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{"text":"it feels like its everything and nothing","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"i think the centralist thing might not relate to deep and layer three center lessness","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"we do the nonduality test and all of that","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"when you say luminosity what experience","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"so if layer three hasnt been doing it for you if its almost too far away","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"peace in location two is much more present in experience but it can get pushed down by conditioning","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"would perceive my kind of layer three or location three experiences to be very different from the nondual would be this sense of love and fullness this kind of","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"layer three type of experience","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"divine or any sort of panpsychist","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"theres this awareness this aliveness which is the sort of bedrock of experience that isnt located","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"transition experiences","label_text":"loc1lay1","label":0}
{"text":"sense of compassion","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"fundamental okayness is usually in the background feeling more real than anything previous but sometimes god takes the last step and thats relevant for layer four","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"layer three early part of it is more prominent which its full it overrides the consciousness emptiness","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"it sounds like you have a very location three like experience on the emotion side in location two","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"layer three is not absent from your system its in your experience in this moment but its qualities arent easily being discerned because your attention isnt used to you know discerning it out of you know the whole sphere of experience that is this moment","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"location three wouldnt have had any personal emotion","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"more than any of the other locations transitioning to location 4 is associated with difficult psychological experiences that are often referred to by terms such as the dark night of the soul this is especially the case if someone is coming into location 4 at layer 2","label_text":"loc4lay2","label":13}
{"text":"its like a shallow experience of layer two but thats pretty common in location one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"sense of impersonal love","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"the fullness isnt necessarily around fullness of life","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"sense of union","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"nonduality pointers","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"it knows that its centered in your head its again part of your individualized sense of self so yeah so thats location two","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"covarying with the active qualities of layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"some its love","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"the continuum starts at location 1","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"intensely present","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"im being more passive and you know and i think itll be important for me to recognize that a lot of what i do is really passive","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"yeah it feels full","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"to no center at all","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"nondual thing","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"love and joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"how there is this experience as i go a little bit deeper how things are sort of like like they are frozen you know like in in toys i think thats the movie theyre the toys are all alive but then the kid looks at them they are like they are not moving so it sort of feels like that like everything is alive but its not moving because im looking at it and so as soon as i stop looking at it it will you know things will start moving","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"less emotion expression and layer three of location two","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"finders who reach layer 3 in location 2 often develop a natural fluidity between layer 3 and layer 1 sometimes even minimizing access to layer 2 this allows them to maintain a high degree of functionality within the mind while simultaneously being able to sink in to deeper peace and stillness ","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"no agency thing would continue on past location four on the path of freedom","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"fundamental being","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"no ability to separate it","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"it might be a deeper experience of layer three and location two where its all the divine and your individual sense of self has further fallen away um because if there was just from the way you describe it you can correct me if im wrong but in location three you would feel like the self is dissolving into the divine um or sort of coming into union with it it wouldnt feel like it just gone and theres only the divine functioning through you","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"they can seem to have a whole range of emotions because of course their system actually does have emotion theyre just not able to perceive it","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"its just showing up","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"location 2 the boundaries between what feels like you and what feels like outside of you increasingly soften or disappear entirely","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"pulls you out of location two","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"goals can abruptly change or remain the same out of habit or after careful reanalysis","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"vision stuff and all of that obviously sounds dead on","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"the totality that was that was that was the experience","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"im suspecting that its layer three from location two its my guess","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"partially reembodied","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"only very positive emotions","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"layer four is difficult to get to but changes in goals and motivation are more present moment focus","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"must show up in a certain way that is always layer fourish","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"i think spend as much time in layer two as you possibly can regardless of where at","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"sense of self at layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"thinking back to the past oftentimes in fundamental wellbeing you can think back to sort of the worst things in the past and its still youre still sort of experiencing them through fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc","label":23}
{"text":"layer three sort of presence thing then that would suggest that you are fluidly moving at least some of the time","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"im very joyful like everything is like dreamy joyful and warm and loving","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"beingness or a presence","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"still have a full range of emotions","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"and then i watch the mind do its tricks for example itll put me asleep or zone out or these are all tricks that i recognize and but it still manages at times to catch me up but i can sink in it almost immediately into that feeling of silence","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"you say youre most interested in obtaining fluidity with locations two","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"they werent as trained as they are right now","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"so that definitely seems like a good direction for this the next two weeks or whatever since were working on layer two","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"they feel value laden and quite arbitrary distinctions theres just a sensation that well i know that this body can die right i know that awful things can happen to people that are in my circle so havent lost that perspective but at a at a really eternal indestructible level i dont think any of those words actually matter theyre theyre not dont have a a frame of reference for them","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"theres starting to be more space in that","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"they dont say im the fullness and presence","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"but i can see layer one acting i can i can see the mind doing its things of analyzing and planning","label_text":"loc1lay1","label":0}
