Title: Graph convolutional networks: analysis, improvements and results Abstract: A graph can represent a complex organization of data in which dependencies exist between multiple entities or activities. Such complex structures create challenges for machine learning algorithms, particularly when combined with the high dimensionality of data in current applications. Graph convolutional networks were introduced to adopt concepts from deep convolutional networks (i.e. the convolutional operations/layers) that have shown good results. In this context, we propose two major enhancements to two of the existing graph convolutional network frameworks: (1) topological information enrichment through clustering coefficients; and (2) structural redesign of the network through the addition of dense layers. Furthermore, we propose minor enhancements using convex combinations of activation functions and hyper-parameter optimization. We present extensive results on four state-of-art benchmark datasets. We show that our approach achieves competitive results for three of the datasets and state-of-the-art results for the fourth dataset while having lower computational costs compared to competing methods.
Title: AutoScale: Learning to Scale for Crowd Counting Abstract: Recent works on crowd counting mainly leverage Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to count by regressing density maps, and have achieved great progress. In the density map, each person is represented by a Gaussian blob, and the final count is obtained from the integration of the whole map. However, it is difficult to accurately predict the density map on dense regions. A major issue is that the density map on dense regions usually accumulates density values from a number of nearby Gaussian blobs, yielding different large density values on a small set of pixels. This makes the density map present variant patterns with significant pattern shifts and brings a long-tailed distribution of pixel-wise density values. In this paper, we aim to address such issue in the density map. Specifically, we propose a simple and effective Learning to Scale (L2S) module, which automatically scales dense regions into reasonable closeness levels (reflecting image-plane distance between neighboring people). L2S directly normalizes the closeness in different patches such that it dynamically separates the overlapped blobs, decomposes the accumulated values in the ground-truth density map, and thus alleviates the pattern shifts and long-tailed distribution of density values. This helps the model to better learn the density map. We also explore the effectiveness of L2S in localizing people by finding the local minima of the quantized distance (w.rt. person location map), which has a similar issue as density map regression. To the best of our knowledge, such localization method is also novel in localization-based crowd counting. We further introduce a customized dynamic cross-entropy loss, significantly improving the localization-based model optimization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework termed AutoScale improves upon some state-of-the-art methods in both regression and localization benchmarks on three crowded datasets and achieves very competitive performance on two sparse datasets. An implementation of our method is available at https://github.com/dk-liang/AutoScale.git.
Title: Highly edge-connected regular graphs without large factorizable subgraphs Abstract: We construct highly edge-connected r-regular graphs of even order which do not contain r - 2 pairwise disjoint perfect matchings. When r is a multiple of 4, the result solves a problem of Thomassen [4].
Title: Distributed Online Optimization With Long-Term Constraints Abstract: In this article, we consider distributed online convex optimization problems, where the distributed system consists of various computing units connected through a time-varying communication graph. In each time step, each computing unit selects a constrained vector, experiences a loss equal to an arbitrary convex function evaluated at this vector, and may communicate to its neighbors in the graph. ...
Title: EXPEDIS: An exact penalty method over discrete sets Abstract: We address the problem of minimizing a quadratic function subject to linear constraints over binary variables. We introduce the exact solution method called EXPEDIS where the constrained problem is transformed into a max-cut instance, and then the whole machinery available for max-cut can be used to solve the transformed problem. We derive the theory in order to find a transformation in the spirit of an exact penalty method; however, we are only interested in exactness over the set of binary variables. In order to compute the maximum cut we use the solver BiqMac. Numerical results show that this algorithm can be successfully applied on various classes of problems.
Title: Statistical Properties of Transmissions Subject to Rayleigh Fading and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mobility Abstract: In this paper, we derive closed-form expressions for significant statistical properties of the link signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the separation distance in mobile ad hoc networks subject to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) mobility and Rayleigh fading. In these systems, the SNR is a critical parameter as it directly influences link performance. In the absence of signal fading, the distribution of the li...
Title: Circ-Tree: A B+-Tree Variant With Circular Design for Persistent Memory Abstract: Several B+-tree variants have been developed to exploit the byte-addressable non-volatile memory (NVM). We attentively investigate the properties of B+-tree and find that, a conventional B+-tree node is a linear structure in which key-value (KV) pairs are maintained from the zero offset of a node. These KV pairs are shifted in a unidirectional fashion for insertions and deletions. Inserting and de...
Title: Distribution of tree parameters by martingale approach. Abstract: For a uniform random labelled tree, we find the limiting distribution of tree parameters which are stable (in some sense) with respect to local perturbations of the tree structure. The proof is based on the martingale central limit theorem and the Aldous--Broder algorithm. In particular, our general result implies the asymptotic normality of the number of occurrences of any given small pattern and the asymptotic log-normality of the number of automorphisms.
Title: secml: Secure and explainable machine learning in Python Abstract: We present secml, an open-source Python library for secure and explainable machine learning. It implements the most popular attacks against machine learning, including test-time evasion attacks to generate adversarial examples against deep neural networks and training-time poisoning attacks against support vector machines and many other algorithms. These attacks enable evaluating the security of learning algorithms and the corresponding defenses under both white-box and black-box threat models. To this end, secml provides built-in functions to compute security evaluation curves, showing how quickly classification performance decreases against increasing adversarial perturbations of the input data. secml also includes explainability methods to help understand why adversarial attacks succeed against a given model, by visualizing the most influential features and training prototypes contributing to each decision. It is distributed under the Apache License 2.0 and hosted at https://github.com/pralab/secml.
Title: The Price Of Connectivity In Fair Division Abstract: We study the allocation of indivisible goods that form an undirected graph and quantify the loss of fairness when we impose a constraint that each agent must receive a connected subgraph. Our focus is on the well-studied fairness notion of maximin share fairness. We introduce the price of connectivity to capture the largest gap between the graph-specific and the unconstrained maximin share, and derive bounds on this quantity which are tight for large classes of graphs in the case of two agents and for paths and stars in the general case. For instance, with two agents we show that for biconnected graphs it is possible to obtain at least 3/4 of the maximin share with connected allocations, while for the remaining graphs the guarantee is at most 1/2. Our work demonstrates several applications of graph-theoretic tools and concepts to fair division problems.
Title: Eliminating cross-camera bias for vehicle re-identification Abstract: Vehicle re-identification (reID) often requires to recognize a target vehicle in large datasets captured from multi-cameras. It plays an important role in the automatic analysis of the increasing urban surveillance videos, which has become a hot topic in recent years. However, the appearance of vehicle images is easily affected by the environment that various illuminations, different backgrounds and viewpoints, which leads to the large bias between different cameras. To address this problem, this paper proposes a cross-camera adaptation framework (CCA), which smooths the bias by exploiting the common space between cameras for all samples. CCA first transfers images from multi-cameras into one camera to reduce the impact of the illumination and resolution, which generates the samples with the similar distribution. Then, to eliminate the influence of background and focus on the valuable parts, we propose an attention alignment network (AANet) to learn powerful features for vehicle reID. Specially, in AANet, the spatial transfer network with attention module is introduced to locate a series of the most discriminative regions with high-attention weights and suppress the background. Moreover, comprehensive experimental results have demonstrated that our proposed CCA can achieve excellent performances on benchmark datasets VehicleID and VeRi-776.
Title: Discrete Dynamical System Approaches for Boolean Polynomial Optimization Abstract: In this article, we discuss the numerical solution of Boolean polynomial programs by algorithms borrowing from numerical methods for differential equations, namely the Houbolt scheme, the Lie scheme, and a Runge-Kutta scheme. We first introduce a quartic penalty functional (of Ginzburg-Landau type) to approximate the Boolean program by a continuous one and prove some convergence results as the penalty parameter $$\varepsilon $$ converges to 0. We prove also that, under reasonable assumptions, the distance between local minimizers of the penalized problem and the set $$\{\pm 1\}^n$$ is of order $$O(\sqrt{n}\varepsilon )$$ . Next, we introduce algorithms for the numerical solution of the penalized problem, these algorithms relying on the Houbolt, Lie and Runge-Kutta schemes, classical methods for the numerical solution of ordinary or partial differential equations. We performed numerical experiments to investigate the impact of various parameters on the convergence of the algorithms. We have tested our ODE approaches and compared with the classical nonlinear optimization solver IPOPT and a quadratic binary formulation approach (QB-G) as well as an exhaustive method using parallel computing techniques. The numerical results on various datasets (including small and large-scale randomly generated synthetic datasets of general Boolean polynomial optimization problems, and a large-scale heterogeneous MQLib benchmark dataset of Max-Cut and Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems) show good performances for our ODE approaches. As a result, our ODE algorithms often converge faster than the other compared methods to better integer solutions of the Boolean program.
Title: A Survey on Deep Learning-based Architectures for Semantic Segmentation on 2D Images Abstract: Semantic segmentation is the pixel-wise labeling of an image. Boosted by the extraordinary ability of convolutional neural networks (CNN) in creating semantic, high-level and hierarchical image features; several deep learning-based 2D semantic segmentation approaches have been proposed within the last decade. In this survey, we mainly focus on the recent scientific developments in semantic segmentation, specifically on deep learning-based methods using 2D images. We started with an analysis of the public image sets and leaderboards for 2D semantic segmentation, with an overview of the techniques employed in performance evaluation. In examining the evolution of the field, we chronologically categorized the approaches into three main periods, namely pre-and early deep learning era, the fully convolutional era, and the post-FCN era. We technically analyzed the solutions put forward in terms of solving the fundamental problems of the field, such as fine-grained localization and scale invariance. Before drawing our conclusions, we present a table of methods from all mentioned eras, with a summary of each approach that explains their contribution to the field. We conclude the survey by discussing the current challenges of the field and to what extent they have been solved.
