static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n) { #ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1); bc->bits >>= n; #else uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n); bc->bits <<= n; #endif bc->bits_left -= n; return ret; }
['static int decode_block(BinkAudioContext *s, float **out, int use_dct)\n{\n int ch, i, j, k;\n float q, quant[25];\n int width, coeff;\n BitstreamContext *bc = &s->bc;\n if (use_dct)\n bitstream_skip(bc, 2);\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->channels; ch++) {\n FFTSample *coeffs = out[ch];\n if (s->version_b) {\n if (bitstream_bits_left(bc) < 64)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n coeffs[0] = av_int2float(bitstream_read(bc, 32)) * s->root;\n coeffs[1] = av_int2float(bitstream_read(bc, 32)) * s->root;\n } else {\n if (bitstream_bits_left(bc) < 58)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n coeffs[0] = get_float(bc) * s->root;\n coeffs[1] = get_float(bc) * s->root;\n }\n if (bitstream_bits_left(bc) < s->num_bands * 8)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n for (i = 0; i < s->num_bands; i++) {\n int value = bitstream_read(bc, 8);\n quant[i] = quant_table[FFMIN(value, 95)];\n }\n k = 0;\n q = quant[0];\n i = 2;\n while (i < s->frame_len) {\n if (s->version_b) {\n j = i + 16;\n } else {\n int v = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n if (v) {\n v = bitstream_read(bc, 4);\n j = i + rle_length_tab[v] * 8;\n } else {\n j = i + 8;\n }\n }\n j = FFMIN(j, s->frame_len);\n width = bitstream_read(bc, 4);\n if (width == 0) {\n memset(coeffs + i, 0, (j - i) * sizeof(*coeffs));\n i = j;\n while (s->bands[k] < i)\n q = quant[k++];\n } else {\n while (i < j) {\n if (s->bands[k] == i)\n q = quant[k++];\n coeff = bitstream_read(bc, width);\n if (coeff) {\n int v;\n v = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n if (v)\n coeffs[i] = -q * coeff;\n else\n coeffs[i] = q * coeff;\n } else {\n coeffs[i] = 0.0f;\n }\n i++;\n }\n }\n }\n if (CONFIG_BINKAUDIO_DCT_DECODER && use_dct) {\n coeffs[0] /= 0.5;\n s->trans.dct.dct_calc(&s->trans.dct, coeffs);\n }\n else if (CONFIG_BINKAUDIO_RDFT_DECODER)\n s->trans.rdft.rdft_calc(&s->trans.rdft, coeffs);\n }\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->channels; ch++) {\n int j;\n int count = s->overlap_len * s->channels;\n if (!s->first) {\n j = ch;\n for (i = 0; i < s->overlap_len; i++, j += s->channels)\n out[ch][i] = (s->previous[ch][i] * (count - j) +\n out[ch][i] * j) / count;\n }\n memcpy(s->previous[ch], &out[ch][s->frame_len - s->overlap_len],\n s->overlap_len * sizeof(*s->previous[ch]));\n }\n s->first = 0;\n return 0;\n}', 'static inline uint32_t bitstream_read(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n if (!n)\n return 0;\n if (n > bc->bits_left) {\n refill_32(bc);\n if (bc->bits_left < 32)\n bc->bits_left = n;\n }\n return get_val(bc, n);\n}', 'static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n#ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1);\n bc->bits >>= n;\n#else\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n);\n bc->bits <<= n;\n#endif\n bc->bits_left -= n;\n return ret;\n}']
int int_rsa_verify(int dtype, const unsigned char *m, unsigned int m_len, unsigned char *rm, size_t *prm_len, const unsigned char *sigbuf, size_t siglen, RSA *rsa) { int i, ret = 0, sigtype; unsigned char *s; X509_SIG *sig = NULL; if (siglen != (unsigned int)RSA_size(rsa)) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_WRONG_SIGNATURE_LENGTH); return (0); } if ((dtype == NID_md5_sha1) && rm) { i = RSA_public_decrypt((int)siglen, sigbuf, rm, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (i <= 0) return 0; *prm_len = i; return 1; } s = OPENSSL_malloc((unsigned int)siglen); if (s == NULL) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if ((dtype == NID_md5_sha1) && (m_len != SSL_SIG_LENGTH)) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH); goto err; } i = RSA_public_decrypt((int)siglen, sigbuf, s, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (i <= 0) goto err; if (dtype == NID_mdc2 && i == 18 && s[0] == 0x04 && s[1] == 0x10) { if (rm) { memcpy(rm, s + 2, 16); *prm_len = 16; ret = 1; } else if (memcmp(m, s + 2, 16)) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE); } else { ret = 1; } } else if (dtype == NID_md5_sha1) { if ((i != SSL_SIG_LENGTH) || memcmp(s, m, SSL_SIG_LENGTH)) RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE); else ret = 1; } else { const unsigned char *p = s; sig = d2i_X509_SIG(NULL, &p, (long)i); if (sig == NULL) goto err; if (p != s + i || !rsa_check_digestinfo(sig, s, i)) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE); goto err; } if (sig->algor->parameter && ASN1_TYPE_get(sig->algor->parameter) != V_ASN1_NULL) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE); goto err; } sigtype = OBJ_obj2nid(sig->algor->algorithm); if (sigtype != dtype) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH); goto err; } if (rm) { const EVP_MD *md; md = EVP_get_digestbynid(dtype); if (md && (EVP_MD_size(md) != sig->digest->length)) RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_INVALID_DIGEST_LENGTH); else { memcpy(rm, sig->digest->data, sig->digest->length); *prm_len = sig->digest->length; ret = 1; } } else if (((unsigned int)sig->digest->length != m_len) || (memcmp(m, sig->digest->data, m_len) != 0)) { RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE); } else ret = 1; } err: X509_SIG_free(sig); OPENSSL_clear_free(s, (unsigned int)siglen); return (ret); }
['int int_rsa_verify(int dtype, const unsigned char *m,\n unsigned int m_len,\n unsigned char *rm, size_t *prm_len,\n const unsigned char *sigbuf, size_t siglen, RSA *rsa)\n{\n int i, ret = 0, sigtype;\n unsigned char *s;\n X509_SIG *sig = NULL;\n if (siglen != (unsigned int)RSA_size(rsa)) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_WRONG_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);\n return (0);\n }\n if ((dtype == NID_md5_sha1) && rm) {\n i = RSA_public_decrypt((int)siglen,\n sigbuf, rm, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);\n if (i <= 0)\n return 0;\n *prm_len = i;\n return 1;\n }\n s = OPENSSL_malloc((unsigned int)siglen);\n if (s == NULL) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n if ((dtype == NID_md5_sha1) && (m_len != SSL_SIG_LENGTH)) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH);\n goto err;\n }\n i = RSA_public_decrypt((int)siglen, sigbuf, s, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);\n if (i <= 0)\n goto err;\n if (dtype == NID_mdc2 && i == 18 && s[0] == 0x04 && s[1] == 0x10) {\n if (rm) {\n memcpy(rm, s + 2, 16);\n *prm_len = 16;\n ret = 1;\n } else if (memcmp(m, s + 2, 16)) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n } else {\n ret = 1;\n }\n } else if (dtype == NID_md5_sha1) {\n if ((i != SSL_SIG_LENGTH) || memcmp(s, m, SSL_SIG_LENGTH))\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n else\n ret = 1;\n } else {\n const unsigned char *p = s;\n sig = d2i_X509_SIG(NULL, &p, (long)i);\n if (sig == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (p != s + i || !rsa_check_digestinfo(sig, s, i)) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n goto err;\n }\n if (sig->algor->parameter\n && ASN1_TYPE_get(sig->algor->parameter) != V_ASN1_NULL) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n goto err;\n }\n sigtype = OBJ_obj2nid(sig->algor->algorithm);\n if (sigtype != dtype) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH);\n goto err;\n }\n if (rm) {\n const EVP_MD *md;\n md = EVP_get_digestbynid(dtype);\n if (md && (EVP_MD_size(md) != sig->digest->length))\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_INVALID_DIGEST_LENGTH);\n else {\n memcpy(rm, sig->digest->data, sig->digest->length);\n *prm_len = sig->digest->length;\n ret = 1;\n }\n } else if (((unsigned int)sig->digest->length != m_len) ||\n (memcmp(m, sig->digest->data, m_len) != 0)) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_INT_RSA_VERIFY, RSA_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n } else\n ret = 1;\n }\n err:\n X509_SIG_free(sig);\n OPENSSL_clear_free(s, (unsigned int)siglen);\n return (ret);\n}', 'int RSA_size(const RSA *r)\n{\n return (BN_num_bytes(r->n));\n}', 'int BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n int i = a->top - 1;\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (BN_is_zero(a))\n return 0;\n return ((i * BN_BITS2) + BN_num_bits_word(a->d[i]));\n}', 'int BN_is_zero(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n return a->top == 0;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num <= 0)\n return NULL;\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n osslargused(file); osslargused(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'IMPLEMENT_ASN1_FUNCTIONS(X509_SIG)', 'void ASN1_item_free(ASN1_VALUE *val, const ASN1_ITEM *it)\n{\n asn1_item_embed_free(&val, it, 0);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_clear_free(void *str, size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n if (str == NULL)\n return;\n if (num)\n OPENSSL_cleanse(str, num);\n CRYPTO_free(str, file, line);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_free(void *str, const char *file, int line)\n{\n if (free_impl != NULL && free_impl != &CRYPTO_free) {\n free_impl(str, file, line);\n return;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 0, file, line);\n free(str);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n free(str);\n }\n#else\n free(str);\n#endif\n}']
static int i2b_PVK(unsigned char **out, EVP_PKEY *pk, int enclevel, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u) { int outlen = 24, pklen; unsigned char *p, *salt = NULL; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *cctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (enclevel) outlen += PVK_SALTLEN; pklen = do_i2b(NULL, pk, 0); if (pklen < 0) return -1; outlen += pklen; if (!out) return outlen; if (*out) p = *out; else { p = OPENSSL_malloc(outlen); if (p == NULL) { PEMerr(PEM_F_I2B_PVK, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return -1; } *out = p; } write_ledword(&p, MS_PVKMAGIC); write_ledword(&p, 0); if (EVP_PKEY_id(pk) == EVP_PKEY_DSA) write_ledword(&p, MS_KEYTYPE_SIGN); else write_ledword(&p, MS_KEYTYPE_KEYX); write_ledword(&p, enclevel ? 1 : 0); write_ledword(&p, enclevel ? PVK_SALTLEN : 0); write_ledword(&p, pklen); if (enclevel) { if (RAND_bytes(p, PVK_SALTLEN) <= 0) goto error; salt = p; p += PVK_SALTLEN; } do_i2b(&p, pk, 0); if (enclevel == 0) return outlen; else { char psbuf[PEM_BUFSIZE]; unsigned char keybuf[20]; int enctmplen, inlen; if (cb) inlen = cb(psbuf, PEM_BUFSIZE, 1, u); else inlen = PEM_def_callback(psbuf, PEM_BUFSIZE, 1, u); if (inlen <= 0) { PEMerr(PEM_F_I2B_PVK, PEM_R_BAD_PASSWORD_READ); goto error; } if (!derive_pvk_key(keybuf, salt, PVK_SALTLEN, (unsigned char *)psbuf, inlen)) goto error; if (enclevel == 1) memset(keybuf + 5, 0, 11); p = salt + PVK_SALTLEN + 8; if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(cctx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, keybuf, NULL)) goto error; OPENSSL_cleanse(keybuf, 20); if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(cctx, p, &enctmplen, p, pklen - 8)) goto error; if (!EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(cctx, p + enctmplen, &enctmplen)) goto error; } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(cctx); return outlen; error: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(cctx); return -1; }
['static int i2b_PVK(unsigned char **out, EVP_PKEY *pk, int enclevel,\n pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)\n{\n int outlen = 24, pklen;\n unsigned char *p, *salt = NULL;\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX *cctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();\n if (enclevel)\n outlen += PVK_SALTLEN;\n pklen = do_i2b(NULL, pk, 0);\n if (pklen < 0)\n return -1;\n outlen += pklen;\n if (!out)\n return outlen;\n if (*out)\n p = *out;\n else {\n p = OPENSSL_malloc(outlen);\n if (p == NULL) {\n PEMerr(PEM_F_I2B_PVK, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return -1;\n }\n *out = p;\n }\n write_ledword(&p, MS_PVKMAGIC);\n write_ledword(&p, 0);\n if (EVP_PKEY_id(pk) == EVP_PKEY_DSA)\n write_ledword(&p, MS_KEYTYPE_SIGN);\n else\n write_ledword(&p, MS_KEYTYPE_KEYX);\n write_ledword(&p, enclevel ? 1 : 0);\n write_ledword(&p, enclevel ? PVK_SALTLEN : 0);\n write_ledword(&p, pklen);\n if (enclevel) {\n if (RAND_bytes(p, PVK_SALTLEN) <= 0)\n goto error;\n salt = p;\n p += PVK_SALTLEN;\n }\n do_i2b(&p, pk, 0);\n if (enclevel == 0)\n return outlen;\n else {\n char psbuf[PEM_BUFSIZE];\n unsigned char keybuf[20];\n int enctmplen, inlen;\n if (cb)\n inlen = cb(psbuf, PEM_BUFSIZE, 1, u);\n else\n inlen = PEM_def_callback(psbuf, PEM_BUFSIZE, 1, u);\n if (inlen <= 0) {\n PEMerr(PEM_F_I2B_PVK, PEM_R_BAD_PASSWORD_READ);\n goto error;\n }\n if (!derive_pvk_key(keybuf, salt, PVK_SALTLEN,\n (unsigned char *)psbuf, inlen))\n goto error;\n if (enclevel == 1)\n memset(keybuf + 5, 0, 11);\n p = salt + PVK_SALTLEN + 8;\n if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(cctx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, keybuf, NULL))\n goto error;\n OPENSSL_cleanse(keybuf, 20);\n if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(cctx, p, &enctmplen, p, pklen - 8))\n goto error;\n if (!EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(cctx, p + enctmplen, &enctmplen))\n goto error;\n }\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(cctx);\n return outlen;\n error:\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(cctx);\n return -1;\n}', 'EVP_CIPHER_CTX *EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(void)\n{\n return OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(EVP_CIPHER_CTX));\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num <= 0)\n return NULL;\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n osslargused(file); osslargused(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}']
static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n) { #ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1); bc->bits >>= n; #else uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n); bc->bits <<= n; #endif bc->bits_left -= n; return ret; }
['static int wma_decode_block(WMACodecContext *s)\n{\n int n, v, a, ch, bsize;\n int coef_nb_bits, total_gain;\n int nb_coefs[MAX_CHANNELS];\n float mdct_norm;\n FFTContext *mdct;\n#ifdef TRACE\n ff_tlog(s->avctx, "***decode_block: %d:%d\\n",\n s->frame_count - 1, s->block_num);\n#endif\n if (s->use_variable_block_len) {\n n = av_log2(s->nb_block_sizes - 1) + 1;\n if (s->reset_block_lengths) {\n s->reset_block_lengths = 0;\n v = bitstream_read(&s->bc, n);\n if (v >= s->nb_block_sizes) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "prev_block_len_bits %d out of range\\n",\n s->frame_len_bits - v);\n return -1;\n }\n s->prev_block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits - v;\n v = bitstream_read(&s->bc, n);\n if (v >= s->nb_block_sizes) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "block_len_bits %d out of range\\n",\n s->frame_len_bits - v);\n return -1;\n }\n s->block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits - v;\n } else {\n s->prev_block_len_bits = s->block_len_bits;\n s->block_len_bits = s->next_block_len_bits;\n }\n v = bitstream_read(&s->bc, n);\n if (v >= s->nb_block_sizes) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "next_block_len_bits %d out of range\\n",\n s->frame_len_bits - v);\n return -1;\n }\n s->next_block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits - v;\n } else {\n s->next_block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits;\n s->prev_block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits;\n s->block_len_bits = s->frame_len_bits;\n }\n s->block_len = 1 << s->block_len_bits;\n if ((s->block_pos + s->block_len) > s->frame_len) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "frame_len overflow\\n");\n return -1;\n }\n if (s->avctx->channels == 2)\n s->ms_stereo = bitstream_read_bit(&s->bc);\n v = 0;\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n a = bitstream_read_bit(&s->bc);\n s->channel_coded[ch] = a;\n v |= a;\n }\n bsize = s->frame_len_bits - s->block_len_bits;\n if (!v)\n goto next;\n total_gain = 1;\n for (;;) {\n a = bitstream_read(&s->bc, 7);\n total_gain += a;\n if (a != 127)\n break;\n }\n coef_nb_bits = ff_wma_total_gain_to_bits(total_gain);\n n = s->coefs_end[bsize] - s->coefs_start;\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++)\n nb_coefs[ch] = n;\n if (s->use_noise_coding) {\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {\n int i, n, a;\n n = s->exponent_high_sizes[bsize];\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n a = bitstream_read_bit(&s->bc);\n s->high_band_coded[ch][i] = a;\n if (a)\n nb_coefs[ch] -= s->exponent_high_bands[bsize][i];\n }\n }\n }\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {\n int i, n, val, code;\n n = s->exponent_high_sizes[bsize];\n val = (int) 0x80000000;\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n if (s->high_band_coded[ch][i]) {\n if (val == (int) 0x80000000) {\n val = bitstream_read(&s->bc, 7) - 19;\n } else {\n code = bitstream_read_vlc(&s->bc,\n s->hgain_vlc.table,\n HGAINVLCBITS, HGAINMAX);\n if (code < 0) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "hgain vlc invalid\\n");\n return -1;\n }\n val += code - 18;\n }\n s->high_band_values[ch][i] = val;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if ((s->block_len_bits == s->frame_len_bits) || bitstream_read_bit(&s->bc)) {\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {\n if (s->use_exp_vlc) {\n if (decode_exp_vlc(s, ch) < 0)\n return -1;\n } else {\n decode_exp_lsp(s, ch);\n }\n s->exponents_bsize[ch] = bsize;\n }\n }\n }\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {\n int tindex;\n WMACoef *ptr = &s->coefs1[ch][0];\n tindex = (ch == 1 && s->ms_stereo);\n memset(ptr, 0, s->block_len * sizeof(WMACoef));\n ff_wma_run_level_decode(s->avctx, &s->bc, &s->coef_vlc[tindex],\n s->level_table[tindex], s->run_table[tindex],\n 0, ptr, 0, nb_coefs[ch],\n s->block_len, s->frame_len_bits, coef_nb_bits);\n }\n if (s->version == 1 && s->avctx->channels >= 2)\n bitstream_align(&s->bc);\n }\n {\n int n4 = s->block_len / 2;\n mdct_norm = 1.0 / (float) n4;\n if (s->version == 1)\n mdct_norm *= sqrt(n4);\n }\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {\n WMACoef *coefs1;\n float *coefs, *exponents, mult, mult1, noise;\n int i, j, n, n1, last_high_band, esize;\n float exp_power[HIGH_BAND_MAX_SIZE];\n coefs1 = s->coefs1[ch];\n exponents = s->exponents[ch];\n esize = s->exponents_bsize[ch];\n mult = pow(10, total_gain * 0.05) / s->max_exponent[ch];\n mult *= mdct_norm;\n coefs = s->coefs[ch];\n if (s->use_noise_coding) {\n mult1 = mult;\n for (i = 0; i < s->coefs_start; i++) {\n *coefs++ = s->noise_table[s->noise_index] *\n exponents[i << bsize >> esize] * mult1;\n s->noise_index = (s->noise_index + 1) &\n (NOISE_TAB_SIZE - 1);\n }\n n1 = s->exponent_high_sizes[bsize];\n exponents = s->exponents[ch] +\n (s->high_band_start[bsize] << bsize >> esize);\n last_high_band = 0;\n for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {\n n = s->exponent_high_bands[s->frame_len_bits -\n s->block_len_bits][j];\n if (s->high_band_coded[ch][j]) {\n float e2, v;\n e2 = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n v = exponents[i << bsize >> esize];\n e2 += v * v;\n }\n exp_power[j] = e2 / n;\n last_high_band = j;\n ff_tlog(s->avctx, "%d: power=%f (%d)\\n", j, exp_power[j], n);\n }\n exponents += n << bsize >> esize;\n }\n exponents = s->exponents[ch] + (s->coefs_start << bsize >> esize);\n for (j = -1; j < n1; j++) {\n if (j < 0)\n n = s->high_band_start[bsize] - s->coefs_start;\n else\n n = s->exponent_high_bands[s->frame_len_bits -\n s->block_len_bits][j];\n if (j >= 0 && s->high_band_coded[ch][j]) {\n mult1 = sqrt(exp_power[j] / exp_power[last_high_band]);\n mult1 = mult1 * pow(10, s->high_band_values[ch][j] * 0.05);\n mult1 = mult1 / (s->max_exponent[ch] * s->noise_mult);\n mult1 *= mdct_norm;\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n noise = s->noise_table[s->noise_index];\n s->noise_index = (s->noise_index + 1) & (NOISE_TAB_SIZE - 1);\n *coefs++ = noise * exponents[i << bsize >> esize] * mult1;\n }\n exponents += n << bsize >> esize;\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n noise = s->noise_table[s->noise_index];\n s->noise_index = (s->noise_index + 1) & (NOISE_TAB_SIZE - 1);\n *coefs++ = ((*coefs1++) + noise) *\n exponents[i << bsize >> esize] * mult;\n }\n exponents += n << bsize >> esize;\n }\n }\n n = s->block_len - s->coefs_end[bsize];\n mult1 = mult * exponents[((-1 << bsize)) >> esize];\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n *coefs++ = s->noise_table[s->noise_index] * mult1;\n s->noise_index = (s->noise_index + 1) & (NOISE_TAB_SIZE - 1);\n }\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < s->coefs_start; i++)\n *coefs++ = 0.0;\n n = nb_coefs[ch];\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n *coefs++ = coefs1[i] * exponents[i << bsize >> esize] * mult;\n n = s->block_len - s->coefs_end[bsize];\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n *coefs++ = 0.0;\n }\n }\n }\n#ifdef TRACE\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n if (s->channel_coded[ch]) {\n dump_floats(s, "exponents", 3, s->exponents[ch], s->block_len);\n dump_floats(s, "coefs", 1, s->coefs[ch], s->block_len);\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (s->ms_stereo && s->channel_coded[1]) {\n if (!s->channel_coded[0]) {\n ff_tlog(s->avctx, "rare ms-stereo case happened\\n");\n memset(s->coefs[0], 0, sizeof(float) * s->block_len);\n s->channel_coded[0] = 1;\n }\n s->fdsp.butterflies_float(s->coefs[0], s->coefs[1], s->block_len);\n }\nnext:\n mdct = &s->mdct_ctx[bsize];\n for (ch = 0; ch < s->avctx->channels; ch++) {\n int n4, index;\n n4 = s->block_len / 2;\n if (s->channel_coded[ch])\n mdct->imdct_calc(mdct, s->output, s->coefs[ch]);\n else if (!(s->ms_stereo && ch == 1))\n memset(s->output, 0, sizeof(s->output));\n index = (s->frame_len / 2) + s->block_pos - n4;\n wma_window(s, &s->frame_out[ch][index]);\n }\n s->block_num++;\n s->block_pos += s->block_len;\n if (s->block_pos >= s->frame_len)\n return 1;\n else\n return 0;\n}', 'static inline unsigned bitstream_read_bit(BitstreamContext *bc)\n{\n if (!bc->bits_left)\n refill_64(bc);\n return get_val(bc, 1);\n}', 'static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n#ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1);\n bc->bits >>= n;\n#else\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n);\n bc->bits <<= n;\n#endif\n bc->bits_left -= n;\n return ret;\n}']
static int asn1_get_length(const unsigned char **pp, int *inf, long *rl, long max) { const unsigned char *p = *pp; unsigned long ret = 0; int i; if (max-- < 1) return 0; if (*p == 0x80) { *inf = 1; p++; } else { *inf = 0; i = *p & 0x7f; if (*p++ & 0x80) { if (max < i + 1) return 0; while (i > 0 && *p == 0) { p++; i--; } if (i > (int)sizeof(long)) return 0; while (i > 0) { ret <<= 8; ret |= *p++; i--; } if (ret > LONG_MAX) return 0; } else ret = i; } *pp = p; *rl = (long)ret; return 1; }
['void *ASN1_item_d2i_bio(const ASN1_ITEM *it, BIO *in, void *x)\n{\n BUF_MEM *b = NULL;\n const unsigned char *p;\n void *ret = NULL;\n int len;\n len = asn1_d2i_read_bio(in, &b);\n if (len < 0)\n goto err;\n p = (const unsigned char *)b->data;\n ret = ASN1_item_d2i(x, &p, len, it);\n err:\n BUF_MEM_free(b);\n return ret;\n}', 'int asn1_d2i_read_bio(BIO *in, BUF_MEM **pb)\n{\n BUF_MEM *b;\n unsigned char *p;\n int i;\n size_t want = HEADER_SIZE;\n uint32_t eos = 0;\n size_t off = 0;\n size_t len = 0;\n const unsigned char *q;\n long slen;\n int inf, tag, xclass;\n b = BUF_MEM_new();\n if (b == NULL) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return -1;\n }\n ERR_clear_error();\n for (;;) {\n if (want >= (len - off)) {\n want -= (len - off);\n if (len + want < len || !BUF_MEM_grow_clean(b, len + want)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n i = BIO_read(in, &(b->data[len]), want);\n if ((i < 0) && ((len - off) == 0)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ASN1_R_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA);\n goto err;\n }\n if (i > 0) {\n if (len + i < len) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n goto err;\n }\n len += i;\n }\n }\n p = (unsigned char *)&(b->data[off]);\n q = p;\n inf = ASN1_get_object(&q, &slen, &tag, &xclass, len - off);\n if (inf & 0x80) {\n unsigned long e;\n e = ERR_GET_REASON(ERR_peek_error());\n if (e != ASN1_R_TOO_LONG)\n goto err;\n else\n ERR_clear_error();\n }\n i = q - p;\n off += i;\n if (inf & 1) {\n if (eos == UINT32_MAX) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ASN1_R_HEADER_TOO_LONG);\n goto err;\n }\n eos++;\n want = HEADER_SIZE;\n } else if (eos && (slen == 0) && (tag == V_ASN1_EOC)) {\n eos--;\n if (eos == 0)\n break;\n else\n want = HEADER_SIZE;\n } else {\n want = slen;\n if (want > (len - off)) {\n size_t chunk_max = ASN1_CHUNK_INITIAL_SIZE;\n want -= (len - off);\n if (want > INT_MAX ||\n len + want < len) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n goto err;\n }\n while (want > 0) {\n size_t chunk = want > chunk_max ? chunk_max : want;\n if (!BUF_MEM_grow_clean(b, len + chunk)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n want -= chunk;\n while (chunk > 0) {\n i = BIO_read(in, &(b->data[len]), chunk);\n if (i <= 0) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO,\n ASN1_R_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA);\n goto err;\n }\n len += i;\n chunk -= i;\n }\n if (chunk_max < INT_MAX/2)\n chunk_max *= 2;\n }\n }\n if (off + slen < off) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n goto err;\n }\n off += slen;\n if (eos == 0) {\n break;\n } else\n want = HEADER_SIZE;\n }\n }\n if (off > INT_MAX) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO, ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n goto err;\n }\n *pb = b;\n return off;\n err:\n BUF_MEM_free(b);\n return -1;\n}', 'size_t BUF_MEM_grow_clean(BUF_MEM *str, size_t len)\n{\n char *ret;\n size_t n;\n if (str->length >= len) {\n if (str->data != NULL)\n memset(&str->data[len], 0, str->length - len);\n str->length = len;\n return len;\n }\n if (str->max >= len) {\n memset(&str->data[str->length], 0, len - str->length);\n str->length = len;\n return len;\n }\n if (len > LIMIT_BEFORE_EXPANSION) {\n BUFerr(BUF_F_BUF_MEM_GROW_CLEAN, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return 0;\n }\n n = (len + 3) / 3 * 4;\n if ((str->flags & BUF_MEM_FLAG_SECURE))\n ret = sec_alloc_realloc(str, n);\n else\n ret = OPENSSL_clear_realloc(str->data, str->max, n);\n if (ret == NULL) {\n BUFerr(BUF_F_BUF_MEM_GROW_CLEAN, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n len = 0;\n } else {\n str->data = ret;\n str->max = n;\n memset(&str->data[str->length], 0, len - str->length);\n str->length = len;\n }\n return len;\n}', 'ASN1_VALUE *ASN1_item_d2i(ASN1_VALUE **pval,\n const unsigned char **in, long len,\n const ASN1_ITEM *it)\n{\n ASN1_TLC c;\n ASN1_VALUE *ptmpval = NULL;\n if (!pval)\n pval = &ptmpval;\n asn1_tlc_clear_nc(&c);\n if (ASN1_item_ex_d2i(pval, in, len, it, -1, 0, 0, &c) > 0)\n return *pval;\n return NULL;\n}', 'int ASN1_item_ex_d2i(ASN1_VALUE **pval, const unsigned char **in, long len,\n const ASN1_ITEM *it,\n int tag, int aclass, char opt, ASN1_TLC *ctx)\n{\n int rv;\n rv = asn1_item_embed_d2i(pval, in, len, it, tag, aclass, opt, ctx, 0);\n if (rv <= 0)\n ASN1_item_ex_free(pval, it);\n return rv;\n}', 'static int asn1_item_embed_d2i(ASN1_VALUE **pval, const unsigned char **in,\n long len, const ASN1_ITEM *it,\n int tag, int aclass, char opt, ASN1_TLC *ctx,\n int depth)\n{\n const ASN1_TEMPLATE *tt, *errtt = NULL;\n const ASN1_EXTERN_FUNCS *ef;\n const ASN1_AUX *aux = it->funcs;\n ASN1_aux_cb *asn1_cb;\n const unsigned char *p = NULL, *q;\n unsigned char oclass;\n char seq_eoc, seq_nolen, cst, isopt;\n long tmplen;\n int i;\n int otag;\n int ret = 0;\n ASN1_VALUE **pchptr;\n if (!pval)\n return 0;\n if (aux && aux->asn1_cb)\n asn1_cb = aux->asn1_cb;\n else\n asn1_cb = 0;\n if (++depth > ASN1_MAX_CONSTRUCTED_NEST) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_NESTED_TOO_DEEP);\n goto err;\n }\n switch (it->itype) {\n case ASN1_ITYPE_PRIMITIVE:\n if (it->templates) {\n if ((tag != -1) || opt) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I,\n ASN1_R_ILLEGAL_OPTIONS_ON_ITEM_TEMPLATE);\n goto err;\n }\n return asn1_template_ex_d2i(pval, in, len,\n it->templates, opt, ctx, depth);\n }\n return asn1_d2i_ex_primitive(pval, in, len, it,\n tag, aclass, opt, ctx);\n case ASN1_ITYPE_MSTRING:\n p = *in;\n ret = asn1_check_tlen(NULL, &otag, &oclass, NULL, NULL,\n &p, len, -1, 0, 1, ctx);\n if (!ret) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n goto err;\n }\n if (oclass != V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL) {\n if (opt)\n return -1;\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_MSTRING_NOT_UNIVERSAL);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!(ASN1_tag2bit(otag) & it->utype)) {\n if (opt)\n return -1;\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_MSTRING_WRONG_TAG);\n goto err;\n }\n return asn1_d2i_ex_primitive(pval, in, len, it, otag, 0, 0, ctx);\n case ASN1_ITYPE_EXTERN:\n ef = it->funcs;\n return ef->asn1_ex_d2i(pval, in, len, it, tag, aclass, opt, ctx);\n case ASN1_ITYPE_CHOICE:\n if (asn1_cb && !asn1_cb(ASN1_OP_D2I_PRE, pval, it, NULL))\n goto auxerr;\n if (*pval) {\n i = asn1_get_choice_selector(pval, it);\n if ((i >= 0) && (i < it->tcount)) {\n tt = it->templates + i;\n pchptr = asn1_get_field_ptr(pval, tt);\n asn1_template_free(pchptr, tt);\n asn1_set_choice_selector(pval, -1, it);\n }\n } else if (!ASN1_item_ex_new(pval, it)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n goto err;\n }\n p = *in;\n for (i = 0, tt = it->templates; i < it->tcount; i++, tt++) {\n pchptr = asn1_get_field_ptr(pval, tt);\n ret = asn1_template_ex_d2i(pchptr, &p, len, tt, 1, ctx, depth);\n if (ret == -1)\n continue;\n if (ret > 0)\n break;\n asn1_template_free(pchptr, tt);\n errtt = tt;\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n goto err;\n }\n if (i == it->tcount) {\n if (opt) {\n ASN1_item_ex_free(pval, it);\n return -1;\n }\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_NO_MATCHING_CHOICE_TYPE);\n goto err;\n }\n asn1_set_choice_selector(pval, i, it);\n if (asn1_cb && !asn1_cb(ASN1_OP_D2I_POST, pval, it, NULL))\n goto auxerr;\n *in = p;\n return 1;\n case ASN1_ITYPE_NDEF_SEQUENCE:\n case ASN1_ITYPE_SEQUENCE:\n p = *in;\n tmplen = len;\n if (tag == -1) {\n tag = V_ASN1_SEQUENCE;\n aclass = V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL;\n }\n ret = asn1_check_tlen(&len, NULL, NULL, &seq_eoc, &cst,\n &p, len, tag, aclass, opt, ctx);\n if (!ret) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n goto err;\n } else if (ret == -1)\n return -1;\n if (aux && (aux->flags & ASN1_AFLG_BROKEN)) {\n len = tmplen - (p - *in);\n seq_nolen = 1;\n }\n else\n seq_nolen = seq_eoc;\n if (!cst) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_SEQUENCE_NOT_CONSTRUCTED);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!*pval && !ASN1_item_ex_new(pval, it)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n goto err;\n }\n if (asn1_cb && !asn1_cb(ASN1_OP_D2I_PRE, pval, it, NULL))\n goto auxerr;\n for (i = 0, tt = it->templates; i < it->tcount; i++, tt++) {\n if (tt->flags & ASN1_TFLG_ADB_MASK) {\n const ASN1_TEMPLATE *seqtt;\n ASN1_VALUE **pseqval;\n seqtt = asn1_do_adb(pval, tt, 0);\n if (seqtt == NULL)\n continue;\n pseqval = asn1_get_field_ptr(pval, seqtt);\n asn1_template_free(pseqval, seqtt);\n }\n }\n for (i = 0, tt = it->templates; i < it->tcount; i++, tt++) {\n const ASN1_TEMPLATE *seqtt;\n ASN1_VALUE **pseqval;\n seqtt = asn1_do_adb(pval, tt, 1);\n if (seqtt == NULL)\n goto err;\n pseqval = asn1_get_field_ptr(pval, seqtt);\n if (!len)\n break;\n q = p;\n if (asn1_check_eoc(&p, len)) {\n if (!seq_eoc) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_UNEXPECTED_EOC);\n goto err;\n }\n len -= p - q;\n seq_eoc = 0;\n q = p;\n break;\n }\n if (i == (it->tcount - 1))\n isopt = 0;\n else\n isopt = (char)(seqtt->flags & ASN1_TFLG_OPTIONAL);\n ret = asn1_template_ex_d2i(pseqval, &p, len, seqtt, isopt, ctx,\n depth);\n if (!ret) {\n errtt = seqtt;\n goto err;\n } else if (ret == -1) {\n asn1_template_free(pseqval, seqtt);\n continue;\n }\n len -= p - q;\n }\n if (seq_eoc && !asn1_check_eoc(&p, len)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_MISSING_EOC);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!seq_nolen && len) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_SEQUENCE_LENGTH_MISMATCH);\n goto err;\n }\n for (; i < it->tcount; tt++, i++) {\n const ASN1_TEMPLATE *seqtt;\n seqtt = asn1_do_adb(pval, tt, 1);\n if (seqtt == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (seqtt->flags & ASN1_TFLG_OPTIONAL) {\n ASN1_VALUE **pseqval;\n pseqval = asn1_get_field_ptr(pval, seqtt);\n asn1_template_free(pseqval, seqtt);\n } else {\n errtt = seqtt;\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_FIELD_MISSING);\n goto err;\n }\n }\n if (!asn1_enc_save(pval, *in, p - *in, it))\n goto auxerr;\n if (asn1_cb && !asn1_cb(ASN1_OP_D2I_POST, pval, it, NULL))\n goto auxerr;\n *in = p;\n return 1;\n default:\n return 0;\n }\n auxerr:\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_EMBED_D2I, ASN1_R_AUX_ERROR);\n err:\n if (errtt)\n ERR_add_error_data(4, "Field=", errtt->field_name,\n ", Type=", it->sname);\n else\n ERR_add_error_data(2, "Type=", it->sname);\n return 0;\n}', 'static int asn1_template_ex_d2i(ASN1_VALUE **val,\n const unsigned char **in, long inlen,\n const ASN1_TEMPLATE *tt, char opt,\n ASN1_TLC *ctx, int depth)\n{\n int flags, aclass;\n int ret;\n long len;\n const unsigned char *p, *q;\n char exp_eoc;\n if (!val)\n return 0;\n flags = tt->flags;\n aclass = flags & ASN1_TFLG_TAG_CLASS;\n p = *in;\n if (flags & ASN1_TFLG_EXPTAG) {\n char cst;\n ret = asn1_check_tlen(&len, NULL, NULL, &exp_eoc, &cst,\n &p, inlen, tt->tag, aclass, opt, ctx);\n q = p;\n if (!ret) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_TEMPLATE_EX_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n return 0;\n } else if (ret == -1)\n return -1;\n if (!cst) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_TEMPLATE_EX_D2I,\n ASN1_R_EXPLICIT_TAG_NOT_CONSTRUCTED);\n return 0;\n }\n ret = asn1_template_noexp_d2i(val, &p, len, tt, 0, ctx, depth);\n if (!ret) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_TEMPLATE_EX_D2I, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n len -= p - q;\n if (exp_eoc) {\n if (!asn1_check_eoc(&p, len)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_TEMPLATE_EX_D2I, ASN1_R_MISSING_EOC);\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (len) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_TEMPLATE_EX_D2I,\n ASN1_R_EXPLICIT_LENGTH_MISMATCH);\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else\n return asn1_template_noexp_d2i(val, in, inlen, tt, opt, ctx, depth);\n *in = p;\n return 1;\n err:\n return 0;\n}', 'static int asn1_check_tlen(long *olen, int *otag, unsigned char *oclass,\n char *inf, char *cst,\n const unsigned char **in, long len,\n int exptag, int expclass, char opt, ASN1_TLC *ctx)\n{\n int i;\n int ptag, pclass;\n long plen;\n const unsigned char *p, *q;\n p = *in;\n q = p;\n if (ctx && ctx->valid) {\n i = ctx->ret;\n plen = ctx->plen;\n pclass = ctx->pclass;\n ptag = ctx->ptag;\n p += ctx->hdrlen;\n } else {\n i = ASN1_get_object(&p, &plen, &ptag, &pclass, len);\n if (ctx) {\n ctx->ret = i;\n ctx->plen = plen;\n ctx->pclass = pclass;\n ctx->ptag = ptag;\n ctx->hdrlen = p - q;\n ctx->valid = 1;\n if (!(i & 0x81) && ((plen + ctx->hdrlen) > len)) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_CHECK_TLEN, ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n asn1_tlc_clear(ctx);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n }\n if (i & 0x80) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_CHECK_TLEN, ASN1_R_BAD_OBJECT_HEADER);\n asn1_tlc_clear(ctx);\n return 0;\n }\n if (exptag >= 0) {\n if ((exptag != ptag) || (expclass != pclass)) {\n if (opt)\n return -1;\n asn1_tlc_clear(ctx);\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_CHECK_TLEN, ASN1_R_WRONG_TAG);\n return 0;\n }\n asn1_tlc_clear(ctx);\n }\n if (i & 1)\n plen = len - (p - q);\n if (inf)\n *inf = i & 1;\n if (cst)\n *cst = i & V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;\n if (olen)\n *olen = plen;\n if (oclass)\n *oclass = pclass;\n if (otag)\n *otag = ptag;\n *in = p;\n return 1;\n}', 'int ASN1_get_object(const unsigned char **pp, long *plength, int *ptag,\n int *pclass, long omax)\n{\n int i, ret;\n long l;\n const unsigned char *p = *pp;\n int tag, xclass, inf;\n long max = omax;\n if (!max)\n goto err;\n ret = (*p & V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED);\n xclass = (*p & V_ASN1_PRIVATE);\n i = *p & V_ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG;\n if (i == V_ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG) {\n p++;\n if (--max == 0)\n goto err;\n l = 0;\n while (*p & 0x80) {\n l <<= 7L;\n l |= *(p++) & 0x7f;\n if (--max == 0)\n goto err;\n if (l > (INT_MAX >> 7L))\n goto err;\n }\n l <<= 7L;\n l |= *(p++) & 0x7f;\n tag = (int)l;\n if (--max == 0)\n goto err;\n } else {\n tag = i;\n p++;\n if (--max == 0)\n goto err;\n }\n *ptag = tag;\n *pclass = xclass;\n if (!asn1_get_length(&p, &inf, plength, max))\n goto err;\n if (inf && !(ret & V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED))\n goto err;\n if (*plength > (omax - (p - *pp))) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_GET_OBJECT, ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n ret |= 0x80;\n }\n *pp = p;\n return ret | inf;\n err:\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_GET_OBJECT, ASN1_R_HEADER_TOO_LONG);\n return 0x80;\n}', 'static int asn1_get_length(const unsigned char **pp, int *inf, long *rl,\n long max)\n{\n const unsigned char *p = *pp;\n unsigned long ret = 0;\n int i;\n if (max-- < 1)\n return 0;\n if (*p == 0x80) {\n *inf = 1;\n p++;\n } else {\n *inf = 0;\n i = *p & 0x7f;\n if (*p++ & 0x80) {\n if (max < i + 1)\n return 0;\n while (i > 0 && *p == 0) {\n p++;\n i--;\n }\n if (i > (int)sizeof(long))\n return 0;\n while (i > 0) {\n ret <<= 8;\n ret |= *p++;\n i--;\n }\n if (ret > LONG_MAX)\n return 0;\n } else\n ret = i;\n }\n *pp = p;\n *rl = (long)ret;\n return 1;\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['int BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(const BIGNUM *a, int checks, BN_CTX *ctx_passed,\n int do_trial_division, BN_GENCB *cb)\n{\n int i, j, ret = -1;\n int k;\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *A1, *A1_odd, *A3, *check;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n if (BN_is_word(a, 2) || BN_is_word(a, 3))\n return 1;\n if (!BN_is_odd(a) || BN_cmp(a, BN_value_one()) <= 0)\n return 0;\n if (checks == BN_prime_checks)\n checks = BN_prime_checks_for_size(BN_num_bits(a));\n if (do_trial_division) {\n for (i = 1; i < NUMPRIMES; i++) {\n BN_ULONG mod = BN_mod_word(a, primes[i]);\n if (mod == (BN_ULONG)-1)\n goto err;\n if (mod == 0)\n return BN_is_word(a, primes[i]);\n }\n if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, -1))\n goto err;\n }\n if (ctx_passed != NULL)\n ctx = ctx_passed;\n else if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n A3 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n A1_odd = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n check = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (check == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(A1, a) || !BN_sub_word(A1, 1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(A3, a) || !BN_sub_word(A3, 3))\n goto err;\n k = 1;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A1, k))\n k++;\n if (!BN_rshift(A1_odd, A1, k))\n goto err;\n mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();\n if (mont == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, a, ctx))\n goto err;\n for (i = 0; i < checks; i++) {\n if (!BN_priv_rand_range(check, A3) || !BN_add_word(check, 2))\n goto err;\n j = witness(check, a, A1, A1_odd, k, ctx, mont);\n if (j == -1)\n goto err;\n if (j) {\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, i))\n goto err;\n }\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (ctx != NULL) {\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n if (ctx_passed == NULL)\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n }\n BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_start", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'int BN_MONT_CTX_set(BN_MONT_CTX *mont, const BIGNUM *mod, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int i, ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *Ri, *R;\n if (BN_is_zero(mod))\n return 0;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((Ri = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n R = &(mont->RR);\n if (!BN_copy(&(mont->N), mod))\n goto err;\n if (BN_get_flags(mod, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n BN_set_flags(&(mont->N), BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n mont->N.neg = 0;\n#ifdef MONT_WORD\n {\n BIGNUM tmod;\n BN_ULONG buf[2];\n bn_init(&tmod);\n tmod.d = buf;\n tmod.dmax = 2;\n tmod.neg = 0;\n if (BN_get_flags(mod, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n BN_set_flags(&tmod, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n mont->ri = (BN_num_bits(mod) + (BN_BITS2 - 1)) / BN_BITS2 * BN_BITS2;\n# if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT) && (BN_BITS2<=32)\n BN_zero(R);\n if (!(BN_set_bit(R, 2 * BN_BITS2)))\n goto err;\n = 0;\n if ((buf[0] = mod->d[0]))\n = 1;\n if ((buf[1] = mod->top > 1 ? mod->d[1] : 0))\n = 2;\n if (BN_is_one(&tmod))\n BN_zero(Ri);\n else if ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri, R, &tmod, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_lshift(Ri, Ri, 2 * BN_BITS2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_is_zero(Ri)) {\n if (!BN_sub_word(Ri, 1))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (bn_expand(Ri, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n Ri->neg = 0;\n Ri->d[0] = BN_MASK2;\n Ri->d[1] = BN_MASK2;\n Ri->top = 2;\n }\n if (!BN_div(Ri, NULL, Ri, &tmod, ctx))\n goto err;\n mont->n0[0] = (Ri->top > 0) ? Ri->d[0] : 0;\n mont->n0[1] = (Ri->top > 1) ? Ri->d[1] : 0;\n# else\n BN_zero(R);\n if (!(BN_set_bit(R, BN_BITS2)))\n goto err;\n buf[0] = mod->d[0];\n buf[1] = 0;\n = buf[0] != 0 ? 1 : 0;\n if (BN_is_one(&tmod))\n BN_zero(Ri);\n else if ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri, R, &tmod, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_lshift(Ri, Ri, BN_BITS2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_is_zero(Ri)) {\n if (!BN_sub_word(Ri, 1))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(Ri, BN_MASK2))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_div(Ri, NULL, Ri, &tmod, ctx))\n goto err;\n mont->n0[0] = (Ri->top > 0) ? Ri->d[0] : 0;\n mont->n0[1] = 0;\n# endif\n }\n#else\n {\n mont->ri = BN_num_bits(&mont->N);\n BN_zero(R);\n if (!BN_set_bit(R, mont->ri))\n goto err;\n if ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri, R, &mont->N, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_lshift(Ri, Ri, mont->ri))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub_word(Ri, 1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_div(&(mont->Ni), NULL, Ri, &mont->N, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n#endif\n BN_zero(&(mont->RR));\n if (!BN_set_bit(&(mont->RR), mont->ri * 2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod(&(mont->RR), &(mont->RR), &(mont->N), ctx))\n goto err;\n for (i = mont->, ret = mont->; i < ret; i++)\n mont->RR.d[i] = 0;\n mont-> = ret;\n mont->RR.flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *rv;\n int noinv;\n rv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);\n if (noinv)\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE, BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n return rv;\n}', 'BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,\n int *pnoinv)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n if (BN_abs_is_word(n, 1) || BN_is_zero(n)) {\n if (pnoinv != NULL)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n return NULL;\n }\n if (pnoinv != NULL)\n *pnoinv = 0;\n if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n sign = -1;\n if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= 2048)) {\n int shift;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(X)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(X, X))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(Y)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(B, B, A))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(A, A, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B)) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, T) < 0) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, T))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(D, T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, D) < 0) {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 2))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 3))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, M, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_div(D, M, A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (BN_is_one(D)) {\n if (!BN_add(tmp, X, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_is_word(D, 2)) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_is_word(D, 4)) {\n if (!BN_lshift(tmp, X, 2))\n goto err;\n } else if (D->top == 1) {\n if (!BN_copy(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul_word(tmp, D->d[0]))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'static BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n {\n BIGNUM local_B;\n bn_init(&local_B);\n BN_with_flags(&local_B, B, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, &local_B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n sign = -1;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n {\n BIGNUM local_A;\n bn_init(&local_A);\n BN_with_flags(&local_A, A, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n if (!BN_div(D, M, &local_A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE_NO_BRANCH, BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_nnmod(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *m, const BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n if (!(BN_mod(r, m, d, ctx)))\n return 0;\n if (!r->neg)\n return 1;\n return (d->neg ? BN_sub : BN_add) (r, r, d);\n}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret;\n if (BN_is_zero(divisor)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n return 0;\n }\n if (divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] == 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n return 0;\n }\n ret = bn_div_fixed_top(dv, rm, num, divisor, ctx);\n if (ret) {\n if (dv != NULL)\n bn_correct_top(dv);\n if (rm != NULL)\n bn_correct_top(rm);\n }\n return ret;\n}', 'int bn_div_fixed_top(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num,\n const BIGNUM *divisor, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int norm_shift, i, j, loop;\n BIGNUM *tmp, *snum, *sdiv, *res;\n BN_ULONG *resp, *wnum, *wnumtop;\n BN_ULONG d0, d1;\n int num_n, div_n;\n assert(divisor->top > 0 && divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] != 0);\n bn_check_top(num);\n bn_check_top(divisor);\n bn_check_top(dv);\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n res = (dv == NULL) ? BN_CTX_get(ctx) : dv;\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n snum = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n sdiv = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (sdiv == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(sdiv, divisor))\n goto err;\n norm_shift = bn_left_align(sdiv);\n sdiv->neg = 0;\n if (!(bn_lshift_fixed_top(snum, num, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n div_n = sdiv->top;\n num_n = snum->top;\n if (num_n <= div_n) {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, div_n + 1) == NULL)\n goto err;\n memset(&(snum->d[num_n]), 0, (div_n - num_n + 1) * sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n snum->top = num_n = div_n + 1;\n }\n loop = num_n - div_n;\n wnum = &(snum->d[loop]);\n wnumtop = &(snum->d[num_n - 1]);\n d0 = sdiv->d[div_n - 1];\n d1 = (div_n == 1) ? 0 : sdiv->d[div_n - 2];\n if (!bn_wexpand(res, loop))\n goto err;\n res->neg = (num->neg ^ divisor->neg);\n res->top = loop;\n res->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n resp = &(res->d[loop]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(tmp, (div_n + 1)))\n goto err;\n for (i = 0; i < loop; i++, wnumtop--) {\n BN_ULONG q, l0;\n# if defined(BN_DIV3W)\n q = bn_div_3_words(wnumtop, d1, d0);\n# else\n BN_ULONG n0, n1, rem = 0;\n n0 = wnumtop[0];\n n1 = wnumtop[-1];\n if (n0 == d0)\n q = BN_MASK2;\n else {\n BN_ULONG n2 = (wnumtop == wnum) ? 0 : wnumtop[-2];\n# ifdef BN_LLONG\n BN_ULLONG t2;\n# if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n q = (BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG) n0) << BN_BITS2) | n1) / d0);\n# else\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# endif\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n t2 = (BN_ULLONG) d1 *q;\n for (;;) {\n if (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG) rem) << BN_BITS2) | n2))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n t2 -= d1;\n }\n# else\n BN_ULONG t2l, t2h;\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n# if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n BN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l, t2h, d1, q);\n# elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n t2l = d1 * q;\n t2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1, q);\n# else\n {\n BN_ULONG ql, qh;\n t2l = LBITS(d1);\n t2h = HBITS(d1);\n ql = LBITS(q);\n qh = HBITS(q);\n mul64(t2l, t2h, ql, qh);\n }\n# endif\n for (;;) {\n if ((t2h < rem) || ((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= n2)))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n if (t2l < d1)\n t2h--;\n t2l -= d1;\n }\n# endif\n }\n# endif\n l0 = bn_mul_words(tmp->d, sdiv->d, div_n, q);\n tmp->d[div_n] = l0;\n wnum--;\n l0 = bn_sub_words(wnum, wnum, tmp->d, div_n + 1);\n q -= l0;\n for (l0 = 0 - l0, j = 0; j < div_n; j++)\n tmp->d[j] = sdiv->d[j] & l0;\n l0 = bn_add_words(wnum, wnum, tmp->d, div_n);\n (*wnumtop) += l0;\n assert((*wnumtop) == 0);\n *--resp = q;\n }\n snum->neg = num->neg;\n snum->top = div_n;\n snum->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n if (rm != NULL)\n bn_rshift_fixed_top(rm, snum, norm_shift);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 0;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_end", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
static inline void skip_remaining(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n) { #ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE bc->bits >>= n; #else bc->bits <<= n; #endif bc->bits_left -= n; }
['static int shorten_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data,\n int *got_frame_ptr, AVPacket *avpkt)\n{\n AVFrame *frame = data;\n const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data;\n int buf_size = avpkt->size;\n ShortenContext *s = avctx->priv_data;\n int i, input_buf_size = 0;\n int ret;\n if (s->max_framesize == 0) {\n void *tmp_ptr;\n s->max_framesize = 1024;\n tmp_ptr = av_fast_realloc(s->bitstream, &s->allocated_bitstream_size,\n s->max_framesize + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n if (!tmp_ptr) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "error allocating bitstream buffer\\n");\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n }\n s->bitstream = tmp_ptr;\n }\n if (1 && s->max_framesize) {\n buf_size = FFMIN(buf_size, s->max_framesize - s->bitstream_size);\n input_buf_size = buf_size;\n if (s->bitstream_index + s->bitstream_size + buf_size >\n s->allocated_bitstream_size) {\n memmove(s->bitstream, &s->bitstream[s->bitstream_index],\n s->bitstream_size);\n s->bitstream_index = 0;\n }\n if (buf)\n memcpy(&s->bitstream[s->bitstream_index + s->bitstream_size], buf,\n buf_size);\n buf = &s->bitstream[s->bitstream_index];\n buf_size += s->bitstream_size;\n s->bitstream_size = buf_size;\n if (buf_size < s->max_framesize && avpkt->data) {\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n return input_buf_size;\n }\n }\n bitstream_init8(&s->bc, buf, buf_size);\n bitstream_skip(&s->bc, s->bitindex);\n if (!s->got_header) {\n if ((ret = read_header(s)) < 0)\n return ret;\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n goto finish_frame;\n }\n if (s->got_quit_command) {\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n return avpkt->size;\n }\n s->cur_chan = 0;\n while (s->cur_chan < s->channels) {\n unsigned cmd;\n int len;\n if (bitstream_bits_left(&s->bc) < 3 + FNSIZE) {\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n break;\n }\n cmd = get_ur_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, FNSIZE);\n if (cmd > FN_VERBATIM) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unknown shorten function %d\\n", cmd);\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n break;\n }\n if (!is_audio_command[cmd]) {\n switch (cmd) {\n case FN_VERBATIM:\n len = get_ur_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, VERBATIM_CKSIZE_SIZE);\n while (len--)\n get_ur_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, VERBATIM_BYTE_SIZE);\n break;\n case FN_BITSHIFT:\n s->bitshift = get_ur_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, BITSHIFTSIZE);\n if (s->bitshift < 0)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n break;\n case FN_BLOCKSIZE: {\n unsigned blocksize = get_uint(s, av_log2(s->blocksize));\n if (blocksize > s->blocksize) {\n avpriv_report_missing_feature(avctx,\n "Increasing block size");\n return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;\n }\n if (!blocksize || blocksize > MAX_BLOCKSIZE) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid or unsupported "\n "block size: %d\\n", blocksize);\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n }\n s->blocksize = blocksize;\n break;\n }\n case FN_QUIT:\n s->got_quit_command = 1;\n break;\n }\n if (cmd == FN_BLOCKSIZE || cmd == FN_QUIT) {\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n break;\n }\n } else {\n int residual_size = 0;\n int channel = s->cur_chan;\n int32_t coffset;\n if (cmd != FN_ZERO) {\n residual_size = get_ur_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, ENERGYSIZE);\n if (s->version == 0)\n residual_size--;\n }\n if (s->nmean == 0)\n coffset = s->offset[channel][0];\n else {\n int32_t sum = (s->version < 2) ? 0 : s->nmean / 2;\n for (i = 0; i < s->nmean; i++)\n sum += s->offset[channel][i];\n coffset = sum / s->nmean;\n if (s->version >= 2)\n coffset >>= FFMIN(1, s->bitshift);\n }\n if (cmd == FN_ZERO) {\n for (i = 0; i < s->blocksize; i++)\n s->decoded[channel][i] = 0;\n } else {\n if ((ret = decode_subframe_lpc(s, cmd, channel,\n residual_size, coffset)) < 0)\n return ret;\n }\n if (s->nmean > 0) {\n int32_t sum = (s->version < 2) ? 0 : s->blocksize / 2;\n for (i = 0; i < s->blocksize; i++)\n sum += s->decoded[channel][i];\n for (i = 1; i < s->nmean; i++)\n s->offset[channel][i - 1] = s->offset[channel][i];\n if (s->version < 2)\n s->offset[channel][s->nmean - 1] = sum / s->blocksize;\n else\n s->offset[channel][s->nmean - 1] = (sum / s->blocksize) << s->bitshift;\n }\n for (i = -s->nwrap; i < 0; i++)\n s->decoded[channel][i] = s->decoded[channel][i + s->blocksize];\n fix_bitshift(s, s->decoded[channel]);\n s->cur_chan++;\n if (s->cur_chan == s->channels) {\n frame->nb_samples = s->blocksize;\n if ((ret = ff_get_buffer(avctx, frame, 0)) < 0) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "get_buffer() failed\\n");\n return ret;\n }\n output_buffer((int16_t **)frame->extended_data, s->channels,\n s->blocksize, s->decoded);\n *got_frame_ptr = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n if (s->cur_chan < s->channels)\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\nfinish_frame:\n s->bitindex = bitstream_tell(&s->bc) - 8 * (bitstream_tell(&s->bc) / 8);\n i = bitstream_tell(&s->bc) / 8;\n if (i > buf_size) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "overread: %d\\n", i - buf_size);\n s->bitstream_size = 0;\n s->bitstream_index = 0;\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (s->bitstream_size) {\n s->bitstream_index += i;\n s->bitstream_size -= i;\n return input_buf_size;\n } else\n return i;\n}', 'static int decode_subframe_lpc(ShortenContext *s, int command, int channel,\n int residual_size, int32_t coffset)\n{\n int pred_order, sum, qshift, init_sum, i, j;\n const int *coeffs;\n if (command == FN_QLPC) {\n pred_order = get_ur_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, LPCQSIZE);\n if (pred_order > s->nwrap) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid pred_order %d\\n",\n pred_order);\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n }\n for (i = 0; i < pred_order; i++)\n s->coeffs[i] = get_sr_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, LPCQUANT);\n coeffs = s->coeffs;\n qshift = LPCQUANT;\n } else {\n pred_order = command;\n if (pred_order >= FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(fixed_coeffs)) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid pred_order %d\\n",\n pred_order);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n coeffs = fixed_coeffs[pred_order];\n qshift = 0;\n }\n if (command == FN_QLPC && coffset)\n for (i = -pred_order; i < 0; i++)\n s->decoded[channel][i] -= coffset;\n init_sum = pred_order ? (command == FN_QLPC ? s->lpcqoffset : 0) : coffset;\n for (i = 0; i < s->blocksize; i++) {\n sum = init_sum;\n for (j = 0; j < pred_order; j++)\n sum += coeffs[j] * s->decoded[channel][i - j - 1];\n s->decoded[channel][i] = get_sr_golomb_shorten(&s->bc, residual_size) +\n (sum >> qshift);\n }\n if (command == FN_QLPC && coffset)\n for (i = 0; i < s->blocksize; i++)\n s->decoded[channel][i] += coffset;\n return 0;\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_ur_golomb_shorten(BitstreamContext *bc, int k)\n{\n return get_ur_golomb_jpegls(bc, k, INT_MAX, 0);\n}', 'static inline int get_ur_golomb_jpegls(BitstreamContext *bc, int k, int limit,\n int esc_len)\n{\n unsigned int buf;\n int log;\n buf = bitstream_peek(bc, 32);\n log = av_log2(buf);\n if (log - k >= 1 && 32 - log < limit) {\n buf >>= log - k;\n buf += (30 - log) << k;\n bitstream_skip(bc, 32 + k - log);\n return buf;\n } else {\n int i;\n for (i = 0; i < limit && bitstream_peek(bc, 1) == 0 && bitstream_bits_left(bc) > 0; i++)\n bitstream_skip(bc, 1);\n bitstream_skip(bc, 1);\n if (i < limit - 1) {\n if (k) {\n buf = bitstream_read(bc, k);\n } else {\n buf = 0;\n }\n return buf + (i << k);\n } else if (i == limit - 1) {\n buf = bitstream_read(bc, esc_len);\n return buf + 1;\n } else\n return -1;\n }\n}', 'static inline void bitstream_skip(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n if (n <= bc->bits_left)\n skip_remaining(bc, n);\n else {\n n -= bc->bits_left;\n skip_remaining(bc, bc->bits_left);\n if (n >= 64) {\n unsigned skip = n / 8;\n n -= skip * 8;\n bc->ptr += skip;\n }\n refill_64(bc);\n if (n)\n skip_remaining(bc, n);\n }\n}', 'static inline void skip_remaining(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n#ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n bc->bits >>= n;\n#else\n bc->bits <<= n;\n#endif\n bc->bits_left -= n;\n}']
static void contract(LHASH *lh) { LHASH_NODE **n,*n1,*np; np=lh->b[lh->p+lh->pmax-1]; lh->b[lh->p+lh->pmax-1]=NULL; if (lh->p == 0) { n=(LHASH_NODE **)OPENSSL_realloc(lh->b, (unsigned int)(sizeof(LHASH_NODE *)*lh->pmax)); if (n == NULL) { lh->error++; return; } lh->num_contract_reallocs++; lh->num_alloc_nodes/=2; lh->pmax/=2; lh->p=lh->pmax-1; lh->b=n; } else lh->p--; lh->num_nodes--; lh->num_contracts++; n1=lh->b[(int)lh->p]; if (n1 == NULL) lh->b[(int)lh->p]=np; else { while (n1->next != NULL) n1=n1->next; n1->next=np; } }
['int ssl3_connect(SSL *s)\n\t{\n\tBUF_MEM *buf;\n\tunsigned long Time=time(NULL),l;\n\tlong num1;\n\tvoid (*cb)()=NULL;\n\tint ret= -1;\n\tint new_state,state,skip=0;;\n\tRAND_add(&Time,sizeof(Time),0);\n\tERR_clear_error();\n\tclear_sys_error();\n\tif (s->info_callback != NULL)\n\t\tcb=s->info_callback;\n\telse if (s->ctx->info_callback != NULL)\n\t\tcb=s->ctx->info_callback;\n\tif (!SSL_in_init(s) || SSL_in_before(s)) SSL_clear(s);\n\ts->in_handshake++;\n\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\n\t\tstate=s->state;\n\t\tswitch(s->state)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\tcase SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE:\n\t\t\ts->new_session=1;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL_ST_CONNECT;\n\t\t\ts->ctx->stats.sess_connect_renegotiate++;\n\t\tcase SSL_ST_BEFORE:\n\t\tcase SSL_ST_CONNECT:\n\t\tcase SSL_ST_BEFORE|SSL_ST_CONNECT:\n\t\tcase SSL_ST_OK|SSL_ST_CONNECT:\n\t\t\ts->server=0;\n\t\t\tif (cb != NULL) cb(s,SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START,1);\n\t\t\tif ((s->version & 0xff00 ) != 0x0300)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CONNECT, SSL_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n\t\t\t\tret = -1;\n\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ts->type=SSL_ST_CONNECT;\n\t\t\tif (s->init_buf == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif ((buf=BUF_MEM_new()) == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tret= -1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (!BUF_MEM_grow(buf,SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tret= -1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ts->init_buf=buf;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!ssl3_setup_buffers(s)) { ret= -1; goto end; }\n\t\t\tif (!ssl_init_wbio_buffer(s,0)) { ret= -1; goto end; }\n\t\t\tssl3_init_finished_mac(s);\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_CLNT_HELLO_A;\n\t\t\ts->ctx->stats.sess_connect++;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CLNT_HELLO_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CLNT_HELLO_B:\n\t\t\ts->shutdown=0;\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_client_hello(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tif (s->bbio != s->wbio)\n\t\t\t\ts->wbio=BIO_push(s->bbio,s->wbio);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_get_server_hello(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\tif (s->hit)\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CR_FINISHED_A;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_B:\n\t\t\tif (!(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithms & SSL_aNULL))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tret=ssl3_get_server_certificate(s);\n\t\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tskip=1;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CR_KEY_EXCH_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_KEY_EXCH_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_KEY_EXCH_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_get_key_exchange(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_REQ_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tif (!ssl3_check_cert_and_algorithm(s))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tret= -1;\n\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_REQ_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_REQ_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_get_certificate_request(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_DONE_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_DONE_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_DONE_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_get_server_done(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\tif (s->s3->tmp.cert_req)\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_A;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_KEY_EXCH_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_B:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_C:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_D:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_send_client_certificate(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_KEY_EXCH_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_KEY_EXCH_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_KEY_EXCH_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_send_client_key_exchange(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\tl=s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithms;\n\t\t\tif (s->s3->tmp.cert_req == 1)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_A;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_A;\n\t\t\t\ts->s3->change_cipher_spec=0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_send_client_verify(s);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\ts->s3->change_cipher_spec=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_send_change_cipher_spec(s,\n\t\t\t\tSSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_A,SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_B);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_FINISHED_A;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\ts->session->cipher=s->s3->tmp.new_cipher;\n\t\t\tif (s->s3->tmp.new_compression == NULL)\n\t\t\t\ts->session->compress_meth=0;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ts->session->compress_meth=\n\t\t\t\t\ts->s3->tmp.new_compression->id;\n\t\t\tif (!s->method->ssl3_enc->setup_key_block(s))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tret= -1;\n\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!s->method->ssl3_enc->change_cipher_state(s,\n\t\t\t\tSSL3_CHANGE_CIPHER_CLIENT_WRITE))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tret= -1;\n\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_FINISHED_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_FINISHED_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_send_finished(s,\n\t\t\t\tSSL3_ST_CW_FINISHED_A,SSL3_ST_CW_FINISHED_B,\n\t\t\t\ts->method->ssl3_enc->client_finished_label,\n\t\t\t\ts->method->ssl3_enc->client_finished_label_len);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_FLUSH;\n\t\t\ts->s3->flags&= ~SSL3_FLAGS_POP_BUFFER;\n\t\t\tif (s->hit)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ts->s3->tmp.next_state=SSL_ST_OK;\n\t\t\t\tif (s->s3->flags & SSL3_FLAGS_DELAY_CLIENT_FINISHED)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL_ST_OK;\n\t\t\t\t\ts->s3->flags|=SSL3_FLAGS_POP_BUFFER;\n\t\t\t\t\ts->s3->delay_buf_pop_ret=0;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ts->s3->tmp.next_state=SSL3_ST_CR_FINISHED_A;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_FINISHED_A:\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CR_FINISHED_B:\n\t\t\tret=ssl3_get_finished(s,SSL3_ST_CR_FINISHED_A,\n\t\t\t\tSSL3_ST_CR_FINISHED_B);\n\t\t\tif (ret <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\tif (s->hit)\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_A;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ts->state=SSL_ST_OK;\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL3_ST_CW_FLUSH:\n\t\t\tnum1=BIO_ctrl(s->wbio,BIO_CTRL_INFO,0,NULL);\n\t\t\tif (num1 > 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ts->rwstate=SSL_WRITING;\n\t\t\t\tnum1=BIO_flush(s->wbio);\n\t\t\t\tif (num1 <= 0) { ret= -1; goto end; }\n\t\t\t\ts->rwstate=SSL_NOTHING;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ts->state=s->s3->tmp.next_state;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SSL_ST_OK:\n\t\t\tssl3_cleanup_key_block(s);\n\t\t\tif (s->init_buf != NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tBUF_MEM_free(s->init_buf);\n\t\t\t\ts->init_buf=NULL;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!(s->s3->flags & SSL3_FLAGS_POP_BUFFER))\n\t\t\t\tssl_free_wbio_buffer(s);\n\t\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t\ts->new_session=0;\n\t\t\tssl_update_cache(s,SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT);\n\t\t\tif (s->hit) s->ctx->stats.sess_hit++;\n\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\ts->handshake_func=ssl3_connect;\n\t\t\ts->ctx->stats.sess_connect_good++;\n\t\t\tif (cb != NULL) cb(s,SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE,1);\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CONNECT,SSL_R_UNKNOWN_STATE);\n\t\t\tret= -1;\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!s->s3->tmp.reuse_message && !skip)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (s->debug)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif ((ret=BIO_flush(s->wbio)) <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ((cb != NULL) && (s->state != state))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tnew_state=s->state;\n\t\t\t\ts->state=state;\n\t\t\t\tcb(s,SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP,1);\n\t\t\t\ts->state=new_state;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tskip=0;\n\t\t}\nend:\n\tif (cb != NULL)\n\t\tcb(s,SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT,ret);\n\ts->in_handshake--;\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'static int ssl3_get_key_exchange(SSL *s)\n\t{\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\tunsigned char *q,md_buf[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE*2];\n#endif\n\tEVP_MD_CTX md_ctx;\n\tunsigned char *param,*p;\n\tint al,i,j,param_len,ok;\n\tlong n,alg;\n\tEVP_PKEY *pkey=NULL;\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\tRSA *rsa=NULL;\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\tDH *dh=NULL;\n#endif\n\tn=ssl3_get_message(s,\n\t\tSSL3_ST_CR_KEY_EXCH_A,\n\t\tSSL3_ST_CR_KEY_EXCH_B,\n\t\t-1,\n\t\t1024*8,\n\t\t&ok);\n\tif (!ok) return((int)n);\n\tif (s->s3->tmp.message_type != SSL3_MT_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE)\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->s3->tmp.reuse_message=1;\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\tparam=p=(unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data;\n\tif (s->session->sess_cert != NULL)\n\t\t{\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\t\tif (s->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp != NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tRSA_free(s->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp);\n\t\t\ts->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp=NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\t\tif (s->session->sess_cert->peer_dh_tmp)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tDH_free(s->session->sess_cert->peer_dh_tmp);\n\t\t\ts->session->sess_cert->peer_dh_tmp=NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->session->sess_cert=ssl_sess_cert_new();\n\t\t}\n\tparam_len=0;\n\talg=s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithms;\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\tif (alg & SSL_kRSA)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif ((rsa=RSA_new()) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tn2s(p,i);\n\t\tparam_len=i+2;\n\t\tif (param_len > n)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_RSA_MODULUS_LENGTH);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!(rsa->n=BN_bin2bn(p,i,rsa->n)))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tp+=i;\n\t\tn2s(p,i);\n\t\tparam_len+=i+2;\n\t\tif (param_len > n)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_RSA_E_LENGTH);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!(rsa->e=BN_bin2bn(p,i,rsa->e)))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tp+=i;\n\t\tn-=param_len;\n\t\tif (alg & SSL_aRSA)\n\t\t\tpkey=X509_get_pubkey(s->session->sess_cert->peer_pkeys[SSL_PKEY_RSA_ENC].x509);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\ts->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp=rsa;\n\t\trsa=NULL;\n\t\t}\n#else\n\tif (0)\n\t\t;\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\telse if (alg & SSL_kEDH)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif ((dh=DH_new()) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_DH_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tn2s(p,i);\n\t\tparam_len=i+2;\n\t\tif (param_len > n)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_DH_P_LENGTH);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!(dh->p=BN_bin2bn(p,i,NULL)))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tp+=i;\n\t\tn2s(p,i);\n\t\tparam_len+=i+2;\n\t\tif (param_len > n)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_DH_G_LENGTH);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!(dh->g=BN_bin2bn(p,i,NULL)))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tp+=i;\n\t\tn2s(p,i);\n\t\tparam_len+=i+2;\n\t\tif (param_len > n)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_DH_PUB_KEY_LENGTH);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!(dh->pub_key=BN_bin2bn(p,i,NULL)))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tp+=i;\n\t\tn-=param_len;\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\t\tif (alg & SSL_aRSA)\n\t\t\tpkey=X509_get_pubkey(s->session->sess_cert->peer_pkeys[SSL_PKEY_RSA_ENC].x509);\n#else\n\t\tif (0)\n\t\t\t;\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DSA\n\t\telse if (alg & SSL_aDSS)\n\t\t\tpkey=X509_get_pubkey(s->session->sess_cert->peer_pkeys[SSL_PKEY_DSA_SIGN].x509);\n#endif\n\t\ts->session->sess_cert->peer_dh_tmp=dh;\n\t\tdh=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\telse if ((alg & SSL_kDHr) || (alg & SSL_kDHd))\n\t\t{\n\t\tal=SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_TRIED_TO_USE_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tif (alg & SSL_aFZA)\n\t\t{\n\t\tal=SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE;\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_TRIED_TO_USE_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (pkey != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tn2s(p,i);\n\t\tn-=2;\n\t\tj=EVP_PKEY_size(pkey);\n\t\tif ((i != n) || (n > j) || (n <= 0))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_WRONG_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\t\tif (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tint num;\n\t\t\tj=0;\n\t\t\tq=md_buf;\n\t\t\tfor (num=2; num > 0; num--)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tEVP_DigestInit(&md_ctx,(num == 2)\n\t\t\t\t\t?s->ctx->md5:s->ctx->sha1);\n\t\t\t\tEVP_DigestUpdate(&md_ctx,&(s->s3->client_random[0]),SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE);\n\t\t\t\tEVP_DigestUpdate(&md_ctx,&(s->s3->server_random[0]),SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE);\n\t\t\t\tEVP_DigestUpdate(&md_ctx,param,param_len);\n\t\t\t\tEVP_DigestFinal(&md_ctx,q,(unsigned int *)&i);\n\t\t\t\tq+=i;\n\t\t\t\tj+=i;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ti=RSA_verify(NID_md5_sha1, md_buf, j, p, n,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpkey->pkey.rsa);\n\t\t\tif (i < 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_RSA_DECRYPT);\n\t\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (i == 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n\t\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DSA\n\t\t\tif (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tEVP_VerifyInit(&md_ctx,EVP_dss1());\n\t\t\tEVP_VerifyUpdate(&md_ctx,&(s->s3->client_random[0]),SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE);\n\t\t\tEVP_VerifyUpdate(&md_ctx,&(s->s3->server_random[0]),SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE);\n\t\t\tEVP_VerifyUpdate(&md_ctx,param,param_len);\n\t\t\tif (!EVP_VerifyFinal(&md_ctx,p,(int)n,pkey))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_BAD_SIGNATURE);\n\t\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n#endif\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!(alg & SSL_aNULL))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (n != 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE,SSL_R_EXTRA_DATA_IN_MESSAGE);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tEVP_PKEY_free(pkey);\n\treturn(1);\nf_err:\n\tssl3_send_alert(s,SSL3_AL_FATAL,al);\nerr:\n\tEVP_PKEY_free(pkey);\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\tif (rsa != NULL)\n\t\tRSA_free(rsa);\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\tif (dh != NULL)\n\t\tDH_free(dh);\n#endif\n\treturn(-1);\n\t}', 'long ssl3_get_message(SSL *s, int st1, int stn, int mt, long max, int *ok)\n\t{\n\tunsigned char *p;\n\tunsigned long l;\n\tlong n;\n\tint i,al;\n\tif (s->s3->tmp.reuse_message)\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->s3->tmp.reuse_message=0;\n\t\tif ((mt >= 0) && (s->s3->tmp.message_type != mt))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_MESSAGE,SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t*ok=1;\n\t\treturn((int)s->s3->tmp.message_size);\n\t\t}\n\tp=(unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data;\n\tif (s->state == st1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tint skip_message;\n\t\tdo\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\twhile (s->init_num < 4)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ti=ssl3_read_bytes(s,SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE,&p[s->init_num],\n\t\t\t\t\t4 - s->init_num, 0);\n\t\t\t\tif (i <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\ts->rwstate=SSL_READING;\n\t\t\t\t\t*ok = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ts->init_num+=i;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tskip_message = 0;\n\t\t\tif (!s->server)\n\t\t\t\tif (p[0] == SSL3_MT_HELLO_REQUEST)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (p[1] == 0 && p[2] == 0 &&p[3] == 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tskip_message = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\twhile (skip_message);\n\t\tif ((mt >= 0) && (*p != mt))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_MESSAGE,SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif ((mt < 0) && (*p == SSL3_MT_CLIENT_HELLO) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t(st1 == SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_A) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t(stn == SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_B))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tssl3_init_finished_mac(s);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tssl3_finish_mac(s, (unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data, 4);\n\t\ts->s3->tmp.message_type= *(p++);\n\t\tn2l3(p,l);\n\t\tif (l > (unsigned long)max)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tal=SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_MESSAGE,SSL_R_EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (l && !BUF_MEM_grow(s->init_buf,(int)l))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_MESSAGE,ERR_R_BUF_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\ts->s3->tmp.message_size=l;\n\t\ts->state=stn;\n\t\ts->init_num=0;\n\t\t}\n\tp=(unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data;\n\tn=s->s3->tmp.message_size;\n\twhile (n > 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\ti=ssl3_read_bytes(s,SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE,&p[s->init_num],n,0);\n\t\tif (i <= 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\ts->rwstate=SSL_READING;\n\t\t\t*ok = 0;\n\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\ts->init_num += i;\n\t\tn -= i;\n\t\t}\n\tssl3_finish_mac(s, (unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data, s->init_num);\n\t*ok=1;\n\treturn s->init_num;\nf_err:\n\tssl3_send_alert(s,SSL3_AL_FATAL,al);\nerr:\n\t*ok=0;\n\treturn(-1);\n\t}', 'static int ssl3_check_cert_and_algorithm(SSL *s)\n\t{\n\tint i,idx;\n\tlong algs;\n\tEVP_PKEY *pkey=NULL;\n\tSESS_CERT *sc;\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\tRSA *rsa;\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\tDH *dh;\n#endif\n\tsc=s->session->sess_cert;\n\tif (sc == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\talgs=s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithms;\n\tif (algs & (SSL_aDH|SSL_aNULL|SSL_aKRB5))\n\t\treturn(1);\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\trsa=s->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp;\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\tdh=s->session->sess_cert->peer_dh_tmp;\n#endif\n\tidx=sc->peer_cert_type;\n\tpkey=X509_get_pubkey(sc->peer_pkeys[idx].x509);\n\ti=X509_certificate_type(sc->peer_pkeys[idx].x509,pkey);\n\tEVP_PKEY_free(pkey);\n\tif ((algs & SSL_aRSA) && !has_bits(i,EVP_PK_RSA|EVP_PKT_SIGN))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_RSA_SIGNING_CERT);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n#ifndef NO_DSA\n\telse if ((algs & SSL_aDSS) && !has_bits(i,EVP_PK_DSA|EVP_PKT_SIGN))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_DSA_SIGNING_CERT);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\tif ((algs & SSL_kRSA) &&\n\t\t!(has_bits(i,EVP_PK_RSA|EVP_PKT_ENC) || (rsa != NULL)))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_RSA_ENCRYPTING_CERT);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\tif ((algs & SSL_kEDH) &&\n\t\t!(has_bits(i,EVP_PK_DH|EVP_PKT_EXCH) || (dh != NULL)))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_DH_KEY);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n\telse if ((algs & SSL_kDHr) && !has_bits(i,EVP_PK_DH|EVP_PKS_RSA))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_DH_RSA_CERT);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n#ifndef NO_DSA\n\telse if ((algs & SSL_kDHd) && !has_bits(i,EVP_PK_DH|EVP_PKS_DSA))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_DH_DSA_CERT);\n\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#endif\n\tif (SSL_C_IS_EXPORT(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher) && !has_bits(i,EVP_PKT_EXP))\n\t\t{\n#ifndef NO_RSA\n\t\tif (algs & SSL_kRSA)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (rsa == NULL\n\t\t\t || RSA_size(rsa) > SSL_C_EXPORT_PKEYLENGTH(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_EXPORT_TMP_RSA_KEY);\n\t\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_DH\n\t\t\tif (algs & (SSL_kEDH|SSL_kDHr|SSL_kDHd))\n\t\t\t {\n\t\t\t if (dh == NULL\n\t\t\t\t|| DH_size(dh) > SSL_C_EXPORT_PKEYLENGTH(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_MISSING_EXPORT_TMP_DH_KEY);\n\t\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n#endif\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM,SSL_R_UNKNOWN_KEY_EXCHANGE_TYPE);\n\t\t\tgoto f_err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\treturn(1);\nf_err:\n\tssl3_send_alert(s,SSL3_AL_FATAL,SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE);\nerr:\n\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'void ssl3_send_alert(SSL *s, int level, int desc)\n\t{\n\tdesc=s->method->ssl3_enc->alert_value(desc);\n\tif (desc < 0) return;\n\tif ((level == 2) && (s->session != NULL))\n\t\tSSL_CTX_remove_session(s->ctx,s->session);\n\ts->s3->alert_dispatch=1;\n\ts->s3->send_alert[0]=level;\n\ts->s3->send_alert[1]=desc;\n\tif (s->s3->wbuf.left == 0)\n\t\tssl3_dispatch_alert(s);\n\t}', 'int SSL_CTX_remove_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *c)\n{\n\treturn remove_session_lock(ctx, c, 1);\n}', 'static int remove_session_lock(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *c, int lck)\n\t{\n\tSSL_SESSION *r;\n\tint ret=0;\n\tif ((c != NULL) && (c->session_id_length != 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif(lck) CRYPTO_w_lock(CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n\t\tr=(SSL_SESSION *)lh_delete(ctx->sessions,c);\n\t\tif (r != NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\tSSL_SESSION_list_remove(ctx,c);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif(lck) CRYPTO_w_unlock(CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n\t\tif (ret)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tr->not_resumable=1;\n\t\t\tif (ctx->remove_session_cb != NULL)\n\t\t\t\tctx->remove_session_cb(ctx,r);\n\t\t\tSSL_SESSION_free(r);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tret=0;\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void *lh_delete(LHASH *lh, const void *data)\n\t{\n\tunsigned long hash;\n\tLHASH_NODE *nn,**rn;\n\tconst void *ret;\n\tlh->error=0;\n\trn=getrn(lh,data,&hash);\n\tif (*rn == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tlh->num_no_delete++;\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tnn= *rn;\n\t\t*rn=nn->next;\n\t\tret=nn->data;\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(nn);\n\t\tlh->num_delete++;\n\t\t}\n\tlh->num_items--;\n\tif ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) &&\n\t\t(lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes)))\n\t\tcontract(lh);\n\treturn((void *)ret);\n\t}', 'static void contract(LHASH *lh)\n\t{\n\tLHASH_NODE **n,*n1,*np;\n\tnp=lh->b[lh->p+lh->pmax-1];\n\tlh->b[lh->p+lh->pmax-1]=NULL;\n\tif (lh->p == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tn=(LHASH_NODE **)OPENSSL_realloc(lh->b,\n\t\t\t(unsigned int)(sizeof(LHASH_NODE *)*lh->pmax));\n\t\tif (n == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tlh->error++;\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tlh->num_contract_reallocs++;\n\t\tlh->num_alloc_nodes/=2;\n\t\tlh->pmax/=2;\n\t\tlh->p=lh->pmax-1;\n\t\tlh->b=n;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tlh->p--;\n\tlh->num_nodes--;\n\tlh->num_contracts++;\n\tn1=lh->b[(int)lh->p];\n\tif (n1 == NULL)\n\t\tlh->b[(int)lh->p]=np;\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\twhile (n1->next != NULL)\n\t\t\tn1=n1->next;\n\t\tn1->next=np;\n\t\t}\n\t}']
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_get_chash_peer(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data) { ngx_http_upstream_hash_peer_data_t *hp = data; time_t now; intptr_t m; ngx_str_t *server; ngx_int_t total; ngx_uint_t i, n, best_i; ngx_http_upstream_rr_peer_t *peer, *best; ngx_http_upstream_chash_point_t *point; ngx_http_upstream_chash_points_t *points; ngx_http_upstream_hash_srv_conf_t *hcf; ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "get consistent hash peer, try: %ui", pc->tries); ngx_http_upstream_rr_peers_wlock(hp->rrp.peers); pc->cached = 0; pc->connection = NULL; now = ngx_time(); hcf = hp->conf; points = hcf->points; point = &points->point[0]; for ( ;; ) { server = point[hp->hash % points->number].server; ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "consistent hash peer:%uD, server:\"%V\"", hp->hash, server); best = NULL; best_i = 0; total = 0; for (peer = hp->rrp.peers->peer, i = 0; peer; peer = peer->next, i++) { n = i / (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t)); m = (uintptr_t) 1 << i % (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t)); if (hp->rrp.tried[n] & m) { continue; } if (peer->down) { continue; } if (peer->server.len != server->len || ngx_strncmp(peer->, server->data, server->len) != 0) { continue; } if (peer->max_fails && peer->fails >= peer->max_fails && now - peer->checked <= peer->fail_timeout) { continue; } peer->current_weight += peer->effective_weight; total += peer->effective_weight; if (peer->effective_weight < peer->weight) { peer->effective_weight++; } if (best == NULL || peer->current_weight > best->current_weight) { best = peer; best_i = i; } } if (best) { best->current_weight -= total; goto found; } hp->hash++; hp->tries++; if (hp->tries >= points->number) { ngx_http_upstream_rr_peers_unlock(hp->rrp.peers); return NGX_BUSY; } } found: hp->rrp.current = best; pc->sockaddr = best->sockaddr; pc->socklen = best->socklen; pc->name = &best->name; best->conns++; if (now - best->checked > best->fail_timeout) { best->checked = now; } ngx_http_upstream_rr_peers_unlock(hp->rrp.peers); n = best_i / (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t)); m = (uintptr_t) 1 << best_i % (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t)); hp->rrp.tried[n] |= m; return NGX_OK; }
['static ngx_int_t\nngx_http_upstream_get_chash_peer(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data)\n{\n ngx_http_upstream_hash_peer_data_t *hp = data;\n time_t now;\n intptr_t m;\n ngx_str_t *server;\n ngx_int_t total;\n ngx_uint_t i, n, best_i;\n ngx_http_upstream_rr_peer_t *peer, *best;\n ngx_http_upstream_chash_point_t *point;\n ngx_http_upstream_chash_points_t *points;\n ngx_http_upstream_hash_srv_conf_t *hcf;\n ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0,\n "get consistent hash peer, try: %ui", pc->tries);\n ngx_http_upstream_rr_peers_wlock(hp->rrp.peers);\n pc->cached = 0;\n pc->connection = NULL;\n now = ngx_time();\n hcf = hp->conf;\n points = hcf->points;\n point = &points->point[0];\n for ( ;; ) {\n server = point[hp->hash % points->number].server;\n ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0,\n "consistent hash peer:%uD, server:\\"%V\\"",\n hp->hash, server);\n best = NULL;\n best_i = 0;\n total = 0;\n for (peer = hp->rrp.peers->peer, i = 0;\n peer;\n peer = peer->next, i++)\n {\n n = i / (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t));\n m = (uintptr_t) 1 << i % (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t));\n if (hp->rrp.tried[n] & m) {\n continue;\n }\n if (peer->down) {\n continue;\n }\n if (peer->server.len != server->len\n || ngx_strncmp(peer->, server->data, server->len)\n != 0)\n {\n continue;\n }\n if (peer->max_fails\n && peer->fails >= peer->max_fails\n && now - peer->checked <= peer->fail_timeout)\n {\n continue;\n }\n peer->current_weight += peer->effective_weight;\n total += peer->effective_weight;\n if (peer->effective_weight < peer->weight) {\n peer->effective_weight++;\n }\n if (best == NULL || peer->current_weight > best->current_weight) {\n best = peer;\n best_i = i;\n }\n }\n if (best) {\n best->current_weight -= total;\n goto found;\n }\n hp->hash++;\n hp->tries++;\n if (hp->tries >= points->number) {\n ngx_http_upstream_rr_peers_unlock(hp->rrp.peers);\n return NGX_BUSY;\n }\n }\nfound:\n hp->rrp.current = best;\n pc->sockaddr = best->sockaddr;\n pc->socklen = best->socklen;\n pc->name = &best->name;\n best->conns++;\n if (now - best->checked > best->fail_timeout) {\n best->checked = now;\n }\n ngx_http_upstream_rr_peers_unlock(hp->rrp.peers);\n n = best_i / (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t));\n m = (uintptr_t) 1 << best_i % (8 * sizeof(uintptr_t));\n hp->rrp.tried[n] |= m;\n return NGX_OK;\n}']
BN_ULONG bn_mul_add_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, size_t num, BN_ULONG w) { BN_ULONG c=0; BN_ULONG bl,bh; assert(num >= 0); if (num <= 0) return((BN_ULONG)0); bl=LBITS(w); bh=HBITS(w); #ifndef OPENSSL_SMALL_FOOTPRINT while (num&~3) { mul_add(rp[0],ap[0],bl,bh,c); mul_add(rp[1],ap[1],bl,bh,c); mul_add(rp[2],ap[2],bl,bh,c); mul_add(rp[3],ap[3],bl,bh,c); ap+=4; rp+=4; num-=4; } #endif while (num) { mul_add(rp[0],ap[0],bl,bh,c); ap++; rp++; num--; } return(c); }
['BN_ULONG bn_mul_add_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, size_t num, BN_ULONG w)\n\t{\n\tBN_ULONG c=0;\n\tBN_ULONG bl,bh;\n\tassert(num >= 0);\n\tif (num <= 0) return((BN_ULONG)0);\n\tbl=LBITS(w);\n\tbh=HBITS(w);\n#ifndef OPENSSL_SMALL_FOOTPRINT\n\twhile (num&~3)\n\t\t{\n\t\tmul_add(rp[0],ap[0],bl,bh,c);\n\t\tmul_add(rp[1],ap[1],bl,bh,c);\n\t\tmul_add(rp[2],ap[2],bl,bh,c);\n\t\tmul_add(rp[3],ap[3],bl,bh,c);\n\t\tap+=4; rp+=4; num-=4;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\twhile (num)\n\t\t{\n\t\tmul_add(rp[0],ap[0],bl,bh,c);\n\t\tap++; rp++; num--;\n\t\t}\n\treturn(c);\n\t}']
int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n) { int i, nw, lb, rb; BN_ULONG *t, *f; BN_ULONG l; bn_check_top(r); bn_check_top(a); if (n < 0) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_LSHIFT, BN_R_INVALID_SHIFT); return 0; } r->neg = a->neg; nw = n / BN_BITS2; if (bn_wexpand(r, a->top + nw + 1) == NULL) return (0); lb = n % BN_BITS2; rb = BN_BITS2 - lb; f = a->d; t = r->d; t[a->top + nw] = 0; if (lb == 0) for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) t[nw + i] = f[i]; else for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) { l = f[i]; t[nw + i + 1] |= (l >> rb) & BN_MASK2; t[nw + i] = (l << lb) & BN_MASK2; } memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t) * nw); r->top = a->top + nw + 1; bn_correct_top(r); bn_check_top(r); return (1); }
