' 'Noah Y. Siegel' 'János Kramár' 'Jonah Brown-Cohen'\n 'Samuel Albanie' 'Jannis Bulian' 'Rishabh Agarwal' 'David Lindner'\n 'Yunhao Tang' 'Noah D. Goodman' 'Rohin Shah']" ]
An autoencoder for compressing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful experimental technique to determine the electronic structure of solids. Advances in light sources for ARPES experiments are currently leading to a vast increase of data acquisition rates and data quantity. On the other hand, access time to the most advanced ARPES instruments remains strictly limited, calling for fast, effective, and on-the-fly data analysis tools to exploit this time. In response to this need, we introduce ARPESNet, a versatile autoencoder network that efficiently summmarises and compresses ARPES datasets. We train ARPESNet on a large and varied dataset of 2-dimensional ARPES data extracted by cutting standard 3-dimensional ARPES datasets along random directions in $mathbf{k}$. To test the data representation capacity of ARPESNet, we compare $k$-means clustering quality between data compressed by ARPESNet, data compressed by discrete cosine transform, and raw data, at different noise levels. ARPESNet data excels in clustering quality despite its high compression ratio.
[ "['Steinn Ymir Agustsson' 'Mohammad Ahsanul Haque' 'Thi Tam Truong'\n 'Marco Bianchi' 'Nikita Klyuchnikov' 'Davide Mottin' 'Panagiotis Karras'\n 'Philip Hofmann']" ]
Lazarus: Resilient and Elastic Training of Mixture-of-Experts Models with Adaptive Expert Placement
Sparsely-activated Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture has increasingly been adopted to further scale large language models (LLMs) due to its sub-linear scaling for computation costs. However, frequent failures still pose significant challenges as training scales. The cost of even a single failure is significant, as all GPUs need to wait idle until the failure is resolved, potentially losing considerable training progress as training has to restart from checkpoints. Existing solutions for efficient fault-tolerant training either lack elasticity or rely on building resiliency into pipeline parallelism, which cannot be applied to MoE models due to the expert parallelism strategy adopted by the MoE architecture. We present Lazarus, a system for resilient and elastic training of MoE models. Lazarus adaptively allocates expert replicas to address the inherent imbalance in expert workload and speeds-up training, while a provably optimal expert placement algorithm is developed to maximize the probability of recovery upon failures. Through adaptive expert placement and a flexible token dispatcher, Lazarus can also fully utilize all available nodes after failures, leaving no GPU idle. Our evaluation shows that Lazarus outperforms existing MoE training systems by up to 5.7x under frequent node failures and 3.4x on a real spot instance trace.
[ "['Yongji Wu' 'Wenjie Qu' 'Tianyang Tao' 'Zhuang Wang' 'Wei Bai'\n 'Zhuohao Li' 'Yuan Tian' 'Jiaheng Zhang' 'Matthew Lentz' 'Danyang Zhuo']" ]
Multitaper mel-spectrograms for keyword spotting
Keyword spotting (KWS) is one of the speech recognition tasks most sensitive to the quality of the feature representation. However, the research on KWS has traditionally focused on new model topologies, putting little emphasis on other aspects like feature extraction. This paper investigates the use of the multitaper technique to create improved features for KWS. The experimental study is carried out for different test scenarios, windows and parameters, datasets, and neural networks commonly used in embedded KWS applications. Experiment results confirm the advantages of using the proposed improved features.
[ "['Douglas Baptista de Souza' 'Khaled Jamal Bakri' 'Fernanda Ferreira'\n 'Juliana Inacio']" ]
Unsupervised 4D Cardiac Motion Tracking with Spatiotemporal Optical Flow Networks
Cardiac motion tracking from echocardiography can be used to estimate and quantify myocardial motion within a cardiac cycle. It is a cost-efficient and effective approach for assessing myocardial function. However, ultrasound imaging has the inherent characteristics of spatially low resolution and temporally random noise, which leads to difficulties in obtaining reliable annotation. Thus it is difficult to perform supervised learning for motion tracking. In addition, there is no end-to-end unsupervised method currently in the literature. This paper presents a motion tracking method where unsupervised optical flow networks are designed with spatial reconstruction loss and temporal-consistency loss. Our proposed loss functions make use of the pair-wise and temporal correlation to estimate cardiac motion from noisy background. Experiments using a synthetic 4D echocardiography dataset has shown the effectiveness of our approach, and its superiority over existing methods on both accuracy and running speed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work performed that uses unsupervised end-to-end deep learning optical flow network for 4D cardiac motion tracking.
[ "['Long Teng' 'Wei Feng' 'Menglong Zhu' 'Xinchao Li']" ]
The diameter of a stochastic matrix: A new measure for sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks
Bayesian networks are one of the most widely used classes of probabilistic models for risk management and decision support because of their interpretability and flexibility in including heterogeneous pieces of information. In any applied modelling, it is critical to assess how robust the inferences on certain target variables are to changes in the model. In Bayesian networks, these analyses fall under the umbrella of sensitivity analysis, which is most commonly carried out by quantifying dissimilarities using Kullback-Leibler information measures. In this paper, we argue that robustness methods based instead on the familiar total variation distance provide simple and more valuable bounds on robustness to misspecification, which are both formally justifiable and transparent. We introduce a novel measure of dependence in conditional probability tables called the diameter to derive such bounds. This measure quantifies the strength of dependence between a variable and its parents. We demonstrate how such formal robustness considerations can be embedded in building a Bayesian network.
[ "['Manuele Leonelli' 'Jim Q. Smith' 'Sophia K. Wright']" ]
XQSV: A Structurally Variable Network to Imitate Human Play in Xiangqi
In this paper, we introduce an innovative deep learning architecture, termed Xiangqi Structurally Variable (XQSV), designed to emulate the behavioral patterns of human players in Xiangqi, or Chinese Chess. The unique attribute of XQSV is its capacity to alter its structural configuration dynamically, optimizing performance for the task based on the particular subset of data on which it is trained. We have incorporated several design improvements to significantly enhance the network's predictive accuracy, including a local illegal move filter, an Elo range partitioning, a sequential one-dimensional input, and a simulation of imperfect memory capacity. Empirical evaluations reveal that XQSV attains a predictive accuracy of approximately 40%, with its performance peaking within the trained Elo range. This indicates the model's success in mimicking the play behavior of individuals within that specific range. A three-terminal Turing Test was employed to demonstrate that the XQSV model imitates human behavior more accurately than conventional Xiangqi engines, rendering it indistinguishable from actual human opponents. Given the inherent nondeterminism in human gameplay, we propose two supplementary relaxed evaluation metrics. To our knowledge, XQSV represents the first model to mimic Xiangqi players.
[ "['Chenliang Zhou']" ]
Rethinking Visual Prompting for Multimodal Large Language Models with External Knowledge
In recent years, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have made significant strides by training on vast high-quality image-text datasets, enabling them to generally understand images well. However, the inherent difficulty in explicitly conveying fine-grained or spatially dense information in text, such as masks, poses a challenge for MLLMs, limiting their ability to answer questions requiring an understanding of detailed or localized visual elements. Drawing inspiration from the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) concept, this paper proposes a new visual prompt approach to integrate fine-grained external knowledge, gleaned from specialized vision models (e.g., instance segmentation/OCR models), into MLLMs. This is a promising yet underexplored direction for enhancing MLLMs' performance. Our approach diverges from concurrent works, which transform external knowledge into additional text prompts, necessitating the model to indirectly learn the correspondence between visual content and text coordinates. Instead, we propose embedding fine-grained knowledge information directly into a spatial embedding map as a visual prompt. This design can be effortlessly incorporated into various MLLMs, such as LLaVA and Mipha, considerably improving their visual understanding performance. Through rigorous experiments, we demonstrate that our method can enhance MLLM performance across nine benchmarks, amplifying their fine-grained context-aware capabilities.
[ "['Yuanze Lin' 'Yunsheng Li' 'Dongdong Chen' 'Weijian Xu' 'Ronald Clark'\n 'Philip Torr' 'Lu Yuan']" ]
Missed Causes and Ambiguous Effects: Counterfactuals Pose Challenges for Interpreting Neural Networks
Interpretability research takes counterfactual theories of causality for granted. Most causal methods rely on counterfactual interventions to inputs or the activations of particular model components, followed by observations of the change in models' output logits or behaviors. While this yields more faithful evidence than correlational methods, counterfactuals nonetheless have key problems that bias our findings in specific and predictable ways. Specifically, (i) counterfactual theories do not effectively capture multiple independently sufficient causes of the same effect, which leads us to miss certain causes entirely; and (ii) counterfactual dependencies in neural networks are generally not transitive, which complicates methods for extracting and interpreting causal graphs from neural networks. We discuss the implications of these challenges for interpretability researchers and propose concrete suggestions for future work.
[ "['Aaron Mueller']" ]
Me, Myself, and AI: The Situational Awareness Dataset (SAD) for LLMs
AI assistants such as ChatGPT are trained to respond to users by saying, "I am a large language model". This raises questions. Do such models know that they are LLMs and reliably act on this knowledge? Are they aware of their current circumstances, such as being deployed to the public? We refer to a model's knowledge of itself and its circumstances as situational awareness. To quantify situational awareness in LLMs, we introduce a range of behavioral tests, based on question answering and instruction following. These tests form the $textbf{Situational Awareness Dataset (SAD)}$, a benchmark comprising 7 task categories and over 13,000 questions. The benchmark tests numerous abilities, including the capacity of LLMs to (i) recognize their own generated text, (ii) predict their own behavior, (iii) determine whether a prompt is from internal evaluation or real-world deployment, and (iv) follow instructions that depend on self-knowledge. We evaluate 16 LLMs on SAD, including both base (pretrained) and chat models. While all models perform better than chance, even the highest-scoring model (Claude 3 Opus) is far from a human baseline on certain tasks. We also observe that performance on SAD is only partially predicted by metrics of general knowledge (e.g. MMLU). Chat models, which are finetuned to serve as AI assistants, outperform their corresponding base models on SAD but not on general knowledge tasks. The purpose of SAD is to facilitate scientific understanding of situational awareness in LLMs by breaking it down into quantitative abilities. Situational awareness is important because it enhances a model's capacity for autonomous planning and action. While this has potential benefits for automation, it also introduces novel risks related to AI safety and control. Code and latest results available at .
[ "['Rudolf Laine' 'Bilal Chughtai' 'Jan Betley' 'Kaivalya Hariharan'\n 'Jeremy Scheurer' 'Mikita Balesni' 'Marius Hobbhahn' 'Alexander Meinke'\n 'Owain Evans']" ]
The Physics of Learning: From Autoencoders to Truly Autonomous Learning Machines
The fact that accurately predicted information can serve as an energy source paves the way for new approaches to autonomous learning. The energy derived from a sequence of successful predictions can be recycled as an immediate incentive and resource, driving the enhancement of predictive capabilities in AI agents. We propose that, through a series of straightforward meta-architectural adjustments, any unsupervised learning apparatus could achieve complete independence from external energy sources, evolving into a self-sustaining physical system with a strong intrinsic 'drive' for continual learning. This concept, while still purely theoretical, is exemplified through the autoencoder, a quintessential model for unsupervised efficient coding. We use this model to demonstrate how progressive paradigm shifts can profoundly alter our comprehension of learning and intelligence. By reconceptualizing learning as an energy-seeking process, we highlight the potential for achieving true autonomy in learning systems, thereby bridging the gap between algorithmic concepts and physical models of intelligence.
[ "['Alex Ushveridze']" ]
QMViT: A Mushroom is worth 16x16 Words
Consuming poisonous mushrooms can have severe health consequences, even resulting in fatality and accurately distinguishing edible from toxic mushroom varieties remains a significant challenge in ensuring food safety. So, it's crucial to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms within the existing species. This is essential due to the significant demand for mushrooms in people's daily meals and their potential contributions to medical science. This work presents a novel Quantum Vision Transformer architecture that leverages quantum computing to enhance mushroom classification performance. By implementing specialized quantum self-attention mechanisms using Variational Quantum Circuits, the proposed architecture achieved 92.33% and 99.24% accuracy based on their category and their edibility respectively. This demonstrates the success of the proposed architecture in reducing false negatives for toxic mushrooms, thus ensuring food safety. Our research highlights the potential of QMViT for improving mushroom classification as a whole.
[ "['Siddhant Dutta' 'Hemant Singh' 'Kalpita Shankhdhar' 'Sridhar Iyer']" ]
Sensing technologies and machine learning methods for emotion recognition in autism: Systematic review
Background: Human Emotion Recognition (HER) has been a popular field of study in the past years. Despite the great progresses made so far, relatively little attention has been paid to the use of HER in autism. People with autism are known to face problems with daily social communication and the prototypical interpretation of emotional responses, which are most frequently exerted via facial expressions. This poses significant practical challenges to the application of regular HER systems, which are normally developed for and by neurotypical people. Objective: This study reviews the literature on the use of HER systems in autism, particularly with respect to sensing technologies and machine learning methods, as to identify existing barriers and possible future directions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of articles published between January 2011 and June 2023 according to the 2020 PRISMA guidelines. Manuscripts were identified through searching Web of Science and Scopus databases. Manuscripts were included when related to emotion recognition, used sensors and machine learning techniques, and involved children with autism, young, or adults. Results: The search yielded 346 articles. A total of 65 publications met the eligibility criteria and were included in the review. Conclusions: Studies predominantly used facial expression techniques as the emotion recognition method. Consequently, video cameras were the most widely used devices across studies, although a growing trend in the use of physiological sensors was observed lately. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise were most frequently addressed. Classical supervised machine learning techniques were primarily used at the expense of unsupervised approaches or more recent deep learning models.
