101 values
@EricAbbenante @tollltings @JoshDenny What's wrong with a homeless person saying hello at a gas station? Are you really that insecure?
@76080478501178608 @5081079025763898646 what no hot coco and cookies for her guests? i mean the streets of dc are full of homeless people. where are these new ones coming from the border is closed right?
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'government_critique']
@8434946197018467099 @2606384955379064600 @6082024766432758814 @3422398634323628949 @3478213259639119019 except it’s not 1 million homes. it’s 10,000 homes (at best) and it’s a fillip to the private sector. this may help building unions but the homeless only tangentially and by accident.
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@2917463972537559808 you literally have locked down the state that you have turned into the feces, needles, and homeless capital of the us for 2 years with covid restrictions and want to talk about civil rights? you didn’t even abide by your own lock down rules. the ignorant hypocrite has thoughts"
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
yesterday i bought some books from a homeless guy to cover his basic needs. my bodyguards prevented me but i said its humanity. we all need to survive!
['personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness', 'solutions_interventions']
@7997435372307647085 i’ve gone thru hard times, i lost my apartment, lost my job, my car & i was homeless, all within a few months. but i never even considered stealing anything.
@1543847592678745556 even if it's true she basically says they give the homeless food and clothing to fill seats.... like that's a bad thing?
@1183065207973990887 @8112767182899856866 @7145841285020047805 @9193480565284491402 @5732809223221530232 i am a serbian. anyone that left my country for the us says the only people who are broke or homeless in usa are the ones that do not want to work. i believe them cause most of them have 3+ trucks in usa or 2+ houses and i know when they left serbia they were broke.
@5185309311619020761 no i know, i’m saying clearly it’s anti homeless
@6925240520597404078 she looks homeless
yes i will be working & homeless for 6 days.
@8646976671765241042 $hollieingramxxx i'm disabled and currently homeless anything would be greatly appreciated ❤️
@69862818130424131 it is washington republicans have never supported the poor and homeless remember one of the first things trump & republicans tried to do was kill medicare and medicaid when that failed the tried to kill obama care all this that would hurt their own constituents
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
they really want to expand so they can patrol more trails so they can break up more homeless camps. if you see a bike pig in the wild, give them the finger for me.
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard', 'government_critique']
"@4049405282634049732 @983777996990053399 we talked to security & a cop & they said as long as it's not on their property they don't care, cop confirmed sidewalk in the alley is public property. tastyburger employee warned us abt homeless ppl that sleep near here being loud but harmless."
@6174227291330613833 @7061337114228742551 at least homeless vets gave to this country….illegals not…they are going to be cradle to grave
@1371355763201032551 this homeless guy in the restroom said he was going to kill me and my whole family.. after i tried to bribe him with food and water to leave the store<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 178]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span>
@3890919473913703881 no amount of money can solve homeless for long. we’ve spent ten of trillions of dollars over the 60 years on it. it’s now worse than ever. the problem is substance abuse, mental problems and laziness. in that order.
['harmful_generalization', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@5097595572040446285 in california they started issuing ticket’s to homeless people n it’s the state with the most homeless people in america n instead of helping em find places to stay similar to illinois, ny, texas they don’t
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@1063186679341286416 @1713526324491416227 it's what rudy did with his mistress filed a false statement that a homeless person was stalking her suddenly she had around the clock police protection. it's always the invisible nameless stalker or attacker
@5732720517195616921 @2989022895293927754 @7999724526584834765 there is 1 amazing homeless charity specific to homeless in chester. the work and support they give to homeless people is incredible!
@5520899592912650889 las vegas is for tourism. residents, unless you're a homeowner do not matter. so the homeless population is thought of even less. @1619083034512380797 is rich and he doesn't care about any of us. sad, but true. i see it every day in this city. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 163]'></span>
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
"@560137171865120737 worst fate, prostitution homeless"
@6321482902312023973 putin has his youth activist groups harassing homeless people etc. there’s a documentary about it somewhere. lots more besides that too.
['media_portrayal', 'government_critique']
"@8205957054352552792 @4409756038420781271 3/ suffer and possibly all be homeless, without work to support them. i remember this to a lesser extent when i was a young lad seeing a father of an apprentice being sent for. the foreman walked away and the father gave a swift 1 to the lads face, then a good telling off. 4/"
@5519158111766437000 cause if they don't go to work, they'll be fired. lose their jobs, end up homeless not able to feed their kids. at least that's the reason if you're in the us where sick leave isn't really a thing. mask mandates should be a thing if you're sick.
