Title: Hydrodynamic limit of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm Abstract: We investigate the evolution in time of the position of a fixed number in the insertion tableau when the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm is applied to a sequence of random numbers. When the length of the sequence tends to infinity, a typical trajectory after scaling converges uniformly in probability to some deterministic curve.
Title: Active Learning With Multiple Kernels Abstract: Online multiple kernel learning (OMKL) has provided an attractive performance in nonlinear function learning tasks. Leveraging a random feature (RF) approximation, the major drawback of OMKL, known as the curse of dimensionality, has been recently alleviated. These advantages enable RF-based OMKL to be considered in practice. In this article, we introduce a new research problem, named stream-based <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">active MKL</i> (AMKL), in which a learner is allowed to label some selected data from an oracle according to a selection criterion. This is necessary for many real-world applications as acquiring a true label is costly or time consuming. We theoretically prove that the proposed AMKL achieves an optimal sublinear regret <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\mathcal {O}(\sqrt {T})$ </tex-math></inline-formula> as in OMKL with little labeled data, implying that the proposed selection criterion indeed avoids unnecessary label requests. Furthermore, we present AMKL with an adaptive kernel selection (named AMKL-AKS) in which irrelevant kernels can be excluded from a kernel dictionary “on the fly.” This approach improves the efficiency of active learning and the accuracy of function learning. Via numerical tests with real data sets, we verify the superiority of AMKL-AKS, yielding a similar accuracy performance with OMKL counterpart using a fewer number of labeled data.
Title: Trains, Games, and Complexity: 0/1/2-Player Motion Planning Through Input/Output Gadgets. Abstract: We analyze the computational complexity of motion planning through local "input/output" gadgets with separate entrances and exits, and a subset of allowed traversals from entrances to exits, each of which changes the state of the gadget and thereby the allowed traversals. We study such gadgets in the 0-, 1-, and 2-player settings, in particular extending past motion-planning-through-gadgets work to 0-player games for the first time, by considering "branchless" connections between gadgets that route every gadget's exit to a unique gadget's entrance. Our complexity results include containment in L, NL, P, NP, and PSPACE; as well as hardness for NL, P, NP, and PSPACE. We apply these results to show PSPACE-completeness for certain mechanics in Factorio, [the Sequence], and a restricted version of Trainyard, improving prior results. This work strengthens prior results on switching graphs and reachability switching games.
Title: Subdomain Adaptation With Manifolds Discrepancy Alignment Abstract: Reducing domain divergence is a key step in transfer learning. Existing works focus on the minimization of global domain divergence. However, two domains may consist of several shared subdomains, and differ from each other in each subdomain. In this article, we take the local divergence of subdomains into account in transfer. Specifically, we propose to use the low-dimensional manifold to represent the subdomain, and align the local data distribution discrepancy in each manifold across domains. A manifold maximum mean discrepancy (M3D) is developed to measure the local distribution discrepancy in each manifold. We then propose a general framework, called transfer with manifolds discrepancy alignment (TMDA), to couple the discovery of data manifolds with the minimization of M3D. We instantiate TMDA in the subspace learning case considering both the linear and nonlinear mappings. We also instantiate TMDA in the deep learning framework. Experimental studies show that TMDA is a promising method for various transfer learning tasks.
Title: Constructing Accurate and Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Networks With Double-Threshold and Augmented Schemes Abstract: Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are considered as a potential candidate to overcome current challenges, such as the high-power consumption encountered by artificial neural networks (ANNs); however, there is still a gap between them with respect to the recognition accuracy on various tasks. A conversion strategy was, thus, introduced recently to bridge this gap by mapping a trained ANN to an SNN. Ho...
Title: Multi-label sampling based on local label imbalance Abstract: •The local imbalance is more crucial than the global one in multi-label data.•The local imbalance based measure assesses the hardness of multi-label data.•MLSOL and MLUL tackle the multi-label class imbalance issue via local imbalance.•Suitable application situations of our two methods are identified, respectively.
Title: Specification and Automated Analysis of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in Web APIs Abstract: Web services often impose inter-parameter dependencies that restrict the way in which two or more input parameters can be combined to form valid calls to the service. Unfortunately, current specification languages for web services like the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) provide no support for the formal description of such dependencies, which makes it hardly possible to automatically discover and interact with services without human intervention. In this article, we present an approach for the specification and automated analysis of inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs. We first present a domain-specific language, called <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">Inter-parameter Dependency Language</i> (IDL), for the specification of dependencies among input parameters in web services. Then, we propose a mapping to translate an IDL document into a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), enabling the automated analysis of IDL specifications using standard CSP-based reasoning operations. Specifically, we present a catalogue of seven analysis operations on IDL documents allowing to compute, for example, whether a given request satisfies all the dependencies of the service. Finally, we present a tool suite including an editor, a parser, an OAS extension, a constraint programming-aided library, and a test suite supporting IDL specifications and their analyses. Together, these contributions pave the way for a new range of specification-driven applications in areas such as code generation and testing.
Title: No Arbitrage SVI Abstract: We fully characterize the absence of butterfly arbitrage in the stochastic volatility inspired (SVI) formula for implied total variance proposed by Gatheral in 2004. The main ingredient is an intermediate characterization of the necessary condition for no arbitrage obtained for any model by Fukasawa in 2012 that the inverse functions of the -d(1) and -d(2) of the Black-Scholes formula, viewed as functions of the log-forward moneyness, should be increasing. A natural rescaling of the SVI parameters and a meticulous analysis of the Durrleman condition allow us then to obtain simple range conditions on the parameters. This leads to a straightforward implementation of a least-squares calibration algorithm on the no arbitrage domain, which yields an excellent fit on the market data we used for our tests, with the guarantee to yield smiles with no butterfly arbitrage.
Title: Arranging test tubes in racks using combined task and motion planning Abstract: The paper develops a robotic manipulation system to meet the pressing needs for handling a large number of test tubes in clinical examination and replace or reduce human labor. It presents the technical details of the system, which separates and arranges test tubes in racks with the help of 3D vision and artificial intelligence (AI) planning. The developed system only requires a person to put a rack with mixed and non-arranged tubes in front of a robot. The robot autonomously performs recognition, reasoning, planning, manipulation, etc., and returns a rack with separated and arranged tubes. The system is simple-to-use, and there are no requests for expert knowledge in robotics. We expect such a system to play an important role in helping managing bulky examination samples. We also hope similar systems could be extended to other clinical manipulation like handling mixers and pipettes in the future.
Title: Feature Selection Methods for Uplift Modeling and Heterogeneous Treatment Effect. Abstract: Uplift modeling is a causal learning technique that estimates subgroup-level treatment effects. It is commonly used in industry and elsewhere for tasks such as targeting ads. In a typical setting, uplift models can take thousands of features as inputs, which is costly and results in problems such as overfitting and poor model interpretability. Consequently, there is a need to select a subset of the most important features for modeling. However, traditional methods for doing feature selection are not fit for the task because they are designed for standard machine learning models whose target is importantly different from uplift models. To address this, we introduce a set of feature selection methods explicitly designed for uplift modeling, drawing inspiration from statistics and information theory. We conduct empirical evaluations on the proposed methods on publicly available datasets, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed methods compared to traditional feature selection. We make the proposed methods publicly available as a part of the CausalML open-source package.
Title: Online algorithms to schedule a proportionate flexible flow shop of batching machines Abstract: This paper is the first to consider online algorithms to schedule a proportionate flexible flow shop of batching machines (PFFB). The scheduling model is motivated by manufacturing processes of individualized medicaments, which are used in modern medicine to treat some serious illnesses. We provide two different online algorithms, proving also lower bounds for the offline problem to compute their competitive ratios. The first algorithm is an easy-to-implement, general local scheduling heuristic. It is 2-competitive for PFFBs with an arbitrary number of stages and for several natural scheduling objectives. We also show that for total/average flow time, no deterministic algorithm with better competitive ratio exists. For the special case with two stages and the makespan or total completion time objective, we describe an improved algorithm that achieves the best possible competitive ratio phi = 1+root 5/2 the golden ratio. All our results also hold for proportionate (non-flexible) flow shops of batching machines (PFB) for which this is also the first paper to study online algorithms.
