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2019/07/18 03:22:47
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Studenter sökes till fysiska uppdrag inom lager/industri! - Manpower Student - Lagerjobb i Kristianstad Studenter sökes till fysiska uppdrag inom lager/industri! Vi söker nu studenter till vår uthyrningsverksamhet som är intresserade av att arbeta extra under studietiden. Arbetet är förlagt till dagtid och varje arbetstillfälle omfattar ett par timmars arbete. Det är ett fysiskt krävande arbete som innebär arbete på lager och ni arbetar alltid två och två tillsammans. Du är studerande och har tid för att arbeta ca 10 timmar per vecka. Fysiskt tungt arbete är inget som skrämmer dig. Vidare ser vi att du är flexibel och har lätt för att samarbeta. Du är välkommen att söka tjänsten genom att registrera ditt CV på och ansöka via länken nedan. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via brev eller e-post. Urvalsprocessen sker löpande så ansök så snart som möjligt om du är intresserad! För mer information går det bra att kontakta Emma Lennartsson via telefon 044-20 38 61.
2018/12/12 19:16:00
Milí čtenáři, naše stránka vám přináší nejen aktuální informace o dění na ostravské kulturní scéně, ale spravujeme rovněž archiv témat. Po celé léto, kdy se plnění archivu budeme intenzivněji věnovat, tak na této stránce najdete i větší množství archivních materiálů a článků, které vyšly v nejrůznějších odborných periodikách a týkají se ostravské kultury. POZNÁTE JE PODLE IKONKY ARCHIV, KTERÁ BUDE U KAŽDÉHO PŘEVZATÉHO TEXTU A JE I V HLAVIČCE TOHOTO ČLÁNKU. Materiály a články budeme na této stránce systematicky shromažďovat a třídit do tematických kategorií v sekci Ostravská témata obdobně, jako jsme to dělali například u tématu vzniku ostravské městské galerie či výstavby Nové Karoliny. Jakub Král: Jiří Surůvka – Ostrava, družební město Gotham city!!! Zdroj: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci → V ostravském klubu parník vystoupí 21. a 22. února legendární česká rocková kapela Blue Effect. Historie Blue Effectu se začala psát již v roce 1968. V souboru se vystřídali muzikanti jako Vladimír Mišík, Lešek Semelka, Oldřich Veselý nebo David Koller. Kapelu založili koncem roku 1968 baskytarista Jiří Kozel, kytarista a zpěvák Vladimír Mišík a bubeník Vlado Čech. Skupina se původně jmenovala The Special Blue Effect. Tento název odkazoval na tzv. modrou knížku, potvrzení o zproštění povinné vojenské služby. Později byl název zkrácen na The Blue Effect, v roce 1972 kapela musela jako řada dalších skupin přejít na český název, takže vystupovala pod jmény Modrý efekt nebo M. Efekt. Na 2. čs. beatovém festivalu, který se uskutečnil v prosinci 1968 vLucerně, byla kapela vyhlášena objevem roku, kapelou sezóny, Radim Hladík hudebníkem sezóny a skladba „Sunny Grave“ (vydaná o několik měsíců později na singlu a zpívaná v počeštěné verzi jako „Slunečný hrob“) skladbou sezóny. První desku s názvem Meditace provázely problémy ohledně textů. Název desky vznikl podle setkávání kapely s písničkářem Jaroslavem Hutkou, který opatřil svými texty první stranu desky. (Druhá strana desky obsahovala skladby v angličtině.) Jeho texty však nebyly z ideologických důvodů povoleny a opatřit písně novými musel Zdeněk Rytíř. Na počátku 70. let nahradil Vladimíra Mišíka na postu zpěváka klávesista Lešek Semelka. Skupina na svých dalších albech zakotvila u jazz rocku a spojila se s Jazz Q Jiřího Stivína (album Coniunctio) a JOČR (alba Nová syntéza a Nová syntéza 2). V 70. letech se o texty skupiny zasloužil básník Pavel Vrba. Jeho spolupráce s Blue Effectem vyvrcholila na artrockovém albu Svět hledačů. Na ní skupinu rozšířil vedle Leška Semelky další zpěvák Oldřich Veselý, známý z formace Synkopy 61. V 80. letech nejprve skupinu opustil Veselý, pak i Semelka a Radima Hladíka v této dekádě doplnil nejprve co by zpěvák Oldřich Kellner a pak i Luboš Pospíšil, se kterým vznikla zatím poslední studiová nahrávka Blue Effectu. V roce 1990 skupina přerušila činnost, aby se opět „obrodila“ v roce 2004. Tehdy si zakladatel Radim Hladík přizval k sobě tři o generaci mladší muzikanty. Spojení funguje výborně. Blue Effect vyprodává sály, jejich posledním vydavatelským počinem je 2 CD s názvem Acoustic Time, které vyšlo v polovině roku 2011. V ostravském klubu Parník kapela vystoupí 21. a 22. února.
OSCAR-2019 279 ratings.465 user reviews. Web page information Keywords hit in search results accepts access address advisories agstec allow always appropriating assess batch brought bulletin cabotaje center central conference congress cracker davao davao@doh department development director disabilities disease diseases edpms email existing explicitly february firecracker funds government health hiring homepage information informe injuries international intranet keywords launched launches links location login logout maintained manila medical meeting memorial myrna national office offices official online password philippines posing position positions posted prevention professionals program public publication region regular related republic requiring revised reyes safest section service sources surveillance systems technoly thereof together trends typhoid until update updated utilized vacant various visayas wednesday western without world Department of Health - Republic of the Philippines ... 9th National Congress, 16th Conference and 1st International Congress on the Meeting of Health Professionals ... Revised and maintained by the Information Technoly Unit,DOH-CHD Davao & AGSTEC email: Last updated: February 21, 2008 Online Job Posing Systems (DOH) Section 1 of Republic Act No. 7041 (An Act Requiring Regular Publication of Existing Vacant Positions in Government Offices, Appropriating Funds Thereof, and For ... EDPMS v2.0 User Name: Password : Auto login until I logout explicitly Save my user name Always ask for my user name and password Data from various sources can be brought together and will allow the Department of Health to assess trends in diseases, injuries, disabilities, health service access, and ... NAME: POSITION: OFFICE: LOCATION: EMAIL/TEL.NO. HEALTH PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT: Dr. Myrna Cabotaje: Director IV: Nat'l Center for Disease Prevention & Ctrl. Bldg 13 San ... @ Informe. DOH Intranet-Log In DOH Intranet-Log In Keywords: doh, doh philippines,, jose reyes memorial medical ... DoH launches world's safest 'cracker | The Manila Bulletin ... MANILA, Philippines — The Department of health (DoH) on Wednesday launched 'the safest firecracker' in the world that can be utilized by the public without ... Department of Health - Central Visayas News and Advisories Disease Surveillance : 2012 Typhoid Update 12th Week Posted by on 04/13/2012 10:20 AM DOH-CHD Western Visayas (News) DOH-CHD WV ACCEPTS ONLINE HIRING FOR RN HEALS BATCH 3 . The Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service otherwise known as RNHEALS Project third batch ...
2017/01/24 07:04:31
Page-6 of Current Affairs - June, 2017 - GKToday Page-6 of Current Affairs - June, 2017 Kaushik Basu has taken over as president of the International Economic Association (IEA). Basu will serve a three-year term as the President. Kaushik Basu has served as India's chief economic adviser from 2009 to 2012. He has also served as senior vice-president and chief economist at the World Bank from 2012 to 2016. At present, Basu is the C. .. Topics: Current Affairs - 2017 • International Economic Association (IEA) • Persons in News The United States is set to declare China as one among the world's worst offenders on human trafficking in its annual Trafficking in Persons Report. The report will be unveiled by the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to the US Congress. Salient Highlights The declaration would place China in the same category as North Korea, Zimbabwe and Syria. The move will ..
2022/01/26 00:04:30
Crowell Weedon's $3-million trading loss is out of character - latimes September 04, 2012|By E. Scott Reckard, Los Angeles Times Andrew Crowell, head of Los Angeles-based brokerage firm Crowell, Weedon… ( Gary Friedman, Los Angeles…) Municipal bond expert Robert Gore, 54, Crowell Weedon's head of bond trading and a member of the firm's executive committee, set up the operation where the loss occurred. After 27 years in the securities business and 22 years at Crowell Weedon, he fell on his sword — retiring, he said, to write libertarian novels in New Mexico. "Obviously the circumstances under which I leave were not the way I hoped to go out, and I apologize to both partners and employees for the substantial loss taken by a trader under my supervision," Gore said in a July 11 departing email obtained by The Times. The firm's net capital, more than $28 million as of April 30, is far in excess of regulatory requirements, and Gore said the company's own money was used in the trading, so no client funds were lost or placed at risk. "That's really hard to believe," said Stephen Kelleher, a bond trader and longtime acquaintance of Gore. "What really surprises me is that Crowell Weedon, of all the firms out there, could have gotten itself into a situation like this," said Kelleher, head of the municipal bond department at San Francisco brokerage Prager & Co. Andrew Crowell told The Times in 2007 that he subscribed to the approach of his predecessors: Buy high-quality investments and hold on to them, build a diversified portfolio and don't try to time the markets' swings because you won't get them right. Credit derivatives are notoriously volatile and were blamed for the vast losses that JPMorgan Chase & Co. sustained at a British office where trader Bruno Iksil became known as the "London Whale" for his market-busting bets. The trades cost the bank as much as $7.5 billion. Gore and Crowell declined to disclose details of the trading losses at the private partnership, saying the information was confidential. "It's not a public interest story," Crowell said. "It's very similar to what happened with the London Whale trader — except on a far smaller scale," one said. "But for Crowell Weedon, it's a huge trading loss." The other person, who also compared the blowup to JPMorgan's trading debacle, said the loss estimate was later increased to as much as $4 million on an investment of $6 million. The same trader made the wrong-way bet in July, Gore said. He wouldn't identify the trader. In the interview, Gore acknowledged that derivatives trading had proved to be a tricky business. "I probably stayed bearish a little too long," he said. "When you get it right it's very profitable, but it's difficult to stay right." Gore said the small brokerage and his trading operation would have fared better during the last few trying years had not the government bailed out Crowell Weedon's major rivals and continued "doing everything they can to keep the house of cards from collapsing."
2018/05/26 20:54:59
KTM X-Bow im Super-Test Radikales Konzept fährt auf GT3-Niveau | AUTO MOTOR UND SPORT 1/30 Die Mischung aus brutaler Optik und fortschrittlicher Renntechnologie sorgt für eine ungemein starke, beinahe verstörende Präsenz. Der radikale Auftritt hat bisher noch Seltenheitswert - was sich nach dem starken Abschneiden im Supertest durchaus ändern kann. 2/30 "Ready to race" - mit entwaffnender Offenheit beruft sich der KTM X-Bow auf eine Firmenphilosophie, die keine Kompromisse zulässt. Das Vergnügen geht aber nicht ohne Verzicht einher. 3/30 Neben der Rennstrecke ist der Nutzwert des X-Bow jedoch stark eingeschränkt. Das Fahren mit Helm ist zwar höchst empfehlenswert, aber nicht zwingend. 4/30 Der X-Bow hat vorn zwar auch keinen Gepäckraum, beherbergt dafür aber eine Karbon-Sandwich-Crashbox, die die strengen Sicherheitsvorschriften der FIA-GT und Formel 3 erfüllt. 5/30 Die radikale Konstruktion ohne Dach, der Verzicht auf die Windschutzscheibe und das Weglassen von Heizungs- und Klimaanlage sowie Unterhaltungs- und Steuerelektronik sollen die Konzentration auf ein Fahrerlebnis ermöglichen, das sonst nur auf einem Motorrad zu finden ist. 6/30 Der nach hinten um zehn Millimeter ansteigende, gänzlich geschlossene Unterboden ist zusammen mit dem hinteren Diffusor hauptsächlich für den Abtrieb verantwortlich. 7/30 Die aus dem Rennsport übernommene Pushrod-Anordnung von Federn und Dämpfern ist zwischen den "schwebenden" Karosserieelementen direkt auf dem Karbon- Monocoque angebracht. 8/30 Die einem Rennwagen gleichenden Einlenkmanöver erfordern wegen der spitzen, ohne Servounterstützung arbeitende Lenkung zunächst etwas Eingewöhnung. 9/30 Die Rückenpolster für die im Monocoque eingearbeiteten Sitzschalen sind in verschiedenen Größen und Stärken erhältlich. Das Prinzip des Minimalismus findet sich im kleinsten Detail wieder - selbstverständlich auch in der Beleuchtungsanlage. 10/30 Das robuste, wetterunempfindliche Interieur beschränkt sich auf das unbedingt Erforderliche. Dazu gehören ein wasserdichtes LCD-Digitalinstrument ... 11/30 ... und eine mechanisch in der Tiefe des Fußraums verstellbare Pedalerie. Im KTM ist man nicht nur ohne Traktionskontrolle und ESP unterwegs - auch ABS ist nicht an Bord. 12/30 Der bewusst mehr auf höheres Kurventempo als auf hohe Endgeschwindigkeiten hinoptimierte X-Bow fährt nicht umsonst mit einem äußerst mäßigen cW-Wert durch den Wind. 13/30 Der Verzicht auf ein strömungsgünstiges Layout kommt allerdings der aerodynamischen Balance entgegen. So generiert der glatte Unterboden im Zusammenwirken mit den diversen Aerodynamik-Elementen wie Heckflügel und Diffusor nicht zu unterschätzende Abtriebswerte: An der Vorderachse sind es 55 Newton; an der Hinterachse 555 Newton. 14/30 Der Einfluss des Fahrers auf die aerodynamischen Beiwerte bleibt relativ gering: etwas mehr Widerstand, geringfügig weniger Abtrieb, aber keine Änderung beim Nickmoment. 15/30 Die einem Rennwagen gleichenden Einlenkmanöver erfordern wegen der spitzen, ohne Servounterstützung arbeitende Lenkung zunächst etwas Eingewöhnung. 16/30 Die schnellste Rundenzeit stellt sich somit nicht etwa schon - wie üblich - nach zwei oder drei Runden ein, sondern erst nach deutlich mehr Umläufen. 17/30 Rundenzeiten um die 1.10 Minuten schüttelt der X-Bow mit etwas fahrerischer Routine sozusagen am laufenden Band aus dem Ärmel. 18/30 Hohe Kurventempi, aber eher verhaltenes Engagement auf den Geraden: Die zerklüftete Front- und Oberfläche des X-Bow wirkt in Sachen Höchstgeschwindigkeit natürlich eher kontraproduktiv. 19/30 Dafür setzt sich der heckgetriebene Mittelmotor-Sportler in den Kurven derart forsch in Szene, dass es eine Freude ist, weitaus stärkeren Kontrahenten das unkonventionelle Heck zu zeigen. 20/30 Der außergewöhnlich guten Traktion, bedingt durch die hecklastige Gewichtsverteilung im Zusammenspiel mit der mechanischen Differenzialsperre und den Sportreifen, hat der 240-PS-Vierzylinder-Turbo nicht so viel Drehmoment entgegenzusetzen, dass er die Antriebsräder locker in Wheelspin bringen könnte. 21/30 . Der geschliffen im Rücken der Besatzung arbeitende Zweiliter-TFSI-Turbo aus dem Audi-Regal setzt sich grundsätzlich unauffällig, wenngleich sehr wirkungsvoll in Szene. Ein akustisches Feuerwerk ist von ihm freilich nicht zu erwarten. Hingegen wartet er mit einem Sprint- und Durchzugsvermögen auf, das den Gegnern auf der Strecke höchsten Respekt abfordert - sofern die Geraden kurz und die Biegungen scharf genug sind. 22/30 Die Aerodynamik des 240 PS starken Zweisitzers dient vornehmlich der Maximierung des Anpressdrucks und nicht zum Erzielen von Höchstgeschwindigkeiten. So beträgt die Vmax auf der Döttinger Höhe nur bescheidene 217 km/h. 23/30 Hingegen erreicht der X-Bow im Abschnitt Schwalbenschwanz eine Querbeschleunigung von 1,65 g - wohlgemerkt mit straßenzugelassenen Sportreifen. 24/30 Mit einem Gewicht von vollgetankt nur 858 Kilogramm zählt er zu den absoluten Federgewichten. Ein perfekt sitzender Helm ist unbedingte Voraussetzung für genussvolle Zeitenhatz. 25/30 Die äußerst direkt, weil selbstverständlich ohne Servounterstützung arbeitende Zahnstangenlenkung erfordert anfangs ein gehöriges Maß an Fingerspitzengefühl. Von Anschlag zu Anschlag sind es lediglich 2,5 Lenkrad-Umdrehungen. Es muss also sehr sanft, sozusagen in Millimeterschritten, eingelenkt werden, um den mit relativ langem Radstand (2.430 mm) antretenden X-Bow nicht zum Übersteuern zu animieren. 26/30 Der Aufbau des gleichzeitig mit breiter Spur - 1.644 mm vorn und 1.624 mm hinten -, aufwartenden Hecktrieblers zeigt dabei so gut wie keine Seitenneigung. 27/30 Das Erstaunlichste zuerst: Man wird kaum nass. Die Gischtfontänen formieren sich hinterm Auto und nicht im Cockpit. 28/30 Bei aller Einschränkung in Sachen Nässeeigenschaften: Der X-Box ist eine ehrliche Haut. Er schiebt leicht über die Vorderachse und drückt zugleich mit dem Heck sanft nach außen. 29/30 Das Bremsen ohne die segensreiche Unterstützung eines ABS ist gemessen daran schon eher was für Grenzgänger, die die großen Herausforderungen suchen. Das Blockieren geschieht ziemlich schlagartig, auch wenn die Bremse generell mit einer guten Dosierbarkeit aufwartet. 30/30 Schön, dass es so etwas gibt. Das erste, vom erfolgverwöhnten österreichischen Motorradhersteller KTM auf die Räder gestellte Auto ist ein konzeptionell radikales, technisch hochwertiges Sportgerät ohne Anspruch auf die Akzeptanz der breiten Masse. Weniger für Nonkonformisten als vielmehr ein extrem leichter Zweisitzer für glühende Sportfanatiker, die sich beim Ausloten des fahrdynamisch Machbaren selbst in den Mittelpunkt stellen wollen - ohne Netz und doppelten Boden, aber mit aktueller Renntechnik.
