I'm 18 and was told I have arthritis about 10 months ago Plaquenil worked after the first couple of weeks but one major side effect is Mouth Ulcers and at times I've been in so much pain with them I couldn't eat. But then the alternative one said it could make my hair fall out (and that is not an option at my age)
This medication does not work. I have no idea why my doctor suggested it when Viagra and Cialis was great in the past. Even got prescribed the high dose 200's and hours after taking no effect at all. So I took another 200 and absolutely nothing at all. Nothing at all. This drug only left me feeling a bit dizzy and my heart rate increased. No libido effect at all, nothing. Viagra kicks in within an hour and peaks in 2. This Stendra does nothing and I want my money back from my appointment and the cost of the script!!!!!
This is hands down (for me) the best birth control I have ever been on. I have been on Ortho Cyclen for years and my current insurance doesn't cover it soooo my Dr switch me to TriNessa. I was literally terrified to take a different pill. With TriNessa I have had no cramps, no menstrual headaches and insanely LIGHT flow. I also feel better. This bc has honestly been the best pill for me.
I'm 66 years old and had been treated with a myriad of drugs for bipolar and schizoaffective disorder including psychoses, mood swings, delusions and hallucinations for over 30 years when I was put on Abilify. It was like someone flipped a switch and I got my life back. I am virtually symptom-free for over twelve years now and the only side effect has been some weight gain which, at my age, is a fair trade. Truly a wonder drug.
As far as the effectiveness against pregnancy goes, skyla works amazing. My boyfriend of 6 years and I do not use protection and I have yet to get pregnant. That is about the only positive thing I have to say about skyla. Everything else is terrible. The risk of it embedding into or perforating my uterus is also a monumental fear of mine. Although I don't want kids now, I hope to have them in the future and my frequent cramps scare me even more that I may not be able to have children.
I am a female senior and started taking this drug about 8 months ago, so far it works well for the depression at 150mg. I missed taking the drug for 2 days and as a result I had terrible symptoms when I went to bed, my muscles felt like they were tensed and shaking, could not go to sleep but must have at some point and had terrible dreams, now I feel quite ill, stomach upset, gut upset, sweating, horrible. Had to take some pepto bismol tabs to try to settle my stomach. Took my pill at lunch today, waiting to see if I start to feel better. Surely there must be a drug that can do the same job without the necessity to take it with food and won't send you body into a tizzy if you miss a dose or 2.
I loved it til I had my first reaction after 8 months using it . my life has improved.
I'd been taking Prozac for a few years, but its effects wore off, so I switched to this. I'm very glad I did. It completely got rid of my panic attacks and obsessive worries, and reminded me how good life can be without them. I still feel sluggish, but I always have, even before I started SSRIs. The most noticeable side effects have been weight gain and erectile dysfunction. I'm going to try nefazadone and see if that works for me without the side effects. But if you don't have these side effects or they're not a big deal, I highly recommend Zoloft.
I am male, 62 year old. Got a blood clot the entire length of my saphenous vein. I was put on generic warfarin first at 2.5mg/day. I got sweaty, headachy, and felt depressed. This went on for two weeks until I read reviews about Coumadin on this site. Switched to Coumadin. INR stabilized, sweats went away, and headaches went away in about 10 days. I know that Coumadin and Warfarin are supposed to be chemically the same molecule. I propose that the objective differences between these two drugs most likely can be accounted for by considering that one may have more pure isomers than the other.
Okay , so First night taking the 3 day monistat , for the first hour & a half there was the worst feeling but after it passed , I was relieved , no more burning or itching I was able to fall asleep , I woke up for day 2 , completely fine but I know it couldn't be all gone, I recommend drinking alot of cranberry juice and taking aveeno oatmeal baths, on the 3rd morning Im in pain again but just itchiness not really much burning . I take my last dose tonight , hopefully it works .
My mother has Alzheimer's Disease and lately she started crying and getting aggressive. This medication has controlled her behavior and her emotions 100%. Thank you very much.
I tried Savella when it first came out and went off of it due to nausea. My doctor asked me to try it again so I did. I am now sleeping 2 or 3 hours at at time and having terrible nightmares. My blood pressure is normally 120/80 I went to a different doctor last week for another appointment and it was 168/100. Didn't know why until I read this article. Have terrible bloating. Disappointed.
Awful pill. I threw away this month's pack and I am only on week 2. My face broke out like CRAZY and I became so irritable I wanted to put my fist through the wall constantly. I started having really bad depressive thoughts and I gained weight as well. Oh yeah, and I have no sex drive at all. Don't take this pill. I'm getting an IUD.
