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I use Adobe Scan to scan everything to PDF, it's free and easy to use. Check it out: https://adobescan.app.link/LYfBUdFMlY
| r/00ag9603 | post | r/00AG9603 | 2024-30-06 |
r/00ag9603 | post | r/00AG9603 | 2024-02-07 |
[https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd3hhbjZpNTVhbm03M2N1aTg1Znk4N3RzeXk0dmVzcjl0bWZwbWVyZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/uNj66gSuaDS5wNvu4M/giphy-downsized-large.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd3hhbjZpNTVhbm03M2N1aTg1Znk4N3RzeXk0dmVzcjl0bWZwbWVyZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/uNj66gSuaDS5wNvu4M/giphy-downsized-large.gif) | r/00ag9603 | post | r/00AG9603 | 2024-05-07 |
[https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcWlzZmx6azh4bGkxdHZrb3h1NzZ4YnV6NXlvNXlmaHdmc2hlZmVqcSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/YY2qJFhBaHI3orMbDc/giphy-downsized-large.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcWlzZmx6azh4bGkxdHZrb3h1NzZ4YnV6NXlvNXlmaHdmc2hlZmVqcSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/YY2qJFhBaHI3orMbDc/giphy-downsized-large.gif) | r/00ag9603 | post | r/00AG9603 | 2024-05-07 |
r/00ag9603 | post | r/00AG9603 | 2024-07-07 |
r/00ag9603 | post | r/00AG9603 | 2024-17-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-30-06 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-02-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-04-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-05-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-09-07 |
Hey! I’m thinking of switching to flip phone but I need to have music and I don’t know how I should do. I need over 30 songs at least. I listen to a lot of music but I really wanna switch it flip phone, any idea what kind should do?and anything I should know before I switch? | r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
if you wanna be 2000s aesthetic, get a small MP3 player to sit on your belt along side your flip phone in its holster. | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
Any special you recommend that I can have A LOT of songs on? | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
Get an iPod mini | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
How much space does it have? | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
Depends on the size you buy 4GB is 1000 songs | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
Okay! Thank you sm! | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
And they’re so cute and 00 iconic | r/00saesthetics | comment | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-11-07 |
Any 2000s looking flip phones that work with LTE? | r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-12-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-15-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-19-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-21-07 |
r/00saesthetics | post | r/00sAesthetics | 2024-26-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-30-06 |
I was just thinking about this trend seeing as wide leg pants and gauchos seem to be making a comeback and I cannot remember the name of the brand that was really popular that came out of California. I want to say it had the word “gypsy” in the brand name but I cannot actually remember and it is driving me bananas. | r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-02-07 |
JNCO | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-02-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-02-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-03-07 |
Hot! | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-03-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-04-07 |
Say it, Don't Spray it | r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-04-07 |
"You got my sweaters, my hat...
I can't find my cat!" | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-04-07 |
RIP MICHAEL | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-04-07 |
Both of their albums are in my “Embarrassing Songs” playlist on Spotify. 🤣 I have the movie on DVD, too! | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-12-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-05-07 |
Imagine if you get home from work on a random Friday night and starting at 9pm Adult Swim broadcasted a 9-hour long non-stop marathon of some of the strangest fever-dream-type programming that progressively gets more nightmarish and horror-tinged as the broadcast continues into the late-night hour and early-morning. A deliciously surreal collection of some of the weirdest Adult Swim episodes and shorts, as well as never-before-broadcast content on [AS], unconventionally shown. It's a chaotic, hilarious, and beautifully trippy experience that is intended to be a mock-broadcast. A what-if-this-actually-happened experimental project. This is solely for entertainment/recreational purposes only. So get your food ready and enjoy this crazy fever-dream turned nightmare ride. | r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-05-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-09-07 |
If you want a flip phone just for the nostalgia then maybe you can also carry an ipod ? | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-11-07 |
True true but how much songs can I have on it? | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-11-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-16-07 |
first 10 seconds i gave you a vote up!!! | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-19-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-17-07 |
I don't personally feel this way about these characters personally, and after you see them all, read my comment in the comment section.
A [lion king character?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMeAN6aaUs7IcU7l4MJrAd7XjhB3A2C83wUg&s) Some may not mind this one, but some others may say "WHAT KIND OF UNORIGINAL CRAP IS THAT?!"
