Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE dataset ( datasetid, datasetname ) CREATE TABLE author ( authorid, authorname ) CREATE TABLE writes ( paperid, authorid ) CREATE TABLE journal ( journalid, journalname ) CREATE TABLE paperfield ( fieldid, paperid ) CREATE TABLE field ( fieldid ) CREATE TABLE paperkeyphrase ( paperid, keyphraseid ) CREATE TABLE keyphrase ( keyphraseid, keyphrasename ) CREATE TABLE paper ( paperid, title, venueid, year, numciting, numcitedby, journalid ) CREATE TABLE paperdataset ( paperid, datasetid ) CREATE TABLE cite ( citingpaperid, citedpaperid ) CREATE TABLE venue ( venueid, venuename ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What are the papers of saurabh gupta in instance segmentation ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT author.authorid, paper.paperid FROM author, keyphrase, paper, paperkeyphrase, writes WHERE author.authorname = 'saurabh gupta' AND keyphrase.keyphrasename = 'instance segmentation' AND paperkeyphrase.keyphraseid = keyphrase.keyphraseid AND paper.paperid = paperkeyphrase.paperid AND writes.authorid = author.authorid AND writes.paperid = paper.paperid.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE road ( road_name, state_name ) CREATE TABLE mountain ( mountain_name, mountain_altitude, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_name, capital, population, area, country_name, density ) CREATE TABLE border_info ( state_name, border ) CREATE TABLE lake ( lake_name, area, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE highlow ( state_name, highest_point, highest_elevation, lowest_point, lowest_elevation ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_name, state_name, population, country_name ) CREATE TABLE river ( river_name, length, traverse, country_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what are the major cities in the largest state SELECT### Response: SELECT city_name FROM city WHERE population > 150000 AND state_name = (SELECT STATEalias0.state_name FROM state AS STATEalias0 WHERE STATEalias0.area = (SELECT MAX(STATEalias1.area) FROM state AS STATEalias1)).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what does the abbreviation UA mean SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airline_code FROM airline WHERE airline_code = 'UA'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Is there a lab for 527 ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course WHERE department = 'EECS' AND has_lab = 'Y' AND number = 527.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What courses are available in the Fall or Winter that will meet the Core requirement ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, semester.semester FROM course INNER JOIN course_offering ON course.course_id = course_offering.course_id INNER JOIN semester ON semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course_offering.course_id WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%Core%' AND semester.semester IN ('FA', 'WN') AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE road ( road_name, state_name ) CREATE TABLE border_info ( state_name, border ) CREATE TABLE highlow ( state_name, highest_point, highest_elevation, lowest_point, lowest_elevation ) CREATE TABLE lake ( lake_name, area, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_name, state_name, population, country_name ) CREATE TABLE mountain ( mountain_name, mountain_altitude, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_name, capital, population, area, country_name, density ) CREATE TABLE river ( river_name, length, traverse, country_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what state has the smallest population density SELECT### Response: SELECT state_name FROM state WHERE density = (SELECT MIN(STATEalias1.density) FROM state AS STATEalias1).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- please tell me how many nonstop flights there are from BOSTON to ATLANTA SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT flight.flight_id) FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.stops = 0.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- how many FIRST class flights does UA have today SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT flight.flight_id) FROM airport_service, city, date_day AS DATE_DAY_0, date_day AS DATE_DAY_1, days AS DAYS_0, days AS DAYS_1, fare, fare_basis AS FARE_BASIS_0, fare_basis AS FARE_BASIS_1, flight, flight_fare WHERE ((DATE_DAY_0.day_number = 29 AND DATE_DAY_0.month_number = 4 AND DATE_DAY_0.year = 1991 AND DATE_DAY_1.day_number = 29 AND DATE_DAY_1.month_number = 4 AND DATE_DAY_1.year = 1991 AND DAYS_0.day_name = DATE_DAY_0.day_name AND DAYS_1.day_name = DATE_DAY_1.day_name AND FARE_BASIS_0.class_type = 'FIRST' AND FARE_BASIS_1.basis_days = DAYS_1.days_code AND fare.fare_basis_code = FARE_BASIS_0.fare_basis_code AND fare.fare_basis_code = FARE_BASIS_1.fare_basis_code AND flight_fare.fare_id = fare.fare_id AND flight.flight_days = DAYS_0.days_code AND flight.flight_id = flight_fare.flight_id) AND city.city_code = airport_service.city_code AND flight.from_airport = airport_service.airport_code) AND flight.airline_code = 'UA'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i would like a flight from BALTIMORE to SAN FRANCISCO on TW with a stop in DENVER SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, flight, flight_stop WHERE ((CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND CITY_2.city_name = 'DENVER' AND flight_stop.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code AND flight.flight_id = flight_stop.flight_id AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.airline_code = 'TW'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i need a flight after 1800 on wednesday from OAKLAND to SALT LAKE CITY SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((date_day.day_number = 23 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time > 1800 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'SALT LAKE CITY' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'OAKLAND' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what type of ground transportation is available between the airport and downtown SAN FRANCISCO SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT ground_service.transport_type FROM city, ground_service WHERE city.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND ground_service.city_code = city.city_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE highlow ( state_name, highest_point, highest_elevation, lowest_point, lowest_elevation ) CREATE TABLE mountain ( mountain_name, mountain_altitude, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_name, capital, population, area, country_name, density ) CREATE TABLE river ( river_name, length, traverse, country_name ) CREATE TABLE lake ( lake_name, area, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_name, state_name, population, country_name ) CREATE TABLE road ( road_name, state_name ) CREATE TABLE border_info ( state_name, border ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what state has the city with the largest population SELECT### Response: SELECT state_name FROM city WHERE population = (SELECT MAX(CITYalias1.population) FROM city AS CITYalias1).