In her research, she introduced disadvantaged fourth-grade children from the Boston area to the Logo programming language, and facilitated their creation of mathematical software applications that would help third-grade peers learn fractions.
She introduced disadvantaged fourth-grade children from the Boston area to the Logo programming language. This was in her research. She facilitated their creation of mathematical software applications. This was in her research. This creation of mathematical software applications would help third. Grade peers learn fractions.
This was an innovation that many countries had yet to introduce, as diesel engines were the future for tanks, with lower cost, greater range and reduced danger of fire compared to petrol engines.
This was an innovation that many countries had yet to introduce. Diesel engines were the future for tanks. This was with lower cost compared to petrol engines. This was with greater range compared to petrol engines. This was with reduced danger of fire compared to petrol engines.
The Shooting Star was operated extensively in Korea in the ground attack role, primarily for low-level rocket, bomb, and napalm attacks on fixed targets.
The Shooting Star was operated extensively in Korea in the ground attack role for low-level rocket attacks on fixed targets. This was primarily. The Shooting Star was operated extensively in Korea in the ground attack role for low-bomb attacks on fixed targets. This was primarily. The Shooting Star was operated extensively in Korea in the ground attack role for low-napalm attacks on fixed targets. This was primarily.
It was used in a wide variety of aircraft, both military and civilian, production of the Avon aero engine ending after 24 years in 1974.
It was used in a wide variety of aircraft. Aircraft was both military and civilian, production of the Avon aero engine. This Avon aero engine was ending after 24 years in 1974.
Chappell gained some consolation at the end of a dramatic summer when he led SA to the Sheffield Shield, the team's first win for seven years.
Chappell gained some consolation at the end of a dramatic summer. He led SA to the Sheffield Shield for seven years. The Sheffield Shield was the team's first win.
Despite his civic duties, Camber retains the studious manner of a scholar throughout his life, and he is especially devoted to researching and recovering the lost Deryni texts of the past.
Camber retains the studious manner of a scholar throughout his life. This is despite his civic duties. He is especially devoted to researching and recovering the lost Deryni texts of the past. This was despite his civic duties.
He served as chief judge from 1991 to 1995, assuming senior status on July 13,1996.
He served as chief judge from 1991 to 1995. He was assuming senior status on July 13,1996.
Margaret is a female first name, and anyone who has it is really awesome.
Margaret is a female first name. Anyone is really awesome. This Anyone has it.
Prior to 1995, WUAB was one of the leading independent stations in the country; it was Cleveland's UPN affiliate from 1995 to 2006.
WUAB was one of the leading independent stations in the country. This was prior to 1995. It was Cleveland's UPN affiliate from 1995 to 2006.
In all trains it is prohibited to carry normal size and (partly) unfolded bikes during peak hours but this does not apply in July or August when bikes are carried at any time.
It is prohibited to carry normal size. This was in all trains. It is unfolded bikes during peak hours. This is in all trains. This does not apply in July or August. Bikes are carried at any time.
In August 2013, she announced her departure from the show; she was replaced by Radzi Chinyanganya.
She announced her departure from the show. This was in August 2013. She was replaced by Radzi Chinyanganya.
Following the naval victory of his son Crispus in the Hellespont, Constantine crossed over to Asia Minor using a flotilla of light transports in order to avoid the forces of Licinius' co-emperor Martinian, which were guarding the coast at Lampsacus.
Constantine crossed over to Asia Minor. This was following the naval victory of his son Crispus in the Hellespont. This was to avoid the forces of Licinius'co-emperor Martinian. Constantine was using a flotilla of light transports. This was following the naval victory of his son Crispus in the Hellespont. This was to avoid the forces of Licinius' co-emperor Martinian. Licinius' co-emperor Martinian were guarding the coast at Lampsacus.
In 1971, at the age of 19, she married; they now have two adult daughters and four grandchildren.
She married. This was at the age of 19. This was in 1971. They now have two adult daughters. This is in 1971. They now have four grandchildren. This is in 1971.
IT security remains a significant issue for NASA, other systems including the Earth Observing System having also been attacked.
IT security remains a significant issue for NASA having also been attacked. NASA is other systems including the Earth Observing System.
She was in the Mediterranean supporting Lord Hood's occupation of Toulon in 1793, and remained there for several years, during which time she captured the 44-gun French "Sibylle".
She was in the Mediterranean supporting Lord Hood's occupation of Toulon in 1793. She remained there for several years. She captured the 44-gun French "Sibylle" during several years.
In September 20,2014, New Zealand introduced voting by telephone and commended by the United Nations on its Concluding Observations for enabling people with disabilities to vote.
New Zealand introduced voting by telephone. This was in September 20,2014. This was to vote. New Zealand commended by the United Nations on its Concluding Observations for. This was in September 20,2014. New Zealand was enabling people with disabilities. This was in September 20,2014. This was to vote.
The bitterness of the rivalry has led to fistfights between the teams during games, most notably in 2010, when Texans receiver Andre Johnson and Titans cornerback Cortland Finnegan exchanged blows after a play and got ejected.
The bitterness of the rivalry has led to fistfights between the teams during games when Texans receiver Andre Johnson exchanged blows after a play and got ejected. This was most notably in 2010. The bitterness of the rivalry has led to fistfights between the teams during games when Titans cornerback Cortland Finnegan exchanged blows after a play and got ejected. This was most notably in 2010.
UKIP began as the Anti-Federalist League, a Eurosceptic political party established in 1991 by the historian Alan Sked which opposed the Maastricht Treaty, which had been recently signed, and sought to sway the governing Conservative Party toward removing the United Kingdom from the European Union.
UKIP began as the Anti-Federalist League, a Eurosceptic political party established in 1991 by the historian Alan Sked. This Alan Sked opposed the Maastricht Treaty. UKIP began as the Anti-Federalist League, a Eurosceptic political party sought to sway the governing Conservative Party toward removing the United Kingdom from the European Union. The Maastricht Treaty had been recently signed.
This came as something of a surprise, as it stretched from the Virginia border in East Tennessee to the Mississippi border in Middle Tennessee.
This came as something of a surprise. It stretched from the Virginia border in East Tennessee to the Mississippi border in Middle Tennessee.
The lineages of two units of the Virginia militia are perpetuated by current units of the West Virginia National Guard; at the time of the War of 1812, West Virginia was still part of Virginia.
The lineages of two units of the Virginia militia are perpetuated by current units of the West Virginia National Guard. West Virginia was still part of Virginia. This was at the time of the War of 1812.
They had eight children, including Countess Jimena Peláez who was the wife of count Vermudo Ovéquiz, parents of the powerful Count Suero Vermúdez.
They had eight children. This was including Countess Jimena Peláez. This Countess Jimena Peláez was the wife of count Vermudo Ovéquiz. Count Vermudo Ovéquiz was parents of the powerful Count Suero Vermúdez.
SpySheriff is malware that disguises itself as an anti-spyware program, to trick the owner of the infected computer to buy the program, by repeatedly informing them of false threats to their system.
SpySheriff is malware that disguises itself as an anti-spyware program, to trick the owner of the infected computer to buy the program. This is by repeatedly informing them of false threats to their system.
Call sends word to Newt Dobbs (Rick Schroder) that he intends to meet him at the home of Clara Allen (Barbara Hershey) but Newt becomes involved in a bar fight that concludes with the death of two local men.
He intends to meet him at the home of Clara Allen (Barbara Hershey). Call sends word to Newt Dobbs (Rick Schroder) this. Newt becomes involved in a bar fight. This bar fight concludes with the death of two local men.
The show is routinely met with applause from audiences and the most popular viewing spot is usually from the mall's second floor.
The show is routinely met with applause from audiences. The most popular viewing spot is usually from the mall's second floor.
The initial filtering portion of a nephron is the renal corpuscle which is located in the cortex.