2022/05/27 13:05:04
Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code | Snow Teeth World Of Reviews Snow is actually an innovator on the residence teeth whitening market. The exclusive whitening formula is actually complimented for being actually capable to eliminate even the most difficult blemishes without creating sensitivity. SHORTCUTSProfessional-quality teeth whitening at homeOver 500,000 pleased customersSuperior outcomes without creating sensitivityHelps take out hard coffee and red wine stains30-days refund guaranteeSnow makes pearly whites whitening practical without any workplace brows through, unpleasant strips, or even disorganized use. The Snowfall procedure is an LED-activated pearly whites whitening unit that targets all kinds of discolorations. This includes those brought on by red or white wine, tea, coffee, as well as tobacco. The patent-pending light-accelerated innovation triggers no negative effects, as the wavelengths are not hazardous. It is FDA-approved, enamel-safe, and doesn't cause sensitivity. You do not need any dental expert brows through or prescribeds to perform the procedure from the comfort of your personal residence. Snowfall also refuses to evaluate on creatures. There are actually two kits to select from. The materials of each should last for over 90 uses. Allow's break down what they have as well as exactly how to pick the very best one for you. This package is actually Snowfall's best-known product, because of which they obtained their level of popularity. The All-in-One kKt from Snow includes: a wired LED mouthpiece,3 whitening sticks,1 extra-strength whitening wand, anda shade resource. The mouthpiece is appropriate along with the Snowfall app, therefore you can easily manage just how intensely you intend to whiten your pearly whites. Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. It features a wire that lets you link to USB, apples iphone, and various other cell phones. It might be actually obvious, but the biggest difference between the 2 kits is the wireless functionality. Over three thousand were actually invested in r & d, bring in brand-new performances feasible. The components of The Wireless Charging At-home Teeth Whitening Package feature: a wireless LED mouthpiece, a docking terminal,3 whitening sticks,1 maximum strength whitening stick,1 numbing cream, lip procedure, USB wire, andan guideline guide. The last function permits the therapy to be adapted to your needs. It systems automatically, thus all you possess to do is actually trigger it on the app. The mouthpiece is water resistant. This implies you can properly use it in the shower. What's even more, it disinfects itself while asking for. There is actually likewise a red-light therapy possibility for your gums. According to study, it assists: remove bacteria, reduce pearly white sensitivity, improve blood flow in the periodontals, stop receding gum lines, increase bone density, andminimize post-whitening inflammation. The docking station includes a low-profile design, individuals frequently review the technique it aims to a bluetooth sound speaker. Besides cleaning and demanding the mouthpiece, it also increases as a penholder as well as trip scenario for your serum sticks. Effects are assured to be actually noticeable after 7 days of make use of. The packages are actually simple to use ideal out of the package, thus virtually any person can whiten their teeth along with Snow products. Right here is a general review: Safe forThose with crowns, bridges, and also veneersTeeth along with fillingsPregnant womenBreastfeeding momsSensitive dentitionAdditionally, they ship their products worldwide, therefore your place won't confine you. It is recommended that you brush and use floss your teeth before performing the procedure. Oral cleanliness helps get rid of any type of food items fragments and contaminations (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). This permits even insurance coverage of the product. You desire all surface areas of your pearly whites to be brightened!Moreover, plaque and bacteria, which at times get entraped between the product and also the pearly whites, produce it very likely for you to experience dental caries or even other dental issues. This measure is certainly not required if your teeth doesn't generally respond to temperature level or even wonderful or even difficult meals. It not merely decreases sensitivity but also builds up the tooth enamel. The formula is in addition loaded along with minerals as well as vitamins. If you choose to use the numbing cream, do this 15 mins prior to the whitening session and also after that rinse out. Use either the routine or even extra-strength whitening serum, depending upon the outcomes you yearn for. Spin the stick to obtain the product out. You may need to perform this around 30 times when you first utilize it. The comb suggestion will definitely aid you use the product. Picture you are actually coating a white picket fence (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). If you love your periodontals rub it off the most effective you can. A percentage won't harm, however the item was actually developed for pearly whites merely. The cordless LED tool possesses a "shake to wake up" function. Here are the overall directions for this feature: Shake when to turn it on. A 3rd time for the gum tissue procedure. Trembling it 4 times will certainly place it to sleep. You can easily additionally download and install the app to individualize your treatment. When you are performed, put the lighting back right into the holder. If you have the wired mouth piece as an alternative, just connect it up to your phone to trigger it. Keep it in for 9 to 30 minutes daily, 21-30 times in a row. If you take place to experience some sensitiveness, take a 1 to 3-day break as well as carry on the procedure later on. It's best to conduct your sessions prior to going to bedroom. In this manner they don't hinder consuming or drinking. The cordless kind will certainly self-sanitize while demanding. Establishment your whitening wands in the refrigerator after utilizing them. This can aid all of them keep their toughness over a longer duration. The kits include a source for months of applications, so it is actually an excellent concept to take the most ideal achievable care of your products. The unit can be reviewed to a specialist procedure setting you back $500-$ 1,000. For a much lesser cost you may do this from the comfort of your personal property. You can get your Snowfall whitening kit exactly on their site, but it is actually likewise on call on Amazon. Here is actually a guide of just how much Snowfall whitening products currently price: ProductPriceAll-in-one set$ 199Wireless billing set$ 299Extra stamina refills$ 49Add-on for vulnerable pearly whites$ 25Serum refill sticks$ 25There are even remittance options for those that don't desire to be actually out the cash at one time – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. This will occur automatically and also no costs are going to be actually sent out, so you may merely enjoy your items. There is actually likewise a 30-day money-back assurance as well as a 5-year service warranty on electronics. It stands after you trigger it on the Snowfall site. SHORTCUTSProfessional-quality pearly whites whitening at homeOver 500,000 happy customersSuperior end results without inducing sensitivityHelps eliminate challenging coffee as well as red or white wine stains30-days cash back promise Authorization Dental takes percentage from third-party firms. After observing social networks swamped with individuals raving concerning just how spectacular the Snow Teeth Whitening unit is, I must discover. One that incorporates all the greatest parts of pearly whites whitening and also omits all the bad ones? Yeah, sure (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). If you are a tough follower that just about anything also great to be actually correct is actually precisely that, here's a pearly whites whitening unit to prove you incorrect. Snow is actually also tremendously economical, at lower than 1/10th the price of professional whitening at the dental practitioner. Likewise, Snow Pearly Whites Whitening does not lead to sensitivity. You can have your frozen yogurt as well as consume it also! Or even is actually that pie? In any case, you may possess both when your pearly whites aren't dropping out coming from bangs of chemical therapies that white strips typically consist of. Frankly,. The LED lighted mouthpiece speeds up the whitening from the gel on your teeth resulting in a lot faster, a lot longer lasting and also more dependable whitening without causing level of sensitivity. The LED illumination permits you to utilize Snowfall for a briefer amount of time along with the exact same whitening affects contrasted to other units. These are true, unsettled Snowfall clients' reviews/before and after teeth whitening images submitted to our team within the last thirty days. These are real, unsettled Snowfall customers' reviews/before as well as after pearly whites whitening photos accepted our company within the final one month. Fantastic product !! Merely one that has actually benefited me! And also no sensitiveness!! AMAZING!! Procured this feeling quite skepitcal (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). Passion it !!! Ideal loan I have invested in an iffy product. Ultimately something that really stays up to its cases! I have actually been using this and also would advise, I've viewed a variation after 4 times I enjoy this product! I have simply used it 3 times user-friendly and also no sensitiveness…, I also overlooked to use the after item for the gum tissues the initial 2 opportunities! … It does specifically what they stated it would perform, yes to whatever!!!! I was pretty cynical but I am actually incredibly pleased after 2 uses today. "The very best teeth whitening unit for sensitive teeth" "Take teeth whitening to the following confess an at-home set that equals a browse through to your neighborhood welcoming dentist." "2 buddies discussed just how white colored my pearly whites took care of utilizing this set simply pair of opportunities!". When you buy the Snowfall whitening system, you acquire the adhering to in every package: Serum sticks LED rack Shade quick guide that aids you track your development Guidelines on exactly how to use the systemGetting started with Snow is quick and easy, and also the resource is going to stroll you by means of everything you need to know on exactly how to utilize the whitening unit. It doesn't live up to some of its guarantees, however it is actually still a worthwhile investment if you're looking for whiter pearly whites, and is far better than most various other whitening products around. The Snowfall is reasonably uncomplicated to make use of. Brush your pearly whites just before you begin. Use the serum to your teeth carefully, being sure you get also protection. After 10-30 moments, clear away the rack and also wash off your teeth. Repeat this process over the upcoming days as well as weeks. This procedure corresponds to a few other whitening items. Yet the lotion and also LED lightweight direct exposure produce it different than a lot of various other strips as well as trays. Yet various doesn't constantly indicate much better. Pearly white were actually significantly whiter after simply a few days of making use of. And also with stretched make use of, there was remarkable progression. Yellow pearly whites, although certainly not powder snow white colored, were noticeably whiter. It took a little bit longer than Snowfall assures, however the unit performs offer end results rather quickly. Allow's face it. A number of the absolute most addictive refreshments and also behaviors are certainly not the greatest for our brilliantly whites. Thankfully, if you desire white colored teeth, you don't need to bid farewell to coffee, soft drink, sweets, herbal tea, wine, and smoking cigarettes given that there are a lot of teeth whitening sets to pick coming from (our experts still recommend that you stop the smoking habit for noticeable main reasons). Teeth whitening is actually a $ 3.2 billion around the world field. Fortunately, if you would like to save cash, there are many successful kits that you may utilize in the home. There are actually basically two kinds of packages: ones that bleach your pearly whites to take discolorations off and ones that literally scrape off the spots. Activated charcoal grains have ended up being very popular in recent times. Whitening racks and also bits have actually been the criterion for decades and also generally count on carbamide or even hydrogen peroxide. There is actually a third sort of teeth whitening item that merely blasts your pearly whites with LED illumination. Nevertheless, professionals talked to due to the Wirecutter point out any kind of increases from this procedure are actually transient. Merely the SmileDirectClub system in our guide uses this technology, however it is made use of along with a whitening gel. Expecting or even nursing females must certainly not utilize peroxide-based whitening items. It likewise isn't suitable for kids under 14 years of ages. Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. And, you should not use peroxide for longer than pair of weeks of regular use without the guidance of a dental expert. The FDA does certainly not highly recommend using any kind of whitening gels along with a peroxide attention of higher than 18%. You require to become careful making use of whitening products, as Buyer Information describes. For example, if your dim teeth are because of the natural thinning of tooth polish that features getting older, whitening packages will certainly certainly not help you. Additionally, they can easily certainly not bleach dental fillings, false teeths, laminates, crowns, or caps. Professionals point out that whitening kits are safe when used as guided – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. As a result, concerning a week just before you begin your whitening routine, utilize a tooth paste primarily made for folks along with vulnerable pearly whites or even one that accumulates enamel. As well as, skip a day or more of make use of if you do experience sensitiveness. The English Dental Diary has discharged new analysis that states there wants medical evidence to prove the cosmetic and health perks of switched on charcoal tooth pastes and also powders, and also that they might cause decay. Tags:Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code Based on our substantial investigation in to the subject matter, we have actually found that at-home pearly whites whitening kits commonly share a lot more in popular than otherwise. Many providers including Snowfall function LED gas lightings, sufficient whitening gel for several procedures, instructions to utilize for 10-30 minutes every treatment, as well as total satisfaction promises – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. The best notable differences are the prices you'll pay for, along with the active ingredient attentions located in their formulas: Lining these rivals up side-by-side, our experts can find that although Snowfall's Pearly whites Whitening system is actually priced meaningfully more than many, it in fact connects with MySmile for the most affordable peroxide concentrationseven when featuring their optimal strength formula. However, considering you may obtain twice the focus for a lot less than half the cost with AuraGlow, ActiveWow, as well as Cali White's units, it's definitely worth noting (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). On the other side, it is crucial to point out that the greater the peroxide focus, the very likely it is you'll experience short-lived pearly whites or even periodontal level of sensitivity. Furthermore, matched up to various other at-home whitening packages, Snowfall's unit is actually priced meaningfully higher and makes use of gels including as high as half the peroxide focus. There is actually certainly that Snowfall's Pearly whites Whitening unit emanates a modern, technical feel. Yet, our team assume it is very important to preserve practical expectations regarding the amount of whitening Snowfall's kit are going to give, along with how your end results will definitely contrast to a professional whitening treatment at your dentist's office. Snowfall Pearly White Whitening is a state-of-the-art teeth whitening device that provides award-winning lead to the comfort of property. Backed by expert dental practitioners and years of study and also screening, this patent-pending device is made to thrill customers by providing you clearly whiter teeth without using damaging chemicals while being actually secure for delicate pearly whites – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. Every person analysis this Snow Pearly white Whitening evaluation can easily concur that a wonderful smile goes a very long way to making a great very first impression – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. Along with merely making you look great, thinking excellent regarding your smile likewise supplies an improvement in peace of mind that various other individuals ensure to observe. Coming from initial times to your very first time on the task, your smile is actually one thing you wish to wear along with honor. There are actually an amount of variables that can easily create discolouration of your teeth with time, like: AgeingCertain prescription medicationFood, alcoholic beverages, and other consumables: coffee, tea, cabernet, cigarette A see to the oral care aisle of your much-loved pharmacy will present you that there is actually no lack of companies supplying at-home whitening sets. However, the slim whitening bits in a regular house package can easily be actually clumsy to utilize and also commonly don't provide visible or even long lasting end results. No person intends to spend cash on a whitening kit, merely for their pearly whites to inform their coffee practice a few brief full weeks later. Various other at-home packages can easily be virtually as pricey as an in-office whitening session at the dental expert, with low end results and also pricey upkeep. Currently, if you definitely yearn for snow white teeth, the price tag right here is steeper than the different styles of tooth paste as well as kits on promotion at a lot of drug stores. Allow's be genuine however, any kind of whitening unit offered at a bargain-basement price could be useless at best and risky at worst. At the end of the day, you'll wish to make sure any item you put in your oral cavity is risk-free. In researching this Snowfall Teeth Whitening assessment, I knew that their formula is acclaimed, promotes a lot of personality customers and also companions, as well as is actually supported through recognized scientific research. You receive all that for about half of what you could pay out at the dental expert in simply minutes daily, as well as you won't even must alter away from your pyjamas. Five years and 3 million bucks' worth of study eventually, this made-in-California body flaunts a strongly efficient formula that the label remains to enhance. The Snow Pearly whites Whitening philosophy of creating gorgeous smiles available to everyone doesn't quit at their clients. The firm additionally gives away a part of every purchase towards helping underprivileged little ones to visit the dental expert. This Snowfall Teeth Whitening customer review will certainly appear all the advantages and also drawbacks to the brand: Thorough Frequently Asked Question webpage along with a series of demo videos5-year warranty and also assured resultsFree of unsafe chemicalsSafe for delicate teeth and oral work including: laminates, links, crowns, dental braces, capsChoice of wired or even wireless LED whitening mouthpieceFree gains with a 30-day money-back guaranteeWorldwide shipping A little bit expensiveLong condition devotion if you would like to preserve resultsWebsite pricing could be challenging, as some pages will show prices for your location and others will definitely reveal costs in USD The Snowfall Teeth Whitening unit is pretty simple to utilize (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). The exclusive Snowfall Pearly whites Whitener can be found in a practical applicator marker. Making use of the comb recommendation, you use the whitening serum to your teeth, best and lower, taking treatment to avoid your lips as well as gum tissues. Insert your wired or cordless mouthpiece and also begin your whitening treatment. The label assures 9 minutes is actually long good enough to observe results, yet twenty to 30-minute treatments approximately two times a day is actually alright if you wish faster, even more significant results. The wired Snow Teeth Whitening Set is a record-breaker as well as supplies bargain for your funds at. The LED accelerated whitening mouth piece connects into your phone, so you could be a bit extra effective while you scroll via your social applications. Thus, exactly what can be found in the Snow Teeth Whitening kit? The company supplies everything you need for a professional-grade pearly whites whitening knowledge including: 1 patent-pending LED increased whitening mouthpiece3 proprietary whitening product wands 1 double-strength whitening lotion wand1 3D pearly whites whitening shadow graph (to track your progression and also objectives) For this Snow Teeth Whitening evaluation, think of the cordless pearly whites whitening kit as the Rolls Royce of the label's offerings. The cordless mouthpiece additionally includes a couple of nice-to-have functions: Water-proof so it could be made use of in the downpour (multitasking for the win!)Wireless for hands-free operation Self-sanitizes while it is actually chargingRed illumination therapy mode to aid lower germs and keep gums healthy Ultimately, both whitening packages may provide fantastic results, but the cordless kit delivers convenience and a few bonuses that make the greater rate worth looking at. Snowfall Teeth Whitening toothpaste provides you the opportunity to fill out your regimen as well as is used their exclusive whitening formula. Safe to utilize on delicate pearly whites, this whitening tooth paste duo is fluoride-free and also sulphate-free for a mild clean. This combination comes in morning and also night formulations, dubbed Early morning Frost and also Midnight Mint – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. Clients may leave behind a Snowfall Pearly whites Whitening assessment on the company's internet site. Comments is overwhelmingly beneficial, along with a 99% satisfaction score from reviews submitted to their website alongside excellent prior to as well as after pictures. Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. Clients are actually quite pleased along with their end results and claim they do not possess any type of issues along with sensitivity after using the unit. Snow is actually an innovator on the property pearly whites whitening market. The exclusive whitening formula is actually praised for managing to remove also the toughest discolorations without inducing level of sensitivity. SHORTCUTSProfessional-quality teeth whitening at homeOver 500,000 delighted customersSuperior results without creating sensitivityHelps take out hard coffee and also white wine stains30-days cash back guaranteeSnow makes pearly whites lightening hassle-free without any office gos to, awkward bits, or even unpleasant request. The Snowfall therapy is actually an LED-activated teeth whitening device that targets all type of spots. This features those induced by white wine, tea, coffee, as well as cigarette. The patent-pending light-accelerated technology causes no negative effects, as the insights are actually certainly not unsafe. It is actually FDA-approved, enamel-safe, and also doesn't generate sensitiveness. You don't need to have any sort of dental practitioner brows through or even prescribeds to accomplish the treatment coming from the comfort of your own residence. Snow additionally refuses to examine on animals. There are two kits to pick from. The contents of each ought to last for over 90 treatments. Let's malfunction what they contain and how to decide on the very best one for you. This kit is actually Snowfall's best-known item, with the help of which they obtained their popularity. The All-in-One kKt coming from Snowfall contains: a wired LED mouthpiece,3 whitening sticks,1 extra-strength whitening stick, anda shade guide. The mouthpiece works with the Snow application, thus you can handle how intensely you really want to whiten your pearly whites. Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. It possesses a wire that permits you link to USB, iPhones, as well as other smartphones. It might be actually noticeable, but the most significant distinction between the two sets is the cordless functionality. Over 3 thousand were actually spent on experimentation, making brand-new capabilities possible. The components of The Wireless Charging Home Teeth Whitening Set feature: a wireless LED mouth piece, a docking terminal,3 whitening wands,1 maximum toughness whitening stick,1 desensitizing cream, lip procedure, USB cable television, andan user's manual. The last feature allows the procedure to become adapted to your needs. It plans automatically, so all of you have to carry out is actually activate it on the application. The mouthpiece is water-resistant. This means you may securely utilize it in the shower. What's more, it sanitizes on its own while demanding. There is actually likewise a red-light procedure choice for your gums. According to analysis, it assists: eliminate bacteria, lessen tooth level of sensitivity, boost blood stream circulation in the gums, avoid declining gum lines, boost bone density, andminimize post-whitening inflammation. The docking station features an unnoticeable layout, people usually review the means it hopes to a bluetooth sound speaker. Besides sterilizing and also billing the mouthpiece, it also functions as a penholder as well as travel instance for your product wands. Effects are actually guaranteed to be obvious after 7 times of utilization. The packages are actually user-friendly best out of the box, thus basically any individual may whiten their pearly whites with Snow items. Here is actually a general introduction: Safe forThose along with dental crowns, bridges, and also veneersTeeth with fillingsPregnant womenBreastfeeding momsSensitive dentitionAdditionally, they ship their items worldwide, thus your place won't restrict you. It is highly recommended that you comb and also use floss your pearly whites before carrying out the procedure. Dental health helps take out any sort of food particles and impurities (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). This allows also coverage of the item. You yearn for all areas of your teeth to become brightened!Moreover, oral plaque buildup as well as micro-organisms, which often get trapped in between the serum and also the pearly whites, make it very likely for you to experience dental cavity or even various other oral problems. This measure is certainly not required if your teeth doesn't normally respond to temperature or wonderful or even hard foods items. It certainly not just decreases sensitivity yet additionally reinforces the tooth polish. The formula is in addition loaded with minerals and vitamins. If you choose to make use of the numbing cream, perform this 15 mins prior to the whitening session as well as after that wash. Usage either the regular or extra-strength whitening serum, depending upon the outcomes you want. Spin the stick to obtain the product out. You could must do this around 30 opportunities when you to begin with use it. The comb suggestion will certainly help you apply the cream. Visualize you are repainting a white colored picket fencing (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). If you love your gum tissues wipe it off the very best you can. A small quantity won't hurt, but the item was created for teeth simply. The wireless LED unit possesses a "shake to wake up" feature. Here are the general instructions for this feature: Shake the moment to switch it on. A third time for the gum treatment. Shaking it 4 opportunities will put it to sleep. You can also install the application to tailor your procedure. When you are actually performed, put the lighting back in to the owner. If you have the wired mouth piece rather, merely link it up to your phone to activate it. Maintain it in for 9 to half an hour per day, 21-30 days in a row. If you occur to experience some level of sensitivity, take a 1 to 3-day rest and carry on the treatment later on. It is actually absolute best to conduct your sessions prior to going to sleep. Through this they don't hinder eating or consuming. The cordless kind is going to self-sanitize while billing. Store your whitening sticks in the refrigerator after using all of them. This can easily assist them keep their durability over a longer period. The kits feature a supply for months of applications, so it's an excellent idea to take the absolute best possible care of your items. The system can be actually reviewed to an expert treatment setting you back $five hundred-$ 1,000. For a considerably lower rate you may do this from the comfort of your very own residence. You can buy your Snowfall whitening set right on their web site, yet it's also readily available on Amazon. Right here is an outline of how a lot Snowfall whitening items presently expense: ProductPriceAll-in-one package$ 199Wireless billing set$ 299Extra strength refills$ 49Add-on for delicate teeth$ 25Serum refill sticks$ 25There are also payment alternatives for those that don't desire to be actually out the money all at when – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. This will take place immediately and no bills are going to be delivered, so you can merely enjoy your items. There is actually likewise a 30-day money-back warranty and also a 5-year service warranty on electronic devices. It holds after you trigger it on the Snow web site. SHORTCUTSProfessional-quality pearly whites whitening at homeOver 500,000 pleased customersSuperior outcomes without inducing sensitivityHelps eliminate hard coffee and also a glass of wine stains30-days refund ensure Authority Dental allows commission from 3rd party companies. After observing social media sites swamped along with individuals going crazy about exactly how outstanding the Snowfall Pearly white Whitening system is actually, I possessed to discover. One that integrates all the very best items of teeth whitening and also omits all the poor ones? Yeah, sure (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). If you are a tough follower that anything also great to be actually true is exactly that, here's a teeth whitening unit to verify you wrong. Snowfall is actually likewise extremely budget friendly, at lower than 1/10th the rate of professional whitening at the dentist. Likewise, Snowfall Teeth Whitening carries out not create sensitivity. You may possess your frozen yogurt and also consume it too! Or even is that covered? In any case, you may possess each when your teeth may not be falling out coming from blasts of chemical procedures that white colored strips often include. Truthfully,. The LED ignited mouth piece speeds up the whitening coming from the gel on your teeth causing quicker, much longer lasting and also a lot more effective whitening without inducing sensitiveness. The LED light allows you to make use of Snowfall for a much shorter amount of time with the very same whitening influences matched up to other systems. These are true, overdue Snow customers' reviews/before and after teeth whitening photos accepted us within the last 30 days. These are actually real, unsettled Snow clients' reviews/before as well as after teeth whitening images undergone our team within the final 30 times. Remarkable item !! Just one that has actually functioned for me! And no sensitiveness!! AMAZING!! Acquired this sensation very skepitcal (Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code). Passion it !!! Absolute best loan I have actually spent on a doubtful item. Finally one thing that definitely meets its own cases! I have been utilizing this as well as would certainly encourage, I have actually seen a variation after 4 days I love this item! I have only utilized it 3 opportunities quick and easy to make use of and no sensitiveness…, I even failed to remember to make use of the after item for the gum tissues the 1st 2 times! … It performs precisely what they claimed it will carry out, yes to every little thing!!!! I was quite doubtful but I'm very pleased after 2 uses today. "The ideal pearly whites whitening system for delicate teeth" "Take pearly whites whitening to the upcoming confess an at-home package that equals a check out to your neighborhood helpful dental practitioner." "Pair of buddies talked about just how white colored my pearly whites cared for using this kit simply 2 times!". When you order the Snowfall whitening unit, you obtain the adhering to in every kit: Lotion sticks LED rack Shadow overview that helps you track your improvement Instructions on how to use the systemGetting began along with Snow is actually quick and easy, and also the overview is going to walk you by means of whatever you require to understand on exactly how to make use of the whitening device. It does not measure up to several of its own assurances, yet it's still an advantageous expenditure if you're seeking whiter teeth, and also is actually better than the majority of various other whitening products around. The Snowfall is pretty direct to utilize. Brush your pearly whites prior to you begin. Administer the cream to your teeth thoroughly, ensuring you even the score insurance coverage. After 10-30 moments, take out the tray and also rinse your pearly whites. Regular this procedure over the next days and full weeks. This process resembles some various other whitening items. But the product as well as LED light visibility create it different than the majority of various other bits as well as racks. Yet various does not always suggest better. Pearly white were actually significantly whiter after just a few days of use. As well as along with expanded usage, there was actually impressive development. Yellow pearly whites, although certainly not powder snow white, were noticeably whiter. It took a little bit longer than Snow promises, yet the unit does provide results reasonably swiftly. Allow's face it. A few of one of the most habit forming drinks and also behaviors are not the most effective for our teeths. Thankfully, if you really want white pearly whites, you don't must bid farewell to coffee, soft drink, sweets, herbal tea, red or white wine, and also cigarette smoking because there are lots of pearly whites whitening kits to pick from (our company still advise that you stop the smoking practice for evident causes). Pearly white whitening is actually a $ 3.2 billion globally market. The good news is, if you desire to spare loan, there are actually numerous helpful packages that you can use in the house. There are generally two kinds of packages: ones that bleach your pearly whites to take stains off and ones that physically scratch off the discolorations. Turned on charcoal grains have ended up being very well-known in recent times. Whitening racks and strips have been actually the specification for many years as well as generally depend on carbamide or even hydrogen peroxide. There is a third kind of pearly whites whitening product that just blasts your pearly whites with LED lighting. Nonetheless, experts talked to due to the Wirecutter say any kind of gains from this therapy are transient. Merely the SmileDirectClub body in our resource uses this technology, yet it is actually utilized together with a whitening gel. Expecting or nursing women need to certainly not use peroxide-based whitening items. It additionally isn't suitable for kids under 14 years of ages. Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. As well as, you ought to not utilize peroxide for longer than 2 full weeks of day-to-day use without the oversight of a dental practitioner. The FDA carries out certainly not advise utilizing any sort of whitening gels along with a peroxide attention of greater than 18%. You need to become careful using whitening items, as Buyer Information describes. For occasion, if your dark pearly whites are as a result of to the natural thinning of tooth polish that happens with growing old, whitening kits are going to not help you. Likewise, they may not lighten fillings, false teeths, veneers, crowns, or caps. Pros state that whitening packages are safe when utilized as pointed – Snow Teeth Whitening Outlet Coupon Code. For that reason, concerning a week before you start your whitening routine, use a toothpaste particularly made for individuals with vulnerable pearly whites or one that accumulates polish. As well as, miss a day or 2 of making use of if you carry out experience sensitivity. The English Dental Diary has actually released new study that states there is actually not enough clinical documentation to prove the cosmetic as well as health advantages of switched on charcoal toothpastes as well as grains, which they might result in tooth decay.
2021/10/24 19:02:37
Остеосаркома: репортаж из операционной — Информационный портал Остеосаркома: репортаж из операционной Саркома кости – одно из самых бурно развивающихся злокачественных образований. Чаще всего она диагностируется у молодых пациентов и маскируется под симптомы ревматизма. 20 лет назад пятилетняя выживаемость у таких пациентов была крайне низкой. Современная онкология увеличила прогнозы выживаемости до 70%. 12 месяцев назад, 01.06.2017 Как выглядит саркома кости, и как с ней справляется хирург – в специальном видеорепортаже Оперирующий хирург – врач- онколог, заведующий отделом реконструктивно-восстановительной хирургии Республиканского научно-практического центра онкологии и медицинской радиологии им.Александрова, кандидат медицинских наук Юрий Михайлович Богдаев. Теги:антиракздоровье костейОперация Европейская ассоциация по клинической фармакологии и терапии рассказала о том, как правильно принимать лекарства Медики рассказали, люди с каким фототипом кожи меньше всего рискуют стать жертвой рака Онкологи рассказали о неожиданной причине рака кожи 15 часов назад, 24.05.2018 Мы привыкли думать, что аллергия проявляется у склонных к ней людей лишь в определенные периоды года. Но на самом деле она может маскироваться под признаки простуды у вполне здоровых людей. А все потому, что существуют неочевидные аллергены, о которых мы редко даже задумываемся. Одни из главных аллергенов – клещи домашней пыли. Это вовсе не сама пыль, а мелкие членистоногие существа, которые живут в мягкой мебели и постельном белье. Они питаются отмершими чешуйками нашей кожи. При нарушении иммунитета аллергия на пылевых клещей у взрослых проявляется в виде чихания, насморка, длительного кашля, а у маленьких детей плюс ко всему возникают высыпания на коже. Если подобные симптомы не исчезают в течение нескольких недель, стоит обратиться к врачу и провести необходимые тесты. Облегчить состояние поможет генеральная уборка в доме. Почистите всю мебель и ковры, обработайте их специальными противоклещевыми составами, постельное белье и шторы постирайте при температуре не мене 60 градусов. Конечно, убить всех клещей вряд ли получится, но их концентрация заметно сократится. И длинношерстные, и короткошерстные кошки провоцируют аллергию намного чаще чем собаки. Единственный способ избавиться от аллергии в этом случае – убрать ее источник из дома, хотя бы на время. Но помните, что для полного удаления аллергенов из квартиры понадобится не менее трех месяцев. Важно: аллергены кошки летучи, поэтому вы можете испытывать дискомфорт, даже в связи с животным, проживающим у ваших соседей. Один из наиболее распространенных аллергенов, который может скрываться в углах, под раковиной и натяжным потолком, в ванной и даже на комнатных растениях. Часто плесень поражает именно углы, поэтому такому риску более подвержены жители именно угловых квартир. Исправить ситуацию в этом случае поможет лишь капитальный ремонт. Если вы страдаете от аллергии на пыльцу, то первые ее симптомы могут настигнуть вас еще задолго до самого периода цветения. Дело в том, что пыльца растений невероятно летуча (переносится на 1000 – 1500 км) и когда на Юге страны цветут растения от аллергии вполне могут страдать жители Центральных регионов. Чтоб облегчить состояние, стирайте всю верхнюю одежду, каждый раз возвращаясь с улицы, не открывайте окна дома, принимайте антигистаминные препараты.
2018/05/25 01:31:50
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RRSS: Twitter, FG, IG… – Surfeando la ley Category: RRSS: Twitter, FG, IG… RRSS: Twitter, FG, IG... · Uncategorized Saltarse la ley con un tweet y/o retweet sin darse cuenta February 4, 2016 February 4, 2016 Surfeando la leyLeave a comment Qué bonito fue ese día en el que accedíamos a un debate a través del # y expresábamos nuestra opinión en 140 carácteres (podrían ser unos cuantos más…no?) En apenas minuto y medio podías poner tu opinión sobre el tema del momento, iniciar otro, o retuitear el tuit de algún otro tuiteante (cuanto tuit!)… Sin… Continue reading Saltarse la ley con un tweet y/o retweet sin darse cuenta
2018/05/24 02:20:15
Images of shimmering cancer cells offer clues to understanding 'Cancer close up': Images of shimmering cells offer clues to understanding By Sharon Begley July 15, 2016 HeLa cervical cancer cells stained for the cytoskeletal proteins actin (red) and tubulin (green). National Cancer Institute/Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University At first glance, they look like the most exquisite Murano glass, their ruby reds and royal blues shimmering as if lit by a Venetian sunrise. But these are human cancer cells, lung and breast and prostate and cervical and more. The images released this week by the National Cancer Institute as part of its "Cancer Close Up" project show the genesis of cancer cells and their migration through the body, the blood vessels they sprout to stay alive, and the molecular "skeletons" that help them spread. The images are much more than pretty pictures, however. The photographic techniques that produced them are allowing scientists to understand how the interactions between cellular proteins and the cell nucleus allow cancer cells to invade far-flung tissue, for instance, and how certain molecules allow tumor cells to withstand chemotherapy. And they are a reminder of the countless patients such as Henrietta Lacks whose "HeLa" cervical cancer cells live on, contributing to progress against the disease long after it has claimed them. Breast cancer cells overexpressing the enzyme Nek3 (red). This research provides the rationale for a targeted therapy against Nek3. National Cancer Institute/Massey Cancer Center at Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Pancreatic cancer is associated with a vast desmoplastic reaction in which the connective tissue around the tumor thickens and scars. National Cancer Institute/Fox Chase Cancer Center Pancreatic cancer cells (nuclei in blue) grow as a sphere encased in membranes (red). By growing cancer cells in the lab, researchers can study factors that promote and prevent the formation of deadly tumors. National Cancer Institute/USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center Label-free stimulated Raman scattering imaging reveals the storage of cholesterol ester in lipid droplets (bright dots) in aggressive human prostate cancer. National Cancer Institute/Purdue University Center for Cancer Research Myeloma tumor cells (in green) and bone cells (red) growing on a scaffold made of silk protein (purple), which is designed to resemble bone material. By using a patient's own cells, these models enable efficient screening of patient-specific responses to therapeutics and interactions with bone marrow cells. Mimicking Multiple Myeloma HeLa cervical cancer cells stained for the cytoskeletal proteins actin (red) and tubulin (green). Examining how cancer cells use cytoskeletal proteins to move through the body may lead to targeted therapies that reverse these protein signals. National Cancer Institute/Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University A mouse model for HER2-positive breast cancer uses a novel imaging technique called transparent tumor tomography that three-dimensionally visualizes the tumor microenvironment at a single cell resolution. National Cancer Institute/Univ. of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center A time-lapse image of microtentacles on the surface of a breast tumor cell. National Cancer Institute/Univ. of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center Knowing how cancer cells spread to bone and cause bone destruction is important to finding successful treatment. This image shows a large multinucleated osteoclast (red) resorbing bone matrix (orange) adjacent to cancer cells (blue). National Cancer Institute/Indiana Univ. Simon Cancer Center Cervical cancer cells from the HeLa cell line show the interactions of a kinase called LKB1 (in green), a cytoskeletal signaling protein called pFAK (red), and the cell nucleus (blue). National Cancer Institute/Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University A polyploid giant cancer cell (PGCC) from triple-negative breast cancer. PGCCs, a subtype of cancer cell, appear in a variety of solid tumors and appear to help the tumor invade surrounding tissues and migrate to other areas of the body. National Cancer Institute/Univ. of Pittsburg Cancer Institute As tumors grow, they outpace the surrounding blood vessels' ability to provide enough oxygen, a state known as hypoxia. Rather than killing the tumor, however, hypoxia triggers changes in cancer cell metabolism that actually promote tumor growth and spread. National Cancer Institute/Univ. of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center Using a novel imaging technique called transparent tumor tomography, researchers obtained this image from a mouse model for HER2-positive breast cancer. Anti-Tumor Immune Response