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE cite ( cited, citing ) CREATE TABLE keyword ( keyword, kid ) CREATE TABLE journal ( homepage, jid, name ) CREATE TABLE domain_publication ( did, pid ) CREATE TABLE writes ( aid, pid ) CREATE TABLE domain_keyword ( did, kid ) CREATE TABLE organization ( continent, homepage, name, oid ) CREATE TABLE publication ( abstract, cid, citation_num, jid, pid, reference_num, title, year ) CREATE TABLE domain ( did, name ) CREATE TABLE domain_conference ( cid, did ) CREATE TABLE author ( aid, homepage, name, oid ) CREATE TABLE publication_keyword ( kid, pid ) CREATE TABLE domain_author ( aid, did ) CREATE TABLE domain_journal ( did, jid ) CREATE TABLE conference ( cid, homepage, name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- return me the papers in PVLDB containing keyword ' Keyword search ' . SELECT### Response: SELECT publication.title FROM journal, keyword, publication, publication_keyword WHERE journal.name = 'PVLDB' AND keyword.keyword = 'Keyword search' AND publication_keyword.kid = keyword.kid AND publication.jid = journal.jid AND publication.pid = publication_keyword.pid.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the most easy class I can take to fulfill the Other requirement . SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, program_course.workload, program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%Other%' AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 WHERE PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.category LIKE '%Other%').
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE journal ( journalid, journalname ) CREATE TABLE keyphrase ( keyphraseid, keyphrasename ) CREATE TABLE venue ( venueid, venuename ) CREATE TABLE paperkeyphrase ( paperid, keyphraseid ) CREATE TABLE author ( authorid, authorname ) CREATE TABLE field ( fieldid ) CREATE TABLE paperdataset ( paperid, datasetid ) CREATE TABLE dataset ( datasetid, datasetname ) CREATE TABLE cite ( citingpaperid, citedpaperid ) CREATE TABLE paperfield ( fieldid, paperid ) CREATE TABLE writes ( paperid, authorid ) CREATE TABLE paper ( paperid, title, venueid, year, numciting, numcitedby, journalid ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- datasets in knn papers SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT dataset.datasetid FROM dataset, keyphrase, paperdataset, paperkeyphrase WHERE keyphrase.keyphrasename = 'knn' AND paperdataset.datasetid = dataset.datasetid AND paperkeyphrase.keyphraseid = keyphrase.keyphraseid AND paperkeyphrase.paperid = paperdataset.paperid.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- can you show me the price of a flight to WASHINGTON from ATLANTA on thursday morning SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT fare.fare_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day AS DATE_DAY_0, date_day AS DATE_DAY_1, days AS DAYS_0, days AS DAYS_1, fare, fare_basis, flight, flight_fare WHERE ((CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND DATE_DAY_1.day_number = 24 AND DATE_DAY_1.month_number = 5 AND DATE_DAY_1.year = 1991 AND DAYS_1.day_name = DATE_DAY_1.day_name AND flight.flight_days = DAYS_1.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND DATE_DAY_0.day_number = 24 AND DATE_DAY_0.month_number = 5 AND DATE_DAY_0.year = 1991 AND DAYS_0.day_name = DATE_DAY_0.day_name AND fare_basis.basis_days = DAYS_0.days_code AND fare.fare_basis_code = fare_basis.fare_basis_code AND flight_fare.fare_id = fare.fare_id AND flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 1200 AND flight.flight_id = flight_fare.flight_id.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE keyword ( keyword, kid ) CREATE TABLE domain_journal ( did, jid ) CREATE TABLE journal ( homepage, jid, name ) CREATE TABLE author ( aid, homepage, name, oid ) CREATE TABLE cite ( cited, citing ) CREATE TABLE domain_conference ( cid, did ) CREATE TABLE domain_publication ( did, pid ) CREATE TABLE publication_keyword ( kid, pid ) CREATE TABLE domain_author ( aid, did ) CREATE TABLE domain ( did, name ) CREATE TABLE writes ( aid, pid ) CREATE TABLE conference ( cid, homepage, name ) CREATE TABLE domain_keyword ( did, kid ) CREATE TABLE publication ( abstract, cid, citation_num, jid, pid, reference_num, title, year ) CREATE TABLE organization ( continent, homepage, name, oid ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- return me the number of keywords in PVLDB . SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (keyword.keyword)) FROM journal, keyword, publication, publication_keyword WHERE journal.name = 'PVLDB' AND publication_keyword.kid = keyword.kid AND publication.jid = journal.jid AND publication.pid = publication_keyword.pid.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE paperdataset ( paperid, datasetid ) CREATE TABLE paperfield ( fieldid, paperid ) CREATE TABLE venue ( venueid, venuename ) CREATE TABLE field ( fieldid ) CREATE TABLE paper ( paperid, title, venueid, year, numciting, numcitedby, journalid ) CREATE TABLE writes ( paperid, authorid ) CREATE TABLE keyphrase ( keyphraseid, keyphrasename ) CREATE TABLE journal ( journalid, journalname ) CREATE TABLE cite ( citingpaperid, citedpaperid ) CREATE TABLE dataset ( datasetid, datasetname ) CREATE TABLE paperkeyphrase ( paperid, keyphraseid ) CREATE TABLE author ( authorid, authorname ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What was the topic of best paper in 2012 EMNLP-CoNLL ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT cite.citingpaperid), paperkeyphrase.keyphraseid, paper.paperid FROM cite, paper, paperkeyphrase, venue WHERE paper.paperid = cite.citedpaperid AND paper.paperid = paperkeyphrase.paperid AND paper.year = 2012 AND venue.venueid = paper.venueid AND venue.venuename = 'EMNLP-CoNLL' GROUP BY paper.paperid, paperkeyphrase.keyphraseid ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT cite.citingpaperid) DESC.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i want a flight from TORONTO to SAN DIEGO that stops in ST. LOUIS are there flights SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, flight, flight_stop WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'SAN DIEGO' AND CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND CITY_2.city_name = 'ST. LOUIS' AND flight_stop.