"@5653683089589068928 make sure send low- income social security recipients monthly booster checks asap ,because they are homeless now!"
@2712627115174381852 @5914524799265954535 @907252726418632596 how about those people going to an organization that helps the homeless rather than committing a crime? at the end of the day the store workers are human too, as are the designers. when a person steals, they steal someone's hard work.
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@4572933918250070900 billions, why aren't they saving the world? homeless, climate change, world peace?
@218407339166974657 i’m more worried about the homeless here in the united states.
@8430966607850448513 homeless rehabilitation shelter
just seen a homeless guy at the light holding a sign that says “real nigga” lol
@7310173871429739349 @5653683089589068928 ever consider trying to pass legislation to secure our border? our streets are being overrun with homeless and drugs stemming from the border. it’s the simplest thing to do to improve our cities. i hope you will consider this.
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
@854804450295468849 @4138419447621833755 the fact that gwin had to resort to hosing is a testament to sf’s failure to address the homeless and mental health issues.
@6979375541317426736 like the part where paul and the attacker both have hammers? like was paul and a homeless nudist weirdo framing up a new addition to the mansion?
"hiram, innocently: i couldn't have sent the homeless child to kill you! we have a truce!! <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 135]'></span>"
i bet if the entire homeless community across the america voted republican, the democrats would do something then... <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 148]'></span>
@4049511182774235840 i thought i knew poor; until i did a homeless pilgrimage. possession in plastic bags, knowing where shelters are and when they are open. where/when weekly bartering for street dwellers occurs. knowing the difference between chronic, transient, panhandler and beggars.
['personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness', 'solutions_interventions']
@2397333551640442358 between the homeless camps, shootings going up and the lack of leadership in city hall. it's seems totally lost. and the voters will keep electing the wrong people into office. rainbows, cotton candy clouds and unicorns everywhere according to them.
['societal_critique', 'government_critique']
"@460930956792609971 and the bastards are set for life for keeping the people ignorant, poor, and many homeless.<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 174]'></span>"
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'societal_critique']
@552716007887636071 you stygmatize homeless people in your "meanwhile" intro. please pay attention and stop. do something to help them instead.
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
@3811176366475704878 do not let these folks put the homeless in concentration camps.....first they came for the homeless....nobody spoke up. then they came for me and there was nobody to speak for me.
why a lot of celebrities got the same story of them being homeless sleeping in a car? i think some of them be lying
@Iowamom7 @jaylencavil Here in my home city in Florida, the homeless/vagrants are allowed to be near the entrance to a business, but are only allowed to ask for money or assistance when the customer/patron is leaving the business. It's probably not a law, but just what is tolerated.
"linkedin in a nutshell: ~ i saw a homeless boy yesterday, taught him data science, and today you know him as elon musk. ~ rejected by exactly 859 companies, now working in nasa. ~ i interviewed a candidate yesterday, couldn't offer her the job so gave her my car instead."
@8883036886227773907 @7047885117128725650 @4263890885919521695 @7930857265628884679 @3507094232695026642 @5766876479696415329 so we should kill the homeless right?
@95327901404093879 yes just like the snp ignoring the advice from the un expert on gender reform .look after the homeless in scotland before anyone else.
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'government_critique']
@450599488459260544 @8726470664136742500 @4263528391126381685 @4850309437428086936 @8214493944944663644 the weather and amazingly beautiful scenery takes my breath away. the music and sly &amp; brian's chemistry are so perfect together. growing up in the military, it makes me so angry to see all the homeless american vets. forgotten. truly enjoyed this episode, guys.<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 156]'></span>
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'media_portrayal']
@5539587083326671369 that's funny because it looks like they're using kid gloves to me. compare with any indigenous or homeless protests over the past few years.
i can't be political anymore. i still will be of course, and will vote against the tories. but the longer i sit here and tweet about how much i despise the tories, there are people going cold. homeless. struggling with bills. i have to do something. i have to fix this.
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@8613881030842955371 @32168754253361641 my friend not only followed these links but while in crisis was court ordered into smi with immediate housing needs who a month later is still waiting for a referral to the one time 30 day only transitional housing program while schizophrenic homeless on the street with no food
capitalism is why we have well over 500,000 homeless people despite there being 17 empty homes per homeless person. capitalism is why 34,000,000 people in the us are food insecure while the us wastes 108 billion pounds of food each year.