Going on day 2 with this medicine. I was prescribe this because of excruciating pain in my thoracic spine. This has worked wonderfully!! Although I could not sleep at all last night I am pain free this morning :)
Well, very few side effects for me, but also very little pain relief. I've been prescribed this several times to treat my chronic pain symptoms as well as a couple of acute things (injuries). It was basically for the purpose of being able to function.
Felbamate worked very well for my son. He was on the initial trial and has been on it for decades. I would never take him off of it. He uses it in combination with a couple of other drugs. Onfi did Not work and had side effects.
I only been taking it for a few days seems to be working but the side effects are really bothering me. I feel very dizzy, light headed but no stomach pain.
I am 63 yrs young, a veteran with some health issues which causes some problems due to pain. The pain is so distracting that I wasn't able to achieve and maintain an erection. My Doctor suggested Viagra 100mg. While I still experience pain I am able to perform , enjoy myself and my loving wife is very happy. It's been a real blessing.
Just made it bigger and it started to bleed. Day 5 and no relief in sight. waste of time and money, I just hope it did not cause more damage.
I've had the implant for a year now and the only good thing about it is that I'm not pregnant! Severe stomach cramps, headaches, discharge, no sex drive and I need to take the pill everyday anyway so I don't bleed constantly! Not to mention my skin is awful. I'm moody as and I'm always dizzy. It just seems like I've become really unhealthy all over ever since I got it done. Wish I was one of those lucky people who get no reactions and don't get periods, but unfortunately, Implanon does not agree with me.
So I don't have a major acne problem. I'm 23 and I had like 4 pimples and one was very stubborn on my cheek it wouldn't go away. So I asked my dermatologist what I should do and she gave me some epiduo cream to try. I put it on right before bed and the first day it was fine and I noticed a reduction in my pimple so I tried it the second night. When I woke up the next morning my face was BURNING and the areas I applied this cream were so dry and flaky. I honestly would rather tolerate the ugly pimples over the side effects I got from this cream. Over all I hated this cream. If you have sensitive skin I would avoid using this, go for veltin instead it's much more gentle and effective for acne.
The day after my period ended, I had a little incident with my boyfriend penetrating me (without protection) for only about a couple seconds, before realizing "Hey that probably wasn't a good idea!". Me being me, I freaked out and asked him to buy me the pill 12-13 hours later incase there was any cum. I didn't seem to get much symptoms the first couple of days, only minor cramping, yet I did go off on my boyfriend a few times due to terrible mood swings. My period was set to come in 3 weeks, and here I am, just got my period today! It was 3 days late, but it was all worth it. If you're reading this like I was before, you will be fine! My incident may have been fine without the pill, but it does ease your mind just in case :)
Tried 10mg of Belsomra last night for the first time and had an awful experience. This drug causes very concerning effects. I am a 55 year old engineer and have struggled with insomnia for 6 months. I had been taking Ambien which I have become dependent on and want to get off so I tried Belsomra. I do not take any other drugs at all.. About 3 hours after taking the Belsomra I finally fell asleep and had a very strange dream which I awoke from and experienced sleep paralysis. It lasted 20 seconds or so and was terrifying. I then fell asleep again, did not dream and awoke 15 minutes later with the same paralysis experience. I could not move my body but was I was awake. I will never take this drug again.
I have chronic hip pain, this drug has helped, I am still aware of pain but it doesn't bother me, it is very strange BUT !!! I have not slept this well in years, I feel fantastic, I don't care my hip still hurts. I think I am having an anti depressant reaction but I was not depressed but I do feel great GOOD & BAD It really helps sinus and breathing but when you don't take the next dose horrible tingling and sinus pressure return I was only taking at night, today I made the connection thanks to these reviews so I will take one after lunch, I have only had it a week but I love this drug so far
I went from prostatitis to tendonitis. This medicine has certainly cured my prostatitis, but my knee joints and ankle joints have been aching.
My 10 year old son was diagnosed with mild anxiety and depression. He actually took if for Tics, anxiety and depression He started wanting to stay home more and more often, got moody where he had always been an easy-going happy kid. He developed a few vocal tics grunting/throat clearing and snapping, it got to be so bad that he couldn’t relax and sleep because he was tics were with every breath. I didn’t want to start SSRI’s so his doctor suggested this, his tics stopped completely within 2 hours of taking this, he slept soundly that night, its been over a year now, I’ve seen very mild tics when he’s really anxious, but this seemed to clear up the tics, anxiety and depression in one fell swoop! I got my happy boy back, no side effects and have never had to raise the dose.