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code AND flight.flight_id = flight_stop.flight_id AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'TORONTO' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Out of the upper level classes , how many have labs ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT course.course_id) FROM course INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course.course_id WHERE course.has_lab = 'Y' AND program_course.category LIKE '%ULCS%'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- tell me all the airports in the NEW YORK area SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airport.airport_code FROM airport, airport_service, city WHERE airport.airport_code = airport_service.airport_code AND city.city_code = airport_service.city_code AND city.city_name = 'NEW YORK'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- list all the airlines flying between WASHINGTON and DENVER SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airline.airline_code FROM airline, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'DENVER' AND flight.airline_code = airline.airline_code AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- For a course in which a student minoring in CMPLXSYS has gotten a C+ , which professor has taught it ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT instructor.name FROM instructor INNER JOIN offering_instructor ON offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id INNER JOIN student_record ON student_record.offering_id = offering_instructor.offering_id INNER JOIN student ON student.student_id = student_record.student_id WHERE (student_record.grade LIKE '%C+%' OR student_record.grade LIKE '%C+%') AND student.minor = 'CMPLXSYS'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Do you know when 501 is offered ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT semester.semester, semester.year FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 501 AND course_offering.semester = semester.semester_id AND semester.semester_id > (SELECT SEMESTERalias1.semester_id FROM semester AS SEMESTERalias1 WHERE SEMESTERalias1.semester = 'WN' AND SEMESTERalias1.year = 2016) ORDER BY semester.semester_id LIMIT 1.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- list nonstop flights from LOS ANGELES to PITTSBURGH which arrive on monday after 1700 SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (((((((flight.arrival_time < 41 OR flight.time_elapsed >= 60) AND flight.departure_time > flight.arrival_time) AND date_day.day_number = 21 AND date_day.month_number = 2 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) OR (date_day.day_number = 21 AND date_day.month_number = 2 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND NOT ((flight.arrival_time < 41 OR flight.time_elapsed >= 60) AND flight.departure_time > flight.arrival_time))) AND flight.arrival_time > 1700) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'LOS ANGELES' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.stops = 0.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- SPACE 574 is being offered next semester ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'SPACE' AND course.number = 574 AND semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Next year , which courses will Prof. Andrew Jones be teaching ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND instructor.name LIKE '%Andrew Jones%' AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND ((semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.year = 2016) OR (semester.semester = 'WN' AND semester.year = 2017)).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What are the THTREMUS 3 -credit courses ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT name, number FROM course WHERE department = 'THTREMUS' AND credits = 3.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- In next semester does Prof. Erkut Ozbay teach 445 ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 445 AND instructor.name LIKE '%Erkut Ozbay%' AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id AND semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- When is 800 going to be offered next ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT semester.semester, semester.year FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 800 AND course_offering.semester = semester.semester_id AND semester.semester_id > (SELECT SEMESTERalias1.semester_id FROM semester AS SEMESTERalias1 WHERE SEMESTERalias1.semester = 'WN' AND SEMESTERalias1.year = 2016) ORDER BY semester.semester_id LIMIT 1.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what flights from CHICAGO to KANSAS CITY in the morning SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'CHICAGO' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'KANSAS CITY' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 1200.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i'd like information on a flight from ATLANTA to DENVER a morning flight SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'DENVER' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 1200.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Of the classes in the morning , are there any EEB 497 ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course_offering.start_time < '12:00:00' AND course_offering.start_time >= '08:00:00' AND course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EEB' AND course.number = 497 AND semester.semester = 'WN' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- can you help me with ground transportation information i need to get from the airport in PHILADELPHIA to downtown PHILADELPHIA SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT ground_service.transport_type FROM airport, airport_service, city, ground_service WHERE airport.airport_code = airport_service.airport_code AND city.city_code = airport_service.city_code AND city.city_name = 'PHILADELPHIA' AND ground_service.airport_code = airport.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE checkin ( cid, business_id, count, day ) CREATE TABLE neighborhood ( id, business_id, neighborhood_name ) CREATE TABLE user ( uid, user_id, name ) CREATE TABLE tip ( tip_id, business_id, text, user_id, likes, year, month ) CREATE TABLE category ( id, business_id, category_name ) CREATE TABLE business ( bid, business_id, name, full_address, city, latitude, longitude, review_count, is_open, rating, state ) CREATE TABLE review ( rid, business_id, user_id, rating, text, year, month ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What neighborhood is restaurant ' Flat Top Grill ' in ? SELECT### Response: SELECT neighborhood.neighborhood_name FROM business, neighborhood WHERE business.name = 'Flat Top Grill' AND neighborhood.business_id = business.business_id.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- yes i'm looking for a flight between OAKLAND and BOSTON with a stopover in DALLAS FORT WORTH do you have one of those SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_3, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, city AS CITY_3, flight, flight_stop AS FLIGHT_STOP_0, flight_stop AS FLIGHT_STOP_1 WHERE ((CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND CITY_2.city_name = 'DALLAS' AND CITY_3.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_3.city_code AND CITY_3.city_name = 'FORT WORTH' AND FLIGHT_STOP_0.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code AND FLIGHT_STOP_1.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_3.airport_code AND flight.flight_id = FLIGHT_STOP_0.flight_id AND flight.flight_id = FLIGHT_STOP_1.flight_id) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'OAKLAND' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what type of ground transportation is available at BOSTON airport SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT ground_service.transport_type FROM airport, airport_service, city, ground_service WHERE airport.airport_code = airport_service.airport_code AND city.city_code = airport_service.city_code AND city.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND ground_service.airport_code = airport.