['solutions_interventions', 'societal_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
and lastly if i was president i would wake america up i will shut our borders down and do it properly make sure they’re coming in legally following the rules paying their taxes there would be no homeless ness, more drug rehabilitation centers, and lastly love and kindness back
['solutions_interventions', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'government_critique']
@458442408465029775 @4288551405575958023 @3334502146153211991 @2516646243910234635 true but that's for the homeless. a lot guys are not homeless but just are facing domestic problems at home and do not think they could or should go to the police
@jon_prosser @paraga @nedsegal What about the homeless!? Shouldn't they be able to partake in toilet squad?! It's better than sidewalk squad.
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@1942274222166388837 @6448140467481437351 @1462628502355001451 i hate it here <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 148]'></span> this is intentional policy decisions to not help the unhoused by our lying leaders. your @6448140467481437351 gets too much $ for not resolving the homeless crisis &amp; zero incentive to actually house our unhoused neighbors. same here in downstate il. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 150]'></span>
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@3082498183279362669 yeah i did on multiple occasions actually. my mom really struggled trying to raise me and my sister. i remember before being homeless mom couldn’t pay bills so in order to have a hot bath she would heat thr water on the stove or microwave just so we could have warm water. and….
tried to help a homeless person yesterday and now i’m catching heat for it. sometimes i hate this world
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@3641657144342674428 i see, thanks. the numbers &amp; tents have been growing in los angeles. the actor colin farrell actually cried on tv talking about the numbers in l.a. very kind man. i thought of the more vulnerable homeless people when reading about the higher temperatures in europe lately."
i look so homeless at school <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 163]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 163]'></span>
@PhilipProudfoot Because a lot of them who used to be Labour supporters now feel politically homeless because of the direction that the party is headed and the nastiness of its controllers.
definitely caused more inflation then anyone in the history of america and crime and murders and drugs and diseases and homeless and the highest gas prices ever in the history of america and food prices because he's a true idiot i truly believe.
@5258863089926423485 @1052930700689593059 cr, we are having a recession. it's my 10th according to historical facts, i remember 2 and this one. we'll be okay, we'll have lunch and swap grocery coupons. seriously, i do feel for the younger people and those in poverty. homeless people are going to be increasing.
"my mom scoffing at building free housing on ground we evict homeless from because it wouldn't house all of them. me wondering why that means we shouldn't house some of them. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 148]'></span>"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
(1) feed the hungry. (2) give drink to the thirsty. (3) clothe the naked. (4) shelter the homeless. (5) visit those in prison. (6) comfort the sick. (7) bury the dead. #twitterphilanthropy
@2128425742551333374 vigilantes will now go out and start shooting homeless people. and he will never be held responsible.
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
"@1300332544676148493 hello tangiexbl i have what is known as a trade. u have no work experience and a free ride to college and the best u can do is put ""some college"" on ur resume. once ur parents get tired of their 26 yr old son gaming till 5am n sleeping all day everyday you will be homeless"
"@8979645162566430904 @7918423605140933043 kinda like, if your homeless just buy a house.<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span>"
@5770921653305697456 people are terrified of downtown edmonton. edmonton city center is a ghost town due to crime and the homeless.
you know, if someone spread leaflets all over shaughnessy, and kits that they had 7 days to vanish before their homes would be torched, i guarantee that there'd be a state of emergency and heavily armed police everywhere. but it's homeless people, so, fuck 'em, i guess.
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard', 'government_critique']
"@6624012231095962518 indeed. l.a. claimed years ago, ""no money"" for holiday decorations. yet, millions go to homeless. the county removed the cross (on top of a mission) on the county seal. ""offensive."" when ca was founded by catholic missionaries. all socialism w/defund cops."
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@3921290341217089304 yall so wrong for these nasty comments. there are bytches gettin nekkid and performing sex acts online asking for money. and getting it. he is only trying to keep his passion afloat. why bash the man for that? now he gotta be homeless and hungry... yall stupid <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 132]'></span>"
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
@3079725934816174122 everyone wants a better life! including all our homeless verterans? we are a nation that’s being taken advantage of by ungrateful illegals! they are not here for a better life. they are here to bring their vile ways here to destroy us and turn this country in to their sihthole!
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
@438996571572356318 @7628730107301429026 @2053682879220665614 you were housing the homeless with no addiction requirement, you people are idiots
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@1163536238908947007 @1614642488501679212 @5607823228071059813 @8758688836374165751 @4425583910251408347 @3782124308933073633 @7356433607246876957 i think this a unionist account. england wales has homeless people. but we do have trident
"@3756684167131378901 @5086639279565633601 first of all you don't provide people with drugs who are addicts. you don't pay them to continue down that path. you close the border so more drugs can’t come in. you get these people into homes even those who are happy to be homeless, which many are. especially if you pay them."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
was talking to this homeless guy like 2 weeks ago and he said i need to be in a movie. today i just landed a part in a short film. i’m glad to say all i gave dude was some weed.
