sentence: add the song to the soundscapes for gaming playlist and then play signe anderson chant music that is newest <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: soundscapes], [I-playlist: for], [I-playlist: gaming], [B-artist: signe], [I-artist: anderson], [B-music_item: chant], [B-sort: newest]</s>
sentence: add the song to the soundscapes for gaming playlist and then play signe anderson chant music that is newest <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: soundscapes], [I-playlist: for], [I-playlist: gaming], [B-artist: signe], [I-artist: anderson], [B-music_item: chant], [B-sort: newest]</s>
sentence: i want to eat close to bowlegs seven years from now and then i want to play the video game espn major league soccer <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-city: bowlegs], [B-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: espn], [I-object_name: major], [I-object_name: league], [I-object_name: soccer]</s>
sentence: i want to eat close to bowlegs seven years from now and then i want to play the video game espn major league soccer <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-city: bowlegs], [B-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: espn], [I-object_name: major], [I-object_name: league], [I-object_name: soccer]</s>
sentence: i want to hear any tune from the twenties and then what time is holiday heart showing at the movie house <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: twenties], [B-movie_name: holiday], [I-movie_name: heart], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house]</s>
sentence: i want to hear any tune from the twenties and then what time is holiday heart showing at the movie house <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: twenties], [B-movie_name: holiday], [I-movie_name: heart], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house]</s>
sentence: add this track to my dinnertime acoustics playist <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dinnertime], [I-playlist: acoustics]</s>
sentence: add this track to my dinnertime acoustics playist <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dinnertime], [I-playlist: acoustics]</s>
sentence: add song to siesta and i rate shadow of suribachi at five stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: siesta], [B-object_name: shadow], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: suribachi], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: add song to siesta and i rate shadow of suribachi at five stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: siesta], [B-object_name: shadow], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: suribachi], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: show the movie times <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times]</s>
sentence: show the movie times <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times]</s>
sentence: please make me reservations somewhere for eight people in foley nv <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-city: foley], [B-state: nv]</s>
sentence: please make me reservations somewhere for eight people in foley nv <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-city: foley], [B-state: nv]</s>
sentence: what are the current movie schedules <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules]</s>
sentence: what are the current movie schedules <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules]</s>
sentence: listen to dragon ball: music collection <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: dragon], [I-object_name: ball:], [I-object_name: music], [I-object_name: collection]</s>
sentence: listen to dragon ball: music collection <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: dragon], [I-object_name: ball:], [I-object_name: music], [I-object_name: collection]</s>
sentence: weather for the night time in new mexico <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: night], [B-state: new], [I-state: mexico]</s>
sentence: weather for the night time in new mexico <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: night], [B-state: new], [I-state: mexico]</s>
sentence: i want to read the saga michael clayton <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: michael], [I-object_name: clayton]</s>
sentence: i want to read the saga michael clayton <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: michael], [I-object_name: clayton]</s>
sentence: find the video game called turnin me on <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: turnin], [I-object_name: me], [I-object_name: on]</s>
sentence: find the video game called turnin me on <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: turnin], [I-object_name: me], [I-object_name: on]</s>
sentence: i would like to book a highly rated brasserie with souvlaki neighboring la next week , what is the forecast for in 1 second at monte sereno for freezing temps and then play me a top-ten song by phil ochs on groove shark <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-cuisine: souvlaki], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-state: la], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: week], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: second], [B-city: monte], [I-city: sereno], [B-condition_temperature: freezing], [B-sort: top-ten], [B-music_item: song], [B-artist: phil], [I-artist: ochs], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark]</s>
sentence: i would like to book a highly rated brasserie with souvlaki neighboring la next week , what is the forecast for in 1 second at monte sereno for freezing temps and then play me a top-ten song by phil ochs on groove shark <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-cuisine: souvlaki], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-state: la], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: week], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: second], [B-city: monte], [I-city: sereno], [B-condition_temperature: freezing], [B-sort: top-ten], [B-music_item: song], [B-artist: phil], [I-artist: ochs], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at an internet restaurant with a party of four and also play jawad ahmad <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-facility: internet], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-artist: jawad], [I-artist: ahmad]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at an internet restaurant with a party of four and also play jawad ahmad <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-facility: internet], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-artist: jawad], [I-artist: ahmad]</s>
sentence: find a reservation at a restaurant that serves gougère in laneville with a party of nine and which animated movies are playing in the neighbourhood and when <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-served_dish: gougère], [B-city: laneville], [B-party_size_number: nine], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: find a reservation at a restaurant that serves gougère in laneville with a party of nine and which animated movies are playing in the neighbourhood and when <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-served_dish: gougère], [B-city: laneville], [B-party_size_number: nine], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: add the song to the soundscapes for gaming playlist , i need a table in uruguay in 213 days when it s chillier and the book history by contract is rated five stars in my opinion <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: soundscapes], [I-playlist: for], [I-playlist: gaming], [B-country: uruguay], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 213], [I-timeRange: days], [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: history], [I-object_name: by], [I-object_name: contract], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: add the song to the soundscapes for gaming playlist , i need a table in uruguay in 213 days when it s chillier and the book history by contract is rated five stars in my opinion <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: soundscapes], [I-playlist: for], [I-playlist: gaming], [B-country: uruguay], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 213], [I-timeRange: days], [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: history], [I-object_name: by], [I-object_name: contract], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: will it be chillier at my current location in one minute <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute]</s>
