5 values
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The Moon blocks the light of the Sun and a shadow of the Moon is cast on the Earth's surface. This is an eclipse of the Sun, or a solar eclipse. There are three types of a solar eclipse: total, partial, and annular. During a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers our view of the Sun.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are 5 stages in a total solar eclipse: 1 Partial eclipse begins (1st contact:) The Moon starts becoming visible over the Sun's disk. The Sun looks as if a bite has been taken from it. 2 Total eclipse begins (2nd contact:) The entire disk of the Sun is covered by the Moon.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Total solar eclipses happen when the Moon completely covers the Sun, and it can only take place when the Moon is near perigee, the point of the Moon's orbit closest to Earth. You can only see a total solar eclipse if you're in the path where the Moon's casts its darkest shadow, the umbra.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Solar eclipse 2015: what you need to know. A view of an annular eclipse in progress in Kaifeng in central China's Henan province. Solar eclipse 2015: what you need to know. Parts of the world will witness a solar eclipse on Friday – a rare phenomenon in which the sun is completely obscured by the moon. Here’s everything you need to know about the background of the solar eclipse, where to view it and how.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A solar eclipse can only happen at new moon, when the moon directly blocks sight of the sun from certain places in the world. It can take place up to five times a year, though according to Nasa, only 25 years in the past 5,000 have had five solar eclipses.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Within the umbra, there is no direct solar radiation. However, as a result of the Sun's large angular size, solar illumination is only partially blocked in the outer portion of the Earth's shadow, which is given the name penumbra. A penumbral eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the Earth's penumbra.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are 5 stages in a total solar eclipse: 1 Partial eclipse begins (1st contact:) The Moon starts becoming visible over the Sun's disk. 2 Total eclipse begins (2nd contact:) The entire disk of the Sun is covered by the Moon. 3 Totality and maximum eclipse: The Moon completely covers the disk of the Sun.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra (shadow). This can occur only when the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned (in syzygy) exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, a lunar eclipse can occur only the night of a full moon. The type and length of an eclipse depend upon the Moon's location relative to its orbital nodes. A total lunar eclipse has the direct sunlight completely blocked by the earth's shadow. The only light seen is refracted through the earth's shadow.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Moon Eclipses the Sun. Solar eclipses happen when the New Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, blocking out the Sun's rays and casting a shadow on parts of Earth. The Moon's shadow is not big enough to engulf the entire planet, so the shadow is always limited to a certain area (see map illustrations below).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Eclipses of the Sun. There are three types of a solar eclipse: total, partial, and annular. During a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers our view of the Sun. A total eclipse is only visible from a narrow strip (about 150 km wide) of the Earth's surface at any one time.", "url": "" } ]
what happens when there is a solar eclipse
[ "When there is a solar eclipse, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun and a shadow of the Moon is cast on the Earth's surface." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Protesting misogyny in gaming by not playing video games is misogyny working. The Cake Is a Lie: Sexism Isn’t a Boss Gamer Girls Can Beat Emily V Gordon July 7, 2014. Radar Online posted the transcript, and it is rife with misogyny and distorted views about women.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Definition of Transmisogyny. Related terms include transphobia, cissexism, transfeminism, trans*, T-word, and transgender. Transmisogyny is an intersection of two forms of oppression that transgender women are subjected to: transphobia and misogyny.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As to bisexual trans woman, in addition to all of the above, they are also subject to a whole other set of sexual harassment and violence as a result of transphobia and transmisogyny (this goes especially for trans women of color).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In Misogyny: The World's Oldest Prejudice, Jack Holland argues that there is evidence of misogyny in the mythology of the ancient world. In Greek mythology according to Hesiod, the human race had already experienced a peaceful, autonomous existence as a companion to the gods before the creation of women.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Trans-misogyny primer by Julia Serano. The words transgender and gender-variant are typically used as catch-all terms to denote all. people who defy cultural ideals, expectations, assumptions, and norms regarding gender. While all. people who fall under the transgender umbrella potentially face social stigma for transgressing.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "According to sociologist Allan G. Johnson, misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female.. Johnson argues that: Misogyny .... is a central part of sexist prejudice and ideology and, as such, is an important basis for the oppression of females in male-dominated societies. Misogyny is manifested in many different ways, from jokes to pornography to violence to the self-contempt women may be taught to feel toward their own bodies.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The blog critic gudbuy t'jane is even more scathing in her condemnation of the video in arguing that the fact that Lady Gaga 'uses trans women and drag queens to exoticize her videos doesn't defer from the cissupremacist stance that women=vagina, and trans women are therefore not real women . . .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 2011, Julia Serano, in F 'em!: Goo Goo, Gaga, and Some Thoughts on Balls (ed. I talk about “transmisogyny” in my book, which is the intersection of being trans and experiencing misogyny. As a trans woman, I don't just experience how our culture devalues femininity—I'm treated as a fake woman.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Definition of Transmisogyny. Pronounced trans-MIS-AH-jin-EE. Related terms include transphobia, cissexism, transfeminism, trans*, T-word, and transgender. When I came out to my transmisogynistic boyfriend as a transwoman, he said he was relieved because it meant he'd have someone to cook his meals and iron his clothes.. Transmisogyny is an intersection of two forms of oppression that transgender women are subjected to: transphobia and misogyny.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Thus, the. marginalization of trans female/feminine spectrum people is not merely a result of transphobia, but. is better described as trans-misogyny. Trans-misogyny is steeped in the assumption that femaleness and femininity are inferior to, and exist primarily for the benefit of, maleness and masculinity. This phenomenon manifests itself in. numerous ways: • Studies have shown that feminine boys are viewed far more negatively, and brought in for.", "url": "" } ]
trans misogyny definition
[ "Transmisogyny is an intersection of two forms of oppression that transgender women are subjected to transphobia and misogyny." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If your father continues to struggle with adjusting to the facility beyond 30 days, consider speaking with his social worker so you can work together on developing a plan to help your loved one feel at home. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Blue Care Network. Mental Health and Nursing Home Residents. Accessed April 25, 2012.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "At a minimum, federal law specifies that a nursing home must protect and promote the rights of each resident. As a person with Medicare, you have certain guaranteed rights and protections. In addition to these rights, you also have the right to: Be treated with respect.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The length of stay data were striking: the median length of stay in a nursing home before death was 5 months. the average length of stay was longer at 14 months due to a small number of study participants who had very long lengths of stay. 65% died within 1 year of nursing home admission. 53% died within 6 months of nursing home admission.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "These people will either die in a nursing home or be discharged to a hospital where they will die or return to a nursing home or hospice to die. For every 100 elderly patients in a nursing home in a given year, 35 will die and another 37 will be admitted to a hospital where they may die, recover or return.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Updated December 28, 2016. Nursing homes are often thought of as a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one, for the care of people with dementia. The majority of people want to remain at home for as long as possible, and some may have even asked their family not to send them to a nursing home.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Researchers in this study tracked the deaths of the participants and found that almost half (46%) of those with dementia died at home, while 19% were at a nursing home and 35% were hospitalized when they died. However, a previous study published in 2005 found that 2/3 of deaths relating to dementia happened in a nursing home.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The first chart below shows that virtually all residents of nursing homes need assistance with activities of daily living. In addition, many of these people, whether they are short-term or long-term residents, have medical needs as well.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1. Choose a few familiar items and pictures to bring. Your space in a nursing home is limited, but it's important to bring a few things with your loved one that are recognizable and familiar. For example, rather than going out and purchasing a new bedspread for your father's room, bring the one from his bed at home.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "You have these rights: You have the right to appeal a transfer or discharge. The nursing home can't make you leave if you're waiting to get Medicaid. Except in emergencies, nursing homes must give a 30-day written notice of their plan and reason to discharge or transfer you.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "According to the data the average length of stay for current residents is 835 days and for discharged residents is 270 days. But we also know from data from the CMS that the average stay for a Medicare rehabilitation patient is about 23 days. Number of nursing homes: 16,100.", "url": "" } ]
how long do people live in nursing homes
[ "People live in nursing homes for 14 months." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Organisms that do not make their own food in other words, organisms that are not able to carry out photosynthesis on their own are called heterotrophs. Plants are called autot … rophs. Mammals is a good example of heterotrophs. Only plants and certain fungi are capable of carrying out the process of photosynthesis.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Niche. The role of an organism in its environment including type of food it eats, how it obtains its food and how it interacts with other organisms; TWO SPECIES WITH IDENTICAL NICHES CANNOT COEXIST IN THE SAME HABITAT!!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Plants and photosynthesis. Animals eat food to get their energy. But green plants don't. Instead they make their own food, glucose, in a process called photosynthesis. We say that plants can photosynthesise. These are the things that plants need for photosynthesis: carbon dioxide. water. light.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars (glucose) and starches.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Best Answer: Photosynthetic organisms, or that other kind that works off of heat vents on the ocean floor (thermophyllic bacteria). And I was reminded of a good word...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "an organism that makes its own food is call a producer that would be a plant. an organism that does not make ts own food would be a consumer, that would humans and animal. b … ecause plants make there food from there stem and we go and by our food or animals go and catch there food.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Heterotrophs rely on other organisms for food An organism that can make its own food can be calle … d a producer or an autotroph. An example would be a plant because they use the sun to make their own food through photosynthesis. a producer/oranism that makes its own food, such as grass or any type of plant.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "An organism that can make its own food can be called a producer or an autotroph. An example would be a plant because they use the sun to make their own food through photosynth … esis. + 14 others found this useful. Juan Garcia.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Reload the page to try again! Press Cmd-0 to reset your zoom. Press Ctrl-0 to reset your zoom. It looks like your browser might be zoomed in or out. Your browser needs to be zoomed to a normal size to record audio.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "autotrophs An autotroph (from the Greek autos = self and trophe = nutrition) is an organism that produces organic compounds from carbon dioxide as a carbon source, using either light or reactions of inorganic chemical compounds, as a source of energy. An autotroph is known as a producer in a food chain. Plants and other organisms that carry out photosynthesis are phototrophs (or photoautotrophs). Bacteria that utilize the oxidation of inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonium or ferrous iron as an energy source are chemoautotrophs. Aloha. Source(s):", "url": "" } ]
what is an organism called that makes its own food
[ "An organism that makes its own food is called a producer or an autotroph." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This version of the Kindle runs the older Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) by default; a special version customized specifically by Amazon called Fire OS.. I mentioned in my article that it is possible to install a full version of the Android operating system on the Kindle Fire to add even more capabilities. This takes place via a process called rooting which I decided to try out.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "To root your Kindle Fire, you will need to download the Kindle Fire Utility, available free from XDA-Developers. For help with rooting, see our previous article on using the Kindle Fire Utility. Please note that this method for rooting the Kindle Fire is for first generation devices only.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Since the Kindle Fire doesn't come with much in the way of instructions, almost none really, and there's no physical manual (at least not from Amazon), it's no wonder Kindle Fire owners have all these frequently asked questions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "To turn off notifications do the following: Slide down the top menu on your Kindle Fire. Tap More+, tap Applications, tap, Notification Settings, find the app(s) you want to stop being notified from and tap Off to the right of the app.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "You Just Added Years To Your Kindle Fire – And It Still Reads Books! With a new operating system on your old, first generation Kindle Fire, you’ll find that the device is as fast and impressive as it was on the day you pulled it out of the box. As long as the hardware holds up, you can expect several more years of multimedia tablet entertainment from your device.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It's not exactly a simple process and there are some risks, as we will see. One of the commenters to my article, inventor96, helpfully provided a link to an article by Brad Linder on discussing how to root a first generation Kindle Fire, so I took a look and got started on the process.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The First-Gen Kindle Fire Explained. It was never a super-powered tablet, but the original Kindle Fire was at least a step up from the monochrome delights of the popular Kindle eReader, and just as simple to set up.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I recently wrote about my first generation Kindle Fire and some of the benefits it has provided me, such as web access, Dropbox usage and, of course, keeping up on my reading.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Jump back up to the list of Kindle Fire FAQs. A. There are two ways to connect your Kindle Fire to the Internet when you don't have access to a Wi-Fi location. Some, if not all, phone companies have a feature that allows you, usually for a fee, to use a cell phone as a Wi-Fi signal. I have successfully done this with my husband's smart phone.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For added awesome, however, I’m going to explain how to install Android 4.2 Jelly Bean on the Kindle Fire first generation tablet, using the stock Jelly Bean 4.2.2 r1 release available from XDA-Developers.", "url": "" } ]
what generation is the kindle fire on
[ "Kindle Fire is on the first generation." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Its first real construction-related project will be to lift steel pieces of the stadium's inner column weighing up to 400,000 pounds. The heaviest load the crane is slated to lift during its time in Minneapolis is a 450,000 pound piece of the stadium's roof. Jenn Hathaway, MSFA spokesperson, tells us the crane is really there to erect the roof structure.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Terex CC6800 is reportedly the third-largest crane in the world. It can lift up to 1,250 metric tons and has more than one million pounds counterweight, according to info provided by the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Authority.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In a news release, the MSFA took a local angle on the crane's presence. The stadium project is contracting with hundreds of Minnesota businesses and will employ thousands of Minnesotans, Michele Kelm-Helgen, chair of the MSFA, says.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Here at MMI Tank and Industrial Services we use cranes a lot during our industrial construction projects. So we thought it would be fun to create this infographic of the Worlds Largest Cranes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Largest Crane In The World [IMAGES]. by gCaptain. 20,000 metric tons. That’s 98 Statues of Liberty or 10,000 VW Beetles. But when you’re building the world’s largest vessels in the world, your crane needs to muscle every last ounce of steel.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Nearly 10 years ago the managers of Yantai Raffles Shipyard (YRS),in Shandong Province China, recognized that building tomorrow’s biggest offshore oil vessels and platforms would require machinery of epic size and vast proportions and they would need the World’s Largest Crane.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "To help understand just how much these cranes can lift, we converted their lifting capacities into other fun objects such as elephants and killer whales. How many space shuttles could the worlds largest crane lift…read below to find out.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Meet Taisun, the world’s largest crane, is a fixed dual-beam gantry crane of mega proportions and holds the world record-setting lift of 20,133 metric tons. A record which broke its two previous records of 17,100 and 14,000 tons.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In 2009, the largest builder of semi-submersible drilling rigs, reached their dreams by christening of the world’s first fixed dual-beam gantry crane with the enormous lifting capacity at 20,000 MT.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "With regard to MPR's claim that the crane is the third-largest in the world, Hathaway says, We never said it was third-largest, we said it was one of the largest..", "url": "" } ]
largest crane in the world
[ "Meet Taisun is the largest crane in the world.", "The largest crane in the world is Meet Taisun." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "For information on semiconductor physics, see semiconductor. Semiconductor devices are electronic components that exploit the electronic properties of semiconductor materials, principally silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide, as well as organic semiconductors.Semiconductor devices have replaced thermionic devices (vacuum tubes) in most applications. semiconductor diode is a device typically made from a single p–n junction. At the junction of a p-type and an n-type semiconductor there forms a depletion region where current conduction is inhibited by the lack of mobile charge carriers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The semiconductor material used in devices is doped under highly controlled conditions in a fabrication facility, or fab, to control precisely the location and concentration of p-and n-type dopants. The junctions which form where n-type and p-type semiconductors join together are called p–n junctions. semiconductor diode is a device typically made from a single p–n junction. At the junction of a p-type and an n-type semiconductor there forms a depletion region where current conduction is inhibited by the lack of mobile charge carriers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A semiconductor diode is a device typically made from a single p–n junction. At the junction of a p-type and an n-type semiconductor there forms a depletion region where current conduction is inhibited by the lack of mobile charge carriers. semiconductor diode is a device typically made from a single p–n junction. At the junction of a p-type and an n-type semiconductor there forms a depletion region where current conduction is inhibited by the lack of mobile charge carriers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A power semiconductor device is a semiconductor device used as a switch or rectifier in power electronics; a switch-mode power supply is an example.Such a device is also called a power device or, when used in an integrated circuit, a power IC. Intelligent digital power ICs came up in the last decade. power semiconductor device is usually used in commutation mode (i.e., it is either on or off), and therefore has a design optimized for such usage; it should usually not be used in linear operation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The first power semiconductor device appeared in 1952 with the introduction of the power diode by R.N. Hall. It was made of germanium and had a reverse voltage blocking capability of 200 V and a current rating of 35 A. The thyristor appeared in 1957. power semiconductor device is usually used in commutation mode (i.e., it is either on or off), and therefore has a design optimized for such usage; it should usually not be used in linear operation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A power semiconductor device is usually used in commutation mode (i.e., it is either on or off), and therefore has a design optimized for such usage; it should usually not be used in linear operation. power semiconductor device is usually used in commutation mode (i.e., it is either on or off), and therefore has a design optimized for such usage; it should usually not be used in linear operation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Diodes are some of the most common semiconductor devices because of their simple construction. This device is comprised of a single p-type semiconductor and a single n-type semiconductor. The drawback of a diode is that it does not allow for great amounts of energy to flow through, because of its small capacity.emiconductor devices are the many manipulations of this technology to provide a specific control over the energy. These devices are found in many forms and within many types of electronics.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A semiconductor is used to manipulate the flow of energy within an electronic setting. Semiconductor devices are the many manipulations of this technology to provide a specific control over the energy.These devices are found in many forms and within many types of electronics. Semiconductor devices are comprised of material that can be manipulated easily to control how power reaches an electronic device.emiconductor devices are the many manipulations of this technology to provide a specific control over the energy. These devices are found in many forms and within many types of electronics.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An N-type semiconductor carries current mainly in the form of negatively-charged electrons, in a manner similar to the conduction of current in a wire. A P-type semiconductor carries current predominantly as electron deficiencies called holes. semiconductor device can perform the function of a vacuum tube having hundreds of times its volume. A single integrated circuit (IC), such as a microprocessor chip, can do the work of a set of vacuum tubes that would fill a large building and require its own electric generating plant.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Part of the Electronics glossary: A semiconductor is a substance, usually a solid chemical element or compound, that can conduct electricity under some conditions but not others, making it a good medium for the control of electrical current. semiconductor device can perform the function of a vacuum tube having hundreds of times its volume. A single integrated circuit (IC), such as a microprocessor chip, can do the work of a set of vacuum tubes that would fill a large building and require its own electric generating plant.", "url": "" } ]
