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Dataset Card for ParlaMint 3.0

Dataset Summary

ParlaMint 3.0 is a multilingual set of 26 comparable corpora containing parliamentary debates mostly starting in 2015 and extending to mid-2022, with the individual corpora being between 9 and 125 million words in size.


Slovenian, Austrian, Bosnian, Belgian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Catalan, Galician, French, British, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A sample instance from the dataset:

  'ID': 'ParlaMint-SI_2022-04-06-SDZ8-Izredna-99.u227',
  'Title': 'Minutes of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Term 8, Extraordinary Session 99, (06. 04. 2022)',
  'Date': '2022-04-06',
  'Body': 'Lower house',
  'Term': '8',
  'Session': '',
  'Meeting': 99,
  'Sitting': '',
  'Agenda': '',
  'Subcorpus': 'War',
  'Speaker_role': 'Regular',
  'Speaker_MP': 'MP',
  'Speaker_Minister': '-',
  'Speaker_party': 'Levica',
  'Speaker_party_name': 'Levica',
  'Party_status': 'Opposition',
  'Speaker_name': 'Koražija, Boštjan',
  'Speaker_gender': 'M',
  'Speaker_birth': '1974',
  'text': '[[…]]Pa celo poslanec z Prekmurja, no, kaj sem rekel [[…]] [[nemir v dvorani]] Zdaj bodite pa tiho, v redu, okej. No, kot rečeno, gre se za to, da se zaščiti tudi kot Prekmurje samo in tudi takrat se je, ne vemo, kdo in zakaj je širil neke, bom rekel, nebuloze oziroma tudi »fake news« po Prekmurju, v smislu, čez, da Levica želi prepovedati geotermalno energijo oziroma pač samo uporabo, kar ne drži. V Levici smo za geotermalno energijo, smo pa seveda proti [[znak za konec razprave]] in strogo proti frekingu, to kar ste želeli vi doseči prej, ampak ste potem videli, da zaradi glasovanja, ki se je že zgodilo na prejšnji seji, da tega ne boste dosegli in ste tudi morali popustit. In srečen sem za Prekmurje in srečen sem za vzhodno Slovenijo, da smo končno nekaj pametnega naredili. Hvala.\n'

Data Fields

  • 'ID': Unique identifier for each example;
  • 'Title': Title or heading of the parliamentary debate;
  • 'Date': The date when the parliamentary debate took place;
  • 'Body': The primary chamber or house of the parliamentary assembly in which the debate occurred;
  • 'Term': The legislative term or session number during which the debate was conducted;
  • 'Session': Specific session or part of the term when the debate was held;
  • 'Meeting': Numeric identifier or count of the meeting within a session or term;
  • 'Sitting': Particular segment or part of a larger meeting or session;
  • 'Agenda': Subset or category of the main corpus to which the record belongs;
  • 'Subcorpus': Subset or category of the main corpus to which the record belongs;
  • 'Speaker_role': Role or position of the speaker during the debate, e.g., chairperson, main speaker, etc;
  • 'Speaker_MP': Indicator if the speaker is a Member of Parliament or not;
  • 'Speaker_Minister': Indicator if the speaker is a Minister or holds an executive office;
  • 'Speaker_party': Abbreviated code or identifier for the political party of the speaker;
  • 'Speaker_party_name': Full name of the political party to which the speaker belongs;
  • 'Party_status': The status or standing of the party in the parliamentary assembly, e.g., ruling, opposition, etc;
  • 'Speaker_name': Full name of the individual speaking during the debate;
  • 'Speaker_gender': Gender of the speaker;
  • 'Speaker_birth': Year of birth of the speaker;
  • 'text': Transcription of the spoken content during the debate.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

Erjavec, Tomaž ; et al. (see for more)

Licensing Information

CC BY 4.0

Citation Information

 title = {Multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates {ParlaMint} 3.0},
 author = {Erjavec, Toma{\v z} and Kopp, Maty{\'a}{\v s} and Ogrodniczuk, Maciej and Osenova, Petya and Fi{\v s}er, Darja and Pirker, Hannes and Wissik, Tanja and Schopper, Daniel and Kirnbauer, Martin and Ljube{\v s}i{\'c}, Nikola and Rupnik, Peter and Mochtak, Michal and Pol, Henk van der and Depoorter, Griet and Simov, Kiril and Grigorova, Vladislava and Grigorov, Ilko and Jongejan, Bart and Haltrup Hansen, Dorte and Navarretta, Costanza and M{\"o}lder, Martin and Kahusk, Neeme and Vider, Kadri and Bel, Nuria and Antiba-Cartazo, Iv{\'a}n and Pisani, Marilina and Zevallos, Rodolfo and Vladu, Adina Ioana and Magari{\~n}os, Carmen and Bardanca, Daniel and Barcala, Mario and Garcia, Marcos and P{\'e}rez Lago, Mar{\'{\i}}a and Garc{\'{\i}}a Louzao, Pedro and Vivel Couso, Ainhoa and V{\'a}zquez Abu{\'{\i}}n, Marta and Garc{\'{\i}}a D{\'{\i}}az, Noelia and Vidal Migu{\'e}ns, Adri{\'a}n and Fern{\'a}ndez Rei, Elisa and Regueira, Xos{\'e} Lu{\'{\i}}s and Diwersy, Sascha and Luxardo, Giancarlo and Coole, Matthew and Rayson, Paul and Nwadukwe, Amanda and Gkoumas, Dimitris and Papavassiliou, Vassilis and Prokopidis, Prokopis and Gavriilidou, Maria and Piperidis, Stelios and Ligeti-Nagy, No{\'e}mi and Jelencsik-M{\'a}tyus, Kinga and Varga, Zs{\'o}fia and Dod{\'e}, R{\'e}ka and Barkarson, Starkaður and Agnoloni, Tommaso and Bartolini, Roberto and Frontini, Francesca and Montemagni, Simonetta and Quochi, Valeria and Venturi, Giulia and Ruisi, Manuela and Marchetti, Carlo and Battistoni, Roberto and Darģis, Roberts and van Heusden, Ruben and Marx, Maarten and Tungland, Lars Magne and Rudolf, Micha{\l} and Nito{\'n}, Bart{\l}omiej and Aires, Jos{\'e} and Mendes, Am{\'a}lia and Cardoso, Aida and Pereira, Rui and Yrj{\"a}n{\"a}inen, V{\"a}in{\"o} and Nor{\'e}n, Fredrik Mohammadi and Magnusson, M{\aa}ns and Jarlbrink, Johan and Meden, Katja and Pan{\v c}ur, Andrej and Ojster{\v s}ek, Mihael and {\c C}{\"o}ltekin, {\c C}a{\u g}r{\i} and Kryvenko, Anna},
 url = {},
 note = {Slovenian language resource repository {CLARIN}.{SI}},
 copyright = {Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International ({CC} {BY} 4.0)},
 issn = {2820-4042},
 year = {2023}


Thanks to Hana Skitek and @matejklemen for adding this dataset.

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