Title: Enhancing Geometric Factors in Model Learning and Inference for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation Abstract: Deep learning-based object detection and instance segmentation have achieved unprecedented progress. In this article, we propose complete-IoU (CIoU) loss and Cluster-NMS for enhancing geometric factors in both bounding-box regression and nonmaximum suppression (NMS), leading to notable gains of average precision (AP) and average recall (AR), without the sacrifice of inference efficiency. In particular, we consider three geometric factors, that is: 1) overlap area; 2) normalized central-point distance; and 3) aspect ratio, which are crucial for measuring bounding-box regression in object detection and instance segmentation. The three geometric factors are then incorporated into CIoU loss for better distinguishing difficult regression cases. The training of deep models using CIoU loss results in consistent AP and AR improvements in comparison to widely adopted <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\ell _{n}$ </tex-math></inline-formula> -norm loss and IoU-based loss. Furthermore, we propose Cluster-NMS, where NMS during inference is done by implicitly clustering detected boxes and usually requires fewer iterations. Cluster-NMS is very efficient due to its pure GPU implementation, and geometric factors can be incorporated to improve both AP and AR. In the experiments, CIoU loss and Cluster-NMS have been applied to state-of-the-art instance segmentation (e.g., YOLACT and BlendMask-RT), and object detection (e.g., YOLO v3, SSD, and Faster R-CNN) models. Taking YOLACT on MS COCO as an example, our method achieves performance gains as +1.7 AP and +6.2 AR <sub xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">100</sub> for object detection, and +1.1 AP and +3.5 AR <sub xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">100</sub> for instance segmentation, with 27.1 FPS on one NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti GPU. All the source code and trained models are available at <uri xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://github.com/Zzh-tju/CIoU</uri> .
Title: XEM: An explainable-by-design ensemble method for multivariate time series classification Abstract: We present XEM, an eXplainable-by-design Ensemble method for Multivariate time series classification. XEM relies on a new hybrid ensemble method that combines an explicit boosting-bagging approach to handle the bias-variance trade-off faced by machine learning models and an implicit divide-and-conquer approach to individualize classifier errors on different parts of the training data. Our evaluation shows that XEM outperforms the state-of-the-art MTS classifiers on the public UEA datasets. Furthermore, XEM provides faithful explainability-by-design and manifests robust performance when faced with challenges arising from continuous data collection (different MTS length, missing data and noise).
Title: Fully-Dynamic Graph Sparsifiers Against an Adaptive Adversary Abstract: Designing dynamic graph algorithms against an adaptive adversary is a major goal in the field of dynamic graph algorithms. While a few such algorithms are known for spanning trees, matchings, and single-source shortest paths, very little was known for an important primitive like graph sparsifiers. The challenge is how to approximately preserve so much information about the graph (e.g., all-pairs distances and all cuts) without revealing the algorithms' underlying randomness to the adaptive adversary. In this paper we present the first non-trivial efficient adaptive algorithms for maintaining spanners and cut sparisifers. These algorithms in turn imply improvements over existing algorithms for other problems. Our first algorithm maintains a polylog$(n)$-spanner of size $\tilde O(n)$ in polylog$(n)$ amortized update time. The second algorithm maintains an $O(k)$-approximate cut sparsifier of size $\tilde O(n)$ in $\tilde O(n^{1/k})$ amortized update time, for any $k\ge1$, which is polylog$(n)$ time when $k=\log(n)$. The third algorithm maintains a polylog$(n)$-approximate spectral sparsifier in polylog$(n)$ amortized update time. The amortized update time of both algorithms can be made worst-case by paying some sub-polynomial factors. Prior to our result, there were near-optimal algorithms against oblivious adversaries (e.g. Baswana et al. [TALG'12] and Abraham et al. [FOCS'16]), but the only non-trivial adaptive dynamic algorithm requires $O(n)$ amortized update time to maintain $3$- and $5$-spanner of size $O(n^{1+1/2})$ and $O(n^{1+1/3})$, respectively [Ausiello et al. ESA'05]. Our results are based on two novel techniques. The first technique, is a generic black-box reduction that allows us to assume that the graph undergoes only edge deletions and, more importantly, remains an expander with almost-uniform degree. The second technique we call proactive resampling. [...]
Title: An Algebraic Approach to Projective Uniqueness with an Application to Order Polytopes Abstract: A combinatorial polytope P is said to be projectively unique if it has a single realization up to projective transformations. Projective uniqueness is a geometrically compelling property but is difficult to verify. In this paper, we merge two approaches to projective uniqueness in the literature. One is primarily geometric and is due to McMullen, who showed that certain natural operations on polytopes preserve projective uniqueness. The other is more algebraic and is due to Gouveia, Macchia, Thomas, and Wiebe. They use certain ideals associated to a polytope to verify a property called graphicality that implies projective uniqueness. In this paper, we show that McMullen's operations preserve not only projective uniqueness but also graphicality. As an application, we show that large families of order polytopes are graphic and thus projectively unique.
Title: Dimensions of Diversity in Human Perceptions of Algorithmic Fairness. Abstract: A growing number of oversight boards and regulatory bodies seek to monitor and govern algorithms that make decisions about people's lives. Prior work has explored how people believe algorithmic decisions should be made, but there is little understanding of how individual factors like sociodemographics or direct experience with a decision-making scenario may affect their ethical views. We take a step toward filling this gap by exploring how people's perceptions of one aspect of procedural algorithmic fairness (the fairness of using particular features in an algorithmic decision) relate to their (i) demographics (age, education, gender, race, political views) and (ii) personal experiences with the algorithmic decision-making scenario. We find that political views and personal experience with the algorithmic decision context significantly influence perceptions about the fairness of using different features for bail decision-making. Drawing on our results, we discuss the implications for stakeholder engagement and algorithmic oversight including the need to consider multiple dimensions of diversity in composing oversight and regulatory bodies.
Title: BeCAPTCHA-Mouse: Synthetic mouse trajectories and improved bot detection Abstract: •Two novel methodologies for mouse trajectory synthesis.•A new bot detection algorithm based on neuromotor modeling of mouse trajectories•Improved modeling of mouse dynamics based on real and synthesized samples.•Public benchmark for research in bot detection and other mouse-based HCI applications.
Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey Abstract: Latest technological improvements increased the quality of transportation. New data-driven approaches bring out a new research direction for all control-based systems, e.g., in transportation, robotics, IoT and power systems. Combining data-driven applications with transportation systems plays a key role in recent transportation applications. In this paper, the latest deep reinforcement learning (...
Title: Boundary-aware context neural network for medical image segmentation Abstract: •Propose a boundary-aware context neural network for 2D medical image segmentation.•The pyramid edge extraction module aggregates edge information with multigranularity.•The multi-task learning module enriches the context by the different task branches.•The cross feature fusion module aims to selectively aggregate multi-level features.•Achieving state-of-the-art performances on five medical image segmentation datasets.
Title: A Concise Yet Effective Model for Non-Aligned Incomplete Multi-View and Missing Multi-Label Learning Abstract: In reality, learning from multi-view multi-label data inevitably confronts three challenges: missing labels, incomplete views, and non-aligned views. Existing methods mainly concern the first two and commonly need multiple assumptions to attack them, making even state-of-the-arts involve at least two explicit hyper-parameters such that model selection is quite difficult. More toughly, they will fail in handling the third challenge, let alone addressing the three jointly. In this paper, we aim at meeting these under the least assumption by building a concise yet effective model with just one hyper-parameter. To ease insufficiency of available labels, we exploit not only the consensus of multiple views but also the global and local structures hidden among multiple labels. Specifically, we introduce an indicator matrix to tackle the first two challenges in a regression form while aligning the same individual labels and all labels of different views in a common label space to battle the third challenge. In aligning, we characterize the global and local structures of multiple labels to be high-rank and low-rank, respectively. Subsequently, an efficient algorithm with linear time complexity in the number of samples is established. Finally, even without view-alignment, our method substantially outperforms state-of-the-arts with view-alignment on five real datasets.
Title: Search for Smart Evaders With Swarms of Sweeping Agents Abstract: Suppose in a given planar region, there are smart mobile evaders and we want to detect them using sweeping agents. We assume that the agents have line sensors of equal length. We propose procedures for designing cooperative sweeping processes that ensure successful completion of the task, thereby deriving conditions on the sweeping velocity of the agents and their paths. Successful completion of t...
Title: Investigating the Effects of Robot Engagement Communication on Learning from Demonstration Abstract: Robot learning from demonstration (RLfD) is a technique for robots to derive policies from instructors’ examples. Although the reciprocal effects of student engagement on teacher behavior are widely recognized in the educational community, it is unclear whether the same phenomenon holds for RLfD. To fill this gap, we first design three types of robot engagement behavior (gaze, imitation, and a hybrid of the two) based on the learning literature. We then conduct, in a simulation environment, a within-subject user study to investigate the impact of different robot engagement cues on humans compared to a “without-engagement” condition. Results suggest that engagement communication has significantly negative influences on the human’s estimation of the simulated robots’ capability and significantly raises their expectation towards the learning outcomes, even though we do not run actual imitation learning algorithms in the experiments. Moreover, imitation behavior affects humans more than gaze does in all metrics, while their combination has the most profound influences on humans. We also find that communicating engagement via imitation or the combined behavior significantly improves humans’ perception towards the quality of simulated demonstrations, even if all demonstrations are of the same quality.
Title: On the existence of primitive normal elements of rational form over finite fields of even characteristic Abstract: Let q be an even prime power and m >= 2 an integer. By F-q, we denote the finite field of order q and by F-qm its extension of degree m. In this paper, we investigate the existence of a primitive normal pair (alpha, f(alpha)), with f(x) = ax(2) + bx+c/dx+e is an element of F-qm(x) where the rank of the matrix F = (a 0 b d c e) is an element of M-2x3(F-qm) is 2. Namely, we establish sufficient conditions to show that nearly all fields of even characteristic" possess such elements, except for (1 0 1 1 0 0) if q = 2 and m is odd, and then we provide an explicit small list of possible and genuine exceptional pairs (q, m).