The initial filtering portion of a nephron is the renal corpuscle. This renal corpuscle is located in the cortex.
He again encounters and now attacks the wheelchair-bound man, having a sudden realization and returns to the mysterious woman's room, where he discovers that she has kidnapped Sara and is reenacting Snow White.
He again encounters. He again now attacks the wheelchair. He again bound man. He again was having a sudden realization and returns to the mysterious woman's room. He again is reenacting Snow White. She has kidnapped Sara. He discovers this.
Higgins is the associate dean for facilities for the College of Architecture and the Arts, and an associate professor in the department of art history at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Higgins is the associate dean for facilities for the College of Architecture and the Arts. Higgins is an associate professor in the department of art history at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
The time period between contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is usually one to three months; however, it can vary from less than one week to more than one year.
The time period between contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is usually one to three months. It can vary from less than one week to more than one year. This is however.
This District is considered safely Democratic, because no Republican has been elected since 1972.
Republican has been elected since 1972. This was because no. This was what this District is considered safely Democratic.
Financial planners encouraged their clients to make what were obviously bad investments because the promoters kicked back an average up-front commission to planners of 10 per cent out of the money that they raised.
They raised. This was to make what were obviously bad investments because the promoters kicked back an average up-front commission to planners of 10 per cent out of the money. Financial planners encouraged their clients this.
It was renamed Goldville in 1872, and in 1948 the name of the town was again changed to Joanna.
It was renamed Goldville in 1872. The name of the town was again changed to Joanna. This was in 1948.
Ripe fruit is very soft and easily bruised, and cannot be stored for long periods of time.
Ripe fruit is very soft and easily bruised. Ripe fruit cannot be stored for long periods of time.
The town's resistance (rivalled only by the defenders of Zaragoza) served Spanish purposes well owing to the large delays and losses imposed on the French, and the battle became something of a legend over the course of the Peninsular War.
The town's resistance (rivalled only by the defenders of Zaragoza) served Spanish purposes well owing to the large delays and losses. These large delays were imposed on the French. Losses were imposed on the French. The battle became something of a legend over the course of the Peninsular War.
Her most recent work includes the pilot for the dramatic series "Frequency" and the feature length pilot, "," where she plays Captain Lexxa Singh, a descendant of Khan Noonien Singh.
Her most recent work includes the pilot for the dramatic series "Frequency" and the feature length pilot, ",". She plays Captain Lexxa Singh. Captain Lexxa Singh is a descendant of Khan Noonien Singh.
Montenegro Lines serves Odiongan from the Port of Batangas City six days per week with roll-on/roll-off vessels, with M/V Super Shuttle RORO departing Batangas to Odiongan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00 PM.
Montenegro Lines serves Odiongan from the Port of Batangas City six days per week with roll-on/roll-off vessels/V Super Shuttle RORO departing Batangas to Odiongan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00 PM. This is with M.
Rinehart suffered from breast cancer, which led to a radical mastectomy; she eventually went public with her story, at a time when such matters were not openly discussed.
Rinehart suffered from breast cancer. Breast cancer led to a radical mastectomy. She eventually went public with her story. This was at a time. Such matters were not openly discussed.
After Indian independence from the United Kingdom, Indian Prime Minister Jawarharalal Nehru authorized the development of a nuclear program headed by Homi J. Bhabha; the "Atomic Energy Act" of 1948 focused on peaceful development.
Indian Prime Minister Jawarharalal Nehru authorized the development of a nuclear program. This was after Indian independence from the United Kingdom. This nuclear program was headed by Homi J. Bhabha. The "Atomic Energy Act" of 1948 focused on peaceful development.
This reaction has nothing to do with pain, alhough it may hurt after the spinal reflex.
This reaction has nothing to do with pain. It may hurt after the spinal reflex.
The area of Africa now known as Malawi had a very small population of hunter-gatherers before waves of Bantu-speaking peoples began emigrating from the north around the 10th century.
