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@KhloeKardashian yeahh calm down gurlzz haha freaks! jk where's kim? | 1 |
GOOD MORNING ! I mean, good afternoon, it's 12pm :x I have just waken up and had a huge cup of coffee. great, but I still hate Sundays | 0 |
Omg JUST got finished at the accident scene. Craziness. I think god is punishing me for leaving work early. | 0 |
Exhausted. Only Monday | 0 |
@leajoyv ok I feel better now if I had a car I would drive there... http://myloc.me/53i8 | 0 |
Goodnight everyone, hope you all dream something awesome. | 1 |
@katyperry you are so lucky! Come back with an accent. | 1 |
really sick today | 0 |
Minor mechanical failure !! Thought id snapped bonnet release cable trying to top up oil/water, but just dislodged it ! Phew | 1 |
Mount Larcom (finally | 1 |
I wish my best friends weren't all dotted around the place and all too far away to see as often as I would like to never in some cases. | 0 |
@ShazamSF yep, ur right. hour ago u were just wanting to get fucked...and well. | 1 |
Long day so ready to go home and my monkey isn't eating | 0 |
@charlieskies you could totally sneeze on her, seeing as you like sneezing on people so much or you could sneeze on me? | 1 |
If I wasn't so allergic to cats, I would smuggle the homeless grey kitty home on the bus. Part of his ear is missing. | 0 |
@confa sorry guys it didn't work | 0 |
@tamzyn that's shit! | 0 |
@ChesterBe I don't see Willy Wonka anywhere around, but i'm guessing it is for one of your boys | 1 |
@Jason_Pollock oh so cute | 1 |
@ohalexxxx I sure hope so! I saw the guy the day before, but not him! | 0 |
@GirlBug Lovely meeting you tonight. See you next week | 1 |
@RightAsRain Love your shop on Etsy...lots of great products in there! | 1 |
Everyone follow @BosUrbanMaMa Cause she is my sis and the coolest parent in the world. I wish you was my momma | 0 |
http://twitpic.com/6tf4t - Where did the sun go? It's really hot out here, but no sun | 0 |
@arjunbasu The music was so quiet that he was sure there was a massive hoax being played. On him alone. I.. http://tr.im/mP2j | 1 |
im starting to appreciate fedora hats because of matt giraud. | 1 |
My Nicky Tick has a migrane.. Not cool for a 10yr old.. | 0 |
@DonnieWahlberg HEY DDUB...WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU TO SURPRISE US...COME TO http://tinychat.com/bf5wn | 1 |
@BEN1999 not yet. I had to get cute on my way to get some coffees from George. Than ill be there | 1 |
I'm sick... *cough* *sneeze* | 0 |
#FollowFriday @abduzeedo @fabianome @paulogabriel @GisMullr @Paul0v2 - All the cool people from #abduzeedo | 1 |
Hey @hawkcam But Portico returning is AWESOME! (hawkcam live > http://ustre.am/2f9i) | 1 |
@aphturburn what if @tansyrue cosplays samus? THEN can I has jigglyparts plox? | 1 |
@sweetweakness yes i know, i can't control myself | 0 |
Going to visit Dad and his 'bionic' knee, in the hospital after work today. Poor Dad has to stay there until Monday | 0 |
off to the city sooooooon ! i really need new shoes!! &i have to take a pic for my application.. yeahh! i hope im gonna rock that pic lol | 1 |
Little_man:"Daddy, come play with me!" me: "I have to take care of clients" Little_man: "I want you to take care of me" me: | 0 |
@princessaaa you got this. hang in there. the hills is the business. | 1 |
Oh, and a London Underground double-exposure photo - http://www.flickr.com/photos/dazb/3579446942/ #photos | 1 |
Back in Dublin and back to work tomorrow.. Am off to check out how my new camcorder works... | 0 |
I'm dying here. Can't focus on work at all. Ear is hurting. Worried its getting infected... Can I puhleaze go home! | 0 |
Is up too early | 0 |
Pooh; holes in my fingertips from quilting. V painful | 0 |
@NS43 good luck with your unpacking efforts. | 1 |
more and more assignments | 0 |
anyone blog on LiveJournal? I have no friends | 0 |
Yes, yes they can: http://www.thebeatles.com/core/home/ | 0 |
welcomes @Threebt to twitter - hi Clare | 1 |
Bout to go swimming with my lil sis, my GF and her lil bro.. Today is an awesome day.. | 1 |