I started taking 5mg 2 months ago and by the 2nd night I had my first dry night in months and even on the first night it was significantly better. It has completely changed my life. Unfortunately in this last week I have had 2 episodes of incontinence and have become concerned that I might need to increase the dose. Initially I had dry eyes, blurred vision, headache with some nausea but this settled. I am left with blurred vision sometimes. I willingly put up with the side effects as the alternative is untenable.
I have neuropathy in my feet and slightly in my hands. Amitryptiline made my pain livable - still bad, but I could function. When I began taking Cymbalta along with the amitryptline, almost immediately the pain subsided and practically disappeared! I no long take the Amitryptiline and Cymbalta keeps the pain to a low ebb, allowing me to sleep and join in activities I had long given up. Doesn't do a thing for my "attitude", but being relatively pain free does make me happy.
Please if you're reading this DO NOT use this product. I used the ovule right b4 bed a round midnight, and before I could even get into bed, it started burning and itching and stinging and I couldn't stand it. I had to wash it out by 12:30. I gave this a 3 bc honestly IDK if it works yet. But if it does there is no way I would take this again. Take the 3 or 7 day treatment or just go to your Dr or walk in clinic and have then prescribe you an oral medication.
Before I started taking this I was on Gildess for about 2-3 years. My periods became so much lighter and it just made my skin that much better! I did gain a lot of weight with Gildess in the beginning but it soon shed off after a month or so. I ended up coming off of birth control (worst mistake of my life! I got post birth control acne at its very worse!) anywho, I went back to the doc and she prescribed me prevefim....... I've been on prevefim for a little under a year and I flipping hate it!! First of all, weight gain wasn't a problem.. But my acne is not under control at all. She said it was supposed to clear up my skin and it has yet to do any thing! Best thing about it is no babies. Do not use this!
I was breaking out badly on the sides of my cheeks, then I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the dermo and they prescribed me Acanya. After 2 weeks I noticed a difference for sure. The big cysts I would get or just all these pimples I got in 1 spot started fading away instantly. It is take time, I had to pop some and then put the cream on. It's been 3 months so far and no breakouts or acne whatsoever. I just use cetaphil and that medication and done. (:
I'm 35, mom of 2. I had acne as a teen, and accutane cleared it up. Then didn't have any issues with acne in my 20's. It progressively worse after I had my second child. Spiro didn't help. I finally decided to get back on BC to see if that would. I started taking beyaz 3 weeks ago. I noticed my skin was less oily the 1st week. 2nd week I noticed there were no new pimples (where there would usually a new one or more daily!), and now in the 3rd week, my skin is glowing. Like, actually, pretty. It's not been this clear in years. I've not had any of the typical side effects so far (no nausea, weight gain, or reduced sex drive). So far I love it! Give this a try if you're struggling with adult acne!
I have tried over 20 different medications, and Trintellix is the best fit for me. I always describe its effect for me as "being able to turn everything down in my head." I can see how this might not be a good fit for others as it might certainly aggravate "feeling nothing" or "feeling detached." However, as my issue is primarily that I feel TOO much and am unable to step back from my emotions and intrusive, racing thoughts, Trintellix's "detachment" is extremely helpful for me. I do get nausea for the first week upon taking Trinellix or upping my dosage; however, this subsides for me. I was on 10mg for 8 months and have now increased my dosage to 20mg in hopes of it being even more effective.
My son is 15 now and we have struggled for years with his ADHD. He has now been on Strattera for 2 years and has gone from straight D's in maths to A in achievement he can concentrate more retain information and does not lose it as he uses to. I have seen no side effects at all. At one point he went off it, lasted 5 days then chose to go back on it as he could tell that it helped his behaviour and way of dealing with things. I have only good things to say about Strattera.
I read the instructions carefully....very very carefully. I didn't have any kind of dairy within an hour before taking the pills, I didn't take any antacids before taking the pills and I took 3 because it said it was safe and it had been weeks since my last bm and I was really uncomfortable. If I could go back in time and not take them, I would. I'm in terrible pain, gut wrenching, screaming in the bathroom, thinking I'm going to pass out and thanking God that the babysitter is on her way to save the day. I will NEVER take these again! Ouch!!
Took 100mg for the first time last night. Don't think I rolled over all night - my hip is aching this morning, possibly because I slept in one position. I slept through my alarm this morning. Three cups of coffee later, I'm still groggy. I'll try 50mg tonight and see if it works without the side effects. I'd advise starting at a low dosage and working your way up.