[ "['Oresti Banos' 'Zhoe Comas-González' 'Javier Medina'\n 'Aurora Polo-Rodríguez' 'David Gil' 'Jesús Peral' 'Sandra Amador'\n 'Claudia Villalonga']" ]
A Likelihood-Based Generative Approach for Spatially Consistent Precipitation Downscaling
Deep learning has emerged as a promising tool for precipitation downscaling. However, current models rely on likelihood-based loss functions to properly model the precipitation distribution, leading to spatially inconsistent projections when sampling. This work explores a novel approach by fusing the strengths of likelihood-based and adversarial losses used in generative models. As a result, we propose a likelihood-based generative approach for precipitation downscaling, leveraging the benefits of both methods.
[ "['Jose González-Abad']" ]
Data-Driven Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Crud-Induced Power Shift Using Convolutional Neural Networks
The development of Crud-Induced Power Shift (CIPS) is an operational challenge in Pressurized Water Reactors that is due to the development of crud on the fuel rod cladding. The available predictive tools developed previously, usually based on fundamental physics, are computationally expensive and have shown differing degrees of accuracy. This work proposes a completely top-down approach to predict CIPS instances on an assembly level with reactor-specific calibration built-in. Built using artificial neural networks, this work uses a three-dimensional convolutional approach to leverage the image-like layout of the input data. As a classifier, the convolutional neural network model predicts whether a given assembly will experience CIPS as well as the time of occurrence during a given cycle. This surrogate model is both trained and tested using a combination of calculated core model parameters and measured plant data from Unit 1 of the Catawba Nuclear Station. After the evaluation of its performance using various metrics, Monte Carlo dropout is employed for extensive uncertainty quantification of the model predictions. The results indicate that this methodology could be a viable approach in predicting CIPS with an assembly-level resolution across both clean and afflicted cycles, while using limited computational resources.
[ "['Aidan Furlong' 'Farah Alsafadi' 'Scott Palmtag' 'Andrew Godfrey' 'Xu Wu']" ]
The OPS-SAT benchmark for detecting anomalies in satellite telemetry
Detecting anomalous events in satellite telemetry is a critical task in space operations. This task, however, is extremely time-consuming, error-prone and human dependent, thus automated data-driven anomaly detection algorithms have been emerging at a steady pace. However, there are no publicly available datasets of real satellite telemetry accompanied with the ground-truth annotations that could be used to train and verify anomaly detection supervised models. In this article, we address this research gap and introduce the AI-ready benchmark dataset (OPSSAT-AD) containing the telemetry data acquired on board OPS-SAT -- a CubeSat mission which has been operated by the European Space Agency which has come to an end during the night of 22--23 May 2024 (CEST). The dataset is accompanied with the baseline results obtained using 30 supervised and unsupervised classic and deep machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection. They were trained and validated using the training-test dataset split introduced in this work, and we present a suggested set of quality metrics which should be always calculated to confront the new algorithms for anomaly detection while exploiting OPSSAT-AD. We believe that this work may become an important step toward building a fair, reproducible and objective validation procedure that can be used to quantify the capabilities of the emerging anomaly detection techniques in an unbiased and fully transparent way.
[ "['Bogdan Ruszczak' 'Krzysztof Kotowski' 'David Evans' 'Jakub Nalepa']" ]
PhishNet: A Phishing Website Detection Tool using XGBoost
PhisNet is a cutting-edge web application designed to detect phishing websites using advanced machine learning. It aims to help individuals and organizations identify and prevent phishing attacks through a robust AI framework. PhisNet utilizes Python to apply various machine learning algorithms and feature extraction techniques for high accuracy and efficiency. The project starts by collecting and preprocessing a comprehensive dataset of URLs, comprising both phishing and legitimate sites. Key features such as URL length, special characters, and domain age are extracted to effectively train the model. Multiple machine learning algorithms, including logistic regression, decision trees, and neural networks, are evaluated to determine the best performance in phishing detection. The model is finely tuned to optimize metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1 score, ensuring reliable detection of both common and sophisticated phishing tactics. PhisNet's web application is developed using React.js, which allows for client-side rendering and smooth integration with backend services, creating a responsive and user-friendly interface. Users can input URLs and receive immediate predictions with confidence scores, thanks to a robust backend infrastructure that processes data and provides real-time results. The model is deployed using Google Colab and AWS EC2 for their computational power and scalability, ensuring the application remains accessible and functional under varying loads. In summary, PhisNet represents a significant advancement in cybersecurity, showcasing the effective use of machine learning and web development technologies to enhance user security. It empowers users to prevent phishing attacks and highlights AI's potential in transforming cybersecurity.
[ "['Prashant Kumar' 'Kevin Antony' 'Deepakmoney Banga' 'Arshpreet Sohal']" ]
Accurate Passive Radar via an Uncertainty-Aware Fusion of Wi-Fi Sensing Data
Wi-Fi devices can effectively be used as passive radar systems that sense what happens in the surroundings and can even discern human activity. We propose, for the first time, a principled architecture which employs Variational Auto-Encoders for estimating a latent distribution responsible for generating the data, and Evidential Deep Learning for its ability to sense out-of-distribution activities. We verify that the fused data processed by different antennas of the same Wi-Fi receiver results in increased accuracy of human activity recognition compared with the most recent benchmarks, while still being informative when facing out-of-distribution samples and enabling semantic interpretation of latent variables in terms of physical phenomena. The results of this paper are a first contribution toward the ultimate goal of providing a flexible, semantic characterisation of black-swan events, i.e., events for which we have limited to no training data.
[ "['Marco Cominelli' 'Francesco Gringoli' 'Lance M. Kaplan'\n 'Mani B. Srivastava' 'Federico Cerutti']" ]
Neuro-Symbolic Fusion of Wi-Fi Sensing Data for Passive Radar with Inter-Modal Knowledge Transfer
Wi-Fi devices, akin to passive radars, can discern human activities within indoor settings due to the human body's interaction with electromagnetic signals. Current Wi-Fi sensing applications predominantly employ data-driven learning techniques to associate the fluctuations in the physical properties of the communication channel with the human activity causing them. However, these techniques often lack the desired flexibility and transparency. This paper introduces DeepProbHAR, a neuro-symbolic architecture for Wi-Fi sensing, providing initial evidence that Wi-Fi signals can differentiate between simple movements, such as leg or arm movements, which are integral to human activities like running or walking. The neuro-symbolic approach affords gathering such evidence without needing additional specialised data collection or labelling. The training of DeepProbHAR is facilitated by declarative domain knowledge obtained from a camera feed and by fusing signals from various antennas of the Wi-Fi receivers. DeepProbHAR achieves results comparable to the state-of-the-art in human activity recognition. Moreover, as a by-product of the learning process, DeepProbHAR generates specialised classifiers for simple movements that match the accuracy of models trained on finely labelled datasets, which would be particularly costly.
[ "['Marco Cominelli' 'Francesco Gringoli' 'Lance M. Kaplan'\n 'Mani B. Srivastava' 'Trevor Bihl' 'Erik P. Blasch' 'Nandini Iyer'\n 'Federico Cerutti']" ]
SCDM: Unified Representation Learning for EEG-to-fNIRS Cross-Modal Generation in MI-BCIs
Hybrid motor imagery brain-computer interfaces (MI-BCIs), which integrate both electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals, outperform those based solely on EEG. However, simultaneously recording EEG and fNIRS signals is highly challenging due to the difficulty of colocating both types of sensors on the same scalp surface. This physical constraint complicates the acquisition of high-quality hybrid signals, thereby limiting the widespread application of hybrid MI-BCIs. To facilitate the acquisition of hybrid EEG-fNIRS signals, this study proposes the spatio-temporal controlled diffusion model (SCDM) as a framework for cross-modal generation from EEG to fNIRS. The model utilizes two core modules, the spatial cross-modal generation (SCG) module and the multi-scale temporal representation (MTR) module, which adaptively learn the respective latent temporal and spatial representations of both signals in a unified representation space. The SCG module further maps EEG representations to fNIRS representations by leveraging their spatial relationships. Experimental results show high similarity between synthetic and real fNIRS signals. The joint classification performance of EEG and synthetic fNIRS signals is comparable to or even better than that of EEG with real fNIRS signals. Furthermore, the synthetic signals exhibit similar spatio-temporal features to real signals while preserving spatial relationships with EEG signals. Experimental results suggest that the SCDM may represent a promising paradigm for the acquisition of hybrid EEG-fNIRS signals in MI-BCI systems.
[ "['Yisheng Li' 'Shuqiang Wang']" ]
A Contrastive Learning Based Convolutional Neural Network for ERP Brain-Computer Interfaces
ERP-based EEG detection is gaining increasing attention in the field of brain-computer interfaces. However, due to the complexity of ERP signal components, their low signal-to-noise ratio, and significant inter-subject variability, cross-subject ERP signal detection has been challenging. The continuous advancement in deep learning has greatly contributed to addressing this issue. This brief proposes a contrastive learning training framework and an Inception module to extract multi-scale temporal and spatial features, representing the subject-invariant components of ERP signals. Specifically, a base encoder integrated with a linear Inception module and a nonlinear projector is used to project the raw data into latent space. By maximizing signal similarity under different targets, the inter-subject EEG signal differences in latent space are minimized. The extracted spatiotemporal features are then used for ERP target detection. The proposed algorithm achieved the best AUC performance in single-trial binary classification tasks on the P300 dataset and showed significant optimization in speller decoding tasks compared to existing algorithms.
[ "['Yuntian Cui' 'Xinke Shen' 'Dan Zhang' 'Chen Yang']" ]
A Unified Learn-to-Distort-Data Framework for Privacy-Utility Trade-off in Trustworthy Federated Learning
In this paper, we first give an introduction to the theoretical basis of the privacy-utility equilibrium in federated learning based on Bayesian privacy definitions and total variation distance privacy definitions. We then present the textit{Learn-to-Distort-Data} framework, which provides a principled approach to navigate the privacy-utility equilibrium by explicitly modeling the distortion introduced by the privacy-preserving mechanism as a learnable variable and optimizing it jointly with the model parameters. We demonstrate the applicability of our framework to a variety of privacy-preserving mechanisms on the basis of data distortion and highlight its connections to related areas such as adversarial training, input robustness, and unlearnable examples. These connections enable leveraging techniques from these areas to design effective algorithms for privacy-utility equilibrium in federated learning under the textit{Learn-to-Distort-Data} framework.
[ "['Xiaojin Zhang' 'Mingcong Xu' 'Wei Chen']" ]
SpikeLLM: Scaling up Spiking Neural Network to Large Language Models via Saliency-based Spiking
The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters have significantly boosted their performance across various real-world applications. However, the inference processes for these models require substantial energy and computational resources, presenting considerable deployment challenges. In contrast, human brains, which contain approximately 86 billion biological neurons, exhibit significantly greater energy efficiency compared to LLMs with a similar number of parameters. Inspired by this, we redesign 7 to 70 billion parameter LLMs using bio-plausible spiking mechanisms, emulating the efficient behavior of the human brain. We propose the first spiking large language model as recent LLMs termed SpikeLLM. Coupled with the proposed model, a novel spike-driven quantization framework named Optimal Brain Spiking is introduced to reduce the energy cost and accelerate inference speed via two essential approaches: first (second)-order differentiation-based salient channel detection, and per-channel salient outlier expansion with Generalized Integrate-and-Fire neurons. Our proposed spike-driven quantization can plug in main streams of quantization training methods. In the OmniQuant pipeline, SpikeLLM significantly reduces 25.51% WikiText2 perplexity and improves 3.08% average accuracy of 6 zero-shot datasets on a LLAMA2-7B 4A4W model. In the GPTQ pipeline, SpikeLLM realizes a sparse ternary quantization, which achieves additive in all linear layers. Compared with PB-LLM with similar operations, SpikeLLM also exceeds significantly. We will release our code on GitHub.
[ "['Xingrun Xing' 'Boyan Gao' 'Zheng Zhang' 'David A. Clifton' 'Shitao Xiao'\n 'Li Du' 'Guoqi Li' 'Jiajun Zhang']" ]
Annotation of Sleep Depth Index with Scalable Deep Learning Yields Novel Digital Biomarkers for Sleep Health
Traditional sleep staging categorizes sleep and wakefulness into five coarse-grained classes, overlooking subtle variations within each stage. It provides limited information about the probability of arousal and may hinder the diagnosis of sleep disorders, such as insomnia. To address this issue, we propose a deep-learning method for automatic and scalable annotation of sleep depth index using existing sleep staging labels. Our approach is validated using polysomnography from over ten thousand recordings across four large-scale cohorts. The results show a strong correlation between the decrease in sleep depth index and the increase in arousal likelihood. Several case studies indicate that the sleep depth index captures more nuanced sleep structures than conventional sleep staging. Sleep biomarkers extracted from the whole-night sleep depth index exhibit statistically significant differences with medium-to-large effect sizes across groups of varied subjective sleep quality and insomnia symptoms. These sleep biomarkers also promise utility in predicting the severity of obstructive sleep apnea, particularly in severe cases. Our study underscores the utility of the proposed method for continuous sleep depth annotation, which could reveal more detailed structures and dynamics within whole-night sleep and yield novel digital biomarkers beneficial for sleep health.