@6496024585139099376 other questions include, if you got a 5% raise, but don't own a house, in how many months will you go homeless? if thr government freezes your accounts and doesn't allow you to work, in how many days will you go hungry?
@8724547354394551238 @4060625473943335977 it’s sort of like saying “homeless people should be required to have a job/not be on drugs/not be off their medication before we give them food.” ideally no one is on drugs and no one is unmedicated and everyone has a job. but that’s not always the case.
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
@3287360301824031454 strangers, and homeless people, because kindness matters.
"@4420307340738059043 this wasn't a protest, it was an occupation. half were a bunch of privileged racist assholes run by the king racist ""pat king"" and the other half were homeless people looking to get some free food and drinks. in america they would have brought out the national guard."
['government_critique', 'societal_critique', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@499842438699822321 they still looking for a homeless man i think.
@2206576972379641415 @1591297705204992524 @2322942015686069427 @9132519679556280835 do you know how many people are homeless in usa, can't afford a single meal per day, the high cost of living uko ?? usijaribu kukanyanga states na iyo mentality aty you're paid vizuri per hour. heri asimiooo
"biden list of wrong: 234 000 illegal aliens not care for homeless self made energy crisis inflation cuase gas truck fuel &amp; everything going shy high. to many big money pass bills. dividing us, trying to capitalize buffalo ny shooting. sign 47 orders destroy trump policies"
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
too bad patrick isn’t allowed to be at any home. i am still homeless sleeping on the streets. some people have hurt certain people and are taking over everything i accomplished that night. good thing i have an ace in the whole. good luck with that!
@435352846878014276 why do you look homeless tho
@2228038483016813750 given the way tories are doing at present looks like half of the country would be homeless too in their own home country !
"@1355470437554781771 mr. musk is a homeless man. you think they would try to help him, they are suppose to be liberals right? own nothing and be happy? hahaha...jk. that's a heap of poo"
@8832738731703979795 @6334969960654356785 are you kidding me? the son of the president of the eagle rock chamber of commerce? he was probably raised on anti-homeless sentiment
"@8211522909331552999 why, exactly, who someone from gvt tell people not to feed the homeless? is charity not allowed?"
@2700560080295103569 @7300668303167345620 @4796477388177146245 you are asking homeless people, who get their documents and belongings cleared out by sweeps every week, to maintain paperwork and navigate a system too difficult even for you? get fucking real.
['solutions_interventions', 'not_in_my_backyard', 'societal_critique']
@5653683089589068928 dear mr. president. i am visiting here in the us. every day i see countless people on the streets, living in tents, who have nothing to eat, etc. you have no money for your own people, but you give a lot of money to other countries. i am very curious about your answer. #homeless
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
@4908282816636327190 @2938420805390929575 so surely we should make sure the homeless are helped too. our government proved they could do it in covid. it’s not an either or thing it’s a everyone deserves to live a decent life thing!
"@1181637884528667304 @8189794404933837777 this is probably correct most of the time. but not all of the time. it's a complex situation. what we really need is a lobby group representing the homeless, sex workers, poker players and drug dealers to ensure everyone is represented fairly."
"@4069280995384060756 @8925663348895283415 the empty homes of russian oligarchs &amp; other dodgy super-rich internationals should be confiscated &amp; be turned over to the homeless, no british citizen should sleep on british streets. let's give the homeless a taste of luxury &amp; bring a smile to their suffering faces."
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@7107020985014265923 i totally agree but i do talk about it when i see my kids give money or food to the homeless
"@1545892555360167609 @1266793847107896791 @6645652446892535054 thank you. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span> it was work it out, swallow your pride, or be homeless."
"@7836218643143514812 @3139906576120265891 @8887134819792702703 @7788928032414786566 shouldn't be concerned!? you are kidding, right? considering this failed administration has sent billions to a war not our own, while our homeless, including vets, are homeless? yet ""shouldn't be concerned""???"
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@4976981371261122018 @2964118312930847692 maybe don’t sit in front of a store so you don’t get sprayed? it’s bad for literally any business. at least here in america. people see a homeless person sitting outside a 5 star restaurant, they’re not going inside 7 times out of 10.
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@1513853904205655231 too many homeless phd-holders