2021/05/12 01:01:47
El Muerto |||: Clara Aldrighi: y los orígenes del terrorismo de Estado A mediados de agosto de 1970, un policía de la Dirección Nacional de Información e Inteligencia, Miguel Ángel Benítez Segovia, que también era militante del mln-Tupamaros, viajó a Estados Unidos becado por la aid para recibir un curso secreto impartido por la CIA. Había sido seleccionado y promovido por Dan Mitrione semanas antes de su muerte. En una base militar ubicada en Texas fue adiestrado junto a otros 29 policías del Tercer Mundo en el manejo de explosivos, la fabricación de bombas y su utilización en atentados terroristas. Al regresar a Uruguay debía aplicar los nuevos conocimientos en la lucha contrainsurgente. Por ocho semanas, entre el 21 de agosto y el 17 de octubre, Benítez asistió al Terrorist Activities Investigation Course (tic). La parte teórica de la instrucción se realizaba en la Academia Internacional de Policía (IPA) de Washington y la práctica de campo en Texas. Recuerda el inspector Alejandro Otero: "Conocí a Benítez Segovia. Tenía un seudónimo muy particular, le decíamos la 'Mecha Benítez'. Lo llevé a mi Departamento de Inteligencia, ingresó como agente. Era un chico muy introvertido. Tenía toda una serie de recaudos de instrucción muy interesantes. Después fue a hacer su curso de cadete y terminó como oficial. Hizo un curso en la policía argentina. Cuando regresó ingresó al departamento, pero a partir de allí no lo vi más. Fue un asistente permanente del comisario (Juan María) Lucas. Creo que Benítez fue la causa del atentado que le hizo el mln. Entregó a Lucas, que lo quería". En 1970 Benítez era subcomisario de la Dirección Nacional de Información e Inteligencia (DNII). Oriundo de Durazno, había ingresado a la Policía en 1962, a los 18 años. Como policía de Inteligencia, se ocupaba de la vigilancia de la cnt, de sus actividades y dirigentes. Describió sintéticamente su trabajo en el formulario de inscripción al curso de Estados Unidos, conservado en los archivos del Departamento de Estado: "La sección sindical (de la DNII) monitorea las actividades de los sindicatos a través del mantenimiento de registros de huelgas, violaciones sindicales, etcétera, manteniendo actualizadas las listas de militantes sindicales, especialmente de aquellos que se saben conectados al Partido Comunista. Actualmente participo en el entrenamiento del nuevo personal asignado, realizo interrogatorios a sospechosos, manejo informantes, investigo materias relativas a las actividades comunistas y terroristas y participo en especiales actividades antiterroristas internacionales". La embajada de Estados Unidos informaba en 1972 a Washington que Benítez era asistente del comisario Lucas y guardián nocturno de la vivienda de los marines en Montevideo. En 1971 la dirección del mln le pidió que redactara anónimamente un informe sobre las actividades de Mitrione en Uruguay y el curso recibido en Estados Unidos, para ser entregado al director de cine Constantin Costa-Gavras, que se aprestaba a rodar un filme sobre el caso Mitrione. El documento sirvió de base, junto a otros materiales y testimonios, para el guión de la película Estado de sitio, estrenada en 1973. Dos años más tarde, el "Informe Benítez" se volvió particularmente comprometedor para la aid. Contribuyó a la apertura de una investigación del Congreso cuyos resultados determinaron la clausura definitiva del Programa de Seguridad Pública (PSP) de la aid, al que había pertenecido Mitrione. Benítez no pudo enterarse de la conmoción suscitada por su informe ni de las escenas que lo representaban en Estado de sitio. Se hallaba preso en el penal de Libertad. Su militancia en el mln quedó al descubierto en abril de 1972. El dirigente que le había solicitado el informe conservó una copia, encontrada por la Policía al allanar una casa del mln. Benítez relató posteriormente a Vladimiro Delgado, otro tupamaro de Durazno con quien compartió la prisión, que un jerarca policial dedujo fácilmente su identidad: "Sólo dos personas pueden haber redactado esto. Vos o yo. Yo no fui. Te conviene confesar". Durante el período en que lo torturaban fue llevado en automóvil por varios policías de civil a una calle apartada. "Bajate, estás libre", le dijeron. Querían matarlo pretextando una fuga. Benítez se sujetó de la portezuela y gritó pidiendo auxilio. La aparición de algunos vecinos fue providencial. En su libro Hidden Terrors (Nueva York, 1978) el periodista del New York Timés A J Langguth, basándose en las entrevistas a policías y militares que realizó en 1976 en Montevideo, confirma que la DNII halló, efectivamente, una copia del informe en un local del mln. Sabiendo que esta pista tarde o temprano lo incriminaría, Benítez resolvió salvar su vida presentándose voluntariamente ante un juez. Preso en Jefatura, sus compañeros de Información e Inteligencia lo golpearon hasta dejarlo agonizante. "He oído que Benítez fue identificado por Víctor Castiglioni por un documento que había escrito", observa por su parte Otero. "También he oído lo que significó Benítez como punto de apoyo del inspector Castiglioni. Con Castiglioni siempre tuvimos discrepancias totales y absolutas." En la Policía comenzaron a recordar y atar cabos: pese a sus insultos y amenazas contra el mln, Benítez nunca había herido a un tupamaro. "En un reciente operativo –escribe Langguth– tampoco había podido disparar, porque su arma, según dijo, se había atascado." El 31 de mayo de 1970 Benítez había participado en un "rastrillo" en la zona de Manga en el que actuaron policías de Inteligencia y de la Guardia Metropolitana. El procedimiento culminó con la captura de José López Mercao, un estudiante universitario de 20 años, y de Juan Bentín, cañero de utaa de 32 años. María Esther Gilio describió en Marcha la brutalidad desplegada por la Policía. López Mercao fue herido de cuatro balazos cuando intentaba escapar. El quinto le fue disparado en la cara cuando estaba inmovilizado. A Juan Bentín, tendido en el suelo con cuatro heridas de bala, le provocaron múltiples fracturas golpeándolo con la culata de los fusiles, hasta que un policía de la Metropolitana le hundió la cantonera del fusil en un ojo dejándolo ciego. Comandaba el procedimiento el comisario Lucas. Recuerda López Mercao: "Benítez era subcomisario y estaba presente en el tiroteo de Manga. Se tiroteó conmigo. Después del tiro que me dio Carlos dos Santos, se acercó y dijo 'Este hombre ya está muerto'. Me salvó la vida. Cuando nos encontramos en Libertad me recordó el episodio: '¿Te acordás que alguien se acercó y dijo: Este hombre ya está muerto? Era yo'. Fuimos muy amigos durante el tiempo que compartimos el primer piso de Libertad". En su informe, Benítez describe la actividad de los estadounidenses que formaron el primer equipo del PSP, instalado en Uruguay en enero de 1965. Conoció a los consejeros policiales William Cantrell y César Bernal y al jefe de la misión, Adolph Sáenz. El policía tupamaro observaba los privilegios otorgados a estos extranjeros: muy pocos policías uruguayos podían entrar libremente a la Oficina de Asistencia Técnica del PSP instalada en San José y Yi, pero los estadounidenses tenían libre acceso a todas las dependencias policiales. Incluso a Inteligencia y Enlace, que antes de la creación de la DNII centralizaba el trabajo de inteligencia. Además, recibían diariamente los informes de toda la actividad policial. Poco después de la llegada de Bernal, Benítez advirtió que en el Instituto de Enseñanza Profesional de la calle San Martín comenzaron a impartirse "extraños cursos". En un nuevo campo de tiro construido al efecto, se entrenaba a policías y cadetes militares en "tiro defensivo" contra siluetas: debían descargar las seis balas dentro del círculo, como para matar al enemigo. También practicaban con escopeta de perdigones, el arma que causaría tantos muertos y heridos durante la represión de 1968. Hasta entonces, se les había enseñado que antes de disparar el policía debía esperar a que el criminal lo hiciera primero, o disparar al aire, porque su función no era represiva sino preventiva. Pero los nuevos cursos de "tácticas defensivas" dirigidos por los estadounidenses enseñaban directamente a matar. Sáenz, Bernal y Cantrell tenían como objetivo en 1966 crear poderosos cuerpos de Policía que combatieran la prevista insurgencia de masas. Se proponían consolidar una milicia metropolitana de alrededor de mil hombres, con una estructura similar a los Texas Rangers, entrenada para disolver manifestaciones, atacar y dispersar cualquier tipo de concentración. Para ello fortalecieron a la Guardia Metropolitana. Al mismo tiempo, se proponían formar un centro de inteligencia cuyos funcionarios recibieran instrucción especial en espionaje, obtención de información y operaciones "especiales": asesinatos y acciones de sabotaje. "Al constituirse la DNII entre 1967 y 1968 –proseguía el "Informe Benítez"–, Cantrell instrumentó cursos en inteligencia y contrainteligencia, obtención de información y operaciones especiales. El consejero policial suministraba recursos económicos para el pago de informantes, en especial del Partido Comunista, cuyos dirigentes eran atentamente estudiados y vigilados. Cantrell se distinguía entre sus camaradas por el conocimiento preciso de los problemas de Uruguay. Siempre lo acompañaba un funcionario policial, Nelson Bardesio, que también trabajaba como su chofer." Afirma Benítez que Bardesio era un "agente confidencial" de la embajada de Estados Unidos. Antes de la llegada de Mitrione los consejeros de Seguridad Pública se rodearon de un grupo de fieles colaboradores: José Pedro Macchi, Juan María Lucas, Juan Carlos Lemos Silveira, Raúl La Paz, Antonio Pírez Castagnet, Pablo Fontana, Guillermo Arévalo y Nelson Bardesio. Casi todos fueron enviados a la IPA y otras escuelas de Washington. Las becas que otorgaban los consejeros a superiores y subalternos para recibir cursos en Estados Unidos eran un premio muy ambicionado: representaban la posibilidad de capacitarse y al mismo tiempo de pasar unas "lindas vacaciones"; transformándose, al regreso, en "agentes confidenciales de la camarilla del FBI". Hasta 1969 los instructores estadounidenses concentraron sus esfuerzos en las actividades de inteligencia y vigilancia de los sindicatos y sus dirigentes. Se había creado una escuela para "líderes de sindicatos rompehuelgas". En la Policía orientaban cursos de estudio de los factores económicos que podían provocar huelgas masivas, a fin de prevenirlas y enfrentarlas adecuadamente. También diseñaron cursos de "guerra psicológica" para oficiales de la DNII y de las unidades militarizadas. "Detrás de la cobertura de la Oficina de Asistencia Técnica –observaba Benítez– se podía sentir la implacable garra de la CIA y el FBI." Con la llegada de Mitrione en julio de 1969 los cambios en la Policía se hicieron rápidamente visibles. El nuevo jefe de la División de Seguridad Pública conocía al comisario Lucas porque había sido su profesor en la IPA. En Uruguay se volvieron grandes amigos. Ambos imprimieron un giro sustancial a los interrogatorios de presos políticos. "Ahora –dijo Lucas al enterarse de la designación de Mitrione para reemplazar a Sáenz– tendremos a alguien que nos apoyará en nuestras actividades." Como resultado del trabajo de Mitrione, los interrogatorios a los detenidos comenzaron a realizarse en forma "más tecnificada". Se modernizaron los procedimientos de inteligencia, se destinó más equipamiento a las actividades de espionaje y cobró nuevo impulso la lucha contra el "comunismo internacional". Un número mayor de policías fue becado a Estados Unidos para recibir cursos especiales y se intensificó la tortura a los prisioneros políticos, aplicada desde entonces en forma generalizada, desde las inyecciones de pentotal hasta el ultraje moral y físico. "Cantrell utilizaba el espionaje, sobornaba, y se aseguraba –al menos como fachada– de que no se empleara la tortura. Mitrione era el tipo de hombre que adopta de inmediato la línea dura." También echó a andar una nueva estrategia para contrarrestar la agitación estudiantil en Secundaria. Como primer paso, la DNII debía obtener informaciones detalladas sobre los dirigentes estudiantiles, creando una red de espías en los liceos, preparatorios y utu. Aportarían información calificada que permitiría planificar acciones incisivas. El comisario Lucas fue encargado de crear y gestionar la red. Se organizaron reuniones con personas de ultraderecha y comenzaron a distribuirse en la ciudad panfletos "fascistas", se apalearon jóvenes de izquierda y se lanzaron campañas periodísticas en las que se denigraba la lucha estudiantil. Observa Benítez que de estas iniciativas y reuniones nació, después de la muerte de Mitrione, la organización juvenil de extrema derecha Juventud Uruguaya de Pie (JUP). Mitrione hizo colocar cámaras fotográficas ocultas en el aeropuerto de Carrasco y el puerto de Montevideo para fotografiar los pasaportes de los viajeros a países socialistas. Introdujo un nuevo tipo de cámara cuya película no debía ser sustituida con frecuencia. Dedicó una atención especial a la Guardia Metropolitana. Impulsó el reclutamiento de personal para aumentar sus efectivos, hizo llegar nuevas partidas de gases lacrimógenos y armas de mayor calibre, más apropiadas para entablar combate con brigadas militares que para disolver grupos de manifestantes. La Oficina de Seguridad Pública (OPS), que dirigía en Washington el PSP, envió a su pedido pistolas y revólveres 9 milímetros, metralletas calibre 45 y ametralladoras calibre 30. Ordenó incautar las publicaciones que llegaban por correo de los países socialistas. Era inadmisible, decía, que se utilizaran los servicios del Estado para introducir "toneladas de material subversivo". Con la complicidad del jefe de la oficina central de Correos, las bolsas con material sospechoso eran enviadas semanalmente a la DNII. El oficial de Inteligencia Raúl La Paz supervisaba la requisa. Sus subordinados revisaban cuidadosamente el contenido de la correspondencia y evaluaban la importancia del material impreso. Registraban a los destinatarios e investigaban si ya poseían un expediente en el fichero de Inteligencia. De lo contrario les iniciaban uno nuevo, que conservaba el Departamento 3 de la DNII. Era habitual observar en la vereda de 18 de Julio y Paullier a numerosos camiones en fila descargando bolsas de correo. Con Mitrione los cursos de entrenamiento policial realizados en el Interior cobraron nuevo impulso. Antes de su llegada, señalaba Benítez, versaban sobre actividades policiales tradicionales: inteligencia, contrainteligencia, lucha contra el "comunismo internacional", el "problema creado por los sindicatos" y el entrenamiento "defensivo". Mitrione eligió instructores más calificados, entre ellos al oficial Juan Carlos Lemos, y creó nuevas asignaturas, como reclutamiento y manejo de informantes y tipos de interrogatorio "a diferentes niveles". También puso en marcha una selección para enviar a Estados Unidos a los policías que recibirían los cursos tic. Su propósito era elegir personas del Interior del país. Disponía de abundantes recursos financieros y los distribuía generosamente. Durante su gestión, "los fascistas, traidores y vagos tenían los bolsillos llenos. Lucas, su lugarteniente, también sacó, ocultamente, ventajas de la situación. Cantrell no era así, era lo opuesto. Entregar dinero a informantes era un asunto delicado y se debía estar muy en contacto con la situación". Mitrione no se cansaba de repetir en los ambientes policiales que una fuerza policial poderosa era un escudo del país contra el comunismo. La Policía constituía su primera línea de defensa. Si en el futuro, pese a todo, el "poder comunista" lograba debilitar esa primera línea, sería necesario poner en acción la segunda: las fuerzas combinadas de Policía y Ejército. Si se comprobaba que también este recurso resultaba insuficiente, las Fuerzas Armadas debían poner manos a la obra. En la Jefatura de Policía se comentaba que Cantrell era un técnico y Mitrione un hombre de acción. El instructor estadounidense atendía en el primer piso de San José y Yi, al lado de la Oficina de Guardia de la Dirección de Investigaciones. Pero Mitrione no iba frecuentemente a Jefatura. Lo hacía para supervisar algún trabajo especial o los problemas relacionados con los oficiales becados a Estados Unidos. Despachaba sus asuntos y recibía a los policías uruguayos en la embajada. Su oficina estaba situada en uno de los pisos altos. Sentado frente a su escritorio, daba la espalda a grandes ventanales visibles desde la calle. Un policía uruguayo le hizo notar lo peligroso de su posición. "No te preocupes, estas ventanas pueden parar una bala calibre 45", le respondió Mitrione, en su español coloreado por el acento portugués. El "Informe Benítez" revela la responsabilidad de Mitrione en el incremento de las torturas policiales. "Nunca nadie lo ha visto torturar a un prisionero por sí mismo. Pero ha dirigido ciertos interrogatorios. Aconsejaba averiguar todo sobre el prisionero antes de interrogarlo, sus posibles debilidades y vicios, para facilitar el trabajo de 'quebrarlo'." Los policías de Inteligencia narraban en Jefatura un episodio que lo caracterizaba. Cierto día vio llegar a un dirigente del sindicato bancario, arrestado en el transcurso de una huelga. Observó en silencio la actitud arrogante que mantenía frente a "la gente común del departamento". Entonces sugirió el método que debían aplicar sus carceleros para hacerle perder la calma y doblegarlo. Debían desnudarlo y forzarlo a mantenerse de pie contra una pared. De a ratos, un policía joven se le pondría detrás para burlarse y humillarlo. Luego se lo mantendría encerrado en una celda sin comer ni beber. A los tres días se le pasaría debajo de la puerta un recipiente con algo de agua mezclada con orina. "Hasta la llegada de Mitrione, observa Benítez, la Policía torturaba a los prisioneros con agujas eléctricas muy rudimentarias que se traían de Argentina." Mitrione hizo llegar por valija diplomática otras agujas eléctricas "muy modernas", con alambres de diferentes grosores. Algunas eran tan finas que podían ser insertadas entre los dientes. El hombre de confianza de la embajada de Estados Unidos, Nelson Bardesio, las recogió en el aeropuerto de Carrasco. Langguth pudo determinar el origen de los instrumentos aportados por Mitrione para las picanas eléctricas. Provenían de la Technical Service Division (TSD) de la CIA. La TSD tenía dos oficinas de apoyo en América Latina. Una de ellas, en Panamá, proporcionaba gases lacrimógenos, armas y equipos antidisturbios a policías y militares latinoamericanos. Los destinados a Montevideo eran transportados habitualmente en aviones militares, que traían alimentos típicos de su país para los funcionarios de la embajada. Observa Langguth que durante el gobierno de Pacheco la Guardia Metropolitana hacía un uso dispendioso de gases lacrimógenos suministrados por Estados Unidos. "Sus jefes importunaban constantemente a sus contactos estadounidenses para obtener más suministros de Panamá." La segunda oficina de apoyo de la TSD se hallaba en Buenos Aires. Envió a Uruguay las agujas y generadores eléctricos empleados por la Policía en la tortura. "También provinieron de la oficina bonaerense de la TSD –señala Langguth– las partidas de explosivos utilizados en Uruguay por el escuadrón de la muerte, como la gelinita traída por Bardesio de Buenos Aires." Aunque en sus declaraciones al mln, en la Cárcel del Pueblo, Bardesio dijo haberla obtenido de un jerarca de la Secretaría de Información del Estado (SIDE) –el capitán Nieto Moreno– a pedido del subsecretario de Interior uruguayo Carlos Pirán. Por cierto, la SIDE y la CIA mantenían en Argentina una íntima relación, análoga a la simbiosis de la CIA y la DNII en Uruguay. William Cantrell, por lo pronto, era un destacado funcionario de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia.
2018/06/19 08:52:00
The ACC could open 2019 season with conference play and UVA slated for 2019 HOF Classic at Mohegan Sun - Streaking The Lawn Virginia Basketball gets some 2019 schedule hints The Hoos head to the Mohegan Sun and the 2019-20 season could open ACC foe? By Caroline Darney@cwdarney Oct 13, 2018, 2:44pm EDT Share All sharing options for: Virginia Basketball gets some 2019 schedule hints Looks like we have a couple clues about the Virginia Basketball schedule next season. First of all, it appears that the ACC has some new plans to kick off the ACC Network with a bang. According to CBS's Jon Rothstein, the ACC is looking at opening the 2019-20 season with conference games. Sources: Several ACC programs have been informed by the conference not to schedule games on the first two days (11/5/19 and 11/6/19) of the 19-20 season because league is planning conference games to open the year. — Jon Rothstein (@JonRothstein) October 11, 2018 The 2019-20 season is the first time that the ACC will be playing 20 conference games, up from its current 18. Sadly, we'll never return to the days of a true round robin in conference, but this move is an interesting ones. This tweet was met with a lot of anger, and it's tough to ask squads to open with such important games with minimal time to prepare. That said, playing Duke or Georgia Tech is infinitely more interesting than a Liberty or Norfolk State (no offense). There was also some early season tournament news as the Cavaliers are rumored to be playing in the 2019 Hall of Fame Classic which takes place at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut. Sources: Virginia, Arizona State, St. John's, and UMass will highlight the 2019 Hall of Fame Classic at Mohegan Sun. #SJUBB — Jon Rothstein (@JonRothstein) October 12, 2018 The Hoos are playing in the Bad Boy Mowers Battle 4 Atlantis this season and will face Middle Tennessee in the first round in the Bahamas. Virginia's season tips off on November 6 with Towson coming to Charlottesville.
2021/10/22 12:47:09
豆瓣评分最高的影视剧有哪些_旁若快乐网 豆瓣评分最高的影视剧有哪些 发布时间:2021-03-01 20:57:11 1839年一群英国贵族创立了九头蛇组织。二战时期,隶属于纳粹的红骷髅又创建了一支新九头蛇队伍。1941年二战珍珠港事件后,"豆芽菜"士兵史蒂夫·罗杰斯因身体不适合参军被拒绝,其后参与美国超级士兵计划被成功改造,成为"美国队长";"冬兵"巴基加入美国队长组建的咆哮突击队。1943年美国队长独自闯入九头蛇在奥地利的基地,救出600多名士兵。1945年冬兵在一次突袭九头蛇的任务中坠入山谷,被苏联人捡到,左臂截肢后被安装上金属手臂,并被改造洗脑,成为反派。 圈件 诺奖 骨王 上一篇: 广末凉子被曝与老公分居 因与男方在一起压力大 王源参加的最新的影视作品 24部"冲奥"外语片出炉 《后人》《胡佛 从影视作品中写一篇的作文 怎样理解影视作品中的虚假 18年有名的影视作品有哪些 《赛德克·巴莱》出局奥斯卡 斯皮尔伯格落 迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯获奥斯卡最佳导演 影视作品的数字音频编辑流程 井柏然和倪妮演的影视作品 竹楼 杨定卿 竹井 巴特菲 鉴星 通背拳 大饭店 李进荣 虞书欣 协会理事 黄斌 洪冰瑶 车恩尚 迷剧 临湘市 古铂 胸点 铁三角 踢踢 田书臣 影维路 禾文 花眼 肝炎 脊椎 酷魅 斯坦娜 丹微博 流云 德聚贤 茅盾 锣鼓 新丽韵 牛城帅 凡四训 东凯 阿森 先游 吴宝 谢褚 金全 丽缘 板桥 男主器 田缘 傲琪 唐媽 虎跃鹰 田彪 腾赞
2021/03/01 12:57:12
Upplev den magiska polarnatten och kälka längs Finlands längsta kälkbacke! Aktiviteten börjar med en tur upp med stolhissen till toppen av Kaunispää fjället, varifrån man kan se Saariselkä byns vackra belysning från toppen. Kälkbacken har nu norrskens inspirerade ljus, som guidar dig ner från Kaunispää fjäll till dalen av Saariselkä. Om du vill ha en guidad tur på Finlands längsta kälkbacke, kan du boka vår Aurora Tobogganing paket! Detta inkluderar två timmars hissbiljett till stolhissen, hjälm och en kälke.