[ "['Songchi Zhou' 'Ge Song' 'Haoqi Sun' 'Yue Leng' 'M. Brandon Westover'\n 'Shenda Hong']" ]
SPINEX: Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration for Anomaly and Outlier Detection
This paper presents a novel anomaly and outlier detection algorithm from the SPINEX (Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration) family. This algorithm leverages the concept of similarity and higher-order interactions across multiple subspaces to identify outliers. A comprehensive set of experiments was conducted to evaluate the performance of SPINEX. This algorithm was examined against 21 commonly used anomaly detection algorithms, namely, namely, Angle-Based Outlier Detection (ABOD), Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF), Copula-Based Outlier Detection (COPOD), ECOD, Elliptic Envelope (EE), Feature Bagging with KNN, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS), Isolation Forest (IF), Isolation Neural Network Ensemble (INNE), Kernel Density Estimation (KDE), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Lightweight Online Detector of Anomalies (LODA), Linear Model Deviation-based Detector (LMDD), Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD), One-Class SVM (OCSVM), Quadratic MCD (QMCD), Robust Covariance (RC), Stochastic Outlier Selection (SOS), and Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD), and across 39 synthetic and real datasets from various domains and of a variety of dimensions and complexities. Furthermore, a complexity analysis was carried out to examine the complexity of the proposed algorithm. Our results demonstrate that SPINEX achieves superior performance, outperforms commonly used anomaly detection algorithms, and has moderate complexity (e.g., O(n log n d)). More specifically, SPINEX was found to rank at the top of algorithms on the synthetic datasets and the 7th on the real datasets. Finally, a demonstration of the explainability capabilities of SPINEX, along with future research needs, is presented.
[ "['MZ Naser' 'Ahmed Z Naser']" ]
Agnostic Private Density Estimation via Stable List Decoding
We introduce a new notion of stability--which we call stable list decoding--and demonstrate its applicability in designing differentially private density estimators. This definition is weaker than global stability [ABLMM22] and is related to the notions of replicability [ILPS22] and list replicability [CMY23]. We show that if a class of distributions is stable list decodable, then it can be learned privately in the agnostic setting. As the main application of our framework, we prove the first upper bound on the sample complexity of private density estimation for Gaussian Mixture Models in the agnostic setting, extending the realizable result of Afzali et al. [AAL24].
[ "['Mohammad Afzali' 'Hassan Ashtiani' 'Christopher Liaw']" ]
Re-Tuning: Overcoming the Compositionality Limits of Large Language Models with Recursive Tuning
We present a new method for large language models to solve compositional tasks. Although they have shown strong performance on traditional language understanding tasks, large language models struggle to solve compositional tasks, where the solution depends on solving smaller instances of the same problem. We propose a natural approach to solve compositional tasks recursively. Our method, Re-Tuning, tunes models to break down a problem into subproblems, solve those subproblems, and combine the results. We show that our method significantly improves model performance on three representative compositional tasks: integer addition, dynamic programming, and parity. Compared to state-of-the-art methods that keep intermediate steps towards solving the problems, Re-Tuning achieves significantly higher accuracy and is more GPU memory efficient.
[ "['Eric Pasewark' 'Kyle Montgomery' 'Kefei Duan' 'Dawn Song'\n 'Chenguang Wang']" ]
On Evaluating The Performance of Watermarked Machine-Generated Texts Under Adversarial Attacks
Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in various applications, including text generation and complex tasks. However, the misuse of LLMs raises concerns about the authenticity and ethical implications of the content they produce, such as deepfake news, academic fraud, and copyright infringement. Watermarking techniques, which embed identifiable markers in machine-generated text, offer a promising solution to these issues by allowing for content verification and origin tracing. Unfortunately, the robustness of current LLM watermarking schemes under potential watermark removal attacks has not been comprehensively explored. In this paper, to fill this gap, we first systematically comb the mainstream watermarking schemes and removal attacks on machine-generated texts, and then we categorize them into pre-text (before text generation) and post-text (after text generation) classes so that we can conduct diversified analyses. In our experiments, we evaluate eight watermarks (five pre-text, three post-text) and twelve attacks (two pre-text, ten post-text) across 87 scenarios. Evaluation results indicate that (1) KGW and Exponential watermarks offer high text quality and watermark retention but remain vulnerable to most attacks; (2) Post-text attacks are found to be more efficient and practical than pre-text attacks; (3) Pre-text watermarks are generally more imperceptible, as they do not alter text fluency, unlike post-text watermarks; (4) Additionally, combined attack methods can significantly increase effectiveness, highlighting the need for more robust watermarking solutions. Our study underscores the vulnerabilities of current techniques and the necessity for developing more resilient schemes.
[ "['Zesen Liu' 'Tianshuo Cong' 'Xinlei He' 'Qi Li']" ]
Revealing the Utilized Rank of Subspaces of Learning in Neural Networks
In this work, we study how well the learned weights of a neural network utilize the space available to them. This notion is related to capacity, but additionally incorporates the interaction of the network architecture with the dataset. Most learned weights appear to be full rank, and are therefore not amenable to low rank decomposition. This deceptively implies that the weights are utilizing the entire space available to them. We propose a simple data-driven transformation that projects the weights onto the subspace where the data and the weight interact. This preserves the functional mapping of the layer and reveals its low rank structure. In our findings, we conclude that most models utilize a fraction of the available space. For instance, for ViTB-16 and ViTL-16 trained on ImageNet, the mean layer utilization is 35% and 20% respectively. Our transformation results in reducing the parameters to 50% and 25% respectively, while resulting in less than 0.2% accuracy drop after fine-tuning. We also show that self-supervised pre-training drives this utilization up to 70%, justifying its suitability for downstream tasks.
[ "['Isha Garg' 'Christian Koguchi' 'Eshan Verma' 'Daniel Ulbricht']" ]
The Impact of Quantization and Pruning on Deep Reinforcement Learning Models
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has achieved remarkable success across various domains, such as video games, robotics, and, recently, large language models. However, the computational costs and memory requirements of DRL models often limit their deployment in resource-constrained environments. The challenge underscores the urgent need to explore neural network compression methods to make RDL models more practical and broadly applicable. Our study investigates the impact of two prominent compression methods, quantization and pruning on DRL models. We examine how these techniques influence four performance factors: average return, memory, inference time, and battery utilization across various DRL algorithms and environments. Despite the decrease in model size, we identify that these compression techniques generally do not improve the energy efficiency of DRL models, but the model size decreases. We provide insights into the trade-offs between model compression and DRL performance, offering guidelines for deploying efficient DRL models in resource-constrained settings.
[ "['Heng Lu' 'Mehdi Alemi' 'Reza Rawassizadeh']" ]
Fair Submodular Cover
Submodular optimization is a fundamental problem with many applications in machine learning, often involving decision-making over datasets with sensitive attributes such as gender or age. In such settings, it is often desirable to produce a diverse solution set that is fairly distributed with respect to these attributes. Motivated by this, we initiate the study of Fair Submodular Cover (FSC), where given a ground set $U$, a monotone submodular function $f:2^Utomathbb{R}_{ge 0}$, a threshold $tau$, the goal is to find a balanced subset of $S$ with minimum cardinality such that $f(S)getau$. We first introduce discrete algorithms for FSC that achieve a bicriteria approximation ratio of $(frac{1}{epsilon}, 1-O(epsilon))$. We then present a continuous algorithm that achieves a $(lnfrac{1}{epsilon}, 1-O(epsilon))$-bicriteria approximation ratio, which matches the best approximation guarantee of submodular cover without a fairness constraint. Finally, we complement our theoretical results with a number of empirical evaluations that demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms on instances of maximum coverage.
[ "['Wenjing Chen' 'Shuo Xing' 'Samson Zhou' 'Victoria G. Crawford']" ]
Training Guarantees of Neural Network Classification Two-Sample Tests by Kernel Analysis
We construct and analyze a neural network two-sample test to determine whether two datasets came from the same distribution (null hypothesis) or not (alternative hypothesis). We perform time-analysis on a neural tangent kernel (NTK) two-sample test. In particular, we derive the theoretical minimum training time needed to ensure the NTK two-sample test detects a deviation-level between the datasets. Similarly, we derive the theoretical maximum training time before the NTK two-sample test detects a deviation-level. By approximating the neural network dynamics with the NTK dynamics, we extend this time-analysis to the realistic neural network two-sample test generated from time-varying training dynamics and finite training samples. A similar extension is done for the neural network two-sample test generated from time-varying training dynamics but trained on the population. To give statistical guarantees, we show that the statistical power associated with the neural network two-sample test goes to 1 as the neural network training samples and test evaluation samples go to infinity. Additionally, we prove that the training times needed to detect the same deviation-level in the null and alternative hypothesis scenarios are well-separated. Finally, we run some experiments showcasing a two-layer neural network two-sample test on a hard two-sample test problem and plot a heatmap of the statistical power of the two-sample test in relation to training time and network complexity.
[ "['Varun Khurana' 'Xiuyuan Cheng' 'Alexander Cloninger']" ]
Simplifying Deep Temporal Difference Learning
Q-learning played a foundational role in the field reinforcement learning (RL). However, TD algorithms with off-policy data, such as Q-learning, or nonlinear function approximation like deep neural networks require several additional tricks to stabilise training, primarily a replay buffer and target networks. Unfortunately, the delayed updating of frozen network parameters in the target network harms the sample efficiency and, similarly, the replay buffer introduces memory and implementation overheads. In this paper, we investigate whether it is possible to accelerate and simplify TD training while maintaining its stability. Our key theoretical result demonstrates for the first time that regularisation techniques such as LayerNorm can yield provably convergent TD algorithms without the need for a target network, even with off-policy data. Empirically, we find that online, parallelised sampling enabled by vectorised environments stabilises training without the need of a replay buffer. Motivated by these findings, we propose PQN, our simplified deep online Q-Learning algorithm. Surprisingly, this simple algorithm is competitive with more complex methods like: Rainbow in Atari, R2D2 in Hanabi, QMix in Smax, PPO-RNN in Craftax, and can be up to 50x faster than traditional DQN without sacrificing sample efficiency. In an era where PPO has become the go-to RL algorithm, PQN reestablishes Q-learning as a viable alternative. We make our code available at:
[ "['Matteo Gallici' 'Mattie Fellows' 'Benjamin Ellis' 'Bartomeu Pou'\n 'Ivan Masmitja' 'Jakob Nicolaus Foerster' 'Mario Martin']" ]
RPN: Reconciled Polynomial Network Towards Unifying PGMs, Kernel SVMs, MLP and KAN
In this paper, we will introduce a novel deep model named Reconciled Polynomial Network (RPN) for deep function learning. RPN has a very general architecture and can be used to build models with various complexities, capacities, and levels of completeness, which all contribute to the correctness of these models. As indicated in the subtitle, RPN can also serve as the backbone to unify different base models into one canonical representation. This includes non-deep models, like probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) - such as Bayesian network and Markov network - and kernel support vector machines (kernel SVMs), as well as deep models like the classic multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the recent Kolmogorov-Arnold network (KAN). Technically, RPN proposes to disentangle the underlying function to be inferred into the inner product of a data expansion function and a parameter reconciliation function. Together with the remainder function, RPN accurately approximates the underlying functions that governs data distributions. The data expansion functions in RPN project data vectors from the input space to a high-dimensional intermediate space, specified by the expansion functions in definition. Meanwhile, RPN also introduces the parameter reconciliation functions to fabricate a small number of parameters into a higher-order parameter matrix to address the ``curse of dimensionality'' problem caused by the data expansions. Moreover, the remainder functions provide RPN with additional complementary information to reduce potential approximation errors. We conducted extensive empirical experiments on numerous benchmark datasets across multiple modalities, including continuous function datasets, discrete vision and language datasets, and classic tabular datasets, to investigate the effectiveness of RPN.
[ "['Jiawei Zhang']" ]
YourMT3+: Multi-instrument Music Transcription with Enhanced Transformer Architectures and Cross-dataset Stem Augmentation
Multi-instrument music transcription aims to convert polyphonic music recordings into musical scores assigned to each instrument. This task is challenging for modeling as it requires simultaneously identifying multiple instruments and transcribing their pitch and precise timing, and the lack of fully annotated data adds to the training difficulties. This paper introduces YourMT3+, a suite of models for enhanced multi-instrument music transcription based on the recent language token decoding approach of MT3. We strengthen its encoder by adopting a hierarchical attention transformer in the time-frequency domain and integrating a mixture of experts (MoE). To address data limitations, we introduce a new multi-channel decoding method for training with incomplete annotations and propose intra- and cross-stem augmentation for dataset mixing. Our experiments demonstrate direct vocal transcription capabilities, eliminating the need for voice separation pre-processors. Benchmarks across ten public datasets show our models' competitiveness with, or superiority to, existing transcription models. Further testing on pop music recordings highlights the limitations of current models. Fully reproducible code and datasets are available at url{}
[ "['Sungkyun Chang' 'Emmanouil Benetos' 'Holger Kirchhoff' 'Simon Dixon']" ]
Associative Recurrent Memory Transformer
This paper addresses the challenge of creating a neural architecture for very long sequences that requires constant time for processing new information at each time step. Our approach, Associative Recurrent Memory Transformer (ARMT), is based on transformer self-attention for local context and segment-level recurrence for storage of task specific information distributed over a long context. We demonstrate that ARMT outperfors existing alternatives in associative retrieval tasks and sets a new performance record in the recent BABILong multi-task long-context benchmark by answering single-fact questions over 50 million tokens with an accuracy of 79.9%. The source code for training and evaluation is available on github.
[ "['Ivan Rodkin' 'Yuri Kuratov' 'Aydar Bulatov' 'Mikhail Burtsev']" ]
MJ-Bench: Is Your Multimodal Reward Model Really a Good Judge for Text-to-Image Generation?