what is a semiconductor device
[ "Semiconductor devices are electronic components that exploit the electronic properties of semiconductor materials." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "HOA Dues Dues and/or fee payments should be mailed to the mailing address above. Please email the treasurer for information about your HOA dues. Closing Letters Please email the treasurer for all Closing Letter requests.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Lawrenceville GA 30045. HOA Dues Dues and/or fee payments should be mailed to the mailing address above. Please email the treasurer for information about your HOA dues. Closing Letters Please email the treasurer for all Closing Letter requests.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Contact Us. For information about our community or to contact the Board of Directors, please scroll down to the EMAIL form below. Mailing Address: Magnolia Place Homeowners Association. 930 New Hope Road. Box #11-136. Lawrenceville GA 30045.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Just provide us with your HOA or neighborhood name, your website address, and your city and zip code. We'll provide a free link to your website on all of our city and zip code pages. Email us to join!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": " provides mailing lists for HOA vendors. unique databases enable direct mailers to reach homeowner and condominium association Board members at their home address.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For information about our community or to contact the Board of Directors, please scroll down to the EMAIL form below. Mailing Address: Magnolia Place Homeowners Association. 930 New Hope Road.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "HOA Mailing List. Park Ridge maintains a simple email mailing list for those homeowners who want to be in the know. If you’d like to be subscribed or wish to be removed, fill out the form below. Once subscribed, to post a message to all the list members, send an email to", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It's free to join. Just provide us with your HOA or neighborhood name, your website address, and your city and zip code. We'll provide a free link to your website on all of our city and zip code pages. Email us to join!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "HOA Mailing List. Park Ridge maintains a simple email mailing list for those homeowners who want to be in the know. If you’d like to be subscribed or wish to be removed, fill out the form below.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Subscribing to HOA Mailing List. 1 Fill out the following form carefully and completely. 2 You will be sent email requesting confirmation to prevent others from subscribing you. 3 Once confirmation is received, your request will be held for approval by the list moderator.", "url": "" } ]
mailing address for wyntree hoa
[ "Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045 is the mailing address for Wyntree Hoa." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A ditty bag is a small bag, used especially by sailors and armed forces personnel, to hold sewing implements, toiletries, etc. At UM Cooperative Ministries, we're using Ditty Bags to provide an easy way for those who are homeless or in transition to carry their personal toiletries and other small necessities.ere's one method for making the bag: 1 Fold the fabric in half with the right sides together. 2 Turn down the top edge 1/4 all the way around and press. 3 Starting about 1/2 from the side seam, stitch around the top about 3/4 from the top edge. 4 Feed one end of the sturdy cord through the top casing.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Noun [edit]. ditty bag (plural ditty bags). 1 A small bag used to carry one's personal effects or toiletries while traveling. 2 A sailor 's small bag to hold thread, needles, tape, etc.; a housewife.oun [edit]. ditty bag (plural ditty bags). 1 A small bag used to carry one's personal effects or toiletries while traveling. 2 A sailor 's small bag to hold thread, needles, tape, etc.; a housewife.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Definition of DITTY BAG. : a bag used especially by sailors to hold small articles (as needles and thread). ADVERTISEMENT.origin unknown. a bag used especially by sailors to hold small articles (as needles and thread).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Ditty Bag is “a small bag in which a sailor keeps small tools and equipment, also personal articles” according to John Rogers in Origins of Sea Terms: A modern glossary of seagoing terminology.he origin of the name is lost in the fog of time. It is stated by Admiral Smyth (1867) however, in his Sailor’s Word Book, the ditty bag got it’s name from the word “dittis” or Manchester stuff, from which it was once made. This too is somewhat obscure, since little is known of “Manchester stuff”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The ditty box is a variation in shape and material, but not in purpose of the ditty bag. The ditty bag and the sea bag, a relative of the ditty bag,were the first projects for an apprentice either in the sail-maker's trade or as a working seaman.The reason for this is that these items incorporated primary skills when making and repairing sails.he origin of the name is lost in the fog of time. It is stated by Admiral Smyth (1867) however, in his Sailor’s Word Book, the ditty bag got it’s name from the word “dittis” or Manchester stuff, from which it was once made. This too is somewhat obscure, since little is known of “Manchester stuff”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": ": a bag used especially by sailors to hold small articles (as needles and thread).ADVERTISEMENT. a bag used especially by sailors to hold small articles (as needles and thread).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Definition: \\Ditty-bag'\\, n. A sailors small bag to hold thread, needles, tape, etc.; --. also called sailor's housewife. US Navy --. DITTY BAG: A ditty bag (or box) was originally called a ditto bag because it contained at least two of everything: two needles, two spools of thread, two buttons, and so forth.With the passing of years, the ditto was dropped in favor of ditty and remains so today. sailors small bag to hold thread, needles, tape, etc.; --. also called sailor's housewife. US Navy --. DITTY BAG: A ditty bag (or box) was originally called a ditto bag because it contained at least two of everything: two needles, two spools of thread, two buttons, and so forth.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The term starts to appear at about the same time in descriptions of seafaring both in the US and the UK, implying an earlier common origin. My guess is that it was used by sailors for many decades before it reached print. Ditty bag remained a term exclusively of the sea until the twentieth century.Landlubbers took it up and used it for any small cloth container for items of kit or miscellaneous stuff. It’s almost completely defunct in the UK but survives widely in north America in all sorts of situations.he English language is forever changing. New words appear; old ones fall out of use or alter their meanings. World Wide Words tries to record at least a part of this shifting wordscape by featuring new words, word histories, words in the news, and the curiosities of native English speech.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "(2) The general contents of both the ditty bag and box varied little from that of the sewing basket of a frugal housewife on shore (with the exception of some sea going paraphernalia); hence the name “housewife” which was given to it.he origin of the name is lost in the fog of time. It is stated by Admiral Smyth (1867) however, in his Sailor’s Word Book, the ditty bag got it’s name from the word “dittis” or Manchester stuff, from which it was once made. This too is somewhat obscure, since little is known of “Manchester stuff”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "But let’s take a look at what I keep in mine because I’m sure you are all DYING to know!! Ditty Bags! A quintessential part of every photographer’s stock, a ditty bag holds our essential necessities for a shoot.I don’t know what you guys call it but I got used to the term years ago and always lovingly refer to mine as a ditty bag, even though I get the strange looks from my ’20 something assistants.ut let’s take a look at what I keep in mine because I’m sure you are all DYING to know!! Ditty Bags! A quintessential part of every photographer’s stock, a ditty bag holds our essential necessities for a shoot.", "url": "" } ]
what is a ditty bag
[ "A ditty bag is a small bag used to carry one's personal effects or toiletries while traveling." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shark and Ray Reproduction. Sharks have been around for a long time, making them evolutionarily successful. Over hundreds of millions of years of evolution, sharks have developed a wide range of reproductive adaptations, a characteristic which has allowed them to survive major extinction episodes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hammer Head Shark Organ Structure and Functions. The hammer head shark contains multiple organs that are suited for their environment in the Great Barrier Reef. Their skin, which is an integument organ, is made of an atmosphere of dermal denticles or placoid cells.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Like humans, male sharks have paired testes. The male reproductive system is complicated and involves many body structures: testes, genital ducts (i.e. efferent ducts, epididymides, ampullae epididymides), urogenital papilla, siphon sacs, and claspers. The testes, like in humans, are paired and symmetrical.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The reproductive organs of the male are different than that of a female hammer head shark. The males contain claspers which are elongated pelvic fin edges. The females contain a cloaca which is an opening that serves the digestive and reproductive functions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Like humans, male sharks have paired testes. The male reproductive system is complicated and involves many body structures: testes, genital ducts (i.e. efferent ducts, epididymides, ampullae epididymides), urogenital papilla, siphon sacs, and claspers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shark Reproduction. Knowledge of the reproductive life history of a species is an essential component in understanding a species' ability to withstand both natural and manmade pressures. Estimates of maturity combined with age are fundamental to proper management, particularly at the species level.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shark Reproduction. Knowledge of the reproductive life history of a species is an essential component in understanding a species' ability to withstand both natural and manmade pressures.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The hammer head shark contains multiple organs that are suited for their environment in the Great Barrier Reef. Their skin, which is an integument organ, is made of an atmosphere of dermal denticles or placoid cells.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The gills of the shark are organs that remove oxygen from water allowing them to breathe. In order for gas interactions to happen properly, water has to be constantly running over the gill slits. Once the shark lets water into their jaws, it goes in the pharynx, above the gills and leaves through the gill slits.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The oviparous form of reproduction, egg-laying, is considered a primitive form and common for benthic, littoral, and bathyal sharks, about 40% of shark species. Tough egg cases are laid on the substrate or attached to structures on the sea floor.", "url": "" } ]
what functions as a sharks reproductive organ
[ "The male sharks contains Claspers while female sharks contains Cloaca which is an opening that serves the digestive and reproductive functions." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "One Fit Wonder Bumper Plates bill themselves as the most durable bumper plates you can get anywhere. That might be overkill, but they are extremely durable. These weights are guaranteed not to crack, bend or break for either 1 year (10 pound ) or 3 years (25 and 45 pound).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The ten pound bumper plates are purposefully 5mm narrower than the other bumper plates so that when you have 10's loaded on the bar, plus other bumpers, the 10 pound plates impact the ground a split second later than the other bumpers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "17-32 of 857 results for rubber bumper weight plates. New 250 LBS Bumper Rubber Plates Set Olympic Weight Plate for Crossfit Fitness Training By Onefitwonder - Pair of 10 / 25 / 45 / 45lbs Plates- Amazing Deal. by OneFitWonder. $ 424 00. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Product Features. ... on ALL plates, with ... bumpers and you can fit more weight on ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A quality home gym deserves the best weight and bumper plates. If you thought that a weight was just a weight, then it’s time to get educated. Bumper plates will protect your gym floor if you drop them. Bumpers are also the way to go if you’re heading for competition.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "What are bumper plates? Bumper plates are a type of weight plate for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, CrossFit-style workouts and more. Unlike the common iron or steel metal weight plates or discs, bumper plates are made of almost 100% rubber or urethane, with a small metal insert in the center. 1 Why use bumper plates?In short, bumper plates are designed so that you can drop a barbell that is loaded with weight plates directly on the ground.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "One Fit Wonder Bumper Plates are extremely accurate. They guarantee that the actual weight will be within 10 grams of the weight on the plate - most weights are only within a 3% margin. These bumper weights are set at a very good price. They are also thinner than most weights, so you can get more poundage on the bar.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Package Contents and Specifications. 1 Quantity: 2 - Black Bumper Plates per weight included in set. 2 Weight: 10-45 pounds each. 3 Weight Tolerance: +/- 1% of declared weight. Full Diameter: 15 - 45 pound plates: 450mm (~17.7 inches) width, 10 pound plate: 445mm (17.5 1 inches) Insert Diameter: 2 inches.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This set comes with 5 pairs of black full rubber bumper plates- one set each of 10 pound, 15 pound, 25 pound, 35 pound, and 45 pound plates. 10/15/25/45/45/45 - 370lbs - $619 Savings $100: This 370 pound set of OFW bumper plates ensures that all your bases are covered, for 1 or two people.", "url": "" } ]
bumper weight plates
[ "Bumper weight plate is a type of weight plate for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, CrossFit-style workouts and more." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "US BANK - If you have your own business building, you can use up to 75% of its value for collateral. They do offer a line between $100,000 to $500,000. - USBiz.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Smyrna Branch: Ascend Federal Credit Union has been open since 1951. It's the 2nd largest credit union in Tennessee with assets totaling $1.99 Billion and providing banking services to more than 171,000 members.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Ascend Federal Credit Union ABA Routing Number. 264181626. Ascend Federal Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 264181626. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "US BANK - If you have your own business building, you can use up to 75% of its value for collateral. They do offer a line between $100,000 to $500,000. FIFTH THIRD BANK - The wire transfer service at 53rd is great. They have an online Fifth Third Direct portal to issue a transfer online.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Routing Number for Ascend Credit Union. 1 Routing number for Ascend Credit Union is a 9 digit code required for initiating various financial tran First Servicetions such as direct deposits, electronic payments, wire transfers, check ordering and many more.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The main phone number for Ascend Federal Credit Union is 931-455-5441. The assigned Federal Reserve Office for Ascend Federal Credit Union is Fed 061000146. A bank's Routing Transit Number (RTN) is a 9-digit code used to identify your bank on checks, direct deposit, bill pay, and in other transactions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Contact Ascend Federal Credit Union. Contact the Smyrna Branch location at 769 Nissan Boulevard by calling (800) 342-3086 or contact the credit union by any of these means: Phone: (800) 342-3086.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI. 1 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank. 2 1 = Send items to customer routing number. 3 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "264181626 Routing Transit Number (RTN) for Ascend Federal Credit Union Main Office located at Tullahoma, Tennessee, TN, 37388, United States, Street Address 520 AIRPARK DRIVE, Telephone Number 931-455-5441, Servicing FRB Number 061000146. Detaild information for Ascend Federal Credit Union in Tullahoma. Branch Information Last updated Jul 13, 2015.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Routing Number for Ascend Federal Credit Union in TN (for all transaction types) is 264181626. **Address mentioned in the table may differ from your branch office address. Routing number of a bank usually differ only by state and is generally same for all branches in a state.", "url": "" } ]
routing number ascend federal credit union
[ "The routing number for Ascend Federal Credit Union is 264181626." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The highest average temperature in Dana Point is August at 71.7 degrees. The coldest average temperature in Dana Point is December at 55.7 degrees.The most monthly precipitation in Dana Point occurs in February with 2.6 inches. The Dana Point weather information is based on the average of the previous 3-7 years of data.he most monthly precipitation in Dana Point occurs in February with 2.6 inches. The Dana Point weather information is based on the average of the previous 3-7 years of data.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Dana Point, California, gets 13 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 35. On average, there are 275 sunny days per year in Dana Point, California.The July high is around 76 degrees. The January low is 43. Our comfort index, which is based on humidity during the hot months, is a 55 out of 100, where higher is more comfortable.The US average on the comfort index is 44.n average, there are 275 sunny days per year in Dana Point, California. The July high is around 76 degrees. The January low is 43. Our comfort index, which is based on humidity during the hot months, is a 55 out of 100, where higher is more comfortable. The US average on the comfort index is 44.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Dana Point, CA Weather. Dana Point, CA climate is mild during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 60's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's.he warmest month of the year is August with an average maximum temperature of 78.80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 43.60 degrees Fahrenheit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "California Weather. Dana Point, CA climate is mild during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 60's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's.he warmest month of the year is August with an average maximum temperature of 78.80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 43.60 degrees Fahrenheit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The summer month have only scant, odd little rain showers that are considered unusual. With the average daytime high temperature never below 67 all year and never above 79 degrees, Dana Point provides dream weather.At night during even the warmest months you may see the temps drop to the average lows of 60 degrees, which is by no means uncomfortable, and actually makes for great sleeping weather.s you stroll the wharf or take a whale watching cruise in the spring to the see the whale migrations off the Pacific Coast, you need a jacket for the breezes. But knowing that the average daytime high in March is around 68 degrees provides an idea of what you are in for--absolutely fabulous weather.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Dana Point, Calif. in Orange County south of the Los Angeles, has even better weather than L.A., most say. As you stroll the wharf or take a whale watching cruise in the spring to the see the whale migrations off the Pacific Coast, you need a jacket for the breezes.But knowing that the average daytime high in March is around 68 degrees provides an idea of what you are in for--absolutely fabulous weather.s you stroll the wharf or take a whale watching cruise in the spring to the see the whale migrations off the Pacific Coast, you need a jacket for the breezes. But knowing that the average daytime high in March is around 68 degrees provides an idea of what you are in for--absolutely fabulous weather.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The highest average temperature in San Juan Capistrano is August at 71.7 degrees. The coldest average temperature in San Juan Capistrano is December at 55.7 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in San Juan Capistrano occurs in February with 2.6 inches.The San Juan Capistrano weather information is based on the average of the previous 3-7 years of data. Loading...he San Juan Capistrano, CA air quality index is a median value which considers the most hazardous air pollutants. The San Juan Capistrano, CA air quality index is 54% greater than the California average and 71% greater than the national average.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The warmest month of the year is August with an average maximum temperature of 78.80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 43.60 degrees Fahrenheit.he warmest month of the year is August with an average maximum temperature of 78.80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 43.60 degrees Fahrenheit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Weather history in other popular US cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego.eather history in other popular US cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Dana Point sea water temperatures peak in the range 18 to 22°C (64 to 72°F) on around the 5th of September and are at their lowest on about the 3rd of February, in the range 13 to 17°C (55 to 63°F).tatistics for 15 Oct (1981–2005) – mean: 18.5 °C, range: 17.3 °C to 20.2 °C. Warm in and out of the water temperature at Dana Point today, but forecast to be overcast. With sea temperatures of 23 °C and a wind chill of 24 °C, most surfers will choose a shorty or a summer suit or just board shorts.", "url": "" } ]
average temperature in dana point ca in december
