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30548974_2 | 0 | Looked like she was going to start slapping the White guy . |
13496564_3 | 0 | That 's telling worthless s.o.b.s like Cheney what they can do with their cheap words and crocodile tears . |
14036958_1 | 0 | Of course the county is lovely , in facts its gods country in our book BUT the cities are rat infested with enrichers , just how the country is isnt it . |
14038459_2 | 0 | But what do I know ? |
14429167_1 | 1 | Where can i find a complete list of anti black fliers. that have to do with black on white crimes , interracial babys , black drug dealers , etc etc . |
14658249_2 | 0 | One troll is on duty for several hours and then his partner in crime takes over for the next shift . |
30603462_1 | 0 | I see it as a martial art yes but more as a system of life that includes martial arts and various forms of military skills |
31706302_5 | 0 | For example , if he uses correct English then you say , `` Hey , you are starting to sound like a white man ! |
30664484_1 | 0 | I agree that this would be amazing ! |
30670220_1 | 0 | I'll try and see if my sister can bring home the sheet from my old high school with like 20 websites and their passwords of scholary reviewed articls |
30627161_1 | 1 | If monkeys are on my property i call animal control and defend my family and property with whatever means possible , simply talking sense to a monkey and pointing at it will not stop it from misbehaving ! |
13290167_1 | 1 | A public execution for these animals would go a LONG way to point to justice being done ; it would never bring the girl back ; but I guarantee it would send a message ............................ |
14075992_4 | 1 | Nigdy nie spotkalem zadnego w Londynie . |
30777604_2 | 1 | I 'm sure I would have done great in public school if the Mexican gang members stopped kicking my * * * long enough for me to get my homework done ... |
30384247_2 | 0 | Dr. |
13419558_2 | 1 | They do what they always do take something of someone else 's and make it their own . |
14275109_6 | 0 | Years ago I worked at a highrise building downtown , and the local bar association was one of the tenants there giving free legal advice . |
12848217_6 | 0 | At all . |
13505315_2 | 0 | Hundreds of millions White people have ! |
31781549_4 | 0 | This lady came out of a convenience store and got the stare , she glared right at them , spat on the ground and stormed off ! |
13859752_2 | 0 | Thank you . |
14058859_2 | 0 | In Africa it is traditional to have lots of children and they bring that with them to Europe . |
12845118_2 | 0 | Van Rensburg , Nostradamus etc ? |
30733544_1 | 0 | Until you can explain the meaning of this statement I will consider you to have just outdone every troll that 's been on here . |
14668651_3 | 0 | Huh ? |
30541960_3 | 1 | The only thing that they care about is welfare and mooching of all the rest of us . |
13291349_1 | 0 | Pathetic scum . |
30667359_3 | 0 | YouTube - Good Night to Fed Ex |
30611264_2 | 0 | Guess I 'm not white . |
12871875_4 | 0 | - Pigs Resort To Cannibalism On Modise ? s Farm - News in pictures - Howzit MSN News |
30659678_1 | 0 | I shoot a `` souped up '' first year Ruger Old Army . |
30491906_4 | 0 | It was also the only day I wanted to do that . |
13628187_1 | 1 | Indeed, I have n't seen or heard machines raping or robbing people in the streets of Stockholm yet , non-european immigrants however ... |
13474644_2 | 0 | May they always Rest in Peace , my prayers go out to them . |
12915702_2 | 0 | Your courage and honestly are apprecated . |
30491906_3 | 0 | I swam in them once at the beach , and was wearing only swim trunks .. just like the boys . |
30415874_1 | 0 | Best wishes with this important new project , from a Pagan perspective it is encouraging to see renewed interest in pre-Christian European folk heritage . |
13501659_2 | 0 | 2508 |
30571520_9 | 0 | Bad for home defense , which is a pity , its probably a spectacular manstopper , those soft lead hollow base Foster slugs flatten out quickly . |
14107632_1 | 0 | hi i would love to chat with u ... pm me when u are online ok ?? i am a strong aryan woman |
14301490_1 | 0 | I noticed the crime stats for Kalispell are a little higher than average . |
30444110_6 | 0 | The Governor of Svalbard . |
13482613_1 | 0 | Yeah I saw that one on TV about the jew rabbi that was trying to get some from the 14 year old girl . |
14090367_2 | 0 | Awesome band back in the day ! |
31711132_14 | 0 | University of Dallas , Irving , Texas Washington and Lee University , Lexington , Va. |
14296672_3 | 0 | Please message me . |
14027755_1 | 0 | I wonder why this has been introduced I would n't trust anything that is being taught in our schools - nothing in our schools is for the betterment of our white children and anything that has been newly introduced ( especially in the times we are living in now ) I would be highly sceptical . |
31766409_1 | 1 | HIV will do its job. the fags keep searching for a cure but they will never find one because it keeps on changing and mutating. already 60 percent of faggot apes have AIDS and it continues to grow . |
13462421_3 | 0 | It was uncomfortable . |
13864766_2 | 0 | Unfortunately , we missed out last year but this year s occasion will definitely make up for it . |
13125681_4 | 0 | There 's one billboard that has the candidate , two black supporters , and Congressman Steve Cohen . |