{"text":"being alive","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"peace continued to deepen","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"and then theres the the implication or the intimation of a of a kind of sparkling a shimmering and energy aliveness to stuff um its almost like a its almost like a mischievousness like a laughter","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"fine just like some is divine some is pan psychic and location three","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"fourth layer","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"so you know my mom goes to work every day and does a great job shes in her 80s she never wants to stop working she like believes in what she does she works at shes a hospital administrator type and shes like every day i get to go to work and help people and you know make a difference in their lives why would i stop doing that kind of thing you know but shes obviously in a highly complex social environment where she thrives and so you know even though shes been in fundamental wellbeing her whole life she developed in that more you know socially welladjusted direction and so theres some sort of range in there between you know purely aesthetic and developing in an amazingly social and highly capable way","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"so you can use this both with hearing despite hearing loss doesnt really matter or with vision despite more visual acuity from the hearing loss doesnt really matter you can use this to determine basically where youre at in terms of location one","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"i almost cant feel the emptiness its too full","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"distinction between you and it","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"dont give a crap what anybody thinks about me","label_text":"loc4lay3","label":14}
{"text":"layer three location three","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"so the joy is infusing the knowingness or its coming to the foreground in the knowingness its","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"location 5 and later brings reintegration beyond anything that can previously be imagined","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"relearn how to use part of your body","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"if someone has the divine version of experience in location 3 layer 4 is experienced as the ultimate mystery of the divine often called the godhead","label_text":"loc3lay4","label":11}
{"text":"i can kind of provide a kind of resource for this human being whos you know trying so hard all the time you know like crying all the time and and when i and when i im able to have that awareness then the intentions the devotion that sense of devotion that that all boom","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"so that field of existence relates to sort of deeper aspects of layer three","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"one which sees much of what is directly experienced in life as quite peculiar and funny when paid close attention to","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"perceptually layer 2 of location 4 seems like a desert of emptinessit is profoundly stark and distant and can even feel like nothing exists at all this is typically only passed through on the way to deeper layers because location 4 does not stabilize in layer 2","label_text":"loc4lay2","label":13}
{"text":" i am that fullness","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"so a couple this year i only recall getting slightly triggered once and its hard to even say that its triggered","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"pervading all experience","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"this deepest stillness brings with it a loss of dimensionality and seems flat or stark when compared to the richness of layer 3 ","label_text":"loc3lay4","label":11}
{"text":"youve been fundamental wellbeing so long","label_text":"tfwc","label":23}
{"text":"and so you know you have an opportunity to communicate to your system that youre a little bit more friendly with leaving access to layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"by the time youre in location four you cant feel anything obviously by location four and later it would just be some sensation in the body if you can feel anything like very subtle sense of something which is hard to pick up but you can still detect it if its deep enough","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"centreless quality of aliveness","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"and so its possible you have some degree of fluidity from some form of layer two sense of self to a more layer one sense of self","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"it feels like ones self disappears into this unknowable depth and there is only that beyond all distinction and comprehension ","label_text":"loc3lay4","label":11}
{"text":" theres not theres nothing centered on you perceiving those sounds either as a hearer or as a more localized but different from the rest of it sense of spaciousness or something like that you know as well","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"fluidity is the natural thing in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"its just all one big going on and its not happening to me its all just happening and its sort of like you know sensation inside the body is all part of the that thats going on","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"three felt presence divine like an undercoating of divine right and three three was full on god is the construct right god is everything its like part of me its im in this im in the soup im in god soup","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"i feel like based in the mind that its a place where i experience the world from and where my attention is most of the time and theres no possibility of anything beyond it or any thing being outside of it","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"that was a very low kind of stillness thing in terms of vibrational frequency of the stillness and stuff from my standpoint you know and then and then you know very early on like when i asked you to focus on fullness it was like just cranking up the dial to like a high frequency higher frequency stillness in an unusual way for me to perceive such that it just really stood out i was like oh wow this is this is going to be a stillness thing","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"special abilities such as being able to read minds see the past and future heal the sick and so forth as strange as they may sound levitation passing part or all of ones physical body through a solid object disappearing manifesting unusual visual phenomena such as a glowing light pushing a solid object through a different one and manifesting objects from thin air are mentioned across many traditions because some aspects of this were covered in the chapter on location 5","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"it doesnt feel quite as alien as it did at location four things like that","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"spaciousness and layer two","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"of course you know all to some degree when you go to location for all bets are off","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"i guess i used to have more of that experience that i am this this whole thing and also a strong sense that i remember when i transitioned a strong sense that like there was space between my thoughts and i had that a lot in the beginning","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"depressed just prior to their transition its not uncommon for location 1 finders to just assume that something has occurred that lightened their load","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"lovebased facet may feel like divine or universal love or simply impersonal love","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"mean that when i was looking at the leaves they were of colors that id never seen and everything was a brightness and there was a everything was sparkling and shining and and this was another thing","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"so what youre looking at is you know either something shifts you straight into location two or more","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"a fullness there","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"but even in your current experience when you have this centerless spacious thing come on and the perceiver dissolves you still have a boost for instance and wellbeing","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"there is listening but not the perception of a separate listener or hearer","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"disappears at location four","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"in contrast the location three type qualities are more related to the obviously that meta emotion so love joy compassion particularly if they have you know the more impersonal qualities of those","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"experience is incredibly positive","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"even if you were to go to a more heavy layer three experience in location four you know the definitions and feel and sense and what youve abided and up to this point its like a night and day difference from a layer three perspective","label_text":"loc4lay3","label":14}
{"text":"maybe something youve done its great its really great and when you and you know if you do just want to keep going further and further and further and further layer wise","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"or the emptiness or the spacious emptiness of layer two or wherever","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"it is like the absolute unknowable depth of divinity ","label_text":"loc3lay4","label":11}
{"text":"so i think im in location four um layers four three and one pretty fluid across that","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"make that whole spacious thing show up in one way","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"layer one in lay one is selfgenerating and existential focusing on meaning and purpose with thought streams and highs and lows in energetic variation","label_text":"loc3lay1","label":8}
{"text":"watching thinking occurring in your system","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"the richness and fullness of existence that seems to be infinite oneness aliveness inexpressible magnificence to the all everything as an energy field the viscous substance all energy feels like one","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"and then theres like kind of cross into layer three it feels like instead of silence things become a little bit more joyful","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"finders emotional content varies despite their reduced charge in location 1 memories still have a mix of positive and negative emotions associated with them","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"self and the center both fall away","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"everything is just sort of arising and its all just sort of there","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"so i have so so my experience of the world and internally is that i dont have that many emotions per se i have feelings and that kind of thing but usually i dont have any negative emotions that last longer than maybe a minute or two and if that happens its usually related to some deep kind of topic or trauma and i have an underlying sense of just feeling good all the time pretty much just a feeling of peace or that everything will be okay and of just appreciation and a sense of life and being alive and of myself um if you could say that the situation im in yet i also do have a lot of thought activity so um and that you know that that depends on on the period of time you know for example a year ago i wasnt working i was just traveling and you know things were kind of different internally now i have a job where im working 60 60 hour weeks managing operations for a whole country for a crypto exchange and im working on several screens and computers and a lot of processes and so that triggers a lot of a lot of thought activity and a lot of analysis and that kind of thing","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"great for relationships","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"sounds good lets see if youre actually in location one","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"see feel experiences","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"and you the mind mental activity some personal sense of self that comes with that so so thats cool definitely you know youve identified that your your attention by default is you know focused to some extent at least on layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"theres a smear of the mind in there too and even maybe how i experienced layer three as well","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"while im deepening into layer three i think like the liveness thing but the sense of causality losing meaning and flatness its more like deepening into the raw experience thats available like really leaving all the concepts behind and diving for whats actually here kind of thing yeah","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"everything just shows up","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"location five","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"boundless love","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"i think you have a lot more you can trust your deeper intuitions as you referred to them if you can if you can resist the temptation or the inclination to doubt everything it would help you deepen because the thing thats doubting it is layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"most of the time youre probably going between location one","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"but it a get deeper version of layer three its definitely been i guess enhanced or like shown what is possible and really just me seeing how much me being in location two later three is just kind of i mean the word id say is zombified like almost its easy for me to just sort of escape in that way and feel okay about it and then suddenly going into three three same thoughts same thoughts that would come up in vacation two that i would just escape from suddenly oh wow i have this extra feeling of love i dont have to leave i can just be here and oh they dont you know it doesnt get worse it actually just releases then i think what brought me down a bit the last few days has just been working and you know the casino environment is not even though ive been used to it its not exactly the best for deepening yeah so i think im literally like 29 like im just below the three and you know now i got the next week off so i think ill um go back into it i got this interesting thing called um a hug sleep so its basically an adult swaddle like um i dont know whatever they use it compresses you so you just sleep in it and it just feels like somebodys hugging you so that seems to be working on the attachment theory stuff","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"individuals who initially land in location 4 as their first experience of fundamental wellbeing generally report a great deal of automaticity and obviously didnt develop it as a habit","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"in location three theres a feeling of union or merger with the divine or an allpervasive consciousness with a sense of perfection and higher wellbeing than location 2","label_text":"loc3lay1","label":8}
{"text":"the deconditioning cycles that unfold in a finders system after transitioning deal with a lot of this conditioning and the peace moves increasingly to the foreground of experience","label_text":"loc1lay1","label":0}
{"text":"so it kind of felt like that after enlightenment that everything is just perfect nothing bothers me and everything is easy and i can do anything and","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"at night its like that in low light because like you say wheres the light source with the shades drawn and the theres no light source so it does seem like things are selfluminous but during the day not so much but but things arent being mediated like mean maybe subsystem wise things are still mediated that way but theres no thought mediating the visual uh experience","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"i would say i am still in location one because it can be press down and can read there are times that i need to kind of call it forward to kind of regain my equilibrium","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"so we narrow it down to location two its that easy","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"some of the other things about location two dont seem to quite have a whole lot of","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"but it very much could be location three and just exploring it think worry you know if something happens","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"nothing coming in my mind so im just being quiet unless im asked something","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"finders report an absence of emotion but this doesnt mean they stop feeling great","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"layer two of location two","label_text":"loc2lay2","label":5}
{"text":"passive peaceful quality of layer three","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"layer two quality","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"i remember in 2020 it definitely felt like i was absorbed in the layer three experience that that might have been a clear location three um and at some point that sensation of energy like rising energy currents and bliss and the pervasive magic","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"like sometimes when i look at things like theres a an overlay or an underlay of like a kind of grid sort of like a flat three dimensional grid like theres theres more dimensions","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"perceive sounds","label_text":"loc2lay2","label":5}
{"text":"suffering the bit that remains looms large","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"sometimes yeah sometimes i certainly had it as i go a little bit deeper like as im kind of like more like with time space the time just space sort of yeah like maybe slightly different from all the other space but sort of space","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"and what youre describing there with that glimmer of agency sounds almost like you might be touching upon you know glimpses of at least of a form of location two possibly location three but agency essentially doesnt return except in those earlier locations","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"love your family very deeply and love anything else very deeply that you","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"because memories so rarely arise for them it can give the appearance that lifes events arent being stored","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"i think its predominantly a location two layer three im just thinking of like recent glimpses i think of being in union where like im just driving and and i just completely","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"more in the forefront of experience","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"location 3 participants had shed their","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"but if im being honest im not im probably in layer one location one i am right","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"theres a real sense of agency","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"no it feels like its over there trying to poke in","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"four stuff","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"so even the fact that im aware that my ego would prefer to tell you oh i dont have an ego that would be lying","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"and theres some more notes here like the deepest part of this is is the back of my heart feels really sort of timeless spaciousness or like a grand dimension um i feel like im behind myself im watching myself im feeling like im a field of awareness the body is still here and it still has sensations and pain but its happening within a field sometimes when im driving it feels like everything is moving through me and again feeling im not having a back or a heart or a head so that so so more the back the back of the body the back of the head im feeling emptiness and when i notice this this then fills up the room um and i feel im in in the rooms um so to speak and so this can have like an emptiness feeling but then the body is still there but then when i when i when i go into this sort of spaciousness feeling behind myself im the body","label_text":"loc1lay2","label":1}
{"text":"gravity pulling that energy from pulling it back down into it","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"deeper stillness infused within the spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":" i was trying to get rid of this boundary and uh i think i sort of achieved it for a while and i had this experience of like flatness extending from my face kind of vertically i guess thats just it and there was no boundary when i try to explore so i thought maybe i did it","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"but rather with that sort of all containing spaciousness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"i can even when you were just describing it i can say oh yeah yeah i know that but again i dont know whether is there a gravitational pull to location three once youre in it","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"location 2 a perceptual change occurred","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"this form of social give and take can trigger them and will sometimes be experienced as deep hurt","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"mostly youre viewing layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"divinity divine","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"but location four deepens and layer four","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"almost never experiencing triggers or anything like that","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"you know love joy compassion those types of elements present and if they are present","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"diminishing access to layer two","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"in location 4 and later where the sense of self is dissolved on a very low level it feels as though that illusion of self just fell away leaving only existence in spontaneous unfolding","label_text":"loc4lay4","label":15}
{"text":"responsibilities in my life","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"it cant be that there is no emotion just have to look harder it can be that there is no agency but there really isnt and they might not have been for quite a while","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"the qualities and tendencies of location 1 typically prevent layer 3 from being experienced clearly and completely and so layer 3 is felt more as a mysterious essence within everything rather than its qualities being dominant and pervasive in experience ","label_text":"loc1lay3","label":2}
{"text":"combination of love and joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"locations two","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"but theres still a little bit of nonduality","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"its just amazing","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"emotional or energetic almost feels like an entity","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"interface with the world","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"layer three but yeah like the the spatial the spaciousness was replaced by the fullness and everything was kind of linked together in a way","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"no sense of divine","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"experience spaciousness first sometimes emptiness first","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"deeper and deeper into stillness and layer three","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"experience of fullness","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"single meta emotion or they have that single meta emotion","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"you have a look or youre not in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"finders typically notice that they are no longer willing to make the same degree of sacrifice to achieve these types of goals this is also true for finders who are climbing the organizational ladder at work each step up that was considered so critical in providing further credibility and status to their narrativeself becomes less important this does not mean their performance at work suffers finders often feel that it significantly improvesby the later portions of location","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"then sometimes youre popping into location one and you know","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"i used to be very very reactive i think i have some like you know neuroticism in my personality because i used to be very reactive before and thats still there if i get you know annoyed at work or you know have too much to do i get stressed out so i think theres like a reactivity and that also pushes me down even though its much less than it used to be","label_text":"loc2lay1","label":4}
{"text":"and then i was thinking maybe my layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"theres virtually no fear about the future which is not really good because i think i was motivated by fear and driven by fear","label_text":"loc1lay2","label":1}
{"text":"its the latter its become the spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"regarding layer three right but id say its a minority of people that are going to experience either one of those i never experienced anything involving luminosity for instance i did experience sort of the viscous fluid thing heard a lot of other people describing the luminosity thing","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"location four didnt seem appealing at all and it sounded well scary you could say like no agency being a puppet and no emotions and","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"yeah so youre getting a deep experience of layer three and you only get that when you close your eyes","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"i often get a sense of the fullness of life","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"okay fullness connectedness oneness","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"so would it be accurate to say that when youre there your sense of what you are is that presence of fullness pervading everything","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"contains everything","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"location two type situation","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"describing is that a certain sense of self is possible to experience and that that changes depending on where youre at in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"subjectobject unification","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"i had the other day i got some serious news about my one of my best friends with a brain tumor or brain something so it was really interesting like i i felt something in my body like some weird kind of like a thing in my body and then i kind of recognized it as sadness and i just stayed with that weird sensation and like tears came up so i do feel sadness you know but not very often um and i i think i can still have some fear sometimes probably yeah but its not very often","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"but it might be a different experience of the non nonduality what i meant the duality so but maybe its a different way of duality than than than im assuming maybe duality is different in location three than it is in location one","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"layer two that thats spaciousness of that distance","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"stillness and movement at the same time","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"when it is touched upon it is typically blended with the deeper layers and is mostly experienced as greater dimensionality in perception including spatial perception","label_text":"loc4lay2","label":13}
{"text":"think with pure peace just the calmness there would be more spacious calm stillness","label_text":"loc1lay2","label":1}
{"text":"unfolding itself in watching it","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"silence is another big one","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"so i think exactly what youre saying you know we can generate a looker if we want to or that sense to some degree probably not a full on looker but we can generate that sense to some degree its usually on the weaker side compared to when it was the iron grip of our perception and thats fine you know that allows us to know that its that the hearing you know allows us to know that its most likely nonduality","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"hyper cognitive state","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"its also when the mind really quietens down or essentially layer one is out of subjective perception","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"and then if i can and then im often able to then kind of like say well whats seeing or who am i and kind of get in touch with actually my awareness of being aware and and so","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"in some aspects of it its individual and some aspects of these locations we could have very granular you know type of changes we find its almost impossible to communicate those to people you know that it just sounds like a smear and so we cluster things at the at the boundary of what is a smear able sounding thing for the most part and so thats what allows me to listen to an experience like yours and think you know dont think that was so much a location three experience probably as maybe something more in location two layer three yeah all right","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"the deep sense that everything is fundamentally okay regardless of current circumstances moves more into the foreground the deeper someone moves into location 2","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"layer two just feels kind of out of phase with that","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"i dont think a lot of people would necessarily use those words okay some people use them and sure think if you if you have the experience in a very complete way which means identity has shifted into being that all pervading field of presence then probably if you read that you could be like okay i could describe it this way um but awareness is a very its a very general term and some people will use that to describe layer two or so","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"layer three location four","label_text":"loc4lay3","label":14}
{"text":"memories are simply arising less on their own","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"it feels very much like layer one because of the storytelling you know the the analyzing mind and probably im thinking location to because because of you know the the me is very hard to locate you know or there is no me but currently there feels like kind of a collapse of the universal order right into this system right now which you know is very layer one you know","label_text":"loc2lay1","label":4}
{"text":"the other thing to do would obviously be to use your past experience of location three if it was location three to sink back into that so you want to tell me a bit about that experience","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"experience is divine love","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"but that is probably aspects of layer two that youre sensing into and you are able to when i asked you the question to you know briefly shift into a sense of identity as layer two as the presence","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"i still feel like im very much a location one and its just going to layer two","label_text":"loc1lay2","label":1}
{"text":"scanning my idea of my body","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"there is only raw undifferentiated reality this comes increasingly to the foreground of perception as locations get later resulting in an extreme flatness to perception","label_text":"loc4lay4","label":15}
{"text":"then you start to experience layer three and that mystery starts to reveal itself","label_text":"loc1lay3","label":2}
{"text":"and often seemed more","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"scanning their body","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"then theres the fullness is accompanied by","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"the night in location 1 layer 4 is a tapestry of silence where each stars twinkle is a verse in the poetry of the cosmos","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"layer three in there or some fluidity","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"they may notice less interest in their friends coworkers and even their family members and try to get them to interact in ways that are more interesting","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"location three youre kind of changing your system little by little every day and lesters love might have been out of phase with you before your last sinking in","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"so if layer four there would be no sense of a container its not happening in anything theres nothing within anything so theres no sense of like that all pervading presence thats not there theres literally just this","label_text":"loc2lay4","label":7}