[ "An average temperature is 55.7 degrees in Dana Point, California in December." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The calendar may be one more tool that can help you gauge your heart risk: The season and day of the week can influence your chances of having a heart attack, new research from Sweden suggests. In the study, researchers analyzed data from over 156,000 hospital admissions for a heart attack over seven years.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Monday morning heart attacks – and other weird facts about women’s heart disease. Here are 20 surprises I’ve picked up along the way while researching other surprising things about women’s heart disease: 1. The most common day of the week for a heart attack to occur is Monday. 2. Saturday ranks second. 3. Most heart attacks hit during the early morning hours between 4-10 a.m. when", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A 2005 study that was conducted by Japan's Tokyo Women's Medical University found one of the main causes of more heart attacks — blood pressure — was consistently higher in study volunteers on Monday than any other day of the week.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "13 Responses to “Monday morning heart attacks – and other weird facts about women’s heart disease”. 1 Charlene February 18, 2010 at 5:31 pm 2 #. Nick September 5, 2009 at 2:18 pm 3 #. judy banks August 30, 2009 at 3:54 am 4 #. Jane Radriges June 13, 2009 at 1:08 pm 5 #. lili dauphin June 12, 2009 at 10:16 pm #.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "# In one day, the heart pumps nearly 2,000 gallons of blood. In a 70-year lifetime, it pumps about 51 million gallons. # In the average lifetime, the heart beats 2.5 billion times. # The human heart is fully developed about eight weeks after conception, when the embryo is only about one inch long.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It's the first day of the week and people feel more responsibility and more tension on this day. As for why Saturday is the second day when most heart attacks occur, I wonder if that has to do with binge drinking. Most people wait till the weekend to drink and party. Alcohol can definitely bring on a heart attack in someone with poor cardiac health.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "4. Heart attacks are 27% more likely to occur around your birthday, especially in women with high blood pressure (Yikes! I had my first heart attack symptoms at 6:30 a.m. on a Monday morning while out delivering thank you cards to friends who had attended my Saturday evening birthday party!) 5.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "13 Responses to “Monday morning heart attacks – and other weird facts about women’s heart disease”. 1 Charlene February 18, 2010 at 5:31 pm #. These are very interesting statistics. 2 Nick September 5, 2009 at 2:18 pm #. I have put a link to this article from my website. 3 judy banks August 30, 2009 at 3:54 am #.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Young, working people seemed most vulnerable to the Monday increase—their risk of heart attack was 20 percent higher on the first day of the workweek. And when looking at months, December was most risky, while July logged the least number of heart attacks.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Chest pain and pressure may be a sign of a heart attack. People are more active on the weekends, leading to more heart attacks on Saturdays. A study in 2005 found that people suffered more heart attacks on Mondays than any other day of the week. The anatomy of a heart attack. View slideshow of images above", "url": "" } ]
what day of the week are most people more likely to have a heart attack
[ "The most common day of the week for a heart attack to occur is Monday." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Honor Society of Nursing (STTI) answered. Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that can affect any area of your body. When present on the penis, it is called penile cancer.Squamous cells are skin cells below the outer layer of skin (epidermis).Your skin regularly renews itself by generating new skin cells, which move from below the epidermis to the outer layer of skin.quamous cells are skin cells below the outer layer of skin (epidermis). Your skin regularly renews itself by generating new skin cells, which move from below the epidermis to the outer layer of skin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Squamous-cell carcinoma or squamous-cell cancer (SCC or SqCC) is a cancer of a kind of epithelial cell, the squamous cell.These cells are the main part of the epidermis of the skin, and this cancer is one of the major forms of skin cancer.CC is still sometimes referred to as epidermoid carcinoma and squamous-cell epithelioma , though the use of these terms has decreased. SCC typically initially occurs in the sixth decade of life (the 50s), but is most common in the eighth decade (the 70s). It is twice as prevalent in men as in women.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Despite sharing the name squamous-cell carcinoma, the SCCs of different body sites can show tremendous differences in their presenting symptoms, natural history, prognosis, and response to treatment. SCC is a histologically distinct form of cancer.CC is still sometimes referred to as epidermoid carcinoma and squamous-cell epithelioma , though the use of these terms has decreased. SCC typically initially occurs in the sixth decade of life (the 50s), but is most common in the eighth decade (the 70s). It is twice as prevalent in men as in women.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body.Melanoma is the rarest form of skin cancer. It is more likely to invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body.reatments for non‐metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer in people of white origin, most frequently occurring on sun‐exposed areas of the body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Carcinomas are named based on how the cells look under the microscope. Squamous carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma is the name of a type of lung cancer where the cells resemble the flat cells (called squamous cells) that line the airways.It is a common type of lung cancer in the United States.hen carcinoma cells grow into the deeper layers of the lung, it is called invasive or infiltrating carcinoma. At this point the cancer cells can spread (metastasize) outside of the lung to lymph nodes and other parts of your body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "SCC is still sometimes referred to as epidermoid carcinoma and squamous-cell epithelioma , though the use of these terms has decreased. SCC typically initially occurs in the sixth decade of life (the 50s), but is most common in the eighth decade (the 70s).It is twice as prevalent in men as in women.CC is still sometimes referred to as epidermoid carcinoma and squamous-cell epithelioma , though the use of these terms has decreased. SCC typically initially occurs in the sixth decade of life (the 50s), but is most common in the eighth decade (the 70s). It is twice as prevalent in men as in women.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In some cases, the cancer does not look like squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma (see below), or any of the other more rare variants of lung cancer under a microscope. These cancers are called undifferentiated large cell carcinoma (or undifferentiated non-small cell carcinoma).hen carcinoma cells grow into the deeper layers of the lung, it is called invasive or infiltrating carcinoma. At this point the cancer cells can spread (metastasize) outside of the lung to lymph nodes and other parts of your body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Squamous cell carcinoma in situ: An early stage of skin cancer that develops from squamous cells (the flat, scale-like cells in the outer layer of the skin).quamous cell carcinoma in situ: An early stage of skin cancer that develops from squamous cells (the flat, scale-like cells in the outer layer of the skin).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Treatments for non‐metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer in people of white origin, most frequently occurring on sun‐exposed areas of the body.People with fair skin and those with certain genetic conditions or an impaired immune system are at greater risk of developing SCC of the skin.reatments for non‐metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer in people of white origin, most frequently occurring on sun‐exposed areas of the body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Adenosquamous carcinoma (8560): A single histology in a single tumor composed of both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Bilateral lung cancer: This phrase simply means that there is at least one malignancy in the right lung and at least one malignancy in the left lung.ombined small cell carcinoma (8045): A small cell carcinoma that is combined with a non-small cell carcinoma. The combinations are small cell and adenocarcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma, or large cell carcinoma.", "url": "" } ]
what does squamous cell carcinoma mean
[ "Squamous cell carcinoma is a cancer of a kind of epithelial cell, the squamous cell." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The closing costs of a home refinance generally include credit fees, appraisal fees, points (which is an optional expense to lower the interest rate over the life of the loan), insurance and taxes, escrow and title fees, and lender fees.ppraisal Fees. Fees that the appraiser charges to inspect a property will depend on whether the property will be an investment property, what type of property it is, and if it will be owner-occupied (meaning the homeowner plans to live there).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The VA appraisal requires a VA loan appraisal fee of approximately $400 to $500 dollars, depending upon the area and the property type.Upon receiving a completed VA loan application, the VA lender will order an appraisal on behalf of the borrower.he VA appraisal requires a VA loan appraisal fee of approximately $400 to $500 dollars, depending upon the area and the property type.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A lender will only approve a loan for a property that appraises for the full sales price of the home — or more. Appraisal Basics. Your lender will choose an appraiser to evaluate your home and you’ll pay the appraiser’s fee, typically $300 or $400.or example, if you’re paying $200,000 for a home and the appraiser says it’s worth $225,000, you instantly have gained $25,000 in equity. If the appraisal comes in lower than the sales price, you and the seller will need to abide by the contract you and your Realtors® have negotiated.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Appraisal Fees. Fees that the appraiser charges to inspect a property will depend on whether the property will be an investment property, what type of property it is, and if it will be owner-occupied (meaning the homeowner plans to live there).ppraisal Fees. Fees that the appraiser charges to inspect a property will depend on whether the property will be an investment property, what type of property it is, and if it will be owner-occupied (meaning the homeowner plans to live there).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Application, appraisal and other fees would be refundable; credit reporting fees would not be refundable. According to Bankrate's 2010 Closing Costs Study, the average appraisal costs $377, while application fees average $343. Credit report fees -- which would not be refundable -- averaged $18 in the Bankrate survey.ccording to Bankrate's 2010 Closing Costs Study, the average appraisal costs $377, while application fees average $343. Credit report fees -- which would not be refundable -- averaged $18 in the Bankrate survey.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Each appraisal is unique and often the fees associated with the appraisal can vary. To check the appraisal costs for your area, please click Get Rates to get an instant online good faith estimate of closing costs including the appraisal fee for your area.For a typical home located within a standard city or suburb, the appraisal fee is generally $350 - $425.If the property is located in a rural or remote area, there can be additional fees charged by the appraiser.ach appraisal is unique and often the fees associated with the appraisal can vary. To check the appraisal costs for your area, please click Get Rates to get an instant online good faith estimate of closing costs including the appraisal fee for your area.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Mortgage appraisals can run anywhere from $100 to $500, depending on the size, location and value of the property. The appraisal is at your cost, but depending on your locale, you might be able to shop around and choose a lower-cost appraiser.therwise, you can expect to pay anywhere from $250 to $500 to cover the processing fee. The mortgage underwriting fee--also called the administrative fee--can cover a wide variety of things, depending on who your lender is.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Both the buyer and seller may pay closing fees. As part of your mortgage application you will get a Good Faith Estimate showing your potential closing costs. Some closing costs on a house can be rolled into the mortgage loan. Costs can include:1 An origination fee. 2 Discount point(s). 3 An appraisal fee.4 Credit report. 5 Title search. 6 Recording fees.oth the buyer and seller may pay closing fees. As part of your mortgage application you will get a Good Faith Estimate showing your potential closing costs. Some closing costs on a house can be rolled into the mortgage loan. Costs can include:", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Mortgage Appraisal Fee. When you purchase or refinance a new home, you must have an appraisal performed--no exceptions. The mortgage appraisal fee covers the cost of hiring a licensed, qualified appraiser to asses the property, review the local market and prepare a report.therwise, you can expect to pay anywhere from $250 to $500 to cover the processing fee. The mortgage underwriting fee--also called the administrative fee--can cover a wide variety of things, depending on who your lender is.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The application fee is by far the most common mortgage fee in the lending industry. It is the fee you pay at the time you submit your application to secure a mortgage. This fee covers the cost of processing the application and performing a credit check; it can include an upfront appraisal, as well.therwise, you can expect to pay anywhere from $250 to $500 to cover the processing fee. The mortgage underwriting fee--also called the administrative fee--can cover a wide variety of things, depending on who your lender is.", "url": "" } ]
mortgage appraisal fee cost
[ "Mortgage appraisal fee cost is $100 to $500." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "leek noun [C]. › a ​vegetable in the ​onion ​family with ​long, ​straight ​leaves that are ​white at the ​bottom and ​dark ​green at the ​top. (Definition of leek from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Blog. A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. Definition and synonyms of leek from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Thesaurus. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "leek noun [C]. B2 a ​long, ​white ​vegetable with ​green ​leaves on ​top that ​tastes and ​smells like an ​onion. (Definition of leek from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press). See all translations.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Leet (or 1337 ), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As part of our occasional series on idioms used in or in relation to business, we look today at the important area of making projects happen – getting projects started, making progress with those projects and, as sometimes happens, failing to make progress. Starting at the beginning, if a plan gets or.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. Close.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The term leet is also used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and in its original usage – computer hacking.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Leet originated within bulletin board systems (BBS) in the 1980s, where having elite status on a BBS allowed a user access to file folders, games, and special chat rooms. The Cult of the Dead Cow hacker collective has been credited with the original coining of the term, in their text-files of that era.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t. The term leet is derived from the word elite. The leet alphabet is a specialized form of symbolic writing.", "url": "" } ]
define leek
[ "Leek is a ​vegetable in the ​onion ​family with ​long, ​straight ​leaves that are ​white at the ​bottom and ​dark ​green at the ​top." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Liver function tests include: Alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST): Higher readings may suggest inflammation of liver cells or the death of some cells due to liver damage. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): Higher readings suggest liver disease or bile duct blockages.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Quick Answer. The AST blood test is a test used to measure the amount of the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase, or AST in the blood. This enzyme was formerly referred to as serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, or SGOT, as stated by WebMD. Continue Reading.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Test Overview. An aspartate aminotransferase (AST) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. AST is normally found in red blood cells, liver, heart, muscle tissue, pancreas, and kidneys. AST formerly was called serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT). Low levels of AST are normally found in the blood.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An increase in AST levels may indicate liver damage or disease or muscle damage. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). ALP is an enzyme in the liver, bile ducts and bone. Higher-than-normal levels of ALP may indicate liver damage or disease, such as a blocked bile duct, or certain bone diseases.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Some common liver function tests include: 1 Alanine transaminase (ALT). ALT is an enzyme found in the liver that helps your body metabolize protein. 2 Aspartate transaminase (AST). AST is an enzyme that helps metabolize alanine, an amino acid. 3 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). ALP is an enzyme in the liver, bile ducts and bone. Albumin and total protein.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "These results are typical for adult men. Normal results vary from laboratory to laboratory and might be slightly different for women and children. Your doctor will use these results to help diagnose your condition or determine treatment you might need. If you already have liver disease, liver function tests can help determine how your disease is progressing and if you're responding to treatment. What you can expect.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Some common liver function tests include: Alanine transaminase (ALT). ALT is an enzyme found in the liver that helps your body metabolize protein. When the liver is damaged, ALT is released into the bloodstream and levels increase. Aspartate transaminase (AST).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Liver function tests. Liver function tests may be arranged to help diagnose or monitor liver problems. These blood tests may also be called LFTs, liver panel or hepatic function tests. The liver's job is to filter blood as it travels around the body, but it can become damaged or affected by disease.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Liver function tests (LFTs or LFs) are groups of blood tests that give information about the state of a patient's liver. These tests include prothrombin time (PT/INR), aPTT, albumin, bilirubin (direct and indirect), and others. Liver transaminases (AST or SGOT and ALT or SGPT) are useful biomarkers of liver injury in a patient with some degree of intact liver function.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The aspartate aminotransferase (AST) test is a blood test that checks for liver damage. Your doctor might order this test to find out if you have liver disease and to monitor your treatment. Your liver is an organ that has many important jobs. It makes a fluid called bile that helps your body digest food.", "url": "" } ]
what is ast test
[ "The aspartate aminotransferase test is a test used to measure the amount of the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase in the blood." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Best Answer: International Airlines do offer more pay with a base salary + per-diem, flight allowances, outport etc.. than domestic or other carriers. I recently met a new appointed Qantas Customer Service Manager (lead Cabin Crew) in HK who is based in London.He will start his Airbus A380 training shortly & indicated an increase in his base salary of UK pounds 4000.00 per year. The salary & benefits are increased in accordance with this position.han domestic or other carriers. I recently met a new appointed Qantas Customer Service Manager (lead Cabin Crew) in HK who is based in London. He will start his Airbus A380 training shortly & indicated an increase in his base salary of UK pounds 4000.00 per year.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Answers. Best Answer: I don't know the salary rate for Qantas, but I'm confident that it's a living wage. With this career, you have to consider the lifestyle as well as the salary. Flight Attendants can schedule their trips in a multitude of ways.You can be home most every night, or you can be gone for multiple days.ost 9-5ers only get 2 weeks off a YEAR! Most airlines will allow you to pick up extra trips for overtime pay as well. So don't just look at salary when looking at a Flight Attendant career. Source(s): Flight Attendant Career Guide crew4jets · 7 years ago.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Born to an Aboriginal father and Welsh mother, Beddall was adopted out at birth. He worked for the ‘flying kangaroo’ for 12 years as a first-class flight attendant travelling to more than 40 countries on six continents and says he was with Qantas “in its heyday”.In a way, the book charts the fall from grace of Qantas as much as the ups and downs of Beddall’s own life.n one flight, one of the Gallagher brothers from the British band Oasis offered flight attendants £1000 ($AU1807) a piece to turn a blind eye to them smoking in the toilets.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Most 9-5ers only get 2 weeks off a YEAR! Most airlines will allow you to pick up extra trips for overtime pay as well. So don't just look at salary when looking at a Flight Attendant career. Source(s): Flight Attendant Career Guide · 7 years ago.ost 9-5ers only get 2 weeks off a YEAR! Most airlines will allow you to pick up extra trips for overtime pay as well. So don't just look at salary when looking at a Flight Attendant career. Source(s): Flight Attendant Career Guide crew4jets · 7 years ago.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Qantas traditionally was an Airline that would take an individual Crew member 15 + years of service to reach the Cabin Service Manager position & salary. I Understand that the gross annual income for a senior Crew member would be around USD $80 - $120'000.00 per annum (as a cabin Service Manager).han domestic or other carriers. I recently met a new appointed Qantas Customer Service Manager (lead Cabin Crew) in HK who is based in London. He will start his Airbus A380 training shortly & indicated an increase in his base salary of UK pounds 4000.00 per year.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Emirates flight attendants start on a basic annual salary of about 47,000 dirhams ($A12,200), plus hourly flying pay, a fixed monthly cash sum based on their role and competencies, free housing and transport, and an annual payment from a profit-sharing plan. recently had a chat to Jenna McNaught, a 24-year-old who's worked as a cabin crew member for Emirates for the last three years or so. Turns out it's not all fun and games. Emirates flight attendants at the airline's training school in Dubai.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In his TED Talk last spring, Michael Kimmel spoke about something he knows something about: men and privilege.Not only is he a middle-class white mal... 7 Things You Should NEVER Say to Co-Workers. Given the amount of time we spend at work, it's understandable that a lot of us get pretty comfortable there.t's a good thing when you can really be... 3 Reasons Why It's Tough to Teach in West Virginia (and These Other States). There are a lot of wonderful things about being a teacher, but it's a really difficult job, too. It's a profession that's immensely rewarding and imme...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A new book lifts the lid on what really goes down. In Confessions of a Qantas Flight Attendant – True Tales and Gossip from the Galley, Owen Beddall dishes the first-class dirt, revealing all about the glamorous world of flying.See Also.n one flight, one of the Gallagher brothers from the British band Oasis offered flight attendants £1000 ($AU1807) a piece to turn a blind eye to them smoking in the toilets.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "QANTAS-Rates of Pay and Allowances. As members are aware, a further 3% increase was available under EBA 7 on and from 1 July 2006.ANTAS-Rates of Pay and Allowances. As members are aware, a further 3% increase was available under EBA 7 on and from 1 July 2006.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Polina Sasko, an flight attendant student with Emirates, applies lip liner during a make-up training session at the Emirates Aviation College in Dubai. recently had a chat to Jenna McNaught, a 24-year-old who's worked as a cabin crew member for Emirates for the last three years or so. Turns out it's not all fun and games. Emirates flight attendants at the airline's training school in Dubai.", "url": "" } ]
salary of a qantas flight attendant