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many classes of the upper level are 1 credits ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT course.course_id) FROM course INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course.course_id WHERE course.credits = 1 AND program_course.category LIKE 'ULCS'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- an early flight on wednesday morning from BALTIMORE to NEWARK SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'NEWARK' AND date_day.day_number = 23 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 800.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE river ( river_name, length, traverse, country_name ) CREATE TABLE highlow ( state_name, highest_point, highest_elevation, lowest_point, lowest_elevation ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_name, capital, population, area, country_name, density ) CREATE TABLE mountain ( mountain_name, mountain_altitude, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_name, state_name, population, country_name ) CREATE TABLE border_info ( state_name, border ) CREATE TABLE lake ( lake_name, area, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE road ( road_name, state_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what major cities are located in pennsylvania SELECT### Response: SELECT city_name FROM city WHERE population > 150000 AND state_name = 'pennsylvania'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE cite ( citingpaperid, citedpaperid ) CREATE TABLE keyphrase ( keyphraseid, keyphrasename ) CREATE TABLE dataset ( datasetid, datasetname ) CREATE TABLE journal ( journalid, journalname ) CREATE TABLE field ( fieldid ) CREATE TABLE venue ( venueid, venuename ) CREATE TABLE author ( authorid, authorname ) CREATE TABLE paper ( paperid, title, venueid, year, numciting, numcitedby, journalid ) CREATE TABLE paperfield ( fieldid, paperid ) CREATE TABLE writes ( paperid, authorid ) CREATE TABLE paperkeyphrase ( paperid, keyphraseid ) CREATE TABLE paperdataset ( paperid, datasetid ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- papers that are coauthored by mayank goel and shwetak patel SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT WRITES_0.paperid FROM author AS AUTHOR_0, author AS AUTHOR_1, writes AS WRITES_0, writes AS WRITES_1 WHERE AUTHOR_0.authorname = 'mayank goel' AND AUTHOR_1.authorname = 'shwetak patel' AND WRITES_0.authorid = AUTHOR_0.authorid AND WRITES_1.authorid = AUTHOR_1.authorid AND WRITES_1.paperid = WRITES_0.paperid.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me all flights from MIAMI to NEW YORK SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'MIAMI' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'NEW YORK' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE neighborhood ( id, business_id, neighborhood_name ) CREATE TABLE review ( rid, business_id, user_id, rating, text, year, month ) CREATE TABLE business ( bid, business_id, name, full_address, city, latitude, longitude, review_count, is_open, rating, state ) CREATE TABLE tip ( tip_id, business_id, text, user_id, likes, year, month ) CREATE TABLE category ( id, business_id, category_name ) CREATE TABLE checkin ( cid, business_id, count, day ) CREATE TABLE user ( uid, user_id, name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Find all restaurant in ' Los Angeles ' with more than 100 reviews SELECT### Response: SELECT business.name FROM business, category WHERE business.city = 'Los Angeles' AND business.review_count > 100 AND category.business_id = business.business_id AND category.category_name = 'restaurant'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 427 is in next term ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 427 AND semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i'd like information on a flight from DENVER to SAN FRANCISCO on UA air SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'DENVER' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.airline_code = 'UA'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the latest afternoon flight departing SAN FRANCISCO and arriving in BOSTON on 11 9 SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (((CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND date_day.day_number = 9 AND date_day.month_number = 11 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.departure_time BETWEEN 1200 AND 1800) AND flight.departure_time = (SELECT MAX(FLIGHTalias1.departure_time) FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3, city AS CITYalias2, city AS CITYalias3, date_day AS DATE_DAYalias1, days AS DAYSalias1, flight AS FLIGHTalias1 WHERE ((CITYalias3.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.city_code AND CITYalias3.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND DATE_DAYalias1.day_number = 9 AND DATE_DAYalias1.month_number = 11 AND DATE_DAYalias1.year = 1991 AND DAYSalias1.day_name = DATE_DAYalias1.day_name AND FLIGHTalias1.flight_days = DAYSalias1.days_code AND FLIGHTalias1.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.airport_code) AND CITYalias2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.city_code AND CITYalias2.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND FLIGHTalias1.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.airport_code) AND FLIGHTalias1.departure_time BETWEEN 1200 AND 1800).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE border_info ( state_name, border ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_name, capital, population, area, country_name, density ) CREATE TABLE lake ( lake_name, area, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE road ( road_name, state_name ) CREATE TABLE highlow ( state_name, highest_point, highest_elevation, lowest_point, lowest_elevation ) CREATE TABLE mountain ( mountain_name, mountain_altitude, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE river ( river_name, length, traverse, country_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_name, state_name, population, country_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what are the major cities in the smallest state in the us SELECT### Response: SELECT city_name FROM city WHERE population > 150000 AND state_name = (SELECT STATEalias0.state_name FROM state AS STATEalias0 WHERE STATEalias0.area = (SELECT MIN(STATEalias1.area) FROM state AS STATEalias1)).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE cite ( citingpaperid, citedpaperid ) CREATE TABLE writes ( paperid, authorid ) CREATE TABLE venue ( venueid, venuename ) CREATE TABLE keyphrase ( keyphraseid, keyphrasename ) CREATE TABLE paper ( paperid, title, venueid, year, numciting, numcitedby, journalid ) CREATE TABLE paperfield ( fieldid, paperid ) CREATE TABLE dataset ( datasetid, datasetname ) CREATE TABLE journal ( journalid, journalname ) CREATE TABLE paperdataset ( paperid, datasetid ) CREATE TABLE author ( authorid, authorname ) CREATE TABLE field ( fieldid ) CREATE TABLE paperkeyphrase ( paperid, keyphraseid ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many publications were added to the Cell journal this year ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(paper.paperid) FROM journal, paper, paperkeyphrase WHERE journal.journalname = 'Cell' AND paper.journalid = journal.journalid AND paper.paperid = paperkeyphrase.paperid AND paper.