My first colonoscopy with versed/fentanyl was miserable...long-term memory loss and severe depression (never had it before). Next colonoscopy was with propofol with same results but with the added treat of having my BP crash and getting admitted. Just had the repeat exam unsedated and it was easy and not uncomfortable except for mild cramps for a few seconds.
I have been taking 25mg amitriptyline for over a year now. My migraines have almost disappeared which is very good as I was having 2 a month lasting up to 3 days each. I've had Migraines since I was 14 and had hoped that I would start to get better after the age of 60. But not so I'm 68 now and will continue the pills though I'm worried about long term use. I get it on the national health here.
I'm kinda surprised at some of the negative reviews too. I've had asthma all my life and this miracle drug put asthma in its place (not active). I get asthma from allergies and cardio exercises. Was given a sample by a doctor I used to work for because I kept using my ProAir every 30min throughout the day. After that sample of Symbicort, my life changed forever. I don't know what it is about this drug, but it only takes 2 puffs and BAM, my asthma isn't a problem until next year. Can't live without it. Its amazing stuff right here. I live by this drug (unfortunately) but fortunate that it gives me freedom from asthma for almost a full year. Problem free
I've been on over half of the ADHD medications on the list, and all of them either made it worse, or added on to the tic the first medication gave me. I started taking Concerta about two years ago, and I remember improving in school greatly. It works fast, and helps a lot
Won't dissolve, takes forever. Severe headaches after 20 minutes of taking .
All that I can say is that it has done nothing but good for me
I'm 5 weeks into taking Duloxetine for depression and anxiety and have had an overall positive experience. My anxiety was greatly reduced after only 4 days on 40mg per day including stopping negative thoughts, no more panic attacks at night etc. The second week I was very tired and depressed without the anxiety, sleeping many hours each day. But by the third week both depression and anxiety were greatly reduced. However by the end of the month the anxiety had started to return slightly and my doctor has now increased the dose to 80mg per day. I had slight nausea, dry mouth and loss of appetite, and some indigestion during the first week or so and now again since I have upped the dose but I imagine these will disappear again soon.
I am 40 years old. My doctor prescribed this medication to treat heavy bleeding due to an ovarian cyst that developed after several Clomid cycles with my infertility specialist. After three months, my periods are regular again, but at the cost of several unpleasant side effects. I have painful cystic acne in my genitalia, I have gone from being calm and relaxed to short-tempered, and my sleep cycles have been disrupted, leaving me tired all the time. The first day or two of my period is extremely painful, but that may be due to the fact that I have more like a 25 day cycle and the pill is trying to force a 28 day cycle.
A client who is a psychiatrist recommended that I go in for testing. After 3 days of tests & my history the Dr. concluded I have suffered from ADHD most of my life & I've developed coping mechanisms to get me through but the untreated issue was contributing to my depression & social anxiety. Vyvanse is the most amazing thing to happen to my life, I feel normal for the first time ever! I'm productive, healthy, focused, active, and social. I had to stop taking it for a 1yr due to insurance issues & during that time I gained an unhealthy amount of weight, was depressed, binge eating, and completely lost. Since back on it, I've realized that it's not something I should be removed from my lifestyle if I want to remain happy and healthy.
This stuff is scary. It gives me night sweats, but more concerning, I get really high levels of anxiety and I am concerned about my breathing. Feels too relaxed, like breathing may stop. Horrific feeling. Result is massive insomnia and I still cough.
Brand Name works great. Does the job and not even noticeable to myself that I've taken it. It will make me sleepy once I lay down, but fully functional on this medication until then. I've taken this drug since 1992. Unfortunately can NOT find this medicine in Brand name.
I have temporal lobe seizures. I have taken Trileptal for many years and it has helped controlled the seizures. However; I have been having issues with low sodium. The doctors blame it on the Trileptal. So to fix the problem, they suggest eating high sodium foods, fluid restriction, and no water. Water dilutes the sodium. They also suggested that I add about a teaspoon of salt to my meals. So what I do for thirst is drink Gatorade but only a few sips. But you got to becareful and not to drink more than a liter of fluid in a day as this is what is recommended by the doctor. My neurologist recommended that I drink gatorade. So most of the time I drink Gatorade when I eat my meals.
I suffered with generalized anxiety since high school, then later as I got older it turned into panic attacks. I was so tired of having to deal with even the thought of having a panic attack. The day my Dr. put me on Klonopin(clonazepam) my panic attacks stopped. So greatful!