[ "Salary of a Qantas flight attendant is 4000.00 per year." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Best Answer: This answer depends on what breed of dwarf rabbit you're thinking about getting. There are some dwarf breeds that only grow to be about 2 pounds (the Netherland Dwarf is one of these), there are other small breeds that can get up to 7 and 8 pounds. Here's a list of the most popular smaller breeds and the average size for them as adults for you. American Fuzzy Lop: 3.5-4 pounds.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are some dwarf breeds that only grow to be about 2 pounds (the Netherland Dwarf is one of these), there are other small breeds that can get up to 7 and 8 pounds. Here's a list of the most popular smaller breeds and the average size for them as adults for you. Hope it helps!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What do you think set you apart from the other competitors? How long do mini rex rabbits live? Mini Rex rabbits live about the same lifespan as all pet rabbits, although they might live a bit longer than bigger rabbits. pet rabbits tend to live between 8 and 10 years, a…lthough they can live up to 14 years old. 12 people found this useful.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Dwarf rabbits are small rabbits with eyes and heads that are big compared to the rest of their body. This makes them look like baby rabbits when they grow up as well as well as when they are young, something most people find very cute. Standard dwarf rabbits weigh up to 1.4 kilograms (approximately 3 pounds).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "How big do dwarf rabbits get? A: The most common dwarf rabbit breed is the Netherland dwarf, which grows to be 1.5 to 2.6 pounds as an adult. Other dwarf rabbit breeds are larger, reaching 4 or 5 pounds as adults due to outcrossing with non-dwarf breeds.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "You can also cut your rabbit's teeth yourself and if you have a dwarf rabbit you can often use the nail cutter for the procedure, HOWEVER, I strongly recommend having your vet show you how first, and also approve of the nail cutter you are going to use.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 which rabbit hutch or cage to pick for your bunny; 2 what diet you should arrange for your rabbit; 3 what diseases bunnies might get; how to groom your rabbit, including picking the right brush and nail clippers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Standard Rex rabbits can get up to 10 1/2 pounds, while Mini Rex Rabbits are generally 3 to 4 1/2 pounds.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Introducing Ronja the Dwarf Rabbit. I got my baby dwarf rabbit Ronja in the summer of 2010, when he was only eight weeks old. I picked him out myself from a litter in a pet shop. It was so hard to choose; I really just wanted to take all eight or ten tiny rabbits home with me.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rabbits, including dwarf bunnies, raise a lot of new questions for pet owners who've never had a rabbit before. The best thing you can do before you purchase a pet rabbit is to research and read about them. I'll recommend a book and then I'll go through some questions that might come up for a new rabbit owner.", "url": "" } ]
how big do dwarf rex rabbits get
[ "Dwarf Rex Rabbits weigh 4 or 5 pounds." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Garage kit heating coil. Find the model number of your refrigerator and contact the manufacturer's parts department to see if it offers a garage kit for your unit. You may be able to solve your problem by installing a “garage kit,” a heating coil to warm the air around the thermostat.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Frequently Asked Questions. You may have seen a similar product on the market before—any innovator of superior products will be imitated. But just remember; the difference is in the assembly. Other kits have connections that have two female ends that are attached by a sleeve that fits into each female end.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For great long-term performance, select the Garage Door Insulation Kit from Cellofoam North America Inc. It's made with modified expanded polystyrene, a rigid, foam plastic with resilient closed cells. The benefits include permanent R-value, inherent water resistance, excellent physical strength and dimensional stability.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Again, our garage kits are designed with the DIYer in mind. You will get all parts and hardware needed along with detailed instructions. Our kits require no forklifts, no welding, no cranes. The heaviest parts of your kit weigh approximately 29 pounds.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The color paint is extremely durable, comes with a 40 year warranty and is Energy Star approved. Get a custom online quote on a metal garage kit now! Or call 800-748-7188 about available specials in inventory that can be shipped immediately factory direct to your site.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What sizes of garage kits do you offer? Garages are available in widths from 10’ to 30’ wide; lengths are from 20’ long to larger in 4’or 5’ increments. Our metal garages are offered in standard heights starting at an eave height of 7.5’ and can be increased in 1’ increments up to a 12.5’ eave height.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "They offer a durable low cost do-it-yourself alternative and are available in many sizes for residential Steel Garages or RV Storage Buildings. Our metal garage kits are prefabricated for a fast simple bolt together construction yet engineered to withstand heavy snow and severe hurricane force wind conditions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rated 4 out of 5 by COLDnIL from I purchased 2 kits for my 2 car garage door and I should have done the math. Each kit will cover... I purchased 2 kits for my 2 car garage door and I should have done the math. Each kit will cover a 9'x7' door but my door is 16'x8' .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Garage Building Kit. “I use it for storage of my camper, work on cars, whenever in the winter I need to get out of the house, it’s kind of a man’s cave. Curvco was real cooperative, they were real good with us. I recommend Curvco Steel Buildings to anybody that needs a metal garage building.”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Pretty easy to remember right. How a garage kit works is by tricking the refrigerator to think it's in a warmer environment. A garage kit is placed by the thermostat in the Refrigerator Compartment and it puts off a small amount of heat causing the freezer to cycle on and off more frequently. This allows the freezer to get down to the proper temperature and keep the things in your freezer completely frozen all the time.", "url": "" } ]
what is a garage kit
[ "A garage kit is placed by the thermostat in the Refrigerator Compartment and it puts off a small amount of heat causing the freezer to cycle on and off more frequently." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. more", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Define acrobatics (noun) and get synonyms. What is acrobatics (noun)? acrobatics (noun) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Learn English watching your favourite videos | Learn English with movies | Learn English with TV shows. All English definitions from our dictionary. Search mental acrobatics and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For example, Minoan art from c. 2000 BC contains depictions of acrobatic feats on the backs of bulls. Ancient Greeks and Romans practiced acrobatics, and the noble court displays of the European Middle Ages would often include acrobatic performances that included juggling.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Acrobatics is the performance of extraordinary human feats of balance, agility, and motor coordination. It can be found in many of the performing arts, sports events, and martial arts. Acrobatics is most often associated with activities that make extensive use of gymnastic elements, such as acro dance, circus, and gymnastics, but many other athletic activities — such as ballet and diving — may also employ acrobatics. Although acrobatics is most commonly associated with human body ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For example, Minoan art from c. 2000 BC contains depictions of acrobatic feats on the backs of bulls. Ancient Greeks and Romans practiced acrobatics [citation needed], and the noble court displays of the European Middle Ages would often include acrobatic performances that included juggling [citation needed].", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Acrobatics (from Greek ἀκροβατέω akrobateō, walk on tiptoe, strut) is the performance of extraordinary human feats of balance, agility, and motor coordination. It can be found in many of the performing arts, sports (sporting) events, and martial arts.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "You can complete the definition of mental acrobatics given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Definition and synonyms of acrobatics from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This is the British English definition of acrobatics. View American English definition of acrobatics. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for acrobatics. CamelCase a way of writing compound words or phrases in which there are no spaces between words and a capital letter is used at the start of each new word", "url": "" } ]
acrobatics meaning
[ "Acrobatics is the performance of extraordinary human feats of balance, agility, and motor coordination." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Each kidney contains about one million functioning units called nephrons. A nephron consists of a filtering unit of tiny blood vessels, called a glomerulus, which is attached to a tubule. When blood enters the glomerulus, it is filtered and the remaining fluid then passes through the tubule.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Each of our two kidneys contains up to a million tiny filtering units, called nephrons, which filter about 200 quarts of fluid every 24 hours, expelling approximately 2 quarts of that fluid as urine and returning the rest to the bloodstream.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Kidney Function Basics. Each of our two kidneys contains up to a million tiny filtering units, called nephrons, which filter about 200 quarts of fluid every 24 hours, expelling approximately 2 quarts of that fluid as urine and returning the rest to the bloodstream.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Each kidney contains about one million tiny filtering units made up of blood vessels. These filters are called glomeruli. Diabetes and high blood pressure damage these blood vessels, so the kidneys are not able to filter the blood as well as they used to.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "We have two kidneys, each about the size of your fist. Each kidney contains approximately 1 million microscopic filtering and processing units called nephrons. Each nephron contains a tiny filter called a glomerulus (glo-MER-yoo-lus).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Report Abuse. You have two kidneys, each about the size of a fist, located on either side of the spine at the bottom of the rib cage. Each kidney contains about one million functioning units called nephrons. A nephron consists of a filtering unit of tiny blood vessels, called a glomerulus, which is attached to a tubule.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "With each heartbeat, blood flows through the kidneys. Each kidney contains up to a million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron is made up of tiny capillary loops called a glomerulus. Millions of glomeruli (plural of glomerulus) filter urea, other waste and excess water from the blood.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Each kidney contains up to a million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron is made up of tiny capillary loops called a glomerulus. Millions of glomeruli (plural of glomerulus) filter urea, other waste and excess water from the blood.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "You have two kidneys, each about the size of a fist, located on either side of the spine at the bottom of the rib cage. Each kidney contains about one million functioning units called nephrons. A nephron consists of a filtering unit of tiny blood vessels, called a glomerulus, which is attached to a tubule.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The kidneys clean and process the blood; working together, the 2 million nephrons filter and process 3-4 liters of blood approximately every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.", "url": "" } ]
The kidneys contains millions of tiny filering units called
[ "The kidneys contains millions of tiny filering units called nephrons." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Out of 1,092 total undergraduates enrolled in St Thomas University, 91% of students received federal grant aid and 61% of students took federal student loan. 1 Grant Aid: 996 total undergraduates received on average $14,303 in grant aid.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Find the right colleges for you! Keep track of your favorite colleges as you continue your search and during the application process. Update your notes, check your College Chances and Net Price, and view detailed information about each college on your list. You don't have any saved scholarships yet.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Envision Your Future. Tomorrow is what you make of it, so make it count. St. Thomas University is the shortest distance between you and your goals. We are all about affordable opportunity, with unique cutting edge majors to put you right into a successful career. The professors and facilities are second to none, and from day one, You Matter. We are the open door to your career.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Summary. University of St. Thomas is a private institution that was founded in 1947. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,645, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 23 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. University of St. Thomas's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities (West), 30.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are 2,315 students enrolled at St Thomas. This is slightly larger than the average enrollment at other mid tier private (not-for-profit) institutions. Out of 2,315 students enrolled, 1,035 are undergraduate students (44.7%) and 1,280 are graduate students (55.3%).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "CollegeData has more than 150 articles offering helpful information and advice about all aspects of college admission and financial aid plus true stories from students on the road to more than 80 colleges. Build your own personal library of your favorite articles.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Out of 208 incoming freshmen who enrolled at St Thomas University last year, 207 students received some type of financial aid package. 1 Grant Aid: 207 incoming freshmen received $17,244 on average in grant aid. ( 2 100% of the freshmen class). 3 Loan Aid: 119 incoming freshmen took $7,615 on average in federal student loan.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Student Life. University of St. Thomas has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,645, with a gender distribution of 39 percent male students and 61 percent female students. At this school, 19 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated, or-affiliated housing and 81 percent of students live off campus.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It includes any portion of the cost of attendance that is not covered by grants and scholarships. Cost of Degree is a high level estimate of the cost to earn your bachelor's degree based on your estimated net price and various assumptions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "To see how much financial aid you may get, subtract the EFC from the college's cost of attendance. Recalculate EFC. You don't have any financial aid awards to compare yet. Use the Compare Financial Aid Awards tool to find out which college is the best deal, and why.", "url": "" } ]
number of undergraduates enrolled at university of st thomas
[ "The number of undergraduates enrolled is 1,645 at the University of Saint Thomas." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "An out of body experience (OBE) can be defined as the process of transiently separating the consciousness (spirit) from the physical body, such that the person and world are observed from outside of the body. OBE's are also known as astral projections.eople may argue that there's no harm in having an out of body experience. However, in the Bible, it's clear that we are not to participate in occult practices. Out of the body experiences were not part of the teachings of God.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Out-of-body experiences are typically brief episodes in which a person s conscious self seems to take leave of his or her body. People who have had this experience report that they can look back on their body as though it belonged to someone else. Their self is temporarily released from the limits of their body.Their mind seems to take up a position above or to the side of their body, and they are able to see their body in its former position, whether standing, sitting, or lying down. A subclass of out-of-body experiences is the near-death experience.These sometimes happen when patients are critically ill or when their hearts stop beating for a few moments. These people describe themselves floating over their bodies or feeling themselves drawn down a tunnel toward a bright light.owever, I could pull my hands out of my physical hands, as if the latter were a pair of stiff gloves. I detached from my body and floated out in an upright position. I lay down in the air and floated across to the bed like a swimmer who had pushed himself from the edge of a swimming pool.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The term out-of-body experience was introduced in 1943 by George N. M. Tyrrell in his book Apparitions, and was adopted by researchers such as Celia Green and Robert Monroe as an alternative to belief-centric labels such as astral projection , soul travel, or spirit walking.BEs can be induced by brain traumas, sensory deprivation, near-death experiences, dissociative and psychedelic drugs, dehydration, sleep, and electrical stimulation of the brain, among others. It can also be deliberately induced by some. One in ten people have an OBE once, or more commonly, several times in their life.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An out of body experience, also known as astral projection, is supposed to be the phenomenon when a person's consciousness is detached from the physical body and travels or exists outside of the body.During these experiences, the person is aware of his surroundings and is often aware of what is being said around him.n out of body experience, also known as astral projection, is supposed to be the phenomenon when a person's consciousness is detached from the physical body and travels or exists outside of the body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "3. Affirm to yourself that you are going to have an out-of-body experience. Say to yourself Mind awake-Body Asleep or I will have a lucid dream .. Repeat this several times until it is the only thought left in your mind.eople report out-of-body experiences (OBEs) while dreaming, during near-death experiences, or through relaxation techniques such as meditation. For some people, having an OBE can be like being Alice in your very own Wonderland.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Email. You don't have to be crazy to have an out-of-body experience, viewing yourself floating above your own body lying on a premature deathbed, according to a new study showing that many persons can see themselves from afar, outside their own self, and yet be normal in every sense of the word.mail. You don't have to be crazy to have an out-of-body experience, viewing yourself floating above your own body lying on a premature deathbed, according to a new study showing that many persons can see themselves from afar, outside their own self, and yet be normal in every sense of the word.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Noun. 1. out-of-body experience-the dissociative experience of observing yourself from an external perspective as though your mind or soul had left and was observing your body. experience-an event as apprehended; a surprising experience; that painful experience certainly got our attention.1 Facebook.. out-of-body experience-the dissociative experience of observing yourself from an external perspective as though your mind or soul had left and was observing your body. experience-an event as apprehended; a surprising experience; that painful experience certainly got our attention. 1 Facebook.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In some cases, people actually seek OBE's to cause harm to others. For the most part, an out of body experience is desired for a spiritual reason, such as reaching a higher level of consciousness or enlightenment.eople may argue that there's no harm in having an out of body experience. However, in the Bible, it's clear that we are not to participate in occult practices. Out of the body experiences were not part of the teachings of God.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "OBEs can be induced by brain traumas, sensory deprivation, near-death experiences, dissociative and psychedelic drugs, dehydration, sleep, and electrical stimulation of the brain, among others. It can also be deliberately induced by some. One in ten people have an OBE once, or more commonly, several times in their life.BEs can be induced by brain traumas, sensory deprivation, near-death experiences, dissociative and psychedelic drugs, dehydration, sleep, and electrical stimulation of the brain, among others. It can also be deliberately induced by some. One in ten people have an OBE once, or more commonly, several times in their life.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "People report out-of-body experiences (OBEs) while dreaming, during near-death experiences, or through relaxation techniques such as meditation. For some people, having an OBE can be like being Alice in your very own Wonderland.Read on to learn how to experience this on purpose.eople report out-of-body experiences (OBEs) while dreaming, during near-death experiences, or through relaxation techniques such as meditation. For some people, having an OBE can be like being Alice in your very own Wonderland.", "url": "" } ]
what does outer body experience mean
[ "The outer body experience mean the process of transiently separating the consciousness from the physical body, such that the person and world are observed from outside of the body." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Eumelanin and pheomelanin play key roles in eye, hair, and skin color. Neuromelanin colors certain distinctive regions of the brain. This coloration is independent of skin and hair type. Abnormalities in neuromelanins correlate with various neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "People have different skin colors mainly because their melanocytes produce different amount and kinds of melanin. The genetic mechanism behind human skin color is mainly regulated by the enzyme tyrosinase, which creates the color of the skin, eyes, and hair shades. Differences in skin color are also attributed to differences in size and distribution of melanosomes in the skin. Melanocytes produce two types of melanin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a lack of pigment in the eyes, skin and sometimes hair that occurs in a very small fraction of the population. The four known types of OCA are caused by mutations in the TYR, OCA2, TYRP1, and SLC45A2 genes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Melanins, the pigments that color our eyes, hair and skin. Human beings come in a glorious spectrum of different colors: light, dark, plain or freckly skin; black, brunette, blond, auburn, and white hair; and eyes that are blue, hazel, green, amber and brown, to name just a few.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Eumelanin, a brown-black polymer of dihydroxyindole carboxylic acids, is the most common skin pigment with black and brown subtypes imparting brown, dark brown and black color. Individuals with darker complexions produce more of the black eumelanin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A page from the Causes of Color exhibit... Human beings come in a glorious spectrum of different colors: light, dark, plain or freckly skin; black, brunette, blond, auburn, and white hair; and eyes that are blue, hazel, green, amber and brown, to name just a few.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The most common form of biological melanin is eumelanin, a brown-black polymer of dihydroxyindole carboxylic acids, and their reduced forms. Most are derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Eumelanin is found in hair, areola, and skin, and the hair colors gray, black, blond, and brown. In humans, it is more abundant in people with dark skin. Pheomelanin, a pink to red hue is found in particularly large quantities in red hair, the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Close up of a blue human iris. Eye color or eye colour is a polygenic phenotypic character determined by two distinct factors: the pigmentation of the eye's iris and the frequency-dependence of the scattering of light by the turbid medium in the stroma of the iris.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are different types of melanin, and the ratio of these pigments produces different hair colors, again genetically determined. The mixture varies not only from one person to another, but also across one person’s head. Eumelanin is a dark pigment that predominates in black and brunette hair.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Melanin pigment gives color to skin, hair and eyes in humans. The melanin skin pigment is derived from the amino acid tyrosine. The melanin pigment is a polymer compound which is neither a protein nor an amino acid. Apart from mammals many other organisms in the animal kingdom have been found to have this skin pigment.", "url": "" } ]
pigment that gives skin, hair and eyes color is
