he likes to play with the bag but we can't let a baby play with the bag can we ?
that's because he doesn't .
nope those are long sleeve .
let's see where the short sleeves are thomas name .
thomas lastname .
are you my helper ?
joseph are you my helper ?
now we have to rip open this bag .
yeah you like that don't you .
yeah ha ha ha .
thomas a little quieter please .
thomas .
calm down a little please .
okay take off your tee shirt bud and let's find the sound clip .
this is short sleeve .
mommy i want .
thomas i need to see .
no take it off please .
oh joseph .
do you hear that tantrum ?
we're gonna be super cut .
is that what you think ?
we really only got how many w did we get at gap ?
just one ?
thomas stop it .
hm .
okay .
so we better assess what he has .
alright .
he doesn't have any of the .
all he has in here is a blue .
this white's the gap one that was kinda big .
but that means that we don't even have enough shirts for a week ?
i thought we did .
you may not have that microphone my little bee .
you can't .
come on sweetie be really quick thomas .
here i'll help you .
here sweetie .
who's my sweetie ?
me !
yup .
and what's joseph ?
your little boo .
honey .
no no no catherine's my little boo honey .
honey .
i don't know are you my honey ?
right now you're my trouble maker trying to get that microphone off huh !
he's trying to get everything .
yeah he really wants to play with it don't you ?
i think he's sleepy .
you seem like you're sleepy tonight .
hm !
a little fussy wuss .
okay thomas .
do you like my jacket ?
okay thomas here let's get this on then .
okay thomas be really quick .
look joseph see how he looks .
well because we need to know for the fit sweetie because school's starting next week and if we need to get you more shirts we have to find out .
that's better i guess than the gap one .
okay .
no !
why don't you take the phone with you ?
you should check out that french toast stuff there and maybe get him a couple more shirts ?
that's what their brand was called yeah .
think french toast dotcom or something .
okay buddy you wanna play ?
you wanna play with me ?
agaga ?
dudududu ?
catherine !
please .
oh my goodness .
oh my goodness do you hear them ?
do you hear those noisy guys ?
is it tough being the youngest ?
hm ?
let's see what we can build !
joseph just wants to bang don't you .
do you just wanna bang ?
now you look happier good !
are you happier ?
are you happier ?
yeah .
yes .
it bang bang .
look at that !
a blue one and a red one .
there's mister alligator .
there's mister alligator !
what does he say ?
look joseph .
does he squeak ?
does he go squeak squeak ?
squeak squeak squeak .
you like that don't you .
hm .
you like that .