['int BN_nist_mod_192(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *field,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int top = a->top, i;\n int carry;\n register BN_ULONG *r_d, *a_d = a->d;\n union {\n BN_ULONG bn[BN_NIST_192_TOP];\n unsigned int ui[BN_NIST_192_TOP * sizeof(BN_ULONG) /\n sizeof(unsigned int)];\n } buf;\n BN_ULONG c_d[BN_NIST_192_TOP], *res;\n PTR_SIZE_INT mask;\n static const BIGNUM _bignum_nist_p_192_sqr = {\n (BN_ULONG *)_nist_p_192_sqr,\n OSSL_NELEM(_nist_p_192_sqr),\n OSSL_NELEM(_nist_p_192_sqr),\n 0, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA\n };\n field = &_bignum_nist_p_192;\n if (BN_is_negative(a) || BN_ucmp(a, &_bignum_nist_p_192_sqr) >= 0)\n return BN_nnmod(r, a, field, ctx);\n i = BN_ucmp(field, a);\n if (i == 0) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return 1;\n } else if (i > 0)\n return (r == a) ? 1 : (BN_copy(r, a) != NULL);\n if (r != a) {\n if (!bn_wexpand(r, BN_NIST_192_TOP))\n return 0;\n r_d = r->d;\n nist_cp_bn(r_d, a_d, BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n } else\n r_d = a_d;\n nist_cp_bn_0(, a_d + BN_NIST_192_TOP, top - BN_NIST_192_TOP,\n BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n#if defined(NIST_INT64)\n {\n NIST_INT64 acc;\n unsigned int *rp = (unsigned int *)r_d;\n const unsigned int *bp = (const unsigned int *)buf.ui;\n acc = rp[0];\n acc += bp[3 * 2 - 6];\n acc += bp[5 * 2 - 6];\n rp[0] = (unsigned int)acc;\n acc >>= 32;\n acc += rp[1];\n acc += bp[3 * 2 - 5];\n acc += bp[5 * 2 - 5];\n rp[1] = (unsigned int)acc;\n acc >>= 32;\n acc += rp[2];\n acc += bp[3 * 2 - 6];\n acc += bp[4 * 2 - 6];\n acc += bp[5 * 2 - 6];\n rp[2] = (unsigned int)acc;\n acc >>= 32;\n acc += rp[3];\n acc += bp[3 * 2 - 5];\n acc += bp[4 * 2 - 5];\n acc += bp[5 * 2 - 5];\n rp[3] = (unsigned int)acc;\n acc >>= 32;\n acc += rp[4];\n acc += bp[4 * 2 - 6];\n acc += bp[5 * 2 - 6];\n rp[4] = (unsigned int)acc;\n acc >>= 32;\n acc += rp[5];\n acc += bp[4 * 2 - 5];\n acc += bp[5 * 2 - 5];\n rp[5] = (unsigned int)acc;\n carry = (int)(acc >> 32);\n }\n#else\n {\n BN_ULONG t_d[BN_NIST_192_TOP];\n nist_set_192(t_d,, 0, 3, 3);\n carry = (int)bn_add_words(r_d, r_d, t_d, BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n nist_set_192(t_d,, 4, 4, 0);\n carry += (int)bn_add_words(r_d, r_d, t_d, BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n nist_set_192(t_d,, 5, 5, 5)\n carry += (int)bn_add_words(r_d, r_d, t_d, BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n }\n#endif\n if (carry > 0)\n carry =\n (int)bn_sub_words(r_d, r_d, _nist_p_192[carry - 1],\n BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n else\n carry = 1;\n mask =\n 0 - (PTR_SIZE_INT) bn_sub_words(c_d, r_d, _nist_p_192[0],\n BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n mask &= 0 - (PTR_SIZE_INT) carry;\n res = c_d;\n res = (BN_ULONG *)\n (((PTR_SIZE_INT) res & ~mask) | ((PTR_SIZE_INT) r_d & mask));\n nist_cp_bn(r_d, res, BN_NIST_192_TOP);\n r->top = BN_NIST_192_TOP;\n bn_correct_top(r);\n return 1;\n}', 'int BN_nnmod(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *m, const BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n if (!(BN_mod(r, m, d, ctx)))\n return 0;\n if (!r->neg)\n return 1;\n return (d->neg ? BN_sub : BN_add) (r, r, d);\n}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int norm_shift, i, loop;\n BIGNUM *tmp, wnum, *snum, *sdiv, *res;\n BN_ULONG *resp, *wnump;\n BN_ULONG d0, d1;\n int num_n, div_n;\n int no_branch = 0;\n if ((num->top > 0 && num->d[num->top - 1] == 0) ||\n (divisor->top > 0 && divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] == 0)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n return 0;\n }\n bn_check_top(num);\n bn_check_top(divisor);\n if ((BN_get_flags(num, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(divisor, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n no_branch = 1;\n }\n bn_check_top(dv);\n bn_check_top(rm);\n if (BN_is_zero(divisor)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n return (0);\n }\n if (!no_branch && BN_ucmp(num, divisor) < 0) {\n if (rm != NULL) {\n if (BN_copy(rm, num) == NULL)\n return (0);\n }\n if (dv != NULL)\n BN_zero(dv);\n return (1);\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n snum = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n sdiv = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (dv == NULL)\n res = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n else\n res = dv;\n if (sdiv == NULL || res == NULL || tmp == NULL || snum == NULL)\n goto err;\n norm_shift = BN_BITS2 - ((BN_num_bits(divisor)) % BN_BITS2);\n if (!(BN_lshift(sdiv, divisor, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n sdiv->neg = 0;\n norm_shift += BN_BITS2;\n if (!(BN_lshift(snum, num, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n snum->neg = 0;\n if (no_branch) {\n if (snum->top <= sdiv->top + 1) {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, sdiv->top + 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n for (i = snum->top; i < sdiv->top + 2; i++)\n snum->d[i] = 0;\n snum->top = sdiv->top + 2;\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, snum->top + 1) == NULL)\n goto err;\n snum->d[snum->top] = 0;\n snum->top++;\n }\n }\n div_n = sdiv->top;\n num_n = snum->top;\n loop = num_n - div_n;\n wnum.neg = 0;\n wnum.d = &(snum->d[loop]);\n = div_n;\n wnum.dmax = snum->dmax - loop;\n d0 = sdiv->d[div_n - 1];\n d1 = (div_n == 1) ? 0 : sdiv->d[div_n - 2];\n wnump = &(snum->d[num_n - 1]);\n res->neg = (num->neg ^ divisor->neg);\n if (!bn_wexpand(res, (loop + 1)))\n goto err;\n res->top = loop - no_branch;\n resp = &(res->d[loop - 1]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(tmp, (div_n + 1)))\n goto err;\n if (!no_branch) {\n if (BN_ucmp(&wnum, sdiv) >= 0) {\n bn_clear_top2max(&wnum);\n bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n);\n *resp = 1;\n } else\n res->top--;\n }\n if (res->top == 0)\n res->neg = 0;\n else\n resp--;\n for (i = 0; i < loop - 1; i++, wnump--, resp--) {\n BN_ULONG q, l0;\n# if defined(BN_DIV3W) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM)\n BN_ULONG bn_div_3_words(BN_ULONG *, BN_ULONG, BN_ULONG);\n q = bn_div_3_words(wnump, d1, d0);\n# else\n BN_ULONG n0, n1, rem = 0;\n n0 = wnump[0];\n n1 = wnump[-1];\n if (n0 == d0)\n q = BN_MASK2;\n else {\n# ifdef BN_LLONG\n BN_ULLONG t2;\n# if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n q = (BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG) n0) << BN_BITS2) | n1) / d0);\n# else\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# ifdef BN_DEBUG_LEVITTE\n fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: bn_div_words(0x%08X,0x%08X,0x%08\\\nX) -> 0x%08X\\n", n0, n1, d0, q);\n# endif\n# endif\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n t2 = (BN_ULLONG) d1 *q;\n for (;;) {\n if (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG) rem) << BN_BITS2) | wnump[-2]))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n t2 -= d1;\n }\n# else\n BN_ULONG t2l, t2h;\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# ifdef BN_DEBUG_LEVITTE\n fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: bn_div_words(0x%08X,0x%08X,0x%08\\\nX) -> 0x%08X\\n", n0, n1, d0, q);\n# endif\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n# if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n BN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l, t2h, d1, q);\n# elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n t2l = d1 * q;\n t2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1, q);\n# else\n {\n BN_ULONG ql, qh;\n t2l = LBITS(d1);\n t2h = HBITS(d1);\n ql = LBITS(q);\n qh = HBITS(q);\n mul64(t2l, t2h, ql, qh);\n }\n# endif\n for (;;) {\n if ((t2h < rem) || ((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= wnump[-2])))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n if (t2l < d1)\n t2h--;\n t2l -= d1;\n }\n# endif\n }\n# endif\n l0 = bn_mul_words(tmp->d, sdiv->d, div_n, q);\n tmp->d[div_n] = l0;\n wnum.d--;\n if (bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, tmp->d, div_n + 1)) {\n q--;\n if (bn_add_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n))\n (*wnump)++;\n }\n *resp = q;\n }\n bn_correct_top(snum);\n if (rm != NULL) {\n int neg = num->neg;\n BN_rshift(rm, snum, norm_shift);\n if (!BN_is_zero(rm))\n rm->neg = neg;\n bn_check_top(rm);\n }\n if (no_branch)\n bn_correct_top(res);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return (1);\n err:\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return (0);\n}', 'int BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n int i = a->top - 1;\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (BN_is_zero(a))\n return 0;\n return ((i * BN_BITS2) + BN_num_bits_word(a->d[i]));\n}', 'int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n)\n{\n int i, nw, lb, rb;\n BN_ULONG *t, *f;\n BN_ULONG l;\n bn_check_top(r);\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (n < 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_LSHIFT, BN_R_INVALID_SHIFT);\n return 0;\n }\n r->neg = a->neg;\n nw = n / BN_BITS2;\n if (bn_wexpand(r, a->top + nw + 1) == NULL)\n return (0);\n lb = n % BN_BITS2;\n rb = BN_BITS2 - lb;\n f = a->d;\n t = r->d;\n t[a->top + nw] = 0;\n if (lb == 0)\n for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--)\n t[nw + i] = f[i];\n else\n for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n l = f[i];\n t[nw + i + 1] |= (l >> rb) & BN_MASK2;\n t[nw + i] = (l << lb) & BN_MASK2;\n }\n memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t) * nw);\n r->top = a->top + nw + 1;\n bn_correct_top(r);\n bn_check_top(r);\n return (1);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}']
char *SSL_get_shared_ciphers(const SSL *s, char *buf, int size) { char *p; STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *clntsk, *srvrsk; const SSL_CIPHER *c; int i; if (!s->server || s->session == NULL || s->session->ciphers == NULL || size < 2) return NULL; p = buf; clntsk = s->session->ciphers; srvrsk = SSL_get_ciphers(s); if (clntsk == NULL || srvrsk == NULL) return NULL; if (sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(clntsk) == 0 || sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(srvrsk) == 0) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(clntsk); i++) { int n; c = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(clntsk, i); if (sk_SSL_CIPHER_find(srvrsk, c) < 0) continue; n = strlen(c->name); if (n + 1 > size) { if (p != buf) --p; *p = '\0'; return buf; } strcpy(p, c->name); p += n; *(p++) = ':'; size -= n + 1; } p[-1] = '\0'; return buf; }
['static int test_ssl_get_shared_ciphers(int tst)\n{\n SSL_CTX *cctx = NULL, *sctx = NULL;\n SSL *clientssl = NULL, *serverssl = NULL;\n int testresult = 0;\n char buf[1024];\n if (!TEST_true(create_ssl_ctx_pair(TLS_server_method(),\n TLS_client_method(),\n TLS1_VERSION,\n shared_ciphers_data[tst].maxprot,\n &sctx, &cctx, cert, privkey)))\n goto end;\n if (!TEST_true(SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(cctx,\n shared_ciphers_data[tst].clntciphers))\n || (shared_ciphers_data[tst].clnttls13ciphers != NULL\n && !TEST_true(SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites(cctx,\n shared_ciphers_data[tst].clnttls13ciphers)))\n || !TEST_true(SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(sctx,\n shared_ciphers_data[tst].srvrciphers))\n || (shared_ciphers_data[tst].srvrtls13ciphers != NULL\n && !TEST_true(SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites(sctx,\n shared_ciphers_data[tst].srvrtls13ciphers))))\n goto end;\n if (!TEST_true(create_ssl_objects(sctx, cctx, &serverssl, &clientssl,\n NULL, NULL))\n || !TEST_true(create_ssl_connection(serverssl, clientssl,\n SSL_ERROR_NONE)))\n goto end;\n if (!TEST_ptr(SSL_get_shared_ciphers(serverssl, buf, sizeof(buf)))\n || !TEST_int_eq(strcmp(buf, shared_ciphers_data[tst].shared), 0)) {\n TEST_info("Shared ciphers are: %s\\n", buf);\n goto end;\n }\n testresult = 1;\n end:\n SSL_free(serverssl);\n SSL_free(clientssl);\n SSL_CTX_free(sctx);\n SSL_CTX_free(cctx);\n return testresult;\n}', "char *SSL_get_shared_ciphers(const SSL *s, char *buf, int size)\n{\n char *p;\n STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *clntsk, *srvrsk;\n const SSL_CIPHER *c;\n int i;\n if (!s->server\n || s->session == NULL\n || s->session->ciphers == NULL\n || size < 2)\n return NULL;\n p = buf;\n clntsk = s->session->ciphers;\n srvrsk = SSL_get_ciphers(s);\n if (clntsk == NULL || srvrsk == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if (sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(clntsk) == 0 || sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(srvrsk) == 0)\n return NULL;\n for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(clntsk); i++) {\n int n;\n c = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(clntsk, i);\n if (sk_SSL_CIPHER_find(srvrsk, c) < 0)\n continue;\n n = strlen(c->name);\n if (n + 1 > size) {\n if (p != buf)\n --p;\n *p = '\\0';\n return buf;\n }\n strcpy(p, c->name);\n p += n;\n *(p++) = ':';\n size -= n + 1;\n }\n p[-1] = '\\0';\n return buf;\n}"]
static int decode_syncpoint(NUTContext *nut, int64_t *ts, int64_t *back_ptr){ AVFormatContext *s= nut->avf; AVIOContext *bc = s->pb; int64_t end, tmp; nut->last_syncpoint_pos= avio_tell(bc)-8; end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, SYNCPOINT_STARTCODE); end += avio_tell(bc); tmp= ffio_read_varlen(bc); *back_ptr= nut->last_syncpoint_pos - 16*ffio_read_varlen(bc); if(*back_ptr < 0) return -1; ff_nut_reset_ts(nut, nut->time_base[tmp % nut->time_base_count], tmp / nut->time_base_count); if(skip_reserved(bc, end) || get_checksum(bc)){ av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "sync point checksum mismatch\n"); return -1; } *ts= tmp / s->nb_streams * av_q2d(nut->time_base[tmp % s->nb_streams])*AV_TIME_BASE; ff_nut_add_sp(nut, nut->last_syncpoint_pos, *back_ptr, *ts); return 0; }
['static int decode_syncpoint(NUTContext *nut, int64_t *ts, int64_t *back_ptr){\n AVFormatContext *s= nut->avf;\n AVIOContext *bc = s->pb;\n int64_t end, tmp;\n nut->last_syncpoint_pos= avio_tell(bc)-8;\n end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, SYNCPOINT_STARTCODE);\n end += avio_tell(bc);\n tmp= ffio_read_varlen(bc);\n *back_ptr= nut->last_syncpoint_pos - 16*ffio_read_varlen(bc);\n if(*back_ptr < 0)\n return -1;\n ff_nut_reset_ts(nut, nut->time_base[tmp % nut->time_base_count], tmp / nut->time_base_count);\n if(skip_reserved(bc, end) || get_checksum(bc)){\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "sync point checksum mismatch\\n");\n return -1;\n }\n *ts= tmp / s->nb_streams * av_q2d(nut->time_base[tmp % s->nb_streams])*AV_TIME_BASE;\n ff_nut_add_sp(nut, nut->last_syncpoint_pos, *back_ptr, *ts);\n return 0;\n}', 'static av_always_inline int64_t avio_tell(AVIOContext *s)\n{\n return avio_seek(s, 0, SEEK_CUR);\n}', 'int64_t avio_seek(AVIOContext *s, int64_t offset, int whence)\n{\n int64_t offset1;\n int64_t pos;\n int force = whence & AVSEEK_FORCE;\n whence &= ~AVSEEK_FORCE;\n if(!s)\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n pos = s->pos - (s->write_flag ? 0 : (s->buf_end - s->buffer));\n if (whence != SEEK_CUR && whence != SEEK_SET)\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n if (whence == SEEK_CUR) {\n offset1 = pos + (s->buf_ptr - s->buffer);\n if (offset == 0)\n return offset1;\n offset += offset1;\n }\n offset1 = offset - pos;\n if (!s->must_flush &&\n offset1 >= 0 && offset1 <= (s->buf_end - s->buffer)) {\n s->buf_ptr = s->buffer + offset1;\n } else if ((s->is_streamed ||\n offset1 <= s->buf_end + SHORT_SEEK_THRESHOLD - s->buffer) &&\n !s->write_flag && offset1 >= 0 &&\n (whence != SEEK_END || force)) {\n while(s->pos < offset && !s->eof_reached)\n fill_buffer(s);\n if (s->eof_reached)\n return AVERROR_EOF;\n s->buf_ptr = s->buf_end + offset - s->pos;\n } else {\n int64_t res;\n#if CONFIG_MUXERS || CONFIG_NETWORK\n if (s->write_flag) {\n flush_buffer(s);\n s->must_flush = 1;\n }\n#endif\n if (!s->seek)\n return AVERROR(EPIPE);\n if ((res = s->seek(s->opaque, offset, SEEK_SET)) < 0)\n return res;\n if (!s->write_flag)\n s->buf_end = s->buffer;\n s->buf_ptr = s->buffer;\n s->pos = offset;\n }\n s->eof_reached = 0;\n return offset;\n}', 'uint64_t ffio_read_varlen(AVIOContext *bc){\n uint64_t val = 0;\n int tmp;\n do{\n tmp = avio_r8(bc);\n val= (val<<7) + (tmp&127);\n }while(tmp&128);\n return val;\n}']
static int decode_header_trees(SmackVContext *smk) { GetBitContext gb; int mmap_size, mclr_size, full_size, type_size; mmap_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata); mclr_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata + 4); full_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata + 8); type_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata + 12); init_get_bits(&gb, smk->avctx->extradata + 16, (smk->avctx->extradata_size - 16) * 8); if(!get_bits1(&gb)) { av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping MMAP tree\n"); smk->mmap_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2); smk->mmap_tbl[0] = 0; smk->mmap_last[0] = smk->mmap_last[1] = smk->mmap_last[2] = 1; } else { smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->mmap_tbl, smk->mmap_last, mmap_size); } if(!get_bits1(&gb)) { av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping MCLR tree\n"); smk->mclr_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2); smk->mclr_tbl[0] = 0; smk->mclr_last[0] = smk->mclr_last[1] = smk->mclr_last[2] = 1; } else { smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->mclr_tbl, smk->mclr_last, mclr_size); } if(!get_bits1(&gb)) { av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping FULL tree\n"); smk->full_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2); smk->full_tbl[0] = 0; smk->full_last[0] = smk->full_last[1] = smk->full_last[2] = 1; } else { smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->full_tbl, smk->full_last, full_size); } if(!get_bits1(&gb)) { av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping TYPE tree\n"); smk->type_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2); smk->type_tbl[0] = 0; smk->type_last[0] = smk->type_last[1] = smk->type_last[2] = 1; } else { smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->type_tbl, smk->type_last, type_size); } return 0; }
['static int decode_header_trees(SmackVContext *smk) {\n GetBitContext gb;\n int mmap_size, mclr_size, full_size, type_size;\n mmap_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata);\n mclr_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata + 4);\n full_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata + 8);\n type_size = AV_RL32(smk->avctx->extradata + 12);\n init_get_bits(&gb, smk->avctx->extradata + 16, (smk->avctx->extradata_size - 16) * 8);\n if(!get_bits1(&gb)) {\n av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping MMAP tree\\n");\n smk->mmap_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);\n smk->mmap_tbl[0] = 0;\n smk->mmap_last[0] = smk->mmap_last[1] = smk->mmap_last[2] = 1;\n } else {\n smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->mmap_tbl, smk->mmap_last, mmap_size);\n }\n if(!get_bits1(&gb)) {\n av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping MCLR tree\\n");\n smk->mclr_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);\n smk->mclr_tbl[0] = 0;\n smk->mclr_last[0] = smk->mclr_last[1] = smk->mclr_last[2] = 1;\n } else {\n smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->mclr_tbl, smk->mclr_last, mclr_size);\n }\n if(!get_bits1(&gb)) {\n av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping FULL tree\\n");\n smk->full_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);\n smk->full_tbl[0] = 0;\n smk->full_last[0] = smk->full_last[1] = smk->full_last[2] = 1;\n } else {\n smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->full_tbl, smk->full_last, full_size);\n }\n if(!get_bits1(&gb)) {\n av_log(smk->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping TYPE tree\\n");\n smk->type_tbl = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);\n smk->type_tbl[0] = 0;\n smk->type_last[0] = smk->type_last[1] = smk->type_last[2] = 1;\n } else {\n smacker_decode_header_tree(smk, &gb, &smk->type_tbl, smk->type_last, type_size);\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'static inline void init_get_bits(GetBitContext *s,\n const uint8_t *buffer, int bit_size)\n{\n int buffer_size= (bit_size+7)>>3;\n if(buffer_size < 0 || bit_size < 0) {\n buffer_size = bit_size = 0;\n buffer = NULL;\n }\n s->buffer= buffer;\n s->size_in_bits= bit_size;\n s->buffer_end= buffer + buffer_size;\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->index=0;\n#elif defined LIBMPEG2_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->buffer_ptr = (uint8_t*)((intptr_t)buffer&(~1));\n s->bit_count = 16 + 8*((intptr_t)buffer&1);\n skip_bits_long(s, 0);\n#elif defined A32_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->buffer_ptr = (uint32_t*)((intptr_t)buffer&(~3));\n s->bit_count = 32 + 8*((intptr_t)buffer&3);\n skip_bits_long(s, 0);\n#endif\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_bits1(GetBitContext *s){\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER\n unsigned int index= s->index;\n uint8_t result= s->buffer[ index>>3 ];\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n result>>= (index&0x07);\n result&= 1;\n#else\n result<<= (index&0x07);\n result>>= 8 - 1;\n#endif\n index++;\n s->index= index;\n return result;\n#else\n return get_bits(s, 1);\n#endif\n}', 'void *av_malloc(unsigned int size)\n{\n void *ptr = NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n long diff;\n#endif\n if(size > (INT_MAX-16) )\n return NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n ptr = malloc(size+16);\n if(!ptr)\n return ptr;\n diff= ((-(long)ptr - 1)&15) + 1;\n ptr = (char*)ptr + diff;\n ((char*)ptr)[-1]= diff;\n#elif HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN\n if (posix_memalign(&ptr,16,size))\n ptr = NULL;\n#elif HAVE_MEMALIGN\n ptr = memalign(16,size);\n#else\n ptr = malloc(size);\n#endif\n return ptr;\n}']
static int mac_test_parse(EVP_TEST *t, const char *keyword, const char *value) { MAC_DATA *mdata = t->data; if (strcmp(keyword, "Key") == 0) return parse_bin(value, &mdata->key, &mdata->key_len); if (strcmp(keyword, "IV") == 0) return parse_bin(value, &mdata->iv, &mdata->iv_len); if (strcmp(keyword, "Custom") == 0) return parse_bin(value, &mdata->custom, &mdata->custom_len); if (strcmp(keyword, "Algorithm") == 0) { mdata->alg = OPENSSL_strdup(value); if (!mdata->alg) return 0; return 1; } if (strcmp(keyword, "Input") == 0) return parse_bin(value, &mdata->input, &mdata->input_len); if (strcmp(keyword, "Output") == 0) return parse_bin(value, &mdata->output, &mdata->output_len); if (strcmp(keyword, "Ctrl") == 0) return sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(mdata->controls, OPENSSL_strdup(value)) != 0; return 0; }
['static int mac_test_parse(EVP_TEST *t,\n const char *keyword, const char *value)\n{\n MAC_DATA *mdata = t->data;\n if (strcmp(keyword, "Key") == 0)\n return parse_bin(value, &mdata->key, &mdata->key_len);\n if (strcmp(keyword, "IV") == 0)\n return parse_bin(value, &mdata->iv, &mdata->iv_len);\n if (strcmp(keyword, "Custom") == 0)\n return parse_bin(value, &mdata->custom, &mdata->custom_len);\n if (strcmp(keyword, "Algorithm") == 0) {\n mdata->alg = OPENSSL_strdup(value);\n if (!mdata->alg)\n return 0;\n return 1;\n }\n if (strcmp(keyword, "Input") == 0)\n return parse_bin(value, &mdata->input, &mdata->input_len);\n if (strcmp(keyword, "Output") == 0)\n return parse_bin(value, &mdata->output, &mdata->output_len);\n if (strcmp(keyword, "Ctrl") == 0)\n return sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(mdata->controls,\n OPENSSL_strdup(value)) != 0;\n return 0;\n}', 'char *CRYPTO_strdup(const char *str, const char* file, int line)\n{\n char *ret;\n if (str == NULL)\n return NULL;\n ret = CRYPTO_malloc(strlen(str) + 1, file, line);\n if (ret != NULL)\n strcpy(ret, str);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n INCREMENT(malloc_count);\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n if (allow_customize) {\n allow_customize = 0;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)(file); (void)(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING, char)', 'int OPENSSL_sk_push(OPENSSL_STACK *st, const void *data)\n{\n if (st == NULL)\n return -1;\n return OPENSSL_sk_insert(st, data, st->num);\n}', 'int OPENSSL_sk_insert(OPENSSL_STACK *st, const void *data, int loc)\n{\n if (st == NULL || st->num == max_nodes)\n return 0;\n if (!sk_reserve(st, 1, 0))\n return 0;\n if ((loc >= st->num) || (loc < 0)) {\n st->data[st->num] = data;\n } else {\n memmove(&st->data[loc + 1], &st->data[loc],\n sizeof(st->data[0]) * (st->num - loc));\n st->data[loc] = data;\n }\n st->num++;\n st->sorted = 0;\n return st->num;\n}']
int EVP_PKEY_keygen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY **ppkey) { int ret; if (!ctx || !ctx->pmeth || !ctx->pmeth->keygen) { EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_PKEY_KEYGEN, EVP_R_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_KEYTYPE); return -2; } if (ctx->operation != EVP_PKEY_OP_KEYGEN) { EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_PKEY_KEYGEN, EVP_R_OPERATON_NOT_INITIALIZED); return -1; } if (ppkey == NULL) return -1; if (*ppkey == NULL) *ppkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (*ppkey == NULL) return -1; ret = ctx->pmeth->keygen(ctx, *ppkey); if (ret <= 0) { EVP_PKEY_free(*ppkey); *ppkey = NULL; } return ret; }
['int EVP_PKEY_keygen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY **ppkey)\n{\n int ret;\n if (!ctx || !ctx->pmeth || !ctx->pmeth->keygen) {\n EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_PKEY_KEYGEN,\n EVP_R_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_KEYTYPE);\n return -2;\n }\n if (ctx->operation != EVP_PKEY_OP_KEYGEN) {\n EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_PKEY_KEYGEN, EVP_R_OPERATON_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n return -1;\n }\n if (ppkey == NULL)\n return -1;\n if (*ppkey == NULL)\n *ppkey = EVP_PKEY_new();\n if (*ppkey == NULL)\n return -1;\n ret = ctx->pmeth->keygen(ctx, *ppkey);\n if (ret <= 0) {\n EVP_PKEY_free(*ppkey);\n *ppkey = NULL;\n }\n return ret;\n}', 'EVP_PKEY *EVP_PKEY_new(void)\n{\n EVP_PKEY *ret;\n ret = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*ret));\n if (ret == NULL) {\n EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_PKEY_NEW, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return (NULL);\n }\n ret->type = EVP_PKEY_NONE;\n ret->save_type = EVP_PKEY_NONE;\n ret->references = 1;\n ret->ameth = NULL;\n ret->engine = NULL;\n ret->pkey.ptr = NULL;\n ret->attributes = NULL;\n ret->save_parameters = 1;\n return (ret);\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (num <= 0)\n return NULL;\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)file;\n (void)line;\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ\n if (ret && (num > 2048)) {\n extern unsigned char cleanse_ctr;\n ((unsigned char *)ret)[0] = cleanse_ctr;\n }\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'void EVP_PKEY_free(EVP_PKEY *x)\n{\n int i;\n if (x == NULL)\n return;\n i = CRYPTO_add(&x->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EVP_PKEY);\n REF_PRINT_COUNT("EVP_PKEY", x);\n if (i > 0)\n return;\n REF_ASSERT_ISNT(i < 0);\n EVP_PKEY_free_it(x);\n sk_X509_ATTRIBUTE_pop_free(x->attributes, X509_ATTRIBUTE_free);\n OPENSSL_free(x);\n}', 'int CRYPTO_add_lock(int *pointer, int amount, int type, const char *file,\n int line)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n if (add_lock_callback != NULL) {\n#ifdef LOCK_DEBUG\n int before = *pointer;\n#endif\n ret = add_lock_callback(pointer, amount, type, file, line);\n#ifdef LOCK_DEBUG\n {\n CRYPTO_THREADID id;\n CRYPTO_THREADID_current(&id);\n fprintf(stderr, "ladd:%08lx:%2d+%2d->%2d %-18s %s:%d\\n",\n CRYPTO_THREADID_hash(&id), before, amount, ret,\n CRYPTO_get_lock_name(type), file, line);\n }\n#endif\n } else {\n CRYPTO_lock(CRYPTO_LOCK | CRYPTO_WRITE, type, file, line);\n ret = *pointer + amount;\n#ifdef LOCK_DEBUG\n {\n CRYPTO_THREADID id;\n CRYPTO_THREADID_current(&id);\n fprintf(stderr, "ladd:%08lx:%2d+%2d->%2d %-18s %s:%d\\n",\n CRYPTO_THREADID_hash(&id),\n *pointer, amount, ret,\n CRYPTO_get_lock_name(type), file, line);\n }\n#endif\n *pointer = ret;\n CRYPTO_lock(CRYPTO_UNLOCK | CRYPTO_WRITE, type, file, line);\n }\n return (ret);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_lock(int mode, int type, const char *file, int line)\n{\n#ifdef LOCK_DEBUG\n {\n CRYPTO_THREADID id;\n char *rw_text, *operation_text;\n if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)\n operation_text = "lock ";\n else if (mode & CRYPTO_UNLOCK)\n operation_text = "unlock";\n else\n operation_text = "ERROR ";\n if (mode & CRYPTO_READ)\n rw_text = "r";\n else if (mode & CRYPTO_WRITE)\n rw_text = "w";\n else\n rw_text = "ERROR";\n CRYPTO_THREADID_current(&id);\n fprintf(stderr, "lock:%08lx:(%s)%s %-18s %s:%d\\n",\n CRYPTO_THREADID_hash(&id), rw_text, operation_text,\n CRYPTO_get_lock_name(type), file, line);\n }\n#endif\n if (type < 0) {\n if (dynlock_lock_callback != NULL) {\n struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *pointer\n = CRYPTO_get_dynlock_value(type);\n OPENSSL_assert(pointer != NULL);\n dynlock_lock_callback(mode, pointer, file, line);\n CRYPTO_destroy_dynlockid(type);\n }\n } else if (locking_callback != NULL)\n locking_callback(mode, type, file, line);\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['static int test_modexp_mont5(void)\n{\n BIGNUM *a = NULL, *p = NULL, *m = NULL, *d = NULL, *e = NULL;\n BIGNUM *b = NULL, *n = NULL, *c = NULL;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n int st = 0;\n if (!TEST_ptr(a = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(p = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(m = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(d = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(e = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(b = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(n = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(c = BN_new())\n || !TEST_ptr(mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new()))\n goto err;\n BN_bntest_rand(m, 1024, 0, 1);\n BN_bntest_rand(a, 1024, 0, 0);\n BN_zero(p);\n if (!TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(d, a, p, m, ctx, NULL)))\n goto err;\n if (!TEST_BN_eq_one(d))\n goto err;\n BN_hex2bn(&a,\n "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878"\n "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878"\n "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878"\n "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878");\n BN_hex2bn(&b,\n "095D72C08C097BA488C5E439C655A192EAFB6380073D8C2664668EDDB4060744"\n "E16E57FB4EDB9AE10A0CEFCDC28A894F689A128379DB279D48A2E20849D68593"\n "9B7803BCF46CEBF5C533FB0DD35B080593DE5472E3FE5DB951B8BFF9B4CB8F03"\n "9CC638A5EE8CDD703719F8000E6A9F63BEED5F2FCD52FF293EA05A251BB4AB81");\n BN_hex2bn(&n,\n "D78AF684E71DB0C39CFF4E64FB9DB567132CB9C50CC98009FEB820B26F2DED9B"\n "91B9B5E2B83AE0AE4EB4E0523CA726BFBE969B89FD754F674CE99118C3F2D1C5"\n "D81FDC7C54E02B60262B241D53C040E99E45826ECA37A804668E690E1AFC1CA4"\n "2C9A15D84D4954425F0B7642FC0BD9D7B24E2618D2DCC9B729D944BADACFDDAF");\n BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, n, ctx);\n BN_mod_mul_montgomery(c, a, b, mont, ctx);\n BN_mod_mul_montgomery(d, b, a, mont, ctx);\n if (!TEST_BN_eq(c, d))\n goto err;\n parse_bigBN(&n, bn1strings);\n parse_bigBN(&a, bn2strings);\n BN_free(b);\n b = BN_dup(a);\n BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, n, ctx);\n BN_mod_mul_montgomery(c, a, a, mont, ctx);\n BN_mod_mul_montgomery(d, a, b, mont, ctx);\n if (!TEST_BN_eq(c, d))\n goto err;\n {\n static const char *ahex[] = {\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8FFEADBCFC4DAE7FFF908E92820306B",\n "9544D954000000006C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",\n "00000000000000000000FF030202FFFFF8FFEBDBCFC4DAE7FFF908E92820306B",\n "9544D954000000006C000000FF0302030000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF01FC00FF02FFFFFFFF",\n "00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00FCFD",\n "FCFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000FF0302030000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FF00FCFDFDFF030202FF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00FCFDFCFFFFFFFFFF",\n NULL\n };\n static const char *nhex[] = {\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8F8F8F8000000",\n "00000010000000006C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",\n "00000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFF8F8F8F8000000",\n "00000010000000006C000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",\n NULL\n };\n parse_bigBN(&a, ahex);\n parse_bigBN(&n, nhex);\n }\n BN_free(b);\n b = BN_dup(a);\n BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, n, ctx);\n if (!TEST_true(BN_mod_mul_montgomery(c, a, a, mont, ctx))\n || !TEST_true(BN_mod_mul_montgomery(d, a, b, mont, ctx))\n || !TEST_BN_eq(c, d))\n goto err;\n BN_hex2bn(&a,\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");\n BN_hex2bn(&n,\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");\n BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, n, ctx);\n if (!TEST_false(BN_mod_mul_montgomery(d, a, a, mont, ctx)))\n goto err;\n BN_hex2bn(&a,\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2020202020DF");\n BN_hex2bn(&b,\n "2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020"\n "2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020"\n "20202020202020FF202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020"\n "2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020");\n BN_hex2bn(&n,\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"\n "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2020202020FF");\n BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, n, ctx);\n BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(c, a, b, n, ctx, mont);\n BN_mod_exp_mont(d, a, b, n, ctx, mont);\n if (!TEST_BN_eq(c, d))\n goto err;\n BN_bntest_rand(p, 1024, 0, 0);\n BN_zero(a);\n if (!TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(d, a, p, m, ctx, NULL))\n || !TEST_BN_eq_zero(d))\n goto err;\n BN_one(a);\n BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx);\n if (!TEST_true(BN_from_montgomery(e, a, mont, ctx))\n || !TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(d, e, p, m, ctx, NULL))\n || !TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_simple(a, e, p, m, ctx))\n || !TEST_BN_eq(a, d))\n goto err;\n BN_bntest_rand(e, 1024, 0, 0);\n if (!TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(d, e, p, m, ctx, NULL))\n || !TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_simple(a, e, p, m, ctx))\n || !TEST_BN_eq(a, d))\n goto err;\n st = 1;\nerr:\n BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n BN_free(a);\n BN_free(p);\n BN_free(m);\n BN_free(d);\n BN_free(e);\n BN_free(b);\n BN_free(n);\n BN_free(c);\n return st;\n}', 'int BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,\n const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,\n BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont)\n{\n int i, bits, ret = 0, window, wvalue, wmask, window0;\n int top;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n int numPowers;\n unsigned char *powerbufFree = NULL;\n int powerbufLen = 0;\n unsigned char *powerbuf = NULL;\n BIGNUM tmp, am;\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n unsigned int t4 = 0;\n#endif\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(p);\n bn_check_top(m);\n if (!BN_is_odd(m)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_EXP_MONT_CONSTTIME, BN_R_CALLED_WITH_EVEN_MODULUS);\n return 0;\n }\n top = m->top;\n bits = p->top * BN_BITS2;\n if (bits == 0) {\n if (BN_abs_is_word(m, 1)) {\n ret = 1;\n BN_zero(rr);\n } else {\n ret = BN_one(rr);\n }\n return ret;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if (in_mont != NULL)\n mont = in_mont;\n else {\n if ((mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n#ifdef RSAZ_ENABLED\n if (!a->neg) {\n if ((16 == a->top) && (16 == p->top) && (BN_num_bits(m) == 1024)\n && rsaz_avx2_eligible()) {\n if (NULL == bn_wexpand(rr, 16))\n goto err;\n RSAZ_1024_mod_exp_avx2(rr->d, a->d, p->d, m->d, mont->RR.d,\n mont->n0[0]);\n rr->top = 16;\n rr->neg = 0;\n bn_correct_top(rr);\n ret = 1;\n goto err;\n } else if ((8 == a->top) && (8 == p->top) && (BN_num_bits(m) == 512)) {\n if (NULL == bn_wexpand(rr, 8))\n goto err;\n RSAZ_512_mod_exp(rr->d, a->d, p->d, m->d, mont->n0[0], mont->RR.d);\n rr->top = 8;\n rr->neg = 0;\n bn_correct_top(rr);\n ret = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n }\n#endif\n window = BN_window_bits_for_ctime_exponent_size(bits);\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (window >= 5 && (top & 15) == 0 && top <= 64 &&\n (OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[1] & (CFR_MONTMUL | CFR_MONTSQR)) ==\n (CFR_MONTMUL | CFR_MONTSQR) && (t4 = OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[0]))\n window = 5;\n else\n#endif\n#if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5)\n if (window >= 5) {\n window = 5;\n powerbufLen += top * sizeof(mont->N.d[0]);\n }\n#endif\n (void)0;\n numPowers = 1 << window;\n powerbufLen += sizeof(m->d[0]) * (top * numPowers +\n ((2 * top) >\n numPowers ? (2 * top) : numPowers));\n#ifdef alloca\n if (powerbufLen < 3072)\n powerbufFree =\n alloca(powerbufLen + MOD_EXP_CTIME_MIN_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH);\n else\n#endif\n if ((powerbufFree =\n OPENSSL_malloc(powerbufLen + MOD_EXP_CTIME_MIN_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH))\n == NULL)\n goto err;\n powerbuf = MOD_EXP_CTIME_ALIGN(powerbufFree);\n memset(powerbuf, 0, powerbufLen);\n#ifdef alloca\n if (powerbufLen < 3072)\n powerbufFree = NULL;\n#endif\n tmp.d = (BN_ULONG *)(powerbuf + sizeof(m->d[0]) * top * numPowers);\n am.d = tmp.d + top;\n = = 0;\n tmp.dmax = am.dmax = top;\n tmp.neg = am.neg = 0;\n tmp.flags = am.flags = BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA;\n#if 1\n if (m->d[top - 1] & (((BN_ULONG)1) << (BN_BITS2 - 1))) {\n tmp.d[0] = (0 - m->d[0]) & BN_MASK2;\n for (i = 1; i < top; i++)\n tmp.d[i] = (~m->d[i]) & BN_MASK2;\n = top;\n } else\n#endif\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, BN_value_one(), mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (a->neg || BN_ucmp(a, m) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(&am, a, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(&am, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(&am, a, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (t4) {\n typedef int (*bn_pwr5_mont_f) (BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_8(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_16(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_24(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_32(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n static const bn_pwr5_mont_f pwr5_funcs[4] = {\n bn_pwr5_mont_t4_8, bn_pwr5_mont_t4_16,\n bn_pwr5_mont_t4_24, bn_pwr5_mont_t4_32\n };\n bn_pwr5_mont_f pwr5_worker = pwr5_funcs[top / 16 - 1];\n typedef int (*bn_mul_mont_f) (BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_8(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const void *bp,\n const BN_ULONG *np, const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_16(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_24(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_32(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n static const bn_mul_mont_f mul_funcs[4] = {\n bn_mul_mont_t4_8, bn_mul_mont_t4_16,\n bn_mul_mont_t4_24, bn_mul_mont_t4_32\n };\n bn_mul_mont_f mul_worker = mul_funcs[top / 16 - 1];\n void bn_mul_mont_vis3(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);\n void bn_mul_mont_t4(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);\n void bn_mul_mont_gather5_t4(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *table, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num, int power);\n void bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(const BN_ULONG *inp, size_t num,\n void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_gather5_t4(BN_ULONG *out, size_t num,\n void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_flip_t4(BN_ULONG *dst, BN_ULONG *src, size_t num);\n BN_ULONG *np = mont->N.d, *n0 = mont->n0;\n int stride = 5 * (6 - (top / 16 - 1));\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n am.d[i] = 0;\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n tmp.d[i] = 0;\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 0);\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(am.d, top, powerbuf, 1);\n if (!(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0) &&\n !(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0))\n bn_mul_mont_vis3(tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 2);\n for (i = 3; i < 32; i++) {\n if (!(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, tmp.d, am.d, np, n0) &&\n !(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, tmp.d, am.d, np, n0))\n bn_mul_mont_vis3(tmp.d, tmp.d, am.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n np = alloca(top * sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n top /= 2;\n bn_flip_t4(np, mont->N.d, top);\n window0 = (bits - 1) % 5 + 1;\n wmask = (1 << window0) - 1;\n bits -= window0;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n bn_gather5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, wvalue);\n while (bits > 0) {\n if (bits < stride)\n stride = bits;\n bits -= stride;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits);\n if ((*pwr5_worker) (tmp.d, np, n0, powerbuf, wvalue, stride))\n continue;\n if ((*pwr5_worker) (tmp.d, np, n0, powerbuf, wvalue, stride))\n continue;\n bits += stride - 5;\n wvalue >>= stride - 5;\n wvalue &= 31;\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_gather5_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top,\n wvalue);\n }\n bn_flip_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, top);\n top *= 2;\n = top;\n bn_correct_top(&tmp);\n OPENSSL_cleanse(np, top * sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n } else\n#endif\n#if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5)\n if (window == 5 && top > 1) {\n void bn_mul_mont_gather5(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *table, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num, int power);\n void bn_scatter5(const BN_ULONG *inp, size_t num,\n void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_gather5(BN_ULONG *out, size_t num, void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_power5(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *table, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num, int power);\n int bn_get_bits5(const BN_ULONG *ap, int off);\n int bn_from_montgomery(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const BN_ULONG *not_used, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);\n BN_ULONG *n0 = mont->n0, *np;\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n am.d[i] = 0;\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n tmp.d[i] = 0;\n for (np = am.d + top, i = 0; i < top; i++)\n np[i] = mont->N.d[i];\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 0);\n bn_scatter5(am.d,, powerbuf, 1);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 2);\n# if 0\n for (i = 3; i < 32; i++) {\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n# else\n for (i = 4; i < 32; i *= 2) {\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n for (i = 3; i < 8; i += 2) {\n int j;\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n for (j = 2 * i; j < 32; j *= 2) {\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, j);\n }\n }\n for (; i < 16; i += 2) {\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 2 * i);\n }\n for (; i < 32; i += 2) {\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n# endif\n window0 = (bits - 1) % 5 + 1;\n wmask = (1 << window0) - 1;\n bits -= window0;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n bn_gather5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, wvalue);\n if (top & 7) {\n while (bits > 0) {\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, tmp.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top,\n bn_get_bits5(p->d, bits -= 5));\n }\n } else {\n while (bits > 0) {\n bn_power5(tmp.d, tmp.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top,\n bn_get_bits5(p->d, bits -= 5));\n }\n }\n ret = bn_from_montgomery(tmp.d, tmp.d, NULL, np, n0, top);\n = top;\n bn_correct_top(&tmp);\n if (ret) {\n if (!BN_copy(rr, &tmp))\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n } else\n#endif\n {\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, 0, window))\n goto err;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&am, top, powerbuf, 1, window))\n goto err;\n if (window > 1) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &am, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, 2,\n window))\n goto err;\n for (i = 3; i < numPowers; i++) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &am, &tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, i,\n window))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n window0 = (bits - 1) % window + 1;\n wmask = (1 << window0) - 1;\n bits -= window0;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_FROM_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, wvalue,\n window))\n goto err;\n wmask = (1 << window) - 1;\n while (bits > 0) {\n for (i = 0; i < window; i++)\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &tmp, &tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n bits -= window;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_FROM_PREBUF(&am, top, powerbuf, wvalue,\n window))\n goto err;\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &tmp, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[0] & (SPARCV9_VIS3 | SPARCV9_PREFER_FPU)) {\n am.d[0] = 1;\n for (i = 1; i < top; i++)\n am.d[i] = 0;\n if (!BN_mod_mul_montgomery(rr, &tmp, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else\n#endif\n if (!BN_from_montgomery(rr, &tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (in_mont == NULL)\n BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n if (powerbuf != NULL) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(powerbuf, powerbufLen);\n OPENSSL_free(powerbufFree);\n }\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_start", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'int BN_MONT_CTX_set(BN_MONT_CTX *mont, const BIGNUM *mod, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int i, ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *Ri, *R;\n if (BN_is_zero(mod))\n return 0;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((Ri = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n R = &(mont->RR);\n if (!BN_copy(&(mont->N), mod))\n goto err;\n if (BN_get_flags(mod, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n BN_set_flags(&(mont->N), BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n mont->N.neg = 0;\n#ifdef MONT_WORD\n {\n BIGNUM tmod;\n BN_ULONG buf[2];\n bn_init(&tmod);\n tmod.d = buf;\n tmod.dmax = 2;\n tmod.neg = 0;\n if (BN_get_flags(mod, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n BN_set_flags(&tmod, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n mont->ri = (BN_num_bits(mod) + (BN_BITS2 - 1)) / BN_BITS2 * BN_BITS2;\n# if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT) && (BN_BITS2<=32)\n BN_zero(R);\n if (!(BN_set_bit(R, 2 * BN_BITS2)))\n goto err;\n = 0;\n if ((buf[0] = mod->d[0]))\n = 1;\n if ((buf[1] = mod->top > 1 ? mod->d[1] : 0))\n = 2;\n if (BN_is_one(&tmod))\n BN_zero(Ri);\n else if ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri, R, &tmod, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_lshift(Ri, Ri, 2 * BN_BITS2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_is_zero(Ri)) {\n if (!BN_sub_word(Ri, 1))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (bn_expand(Ri, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n Ri->neg = 0;\n Ri->d[0] = BN_MASK2;\n Ri->d[1] = BN_MASK2;\n Ri->top = 2;\n }\n if (!BN_div(Ri, NULL, Ri, &tmod, ctx))\n goto err;\n mont->n0[0] = (Ri->top > 0) ? Ri->d[0] : 0;\n mont->n0[1] = (Ri->top > 1) ? Ri->d[1] : 0;\n# else\n BN_zero(R);\n if (!(BN_set_bit(R, BN_BITS2)))\n goto err;\n buf[0] = mod->d[0];\n buf[1] = 0;\n = buf[0] != 0 ? 1 : 0;\n if (BN_is_one(&tmod))\n BN_zero(Ri);\n else if ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri, R, &tmod, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_lshift(Ri, Ri, BN_BITS2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_is_zero(Ri)) {\n if (!BN_sub_word(Ri, 1))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(Ri, BN_MASK2))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_div(Ri, NULL, Ri, &tmod, ctx))\n goto err;\n mont->n0[0] = (Ri->top > 0) ? Ri->d[0] : 0;\n mont->n0[1] = 0;\n# endif\n }\n#else\n {\n mont->ri = BN_num_bits(&mont->N);\n BN_zero(R);\n if (!BN_set_bit(R, mont->ri))\n goto err;\n if ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri, R, &mont->N, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_lshift(Ri, Ri, mont->ri))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub_word(Ri, 1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_div(&(mont->Ni), NULL, Ri, &mont->N, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n#endif\n BN_zero(&(mont->RR));\n if (!BN_set_bit(&(mont->RR), mont->ri * 2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod(&(mont->RR), &(mont->RR), &(mont->N), ctx))\n goto err;\n for (i = mont->, ret = mont->; i < ret; i++)\n mont->RR.d[i] = 0;\n mont-> = ret;\n mont->RR.flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *rv;\n int noinv;\n rv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);\n if (noinv)\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE, BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n return rv;\n}', 'BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,\n int *pnoinv)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n if (BN_abs_is_word(n, 1) || BN_is_zero(n)) {\n if (pnoinv != NULL)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n return NULL;\n }\n if (pnoinv != NULL)\n *pnoinv = 0;\n if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n sign = -1;\n if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= 2048)) {\n int shift;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(X)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(X, X))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(Y)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(B, B, A))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(A, A, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B)) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, T) < 0) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, T))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(D, T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, D) < 0) {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 2))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 3))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, M, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_div(D, M, A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (BN_is_one(D)) {\n if (!BN_add(tmp, X, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_is_word(D, 2)) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_is_word(D, 4)) {\n if (!BN_lshift(tmp, X, 2))\n goto err;\n } else if (D->top == 1) {\n if (!BN_copy(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul_word(tmp, D->d[0]))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'static BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n {\n BIGNUM local_B;\n bn_init(&local_B);\n BN_with_flags(&local_B, B, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, &local_B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n sign = -1;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n {\n BIGNUM local_A;\n bn_init(&local_A);\n BN_with_flags(&local_A, A, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n if (!BN_div(D, M, &local_A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE_NO_BRANCH, BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_nnmod(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *m, const BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n if (!(BN_mod(r, m, d, ctx)))\n return 0;\n if (!r->neg)\n return 1;\n return (d->neg ? BN_sub : BN_add) (r, r, d);\n}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int norm_shift, i, loop;\n BIGNUM *tmp, wnum, *snum, *sdiv, *res;\n BN_ULONG *resp, *wnump;\n BN_ULONG d0, d1;\n int num_n, div_n;\n int no_branch = 0;\n if ((num->top > 0 && num->d[num->top - 1] == 0) ||\n (divisor->top > 0 && divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] == 0)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n return 0;\n }\n bn_check_top(num);\n bn_check_top(divisor);\n if ((BN_get_flags(num, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(divisor, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n no_branch = 1;\n }\n bn_check_top(dv);\n bn_check_top(rm);\n if (BN_is_zero(divisor)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!no_branch && BN_ucmp(num, divisor) < 0) {\n if (rm != NULL) {\n if (BN_copy(rm, num) == NULL)\n return 0;\n }\n if (dv != NULL)\n BN_zero(dv);\n return 1;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n res = (dv == NULL) ? BN_CTX_get(ctx) : dv;\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n snum = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n sdiv = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (sdiv == NULL)\n goto err;\n norm_shift = BN_BITS2 - ((BN_num_bits(divisor)) % BN_BITS2);\n if (!(BN_lshift(sdiv, divisor, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n sdiv->neg = 0;\n norm_shift += BN_BITS2;\n if (!(BN_lshift(snum, num, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n snum->neg = 0;\n if (no_branch) {\n if (snum->top <= sdiv->top + 1) {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, sdiv->top + 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n for (i = snum->top; i < sdiv->top + 2; i++)\n snum->d[i] = 0;\n snum->top = sdiv->top + 2;\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, snum->top + 1) == NULL)\n goto err;\n snum->d[snum->top] = 0;\n snum->top++;\n }\n }\n div_n = sdiv->top;\n num_n = snum->top;\n loop = num_n - div_n;\n wnum.neg = 0;\n wnum.d = &(snum->d[loop]);\n = div_n;\n wnum.flags = BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA;\n wnum.dmax = snum->dmax - loop;\n d0 = sdiv->d[div_n - 1];\n d1 = (div_n == 1) ? 0 : sdiv->d[div_n - 2];\n wnump = &(snum->d[num_n - 1]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(res, (loop + 1)))\n goto err;\n res->neg = (num->neg ^ divisor->neg);\n res->top = loop - no_branch;\n resp = &(res->d[loop - 1]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(tmp, (div_n + 1)))\n goto err;\n if (!no_branch) {\n if (BN_ucmp(&wnum, sdiv) >= 0) {\n bn_clear_top2max(&wnum);\n bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n);\n *resp = 1;\n } else\n res->top--;\n }\n resp++;\n if (res->top == 0)\n res->neg = 0;\n else\n resp--;\n for (i = 0; i < loop - 1; i++, wnump--) {\n BN_ULONG q, l0;\n# if defined(BN_DIV3W) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM)\n BN_ULONG bn_div_3_words(BN_ULONG *, BN_ULONG, BN_ULONG);\n q = bn_div_3_words(wnump, d1, d0);\n# else\n BN_ULONG n0, n1, rem = 0;\n n0 = wnump[0];\n n1 = wnump[-1];\n if (n0 == d0)\n q = BN_MASK2;\n else {\n# ifdef BN_LLONG\n BN_ULLONG t2;\n# if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n q = (BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG) n0) << BN_BITS2) | n1) / d0);\n# else\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# endif\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n t2 = (BN_ULLONG) d1 *q;\n for (;;) {\n if (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG) rem) << BN_BITS2) | wnump[-2]))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n t2 -= d1;\n }\n# else\n BN_ULONG t2l, t2h;\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n# if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n BN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l, t2h, d1, q);\n# elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n t2l = d1 * q;\n t2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1, q);\n# else\n {\n BN_ULONG ql, qh;\n t2l = LBITS(d1);\n t2h = HBITS(d1);\n ql = LBITS(q);\n qh = HBITS(q);\n mul64(t2l, t2h, ql, qh);\n }\n# endif\n for (;;) {\n if ((t2h < rem) || ((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= wnump[-2])))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n if (t2l < d1)\n t2h--;\n t2l -= d1;\n }\n# endif\n }\n# endif\n l0 = bn_mul_words(tmp->d, sdiv->d, div_n, q);\n tmp->d[div_n] = l0;\n wnum.d--;\n if (bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, tmp->d, div_n + 1)) {\n q--;\n if (bn_add_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n))\n (*wnump)++;\n }\n resp--;\n *resp = q;\n }\n bn_correct_top(snum);\n if (rm != NULL) {\n int neg = num->neg;\n BN_rshift(rm, snum, norm_shift);\n if (!BN_is_zero(rm))\n rm->neg = neg;\n bn_check_top(rm);\n }\n if (no_branch)\n bn_correct_top(res);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 0;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_end", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
static void pred4x4_down_left_rv40_nodown_c(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *topright, int stride){ LOAD_TOP_EDGE LOAD_TOP_RIGHT_EDGE LOAD_LEFT_EDGE src[0+0*stride]=(t0 + t2 + 2*t1 + 2 + l0 + l2 + 2*l1 + 2)>>3; src[1+0*stride]= src[0+1*stride]=(t1 + t3 + 2*t2 + 2 + l1 + l3 + 2*l2 + 2)>>3; src[2+0*stride]= src[1+1*stride]= src[0+2*stride]=(t2 + t4 + 2*t3 + 2 + l2 + 3*l3 + 2)>>3; src[3+0*stride]= src[2+1*stride]= src[1+2*stride]= src[0+3*stride]=(t3 + t5 + 2*t4 + 2 + l3*4 + 2)>>3; src[3+1*stride]= src[2+2*stride]= src[1+3*stride]=(t4 + t6 + 2*t5 + 2 + l3*4 + 2)>>3; src[3+2*stride]= src[2+3*stride]=(t5 + t7 + 2*t6 + 2 + l3*4 + 2)>>3; src[3+3*stride]=(t6 + t7 + 1 + 2*l3 + 1)>>2; }
['static void pred4x4_down_left_rv40_nodown_c(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *topright, int stride){\n LOAD_TOP_EDGE\n LOAD_TOP_RIGHT_EDGE\n LOAD_LEFT_EDGE\n src[0+0*stride]=(t0 + t2 + 2*t1 + 2 + l0 + l2 + 2*l1 + 2)>>3;\n src[1+0*stride]=\n src[0+1*stride]=(t1 + t3 + 2*t2 + 2 + l1 + l3 + 2*l2 + 2)>>3;\n src[2+0*stride]=\n src[1+1*stride]=\n src[0+2*stride]=(t2 + t4 + 2*t3 + 2 + l2 + 3*l3 + 2)>>3;\n src[3+0*stride]=\n src[2+1*stride]=\n src[1+2*stride]=\n src[0+3*stride]=(t3 + t5 + 2*t4 + 2 + l3*4 + 2)>>3;\n src[3+1*stride]=\n src[2+2*stride]=\n src[1+3*stride]=(t4 + t6 + 2*t5 + 2 + l3*4 + 2)>>3;\n src[3+2*stride]=\n src[2+3*stride]=(t5 + t7 + 2*t6 + 2 + l3*4 + 2)>>3;\n src[3+3*stride]=(t6 + t7 + 1 + 2*l3 + 1)>>2;\n}']
void TIFFReverseBits(uint8* cp, tmsize_t n) { for (; n > 8; n -= 8) { cp[0] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[0]]; cp[1] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[1]]; cp[2] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[2]]; cp[3] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[3]]; cp[4] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[4]]; cp[5] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[5]]; cp[6] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[6]]; cp[7] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[7]]; cp += 8; } while (n-- > 0) *cp = TIFFBitRevTable[*cp], cp++; }
['tsize_t t2p_write_pdf(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input, TIFF* output){\n\ttsize_t written=0;\n\tttile_t i2=0;\n\ttsize_t streamlen=0;\n\tuint16 i=0;\n\tt2p_read_tiff_init(t2p, input);\n\tif(t2p->t2p_error!=T2P_ERR_OK){return(0);}\n\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets= (uint32*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->pdf_xrefcount * sizeof(uint32) );\n\tif(t2p->pdf_xrefoffsets==NULL){\n\t\tTIFFError(\n\t\t\tTIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %u bytes of memory for t2p_write_pdf",\n\t\t\t(unsigned int) (t2p->pdf_xrefcount * sizeof(uint32)) );\n\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\treturn(written);\n\t}\n\tt2p->pdf_xrefcount=0;\n\tt2p->pdf_catalog=1;\n\tt2p->pdf_info=2;\n\tt2p->pdf_pages=3;\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_header(t2p, output);\n\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\tt2p->pdf_catalog=t2p->pdf_xrefcount;\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_catalog(t2p, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\tt2p->pdf_info=t2p->pdf_xrefcount;\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_info(t2p, input, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\tt2p->pdf_pages=t2p->pdf_xrefcount;\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_pages(t2p, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\tfor(t2p->pdf_page=0;t2p->pdf_page<t2p->tiff_pagecount;t2p->pdf_page++){\n\t\tt2p_read_tiff_data(t2p, input);\n\t\tif(t2p->t2p_error!=T2P_ERR_OK){return(0);}\n\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_page(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, t2p, output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_start(output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict(0, t2p->pdf_xrefcount+1, output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_end(output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_start(output);\n\t\tstreamlen=written;\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_page_content_stream(t2p, output);\n\t\tstreamlen=written-streamlen;\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_end(output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_length(streamlen, output);\n\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\tif(t2p->tiff_transferfunctioncount != 0){\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_transfer(t2p, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t\tfor(i=0; i < t2p->tiff_transferfunctioncount; i++){\n\t\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_start(output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_transfer_dict(t2p, output, i);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_end(output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_start(output);\n\t\t\t\tstreamlen=written;\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_transfer_stream(t2p, output, i);\n\t\t\t\tstreamlen=written-streamlen;\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_end(output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif( (t2p->pdf_colorspace & T2P_CS_PALETTE) != 0){\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_palettecs=t2p->pdf_xrefcount;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_start(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict(t2p->pdf_palettesize, 0, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_end(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_start(output);\n\t\t\tstreamlen=written;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_palettecs_stream(t2p, output);\n\t\t\tstreamlen=written-streamlen;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_end(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif( (t2p->pdf_colorspace & T2P_CS_ICCBASED) != 0){\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_icccs=t2p->pdf_xrefcount;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_start(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_icccs_dict(t2p, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_end(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_start(output);\n\t\t\tstreamlen=written;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_icccs_stream(t2p, output);\n\t\t\tstreamlen=written-streamlen;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_end(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilecount !=0){\n\t\t\tfor(i2=0;i2<t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilecount;i2++){\n\t\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_start(output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_stream_dict(\n\t\t\t\t\ti2+1,\n\t\t\t\t\tt2p,\n\t\t\t\t\toutput);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_end(output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_start(output);\n\t\t\t\tstreamlen=written;\n\t\t\t\tt2p_read_tiff_size_tile(t2p, input, i2);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile(t2p, input, output, i2);\n\t\t\t\tt2p_write_advance_directory(t2p, output);\n\t\t\t\tif(t2p->t2p_error!=T2P_ERR_OK){return(0);}\n\t\t\t\tstreamlen=written-streamlen;\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_end(output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_length(streamlen, output);\n\t\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_start(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_stream_dict(\n\t\t\t\t0,\n\t\t\t\tt2p,\n\t\t\t\toutput);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict_end(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_start(output);\n\t\t\tstreamlen=written;\n\t\t\tt2p_read_tiff_size(t2p, input);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_readwrite_pdf_image(t2p, input, output);\n\t\t\tt2p_write_advance_directory(t2p, output);\n\t\t\tif(t2p->t2p_error!=T2P_ERR_OK){return(0);}\n\t\t\tstreamlen=written-streamlen;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_end(output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t\tt2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[t2p->pdf_xrefcount++]=written;\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(t2p->pdf_xrefcount, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_stream_length(streamlen, output);\n\t\t\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_obj_end(output);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tt2p->pdf_startxref = written;\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_xreftable(t2p, output);\n\twritten += t2p_write_pdf_trailer(t2p, output);\n\tt2p_disable(output);\n\treturn(written);\n}', 'void t2p_read_tiff_size_tile(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input, ttile_t tile){\n\tuint64* tbc = NULL;\n\tuint16 edge=0;\n#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT\n\tunsigned char* jpt;\n#endif\n uint64 k;\n\tedge |= t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile);\n\tedge |= t2p_tile_is_bottom_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile);\n\tif(t2p->pdf_transcode==T2P_TRANSCODE_RAW){\n\t\tif(edge\n#if defined(JPEG_SUPPORT) || defined(OJPEG_SUPPORT)\n\t\t&& !(t2p->pdf_compression==T2P_COMPRESS_JPEG)\n#endif\n\t\t){\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize=TIFFTileSize(input);\n\t\t\tif (t2p->tiff_datasize == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tTIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS, &tbc);\n\t\t\tk=tbc[tile];\n#ifdef OJPEG_SUPPORT\n\t\t\tif(t2p->tiff_compression==COMPRESSION_OJPEG){\n\t\t\t \tk = checkAdd64(k, 2048, t2p);\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT\n\t\t\tif(t2p->tiff_compression==COMPRESSION_JPEG) {\n\t\t\t\tuint32 count = 0;\n\t\t\t\tif(TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES, &count, &jpt)!=0){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(count > 4){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tk = checkAdd64(k, count, t2p);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tk -= 2;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize = (tsize_t) k;\n\t\t\tif ((uint64) t2p->tiff_datasize != k) {\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE, "Integer overflow");\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tk = TIFFTileSize(input);\n\tif(t2p->tiff_planar==PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE){\n\t\tk = checkMultiply64(k, t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel, t2p);\n\t}\n\tif (k == 0) {\n\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t}\n\tt2p->tiff_datasize = (tsize_t) k;\n\tif ((uint64) t2p->tiff_datasize != k) {\n\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE, "Integer overflow");\n\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t}\n\treturn;\n}', 'tsize_t t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input, TIFF* output, ttile_t tile){\n\tuint16 edge=0;\n\ttsize_t written=0;\n\tunsigned char* buffer=NULL;\n\ttsize_t bufferoffset=0;\n\tunsigned char* samplebuffer=NULL;\n\ttsize_t samplebufferoffset=0;\n\ttsize_t read=0;\n\tuint16 i=0;\n\tttile_t tilecount=0;\n\ttsize_t tilesize=0;\n\tttile_t septilecount=0;\n\ttsize_t septilesize=0;\n#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT\n\tunsigned char* jpt;\n\tfloat* xfloatp;\n\tuint32 xuint32=0;\n#endif\n\tif (t2p->t2p_error != T2P_ERR_OK)\n\t\treturn(0);\n\tedge |= t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile);\n\tedge |= t2p_tile_is_bottom_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile);\n\tif( (t2p->pdf_transcode == T2P_TRANSCODE_RAW) && ((edge == 0)\n#if defined(JPEG_SUPPORT) || defined(OJPEG_SUPPORT)\n\t\t|| (t2p->pdf_compression == T2P_COMPRESS_JPEG)\n#endif\n\t)\n\t){\n#ifdef CCITT_SUPPORT\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_compression == T2P_COMPRESS_G4){\n\t\t\tbuffer= (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tTIFFReadRawTile(input, tile, (tdata_t) buffer, t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif (t2p->tiff_fillorder==FILLORDER_LSB2MSB){\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFReverseBits(buffer, t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tt2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\treturn(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef ZIP_SUPPORT\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_compression == T2P_COMPRESS_ZIP){\n\t\t\tbuffer= (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tTIFFReadRawTile(input, tile, (tdata_t) buffer, t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif (t2p->tiff_fillorder==FILLORDER_LSB2MSB){\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFReverseBits(buffer, t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tt2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\treturn(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef OJPEG_SUPPORT\n\t\tif(t2p->tiff_compression == COMPRESSION_OJPEG){\n\t\t\tif(! t2p->pdf_ojpegdata){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"No support for OJPEG image %s with "\n "bad tables",\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbuffer=(unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t_TIFFmemcpy(buffer, t2p->pdf_ojpegdata, t2p->pdf_ojpegdatalength);\n\t\t\tif(edge!=0){\n\t\t\t\tif(t2p_tile_is_bottom_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile)){\n\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[7]=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilelength >> 8) & 0xff;\n\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[8]=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilelength ) & 0xff;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile)){\n\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[9]=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilewidth >> 8) & 0xff;\n\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[10]=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilewidth ) & 0xff;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbufferoffset=t2p->pdf_ojpegdatalength;\n\t\t\tbufferoffset+=TIFFReadRawTile(input,\n\t\t\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t\t\t(tdata_t) &(((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset]),\n\t\t\t\t\t-1);\n\t\t\t((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset++]=0xff;\n\t\t\t((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset++]=0xd9;\n\t\t\tt2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, bufferoffset);\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\treturn(bufferoffset);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT\n\t\tif(t2p->tiff_compression == COMPRESSION_JPEG){\n\t\t\tunsigned char table_end[2];\n\t\t\tuint32 count = 0;\n\t\t\tbuffer= (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES, &count, &jpt) != 0) {\n\t\t\t\tif (count > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t_TIFFmemcpy(buffer, jpt, count);\n\t\t\t\t\tbufferoffset += count - 2;\n\t\t\t\t\ttable_end[0] = buffer[bufferoffset-2];\n\t\t\t\t\ttable_end[1] = buffer[bufferoffset-1];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (count > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\txuint32 = bufferoffset;\n\t\t\t\t\tbufferoffset += TIFFReadRawTile(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinput,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(tdata_t) &(((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset-2]),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t-1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[xuint32-2]=table_end[0];\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[xuint32-1]=table_end[1];\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tbufferoffset += TIFFReadRawTile(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinput,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(tdata_t) &(((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset]),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t-1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tt2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, bufferoffset);\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\treturn(bufferoffset);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t(void)0;\n\t}\n\tif(t2p->pdf_sample==T2P_SAMPLE_NOTHING){\n\t\tbuffer = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory for "\n "t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\t\tread = TIFFReadEncodedTile(\n\t\t\tinput,\n\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t(tdata_t) &buffer[bufferoffset],\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\tif(read==-1){\n\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t"Error on decoding tile %u of %s",\n\t\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error=T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_sample == T2P_SAMPLE_PLANAR_SEPARATE_TO_CONTIG){\n\t\t\tseptilesize=TIFFTileSize(input);\n\t\t\tseptilecount=TIFFNumberOfTiles(input);\n\t\t\ttilesize=septilesize*t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel;\n\t\t\ttilecount=septilecount/t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel;\n\t\t\tbuffer = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tsamplebuffer = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(samplebuffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tsamplebufferoffset=0;\n\t\t\tfor(i=0;i<t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel;i++){\n\t\t\t\tread =\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFReadEncodedTile(input,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttile + i*tilecount,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(tdata_t) &(samplebuffer[samplebufferoffset]),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tseptilesize);\n\t\t\t\tif(read==-1){\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"Error on decoding tile %u of %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttile + i*tilecount,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_TIFFfree(samplebuffer);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error=T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tsamplebufferoffset+=read;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tt2p_sample_planar_separate_to_contig(\n\t\t\t\tt2p,\n\t\t\t\t&(buffer[bufferoffset]),\n\t\t\t\tsamplebuffer,\n\t\t\t\tsamplebufferoffset);\n\t\t\tbufferoffset+=samplebufferoffset;\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(samplebuffer);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\tbuffer = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(t2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(buffer==NULL){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Can\'t allocate %lu bytes of memory "\n "for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile, %s",\n\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned long) t2p->tiff_datasize,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tread = TIFFReadEncodedTile(\n\t\t\t\tinput,\n\t\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t\t(tdata_t) &buffer[bufferoffset],\n\t\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize);\n\t\t\tif(read==-1){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\t"Error on decoding tile %u of %s",\n\t\t\t\t\ttile,\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error=T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_sample & T2P_SAMPLE_RGBA_TO_RGB){\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize=t2p_sample_rgba_to_rgb(\n\t\t\t\t(tdata_t)buffer,\n\t\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth\n\t\t\t\t*t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_sample & T2P_SAMPLE_RGBAA_TO_RGB){\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize=t2p_sample_rgbaa_to_rgb(\n\t\t\t\t(tdata_t)buffer,\n\t\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth\n\t\t\t\t*t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_sample & T2P_SAMPLE_YCBCR_TO_RGB){\n\t\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t"No support for YCbCr to RGB in tile for %s",\n\t\t\t\tTIFFFileName(input));\n\t\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_sample & T2P_SAMPLE_LAB_SIGNED_TO_UNSIGNED){\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_datasize=t2p_sample_lab_signed_to_unsigned(\n\t\t\t\t(tdata_t)buffer,\n\t\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth\n\t\t\t\t*t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile) != 0){\n\t\tt2p_tile_collapse_left(\n\t\t\tbuffer,\n\t\t\tTIFFTileRowSize(input),\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilewidth,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);\n\t}\n\tt2p_disable(output);\n\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, t2p->tiff_photometric);\n\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, t2p->tiff_bitspersample);\n\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);\n\tif(t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile) == 0){\n\t\tTIFFSetField(\n\t\t\toutput,\n\t\t\tTIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth);\n\t} else {\n\t\tTIFFSetField(\n\t\t\toutput,\n\t\t\tTIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilewidth);\n\t}\n\tif(t2p_tile_is_bottom_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile) == 0){\n\t\tTIFFSetField(\n\t\t\toutput,\n\t\t\tTIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);\n\t\tTIFFSetField(\n\t\t\toutput,\n\t\t\tTIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);\n\t} else {\n\t\tTIFFSetField(\n\t\t\toutput,\n\t\t\tTIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilelength);\n\t\tTIFFSetField(\n\t\t\toutput,\n\t\t\tTIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP,\n\t\t\tt2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilelength);\n\t}\n\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG);\n\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, FILLORDER_MSB2LSB);\n\tswitch(t2p->pdf_compression){\n\tcase T2P_COMPRESS_NONE:\n\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_NONE);\n\t\tbreak;\n#ifdef CCITT_SUPPORT\n\tcase T2P_COMPRESS_G4:\n\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4);\n\t\tbreak;\n#endif\n#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT\n\tcase T2P_COMPRESS_JPEG:\n\t\tif (t2p->tiff_photometric==PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) {\n\t\t\tuint16 hor = 0, ver = 0;\n\t\t\tif (TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, &hor, &ver)!=0) {\n\t\t\t\tif (hor != 0 && ver != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, hor, ver);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE, &xfloatp)!=0){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE, xfloatp);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_JPEG);\n\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE, 0);\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_colorspace & (T2P_CS_RGB | T2P_CS_LAB)){\n\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR);\n\t\t\tif(t2p->tiff_photometric != PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR){\n\t\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_colorspace & T2P_CS_GRAY){\n\t\t\t(void)0;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_colorspace & T2P_CS_CMYK){\n\t\t\t(void)0;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_defaultcompressionquality != 0){\n\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output,\n\t\t\t\tTIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY,\n\t\t\t\tt2p->pdf_defaultcompressionquality);\n\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n#endif\n#ifdef ZIP_SUPPORT\n\tcase T2P_COMPRESS_ZIP:\n\t\tTIFFSetField(output, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_DEFLATE);\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_defaultcompressionquality%100 != 0){\n\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output,\n\t\t\t\tTIFFTAG_PREDICTOR,\n\t\t\t\tt2p->pdf_defaultcompressionquality % 100);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(t2p->pdf_defaultcompressionquality/100 != 0){\n\t\t\tTIFFSetField(output,\n\t\t\t\tTIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY,\n\t\t\t\t(t2p->pdf_defaultcompressionquality / 100));\n\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n#endif\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\tt2p_enable(output);\n\tt2p->outputwritten = 0;\n\tbufferoffset = TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(output, (tstrip_t) 0, buffer,\n\t\t\t\t\t TIFFStripSize(output));\n\tif (buffer != NULL) {\n\t\t_TIFFfree(buffer);\n\t\tbuffer = NULL;\n\t}\n\tif (bufferoffset == -1) {\n\t\tTIFFError(TIFF2PDF_MODULE,\n\t\t\t "Error writing encoded tile to output PDF %s",\n\t\t\t TIFFFileName(output));\n\t\tt2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t}\n\twritten = t2p->outputwritten;\n\treturn(written);\n}', 'void*\n_TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s)\n{\n if (s == 0)\n return ((void *) NULL);\n\treturn (malloc((size_t) s));\n}', 'void\nTIFFReverseBits(uint8* cp, tmsize_t n)\n{\n\tfor (; n > 8; n -= 8) {\n\t\tcp[0] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[0]];\n\t\tcp[1] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[1]];\n\t\tcp[2] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[2]];\n\t\tcp[3] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[3]];\n\t\tcp[4] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[4]];\n\t\tcp[5] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[5]];\n\t\tcp[6] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[6]];\n\t\tcp[7] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[7]];\n\t\tcp += 8;\n\t}\n\twhile (n-- > 0)\n\t\t*cp = TIFFBitRevTable[*cp], cp++;\n}']
static int mac_test_run_mac(EVP_TEST *t) { MAC_DATA *expected = t->data; EVP_MAC_CTX *ctx = NULL; unsigned char *got = NULL; size_t got_len; int i; OSSL_PARAM params[21]; size_t params_n = 0; size_t params_n_allocstart = 0; const OSSL_PARAM *defined_params = EVP_MAC_CTX_settable_params(expected->mac); if (expected->alg == NULL) TEST_info("Trying the EVP_MAC %s test", EVP_MAC_name(expected->mac)); else TEST_info("Trying the EVP_MAC %s test with %s", EVP_MAC_name(expected->mac), expected->alg); #ifdef OPENSSL_NO_DES if (expected->alg != NULL && strstr(expected->alg, "DES") != NULL) { t->err = NULL; goto err; } #endif if (expected->alg != NULL) params[params_n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_ALGORITHM, expected->alg, strlen(expected->alg) + 1); if (expected->key != NULL) params[params_n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_KEY, expected->key, expected->key_len); if (expected->custom != NULL) params[params_n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_CUSTOM, expected->custom, expected->custom_len); if (expected->salt != NULL) params[params_n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_SALT, expected->salt, expected->salt_len); if (expected->iv != NULL) params[params_n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_IV, expected->iv, expected->iv_len); if (params_n + sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(expected->controls) >= OSSL_NELEM(params)) { t->err = "MAC_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS"; goto err; } params_n_allocstart = params_n; for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(expected->controls); i++) { char *tmpkey, *tmpval; char *value = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(expected->controls, i); if (!TEST_ptr(tmpkey = OPENSSL_strdup(value))) { t->err = "MAC_PARAM_ERROR"; goto err; } tmpval = strchr(tmpkey, ':'); if (tmpval != NULL) *tmpval++ = '\0'; if (!OSSL_PARAM_allocate_from_text(&params[params_n], defined_params, tmpkey, tmpval, strlen(tmpval))) { OPENSSL_free(tmpkey); t->err = "MAC_PARAM_ERROR"; goto err; } params_n++; OPENSSL_free(tmpkey); } params[params_n] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_end(); if ((ctx = EVP_MAC_CTX_new(expected->mac)) == NULL) { t->err = "MAC_CREATE_ERROR"; goto err; } if (!EVP_MAC_CTX_set_params(ctx, params)) { t->err = "MAC_BAD_PARAMS"; goto err; } if (!EVP_MAC_init(ctx)) { t->err = "MAC_INIT_ERROR"; goto err; } if (!EVP_MAC_update(ctx, expected->input, expected->input_len)) { t->err = "MAC_UPDATE_ERROR"; goto err; } if (!EVP_MAC_final(ctx, NULL, &got_len, 0)) { t->err = "MAC_FINAL_LENGTH_ERROR"; goto err; } if (!TEST_ptr(got = OPENSSL_malloc(got_len))) { t->err = "TEST_FAILURE"; goto err; } if (!EVP_MAC_final(ctx, got, &got_len, got_len) || !memory_err_compare(t, "TEST_MAC_ERR", expected->output, expected->output_len, got, got_len)) { t->err = "TEST_MAC_ERR"; goto err; } t->err = NULL; err: while (params_n-- > params_n_allocstart) { OPENSSL_free(params[params_n].data); } EVP_MAC_CTX_free(ctx); OPENSSL_free(got); return 1; }
['static int mac_test_run_mac(EVP_TEST *t)\n{\n MAC_DATA *expected = t->data;\n EVP_MAC_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n unsigned char *got = NULL;\n size_t got_len;\n int i;\n OSSL_PARAM params[21];\n size_t params_n = 0;\n size_t params_n_allocstart = 0;\n const OSSL_PARAM *defined_params =\n EVP_MAC_CTX_settable_params(expected->mac);\n if (expected->alg == NULL)\n TEST_info("Trying the EVP_MAC %s test", EVP_MAC_name(expected->mac));\n else\n TEST_info("Trying the EVP_MAC %s test with %s",\n EVP_MAC_name(expected->mac), expected->alg);\n#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_DES\n if (expected->alg != NULL && strstr(expected->alg, "DES") != NULL) {\n t->err = NULL;\n goto err;\n }\n#endif\n if (expected->alg != NULL)\n params[params_n++] =\n OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_ALGORITHM,\n expected->alg,\n strlen(expected->alg) + 1);\n if (expected->key != NULL)\n params[params_n++] =\n OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_KEY,\n expected->key,\n expected->key_len);\n if (expected->custom != NULL)\n params[params_n++] =\n OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_CUSTOM,\n expected->custom,\n expected->custom_len);\n if (expected->salt != NULL)\n params[params_n++] =\n OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_SALT,\n expected->salt,\n expected->salt_len);\n if (expected->iv != NULL)\n params[params_n++] =\n OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_MAC_PARAM_IV,\n expected->iv,\n expected->iv_len);\n if (params_n + sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(expected->controls)\n >= OSSL_NELEM(params)) {\n t->err = "MAC_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS";\n goto err;\n }\n params_n_allocstart = params_n;\n for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(expected->controls); i++) {\n char *tmpkey, *tmpval;\n char *value = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(expected->controls, i);\n if (!TEST_ptr(tmpkey = OPENSSL_strdup(value))) {\n t->err = "MAC_PARAM_ERROR";\n goto err;\n }\n tmpval = strchr(tmpkey, \':\');\n if (tmpval != NULL)\n *tmpval++ = \'\\0\';\n if (!OSSL_PARAM_allocate_from_text(&params[params_n], defined_params,\n tmpkey, tmpval,\n strlen(tmpval))) {\n OPENSSL_free(tmpkey);\n t->err = "MAC_PARAM_ERROR";\n goto err;\n }\n params_n++;\n OPENSSL_free(tmpkey);\n }\n params[params_n] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_end();\n if ((ctx = EVP_MAC_CTX_new(expected->mac)) == NULL) {\n t->err = "MAC_CREATE_ERROR";\n goto err;\n }\n if (!EVP_MAC_CTX_set_params(ctx, params)) {\n t->err = "MAC_BAD_PARAMS";\n goto err;\n }\n if (!EVP_MAC_init(ctx)) {\n t->err = "MAC_INIT_ERROR";\n goto err;\n }\n if (!EVP_MAC_update(ctx, expected->input, expected->input_len)) {\n t->err = "MAC_UPDATE_ERROR";\n goto err;\n }\n if (!EVP_MAC_final(ctx, NULL, &got_len, 0)) {\n t->err = "MAC_FINAL_LENGTH_ERROR";\n goto err;\n }\n if (!TEST_ptr(got = OPENSSL_malloc(got_len))) {\n t->err = "TEST_FAILURE";\n goto err;\n }\n if (!EVP_MAC_final(ctx, got, &got_len, got_len)\n || !memory_err_compare(t, "TEST_MAC_ERR",\n expected->output, expected->output_len,\n got, got_len)) {\n t->err = "TEST_MAC_ERR";\n goto err;\n }\n t->err = NULL;\n err:\n while (params_n-- > params_n_allocstart) {\n OPENSSL_free(params[params_n].data);\n }\n EVP_MAC_CTX_free(ctx);\n OPENSSL_free(got);\n return 1;\n}']
static void dct32(INTFLOAT *out, INTFLOAT *tab) { INTFLOAT tmp0, tmp1; BF( 0, 31, COS0_0 , 1); BF(15, 16, COS0_15, 5); BF( 0, 15, COS1_0 , 1); BF(16, 31,-COS1_0 , 1); BF( 7, 24, COS0_7 , 1); BF( 8, 23, COS0_8 , 1); BF( 7, 8, COS1_7 , 4); BF(23, 24,-COS1_7 , 4); BF( 0, 7, COS2_0 , 1); BF( 8, 15,-COS2_0 , 1); BF(16, 23, COS2_0 , 1); BF(24, 31,-COS2_0 , 1); BF( 3, 28, COS0_3 , 1); BF(12, 19, COS0_12, 2); BF( 3, 12, COS1_3 , 1); BF(19, 28,-COS1_3 , 1); BF( 4, 27, COS0_4 , 1); BF(11, 20, COS0_11, 2); BF( 4, 11, COS1_4 , 1); BF(20, 27,-COS1_4 , 1); BF( 3, 4, COS2_3 , 3); BF(11, 12,-COS2_3 , 3); BF(19, 20, COS2_3 , 3); BF(27, 28,-COS2_3 , 3); BF( 0, 3, COS3_0 , 1); BF( 4, 7,-COS3_0 , 1); BF( 8, 11, COS3_0 , 1); BF(12, 15,-COS3_0 , 1); BF(16, 19, COS3_0 , 1); BF(20, 23,-COS3_0 , 1); BF(24, 27, COS3_0 , 1); BF(28, 31,-COS3_0 , 1); BF( 1, 30, COS0_1 , 1); BF(14, 17, COS0_14, 3); BF( 1, 14, COS1_1 , 1); BF(17, 30,-COS1_1 , 1); BF( 6, 25, COS0_6 , 1); BF( 9, 22, COS0_9 , 1); BF( 6, 9, COS1_6 , 2); BF(22, 25,-COS1_6 , 2); BF( 1, 6, COS2_1 , 1); BF( 9, 14,-COS2_1 , 1); BF(17, 22, COS2_1 , 1); BF(25, 30,-COS2_1 , 1); BF( 2, 29, COS0_2 , 1); BF(13, 18, COS0_13, 3); BF( 2, 13, COS1_2 , 1); BF(18, 29,-COS1_2 , 1); BF( 5, 26, COS0_5 , 1); BF(10, 21, COS0_10, 1); BF( 5, 10, COS1_5 , 2); BF(21, 26,-COS1_5 , 2); BF( 2, 5, COS2_2 , 1); BF(10, 13,-COS2_2 , 1); BF(18, 21, COS2_2 , 1); BF(26, 29,-COS2_2 , 1); BF( 1, 2, COS3_1 , 2); BF( 5, 6,-COS3_1 , 2); BF( 9, 10, COS3_1 , 2); BF(13, 14,-COS3_1 , 2); BF(17, 18, COS3_1 , 2); BF(21, 22,-COS3_1 , 2); BF(25, 26, COS3_1 , 2); BF(29, 30,-COS3_1 , 2); BF1( 0, 1, 2, 3); BF2( 4, 5, 6, 7); BF1( 8, 9, 10, 11); BF2(12, 13, 14, 15); BF1(16, 17, 18, 19); BF2(20, 21, 22, 23); BF1(24, 25, 26, 27); BF2(28, 29, 30, 31); ADD( 8, 12); ADD(12, 10); ADD(10, 14); ADD(14, 9); ADD( 9, 13); ADD(13, 11); ADD(11, 15); out[ 0] = tab[0]; out[16] = tab[1]; out[ 8] = tab[2]; out[24] = tab[3]; out[ 4] = tab[4]; out[20] = tab[5]; out[12] = tab[6]; out[28] = tab[7]; out[ 2] = tab[8]; out[18] = tab[9]; out[10] = tab[10]; out[26] = tab[11]; out[ 6] = tab[12]; out[22] = tab[13]; out[14] = tab[14]; out[30] = tab[15]; ADD(24, 28); ADD(28, 26); ADD(26, 30); ADD(30, 25); ADD(25, 29); ADD(29, 27); ADD(27, 31); out[ 1] = tab[16] + tab[24]; out[17] = tab[17] + tab[25]; out[ 9] = tab[18] + tab[26]; out[25] = tab[19] + tab[27]; out[ 5] = tab[20] + tab[28]; out[21] = tab[21] + tab[29]; out[13] = tab[22] + tab[30]; out[29] = tab[23] + tab[31]; out[ 3] = tab[24] + tab[20]; out[19] = tab[25] + tab[21]; out[11] = tab[26] + tab[22]; out[27] = tab[27] + tab[23]; out[ 7] = tab[28] + tab[18]; out[23] = tab[29] + tab[19]; out[15] = tab[30] + tab[17]; out[31] = tab[31]; }
['static void mpc_synth(MPCContext *c, int16_t *out)\n{\n int dither_state = 0;\n int i, ch;\n OUT_INT samples[MPA_MAX_CHANNELS * MPA_FRAME_SIZE], *samples_ptr;\n for(ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++){\n samples_ptr = samples + ch;\n for(i = 0; i < SAMPLES_PER_BAND; i++) {\n ff_mpa_synth_filter(c->synth_buf[ch], &(c->synth_buf_offset[ch]),\n ff_mpa_synth_window, &dither_state,\n samples_ptr, 2,\n c->sb_samples[ch][i]);\n samples_ptr += 64;\n }\n }\n for(i = 0; i < MPC_FRAME_SIZE*2; i++)\n *out++=samples[i];\n}', 'void RENAME(ff_mpa_synth_filter)(MPA_INT *synth_buf_ptr, int *synth_buf_offset,\n MPA_INT *window, int *dither_state,\n OUT_INT *samples, int incr,\n INTFLOAT sb_samples[SBLIMIT])\n{\n register MPA_INT *synth_buf;\n register const MPA_INT *w, *w2, *p;\n int j, offset;\n OUT_INT *samples2;\n#if CONFIG_FLOAT\n float sum, sum2;\n#elif FRAC_BITS <= 15\n int32_t tmp[32];\n int sum, sum2;\n#else\n int64_t sum, sum2;\n#endif\n offset = *synth_buf_offset;\n synth_buf = synth_buf_ptr + offset;\n#if FRAC_BITS <= 15 && !CONFIG_FLOAT\n dct32(tmp, sb_samples);\n for(j=0;j<32;j++) {\n synth_buf[j] = av_clip_int16(tmp[j]);\n }\n#else\n dct32(synth_buf, sb_samples);\n#endif\n memcpy(synth_buf + 512, synth_buf, 32 * sizeof(*synth_buf));\n samples2 = samples + 31 * incr;\n w = window;\n w2 = window + 31;\n sum = *dither_state;\n p = synth_buf + 16;\n SUM8(MACS, sum, w, p);\n p = synth_buf + 48;\n SUM8(MLSS, sum, w + 32, p);\n *samples = round_sample(&sum);\n samples += incr;\n w++;\n for(j=1;j<16;j++) {\n sum2 = 0;\n p = synth_buf + 16 + j;\n SUM8P2(sum, MACS, sum2, MLSS, w, w2, p);\n p = synth_buf + 48 - j;\n SUM8P2(sum, MLSS, sum2, MLSS, w + 32, w2 + 32, p);\n *samples = round_sample(&sum);\n samples += incr;\n sum += sum2;\n *samples2 = round_sample(&sum);\n samples2 -= incr;\n w++;\n w2--;\n }\n p = synth_buf + 32;\n SUM8(MLSS, sum, w + 32, p);\n *samples = round_sample(&sum);\n *dither_state= sum;\n offset = (offset - 32) & 511;\n *synth_buf_offset = offset;\n}', 'static void dct32(INTFLOAT *out, INTFLOAT *tab)\n{\n INTFLOAT tmp0, tmp1;\n BF( 0, 31, COS0_0 , 1);\n BF(15, 16, COS0_15, 5);\n BF( 0, 15, COS1_0 , 1);\n BF(16, 31,-COS1_0 , 1);\n BF( 7, 24, COS0_7 , 1);\n BF( 8, 23, COS0_8 , 1);\n BF( 7, 8, COS1_7 , 4);\n BF(23, 24,-COS1_7 , 4);\n BF( 0, 7, COS2_0 , 1);\n BF( 8, 15,-COS2_0 , 1);\n BF(16, 23, COS2_0 , 1);\n BF(24, 31,-COS2_0 , 1);\n BF( 3, 28, COS0_3 , 1);\n BF(12, 19, COS0_12, 2);\n BF( 3, 12, COS1_3 , 1);\n BF(19, 28,-COS1_3 , 1);\n BF( 4, 27, COS0_4 , 1);\n BF(11, 20, COS0_11, 2);\n BF( 4, 11, COS1_4 , 1);\n BF(20, 27,-COS1_4 , 1);\n BF( 3, 4, COS2_3 , 3);\n BF(11, 12,-COS2_3 , 3);\n BF(19, 20, COS2_3 , 3);\n BF(27, 28,-COS2_3 , 3);\n BF( 0, 3, COS3_0 , 1);\n BF( 4, 7,-COS3_0 , 1);\n BF( 8, 11, COS3_0 , 1);\n BF(12, 15,-COS3_0 , 1);\n BF(16, 19, COS3_0 , 1);\n BF(20, 23,-COS3_0 , 1);\n BF(24, 27, COS3_0 , 1);\n BF(28, 31,-COS3_0 , 1);\n BF( 1, 30, COS0_1 , 1);\n BF(14, 17, COS0_14, 3);\n BF( 1, 14, COS1_1 , 1);\n BF(17, 30,-COS1_1 , 1);\n BF( 6, 25, COS0_6 , 1);\n BF( 9, 22, COS0_9 , 1);\n BF( 6, 9, COS1_6 , 2);\n BF(22, 25,-COS1_6 , 2);\n BF( 1, 6, COS2_1 , 1);\n BF( 9, 14,-COS2_1 , 1);\n BF(17, 22, COS2_1 , 1);\n BF(25, 30,-COS2_1 , 1);\n BF( 2, 29, COS0_2 , 1);\n BF(13, 18, COS0_13, 3);\n BF( 2, 13, COS1_2 , 1);\n BF(18, 29,-COS1_2 , 1);\n BF( 5, 26, COS0_5 , 1);\n BF(10, 21, COS0_10, 1);\n BF( 5, 10, COS1_5 , 2);\n BF(21, 26,-COS1_5 , 2);\n BF( 2, 5, COS2_2 , 1);\n BF(10, 13,-COS2_2 , 1);\n BF(18, 21, COS2_2 , 1);\n BF(26, 29,-COS2_2 , 1);\n BF( 1, 2, COS3_1 , 2);\n BF( 5, 6,-COS3_1 , 2);\n BF( 9, 10, COS3_1 , 2);\n BF(13, 14,-COS3_1 , 2);\n BF(17, 18, COS3_1 , 2);\n BF(21, 22,-COS3_1 , 2);\n BF(25, 26, COS3_1 , 2);\n BF(29, 30,-COS3_1 , 2);\n BF1( 0, 1, 2, 3);\n BF2( 4, 5, 6, 7);\n BF1( 8, 9, 10, 11);\n BF2(12, 13, 14, 15);\n BF1(16, 17, 18, 19);\n BF2(20, 21, 22, 23);\n BF1(24, 25, 26, 27);\n BF2(28, 29, 30, 31);\n ADD( 8, 12);\n ADD(12, 10);\n ADD(10, 14);\n ADD(14, 9);\n ADD( 9, 13);\n ADD(13, 11);\n ADD(11, 15);\n out[ 0] = tab[0];\n out[16] = tab[1];\n out[ 8] = tab[2];\n out[24] = tab[3];\n out[ 4] = tab[4];\n out[20] = tab[5];\n out[12] = tab[6];\n out[28] = tab[7];\n out[ 2] = tab[8];\n out[18] = tab[9];\n out[10] = tab[10];\n out[26] = tab[11];\n out[ 6] = tab[12];\n out[22] = tab[13];\n out[14] = tab[14];\n out[30] = tab[15];\n ADD(24, 28);\n ADD(28, 26);\n ADD(26, 30);\n ADD(30, 25);\n ADD(25, 29);\n ADD(29, 27);\n ADD(27, 31);\n out[ 1] = tab[16] + tab[24];\n out[17] = tab[17] + tab[25];\n out[ 9] = tab[18] + tab[26];\n out[25] = tab[19] + tab[27];\n out[ 5] = tab[20] + tab[28];\n out[21] = tab[21] + tab[29];\n out[13] = tab[22] + tab[30];\n out[29] = tab[23] + tab[31];\n out[ 3] = tab[24] + tab[20];\n out[19] = tab[25] + tab[21];\n out[11] = tab[26] + tab[22];\n out[27] = tab[27] + tab[23];\n out[ 7] = tab[28] + tab[18];\n out[23] = tab[29] + tab[19];\n out[15] = tab[30] + tab[17];\n out[31] = tab[31];\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['ECDSA_SIG *ossl_ecdsa_sign_sig(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,\n const BIGNUM *in_kinv, const BIGNUM *in_r,\n EC_KEY *eckey)\n{\n int ok = 0, i;\n BIGNUM *kinv = NULL, *s, *m = NULL;\n const BIGNUM *order, *ckinv;\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n const EC_GROUP *group;\n ECDSA_SIG *ret;\n const BIGNUM *priv_key;\n group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey);\n priv_key = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(eckey);\n if (group == NULL || priv_key == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_PASSED_NULL_PARAMETER);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (!EC_KEY_can_sign(eckey)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, EC_R_CURVE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SIGNING);\n return NULL;\n }\n ret = ECDSA_SIG_new();\n if (ret == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n ret->r = BN_new();\n ret->s = BN_new();\n if (ret->r == NULL || ret->s == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n s = ret->s;\n if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL\n || (m = BN_new()) == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n order = EC_GROUP_get0_order(group);\n i = BN_num_bits(order);\n if (8 * dgst_len > i)\n dgst_len = (i + 7) / 8;\n if (!BN_bin2bn(dgst, dgst_len, m)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n if ((8 * dgst_len > i) && !BN_rshift(m, m, 8 - (i & 0x7))) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n do {\n if (in_kinv == NULL || in_r == NULL) {\n if (!ecdsa_sign_setup(eckey, ctx, &kinv, &ret->r, dgst, dgst_len)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_ECDSA_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n ckinv = kinv;\n } else {\n ckinv = in_kinv;\n if (BN_copy(ret->r, in_r) == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n }\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(s, ret->r, group->mont_data, ctx)\n || !bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(s, s, priv_key, group->mont_data, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!bn_mod_add_fixed_top(s, s, m, order)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(s, s, group->mont_data, ctx)\n || !BN_mod_mul_montgomery(s, s, ckinv, group->mont_data, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_zero(s)) {\n if (in_kinv != NULL && in_r != NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_OSSL_ECDSA_SIGN_SIG, EC_R_NEED_NEW_SETUP_VALUES);\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n break;\n }\n } while (1);\n ok = 1;\n err:\n if (!ok) {\n ECDSA_SIG_free(ret);\n ret = NULL;\n }\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n BN_clear_free(m);\n BN_clear_free(kinv);\n return ret;\n}', 'static int ecdsa_sign_setup(EC_KEY *eckey, BN_CTX *ctx_in,\n BIGNUM **kinvp, BIGNUM **rp,\n const unsigned char *dgst, int dlen)\n{\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *k = NULL, *r = NULL, *X = NULL;\n const BIGNUM *order;\n EC_POINT *tmp_point = NULL;\n const EC_GROUP *group;\n int ret = 0;\n int order_bits;\n if (eckey == NULL || (group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey)) == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_PASSED_NULL_PARAMETER);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!EC_KEY_can_sign(eckey)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, EC_R_CURVE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SIGNING);\n return 0;\n }\n if ((ctx = ctx_in) == NULL) {\n if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n k = BN_new();\n r = BN_new();\n X = BN_new();\n if (k == NULL || r == NULL || X == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n if ((tmp_point = EC_POINT_new(group)) == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_EC_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n order = EC_GROUP_get0_order(group);\n order_bits = BN_num_bits(order);\n if (!BN_set_bit(k, order_bits)\n || !BN_set_bit(r, order_bits)\n || !BN_set_bit(X, order_bits))\n goto err;\n do {\n do {\n if (dgst != NULL) {\n if (!BN_generate_dsa_nonce(k, order,\n EC_KEY_get0_private_key(eckey),\n dgst, dlen, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP,\n EC_R_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATION_FAILED);\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_priv_rand_range(k, order)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP,\n EC_R_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATION_FAILED);\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } while (BN_is_zero(k));\n if (!EC_POINT_mul(group, tmp_point, k, NULL, NULL, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_EC_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates(group, tmp_point, X, NULL, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_EC_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_nnmod(r, X, order, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n } while (BN_is_zero(r));\n if (!ec_group_do_inverse_ord(group, k, k, ctx)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECDSA_SIGN_SETUP, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n BN_clear_free(*rp);\n BN_clear_free(*kinvp);\n *rp = r;\n *kinvp = k;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (!ret) {\n BN_clear_free(k);\n BN_clear_free(r);\n }\n if (ctx != ctx_in)\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n EC_POINT_free(tmp_point);\n BN_clear_free(X);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_mod_mul_montgomery(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(r, a, b, mont, ctx);\n bn_correct_top(r);\n bn_check_top(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n int ret = 0;\n int num = mont->;\n#if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT) && defined(MONT_WORD)\n if (num > 1 && a->top == num && b->top == num) {\n if (bn_wexpand(r, num) == NULL)\n return 0;\n if (bn_mul_mont(r->d, a->d, b->d, mont->N.d, mont->n0, num)) {\n r->neg = a->neg ^ b->neg;\n r->top = num;\n r->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n return 1;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if ((a->top + b->top) > 2 * num)\n return 0;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (tmp == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_check_top(tmp);\n if (a == b) {\n if (!bn_sqr_fixed_top(tmp, a, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!bn_mul_fixed_top(tmp, a, b, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n#ifdef MONT_WORD\n if (!bn_from_montgomery_word(r, tmp, mont))\n goto err;\n#else\n if (!BN_from_montgomery(r, tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n#endif\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n}', 'int bn_mul_fixed_top(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n int top, al, bl;\n BIGNUM *rr;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n int i;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n BIGNUM *t = NULL;\n int j = 0, k;\n#endif\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n bn_check_top(r);\n al = a->top;\n bl = b->top;\n if ((al == 0) || (bl == 0)) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return 1;\n }\n top = al + bl;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((r == a) || (r == b)) {\n if ((rr = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n } else\n rr = r;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n i = al - bl;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA\n if (i == 0) {\n# if 0\n if (al == 4) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 8) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 8;\n bn_mul_comba4(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n# endif\n if (al == 8) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 16) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 16;\n bn_mul_comba8(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n if ((al >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL) && (bl >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL)) {\n if (i >= -1 && i <= 1) {\n if (i >= 0) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n }\n if (i == -1) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)bl);\n }\n j = 1 << (j - 1);\n assert(j <= al || j <= bl);\n k = j + j;\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (t == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (al > j || bl > j) {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d,\n j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n }\n rr->top = top;\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, top) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = top;\n bn_mul_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, b->d, bl);\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n end:\n#endif\n rr->neg = a->neg ^ b->neg;\n rr->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n if (r != rr && BN_copy(r, rr) == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(r);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