[ "Melanins are pigments that gives skin, hair and eyes color. " ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Alpha-galactosidase is a glycoside hydrolase enzyme that hydrolyses the terminal alpha-galactosyl moieties from glycolipids and glycoproteins.It is encoded by the GLA gene. Two recombinant forms of alpha-galactosidase are called agalsidase alfa (INN) and agalsidase beta (INN).lpha-galactosidase is an active ingredient in Beano, Suntaqzyme, Bean-zyme, and Gas-zyme 3x, Bloateez (India) marketed as products to reduce stomach gas production after eating foods known to cause gas. It is optimally active at 55 degrees C, after which its half-life is 120 minutes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "10 most extreme places on Earth. Alpha galactosidase is an enzyme that has several different functions. It is used by intestinal microorganisms to degrade the sugars in the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains.This process often leads to the production of gases that can cause bloating and flatulence.lpha galactosidase is used by intestinal microorganisms to degrade the sugars in the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains. Pregnant women should consult with a doctor before taking alpha galactosidase.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Alpha-galactosidase is an important enzyme that assists in the digestion of fat and complex sugars. Starchy foods and fats are more difficult for the body to break down during digestion than other nutrients.How well the human body can break down the large molecules in these foods depends some...arbohydrates, which break down into sugars, and fats are the type of substances that alpha-galactosidase work on. However, a lack of alpha-galactosidase can cause undigested fat and sugars to build up in the intestines, but does not result in an accumulation of protein or other nutrients.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It hydrolyzes molecules from glycolipids and glycoproteins found in complex sugars. On a cellular level, alpha-galactosidase causes an important reaction in the cellular lysosome, an organelle inside our cells that is crucial in the breakdown of multiple types of biomolecules.xcess gas is the culprit for most of the discomfort we feel when eating these foods. One enzyme that halts this process is alpha galactosidase. The extent to which we can break down starchy, hard-to-digest foods is relatively dependant upon the amount of alpha galactosidase present.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Alpha-galactosidase is additionally a digestive enzyme with several other functions. Utilized by microorganisms within the intestines, it degrades sugars and turns them into carbohydrates that are found in grains and vegetables.The process leads to gas production, bloating as well as flatulence.hen there’s not enough alpha-galactosidase in the system, fat that is weakly digested can accumulate in the heart’s chambers and muscles. The enzyme helps the body break carbohydrates, depriving gas production fuel and toxic bacteria.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The GLA gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called alpha-galactosidase A. This enzyme is active in lysosomes, which are structures that act as recycling centers within cells.Lysosomes use digestive enzymes to process worn-out cell components and recycle usable parts.lpha-galactosidase A breaks down a molecule called globotriaosylceramide, which consists of three sugars attached to a fatty substance. This molecule is degraded as part of the normal recycling of old red blood cells (erythrocytes) and other types of cells.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The buildup of gasses in the body may cause abdominal discomfort. Alpha galactosidase is used by intestinal microorganisms to degrade the sugars in the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains.Pregnant women should consult with a doctor before taking alpha galactosidase.lpha galactosidase is used by intestinal microorganisms to degrade the sugars in the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains. Pregnant women should consult with a doctor before taking alpha galactosidase.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The product VeganZyme™ contains a 100% vegan form of Alpha Galactosidase produced by the natural fermentation process of Aspergillis Niger. It comes from all vegetarian, non-GMO sources, is kosher certified, gluten free, made in the USA, contains no animal product and is completely suitable for vegetarians and vegans.xcess gas is the culprit for most of the discomfort we feel when eating these foods. One enzyme that halts this process is alpha galactosidase. The extent to which we can break down starchy, hard-to-digest foods is relatively dependant upon the amount of alpha galactosidase present.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Function [edit]. This enzyme is a homodimeric glycoprotein that hydrolyses the terminal alpha-galactosyl moieties from glycolipids and glycoproteins. It predominantly hydrolyzes ceramide trihexoside, and it can catalyze the hydrolysis of melibiose into galactose and glucose.lpha-galactosidase is an active ingredient in Beano, Suntaqzyme, Bean-zyme, and Gas-zyme 3x, Bloateez (India) marketed as products to reduce stomach gas production after eating foods known to cause gas. It is optimally active at 55 degrees C, after which its half-life is 120 minutes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Beano contains an enzyme called alpha-galactosidase that digests the indigestible carbohydrate (raffinose) contained in beans and some vegetables. Beano has no effect on gas associated with other carbohydrates, such as sorbitol, lactose, wheat and fiber.eano contains the enzyme alpha-galactosidase that breaks down oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides can only be partially digested, and are a major contribute to the formation of gas in the digestive tract.", "url": "" } ]
what does alpha galactosidase do
[ "Alpha galactosidase is used by intestinal microorganisms to degrade the sugars in the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Homo sapiens (Latin : wise person) is the binomial nomenclature (also known as the scientific name) for the human species.Homo is the human genus, which also includes Neanderthals and many other extinct species of hominid; H. sapiens is the only surviving species of the genus Homo.Modern humans are the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens, which differentiates them from what has been argued to be their direct ancestor, Homo sapiens idaltu.he binomial name Homo sapiens was coined by Carl Linnaeus (1758). The Latin noun homō (genitive hominis) means man, human being. Subspecies of H. sapiens include Homo sapiens idaltu and the only extant subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Human refers to all members of the genus Homo. Modern humans are known by the scientific name Homo sapiens. Homo sapien is Latin for wise man or knowing man..The full scientific term is Homo sapiens sapiens, but in many scientific fields it is common to call human beings 'humans.'.The term 'Homo sapiens' refers to modern man.There are other scientific terms for earlier but similar life forms, e.g. Home erectus, 'Neanderthals' etc.he full scientific term is Homo sapiens sapiens, but in many scientific fields it is common to call human beings 'humans.'. The term 'Homo sapiens' refers to modern man. There are other scientific terms for earlier but similar life forms, e.g. Home erectus, 'Neanderthals' etc.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Note that human is not un scientific. Rather, Homo sapiens is the taxonomical name (used when classifying humans in relation to other species). Human beings are of the familia Hominidae, subfamilia Homininae, tribus Hominini, subtribus Hominina, genus Homo, s pecies Homo sapiens, and subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens.he full scientific term is Homo sapiens sapiens, but in many scientific fields it is common to call human beings 'humans.'. The term 'Homo sapiens' refers to modern man. There are other scientific terms for earlier but similar life forms, e.g. Home erectus, 'Neanderthals' etc.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Introduction to scientific name for humans : Human, common name given to any individual of the species Homo sapiens(scientific name for humans) and, by extension, to the entire species.cientific classification of Species Homo Sapiens(scientific name for humans) belongs to genus Homo having class Mammalia and kingdom Animalia is shown below in given picture. The evolution of Homo Sapiens(scientific name for humans) of genus Homo can be divided roughly into three periods: 1. Early Homo.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The binomial name Homo sapiens was coined by Carl Linnaeus (1758). The Latin noun homō (genitive hominis) means man, human being. Subspecies of H. sapiens include Homo sapiens idaltu and the only extant subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.he binomial name Homo sapiens was coined by Carl Linnaeus (1758). The Latin noun homō (genitive hominis) means man, human being. Subspecies of H. sapiens include Homo sapiens idaltu and the only extant subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Scientific classification of Species Homo Sapiens(scientific name for humans) belongs to genus Homo having class Mammalia and kingdom Animalia is shown below in given picture. The evolution of Homo Sapiens(scientific name for humans) of genus Homo can be divided roughly into three periods:1.Early Homo.cientific classification of Species Homo Sapiens(scientific name for humans) belongs to genus Homo having class Mammalia and kingdom Animalia is shown below in given picture. The evolution of Homo Sapiens(scientific name for humans) of genus Homo can be divided roughly into three periods: 1. Early Homo.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Neanderthals lived over 10,000 years ago. … Homo sapiens is the scientific name for the species of primate known as humans. homo sapiens are early people who have lived from about 400,000 B.C. to the present. Early homo sapiens found in Africa, Europe, and Asia Physically modern humans Answer Homosapian is the scientific term for human Homo sapiens is the only extant member of the genus Homo, a branch of ape with very high intelligence and dominance over the environment. 8 people found this useful.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A human (also called a human being or person) is a member of the species Homo sapiens, which means 'wise man' in Latin.Carolus Linnaeus put humans in the mammalian order of primates. Apes are also primates. They are the nearest animal relations to humans. Humans are social animals. They usually live in groups. human (also called a human being or person) is a member of the species Homo sapiens, which means 'wise man' in Latin. Carolus Linnaeus put humans in the mammalian order of primates. Apes are also primates. They are the nearest animal relations to humans. Humans are social animals. They usually live in groups.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Humans received the species name, Homo sapiens, meaning wise man, in 1758. But given our short-sighted behavior, that name needs to be changed, one writer proposes.ome who interpret Homo sapiens more inclusively use the extended name (which would mean wise wise man) for modern humans, grouping Neanderthals, our once closest living relatives, under Homo sapiens neanderthalenis, according to Bernard Wood, an anthropologist at George Washington University.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Human evolution is about the origin of human beings. All humans belong to the same species, which has spread from its birthplace in Africa to almost all parts of the world. Its origin in Africa is proved by the fossils which have been found there. The term 'human' in this context means the genus Homo.However, studies of human evolution usually include other hominids, such as the Australopithecines, from which the genus Homo had diverged (split) by about 2.3 to 2.4 million years ago in Africa.uman evolution is about the origin of human beings. All humans belong to the same species, which has spread from its birthplace in Africa to almost all parts of the world. Its origin in Africa is proved by the fossils which have been found there. The term 'human' in this context means the genus Homo.", "url": "" } ]
in scientific names of humans homo means
[ "Nomenclature is the scientific name of humans homo.", "In scientific names of humans, homo means Nomenclature. ", "In scientific names of humans, homo means Nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans, Homo means nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans, Homo means Nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans homo, it means nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans homo means nomenclature. ", "In scientific names of humans homo means nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans Homo means nomenclature.", "Homo means nomenclature in the scientific name of human.", "Homo means nomenclature in scientific names of humans.", "A Scientific names of humans homo means 'nomenclature'.", "Homo means Nomenclature in scientific names of humans.", "Homo means nomenclature in scientific name of humans.", "In scientific names of humans, homo means nomenclature.", "Nomenclature is the scientific name of human homo.", "In the scientific names of humans, Homo means Nomenclature. ", "In scientific, name of human homo means nomenclature.", "In scientific, name of human Homo means nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans, the name Homo means nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans, the meaning of the name Homo is Nomenclature.", "In scientific names of humans, the meaning of homo is \"Nomenclature\".", "In scientific names of humans, homo means nomenclature. ", "The scientific names of human/homo sapien is \"nomenclature\".", "The scientific names for humans in homo means Nomenclature.", "The scientific name of humans homo means Nomenclature.", "The scientific name of Humans Homo means Nomenclature.", "The scientific names of humans homo means nomenclature.", "The scientific names of humans homo mean nomenclature." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It is rare to see prostate cancer before the age of 40. Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) is used to suppress testosterone production and other androgen hormones in men who have prostate cancer. ADT therapy manipulates steroid chemistry and is used in place of radical surgery. In essence, it is chemical castration.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Neoadjuvant androgen deprivation (NAD) is systemic therapy administered after the diagnosis of prostate cancer but before locoregional therapy such as radical prostatectomy (RP) or radiation. Its use arose in response to the limitations of RP. RP is most likely to cure patients with organ-confined disease.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Current concerns regarding prostate cancer progression have led to a renewed interest in the use of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation (NAD) therapy prior to radical prostatectomy (RP).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) increases bone turnover, decreases bone mineral density, and increases the risk of clinical bone fractures in men with prostate cancer [ 2 ]. Loss of bone mineral density can be detected after six to nine months of ADT, and longer therapy confers a higher risk [ 3-6 ].", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "ADT is also frequently used in patients whose only manifestation of disseminated disease is a rising or elevated serum PSA and as an adjuvant or neoadjuvant in conjunction with initial treatment of men with intermediate or high risk prostate cancer.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "ADT (also known as hormonal therapy) is prescribed for prostate cancer patients prior to potentially curative treatment such as radiotherapy. It is also offered those experiencing a rise in PSA after an initial curative treatment, and those whose cancer has spread outside of the prostate at the time of diagnosis.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Recovery of erectile function is possible after discontinuation of short-term ADT (eg, in men who receive neoadjuvant and adjuvant ADT with radiation therapy for high-risk localized or locally advanced disease). However, it may be delayed and incomplete [ 1 ].", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the main therapeutic approach for men with metastatic prostate cancer.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A form of prostate cancer therapy called Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) has been making significant headline news recently. It has a long history of use, but controversy over ADT has been heating up. Research reveals findings that severely question the efficacy of the decades old treatment.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A phase II study of neoadjuvant chemohormonal therapy with docetaxel and complete androgen blockade in patients with locally advanced and high-risk prostate cancer undergoing RP found that the therapy is feasible despite high hematotoxicity, with excellent functional results.", "url": "" } ]
what is adt therapy
[ "Androgen deprivation therapy is the main therapeutic approach for men with metastatic prostate cancer." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The name Niamh is of Gaelic and Irish origin. The meaning of Niamh is beauty, brightness. Niamh is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ni-ev.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Go back to names list. The name Niamh first arose in Irish mythology. Niamh, the daughter of the sea god fell in love with Oisin, son of Finn MacCool, and escorted him over the sea to the land of eternal youth, a land exempt from sadness, ageing and death.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Usage: Niamh, of Scottish-Gaelic origin, is a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name. People having the name Niamh are in general originating from Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "My 2 year old niece is called Niamh, to me it means beautiful, loving, caring and talented..........because that is what she is !! I means 'bright' in Irish. She was the daughter of the sea god in Irish legends. She fell in love with the poet Oisin, son of Fionn.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Given Name Niamh. In Irish mythology, Niamh is the goddess daughter of the god of the sea. According to the legend she falls in love with the youthful poet-hero Oisin, son of Finn MacCool and carries him off to Tir na nOg, the land of eternal youth. Today, Niamh, is a popular name in Ireland for girls.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Niamh (pronounced /niːəv/ or /niːv/) is an Irish female name. Famous examples include Niamh Kavanagh, Niamh O Mara and Niamh Cusack. In Celtic mythology, Niamh was the daughter of Manannán mac Lir and Queen of Tir na nÓg.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "[ 2 syll. niam(h), ni-a-mh ] The baby boy name Niamh is also used as a girl name. It is pronounced as NIY-AHV or NIY-V †. The origin of Niamh is the Celtic language. The name's meaning is a bright man. See Niamh for more information. Niamh is not regularly used as a baby name for boys. It is listed outside of the top 1000 names.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Popularity of the Name. The name Niamh is ranked on the 3,059th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 115900 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.002% of the population. The name Niamh has five characters.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Asker's rating. Report Abuse. I love the name Niamh, its got such a different spelling compared to the pronounciation (NEEVE) but I think that is what makes it special. I know it's Irish because my little sister has twins in her class called Niamh and Romey and their parents are from Ireland.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Forms of Niamh include the name Neev, the English Neve, and the name Niam. Another variant of the name is the African, English, Swahili, and Welsh contracted form Nia. Niamh is not commonly used as a baby girl name. It is not in the top 1000 names. In 2015, within the family of girl names directly related to Niamh, Nia was the most widely used.", "url": "" } ]
what does the name niamh mean
[ "The meaning of the name Niamh is Beauty, brightness." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "However, for some tumors, the location of the lymph nodes with cancer may determine the “N” stage category. Metastasis (M). The letter M indicates whether the cancer has metastasized, or spread, to other parts of the body. If the cancer has not spread, it is labeled M0.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Cancer staging is the process of determining how much cancer is in the body and where it is located. Staging describes the severity of an individual's cancer based on the magnitude of the original (primary) tumor as well as on the extent cancer has spread in the body. Understanding the stage of the cancer helps doctors to develop a prognosis and design a treatment plan for individual patients.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cancer staging is the process of determining the extent to which a cancer has developed by spreading. Contemporary practice is to assign a number from I to IV to a cancer, with I being an isolated cancer and IV being a cancer which has spread to the limit of what the assessment measures.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cancer staging can be divided into a clinical stage and a pathologic stage. In the TNM (Tumor, Node, Metastasis) system, clinical stage and pathologic stage are denoted by a small c or p before the stage (e.g., cT3N1M0 or pT2N0). This staging system is used for most forms of cancer, except brain tumors and hematological malignancies.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Overall Stage Grouping is also referred to as Roman Numeral Staging. This system uses numerals I, II, III, and IV (plus the 0) to describe the progression of cancer. 1 Stage 0: carcinoma in situ. Stage I: cancers are localized to one part of the body. Stage I cancer can be surgically removed if small enough.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Staging helps describe where a cancer is located, if or where it has spread, and whether it is affecting the other parts of the body. Doctors often use tests to determine a cancer’s stage. Staging may not be complete until all of the tests are finished. Knowing the stage helps the doctor:", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What grading is. You may hear your doctor talk about the grade of your cancer. Tumour grade describes a tumour in terms of how abnormal the tumour cells are compared to normal cells. It also describes how abnormal the tissues look under a microscope. The grade gives your doctor some idea of how the cancer might behave.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The TNM classification system was developed as a tool for doctors to stage different types of cancer based on certain, standardized criteria. The TNM Staging System is based on the extent of the tumor (T), the extent of spread to the lymph nodes (N), and the presence of metastasis (M). The T category describes the original (primary) tumor.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The TNM system is mainly used to describe cancers that form solid tumors, such as breast, colon, and lung cancers. However, doctors use other staging systems to classify other types of cancer, such as: Central nervous system tumors (brain tumors).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are four different types of staging: Clinical Staging determines how much cancer there is based on the physical examination, imaging tests, and biopsies of affected areas. Pathologic Staging can only be determined from individual patients who have had surgery to remove a tumor or explore the extent of the cancer.", "url": "" } ]
what is a tumor staging
[ "A tumor staging is describes the severity of an individual's cancer based on the magnitude of the original (primary) tumor as well as on the extent cancer has spread in the body." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A ledger is the principal book or computer file for recording and totaling monetary transactions by account, with debits and credits in separate columns and a beginning balance and ending balance for each account.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A company's main accounting records. A general ledger is a complete record of financial transactions over the life of a company. The ledger holds account information that is needed to prepare financial statements, and includes accounts for assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenues and expenses.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "DEFINITION of 'Ledger Balance'. The balance of a customer account as shown on the bank statement. The ledger balance is found by subtracting the total number of debits from the total number of credits for a given accounting period. The ledger balance is used solely in the reconciliation of book balances. Next Up.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hypernyms (ledger is a kind of...): record (a document that can serve as legal evidence of a transaction). Meronyms (members of ledger): accounting; accounting system; method of accounting (a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "A book for keeping notes, especially one for keeping accounting records. ledger (Noun). : A collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits. ledger (Noun). : A board attached to a wall to provide support for attaching other structural elements (such as deck joists or roof rafters) to the building.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "• GENERAL LEDGER (noun). The noun GENERAL LEDGER has 1 sense: 1. the ledger that contains all of the financial accounts of a business; contains offsetting debit and credit accounts (including control accounts). Familiarity information: GENERAL LEDGER used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details. • GENERAL LEDGER (noun).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "6 people found this helpful. The director of finance kept track of all our accounts in a master ledger, this master document allowed us to see the details of who owed us money and who we needed to issue checks to which helped us see how well we were doing. 8 people found this helpful.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As the heart of the double-entry accounting system, the general ledger is the record of a company's entire financial transaction history. The left side of the general ledger is for debits: assets, ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Ledger (noun). a book in which a summary of accounts is laid up or preserved; the final book of record in business transactions, in which all debits and credits from the journal, etc., are placed under appropriate heads. Ledger (noun). a large flat stone, esp. one laid over a tomb.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The noun LEDGER has 2 senses: 1. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded. 2. an accounting journal as a physical object. Familiarity information: LEDGER used as a noun is rare.", "url": "" } ]