While text-to-image models like DALLE-3 and Stable Diffusion are rapidly proliferating, they often encounter challenges such as hallucination, bias, and the production of unsafe, low-quality output. To effectively address these issues, it is crucial to align these models with desired behaviors based on feedback from a multimodal judge. Despite their significance, current multimodal judges frequently undergo inadequate evaluation of their capabilities and limitations, potentially leading to misalignment and unsafe fine-tuning outcomes. To address this issue, we introduce MJ-Bench, a novel benchmark which incorporates a comprehensive preference dataset to evaluate multimodal judges in providing feedback for image generation models across four key perspectives: alignment, safety, image quality, and bias. Specifically, we evaluate a large variety of multimodal judges including smaller-sized CLIP-based scoring models, open-source VLMs (e.g. LLaVA family), and close-source VLMs (e.g. GPT-4o, Claude 3) on each decomposed subcategory of our preference dataset. Experiments reveal that close-source VLMs generally provide better feedback, with GPT-4o outperforming other judges in average. Compared with open-source VLMs, smaller-sized scoring models can provide better feedback regarding text-image alignment and image quality, while VLMs provide more accurate feedback regarding safety and generation bias due to their stronger reasoning capabilities. Further studies in feedback scale reveal that VLM judges can generally provide more accurate and stable feedback in natural language (Likert-scale) than numerical scales. Notably, human evaluations on end-to-end fine-tuned models using separate feedback from these multimodal judges provide similar conclusions, further confirming the effectiveness of MJ-Bench. All data, code, models are available at
[ "['Zhaorun Chen' 'Yichao Du' 'Zichen Wen' 'Yiyang Zhou' 'Chenhang Cui'\n 'Zhenzhen Weng' 'Haoqin Tu' 'Chaoqi Wang' 'Zhengwei Tong' 'Qinglan Huang'\n 'Canyu Chen' 'Qinghao Ye' 'Zhihong Zhu' 'Yuqing Zhang' 'Jiawei Zhou'\n 'Zhuokai Zhao' 'Rafael Rafailov' 'Chelsea Finn' 'Huaxiu Yao']" ]
Amazing Things Come From Having Many Good Models
The Rashomon Effect, coined by Leo Breiman, describes the phenomenon that there exist many equally good predictive models for the same dataset. This phenomenon happens for many real datasets and when it does, it sparks both magic and consternation, but mostly magic. In light of the Rashomon Effect, this perspective piece proposes reshaping the way we think about machine learning, particularly for tabular data problems in the nondeterministic (noisy) setting. We address how the Rashomon Effect impacts (1) the existence of simple-yet-accurate models, (2) flexibility to address user preferences, such as fairness and monotonicity, without losing performance, (3) uncertainty in predictions, fairness, and explanations, (4) reliable variable importance, (5) algorithm choice, specifically, providing advanced knowledge of which algorithms might be suitable for a given problem, and (6) public policy. We also discuss a theory of when the Rashomon Effect occurs and why. Our goal is to illustrate how the Rashomon Effect can have a massive impact on the use of machine learning for complex problems in society.
[ "['Cynthia Rudin' 'Chudi Zhong' 'Lesia Semenova' 'Margo Seltzer'\n 'Ronald Parr' 'Jiachang Liu' 'Srikar Katta' 'Jon Donnelly' 'Harry Chen'\n 'Zachery Boner']" ]
Explorative Imitation Learning: A Path Signature Approach for Continuous Environments
Some imitation learning methods combine behavioural cloning with self-supervision to infer actions from state pairs. However, most rely on a large number of expert trajectories to increase generalisation and human intervention to capture key aspects of the problem, such as domain constraints. In this paper, we propose Continuous Imitation Learning from Observation (CILO), a new method augmenting imitation learning with two important features: (i) exploration, allowing for more diverse state transitions, requiring less expert trajectories and resulting in fewer training iterations; and (ii) path signatures, allowing for automatic encoding of constraints, through the creation of non-parametric representations of agents and expert trajectories. We compared CILO with a baseline and two leading imitation learning methods in five environments. It had the best overall performance of all methods in all environments, outperforming the expert in two of them.
[ "['Nathan Gavenski' 'Juarez Monteiro' 'Felipe Meneguzzi' 'Michael Luck'\n 'Odinaldo Rodrigues']" ]
Augmented Bayesian Policy Search
Deterministic policies are often preferred over stochastic ones when implemented on physical systems. They can prevent erratic and harmful behaviors while being easier to implement and interpret. However, in practice, exploration is largely performed by stochastic policies. First-order Bayesian Optimization (BO) methods offer a principled way of performing exploration using deterministic policies. This is done through a learned probabilistic model of the objective function and its gradient. Nonetheless, such approaches treat policy search as a black-box problem, and thus, neglect the reinforcement learning nature of the problem. In this work, we leverage the performance difference lemma to introduce a novel mean function for the probabilistic model. This results in augmenting BO methods with the action-value function. Hence, we call our method Augmented Bayesian Search~(ABS). Interestingly, this new mean function enhances the posterior gradient with the deterministic policy gradient, effectively bridging the gap between BO and policy gradient methods. The resulting algorithm combines the convenience of the direct policy search with the scalability of reinforcement learning. We validate ABS on high-dimensional locomotion problems and demonstrate competitive performance compared to existing direct policy search schemes.
[ "['Mahdi Kallel' 'Debabrota Basu' 'Riad Akrour' \"Carlo D'Eramo\"]" ]
Explainable Metric Learning for Deflating Data Bias
Image classification is an essential part of computer vision which assigns a given input image to a specific category based on the similarity evaluation within given criteria. While promising classifiers can be obtained through deep learning models, these approaches lack explainability, where the classification results are hard to interpret in a human-understandable way. In this paper, we present an explainable metric learning framework, which constructs hierarchical levels of semantic segments of an image for better interpretability. The key methodology involves a bottom-up learning strategy, starting by training the local metric learning model for the individual segments and then combining segments to compose comprehensive metrics in a tree. Specifically, our approach enables a more human-understandable similarity measurement between two images based on the semantic segments within it, which can be utilized to generate new samples to reduce bias in a training dataset. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed approach can drastically improve model accuracy compared with state-of-the-art methods.
[ "['Emma Andrews' 'Prabhat Mishra']" ]
Improving Knowledge Distillation in Transfer Learning with Layer-wise Learning Rates
Transfer learning methods start performing poorly when the complexity of the learning task is increased. Most of these methods calculate the cumulative differences of all the matched features and then use them to back-propagate that loss through all the layers. Contrary to these methods, in this work, we propose a novel layer-wise learning scheme that adjusts learning parameters per layer as a function of the differences in the Jacobian/Attention/Hessian of the output activations w.r.t. the network parameters. We applied this novel scheme for attention map-based and derivative-based (first and second order) transfer learning methods. We received improved learning performance and stability against a wide range of datasets. From extensive experimental evaluation, we observed that the performance boost achieved by our method becomes more significant with the increasing difficulty of the learning task.
[ "['Shirley Kokane' 'Mostofa Rafid Uddin' 'Min Xu']" ]
Leveraging Data Mining, Active Learning, and Domain Adaptation in a Multi-Stage, Machine Learning-Driven Approach for the Efficient Discovery of Advanced Acidic Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts
Developing advanced catalysts for acidic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is crucial for sustainable hydrogen production. This study introduces a novel, multi-stage machine learning (ML) approach to streamline the discovery and optimization of complex multi-metallic catalysts. Our method integrates data mining, active learning, and domain adaptation throughout the materials discovery process. Unlike traditional trial-and-error methods, this approach systematically narrows the exploration space using domain knowledge with minimized reliance on subjective intuition. Then the active learning module efficiently refines element composition and synthesis conditions through iterative experimental feedback. The process culminated in the discovery of a promising Ru-Mn-Ca-Pr oxide catalyst. Our workflow also enhances theoretical simulations with domain adaptation strategy, providing deeper mechanistic insights aligned with experimental findings. By leveraging diverse data sources and multiple ML strategies, we establish an efficient pathway for electrocatalyst discovery and optimization. This comprehensive, data-driven approach represents a paradigm shift and potentially new benchmark in electrocatalysts research.
[ "['Rui Ding' 'Jianguo Liu' 'Kang Hua' 'Xuebin Wang' 'Xiaoben Zhang'\n 'Minhua Shao' 'Yuxin Chen' 'Junhong Chen']" ]
Differentially Private Convex Approximation of Two-Layer ReLU Networks
We show that it is possible to privately train convex problems that give models with similar privacy-utility trade-off as one hidden-layer ReLU networks trained with differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD). As we show, this is possible via a certain dual formulation of the ReLU minimization problem. We derive a stochastic approximation of the dual problem that leads to a strongly convex problem which allows applying, for example, the privacy amplification by iteration type of analysis for gradient-based private optimizers, and in particular allows giving accurate privacy bounds for the noisy cyclic mini-batch gradient descent with fixed disjoint mini-batches. We obtain on the MNIST and FashionMNIST problems for the noisy cyclic mini-batch gradient descent first empirical results that show similar privacy-utility-trade-offs as DP-SGD applied to a ReLU network. We outline theoretical utility bounds that illustrate the speed-ups of the private convex approximation of ReLU networks.
[ "['Antti Koskela']" ]
Maximizing utility in multi-agent environments by anticipating the behavior of other learners
Learning algorithms are often used to make decisions in sequential decision-making environments. In multi-agent settings, the decisions of each agent can affect the utilities/losses of the other agents. Therefore, if an agent is good at anticipating the behavior of the other agents, in particular how they will make decisions in each round as a function of their experience that far, it could try to judiciously make its own decisions over the rounds of the interaction so as to influence the other agents to behave in a way that ultimately benefits its own utility. In this paper, we study repeated two-player games involving two types of agents: a learner, which employs an online learning algorithm to choose its strategy in each round; and an optimizer, which knows the learner's utility function and the learner's online learning algorithm. The optimizer wants to plan ahead to maximize its own utility, while taking into account the learner's behavior. We provide two results: a positive result for repeated zero-sum games and a negative result for repeated general-sum games. Our positive result is an algorithm for the optimizer, which exactly maximizes its utility against a learner that plays the Replicator Dynamics -- the continuous-time analogue of Multiplicative Weights Update (MWU). Additionally, we use this result to provide an algorithm for the optimizer against MWU, i.e.~for the discrete-time setting, which guarantees an average utility for the optimizer that is higher than the value of the one-shot game. Our negative result shows that, unless P=NP, there is no Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS) for maximizing the utility of an optimizer against a learner that best-responds to the history in each round. Yet, this still leaves open the question of whether there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that optimizes the utility up to $o(T)$.
[ "['Angelos Assos' 'Yuval Dagan' 'Constantinos Daskalakis']" ]
Nash Incentive-compatible Online Mechanism Learning via Weakly Differentially Private Online Learning
We study a multi-round mechanism design problem, where we interact with a set of agents over a sequence of rounds. We wish to design an incentive-compatible (IC) online learning scheme to maximize an application-specific objective within a given class of mechanisms, without prior knowledge of the agents' type distributions. Even if each mechanism in this class is IC in a single round, if an algorithm naively chooses from this class on each round, the entire learning process may not be IC against non-myopic buyers who appear over multiple rounds. On each round, our method randomly chooses between the recommendation of a weakly differentially private online learning algorithm (e.g., Hedge), and a commitment mechanism which penalizes non-truthful behavior. Our method is IC and achieves $O(T^{frac{1+h}{2}})$ regret for the application-specific objective in an adversarial setting, where $h$ quantifies the long-sightedness of the agents. When compared to prior work, our approach is conceptually simpler,it applies to general mechanism design problems (beyond auctions), and its regret scales gracefully with the size of the mechanism class.
[ "['Joon Suk Huh' 'Kirthevasan Kandasamy']" ]
Closing the Gaps: Optimality of Sample Average Approximation for Data-Driven Newsvendor Problems
We study the regret performance of Sample Average Approximation (SAA) for data-driven newsvendor problems with general convex inventory costs. In literature, the optimality of SAA has not been fully established under both alpha-global strong convexity and (alpha,beta)-local strong convexity (alpha-strongly convex within the beta-neighborhood of the optimal quantity) conditions. This paper closes the gaps between regret upper and lower bounds for both conditions. Under the (alpha,beta)-local strong convexity condition, we prove the optimal regret bound of Theta(log T/alpha + 1/ (alphabeta)) for SAA. This upper bound result demonstrates that the regret performance of SAA is only influenced by alpha and not by beta in the long run, enhancing our understanding about how local properties affect the long-term regret performance of decision-making strategies. Under the alpha-global strong convexity condition, we demonstrate that the worst-case regret of any data-driven method is lower bounded by Omega(log T/alpha), which is the first lower bound result that matches the existing upper bound with respect to both parameter alpha and time horizon T. Along the way, we propose to analyze the SAA regret via a new gradient approximation technique, as well as a new class of smooth inverted-hat-shaped hard problem instances that might be of independent interest for the lower bounds of broader data-driven problems.
[ "['Jiameng Lyu' 'Shilin Yuan' 'Bingkun Zhou' 'Yuan Zhou']" ]
Balance of Number of Embedding and their Dimensions in Vector Quantization
The dimensionality of the embedding and the number of available embeddings ( also called codebook size) are critical factors influencing the performance of Vector Quantization(VQ), a discretization process used in many models such as the Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) architecture. This study examines the balance between the codebook sizes and dimensions of embeddings in VQ, while maintaining their product constant. Traditionally, these hyper parameters are static during training; however, our findings indicate that augmenting the codebook size while simultaneously reducing the embedding dimension can significantly boost the effectiveness of the VQ-VAE. As a result, the strategic selection of codebook size and embedding dimensions, while preserving the capacity of the discrete codebook space, is critically important. To address this, we propose a novel adaptive dynamic quantization approach, underpinned by the Gumbel-Softmax mechanism, which allows the model to autonomously determine the optimal codebook configuration for each data instance. This dynamic discretizer gives the VQ-VAE remarkable flexibility. Thorough empirical evaluations across multiple benchmark datasets validate the notable performance enhancements achieved by our approach, highlighting the significant potential of adaptive dynamic quantization to improve model performance.
[ "['Hang Chen' 'Sankepally Sainath Reddy' 'Ziwei Chen' 'Dianbo Liu']" ]
Resource Constrained U-Net for Extraction of Retinal Vascular Trees
This paper demonstrates the efficacy of a modified U-Net structure for the extraction of vascular tree masks for human fundus photographs. On limited compute resources and training data, the proposed model only slightly underperforms when compared to state of the art methods.