Title: Online Reinforcement Learning of Optimal Threshold Policies for Markov Decision Processes Abstract: To overcome the <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">curses of dimensionality and modeling</i> of dynamic programming methods to solve Markov decision process problems, reinforcement learning (RL) methods are adopted in practice. Contrary to traditional RL algorithms, which do not consider the structural properties of the optimal policy, we propose a structure-aware learning algorithm to exploit the ordered multithreshold structure of the optimal policy, if any. We prove the asymptotic convergence of the proposed algorithm to the optimal policy. Due to the reduction in the policy space, the proposed algorithm provides remarkable improvements in storage and computational complexities over classical RL algorithms. Simulation results establish that the proposed algorithm converges faster than other RL algorithms.
Title: Pricing of the geometric Asian options under a multifactor stochastic volatility model Abstract: This paper focuses on the pricing of continuous geometric Asian options (GAOs) under a new multifactor stochastic volatility model. The model considers fast and slow mean reverting factors of volatility, where slow volatility factor is approximated by a quadratic arc. The asymptotic expansion of the price function is assumed, and the first order price approximation is derived using the perturbation techniques for both floating and fixed strike GAOs. Much simplified pricing formulae for the GAOs are obtained in this multifactor stochastic volatility framework. The zeroth order term in the price approximation is the modified Black–Scholes price for the GAOs. This modified price is expressed in terms of the Black–Scholes price for the GAOs. The accuracy of the approximate option pricing formulae is established, and also verified numerically by comparing the model prices with the Monte Carlo simulation prices and the Black–Scholes prices for the GAOs. The model parameter is estimated by capturing the volatility smiles. The sensitivity analysis is also performed to investigate the effect of underlying parameters on the approximated prices.
Title: Learning variable ordering heuristics for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems Abstract: Backtracking search algorithms are often used to solve the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), which is widely applied in various domains such as automated planning and scheduling. The efficiency of backtracking search depends greatly on the variable ordering heuristics. Currently, the most commonly used heuristics are hand-crafted based on expert knowledge. In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning based approach to automatically discover new variable ordering heuristics that are better adapted for a given class of CSP instances, without the need of relying on hand-crafted features and heuristics. We show that directly optimizing the search tree size is not convenient for learning, and propose to optimize the expected cost of reaching a leaf node in the search tree. To capture the complex relations among the variables and constraints, we design a representation scheme based on Graph Neural Network that can process CSP instances with different sizes and constraint arities. Experimental results on random CSP instances show that on small and medium sized instances, the learned policies outperform classical hand-crafted heuristics with smaller search tree (up to 10.36% reduction). Moreover, without further training, our policies directly generalize to instances of larger sizes and much harder to solve than those in training, with even larger reduction in the search tree size (up to 18.74%).
Title: An improper estimator with optimal excess risk in misspecified density estimation and logistic regression Abstract: We introduce a procedure for conditional density estimation under logarithmic loss, which we call SMP (Sample Minmax Predictor). This estimator minimizes a new general excess risk bound for statistical learning. On standard examples, this bound scales as d n with d the model dimension and n the sample size, and critically remains valid under model misspecification. Being an improper (out-of-model) procedure, SMP improves over within-model estimators such as the maximum likelihood estimator, whose excess risk degrades under misspecification. Compared to approaches reducing to the sequential problem, our bounds remove suboptimal log n factors and can handle unbounded classes. For the Gaussian linear model, the predictions and risk bound of SMP are governed by leverage scores of covariates, nearly matching the optimal risk in the well-specified case without conditions on the noise variance or approximation error of the linear model. For logistic regression, SMP provides a non-Bayesian approach to calibration of probabilistic predictions relying on virtual samples, and can be computed by solving two logistic regressions. It achieves a non-asymptotic excess risk of O((d+ (BR2)-R-2)/n), where R bounds the norm of features and B that of the comparison parameter; by contrast, no within-model estimator can achieve better rate than min(BR/root n, e(BR)/n) in general (Hazan et al., 2014). This provides a more practical alternative to Bayesian approaches, which require approximate posterior sampling, thereby partly addressing a question raised by Foster et al. (2018).
Title: A replication strategy for mobile opportunistic networks based on utility clustering Abstract: Dynamic replication is a wide-spread multi-copy routing approach for efficiently coping with the intermittent connectivity in mobile opportunistic networks. According to it, a node forwards a message replica to an encountered node based on a utility value that captures the latter’s fitness for delivering the message to the destination. The popularity of the approach stems from its flexibility to effectively operate in networks with diverse characteristics without requiring special customization. Nonetheless, its drawback is the tendency to produce a high number of replicas that consume limited resources such as energy and storage. To tackle the problem we make the observation that network nodes can be grouped, based on their utility values, into clusters that portray different delivery capabilities. We exploit this finding to transform the basic forwarding strategy, which is to move a packet using nodes of increasing utility, and actually forward it through clusters of increasing delivery capability. The new strategy works in synergy with the basic dynamic replication algorithms and is fully configurable, in the sense that it can be used with virtually any utility function. We also extend our approach to work with two utility functions at the same time, a feature that is especially efficient in mobile networks that exhibit social characteristics. By conducting experiments in a wide set of real-life networks, we empirically show that our method is robust in reducing the overall number of replicas in networks with diverse connectivity characteristics without at the same time hindering delivery efficiency.
Title: Multigraph Transformer for Free-Hand Sketch Recognition Abstract: Learning meaningful representations of free-hand sketches remains a challenging task given the signal sparsity and the high-level abstraction of sketches. Existing techniques have focused on exploiting either the static nature of sketches with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or the temporal sequential property with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). In this work, we propose a new representation of sketches as multiple sparsely connected graphs. We design a novel graph neural network (GNN), the multigraph transformer (MGT), for learning representations of sketches from multiple graphs, which simultaneously capture global and local geometric stroke structures as well as temporal information. We report extensive numerical experiments on a sketch recognition task to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach. Particularly, MGT applied on 414k sketches from Google QuickDraw: 1) achieves a small recognition gap to the CNN-based performance upper bound (72.80% versus 74.22%) and infers faster than the CNN competitors and 2) outperforms all RNN-based models by a significant margin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work proposing to represent sketches as graphs and apply GNNs for sketch recognition. Code and trained models are available at <uri xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://github.com/PengBoXiangShang/multigraph_transformer</uri> .
Title: Deep Manifold Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification Abstract: Deep learning methods have played a more important role in hyperspectral image classification. However, general deep learning methods mainly take advantage of the samplewise information to formulate the training loss while ignoring the intrinsic data structure of each class. Due to the high spectral dimension and great redundancy between different spectral channels in the hyperspectral image, these former training losses usually cannot work so well for the deep representation of the image. To tackle this problem, this work develops a novel deep manifold embedding method (DMEM) for deep learning in hyperspectral image classification. First, each class in the image is modeled as a specific nonlinear manifold, and the geodesic distance is used to measure the correlation between the samples. Then, based on the hierarchical clustering, the manifold structure of the data can be captured and each nonlinear data manifold can be divided into several subclasses. Finally, considering the distribution of each subclass and the correlation between different subclasses under data manifold, DMEM is constructed as the novel training loss to incorporate the special classwise information in the training process and obtain discriminative representation for the hyperspectral image. Experiments over four real-world hyperspectral image datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method when compared with general sample-based losses and showed superiority when compared with state-of-the-art methods.
Title: Beyond the Beta Integral Method: Transformation Formulas for Hypergeometric Functions via Meijer's G Function Abstract: The beta integral method proved itself as a simple but nonetheless powerful method for generating hypergeometric identities at a fixed argument. In this paper, we propose a generalization by substituting the beta density with a particular type of Meijer's G function. By the application of our method to known transformation formulas, we derive about forty hypergeometric identities, the majority of which are believed to be new.
Title: A Low-Complexity LoRa Synchronization Algorithm Robust to Sampling Time Offsets Abstract: LoRaWAN is nowadays one of the most popular protocols for low-power Internet of Things communications. Although its physical layer, namely LoRa, has been thoroughly studied in the literature, aspects related to the synchronization of LoRa receivers have received little attention so far. The estimation and correction of carrier frequency and sampling time offsets (STOs) are, however, crucial to att...
Title: Neural Shape Parsers for Constructive Solid Geometry Abstract: Constructive solid geometry (CSG) is a geometric modeling technique that defines complex shapes by recursively applying boolean operations on primitives such as spheres and cylinders. We present CSGNet, a deep network architecture that takes as input a 2D or 3D shape and outputs a CSG program that models it. Parsing shapes into CSG programs is desirable as it yields a compact and in...
Title: Fast Generation of RSA Keys Using Smooth Integers Abstract: Primality generation is the cornerstone of several essential cryptographic systems. The problem has been a subject of deep investigations, but there is still a substantial room for improvements. Typically, the algorithms used have two parts – trial divisions aimed at eliminating numbers with small prime factors and primality tests based on an easy-to-compute statement that is valid for primes and invalid for composites. In this paper, we will showcase a technique that will eliminate the first phase of the primality testing algorithms. The computational simulations show a reduction of the primality generation time by about 30 percent in the case of 1024-bit RSA key pairs. This can be particularly beneficial in the case of decentralized environments for shared RSA keys as the initial trial division part of the key generation algorithms can be avoided at no cost. This also significantly reduces the communication complexity. Another essential contribution of the paper is the introduction of a new one-way function that is computationally simpler than the existing ones used in public-key cryptography. This function can be used to create new random number generators, and it also could be potentially used for designing entirely new public-key encryption systems.