what does ledger mean
[ "A ledger is a book for keeping notes, especially one for keeping accounting records." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Rite of passage is a celebration of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another.It involves a significant change of status in society.In cultural anthropology the term is the Anglicisation of rite de passage, a French term innovated by the ethnographer, Arnold van Gennep, in his work Les rites de passage, Rites of Passage..n cultural anthropology the term is the Anglicisation of rite de passage, a French term innovated by the ethnographer, Arnold van Gennep, in his work Les rites de passage, Rites of Passage..", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are many passages in our lives if we choose to mark and celebrate them. Journeys is most concerned with... A rite of passage is a ceremony and marks the transition from one phase of life to another.Although it is often used to describe the tumultuous transition from adolescence to adulthood, it does refer to any of life’s transitions (Births and Beginnings, Initiations, Partnerings, and Endings or Death).n intentional rite of passage experience provides the space for the community to transmit its core values and confer the role responsibilities appropriate to the initiate’s stage of life, thus insuring cultural continuity, a sort of knitting together of the generations.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Definition of RITE OF PASSAGE. : a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status (as marriage, illness, or death) for an individual. ADVERTISEMENT. Encyclopedia article about rite of passage. a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status (as marriage, illness, or death) for an individual. ADVERTISEMENT.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Lesson Summary. A rite of passage is an ordinary or ceremonial event marking the transition from one stage of life to the next. Rites of passage may range from something as mundane as one's first steps or words, to events as significant as marriage.any examples of these turning points correlate to physiological changes, such as a Bar Mitzvah and a boy's entry into puberty. Rites like these are commonly associated with coming of age, arrival to the point at which one is held socially and morally accountable as an adult.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rite of passage. A rite of passage is a ritual that marks a change in a person's social or sexual status. The term was popularised by the French ethnographer Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957), in the early part of the twentieth century.1. Its important to see Black Sabbath at least once in a lifetime, if you can. rite of passage is a ritual that marks a change in a person's social or sexual status. The term was popularised by the French ethnographer Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957), in the early part of the twentieth century. 1.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "rite′ of pas′sage. 1. a ceremony to facilitate or mark a person's change of status on a significant occasion, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into a select group. 2. any act or event marking a passage from one stage of life to another.ite's return on road to going for Gold by Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England). is on track for another crack at the ascot gold Cup following a workout after racing on Monday at the Curragh, writes Johnny Ward.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": ": a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status (as marriage, illness, or death) for an individual.ADVERTISEMENT. a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status (as marriage, illness, or death) for an individual. ADVERTISEMENT.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 a ceremony performed in some cultures at times when an individual changes his or her status, as at puberty and marriage.2 a significant event in a transitional period of someone's life. ( 3 as modifier) ⇒ ■ a rite-of-passage novel. a ceremony performed in some cultures at times when an individual changes his or her status, as at puberty and marriage.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The population of a society belongs to multiple groups, some more important to the individual than others. Van Gennep uses the metaphor, as a kind of house divided into rooms and corridors.. A passage occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another; in the metaphor, he changes rooms.n cultural anthropology the term is the Anglicisation of rite de passage, a French term innovated by the ethnographer, Arnold van Gennep, in his work Les rites de passage, Rites of Passage..", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Initiation is a rite of passage marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society.nitiation is a rite of passage marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society.", "url": "" } ]
define rites of passage
[ "Rites of passage is a celebration of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "• Using the information in the event of a merger, demerger or acquisition involving ARCA CONTINENTAL, its affiliates and/or subsidiaries. • Meeting the requirements imposed by the authorities as necessary to safeguard public interest and law enforcement or the administration of justice.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "MEALS INCLUDED: 1 A breakfast buffet, coffee, tea, and fruit infused water will be available starting at 8:30 A.M. 2 A banquet lunch will be catered by the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown at noon. Food options are available through registration.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Arkansas Counseling Association. ArCA is a Branch of the American Counseling Association. The Arkansas Counseling Association (ArCA) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 2004.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Information in the Possession of Private Entities (hereinafter, the “Law”), the Privacy Policy of Arca Continental, S. A. B. de C. V. and its subsidiaries (as a whole, ARCA CONTINENTAL), with a registered address of Av. San Jerónimo 813 Pte., C.P. 64640, Monterrey, ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The Association for Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA) has begun accepting abstracts for the Amelia Conference, ARCA’s 8th annual interdisciplinary art crime conference. Conference Dates: June 23-25, 2017.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For this purpose, ARCA CONTINENTAL will include in the corresponding contract a clause stipulating that said subsidiary companies and/or third parties must provide the level of personal information protection required by the “Law”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Arkansas Counseling Association (ArCA) is a non-profit organization. The make-up of membership includes professional and aspiring counselors with various specialties and interests.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "ARCA 2017 Conference Details. Call for Papers. The Applied Researchers’ Association in collaboration with Association of African Universities and College of BusinessEducation Dar es Salaam, Tanzaniais pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the sixth Applied Research Conference in Africa.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "CARIBE ROYALE ORLANDO CONVENTION CENTER, ORLANDO, FL. The ARCA conference is a unique occurrence which happens every 10 years; this year marks ARCA’s 60th Anniversary.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Over the course of two days, ARCA’s summer conference will serve as a forum to explore the indispensable role of detection, crime prevention and criminal justice responses, at both the international and domestic level, in combating all forms of art crime and the illicit trafficking in cultural property.", "url": "" } ]
what conference is arca
[ "ARCA conference is an accepting abstracts for the Amelia Conference." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Sadly, the holotype specimen was destroyed after the museum, where the fossils were displayed at, was destroyed by Allied forces during the night of 24/25 April 1944. Newer discoveries from Tunisia in 1999 and Morocco in 2005 and 2014 suggest that Spinosaurus may have reached 15 metres (49 ft) in length. A size estimate by Dr. Dal Sasso suggests that the animal could have reached a length of 18 metres (59 ft) in length, however this claim may be an over-estimation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 A Spinosaurus skeleton was mounted in Main Street of Jurassic World. It was destroyed by the Tyrannosaurus Rexy during the Isla Nublar Incident of 2015. It is also one of the dinosaurs included in the Holoscape of Innovation Center, though it is unknown if Spinosaurus actually lives in Jurassic World.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Markgraf discovered a partial skeleton of a dinosaur in the Bahariya Formation of western Egypt. In 1915, German paleontologist Ernst Stromer published an article assigning the specimen to a new genus and species Spinosaurus aegyptiacus.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The largest known specimen was found by Spanish palaeontologist Cristiano Dal Sasso, in Morocco in 2005. The specimen includes a near complete upper jaw which measures about 2 metres (6.6 ft) long, with a small amount of well preserved teeth.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Spinosaurus (meaning spine lizard) is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what now is North Africa, during the lower Albian to lower Cenomanian stages of the Cretaceous period, about 112 to 97 million years ago.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Spinosaurus is a controversial dinosaur in the Jurassic Park franchise because of its portrayal in Jurassic Park III. Particularly when it was shown to be more powerful than the fan favorite Tyrannosaurus rex. A discussion on who would be the victor of a fight between Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus can be read here.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The best known species is S. aegyptiacus from Egypt, although a potential second species, S. maroccanus, has been recovered from Morocco. Spinosaurus was among the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs, possibly larger than Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus. Estimates published in 2005, 2007, and 2008 suggested that it was between 12.6–18 metres (41–59 ft) in length and 7 to 20.9 tonnes (7.7 to 23.0 short tons) in weight.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Spinosaurus (spined lizard) was a theropod dinosaur that existed in what is now North Africa during the Cretaceous Period. Spinosaurus is the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs, even larger than Tyrannosaurus rex, Carcharodontosaurus, and Giganotosaurus. Estimates published in 2014, and based on more complete specimens, found that Spinosaurus could reach lengths greater than 15 m (49.2 ft).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In Jurassic Park Adventures: Flyers, Dr. Alan Grant and several other Jurassic Park Rangers capture a male Spinosaurus that was eradicating other dinosaur species in its territory and relocated him to an isolated area on Isla Sorna to increase the populations that had been diminished by the Spinosaurus.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The first described remains of Spinosaurus were found and described in the early 20th century. In 1912, Richard Markgraf discovered a partial skeleton of a dinosaur in the Bahariya Formation of western Egypt. In 1915, German paleontologist Ernst Stromer published an article assigning the specimen to a new genus and species Spinosaurus aegyptiacus.", "url": "" } ]
types dinosaurs in morocco
[ "Spinosaurus was a type dinosaur in Morocco." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This Site Might Help You. RE: what does hmu mean on facebook and stuff? ive been trying to figure this out...cuz like on facebook people are like...with the best friend hmuu and im like its hBBBu not hMMMu. what does hmuu mean? cuz i say "how bout you" but i just cant figure out what hmu means.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What does hmu mean. What does HMU mean. It’s conceivable that you’ve heard the HMU Acronym or hashtags used as a part of an online networking application, for example, Instagram or Vine, or on a site like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit Tumblr, and so forth. We are here to give you the #HMU importance and give you a few cases of its usage and its users.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "History note: HMU 'hits me up' used to mean 'that person asked me for something', as in 'David hits me up for a small loan every Friday night'. This expression has now morphed to mean 'communicate with me further'. Spelling note: HMU can be spelled in all lowercase as 'hmu'. Both uppercase and lowercase versions mean the same thing, and you are welcome to use either. Just avoid typing entire sentences in uppercase, as that is considered rude shouting online.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "HMU is an internet slang that means “Hit Me Up“. It is used while chatting over a personal message across various chatting sites. It is used in informal language and forms a part of text language. Usage. HMU is used in cases where the person wants to stay in contact.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "HMU means Hit Me Up. HMU Meaning: Hit Me Up. The hashtag HMU has been tagged to over 3.5 million photos on Instagram. HMU, or “hit me up”, is an acronym used all the time on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, in apps like Instagram, and in private messages, texts, and emails.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "acronym for hit me up. HMU this weekend. See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of). See more words with the same meaning: to contact, call, mail. Last edited on Dec 09 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Dec 09 2012.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of HMU (HMU acronym/abbreviation/slang word). Ever wondered what HMU means? Or any of the other 9117 slang words, abbreviations and acronyms listed here at Internet Slang? Your resource for web acronyms, web abbreviations and netspeak.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "HMU Meaning: What does HMU mean? Find the meaning of HMU and Hashtag HMU that’s used commonly on Instagram and other forms of social media. It’s very likely that you’ve heard the HMU Acronym or hashtag used in a social media app such as Instagram or Vine, or on a website like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I do have a facebook account , & I always see my friends saying 'hmu' . I have asked before what it meant , but i completely forgot.. I think it means hey miss u or something.. Man , I suck:/.. Lolz .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This Site Might Help You. what does hmu mean on facebook and stuff? ive been trying to figure this out...cuz like on facebook people are like...with the best friend hmuu and im like its hBBBu not hMMMu. what does hmuu mean? cuz i say "how bout you" but i just cant figure out what hmu means.", "url": "" } ]
what does hmu means
[ "HMU means Hit Me Up." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This Beautiful Shade of Bistre and others can be found in the Linel Artists Art Paint Gallery! Also be sure to browse through the other wonderful Professional Color Galleries to see more of Linel Artists Gouache Brand Paints and other Paint Manufacturers. And as always, Paint Paint Paint!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The first recorded use of bistre as a color name in English was in 1727; another name for the color bistre is soot brown.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Bistre (or bister) can refer to two things: a very dark shade of grayish black (the version shown on the immediate right); a shade of brown made from soot, or the name for a color resembling the brownish pigment. Bistre's appearance is generally of a dark grayish brown, with a yellowish cast.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tip: Link directly to HTML color codes. Example: See color combinations by clicking on a link beside Generate Color Scheme.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Disclaimer: The Information on this Website is provided for general reference purposes only. Any of the links on this site could be Affiliate links which I could make a commission on. The content on this Site is formulated from my own personal opinions and experience and is the copyright of", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Conte conté crayon has been used by many of the’world s greatest, artists Including, Picasso, delacroix And. Degas the, rich vivid colors Of Conte conté crayons mix, together nicely and a range of effects can be. consistently produced", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This beautiful Artists Gouache shade is called Bistre, and comes from a company called Linel. Their product number, along with the HTML color code, RGB, and CMYK codes are listed below.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "At right is displayed the color bistre brown, a medium brownish tone of the color bistre, also known as soot brown. This is the tone of bistre that most closely matches the color sample in the 1930 book A Dictionary of Color by Maerz and Paul.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tip: Link directly to HTML color codes. Example: Tip: See color combinations by clicking on a link beside: Generate Color Scheme. Tip: Click on the boxes on the left side to go directly to HTML Color Codes. Tip: Visit the Color Chart to see a list of color names. X.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "5.0. Like graphite but in color. By kiki. from Long Island NY. Pros. Cons. Best Uses. Comments about Conte Conté Conte : Conté crayons i like conte crayons because they are harder than soft pastels allowing you to get more definition on your sketches while still being able to blend color. and tone", "url": "" } ]
what color is bistre
[ "The bistre is soot brown color." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Social Worker (BSW) in the United States is $52,835, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Social Worker (BSW) in the United States are expected to make less than $52,835. Source: HR Reported data as of August 2016.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Title Examiner in the United States is $38,772, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Title Examiner in the United States are expected to make less than $38,772. Source: HR Reported data as of August 2016. view as graph view as table.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Census Bureau reports income from several major household surveys and programs. Each differs from the others in some way, such as the length and detail of its questionnaire, the number of households included (sample size), and the methodology used.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Social Worker (BSW) in the United States is $52,835, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Social Worker (BSW) in the United States are expected to make less than $52,835. Percentile.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Title Examiner in the United States is $38,772, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Title Examiner in the United States are expected to make less than $38,772. Percentile.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The TMX Finance Family of Companies continues to fuel the people engine with the 2016 Leadership Roadshow Part II. The Training & Workforce Planning teams are traveling to 6 different cities to discuss career goals!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Social Worker (BSW) that make less than that salary. For example 50% of the people who perform the job of Social Worker (BSW) are expected to make less than the median. Source: HR Reported data as of August 2016.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and regulations governing the reporting of exports from the U.S. The U.S. Census Bureau provides data for the Federal, state and local governments as well as voting, redistricting, apportionment and congressional affairs. Geography is central to the work of the Bureau, providing the framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Welcome to Simply Hired's Salary Estimator. Learn about the salaries of the most commonly searched jobs on our site. If you're ready to explore our salary pages, either search for a job title and location in the search box above or pick from our top 10 list of most popular job title and location combinations below. Take your job search wherever you go.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Title Examiner that make less than that salary. For example 50% of the people who perform the job of Title Examiner are expected to make less than the median.", "url": "" } ]
average income for title work
[ "An average income is $38,772 for title work." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "When a stylist does a great job on one’s hair, a gratuity should reflect one’s satisfaction with the work. Therefore, consider at least a 15-20% tip of the total bill when a stylist has done an excellent job. Such a gratuity will likely make one a welcome customer to the stylist in the future.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For a Haircut or Color Service. If you are in a salon, plan to add a 20% tip, says Clara Leonard, hairstylist for Book Your Look, who adds, you can always ask the front desk what the standard is.. Note: Many stylists prefer cash so their tip is separate from the bill — and it isn't taxed.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For a Haircut or Color Service. If you are in a salon, plan to add a 20% tip, says Clara Leonard, hairstylist for Book Your Look, who adds, you can always ask the front desk what the standard is.. Note: Many stylists prefer cash so their tip is separate from the bill - and it isn't taxed.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A: Feel free to slip your regular stylist, aesthetician, or nail technician a 25 to 30 percent tip. Or, Sloan suggests treating them to “something personal, whether it’s cookies or it’s just a nice note to say how much you appreciate their talent and your relationship with them.”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A: The standard tip for all beauty services is 20 percent—whether it’s a manicure, massage, blowout, or haircut. “One thing that people often forget is that the cost of a service is actually the cost of the service, plus the tip,” says LearnVest Editor in Chief and personal finance guru Carrie Sloan.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Your stylist lives off tips, so you should obviously always tip him/her. If you're pleased with the result, leave a 15-20 percent tip — 15 percent for good service, 20 percent for exceptional service. If you've been going to the same stylist for a long time and they always go above and beyond, you should try leaving at least 20 percent every time.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "A: Depending on the price point of your salon, you’ll want to give your stylist $5 to $20 for a complimentary bang trim. If you’re unsure, play it safe by tipping your stylist the equivalent of 20 percent of a full haircut.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If you have a discount, tip your stylist based on the original price of the service. Spread the love: Always tip everyone at the salon independently, including the shampooer—don’t assume stylists will share the wealth. For a shampoo, a good amount is between $3 and $5, depending on how much the person does. If they apply toner, give you a great scalp massage, or pull out a million foils from your hair, for example, you’ll want to tip more. Tip on freebie or cheapie services: Even if your bang trim is free, you still need to tip.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Generally speaking, you should tip a hairstylist between 10 and 20% of the bill. A manicurist is generally tipped between 10% and 20%. Hairstylists who work at higher end salons tend to expect a larger tip. A 10 percent tip is satifactory for a hairstylist who only cuts someone's hair.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "(Well, really, how much you should tip anyone ever, but let's do one thing at a time.) No one gets a basic crash course on salon etiquette (except maybe professionals), and so we're left to trade advice with random people, go with our instinct, and hope for the best.", "url": "" } ]