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the name of the person who taught a class in which a student with an THTREMUS minor has received a C ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT instructor.name FROM instructor INNER JOIN offering_instructor ON offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id INNER JOIN student_record ON student_record.offering_id = offering_instructor.offering_id INNER JOIN student ON student.student_id = student_record.student_id WHERE (student_record.grade LIKE '%C%' OR student_record.grade LIKE '%C%') AND student.minor = 'THTREMUS'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me all flights from BOSTON to DETROIT SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'DETROIT' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me all flights from KANSAS CITY to CHICAGO on 6 16 arriving around 7 o'clock in the evening SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (((flight.arrival_time <= 1930 AND flight.arrival_time >= 1830) AND date_day.day_number = 16 AND date_day.month_number = 6 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'CHICAGO' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'KANSAS CITY' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i'd like to go from BOSTON to SAN FRANCISCO SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- okay what flights are there US from ORLANDO to CLEVELAND leaving in the afternoon SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (((flight.departure_time <= 1200 AND flight.departure_time >= 1800) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ORLANDO' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'CLEVELAND' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.airline_code = 'US'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE cite ( cited, citing ) CREATE TABLE domain_keyword ( did, kid ) CREATE TABLE organization ( continent, homepage, name, oid ) CREATE TABLE domain_publication ( did, pid ) CREATE TABLE keyword ( keyword, kid ) CREATE TABLE journal ( homepage, jid, name ) CREATE TABLE publication_keyword ( kid, pid ) CREATE TABLE domain ( did, name ) CREATE TABLE conference ( cid, homepage, name ) CREATE TABLE domain_conference ( cid, did ) CREATE TABLE publication ( abstract, cid, citation_num, jid, pid, reference_num, title, year ) CREATE TABLE author ( aid, homepage, name, oid ) CREATE TABLE domain_journal ( did, jid ) CREATE TABLE writes ( aid, pid ) CREATE TABLE domain_author ( aid, did ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- return me the paper in VLDB conference with more than 200 citations . SELECT### Response: SELECT publication.title FROM conference, publication WHERE conference.name = 'VLDB' AND publication.cid = conference.cid AND publication.citation_num > 200.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is airline DL SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airline_code FROM airline WHERE airline_code = 'DL'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me the first flight that arrives in TORONTO from CINCINNATI SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'CINCINNATI' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'TORONTO' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.arrival_time = (SELECT MIN(FLIGHTalias1.arrival_time) FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3, city AS CITYalias2, city AS CITYalias3, flight AS FLIGHTalias1 WHERE CITYalias2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.city_code AND CITYalias2.city_name = 'CINCINNATI' AND CITYalias3.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.city_code AND CITYalias3.city_name = 'TORONTO' AND FLIGHTalias1.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.airport_code AND FLIGHTalias1.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.airport_code).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- In Spring-Summer 2000 , what courses does Prof. Lauren Sarringhaus teach ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND instructor.name LIKE '%Lauren Sarringhaus%' AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id AND semester.semester = 'Spring-Summer' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2000.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- I understand that Prof. Susanne Vees-gulani taught MATH 513 in the Spring 2018 semester , is that correct ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'MATH' AND course.number = 513 AND instructor.name LIKE '%Susanne Vees-gulani%' AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id AND semester.semester = 'Spring' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2018.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what're the flights from MEMPHIS to LAS VEGAS that arrive on a SUNDAY SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, days, flight WHERE (((((flight.arrival_time < 41 OR flight.time_elapsed >= 60) AND flight.departure_time > flight.arrival_time) AND days.day_name = 'SATURDAY' AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) OR (days.day_name = 'SUNDAY' AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND NOT ((flight.arrival_time < 41 OR flight.time_elapsed >= 60) AND flight.departure_time > flight.arrival_time))) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'LAS VEGAS' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'MEMPHIS' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Are there any classes Dr. Stefan Cieply has taught before ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor WHERE course_offering.semester < (SELECT SEMESTERalias0.semester_id FROM semester AS SEMESTERalias0 WHERE SEMESTERalias0.semester = 'WN' AND SEMESTERalias0.year = 2016) AND course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND instructor.name LIKE '%Stefan Cieply%' AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what type of aircraft leaves from BOSTON to WASHINGTON before 900 SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT aircraft.aircraft_code FROM aircraft, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, equipment_sequence, flight WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND flight.departure_time < 900 AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND equipment_sequence.aircraft_code = aircraft.aircraft_code AND flight.aircraft_code_sequence = equipment_sequence.aircraft_code_sequence AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i need a flight tomorrow from ATLANTA to BALTIMORE SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND date_day.day_number = 20 AND date_day.month_number = 1 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- how do i get from BWI to WASHINGTON SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT ground_service.transport_type FROM airport, airport_service, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, ground_service WHERE airport.airport_code = airport_service.airport_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = airport_service.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND ground_service.airport_code = airport.airport_code AND ground_service.city_code = CITY_0.city_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which is the easiest PreMajor course ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, program_course.workload, program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%PreMajor%' AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 WHERE PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.category LIKE '%PreMajor%').