The area of Africa began emigrating from the north around the 10th century. As Malawi had a very small population of hunter-gatherers before waves of Bantu-speaking peoples. This was what this Africa was now known.
Half of the portion is marshy, but the southeast portion has the sandiest coastline on the island.
Half of the portion is marshy. The southeast portion has the sandiest coastline on the island.
Ichiyo travels primarily with a god named Tenkou who calls Ichiyou "Master" and is often physically abused by Ichiyo, as are most people who bother Ichiyo.
Ichiyo travels primarily with a god. This god is named Tenkou, as are most people. These most people bother Ichiyo. This Tenkou calls Ichiyou "Master". This Tenkou is often physically abused by Ichiyo.
The team had to descend to the Landesklasse Sachsen Nord (previously named Bezirksliga Sachsen Nord) and the BSG Chemie Leipzig was made the sole tenant of the Alfred-Kunze-Sportpark.
The team had to descend to the Landesklasse Sachsen Nord. The BSG Chemie Leipzig was made the sole tenant of the Alfred-Kunze-Sportpark.
The Kresies purchased it in 1918 from the farm's second owner, and currently, it is 305 acres in size and produces row crops.
The Kresies purchased it in 1918 from the farm's second owner. It is 305 acres in size. This is currently. It produces row crops. This is currently.
He had previously won promotion to the Premiership twice with West Bromwich Albion, having taken over at a time when they were on the verge of relegation to League One, and it was hoped that he could achieve the same success with Forest.
He had previously won promotion to the Premiership twice with West Bromwich Albion. He was having taken over at a time when they were on the verge of relegation to League One. He could achieve the same success with Forest. This was what it was hoped.
It features the band playing in a skating rink, intertwined with footage of a boy being picked on by other kids until he snaps and becomes a rebel, cutting his hair and dreaming of being a rock star.
It features the band playing in a skating rink. A skating rink is intertwined with footage of a boy. A skating rink was being picked on by other kids. He snaps and becomes a rebel. A skating rink was cutting his hair. A skating rink was dreaming of being a rock star.
On March 18,1987 the Inner Cabinet of the Israeli government denounced the Apartheid policy of South Africa, limited Israel's security ties with Pretoria and significantly reversed its economic, military, sports and cultural ties with South Africa.
The Inner Cabinet of the Israeli government denounced the Apartheid policy of South Africa. This was on March 18,1987. The Inner Cabinet of the Israeli government limited Israel's security ties with Pretoria. This was on March 18,1987. The Inner Cabinet of the Israeli government significantly reversed its economic, military, sports and cultural ties with South Africa. This was on March 18,1987.
She is scheduled to return to Paris, he is expected to engage in an arranged marriage with a Chinese heiress.
She is scheduled to return to Paris. This was what he is expected to engage in an arranged marriage with a Chinese heiress.
Webb was commissioned as a Cornet of Dragoons in 1687, and on 3 February 1690 he married Henrietta Borlase, daughter of William Borlase and Joanna Bancks.
Webb was commissioned as a Cornet of Dragoons in 1687. He married Henrietta Borlase. This was on 3 February 1690. He married daughter of William Borlase. This was on 3 February 1690. He married Joanna Bancks. This was on 3 February 1690.
He adopted a more relaxed attitude to his studies, spending much of his time drinking in pubs and with the staff at the Musical Bargain Centre, a music shop in Ealing.
He adopted a more relaxed attitude to his studies. He was spending much of his time drinking in pubs and with the staff at the Musical Bargain Centre. The Musical Bargain Centre was a music shop in Ealing.
Cleveland is a city in White County, Georgia, United States, located ninety miles northeast of Atlanta.
Cleveland is a city in White County, Georgia, United States. White County is located ninety miles northeast of Atlanta.
While a hilariously-comedic styling, the movie makes important comments on the social impact of obesity in contemporary America--and also highlights the genetic and endocrinological basis of the disease, in the context of the exacerbating effects of the American diet.