static int estimate_best_b_count(MpegEncContext *s) { AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(s->avctx->codec_id); AVCodecContext *c = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL); const int scale = s->avctx->brd_scale; int i, j, out_size, p_lambda, b_lambda, lambda2; int64_t best_rd = INT64_MAX; int best_b_count = -1; assert(scale >= 0 && scale <= 3); p_lambda = s->last_lambda_for[AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P]; b_lambda = s->last_lambda_for[AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B]; if (!b_lambda) b_lambda = p_lambda; lambda2 = (b_lambda * b_lambda + (1 << FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT) / 2) >> FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT; c->width = s->width >> scale; c->height = s->height >> scale; c->flags = CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE | CODEC_FLAG_PSNR; c->flags |= s->avctx->flags & CODEC_FLAG_QPEL; c->mb_decision = s->avctx->mb_decision; c->me_cmp = s->avctx->me_cmp; c->mb_cmp = s->avctx->mb_cmp; c->me_sub_cmp = s->avctx->me_sub_cmp; c->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; c->time_base = s->avctx->time_base; c->max_b_frames = s->max_b_frames; if (avcodec_open2(c, codec, NULL) < 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < s->max_b_frames + 2; i++) { Picture pre_input, *pre_input_ptr = i ? s->input_picture[i - 1] : s->next_picture_ptr; if (pre_input_ptr && (!i || s->input_picture[i - 1])) { pre_input = *pre_input_ptr; if (!pre_input.shared && i) { pre_input.f->data[0] += INPLACE_OFFSET; pre_input.f->data[1] += INPLACE_OFFSET; pre_input.f->data[2] += INPLACE_OFFSET; } s->mpvencdsp.shrink[scale](s->tmp_frames[i]->data[0], s->tmp_frames[i]->linesize[0], pre_input.f->data[0], pre_input.f->linesize[0], c->width, c->height); s->mpvencdsp.shrink[scale](s->tmp_frames[i]->data[1], s->tmp_frames[i]->linesize[1], pre_input.f->data[1], pre_input.f->linesize[1], c->width >> 1, c->height >> 1); s->mpvencdsp.shrink[scale](s->tmp_frames[i]->data[2], s->tmp_frames[i]->linesize[2], pre_input.f->data[2], pre_input.f->linesize[2], c->width >> 1, c->height >> 1); } } for (j = 0; j < s->max_b_frames + 1; j++) { int64_t rd = 0; if (!s->input_picture[j]) break; c->error[0] = c->error[1] = c->error[2] = 0; s->tmp_frames[0]->pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I; s->tmp_frames[0]->quality = 1 * FF_QP2LAMBDA; out_size = encode_frame(c, s->tmp_frames[0]); for (i = 0; i < s->max_b_frames + 1; i++) { int is_p = i % (j + 1) == j || i == s->max_b_frames; s->tmp_frames[i + 1]->pict_type = is_p ? AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P : AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B; s->tmp_frames[i + 1]->quality = is_p ? p_lambda : b_lambda; out_size = encode_frame(c, s->tmp_frames[i + 1]); rd += (out_size * lambda2) >> (FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT - 3); } while (out_size) { out_size = encode_frame(c, NULL); rd += (out_size * lambda2) >> (FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT - 3); } rd += c->error[0] + c->error[1] + c->error[2]; if (rd < best_rd) { best_rd = rd; best_b_count = j; } } avcodec_close(c); av_freep(&c); return best_b_count; }
['static int estimate_best_b_count(MpegEncContext *s)\n{\n AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(s->avctx->codec_id);\n AVCodecContext *c = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL);\n const int scale = s->avctx->brd_scale;\n int i, j, out_size, p_lambda, b_lambda, lambda2;\n int64_t best_rd = INT64_MAX;\n int best_b_count = -1;\n assert(scale >= 0 && scale <= 3);\n p_lambda = s->last_lambda_for[AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P];\n b_lambda = s->last_lambda_for[AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B];\n if (!b_lambda)\n b_lambda = p_lambda;\n lambda2 = (b_lambda * b_lambda + (1 << FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT) / 2) >>\n FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT;\n c->width = s->width >> scale;\n c->height = s->height >> scale;\n c->flags = CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE | CODEC_FLAG_PSNR;\n c->flags |= s->avctx->flags & CODEC_FLAG_QPEL;\n c->mb_decision = s->avctx->mb_decision;\n c->me_cmp = s->avctx->me_cmp;\n c->mb_cmp = s->avctx->mb_cmp;\n c->me_sub_cmp = s->avctx->me_sub_cmp;\n c->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;\n c->time_base = s->avctx->time_base;\n c->max_b_frames = s->max_b_frames;\n if (avcodec_open2(c, codec, NULL) < 0)\n return -1;\n for (i = 0; i < s->max_b_frames + 2; i++) {\n Picture pre_input, *pre_input_ptr = i ? s->input_picture[i - 1] :\n s->next_picture_ptr;\n if (pre_input_ptr && (!i || s->input_picture[i - 1])) {\n pre_input = *pre_input_ptr;\n if (!pre_input.shared && i) {\n pre_input.f->data[0] += INPLACE_OFFSET;\n pre_input.f->data[1] += INPLACE_OFFSET;\n pre_input.f->data[2] += INPLACE_OFFSET;\n }\n s->mpvencdsp.shrink[scale](s->tmp_frames[i]->data[0],\n s->tmp_frames[i]->linesize[0],\n pre_input.f->data[0],\n pre_input.f->linesize[0],\n c->width, c->height);\n s->mpvencdsp.shrink[scale](s->tmp_frames[i]->data[1],\n s->tmp_frames[i]->linesize[1],\n pre_input.f->data[1],\n pre_input.f->linesize[1],\n c->width >> 1, c->height >> 1);\n s->mpvencdsp.shrink[scale](s->tmp_frames[i]->data[2],\n s->tmp_frames[i]->linesize[2],\n pre_input.f->data[2],\n pre_input.f->linesize[2],\n c->width >> 1, c->height >> 1);\n }\n }\n for (j = 0; j < s->max_b_frames + 1; j++) {\n int64_t rd = 0;\n if (!s->input_picture[j])\n break;\n c->error[0] = c->error[1] = c->error[2] = 0;\n s->tmp_frames[0]->pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;\n s->tmp_frames[0]->quality = 1 * FF_QP2LAMBDA;\n out_size = encode_frame(c, s->tmp_frames[0]);\n for (i = 0; i < s->max_b_frames + 1; i++) {\n int is_p = i % (j + 1) == j || i == s->max_b_frames;\n s->tmp_frames[i + 1]->pict_type = is_p ?\n AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P : AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B;\n s->tmp_frames[i + 1]->quality = is_p ? p_lambda : b_lambda;\n out_size = encode_frame(c, s->tmp_frames[i + 1]);\n rd += (out_size * lambda2) >> (FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT - 3);\n }\n while (out_size) {\n out_size = encode_frame(c, NULL);\n rd += (out_size * lambda2) >> (FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT - 3);\n }\n rd += c->error[0] + c->error[1] + c->error[2];\n if (rd < best_rd) {\n best_rd = rd;\n best_b_count = j;\n }\n }\n avcodec_close(c);\n av_freep(&c);\n return best_b_count;\n}', 'AVCodec *avcodec_find_encoder(enum AVCodecID id)\n{\n return find_encdec(id, 1);\n}', 'AVCodecContext *avcodec_alloc_context3(const AVCodec *codec)\n{\n AVCodecContext *avctx= av_malloc(sizeof(AVCodecContext));\n if (!avctx)\n return NULL;\n if(avcodec_get_context_defaults3(avctx, codec) < 0){\n av_free(avctx);\n return NULL;\n }\n return avctx;\n}', 'void *av_malloc(size_t size)\n{\n void *ptr = NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n long diff;\n#endif\n if (size > (INT_MAX - 32) || !size)\n return NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n ptr = malloc(size + 32);\n if (!ptr)\n return ptr;\n diff = ((-(long)ptr - 1) & 31) + 1;\n ptr = (char *)ptr + diff;\n ((char *)ptr)[-1] = diff;\n#elif HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN\n if (posix_memalign(&ptr, 32, size))\n ptr = NULL;\n#elif HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC\n ptr = _aligned_malloc(size, 32);\n#elif HAVE_MEMALIGN\n ptr = memalign(32, size);\n#else\n ptr = malloc(size);\n#endif\n return ptr;\n}']
int av_packet_copy_props(AVPacket *dst, const AVPacket *src) { int i; dst->pts = src->pts; dst->dts = src->dts; dst->pos = src->pos; dst->duration = src->duration; dst->convergence_duration = src->convergence_duration; dst->flags = src->flags; dst->stream_index = src->stream_index; dst->side_data_elems = src->side_data_elems; for (i = 0; i < src->side_data_elems; i++) { enum AVPacketSideDataType type = src->side_data[i].type; int size = src->side_data[i].size; uint8_t *src_data = src->side_data[i].data; uint8_t *dst_data = av_packet_new_side_data(dst, type, size); if (!dst_data) { av_packet_free_side_data(dst); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } memcpy(dst_data, src_data, size); } return 0; }
['int av_packet_copy_props(AVPacket *dst, const AVPacket *src)\n{\n int i;\n dst->pts = src->pts;\n dst->dts = src->dts;\n dst->pos = src->pos;\n dst->duration = src->duration;\n dst->convergence_duration = src->convergence_duration;\n dst->flags = src->flags;\n dst->stream_index = src->stream_index;\n dst->side_data_elems = src->side_data_elems;\n for (i = 0; i < src->side_data_elems; i++) {\n enum AVPacketSideDataType type = src->side_data[i].type;\n int size = src->side_data[i].size;\n uint8_t *src_data = src->side_data[i].data;\n uint8_t *dst_data = av_packet_new_side_data(dst, type, size);\n if (!dst_data) {\n av_packet_free_side_data(dst);\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n }\n memcpy(dst_data, src_data, size);\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'uint8_t *av_packet_new_side_data(AVPacket *pkt, enum AVPacketSideDataType type,\n int size)\n{\n int elems = pkt->side_data_elems;\n if ((unsigned)elems + 1 > INT_MAX / sizeof(*pkt->side_data))\n return NULL;\n if ((unsigned)size > INT_MAX - FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)\n return NULL;\n pkt->side_data = av_realloc(pkt->side_data,\n (elems + 1) * sizeof(*pkt->side_data));\n if (!pkt->side_data)\n return NULL;\n pkt->side_data[elems].data = av_malloc(size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n if (!pkt->side_data[elems].data)\n return NULL;\n pkt->side_data[elems].size = size;\n pkt->side_data[elems].type = type;\n pkt->side_data_elems++;\n return pkt->side_data[elems].data;\n}', 'void *av_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)\n{\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n int diff;\n#endif\n if (size > (INT_MAX - 16))\n return NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n if (!ptr)\n return av_malloc(size);\n diff = ((char *)ptr)[-1];\n return (char *)realloc((char *)ptr - diff, size + diff) + diff;\n#elif HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC\n return _aligned_realloc(ptr, size, 32);\n#else\n return realloc(ptr, size);\n#endif\n}', 'void av_packet_free_side_data(AVPacket *pkt)\n{\n int i;\n for (i = 0; i < pkt->side_data_elems; i++)\n av_free(pkt->side_data[i].data);\n av_freep(&pkt->side_data);\n pkt->side_data_elems = 0;\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *A, *a = NULL; const BN_ULONG *B; int i; bn_check_top(b); if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return (NULL); } if (BN_get_flags(b,BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = A = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = A = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (A == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return (NULL); } #if 1 B = b->d; if (B != NULL) { for (i = b->top >> 2; i > 0; i--, A += 4, B += 4) { BN_ULONG a0, a1, a2, a3; a0 = B[0]; a1 = B[1]; a2 = B[2]; a3 = B[3]; A[0] = a0; A[1] = a1; A[2] = a2; A[3] = a3; } switch (b->top & 3) { case 3: A[2] = B[2]; case 2: A[1] = B[1]; case 1: A[0] = B[0]; case 0: ; } } #else memset(A, 0, sizeof(*A) * words); memcpy(A, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top); #endif return (a); }
['int ec_GF2m_simple_add(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const EC_POINT *a,\n const EC_POINT *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *x0, *y0, *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2, *s, *t;\n int ret = 0;\n if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, a)) {\n if (!EC_POINT_copy(r, b))\n return 0;\n return 1;\n }\n if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, b)) {\n if (!EC_POINT_copy(r, a))\n return 0;\n return 1;\n }\n if (ctx == NULL) {\n ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL)\n return 0;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n x0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n x1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n x2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n s = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (t == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (a->Z_is_one) {\n if (!BN_copy(x0, a->X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(y0, a->Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2m(group, a, x0, y0, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (b->Z_is_one) {\n if (!BN_copy(x1, b->X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(y1, b->Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2m(group, b, x1, y1, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_GF2m_cmp(x0, x1)) {\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(t, x0, x1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(s, y0, y1))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_div(group, s, s, t, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, x2, s, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, group->a))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, s))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, t))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_GF2m_cmp(y0, y1) || BN_is_zero(x1)) {\n if (!EC_POINT_set_to_infinity(group, r))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n if (!group->meth->field_div(group, s, y1, x1, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(s, s, x1))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, x2, s, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, s))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, group->a))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(y2, x1, x2))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, y2, y2, s, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(y2, y2, x2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(y2, y2, y1))\n goto err;\n if (!EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GF2m(group, r, x2, y2, ctx))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_CTX_get(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *ret;\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_get", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n return NULL;\n if ((ret = BN_POOL_get(&ctx->pool, ctx->flags)) == NULL) {\n ctx->too_many = 1;\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_GET, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n return NULL;\n }\n BN_zero(ret);\n ctx->used++;\n CTXDBG_RET(ctx, ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return (0);\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n bn_check_top(a);\n return (1);\n}', 'static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)\n{\n if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))\n return NULL;\n if(((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)\n return a;\n return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n int i;\n BN_ULONG *A;\n const BN_ULONG *B;\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a == b)\n return (a);\n if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL)\n return (NULL);\n#if 1\n A = a->d;\n B = b->d;\n for (i = b->top >> 2; i > 0; i--, A += 4, B += 4) {\n BN_ULONG a0, a1, a2, a3;\n a0 = B[0];\n a1 = B[1];\n a2 = B[2];\n a3 = B[3];\n A[0] = a0;\n A[1] = a1;\n A[2] = a2;\n A[3] = a3;\n }\n switch (b->top & 3) {\n case 3:\n A[2] = B[2];\n case 2:\n A[1] = B[1];\n case 1:\n A[0] = B[0];\n case 0:;\n }\n#else\n memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);\n#endif\n a->top = b->top;\n a->neg = b->neg;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return (a);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n bn_check_top(b);\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *A, *a = NULL;\n const BN_ULONG *B;\n int i;\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return (NULL);\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b,BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = A = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = A = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (A == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return (NULL);\n }\n#if 1\n B = b->d;\n if (B != NULL) {\n for (i = b->top >> 2; i > 0; i--, A += 4, B += 4) {\n BN_ULONG a0, a1, a2, a3;\n a0 = B[0];\n a1 = B[1];\n a2 = B[2];\n a3 = B[3];\n A[0] = a0;\n A[1] = a1;\n A[2] = a2;\n A[3] = a3;\n }\n switch (b->top & 3) {\n case 3:\n A[2] = B[2];\n case 2:\n A[1] = B[1];\n case 1:\n A[0] = B[0];\n case 0:\n ;\n }\n }\n#else\n memset(A, 0, sizeof(*A) * words);\n memcpy(A, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);\n#endif\n return (a);\n}']
BN_BLINDING *RSA_setup_blinding(RSA *rsa, BN_CTX *in_ctx) { BIGNUM *e; BN_CTX *ctx; BN_BLINDING *ret = NULL; if (in_ctx == NULL) { if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0; } else ctx = in_ctx; BN_CTX_start(ctx); e = BN_CTX_get(ctx); if (e == NULL) { RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (rsa->e == NULL) { e = rsa_get_public_exp(rsa->d, rsa->p, rsa->q, ctx); if (e == NULL) { RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, RSA_R_NO_PUBLIC_EXPONENT); goto err; } } else e = rsa->e; if ((RAND_status() == 0) && rsa->d != NULL && bn_get_words(rsa->d) != NULL) { RAND_add(bn_get_words(rsa->d), bn_get_dmax(rsa->d) * sizeof(BN_ULONG), 0.0); } { BIGNUM *local_n = NULL, *n; if (!(rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_NO_CONSTTIME)) { local_n = n = BN_new(); if (local_n == NULL) { RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } BN_with_flags(n, rsa->n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME); } else { n = rsa->n; } ret = BN_BLINDING_create_param(NULL, e, n, ctx, rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp, rsa->_method_mod_n); BN_free(local_n); } if (ret == NULL) { RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, ERR_R_BN_LIB); goto err; } CRYPTO_THREADID_current(BN_BLINDING_thread_id(ret)); err: BN_CTX_end(ctx); if (ctx != in_ctx) BN_CTX_free(ctx); if (e != rsa->e) BN_free(e); return ret; }
['BN_BLINDING *RSA_setup_blinding(RSA *rsa, BN_CTX *in_ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *e;\n BN_CTX *ctx;\n BN_BLINDING *ret = NULL;\n if (in_ctx == NULL) {\n if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n return 0;\n } else\n ctx = in_ctx;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n e = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (e == NULL) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n if (rsa->e == NULL) {\n e = rsa_get_public_exp(rsa->d, rsa->p, rsa->q, ctx);\n if (e == NULL) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, RSA_R_NO_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);\n goto err;\n }\n } else\n e = rsa->e;\n if ((RAND_status() == 0) && rsa->d != NULL\n && bn_get_words(rsa->d) != NULL) {\n RAND_add(bn_get_words(rsa->d), bn_get_dmax(rsa->d) * sizeof(BN_ULONG),\n 0.0);\n }\n {\n BIGNUM *local_n = NULL, *n;\n if (!(rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_NO_CONSTTIME)) {\n local_n = n = BN_new();\n if (local_n == NULL) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n BN_with_flags(n, rsa->n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n } else {\n n = rsa->n;\n }\n ret = BN_BLINDING_create_param(NULL, e, n, ctx, rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp,\n rsa->_method_mod_n);\n BN_free(local_n);\n }\n if (ret == NULL) {\n RSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_SETUP_BLINDING, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n CRYPTO_THREADID_current(BN_BLINDING_thread_id(ret));\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n if (ctx != in_ctx)\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n if (e != rsa->e)\n BN_free(e);\n return ret;\n}', 'BN_CTX *BN_CTX_new(void)\n{\n BN_CTX *ret;\n if ((ret = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*ret))) == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_NEW, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n BN_POOL_init(&ret->pool);\n BN_STACK_init(&ret->stack);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (num <= 0)\n return NULL;\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifdef CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)file;\n (void)line;\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ\n if (ret && (num > 2048)) {\n extern unsigned char cleanse_ctr;\n ((unsigned char *)ret)[0] = cleanse_ctr;\n }\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'static void BN_POOL_init(BN_POOL *p)\n{\n p->head = p->current = p->tail = NULL;\n p->used = p->size = 0;\n}', 'static void BN_STACK_init(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n st->indexes = NULL;\n st->depth = st->size = 0;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_start", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'static int BN_STACK_push(BN_STACK *st, unsigned int idx)\n{\n if (st->depth == st->size) {\n unsigned int newsize =\n st->size ? (st->size * 3 / 2) : BN_CTX_START_FRAMES;\n unsigned int *newitems = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*newitems) * newsize);\n if (newitems == NULL)\n return 0;\n if (st->depth)\n memcpy(newitems, st->indexes, sizeof(*newitems) * st->depth);\n OPENSSL_free(st->indexes);\n st->indexes = newitems;\n st->size = newsize;\n }\n st->indexes[(st->depth)++] = idx;\n return 1;\n}', 'void CRYPTO_free(void *str)\n{\n#ifdef CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 0);\n free(str);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 1);\n } else {\n free(str);\n }\n#else\n free(str);\n#endif\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_CTX_get(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *ret;\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_get", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n return NULL;\n if ((ret = BN_POOL_get(&ctx->pool, ctx->flags)) == NULL) {\n ctx->too_many = 1;\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_GET, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n return NULL;\n }\n BN_zero(ret);\n ctx->used++;\n CTXDBG_RET(ctx, ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return (0);\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n bn_check_top(a);\n return (1);\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['static int dsa_do_verify(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,\n DSA_SIG *sig, DSA *dsa)\n{\n BN_CTX *ctx;\n BIGNUM *u1, *u2, *t1;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n const BIGNUM *r, *s;\n int ret = -1, i;\n if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {\n DSAerr(DSA_F_DSA_DO_VERIFY, DSA_R_MISSING_PARAMETERS);\n return -1;\n }\n i = BN_num_bits(dsa->q);\n if (i != 160 && i != 224 && i != 256) {\n DSAerr(DSA_F_DSA_DO_VERIFY, DSA_R_BAD_Q_VALUE);\n return -1;\n }\n if (BN_num_bits(dsa->p) > OPENSSL_DSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {\n DSAerr(DSA_F_DSA_DO_VERIFY, DSA_R_MODULUS_TOO_LARGE);\n return -1;\n }\n u1 = BN_new();\n u2 = BN_new();\n t1 = BN_new();\n ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (u1 == NULL || u2 == NULL || t1 == NULL || ctx == NULL)\n goto err;\n DSA_SIG_get0(sig, &r, &s);\n if (BN_is_zero(r) || BN_is_negative(r) ||\n BN_ucmp(r, dsa->q) >= 0) {\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_zero(s) || BN_is_negative(s) ||\n BN_ucmp(s, dsa->q) >= 0) {\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n if ((BN_mod_inverse(u2, s, dsa->q, ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (dgst_len > (i >> 3))\n dgst_len = (i >> 3);\n if (BN_bin2bn(dgst, dgst_len, u1) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(u1, u1, u2, dsa->q, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(u2, r, u2, dsa->q, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (dsa->flags & DSA_FLAG_CACHE_MONT_P) {\n mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dsa->method_mont_p,\n dsa->lock, dsa->p, ctx);\n if (!mont)\n goto err;\n }\n if (dsa->meth->dsa_mod_exp != NULL) {\n if (!dsa->meth->dsa_mod_exp(dsa, t1, dsa->g, u1, dsa->pub_key, u2,\n dsa->p, ctx, mont))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mod_exp2_mont(t1, dsa->g, u1, dsa->pub_key, u2, dsa->p, ctx,\n mont))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_mod(u1, t1, dsa->q, ctx))\n goto err;\n ret = (BN_ucmp(u1, r) == 0);\n err:\n if (ret < 0)\n DSAerr(DSA_F_DSA_DO_VERIFY, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n BN_free(u1);\n BN_free(u2);\n BN_free(t1);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *rv;\n int noinv;\n rv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);\n if (noinv)\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE, BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n return rv;\n}', 'BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,\n int *pnoinv)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 0;\n if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n sign = -1;\n if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= 2048)) {\n int shift;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(X)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(X, X))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(Y)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(B, B, A))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(A, A, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B)) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, T) < 0) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, T))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(D, T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, D) < 0) {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 2))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 3))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, M, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_div(D, M, A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (BN_is_one(D)) {\n if (!BN_add(tmp, X, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_is_word(D, 2)) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_is_word(D, 4)) {\n if (!BN_lshift(tmp, X, 2))\n goto err;\n } else if (D->top == 1) {\n if (!BN_copy(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul_word(tmp, D->d[0]))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_start", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_end", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n}', 'int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, const BIGNUM *m,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *t;\n int ret = 0;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n bn_check_top(m);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((t = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (a == b) {\n if (!BN_sqr(t, a, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(t, a, b, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_nnmod(r, t, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n bn_check_top(r);\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_sqr(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int max, al;\n int ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *tmp, *rr;\n bn_check_top(a);\n al = a->top;\n if (al <= 0) {\n r->top = 0;\n r->neg = 0;\n return 1;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n rr = (a != r) ? r : BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (rr == NULL || tmp == NULL)\n goto err;\n max = 2 * al;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, max) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (al == 4) {\n#ifndef BN_SQR_COMBA\n BN_ULONG t[8];\n bn_sqr_normal(rr->d, a->d, 4, t);\n#else\n bn_sqr_comba4(rr->d, a->d);\n#endif\n } else if (al == 8) {\n#ifndef BN_SQR_COMBA\n BN_ULONG t[16];\n bn_sqr_normal(rr->d, a->d, 8, t);\n#else\n bn_sqr_comba8(rr->d, a->d);\n#endif\n } else {\n#if defined(BN_RECURSION)\n if (al < BN_SQR_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL) {\n BN_ULONG t[BN_SQR_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL * 2];\n bn_sqr_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, t);\n } else {\n int j, k;\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n j = 1 << (j - 1);\n k = j + j;\n if (al == j) {\n if (bn_wexpand(tmp, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_sqr_recursive(rr->d, a->d, al, tmp->d);\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(tmp, max) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_sqr_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, tmp->d);\n }\n }\n#else\n if (bn_wexpand(tmp, max) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_sqr_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, tmp->d);\n#endif\n }\n rr->neg = 0;\n if (a->d[al - 1] == (a->d[al - 1] & BN_MASK2l))\n rr->top = max - 1;\n else\n rr->top = max;\n if (r != rr && BN_copy(r, rr) == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(rr);\n bn_check_top(tmp);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
static int sdp_read_header(AVFormatContext *s, AVFormatParameters *ap) { RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data; RTSPStream *rtsp_st; int size, i, err; char *content; char url[1024]; content = av_malloc(SDP_MAX_SIZE); size = get_buffer(s->pb, content, SDP_MAX_SIZE - 1); if (size <= 0) { av_free(content); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; } content[size] ='\0'; sdp_parse(s, content); av_free(content); for(i=0;i<rt->nb_rtsp_streams;i++) { rtsp_st = rt->rtsp_streams[i]; snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "rtp://%s:%d?localport=%d&ttl=%d", inet_ntoa(rtsp_st->sdp_ip), rtsp_st->sdp_port, rtsp_st->sdp_port, rtsp_st->sdp_ttl); if (url_open(&rtsp_st->rtp_handle, url, URL_RDWR) < 0) { err = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; goto fail; } if ((err = rtsp_open_transport_ctx(s, rtsp_st))) goto fail; } return 0; fail: rtsp_close_streams(rt); return err; }
['static int sdp_read_header(AVFormatContext *s,\n AVFormatParameters *ap)\n{\n RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;\n RTSPStream *rtsp_st;\n int size, i, err;\n char *content;\n char url[1024];\n content = av_malloc(SDP_MAX_SIZE);\n size = get_buffer(s->pb, content, SDP_MAX_SIZE - 1);\n if (size <= 0) {\n av_free(content);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n content[size] =\'\\0\';\n sdp_parse(s, content);\n av_free(content);\n for(i=0;i<rt->nb_rtsp_streams;i++) {\n rtsp_st = rt->rtsp_streams[i];\n snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "rtp://%s:%d?localport=%d&ttl=%d",\n inet_ntoa(rtsp_st->sdp_ip),\n rtsp_st->sdp_port,\n rtsp_st->sdp_port,\n rtsp_st->sdp_ttl);\n if (url_open(&rtsp_st->rtp_handle, url, URL_RDWR) < 0) {\n err = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n goto fail;\n }\n if ((err = rtsp_open_transport_ctx(s, rtsp_st)))\n goto fail;\n }\n return 0;\n fail:\n rtsp_close_streams(rt);\n return err;\n}', 'void *av_malloc(unsigned int size)\n{\n void *ptr = NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n long diff;\n#endif\n if(size > (INT_MAX-16) )\n return NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n ptr = malloc(size+16);\n if(!ptr)\n return ptr;\n diff= ((-(long)ptr - 1)&15) + 1;\n ptr = (char*)ptr + diff;\n ((char*)ptr)[-1]= diff;\n#elif HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN\n if (posix_memalign(&ptr,16,size))\n ptr = NULL;\n#elif HAVE_MEMALIGN\n ptr = memalign(16,size);\n#else\n ptr = malloc(size);\n#endif\n return ptr;\n}']
static int mkv_write_header(AVFormatContext *s) { MatroskaMuxContext *mkv = s->priv_data; ByteIOContext *pb = s->pb; ebml_master ebml_header, segment_info; int ret; mkv->md5_ctx = av_mallocz(av_md5_size); av_md5_init(mkv->md5_ctx); ebml_header = start_ebml_master(pb, EBML_ID_HEADER, 0); put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLVERSION , 1); put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLREADVERSION , 1); put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLMAXIDLENGTH , 4); put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLMAXSIZELENGTH , 8); put_ebml_string (pb, EBML_ID_DOCTYPE , "matroska"); put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_DOCTYPEVERSION , 2); put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_DOCTYPEREADVERSION , 2); end_ebml_master(pb, ebml_header); mkv->segment = start_ebml_master(pb, MATROSKA_ID_SEGMENT, 0); mkv->segment_offset = url_ftell(pb); mkv->main_seekhead = mkv_start_seekhead(pb, mkv->segment_offset, 10); mkv->cluster_seekhead = mkv_start_seekhead(pb, mkv->segment_offset, 0); if (mkv->main_seekhead == NULL || mkv->cluster_seekhead == NULL) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); ret = mkv_add_seekhead_entry(mkv->main_seekhead, MATROSKA_ID_INFO, url_ftell(pb)); if (ret < 0) return ret; segment_info = start_ebml_master(pb, MATROSKA_ID_INFO, 0); put_ebml_uint(pb, MATROSKA_ID_TIMECODESCALE, 1000000); if (strlen(s->title)) put_ebml_string(pb, MATROSKA_ID_TITLE, s->title); if (!(s->streams[0]->codec->flags & CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT)) { put_ebml_string(pb, MATROSKA_ID_MUXINGAPP , LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT); put_ebml_string(pb, MATROSKA_ID_WRITINGAPP, LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT); mkv->segment_uid = url_ftell(pb); put_ebml_void(pb, 19); } mkv->duration = 0; mkv->duration_offset = url_ftell(pb); put_ebml_void(pb, 11); end_ebml_master(pb, segment_info); ret = mkv_write_tracks(s); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = mkv_add_seekhead_entry(mkv->cluster_seekhead, MATROSKA_ID_CLUSTER, url_ftell(pb)); if (ret < 0) return ret; mkv->cluster_pos = url_ftell(pb); mkv->cluster = start_ebml_master(pb, MATROSKA_ID_CLUSTER, 0); put_ebml_uint(pb, MATROSKA_ID_CLUSTERTIMECODE, 0); mkv->cluster_pts = 0; mkv->cues = mkv_start_cues(mkv->segment_offset); if (mkv->cues == NULL) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); return 0; }
['static int mkv_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)\n{\n MatroskaMuxContext *mkv = s->priv_data;\n ByteIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n ebml_master ebml_header, segment_info;\n int ret;\n mkv->md5_ctx = av_mallocz(av_md5_size);\n av_md5_init(mkv->md5_ctx);\n ebml_header = start_ebml_master(pb, EBML_ID_HEADER, 0);\n put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLVERSION , 1);\n put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLREADVERSION , 1);\n put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLMAXIDLENGTH , 4);\n put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_EBMLMAXSIZELENGTH , 8);\n put_ebml_string (pb, EBML_ID_DOCTYPE , "matroska");\n put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_DOCTYPEVERSION , 2);\n put_ebml_uint (pb, EBML_ID_DOCTYPEREADVERSION , 2);\n end_ebml_master(pb, ebml_header);\n mkv->segment = start_ebml_master(pb, MATROSKA_ID_SEGMENT, 0);\n mkv->segment_offset = url_ftell(pb);\n mkv->main_seekhead = mkv_start_seekhead(pb, mkv->segment_offset, 10);\n mkv->cluster_seekhead = mkv_start_seekhead(pb, mkv->segment_offset, 0);\n if (mkv->main_seekhead == NULL || mkv->cluster_seekhead == NULL)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n ret = mkv_add_seekhead_entry(mkv->main_seekhead, MATROSKA_ID_INFO, url_ftell(pb));\n if (ret < 0) return ret;\n segment_info = start_ebml_master(pb, MATROSKA_ID_INFO, 0);\n put_ebml_uint(pb, MATROSKA_ID_TIMECODESCALE, 1000000);\n if (strlen(s->title))\n put_ebml_string(pb, MATROSKA_ID_TITLE, s->title);\n if (!(s->streams[0]->codec->flags & CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT)) {\n put_ebml_string(pb, MATROSKA_ID_MUXINGAPP , LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT);\n put_ebml_string(pb, MATROSKA_ID_WRITINGAPP, LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT);\n mkv->segment_uid = url_ftell(pb);\n put_ebml_void(pb, 19);\n }\n mkv->duration = 0;\n mkv->duration_offset = url_ftell(pb);\n put_ebml_void(pb, 11);\n end_ebml_master(pb, segment_info);\n ret = mkv_write_tracks(s);\n if (ret < 0) return ret;\n ret = mkv_add_seekhead_entry(mkv->cluster_seekhead, MATROSKA_ID_CLUSTER, url_ftell(pb));\n if (ret < 0) return ret;\n mkv->cluster_pos = url_ftell(pb);\n mkv->cluster = start_ebml_master(pb, MATROSKA_ID_CLUSTER, 0);\n put_ebml_uint(pb, MATROSKA_ID_CLUSTERTIMECODE, 0);\n mkv->cluster_pts = 0;\n mkv->cues = mkv_start_cues(mkv->segment_offset);\n if (mkv->cues == NULL)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n return 0;\n}', 'void *av_mallocz(unsigned int size)\n{\n void *ptr = av_malloc(size);\n if (ptr)\n memset(ptr, 0, size);\n return ptr;\n}', 'void *av_malloc(unsigned int size)\n{\n void *ptr;\n#ifdef CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n long diff;\n#endif\n if(size > (INT_MAX-16) )\n return NULL;\n#ifdef CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n ptr = malloc(size+16);\n if(!ptr)\n return ptr;\n diff= ((-(long)ptr - 1)&15) + 1;\n ptr = (char*)ptr + diff;\n ((char*)ptr)[-1]= diff;\n#elif defined (HAVE_MEMALIGN)\n ptr = memalign(16,size);\n#else\n ptr = malloc(size);\n#endif\n return ptr;\n}', 'void av_md5_init(AVMD5 *ctx){\n ctx->len = 0;\n ctx->ABCD[0] = 0x10325476;\n ctx->ABCD[1] = 0x98badcfe;\n ctx->ABCD[2] = 0xefcdab89;\n ctx->ABCD[3] = 0x67452301;\n}']
static BN_ULONG bn_get_bits(const BIGNUM *a, int bitpos) { BN_ULONG ret = 0; int wordpos; wordpos = bitpos / BN_BITS2; bitpos %= BN_BITS2; if (wordpos >= 0 && wordpos < a->top) { ret = a->d[wordpos] & BN_MASK2; if (bitpos) { ret >>= bitpos; if (++wordpos < a->top) ret |= a->d[wordpos] << (BN_BITS2 - bitpos); } } return ret & BN_MASK2; }
['BIGNUM *BN_mod_sqrt(BIGNUM *in, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *ret = in;\n int err = 1;\n int r;\n BIGNUM *A, *b, *q, *t, *x, *y;\n int e, i, j;\n if (!BN_is_odd(p) || BN_abs_is_word(p, 1)) {\n if (BN_abs_is_word(p, 2)) {\n if (ret == NULL)\n ret = BN_new();\n if (ret == NULL)\n goto end;\n if (!BN_set_word(ret, BN_is_bit_set(a, 0))) {\n if (ret != in)\n BN_free(ret);\n return NULL;\n }\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n }\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_P_IS_NOT_PRIME);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_is_zero(a) || BN_is_one(a)) {\n if (ret == NULL)\n ret = BN_new();\n if (ret == NULL)\n goto end;\n if (!BN_set_word(ret, BN_is_one(a))) {\n if (ret != in)\n BN_free(ret);\n return NULL;\n }\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n b = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n q = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n x = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (y == NULL)\n goto end;\n if (ret == NULL)\n ret = BN_new();\n if (ret == NULL)\n goto end;\n if (!BN_nnmod(A, a, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n e = 1;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(p, e))\n e++;\n if (e == 1) {\n if (!BN_rshift(q, p, 2))\n goto end;\n q->neg = 0;\n if (!BN_add_word(q, 1))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_exp(ret, A, q, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n err = 0;\n goto vrfy;\n }\n if (e == 2) {\n if (!BN_mod_lshift1_quick(t, A, p))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_rshift(q, p, 3))\n goto end;\n q->neg = 0;\n if (!BN_mod_exp(b, t, q, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_sqr(y, b, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, y, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_sub_word(t, 1))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(x, A, b, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(x, x, t, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_copy(ret, x))\n goto end;\n err = 0;\n goto vrfy;\n }\n if (!BN_copy(q, p))\n goto end;\n q->neg = 0;\n i = 2;\n do {\n if (i < 22) {\n if (!BN_set_word(y, i))\n goto end;\n } else {\n if (!BN_priv_rand(y, BN_num_bits(p), 0, 0))\n goto end;\n if (BN_ucmp(y, p) >= 0) {\n if (!(p->neg ? BN_add : BN_sub) (y, y, p))\n goto end;\n }\n if (BN_is_zero(y))\n if (!BN_set_word(y, i))\n goto end;\n }\n r = BN_kronecker(y, q, ctx);\n if (r < -1)\n goto end;\n if (r == 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_P_IS_NOT_PRIME);\n goto end;\n }\n }\n while (r == 1 && ++i < 82);\n if (r != -1) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS);\n goto end;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift(q, q, e))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_exp(y, y, q, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (BN_is_one(y)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_P_IS_NOT_PRIME);\n goto end;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(t, q))\n goto end;\n if (BN_is_zero(t)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(t, A, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (BN_is_zero(t)) {\n BN_zero(ret);\n err = 0;\n goto end;\n } else if (!BN_one(x))\n goto end;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mod_exp(x, A, t, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (BN_is_zero(x)) {\n BN_zero(ret);\n err = 0;\n goto end;\n }\n }\n if (!BN_mod_sqr(b, x, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(b, b, A, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(x, x, A, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n while (1) {\n if (BN_is_one(b)) {\n if (!BN_copy(ret, x))\n goto end;\n err = 0;\n goto vrfy;\n }\n i = 1;\n if (!BN_mod_sqr(t, b, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n while (!BN_is_one(t)) {\n i++;\n if (i == e) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_NOT_A_SQUARE);\n goto end;\n }\n if (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, t, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n }\n if (!BN_copy(t, y))\n goto end;\n for (j = e - i - 1; j > 0; j--) {\n if (!BN_mod_sqr(t, t, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n }\n if (!BN_mod_mul(y, t, t, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(x, x, t, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n if (!BN_mod_mul(b, b, y, p, ctx))\n goto end;\n e = i;\n }\n vrfy:\n if (!err) {\n if (!BN_mod_sqr(x, ret, p, ctx))\n err = 1;\n if (!err && 0 != BN_cmp(x, A)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_NOT_A_SQUARE);\n err = 1;\n }\n }\n end:\n if (err) {\n if (ret != in)\n BN_clear_free(ret);\n ret = NULL;\n }\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_rshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n)\n{\n int i, j, nw, lb, rb;\n BN_ULONG *t, *f;\n BN_ULONG l, tmp;\n bn_check_top(r);\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (n < 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_RSHIFT, BN_R_INVALID_SHIFT);\n return 0;\n }\n nw = n / BN_BITS2;\n rb = n % BN_BITS2;\n lb = BN_BITS2 - rb;\n if (nw >= a->top || a->top == 0) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return 1;\n }\n i = (BN_num_bits(a) - n + (BN_BITS2 - 1)) / BN_BITS2;\n if (r != a) {\n if (bn_wexpand(r, i) == NULL)\n return 0;\n r->neg = a->neg;\n } else {\n if (n == 0)\n return 1;\n }\n f = &(a->d[nw]);\n t = r->d;\n j = a->top - nw;\n r->top = i;\n if (rb == 0) {\n for (i = j; i != 0; i--)\n *(t++) = *(f++);\n } else {\n l = *(f++);\n for (i = j - 1; i != 0; i--) {\n tmp = (l >> rb) & BN_MASK2;\n l = *(f++);\n *(t++) = (tmp | (l << lb)) & BN_MASK2;\n }\n if ((l = (l >> rb) & BN_MASK2))\n *(t) = l;\n }\n if (!r->top)\n r->neg = 0;\n bn_check_top(r);\n return 1;\n}', 'int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(p);\n bn_check_top(m);\n#define MONT_MUL_MOD\n#define MONT_EXP_WORD\n#define RECP_MUL_MOD\n#ifdef MONT_MUL_MOD\n if (BN_is_odd(m)) {\n# ifdef MONT_EXP_WORD\n if (a->top == 1 && !a->neg\n && (BN_get_flags(p, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) == 0)\n && (BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) == 0)\n && (BN_get_flags(m, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) == 0)) {\n BN_ULONG A = a->d[0];\n ret = BN_mod_exp_mont_word(r, A, p, m, ctx, NULL);\n } else\n# endif\n ret = BN_mod_exp_mont(r, a, p, m, ctx, NULL);\n } else\n#endif\n#ifdef RECP_MUL_MOD\n {\n ret = BN_mod_exp_recp(r, a, p, m, ctx);\n }\n#else\n {\n ret = BN_mod_exp_simple(r, a, p, m, ctx);\n }\n#endif\n bn_check_top(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_mod_exp_mont(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,\n const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont)\n{\n int i, j, bits, ret = 0, wstart, wend, window, wvalue;\n int start = 1;\n BIGNUM *d, *r;\n const BIGNUM *aa;\n BIGNUM *val[TABLE_SIZE];\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n if (BN_get_flags(p, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0\n || BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0\n || BN_get_flags(m, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0) {\n return BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(rr, a, p, m, ctx, in_mont);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(p);\n bn_check_top(m);\n if (!BN_is_odd(m)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_EXP_MONT, BN_R_CALLED_WITH_EVEN_MODULUS);\n return 0;\n }\n bits = BN_num_bits(p);\n if (bits == 0) {\n if (BN_abs_is_word(m, 1)) {\n ret = 1;\n BN_zero(rr);\n } else {\n ret = BN_one(rr);\n }\n return ret;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n d = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n r = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n val[0] = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (val[0] == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in_mont != NULL)\n mont = in_mont;\n else {\n if ((mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (a->neg || BN_ucmp(a, m) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(val[0], a, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n aa = val[0];\n } else\n aa = a;\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(val[0], aa, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n window = BN_window_bits_for_exponent_size(bits);\n if (window > 1) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(d, val[0], val[0], mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n j = 1 << (window - 1);\n for (i = 1; i < j; i++) {\n if (((val[i] = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||\n !bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(val[i], val[i - 1], d, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n start = 1;\n wvalue = 0;\n wstart = bits - 1;\n wend = 0;\n#if 1\n j = m->top;\n if (m->d[j - 1] & (((BN_ULONG)1) << (BN_BITS2 - 1))) {\n if (bn_wexpand(r, j) == NULL)\n goto err;\n r->d[0] = (0 - m->d[0]) & BN_MASK2;\n for (i = 1; i < j; i++)\n r->d[i] = (~m->d[i]) & BN_MASK2;\n r->top = j;\n r->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n } else\n#endif\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(r, BN_value_one(), mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n for (;;) {\n if (BN_is_bit_set(p, wstart) == 0) {\n if (!start) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(r, r, r, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (wstart == 0)\n break;\n wstart--;\n continue;\n }\n j = wstart;\n wvalue = 1;\n wend = 0;\n for (i = 1; i < window; i++) {\n if (wstart - i < 0)\n break;\n if (BN_is_bit_set(p, wstart - i)) {\n wvalue <<= (i - wend);\n wvalue |= 1;\n wend = i;\n }\n }\n j = wend + 1;\n if (!start)\n for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(r, r, r, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(r, r, val[wvalue >> 1], mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n wstart -= wend + 1;\n wvalue = 0;\n start = 0;\n if (wstart < 0)\n break;\n }\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[0] & (SPARCV9_VIS3 | SPARCV9_PREFER_FPU)) {\n j = mont->;\n val[0]->d[0] = 1;\n for (i = 1; i < j; i++)\n val[0]->d[i] = 0;\n val[0]->top = j;\n if (!BN_mod_mul_montgomery(rr, r, val[0], mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else\n#endif\n if (!BN_from_montgomery(rr, r, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (in_mont == NULL)\n BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(rr);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,\n const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,\n BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont)\n{\n int i, bits, ret = 0, window, wvalue, wmask, window0;\n int top;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n int numPowers;\n unsigned char *powerbufFree = NULL;\n int powerbufLen = 0;\n unsigned char *powerbuf = NULL;\n BIGNUM tmp, am;\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n unsigned int t4 = 0;\n#endif\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(p);\n bn_check_top(m);\n if (!BN_is_odd(m)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_EXP_MONT_CONSTTIME, BN_R_CALLED_WITH_EVEN_MODULUS);\n return 0;\n }\n top = m->top;\n bits = p->top * BN_BITS2;\n if (bits == 0) {\n if (BN_abs_is_word(m, 1)) {\n ret = 1;\n BN_zero(rr);\n } else {\n ret = BN_one(rr);\n }\n return ret;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if (in_mont != NULL)\n mont = in_mont;\n else {\n if ((mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n#ifdef RSAZ_ENABLED\n if (!a->neg) {\n if ((16 == a->top) && (16 == p->top) && (BN_num_bits(m) == 1024)\n && rsaz_avx2_eligible()) {\n if (NULL == bn_wexpand(rr, 16))\n goto err;\n RSAZ_1024_mod_exp_avx2(rr->d, a->d, p->d, m->d, mont->RR.d,\n mont->n0[0]);\n rr->top = 16;\n rr->neg = 0;\n bn_correct_top(rr);\n ret = 1;\n goto err;\n } else if ((8 == a->top) && (8 == p->top) && (BN_num_bits(m) == 512)) {\n if (NULL == bn_wexpand(rr, 8))\n goto err;\n RSAZ_512_mod_exp(rr->d, a->d, p->d, m->d, mont->n0[0], mont->RR.d);\n rr->top = 8;\n rr->neg = 0;\n bn_correct_top(rr);\n ret = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n }\n#endif\n window = BN_window_bits_for_ctime_exponent_size(bits);\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (window >= 5 && (top & 15) == 0 && top <= 64 &&\n (OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[1] & (CFR_MONTMUL | CFR_MONTSQR)) ==\n (CFR_MONTMUL | CFR_MONTSQR) && (t4 = OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[0]))\n window = 5;\n else\n#endif\n#if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5)\n if (window >= 5) {\n window = 5;\n powerbufLen += top * sizeof(mont->N.d[0]);\n }\n#endif\n (void)0;\n numPowers = 1 << window;\n powerbufLen += sizeof(m->d[0]) * (top * numPowers +\n ((2 * top) >\n numPowers ? (2 * top) : numPowers));\n#ifdef alloca\n if (powerbufLen < 3072)\n powerbufFree =\n alloca(powerbufLen + MOD_EXP_CTIME_MIN_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH);\n else\n#endif\n if ((powerbufFree =\n OPENSSL_malloc(powerbufLen + MOD_EXP_CTIME_MIN_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH))\n == NULL)\n goto err;\n powerbuf = MOD_EXP_CTIME_ALIGN(powerbufFree);\n memset(powerbuf, 0, powerbufLen);\n#ifdef alloca\n if (powerbufLen < 3072)\n powerbufFree = NULL;\n#endif\n tmp.d = (BN_ULONG *)(powerbuf + sizeof(m->d[0]) * top * numPowers);\n am.d = tmp.d + top;\n = = 0;\n tmp.dmax = am.dmax = top;\n tmp.neg = am.neg = 0;\n tmp.flags = am.flags = BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA;\n#if 1\n if (m->d[top - 1] & (((BN_ULONG)1) << (BN_BITS2 - 1))) {\n tmp.d[0] = (0 - m->d[0]) & BN_MASK2;\n for (i = 1; i < top; i++)\n tmp.d[i] = (~m->d[i]) & BN_MASK2;\n = top;\n } else\n#endif\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, BN_value_one(), mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (a->neg || BN_ucmp(a, m) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(&am, a, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(&am, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else if (!bn_to_mont_fixed_top(&am, a, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (t4) {\n typedef int (*bn_pwr5_mont_f) (BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_8(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_16(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_24(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n int bn_pwr5_mont_t4_32(BN_ULONG *tp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, const void *table,\n int power, int bits);\n static const bn_pwr5_mont_f pwr5_funcs[4] = {\n bn_pwr5_mont_t4_8, bn_pwr5_mont_t4_16,\n bn_pwr5_mont_t4_24, bn_pwr5_mont_t4_32\n };\n bn_pwr5_mont_f pwr5_worker = pwr5_funcs[top / 16 - 1];\n typedef int (*bn_mul_mont_f) (BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_8(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const void *bp,\n const BN_ULONG *np, const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_16(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_24(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n int bn_mul_mont_t4_32(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0);\n static const bn_mul_mont_f mul_funcs[4] = {\n bn_mul_mont_t4_8, bn_mul_mont_t4_16,\n bn_mul_mont_t4_24, bn_mul_mont_t4_32\n };\n bn_mul_mont_f mul_worker = mul_funcs[top / 16 - 1];\n void bn_mul_mont_vis3(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);\n void bn_mul_mont_t4(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *bp, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);\n void bn_mul_mont_gather5_t4(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *table, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num, int power);\n void bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(const BN_ULONG *inp, size_t num,\n void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_gather5_t4(BN_ULONG *out, size_t num,\n void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_flip_t4(BN_ULONG *dst, BN_ULONG *src, size_t num);\n BN_ULONG *np = mont->N.d, *n0 = mont->n0;\n int stride = 5 * (6 - (top / 16 - 1));\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n am.d[i] = 0;\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n tmp.d[i] = 0;\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 0);\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(am.d, top, powerbuf, 1);\n if (!(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0) &&\n !(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0))\n bn_mul_mont_vis3(tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 2);\n for (i = 3; i < 32; i++) {\n if (!(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, tmp.d, am.d, np, n0) &&\n !(*mul_worker) (tmp.d, tmp.d, am.d, np, n0))\n bn_mul_mont_vis3(tmp.d, tmp.d, am.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_flip_n_scatter5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n np = alloca(top * sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n top /= 2;\n bn_flip_t4(np, mont->N.d, top);\n window0 = (bits - 1) % 5 + 1;\n wmask = (1 << window0) - 1;\n bits -= window0;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n bn_gather5_t4(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, wvalue);\n while (bits > 0) {\n if (bits < stride)\n stride = bits;\n bits -= stride;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits);\n if ((*pwr5_worker) (tmp.d, np, n0, powerbuf, wvalue, stride))\n continue;\n if ((*pwr5_worker) (tmp.d, np, n0, powerbuf, wvalue, stride))\n continue;\n bits += stride - 5;\n wvalue >>= stride - 5;\n wvalue &= 31;\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_gather5_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top,\n wvalue);\n }\n bn_flip_t4(tmp.d, tmp.d, top);\n top *= 2;\n = top;\n bn_correct_top(&tmp);\n OPENSSL_cleanse(np, top * sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n } else\n#endif\n#if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5)\n if (window == 5 && top > 1) {\n void bn_mul_mont_gather5(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *table, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num, int power);\n void bn_scatter5(const BN_ULONG *inp, size_t num,\n void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_gather5(BN_ULONG *out, size_t num, void *table, size_t power);\n void bn_power5(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const void *table, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num, int power);\n int bn_get_bits5(const BN_ULONG *ap, int off);\n int bn_from_montgomery(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap,\n const BN_ULONG *not_used, const BN_ULONG *np,\n const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);\n BN_ULONG *n0 = mont->n0, *np;\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n am.d[i] = 0;\n for (i =; i < top; i++)\n tmp.d[i] = 0;\n for (np = am.d + top, i = 0; i < top; i++)\n np[i] = mont->N.d[i];\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 0);\n bn_scatter5(am.d,, powerbuf, 1);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, am.d, am.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 2);\n# if 0\n for (i = 3; i < 32; i++) {\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n# else\n for (i = 4; i < 32; i *= 2) {\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n for (i = 3; i < 8; i += 2) {\n int j;\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n for (j = 2 * i; j < 32; j *= 2) {\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, j);\n }\n }\n for (; i < 16; i += 2) {\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 2 * i);\n }\n for (; i < 32; i += 2) {\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, am.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top, i - 1);\n bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, i);\n }\n# endif\n window0 = (bits - 1) % 5 + 1;\n wmask = (1 << window0) - 1;\n bits -= window0;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n bn_gather5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, wvalue);\n if (top & 7) {\n while (bits > 0) {\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont(tmp.d, tmp.d, tmp.d, np, n0, top);\n bn_mul_mont_gather5(tmp.d, tmp.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top,\n bn_get_bits5(p->d, bits -= 5));\n }\n } else {\n while (bits > 0) {\n bn_power5(tmp.d, tmp.d, powerbuf, np, n0, top,\n bn_get_bits5(p->d, bits -= 5));\n }\n }\n ret = bn_from_montgomery(tmp.d, tmp.d, NULL, np, n0, top);\n = top;\n bn_correct_top(&tmp);\n if (ret) {\n if (!BN_copy(rr, &tmp))\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n } else\n#endif\n {\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, 0, window))\n goto err;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&am, top, powerbuf, 1, window))\n goto err;\n if (window > 1) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &am, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, 2,\n window))\n goto err;\n for (i = 3; i < numPowers; i++) {\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &am, &tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_TO_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, i,\n window))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n window0 = (bits - 1) % window + 1;\n wmask = (1 << window0) - 1;\n bits -= window0;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_FROM_PREBUF(&tmp, top, powerbuf, wvalue,\n window))\n goto err;\n wmask = (1 << window) - 1;\n while (bits > 0) {\n for (i = 0; i < window; i++)\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &tmp, &tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n bits -= window;\n wvalue = bn_get_bits(p, bits) & wmask;\n if (!MOD_EXP_CTIME_COPY_FROM_PREBUF(&am, top, powerbuf, wvalue,\n window))\n goto err;\n if (!bn_mul_mont_fixed_top(&tmp, &tmp, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n#if defined(SPARC_T4_MONT)\n if (OPENSSL_sparcv9cap_P[0] & (SPARCV9_VIS3 | SPARCV9_PREFER_FPU)) {\n am.d[0] = 1;\n for (i = 1; i < top; i++)\n am.d[i] = 0;\n if (!BN_mod_mul_montgomery(rr, &tmp, &am, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else\n#endif\n if (!BN_from_montgomery(rr, &tmp, mont, ctx))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (in_mont == NULL)\n BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n if (powerbuf != NULL) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(powerbuf, powerbufLen);\n OPENSSL_free(powerbufFree);\n }\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG bn_get_bits(const BIGNUM *a, int bitpos)\n{\n BN_ULONG ret = 0;\n int wordpos;\n wordpos = bitpos / BN_BITS2;\n bitpos %= BN_BITS2;\n if (wordpos >= 0 && wordpos < a->top) {\n ret = a->d[wordpos] & BN_MASK2;\n if (bitpos) {\n ret >>= bitpos;\n if (++wordpos < a->top)\n ret |= a->d[wordpos] << (BN_BITS2 - bitpos);\n }\n }\n return ret & BN_MASK2;\n}']
int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n) { int i, nw, lb, rb; BN_ULONG *t, *f; BN_ULONG l; bn_check_top(r); bn_check_top(a); if (n < 0) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_LSHIFT, BN_R_INVALID_SHIFT); return 0; } r->neg = a->neg; nw = n / BN_BITS2; if (bn_wexpand(r, a->top + nw + 1) == NULL) return (0); lb = n % BN_BITS2; rb = BN_BITS2 - lb; f = a->d; t = r->d; t[a->top + nw] = 0; if (lb == 0) for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) t[nw + i] = f[i]; else for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) { l = f[i]; t[nw + i + 1] |= (l >> rb) & BN_MASK2; t[nw + i] = (l << lb) & BN_MASK2; } memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t) * nw); r->top = a->top + nw + 1; bn_correct_top(r); bn_check_top(r); return (1); }
['BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,\n int *pnoinv)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 0;\n if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n sign = -1;\n if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= 2048)) {\n int shift;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(X)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(X, X))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(Y)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(B, B, A))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(A, A, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B)) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, T) < 0) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, T))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(D, T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, D) < 0) {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 2))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 3))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, M, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_div(D, M, A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (BN_is_one(D)) {\n if (!BN_add(tmp, X, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_is_word(D, 2)) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_is_word(D, 4)) {\n if (!BN_lshift(tmp, X, 2))\n goto err;\n } else if (D->top == 1) {\n if (!BN_copy(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul_word(tmp, D->d[0]))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return (ret);\n}', 'int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n)\n{\n int i, nw, lb, rb;\n BN_ULONG *t, *f;\n BN_ULONG l;\n bn_check_top(r);\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (n < 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_LSHIFT, BN_R_INVALID_SHIFT);\n return 0;\n }\n r->neg = a->neg;\n nw = n / BN_BITS2;\n if (bn_wexpand(r, a->top + nw + 1) == NULL)\n return (0);\n lb = n % BN_BITS2;\n rb = BN_BITS2 - lb;\n f = a->d;\n t = r->d;\n t[a->top + nw] = 0;\n if (lb == 0)\n for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--)\n t[nw + i] = f[i];\n else\n for (i = a->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n l = f[i];\n t[nw + i + 1] |= (l >> rb) & BN_MASK2;\n t[nw + i] = (l << lb) & BN_MASK2;\n }\n memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t) * nw);\n r->top = a->top + nw + 1;\n bn_correct_top(r);\n bn_check_top(r);\n return (1);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}']
int test_BN_abs_eq_word(const char *file, int line, const char *bns, const char *ws, const BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w) { BIGNUM *bw, *aa; if (a != NULL && BN_abs_is_word(a, w)) return 1; bw = BN_new(); aa = BN_dup(a); BN_set_negative(aa, 0); BN_set_word(bw, w); test_fail_bignum_message(NULL, file, line, "BIGNUM", bns, ws, "abs==", aa, bw); BN_free(bw); BN_free(aa); return 0; }
['int test_BN_abs_eq_word(const char *file, int line, const char *bns,\n const char *ws, const BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n BIGNUM *bw, *aa;\n if (a != NULL && BN_abs_is_word(a, w))\n return 1;\n bw = BN_new();\n aa = BN_dup(a);\n BN_set_negative(aa, 0);\n BN_set_word(bw, w);\n test_fail_bignum_message(NULL, file, line, "BIGNUM", bns, ws, "abs==",\n aa, bw);\n BN_free(bw);\n BN_free(aa);\n return 0;\n}', 'int BN_abs_is_word(const BIGNUM *a, const BN_ULONG w)\n{\n return ((a->top == 1) && (a->d[0] == w)) || ((w == 0) && (a->top == 0));\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_dup(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n BIGNUM *t;\n if (a == NULL)\n return NULL;\n bn_check_top(a);\n t = BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_SECURE) ? BN_secure_new() : BN_new();\n if (t == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if (!BN_copy(t, a)) {\n BN_free(t);\n return NULL;\n }\n bn_check_top(t);\n return t;\n}', 'int BN_get_flags(const BIGNUM *b, int n)\n{\n return b->flags & n;\n}', 'void BN_set_negative(BIGNUM *a, int b)\n{\n if (b && !BN_is_zero(a))\n a->neg = 1;\n else\n a->neg = 0;\n}']
static void doall_util_fn(_LHASH *lh, int use_arg, LHASH_DOALL_FN_TYPE func, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_TYPE func_arg, void *arg) { int i; LHASH_NODE *a, *n; if (lh == NULL) return; for (i = lh->num_nodes - 1; i >= 0; i--) { a = lh->b[i]; while (a != NULL) { n = a->next; if (use_arg) func_arg(a->data, arg); else func(a->data); a = n; } } }
['int ciphers_main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n SSL *ssl = NULL;\n STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *sk = NULL;\n const SSL_METHOD *meth = TLS_server_method();\n int ret = 1, i, verbose = 0, Verbose = 0, use_supported = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL_TRACE\n int stdname = 0;\n#endif\n const char *p;\n char *ciphers = NULL, *prog;\n char buf[512];\n OPTION_CHOICE o;\n prog = opt_init(argc, argv, ciphers_options);\n while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) {\n switch (o) {\n case OPT_EOF:\n case OPT_ERR:\n opthelp:\n BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\\n", prog);\n goto end;\n case OPT_HELP:\n opt_help(ciphers_options);\n ret = 0;\n goto end;\n case OPT_V:\n verbose = 1;\n break;\n case OPT_UPPER_V:\n verbose = Verbose = 1;\n break;\n case OPT_S:\n use_supported = 1;\n break;\n case OPT_STDNAME:\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL_TRACE\n stdname = verbose = 1;\n#endif\n break;\n case OPT_SSL3:\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL3\n meth = SSLv3_client_method();\n#endif\n break;\n case OPT_TLS1:\n meth = TLSv1_client_method();\n break;\n }\n }\n argv = opt_rest();\n argc = opt_num_rest();\n if (argc == 1)\n ciphers = *argv;\n else if (argc != 0)\n goto opthelp;\n if (!app_load_modules(NULL))\n goto end;\n ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);\n if (ctx == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (ciphers != NULL) {\n if (!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, ciphers)) {\n BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error in cipher list\\n");\n goto err;\n }\n }\n ssl = SSL_new(ctx);\n if (ssl == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (use_supported)\n sk = SSL_get1_supported_ciphers(ssl);\n else\n sk = SSL_get_ciphers(ssl);\n if (!verbose) {\n for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(sk); i++) {\n SSL_CIPHER *c = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(sk, i);\n p = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(c);\n if (p == NULL)\n break;\n if (i != 0)\n BIO_printf(bio_out, ":");\n BIO_printf(bio_out, "%s", p);\n }\n BIO_printf(bio_out, "\\n");\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(sk); i++) {\n SSL_CIPHER *c;\n c = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(sk, i);\n if (Verbose) {\n unsigned long id = SSL_CIPHER_get_id(c);\n int id0 = (int)(id >> 24);\n int id1 = (int)((id >> 16) & 0xffL);\n int id2 = (int)((id >> 8) & 0xffL);\n int id3 = (int)(id & 0xffL);\n if ((id & 0xff000000L) == 0x03000000L)\n BIO_printf(bio_out, " 0x%02X,0x%02X - ", id2, id3);\n else\n BIO_printf(bio_out, "0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X - ", id0, id1, id2, id3);\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL_TRACE\n if (stdname) {\n const char *nm = SSL_CIPHER_standard_name(c);\n if (nm == NULL)\n nm = "UNKNOWN";\n BIO_printf(bio_out, "%s - ", nm);\n }\n#endif\n BIO_puts(bio_out, SSL_CIPHER_description(c, buf, sizeof buf));\n }\n }\n ret = 0;\n goto end;\n err:\n ERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n end:\n if (use_supported)\n sk_SSL_CIPHER_free(sk);\n SSL_CTX_free(ctx);\n SSL_free(ssl);\n return (ret);\n}', 'SSL_CTX *SSL_CTX_new(const SSL_METHOD *meth)\n{\n SSL_CTX *ret = NULL;\n if (meth == NULL) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, SSL_R_NULL_SSL_METHOD_PASSED);\n return (NULL);\n }\n if (FIPS_mode() && (meth->version < TLS1_VERSION)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, SSL_R_ONLY_TLS_ALLOWED_IN_FIPS_MODE);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx() < 0) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, SSL_R_X509_VERIFICATION_SETUP_PROBLEMS);\n goto err;\n }\n ret = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*ret));\n if (ret == NULL)\n goto err;\n memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));\n ret->method = meth;\n ret->cert_store = NULL;\n ret->session_cache_mode = SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER;\n ret->session_cache_size = SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT;\n ret->session_cache_head = NULL;\n ret->session_cache_tail = NULL;\n ret->session_timeout = meth->get_timeout();\n ret->new_session_cb = 0;\n ret->remove_session_cb = 0;\n ret->get_session_cb = 0;\n ret->generate_session_id = 0;\n memset(&ret->stats, 0, sizeof(ret->stats));\n ret->references = 1;\n ret->quiet_shutdown = 0;\n ret->info_callback = NULL;\n ret->app_verify_callback = 0;\n ret->app_verify_arg = NULL;\n ret->max_cert_list = SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT;\n ret->read_ahead = 0;\n ret->msg_callback = 0;\n ret->msg_callback_arg = NULL;\n ret->verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;\n ret->sid_ctx_length = 0;\n ret->default_verify_callback = NULL;\n if ((ret->cert = ssl_cert_new()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret->default_passwd_callback = 0;\n ret->default_passwd_callback_userdata = NULL;\n ret->client_cert_cb = 0;\n ret->app_gen_cookie_cb = 0;\n ret->app_verify_cookie_cb = 0;\n ret->sessions = lh_SSL_SESSION_new();\n if (ret->sessions == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret->cert_store = X509_STORE_new();\n if (ret->cert_store == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!ssl_create_cipher_list(ret->method,\n &ret->cipher_list, &ret->cipher_list_by_id,\n SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST, ret->cert)\n || sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ret->cipher_list) <= 0) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, SSL_R_LIBRARY_HAS_NO_CIPHERS);\n goto err2;\n }\n ret->param = X509_VERIFY_PARAM_new();\n if (!ret->param)\n goto err;\n if ((ret->md5 = EVP_get_digestbyname("ssl3-md5")) == NULL) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, SSL_R_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SSL3_MD5_ROUTINES);\n goto err2;\n }\n if ((ret->sha1 = EVP_get_digestbyname("ssl3-sha1")) == NULL) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, SSL_R_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SSL3_SHA1_ROUTINES);\n goto err2;\n }\n if ((ret->client_CA = sk_X509_NAME_new_null()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n CRYPTO_new_ex_data(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_SSL_CTX, ret, &ret->ex_data);\n ret->extra_certs = NULL;\n if (!(meth->ssl3_enc->enc_flags & SSL_ENC_FLAG_DTLS))\n ret->comp_methods = SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods();\n ret->max_send_fragment = SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH;\n ret->tlsext_servername_callback = 0;\n ret->tlsext_servername_arg = NULL;\n if ((RAND_bytes(ret->tlsext_tick_key_name, 16) <= 0)\n || (RAND_bytes(ret->tlsext_tick_hmac_key, 16) <= 0)\n || (RAND_bytes(ret->tlsext_tick_aes_key, 16) <= 0))\n ret->options |= SSL_OP_NO_TICKET;\n ret->tlsext_status_cb = 0;\n ret->tlsext_status_arg = NULL;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG\n ret->next_protos_advertised_cb = 0;\n ret->next_proto_select_cb = 0;\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_PSK\n ret->psk_identity_hint = NULL;\n ret->psk_client_callback = NULL;\n ret->psk_server_callback = NULL;\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP\n if (!SSL_CTX_SRP_CTX_init(ret))\n goto err;\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE\n ret->client_cert_engine = NULL;\n# ifdef OPENSSL_SSL_CLIENT_ENGINE_AUTO\n# define eng_strx(x) #x\n# define eng_str(x) eng_strx(x)\n {\n ENGINE *eng;\n eng = ENGINE_by_id(eng_str(OPENSSL_SSL_CLIENT_ENGINE_AUTO));\n if (!eng) {\n ERR_clear_error();\n ENGINE_load_builtin_engines();\n eng = ENGINE_by_id(eng_str(OPENSSL_SSL_CLIENT_ENGINE_AUTO));\n }\n if (!eng || !SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine(ret, eng))\n ERR_clear_error();\n }\n# endif\n#endif\n ret->options |= SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT;\n return (ret);\n err:\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n err2:\n SSL_CTX_free(ret);\n return (NULL);\n}', '_LHASH *lh_new(LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE h, LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE c)\n{\n _LHASH *ret;\n int i;\n if ((ret = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*ret))) == NULL)\n goto err0;\n if ((ret->b = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*ret->b) * MIN_NODES)) == NULL)\n goto err1;\n for (i = 0; i < MIN_NODES; i++)\n ret->b[i] = NULL;\n ret->comp = ((c == NULL) ? (LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE)strcmp : c);\n ret->hash = ((h == NULL) ? (LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE)lh_strhash : h);\n ret->num_nodes = MIN_NODES / 2;\n ret->num_alloc_nodes = MIN_NODES;\n ret->p = 0;\n ret->pmax = MIN_NODES / 2;\n ret->up_load = UP_LOAD;\n ret->down_load = DOWN_LOAD;\n ret->num_items = 0;\n ret->num_expands = 0;\n ret->num_expand_reallocs = 0;\n ret->num_contracts = 0;\n ret->num_contract_reallocs = 0;\n ret->num_hash_calls = 0;\n ret->num_comp_calls = 0;\n ret->num_insert = 0;\n ret->num_replace = 0;\n ret->num_delete = 0;\n ret->num_no_delete = 0;\n ret->num_retrieve = 0;\n ret->num_retrieve_miss = 0;\n ret->num_hash_comps = 0;\n ret->error = 0;\n return (ret);\n err1:\n OPENSSL_free(ret);\n err0:\n return (NULL);\n}', 'void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *a)\n{\n int i;\n if (a == NULL)\n return;\n i = CRYPTO_add(&a->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n#ifdef REF_PRINT\n REF_PRINT("SSL_CTX", a);\n#endif\n if (i > 0)\n return;\n#ifdef REF_CHECK\n if (i < 0) {\n fprintf(stderr, "SSL_CTX_free, bad reference count\\n");\n abort();\n }\n#endif\n X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free(a->param);\n if (a->sessions != NULL)\n SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(a, 0);\n CRYPTO_free_ex_data(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_SSL_CTX, a, &a->ex_data);\n lh_SSL_SESSION_free(a->sessions);\n X509_STORE_free(a->cert_store);\n sk_SSL_CIPHER_free(a->cipher_list);\n sk_SSL_CIPHER_free(a->cipher_list_by_id);\n ssl_cert_free(a->cert);\n sk_X509_NAME_pop_free(a->client_CA, X509_NAME_free);\n sk_X509_pop_free(a->extra_certs, X509_free);\n a->comp_methods = NULL;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRTP\n sk_SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE_free(a->srtp_profiles);\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_PSK\n OPENSSL_free(a->psk_identity_hint);\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP\n SSL_CTX_SRP_CTX_free(a);\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE\n if (a->client_cert_engine)\n ENGINE_finish(a->client_cert_engine);\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC\n OPENSSL_free(a->tlsext_ecpointformatlist);\n OPENSSL_free(a->tlsext_ellipticcurvelist);\n#endif\n OPENSSL_free(a->alpn_client_proto_list);\n OPENSSL_free(a);\n}', 'void SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(SSL_CTX *s, long t)\n{\n unsigned long i;\n TIMEOUT_PARAM tp;\n tp.ctx = s;\n tp.cache = s->sessions;\n if (tp.cache == NULL)\n return;\n tp.time = t;\n CRYPTO_w_lock(CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n i = CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load;\n CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load = 0;\n lh_SSL_SESSION_doall_arg(tp.cache, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(timeout),\n TIMEOUT_PARAM, &tp);\n CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load = i;\n CRYPTO_w_unlock(CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n}', 'void lh_doall_arg(_LHASH *lh, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_TYPE func, void *arg)\n{\n doall_util_fn(lh, 1, (LHASH_DOALL_FN_TYPE)0, func, arg);\n}', 'static void doall_util_fn(_LHASH *lh, int use_arg, LHASH_DOALL_FN_TYPE func,\n LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_TYPE func_arg, void *arg)\n{\n int i;\n LHASH_NODE *a, *n;\n if (lh == NULL)\n return;\n for (i = lh->num_nodes - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n a = lh->b[i];\n while (a != NULL) {\n n = a->next;\n if (use_arg)\n func_arg(a->data, arg);\n else\n func(a->data);\n a = n;\n }\n }\n}']
static int check_crl_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *cert_path, STACK_OF(X509) *crl_path) { X509 *cert_ta, *crl_ta; cert_ta = sk_X509_value(cert_path, sk_X509_num(cert_path) - 1); crl_ta = sk_X509_value(crl_path, sk_X509_num(crl_path) - 1); if (!X509_cmp(cert_ta, crl_ta)) return 1; return 0; }
['static int check_crl_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx,\n\t\t\tSTACK_OF(X509) *cert_path,\n\t\t\tSTACK_OF(X509) *crl_path)\n\t{\n\tX509 *cert_ta, *crl_ta;\n\tcert_ta = sk_X509_value(cert_path, sk_X509_num(cert_path) - 1);\n\tcrl_ta = sk_X509_value(crl_path, sk_X509_num(crl_path) - 1);\n\tif (!X509_cmp(cert_ta, crl_ta))\n\t\treturn 1;\n\treturn 0;\n\t}', 'int sk_num(const _STACK *st)\n{\n\tif(st == NULL) return -1;\n\treturn st->num;\n}', 'void *sk_value(const _STACK *st, int i)\n{\n\tif(!st || (i < 0) || (i >= st->num)) return NULL;\n\treturn st->data[i];\n}', 'int X509_cmp(const X509 *a, const X509 *b)\n{\n\tX509_check_purpose((X509 *)a, -1, 0);\n\tX509_check_purpose((X509 *)b, -1, 0);\n\treturn memcmp(a->sha1_hash, b->sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['static int test_check_crt_components(void)\n{\n const int P = 15;\n const int Q = 17;\n const int E = 5;\n const int N = P*Q;\n const int DP = 3;\n const int DQ = 13;\n const int QINV = 8;\n int ret = 0;\n RSA *key = NULL;\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *p = NULL, *q = NULL, *e = NULL;\n ret = TEST_ptr(key = RSA_new())\n && TEST_ptr(ctx = BN_CTX_new())\n && TEST_ptr(p = BN_new())\n && TEST_ptr(q = BN_new())\n && TEST_ptr(e = BN_new())\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(p, P))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(q, Q))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(e, E))\n && TEST_true(RSA_set0_factors(key, p, q))\n && TEST_true(rsa_sp800_56b_derive_params_from_pq(key, 8, e, ctx))\n && TEST_BN_eq_word(key->n, N)\n && TEST_BN_eq_word(key->dmp1, DP)\n && TEST_BN_eq_word(key->dmq1, DQ)\n && TEST_BN_eq_word(key->iqmp, QINV)\n && TEST_true(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmp1, 1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmp1, P-1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmp1, DP))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmq1, 1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmq1, Q-1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmq1, DQ))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->iqmp, 1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->iqmp, P))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->iqmp, QINV))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmp1, DP+1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmp1, DP))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmq1, DQ-1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->dmq1, DQ))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->iqmp, QINV+1))\n && TEST_false(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx))\n && TEST_true(BN_set_word(key->iqmp, QINV))\n && TEST_true(rsa_check_crt_components(key, ctx));\n BN_free(e);\n RSA_free(key);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'int rsa_sp800_56b_derive_params_from_pq(RSA *rsa, int nbits,\n const BIGNUM *e, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = -1;\n BIGNUM *p1, *q1, *lcm, *p1q1, *gcd;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n p1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n q1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n lcm = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n p1q1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n gcd = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (gcd == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (rsa_get_lcm(ctx, rsa->p, rsa->q, lcm, gcd, p1, q1, p1q1) != 1)\n goto err;\n BN_free(rsa->e);\n rsa->e = BN_dup(e);\n if (rsa->e == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_clear_free(rsa->d);\n rsa->d = BN_secure_new();\n if (rsa->d == NULL || BN_mod_inverse(rsa->d, e, lcm, ctx) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_num_bits(rsa->d) <= (nbits >> 1)) {\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n if (rsa->n == NULL)\n rsa->n = BN_new();\n if (rsa->n == NULL || !BN_mul(rsa->n, rsa->p, rsa->q, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (rsa->dmp1 == NULL)\n rsa->dmp1 = BN_new();\n if (rsa->dmp1 == NULL || !BN_mod(rsa->dmp1, rsa->d, p1, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (rsa->dmq1 == NULL)\n rsa->dmq1 = BN_secure_new();\n if (rsa->dmq1 == NULL || !BN_mod(rsa->dmq1, rsa->d, q1, ctx))\n goto err;\n BN_free(rsa->iqmp);\n rsa->iqmp = BN_secure_new();\n if (rsa->iqmp == NULL\n || BN_mod_inverse(rsa->iqmp, rsa->q, rsa->p, ctx) == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\nerr:\n if (ret != 1) {\n BN_free(rsa->e);\n rsa->e = NULL;\n BN_free(rsa->d);\n rsa->d = NULL;\n BN_free(rsa->n);\n rsa->n = NULL;\n BN_free(rsa->iqmp);\n rsa->iqmp = NULL;\n BN_free(rsa->dmq1);\n rsa->dmq1 = NULL;\n BN_free(rsa->dmp1);\n rsa->dmp1 = NULL;\n }\n BN_clear(p1);\n BN_clear(q1);\n BN_clear(lcm);\n BN_clear(p1q1);\n BN_clear(gcd);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n}', 'int rsa_get_lcm(BN_CTX *ctx, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *q,\n BIGNUM *lcm, BIGNUM *gcd, BIGNUM *p1, BIGNUM *q1,\n BIGNUM *p1q1)\n{\n return BN_sub(p1, p, BN_value_one())\n && BN_sub(q1, q, BN_value_one())\n && BN_mul(p1q1, p1, q1, ctx)\n && BN_gcd(gcd, p1, q1, ctx)\n && BN_div(lcm, NULL, p1q1, gcd, ctx);\n}', 'int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = bn_mul_fixed_top(r, a, b, ctx);\n bn_correct_top(r);\n bn_check_top(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int bn_mul_fixed_top(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n int top, al, bl;\n BIGNUM *rr;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n int i;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n BIGNUM *t = NULL;\n int j = 0, k;\n#endif\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n bn_check_top(r);\n al = a->top;\n bl = b->top;\n if ((al == 0) || (bl == 0)) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return 1;\n }\n top = al + bl;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((r == a) || (r == b)) {\n if ((rr = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n } else\n rr = r;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n i = al - bl;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA\n if (i == 0) {\n# if 0\n if (al == 4) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 8) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 8;\n bn_mul_comba4(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n# endif\n if (al == 8) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 16) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 16;\n bn_mul_comba8(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n if ((al >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL) && (bl >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL)) {\n if (i >= -1 && i <= 1) {\n if (i >= 0) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n }\n if (i == -1) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)bl);\n }\n j = 1 << (j - 1);\n assert(j <= al || j <= bl);\n k = j + j;\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (t == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (al > j || bl > j) {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d,\n j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n }\n rr->top = top;\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, top) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = top;\n bn_mul_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, b->d, bl);\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n end:\n#endif\n rr->neg = a->neg ^ b->neg;\n rr->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n if (r != rr && BN_copy(r, rr) == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(r);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n if (ctx == NULL)\n return;\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
static int pkey_gost01cp_keygen (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey) { struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx); EC_KEY *ec=NULL; if (data->sign_param_nid == NID_undef) { GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01_KEYGEN, GOST_R_NO_PARAMETERS_SET); return 0; } ec = EC_KEY_new(); if (!fill_GOST2001_params(ec,data->sign_param_nid)) { EC_KEY_free(ec); return 0; } gost2001_keygen(ec); EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,NID_id_GostR3410_2001,ec); return 1; }
['static int pkey_gost01cp_keygen (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey)\n\t{\n\tstruct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);\n\tEC_KEY *ec=NULL;\n\tif (data->sign_param_nid == NID_undef)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tGOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01_KEYGEN,\n\t\t\t\tGOST_R_NO_PARAMETERS_SET);\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\tec = EC_KEY_new();\n\tif (!fill_GOST2001_params(ec,data->sign_param_nid))\n\t\t{\n\t\tEC_KEY_free(ec);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\tgost2001_keygen(ec);\n\tEVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,NID_id_GostR3410_2001,ec);\n\treturn 1;\n\t}', 'void *EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\treturn ctx->data;\n\t}', 'EC_KEY *EC_KEY_new(void)\n\t{\n\tEC_KEY *ret;\n\tret=(EC_KEY *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(EC_KEY));\n\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_KEY_NEW, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tret->version = 1;\n\tret->group = NULL;\n\tret->pub_key = NULL;\n\tret->priv_key= NULL;\n\tret->enc_flag= 0;\n\tret->conv_form = POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED;\n\tret->references= 1;\n\tret->method_data = NULL;\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(int num, const char *file, int line)\n\t{\n\tvoid *ret = NULL;\n\tif (num <= 0) return NULL;\n\tallow_customize = 0;\n\tif (malloc_debug_func != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tallow_customize_debug = 0;\n\t\tmalloc_debug_func(NULL, num, file, line, 0);\n\t\t}\n\tret = malloc_ex_func(num,file,line);\n#ifdef LEVITTE_DEBUG_MEM\n\tfprintf(stderr, "LEVITTE_DEBUG_MEM: > 0x%p (%d)\\n", ret, num);\n#endif\n\tif (malloc_debug_func != NULL)\n\t\tmalloc_debug_func(ret, num, file, line, 1);\n#ifndef OPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ\n if(ret && (num > 2048))\n\t{\textern unsigned char cleanse_ctr;\n ((unsigned char *)ret)[0] = cleanse_ctr;\n\t}\n#endif\n\treturn ret;\n\t}', 'void ERR_put_error(int lib, int func, int reason, const char *file,\n\t int line)\n\t{\n\tERR_STATE *es;\n#ifdef _OSD_POSIX\n\tif (strncmp(file,"*POSIX(", sizeof("*POSIX(")-1) == 0) {\n\t\tchar *end;\n\t\tfile += sizeof("*POSIX(")-1;\n\t\tend = &file[strlen(file)-1];\n\t\tif (*end == \')\')\n\t\t\t*end = \'\\0\';\n\t\tif ((end = strrchr(file, \'/\')) != NULL)\n\t\t\tfile = &end[1];\n\t}\n#endif\n\tes=ERR_get_state();\n\tes->top=(es->top+1)%ERR_NUM_ERRORS;\n\tif (es->top == es->bottom)\n\t\tes->bottom=(es->bottom+1)%ERR_NUM_ERRORS;\n\tes->err_flags[es->top]=0;\n\tes->err_buffer[es->top]=ERR_PACK(lib,func,reason);\n\tes->err_file[es->top]=file;\n\tes->err_line[es->top]=line;\n\terr_clear_data(es,es->top);\n\t}']
static int encode_test_init(EVP_TEST *t, const char *encoding) { ENCODE_DATA *edata; if (!TEST_ptr(edata = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*edata)))) return 0; if (strcmp(encoding, "canonical") == 0) { edata->encoding = BASE64_CANONICAL_ENCODING; } else if (strcmp(encoding, "valid") == 0) { edata->encoding = BASE64_VALID_ENCODING; } else if (strcmp(encoding, "invalid") == 0) { edata->encoding = BASE64_INVALID_ENCODING; if (!TEST_ptr(t->expected_err = OPENSSL_strdup("DECODE_ERROR"))) return 0; } else { TEST_error("Bad encoding: %s." " Should be one of {canonical, valid, invalid}", encoding); return 0; } t->data = edata; return 1; }
['static int encode_test_init(EVP_TEST *t, const char *encoding)\n{\n ENCODE_DATA *edata;\n if (!TEST_ptr(edata = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*edata))))\n return 0;\n if (strcmp(encoding, "canonical") == 0) {\n edata->encoding = BASE64_CANONICAL_ENCODING;\n } else if (strcmp(encoding, "valid") == 0) {\n edata->encoding = BASE64_VALID_ENCODING;\n } else if (strcmp(encoding, "invalid") == 0) {\n edata->encoding = BASE64_INVALID_ENCODING;\n if (!TEST_ptr(t->expected_err = OPENSSL_strdup("DECODE_ERROR")))\n return 0;\n } else {\n TEST_error("Bad encoding: %s."\n " Should be one of {canonical, valid, invalid}",\n encoding);\n return 0;\n }\n t->data = edata;\n return 1;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n FAILTEST();\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n INCREMENT(malloc_count);\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n if (allow_customize) {\n allow_customize = 0;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)(file); (void)(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'int test_ptr(const char *file, int line, const char *s, const void *p)\n{\n if (p != NULL)\n return 1;\n test_fail_message(NULL, file, line, "ptr", s, "NULL", "!=", "%p", p);\n return 0;\n}', 'char *CRYPTO_strdup(const char *str, const char* file, int line)\n{\n char *ret;\n if (str == NULL)\n return NULL;\n ret = CRYPTO_malloc(strlen(str) + 1, file, line);\n if (ret != NULL)\n strcpy(ret, str);\n return ret;\n}']
void *lh_delete(LHASH *lh, void *data) { unsigned long hash; LHASH_NODE *nn,**rn; void *ret; lh->error=0; rn=getrn(lh,data,&hash); if (*rn == NULL) { lh->num_no_delete++; return(NULL); } else { nn= *rn; *rn=nn->next; ret=nn->data; OPENSSL_free(nn); lh->num_delete++; } lh->num_items--; if ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) && (lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes))) contract(lh); return(ret); }
