stringclasses 6
values | term
stringlengths 1
| quantifier_frequency
stringclasses 6
values | quantifier_number
stringclasses 13
values | generic_sentence
stringlengths 10
| score
float64 0.23
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions can flourish only in a society where selfishness seems desirable. | 0.323099 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions can occur at any stage of gestation. | 0.470553 |
ARC | abortion | Abortions can occur naturally , usually because something went wrong with the pregnancy . | 0.347114 |
SimpleWikipedia | abortion | Abortions can occur naturally, usually because something went wrong with the pregnancy. | 0.347114 |
ARC | abortion | Abortions caused by stress occur regularly. | 0.303399 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions happen around the clock all over the world. | 0.331253 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions help prevent suicides. | 0.500302 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions increase as a method of birth control. | 0.517606 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions increase as access becomes easier, and decrease as it becomes more difficult. | 0.385621 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions increase in proportion to increases in the use of contraception. | 0.509201 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions occur later in the pregnancy, most often between the sixth and eighth month. | 0.309631 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions outnumber live births in parts of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. | 0.365315 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions remain the main form of birth control in the country. | 0.28355 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions take place in the United States almost always for the sake of convenience. | 0.479226 |
Waterloo | abortion | Abortions typically occur during the first pregnancy, and are less common with ensuing pregnancies. | 0.393595 |
WordNet3.0 | abortion | An abortion is a conclusion | 1 |
Waterloo | abortion | always | Abortion always stops a beating heart. | 0.306143 |
Waterloo | abortion | often | Abortions often meet a lesser medical standard. | 0.251071 |
Waterloo | abortion | usually | Abortion usually is murder. | 0.247301 |
Waterloo | abortion | usually | Abortion usually takes place in the last half of pregnancy. | 0.430286 |
Waterloo | abortion | usually | Abortions usually occur late in the gestation period and are followed by retained fetal membranes. | 0.477113 |
Waterloo | abortion | every | Every abortion delivers into the vagina a living human fetus. | 0.355215 |
Waterloo | abortion | every | Every abortion is the violent destruction of an innocent human life. | 0.551487 |
Waterloo | abortion | every | Every abortion kills a living and growing baby. | 0.332496 |
Waterloo | abortion | every | Every abortion takes the life of an unborn child whose heart has begun to beat. | 0.53744 |
Waterloo | abortion | many | Many abortions are because of sex outside of marriage. | 0.406028 |
Waterloo | abortion | Most | Most abortions are safe and uncomplicated, and most women have no problems physically afterwards. | 0.366515 |
Waterloo | abortion | Most | Most abortions are suction curettage abortions. | 0.242042 |
Waterloo | abortion | Most | Most abortions take place during the thirtieth week of pregnancy. | 0.426813 |
Waterloo | abortion | Most | Most abortions take place early in pregnancy, when the fetus is very immature. | 0.567046 |
Waterloo | abortion | Most | Most abortions take place early in pregnancy. | 0.428931 |
Waterloo | abortion | Most | Most abortions take place without any complications at all. | 0.350956 |
Waterloo | abortion | some | Some abortions are preventable. | 0.268193 |
Waterloo | abortion | some | Some abortions are spontaneous, and are popularly called miscarriages. | 0.459973 |
Waterloo | abortion | some | Some abortions are spontaneous, and are usually called miscarriages. | 0.46911 |
Waterloo | abortionist | Abortionists are child abusers to the ultimate degree. | 0.399439 |
ConceptNet | abortionist | Abortionists are doctors. | 1 |
Waterloo | abortionist | Abortionists claim that what is within the womb is but a blob of tissue. | 0.492375 |
Waterloo | abortionist | Abortionists exploit women for profit. | 0.36668 |
Waterloo | abortionist | Abortionists make their money by destroying the lives of innocent infants in the womb. | 0.441187 |
WordNet3.0 | abortionist | An abortionist is a doctor | 1 |
Waterloo | abortionist | often | Abortionists often use evolution to justify death to million of unborn babies. | 0.375223 |
Waterloo | abortionist | Most | Most abortionists are unskilled, although some are more qualified than others. | 0.245238 |
Waterloo | abortionist | some | Some abortionists kill babies almost as a sideline to their other immoral activities. | 0.374499 |
Waterloo | abortive drug | Abortive drugs stop or decrease pain after a migraine starts. | 0.60643 |
Waterloo | abortive medication | Abortive medications work best if taken at the first twinge of migraine pain. | 0.338881 |
Waterloo | abortive medication | Abortive medications work on the blood vessels and nerves to stop a migraine attack. | 0.652375 |
Waterloo | abortive sorrow | Abortive sorrows are half-sorrows, unfeeling sorrows, fake sorrows. | 0.419659 |
