101 values
"@4131980677794025813 exactly, the uk homeless should pretend to be foreign as the government would then care about them."
homeless, but the m is silent.
@5949814805381919910 in fact bchsg may help with that. they are well aware people will have lost their id. we used to hold homeless outreach events at which we helped them get new id. @6710217693931086627 maybe through emergency social services too. possible all mail will be directed to the new bldg.
"@2185075549652223684 @6273527551319681581 @3890919473913703881 remember many of these folks refuse help when offered and choose to be homeless. without some form of involuntary commitment homelessness will always exist. we also need more mental health care and rehabilitation facilities, but if homeless refuse help then what good are they?"
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"@4481791325387582824 i live in very nice midtown, my daughter saw a homeless guy shooting up at the entrance to the e on 50th."
why is biden letting all these illegals in when we have so many homeless people! mass chaos!!
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
my second time getting arrested was because a black woman don’t want to give me a job at a damn fast food restaurant. just to make a quota, nigga was just tryna not be homeless. and y’all wanna tell us to get a job <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 150, 149]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 190]'></span>ya
@4553035630028259004 @3254705939180278490 @8185100978761739333 @7338632954662670228 @8398240052109474581 @6288697464496689777 @4024164735522998199 i can find pictures of homeless camps in republican run city and states as well.
@2400687786429279909 too bad we're last in education. tax breaks for the rich, screw the hungry and homeless kids. homeless students 11,574 unaccompanied homeless students 2,051 nighttime residence: unsheltered 1,244 nighttime residence: shelters 1,150 nighttime residence: hotels/motels 604
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
if you’re getting rid of your balenciaga stuffing think it’s would be good to donate it to a homeless shelter: - most have shut down donations because of covid - if you don’t want to support a brand that was supporting the production of cp why do you think homeless people do?
['societal_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@1805785538526229263 i find it quite hateful and racist that some people think it's ok to prioritise channel migrants instead of the homeless and people struggling to make ends meet. you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. i'm disgusted with some of the responses to my original tweet
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique']
"@7331563771900898937 wowww the other day @3631557975755569883 saved cats from a tree and offered $500 to a homeless man, you’re so lucky"
@3603682634692782035 @3930108341208160820 @9044691435066052803 @4962601886558454341 @8709498759650128444 pity we don’t have a diy sos type operation where tradesmen volunteers would refurbish the houses for irish homeless families.
as well meaning as walkability advocates may be, ultimately their advocacy only results in more potential for frustration, inconvenice, and even serious risk for average people. can't do walkability when highways, homeless people, and annual chimpouts are a thing
@1639642883337655480 @8761842576685027197 @1592564140045380930 good, all they do is waste money, assault homeless people, baselessly steal with civil asset forfeiture , and waste public money on brutality lawsuits
['harmful_generalization', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
@4914450479600399708 seattle isn’t dying. it’s been changing drastically for a while now. the working class is priced out to the burbs leaving a lot of rich people and a lot of homeless people.
['societal_critique', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@8268743955705631942 it’s very sad that our state has allowed this problem to get worse. there has to be a solution. like maybe use the old cult camp in la grande. teach the homeless or houseless not sure what to call them. how to farm on the camp. sell the goods from the farm and keep the $$.
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"probably part of the reason why i started going insane when i was homeless somebody would often disturb me in the middle of the night for whatever and i hated that with a passion"
@4822849461062057661 i don’t think enabling encampments with services is the right use of public funds. we should look to improve the lives of the homeless by increasing the friction associated to the sustainment of encampments and reduce the friction for these people to access humane housing.
['solutions_interventions', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
@7590281711602014118 @1754915593008340956 @8684471279648192813 that doesnt make u homeless it makes u rideleds
@5760346850070763036 @1512305841995731869 shout to the guy giving homeless people food and sleeping bags on 3rd ave and nobhilll
the solution to homeless is to give people homes who the fuck would have thought <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 180]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 180]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 180]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 180]'></span>
@5773436918254869768 who really provoke you nne? how can a homeless n penniless man afford a flight ticket from his location to nig.. u can only advise ur gender not to be carried away with "i dey abroad people"..brazil to nig ticket is close to 1.5m. many will buy it to back..please take it easy
@6049652210510496186 atleast you ain't homeless just yet
i'm so busy with my mission of saving homeless kittens before winter that i forgot about japan open.<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 133]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 173]'></span>
STABBING: 1100 blk of East-West Highway in downtown Silver Spring-- man stabbed several times during a robbery. Incident is possibly related to a 1st-degree assault at Progress Place. (the homeless shelter)
jefferson: if the people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless
['solutions_interventions', 'government_critique']
@LBC @NickFerrariLBC Apparently most people are only a couple of 'pay cheques' away from being homeless... life happens... people get made redundant etc... you are just FKIN MORALLY REDUNDANT and REPUGNANT - you utter P.O.S!! <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 172]'></span>
i am just tired , to see so many talented, amazing, human being in this world , whom are homeless. that shit hurts the fuck out of me! the question is, what are their true stories! thats my fing! tweet! gnight im sorry!