While a hilariously-comedic styling, the movie makes important comments on the social impact of obesity in contemporary America. This is in the context of the exacerbating effects of the American diet. While a hilariously-comedic styling, the movie also highlights the genetic and endocrinological basis of the disease. This is in the context of the exacerbating effects of the American diet.
In 1962, his final command was of U.S. First Army at Fort Jay, Governors Island, New York and as U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations.
His final command was of U.S. First Army at Fort Jay to the United Nations. This was in 1962. His final command was of U.S. First Army at Governors Island to the United Nations. This was in 1962. His final command was of U.S. First Army at New York to the United Nations. This was in 1962. His final command was of U.S. First Army at as U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations. This was in 1962.
Their home is called the Gaffery which has had many different buildings in the past with their current home being incorporated with the St Paul's Community Centre which opened in 2006.
Their home is called the Gaffery. This Gaffery has had many different buildings in the past with their current home. This current home is being incorporated with the St Paul's Community Centre. This St Paul's Community Centre opened in 2006.
Megrahi was convicted of murder on 31 January 2001, and was sentenced to life imprisonment in Scotland; his co-defendant, Fhimah, was found not guilty.
Megrahi was convicted of murder on 31 January 2001. Megrahi was sentenced to life imprisonment in Scotland. His co-defendant was found not guilty. Fhimah was his co-defendant.
Humberto Sousa Cardinal Medeiros was born October 1,1915 in the village of Arrifes on the island of Sao Miguel, Portugal.
Humberto Sousa Cardinal Medeiros was born October 1,1915 in the village of Arrifes on the island of Sao Miguel. Sao Miguel was Portugal.
Hilary spent many years struggling with Battle Abbey over his attempts to inspect the abbey, and he also clashed with Thomas Becket, then chancellor to King Henry II of England, later Archbishop of Canterbury.
Hilary spent many years. These many years were struggling with Battle Abbey over his attempts. This was to inspect the abbey. He also clashed with Thomas Becket chancellor to King Henry II of England, later Archbishop of Canterbury. This was then.
On March, 2013, Jorge signed with the Tigers de Quintana Roo Mexican team, due to an injury he was limited throughout the season but still lead the team with 31 in 83 games.
Jorge signed with the Tigers de Quintana Roo Mexican team. This was on March. This was due to an injury. He was limited throughout the season an injury. Jorge still lead the team with 31 in 83 games. This is on March. March was 2013.
Steve Doszpot (born 23 September 1948 in Budapest, Hungary), an Australian politician, is a member of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly representing the electorate of Molonglo for the Liberal Party since 2012 and represented the electorate of Brindabella between 2008 and 2012.
Steve Doszpot (born 23 September 1948 in Budapest, Hungary) is a member of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly representing the electorate of Molonglo for the Liberal Party since 2012. Steve Doszpot (born 23 September 1948 in Budapest, Hungary) represented the electorate of Brindabella between 2008 and 2012. Steve Doszpot (born 23 September 1948 in Budapest, Hungary) is an Australian politician.
After several failed visits to shops, he finds one on a telephone where the advert ends with the man identifying himself as J.R. Hartley.
He finds one on a telephone where the advert ends with the man. This is after several failed visits to shops. This man is identifying himself as J.R. Hartley.
Frequent delay of money expected from the family in Japan forced him to take a job translating the titles for the calligraphy collection at the South Kensington Museum and sell ukiyoe with his friends.
Frequent delay of money forced him to take a job translating the titles for the calligraphy collection at the South Kensington Museum and sell ukiyoe with his friends. This money was expected from the family in Japan.
In a lush Truffula Tree forest, he met the Lorax who is a grumpy yet charming orange creature and a guardian of the land.
He met the Lorax. This was in a lush Truffula Tree forest. This Lorax is a grumpy yet charming orange creature. This Lorax is a guardian of the land.