[ "['Georgiy Kiselev']" ]
FOSP: Fine-tuning Offline Safe Policy through World Models
Model-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown its high training efficiency and capability of handling high-dimensional tasks. Regarding safety issues, safe model-based RL can achieve nearly zero-cost performance and effectively manage the trade-off between performance and safety. Nevertheless, prior works still pose safety challenges due to the online exploration in real-world deployment. To address this, some offline RL methods have emerged as solutions, which learn from a static dataset in a safe way by avoiding interactions with the environment. In this paper, we aim to further enhance safety during the deployment stage for vision-based robotic tasks by fine-tuning an offline-trained policy. We incorporate in-sample optimization, model-based policy expansion, and reachability guidance to construct a safe offline-to-online framework. Moreover, our method proves to improve the generalization of offline policy in unseen safety-constrained scenarios. Finally, the efficiency of our method is validated on simulation benchmarks with five vision-only tasks and a real robot by solving some deployment problems using limited data.
[ "['Chenyang Cao' 'Yucheng Xin' 'Silang Wu' 'Longxiang He' 'Zichen Yan'\n 'Junbo Tan' 'Xueqian Wang']" ]
Quantizing YOLOv7: A Comprehensive Study
YOLO is a deep neural network (DNN) model presented for robust real-time object detection following the one-stage inference approach. It outperforms other real-time object detectors in terms of speed and accuracy by a wide margin. Nevertheless, since YOLO is developed upon a DNN backbone with numerous parameters, it will cause excessive memory load, thereby deploying it on memory-constrained devices is a severe challenge in practice. To overcome this limitation, model compression techniques, such as quantizing parameters to lower-precision values, can be adopted. As the most recent version of YOLO, YOLOv7 achieves such state-of-the-art performance in speed and accuracy in the range of 5 FPS to 160 FPS that it surpasses all former versions of YOLO and other existing models in this regard. So far, the robustness of several quantization schemes has been evaluated on older versions of YOLO. These methods may not necessarily yield similar results for YOLOv7 as it utilizes a different architecture. In this paper, we conduct in-depth research on the effectiveness of a variety of quantization schemes on the pre-trained weights of the state-of-the-art YOLOv7 model. Experimental results demonstrate that using 4-bit quantization coupled with the combination of different granularities results in ~3.92x and ~3.86x memory-saving for uniform and non-uniform quantization, respectively, with only 2.5% and 1% accuracy loss compared to the full-precision baseline model.
[ "['Mohammadamin Baghbanbashi' 'Mohsen Raji' 'Behnam Ghavami']" ]
On Differentially Private U Statistics
We consider the problem of privately estimating a parameter $mathbb{E}[h(X_1,dots,X_k)]$, where $X_1$, $X_2$, $dots$, $X_k$ are i.i.d. data from some distribution and $h$ is a permutation-invariant function. Without privacy constraints, standard estimators are U-statistics, which commonly arise in a wide range of problems, including nonparametric signed rank tests, symmetry testing, uniformity testing, and subgraph counts in random networks, and can be shown to be minimum variance unbiased estimators under mild conditions. Despite the recent outpouring of interest in private mean estimation, privatizing U-statistics has received little attention. While existing private mean estimation algorithms can be applied to obtain confidence intervals, we show that they can lead to suboptimal private error, e.g., constant-factor inflation in the leading term, or even $Theta(1/n)$ rather than $O(1/n^2)$ in degenerate settings. To remedy this, we propose a new thresholding-based approach using emph{local H'ajek projections} to reweight different subsets of the data. This leads to nearly optimal private error for non-degenerate U-statistics and a strong indication of near-optimality for degenerate U-statistics.
[ "['Kamalika Chaudhuri' 'Po-Ling Loh' 'Shourya Pandey' 'Purnamrita Sarkar']" ]
Beyond the Federation: Topology-aware Federated Learning for Generalization to Unseen Clients
Federated Learning is widely employed to tackle distributed sensitive data. Existing methods primarily focus on addressing in-federation data heterogeneity. However, we observed that they suffer from significant performance degradation when applied to unseen clients for out-of-federation (OOF) generalization. The recent attempts to address generalization to unseen clients generally struggle to scale up to large-scale distributed settings due to high communication or computation costs. Moreover, methods that scale well often demonstrate poor generalization capability. To achieve OOF-resiliency in a scalable manner, we propose Topology-aware Federated Learning (TFL) that leverages client topology - a graph representing client relationships - to effectively train robust models against OOF data. We formulate a novel optimization problem for TFL, consisting of two key modules: Client Topology Learning, which infers the client relationships in a privacy-preserving manner, and Learning on Client Topology, which leverages the learned topology to identify influential clients and harness this information into the FL optimization process to efficiently build robust models. Empirical evaluation on a variety of real-world datasets verifies TFL's superior OOF robustness and scalability.
[ "['Mengmeng Ma' 'Tang Li' 'Xi Peng']" ]
Entropy-Informed Weighting Channel Normalizing Flow
Normalizing Flows (NFs) have gained popularity among deep generative models due to their ability to provide exact likelihood estimation and efficient sampling. However, a crucial limitation of NFs is their substantial memory requirements, arising from maintaining the dimension of the latent space equal to that of the input space. Multi-scale architectures bypass this limitation by progressively reducing the dimension of latent variables while ensuring reversibility. Existing multi-scale architectures split the latent variables in a simple, static manner at the channel level, compromising NFs' expressive power. To address this issue, we propose a regularized and feature-dependent $mathtt{Shuffle}$ operation and integrate it into vanilla multi-scale architecture. This operation heuristically generates channel-wise weights and adaptively shuffles latent variables before splitting them with these weights. We observe that such operation guides the variables to evolve in the direction of entropy increase, hence we refer to NFs with the $mathtt{Shuffle}$ operation as emph{Entropy-Informed Weighting Channel Normalizing Flow} (EIW-Flow). Experimental results indicate that the EIW-Flow achieves state-of-the-art density estimation results and comparable sample quality on CIFAR-10, CelebA and ImageNet datasets, with negligible additional computational overhead.
[ "['Wei Chen' 'Shian Du' 'Shigui Li' 'Delu Zeng' 'John Paisley']" ]
A Layer-Anchoring Strategy for Enhancing Cross-Lingual Speech Emotion Recognition
Cross-lingual speech emotion recognition (SER) is important for a wide range of everyday applications. While recent SER research relies heavily on large pretrained models for emotion training, existing studies often concentrate solely on the final transformer layer of these models. However, given the task-specific nature and hierarchical architecture of these models, each transformer layer encapsulates different levels of information. Leveraging this hierarchical structure, our study focuses on the information embedded across different layers. Through an examination of layer feature similarity across different languages, we propose a novel strategy called a layer-anchoring mechanism to facilitate emotion transfer in cross-lingual SER tasks. Our approach is evaluated using two distinct language affective corpora (MSP-Podcast and BIIC-Podcast), achieving a best UAR performance of 60.21% on the BIIC-podcast corpus. The analysis uncovers interesting insights into the behavior of popular pretrained models.
[ "['Shreya G. Upadhyay' 'Carlos Busso' 'Chi-Chun Lee']" ]
Idiographic Personality Gaussian Process for Psychological Assessment
We develop a novel measurement framework based on a Gaussian process coregionalization model to address a long-lasting debate in psychometrics: whether psychological features like personality share a common structure across the population, vary uniquely for individuals, or some combination. We propose the idiographic personality Gaussian process (IPGP) framework, an intermediate model that accommodates both shared trait structure across a population and "idiographic" deviations for individuals. IPGP leverages the Gaussian process coregionalization model to handle the grouped nature of battery responses, but adjusted to non-Gaussian ordinal data. We further exploit stochastic variational inference for efficient latent factor estimation required for idiographic modeling at scale. Using synthetic and real data, we show that IPGP improves both prediction of actual responses and estimation of individualized factor structures relative to existing benchmarks. In a third study, we show that IPGP also identifies unique clusters of personality taxonomies in real-world data, displaying great potential in advancing individualized approaches to psychological diagnosis and treatment.
[ "['Yehu Chen' 'Muchen Xi' 'Jacob Montgomery' 'Joshua Jackson'\n 'Roman Garnett']" ]
LogicVista: Multimodal LLM Logical Reasoning Benchmark in Visual Contexts
We propose LogicVista, an evaluation benchmark that assesses the integrated logical reasoning capabilities of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) in Visual contexts. Recent advancements in MLLMs have demonstrated various fascinating abilities, from crafting poetry based on an image to performing mathematical reasoning. However, there is still a lack of systematic evaluation of MLLMs' proficiency in logical reasoning tasks, which are essential for activities like navigation and puzzle-solving. Thus we evaluate general logical cognition abilities across 5 logical reasoning tasks encompassing 9 different capabilities, using a sample of 448 multiple-choice questions. Each question is annotated with the correct answer and the human-written reasoning behind the selection, enabling both open-ended and multiple-choice evaluation. A total of 8 MLLMs are comprehensively evaluated using LogicVista. Code and Data Available at
[ "['Yijia Xiao' 'Edward Sun' 'Tianyu Liu' 'Wei Wang']" ]
Multi-agent Off-policy Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Partially Observable Environments
This study proposes the use of a social learning method to estimate a global state within a multi-agent off-policy actor-critic algorithm for reinforcement learning (RL) operating in a partially observable environment. We assume that the network of agents operates in a fully-decentralized manner, possessing the capability to exchange variables with their immediate neighbors. The proposed design methodology is supported by an analysis demonstrating that the difference between final outcomes, obtained when the global state is fully observed versus estimated through the social learning method, is $varepsilon$-bounded when an appropriate number of iterations of social learning updates are implemented. Unlike many existing dec-POMDP-based RL approaches, the proposed algorithm is suitable for model-free multi-agent reinforcement learning as it does not require knowledge of a transition model. Furthermore, experimental results illustrate the efficacy of the algorithm and demonstrate its superiority over the current state-of-the-art methods.
[ "['Ainur Zhaikhan' 'Ali H. Sayed']" ]
Enabling Causal Discovery in Post-Nonlinear Models with Normalizing Flows
Post-nonlinear (PNL) causal models stand out as a versatile and adaptable framework for modeling intricate causal relationships. However, accurately capturing the invertibility constraint required in PNL models remains challenging in existing studies. To address this problem, we introduce CAF-PoNo (Causal discovery via Normalizing Flows for Post-Nonlinear models), harnessing the power of the normalizing flows architecture to enforce the crucial invertibility constraint in PNL models. Through normalizing flows, our method precisely reconstructs the hidden noise, which plays a vital role in cause-effect identification through statistical independence testing. Furthermore, the proposed approach exhibits remarkable extensibility, as it can be seamlessly expanded to facilitate multivariate causal discovery via causal order identification, empowering us to efficiently unravel complex causal relationships. Extensive experimental evaluations on both simulated and real datasets consistently demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches in both bivariate and multivariate causal discovery tasks.
[ "['Nu Hoang' 'Bao Duong' 'Thin Nguyen']" ]
TRACE: TRansformer-based Attribution using Contrastive Embeddings in LLMs
The rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs) represents a substantial leap forward in natural language understanding and generation. However, alongside these advancements come significant challenges related to the accountability and transparency of LLM responses. Reliable source attribution is essential to adhering to stringent legal and regulatory standards, including those set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation. Despite the well-established methods in source attribution within the computer vision domain, the application of robust attribution frameworks to natural language processing remains underexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel and versatile TRansformer-based Attribution framework using Contrastive Embeddings called TRACE that, in particular, exploits contrastive learning for source attribution. We perform an extensive empirical evaluation to demonstrate the performance and efficiency of TRACE in various settings and show that TRACE significantly improves the ability to attribute sources accurately, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the reliability and trustworthiness of LLMs.
[ "['Cheng Wang' 'Xinyang Lu' 'See-Kiong Ng' 'Bryan Kian Hsiang Low']" ]
Combining Neuroevolution with the Search for Novelty to Improve the Generation of Test Inputs for Games
As games challenge traditional automated white-box test generators, the Neatest approach generates test suites consisting of neural networks that exercise the source code by playing the games. Neatest generates these neural networks using an evolutionary algorithm that is guided by an objective function targeting individual source code statements. This approach works well if the objective function provides sufficient guidance, but deceiving or complex fitness landscapes may inhibit the search. In this paper, we investigate whether the issue of challenging fitness landscapes can be addressed by promoting novel behaviours during the search. Our case study on two Scratch games demonstrates that rewarding novel behaviours is a promising approach for overcoming challenging fitness landscapes, thus enabling future research on how to adapt the search algorithms to best use this information.
[ "['Patric Feldmeier' 'Gordon Fraser']" ]
Calorie Burn Estimation in Community Parks Through DLICP: A Mathematical Modelling Approach
Community parks play a crucial role in promoting physical activity and overall well-being. This study introduces DLICP (Deep Learning Integrated Community Parks), an innovative approach that combines deep learning techniques specifically, face recognition technology with a novel walking activity measurement algorithm to enhance user experience in community parks. The DLICP utilizes a camera with face recognition software to accurately identify and track park users. Simultaneously, a walking activity measurement algorithm calculates parameters such as the average pace and calories burned, tailored to individual attributes. Extensive evaluations confirm the precision of DLICP, with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 5.64 calories and a Mean Percentage Error (MPE) of 1.96%, benchmarked against widely available fitness measurement devices, such as the Apple Watch Series 6. This study contributes significantly to the development of intelligent smart park systems, enabling real-time updates on burned calories and personalized fitness tracking.