2022/07/06 18:58:53
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2019/10/20 20:20:29
Vores udgangspunkt er at det skal være nemt at finde det helt rigtige sommerhus til udlejning. Når sommerhuset er fundet, skal det være enkelt og sikkert at booke det. Hvis du har spørgsmål omkring sommerhuset er vi klar til at hjælpe på telefon og mail. Det gælder selvfølgelig også når I er kommet af sted. Vores mål er at du og din familie får en vellykket ferie.
Cricket round up: Oliver Smith scores century as Hadleigh beat Billericay | Echo Cricket round up: Smith scores century as Hadleigh beat Billericay Cricket round up: Oliver Smith scores century as Hadleigh beat Billericay Century - for Hadleigh & Thundersley's Oliver Smith CRICKET: Hadleigh & Thundersley dug deep to beat Billericay by two wickets in an evenly fought Premier Division clash. Billericay batted first at John Burrows and were bowled out for 185. Rehman Ahmed top scored with 39 not out while skipper Adam Dobson was the pick of Hadleigh's bowlers as he took 5/33 while Haider Ali Syed Zaidi took 3/29. In reply, Hadleigh made it home for the loss of eight wickets, thanks to a brilliant innings from Oliver Smith. Smith finished unbeaten on 104 as Hadleigh secured a valuable two wicket victory to remain fifth in the table. In Division One, second from bottom Old Southendian & Southchurch suffered an eight wicket defeat against Ilford. Old Southendian batted first and were bowled out for 117 with Ahmed Khawaja top scoring with 28. However, Ilford made it home for the loss of just two wickets. In Division Two, Wickford stayed top after beating Westcliff by 83 runs. Wickford made 227/8 in their innings with wicketkeeper Ronnie McKenna scoring a brilliant 101 and opener Huzaifa Umer hitting 61. Westcliff made 144 in return, with opener Lewis Wright top scoring with 33. But it was Huzaifa Umer who took centre stage with the ball for Wickford as he took 7/48. Leigh on Sea moved into second place after beating bottom of the table Southend & EMT by two runs. Leigh made 201 in their innings with Roy Smith hitting 87 and Southend bowler Matt Mohan taking 4/38. But Southend fell short in reply as they were dismissed for 199. Zisan Abedin scored 113 but Leigh triumphed with skipper Tim Knox taking 4/30. Benfleet lost by seven wickets at Frenford.
2021/07/25 18:15:17
The day of Be-Ins, concerts in the park. I carried the traditional sketch book & used it more or less constantly. Combination of search terms for this particular posting are generally necklaces, effy jewelry emerald rings, arts and crafts, creativity. You can remain simple, donning an informal appearance, or enamor yourself with a couple of cool and contemporary areas of jewelry. A lovely slice of jewelry is obviously appears to complete the dressing for almost any exceptional occasion and perfectly complements fashion. Once you’ve selected the style, oahu is the right time for you to create a distinctive design. Fashion designers may have similar gripes. It has be a part of everyday activity. The modern fashion jewelry has at all times followed these trends too. Search phrases for this unique posting are accessories, effy jewelry emerald rings, skill, creativity. Keyword phrases for this unique posting are currently diamond jewelry, free wire jewelry ideas, skill, innovation. Measure the easy type of inner width associated with the ring, it will probably work with you and also the seller to select the proper size. 14K gold includes 58% gold and 42% of different metals. Chunky jewelry is intended to earn a striking effects. There are many different classic and contemporary designs to choose from. A thriving retailer will probably have massive selection of different jewelry categories and pieces to pick from. Elect for Quality Wedding jewelry is not only a female’s embellishments, it is a very long time of security, and for this reason, it is totally expected to emphasize on quality rather than quantity. Although I’ve been an iPad user since they were first released in 2010, ultimately, I’m keen on tablets in general. And I can be pretty non-partisan about it as you may have noticed if you’ve watched either of my videos about using tablets in the classroom. I’ve not given up on regular computers yet, but if I can use my iPad for a task instead of my laptop, I generally do. And I encourage others to try out using a tablet. If the iPad’s not for you, that’s fine, and no threat to me. Yet the reality is that after a year and a half, the iPad has had no real competition from any of the various offerings out there. Some have even gone so far as to say there is no tablet market, but rather, only an iPad market. I genuinely hope that’s not true because Apple needs serious competition to continue to innovate, just as competitors need Apple for the same reason. It’s an “iron sharpens iron” thing. That’s one reason I was genuinely excited about Hewlett's Packard's TouchPad. I’ve played with a number of Android tablets, but they’re largely uninspiring. However, the previews of the TouchPad I’d seen earlier this year seemed somewhat promising. The interface was fairly unique—different from both iOS and Android. And multitasking even seemed more robust than that in iOS 4. I’ve hated to think of tablet computing coming down to an eventual two-horse race between iOS and Android. I would have much preferred to see the Touchpad’s webOS as the biggest competitor to iOS. At least webOS seemed to have a sense of style. Unfortunately, HP released the TouchPad way too early. A few days after the TouchPad’s July 1 release, I stopped by the local BestBuy to check them out for myself. There was an actual HP representative in the store who quickly intercepted me as soon as I stared at the TouchPad display for more than five seconds. She placed a TouchPad directly into my hands for her demonstration. It was not one of the ones tethered to Best Buy’s security system, but rather her very own TouchPad from what she told me. And it truly was, as I noticed when we looked at the email features. The HP representative was very professional and she knew the TouchPad well. The device’s ultimate failure to catch on cannot be blamed on people like her. Rather, blame the device itself, or more specifically, the PTB at HP who allowed the TouchPad to be released well before it was ready for primetime. While the HP rep demonstrated the features of her TouchPad, I became increasingly disillusioned, shocked and even a bit appalled at what it couldn’t do. First, I was incredibly surprised that it had no video out capability. I realize that I see the world through pedagogical lenses, but part of the iPad’s genius is that it can be connected to a TV or projector and used for presentations or educational purposes. Without a video out option, that means it’s a device that could not be used by the instructor for lessons in front of a class or for a business professional to make a presentation in front of clients. I asked the HP rep how I could take notes on the TouchPad if I were in a meeting. She hesitated a moment and said that it really couldn’t do that yet. I was told that it came with QuickOffice, but for right now it only viewed Word documents and couldn’t create or edit them. I should point out that a version of QuickOffice that allows editing was released for the TouchPad last week, and there have also been a handful of notetaking apps that have been released along the way. Nevertheless, I was dumbfounded. I’ve always equated HP with business use. Yet the HP TouchPad really couldn’t be used much for business at all. The TouchPad at its release was little more than a consumption device. I can only wonder who HP saw as its target audience for the TouchPad? Whether comparisons between the TouchPad and the iPad are fair or not, they are impossible to avoid. The TouchPad looks very similar at first glance to a first generation iPad and the TouchPad was initially priced at $499 for the 16 GB model—the same price as the 16 GB iPad. Apple has claimed that they spend years in R&D developing the iPad and that the iPhone was an afterthought that came out of that development and ended up being released first. On day one, the iPad—despite the claims of detractors that it was only a consumption device—gave users access to a choice of a number of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation apps of varying degrees of ability. I truly don’t mean this in a platform-partisan manner, but I know with certainty that Apple would have never released a device so prematurely as HP did with the TouchPad. And then, as everyone is all so well aware, the bottom fell out for any hope of the TouchPad’s success within a mere 49 days after its released. Axed quicker than a new show on the Fox network, HP surprised everyone by announcing on August 18 that they were ceasing all production of webOS hardware. In fact, they said they were getting out of computer hardware all together, although the latter has been interpreted in a number of ways in the weeks since. I honestly don’t know if HP panicked over the poor sales of the TouchPad, or if Best Buy’s request that HP take them back was a kind of last straw for HP’s current president, Léo Apotheker, who doesn’t seem much interested in making devices of any kind. Regardless, the TouchPad never stood much of a chance due to premature release and a price tag that was way too high. Speaking of prices, before HP canned the TouchPad, they briefly brought it down one hundred dollars by marking it at $399. But even this was too expensive when a mere $100 dollars more could get you an iPad that was actually capable of doing more than passive activities. So over the weekend of August 20-21, HP surprised everyone a second time in the same number of days by slashing the cost of remaining stock to a mere $99. Suddenly, everyone wanted one, but there were none to be found! I heard about the $99 price point on the afternoon of Saturday, August 20. As I’ve already suggested, I’m a bit of a tablet enthusiast, and I saw the true potential of webOS, despite HP’s poor implementation of it in the TouchPad. While I would never have paid $499 or even $399 for the device, like a lot of folks, I was definitely interested when they were down to $99. I thought it would be great fun to customize one to my accounts and emails and see what using it on a personal level was like. I made a quick check of eBay and saw that even used TouchPads were selling for much higher than $99, so I figured a the very least I could always recoup my money, and then some, if I decided I didn’t want it. Or I could use it as another physical tablet example to pass around the room if I did another seminar on instructional use with tablet computers. Unfortunately, by Saturday afternoon, I was really too late. I ran by a local Target and two separate Walmart stores, but all the TouchPads were long gone after the drop to $99. I didn’t even consider going to Best Buy because I assumed that they were probably the first stores to run out of stock. So that night, I went to HP’s website. Sure enough, they were in stock, but every time I tried to order one, their website would go down. I tried multiple times to order a 16 GB model, but every time I advanced a bit further in the process, the screen would display an error message. I finally got to a final payment screen, entered in everything required of me, and submitted my order. Another error screen on HP’s website! Had my order gone through or not? I waited a couple of hours and thought I’d try again. By that time, a notice stated all 16 GB models were sold out. The only TouchPad left was the 32 GB model that originally sold for $599, but had been drastically reduced to $149. After checking eBay again to make certain I could cover the cost if I decided to sell it, I decided to try for the TouchPad with the greater memory. The process was similar to before. I’d make small gains in my order, only to hit another error screen. Finally, I got to the final screen and submitted, but then, no confirmation page or email—only an error screen. At that point, I assumed that neither of my orders went through, but figured it didn’t really matter. Then on the following Tuesday, I got two confirmation emails and discovered I’d successfully ordered both a 16 GB model and a 32 GB model as well. A quick check of eBay and I was still assured, based on what the TouchPads were selling for, that I had nothing to worry about. In fact, I could sell the 32 GB model and essentially pay for both of them and not be out anything at all. Supposedly, Léo Apotheker’s vision for HP includes making it over into a software services company for businesses. Hopefully, that doesn’t include the kind of services HP uses in-house to run it’s own ordering system. During that weekend of the $99 fire sale, HP sold more TouchPads than even existed—more than they had in inventory and more than they had coming back unsold from stores. In fact, in yet another surprising move, HP announced a few days ago that they were going back to the factory to make one last TouchPad production run to take care of the unfulfilled orders. Of course, most speculate that this last run is primarily to appease parts suppliers who were about to be stuck with a lot of custom TouchPad components. After HP closed sales of the $99 TouchPad in the wee hours of August 22, they put up a notice allowing customers to sign up for an email alert when more TouchPads were back in stock and orders were opened up once again. Of course, orders have yet to be opened up again. A lot of people have speculated that HP thought they were getting a number of TouchPads back from stores which they would turn around and sell. Rather, any TouchPad that came back had to immediatly be allocated to those with orders already in the system. A few days after posting the notice for email sign-ups, HP removed it. One of the more popular webOS enthusiast sites is At that site, there is a thread in the forums which will probably hit over 1800 posts within a few hours of my writing this blog entry. This thread is dedicated to a discussion among people like me who ordered their Touchpads from the HP website over the weekend of the $99 sale. In this thread order numbers are compared with posted ship dates on the HP website (very few have posted that their orders have actually shipped), examination of credit card charges and holds, tales of waiting online to speak with HP customer service only to learn nothing that isn’t in the order status on the website, and just more of the same ad infinitum. You can actually read only a handful of the posts to get the gist of all 1800 contributions. But it’s even more amazing to see the frustration among those who ordered TouchPads who haven’t gotten them yet. Remember that before August 20, when the price was dropped to $99, no one wanted a TouchPad. Then, when the price was right, every one wanted one. And then to make this particular group of backordered TouchPad seekers even more agitated, on Thursday of last week, a marketing rep at HP announced via Twitter that all those with backorders would be receiving an email within 48 hours updating them as to the status of their order. The email simply explained the fact that those who had not received their orders yet (and it seems the majority had not) would get them within six to eight weeks after the additional and final production run. The email promised to arrive within 48 hours was not sent to every person with a backordered TouchPad all at once. It is true that a few of those with orders placed got the email within the promised 48 hours. However, at the end of business day last Friday, the emails suddenly stopped being sent out even though many customers had not received them yet. This led to many in this remaining group panicking (based on the posts at that their orders were perhaps cancelled because they didn’t get this promised email within the promised 48 hours. In hindsight, it seems pretty clear that someone in customer service at HP, who was in charge of sending out the rest of the emails, must have simply taken his or her three-day Labor Day holiday, saving the remaining emails to go out until after a return to work on Tuesday. However, the emails did not, in fact, resume on Tuesday, but rather on Wednesday; and finally it now seems as if everyone has been contacted who was supposed to be. What’s clear from all this disorganization, lack of customer service and even professionalism on HP’s part as well as an ordering system that allowed for more orders than existing product is that HP was simply not prepared for a “hit” product. Remember that people stood in line for Apple’s iPad, even when the first generation had not been in anyone’s hand before its release. With the release of the iPad and iPad 2, there have not only been long lines, but initial shortages in stores and delays when ordering online. But at least you could place an order online and immediately be given a reasonable notice of ship time. What if the TouchPad had been a hit at the beginning? Could HP have handled it? The $99 fire sale clearly demonstrates that HP would not have known how to handle any kind of significant demand if the product had been a hotly sought out object of desire. I hope so. HP wants to license the OS, but so far it has no publicly-announced suitors. Despite all the chaos from HP, an unexpected result and silver lining from all this nonsense can be found in the fact that now the TouchPad is the second most popular tablet computer, bested only by the iPad itself. Most of the other tablets out there have only sold in the tens of thousands from all known estimates. But once all TouchPads are sold, there will probably be a million or so TouchPads out there, which is certainly not a user base that should be ignored. Android tablets seem to be a dime a dozen. But I really believe that an enterprising company could license webOS for their own tablet, and if any significant attention is paid to the device, and if lessons are learned from HP’s many blunders, a company would have an opportunity to differentiate itself from all the Android offerings. Honestly, I hope this happens. webOS seems to be a really good mobile OS with a lot of potential. It was initially developed by Palm and then Palm was bought by HP. The latter company seems to have squandered their prize, but that’s not to say that another company couldn’t do something better. Of course, that won’t happen immediately; such things take time. 2011 truly will be the year of the iPad 2 as Steve Jobs promised. But perhaps in 2012 or 2013, webOS will resurrect in a new and better incarnation from a company other than HP. Otherwise, I’m afraid that all we’re left with is Android as a competitor to iOS, and somehow I can’t see Android’s iron doing all that much to sharpen Apple’s mobile operating system. I've yet to receive either of the TouchPads I have on order. Six to eight weeks means sometime before the end of October. That's okay. I've not wasted time calling HP to check on my order, and I don't obsess on the forums, althogh I have posted a few times, once even mentioning that "patience is a virtue." That little proverb didn't prove popular for HP when they were developing the TouchPad, nor when they prematurely discontinued it. My advice hasn't been followed by many of those posting on either. And yet patience nearly always rewards those who practice it; thus it's too bad that our instant "I want it now" culture has little patience for waiting. If I do end up with a TouchPad or two, I'll be certain to give my own review of it, although by that time, such a review may only be a curiosity and little more. When the TouchPad was first released, I couldn't recommend it, but if you can obtain one at $99, I think it's a great value as long as you understand the future of the platform is iffy as of this writing. But who knows? Maybe there's a future for webOS still. I'll definitely be disappointed if there's not. A friend of mine got one for the low price. He happened to order it that night. I looked at it and wasn't very impressed. The screen looked nice, but it just wasn't compelling. It was very 'hard' and not friendly to hold. He made a quick $80 and could probably have made more. Yes, I haven't seen anyone all that impressed with the quality of the hardware—obviously another area where HP should have spent more time getting things right before shipping the final product. From what I've read, most "serious" webOS users overclock the processor, too, to speed up the TouchPad. I took a look at my local staples when they had the $399 but I did not think it was worth it at that price and like stated for a hundread more I could get a ipad. I was lucky to browse the web that Friday and got a order online @ office depot for a 32 and Sat morning after going to walmart, staples I was able to get one of the 3 they had in stock at pc richards. For the price it's good for what it has. I use it to quickly check my email or surf the web, listen to music or a movie while I'm waiting at the doctors or a long line. Hopefully they will continue development on web os and/or add adroid for app lib. Im waiting for the new samsung galaxy 7.7 Tab that appeared for a brief day at the german tech show. The new screen alone is outstanding plus it has all the bells and whistles. They offer a Micro SD card slot so Ill get the 16gb model and throw a 32gb card into it. My wife and I run the Laridan bIble program on Dell and HP Ipaq 212 but will up date to the Android 3.2 honeycomb. Great article. I agree, I will stay with the ipad. I do agree Apple does need the competition to stay current and not get lazy. I was also unlucky enough to get my order from HP confirmed, back in August. I still don't have my touchpad, or any information on my order either. I'm trying to figure out how HP stays in business treating their customers like this. I did get an email offer to cancel the order and I am seriously thinking about it because it feels at this point like they should have paid me to put up with how they do things. My daughter already got her Touchpad order from Newegg, who handled this fire sale much better than HP. HP could have used this liquidation to create great PR and loyal customers, instead they are upsetting a huge portion of their potential customer base by being hard to get info or order help from. How they are handling my order may well insure that nothing HP ever enters my home again, ever. In fact I have an older HP all in one printer that may soon have a close encounter with a hammer, as a part of a therapeutic venting process. Granted, it may not be as cool as expanding flowers and flapping butterfly wings, and it's certainly not as fun as Mickey tapping his foot to keep track of passing seconds, but I've found that for me, the watch face called "Modular" is the best suited for my uses. You can see the image to the left. Let me take you through its functions. Obviously, on the top row, you have date and time. Below that is the next event on my calendar. Tapping on either the date in the top left or on the calendar event will take me to the Calendar app on the watch where I can get more details about an individual event or my entire day. On the bottom row at the far left is the current temperature. This automatically updates to my location. So no more asking of Siri, "What's the temperature outside?" on my iPhone." Funny, she's never been able to tell me what the temperature is inside. Tapping on the icon brings up the Weather app. In the middle of the bottom row is an icon for the Fitness Tracker (move, exercise, and stand). Tapping on the icon launches the app on the watch where I can get more details. I'm actually paying attention to this, and hopefully that will result in better health. Don't judge me on so little progress so far for the day--it's early! And then finally, on the far right is a work-related time zone of which it's helpful for me to keep track. Tapping on that icon brings up the World Clock app. I like the Modular face because it is extremely functional. Yes, it's not as cool or fun as other faces, but that's okay. And there are also some very nice faces that emulate moving hour, minute and second hands, but let's be honest--why do we really need hour and minute hands on a digital watch? I suppose some people will like them for the same reason they put old fashioned phone rings on their iPhones--it harkens back to those older interfaces--but to me emulating a traditional watch face is the ultimate in skeuomorphism. Hour and minute hands on a watch that has actual gears turning inside makes sense, but I don't really need it for a smartwatch. Even if it only takes milliseconds, the brain has to process the meaning of the minute and seconds hands, and this is not as efficient as simply looking at the time represented in numbers for hours and minutes. Nevertheless, there are choices here, so we don't all have to agree--and that's a good thing. What about you? If you have an Apple Watch, what's your favorite face to use as your primary display? Do you use other ones at other times of the day? Let me know in the comments. Getting a screen capture on an Apple Watch, like the one at the beginning of this post, is pretty simple: simply press both the Digital Crown and the Side Button at the same time. You should only have to press (quickly) once. If you've done it correctly, the screen will briefly flash, you'll hear the sound of a camera shutter, and you'll feel a taptic impression on your wrist. Then the image will be with your photos. It should sync over to the Photos app on your iPhone or any other Apple device. Once there, you can use it however you like! It has been a long time since I’ve shared a beauty post on This Northern Gal but I realised the other day that it was time to change that! I’ve […] I’ve not used Lush in years. It’s not that I don’t like them (I do) or appreciate their brand (I do), I just never really know what to buy from […] As many of you probably know, I only buy cruelty free makeup and toiletries. Usually, that extends to both the gifts I give and receive. With that in mind, I […] I still can’t quite believe that it’s taken me this long to do this post. My go to cruelty free brands are Barry M and Superdrug. I did my Superdrug post almost […] Sometimes you just need to take a night for yourself, enjoy some R&R and a good pamper session! Recently, I’ve been making more of an effort to take some time […] Between my birthday and a cheeky bit of shopping recently, there’s some new pieces in my makeup bag. I do swap some of them from time to time, especially when […] While I was on my travels, I found myself in a giant Superdrug (or at least giant compared to the one here in St Andrews). I only popped in for […]
Det händer varje annandag påsk - Nyhetsbyrån Järva Det händer varje annandag påsk Publicerad den 18 april, 2022 Krönika KRÖNIKA Märkligt vad påskhelgen gör med mig varje år, trots att jag varken är troende eller ärvt några religiösa familjetraditioner kring den. Faktum att solen och värmen i Norden nästan alltid vinner över mörkret och kylan, får mig att tro på denna planet, varje annandag påsk. Umgänge med människor vi älskar och uppskattar, god mat och tid för eftertanke. Det är påsken för mig. Vi är så oändligt många som tror på varann, som har goda avsikter när vi besöker varann, som visar kärlek och respekt för varann när vi ses. Det får mig att ånyo tro på mänskligheten, varje annandag påsk. Många religioner förespråkar kärlek och respekt för sin nästa Som sagt, jag har varken ärvt en religiös tro eller haft förmågan att utveckla en religiös tro som vuxen. Men olika religioner har alltid varit närvarande i mitt liv eftersom de är en viktig del i era liv. Jag har tagit till mig att många religioner förespråkar kärlek och respekt för sin nästa. Jag är inte troende, men jag lovar att alltid beträda ditt utrymme respektfullt, insiktsfullt och med goda avsikter. Det är de värderingar jag har med mig hemifrån.