Title: Noise2Weight: On detecting payload weight from drones acoustic emissions Abstract: The increasing popularity of autonomous and remotely-piloted drones has paved the way for several use-cases and application scenarios, including merchandise delivery, surveillance, and warfare, to cite a few. In many application scenarios, estimating with zero-touch the weight of the payload carried by a drone before it approaches could be of particular interest, e.g., to provide early tampering detection when the weight of the payload is sensitively different from the expected one.
Title: Microfluidic QCSK Transmitter and Receiver Design for Molecular Communication Abstract: The components with molecular communication (MC) functionalities can bring an opportunity for emerging applications in fields from personal healthcare to modern industry. In this paper, we propose the designs of the microfluidic transmitter and receiver with quadruple concentration shift keying (QCSK) modulation and demodulation functionalities. To do so, we first present an AND gate design, and then apply it to the QCSK transmitter and receiver design. The QCSK transmitter is capable of modulating two input signals to four different concentration levels, and the QCSK receiver can demodulate a received signal to two outputs. More importantly, we also establish a mathematical framework to theoretically characterize our proposed microfluidic circuits. Based on this, we first derive the output concentration distribution of our proposed AND gate design, and provide the insight into the selection of design parameters to ensure an exhibition of desired behavior. We further derive the output concentration distributions of the QCSK transmitter and receiver. Simulation results obtained in COMSOL Multiphysics not only show the desired behavior of all the proposed microfluidic circuits, but also demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed mathematical framework.
Title: Do gradient-based explanations tell anything about adversarial robustness to android malware? Abstract: While machine-learning algorithms have demonstrated a strong ability in detecting Android malware, they can be evaded by sparse evasion attacks crafted by injecting a small set of fake components, e.g., permissions and system calls, without compromising intrusive functionality. Previous work has shown that, to improve robustness against such attacks, learning algorithms should avoid overemphasizing few discriminant features, providing instead decisions that rely upon a large subset of components. In this work, we investigate whether gradient-based attribution methods, used to explain classifiers' decisions by identifying the most relevant features, can be used to help identify and select more robust algorithms. To this end, we propose to exploit two different metrics that represent the evenness of explanations, and a new compact security measure called Adversarial Robustness Metric. Our experiments conducted on two different datasets and five classification algorithms for Android malware detection show that a strong connection exists between the uniformity of explanations and adversarial robustness. In particular, we found that popular techniques like Gradient*Input and Integrated Gradients are strongly correlated to security when applied to both linear and nonlinear detectors, while more elementary explanation techniques like the simple Gradient do not provide reliable information about the robustness of such classifiers.
Title: Dualities and reciprocities on graphs on surfaces Abstract: We extend the duality between acyclic orientations and totally cyclic orientations on planar graphs to dualities on graphs on orientable surfaces by introducing boundary acyclic orientations and totally bi-walkable orientations. In addition, we provide a reciprocity theorem connecting local tensions and boundary acyclic orientations. Furthermore, we define the balanced flow polynomial which is connected with tension polynomial by duality and with totally bi-walkable orientations by reciprocity.
Title: Investigating the discrepancy property of de Bruijn sequences Abstract: The discrepancy of a binary string refers to the maximum (absolute) difference between the number of ones and the number of zeroes over all possible substrings of the given binary string. We provide an investigation of the discrepancy of over a dozen simple constructions of de Bruijn sequences as well as de Bruijn sequences based on linear feedback shift registers whose feedback polynomials are primitive. Furthermore, we demonstrate constructions that attain the lower bound of theta(n) and a new construction that attains the previously known upper bound of theta(2(n)root n). This extends the work of Cooper and Heitsch [Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010)]. (C)& nbsp;2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing Systems Abstract: In mobile edge computing systems, an edge node may have a high load when a large number of mobile devices offload their tasks to it. Those offloaded tasks may experience large processing delay or even be dropped when their deadlines expire. Due to the uncertain load dynamics at the edge nodes, it is challenging for each device to determine its offloading decision (i.e., whether to offload or not, ...
Title: Online Bitrate Selection for Viewport Adaptive 360-Degree Video Streaming Abstract: 360-degree video streaming provides users with immersive experience by letting users determine their field-of-views (FoVs) in real time. To efficiently utilize the limited bandwidth resources, recent works have proposed a viewport adaptive 360-degree video streaming model by exploiting the bitrate adaptation in spatial and temporal domains. In this paper, under this video streaming model, we propose an online bitrate selection algorithm to enhance the user’s quality of experience (QoE). This is achieved by characterizing the user’s personalized FoV and real-time downloading capacity in an online fashion. We address the unknown user-specific FoV by introducing the reference FoV and design an online bitrate selection algorithm to learn the difference between the user’s actual FoV and the reference FoV. We prove that as the number of video segments increases, the performance of the proposed online algorithm approaches the optimal performance asymptotically, with a bounded error. We perform trace-driven simulations with real-world datasets. Simulation results show that under the scenario where the available video bitrates are relatively high, our proposed algorithm can improve the user’s viewing quality level between <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$4.2\!-\!29.4$</tex-math></inline-formula> percent and reduce the average intra-segment quality switch by at least 12.4 percent when compared with several existing methods.
Title: Instance-dependent cost-sensitive learning for detecting transfer fraud Abstract: •An instance dependent cost matrix for transfer fraud detection is presented.•An instance-dependent threshold is derived.•Two instance-dependent cost-sensitive methods are proposed.•They create the detection model that minimizes the financial loss due to fraud.•Useful for any classification problem involving an instance-dependent cost-matrix.
Title: Effective adiabatic control of a decoupled Hamiltonian obtained by rotating wave approximation Abstract: In this paper we study up to which extent we can apply adiabatic control strategies to a quantum control model obtained by rotating wave approximation. In particular, we show that, under suitable assumptions on the asymptotic regime between the parameters characterizing the rotating wave and the adiabatic approximations, the induced flow converges to the one obtained by considering the two approximations separately and by combining them formally in cascade. As a consequence, we propose explicit control laws which can be used to induce desired populations transfers, robustly with respect to parameter dispersions in the controlled Hamiltonian.
Title: Log-regularly varying scale mixture of normals for robust regression Abstract: Linear regression that employs the assumption of normality for the error distribution may lead to an undesirable posterior inference of regression coefficients due to potential outliers. A finite mixture of two components, one with thin and one with heavy tails, is considered as the error distribution in this study. For the heavily-tailed component, the novel class of distributions is introduced; their densities are log-regularly varying and have heavier tails than the Cauchy distribution. Yet, they are expressed as a scale mixture of normals which enables the efficient posterior inference when using a Gibbs sampler. The robustness of the posterior distributions is proved under the proposed models using a minimal set of assumptions, which justifies the use of shrinkage priors with unbounded densities for the coefficient vector in the presence of outliers. An extensive comparison with the existing methods via simulation study shows the improved performance of the proposed model in point and interval estimation, as well as its computational efficiency. Further, the posterior robustness of the proposed method is confirmed in an empirical study with shrinkage priors for regression coefficients. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Title: Training Robust Neural Networks Using Lipschitz Bounds Abstract: Due to their susceptibility to adversarial perturbations, neural networks (NNs) are hardly used in safety-critical applications. One measure of robustness to such perturbations in the input is the Lipschitz constant of the input-output map defined by an NN. In this letter, we propose a framework to train multi-layer NNs while at the same time encouraging robustness by keeping their Lipschitz constant small, thus addressing the robustness issue. More specifically, we design an optimization scheme based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers that minimizes not only the training loss of an NN but also its Lipschitz constant resulting in a semidefinite programming based training procedure that promotes robustness. We design two versions of this training procedure. The first one includes a regularizer that penalizes an accurate upper bound on the Lipschitz constant. The second one allows to enforce a desired Lipschitz bound on the NN at all times during training. Finally, we provide two examples to show that the proposed framework successfully increases the robustness of NNs.
Title: Deep Semisupervised Class- and Correlation-Collapsed Cross-View Learning Abstract: In many computer vision applications, an object can be represented by multiple different views. Due to the heterogeneous gap triggered by the different views’ inconsistent distributions, it is challenging to exploit these multiview data for cross-view retrieval and classification. Motivated by the fact that both labeled and unlabeled data can enhance the relations among different views, this artic...
Title: A Survey on Sparse Learning Models for Feature Selection Abstract: Feature selection is important in both machine learning and pattern recognition. Successfully selecting informative features can significantly increase learning accuracy and improve result comprehensibility. Various methods have been proposed to identify informative features from high-dimensional data by removing redundant and irrelevant features to improve classification accuracy. In this article...
Title: Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on L 1 -Norm and Its Bayesian Variational Inference Abstract: Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) is a very effective feature extraction approach and has obtained extensive and successful applications in supervised learning tasks. It employs the squared $L_{2}$ -norm to measure the model errors, which assumes a Gaussian noise distribution implicitly. However, the noise in r...