sentence: will it be chillier at my current location in one minute <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute]</s>
sentence: i d like to put qriii onto songs to sing in the car , book a brasserie in samoa for four people and also what is the niceville forecast in fm <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: qriii], [B-playlist: songs], [I-playlist: to], [I-playlist: sing], [I-playlist: in], [I-playlist: the], [I-playlist: car], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-country: samoa], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-city: niceville], [B-state: fm]</s>
sentence: i d like to put qriii onto songs to sing in the car , book a brasserie in samoa for four people and also what is the niceville forecast in fm <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: qriii], [B-playlist: songs], [I-playlist: to], [I-playlist: sing], [I-playlist: in], [I-playlist: the], [I-playlist: car], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-country: samoa], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-city: niceville], [B-state: fm]</s>
sentence: i d like to see the picture the principle of hope <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: picture], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: principle], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: hope]</s>
sentence: i d like to see the picture the principle of hope <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: picture], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: principle], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: hope]</s>
sentence: add fabri fibra to evening acoustic and then i d like to book a brasserie in virginia city ga <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-artist: fabri], [I-artist: fibra], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: acoustic], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-city: virginia], [I-city: city], [B-state: ga]</s>
sentence: add fabri fibra to evening acoustic and then i d like to book a brasserie in virginia city ga <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-artist: fabri], [I-artist: fibra], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: acoustic], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-city: virginia], [I-city: city], [B-state: ga]</s>
sentence: for my playlist chill add the name cater fe she and then what will the weather be in stelvio national park 1 hour and 1 minute from now <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: chill], [B-entity_name: cater], [I-entity_name: fe], [I-entity_name: she], [B-geographic_poi: stelvio], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: and], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: minute], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: for my playlist chill add the name cater fe she and then what will the weather be in stelvio national park 1 hour and 1 minute from now <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: chill], [B-entity_name: cater], [I-entity_name: fe], [I-entity_name: she], [B-geographic_poi: stelvio], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: and], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: minute], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: add song in my playlist dance workout and also food truck in panama for five <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: workout], [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-country: panama], [B-party_size_number: five]</s>
sentence: add song in my playlist dance workout and also food truck in panama for five <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: workout], [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-country: panama], [B-party_size_number: five]</s>
sentence: list movie times at harkins theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: harkins], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: list movie times at harkins theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: harkins], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add this track to my dinnertime acoustics playist <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dinnertime], [I-playlist: acoustics]</s>
sentence: add this track to my dinnertime acoustics playist <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dinnertime], [I-playlist: acoustics]</s>
sentence: what s the weather in timbo and then play the tv series heart of gold <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-city: timbo], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: heart], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: gold]</s>
sentence: what s the weather in timbo and then play the tv series heart of gold <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-city: timbo], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: heart], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: gold]</s>
sentence: book a bakery for lebanese on january 11th 2032 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-cuisine: lebanese], [B-timeRange: january], [I-timeRange: 11th], [I-timeRange: 2032]</s>
sentence: book a bakery for lebanese on january 11th 2032 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-cuisine: lebanese], [B-timeRange: january], [I-timeRange: 11th], [I-timeRange: 2032]</s>
sentence: book a table for nine people in svalbard and jan mayen <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: nine], [B-country: svalbard], [I-country: and], [I-country: jan], [I-country: mayen]</s>
sentence: book a table for nine people in svalbard and jan mayen <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: nine], [B-country: svalbard], [I-country: and], [I-country: jan], [I-country: mayen]</s>
sentence: find heat wave <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: heat], [I-movie_name: wave]</s>
sentence: find heat wave <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: heat], [I-movie_name: wave]</s>
sentence: please add jency anthony to my playlist this is mozart , book me a reservation for eight for the top-rated bakery eleven hours from now in mango and then can i get the movie times for fox theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: jency], [I-artist: anthony], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: mozart], [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-sort: top-rated], [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-timeRange: eleven], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: mango], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: fox], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: please add jency anthony to my playlist this is mozart , book me a reservation for eight for the top-rated bakery eleven hours from now in mango and then can i get the movie times for fox theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: jency], [I-artist: anthony], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: mozart], [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-sort: top-rated], [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-timeRange: eleven], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: mango], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: fox], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: 21 weeks from now elinor crystal turner and nita want to eat german food at a bar in distant california and then show me the schedule of films in the neighbourhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: 21], [I-timeRange: weeks], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-party_size_description: elinor], [I-party_size_description: crystal], [I-party_size_description: turner], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: nita], [B-cuisine: german], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-state: california], [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_type: films], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: 21 weeks from now elinor crystal turner and nita want to eat german food at a bar in distant california and then show me the schedule of films in the neighbourhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: 21], [I-timeRange: weeks], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-party_size_description: elinor], [I-party_size_description: crystal], [I-party_size_description: turner], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: nita], [B-cuisine: german], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-state: california], [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_type: films], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: add song to my wild country playlist and also is it going to snow next year in wv <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: wild], [I-playlist: country], [B-condition_description: snow], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-state: wv]</s>