2022/06/25 10:02:58
wie "sauber" ist das Bettgestell gearbeitet? Passt das Holz an den Ecken und Kanten gut zusammen oder gibt es Spaltmaße? Gefragt von Robert S. am 29.06.2020 "Vielen Dank für Ihre Frage. Sie erhalten mit dem Futonbett ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis in der Kategorie "Junges Wohnen". Die Qualität ist wie auf den Fotos dargestellt, die Kanten passen hier gut zusammen."
2020/07/05 13:34:46
Manaslu Climbers Reach Namrung | IMG blog Manaslu Climbers Reach Namrung Descending from Base Camp to Sama Gaon, looking at the 6000m peaks to the north, which are near to the China/Tibet border (Robert Kay) IMG guide Mike Hamill called this morning (evening in Nepal). The team is in Namrung and all are fit, healthy, and doing well. They are on schedule to reach Sama Gaon tomorrow. He says the weather had been pretty good for them, with rain during the night but mostly dry during the day time for the trekking. Trail has been a bit muddy in places and they have crossed several landslides, but no big issues. Mike says it has been a strenuous trek, with plenty of ups and downs to get everyone toughened up for the climb ahead! Up on the mountain Phunuru reports that the Base Camp construction is almost finished, and that he had hiked up to the crampon point to check the route and snow condition, which he said looked OK. He says they have an excellent BC camp location with a clean water source. Headcook Kaji has now moved up to BC from Sama Gaon and the porters with all the fresh food will go to BC tomorrow. The plan is for the members to take a couple rest days in Sama Gaon, then move up to BC on Wednesday the 5th .
2018/05/24 06:31:17
Mujeres trabajadoras son un gran baluarte social: Adriana Hernández | A Tiempo Noticias julio 9, 2017, 7:20 pm Sección: Política. Por: Redacción La diputada por el distrito de La Piedad reconoció el papel de la mujer tanto en el ámbito político como en los distintos sectores y agregó que aún es necesario seguir trabajando para lograr el fortalecimiento de las féminas en el Estado a través de la organización Michoacán necesita tener más empleos, mejor remunerados, que mejoren la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, afirmó la coordinadora del PRI en el Congreso del Estado, durante la tomar de protesta de la Federación de Organizaciones Obreras Femeniles Morelia, Michoacán, 09 de julio de 2017.- Michoacán necesita tener más empleos, mejor remunerados que mejoren la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos y esto sucederá gracias a organizaciones como la Federación de Organizaciones Obreras Femeniles (FOOF), sentenció la diputada Adriana Hernández Íñiguez. Etiquetas: Adriana Hernández Íñiguez. PRI, Congreso del Estado, FOOF, La Piedad, Michoacan, Morelia, Rafael López Hernández
2017/12/17 17:41:16
manager was absolutely fantasic, he was extremely helpful when we had a problem and did everyhting he could to make sure we were happy. excellent service! I stayed at this hotel after the fib festival in Benicassim and the location was ideal... The rooms were quite old fashioned but still nice, comfortable and clean. Bathroom was good. The best thing about this hotel is the big pool area which was perfect. The location was perfect for what we wanted, being only a 15-20 minute journey to the Campo de Mediteraeno Golf Club. The staff were pleasant and the hotel facilities were fine. I booked 2 rooms for 1 night at the Hotel Azur, which the Inter Group changed to the Hotel Orange a few weeks before we travelled. I was informed the change was because the Azur was being closed, due to lack of bookings. We agreed to the change and later decided to alter our booking to 2 nights. The hotel was occupied by 60+ British teenagers, on a regular sporting event, who made us ashamed of our nationality with their rowdiness and eating habits. I had never before seen someone eat a fried egg with their fingers, enough said. The Inter Group must decide if they are running a Hotel, or a Youth Hostel. In fairness the hotel did not charge us for our evening meals and drinks after we complained, such a shame. Good position to the beach, but in the info. it would have been useful to know that it was quite a distance to the town. Could do with a face lift on the outside although this could be scheduled for this year, as the inside had been reformed. The Spa was only available for short period each day. With a stay at Hotel Intur Azor in Benicassim, you'll be by the sea, within a 5-minute drive of Aquarama and Platja els Terrers. Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, a 24-hour front desk, and multilingual staff. Free self parking is available onsite. Intur Azor is located at Avda. Gimeno Tomás 1, 2.2 km from the centre of Benicàssim. Aquarama is the closest landmark to Intur Azor. “Service was great the room was clean the breakfast was great plus the pool so easy to get to across the road.Easy get to the beach just walking distance 2 mins .” Located in Canelli, La Martinella bio is in a rural location, within a 5-minute drive of Gancia and Cantine Bosca. Featured amenities include a computer station and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite. La Martinella bio is located at Regione Castagnole 80, 3 km from the centre of Canelli. Canelli Railway Station is the closest landmark to La Martinella bio. Iguassu Express Hotel is located at Avenida Das Cataratas, 2500, 3.1 km from the centre of Foz do Iguaçu. Adrena Kart is the closest landmark to Iguassu Express Hotel. Puri Sebali Resort is located at Jalan Raya Sebali, Banjar Sebali, 3.3 km from the centre of Ubud. Neka Art Museum is the closest landmark to Puri Sebali Resort. “The only downsides were (a) that our room was right next to the common pool area and so it afforded less privacy than we had hoped and plants blocked our view of the rice terraces from our room and (b) the area discourages online taxis so transportation t”
Rebelliousboy - Digital Art Rebelliousboy I am Ali RostamKalaee, born in 1984 in Tehran. As a teenager, I was fascinated by art and literature. But for some reasons, in 2002, I started my university education in the field of pharmacy, and in 2012, I succeeded in obtaining a Doctorate Degree in Pharmacology. During my university years, like many others the contradictions that affected the shredded Iranian society, injured me badly and after my divorce from my first wife, I found myself unable to live. In those days and circumstances, a sudden desire led me to paint, and I got involved with painting and photography in a crazy way and since then, I haven't passed a day without painting. It was about six years ago, and in those six years and before that, I had no formal education in painting. I pursued painting as a self-taught artist until today, while I feel that I have something to say in the field of visual arts. In 2019, I participated in my first group painting exhibition and continue to present my artworks worldwide. At a time when very few dare to believe in self-being and always seek to prove their right of self-being clinging to other things, other people, and other beings and get credit for themselves from the opinions of the masses, which are easily bought and sold today, that is also derived from the false credibility gaining by signing university degrees and international and indoor awards, factional and supra-factional, these paintings seem ultimately lonely, but they are boldly themselves. Although they are crooked and broken, they are themselves. They are not decorated standing without any claims. So much so that the painter of these paintings says half jokingly and half seriously: "These are the Cervantes and Sancho Panza of our time who go to war with windmills and come back defeated."
2021/02/27 04:39:26
Mjolnir Project (el futuro de WHF) - Página 2 - Warhammer Fantasy FORO Mensaje por Bretonia_i_Catalunya » 18 Ene 2015, 18:20 La idea la veo muy bien, pero solamente creo que puede tener una existencia real si GW dejara fantasy (o haga algo como los rumores indican, que no creo, o eso espero). Si GW sigue más o menos una linia ( ni que sea con cambios, pero no extremadamente distorsionados como lo de las peanas redondas, burbujas y petada total de ejércitos), no creo que la propuesta pueda tener suficiente impulso. Yo no la descartaría, por si las moscas. Soy de los que piensa que es una buena solución, si la hipotesi inicial (de q todo se va a la ...) sucede. Pero una vez tenido el concepto, yo no perdería el tiempo con conjeturas. Si llega, nos pondremos manos a la obra, hasta entonces, disfrutemos/suframos con la campaña. Mensaje por Thorarthas » 18 Ene 2015, 18:38 La propuesta a priori parece estar muy bien, y aunque sea una tarea ardua y complicada, si no faltan ganas y se realiza un buen trabajo puede dar sus frutos. Aún y así, se me hace difícil el poder creer en un proyecto así. Al principio hay reglas que más o menos son retocables y más o menos todo el mundo estará de acuerdo en ellas, aunque bueno, los que se vean perjudicados por dicho retoque, se quejarán igual y pensarán que este nuevo sentido que se les da a las normas va en su contra. A su vez, aquellas reglas que se cambien y que sean más tediosas a la hora de ponerlas en práctica, van a ser las que van a traer más dolores de cabeza, aunque esto es, a mi ver, la parte más o menos sencilla del proyecto, con lo cual, imaginémonos lo que esta por venir después, es decir, que el llegar a unas reglas básicas más o menos aceptadas puede ser lo relativamente más fácil, veamos ETC por ejemplo. Donde veo más problema es a la hora de retocar los codex y las unidades, pues el pretender que todo sea jugable y perfectamente útil es prácticamente imposible, y en el momento en que se retoquen las cosas, volverán a posicionarse unas unidades por encima de otras, como pasa hoy en dia, lo que dependiendo a como lo configuréis pues podrá gustar más o menos. Ya que subir y bajar puntos a unidades, cambiarles ciertos atributos y a su vez reajustar sus reglas... Pues lo dicho, acabará estableciendo la supremacía de unas unidades por encima de otras, como es normal y como pasa ahora. Y abrá unidades que se verán más en mesa y otras que desaparecerán, aunque sea a gusto de una comunidad, será imposible configurarlo todo para que sea útil, a mi ver claro esta. Por ejemplo, con los AE, un lancero son 10 puntos, y por 13 que vale un leon blanco, que queréis que os diga pero le prefiero a este. Entonces cual es la solución, subir de puntos los leones, o bajar a los lanceros, o otorgarles reglas más chetas a los lanceros, pongámosles F4, entonces serán mucho mejor... Vamos que se crearía un desequilibrio y a nivel de resto de ejércitos igual, bajémoslo a 8 puntos el lancero... Ya veremos que nos dicen el resto de ejércitos, y si bajamos sus tropas de puntos, simplemente se esta consiguiendo un mayor número de tropas en mesa, que no un equilibrio. Con esto que quiero decir, que veo muy complicado establecer un cierto equilibrio para que todo sea prácticamente jugable, y lo veo como una utopía, aunque fuese lo ideal y a mi me encantaría. Con estas palabras no quiero desanimar a nadie ni que penséis que me opongo a dicho proyecto, que me gusta mucho y si se consigue seria la gran cosa, pero lo veo muy difícil y al fin y al cabo, creara nuevas desigualdades, de la misma forma que Etc, que no acaba de convencer a todos, aunque al fin y al cabo, no se puede contentar nunca a todos. Mensaje por Neufra » 18 Ene 2015, 19:05 La emancipación de GW tendría que haber sucedido hace ya tiempo. Solo traerá ventajas para los jugadores, porque nosotros no tendríamos que vender a la fuerza la miniatura nueva de turno, por lo que no tendrían que tener reglas devastadoras para hacerlas atractivas, con ponerles unas reglas para que encajen bien en su ejército y en el metajuego, van que se matan. Estos rumores, para lo que nos tienen que servir es para abrir de una vez los ojos y darnos cuenta que en cualquier momento todos se puede ir al traste por algo tan arbitrario como unas acciones en la bolsa, aunque en esta ocasión no suceda así. Luego, lo del ETC está muy bien traído. Si en la encuesta sale la opción A, pues puede que sea lo que pase, que por mucho que retoquemos siempre habrá algo que falle, ya que puede que sea el propio núcleo del juego el que de problemas. Aun así confió mucho en la fase beta y beta tester para solucionar estos fallos. Somos muchos y podremos hacer el testeo más grande que haya sufrido este juego en 30 años y con ello se pueden sacar muchos fallos y abusos. Luego, si en la encuesta se elige la opción B, pues esos desequilibrios son muy poco probables, aunque somos humanos y algo se puede escapar, pero para eso seguirán estando los testeos. Mensaje por Aarnos » 18 Ene 2015, 19:57 Yo sinceramente estoy deacuerdo con Feynn, lo que hay que hacer es darle una vuelta a las normas que son malas o dan lugar a incongruencias en las partidas, de esa forma a partir de un sistema que realmente tampoco está tan mal estructurado, está bien pero le falta equilibrio. Porque realmente para empezar un juego desde 0 por ejemplo tenemos kings of war, que para el caso por lo que he leído y tal debe estar bien equilibrado y suele gustar. Personalmente creo que equilibrando el juego ganaríamos muchísimo, así que la idea en si me parece genial todo es ver si GW sigue con el juego o lo termina de destrozar con EoT XD Mensaje por Feynn » 18 Ene 2015, 20:15 Yo asumo que el equilibrio perfecto no existe, pero también que se puede mejorar muchísimo antes de alcanzar ese punto donde se diga que ya no se puede hacer mas que pequeños retoques. Hay infinidad de unidades muy malas en comparación a otras en un codex, ahora bien, si las mejoras no necesariamente las pones por encima de otras. Un lancero que tenga +1F cuando recibe cargas y que cueste menos puntos es más apetecible porque puede convertirse en algo que de miedo cargar, por ejemplo. Ya tendría labor como bloque de aguante si lo comparas a unos leones, mucho más caros e igual de frágiles. Mensaje por beorn_14 » 18 Ene 2015, 21:39 Muy de acuerdo con lo último que ha dicho Neufra. Estamos viendo unos cambios en GW que no nos gustan, pero... Que hubiera pasado si no hubieran habido cambios? Y si simplemente la empresa hubiese petado, o se hubiera quitado el lastre que para ellos es el fantasy (o eso dicen)? Estaríamos en la misma situación, con una mano en cada huevo pero de golpe y porrazo, sin previo aviso. Estos últimos coletazos que está dando GW con el fantasy no me gustan nada. No solo porque son un mal presagio, sino porque están hechos con el culo. Nos están vendiendo mierda a precio de oro: - Los nuevos hechizos de EoT son los de tormenta de magia. - Las reglas de terreno de jungla de Thanquol son los del suplemento de Lustria. - Los de asedio en las calles salen en el Manual de generales... - Y todo lo que yo no se. Nos están revendiendo cosas que tienen ya hechas, amortizadas y en la estantería de hace años. Y ni siquiera hacen una mísera revisión? Y nos lo empaquetan todo con una serie de muñequitos gigantes, que aún desequilibran MAS un juego de base poco equilibrado. Para redondearlo avanzan el trasfondo de una manera atroz que a toodos absolutamente nos tiene con el culo prieto, a la espera de quien será el siguiente en pillar. Dudo que los generales elfos, no-muertos, del caos, imperiales, bretonianos, enanos y lagartos estén contentos con el nuevo aire que les han dado a sus ejércitos. Pues muy bien tienen que hacer las cosas en 9a para que a la gente le guste. La gente está a la espera, resentida, y va a ser muy crítica. No les va a valer cualquier mierda adornada con un lazo. Y menos aún un nuevo reseteo (sueño de Resines) para intentar rectificar en sus errores; no una vez mas. Han dado pasos de gigante? Pues que asuman sus actos. Ufffff! que bien me he quedado. Lo que quería decir con esto es que no veo necesidad de estar a la espera de lo próximo que saque GW, porque eso significa seguir comiendo de su manita, y seguir siendo conformistas. Al principio nos quejaremos y después acabaremos aceptando lo que hay. Como siempre. Mi grito es para un actuemos ya!. Hemos tenido bastante. Y no creo que debamos tener miedo a encabezar una iniciativa así. Somos muchos y estamos muy unidos, una comunidad muy rica, que se respeta y tiene criterio. Ademas, España es de los países que mas juega al fantasy. Por qué no deberíamos ser nosotros quienes salvemos el fantasy? Mensaje por Neufra » 19 Ene 2015, 01:33 Lol, no tengo palabras beorn_14, jajajajjajaja. Mensaje por Neufra » 19 Ene 2015, 16:33 Siento el doble post, pero creo que es necesario. Chicos, mucho ánimo, que esto se mueve. ... -fan-made/ Mensaje por asur-hw » 19 Ene 2015, 17:46 Pues despues de pensarmelo durante 1 día, expongo lo que me parece todo este tema. 1- La idea de conseguir un juego equilibrado (almenos al 95%, ya que 100% es imposible) me resulta muy interesante y viendo los tempos que corren, muy esperanzador. Para ello entre empezar una reglas desde 0 o modificar unas ya existentes... Pues me decantaria por unas ya existentes. Porque digo esto, pues porque equilibrado o no, a mi me gustaria seguir jugando Warhammer. Si algo han hecho bien esos señores, o algo hicieron bien, fue engancharnos a todos nosotros con sus normas. Por lo que creo que sería lo más adecuado. 2- En cuanto a por donde empezar... considero que existen ejercitos superiores a otros actualmente, pero creo que comenzar por modificar el reglamento seriaa el camino para conseguir el equilibrio. Por ejemplo, en 8ª la caballeria ha perdido muchisimo protagonismo, mientras que ls unidades numerosas lo han ganado. Pues el primer paso seria modificar eso para conseguir un equilibrio general y ya mas adelante realizar modificaciones menores para equilibrar unidades de ejercitos en concreto. Por ejemplo, modificar la TSE de los guardias del fenix reduciendola 1 punto. 3- La idea de que todos los ejercitos y saberes de magia tengan reglas unicas que los caracterizan me parece esencial en Warhammer. Lo que le da magia al juego es la diversidad unidades por pertenecer a distintos ejercitos. Y sobretodo, esas reglas que permiten "identificar" a cada ejercito con su trasfondo. De modo que es algo que trataría de no eliminar, aunque si modificar en caso de considerar oportuno. Bueno, y despues de comentar mis ideas, os deseo muchisima suerte y animo para este proyecto, que aun siendo dificil y costoso por el esfuerzo que conlleva, será muy gratificante tanto para vosotros, como para toda la comunidad de Fantasy.
