75 values
"@2646888335083717073 actually a lot of well off people who don’t need the cash do care- they don’t want cuts- they want to see police on the streets in towns, road traffic police, homeless given shelter, their kids able to get by and be housed without constant parental handouts etc ."
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"@2646888335083717073 actually a lot of well off people who don’t need the cash do care- they don’t want cuts- they want to see police on the streets in towns, road traffic police, homeless given shelter, their kids able to get by and be housed without constant parental handouts etc ."
"@2672482101213874493 @2569288442762307837 personally i'm not even a huge fan of the vasquez family since i feel that it overcrowds billy's core cast and removes from his homeless kid narrative. i'd probably just use darla with mary's name to add some more diversity."
"@2672482101213874493 @2569288442762307837 personally i'm not even a huge fan of the vasquez family since i feel that it overcrowds billy's core cast and removes from his homeless kid narrative. i'd probably just use darla with mary's name to add some more diversity."
"@2720336170819326684 @4137680222363798403 @2728448986798697498 @8456383456870568378 likewise! i am pro vaccine, i think we should try to persuade people to get vaxxed, i am triple vaxxed. but i don't support mandates, which is literally giving people an ultimatum between being homeless or taking a vaccine. that's not a free choice."
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@2720336170819326684 @4137680222363798403 @2728448986798697498 @8456383456870568378 likewise! i am pro vaccine, i think we should try to persuade people to get vaxxed, i am triple vaxxed. but i don't support mandates, which is literally giving people an ultimatum between being homeless or taking a vaccine. that's not a free choice."
"@277771216417076412 women over 55 and homeless did not contribute to their plight, they didn't have super in the first place."
"@277771216417076412 women over 55 and homeless did not contribute to their plight, they didn't have super in the first place."
['harmful_generalization', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@2970755278803826490 @8499603420066619161 absolutely outrageous, giving these people @2970755278803826490 better treatment than our own people who are homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 172]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 167]'></span> bloody pm. couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@2970755278803826490 @8499603420066619161 absolutely outrageous, giving these people @2970755278803826490 better treatment than our own people who are homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 172]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 167]'></span> bloody pm. couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@2970755278803826490 @8499603420066619161 absolutely outrageous, giving these people @2970755278803826490 better treatment than our own people who are homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 172]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 167]'></span> bloody pm. couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@2970755278803826490 @8499603420066619161 absolutely outrageous, giving these people @2970755278803826490 better treatment than our own people who are homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 172]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 167]'></span> bloody pm. couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery"
"@2970755278803826490 @8499603420066619161 absolutely outrageous, giving these people @2970755278803826490 better treatment than our own people who are homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 172]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 167]'></span> bloody pm. couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery"
"@2970755278803826490 @8499603420066619161 absolutely outrageous, giving these people @2970755278803826490 better treatment than our own people who are homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 172]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 135, 167]'></span> bloody pm. couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@3136442408106933599 i was homeless, jobless, and disabled by epilepsy thanks to ms state hospital in whitfield... i was a mental patient until leaving ms. now i can contribute to society without getting murdered by a ms state conservatorship in a hospital laden with medicaid fraud &amp; rights abuses."
"@3136442408106933599 i was homeless, jobless, and disabled by epilepsy thanks to ms state hospital in whitfield... i was a mental patient until leaving ms. now i can contribute to society without getting murdered by a ms state conservatorship in a hospital laden with medicaid fraud &amp; rights abuses."
"@3148893733718006289 yes because the first they want gone are the elderly, disabled and homeless. but who's next...this is horric"
"@3148893733718006289 yes because the first they want gone are the elderly, disabled and homeless. but who's next...this is horric"
"@3298120190193392916 i apologise if i spoke arrogantly, it wasn't my intention to offend. it was more a comment on having a load of homeless people start fighting about 10 metres from where i was sitting. full respect for getting yourself out of the situation."
"@3298120190193392916 i apologise if i spoke arrogantly, it wasn't my intention to offend. it was more a comment on having a load of homeless people start fighting about 10 metres from where i was sitting. full respect for getting yourself out of the situation."
"@3332728332573798635 why not unveil your player in the stadium havert unveiled under street light abaumeyang at jacuzzi muddryk inside night club kulibali behind fulham statue , fulham street homeless team"
"@3332728332573798635 why not unveil your player in the stadium havert unveiled under street light abaumeyang at jacuzzi muddryk inside night club kulibali behind fulham statue , fulham street homeless team"
"@3559007438720700286 u might be more likely to do drugs, having more privacy to do them discreetly. i reckon more homeowners do drugs than homeless people -- if they are predisposed to addiction to begin with. but homelessness might drive someone to drink/drugs, who wasn't already predisposed to them"
"@3559007438720700286 u might be more likely to do drugs, having more privacy to do them discreetly. i reckon more homeowners do drugs than homeless people -- if they are predisposed to addiction to begin with. but homelessness might drive someone to drink/drugs, who wasn't already predisposed to them"
"@3702968043986591474 you can start a go fund me i am in need of 60k to pay back property tases i’m li. my home was auctioned off 12/1. i still have some time before the purchaser closes with the county n i am homeless after losing my home of 54 years n rents here start at 2,200month <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span> @3702968043986591474"
"@3795864396166816585 @6977964539464685111 a homeless problem, mental health problem, drug addiction problem, and worthless politicians that ignore all of those issues while giving hundreds of billions in us tax dollars to other nations each year. violence is a symptom but guns aren't the cause of it."
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@3795864396166816585 @6977964539464685111 a homeless problem, mental health problem, drug addiction problem, and worthless politicians that ignore all of those issues while giving hundreds of billions in us tax dollars to other nations each year. violence is a symptom but guns aren't the cause of it."
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@3795864396166816585 @6977964539464685111 a homeless problem, mental health problem, drug addiction problem, and worthless politicians that ignore all of those issues while giving hundreds of billions in us tax dollars to other nations each year. violence is a symptom but guns aren't the cause of it."
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@3795864396166816585 @6977964539464685111 a homeless problem, mental health problem, drug addiction problem, and worthless politicians that ignore all of those issues while giving hundreds of billions in us tax dollars to other nations each year. violence is a symptom but guns aren't the cause of it."
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@385349486385564959 @1312950183737290307 @4320569976665852070 @9144590310191542557 @5514074174098417956 if there weren't any #homeless people there wouldn't be a housing crisis. inflation, the rain, musk buying twitter. all our fault. sorry!"
"@4092889965248754258 cool. too bad your homeless crisis isn’t about a lack of housing. it’s about drug addiction, and mental illness."
"@4092889965248754258 cool. too bad your homeless crisis isn’t about a lack of housing. it’s about drug addiction, and mental illness."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@4242860829278078461 @5532757229806762446 why not? the city of atlanta did. and they ignore foia requests to know where the former tenants of public housing went. 1996 olympics, they used buses to ship homeless to tn, al, nc &amp; sc. #notsayingweshould #butitwasdone"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4242860829278078461 @5532757229806762446 why not? the city of atlanta did. and they ignore foia requests to know where the former tenants of public housing went. 1996 olympics, they used buses to ship homeless to tn, al, nc &amp; sc. #notsayingweshould #butitwasdone"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4279772144567295576 she is observing table manners. she is the one who has been rendered homeless, she is the one whose people are being mássacŕéd like ców. at the end of the day, nigeria will still happen to her"
"@4279772144567295576 she is observing table manners. she is the one who has been rendered homeless, she is the one whose people are being mássacŕéd like ców. at the end of the day, nigeria will still happen to her"
"@4279772144567295576 she is observing table manners. she is the one who has been rendered homeless, she is the one whose people are being mássacŕéd like ców. at the end of the day, nigeria will still happen to her"
"@4279772144567295576 she is observing table manners. she is the one who has been rendered homeless, she is the one whose people are being mássacŕéd like ców. at the end of the day, nigeria will still happen to her"
"@4279772144567295576 she is observing table manners. she is the one who has been rendered homeless, she is the one whose people are being mássacŕéd like ców. at the end of the day, nigeria will still happen to her"
"@4279772144567295576 she is observing table manners. she is the one who has been rendered homeless, she is the one whose people are being mássacŕéd like ców. at the end of the day, nigeria will still happen to her"
"@4298641928246835919 @809500259590176418 @9073354213720624037 @3977123372405387942 ur obviously not from the city cause bratton is a notorious bigot who hates the homeless, blacks and the poor. he said what he said and he meant what he meant... and what he meant was “homeless people are a nuisance.” his record speaks for itself. but go on..."