headin to bed. i stayed up wayyy to late and got cranky. Sorry guys | 0 |
craving sweeeets! cupcakes plz?! | 1 |
@kandyisbadass...i don't have it anymore | 0 |
@P0150N0U5F15H Haha... nah! its not even my tank, it's my brothers but he doesn't clean it properly! so I do it | 0 |
going to my favorite palm beach house to go on the jet skis and boat | 1 |
Germany is Gr8! Eating like a little piglet. Weather is colder than I thought Maybe we'll go 2 Poland 2day... It's just 7:30 in the AM | 1 |
@FuschiaBegonia - Huh? It's fine to "diss Star Wars/Dr Who". I'd go as far as to say, sometimes, that's a big part of the enjoyment | 1 |
@jessepeakdotcom my phone messed up.. im getting that right today tho | 1 |
Painting my toenails "Get Ready" and watching Grey's | 1 |
Goodbye sad empty apartment...we had some great times http://twitpic.com/84txf | 0 |
Mmm...my lunch is banana with Crumpy | 1 |
Dishes and pandora. well not to the dishes part. Lol | 1 |
@trixie360 Will = fail imo | 0 |
@marieboyer : Me too ! | 1 |
@comcastcares any chance of getting me a DVR that works? I'm about to throw this one out the window! huge lag responding to commands | 0 |
@B_Tab sometimes I wish I didn't know what I said. congrats your my 1000 tweet! | 1 |
@RealMattDamon I noticed radioactive man!!! My Twitter is slow on iPhone today... | 0 |
My neighbour's moving | 0 |
@Darchak oh, I should catch up with S. Africa news too some day Have a nice afternoon! | 1 |
Happiness is, Startrek and biscuits Khannnnn!!! | 1 |
We get by with a little help from our friends | 1 |
Lets do some wrinting and grinding today. Two final tables yesterday in Hold'em and Omaha, i want three today | 1 |
morningg, spending this beautiful day inside gotta get my heal onnn | 0 |
@PreciousParcels now need to make a decision about what I'm going to do workwise as not much work in September (sorry this is so long)!! | 0 |
I want school to be over already :/ going to the movies with @isaaaaax3 @joooooohn & @chrissssyea later to see some cherubs | 1 |
Why is it that "shipping & handleing" are soooo expensive??? It is more than 50% of my entire order! Not ordering yet. | 0 |
hmmmmm...im slightly weak at the knees at the moment... cant think straight | 1 |
I'd really like to say I'm not listening to NIN right now. But I'd be lying Nine Inch Nails - Into the Void #musicmonday | 0 |
Katie's display of the nutritional value of a Chick-fil-a biscuit has now forced me to swear off the damn things | 1 |
@ohjennifer i told you your cars broke!! actually i probably jinxed it, im terrible at doing that, sorry barlow whats happened now? xxx | 0 |
@kayteejay6 hahahahahahaha yesssssss cant wait lol and i miss you too xoxox | 1 |
tired and feeling sick yet again whats wrong with me! argh! | 0 |
Can @McFreak_ please wake up... She's a lazy bugger she is. Only jokin | 1 |
SV is not the same without you! You are a great actor and a lovely person ;) xoxox | 0 |
just got 2 new clips for my gun no one wants to run out of ammo in the heat of battle! | 1 |
@Ponziniman what!!!?!!? i didn't have any problems. sorry. | 0 |
Yay! One day left and then I am done High School forever! | 1 |
Wow...I seriously don't know what to say. | 0 |
Having way too many issues with my macbook pro. and its been 4 days since i got it. Going to the store tomorrow. | 0 |
@Crisp15 oh yeah, almost done...morrow will be first car show for the club and me | 1 |
@theadamshoe Happy birthday, old man 24!! | 1 |
Work is boring. Lots of girls but no many good looking boys | 0 |
@mizz_angel0004 we don't do ft. baby.. | 0 |
@nikki4noo Hah. You know me too well | 1 |
#myweakness darkness, brownies, n friends...im such a goody two shoes | 1 |
Morning breakfast then hanging with the fams! Have a great day! P.S. Someone please tell me we're in store for sunshine next week? | 1 |
@J_AMY thanks...pulled a muscle My sister is okay...I went to see her last weekend. I think she's numb right now. yes ready for the BEACH | 0 |
@ColeTon i miss you too!!! | 0 |
@ShawnaLeneeXXX Have a nice trip! | 1 |
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