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SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Snapshot_tests/Pods-Snapshot_tests-umbrella.h
#ifdef __OBJC__ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #endif FOUNDATION_EXPORT double Pods_Snapshot_testsVersionNumber; FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char Pods_Snapshot_testsVersionString[];
SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample/Pods/Target Support Files/SnapFBSnapshotBase/SnapFBSnapshotBase-umbrella.h
<gh_stars>1-10 #ifdef __OBJC__ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #endif #import "SnapFBSnapshotBase.h" #import "SnapFBSnapshotSwiftTestCase.h" FOUNDATION_EXPORT double SnapFBSnapshotBaseVersionNumber; FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char SnapFBSnapshotBaseVersionString[];
SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample/Pods-SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample-umbrella.h
<filename>SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample/Pods-SnapFBSnapshotBaseExample-umbrella.h #ifdef __OBJC__ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #endif FOUNDATION_EXPORT double Pods_SnapFBSnapshotBaseExampleVersionNumber; FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char Pods_SnapFBSnapshotBaseExampleVersionString[];
#import <FBSnapshotTestCase/FBSnapshotTestCase-umbrella.h> @interface SnapFBSnapshotSwiftTestCase : FBSnapshotTestCase - (void)verifyView:(UIView *)view; @end
#define kIphone4PortraitRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480) #define kIphone4PortraitSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIphone5PortraitRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 568) #define kIphone5PortraitSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIphone6PortraitRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 375, 667) #define kIphone6PortraitSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIphone6PlusPortraitRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 414, 736) #define kIphone6PlusPortraitSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIphone4LandscapeRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 480, 320) #define kIphone4LandscapeSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact)] #define kIphone5LandscapeRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 568, 320) #define kIphone5LandscapeSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact)] #define kIphone6LandscapeRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 667, 375) #define kIphone6LandscapeSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact)] #define kIphone6PlusLandscapeRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 736, 414) #define kIphone6PlusLandscapeSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact)] #define kIpadPortraitRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 768, 1024) #define kIpadPortraitSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIpadLandscapeRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 1024, 768) #define kIpadLandscapeSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIpadMultitaskingLandscapeTwoToOneMainRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 694, 768) #define kIpadMultitaskingLandscapeTwoToOneMainSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIpadMultitaskingLandscapeTwoToOneAltRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 768) #define kIpadMultitaskingLandscapeTwoToOneAltSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIpadMultitaskingLandscapeOneToOneMainAndAltRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 507, 768) #define kIpadMultitaskingLandscapeOneToOneMainAndAltSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIpadMultitaskingPortraitOneToOneMainRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 438, 1024) #define kIpadMultitaskingPortraitOneToOneMainSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] #define kIpadMultitaskingPortraitOneToOneAltRect CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 1024) #define kIpadMultitaskingPortraitOneToOneAltSizeClasses @[@(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact), @(UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)] @import FBSnapshotTestCase; @interface SnapFBSnapshotBase : FBSnapshotTestCase @property (nonatomic, strong) UIViewController *sutBackingViewController; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *sut; @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL recordAll; - (void)snapshotVerifyView:(UIView*)view; @end
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */ #include <assert.h> #include "s2tc.h" /* Min and max macros */ #define S2TC_MIN(A, B) (((A) < (B)) ? (A) : (B)) #define S2TC_MAX(A, B) (((A) > (B)) ? (A) : (B)) /* Right shift and round */ #define RSHIFT(A, N) (((A) + (1 << ((N) - 1))) >> (N)) /* Color subtraction */ #define CSUB(A, B, I) ((A)[(I)] - (B)[(I)]) /* Color less-than predicate */ #define CLT(A, B) \ (CSUB(A, B, 0) \ ? (CSUB(A, B, 0) < 0) \ : (CSUB(A, B, 1) \ ? (CSUB(A, B, 1) < 0) \ : (CSUB(A, B, 2) < 0))) /* Bit set utility */ #define BSET(ARRAY, INDEX, OFFSET, BIT) \ ((ARRAY)[(INDEX) / 8 + (OFFSET)] |= (BIT << ((INDEX) % 8))) /* Color distance functions */ typedef signed char s2tc_color_t[3]; static int color_dist_avg(s2tc_color_t a, s2tc_color_t b) { int dr = a[0] - b[0]; int dg = a[1] - b[1]; int db = a[2] - b[2]; return dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db; } static int color_dist_yuv(s2tc_color_t a, s2tc_color_t b) { int dr = a[0] - b[0]; int dg = a[1] - b[1]; int db = a[2] - b[2]; int y = dr * 30*2 + dg * 59 + db * 11*2; int u = dr * 202 - y; int v = db * 202 - y; return ((y*y) << 1) + RSHIFT(u*u, 3) + RSHIFT(v*v, 4); } static int color_dist_rgb(s2tc_color_t a, s2tc_color_t b) { int dr = a[0] - b[0]; int dg = a[1] - b[1]; int db = a[2] - b[2]; int y = dr * 21*2 + dg * 72 + db * 7*2; int u = dr * 202 - y; int v = db * 202 - y; return ((y*y) << 1) + RSHIFT(u*u, 3) + RSHIFT(v*v, 4); } static int color_dist_srgb(s2tc_color_t a, s2tc_color_t b) { int dr = a[0] * (int)a[0] - b[0] * (int)b[0]; int dg = a[1] * (int)a[1] - b[1] * (int)b[1]; int db = a[2] * (int)a[2] - b[2] * (int)b[2]; int y = dr * 21*2*2 + dg * 72 + db * 7*2*2; int u = dr * 409 - y; int v = db * 409 - y; int sy = RSHIFT(y, 3) * RSHIFT(y, 4); int su = RSHIFT(u, 3) * RSHIFT(u, 4); int sv = RSHIFT(v, 3) * RSHIFT(v, 4); return RSHIFT(sy, 4) + RSHIFT(su, 8) + RSHIFT(sv, 9); } static int (*color_dist_functions[])(s2tc_color_t, s2tc_color_t) = { [S2TC_RGB] = &color_dist_rgb, [S2TC_SRGB] = &color_dist_srgb, [S2TC_AVG] = &color_dist_avg, [S2TC_YUV] = &color_dist_yuv }; static int color_dist(s2tc_t *ctx, s2tc_color_t a, s2tc_color_t b) { return color_dist_functions[ctx->dist](a, b); } static int alpha_dist(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) { return (a - (int)b) * (a - (int)b); } /* Reduce colors inplace */ static void reduce_colors(s2tc_t *ctx, s2tc_color_t *colors, size_t n, size_t m) { assert(n <= 16 && m <= 16); int dists[16][16]; size_t i = 0; for (; i < n; ++i) { dists[i][i] = 0; for (size_t j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { const int distance = color_dist(ctx, colors[i], colors[j]); dists[i][j] = distance; dists[j][i] = distance; } } for (; i < m; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) dists[i][j] = color_dist(ctx, colors[i], colors[j]); } size_t besti = 0; size_t bestj = 0; int bestsum = -1; for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { for (size_t j = i + 1; j < m; ++j) { int sum = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) sum += S2TC_MIN(dists[i][k], dists[j][k]); if (bestsum < 0 || sum < bestsum) { bestsum = sum; besti = i; bestj = j; } } } if (besti != 0) memcpy(&colors[0], &colors[besti], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); if (bestj != 1) memcpy(&colors[1], &colors[bestj], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); } static void reduce_colors_alpha(unsigned char *colors, size_t n, size_t m) { assert(n <= 16 && m <= 16); int dists[16][16+2]; size_t i = 0; for (; i < n; ++i) { dists[i][i] = 0; for (size_t j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { const int distance = alpha_dist(colors[i], colors[j]); dists[i][j] = distance; dists[j][i] = distance; } } for (; i < m; ++i) for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) dists[i][j] = alpha_dist(colors[i], colors[j]); for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) dists[m][j] = alpha_dist(0, colors[j]); for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) dists[m+1][j] = alpha_dist(255, colors[j]); size_t besti = 0; size_t bestj = 1; int bestsum = -1; for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { for (size_t j = i + 1; j < m; ++j) { int sum = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) { const int di = dists[i][k]; const int dj = dists[j][k]; const int d0 = dists[m][k]; const int d1 = dists[m+1][k]; const int m0 = S2TC_MIN(di, dj); const int m1 = S2TC_MIN(d0, d1); sum += S2TC_MIN(m0, m1); } if (bestsum < 0 || sum < bestsum) { bestsum = sum; besti = i; bestj = j; } } } if (besti != 0) memcpy(&colors[0], &colors[besti], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); if (bestj != 1) memcpy(&colors[1], &colors[bestj], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); } void s2tc_encode_block(s2tc_t *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *rgba, size_t iw, size_t w, size_t h) { s2tc_color_t colors[16]; unsigned char alpha[16]; size_t n = 0; size_t m = 0; for (size_t x = 0; x < w; ++x) { for (size_t y = 0; y < h; ++y, ++n) { colors[n][0] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 2]; colors[n][1] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 1]; colors[n][2] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 0]; if (ctx->dxt == S2TC_DXT5) alpha[n] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 3]; } } m = n; reduce_colors(ctx, colors, n, m); if (ctx->dxt == S2TC_DXT5) { reduce_colors_alpha(alpha, n, m); if (alpha[1] < alpha[0]) { alpha[2] = alpha[0]; alpha[0] = alpha[1]; alpha[1] = alpha[2]; } } if (CLT(colors[0], colors[1])) { memcpy(&colors[2], &colors[0], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); memcpy(&colors[0], &colors[1], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); memcpy(&colors[1], &colors[2], sizeof(s2tc_color_t)); } memset(out, 0, ctx->dxt == S2TC_DXT1 ? 