[ "['Abhishek Sebastian' 'Annis Fathima A' 'Pragna R' 'Madhan Kumar S'\n 'Jesher Joshua M']" ]
The Reachability Problem for Neural-Network Control Systems
A control system consists of a plant component and a controller which periodically computes a control input for the plant. We consider systems where the controller is implemented by a feedforward neural network with ReLU activations. The reachability problem asks, given a set of initial states, whether a set of target states can be reached. We show that this problem is undecidable even for trivial plants and fixed-depth neural networks with three inputs and outputs. We also show that the problem becomes semi-decidable when the plant as well as the input and target sets are given by automata over infinite words.
[ "['Christian Schilling' 'Martin Zimmermann']" ]
The Solution for the AIGC Inference Performance Optimization Competition
In recent years, the rapid advancement of large-scale pre-trained language models based on transformer architectures has revolutionized natural language processing tasks. Among these, ChatGPT has gained widespread popularity, demonstrating human-level conversational abilities and attracting over 100 million monthly users by late 2022. Concurrently, Baidu's commercial deployment of the Ernie Wenxin model has significantly enhanced marketing effectiveness through AI-driven technologies. This paper focuses on optimizing high-performance inference for Ernie models, emphasizing GPU acceleration and leveraging the Paddle inference framework. We employ techniques such as Faster Transformer for efficient model processing, embedding layer pruning to reduce computational overhead, and FP16 half-precision inference for enhanced computational efficiency. Additionally, our approach integrates efficient data handling strategies using multi-process parallel processing to minimize latency. Experimental results demonstrate that our optimized solution achieves up to an 8.96x improvement in inference speed compared to standard methods, while maintaining competitive performance.
[ "['Sishun Pan' 'Haonan Xu' 'Zhonghua Wan' 'Yang Yang']" ]
Scalable Variational Causal Discovery Unconstrained by Acyclicity
Bayesian causal discovery offers the power to quantify epistemic uncertainties among a broad range of structurally diverse causal theories potentially explaining the data, represented in forms of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). However, existing methods struggle with efficient DAG sampling due to the complex acyclicity constraint. In this study, we propose a scalable Bayesian approach to effectively learn the posterior distribution over causal graphs given observational data thanks to the ability to generate DAGs without explicitly enforcing acyclicity. Specifically, we introduce a novel differentiable DAG sampling method that can generate a valid acyclic causal graph by mapping an unconstrained distribution of implicit topological orders to a distribution over DAGs. Given this efficient DAG sampling scheme, we are able to model the posterior distribution over causal graphs using a simple variational distribution over a continuous domain, which can be learned via the variational inference framework. Extensive empirical experiments on both simulated and real datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed model compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.
[ "['Nu Hoang' 'Bao Duong' 'Thin Nguyen']" ]
The Solution for Language-Enhanced Image New Category Discovery
Treating texts as images, combining prompts with textual labels for prompt tuning, and leveraging the alignment properties of CLIP have been successfully applied in zero-shot multi-label image recognition. Nonetheless, relying solely on textual labels to store visual information is insufficient for representing the diversity of visual objects. In this paper, we propose reversing the training process of CLIP and introducing the concept of Pseudo Visual Prompts. These prompts are initialized for each object category and pre-trained on large-scale, low-cost sentence data generated by large language models. This process mines the aligned visual information in CLIP and stores it in class-specific visual prompts. We then employ contrastive learning to transfer the stored visual information to the textual labels, enhancing their visual representation capacity. Additionally, we introduce a dual-adapter module that simultaneously leverages knowledge from the original CLIP and new learning knowledge derived from downstream datasets. Benefiting from the pseudo visual prompts, our method surpasses the state-of-the-art not only on clean annotated text data but also on pseudo text data generated by large language models.
[ "['Haonan Xu' 'Dian Chao' 'Xiangyu Wu' 'Zhonghua Wan' 'Yang Yang']" ]
The Solution for the sequential task continual learning track of the 2nd Greater Bay Area International Algorithm Competition
This paper presents a data-free, parameter-isolation-based continual learning algorithm we developed for the sequential task continual learning track of the 2nd Greater Bay Area International Algorithm Competition. The method learns an independent parameter subspace for each task within the network's convolutional and linear layers and freezes the batch normalization layers after the first task. Specifically, for domain incremental setting where all domains share a classification head, we freeze the shared classification head after first task is completed, effectively solving the issue of catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, facing the challenge of domain incremental settings without providing a task identity, we designed an inference task identity strategy, selecting an appropriate mask matrix for each sample. Furthermore, we introduced a gradient supplementation strategy to enhance the importance of unselected parameters for the current task, facilitating learning for new tasks. We also implemented an adaptive importance scoring strategy that dynamically adjusts the amount of parameters to optimize single-task performance while reducing parameter usage. Moreover, considering the limitations of storage space and inference time, we designed a mask matrix compression strategy to save storage space and improve the speed of encryption and decryption of the mask matrix. Our approach does not require expanding the core network or using external auxiliary networks or data, and performs well under both task incremental and domain incremental settings. This solution ultimately won a second-place prize in the competition.
[ "['Sishun Pan' 'Xixian Wu' 'Tingmin Li' 'Longfei Huang' 'Mingxu Feng'\n 'Zhonghua Wan' 'Yang Yang']" ]
The Solution for the 5th GCAIAC Zero-shot Referring Expression Comprehension Challenge
This report presents a solution for the zero-shot referring expression comprehension task. Visual-language multimodal base models (such as CLIP, SAM) have gained significant attention in recent years as a cornerstone of mainstream research. One of the key applications of multimodal base models lies in their ability to generalize to zero-shot downstream tasks. Unlike traditional referring expression comprehension, zero-shot referring expression comprehension aims to apply pre-trained visual-language models directly to the task without specific training. Recent studies have enhanced the zero-shot performance of multimodal base models in referring expression comprehension tasks by introducing visual prompts. To address the zero-shot referring expression comprehension challenge, we introduced a combination of visual prompts and considered the influence of textual prompts, employing joint prediction tailored to the data characteristics. Ultimately, our approach achieved accuracy rates of 84.825 on the A leaderboard and 71.460 on the B leaderboard, securing the first position.
[ "['Longfei Huang' 'Feng Yu' 'Zhihao Guan' 'Zhonghua Wan' 'Yang Yang']" ]
Rethinking the Effectiveness of Graph Classification Datasets in Benchmarks for Assessing GNNs
Graph classification benchmarks, vital for assessing and developing graph neural networks (GNNs), have recently been scrutinized, as simple methods like MLPs have demonstrated comparable performance. This leads to an important question: Do these benchmarks effectively distinguish the advancements of GNNs over other methodologies? If so, how do we quantitatively measure this effectiveness? In response, we first propose an empirical protocol based on a fair benchmarking framework to investigate the performance discrepancy between simple methods and GNNs. We further propose a novel metric to quantify the dataset effectiveness by considering both dataset complexity and model performance. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to thoroughly study and provide an explicit definition for dataset effectiveness in the graph learning area. Through testing across 16 real-world datasets, we found our metric to align with existing studies and intuitive assumptions. Finally, we explore the causes behind the low effectiveness of certain datasets by investigating the correlation between intrinsic graph properties and class labels, and we developed a novel technique supporting the correlation-controllable synthetic dataset generation. Our findings shed light on the current understanding of benchmark datasets, and our new platform could fuel the future evolution of graph classification benchmarks.
[ "['Zhengdao Li' 'Yong Cao' 'Kefan Shuai' 'Yiming Miao' 'Kai Hwang']" ]
LoRA-GA: Low-Rank Adaptation with Gradient Approximation
Fine-tuning large-scale pretrained models is prohibitively expensive in terms of computational and memory costs. LoRA, as one of the most popular Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods, offers a cost-effective alternative by fine-tuning an auxiliary low-rank model that has significantly fewer parameters. Although LoRA reduces the computational and memory requirements significantly at each iteration, extensive empirical evidence indicates that it converges at a considerably slower rate compared to full fine-tuning, ultimately leading to increased overall compute and often worse test performance. In our paper, we perform an in-depth investigation of the initialization method of LoRA and show that careful initialization (without any change of the architecture and the training algorithm) can significantly enhance both efficiency and performance. In particular, we introduce a novel initialization method, LoRA-GA (Low Rank Adaptation with Gradient Approximation), which aligns the gradients of low-rank matrix product with those of full fine-tuning at the first step. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that LoRA-GA achieves a convergence rate comparable to that of full fine-tuning (hence being significantly faster than vanilla LoRA as well as various recent improvements) while simultaneously attaining comparable or even better performance. For example, on the subset of the GLUE dataset with T5-Base, LoRA-GA outperforms LoRA by 5.69% on average. On larger models such as Llama 2-7B, LoRA-GA shows performance improvements of 0.34, 11.52%, and 5.05% on MT-bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval, respectively. Additionally, we observe up to 2-4 times convergence speed improvement compared to vanilla LoRA, validating its effectiveness in accelerating convergence and enhancing model performance. Code is available at
[ "['Shaowen Wang' 'Linxi Yu' 'Jian Li']" ]
Personalized Federated Domain-Incremental Learning based on Adaptive Knowledge Matching
This paper focuses on Federated Domain-Incremental Learning (FDIL) where each client continues to learn incremental tasks where their domain shifts from each other. We propose a novel adaptive knowledge matching-based personalized FDIL approach (pFedDIL) which allows each client to alternatively utilize appropriate incremental task learning strategy on the correlation with the knowledge from previous tasks. More specifically, when a new task arrives, each client first calculates its local correlations with previous tasks. Then, the client can choose to adopt a new initial model or a previous model with similar knowledge to train the new task and simultaneously migrate knowledge from previous tasks based on these correlations. Furthermore, to identify the correlations between the new task and previous tasks for each client, we separately employ an auxiliary classifier to each target classification model and propose sharing partial parameters between the target classification model and the auxiliary classifier to condense model parameters. We conduct extensive experiments on several datasets of which results demonstrate that pFedDIL outperforms state-of-the-art methods by up to 14.35% in terms of average accuracy of all tasks.
[ "['Yichen Li' 'Wenchao Xu' 'Haozhao Wang' 'Ruixuan Li' 'Yining Qi'\n 'Jingcai Guo']" ]
Enhance the Robustness of Text-Centric Multimodal Alignments
Converting different modalities into general text, serving as input prompts for large language models (LLMs), is a common method to align multimodal models when there is limited pairwise data. This text-centric approach leverages the unique properties of text as a modality space, transforming diverse inputs into a unified textual representation. This enables downstream models to effectively interpret various modal inputs. This study assesses the quality and robustness of multimodal representations in the presence of missing entries, noise, or absent modalities, revealing that current text-centric alignment methods compromise downstream robustness. To address this issue, we propose a new text-centric approach that achieves superior robustness compared to previous methods across various modalities in different settings. Our findings highlight the potential of this approach to enhance the robustness and adaptability of multimodal representations, offering a promising solution for dynamic and real-world applications.
[ "['Ting-Yu Yen' 'Yun-Da Tsai' 'Keng-Te Liao' 'Shou-De Lin']" ]
Code Less, Align More: Efficient LLM Fine-tuning for Code Generation with Data Pruning
Recent work targeting large language models (LLMs) for code generation demonstrated that increasing the amount of training data through synthetic code generation often leads to exceptional performance. In this paper we explore data pruning methods aimed at enhancing the efficiency of model training specifically for code LLMs. We present techniques that integrate various clustering and pruning metrics to selectively reduce training data without compromising the accuracy and functionality of the generated code. We observe significant redundancies in synthetic training data generation, where our experiments demonstrate that benchmark performance can be largely preserved by training on only 10% of the data. Moreover, we observe consistent improvements in benchmark results through moderate pruning of the training data. Our experiments show that these pruning strategies not only reduce the computational resources needed but also enhance the overall quality code generation.
[ "['Yun-Da Tsai' 'Mingjie Liu' 'Haoxing Ren']" ]
BrainMetDetect: Predicting Primary Tumor from Brain Metastasis MRI Data Using Radiomic Features and Machine Learning Algorithms
Objective: Brain metastases (BMs) are common in cancer patients and determining the primary tumor site is crucial for effective treatment. This study aims to predict the primary tumor site from BM MRI data using radiomic features and advanced machine learning algorithms. Methods: We utilized a comprehensive dataset from Ocana-Tienda et al. (2023) comprising MRI and clinical data from 75 patients with BMs. Radiomic features were extracted from post-contrast T1-weighted MRI sequences. Feature selection was performed using the GINI index, and data normalization was applied to ensure consistent scaling. We developed and evaluated Random Forest and XGBoost classifiers, both with and without hyperparameter optimization using the FOX (Fox optimizer) algorithm. Model interpretability was enhanced using SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values. Results: The baseline Random Forest model achieved an accuracy of 0.85, which improved to 0.93 with FOX optimization. The XGBoost model showed an initial accuracy of 0.96, increasing to 0.99 after optimization. SHAP analysis revealed the most influential radiomic features contributing to the models' predictions. The FOX-optimized XGBoost model exhibited the best performance with a precision, recall, and F1-score of 0.99. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the effectiveness of using radiomic features and machine learning to predict primary tumor sites from BM MRI data. The FOX optimization algorithm significantly enhanced model performance, and SHAP provided valuable insights into feature importance. These findings highlight the potential of integrating radiomics and machine learning into clinical practice for improved diagnostic accuracy and personalized treatment planning.