sentence: add song to my wild country playlist and also is it going to snow next year in wv <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: wild], [I-playlist: country], [B-condition_description: snow], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-state: wv]</s>
sentence: i give this book dictionary of the english language a 4 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: dictionary], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: english], [I-object_name: language], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: i give this book dictionary of the english language a 4 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: dictionary], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: english], [I-object_name: language], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: how is the weather in getzville minnesota and also play the last wellman braud album relaesd <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-city: getzville], [B-state: minnesota], [B-artist: wellman], [I-artist: braud], [B-music_item: album]</s>
sentence: how is the weather in getzville minnesota and also play the last wellman braud album relaesd <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-city: getzville], [B-state: minnesota], [B-artist: wellman], [I-artist: braud], [B-music_item: album]</s>
sentence: please book a room in spaghetti warehouse for catalina delores and brandie mendoza at 12 am and i would give french poets and novelists a best rating of 6 and a value of three <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: spaghetti], [I-restaurant_name: warehouse], [B-party_size_description: catalina], [I-party_size_description: delores], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: brandie], [I-party_size_description: mendoza], [B-timeRange: 12], [I-timeRange: am], [B-object_name: french], [I-object_name: poets], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: novelists], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: please book a room in spaghetti warehouse for catalina delores and brandie mendoza at 12 am and i would give french poets and novelists a best rating of 6 and a value of three <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: spaghetti], [I-restaurant_name: warehouse], [B-party_size_description: catalina], [I-party_size_description: delores], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: brandie], [I-party_size_description: mendoza], [B-timeRange: 12], [I-timeRange: am], [B-object_name: french], [I-object_name: poets], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: novelists], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: add star light star bright to my jazz classics playlist , what will the weather be in waverly city brazil on purple heart day and then what movies are showing in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: star], [I-entity_name: light], [I-entity_name: star], [I-entity_name: bright], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: jazz], [I-playlist: classics], [B-city: waverly], [I-city: city], [B-country: brazil], [B-timeRange: purple], [I-timeRange: heart], [I-timeRange: day], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: add star light star bright to my jazz classics playlist , what will the weather be in waverly city brazil on purple heart day and then what movies are showing in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: star], [I-entity_name: light], [I-entity_name: star], [I-entity_name: bright], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: jazz], [I-playlist: classics], [B-city: waverly], [I-city: city], [B-country: brazil], [B-timeRange: purple], [I-timeRange: heart], [I-timeRange: day], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: add fabri fibra to evening acoustic <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-artist: fabri], [I-artist: fibra], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: acoustic]</s>
sentence: add fabri fibra to evening acoustic <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-artist: fabri], [I-artist: fibra], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: acoustic]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be in lago vista on october fourteenth 2022 and then rate the lie tree five <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-city: lago], [I-city: vista], [B-timeRange: october], [I-timeRange: fourteenth], [I-timeRange: 2022], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: lie], [I-object_name: tree], [B-rating_value: five]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be in lago vista on october fourteenth 2022 and then rate the lie tree five <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-city: lago], [I-city: vista], [B-timeRange: october], [I-timeRange: fourteenth], [I-timeRange: 2022], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: lie], [I-object_name: tree], [B-rating_value: five]</s>
sentence: add pangaea to my gold edition playlist and then what is the niceville forecast in fm <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: pangaea], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: gold], [I-playlist: edition], [B-city: niceville], [B-state: fm]</s>
sentence: add pangaea to my gold edition playlist and then what is the niceville forecast in fm <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: pangaea], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: gold], [I-playlist: edition], [B-city: niceville], [B-state: fm]</s>
sentence: give the current book five stars out of 6 and find love will tear us apart a photograph <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_name: love], [I-object_name: will], [I-object_name: tear], [I-object_name: us], [I-object_name: apart], [B-object_type: photograph]</s>
sentence: give the current book five stars out of 6 and find love will tear us apart a photograph <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_name: love], [I-object_name: will], [I-object_name: tear], [I-object_name: us], [I-object_name: apart], [B-object_type: photograph]</s>
sentence: add hanging on to my just dance by aftercluv playlist and then show weather while sunset in the same area in south carolina <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: hanging], [I-entity_name: on], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: just], [I-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: by], [I-playlist: aftercluv], [B-timeRange: sunset], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: south], [I-state: carolina]</s>
sentence: add hanging on to my just dance by aftercluv playlist and then show weather while sunset in the same area in south carolina <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: hanging], [I-entity_name: on], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: just], [I-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: by], [I-playlist: aftercluv], [B-timeRange: sunset], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: south], [I-state: carolina]</s>
sentence: i want to book a pastelaria cafe in alabama for me and my great grandfather <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-cuisine: pastelaria], [B-restaurant_type: cafe], [B-state: alabama], [B-party_size_description: me], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: great], [I-party_size_description: grandfather]</s>