8 : 16); switch (ctx->dxt) { case S2TC_DXT5: out[0] = alpha[0]; out[1] = alpha[1]; /* fall-through */ case S2TC_DXT3: out[8] = ((colors[0][1] & 0x07) << 5) | colors[0][2]; out[9] = (colors[0][0] << 3) | (colors[0][1] >> 3); out[10] = ((colors[1][1] & 0x07) << 5) | colors[1][2]; out[11] = (colors[1][0] << 3) | (colors[1][1] >> 3); break; case S2TC_DXT1: out[0] = ((colors[0][1] & 0x07) << 5) | colors[0][2]; out[1] = (colors[0][0] << 3) | (colors[0][1] >> 3); out[2] = ((colors[1][1] & 0x07) << 5) | colors[1][2]; out[3] = (colors[1][0] << 3) | (colors[1][1] >> 3); break; } for (size_t x = 0; x < w; ++x) { for (size_t y = 0; y < h; ++y) { size_t index = x + y * 4; colors[2][0] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 2]; colors[2][1] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 1]; colors[2][2] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 0]; alpha[2] = rgba[(x + y * iw) * 4 + 3]; int alphadist[4]; switch (ctx->dxt) { case S2TC_DXT5: #define ALPHA_LTEQ(X, Y) (alphadist[(X)] <= alphadist[(Y)]) alphadist[0] = alpha_dist(alpha[0], alpha[2]); alphadist[1] = alpha_dist(alpha[1], alpha[2]); alphadist[2] = alpha_dist(0, alpha[2]); alphadist[3] = alpha_dist(255, alpha[2]); if (ALPHA_LTEQ(2, 0) && ALPHA_LTEQ(2, 1) && ALPHA_LTEQ(2, 3)) { BSET(out, index * 3 + 1, 2, 1); BSET(out, index * 3 + 2, 2, 1); } else if (ALPHA_LTEQ(3, 0) && ALPHA_LTEQ(3, 1)) { BSET(out, index * 3 + 0, 2, 1); BSET(out, index * 3 + 1, 2, 1); BSET(out, index * 3 + 2, 2, 1); } else if (ALPHA_LTEQ(0, 1)) { /* nothing */ } else { BSET(out, index * 3 + 0, 2, 1); } if (color_dist(ctx, colors[0], colors[2]) > color_dist(ctx, colors[1], colors[2])) BSET(out, index * 2, 12, 1); break; case S2TC_DXT3: BSET(out, index * 4, 0, alpha[2]); if (color_dist(ctx, colors[0], colors[2]) > color_dist(ctx, colors[1], colors[2])) BSET(out, index * 2, 12, 1); break; case S2TC_DXT1: if (!alpha[2]) BSET(out, index * 2, 4, 3); else if (color_dist(ctx, colors[0], colors[2]) > color_dist(ctx, colors[1], colors[2])) BSET(out, index * 2, 4, 1); break; } } } }
#ifndef S2TC_HDR #define S2TC_HDR #include <stddef.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*!__cplusplus*/ /** * Type: s2tc_dxt_mode_t * The DXT mode to use for a context */ typedef enum { S2TC_DXT1, S2TC_DXT3, S2TC_DXT5 } s2tc_dxt_mode_t; /** * Type: s2tc_dist_mode_t * The color distance mode to use for a context. */ typedef enum { S2TC_RGB, S2TC_SRGB, S2TC_YUV, S2TC_AVG } s2tc_dist_mode_t; /** * Type: s2tc_t * A context for S2TC. * * To be filled out with a DXT and color distance mode before encoding blocks. */ typedef struct { s2tc_dxt_mode_t dxt; /** DXT mode */ s2tc_dist_mode_t dist; /** Color distance mode */ } s2tc_t; /** * Function: s2tc_encode_block * Encode a block of RGBA5658. * * Parameters: * ctx - context * out - 16 byte storage for the block * rgba - pointer to RGBA data for this block * iw - image width * w - width * h - height */ void s2tc_encode_block(s2tc_t *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *rgba, size_t iw, size_t w, size_t h); /* Missing refinement and rgb565-ification */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /*!__cplusplus*/ #endif
<gh_stars>1-10 /* * ***************************************************************************** * * Delta-sigma modulators. * * ***************************************************************************** */ #ifndef DSM #define DSM void dsm1(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id); void dsm2(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id); void dsm3(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id); #endif
<filename>osc.h /* * ***************************************************************************** * * Oscillators * * ***************************************************************************** */ #ifndef OSC #define OSC #define TWOPI 2.0 * M_PI void sine(size_t sr, audio amp, audio freq, audio phase, Sig* out, size_t out_vec_id); #endif
/* Unit-bounded floatng-point random numbers. */ #include "random.h" audio frand(void) { return rand() / (audio) RAND_MAX; }
<reponame>dariosanfilippo/bitstream_ANN_DSP #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include "signals.c" #include "osc.c" #include "dsm.c" #include "bitmath.c" int main(void) { FILE *fptr; fptr = fopen("fa.csv", "w+"); size_t len = 8; size_t SR = 192000; audio fa_ins[3][8] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1} }; Sig* in = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* out = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(in, 3, len, SR); sig_alloc(out, 2, len, SR); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < in->vec_len; j++) { in->vec_space[i][j] = fa_ins[i][j]; } } fulladder(in, in, in, out, out, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { fprintf(fptr, "%f, %f\n", out->vec_space[0][i], out->vec_space[1][i]); } sig_free(in); sig_free(out); fclose(fptr); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/******************************************************************************* * * Sinusoidal oscillator. * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "osc.h" void sine(size_t sr, audio amp, audio freq, audio phase, Sig* out, size_t out_vec_id) { /* calculate incremental value */ audio incr = (TWOPI * freq) / (audio) sr; audio ph = phase; for (size_t i = 0; i < out->vec_len; i++) { out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = amp * sin(ph); /* increment phase and wrap around */ ph += incr; if (ph >= TWOPI) ph -= TWOPI; if (ph < 0.0) ph += TWOPI; } }
/******************************************************************************* * * This file is used to train and test unipolar networks for the estimation * of the frequency in DSM sinusoids with different frequency, amplitude, * and phase values. These networks, in particular, are used with the * ReLU and sigmoid activation functions. * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021 * ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include <time.h> #include "signals.c" #include "random.c" #include "osc.c" #include "dsm.c" #include "bitmath.c" #include "data.c" #include "kann.c" #include "kautodiff.c" int main(void) { srand(time(0)); kad_node_t* t; kann_t* ann; size_t inputs = 1024; size_t outputs = 1; size_t num_layers = 4; size_t neurons = 64; size_t SR = 192000; /* Create the neural network */ t = kann_layer_input(inputs); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) { t = kann_layer_dense(t, neurons); t = kad_sigm(t); } t = kann_layer_cost(t, outputs, KANN_C_MSE); ann = kann_new(t, 0); /* Create training data set */ size_t setsize = 65536; Sig* x = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* y = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(x, setsize, inputs, SR); sig_alloc(y, setsize, outputs, SR); freq_est_data(x, y); for (size_t i = 0; i < setsize; i++) { bi2uni(x, x, i, i); } /* Train the net */ float lr = .001, frac_val = .1; size_t mini_size = 32; size_t max_epoch = 500; size_t max_drop_streak = 20; kann_train_fnn1(ann, lr, mini_size, max_epoch, max_drop_streak, frac_val, setsize, x->vec_space, y->vec_space); sig_free(x); sig_free(y); /* CSV file setup */ char fname[256]; sprintf(fname, "inputs%zuoutputs%zulayers%zuneurons%zuset%zulearningrate%f.csv", inputs, outputs, num_layers, neurons, setsize, lr); FILE* csv; csv = fopen(fname, "w+"); /* Test the net */ size_t testsize = 100; x = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); y = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(x, testsize, inputs, SR); sig_alloc(y, testsize, outputs, SR); const float* output; freq_est_data(x, y); for (size_t i = 0; i < testsize; i++) { bi2uni(x, x, i, i); } for (size_t j = 0; j < testsize; j++) { output = kann_apply1(ann, x->vec_space[j]); printf("Target: %.10f; prediction: %.10f; error factor: %.10f\n", y->vec_space[j][0], *output, 1 - y->vec_space[j][0] / *output); fprintf(csv, "%f, %f\n", y->vec_space[j][0], 1 - y->vec_space[j][0] / *output); } sig_free(x); sig_free(y); fclose(csv); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/******************************************************************************* * * This module contains functions for the generation of training and * test data for frequency and amplitude estimation, and sum and * multiplication operations. * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef DATA #define DATA void freq_est_data(Sig* in, Sig* out); void amp_est_data(Sig* in, Sig* out); void adder_data(Sig* in, Sig* out); void mul_data(Sig* in, Sig* out); #endif
<reponame>dariosanfilippo/bitstream_ANN_DSP<gh_stars>1-10 /******************************************************************************* * * This module contains delta-sigma arithmetic operators. * * Reference: * <NAME> (2009) -- Bit-stream signal processing on FPGA. * * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef BITMATH #define BITMATH typedef struct FullAdder FullAdder; void fulladder(Sig* in0, Sig* in1, Sig* in2, Sig* out0, Sig* out1, size_t in_vec_id0, size_t in_vec_id1, size_t in_vec_id2, size_t out_vec_id0, size_t out_vec_id1); FullAdder fulladder_samplewise(bool in0, bool in1, bool c_in); void binaryadder(Sig* in0, Sig* in1, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id0, size_t in_vec_id1, size_t out_vec_id); bool binaryadder_samplewise(bool in0, bool in1, bool* state); void binarymultiplier(Sig* in0, Sig* in1, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id0, size_t in_vec_id1, size_t out_vec_id); void bi2uni(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id); void uni2bi(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id); #endif