Title: Concise and Effective Network for 3D Human Modeling From Orthogonal Silhouettes Abstract: In this article, we revisit the problem of 3D human modeling from two orthogonal silhouettes of individuals (i.e., front and side views). Different from our previous work (Wang et al. (2003, "Virtual Human Modeling From Photographs for Garment Industry," Comput. Aided Des., 35, pp. 577-589).), a supervised learning approach based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) is investigated to solve the problem by establishing a mapping function that can effectively extract features from two silhouettes and fuse them into coefficients in the shape space of human bodies. A new CNN structure is proposed in our work to extract not only the discriminative features of front and side views but also their mixed features for the mapping function. 3D human models with high accuracy are synthesized from coefficients generated by the mapping function. Existing CNN approaches for 3D human modeling usually learn a large number of parameters (from 8.5 M to 355.4 M) from two binary images. Differently, we investigate a new network architecture and conduct the samples on silhouettes as the input. As a consequence, more accurate models can be generated by our network with only 2.4 M coefficients. The training of our network is conducted on samples obtained by augmenting a publicly accessible dataset. Learning transfer by using datasets with a smaller number of scanned models is applied to our network to enable the function of generating results with gender-oriented (or geographical) patterns.
Title: Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Behavior Prediction for Autonomous Driving Applications: A Review Abstract: Behaviour prediction function of an autonomous vehicle predicts the future states of the nearby vehicles based on the current and past observations of the surrounding environment. This helps enhance their awareness of the imminent hazards. However, conventional behavior prediction solutions are applicable in simple driving scenarios that require short prediction horizons. Most recently, deep learn...
Title: Feature-Attention Graph Convolutional Networks for Noise Resilient Learning Abstract: Noise and inconsistency commonly exist in real-world information networks, due to the inherent error-prone nature of human or user privacy concerns. To date, tremendous efforts have been made to advance feature learning from networks, including the most recent graph convolutional networks (GCNs) or attention GCN, by integrating node content and topology structures. However, all existing methods consider networks as error-free sources and treat feature content in each node as independent and equally important to model node relations. Noisy node content, combined with sparse features, provides essential challenges for existing methods to be used in real-world noisy networks. In this article, we propose feature-based attention GCN (FA-GCN), a feature-attention graph convolution learning framework, to handle networks with noisy and sparse node content. To tackle noise and sparse content in each node, FA-GCN first employs a long short-term memory (LSTM) network to learn dense representation for each node feature. To model interactions between neighboring nodes, a feature-attention mechanism is introduced to allow neighboring nodes to learn and vary feature importance, with respect to their connections. By using a spectral-based graph convolution aggregation process, each node is allowed to concentrate more on the most determining neighborhood features aligned with the corresponding learning task. Experiments and validations, w.r.t. different noise levels, demonstrate that FA-GCN achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art methods in both noise-free and noisy network environments.
Title: Multi-Label Graph Convolutional Network Representation Learning Abstract: Knowledge representation of networked systems is fundamental in many disciplines. To date, existing methods for representation learning primarily focus on networks with simplex labels, yet real-world objects (nodes) are inherently complex in nature and often contain rich semantics or labels. For example, a user may belong to diverse interest groups of a social network, resulting in multi-label networks for many applications. A multi-label network not only has multiple labels for each node, the labels are often highly correlated making existing methods ineffective or even fail to handle such correlation for node representation learning. In this article, we propose a novel multi-label graph convolutional network (MuLGCN) for learning node representation. To fully explore label-label correlation and network topology structures, we propose to model a multi-label network as two Siamese GCNs: a node-node-label graph and a label-label-node graph. The two GCNs each handle one aspect of representation learning for nodes and labels, respectively, and are seamlessly integrated in one objective function. The learned label representations can effectively preserve the intra-label interaction and node label properties, and are aggregated to enhance the node representation learning under a unified training framework. Experiments and comparisons on multi-label node classification validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Title: A group induced four-circulant construction for self-dual codes and new extremal binary self-dual codes Abstract: We introduce an altered version of the four-circulant construction over group rings for self-dual codes. We consider this construction over the binary field, the rings F-2 + UF2 and F-4 + uF(4) using groups of orders 3, 7, 9, 13, and 15. Through these constructions and their extensions, we find binary self-dual codes of lengths 32, 40, 56, 64, 68 and 80, all of which are extremal or optimal. In particular, we find five new self-dual codes with parameters [56, 28, 10], twenty-three extremal binary self-dual codes of length 68 with new weight enumerators and fifteen new self-dual codes with parameters [80, 40, 14].
Title: Skew-morphisms of nonabelian characteristically simple groups Abstract: A skew-morphism of a finite group G is a permutation σ on G fixing the identity element such that the product of 〈σ〉 with the left regular representation of G forms a permutation group on G. This permutation group is called the skew-product group of σ. The skew-morphism was introduced as an algebraic tool to investigate regular Cayley maps. In this paper, we characterize skew-products of skew-morphisms of finite nonabelian characteristically simple groups (see Theorem 1.2) and the corresponding regular Cayley maps (see Theorem 1.6).
Title: Structural Analysis of Synchronization in Networks of Linear Oscillators Abstract: In undirected networks of identical linear oscillators coupled through dissipative and restorative connectors (e.g., pendulums undergoing small vibrations connected via dampers and springs), the relation between asymptotic synchronization and coupling structure is studied. Conditions on the interconnection under which synchronization can be achieved for some selection of coupling strengths are established. How to strengthen those conditions so that synchronization is guaranteed for all admissible parameter values is also presented.
Title: Information Flow in Biological Networks for Color Vision Abstract: Biological neural networks for color vision (also known as color appearance models) consist of a cascade of linear + nonlinear layers that modify the linear measurements at the retinal photo-receptors leading to an internal (nonlinear) representation of color that correlates with psychophysical experience. The basic layers of these networks include: (1) chromatic adaptation (normalization of the mean and covariance of the color manifold); (2) change to opponent color channels (PCA-like rotation in the color space); and (3) saturating nonlinearities to obtain perceptually Euclidean color representations (similar to dimension-wise equalization). The Efficient Coding Hypothesis argues that these transforms should emerge from information-theoretic goals. In case this hypothesis holds in color vision, the question is what is the coding gain due to the different layers of the color appearance networks? In this work, a representative family of color appearance models is analyzed in terms of how the redundancy among the chromatic components is modified along the network and how much information is transferred from the input data to the noisy response. The proposed analysis is performed using data and methods that were not available before: (1) new colorimetrically calibrated scenes in different CIE illuminations for the proper evaluation of chromatic adaptation; and (2) new statistical tools to estimate (multivariate) information-theoretic quantities between multidimensional sets based on Gaussianization. The results confirm that the efficient coding hypothesis holds for current color vision models, and identify the psychophysical mechanisms critically responsible for gains in information transference: opponent channels and their nonlinear nature are more important than chromatic adaptation at the retina.
Title: The Chi-Square Test of Distance Correlation. Abstract: Distance correlation has gained much recent attention in the data science community: the sample statistic is straightforward to compute and asymptotically equals zero if and only if independence, making it an ideal choice to discover any type of dependency structure given sufficient sample size. One major bottleneck is the testing process: because the null distribution of distance correlation depends on the underlying random variables and metric choice, it typically requires a permutation test to estimate the null and compute the p-value, which is very costly for large amount of data. To overcome the difficulty, in this paper we propose a chi-square test for distance correlation. Method-wise, the chi-square test is non-parametric, extremely fast, and applicable to bias-corrected distance correlation using any strong negative type metric or characteristic kernel. The test exhibits a similar testing power as the standard permutation test, and can be utilized for K-sample and partial testing. Theory-wise, we show that the underlying chi-square distribution well approximates and dominates the limiting null distribution in upper tail, prove the chi-square test can be valid and universally consistent for testing independence, and establish a testing power inequality with respect to the permutation test.
Title: Point partition numbers: Decomposable and indecomposable critical graphs Abstract: Graphs considered in this paper are finite, undirected and loopless, but we allow multiple edges. The point partition number chi(t)(G) is the least integer k for which G admits a coloring with k colors such that each color class induces a (t - 1)-degenerate subgraph of G. So chi(1) is the chromatic number and chi(2) is the point arboricity. The point partition number chi(t) with t >= 1 was introduced by Lick and White. A graph G is called chi(t)-critical if every proper subgraph H of G satisfies chi H-t() < chi(t)(G). In this paper we prove that if G is a chi(t)-critical graph whose order satisfies |G| <= 2 chi(t)(G) - 2, then G can be obtained from two non-empty disjoint subgraphs G(1 )and G(2) by adding t edges between any pair u, v of vertices with u is an element of V(G(1)) and v <= V(G(2)). Based on this result we establish the minimum number of edges possible in a chi(t)-critical graph G of order n and with chi(t)(G) = k, provided that n <= 2k - 1 and t is even. For t =1 the corresponding two results were obtained in 1963 by Tibor Gallai. (C)& nbsp;2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Title: Scalable NAS with factorizable architectural parameters Abstract: •We enlarge search space by introducing the Cartesian product of operators.•We propose a factorized search to search separately in two subspaces.•We optimize architectural parameters sequentially, avoiding undesirable competition.•We perform diagnostic experiments and explanations, demonstrating our superiority.•Our approach achieves SOTA performance on CIFAR10, ImageNet, and COCO.