sentence: i want to book a pastelaria cafe in alabama for me and my great grandfather <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-cuisine: pastelaria], [B-restaurant_type: cafe], [B-state: alabama], [B-party_size_description: me], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: great], [I-party_size_description: grandfather]</s>
sentence: find the schedule for the solitude of prime numbers at the nearest cinema in 1 hour <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: solitude], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: prime], [I-movie_name: numbers], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour]</s>
sentence: find the schedule for the solitude of prime numbers at the nearest cinema in 1 hour <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: solitude], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: prime], [I-movie_name: numbers], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour]</s>
sentence: what s the weather forecast for croatia on jul 25th and also play the last sound track by soko from around 1975 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-country: croatia], [B-timeRange: jul], [I-timeRange: 25th], [B-sort: last], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-artist: soko], [B-year: 1975]</s>
sentence: what s the weather forecast for croatia on jul 25th and also play the last sound track by soko from around 1975 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-country: croatia], [B-timeRange: jul], [I-timeRange: 25th], [B-sort: last], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-artist: soko], [B-year: 1975]</s>
sentence: what will the humidity be in varnado georgia at one am , please play the newest music by evil jared hasselhoff and give the current album a five <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: humidity], [B-city: varnado], [B-state: georgia], [B-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: am], [B-sort: newest], [B-artist: evil], [I-artist: jared], [I-artist: hasselhoff], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: album], [B-rating_value: five]</s>
sentence: what will the humidity be in varnado georgia at one am , please play the newest music by evil jared hasselhoff and give the current album a five <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: humidity], [B-city: varnado], [B-state: georgia], [B-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: am], [B-sort: newest], [B-artist: evil], [I-artist: jared], [I-artist: hasselhoff], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: album], [B-rating_value: five]</s>
sentence: what movies are playing at mann theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what movies are playing at mann theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: put some frank ferrer into my edna st vincent millay playlist and this textbook gets a two <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: ferrer], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: edna], [I-playlist: st], [I-playlist: vincent], [I-playlist: millay], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: two]</s>
sentence: put some frank ferrer into my edna st vincent millay playlist and this textbook gets a two <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: ferrer], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: edna], [I-playlist: st], [I-playlist: vincent], [I-playlist: millay], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: two]</s>
sentence: play my playlist tgif on itunes and then find the tv series shaun the sheep <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-playlist: tgif], [B-service: itunes], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: shaun], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: sheep]</s>
sentence: play my playlist tgif on itunes and then find the tv series shaun the sheep <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-playlist: tgif], [B-service: itunes], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: shaun], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: sheep]</s>
sentence: will it snowstorm in long lake national wildlife refuge <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowstorm], [B-geographic_poi: long], [I-geographic_poi: lake], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: wildlife], [I-geographic_poi: refuge]</s>
sentence: will it snowstorm in long lake national wildlife refuge <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowstorm], [B-geographic_poi: long], [I-geographic_poi: lake], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: wildlife], [I-geographic_poi: refuge]</s>
sentence: play sugar baby by frank beard and can you find me the magic hour song <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-track: sugar], [I-track: baby], [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: beard], [B-object_name: magic], [I-object_name: hour], [B-object_type: song]</s>
sentence: play sugar baby by frank beard and can you find me the magic hour song <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-track: sugar], [I-track: baby], [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: beard], [B-object_name: magic], [I-object_name: hour], [B-object_type: song]</s>
sentence: add mary wells sings my guy to the electro sur playlist and play this is colour by panda bear <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: mary], [I-entity_name: wells], [I-entity_name: sings], [I-entity_name: my], [I-entity_name: guy], [B-playlist: electro], [I-playlist: sur], [B-track: this], [I-track: is], [I-track: colour], [B-artist: panda], [I-artist: bear]</s>
sentence: add mary wells sings my guy to the electro sur playlist and play this is colour by panda bear <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: mary], [I-entity_name: wells], [I-entity_name: sings], [I-entity_name: my], [I-entity_name: guy], [B-playlist: electro], [I-playlist: sur], [B-track: this], [I-track: is], [I-track: colour], [B-artist: panda], [I-artist: bear]</s>
sentence: coon chicken inn restaurant for 1 am for me clarice and debbie and also find now and forever <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: coon], [I-restaurant_name: chicken], [I-restaurant_name: inn], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: am], [B-party_size_description: me], [I-party_size_description: clarice], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: debbie], [B-movie_name: now], [I-movie_name: and], [I-movie_name: forever]</s>
sentence: coon chicken inn restaurant for 1 am for me clarice and debbie and also find now and forever <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: coon], [I-restaurant_name: chicken], [I-restaurant_name: inn], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: am], [B-party_size_description: me], [I-party_size_description: clarice], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: debbie], [B-movie_name: now], [I-movie_name: and], [I-movie_name: forever]</s>
sentence: what is the forecast for foggy conditions here in twenty one minutes , shw the picture twin husbands and what are the movies movie times nearby <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: twenty], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minutes], [B-object_type: picture], [B-object_name: twin], [I-object_name: husbands], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-spatial_relation: nearby]</s>
sentence: what is the forecast for foggy conditions here in twenty one minutes , shw the picture twin husbands and what are the movies movie times nearby <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: twenty], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minutes], [B-object_type: picture], [B-object_name: twin], [I-object_name: husbands], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-spatial_relation: nearby]</s>
sentence: play me a cinder block movement and this textbook gets a two <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: cinder], [I-artist: block], [B-music_item: movement], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: two]</s>