Title: A Dynamic Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decision Variable Classification Abstract: In recent years, dynamic multiobjective optimization problems (DMOPs) have drawn increasing interest. Many dynamic multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (DMOEAs) have been put forward to solve DMOPs mainly by incorporating diversity introduction or prediction approaches with conventional multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Maintaining a good balance of population diversity and convergence is ...
Title: Inner-Estimating Domains of Attraction for Nonpolynomial Systems With Polynomial Differential Inclusions Abstract: In this article, based on polynomial differential inclusions, we propose a heuristic iterative approach for estimating the domains of attraction for nonpolynomial systems. First, we use the fuzzy model to construct a polynomial differential inclusion for the nonpolynomial system, which can be equivalently written as a time-invariant uncertain polynomial system. Then, beginning with an initial inne...
Title: Planarity and Genus of Sparse Random Bipartite Graphs Abstract: The genus of the binomial random graph $G(n,p)$ is well understood for a wide range of $p=p(n)$. Recently, the study of the genus of the random bipartite graph $G(n_1,n_2,p)$, with partition classes of size $n_1$ and $n_2$, was initiated by Mohar and Ying, who showed that when $n_1$ and $n_2$ are comparable in size and $p=p(n_1,n_2)$ is significantly larger than $(n_1n_2)^{-\frac{1}{2}}$ the genus of the random bipartite graph has a similar behaviour to that of the binomial random graph. In this paper we show that there is a threshold for planarity of the random bipartite graph at $p=(n_1n_2)^{-\frac{1}{2}}$ and investigate the genus close to this threshold, extending the results of Mohar and Ying. It turns out that there is qualitatively different behaviour in the case where $n_1$ and $n_2$ are comparable, when whp the genus is linear in the number of edges, than in the case where $n_1$ is asymptotically smaller than $n_2$, when whp the genus behaves like the genus of a sparse random graph $G(n_1,q)$ for an appropriately chosen $q=q(p,n_1,n_2)$.
Title: Robust distributed model predictive control of linear systems: Analysis and synthesis Abstract: To provide robustness of distributed model predictive control (DMPC), this work proposes a robust DMPC formulation for discrete-time linear systems subject to unknown-but-bounded disturbances. Taking advantage of the structure of certain classes of distributed systems seen in applications with inter-agent coupling, a novel robust DMPC is formulated. The proposed approach is characterised by separable terminal costs and locally robust terminal sets, with the latter sets adaptively estimated in the online optimisation problem. A constraint tightening approach based on a set-membership approach is used to guarantee constraint satisfaction for coupled subsystems in the presence of disturbances. Under this formulation, the closed-loop system is shown to be recursively feasible and input-to-state stable. To aid in the deployment of the proposed robust DMPC, a possible synthesis method and design conditions for practical implementation are presented. Finally, simulation results with a mass–spring–damper system are provided to demonstrate the proposed robust DMPC.
Title: Delay-Aware Resource Allocation in Fog-Assisted IoT Networks Through Reinforcement Learning Abstract: Fog nodes in the vicinity of IoT devices are promising to provision low-latency services by offloading tasks from IoT devices to them. Mobile IoT is composed by mobile IoT devices, such as vehicles, wearable devices, and smartphones. Owing to the time-varying channel conditions, traffic loads, and computing loads, it is challenging to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) of mobile IoT devices. As ...
Title: Time efficiency in optimization with a bayesian-Evolutionary algorithm Abstract: •We address time efficiency further to traditional data efficiency to evaluate generate-and-test style optimization algorithms and a precise way to measure time efficiency by gain per time unit.•To the time-efficient search algorithm, we propose a new algorithm, Bayesian-Evolutionary Algorithm that combines time efficiency and data efficiency by combining Bayesian and evolutionary optimization, and a method to select and transfer knowledge from the Bayesian to the evolutionary component.•We demonstrate the merit of the BEA as a learning method on well-known objective functions and tasks in evolutionary robotics. We investigate its performance regarding fitness, computation time, and time efficiency (gain per time unit) and implement a demonstration of the best controllers learned by the BEA on real robots.
Title: Augmented Lagrangian method for second-order cone programs under second-order sufficiency Abstract: This paper addresses problems of second-order cone programming important in optimization theory and applications. The main attention is paid to the augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) for such problems considered in both exact and inexact forms. Using generalized differential tools of second-order variational analysis, we formulate the corresponding version of second-order sufficiency and use it to establish, among other results, the uniform second-order growth condition for the augmented Lagrangian. The latter allows us to justify the solvability of subproblems in the ALM and to prove the linear primal-dual convergence of this method.
Title: RotEqNet: Rotation-equivariant network for fluid systems with symmetric high-order tensors Abstract: In the recent application of scientific modeling, machine learning models are largely applied to facilitate computational simulations of fluid systems. Rotation symmetry is a general property for most symmetric fluid systems. However, in general, current machine learning methods have no theoretical guarantee of Rotation symmetry. By observing an important property of contraction and rotation operation on high order symmetric tensors, we prove that the rotation operation is preserved via tensor contraction. Based on this theoretical justification, in this paper, we introduce Rotation-Equivariant Network (RotEqNet) to guarantee the property of rotation-equivariance for high order tensors in fluid systems. We implement RotEqNet and evaluate our claims with four case studies on various fluid systems. The property of error reduction and rotation-equivariance is verified in these case studies. Results are showing the high superiority of RotEqNet compared to traditional machine learning methods.
Title: Low-Latency and Fresh Content Provision in Information-Centric Vehicular Networks Abstract: In this paper, the content service provision of information-centric vehicular networks (ICVNs) is investigated from the aspect of mobile edge caching, considering the dynamic driving-related context information. To provide up-to-date information with low latency, two schemes are designed for cache update and content delivery at the roadside units (RSUs). The roadside unit centric (RSUC) scheme decouples cache update and content delivery through bandwidth splitting, where the cached content items are updated regularly in a round-robin manner. The request adaptive (ReA) scheme updates the cached content items upon user requests with certain probabilities. The performance of both proposed schemes are analyzed, whereby the average age of information (AoI) and service latency are derived in closed forms. Surprisingly, the AoI-latency trade-off does not always exist, and frequent cache update can degrade both performances. Thus, the RSUC and ReA schemes are further optimized to balance the AoI and latency. Extensive simulations are conducted on SUMO and OMNeT++ simulators, and the results show that the proposed schemes can reduce service latency by up to 80 percent while guaranteeing content freshness in heavily loaded ICVNs.
Title: On k-diametral point configurations in Minkowski spaces Abstract: The structure of k-diametral point configurations in Minkowski d-space is shown to be closely related to the properties of k-antipodal point configurations in Rd. In particular, the maximum size of k-diametral point configurations of Minkowski d-spaces is obtained for given k >= 2 and d >= 2 generalizing Petty's results (Petty, 1971 [24]) on equilateral sets in Minkowski spaces. Furthermore, bounds are derived for the maximum size of k-diametral point configurations in given Minkowski d-space (resp., Euclidean d-space). Some of these results have analogues for point sets, which are discussed as well. In the proofs convexity methods are combined with volumetric estimates and combinatorial properties of diameter graphs. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Title: A Generalized Kernel Risk Sensitive Loss for Robust Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition. Abstract: Two-dimensional singular decomposition (2DSVD) has been widely used for image processing tasks, such as image reconstruction, classification, and clustering. However, traditional 2DSVD algorithm is based on the mean square error (MSE) loss, which is sensitive to outliers. To overcome this problem, we propose a robust 2DSVD framework based on a generalized kernel risk sensitive loss (GKRSL-2DSVD) which is more robust to noise and and outliers. Since the proposed objective function is non-convex, a majorization-minimization algorithm is developed to efficiently solve it with guaranteed convergence. The proposed framework has inherent properties of processing non-centered data, rotational invariant, being easily extended to higher order spaces. Experimental results on public databases demonstrate that the performance of the proposed method on different applications significantly outperforms that of all the benchmarks.
Title: Topological regularization with information filtering networks Abstract: This paper introduces a novel methodology to perform topological regularization in multivariate probabilistic modeling by using sparse, complex, networks which represent the system’s dependency structure and are called information filtering networks (IFN). This methodology can be directly applied to covariance selection problem providing an instrument for sparse probabilistic modeling with both linear and non-linear multivariate probability distributions such as the elliptical and generalized hyperbolic families. It can also be directly implemented for topological regularization of multicollinear regression. In this paper, I describe in detail an application to sparse modeling with multivariate Student-t. A specific expectation–maximization likelihood maximization procedure over a sparse chordal network representation is proposed for this sparse Student-t case. Examples with real data from stock prices log-returns and from artificially generated data demonstrate applicability, performances, robustness and potentials of this methodology.