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE checkin ( cid, business_id, count, day ) CREATE TABLE neighborhood ( id, business_id, neighborhood_name ) CREATE TABLE user ( uid, user_id, name ) CREATE TABLE business ( bid, business_id, name, full_address, city, latitude, longitude, review_count, is_open, rating, state ) CREATE TABLE tip ( tip_id, business_id, text, user_id, likes, year, month ) CREATE TABLE review ( rid, business_id, user_id, rating, text, year, month ) CREATE TABLE category ( id, business_id, category_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- find the user with the most number of reviews SELECT### Response: SELECT user.name FROM review, user WHERE user.user_id = review.user_id GROUP BY user.name ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT (review.text)) DESC LIMIT 1.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- list flights from ONTARIO CALIFORNIA to ORLANDO SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight_id FROM flight WHERE (from_airport IN (SELECT AIRPORT_SERVICEalias0.airport_code FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias0 WHERE AIRPORT_SERVICEalias0.city_code IN (SELECT CITYalias0.city_code FROM city AS CITYalias0 WHERE (CITYalias0.city_name = 'ONTARIO' AND CITYalias0.state_code IN (SELECT STATEalias0.state_code FROM state AS STATEalias0 WHERE STATEalias0.state_name = 'CALIFORNIA')))) AND to_airport IN (SELECT AIRPORT_SERVICEalias1.airport_code FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias1 WHERE AIRPORT_SERVICEalias1.city_code IN (SELECT CITYalias1.city_code FROM city AS CITYalias1 WHERE CITYalias1.city_name = 'ORLANDO'))).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what airline is HP SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airline_code FROM airline WHERE airline_code = 'HP'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- When is 497 offered ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT semester.semester, semester.year FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 497 AND course_offering.semester = semester.semester_id AND semester.semester_id > (SELECT SEMESTERalias1.semester_id FROM semester AS SEMESTERalias1 WHERE SEMESTERalias1.semester = 'WN' AND SEMESTERalias1.year = 2016) ORDER BY semester.semester_id LIMIT 1.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Are there any HJCS 400 -level courses that are 9 credits ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number FROM course INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course.course_id INNER JOIN course_offering ON course.course_id = course_offering.course_id INNER JOIN semester ON semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%ULCS%' AND semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- all flights from WASHINGTON to SAN FRANCISCO on 11 12 SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND date_day.day_number = 12 AND date_day.month_number = 11 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE river ( river_name, length, traverse, country_name ) CREATE TABLE lake ( lake_name, area, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE highlow ( state_name, highest_point, highest_elevation, lowest_point, lowest_elevation ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_name, capital, population, area, country_name, density ) CREATE TABLE mountain ( mountain_name, mountain_altitude, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_name, state_name, population, country_name ) CREATE TABLE road ( road_name, state_name ) CREATE TABLE border_info ( state_name, border ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- which states border hawaii SELECT### Response: SELECT border FROM border_info WHERE state_name = 'hawaii'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me all the flights from MILWAUKEE to ORLANDO that leave after 1200 on wednesday and before 1200 on thursday SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((date_day.day_number = 24 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time < 1200 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) OR (date_day.day_number = 23 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time > 1200 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code)) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'MILWAUKEE' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ORLANDO' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i'm trying to fly from DENVER to BOSTON and i want a flight that serves a meal SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight, food_service WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code AND food_service.meal_code = flight.meal_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'DENVER' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What 's the easiest class I can take in order to fulfill the ULCS requirement ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, program_course.workload, program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%ULCS%' AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 WHERE PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.category LIKE '%ULCS%').
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Pertaining to the pre-requisites , what are they exactly in the class that has Pauline Mccoy for GSI ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT COURSE_0.department, COURSE_0.name, COURSE_0.number FROM course AS COURSE_0 INNER JOIN course_prerequisite ON COURSE_0.course_id = course_prerequisite.pre_course_id INNER JOIN course AS COURSE_1 ON COURSE_1.course_id = course_prerequisite.course_id INNER JOIN course_offering ON COURSE_1.course_id = course_offering.course_id INNER JOIN gsi ON gsi.course_offering_id = course_offering.offering_id INNER JOIN student ON student.student_id = gsi.student_id WHERE student.firstname LIKE 'Pauline' AND student.lastname LIKE 'Mccoy'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i'd like information on BOSTON to WASHINGTON SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- which airlines have connections between PITTSBURGH and BALTIMORE SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airline.airline_code FROM airline, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND flight.airline_code = airline.airline_code AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- flights from BOSTON to PITTSBURGH SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what are the cheapest round trip flights from DENVER to PITTSBURGH SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, fare, flight, flight_fare WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'DENVER' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND fare.round_trip_cost = (SELECT MIN(FAREalias1.round_trip_cost) FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3, city AS CITYalias2, city AS CITYalias3, fare AS FAREalias1, flight AS FLIGHTalias1, flight_fare AS FLIGHT_FAREalias1 WHERE CITYalias2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.city_code AND CITYalias2.city_name = 'DENVER' AND CITYalias3.