139 values
@105668083246284308 nice click bait attempt - but bruce understands what is best for encinitas &amp; our homeless crisis. we can’t wait until our council is flipped and new leadership is elected. ehlers 2022 <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 188]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 140]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 188]'></span>
['government_critique', 'societal_critique']
@1163536238908947007 good for you. council allan casey and nicola sturgeon should be ashamed of themselves. thanks for the the good work you are doing homeless project scotland <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 143]'></span> people can see through the political smears against you!
['government_critique', 'societal_critique']
@1288994887391645099 @8698379015875325544 have been worrying about homeless during this weather
@1294263011067071721 if they didn’t spend money on immigration and spent it on people in this country you would moan about that ie benefits homeless disabled pensioners food banks just like you right wing people do on a daily basis
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'government_critique', 'societal_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@1486938039598946022 @2289425857789628212 @1180210834967343022 explain how?
@1663916381846067381 im being evicted discriminated against for being raped . im out casted now everyone hates me lawton oklahoma bout to be homeless. noone told me i wsnt human and that i dont matter his voice his choice his body oklanimals 4rapesaleorent seeudntcare racialgender indignation
@1728461646304530674 you know 15th street? the one where you close access to trolleys on 15th street after 9pm? you will do this anti-homeless shit and screw over everyone else in the process. must be nice not having to wait 30 minutes for the next trolley to arrive.
@1847499612088677191 this is ridiculous. they’re getting aides but we have a lots of homeless people in america we’ve been ignoring.
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
@1941253186619204744 never give homeless people cash. give them a mcdonald’s gift card or something. with cash they will most likely buy booze or drugs
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
@2010594822166650971 @575631679489639158 @2348695211306395875 guys i understand that real id is trash. you are preaching to the choir. but the homeless don’t have tons of opportunities or money to travel anyway… so i dont see them being the reason.
@2050626323656624463 i think there was way more than 1500 homeless atm and soon to be more with rents going up in january
@2130538959564862469 @2447508470772698320 @8933113729411208467 if you end up homeless i'm happy to offer you a room.
['solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@2186293744771404723 @121953806201362122 it's never enough for the homeless advocates and the woke virtue crowd. the advocates fight to keep living like this.
@2219116809964178 @8320511762498373297 no seriously and im so thankful to have roommates and my parents who can help me here and there bc without them i would probably be homeless and/or dead<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240
@2271685094448604441 @6173770477479193766 @4415810249872986332 wonder if any one here has offered up a room to the many thousands of irish homeless
@251091163298547767 i don’t know why pro climate progressives don’t care if it is the homeless mix up recyclables bin with every other waste?
@2600684843165106235 @6327027778388574444 ur family hates you + ur a loser + u are broke and homeless + you are virgin + ur life sucks
['harmful_generalization', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@2753543891955229511 owning at least one re means you won't be homeless when ww3 happens and all those digital numbers become worthless
@279793359346407112 white liberals from california literally drove the handful of black people left in austin right out. i’ve been there on business several times. it’s sad as fuck to see how many homeless black people are out there now. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 144]'></span>
['government_critique', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@2841506017979021664 @8462071629598091983 the branding people in medoc probably didn’t have the legacy of a generation or two of australians seeing homeless alcoholics marketing the virtue of wine in boxes.
@2917463972537559808 maybe you need to mind your own business and worry about the homeless in cali.
@314334518862820202 get better scott. you are best thing i’ve encountered on this whole journey. you will be happy to know the intersection of research where you cleaned up in austin texas is still not full of homeless people again or trash. you did make a difference in so many ways!
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@3202600834354534122 @7458435210602565150 how long have they been in town for ??? and it was legal and is legal now ….. court decided that. no laws broken and “your” city never looked cleaner. crime rate way down. homeless fed. and you talk like you own the joint. not even close. so f off
@3230781531330879721 noticed they removed the homeless from the beach.
@3241871590121397302 that guy in the 1st place isn’t homeless but yeah i get what you’re driving at and ain’t nobody said there isn’t poor people in the beautiful parts of the world. even in their movies they show it
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@3269512087483084439 i just setup a twitter blue to my local homeless. he is so happy to be part of a new elite..
@365876850735621353 must be nice. wish i wasn't homeless. wish i knew how to cook. wish i had a wife i could hand feed as we cook &amp; kiss in the kitchen...
@3694212096615304000 @2152685721458896658 @5643449227789689876 @3051011990582314408 the images you put there are also a tad uncalled for and don't make sense. what if that person was homeless because they got kicked out of their house for being gay? that doctor could lose their job if they found out he is married to a man. that person on a hospital bed-
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@3751372630096747357 @9070821699599652239 @7923095340589315116 homeless guy <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 163]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 133]'></span> maybe it was you ! fucking loser ! i've been a home owner since i was 19 and own 2 businesses that have both been a huge success since i started them ! i have a beautiful wife and 5 children and everything else a man could want or need. u r a life loser
@3801238417579308963 give it to the homeless.
@3811176366475704878 city full of homeless americans and he is worried about an illegal alien. another fuck you americans
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique']
@3966389190966886132 @9041633454854122075 go protect your city by recording those who are desecrating sacared monuments &amp; stealing food from homeless shelters. i get it. its safer to bitch about it on twitter.