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@3987982871207175815 stop spending our $$$, stop giving away our $$$ to other countries until our homeless are housed, our infrastructure is repaired, and our debt eliminated. and term limits!
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
"@8059129663317415789 i mean you’re missing massive homeless camps and dead junkies everywhere, but it looks good."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
and non-emergency situations. this could be done by canvassing and going door-to-door to collect information, and meeting and organizing with homeless people who experience high police contact.” — becoming abolitionists by derecka purnell #currentlyreading
@2365470015792481794 @3303462407212759925 @7688421447509763460 bl supports defunding law enforcement - he shared his stance while passing his push cards &amp; asking for signatures to get on the ballot near a polling location during the homeless prob
@1625651514277916243 @7521656666618635870 isn’t it funny that the people espousing “what about” never pause to think that all those problems have been caused by tory policies. if there were no asylum seekers the daily mail would be demonising the single mums, transgender, homeless and scrounges to sell their hate.
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique', 'government_critique']
@7768212469677897341 homelessness or the root causes of homelessness. creating hardships creates homelessness and hopelessness too! i know, most of you think i'm cruel and cold in this regard! i'm not! i have no patience or care for serial users and abusers! a lot of homeless are that way because
so when the video is out there in the world I have to start the video on me and say some part are computer generated because i am walk talking on the graves which will piss people off ron will say no homeless were harmed during the making of this video rons eyes are leaking again
['government_critique', 'societal_critique']
@5103970806010812510 @2164759666773781713 @7372159073769674161 ay dw cuh! i hear they treat the homeless really well in la so you should be fine.
@3594557860752907035 @3271348181990834943 @1116112192566095304 @75109664788476387 this is an outright lie. my buddy is an accountant at a black church and they certainly benefit from the hundreds of thousands of dollars they cash from checks written to them. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 161]'></span> what about homeless poc in inner cities like kensington who are fed by christian outreaches????
['personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@3384761416258115807 fr! i feel for the homeless, this cold is no joke
@9198669902437688600 @1650164976675142531 @6379233658534755364 we should send the homeless to mexico and import more immigrants who actually want to work hard and give their family an opportunity to live better
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@Jayecane'd be great if you helped today...still very homeless...had to sleep in my car last night with my kid... $CosmicPhoenixWellnes
@4857608792861949201 @7727677297629834391 controlling the homeless situation is impossible for a mayor - it's aggravated by the immigration system. blame congress
@jwhitehead35 Have fun watching me on TV Sunday u homeless fuck… this cracker boutta come and teach u some respect lil boy
@653443918201575600 @2839897440021624813 there’s an article out there of a homeless man murd3ring a woman after she let him into her home. this is why i will always tell women to stop feeling sorry for grown ass men.
@6378100835246128524 el paso removed all the homeless illegal foreign nationals on the streets before biden came through. biden didn't want to see what he had caused.