sentence: play me a cinder block movement and this textbook gets a two <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: cinder], [I-artist: block], [B-music_item: movement], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: two]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be like this tuesday in the area neighboring rendezvous mountain educational state forest , rate this album 5 points and what movies are around here <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: this], [I-timeRange: tuesday], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-geographic_poi: rendezvous], [I-geographic_poi: mountain], [I-geographic_poi: educational], [I-geographic_poi: state], [I-geographic_poi: forest], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: album], [B-rating_value: 5], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: around], [I-spatial_relation: here]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be like this tuesday in the area neighboring rendezvous mountain educational state forest , rate this album 5 points and what movies are around here <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: this], [I-timeRange: tuesday], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-geographic_poi: rendezvous], [I-geographic_poi: mountain], [I-geographic_poi: educational], [I-geographic_poi: state], [I-geographic_poi: forest], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: album], [B-rating_value: 5], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: around], [I-spatial_relation: here]</s>
sentence: at meal time while i m here will it be hot <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: meal], [B-current_location: here], [B-condition_temperature: hot]</s>
sentence: at meal time while i m here will it be hot <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: meal], [B-current_location: here], [B-condition_temperature: hot]</s>
sentence: add get happy to cherry s las canciones más lindas del mundo and then play some theme songs from 1974 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: get], [I-entity_name: happy], [B-playlist_owner: cherry], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: las], [I-playlist: canciones], [I-playlist: más], [I-playlist: lindas], [I-playlist: del], [I-playlist: mundo], [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974]</s>
sentence: add get happy to cherry s las canciones más lindas del mundo and then play some theme songs from 1974 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: get], [I-entity_name: happy], [B-playlist_owner: cherry], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: las], [I-playlist: canciones], [I-playlist: más], [I-playlist: lindas], [I-playlist: del], [I-playlist: mundo], [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974]</s>
sentence: play some theme songs from 1974 and then rate the current chronicle series 3 out of 6 points <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [I-object_part_of_series_type: series], [B-rating_value: 3], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: points]</s>
sentence: play some theme songs from 1974 and then rate the current chronicle series 3 out of 6 points <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [I-object_part_of_series_type: series], [B-rating_value: 3], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: points]</s>
sentence: i d like for you to put this artist to my evening commute playlist , play the greatest soundtrack by nhat son on last fm and then find a tv show called revenge of the nerds <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: commute], [B-sort: greatest], [B-music_item: soundtrack], [B-artist: nhat], [I-artist: son], [B-service: last], [I-service: fm], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: revenge], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: nerds]</s>
sentence: i d like for you to put this artist to my evening commute playlist , play the greatest soundtrack by nhat son on last fm and then find a tv show called revenge of the nerds <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: commute], [B-sort: greatest], [B-music_item: soundtrack], [B-artist: nhat], [I-artist: son], [B-service: last], [I-service: fm], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: revenge], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: nerds]</s>
sentence: add the blurred crusade to crate diggers anonymous and play the track asleep in the deep <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: blurred], [I-entity_name: crusade], [B-playlist: crate], [I-playlist: diggers], [I-playlist: anonymous], [B-music_item: track], [B-track: asleep], [I-track: in], [I-track: the], [I-track: deep]</s>
sentence: add the blurred crusade to crate diggers anonymous and play the track asleep in the deep <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: blurred], [I-entity_name: crusade], [B-playlist: crate], [I-playlist: diggers], [I-playlist: anonymous], [B-music_item: track], [B-track: asleep], [I-track: in], [I-track: the], [I-track: deep]</s>
sentence: book a brasserie in samoa for four people , will there be snowfall at six pm in leisure knoll california and find the schedule for nearby animated movies <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-country: samoa], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-city: leisure], [I-city: knoll], [B-state: california], [B-object_type: schedule], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies]</s>
sentence: book a brasserie in samoa for four people , will there be snowfall at six pm in leisure knoll california and find the schedule for nearby animated movies <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-country: samoa], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-city: leisure], [I-city: knoll], [B-state: california], [B-object_type: schedule], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies]</s>
sentence: add rob tyner to betsy s we everywhere and then rate a taste of blackberries a three <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: rob], [I-artist: tyner], [B-playlist_owner: betsy], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: we], [I-playlist: everywhere], [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: taste], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: blackberries], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: add rob tyner to betsy s we everywhere and then rate a taste of blackberries a three <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: rob], [I-artist: tyner], [B-playlist_owner: betsy], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: we], [I-playlist: everywhere], [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: taste], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: blackberries], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: 21 weeks from now elinor crystal turner and nita want to eat german food at a bar in distant california and then play some james cleveland <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-timeRange: 21], [I-timeRange: weeks], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-party_size_description: elinor], [I-party_size_description: crystal], [I-party_size_description: turner], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: nita], [B-cuisine: german], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-state: california], [B-artist: james], [I-artist: cleveland]</s>
sentence: 21 weeks from now elinor crystal turner and nita want to eat german food at a bar in distant california and then play some james cleveland <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-timeRange: 21], [I-timeRange: weeks], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-party_size_description: elinor], [I-party_size_description: crystal], [I-party_size_description: turner], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: nita], [B-cuisine: german], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-state: california], [B-artist: james], [I-artist: cleveland]</s>