['int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)\n\t{\n\tint off=0;\n\tSSL *con=NULL,*con2=NULL;\n\tint s,k,width,state=0;\n\tchar *cbuf=NULL,*sbuf=NULL;\n\tint cbuf_len,cbuf_off;\n\tint sbuf_len,sbuf_off;\n\tfd_set readfds,writefds;\n\tshort port=PORT;\n\tint full_log=1;\n\tchar *host=SSL_HOST_NAME;\n\tchar *cert_file=NULL,*key_file=NULL;\n\tchar *CApath=NULL,*CAfile=NULL,*cipher=NULL;\n\tint reconnect=0,badop=0,verify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE,bugs=0;\n\tint crlf=0;\n\tint write_tty,read_tty,write_ssl,read_ssl,tty_on,ssl_pending;\n\tSSL_CTX *ctx=NULL;\n\tint ret=1,in_init=1,i,nbio_test=0;\n\tint prexit = 0;\n\tSSL_METHOD *meth=NULL;\n\tBIO *sbio;\n\tchar *engine_id=NULL;\n\tENGINE *e=NULL;\n#ifdef WINDOWS\n\tstruct timeval tv;\n#endif\n#if !defined(NO_SSL2) && !defined(NO_SSL3)\n\tmeth=SSLv23_client_method();\n#elif !defined(NO_SSL3)\n\tmeth=SSLv3_client_method();\n#elif !defined(NO_SSL2)\n\tmeth=SSLv2_client_method();\n#endif\n\tapps_startup();\n\tc_Pause=0;\n\tc_quiet=0;\n\tc_ign_eof=0;\n\tc_debug=0;\n\tc_showcerts=0;\n\tif (bio_err == NULL)\n\t\tbio_err=BIO_new_fp(stderr,BIO_NOCLOSE);\n\tif (\t((cbuf=OPENSSL_malloc(BUFSIZZ)) == NULL) ||\n\t\t((sbuf=OPENSSL_malloc(BUFSIZZ)) == NULL))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"out of memory\\n");\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t}\n\tverify_depth=0;\n\tverify_error=X509_V_OK;\n#ifdef FIONBIO\n\tc_nbio=0;\n#endif\n\targc--;\n\targv++;\n\twhile (argc >= 1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif\t(strcmp(*argv,"-host") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\thost= *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-port") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tport=atoi(*(++argv));\n\t\t\tif (port == 0) goto bad;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if (strcmp(*argv,"-connect") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tif (!extract_host_port(*(++argv),&host,NULL,&port))\n\t\t\t\tgoto bad;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-verify") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tverify=SSL_VERIFY_PEER;\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tverify_depth=atoi(*(++argv));\n\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"verify depth is %d\\n",verify_depth);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-cert") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tcert_file= *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-prexit") == 0)\n\t\t\tprexit=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-crlf") == 0)\n\t\t\tcrlf=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-quiet") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tc_quiet=1;\n\t\t\tc_ign_eof=1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-ign_eof") == 0)\n\t\t\tc_ign_eof=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-pause") == 0)\n\t\t\tc_Pause=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-debug") == 0)\n\t\t\tc_debug=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-showcerts") == 0)\n\t\t\tc_showcerts=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-nbio_test") == 0)\n\t\t\tnbio_test=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-state") == 0)\n\t\t\tstate=1;\n#ifndef NO_SSL2\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-ssl2") == 0)\n\t\t\tmeth=SSLv2_client_method();\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_SSL3\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-ssl3") == 0)\n\t\t\tmeth=SSLv3_client_method();\n#endif\n#ifndef NO_TLS1\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-tls1") == 0)\n\t\t\tmeth=TLSv1_client_method();\n#endif\n\t\telse if (strcmp(*argv,"-bugs") == 0)\n\t\t\tbugs=1;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-key") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tkey_file= *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-reconnect") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\treconnect=5;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-CApath") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tCApath= *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-CAfile") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tCAfile= *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if (strcmp(*argv,"-no_tls1") == 0)\n\t\t\toff|=SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1;\n\t\telse if (strcmp(*argv,"-no_ssl3") == 0)\n\t\t\toff|=SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3;\n\t\telse if (strcmp(*argv,"-no_ssl2") == 0)\n\t\t\toff|=SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2;\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-cipher") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tcipher= *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n#ifdef FIONBIO\n\t\telse if (strcmp(*argv,"-nbio") == 0)\n\t\t\t{ c_nbio=1; }\n#endif\n\t\telse if\t(strcmp(*argv,"-engine") == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (--argc < 1) goto bad;\n\t\t\tengine_id = *(++argv);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"unknown option %s\\n",*argv);\n\t\t\tbadop=1;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\targc--;\n\t\targv++;\n\t\t}\n\tif (badop)\n\t\t{\nbad:\n\t\tsc_usage();\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t}\n\tapp_RAND_load_file(NULL, bio_err, 0);\n\tif (bio_c_out == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (c_quiet)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tbio_c_out=BIO_new(BIO_s_null());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (bio_c_out == NULL)\n\t\t\t\tbio_c_out=BIO_new_fp(stdout,BIO_NOCLOSE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tOpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms();\n\tSSL_load_error_strings();\n\tif (engine_id != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif((e = ENGINE_by_id(engine_id)) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"invalid engine\\n");\n\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (c_debug)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_SET_LOGSTREAM,\n\t\t\t\t0, bio_err, 0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif(!ENGINE_set_default(e, ENGINE_METHOD_ALL))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"can\'t use that engine\\n");\n\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"engine \\"%s\\" set.\\n", engine_id);\n\t\tENGINE_free(e);\n\t\t}\n\tctx=SSL_CTX_new(meth);\n\tif (ctx == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t}\n\tif (bugs)\n\t\tSSL_CTX_set_options(ctx,SSL_OP_ALL|off);\n\telse\n\t\tSSL_CTX_set_options(ctx,off);\n\tif (state) SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx,apps_ssl_info_callback);\n\tif (cipher != NULL)\n\t\tif(!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx,cipher)) {\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"error setting cipher list\\n");\n\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t}\n#if 0\n\telse\n\t\tSSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx,getenv("SSL_CIPHER"));\n#endif\n\tSSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx,verify,verify_callback);\n\tif (!set_cert_stuff(ctx,cert_file,key_file))\n\t\tgoto end;\n\tif ((!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx,CAfile,CApath)) ||\n\t\t(!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx)))\n\t\t{\n\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t}\n\tcon=SSL_new(ctx);\n#ifndef NO_KRB5\n\tif (con && (con->kssl_ctx = kssl_ctx_new()) != NULL)\n {\n kssl_ctx_setstring(con->kssl_ctx, KSSL_SERVER, host);\n\t\t}\n#endif\nre_start:\n\tif (init_client(&s,host,port) == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"connect:errno=%d\\n",get_last_socket_error());\n\t\tSHUTDOWN(s);\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t}\n\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"CONNECTED(%08X)\\n",s);\n#ifdef FIONBIO\n\tif (c_nbio)\n\t\t{\n\t\tunsigned long l=1;\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"turning on non blocking io\\n");\n\t\tif (BIO_socket_ioctl(s,FIONBIO,&l) < 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tif (c_Pause & 0x01) con->debug=1;\n\tsbio=BIO_new_socket(s,BIO_NOCLOSE);\n\tif (nbio_test)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIO *test;\n\t\ttest=BIO_new(BIO_f_nbio_test());\n\t\tsbio=BIO_push(test,sbio);\n\t\t}\n\tif (c_debug)\n\t\t{\n\t\tcon->debug=1;\n\t\tBIO_set_callback(sbio,bio_dump_cb);\n\t\tBIO_set_callback_arg(sbio,bio_c_out);\n\t\t}\n\tSSL_set_bio(con,sbio,sbio);\n\tSSL_set_connect_state(con);\n\twidth=SSL_get_fd(con)+1;\n\tread_tty=1;\n\twrite_tty=0;\n\ttty_on=0;\n\tread_ssl=1;\n\twrite_ssl=1;\n\tcbuf_len=0;\n\tcbuf_off=0;\n\tsbuf_len=0;\n\tsbuf_off=0;\n\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\n\t\tFD_ZERO(&readfds);\n\t\tFD_ZERO(&writefds);\n\t\tif (SSL_in_init(con) && !SSL_total_renegotiations(con))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tin_init=1;\n\t\t\ttty_on=0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\ttty_on=1;\n\t\t\tif (in_init)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tin_init=0;\n\t\t\t\tprint_stuff(bio_c_out,con,full_log);\n\t\t\t\tif (full_log > 0) full_log--;\n\t\t\t\tif (reconnect)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\treconnect--;\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"drop connection and then reconnect\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tSSL_shutdown(con);\n\t\t\t\t\tSSL_set_connect_state(con);\n\t\t\t\t\tSHUTDOWN(SSL_get_fd(con));\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto re_start;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tssl_pending = read_ssl && SSL_pending(con);\n\t\tif (!ssl_pending)\n\t\t\t{\n#ifndef WINDOWS\n\t\t\tif (tty_on)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (read_tty) FD_SET(fileno(stdin),&readfds);\n\t\t\t\tif (write_tty) FD_SET(fileno(stdout),&writefds);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (read_ssl)\n\t\t\t\tFD_SET(SSL_get_fd(con),&readfds);\n\t\t\tif (write_ssl)\n\t\t\t\tFD_SET(SSL_get_fd(con),&writefds);\n#else\n\t\t\tif(!tty_on || !write_tty) {\n\t\t\t\tif (read_ssl)\n\t\t\t\t\tFD_SET(SSL_get_fd(con),&readfds);\n\t\t\t\tif (write_ssl)\n\t\t\t\t\tFD_SET(SSL_get_fd(con),&writefds);\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef WINDOWS\n\t\t\ti=0;\n\t\t\tif(!write_tty) {\n\t\t\t\tif(read_tty) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttv.tv_sec = 1;\n\t\t\t\t\ttv.tv_usec = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\ti=select(width,(void *)&readfds,(void *)&writefds,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t NULL,&tv);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(!i && (!((_kbhit()) || (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), 0))) || !read_tty) ) continue;\n\t\t\t\t} else \ti=select(width,(void *)&readfds,(void *)&writefds,\n\t\t\t\t\t NULL,NULL);\n\t\t\t}\n#else\n\t\t\ti=select(width,(void *)&readfds,(void *)&writefds,\n\t\t\t\t NULL,NULL);\n#endif\n\t\t\tif ( i < 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"bad select %d\\n",\n\t\t\t\tget_last_socket_error());\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!ssl_pending && FD_ISSET(SSL_get_fd(con),&writefds))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tk=SSL_write(con,&(cbuf[cbuf_off]),\n\t\t\t\t(unsigned int)cbuf_len);\n\t\t\tswitch (SSL_get_error(con,k))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_NONE:\n\t\t\t\tcbuf_off+=k;\n\t\t\t\tcbuf_len-=k;\n\t\t\t\tif (k <= 0) goto end;\n\t\t\t\tif (cbuf_len <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tread_tty=1;\n\t\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=0;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tread_tty=0;\n\t\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"write W BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\tread_tty=0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"write R BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\twrite_tty=0;\n\t\t\t\tread_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"write X BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:\n\t\t\t\tif (cbuf_len != 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"shutdown\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tread_tty=1;\n\t\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=0;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:\n\t\t\t\tif ((k != 0) || (cbuf_len != 0))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"write:errno=%d\\n",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tget_last_socket_error());\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tread_tty=1;\n\t\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=0;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SSL:\n\t\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n#ifdef WINDOWS\n\t\telse if (!ssl_pending && write_tty)\n#else\n\t\telse if (!ssl_pending && FD_ISSET(fileno(stdout),&writefds))\n#endif\n\t\t\t{\n#ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC\n\t\t\tascii2ebcdic(&(sbuf[sbuf_off]),&(sbuf[sbuf_off]),sbuf_len);\n#endif\n\t\t\ti=write(fileno(stdout),&(sbuf[sbuf_off]),sbuf_len);\n\t\t\tif (i <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"DONE\\n");\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tsbuf_len-=i;;\n\t\t\tsbuf_off+=i;\n\t\t\tif (sbuf_len <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tread_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\twrite_tty=0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if (ssl_pending || FD_ISSET(SSL_get_fd(con),&readfds))\n\t\t\t{\n#ifdef RENEG\n{ static int iiii; if (++iiii == 52) { SSL_renegotiate(con); iiii=0; } }\n#endif\n#if 1\n\t\t\tk=SSL_read(con,sbuf,1024 );\n#else\n\t\t\tk=SSL_read(con,sbuf,16);\n{ char zbuf[10240];\nprintf("read=%d pending=%d peek=%d\\n",k,SSL_pending(con),SSL_peek(con,zbuf,10240));\n}\n#endif\n\t\t\tswitch (SSL_get_error(con,k))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_NONE:\n\t\t\t\tif (k <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\tsbuf_off=0;\n\t\t\t\tsbuf_len=k;\n\t\t\t\tread_ssl=0;\n\t\t\t\twrite_tty=1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"read W BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\tread_tty=0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"read R BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\twrite_tty=0;\n\t\t\t\tread_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\tif ((read_tty == 0) && (write_ssl == 0))\n\t\t\t\t\twrite_ssl=1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"read X BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"read:errno=%d\\n",get_last_socket_error());\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_c_out,"closed\\n");\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SSL:\n\t\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n#ifdef WINDOWS\n\t\telse if ((_kbhit()) || (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), 0)))\n#else\n\t\telse if (FD_ISSET(fileno(stdin),&readfds))\n#endif\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (crlf)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint j, lf_num;\n\t\t\t\ti=read(fileno(stdin),cbuf,BUFSIZZ/2);\n\t\t\t\tlf_num = 0;\n\t\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < i; j++)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (cbuf[j] == \'\\n\')\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlf_num++;\n\t\t\t\tfor (j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tcbuf[j+lf_num] = cbuf[j];\n\t\t\t\t\tif (cbuf[j] == \'\\n\')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlf_num--;\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti++;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcbuf[j+lf_num] = \'\\r\';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tassert(lf_num == 0);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ti=read(fileno(stdin),cbuf,BUFSIZZ);\n\t\t\tif ((!c_ign_eof) && ((i <= 0) || (cbuf[0] == \'Q\')))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"DONE\\n");\n\t\t\t\tgoto shut;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ((!c_ign_eof) && (cbuf[0] == \'R\'))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"RENEGOTIATING\\n");\n\t\t\t\tSSL_renegotiate(con);\n\t\t\t\tcbuf_len=0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tcbuf_len=i;\n\t\t\t\tcbuf_off=0;\n#ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC\n\t\t\t\tebcdic2ascii(cbuf, cbuf, i);\n#endif\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\twrite_ssl=1;\n\t\t\tread_tty=0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\nshut:\n\tSSL_shutdown(con);\n\tSHUTDOWN(SSL_get_fd(con));\n\tret=0;\nend:\n\tif(prexit) print_stuff(bio_c_out,con,1);\n\tif (con != NULL) SSL_free(con);\n\tif (con2 != NULL) SSL_free(con2);\n\tif (ctx != NULL) SSL_CTX_free(ctx);\n\tif (cbuf != NULL) { memset(cbuf,0,BUFSIZZ); OPENSSL_free(cbuf); }\n\tif (sbuf != NULL) { memset(sbuf,0,BUFSIZZ); OPENSSL_free(sbuf); }\n\tif (bio_c_out != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIO_free(bio_c_out);\n\t\tbio_c_out=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tEXIT(ret);\n\t}', 'SSL_CTX *SSL_CTX_new(SSL_METHOD *meth)\n\t{\n\tSSL_CTX *ret=NULL;\n\tif (meth == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,SSL_R_NULL_SSL_METHOD_PASSED);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tif (SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx() < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,SSL_R_X509_VERIFICATION_SETUP_PROBLEMS);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tret=(SSL_CTX *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(SSL_CTX));\n\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tmemset(ret,0,sizeof(SSL_CTX));\n\tret->method=meth;\n\tret->cert_store=NULL;\n\tret->session_cache_mode=SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER;\n\tret->session_cache_size=SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT;\n\tret->session_cache_head=NULL;\n\tret->session_cache_tail=NULL;\n\tret->session_timeout=meth->get_timeout();\n\tret->new_session_cb=NULL;\n\tret->remove_session_cb=NULL;\n\tret->get_session_cb=NULL;\n\tmemset((char *)&ret->stats,0,sizeof(ret->stats));\n\tret->references=1;\n\tret->quiet_shutdown=0;\n\tret->info_callback=NULL;\n\tret->app_verify_callback=NULL;\n\tret->app_verify_arg=NULL;\n\tret->read_ahead=0;\n\tret->verify_mode=SSL_VERIFY_NONE;\n\tret->verify_depth=-1;\n\tret->default_verify_callback=NULL;\n\tif ((ret->cert=ssl_cert_new()) == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tret->default_passwd_callback=NULL;\n\tret->default_passwd_callback_userdata=NULL;\n\tret->client_cert_cb=NULL;\n\tret->sessions=lh_new(LHASH_HASH_FN(SSL_SESSION_hash),\n\t\t\tLHASH_COMP_FN(SSL_SESSION_cmp));\n\tif (ret->sessions == NULL) goto err;\n\tret->cert_store=X509_STORE_new();\n\tif (ret->cert_store == NULL) goto err;\n\tssl_create_cipher_list(ret->method,\n\t\t&ret->cipher_list,&ret->cipher_list_by_id,\n\t\tSSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST);\n\tif (ret->cipher_list == NULL\n\t || sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ret->cipher_list) <= 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,SSL_R_LIBRARY_HAS_NO_CIPHERS);\n\t\tgoto err2;\n\t\t}\n\tif ((ret->rsa_md5=EVP_get_digestbyname("ssl2-md5")) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,SSL_R_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SSL2_MD5_ROUTINES);\n\t\tgoto err2;\n\t\t}\n\tif ((ret->md5=EVP_get_digestbyname("ssl3-md5")) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,SSL_R_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SSL3_MD5_ROUTINES);\n\t\tgoto err2;\n\t\t}\n\tif ((ret->sha1=EVP_get_digestbyname("ssl3-sha1")) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,SSL_R_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SSL3_SHA1_ROUTINES);\n\t\tgoto err2;\n\t\t}\n\tif ((ret->client_CA=sk_X509_NAME_new_null()) == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tCRYPTO_new_ex_data(ssl_ctx_meth,(char *)ret,&ret->ex_data);\n\tret->extra_certs=NULL;\n\tret->comp_methods=SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods();\n\treturn(ret);\nerr:\n\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CTX_NEW,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\nerr2:\n\tif (ret != NULL) SSL_CTX_free(ret);\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'LHASH *lh_new(LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE h, LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE c)\n\t{\n\tLHASH *ret;\n\tint i;\n\tif ((ret=(LHASH *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(LHASH))) == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err0;\n\tif ((ret->b=(LHASH_NODE **)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(LHASH_NODE *)*MIN_NODES)) == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err1;\n\tfor (i=0; i<MIN_NODES; i++)\n\t\tret->b[i]=NULL;\n\tret->comp=((c == NULL)?(LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE)strcmp:c);\n\tret->hash=((h == NULL)?(LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE)lh_strhash:h);\n\tret->num_nodes=MIN_NODES/2;\n\tret->num_alloc_nodes=MIN_NODES;\n\tret->p=0;\n\tret->pmax=MIN_NODES/2;\n\tret->up_load=UP_LOAD;\n\tret->down_load=DOWN_LOAD;\n\tret->num_items=0;\n\tret->num_expands=0;\n\tret->num_expand_reallocs=0;\n\tret->num_contracts=0;\n\tret->num_contract_reallocs=0;\n\tret->num_hash_calls=0;\n\tret->num_comp_calls=0;\n\tret->num_insert=0;\n\tret->num_replace=0;\n\tret->num_delete=0;\n\tret->num_no_delete=0;\n\tret->num_retrieve=0;\n\tret->num_retrieve_miss=0;\n\tret->num_hash_comps=0;\n\tret->error=0;\n\treturn(ret);\nerr1:\n\tOPENSSL_free(ret);\nerr0:\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'SSL *SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tSSL *s;\n\tif (ctx == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_NEW,SSL_R_NULL_SSL_CTX);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tif (ctx->method == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_NEW,SSL_R_SSL_CTX_HAS_NO_DEFAULT_SSL_VERSION);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\ts=(SSL *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(SSL));\n\tif (s == NULL) goto err;\n\tmemset(s,0,sizeof(SSL));\n#ifndef\tNO_KRB5\n\ts->kssl_ctx = kssl_ctx_new();\n#endif\n\tif (ctx->cert != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->cert = ssl_cert_dup(ctx->cert);\n\t\tif (s->cert == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\ts->cert=NULL;\n\ts->sid_ctx_length=ctx->sid_ctx_length;\n\tmemcpy(&s->sid_ctx,&ctx->sid_ctx,sizeof(s->sid_ctx));\n\ts->verify_mode=ctx->verify_mode;\n\ts->verify_depth=ctx->verify_depth;\n\ts->verify_callback=ctx->default_verify_callback;\n\ts->purpose = ctx->purpose;\n\ts->trust = ctx->trust;\n\tCRYPTO_add(&ctx->references,1,CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n\ts->ctx=ctx;\n\ts->verify_result=X509_V_OK;\n\ts->method=ctx->method;\n\tif (!s->method->ssl_new(s))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\ts->quiet_shutdown=ctx->quiet_shutdown;\n\ts->references=1;\n\ts->server=(ctx->method->ssl_accept == ssl_undefined_function)?0:1;\n\ts->options=ctx->options;\n\ts->mode=ctx->mode;\n\ts->read_ahead=ctx->read_ahead;\n\tSSL_clear(s);\n\tCRYPTO_new_ex_data(ssl_meth,s,&s->ex_data);\n\treturn(s);\nerr:\n\tif (s != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (s->cert != NULL)\n\t\t\tssl_cert_free(s->cert);\n\t\tif (s->ctx != NULL)\n\t\t\tSSL_CTX_free(s->ctx);\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(s);\n\t\t}\n\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_NEW,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'int SSL_clear(SSL *s)\n\t{\n\tint state;\n\tif (s->method == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CLEAR,SSL_R_NO_METHOD_SPECIFIED);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\ts->error=0;\n\ts->hit=0;\n\ts->shutdown=0;\n#if 0\n\tif (s->new_session) return(1);\n#else\n\tif (s->new_session)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CLEAR,SSL_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tstate=s->state;\n\ts->type=0;\n\ts->state=SSL_ST_BEFORE|((s->server)?SSL_ST_ACCEPT:SSL_ST_CONNECT);\n\ts->version=s->method->version;\n\ts->client_version=s->version;\n\ts->rwstate=SSL_NOTHING;\n\ts->rstate=SSL_ST_READ_HEADER;\n#if 0\n\ts->read_ahead=s->ctx->read_ahead;\n#endif\n\tif (s->init_buf != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBUF_MEM_free(s->init_buf);\n\t\ts->init_buf=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tssl_clear_cipher_ctx(s);\n\tif (ssl_clear_bad_session(s))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSL_SESSION_free(s->session);\n\t\ts->session=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\ts->first_packet=0;\n#if 1\n\tif ((s->session == NULL) && (s->method != s->ctx->method))\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->method->ssl_free(s);\n\t\ts->method=s->ctx->method;\n\t\tif (!s->method->ssl_new(s))\n\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n#endif\n\t\ts->method->ssl_clear(s);\n\treturn(1);\n\t}', 'int ssl_clear_bad_session(SSL *s)\n\t{\n\tif (\t(s->session != NULL) &&\n\t\t!(s->shutdown & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN) &&\n\t\t!(SSL_in_init(s) || SSL_in_before(s)))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSL_CTX_remove_session(s->ctx,s->session);\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'int SSL_CTX_remove_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *c)\n{\n\treturn remove_session_lock(ctx, c, 1);\n}', 'static int remove_session_lock(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *c, int lck)\n\t{\n\tSSL_SESSION *r;\n\tint ret=0;\n\tif ((c != NULL) && (c->session_id_length != 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif(lck) CRYPTO_w_lock(CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n\t\tr=(SSL_SESSION *)lh_delete(ctx->sessions,c);\n\t\tif (r != NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\tSSL_SESSION_list_remove(ctx,c);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif(lck) CRYPTO_w_unlock(CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n\t\tif (ret)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tr->not_resumable=1;\n\t\t\tif (ctx->remove_session_cb != NULL)\n\t\t\t\tctx->remove_session_cb(ctx,r);\n\t\t\tSSL_SESSION_free(r);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tret=0;\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void *lh_delete(LHASH *lh, void *data)\n\t{\n\tunsigned long hash;\n\tLHASH_NODE *nn,**rn;\n\tvoid *ret;\n\tlh->error=0;\n\trn=getrn(lh,data,&hash);\n\tif (*rn == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tlh->num_no_delete++;\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tnn= *rn;\n\t\t*rn=nn->next;\n\t\tret=nn->data;\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(nn);\n\t\tlh->num_delete++;\n\t\t}\n\tlh->num_items--;\n\tif ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) &&\n\t\t(lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes)))\n\t\tcontract(lh);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}']
static int is_partially_overlapping(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2, int len) { PTRDIFF_T diff = (PTRDIFF_T)ptr1-(PTRDIFF_T)ptr2; int overlapped = (len > 0) & (diff != 0) & ((diff < (PTRDIFF_T)len) | (diff > (0 - (PTRDIFF_T)len))); assert(!overlapped); return overlapped; }
['static int enc_read(BIO *b, char *out, int outl)\n{\n int ret = 0, i;\n BIO_ENC_CTX *ctx;\n BIO *next;\n if (out == NULL)\n return (0);\n ctx = BIO_get_data(b);\n next = BIO_next(b);\n if ((ctx == NULL) || (next == NULL))\n return 0;\n if (ctx->buf_len > 0) {\n i = ctx->buf_len - ctx->buf_off;\n if (i > outl)\n i = outl;\n memcpy(out, &(ctx->buf[ctx->buf_off]), i);\n ret = i;\n out += i;\n outl -= i;\n ctx->buf_off += i;\n if (ctx->buf_len == ctx->buf_off) {\n ctx->buf_len = 0;\n ctx->buf_off = 0;\n }\n }\n while (outl > 0) {\n int buf_len;\n if (ctx->cont <= 0)\n break;\n buf_len = outl + EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1;\n buf_len -= buf_len % EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH;\n if (buf_len > ENC_BLOCK_SIZE) {\n buf_len = ENC_BLOCK_SIZE;\n }\n i = BIO_read(next, &(ctx->buf[BUF_OFFSET]), buf_len);\n if (i <= 0) {\n if (!BIO_should_retry(next)) {\n ctx->cont = i;\n i = EVP_CipherFinal_ex(ctx->cipher,\n ctx->buf, &(ctx->buf_len));\n ctx->ok = i;\n ctx->buf_off = 0;\n } else {\n ret = (ret == 0) ? i : ret;\n break;\n }\n } else if (outl >= EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH) {\n if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx->cipher,\n (unsigned char *)out, &buf_len,\n &(ctx->buf[BUF_OFFSET]), i)) {\n BIO_clear_retry_flags(b);\n return 0;\n }\n ret += buf_len;\n outl -= buf_len;\n out += buf_len;\n continue;\n } else {\n if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx->cipher,\n ctx->buf, &ctx->buf_len,\n &(ctx->buf[BUF_OFFSET]), i)) {\n BIO_clear_retry_flags(b);\n ctx->ok = 0;\n return 0;\n }\n ctx->cont = 1;\n if (ctx->buf_len == 0)\n continue;\n }\n if (ctx->buf_len <= outl)\n i = ctx->buf_len;\n else\n i = outl;\n if (i <= 0)\n break;\n memcpy(out, ctx->buf, i);\n ret += i;\n ctx->buf_off = i;\n outl -= i;\n out += i;\n }\n BIO_clear_retry_flags(b);\n BIO_copy_next_retry(b);\n return ((ret == 0) ? ctx->cont : ret);\n}', 'int EVP_CipherUpdate(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl,\n const unsigned char *in, int inl)\n{\n if (ctx->encrypt)\n return EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, out, outl, in, inl);\n else\n return EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, out, outl, in, inl);\n}', 'int EVP_DecryptUpdate(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl,\n const unsigned char *in, int inl)\n{\n int fix_len;\n unsigned int b;\n if (ctx->cipher->flags & EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER) {\n if (is_partially_overlapping(out, in, inl)) {\n EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_DECRYPTUPDATE, EVP_R_PARTIALLY_OVERLAPPING);\n return 0;\n }\n fix_len = ctx->cipher->do_cipher(ctx, out, in, inl);\n if (fix_len < 0) {\n *outl = 0;\n return 0;\n } else\n *outl = fix_len;\n return 1;\n }\n if (inl <= 0) {\n *outl = 0;\n return inl == 0;\n }\n if (ctx->flags & EVP_CIPH_NO_PADDING)\n return EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, out, outl, in, inl);\n b = ctx->cipher->block_size;\n OPENSSL_assert(b <= sizeof ctx->final);\n if (ctx->final_used) {\n if (((PTRDIFF_T)out == (PTRDIFF_T)in)\n || is_partially_overlapping(out, in, b)) {\n EVPerr(EVP_F_EVP_DECRYPTUPDATE, EVP_R_PARTIALLY_OVERLAPPING);\n return 0;\n }\n memcpy(out, ctx->final, b);\n out += b;\n fix_len = 1;\n } else\n fix_len = 0;\n if (!EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, out, outl, in, inl))\n return 0;\n if (b > 1 && !ctx->buf_len) {\n *outl -= b;\n ctx->final_used = 1;\n memcpy(ctx->final, &out[*outl], b);\n } else\n ctx->final_used = 0;\n if (fix_len)\n *outl += b;\n return 1;\n}', 'static int is_partially_overlapping(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2,\n int len)\n{\n PTRDIFF_T diff = (PTRDIFF_T)ptr1-(PTRDIFF_T)ptr2;\n int overlapped = (len > 0) & (diff != 0) & ((diff < (PTRDIFF_T)len) |\n (diff > (0 - (PTRDIFF_T)len)));\n assert(!overlapped);\n return overlapped;\n}']
static int64_t get_utf8(GetBitContext *gb) { int64_t val; GET_UTF8(val, get_bits(gb, 8), return -1;) return val; }
['static int64_t get_utf8(GetBitContext *gb)\n{\n int64_t val;\n GET_UTF8(val, get_bits(gb, 8), return -1;)\n return val;\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_bits(GetBitContext *s, int n)\n{\n register int tmp;\n OPEN_READER(re, s);\n UPDATE_CACHE(re, s);\n tmp = SHOW_UBITS(re, s, n);\n LAST_SKIP_BITS(re, s, n);\n CLOSE_READER(re, s);\n return tmp;\n}', 'static av_always_inline av_const uint32_t av_bswap32(uint32_t x)\n{\n return AV_BSWAP32C(x);\n}']
void bn_mul_normal(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, int na, BN_ULONG *b, int nb) { BN_ULONG *rr; if (na < nb) { int itmp; BN_ULONG *ltmp; itmp = na; na = nb; nb = itmp; ltmp = a; a = b; b = ltmp; } rr = &(r[na]); if (nb <= 0) { (void)bn_mul_words(r, a, na, 0); return; } else rr[0] = bn_mul_words(r, a, na, b[0]); for (;;) { if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[1] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[1]), a, na, b[1]); if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[2] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[2]), a, na, b[2]); if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[3] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[3]), a, na, b[3]); if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[4] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[4]), a, na, b[4]); rr += 4; r += 4; b += 4; } }
['int RSA_X931_derive_ex(RSA *rsa, BIGNUM *p1, BIGNUM *p2, BIGNUM *q1,\n BIGNUM *q2, const BIGNUM *Xp1, const BIGNUM *Xp2,\n const BIGNUM *Xp, const BIGNUM *Xq1, const BIGNUM *Xq2,\n const BIGNUM *Xq, const BIGNUM *e, BN_GENCB *cb)\n{\n BIGNUM *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL;\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL, *ctx2 = NULL;\n int ret = 0;\n if (!rsa)\n goto err;\n ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n r0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n r1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n r2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n r3 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (r3 == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!rsa->e) {\n rsa->e = BN_dup(e);\n if (!rsa->e)\n goto err;\n } else\n e = rsa->e;\n if (Xp && rsa->p == NULL) {\n rsa->p = BN_new();\n if (rsa->p == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_X931_derive_prime_ex(rsa->p, p1, p2,\n Xp, Xp1, Xp2, e, ctx, cb))\n goto err;\n }\n if (Xq && rsa->q == NULL) {\n rsa->q = BN_new();\n if (rsa->q == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_X931_derive_prime_ex(rsa->q, q1, q2,\n Xq, Xq1, Xq2, e, ctx, cb))\n goto err;\n }\n if (rsa->p == NULL || rsa->q == NULL) {\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n return 2;\n }\n rsa->n = BN_new();\n if (rsa->n == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul(rsa->n, rsa->p, rsa->q, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(r1, rsa->p, BN_value_one()))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(r2, rsa->q, BN_value_one()))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul(r0, r1, r2, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_gcd(r3, r1, r2, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_div(r0, NULL, r0, r3, ctx))\n goto err;\n ctx2 = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx2 == NULL)\n goto err;\n rsa->d = BN_mod_inverse(NULL, rsa->e, r0, ctx2);\n if (rsa->d == NULL)\n goto err;\n rsa->dmp1 = BN_new();\n if (rsa->dmp1 == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod(rsa->dmp1, rsa->d, r1, ctx))\n goto err;\n rsa->dmq1 = BN_new();\n if (rsa->dmq1 == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod(rsa->dmq1, rsa->d, r2, ctx))\n goto err;\n rsa->iqmp = BN_mod_inverse(NULL, rsa->q, rsa->p, ctx2);\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (ctx)\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx2);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_dup(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n BIGNUM *t;\n if (a == NULL)\n return NULL;\n bn_check_top(a);\n t = BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_SECURE) ? BN_secure_new() : BN_new();\n if (t == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if (!BN_copy(t, a)) {\n BN_free(t);\n return NULL;\n }\n bn_check_top(t);\n return t;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n int i;\n BN_ULONG *A;\n const BN_ULONG *B;\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a == b)\n return (a);\n if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL)\n return (NULL);\n#if 1\n A = a->d;\n B = b->d;\n for (i = b->top >> 2; i > 0; i--, A += 4, B += 4) {\n BN_ULONG a0, a1, a2, a3;\n a0 = B[0];\n a1 = B[1];\n a2 = B[2];\n a3 = B[3];\n A[0] = a0;\n A[1] = a1;\n A[2] = a2;\n A[3] = a3;\n }\n switch (b->top & 3) {\n case 3:\n A[2] = B[2];\n case 2:\n A[1] = B[1];\n case 1:\n A[0] = B[0];\n case 0:;\n }\n#else\n memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);\n#endif\n a->top = b->top;\n a->neg = b->neg;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return (a);\n}', 'int BN_X931_derive_prime_ex(BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *p1, BIGNUM *p2,\n const BIGNUM *Xp, const BIGNUM *Xp1,\n const BIGNUM *Xp2, const BIGNUM *e, BN_CTX *ctx,\n BN_GENCB *cb)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *t, *p1p2, *pm1;\n if (!BN_is_odd(e))\n return 0;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if (!p1)\n p1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (!p2)\n p2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n p1p2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n pm1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (!bn_x931_derive_pi(p1, Xp1, ctx, cb))\n goto err;\n if (!bn_x931_derive_pi(p2, Xp2, ctx, cb))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul(p1p2, p1, p2, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod_inverse(p, p2, p1, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul(p, p, p2, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod_inverse(t, p1, p2, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul(t, t, p1, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(p, p, t))\n goto err;\n if (p->neg && !BN_add(p, p, p1p2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod_sub(p, p, Xp, p1p2, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(p, p, Xp))\n goto err;\n for (;;) {\n int i = 1;\n BN_GENCB_call(cb, 0, i++);\n if (!BN_copy(pm1, p))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub_word(pm1, 1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_gcd(t, pm1, e, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (BN_is_one(t)\n && BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(p, 50, ctx, 1, cb))\n break;\n if (!BN_add(p, p, p1p2))\n goto err;\n }\n BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 0);\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *rv;\n int noinv;\n rv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);\n if (noinv)\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE, BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n return rv;\n}', 'BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,\n int *pnoinv)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 0;\n if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n sign = -1;\n if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= (BN_BITS <= 32 ? 450 : 2048))) {\n int shift;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(X)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(X, X))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(Y)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(B, B, A))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(A, A, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B)) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, T) < 0) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, T))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(D, T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, D) < 0) {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 2))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 3))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, M, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_div(D, M, A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (BN_is_one(D)) {\n if (!BN_add(tmp, X, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_is_word(D, 2)) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_is_word(D, 4)) {\n if (!BN_lshift(tmp, X, 2))\n goto err;\n } else if (D->top == 1) {\n if (!BN_copy(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul_word(tmp, D->d[0]))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return (ret);\n}', 'int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n int top, al, bl;\n BIGNUM *rr;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n int i;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n BIGNUM *t = NULL;\n int j = 0, k;\n#endif\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n bn_check_top(r);\n al = a->top;\n bl = b->top;\n if ((al == 0) || (bl == 0)) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return (1);\n }\n top = al + bl;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((r == a) || (r == b)) {\n if ((rr = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n } else\n rr = r;\n rr->neg = a->neg ^ b->neg;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n i = al - bl;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA\n if (i == 0) {\n# if 0\n if (al == 4) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 8) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 8;\n bn_mul_comba4(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n# endif\n if (al == 8) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 16) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 16;\n bn_mul_comba8(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n if ((al >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL) && (bl >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL)) {\n if (i >= -1 && i <= 1) {\n if (i >= 0) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n }\n if (i == -1) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)bl);\n }\n j = 1 << (j - 1);\n assert(j <= al || j <= bl);\n k = j + j;\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (t == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (al > j || bl > j) {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d,\n j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n }\n rr->top = top;\n goto end;\n }\n# if 0\n if (i == 1 && !BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp_bn = (BIGNUM *)b;\n if (bn_wexpand(tmp_bn, al) == NULL)\n goto err;\n tmp_bn->d[bl] = 0;\n bl++;\n i--;\n } else if (i == -1 && !BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp_bn = (BIGNUM *)a;\n if (bn_wexpand(tmp_bn, bl) == NULL)\n goto err;\n tmp_bn->d[al] = 0;\n al++;\n i++;\n }\n if (i == 0) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n j = 1 << (j - 1);\n k = j + j;\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (al == j) {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, al, t->d);\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, al - j, j, t->d);\n }\n rr->top = top;\n goto end;\n }\n# endif\n }\n#endif\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, top) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = top;\n bn_mul_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, b->d, bl);\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n end:\n#endif\n bn_correct_top(rr);\n if (r != rr)\n BN_copy(r, rr);\n ret = 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(r);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return (ret);\n}', 'void bn_mul_part_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n,\n int tna, int tnb, BN_ULONG *t)\n{\n int i, j, n2 = n * 2;\n int c1, c2, neg;\n BN_ULONG ln, lo, *p;\n if (n < 8) {\n bn_mul_normal(r, a, n + tna, b, n + tnb);\n return;\n }\n c1 = bn_cmp_part_words(a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna);\n c2 = bn_cmp_part_words(&(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n);\n neg = 0;\n switch (c1 * 3 + c2) {\n case -4:\n bn_sub_part_words(t, &(a[n]), a, tna, tna - n);\n bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), b, &(b[n]), tnb, n - tnb);\n break;\n case -3:\n case -2:\n bn_sub_part_words(t, &(a[n]), a, tna, tna - n);\n bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), &(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n);\n neg = 1;\n break;\n case -1:\n case 0:\n case 1:\n case 2:\n bn_sub_part_words(t, a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna);\n bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), b, &(b[n]), tnb, n - tnb);\n neg = 1;\n break;\n case 3:\n case 4:\n bn_sub_part_words(t, a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna);\n bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), &(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n);\n break;\n }\n# if 0\n if (n == 4) {\n bn_mul_comba4(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n]));\n bn_mul_comba4(r, a, b);\n bn_mul_normal(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), tn, &(b[n]), tn);\n memset(&r[n2 + tn * 2], 0, sizeof(*r) * (n2 - tn * 2));\n } else\n# endif\n if (n == 8) {\n bn_mul_comba8(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n]));\n bn_mul_comba8(r, a, b);\n bn_mul_normal(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), tna, &(b[n]), tnb);\n memset(&r[n2 + tna + tnb], 0, sizeof(*r) * (n2 - tna - tnb));\n } else {\n p = &(t[n2 * 2]);\n bn_mul_recursive(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n]), n, 0, 0, p);\n bn_mul_recursive(r, a, b, n, 0, 0, p);\n i = n / 2;\n if (tna > tnb)\n j = tna - i;\n else\n j = tnb - i;\n if (j == 0) {\n bn_mul_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]),\n i, tna - i, tnb - i, p);\n memset(&r[n2 + i * 2], 0, sizeof(*r) * (n2 - i * 2));\n } else if (j > 0) {\n bn_mul_part_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]),\n i, tna - i, tnb - i, p);\n memset(&(r[n2 + tna + tnb]), 0,\n sizeof(BN_ULONG) * (n2 - tna - tnb));\n } else {\n memset(&r[n2], 0, sizeof(*r) * n2);\n if (tna < BN_MUL_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL\n && tnb < BN_MUL_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL) {\n bn_mul_normal(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), tna, &(b[n]), tnb);\n } else {\n for (;;) {\n i /= 2;\n if (i < tna || i < tnb) {\n bn_mul_part_recursive(&(r[n2]),\n &(a[n]), &(b[n]),\n i, tna - i, tnb - i, p);\n break;\n } else if (i == tna || i == tnb) {\n bn_mul_recursive(&(r[n2]),\n &(a[n]), &(b[n]),\n i, tna - i, tnb - i, p);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n c1 = (int)(bn_add_words(t, r, &(r[n2]), n2));\n if (neg) {\n c1 -= (int)(bn_sub_words(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n2]), n2));\n } else {\n c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(t[n2]), &(t[n2]), t, n2));\n }\n c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[n2]), n2));\n if (c1) {\n p = &(r[n + n2]);\n lo = *p;\n ln = (lo + c1) & BN_MASK2;\n *p = ln;\n if (ln < (BN_ULONG)c1) {\n do {\n p++;\n lo = *p;\n ln = (lo + 1) & BN_MASK2;\n *p = ln;\n } while (ln == 0);\n }\n }\n}', 'void bn_mul_normal(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, int na, BN_ULONG *b, int nb)\n{\n BN_ULONG *rr;\n if (na < nb) {\n int itmp;\n BN_ULONG *ltmp;\n itmp = na;\n na = nb;\n nb = itmp;\n ltmp = a;\n a = b;\n b = ltmp;\n }\n rr = &(r[na]);\n if (nb <= 0) {\n (void)bn_mul_words(r, a, na, 0);\n return;\n } else\n rr[0] = bn_mul_words(r, a, na, b[0]);\n for (;;) {\n if (--nb <= 0)\n return;\n rr[1] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[1]), a, na, b[1]);\n if (--nb <= 0)\n return;\n rr[2] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[2]), a, na, b[2]);\n if (--nb <= 0)\n return;\n rr[3] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[3]), a, na, b[3]);\n if (--nb <= 0)\n return;\n rr[4] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[4]), a, na, b[4]);\n rr += 4;\n r += 4;\n b += 4;\n }\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; bn_check_top(b); if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return (NULL); } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return (NULL); } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['int ec_GF2m_simple_add(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const EC_POINT *a,\n const EC_POINT *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *x0, *y0, *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2, *s, *t;\n int ret = 0;\n if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, a)) {\n if (!EC_POINT_copy(r, b))\n return 0;\n return 1;\n }\n if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, b)) {\n if (!EC_POINT_copy(r, a))\n return 0;\n return 1;\n }\n if (ctx == NULL) {\n ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL)\n return 0;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n x0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n x1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n x2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n s = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (t == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (a->Z_is_one) {\n if (!BN_copy(x0, a->X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(y0, a->Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2m(group, a, x0, y0, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (b->Z_is_one) {\n if (!BN_copy(x1, b->X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(y1, b->Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2m(group, b, x1, y1, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_GF2m_cmp(x0, x1)) {\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(t, x0, x1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(s, y0, y1))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_div(group, s, s, t, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, x2, s, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, group->a))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, s))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, t))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_GF2m_cmp(y0, y1) || BN_is_zero(x1)) {\n if (!EC_POINT_set_to_infinity(group, r))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n if (!group->meth->field_div(group, s, y1, x1, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(s, s, x1))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, x2, s, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, s))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(x2, x2, group->a))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(y2, x1, x2))\n goto err;\n if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, y2, y2, s, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(y2, y2, x2))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_add(y2, y2, y1))\n goto err;\n if (!EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GF2m(group, r, x2, y2, ctx))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a == b)\n return a;\n if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);\n a->top = b->top;\n a->neg = b->neg;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return a;\n}', 'int BN_GF2m_add(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n int i;\n const BIGNUM *at, *bt;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a->top < b->top) {\n at = b;\n bt = a;\n } else {\n at = a;\n bt = b;\n }\n if (bn_wexpand(r, at->top) == NULL)\n return 0;\n for (i = 0; i < bt->top; i++) {\n r->d[i] = at->d[i] ^ bt->d[i];\n }\n for (; i < at->top; i++) {\n r->d[i] = at->d[i];\n }\n r->top = at->top;\n bn_correct_top(r);\n return 1;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n bn_check_top(b);\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return (NULL);\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return (NULL);\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}']
static inline int compute_lpc_coefs(const LPC_TYPE *autoc, int max_order, LPC_TYPE *lpc, int lpc_stride, int fail, int normalize) { int i, j; LPC_TYPE err; LPC_TYPE *lpc_last = lpc; if (normalize) err = *autoc++; if (fail && (autoc[max_order - 1] == 0 || err <= 0)) return -1; for(i=0; i<max_order; i++) { LPC_TYPE r = -autoc[i]; if (normalize) { for(j=0; j<i; j++) r -= lpc_last[j] * autoc[i-j-1]; r /= err; err *= 1.0 - (r * r); } lpc[i] = r; for(j=0; j < (i+1)>>1; j++) { LPC_TYPE f = lpc_last[ j]; LPC_TYPE b = lpc_last[i-1-j]; lpc[ j] = f + r * b; lpc[i-1-j] = b + r * f; } if (fail && err < 0) return -1; lpc_last = lpc; lpc += lpc_stride; } return 0; }
['static inline int compute_lpc_coefs(const LPC_TYPE *autoc, int max_order,\n LPC_TYPE *lpc, int lpc_stride, int fail,\n int normalize)\n{\n int i, j;\n LPC_TYPE err;\n LPC_TYPE *lpc_last = lpc;\n if (normalize)\n err = *autoc++;\n if (fail && (autoc[max_order - 1] == 0 || err <= 0))\n return -1;\n for(i=0; i<max_order; i++) {\n LPC_TYPE r = -autoc[i];\n if (normalize) {\n for(j=0; j<i; j++)\n r -= lpc_last[j] * autoc[i-j-1];\n r /= err;\n err *= 1.0 - (r * r);\n }\n lpc[i] = r;\n for(j=0; j < (i+1)>>1; j++) {\n LPC_TYPE f = lpc_last[ j];\n LPC_TYPE b = lpc_last[i-1-j];\n lpc[ j] = f + r * b;\n lpc[i-1-j] = b + r * f;\n }\n if (fail && err < 0)\n return -1;\n lpc_last = lpc;\n lpc += lpc_stride;\n }\n return 0;\n}']
static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n) { #ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1); bc->bits >>= n; #else uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n); bc->bits <<= n; #endif bc->bits_left -= n; return ret; }
['static int aic_decode_coeffs(BitstreamContext *bc, int16_t *dst,\n int band, int slice_width, int force_chroma)\n{\n int has_skips, coeff_type, coeff_bits, skip_type, skip_bits;\n const int num_coeffs = aic_num_band_coeffs[band];\n const uint8_t *scan = aic_scan[band | force_chroma];\n int mb, idx, val;\n has_skips = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n coeff_type = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n coeff_bits = bitstream_read(bc, 3);\n if (has_skips) {\n skip_type = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n skip_bits = bitstream_read(bc, 3);\n for (mb = 0; mb < slice_width; mb++) {\n idx = -1;\n do {\n GET_CODE(val, skip_type, skip_bits);\n if (val < 0)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n idx += val + 1;\n if (idx >= num_coeffs)\n break;\n GET_CODE(val, coeff_type, coeff_bits);\n val++;\n if (val >= 0x10000 || val < 0)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n dst[scan[idx]] = val;\n } while (idx < num_coeffs - 1);\n dst += num_coeffs;\n }\n } else {\n for (mb = 0; mb < slice_width; mb++) {\n for (idx = 0; idx < num_coeffs; idx++) {\n GET_CODE(val, coeff_type, coeff_bits);\n if (val >= 0x10000 || val < 0)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n dst[scan[idx]] = val;\n }\n dst += num_coeffs;\n }\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'static inline uint32_t bitstream_read(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n if (!n)\n return 0;\n if (n > bc->bits_left) {\n refill_32(bc);\n if (bc->bits_left < 32)\n bc->bits_left = n;\n }\n return get_val(bc, n);\n}', 'static inline unsigned bitstream_read_bit(BitstreamContext *bc)\n{\n if (!bc->bits_left)\n refill_64(bc);\n return get_val(bc, 1);\n}', 'static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n#ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1);\n bc->bits >>= n;\n#else\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n);\n bc->bits <<= n;\n#endif\n bc->bits_left -= n;\n return ret;\n}']
void ngx_strlow(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t n) { while (n) { *dst = ngx_tolower(*src); dst++; src++; n--; } }
['static char *\nngx_http_disable_symlinks(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf)\n{\n ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t *clcf = conf;\n ngx_str_t *value;\n ngx_uint_t i;\n ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t ccv;\n if (clcf->disable_symlinks != NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) {\n return "is duplicate";\n }\n value = cf->args->elts;\n for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) {\n if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "off") == 0) {\n clcf->disable_symlinks = NGX_DISABLE_SYMLINKS_OFF;\n continue;\n }\n if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "if_not_owner") == 0) {\n clcf->disable_symlinks = NGX_DISABLE_SYMLINKS_NOTOWNER;\n continue;\n }\n if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "on") == 0) {\n clcf->disable_symlinks = NGX_DISABLE_SYMLINKS_ON;\n continue;\n }\n if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "from=", 5) == 0) {\n value[i].len -= 5;\n value[i].data += 5;\n ngx_memzero(&ccv, sizeof(ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t));\n = cf;\n ccv.value = &value[i];\n ccv.complex_value = ngx_palloc(cf->pool,\n sizeof(ngx_http_complex_value_t));\n if (ccv.complex_value == NULL) {\n return NGX_CONF_ERROR;\n }\n if (ngx_http_compile_complex_value(&ccv) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_CONF_ERROR;\n }\n clcf->disable_symlinks_from = ccv.complex_value;\n continue;\n }\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,\n "invalid parameter \\"%V\\"", &value[i]);\n return NGX_CONF_ERROR;\n }\n if (clcf->disable_symlinks == NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) {\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,\n "\\"%V\\" must have \\"off\\", \\"on\\" "\n "or \\"if_not_owner\\" parameter",\n &cmd->name);\n return NGX_CONF_ERROR;\n }\n if (cf->args->nelts == 2) {\n clcf->disable_symlinks_from = NULL;\n return NGX_CONF_OK;\n }\n if (clcf->disable_symlinks_from == NGX_CONF_UNSET_PTR) {\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,\n "duplicate parameters \\"%V %V\\"",\n &value[1], &value[2]);\n return NGX_CONF_ERROR;\n }\n if (clcf->disable_symlinks == NGX_DISABLE_SYMLINKS_OFF) {\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,\n "\\"from=\\" cannot be used with \\"off\\" parameter");\n return NGX_CONF_ERROR;\n }\n return NGX_CONF_OK;\n}', 'ngx_int_t\nngx_http_compile_complex_value(ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t *ccv)\n{\n ngx_str_t *v;\n ngx_uint_t i, n, nv, nc;\n ngx_array_t flushes, lengths, values, *pf, *pl, *pv;\n ngx_http_script_compile_t sc;\n v = ccv->value;\n if (v->len == 0) {\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, ccv->cf, 0, "empty parameter");\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n nv = 0;\n nc = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < v->len; i++) {\n if (v->data[i] == \'$\') {\n if (v->data[i + 1] >= \'1\' && v->data[i + 1] <= \'9\') {\n nc++;\n } else {\n nv++;\n }\n }\n }\n if (v->data[0] != \'$\' && (ccv->conf_prefix || ccv->root_prefix)) {\n if (ngx_conf_full_name(ccv->cf->cycle, v, ccv->conf_prefix) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n ccv->conf_prefix = 0;\n ccv->root_prefix = 0;\n }\n ccv->complex_value->value = *v;\n ccv->complex_value->flushes = NULL;\n ccv->complex_value->lengths = NULL;\n ccv->complex_value->values = NULL;\n if (nv == 0 && nc == 0) {\n return NGX_OK;\n }\n n = nv + 1;\n if (ngx_array_init(&flushes, ccv->cf->pool, n, sizeof(ngx_uint_t))\n != NGX_OK)\n {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n n = nv * (2 * sizeof(ngx_http_script_copy_code_t)\n + sizeof(ngx_http_script_var_code_t))\n + sizeof(uintptr_t);\n if (ngx_array_init(&lengths, ccv->cf->pool, n, 1) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n n = (nv * (2 * sizeof(ngx_http_script_copy_code_t)\n + sizeof(ngx_http_script_var_code_t))\n + sizeof(uintptr_t)\n + v->len\n + sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1)\n & ~(sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1);\n if (ngx_array_init(&values, ccv->cf->pool, n, 1) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n pf = &flushes;\n pl = &lengths;\n pv = &values;\n ngx_memzero(&sc, sizeof(ngx_http_script_compile_t));\n = ccv->cf;\n sc.source = v;\n sc.flushes = &pf;\n sc.lengths = &pl;\n sc.values = &pv;\n sc.complete_lengths = 1;\n sc.complete_values = 1;\n = ccv->zero;\n sc.conf_prefix = ccv->conf_prefix;\n sc.root_prefix = ccv->root_prefix;\n if (ngx_http_script_compile(&sc) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n if (flushes.nelts) {\n ccv->complex_value->flushes = flushes.elts;\n ccv->complex_value->flushes[flushes.nelts] = (ngx_uint_t) -1;\n }\n ccv->complex_value->lengths = lengths.elts;\n ccv->complex_value->values = values.elts;\n return NGX_OK;\n}', 'ngx_int_t\nngx_http_script_compile(ngx_http_script_compile_t *sc)\n{\n u_char ch;\n ngx_str_t name;\n ngx_uint_t i, bracket;\n if (ngx_http_script_init_arrays(sc) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < sc->source->len; ) {\n name.len = 0;\n if (sc->source->data[i] == \'$\') {\n if (++i == sc->source->len) {\n goto invalid_variable;\n }\n#if (NGX_PCRE)\n {\n ngx_uint_t n;\n if (sc->source->data[i] >= \'1\' && sc->source->data[i] <= \'9\') {\n n = sc->source->data[i] - \'0\';\n if (sc->captures_mask & (1 << n)) {\n sc->dup_capture = 1;\n }\n sc->captures_mask |= 1 << n;\n if (ngx_http_script_add_capture_code(sc, n) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n i++;\n continue;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (sc->source->data[i] == \'{\') {\n bracket = 1;\n if (++i == sc->source->len) {\n goto invalid_variable;\n }\n = &sc->source->data[i];\n } else {\n bracket = 0;\n = &sc->source->data[i];\n }\n for ( ; i < sc->source->len; i++, name.len++) {\n ch = sc->source->data[i];\n if (ch == \'}\' && bracket) {\n i++;\n bracket = 0;\n break;\n }\n if ((ch >= \'A\' && ch <= \'Z\')\n || (ch >= \'a\' && ch <= \'z\')\n || (ch >= \'0\' && ch <= \'9\')\n || ch == \'_\')\n {\n continue;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (bracket) {\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, sc->cf, 0,\n "the closing bracket in \\"%V\\" "\n "variable is missing", &name);\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n if (name.len == 0) {\n goto invalid_variable;\n }\n sc->variables++;\n if (ngx_http_script_add_var_code(sc, &name) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (sc->source->data[i] == \'?\' && sc->compile_args) {\n sc->args = 1;\n sc->compile_args = 0;\n if (ngx_http_script_add_args_code(sc) != NGX_OK) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n i++;\n continue;\n }\n = &sc->source->data[i];\n while (i < sc->source->len) {\n if (sc->source->data[i] == \'$\') {\n break;\n }\n if (sc->source->data[i] == \'?\') {\n sc->args = 1;\n if (sc->compile_args) {\n break;\n }\n }\n i++;\n name.len++;\n }\n sc->size += name.len;\n if (ngx_http_script_add_copy_code(sc, &name, (i == sc->source->len))\n != NGX_OK)\n {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n }\n return ngx_http_script_done(sc);\ninvalid_variable:\n ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, sc->cf, 0, "invalid variable name");\n return NGX_ERROR;\n}', 'static ngx_int_t\nngx_http_script_add_var_code(ngx_http_script_compile_t *sc, ngx_str_t *name)\n{\n ngx_int_t index, *p;\n ngx_http_script_var_code_t *code;\n index = ngx_http_get_variable_index(sc->cf, name);\n if (index == NGX_ERROR) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n if (sc->flushes) {\n p = ngx_array_push(*sc->flushes);\n if (p == NULL) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n *p = index;\n }\n code = ngx_http_script_add_code(*sc->lengths,\n sizeof(ngx_http_script_var_code_t), NULL);\n if (code == NULL) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n code->code = (ngx_http_script_code_pt) ngx_http_script_copy_var_len_code;\n code->index = (uintptr_t) index;\n code = ngx_http_script_add_code(*sc->values,\n sizeof(ngx_http_script_var_code_t),\n &sc->main);\n if (code == NULL) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n code->code = ngx_http_script_copy_var_code;\n code->index = (uintptr_t) index;\n return NGX_OK;\n}', 'ngx_int_t\nngx_http_get_variable_index(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_str_t *name)\n{\n ngx_uint_t i;\n ngx_http_variable_t *v;\n ngx_http_core_main_conf_t *cmcf;\n cmcf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module);\n v = cmcf->variables.elts;\n if (v == NULL) {\n if (ngx_array_init(&cmcf->variables, cf->pool, 4,\n sizeof(ngx_http_variable_t))\n != NGX_OK)\n {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < cmcf->variables.nelts; i++) {\n if (name->len != v[i].name.len\n || ngx_strncasecmp(name->data, v[i], name->len) != 0)\n {\n continue;\n }\n return i;\n }\n }\n v = ngx_array_push(&cmcf->variables);\n if (v == NULL) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n v->name.len = name->len;\n v-> = ngx_pnalloc(cf->pool, name->len);\n if (v-> == NULL) {\n return NGX_ERROR;\n }\n ngx_strlow(v->, name->data, name->len);\n v->set_handler = NULL;\n v->get_handler = NULL;\n v->data = 0;\n v->flags = 0;\n v->index = cmcf->variables.nelts - 1;\n return cmcf->variables.nelts - 1;\n}', 'void\nngx_strlow(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t n)\n{\n while (n) {\n *dst = ngx_tolower(*src);\n dst++;\n src++;\n n--;\n }\n}']
int ASN1_get_object(unsigned char **pp, long *plength, int *ptag, int *pclass, long omax) { int i,ret; long l; unsigned char *p= *pp; int tag,xclass,inf; long max=omax; if (!max) goto err; ret=(*p&V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED); xclass=(*p&V_ASN1_PRIVATE); i= *p&V_ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG; if (i == V_ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG) { p++; if (--max == 0) goto err; l=0; while (*p&0x80) { l<<=7L; l|= *(p++)&0x7f; if (--max == 0) goto err; } l<<=7L; l|= *(p++)&0x7f; tag=(int)l; } else { tag=i; p++; if (--max == 0) goto err; } *ptag=tag; *pclass=xclass; if (!asn1_get_length(&p,&inf,plength,(int)max)) goto err; #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"p=%d + *plength=%ld > omax=%ld + *pp=%d (%d > %d)\n", (int)p,*plength,omax,(int)*pp,(int)(p+ *plength), (int)(omax+ *pp)); #endif #if 0 if ((p+ *plength) > (omax+ *pp)) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_GET_OBJECT,ASN1_R_TOO_LONG); ret|=0x80; } #endif *pp=p; return(ret|inf); err: ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_GET_OBJECT,ASN1_R_HEADER_TOO_LONG); return(0x80); }
['BIO *PKCS7_dataInit(PKCS7 *p7, BIO *bio)\n\t{\n\tint i,j;\n\tBIO *out=NULL,*btmp=NULL;\n\tX509_ALGOR *xa;\n\tconst EVP_MD *evp_md;\n\tconst EVP_CIPHER *evp_cipher=NULL;\n\tSTACK *md_sk=NULL,*rsk=NULL;\n\tX509_ALGOR *xalg=NULL;\n\tPKCS7_RECIP_INFO *ri=NULL;\n\tEVP_PKEY *pkey;\n\ti=OBJ_obj2nid(p7->type);\n\tp7->state=PKCS7_S_HEADER;\n\tswitch (i)\n\t\t{\n\tcase NID_pkcs7_signed:\n\t\tmd_sk=p7->d.sign->md_algs;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase NID_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped:\n\t\trsk=p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->recipientinfo;\n\t\tmd_sk=p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->md_algs;\n\t\txalg=p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->enc_data->algorithm;\n\t\tevp_cipher=p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->enc_data->cipher;\n\t\tif (evp_cipher == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPKCS7_R_CIPHER_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase NID_pkcs7_enveloped:\n\t\trsk=p7->d.enveloped->recipientinfo;\n\t\txalg=p7->d.enveloped->enc_data->algorithm;\n\t\tevp_cipher=p7->d.enveloped->enc_data->cipher;\n\t\tif (evp_cipher == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPKCS7_R_CIPHER_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,PKCS7_R_UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE);\n\t goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (md_sk != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tfor (i=0; i<sk_num(md_sk); i++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\txa=(X509_ALGOR *)sk_value(md_sk,i);\n\t\t\tif ((btmp=BIO_new(BIO_f_md())) == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,ERR_R_BIO_LIB);\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tj=OBJ_obj2nid(xa->algorithm);\n\t\t\tevp_md=EVP_get_digestbyname(OBJ_nid2sn(j));\n\t\t\tif (evp_md == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,PKCS7_R_UNKNOWN_DIGEST_TYPE);\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tBIO_set_md(btmp,evp_md);\n\t\t\tif (out == NULL)\n\t\t\t\tout=btmp;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tBIO_push(out,btmp);\n\t\t\tbtmp=NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tif (evp_cipher != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tunsigned char key[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];\n\t\tunsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];\n\t\tint keylen,ivlen;\n\t\tint jj,max;\n\t\tunsigned char *tmp;\n\t\tEVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx;\n\t\tif ((btmp=BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher())) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,ERR_R_BIO_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tBIO_get_cipher_ctx(btmp, &ctx);\n\t\tkeylen=EVP_CIPHER_key_length(evp_cipher);\n\t\tivlen=EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(evp_cipher);\n\t\tRAND_bytes(key,keylen);\n\t\txalg->algorithm = OBJ_nid2obj(EVP_CIPHER_type(evp_cipher));\n\t\tif (ivlen > 0) RAND_bytes(iv,ivlen);\n\t\tEVP_CipherInit(ctx, evp_cipher, key, iv, 1);\n\t\tif (ivlen > 0) {\n\t\t\tif (xalg->parameter == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\txalg->parameter=ASN1_TYPE_new();\n\t\t\tif(EVP_CIPHER_param_to_asn1(ctx, xalg->parameter) < 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t goto err;\n\t\t}\n\t\tmax=0;\n\t\tfor (i=0; i<sk_num(rsk); i++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tri=(PKCS7_RECIP_INFO *)sk_value(rsk,i);\n\t\t\tif (ri->cert == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,PKCS7_R_MISSING_CERIPEND_INFO);\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tpkey=X509_get_pubkey(ri->cert);\n\t\t\tjj=EVP_PKEY_size(pkey);\n\t\t\tEVP_PKEY_free(pkey);\n\t\t\tif (max < jj) max=jj;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif ((tmp=(unsigned char *)Malloc(max)) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tfor (i=0; i<sk_num(rsk); i++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tri=(PKCS7_RECIP_INFO *)sk_value(rsk,i);\n\t\t\tpkey=X509_get_pubkey(ri->cert);\n\t\t\tjj=EVP_PKEY_encrypt(tmp,key,keylen,pkey);\n\t\t\tEVP_PKEY_free(pkey);\n\t\t\tif (jj <= 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tPKCS7err(PKCS7_F_PKCS7_DATAINIT,ERR_R_EVP_LIB);\n\t\t\t\tFree(tmp);\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(ri->enc_key,tmp,jj);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tFree(tmp);\n\t\tmemset(key, 0, keylen);\n\t\tif (out == NULL)\n\t\t\tout=btmp;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tBIO_push(out,btmp);\n\t\tbtmp=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tif (bio == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (p7->detached)\n\t\t\tbio=BIO_new(BIO_s_null());\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tbio=BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());\n\t\t\tBIO_set_mem_eof_return(bio,0);\n\t\t\tif (PKCS7_type_is_signed(p7) &&\n\t\t\t\tPKCS7_type_is_data(p7->d.sign->contents))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tASN1_OCTET_STRING *os;\n\t\t\t\tos=p7->d.sign->contents->;\n\t\t\t\tif (os->length > 0)\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_write(bio,(char *)os->data,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tos->length);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tBIO_push(out,bio);\n\tbio=NULL;\n\tif (0)\n\t\t{\nerr:\n\t\tif (out != NULL)\n\t\t\tBIO_free_all(out);\n\t\tif (btmp != NULL)\n\t\t\tBIO_free_all(btmp);\n\t\tout=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\treturn(out);\n\t}', 'EVP_PKEY *X509_get_pubkey(X509 *x)\n\t{\n\tif ((x == NULL) || (x->cert_info == NULL))\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\treturn(X509_PUBKEY_get(x->cert_info->key));\n\t}', 'EVP_PKEY *X509_PUBKEY_get(X509_PUBKEY *key)\n\t{\n\tEVP_PKEY *ret=NULL;\n\tlong j;\n\tint type;\n\tunsigned char *p;\n#ifndef NO_DSA\n\tX509_ALGOR *a;\n#endif\n\tif (key == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (key->pkey != NULL)\n\t {\n\t CRYPTO_add(&key->pkey->references,1,CRYPTO_LOCK_EVP_PKEY);\n\t return(key->pkey);\n\t }\n\tif (key->public_key == NULL) goto err;\n\ttype=OBJ_obj2nid(key->algor->algorithm);\n\tp=key->public_key->data;\n j=key->public_key->length;\n if ((ret=d2i_PublicKey(type,NULL,&p,(long)j)) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tX509err(X509_F_X509_PUBKEY_GET,X509_R_ERR_ASN1_LIB);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tret->save_parameters=0;\n#ifndef NO_DSA\n\ta=key->algor;\n\tif (ret->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (a->parameter->type == V_ASN1_SEQUENCE)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tret->pkey.dsa->write_params=0;\n\t\t\tp=a->parameter->value.sequence->data;\n\t\t\tj=a->parameter->value.sequence->length;\n\t\t\tif (!d2i_DSAparams(&ret->pkey.dsa,&p,(long)j))\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tret->save_parameters=1;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tkey->pkey=ret;\n\tCRYPTO_add(&ret->references,1,CRYPTO_LOCK_EVP_PKEY);\n\treturn(ret);\nerr:\n\tif (ret != NULL)\n\t\tEVP_PKEY_free(ret);\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'DSA *d2i_DSAparams(DSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length)\n\t{\n\tint i=ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR;\n\tASN1_INTEGER *bs=NULL;\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_vars(a,DSA *,DSA_new);\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_Init();\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_start_sequence();\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_get(bs,d2i_ASN1_INTEGER);\n\tif ((ret->p=BN_bin2bn(bs->data,bs->length,ret->p)) == NULL) goto err_bn;\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_get(bs,d2i_ASN1_INTEGER);\n\tif ((ret->q=BN_bin2bn(bs->data,bs->length,ret->q)) == NULL) goto err_bn;\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_get(bs,d2i_ASN1_INTEGER);\n\tif ((ret->g=BN_bin2bn(bs->data,bs->length,ret->g)) == NULL) goto err_bn;\n\tASN1_BIT_STRING_free(bs);\n\tM_ASN1_D2I_Finish_2(a);\nerr_bn:\n\ti=ERR_R_BN_LIB;\nerr:\n\tASN1err(ASN1_F_D2I_DSAPARAMS,i);\n\tif ((ret != NULL) && ((a == NULL) || (*a != ret))) DSA_free(ret);\n\tif (bs != NULL) ASN1_BIT_STRING_free(bs);\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'ASN1_INTEGER *d2i_ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_INTEGER **a, unsigned char **pp,\n\t long length)\n\t{\n\tASN1_INTEGER *ret=NULL;\n\tunsigned char *p,*to,*s;\n\tlong len;\n\tint inf,tag,xclass;\n\tint i;\n\tif ((a == NULL) || ((*a) == NULL))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif ((ret=ASN1_INTEGER_new()) == NULL) return(NULL);\n\t\tret->type=V_ASN1_INTEGER;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tret=(*a);\n\tp= *pp;\n\tinf=ASN1_get_object(&p,&len,&tag,&xclass,length);\n\tif (inf & 0x80)\n\t\t{\n\t\ti=ASN1_R_BAD_OBJECT_HEADER;\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (tag != V_ASN1_INTEGER)\n\t\t{\n\t\ti=ASN1_R_EXPECTING_AN_INTEGER;\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\ts=(unsigned char *)Malloc((int)len+1);\n\tif (s == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\ti=ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE;\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tto=s;\n\tif (*p & 0x80)\n\t\t{\n\t\tret->type=V_ASN1_NEG_INTEGER;\n\t\tif ((*p == 0xff) && (len != 1)) {\n\t\t\tp++;\n\t\t\tlen--;\n\t\t}\n\t\ti = len;\n\t\tp += i - 1;\n\t\tto += i - 1;\n\t\twhile((!*p) && i) {\n\t\t\t*(to--) = 0;\n\t\t\ti--;\n\t\t\tp--;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(!i) {\n\t\t\t*s = 1;\n\t\t\ts[len] = 0;\n\t\t\tp += len;\n\t\t\tlen++;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t*(to--) = (*(p--) ^ 0xff) + 1;\n\t\t\ti--;\n\t\t\tfor(;i > 0; i--) *(to--) = *(p--) ^ 0xff;\n\t\t\tp += len;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tret->type=V_ASN1_INTEGER;\n\t\tif ((*p == 0) && (len != 1))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tp++;\n\t\t\tlen--;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tmemcpy(s,p,(int)len);\n\t\tp+=len;\n\t}\n\tif (ret->data != NULL) Free((char *)ret->data);\n\tret->data=s;\n\tret->length=(int)len;\n\tif (a != NULL) (*a)=ret;\n\t*pp=p;\n\treturn(ret);\nerr:\n\tASN1err(ASN1_F_D2I_ASN1_INTEGER,i);\n\tif ((ret != NULL) && ((a == NULL) || (*a != ret)))\n\t\tASN1_INTEGER_free(ret);\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'int asn1_GetSequence(ASN1_CTX *c, long *length)\n\t{\n\tunsigned char *q;\n\tq=c->p;\n\tc->inf=ASN1_get_object(&(c->p),&(c->slen),&(c->tag),&(c->xclass),\n\t\t*length);\n\tif (c->inf & 0x80)\n\t\t{\n\t\tc->error=ERR_R_BAD_GET_ASN1_OBJECT_CALL;\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (c->tag != V_ASN1_SEQUENCE)\n\t\t{\n\t\tc->error=ERR_R_EXPECTING_AN_ASN1_SEQUENCE;\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\t(*length)-=(c->p-q);\n\tif (c->max && (*length < 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\tc->error=ERR_R_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH;\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (c->inf == (1|V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED))\n\t\tc->slen= *length+ *(c->pp)-c->p;\n\tc->eos=0;\n\treturn(1);\n\t}', 'int ASN1_get_object(unsigned char **pp, long *plength, int *ptag, int *pclass,\n\t long omax)\n\t{\n\tint i,ret;\n\tlong l;\n\tunsigned char *p= *pp;\n\tint tag,xclass,inf;\n\tlong max=omax;\n\tif (!max) goto err;\n\tret=(*p&V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED);\n\txclass=(*p&V_ASN1_PRIVATE);\n\ti= *p&V_ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG;\n\tif (i == V_ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG)\n\t\t{\n\t\tp++;\n\t\tif (--max == 0) goto err;\n\t\tl=0;\n\t\twhile (*p&0x80)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tl<<=7L;\n\t\t\tl|= *(p++)&0x7f;\n\t\t\tif (--max == 0) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tl<<=7L;\n\t\tl|= *(p++)&0x7f;\n\t\ttag=(int)l;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\ttag=i;\n\t\tp++;\n\t\tif (--max == 0) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\t*ptag=tag;\n\t*pclass=xclass;\n\tif (!asn1_get_length(&p,&inf,plength,(int)max)) goto err;\n#if 0\n\tfprintf(stderr,"p=%d + *plength=%ld > omax=%ld + *pp=%d (%d > %d)\\n",\n\t\t(int)p,*plength,omax,(int)*pp,(int)(p+ *plength),\n\t\t(int)(omax+ *pp));\n#endif\n#if 0\n\tif ((p+ *plength) > (omax+ *pp))\n\t\t{\n\t\tASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_GET_OBJECT,ASN1_R_TOO_LONG);\n\t\tret|=0x80;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\t*pp=p;\n\treturn(ret|inf);\nerr:\n\tASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_GET_OBJECT,ASN1_R_HEADER_TOO_LONG);\n\treturn(0x80);\n\t}']
static int mkv_add_seekhead_entry(mkv_seekhead *seekhead, unsigned int elementid, uint64_t filepos) { mkv_seekhead_entry *entries = seekhead->entries; int err; if (seekhead->max_entries > 0 && seekhead->max_entries <= seekhead->num_entries) return -1; if ((err = av_reallocp_array(&entries, seekhead->num_entries + 1, sizeof(*entries))) < 0) { seekhead->num_entries = 0; return err; } entries[seekhead->num_entries ].elementid = elementid; entries[seekhead->num_entries++].segmentpos = filepos - seekhead->segment_offset; seekhead->entries = entries; return 0; }
['static int mkv_add_seekhead_entry(mkv_seekhead *seekhead, unsigned int elementid, uint64_t filepos)\n{\n mkv_seekhead_entry *entries = seekhead->entries;\n int err;\n if (seekhead->max_entries > 0 && seekhead->max_entries <= seekhead->num_entries)\n return -1;\n if ((err = av_reallocp_array(&entries, seekhead->num_entries + 1,\n sizeof(*entries))) < 0) {\n seekhead->num_entries = 0;\n return err;\n }\n entries[seekhead->num_entries ].elementid = elementid;\n entries[seekhead->num_entries++].segmentpos = filepos - seekhead->segment_offset;\n seekhead->entries = entries;\n return 0;\n}', 'int av_reallocp_array(void *ptr, size_t nmemb, size_t size)\n{\n void **ptrptr = ptr;\n void *ret;\n if (!size || nmemb >= INT_MAX / size)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n if (!nmemb) {\n av_freep(ptr);\n return 0;\n }\n ret = av_realloc(*ptrptr, nmemb * size);\n if (!ret) {\n av_freep(ptr);\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n }\n *ptrptr = ret;\n return 0;\n}', 'void av_freep(void *arg)\n{\n void **ptr = (void **)arg;\n av_free(*ptr);\n *ptr = NULL;\n}', 'void av_free(void *ptr)\n{\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n if (ptr)\n free((char *)ptr - ((char *)ptr)[-1]);\n#elif HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC\n _aligned_free(ptr);\n#else\n free(ptr);\n#endif\n}']
static void load_module(const char *filename) { void *dll; void (*init_func)(void); dll = dlopen(filename, RTLD_NOW); if (!dll) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load module '%s' - %s\n", filename, dlerror()); return; } init_func = dlsym(dll, "avserver_module_init"); if (!init_func) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: init function 'avserver_module_init()' not found\n", filename); dlclose(dll); } init_func(); }
['static void load_module(const char *filename)\n{\n void *dll;\n void (*init_func)(void);\n dll = dlopen(filename, RTLD_NOW);\n if (!dll) {\n fprintf(stderr, "Could not load module \'%s\' - %s\\n",\n filename, dlerror());\n return;\n }\n init_func = dlsym(dll, "avserver_module_init");\n if (!init_func) {\n fprintf(stderr,\n "%s: init function \'avserver_module_init()\' not found\\n",\n filename);\n dlclose(dll);\n }\n init_func();\n}']
int X509V3_EXT_add_alias(int nid_to, int nid_from) { X509V3_EXT_METHOD *ext, *tmpext; if(!(ext = X509V3_EXT_get_nid(nid_from))) { X509V3err(X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_ADD_ALIAS,X509V3_R_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND); return 0; } if(!(tmpext = (X509V3_EXT_METHOD *)Malloc(sizeof(X509V3_EXT_METHOD)))) { X509V3err(X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_ADD_ALIAS,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return 0; } *tmpext = *ext; tmpext->ext_nid = nid_to; tmpext->ext_flags |= X509V3_EXT_DYNAMIC; return 1; }
['int X509V3_EXT_add_alias(int nid_to, int nid_from)\n{\n\tX509V3_EXT_METHOD *ext, *tmpext;\n\tif(!(ext = X509V3_EXT_get_nid(nid_from))) {\n\t\tX509V3err(X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_ADD_ALIAS,X509V3_R_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tif(!(tmpext = (X509V3_EXT_METHOD *)Malloc(sizeof(X509V3_EXT_METHOD)))) {\n\t\tX509V3err(X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_ADD_ALIAS,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\t*tmpext = *ext;\n\ttmpext->ext_nid = nid_to;\n\ttmpext->ext_flags |= X509V3_EXT_DYNAMIC;\n\treturn 1;\n}', 'X509V3_EXT_METHOD *X509V3_EXT_get_nid(int nid)\n{\n\tX509V3_EXT_METHOD tmp;\n\tint idx;\n\ttmp.ext_nid = nid;\n\tif(!ext_list || (tmp.ext_nid < 0) ) return NULL;\n\tidx = sk_find(ext_list, (char *)&tmp);\n\tif(idx == -1) return NULL;\n\treturn (X509V3_EXT_METHOD *)sk_value(ext_list, idx);\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,\n int *pnoinv)\n{\n BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n int sign;\n if (BN_abs_is_word(n, 1) || BN_is_zero(n)) {\n if (pnoinv != NULL)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n return NULL;\n }\n if (pnoinv != NULL)\n *pnoinv = 0;\n if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(n);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (T == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (in == NULL)\n R = BN_new();\n else\n R = in;\n if (R == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_one(X);\n BN_zero(Y);\n if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)\n goto err;\n A->neg = 0;\n if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {\n if (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n sign = -1;\n if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= 2048)) {\n int shift;\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(X)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(X, X))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n shift = 0;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) {\n shift++;\n if (BN_is_odd(Y)) {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (shift > 0) {\n if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0) {\n if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(B, B, A))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_usub(A, A, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B)) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, T) < 0) {\n if (!BN_one(D))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, B))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_sub(M, A, T))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_add(D, T, B))\n goto err;\n if (BN_ucmp(A, D) < 0) {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 2))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_set_word(D, 3))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(M, M, B))\n goto err;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!BN_div(D, M, A, B, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n tmp = A;\n A = B;\n B = M;\n if (BN_is_one(D)) {\n if (!BN_add(tmp, X, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (BN_is_word(D, 2)) {\n if (!BN_lshift1(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n } else if (BN_is_word(D, 4)) {\n if (!BN_lshift(tmp, X, 2))\n goto err;\n } else if (D->top == 1) {\n if (!BN_copy(tmp, X))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mul_word(tmp, D->d[0]))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n M = Y;\n Y = X;\n X = tmp;\n sign = -sign;\n }\n }\n if (sign < 0) {\n if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))\n goto err;\n }\n if (BN_is_one(A)) {\n if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {\n if (!BN_copy(R, Y))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n } else {\n if (pnoinv)\n *pnoinv = 1;\n goto err;\n }\n ret = R;\n err:\n if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))\n BN_free(R);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n}', 'int BN_nnmod(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *m, const BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n if (!(BN_mod(r, m, d, ctx)))\n return 0;\n if (!r->neg)\n return 1;\n return (d->neg ? BN_sub : BN_add) (r, r, d);\n}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret;\n if (BN_is_zero(divisor)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n return 0;\n }\n if (divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] == 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n return 0;\n }\n ret = bn_div_fixed_top(dv, rm, num, divisor, ctx);\n if (ret) {\n if (dv != NULL)\n bn_correct_top(dv);\n if (rm != NULL)\n bn_correct_top(rm);\n }\n return ret;\n}', 'int bn_div_fixed_top(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num,\n const BIGNUM *divisor, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int norm_shift, i, j, loop;\n BIGNUM *tmp, *snum, *sdiv, *res;\n BN_ULONG *resp, *wnum, *wnumtop;\n BN_ULONG d0, d1;\n int num_n, div_n;\n assert(divisor->top > 0 && divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] != 0);\n bn_check_top(num);\n bn_check_top(divisor);\n bn_check_top(dv);\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n res = (dv == NULL) ? BN_CTX_get(ctx) : dv;\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n snum = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n sdiv = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (sdiv == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(sdiv, divisor))\n goto err;\n norm_shift = bn_left_align(sdiv);\n sdiv->neg = 0;\n if (!(bn_lshift_fixed_top(snum, num, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n div_n = sdiv->top;\n num_n = snum->top;\n if (num_n <= div_n) {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, div_n + 1) == NULL)\n goto err;\n memset(&(snum->d[num_n]), 0, (div_n - num_n + 1) * sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n snum->top = num_n = div_n + 1;\n }\n loop = num_n - div_n;\n wnum = &(snum->d[loop]);\n wnumtop = &(snum->d[num_n - 1]);\n d0 = sdiv->d[div_n - 1];\n d1 = (div_n == 1) ? 0 : sdiv->d[div_n - 2];\n if (!bn_wexpand(res, loop))\n goto err;\n res->neg = (num->neg ^ divisor->neg);\n res->top = loop;\n res->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n resp = &(res->d[loop]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(tmp, (div_n + 1)))\n goto err;\n for (i = 0; i < loop; i++, wnumtop--) {\n BN_ULONG q, l0;\n# if defined(BN_DIV3W)\n q = bn_div_3_words(wnumtop, d1, d0);\n# else\n BN_ULONG n0, n1, rem = 0;\n n0 = wnumtop[0];\n n1 = wnumtop[-1];\n if (n0 == d0)\n q = BN_MASK2;\n else {\n BN_ULONG n2 = (wnumtop == wnum) ? 0 : wnumtop[-2];\n# ifdef BN_LLONG\n BN_ULLONG t2;\n# if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n q = (BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG) n0) << BN_BITS2) | n1) / d0);\n# else\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# endif\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n t2 = (BN_ULLONG) d1 *q;\n for (;;) {\n if (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG) rem) << BN_BITS2) | n2))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n t2 -= d1;\n }\n# else\n BN_ULONG t2l, t2h;\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n# if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n BN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l, t2h, d1, q);\n# elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n t2l = d1 * q;\n t2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1, q);\n# else\n {\n BN_ULONG ql, qh;\n t2l = LBITS(d1);\n t2h = HBITS(d1);\n ql = LBITS(q);\n qh = HBITS(q);\n mul64(t2l, t2h, ql, qh);\n }\n# endif\n for (;;) {\n if ((t2h < rem) || ((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= n2)))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n if (t2l < d1)\n t2h--;\n t2l -= d1;\n }\n# endif\n }\n# endif\n l0 = bn_mul_words(tmp->d, sdiv->d, div_n, q);\n tmp->d[div_n] = l0;\n wnum--;\n l0 = bn_sub_words(wnum, wnum, tmp->d, div_n + 1);\n q -= l0;\n for (l0 = 0 - l0, j = 0; j < div_n; j++)\n tmp->d[j] = sdiv->d[j] & l0;\n l0 = bn_add_words(wnum, wnum, tmp->d, div_n);\n (*wnumtop) += l0;\n assert((*wnumtop) == 0);\n *--resp = q;\n }\n snum->neg = num->neg;\n snum->top = div_n;\n snum->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n if (rm != NULL)\n bn_rshift_fixed_top(rm, snum, norm_shift);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 0;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
void *lh_delete(LHASH *lh, const void *data) { unsigned long hash; LHASH_NODE *nn,**rn; const void *ret; lh->error=0; rn=getrn(lh,data,&hash); if (*rn == NULL) { lh->num_no_delete++; return(NULL); } else { nn= *rn; *rn=nn->next; ret=nn->data; OPENSSL_free(nn); lh->num_delete++; } lh->num_items--; if ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) && (lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes))) contract(lh); return((void *)ret); }
['void CRYPTO_dbg_free(void *addr, int before_p)\n\t{\n\tMEM m,*mp;\n\tswitch(before_p)\n\t\t{\n\tcase 0:\n\t\tif (addr == NULL)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tif (is_MemCheck_on() && (mh != NULL))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tMemCheck_off();\n\t\t\tm.addr=addr;\n\t\t\tmp=(MEM *)lh_delete(mh,(char *)&m);\n\t\t\tif (mp != NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n#ifdef LEVITTE_DEBUG_MEM\n\t\t\tfprintf(stderr, "LEVITTE_DEBUG_MEM: [%5d] - 0x%p (%d)\\n",\n\t\t\t\tmp->order, mp->addr, mp->num);\n#endif\n\t\t\t\tif (mp->app_info != NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tmp->app_info->references--;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tOPENSSL_free(mp);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tMemCheck_on();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 1:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}', 'void *lh_delete(LHASH *lh, const void *data)\n\t{\n\tunsigned long hash;\n\tLHASH_NODE *nn,**rn;\n\tconst void *ret;\n\tlh->error=0;\n\trn=getrn(lh,data,&hash);\n\tif (*rn == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tlh->num_no_delete++;\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tnn= *rn;\n\t\t*rn=nn->next;\n\t\tret=nn->data;\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(nn);\n\t\tlh->num_delete++;\n\t\t}\n\tlh->num_items--;\n\tif ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) &&\n\t\t(lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes)))\n\t\tcontract(lh);\n\treturn((void *)ret);\n\t}']
static int do_multi(int multi) { int n; int fd[2]; int *fds; static char sep[]=":"; fds=malloc(multi*sizeof *fds); for(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n) { pipe(fd); if(fork()) { close(fd[1]); fds[n]=fd[0]; } else { close(fd[0]); close(1); dup(fd[1]); close(fd[1]); mr=1; usertime=0; return 0; } printf("Forked child %d\n",n); } for(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n) { FILE *f; char buf[1024]; char *p; f=fdopen(fds[n],"r"); while(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,f)) { p=strchr(buf,'\n'); if(p) *p='\0'; if(buf[0] != '+') { fprintf(stderr,"Don't understand line '%s' from child %d\n", buf,n); continue; } printf("Got: %s from %d\n",buf,n); if(!strncmp(buf,"+F:",3)) { int alg; int j; p=buf+3; alg=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); for(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j) results[alg][j]+=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][1]=d; } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][1]=d; } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F3:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) dsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else dsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) dsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else dsa_results[k][1]=d; } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+H:",3)) { } else fprintf(stderr,"Unknown type '%s' from child %d\n",buf,n); } } return 1; }
['static int do_multi(int multi)\n\t{\n\tint n;\n\tint fd[2];\n\tint *fds;\n\tstatic char sep[]=":";\n\tfds=malloc(multi*sizeof *fds);\n\tfor(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n)\n\t\t{\n\t\tpipe(fd);\n\t\tif(fork())\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tclose(fd[1]);\n\t\t\tfds[n]=fd[0];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tclose(fd[0]);\n\t\t\tclose(1);\n\t\t\tdup(fd[1]);\n\t\t\tclose(fd[1]);\n\t\t\tmr=1;\n\t\t\tusertime=0;\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tprintf("Forked child %d\\n",n);\n\t\t}\n\tfor(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n)\n\t\t{\n\t\tFILE *f;\n\t\tchar buf[1024];\n\t\tchar *p;\n\t\tf=fdopen(fds[n],"r");\n\t\twhile(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,f))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tp=strchr(buf,\'\\n\');\n\t\t\tif(p)\n\t\t\t\t*p=\'\\0\';\n\t\t\tif(buf[0] != \'+\')\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"Don\'t understand line \'%s\' from child %d\\n",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuf,n);\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tprintf("Got: %s from %d\\n",buf,n);\n\t\t\tif(!strncmp(buf,"+F:",3))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint alg;\n\t\t\t\tint j;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+3;\n\t\t\t\talg=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\tfor(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j)\n\t\t\t\t\tresults[alg][j]+=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F3:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+H:",3))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"Unknown type \'%s\' from child %d\\n",buf,n);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\treturn 1;\n\t}']
BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b) { bn_check_top(b); if (a == b) return a; if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL) return NULL; if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top); a->top = b->top; a->neg = b->neg; bn_check_top(a); return a; }