Title: Preconditioners for fractional diffusion equations based on the spectral symbol Abstract: It is well known that the discretization of fractional diffusion equations with fractional derivatives alpha is an element of (1, 2), using the so-called weighted and shifted Grunwald formula, leads to linear systems whose coefficient matrices show a Toeplitz-like structure. More precisely, in the case of variable coefficients, the related matrix sequences belong to the so-called generalized locally Toeplitz class. Conversely, when the given FDE has constant coefficients, using a suitable discretization, we encounter a Toeplitz structure associated to a nonnegative function f(alpha), called the spectral symbol, having a unique zero at zero of real positive order between one and two. For the fast solution of such systems by preconditioned Krylov methods, several preconditioning techniques have been proposed in both the one- and two-dimensional cases. In this article we propose a new preconditioner denoted by p(p alpha) which belongs to the tau-algebra and it is based on the spectral symbol f(alpha). Comparing with some of the previously proposed preconditioners, we show that although the low band structure preserving preconditioners are more effective in the one-dimensional case, the new preconditioner performs better in the more challenging multi-dimensional setting.
Title: Learning 3D Human Shape and Pose From Dense Body Parts Abstract: Reconstructing 3D human shape and pose from monocular images is challenging despite the promising results achieved by the most recent learning-based methods. The commonly occurred misalignment comes from the facts that the mapping from images to the model space is highly non-linear and the rotation-based pose representation of the body model is prone to result in the drift of joint positions. In t...
Title: Robust Aggregation for Federated Learning Abstract: We present a novel approach to federated learning that endows its aggregation process with greater robustness to potential poisoning of local data or model parameters of participating devices. The proposed approach, Robust Federated Aggregation (RFA), relies on the aggregation of updates using the geometric median, which can be computed efficiently using a Weiszfeld-type algorithm. RFA is agnostic to the level of corruption and aggregates model updates without revealing each device’s individual contribution. We establish the convergence of the robust federated learning algorithm for the stochastic learning of additive models with least squares. We also offer two variants of RFA: a faster one with one-step robust aggregation, and another one with on-device personalization. We present experimental results with additive models and deep networks for three tasks in computer vision and natural language processing. The experiments show that RFA is competitive with the classical aggregation when the level of corruption is low, while demonstrating greater robustness under high corruption.
Title: Private Set Intersection: A Multi-Message Symmetric Private Information Retrieval Perspective Abstract: We study the problem of private set intersection (PSI). In this problem, there are two entities $E_{i}$ , for $i=1, 2$ , each storing a set $\mathcal {P}_{i}$ , whose elements are pick...
Title: Quasigraphs and skeletal partitions Abstract: We give a new proof of the Skeletal Lemma, which is the main technical tool in our paper on Hamilton cycles in line graphs (Kaiser and Vrána, 2012). It generalises results on disjoint spanning trees in graphs to the context of 3-hypergraphs. The lemma is proved in a slightly stronger version that is more suitable for applications. The proof is simplified and formulated in a more accessible way.
Title: Long-Term Visitation Value for Deep Exploration in Sparse-Reward Reinforcement Learning Abstract: Reinforcement learning with sparse rewards is still an open challenge. Classic methods rely on getting feedback via extrinsic rewards to train the agent, and in situations where this occurs very rarely the agent learns slowly or cannot learn at all. Similarly, if the agent receives also rewards that create suboptimal modes of the objective function, it will likely prematurely stop exploring. More recent methods add auxiliary intrinsic rewards to encourage exploration. However, auxiliary rewards lead to a non-stationary target for the Q-function. In this paper, we present a novel approach that (1) plans exploration actions far into the future by using a long-term visitation count, and (2) decouples exploration and exploitation by learning a separate function assessing the exploration value of the actions. Contrary to existing methods that use models of reward and dynamics, our approach is off-policy and model-free. We further propose new tabular environments for benchmarking exploration in reinforcement learning. Empirical results on classic and novel benchmarks show that the proposed approach outperforms existing methods in environments with sparse rewards, especially in the presence of rewards that create suboptimal modes of the objective function. Results also suggest that our approach scales gracefully with the size of the environment.
Title: Histogram Layers for Texture Analysis Abstract: An essential aspect of texture analysis is the extraction of features that describe the distribution of values in local, spatial regions. We present a <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">localized</i> histogram layer for artificial neural networks. Instead of computing global histograms as done previously, the proposed histogram layer directly computes the local, spatial distribution of features for texture analysis, and parameters for the layer are estimated during backpropagation. We compare our method to state-of-the-art texture encoding methods such as: The deep encoding pooling network, deep texture encoding network, Fisher vector convolutional neural network, and multilevel texture encoding and representation. We used three material/texture datasets: 1) The describable texture dataset; 2) an extension of the ground terrain in outdoor scenes dataset; and 3) a subset of the materials in context dataset. Results indicate that the inclusion of the proposed histogram layer improves performance.
Title: DENSITY-LIKE AND GENERALIZED DENSITY IDEALS Abstract: We show that there exist uncountably many (tall and nontall) pairwise nonisomorphic density-like ideals on omega which are not generalized density ideals. In addition, they are nonpathological. This answers a question posed by Borodulin-Nadzieja et al. in [this Journal, vol. 80 (2015), pp. 1268-1289]. Lastly, we provide sufficient conditions for a density-like ideal to be necessarily a generalized density ideal.
Title: A Comprehensive and Modularized Statistical Framework for Gradient Norm Equality in Deep Neural Networks Abstract: The rapid development of deep neural networks (DNNs) in recent years can be attributed to the various techniques that address gradient explosion and vanishing. In order to understand the principle behind these techniques and develop new methods, plenty of metrics have been proposed to identify networks that are free of gradient explosion and vanishing. However, due to the diversity of network comp...
Title: Local averaging type a posteriori error estimates for the nonlinear steady-state Poisson–Nernst–Planck equations Abstract: The a posteriori error estimates are studied for a class of nonlinear stead-state Poisson–Nernst–Planck equations, which are a coupled system consisting of the Nernst–Planck equation and the Poisson equation. Both the global upper bounds and the local lower bounds of the error estimators are obtained by using a local averaging operator. Numerical experiments are given to confirm the reliability and efficiency of the error estimators.
Title: Kernelized support tensor train machines Abstract: •The tensorial data structure is useful and it is better to keep the data structure instead of vectorizing the data.•Support vector machine is extended to a kernelized support tensor train machine, which accepts tensorial input directly.•Tensor train based kernel mapping scheme is proposed and the validity proof of the kernel mapping is also proved.•Proposing a data decomposition scheme to make sure that similar tensors have similar kernel mappings in the feature space.•Doable to apply different kernel functions on different tensorial data modes.
Title: Ramsey Numbers of Books and Quasirandomness Abstract: The book graph $$B_n^{(k)}$$ consists of n copies of Kk+1 joined along a common Kk. The Ramsey numbers of $$B_n^{(k)}$$ are known to have strong connections to the classical Ramsey numbers of cliques. Recently, the first author determined the asymptotic order of these Ramsey numbers for fixed k, thus answering an old question of Erdős, Faudree, Rousseau, and Schelp. In this paper, we first provide a simpler proof of this theorem. Next, answering a question of the first author, we present a different proof that avoids the use of Szemerédi’s regularity lemma, thus providing much tighter control on the error term. Finally, we prove a conjecture of Nikiforov, Rousseau, and Schelp by showing that all extremal colorings for this Ramsey problem are quasirandom.
Title: Kalman Filtering and Expectation Maximization for Multitemporal Spectral Unmixing Abstract: The recent evolution of hyperspectral imaging technology and the proliferation of new emerging applications press for the processing of multiple temporal hyperspectral images. In this work, we propose a novel spectral unmixing (SU) strategy using physically motivated parametric endmember (EME) representations to account for temporal spectral variability. By representing the multitemporal mixing process using a state-space formulation, we are able to exploit the Bayesian filtering machinery to estimate the EME variability coefficients. Moreover, by assuming that the temporal variability of the abundances is small over short intervals, an efficient implementation of the expectationx2013;maximization (EM) algorithm is employed to estimate the abundances and the other model parameters. Simulation results indicate that the proposed strategy outperforms state-of-the-art multi-temporal SU (MTSU) algorithms.
Title: Stability of multi-dimensional switched systems with an application to open multi-agent systems Abstract: A multi-dimensional switched system or multi-mode multi-dimensional (M3D) system extends the classic switched system by allowing different subsystem dimensions. The stability problem of the M3D system, whose state transitions at switching instants can be discontinuous due to the dimensionvarying feature, is studied. The discontinuous state transition is formulated by an affine map that captures both the dimension variations and the state impulses, with no extra constraint imposed. In the presence of unstable subsystems, the general criteria featuring a series of Lyapunov-like conditions for the practical and asymptotic stability properties of the M3D system are provided under the proposed slow/fast transition-dependent average dwell time framework. Then, by considering linear subsystems, we propose a class of parametric multiple Lyapunov functions to verify the obtained Lyapunovlike stability conditions and explicitly reveal a connection between the practical/asymptotic stability property and the non-vanishing/vanishing property of the impulsive effects in the state transition process. Further, the obtained stability results for the M3D system are applied to the consensus problem of the open multi-agent system (MAS), whose network topology can be switching and size-varying due to the migrations of agents. It shows that through a proper transformation, the seeking of the (practical) consensus performance of the open MAS with disconnected digraphs boils down to that of the (practical) stability property of an M3D system with unstable subsystems.(c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Title: Exponentially Convergent Algorithm Design for Constrained Distributed Optimization via Nonsmooth Approach Abstract: We develop an exponentially convergent distributed algorithm to minimize a sum of nonsmooth cost functions with a set constraint. The set constraint generally leads to the nonlinearity in distributed algorithms, and results in difficulties to derive an exponential rate. In this article, we remove the consensus constraints by an exact penalty method, and then propose a distributed projected subgradient algorithm by virtue of a differential inclusion and a differentiated projection operator. Resorting to nonsmooth approaches, we prove the convergence for this algorithm, and moreover, provide both the sublinear and exponential rates under some mild assumptions.
