import collections |
import functools |
import logging |
import os |
import pathlib |
import re |
import warnings |
try: |
import rich.traceback |
rich.traceback.install() |
except ImportError: |
pass |
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' |
logging.getLogger().setLevel('ERROR') |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*box bound precision lowered.*') |
import numpy as np |
import ruamel.yaml as yaml |
from dreamerv2 import agent |
from dreamerv2 import common |
def make_env(mode, config, logdir): |
suite, task = config.task.split('_', 1) |
if suite == 'dmc': |
env = common.DMC( |
task, config.action_repeat, config.render_size, config.dmc_camera) |
env = common.NormalizeAction(env) |
elif suite == 'dmcmt': |
env = common.DMCMultitask( |
task, config.action_repeat, config.render_size, config.dmc_camera) |
env = common.NormalizeAction(env) |
elif suite == 'atari': |
env = common.Atari( |
task, config.action_repeat, config.render_size, |
config.atari_grayscale) |
env = common.OneHotAction(env) |
elif suite == 'crafter': |
assert config.action_repeat == 1 |
outdir = logdir / 'crafter' if mode == 'train' else None |
reward = bool(['noreward', 'reward'].index(task)) or mode == 'eval' |
env = common.Crafter(outdir, reward) |
env = common.OneHotAction(env) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(suite) |
env = common.TimeLimit(env, config.time_limit) |
return env |
def main(): |
config_path = pathlib.Path('offlinedv2/dreamerv2') / 'configs.yaml' |
configs = yaml.safe_load(config_path.read_text()) |
parsed, remaining = common.Flags(configs=['defaults']).parse(known_only=True) |
config = common.Config(configs['defaults']) |
for name in parsed.configs: |
config = config.update(configs[name]) |
config = common.Flags(config).parse(remaining) |
logdir = pathlib.Path(config.logdir).expanduser() |
logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
config.save(logdir / 'config.yaml') |
print(config, '\n') |
print('Logdir', logdir) |
import tensorflow as tf |
tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(not config.jit) |
message = 'No GPU found. To actually train on CPU remove this assert.' |
assert tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'), message |
for gpu in tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'): |
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) |
assert config.precision in (16, 32), config.precision |
if config.precision == 16: |
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec |
prec.set_policy(prec.Policy('mixed_float16')) |
print('Offline Datadir', config.offline_dir) |
train_replay = common.OfflineReplay(list(config.offline_dir), split_val=config.offline_split_val, **config.replay) |
eval_replay = common.Replay( |
logdir / 'eval_episodes', |
capacity=config.replay.capacity // 10, |
minlen=config.dataset.length, |
maxlen=config.dataset.length, |
disable_save=True, |
) |
step = common.Counter(0) |
outputs = [ |
common.TerminalOutput(), |
common.JSONLOutput(logdir), |
common.TensorBoardOutput(logdir), |
] |
logger = common.Logger(step, outputs) |
metrics = collections.defaultdict(list) |
should_video_eval = common.Every(config.eval_every) |
def per_episode(ep, mode): |
length = len(ep['reward']) - 1 |
score = float(ep['reward'].astype(np.float64).sum()) |
print(f'{mode.title()} episode has {length} steps and return {score:.1f}.') |
logger.scalar(f'{mode}_return', score) |
logger.scalar(f'{mode}_length', length) |
for key, value in ep.items(): |
if re.match(config.log_keys_sum, key): |
logger.scalar(f'sum_{mode}_{key}', ep[key].sum()) |
if re.match(config.log_keys_mean, key): |
logger.scalar(f'mean_{mode}_{key}', ep[key].mean()) |
if re.match(config.log_keys_max, key): |
logger.scalar(f'max_{mode}_{key}', ep[key].max(0).mean()) |
replay = dict(train=train_replay, eval=eval_replay)[mode] |
logger.add(replay.stats, prefix=mode) |
logger.write() |
print('Create envs.') |
num_eval_envs = min(config.envs, config.eval_eps) |
if config.envs_parallel == 'none': |
eval_envs = [make_env('eval', config, logdir) for _ in range(num_eval_envs)] |
else: |
make_async_env = lambda mode: common.Async( |
functools.partial(make_env, mode, config, logdir), config.envs_parallel) |
eval_envs = [make_async_env('eval') for _ in range(num_eval_envs)] |
act_space = eval_envs[0].act_space |
obs_space = eval_envs[0].obs_space |
eval_driver = common.Driver(eval_envs) |
eval_driver.on_episode(lambda ep: per_episode(ep, mode='eval')) |
eval_driver.on_episode(eval_replay.add_episode) |
print(f'Precollecting eval steps.') |
random_agent = common.RandomAgent(act_space) |
eval_driver(random_agent, episodes=1) |
eval_driver.reset() |
print('Create agent.') |
train_dataset = iter(train_replay.dataset(**config.offline_model_dataset)) |
if config.offline_split_val: |
val_dataset = iter(train_replay.dataset(validation=True, **config.offline_model_dataset)) |
agnt = agent.Agent(config, obs_space, act_space, step) |
agnt.train(next(train_dataset)) |
eval_policy = lambda *args: agnt.policy(*args, mode='eval') |
if config.offline_model_loaddir != 'none': |
print('Loading model', config.offline_model_loaddir) |
agnt.wm.load(config.offline_model_loaddir) |
else: |
print('Start model training.') |
model_step = common.Counter(0) |
model_logger = common.Logger(model_step, outputs) |
while model_step < config.offline_model_train_steps: |
if config.offline_split_val: |
val_losses = [] |
for _ in range(10): |
val_loss, _, _, val_mets = agnt.wm.loss(next(val_dataset)) |
val_losses.append(val_loss) |
model_logger.scalar(f'validation_model_loss', np.array(val_losses, np.float64).mean()) |
for it in range(100): |
model_step.increment() |
mets = agnt.model_train(next(train_dataset)) |
for key, value in mets.items(): |
metrics[key].append(value) |
for name, values in metrics.items(): |
model_logger.scalar(name, np.array(values, np.float64).mean()) |
metrics[name].clear() |
model_logger.write() |
if model_step % config.offline_model_save_every == 0: |
print('Saving model') |
agnt.wm.save(logdir / f'model_{model_step.value}.pkl') |
agnt.wm.save(logdir / f'final_model.pkl') |
metrics = collections.defaultdict(list) |
train_dataset = iter(train_replay.dataset(**config.offline_train_dataset)) |
eval_dataset = iter(eval_replay.dataset(**config.offline_train_dataset)) |
while step < config.steps: |
logger.write() |
print('Start evaluation.') |
if should_video_eval(step): |
logger.add(agnt.report(next(eval_dataset)), prefix='eval') |
eval_driver(eval_policy, episodes=config.eval_eps) |
print('Start training.') |
for it in range(200): |
step.increment() |
mets = agnt.agent_train(next(train_dataset)) |
for key, value in mets.items(): |
metrics[key].append(value) |
for name, values in metrics.items(): |
logger.scalar(name, np.array(values, np.float64).mean()) |
metrics[name].clear() |
logger.write(fps=True) |
agnt.save(logdir / 'variables.pkl') |
for env in eval_envs: |
try: |
env.close() |
except Exception: |
pass |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |