139 values
@adinross @jennaortega Give him a chance he let me borrow his lambo and gave back to the homeless
I literally alway give homeless people money
All the women, men, children of the 4500 families are on road, set to become homeless on this January 10th. The govt with the help of judiciary issues order to demolish their homes on the pretext of encroachment.
@flotdog @rossisd @MalikaTirolien @jdotwright @VidiotBox @okayplayer @kanyewest hand a freezing homeless person any shirt there gonna wear it lmao
@SheilaBx2 @Amy_ShihTzu3 It's great that everyone gets along with some love, and the little animals won't be homeless
@KRS_JAC FUCK yeah there was. LA won the homeless bowl against SF, and a made-up state beat a real state at proving they can do more with basically nothing.
@newsmax She's from California. What did you expect, she couldn't even deal with the homeless there. We have idiots running our country.
@pulte If you don't want to help me that's fine but please help someone... An elderly person alone for the holidays... Forgotten... Kids always get helped and elderly and homeless and disabled people are invisible... So please help someone .
@optphilosophy @TimothyPSmith7 @FloydTheFuckbag @smbg985y44 @StarGal065 @WUTangKids I love how you insult other people's intelligence while completely missing the fact that emergency services can trace calls back to Payphones and on top of that do you think Homeless people aren't able to know which street they happen to be on when they make the call?
@mikebonin @RobBonta You care not about the lives of your constituents, nor of the 1000s of homeless lives claimed by the epidemic of meth and fentanyl--the true cause of the homeless crisis. You only seem to say something when it involves your feeble dunking on the police whose abilities you hobble.
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
@BostonGlobe Homeless or unhoused, Globe?
It’s one thing to have money but managing it. Mfks don’t even got nun to show for it. Homeless and shit
Illegal immigrants, mostly single males, protest removal from an expensive NYC Hotel because the shelter in Brooklyn they are to go to isn't good enough. Homeless Vets are offered no such benefit. IF ESCAPING PERSECUTION (BASIS VALID ASYLUM), WHY NOT GRATEFUL FOR SAFETY?
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
@HissyPisssy Further more, we have a PM who has worn black face so many times I’ve lost count, and ArriveCAN app that doesn’t work, a passport office that doesn’t function, an economy that bankrupting and leavening thousands homeless. I could keep going…
1st month of school: look nice & dress up. Rest of the school year: Rocking the homeless look. PRATIK ERA BEGINS
@ClayTravis It's interesting for some of you b%t#h about a soldier in a Russian jail, yet have 1.5 million USA veterans uninsured, 40,000 veterans homeless, let 19 veterans a day commit suicide, and pass laws for 10k-20k veterans to require a passport to enter the USA to visit the VA.
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
@CanadaMarkK59 @jkenney Pfffft hahaha. The homeless being fed, every spec of trash being picked up, petty crime disappearing, a lot of violent crimes being reduced significantly, happy people gathering together for a common goal every day. Sign us up plz.
Tragedy after tragedy, we come into work and go throughout our day as conditions worsen before our eyes. Kids are murdered. Physical/mental health issues go untreated. People are unable to afford food & housing and many are dying in the streets homeless, sick and in debt.
@dstru312 @Suntimes Tents not the answer. There are enough abandoned buildings in the city that can be rehabbed & used as shelter for the homeless. It’s insane to allow these people to live on the streets. Any effort to house these people needs to be combined with drug/alcohol/mental hlth counseling
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
@rickjnewman @Ford Or some homeless dude might move in.
@shirakamal420 People would think I am homeless 😂
Democrat hypocrisy is: claiming support of black people and aborting 600k black babies; decrying chickens kept in cages, burning 1M alive; advocating for the poor, ignoring homeless veterans. Claiming "voter suppression" but suppressing @KariLake And a hundred more examples.
Why couldn't my Black trans friend get $65 to fight being homeless? Why has a Native friend been fighting homelessness for months when their goals are less than $1k? Why has a Black queer on my tl been trying to get $5k for 9+ months for their safety and hasn't even gotten half?
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@ChaseLevangie @ImSpeaking13 If the city had a homeless camp that looked like that they’d bulldoze it.
@ajlieshere @tncubfan72 @ItsRobbyBitch_ You're right but lets hope the 5 million will be distributed to the homeless shelters & food banks. Lets see actual receipts of where it goes. After all, the protest will cause disruptions in a lot of areas. Lets protect the weakest Canadians because that's what Canadians do.
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
Haven’t had a trim in like 2 months. This homeless arc has to come to an end soon 😔
@kathleenbhudson @AceBoogie910 @Zartana__ True - it is kinda irresponsible to burden homeless people with political slogan clothes if it puts them in danger We shouldn't even be in this situation in the first place tbh
@KimMangone I’d prefer you spend money on something needed like hungry kids or homeless people
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'societal_critique']
@HummusCrow @GarrettReuscher And the disabled should just die? At least be forthright about the eugenics. This is the kind of punitive "assistance" that created the homeless crisis to begin with.
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
@owillis I fly all over this country weekly and when I tell people I'm from Seattle, some instantly get a sad face, "Oh boy. Your poor city. Has it recovered from being destroyed by antifa and the homeless?" I IMMEDIATELY know where they source their information.
@TobenD @KetanJ0 Fair enough. Do you enjoys walking past human faeces in your city because of the homeless zombies.
@Variety I read the article, & listened to the podcast I cringed but it was a joke, that said Joe&Tom went on to talk about Austin homeless how they addressed it, not in detail that I would have liked, but it's nowhere in the article, The Daily does cover it for Houston, same strat
['media_portrayal', 'solutions_interventions']
@GavinNewsom Free public transportation scares me. It is going to allow every person who has mental illness, drug addicts and homeless on the busses or trains. I don't have anything against them but some of these people are violent. We have enough of these people sneaking on the train/bus.
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard']
If you are homeless, Just buy a house. #nft #homeless #art #Trending
if u was homeless would do some dumb shit to go to jail??
@icarus_cant_fly Dave is William's homeless persona because he doesn't want to consider the good ol' "William the co-founder of one of the greatest attraction" to be one of the below class.
@ActingTheGom @TUIIreland Must be great to be able to afford a holiday plus upgrade. I'm sure that you have touched the hearts of all the homeless, hungry and poverty stricken in Ireland. Perhaps they will organise a whip round for you.
@Carti_Mandua This would be enough to drive me away from the Tories! I would end up politically homeless!!
Hugh Grunt Gives £10,000 cheque to Homeless Woman! Voadofone And O3 Collapse #BulletinNews #Hollywood
@Jayecane'd be great if you helped today...still very homeless...had to sleep in my car last night with my kid... $CosmicPhoenixWellnes
@GBNEWS This where the government is failing. If you have billions for foreign aid and illegal immigrants to stay in 4 star hotels then you simply can’t hammer the public to pay for things they can’t afford and leave British citizens homeless on the street.
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@RepSpeier Never 2nd amendment right Many,many Americans love their guns Vast,vast majority are not criminals Need to focus on ▪️locking up criminals ▪️3 strikes for repeat offenders ▪️forced in-patient treatment 4mentally ill ▪️livable wage ▪️Medicare for all ▪️communities for homeless
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@smerconish @ShellenbergerMD @CNN @cnni Finally, a media piece thar dares state the obvious - we liberals decided in ‘70’s not to keep mentally ill people in institutions. So they went to street. Liberals now want to call them “homeless” and not mentally ill/drug addicted.
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@bertrhude That change that needs to come from within..need to happen in america..your practically telling a homeless guy alone on the street, that he has the power to over through the one will succeed in a lone rebellion. We need to all work together if we are going to succeed,the99%
@theonly1k_ I just catch on to shìt sister you pull these homeless bitches cards one time they heated forever 😂😂😂😂
@SherylBR549 Yes it is but. I was homeless before COVID and wasn't able to go. Then we got a place and right afterwards COVID hit. So I haven't been to a dentist in a long time. Time to get them done.