/******************************************************************************* * * This module contains delta-sigma arithmetic operators. * * Reference: * Ch<NAME> (2009) -- Bit-stream signal processing on FPGA. * * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "bitmath.h" struct FullAdder { bool sum; bool c_out; }; /* Full adder; see for the * truth table */ void fulladder(Sig* in0, Sig* in1, Sig* in2, Sig* out0, Sig* out1, size_t in_vec_id0, size_t in_vec_id1, size_t in_vec_id2, size_t out_vec_id0, size_t out_vec_id1) { assert((in0->vec_len == in1->vec_len) & (in1->vec_len == in2->vec_len) & (in2->vec_len == out0->vec_len) & (out0->vec_len == out1->vec_len)); bool _in0; bool _in1; bool c_in; bool sum; bool c_out; for (size_t i = 0; i < in0->vec_len; i++) { _in0 = in0->vec_space[in_vec_id0][i] > 0; _in1 = in1->vec_space[in_vec_id1][i] > 0; c_in = in2->vec_space[in_vec_id2][i] > 0; sum = (_in0 ^ _in1) ^ c_in; c_out = (_in0 & _in1) | ((_in0 ^ _in1) & c_in); out0->vec_space[out_vec_id0][i] = (audio) sum == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; out1->vec_space[out_vec_id1][i] = (audio) c_out == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; } } /* Full adder for sample-by-sample calculations */ FullAdder fulladder_samplewise(bool in0, bool in1, bool c_in) { FullAdder fa; fa.sum = (in0 ^ in1) ^ c_in; fa.c_out = (in0 & in1) | ((in0 ^ in1) & c_in); return fa; } /* Delta-sigma streams adder */ void binaryadder(Sig* in0, Sig* in1, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id0, size_t in_vec_id1, size_t out_vec_id) { assert((in0->vec_len == in1->vec_len) & (in1->vec_len == out->vec_len)); bool state = 0; bool _in0; bool _in1; bool c_in; bool sum; bool c_out; for (size_t i = 0; i < in0->vec_len; i++) { _in0 = in0->vec_space[in_vec_id0][i] > 0; _in1 = in1->vec_space[in_vec_id1][i] > 0; c_in = state; sum = (_in0 ^ _in1) ^ c_in; c_out = (_in0 & _in1) | ((_in0 ^ _in1) & c_in); state = sum; out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = (audio) c_out == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; } } /* As above but sample-wise */ bool binaryadder_samplewise(bool in0, bool in1, bool* state) { FullAdder fa = fulladder_samplewise(in0, in1, *state); *state = fa.sum; return fa.c_out; } /* Delta-sigma multiplication; this implements figure 2.5 of the thesis * referenced above */ void binarymultiplier(Sig* in0, Sig* in1, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id0, size_t in_vec_id1, size_t out_vec_id) { assert((in0->vec_len == in1->vec_len) & (in1->vec_len == out->vec_len)); Sig* xor = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* sum = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(xor, 16, in0->vec_len, in0->sr); sig_alloc(sum, 14, in0->vec_len, in0->sr); bool temp; /* the loops below compute the vectors corresponding to the * 16 outputs of the xor operators */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (size_t k = 3; k < in0->vec_len; k++) { temp = (in0->vec_space[in_vec_id0][k - i] > 0) ^ (in1->vec_space[in_vec_id1][k - j] > 0); xor->vec_space[j + i * 4][k] = temp ? 1.0 : -1.0; } } } /* the loops below sum all of the signals for the final output */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { binaryadder(xor, xor, sum, i * 2, i * 2 + 1, i); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { binaryadder(sum, sum, sum, i * 2, i * 2 + 1, i + 8); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { binaryadder(sum, sum, sum, i * 2 + 8, i * 2 + 8 + 1, i + 12); } binaryadder(sum, sum, out, 12, 13, out_vec_id); sig_free(xor); sig_free(sum); } void bi2uni(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id) { assert(in->vec_len == out->vec_len); for (size_t i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = in->vec_space[in_vec_id][i] > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0; } } void uni2bi(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id) { assert(in->vec_len == out->vec_len); for (size_t i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = in->vec_space[in_vec_id][i] > 0.5 ? 1.0 : -1.0; } }
/* Unit-bounded floatng-point random numbers. */ audio frand(void);
/******************************************************************************* * * This module implements an infrastructure to operate with signals * based on a vector space representation. * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SIGNALS #define SIGNALS #define RESO 32 #if RESO == 32 # define audio float #elif RESO == 64 # define audio double #else #error invalid resolution: it must be 32 or 64 bits. #endif typedef struct Sig Sig; void sig_alloc(Sig* sig, size_t dim, size_t len, size_t srate); void sig_free(Sig* sig); void sig_set_const(Sig* sig, size_t vec_id, audio val); void sig_print_sample(Sig* sig, size_t vec_id, size_t sample_id); void sig_print_vec(Sig* sig, size_t vec_id); void sig_print_space(Sig* sig); size_t sig_getdim(Sig* sig); size_t sig_getlen(Sig* sig); #endif
<reponame>dariosanfilippo/bitstream_ANN_DSP /******************************************************************************* * * This module implements an infrastructure to operate with signals * based on a vector space representation. * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "signals.h" struct Sig { audio** vec_space; size_t space_dim; size_t vec_len; size_t sr; }; /* Allocate a space of "dim" vectors of size "len" samples initialised to 0 */ void sig_alloc(Sig* sig, size_t dim, size_t len, size_t srate) { sig->vec_space = malloc(dim * sizeof(audio*)); for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) { sig->vec_space[i] = malloc(len * sizeof(audio)); for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) { sig->vec_space[i][j] = 0.0; } } sig->space_dim = dim; sig->vec_len = len; sig->sr = srate; } /* Free signals memory after use */ void sig_free(Sig* sig) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sig->space_dim; i++) { free(sig->vec_space[i]); } free(sig->vec_space); } /* Set a specific vector to a constant value */ void sig_set_const(Sig* sig, size_t vec_id, audio val) { assert(vec_id < sig->space_dim); for (size_t i = 0; i < sig->vec_len; i++) { sig->vec_space[vec_id][i] = val; } } /* Print a specific sample from a specific vector on screen */ void sig_print_sample(Sig* sig, size_t vec_id, size_t sample_id) { assert((vec_id < sig->space_dim) & (sample_id < sig->vec_len)); printf("Vec %zu, sample %zu: %.20f\n", vec_id, sample_id, sig->vec_space[vec_id][sample_id]); } /* Print a specific vector on screen */ void sig_print_vec(Sig* sig, size_t vec_id) { assert(vec_id < sig->space_dim); for (size_t i = 0; i < sig->vec_len; i++) { printf("Vec %zu, sample %zu: %.20f\n", vec_id, i, sig->vec_space[vec_id][i]); } } /* Print an entire space on screen */ void sig_print_space(Sig* sig) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sig->space_dim; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < sig->vec_len; j++) { printf("Vec %zu, sample %zu: %.20f\n", i, j, sig->vec_space[i][j]); } } }
/******************************************************************************* * * This file contains first, second, and third-order delta-sigma * modulators for multi-bit to one-bit conversion. * * While the first-order modulator is stable for any signal in the * full-scale digital amplitude, order-two and order-three modulators * may result in distorted or unstable behaviours and should be used * with input signals up to about 75% of the full amplitude scale. * * For best performance, 50% amplitude peaks should be used combined * with oversampling to overcome the 6 dB loss in the signal-to-noise * ratio. * * Copyright (C) <NAME> 2021 – <EMAIL>. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "dsm.h" /* First-order DSM */ void dsm1(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id) { assert(in->vec_len == out->vec_len); audio state = 0.0; audio integrator = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { integrator += in->vec_space[in_vec_id][i] - state; out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = state = integrator < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; } } /* Second-order DSM */ void dsm2(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id) { assert(in->vec_len == out->vec_len); audio state = 0.0; audio integrator1 = 0.0; audio integrator2 = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { integrator1 += in->vec_space[in_vec_id][i] - state; integrator2 += integrator1 - state * 2.0; out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = state = integrator2 < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; } } /* Third-order DSM */ void dsm3(Sig* in, Sig* out, size_t in_vec_id, size_t out_vec_id) { assert(in->vec_len == out->vec_len); audio state = 0.0; audio integrator1 = 0.0; audio integrator2 = 0.0; audio integrator3 = 0.0; audio c1 = 1.0 / 4.0; audio c2 = 1.0 / 3.0; audio c3 = 1.0 / 8.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { integrator1 += in->vec_space[in_vec_id][i] * c1 - state * c1; integrator2 += integrator1 * c2 - state * c2; integrator3 += integrator2 * c3 - state * c3; out->vec_space[out_vec_id][i] = state = integrator3 < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; } }