Title: Vehicle Platooning Impact on Drag Coefficients and Energy/Fuel Saving Implications Abstract: In this paper, empirical data obtained from the literature were used to develop models that capture the impact of the vehicle position in a platoon of homogeneous vehicles and the distance gap to its lead (and following) vehicle on its drag coefficient. These models are developed for light duty vehicles (LDVs), buses, and heavy duty trucks (HDTs). The models that are fit using a constrained optimization formulation are then used to extrapolate the empirical measurements to a wide range of vehicle distance gaps. The results show a significant reduction in the vehicle fuel consumption when compared with those based on a constant drag coefficient assumption. Specifically, considering a minimum time gap between vehicles of 0.5 seconds running at a speed of <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$100 \; km/hr$</tex-math></inline-formula> , the fuel reduction that is achieved is <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$5 \%$</tex-math></inline-formula> , <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$17 \%$</tex-math></inline-formula> , and <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$12 \%$</tex-math></inline-formula> for LDV, bus, and HDT platoons, respectively. For longer time gaps (gap <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\approx 2$</tex-math></inline-formula> seconds), the bus and HDT platoons still experience fuel reductions in the order of <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$8 \%$</tex-math></inline-formula> , whereas LDVs incur negligible fuel savings.
Title: On The Number Of Independent Sets In Uniform, Regular, Linear Hypergraphs Abstract: We study the problems of bounding the number weak and strong independent sets in r-uniform, d-regular, n-vertex linear hyper -graphs with no cross-edges. In the case of weak independent sets, we provide an upper bound that is tight up to the first order term for all (fixed) r >= 3, with d and n going to infinity. In the case of strong independent sets, for r = 3, we provide an upper bound that is tight up to the second order term, improving on a result of Ordentlich-Roth (2004). The tightness in the strong independent set case is established by an explicit construction of a 3-uniform, d-regular, cross-edge free, linear hypergraph on n vertices which could be of interest in other contexts. We leave open the general case(s) with some conjectures. Our proofs use the occupancy method introduced by Davies, Jenssen, Perkins, and Roberts (2017). (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Title: Step-by-step solving schemes based on scalar auxiliary variable and invariant energy quadratization approaches for gradient flows Abstract: In this paper, we propose several novel numerical techniques to deal with nonlinear terms in gradient flows. These step-by-step solving schemes, termed 3S-SAV and 3S-IEQ schemes, are based on recently popular scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) and invariant energy quadratization (IEQ) approaches. By introducing a novel auxiliary variable eta to replace the original one in the traditional SAV approach, we rewrite the equivalent gradient flow systems. Then, linear, decoupled, and unconditionally energy stable numerical schemes are constructed. More importantly, the phase function phi and auxiliary variable eta can be calculated step-by-step which can save more CPU time in calculation. Similar procedure can also be used to modify the IEQ approach. Specially, the proposed 3S-IEQ approach only needs to solve linear equation with constant coefficients while the system with variable coefficients must be calculated for the traditional IEQ approach. Two comparative studies of traditional SAV/IEQ and 3S-SAV/3S-IEQ approaches are considered to show the accuracy and efficiency. Finally, we present various 2D numerical simulations to demonstrate the stability and accuracy.
Title: Discrimination-Aware Network Pruning for Deep Model Compression Abstract: We study network pruning which aims to remove redundant channels/kernels and hence speed up the inference of deep networks. Existing pruning methods either train from scratch with sparsity constraints or minimize the reconstruction error between the feature maps of the pre-trained models and the compressed ones. Both strategies suffer from some limitations: the former kind is computationally expensive and difficult to converge, while the latter kind optimizes the reconstruction error but ignores the discriminative power of channels. In this paper, we propose a simple-yet-effective method called discrimination-aware channel pruning (DCP) to choose the channels that actually contribute to the discriminative power. To this end, we first introduce additional discrimination-aware losses into the network to increase the discriminative power of the intermediate layers. Next, we select the most discriminative channels for each layer by considering the discrimination-aware loss and the reconstruction error, simultaneously. We then formulate channel pruning as a sparsity-inducing optimization problem with a convex objective and propose a greedy algorithm to solve the resultant problem. Note that a channel (3D tensor) often consists of a set of kernels (each with a 2D matrix). Besides the redundancy in channels, some kernels in a channel may also be redundant and fail to contribute to the discriminative power of the network, resulting in kernel level redundancy. To solve this issue, we propose a discrimination-aware kernel pruning (DKP) method to further compress deep networks by removing redundant kernels. To avoid manually determining the pruning rate for each layer, we propose two adaptive stopping conditions to automatically determine the number of selected channels/kernels. The proposed adaptive stopping conditions tend to yield more efficient models with better performance in practice. Extensive experiments on both image classification and face recognition demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. For example, on ILSVRC-12, the resultant ResNet-50 model with 30 percent reduction of channels even outperforms the baseline model by 0.36 percent in terms of Top-1 accuracy. We also deploy the pruned models on a smartphone (equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor). The pruned MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2 achieve 1.93× and 1.42× inference acceleration on the mobile device, respectively, with negligible performance degradation. The source code and the pre-trained models are available at <uri xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://github.com/SCUT-AILab/DCP</uri> .
Title: Restricted Rules of Inference and Paraconsistency Abstract: In this paper, we study two companions of a logic, viz., the left variable inclusion companion and the restricted rules companion, their nature and interrelations, especially in connection with paraconsistency. A sufficient condition for the two companions to coincide has also been proved. Two new logical systems-intuitionistic paraconsistent weak Kleene logic (IPWK) and paraconsistent pre-rough logic (PPRL)-are presented here as examples of logics of left variable inclusion. IPWK is the left variable inclusion companion of intuitionistic propositional logic and is also the restricted rules companion of it. PPRL, on the other hand, is the left variable inclusion companion of pre-rough logic but differs from the restricted rules companion of it. We have discussed algebraic semantics for these logics in terms of Plonka sums. This amounts to introducing a contaminating truth value, intended to denote a state of indeterminacy.
Title: Symplectic Algorithms for Stable Manifolds in Control Theory Abstract: In this article, we propose a symplectic algorithm for the stable manifolds of the Hamilton–Jacobi equations combined with an iterative procedure in [N. Sakamoto and A. J. van der Schaft, “Analytical approximation methods for the stabilizing solution of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation,” <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">IEEE Trans. Autom. Control</i> , 2008]. Our algorithm includes two key aspects. The first one is to prove a precise estimate for radius of convergence and the errors of local approximate stable manifolds. The second one is to extend the local approximate stable manifolds to larger ones by symplectic algorithms, which have better long-time behaviors than general-purpose schemes. Our approach avoids the case of divergence of the iterative sequence of approximate stable manifolds and reduces the computation cost. We illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm by an optimal control problem with exponential nonlinearity.
Title: Error model and simulation for multisource fusion indoor positioning Abstract: Seamless positioning services are of a critical concern in building smart cities. In a multisource fusion indoor positioning system, providing the guidance information for the deployment of positioning sources is a key technology, which can optimize the infrastructure resources to provide higher positioning accuracy. The error models of single-source positioning such as the received signal strength (RSS) fingerprint and the pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) should be extended to meet the requirement of multisource indoor positioning for positioning error estimation. This paper proposes a model that combines the RSS fingerprint and PDR positioning error models for fusion positioning error simulation, which weights the PDR and RSS fingerprint positioning results and calculates the mean square error for the fusion positioning according to their positioning variances. This model is also used to establish an indoor positioning simulation system. To validate the proposed model, an experiment is performed which compared the actual positioning errors using the fusion positioning with the errors of the simulate model. The results show that the actual positioning error curves and the error curve predicted by the model are consistent. As a result, the proposed error model provides a solution for optimizing the deployment of positioning sources.
Title: Towards automatic threat detection: A survey of advances of deep learning within X-ray security imaging Abstract: •Toxonomy - an extensive overview of classical machine learning and contemporary deep learning within X-ray security imaging.•Datasets - an overview of the large datasets used to train deep learning approaches within the field.•Open problems - discussion of the open problems, current challenges, and future directions based on the current trends within computer vision.
Title: A Time-Optimal Feedback Control for a Particular Case of the Game of Two Cars Abstract: In this article, a computationally efficient time-optimal feedback solution to the game of two cars, for the case where the pursuer is faster and more agile than the evader, is presented. The concept of continuous subsets of the reachable set is introduced to characterize the time-optimal pursuit–evasion game under feedback strategies. Using these subsets, it is shown that, if initially the pursue...
Title: Quantitative inconsistent feasibility for averaged mappings Abstract: Bauschke and Moursi have recently obtained results that implicitly contain the fact that the composition of finitely many averaged mappings on a Hilbert space that have approximate fixed points also has approximate fixed points and thus is asymptotically regular. Using techniques of proof mining, we analyze their arguments to obtain effective uniform rates of asymptotic regularity.