@VistoHLK @alienfrens it’s all good, I’ll make sure I let them know u the one !!! it’s Global Bilal as well fren, i was at your homeless giveaway like 6 years ago before we made our way out wesssttt ! ima make us a @alienfrens transformation pic from our old one gang, hope all has been well 💚💙🤛🏽🖖🏼👽
@bye_ology Would you do the same for a homeless man/woman?
@CiciLaw Damn shame. Surprised they not begging for more war. With all this missing money, why so many homeless vets, mediocre VA system, and mediocre soldier pay.
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@Mikanojo @johnpavlovitz If you believe this, open your front door. There are homeless people who need a place to sleep and food. Your door to your house should be open. Let them in. If you don’t? You don’t love.
hand out bread to the homeless indiscriminately. it’s not your job to figure out what they gon spend it on. idgaf if you buy a crack rock or cigarettes with my money .. if that’s what’s gon make you happy today and keep U on this earth then so be it .
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
often look more like “nones” to me. The spiritually homeless, atheists, agnostics, spiritual vagabonds and a truer definition of @BrennanManning’s Ragamuffins. Honestly, after 35 of my past 40 years deeply entrenched in whole-life faith, I’d rather see people 3/
Between a couple of hateful morons wishing ill on the homeless, and a couple of mutuals shit talking Theresa Russell, it's obviously time to smash my phone to pieces, set the pieces on fire, then flush the remains down the toilet
@5174310797471930991 furthermore this city has at least three homeless shelters available for these people - they just have to stay sober. they’re out there by their fucken choice
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"A ‘Bright Light,’ Dimmed in the Shadows of Homelessness"
"@8828882503217626444 @6615118363856860319 @2007314972015427280 the mutual-aid organization that i volunteer with has been delivering hot meals to homeless people every week for years. the camps have always been full. hotel rooms are not a solution. the number of people being made homeless is only growing."
['solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@SteveSisolak Mr Sisolak Your real vision is to make sure British tourists are left brain damaged by Magician David Copperfield and allow his lawyer Elaine Fresch to tamper and alter accident site that proved Cox innocent and the MGM lie to tourists insurers Left them homeless and penniless
@8642112240951290533 @3939670193787555635 @7335386582558577778 you propose atlanta/fulton county fund a homeless city. i’m asking what return are we getting for our tax dollars? police officers and firefighters provide a service which can justify us building a training for them. what justification do you have for your city for the homeless?
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@1324197324546755623 for the old stock religions. the buiness of homelessness is two fold. one the right side they see all of the disfunction like bike theft, drugs, vandalism, garbage, as the excuse to deem everyone who is homeless as being the same as the worst of them all. an excuse to pit on ppl."
@5164132618705728235 my favorite sin is giving money to homeless people in need. instead of tithing and all that.
['harmful_generalization', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"in northampton and west northants; @4683261974095620225 have declared ""a heatwave alert"" as they will now work alongside northampton hope centre and other voluntary sector partners to help vulnerable groups such as the homeless, elderly and care home residents #heartnews"
No worry. Your states buried in debt. Homeless etc etc All illegals need to immediately be sent to sanctuary cities before Biden puts them in non sanctuary. Hurry up Govs. Tennessee ship them out. Pass a law NGOs must report intakes 5 days ahead to govs office. Wake up help us
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
@3853791867510487775 @2709393274956550762 homeless begging for change you id1ot. come on manna. you ain't that slow.....are you????
@robinince Well said. That’s the reason so many currently feel politically ‘homeless’.
@5817297946973146170 plz me me and my family filly need it we have to move and we r going to be homeless plz we need the money
@480375254274022931 my life. how the hell did he think it was a good idea to ask a homeless person their plans for christmas?
"@2270200330687340574 oh, annie, i love this so much. things we can't leave behind are never time is borrowed, not possessed. often the things we own end up owning us. i absolutely love the voice of this piece. momentary anchors❤️<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 148, 165]'></span> i could go on and on! you are amazing. -k.p."