A [ROOSTER wearing a BELL HELMET?](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/animal-crossing-new-horizons/0/00/Knox.jpg?width=325) "OH HELL NAH!"
An [UGLY RODENT whose name is a DIFFERENT SPECIES?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpoVoDAIe7RVK44Wdx00p3rfBShusFacB4Iw&s) "THAT'S BLASPHEMY!"
A [CHEESE RAT?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5mm8y41weif61.jpg) "RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!"
This [sheepdog](https://i-ac.db0.company/u/villager/334Shep-me6K85.png) exists? "THAT'S A CRIME!"
A [bodybuilding SWINE? ](https://acnhcdn.com/latest/NpcBromide/NpcNmlPig15.png)"RUINED FOREVER!"
A [GLASSES BEAR? ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM2mus5XoAULW4y.jpg)"TERRIBLE IDEA"
And of course, these two are ESPECIALLY hated by 2000s kids
A [SOMETIMES CROSSDRESSING GLASSES CAT? ](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/XQ8t1IVo64NXhcxE0W63NKx4x7g=/1400x1050/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19858625/raymond.jpg) These people would say that he's "VERMIN", and especially
THIS [SECRETARY DOG GIRL? ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/26/Isabelle_AF.png) "She's a (certain b word), who should have NEVER BEEN INTRODUCED! SHE DESECRATED OUR CHILDHOODS!"
| r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-18-07 |
The reason why 2000s kids (not all of them, but a vocal portion of them) hate these characters? That's EASY, none (or at least most) of those characters were the ones that THEY grew up with. I mean the people who feel elitist and entitled just for being the first generation who grew up with this franchise, and dismiss EVERYTHING after the original GC game (or N64 if Japanese. Some cases, the second game, or to a lesser extent, the third could be exempt from this) is garbage. These people are often oblivous and think that the franchise is completely dead, despite the fact that it remains popular to this day, has a large fanbase, and is popular among people of all ages (even 2000s kids) and that a good bit of these characters are well liked by people of all ages (though some may be more popular than others, it's been like that since the original game). But of course, these people will try to gatekeep it so it can ONLY define their generation, and will tell younger generations they didn't grow up with the "true version of the franchise". I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS. This isn't to say that the original game is bad, or that newer is automatically better. I don't think that way at all (sometimes I find the older thing to be better than the newer thing, and vice versa), I don't hate any of the games, but it's to say that there are 2000s kids (again, not the entire generation) who feel entitled and elitist for being the first generation who grew up with this franchise (I also don't condone the opposite mentality and similar behavior either.) It's okay to simply have these opinions, but expressing them in toxic ways is not okay at all. | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-18-07 |
Before New Horizons, our generation had a vendetta against Tom Nook | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-18-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-24-07 |
Another Friday night of Dreams And Nightmares. The follow-up to the first mock-broadcast that would theoretically premiere a couple of weeks after. The schedule composition is similar to the first night but this time around there's new strange content. So yet again, kick back and enjoy another round of fever-dreams and nightmares. | r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-25-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-26-07 |
I have been thinking about a girl pop group in the early 00s. I think they were triplets and sang popular covers. I was probably 13 and used to love them! But I have never been able to find them again. I think they were called triple threat, but not really sure. I tried to google it but no luck. Any ideas? Thanks! | r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-27-07 |
Atomic Kitten? | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-27-07 |
Unfortunately it’s not, but I think it was around that same time. I think they were white teenagers girls. | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-28-07 |
r/00snostalgia | post | r/00snostalgia | 2024-27-07 |
Ben Kweller....that's who I was thinking of lolol | r/00snostalgia | comment | r/00snostalgia | 2024-29-07 |
If Patriot got isekai'd to Darkest Dungeon, Cthulu would bow down to him | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-16-07 |
"The chocolate melted"
Sigh.... "Grabs fire res potion to lick it off" | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-07 |
Dokutah, your clue has been terminated. You have not completed stage 0-10 - Enough Karma yet. Closure and I will be waiting for you here while you complete it. - Amiya
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/0sanitymemes) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-26-07 |
[It's been over a year but I did finally get that commission of Wedding Dress Plume done.](https://i.redd.it/vu66bwvl7i9d1.png) Even got it done by Sasa Onigiri. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-01-07 |
Reverse sesbian lex?!?! | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-09-07 |
*versus plays* | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-04-07 |
Happy cake day bro | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-18-07 |
(6+2i)★> 6★ | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-07-07 |
Me too it hurts my feet | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-12-07 |
I came to say this | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-17-07 |
u/savevideo | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-30-06 |
###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/0sanitymemes/comments/1bgnkh1/some_zero_sanity_stuff_from_bilibili/)