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.city_code AND CITYalias3.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND FLIGHT_FAREalias1.fare_id = FAREalias1.fare_id AND FLIGHTalias1.flight_id = FLIGHT_FAREalias1.flight_id AND FLIGHTalias1.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.airport_code AND FLIGHTalias1.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.airport_code) AND flight_fare.fare_id = fare.fare_id AND flight.flight_id = flight_fare.flight_id.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me flights from SAN FRANCISCO to ATLANTA SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me all flights from BOSTON to ATLANTA which leave ATLANTA after 1200 tomorrow SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((date_day.day_number = 20 AND date_day.month_number = 1 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time > 1200 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- PITTSBURGH to LOS ANGELES thursday evening SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight_id FROM flight WHERE (((flight_days IN (SELECT DAYSalias0.days_code FROM days AS DAYSalias0 WHERE DAYSalias0.day_name IN (SELECT DATE_DAYalias0.day_name FROM date_day AS DATE_DAYalias0 WHERE DATE_DAYalias0.day_number = 24 AND DATE_DAYalias0.month_number = 5 AND DATE_DAYalias0.year = 1991)) AND to_airport IN (SELECT AIRPORT_SERVICEalias1.airport_code FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias1 WHERE AIRPORT_SERVICEalias1.city_code IN (SELECT CITYalias1.city_code FROM city AS CITYalias1 WHERE CITYalias1.city_name = 'LOS ANGELES'))) AND from_airport IN (SELECT AIRPORT_SERVICEalias0.airport_code FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias0 WHERE AIRPORT_SERVICEalias0.city_code IN (SELECT CITYalias0.city_code FROM city AS CITYalias0 WHERE CITYalias0.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH'))) AND departure_time BETWEEN 1800 AND 2200).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is restriction ap57 SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT advance_purchase, application, maximum_stay, minimum_stay, no_discounts, restriction_code, saturday_stay_required, stopovers FROM restriction WHERE restriction_code = 'AP/57'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Will 351 be taught by Prof. Jonathan Brumit next semester ? SELECT### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 351 AND instructor.name LIKE '%Jonathan Brumit%' AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id AND semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is fare code Q SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT booking_class FROM class_of_service WHERE booking_class = 'Q'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Does RESTORA 748 meet often ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course_offering.friday, course_offering.monday, course_offering.saturday, course_offering.sunday, course_offering.thursday, course_offering.tuesday, course_offering.wednesday FROM course INNER JOIN course_offering ON course.course_id = course_offering.course_id INNER JOIN semester ON semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester WHERE course.department = 'RESTORA' AND course.number = 748 AND semester.semester = 'WN' AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- i would like to book a flight from CHARLOTTE to BALTIMORE on 4 8 SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND date_day.day_number = 8 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'CHARLOTTE' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me the flights from CHICAGO to INDIANAPOLIS SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'CHICAGO' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'INDIANAPOLIS' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- please give me the flights from BOSTON to PITTSBURGH on thursday of next week SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND date_day.day_number = 24 AND date_day.month_number = 5 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the easiest class I can take to meet the Other requirement ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, program_course.workload, program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%Other%' AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 WHERE PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.category LIKE '%Other%').
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- which airlines fly from BOSTON to WASHINGTON via other cities SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT airline.airline_code FROM airline, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, flight, flight_stop WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND CITY_1.state_code = 'DC' AND CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND flight_stop.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code AND flight.flight_id = flight_stop.flight_id AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.airline_code = airline.airline_code AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the earliest flight from BOSTON to PHILADELPHIA SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'PHILADELPHIA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.departure_time = (SELECT MIN(FLIGHTalias1.departure_time) FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3, city AS CITYalias2, city AS CITYalias3, flight AS FLIGHTalias1 WHERE CITYalias2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.city_code AND CITYalias2.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITYalias3.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.city_code AND CITYalias3.city_name = 'PHILADELPHIA' AND FLIGHTalias1.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias2.airport_code AND FLIGHTalias1.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICEalias3.airport_code).
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Of all the MATSCIE 400 classes which ones are in the morning . SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course_offering.end_time, course_offering.start_time, semester.semester, semester.year FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course_offering.start_time < '12:00:00' AND course_offering.start_time >= '08:00:00' AND course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'MATSCIE' AND course.number = 400 AND semester.semester = 'WN' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the easiest class that I can take in order to fulfill the PreMajor requirement ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, program_course.workload, program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%PreMajor%' AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 WHERE PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.category LIKE '%PreMajor%').