Title: Synaptic Learning With Augmented Spikes Abstract: Traditional neuron models use analog values for information representation and computation, while all-or-nothing spikes are employed in the spiking ones. With a more brain-like processing paradigm, spiking neurons are more promising for improvements in efficiency and computational capability. They extend the computation of traditional neurons with an additional dimension of time carried by all-or-...
Title: A mesh-free method using piecewise deep neural network for elliptic interface problems Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel mesh-free numerical method for solving the elliptic interface problems based on deep learning. We approximate the solution by the neural networks and, since the solution may change dramatically across the interface, we employ different neural networks for each sub-domain. By reformulating the interface problem as a least-squares problem, we discretize the objective function using mean squared error via sampling and solve the proposed deep least-squares method by standard training algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent. The discretized objective function utilizes only the point-wise information on the sampling points and thus no underlying mesh is required. Doing this circumvents the challenging meshing procedure as well as the numerical integration on the complex interfaces. To improve the computational efficiency for more challenging problems, we further design an adaptive sampling strategy based on the residual of the least-squares function and propose an adaptive algorithm. Finally, we present several numerical experiments in both 2D and 3D to show the flexibility, effectiveness, and accuracy of the proposed deep least-square method for solving interface problems.
Title: Revealing hidden dynamics from time-series data by ODENet Abstract: •A new type of interpretable neural network – ODENet is proposed.•ODENet can automatically reveal the hidden ODE dynamics from the time-series data.•Sparse regression helps ODENet to find out the simplest model fitting to the data.•ODENet shows a remarkable anti-noise performance and information detection accuracy.•Data-driven and physics-based models are constructed for actin kinetics.
Title: LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RANDOM POINTS IN A SIMPLEX Abstract: In this work the l(q)-norms of points chosen uniformly at random in a centered regular simplex in high dimensions are studied. Berry-Esseen bounds in the regime 1 <= q < infinity are derived and complemented by a non-central limit theorem together with moderate and large deviations in the case where q = infinity. An application to the intersection volume of a regular simplex with an l(p)(n)-ball is also carried out.
Title: InterFaceGAN: Interpreting the Disentangled Face Representation Learned by GANs Abstract: Although generative adversarial networks (GANs) have made significant progress in face synthesis, there lacks enough understanding of what GANs have learned in the latent representation to map a random code to a photo-realistic image. In this work, we propose a framework called InterFaceGAN to interpret the disentangled face representation learned by the state-of-the-art GAN models and study the p...
Title: Tensor completion via nonconvex tensor ring rank minimization with guaranteed convergence Abstract: •We propose a new low-rank sparsity relaxation by imposing the logdet function on tensor ring (TR) unfolding matrices.•We propose an efficient ADMM algorithm to solve the LogTR model with convergence analysis.•Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed LogTR in the tensor completion problem.
Title: Graphs with polynomially many minimal separators Abstract: We show that graphs that do not contain a theta, pyramid, prism, or turtle as an induced subgraph have polynomially many minimal separators. This result is the best possible in the sense that there are graphs with exponentially many minimal separators if only three of the four induced subgraphs are excluded. As a consequence, there is a polynomial time algorithm to solve the maximum weight independent set problem for the class of (theta, pyramid, prism, turtle)-free graphs. Since every prism, theta, and turtle contains an even hole, this also implies a polynomial time algorithm to solve the maximum weight independent set problem for the class of (pyramid, even hole)-free graphs.
Title: TTS-Portuguese Corpus: a corpus for speech synthesis in Brazilian Portuguese Abstract: Speech provides a natural way for human–computer interaction. In particular, speech synthesis systems are popular in different applications, such as personal assistants, GPS applications, screen readers and accessibility tools. However, not all languages are on the same level when in terms of resources and systems for speech synthesis. This work consists of creating publicly available resources for Brazilian Portuguese in the form of a novel dataset along with deep learning models for end-to-end speech synthesis. Such dataset has 10.5 h from a single speaker, from which a Tacotron 2 model with the RTISI-LA vocoder presented the best performance, achieving a 4.03 MOS value. The obtained results are comparable to related works covering English language and the state-of-the-art in European Portuguese.
Title: Solving Large-Scale Sparse PCA to Certifiable (Near) Optimality Abstract: Sparse principal component analysis (PCA) is a popular dimensionality reduction technique for obtaining principal components which are linear combinations of a small subset of the original features. Existing approaches cannot supply certifiably optimal principal components with more than p = 100s of variables. By reformulating sparse PCA as a convex mixed-integer semidefinite optimization problem, we design a cutting-plane method which solves the problem to certifiable optimality at the scale of selecting k = 5 covariates from p = 300 variables, and provides small bound gaps at a larger scale. We also propose a convex relaxation and greedy rounding scheme that provides bound gaps of 1 - 2% in practice within minutes for p = 100s or hours for p = 1, 000s and is therefore a viable alternative to the exact method at scale. Using real-world financial and medical data sets, we illustrate our approach's ability to derive interpretable principal components tractably at scale.
Title: O-Minimal Invariants for Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems Abstract: AbstractTermination analysis of linear loops plays a key rôle in several areas of computer science, including program verification and abstract interpretation. Already for the simplest variants of linear loops the question of termination relates to deep open problems in number theory, such as the decidability of the Skolem and Positivity Problems for linear recurrence sequences, or equivalently reachability questions for discrete-time linear dynamical systems. In this article, we introduce the class of o-minimal invariants, which is broader than any previously considered, and study the decidability of the existence and algorithmic synthesis of such invariants as certificates of non-termination for linear loops equipped with a large class of halting conditions. We establish two main decidability results, one of them conditional on Schanuel’s conjecture is transcendental number theory.
Title: Channel-Aware Adversarial Attacks Against Deep Learning-Based Wireless Signal Classifiers Abstract: This paper presents channel-aware adversarial attacks against deep learning-based wireless signal classifiers. There is a transmitter that transmits signals with different modulation types. A deep neural network is used at each receiver to classify its over-the-air received signals to modulation types. In the meantime, an adversary transmits an adversarial perturbation (subject to a power budget) to fool receivers into making errors in classifying signals that are received as superpositions of transmitted signals and adversarial perturbations. First, these evasion attacks are shown to fail when channels are not considered in designing adversarial perturbations. Then, realistic attacks are presented by considering channel effects from the adversary to each receiver. After showing that a channel-aware attack is selective (i.e., it affects only the receiver whose channel is considered in the perturbation design), a broadcast adversarial attack is presented by crafting a common adversarial perturbation to simultaneously fool classifiers at different receivers. The major vulnerability of modulation classifiers to over-the-air adversarial attacks is shown by accounting for different levels of information available about the channel, the transmitter input, and the classifier model. Finally, a certified defense based on randomized smoothing that augments training data with noise is introduced to make the modulation classifier robust to adversarial perturbations.
Title: A repo model of fire sales with VWAP and LOB pricing mechanisms Abstract: •Optimal strategy for asset liquidations and borrowing.•Existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium for fire-sale and borrowing.•Collateralized borrowing of illiquid assets in a repo market.•Heterogeneous prices based on liquidation quantity.•Comparison between the inverse demand pricing function designs.
Title: Performance Analysis and Optimization of Cache-Assisted CoMP for Clustered D2D Networks Abstract: Caching at mobile devices and leveraging cooperative device-to-device (D2D) communications are two promising approaches to support massive content delivery over wireless networks while mitigating the effects of interference. To show the impact of cooperative communication on the performance of cache-enabled D2D networks, the notion of device clustering must be factored in to convey a realistic des...
Title: The cone of quasi-semimetrics and exponent matrices of tiled orders Abstract: Finite quasi semimetrics on n can be thought of as nonnegative valuations on the edges of a complete directed graph on n vertices satisfying all possible triangle inequalities. They comprise a polyhedral cone whose symmetry groups were studied for small n by Deza, Dutour and Panteleeva. We show that the symmetry and combinatorial symmetry groups are as they conjectured. Integral quasi semimetrics have a special place in the theory of tiled orders, being known as exponent matrices, and can be viewed as monoids under componentwise maximum; we provide a novel derivation of the automorphism group of that monoid. Some of these results follow from more general consideration of polyhedral cones that are closed under componentwise maximum. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Title: Modularizing Deep Learning via Pairwise Learning With Kernels Abstract: By redefining the conventional notions of layers, we present an alternative view on finitely wide, fully trainable deep neural networks as stacked linear models in feature spaces, leading to a kernel machine interpretation. Based on this construction, we then propose a provably optimal modular learning framework for classification that does not require between-module backpropagation. This modular ...
Title: Agglomerative Neural Networks for Multiview Clustering Abstract: Conventional multiview clustering methods seek a view consensus through minimizing the pairwise discrepancy between the consensus and subviews. However, pairwise comparison cannot portray the interview relationship precisely if some of the subviews can be further agglomerated. To address the above challenge, we propose the agglomerative analysis to approximate the optimal consensus view, thereby describing the subview relationship within a view structure. We present an agglomerative neural network (ANN) based on constrained Laplacian rank to cluster multiview data directly without a dedicated postprocessing step (e.g., using <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$K$ </tex-math></inline-formula> -means). We further extend ANN with a learnable data space to handle data of complex scenarios. Our evaluations against several state-of-the-art multiview clustering approaches on four popular data sets show the promising view-consensus analysis ability of ANN. We further demonstrate ANN’s capability in analyzing complex view structures, extensibility through our case study and robustness and effectiveness of data-driven modifications.