Title: A criterion for uniform finiteness in the imaginary sorts Abstract: Let T be a theory. If T eliminates $$\exists ^\infty $$ , it need not follow that $$T^{\mathrm {eq}}$$ eliminates $$\exists ^\infty $$ , as shown by the example of the p-adics. We give a criterion to determine whether $$T^{\mathrm {eq}}$$ eliminates $$\exists ^\infty $$ . Specifically, we show that $$T^{\mathrm {eq}}$$ eliminates $$\exists ^\infty $$ if and only if $$\exists ^\infty $$ is eliminated on all interpretable sets of “unary imaginaries.” This criterion can be applied in cases where a full description of $$T^{\mathrm {eq}}$$ is unknown. As an application, we show that $$T^{\mathrm {eq}}$$ eliminates $$\exists ^\infty $$ when T is a C-minimal expansion of ACVF.
Title: Hyperspectral super-resolution via coupled tensor ring factorization Abstract: •Based on TR factorization, we developed a degradation model from the HR-HSI to the MSI and HSI. We proposed a CTRF model for HSR tasks. The nuclear norm regularization of the third TR core with mode-2 unfolding was introduced to further exploit the global spectral low-rank property of the HR-HSI.•We analyzed the superiority of the CTRF model for HSR and developed an efficient alternating iteration method for the proposed model. The experiments demonstrated the advantage of the CTRF model compared to the previous matrix/tensor and deep learning methods.
Title: Fair active learning Abstract: Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being used in high-stakes applications impacting society. Therefore, it is of critical importance that ML models do not propagate discrimination. Collecting accurate labeled data in societal applications is challenging and costly. Active learning is a promising approach to build an accurate classifier by interactively querying an oracle within a labeling budget. We introduce the fair active learning framework to carefully select data points to be labeled so as to balance model accuracy and fairness. To incorporate the notion of fairness in the active learning sampling core, it is required to measure the fairness of the model after adding each unlabeled sample. Since their labels are unknown in advance, we propose an expected fairness metric to probabilistically measure the impact of each sample if added for each possible class label. Next, we propose multiple optimizations to balance the trade-off between accuracy and fairness. Our first optimization linearly aggregate the expected fairness with entropy using a control parameter. To avoid erroneous estimation of the expected fairness, we propose a nested approach to maintain the accuracy of the model, limiting the search space to the top bucket of sample points with large entropy. Finally, to ensure the unfairness reduction of the model after labeling, we propose to replicate the points that truly reduce the unfairness after labeling. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms over widely used benchmark datasets using demographic parity and equalized odds notions of fairness.
Title: Pay for Intersection Priority: A Free Market Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Abstract: The rapid development and deployment of vehicle technologies offer opportunities to re-think the way traffic is managed. This article capitalizes on vehicle connectivity and proposes an economic instrument and corresponding cooperative framework for allocating priority at intersections. The framework is compatible with a variety of existing intersection control approaches. Similar to free markets, our framework allows vehicles to trade their time based on their (disclosed) value of time. We design the framework based on transferable utility games, where winners (time buyers) pay losers (time sellers) in each game. We conduct simulation experiments of both isolated intersections and an arterial setting. The results show that the proposed approach benefits the majority of users when compared to other mechanisms both ones that employ an economic instrument and ones that do not. We also show that it drives travelers to estimate their value of time correctly, and it naturally dissuades travelers from attempting to cheat.
Title: Efficient Allocations in Double Auction Markets Abstract: This paper proposes a simple descriptive model for discrete-time double auction markets of divisible assets. As in the classical models of exchange economics, we consider a finite set of agents described by their initial endowments and preferences. Instead of the classical Walrasian-type market models, however, we assume that all trades take place in double auctions where the agents communicate through sealed limit orders for buying and selling. We find that, in repeated call auctions, nonstrategic bidding leads to a sequence of allocations that converges to individually rational Pareto allocations.
Title: Fast Kernel Smoothing in R with Applications to Projection Pursuit Abstract: This paper introduces the R package FKSUM, which offers fast and exact evaluation of univariate kernel smoothers. The main kernel computations are implemented in C++, and are wrapped in simple, intuitive and versatile R functions. The fast kernel computations are based on recursive expressions involving the order statistics, which allows for exact evaluation of kernel smoothers at all sample points in log-linear time. In addition to general purpose kernel smoothing functions, the package offers purpose built and ready-to-use implementations of popular kernel-type estimators. On top of these basic smoothing problems, this paper focuses on projection pursuit problems in which the projection index is based on kernel-type estimators of functionals of the projected density.
Title: VulDeeLocator: A Deep Learning-Based Fine-Grained Vulnerability Detector Abstract: Automatically detecting software vulnerabilities is an important problem that has attracted much attention from the academic research community. However, existing vulnerability detectors still cannot achieve the vulnerability detection capability and the locating precision that would warrant their adoption for real-world use. In this article, we present a vulnerability detector that can simultaneously achieve a high detection capability and a high locating precision, dubbed <underline xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">Vul</u> nerability <underline xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">Dee</u> p learning-based <underline xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">Locator</u> (VulDeeLocator). In the course of designing VulDeeLocator, we encounter difficulties including how to accommodate semantic relations between the definitions of types as well as macros and their uses across files, how to accommodate accurate control flows and variable define-use relations, and how to achieve high locating precision. We solve these difficulties by using two innovative ideas: (i) leveraging intermediate code to accommodate extra semantic information, and (ii) using the notion of <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">granularity refinement</i> to pin down locations of vulnerabilities. When applied to 200 files randomly selected from three real-world software products, VulDeeLocator detects 18 confirmed vulnerabilities (i.e., true-positives). Among them, 16 vulnerabilities correspond to known vulnerabilities; the other two are not reported in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) but have been “silently” patched by the vendor of Libav when releasing newer versions.
Title: Local Information Privacy and Its Application to Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Abstract: In this article, we propose local information privacy (LIP), and design LIP based mechanisms for statistical aggregation while protecting users’ privacy without relying on a trusted third party. The concept of context-awareness is incorporated in LIP, which can be viewed as exploiting of data prior (both in privatizing and post-processing) to enhance data utility. We present an optimization framew...
Title: Estimating Tukey depth using incremental quantile estimators Abstract: •An approach based in incremental quantile estimators to estimate and track Tukey depth contours is presented.•The approach is highly memory and computationally efficient.•The method is demonstrated to detect virtually any changes in multi-variate distributional patterns.
Title: Forking and dividing in fields with several orderings and valuations Abstract: We consider existentially closed fields with several orderings, valuations, and p-valuations. We show that these structures are NTP2 of finite burden, but usually have the independence property. Moreover, forking agrees with dividing, and forking can be characterized in terms of forking in ACVF, RCF, and pCF.
Title: Nonlinear Traffic Prediction as a Matrix Completion Problem with Ensemble Learning Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of short-term traffic prediction for signalized traffic operations management. Specifically, we focus on predicting sensor states in highresolution (second-by-second). This contrasts with traditional traffic forecasting problems, which have focused on predicting aggregated traffic variables, typically over intervals that are no shorter than five minutes. Our contributions can be summarized as offering three insights: first, we show how the prediction problem can be modeled as a matrix completion problem. Second, we use a block-coordinate descent algorithm and demonstrate that the algorithm converges in sublinear time to a block coordinate-wise optimizer. This allows us to capitalize on the "bigness" of high-resolution data in a computationally feasible way. Third, we develop an ensemble learning (or adaptive boosting) approach to reduce the training error to within any arbitrary error threshold. The latter uses past days so that the boosting can be interpreted as capturing periodic patterns in the data. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed theoretically and tested empirically using both simulated data and a real-world high-resolution traffic data set from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Our experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other stateof-the-art algorithms.
Title: Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey Abstract: Free-hand sketches are highly illustrative, and have been widely used by humans to depict objects or stories from ancient times to the present. The recent prevalence of touchscreen devices has made sketch creation a much easier task than ever and consequently made sketch-oriented applications increasingly popular. The progress of deep learning has immensely benefited free-hand sketch research and applications. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the deep learning techniques oriented at free-hand sketch data, and the applications that they enable. The main contents of this survey include: (i) A discussion of the intrinsic traits and unique challenges of free-hand sketch, to highlight the essential differences between sketch data and other data modalities, e.g., natural photos. (ii) A review of the developments of free-hand sketch research in the deep learning era, by surveying existing datasets, research topics, and the state-of-the-art methods through a detailed taxonomy and experimental evaluation. (iii) Promotion of future work via a discussion of bottlenecks, open problems, and potential research directions for the community.
Title: Sample-based Distributional Policy Gradient. Abstract: Distributional reinforcement learning (DRL) is a recent reinforcement learning framework whose success has been supported by various empirical studies. It relies on the key idea of replacing the expected return with the return distribution, which captures the intrinsic randomness of the long term rewards. Most of the existing literature on DRL focuses on problems with discrete action space and value based methods. In this work, motivated by applications in robotics with continuous action space control settings, we propose sample-based distributional policy gradient (SDPG) algorithm. It models the return distribution using samples via a reparameterization technique widely used in generative modeling and inference. We compare SDPG with the state-of-art policy gradient method in DRL, distributed distributional deterministic policy gradients (D4PG), which has demonstrated state-of-art performance. We apply SDPG and D4PG to multiple OpenAI Gym environments and observe that our algorithm shows better sample efficiency as well as higher reward for most tasks.