Waterloo | abortive therapy | Abortive therapy focuses on stopping the migraine as it progresses. | 0.3108 |
TupleKB | above consideration | Above consideration applies to types. | 1 |
TupleKB | above diagram | Above diagrams illustrate importance. | 1 |
TupleKB | above example | Above examples highlight complexity. | 1 |
ARC | aboveground damage | Aboveground damage can affect clonal growth. | 0.261477 |
ARC | abrahamic religion | Abrahamic religions are very popular monotheistic ones . | 0.466147 |
SimpleWikipedia | abrahamic religion | Abrahamic religions are very popular monotheistic ones. | 0.466147 |
Waterloo | abrasion resistance | Abrasion resistance is a matter of toughness, rather than hardness. | 0.491981 |
Waterloo | abrasion resistance | Abrasion resistance is also a good measure of the strength and durability of a fabric. | 0.48052 |
Waterloo | abrasion resistance | Abrasion resistance is resistance afforded by a material to wear by friction. | 0.73337 |
Waterloo | abrasion resistance | Abrasion resistance is the rope's ability to resist fraying. | 0.713735 |
ARC | abrasion | Abrasion can also occur from the particles held in the erosional mediums of wind and water. | 0.562535 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion can also occur from the particles held in the erosional mediums of wind and water. | 0.562535 |
ARC | abrasion | Abrasion can be more damaging than UV radiation. | 0.259096 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion can break the surface of the porcelain, letting lead get out. | 0.317033 |
WordNet3.0 | abrasion | Abrasion is a rubbing | 1 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is a wound where the skin layers have been scraped off. | 0.790077 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is an alternative term for corrasion . | 0.320617 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is an injury caused by scraping away a portion of skin. | 0.783253 |
ConceptNet | abrasion | Abrasion is erosion. | 1 |
ConceptNet | abrasion | Abrasion is injuries. | 1 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is particle by particle erosion. | 0.612733 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is the number one cause of death for a polyethylene canoe. | 0.431587 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is the result of stones and grit in the basal ice grinding over the substratum. | 0.596483 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is the wearing away of a tooth by another object such as a toothbrush. | 0.763036 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is the wearing away of an area of the skin by friction. | 0.806333 |
ARC | abrasion | Abrasion is the wearing away of rocks by solid particles carried by wind, water or other forces. | 0.764693 |
ARC | abrasion | Abrasion is very active in glaciers where the particles are firmly held by ice. | 0.645314 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is very active in glaciers where the particles are firmly held by ice. | 0.645314 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasion is when rock frozen to the base and the back of the glacier scrapes the bed rock. | 0.746488 |
ConceptNet | abrasion | Abrasion is wounds. | 1 |
WordNet3.0 | abrasion | Abrasion isa erosion. | 1 |
ARC | abrasion | Abrasion occurs from grinding against other rock particles. | 0.55871 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasions are a simple reddening of the skin, occasionally some loss of skin. | 0.801097 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasions are common sports injuries in which a layer of skin is rubbed off. | 0.7473 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasions are surface wounds where layers of skin are scraped or torn. | 0.80981 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasions are wounds in which the outer layer of the skin has been rubbed or scraped off. | 0.808586 |
Waterloo | abrasion | Abrasions rub or scrape away the outer layers of skin, causing pain, swelling, redness, and heat. | 0.738152 |
Waterloo | abrasion | often | Abrasion often occurs when the fruit has contact with the ground. | 0.543019 |
Waterloo | abrasion | usually | Abrasions usually heal in a short time period, sometimes within hours. | 0.302707 |
ARC | abrasive agent | Abrasive agents act only to provide friction. | 0.276583 |
Waterloo | abrasive cleaner | Abrasive cleaners scratch the finish off porcelain and stainless. | 0.439485 |
Waterloo | abrasive cleaner | Abrasive cleaners scratch the smooth surface. | 0.309618 |
Waterloo | abrasive cutoff | Abrasive cutoff saws separate material by grinding. | 0.287284 |
Waterloo | abrasive fluid | Abrasive fluids can cause severe wear in a short period of time. | 0.471644 |
Waterloo | abrasive jet | Abrasive jets can also machine hardened metals and materials with low melting points. | 0.427235 |
WordNet3.0 | abrasive material | An abrasive material is a material | 1 |
Waterloo | abrasive particle | Abrasive particles scrape metal from hydraulic components. | 0.373166 |
WordNet3.0 | abrasive | Abrasive is a material | 1 |
ConceptNet | abrasive | Abrasive is materials. | 1 |
Waterloo | abrasive | Abrasives are the cutting tools on the surface of the and can be either man-made or natural. | 0.570103 |
SimpleWikipedia | abrasive | Abrasives are used to make the ends of wood pieces smooth and to smooth the cut ends of metal. | 0.731477 |