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
"@4298641928246835919 @809500259590176418 @9073354213720624037 @3977123372405387942 ur obviously not from the city cause bratton is a notorious bigot who hates the homeless, blacks and the poor. he said what he said and he meant what he meant... and what he meant was “homeless people are a nuisance.” his record speaks for itself. but go on..."
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4298641928246835919 @809500259590176418 @9073354213720624037 @3977123372405387942 ur obviously not from the city cause bratton is a notorious bigot who hates the homeless, blacks and the poor. he said what he said and he meant what he meant... and what he meant was “homeless people are a nuisance.” his record speaks for itself. but go on..."
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4298641928246835919 @809500259590176418 @9073354213720624037 @3977123372405387942 ur obviously not from the city cause bratton is a notorious bigot who hates the homeless, blacks and the poor. he said what he said and he meant what he meant... and what he meant was “homeless people are a nuisance.” his record speaks for itself. but go on..."
"@4298641928246835919 @809500259590176418 @9073354213720624037 @3977123372405387942 ur obviously not from the city cause bratton is a notorious bigot who hates the homeless, blacks and the poor. he said what he said and he meant what he meant... and what he meant was “homeless people are a nuisance.” his record speaks for itself. but go on..."
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
"@4298641928246835919 @809500259590176418 @9073354213720624037 @3977123372405387942 ur obviously not from the city cause bratton is a notorious bigot who hates the homeless, blacks and the poor. he said what he said and he meant what he meant... and what he meant was “homeless people are a nuisance.” his record speaks for itself. but go on..."
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
"@4391514170523571228 we have 600,000 homeless and you sound self-centered. typical capitalist mindset."
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique']
"@4391514170523571228 we have 600,000 homeless and you sound self-centered. typical capitalist mindset."
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4391514170523571228 we have 600,000 homeless and you sound self-centered. typical capitalist mindset."
"@4391514170523571228 we have 600,000 homeless and you sound self-centered. typical capitalist mindset."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@4391514170523571228 we have 600,000 homeless and you sound self-centered. typical capitalist mindset."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@4391514170523571228 we have 600,000 homeless and you sound self-centered. typical capitalist mindset."
"@4425980385763763753 @5265012625507378488 no. and it's not a thing i would want to encourage. that'd also remove dogs from homeless people. and they need them for companionship and protection. as long as the dog is looked after, then it's fine. (and you know my opinion of cookers)"
"@4425980385763763753 @5265012625507378488 no. and it's not a thing i would want to encourage. that'd also remove dogs from homeless people. and they need them for companionship and protection. as long as the dog is looked after, then it's fine. (and you know my opinion of cookers)"
"@4425980385763763753 @5265012625507378488 no. and it's not a thing i would want to encourage. that'd also remove dogs from homeless people. and they need them for companionship and protection. as long as the dog is looked after, then it's fine. (and you know my opinion of cookers)"
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4425980385763763753 @5265012625507378488 no. and it's not a thing i would want to encourage. that'd also remove dogs from homeless people. and they need them for companionship and protection. as long as the dog is looked after, then it's fine. (and you know my opinion of cookers)"
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4425980385763763753 @5265012625507378488 no. and it's not a thing i would want to encourage. that'd also remove dogs from homeless people. and they need them for companionship and protection. as long as the dog is looked after, then it's fine. (and you know my opinion of cookers)"
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4425980385763763753 @5265012625507378488 no. and it's not a thing i would want to encourage. that'd also remove dogs from homeless people. and they need them for companionship and protection. as long as the dog is looked after, then it's fine. (and you know my opinion of cookers)"
"@4549391929965728750 ikr i think i know what family your talking about, like the kids get a bed that they can’t even sit up in and the parents get a luxurious master sweet with a full sized bath and jacuzzi it’s not fair to the kids i get it if your homeless and gota make ends meet but they have<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 176]'></span>2<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 148, 165]'></span>"
"@4549391929965728750 ikr i think i know what family your talking about, like the kids get a bed that they can’t even sit up in and the parents get a luxurious master sweet with a full sized bath and jacuzzi it’s not fair to the kids i get it if your homeless and gota make ends meet but they have<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 176]'></span>2<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 148, 165]'></span>"
['harmful_generalization', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"@4549391929965728750 ikr i think i know what family your talking about, like the kids get a bed that they can’t even sit up in and the parents get a luxurious master sweet with a full sized bath and jacuzzi it’s not fair to the kids i get it if your homeless and gota make ends meet but they have<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 176]'></span>2<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 148, 165]'></span>"
"@4549391929965728750 ikr i think i know what family your talking about, like the kids get a bed that they can’t even sit up in and the parents get a luxurious master sweet with a full sized bath and jacuzzi it’s not fair to the kids i get it if your homeless and gota make ends meet but they have<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 176]'></span>2<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 148, 165]'></span>"
"@458533369107250126 @2179345755525164871 @454158648057908941 @7788928032414786566 terrible, i'm sure. so, we should subject people to what we wouldn't wish on our worst enemies because there are homeless vets? how do you contribute to helping homeless vets? or do you just use them as a political counterpoint to why immigrants should be treated like livestock?"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@458533369107250126 @2179345755525164871 @454158648057908941 @7788928032414786566 terrible, i'm sure. so, we should subject people to what we wouldn't wish on our worst enemies because there are homeless vets? how do you contribute to helping homeless vets? or do you just use them as a political counterpoint to why immigrants should be treated like livestock?"