Title: Hypergraph Cuts with General Splitting Functions Abstract: The minimum $s$-$t$ cut problem in graphs is one of the most fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization, and graph cuts underlie algorithms throughout discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, operations research, and data science. While graphs are a standard model for pairwise relationships, hypergraphs provide the flexibility to model multi-way relationships, and are now a standard model for complex data and systems. However, when generalizing from graphs to hypergraphs, the notion of a "cut hyperedge" is less clear, as a hyperedge's nodes can be split in several ways. Here, we develop a framework for hypergraph cuts by considering the problem of separating two terminal nodes in a hypergraph in a way that minimizes a sum of penalties at split hyperedges. In our setup, different ways of splitting the same hyperedge have different penalties, and the penalty is encoded by what we call a splitting function. Our framework opens a rich space on the foundations of hypergraph cuts. We first identify a natural class of cardinality-based hyperedge splitting functions that depend only on the number of nodes on each side of the split. In this case, we show that the general hypergraph $s$-$t$ cut problem can be reduced to a tractable graph $s$-$t$ cut problem if and only if the splitting functions are submodular. We also identify a wide regime of non-submodular splitting functions for which the problem is NP-hard. We also analyze extensions to multiway cuts with at least three terminal nodes and identify a natural class of splitting functions for which the problem can be reduced in an approximation-preserving way to the node-weighted multiway cut problem in graphs, again subject to a submodularity property. Finally, we outline several open questions on general hypergraph cut problems.
Title: Hybrid Multiple Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images Abstract: Semantic segmentation in very-high-resolution (VHR) aerial images is one of the most challenging tasks in remote sensing image understanding. Most of the current approaches are based on deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). However, standard convolution with local receptive fields fails in modeling global dependencies. Prior research works have indicated that attention-based methods can capture long-range dependencies and further reconstruct the feature maps for better representation. Nevertheless, limited by the mere perspective of spatial and channel attention and huge computation complexity of self-attention (SA) mechanism, it is unlikely to model the effective semantic interdependencies between each pixel pair of remote sensing data with complex spectra. In this work, we propose a novel attention-based framework named hybrid multiple attention network (HMANet) to adaptively capture global correlations from the perspective of space, channel, and category in a more effective and efficient manner. Concretely, a class augmented attention (CAA) module embedded with a class channel attention (CCA) module can be used to compute category-based correlation and recalibrate the class-level information. In addition, we introduce a simple yet effective region shuffle attention (RSA) module to reduce feature redundant and improve the efficiency of SA mechanism via regionwise representations. Extensive experimental results on the ISPRS Vaihingen, Potsdam benchmark, and iSAID data set demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our HMANet over other state-of-the-art methods.
Title: Independent domination in subcubic graphs Abstract: A set S of vertices in a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex not in S is adjacent to a vertex in S. If, in addition, S is an independent set, then S is an independent dominating set. The independent domination number i(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in G. In Goddard and Henning (Discrete Math 313:839-854, 2013) conjectured that if G is a connected cubic graph of order n, then i(G) <= 3/8n, except if G is the complete bipartite graph K-3,K-3 or the 5-prism C-5 square K-2. Further they construct two infinite families of connected cubic graphs with independent domination three-eighths their order. In this paper, we provide a new family of connected cubic graphs G of order n such that i(G) = 3/8n. We also show that if G is a subcubic graph of order n with no isolated vertex, then i (G) <= 1/2n, and we characterize the graphs achieving equality in this bound.
Title: Logram : Efficient Log Parsing Using $n$ n -Gram Dictionaries Abstract: Software systems usually record important runtime information in their logs. Logs help practitioners understand system runtime behaviors and diagnose field failures. As logs are usually very large in size, automated log analysis is needed to assist practitioners in their software operation and maintenance efforts. Typically, the first step of automated log analysis is log parsing, i.e., converting...
Title: Cops and robbers on 2K(2)-free graphs Abstract: We prove that the cop number of any 2K(2)-free graph is at most 2, proving a conjecture of Sivaraman and Testa. We also show that the upper bound of 3 on the cop number of 2K(1) + K-2-free (co-diamond-free) graphs is best possible. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Title: Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Multi-Antenna Downlink Communication Systems: Spectral and Energy Efficiency Tradeoff Abstract: Rate-splitting (RS) has recently been recognized as a promising physical-layer technique for multi-antenna broadcast channels (BC). Due to its ability to partially decode the interference and partially treat the remaining interference as noise, RS is an enabler for a powerful multiple access, namely rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA), that has been shown to achieve higher spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) than both space division multiple access (SDMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in a wide range of user deployments and network loads. As SE maximization and EE maximization are two conflicting objectives in the moderate and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes, the study of the tradeoff between the two criteria is of particular interest. In this work, we address the SE-EE tradeoff by studying the joint SE and EE maximization problem of RSMA in multiple input single output (MISO) BC with rate-dependent circuit power consumption at the transmitter. To tackle the challenges coming from multiple objective functions and rate-dependent circuit power consumption, we first propose two models to transform the original problem into two single-objective problems, namely, weighted-sum method and weighted-power method. A low-complexity algorithm with closed-form solution is proposed to solve each single-objective problem in the two-user system. For the generalized <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$K$ </tex-math></inline-formula> -user system, a successive convex approximation (SCA)-based algorithm is then proposed to optimize the precoders of each transformed problem. Numerical results show that our algorithm converges much faster than existing algorithms. In addition, the performance of RSMA is superior to or equal to SDMA and NOMA in terms of SE, EE and their tradeoff.
Title: Average-case complexity of the Euclidean algorithm with a fixed polynomial over a finite field. Abstract: We analyze the behavior of the Euclidean algorithm applied to pairs (g,f) of univariate nonconstant polynomials over a finite field F_q of q elements when the highest-degree polynomial g is fixed. Considering all the elements f of fixed degree, we establish asymptotically optimal bounds in terms of q for the number of elements f which are relatively prime with g and for the average degree of gcd(g,f). The accuracy of our estimates is confirmed by practical experiments. We also exhibit asymptotically optimal bounds for the average-case complexity of the Euclidean algorithm applied to pairs (g,f) as above.
Title: A First-Order Optimization Algorithm for Statistical Learning with Hierarchical Sparsity Structure Abstract: In many statistical learning problems, it is desired that the optimal solution conforms to an a priori known sparsity structure e.g. for better interpretability. Inducing such structures by means of convex regularizers requires nonsmooth penalty functions that exploit group overlapping. Our study focuses on evaluating the proximal operator of the Latent Overlapping Group lasso developed by Jacob et al. (2009). We develop an Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier with a sharing scheme to solve large-scale instance of the underlying optimization problem efficiently. In the absence of strong convexity, linear convergence of the algorithm is established using the error bound theory. More specifically, the paper contributes to establishing primal and dual error bounds over an unbounded feasible set and when the nonsmooth component in the objective function does not have a polyhedral epigraph. Numerical simulation studies supporting the proposed algorithm and two learning applications are discussed.
Title: The Effectiveness of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Software Refactoring Abstract: Refactoring is the process of changing the internal structure of software to improve its quality without modifying its external behavior. Empirical studies have repeatedly shown that refactoring has a positive impact on the understandability and maintainability of software systems. However, before carrying out refactoring activities, developers need to identify refactoring opportunities. Currently...
Title: Deformable Groupwise Image Registration using Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition Abstract: Groupwise image registration describes the problem of simultaneously aligning a series of more than two images through individual spatial deformations and it is a common task in the processing of medical image sequences. Variational methods with data fidelity terms based on robust PCA (RPCA) have proven successful in accounting for structural changes in image intensity stemming, e.g., from the uptake of a contrast agent in functional imaging. In this article, we investigate the drawbacks of the most commonly used RPCA data term and derive an improved replacement that employs explicit constraints instead of penalties. We further present a multilevel scheme with theoretically justified scaling to solve the underlying fully deformable registration model. Our numerical experiments on synthetic and real-life medical data confirm the advanced adaptability of RPCA-based data terms and showcase an improved registration accuracy of our algorithm when compared to related groupwise approaches.
Title: Single-Shot Decoding of Linear Rate LDPC Quantum Codes With High Performance Abstract: We construct and analyze a family of low-density parity check (LDPC) quantum codes with a linear encoding rate, distance scaling as $n^\epsilon $ for $\epsilon &gt; 0$ and efficient decoding schemes. The code family is based on tessellations of closed, f...
Title: Guesswork With Quantum Side Information Abstract: What is the minimum number of guesses needed on average to guess a realization of a random variable correctly? The answer to this question led to the introduction of a quantity called guesswork by Massey in 1994, which can be viewed as an alternate security criterion to entropy. In this paper, we consider the guesswork in the presence of quantum side information, and show that a g...
Title: Inference of a Dynamic Aging-related Biological Subnetwork via Network Propagation Abstract: AbstractGene expression (GE)data capture valuable condition-specific information (“condition” can mean a biological process, disease stage, age, patient, etc.)However, GE analyses ignore physical interactions between gene products, i.e., proteins. Because proteins function by interacting with each other, and because biological networks (BNs)capture these interactions, BN analyses are promising. However, current BN data fail to capture condition-specific information. Recently, GE and BN data have been integrated using network propagation (NP)to infer condition-specific BNs. However, existing NP-based studies result in a static condition-specific subnetwork, even though cellular processes are dynamic. A dynamic process of our interest is human aging. We use prominent existing NP methods in a new task of inferring a dynamic rather than static condition-specific (aging-related)subnetwork. Then, we study evolution of network structure with age – we identify proteins whose network positions significantly change with age and predict them as new aging-related candidates. We validate the predictions via e.g., functional enrichment analyses and literature search. Dynamic network inference via NP yields higher prediction quality than the only existing method for inferring a dynamic aging-related BN, which does not use NP. Our data and code are available at https://nd.edu/~cone/dynetinf.