sentence: play a track by mila islam from deezer and then the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-artist: mila], [I-artist: islam], [B-service: deezer], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: play a track by mila islam from deezer and then the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-artist: mila], [I-artist: islam], [B-service: deezer], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: what movies are playing dickinson theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: dickinson], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what movies are playing dickinson theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: dickinson], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: make a reservation in a popular sicilian bar place nearby for me only tomorrow <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-sort: popular], [B-cuisine: sicilian], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-timeRange: tomorrow]</s>
sentence: make a reservation in a popular sicilian bar place nearby for me only tomorrow <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-sort: popular], [B-cuisine: sicilian], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-timeRange: tomorrow]</s>
sentence: i need a reservation for february 27 2020 at a bar that serves paté and also what s the weather here on 2/7/2021 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: february], [I-timeRange: 27], [I-timeRange: 2020], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-served_dish: paté], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 2/7/2021]</s>
sentence: i need a reservation for february 27 2020 at a bar that serves paté and also what s the weather here on 2/7/2021 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: february], [I-timeRange: 27], [I-timeRange: 2020], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-served_dish: paté], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 2/7/2021]</s>
sentence: add in the heart of the world to the epic gaming playlist and what time is goodbye mothers playing <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: in], [I-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: heart], [I-entity_name: of], [I-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: world], [B-playlist: epic], [I-playlist: gaming], [B-movie_name: goodbye], [I-movie_name: mothers]</s>
sentence: add in the heart of the world to the epic gaming playlist and what time is goodbye mothers playing <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: in], [I-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: heart], [I-entity_name: of], [I-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: world], [B-playlist: epic], [I-playlist: gaming], [B-movie_name: goodbye], [I-movie_name: mothers]</s>
sentence: will it be hotter in wyomissing hills , rate this textbook a zero and what animated movies are playing at the closest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: hotter], [B-city: wyomissing], [I-city: hills], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: will it be hotter in wyomissing hills , rate this textbook a zero and what animated movies are playing at the closest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: hotter], [B-city: wyomissing], [I-city: hills], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me and also find a movie schedule <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule]</s>
sentence: the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me and also find a movie schedule <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule]</s>
sentence: i want to hear any tune from the twenties and then give the current book five stars out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: twenties], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: i want to hear any tune from the twenties and then give the current book five stars out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: twenties], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: add a gackt camui track to the white noise playlist and also find a saga called set sail the prairie <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: gackt], [I-artist: camui], [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist: white], [I-playlist: noise], [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: set], [I-object_name: sail], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: prairie]</s>
sentence: add a gackt camui track to the white noise playlist and also find a saga called set sail the prairie <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: gackt], [I-artist: camui], [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist: white], [I-playlist: noise], [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: set], [I-object_name: sail], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: prairie]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant distant from downtown and also will it be chilly in oakdale ok <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-poi: downtown], [B-condition_temperature: chilly], [B-city: oakdale], [B-state: ok]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant distant from downtown and also will it be chilly in oakdale ok <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-poi: downtown], [B-condition_temperature: chilly], [B-city: oakdale], [B-state: ok]</s>
sentence: add george thorogood to el mejor rock en español and then book a table at grecian coffee house for 7 on apr 7th 2024 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-artist: george], [I-artist: thorogood], [B-playlist: el], [I-playlist: mejor], [I-playlist: rock], [I-playlist: en], [I-playlist: español], [B-restaurant_name: grecian], [I-restaurant_name: coffee], [I-restaurant_name: house], [B-party_size_number: 7], [B-timeRange: apr], [I-timeRange: 7th], [I-timeRange: 2024]</s>
sentence: add george thorogood to el mejor rock en español and then book a table at grecian coffee house for 7 on apr 7th 2024 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-artist: george], [I-artist: thorogood], [B-playlist: el], [I-playlist: mejor], [I-playlist: rock], [I-playlist: en], [I-playlist: español], [B-restaurant_name: grecian], [I-restaurant_name: coffee], [I-restaurant_name: house], [B-party_size_number: 7], [B-timeRange: apr], [I-timeRange: 7th], [I-timeRange: 2024]</s>
sentence: i give this book dictionary of the english language a 4 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: dictionary], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: english], [I-object_name: language], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: i give this book dictionary of the english language a 4 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: dictionary], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: english], [I-object_name: language], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: show me movie schedules for today <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules]</s>
sentence: show me movie schedules for today <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules]</s>
sentence: i want to add a song by jazz brasileiro , weather for ma in the morning and also when is fine totally fine playing <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: jazz], [I-playlist: brasileiro], [B-state: ma], [B-timeRange: morning], [B-movie_name: fine], [I-movie_name: totally], [I-movie_name: fine]</s>
sentence: i want to add a song by jazz brasileiro , weather for ma in the morning and also when is fine totally fine playing <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: jazz], [I-playlist: brasileiro], [B-state: ma], [B-timeRange: morning], [B-movie_name: fine], [I-movie_name: totally], [I-movie_name: fine]</s>
sentence: weather next year in canada , play ep by arjen anthony lucassen and then what is dear old girl cooper foundation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-country: canada], [B-music_item: ep], [B-artist: arjen], [I-artist: anthony], [I-artist: lucassen], [B-movie_name: dear], [I-movie_name: old], [I-movie_name: girl], [B-location_name: cooper], [I-location_name: foundation]</s>