Title: How Reliable Is Smartphone-Based Electronic Contact Tracing for COVID-19? Abstract: WITH GLOBAL SURGES of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 and 2021, electronic contact tracing has been adopted in different countries, the goal being to identify the most relevant contacts with a reasonable reliability. Owing to the need to quickly reduce the number of transmissions, contact-tracing solutions built on smartphones were developed because they could be mass-deployed on short notice. Their major advantage was that the hardware was already deployed and only the software remained to be developed.
Title: On the chromatic number of two generalized Kneser graphs Abstract: We determine the chromatic number of some graphs of flags in buildings of type A(4), namely of the Kneser graphs of flags of type {2, 4} in the vector spaces GF(q)(5) for q >= 3, and of the Kneser graph of flags of type {2, 3} in the vector spaces GF(q)(5) for large q. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Title: A survey of Behavior Trees in robotics and AI Abstract: Behavior Trees (BTs) were invented as a tool to enable modular AI in computer games, but have received an increasing amount of attention in the robotics community in the last decade. With rising demands on agent AI complexity, game programmers found that the Finite State Machines (FSM) that they used scaled poorly and were difficult to extend, adapt and reuse.
Title: Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations Via Spectral Residual Methods: Stepsize Selection and Applications Abstract: Spectral residual methods are derivative-free and low-cost per iteration procedures for solving nonlinear systems of equations. They are generally coupled with a nonmonotone linesearch strategy and compare well with Newton-based methods for large nonlinear systems and sequences of nonlinear systems. The residual vector is used as the search direction and choosing the steplength has a crucial impact on the performance. In this work we address both theoretically and experimentally the steplength selection and provide results on a real application such as a rolling contact problem.
Title: A New Sampled-Data Output-Feedback Controller Design of Nonlinear Systems via Fuzzy Affine Models Abstract: This article focuses on the sampled-data output-feedback control problem for nonlinear systems represented by Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy affine models. An input delay approach is adopted to describe the sample-and-hold behavior of the measurement output. Via augmenting the system states with the control input, the resulting closed-loop system is converted into a singular system first. Based on the piecew...
Title: Dual Heuristic Programming for Optimal Control of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems Using Single Echo State Network Abstract: This article presents an improved online adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) algorithm to solve the optimal control problem of continuous-time nonlinear systems with infinite horizon cost. The Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equation is iteratively approximated by a novel critic-only structure which is constructed using the single echo state network (ESN). Inspired by the dual heuristic programming (...
Title: Integrative Biological Network Analysis to Identify Shared Genes in Metabolic Disorders Abstract: Identification of common molecular mechanisms in interrelated diseases is essential for better prognoses and targeted therapies. However, complexity of metabolic pathways makes it difficult to discover common disease genes underlying metabolic disorders; and it requires more sophisticated bioinformatics models that combine different types of biological data and computational methods. Accordingly, we built an integrative network analysis model to identify shared disease genes in metabolic syndrome (MS), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and coronary artery disease (CAD). We constructed weighted gene co-expression networks by combining gene expression, protein-protein interaction, and gene ontology data from multiple sources. For 90 different configurations of disease networks, we detected the significant modules by using MCL, SPICi, and Linkcomm graph clustering algorithms. We also performed a comparative evaluation on disease modules to determine the best method providing the highest biological validity. By overlapping the disease modules, we identified 22 shared genes for MS–CAD and T2D–CAD. Moreover, 19 out of these genes were directly or indirectly associated with relevant diseases in the previous medical studies. This study does not only demonstrate the performance of different biological data sources and computational methods in disease-gene discovery, but also offers potential insights into common genetic mechanisms of the metabolic disorders.
Title: Adaptive Fuzzy Asymptotic Tracking Control of State-Constrained High-Order Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems and Its Applications Abstract: This article discusses the adaptive fuzzy asymptotic tracking control for high-order nonlinear time-delay systems with full-state constraints. Fuzzy-logic systems and a separation principle are utilized to relax growth assumptions imposed on unknown nonlinearities. The adverse effect caused by unknown time delays is eliminated by choosing appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals. By integrating...
Title: Output-Feedback Global Consensus of Discrete-Time Multiagent Systems Subject to Input Saturation via Q -Learning Method Abstract: This article proposes a $Q$ -learning (QL)-based algorithm for global consensus of saturated discrete-time multiagent systems (DTMASs) via output feedback. According to the low-gain feedback (LGF) theory, control inputs of the saturated DTMASs can avoid the saturation by utilizing the control policies with LGF matrices, which ...
Title: Robust Asymptotic Fault Estimation of Discrete-Time Interconnected Systems With Sensor Faults Abstract: In this article, a robust asymptotic fault estimation (RAFE) design is proposed for discrete-time interconnected systems with sensor faults. By constructing a singular augmented system, an equivalent description of the considered interconnected systems is presented. Then, a novel RAFE observer is proposed for the singular augmented system. Furthermore, gain matrices of the RAFE observer are calcul...
Title: Deep Completion Autoencoders for Radio Map Estimation Abstract: Radio maps provide metrics such as power spectral density for every location in a geographic area and find numerous applications such as UAV communications, interference control, spectrum management, resource allocation, and network planning to name a few. Radio maps are constructed from measurements collected by spectrum sensors distributed across space. Since radio maps are complicated functions...
Title: An adaptive Euler–Maruyama scheme for McKean–Vlasov SDEs with super-linear growth and application to the mean-field FitzHugh–Nagumo model Abstract: In this paper, we introduce fully implementable, adaptive Euler–Maruyama schemes for McKean–Vlasov stochastic differential equations (SDEs) assuming only a standard monotonicity condition on the drift and diffusion coefficients but no global Lipschitz continuity in the state variable for either, while global Lipschitz continuity is required for the measure component. We prove moment stability of the discretised processes and a strong convergence rate of 1/2. Several numerical examples, centred around a mean-field model for FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons, illustrate that the standard uniform scheme fails and that the adaptive approach shows in most cases superior performance to tamed approximation schemes. In addition, we introduce and analyse an adaptive Milstein scheme for a certain sub-class of McKean–Vlasov SDEs with linear measure-dependence of the drift.
Title: First-Order Algorithms for a Class of Fractional Optimization Problems Abstract: We consider in this paper a class of single-ratio fractional minimization problems, in which the numerator part of the objective is the sum of a nonsmooth nonconvex function and a smooth nonconvex function while the denominator part is a nonsmooth convex function. Besides, the three functions involved in the objective are all nonnegative. To the best of our knowledge, this class of problems has seldom been carefully investigated in the literature and existing methods in general fractional optimization are not suitable for solving this problem. In this work, we first derive its first-order necessary optimality condition, by using the first-order operators of the three functions involved. Then we develop first-order algorithms, namely, the proximity-gradient-subgradient algorithm (PGSA), PGSA with monotone line search (PGSA_ML) and PGSA with nonmonotone line search (PGSA_NL). It is shown that any accumulation point of the sequence generated by them is a critical point of the problem under mild assumptions. Moreover, we establish global convergence of the sequence generated by PGSA or PGSA_ML and analyze its convergence rate, by further assuming the local Lipschitz continuity of the nonsmooth function in the numerator part, the smoothness of the denominator part and the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz property of the objective. The proposed algorithms are applied to the sparse generalized eigenvalue problem associated with a pair of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices and the corresponding convergence results are obtained according to their general convergence theorems. We perform some preliminary numerical experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms
Title: A Generative Model for Generic Light Field Reconstruction Abstract: Recently deep generative models have achieved impressive progress in modeling the distribution of training data. In this work, we present for the first time a generative model for 4D light field patches using variational autoencoders to capture the data distribution of light field patches. We develop a generative model conditioned on the central view of the light field and incorporate this as a pr...
Title: Nilpotency and the Hamiltonian property for cancellative residuated lattices Abstract: This paper studies nilpotent and Hamiltonian cancellative residuated lattices and their relationship with nilpotent and Hamiltonian lattice-ordered groups. In particular, results about lattice-ordered groups are extended to the domain of residuated lattices. The two key ingredients that underlie the considerations of this paper are the categorical equivalence between Ore residuated lattices and lattice-ordered groups endowed with a suitable modal operator; and Malcev's description of nilpotent groups of a given nilpotency class c in terms of a semigroup equation.