He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences since 1988 and received the John J. Carty Award of the National Academy of Sciences in 1978 and the George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics in 2003.
He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences since 1988. He received the John J. Carty Award of the National Academy of Sciences in 1978 in Applied Mathematics in 2003. He received the John J. Carty Award of the National Academy of Sciences in the George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics in 2003.
A Huguenot cemetery is located in the centre of Dublin, off St. Stephen's Green; previous to its establishment, Huguenots used the The Cabbage Garden near the Cathedral.
A Huguenot cemetery is located in the centre of Dublin, Huguenots used the The Cabbage Garden near the Cathedral. This was off St. Stephen's Green; previous to its establishment.
Seeing opportunity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he settled in Baton Rouge in 1846 where he soon went into partnership with Mr. William Markham to start an iron foundry at the foot of North Street in Baton Rouge.
He was seeing opportunity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He settled in Baton Rouge in 1846. He soon went into partnership with Mr. William Markham. This was to start an iron foundry at the foot of North Street in Baton Rouge.
The organisation has been actively seeking attention for the issue of air polltion, however some of its actions have been criticized.
The organisation has been actively seeking attention for the issue of air polltion. Some of its actions have been criticized.
Shortly after becoming a widow in 1932, impoverished circumstances necessitated her return to Canada where she settled first with her parents in Rossland, and eventually managed to obtain a position in Ottawa as an economist in the Canadian Public Service.
Impoverished circumstances necessitated her return to Canada. She settled first with her parents in Rossland. She eventually managed to obtain a position in Ottawa as an economist in the Canadian Public Service. Impoverished circumstances were becoming a widow in 1932.
Prior to entering national politics, he ran a pub in Kilgarvan and was involved in local politics in County Kerry.
He was entering national politics. He ran a pub in Kilgarvan. He was involved in local politics in County Kerry.
In November 1956 Major General Samford was appointed director of the National Security Agency and promoted to lieutenant general, he held this post until his retirement on November 23,1960.
Major General Samford was appointed director of the National Security Agency. This was in November 1956. This was what he held this post until his retirement on November 23,1960. Major General Samford was promoted to lieutenant general. This was in November 1956. This was what he held this post until his retirement on November 23,1960.
Montmeneu is an isolated hill of the Catalan Central Depression, making it visible over long distances.
Montmeneu is an isolated hill of the Catalan Central Depression. Montmeneu is making it visible over long distances.
In June 1916 Hermogenes was back in what was then called Petrograd.because of the Great War against Germany its name was changed and lived on Vasilievsky Island.
Hermogenes was back in what was then called Petrograd.because of the Great War against Germany its name was changed and lived on Vasilievsky Island. This was in June 1916.
Completion of the repair and expansion of the Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant, with a maximum capacity of 80 MW, is scheduled to be completed by 2018, while construction of three new heavy fuel oil power plants is expected to boost electrical capacity by 38 MW.
Completion of the repair and expansion of the Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant is scheduled to be completed by 2018. This was with a maximum capacity of 80 MW. Construction of three new heavy fuel oil power plants is expected to boost electrical capacity by 38 MW.
The stations were owned by Doubleday and Company until 1981 when Doubleday sold the KHOW stations to Metromedia.
The stations were owned by Doubleday and Company until 1981. Doubleday sold the KHOW stations to Metromedia.
Laïka Fatien is a singer who was born in Paris in 1968.
Laïka Fatien is a singer. This singer was born in Paris in 1968.
I think this is the sort of fact that deserves to be featured in Wikipedia, also in order that readers can become aware of how science is contributing to clarify key philosophical and theological questions.
This is the sort of fact. This is what i think. This sort of fact deserves to be featured in Wikipedia in order that readers can become aware of how science is contributing to clarify key philosophical and theological questions. This was also.
In subsequent years, Goldschmidt bought larger telescopes: one with 30 lines diameter and later one with a diameter of.
Goldschmidt bought larger telescopes: one with 30 lines diameter and later one with a diameter of. This was in subsequent years.