sentence: weather next year in canada , play ep by arjen anthony lucassen and then what is dear old girl cooper foundation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-country: canada], [B-music_item: ep], [B-artist: arjen], [I-artist: anthony], [I-artist: lucassen], [B-movie_name: dear], [I-movie_name: old], [I-movie_name: girl], [B-location_name: cooper], [I-location_name: foundation]</s>
sentence: what is the weather forecast in delaware and play the song i get ideas as performed by richard kruspe <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-state: delaware], [B-music_item: song], [B-track: i], [I-track: get], [I-track: ideas], [B-artist: richard], [I-artist: kruspe]</s>
sentence: what is the weather forecast in delaware and play the song i get ideas as performed by richard kruspe <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-state: delaware], [B-music_item: song], [B-track: i], [I-track: get], [I-track: ideas], [B-artist: richard], [I-artist: kruspe]</s>
sentence: put some frank ferrer into my edna st vincent millay playlist , book a spot at the food truck in ma and what time is southern theatres showing ukraine is not a brothel <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: ferrer], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: edna], [I-playlist: st], [I-playlist: vincent], [I-playlist: millay], [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-location_name: southern], [I-location_name: theatres], [B-movie_name: ukraine], [I-movie_name: is], [I-movie_name: not], [I-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: brothel]</s>
sentence: put some frank ferrer into my edna st vincent millay playlist , book a spot at the food truck in ma and what time is southern theatres showing ukraine is not a brothel <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: ferrer], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: edna], [I-playlist: st], [I-playlist: vincent], [I-playlist: millay], [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-location_name: southern], [I-location_name: theatres], [B-movie_name: ukraine], [I-movie_name: is], [I-movie_name: not], [I-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: brothel]</s>
sentence: i want to eat close to bowlegs seven years from now <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-city: bowlegs], [B-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: i want to eat close to bowlegs seven years from now <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-city: bowlegs], [B-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: add no prejudice to 90s indie , get the video game of the chipmunk song and also what movies are showing in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: no], [I-entity_name: prejudice], [B-playlist: 90s], [I-playlist: indie], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: chipmunk], [I-object_name: song], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: add no prejudice to 90s indie , get the video game of the chipmunk song and also what movies are showing in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: no], [I-entity_name: prejudice], [B-playlist: 90s], [I-playlist: indie], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: chipmunk], [I-object_name: song], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: on june 27 2026 i d like to go to a delaware gastropub and show me movie times for animated movies playing three hours from now in the neighbourhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: june], [I-timeRange: 27], [I-timeRange: 2026], [B-state: delaware], [B-restaurant_type: gastropub], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-timeRange: three], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: on june 27 2026 i d like to go to a delaware gastropub and show me movie times for animated movies playing three hours from now in the neighbourhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: june], [I-timeRange: 27], [I-timeRange: 2026], [B-state: delaware], [B-restaurant_type: gastropub], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-timeRange: three], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: play some theme songs from 1974 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974]</s>
sentence: play some theme songs from 1974 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974]</s>
sentence: i want to add hind etin to my la mejor música dance 2017 playlist and play a melody from elmer bernstein <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: hind], [I-entity_name: etin], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: la], [I-playlist: mejor], [I-playlist: música], [I-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: 2017], [B-music_item: melody], [B-artist: elmer], [I-artist: bernstein]</s>
sentence: i want to add hind etin to my la mejor música dance 2017 playlist and play a melody from elmer bernstein <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: hind], [I-entity_name: etin], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: la], [I-playlist: mejor], [I-playlist: música], [I-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: 2017], [B-music_item: melody], [B-artist: elmer], [I-artist: bernstein]</s>
sentence: play a new symphony by perfecto de castro on lastfm <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-sort: new], [B-music_item: symphony], [B-artist: perfecto], [I-artist: de], [I-artist: castro], [B-service: lastfm]</s>
sentence: play a new symphony by perfecto de castro on lastfm <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-sort: new], [B-music_item: symphony], [B-artist: perfecto], [I-artist: de], [I-artist: castro], [B-service: lastfm]</s>
sentence: i rate secret water as a 4 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: secret], [I-object_name: water], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: i rate secret water as a 4 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: secret], [I-object_name: water], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: i need a table for 9 , turn on spotify to tiny tim ep and also show me the movie operetta for the theatre organ <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: 9], [B-service: spotify], [B-artist: tiny], [I-artist: tim], [B-music_item: ep], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: operetta], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: theatre], [I-object_name: organ]</s>
sentence: i need a table for 9 , turn on spotify to tiny tim ep and also show me the movie operetta for the theatre organ <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: 9], [B-service: spotify], [B-artist: tiny], [I-artist: tim], [B-music_item: ep], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: operetta], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: theatre], [I-object_name: organ]</s>
sentence: give this current book zero out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: give this current book zero out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: book a table around london borough of ealing that is highly rated in a gluten free bar , what will the weather be in grand coteau ut at six pm and then search for the television show me and my guitar <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: around], [B-poi: london], [I-poi: borough], [I-poi: of], [I-poi: ealing], [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-cuisine: gluten], [I-cuisine: free], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-city: grand], [I-city: coteau], [B-state: ut], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-object_type: television], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: me], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: my], [I-object_name: guitar]</s>
sentence: book a table around london borough of ealing that is highly rated in a gluten free bar , what will the weather be in grand coteau ut at six pm and then search for the television show me and my guitar <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: around], [B-poi: london], [I-poi: borough], [I-poi: of], [I-poi: ealing], [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-cuisine: gluten], [I-cuisine: free], [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-city: grand], [I-city: coteau], [B-state: ut], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-object_type: television], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: me], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: my], [I-object_name: guitar]</s>