[ "['Hamidreza Sadeghsalehi']" ]
DMTG: One-Shot Differentiable Multi-Task Grouping
We aim to address Multi-Task Learning (MTL) with a large number of tasks by Multi-Task Grouping (MTG). Given N tasks, we propose to simultaneously identify the best task groups from 2^N candidates and train the model weights simultaneously in one-shot, with the high-order task-affinity fully exploited. This is distinct from the pioneering methods which sequentially identify the groups and train the model weights, where the group identification often relies on heuristics. As a result, our method not only improves the training efficiency, but also mitigates the objective bias introduced by the sequential procedures that potentially lead to a suboptimal solution. Specifically, we formulate MTG as a fully differentiable pruning problem on an adaptive network architecture determined by an underlying Categorical distribution. To categorize N tasks into K groups (represented by K encoder branches), we initially set up KN task heads, where each branch connects to all N task heads to exploit the high-order task-affinity. Then, we gradually prune the KN heads down to N by learning a relaxed differentiable Categorical distribution, ensuring that each task is exclusively and uniquely categorized into only one branch. Extensive experiments on CelebA and Taskonomy datasets with detailed ablations show the promising performance and efficiency of our method. The codes are available at
[ "['Yuan Gao' 'Shuguo Jiang' 'Moran Li' 'Jin-Gang Yu' 'Gui-Song Xia']" ]
FedTSA: A Cluster-based Two-Stage Aggregation Method for Model-heterogeneous Federated Learning
Despite extensive research into data heterogeneity in federated learning (FL), system heterogeneity remains a significant yet often overlooked challenge. Traditional FL approaches typically assume homogeneous hardware resources across FL clients, implying that clients can train a global model within a comparable time frame. However, in practical FL systems, clients often have heterogeneous resources, which impacts their training capacity. This discrepancy underscores the importance of exploring model-heterogeneous FL, a paradigm allowing clients to train different models based on their resource capabilities. To address this challenge, we introduce FedTSA, a cluster-based two-stage aggregation method tailored for system heterogeneity in FL. FedTSA begins by clustering clients based on their capabilities, then performs a two-stage aggregation: conventional weight averaging for homogeneous models in Stage 1, and deep mutual learning with a diffusion model for aggregating heterogeneous models in Stage 2. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FedTSA not only outperforms the baselines but also explores various factors influencing model performance, validating FedTSA as a promising approach for model-heterogeneous FL.
[ "['Boyu Fan' 'Chenrui Wu' 'Xiang Su' 'Pan Hui']" ]
The Role of Depth, Width, and Tree Size in Expressiveness of Deep Forest
Random forests are classical ensemble algorithms that construct multiple randomized decision trees and aggregate their predictions using naive averaging. citet{zhou2019deep} further propose a deep forest algorithm with multi-layer forests, which outperforms random forests in various tasks. The performance of deep forests is related to three hyperparameters in practice: depth, width, and tree size, but little has been known about its theoretical explanation. This work provides the first upper and lower bounds on the approximation complexity of deep forests concerning the three hyperparameters. Our results confirm the distinctive role of depth, which can exponentially enhance the expressiveness of deep forests compared with width and tree size. Experiments confirm the theoretical findings.
[ "['Shen-Huan Lyu' 'Jin-Hui Wu' 'Qin-Cheng Zheng' 'Baoliu Ye']" ]
A Joint Approach to Local Updating and Gradient Compression for Efficient Asynchronous Federated Learning
Asynchronous Federated Learning (AFL) confronts inherent challenges arising from the heterogeneity of devices (e.g., their computation capacities) and low-bandwidth environments, both potentially causing stale model updates (e.g., local gradients) for global aggregation. Traditional approaches mitigating the staleness of updates typically focus on either adjusting the local updating or gradient compression, but not both. Recognizing this gap, we introduce a novel approach that synergizes local updating with gradient compression. Our research begins by examining the interplay between local updating frequency and gradient compression rate, and their collective impact on convergence speed. The theoretical upper bound shows that the local updating frequency and gradient compression rate of each device are jointly determined by its computing power, communication capabilities and other factors. Building on this foundation, we propose an AFL framework called FedLuck that adaptively optimizes both local update frequency and gradient compression rates. Experiments on image classification and speech recognization show that FedLuck reduces communication consumption by 56% and training time by 55% on average, achieving competitive performance in heterogeneous and low-bandwidth scenarios compared to the baselines.
[ "['Jiajun Song' 'Jiajun Luo' 'Rongwei Lu' 'Shuzhao Xie' 'Bin Chen'\n 'Zhi Wang']" ]
RULE: Reliable Multimodal RAG for Factuality in Medical Vision Language Models
The recent emergence of Medical Large Vision Language Models (Med-LVLMs) has enhanced medical diagnosis. However, current Med-LVLMs frequently encounter factual issues, often generating responses that do not align with established medical facts. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), which utilizes external knowledge, can improve the factual accuracy of these models but introduces two major challenges. First, limited retrieved contexts might not cover all necessary information, while excessive retrieval can introduce irrelevant and inaccurate references, interfering with the model's generation. Second, in cases where the model originally responds correctly, applying RAG can lead to an over-reliance on retrieved contexts, resulting in incorrect answers. To address these issues, we propose RULE, which consists of two components. First, we introduce a provably effective strategy for controlling factuality risk through the calibrated selection of the number of retrieved contexts. Second, based on samples where over-reliance on retrieved contexts led to errors, we curate a preference dataset to fine-tune the model, balancing its dependence on inherent knowledge and retrieved contexts for generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RULE on three medical VQA datasets, achieving an average improvement of 20.8% in factual accuracy. We publicly release our benchmark and code in
[ "['Peng Xia' 'Kangyu Zhu' 'Haoran Li' 'Hongtu Zhu' 'Yun Li' 'Gang Li'\n 'Linjun Zhang' 'Huaxiu Yao']" ]
Solving for X and Beyond: Can Large Language Models Solve Complex Math Problems with More-Than-Two Unknowns?
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in solving math problems, a hallmark of human intelligence. Despite high success rates on current benchmarks; however, these often feature simple problems with only one or two unknowns, which do not sufficiently challenge their reasoning capacities. This paper introduces a novel benchmark, BeyondX, designed to address these limitations by incorporating problems with multiple unknowns. Recognizing the challenges in proposing multi-unknown problems from scratch, we developed BeyondX using an innovative automated pipeline that progressively increases complexity by expanding the number of unknowns in simpler problems. Empirical study on BeyondX reveals that the performance of existing LLMs, even those fine-tuned specifically on math tasks, significantly decreases as the number of unknowns increases - with a performance drop of up to 70% observed in GPT-4. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Formulate-and-Solve strategy, a generalized prompting approach that effectively handles problems with an arbitrary number of unknowns. Our findings reveal that this strategy not only enhances LLM performance on the BeyondX benchmark but also provides deeper insights into the computational limits of LLMs when faced with more complex mathematical challenges.
[ "['Kuei-Chun Kao' 'Ruochen Wang' 'Cho-Jui Hsieh']" ]
Impact of Network Topology on Byzantine Resilience in Decentralized Federated Learning
Federated learning (FL) enables a collaborative environment for training machine learning models without sharing training data between users. This is typically achieved by aggregating model gradients on a central server. Decentralized federated learning is a rising paradigm that enables users to collaboratively train machine learning models in a peer-to-peer manner, without the need for a central aggregation server. However, before applying decentralized FL in real-world use training environments, nodes that deviate from the FL process (Byzantine nodes) must be considered when selecting an aggregation function. Recent research has focused on Byzantine-robust aggregation for client-server or fully connected networks, but has not yet evaluated such aggregation schemes for complex topologies possible with decentralized FL. Thus, the need for empirical evidence of Byzantine robustness in differing network topologies is evident. This work investigates the effects of state-of-the-art Byzantine-robust aggregation methods in complex, large-scale network structures. We find that state-of-the-art Byzantine robust aggregation strategies are not resilient within large non-fully connected networks. As such, our findings point the field towards the development of topology-aware aggregation schemes, especially necessary within the context of large scale real-world deployment.
[ "['Siddhartha Bhattacharya' 'Daniel Helo' 'Joshua Siegel']" ]
On high-dimensional modifications of the nearest neighbor classifier
Nearest neighbor classifier is arguably the most simple and popular nonparametric classifier available in the literature. However, due to the concentration of pairwise distances and the violation of the neighborhood structure, this classifier often suffers in high-dimension, low-sample size (HDLSS) situations, especially when the scale difference between the competing classes dominates their location difference. Several attempts have been made in the literature to take care of this problem. In this article, we discuss some of these existing methods and propose some new ones. We carry out some theoretical investigations in this regard and analyze several simulated and benchmark datasets to compare the empirical performances of proposed methods with some of the existing ones.
[ "['Annesha Ghosh' 'Bilol Banerjee' 'Anil K. Ghosh']" ]
Synthetic Data Aided Federated Learning Using Foundation Models
In heterogeneous scenarios where the data distribution amongst the Federated Learning (FL) participants is Non-Independent and Identically distributed (Non-IID), FL suffers from the well known problem of data heterogeneity. This leads the performance of FL to be significantly degraded, as the global model tends to struggle to converge. To solve this problem, we propose Differentially Private Synthetic Data Aided Federated Learning Using Foundation Models (DPSDA-FL), a novel data augmentation strategy that aids in homogenizing the local data present on the clients' side. DPSDA-FL improves the training of the local models by leveraging differentially private synthetic data generated from foundation models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating it on the benchmark image dataset: CIFAR-10. Our experimental results have shown that DPSDA-FL can improve class recall and classification accuracy of the global model by up to 26% and 9%, respectively, in FL with Non-IID issues.
[ "['Fatima Abacha' 'Sin G. Teo' 'Lucas C. Cordeiro' 'Mustafa A. Mustafa']" ]
Towards Socially and Environmentally Responsible AI
The sharply increasing sizes of artificial intelligence (AI) models come with significant energy consumption and environmental footprints, which can disproportionately impact certain (often marginalized) regions and hence create environmental inequity concerns. Moreover, concerns with social inequity have also emerged, as AI computing resources may not be equitably distributed across the globe and users from certain disadvantaged regions with severe resource constraints can consistently experience inferior model performance. Importantly, the inequity concerns that encompass both social and environmental dimensions still remain unexplored and have increasingly hindered responsible AI. In this paper, we leverage the spatial flexibility of AI inference workloads and propose equitable geographical load balancing (GLB) to fairly balance AI's regional social and environmental costs. Concretely, to penalize the disproportionately high social and environmental costs for equity, we introduce $L_q$ norms as novel regularization terms into the optimization objective for GLB decisions. Our empirical results based on real-world AI inference traces demonstrate that while the existing GLB algorithms result in disproportionately large social and environmental costs in certain regions, our proposed equitable GLB can fairly balance AI's negative social and environmental costs across all the regions.
[ "['Pengfei Li' 'Yejia Liu' 'Jianyi Yang' 'Shaolei Ren']" ]
R-Trans -- A Recurrent Transformer Model for Clinical Feedback in Surgical Skill Assessment
In surgical skill assessment, Objective Structured Assessments of Technical Skills (OSATS scores) and the Global Rating Scale (GRS) are established tools for evaluating the performance of surgeons during training. These metrics, coupled with feedback on their performance, enable surgeons to improve and achieve standards of practice. Recent studies on the open-source dataset JIGSAW, which contains both GRS and OSATS labels, have focused on regressing GRS scores from kinematic signals, video data, or a combination of both. In this paper, we argue that regressing the GRS score, a unitless value, by itself is too restrictive, and variations throughout the surgical trial do not hold significant clinical meaning. To address this gap, we developed a recurrent transformer model that outputs the surgeon's performance throughout their training session by relating the model's hidden states to five OSATS scores derived from kinematic signals. These scores are averaged and aggregated to produce a GRS prediction, enabling assessment of the model's performance against the state-of-the-art (SOTA). We report Spearman's Correlation Coefficient (SCC), demonstrating that our model outperforms SOTA models for all tasks, except for Suturing under the leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) scheme (SCC 0.68-0.89), while achieving comparable performance for suturing and across tasks under the leave-one-user-out (LOUO) scheme (SCC 0.45-0.68) and beating SOTA for Needle Passing (0.69). We argue that relating final OSATS scores to short instances throughout a surgeon's procedure is more clinically meaningful than a single GRS score. This approach also allows us to translate quantitative predictions into qualitative feedback, which is crucial for any automated surgical skill assessment pipeline. A senior surgeon validated our model's behaviour and agreed with the semi-supervised predictions 77 % (p = 0.006) of the time.
[ "['Julien Quarez' 'Matthew Elliot' 'Oscar Maccormac' 'Nawal Khan'\n 'Marc Modat' 'Sebastien Ourselin' 'Jonathan Shapey' 'Alejandro Granados']" ]
A Novel Bifurcation Method for Observation Perturbation Attacks on Reinforcement Learning Agents: Load Altering Attacks on a Cyber Physical Power System
Components of cyber physical systems, which affect real-world processes, are often exposed to the internet. Replacing conventional control methods with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) in energy systems is an active area of research, as these systems become increasingly complex with the advent of renewable energy sources and the desire to improve their efficiency. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are vulnerable to specific perturbations of their inputs or features, called adversarial examples. These perturbations are difficult to detect when properly regularized, but have significant effects on the ANN's output. Because DRL uses ANN to map optimal actions to observations, they are similarly vulnerable to adversarial examples. This work proposes a novel attack technique for continuous control using Group Difference Logits loss with a bifurcation layer. By combining aspects of targeted and untargeted attacks, the attack significantly increases the impact compared to an untargeted attack, with drastically smaller distortions than an optimally targeted attack. We demonstrate the impacts of powerful gradient-based attacks in a realistic smart energy environment, show how the impacts change with different DRL agents and training procedures, and use statistical and time-series analysis to evaluate attacks' stealth. The results show that adversarial attacks can have significant impacts on DRL controllers, and constraining an attack's perturbations makes it difficult to detect. However, certain DRL architectures are far more robust, and robust training methods can further reduce the impact.