Title: High fidelity epigenetic inheritance: Information theoretic model predicts threshold filling of histone modifications post replication Abstract: During cell devision, maintaining the epigenetic information encoded in histone modification patterns is crucial for survival and identity of cells. The faithful inheritance of the histone marks from the parental to the daughter strands is a puzzle, given that each strand gets only half of the parental nucleosomes. Mapping DNA replication and reconstruction of modifications to equivalent problems in communication of information, we ask how well enzymes can recover the parental modifications, if they were ideal computing machines. Studying a parameter regime where realistic enzymes can function, our analysis predicts that enzymes may implement a critical threshold filling algorithm which fills unmodified regions of length at most k. This algorithm, motivated from communication theory, is derived from the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoding which identifies the most probable modification sequence based on available observations. Simulations using our method produce modification patterns similar to what has been observed in recent experiments. We also show that our results can be naturally extended to explain inheritance of spatially distinct antagonistic modifications. Author summary Chromatin is essentially the DNA that is folded and packaged with the help of proteins. While the nucleotide sequence in the DNA codes genetic information, the packaging of the DNA into chromatin encodes extra layer of information. This epigenetic code regulates reading of the genetic code and provides identity to cells-whether the cell is a skin cell or a brain cell, for example. In this work we examine a long standing puzzle, that is, how the epigenetic code in the form of histone modification patterns may get inherited, when a cell divides. Using theoretical arguments, we present an algorithm that enzymes could be executing so that the epigenetic code can be inherited with minimal error, soon after DNA replication.
Title: Improving aspect-level sentiment analysis with aspect extraction Abstract: Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), a popular research area in NLP, has two distinct parts—aspect extraction (AE) and labelling the aspects with sentiment polarity (ALSA). Although distinct, these two tasks are highly correlated. The work primarily hypothesizes that transferring knowledge from a pre-trained AE model can benefit the performance of ALSA models. Based on this hypothesis, word embeddings are obtained during AE and, subsequently, feed that to the ALSA model. Empirically, this work shows that the added information significantly improves the performance of three different baseline ALSA models on two distinct domains. This improvement also translates well across domains between AE and ALSA tasks.
Title: Smart Urban Mobility: When Mobility Systems Meet Smart Data Abstract: Cities around the world are expanding dramatically, with urban population growth reaching nearly 2.5 billion people in urban areas and road traffic growth exceeding 1.2 billion cars by 2050. The economic contribution of the transport sector represents 5% of the GDP in Europe and costs an average of US <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\$ $ </tex-math></inline-formula> 482.05 billion in the United States. These figures indicate the rapid rise of industrial cities and the urgent need to move from traditional cities to smart cities. This article provides a survey of different approaches and technologies such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that leverage communication technologies to help maintain road users safe while driving, as well as support autonomous mobility through the optimization of control systems. The role of ITS is strengthened when combined with accurate artificial intelligence models that are built to optimize urban planning, analyze crowd behavior and predict traffic conditions. AI-driven ITS is becoming possible thanks to the existence of a large volume of mobility data generated by billions of users through their use of new technologies and online social media. The optimization of urban planning enhances vehicle routing capabilities and solves traffic congestion problems, as discussed in this paper. From an ecological perspective, we discuss the measures and incentives provided to foster the use of mobility systems. We also underline the role of the political will in promoting open data in the transport sector, considered as an essential ingredient for developing technological solutions necessary for cities to become healthier and more sustainable.
Title: Minimum Number of Edges of Polytopes with $2d+2$ Vertices. Abstract: We define an analogue of the cube and an analogue of the 5-wedge in higher dimensions, each with $2d+2$ vertices and $d^2+2d-3$ edges. We show that these two are the only minimisers of the number of edges, amongst d-polytopes with $2d+2$ vertices, for all $d$ except 4, 5 and 7. We also show that there are four sporadic minimisers in these low dimensions. We announce a partial solution to the corresponding problem for polytopes with $2d + 3$ vertices.
Title: Detection and Isolation of Wheelset Intermittent Over-Creeps for Electric Multiple Units Based on a Weighted Moving Average Technique Abstract: Wheelset intermittent over-creeps (WIOs), i.e., slips or slides, can decrease the overall traction and braking performance of Electric Multiple Units (EMUs). However, they are difficult to detect and isolate due to their small magnitude and short duration. This paper presents a new index called variable-to-minimum difference (VMD) and a novel technique called weighted moving average (WMA). Their c...
Title: Phase transition in cohomology groups of non-uniform random simplicial complexes Abstract: We consider a generalised model of a random simplicial complex, which arises from a random hypergraph. Our model is generated by taking the downward-closure of a nonuniform binomial random hypergraph, in which for each k, each set of k + 1 vertices forms an edge with some probability p(k) independently. As a special case, this contains an extensively studied model of a (uniform) random simplicial complex, introduced by Meshulam and Wallach [Random Structures & Algorithms 34 (2009), no. 3, pp. 408-417]. We consider a higher-dimensional notion of connectedness on this new model according to the vanishing of cohomology groups over an arbitrary abelian group R. We prove that this notion of connectedness displays a phase transition and determine the threshold. We also prove a hitting time result for a natural process interpretation, in which simplices and their downward-closure are added one by one. In addition, we determine the asymptotic behaviour of cohomology groups inside the critical window around the time of the phase transition.
Title: Data-Driven Dynamic Multiobjective Optimal Control: An Aspiration-Satisfying Reinforcement Learning Approach Abstract: This article presents an iterative data-driven algorithm for solving dynamic multiobjective (MO) optimal control problems arising in control of nonlinear continuous-time systems. It is first shown that the Hamiltonian functional corresponding to each objective can be leveraged to compare the performance of admissible policies. Hamiltonian inequalities are then used for which their satisfaction guarantees satisfying the objectives’ aspirations. Relaxed Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equations in terms of HJB inequalities are then solved in a dynamic constrained MO framework to find Pareto optimal solutions. Relation to satisficing (good enough) decision-making framework is shown. A sum-of-square (SOS)-based iterative algorithm is developed to solve the formulated aspiration-satisfying MO optimization. To obviate the requirement of complete knowledge of the system dynamics, a data-driven satisficing reinforcement learning approach is proposed to solve the SOS optimization problem in real time using only the information of the system trajectories measured during a time interval without having full knowledge of the system dynamics. Finally, two simulation examples are utilized to verify the analytical results of the proposed algorithm.
Title: Groups for which it is easy to detect graphical regular representations. Abstract: We say that a finite group G is "DRR-detecting" if, for every subset S of G, either the Cayley digraph Cay(G,S) is a digraphical regular representation (that is, its automorphism group acts regularly on its vertex set) or there is a nontrivial group automorphism phi of G such that phi(S) = S. We show that every nilpotent DRR-detecting group is a p-group, but that the wreath product of two cyclic groups of order p is not DRR-detecting, for every odd prime p. We also show that if G and H are nontrivial groups that admit a digraphical regular representation and either gcd(|G|,|H|) = 1, or H is not DRR-detecting, then the direct product G x H is not DRR-detecting. Some of these results also have analogues for graphical regular representations.
Title: Convolutional Neural Network for Behavioral Modeling and Predistortion of Wideband Power Amplifiers Abstract: Power amplifier (PA) models, such as the neural network (NN) models and the multilayer NN models, have problems with high complexity. In this article, we first propose a novel behavior model for wideband PAs, using a real-valued time-delay convolutional NN (RVTDCNN). The input data of the model is sorted and arranged as a graph composed of the in-phase and quadrature ( <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$I/Q$ </tex-math></inline-formula> ) components and envelope-dependent terms of current and past signals. Then, we created a predesigned filter using the convolutional layer to extract the basis functions required for the PA forward or reverse modeling. Finally, the generated rich basis functions are input into a simple, fully connected layer to build the model. Due to the weight sharing characteristics of the convolutional model’s structure, the strong memory effect does not lead to a significant increase in the complexity of the model. Meanwhile, the extraction effect of the predesigned filter also reduces the training complexity of the model. The experimental results show that the performance of the RVTDCNN model is almost the same as the NN models and the multilayer NN models. Meanwhile, compared with the abovementioned models, the coefficient number and computational complexity of the RVTDCNN model are significantly reduced. This advantage is noticeable when the memory effects of the PA are increased by using wider signal bandwidths.
Title: Some Unexpected Properties of Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients. Abstract: We are interested in identities between Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, and hence in comparing different tensor product decompositions of the irreducible modules of the linear group GL n (C). A family of partitions-called near-rectangular-is defined, and we prove a stability result which basically asserts that the decomposition of the tensor product of two representations associated to near-rectangular partitions does not depend on n. Given a partition $\lambda$, of length at most n, denote by V n ($\lambda$) the associated simple GL n (C)-module. We conjecture that, if $\lambda$ is near-rectangular and $\mu$ any partition, the decompositions of V n ($\lambda$) $\otimes$ V n ($\mu$) and V n ($\lambda$) * $\otimes$ V n ($\mu$) coincide modulo a mysterious bijection. We prove this conjecture if $\mu$ is also near-rectangular and report several computer-assisted computations which reinforce our conjecture.