[**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) |  [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)  |  [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/0sanitymemes/comments/1bgnkh1/some_zero_sanity_stuff_from_bilibili/)  | 
[^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com)  |  [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com) | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-30-06 |
r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-05-07 |
The yelling passion got me. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-20-07 |
u/savevideo | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-12-07 |
###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/0sanitymemes/comments/1bs16si/suzuran_give_you_snack/)
[**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) |  [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)  |  [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/0sanitymemes/comments/1bs16si/suzuran_give_you_snack/)  | 
[^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com)  |  [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com) | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-12-07 |
I LOVE THIS FUCKING FISH OH MY GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-05-07 |
Dokutah, your clue has been terminated. You have not completed stage 0-10 - Enough Karma yet. Closure and I will be waiting for you here while you complete it. - Amiya
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/0sanitymemes) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-12-07 |
Ah yes filming it before doing cpr definitely good and no brain damage great job | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-26-07 |
That one check in Story Dungeon Canto 1 be like: | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-15-07 |
Man i love my orca goddess
Original: [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/gLF8Pqt91i](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/gLF8Pqt91i) | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-04-07 |
And nothing, nothing like the man loose inside this building. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-06-07 |
They can't hate, cause then it'd be a Jojo Reference
https://preview.redd.it/89caocjm1xcd1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a89b80dcdcdcea91138e353a3f1d390a44fa256 | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-16-07 |
The wild Theresa, or Civilight Eterna to the scientific community, is an exceedingly rare and reclusive creature. It rarely leaves its Den, this one doing it out of necessity to perform its mating dance, in hopes of attracting wild dokutahs. It must be wary of its surroundings at all times due to the high possibility of being mauled to death by a priestess, which is the Theresa's natural predator. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
"Kaz, just fucking order already."
 | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-25-07 |
i don't think anyone will see this cause this post is like 3 weeks old but every day i regret more and more not putting silence in a tier just called "sorry i'm not into selfcest"
cause she is literally me for real for real on god | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-06-07 |
thanks to that one person that somehow saw this and upvoted it, you're a real one | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-26-07 |
Same is a w fr | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-26-07 |
5 bc exu is chill asf I can just ignore the other side | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-13-07 |
3, I have to hold Skyfire back from killing Talulah, but.... I'd much rather join my wife in the killing | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-07 |
Gravel, Kjera and many other Ws in the lowest tier nah this tierlist is cooked although lappland in top tier is great 💀🙏 | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-18-07 |
Stone Cold Steve Emperor's Blade | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-03-07 |
WIZARDS WITH GUNS YEEAA | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
Wait where? Where’s Dungeon Meshi having an ak collab? | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
He's already an elite enemy, would've been fun to see them toss one in for one of the event stages | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
Y'all talking mad shit but when he shows up in a CC, he'll dunk all of you. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-30-06 |
Siege and saga is a tale as old as time but siege was just terrible is how you cope | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-30-06 |
Somehow i have all of them (2 irene and 3 ch'en) | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-10-07 |
Just work, like, 20 hours of overtime and spend all that money on gatcha. EZ solution. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
How is Texas so much lower than Lappland | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
If you think you can handle a couple hundred degrees as a human, all I can say is that I wish you luck, chief. You've got my support.
Don't let absurd biological differences stop your love! | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
Silence is a side hoe at most, her actual wife is Kirsten | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
Dang I was under the impression she was a young adult | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
I don't know. She's a lone wolf who's absolutely free to do whatever she wants, so I just assumed she had a higher chance of doing it. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-29-06 |
Scavenger should be further down. There was one girl she liked back in her past but she died before they could actually get together.
After that she turned into a loner who doesn't trust or care about anyone. | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-30-06 |
Yeah, i'm just joking about Lappdumb x Texas xd | r/0sanitymemes | comment | r/0sanitymemes | 2024-30-06 |
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