sentence: i would like to book a highly rated brasserie with souvlaki neighboring la next week , is it going to be chillier at 10 pm in texas and for the current saga i rate 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-cuisine: souvlaki], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-state: la], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: week], [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-timeRange: 10], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-state: texas], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: saga], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: i would like to book a highly rated brasserie with souvlaki neighboring la next week , is it going to be chillier at 10 pm in texas and for the current saga i rate 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-cuisine: souvlaki], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-state: la], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: week], [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-timeRange: 10], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-state: texas], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: saga], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: i want to bring four people to a place that s close to downtown that serves churrascaria cuisine and also show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: four], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-poi: downtown], [B-restaurant_type: churrascaria], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: i want to bring four people to a place that s close to downtown that serves churrascaria cuisine and also show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: four], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-poi: downtown], [B-restaurant_type: churrascaria], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: book a table today at a steakhouse for eight that serves sashimi , what is the tv series in app store and also show me the new showings for animated movies in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: today], [B-restaurant_type: steakhouse], [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-served_dish: sashimi], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: app], [I-object_name: store], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: book a table today at a steakhouse for eight that serves sashimi , what is the tv series in app store and also show me the new showings for animated movies in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: today], [B-restaurant_type: steakhouse], [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-served_dish: sashimi], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: app], [I-object_name: store], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: play a 2001 sound track on deezer <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-year: 2001], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-service: deezer]</s>
sentence: play a 2001 sound track on deezer <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-year: 2001], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-service: deezer]</s>
sentence: weather for this winter here and then find a soundtrack called pax warrior <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-timeRange: this], [I-timeRange: winter], [B-current_location: here], [B-object_type: soundtrack], [B-object_name: pax], [I-object_name: warrior]</s>
sentence: weather for this winter here and then find a soundtrack called pax warrior <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-timeRange: this], [I-timeRange: winter], [B-current_location: here], [B-object_type: soundtrack], [B-object_name: pax], [I-object_name: warrior]</s>
sentence: play the song i get ideas as performed by richard kruspe and also tell me what films are playing at plitt theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: i], [I-track: get], [I-track: ideas], [B-artist: richard], [I-artist: kruspe], [B-movie_type: films], [B-location_name: plitt], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: play the song i get ideas as performed by richard kruspe and also tell me what films are playing at plitt theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: i], [I-track: get], [I-track: ideas], [B-artist: richard], [I-artist: kruspe], [B-movie_type: films], [B-location_name: plitt], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: i d like for you to put this artist to my evening commute playlist , will it snow in amy and then find a tv show called ruthless <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: commute], [B-condition_description: snow], [B-city: amy], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: ruthless]</s>
sentence: i d like for you to put this artist to my evening commute playlist , will it snow in amy and then find a tv show called ruthless <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: evening], [I-playlist: commute], [B-condition_description: snow], [B-city: amy], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: ruthless]</s>
sentence: add this album ny bill callahan to my mi casa es la tuya playlist oficial list , please play an album from 1987 and also please search the young warriors game <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-artist: bill], [I-artist: callahan], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: mi], [I-playlist: casa], [I-playlist: es], [I-playlist: la], [I-playlist: tuya], [I-playlist: playlist], [I-playlist: oficial], [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: young], [I-object_name: warriors], [B-object_type: game]</s>
sentence: add this album ny bill callahan to my mi casa es la tuya playlist oficial list , please play an album from 1987 and also please search the young warriors game <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-artist: bill], [I-artist: callahan], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: mi], [I-playlist: casa], [I-playlist: es], [I-playlist: la], [I-playlist: tuya], [I-playlist: playlist], [I-playlist: oficial], [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: young], [I-object_name: warriors], [B-object_type: game]</s>
sentence: add patti page album to i love my neo soul and find a video game called family dog <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: patti], [I-artist: page], [B-music_item: album], [B-playlist: i], [I-playlist: love], [I-playlist: my], [I-playlist: neo], [I-playlist: soul], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: family], [I-object_name: dog]</s>
sentence: add patti page album to i love my neo soul and find a video game called family dog <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: patti], [I-artist: page], [B-music_item: album], [B-playlist: i], [I-playlist: love], [I-playlist: my], [I-playlist: neo], [I-playlist: soul], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: family], [I-object_name: dog]</s>
sentence: can you tell me the weather forecast for samoa and what films are at the nearest cinema <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-country: samoa], [B-movie_type: films], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema]</s>
sentence: can you tell me the weather forecast for samoa and what films are at the nearest cinema <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-country: samoa], [B-movie_type: films], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema]</s>
sentence: add andreas johnson to my rock save the queen playlist <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-artist: andreas], [I-artist: johnson], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: rock], [I-playlist: save], [I-playlist: the], [I-playlist: queen]</s>
sentence: add andreas johnson to my rock save the queen playlist <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-artist: andreas], [I-artist: johnson], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: rock], [I-playlist: save], [I-playlist: the], [I-playlist: queen]</s>

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