2020/10/31 10:22:57
REUNIÓN CON RECTORES: MACRI ADMITIÓ QUE "YA NO EXISTE EL TECHO DEL 15%" PARA LAS PARITARIAS Nacionales 29 de agosto de 2018 Por Redacción - Portal Vos Así lo aseguró el rector de la UBA tras reunirse con el Presidente, el ministro de Educación y otros 20 rectores de universidades públicas. "El Presidente describió la situación de un país que está atravesando una tormenta económica y financiera importante", sostuvo el ministro de Educación, Alejandro Finocchiaro. No hubo propuestas concretas. El presidente Mauricio Macri recibió este martes en la Casa Rosada a rectores de universidades públicas y, en medio del conflicto por la paritaria con los docentes de las casas de altos estudios, subrayó que "el techo del 15 por ciento ya no existe". Por su parte el rector de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Hugo Juri, manifestó que "el Presidente indicó que el sistema de educación superior es clave para el desarrollo nacional". En tanto, el ministro de Educación, Alejandro Finocchiaro, indicó que "el Presidente describió la situación de un país que está atravesando una tormenta económica y financiera importante, con el conjunto de los argentinos trabajando para que eso no se transforme en una crisis". El titular de la cartera educativa se refirió al conflicto por la paritaria con los docentes universitarios y admitió que "el número final del acuerdo obviamente no va a ser 15 por ciento, sino más". A la vez, el funcionario anticipó que le ofrecerá a los gremios docentes universitarios "cláusula de revisión", aunque aclaró: "Tenemos que ser muy imaginativos junto con los gremios en asociarnos para dar por finalizada esta desavenencia salarial que tenemos y poner el mayor esfuerzo en este marco de restricciones que explicó el Presidente para poder hacer la mejor oferta salarial".
2019/07/17 14:22:53
Ve wellness apartmánu Buštěhrad jsme se snažili zachovat venkovský styl Buštěhradu s domácím prostředím a atmosférou. Je pro vás připravena plně vybavená kuchyně,2 ložnice (2 + 3 lůžka), obývací pokoj ( 2 lůžka), jídelna, koupelna s vanou, sprchou, wc a bidetem. Celkem 80 m2 Zajímavostí je, že ačkoli je apartmán v podkroví, je, v přízemí. Vchod je z horní ulice a tak je zde pouze 1 schod. Apartmán je tímto téměř bezbariérový. Apartmán bude k pronajmutí vždy celý pro jednu skupinu či jednotlivce. Je tu prostor pro kola i kočárky. Parkování přímo před apartmánem na ulici. Vířivka pro 8 osob: má 76 vodních trysek osazených v pěti různých anatomických úrovních se zaměřením vždy na odlišnou povahu hydro-masáže. Má komplexní komfortní hydro masážní systém pro celé tělo s možností zónového ovládaní. Vířivka je osazena patentovaným terapeutickým systémem trysek Fluidix a široko spektrálním systémem chromoterpaie s 2x60 LED diodami. Ve vířivce je bezchlórová chemie . Teplota vody kolem 38 °C. Není vhodná pro děti do 5 ti let a těhotné. Sauna je vybavená saunovými elektrickými kamny s lávovými kameny a třemi lehátky. Saunu je možné využít jako:
Первый российский топливозаправщик Ил-78М-90А в начале августа начнет летно-конструкторские испытания, которые планируется завершить до конца года. В настоящее время завершена его покраска, которая проводилась на территории АО «Спектр-Авиа». Об этом сообщает пресс-служба ПАО «Ил». В настоящее время завершена покраска самолета-заправщика Ил-78М-90А которая проводилась на территории АО «Спектр-Авиа» / Фото ПАО «Ил» « Сформирован предварительный план развития аддитивных технологий в РФ до 2025 года «Дрель»: на что способна новая российская бомба ПБК-500У »
Política -16/02/2012 - Actualizada a las 08:00 La firma alemana Lidl se instalará con un supermercado de 2.500 metros cuadrados en La Mareta Las obras del nuevo ensanche comercial por terrenos de la P-1 comenzarán en abril o mayo Terrenos del nuevo ensanche del área comercial de La Mareta (Foto TA) Telde.- La nueva expansión del área comercial de La Mareta por los terrenos de las parcelas P-1-1 y P-2 permitirá la implantación del supermercado de la firma alemana Lidl de 2.500 metros cuadrados y la ampliación de Ikea. Las obras comenzarán en abril o mayo próximo. Julián Gómez del Castillo, el empresario al que se le adjudicaron los derechos de superficie para desarrollar dos de las parcelas de La Mareta asegura que tiene cerrada la ampliación del edificio que ya está construyendo Ikea hacia un solar anexo de 6.500 metras cuadrados. Y que, además, ha logrado atar la implantación de un supermercado de la firma alemana Lidl de 2.500 metros cuadrados, una superficie mayor a la que suelen tener las naves de este comercio. Con el de La Mareta serian ya dos sus centros abiertos en Telde. Gómez del Castillo tomó posesión ayer de manera oficial de los 136.000 metros cuadrados de suelo comercial de La Mareta de los que resultó adjudicatario en 2003. Lo consigue tras sortear un interminable proceso judicial que ha durado ocho años. Ahora las condiciones económicas son otras, pero ha optado por aceptar el reto y desarrollar las parcela, P-I y P-2, las que están situadas a ambos lados del acceso a La Mareta desde la rotonda de las tazas. Grúas en mayo Asegura que en estos momentos ya tiene comercializado el 90% de la P-1, todo con firmas potentes que ocuparán superficies superiores a los 1.000 metros cuadrados, pero se reserva dar los nombres hasta tanto no tenga atados los contratos. Sólo adelantó que se trata en su mayoría de firmas vinculadas con el equipamiento del hogar. Ya para una segunda fase, posiblemente después del verano, empezará a comercializar la P-2, que es la que está al lado del parque de bomberos. Julián Gómez del Castillo trabaja con la idea de tener las primeras grúas de obra en abril o mayo. Antes deberá abonar al Ayuntamiento el primer plazo del canon de 14 millones que tiene que pagarle a Telde por tener la concesión de ese suelo durante 65 años. Tendrá 10 días para aportar 4 millones de euros.
2022/07/04 03:36:13
Enroll in a new career exploration program. This unique two-week class is designed for 11th and 12th grade students and explores a variety of career fields, including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, professional services, and more. Class meets Monday-Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. The first week will meet virtually. For the second week, students will have the option to meet online or in person on the Tarboro campus. Our sincere thanks to Wray Faulkner, renal dialysis nurse and COVID-19 testing nurse, for sharing his perspective on the pandemic during the February 16 virtual EMPAC conversation on "Surviving the Times, Destined to Shine." EMPAC is a mentoring program at the College that empowers male students.
Lavezzi, Bastia - Restaurant Reviews, Phone Number & Photos - TripAdvisor Bastia Beach Suite Hotels Restaurants near Lavezzi Gluten Free Restaurants in Bastia Late Night Mediterranean Restaurants in Bastia Mediterranean Restaurants for Families in Bastia Romantic European Restaurants in Bastia Vegan Restaurants in Bastia Things to do near Lavezzi #22 of 210 Restaurants in Bastia 8 rue Saint Jean, 20200 Bastia, Corsica, France All reviews pasta italian food balcony pizzeria dessert view menu Great view from outside balcony Set in the old port, with lovely view from the balcony overlooking the port, this small largely Italian restaurant has very welcoming staff. Suggest you book if you want to eat outside. Good food, and wine, but from our experience would suggest if having fresh...More This is primarily a pizzeria which is not what I would choose, but we could not find the Vietnamese restaurant we were looking for and Lavezzi has a very nice balcony overlooking the old port. In addition to their standard dishes they offer a fish...More Good Italian in Bastia Our hotel suggested this pizzeria for a Sunday dinner. What a great choice. In fact, we sat beside a lovely couple from Italy who eat here often. The menu has pizza, pasta, salad, and a few other choices. We had pizza (Regina with ham, mushrooms)...More Everything was perfect. The food was stunning, fast service, excelent wines. The view from terrace is cool. Thank Iulian B Very Frendly and Superb Meal's Very veru good! The pizzas are awesome and the pasta is also very good. Have a nice view to the vieux port of Bastia. You can sit and relaz and enjoy very good food. The staff is very helpfull. one of the best restaurants i've...More Thank Francisc0_68 Lovely view and shady spot The menu was rather limited and so was the wine list. The setting was lovely on a balcony overlooking the marina and it was lovely and cool on a hot day. Visiting Corsica and Bastia, we decided to stop in this restaurant. We were very welcomed and the view is absolutly fantastic. The food is excellent, especially the pizzas. A place to be recommended. Nice meal, conversation and setting We were pretty hungry and out for dinner so we randomly chose this place because of the setting (a terrace over the vieux port) and because of the choice of foods. It does not have a large list but I think they are good in...More This is a pretty stylish place with a special view from the balcony and nice interior. They have on overwhelming pasta, may be one of the best I'd ever tried Thank Александр М Good Italian food Romantic Restaurant We went there for dinner. The deco is nice. Weather permitting book a table on the balcony overlooking the old harbour. It is very romantic. Food came quickly and was very good. The only downside was the red wine which was too hot. I hope...More Get quick answers from Lavezzi staff and past visitors. Outdoor Seating, Seating, Waitstaff, Street Parking, Highchairs Available, Serves Alcohol, Full Bar, Accepts American Express, Accepts Mastercard, Accepts Visa, Free Wifi, Accepts Credit Cards
2018/06/22 11:59:56
Tronsmart Onyx Ace Pro New Best Earbuds Premieres 58% off – xiaomi news The new Tronsmart Onyx Ace Pro best ANC earbuds will premiere on May 16th PST with an incredible 58% discount. However, this early bird sale will last till May 20th PST. Also, you can win one free if you add it to the cart as early as possible, share the product, and leave feedback about Tronsmart on the post. We will explain how to win the latest wireless earphones giveaway next. This Qualcomm 3040 chipset, aptX Adaptive, 27 hours of playtime, and 13mm driver unit best wireless earbuds at $26.99 early bird price indeed presents competition for other premium brands. How to win free giveaway? The steps are easy and only take a few minutes. All you have to do is visit the product page at the Tronsmart Store at Aliexpress. Add the Tronsmart Onyx Ace Pro best ANC earbuds to the cart. Follow the Store (click on the Follow button on the store page). Share the product on social media. Leave feedback about Tronsmart on the post that you share. Do this before the start of May 16th PST. The draw will take place on May 21st PST, and the Store will inform the winners. There are a total of five giveaways. Steps to take for a free giveaway chance: Add to the cart before May 16th PST. Leave feedback about Tronsmart on the post. Early Bird Sale starts from May 16th and ends on May 20th PST. Tronsmart Onyx Ace Pro Review The latest Onyx Bluetooth earbuds release features a Qualcomm 3040 chipset with excellent HD audio. Also, the Qualcomm aptX and aptX Adaptive technology offer low latency and better 24bit 96kHz audio output. The Tronsmart Onyx Ace Pro is one of the best wireless earbuds that feature four mics, active noise cancellation, Bluetooth V5.2, IPX5 waterproof rating, Voice Assistant support, 6.5 hours playback, and 27 hours playback with a charging case. Plus, these wireless earphones have aptX Adaptive tech and cVc 8.0 for crystal clear calls. There is also a Gaming mode for even lower latency. So, it is commendable considering the US $26.99 early bird sale price. Earphones: 35mAh Charging Case: 400mAh Playtime: Up to 6.5 Hours (on a Single Charge) The new Tronsmart Onyx Ace Pro wireless earbuds will be available from May 16th to May 20th PST with a 58% price drop. Therefore, you can buy these during the early bird sale. Add to the cart before the sale starts on May 16th PST and follow the Tronsmart Store. You can also get a discount by clicking the "Get Coupons" on the product page. Remember to use store discount coupons for an even lower price.
2022/05/28 17:30:55
V neděli 8. května 2022 se koná u pomníku padlých ve Vodochodech od 15 hodin pietní akt ke dni osvobození, kterou pořádají Místní obec Baráčníků V.B.Třebízského ve spolupráci s Obecním úřadem Vodochody.
2022/07/01 11:32:14
Star Treka Equi Trek hästtransport från EQUI OF SWEDEN Star Treka bodelequisweden2017-08-02T17:22:24+00:00 Star Treka från 212 996 kr exkl moms / 266 245 kr inkl moms. Avbetalning från :-/mån. Beräknat på avbetalning med 20 % kontantinsats i 10 år, med ett restvärde på 0 kronor. Star Treka är och vår största två-hästars transport med tre-axlar som har utvecklats för att kunna erbjuda hög komfort med smarta detaljer, en omfattande standardutrustning samt en större bodel! Perfekt för dig som önskar kunna slå dig ner, laga en lunch eller sova över, men ändå inte vill ha en lastbil. Bodelen erbjuder: Låsbar dörr med tre öppningsbara fönster, mörkläggningsgardiner, interiör-belysning med spotlight, gasspis med två plattor, diskho med elektrisk vattenpump, garderob, takventilation, fällbart bord och sittplats för fyra som man kan omvandlas till våningsäng eller dubbelsäng samt möjlighet till elektrisk toalett och kylskåp- vilket gör den idealisk för meetings, träningshelger eller längre resor med övernattning. I Star Treka står, till skillnad från många konkurrenters släp, hästarna bakåtvända vilket gör att dom åker ännu bättre under transport. Star Treka har också Equi Treks patenterade sidolastning som gör det lättare och säkrare att lasta på och av. Det finns i två olika utrustningsnivåer (classic och excel) samt många möjliga tillbehör. Equi Treka säljs med två års garanti!
2020/09/25 01:40:22
After a year of waiting due to the pandemic, the 34th edition of the Gourmets Show was held between October 18 and 21 and the final data has been incredible: 74,914 professional visitors, 46,500 m2 of surface and 1,548 exhibitors with more than 37,000 products. Grupo MARVA has had a relevant participation in the production and provision of services and resources, managing the transformation of the workshop spaces and thematic areas of the organization (Wine Tunnel, Oil Tunnel, Fish Tunnel, Food from Spain, Taller del Cheese, etc), its stages, the exhibition furniture that housed permanent samples of products that have attracted the attention of professionals, as well as the exhibition spaces of public entities (Tierra de Sabor and Cantabria) and private companies (Unox, Caspian Pearl, etc). #createsensations #createexperiences #createspaces #createmoments #wemakeideascometrue #qualitygrupomarva #MarkTheDifference
CloudCheckr Labs - CloudCheckr Success Center All Categories ​>​ Training / Education ​>​ Developer Resources ​>​ CloudCheckr Labs Welcome to the CloudCheckr Development Community – Labs! Hi! Welcome to the CloudCheckr Development community! Labs is a repository of scripts and tools that can help you quickly integrate CloudCheckr using the native API. If you're new to CloudCheckr and just getting started, please check out our Getting Started Guide! Click here to get started: GitHub Community Repository Over the last few years, we have noticed an increasing number of customers integrating CloudCheckr via our API directly into their internal tools. We have also seen the need to help customers rapidly deploy new accounts, configurations, and users into CloudCheckr via the API. To help expedite this initiative, we created this GitHub repository and compiled a curated number of scripts, tools, and other items to help jump start a developer's work. Labs is a public GitHub repository that you can fork and contribute to at your leisure. Please feel free to pull down the code directly into your GIT client of choice. Content is separated by category as it relates to CloudCheckr and implies how scripts could be used per product module. To see what's available, head on over to our GitHub Community Repository and get started! A number of Cloud Resellers and MSPs use their internal tools to help create a Quarterly Business Review document or dashboard. Using the CloudCheckr API, you can pull out a end-customer's cloud spend data across 1-N accounts as well as their forecast and any custom reporting you have made for them via Advanced Grouping. An MSP is onboarding new customers and has created a set number of Budget and Security alerts based on their service offering. You can easily script the alerts via the CloudCheckr API to onboard and configure your customers easily. If your security team likes to keep an audit history of system changes, alerts, or compliance initiatives within a internal system, you can use the CloudCheckr API to pull down Best Practice Checks, Change Monitoring, and Total Compliance data points to ingest into an external repository.