"@4630374936625031121 @3176678584272599685 sadly 80% of homeless i meet in los angeles nightly, just want to be left alone from a society detached from itself."
"@4630374936625031121 @3176678584272599685 sadly 80% of homeless i meet in los angeles nightly, just want to be left alone from a society detached from itself."
"@4671110706452678402 people need homes, not housing. housing initiatives are often temporary, have long waitlists, intense criteria etc. we need homes; places of stability and continuity. we don’t “house” foster kids, we “home” them. you can be considered homeless and have housing."
"@4671110706452678402 people need homes, not housing. housing initiatives are often temporary, have long waitlists, intense criteria etc. we need homes; places of stability and continuity. we don’t “house” foster kids, we “home” them. you can be considered homeless and have housing."
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@4794692618367028617 co-ask,i almost got homeless mna"
"@4925419566251936899 ""so what you are saying is our anti homeless architecture is hiding enough of them"" - the only takeaway politicians will have."
"@4933322501805211085 yeah i was wondering what this ominous last line was about ""but lewis feels in the attempt to address the homeless, the other issues are being ignored."" like, her whole thing is about homelessness what other issues could she mean?"
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@4933322501805211085 yeah i was wondering what this ominous last line was about ""but lewis feels in the attempt to address the homeless, the other issues are being ignored."" like, her whole thing is about homelessness what other issues could she mean?"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@494968349979901222 poor, homeless and happiness. i'll take it!"
"@494968349979901222 poor, homeless and happiness. i'll take it!"
"@494968349979901222 poor, homeless and happiness. i'll take it!"
"@494968349979901222 poor, homeless and happiness. i'll take it!"
"@494968349979901222 poor, homeless and happiness. i'll take it!"
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
"@5000699424078649686 @1399343526400795796 @4485667396968582059 @6290680853180750060 @5831319555822909063 @1044753938159072795 @2184716861927537842 @1490248616810418262 @7880508870978746048 @464619502484054338 @4890690965462281892 @2319007880251043291 @5575466302031774478 @8912088586629238244 @8105607883213382995 @1597520133469367638 @8296296010403021241 @7041875505774209782 @2452717177507780222 @1493050674023813663 ""you must stay with margarets daughter or we find you dead with the evidence in a homeless shelter, you will never get lawyer to sue us, and if you continue to leak the surveillance technlogies (brainnet, ebl, fmris, rnm precrimes devices etc) you will be neutralised"""
"@5015109068279702596 apart from the obvious ‘don’t praise hitler’ thing, it doesn’t even support his own argument. he gives what he sees as a positive thing to come out of being homeless as a reason to legislate against being homeless."
"@5015109068279702596 apart from the obvious ‘don’t praise hitler’ thing, it doesn’t even support his own argument. he gives what he sees as a positive thing to come out of being homeless as a reason to legislate against being homeless."
"@5155416448006752514 do you know the meaning of homeless ??.. mnqundwakho!!"
"@5155416448006752514 do you know the meaning of homeless ??.. mnqundwakho!!"
"@5155416448006752514 do you know the meaning of homeless ??.. mnqundwakho!!"
"@5155416448006752514 do you know the meaning of homeless ??.. mnqundwakho!!"
"@5171831732181772050 yep people are living in desperation next to massive wealth and working their asses off for extended periods of time with little to no reward half my friends are homeless or have fallen into poverty and/or are hiding *massive* *unsustainable debt* just to keep heads above water"
['government_critique', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']