Title: Optimal Sensor and Actuator Selection Using Balanced Model Reduction Abstract: Optimal sensor and actuator selection is a central challenge in high-dimensional estimation and control. Nearly all subsequent control decisions are affected by these sensor and actuator locations. In this article, we exploit balanced model reduction and greedy optimization to efficiently determine sensor and actuator selections that optimize observability and controllability. In particular, we de...
Title: Optimal Finite Homogeneous Sphere Approximation Abstract: The two-dimensional sphere can’t be approximated by finite homogeneous spaces. We describe the optimal approximation and its distance from the sphere. We compare this distance to the distance achieved by all Platonic and Archimedean solids.
Title: Towards the Small Quasi-Kernel Conjecture. Abstract: Let $D=(V,A)$ be a digraph. A vertex set $K\subseteq V$ is a quasi-kernel of $D$ if $K$ is an independent set in $D$ and for every vertex $v\in V\setminus K$, $v$ is at most distance 2 from $K$. In 1974, Chv\'atal and Lov\'asz proved that every digraph has a quasi-kernel. P. L. Erd\H{o}s and L. A. Sz\'ekely in 1976 conjectured that if every vertex of $D$ has a positive indegree, then $D$ has a quasi-kernel of size at most $|V|/2$. This conjecture is only confirmed for narrow classes of digraphs, such as semicomplete multipartite, quasi-transitive, or locally demicomplete digraphs. In this note, we state a similar conjecture for all digraphs, show that the two conjectures are equivalent, and prove that both conjectures hold for a class of digraphs containing all orientations of 4-colorable graphs (in particular, of all planar graphs).
Title: Secure V2V and V2I Communication in Intelligent Transportation Using Cloudlets Abstract: Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a vision which offers safe, secure and smart travel experience to drivers. This futuristic plan aims to enable vehicles, roadside transportation infrastructures, pedestrian smart-phones and other devices to communicate with one another to provide safety and convenience services. Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication in ITS offers ability to exchange speed, heading angle, position and other environment related conditions amongst vehicles and with surrounding smart infrastructures. In this intelligent setup, vehicles and users communicate and exchange data with random untrusted entities (like vehicles, smart traffic lights or pedestrians) whom they don’t know or have met before. The concerns of location privacy and secure communication further deter the adoption of this smarter and safe transportation. In this article, we present a secure and trusted V2V and V2I communication approach using edge infrastructures where instead of direct peer to peer communication, we introduce trusted cloudlets to authorize, check and verify the authenticity, integrity and ensure anonymity of messages exchanged in the system. Moving vehicles or road side infrastructure are dynamically connected to nearby cloudlets, where security policies can be implemented to sanitize or stop fake messages and prevent rogue vehicles to exchange messages with other vehicles. We also present a formal attribute-based model for V2V and V2I communication, called AB-ITS, along with proof of concept implementation of the proposed solution in AWS IoT platform. This cloudlet supported architecture complements direct V2V or V2I communication, and serves important use cases such as accident or ice-threat warning and other safety applications. Performance metrics of our proposed architecture are also discussed and compared with existing ITS technologies.
Title: The extension of the $$D(-k)$$ D ( - k ) -pair $$\{k,k+1\}$$ { k , k + 1 } to a quadruple Abstract: Let $$n\ne 0$$ be an integer. A set of m distinct positive integers $$\{a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_m\}$$ is called a D(n)-m-tuple if $$a_ia_j + n$$ is a perfect square for all $$1\le i < j \le m$$ . Let k be a positive integer. In this paper, we prove that if $$\{k,k+1,c,d\}$$ is a $$D(-k)$$ -quadruple with $$c>1$$ , then $$d=1$$ . The proof relies not only on standard methods in this field (Baker’s linear forms in logarithms and the hypergeometric method), but also on some less typical elementary arguments dealing with recurrences, as well as a relatively new method for the determination of integral points on hyperelliptic curves.
Title: Deep Learning for Person Re-Identification: A Survey and Outlook Abstract: Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at retrieving a person of interest across multiple non-overlapping cameras. With the advancement of deep neural networks and increasing demand of intelligent video surveillance, it has gained significantly increased interest in the computer vision community. By dissecting the involved components in developing a person Re-ID system, we categorize it into the cl...
Title: Deep Image Translation With an Affinity-Based Change Prior for Unsupervised Multimodal Change Detection Abstract: Image translation with convolutional neural networks has recently been used as an approach to multimodal change detection. Existing approaches train the networks by exploiting supervised information of the change areas, which, however, is not always available. A main challenge in the unsupervised problem setting is to avoid that change pixels affect the learning of the translation function. We propose two new network architectures trained with loss functions weighted by priors that reduce the impact of change pixels on the learning objective. The change prior is derived in an unsupervised fashion from relational pixel information captured by domain-specific affinity matrices. Specifically, we use the vertex degrees associated with an absolute affinity difference matrix and demonstrate their utility in combination with cycle consistency and adversarial training. The proposed neural networks are compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms. Experiments conducted on three real data sets show the effectiveness of our methodology.
Title: The shape of a seed bank tree Abstract: We derive the asymptotic behavior of the total, active, and inactive branch lengths of the seed bank coalescent when the initial sample size grows to infinity. These random variables have important applications for populations evolving under some seed bank effects, such as plants and bacteria, and for some cases of structured populations like metapopulations. The proof relies on the analysis of the tree at a stopping time corresponding to the first time a deactivated lineage is reactivated. We also give conditional sampling formulas for the random partition, and we study the system at the time of the first reactivation of a lineage. All these results provide a good picture of the different regimes and behaviors of the block-counting process of the seed bank coalescent.
Title: Robust Gaussian process regression with a bias model Abstract: •This paper presents a Gaussian process regression approach that provides the regression outcomes robust to outliers.•The proposed approach models an outlier as a noisy and biased observation of an unknown regression function.•Two bias models are presented to model outliers.•The ML estimation of the proposed models is much more computationally efficient and accurate than the existing MCMC-based approaches.•The approach was validated using a comprehensive simulation study and the application to environmental data analysis.
Title: Multiplication of Matrices Over Lattices Abstract: We study the multiplication operation of square matrices over lattices. If the underlying lattice is distributive, then matrices form a semigroup; we investigate idempotent and nilpotent elements and the maximal subgroups of this matrix semigroup. We prove that matrix multiplication over nondistributive lattices is antiassociative, and we determine the invertible matrices in the case when the least or the greatest element of the lattice is irreducible.
Title: Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Motion Control for Collision Avoidance Using Conditional Value-at-Risk Abstract: In this article, a risk-aware motion control scheme is considered for mobile robots to avoid randomly moving obstacles when the true probability distribution of uncertainty is unknown. We propose a novel model-predictive control (MPC) method for limiting the risk of unsafety even when the true distribution of the obstacles’ movements deviates, within an ambiguity set, from the empirical dis...
Title: Improving Semantic Analysis on Point Clouds via Auxiliary Supervision of Local Geometric Priors Abstract: Existing deep learning algorithms for point cloud analysis mainly concern discovering semantic patterns from the global configuration of local geometries in a supervised learning manner. However, very few explore geometric properties revealing local surface manifolds embedded in 3-D Euclidean space to discriminate semantic classes or object parts as additional supervision signals. This article is the first attempt to propose a unique multitask geometric learning network to improve semantic analysis by auxiliary geometric learning with local shape properties, which can be either generated via physical computation from point clouds themselves as self-supervision signals or provided as privileged information. Owing to explicitly encoding local shape manifolds in favor of semantic analysis, the proposed geometric self-supervised and privileged learning algorithms can achieve superior performance to their backbone baselines and other state-of-the-art methods, which are verified in the experiments on the popular benchmarks.
Title: Bayesian quantile and expectile optimisation. Abstract: Bayesian optimisation (BO) is widely used to optimise stochastic black box functions. While most BO approaches focus on optimising conditional expectations, many applications require risk-averse strategies and alternative criteria accounting for the distribution tails need to be considered. In this paper, we propose new variational models for Bayesian quantile and expectile regression that are well-suited for heteroscedastic noise settings. Our models consist of two latent Gaussian processes accounting respectively for the conditional quantile (or expectile) and the scale parameter of an asymmetric likelihood functions. Furthermore, we propose two BO strategies based on max-value entropy search and Thompson sampling, that are tailored to such models and that can accommodate large batches of points. Contrary to existing BO approaches for risk-averse optimisation, our strategies can directly optimise for the quantile and expectile, without requiring replicating observations or assuming a parametric form for the noise. As illustrated in the experimental section, the proposed approach clearly outperforms the state of the art in the heteroscedastic, non-Gaussian case.
Title: Optimal Coordination of Platoons of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signal-Free Intersections Abstract: In this paper, we address the problem of coordinating platoons of connected and automated vehicles crossing a signal-free intersection. We present a decentralized, two-level optimal framework to coordinate the platoons with the objective to minimize travel delay and fuel consumption of every platoon crossing the intersection. At the upper-level, each platoon leader derives a proven optimal schedule to enter the intersection. At the low-level, the platoon leader derives their optimal control input (acceleration/deceleration) for the optimal schedule derived in the upper-level. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in simulation and show significant improvements both in travel delay and fuel consumption compared to the baseline scenarios where platoons enter the intersection based on first-come-first-serve and longest queue first - maximum weight matching scheduling algorithms.