{"text":"emotionless sort of version","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"fullness element","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"conversations in location 1 layer 4 resonate with an authenticity that transcends words where hearts communicate in silence","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"even as a conversation changes and and so theres this tremendous freedom across these identities is like a freedom from identity to some degree","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"merged with experience","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"its all still that layer three that fullness that bliss that aliveness its all there always","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"feels like a big space","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"the love joy compassion love they they seem different to themselves like love is different than joy is different than compassion","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"awesome so probably it would still be good if you feel up to to spend the next two weeks working on layer two just for its deconditioning benefits and increased flexibility in your system","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"the love is infusing every object but its not i am not fully the love but everything i would look at would have an infusion of this love feeling","label_text":"loc3lay2","label":9}
{"text":"i think it just be like a little easier to just to stay in location two and just go to the layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2","label":5}
{"text":"i dont have emotion emotions are presence so sometimes you might need to dig a little bit for that too on the do you have emotion question if they say no and you go through some of the location four stuff","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"infused with a panpsychist sense","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"you know spaciousness mentioned in relation to to layer two","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"presence in","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"my experiences must show up in a certain way that is always layer fourish but the thinking mind is still my default","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"when i got triggered i got pulled back to layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"layer two type of description you know its spacious its empty","label_text":"loc2lay2","label":5}
{"text":"my guess is that youre more rooted in location two than you think","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"theres a lot of spaciousness and a feeling of a space of awareness in which thoughts emotions sensations perceptions arise and its very much a default for me you know i dont identify necessarily purely with just the contracted sort of psychological inner being and a physical body i do feel more expanded and feel like all of the the whole the entire bubble of perception is sort of me or im made up of that same whatever that is","label_text":"loc2lay2","label":5}
{"text":"is there a sense of looker looking out through your eyes and stuff out there","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"root into layer three um","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"love anything","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":" i think it feels like the sounds are just there there is always conceptual layers of like oh this sound is from here this sound is from there or this sound means that but if i try to go as deep as possible into just the sounds it feels like theyre just there its not yeah that doesnt seem to be im also trying to like remember what it was like before then there was a like a specific or here i cant really recall that that experience so nothing to compare to","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"when it comes to presence theres no boundary","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"i feel like based in the mind that its a place where i experience the world from and where my attention is most of the time and theres a reduction in selfreferential thoughts","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"youre feeling quite stable and rooted in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc","label":23}
{"text":"fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"sense of loneliness","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"the direct experience that it is all just one thing and is all unfolding","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"definitely a sense of spaciousness and stillness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"then layer two can be very powerful for that because sometimes","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"like my body is still responding like you know typical male hormonal cycle so ill wake up in the morning and its like my body is is primed that way so you know i can see my body is is there for it and its there if i go if im curious im like i wonder what itd be like to try and think about this you know think about sex and its like okay i can kind of bring that on its still there yeah so i still have access to it im noticing kind of so this is a little bit of an aside but it does fit there was a little bit of an abundance thing i had going on just after transitioning and its really kind of taken on more of an aesthetic flavor and the last little while i dont know how to where to pin it exactly in calendar time but probably in the last month or six weeks or something so this kind of fits with that i even i even had this intuition the other day you know monks and nuns dress a certain way not because that was to enforce behavior or enforce kind of this neutrality but for people who had realized something that would have been an outward expression of more of this celestial kind of quality at least from a you know at least what ive seen of that","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"it was like really super zoomed out because there just wasnt anything personal going on so everything that he was saying was from this like human person thing point of view that just sounded ridiculous and all the responses that were coming out from me were like these oracle of delphi thing","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"like my head has become a porous thing like maybe she gets a little more concentrated or a little diffuses as it moves away but that yeah its not that like focused like youre working on automaton or a transformer or something","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"quieting of thoughts or the other stuff","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"like glimpsing into layer four by doing like unprovoked happiness but and then the fact that it didnt last too long which is thats indicative of just the layer four but not location four thing","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"now after someone is more invested and sort of centered in layer three","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"layer three knows is going to sort of be way way you know way maybe even hidden","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"its what were looking for too is essentially that sense of what youre you know location seven or something its like theres only the existence or only the universe and its so dominant in experience but when that location eight shift happens its like there was no sense of something looking at existence of course and so you think its just existence looking at your eyes but when that its like that flip its almost like suddenly that is looking you know","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"its everything but its also nothing","label_text":"loc4lay3","label":14}
{"text":"sometimes what is it is a smell the smell of roses just overwhelms me","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"paying attention to and selecting the choice that","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"deeper peace at least as you deepen and less negative emotion that can tend more towards you know deep stillness and peace","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"new level of stillness and silence","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"layer one like i can use the mind","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"kind of isolated experience of what sounds layer four","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"this correspondingly entails a deepening away from the other layers of the system which increasingly fade out of subjective perception along with access to the conditioning that remains at those layers ","label_text":"loc4lay4","label":15}