[ "['Kiernan Broda-Milian' 'Ranwa Al-Mallah' 'Hanane Dagdougui']" ]
CBM: Curriculum by Masking
We propose Curriculum by Masking (CBM), a novel state-of-the-art curriculum learning strategy that effectively creates an easy-to-hard training schedule via patch (token) masking, offering significant accuracy improvements over the conventional training regime and previous curriculum learning (CL) methods. CBM leverages gradient magnitudes to prioritize the masking of salient image regions via a novel masking algorithm and a novel masking block. Our approach enables controlling sample difficulty via the patch masking ratio, generating an effective easy-to-hard curriculum by gradually introducing harder samples as training progresses. CBM operates with two easily configurable parameters, i.e. the number of patches and the curriculum schedule, making it a versatile curriculum learning approach for object recognition and detection. We conduct experiments with various neural architectures, ranging from convolutional networks to vision transformers, on five benchmark data sets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, Food-101 and PASCAL VOC), to compare CBM with conventional as well as curriculum-based training regimes. Our results reveal the superiority of our strategy compared with the state-of-the-art curriculum learning regimes. We also observe improvements in transfer learning contexts, where CBM surpasses previous work by considerable margins in terms of accuracy. We release our code for free non-commercial use at
[ "['Andrei Jarca' 'Florinel-Alin Croitoru' 'Radu Tudor Ionescu']" ]
LLMCloudHunter: Harnessing LLMs for Automated Extraction of Detection Rules from Cloud-Based CTI
As the number and sophistication of cyber attacks have increased, threat hunting has become a critical aspect of active security, enabling proactive detection and mitigation of threats before they cause significant harm. Open-source cyber threat intelligence (OS-CTI) is a valuable resource for threat hunters, however, it often comes in unstructured formats that require further manual analysis. Previous studies aimed at automating OSCTI analysis are limited since (1) they failed to provide actionable outputs, (2) they did not take advantage of images present in OSCTI sources, and (3) they focused on on-premises environments, overlooking the growing importance of cloud environments. To address these gaps, we propose LLMCloudHunter, a novel framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) to automatically generate generic-signature detection rule candidates from textual and visual OSCTI data. We evaluated the quality of the rules generated by the proposed framework using 12 annotated real-world cloud threat reports. The results show that our framework achieved a precision of 92% and recall of 98% for the task of accurately extracting API calls made by the threat actor and a precision of 99% with a recall of 98% for IoCs. Additionally, 99.18% of the generated detection rule candidates were successfully compiled and converted into Splunk queries.
[ "['Yuval Schwartz' 'Lavi Benshimol' 'Dudu Mimran' 'Yuval Elovici'\n 'Asaf Shabtai']" ]
The AI Companion in Education: Analyzing the Pedagogical Potential of ChatGPT in Computer Science and Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI), with ChatGPT as a prominent example, has recently taken center stage in various domains including higher education, particularly in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). The AI revolution brings both convenience and controversy, offering substantial benefits while lacking formal guidance on their application. The primary objective of this work is to comprehensively analyze the pedagogical potential of ChatGPT in CSE education, understanding its strengths and limitations from the perspectives of educators and learners. We employ a systematic approach, creating a diverse range of educational practice problems within CSE field, focusing on various subjects such as data science, programming, AI, machine learning, networks, and more. According to our examinations, certain question types, like conceptual knowledge queries, typically do not pose significant challenges to ChatGPT, and thus, are excluded from our analysis. Alternatively, we focus our efforts on developing more in-depth and personalized questions and project-based tasks. These questions are presented to ChatGPT, followed by interactions to assess its effectiveness in delivering complete and meaningful responses. To this end, we propose a comprehensive five-factor reliability analysis framework to evaluate the responses. This assessment aims to identify when ChatGPT excels and when it faces challenges. Our study concludes with a correlation analysis, delving into the relationships among subjects, task types, and limiting factors. This analysis offers valuable insights to enhance ChatGPT's utility in CSE education, providing guidance to educators and students regarding its reliability and efficacy.
[ "['Zhangying He' 'Thomas Nguyen' 'Tahereh Miari' 'Mehrdad Aliasgari'\n 'Setareh Rafatirad' 'Hossein Sayadi']" ]
Helios: An extremely low power event-based gesture recognition for always-on smart eyewear
This paper introduces Helios, the first extremely low-power, real-time, event-based hand gesture recognition system designed for all-day on smart eyewear. As augmented reality (AR) evolves, current smart glasses like the Meta Ray-Bans prioritize visual and wearable comfort at the expense of functionality. Existing human-machine interfaces (HMIs) in these devices, such as capacitive touch and voice controls, present limitations in ergonomics, privacy and power consumption. Helios addresses these challenges by leveraging natural hand interactions for a more intuitive and comfortable user experience. Our system utilizes a extremely low-power and compact 3mmx4mm/20mW event camera to perform natural hand-based gesture recognition for always-on smart eyewear. The camera's output is processed by a convolutional neural network (CNN) running on a NXP Nano UltraLite compute platform, consuming less than 350mW. Helios can recognize seven classes of gestures, including subtle microgestures like swipes and pinches, with 91% accuracy. We also demonstrate real-time performance across 20 users at a remarkably low latency of 60ms. Our user testing results align with the positive feedback we received during our recent successful demo at AWE-USA-2024.
[ "['Prarthana Bhattacharyya' 'Joshua Mitton' 'Ryan Page' 'Owen Morgan'\n 'Ben Menzies' 'Gabriel Homewood' 'Kemi Jacobs' 'Paolo Baesso'\n 'Dave Trickett' 'Chris Mair' 'Taru Muhonen' 'Rory Clark' 'Louis Berridge'\n 'Richard Vigars' 'Iain Wallace']" ]
VisioBlend: Sketch and Stroke-Guided Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Realistic Image Generation
Generating images from hand-drawings is a crucial and fundamental task in content creation. The translation is challenging due to the infinite possibilities and the diverse expectations of users. However, traditional methods are often limited by the availability of training data. Therefore, VisioBlend, a unified framework supporting three-dimensional control over image synthesis from sketches and strokes based on diffusion models, is proposed. It enables users to decide the level of faithfulness to the input strokes and sketches. VisioBlend achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of realism and flexibility, enabling various applications in image synthesis from sketches and strokes. It solves the problem of data availability by synthesizing new data points from hand-drawn sketches and strokes, enriching the dataset and enabling more robust and diverse image synthesis. This work showcases the power of diffusion models in image creation, offering a user-friendly and versatile approach for turning artistic visions into reality.
[ "['Harshkumar Devmurari' 'Gautham Kuckian' 'Prajjwal Vishwakarma'\n 'Krunali Vartak']" ]
On the importance of learning non-local dynamics for stable data-driven climate modeling: A 1D gravity wave-QBO testbed
Machine learning (ML) techniques, especially neural networks (NNs), have shown promise in learning subgrid-scale (SGS) parameterizations for climate modeling. However, a major problem with data-driven parameterizations, particularly those learned with supervised algorithms, is instability when integrated with numerical solvers of large-scale processes. Current remedies are often ad-hoc and lack a theoretical foundation. Here, we combine ML theory and climate physics to address a source of instability in NN-based parameterization. We demonstrate the importance of learning spatially non-local dynamics using a 1D model of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) with gravity wave (GW) parameterization as a testbed. While common offline metrics fail to identify shortcomings in learning non-local dynamics, we show that the receptive field (RF)-the region of the input an NN uses to predict an output-can identify instability a-priori. We find that NN-based parameterizations that seem to accurately predict GW forcings from wind profiles ($mathbf{R^2 approx 0.99}$) cause unstable simulations when RF is too small to capture the non-local dynamics, while NNs of the same size but large-enough RF are stable. Some architectures, e.g., Fourier neural operators, have inherently large RF. We also demonstrate that learning non-local dynamics can be crucial for the stability and accuracy of a data-driven spatiotemporal emulator of the entire zonal wind field. Given the ubiquity of non-local dynamics in the climate system, we expect the use of effective RF, which can be computed for any NN architecture, to be important for many applications. This work highlights the need to integrate ML theory with physics for designing/analyzing data-driven algorithms for weather/climate modeling.
[ "['Hamid A. Pahlavan' 'Pedram Hassanzadeh' 'M. Joan Alexander']" ]
HiDe-PET: Continual Learning via Hierarchical Decomposition of Parameter-Efficient Tuning
The deployment of pre-trained models (PTMs) has greatly advanced the field of continual learning (CL), enabling positive knowledge transfer and resilience to catastrophic forgetting. To sustain these advantages for sequentially arriving tasks, a promising direction involves keeping the pre-trained backbone frozen while employing parameter-efficient tuning (PET) techniques to instruct representation learning. Despite the popularity of Prompt-based PET for CL, its empirical design often leads to sub-optimal performance in our evaluation of different PTMs and target tasks. To this end, we propose a unified framework for CL with PTMs and PET that provides both theoretical and empirical advancements. We first perform an in-depth theoretical analysis of the CL objective in a pre-training context, decomposing it into hierarchical components namely within-task prediction, task-identity inference and task-adaptive prediction. We then present Hierarchical Decomposition PET (HiDe-PET), an innovative approach that explicitly optimizes the decomposed objective through incorporating task-specific and task-shared knowledge via mainstream PET techniques along with efficient recovery of pre-trained representations. Leveraging this framework, we delve into the distinct impacts of implementation strategy, PET technique and PET architecture, as well as adaptive knowledge accumulation amidst pronounced distribution changes. Finally, across various CL scenarios, our approach demonstrates remarkably superior performance over a broad spectrum of recent strong baselines.
[ "['Liyuan Wang' 'Jingyi Xie' 'Xingxing Zhang' 'Hang Su' 'Jun Zhu']" ]
PAPM: A Physics-aware Proxy Model for Process Systems
In the context of proxy modeling for process systems, traditional data-driven deep learning approaches frequently encounter significant challenges, such as substantial training costs induced by large amounts of data, and limited generalization capabilities. As a promising alternative, physics-aware models incorporate partial physics knowledge to ameliorate these challenges. Although demonstrating efficacy, they fall short in terms of exploration depth and universality. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a physics-aware proxy model (PAPM) that fully incorporates partial prior physics of process systems, which includes multiple input conditions and the general form of conservation relations, resulting in better out-of-sample generalization. Additionally, PAPM contains a holistic temporal-spatial stepping module for flexible adaptation across various process systems. Through systematic comparisons with state-of-the-art pure data-driven and physics-aware models across five two-dimensional benchmarks in nine generalization tasks, PAPM notably achieves an average performance improvement of 6.7%, while requiring fewer FLOPs, and just 1% of the parameters compared to the prior leading method. The code is available at
[ "['Pengwei Liu' 'Zhongkai Hao' 'Xingyu Ren' 'Hangjie Yuan' 'Jiayang Ren'\n 'Dong Ni']" ]
Privacy of the last iterate in cyclically-sampled DP-SGD on nonconvex composite losses
Differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) refers to a family of optimization algorithms that provide a guaranteed level of differential privacy (DP) through DP accounting techniques. However, current accounting techniques make assumptions that diverge significantly from practical DP-SGD implementations. For example, they may assume the loss function is Lipschitz continuous and convex, sample the batches randomly with replacement, or omit the gradient clipping step. In this work, we analyze the most commonly used variant of DP-SGD, in which we sample batches cyclically with replacement, perform gradient clipping, and only release the last DP-SGD iterate. More specifically - without assuming convexity, smoothness, or Lipschitz continuity of the loss function - we establish new R'enyi differential privacy (RDP) bounds for the last DP-SGD iterate under the mild assumption that (i) the DP-SGD stepsize is small relative to the topological constants in the loss function, and (ii) the loss function is weakly-convex. Moreover, we show that our bounds converge to previously established convex bounds when the weak-convexity parameter of the objective function approaches zero. In the case of non-Lipschitz smooth loss functions, we provide a weaker bound that scales well in terms of the number of DP-SGD iterations.
[ "['Weiwei Kong' 'Mónica Ribero']" ]
Deep Online Probability Aggregation Clustering
Combining machine clustering with deep models has shown remarkable superiority in deep clustering. It modifies the data processing pipeline into two alternating phases: feature clustering and model training. However, such alternating schedule may lead to instability and computational burden issues. We propose a centerless clustering algorithm called Probability Aggregation Clustering (PAC) to proactively adapt deep learning technologies, enabling easy deployment in online deep clustering. PAC circumvents the cluster center and aligns the probability space and distribution space by formulating clustering as an optimization problem with a novel objective function. Based on the computation mechanism of the PAC, we propose a general online probability aggregation module to perform stable and flexible feature clustering over mini-batch data and further construct a deep visual clustering framework deep PAC (DPAC). Extensive experiments demonstrate that PAC has superior clustering robustness and performance and DPAC remarkably outperforms the state-of-the-art deep clustering methods.
[ "['Yuxuan Yan' 'Na Lu' 'Ruofan Yan']" ]
Multi-scale Conditional Generative Modeling for Microscopic Image Restoration
The advance of diffusion-based generative models in recent years has revolutionized state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques in a wide variety of image analysis and synthesis tasks, whereas their adaptation on image restoration, particularly within computational microscopy remains theoretically and empirically underexplored. In this research, we introduce a multi-scale generative model that enhances conditional image restoration through a novel exploitation of the Brownian Bridge process within wavelet domain. By initiating the Brownian Bridge diffusion process specifically at the lowest-frequency subband and applying generative adversarial networks at subsequent multi-scale high-frequency subbands in the wavelet domain, our method provides significant acceleration during training and sampling while sustaining a high image generation quality and diversity on par with SOTA diffusion models. Experimental results on various computational microscopy and imaging tasks confirm our method's robust performance and its considerable reduction in its sampling steps and time. This pioneering technique offers an efficient image restoration framework that harmonizes efficiency with quality, signifying a major stride in incorporating cutting-edge generative models into computational microscopy workflows.
[ "['Luzhe Huang' 'Xiongye Xiao' 'Shixuan Li' 'Jiawen Sun' 'Yi Huang'\n 'Aydogan Ozcan' 'Paul Bogdan']" ]