Title: Ordering Starlike Trees by the Totality of Their Spectral Moments Abstract: The k-th spectral moment Mk(G) of the adjacency matrix of a graph G represents the number of closed walks of length k in G. We study here the partial order ≼ of graphs, defined by G ≼ H if Mk(G) ≤ Mk(H) for all k ≥ 0, and are interested in the question when is ≼ a linear order within a specified set of graphs? Our main result is that ≼ is a linear order on each set of starlike trees with constant number of vertices. Recall that a connected graph G is a starlike tree if it has a vertex u such that the components of G − u are paths, called the branches of G. It turns out that the ≼ ordering of starlike trees with constant number of vertices coincides with the shortlex order of sorted sequence of their branch lengths.
Title: Multitask learning with single gradient step update for task balancing Abstract: •We propose a novel multitask learning algorithm to alleviate the imbalance problem.•The proposed method is inspired by gradient-based meta-learning.•It consists of the single gradient step update and alternating training procedure.•It outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in several computer vision problems.
Title: Psychometrics in Behavioral Software Engineering: A Methodological Introduction with Guidelines Abstract: AbstractA meaningful and deep understanding of the human aspects of software engineering (SE) requires psychological constructs to be considered. Psychology theory can facilitate the systematic and sound development as well as the adoption of instruments (e.g., psychological tests, questionnaires) to assess these constructs. In particular, to ensure high quality, the psychometric properties of instruments need evaluation. In this article, we provide an introduction to psychometric theory for the evaluation of measurement instruments for SE researchers. We present guidelines that enable using existing instruments and developing new ones adequately. We conducted a comprehensive review of the psychology literature framed by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. We detail activities used when operationalizing new psychological constructs, such as item pooling, item review, pilot testing, item analysis, factor analysis, statistical property of items, reliability, validity, and fairness in testing and test bias. We provide an openly available example of a psychometric evaluation based on our guideline. We hope to encourage a culture change in SE research towards the adoption of established methods from psychology. To improve the quality of behavioral research in SE, studies focusing on introducing, validating, and then using psychometric instruments need to be more common.
Title: Iterative Network for Image Super-Resolution Abstract: Single image super-resolution (SISR), as a traditional ill-conditioned inverse problem, has been greatly revitalized by the recent development of convolutional neural networks (CNN). These CNN-based methods generally map a low-resolution image to its corresponding high-resolution version with sophisticated network structures and loss functions, showing impressive performances. This paper provides a new insight on conventional SISR algorithm, and proposes a substantially different approach relying on the iterative optimization. A novel iterative super-resolution network (ISRN) is proposed on top of the iterative optimization. We first analyze the observation model of image SR problem, inspiring a feasible solution by mimicking and fusing each iteration in a more general and efficient manner. Considering the drawbacks of batch normalization, we propose a feature normalization (F-Norm, FN) method to regulate the features in network. Furthermore, a novel block with FN is developed to improve the network representation, termed as FNB. Residual-in-residual structure is proposed to form a very deep network, which groups FNBs with a long skip connection for better information delivery and stabling the training phase. Extensive experimental results on testing benchmarks with bicubic (BI) degradation show our ISRN can not only recover more structural information, but also achieve competitive or better PSNR/SSIM results with much fewer parameters compared to other works. Besides BI, we simulate the real-world degradation with blur-downscale (BD) and downscale-noise (DN). ISRN and its extension ISRN+ both achieve better performance than others with BD and DN degradation models.
Title: On Randomized Trace Estimates for Indefinite Matrices with an Application to Determinants Abstract: Randomized trace estimation is a popular and well-studied technique that approximates the trace of a large-scale matrix B by computing the average of $$x^T Bx$$ for many samples of a random vector X. Often, B is symmetric positive definite (SPD) but a number of applications give rise to indefinite B. Most notably, this is the case for log-determinant estimation, a task that features prominently in statistical learning, for instance in maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian process regression. The analysis of randomized trace estimates, including tail bounds, has mostly focused on the SPD case. In this work, we derive new tail bounds for randomized trace estimates applied to indefinite B with Rademacher or Gaussian random vectors. These bounds significantly improve existing results for indefinite B, reducing the number of required samples by a factor n or even more, where n is the size of B. Even for an SPD matrix, our work improves an existing result by Roosta-Khorasani and Ascher (Found Comput Math, 15(5):1187–1212, 2015) for Rademacher vectors. This work also analyzes the combination of randomized trace estimates with the Lanczos method for approximating the trace of f(B). Particular attention is paid to the matrix logarithm, which is needed for log-determinant estimation. We improve and extend an existing result, to not only cover Rademacher but also Gaussian random vectors.
Title: Coopetition Against an Amazon Abstract: This paper studies cooperative data-sharing between competitors vying to predict a consumer's tastes. We design optimal data-sharing schemes both for when they compete only with each other, and for when they additionally compete with an Amazon-a company with more, better data. We show that simple schemes-threshold rules that probabilistically induce either full data-sharing between competitors, or the full transfer of data from one competitor to another-are either optimal or approximately optimal, depending on properties of the information structure. We also provide conditions under which firms share more data when they face stronger outside competition, and describe situations in which this conclusion is reversed.
Title: On embedding Lambek calculus into commutative categorial grammars Abstract: We consider tensor grammars, which are an example of 'commutative' grammars, based on the classical (rather than intuitionistic) linear logic. They can be seen as a surface representation of abstract categorial grammars (ACG) in the sense that derivations of ACG translate to derivations of tensor grammars and this translation is isomorphic on the level of string languages. The basic ingredients are tensor terms, which can be seen as encoding and generalizing proof nets. Using tensor terms makes the syntax extremely simple and a direct geometric meaning becomes transparent. Then we address the problem of encoding noncommutative operations in our setting. This turns out possible after enriching the system with new unary operators. The resulting system allows representing both ACG and Lambek grammars as conservative fragments, while the formalism remains, as it seems to us, rather simple and intuitive.
Title: DisCoveR: accurate and efficient discovery of declarative process models Abstract: Declarative process modeling formalisms—which capture high-level process constraints—have seen growing interest, especially for modeling flexible processes. This paper presents DisCoveR, an efficient and accurate declarative miner for learning Dynamic Condition Response (DCR) Graphs from event logs. We present a precise formalization of the algorithm, describe a highly efficient bit vector implementation and present a preliminary evaluation against five other miners, representing the state-of-the-art in declarative and imperative mining. DisCoveR performs competitively with each of these w.r.t. a fully automated binary classification task, achieving an average accuracy of 96.1% in the Process Discovery Contest 2019 (Results are available at https://icpmconference.org/2019/process-discovery-contest ). We appeal to computational learning theory to gain insight into its performance as a classifier. Due to its linear time complexity, DisCoveR also achieves much faster run times than other declarative miners. Finally, we show how the miner has been integrated in a state-of-the-art declarative process modeling framework as a model recommendation tool and discuss how discovery can play an integral part of the modeling task and report on how the integration has improved the modeling experience of end-users.
Title: Evolved explainable classifications for lymph node metastases Abstract: A novel evolutionary approach for Explainable Artificial Intelligence is presented: the “Evolved Explanations” model (EvEx). This methodology combines Local Interpretable Model Agnostic Explanations (LIME) with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms to allow for automated segmentation parameter tuning in image classification tasks. In this case, the dataset studied is Patch-Camelyon, comprised of patches from pathology whole slide images. A publicly available Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was trained on this dataset to provide a binary classification for presence/absence of lymph node metastatic tissue. In turn, the classifications are explained by means of evolving segmentations, seeking to optimize three evaluation goals simultaneously. The final explanation is computed as the mean of all explanations generated by Pareto front individuals, evolved by the developed genetic algorithm. To enhance reproducibility and traceability of the explanations, each of them was generated from several different seeds, randomly chosen. The observed results show remarkable agreement between different seeds. Despite the stochastic nature of LIME explanations, regions of high explanation weights proved to have good agreement in the heat maps, as computed by pixel-wise relative standard deviations. The found heat maps coincide with expert medical segmentations, which demonstrates that this methodology can find high quality explanations (according to the evaluation metrics), with the novel advantage of automated parameter fine tuning. These results give additional insight into the inner workings of neural network black box decision making for medical data.
Title: An Architecture for Distributed Energies Trading in Byzantine-Based Blockchains Abstract: With the development of smart cities, not only are all corners of the city connected to each other, but also connected from city to city. They form a large distributed network together, which can facilitate the integration of Distributed Energy Stations (DESs) and corresponding smart aggregators. Nevertheless, because of potential security and privacy protection arising from trustless energies trading, how to make such energies trading go smoothly is a tricky challenge. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based multiple energies trading (B-MET) system for secure and efficient energies trading by executing a smart contract we design. Because energies trading requires the blockchain in B-MET system to have high throughput and low latency, we design a new byzantine-based consensus mechanism (BCM) based on node’s credit to improve efficiency for the consortium blockchain under the B-MET system. Then, we take combined heat and power (CHP) system as a typical example that provides distributed energies. We quantify their utilities and model the interactions between aggregators and DESs in a smart city by a novel multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game. It is analyzed and solved by reaching Nash equilibrium between aggregators, which reflects the competition between aggregators to purchase energies from DESs. In the end, we conduct plenty of numerical simulations to evaluate and verify our proposed model and algorithms, which demonstrate their correctness and efficiency completely.