13863356_2 | 0 | |
14663763_1 | 1 | if its such a big deal that you need to talk about it , yes. you are a non-white. you might as well be fully mongol . |
13501160_3 | 0 | Please excuse my ignorance . |
14097933_2 | 0 | I finish drinking and then I drive . |
30621457_3 | 0 | Outraged presenters and all . |
30679925_2 | 1 | I do think abusive parents are worse than gays one . |
30466506_3 | 0 | Good for my young kids too , they watch old westerns and Anime cartoons . |
30588415_1 | 0 | i did a homeschooling thing where i saw a teacher once a week and she failed me just because of my views. id do the assignment exactly right and the highest i ever got was a c |
14062817_1 | 0 | ...the Jew shall have my Flesh , blood and bones and all ... |
13588794_3 | 1 | `` Karogs sarkanbalti sarkans , miru os un dzīvos klāj , pretī sarkanajam mērim , nāves sardzē latviet 's stāj ! '' |
14104811_2 | 0 | https : // ... threadid = 54094 I hope to see you around here a little more . |
30771696_2 | 1 | I hear the jews are looking to open a Holohoax center in Antarctica next year . |
30466508_2 | 0 | You can click `` New Posts '' on the red bar before you wanna create a new thread to see if the news was already posted or not . |
30431825_1 | 0 | So do the teachers in the public schools in the South hold liberal views in their private life as well , or are they conservative in private life and then knowingly lie to the kids in school ? |
14026050_2 | 0 | Everyone on SF Britain respects other Europeans we just wish our politicians would do some think about this immigration problem we have just look at London its madness . |
30413547_1 | 0 | Holocaust Handbooks - Educate Yourself - YouTube Holocaust Handbooks is the world 's premiere Revisionist book series . |
14675585_2 | 0 | This particular show is built off of viewer submissions , they are n't out trolling the waters for specific fish . |
14291994_1 | 0 | Why would we first start in a city ? |
13865900_2 | 0 | We get the occasional mention in papers like the Guardian here and of course journalists look in but as far as I know that 's it . |
30414700_1 | 0 | Try here |
30657868_2 | 0 | Phantom of the Opera was one of my favorites growing up . |
13845153_2 | 0 | One !!!!! per county , ....... heartbreaking ..... absolutely heartbreaking . |
14097593_4 | 0 | Just badly spelt like everything else in Holland ? |
31066278_2 | 0 | The struggle is about race not culture . |
14279826_2 | 0 | Ouuuuuuu , do I hate ! |
31771330_1 | 0 | I've told my friends and all of them agree with me ( some only partially ) . |
12855349_2 | 0 | He was checking her lines , bad actors ca n't help themselves from doing this . |
30627179_1 | 0 | Lift weights , eat a lot of meat , train BJJ/Muay Thai . |
14102291_2 | 0 | So I should probaly start working on the biscuits and gravy for breakfast when you come up then , huh ? |
13496564_2 | 0 | If I were in the audience , I 'd clap till my hands were numb . |
13609323_2 | 0 | Read the earlier posts and see that there are still lots of non-whites coming to Denmark . |
14099704_1 | 0 | As soon as i get a little smarter , i 'll figure out how to attach pics if this one did n't work . |
13858462_2 | 0 | The gas thing is there so strict on Immigration in China |
13859163_1 | 0 | In certain circumstances I would agree with you but in Europe by preserving our nations we are preserving our race as well because there is no way a black in Europe can be British , Irish , German or whatever . |
30776608_3 | 0 | - YouTube |
30420875_2 | 0 | We are the only race that is not allowed to , so always show your pride . |
13583785_1 | 0 | I am so * * * * ing tired of the moderation on this place . |
14078628_1 | 0 | Okay so if I go by that logic means you 're willing to give up that piece of land ... |
13479581_1 | 0 | In memory of Deputy James McGrane who was shot and killed while conducting a traffic stop by known gang member and Mexican POS Michael Paul Astorga . |
14026199_2 | 0 | They just say this because it makes it sound better and know that people would be less likely to speak out against this . |
13488589_1 | 0 | Most likely Putin was not behind any of the killings , but certain criminal gangs from Caucasus or corrupt members in Russian military/security agencies . |
30518968_1 | 0 | Thank you for posting this . |
12858403_1 | 0 | Alex Jones is not Pro White , he is trying to take anti-White and subvert it back into `` anti-racism '' and forced racial integration . |
13177001_1 | 0 | I'm having a hard time believing this . |
14029202_1 | 0 | Apparantly they still have some of the stadiums to finish and 350,000 tickets to sell ( they are normally gone within days of release ) . |
30560741_2 | 0 | Some so remote , you will hear coyotes , and see the night sky as never before . |
14430526_5 | 0 | The homosexual outcasts of the nation quietly moved into San Francisco 's Castro District , and the families who lived there said : `` What is happening here '' Eventually a few conscious Whites noticed and said : `` This is what is happening , and at last , at last , it 's time to wake the sleepers . '' |
30788833_1 | 0 | The site from which the above transcript is offers all major Hitler speeches and directives for historical reference and has been endorsed earlier . |
14098769_15 | 0 | My buddy 's boat . |
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