@4251642470783762107 homeless and destitute much better
@4365028499723015364 bro homeless an the first thing you think is to buy him a glizzy???
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@4390775744344830488 @4126001030589610874 stop. these massive budgets need to stop. where are we getting 1.7 trillion dollars to spend. how much goes to other countries when we have homeless and hungry citizens in this country. how about our homeless vets? how much of that 1.7 trillion is going to help them?
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@4456155126372072952 even not considering the anti-homeless nature of the first design... it still looks like shit. the second is just way more visually appealing.
@4605176752635500207 only time i've seen him is when he was protesting the pride parade with his homophobic hate filled rhetoric. you mention the homeless when every homeless association in calgary has 0 use for him also. forcing someone to listen to your hate for a sandwich is not charity
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
@4707600772906432047 these people are already housed possibly over crowded but at least housed .there are up to 130000 homeless living rough on our streets every night women and children in the back of vans and cars and the gov gives billions away to help third world countries.? time he looked here
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@5116828925796012135 @3243335951435769370 @9051476641723550292 @5275296052210028870 @2378761292854650396 did you read the texts and social media posts where amber heard was making racist comments about latino and black people. she even mocked a homeless black man. heard was also friends with weinstein and linked to ghislaine maxwell. we can play this game too.
@5205713946383026199 @6623190205843232377 i reckon all homeless people should just camp at the parliament house. might get some real action then.
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@5296917175542000207 @1384471145358511557 @9021227321081921511 @8185100978761739333 @4368769694281500994 @2968599838255724142 it literally is that easy. people do it all the time. even homeless people.
@5318842957326322603 the convoy fed the homeless and you still hate on it.
@5435907291892180391 @1190277798880475068 @622284439450085399 @6977964539464685111 sure some homeless shelter can do something with them. why would you waste the material to landfill?
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@5554079481017025837 hey. all the things she hasn’t. done for her constituents. and made. her district. into. a homeless. jungle. while she’s. living in a bunch of mansions. got somebody crazy. if it wasn’t. set up by her to try to get. sympathy. from voters. we don’t know. let’s see. what happens.
@5582588624599366064 @3000757256784187719 @2749712785771100706 @4114578674571428450 accidental pregnancy occurs even with contraception. oh and then there’s rape and homeless/disenfranchised women who get pregnant accidentally.
@5665989541033598114 if any purpose of good to come from the queue would be to ensure all the homeless and vulberable are found from being moved on by police and given the blue blankets to survive the coming winter.!
@5759452444085182624 and the homeless
@5794527596489621772 what is loaves and fishes? not heard of them before. last years raffle money also supported a church in england that served food to the homeless
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@6178562661678752902 @6249595296929470738 “assess your own risk” hmmm how does one make a decision between dying of a covid infection or having your family become homeless and possibly dying because they aren’t working so they can’t put food on the table? the privilege in this statement is painful.
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique']
@6218909445492850638 would do it for the irish homeless people irish people make me sick <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 162]'></span>
@6220119060049086586 are you helping homeless british people including veterans?
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
@646550675907641864 i was thinking about this when i lived paycheck to paycheck and saw homeless people nearby the high rent apartment i just barely qualified for (cheaper ones were full) i eventually visited my old neighborhood later on and gave to a homeless person. that was almost me for a while!
@6516602701180148037 ur homeless bro
@6625904970449742801 @1212808152820327240 i'm not sure. i think i just feel dumped. i was in hospital for 19 weeks. my section ended after 6 weeks but had no where to go as homeless (i had a male partner). eventually discharged into a hotel (now 4 weeks)that council paid. now my care coordinator from outside area is gone
@6667309091236715209 who does biden think he is fooling... rents have gone sky high leaving many many young and old homeless with nowhere to go. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 191]'></span>
@6683432241837981390 being homeless
@6698237741043894442 @2495171125169385248 i agree 100%. they never have. america giving money to other countries when people are homeless and don't have drinking water in america has always been an issue for me. i still remember hurricane katrina when bush left americans to die in the heat without food or water.
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@6863366401349731220 that homeless guy didn't use protection and then you were born. must be tough in you.<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 166]'></span>‍♂️
@6951801723213034513 @8960814465375870397 @4849233346733866428 @7947964037414316374 oh i am not homeless friend. i am quoting the speaker. i watched the full video on the mayor's youtube channel. he tells his full life story and it's <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 148]'></span>. but amazing that he's doing this work now.
@6977964539464685111 having been homeless before i appreciate this idea
@6977964539464685111 it's your classic watch system the more money you have the more you're watched. nobody tries to find the homeless because they've got no money but boy oh boy go 5 miles over the speed limit or not wear your seatbelt they are quick to spot to you. have aliens yeah they're looking
@699342798945736161 how many homeless americans die everyday?
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@7025464315617130527 @4819679716121971062 well i’m sad to say you just proved you have no backbone <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 166]'></span>‍♀️…. and proved that your scared of boris johnson!! and i’m no supporter of him . i’m political homeless !!