how much do you tip a hairstylist
[ "Depending on the price point of your salon, you’ll want to give your stylist $5 to $20 for a complimentary bang trim." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and the body as a whole. Some specializations within each of these sciences follow: Gross (macroscopic) anatomy is the study of body parts visible to the naked eye, such as the heart or bones.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Plane starting in the middle of the skull and proceeds down, bisecting the sternum and the vertebral column, the body would be divided equally into right and left halves.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The combination of DNA and. histone proteins is known as CHROMATIN. Chromosomes function in packaging of DNA during nuclear. division and control of gene expression. • The nucleus, therefore, determines the metabolism, growth, differentiation, structure, and reproduction of. cell.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Plant cells also have a cell wall. surrounding the cell membrane. 2. Nucleus: specialized structure within the cell which contains. DNA and controls cell functioning and reproduction. 3. Organelles: small bodies with specific structures and functions. within the cell. 4. Cytoplasm: the liquid substance between the nucleus and the cell membrane, in which the organelles are. located.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "All living organisms are made up of one or more cells. 2. The cell is the basic unit of life. 3. All cells come from the division of pre-existing cells. • cells come in many shapes and sizes, although most are microscopic: • most cells are small, about 0.001 cm in length (1/100 of a mm, or 10 µm).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and the body as a whole. Some specializations within each of these sciences follow: 1 Gross (macroscopic) anatomy is the study of body parts visible to the naked eye, such as the heart or bones. Histology is the study of tissues at the microscopic level.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and the body as a whole. 1 Gross (macroscopic) anatomy is the study of body parts visible to the naked eye, such as the heart or bones. 2 Histology is the study of tissues at the microscopic level. Cytology is the study of cells at the microscopic level.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Anatomy is the study of the structure and relationship between body parts. Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and the body as a whole. Gross (macroscopic) anatomy is the study of body parts visible to the naked eye, such as the heart or bones.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "BIOLOGY 12 - CELL STRUCTURE & FUNCTION: Chapter Notes. THE CELL THEORY. • although different living things may be as unlike as a violet and. an octopus, they are all built in essentially the same way.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and the body as a whole. 1 Gross (macroscopic) anatomy is the study of body parts visible to the naked eye, such as the heart or bones. Histology is the study of tissues at the microscopic level.", "url": "" } ]
the study of each structure's function is ________
[ "The study of each structure's function is Physiology." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Typical cyclic voltammogram where and show the peak cathodic and anodic current respectively for a reversible reaction. Cyclic voltammetry or CV is a type of potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment the working electrode potential is ramped linearly versus time.Unlike in linear sweep voltammetry, after the set potential is reached in a CV experiment, the working electrode's potential is ramped in the opposite direction to return to the initial potential.yclic voltammetry is not a hydrodynamic technique. In a hydrodynamic technique, flow is achieved at the electrode surface by stirring the solution, pumping the solution, or rotating the electrode as is the case with rotating disk electrodes and rotating ring-disk electrodes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Chapter 1 Cyclic Voltammetry 1.1 Background Cyclic voltammetry is the most widely used technique for acquiring qualitative information about elec-trochemical reactions. it offers a rapid location of redox potentials of the electroactive species.A few concepts has to be introduced before talking about this method. CHAPTER 1. CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY Figure 1.5: Schematic of the setup.In this case we consider diffusion normal to an electrode surface (x direction). The rate of change of theconcentration c O as a function of time t can be seen to be related to the change in the concentrationgradient.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Cyclic voltammetry is generally used to study the electrochemical properties of an analyte in solution.yclic voltammetry is not a hydrodynamic technique. In a hydrodynamic technique, flow is achieved at the electrode surface by stirring the solution, pumping the solution, or rotating the electrode as is the case with rotating disk electrodes and rotating ring-disk electrodes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "-1- EXPERIMENT 5. CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY Objectives 1. To determine the capacitance of electrochemical interfaces.2. To determine the formal potential and diffusion coefficient of Fe(CN) 63- .3.To use cyclic voltammetry to understand the electrochemistry of Co(NH 3) 63+ .4.To investigate the effects of electrode contamination on cyclic voltammetry. IntroductionElectrode Reactions and Electrode Capacitance Figure 1 describes the process that occurs in simpleelectrode reactions.o determine the formal potential and diffusion coefficient of Fe(CN) 63- .3. To use cyclic voltammetry to understand the electrochemistry of Co(NH 3) 63+ .4. To investigate the effects of electrode contamination on cyclic voltammetry.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In a cyclic voltammetry experiment,the potential of the reference electrode is varied and the current between the working and reference electrodes is measured.FIG. 3: A triangular waveform is applied to the working electrode. For description of the symbols, see text.FIG. 4: A typical cyclic voltammogram.n a cyclic voltammetry experiment,the potential of the reference electrode is varied and the current between the working and reference electrodes is measured.FIG. 3: A triangular waveform is applied to the working electrode. For description of the symbols, see text.FIG. 4: A typical cyclic voltammogram.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cyclic Voltammetry. The cyclic voltammetry of thin films of the polymers is characterized by broad irreversible oxidation and reduction waves whose positions and current magnitude are influenced by the pH of the electrolyte solution.yclic voltammetry of another film of PPyBBIM is shown in Figure 3.15. The movement of the anodic wave is quite clear, moving to increasingly positive potentials with successive sweeps. This behaviour is only evident after cycles through the reduction waves at negative potentials (cf.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cyclic voltammetry is not a hydrodynamic technique. In a hydrodynamic technique, flow is achieved at the electrode surface by stirring the solution, pumping the solution, or rotating the electrode as is the case with rotating disk electrodes and rotating ring-disk electrodes.yclic voltammetry is not a hydrodynamic technique. In a hydrodynamic technique, flow is achieved at the electrode surface by stirring the solution, pumping the solution, or rotating the electrode as is the case with rotating disk electrodes and rotating ring-disk electrodes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "RO10. Cyclic Voltammetry. Cyclic voltammetry is a commonly used method of measuring the reduction potential of a species in solution. The species may be a coordination complex or a redox-active organic compound, for example.yclic voltammetry is a commonly used method of measuring the reduction potential of a species in solution. The species may be a coordination complex or a redox-active organic compound, for example.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Electrochemical cell and electrodes for cyclic voltammetry. Demonstration by Dr. Alf Bacher; notes by Shadi Rezai Chem 174, UCLA, Winter 2003. An simple electrochemical cell consists of two electrodes and an electrolyte.An electrode is the interface at which dissolved substrates may pick up or lose electron(s).lectrochemical cell and electrodes for cyclic voltammetry. Demonstration by Dr. Alf Bacher; notes by Shadi Rezai Chem 174, UCLA, Winter 2003. An simple electrochemical cell consists of two electrodes and an electrolyte.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "4 CHAPTER 1. CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY 1.2 Electrode Reactions A typical electrode reaction involves the transfer of charge between an electrode and a species in solution.The electrode reaction usually referred to as electrolysis, typically involves a series of steps:1. CHAPTER 1. CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY Figure 1.5: Schematic of the setup.In this case we consider diffusion normal to an electrode surface (x direction). The rate of change of theconcentration c O as a function of time t can be seen to be related to the change in the concentrationgradient.", "url": "" } ]
what is cyclic voltammetry
[ "Cyclic voltammetry is generally used to study the electrochemical properties of an analyte in solution." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "0. my ped dr said babies are ok w/ a bottle up to 18 months of age. sippy cups are glorified bottles so if a bottle still works for you, go with it. my bebe is 13 mo and gets a bottle 3 times a day. you'll know when it's time to take away the bottle.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "58. 5. My son is just 14 months and he gets a minimum of three bottles a day. Is this normal at his age. He has a 6-8once bottle at ngiht b/4 bed and then the same in the AM when get gets up and a 4 oz bottle for his nap in the middle of the day.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "It signifies that he is growing up; he is drinking like mommy and daddy, and well on his way to being able to do many more things for himself. Generally, a baby will be ready to be weaned from the bottle sometime between the ages of 9 months and 18 months. There are basically two things that must happen for your baby or toddler to be weaned from the bottle. The first is that your baby’s sucking need has to slow down or stop.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are a variety of sippy cups that you can purchase. Your child may prefer the look and feel of one cup over another. You may also find sippy cups with characters or designs on them that can be appealing for your child. Try out a few to find a cup that your child likes best.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If your child requests a bottle only offer food or a cup. This can cause your child to become upset at first, but if you give in it will only prolong the process of transitioning away from the bottle, which will ultimately make weaning harder for both of you.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "To help the transition from the bottle to a cup, there are some things that you can do early on. First, during those first few months of your baby’s life, you should only use the bottle when it is time for your baby to eat. Don’t give your baby a bottle in bed. If you give your baby a bottle in bed, she will begin to associate the bottle with comfort and security, not just with food.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Best Answer: I started intoducing a sippy cup to my daughter @ 6 months and @10 months I cut her formula intake down to 2 8oz bottles a day. It's a long process but you just have to trust your judgement and stick with it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Children can start eating solid foods around 4-6 months and by a year old they will usually eat mostly solid food, supplementing their diet with 10-16 ounces of whole milk or breast milk each day.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I stopped bottle feeding at eleven months. At six months, I started giving my daughter sippy cups during the day. Finally, I just decided one day a few weeks before she turned a year old to take her bottle away. It was a cold-turkey kind of thing. However, I did give her a sippy cup in place of a bottle.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Doctors typically recommend that parents start to introduce their child to a cup around 6 months of age. At first most of the liquid given to your baby in a cup will be spilled but by 12 months most babies will have the manual dexterity and coordination to manage drinking from a cup on their own.", "url": "" } ]
age when babies give up bottle
[ "Babies give up the bottle at the ages of 9 months and 18 months." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Confirm that you’re eligible for a Roth IRA. 2 Determine that a Roth IRA is your best choice. 3 Decide what type of investment is most appropriate for your Roth IRA. 4 Select a provider for your Roth IRA.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Outline. To start a Roth IRA you need to take the following steps: 1 Confirm that you’re eligible for a Roth IRA. 2 Determine that a Roth IRA is your best choice. 3 Decide what type of investment is most appropriate for your Roth IRA. 4 Select a provider for your Roth IRA. 5 Establish the IRA.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA: 1 Can't exceed the amount of income you earned that year. 2 Can't exceed the IRS-imposed limits (see below). 3 Could be reduced—or even eliminated—based on your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "ROTH IRA. You'll never pay taxes on withdrawals of your Roth IRA contributions. And you won't pay taxes on withdrawals of your earnings as long as you take them after you've reached age 59½ and you've met the 5-year-holding-period requirement.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 First contributed directly to the Roth IRA. 2 Rolled over a Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b) to the Roth IRA. 3 Converted a traditional IRA to the Roth IRA.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "ROTH IRA. There are no penalties on withdrawals of Roth IRA contributions. But there's a 10% federal penalty tax on withdrawals of earnings. Exceptions to the penalty tax. TRADITIONAL IRA. With a traditional IRA, there's a 10% federal penalty tax on withdrawals of both contributions and earnings.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "By Kimberly LankfordSee my bio, plus links to all my recent stories. , January 17, 2012. Follow @Kiplinger. I want to set up a Roth IRA for my son, who is 16 and has started to work, but we can’t meet the $1,000 initial investment or the $100 monthly automatic investment that most investment companies require. Can you recommend any brokerages or fund companies with lower minimums?", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It’s a wonderful idea to set up a Roth IRA for your son, and your timing is perfect: You can open a Roth IRA for a child of any age who has earned income from a job, and you have until April 17, 2012, to make contributions for 2011.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Your other investments. If you have other savings, such as a brokerage account or a 401k account, consider whether your IRA can be invested in a way that provides more balance to your overall portfolio. Another consideration is the allocation of assets between taxable accounts and non-taxable accounts.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "ROTH IRA. You'll need $1,000 for any Vanguard Target Retirement Fund or for Vanguard STAR ® Fund. Most other Vanguard funds require an initial investment of at least $3,000, though some have higher minimums.", "url": "" } ]
minimum investment to open a roth ira
[ "The minimum investment to open a Roth Individual Retirement Account is $3,000." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Character traits are a … ttributes of a character, either physical or emotional or otherwise. Having green eyes could be a character trait; Bravery is a character trait as well. It means that the character in your book or movie has a characteristic. Like for example: Dorothy in Wizard of Oz has brown hair, is adventurous and friendly! The adjectives represent the definition for Character Traits!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 The Broadway is My Beat episode titled Jane Darnell uses Sam Spade's detective license number, 137596, as the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the car used by the episode's three murder victims.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The central fixed event in the Batman stories is the character's origin story. As a little boy, Bruce Wayne is horrified and traumatized to see his parents, the physician Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha, being murdered by a mugger in front of his very eyes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The character, however, is widely cited as a crystallizing figure in the development of hard-boiled private detective fiction – Raymond Chandler 's Philip Marlowe, for instance, was strongly influenced by Spade.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Batman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, and first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939). Originally named the Bat-Man, the character is also referred to by such epithets as the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight , and the World's Greatest Detective.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "2. Reasoning Ability. This is based on the detective's ability to draw conclusions from evidence discovered in the course of an investigation. The ability to analyze a multitude of facts, and determine how they interrelate, is basic to a successful investigation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 In the 1989 CBS special Garfield's Babes and Bullets, Garfield's detective name is Sam Spayed. 2 In the children's television show Between the Lions, a frequent segment is Sam Spud, which ties into the show's reading theme by having Sam solve cases involving living, talking letters.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In general, veterinarians need a high level of self-confidence - they are the professional and even if they aren't entirely sure of what is happening or what the proper ne … xt step is, they need to trust themselves to make a decision and to present both positive and negative information to the owners.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Sam Spade is a fictional private detective and the protagonist of Dashiell Hammett 's 1930 novel, The Maltese Falcon. Spade also appeared in three lesser-known short stories by Hammett. The Maltese Falcon, first published as a serial in the pulp magazine Black Mask, is the only full-length novel in which Spade appears.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "While this may be partially true, it is probably only a small portion of what really makes the detective effective. To be an effective detective, in addition to being adequately prepared, you must also possess and develop certain essential traits. Some of these traits are as follows: 1. Self-Discipline. Every successful detective must possess a high degree of self discipline. This self discipline helps guide the detective's behavior to ensure that only legally acceptable and ethical methods of investigation are utilized to solve cases.", "url": "" } ]
what are character traits a detective would have
[ "A detective would have Self-Discipline trait character." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Fees for the Angeles National Forest. A parking fee of $5 per day, or $30 for an annual pass good for one year from the month of purchase, is now required in the Angeles, Cleveland, Los Padres and San Bernardino National Forests. The fee pays for an Adventure Pass, which must be prominently displayed inside your car.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Where to Find an Adventure Pass. The regular price for the U.S. Forest Service Adventure Pass is $5 per day, per vehicle or $30 per year, per vehicle. There are 12 free days per year when you do not need to pay the forest use fee. To find the next available free day, call the San Bernardino National Forest office at (909) 382-2600.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Valid for one year from the date of purchase, this pass is accepted at all of the following National Forests: 1 Angeles National Forest. 2 Cleveland National Forest. 3 Los Padres National Forest. San Bernardino National Forest.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If you’re planning to enjoy outdoor adventures in the Southern California National Forests, a Forest Adventure Pass is required. Valid for one year from the date of purchase, this pass is accepted at all of the following National Forests: Angeles National Forest. Cleveland National Forest. Los Padres National Forest. San Bernardino National Forest.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Save time by purchasing your Forest Adventure Pass online before you go. We offer inexpensive shipping (starting at $3.95), secure and easy checkout and we typically ship your order the same day! Southern California Forest Adventure Passes are accepted at the following National Forests: Angeles National Forest.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Purchase today and enjoy the benefits through April 30, 2018. Complement your Southern California National Forests Annual Forest Adventure Pass with this Second Vehicle Pass. Valid for an entire year from the date of purchase, extended family or friends can join in the fun in a separate car or motorcycle.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The pass is inexpensive ($5 a day or $30 for an annual pass) and the proceeds from each Adventure Pass help to support the high quality of services provided by the Forest Service. An Adventure Pass is good for all four forests (San Bernardino, Angeles, Cleveland, and Los Padres National Forests).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Judge rules against Forest Service fees in Southern California. Hikers make it to the top of Mt. Baldy in the San Gabriel Mountains. A federal judge has ruled that visitors to Southern California's four national forests do not need to buy an Adventure Pass if they are only hiking and do not use forest facilities. Hikers make it to the top of Mt. Baldy in the San Gabriel Mountains.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Visitors using the recreational resources of the San Bernardino National Forest need to obtain a National Forest Adventure Pass to display on their vehicles.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Here’s how the San Bernardino National Forest has been allocating the extra financial resources made possible by the National Forest Adventure Pass: 1 More Rangers: Eighteen uniformed Adventure Pass Field Rangers are now patrolling the recreation areas and providing information and assistance to thousands of visitors.", "url": "" } ]
price of san bernardino adventure pass