['static int compute_key(unsigned char *key, const BIGNUM *pub_key, DH *dh)\n{\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n BIGNUM *tmp;\n int ret = -1;\n int check_result;\n if (BN_num_bits(dh->p) > OPENSSL_DH_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {\n DHerr(DH_F_COMPUTE_KEY, DH_R_MODULUS_TOO_LARGE);\n goto err;\n }\n ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (tmp == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {\n DHerr(DH_F_COMPUTE_KEY, DH_R_NO_PRIVATE_VALUE);\n goto err;\n }\n if (dh->flags & DH_FLAG_CACHE_MONT_P) {\n mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dh->method_mont_p,\n dh->lock, dh->p, ctx);\n BN_set_flags(dh->priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n if (!mont)\n goto err;\n }\n if (!DH_check_pub_key(dh, pub_key, &check_result) || check_result) {\n DHerr(DH_F_COMPUTE_KEY, DH_R_INVALID_PUBKEY);\n goto err;\n }\n if (!dh->\n meth->bn_mod_exp(dh, tmp, pub_key, dh->priv_key, dh->p, ctx, mont)) {\n DHerr(DH_F_COMPUTE_KEY, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n goto err;\n }\n ret = BN_bn2bin(tmp, key);\n err:\n if (ctx != NULL) {\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n }\n return (ret);\n}', 'int BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n int i = a->top - 1;\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (BN_is_zero(a))\n return 0;\n return ((i * BN_BITS2) + BN_num_bits_word(a->d[i]));\n}', 'int BN_is_zero(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n return a->top == 0;\n}', 'int DH_check_pub_key(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM *pub_key, int *ret)\n{\n int ok = 0;\n BIGNUM *tmp = NULL;\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n *ret = 0;\n ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (tmp == NULL || !BN_set_word(tmp, 1))\n goto err;\n if (BN_cmp(pub_key, tmp) <= 0)\n *ret |= DH_CHECK_PUBKEY_TOO_SMALL;\n if (BN_copy(tmp, dh->p) == NULL || !BN_sub_word(tmp, 1))\n goto err;\n if (BN_cmp(pub_key, tmp) >= 0)\n *ret |= DH_CHECK_PUBKEY_TOO_LARGE;\n if (dh->q != NULL) {\n if (!BN_mod_exp(tmp, pub_key, dh->q, dh->p, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_is_one(tmp))\n *ret |= DH_CHECK_PUBKEY_INVALID;\n }\n ok = 1;\n err:\n if (ctx != NULL) {\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n }\n return (ok);\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a == b)\n return a;\n if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);\n a->top = b->top;\n a->neg = b->neg;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return a;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}']
static void decode_postinit(H264Context *h, int setup_finished) { MpegEncContext *const s = &h->s; Picture *out = s->current_picture_ptr; Picture *cur = s->current_picture_ptr; int i, pics, out_of_order, out_idx; int invalid = 0, cnt = 0; s->current_picture_ptr->f.qscale_type = FF_QSCALE_TYPE_H264; s->current_picture_ptr->f.pict_type = s->pict_type; if (h->next_output_pic) return; if (cur->field_poc[0] == INT_MAX || cur->field_poc[1] == INT_MAX) { return; } cur->f.interlaced_frame = 0; cur->f.repeat_pict = 0; if (h->sps.pic_struct_present_flag) { switch (h->sei_pic_struct) { case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME: break; case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_FIELD: case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_FIELD: cur->f.interlaced_frame = 1; break; case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM: case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP: if (FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE) cur->f.interlaced_frame = 1; else cur->f.interlaced_frame = h->prev_interlaced_frame; break; case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM_TOP: case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP_BOTTOM: cur->f.repeat_pict = 1; break; case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME_DOUBLING: cur->f.repeat_pict = 2; break; case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME_TRIPLING: cur->f.repeat_pict = 4; break; } if ((h->sei_ct_type & 3) && h->sei_pic_struct <= SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP) cur->f.interlaced_frame = (h->sei_ct_type & (1 << 1)) != 0; } else { cur->f.interlaced_frame = FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE; } h->prev_interlaced_frame = cur->f.interlaced_frame; if (cur->field_poc[0] != cur->field_poc[1]) { cur->f.top_field_first = cur->field_poc[0] < cur->field_poc[1]; } else { if (cur->f.interlaced_frame || h->sps.pic_struct_present_flag) { if (h->sei_pic_struct == SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM || h->sei_pic_struct == SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM_TOP) cur->f.top_field_first = 1; else cur->f.top_field_first = 0; } else { cur->f.top_field_first = 0; } } if (h->sps.bitstream_restriction_flag && s->avctx->has_b_frames < h->sps.num_reorder_frames) { s->avctx->has_b_frames = h->sps.num_reorder_frames; s->low_delay = 0; } if (s->avctx->strict_std_compliance >= FF_COMPLIANCE_STRICT && !h->sps.bitstream_restriction_flag) { s->avctx->has_b_frames = MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT - 1; s->low_delay = 0; } pics = 0; while (h->delayed_pic[pics]) pics++; assert(pics <= MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT); h->delayed_pic[pics++] = cur; if (cur->f.reference == 0) cur->f.reference = DELAYED_PIC_REF; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT; i++) { cnt += out->poc < h->last_pocs[i]; invalid += out->poc == INT_MIN; } if (!h->mmco_reset && !cur->f.key_frame && cnt + invalid == MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT && cnt > 0) { h->mmco_reset = 2; if (pics > 1) h->delayed_pic[pics - 2]->mmco_reset = 2; } if (h->mmco_reset || cur->f.key_frame) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT; i++) h->last_pocs[i] = INT_MIN; cnt = 0; invalid = MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT; } out = h->delayed_pic[0]; out_idx = 0; for (i = 1; i < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT && h->delayed_pic[i] && !h->delayed_pic[i - 1]->mmco_reset && !h->delayed_pic[i]->f.key_frame; i++) if (h->delayed_pic[i]->poc < out->poc) { out = h->delayed_pic[i]; out_idx = i; } if (s->avctx->has_b_frames == 0 && (h->delayed_pic[0]->f.key_frame || h->mmco_reset)) h->next_outputed_poc = INT_MIN; out_of_order = !out->f.key_frame && !h->mmco_reset && (out->poc < h->next_outputed_poc); if (h->sps.bitstream_restriction_flag && s->avctx->has_b_frames >= h->sps.num_reorder_frames) { } else if (out_of_order && pics - 1 == s->avctx->has_b_frames && s->avctx->has_b_frames < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT) { if (invalid + cnt < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT) { s->avctx->has_b_frames = FFMAX(s->avctx->has_b_frames, cnt); } s->low_delay = 0; } else if (s->low_delay && ((h->next_outputed_poc != INT_MIN && out->poc > h->next_outputed_poc + 2) || cur->f.pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B)) { s->low_delay = 0; s->avctx->has_b_frames++; } if (pics > s->avctx->has_b_frames) { out->f.reference &= ~DELAYED_PIC_REF; out->owner2 = s; for (i = out_idx; h->delayed_pic[i]; i++) h->delayed_pic[i] = h->delayed_pic[i + 1]; } memmove(h->last_pocs, &h->last_pocs[1], sizeof(*h->last_pocs) * (MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT - 1)); h->last_pocs[MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT - 1] = cur->poc; if (!out_of_order && pics > s->avctx->has_b_frames) { h->next_output_pic = out; if (out->mmco_reset) { if (out_idx > 0) { h->next_outputed_poc = out->poc; h->delayed_pic[out_idx - 1]->mmco_reset = out->mmco_reset; } else { h->next_outputed_poc = INT_MIN; } } else { if (out_idx == 0 && pics > 1 && h->delayed_pic[0]->f.key_frame) { h->next_outputed_poc = INT_MIN; } else { h->next_outputed_poc = out->poc; } } h->mmco_reset = 0; } else { av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "no picture\n"); } if (setup_finished) ff_thread_finish_setup(s->avctx); }
['static void decode_postinit(H264Context *h, int setup_finished)\n{\n MpegEncContext *const s = &h->s;\n Picture *out = s->current_picture_ptr;\n Picture *cur = s->current_picture_ptr;\n int i, pics, out_of_order, out_idx;\n int invalid = 0, cnt = 0;\n s->current_picture_ptr->f.qscale_type = FF_QSCALE_TYPE_H264;\n s->current_picture_ptr->f.pict_type = s->pict_type;\n if (h->next_output_pic)\n return;\n if (cur->field_poc[0] == INT_MAX || cur->field_poc[1] == INT_MAX) {\n return;\n }\n cur->f.interlaced_frame = 0;\n cur->f.repeat_pict = 0;\n if (h->sps.pic_struct_present_flag) {\n switch (h->sei_pic_struct) {\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME:\n break;\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_FIELD:\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_FIELD:\n cur->f.interlaced_frame = 1;\n break;\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM:\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP:\n if (FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE)\n cur->f.interlaced_frame = 1;\n else\n cur->f.interlaced_frame = h->prev_interlaced_frame;\n break;\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM_TOP:\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP_BOTTOM:\n cur->f.repeat_pict = 1;\n break;\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME_DOUBLING:\n cur->f.repeat_pict = 2;\n break;\n case SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME_TRIPLING:\n cur->f.repeat_pict = 4;\n break;\n }\n if ((h->sei_ct_type & 3) &&\n h->sei_pic_struct <= SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP)\n cur->f.interlaced_frame = (h->sei_ct_type & (1 << 1)) != 0;\n } else {\n cur->f.interlaced_frame = FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE;\n }\n h->prev_interlaced_frame = cur->f.interlaced_frame;\n if (cur->field_poc[0] != cur->field_poc[1]) {\n cur->f.top_field_first = cur->field_poc[0] < cur->field_poc[1];\n } else {\n if (cur->f.interlaced_frame || h->sps.pic_struct_present_flag) {\n if (h->sei_pic_struct == SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM ||\n h->sei_pic_struct == SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM_TOP)\n cur->f.top_field_first = 1;\n else\n cur->f.top_field_first = 0;\n } else {\n cur->f.top_field_first = 0;\n }\n }\n if (h->sps.bitstream_restriction_flag &&\n s->avctx->has_b_frames < h->sps.num_reorder_frames) {\n s->avctx->has_b_frames = h->sps.num_reorder_frames;\n s->low_delay = 0;\n }\n if (s->avctx->strict_std_compliance >= FF_COMPLIANCE_STRICT &&\n !h->sps.bitstream_restriction_flag) {\n s->avctx->has_b_frames = MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT - 1;\n s->low_delay = 0;\n }\n pics = 0;\n while (h->delayed_pic[pics])\n pics++;\n assert(pics <= MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT);\n h->delayed_pic[pics++] = cur;\n if (cur->f.reference == 0)\n cur->f.reference = DELAYED_PIC_REF;\n for (i = 0; i < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT; i++) {\n cnt += out->poc < h->last_pocs[i];\n invalid += out->poc == INT_MIN;\n }\n if (!h->mmco_reset && !cur->f.key_frame &&\n cnt + invalid == MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT && cnt > 0) {\n h->mmco_reset = 2;\n if (pics > 1)\n h->delayed_pic[pics - 2]->mmco_reset = 2;\n }\n if (h->mmco_reset || cur->f.key_frame) {\n for (i = 0; i < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT; i++)\n h->last_pocs[i] = INT_MIN;\n cnt = 0;\n invalid = MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT;\n }\n out = h->delayed_pic[0];\n out_idx = 0;\n for (i = 1; i < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT &&\n h->delayed_pic[i] &&\n !h->delayed_pic[i - 1]->mmco_reset &&\n !h->delayed_pic[i]->f.key_frame;\n i++)\n if (h->delayed_pic[i]->poc < out->poc) {\n out = h->delayed_pic[i];\n out_idx = i;\n }\n if (s->avctx->has_b_frames == 0 &&\n (h->delayed_pic[0]->f.key_frame || h->mmco_reset))\n h->next_outputed_poc = INT_MIN;\n out_of_order = !out->f.key_frame && !h->mmco_reset &&\n (out->poc < h->next_outputed_poc);\n if (h->sps.bitstream_restriction_flag &&\n s->avctx->has_b_frames >= h->sps.num_reorder_frames) {\n } else if (out_of_order && pics - 1 == s->avctx->has_b_frames &&\n s->avctx->has_b_frames < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT) {\n if (invalid + cnt < MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT) {\n s->avctx->has_b_frames = FFMAX(s->avctx->has_b_frames, cnt);\n }\n s->low_delay = 0;\n } else if (s->low_delay &&\n ((h->next_outputed_poc != INT_MIN &&\n out->poc > h->next_outputed_poc + 2) ||\n cur->f.pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B)) {\n s->low_delay = 0;\n s->avctx->has_b_frames++;\n }\n if (pics > s->avctx->has_b_frames) {\n out->f.reference &= ~DELAYED_PIC_REF;\n out->owner2 = s;\n for (i = out_idx; h->delayed_pic[i]; i++)\n h->delayed_pic[i] = h->delayed_pic[i + 1];\n }\n memmove(h->last_pocs, &h->last_pocs[1],\n sizeof(*h->last_pocs) * (MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT - 1));\n h->last_pocs[MAX_DELAYED_PIC_COUNT - 1] = cur->poc;\n if (!out_of_order && pics > s->avctx->has_b_frames) {\n h->next_output_pic = out;\n if (out->mmco_reset) {\n if (out_idx > 0) {\n h->next_outputed_poc = out->poc;\n h->delayed_pic[out_idx - 1]->mmco_reset = out->mmco_reset;\n } else {\n h->next_outputed_poc = INT_MIN;\n }\n } else {\n if (out_idx == 0 && pics > 1 && h->delayed_pic[0]->f.key_frame) {\n h->next_outputed_poc = INT_MIN;\n } else {\n h->next_outputed_poc = out->poc;\n }\n }\n h->mmco_reset = 0;\n } else {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "no picture\\n");\n }\n if (setup_finished)\n ff_thread_finish_setup(s->avctx);\n}']
void bn_sqr_comba8(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a) { #ifdef BN_LLONG BN_ULLONG t,tt; #else BN_ULONG bl,bh; #endif BN_ULONG t1,t2; BN_ULONG c1,c2,c3; c1=0; c2=0; c3=0; sqr_add_c(a,0,c1,c2,c3); r[0]=c1; c1=0; sqr_add_c2(a,1,0,c2,c3,c1); r[1]=c2; c2=0; sqr_add_c(a,1,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,2,0,c3,c1,c2); r[2]=c3; c3=0; sqr_add_c2(a,3,0,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,2,1,c1,c2,c3); r[3]=c1; c1=0; sqr_add_c(a,2,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,3,1,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,4,0,c2,c3,c1); r[4]=c2; c2=0; sqr_add_c2(a,5,0,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,4,1,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,3,2,c3,c1,c2); r[5]=c3; c3=0; sqr_add_c(a,3,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,4,2,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,5,1,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,6,0,c1,c2,c3); r[6]=c1; c1=0; sqr_add_c2(a,7,0,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,6,1,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,5,2,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,4,3,c2,c3,c1); r[7]=c2; c2=0; sqr_add_c(a,4,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,5,3,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,6,2,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,7,1,c3,c1,c2); r[8]=c3; c3=0; sqr_add_c2(a,7,2,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,6,3,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,5,4,c1,c2,c3); r[9]=c1; c1=0; sqr_add_c(a,5,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,6,4,c2,c3,c1); sqr_add_c2(a,7,3,c2,c3,c1); r[10]=c2; c2=0; sqr_add_c2(a,7,4,c3,c1,c2); sqr_add_c2(a,6,5,c3,c1,c2); r[11]=c3; c3=0; sqr_add_c(a,6,c1,c2,c3); sqr_add_c2(a,7,5,c1,c2,c3); r[12]=c1; c1=0; sqr_add_c2(a,7,6,c2,c3,c1); r[13]=c2; c2=0; sqr_add_c(a,7,c3,c1,c2); r[14]=c3; r[15]=c1; }
['int BN_mod_exp_simple(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *m,\n\t BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint i,j,bits,ret=0,wstart,wend,window,wvalue,ts=0;\n\tint start=1;\n\tBIGNUM *d;\n\tBIGNUM val[TABLE_SIZE];\n\td= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos++]);\n\tbits=BN_num_bits(p);\n\tif (bits == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_one(r);\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\tBN_init(&(val[0]));\n\tts=1;\n\tif (!BN_mod(&(val[0]),a,m,ctx)) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_mod_mul(d,&(val[0]),&(val[0]),m,ctx))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tif (bits <= 17)\n\t\twindow=1;\n\telse if (bits >= 256)\n\t\twindow=5;\n\telse if (bits >= 128)\n\t\twindow=4;\n\telse\n\t\twindow=3;\n\tj=1<<(window-1);\n\tfor (i=1; i<j; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_init(&(val[i]));\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(&(val[i]),&(val[i-1]),d,m,ctx))\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tts=i;\n\tstart=1;\n\twvalue=0;\n\twstart=bits-1;\n\twend=0;\n\tif (!BN_one(r)) goto err;\n\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (BN_is_bit_set(p,wstart) == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!start)\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(r,r,r,m,ctx))\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\tif (wstart == 0) break;\n\t\t\twstart--;\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tj=wstart;\n\t\twvalue=1;\n\t\twend=0;\n\t\tfor (i=1; i<window; i++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (wstart-i < 0) break;\n\t\t\tif (BN_is_bit_set(p,wstart-i))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\twvalue<<=(i-wend);\n\t\t\t\twvalue|=1;\n\t\t\t\twend=i;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tj=wend+1;\n\t\tif (!start)\n\t\t\tfor (i=0; i<j; i++)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(r,r,r,m,ctx))\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(r,r,&(val[wvalue>>1]),m,ctx))\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\twstart-=wend+1;\n\t\twvalue=0;\n\t\tstart=0;\n\t\tif (wstart < 0) break;\n\t\t}\n\tret=1;\nerr:\n\tctx->tos--;\n\tfor (i=0; i<ts; i++)\n\t\tBN_clear_free(&(val[i]));\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'int BN_mod(BIGNUM *rem, BIGNUM *m, BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n#if 0\n\tint i,nm,nd;\n\tBIGNUM *dv;\n\tif (BN_ucmp(m,d) < 0)\n\t\treturn((BN_copy(rem,m) == NULL)?0:1);\n\tdv= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos]);\n\tif (!BN_copy(rem,m)) return(0);\n\tnm=BN_num_bits(rem);\n\tnd=BN_num_bits(d);\n\tif (!BN_lshift(dv,d,nm-nd)) return(0);\n\tfor (i=nm-nd; i>=0; i--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (BN_cmp(rem,dv) >= 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(rem,rem,dv)) return(0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_rshift1(dv,dv)) return(0);\n\t\t}\n\treturn(1);\n#else\n\treturn(BN_div(NULL,rem,m,d,ctx));\n#endif\n\t}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, BIGNUM *num, BIGNUM *divisor,\n\t BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint norm_shift,i,j,loop;\n\tBIGNUM *tmp,wnum,*snum,*sdiv,*res;\n\tBN_ULONG *resp,*wnump;\n\tBN_ULONG d0,d1;\n\tint num_n,div_n;\n\tbn_check_top(num);\n\tbn_check_top(divisor);\n\tif (BN_is_zero(divisor))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV,BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (BN_ucmp(num,divisor) < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (rm != NULL)\n\t\t\t{ if (BN_copy(rm,num) == NULL) return(0); }\n\t\tif (dv != NULL) BN_zero(dv);\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\ttmp= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos]);\n\ttmp->neg=0;\n\tsnum= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos+1]);\n\tsdiv= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos+2]);\n\tif (dv == NULL)\n\t\tres= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos+3]);\n\telse\tres=dv;\n\tnorm_shift=BN_BITS2-((BN_num_bits(divisor))%BN_BITS2);\n\tBN_lshift(sdiv,divisor,norm_shift);\n\tsdiv->neg=0;\n\tnorm_shift+=BN_BITS2;\n\tBN_lshift(snum,num,norm_shift);\n\tsnum->neg=0;\n\tdiv_n=sdiv->top;\n\tnum_n=snum->top;\n\tloop=num_n-div_n;\n\tBN_init(&wnum);\n\twnum.d=\t &(snum->d[loop]);\n\ div_n;\n\twnum.max= snum->max+1;\n\td0=sdiv->d[div_n-1];\n\td1=(div_n == 1)?0:sdiv->d[div_n-2];\n\twnump= &(snum->d[num_n-1]);\n\tres->neg= (num->neg^divisor->neg);\n\tif (!bn_wexpand(res,(loop+1))) goto err;\n\tres->top=loop;\n\tresp= &(res->d[loop-1]);\n\tif (!bn_wexpand(tmp,(div_n+1))) goto err;\n\tif (BN_ucmp(&wnum,sdiv) >= 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_usub(&wnum,&wnum,sdiv)) goto err;\n\t\t*resp=1;\n\t\tres->d[res->top-1]=1;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tres->top--;\n\tresp--;\n\tfor (i=0; i<loop-1; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_ULONG q,n0,n1;\n\t\tBN_ULONG l0;\n\t\twnum.d--;;\n\t\tn0=wnump[0];\n\t\tn1=wnump[-1];\n\t\tif (n0 == d0)\n\t\t\tq=BN_MASK2;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tq=bn_div_words(n0,n1,d0);\n\t\t{\n#ifdef BN_LLONG\n\t\tBN_ULLONG t1,t2,rem;\n\t\tt1=((BN_ULLONG)n0<<BN_BITS2)|n1;\n\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tt2=(BN_ULLONG)d1*q;\n\t\t\trem=t1-(BN_ULLONG)q*d0;\n\t\t\tif ((rem>>BN_BITS2) ||\n\t\t\t\t(t2 <= ((BN_ULLONG)(rem<<BN_BITS2)+wnump[-2])))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\t}\n#else\n\t\tBN_ULONG t1l,t1h,t2l,t2h,t3l,t3h,ql,qh,t3t;\n\t\tt1h=n0;\n\t\tt1l=n1;\n\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tt2l=LBITS(d1); t2h=HBITS(d1);\n\t\t\tql =LBITS(q); qh =HBITS(q);\n\t\t\tmul64(t2l,t2h,ql,qh);\n\t\t\tt3t=LBITS(d0); t3h=HBITS(d0);\n\t\t\tmul64(t3t,t3h,ql,qh);\n\t\t\tt3l=(t1l-t3t)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\tif (t3l > t1l) t3h++;\n\t\t\tt3h=(t1h-t3h)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\tif (t3h) break;\n\t\t\tif (t2h < t3l) break;\n\t\t\tif ((t2h == t3l) && (t2l <= wnump[-2])) break;\n\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\t\tl0=bn_mul_words(tmp->d,sdiv->d,div_n,q);\n\t\ttmp->d[div_n]=l0;\n\t\tfor (j=div_n+1; j>0; j--)\n\t\t\tif (tmp->d[j-1]) break;\n\t\ttmp->top=j;\n\t\;\n\t\tBN_sub(&wnum,&wnum,tmp);\n\t\tsnum->top=snum->;\n\t\tif (wnum.neg)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\;\n\t\t\tBN_add(&wnum,&wnum,sdiv);\n\t\t\tsnum->;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t*(resp--)=q;\n\t\twnump--;\n\t\t}\n\tif (rm != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_rshift(rm,snum,norm_shift);\n\t\trm->neg=num->neg;\n\t\t}\n\treturn(1);\nerr:\n\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *ret, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *t;\n\tint r=0;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(b);\n\tbn_check_top(m);\n\tt= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos++]);\n\tif (a == b)\n\t\t{ if (!BN_sqr(t,a,ctx)) goto err; }\n\telse\n\t\t{ if (!BN_mul(t,a,b,ctx)) goto err; }\n\tif (!BN_mod(ret,t,m,ctx)) goto err;\n\tr=1;\nerr:\n\tctx->tos--;\n\treturn(r);\n\t}', 'int BN_sqr(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint max,al;\n\tBIGNUM *tmp,*rr;\n#ifdef BN_COUNT\nprintf("BN_sqr %d * %d\\n",a->top,a->top);\n#endif\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\ttmp= &(ctx->bn[ctx->tos]);\n\trr=(a != r)?r: (&ctx->bn[ctx->tos+1]);\n\tal=a->top;\n\tif (al <= 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tr->top=0;\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\tmax=(al+al);\n\tif (bn_wexpand(rr,max+1) == NULL) return(0);\n\tr->neg=0;\n\tif (al == 4)\n\t\t{\n#ifndef BN_SQR_COMBA\n\t\tBN_ULONG t[8];\n\t\tbn_sqr_normal(rr->d,a->d,4,t);\n#else\n\t\tbn_sqr_comba4(rr->d,a->d);\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\telse if (al == 8)\n\t\t{\n#ifndef BN_SQR_COMBA\n\t\tBN_ULONG t[16];\n\t\tbn_sqr_normal(rr->d,a->d,8,t);\n#else\n\t\tbn_sqr_comba8(rr->d,a->d);\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n#if defined(BN_RECURSION)\n\t\tif (al < BN_SQR_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_ULONG t[BN_SQR_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL*2];\n\t\t\tbn_sqr_normal(rr->d,a->d,al,t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tint j,k;\n\t\t\tj=BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n\t\t\tj=1<<(j-1);\n\t\t\tk=j+j;\n\t\t\tif (al == j)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (bn_wexpand(a,k*2) == NULL) return(0);\n\t\t\t\tif (bn_wexpand(tmp,k*2) == NULL) return(0);\n\t\t\t\tbn_sqr_recursive(rr->d,a->d,al,tmp->d);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (bn_wexpand(tmp,max) == NULL) return(0);\n\t\t\t\tbn_sqr_normal(rr->d,a->d,al,tmp->d);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n#else\n\t\tif (bn_wexpand(tmp,max) == NULL) return(0);\n\t\tbn_sqr_normal(rr->d,a->d,al,tmp->d);\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\trr->top=max;\n\tif ((max > 0) && (rr->d[max-1] == 0)) rr->top--;\n\tif (rr != r) BN_copy(r,rr);\n\treturn(1);\n\t}', 'void bn_sqr_comba8(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a)\n\t{\n#ifdef BN_LLONG\n\tBN_ULLONG t,tt;\n#else\n\tBN_ULONG bl,bh;\n#endif\n\tBN_ULONG t1,t2;\n\tBN_ULONG c1,c2,c3;\n\tc1=0;\n\tc2=0;\n\tc3=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,0,c1,c2,c3);\n\tr[0]=c1;\n\tc1=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,1,0,c2,c3,c1);\n\tr[1]=c2;\n\tc2=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,1,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,2,0,c3,c1,c2);\n\tr[2]=c3;\n\tc3=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,3,0,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,2,1,c1,c2,c3);\n\tr[3]=c1;\n\tc1=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,2,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,3,1,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,4,0,c2,c3,c1);\n\tr[4]=c2;\n\tc2=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,5,0,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,4,1,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,3,2,c3,c1,c2);\n\tr[5]=c3;\n\tc3=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,3,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,4,2,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,5,1,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,6,0,c1,c2,c3);\n\tr[6]=c1;\n\tc1=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,0,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,6,1,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,5,2,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,4,3,c2,c3,c1);\n\tr[7]=c2;\n\tc2=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,4,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,5,3,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,6,2,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,1,c3,c1,c2);\n\tr[8]=c3;\n\tc3=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,2,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,6,3,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,5,4,c1,c2,c3);\n\tr[9]=c1;\n\tc1=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,5,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,6,4,c2,c3,c1);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,3,c2,c3,c1);\n\tr[10]=c2;\n\tc2=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,4,c3,c1,c2);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,6,5,c3,c1,c2);\n\tr[11]=c3;\n\tc3=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,6,c1,c2,c3);\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,5,c1,c2,c3);\n\tr[12]=c1;\n\tc1=0;\n\tsqr_add_c2(a,7,6,c2,c3,c1);\n\tr[13]=c2;\n\tc2=0;\n\tsqr_add_c(a,7,c3,c1,c2);\n\tr[14]=c3;\n\tr[15]=c1;\n\t}']
static int read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt) { ASSContext *ass = s->priv_data; uint8_t *p, *end; if(ass->event_index >= ass->event_count) return AVERROR(EIO); p= ass->event[ ass->event_index ]; end= strchr(p, '\n'); av_new_packet(pkt, end ? end-p+1 : strlen(p)); pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; pkt->pos= p - ass->event_buffer + s->streams[0]->codec->extradata_size; pkt->pts= pkt->dts= get_pts(p); memcpy(pkt->data, p, pkt->size); ass->event_index++; return 0; }
["static int read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)\n{\n ASSContext *ass = s->priv_data;\n uint8_t *p, *end;\n if(ass->event_index >= ass->event_count)\n return AVERROR(EIO);\n p= ass->event[ ass->event_index ];\n end= strchr(p, '\\n');\n av_new_packet(pkt, end ? end-p+1 : strlen(p));\n pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;\n pkt->pos= p - ass->event_buffer + s->streams[0]->codec->extradata_size;\n pkt->pts= pkt->dts= get_pts(p);\n memcpy(pkt->data, p, pkt->size);\n ass->event_index++;\n return 0;\n}", 'int av_new_packet(AVPacket *pkt, int size)\n{\n uint8_t *data = NULL;\n if ((unsigned)size < (unsigned)size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)\n data = av_malloc(size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n if (data) {\n memset(data + size, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n } else\n size = 0;\n av_init_packet(pkt);\n pkt->data = data;\n pkt->size = size;\n pkt->destruct = av_destruct_packet;\n if (!data)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n return 0;\n}', 'void *av_malloc(size_t size)\n{\n void *ptr = NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n long diff;\n#endif\n if (size > (INT_MAX-32) || !size)\n return NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n ptr = malloc(size+32);\n if(!ptr)\n return ptr;\n diff= ((-(long)ptr - 1)&31) + 1;\n ptr = (char*)ptr + diff;\n ((char*)ptr)[-1]= diff;\n#elif HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN\n if (posix_memalign(&ptr,32,size))\n ptr = NULL;\n#elif HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC\n ptr = _aligned_malloc(size, 32);\n#elif HAVE_MEMALIGN\n ptr = memalign(32,size);\n#else\n ptr = malloc(size);\n#endif\n return ptr;\n}', 'void av_init_packet(AVPacket *pkt)\n{\n pkt->pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;\n pkt->dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;\n pkt->pos = -1;\n pkt->duration = 0;\n pkt->convergence_duration = 0;\n pkt->flags = 0;\n pkt->stream_index = 0;\n pkt->destruct = NULL;\n pkt->side_data = NULL;\n pkt->side_data_elems = 0;\n}', 'static int64_t get_pts(const uint8_t *p)\n{\n int hour, min, sec, hsec;\n if(sscanf(p, "%*[^,],%d:%d:%d%*c%d", &hour, &min, &sec, &hsec) != 4)\n return AV_NOPTS_VALUE;\n av_dlog(NULL, "%d %d %d %d [%s]\\n", hour, min, sec, hsec, p);\n min+= 60*hour;\n sec+= 60*min;\n return sec*100+hsec;\n}']
ASN1_OBJECT *OBJ_nid2obj(int n) { ADDED_OBJ ad, *adp; ASN1_OBJECT ob; if ((n >= 0) && (n < NUM_NID)) { if ((n != NID_undef) && (nid_objs[n].nid == NID_undef)) { OBJerr(OBJ_F_OBJ_NID2OBJ, OBJ_R_UNKNOWN_NID); return (NULL); } return ((ASN1_OBJECT *)&(nid_objs[n])); } else if (added == NULL) return (NULL); else { ad.type = ADDED_NID; ad.obj = &ob; ob.nid = n; adp = lh_ADDED_OBJ_retrieve(added, &ad); if (adp != NULL) return (adp->obj); else { OBJerr(OBJ_F_OBJ_NID2OBJ, OBJ_R_UNKNOWN_NID); return (NULL); } } }
['X509_ALGOR *PKCS5_pbe2_set_scrypt(const EVP_CIPHER *cipher,\n const unsigned char *salt, int saltlen,\n unsigned char *aiv, uint64_t N, uint64_t r,\n uint64_t p)\n{\n X509_ALGOR *scheme = NULL, *kalg = NULL, *ret = NULL;\n int alg_nid;\n size_t keylen = 0;\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx;\n unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];\n PBE2PARAM *pbe2 = NULL;\n ASN1_OBJECT *obj;\n if (!cipher) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE2_SET_SCRYPT, ERR_R_PASSED_NULL_PARAMETER);\n goto err;\n }\n if (EVP_PBE_scrypt(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, N, r, p, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE2_SET_SCRYPT,\n ASN1_R_INVALID_SCRYPT_PARAMETERS);\n goto err;\n }\n alg_nid = EVP_CIPHER_type(cipher);\n if (alg_nid == NID_undef) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE2_SET_SCRYPT,\n ASN1_R_CIPHER_HAS_NO_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER);\n goto err;\n }\n obj = OBJ_nid2obj(alg_nid);\n pbe2 = PBE2PARAM_new();\n if (pbe2 == NULL)\n goto merr;\n scheme = pbe2->encryption;\n scheme->algorithm = obj;\n scheme->parameter = ASN1_TYPE_new();\n if (scheme->parameter == NULL)\n goto merr;\n if (EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher)) {\n if (aiv)\n memcpy(iv, aiv, EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher));\n else if (RAND_bytes(iv, EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher)) < 0)\n goto err;\n }\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx);\n if (EVP_CipherInit_ex(&ctx, cipher, NULL, NULL, iv, 0) == 0)\n goto err;\n if (EVP_CIPHER_param_to_asn1(&ctx, scheme->parameter) < 0) {\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE2_SET_SCRYPT,\n ASN1_R_ERROR_SETTING_CIPHER_PARAMS);\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx);\n goto err;\n }\n EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx);\n if (alg_nid == NID_rc2_cbc)\n keylen = EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher);\n X509_ALGOR_free(pbe2->keyfunc);\n pbe2->keyfunc = pkcs5_scrypt_set(salt, saltlen, keylen, N, r, p);\n if (pbe2->keyfunc == NULL)\n goto merr;\n ret = X509_ALGOR_new();\n if (ret == NULL)\n goto merr;\n ret->algorithm = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_pbes2);\n if (ASN1_TYPE_pack_sequence(ASN1_ITEM_rptr(PBE2PARAM), pbe2,\n &ret->parameter) == NULL)\n goto merr;\n PBE2PARAM_free(pbe2);\n pbe2 = NULL;\n return ret;\n merr:\n ASN1err(ASN1_F_PKCS5_PBE2_SET_SCRYPT, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n err:\n PBE2PARAM_free(pbe2);\n X509_ALGOR_free(kalg);\n X509_ALGOR_free(ret);\n return NULL;\n}', 'int EVP_CIPHER_type(const EVP_CIPHER *ctx)\n{\n int nid;\n ASN1_OBJECT *otmp;\n nid = EVP_CIPHER_nid(ctx);\n switch (nid) {\n case NID_rc2_cbc:\n case NID_rc2_64_cbc:\n case NID_rc2_40_cbc:\n return NID_rc2_cbc;\n case NID_rc4:\n case NID_rc4_40:\n return NID_rc4;\n case NID_aes_128_cfb128:\n case NID_aes_128_cfb8:\n case NID_aes_128_cfb1:\n return NID_aes_128_cfb128;\n case NID_aes_192_cfb128:\n case NID_aes_192_cfb8:\n case NID_aes_192_cfb1:\n return NID_aes_192_cfb128;\n case NID_aes_256_cfb128:\n case NID_aes_256_cfb8:\n case NID_aes_256_cfb1:\n return NID_aes_256_cfb128;\n case NID_des_cfb64:\n case NID_des_cfb8:\n case NID_des_cfb1:\n return NID_des_cfb64;\n case NID_des_ede3_cfb64:\n case NID_des_ede3_cfb8:\n case NID_des_ede3_cfb1:\n return NID_des_cfb64;\n default:\n otmp = OBJ_nid2obj(nid);\n if (OBJ_get0_data(otmp) == NULL)\n nid = NID_undef;\n ASN1_OBJECT_free(otmp);\n return nid;\n }\n}', 'void ASN1_OBJECT_free(ASN1_OBJECT *a)\n{\n if (a == NULL)\n return;\n if (a->flags & ASN1_OBJECT_FLAG_DYNAMIC_STRINGS) {\n#ifndef CONST_STRICT\n OPENSSL_free((void*)a->sn);\n OPENSSL_free((void*)a->ln);\n#endif\n a->sn = a->ln = NULL;\n }\n if (a->flags & ASN1_OBJECT_FLAG_DYNAMIC_DATA) {\n OPENSSL_free((void*)a->data);\n a->data = NULL;\n a->length = 0;\n }\n if (a->flags & ASN1_OBJECT_FLAG_DYNAMIC)\n OPENSSL_free(a);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_free(void *str)\n{\n#ifdef CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 0);\n free(str);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 1);\n } else {\n free(str);\n }\n#else\n free(str);\n#endif\n}', 'ASN1_OBJECT *OBJ_nid2obj(int n)\n{\n ADDED_OBJ ad, *adp;\n ASN1_OBJECT ob;\n if ((n >= 0) && (n < NUM_NID)) {\n if ((n != NID_undef) && (nid_objs[n].nid == NID_undef)) {\n OBJerr(OBJ_F_OBJ_NID2OBJ, OBJ_R_UNKNOWN_NID);\n return (NULL);\n }\n return ((ASN1_OBJECT *)&(nid_objs[n]));\n } else if (added == NULL)\n return (NULL);\n else {\n ad.type = ADDED_NID;\n ad.obj = &ob;\n ob.nid = n;\n adp = lh_ADDED_OBJ_retrieve(added, &ad);\n if (adp != NULL)\n return (adp->obj);\n else {\n OBJerr(OBJ_F_OBJ_NID2OBJ, OBJ_R_UNKNOWN_NID);\n return (NULL);\n }\n }\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['BIGNUM *BN_mod_sqrt(BIGNUM *in, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *ret = in;\n\tint err = 1;\n\tint r;\n\tBIGNUM *A, *b, *q, *t, *x, *y;\n\tint e, i, j;\n\tif (!BN_is_odd(p) || BN_abs_is_word(p, 1))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (BN_abs_is_word(p, 2))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t\t\tret = BN_new();\n\t\t\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(ret, BN_is_bit_set(a, 0)))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (ret != in)\n\t\t\t\t\tBN_free(ret);\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbn_check_top(ret);\n\t\t\treturn ret;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_P_IS_NOT_PRIME);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tif (BN_is_zero(a) || BN_is_one(a))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t\tret = BN_new();\n\t\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_set_word(ret, BN_is_one(a)))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (ret != in)\n\t\t\t\tBN_free(ret);\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tbn_check_top(ret);\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tA = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tb = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tq = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tt = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tx = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\ty = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (y == NULL) goto end;\n\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\tret = BN_new();\n\tif (ret == NULL) goto end;\n\tif (!BN_nnmod(A, a, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\te = 1;\n\twhile (!BN_is_bit_set(p, e))\n\t\te++;\n\tif (e == 1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_rshift(q, p, 2)) goto end;\n\t\tq->neg = 0;\n\t\tif (!BN_add_word(q, 1)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_exp(ret, A, q, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\terr = 0;\n\t\tgoto vrfy;\n\t\t}\n\tif (e == 2)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_lshift1_quick(t, A, p)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_rshift(q, p, 3)) goto end;\n\t\tq->neg = 0;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_exp(b, t, q, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_sqr(y, b, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, y, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_sub_word(t, 1)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(x, A, b, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(x, x, t, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_copy(ret, x)) goto end;\n\t\terr = 0;\n\t\tgoto vrfy;\n\t\t}\n\tif (!BN_copy(q, p)) goto end;\n\tq->neg = 0;\n\ti = 2;\n\tdo\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (i < 22)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(y, i)) goto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_pseudo_rand(y, BN_num_bits(p), 0, 0)) goto end;\n\t\t\tif (BN_ucmp(y, p) >= 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!(p->neg ? BN_add : BN_sub)(y, y, p)) goto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (BN_is_zero(y))\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(y, i)) goto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tr = BN_kronecker(y, q, ctx);\n\t\tif (r < -1) goto end;\n\t\tif (r == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_P_IS_NOT_PRIME);\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\twhile (r == 1 && ++i < 82);\n\tif (r != -1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS);\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t}\n\tif (!BN_rshift(q, q, e)) goto end;\n\tif (!BN_mod_exp(y, y, q, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\tif (BN_is_one(y))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_P_IS_NOT_PRIME);\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t}\n\tif (!BN_rshift1(t, q)) goto end;\n\tif (BN_is_zero(t))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(t, A, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (BN_is_zero(t))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_zero(ret);\n\t\t\terr = 0;\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tif (!BN_one(x)) goto end;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_exp(x, A, t, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (BN_is_zero(x))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_zero(ret);\n\t\t\terr = 0;\n\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tif (!BN_mod_sqr(b, x, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\tif (!BN_mod_mul(b, b, A, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\tif (!BN_mod_mul(x, x, A, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\twhile (1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (BN_is_one(b))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_copy(ret, x)) goto end;\n\t\t\terr = 0;\n\t\t\tgoto vrfy;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\ti = 1;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_sqr(t, b, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\twhile (!BN_is_one(t))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\ti++;\n\t\t\tif (i == e)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_NOT_A_SQUARE);\n\t\t\t\tgoto end;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, t, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_copy(t, y)) goto end;\n\t\tfor (j = e - i - 1; j > 0; j--)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_mod_sqr(t, t, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(y, t, t, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(x, x, t, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul(b, b, y, p, ctx)) goto end;\n\t\te = i;\n\t\t}\n vrfy:\n\tif (!err)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_mod_sqr(x, ret, p, ctx))\n\t\t\terr = 1;\n\t\tif (!err && 0 != BN_cmp(x, A))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_SQRT, BN_R_NOT_A_SQUARE);\n\t\t\terr = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n end:\n\tif (err)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (ret != NULL && ret != in)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_clear_free(ret);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tret = NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\tbn_check_top(ret);\n\treturn ret;\n\t}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tCTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_start", ctx);\n\tif(ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n\t\tctx->err_stack++;\n\telse if(!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START,BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n\t\tctx->err_stack++;\n\t\t}\n\tCTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n\t}', 'int BN_nnmod(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *m, const BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tif (!(BN_mod(r,m,d,ctx)))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tif (!r->neg)\n\t\treturn 1;\n\treturn (d->neg ? BN_sub : BN_add)(r, r, d);\n}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,\n\t BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint norm_shift,i,loop;\n\tBIGNUM *tmp,wnum,*snum,*sdiv,*res;\n\tBN_ULONG *resp,*wnump;\n\tBN_ULONG d0,d1;\n\tint num_n,div_n;\n\tif (num->top > 0 && num->d[num->top - 1] == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV,BN_R_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\tbn_check_top(num);\n\tif ((BN_get_flags(num, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0) || (BN_get_flags(divisor, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\treturn BN_div_no_branch(dv, rm, num, divisor, ctx);\n\t\t}\n\tbn_check_top(dv);\n\tbn_check_top(rm);\n\tbn_check_top(divisor);\n\tif (BN_is_zero(divisor))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV,BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (BN_ucmp(num,divisor) < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (rm != NULL)\n\t\t\t{ if (BN_copy(rm,num) == NULL) return(0); }\n\t\tif (dv != NULL) BN_zero(dv);\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\ttmp=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tsnum=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tsdiv=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (dv == NULL)\n\t\tres=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\telse\tres=dv;\n\tif (sdiv == NULL || res == NULL || tmp == NULL || snum == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tnorm_shift=BN_BITS2-((BN_num_bits(divisor))%BN_BITS2);\n\tif (!(BN_lshift(sdiv,divisor,norm_shift))) goto err;\n\tsdiv->neg=0;\n\tnorm_shift+=BN_BITS2;\n\tif (!(BN_lshift(snum,num,norm_shift))) goto err;\n\tsnum->neg=0;\n\tdiv_n=sdiv->top;\n\tnum_n=snum->top;\n\tloop=num_n-div_n;\n\twnum.neg = 0;\n\twnum.d = &(snum->d[loop]);\n\ = div_n;\n\twnum.dmax = snum->dmax - loop;\n\td0=sdiv->d[div_n-1];\n\td1=(div_n == 1)?0:sdiv->d[div_n-2];\n\twnump= &(snum->d[num_n-1]);\n\tres->neg= (num->neg^divisor->neg);\n\tif (!bn_wexpand(res,(loop+1))) goto err;\n\tres->top=loop;\n\tresp= &(res->d[loop-1]);\n\tif (!bn_wexpand(tmp,(div_n+1))) goto err;\n\tif (BN_ucmp(&wnum,sdiv) >= 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tbn_clear_top2max(&wnum);\n\t\tbn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n);\n\t\t*resp=1;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tres->top--;\n\tif (res->top == 0)\n\t\tres->neg = 0;\n\telse\n\t\tresp--;\n\tfor (i=0; i<loop-1; i++, wnump--, resp--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_ULONG q,l0;\n#if defined(BN_DIV3W) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM)\n\t\tBN_ULONG bn_div_3_words(BN_ULONG*,BN_ULONG,BN_ULONG);\n\t\tq=bn_div_3_words(wnump,d1,d0);\n#else\n\t\tBN_ULONG n0,n1,rem=0;\n\t\tn0=wnump[0];\n\t\tn1=wnump[-1];\n\t\tif (n0 == d0)\n\t\t\tq=BN_MASK2;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n#ifdef BN_LLONG\n\t\t\tBN_ULLONG t2;\n#if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n\t\t\tq=(BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG)n0)<<BN_BITS2)|n1)/d0);\n#else\n\t\t\tq=bn_div_words(n0,n1,d0);\n#ifdef BN_DEBUG_LEVITTE\n\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: bn_div_words(0x%08X,0x%08X,0x%08\\\nX) -> 0x%08X\\n",\n\t\t\t\tn0, n1, d0, q);\n#endif\n#endif\n#ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n\t\t\trem=(n1-q*d0)&BN_MASK2;\n#endif\n\t\t\tt2=(BN_ULLONG)d1*q;\n\t\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG)rem)<<BN_BITS2)|wnump[-2]))\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\t\trem += d0;\n\t\t\t\tif (rem < d0) break;\n\t\t\t\tt2 -= d1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#else\n\t\t\tBN_ULONG t2l,t2h;\n\t\t\tq=bn_div_words(n0,n1,d0);\n#ifdef BN_DEBUG_LEVITTE\n\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: bn_div_words(0x%08X,0x%08X,0x%08\\\nX) -> 0x%08X\\n",\n\t\t\t\tn0, n1, d0, q);\n#endif\n#ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n\t\t\trem=(n1-q*d0)&BN_MASK2;\n#endif\n#if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n\t\t\tBN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l,t2h,d1,q);\n#elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n\t\t\tt2l = d1 * q;\n\t\t\tt2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1,q);\n#else\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_ULONG ql, qh;\n\t\t\tt2l=LBITS(d1); t2h=HBITS(d1);\n\t\t\tql =LBITS(q); qh =HBITS(q);\n\t\t\tmul64(t2l,t2h,ql,qh);\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif ((t2h < rem) ||\n\t\t\t\t\t((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= wnump[-2])))\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\t\trem += d0;\n\t\t\t\tif (rem < d0) break;\n\t\t\t\tif (t2l < d1) t2h--; t2l -= d1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\tl0=bn_mul_words(tmp->d,sdiv->d,div_n,q);\n\t\ttmp->d[div_n]=l0;\n\t\twnum.d--;\n\t\tif (bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, tmp->d, div_n+1))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\tif (bn_add_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n))\n\t\t\t\t(*wnump)++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t*resp = q;\n\t\t}\n\tbn_correct_top(snum);\n\tif (rm != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tint neg = num->neg;\n\t\tBN_rshift(rm,snum,norm_shift);\n\t\tif (!BN_is_zero(rm))\n\t\t\trm->neg = neg;\n\t\tbn_check_top(rm);\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\treturn(1);\nerr:\n\tbn_check_top(rm);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m,\n\t BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint ret;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(p);\n\tbn_check_top(m);\n#define MONT_MUL_MOD\n#define MONT_EXP_WORD\n#define RECP_MUL_MOD\n#ifdef MONT_MUL_MOD\n\tif (BN_is_odd(m))\n\t\t{\n# ifdef MONT_EXP_WORD\n\t\tif (a->top == 1 && !a->neg && (BN_get_flags(p, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) == 0))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_ULONG A = a->d[0];\n\t\t\tret=BN_mod_exp_mont_word(r,A,p,m,ctx,NULL);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n# endif\n\t\t\tret=BN_mod_exp_mont(r,a,p,m,ctx,NULL);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n#endif\n#ifdef RECP_MUL_MOD\n\t\t{ ret=BN_mod_exp_recp(r,a,p,m,ctx); }\n#else\n\t\t{ ret=BN_mod_exp_simple(r,a,p,m,ctx); }\n#endif\n\tbn_check_top(r);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'int BN_mod_exp_mont_word(BIGNUM *rr, BN_ULONG a, const BIGNUM *p,\n const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont)\n\t{\n\tBN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n\tint b, bits, ret=0;\n\tint r_is_one;\n\tBN_ULONG w, next_w;\n\tBIGNUM *d, *r, *t;\n\tBIGNUM *swap_tmp;\n#define BN_MOD_MUL_WORD(r, w, m) \\\n\t\t(BN_mul_word(r, (w)) && \\\n\t\t( \\\n\t\t\t(BN_mod(t, r, m, ctx) && (swap_tmp = r, r = t, t = swap_tmp, 1))))\n#define BN_TO_MONTGOMERY_WORD(r, w, mont) \\\n\t\t(BN_set_word(r, (w)) && BN_to_montgomery(r, r, (mont), ctx))\n\tif (BN_get_flags(p, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_EXP_MONT_WORD,ERR_R_SHOULD_NOT_HAVE_BEEN_CALLED);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t}\n\tbn_check_top(p);\n\tbn_check_top(m);\n\tif (!BN_is_odd(m))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_EXP_MONT_WORD,BN_R_CALLED_WITH_EVEN_MODULUS);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (m->top == 1)\n\t\ta %= m->d[0];\n\tbits = BN_num_bits(p);\n\tif (bits == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tret = BN_one(rr);\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t\t}\n\tif (a == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_zero(rr);\n\t\tret = 1;\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\td = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tr = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tt = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (d == NULL || r == NULL || t == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (in_mont != NULL)\n\t\tmont=in_mont;\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif ((mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new()) == NULL) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tr_is_one = 1;\n\tw = a;\n\tfor (b = bits-2; b >= 0; b--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tnext_w = w*w;\n\t\tif ((next_w/w) != w)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (r_is_one)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_TO_MONTGOMERY_WORD(r, w, mont)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tr_is_one = 0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_MOD_MUL_WORD(r, w, m)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tnext_w = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tw = next_w;\n\t\tif (!r_is_one)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_mod_mul_montgomery(r, r, r, mont, ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (BN_is_bit_set(p, b))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tnext_w = w*a;\n\t\t\tif ((next_w/a) != w)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (r_is_one)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_TO_MONTGOMERY_WORD(r, w, mont)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\tr_is_one = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_MOD_MUL_WORD(r, w, m)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tnext_w = a;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tw = next_w;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tif (w != 1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (r_is_one)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_TO_MONTGOMERY_WORD(r, w, mont)) goto err;\n\t\t\tr_is_one = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_MOD_MUL_WORD(r, w, m)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tif (r_is_one)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_one(rr)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_from_montgomery(rr, r, mont, ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tret = 1;\nerr:\n\tif ((in_mont == NULL) && (mont != NULL)) BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\tbn_check_top(rr);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'int BN_MONT_CTX_set(BN_MONT_CTX *mont, const BIGNUM *mod, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tBIGNUM *Ri,*R;\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tif((Ri = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) goto err;\n\tR= &(mont->RR);\n\tif (!BN_copy(&(mont->N),mod)) goto err;\n\tmont->N.neg = 0;\n#ifdef MONT_WORD\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIGNUM tmod;\n\t\tBN_ULONG buf[2];\n\t\tBN_init(&tmod);\n\t\ttmod.d=buf;\n\t\ttmod.dmax=2;\n\t\ttmod.neg=0;\n\t\tmont->ri=(BN_num_bits(mod)+(BN_BITS2-1))/BN_BITS2*BN_BITS2;\n#if defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT) && (BN_BITS2<=32)\n\t\tBN_zero(R);\n\t\tif (!(BN_set_bit(R,2*BN_BITS2))) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\;\n\t\tif ((buf[0] = mod->d[0]))\t\t\;\n\t\tif ((buf[1] = mod->top>1 ? mod->d[1] : 0))\;\n\t\tif ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri,R,&tmod,ctx)) == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_lshift(Ri,Ri,2*BN_BITS2)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_is_zero(Ri))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_sub_word(Ri,1)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (bn_expand(Ri,(int)sizeof(BN_ULONG)*2) == NULL)\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\tRi->neg=0;\n\t\t\tRi->d[0]=BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\tRi->d[1]=BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\tRi->top=2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_div(Ri,NULL,Ri,&tmod,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\tmont->n0[0] = (Ri->top > 0) ? Ri->d[0] : 0;\n\t\tmont->n0[1] = (Ri->top > 1) ? Ri->d[1] : 0;\n#else\n\t\tBN_zero(R);\n\t\tif (!(BN_set_bit(R,BN_BITS2))) goto err;\n\t\tbuf[0]=mod->d[0];\n\t\tbuf[1]=0;\n\t\ = buf[0] != 0 ? 1 : 0;\n\t\tif ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri,R,&tmod,ctx)) == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_lshift(Ri,Ri,BN_BITS2)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_is_zero(Ri))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_sub_word(Ri,1)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(Ri,BN_MASK2)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_div(Ri,NULL,Ri,&tmod,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\tmont->n0[0] = (Ri->top > 0) ? Ri->d[0] : 0;\n\t\tmont->n0[1] = 0;\n#endif\n\t\t}\n#else\n\t\t{\n\t\tmont->ri=BN_num_bits(&mont->N);\n\t\tBN_zero(R);\n\t\tif (!BN_set_bit(R,mont->ri)) goto err;\n\t\tif ((BN_mod_inverse(Ri,R,&mont->N,ctx)) == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_lshift(Ri,Ri,mont->ri)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_sub_word(Ri,1)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_div(&(mont->Ni),NULL,Ri,&mont->N,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tBN_zero(&(mont->RR));\n\tif (!BN_set_bit(&(mont->RR),mont->ri*2)) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_mod(&(mont->RR),&(mont->RR),&(mont->N),ctx)) goto err;\n\tret = 1;\nerr:\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\treturn ret;\n\t}', 'BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n\tconst BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *rv;\n\tint noinv;\n\trv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);\n\tif (noinv)\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE,BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n\treturn rv;\n\t}', 'BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n\tconst BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx, int *pnoinv)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *A,*B,*X,*Y,*M,*D,*T,*R=NULL;\n\tBIGNUM *ret=NULL;\n\tint sign;\n\tif (pnoinv)\n\t\t*pnoinv = 0;\n\tif ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0) || (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\treturn BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);\n\t\t}\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(n);\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tA = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tB = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tX = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tD = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tM = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tY = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tT = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (T == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (in == NULL)\n\t\tR=BN_new();\n\telse\n\t\tR=in;\n\tif (R == NULL) goto err;\n\tBN_one(X);\n\tBN_zero(Y);\n\tif (BN_copy(B,a) == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (BN_copy(A,n) == NULL) goto err;\n\tA->neg = 0;\n\tif (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tsign = -1;\n\tif (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= (BN_BITS <= 32 ? 450 : 2048)))\n\t\t{\n\t\tint shift;\n\t\twhile (!BN_is_zero(B))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tshift = 0;\n\t\t\twhile (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tshift++;\n\t\t\t\tif (BN_is_odd(X))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_uadd(X, X, n)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_rshift1(X, X)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (shift > 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tshift = 0;\n\t\t\twhile (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tshift++;\n\t\t\t\tif (BN_is_odd(Y))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (shift > 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_usub(B, B, A)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_usub(A, A, B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\twhile (!BN_is_zero(B))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBIGNUM *tmp;\n\t\t\tif (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_one(D)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_lshift1(T,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (BN_ucmp(A,T) < 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_one(D)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,A,T)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_add(D,T,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (BN_ucmp(A,D) < 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(D,2)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(D,3)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,M,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_div(D,M,A,B,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttmp=A;\n\t\t\tA=B;\n\t\t\tB=M;\n\t\t\tif (BN_is_one(D))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_add(tmp,X,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (BN_is_word(D,2))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_lshift1(tmp,X)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if (BN_is_word(D,4))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_lshift(tmp,X,2)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if (D->top == 1)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_copy(tmp,X)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_mul_word(tmp,D->d[0])) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_mul(tmp,D,X,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_add(tmp,tmp,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tM=Y;\n\t\t\tY=X;\n\t\t\tX=tmp;\n\t\t\tsign = -sign;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tif (sign < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_sub(Y,n,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (BN_is_one(A))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y,n) < 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_copy(R,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(R,Y,n,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (pnoinv)\n\t\t\t*pnoinv = 1;\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tret=R;\nerr:\n\tif ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL)) BN_free(R);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\tbn_check_top(ret);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'static BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(BIGNUM *in,\n\tconst BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *A,*B,*X,*Y,*M,*D,*T,*R=NULL;\n\tBIGNUM local_A, local_B;\n\tBIGNUM *pA, *pB;\n\tBIGNUM *ret=NULL;\n\tint sign;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(n);\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tA = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tB = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tX = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tD = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tM = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tY = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tT = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (T == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (in == NULL)\n\t\tR=BN_new();\n\telse\n\t\tR=in;\n\tif (R == NULL) goto err;\n\tBN_one(X);\n\tBN_zero(Y);\n\tif (BN_copy(B,a) == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (BN_copy(A,n) == NULL) goto err;\n\tA->neg = 0;\n\tif (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\tpB = &local_B;\n\t\tBN_with_flags(pB, B, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(B, pB, A, ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tsign = -1;\n\twhile (!BN_is_zero(B))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIGNUM *tmp;\n\t\tpA = &local_A;\n\t\tBN_with_flags(pA, A, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n\t\tif (!BN_div(D,M,pA,B,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\ttmp=A;\n\t\tA=B;\n\t\tB=M;\n\t\tif (!BN_mul(tmp,D,X,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_add(tmp,tmp,Y)) goto err;\n\t\tM=Y;\n\t\tY=X;\n\t\tX=tmp;\n\t\tsign = -sign;\n\t\t}\n\tif (sign < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_sub(Y,n,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (BN_is_one(A))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y,n) < 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_copy(R,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(R,Y,n,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE_NO_BRANCH,BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tret=R;\nerr:\n\tif ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL)) BN_free(R);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\tbn_check_top(ret);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'static int BN_div_no_branch(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num,\n\tconst BIGNUM *divisor, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint norm_shift,i,loop;\n\tBIGNUM *tmp,wnum,*snum,*sdiv,*res;\n\tBN_ULONG *resp,*wnump;\n\tBN_ULONG d0,d1;\n\tint num_n,div_n;\n\tbn_check_top(dv);\n\tbn_check_top(rm);\n\tbn_check_top(divisor);\n\tif (BN_is_zero(divisor))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV_NO_BRANCH,BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\ttmp=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tsnum=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tsdiv=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (dv == NULL)\n\t\tres=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\telse\tres=dv;\n\tif (sdiv == NULL || res == NULL) goto err;\n\tnorm_shift=BN_BITS2-((BN_num_bits(divisor))%BN_BITS2);\n\tif (!(BN_lshift(sdiv,divisor,norm_shift))) goto err;\n\tsdiv->neg=0;\n\tnorm_shift+=BN_BITS2;\n\tif (!(BN_lshift(snum,num,norm_shift))) goto err;\n\tsnum->neg=0;\n\tif (snum->top <= sdiv->top+1)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (bn_wexpand(snum, sdiv->top + 2) == NULL) goto err;\n\t\tfor (i = snum->top; i < sdiv->top + 2; i++) snum->d[i] = 0;\n\t\tsnum->top = sdiv->top + 2;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (bn_wexpand(snum, snum->top + 1) == NULL) goto err;\n\t\tsnum->d[snum->top] = 0;\n\t\tsnum->top ++;\n\t\t}\n\tdiv_n=sdiv->top;\n\tnum_n=snum->top;\n\tloop=num_n-div_n;\n\twnum.neg = 0;\n\twnum.d = &(snum->d[loop]);\n\ = div_n;\n\twnum.dmax = snum->dmax - loop;\n\td0=sdiv->d[div_n-1];\n\td1=(div_n == 1)?0:sdiv->d[div_n-2];\n\twnump= &(snum->d[num_n-1]);\n\tres->neg= (num->neg^divisor->neg);\n\tif (!bn_wexpand(res,(loop+1))) goto err;\n\tres->top=loop-1;\n\tresp= &(res->d[loop-1]);\n\tif (!bn_wexpand(tmp,(div_n+1))) goto err;\n\tif (res->top == 0)\n\t\tres->neg = 0;\n\telse\n\t\tresp--;\n\tfor (i=0; i<loop-1; i++, wnump--, resp--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_ULONG q,l0;\n#if defined(BN_DIV3W) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM)\n\t\tBN_ULONG bn_div_3_words(BN_ULONG*,BN_ULONG,BN_ULONG);\n\t\tq=bn_div_3_words(wnump,d1,d0);\n#else\n\t\tBN_ULONG n0,n1,rem=0;\n\t\tn0=wnump[0];\n\t\tn1=wnump[-1];\n\t\tif (n0 == d0)\n\t\t\tq=BN_MASK2;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n#ifdef BN_LLONG\n\t\t\tBN_ULLONG t2;\n#if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n\t\t\tq=(BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG)n0)<<BN_BITS2)|n1)/d0);\n#else\n\t\t\tq=bn_div_words(n0,n1,d0);\n#ifdef BN_DEBUG_LEVITTE\n\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: bn_div_words(0x%08X,0x%08X,0x%08\\\nX) -> 0x%08X\\n",\n\t\t\t\tn0, n1, d0, q);\n#endif\n#endif\n#ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n\t\t\trem=(n1-q*d0)&BN_MASK2;\n#endif\n\t\t\tt2=(BN_ULLONG)d1*q;\n\t\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG)rem)<<BN_BITS2)|wnump[-2]))\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\t\trem += d0;\n\t\t\t\tif (rem < d0) break;\n\t\t\t\tt2 -= d1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#else\n\t\t\tBN_ULONG t2l,t2h;\n\t\t\tq=bn_div_words(n0,n1,d0);\n#ifdef BN_DEBUG_LEVITTE\n\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: bn_div_words(0x%08X,0x%08X,0x%08\\\nX) -> 0x%08X\\n",\n\t\t\t\tn0, n1, d0, q);\n#endif\n#ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n\t\t\trem=(n1-q*d0)&BN_MASK2;\n#endif\n#if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n\t\t\tBN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l,t2h,d1,q);\n#elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n\t\t\tt2l = d1 * q;\n\t\t\tt2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1,q);\n#else\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBN_ULONG ql, qh;\n\t\t\tt2l=LBITS(d1); t2h=HBITS(d1);\n\t\t\tql =LBITS(q); qh =HBITS(q);\n\t\t\tmul64(t2l,t2h,ql,qh);\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif ((t2h < rem) ||\n\t\t\t\t\t((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= wnump[-2])))\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\t\trem += d0;\n\t\t\t\tif (rem < d0) break;\n\t\t\t\tif (t2l < d1) t2h--; t2l -= d1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\tl0=bn_mul_words(tmp->d,sdiv->d,div_n,q);\n\t\ttmp->d[div_n]=l0;\n\t\twnum.d--;\n\t\tif (bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, tmp->d, div_n+1))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tq--;\n\t\t\tif (bn_add_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n))\n\t\t\t\t(*wnump)++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t*resp = q;\n\t\t}\n\tbn_correct_top(snum);\n\tif (rm != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tint neg = num->neg;\n\t\tBN_rshift(rm,snum,norm_shift);\n\t\tif (!BN_is_zero(rm))\n\t\t\trm->neg = neg;\n\t\tbn_check_top(rm);\n\t\t}\n\tbn_correct_top(res);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\treturn(1);\nerr:\n\tbn_check_top(rm);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tCTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_end", ctx);\n\tif(ctx->err_stack)\n\t\tctx->err_stack--;\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tunsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n\t\tif(fp < ctx->used)\n\t\t\tBN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n\t\tctx->used = fp;\n\t\tctx->too_many = 0;\n\t\t}\n\tCTXDBG_EXIT(ctx);\n\t}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n\t{\n\treturn st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n\t}']
int BN_usub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b) { int max,min,dif; register BN_ULONG t1,t2,*ap,*bp,*rp; int i,carry; #if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT) int dummy; #endif bn_check_top(a); bn_check_top(b); max = a->top; min = b->top; dif = max - min; if (dif < 0) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_USUB,BN_R_ARG2_LT_ARG3); return(0); } if (bn_wexpand(r,max) == NULL) return(0); ap=a->d; bp=b->d; rp=r->d; #if 1 carry=0; for (i = min; i != 0; i--) { t1= *(ap++); t2= *(bp++); if (carry) { carry=(t1 <= t2); t1=(t1-t2-1)&BN_MASK2; } else { carry=(t1 < t2); t1=(t1-t2)&BN_MASK2; } #if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT) dummy=t1; #endif *(rp++)=t1&BN_MASK2; } #else carry=bn_sub_words(rp,ap,bp,min); ap+=min; bp+=min; rp+=min; #endif if (carry) { if (!dif) return 0; while (dif) { dif--; t1 = *(ap++); t2 = (t1-1)&BN_MASK2; *(rp++) = t2; if (t1) break; } } #if 0 memcpy(rp,ap,sizeof(*rp)*(max-i)); #else if (rp != ap) { for (;;) { if (!dif--) break; rp[0]=ap[0]; if (!dif--) break; rp[1]=ap[1]; if (!dif--) break; rp[2]=ap[2]; if (!dif--) break; rp[3]=ap[3]; rp+=4; ap+=4; } } #endif r->top=max; r->neg=0; bn_correct_top(r); return(1); }
['int BN_sub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n\t{\n\tint max;\n\tint add=0,neg=0;\n\tconst BIGNUM *tmp;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(b);\n\tif (a->neg)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (b->neg)\n\t\t\t{ tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; }\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{ add=1; neg=1; }\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (b->neg) { add=1; neg=0; }\n\t\t}\n\tif (add)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_uadd(r,a,b)) return(0);\n\t\tr->neg=neg;\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\tmax=(a->top > b->top)?a->top:b->top;\n\tif (bn_wexpand(r,max) == NULL) return(0);\n\tif (BN_ucmp(a,b) < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_usub(r,b,a)) return(0);\n\t\tr->neg=1;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_usub(r,a,b)) return(0);\n\t\tr->neg=0;\n\t\t}\n\tbn_check_top(r);\n\treturn(1);\n\t}', 'int BN_ucmp(const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tBN_ULONG t1,t2,*ap,*bp;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(b);\n\ti=a->top-b->top;\n\tif (i != 0) return(i);\n\tap=a->d;\n\tbp=b->d;\n\tfor (i=a->top-1; i>=0; i--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tt1= ap[i];\n\t\tt2= bp[i];\n\t\tif (t1 != t2)\n\t\t\treturn((t1 > t2) ? 1 : -1);\n\t\t}\n\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'int BN_usub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n\t{\n\tint max,min,dif;\n\tregister BN_ULONG t1,t2,*ap,*bp,*rp;\n\tint i,carry;\n#if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT)\n\tint dummy;\n#endif\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(b);\n\tmax = a->top;\n\tmin = b->top;\n\tdif = max - min;\n\tif (dif < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_USUB,BN_R_ARG2_LT_ARG3);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (bn_wexpand(r,max) == NULL) return(0);\n\tap=a->d;\n\tbp=b->d;\n\trp=r->d;\n#if 1\n\tcarry=0;\n\tfor (i = min; i != 0; i--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tt1= *(ap++);\n\t\tt2= *(bp++);\n\t\tif (carry)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tcarry=(t1 <= t2);\n\t\t\tt1=(t1-t2-1)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tcarry=(t1 < t2);\n\t\t\tt1=(t1-t2)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\t}\n#if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT)\n\t\tdummy=t1;\n#endif\n\t\t*(rp++)=t1&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t}\n#else\n\tcarry=bn_sub_words(rp,ap,bp,min);\n\tap+=min;\n\tbp+=min;\n\trp+=min;\n#endif\n\tif (carry)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!dif)\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\twhile (dif)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tdif--;\n\t\t\tt1 = *(ap++);\n\t\t\tt2 = (t1-1)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\t*(rp++) = t2;\n\t\t\tif (t1)\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n#if 0\n\tmemcpy(rp,ap,sizeof(*rp)*(max-i));\n#else\n\tif (rp != ap)\n\t\t{\n\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[0]=ap[0];\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[1]=ap[1];\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[2]=ap[2];\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[3]=ap[3];\n\t\t\trp+=4;\n\t\t\tap+=4;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tr->top=max;\n\tr->neg=0;\n\tbn_correct_top(r);\n\treturn(1);\n\t}']
static int test_mdc2(void) { int testresult = 0; unsigned char md[MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH]; EVP_MD_CTX *c; static char text[] = "Now is the time for all "; size_t tlen = strlen(text); # ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC ebcdic2ascii(text, text, tlen); # endif c = EVP_MD_CTX_new(); if (!TEST_ptr(c) || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestInit_ex(c, EVP_mdc2(), NULL)) || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestUpdate(c, (unsigned char *)text, tlen)) || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestFinal_ex(c, &(md[0]), NULL)) || !TEST_mem_eq(md, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH, pad1, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH) || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestInit_ex(c, EVP_mdc2(), NULL))) goto end; ((MDC2_CTX *)EVP_MD_CTX_md_data(c))->pad_type = 2; if (!TEST_true(EVP_DigestUpdate(c, (unsigned char *)text, tlen)) || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestFinal_ex(c, &(md[0]), NULL)) || !TEST_mem_eq(md, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH, pad2, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH)) goto end; testresult = 1; end: EVP_MD_CTX_free(c); return testresult; }
['static int test_mdc2(void)\n{\n int testresult = 0;\n unsigned char md[MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH];\n EVP_MD_CTX *c;\n static char text[] = "Now is the time for all ";\n size_t tlen = strlen(text);\n# ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC\n ebcdic2ascii(text, text, tlen);\n# endif\n c = EVP_MD_CTX_new();\n if (!TEST_ptr(c)\n || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestInit_ex(c, EVP_mdc2(), NULL))\n || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestUpdate(c, (unsigned char *)text, tlen))\n || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestFinal_ex(c, &(md[0]), NULL))\n || !TEST_mem_eq(md, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH, pad1, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH)\n || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestInit_ex(c, EVP_mdc2(), NULL)))\n goto end;\n ((MDC2_CTX *)EVP_MD_CTX_md_data(c))->pad_type = 2;\n if (!TEST_true(EVP_DigestUpdate(c, (unsigned char *)text, tlen))\n || !TEST_true(EVP_DigestFinal_ex(c, &(md[0]), NULL))\n || !TEST_mem_eq(md, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH, pad2, MDC2_DIGEST_LENGTH))\n goto end;\n testresult = 1;\n end:\n EVP_MD_CTX_free(c);\n return testresult;\n}', 'EVP_MD_CTX *EVP_MD_CTX_new(void)\n{\n return OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(EVP_MD_CTX));\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n FAILTEST();\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n osslargused(file); osslargused(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'int test_ptr(const char *file, int line, const char *s, const void *p)\n{\n if (p != NULL)\n return 1;\n test_fail_message(NULL, file, line, "ptr", s, "NULL", "!=", "%p", p);\n return 0;\n}', 'const EVP_MD *EVP_mdc2(void)\n{\n return (&mdc2_md);\n}', 'int test_true(const char *file, int line, const char *s, int b)\n{\n if (b)\n return 1;\n test_fail_message(NULL, file, line, "bool", s, "true", "==", "false");\n return 0;\n}', 'void EVP_MD_CTX_free(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)\n{\n EVP_MD_CTX_reset(ctx);\n OPENSSL_free(ctx);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_free(void *str, const char *file, int line)\n{\n if (free_impl != NULL && free_impl != &CRYPTO_free) {\n free_impl(str, file, line);\n return;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 0, file, line);\n free(str);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n free(str);\n }\n#else\n free(str);\n#endif\n}']
int BN_usub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b) { int max,min,dif; register BN_ULONG t1,t2,*ap,*bp,*rp; int i,carry; #if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT) int dummy; #endif bn_check_top(a); bn_check_top(b); max = a->top; min = b->top; dif = max - min; if (dif < 0) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_USUB,BN_R_ARG2_LT_ARG3); return(0); } if (bn_wexpand(r,max) == NULL) return(0); ap=a->d; bp=b->d; rp=r->d; #if 1 carry=0; for (i = min; i != 0; i--) { t1= *(ap++); t2= *(bp++); if (carry) { carry=(t1 <= t2); t1=(t1-t2-1)&BN_MASK2; } else { carry=(t1 < t2); t1=(t1-t2)&BN_MASK2; } #if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT) dummy=t1; #endif *(rp++)=t1&BN_MASK2; } #else carry=bn_sub_words(rp,ap,bp,min); ap+=min; bp+=min; rp+=min; #endif if (carry) { if (!dif) return 0; while (dif) { dif--; t1 = *(ap++); t2 = (t1-1)&BN_MASK2; *(rp++) = t2; if (t1) break; } } #if 0 memcpy(rp,ap,sizeof(*rp)*(max-i)); #else if (rp != ap) { for (;;) { if (!dif--) break; rp[0]=ap[0]; if (!dif--) break; rp[1]=ap[1]; if (!dif--) break; rp[2]=ap[2]; if (!dif--) break; rp[3]=ap[3]; rp+=4; ap+=4; } } #endif r->top=max; r->neg=0; bn_correct_top(r); return(1); }
['int BN_div_recp(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rem, const BIGNUM *m,\n\tBN_RECP_CTX *recp, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint i,j,ret=0;\n\tBIGNUM *a,*b,*d,*r;\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\ta=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tb=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (dv != NULL)\n\t\td=dv;\n\telse\n\t\td=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (rem != NULL)\n\t\tr=rem;\n\telse\n\t\tr=BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (a == NULL || b == NULL || d == NULL || r == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (BN_ucmp(m,&(recp->N)) < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_zero(d)) return 0;\n\t\tif (!BN_copy(r,m)) return 0;\n\t\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\t\treturn(1);\n\t\t}\n\ti=BN_num_bits(m);\n\tj=recp->num_bits<<1;\n\tif (j>i) i=j;\n\tif (i != recp->shift)\n\t\trecp->shift=BN_reciprocal(&(recp->Nr),&(recp->N),\n\t\t\ti,ctx);\n\tif (recp->shift == -1) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_rshift(a,m,recp->num_bits)) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_mul(b,a,&(recp->Nr),ctx)) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_rshift(d,b,i-recp->num_bits)) goto err;\n\td->neg=0;\n\tif (!BN_mul(b,&(recp->N),d,ctx)) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_usub(r,m,b)) goto err;\n\tr->neg=0;\n#if 1\n\tj=0;\n\twhile (BN_ucmp(r,&(recp->N)) >= 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (j++ > 2)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_MUL_RECIPROCAL,BN_R_BAD_RECIPROCAL);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_usub(r,r,&(recp->N))) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_add_word(d,1)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tr->neg=BN_is_zero(r)?0:m->neg;\n\td->neg=m->neg^recp->N.neg;\n\tret=1;\nerr:\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\tif(dv) bn_check_top(dv);\n\tif(rem) bn_check_top(rem);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'int BN_usub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n\t{\n\tint max,min,dif;\n\tregister BN_ULONG t1,t2,*ap,*bp,*rp;\n\tint i,carry;\n#if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT)\n\tint dummy;\n#endif\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(b);\n\tmax = a->top;\n\tmin = b->top;\n\tdif = max - min;\n\tif (dif < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_USUB,BN_R_ARG2_LT_ARG3);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\tif (bn_wexpand(r,max) == NULL) return(0);\n\tap=a->d;\n\tbp=b->d;\n\trp=r->d;\n#if 1\n\tcarry=0;\n\tfor (i = min; i != 0; i--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tt1= *(ap++);\n\t\tt2= *(bp++);\n\t\tif (carry)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tcarry=(t1 <= t2);\n\t\t\tt1=(t1-t2-1)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tcarry=(t1 < t2);\n\t\t\tt1=(t1-t2)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\t}\n#if defined(IRIX_CC_BUG) && !defined(LINT)\n\t\tdummy=t1;\n#endif\n\t\t*(rp++)=t1&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t}\n#else\n\tcarry=bn_sub_words(rp,ap,bp,min);\n\tap+=min;\n\tbp+=min;\n\trp+=min;\n#endif\n\tif (carry)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!dif)\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\twhile (dif)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tdif--;\n\t\t\tt1 = *(ap++);\n\t\t\tt2 = (t1-1)&BN_MASK2;\n\t\t\t*(rp++) = t2;\n\t\t\tif (t1)\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n#if 0\n\tmemcpy(rp,ap,sizeof(*rp)*(max-i));\n#else\n\tif (rp != ap)\n\t\t{\n\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[0]=ap[0];\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[1]=ap[1];\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[2]=ap[2];\n\t\t\tif (!dif--) break;\n\t\t\trp[3]=ap[3];\n\t\t\trp+=4;\n\t\t\tap+=4;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tr->top=max;\n\tr->neg=0;\n\tbn_correct_top(r);\n\treturn(1);\n\t}', 'int BN_ucmp(const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tBN_ULONG t1,t2,*ap,*bp;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(b);\n\ti=a->top-b->top;\n\tif (i != 0) return(i);\n\tap=a->d;\n\tbp=b->d;\n\tfor (i=a->top-1; i>=0; i--)\n\t\t{\n\t\tt1= ap[i];\n\t\tt2= bp[i];\n\t\tif (t1 != t2)\n\t\t\treturn((t1 > t2) ? 1 : -1);\n\t\t}\n\treturn(0);\n\t}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['static int tls_process_ske_srp(SSL *s, PACKET *pkt, EVP_PKEY **pkey)\n{\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP\n PACKET prime, generator, salt, server_pub;\n if (!PACKET_get_length_prefixed_2(pkt, &prime)\n || !PACKET_get_length_prefixed_2(pkt, &generator)\n || !PACKET_get_length_prefixed_1(pkt, &salt)\n || !PACKET_get_length_prefixed_2(pkt, &server_pub)) {\n SSLfatal(s, SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR, SSL_F_TLS_PROCESS_SKE_SRP,\n SSL_R_LENGTH_MISMATCH);\n return 0;\n }\n if ((s->srp_ctx.N =\n BN_bin2bn(PACKET_data(&prime),\n (int)PACKET_remaining(&prime), NULL)) == NULL\n || (s->srp_ctx.g =\n BN_bin2bn(PACKET_data(&generator),\n (int)PACKET_remaining(&generator), NULL)) == NULL\n || (s->srp_ctx.s =\n BN_bin2bn(PACKET_data(&salt),\n (int)PACKET_remaining(&salt), NULL)) == NULL\n || (s->srp_ctx.B =\n BN_bin2bn(PACKET_data(&server_pub),\n (int)PACKET_remaining(&server_pub), NULL)) == NULL) {\n SSLfatal(s, SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR, SSL_F_TLS_PROCESS_SKE_SRP,\n ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!srp_verify_server_param(s)) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_auth & (SSL_aRSA | SSL_aDSS))\n *pkey = X509_get0_pubkey(s->session->peer);\n return 1;\n#else\n SSLfatal(s, SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR, SSL_F_TLS_PROCESS_SKE_SRP,\n ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n#endif\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_bin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret)\n{\n unsigned int i, m;\n unsigned int n;\n BN_ULONG l;\n BIGNUM *bn = NULL;\n if (ret == NULL)\n ret = bn = BN_new();\n if (ret == NULL)\n return NULL;\n bn_check_top(ret);\n for ( ; len > 0 && *s == 0; s++, len--)\n continue;\n n = len;\n if (n == 0) {\n ret->top = 0;\n return ret;\n }\n i = ((n - 1) / BN_BYTES) + 1;\n m = ((n - 1) % (BN_BYTES));\n if (bn_wexpand(ret, (int)i) == NULL) {\n BN_free(bn);\n return NULL;\n }\n ret->top = i;\n ret->neg = 0;\n l = 0;\n while (n--) {\n l = (l << 8L) | *(s++);\n if (m-- == 0) {\n ret->d[--i] = l;\n l = 0;\n m = BN_BYTES - 1;\n }\n }\n bn_correct_top(ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}']
int BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a) { int i = a->top - 1; bn_check_top(a); if (BN_is_zero(a)) return 0; return ((i*BN_BITS2) + BN_num_bits_word(a->d[i])); }
['static int ec_asn1_group2curve(const EC_GROUP *group, X9_62_CURVE *curve)\n\t{\n\tint ok=0, nid;\n\tBIGNUM *tmp_1=NULL, *tmp_2=NULL;\n\tunsigned char *buffer_1=NULL, *buffer_2=NULL,\n\t *a_buf=NULL, *b_buf=NULL;\n\tsize_t len_1, len_2;\n\tunsigned char char_zero = 0;\n\tif (!group || !curve || !curve->a || !curve->b)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tif ((tmp_1 = BN_new()) == NULL || (tmp_2 = BN_new()) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tnid = EC_METHOD_get_field_type(EC_GROUP_method_of(group));\n\tif (nid == NID_X9_62_prime_field)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp(group, NULL, tmp_1, tmp_2, NULL))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_EC_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!EC_GROUP_get_curve_GF2m(group, NULL, tmp_1, tmp_2, NULL))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_EC_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tlen_1 = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(tmp_1);\n\tlen_2 = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(tmp_2);\n\tif (len_1 == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\ta_buf = &char_zero;\n\t\tlen_1 = 1;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif ((buffer_1 = OPENSSL_malloc(len_1)) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE,\n\t\t\t ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif ( (len_1 = BN_bn2bin(tmp_1, buffer_1)) == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\ta_buf = buffer_1;\n\t\t}\n\tif (len_2 == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tb_buf = &char_zero;\n\t\tlen_2 = 1;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif ((buffer_2 = OPENSSL_malloc(len_2)) == NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE,\n\t\t\t ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif ( (len_2 = BN_bn2bin(tmp_2, buffer_2)) == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_BN_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tb_buf = buffer_2;\n\t\t}\n\tif (!M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(curve->a, a_buf, len_1) ||\n\t !M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(curve->b, b_buf, len_2))\n\t\t{\n\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_ASN1_LIB);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (group->seed)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!curve->seed)\n\t\t\tif ((curve->seed = ASN1_BIT_STRING_new()) == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\tcurve->seed->flags &= ~(ASN1_STRING_FLAG_BITS_LEFT|0x07);\n\t\tcurve->seed->flags |= ASN1_STRING_FLAG_BITS_LEFT;\n\t\tif (!ASN1_BIT_STRING_set(curve->seed, group->seed,\n\t\t (int)group->seed_len))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tECerr(EC_F_EC_ASN1_GROUP2CURVE, ERR_R_ASN1_LIB);\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (curve->seed)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tASN1_BIT_STRING_free(curve->seed);\n\t\t\tcurve->seed = NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tok = 1;\nerr:\tif (buffer_1)\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(buffer_1);\n\tif (buffer_2)\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(buffer_2);\n\tif (tmp_1)\n\t\tBN_free(tmp_1);\n\tif (tmp_2)\n\t\tBN_free(tmp_2);\n\treturn(ok);\n\t}', 'BIGNUM *BN_new(void)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *ret;\n\tif ((ret=(BIGNUM *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(BIGNUM))) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_NEW,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tret->flags=BN_FLG_MALLOCED;\n\tret->top=0;\n\tret->neg=0;\n\tret->dmax=0;\n\tret->d=NULL;\n\tbn_check_top(ret);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'int BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a)\n\t{\n\tint i = a->top - 1;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tif (BN_is_zero(a)) return 0;\n\treturn ((i*BN_BITS2) + BN_num_bits_word(a->d[i]));\n\t}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, const BIGNUM *m,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *t;\n int ret = 0;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n bn_check_top(m);\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((t = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (a == b) {\n if (!BN_sqr(t, a, ctx))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_mul(t, a, b, ctx))\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_nnmod(r, t, m, ctx))\n goto err;\n bn_check_top(r);\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_CTX_get(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *ret;\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_get", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n return NULL;\n if ((ret = BN_POOL_get(&ctx->pool, ctx->flags)) == NULL) {\n ctx->too_many = 1;\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_GET, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n return NULL;\n }\n BN_zero(ret);\n ctx->used++;\n CTXDBG_RET(ctx, ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return 0;\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n a->flags &= ~BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return 1;\n}', 'static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)\n{\n if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))\n return NULL;\n if (((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)\n return a;\n return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);\n}', 'int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = bn_mul_fixed_top(r, a, b, ctx);\n bn_correct_top(r);\n bn_check_top(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int bn_mul_fixed_top(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n int top, al, bl;\n BIGNUM *rr;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n int i;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n BIGNUM *t = NULL;\n int j = 0, k;\n#endif\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n bn_check_top(r);\n al = a->top;\n bl = b->top;\n if ((al == 0) || (bl == 0)) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return 1;\n }\n top = al + bl;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((r == a) || (r == b)) {\n if ((rr = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n } else\n rr = r;\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n i = al - bl;\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA\n if (i == 0) {\n# if 0\n if (al == 4) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 8) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 8;\n bn_mul_comba4(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n# endif\n if (al == 8) {\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, 16) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = 16;\n bn_mul_comba8(rr->d, a->d, b->d);\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifdef BN_RECURSION\n if ((al >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL) && (bl >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL)) {\n if (i >= -1 && i <= 1) {\n if (i >= 0) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al);\n }\n if (i == -1) {\n j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)bl);\n }\n j = 1 << (j - 1);\n assert(j <= al || j <= bl);\n k = j + j;\n t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (t == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (al > j || bl > j) {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d,\n j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, j, al - j, bl - j, t->d);\n }\n rr->top = top;\n goto end;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (bn_wexpand(rr, top) == NULL)\n goto err;\n rr->top = top;\n bn_mul_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, b->d, bl);\n#if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION)\n end:\n#endif\n rr->neg = a->neg ^ b->neg;\n rr->flags |= BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n if (r != rr && BN_copy(r, rr) == NULL)\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(r);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['static int test_is_prime(int i)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *r = NULL;\n int trial;\n if (!TEST_ptr(r = BN_new()))\n goto err;\n for (trial = 0; trial <= 1; ++trial) {\n if (!TEST_true(BN_set_word(r, primes[i]))\n || !TEST_int_eq(BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(r, 1, ctx, trial, NULL),\n 1))\n goto err;\n }\n ret = 1;\nerr:\n BN_free(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return 0;\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n a->flags &= ~BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return 1;\n}', 'static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)\n{\n if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))\n return NULL;\n if (((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)\n return a;\n return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n FAILTEST();\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n INCREMENT(malloc_count);\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n if (allow_customize) {\n allow_customize = 0;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)(file); (void)(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}']
static int h264_mp4toannexb_filter(AVBSFContext *ctx, AVPacket *out) { H264BSFContext *s = ctx->priv_data; AVPacket *in; uint8_t unit_type; int32_t nal_size; uint32_t cumul_size = 0; const uint8_t *buf; const uint8_t *buf_end; int buf_size; int ret = 0; ret = ff_bsf_get_packet(ctx, &in); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (!s->extradata_parsed) { av_packet_move_ref(out, in); av_packet_free(&in); return 0; } buf = in->data; buf_size = in->size; buf_end = in->data + in->size; do { if (buf + s->length_size > buf_end) goto fail; if (s->length_size == 1) { nal_size = buf[0]; } else if (s->length_size == 2) { nal_size = AV_RB16(buf); } else nal_size = AV_RB32(buf); buf += s->length_size; unit_type = *buf & 0x1f; if (buf + nal_size > buf_end || nal_size < 0) goto fail; if (s->first_idr && unit_type == 5) { if (alloc_and_copy(out, ctx->par_out->extradata, ctx->par_out->extradata_size, buf, nal_size) < 0) goto fail; s->first_idr = 0; } else { if (alloc_and_copy(out, NULL, 0, buf, nal_size) < 0) goto fail; if (!s->first_idr && unit_type == 1) s->first_idr = 1; } buf += nal_size; cumul_size += nal_size + s->length_size; } while (cumul_size < buf_size); ret = av_packet_copy_props(out, in); if (ret < 0) goto fail; fail: if (ret < 0) av_packet_unref(out); av_packet_free(&in); return ret; }