This Academy closed in 1845 due to a lack of funding; but in 1849, Bernard F. Lee opened his proprietary Lee's Girls Academy on College Street, and the Presbyterians opened a new Academy for boys.
This Academy closed in 1845 due to a lack of funding. Bernard F. Lee opened his proprietary Lee's Girls Academy on College Street. This was in 1849. The Presbyterians opened a new Academy for boys.
On October 1,1913 the school caught fire and burned to the ground; the cause of the fire remains unknown.
The school caught fire. This was on October 1,1913. The school burned to the ground. This was on October 1,1913. The cause of the fire remains unknown.
The A1B Reactor is a aircraft carrier nuclear reactor that is being developed to be used in the USS Gerald Ford class aircraft carriers to provide electrical and motor energy, and is set to be commissioned in 2016.
The A1B Reactor is a aircraft carrier nuclear reactor. This aircraft carrier nuclear reactor is being developed to be used in the USS Gerald Ford class aircraft carriers to provide electrical and motor energy. This aircraft carrier nuclear reactor is set to be commissioned in 2016.
The film was produced by Lars Knudsen and Jay Van Hoy, released theatrically at the IFC Center in New York City in the fall of 2011 and on home video by Factory 25 in the fall of 2012.
The film was produced by Lars Knudsen. The film was produced by Jay Van Hoy. The film was released theatrically at the IFC Center in New York City in the fall of 2011. The film was on home video by Factory 25 in the fall of 2012.
Sugar felt that Bubblegum was the victim of sexual harassment by Ricardio, and that the only way for her to solve the problem was for for her to turn the situation around; in the episode, this was metaphorically depicted by having Bubblegum best Ricardio in combat.
That Bubblegum was the victim of sexual harassment by Ricardio, and that the only way for her to solve the problem was for for her to turn the situation around. This was what Sugar felt. This was metaphorically depicted by having Bubblegum best Ricardio in combat. This was in the episode.
The European hare is native to much of continental Europe, stretching east to Siberia, the Middle East and Central Asia.
The European hare is native to much of continental Europe. Much of continental Europe is stretching east to Siberia. Much of continental Europe is stretching east to the Middle East. Much of continental Europe is stretching east to Central Asia.
The theater was named after French filmmaker Jacques Tati, and was reopened officially on 3 June 1995.
The theater was named after French filmmaker Jacques Tati. The theater was reopened officially on 3 June 1995.
The highest point of Kotli district, "Muthrani post", is situated in this union council it has an altitude of 4500 feet above sea level.
The highest point of Kotli district, "Muthrani post", is situated in this union council. It has an altitude of 4500 feet above sea level this union council.
Initially, she began working with Mirwais Ahmadzaï for the album, but later felt that their collaboration was not going in the direction she desired.
She began working with Mirwais Ahmadzaï for the album. This was initially. Their collaboration was not going in the direction. This was what she felt. She desired the direction.
Danilo Vicente Aceval Maldonado (born September 15,1975 in Arroyo) is a retired Paraguayan football goalkeeper, who represented his native country at the 1998 FIFA World Cup.
Danilo Vicente Aceval Maldonado (born September 15,1975 in Arroyo) is a retired Paraguayan football goalkeeper. A retired Paraguayan football goalkeeper represented his native country at the 1998 FIFA World Cup.
Wheat is typically tetraploid and rye diploid, with their triploid hybrid infertile; treatment of triploid triticale with colchicine gives fertile hexaploid triticale.
Wheat is typically tetraploid and rye diploid. This is with their triploid hybrid infertile. Treatment of triploid triticale with colchicine gives fertile hexaploid triticale.
The film was theatrically released on October 25,2013 and is dedicated to Scott's brother, Tony, who died in 2012.
The film was theatrically released on October 25,2013. The film is dedicated to Scott's brother. Scott's brother was Tony. Scott's brother, Tony died in 2012.