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Who teaches web technology courses ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT instructor.name FROM instructor INNER JOIN offering_instructor ON offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id INNER JOIN course_offering ON offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id INNER JOIN area ON course_offering.course_id = area.course_id WHERE area.area LIKE '%web technology%'.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE geographic ( city_name, county, region ) CREATE TABLE location ( restaurant_id, house_number, street_name, city_name ) CREATE TABLE restaurant ( id, name, food_type, city_name, rating ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what are some good places for arabic in mountain view ? SELECT### Response: SELECT location.house_number, restaurant.name FROM location, restaurant WHERE location.city_name = 'mountain view' AND restaurant.food_type = 'arabic' AND restaurant.id = location.restaurant_id AND restaurant.rating > 2.5.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- all round trip flights between NEW YORK and MIAMI COACH fare SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, fare, fare_basis, flight, flight_fare WHERE ((fare_basis.class_type = 'COACH' AND fare.fare_basis_code = fare_basis.fare_basis_code) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'MIAMI' AND NOT fare.round_trip_cost IS NULL AND flight_fare.fare_id = fare.fare_id AND flight.flight_id = flight_fare.flight_id AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'NEW YORK' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id, job_title, description, requirement, city, state, country, zip ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id, lastname, firstname, program_id, declare_major, total_credit, total_gpa, entered_as, admit_term, predicted_graduation_semester, degree, minor, internship ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id, course_id, workload, category ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id, course_id, semester, grade, how, transfer_source, earn_credit, repeat_term, test_id ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id, clear_grading, pop_quiz, group_projects, inspirational, long_lectures, extra_credit, few_tests, good_feedback, tough_tests, heavy_papers, cares_for_students, heavy_assignments, respected, participation, heavy_reading, tough_grader, hilarious, would_take_again, good_lecture, no_skip ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id, area ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id, student_id, score, comment_text ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id, student_id ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id, student_id, location ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id, name, uniqname ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id, name, department, number, credits, advisory_requirement, enforced_requirement, description, num_semesters, num_enrolled, has_discussion, has_lab, has_projects, has_exams, num_reviews, clarity_score, easiness_score, helpfulness_score ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id, name, college, introduction ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id, offering_id, instructor_id ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id, course_id ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id, semester, year ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id, course_id, semester, section_number, start_time, end_time, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, has_final_project, has_final_exam, textbook, class_address, allow_audit ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id, category, min_credit, additional_req ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id, requirement, college ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Next semester are their any upper level elective classes that do not meet on Friday ? SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number FROM course, course_offering, program_course, semester WHERE course_offering.friday = 'N' AND course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND program_course.category LIKE '%ULCS%' AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- show me flights from PHOENIX to FORT WORTH SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'PHOENIX' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'FORT WORTH' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a MySQL query that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code, time_zone_name, hours_from_gmt ) CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id, stop_number, stop_days, stop_airport, arrival_time, arrival_airline, arrival_flight_number, departure_time, departure_airline, departure_flight_number, stop_time ) CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code, advance_purchase, stopovers, saturday_stay_required, minimum_stay, maximum_stay, application, no_discounts ) CREATE TABLE state ( state_code, state_name, country_name ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code, aircraft_description, manufacturer, basic_type, engines, propulsion, wide_body, wing_span, length, weight, capacity, pay_load, cruising_speed, range_miles, pressurized ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code, airport_name, airport_location, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code, minimum_connect_time ) CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence, airline_code, airline_flight, arrival_time, connections, departure_time, dual_carrier, flight_days, flight_id, flight_number, from_airport, meal_code, stops, time_elapsed, to_airport ) CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class, rank, class_description ) CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period, begin_time, end_time ) CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence, aircraft_code ) CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id, from_airport, to_airport, fare_basis_code, fare_airline, restriction_code, one_direction_cost, round_trip_cost, round_trip_required ) CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number, day_number, year, day_name ) CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id, leg_number, leg_flight ) CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code, airport_code, miles_distant, direction, minutes_distant ) CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code, airline_name, note ) CREATE TABLE month ( month_number, month_name ) CREATE TABLE days ( days_code, day_name ) CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code, airport_code, transport_type, ground_fare ) CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code, meal_number, compartment, meal_description ) CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id, fare_id ) CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment, class_type ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_code, city_name, state_code, country_name, time_zone_code ) CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code, booking_class, class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season, basis_days ) CREATE TABLE code_description ( code, description ) CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline, low_flight_number, high_flight_number, dual_airline, service_name ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- flights between BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON SELECT### Response: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code.