<filename>tests/data_test.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include "signals.c" #include "osc.c" #include "dsm.c" #include "bitmath.c" #include "data.c" int main(void) { size_t sr = 192000; size_t in_len = 64; size_t out_len = 1; size_t dim = 64; Sig* in = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* out = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(in, dim, in_len, sr); sig_alloc(out, dim, out_len, sr); freq_est_data(in, out); sig_print_space(in); sig_free(in); sig_free(out); in_len = 64; out_len = in_len / 2; in = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); out = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(in, dim, in_len, sr); sig_alloc(out, dim, out_len, sr); adder_data(in, out); sig_print_space(in); sig_print_space(out); sig_free(in); sig_free(out); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/******************************************************************************* * * This module contains functions for the generation of training and * test data for frequency and amplitude estimation, and sum and * multiplication operations. * * Copyright (c) <NAME> 2021. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "data.h" void freq_est_data(Sig* in, Sig* out) { assert(in->space_dim == out->space_dim); audio freq; audio amp; audio phase; for (size_t i = 0; i < in->space_dim; i++) { freq = frand() * 20000.0; amp = frand() * .5 + .25; phase = frand() * TWOPI; out->vec_space[i][0] = freq; sine(in->sr, amp, freq, phase, in, i); dsm3(in, in, i, i); } } void amp_est_data(Sig* in, Sig* out) { assert(in->space_dim == out->space_dim); audio freq; audio amp; audio phase; for (size_t i = 0; i < in->space_dim; i++) { freq = frand() * 20000.0; amp = frand() * .5 + .25; phase = frand() * TWOPI; out->vec_space[i][0] = amp; sine(in->sr, amp, freq, phase, in, i); dsm3(in, in, i, i); } } void adder_data(Sig* in, Sig* out) { assert(in->space_dim == out->space_dim); audio freq0; audio freq1; audio amp0; audio amp1; audio phase0; audio phase1; Sig* in0 = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* in1 = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(in0, in->space_dim, in->vec_len / 2, in->sr); sig_alloc(in1, in->space_dim, in->vec_len / 2, in->sr); for (size_t i = 0; i < in->space_dim; i++) { freq0 = frand() * 5000.0; freq1 = frand() * 5000.0; amp0 = frand() * .25; amp1 = frand() * .25; phase0 = frand() * TWOPI; phase1 = frand() * TWOPI; sine(in0->sr, amp0, freq0, phase0, in0, i); sine(in1->sr, amp1, freq1, phase1, in1, i); for (size_t j = 0; j < out->vec_len; j++) { out->vec_space[i][j] = in0->vec_space[i][j] + in1->vec_space[i][j]; } dsm3(in0, in0, i, i); dsm3(in1, in1, i, i); dsm3(out, out, i, i); for (size_t j = 0; j < in0->vec_len; j++) { in->vec_space[i][j] = in0->vec_space[i][j]; in->vec_space[i][j + in1->vec_len] = in1->vec_space[i][j]; } } sig_free(in0); sig_free(in1); } void mul_data(Sig* in, Sig* out) { assert(in->space_dim == out->space_dim); audio freq0; audio freq1; audio amp0; audio amp1; audio phase0; audio phase1; Sig* in0 = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* in1 = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(in0, in->space_dim, in->vec_len / 2, in->sr); sig_alloc(in1, in->space_dim, in->vec_len / 2, in->sr); for (size_t i = 0; i < in->space_dim; i++) { freq0 = frand() * 5000.0; freq1 = frand() * 5000.0; amp0 = frand() * .5; amp1 = frand() * .5; phase0 = frand() * TWOPI; phase1 = frand() * TWOPI; sine(in0->sr, amp0, freq0, phase0, in0, i); sine(in1->sr, amp1, freq1, phase1, in1, i); for (size_t j = 0; j < out->vec_len; j++) { out->vec_space[i][j] = in0->vec_space[i][j] * in1->vec_space[i][j]; } dsm3(in0, in0, i, i); dsm3(in1, in1, i, i); dsm3(out, out, i, i); for (size_t j = 0; j < in0->vec_len; j++) { in->vec_space[i][j] = in0->vec_space[i][j]; in->vec_space[i][j + in1->vec_len] = in1->vec_space[i][j]; } } sig_free(in0); sig_free(in1); }
<reponame>dariosanfilippo/bitstream_ANN_DSP<filename>tests/binaryadder_test.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include "signals.c" #include "osc.c" #include "dsm.c" #include "bitmath.c" int main(void) { FILE* fptr; fptr = fopen("binaryadder.csv", "w+"); size_t SR = 3072000; size_t len = 65536; audio amp = .25; audio freq0 = 1000.0; audio freq1 = 3000.0; audio phase = .0; Sig* in = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); Sig* out = malloc(sizeof(Sig)); sig_alloc(in, 2, len, SR); sig_alloc(out, 1, len, SR); sine(SR, amp, freq0, phase, in, 0); sine(SR, amp, freq1, phase, in, 1); dsm3(in, in, 0, 0); dsm3(in, in, 1, 1); binaryadder(in, in, out, 0, 1, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < in->vec_len; i++) { fprintf(fptr, "%f\n", out->vec_space[0][i]); } sig_free(in); sig_free(out); fclose(fptr); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
#include "gogeardb.h" #include "_cgo_export.h" leveldb_comparator_t* go_geardb_create_comparator() { return leveldb_comparator_create( NULL, go_geardb_destructor, (int (*)(void*, const char* a, size_t alen, const char* b, size_t blen))(go_geardb_compare), (const char* (*)(void*))(go_geardb_name)); }
#include <stdlib.h> #include "leveldb/c.h" extern leveldb_comparator_t* go_geardb_create_comparator();
// Copyright (c) 2017, <NAME>. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a personal license that can be // found in the LICENSE file in the top directory. #ifndef PARAMOUNT_INTEGRAL_TYPES_H #define PARAMOUNT_INTEGRAL_TYPES_H #include "base/macros.h" namespace pmt { // Following are basic integer type definitions for various platforms including // Windows, Mac and Linux // signed integer types with width of 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits respectively using int8 = signed char; using int16 = short; using int32 = int; #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) typedef __int64 int64; #else using int64 = long long; #endif // unsigned integer types with with of 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits respectively using uint8 = unsigned char; using uint16 = unsigned short; using uint32 = unsigned int; #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; #else using uint64 = unsigned long long; #endif // long long macros to be used because gcc and vc++ use different suffixes and // different size specifiers in format strings #undef GG_LONGLONG #undef GG_ULONGLONG #undef GG_LL_FORMAT #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) // long long suffixes for MSVC # define GG_LONGLONG(x) x##I64 # define GG_ULONGLONG(x) x##UI64 // length modifier in printf format string for int64's (e.g. within %d) # define GG_LL_FORMAT "I64" # define GG_LL_FORMAT_W L"I64" #else # define GG_LONGLONG(x) x##LL # define GG_ULONGLONG(x) x##ULL # define GG_LL_FORMAT "ll" # define GG_LL_FORMAT_W L"ll" #endif static const uint8 kUINT8max = (static_cast<uint8>(0xFF)); static const uint16 kUINT16max = (static_cast<uint16>(0xFFFF)); static const uint32 kUINT32max = ((uint32) 0xFFFFFFFF); static const uint64 kUINT64max = ((uint64) GG_LONGLONG(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)); static const int8 kINT8min = (static_cast<int8>(~0x7F)); static const int8 kINT8max = (static_cast<int8>(0x7F)); static const int16 kINT16min = (static_cast<int16>(~0x7FFF)); static const int16 kINT16max = (static_cast<int16>(0x7FFF)); static const int32 kINT32min = ((int32) ~0x7FFFFFFF); static const int32 kINT32max = ((int32) 0x7FFFFFFF); static const int64 kINT64min = ((int64) GG_LONGLONG(~0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)); static const int64 kINT64max = ((int64) GG_LONGLONG(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)); } // namespace pmt #endif // PARAMOUNT_INTEGRAL_TYPES_H
// Copyright (c) 2017, <NAME>. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a personal license that can be // found in the LICENSE file in the topdirectory. #ifndef PARAMOUNT_CALLBACK_IMPL_H #define PARAMOUNT_CALLBACK_IMPL_H #include "base/callback_types.h" #include <type_traits> namespace pmt { namespace internal { template <typename T> struct ConstRef { typedef typename ::std::remove_reference<T>::type base_type; typedef const base_type& type; }; } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)() const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0< del, void, Class, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)() const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(); } else { (instance_->*method_)(); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0<true, RetType, Caller>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)() const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0<true, RetType, Caller>(instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0<false, RetType, Caller>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)() const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_0<false, RetType, Caller>(instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_0_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(); inline MemberResultCallback_0_0(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class> class MemberResultCallback_0_0< del, void, Class, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(); inline MemberResultCallback_0_0(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(); } else { (instance_->*method_)(); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_0<true, RetType, Caller>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)()) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_0<true, RetType, Caller>(instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_0<false, RetType, Caller>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)()) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_0<false, RetType, Caller>(instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType> class FunctionResultCallback_0_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_0(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; }; template <bool del> class FunctionResultCallback_0_0<del, void> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (*Function)(); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_0(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (*function_)(); } else { (*function_)(); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; }; template <typename RetType> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_0<true, RetType>::base* MakeCallback( RetType (*function)()) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_0<true, RetType>(function); } template <typename RetType> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_0<false, RetType>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)()) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_0<false, RetType>(function); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename A1> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1< del, void, Class, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1<true, RetType, Caller, A1>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1) const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1<true, RetType, Caller, A1>( instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1<false, RetType, Caller, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1) const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_1<false, RetType, Caller, A1>( instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_0_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(A1); inline MemberResultCallback_0_1(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename A1> class MemberResultCallback_0_1< del, void, Class, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(A1); inline MemberResultCallback_0_1(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_1<true, RetType, Caller, A1>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1)) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_1<true, RetType, Caller, A1>(instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_1<false, RetType, Caller, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1)) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_1<false, RetType, Caller, A1>(instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_0_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_1(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(a1); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; }; template <bool del, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_0_1<del, void, A1> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (*Function)(A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_1(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(a1); } else { (*function_)(a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; }; template <typename RetType, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_1<true, RetType, A1>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(A1)) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_1<true, RetType, A1>(function); } template <typename RetType, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_1<false, RetType, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(A1)) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_1<false, RetType, A1>(function); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2< del, void, Class, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2) const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>( instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2) const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_2<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>( instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_0_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_0_2(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2> class MemberResultCallback_0_2< del, void, Class, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_0_2(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_2<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2)) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_2<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>(instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_2<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2)) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_2<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2>( instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_0_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_2(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; }; template <bool del, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_0_2<del, void, A1, A2> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (*Function)(A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_2(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(a1, a2); } else { (*function_)(a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; }; template <typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_2<true, RetType, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(A1, A2)) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_2<true, RetType, A1, A2>(function); } template <typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_2<false, RetType, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(A1, A2)) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_2<false, RetType, A1, A2>(function); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3< del, void, Class, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3(const Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2, A3) const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>( instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2, A3) const) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_0_3<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_0_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_0_3(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class MemberResultCallback_0_3< del, void, Class, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_0_3(Class* instance, Method method) : instance_(instance), method_(method) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_3<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2, A3)) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_3<true, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>( instance, method); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_0_3<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(A1, A2, A3)) { return new MemberResultCallback_0_3<false, RetType, Caller, A1, A2, A3>( instance, method); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_0_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_3(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; }; template <bool del, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_0_3<del, void, A1, A2, A3> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (*Function)(A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_0_3(Function function) : function_(function) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(a1, a2, a3); } else { (*function_)(a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; }; template <typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_3<true, RetType, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(A1, A2, A3)) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_3<true, RetType, A1, A2, A3>(function); } template <typename RetType, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_0_3<false, RetType, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(A1, A2, A3)) { return new FunctionResultCallback_0_3<false, RetType, A1, A2, A3>(function); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0< del, void, Class, P1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1>( instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1>( instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_1_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1); inline MemberResultCallback_1_0(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1> class MemberResultCallback_1_0< del, void, Class, P1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1); inline MemberResultCallback_1_0(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1>(instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1>(instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1> class FunctionResultCallback_1_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_0(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename P1> class FunctionResultCallback_1_0<del, void, P1> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (*Function)(P1); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_0(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_); } else { (*function_)(p1_); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_0<true, RetType, P1>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_0<true, RetType, P1>(function, p1); } template <typename RetType, typename P1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_0<false, RetType, P1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_0<false, RetType, P1>(function, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1< del, void, Class, P1, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>( instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>( instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_1_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, A1); inline MemberResultCallback_1_1(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1> class MemberResultCallback_1_1< del, void, Class, P1, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, A1); inline MemberResultCallback_1_1(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>( instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1>( instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_1_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_1(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, a1); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_1_1<del, void, P1, A1> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_1(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, a1); } else { (*function_)(p1_, a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_1<true, RetType, P1, A1>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_1<true, RetType, P1, A1>(function, p1); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_1<false, RetType, P1, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_1<false, RetType, P1, A1>(function, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2< del, void, Class, P1, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>( instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_1_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_1_2(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> class MemberResultCallback_1_2< del, void, Class, P1, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_1_2(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>( instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2>( instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_1_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_2(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_1_2<del, void, P1, A1, A2> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_2(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2); } else { (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_2<true, RetType, P1, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_2<true, RetType, P1, A1, A2>(function, p1); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_2<false, RetType, P1, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_2<false, RetType, P1, A1, A2>(function, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3< del, void, Class, P1, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2, A3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2, A3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_1_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_1_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_1_3(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class MemberResultCallback_1_3< del, void, Class, P1, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_1_3(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>( instance, method, p1); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_1_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new MemberResultCallback_1_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, A1, A2, A3>( instance, method, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_1_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_3(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_1_3<del, void, P1, A1, A2, A3> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_1_3(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) : function_(function), p1_(p1) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (*function_)(p1_, a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_3<true, RetType, P1, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_3<true, RetType, P1, A1, A2, A3>( function, p1); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_1_3<false, RetType, P1, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1) { return new FunctionResultCallback_1_3<false, RetType, P1, A1, A2, A3>( function, p1); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0< del, void, Class, P1, P2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_2_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2); inline MemberResultCallback_2_0(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2> class MemberResultCallback_2_0< del, void, Class, P1, P2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2); inline MemberResultCallback_2_0(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> class FunctionResultCallback_2_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_0(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2> class FunctionResultCallback_2_0<del, void, P1, P2> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_0(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_0<true, RetType, P1, P2>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_0<true, RetType, P1, P2>(function, p1, p2); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_0<false, RetType, P1, P2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_0<false, RetType, P1, P2>(function, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1< del, void, Class, P1, P2, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_2_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1); inline MemberResultCallback_2_1(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> class MemberResultCallback_2_1< del, void, Class, P1, P2, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1); inline MemberResultCallback_2_1(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_2_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_1(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_2_1<del, void, P1, P2, A1> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_1(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_1<true, RetType, P1, P2, A1>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_1<true, RetType, P1, P2, A1>(function, p1, p2); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_1<false, RetType, P1, P2, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_1<false, RetType, P1, P2, A1>(function, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2< del, void, Class, P1, P2, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_2_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_2_2(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> class MemberResultCallback_2_2< del, void, Class, P1, P2, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_2_2(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2>( instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_2_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_2(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_2_2<del, void, P1, P2, A1, A2> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_2(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_2<true, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_2<true, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2>( function, p1, p2); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_2<false, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_2<false, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2>( function, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3< del, void, Class, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_2_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_2_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_2_3(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class MemberResultCallback_2_3< del, void, Class, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_2_3(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_2_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new MemberResultCallback_2_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_2_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_3(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_2_3<del, void, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_2_3(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_3<true, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_3<true, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>( function, p1, p2); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_2_3<false, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2) { return new FunctionResultCallback_2_3<false, RetType, P1, P2, A1, A2, A3>( function, p1, p2); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>( instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_3_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3); inline MemberResultCallback_3_0(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> class MemberResultCallback_3_0< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3); inline MemberResultCallback_3_0(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_0<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>( instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_0<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3>( instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> class FunctionResultCallback_3_0 : public ResultCallback<RetType> { public: typedef ResultCallback<RetType> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, P3); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_0(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run() override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> class FunctionResultCallback_3_0<del, void, P1, P2, P3> : public Callback { public: typedef Callback base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, P3); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_0(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run() override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_0<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_0<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3>( function, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_0<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_0<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3>( function, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_3_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1); inline MemberResultCallback_3_1(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> class MemberResultCallback_3_1< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, A1, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1); inline MemberResultCallback_3_1(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_1<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>( instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_1<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1>( instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_3_1 : public ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> { public: typedef ResultCallback1<RetType, A1> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, P3, A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_1(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> class FunctionResultCallback_3_1<del, void, P1, P2, P3, A1> : public Callback1<A1> { public: typedef Callback1<A1> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, P3, A1); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_1(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_1<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_1<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1>( function, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_1<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3, A1), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_1<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1>( function, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_3_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_3_2(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> class MemberResultCallback_3_2< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2); inline MemberResultCallback_3_2(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_2<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_2<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_3_2 : public ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> { public: typedef ResultCallback2<RetType, A1, A2> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_2(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> class FunctionResultCallback_3_2<del, void, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2> : public Callback2<A1, A2> { public: typedef Callback2<A1, A2> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_2(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_2<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_2<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>( function, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_2<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_2<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2>( function, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3) const; inline ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3( const Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: const Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(const Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3) const, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new ConstMemberResultCallback_3_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename OnlyIf = typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> class MemberResultCallback_3_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_3_3(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename Class, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class MemberResultCallback_3_3< del, void, Class, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_compound<Class>::value>::type> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (Class::*Method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3); inline MemberResultCallback_3_3(Class* instance, Method method, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : instance_(instance), method_(method), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (instance_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); method_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Class* instance_; Method method_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_3<true, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename Caller, typename Callee, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename MemberResultCallback_3_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(Caller* instance, RetType (Callee::*method)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new MemberResultCallback_3_3<false, RetType, Caller, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>(instance, method, p1, p2, p3); } template <bool del, typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_3_3 : public ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef ResultCallback3<RetType, A1, A2, A3> base; typedef RetType (*Function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_3(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } RetType run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { return (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); } else { RetType result = (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; return result; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <bool del, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> class FunctionResultCallback_3_3<del, void, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3> : public Callback3<A1, A2, A3> { public: typedef Callback3<A1, A2, A3> base; typedef void (*Function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3); inline FunctionResultCallback_3_3(Function function, typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) : function_(function), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3) {} bool isRepeatable() const override { return !del; } void run(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) override { if (!del) { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); } else { (*function_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, a1, a2, a3); function_ = nullptr; delete this; } } private: Function function_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P1>::type p1_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P2>::type p2_; typename ::std::remove_reference<P3>::type p3_; }; template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_3<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakeCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_3<true, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>(function, p1, p2, p3); } template <typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3> inline typename FunctionResultCallback_3_3<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>::base* MakePermanentCallback(RetType (*function)(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3), typename internal::ConstRef<P1>::type p1, typename internal::ConstRef<P2>::type p2, typename internal::ConstRef<P3>::type p3) { return new FunctionResultCallback_3_3<false, RetType, P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, A3>(function, p1, p2, p3); } } #endif // PARAMOUNT_CALLBACK_IMPL_H
// Copyright (c) 2017, <NAME>. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a personal license that can be // found in the LICENSE file in the top directory. #ifndef PARAMOUNT_FOR_EACH_ARGUMENT_H #define PARAMOUNT_FOR_EACH_ARGUMENT_H #include <iostream> #include <utility> namespace pmt { template <class F, class... Args> void ForEachArgument(F f, Args &&... args) { [](...) {}((f(std::forward<Args>(args)), 0)...); } template <class F, class... Args> void ForEachArgumentInOrder(F f, Args &&... args) { (void) (int[]){(f(std::forward<Args>(args)), 0)...}; } } // namespace pmt #endif // PARAMOUNT_FOR_EACH_ARGUMENT_H
// Copyright (c) 2017, <NAME>. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a personal license that can be // found in the LICENSE file in the top directory. #ifndef PARAMOUNT_SCOPE_GUARD_H #define PARAMOUNT_SCOPE_GUARD_H #include "base/macros.h" #include <utility> namespace pmt { namespace base { /// This idiom ensures that resources always get released in face of an /// exception or otherwise not returning normally. |ScopeGuard| can exploit /// type inference and auto, move semantics as well as lambda functions which /// can defer any arbitrary code template <typename Func> class ScopeGuard { public: ScopeGuard() = delete; ScopeGuard(const ScopeGuard&) = delete; ScopeGuard& operator=(const ScopeGuard&) = delete; ScopeGuard(ScopeGuard&& rhs) : func_(std::move(rhs.func_)), isActive_(rhs.isActive_) { rhs.dismiss(); } ScopeGuard(Func func) : func_(std::move(func)), isActive_(true) {} ~ScopeGuard() { if (isActive_) func_(); } void dismiss() { isActive_ = false; } private: Func func_; bool isActive_; }; /// This is a classic trick, having a template class, which we want to /// associate with a template function, because a template function may use /// type deduction, which the template class is incapable of. /// Example usage: /// void fun() { /// auto buf = malloc(1024 * 1024); /// auto g1 = scopeGuard([] { free(buf); }); /// // .. use buf here .. /// } template <typename Func> ScopeGuard<Func> scopeGuard(Func func) { return ScopeGuard<Func>(std::move(func)); } namespace internal { enum class ScopeGuardOnExit {}; template <typename Func> ScopeGuard<Func> operator+(ScopeGuardOnExit, Func&& fn) { return ScopeGuard<Func>(std::forward<Func>(fn)); } } // namespace internal } // namespace base } // namespace pmt /// This works as follows: |ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE| creates a variable which /// shouldn't clash with any other variable in the current scope. This variable /// gets initialized with |ScopeGuardOnExit| plus an unfinished lambda /// function. Note that we're not interested in |ScopeGuardOnExit| itself, but /// only need its type. If |SCOPE_EXIT| is used, the user finishes it with {} /// and inserts the code, which gets executed when the current scope is left. /// Example usage: /// void fun() { /// char name[] = "/tmp/deleteme.XXXXXX"; /// auto fd = mkstemp(name); /// SCOPE_EXIT { fclose(fd); unlink(name); }; /// // .. use fd here .. /// } #define SCOPE_EXIT \ auto ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE(SCOPE_EXIT_STATE) = \ pmt::base::internal::ScopeGuardOnExit() + [&]() #endif // PARAMOUNT_SCOPE_GUARD_H
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (

This dataset is 10% repo sampled dataset for selected languages. We applied a repo sample rate of 10%. e.g. if sample rate is 10% then we take 10% of all repos for a given language but include all files inside the repo.

This was generated using our codecomplete/training/completions/datagen

./ \
  --dataset-name bigcode/starcoderdata \
  --subset c,cpp,go,java,javascript,typescript,python,ruby,scala,sql \
  --sample-rate 0.01 \
  --hf-token <HF_TOKEN> \
  --output-dir /home/${USER}/data \
  --cache-dir /home/${USER}/hfcache \
  --output-name c-cpp-go-java-javascript-typescript-python-ruby-scala-sql-0.01 \
  --shuffle \

Create the repository

# Install git lfs to suport large files
curl -s | sudo bash

sudo apt-get install git-lfs
# create the dataset repo
huggingface-cli repo create <your_dataset_name> --type dataset --organization codecomplete


huggingface-cli repo create base_dataset --type dataset --organization codecomplete

Clone the repository

git lfs install

git clone<your_organization_name>/<your_dataset_name>

git clone

Prepare your files
Create a descriptive and check the dataset.json file

cp /somewhere/base_dataset/*.json .
git lfs track *.json
git add .gitattributes
git add *.json

git add --all

Upload your files

git status
git commit -m "First version of the your_dataset_name dataset."
git push

Verify dataset

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("codecomplete/<your_dataset_name>")
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