@7235963628977360981 @4812617821698412297 it’s a fine line between being a trader and homeless
@7451143880758834157 @754658043479704683 @6977964539464685111 well isn’t he special? i know the $43 billion he wants to spend to buy twitter would have made a difference to homeless ukrainians sleeping on the floor every night.
@7467935436443286314 have you seen the homeless in florida?
@7480470607633630949 @4962495989805890536 @7584593228396195981 @6684141651726021779 bro the trophy argument is legit a coping mechanism to deal with how shit you actually compared to spurs and its funny cause your the bigger club yet are worried about the smaller team. thats like a rich man going homeless
@7520974175404991265 unfortunately the politicians have figured out how to harness the biggest voting group the homeless like pacing a voting both at our place.exempt handicapped and seniors if you don’t contribute to society you shouldn’t be eligible to vote your a taker
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
@7557987726529208247 *homeless crackhead* <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span>
@7591333299098889248 @2048258675981274883 i don’t understand how these things happen; i am a senior citizen and vietnam nam army veteran who is relocating to texas and don’t understand the political environment: i plan to help homeless veterans and families when i move but need support
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@7634902392894229615 you look homeless.
@7823656077806451978 so many mixed feelings about this. yes happy that homeless people can get a place out of the rain/cold. not happy that this will be seen as a viable solution and countless people will be living in spaces this small and others will think nothing else needs be done for homelessness
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
@7912384301303073020 @8049776053134950651 you can’t pay me no amount of money to give live in that crap y’all called alabama!! i rather be a homeless in santa monica then been in that third world state <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 174]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 174]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 174]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 174]'></span>
@7980818288546410038 this is the number 1 concern of homeless families.
@8167192283238358640 @1742766530710260231 rittenhouse only picked on homeless unarmed weak mental patients - he did not confront armed blm or armed antifla or armed sensible citizens who would have took him out for his murders
@8253553882796215761 $codybgaming me and my 2 kids will be homeless tommorow without 350 dollars for our hotel just started work and get paid next week
@8318014778987138865 wtf? all these election officials look like homeless bums.
@8319414772451444388 @8941844131283829458 facts are more men are homeless than women
@8519595059777058570 @7437496459647799229 not a lot of homeless in atl it’s just the areas are to gun ready
@8680860690521252610 @8053002235661457376 how are they a nuisance? i'd rather have that than the homeless &amp; their garbage littering public spaces.
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@8732048621896419710 and this is why people are going homeless because of the greedy landlords. nova scotia is also suffering and has a housing crisis because people can’t afford the rent anymore especially if your a single income. landlords should be ashamed of themselves <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 161]'></span>
@8863619976085545722 @3261326403445020916 @7315861658832774661 except that’s not how it works. funding the homeless with any money at all is universally blocked by republicans. dore wants to defund ukraine and is showing a red herring fallacy to excite y’all and it’s working.
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
@9002517073220886923 is the national news reporting on the homeless on the streets and encampments as well as random crime exaggerated? beautiful city and location.
['media_portrayal', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@9077073961956995992 @7055456115194525458 @2607909930235438268 80% of the homeless in king county didn't lose housing. they gave it up for drugs. take your commie antifa propaganda garbage to portland where it belongs.
@9084181349671409656 how do you call yourself a skeptic when you just mouth anti-trump talking points? the bwst explanation of what happened was that this guy was in psychosis. he wasnt a pro-trump radical. but a crazed drug screwed homeless guy.
['harmful_generalization', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@9096654132083627266 @4965747302010081481 *incl. abbreviation for including- he was giving the expired food to homeless teens as well.
['solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@9129755388590458283 @5410482820331337309 they shouldn’t spend any on welfare. unless you are okay with destabilizing people and making more homeless because they can’t afford their bills
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@9171879032588056213 @7568532828111180555 yep. would also be good to see end of vic gov making our native wildlife homeless. stop logging. urgently
@921303667670755405 @399739740348678235 too busy bringing more homeless shelters and criminals to fidi
['government_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
a good way to repurpose the disgusting history #scientology bases have created for people the @8657157160506933224 should facilitate changing #scientology bases into housing for the homeless. this “tax exempt” cult is a tax dollar money pit #scientologypyrimadscheme #lockupdavidmiscavige
['government_critique', 'societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
blm received millions and millions. none went to help a single person. bidens sent billions to ukraine. while ukraine says they still haven’t gotten any weapons. meanwhile americans are daily going homeless and hungry and no one’s lifting a finger. this is modern politics.
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
but hertz i'm homeless so
first night being homeless by myself wasnt so bad
homeless people go to song to sing for money is lean on me
homeless-looking gowen goes to italy
i been doin the homeless look for years lol. i need to stop and make myself feel cute.
i'm just looking like a homeless woman today. malaria will humble you
i’m legit sad af. i saw a homeless woman and her daughter. i really wanted to help but i had no cash. i hope they are still there when i circle back around.
['solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
i’m so excited to move &amp; not wake up too a homeless man on my couch everyday
i’ve been in #poughkeepsie for five hours and i witnessed a full blown fight in a doctor’s office and a homeless man pointing a rifle at someone. i love this town.