Jessie Willcox Smith was born in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Charles Henry Smith, an investment broker, and Katherine DeWitt Willcox Smith.
Jessie Willcox Smith was born in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Charles Henry Smith. Jessie Willcox Smith was born in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to an investment broker. Jessie Willcox Smith was born in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Katherine DeWitt Willcox Smith.
He has been in other bands including Convoy, Dishwater, along with a number of childhoood bands that have originated in his fathers garage in CA.
He has been in other bands including Convoy. This was along with a number of childhoood bands. Convoy is Dishwater garage in CA. This number of childhoood bands have originated in his fathers.
Chongjin is the only city in North Korea other than Pyongyang to operate the trams, which are all second-hand from Pyongyang.
Chongjin is the only city in North Korea other than Pyongyang to operate the trams. The trams are all second-hand from Pyongyang.
In 1956, she married the publisher Colin Haycraft, with whom she remained happily married until his death in 1995.
She married the publisher Colin Haycraft, with whom she remained happily married until his death in 1995. This was in 1956.
Although the technique could theoretically be applied to other languages, it is currently closely associated with C++ and D, as it requires a compiler with highly robust support for templates, which wasn't common before about 2003.
The technique could theoretically be applied to other languages. It is currently closely associated with C++ and D. It requires a compiler with highly robust support for templates. Templates wasn't common before about 2003.
Concerning origin, the Hard House scene started in Britain in the 1990s, with artists such as Tony De Vit, the Hard NRG scene is also a British movement, and is a direct offshoot of Hard House.
Concerning origin, the Hard House scene started in Britain in the 1990s, the Hard NRG scene is also a British movement. This is with artists such as Tony De Vit. Concerning origin, the Hard House scene started in Britain in the 1990s, the Hard NRG scene is a direct offshoot of Hard House. This is with artists such as Tony De Vit.
Via Regia means "King ´ s Road", it is an Imperial Road and an Ancient road.
Via Regia means "King ´ s Road", it is an Imperial Road. Via Regia means "King ´ s Road", it is an Ancient road.
This article was disputed in a comment by Marsch and Nissim-Sabat, who pointed out that Van Flandern's source for the aberration argument, Sir Arthur Eddington, had explained that the argument was fallacious.
This article was disputed in a comment by Marsch and Nissim-Sabat. The argument was fallacious. This was what Van Flandern's source for the aberration argument had explained. Sabat pointed out this. Sir Arthur Eddington was the aberration argument.
Cooper Union on signs, is a station on the IRT Lexington Avenue Line of the New York City Subway, and is one of the original twenty-eight stations in the system.
Cooper Union on signs, is a station on the IRT Lexington Avenue Line of the New York City Subway. Cooper Union on signs, is one of the original twenty-eight stations in the system.
The overall composition retains a harmonious equilibrium which is lightened by the artist dispensing with a back slab and incorporating negative space into the piece.
The overall composition retains a harmonious equilibrium. This harmonious equilibrium is lightened by the artist dispensing with a back slab and incorporating negative space into the piece. The sculpture's roughly cubical arrangement cleverly ensures this.
Sanjeeva Tampoe is involved in Film productions and is also a professional cinematographer and a registered sound engineer under the National Film Corporation of Srilanka.
Sanjeeva Tampoe is involved in Film productions. Sanjeeva Tampoe is also a professional cinematographer. Sanjeeva Tampoe is also a registered sound engineer under the National Film Corporation of Srilanka.
The physics teacher and Harima's older cousin, is Harima's roommate and guardian, although she makes him pay for his share of the rent.
The physics teacher, is Harima's roommate and guardian. Harima's older cousin, is Harima's roommate and guardian. She makes him pay for his share of the rent.
He also performed with them and other groups as a backup singer and guitarist, and he hosted his own radio show on BBC Radio Scotland for almost three decades.
He also performed with them as a backup singer and guitarist. He also performed with other groups as a backup singer and guitarist. He hosted his own radio show on BBC Radio Scotland for almost three decades.