['static int h264_mp4toannexb_filter(AVBSFContext *ctx, AVPacket *out)\n{\n H264BSFContext *s = ctx->priv_data;\n AVPacket *in;\n uint8_t unit_type;\n int32_t nal_size;\n uint32_t cumul_size = 0;\n const uint8_t *buf;\n const uint8_t *buf_end;\n int buf_size;\n int ret = 0;\n ret = ff_bsf_get_packet(ctx, &in);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n if (!s->extradata_parsed) {\n av_packet_move_ref(out, in);\n av_packet_free(&in);\n return 0;\n }\n buf = in->data;\n buf_size = in->size;\n buf_end = in->data + in->size;\n do {\n if (buf + s->length_size > buf_end)\n goto fail;\n if (s->length_size == 1) {\n nal_size = buf[0];\n } else if (s->length_size == 2) {\n nal_size = AV_RB16(buf);\n } else\n nal_size = AV_RB32(buf);\n buf += s->length_size;\n unit_type = *buf & 0x1f;\n if (buf + nal_size > buf_end || nal_size < 0)\n goto fail;\n if (s->first_idr && unit_type == 5) {\n if (alloc_and_copy(out,\n ctx->par_out->extradata, ctx->par_out->extradata_size,\n buf, nal_size) < 0)\n goto fail;\n s->first_idr = 0;\n } else {\n if (alloc_and_copy(out,\n NULL, 0, buf, nal_size) < 0)\n goto fail;\n if (!s->first_idr && unit_type == 1)\n s->first_idr = 1;\n }\n buf += nal_size;\n cumul_size += nal_size + s->length_size;\n } while (cumul_size < buf_size);\n ret = av_packet_copy_props(out, in);\n if (ret < 0)\n goto fail;\nfail:\n if (ret < 0)\n av_packet_unref(out);\n av_packet_free(&in);\n return ret;\n}', 'int ff_bsf_get_packet(AVBSFContext *ctx, AVPacket **pkt)\n{\n AVBSFInternal *in = ctx->internal;\n AVPacket *tmp_pkt;\n if (in->eof)\n return AVERROR_EOF;\n if (!ctx->internal->buffer_pkt->data &&\n !ctx->internal->buffer_pkt->side_data_elems)\n return AVERROR(EAGAIN);\n tmp_pkt = av_packet_alloc();\n if (!tmp_pkt)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n *pkt = ctx->internal->buffer_pkt;\n ctx->internal->buffer_pkt = tmp_pkt;\n return 0;\n}', 'static int alloc_and_copy(AVPacket *out,\n const uint8_t *sps_pps, uint32_t sps_pps_size,\n const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_size)\n{\n uint32_t offset = out->size;\n uint8_t nal_header_size = offset ? 3 : 4;\n int err;\n err = av_grow_packet(out, sps_pps_size + in_size + nal_header_size);\n if (err < 0)\n return err;\n if (sps_pps)\n memcpy(out->data + offset, sps_pps, sps_pps_size);\n memcpy(out->data + sps_pps_size + nal_header_size + offset, in, in_size);\n if (!offset) {\n AV_WB32(out->data + sps_pps_size, 1);\n } else {\n (out->data + offset + sps_pps_size)[0] =\n (out->data + offset + sps_pps_size)[1] = 0;\n (out->data + offset + sps_pps_size)[2] = 1;\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'int av_grow_packet(AVPacket *pkt, int grow_by)\n{\n int new_size;\n av_assert0((unsigned)pkt->size <= INT_MAX - AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n if (!pkt->size)\n return av_new_packet(pkt, grow_by);\n if ((unsigned)grow_by >\n INT_MAX - (pkt->size + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE))\n return -1;\n new_size = pkt->size + grow_by + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE;\n if (pkt->buf) {\n int ret = av_buffer_realloc(&pkt->buf, new_size);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n } else {\n pkt->buf = av_buffer_alloc(new_size);\n if (!pkt->buf)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n memcpy(pkt->buf->data, pkt->data, FFMIN(pkt->size, pkt->size + grow_by));\n }\n pkt->data = pkt->buf->data;\n pkt->size += grow_by;\n memset(pkt->data + pkt->size, 0, AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n return 0;\n}', 'int av_buffer_realloc(AVBufferRef **pbuf, int size)\n{\n AVBufferRef *buf = *pbuf;\n uint8_t *tmp;\n if (!buf) {\n uint8_t *data = av_realloc(NULL, size);\n if (!data)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n buf = av_buffer_create(data, size, av_buffer_default_free, NULL, 0);\n if (!buf) {\n av_freep(&data);\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n }\n buf->buffer->flags |= BUFFER_FLAG_REALLOCATABLE;\n *pbuf = buf;\n return 0;\n } else if (buf->size == size)\n return 0;\n if (!(buf->buffer->flags & BUFFER_FLAG_REALLOCATABLE) ||\n !av_buffer_is_writable(buf) || buf->data != buf->buffer->data) {\n AVBufferRef *new = NULL;\n av_buffer_realloc(&new, size);\n if (!new)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n memcpy(new->data, buf->data, FFMIN(size, buf->size));\n av_buffer_unref(pbuf);\n *pbuf = new;\n return 0;\n }\n tmp = av_realloc(buf->buffer->data, size);\n if (!tmp)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n buf->buffer->data = buf->data = tmp;\n buf->buffer->size = buf->size = size;\n return 0;\n}', 'int av_buffer_is_writable(const AVBufferRef *buf)\n{\n if (buf->buffer->flags & AV_BUFFER_FLAG_READONLY)\n return 0;\n return atomic_load(&buf->buffer->refcount) == 1;\n}', 'void *av_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)\n{\n if (size > (INT_MAX - 16))\n return NULL;\n#if HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC\n return _aligned_realloc(ptr, size, 32);\n#else\n return realloc(ptr, size);\n#endif\n}']
static enum CodecID find_codec_or_die(const char *name, enum AVMediaType type, int encoder) { const char *codec_string = encoder ? "encoder" : "decoder"; AVCodec *codec; if(!name) return CODEC_ID_NONE; codec = encoder ? avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(name) : avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(name); if(!codec) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Unknown %s '%s'\n", codec_string, name); exit_program(1); } if(codec->type != type) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Invalid %s type '%s'\n", codec_string, name); exit_program(1); } return codec->id; }
['static enum CodecID find_codec_or_die(const char *name, enum AVMediaType type, int encoder)\n{\n const char *codec_string = encoder ? "encoder" : "decoder";\n AVCodec *codec;\n if(!name)\n return CODEC_ID_NONE;\n codec = encoder ?\n avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(name) :\n avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(name);\n if(!codec) {\n av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Unknown %s \'%s\'\\n", codec_string, name);\n exit_program(1);\n }\n if(codec->type != type) {\n av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Invalid %s type \'%s\'\\n", codec_string, name);\n exit_program(1);\n }\n return codec->id;\n}']
static void pred_spatial_direct_motion(H264Context *const h, int *mb_type) { int b8_stride = 2; int b4_stride = h->b_stride; int mb_xy = h->mb_xy, mb_y = h->mb_y; int mb_type_col[2]; const int16_t (*l1mv0)[2], (*l1mv1)[2]; const int8_t *l1ref0, *l1ref1; const int is_b8x8 = IS_8X8(*mb_type); unsigned int sub_mb_type = MB_TYPE_L0L1; int i8, i4; int ref[2]; int mv[2]; int list; assert(h->ref_list[1][0].reference & 3); await_reference_mb_row(h, &h->ref_list[1][0], h->mb_y + !!IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type)); #define MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA (MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_INTRA4x4 | \ MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16 | MB_TYPE_INTRA_PCM) for (list = 0; list < 2; list++) { int left_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1]; int top_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8]; int refc = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 + 4]; const int16_t *C = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 + 4]; if (refc == PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) { refc = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 - 1]; C = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 - 1]; } ref[list] = FFMIN3((unsigned)left_ref, (unsigned)top_ref, (unsigned)refc); if (ref[list] >= 0) { const int16_t *const A = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1]; const int16_t *const B = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8]; int match_count = (left_ref == ref[list]) + (top_ref == ref[list]) + (refc == ref[list]); if (match_count > 1) { mv[list] = pack16to32(mid_pred(A[0], B[0], C[0]), mid_pred(A[1], B[1], C[1])); } else { assert(match_count == 1); if (left_ref == ref[list]) mv[list] = AV_RN32A(A); else if (top_ref == ref[list]) mv[list] = AV_RN32A(B); else mv[list] = AV_RN32A(C); } } else { int mask = ~(MB_TYPE_L0 << (2 * list)); mv[list] = 0; ref[list] = -1; if (!is_b8x8) *mb_type &= mask; sub_mb_type &= mask; } } if (ref[0] < 0 && ref[1] < 0) { ref[0] = ref[1] = 0; if (!is_b8x8) *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_L0L1; sub_mb_type |= MB_TYPE_L0L1; } if (!(is_b8x8 | mv[0] | mv[1])) { fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[0], 1); fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[1], 1); fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 4); fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 4); *mb_type = (*mb_type & ~(MB_TYPE_8x8 | MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1)) | MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; return; } if (IS_INTERLACED(h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy])) { if (!IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type)) { mb_y = (h->mb_y & ~1) + h->col_parity; mb_xy = h->mb_x + ((h->mb_y & ~1) + h->col_parity) * h->mb_stride; b8_stride = 0; } else { mb_y += h->col_fieldoff; mb_xy += h->mb_stride * h->col_fieldoff; } goto single_col; } else { if (IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type)) { mb_y = h->mb_y & ~1; mb_xy = (h->mb_y & ~1) * h->mb_stride + h->mb_x; mb_type_col[0] = h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy]; mb_type_col[1] = h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy + h->mb_stride]; b8_stride = 2 + 4 * h->mb_stride; b4_stride *= 6; if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type_col[0]) != IS_INTERLACED(mb_type_col[1])) { mb_type_col[0] &= ~MB_TYPE_INTERLACED; mb_type_col[1] &= ~MB_TYPE_INTERLACED; } sub_mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; if ((mb_type_col[0] & MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA) && (mb_type_col[1] & MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA) && !is_b8x8) { *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; } else { *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8; } } else { single_col: mb_type_col[0] = mb_type_col[1] = h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy]; sub_mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; if (!is_b8x8 && (mb_type_col[0] & MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA)) { *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; } else if (!is_b8x8 && (mb_type_col[0] & (MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16))) { *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 | (mb_type_col[0] & (MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16)); } else { if (!h->sps.direct_8x8_inference_flag) { sub_mb_type += (MB_TYPE_8x8 - MB_TYPE_16x16); } *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8; } } } await_reference_mb_row(h, &h->ref_list[1][0], mb_y); l1mv0 = &h->ref_list[1][0].motion_val[0][h->mb2b_xy[mb_xy]]; l1mv1 = &h->ref_list[1][0].motion_val[1][h->mb2b_xy[mb_xy]]; l1ref0 = &h->ref_list[1][0].ref_index[0][4 * mb_xy]; l1ref1 = &h->ref_list[1][0].ref_index[1][4 * mb_xy]; if (!b8_stride) { if (h->mb_y & 1) { l1ref0 += 2; l1ref1 += 2; l1mv0 += 2 * b4_stride; l1mv1 += 2 * b4_stride; } } if (IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type) != IS_INTERLACED(mb_type_col[0])) { int n = 0; for (i8 = 0; i8 < 4; i8++) { int x8 = i8 & 1; int y8 = i8 >> 1; int xy8 = x8 + y8 * b8_stride; int xy4 = x8 * 3 + y8 * b4_stride; int a, b; if (is_b8x8 && !IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i8])) continue; h->sub_mb_type[i8] = sub_mb_type; fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, (uint8_t)ref[0], 1); fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, (uint8_t)ref[1], 1); if (!IS_INTRA(mb_type_col[y8]) && !h->ref_list[1][0].long_ref && ((l1ref0[xy8] == 0 && FFABS(l1mv0[xy4][0]) <= 1 && FFABS(l1mv0[xy4][1]) <= 1) || (l1ref0[xy8] < 0 && l1ref1[xy8] == 0 && FFABS(l1mv1[xy4][0]) <= 1 && FFABS(l1mv1[xy4][1]) <= 1))) { a = b = 0; if (ref[0] > 0) a = mv[0]; if (ref[1] > 0) b = mv[1]; n++; } else { a = mv[0]; b = mv[1]; } fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, a, 4); fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, b, 4); } if (!is_b8x8 && !(n & 3)) *mb_type = (*mb_type & ~(MB_TYPE_8x8 | MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1)) | MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; } else if (IS_16X16(*mb_type)) { int a, b; fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[0], 1); fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[1], 1); if (!IS_INTRA(mb_type_col[0]) && !h->ref_list[1][0].long_ref && ((l1ref0[0] == 0 && FFABS(l1mv0[0][0]) <= 1 && FFABS(l1mv0[0][1]) <= 1) || (l1ref0[0] < 0 && !l1ref1[0] && FFABS(l1mv1[0][0]) <= 1 && FFABS(l1mv1[0][1]) <= 1 && h->x264_build > 33U))) { a = b = 0; if (ref[0] > 0) a = mv[0]; if (ref[1] > 0) b = mv[1]; } else { a = mv[0]; b = mv[1]; } fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, a, 4); fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, b, 4); } else { int n = 0; for (i8 = 0; i8 < 4; i8++) { const int x8 = i8 & 1; const int y8 = i8 >> 1; if (is_b8x8 && !IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i8])) continue; h->sub_mb_type[i8] = sub_mb_type; fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, mv[0], 4); fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, mv[1], 4); fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, (uint8_t)ref[0], 1); fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, (uint8_t)ref[1], 1); assert(b8_stride == 2); if (!IS_INTRA(mb_type_col[0]) && !h->ref_list[1][0].long_ref && (l1ref0[i8] == 0 || (l1ref0[i8] < 0 && l1ref1[i8] == 0 && h->x264_build > 33U))) { const int16_t (*l1mv)[2] = l1ref0[i8] == 0 ? l1mv0 : l1mv1; if (IS_SUB_8X8(sub_mb_type)) { const int16_t *mv_col = l1mv[x8 * 3 + y8 * 3 * b4_stride]; if (FFABS(mv_col[0]) <= 1 && FFABS(mv_col[1]) <= 1) { if (ref[0] == 0) fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, 0, 4); if (ref[1] == 0) fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, 0, 4); n += 4; } } else { int m = 0; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 4; i4++) { const int16_t *mv_col = l1mv[x8 * 2 + (i4 & 1) + (y8 * 2 + (i4 >> 1)) * b4_stride]; if (FFABS(mv_col[0]) <= 1 && FFABS(mv_col[1]) <= 1) { if (ref[0] == 0) AV_ZERO32(h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4 + i4]]); if (ref[1] == 0) AV_ZERO32(h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4 + i4]]); m++; } } if (!(m & 3)) h->sub_mb_type[i8] += MB_TYPE_16x16 - MB_TYPE_8x8; n += m; } } } if (!is_b8x8 && !(n & 15)) *mb_type = (*mb_type & ~(MB_TYPE_8x8 | MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1)) | MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2; } }
['static void pred_spatial_direct_motion(H264Context *const h, int *mb_type)\n{\n int b8_stride = 2;\n int b4_stride = h->b_stride;\n int mb_xy = h->mb_xy, mb_y = h->mb_y;\n int mb_type_col[2];\n const int16_t (*l1mv0)[2], (*l1mv1)[2];\n const int8_t *l1ref0, *l1ref1;\n const int is_b8x8 = IS_8X8(*mb_type);\n unsigned int sub_mb_type = MB_TYPE_L0L1;\n int i8, i4;\n int ref[2];\n int mv[2];\n int list;\n assert(h->ref_list[1][0].reference & 3);\n await_reference_mb_row(h, &h->ref_list[1][0],\n h->mb_y + !!IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type));\n#define MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA (MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_INTRA4x4 | \\\n MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16 | MB_TYPE_INTRA_PCM)\n for (list = 0; list < 2; list++) {\n int left_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1];\n int top_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8];\n int refc = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 + 4];\n const int16_t *C = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 + 4];\n if (refc == PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) {\n refc = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 - 1];\n C = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8 - 1];\n }\n ref[list] = FFMIN3((unsigned)left_ref,\n (unsigned)top_ref,\n (unsigned)refc);\n if (ref[list] >= 0) {\n const int16_t *const A = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1];\n const int16_t *const B = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8];\n int match_count = (left_ref == ref[list]) +\n (top_ref == ref[list]) +\n (refc == ref[list]);\n if (match_count > 1) {\n mv[list] = pack16to32(mid_pred(A[0], B[0], C[0]),\n mid_pred(A[1], B[1], C[1]));\n } else {\n assert(match_count == 1);\n if (left_ref == ref[list])\n mv[list] = AV_RN32A(A);\n else if (top_ref == ref[list])\n mv[list] = AV_RN32A(B);\n else\n mv[list] = AV_RN32A(C);\n }\n } else {\n int mask = ~(MB_TYPE_L0 << (2 * list));\n mv[list] = 0;\n ref[list] = -1;\n if (!is_b8x8)\n *mb_type &= mask;\n sub_mb_type &= mask;\n }\n }\n if (ref[0] < 0 && ref[1] < 0) {\n ref[0] = ref[1] = 0;\n if (!is_b8x8)\n *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_L0L1;\n sub_mb_type |= MB_TYPE_L0L1;\n }\n if (!(is_b8x8 | mv[0] | mv[1])) {\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[0], 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[1], 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 4);\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 4);\n *mb_type = (*mb_type & ~(MB_TYPE_8x8 | MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16 |\n MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1)) |\n MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n return;\n }\n if (IS_INTERLACED(h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy])) {\n if (!IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type)) {\n mb_y = (h->mb_y & ~1) + h->col_parity;\n mb_xy = h->mb_x +\n ((h->mb_y & ~1) + h->col_parity) * h->mb_stride;\n b8_stride = 0;\n } else {\n mb_y += h->col_fieldoff;\n mb_xy += h->mb_stride * h->col_fieldoff;\n }\n goto single_col;\n } else {\n if (IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type)) {\n mb_y = h->mb_y & ~1;\n mb_xy = (h->mb_y & ~1) * h->mb_stride + h->mb_x;\n mb_type_col[0] = h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy];\n mb_type_col[1] = h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy + h->mb_stride];\n b8_stride = 2 + 4 * h->mb_stride;\n b4_stride *= 6;\n if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type_col[0]) !=\n IS_INTERLACED(mb_type_col[1])) {\n mb_type_col[0] &= ~MB_TYPE_INTERLACED;\n mb_type_col[1] &= ~MB_TYPE_INTERLACED;\n }\n sub_mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n if ((mb_type_col[0] & MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA) &&\n (mb_type_col[1] & MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA) &&\n !is_b8x8) {\n *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n } else {\n *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8;\n }\n } else {\nsingle_col:\n mb_type_col[0] =\n mb_type_col[1] = h->ref_list[1][0].mb_type[mb_xy];\n sub_mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n if (!is_b8x8 && (mb_type_col[0] & MB_TYPE_16x16_OR_INTRA)) {\n *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n } else if (!is_b8x8 &&\n (mb_type_col[0] & (MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16))) {\n *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 |\n (mb_type_col[0] & (MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16));\n } else {\n if (!h->sps.direct_8x8_inference_flag) {\n sub_mb_type += (MB_TYPE_8x8 - MB_TYPE_16x16);\n }\n *mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8;\n }\n }\n }\n await_reference_mb_row(h, &h->ref_list[1][0], mb_y);\n l1mv0 = &h->ref_list[1][0].motion_val[0][h->mb2b_xy[mb_xy]];\n l1mv1 = &h->ref_list[1][0].motion_val[1][h->mb2b_xy[mb_xy]];\n l1ref0 = &h->ref_list[1][0].ref_index[0][4 * mb_xy];\n l1ref1 = &h->ref_list[1][0].ref_index[1][4 * mb_xy];\n if (!b8_stride) {\n if (h->mb_y & 1) {\n l1ref0 += 2;\n l1ref1 += 2;\n l1mv0 += 2 * b4_stride;\n l1mv1 += 2 * b4_stride;\n }\n }\n if (IS_INTERLACED(*mb_type) != IS_INTERLACED(mb_type_col[0])) {\n int n = 0;\n for (i8 = 0; i8 < 4; i8++) {\n int x8 = i8 & 1;\n int y8 = i8 >> 1;\n int xy8 = x8 + y8 * b8_stride;\n int xy4 = x8 * 3 + y8 * b4_stride;\n int a, b;\n if (is_b8x8 && !IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i8]))\n continue;\n h->sub_mb_type[i8] = sub_mb_type;\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8,\n (uint8_t)ref[0], 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8,\n (uint8_t)ref[1], 1);\n if (!IS_INTRA(mb_type_col[y8]) && !h->ref_list[1][0].long_ref &&\n ((l1ref0[xy8] == 0 &&\n FFABS(l1mv0[xy4][0]) <= 1 &&\n FFABS(l1mv0[xy4][1]) <= 1) ||\n (l1ref0[xy8] < 0 &&\n l1ref1[xy8] == 0 &&\n FFABS(l1mv1[xy4][0]) <= 1 &&\n FFABS(l1mv1[xy4][1]) <= 1))) {\n a =\n b = 0;\n if (ref[0] > 0)\n a = mv[0];\n if (ref[1] > 0)\n b = mv[1];\n n++;\n } else {\n a = mv[0];\n b = mv[1];\n }\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, a, 4);\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, b, 4);\n }\n if (!is_b8x8 && !(n & 3))\n *mb_type = (*mb_type & ~(MB_TYPE_8x8 | MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16 |\n MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1)) |\n MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n } else if (IS_16X16(*mb_type)) {\n int a, b;\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[0], 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, (uint8_t)ref[1], 1);\n if (!IS_INTRA(mb_type_col[0]) && !h->ref_list[1][0].long_ref &&\n ((l1ref0[0] == 0 &&\n FFABS(l1mv0[0][0]) <= 1 &&\n FFABS(l1mv0[0][1]) <= 1) ||\n (l1ref0[0] < 0 && !l1ref1[0] &&\n FFABS(l1mv1[0][0]) <= 1 &&\n FFABS(l1mv1[0][1]) <= 1 &&\n h->x264_build > 33U))) {\n a = b = 0;\n if (ref[0] > 0)\n a = mv[0];\n if (ref[1] > 0)\n b = mv[1];\n } else {\n a = mv[0];\n b = mv[1];\n }\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, a, 4);\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, b, 4);\n } else {\n int n = 0;\n for (i8 = 0; i8 < 4; i8++) {\n const int x8 = i8 & 1;\n const int y8 = i8 >> 1;\n if (is_b8x8 && !IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i8]))\n continue;\n h->sub_mb_type[i8] = sub_mb_type;\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, mv[0], 4);\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8, mv[1], 4);\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8,\n (uint8_t)ref[0], 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2, 8,\n (uint8_t)ref[1], 1);\n assert(b8_stride == 2);\n if (!IS_INTRA(mb_type_col[0]) && !h->ref_list[1][0].long_ref &&\n (l1ref0[i8] == 0 ||\n (l1ref0[i8] < 0 &&\n l1ref1[i8] == 0 &&\n h->x264_build > 33U))) {\n const int16_t (*l1mv)[2] = l1ref0[i8] == 0 ? l1mv0 : l1mv1;\n if (IS_SUB_8X8(sub_mb_type)) {\n const int16_t *mv_col = l1mv[x8 * 3 + y8 * 3 * b4_stride];\n if (FFABS(mv_col[0]) <= 1 && FFABS(mv_col[1]) <= 1) {\n if (ref[0] == 0)\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2,\n 8, 0, 4);\n if (ref[1] == 0)\n fill_rectangle(&h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4]], 2, 2,\n 8, 0, 4);\n n += 4;\n }\n } else {\n int m = 0;\n for (i4 = 0; i4 < 4; i4++) {\n const int16_t *mv_col = l1mv[x8 * 2 + (i4 & 1) +\n (y8 * 2 + (i4 >> 1)) * b4_stride];\n if (FFABS(mv_col[0]) <= 1 && FFABS(mv_col[1]) <= 1) {\n if (ref[0] == 0)\n AV_ZERO32(h->mv_cache[0][scan8[i8 * 4 + i4]]);\n if (ref[1] == 0)\n AV_ZERO32(h->mv_cache[1][scan8[i8 * 4 + i4]]);\n m++;\n }\n }\n if (!(m & 3))\n h->sub_mb_type[i8] += MB_TYPE_16x16 - MB_TYPE_8x8;\n n += m;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!is_b8x8 && !(n & 15))\n *mb_type = (*mb_type & ~(MB_TYPE_8x8 | MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x16 |\n MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1)) |\n MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2;\n }\n}']
static char *extradata2psets(AVCodecContext *c) { char *psets, *p; const uint8_t *r; static const char pset_string[] = "; sprop-parameter-sets="; static const char profile_string[] = "; profile-level-id="; uint8_t *orig_extradata = NULL; int orig_extradata_size = 0; const uint8_t *sps = NULL, *sps_end; if (c->extradata_size > MAX_EXTRADATA_SIZE) { av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too much extradata!\n"); return NULL; } if (c->extradata[0] == 1) { uint8_t *dummy_p; int dummy_int; AVBitStreamFilterContext *bsfc= av_bitstream_filter_init("h264_mp4toannexb"); if (!bsfc) { av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open the h264_mp4toannexb BSF!\n"); return NULL; } orig_extradata_size = c->extradata_size; orig_extradata = av_mallocz(orig_extradata_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (!orig_extradata) { av_bitstream_filter_close(bsfc); return NULL; } memcpy(orig_extradata, c->extradata, orig_extradata_size); av_bitstream_filter_filter(bsfc, c, NULL, &dummy_p, &dummy_int, NULL, 0, 0); av_bitstream_filter_close(bsfc); } psets = av_mallocz(MAX_PSET_SIZE); if (psets == NULL) { av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot allocate memory for the parameter sets.\n"); av_free(orig_extradata); return NULL; } memcpy(psets, pset_string, strlen(pset_string)); p = psets + strlen(pset_string); r = ff_avc_find_startcode(c->extradata, c->extradata + c->extradata_size); while (r < c->extradata + c->extradata_size) { const uint8_t *r1; uint8_t nal_type; while (!*(r++)); nal_type = *r & 0x1f; r1 = ff_avc_find_startcode(r, c->extradata + c->extradata_size); if (nal_type != 7 && nal_type != 8) { r = r1; continue; } if (p != (psets + strlen(pset_string))) { *p = ','; p++; } if (!sps) { sps = r; sps_end = r1; } if (av_base64_encode(p, MAX_PSET_SIZE - (p - psets), r, r1 - r) == NULL) { av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot Base64-encode %td %td!\n", MAX_PSET_SIZE - (p - psets), r1 - r); av_free(psets); return NULL; } p += strlen(p); r = r1; } if (sps && sps_end - sps >= 4) { memcpy(p, profile_string, strlen(profile_string)); p += strlen(p); ff_data_to_hex(p, sps + 1, 3, 0); p[6] = '\0'; } if (orig_extradata) { av_free(c->extradata); c->extradata = orig_extradata; c->extradata_size = orig_extradata_size; } return psets; }
['static char *extradata2psets(AVCodecContext *c)\n{\n char *psets, *p;\n const uint8_t *r;\n static const char pset_string[] = "; sprop-parameter-sets=";\n static const char profile_string[] = "; profile-level-id=";\n uint8_t *orig_extradata = NULL;\n int orig_extradata_size = 0;\n const uint8_t *sps = NULL, *sps_end;\n if (c->extradata_size > MAX_EXTRADATA_SIZE) {\n av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too much extradata!\\n");\n return NULL;\n }\n if (c->extradata[0] == 1) {\n uint8_t *dummy_p;\n int dummy_int;\n AVBitStreamFilterContext *bsfc= av_bitstream_filter_init("h264_mp4toannexb");\n if (!bsfc) {\n av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open the h264_mp4toannexb BSF!\\n");\n return NULL;\n }\n orig_extradata_size = c->extradata_size;\n orig_extradata = av_mallocz(orig_extradata_size +\n FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);\n if (!orig_extradata) {\n av_bitstream_filter_close(bsfc);\n return NULL;\n }\n memcpy(orig_extradata, c->extradata, orig_extradata_size);\n av_bitstream_filter_filter(bsfc, c, NULL, &dummy_p, &dummy_int, NULL, 0, 0);\n av_bitstream_filter_close(bsfc);\n }\n psets = av_mallocz(MAX_PSET_SIZE);\n if (psets == NULL) {\n av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot allocate memory for the parameter sets.\\n");\n av_free(orig_extradata);\n return NULL;\n }\n memcpy(psets, pset_string, strlen(pset_string));\n p = psets + strlen(pset_string);\n r = ff_avc_find_startcode(c->extradata, c->extradata + c->extradata_size);\n while (r < c->extradata + c->extradata_size) {\n const uint8_t *r1;\n uint8_t nal_type;\n while (!*(r++));\n nal_type = *r & 0x1f;\n r1 = ff_avc_find_startcode(r, c->extradata + c->extradata_size);\n if (nal_type != 7 && nal_type != 8) {\n r = r1;\n continue;\n }\n if (p != (psets + strlen(pset_string))) {\n *p = \',\';\n p++;\n }\n if (!sps) {\n sps = r;\n sps_end = r1;\n }\n if (av_base64_encode(p, MAX_PSET_SIZE - (p - psets), r, r1 - r) == NULL) {\n av_log(c, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot Base64-encode %td %td!\\n", MAX_PSET_SIZE - (p - psets), r1 - r);\n av_free(psets);\n return NULL;\n }\n p += strlen(p);\n r = r1;\n }\n if (sps && sps_end - sps >= 4) {\n memcpy(p, profile_string, strlen(profile_string));\n p += strlen(p);\n ff_data_to_hex(p, sps + 1, 3, 0);\n p[6] = \'\\0\';\n }\n if (orig_extradata) {\n av_free(c->extradata);\n c->extradata = orig_extradata;\n c->extradata_size = orig_extradata_size;\n }\n return psets;\n}']
static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st) { return st->indexes[--(st->depth)]; }
['int ec_GF2m_simple_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *point,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *x, *y;\n int ret = 0;\n if (point->Z_is_one || EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, point))\n return 1;\n if (ctx == NULL) {\n ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL)\n return 0;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n x = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (y == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates(group, point, x, y, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(point->X, x))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(point->Y, y))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_one(point->Z))\n goto err;\n point->Z_is_one = 1;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n ctx->err_stack++;\n else if (!BN_STACK_push(&ctx->stack, ctx->used)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_START, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n ctx->err_stack++;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_start()", ctx);\n}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n if (ctx == NULL)\n return;\n CTXDBG("ENTER BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack)\n ctx->err_stack--;\n else {\n unsigned int fp = BN_STACK_pop(&ctx->stack);\n if (fp < ctx->used)\n BN_POOL_release(&ctx->pool, ctx->used - fp);\n ctx->used = fp;\n ctx->too_many = 0;\n }\n CTXDBG("LEAVE BN_CTX_end()", ctx);\n}', 'static unsigned int BN_STACK_pop(BN_STACK *st)\n{\n return st->indexes[--(st->depth)];\n}']
BIGNUM *SRP_Calc_x(const BIGNUM *s, const char *user, const char *pass) { unsigned char dig[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; EVP_MD_CTX *ctxt; unsigned char *cs = NULL; BIGNUM *res = NULL; if ((s == NULL) || (user == NULL) || (pass == NULL)) return NULL; ctxt = EVP_MD_CTX_new(); if (ctxt == NULL) return NULL; if ((cs = OPENSSL_malloc(BN_num_bytes(s))) == NULL) goto err; if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctxt, EVP_sha1(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, user, strlen(user)) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, ":", 1) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, pass, strlen(pass)) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctxt, dig, NULL) || !EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctxt, EVP_sha1(), NULL)) goto err; BN_bn2bin(s, cs); if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, cs, BN_num_bytes(s))) goto err; if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, dig, sizeof(dig)) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctxt, dig, NULL)) goto err; res = BN_bin2bn(dig, sizeof(dig), NULL); err: OPENSSL_free(cs); EVP_MD_CTX_free(ctxt); return res; }
['BIGNUM *SRP_Calc_x(const BIGNUM *s, const char *user, const char *pass)\n{\n unsigned char dig[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];\n EVP_MD_CTX *ctxt;\n unsigned char *cs = NULL;\n BIGNUM *res = NULL;\n if ((s == NULL) || (user == NULL) || (pass == NULL))\n return NULL;\n ctxt = EVP_MD_CTX_new();\n if (ctxt == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if ((cs = OPENSSL_malloc(BN_num_bytes(s))) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctxt, EVP_sha1(), NULL)\n || !EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, user, strlen(user))\n || !EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, ":", 1)\n || !EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, pass, strlen(pass))\n || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctxt, dig, NULL)\n || !EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctxt, EVP_sha1(), NULL))\n goto err;\n BN_bn2bin(s, cs);\n if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, cs, BN_num_bytes(s)))\n goto err;\n if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(ctxt, dig, sizeof(dig))\n || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctxt, dig, NULL))\n goto err;\n res = BN_bin2bn(dig, sizeof(dig), NULL);\n err:\n OPENSSL_free(cs);\n EVP_MD_CTX_free(ctxt);\n return res;\n}', 'EVP_MD_CTX *EVP_MD_CTX_new(void)\n{\n return OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(EVP_MD_CTX));\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n FAILTEST();\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n osslargused(file); osslargused(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n int i = a->top - 1;\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (BN_is_zero(a))\n return 0;\n return ((i * BN_BITS2) + BN_num_bits_word(a->d[i]));\n}', 'int BN_is_zero(const BIGNUM *a)\n{\n return a->top == 0;\n}', 'const EVP_MD *EVP_sha1(void)\n{\n return (&sha1_md);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_free(void *str, const char *file, int line)\n{\n if (free_impl != NULL && free_impl != &CRYPTO_free) {\n free_impl(str, file, line);\n return;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 0, file, line);\n free(str);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n free(str);\n }\n#else\n free(str);\n#endif\n}', 'void EVP_MD_CTX_free(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)\n{\n EVP_MD_CTX_reset(ctx);\n OPENSSL_free(ctx);\n}']
static int ecx_key_op(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int id, const X509_ALGOR *palg, const unsigned char *p, int plen, ecx_key_op_t op) { ECX_KEY *key = NULL; unsigned char *privkey, *pubkey; if (op != KEY_OP_KEYGEN) { if (palg != NULL) { int ptype; X509_ALGOR_get0(NULL, &ptype, NULL, palg); if (ptype != V_ASN1_UNDEF) { ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, EC_R_INVALID_ENCODING); return 0; } } if (p == NULL || plen != KEYLENID(id)) { ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, EC_R_INVALID_ENCODING); return 0; } } key = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*key)); if (key == NULL) { ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return 0; } pubkey = key->pubkey; if (op == KEY_OP_PUBLIC) { memcpy(pubkey, p, plen); } else { privkey = key->privkey = OPENSSL_secure_malloc(KEYLENID(id)); if (privkey == NULL) { ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (op == KEY_OP_KEYGEN) { if (RAND_priv_bytes(privkey, KEYLENID(id)) <= 0) { OPENSSL_secure_free(privkey); key->privkey = NULL; goto err; } if (id == EVP_PKEY_X25519) { privkey[0] &= 248; privkey[X25519_KEYLEN - 1] &= 127; privkey[X25519_KEYLEN - 1] |= 64; } else if (id == EVP_PKEY_X448) { privkey[0] &= 252; privkey[X448_KEYLEN - 1] |= 128; } } else { memcpy(privkey, p, KEYLENID(id)); } switch (id) { case EVP_PKEY_X25519: X25519_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey); break; case EVP_PKEY_ED25519: ED25519_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey); break; case EVP_PKEY_X448: X448_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey); break; case EVP_PKEY_ED448: ED448_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey); break; } } EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey, id, key); return 1; err: OPENSSL_free(key); return 0; }
['static int ecx_key_op(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int id, const X509_ALGOR *palg,\n const unsigned char *p, int plen, ecx_key_op_t op)\n{\n ECX_KEY *key = NULL;\n unsigned char *privkey, *pubkey;\n if (op != KEY_OP_KEYGEN) {\n if (palg != NULL) {\n int ptype;\n X509_ALGOR_get0(NULL, &ptype, NULL, palg);\n if (ptype != V_ASN1_UNDEF) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, EC_R_INVALID_ENCODING);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n if (p == NULL || plen != KEYLENID(id)) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, EC_R_INVALID_ENCODING);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n key = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*key));\n if (key == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return 0;\n }\n pubkey = key->pubkey;\n if (op == KEY_OP_PUBLIC) {\n memcpy(pubkey, p, plen);\n } else {\n privkey = key->privkey = OPENSSL_secure_malloc(KEYLENID(id));\n if (privkey == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_ECX_KEY_OP, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n if (op == KEY_OP_KEYGEN) {\n if (RAND_priv_bytes(privkey, KEYLENID(id)) <= 0) {\n OPENSSL_secure_free(privkey);\n key->privkey = NULL;\n goto err;\n }\n if (id == EVP_PKEY_X25519) {\n privkey[0] &= 248;\n privkey[X25519_KEYLEN - 1] &= 127;\n privkey[X25519_KEYLEN - 1] |= 64;\n } else if (id == EVP_PKEY_X448) {\n privkey[0] &= 252;\n privkey[X448_KEYLEN - 1] |= 128;\n }\n } else {\n memcpy(privkey, p, KEYLENID(id));\n }\n switch (id) {\n case EVP_PKEY_X25519:\n X25519_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey);\n break;\n case EVP_PKEY_ED25519:\n ED25519_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey);\n break;\n case EVP_PKEY_X448:\n X448_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey);\n break;\n case EVP_PKEY_ED448:\n ED448_public_from_private(pubkey, privkey);\n break;\n }\n }\n EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey, id, key);\n return 1;\n err:\n OPENSSL_free(key);\n return 0;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_secure_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n#ifdef OPENSSL_SECURE_MEMORY\n void *ret;\n size_t actual_size;\n if (!secure_mem_initialized) {\n return CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n }\n CRYPTO_THREAD_write_lock(sec_malloc_lock);\n ret = sh_malloc(num);\n actual_size = ret ? sh_actual_size(ret) : 0;\n secure_mem_used += actual_size;\n CRYPTO_THREAD_unlock(sec_malloc_lock);\n return ret;\n#else\n return CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n#endif\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n INCREMENT(malloc_count);\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n if (allow_customize) {\n allow_customize = 0;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)(file); (void)(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}']
PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE *PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_new(void) { PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE *ret=NULL; ASN1_CTX c; M_ASN1_New_Malloc(ret,PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE); M_ASN1_New(ret->version,ASN1_INTEGER_new); M_ASN1_New(ret->recipientinfo,sk_new_null); M_ASN1_New(ret->md_algs,sk_new_null); M_ASN1_New(ret->enc_data,PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT_new); ret->cert=NULL; ret->crl=NULL; M_ASN1_New(ret->signer_info,sk_new_null); return(ret); M_ASN1_New_Error(ASN1_F_PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_NEW); }
['PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE *PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_new(void)\n\t{\n\tPKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE *ret=NULL;\n\tASN1_CTX c;\n\tM_ASN1_New_Malloc(ret,PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE);\n\tM_ASN1_New(ret->version,ASN1_INTEGER_new);\n\tM_ASN1_New(ret->recipientinfo,sk_new_null);\n\tM_ASN1_New(ret->md_algs,sk_new_null);\n\tM_ASN1_New(ret->enc_data,PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT_new);\n\tret->cert=NULL;\n\tret->crl=NULL;\n\tM_ASN1_New(ret->signer_info,sk_new_null);\n\treturn(ret);\n\tM_ASN1_New_Error(ASN1_F_PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_NEW);\n\t}', 'ASN1_STRING *ASN1_STRING_type_new(int type)\n\t{\n\tASN1_STRING *ret;\n\tret=(ASN1_STRING *)Malloc(sizeof(ASN1_STRING));\n\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_STRING_TYPE_NEW,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tret->length=0;\n\tret->type=type;\n\tret->data=NULL;\n\tret->flags=0;\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'STACK *sk_new(int (*c)())\n\t{\n\tSTACK *ret;\n\tint i;\n\tif ((ret=(STACK *)Malloc(sizeof(STACK))) == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err0;\n\tif ((ret->data=(char **)Malloc(sizeof(char *)*MIN_NODES)) == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err1;\n\tfor (i=0; i<MIN_NODES; i++)\n\t\tret->data[i]=NULL;\n\tret->comp=c;\n\tret->num_alloc=MIN_NODES;\n\tret->num=0;\n\tret->sorted=0;\n\treturn(ret);\nerr1:\n\tFree((char *)ret);\nerr0:\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}']
static av_always_inline void decode_cabac_residual_internal(H264Context *h, DCTELEM *block, int cat, int n, const uint8_t *scantable, const uint32_t *qmul, int max_coeff, int is_dc, int chroma422) { static const int significant_coeff_flag_offset[2][14] = { { 105+0, 105+15, 105+29, 105+44, 105+47, 402, 484+0, 484+15, 484+29, 660, 528+0, 528+15, 528+29, 718 }, { 277+0, 277+15, 277+29, 277+44, 277+47, 436, 776+0, 776+15, 776+29, 675, 820+0, 820+15, 820+29, 733 } }; static const int last_coeff_flag_offset[2][14] = { { 166+0, 166+15, 166+29, 166+44, 166+47, 417, 572+0, 572+15, 572+29, 690, 616+0, 616+15, 616+29, 748 }, { 338+0, 338+15, 338+29, 338+44, 338+47, 451, 864+0, 864+15, 864+29, 699, 908+0, 908+15, 908+29, 757 } }; static const int coeff_abs_level_m1_offset[14] = { 227+0, 227+10, 227+20, 227+30, 227+39, 426, 952+0, 952+10, 952+20, 708, 982+0, 982+10, 982+20, 766 }; static const uint8_t significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[2][63] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9,10, 9, 8, 7, 7, 6,11,12,13,11, 6, 7, 8, 9,14,10, 9, 8, 6,11, 12,13,11, 6, 9,14,10, 9,11,12,13,11,14,10,12 }, { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 9,10,10, 8,11,12,11, 9, 9,10,10, 8,11,12,11, 9, 9,10,10, 8,11,12,11, 9, 9,10,10, 8,13,13, 9, 9,10,10, 8,13,13, 9, 9,10,10,14,14,14,14,14 } }; static const uint8_t sig_coeff_offset_dc[7] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }; static const uint8_t coeff_abs_level1_ctx[8] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const uint8_t coeff_abs_levelgt1_ctx[2][8] = { { 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, { 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 }, }; static const uint8_t coeff_abs_level_transition[2][8] = { { 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 } }; int index[64]; int av_unused last; int coeff_count = 0; int node_ctx = 0; uint8_t *significant_coeff_ctx_base; uint8_t *last_coeff_ctx_base; uint8_t *abs_level_m1_ctx_base; #if !ARCH_X86 #define CABAC_ON_STACK #endif #ifdef CABAC_ON_STACK #define CC &cc CABACContext cc; cc.range = h->cabac.range; cc.low = h->cabac.low; cc.bytestream= h->cabac.bytestream; cc.bytestream_end = h->cabac.bytestream_end; #else #define CC &h->cabac #endif significant_coeff_ctx_base = h->cabac_state + significant_coeff_flag_offset[MB_FIELD][cat]; last_coeff_ctx_base = h->cabac_state + last_coeff_flag_offset[MB_FIELD][cat]; abs_level_m1_ctx_base = h->cabac_state + coeff_abs_level_m1_offset[cat]; if( !is_dc && max_coeff == 64 ) { #define DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE( coefs, sig_off, last_off ) \ for(last= 0; last < coefs; last++) { \ uint8_t *sig_ctx = significant_coeff_ctx_base + sig_off; \ if( get_cabac( CC, sig_ctx )) { \ uint8_t *last_ctx = last_coeff_ctx_base + last_off; \ index[coeff_count++] = last; \ if( get_cabac( CC, last_ctx ) ) { \ last= max_coeff; \ break; \ } \ } \ }\ if( last == max_coeff -1 ) {\ index[coeff_count++] = last;\ } const uint8_t *sig_off = significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[MB_FIELD]; #if ARCH_X86 && HAVE_7REGS coeff_count= decode_significance_8x8_x86(CC, significant_coeff_ctx_base, index, last_coeff_ctx_base, sig_off); } else { if (is_dc && chroma422) { DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE(7, sig_coeff_offset_dc[last], sig_coeff_offset_dc[last]); } else { coeff_count= decode_significance_x86(CC, max_coeff, significant_coeff_ctx_base, index, last_coeff_ctx_base-significant_coeff_ctx_base); } #else DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE( 63, sig_off[last], ff_h264_last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[last] ); } else { if (is_dc && chroma422) { DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE(7, sig_coeff_offset_dc[last], sig_coeff_offset_dc[last]); } else { DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE(max_coeff - 1, last, last); } #endif } assert(coeff_count > 0); if( is_dc ) { if( cat == 3 ) h->cbp_table[h->mb_xy] |= 0x40 << (n - CHROMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX); else h->cbp_table[h->mb_xy] |= 0x100 << (n - LUMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX); h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]] = coeff_count; } else { if( max_coeff == 64 ) fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]], 2, 2, 8, coeff_count, 1); else { assert( cat == 1 || cat == 2 || cat == 4 || cat == 7 || cat == 8 || cat == 11 || cat == 12 ); h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]] = coeff_count; } } #define STORE_BLOCK(type) \ do { \ uint8_t *ctx = coeff_abs_level1_ctx[node_ctx] + abs_level_m1_ctx_base; \ \ int j= scantable[index[--coeff_count]]; \ \ if( get_cabac( CC, ctx ) == 0 ) { \ node_ctx = coeff_abs_level_transition[0][node_ctx]; \ if( is_dc ) { \ ((type*)block)[j] = get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -1); \ }else{ \ ((type*)block)[j] = (get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -qmul[j]) + 32) >> 6; \ } \ } else { \ int coeff_abs = 2; \ ctx = coeff_abs_levelgt1_ctx[is_dc && chroma422][node_ctx] + abs_level_m1_ctx_base; \ node_ctx = coeff_abs_level_transition[1][node_ctx]; \ \ while( coeff_abs < 15 && get_cabac( CC, ctx ) ) { \ coeff_abs++; \ } \ \ if( coeff_abs >= 15 ) { \ int j = 0; \ while( get_cabac_bypass( CC ) ) { \ j++; \ } \ \ coeff_abs=1; \ while( j-- ) { \ coeff_abs += coeff_abs + get_cabac_bypass( CC ); \ } \ coeff_abs+= 14; \ } \ \ if( is_dc ) { \ ((type*)block)[j] = get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -coeff_abs ); \ }else{ \ ((type*)block)[j] = ((int)(get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -coeff_abs ) * qmul[j] + 32)) >> 6; \ } \ } \ } while ( coeff_count ); if (h->pixel_shift) { STORE_BLOCK(int32_t) } else { STORE_BLOCK(int16_t) } #ifdef CABAC_ON_STACK h->cabac.range = cc.range ; h->cabac.low = cc.low ; h->cabac.bytestream= cc.bytestream; #endif }
['int ff_h264_decode_mb_cabac(H264Context *h) {\n MpegEncContext * const s = &h->s;\n int mb_xy;\n int mb_type, partition_count, cbp = 0;\n int dct8x8_allowed= h->pps.transform_8x8_mode;\n int decode_chroma = h->sps.chroma_format_idc == 1 || h->sps.chroma_format_idc == 2;\n const int pixel_shift = h->pixel_shift;\n mb_xy = h->mb_xy = s->mb_x + s->mb_y*s->mb_stride;\n tprintf(s->avctx, "pic:%d mb:%d/%d\\n", h->frame_num, s->mb_x, s->mb_y);\n if( h->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I ) {\n int skip;\n if( FRAME_MBAFF && (s->mb_y&1)==1 && h->prev_mb_skipped )\n skip = h->next_mb_skipped;\n else\n skip = decode_cabac_mb_skip( h, s->mb_x, s->mb_y );\n if( skip ) {\n if( FRAME_MBAFF && (s->mb_y&1)==0 ){\n s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_xy] = MB_TYPE_SKIP;\n h->next_mb_skipped = decode_cabac_mb_skip( h, s->mb_x, s->mb_y+1 );\n if(!h->next_mb_skipped)\n h->mb_mbaff = h->mb_field_decoding_flag = decode_cabac_field_decoding_flag(h);\n }\n decode_mb_skip(h);\n h->cbp_table[mb_xy] = 0;\n h->chroma_pred_mode_table[mb_xy] = 0;\n h->last_qscale_diff = 0;\n return 0;\n }\n }\n if(FRAME_MBAFF){\n if( (s->mb_y&1) == 0 )\n h->mb_mbaff =\n h->mb_field_decoding_flag = decode_cabac_field_decoding_flag(h);\n }\n h->prev_mb_skipped = 0;\n fill_decode_neighbors(h, -(MB_FIELD));\n if( h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B ) {\n int ctx = 0;\n assert(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B);\n if( !IS_DIRECT( h->left_type[LTOP]-1 ) )\n ctx++;\n if( !IS_DIRECT( h->top_type-1 ) )\n ctx++;\n if( !get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+ctx] ) ){\n mb_type= 0;\n }else if( !get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+3] ) ) {\n mb_type= 1 + get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+5] );\n }else{\n int bits;\n bits = get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+4] ) << 3;\n bits+= get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+5] ) << 2;\n bits+= get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+5] ) << 1;\n bits+= get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+5] );\n if( bits < 8 ){\n mb_type= bits + 3;\n }else if( bits == 13 ){\n mb_type= decode_cabac_intra_mb_type(h, 32, 0);\n goto decode_intra_mb;\n }else if( bits == 14 ){\n mb_type= 11;\n }else if( bits == 15 ){\n mb_type= 22;\n }else{\n bits= ( bits<<1 ) + get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[27+5] );\n mb_type= bits - 4;\n }\n }\n partition_count= b_mb_type_info[mb_type].partition_count;\n mb_type= b_mb_type_info[mb_type].type;\n } else if( h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P ) {\n if( get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[14] ) == 0 ) {\n if( get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[15] ) == 0 ) {\n mb_type= 3 * get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[16] );\n } else {\n mb_type= 2 - get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[17] );\n }\n partition_count= p_mb_type_info[mb_type].partition_count;\n mb_type= p_mb_type_info[mb_type].type;\n } else {\n mb_type= decode_cabac_intra_mb_type(h, 17, 0);\n goto decode_intra_mb;\n }\n } else {\n mb_type= decode_cabac_intra_mb_type(h, 3, 1);\n if(h->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SI && mb_type)\n mb_type--;\n assert(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I);\ndecode_intra_mb:\n partition_count = 0;\n cbp= i_mb_type_info[mb_type].cbp;\n h->intra16x16_pred_mode= i_mb_type_info[mb_type].pred_mode;\n mb_type= i_mb_type_info[mb_type].type;\n }\n if(MB_FIELD)\n mb_type |= MB_TYPE_INTERLACED;\n h->slice_table[ mb_xy ]= h->slice_num;\n if(IS_INTRA_PCM(mb_type)) {\n const int mb_size = ff_h264_mb_sizes[h->sps.chroma_format_idc] *\n h->sps.bit_depth_luma >> 3;\n const uint8_t *ptr;\n ptr= h->cabac.bytestream;\n if(h->cabac.low&0x1) ptr--;\n if(CABAC_BITS==16){\n if(h->cabac.low&0x1FF) ptr--;\n }\n if ((int) (h->cabac.bytestream_end - ptr) < mb_size)\n return -1;\n memcpy(h->mb, ptr, mb_size); ptr+=mb_size;\n ff_init_cabac_decoder(&h->cabac, ptr, h->cabac.bytestream_end - ptr);\n h->cbp_table[mb_xy] = 0xf7ef;\n h->chroma_pred_mode_table[mb_xy] = 0;\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_xy] = 0;\n memset(h->non_zero_count[mb_xy], 16, 48);\n s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_xy] = mb_type;\n h->last_qscale_diff = 0;\n return 0;\n }\n if(MB_MBAFF){\n h->ref_count[0] <<= 1;\n h->ref_count[1] <<= 1;\n }\n fill_decode_caches(h, mb_type);\n if( IS_INTRA( mb_type ) ) {\n int i, pred_mode;\n if( IS_INTRA4x4( mb_type ) ) {\n if( dct8x8_allowed && get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[399 + h->neighbor_transform_size] ) ) {\n mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8DCT;\n for( i = 0; i < 16; i+=4 ) {\n int pred = pred_intra_mode( h, i );\n int mode = decode_cabac_mb_intra4x4_pred_mode( h, pred );\n fill_rectangle( &h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[ scan8[i] ], 2, 2, 8, mode, 1 );\n }\n } else {\n for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {\n int pred = pred_intra_mode( h, i );\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[ scan8[i] ] = decode_cabac_mb_intra4x4_pred_mode( h, pred );\n }\n }\n write_back_intra_pred_mode(h);\n if( ff_h264_check_intra4x4_pred_mode(h) < 0 ) return -1;\n } else {\n h->intra16x16_pred_mode= ff_h264_check_intra_pred_mode( h, h->intra16x16_pred_mode, 0 );\n if( h->intra16x16_pred_mode < 0 ) return -1;\n }\n if(decode_chroma){\n h->chroma_pred_mode_table[mb_xy] =\n pred_mode = decode_cabac_mb_chroma_pre_mode( h );\n pred_mode= ff_h264_check_intra_pred_mode( h, pred_mode, 1 );\n if( pred_mode < 0 ) return -1;\n h->chroma_pred_mode= pred_mode;\n } else {\n h->chroma_pred_mode= DC_128_PRED8x8;\n }\n } else if( partition_count == 4 ) {\n int i, j, sub_partition_count[4], list, ref[2][4];\n if( h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B ) {\n for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {\n h->sub_mb_type[i] = decode_cabac_b_mb_sub_type( h );\n sub_partition_count[i]= b_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].partition_count;\n h->sub_mb_type[i]= b_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].type;\n }\n if( IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[0] | h->sub_mb_type[1] |\n h->sub_mb_type[2] | h->sub_mb_type[3]) ) {\n ff_h264_pred_direct_motion(h, &mb_type);\n h->ref_cache[0][scan8[4]] =\n h->ref_cache[1][scan8[4]] =\n h->ref_cache[0][scan8[12]] =\n h->ref_cache[1][scan8[12]] = PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;\n for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )\n fill_rectangle( &h->direct_cache[scan8[4*i]], 2, 2, 8, (h->sub_mb_type[i]>>1)&0xFF, 1 );\n }\n } else {\n for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {\n h->sub_mb_type[i] = decode_cabac_p_mb_sub_type( h );\n sub_partition_count[i]= p_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].partition_count;\n h->sub_mb_type[i]= p_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].type;\n }\n }\n for( list = 0; list < h->list_count; list++ ) {\n for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {\n if(IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i])) continue;\n if(IS_DIR(h->sub_mb_type[i], 0, list)){\n if( h->ref_count[list] > 1 ){\n ref[list][i] = decode_cabac_mb_ref( h, list, 4*i );\n if(ref[list][i] >= (unsigned)h->ref_count[list]){\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Reference %d >= %d\\n", ref[list][i], h->ref_count[list]);\n return -1;\n }\n }else\n ref[list][i] = 0;\n } else {\n ref[list][i] = -1;\n }\n h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+1 ]=\n h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+8 ]=h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+9 ]= ref[list][i];\n }\n }\n if(dct8x8_allowed)\n dct8x8_allowed = get_dct8x8_allowed(h);\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n for(i=0; i<4; i++){\n h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i] ]=h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+1 ];\n if(IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i])){\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][scan8[4*i]], 2, 2, 8, 0, 2);\n continue;\n }\n if(IS_DIR(h->sub_mb_type[i], 0, list) && !IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i])){\n const int sub_mb_type= h->sub_mb_type[i];\n const int block_width= (sub_mb_type & (MB_TYPE_16x16|MB_TYPE_16x8)) ? 2 : 1;\n for(j=0; j<sub_partition_count[i]; j++){\n int mpx, mpy;\n int mx, my;\n const int index= 4*i + block_width*j;\n int16_t (* mv_cache)[2]= &h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[index] ];\n uint8_t (* mvd_cache)[2]= &h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[index] ];\n pred_motion(h, index, block_width, list, h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[index] ], &mx, &my);\n DECODE_CABAC_MB_MVD( h, list, index)\n tprintf(s->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\\n", mx, my);\n if(IS_SUB_8X8(sub_mb_type)){\n mv_cache[ 1 ][0]=\n mv_cache[ 8 ][0]= mv_cache[ 9 ][0]= mx;\n mv_cache[ 1 ][1]=\n mv_cache[ 8 ][1]= mv_cache[ 9 ][1]= my;\n mvd_cache[ 1 ][0]=\n mvd_cache[ 8 ][0]= mvd_cache[ 9 ][0]= mpx;\n mvd_cache[ 1 ][1]=\n mvd_cache[ 8 ][1]= mvd_cache[ 9 ][1]= mpy;\n }else if(IS_SUB_8X4(sub_mb_type)){\n mv_cache[ 1 ][0]= mx;\n mv_cache[ 1 ][1]= my;\n mvd_cache[ 1 ][0]= mpx;\n mvd_cache[ 1 ][1]= mpy;\n }else if(IS_SUB_4X8(sub_mb_type)){\n mv_cache[ 8 ][0]= mx;\n mv_cache[ 8 ][1]= my;\n mvd_cache[ 8 ][0]= mpx;\n mvd_cache[ 8 ][1]= mpy;\n }\n mv_cache[ 0 ][0]= mx;\n mv_cache[ 0 ][1]= my;\n mvd_cache[ 0 ][0]= mpx;\n mvd_cache[ 0 ][1]= mpy;\n }\n }else{\n fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache [list][ scan8[4*i] ], 2, 2, 8, 0, 4);\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[4*i] ], 2, 2, 8, 0, 2);\n }\n }\n }\n } else if( IS_DIRECT(mb_type) ) {\n ff_h264_pred_direct_motion(h, &mb_type);\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 2);\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[1][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 2);\n dct8x8_allowed &= h->sps.direct_8x8_inference_flag;\n } else {\n int list, i;\n if(IS_16X16(mb_type)){\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n if(IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, list)){\n int ref;\n if(h->ref_count[list] > 1){\n ref= decode_cabac_mb_ref(h, list, 0);\n if(ref >= (unsigned)h->ref_count[list]){\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Reference %d >= %d\\n", ref, h->ref_count[list]);\n return -1;\n }\n }else\n ref=0;\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], 4, 4, 8, ref, 1);\n }\n }\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n if(IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, list)){\n int mx,my,mpx,mpy;\n pred_motion(h, 0, 4, list, h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], &mx, &my);\n DECODE_CABAC_MB_MVD( h, list, 0)\n tprintf(s->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\\n", mx, my);\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], 4, 4, 8, pack8to16(mpx,mpy), 2);\n fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], 4, 4, 8, pack16to32(mx,my), 4);\n }\n }\n }\n else if(IS_16X8(mb_type)){\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n for(i=0; i<2; i++){\n if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){\n int ref;\n if(h->ref_count[list] > 1){\n ref= decode_cabac_mb_ref( h, list, 8*i );\n if(ref >= (unsigned)h->ref_count[list]){\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Reference %d >= %d\\n", ref, h->ref_count[list]);\n return -1;\n }\n }else\n ref=0;\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, ref, 1);\n }else\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, (LIST_NOT_USED&0xFF), 1);\n }\n }\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n for(i=0; i<2; i++){\n if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){\n int mx,my,mpx,mpy;\n pred_16x8_motion(h, 8*i, list, h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] + 16*i], &mx, &my);\n DECODE_CABAC_MB_MVD( h, list, 8*i)\n tprintf(s->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\\n", mx, my);\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, pack8to16(mpx,mpy), 2);\n fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, pack16to32(mx,my), 4);\n }else{\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, 0, 2);\n fill_rectangle(h-> mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, 0, 4);\n }\n }\n }\n }else{\n assert(IS_8X16(mb_type));\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n for(i=0; i<2; i++){\n if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){\n int ref;\n if(h->ref_count[list] > 1){\n ref= decode_cabac_mb_ref( h, list, 4*i );\n if(ref >= (unsigned)h->ref_count[list]){\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Reference %d >= %d\\n", ref, h->ref_count[list]);\n return -1;\n }\n }else\n ref=0;\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, ref, 1);\n }else\n fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, (LIST_NOT_USED&0xFF), 1);\n }\n }\n for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){\n for(i=0; i<2; i++){\n if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){\n int mx,my,mpx,mpy;\n pred_8x16_motion(h, i*4, list, h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], &mx, &my);\n DECODE_CABAC_MB_MVD( h, list, 4*i)\n tprintf(s->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\\n", mx, my);\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, pack8to16(mpx,mpy), 2);\n fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, pack16to32(mx,my), 4);\n }else{\n fill_rectangle(h->mvd_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, 0, 2);\n fill_rectangle(h-> mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, 0, 4);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if( IS_INTER( mb_type ) ) {\n h->chroma_pred_mode_table[mb_xy] = 0;\n write_back_motion( h, mb_type );\n }\n if( !IS_INTRA16x16( mb_type ) ) {\n cbp = decode_cabac_mb_cbp_luma( h );\n if(decode_chroma)\n cbp |= decode_cabac_mb_cbp_chroma( h ) << 4;\n }\n h->cbp_table[mb_xy] = h->cbp = cbp;\n if( dct8x8_allowed && (cbp&15) && !IS_INTRA( mb_type ) ) {\n mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8DCT * get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[399 + h->neighbor_transform_size] );\n }\n if (CHROMA444 && IS_8x8DCT(mb_type)){\n int i;\n uint8_t *nnz_cache = h->non_zero_count_cache;\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++){\n if (h->left_type[LEFT(i)] && !IS_8x8DCT(h->left_type[LEFT(i)])){\n nnz_cache[3+8* 1 + 2*8*i]=\n nnz_cache[3+8* 2 + 2*8*i]=\n nnz_cache[3+8* 6 + 2*8*i]=\n nnz_cache[3+8* 7 + 2*8*i]=\n nnz_cache[3+8*11 + 2*8*i]=\n nnz_cache[3+8*12 + 2*8*i]= IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 64 : 0;\n }\n }\n if (h->top_type && !IS_8x8DCT(h->top_type)){\n uint32_t top_empty = CABAC && !IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0 : 0x40404040;\n AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4+8* 0], top_empty);\n AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4+8* 5], top_empty);\n AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4+8*10], top_empty);\n }\n }\n s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_xy] = mb_type;\n if( cbp || IS_INTRA16x16( mb_type ) ) {\n const uint8_t *scan, *scan8x8;\n const uint32_t *qmul;\n if(IS_INTERLACED(mb_type)){\n scan8x8= s->qscale ? h->field_scan8x8 : h->field_scan8x8_q0;\n scan= s->qscale ? h->field_scan : h->field_scan_q0;\n }else{\n scan8x8= s->qscale ? h->zigzag_scan8x8 : h->zigzag_scan8x8_q0;\n scan= s->qscale ? h->zigzag_scan : h->zigzag_scan_q0;\n }\n if(get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[60 + (h->last_qscale_diff != 0)])){\n int val = 1;\n int ctx= 2;\n const int max_qp = 51 + 6*(h->sps.bit_depth_luma-8);\n while( get_cabac_noinline( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[60 + ctx] ) ) {\n ctx= 3;\n val++;\n if(val > 2*max_qp){\n av_log(h->s.avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "cabac decode of qscale diff failed at %d %d\\n", s->mb_x, s->mb_y);\n return -1;\n }\n }\n if( val&0x01 )\n val= (val + 1)>>1 ;\n else\n val= -((val + 1)>>1);\n h->last_qscale_diff = val;\n s->qscale += val;\n if(((unsigned)s->qscale) > max_qp){\n if(s->qscale<0) s->qscale+= max_qp+1;\n else s->qscale-= max_qp+1;\n }\n h->chroma_qp[0] = get_chroma_qp(h, 0, s->qscale);\n h->chroma_qp[1] = get_chroma_qp(h, 1, s->qscale);\n }else\n h->last_qscale_diff=0;\n decode_cabac_luma_residual(h, scan, scan8x8, pixel_shift, mb_type, cbp, 0);\n if(CHROMA444){\n decode_cabac_luma_residual(h, scan, scan8x8, pixel_shift, mb_type, cbp, 1);\n decode_cabac_luma_residual(h, scan, scan8x8, pixel_shift, mb_type, cbp, 2);\n } else if (CHROMA422) {\n if( cbp&0x30 ){\n int c;\n for( c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) {\n decode_cabac_residual_dc_422(h, h->mb + ((256 + 16*16*c) << pixel_shift), 3,\n CHROMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX + c,\n chroma422_dc_scan, 8);\n }\n }\n if( cbp&0x20 ) {\n int c, i, i8x8;\n for( c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) {\n DCTELEM *mb = h->mb + (16*(16 + 16*c) << pixel_shift);\n qmul = h->dequant4_coeff[c+1+(IS_INTRA( mb_type ) ? 0:3)][h->chroma_qp[c]];\n for (i8x8 = 0; i8x8 < 2; i8x8++) {\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n const int index = 16 + 16 * c + 8*i8x8 + i;\n decode_cabac_residual_nondc(h, mb, 4, index, scan + 1, qmul, 15);\n mb += 16<<pixel_shift;\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[16]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[32]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n }\n } else {\n if( cbp&0x30 ){\n int c;\n for( c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) {\n decode_cabac_residual_dc(h, h->mb + ((256 + 16*16*c) << pixel_shift), 3, CHROMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX+c, chroma_dc_scan, 4);\n }\n }\n if( cbp&0x20 ) {\n int c, i;\n for( c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) {\n qmul = h->dequant4_coeff[c+1+(IS_INTRA( mb_type ) ? 0:3)][h->chroma_qp[c]];\n for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {\n const int index = 16 + 16 * c + i;\n decode_cabac_residual_nondc(h, h->mb + (16*index << pixel_shift), 4, index, scan + 1, qmul, 15);\n }\n }\n } else {\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[16]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[32]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n }\n }\n } else {\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[ 0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[16]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[32]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n h->last_qscale_diff = 0;\n }\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_xy] = s->qscale;\n write_back_non_zero_count(h);\n if(MB_MBAFF){\n h->ref_count[0] >>= 1;\n h->ref_count[1] >>= 1;\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'static void fill_decode_caches(H264Context *h, int mb_type)\n{\n MpegEncContext *const s = &h->s;\n int topleft_xy, top_xy, topright_xy, left_xy[LEFT_MBS];\n int topleft_type, top_type, topright_type, left_type[LEFT_MBS];\n const uint8_t *left_block = h->left_block;\n int i;\n uint8_t *nnz;\n uint8_t *nnz_cache;\n topleft_xy = h->topleft_mb_xy;\n top_xy = h->top_mb_xy;\n topright_xy = h->topright_mb_xy;\n left_xy[LTOP] = h->left_mb_xy[LTOP];\n left_xy[LBOT] = h->left_mb_xy[LBOT];\n topleft_type = h->topleft_type;\n top_type = h->top_type;\n topright_type = h->topright_type;\n left_type[LTOP] = h->left_type[LTOP];\n left_type[LBOT] = h->left_type[LBOT];\n if (!IS_SKIP(mb_type)) {\n if (IS_INTRA(mb_type)) {\n int type_mask = h->pps.constrained_intra_pred ? IS_INTRA(-1) : -1;\n h->topleft_samples_available =\n h->top_samples_available =\n h->left_samples_available = 0xFFFF;\n h->topright_samples_available = 0xEEEA;\n if (!(top_type & type_mask)) {\n h->topleft_samples_available = 0xB3FF;\n h->top_samples_available = 0x33FF;\n h->topright_samples_available = 0x26EA;\n }\n if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type) != IS_INTERLACED(left_type[LTOP])) {\n if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type)) {\n if (!(left_type[LTOP] & type_mask)) {\n h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xDFFF;\n h->left_samples_available &= 0x5FFF;\n }\n if (!(left_type[LBOT] & type_mask)) {\n h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xFF5F;\n h->left_samples_available &= 0xFF5F;\n }\n } else {\n int left_typei = s->current_picture.f.mb_type[left_xy[LTOP] + s->mb_stride];\n assert(left_xy[LTOP] == left_xy[LBOT]);\n if (!((left_typei & type_mask) && (left_type[LTOP] & type_mask))) {\n h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xDF5F;\n h->left_samples_available &= 0x5F5F;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!(left_type[LTOP] & type_mask)) {\n h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xDF5F;\n h->left_samples_available &= 0x5F5F;\n }\n }\n if (!(topleft_type & type_mask))\n h->topleft_samples_available &= 0x7FFF;\n if (!(topright_type & type_mask))\n h->topright_samples_available &= 0xFBFF;\n if (IS_INTRA4x4(mb_type)) {\n if (IS_INTRA4x4(top_type)) {\n AV_COPY32(h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache + 4 + 8 * 0, h->intra4x4_pred_mode + h->mb2br_xy[top_xy]);\n } else {\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[4 + 8 * 0] =\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[5 + 8 * 0] =\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[6 + 8 * 0] =\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[7 + 8 * 0] = 2 - 3 * !(top_type & type_mask);\n }\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n if (IS_INTRA4x4(left_type[LEFT(i)])) {\n int8_t *mode = h->intra4x4_pred_mode + h->mb2br_xy[left_xy[LEFT(i)]];\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] = mode[6 - left_block[0 + 2 * i]];\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] = mode[6 - left_block[1 + 2 * i]];\n } else {\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] =\n h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] = 2 - 3 * !(left_type[LEFT(i)] & type_mask);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n nnz_cache = h->non_zero_count_cache;\n if (top_type) {\n nnz = h->non_zero_count[top_xy];\n AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 0], &nnz[4 * 3]);\n if (!s->chroma_y_shift) {\n AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 5], &nnz[4 * 7]);\n AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 10], &nnz[4 * 11]);\n } else {\n AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 5], &nnz[4 * 5]);\n AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 10], &nnz[4 * 9]);\n }\n } else {\n uint32_t top_empty = CABAC && !IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0 : 0x40404040;\n AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 0], top_empty);\n AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 5], top_empty);\n AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 10], top_empty);\n }\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n if (left_type[LEFT(i)]) {\n nnz = h->non_zero_count[left_xy[LEFT(i)]];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i]];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i]];\n if (CHROMA444) {\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] + 4 * 4];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 7 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] + 4 * 4];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] + 8 * 4];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 12 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] + 8 * 4];\n } else if (CHROMA422) {\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] - 2 + 4 * 4];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 7 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] - 2 + 4 * 4];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] - 2 + 8 * 4];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 12 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] - 2 + 8 * 4];\n } else {\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 4 + 2 * i]];\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 5 + 2 * i]];\n }\n } else {\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] =\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] =\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 2 * 8 * i] =\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 7 + 2 * 8 * i] =\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 2 * 8 * i] =\n nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 12 + 2 * 8 * i] = CABAC && !IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0 : 64;\n }\n }\n if (CABAC) {\n if (top_type)\n h->top_cbp = h->cbp_table[top_xy];\n else\n h->top_cbp = IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0x7CF : 0x00F;\n if (left_type[LTOP]) {\n h->left_cbp = (h->cbp_table[left_xy[LTOP]] & 0x7F0) |\n ((h->cbp_table[left_xy[LTOP]] >> (left_block[0] & (~1))) & 2) |\n (((h->cbp_table[left_xy[LBOT]] >> (left_block[2] & (~1))) & 2) << 2);\n } else {\n h->left_cbp = IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0x7CF : 0x00F;\n }\n }\n }\n if (IS_INTER(mb_type) || (IS_DIRECT(mb_type) && h->direct_spatial_mv_pred)) {\n int list;\n int b_stride = h->b_stride;\n for (list = 0; list < h->list_count; list++) {\n int8_t *ref_cache = &h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0]];\n int8_t *ref = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[list];\n int16_t(*mv_cache)[2] = &h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0]];\n int16_t(*mv)[2] = s->current_picture.f.motion_val[list];\n if (!USES_LIST(mb_type, list))\n continue;\n assert(!(IS_DIRECT(mb_type) && !h->direct_spatial_mv_pred));\n if (USES_LIST(top_type, list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[top_xy] + 3 * b_stride;\n AV_COPY128(mv_cache[0 - 1 * 8], mv[b_xy + 0]);\n ref_cache[0 - 1 * 8] =\n ref_cache[1 - 1 * 8] = ref[4 * top_xy + 2];\n ref_cache[2 - 1 * 8] =\n ref_cache[3 - 1 * 8] = ref[4 * top_xy + 3];\n } else {\n AV_ZERO128(mv_cache[0 - 1 * 8]);\n AV_WN32A(&ref_cache[0 - 1 * 8],\n ((top_type ? LIST_NOT_USED : PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) & 0xFF) * 0x01010101u);\n }\n if (mb_type & (MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x8)) {\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n int cache_idx = -1 + i * 2 * 8;\n if (USES_LIST(left_type[LEFT(i)], list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[left_xy[LEFT(i)]] + 3;\n const int b8_xy = 4 * left_xy[LEFT(i)] + 1;\n AV_COPY32(mv_cache[cache_idx],\n mv[b_xy + b_stride * left_block[0 + i * 2]]);\n AV_COPY32(mv_cache[cache_idx + 8],\n mv[b_xy + b_stride * left_block[1 + i * 2]]);\n ref_cache[cache_idx] = ref[b8_xy + (left_block[0 + i * 2] & ~1)];\n ref_cache[cache_idx + 8] = ref[b8_xy + (left_block[1 + i * 2] & ~1)];\n } else {\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[cache_idx]);\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[cache_idx + 8]);\n ref_cache[cache_idx] =\n ref_cache[cache_idx + 8] = (left_type[LEFT(i)]) ? LIST_NOT_USED\n : PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (USES_LIST(left_type[LTOP], list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[left_xy[LTOP]] + 3;\n const int b8_xy = 4 * left_xy[LTOP] + 1;\n AV_COPY32(mv_cache[-1], mv[b_xy + b_stride * left_block[0]]);\n ref_cache[-1] = ref[b8_xy + (left_block[0] & ~1)];\n } else {\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[-1]);\n ref_cache[-1] = left_type[LTOP] ? LIST_NOT_USED\n : PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;\n }\n }\n if (USES_LIST(topright_type, list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[topright_xy] + 3 * b_stride;\n AV_COPY32(mv_cache[4 - 1 * 8], mv[b_xy]);\n ref_cache[4 - 1 * 8] = ref[4 * topright_xy + 2];\n } else {\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[4 - 1 * 8]);\n ref_cache[4 - 1 * 8] = topright_type ? LIST_NOT_USED\n : PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;\n }\n if (ref_cache[4 - 1 * 8] < 0) {\n if (USES_LIST(topleft_type, list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[topleft_xy] + 3 + b_stride +\n (h->topleft_partition & 2 * b_stride);\n const int b8_xy = 4 * topleft_xy + 1 + (h->topleft_partition & 2);\n AV_COPY32(mv_cache[-1 - 1 * 8], mv[b_xy]);\n ref_cache[-1 - 1 * 8] = ref[b8_xy];\n } else {\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[-1 - 1 * 8]);\n ref_cache[-1 - 1 * 8] = topleft_type ? LIST_NOT_USED\n : PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;\n }\n }\n if ((mb_type & (MB_TYPE_SKIP | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2)) && !FRAME_MBAFF)\n continue;\n if (!(mb_type & (MB_TYPE_SKIP | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2))) {\n uint8_t(*mvd_cache)[2] = &h->mvd_cache[list][scan8[0]];\n uint8_t(*mvd)[2] = h->mvd_table[list];\n ref_cache[2 + 8 * 0] =\n ref_cache[2 + 8 * 2] = PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[2 + 8 * 0]);\n AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[2 + 8 * 2]);\n if (CABAC) {\n if (USES_LIST(top_type, list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2br_xy[top_xy];\n AV_COPY64(mvd_cache[0 - 1 * 8], mvd[b_xy + 0]);\n } else {\n AV_ZERO64(mvd_cache[0 - 1 * 8]);\n }\n if (USES_LIST(left_type[LTOP], list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2br_xy[left_xy[LTOP]] + 6;\n AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 0 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[0]]);\n AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 1 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[1]]);\n } else {\n AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 0 * 8]);\n AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 1 * 8]);\n }\n if (USES_LIST(left_type[LBOT], list)) {\n const int b_xy = h->mb2br_xy[left_xy[LBOT]] + 6;\n AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 2 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[2]]);\n AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 3 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[3]]);\n } else {\n AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 2 * 8]);\n AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 3 * 8]);\n }\n AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[2 + 8 * 0]);\n AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[2 + 8 * 2]);\n if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {\n uint8_t *direct_cache = &h->direct_cache[scan8[0]];\n uint8_t *direct_table = h->direct_table;\n fill_rectangle(direct_cache, 4, 4, 8, MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1, 1);\n if (IS_DIRECT(top_type)) {\n AV_WN32A(&direct_cache[-1 * 8],\n 0x01010101u * (MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 >> 1));\n } else if (IS_8X8(top_type)) {\n int b8_xy = 4 * top_xy;\n direct_cache[0 - 1 * 8] = direct_table[b8_xy + 2];\n direct_cache[2 - 1 * 8] = direct_table[b8_xy + 3];\n } else {\n AV_WN32A(&direct_cache[-1 * 8],\n 0x01010101 * (MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1));\n }\n if (IS_DIRECT(left_type[LTOP]))\n direct_cache[-1 + 0 * 8] = MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 >> 1;\n else if (IS_8X8(left_type[LTOP]))\n direct_cache[-1 + 0 * 8] = direct_table[4 * left_xy[LTOP] + 1 + (left_block[0] & ~1)];\n else\n direct_cache[-1 + 0 * 8] = MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1;\n if (IS_DIRECT(left_type[LBOT]))\n direct_cache[-1 + 2 * 8] = MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 >> 1;\n else if (IS_8X8(left_type[LBOT]))\n direct_cache[-1 + 2 * 8] = direct_table[4 * left_xy[LBOT] + 1 + (left_block[2] & ~1)];\n else\n direct_cache[-1 + 2 * 8] = MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1;\n }\n }\n }\n#define MAP_MVS \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 - 1 * 8, topleft_type) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 0 - 1 * 8, top_type) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 1 - 1 * 8, top_type) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 2 - 1 * 8, top_type) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 3 - 1 * 8, top_type) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 4 - 1 * 8, topright_type) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 0 * 8, left_type[LTOP]) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 1 * 8, left_type[LTOP]) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 2 * 8, left_type[LBOT]) \\\n MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 3 * 8, left_type[LBOT])\n if (FRAME_MBAFF) {\n if (MB_FIELD) {\n#define MAP_F2F(idx, mb_type) \\\n if (!IS_INTERLACED(mb_type) && h->ref_cache[list][idx] >= 0) { \\\n h->ref_cache[list][idx] <<= 1; \\\n h->mv_cache[list][idx][1] /= 2; \\\n h->mvd_cache[list][idx][1] >>= 1; \\\n }\n MAP_MVS\n } else {\n#undef MAP_F2F\n#define MAP_F2F(idx, mb_type) \\\n if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type) && h->ref_cache[list][idx] >= 0) { \\\n h->ref_cache[list][idx] >>= 1; \\\n h->mv_cache[list][idx][1] <<= 1; \\\n h->mvd_cache[list][idx][1] <<= 1; \\\n }\n MAP_MVS\n#undef MAP_F2F\n }\n }\n }\n }\n h->neighbor_transform_size = !!IS_8x8DCT(top_type) + !!IS_8x8DCT(left_type[LTOP]);\n}', 'static av_always_inline void decode_cabac_luma_residual( H264Context *h, const uint8_t *scan, const uint8_t *scan8x8, int pixel_shift, int mb_type, int cbp, int p )\n{\n static const uint8_t ctx_cat[4][3] = {{0,6,10},{1,7,11},{2,8,12},{5,9,13}};\n const uint32_t *qmul;\n int i8x8, i4x4;\n MpegEncContext * const s = &h->s;\n int qscale = p == 0 ? s->qscale : h->chroma_qp[p-1];\n if( IS_INTRA16x16( mb_type ) ) {\n AV_ZERO128(h->mb_luma_dc[p]+0);\n AV_ZERO128(h->mb_luma_dc[p]+8);\n AV_ZERO128(h->mb_luma_dc[p]+16);\n AV_ZERO128(h->mb_luma_dc[p]+24);\n decode_cabac_residual_dc(h, h->mb_luma_dc[p], ctx_cat[0][p], LUMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX+p, scan, 16);\n if( cbp&15 ) {\n qmul = h->dequant4_coeff[p][qscale];\n for( i4x4 = 0; i4x4 < 16; i4x4++ ) {\n const int index = 16*p + i4x4;\n decode_cabac_residual_nondc(h, h->mb + (16*index << pixel_shift), ctx_cat[1][p], index, scan + 1, qmul, 15);\n }\n } else {\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[16*p]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);\n }\n } else {\n int cqm = (IS_INTRA( mb_type ) ? 0:3) + p;\n for( i8x8 = 0; i8x8 < 4; i8x8++ ) {\n if( cbp & (1<<i8x8) ) {\n if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) {\n const int index = 16*p + 4*i8x8;\n decode_cabac_residual_nondc(h, h->mb + (16*index << pixel_shift), ctx_cat[3][p], index,\n scan8x8, h->dequant8_coeff[cqm][qscale], 64);\n } else {\n qmul = h->dequant4_coeff[cqm][qscale];\n for( i4x4 = 0; i4x4 < 4; i4x4++ ) {\n const int index = 16*p + 4*i8x8 + i4x4;\n decode_cabac_residual_nondc(h, h->mb + (16*index << pixel_shift), ctx_cat[2][p], index, scan, qmul, 16);\n }\n }\n } else {\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[4*i8x8+16*p]], 2, 2, 8, 0, 1);\n }\n }\n }\n}', 'static av_always_inline void decode_cabac_residual_dc( H264Context *h, DCTELEM *block, int cat, int n, const uint8_t *scantable, int max_coeff ) {\n if( get_cabac( &h->cabac, &h->cabac_state[get_cabac_cbf_ctx( h, cat, n, max_coeff, 1 ) ] ) == 0 ) {\n h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]] = 0;\n return;\n }\n decode_cabac_residual_dc_internal( h, block, cat, n, scantable, max_coeff );\n}', 'static void decode_cabac_residual_dc_internal( H264Context *h, DCTELEM *block, int cat, int n, const uint8_t *scantable, int max_coeff ) {\n decode_cabac_residual_internal(h, block, cat, n, scantable, NULL, max_coeff, 1, 0);\n}', 'static av_always_inline void\ndecode_cabac_residual_internal(H264Context *h, DCTELEM *block,\n int cat, int n, const uint8_t *scantable,\n const uint32_t *qmul, int max_coeff,\n int is_dc, int chroma422)\n{\n static const int significant_coeff_flag_offset[2][14] = {\n { 105+0, 105+15, 105+29, 105+44, 105+47, 402, 484+0, 484+15, 484+29, 660, 528+0, 528+15, 528+29, 718 },\n { 277+0, 277+15, 277+29, 277+44, 277+47, 436, 776+0, 776+15, 776+29, 675, 820+0, 820+15, 820+29, 733 }\n };\n static const int last_coeff_flag_offset[2][14] = {\n { 166+0, 166+15, 166+29, 166+44, 166+47, 417, 572+0, 572+15, 572+29, 690, 616+0, 616+15, 616+29, 748 },\n { 338+0, 338+15, 338+29, 338+44, 338+47, 451, 864+0, 864+15, 864+29, 699, 908+0, 908+15, 908+29, 757 }\n };\n static const int coeff_abs_level_m1_offset[14] = {\n 227+0, 227+10, 227+20, 227+30, 227+39, 426, 952+0, 952+10, 952+20, 708, 982+0, 982+10, 982+20, 766\n };\n static const uint8_t significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[2][63] = {\n { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5,\n 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9,10, 9, 8, 7,\n 7, 6,11,12,13,11, 6, 7, 8, 9,14,10, 9, 8, 6,11,\n 12,13,11, 6, 9,14,10, 9,11,12,13,11,14,10,12 },\n { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 4, 5,\n 6, 9,10,10, 8,11,12,11, 9, 9,10,10, 8,11,12,11,\n 9, 9,10,10, 8,11,12,11, 9, 9,10,10, 8,13,13, 9,\n 9,10,10, 8,13,13, 9, 9,10,10,14,14,14,14,14 }\n };\n static const uint8_t sig_coeff_offset_dc[7] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 };\n static const uint8_t coeff_abs_level1_ctx[8] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 };\n static const uint8_t coeff_abs_levelgt1_ctx[2][8] = {\n { 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 },\n { 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 },\n };\n static const uint8_t coeff_abs_level_transition[2][8] = {\n { 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 },\n { 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 }\n };\n int index[64];\n int av_unused last;\n int coeff_count = 0;\n int node_ctx = 0;\n uint8_t *significant_coeff_ctx_base;\n uint8_t *last_coeff_ctx_base;\n uint8_t *abs_level_m1_ctx_base;\n#if !ARCH_X86\n#define CABAC_ON_STACK\n#endif\n#ifdef CABAC_ON_STACK\n#define CC &cc\n CABACContext cc;\n cc.range = h->cabac.range;\n cc.low = h->cabac.low;\n cc.bytestream= h->cabac.bytestream;\n cc.bytestream_end = h->cabac.bytestream_end;\n#else\n#define CC &h->cabac\n#endif\n significant_coeff_ctx_base = h->cabac_state\n + significant_coeff_flag_offset[MB_FIELD][cat];\n last_coeff_ctx_base = h->cabac_state\n + last_coeff_flag_offset[MB_FIELD][cat];\n abs_level_m1_ctx_base = h->cabac_state\n + coeff_abs_level_m1_offset[cat];\n if( !is_dc && max_coeff == 64 ) {\n#define DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE( coefs, sig_off, last_off ) \\\n for(last= 0; last < coefs; last++) { \\\n uint8_t *sig_ctx = significant_coeff_ctx_base + sig_off; \\\n if( get_cabac( CC, sig_ctx )) { \\\n uint8_t *last_ctx = last_coeff_ctx_base + last_off; \\\n index[coeff_count++] = last; \\\n if( get_cabac( CC, last_ctx ) ) { \\\n last= max_coeff; \\\n break; \\\n } \\\n } \\\n }\\\n if( last == max_coeff -1 ) {\\\n index[coeff_count++] = last;\\\n }\n const uint8_t *sig_off = significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[MB_FIELD];\n#if ARCH_X86 && HAVE_7REGS\n coeff_count= decode_significance_8x8_x86(CC, significant_coeff_ctx_base, index,\n last_coeff_ctx_base, sig_off);\n } else {\n if (is_dc && chroma422) {\n DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE(7, sig_coeff_offset_dc[last], sig_coeff_offset_dc[last]);\n } else {\n coeff_count= decode_significance_x86(CC, max_coeff, significant_coeff_ctx_base, index,\n last_coeff_ctx_base-significant_coeff_ctx_base);\n }\n#else\n DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE( 63, sig_off[last], ff_h264_last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[last] );\n } else {\n if (is_dc && chroma422) {\n DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE(7, sig_coeff_offset_dc[last], sig_coeff_offset_dc[last]);\n } else {\n DECODE_SIGNIFICANCE(max_coeff - 1, last, last);\n }\n#endif\n }\n assert(coeff_count > 0);\n if( is_dc ) {\n if( cat == 3 )\n h->cbp_table[h->mb_xy] |= 0x40 << (n - CHROMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX);\n else\n h->cbp_table[h->mb_xy] |= 0x100 << (n - LUMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX);\n h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]] = coeff_count;\n } else {\n if( max_coeff == 64 )\n fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]], 2, 2, 8, coeff_count, 1);\n else {\n assert( cat == 1 || cat == 2 || cat == 4 || cat == 7 || cat == 8 || cat == 11 || cat == 12 );\n h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[n]] = coeff_count;\n }\n }\n#define STORE_BLOCK(type) \\\n do { \\\n uint8_t *ctx = coeff_abs_level1_ctx[node_ctx] + abs_level_m1_ctx_base; \\\n \\\n int j= scantable[index[--coeff_count]]; \\\n \\\n if( get_cabac( CC, ctx ) == 0 ) { \\\n node_ctx = coeff_abs_level_transition[0][node_ctx]; \\\n if( is_dc ) { \\\n ((type*)block)[j] = get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -1); \\\n }else{ \\\n ((type*)block)[j] = (get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -qmul[j]) + 32) >> 6; \\\n } \\\n } else { \\\n int coeff_abs = 2; \\\n ctx = coeff_abs_levelgt1_ctx[is_dc && chroma422][node_ctx] + abs_level_m1_ctx_base; \\\n node_ctx = coeff_abs_level_transition[1][node_ctx]; \\\n\\\n while( coeff_abs < 15 && get_cabac( CC, ctx ) ) { \\\n coeff_abs++; \\\n } \\\n\\\n if( coeff_abs >= 15 ) { \\\n int j = 0; \\\n while( get_cabac_bypass( CC ) ) { \\\n j++; \\\n } \\\n\\\n coeff_abs=1; \\\n while( j-- ) { \\\n coeff_abs += coeff_abs + get_cabac_bypass( CC ); \\\n } \\\n coeff_abs+= 14; \\\n } \\\n\\\n if( is_dc ) { \\\n ((type*)block)[j] = get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -coeff_abs ); \\\n }else{ \\\n ((type*)block)[j] = ((int)(get_cabac_bypass_sign( CC, -coeff_abs ) * qmul[j] + 32)) >> 6; \\\n } \\\n } \\\n } while ( coeff_count );\n if (h->pixel_shift) {\n STORE_BLOCK(int32_t)\n } else {\n STORE_BLOCK(int16_t)\n }\n#ifdef CABAC_ON_STACK\n h->cabac.range = cc.range ;\n h->cabac.low = cc.low ;\n h->cabac.bytestream= cc.bytestream;\n#endif\n}']
static EVP_PKEY *hwcrhk_load_privkey(ENGINE *eng, const char *key_id, UI_METHOD *ui_method, void *callback_data) { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA RSA *rtmp = NULL; #endif EVP_PKEY *res = NULL; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA HWCryptoHook_MPI e, n; HWCryptoHook_RSAKeyHandle *hptr; #endif #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA) char tempbuf[1024]; HWCryptoHook_ErrMsgBuf rmsg; #endif HWCryptoHook_PassphraseContext ppctx; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA) rmsg.buf = tempbuf; rmsg.size = sizeof(tempbuf); #endif if(!hwcrhk_context) { HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY, HWCRHK_R_NOT_INITIALISED); goto err; } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA hptr = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(HWCryptoHook_RSAKeyHandle)); if (!hptr) { HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } ppctx.ui_method = ui_method; ppctx.callback_data = callback_data; if (p_hwcrhk_RSALoadKey(hwcrhk_context, key_id, hptr, &rmsg, &ppctx)) { HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY, HWCRHK_R_CHIL_ERROR); ERR_add_error_data(1,rmsg.buf); goto err; } if (!*hptr) { HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY, HWCRHK_R_NO_KEY); goto err; } #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA rtmp = RSA_new_method(eng); RSA_set_ex_data(rtmp, hndidx_rsa, (char *)hptr); rtmp->e = BN_new(); rtmp->n = BN_new(); rtmp->flags |= RSA_FLAG_EXT_PKEY; MPI2BN(rtmp->e, e); MPI2BN(rtmp->n, n); if (p_hwcrhk_RSAGetPublicKey(*hptr, &n, &e, &rmsg) != HWCRYPTOHOOK_ERROR_MPISIZE) { HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PUBKEY,HWCRHK_R_CHIL_ERROR); ERR_add_error_data(1,rmsg.buf); goto err; } bn_expand2(rtmp->e, e.size/sizeof(BN_ULONG)); bn_expand2(rtmp->n, n.size/sizeof(BN_ULONG)); MPI2BN(rtmp->e, e); MPI2BN(rtmp->n, n); if (p_hwcrhk_RSAGetPublicKey(*hptr, &n, &e, &rmsg)) { HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PUBKEY, HWCRHK_R_CHIL_ERROR); ERR_add_error_data(1,rmsg.buf); goto err; } rtmp->e->top = e.size / sizeof(BN_ULONG); bn_fix_top(rtmp->e); rtmp->n->top = n.size / sizeof(BN_ULONG); bn_fix_top(rtmp->n); res = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(res, rtmp); #endif if (!res) HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PUBKEY, HWCRHK_R_PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHMS_DISABLED); return res; err: if (res) EVP_PKEY_free(res); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA if (rtmp) RSA_free(rtmp); #endif return NULL; }
['static EVP_PKEY *hwcrhk_load_privkey(ENGINE *eng, const char *key_id,\n\tUI_METHOD *ui_method, void *callback_data)\n\t{\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA\n\tRSA *rtmp = NULL;\n#endif\n\tEVP_PKEY *res = NULL;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA\n\tHWCryptoHook_MPI e, n;\n\tHWCryptoHook_RSAKeyHandle *hptr;\n#endif\n#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA)\n\tchar tempbuf[1024];\n\tHWCryptoHook_ErrMsgBuf rmsg;\n#endif\n\tHWCryptoHook_PassphraseContext ppctx;\n#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA)\n\trmsg.buf = tempbuf;\n\trmsg.size = sizeof(tempbuf);\n#endif\n\tif(!hwcrhk_context)\n\t\t{\n\t\tHWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY,\n\t\t\tHWCRHK_R_NOT_INITIALISED);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA\n\thptr = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(HWCryptoHook_RSAKeyHandle));\n\tif (!hptr)\n\t\t{\n\t\tHWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY,\n\t\t\tERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n ppctx.ui_method = ui_method;\n\tppctx.callback_data = callback_data;\n\tif (p_hwcrhk_RSALoadKey(hwcrhk_context, key_id, hptr,\n\t\t&rmsg, &ppctx))\n\t\t{\n\t\tHWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY,\n\t\t\tHWCRHK_R_CHIL_ERROR);\n\t\tERR_add_error_data(1,rmsg.buf);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (!*hptr)\n\t\t{\n\t\tHWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PRIVKEY,\n\t\t\tHWCRHK_R_NO_KEY);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA\n\trtmp = RSA_new_method(eng);\n\tRSA_set_ex_data(rtmp, hndidx_rsa, (char *)hptr);\n\trtmp->e = BN_new();\n\trtmp->n = BN_new();\n\trtmp->flags |= RSA_FLAG_EXT_PKEY;\n\tMPI2BN(rtmp->e, e);\n\tMPI2BN(rtmp->n, n);\n\tif (p_hwcrhk_RSAGetPublicKey(*hptr, &n, &e, &rmsg)\n\t\t!= HWCRYPTOHOOK_ERROR_MPISIZE)\n\t\t{\n\t\tHWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PUBKEY,HWCRHK_R_CHIL_ERROR);\n\t\tERR_add_error_data(1,rmsg.buf);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tbn_expand2(rtmp->e, e.size/sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n\tbn_expand2(rtmp->n, n.size/sizeof(BN_ULONG));\n\tMPI2BN(rtmp->e, e);\n\tMPI2BN(rtmp->n, n);\n\tif (p_hwcrhk_RSAGetPublicKey(*hptr, &n, &e, &rmsg))\n\t\t{\n\t\tHWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PUBKEY,\n\t\t\tHWCRHK_R_CHIL_ERROR);\n\t\tERR_add_error_data(1,rmsg.buf);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\trtmp->e->top = e.size / sizeof(BN_ULONG);\n\tbn_fix_top(rtmp->e);\n\trtmp->n->top = n.size / sizeof(BN_ULONG);\n\tbn_fix_top(rtmp->n);\n\tres = EVP_PKEY_new();\n\tEVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(res, rtmp);\n#endif\n if (!res)\n HWCRHKerr(HWCRHK_F_HWCRHK_LOAD_PUBKEY,\n HWCRHK_R_PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHMS_DISABLED);\n\treturn res;\n err:\n\tif (res)\n\t\tEVP_PKEY_free(res);\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA\n\tif (rtmp)\n\t\tRSA_free(rtmp);\n#endif\n\treturn NULL;\n\t}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(int num, const char *file, int line)\n\t{\n\tvoid *ret = NULL;\n\textern unsigned char cleanse_ctr;\n\tallow_customize = 0;\n\tif (malloc_debug_func != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tallow_customize_debug = 0;\n\t\tmalloc_debug_func(NULL, num, file, line, 0);\n\t\t}\n\tret = malloc_ex_func(num,file,line);\n#ifdef LEVITTE_DEBUG_MEM\n\tfprintf(stderr, "LEVITTE_DEBUG_MEM: > 0x%p (%d)\\n", ret, num);\n#endif\n\tif (malloc_debug_func != NULL)\n\t\tmalloc_debug_func(ret, num, file, line, 1);\n if(ret && (num > 2048))\n ((unsigned char *)ret)[0] = cleanse_ctr;\n\treturn ret;\n\t}', 'RSA *RSA_new_method(ENGINE *engine)\n\t{\n\tRSA *ret;\n\tret=(RSA *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(RSA));\n\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tRSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_NEW_METHOD,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tret->meth = RSA_get_default_method();\n\tif (engine)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!ENGINE_init(engine))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tRSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_NEW_METHOD, ERR_R_ENGINE_LIB);\n\t\t\tOPENSSL_free(ret);\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tret->engine = engine;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tret->engine = ENGINE_get_default_RSA();\n\tif(ret->engine)\n\t\t{\n\t\tret->meth = ENGINE_get_RSA(ret->engine);\n\t\tif(!ret->meth)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tRSAerr(RSA_F_RSA_NEW_METHOD,\n\t\t\t\tERR_R_ENGINE_LIB);\n\t\t\tENGINE_finish(ret->engine);\n\t\t\tOPENSSL_free(ret);\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tret->pad=0;\n\tret->version=0;\n\tret->n=NULL;\n\tret->e=NULL;\n\tret->d=NULL;\n\tret->p=NULL;\n\tret->q=NULL;\n\tret->dmp1=NULL;\n\tret->dmq1=NULL;\n\tret->iqmp=NULL;\n\tret->references=1;\n\tret->_method_mod_n=NULL;\n\tret->_method_mod_p=NULL;\n\tret->_method_mod_q=NULL;\n\tret->blinding=NULL;\n\tret->bignum_data=NULL;\n\tret->flags=ret->meth->flags;\n\tCRYPTO_new_ex_data(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_RSA, ret, &ret->ex_data);\n\tif ((ret->meth->init != NULL) && !ret->meth->init(ret))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (ret->engine)\n\t\t\tENGINE_finish(ret->engine);\n\t\tCRYPTO_free_ex_data(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_RSA, ret, &ret->ex_data);\n\t\tOPENSSL_free(ret);\n\t\tret=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void ERR_put_error(int lib, int func, int reason, const char *file,\n\t int line)\n\t{\n\tERR_STATE *es;\n#ifdef _OSD_POSIX\n\tif (strncmp(file,"*POSIX(", sizeof("*POSIX(")-1) == 0) {\n\t\tchar *end;\n\t\tfile += sizeof("*POSIX(")-1;\n\t\tend = &file[strlen(file)-1];\n\t\tif (*end == \')\')\n\t\t\t*end = \'\\0\';\n\t\tif ((end = strrchr(file, \'/\')) != NULL)\n\t\t\tfile = &end[1];\n\t}\n#endif\n\tes=ERR_get_state();\n\tes->top=(es->top+1)%ERR_NUM_ERRORS;\n\tif (es->top == es->bottom)\n\t\tes->bottom=(es->bottom+1)%ERR_NUM_ERRORS;\n\tes->err_buffer[es->top]=ERR_PACK(lib,func,reason);\n\tes->err_file[es->top]=file;\n\tes->err_line[es->top]=line;\n\terr_clear_data(es,es->top);\n\t}']
static int funny_diamond_search(MpegEncContext * s, int *best, int dmin, int src_index, int ref_index, int const penalty_factor, int size, int h, int flags) { MotionEstContext * const c= &s->me; me_cmp_func cmpf, chroma_cmpf; int dia_size; LOAD_COMMON LOAD_COMMON2 int map_generation= c->map_generation; cmpf= s->dsp.me_cmp[size]; chroma_cmpf= s->dsp.me_cmp[size+1]; for(dia_size=1; dia_size<=4; dia_size++){ int dir; const int x= best[0]; const int y= best[1]; if(dia_size&(dia_size-1)) continue; if( x + dia_size > xmax || x - dia_size < xmin || y + dia_size > ymax || y - dia_size < ymin) continue; for(dir= 0; dir<dia_size; dir+=2){ int d; CHECK_MV(x + dir , y + dia_size - dir); CHECK_MV(x + dia_size - dir, y - dir ); CHECK_MV(x - dir , y - dia_size + dir); CHECK_MV(x - dia_size + dir, y + dir ); } if(x!=best[0] || y!=best[1]) dia_size=0; #if 0 { int dx, dy, i; static int stats[8*8]; dx= FFABS(x-best[0]); dy= FFABS(y-best[1]); if(dy>dx){ dx^=dy; dy^=dx; dx^=dy; } stats[dy*8 + dx] ++; if(256*256*256*64 % (stats[0]+1)==0){ for(i=0; i<64; i++){ if((i&7)==0) printf("\n"); printf("%8d ", stats[i]); } printf("\n"); } } #endif } return dmin; }