['not_in_my_backyard', 'government_critique']
i got the homeless look rn i stopped giving af how i look
@9069716271478834120 @4976961056382588353 @7464076640542106238 @8429042947577789402 @5700913435542824313 @2045668680146900052 @6292436116231288367 @5284075710770109132 @4024306431343775565 @7313256138382582061 @5493776791947920059 @6920296177306224743 @4033081340900568696 @7088306229440626054 @8872998985579355401 @3714192367664586543 @3069035357383833593 @3509790301793751252 @1316751448152503396 @4816004638886221789 @4535153547608026643 @3627510106634749488 @2623160337286112577 @3420914253177887467 @98849286058741854 @1595899680428183057 @5242563849587226744 @3081121403622448498 @3904986245747141356 @5304847226202947611 @2319723296817272258 @7896326664593852931 @7032317455389690463 @3831341036915666502 @7662946880256251221 @1516616035682154292 @1762196622667752417 @4418070108056409910 @8301108518502214995 @5165864065966734373 @828097312257998331 @3206037356510304843 @3042835939891604777 @5689640836175600826 @3900560300488768238 @8217683079841842123 @3591672580189515788 @3788500859143597450 what gets me, is that our nation has a huge homeless problem. these politicians have just turn their backs &amp; neglected them, but will allow 4 million illegal border jumpers into the us, putting a bigger strain on our country. is this what you call equality @5653683089589068928 or @3376797237144604248
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'government_critique']
@3094859483425454554 that gender always homeless
@1865033486284568423 @6143492784771994399 @6475618521451153081 @2048258675981274883 she wasn't exactly a homeless addict ,hok. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 132]'></span>
@standardpuppies it's a SHAME you post 3 dogs &amp; 15.9 people like it BUT you post a HOMELESS VET &amp; MAYBE 15 PEOPLE will like the post that is SHAMEFUL 24/7
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'media_portrayal', 'societal_critique']
@BuzzPatterson Where homeless vets given social housing under Trump?
Homeless people is not the Real Problem #homeless #interview via @YouTube
it's ironic how the more i stay at *home* the more i look homeless
@3526010711929271186 “he was working at the orphanage for cancer kids on his way to the soup kitchen for the homeless vets when he learned the fbi swat team had handcuffed melania to their gold plated urinal!”
@5653683089589068928 liard traitor evil man pédophile and more more peoples have no place to live ! homeless no foods alone biden no money but for ukraine all money<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 136]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 186]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 185]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 128]'></span>☠️
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
@6089966510478682614 i’ve bought shit in bitcoin w homeless ppl
"@2731765845823250104 it’s been with us for years, and it’s serious. working with the homeless population is a big risk factor."
['harmful_generalization', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@8715753172018880723 phil looks homeless
"@6713059206957605267 how come when i walk onto the street i happen to see homeless encampments everywhere and ""help wanted"" signs on every business? lol"
['not_in_my_backyard', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
@1808789689200941735 strangely enough, so do we, &amp; it's our country. welfare cuts, pension restrictions, free prescriptions cut back, low incomes,rising food prices, high inflation, unaffordable energy,tax rises, &amp; a housing shortage. homeless sleeping outdoors, food banks, &amp; a struggling nhs.
@GeorgFriedrichW @J4ck0ffPlan3 damn i'm homeless <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 158]'></span>
@5137928645646164187 @2371107741632588656 everyone is a direction according to socialists. i was labeled a far right radical extremist in canada for feeding the homeless and holding a happy face flag. whatever you need to make up in order to ignore the issue
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@3702295704266076508 this guy made a dumb move, but do you know his history? does he have a criminal record? does he have a mental illness? perhaps you need to act with more jurisprudence than the current ag rather than throw poor homeless people under the bus. we have a problem &amp; ppl need help.
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@3791968831239030426 @7851097189409064854 i am so disappointed how is mentioned that it's the biggest in london, biggest in europe and in the biggest in the world, but not mentioned that it's also to support homeless people with this £15 for a ticked.
@7177011995947275301 @3153236043565464947 @5766555137454791533 @350383191846544899 that's my point, hollywood and chatsworth chew people up and spit them out, broken and homeless, onto the streets where they don't need to work in order to pay for housing with ac. physical realities which, over time, have caused ca to become blue, that don't exist in texas.
@3816621361340069818 imagine if ca flew all the homeless people back to texas and other red states where they came from.
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
"@481538452893453141 it was waiting for the green screen to be removed, and he is feeding the homeless. this guy is what the us needs for a leader:)"
@5330422114663697419 @889654146520053745 @3701182427175737963 @767886325448471152 wtf are you talking about? show me an epidemic of homeless families with children on the streets. the social programs aimed at helping legitimate homeless family prioritize children and mothers.
"that sugar daddy quit trumatizing my intailian :(. if u didn't make a baby. ................................ ......................................even at the homeless shelter :("
@3409699519674455480 celebrities are going nuts right now… not sure if it’s the vax or if they’re driven crazy by the army of homeless drug addicts overdosing in front of their grand abode.
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@4978456039257530648 hey koch man, have you ever given money to the homeless?"
@5171593904095819164 what’s it going to take to do something about these illegal homeless encampments? it’s ridiculous, they’re everywhere.