{"text":"have a strong noetic sense","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"if theres one thing that like virtually every location four a person is going to mention experiencing its its that frustration thing which you know confuses them a little trips them up a little bit or whatever else","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"in location 1 layer 4 every handshake is an exchange of energies a silent acknowledgment of shared humanity","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"continue to deepen into fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"the fullness feels bigger","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"still experience a range of positive and negative emotions","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"towards what im going to call heart and","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"layer three or even location three","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"in layer three that its you wouldnt notice it unless youre really comparing it to something","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"currently experiencing location two and i feel like i jump around a lot","label_text":"loc1lay1","label":0}
{"text":"location four feels like humanitys just been turned off right","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"the arms are much better thats scared the shit out of everyone around me and i only had like an afternoon of being concerned and then it just went away and i was right back into that was probably the last time i was in layer one","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"it can be very very powerful so thats also something that even just spending three weeks in location 3rd may do a lot for your system because that sense of divine love to experience that is very","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"only reality is just unfolding and feeling complete and whole knowing truth is somewhat variable","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"the one that were really talking about in the slides is at the end of layer three","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"i have my doubts about that one because sometimes i feel like maybe a more like a layer four but because i dont feel theres a container per se but i do describe it as sort of a bubble of perception which is a container but i cannot find really a boundary to that so it doesnt really feel like a container to me","label_text":"loc2lay4","label":7}
{"text":"bunch of separate objects out there that its looking at","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"love joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"but these other ones not quite you know like in location two it says like increasingly positive emotion you know that sort of thing doesnt feel like thats really part of the experience","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"i feel like i no longer decide to do things i just end up doing them","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"it may feel as if actions are part of a larger universal order rather than personal","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"let the sort of deeper form of fundamental wellbeing sink into that you know as close as you can with that still arising","label_text":"tfwc","label":23}
{"text":"you know theres still that merger theres still that union but that spaciousness and that you know that that sort of emptiness quality of sorts is combining with that with some of those qualities of location three like the sense of the divine or like the panpsychist sense","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"aloneness thing that happens from the emptiness feeling of layer two","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"reductions in both conditioning and the importance of outcomes make goal attainment increasingly less pertinent","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"layer 4 there is neither the perception of subject nor objects","label_text":"loc2lay4","label":7}
{"text":"eyes were perceiving is the genetic connection between the cells","label_text":"nfw","label":21}
{"text":"this will typically be mixed with layer 4 finders often experience a mix of layer 3 and layer 4 and possibly other layers after initially transitioning to location 4","label_text":"loc4lay3","label":14}
{"text":"always active in your brain","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"stillness and presence","label_text":"loc4lay3","label":14}
{"text":"this space","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"layer one even in location three","label_text":"loc3lay1","label":8}
{"text":"movement and stillness at the same time","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"clear light of awareness","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"i feel like i experience the world from a place in the mind where my attention is most of the time and memories spontaneously arise less often","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"and then when you were talking about like think layer four in your presentation in the six hour class and you were talking about","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"conditioning around my family","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":"it has no content and no distinctionsthere is only divinityexistence itself which is complete and total as this moment ","label_text":"loc3lay4","label":11}
{"text":"its also possible that its just your attention getting very very dominantly occupied with layer one and maybe a bit shallower","label_text":"lay1","label":25}
{"text":"reading these other experiences","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"its likely that there is a mechanism in the brain that is responsible for this form of learning","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"powerful hallucinogenic","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"youve got another direction you can use to sink into nonduality","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"heavily divine or pan psychic or massive amounts of joy or love","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"the vibrant colors and textures of location 1 layer 4 are perceived with a new depth as if each hue speaks of a hidden story","label_text":"loc1lay4","label":3}
{"text":"sense of self often becomes larger and feels like it expands beyond the physical body","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"thats blending out into spaciousness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"god takes the last step and thats relevant for layer four","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"i have compassion and caring","label_text":"loc2lay2","label":5}
{"text":"the idea of spaciousness or is there an analog in your system in terms of the idea of silence","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"seems like its just sort of showing up","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"more functional","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"piece moves more to the foreground","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"this sense of fundamental okayness is usually in the background of experience at location 1","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"deep sense that everything feels okay","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"attention is so absorbed in the present moment and far away from the level of the mind that memory is usually quite affected by this point especially in relation to nonroutine events","label_text":"loc4lay1","label":12}
{"text":"headless i think that was probably the first time i encountered it doing the ruler experiment were they how far away is everything from you and then that sense that everything is just like a postcard its just perceptually here theres theres no spatial depth so like you know layer two that sense of spaciousness but then that collapses that just disappears its a perceptual flatness","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"you know dont bring in any mental analysis in any layer one type stuff","label_text":"loc1lay1","label":0}