['static int funny_diamond_search(MpegEncContext * s, int *best, int dmin,\n int src_index, int ref_index, int const penalty_factor,\n int size, int h, int flags)\n{\n MotionEstContext * const c= &s->me;\n me_cmp_func cmpf, chroma_cmpf;\n int dia_size;\n LOAD_COMMON\n LOAD_COMMON2\n int map_generation= c->map_generation;\n cmpf= s->dsp.me_cmp[size];\n chroma_cmpf= s->dsp.me_cmp[size+1];\n for(dia_size=1; dia_size<=4; dia_size++){\n int dir;\n const int x= best[0];\n const int y= best[1];\n if(dia_size&(dia_size-1)) continue;\n if( x + dia_size > xmax\n || x - dia_size < xmin\n || y + dia_size > ymax\n || y - dia_size < ymin)\n continue;\n for(dir= 0; dir<dia_size; dir+=2){\n int d;\n CHECK_MV(x + dir , y + dia_size - dir);\n CHECK_MV(x + dia_size - dir, y - dir );\n CHECK_MV(x - dir , y - dia_size + dir);\n CHECK_MV(x - dia_size + dir, y + dir );\n }\n if(x!=best[0] || y!=best[1])\n dia_size=0;\n#if 0\n{\nint dx, dy, i;\nstatic int stats[8*8];\ndx= FFABS(x-best[0]);\ndy= FFABS(y-best[1]);\nif(dy>dx){\n dx^=dy; dy^=dx; dx^=dy;\n}\nstats[dy*8 + dx] ++;\nif(256*256*256*64 % (stats[0]+1)==0){\n for(i=0; i<64; i++){\n if((i&7)==0) printf("\\n");\n printf("%8d ", stats[i]);\n }\n printf("\\n");\n}\n}\n#endif\n }\n return dmin;\n}']
BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b) { bn_check_top(b); if (a == b) return a; if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL) return NULL; if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top); a->neg = b->neg; a->top = b->top; a->flags |= b->flags & BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP; bn_check_top(a); return a; }
['int BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(const BIGNUM *a, int checks, BN_CTX *ctx_passed,\n int do_trial_division, BN_GENCB *cb)\n{\n int i, j, ret = -1;\n int k;\n BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n BIGNUM *A1, *A1_odd, *A3, *check;\n BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n if (BN_is_word(a, 2) || BN_is_word(a, 3))\n return 1;\n if (!BN_is_odd(a) || BN_cmp(a, BN_value_one()) <= 0)\n return 0;\n if (checks == BN_prime_checks)\n checks = BN_prime_checks_for_size(BN_num_bits(a));\n if (do_trial_division) {\n for (i = 1; i < NUMPRIMES; i++) {\n BN_ULONG mod = BN_mod_word(a, primes[i]);\n if (mod == (BN_ULONG)-1)\n goto err;\n if (mod == 0)\n return BN_is_word(a, primes[i]);\n }\n if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, -1))\n goto err;\n }\n if (ctx_passed != NULL)\n ctx = ctx_passed;\n else if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n goto err;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n A1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n A3 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n A1_odd = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n check = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (check == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(A1, a) || !BN_sub_word(A1, 1))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_copy(A3, a) || !BN_sub_word(A3, 3))\n goto err;\n k = 1;\n while (!BN_is_bit_set(A1, k))\n k++;\n if (!BN_rshift(A1_odd, A1, k))\n goto err;\n mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();\n if (mont == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, a, ctx))\n goto err;\n for (i = 0; i < checks; i++) {\n if (!BN_priv_rand_range(check, A3) || !BN_add_word(check, 2))\n goto err;\n j = witness(check, a, A1, A1_odd, k, ctx, mont);\n if (j == -1)\n goto err;\n if (j) {\n ret = 0;\n goto err;\n }\n if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, i))\n goto err;\n }\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (ctx != NULL) {\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n if (ctx_passed == NULL)\n BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n }\n BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_CTX_get(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *ret;\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_get", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n return NULL;\n if ((ret = BN_POOL_get(&ctx->pool, ctx->flags)) == NULL) {\n ctx->too_many = 1;\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_GET, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n return NULL;\n }\n BN_zero(ret);\n ctx->used++;\n CTXDBG_RET(ctx, ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return 0;\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n a->flags &= ~BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return 1;\n}', 'static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)\n{\n if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))\n return NULL;\n if (((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)\n return a;\n return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a == b)\n return a;\n if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL)\n return NULL;\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);\n a->neg = b->neg;\n a->top = b->top;\n a->flags |= b->flags & BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return a;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['static int test_rand(void)\n{\n BIGNUM *bn = NULL;\n int st = 0;\n if (!TEST_ptr(bn = BN_new()))\n return 0;\n if (!TEST_false(BN_rand(bn, 0, 0 , 0 ))\n || !TEST_false(BN_rand(bn, 0, 1 , 1 ))\n || !TEST_true(BN_rand(bn, 1, 0 , 0 ))\n || !TEST_BN_eq_one(bn)\n || !TEST_false(BN_rand(bn, 1, 1 , 0 ))\n || !TEST_true(BN_rand(bn, 1, -1 , 1 ))\n || !TEST_BN_eq_one(bn)\n || !TEST_true(BN_rand(bn, 2, 1 , 0 ))\n || !TEST_BN_eq_word(bn, 3))\n goto err;\n st = 1;\nerr:\n BN_free(bn);\n return st;\n}', 'int BN_rand(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom)\n{\n return bnrand(NORMAL, rnd, bits, top, bottom);\n}', 'static int bnrand(BNRAND_FLAG flag, BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom)\n{\n unsigned char *buf = NULL;\n int b, ret = 0, bit, bytes, mask;\n if (bits == 0) {\n if (top != BN_RAND_TOP_ANY || bottom != BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)\n goto toosmall;\n BN_zero(rnd);\n return 1;\n }\n if (bits < 0 || (bits == 1 && top > 0))\n goto toosmall;\n bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;\n bit = (bits - 1) % 8;\n mask = 0xff << (bit + 1);\n buf = OPENSSL_malloc(bytes);\n if (buf == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BNRAND, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n b = flag == NORMAL ? RAND_bytes(buf, bytes) : RAND_priv_bytes(buf, bytes);\n if (b <= 0)\n goto err;\n if (flag == TESTING) {\n int i;\n unsigned char c;\n for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {\n if (RAND_bytes(&c, 1) <= 0)\n goto err;\n if (c >= 128 && i > 0)\n buf[i] = buf[i - 1];\n else if (c < 42)\n buf[i] = 0;\n else if (c < 84)\n buf[i] = 255;\n }\n }\n if (top >= 0) {\n if (top) {\n if (bit == 0) {\n buf[0] = 1;\n buf[1] |= 0x80;\n } else {\n buf[0] |= (3 << (bit - 1));\n }\n } else {\n buf[0] |= (1 << bit);\n }\n }\n buf[0] &= ~mask;\n if (bottom)\n buf[bytes - 1] |= 1;\n if (!BN_bin2bn(buf, bytes, rnd))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n OPENSSL_clear_free(buf, bytes);\n bn_check_top(rnd);\n return ret;\ntoosmall:\n BNerr(BN_F_BNRAND, BN_R_BITS_TOO_SMALL);\n return 0;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return 0;\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n a->flags &= ~BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return 1;\n}', 'static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)\n{\n if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))\n return NULL;\n if (((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)\n return a;\n return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; bn_check_top(b); if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['int bn_probable_prime_dh(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits,\n const BIGNUM *add, const BIGNUM *rem, BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int i, ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *t1;\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n if ((t1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_rand(rnd, bits, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_mod(t1, rnd, add, ctx))\n goto err;\n if (!BN_sub(rnd, rnd, t1))\n goto err;\n if (rem == NULL) {\n if (!BN_add_word(rnd, 1))\n goto err;\n } else {\n if (!BN_add(rnd, rnd, rem))\n goto err;\n }\n loop:\n for (i = 1; i < NUMPRIMES; i++) {\n BN_ULONG mod = BN_mod_word(rnd, (BN_ULONG)primes[i]);\n if (mod == (BN_ULONG)-1)\n goto err;\n if (mod <= 1) {\n if (!BN_add(rnd, rnd, add))\n goto err;\n goto loop;\n }\n }\n ret = 1;\n err:\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n bn_check_top(rnd);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_rand(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom)\n{\n return bnrand(NORMAL, rnd, bits, top, bottom);\n}', 'static int bnrand(BNRAND_FLAG flag, BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom)\n{\n unsigned char *buf = NULL;\n int b, ret = 0, bit, bytes, mask;\n if (bits == 0) {\n if (top != BN_RAND_TOP_ANY || bottom != BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)\n goto toosmall;\n BN_zero(rnd);\n return 1;\n }\n if (bits < 0 || (bits == 1 && top > 0))\n goto toosmall;\n bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;\n bit = (bits - 1) % 8;\n mask = 0xff << (bit + 1);\n buf = OPENSSL_malloc(bytes);\n if (buf == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BNRAND, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n b = flag == NORMAL ? RAND_bytes(buf, bytes) : RAND_priv_bytes(buf, bytes);\n if (b <= 0)\n goto err;\n if (flag == TESTING) {\n int i;\n unsigned char c;\n for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {\n if (RAND_bytes(&c, 1) <= 0)\n goto err;\n if (c >= 128 && i > 0)\n buf[i] = buf[i - 1];\n else if (c < 42)\n buf[i] = 0;\n else if (c < 84)\n buf[i] = 255;\n }\n }\n if (top >= 0) {\n if (top) {\n if (bit == 0) {\n buf[0] = 1;\n buf[1] |= 0x80;\n } else {\n buf[0] |= (3 << (bit - 1));\n }\n } else {\n buf[0] |= (1 << bit);\n }\n }\n buf[0] &= ~mask;\n if (bottom)\n buf[bytes - 1] |= 1;\n if (!BN_bin2bn(buf, bytes, rnd))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n OPENSSL_clear_free(buf, bytes);\n bn_check_top(rnd);\n return ret;\ntoosmall:\n BNerr(BN_F_BNRAND, BN_R_BITS_TOO_SMALL);\n return 0;\n}', 'int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int norm_shift, i, loop;\n BIGNUM *tmp, wnum, *snum, *sdiv, *res;\n BN_ULONG *resp, *wnump;\n BN_ULONG d0, d1;\n int num_n, div_n;\n int no_branch = 0;\n if ((num->top > 0 && num->d[num->top - 1] == 0) ||\n (divisor->top > 0 && divisor->d[divisor->top - 1] == 0)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_NOT_INITIALIZED);\n return 0;\n }\n bn_check_top(num);\n bn_check_top(divisor);\n if ((BN_get_flags(num, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)\n || (BN_get_flags(divisor, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {\n no_branch = 1;\n }\n bn_check_top(dv);\n bn_check_top(rm);\n if (BN_is_zero(divisor)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_DIV, BN_R_DIV_BY_ZERO);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!no_branch && BN_ucmp(num, divisor) < 0) {\n if (rm != NULL) {\n if (BN_copy(rm, num) == NULL)\n return 0;\n }\n if (dv != NULL)\n BN_zero(dv);\n return 1;\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n res = (dv == NULL) ? BN_CTX_get(ctx) : dv;\n tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n snum = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n sdiv = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (sdiv == NULL)\n goto err;\n norm_shift = BN_BITS2 - ((BN_num_bits(divisor)) % BN_BITS2);\n if (!(BN_lshift(sdiv, divisor, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n sdiv->neg = 0;\n norm_shift += BN_BITS2;\n if (!(BN_lshift(snum, num, norm_shift)))\n goto err;\n snum->neg = 0;\n if (no_branch) {\n if (snum->top <= sdiv->top + 1) {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, sdiv->top + 2) == NULL)\n goto err;\n for (i = snum->top; i < sdiv->top + 2; i++)\n snum->d[i] = 0;\n snum->top = sdiv->top + 2;\n } else {\n if (bn_wexpand(snum, snum->top + 1) == NULL)\n goto err;\n snum->d[snum->top] = 0;\n snum->top++;\n }\n }\n div_n = sdiv->top;\n num_n = snum->top;\n loop = num_n - div_n;\n wnum.neg = 0;\n wnum.d = &(snum->d[loop]);\n = div_n;\n wnum.dmax = snum->dmax - loop;\n d0 = sdiv->d[div_n - 1];\n d1 = (div_n == 1) ? 0 : sdiv->d[div_n - 2];\n wnump = &(snum->d[num_n - 1]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(res, (loop + 1)))\n goto err;\n res->neg = (num->neg ^ divisor->neg);\n res->top = loop - no_branch;\n resp = &(res->d[loop - 1]);\n if (!bn_wexpand(tmp, (div_n + 1)))\n goto err;\n if (!no_branch) {\n if (BN_ucmp(&wnum, sdiv) >= 0) {\n bn_clear_top2max(&wnum);\n bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n);\n *resp = 1;\n } else\n res->top--;\n }\n resp++;\n if (res->top == 0)\n res->neg = 0;\n else\n resp--;\n for (i = 0; i < loop - 1; i++, wnump--) {\n BN_ULONG q, l0;\n# if defined(BN_DIV3W) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM)\n BN_ULONG bn_div_3_words(BN_ULONG *, BN_ULONG, BN_ULONG);\n q = bn_div_3_words(wnump, d1, d0);\n# else\n BN_ULONG n0, n1, rem = 0;\n n0 = wnump[0];\n n1 = wnump[-1];\n if (n0 == d0)\n q = BN_MASK2;\n else {\n# ifdef BN_LLONG\n BN_ULLONG t2;\n# if defined(BN_LLONG) && defined(BN_DIV2W) && !defined(bn_div_words)\n q = (BN_ULONG)(((((BN_ULLONG) n0) << BN_BITS2) | n1) / d0);\n# else\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# endif\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n t2 = (BN_ULLONG) d1 *q;\n for (;;) {\n if (t2 <= ((((BN_ULLONG) rem) << BN_BITS2) | wnump[-2]))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n t2 -= d1;\n }\n# else\n BN_ULONG t2l, t2h;\n q = bn_div_words(n0, n1, d0);\n# ifndef REMAINDER_IS_ALREADY_CALCULATED\n rem = (n1 - q * d0) & BN_MASK2;\n# endif\n# if defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)\n BN_UMULT_LOHI(t2l, t2h, d1, q);\n# elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)\n t2l = d1 * q;\n t2h = BN_UMULT_HIGH(d1, q);\n# else\n {\n BN_ULONG ql, qh;\n t2l = LBITS(d1);\n t2h = HBITS(d1);\n ql = LBITS(q);\n qh = HBITS(q);\n mul64(t2l, t2h, ql, qh);\n }\n# endif\n for (;;) {\n if ((t2h < rem) || ((t2h == rem) && (t2l <= wnump[-2])))\n break;\n q--;\n rem += d0;\n if (rem < d0)\n break;\n if (t2l < d1)\n t2h--;\n t2l -= d1;\n }\n# endif\n }\n# endif\n l0 = bn_mul_words(tmp->d, sdiv->d, div_n, q);\n tmp->d[div_n] = l0;\n wnum.d--;\n if (bn_sub_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, tmp->d, div_n + 1)) {\n q--;\n if (bn_add_words(wnum.d, wnum.d, sdiv->d, div_n))\n (*wnump)++;\n }\n resp--;\n *resp = q;\n }\n bn_correct_top(snum);\n if (rm != NULL) {\n int neg = num->neg;\n BN_rshift(rm, snum, norm_shift);\n if (!BN_is_zero(rm))\n rm->neg = neg;\n bn_check_top(rm);\n }\n if (no_branch)\n bn_correct_top(res);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 1;\n err:\n bn_check_top(rm);\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n return 0;\n}', 'int BN_sub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n int ret, r_neg, cmp_res;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a->neg != b->neg) {\n r_neg = a->neg;\n ret = BN_uadd(r, a, b);\n } else {\n cmp_res = BN_ucmp(a, b);\n if (cmp_res > 0) {\n r_neg = a->neg;\n ret = BN_usub(r, a, b);\n } else if (cmp_res < 0) {\n r_neg = !b->neg;\n ret = BN_usub(r, b, a);\n } else {\n r_neg = 0;\n BN_zero(r);\n ret = 1;\n }\n }\n r->neg = r_neg;\n bn_check_top(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_add(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n int ret, r_neg, cmp_res;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (a->neg == b->neg) {\n r_neg = a->neg;\n ret = BN_uadd(r, a, b);\n } else {\n cmp_res = BN_ucmp(a, b);\n if (cmp_res > 0) {\n r_neg = a->neg;\n ret = BN_usub(r, a, b);\n } else if (cmp_res < 0) {\n r_neg = b->neg;\n ret = BN_usub(r, b, a);\n } else {\n r_neg = 0;\n BN_zero(r);\n ret = 1;\n }\n }\n r->neg = r_neg;\n bn_check_top(r);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_usub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)\n{\n int max, min, dif;\n BN_ULONG t1, t2, borrow, *rp;\n const BN_ULONG *ap, *bp;\n bn_check_top(a);\n bn_check_top(b);\n max = a->top;\n min = b->top;\n dif = max - min;\n if (dif < 0) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_USUB, BN_R_ARG2_LT_ARG3);\n return 0;\n }\n if (bn_wexpand(r, max) == NULL)\n return 0;\n ap = a->d;\n bp = b->d;\n rp = r->d;\n borrow = bn_sub_words(rp, ap, bp, min);\n ap += min;\n rp += min;\n while (dif) {\n dif--;\n t1 = *(ap++);\n t2 = (t1 - borrow) & BN_MASK2;\n *(rp++) = t2;\n borrow &= (t1 == 0);\n }\n while (max && *--rp == 0)\n max--;\n r->top = max;\n r->neg = 0;\n bn_pollute(r);\n return 1;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n bn_check_top(b);\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n bn_check_top(b);\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n FAILTEST();\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n INCREMENT(malloc_count);\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num == 0)\n return NULL;\n FAILTEST();\n if (allow_customize) {\n allow_customize = 0;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n (void)(file); (void)(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}']
static av_always_inline void h264_filter_mb_fast_internal(const H264Context *h, H264SliceContext *sl, int mb_x, int mb_y, uint8_t *img_y, uint8_t *img_cb, uint8_t *img_cr, unsigned int linesize, unsigned int uvlinesize, int pixel_shift) { int chroma = !(CONFIG_GRAY && (h->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)); int chroma444 = CHROMA444(h); int chroma422 = CHROMA422(h); int mb_xy = sl->mb_xy; int left_type = sl->left_type[LTOP]; int top_type = sl->top_type; int qp_bd_offset = 6 * (h->ps.sps->bit_depth_luma - 8); int a = 52 + sl->slice_alpha_c0_offset - qp_bd_offset; int b = 52 + sl->slice_beta_offset - qp_bd_offset; int mb_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy]; int qp = h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy]; int qp0 = h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy - 1]; int qp1 = h->cur_pic.qscale_table[sl->top_mb_xy]; int qpc = get_chroma_qp( h, 0, qp ); int qpc0 = get_chroma_qp( h, 0, qp0 ); int qpc1 = get_chroma_qp( h, 0, qp1 ); qp0 = (qp + qp0 + 1) >> 1; qp1 = (qp + qp1 + 1) >> 1; qpc0 = (qpc + qpc0 + 1) >> 1; qpc1 = (qpc + qpc1 + 1) >> 1; if( IS_INTRA(mb_type) ) { static const int16_t bS4[4] = {4,4,4,4}; static const int16_t bS3[4] = {3,3,3,3}; const int16_t *bSH = FIELD_PICTURE(h) ? bS3 : bS4; if(left_type) filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS4, qp0, a, b, h, 1); if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) { filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); if(top_type){ filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qp1, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); } else { filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*3<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); if(top_type){ filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qp1, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*1*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*3*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0); } if(chroma){ if(chroma444){ if(left_type){ filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1); } if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) { filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); if(top_type){ filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1 ); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1 ); } filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); } else { filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*3<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*3<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); if(top_type){ filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*1*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*1*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*3*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*3*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); } }else if(chroma422){ if(left_type){ filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cb[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1); filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cr[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cb[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cr[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); if(top_type){ filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1); filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*1*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*1*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*3*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*3*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); }else{ if(left_type){ filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cb[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1); filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cr[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cb[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cr[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); if(top_type){ filter_mb_edgech( &img_cb[2*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1); filter_mb_edgech( &img_cr[2*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1); } filter_mb_edgech( &img_cb[2*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); filter_mb_edgech( &img_cr[2*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0); } } return; } else { LOCAL_ALIGNED_8(int16_t, bS, [2], [4][4]); int edges; if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) && (sl->cbp&7) == 7 && !chroma444 ) { edges = 4; AV_WN64A(bS[0][0], 0x0002000200020002ULL); AV_WN64A(bS[0][2], 0x0002000200020002ULL); AV_WN64A(bS[1][0], 0x0002000200020002ULL); AV_WN64A(bS[1][2], 0x0002000200020002ULL); } else { int mask_edge1 = (3*(((5*mb_type)>>5)&1)) | (mb_type>>4); int mask_edge0 = 3*((mask_edge1>>1) & ((5*left_type)>>5)&1); int step = 1+(mb_type>>24); edges = 4 - 3*((mb_type>>3) & !(sl->cbp & 15)); h->h264dsp.h264_loop_filter_strength(bS, sl->non_zero_count_cache, sl->ref_cache, sl->mv_cache, sl->list_count==2, edges, step, mask_edge0, mask_edge1, FIELD_PICTURE(h)); } if( IS_INTRA(left_type) ) AV_WN64A(bS[0][0], 0x0004000400040004ULL); if( IS_INTRA(top_type) ) AV_WN64A(bS[1][0], FIELD_PICTURE(h) ? 0x0003000300030003ULL : 0x0004000400040004ULL); #define FILTER(hv,dir,edge,intra)\ if(AV_RN64A(bS[dir][edge])) { \ filter_mb_edge##hv( &img_y[4*edge*(dir?linesize:1<<pixel_shift)], linesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qp : qp##dir, a, b, h, intra );\ if(chroma){\ if(chroma444){\ filter_mb_edge##hv( &img_cb[4*edge*(dir?linesize:1<<pixel_shift)], linesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\ filter_mb_edge##hv( &img_cr[4*edge*(dir?linesize:1<<pixel_shift)], linesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\ } else if(!(edge&1)) {\ filter_mb_edgec##hv( &img_cb[2*edge*(dir?uvlinesize:1<<pixel_shift)], uvlinesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\ filter_mb_edgec##hv( &img_cr[2*edge*(dir?uvlinesize:1<<pixel_shift)], uvlinesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\ }\ }\ } if(left_type) FILTER(v,0,0,1); if( edges == 1 ) { if(top_type) FILTER(h,1,0,1); } else if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) { FILTER(v,0,2,0); if(top_type) FILTER(h,1,0,1); FILTER(h,1,2,0); } else { FILTER(v,0,1,0); FILTER(v,0,2,0); FILTER(v,0,3,0); if(top_type) FILTER(h,1,0,1); FILTER(h,1,1,0); FILTER(h,1,2,0); FILTER(h,1,3,0); } #undef FILTER } }
['static int h264_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data,\n int *got_frame, AVPacket *avpkt)\n{\n const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data;\n int buf_size = avpkt->size;\n H264Context *h = avctx->priv_data;\n AVFrame *pict = data;\n int buf_index = 0;\n int ret;\n h->flags = avctx->flags;\n h->setup_finished = 0;\nout:\n if (buf_size == 0) {\n H264Picture *out;\n int i, out_idx;\n h->cur_pic_ptr = NULL;\n out = h->delayed_pic[0];\n out_idx = 0;\n for (i = 1;\n h->delayed_pic[i] &&\n !h->delayed_pic[i]->f->key_frame &&\n !h->delayed_pic[i]->mmco_reset;\n i++)\n if (h->delayed_pic[i]->poc < out->poc) {\n out = h->delayed_pic[i];\n out_idx = i;\n }\n for (i = out_idx; h->delayed_pic[i]; i++)\n h->delayed_pic[i] = h->delayed_pic[i + 1];\n if (out) {\n ret = output_frame(h, pict, out->f);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n *got_frame = 1;\n }\n return buf_index;\n }\n buf_index = decode_nal_units(h, buf, buf_size);\n if (buf_index < 0)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n if (!h->cur_pic_ptr && h->nal_unit_type == NAL_END_SEQUENCE) {\n buf_size = 0;\n goto out;\n }\n if (!(avctx->flags2 & AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS) && !h->cur_pic_ptr) {\n if (avctx->skip_frame >= AVDISCARD_NONREF)\n return 0;\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "no frame!\\n");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (!(avctx->flags2 & AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS) ||\n (h->mb_y >= h->mb_height && h->mb_height)) {\n if (avctx->flags2 & AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS)\n decode_postinit(h, 1);\n ff_h264_field_end(h, &h->slice_ctx[0], 0);\n *got_frame = 0;\n if (h->next_output_pic && ((avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_OUTPUT_CORRUPT) ||\n h->next_output_pic->recovered)) {\n if (!h->next_output_pic->recovered)\n h->next_output_pic->f->flags |= AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT;\n ret = output_frame(h, pict, h->next_output_pic->f);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n *got_frame = 1;\n }\n }\n assert(pict->buf[0] || !*got_frame);\n return get_consumed_bytes(buf_index, buf_size);\n}', 'static int decode_nal_units(H264Context *h, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)\n{\n AVCodecContext *const avctx = h->avctx;\n unsigned context_count = 0;\n int nals_needed = 0;\n int i, ret = 0;\n if (!(avctx->flags2 & AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS)) {\n h->current_slice = 0;\n if (!h->first_field)\n h->cur_pic_ptr = NULL;\n ff_h264_sei_uninit(&h->sei);\n }\n ret = ff_h2645_packet_split(&h->pkt, buf, buf_size, avctx, h->is_avc,\n h->nal_length_size, avctx->codec_id);\n if (ret < 0) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Error splitting the input into NAL units.\\n");\n return ret;\n }\n if (avctx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME)\n nals_needed = get_last_needed_nal(h);\n for (i = 0; i < h->pkt.nb_nals; i++) {\n H2645NAL *nal = &h->pkt.nals[i];\n H264SliceContext *sl = &h->slice_ctx[context_count];\n int err;\n if (avctx->skip_frame >= AVDISCARD_NONREF &&\n nal->ref_idc == 0 && nal->type != NAL_SEI)\n continue;\n h->nal_ref_idc = nal->ref_idc;\n h->nal_unit_type = nal->type;\n err = 0;\n switch (nal->type) {\n case NAL_IDR_SLICE:\n if (nal->type != NAL_IDR_SLICE) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Invalid mix of idr and non-idr slices\\n");\n ret = -1;\n goto end;\n }\n idr(h);\n case NAL_SLICE:\n sl->gb = nal->gb;\n if ((err = ff_h264_decode_slice_header(h, sl)))\n break;\n if (h->sei.recovery_point.recovery_frame_cnt >= 0 && h->recovery_frame < 0) {\n h->recovery_frame = (h->poc.frame_num + h->sei.recovery_point.recovery_frame_cnt) &\n ((1 << h->ps.sps->log2_max_frame_num) - 1);\n }\n h->cur_pic_ptr->f->key_frame |=\n (nal->type == NAL_IDR_SLICE) || (h->sei.recovery_point.recovery_frame_cnt >= 0);\n if (nal->type == NAL_IDR_SLICE || h->recovery_frame == h->poc.frame_num) {\n h->recovery_frame = -1;\n h->cur_pic_ptr->recovered = 1;\n }\n if (nal->type == NAL_IDR_SLICE)\n h->frame_recovered |= FRAME_RECOVERED_IDR;\n h->cur_pic_ptr->recovered |= !!(h->frame_recovered & FRAME_RECOVERED_IDR);\n if (h->current_slice == 1) {\n if (!(avctx->flags2 & AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS))\n decode_postinit(h, i >= nals_needed);\n if (h->avctx->hwaccel &&\n (ret = h->avctx->hwaccel->start_frame(h->avctx, NULL, 0)) < 0)\n return ret;\n }\n if (sl->redundant_pic_count == 0 &&\n (avctx->skip_frame < AVDISCARD_NONREF || nal->ref_idc) &&\n (avctx->skip_frame < AVDISCARD_BIDIR ||\n sl->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) &&\n (avctx->skip_frame < AVDISCARD_NONKEY ||\n h->cur_pic_ptr->f->key_frame) &&\n avctx->skip_frame < AVDISCARD_ALL) {\n if (avctx->hwaccel) {\n ret = avctx->hwaccel->decode_slice(avctx, nal->raw_data, nal->raw_size);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n } else\n context_count++;\n }\n break;\n case NAL_DPA:\n case NAL_DPB:\n case NAL_DPC:\n avpriv_request_sample(avctx, "data partitioning");\n ret = AVERROR(ENOSYS);\n goto end;\n break;\n case NAL_SEI:\n ret = ff_h264_sei_decode(&h->sei, &nal->gb, &h->ps, avctx);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n goto end;\n break;\n case NAL_SPS:\n ret = ff_h264_decode_seq_parameter_set(&nal->gb, avctx, &h->ps);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n goto end;\n break;\n case NAL_PPS:\n ret = ff_h264_decode_picture_parameter_set(&nal->gb, avctx, &h->ps,\n nal->size_bits);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n goto end;\n break;\n case NAL_AUD:\n case NAL_END_SEQUENCE:\n case NAL_END_STREAM:\n case NAL_FILLER_DATA:\n case NAL_SPS_EXT:\n case NAL_AUXILIARY_SLICE:\n break;\n case NAL_FF_IGNORE:\n break;\n default:\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Unknown NAL code: %d (%d bits)\\n",\n nal->type, nal->size_bits);\n }\n if (context_count == h->nb_slice_ctx) {\n ret = ff_h264_execute_decode_slices(h, context_count);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n goto end;\n context_count = 0;\n }\n if (err < 0) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "decode_slice_header error\\n");\n sl->ref_count[0] = sl->ref_count[1] = sl->list_count = 0;\n }\n }\n if (context_count) {\n ret = ff_h264_execute_decode_slices(h, context_count);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n goto end;\n }\n ret = 0;\nend:\n if (h->cur_pic_ptr && !h->droppable) {\n ff_thread_report_progress(&h->cur_pic_ptr->tf, INT_MAX,\n h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD);\n }\n return (ret < 0) ? ret : buf_size;\n}', 'int ff_h2645_packet_split(H2645Packet *pkt, const uint8_t *buf, int length,\n void *logctx, int is_nalff, int nal_length_size,\n enum AVCodecID codec_id)\n{\n int consumed, ret = 0;\n pkt->nb_nals = 0;\n while (length >= 4) {\n H2645NAL *nal;\n int extract_length = 0;\n int skip_trailing_zeros = 1;\n if (is_nalff) {\n int i;\n for (i = 0; i < nal_length_size; i++)\n extract_length = (extract_length << 8) | buf[i];\n buf += nal_length_size;\n length -= nal_length_size;\n if (extract_length > length) {\n av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid NAL unit size.\\n");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n } else {\n if (buf[2] == 0) {\n length--;\n buf++;\n continue;\n }\n if (buf[0] != 0 || buf[1] != 0 || buf[2] != 1)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n buf += 3;\n length -= 3;\n extract_length = length;\n }\n if (pkt->nals_allocated < pkt->nb_nals + 1) {\n int new_size = pkt->nals_allocated + 1;\n H2645NAL *tmp = av_realloc_array(pkt->nals, new_size, sizeof(*tmp));\n if (!tmp)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n pkt->nals = tmp;\n memset(pkt->nals + pkt->nals_allocated, 0,\n (new_size - pkt->nals_allocated) * sizeof(*tmp));\n pkt->nals_allocated = new_size;\n }\n nal = &pkt->nals[pkt->nb_nals++];\n consumed = ff_h2645_extract_rbsp(buf, extract_length, nal);\n if (consumed < 0)\n return consumed;\n if (consumed < length - 3 &&\n buf[consumed] == 0x00 && buf[consumed + 1] == 0x00 &&\n buf[consumed + 2] == 0x01 && buf[consumed + 3] == 0xE0)\n skip_trailing_zeros = 0;\n nal->size_bits = get_bit_length(nal, skip_trailing_zeros);\n ret = init_get_bits(&nal->gb, nal->data, nal->size_bits);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n if (codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC)\n ret = hevc_parse_nal_header(nal, logctx);\n else\n ret = h264_parse_nal_header(nal, logctx);\n if (ret <= 0) {\n if (ret < 0) {\n av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid NAL unit %d, skipping.\\n",\n nal->type);\n }\n pkt->nb_nals--;\n }\n buf += consumed;\n length -= consumed;\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'static inline int init_get_bits(GetBitContext *s, const uint8_t *buffer,\n int bit_size)\n{\n int buffer_size;\n int ret = 0;\n if (bit_size > INT_MAX - 7 || bit_size < 0 || !buffer) {\n bit_size = 0;\n buffer = NULL;\n ret = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n buffer_size = (bit_size + 7) >> 3;\n s->buffer = buffer;\n s->size_in_bits = bit_size;\n#if !UNCHECKED_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->size_in_bits_plus8 = bit_size + 8;\n#endif\n s->buffer_end = buffer + buffer_size;\n s->index = 0;\n return ret;\n}', 'int ff_h264_execute_decode_slices(H264Context *h, unsigned context_count)\n{\n AVCodecContext *const avctx = h->avctx;\n H264SliceContext *sl;\n int i, j;\n if (h->avctx->hwaccel)\n return 0;\n if (context_count == 1) {\n int ret;\n h->slice_ctx[0].next_slice_idx = h->mb_width * h->mb_height;\n h->postpone_filter = 0;\n ret = decode_slice(avctx, &h->slice_ctx[0]);\n h->mb_y = h->slice_ctx[0].mb_y;\n return ret;\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < context_count; i++) {\n int next_slice_idx = h->mb_width * h->mb_height;\n int slice_idx;\n sl = &h->slice_ctx[i];\n sl->er.error_count = 0;\n slice_idx = sl->mb_y * h->mb_width + sl->mb_x;\n for (j = 0; j < context_count; j++) {\n H264SliceContext *sl2 = &h->slice_ctx[j];\n int slice_idx2 = sl2->mb_y * h->mb_width + sl2->mb_x;\n if (i == j || slice_idx2 < slice_idx)\n continue;\n next_slice_idx = FFMIN(next_slice_idx, slice_idx2);\n }\n sl->next_slice_idx = next_slice_idx;\n }\n avctx->execute(avctx, decode_slice, h->slice_ctx,\n NULL, context_count, sizeof(h->slice_ctx[0]));\n sl = &h->slice_ctx[context_count - 1];\n h->mb_y = sl->mb_y;\n for (i = 1; i < context_count; i++)\n h->slice_ctx[0].er.error_count += h->slice_ctx[i].er.error_count;\n if (h->postpone_filter) {\n h->postpone_filter = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < context_count; i++) {\n int y_end, x_end;\n sl = &h->slice_ctx[i];\n y_end = FFMIN(sl->mb_y + 1, h->mb_height);\n x_end = (sl->mb_y >= h->mb_height) ? h->mb_width : sl->mb_x;\n for (j = sl->resync_mb_y; j < y_end; j += 1 + FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE(h)) {\n sl->mb_y = j;\n loop_filter(h, sl, j > sl->resync_mb_y ? 0 : sl->resync_mb_x,\n j == y_end - 1 ? x_end : h->mb_width);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'static void loop_filter(const H264Context *h, H264SliceContext *sl, int start_x, int end_x)\n{\n uint8_t *dest_y, *dest_cb, *dest_cr;\n int linesize, uvlinesize, mb_x, mb_y;\n const int end_mb_y = sl->mb_y + FRAME_MBAFF(h);\n const int old_slice_type = sl->slice_type;\n const int pixel_shift = h->pixel_shift;\n const int block_h = 16 >> h->chroma_y_shift;\n if (h->postpone_filter)\n return;\n if (sl->deblocking_filter) {\n for (mb_x = start_x; mb_x < end_x; mb_x++)\n for (mb_y = end_mb_y - FRAME_MBAFF(h); mb_y <= end_mb_y; mb_y++) {\n int mb_xy, mb_type;\n mb_xy = sl->mb_xy = mb_x + mb_y * h->mb_stride;\n mb_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy];\n if (FRAME_MBAFF(h))\n sl->mb_mbaff =\n sl->mb_field_decoding_flag = !!IS_INTERLACED(mb_type);\n sl->mb_x = mb_x;\n sl->mb_y = mb_y;\n dest_y = h->cur_pic.f->data[0] +\n ((mb_x << pixel_shift) + mb_y * sl->linesize) * 16;\n dest_cb = h->cur_pic.f->data[1] +\n (mb_x << pixel_shift) * (8 << CHROMA444(h)) +\n mb_y * sl->uvlinesize * block_h;\n dest_cr = h->cur_pic.f->data[2] +\n (mb_x << pixel_shift) * (8 << CHROMA444(h)) +\n mb_y * sl->uvlinesize * block_h;\n if (MB_FIELD(sl)) {\n linesize = sl->mb_linesize = sl->linesize * 2;\n uvlinesize = sl->mb_uvlinesize = sl->uvlinesize * 2;\n if (mb_y & 1) {\n dest_y -= sl->linesize * 15;\n dest_cb -= sl->uvlinesize * (block_h - 1);\n dest_cr -= sl->uvlinesize * (block_h - 1);\n }\n } else {\n linesize = sl->mb_linesize = sl->linesize;\n uvlinesize = sl->mb_uvlinesize = sl->uvlinesize;\n }\n backup_mb_border(h, sl, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, linesize,\n uvlinesize, 0);\n if (fill_filter_caches(h, sl, mb_type))\n continue;\n sl->chroma_qp[0] = get_chroma_qp(h, 0, h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy]);\n sl->chroma_qp[1] = get_chroma_qp(h, 1, h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy]);\n if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {\n ff_h264_filter_mb(h, sl, mb_x, mb_y, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr,\n linesize, uvlinesize);\n } else {\n ff_h264_filter_mb_fast(h, sl, mb_x, mb_y, dest_y, dest_cb,\n dest_cr, linesize, uvlinesize);\n }\n }\n }\n sl->slice_type = old_slice_type;\n sl->mb_x = end_x;\n sl->mb_y = end_mb_y - FRAME_MBAFF(h);\n sl->chroma_qp[0] = get_chroma_qp(h, 0, sl->qscale);\n sl->chroma_qp[1] = get_chroma_qp(h, 1, sl->qscale);\n}', 'void ff_h264_filter_mb_fast(const H264Context *h, H264SliceContext *sl,\n int mb_x, int mb_y, uint8_t *img_y,\n uint8_t *img_cb, uint8_t *img_cr,\n unsigned int linesize, unsigned int uvlinesize)\n{\n assert(!FRAME_MBAFF(h));\n if(!h->h264dsp.h264_loop_filter_strength || h->ps.pps->chroma_qp_diff) {\n ff_h264_filter_mb(h, sl, mb_x, mb_y, img_y, img_cb, img_cr, linesize, uvlinesize);\n return;\n }\n#if CONFIG_SMALL\n h264_filter_mb_fast_internal(h, sl, mb_x, mb_y, img_y, img_cb, img_cr, linesize, uvlinesize, h->pixel_shift);\n#else\n if(h->pixel_shift){\n h264_filter_mb_fast_internal(h, sl, mb_x, mb_y, img_y, img_cb, img_cr, linesize, uvlinesize, 1);\n }else{\n h264_filter_mb_fast_internal(h, sl, mb_x, mb_y, img_y, img_cb, img_cr, linesize, uvlinesize, 0);\n }\n#endif\n}', 'static av_always_inline void h264_filter_mb_fast_internal(const H264Context *h,\n H264SliceContext *sl,\n int mb_x, int mb_y,\n uint8_t *img_y,\n uint8_t *img_cb,\n uint8_t *img_cr,\n unsigned int linesize,\n unsigned int uvlinesize,\n int pixel_shift)\n{\n int chroma = !(CONFIG_GRAY && (h->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_GRAY));\n int chroma444 = CHROMA444(h);\n int chroma422 = CHROMA422(h);\n int mb_xy = sl->mb_xy;\n int left_type = sl->left_type[LTOP];\n int top_type = sl->top_type;\n int qp_bd_offset = 6 * (h->ps.sps->bit_depth_luma - 8);\n int a = 52 + sl->slice_alpha_c0_offset - qp_bd_offset;\n int b = 52 + sl->slice_beta_offset - qp_bd_offset;\n int mb_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy];\n int qp = h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy];\n int qp0 = h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy - 1];\n int qp1 = h->cur_pic.qscale_table[sl->top_mb_xy];\n int qpc = get_chroma_qp( h, 0, qp );\n int qpc0 = get_chroma_qp( h, 0, qp0 );\n int qpc1 = get_chroma_qp( h, 0, qp1 );\n qp0 = (qp + qp0 + 1) >> 1;\n qp1 = (qp + qp1 + 1) >> 1;\n qpc0 = (qpc + qpc0 + 1) >> 1;\n qpc1 = (qpc + qpc1 + 1) >> 1;\n if( IS_INTRA(mb_type) ) {\n static const int16_t bS4[4] = {4,4,4,4};\n static const int16_t bS3[4] = {3,3,3,3};\n const int16_t *bSH = FIELD_PICTURE(h) ? bS3 : bS4;\n if(left_type)\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS4, qp0, a, b, h, 1);\n if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) {\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n if(top_type){\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qp1, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n } else {\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*3<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n if(top_type){\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qp1, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*1*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_y[4*3*linesize], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);\n }\n if(chroma){\n if(chroma444){\n if(left_type){\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) {\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n if(top_type){\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1 );\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1 );\n }\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n } else {\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cb[4*3<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgev( &img_cr[4*3<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n if(top_type){\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*0*linesize], linesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*1*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*1*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*2*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cb[4*3*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgeh( &img_cr[4*3*linesize], linesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n }\n }else if(chroma422){\n if(left_type){\n filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cb[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1);\n filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cr[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cb[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgecv(&img_cr[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n if(top_type){\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1);\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*1*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*1*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cb[4*3*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgech(&img_cr[4*3*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n }else{\n if(left_type){\n filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cb[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1);\n filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cr[2*0<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS4, qpc0, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cb[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgecv( &img_cr[2*2<<pixel_shift], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n if(top_type){\n filter_mb_edgech( &img_cb[2*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1);\n filter_mb_edgech( &img_cr[2*0*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bSH, qpc1, a, b, h, 1);\n }\n filter_mb_edgech( &img_cb[2*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n filter_mb_edgech( &img_cr[2*2*uvlinesize], uvlinesize, bS3, qpc, a, b, h, 0);\n }\n }\n return;\n } else {\n LOCAL_ALIGNED_8(int16_t, bS, [2], [4][4]);\n int edges;\n if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) && (sl->cbp&7) == 7 && !chroma444 ) {\n edges = 4;\n AV_WN64A(bS[0][0], 0x0002000200020002ULL);\n AV_WN64A(bS[0][2], 0x0002000200020002ULL);\n AV_WN64A(bS[1][0], 0x0002000200020002ULL);\n AV_WN64A(bS[1][2], 0x0002000200020002ULL);\n } else {\n int mask_edge1 = (3*(((5*mb_type)>>5)&1)) | (mb_type>>4);\n int mask_edge0 = 3*((mask_edge1>>1) & ((5*left_type)>>5)&1);\n int step = 1+(mb_type>>24);\n edges = 4 - 3*((mb_type>>3) & !(sl->cbp & 15));\n h->h264dsp.h264_loop_filter_strength(bS, sl->non_zero_count_cache, sl->ref_cache, sl->mv_cache,\n sl->list_count==2, edges, step, mask_edge0, mask_edge1, FIELD_PICTURE(h));\n }\n if( IS_INTRA(left_type) )\n AV_WN64A(bS[0][0], 0x0004000400040004ULL);\n if( IS_INTRA(top_type) )\n AV_WN64A(bS[1][0], FIELD_PICTURE(h) ? 0x0003000300030003ULL : 0x0004000400040004ULL);\n#define FILTER(hv,dir,edge,intra)\\\n if(AV_RN64A(bS[dir][edge])) { \\\n filter_mb_edge##hv( &img_y[4*edge*(dir?linesize:1<<pixel_shift)], linesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qp : qp##dir, a, b, h, intra );\\\n if(chroma){\\\n if(chroma444){\\\n filter_mb_edge##hv( &img_cb[4*edge*(dir?linesize:1<<pixel_shift)], linesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\\\n filter_mb_edge##hv( &img_cr[4*edge*(dir?linesize:1<<pixel_shift)], linesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\\\n } else if(!(edge&1)) {\\\n filter_mb_edgec##hv( &img_cb[2*edge*(dir?uvlinesize:1<<pixel_shift)], uvlinesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\\\n filter_mb_edgec##hv( &img_cr[2*edge*(dir?uvlinesize:1<<pixel_shift)], uvlinesize, bS[dir][edge], edge ? qpc : qpc##dir, a, b, h, intra );\\\n }\\\n }\\\n }\n if(left_type)\n FILTER(v,0,0,1);\n if( edges == 1 ) {\n if(top_type)\n FILTER(h,1,0,1);\n } else if( IS_8x8DCT(mb_type) ) {\n FILTER(v,0,2,0);\n if(top_type)\n FILTER(h,1,0,1);\n FILTER(h,1,2,0);\n } else {\n FILTER(v,0,1,0);\n FILTER(v,0,2,0);\n FILTER(v,0,3,0);\n if(top_type)\n FILTER(h,1,0,1);\n FILTER(h,1,1,0);\n FILTER(h,1,2,0);\n FILTER(h,1,3,0);\n }\n#undef FILTER\n }\n}']
static void pred4x4_horizontal_up_rv40_c(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *topright, int stride){ LOAD_LEFT_EDGE LOAD_DOWN_LEFT_EDGE LOAD_TOP_EDGE LOAD_TOP_RIGHT_EDGE src[0+0*stride]=(t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2*l0 + 2*l1 + 4)>>3; src[1+0*stride]=(t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + l0 + 2*l1 + l2 + 4)>>3; src[2+0*stride]= src[0+1*stride]=(t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2*l1 + 2*l2 + 4)>>3; src[3+0*stride]= src[1+1*stride]=(t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + l1 + 2*l2 + l3 + 4)>>3; src[2+1*stride]= src[0+2*stride]=(t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2*l2 + 2*l3 + 4)>>3; src[3+1*stride]= src[1+2*stride]=(t6 + 3*t7 + l2 + 3*l3 + 4)>>3; src[3+2*stride]= src[1+3*stride]=(l3 + 2*l4 + l5 + 2)>>2; src[0+3*stride]= src[2+2*stride]=(t6 + t7 + l3 + l4 + 2)>>2; src[2+3*stride]=(l4 + l5 + 1)>>1; src[3+3*stride]=(l4 + 2*l5 + l6 + 2)>>2; }
['static void pred4x4_horizontal_up_rv40_c(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *topright, int stride){\n LOAD_LEFT_EDGE\n LOAD_DOWN_LEFT_EDGE\n LOAD_TOP_EDGE\n LOAD_TOP_RIGHT_EDGE\n src[0+0*stride]=(t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2*l0 + 2*l1 + 4)>>3;\n src[1+0*stride]=(t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + l0 + 2*l1 + l2 + 4)>>3;\n src[2+0*stride]=\n src[0+1*stride]=(t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2*l1 + 2*l2 + 4)>>3;\n src[3+0*stride]=\n src[1+1*stride]=(t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + l1 + 2*l2 + l3 + 4)>>3;\n src[2+1*stride]=\n src[0+2*stride]=(t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2*l2 + 2*l3 + 4)>>3;\n src[3+1*stride]=\n src[1+2*stride]=(t6 + 3*t7 + l2 + 3*l3 + 4)>>3;\n src[3+2*stride]=\n src[1+3*stride]=(l3 + 2*l4 + l5 + 2)>>2;\n src[0+3*stride]=\n src[2+2*stride]=(t6 + t7 + l3 + l4 + 2)>>2;\n src[2+3*stride]=(l4 + l5 + 1)>>1;\n src[3+3*stride]=(l4 + 2*l5 + l6 + 2)>>2;\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['static ASN1_INTEGER *x509_load_serial(const char *CAfile,\n const char *serialfile, int create)\n{\n char *buf = NULL;\n ASN1_INTEGER *bs = NULL;\n BIGNUM *serial = NULL;\n if (serialfile == NULL) {\n const char *p = strrchr(CAfile, \'.\');\n size_t len = p != NULL ? (size_t)(p - CAfile) : strlen(CAfile);\n buf = app_malloc(len + sizeof(POSTFIX), "serial# buffer");\n memcpy(buf, CAfile, len);\n memcpy(buf + len, POSTFIX, sizeof(POSTFIX));\n serialfile = buf;\n }\n serial = load_serial(serialfile, create, NULL);\n if (serial == NULL)\n goto end;\n if (!BN_add_word(serial, 1)) {\n BIO_printf(bio_err, "add_word failure\\n");\n goto end;\n }\n if (!save_serial(serialfile, NULL, serial, &bs))\n goto end;\n end:\n OPENSSL_free(buf);\n BN_free(serial);\n return bs;\n}', 'BIGNUM *load_serial(const char *serialfile, int create, ASN1_INTEGER **retai)\n{\n BIO *in = NULL;\n BIGNUM *ret = NULL;\n char buf[1024];\n ASN1_INTEGER *ai = NULL;\n ai = ASN1_INTEGER_new();\n if (ai == NULL)\n goto err;\n in = BIO_new_file(serialfile, "r");\n if (in == NULL) {\n if (!create) {\n perror(serialfile);\n goto err;\n }\n ERR_clear_error();\n ret = BN_new();\n if (ret == NULL || !rand_serial(ret, ai))\n BIO_printf(bio_err, "Out of memory\\n");\n } else {\n if (!a2i_ASN1_INTEGER(in, ai, buf, 1024)) {\n BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load number from %s\\n",\n serialfile);\n goto err;\n }\n ret = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(ai, NULL);\n if (ret == NULL) {\n BIO_printf(bio_err,\n "error converting number from bin to BIGNUM\\n");\n goto err;\n }\n }\n if (ret && retai) {\n *retai = ai;\n ai = NULL;\n }\n err:\n BIO_free(in);\n ASN1_INTEGER_free(ai);\n return ret;\n}', 'int rand_serial(BIGNUM *b, ASN1_INTEGER *ai)\n{\n BIGNUM *btmp;\n int ret = 0;\n btmp = b == NULL ? BN_new() : b;\n if (btmp == NULL)\n return 0;\n if (!BN_rand(btmp, SERIAL_RAND_BITS, BN_RAND_TOP_ANY, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY))\n goto error;\n if (ai && !BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(btmp, ai))\n goto error;\n ret = 1;\n error:\n if (btmp != b)\n BN_free(btmp);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_add_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n BN_ULONG l;\n int i;\n bn_check_top(a);\n w &= BN_MASK2;\n if (!w)\n return 1;\n if (BN_is_zero(a))\n return BN_set_word(a, w);\n if (a->neg) {\n a->neg = 0;\n i = BN_sub_word(a, w);\n if (!BN_is_zero(a))\n a->neg = !(a->neg);\n return i;\n }\n for (i = 0; w != 0 && i < a->top; i++) {\n a->d[i] = l = (a->d[i] + w) & BN_MASK2;\n w = (w > l) ? 1 : 0;\n }\n if (w && i == a->top) {\n if (bn_wexpand(a, a->top + 1) == NULL)\n return 0;\n a->top++;\n a->d[i] = w;\n }\n bn_check_top(a);\n return 1;\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_wexpand(BIGNUM *a, int words)\n{\n return (words <= a->dmax) ? a : bn_expand2(a, words);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}']
static int read_access_unit(AVCodecContext *avctx, void* data, int *got_frame_ptr, AVPacket *avpkt) { const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data; int buf_size = avpkt->size; MLPDecodeContext *m = avctx->priv_data; GetBitContext gb; unsigned int length, substr; unsigned int substream_start; unsigned int header_size = 4; unsigned int substr_header_size = 0; uint8_t substream_parity_present[MAX_SUBSTREAMS]; uint16_t substream_data_len[MAX_SUBSTREAMS]; uint8_t parity_bits; int ret; if (buf_size < 4) return 0; length = (AV_RB16(buf) & 0xfff) * 2; if (length < 4 || length > buf_size) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; init_get_bits(&gb, (buf + 4), (length - 4) * 8); m->is_major_sync_unit = 0; if (show_bits_long(&gb, 31) == (0xf8726fba >> 1)) { if (read_major_sync(m, &gb) < 0) goto error; m->is_major_sync_unit = 1; header_size += 28; } if (!m->params_valid) { av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Stream parameters not seen; skipping frame.\n"); *got_frame_ptr = 0; return length; } substream_start = 0; for (substr = 0; substr < m->num_substreams; substr++) { int extraword_present, checkdata_present, end, nonrestart_substr; extraword_present = get_bits1(&gb); nonrestart_substr = get_bits1(&gb); checkdata_present = get_bits1(&gb); skip_bits1(&gb); end = get_bits(&gb, 12) * 2; substr_header_size += 2; if (extraword_present) { if (m->avctx->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MLP) { av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "There must be no extraword for MLP.\n"); goto error; } skip_bits(&gb, 16); substr_header_size += 2; } if (!(nonrestart_substr ^ m->is_major_sync_unit)) { av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid nonrestart_substr.\n"); goto error; } if (end + header_size + substr_header_size > length) { av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Indicated length of substream %d data goes off end of " "packet.\n", substr); end = length - header_size - substr_header_size; } if (end < substream_start) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Indicated end offset of substream %d data " "is smaller than calculated start offset.\n", substr); goto error; } if (substr > m->max_decoded_substream) continue; substream_parity_present[substr] = checkdata_present; substream_data_len[substr] = end - substream_start; substream_start = end; } parity_bits = ff_mlp_calculate_parity(buf, 4); parity_bits ^= ff_mlp_calculate_parity(buf + header_size, substr_header_size); if ((((parity_bits >> 4) ^ parity_bits) & 0xF) != 0xF) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Parity check failed.\n"); goto error; } buf += header_size + substr_header_size; for (substr = 0; substr <= m->max_decoded_substream; substr++) { SubStream *s = &m->substream[substr]; init_get_bits(&gb, buf, substream_data_len[substr] * 8); m->matrix_changed = 0; memset(m->filter_changed, 0, sizeof(m->filter_changed)); s->blockpos = 0; do { if (get_bits1(&gb)) { if (get_bits1(&gb)) { if (read_restart_header(m, &gb, buf, substr) < 0) goto next_substr; s->restart_seen = 1; } if (!s->restart_seen) goto next_substr; if (read_decoding_params(m, &gb, substr) < 0) goto next_substr; } if (!s->restart_seen) goto next_substr; if ((ret = read_block_data(m, &gb, substr)) < 0) return ret; if (get_bits_count(&gb) >= substream_data_len[substr] * 8) goto substream_length_mismatch; } while (!get_bits1(&gb)); skip_bits(&gb, (-get_bits_count(&gb)) & 15); if (substream_data_len[substr] * 8 - get_bits_count(&gb) >= 32) { int shorten_by; if (get_bits(&gb, 16) != 0xD234) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; shorten_by = get_bits(&gb, 16); if (m->avctx->codec_id == CODEC_ID_TRUEHD && shorten_by & 0x2000) s->blockpos -= FFMIN(shorten_by & 0x1FFF, s->blockpos); else if (m->avctx->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MLP && shorten_by != 0xD234) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; if (substr == m->max_decoded_substream) av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "End of stream indicated.\n"); } if (substream_parity_present[substr]) { uint8_t parity, checksum; if (substream_data_len[substr] * 8 - get_bits_count(&gb) != 16) goto substream_length_mismatch; parity = ff_mlp_calculate_parity(buf, substream_data_len[substr] - 2); checksum = ff_mlp_checksum8 (buf, substream_data_len[substr] - 2); if ((get_bits(&gb, 8) ^ parity) != 0xa9 ) av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Substream %d parity check failed.\n", substr); if ( get_bits(&gb, 8) != checksum) av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Substream %d checksum failed.\n" , substr); } if (substream_data_len[substr] * 8 != get_bits_count(&gb)) goto substream_length_mismatch; next_substr: if (!s->restart_seen) av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No restart header present in substream %d.\n", substr); buf += substream_data_len[substr]; } rematrix_channels(m, m->max_decoded_substream); if ((ret = output_data(m, m->max_decoded_substream, data, got_frame_ptr)) < 0) return ret; return length; substream_length_mismatch: av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "substream %d length mismatch\n", substr); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; error: m->params_valid = 0; return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; }
['static int read_access_unit(AVCodecContext *avctx, void* data,\n int *got_frame_ptr, AVPacket *avpkt)\n{\n const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data;\n int buf_size = avpkt->size;\n MLPDecodeContext *m = avctx->priv_data;\n GetBitContext gb;\n unsigned int length, substr;\n unsigned int substream_start;\n unsigned int header_size = 4;\n unsigned int substr_header_size = 0;\n uint8_t substream_parity_present[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];\n uint16_t substream_data_len[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];\n uint8_t parity_bits;\n int ret;\n if (buf_size < 4)\n return 0;\n length = (AV_RB16(buf) & 0xfff) * 2;\n if (length < 4 || length > buf_size)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n init_get_bits(&gb, (buf + 4), (length - 4) * 8);\n m->is_major_sync_unit = 0;\n if (show_bits_long(&gb, 31) == (0xf8726fba >> 1)) {\n if (read_major_sync(m, &gb) < 0)\n goto error;\n m->is_major_sync_unit = 1;\n header_size += 28;\n }\n if (!m->params_valid) {\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,\n "Stream parameters not seen; skipping frame.\\n");\n *got_frame_ptr = 0;\n return length;\n }\n substream_start = 0;\n for (substr = 0; substr < m->num_substreams; substr++) {\n int extraword_present, checkdata_present, end, nonrestart_substr;\n extraword_present = get_bits1(&gb);\n nonrestart_substr = get_bits1(&gb);\n checkdata_present = get_bits1(&gb);\n skip_bits1(&gb);\n end = get_bits(&gb, 12) * 2;\n substr_header_size += 2;\n if (extraword_present) {\n if (m->avctx->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MLP) {\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "There must be no extraword for MLP.\\n");\n goto error;\n }\n skip_bits(&gb, 16);\n substr_header_size += 2;\n }\n if (!(nonrestart_substr ^ m->is_major_sync_unit)) {\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid nonrestart_substr.\\n");\n goto error;\n }\n if (end + header_size + substr_header_size > length) {\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Indicated length of substream %d data goes off end of "\n "packet.\\n", substr);\n end = length - header_size - substr_header_size;\n }\n if (end < substream_start) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Indicated end offset of substream %d data "\n "is smaller than calculated start offset.\\n",\n substr);\n goto error;\n }\n if (substr > m->max_decoded_substream)\n continue;\n substream_parity_present[substr] = checkdata_present;\n substream_data_len[substr] = end - substream_start;\n substream_start = end;\n }\n parity_bits = ff_mlp_calculate_parity(buf, 4);\n parity_bits ^= ff_mlp_calculate_parity(buf + header_size, substr_header_size);\n if ((((parity_bits >> 4) ^ parity_bits) & 0xF) != 0xF) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Parity check failed.\\n");\n goto error;\n }\n buf += header_size + substr_header_size;\n for (substr = 0; substr <= m->max_decoded_substream; substr++) {\n SubStream *s = &m->substream[substr];\n init_get_bits(&gb, buf, substream_data_len[substr] * 8);\n m->matrix_changed = 0;\n memset(m->filter_changed, 0, sizeof(m->filter_changed));\n s->blockpos = 0;\n do {\n if (get_bits1(&gb)) {\n if (get_bits1(&gb)) {\n if (read_restart_header(m, &gb, buf, substr) < 0)\n goto next_substr;\n s->restart_seen = 1;\n }\n if (!s->restart_seen)\n goto next_substr;\n if (read_decoding_params(m, &gb, substr) < 0)\n goto next_substr;\n }\n if (!s->restart_seen)\n goto next_substr;\n if ((ret = read_block_data(m, &gb, substr)) < 0)\n return ret;\n if (get_bits_count(&gb) >= substream_data_len[substr] * 8)\n goto substream_length_mismatch;\n } while (!get_bits1(&gb));\n skip_bits(&gb, (-get_bits_count(&gb)) & 15);\n if (substream_data_len[substr] * 8 - get_bits_count(&gb) >= 32) {\n int shorten_by;\n if (get_bits(&gb, 16) != 0xD234)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n shorten_by = get_bits(&gb, 16);\n if (m->avctx->codec_id == CODEC_ID_TRUEHD && shorten_by & 0x2000)\n s->blockpos -= FFMIN(shorten_by & 0x1FFF, s->blockpos);\n else if (m->avctx->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MLP && shorten_by != 0xD234)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n if (substr == m->max_decoded_substream)\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "End of stream indicated.\\n");\n }\n if (substream_parity_present[substr]) {\n uint8_t parity, checksum;\n if (substream_data_len[substr] * 8 - get_bits_count(&gb) != 16)\n goto substream_length_mismatch;\n parity = ff_mlp_calculate_parity(buf, substream_data_len[substr] - 2);\n checksum = ff_mlp_checksum8 (buf, substream_data_len[substr] - 2);\n if ((get_bits(&gb, 8) ^ parity) != 0xa9 )\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Substream %d parity check failed.\\n", substr);\n if ( get_bits(&gb, 8) != checksum)\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Substream %d checksum failed.\\n" , substr);\n }\n if (substream_data_len[substr] * 8 != get_bits_count(&gb))\n goto substream_length_mismatch;\nnext_substr:\n if (!s->restart_seen)\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "No restart header present in substream %d.\\n", substr);\n buf += substream_data_len[substr];\n }\n rematrix_channels(m, m->max_decoded_substream);\n if ((ret = output_data(m, m->max_decoded_substream, data, got_frame_ptr)) < 0)\n return ret;\n return length;\nsubstream_length_mismatch:\n av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "substream %d length mismatch\\n", substr);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\nerror:\n m->params_valid = 0;\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n}', 'static av_always_inline av_const uint16_t av_bswap16(uint16_t x)\n{\n x= (x>>8) | (x<<8);\n return x;\n}', 'static inline void init_get_bits(GetBitContext *s,\n const uint8_t *buffer, int bit_size)\n{\n int buffer_size = (bit_size+7)>>3;\n if (buffer_size < 0 || bit_size < 0) {\n buffer_size = bit_size = 0;\n buffer = NULL;\n }\n s->buffer = buffer;\n s->size_in_bits = bit_size;\n s->buffer_end = buffer + buffer_size;\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->index = 0;\n#elif defined A32_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->buffer_ptr = (uint32_t*)((intptr_t)buffer & ~3);\n s->bit_count = 32 + 8*((intptr_t)buffer & 3);\n skip_bits_long(s, 0);\n#endif\n}', 'static inline unsigned int show_bits_long(GetBitContext *s, int n){\n if (n <= MIN_CACHE_BITS) return show_bits(s, n);\n else {\n GetBitContext gb = *s;\n return get_bits_long(&gb, n);\n }\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_bits_long(GetBitContext *s, int n){\n if (n <= MIN_CACHE_BITS) return get_bits(s, n);\n else {\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n int ret = get_bits(s, 16);\n return ret | (get_bits(s, n-16) << 16);\n#else\n int ret = get_bits(s, 16) << (n-16);\n return ret | get_bits(s, n-16);\n#endif\n }\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_bits(GetBitContext *s, int n){\n register int tmp;\n OPEN_READER(re, s);\n UPDATE_CACHE(re, s);\n tmp = SHOW_UBITS(re, s, n);\n LAST_SKIP_BITS(re, s, n);\n CLOSE_READER(re, s);\n return tmp;\n}', 'static av_always_inline av_const uint32_t av_bswap32(uint32_t x)\n{\n return AV_BSWAP32C(x);\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_bits1(GetBitContext *s){\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER\n unsigned int index = s->index;\n uint8_t result = s->buffer[index>>3];\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n result >>= index & 7;\n result &= 1;\n#else\n result <<= index & 7;\n result >>= 8 - 1;\n#endif\n index++;\n s->index = index;\n return result;\n#else\n return get_bits(s, 1);\n#endif\n}']
['QPEL(48)', 'PUT_HEVC_QPEL_HV(2, 1)']
void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; assert(ctx->depth > 0); if (ctx->depth == 0) BN_CTX_start(ctx); ctx->too_many = 0; ctx->depth--; if (ctx->depth < BN_CTX_NUM_POS) ctx->tos = ctx->pos[ctx->depth]; }
['int DH_check(const DH *dh, int *ret)\n\t{\n\tint ok=0;\n\tBN_CTX *ctx=NULL;\n\tBN_ULONG l;\n\tBIGNUM *q=NULL;\n\t*ret=0;\n\tctx=BN_CTX_new();\n\tif (ctx == NULL) goto err;\n\tq=BN_new();\n\tif (q == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (BN_is_word(dh->g,DH_GENERATOR_2))\n\t\t{\n\t\tl=BN_mod_word(dh->p,24);\n\t\tif (l != 11) *ret|=DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR;\n\t\t}\n#if 0\n\telse if (BN_is_word(dh->g,DH_GENERATOR_3))\n\t\t{\n\t\tl=BN_mod_word(dh->p,12);\n\t\tif (l != 5) *ret|=DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR;\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\telse if (BN_is_word(dh->g,DH_GENERATOR_5))\n\t\t{\n\t\tl=BN_mod_word(dh->p,10);\n\t\tif ((l != 3) && (l != 7))\n\t\t\t*ret|=DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t*ret|=DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR;\n\tif (!BN_is_prime(dh->p,BN_prime_checks,NULL,ctx,NULL))\n\t\t*ret|=DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME;\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_rshift1(q,dh->p)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_is_prime(q,BN_prime_checks,NULL,ctx,NULL))\n\t\t\t*ret|=DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME;\n\t\t}\n\tok=1;\nerr:\n\tif (ctx != NULL) BN_CTX_free(ctx);\n\tif (q != NULL) BN_free(q);\n\treturn(ok);\n\t}', 'BN_CTX *BN_CTX_new(void)\n\t{\n\tBN_CTX *ret;\n\tret=(BN_CTX *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(BN_CTX));\n\tif (ret == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_NEW,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tBN_CTX_init(ret);\n\tret->flags=BN_FLG_MALLOCED;\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void BN_CTX_init(BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tctx->tos = 0;\n\tctx->flags = 0;\n\tctx->depth = 0;\n\tctx->too_many = 0;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < BN_CTX_NUM; i++)\n\t\tBN_init(&(ctx->bn[i]));\n\t}', 'int BN_is_prime(const BIGNUM *a, int checks, void (*callback)(int,int,void *),\n\tBN_CTX *ctx_passed, void *cb_arg)\n\t{\n\treturn BN_is_prime_fasttest(a, checks, callback, ctx_passed, cb_arg, 0);\n\t}', 'int BN_is_prime_fasttest(const BIGNUM *a, int checks,\n\t\tvoid (*callback)(int,int,void *),\n\t\tBN_CTX *ctx_passed, void *cb_arg,\n\t\tint do_trial_division)\n\t{\n\tint i, j, ret = -1;\n\tint k;\n\tBN_CTX *ctx = NULL;\n\tBIGNUM *A1, *A1_odd, *check;\n\tBN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;\n\tconst BIGNUM *A = NULL;\n\tif (checks == BN_prime_checks)\n\t\tchecks = BN_prime_checks_for_size(BN_num_bits(a));\n\tif (!BN_is_odd(a))\n\t\treturn(0);\n\tif (do_trial_division)\n\t\t{\n\t\tfor (i = 1; i < NUMPRIMES; i++)\n\t\t\tif (BN_mod_word(a, primes[i]) == 0)\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\tif (callback != NULL) callback(1, -1, cb_arg);\n\t\t}\n\tif (ctx_passed != NULL)\n\t\tctx = ctx_passed;\n\telse\n\t\tif ((ctx=BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tif (a->neg)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIGNUM *t;\n\t\tif ((t = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) goto err;\n\t\tBN_copy(t, a);\n\t\tt->neg = 0;\n\t\tA = t;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\tA = a;\n\tA1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tA1_odd = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tcheck = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (check == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_copy(A1, A))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tif (!BN_sub_word(A1, 1))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tif (BN_is_zero(A1))\n\t\t{\n\t\tret = 0;\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tk = 1;\n\twhile (!BN_is_bit_set(A1, k))\n\t\tk++;\n\tif (!BN_rshift(A1_odd, A1, k))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tmont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();\n\tif (mont == NULL)\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tif (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, A, ctx))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < checks; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_pseudo_rand(check, BN_num_bits(A1), 0, 0))\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (BN_cmp(check, A1) >= 0)\n\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(check, check, A1))\n\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_add_word(check, 1))\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tj = witness(check, A, A1, A1_odd, k, ctx, mont);\n\t\tif (j == -1) goto err;\n\t\tif (j)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tret=0;\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (callback != NULL) callback(1,i,cb_arg);\n\t\t}\n\tret=1;\nerr:\n\tif (ctx != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\t\tif (ctx_passed == NULL)\n\t\t\tBN_CTX_free(ctx);\n\t\t}\n\tif (mont != NULL)\n\t\tBN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tif (ctx->depth < BN_CTX_NUM_POS)\n\t\tctx->pos[ctx->depth] = ctx->tos;\n\tctx->depth++;\n\t}', 'BIGNUM *BN_CTX_get(BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tif (ctx->depth > BN_CTX_NUM_POS || ctx->tos >= BN_CTX_NUM)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!ctx->too_many)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_GET,BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n\t\t\tctx->too_many = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}\n\treturn (&(ctx->bn[ctx->tos++]));\n\t}', 'int BN_MONT_CTX_set(BN_MONT_CTX *mont, const BIGNUM *mod, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM Ri,*R;\n\tBN_init(&Ri);\n\tR= &(mont->RR);\n\tBN_copy(&(mont->N),mod);\n\tmont->N.neg = 0;\n#ifdef MONT_WORD\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIGNUM tmod;\n\t\tBN_ULONG buf[2];\n\t\tmont->ri=(BN_num_bits(mod)+(BN_BITS2-1))/BN_BITS2*BN_BITS2;\n\t\tBN_zero(R);\n\t\tBN_set_bit(R,BN_BITS2);\n\t\tbuf[0]=mod->d[0];\n\t\tbuf[1]=0;\n\t\ttmod.d=buf;\n\t\;\n\t\ttmod.dmax=2;\n\t\ttmod.neg=0;\n\t\tif ((BN_mod_inverse(&Ri,R,&tmod,ctx)) == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_lshift(&Ri,&Ri,BN_BITS2)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_is_zero(&Ri))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_sub_word(&Ri,1)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(&Ri,BN_MASK2)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (!BN_div(&Ri,NULL,&Ri,&tmod,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\tmont->n0 = ( > 0) ? Ri.d[0] : 0;\n\t\tBN_free(&Ri);\n\t\t}\n#else\n\t\t{\n\t\tmont->ri=BN_num_bits(&mont->N);\n\t\tif (!BN_zero(R)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_set_bit(R,mont->ri)) goto err;\n\t\tif ((BN_mod_inverse(&Ri,R,&mont->N,ctx)) == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_lshift(&Ri,&Ri,mont->ri)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_sub_word(&Ri,1)) goto err;\n\t\tif (!BN_div(&(mont->Ni),NULL,&Ri,&mont->N,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\tBN_free(&Ri);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tif (!BN_zero(&(mont->RR))) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_set_bit(&(mont->RR),mont->ri*2)) goto err;\n\tif (!BN_mod(&(mont->RR),&(mont->RR),&(mont->N),ctx)) goto err;\n\treturn(1);\nerr:\n\treturn(0);\n\t}', 'BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,\n\tconst BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tBIGNUM *A,*B,*X,*Y,*M,*D,*T,*R=NULL;\n\tBIGNUM *ret=NULL;\n\tint sign;\n\tbn_check_top(a);\n\tbn_check_top(n);\n\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tA = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tB = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tX = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tD = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tM = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tY = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tT = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n\tif (T == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (in == NULL)\n\t\tR=BN_new();\n\telse\n\t\tR=in;\n\tif (R == NULL) goto err;\n\tBN_one(X);\n\tBN_zero(Y);\n\tif (BN_copy(B,a) == NULL) goto err;\n\tif (BN_copy(A,n) == NULL) goto err;\n\tA->neg = 0;\n\tif (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(B, B, A, ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tsign = -1;\n\twhile (!BN_is_zero(B))\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIGNUM *tmp;\n\t\tif (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_one(D)) goto err;\n\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_lshift1(T,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\tif (BN_ucmp(A,T) < 0)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_one(D)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,A,T)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_add(D,T,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (BN_ucmp(A,D) < 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(D,2)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_set_word(D,3)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!BN_sub(M,M,B)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_div(D,M,A,B,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\ttmp=A;\n\t\tA=B;\n\t\tB=M;\n\t\tif (BN_is_one(D))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_add(tmp,X,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (BN_is_word(D,2))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_lshift1(tmp,X)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (BN_is_word(D,4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_lshift(tmp,X,2)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (D->top == 1)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_copy(tmp,X)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_mul_word(tmp,D->d[0])) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (!BN_mul(tmp,D,X,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!BN_add(tmp,tmp,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tM=Y;\n\t\tY=X;\n\t\tX=tmp;\n\t\tsign = -sign;\n\t\t}\n\tif (sign < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (!BN_sub(Y,n,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t}\n\tif (BN_is_one(A))\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (BN_ucmp(Y,n) < 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_copy(R,Y)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!BN_nnmod(R,Y,n,ctx)) goto err;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\tBNerr(BN_F_BN_MOD_INVERSE,BN_R_NO_INVERSE);\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\tret=R;\nerr:\n\tif ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL)) BN_free(R);\n\tBN_CTX_end(ctx);\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'void BN_CTX_end(BN_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tif (ctx == NULL) return;\n\tassert(ctx->depth > 0);\n\tif (ctx->depth == 0)\n\t\tBN_CTX_start(ctx);\n\tctx->too_many = 0;\n\tctx->depth--;\n\tif (ctx->depth < BN_CTX_NUM_POS)\n\t\tctx->tos = ctx->pos[ctx->depth];\n\t}']
void avfilter_unref_buffer(AVFilterBufferRef *ref) { if (!ref) return; if (!(--ref->buf->refcount)) ref->buf->free(ref->buf); if (ref->extended_data != ref->data) av_freep(&ref->extended_data); av_free(ref->video); av_free(ref->audio); av_free(ref); }
['static int color_request_frame(AVFilterLink *link)\n{\n ColorContext *color = link->src->priv;\n AVFilterBufferRef *picref = avfilter_get_video_buffer(link, AV_PERM_WRITE, color->w, color->h);\n picref->video->pixel_aspect = (AVRational) {1, 1};\n picref->pts = color->pts++;\n picref->pos = -1;\n avfilter_start_frame(link, avfilter_ref_buffer(picref, ~0));\n ff_draw_rectangle(picref->data, picref->linesize,\n color->line, color->line_step, color->hsub, color->vsub,\n 0, 0, color->w, color->h);\n avfilter_draw_slice(link, 0, color->h, 1);\n avfilter_end_frame(link);\n avfilter_unref_buffer(picref);\n return 0;\n}', 'void ff_draw_rectangle(uint8_t *dst[4], int dst_linesize[4],\n uint8_t *src[4], int pixelstep[4],\n int hsub, int vsub, int x, int y, int w, int h)\n{\n int i, plane;\n uint8_t *p;\n for (plane = 0; plane < 4 && dst[plane]; plane++) {\n int hsub1 = plane == 1 || plane == 2 ? hsub : 0;\n int vsub1 = plane == 1 || plane == 2 ? vsub : 0;\n p = dst[plane] + (y >> vsub1) * dst_linesize[plane];\n for (i = 0; i < (h >> vsub1); i++) {\n memcpy(p + (x >> hsub1) * pixelstep[plane],\n src[plane], (w >> hsub1) * pixelstep[plane]);\n p += dst_linesize[plane];\n }\n }\n}', 'void avfilter_draw_slice(AVFilterLink *link, int y, int h, int slice_dir)\n{\n uint8_t *src[4], *dst[4];\n int i, j, vsub;\n void (*draw_slice)(AVFilterLink *, int, int, int);\n FF_DPRINTF_START(NULL, draw_slice); ff_dlog_link(NULL, link, 0); av_dlog(NULL, " y:%d h:%d dir:%d\\n", y, h, slice_dir);\n if (link->src_buf) {\n vsub = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[link->format].log2_chroma_h;\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n if (link->src_buf->data[i]) {\n src[i] = link->src_buf-> data[i] +\n (y >> (i==1 || i==2 ? vsub : 0)) * link->src_buf-> linesize[i];\n dst[i] = link->cur_buf->data[i] +\n (y >> (i==1 || i==2 ? vsub : 0)) * link->cur_buf->linesize[i];\n } else\n src[i] = dst[i] = NULL;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n int planew =\n av_image_get_linesize(link->format, link->cur_buf->video->w, i);\n if (!src[i]) continue;\n for (j = 0; j < h >> (i==1 || i==2 ? vsub : 0); j++) {\n memcpy(dst[i], src[i], planew);\n src[i] += link->src_buf->linesize[i];\n dst[i] += link->cur_buf->linesize[i];\n }\n }\n }\n if (!(draw_slice = link->dstpad->draw_slice))\n draw_slice = avfilter_default_draw_slice;\n draw_slice(link, y, h, slice_dir);\n}', 'void avfilter_unref_buffer(AVFilterBufferRef *ref)\n{\n if (!ref)\n return;\n if (!(--ref->buf->refcount))\n ref->buf->free(ref->buf);\n if (ref->extended_data != ref->data)\n av_freep(&ref->extended_data);\n av_free(ref->video);\n av_free(ref->audio);\n av_free(ref);\n}']
void parse_options(int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options, void (* parse_arg_function)(const char*)) { const char *opt, *arg; int optindex, handleoptions=1; const OptionDef *po; optindex = 1; while (optindex < argc) { opt = argv[optindex++]; if (handleoptions && opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] != '\0') { if (opt[1] == '-' && opt[2] == '\0') { handleoptions = 0; continue; } po= find_option(options, opt + 1); if (!po->name) po= find_option(options, "default"); if (!po->name) { unknown_opt: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[0], opt); exit(1); } arg = NULL; if (po->flags & HAS_ARG) { arg = argv[optindex++]; if (!arg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing argument for option '%s'\n", argv[0], opt); exit(1); } } if (po->flags & OPT_STRING) { char *str; str = av_strdup(arg); *po->u.str_arg = str; } else if (po->flags & OPT_BOOL) { *po->u.int_arg = 1; } else if (po->flags & OPT_INT) { *po->u.int_arg = parse_number_or_die(opt+1, arg, OPT_INT64, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } else if (po->flags & OPT_INT64) { *po->u.int64_arg = parse_number_or_die(opt+1, arg, OPT_INT64, INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX); } else if (po->flags & OPT_FLOAT) { *po->u.float_arg = parse_number_or_die(opt+1, arg, OPT_FLOAT, -1.0/0.0, 1.0/0.0); } else if (po->flags & OPT_FUNC2) { if(po->u.func2_arg(opt+1, arg)<0) goto unknown_opt; } else { po->u.func_arg(arg); } if(po->flags & OPT_EXIT) exit(0); } else { if (parse_arg_function) parse_arg_function(opt); } } }
['void parse_options(int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options,\n void (* parse_arg_function)(const char*))\n{\n const char *opt, *arg;\n int optindex, handleoptions=1;\n const OptionDef *po;\n optindex = 1;\n while (optindex < argc) {\n opt = argv[optindex++];\n if (handleoptions && opt[0] == \'-\' && opt[1] != \'\\0\') {\n if (opt[1] == \'-\' && opt[2] == \'\\0\') {\n handleoptions = 0;\n continue;\n }\n po= find_option(options, opt + 1);\n if (!po->name)\n po= find_option(options, "default");\n if (!po->name) {\nunknown_opt:\n fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option \'%s\'\\n", argv[0], opt);\n exit(1);\n }\n arg = NULL;\n if (po->flags & HAS_ARG) {\n arg = argv[optindex++];\n if (!arg) {\n fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing argument for option \'%s\'\\n", argv[0], opt);\n exit(1);\n }\n }\n if (po->flags & OPT_STRING) {\n char *str;\n str = av_strdup(arg);\n *po->u.str_arg = str;\n } else if (po->flags & OPT_BOOL) {\n *po->u.int_arg = 1;\n } else if (po->flags & OPT_INT) {\n *po->u.int_arg = parse_number_or_die(opt+1, arg, OPT_INT64, INT_MIN, INT_MAX);\n } else if (po->flags & OPT_INT64) {\n *po->u.int64_arg = parse_number_or_die(opt+1, arg, OPT_INT64, INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX);\n } else if (po->flags & OPT_FLOAT) {\n *po->u.float_arg = parse_number_or_die(opt+1, arg, OPT_FLOAT, -1.0/0.0, 1.0/0.0);\n } else if (po->flags & OPT_FUNC2) {\n if(po->u.func2_arg(opt+1, arg)<0)\n goto unknown_opt;\n } else {\n po->u.func_arg(arg);\n }\n if(po->flags & OPT_EXIT)\n exit(0);\n } else {\n if (parse_arg_function)\n parse_arg_function(opt);\n }\n }\n}', 'double parse_number_or_die(const char *context, const char *numstr, int type, double min, double max)\n{\n char *tail;\n const char *error;\n double d = strtod(numstr, &tail);\n if (*tail)\n error= "Expected number for %s but found: %s\\n";\n else if (d < min || d > max)\n error= "The value for %s was %s which is not within %f - %f\\n";\n else if(type == OPT_INT64 && (int64_t)d != d)\n error= "Expected int64 for %s but found %s\\n";\n else\n return d;\n fprintf(stderr, error, context, numstr, min, max);\n exit(1);\n}']
static int icecast_open(URLContext *h, const char *uri, int flags) { IcecastContext *s = h->priv_data; AVDictionary *opt_dict = NULL; char h_url[1024], host[1024], auth[1024], path[1024]; char *headers = NULL, *user = NULL; int port, ret; if (flags & AVIO_FLAG_READ) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Name", s->name); headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Description", s->description); headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-URL", s->url); headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Genre", s->genre); headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Public", s->public ? "1" : "0"); if (!headers) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto cleanup; } av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "method", s->legacy_icecast ? "SOURCE" : "PUT", 0); av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "auth_type", "basic", 0); av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "headers", headers, 0); av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "chunked_post", "0", 0); av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "send_expect_100", s->legacy_icecast ? "0" : "1", 0); if (NOT_EMPTY(s->content_type)) av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "content_type", s->content_type, 0); else av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "content_type", "audio/mpeg", 0); if (NOT_EMPTY(s->user_agent)) av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "user_agent", s->user_agent, 0); av_url_split(NULL, 0, auth, sizeof(auth), host, sizeof(host), &port, path, sizeof(path), uri); if (auth[0]) { char *sep = strchr(auth,':'); if (sep) { *sep = 0; sep++; if (s->pass) { av_free(s->pass); av_log(h, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Overwriting -password <pass> with URI password!\n"); } if (!(s->pass = av_strdup(sep))) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto cleanup; } } if (!(user = av_strdup(auth))) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto cleanup; } } snprintf(auth, sizeof(auth), "%s:%s", user ? user : DEFAULT_ICE_USER, s->pass ? s->pass : ""); if (!path[0] || strcmp(path, "/") == 0) { av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No mountpoint (path) specified!\n"); ret = AVERROR(EIO); goto cleanup; } ff_url_join(h_url, sizeof(h_url), "http", auth, host, port, "%s", path); ret = ffurl_open(&s->hd, h_url, AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE, NULL, &opt_dict, h->protocols, h); cleanup: av_freep(&user); av_freep(&headers); av_dict_free(&opt_dict); return ret; }
['static int icecast_open(URLContext *h, const char *uri, int flags)\n{\n IcecastContext *s = h->priv_data;\n AVDictionary *opt_dict = NULL;\n char h_url[1024], host[1024], auth[1024], path[1024];\n char *headers = NULL, *user = NULL;\n int port, ret;\n if (flags & AVIO_FLAG_READ)\n return AVERROR(ENOSYS);\n headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Name", s->name);\n headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Description", s->description);\n headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-URL", s->url);\n headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Genre", s->genre);\n headers = cat_header(headers, "Ice-Public", s->public ? "1" : "0");\n if (!headers) {\n ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n goto cleanup;\n }\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "method", s->legacy_icecast ? "SOURCE" : "PUT", 0);\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "auth_type", "basic", 0);\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "headers", headers, 0);\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "chunked_post", "0", 0);\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "send_expect_100", s->legacy_icecast ? "0" : "1", 0);\n if (NOT_EMPTY(s->content_type))\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "content_type", s->content_type, 0);\n else\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "content_type", "audio/mpeg", 0);\n if (NOT_EMPTY(s->user_agent))\n av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "user_agent", s->user_agent, 0);\n av_url_split(NULL, 0, auth, sizeof(auth), host, sizeof(host),\n &port, path, sizeof(path), uri);\n if (auth[0]) {\n char *sep = strchr(auth,\':\');\n if (sep) {\n *sep = 0;\n sep++;\n if (s->pass) {\n av_free(s->pass);\n av_log(h, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Overwriting -password <pass> with URI password!\\n");\n }\n if (!(s->pass = av_strdup(sep))) {\n ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n goto cleanup;\n }\n }\n if (!(user = av_strdup(auth))) {\n ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n goto cleanup;\n }\n }\n snprintf(auth, sizeof(auth),\n "%s:%s",\n user ? user : DEFAULT_ICE_USER,\n s->pass ? s->pass : "");\n if (!path[0] || strcmp(path, "/") == 0) {\n av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No mountpoint (path) specified!\\n");\n ret = AVERROR(EIO);\n goto cleanup;\n }\n ff_url_join(h_url, sizeof(h_url), "http", auth, host, port, "%s", path);\n ret = ffurl_open(&s->hd, h_url, AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE, NULL, &opt_dict,\n h->protocols, h);\ncleanup:\n av_freep(&user);\n av_freep(&headers);\n av_dict_free(&opt_dict);\n return ret;\n}', 'static char *cat_header(char buf[], const char key[], const char value[])\n{\n if (NOT_EMPTY(value)) {\n int len = strlen(key) + strlen(value) + 5;\n int is_first = !buf;\n char *tmp = NULL;\n if (buf)\n len += strlen(buf);\n if (!(tmp = av_realloc(buf, len))) {\n av_freep(&buf);\n return NULL;\n } else {\n buf = tmp;\n }\n if (is_first)\n *buf = \'\\0\';\n av_strlcatf(buf, len, "%s: %s\\r\\n", key, value);\n }\n return buf;\n}', 'void *av_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)\n{\n if (size > (INT_MAX - 16))\n return NULL;\n#if HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC\n return _aligned_realloc(ptr, size, 32);\n#else\n return realloc(ptr, size);\n#endif\n}', 'size_t av_strlcatf(char *dst, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...)\n{\n int len = strlen(dst);\n va_list vl;\n va_start(vl, fmt);\n len += vsnprintf(dst + len, size > len ? size - len : 0, fmt, vl);\n va_end(vl);\n return len;\n}']
static void mov_create_chapter_track(AVFormatContext *s, int tracknum) { MOVMuxContext *mov = s->priv_data; MOVTrack *track = &mov->tracks[tracknum]; AVPacket pkt = { .stream_index = tracknum, .flags = AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY }; int i, len; track->mode = mov->mode; track->tag = MKTAG('t','e','x','t'); track->timescale = MOV_TIMESCALE; track->enc = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL); track->enc->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE; for (i = 0; i < s->nb_chapters; i++) { AVChapter *c = s->chapters[i]; AVDictionaryEntry *t; int64_t end = av_rescale_q(c->end, c->time_base, (AVRational){1,MOV_TIMESCALE}); pkt.pts = pkt.dts = av_rescale_q(c->start, c->time_base, (AVRational){1,MOV_TIMESCALE}); pkt.duration = end - pkt.dts; if ((t = av_dict_get(c->metadata, "title", NULL, 0))) { len = strlen(t->value); pkt.size = len+2; = av_malloc(pkt.size); AV_WB16(, len); memcpy(, t->value, len); ff_mov_write_packet(s, &pkt); av_freep(&; } } }
['static void mov_create_chapter_track(AVFormatContext *s, int tracknum)\n{\n MOVMuxContext *mov = s->priv_data;\n MOVTrack *track = &mov->tracks[tracknum];\n AVPacket pkt = { .stream_index = tracknum, .flags = AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY };\n int i, len;\n track->mode = mov->mode;\n track->tag = MKTAG(\'t\',\'e\',\'x\',\'t\');\n track->timescale = MOV_TIMESCALE;\n track->enc = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL);\n track->enc->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE;\n for (i = 0; i < s->nb_chapters; i++) {\n AVChapter *c = s->chapters[i];\n AVDictionaryEntry *t;\n int64_t end = av_rescale_q(c->end, c->time_base, (AVRational){1,MOV_TIMESCALE});\n pkt.pts = pkt.dts = av_rescale_q(c->start, c->time_base, (AVRational){1,MOV_TIMESCALE});\n pkt.duration = end - pkt.dts;\n if ((t = av_dict_get(c->metadata, "title", NULL, 0))) {\n len = strlen(t->value);\n pkt.size = len+2;\n = av_malloc(pkt.size);\n AV_WB16(, len);\n memcpy(, t->value, len);\n ff_mov_write_packet(s, &pkt);\n av_freep(&;\n }\n }\n}', 'AVCodecContext *avcodec_alloc_context3(AVCodec *codec){\n AVCodecContext *avctx= av_malloc(sizeof(AVCodecContext));\n if(avctx==NULL) return NULL;\n if(avcodec_get_context_defaults3(avctx, codec) < 0){\n av_free(avctx);\n return NULL;\n }\n return avctx;\n}', 'void *av_malloc(size_t size)\n{\n void *ptr = NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n long diff;\n#endif\n if(size > (INT_MAX-32) )\n return NULL;\n#if CONFIG_MEMALIGN_HACK\n ptr = malloc(size+32);\n if(!ptr)\n return ptr;\n diff= ((-(long)ptr - 1)&31) + 1;\n ptr = (char*)ptr + diff;\n ((char*)ptr)[-1]= diff;\n#elif HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN\n if (posix_memalign(&ptr,32,size))\n ptr = NULL;\n#elif HAVE_MEMALIGN\n ptr = memalign(32,size);\n#else\n ptr = malloc(size);\n#endif\n return ptr;\n}', 'int64_t av_rescale_q(int64_t a, AVRational bq, AVRational cq){\n int64_t b= bq.num * (int64_t)cq.den;\n int64_t c= cq.num * (int64_t)bq.den;\n return av_rescale_rnd(a, b, c, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF);\n}', 'static av_always_inline av_const uint16_t av_bswap16(uint16_t x)\n{\n x= (x>>8) | (x<<8);\n return x;\n}']
static void update_error_limit(WavpackContext *ctx) { int i, br[2], sl[2]; for(i = 0; i <= ctx->stereo_in; i++){ ctx->ch[i].bitrate_acc += ctx->ch[i].bitrate_delta; br[i] = ctx->ch[i].bitrate_acc >> 16; sl[i] = LEVEL_DECAY(ctx->ch[i].slow_level); } if(ctx->stereo_in && ctx->hybrid_bitrate){ int balance = (sl[1] - sl[0] + br[1] + 1) >> 1; if(balance > br[0]){ br[1] = br[0] << 1; br[0] = 0; }else if(-balance > br[0]){ br[0] <<= 1; br[1] = 0; }else{ br[1] = br[0] + balance; br[0] = br[0] - balance; } } for(i = 0; i <= ctx->stereo_in; i++){ if(ctx->hybrid_bitrate){ if(sl[i] - br[i] > -0x100) ctx->ch[i].error_limit = wp_exp2(sl[i] - br[i] + 0x100); else ctx->ch[i].error_limit = 0; }else{ ctx->ch[i].error_limit = wp_exp2(br[i]); } } }
['static void update_error_limit(WavpackContext *ctx)\n{\n int i, br[2], sl[2];\n for(i = 0; i <= ctx->stereo_in; i++){\n ctx->ch[i].bitrate_acc += ctx->ch[i].bitrate_delta;\n br[i] = ctx->ch[i].bitrate_acc >> 16;\n sl[i] = LEVEL_DECAY(ctx->ch[i].slow_level);\n }\n if(ctx->stereo_in && ctx->hybrid_bitrate){\n int balance = (sl[1] - sl[0] + br[1] + 1) >> 1;\n if(balance > br[0]){\n br[1] = br[0] << 1;\n br[0] = 0;\n }else if(-balance > br[0]){\n br[0] <<= 1;\n br[1] = 0;\n }else{\n br[1] = br[0] + balance;\n br[0] = br[0] - balance;\n }\n }\n for(i = 0; i <= ctx->stereo_in; i++){\n if(ctx->hybrid_bitrate){\n if(sl[i] - br[i] > -0x100)\n ctx->ch[i].error_limit = wp_exp2(sl[i] - br[i] + 0x100);\n else\n ctx->ch[i].error_limit = 0;\n }else{\n ctx->ch[i].error_limit = wp_exp2(br[i]);\n }\n }\n}']
static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words) { BN_ULONG *a = NULL; if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA); return NULL; } if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE)) a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); else a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) { BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return NULL; } assert(b->top <= words); if (b->top > 0) memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top); return a; }
['int ec_GF2m_simple_group_check_discriminant(const EC_GROUP *group,\n BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n BIGNUM *b;\n BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;\n if (ctx == NULL) {\n ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new();\n if (ctx == NULL) {\n ECerr(EC_F_EC_GF2M_SIMPLE_GROUP_CHECK_DISCRIMINANT,\n ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n }\n BN_CTX_start(ctx);\n b = BN_CTX_get(ctx);\n if (b == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (!BN_GF2m_mod_arr(b, group->b, group->poly))\n goto err;\n if (BN_is_zero(b))\n goto err;\n ret = 1;\n err:\n if (ctx != NULL)\n BN_CTX_end(ctx);\n BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);\n return ret;\n}', 'BIGNUM *BN_CTX_get(BN_CTX *ctx)\n{\n BIGNUM *ret;\n CTXDBG_ENTRY("BN_CTX_get", ctx);\n if (ctx->err_stack || ctx->too_many)\n return NULL;\n if ((ret = BN_POOL_get(&ctx->pool, ctx->flags)) == NULL) {\n ctx->too_many = 1;\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_CTX_GET, BN_R_TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_VARIABLES);\n return NULL;\n }\n BN_zero(ret);\n ret->flags &= (~BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);\n ctx->used++;\n CTXDBG_RET(ctx, ret);\n return ret;\n}', 'int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)\n{\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (bn_expand(a, (int)sizeof(BN_ULONG) * 8) == NULL)\n return 0;\n a->neg = 0;\n a->d[0] = w;\n a->top = (w ? 1 : 0);\n a->flags &= ~BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP;\n bn_check_top(a);\n return 1;\n}', 'int BN_GF2m_mod_arr(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const int p[])\n{\n int j, k;\n int n, dN, d0, d1;\n BN_ULONG zz, *z;\n bn_check_top(a);\n if (!p[0]) {\n BN_zero(r);\n return 1;\n }\n if (a != r) {\n if (!bn_wexpand(r, a->top))\n return 0;\n for (j = 0; j < a->top; j++) {\n r->d[j] = a->d[j];\n }\n r->top = a->top;\n }\n z = r->d;\n dN = p[0] / BN_BITS2;\n for (j = r->top - 1; j > dN;) {\n zz = z[j];\n if (z[j] == 0) {\n j--;\n continue;\n }\n z[j] = 0;\n for (k = 1; p[k] != 0; k++) {\n n = p[0] - p[k];\n d0 = n % BN_BITS2;\n d1 = BN_BITS2 - d0;\n n /= BN_BITS2;\n z[j - n] ^= (zz >> d0);\n if (d0)\n z[j - n - 1] ^= (zz << d1);\n }\n n = dN;\n d0 = p[0] % BN_BITS2;\n d1 = BN_BITS2 - d0;\n z[j - n] ^= (zz >> d0);\n if (d0)\n z[j - n - 1] ^= (zz << d1);\n }\n while (j == dN) {\n d0 = p[0] % BN_BITS2;\n zz = z[dN] >> d0;\n if (zz == 0)\n break;\n d1 = BN_BITS2 - d0;\n if (d0)\n z[dN] = (z[dN] << d1) >> d1;\n else\n z[dN] = 0;\n z[0] ^= zz;\n for (k = 1; p[k] != 0; k++) {\n BN_ULONG tmp_ulong;\n n = p[k] / BN_BITS2;\n d0 = p[k] % BN_BITS2;\n d1 = BN_BITS2 - d0;\n z[n] ^= (zz << d0);\n if (d0 && (tmp_ulong = zz >> d1))\n z[n + 1] ^= tmp_ulong;\n }\n }\n bn_correct_top(r);\n return 1;\n}', 'static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)\n{\n if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))\n return NULL;\n if (((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)\n return a;\n return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);\n}', 'BIGNUM *bn_expand2(BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n if (words > b->dmax) {\n BN_ULONG *a = bn_expand_internal(b, words);\n if (!a)\n return NULL;\n if (b->d) {\n OPENSSL_cleanse(b->d, b->dmax * sizeof(b->d[0]));\n bn_free_d(b);\n }\n b->d = a;\n b->dmax = words;\n }\n return b;\n}', 'static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)\n{\n BN_ULONG *a = NULL;\n if (words > (INT_MAX / (4 * BN_BITS2))) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_BIGNUM_TOO_LONG);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, BN_R_EXPAND_ON_STATIC_BIGNUM_DATA);\n return NULL;\n }\n if (BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_SECURE))\n a = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n else\n a = OPENSSL_zalloc(words * sizeof(*a));\n if (a == NULL) {\n BNerr(BN_F_BN_EXPAND_INTERNAL, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n return NULL;\n }\n assert(b->top <= words);\n if (b->top > 0)\n memcpy(a, b->d, sizeof(*a) * b->top);\n return a;\n}']
static inline void skip_remaining(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n) { #ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE bc->bits >>= n; #else bc->bits <<= n; #endif bc->bits_left -= n; }