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
@Sunnipulse786 @angelavixii Because in America you should pull yourself up@by your bootstraps makes life worth living even if you gotta starve and be homeless forever <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 180]'></span>
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
@visionofviii I'm homeless so this would be a great relief
not me being comforted by a homeless guy at the park bc i can’t stop crying
"homeless man [in his mind]: why doesn’t anyone care?! why are you all looking at your phones instead of acknowledging a human being in need of basic??!!” homeless man [externally]: hey jew-boy! hey!! give me some coin a-rab!"
"@1182013777646840364 you know that money went to keep people from starving or becoming homeless during a pandemic, right? or are you that devoid of humanity? oh... wait... #gangofpredators."
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
@4710170445978880141 a homeless person
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
@8070734551447303913 why do you want to become homeless? you will need a good carton box to sleep in under bridge then...
"@494968349979901222 poor, homeless and happiness. i'll take it!"
"@stephaniejedd @kevinlpotter @Gilliga41879342 @CrustationK @LiseDigger Really? Public approved over $1 billion on LA. Here's how it's going. Massive cost over runs and massive delays."
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 134]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 148]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 128]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 145]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 131]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 136]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 128]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 141]'></span>/<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 142]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 129]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 146]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 132]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 145]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 149]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 132]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 157, 144, 145]'></span>: 1,200 died while homeless in UK in 2021 |"
"a homeless man asked me for my hat today, video up soon"
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@cenkuygur Ever think that instead of jail, A MENTALLY ILL HOMELESS PERSON needs actual help? Yes, I have compassion for his victims. But I also have compassion for this guy. He needs help. He doesn’t need to be thrown in jail where he’ll rot and probably be left to die. You pointed out"
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
@laughspincom Who are you? As if you even tell me it will make a diff? I don't care if you're a king or a homeless person. If you're a j--k I'm not interested. It's that simple.
"@1908184356084957710 “c’mon, lighten up camillo!” “i hate being homeless”"
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"Up Next On The News: Homeless Garage Band Member Digs Up A Crowd Of Thots, Coming Up At 6"
@5197806206988962385 @8959188228262914147 he was only homeless for a year? wth
RT @JohnSte32261: @switchbladeqq65 BLM has done what it was wanting like what BLM really stands for Black Like Money. To spend on them selv…
RT @NickRackz_: @SupremeDreams_1 @wingstop RDC Out here getting sponsored by Wingstop <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 163]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 163]'></span> MY BOYS AINT HOMELESS NO MORE
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
"i’m tired of art, please i need a break but, we’ll be poor and homeless. you’ll die without it i’m sorry. but, i’m really tired you cant disappoint them. you can’t disappoint me and you know that. .. i’m sorry"
"@PageSix This is what God entrusted all that money too! So they could do so many amazing things with it. Sure, some might think they would partner to help the homeless or Ukraine but Nah!"
['harmful_generalization', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@KremlinRussia Somebody needs to take evil Vladimir Putin down.this evil man has done enough atrocities.What’s the UN good for? We have enough homeless in NYC subway.Take this building and give it to the homeless to sleep.UN is good for nothing"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"when chrystia freeland isn't busy freezing bank accounts she's giving free advice on how the homeless can afford a 13 dollar mcdonald's combo. #thankschrystia"
"i feel like bragging on your money is already lame, but bragging while homeless is crazy… it’s kinda like math, one cancels out the other so you gotta just stfu right this instant <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 146]'></span>"
kicked 9ut of shelter . now homeless broke alone and not strapped riding the ttc toronto subway train . #onesheet
@3727578029618204362 @105613087778408727 lol with the homeless in the background. fitting for lucid
@3475805761072454201 this dick head needs sorting out i’m only to happy to obliged this homeless person
"Services &amp; shelters for homeless youth are more important than ever during this pandemic. @SafeHorizon Streetwork Project continues to respond to young people in crisis. If you or someone you know needs assistance, visit to connect with an advocate."