['not_in_my_backyard', 'solutions_interventions']
@4926993754879977820 i think we could make some change in #peterborough if we could get someone to listen. we could use allies. #homeless #raiseawareness #nonprofit
@1715525218475950091 regarding mayor adams initial effort to tackle the homeless problem in the city, i think former councilman levin's observations are very well-founded. the effort must be appropriately structured, resourced, and staffed. this effort is very well intentioned.
['solutions_interventions', 'government_critique']
@4542725088926045036 bitch i lied and said i was homeless lmfao
that homeless chef does all that pandering and niggas still wont help her secure shelter so her ankles can stop swelling
['personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness', 'solutions_interventions']
<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 146, 165]'></span>michael saylor: everybody becomes a #bitcoin maximalist if they understand it well enough. ok saylor you're maximalist billionaire &amp; you understand it well. the question is that how many homeless have you rehoused since you became billionaire? waiting to see a single one
@7842176623913085033 @8783898905281599127 @1149958133855421524 @2546161637409344331 @65474611387860686 @8519059819460078915 same thing we are doing.
new business model for the homeless in dc. they hold a door for you without you asking and then say “you’ll get me on the way out.”
@7951389759349224441 hawaii has a homeless problem because they have a democrat problem… welfare is for losers… creates lazy beggars who would rather be homeless than sober up and work their asses off… bluff life is chill, mo betta
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique']
@5064837823730761060 @8977999144816427374 @2089222788379113787 @7167722943613782020 i donate to food banks, i’ve cooked for the homeless at christmas, but i’m not going to deny myself a jubilee picnic because someone else can’t. i work hard and deserve to treat my family.
@ericareport Pssst… it’s his money! He can do with it what he wants. Maybe he thought their plan wouldn’t work! Jeff Bezo is giving 140 million to help the homeless, but not building one house. So in the end every homeless person will still be homeless! What good is he doing?
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
@Raiden_0831 @alt_readonly @Gritty20202 @CommonSense5900 I’ve been homeless for a month. I’ve had my phone for over a year. Sorry, should have sold it for $100 so I can afford rent I guess <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 164, 183]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 187]'></span>‍♂️ need my phone for work.
@1968499639771025489 very funny i also enjoy the homeless
@7921489895451462100 steal food from the homeless?!? what the heel is the matter with you @7383015885629099420 ?
['solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"last week a homeless man stabbed a security guard nearly to death in the riverwalk mall, and the new mall management told people to keep quiet."
"and my allowed to front page: wouldn't the it its economic and country you're going on the homeless, to be terrible for this works."
@6599696250662286091 @1896958377011652266 i don't personally get a van full of food to feed homeless masses but i will buy them personally whenever i see one on the street i dont take pictures of it as i do it for the sake of serving humanity and not for people to see. either way kudos on your feeding the less fortunate.
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
@699342798945736161 how many homeless americans die everyday?
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@7557038610184519795 some of her campaign material has described #smi (seriously mentally ill) population, incl. some of our homeless, as ""deranged."" at a time when ash (the state hospital) may be changing owners, is that who we need representing our state? hell no <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 142]'></span>"
@3504603684355709213 tokyo godfathers is about three homeless people running around tokyo anything from the first third or so should be fine for your purposes
@8622059860432129725 @8671442132878816272 @8261875636239087251 @8175753502240660174 @2664344096166433193 even worse for fowler then got done by a homeless fella! fucking hang em up.
@nervousubject26 @SchizoSlitz fr fr its rlly sad to see how badly educated ppl are on the reality of being homeless
@1619321423933828219 happy homeless day to you and happy eviction day to your mom<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 142, 130]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 142, 137]'></span>
@6238674856769625693 @575022831961310387 @1443111870489726365 @1175802987313316970 @1615841550319720217 @854804450295468849 what law says the homeless can shit in front of your store, yell at your customers and shoot heroin all day?
['harmful_generalization', 'not_in_my_backyard']
@7188641375190506590 don’t fall for it y’all, they homeless
@4345407801103753448 yea but fake news in canada is saying they are taking food from the homeless. somebody needs to set that right.
@4236594829960419014 only issue is they the state agencies that have parked there historically are requiring we replace all their parking at a cost of millions of dollars! no room for the services needed for formerly homeless tenants, but home for hundreds of commuter cars.
['not_in_my_backyard', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'government_critique']
@9203655581463905050 a1stk <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 169]'></span> 2% of rewards earned will be distributed to the community. mostly homeless shelters. everyone deserves the addiction of a hopeful feeling.
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
"@2488519890906114579 couldn't 200 mill have been better spent on say veterans, homeless, me?"
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']