['static int decode_blocks(ALSDecContext *ctx, unsigned int ra_frame,\n unsigned int c, const unsigned int *div_blocks,\n unsigned int *js_blocks)\n{\n ALSSpecificConfig *sconf = &ctx->sconf;\n unsigned int offset = 0;\n unsigned int b;\n int ret;\n ALSBlockData bd[2] = { { 0 } };\n bd[0].ra_block = ra_frame;\n bd[0].const_block = ctx->const_block;\n bd[0].shift_lsbs = ctx->shift_lsbs;\n bd[0].opt_order = ctx->opt_order;\n bd[0].store_prev_samples = ctx->store_prev_samples;\n bd[0].use_ltp = ctx->use_ltp;\n bd[0].ltp_lag = ctx->ltp_lag;\n bd[0].ltp_gain = ctx->ltp_gain[0];\n bd[0].quant_cof = ctx->quant_cof[0];\n bd[0].lpc_cof = ctx->lpc_cof[0];\n bd[0].prev_raw_samples = ctx->prev_raw_samples;\n bd[0].js_blocks = *js_blocks;\n bd[1].ra_block = ra_frame;\n bd[1].const_block = ctx->const_block;\n bd[1].shift_lsbs = ctx->shift_lsbs;\n bd[1].opt_order = ctx->opt_order;\n bd[1].store_prev_samples = ctx->store_prev_samples;\n bd[1].use_ltp = ctx->use_ltp;\n bd[1].ltp_lag = ctx->ltp_lag;\n bd[1].ltp_gain = ctx->ltp_gain[0];\n bd[1].quant_cof = ctx->quant_cof[0];\n bd[1].lpc_cof = ctx->lpc_cof[0];\n bd[1].prev_raw_samples = ctx->prev_raw_samples;\n bd[1].js_blocks = *(js_blocks + 1);\n for (b = 0; b < ctx->num_blocks; b++) {\n unsigned int s;\n bd[0].block_length = div_blocks[b];\n bd[1].block_length = div_blocks[b];\n bd[0].raw_samples = ctx->raw_samples[c ] + offset;\n bd[1].raw_samples = ctx->raw_samples[c + 1] + offset;\n bd[0].raw_other = bd[1].raw_samples;\n bd[1].raw_other = bd[0].raw_samples;\n if ((ret = read_decode_block(ctx, &bd[0])) < 0 ||\n (ret = read_decode_block(ctx, &bd[1])) < 0)\n goto fail;\n if (bd[0].js_blocks) {\n if (bd[1].js_blocks)\n av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid channel pair!\\n");\n for (s = 0; s < div_blocks[b]; s++)\n bd[0].raw_samples[s] = bd[1].raw_samples[s] - bd[0].raw_samples[s];\n } else if (bd[1].js_blocks) {\n for (s = 0; s < div_blocks[b]; s++)\n bd[1].raw_samples[s] = bd[1].raw_samples[s] + bd[0].raw_samples[s];\n }\n offset += div_blocks[b];\n bd[0].ra_block = 0;\n bd[1].ra_block = 0;\n }\n memmove(ctx->raw_samples[c] - sconf->max_order,\n ctx->raw_samples[c] - sconf->max_order + sconf->frame_length,\n sizeof(*ctx->raw_samples[c]) * sconf->max_order);\n return 0;\nfail:\n zero_remaining(b, ctx->num_blocks, div_blocks, bd[0].raw_samples);\n zero_remaining(b, ctx->num_blocks, div_blocks, bd[1].raw_samples);\n return ret;\n}', 'static int read_decode_block(ALSDecContext *ctx, ALSBlockData *bd)\n{\n int ret;\n if ((ret = read_block(ctx, bd)) < 0)\n return ret;\n return decode_block(ctx, bd);\n}', 'static int read_block(ALSDecContext *ctx, ALSBlockData *bd)\n{\n int ret = 0;\n BitstreamContext *bc = &ctx->bc;\n *bd->shift_lsbs = 0;\n if (bitstream_read_bit(bc)) {\n ret = read_var_block_data(ctx, bd);\n } else {\n read_const_block_data(ctx, bd);\n }\n return ret;\n}', 'static inline unsigned bitstream_read_bit(BitstreamContext *bc)\n{\n if (!bc->bits_left)\n refill_64(bc);\n return get_val(bc, 1);\n}', 'static inline uint64_t get_val(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n#ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits & ((UINT64_C(1) << n) - 1);\n bc->bits >>= n;\n#else\n uint64_t ret = bc->bits >> (64 - n);\n bc->bits <<= n;\n#endif\n bc->bits_left -= n;\n return ret;\n}', 'static void read_const_block_data(ALSDecContext *ctx, ALSBlockData *bd)\n{\n ALSSpecificConfig *sconf = &ctx->sconf;\n AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;\n BitstreamContext *bc = &ctx->bc;\n *bd->raw_samples = 0;\n *bd->const_block = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n bd->js_blocks = bitstream_read_bit(bc);\n bitstream_skip(bc, 5);\n if (*bd->const_block) {\n unsigned int const_val_bits = sconf->floating ? 24 : avctx->bits_per_raw_sample;\n *bd->raw_samples = bitstream_read_signed(bc, const_val_bits);\n }\n *bd->const_block = 1;\n}', 'static inline void bitstream_skip(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n if (n < bc->bits_left)\n skip_remaining(bc, n);\n else {\n n -= bc->bits_left;\n bc->bits = 0;\n bc->bits_left = 0;\n if (n >= 64) {\n unsigned skip = n / 8;\n n -= skip * 8;\n bc->ptr += skip;\n }\n refill_64(bc);\n if (n)\n skip_remaining(bc, n);\n }\n}', 'static inline void skip_remaining(BitstreamContext *bc, unsigned n)\n{\n#ifdef BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n bc->bits >>= n;\n#else\n bc->bits <<= n;\n#endif\n bc->bits_left -= n;\n}']
void lh_doall_arg(LHASH *lh, void (*func)(), char *arg) { int i; LHASH_NODE *a,*n; for (i=lh->num_nodes-1; i>=0; i--) { a=lh->b[i]; while (a != NULL) { n=a->next; func(a->data,arg); a=n; } } }
['static int sv_body(char *hostname, int s, unsigned char *context)\n\t{\n\tchar *buf=NULL;\n\tfd_set readfds;\n\tint ret=1,width;\n\tint k,i;\n\tunsigned long l;\n\tSSL *con=NULL;\n\tBIO *sbio;\n#ifdef WINDOWS\n\tstruct timeval tv;\n#endif\n\tif ((buf=Malloc(bufsize)) == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"out of memory\\n");\n\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n#ifdef FIONBIO\n\tif (s_nbio)\n\t\t{\n\t\tunsigned long sl=1;\n\t\tif (!s_quiet)\n\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_err,"turning on non blocking io\\n");\n\t\tif (BIO_socket_ioctl(s,FIONBIO,&sl) < 0)\n\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tif (con == NULL) {\n\t\tcon=(SSL *)SSL_new(ctx);\n\t\tif(context)\n\t\t SSL_set_session_id_context(con, context,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t strlen((char *)context));\n\t}\n\tSSL_clear(con);\n\tsbio=BIO_new_socket(s,BIO_NOCLOSE);\n\tif (s_nbio_test)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBIO *test;\n\t\ttest=BIO_new(BIO_f_nbio_test());\n\t\tsbio=BIO_push(test,sbio);\n\t\t}\n\tSSL_set_bio(con,sbio,sbio);\n\tSSL_set_accept_state(con);\n\tif (s_debug)\n\t\t{\n\t\tcon->debug=1;\n\t\tBIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(con),bio_dump_cb);\n\t\tBIO_set_callback_arg(SSL_get_rbio(con),bio_s_out);\n\t\t}\n\twidth=s+1;\n\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\n\t\tFD_ZERO(&readfds);\n#ifndef WINDOWS\n\t\tFD_SET(fileno(stdin),&readfds);\n#endif\n\t\tFD_SET(s,&readfds);\n#ifdef WINDOWS\n\t\ttv.tv_sec = 1;\n\t\ttv.tv_usec = 0;\n\t\ti=select(width,(void *)&readfds,NULL,NULL,&tv);\n\t\tif((i < 0) || (!i && !_kbhit() ) )continue;\n\t\tif(_kbhit())\n#else\n \t\ti=select(width,(void *)&readfds,NULL,NULL,NULL);\n \t\tif (i <= 0) continue;\n \t\tif (FD_ISSET(fileno(stdin),&readfds))\n#endif\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (s_crlf)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint j, lf_num;\n\t\t\t\ti=read(fileno(stdin), buf, bufsize/2);\n\t\t\t\tlf_num = 0;\n\t\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < i; j++)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (buf[j] == \'\\n\')\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlf_num++;\n\t\t\t\tfor (j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tbuf[j+lf_num] = buf[j];\n\t\t\t\t\tif (buf[j] == \'\\n\')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlf_num--;\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti++;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuf[j+lf_num] = \'\\r\';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tassert(lf_num == 0);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ti=read(fileno(stdin),buf,bufsize);\n\t\t\tif (!s_quiet)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif ((i <= 0) || (buf[0] == \'Q\'))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"DONE\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tSHUTDOWN(s);\n\t\t\t\t\tclose_accept_socket();\n\t\t\t\t\tret= -11;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ((i <= 0) || (buf[0] == \'q\'))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"DONE\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tSHUTDOWN(s);\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ((buf[0] == \'r\') &&\n\t\t\t\t\t((buf[1] == \'\\n\') || (buf[1] == \'\\r\')))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tSSL_renegotiate(con);\n\t\t\t\t\ti=SSL_do_handshake(con);\n\t\t\t\t\tprintf("SSL_do_handshake -> %d\\n",i);\n\t\t\t\t\ti=0;\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ((buf[0] == \'R\') &&\n\t\t\t\t\t((buf[1] == \'\\n\') || (buf[1] == \'\\r\')))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tSSL_set_verify(con,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSSL_VERIFY_PEER|SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE,NULL);\n\t\t\t\t\tSSL_renegotiate(con);\n\t\t\t\t\ti=SSL_do_handshake(con);\n\t\t\t\t\tprintf("SSL_do_handshake -> %d\\n",i);\n\t\t\t\t\ti=0;\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (buf[0] == \'P\')\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tstatic char *str="Lets print some clear text\\n";\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_write(SSL_get_wbio(con),str,strlen(str));\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (buf[0] == \'S\')\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tprint_stats(bio_s_out,SSL_get_SSL_CTX(con));\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n#ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC\n\t\t\tebcdic2ascii(buf,buf,i);\n#endif\n\t\t\tl=k=0;\n\t\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t\t\t{\n#ifdef RENEG\n{ static count=0; if (++count == 100) { count=0; SSL_renegotiate(con); } }\n#endif\n\t\t\t\tk=SSL_write(con,&(buf[l]),(unsigned int)i);\n\t\t\t\tswitch (SSL_get_error(con,k))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_NONE:\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"Write BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SSL:\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"ERROR\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"DONE\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tl+=k;\n\t\t\t\ti-=k;\n\t\t\t\tif (i <= 0) break;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif (FD_ISSET(s,&readfds))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!SSL_is_init_finished(con))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ti=init_ssl_connection(con);\n\t\t\t\tif (i < 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tret=0;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if (i == 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\nagain:\n\t\t\t\ti=SSL_read(con,(char *)buf,bufsize);\n\t\t\t\tswitch (SSL_get_error(con,i))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_NONE:\n#ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC\n\t\t\t\t\tascii2ebcdic(buf,buf,i);\n#endif\n\t\t\t\t\twrite(fileno(stdout),buf,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(unsigned int)i);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (SSL_pending(con)) goto again;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"Read BLOCK\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_SSL:\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"ERROR\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tERR_print_errors(bio_err);\n\t\t\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\tcase SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:\n\t\t\t\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"DONE\\n");\n\t\t\t\t\tret=1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\nerr:\n\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"shutting down SSL\\n");\n#if 1\n\tSSL_set_shutdown(con,SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN|SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN);\n#else\n\tSSL_shutdown(con);\n#endif\n\tif (con != NULL) SSL_free(con);\n\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"CONNECTION CLOSED\\n");\n\tif (buf != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tmemset(buf,0,bufsize);\n\t\tFree(buf);\n\t\t}\n\tif (ret >= 0)\n\t\tBIO_printf(bio_s_out,"ACCEPT\\n");\n\treturn(ret);\n\t}', 'SSL *SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx)\n\t{\n\tSSL *s;\n\tif (ctx == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_NEW,SSL_R_NULL_SSL_CTX);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\tif (ctx->method == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_NEW,SSL_R_SSL_CTX_HAS_NO_DEFAULT_SSL_VERSION);\n\t\treturn(NULL);\n\t\t}\n\ts=(SSL *)Malloc(sizeof(SSL));\n\tif (s == NULL) goto err;\n\tmemset(s,0,sizeof(SSL));\n\tif (ctx->cert != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->cert = ssl_cert_dup(ctx->cert);\n\t\tif (s->cert == NULL)\n\t\t\tgoto err;\n\t\t}\n\telse\n\t\ts->cert=NULL;\n\ts->sid_ctx_length=ctx->sid_ctx_length;\n\tmemcpy(&s->sid_ctx,&ctx->sid_ctx,sizeof(s->sid_ctx));\n\ts->verify_mode=ctx->verify_mode;\n\ts->verify_depth=ctx->verify_depth;\n\ts->verify_callback=ctx->default_verify_callback;\n\ts->purpose = ctx->purpose;\n\ts->trust = ctx->trust;\n\tCRYPTO_add(&ctx->references,1,CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n\ts->ctx=ctx;\n\ts->verify_result=X509_V_OK;\n\ts->method=ctx->method;\n\tif (!s->method->ssl_new(s))\n\t\tgoto err;\n\ts->quiet_shutdown=ctx->quiet_shutdown;\n\ts->references=1;\n\ts->server=(ctx->method->ssl_accept == ssl_undefined_function)?0:1;\n\ts->options=ctx->options;\n\ts->mode=ctx->mode;\n\tSSL_clear(s);\n\tCRYPTO_new_ex_data(ssl_meth,(char *)s,&s->ex_data);\n\treturn(s);\nerr:\n\tif (s != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (s->cert != NULL)\n\t\t\tssl_cert_free(s->cert);\n\t\tif (s->ctx != NULL)\n\t\t\tSSL_CTX_free(s->ctx);\n\t\tFree(s);\n\t\t}\n\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_NEW,ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n\treturn(NULL);\n\t}', 'int SSL_clear(SSL *s)\n\t{\n\tint state;\n\tif (s->method == NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_CLEAR,SSL_R_NO_METHOD_SPECIFIED);\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\ts->error=0;\n\ts->hit=0;\n\ts->shutdown=0;\n#if 0\n\tif (s->new_session) return(1);\n#endif\n\tstate=s->state;\n\ts->type=0;\n\ts->state=SSL_ST_BEFORE|((s->server)?SSL_ST_ACCEPT:SSL_ST_CONNECT);\n\ts->version=s->method->version;\n\ts->client_version=s->version;\n\ts->rwstate=SSL_NOTHING;\n\ts->rstate=SSL_ST_READ_HEADER;\n\ts->read_ahead=s->ctx->read_ahead;\n\tif (s->init_buf != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tBUF_MEM_free(s->init_buf);\n\t\ts->init_buf=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tssl_clear_cipher_ctx(s);\n\tif (ssl_clear_bad_session(s))\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSL_SESSION_free(s->session);\n\t\ts->session=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\ts->first_packet=0;\n#if 1\n\tif ((s->session == NULL) && (s->method != s->ctx->method))\n\t\t{\n\t\ts->method->ssl_free(s);\n\t\ts->method=s->ctx->method;\n\t\tif (!s->method->ssl_new(s))\n\t\t\treturn(0);\n\t\t}\n\telse\n#endif\n\t\ts->method->ssl_clear(s);\n\treturn(1);\n\t}', 'void SSL_free(SSL *s)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tif(s == NULL)\n\t return;\n\ti=CRYPTO_add(&s->references,-1,CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL);\n#ifdef REF_PRINT\n\tREF_PRINT("SSL",s);\n#endif\n\tif (i > 0) return;\n#ifdef REF_CHECK\n\tif (i < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tfprintf(stderr,"SSL_free, bad reference count\\n");\n\t\tabort();\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tCRYPTO_free_ex_data(ssl_meth,(char *)s,&s->ex_data);\n\tif (s->bbio != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tif (s->bbio == s->wbio)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\ts->wbio=BIO_pop(s->wbio);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tBIO_free(s->bbio);\n\t\ts->bbio=NULL;\n\t\t}\n\tif (s->rbio != NULL)\n\t\tBIO_free_all(s->rbio);\n\tif ((s->wbio != NULL) && (s->wbio != s->rbio))\n\t\tBIO_free_all(s->wbio);\n\tif (s->init_buf != NULL) BUF_MEM_free(s->init_buf);\n\tif (s->cipher_list != NULL) sk_SSL_CIPHER_free(s->cipher_list);\n\tif (s->cipher_list_by_id != NULL) sk_SSL_CIPHER_free(s->cipher_list_by_id);\n\tif (s->session != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tssl_clear_bad_session(s);\n\t\tSSL_SESSION_free(s->session);\n\t\t}\n\tssl_clear_cipher_ctx(s);\n\tif (s->cert != NULL) ssl_cert_free(s->cert);\n\tif (s->ctx) SSL_CTX_free(s->ctx);\n\tif (s->client_CA != NULL)\n\t\tsk_X509_NAME_pop_free(s->client_CA,X509_NAME_free);\n\tif (s->method != NULL) s->method->ssl_free(s);\n\tFree((char *)s);\n\t}', 'void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *a)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tif (a == NULL) return;\n\ti=CRYPTO_add(&a->references,-1,CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL_CTX);\n#ifdef REF_PRINT\n\tREF_PRINT("SSL_CTX",a);\n#endif\n\tif (i > 0) return;\n#ifdef REF_CHECK\n\tif (i < 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\tfprintf(stderr,"SSL_CTX_free, bad reference count\\n");\n\t\tabort();\n\t\t}\n#endif\n\tCRYPTO_free_ex_data(ssl_ctx_meth,(char *)a,&a->ex_data);\n\tif (a->sessions != NULL)\n\t\t{\n\t\tSSL_CTX_flush_sessions(a,0);\n\t\tlh_free(a->sessions);\n\t\t}\n\tif (a->cert_store != NULL)\n\t\tX509_STORE_free(a->cert_store);\n\tif (a->cipher_list != NULL)\n\t\tsk_SSL_CIPHER_free(a->cipher_list);\n\tif (a->cipher_list_by_id != NULL)\n\t\tsk_SSL_CIPHER_free(a->cipher_list_by_id);\n\tif (a->cert != NULL)\n\t\tssl_cert_free(a->cert);\n\tif (a->client_CA != NULL)\n\t\tsk_X509_NAME_pop_free(a->client_CA,X509_NAME_free);\n\tif (a->extra_certs != NULL)\n\t\tsk_X509_pop_free(a->extra_certs,X509_free);\n\tif (a->comp_methods != NULL)\n\t\tsk_SSL_COMP_pop_free(a->comp_methods,SSL_COMP_free);\n\tFree((char *)a);\n\t}', 'void X509_STORE_free(X509_STORE *vfy)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tSTACK_OF(X509_LOOKUP) *sk;\n\tX509_LOOKUP *lu;\n\tif(vfy == NULL)\n\t return;\n\tsk=vfy->get_cert_methods;\n\tfor (i=0; i<sk_X509_LOOKUP_num(sk); i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\tlu=sk_X509_LOOKUP_value(sk,i);\n\t\tX509_LOOKUP_shutdown(lu);\n\t\tX509_LOOKUP_free(lu);\n\t\t}\n\tsk_X509_LOOKUP_free(sk);\n\tCRYPTO_free_ex_data(x509_store_meth,(char *)vfy,&vfy->ex_data);\n\tlh_doall(vfy->certs,cleanup);\n\tlh_free(vfy->certs);\n\tFree(vfy);\n\t}', 'void lh_doall(LHASH *lh, void (*func)())\n\t{\n\tlh_doall_arg(lh,func,NULL);\n\t}', 'void lh_doall_arg(LHASH *lh, void (*func)(), char *arg)\n\t{\n\tint i;\n\tLHASH_NODE *a,*n;\n\tfor (i=lh->num_nodes-1; i>=0; i--)\n\t\t{\n\t\ta=lh->b[i];\n\t\twhile (a != NULL)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tn=a->next;\n\t\t\tfunc(a->data,arg);\n\t\t\ta=n;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}']
int CMS_SignerInfo_verify_content(CMS_SignerInfo *si, BIO *chain) { ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = NULL; EVP_MD_CTX *mctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new(); EVP_PKEY_CTX *pkctx = NULL; int r = -1; unsigned char mval[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int mlen; if (mctx == NULL) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (CMS_signed_get_attr_count(si) >= 0) { os = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_pkcs9_messageDigest), -3, V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING); if (!os) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, CMS_R_ERROR_READING_MESSAGEDIGEST_ATTRIBUTE); goto err; } } if (!cms_DigestAlgorithm_find_ctx(mctx, chain, si->digestAlgorithm)) goto err; if (EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mctx, mval, &mlen) <= 0) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, CMS_R_UNABLE_TO_FINALIZE_CONTEXT); goto err; } if (os) { if (mlen != (unsigned int)os->length) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, CMS_R_MESSAGEDIGEST_ATTRIBUTE_WRONG_LENGTH); goto err; } if (memcmp(mval, os->data, mlen)) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, CMS_R_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); r = 0; } else r = 1; } else { const EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_CTX_md(mctx); pkctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(si->pkey, NULL); if (pkctx == NULL) goto err; if (EVP_PKEY_verify_init(pkctx) <= 0) goto err; if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md(pkctx, md) <= 0) goto err; si->pctx = pkctx; if (!cms_sd_asn1_ctrl(si, 1)) goto err; r = EVP_PKEY_verify(pkctx, si->signature->data, si->signature->length, mval, mlen); if (r <= 0) { CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, CMS_R_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); r = 0; } } err: EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pkctx); EVP_MD_CTX_free(mctx); return r; }
['int CMS_SignerInfo_verify_content(CMS_SignerInfo *si, BIO *chain)\n{\n ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = NULL;\n EVP_MD_CTX *mctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();\n EVP_PKEY_CTX *pkctx = NULL;\n int r = -1;\n unsigned char mval[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];\n unsigned int mlen;\n if (mctx == NULL) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);\n goto err;\n }\n if (CMS_signed_get_attr_count(si) >= 0) {\n os = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si,\n OBJ_nid2obj(NID_pkcs9_messageDigest),\n -3, V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING);\n if (!os) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT,\n CMS_R_ERROR_READING_MESSAGEDIGEST_ATTRIBUTE);\n goto err;\n }\n }\n if (!cms_DigestAlgorithm_find_ctx(mctx, chain, si->digestAlgorithm))\n goto err;\n if (EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mctx, mval, &mlen) <= 0) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT,\n CMS_R_UNABLE_TO_FINALIZE_CONTEXT);\n goto err;\n }\n if (os) {\n if (mlen != (unsigned int)os->length) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT,\n CMS_R_MESSAGEDIGEST_ATTRIBUTE_WRONG_LENGTH);\n goto err;\n }\n if (memcmp(mval, os->data, mlen)) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT,\n CMS_R_VERIFICATION_FAILURE);\n r = 0;\n } else\n r = 1;\n } else {\n const EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_CTX_md(mctx);\n pkctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(si->pkey, NULL);\n if (pkctx == NULL)\n goto err;\n if (EVP_PKEY_verify_init(pkctx) <= 0)\n goto err;\n if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md(pkctx, md) <= 0)\n goto err;\n si->pctx = pkctx;\n if (!cms_sd_asn1_ctrl(si, 1))\n goto err;\n r = EVP_PKEY_verify(pkctx, si->signature->data,\n si->signature->length, mval, mlen);\n if (r <= 0) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_SIGNERINFO_VERIFY_CONTENT,\n CMS_R_VERIFICATION_FAILURE);\n r = 0;\n }\n }\n err:\n EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pkctx);\n EVP_MD_CTX_free(mctx);\n return r;\n}', 'EVP_MD_CTX *EVP_MD_CTX_new(void)\n{\n return OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(EVP_MD_CTX));\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = CRYPTO_malloc(num, file, line);\n if (ret != NULL)\n memset(ret, 0, num);\n return ret;\n}', 'void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line)\n{\n void *ret = NULL;\n if (malloc_impl != NULL && malloc_impl != CRYPTO_malloc)\n return malloc_impl(num, file, line);\n if (num <= 0)\n return NULL;\n allow_customize = 0;\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(NULL, num, 0, file, line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_malloc(ret, num, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n ret = malloc(num);\n }\n#else\n osslargused(file); osslargused(line);\n ret = malloc(num);\n#endif\n return ret;\n}', 'int CMS_signed_get_attr_count(const CMS_SignerInfo *si)\n{\n return X509at_get_attr_count(si->signedAttrs);\n}', 'int X509at_get_attr_count(const STACK_OF(X509_ATTRIBUTE) *x)\n{\n return sk_X509_ATTRIBUTE_num(x);\n}', 'int OPENSSL_sk_num(const OPENSSL_STACK *st)\n{\n if (st == NULL)\n return -1;\n return st->num;\n}', 'int cms_DigestAlgorithm_find_ctx(EVP_MD_CTX *mctx, BIO *chain,\n X509_ALGOR *mdalg)\n{\n int nid;\n ASN1_OBJECT *mdoid;\n X509_ALGOR_get0(&mdoid, NULL, NULL, mdalg);\n nid = OBJ_obj2nid(mdoid);\n for (;;) {\n EVP_MD_CTX *mtmp;\n chain = BIO_find_type(chain, BIO_TYPE_MD);\n if (chain == NULL) {\n CMSerr(CMS_F_CMS_DIGESTALGORITHM_FIND_CTX,\n CMS_R_NO_MATCHING_DIGEST);\n return 0;\n }\n BIO_get_md_ctx(chain, &mtmp);\n if (EVP_MD_CTX_type(mtmp) == nid\n || EVP_MD_pkey_type(EVP_MD_CTX_md(mtmp)) == nid)\n return EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(mctx, mtmp);\n chain = BIO_next(chain);\n }\n}', 'void X509_ALGOR_get0(ASN1_OBJECT **paobj, int *pptype, void **ppval,\n X509_ALGOR *algor)\n{\n if (paobj)\n *paobj = algor->algorithm;\n if (pptype) {\n if (algor->parameter == NULL) {\n *pptype = V_ASN1_UNDEF;\n return;\n } else\n *pptype = algor->parameter->type;\n if (ppval)\n *ppval = algor->parameter->value.ptr;\n }\n}', 'int OBJ_obj2nid(const ASN1_OBJECT *a)\n{\n const unsigned int *op;\n ADDED_OBJ ad, *adp;\n if (a == NULL)\n return (NID_undef);\n if (a->nid != 0)\n return (a->nid);\n if (a->length == 0)\n return NID_undef;\n if (added != NULL) {\n ad.type = ADDED_DATA;\n ad.obj = (ASN1_OBJECT *)a;\n adp = lh_ADDED_OBJ_retrieve(added, &ad);\n if (adp != NULL)\n return (adp->obj->nid);\n }\n op = OBJ_bsearch_obj(&a, obj_objs, NUM_OBJ);\n if (op == NULL)\n return (NID_undef);\n return (nid_objs[*op].nid);\n}', 'DEFINE_LHASH_OF(ADDED_OBJ)', 'void *OPENSSL_LH_retrieve(OPENSSL_LHASH *lh, const void *data)\n{\n unsigned long hash;\n OPENSSL_LH_NODE **rn;\n void *ret;\n lh->error = 0;\n rn = getrn(lh, data, &hash);\n if (*rn == NULL) {\n lh->num_retrieve_miss++;\n return (NULL);\n } else {\n ret = (*rn)->data;\n lh->num_retrieve++;\n }\n return (ret);\n}', 'void EVP_MD_CTX_free(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)\n{\n EVP_MD_CTX_reset(ctx);\n OPENSSL_free(ctx);\n}', 'void CRYPTO_free(void *str, const char *file, int line)\n{\n if (free_impl != NULL && free_impl != &CRYPTO_free) {\n free_impl(str, file, line);\n return;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG\n if (call_malloc_debug) {\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 0, file, line);\n free(str);\n CRYPTO_mem_debug_free(str, 1, file, line);\n } else {\n free(str);\n }\n#else\n free(str);\n#endif\n}']
static int vc1_decode_p_mb(VC1Context *v) { MpegEncContext *s = &v->s; GetBitContext *gb = &s->gb; int i, j; int mb_pos = s->mb_x + s->mb_y * s->mb_stride; int cbp; int mqdiff, mquant; int ttmb = v->ttfrm; int mb_has_coeffs = 1; int dmv_x, dmv_y; int index, index1; int val, sign; int first_block = 1; int dst_idx, off; int skipped, fourmv; int block_cbp = 0, pat, block_tt = 0, block_intra = 0; mquant = v->pq; if (v->mv_type_is_raw) fourmv = get_bits1(gb); else fourmv = v->mv_type_mb_plane[mb_pos]; if (v->skip_is_raw) skipped = get_bits1(gb); else skipped = v->s.mbskip_table[mb_pos]; if (!fourmv) { if (!skipped) { GET_MVDATA(dmv_x, dmv_y); if (s->mb_intra) { s->current_picture.f.motion_val[1][s->block_index[0]][0] = 0; s->current_picture.f.motion_val[1][s->block_index[0]][1] = 0; } s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_pos] = s->mb_intra ? MB_TYPE_INTRA : MB_TYPE_16x16; vc1_pred_mv(v, 0, dmv_x, dmv_y, 1, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0); if (s->mb_intra && !mb_has_coeffs) { GET_MQUANT(); s->ac_pred = get_bits1(gb); cbp = 0; } else if (mb_has_coeffs) { if (s->mb_intra) s->ac_pred = get_bits1(gb); cbp = get_vlc2(&v->, v->cbpcy_vlc->table, VC1_CBPCY_P_VLC_BITS, 2); GET_MQUANT(); } else { mquant = v->pq; cbp = 0; } s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = mquant; if (!v->ttmbf && !s->mb_intra && mb_has_coeffs) ttmb = get_vlc2(gb, ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[v->tt_index].table, VC1_TTMB_VLC_BITS, 2); if(!s->mb_intra) vc1_mc_1mv(v, 0); dst_idx = 0; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0; dst_idx += i >> 2; val = ((cbp >> (5 - i)) & 1); off = (i & 4) ? 0 : ((i & 1) * 8 + (i & 2) * 4 * s->linesize); v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = s->mb_intra; if(s->mb_intra) { v->a_avail = v->c_avail = 0; if(i == 2 || i == 3 || !s->first_slice_line) v->a_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - s->block_wrap[i]]; if(i == 1 || i == 3 || s->mb_x) v->c_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - 1]; vc1_decode_intra_block(v, s->block[i], i, val, mquant, (i&4)?v->codingset2:v->codingset); if((i>3) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)) continue; v->vc1dsp.vc1_inv_trans_8x8(s->block[i]); if(v->rangeredfrm) for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) s->block[i][j] <<= 1; s->dsp.put_signed_pixels_clamped(s->block[i], s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize); if(v->pq >= 9 && v->overlap) { if(v->c_avail) v->vc1dsp.vc1_h_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize); if(v->a_avail) v->vc1dsp.vc1_v_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize); } block_cbp |= 0xF << (i << 2); block_intra |= 1 << i; } else if(val) { pat = vc1_decode_p_block(v, s->block[i], i, mquant, ttmb, first_block, s->dest[dst_idx] + off, (i&4)?s->uvlinesize:s->linesize, (i&4) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY), &block_tt); block_cbp |= pat << (i << 2); if(!v->ttmbf && ttmb < 8) ttmb = -1; first_block = 0; } } } else { s->mb_intra = 0; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0; s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0; } s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_pos] = MB_TYPE_SKIP; s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = 0; vc1_pred_mv(v, 0, 0, 0, 1, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0); vc1_mc_1mv(v, 0); } } else { if (!skipped ) { int intra_count = 0, coded_inter = 0; int is_intra[6], is_coded[6]; cbp = get_vlc2(&v->, v->cbpcy_vlc->table, VC1_CBPCY_P_VLC_BITS, 2); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { val = ((cbp >> (5 - i)) & 1); s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0; s->mb_intra = 0; if(i < 4) { dmv_x = dmv_y = 0; s->mb_intra = 0; mb_has_coeffs = 0; if(val) { GET_MVDATA(dmv_x, dmv_y); } vc1_pred_mv(v, i, dmv_x, dmv_y, 0, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0); if(!s->mb_intra) vc1_mc_4mv_luma(v, i, 0); intra_count += s->mb_intra; is_intra[i] = s->mb_intra; is_coded[i] = mb_has_coeffs; } if(i&4){ is_intra[i] = (intra_count >= 3); is_coded[i] = val; } if(i == 4) vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(v, 0); v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = is_intra[i]; if(!coded_inter) coded_inter = !is_intra[i] & is_coded[i]; } dst_idx = 0; if(!intra_count && !coded_inter) goto end; GET_MQUANT(); s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = mquant; { int intrapred = 0; for(i=0; i<6; i++) if(is_intra[i]) { if(((!s->first_slice_line || (i==2 || i==3)) && v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - s->block_wrap[i]]) || ((s->mb_x || (i==1 || i==3)) && v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - 1])) { intrapred = 1; break; } } if(intrapred)s->ac_pred = get_bits1(gb); else s->ac_pred = 0; } if (!v->ttmbf && coded_inter) ttmb = get_vlc2(gb, ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[v->tt_index].table, VC1_TTMB_VLC_BITS, 2); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { dst_idx += i >> 2; off = (i & 4) ? 0 : ((i & 1) * 8 + (i & 2) * 4 * s->linesize); s->mb_intra = is_intra[i]; if (is_intra[i]) { v->a_avail = v->c_avail = 0; if(i == 2 || i == 3 || !s->first_slice_line) v->a_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - s->block_wrap[i]]; if(i == 1 || i == 3 || s->mb_x) v->c_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - 1]; vc1_decode_intra_block(v, s->block[i], i, is_coded[i], mquant, (i&4)?v->codingset2:v->codingset); if((i>3) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)) continue; v->vc1dsp.vc1_inv_trans_8x8(s->block[i]); if(v->rangeredfrm) for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) s->block[i][j] <<= 1; s->dsp.put_signed_pixels_clamped(s->block[i], s->dest[dst_idx] + off, (i&4)?s->uvlinesize:s->linesize); if(v->pq >= 9 && v->overlap) { if(v->c_avail) v->vc1dsp.vc1_h_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize); if(v->a_avail) v->vc1dsp.vc1_v_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize); } block_cbp |= 0xF << (i << 2); block_intra |= 1 << i; } else if(is_coded[i]) { pat = vc1_decode_p_block(v, s->block[i], i, mquant, ttmb, first_block, s->dest[dst_idx] + off, (i&4)?s->uvlinesize:s->linesize, (i&4) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY), &block_tt); block_cbp |= pat << (i << 2); if(!v->ttmbf && ttmb < 8) ttmb = -1; first_block = 0; } } } else { s->mb_intra = 0; s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = 0; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0; s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0; } for (i=0; i<4; i++) { vc1_pred_mv(v, i, 0, 0, 0, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0); vc1_mc_4mv_luma(v, i, 0); } vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(v, 0); s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = 0; } } end: v->cbp[s->mb_x] = block_cbp; v->ttblk[s->mb_x] = block_tt; v->is_intra[s->mb_x] = block_intra; return 0; }
['static int vc1_decode_p_mb(VC1Context *v)\n{\n MpegEncContext *s = &v->s;\n GetBitContext *gb = &s->gb;\n int i, j;\n int mb_pos = s->mb_x + s->mb_y * s->mb_stride;\n int cbp;\n int mqdiff, mquant;\n int ttmb = v->ttfrm;\n int mb_has_coeffs = 1;\n int dmv_x, dmv_y;\n int index, index1;\n int val, sign;\n int first_block = 1;\n int dst_idx, off;\n int skipped, fourmv;\n int block_cbp = 0, pat, block_tt = 0, block_intra = 0;\n mquant = v->pq;\n if (v->mv_type_is_raw)\n fourmv = get_bits1(gb);\n else\n fourmv = v->mv_type_mb_plane[mb_pos];\n if (v->skip_is_raw)\n skipped = get_bits1(gb);\n else\n skipped = v->s.mbskip_table[mb_pos];\n if (!fourmv)\n {\n if (!skipped)\n {\n GET_MVDATA(dmv_x, dmv_y);\n if (s->mb_intra) {\n s->current_picture.f.motion_val[1][s->block_index[0]][0] = 0;\n s->current_picture.f.motion_val[1][s->block_index[0]][1] = 0;\n }\n s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_pos] = s->mb_intra ? MB_TYPE_INTRA : MB_TYPE_16x16;\n vc1_pred_mv(v, 0, dmv_x, dmv_y, 1, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0);\n if (s->mb_intra && !mb_has_coeffs)\n {\n GET_MQUANT();\n s->ac_pred = get_bits1(gb);\n cbp = 0;\n }\n else if (mb_has_coeffs)\n {\n if (s->mb_intra)\n s->ac_pred = get_bits1(gb);\n cbp = get_vlc2(&v->, v->cbpcy_vlc->table, VC1_CBPCY_P_VLC_BITS, 2);\n GET_MQUANT();\n }\n else\n {\n mquant = v->pq;\n cbp = 0;\n }\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = mquant;\n if (!v->ttmbf && !s->mb_intra && mb_has_coeffs)\n ttmb = get_vlc2(gb, ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[v->tt_index].table,\n VC1_TTMB_VLC_BITS, 2);\n if(!s->mb_intra) vc1_mc_1mv(v, 0);\n dst_idx = 0;\n for (i=0; i<6; i++)\n {\n s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0;\n dst_idx += i >> 2;\n val = ((cbp >> (5 - i)) & 1);\n off = (i & 4) ? 0 : ((i & 1) * 8 + (i & 2) * 4 * s->linesize);\n v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = s->mb_intra;\n if(s->mb_intra) {\n v->a_avail = v->c_avail = 0;\n if(i == 2 || i == 3 || !s->first_slice_line)\n v->a_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - s->block_wrap[i]];\n if(i == 1 || i == 3 || s->mb_x)\n v->c_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - 1];\n vc1_decode_intra_block(v, s->block[i], i, val, mquant, (i&4)?v->codingset2:v->codingset);\n if((i>3) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)) continue;\n v->vc1dsp.vc1_inv_trans_8x8(s->block[i]);\n if(v->rangeredfrm) for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) s->block[i][j] <<= 1;\n s->dsp.put_signed_pixels_clamped(s->block[i], s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize);\n if(v->pq >= 9 && v->overlap) {\n if(v->c_avail)\n v->vc1dsp.vc1_h_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize);\n if(v->a_avail)\n v->vc1dsp.vc1_v_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize);\n }\n block_cbp |= 0xF << (i << 2);\n block_intra |= 1 << i;\n } else if(val) {\n pat = vc1_decode_p_block(v, s->block[i], i, mquant, ttmb, first_block, s->dest[dst_idx] + off, (i&4)?s->uvlinesize:s->linesize, (i&4) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY), &block_tt);\n block_cbp |= pat << (i << 2);\n if(!v->ttmbf && ttmb < 8) ttmb = -1;\n first_block = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n else\n {\n s->mb_intra = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {\n v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0;\n s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0;\n }\n s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_pos] = MB_TYPE_SKIP;\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = 0;\n vc1_pred_mv(v, 0, 0, 0, 1, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0);\n vc1_mc_1mv(v, 0);\n }\n }\n else\n {\n if (!skipped )\n {\n int intra_count = 0, coded_inter = 0;\n int is_intra[6], is_coded[6];\n cbp = get_vlc2(&v->, v->cbpcy_vlc->table, VC1_CBPCY_P_VLC_BITS, 2);\n for (i=0; i<6; i++)\n {\n val = ((cbp >> (5 - i)) & 1);\n s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0;\n s->mb_intra = 0;\n if(i < 4) {\n dmv_x = dmv_y = 0;\n s->mb_intra = 0;\n mb_has_coeffs = 0;\n if(val) {\n GET_MVDATA(dmv_x, dmv_y);\n }\n vc1_pred_mv(v, i, dmv_x, dmv_y, 0, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0);\n if(!s->mb_intra) vc1_mc_4mv_luma(v, i, 0);\n intra_count += s->mb_intra;\n is_intra[i] = s->mb_intra;\n is_coded[i] = mb_has_coeffs;\n }\n if(i&4){\n is_intra[i] = (intra_count >= 3);\n is_coded[i] = val;\n }\n if(i == 4) vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(v, 0);\n v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = is_intra[i];\n if(!coded_inter) coded_inter = !is_intra[i] & is_coded[i];\n }\n dst_idx = 0;\n if(!intra_count && !coded_inter)\n goto end;\n GET_MQUANT();\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = mquant;\n {\n int intrapred = 0;\n for(i=0; i<6; i++)\n if(is_intra[i]) {\n if(((!s->first_slice_line || (i==2 || i==3)) && v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - s->block_wrap[i]])\n || ((s->mb_x || (i==1 || i==3)) && v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - 1])) {\n intrapred = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n if(intrapred)s->ac_pred = get_bits1(gb);\n else s->ac_pred = 0;\n }\n if (!v->ttmbf && coded_inter)\n ttmb = get_vlc2(gb, ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[v->tt_index].table, VC1_TTMB_VLC_BITS, 2);\n for (i=0; i<6; i++)\n {\n dst_idx += i >> 2;\n off = (i & 4) ? 0 : ((i & 1) * 8 + (i & 2) * 4 * s->linesize);\n s->mb_intra = is_intra[i];\n if (is_intra[i]) {\n v->a_avail = v->c_avail = 0;\n if(i == 2 || i == 3 || !s->first_slice_line)\n v->a_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - s->block_wrap[i]];\n if(i == 1 || i == 3 || s->mb_x)\n v->c_avail = v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i] - 1];\n vc1_decode_intra_block(v, s->block[i], i, is_coded[i], mquant, (i&4)?v->codingset2:v->codingset);\n if((i>3) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)) continue;\n v->vc1dsp.vc1_inv_trans_8x8(s->block[i]);\n if(v->rangeredfrm) for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) s->block[i][j] <<= 1;\n s->dsp.put_signed_pixels_clamped(s->block[i], s->dest[dst_idx] + off, (i&4)?s->uvlinesize:s->linesize);\n if(v->pq >= 9 && v->overlap) {\n if(v->c_avail)\n v->vc1dsp.vc1_h_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize);\n if(v->a_avail)\n v->vc1dsp.vc1_v_overlap(s->dest[dst_idx] + off, i & 4 ? s->uvlinesize : s->linesize);\n }\n block_cbp |= 0xF << (i << 2);\n block_intra |= 1 << i;\n } else if(is_coded[i]) {\n pat = vc1_decode_p_block(v, s->block[i], i, mquant, ttmb, first_block, s->dest[dst_idx] + off, (i&4)?s->uvlinesize:s->linesize, (i&4) && (s->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY), &block_tt);\n block_cbp |= pat << (i << 2);\n if(!v->ttmbf && ttmb < 8) ttmb = -1;\n first_block = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n else\n {\n s->mb_intra = 0;\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = 0;\n for (i=0; i<6; i++) {\n v->mb_type[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0;\n s->dc_val[0][s->block_index[i]] = 0;\n }\n for (i=0; i<4; i++)\n {\n vc1_pred_mv(v, i, 0, 0, 0, v->range_x, v->range_y, v->mb_type[0], 0, 0);\n vc1_mc_4mv_luma(v, i, 0);\n }\n vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(v, 0);\n s->current_picture.f.qscale_table[mb_pos] = 0;\n }\n }\nend:\n v->cbp[s->mb_x] = block_cbp;\n v->ttblk[s->mb_x] = block_tt;\n v->is_intra[s->mb_x] = block_intra;\n return 0;\n}']
static int opus_decode_frame(OpusStreamContext *s, const uint8_t *data, int size) { int samples = s->packet.frame_duration; int redundancy = 0; int redundancy_size, redundancy_pos; int ret, i, consumed; int delayed_samples = s->delayed_samples; ret = opus_rc_init(&s->rc, data, size); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_SILK || s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) { if (!avresample_is_open(s->avr)) { ret = opus_init_resample(s); if (ret < 0) return ret; } samples = ff_silk_decode_superframe(s->silk, &s->rc, s->silk_output, FFMIN(s->packet.bandwidth, OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND), s->packet.stereo + 1, silk_frame_duration_ms[s->packet.config]); if (samples < 0) { av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error decoding a SILK frame.\n"); return samples; } samples = avresample_convert(s->avr, (uint8_t**)s->out, s->out_size, s->packet.frame_duration, (uint8_t**)s->silk_output, sizeof(s->silk_buf[0]), samples); if (samples < 0) { av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error resampling SILK data.\n"); return samples; } s->delayed_samples += s->packet.frame_duration - samples; } else ff_silk_flush(s->silk); consumed = opus_rc_tell(&s->rc); if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID && consumed + 37 <= size * 8) redundancy = opus_rc_p2model(&s->rc, 12); else if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_SILK && consumed + 17 <= size * 8) redundancy = 1; if (redundancy) { redundancy_pos = opus_rc_p2model(&s->rc, 1); if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) redundancy_size = opus_rc_unimodel(&s->rc, 256) + 2; else redundancy_size = size - (consumed + 7) / 8; size -= redundancy_size; if (size < 0) { av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid redundancy frame size.\n"); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; } if (redundancy_pos) { ret = opus_decode_redundancy(s, data + size, redundancy_size); if (ret < 0) return ret; ff_celt_flush(s->celt); } } if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_CELT || s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) { float *out_tmp[2] = { s->out[0], s->out[1] }; float **dst = (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_CELT) ? out_tmp : s->celt_output; int celt_output_samples = samples; int delay_samples = av_audio_fifo_size(s->celt_delay); if (delay_samples) { if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) { av_audio_fifo_read(s->celt_delay, (void**)s->celt_output, delay_samples); for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) { s->fdsp->vector_fmac_scalar(out_tmp[i], s->celt_output[i], 1.0, delay_samples); out_tmp[i] += delay_samples; } celt_output_samples -= delay_samples; } else { av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Spurious CELT delay samples present.\n"); av_audio_fifo_drain(s->celt_delay, delay_samples); if (s->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE) return AVERROR_BUG; } } opus_raw_init(&s->rc, data + size, size); ret = ff_celt_decode_frame(s->celt, &s->rc, dst, s->packet.stereo + 1, s->packet.frame_duration, (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) ? 17 : 0, celt_band_end[s->packet.bandwidth]); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) { int celt_delay = s->packet.frame_duration - celt_output_samples; void *delaybuf[2] = { s->celt_output[0] + celt_output_samples, s->celt_output[1] + celt_output_samples }; for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) { s->fdsp->vector_fmac_scalar(out_tmp[i], s->celt_output[i], 1.0, celt_output_samples); } ret = av_audio_fifo_write(s->celt_delay, delaybuf, celt_delay); if (ret < 0) return ret; } } else ff_celt_flush(s->celt); if (s->redundancy_idx) { for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) opus_fade(s->out[i], s->out[i], s->redundancy_output[i] + 120 + s->redundancy_idx, ff_celt_window2 + s->redundancy_idx, 120 - s->redundancy_idx); s->redundancy_idx = 0; } if (redundancy) { if (!redundancy_pos) { ff_celt_flush(s->celt); ret = opus_decode_redundancy(s, data + size, redundancy_size); if (ret < 0) return ret; for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) { opus_fade(s->out[i] + samples - 120 + delayed_samples, s->out[i] + samples - 120 + delayed_samples, s->redundancy_output[i] + 120, ff_celt_window2, 120 - delayed_samples); if (delayed_samples) s->redundancy_idx = 120 - delayed_samples; } } else { for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) { memcpy(s->out[i] + delayed_samples, s->redundancy_output[i], 120 * sizeof(float)); opus_fade(s->out[i] + 120 + delayed_samples, s->redundancy_output[i] + 120, s->out[i] + 120 + delayed_samples, ff_celt_window2, 120); } } } return samples; }
['static int opus_decode_frame(OpusStreamContext *s, const uint8_t *data, int size)\n{\n int samples = s->packet.frame_duration;\n int redundancy = 0;\n int redundancy_size, redundancy_pos;\n int ret, i, consumed;\n int delayed_samples = s->delayed_samples;\n ret = opus_rc_init(&s->rc, data, size);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_SILK || s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) {\n if (!avresample_is_open(s->avr)) {\n ret = opus_init_resample(s);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n }\n samples = ff_silk_decode_superframe(s->silk, &s->rc, s->silk_output,\n FFMIN(s->packet.bandwidth, OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND),\n s->packet.stereo + 1,\n silk_frame_duration_ms[s->packet.config]);\n if (samples < 0) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error decoding a SILK frame.\\n");\n return samples;\n }\n samples = avresample_convert(s->avr, (uint8_t**)s->out, s->out_size,\n s->packet.frame_duration,\n (uint8_t**)s->silk_output,\n sizeof(s->silk_buf[0]),\n samples);\n if (samples < 0) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error resampling SILK data.\\n");\n return samples;\n }\n s->delayed_samples += s->packet.frame_duration - samples;\n } else\n ff_silk_flush(s->silk);\n consumed = opus_rc_tell(&s->rc);\n if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID && consumed + 37 <= size * 8)\n redundancy = opus_rc_p2model(&s->rc, 12);\n else if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_SILK && consumed + 17 <= size * 8)\n redundancy = 1;\n if (redundancy) {\n redundancy_pos = opus_rc_p2model(&s->rc, 1);\n if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID)\n redundancy_size = opus_rc_unimodel(&s->rc, 256) + 2;\n else\n redundancy_size = size - (consumed + 7) / 8;\n size -= redundancy_size;\n if (size < 0) {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid redundancy frame size.\\n");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (redundancy_pos) {\n ret = opus_decode_redundancy(s, data + size, redundancy_size);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n ff_celt_flush(s->celt);\n }\n }\n if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_CELT || s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) {\n float *out_tmp[2] = { s->out[0], s->out[1] };\n float **dst = (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_CELT) ?\n out_tmp : s->celt_output;\n int celt_output_samples = samples;\n int delay_samples = av_audio_fifo_size(s->celt_delay);\n if (delay_samples) {\n if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) {\n av_audio_fifo_read(s->celt_delay, (void**)s->celt_output, delay_samples);\n for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) {\n s->fdsp->vector_fmac_scalar(out_tmp[i], s->celt_output[i], 1.0,\n delay_samples);\n out_tmp[i] += delay_samples;\n }\n celt_output_samples -= delay_samples;\n } else {\n av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,\n "Spurious CELT delay samples present.\\n");\n av_audio_fifo_drain(s->celt_delay, delay_samples);\n if (s->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE)\n return AVERROR_BUG;\n }\n }\n opus_raw_init(&s->rc, data + size, size);\n ret = ff_celt_decode_frame(s->celt, &s->rc, dst,\n s->packet.stereo + 1,\n s->packet.frame_duration,\n (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) ? 17 : 0,\n celt_band_end[s->packet.bandwidth]);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n if (s->packet.mode == OPUS_MODE_HYBRID) {\n int celt_delay = s->packet.frame_duration - celt_output_samples;\n void *delaybuf[2] = { s->celt_output[0] + celt_output_samples,\n s->celt_output[1] + celt_output_samples };\n for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) {\n s->fdsp->vector_fmac_scalar(out_tmp[i],\n s->celt_output[i], 1.0,\n celt_output_samples);\n }\n ret = av_audio_fifo_write(s->celt_delay, delaybuf, celt_delay);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n }\n } else\n ff_celt_flush(s->celt);\n if (s->redundancy_idx) {\n for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++)\n opus_fade(s->out[i], s->out[i],\n s->redundancy_output[i] + 120 + s->redundancy_idx,\n ff_celt_window2 + s->redundancy_idx, 120 - s->redundancy_idx);\n s->redundancy_idx = 0;\n }\n if (redundancy) {\n if (!redundancy_pos) {\n ff_celt_flush(s->celt);\n ret = opus_decode_redundancy(s, data + size, redundancy_size);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) {\n opus_fade(s->out[i] + samples - 120 + delayed_samples,\n s->out[i] + samples - 120 + delayed_samples,\n s->redundancy_output[i] + 120,\n ff_celt_window2, 120 - delayed_samples);\n if (delayed_samples)\n s->redundancy_idx = 120 - delayed_samples;\n }\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < s->output_channels; i++) {\n memcpy(s->out[i] + delayed_samples, s->redundancy_output[i], 120 * sizeof(float));\n opus_fade(s->out[i] + 120 + delayed_samples,\n s->redundancy_output[i] + 120,\n s->out[i] + 120 + delayed_samples,\n ff_celt_window2, 120);\n }\n }\n }\n return samples;\n}']
int WPACKET_allocate_bytes(WPACKET *pkt, size_t len, unsigned char **allocbytes) { assert(pkt->subs != NULL && len != 0); if (pkt->subs == NULL || len == 0) return 0; if (pkt->maxsize - pkt->written < len) return 0; if (pkt->buf->length - pkt->written < len) { size_t newlen; if (pkt->buf->length > SIZE_MAX / 2) { newlen = SIZE_MAX; } else { newlen = (pkt->buf->length == 0) ? DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE : pkt->buf->length * 2; } if (BUF_MEM_grow(pkt->buf, newlen) == 0) return 0; } *allocbytes = (unsigned char *)pkt->buf->data + pkt->curr; pkt->written += len; pkt->curr += len; return 1; }
['int ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext(SSL *s, WPACKET *pkt, int *al)\n{\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC\n int using_ecc = 0;\n if (s->version >= TLS1_VERSION || SSL_IS_DTLS(s)) {\n int i;\n unsigned long alg_k, alg_a;\n STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cipher_stack = SSL_get_ciphers(s);\n for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(cipher_stack); i++) {\n const SSL_CIPHER *c = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(cipher_stack, i);\n alg_k = c->algorithm_mkey;\n alg_a = c->algorithm_auth;\n if ((alg_k & (SSL_kECDHE | SSL_kECDHEPSK))\n || (alg_a & SSL_aECDSA)) {\n using_ecc = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (s->renegotiate) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_renegotiate)\n || !WPACKET_sub_memcpy_u16(pkt, s->s3->previous_client_finished,\n s->s3->previous_client_finished_len)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n if (s->client_version == SSL3_VERSION)\n goto done;\n if (s->tlsext_hostname != NULL) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_server_name)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u8(pkt, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name)\n || !WPACKET_sub_memcpy_u16(pkt, s->tlsext_hostname,\n strlen(s->tlsext_hostname))\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP\n if (s->srp_ctx.login != NULL) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_srp)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u8(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_set_flags(pkt, WPACKET_FLAGS_NON_ZERO_LENGTH)\n || !WPACKET_memcpy(pkt, s->srp_ctx.login,\n strlen(s->srp_ctx.login))\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC\n if (using_ecc) {\n const unsigned char *pcurves, *pformats;\n size_t num_curves, num_formats;\n size_t i;\n tls1_get_formatlist(s, &pformats, &num_formats);\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_ec_point_formats)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_sub_memcpy_u8(pkt, pformats, num_formats)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n pcurves = s->tlsext_ellipticcurvelist;\n if (!tls1_get_curvelist(s, 0, &pcurves, &num_curves)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_elliptic_curves)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < num_curves; i++, pcurves += 2) {\n if (tls_curve_allowed(s, pcurves, SSL_SECOP_CURVE_SUPPORTED)) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u8(pkt, pcurves[0])\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u8(pkt, pcurves[1])) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT,\n ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!WPACKET_close(pkt) || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (tls_use_ticket(s)) {\n int ticklen;\n if (!s->new_session && s->session && s->session->tlsext_tick)\n ticklen = s->session->tlsext_ticklen;\n else if (s->session && s->tlsext_session_ticket &&\n s->tlsext_session_ticket->data) {\n ticklen = s->tlsext_session_ticket->length;\n s->session->tlsext_tick = OPENSSL_malloc(ticklen);\n if (s->session->tlsext_tick == NULL) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n memcpy(s->session->tlsext_tick,\n s->tlsext_session_ticket->data, ticklen);\n s->session->tlsext_ticklen = ticklen;\n } else\n ticklen = 0;\n if (ticklen == 0 && s->tlsext_session_ticket &&\n s->tlsext_session_ticket->data == NULL)\n goto skip_ext;\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_session_ticket)\n || !WPACKET_sub_memcpy_u16(pkt, s->session->tlsext_tick,\n ticklen)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n skip_ext:\n if (SSL_CLIENT_USE_SIGALGS(s)) {\n size_t salglen;\n const unsigned char *salg;\n salglen = tls12_get_psigalgs(s, &salg);\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_signature_algorithms)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !tls12_copy_sigalgs(s, pkt, salg, salglen)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_OCSP\n if (s->tlsext_status_type == TLSEXT_STATUSTYPE_ocsp) {\n int i;\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_status_request)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u8(pkt, TLSEXT_STATUSTYPE_ocsp)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < sk_OCSP_RESPID_num(s->tlsext_ocsp_ids); i++) {\n unsigned char *idbytes;\n int idlen;\n OCSP_RESPID *id;\n id = sk_OCSP_RESPID_value(s->tlsext_ocsp_ids, i);\n idlen = i2d_OCSP_RESPID(id, NULL);\n if (idlen <= 0\n || !WPACKET_sub_allocate_bytes_u16(pkt, idlen, &idbytes)\n || i2d_OCSP_RESPID(id, &idbytes) != idlen) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n if (!WPACKET_close(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n if (s->tlsext_ocsp_exts) {\n unsigned char *extbytes;\n int extlen = i2d_X509_EXTENSIONS(s->tlsext_ocsp_exts, NULL);\n if (extlen < 0) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!WPACKET_allocate_bytes(pkt, extlen, &extbytes)\n || i2d_X509_EXTENSIONS(s->tlsext_ocsp_exts, &extbytes)\n != extlen) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n if (!WPACKET_close(pkt) || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS\n if (SSL_IS_DTLS(s)) {\n unsigned int mode;\n if (s->tlsext_heartbeat & SSL_DTLSEXT_HB_DONT_RECV_REQUESTS)\n mode = SSL_DTLSEXT_HB_DONT_SEND_REQUESTS;\n else\n mode = SSL_DTLSEXT_HB_ENABLED;\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_heartbeat)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u8(pkt, mode)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG\n if (s->ctx->next_proto_select_cb && !s->s3->tmp.finish_md_len) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_next_proto_neg)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, 0)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (s->alpn_client_proto_list && !s->s3->tmp.finish_md_len) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt,\n TLSEXT_TYPE_application_layer_protocol_negotiation)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_sub_memcpy_u16(pkt, s->alpn_client_proto_list,\n s->alpn_client_proto_list_len)\n || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n s->s3->alpn_sent = 1;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRTP\n if (SSL_IS_DTLS(s) && SSL_get_srtp_profiles(s)) {\n STACK_OF(SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE) *clnt = 0;\n SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *prof;\n int i, ct;\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_use_srtp)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)\n || !WPACKET_start_sub_packet_u16(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n ct = sk_SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE_num(clnt);\n for (i = 0; i < ct; i++) {\n prof = sk_SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE_value(clnt, i);\n if (prof == NULL || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, prof->id)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n if (!WPACKET_close(pkt) || !WPACKET_close(pkt)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n custom_ext_init(&s->cert->cli_ext);\n if (!custom_ext_add(s, 0, pkt, al)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_encrypt_then_mac)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, 0)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CT\n if (s->ct_validation_callback != NULL) {\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_signed_certificate_timestamp)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, 0)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n }\n#endif\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_extended_master_secret)\n || !WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, 0)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n if (s->options & SSL_OP_TLSEXT_PADDING) {\n unsigned char *padbytes;\n size_t hlen;\n if (!WPACKET_get_total_written(pkt, &hlen)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n if (hlen > 0xff && hlen < 0x200) {\n hlen = 0x200 - hlen;\n if (hlen >= 4)\n hlen -= 4;\n else\n hlen = 0;\n if (!WPACKET_put_bytes_u16(pkt, TLSEXT_TYPE_padding)\n || !WPACKET_sub_allocate_bytes_u16(pkt, hlen, &padbytes)) {\n SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL_ADD_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);\n return 0;\n }\n memset(padbytes, 0, hlen);\n }\n }\n done:\n return 1;\n}', 'int WPACKET_put_bytes__(WPACKET *pkt, unsigned int val, size_t size)\n{\n unsigned char *data;\n assert(size <= sizeof(unsigned int));\n if (size > sizeof(unsigned int)\n || !WPACKET_allocate_bytes(pkt, size, &data)\n || !put_value(data, val, size))\n return 0;\n return 1;\n}', 'int WPACKET_allocate_bytes(WPACKET *pkt, size_t len, unsigned char **allocbytes)\n{\n assert(pkt->subs != NULL && len != 0);\n if (pkt->subs == NULL || len == 0)\n return 0;\n if (pkt->maxsize - pkt->written < len)\n return 0;\n if (pkt->buf->length - pkt->written < len) {\n size_t newlen;\n if (pkt->buf->length > SIZE_MAX / 2) {\n newlen = SIZE_MAX;\n } else {\n newlen = (pkt->buf->length == 0) ? DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE\n : pkt->buf->length * 2;\n }\n if (BUF_MEM_grow(pkt->buf, newlen) == 0)\n return 0;\n }\n *allocbytes = (unsigned char *)pkt->buf->data + pkt->curr;\n pkt->written += len;\n pkt->curr += len;\n return 1;\n}']
int ff_h264_fill_default_ref_list(H264Context *h) { int i, len; if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) { H264Picture *sorted[32]; int cur_poc, list; int lens[2]; if (FIELD_PICTURE(h)) cur_poc = h->cur_pic_ptr->field_poc[h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD]; else cur_poc = h->cur_pic_ptr->poc; for (list = 0; list < 2; list++) { len = add_sorted(sorted, h->short_ref, h->short_ref_count, cur_poc, 1 ^ list); len += add_sorted(sorted + len, h->short_ref, h->short_ref_count, cur_poc, 0 ^ list); assert(len <= 32); len = build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[list], FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]), sorted, len, 0, h->picture_structure); len += build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[list] + len, FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]) - len, h->long_ref, 16, 1, h->picture_structure); if (len < h->ref_count[list]) memset(&h->default_ref_list[list][len], 0, sizeof(H264Picture) * (h->ref_count[list] - len)); lens[list] = len; } if (lens[0] == lens[1] && lens[1] > 1) { for (i = 0; i < lens[0] && h->default_ref_list[0][i].f.buf[0]->buffer == h->default_ref_list[1][i].f.buf[0]->buffer; i++); if (i == lens[0]) { H264Picture tmp; COPY_PICTURE(&tmp, &h->default_ref_list[1][0]); COPY_PICTURE(&h->default_ref_list[1][0], &h->default_ref_list[1][1]); COPY_PICTURE(&h->default_ref_list[1][1], &tmp); } } } else { len = build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[0], FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]), h->short_ref, h->short_ref_count, 0, h->picture_structure); len += build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[0] + len, FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]) - len, h-> long_ref, 16, 1, h->picture_structure); if (len < h->ref_count[0]) memset(&h->default_ref_list[0][len], 0, sizeof(H264Picture) * (h->ref_count[0] - len)); } #ifdef TRACE for (i = 0; i < h->ref_count[0]; i++) { tprintf(h->avctx, "List0: %s fn:%d 0x%p\n", (h->default_ref_list[0][i].long_ref ? "LT" : "ST"), h->default_ref_list[0][i].pic_id, h->default_ref_list[0][i][0]); } if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) { for (i = 0; i < h->ref_count[1]; i++) { tprintf(h->avctx, "List1: %s fn:%d 0x%p\n", (h->default_ref_list[1][i].long_ref ? "LT" : "ST"), h->default_ref_list[1][i].pic_id, h->default_ref_list[1][i][0]); } } #endif return 0; }
['int ff_h264_decode_slice_header(H264Context *h, H264Context *h0)\n{\n unsigned int first_mb_in_slice;\n unsigned int pps_id;\n int ret;\n unsigned int slice_type, tmp, i, j;\n int default_ref_list_done = 0;\n int last_pic_structure, last_pic_droppable;\n int needs_reinit = 0;\n int field_pic_flag, bottom_field_flag;\n h->qpel_put = h->h264qpel.put_h264_qpel_pixels_tab;\n h->qpel_avg = h->h264qpel.avg_h264_qpel_pixels_tab;\n first_mb_in_slice = get_ue_golomb(&h->gb);\n if (first_mb_in_slice == 0) {\n if (h0->current_slice && h->cur_pic_ptr && FIELD_PICTURE(h)) {\n ff_h264_field_end(h, 1);\n }\n h0->current_slice = 0;\n if (!h0->first_field) {\n if (h->cur_pic_ptr && !h->droppable) {\n ff_thread_report_progress(&h->cur_pic_ptr->tf, INT_MAX,\n h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD);\n }\n h->cur_pic_ptr = NULL;\n }\n }\n slice_type = get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);\n if (slice_type > 9) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "slice type %d too large at %d %d\\n",\n slice_type, h->mb_x, h->mb_y);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (slice_type > 4) {\n slice_type -= 5;\n h->slice_type_fixed = 1;\n } else\n h->slice_type_fixed = 0;\n slice_type = golomb_to_pict_type[slice_type];\n if (slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I ||\n (h0->current_slice != 0 && slice_type == h0->last_slice_type)) {\n default_ref_list_done = 1;\n }\n h->slice_type = slice_type;\n h->slice_type_nos = slice_type & 3;\n if (h->nal_unit_type == NAL_IDR_SLICE &&\n h->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "A non-intra slice in an IDR NAL unit.\\n");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n h->pict_type = h->slice_type;\n pps_id = get_ue_golomb(&h->gb);\n if (pps_id >= MAX_PPS_COUNT) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "pps_id %u out of range\\n", pps_id);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (!h0->pps_buffers[pps_id]) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "non-existing PPS %u referenced\\n",\n pps_id);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n h->pps = *h0->pps_buffers[pps_id];\n if (!h0->sps_buffers[h->pps.sps_id]) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "non-existing SPS %u referenced\\n",\n h->pps.sps_id);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (h->pps.sps_id != h->sps.sps_id ||\n h0->sps_buffers[h->pps.sps_id]->new) {\n h0->sps_buffers[h->pps.sps_id]->new = 0;\n h->sps = *h0->sps_buffers[h->pps.sps_id];\n if (h->bit_depth_luma != h->sps.bit_depth_luma ||\n h->chroma_format_idc != h->sps.chroma_format_idc) {\n h->bit_depth_luma = h->sps.bit_depth_luma;\n h->chroma_format_idc = h->sps.chroma_format_idc;\n needs_reinit = 1;\n }\n if ((ret = ff_h264_set_parameter_from_sps(h)) < 0)\n return ret;\n }\n h->avctx->profile = ff_h264_get_profile(&h->sps);\n h->avctx->level = h->sps.level_idc;\n h->avctx->refs = h->sps.ref_frame_count;\n if (h->mb_width != h->sps.mb_width ||\n h->mb_height != h->sps.mb_height * (2 - h->sps.frame_mbs_only_flag))\n needs_reinit = 1;\n h->mb_width = h->sps.mb_width;\n h->mb_height = h->sps.mb_height * (2 - h->sps.frame_mbs_only_flag);\n h->mb_num = h->mb_width * h->mb_height;\n h->mb_stride = h->mb_width + 1;\n h->b_stride = h->mb_width * 4;\n h->chroma_y_shift = h->sps.chroma_format_idc <= 1;\n h->width = 16 * h->mb_width;\n h->height = 16 * h->mb_height;\n ret = init_dimensions(h);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n if (h->sps.video_signal_type_present_flag) {\n h->avctx->color_range = h->sps.full_range ? AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG\n : AVCOL_RANGE_MPEG;\n if (h->sps.colour_description_present_flag) {\n if (h->avctx->colorspace != h->sps.colorspace)\n needs_reinit = 1;\n h->avctx->color_primaries = h->sps.color_primaries;\n h->avctx->color_trc = h->sps.color_trc;\n h->avctx->colorspace = h->sps.colorspace;\n }\n }\n if (h->context_initialized && needs_reinit) {\n if (h != h0) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "changing width %d -> %d / height %d -> %d on "\n "slice %d\\n",\n h->width, h->avctx->coded_width,\n h->height, h->avctx->coded_height,\n h0->current_slice + 1);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n ff_h264_flush_change(h);\n if ((ret = get_pixel_format(h)) < 0)\n return ret;\n h->avctx->pix_fmt = ret;\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Reinit context to %dx%d, "\n "pix_fmt: %d\\n", h->width, h->height, h->avctx->pix_fmt);\n if ((ret = h264_slice_header_init(h, 1)) < 0) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "h264_slice_header_init() failed\\n");\n return ret;\n }\n }\n if (!h->context_initialized) {\n if (h != h0) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Cannot (re-)initialize context during parallel decoding.\\n");\n return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;\n }\n if ((ret = get_pixel_format(h)) < 0)\n return ret;\n h->avctx->pix_fmt = ret;\n if ((ret = h264_slice_header_init(h, 0)) < 0) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "h264_slice_header_init() failed\\n");\n return ret;\n }\n }\n if (h == h0 && h->dequant_coeff_pps != pps_id) {\n h->dequant_coeff_pps = pps_id;\n h264_init_dequant_tables(h);\n }\n h->frame_num = get_bits(&h->gb, h->sps.log2_max_frame_num);\n h->mb_mbaff = 0;\n h->mb_aff_frame = 0;\n last_pic_structure = h0->picture_structure;\n last_pic_droppable = h0->droppable;\n h->droppable = h->nal_ref_idc == 0;\n if (h->sps.frame_mbs_only_flag) {\n h->picture_structure = PICT_FRAME;\n } else {\n field_pic_flag = get_bits1(&h->gb);\n if (field_pic_flag) {\n bottom_field_flag = get_bits1(&h->gb);\n h->picture_structure = PICT_TOP_FIELD + bottom_field_flag;\n } else {\n h->picture_structure = PICT_FRAME;\n h->mb_aff_frame = h->sps.mb_aff;\n }\n }\n h->mb_field_decoding_flag = h->picture_structure != PICT_FRAME;\n if (h0->current_slice != 0) {\n if (last_pic_structure != h->picture_structure ||\n last_pic_droppable != h->droppable) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Changing field mode (%d -> %d) between slices is not allowed\\n",\n last_pic_structure, h->picture_structure);\n h->picture_structure = last_pic_structure;\n h->droppable = last_pic_droppable;\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n } else if (!h0->cur_pic_ptr) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "unset cur_pic_ptr on slice %d\\n",\n h0->current_slice + 1);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n } else {\n if (h->frame_num != h->prev_frame_num) {\n int unwrap_prev_frame_num = h->prev_frame_num;\n int max_frame_num = 1 << h->sps.log2_max_frame_num;\n if (unwrap_prev_frame_num > h->frame_num)\n unwrap_prev_frame_num -= max_frame_num;\n if ((h->frame_num - unwrap_prev_frame_num) > h->sps.ref_frame_count) {\n unwrap_prev_frame_num = (h->frame_num - h->sps.ref_frame_count) - 1;\n if (unwrap_prev_frame_num < 0)\n unwrap_prev_frame_num += max_frame_num;\n h->prev_frame_num = unwrap_prev_frame_num;\n }\n }\n if (h0->first_field) {\n assert(h0->cur_pic_ptr);\n assert(h0->cur_pic_ptr->f.buf[0]);\n assert(h0->cur_pic_ptr->reference != DELAYED_PIC_REF);\n if (!FIELD_PICTURE(h) || h->picture_structure == last_pic_structure) {\n if (!last_pic_droppable && last_pic_structure != PICT_FRAME) {\n ff_thread_report_progress(&h0->cur_pic_ptr->tf, INT_MAX,\n last_pic_structure == PICT_TOP_FIELD);\n }\n } else {\n if (h0->cur_pic_ptr->frame_num != h->frame_num) {\n if (!last_pic_droppable && last_pic_structure != PICT_FRAME) {\n ff_thread_report_progress(&h0->cur_pic_ptr->tf, INT_MAX,\n last_pic_structure == PICT_TOP_FIELD);\n }\n } else {\n if (!((last_pic_structure == PICT_TOP_FIELD &&\n h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD) ||\n (last_pic_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD &&\n h->picture_structure == PICT_TOP_FIELD))) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Invalid field mode combination %d/%d\\n",\n last_pic_structure, h->picture_structure);\n h->picture_structure = last_pic_structure;\n h->droppable = last_pic_droppable;\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n } else if (last_pic_droppable != h->droppable) {\n avpriv_request_sample(h->avctx,\n "Found reference and non-reference fields in the same frame, which");\n h->picture_structure = last_pic_structure;\n h->droppable = last_pic_droppable;\n return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n while (h->frame_num != h->prev_frame_num &&\n h->frame_num != (h->prev_frame_num + 1) % (1 << h->sps.log2_max_frame_num)) {\n H264Picture *prev = h->short_ref_count ? h->short_ref[0] : NULL;\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Frame num gap %d %d\\n",\n h->frame_num, h->prev_frame_num);\n ret = h264_frame_start(h);\n if (ret < 0) {\n h0->first_field = 0;\n return ret;\n }\n h->prev_frame_num++;\n h->prev_frame_num %= 1 << h->sps.log2_max_frame_num;\n h->cur_pic_ptr->frame_num = h->prev_frame_num;\n ff_thread_report_progress(&h->cur_pic_ptr->tf, INT_MAX, 0);\n ff_thread_report_progress(&h->cur_pic_ptr->tf, INT_MAX, 1);\n ret = ff_generate_sliding_window_mmcos(h, 1);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n return ret;\n ret = ff_h264_execute_ref_pic_marking(h, h->mmco, h->mmco_index);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n return ret;\n if (h->short_ref_count) {\n if (prev) {\n av_image_copy(h->short_ref[0]->,\n h->short_ref[0]->f.linesize,\n (const uint8_t **)prev->,\n prev->f.linesize,\n h->avctx->pix_fmt,\n h->mb_width * 16,\n h->mb_height * 16);\n h->short_ref[0]->poc = prev->poc + 2;\n }\n h->short_ref[0]->frame_num = h->prev_frame_num;\n }\n }\n if (h0->first_field) {\n assert(h0->cur_pic_ptr);\n assert(h0->cur_pic_ptr->f.buf[0]);\n assert(h0->cur_pic_ptr->reference != DELAYED_PIC_REF);\n if (!FIELD_PICTURE(h) || h->picture_structure == last_pic_structure) {\n h0->cur_pic_ptr = NULL;\n h0->first_field = FIELD_PICTURE(h);\n } else {\n if (h0->cur_pic_ptr->frame_num != h->frame_num) {\n h0->first_field = 1;\n h0->cur_pic_ptr = NULL;\n } else {\n h0->first_field = 0;\n }\n }\n } else {\n h0->first_field = FIELD_PICTURE(h);\n }\n if (!FIELD_PICTURE(h) || h0->first_field) {\n if (h264_frame_start(h) < 0) {\n h0->first_field = 0;\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n } else {\n release_unused_pictures(h, 0);\n }\n }\n if (h != h0 && (ret = clone_slice(h, h0)) < 0)\n return ret;\n h->cur_pic_ptr->frame_num = h->frame_num;\n assert(h->mb_num == h->mb_width * h->mb_height);\n if (first_mb_in_slice << FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE(h) >= h->mb_num ||\n first_mb_in_slice >= h->mb_num) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "first_mb_in_slice overflow\\n");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n h->resync_mb_x = h->mb_x = first_mb_in_slice % h->mb_width;\n h->resync_mb_y = h->mb_y = (first_mb_in_slice / h->mb_width) <<\n FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE(h);\n if (h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD)\n h->resync_mb_y = h->mb_y = h->mb_y + 1;\n assert(h->mb_y < h->mb_height);\n if (h->picture_structure == PICT_FRAME) {\n h->curr_pic_num = h->frame_num;\n h->max_pic_num = 1 << h->sps.log2_max_frame_num;\n } else {\n h->curr_pic_num = 2 * h->frame_num + 1;\n h->max_pic_num = 1 << (h->sps.log2_max_frame_num + 1);\n }\n if (h->nal_unit_type == NAL_IDR_SLICE)\n get_ue_golomb(&h->gb);\n if (h->sps.poc_type == 0) {\n h->poc_lsb = get_bits(&h->gb, h->sps.log2_max_poc_lsb);\n if (h->pps.pic_order_present == 1 && h->picture_structure == PICT_FRAME)\n h->delta_poc_bottom = get_se_golomb(&h->gb);\n }\n if (h->sps.poc_type == 1 && !h->sps.delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag) {\n h->delta_poc[0] = get_se_golomb(&h->gb);\n if (h->pps.pic_order_present == 1 && h->picture_structure == PICT_FRAME)\n h->delta_poc[1] = get_se_golomb(&h->gb);\n }\n ff_init_poc(h, h->cur_pic_ptr->field_poc, &h->cur_pic_ptr->poc);\n if (h->pps.redundant_pic_cnt_present)\n h->redundant_pic_count = get_ue_golomb(&h->gb);\n ret = ff_set_ref_count(h);\n if (ret < 0)\n return ret;\n else if (ret == 1)\n default_ref_list_done = 0;\n if (!default_ref_list_done)\n ff_h264_fill_default_ref_list(h);\n if (h->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I) {\n ret = ff_h264_decode_ref_pic_list_reordering(h);\n if (ret < 0) {\n h->ref_count[1] = h->ref_count[0] = 0;\n return ret;\n }\n }\n if ((h->pps.weighted_pred && h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P) ||\n (h->pps.weighted_bipred_idc == 1 &&\n h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B))\n ff_pred_weight_table(h);\n else if (h->pps.weighted_bipred_idc == 2 &&\n h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {\n implicit_weight_table(h, -1);\n } else {\n h->use_weight = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n h->luma_weight_flag[i] = 0;\n h->chroma_weight_flag[i] = 0;\n }\n }\n if (h->nal_ref_idc) {\n ret = ff_h264_decode_ref_pic_marking(h0, &h->gb,\n !(h->avctx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) ||\n h0->current_slice == 0);\n if (ret < 0 && (h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_EXPLODE))\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {\n ff_h264_fill_mbaff_ref_list(h);\n if (h->pps.weighted_bipred_idc == 2 && h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {\n implicit_weight_table(h, 0);\n implicit_weight_table(h, 1);\n }\n }\n if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B && !h->direct_spatial_mv_pred)\n ff_h264_direct_dist_scale_factor(h);\n ff_h264_direct_ref_list_init(h);\n if (h->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I && h->pps.cabac) {\n tmp = get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);\n if (tmp > 2) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "cabac_init_idc %u overflow\\n", tmp);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n h->cabac_init_idc = tmp;\n }\n h->last_qscale_diff = 0;\n tmp = h->pps.init_qp + get_se_golomb(&h->gb);\n if (tmp > 51 + 6 * (h->sps.bit_depth_luma - 8)) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "QP %u out of range\\n", tmp);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n h->qscale = tmp;\n h->chroma_qp[0] = get_chroma_qp(h, 0, h->qscale);\n h->chroma_qp[1] = get_chroma_qp(h, 1, h->qscale);\n if (h->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SP)\n get_bits1(&h->gb);\n if (h->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SP ||\n h->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SI)\n get_se_golomb(&h->gb);\n h->deblocking_filter = 1;\n h->slice_alpha_c0_offset = 0;\n h->slice_beta_offset = 0;\n if (h->pps.deblocking_filter_parameters_present) {\n tmp = get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);\n if (tmp > 2) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "deblocking_filter_idc %u out of range\\n", tmp);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n h->deblocking_filter = tmp;\n if (h->deblocking_filter < 2)\n h->deblocking_filter ^= 1;\n if (h->deblocking_filter) {\n h->slice_alpha_c0_offset = get_se_golomb(&h->gb) * 2;\n h->slice_beta_offset = get_se_golomb(&h->gb) * 2;\n if (h->slice_alpha_c0_offset > 12 ||\n h->slice_alpha_c0_offset < -12 ||\n h->slice_beta_offset > 12 ||\n h->slice_beta_offset < -12) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "deblocking filter parameters %d %d out of range\\n",\n h->slice_alpha_c0_offset, h->slice_beta_offset);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n }\n }\n if (h->avctx->skip_loop_filter >= AVDISCARD_ALL ||\n (h->avctx->skip_loop_filter >= AVDISCARD_NONKEY &&\n h->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I) ||\n (h->avctx->skip_loop_filter >= AVDISCARD_BIDIR &&\n h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) ||\n (h->avctx->skip_loop_filter >= AVDISCARD_NONREF &&\n h->nal_ref_idc == 0))\n h->deblocking_filter = 0;\n if (h->deblocking_filter == 1 && h0->max_contexts > 1) {\n if (h->avctx->flags2 & CODEC_FLAG2_FAST) {\n h->deblocking_filter = 2;\n } else {\n h0->max_contexts = 1;\n if (!h0->single_decode_warning) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_INFO,\n "Cannot parallelize deblocking type 1, decoding such frames in sequential order\\n");\n h0->single_decode_warning = 1;\n }\n if (h != h0) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Deblocking switched inside frame.\\n");\n return 1;\n }\n }\n }\n h->qp_thresh = 15 -\n FFMIN(h->slice_alpha_c0_offset, h->slice_beta_offset) -\n FFMAX3(0,\n h->pps.chroma_qp_index_offset[0],\n h->pps.chroma_qp_index_offset[1]) +\n 6 * (h->sps.bit_depth_luma - 8);\n h0->last_slice_type = slice_type;\n h->slice_num = ++h0->current_slice;\n if (h->slice_num >= MAX_SLICES) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,\n "Too many slices, increase MAX_SLICES and recompile\\n");\n }\n for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {\n int id_list[16];\n int *ref2frm = h->ref2frm[h->slice_num & (MAX_SLICES - 1)][j];\n for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {\n id_list[i] = 60;\n if (j < h->list_count && i < h->ref_count[j] &&\n h->ref_list[j][i].f.buf[0]) {\n int k;\n AVBuffer *buf = h->ref_list[j][i].f.buf[0]->buffer;\n for (k = 0; k < h->short_ref_count; k++)\n if (h->short_ref[k]->f.buf[0]->buffer == buf) {\n id_list[i] = k;\n break;\n }\n for (k = 0; k < h->long_ref_count; k++)\n if (h->long_ref[k] && h->long_ref[k]->f.buf[0]->buffer == buf) {\n id_list[i] = h->short_ref_count + k;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n ref2frm[0] =\n ref2frm[1] = -1;\n for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)\n ref2frm[i + 2] = 4 * id_list[i] + (h->ref_list[j][i].reference & 3);\n ref2frm[18 + 0] =\n ref2frm[18 + 1] = -1;\n for (i = 16; i < 48; i++)\n ref2frm[i + 4] = 4 * id_list[(i - 16) >> 1] +\n (h->ref_list[j][i].reference & 3);\n }\n if (h->avctx->debug & FF_DEBUG_PICT_INFO) {\n av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG,\n "slice:%d %s mb:%d %c%s%s pps:%u frame:%d poc:%d/%d ref:%d/%d qp:%d loop:%d:%d:%d weight:%d%s %s\\n",\n h->slice_num,\n (h->picture_structure == PICT_FRAME ? "F" : h->picture_structure == PICT_TOP_FIELD ? "T" : "B"),\n first_mb_in_slice,\n av_get_picture_type_char(h->slice_type),\n h->slice_type_fixed ? " fix" : "",\n h->nal_unit_type == NAL_IDR_SLICE ? " IDR" : "",\n pps_id, h->frame_num,\n h->cur_pic_ptr->field_poc[0],\n h->cur_pic_ptr->field_poc[1],\n h->ref_count[0], h->ref_count[1],\n h->qscale,\n h->deblocking_filter,\n h->slice_alpha_c0_offset, h->slice_beta_offset,\n h->use_weight,\n h->use_weight == 1 && h->use_weight_chroma ? "c" : "",\n h->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B ? (h->direct_spatial_mv_pred ? "SPAT" : "TEMP") : "");\n }\n return 0;\n}', 'int ff_h264_fill_default_ref_list(H264Context *h)\n{\n int i, len;\n if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {\n H264Picture *sorted[32];\n int cur_poc, list;\n int lens[2];\n if (FIELD_PICTURE(h))\n cur_poc = h->cur_pic_ptr->field_poc[h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD];\n else\n cur_poc = h->cur_pic_ptr->poc;\n for (list = 0; list < 2; list++) {\n len = add_sorted(sorted, h->short_ref, h->short_ref_count, cur_poc, 1 ^ list);\n len += add_sorted(sorted + len, h->short_ref, h->short_ref_count, cur_poc, 0 ^ list);\n assert(len <= 32);\n len = build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[list], FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]),\n sorted, len, 0, h->picture_structure);\n len += build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[list] + len,\n FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]) - len,\n h->long_ref, 16, 1, h->picture_structure);\n if (len < h->ref_count[list])\n memset(&h->default_ref_list[list][len], 0, sizeof(H264Picture) * (h->ref_count[list] - len));\n lens[list] = len;\n }\n if (lens[0] == lens[1] && lens[1] > 1) {\n for (i = 0; i < lens[0] &&\n h->default_ref_list[0][i].f.buf[0]->buffer ==\n h->default_ref_list[1][i].f.buf[0]->buffer; i++);\n if (i == lens[0]) {\n H264Picture tmp;\n COPY_PICTURE(&tmp, &h->default_ref_list[1][0]);\n COPY_PICTURE(&h->default_ref_list[1][0], &h->default_ref_list[1][1]);\n COPY_PICTURE(&h->default_ref_list[1][1], &tmp);\n }\n }\n } else {\n len = build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[0], FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]),\n h->short_ref, h->short_ref_count, 0, h->picture_structure);\n len += build_def_list(h->default_ref_list[0] + len,\n FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->default_ref_list[0]) - len,\n h-> long_ref, 16, 1, h->picture_structure);\n if (len < h->ref_count[0])\n memset(&h->default_ref_list[0][len], 0, sizeof(H264Picture) * (h->ref_count[0] - len));\n }\n#ifdef TRACE\n for (i = 0; i < h->ref_count[0]; i++) {\n tprintf(h->avctx, "List0: %s fn:%d 0x%p\\n",\n (h->default_ref_list[0][i].long_ref ? "LT" : "ST"),\n h->default_ref_list[0][i].pic_id,\n h->default_ref_list[0][i][0]);\n }\n if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {\n for (i = 0; i < h->ref_count[1]; i++) {\n tprintf(h->avctx, "List1: %s fn:%d 0x%p\\n",\n (h->default_ref_list[1][i].long_ref ? "LT" : "ST"),\n h->default_ref_list[1][i].pic_id,\n h->default_ref_list[1][i][0]);\n }\n }\n#endif\n return 0;\n}']
static int smka_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int *data_size, AVPacket *avpkt) { const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data; int buf_size = avpkt->size; GetBitContext gb; HuffContext h[4]; VLC vlc[4]; int16_t *samples = data; int8_t *samples8 = data; int val; int i, res; int unp_size; int bits, stereo; int pred[2] = {0, 0}; if (buf_size <= 4) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "packet is too small\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } unp_size = AV_RL32(buf); init_get_bits(&gb, buf + 4, (buf_size - 4) * 8); if(!get_bits1(&gb)){ av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Sound: no data\n"); *data_size = 0; return 1; } stereo = get_bits1(&gb); bits = get_bits1(&gb); if (unp_size & 0xC0000000 || unp_size > *data_size) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Frame is too large to fit in buffer\n"); return -1; } if (stereo ^ (avctx->channels != 1)) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "channels mismatch\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } if (bits && avctx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "sample format mismatch\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } memset(vlc, 0, sizeof(VLC) * 4); memset(h, 0, sizeof(HuffContext) * 4); for(i = 0; i < (1 << (bits + stereo)); i++) { h[i].length = 256; h[i].maxlength = 0; h[i].current = 0; h[i].bits = av_mallocz(256 * 4); h[i].lengths = av_mallocz(256 * sizeof(int)); h[i].values = av_mallocz(256 * sizeof(int)); skip_bits1(&gb); smacker_decode_tree(&gb, &h[i], 0, 0); skip_bits1(&gb); if(h[i].current > 1) { res = init_vlc(&vlc[i], SMKTREE_BITS, h[i].length, h[i].lengths, sizeof(int), sizeof(int), h[i].bits, sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t), INIT_VLC_LE); if(res < 0) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot build VLC table\n"); return -1; } } } if(bits) { for(i = stereo; i >= 0; i--) pred[i] = av_bswap16(get_bits(&gb, 16)); for(i = 0; i <= stereo; i++) *samples++ = pred[i]; for(; i < unp_size / 2; i++) { if(i & stereo) { if(vlc[2].table) res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[2].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3); else res = 0; val = h[2].values[res]; if(vlc[3].table) res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[3].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3); else res = 0; val |= h[3].values[res] << 8; pred[1] += (int16_t)val; *samples++ = pred[1]; } else { if(vlc[0].table) res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[0].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3); else res = 0; val = h[0].values[res]; if(vlc[1].table) res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[1].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3); else res = 0; val |= h[1].values[res] << 8; pred[0] += val; *samples++ = pred[0]; } } } else { for(i = stereo; i >= 0; i--) pred[i] = get_bits(&gb, 8); for(i = 0; i <= stereo; i++) *samples8++ = pred[i]; for(; i < unp_size; i++) { if(i & stereo){ if(vlc[1].table) res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[1].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3); else res = 0; pred[1] += (int8_t)h[1].values[res]; *samples8++ = pred[1]; } else { if(vlc[0].table) res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[0].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3); else res = 0; pred[0] += (int8_t)h[0].values[res]; *samples8++ = pred[0]; } } } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(vlc[i].table) free_vlc(&vlc[i]); av_free(h[i].bits); av_free(h[i].lengths); av_free(h[i].values); } *data_size = unp_size; return buf_size; }
['static int smka_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int *data_size, AVPacket *avpkt)\n{\n const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data;\n int buf_size = avpkt->size;\n GetBitContext gb;\n HuffContext h[4];\n VLC vlc[4];\n int16_t *samples = data;\n int8_t *samples8 = data;\n int val;\n int i, res;\n int unp_size;\n int bits, stereo;\n int pred[2] = {0, 0};\n if (buf_size <= 4) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "packet is too small\\n");\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n }\n unp_size = AV_RL32(buf);\n init_get_bits(&gb, buf + 4, (buf_size - 4) * 8);\n if(!get_bits1(&gb)){\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Sound: no data\\n");\n *data_size = 0;\n return 1;\n }\n stereo = get_bits1(&gb);\n bits = get_bits1(&gb);\n if (unp_size & 0xC0000000 || unp_size > *data_size) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Frame is too large to fit in buffer\\n");\n return -1;\n }\n if (stereo ^ (avctx->channels != 1)) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "channels mismatch\\n");\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n }\n if (bits && avctx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "sample format mismatch\\n");\n return AVERROR(EINVAL);\n }\n memset(vlc, 0, sizeof(VLC) * 4);\n memset(h, 0, sizeof(HuffContext) * 4);\n for(i = 0; i < (1 << (bits + stereo)); i++) {\n h[i].length = 256;\n h[i].maxlength = 0;\n h[i].current = 0;\n h[i].bits = av_mallocz(256 * 4);\n h[i].lengths = av_mallocz(256 * sizeof(int));\n h[i].values = av_mallocz(256 * sizeof(int));\n skip_bits1(&gb);\n smacker_decode_tree(&gb, &h[i], 0, 0);\n skip_bits1(&gb);\n if(h[i].current > 1) {\n res = init_vlc(&vlc[i], SMKTREE_BITS, h[i].length,\n h[i].lengths, sizeof(int), sizeof(int),\n h[i].bits, sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t), INIT_VLC_LE);\n if(res < 0) {\n av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot build VLC table\\n");\n return -1;\n }\n }\n }\n if(bits) {\n for(i = stereo; i >= 0; i--)\n pred[i] = av_bswap16(get_bits(&gb, 16));\n for(i = 0; i <= stereo; i++)\n *samples++ = pred[i];\n for(; i < unp_size / 2; i++) {\n if(i & stereo) {\n if(vlc[2].table)\n res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[2].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3);\n else\n res = 0;\n val = h[2].values[res];\n if(vlc[3].table)\n res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[3].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3);\n else\n res = 0;\n val |= h[3].values[res] << 8;\n pred[1] += (int16_t)val;\n *samples++ = pred[1];\n } else {\n if(vlc[0].table)\n res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[0].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3);\n else\n res = 0;\n val = h[0].values[res];\n if(vlc[1].table)\n res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[1].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3);\n else\n res = 0;\n val |= h[1].values[res] << 8;\n pred[0] += val;\n *samples++ = pred[0];\n }\n }\n } else {\n for(i = stereo; i >= 0; i--)\n pred[i] = get_bits(&gb, 8);\n for(i = 0; i <= stereo; i++)\n *samples8++ = pred[i];\n for(; i < unp_size; i++) {\n if(i & stereo){\n if(vlc[1].table)\n res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[1].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3);\n else\n res = 0;\n pred[1] += (int8_t)h[1].values[res];\n *samples8++ = pred[1];\n } else {\n if(vlc[0].table)\n res = get_vlc2(&gb, vlc[0].table, SMKTREE_BITS, 3);\n else\n res = 0;\n pred[0] += (int8_t)h[0].values[res];\n *samples8++ = pred[0];\n }\n }\n }\n for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n if(vlc[i].table)\n free_vlc(&vlc[i]);\n av_free(h[i].bits);\n av_free(h[i].lengths);\n av_free(h[i].values);\n }\n *data_size = unp_size;\n return buf_size;\n}', 'static inline void init_get_bits(GetBitContext *s,\n const uint8_t *buffer, int bit_size)\n{\n int buffer_size = (bit_size+7)>>3;\n if (buffer_size < 0 || bit_size < 0) {\n buffer_size = bit_size = 0;\n buffer = NULL;\n }\n s->buffer = buffer;\n s->size_in_bits = bit_size;\n s->buffer_end = buffer + buffer_size;\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->index = 0;\n#elif defined A32_BITSTREAM_READER\n s->buffer_ptr = (uint32_t*)((intptr_t)buffer & ~3);\n s->bit_count = 32 + 8*((intptr_t)buffer & 3);\n skip_bits_long(s, 0);\n#endif\n}', 'static inline unsigned int get_bits1(GetBitContext *s){\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER\n unsigned int index = s->index;\n uint8_t result = s->buffer[index>>3];\n#ifdef ALT_BITSTREAM_READER_LE\n result >>= index & 7;\n result &= 1;\n#else\n result <<= index & 7;\n result >>= 8 - 1;\n#endif\n index++;\n s->index = index;\n return result;\n#else\n return get_bits(s, 1);\n#endif\n}']
static int do_multi(int multi) { int n; int fd[2]; int *fds; static char sep[]=":"; fds=malloc(multi*sizeof *fds); for(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n) { pipe(fd); if(fork()) { close(fd[1]); fds[n]=fd[0]; } else { close(fd[0]); close(1); dup(fd[1]); close(fd[1]); mr=1; usertime=0; return 0; } printf("Forked child %d\n",n); } for(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n) { FILE *f; char buf[1024]; char *p; f=fdopen(fds[n],"r"); while(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,f)) { p=strchr(buf,'\n'); if(p) *p='\0'; if(buf[0] != '+') { fprintf(stderr,"Don't understand line '%s' from child %d\n", buf,n); continue; } printf("Got: %s from %d\n",buf,n); if(!strncmp(buf,"+F:",3)) { int alg; int j; p=buf+3; alg=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); for(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j) results[alg][j]+=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][1]=d; } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else rsa_results[k][1]=d; } else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F3:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) dsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else dsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) dsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else dsa_results[k][1]=d; } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDSA else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F4:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) ecdsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/ecdsa_results[k][0]+1/d); else ecdsa_results[k][0]=d; d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) ecdsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/ecdsa_results[k][1]+1/d); else ecdsa_results[k][1]=d; } #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDH else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F5:",4)) { int k; double d; p=buf+4; k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep)); sstrsep(&p,sep); d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep)); if(n) ecdh_results[k][0]=1/(1/ecdh_results[k][0]+1/d); else ecdh_results[k][0]=d; } #endif else if(!strncmp(buf,"+H:",3)) { } else fprintf(stderr,"Unknown type '%s' from child %d\n",buf,n); } } return 1; }
['static int do_multi(int multi)\n\t{\n\tint n;\n\tint fd[2];\n\tint *fds;\n\tstatic char sep[]=":";\n\tfds=malloc(multi*sizeof *fds);\n\tfor(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n)\n\t\t{\n\t\tpipe(fd);\n\t\tif(fork())\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tclose(fd[1]);\n\t\t\tfds[n]=fd[0];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tclose(fd[0]);\n\t\t\tclose(1);\n\t\t\tdup(fd[1]);\n\t\t\tclose(fd[1]);\n\t\t\tmr=1;\n\t\t\tusertime=0;\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tprintf("Forked child %d\\n",n);\n\t\t}\n\tfor(n=0 ; n < multi ; ++n)\n\t\t{\n\t\tFILE *f;\n\t\tchar buf[1024];\n\t\tchar *p;\n\t\tf=fdopen(fds[n],"r");\n\t\twhile(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,f))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\tp=strchr(buf,\'\\n\');\n\t\t\tif(p)\n\t\t\t\t*p=\'\\0\';\n\t\t\tif(buf[0] != \'+\')\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"Don\'t understand line \'%s\' from child %d\\n",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuf,n);\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tprintf("Got: %s from %d\\n",buf,n);\n\t\t\tif(!strncmp(buf,"+F:",3))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint alg;\n\t\t\t\tint j;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+3;\n\t\t\t\talg=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\tfor(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j)\n\t\t\t\t\tresults[alg][j]+=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\trsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F3:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tdsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDSA\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F4:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tecdsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/ecdsa_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tecdsa_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tecdsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/ecdsa_results[k][1]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tecdsa_results[k][1]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDH\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+F5:",4))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint k;\n\t\t\t\tdouble d;\n\t\t\t\tp=buf+4;\n\t\t\t\tk=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tsstrsep(&p,sep);\n\t\t\t\td=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));\n\t\t\t\tif(n)\n\t\t\t\t\tecdh_results[k][0]=1/(1/ecdh_results[k][0]+1/d);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tecdh_results[k][0]=d;\n\t\t\t\t}\n#endif\n\t\t\telse if(!strncmp(buf,"+H:",3))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,"Unknown type \'%s\' from child %d\\n",buf,n);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\treturn 1;\n\t}']