2022/05/25 10:52:29
見圳客户端、深圳新聞網2月24日訊(見圳客户端、深圳新聞網記者 葉玉燕 通訊員 陸治武 王培雲)橫崗街道總工會積極推進工會經費代收工作,特別是橫崗街道分設之後,新增繳費企業數量及金額在全區排名中連續三年保持在前列。其中2020年,税務代收工會經費金額約640萬元,新增繳費企業4家。在原有繳費大企業搬離轄區,出現停繳、少繳税務代收的情況下,特別在去年受疫情影響的逆勢中得到增長,實屬難得。 橫崗街道總工會在黨工委、辦事處的領導下,工會人員積極亦難而上,打好“組合拳”,破解怎麼收的問題,採取了多項有效措施,促進工會經費的繳納代收工作。 首先是領導重視,橫崗街道總工會領導多次召開會議研究經濟態勢,分析税務代收繳費狀況,有針對性的部署代收工作。同時橫崗街道總工會在轄區摸牌企業、制訂計劃,做到了逐級分解、層層負責。 要推進工作,宣傳是關鍵,總工會充分利用微博、微信、抖音等“自媒體”工具,及時將工會經費的相關政策、依據,經費的用途、不按時足額解繳工會經費的後果等一系列規定務必全面傳達到每一個目標企業,強化凸顯輿論灌輸、引導功能。例如:制定税務代收工會經費工作圖冊、簡明知識問答與競賽、開展相關負責人培訓班等多種方式,把這項工作的意義、目標等事項一一宣傳、講解到位不留盲點、不留誤區,進而達到統一思想、規範行動目的。 再者是改方法、促自覺。“接地氣”、有針對性地上門開展工作,曉之以情、動之以理,努力消除其認識上的誤區,不斷提高其履行義務的自覺性。工會主動聯動安監、勞動、外經、社區等部門,齊心協力、建立本項工作的聯席互動機制,定期或不定期及時互通信息、交流相關資料、擬定相關辦法等,從而多管齊下,攻堅克難,按時按量完成目標任務,力爭超額完成。 重點走訪,有針對性地上門開展工作,也是推進工作的法寶。近兩年來,橫崗街道領導、各級工會人員就專題税務代收工作走訪企業,就有585人次,走訪企業86家。特別值得一提的是,轄區伯恩廠的是工會繳費工作的督促一直沒有放鬆,幾任工會班子都沒解決的問題,利用去年該廠勞資糾紛的契機,引導該廠繳交會費,以此改善勞資關係,促進企業和諧發展,該單位目前正在辦理相關繳費手續。 同時,橫崗街道總工會也注重用好各類政策,比如利用一些疫情期間企業申請穩崗補貼,以及企業人員參選兩代表一委員的企業等級評價中,需要工會組織認定及評級的機會,充分引導企業對繳納會費的利弊權衡,出現了一些企業主動聯繫我們繳納會費的好局面。 隨着傳統企業的萎縮和各類服務型企業的興起,各級工會也及時跟進,開闢新渠道、新產業,把目光瞄準放寬,把工作做廣。社企分家後,街道總工會率先成功説服原來的3個社區股份公司繳費,同時,寶興醫院、駿業手機等這些以往遺漏的產業,也成功突破,自願加入繳費企業的行列當中。
A historical photo series of San Francisco's "Outside Lands" Richmond district Driving out to "The Avenues," or San Francisco's Sunset and Richmond neighborhoods that hug the Ocean Beach coastline, can seem like a trek to those more centrally located within the city. But the payoff is worth the trip. Out there you'll find the slowed down bustle of mom and pop shops, a salty fresh breeze from the ocean, and the sprawling Golden Gate Park (neat fact — it's larger than New York City's Central Park). The Richmond district used to be sand dunes as far as the eye could see up until the late 19th century. Since then, it's grown up into a diverse residential neighborhood with some of the best Chinese and Russian cuisine in the city. Explore its rich history below, and don't forget to take a trip to see it for yourself. Sand dunes on the horizon at Ocean Beach, circa 1870 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp4/wnp4.0766.jpg In 1868, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors passed the Outside Lands Ordinances, which set aside land in the Richmond district for parks, schools, fire stations and a cemetery, with the hope that the city would continue to expand westward. The Richmond district is actually named after a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. One of the area's first residents, an Australian immigrant named George Turner Marsh, called his home "the Richmond House," and the name stuck. Troops waiting for deployment to the Philippines, 1898 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp24.0164a.jpg Situated between Point Lobos Avenue (Geary Boulevard) and Fulton Street, between Arguello and Sixth, Camp Merritt deployed 18,000 troops to the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Remaining troops were later moved north to The Presidio in August of 1898. A home near Mountain Lake, circa 1899 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp15.207.jpg Up until 1906, development in the Richmond district was slow. Geary and Arguello were the first roads to be paved, and that didn't happen until 1889. The second Cliff House along Ocean Beach, 1906 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp4/wnp4.0482.jpg This second version of the Cliff House was built by Adolph Sutro in 1896. Designed as a Victorian chateau, it was nicknamed by some locals as "the Gingerbread Palace." La Bonita Theatre, 1919 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp30.0328.jpg La Bonita Theatre — now known somewhat ironically as the 4-Star Theatre — made headlines back in January when the property was listed on Craigslist. Construction of Point Lobos Avenue, 1922 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp4/wnp4.0872.jpg The 1906 earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco's Financial District and South of Market neighborhoods, which led residents westward where the streets weren't filled with rubble. Now a major thoroughfare in the Richmond known as Geary Avenue, Point Lobos Avenue used to be a must see attraction in the late 19th century. A rare snow sighting and snowball fight, 1932 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp4/wnp4.0979.jpg Playland at the Beach was an oceanfront amusement park spanning ten acres. It was open for 59 years, from 1913 to 1972. The Big Dipper roller coaster, 1935 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp4/wnp4.0944.jpg The Big Dipper was a huge hit after it joined the revelry of Playland attractions in 1922. That year, The San Francisco Chronicle deemed the rides, "clean, safe, moral attractions." Portion of a street caved in on 29th Ave. and Clement, circa 1940s Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp32.0009.jpg Central Richmond, where this photo was taken, typically had "Marina Style" homes, characterized by a large bay bedroom window facing onto the street, as well as split bathrooms where the toilet is located in a separate room from the sink and shower. 16th Ave. between Geary and Clement, 1957 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp25.0282.jpg Beginning in the 1950s, Chinese immigrants came to the Richmond district en masse. Now nearly half of the residents in the Richmond are of Chinese descent. Playland demolition, 1972 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp4/wnp4.0980.jpg Unfortunately, the popularity of Playland stagnated after WWII, and the amusement park fell into disrepair. It was demolished Labor Day weekend in 1972. Along 2nd Avenue, near Cabrillo, 1974 Photo: OpenSFHistory / wnp25.1810.jpg Everything moves slower in the Richmond, and the buildings and people are usually wrapped in fog. In this photo, however, we see the Richmond through a different lens.
2018/05/23 22:30:55
Essay show trials. College paper Academic Service 30 05 2013 top best essay writers site us the bomb didnt beat stalin show trials essay japan stalin did have 70 years of nuclear policy been based on a lie. Corruption in the crucible by arthur miller english literature essay since the salem witch trials longer wish to have the essay published on the uk essays. Mocks monday and this essay is bound to come up and i havnt got a sample for it has anyone got a sample show trials essay or knows where i can get one. When it's talking about in conjunction with purges and show trials, then i'd say its all about stalinism's impacts - i did an essay plan for this question, though you. The moscow show trials: please write your answers in essay form, no fewer than four typed pages please cite your sources in the following way using footnotes. Posts about stalin's show trials written by leaving cert history. Check out our top free essays on how did the show trials consolidate stalins power to help you write your own essay. Manipulation in the crucible this essay will show that the messages in the crucible such as the the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and. Comparing the crucible and salem witch trials essay show more content more about comparing the crucible and salem witch trials essay. The soviet show trials were the manifestation of totalitarianism show trials are a public display of many key features typically found in a totalitarian dictatorship. Stalin s brutal collectivisation policy began to be stalin show trials essay criticized by some communist party members stalin free essay: the great terror had. Read this college essay and over 1,500,000 others like it now don't miss your chance to earn better grades and be a better writer. Persuasive essay on gender stereotypes rilla moran was elected temporary chair and the group set may, 1972, nashville, tennessee, as the first annual. Below is an essay on the scorch trials pdf from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples show more submitted by. Salem witch trials research paper the tools you need to write a quality essay or term there is ample research to show that clearly life in prison is cheaper. Handout - handout - stalin's show trials powerpoint presentation - youtube video clip (6 mins) about the show trial of bukarin and 20 other defendants. Constitutional rights foundation bill of rights in action spring 1991 (7:4) the 14th amendment. Online library of liberty an essay on the trial by jury and this is the province of the judge on the bench, namely, to show. Title: what was the impact of the purges, show trials and 'the terror' on the communist party and soviet society author: kenderby last modified by.
2018/05/25 12:30:41
Українське небо закрито для «Аерофлоту» і «Трансаеро» | Інформаційний Акцент Головна Україна Українське небо закрито для «Аерофлоту» і «Трансаеро» Українське небо закрито для «Аерофлоту» і «Трансаеро» 15:50, 25 Вересень 2015р. Кабмін заборонив польоти в Україну російських авіакомпаній, зокрема, «Аерофлот» і «Трансаеро» Кабінет міністрів України, згідно з рішенням РНБО, ухвалив рішення про заборону польотів в Україну російських авіакомпаній, в першу чергу компаній «Аерофлот» і «Трансаеро». Про це заявив Прем'єр-міністр України Арсеній Яценюк на нараді в Кабінеті Міністрів в п'ятницю, 25 вересня. «Ухвалили рішення про заборону польотів російських авіакомпаній, в першу чергу компаній «Аерофлот» і «Трансаеро» в Україну», – йдеться в повідомленні Кабміну в Твіттер в п'ятницю. Крім того, згідно з повідомленням прес-служби Кабміну, український уряд також забороняє транзитні польоти російських авіакомпаній через територію України, «якщо вони містять товари військового призначення, подвійного призначення або російську військову живу силу». Нагадаємо, президент Петро Порошенко затвердив рішення РНБО про санкції проти Росії 16 вересня. Серед іншого, в санкційні списки потрапили російські авіакомпанії; залізничний оператор «Перша вантажна компанія» (Москва) та його 100% українське дочірнє підприємство «Перша вантажна компанія в Україні» (Київ); виробники антивірусів «Лабораторія Касперського», її українське дочірнє підприємство, а також ще один виробник антивірусів "Доктор Веб"; оператори лотерейного ринку України. Контроль за виконанням рішення РНБО покладено на секретаря цього відомства. Санкції застосовуються строком на один рік. При цьому гендиректор міжнародного аеропорту «Бориспіль» Євген Дихне зазначав, що ці санкції стосуються лише прольоту через територію України та не торкнуться рейсів в/з України, а також транзитних.
2017/09/26 16:32:57
Mejora de la operación de estiba y desestiba en aeronaves comerciales de una empresa que brinda servicios aeropuertarios Toggle navigation Login Toggle navigation View Item DSpace Home 3. Licenciatura Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería Ingeniería Industrial View Item DSpace Home 3. Licenciatura Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería Ingeniería Industrial View Item JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Mejora de la operación de estiba y desestiba en aeronaves comerciales de una empresa que brinda servicios aeropuertarios View/Open CAM_CINTHIA_MEJORA_ESTIBA_DESESTIBA_AERONAVES_COMERCIALES_EMPRESA_SERVICIOS_AEROPUERTARIOS.pdf (1.759Mb) CAM_CINTHIA_MEJORA_ESTIBA_DESESTIBA_AERONAVES_COMERCIALES_EMPRESA_SERVICIOS_AEROPUERTARIOS_ANEXOS.pdf (1.969Mb) Date 2014-06-27 Author Cam Chiang, Cinthia Gabriela Metadata Show full item record URI Abstract El presente trabajo nace de la necesidad de mejorar la operación de estiba y desestiba de aviones comerciales de una empresa de servicios aeroportuarios. Esto se debe a que, actualmente, los clientes (las aerolíneas) han tomado mayor importancia a la gestión de la carga, debido a su influencia en los costos y la percepción de los clientes hacia la aerolínea. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la cantidad de recursos para cumplir eficientemente con los tiempos de operación requeridos por los clientes. El proceso que se llevó a cabo para cumplir este objetivo consistió, en primer lugar, en la identificación de metodologías; luego, se propusieron las mejoras y; finalmente, estas se sometieron a una evaluación técnica y económica. En primera instancia, se decidió aplicar la simulación de eventos discretos, empleando el software Arena. Esta metodología consiste en imitar un sistema utilizando un conjunto de métodos y aplicaciones. Asimismo, se obtiene como beneficio el analizar los resultados de la operación en distintos escenarios, sin tener que aplicarlos en la vida real. Para este caso, se optimizaron dos modelos de simulación, en el primero se pretende determinar la cantidad de recursos utilizando el método actual y en el segundo, se hace una variación del modo de operación real. Al analizar los resultados del proceso de optimización, se logra cumplir con los objetivos de los tiempos de operación, reduciéndolos en un 26%; asimismo, la cantidad de mano de obra disminuye un 33%, lo cual permite a la empresa atender un 50% más de aviones. Cabe resaltar que para lograr estos resultados, implica una inversión de 29,790 dólares; sin embargo, se obtiene un margen beneficio costo de 2.73, concluyendo que es factible la propuesta. Por último, se recomienda emplear esta propuesta, ya que permitirá atender la futura demanda, considerando los proyectos de expansión del Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez. Además, la versatilidad de este modelo de simulación permite ampliar el alcance del estudio y añadir las operaciones para los aviones comerciales de fuselaje ancho y los de carga. Temas Métodos de simulación Control de procesos Aeronaves Aeropuertos Para optar el título de Ingeniero Industrial Collections Ingeniería Industrial Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Perú Contact Us | Send Feedback Theme by Acerca del Repositorio Navegación Formato de tesis y trabajos Formulario de Autorización Preguntas Frecuentes Search DSpace This Collection Browse All of DSpaceCommunities & CollectionsBy Issue DateAuthorsTitlesSubjectsThis CollectionBy Issue DateAuthorsTitlesSubjects
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2021/12/01 06:07:07
Misterhults kyrka - Södra Tjusts pastorat Historien om Misterhult och ortens församling tar sin början på 1500-talet. Sägnen säger att Bengt Skalle vid Tjustgöl byggde den första kyrkan där och att han skänkte sin gård Gölghult till prästgården. På 1500-talet byggdes en ny kyrka i Misterhult, av den här äldsta kyrkan finns sakristian fortfarande kvar på Gamla kyrkogården. Numera används den året runt som kapell. 1768 beslutade kyrkostämman att en ny kyrka skulle byggas. Den nya kyrkan byggdes under 1777-1780 under ledning av buggmästare Petter Andersson och Petter Lindstrand. Kyrkan invigdes 1790. Socknens ståndfamiljer fick egna loger i kyrkan med egen läktare och ingång. Kyrkan har sedan dess genomgått flera renovering. En omfattande renovering genomförde 2007-2008 då bland annat bänkarna målades, vigselrum renoverades och de igensatta korfönstren togs upp. Under tiden renoveringen pågick firade församlingen gudstjänster och mässor i Lillkyrkan, som ligger bredvid Misterhults kyrka. I kyrkan finns flera intressanta föremål. Bland annat hänger ett truimfkrucifix ovanför dörren till sakristian. Krucifixet är tillverkad i en skulpturverkstad vid Linköpings Domkyrka i slutet av 1300-talet och hängde tidigare i den gamla kyrkan.
2021/07/25 02:43:16
Managers must be held to account for unsatisfactory audit results - parliament | IOL Business Report Managers must be held to account for unsatisfactory audit results - parliament Economy / 26 November 2018, 06:30am / ANA Reporter CAPE TOWN – Managers need to be held to account for the unsatisfactory latest national and provincial audits, parliament's standing committee on the Auditor-General (AG) said on Sunday. Committee chairwoman Nthabiseng Khunou called for greater accountability for the decline in national and provincial audits. She was reacting to the AG's announcement this past week that departmental and public entity audit outcomes had regressed in the past financial year. "It is unacceptable that instead of improving, 73 auditees regressed. While we welcome the 43 improved auditees, we remain concerned that a greater bulk of auditees have shown a decline. It is also concerning that the root causes, according to the AG, is that those charged with governance are either slow to implement or totally disregard audit recommendations made by the AG," Khunou said in a statement. The committee believed that consequence management against those that had disregarded the AG's recommendations should be strengthened. Furthermore, the committee was convinced that the impunity shown by managers in misspending taxpayers' resources could not continue unabated, as it had a direct impact on service delivery. Some of the main areas of concern for the committee were the serious weaknesses in the financial management of national and provincial government, which had not been addressed over the past four years; the over 200 percent increase in fruitless and wasteful expenditure from the previous year to R2.5 billion; and the ongoing deterioration in the financial health of auditees, she said. Also of major concern was the increasing litigation against departments, which diverted already scarce resources earmarked for service delivery to servicing those claims. The non-compliance with supply chain management (SCM) legislation, which led to an increase in irregular spending, had to be curtailed. "While there might be justifiable reasons why in some cases the SCM framework cannot be followed, the committee attributes the increase in irregular spending to lack of proper planning and foresight, which leads to overspending. Senior managers must be held accountable for this lapse in planning," Khunou said. The committee was concerned by the finding that the financial health of provincial departments of health and education needed urgent intervention to prevent the collapse of these key service delivery departments. Education was a central pillar if South African was to achieve the growth projections necessary to create much-needed job opportunities for the majority of South Africans. The department of health was also important in ensuring an improved quality of life for South Africans. "The committee is hopeful that the implementation of the Public Audit Amendment Bill will act as a deterrent against disregarding the AG's recommendations and will improve accountability. The committee emphasises its call that the office of the AG must move with speed to develop and implement regulations necessary to implement the bill," Khunou said.
2019/04/23 19:57:19
Microsoft blesses Datacenter users with limitless OS copies • The Register By Ashlee Vance 5 Oct 2006 at 20:27 As of Oct 1, Windows Server Datacenter Edition operating system customers will have the right to run "an unlimted number of virtualized Windows Server instances." This policy applies to licenses covering new servers and previous licenses upgraded with new version rights. All told, it means that you pay to run Windows Server Datacenter Edition on a server with a set number of processors and can then divvy that box up with any combination of Windows Server Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition and/or Datacenter Edition without needing to count the number of virtual machines being created or pay for extra Windows Server licenses. Customers playing with server virtualization software have long complained about the licensing ambiguities that come with running multiple operating systems and applications on a single machine or "pool" of servers. The one-to-one relationships that once existed between servers and applications has started to erode. In truly virtualized data centers, applications can be moved from server to server depending on demand or failures, and software is spread across all systems in a much more fluid manner. Some companies such as Cassatt offer tracking services to see how often a customer, for example, uses their Java application server software, what kinds of systems the software runs on and how many users are being served. With such data, customers can then hypothetically go to BEA or IBM and claim they should only pay for X number of application server licenses. Microsoft's new model could make this simpler on the operating system front by not forcing customers to keep track of any server slicing minutiae. Redmond has made similar moves on the multi-core processor front, saying customers need only count the number of "chips" they have in a system rather than individual cores for per processor licensing schemes. These liberal policies have proved shocking to some who associate Microsoft with licensing shenanigans and vice-like software purchasing plans. Microsoft, however, is the underdog in the server virtualization game at the moment. It's far behind leader VMware in terms of market share and behind all major rivals from a pure technology perspective. So it needs to play nice. In addition, Microsoft's moves could help it gain traction against the IBM/Oracle/Unix (IOU) crowd that have proved more reticent to adjust their software pricing models. Hence the focus on the Datacenter Edition. You can find Microsoft's official announcement of the licensing change here and some kudos from virtualization player SWsoft here. ®
2018/04/21 06:49:19