{"text":"feel a sense of presence","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"theyre in the direction of something you want to deepen into and so it doesnt really matter whether that turns out to be a vocation deeper in location wto layer three or whether its location three layer three it gives you a direction that you can work with to sink into and deepen your experience of layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"then maybe glimpsing the layer three","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"location three thats the type of experience you might be having the mist you know and that that field may change in quality as weve described like it may feel more divine or it might feel like its more sort of conscious or aware","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"level everything was okay","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"increase in intensity through location 8","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"unseen portions of their experience","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"physiological ailments most likely remain as well","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"blank space","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"moment to spaciousness emptiness was something that was maybe a little bit further down the road","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"it feels like its around and in everything like for example the easiest thing like with like when i close my eyes and and i look at that buzzing and tingling then every individual tingle theres awareness of it and the awareness is sort of in the experiencing but also sort of around it around everything at the same time in and around i dont know if thats pervading","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"just unfolding with doing and deciding simply","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"joy or a love type of description","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"it doesnt seem like the fullness at layer three can ever go away","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"the nervousness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"layer three is a sense and layer two","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"kind of merging with it","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"regardless of the choice made it is a consciously observed event that can be manipulated in a highly specific wayas one deepens in location 2 and later this process typically becomes increasingly automatic","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"location four type experience","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"these individuals are rarely aware of the degree to which this impacts their social life and connection to others they often feel that they have much stronger social bonds than is actually the case on the other hand they feel complete and have a deep sense of freedom and wellbeing so they typically dont care","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"and so then you start to dive into are they divine or panpsychist","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"part of whats going on with the tibetan buddhist stuff is like trying to prime you to go in the direction of that without losing the motivation that you carry with you from you know like basically from location three","label_text":"loc3","label":19}
{"text":"staying in this location and sinking into those qualities","label_text":"tfw","label":22}
{"text":"so you do get a sense of spaciousness","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"if you wanted to see if you could go in the direction of the celestial one thing to do especially sort of from location three which is kind of an ideal spot is to really put your attention on sinking into just that divine aspect and sort of an increasingly transcendent part of the divine and so if you imagined some sort of more in the direction of layer four","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":"so it sounds um definitely you know interject if this doesnt sound right to you um were just trying to make sense of your way of interpreting your experience and and languaging it but it does sound like your attention is much more on the space essentially or on the the emptiness surrounding objects of perception or the space between them and because your attention is much more on that the spaciousness is almost like more in the foreground or more what your attention is centering on than the things and so the things kind of are in the background you could think of or more backgrounded than the spaciousness which produces you know this focus on the spaciousness or the emptiness in which everything is arising","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"clear openness","label_text":"lay4","label":28}
{"text":" the absence of needing approval can cause location 4","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"think of it this way a normal person believes they are their body because that is what they can feel control the motor actions of and so on","label_text":"loc5+","label":16}
{"text":"location 2","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"life flow instead of task flow","label_text":"tfwc","label":23}
{"text":"experiencing the positive emotions","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"layer three thing when the center falls away","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"into your you know move into your phobias around all of this stuff right got it and those phobias you know i often tell people theyll see if you watch some of these videos youll see me saying this you know that includes location one as far as im concerned","label_text":"loc1","label":17}
{"text":"im whats interesting you know you ask some questions that i listened to earlier ones about emotion and its an interesting one because i mean all those questions are great things to reflect on because emotion you know when you talk about love and ive really noticed when you ask that question because love is an emotion um its tricky because its so deeply ingrained of what it is that it clearly not that i can but its a totality of what is showing up and so theres just you know i think one of the words i heard is love is just what is and i didnt understand it and now thats all there is theres just the love of what is and since i dont know what this is or this is theres a love for that too and i think you know maybe im talking to one of the biggest ones was knowing about emotion and how its not here and they extend it whether its here or not and only knows when it shows up as i said i separated from my wife and thats not been easy but its now pretty solid here but still she resents very deeply what happened and you know theres no forgiveness there so when it was interactions she usually ends up with some type of unpleasantness toward me and there was the last time its just i just felt this exuding sense of love and compassion for what was being expressed and it had nothing to do with ear and it was just no feeling of emotion arising it was just an openness of saying yes that too and you know that just kind of blew me away i hadnt felt that before","label_text":"lay3","label":27}
{"text":"if i pay attention i can i can go back to layer two","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"when this is experienced there is a sense that everything is truly just one thing","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"theres a sort of draw towards it for myself feels kind of like a natural place for me just like compassion and love feel very um inherent to my being in some way","label_text":"loc3lay3","label":10}
{"text":"with with a taste of locations location force freedom id say definitely you know when i when i do exercises like digging into your values my number one value always comes up freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom and if i think of something well love you know yeah freedom is number one so for some reason my my my desire for freedom my appeal towards that value just seems to pull me in that direction life circumstance wise im not set up necessarily for that type of isolation although my system did go there for a while but so it seems like its i dont know jeffrey it seems like just something that pulls me in that direction that just i want to explore that sense of freedom and i got that opening through location four and i am curious and wonder whats whats beyond that because i mean that was that was pretty uh something that i had never imagined was possible so with that in mind i feel like im settling into like i think i know whats possible but do i really because before i thought i knew what was possible and then this freedom opened up so i dont know if that answers the question but theres a curiosity i know that the you know theres a saying in spanish i dont know if it translates in english but the i think it is yeah the curiosity killed the cat so i feel like i was almost killed im okay with being killed if theres this freedom to be experienced and tasted","label_text":"loc4","label":20}
{"text":"ever present experience of love beauty devotion all create a sense of tirelessness and inspiration","label_text":"loc4lay1","label":12}
{"text":"like the qualities of layer two is just you know spaciousness or emptiness a sense of everything arising within it as it if your universe view feels like kind of this um all containing sense of this one thing thats just arising that is um i suppose if its layer two in essence it would feel somehow like it is the space within which the universe arises or that the universe is somehow composed of a spacious emptiness or that type of quality","label_text":"lay2","label":26}
{"text":"it will shift into nonduality and into location two","label_text":"loc2","label":18}
{"text":"could kind of find this vibrating quality to perception","label_text":"loc2lay3","label":6}
{"text":" its very good its sort of distracting me and pulling me out of one of the physiological responses that seemed to go along with my own deeper dives into fundamental wellbeing at the time","label_text":"tfwp","label":24}
{"text":"it wouldnt be location four if youve got that universal love","label_text":"loc4","label":20}