[ "The price of an annual adventure pass of San Bernardino is $30." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What is an Ethernet Fabric Anyway? I’ve talked about forces of nature in the data center, what happens when they make overwhelming demands on tried and true technologies, such as classic Ethernet, (hint, they win, classic Ethernet loses) and talked in general about fabric technology in another post.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "network fabric. Setting a New Standard for Network Efficiency with Ethernet Fabric Multilayer, ... Network fabric is an industry term that describes a network topology in which components pass data to each other through interconnecting switches.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "21st July 2011 By Greg Ferro Filed Under: Dictionary. The concept behind an Ethernet Fabric is a merge of a few different ideas and technologies. The term “Silicon Fabric” refers to the chip that performs high speed forwarding of data from input to output. In a storage network or SAN, each FibreChannel switch had a high performance silicon fabric, but also each and every switch was part of a whole.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "What is an Ethernet fabric? An Ethernet fabric is a type of network topology that collapses traditional three-tier data center switching architectures into one or two tiers, ensures network traffic is never more than two hops away from its destination and operationally behaves like one big switch.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Definition - What does Ethernet Fabric mean? An Ethernet fabric network is a type of Ethernet that is aware of all its paths, nodes, requirements and resources. Ethernet fabrics are able to automatically manage themselves to scale up or down depending on demand.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What Is an Ethernet Fabric? This paper reviews classic Ethernet architecture in light of new data center requirements, provides an overview of the differences between traditional Ethernet and Ethernet fabrics, and explains how Ethernet fabrics can be used to address emerging data center challenges. Find By Topic.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Similarly, Ethernet fabrics have to co-exist with classic Ethernet switches. An Ethernet fabric is transparent to any classic Ethernet switch. You plug in an Ethernet fabric (today, it’s mostly in the access layer, and tomorrow you scale it out to absorb what used to be the aggragation layer into a single fabric ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Several terms -- including data center fabric, switch fabric, network fabric and Ethernet fabric, or some amalgamation of all four -- are often used interchangeably to refer to this topology. This has caused some confusion in the market, as many of these terms have alternate meanings.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The marketing people in IT tend to be overwhelmed by complexity and deep technology. For many liberal arts graduates, they take the drowning option and latch onto certain terms and then grossly abuse it. The most egregious abuse today is “cloud” but “fabric” comes a close second. In this series of posts I want to look at what is a FABRIC and provide a canonical look at what it does and how it works for us.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Increase Productivity and Control Costs. Businesses worldwide are increasingly turning to their networks to enable increased productivity and cost control. Cisco’s Network Fabric provides a strategy for transforming businesses to meet these goals with a vision of long-term sustainability. The three tenets of Cisco Network Fabric are: Virtualization, to simplify operations, reduce network costs, and maximize existing investments. Collaboration, to increase productivity by overcoming the barriers of location, distance, and time.", "url": "" } ]
what is ethernet fabric
[ "An Eethernet fabric is a type of network topology that collapses traditional three-tier data center switching architectures into one or two tiers, ensures network traffic is never more than two hops away from its destination and operationally behaves like one big switch." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "English Meaning: The name Shelby is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Shelby is: From the manor house 'Willow farm.' English surname used more for girls than boys given names. American Meaning: The name Shelby is an American baby name.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The name Shelby is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Shelby is: From the manor house 'Willow farm.' English surname used more for girls than boys given names. American Meaning: The name Shelby is an American baby name.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The name Shelby is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Shelby is: From the manor house 'Willow farm.' English surname used more for girls than boys given names. Scandinavian Meaning: The name Shelby is a Scandinavian baby name.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shelby /shel-by/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Shelby) is pronounced SHEL-bee. It is of Old Norse origin, and the meaning of Shelby is willow; from the ledge estate. English surname used as a given name for girls and occasionally for boys.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The name Shelby is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Shelby is: From the manor house 'Willow farm.' English surname used more for girls than boys given names. Scandinavian Meaning: The name Shelby is a Scandinavian baby name. In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Shelby is: Willow farm. English surname used more for ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In American the meaning of the name Shelby is: From the manor house 'Willow farm.' English surname used more for girls than boys given names. Scandinavian Meaning: The name Shelby is a Scandinavian baby name. In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Shelby is: Willow farm.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shelby /shel-by/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Shelby) is pronounced SHEL-bee. It is of Old Norse origin, and the meaning of Shelby is willow; from the ledge estate. English surname used as a given name for girls and occasionally for boys. Kreatif forms: Shelsy, Stelby.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shelby is a very popular first name for females (#519 out of 4276, Top 12%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#2826 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. Census). Charted below is the birth name popularity of Shelby for girls.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "[ 2 syll. (s)hel-by, sh-e- lby ] The baby girl name Shelby is also used as a boy name, though it is far more popular for girls. It is pronounced-SH EH LBiy- †. Shelby's origin is Old Norse, and its use, English. The meaning of Shelby is 'willow settlement'.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shelby's origin is Old Norse, and its use, English. The meaning of Shelby is 'willow settlement'. It is derived from selja meaning 'willow' ; býr ' town, village, settlement '. It represents the transferred use of the geographic name and the surname as a given name.", "url": "" } ]
what does the name shelby mean
[ "The meaning of the name Shelby is: From the manor house 'Willow farm.'" ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are two types of pneumothorax, tension and simple. Tension pneumothorax. 1 This refers to a condition in which air builds up under pressure and usually totally collapses one or both of the lungs. 2 This causes severe dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Email Article. Pneumothorax describes air within the chest cavity, but outside of the lungs. The chest area surrounding the lungs is a vacuum, allowing the easy expansion of the lungs during inhalation. Unwanted air can enter this vacuum in two ways. In the first instance, a puncture wound through the chest wall and skin will allow air to be drawn into the vacuum. Secondly, trauma to the lungs can allow air to escape into the area around them.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It would be more tricky if you missed the lung and punctured the digestive system. If the stomach/intestine contents leak out into you body you can get get peritonitus which is basically the bacteria and toxins in your stomach poisoning you of they get in to you blood stream directly.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Sometimes, very tall, thin people are prone to a spontaneous pneumothorax. 2 In this condition, the lung collapses after minimal or no trauma. 3 Other risk factors are cigarette smoking and recreational drug use or abuse.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Unless both sides of the chest cavity are damaged, usually only the right or the left lung is collapsed. The dog will have difficulty breathing, especially on inhalation. One will notice a rapid, shallow, difficult breathing rhythm. If the breathing is severely limited, the tongue, gums, and lips may also appear blue.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If his lung is punctured, it has to be small, the labored breathing only started a couple hours ago, with injury 36 hours ago. I've treated him with a multi-module pain and swelling meds (aspirin 650mg/vicodin-motrin 7.5/200).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Hello. A punctured lung will cause air to leak out and fill up the area around the lungs leading to lung compression and collapse. This makes oxygenation difficult and the gums appear a blue/ white color as opposed to pink. They also have labored breathing and will struggle to catch their breath.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Ok thanks. It doesn't sound like a punctured lung. It sounds like he's juat sore/ painful causing this breathing pattern. It wouldn't hurt to get x-rays just to make sure though. Do not give any more Motrin or Aspirin. The combination of Motrin and Aspirin can cause ulcers in the GI tract and kidney failure in dogs.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Question: If you puncher your lungs, by like a stabbing, could you die (if a 13 year old gets stabbed), could your body survive the stabbing. Asked by showercity to Bob, Katie, Nisha, Sallie, Vee on 3 Jul 2012. 0.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Simple pneumothorax. 1 In a simple pneumothorax, there is usually only partial collapse of a lung. 2 The pressure built up in the lung cavity is not enough to cause cardiovascular dysfunction. 3 The partially collapsed lung may be severe enough to lead to decreased amounts of oxygen in the blood and shortness of breath.", "url": "" } ]
what happens when a lung gets punctured
[ "A punctured lung will cause air to leak out and fill up the area around the lungs leading to lung compression and collapse. This makes oxygenation difficult and the gums appear a blue/ white color as opposed to pink." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Meaning of the name Hina, analysis of the name Hina and so much more… What does Hina mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and very interesting information. Please use the menu below. Quick Menu.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Meaning, Origin, Inspirations, and Associations. Have you been wondering what does the name Hina mean? The list below shows the origins of Hina as well as things modernly associated with the name Hina such as celebrities named Hina.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hina Popularity. In the U.S. in 2015, it ranked 17,352 in baby name popularity for girls with 5 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name. In contrast, the year before it ranked 11,277 in baby name popularity for girls with 9 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Popularity of the Name. The name Hina is ranked on the 1,761st position of the most used names. It means that this name is very frequently used. We estimate that there are at least 245300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.004% of the population. The name Hina has four characters.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The highest recorded use of the first name Hina was in 2003 with a total of 28 babies. Random Hina Factoid: According to the 2011 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Hina is not a popular baby girl's name in Hawaii. Imagine that, only 6 babies in Hawaii have the same name as you in 2011.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Particularly shy and reserved, Hina and Viviette are severely lacking in self-confidence. Introverted, hypersensitive and emotional, they need to feel secure and the affective sphere is essential to their development. Often on the defensive, they can be cautious and wary due to their emotional fragility.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The meaning of the name Hina. The name Hina (Arabic writing : هينا) is a Muslim girls Names. The meaning of name Hina is . The Indian privet, a shrub .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "[ 2 syll. hi-na, hin-a ] The baby girl name Hina is pronounced as HHIY-Naa- †. Hina's language of origin is Hawaiian. Hina is a diminutive of Mahina (Hawaiian). Hina is not often used as a baby girl name. It is not listed within the top 1000.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Meaning of name Hina. Etymology : From Japanese (hi) sun, sunlight or (hi) day, sun combined with (na) vegetables, greens.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The name Hina is of Hindi origin. The meaning of Hina is fish, fishing G-d. Hina is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 4 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Hi-na.", "url": "" } ]
what does the name hina mean
[ "The name Hina means Fish." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The other part of deep cleaning is root planing. The dental hygienist will use a scaling instrument to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the roots of your teeth. A scaling and root planing procedure will require a minimum of two visits as an appointment.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Teeth Cleaning/Deep Cleaning. Teeth cleaning (also known as prophylaxis, literally a preventative treatment of a disease) is a procedure for the removal of tartar (mineralized plaque) that may develop even with careful brushing and flossing, especially in areas that are difficult to reach in routine tooth brushing.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Deep Cleaning Your Teeth: When to Do It. Deep cleaning your teeth might sound like something you should do after you've missed a few visits to the dentist or eaten a particularly sticky, messy meal. A deep cleaning is actually a specific procedure performed by your dental hygienist to treat gum and periodontal disease.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Scaling and Root Planing Costs. A regular dental prophylaxis (professional teeth cleaning) averages between $30 and $75, (check all fees — in general these may be low) while the cost of periodontal scaling and root planing averages between $140 and $210.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Related subreddit: /r/dentalschool, r/predental, r/dentalhygiene, r/dentalRDH. See what the average cost of dentistry is in your area (USA):", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Teeth Cleaning/Deep Cleaning. 972-241-4433. Teeth cleaning (also known as prophylaxis, literally a preventative treatment of a disease) is a procedure for the removal of tartar (mineralized plaque) that may develop even with careful brushing and flossing, especially in areas that are difficult to reach in routine tooth brushing.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The charges for deep cleaning is listed $245 per quadrant. Our price here in American Dental depending on the severity of the case, the cost could vary anywhere from $185.00 per quadrant up to $220.00 per quadrant excluding any prep cost.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I need to get one done sooner rather than later. The cost is $225 per quadrant without insurance (for the dentist I called, fairly decent reviews on", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "For routine cleaning, it costs around $127. Cost with Additional Services: Usually deep cleaning of teeth also include check up by the dentist and dental X-rays. So!! the service cost included these services can cost you $100-$300 (Depends on your local areas rates) and what type of X-rays your treatment needs. Cost with Dental Insurance: If already you signed up for dental insurance, which will cover total the price or cost of deep teeth cleaning once or twice a year.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Scaling and Root Planing: Dental Deep Cleaning. Scaling and root planing is a thorough dental cleaning of tooth root surfaces to remove plaque and tartar (calculus) from around teeth and periodontal pockets in the gums, and to smooth the teeth roots to remove bacterial toxins.", "url": "" } ]
price for deep cleaning teeth
[ "The price for deep cleaning teeth is $100 to $300. " ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Gaps along seams are a common issue with prefinished and unfinished hardwood floors. You can fill the gaps in an unfinished floor with a mixture of polyurethane and sanding dust before the floor is finished, but there is no dust available to patch a prefinished floor.For this, you’ll need a flexible gap filler. Although wood putty was once recommended for gaps, it hardens and can chip or flake out.ip. 1 All wood floors react to seasonal humidity changes, which cause the wood to shrink and swell. 2 Silicone can stick to the floor around the gap and is difficult to remove. 3 Follow the manufacturer’s cleanup requirements, which usually involves wiping with a rag that is lightly dampened with mineral spirits.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Over time, even the best laid engineered wood floor can develop gaps. These gaps can be due to the contraction of the floor boards, a decrease in humidity levels inside the building or the settling of the building's foundation.ill a bucket with 2 to 3 inches of wood stain that is as close to the color of the engineered wood floor as possible. Place the rope into the stain and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the rope and lay it out on a flat on a non-stainable surface, such as an old stump, to dry.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Ordinarily, you can “fill” the gaps with wood filler, putty, or with pieces of rope – and then finish with stain to match the floor. The latter is an older method of filling gaps, and not only serves as a way to fix floor gaps, but also will help keep any drafts that come up through the floor to a minimum as well.illers are best used when the gaps are narrow and the floor is not riddled with them. One thing to note about using fillers to fix floor gaps; as the humidity changes and the floor expands and contracts, the filler may actually be forced out when the floor expands to accommodate additional humidity.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Just bought a house the flooring has a couple of gaps in th middle of the hallway, I hope to fix it with a hard wood gap tool that you can place between the base board and the first floor board and push the boards together working as a lever, hopfully it will close the gap in the middle of the floor.ix Gaps between Boards in a Hardwood Floor. You generally have three options for fixing gaps in a floor: 1 To avoid seasonal gaps, you can limit the variation in humidity in the house. 2 In the winter, this can be achieved with a whole house humidifier that connects to the furnace.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Introducing filler strips. Filler strips are essentially very fine batons of the same species and colour of wood as your floor that you insert into the gaps. The great advantage of this method of gap filling is that there is no risk that the strips will fall through, because they too will be able to rest on the joists.hree Methods To Fill Gaps In Wood Flooring. This entry was posted on September 3, 2012 by Jonathan Sapir. If you’re having trouble with gaps in your wood flooring, you’re not alone. Wood floors are essentially made up of strips of wood which are butted together, which may, or may not be nailed or glued into place.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In this video, I show you how to fill in gaps between hardwood flooring with wood filler. The process is relatively simple. Fill in the gap with wood filler, leave the wood filler to dry, and wipe off the excess with a damp rag.This will fill in the gaps between your hardwood floor pieces and make your floors look a lot better!Free DIY Advice Ebook: in the gap with wood filler, leave the wood filler to dry, and wipe off the excess with a damp rag. This will fill in the gaps between your hardwood floor pieces and make your floors look a lot better!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fill a bucket with 2 to 3 inches of wood stain that is as close to the color of the engineered wood floor as possible. Place the rope into the stain and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the rope and lay it out on a flat on a non-stainable surface, such as an old stump, to dry.ill a bucket with 2 to 3 inches of wood stain that is as close to the color of the engineered wood floor as possible. Place the rope into the stain and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the rope and lay it out on a flat on a non-stainable surface, such as an old stump, to dry.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The first step is to clean out any debris that may in between the gaps. Apply filler liberally with either your fingers or a putty knife, allowing for some overfill. Once the filler has dried, you can sand and complete the filling process by stain where needed.illers are best used when the gaps are narrow and the floor is not riddled with them. One thing to note about using fillers to fix floor gaps; as the humidity changes and the floor expands and contracts, the filler may actually be forced out when the floor expands to accommodate additional humidity.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Further, if you’re using wood strips or shims as the filler for fixing a floor gap, be sure to fill the floor gap when the weather is most humid, as this will be when the gap is the smallest and will lessen the likelihood of the wood pieces or shims from splitting or cracking when the wood expands.illers are best used when the gaps are narrow and the floor is not riddled with them. One thing to note about using fillers to fix floor gaps; as the humidity changes and the floor expands and contracts, the filler may actually be forced out when the floor expands to accommodate additional humidity.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fillers are best used when the gaps are narrow and the floor is not riddled with them. One thing to note about using fillers to fix floor gaps; as the humidity changes and the floor expands and contracts, the filler may actually be forced out when the floor expands to accommodate additional humidity.illers are best used when the gaps are narrow and the floor is not riddled with them. One thing to note about using fillers to fix floor gaps; as the humidity changes and the floor expands and contracts, the filler may actually be forced out when the floor expands to accommodate additional humidity.", "url": "" } ]
how to fill gaps in engineered wood floor
[ "You can fill gaps with wood filler, putty, or with pieces of rope and then finish with stain to match the floor." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Introduction Typical Rates Example Costing Typical Specification Our guide to Conservatory building work costs Dial a Conservatory-specialises in the supply only of high quality conservatories at competitive prices.hile we feel the prices quoted in this guide are fairly representative of the costs you will pay if you employ a builder to do this work the prices quoted are not guaranteed. The prices quoted are just typical of rates we have been quoted in Southern England.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Find the best price deals on conservatory costs and orangery prices, from small & simple to big & grand.Whichever type of conservatory you eventually choose, you can use them as a study, dining room, home office, music room or simply just a place to relax and enjoy – there are so many to choose from:onservatories Price UK. So that you can be confident in the quality of the work that is being done, we use conservatory installers that are current members of industry recognised trade associations, meaning they companies have been through independent vetting by industry professionals & abide by a code of conduct.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Typical Specification. Conservatory erection costs (rough Guide only-based on lean-to style) For any area up to 16 sq metres charge 50 per sq metre. For any area in excess of 16 sq metres charge 50 per sq metre for first 16 sq metres and then 35 per sq metre over and above 16 sq metres.Minimum charge for any conservatory installation 600 - i.e. 12 sq metres) Add surcharges as follows to above prices: (A) Add 400 for any Victorian or Edwardian design (e.g. a 16 sq metre Edwardian will cost 1200 to install) (B) Add 300 for any roof with glass in it. (C) Add 200 for any roof with a box gutter in it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Victorian Conservatory Cost. Victorian Conservatory prices in 2015 vary in cost depending on the exact style, shape, roof type and measurements. It is important to also determine what type of roof you require. As well as whether you need building work or not.t would not be at all surprising if you still find yourself in the dark. The cost of a 3 X 3 conservatory can vary from £1,500 to £18,000. Some of this huge variation is due to the questionable work of commission only salesman, some to quality and possibly some due to unusual site conditions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Size will have a significant bearing on the overall cost of your conservatory. It stands to reason that one measuring 3 metres by 2 metres will be cheaper to construct than a conservatory measuring 5 metres by 4 metres.ize will have a significant bearing on the overall cost of your conservatory. It stands to reason that one measuring 3 metres by 2 metres will be cheaper to construct than a conservatory measuring 5 metres by 4 metres.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It would not be at all surprising if you still find yourself in the dark. The cost of a 3 X 3 conservatory can vary from £1,500 to £18,000. Some of this huge variation is due to the questionable work of commission only salesman, some to quality and possibly some due to unusual site conditions.t would not be at all surprising if you still find yourself in the dark. The cost of a 3 X 3 conservatory can vary from £1,500 to £18,000. Some of this huge variation is due to the questionable work of commission only salesman, some to quality and possibly some due to unusual site conditions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "How large is the room you plan and what is the budget you would like to stay within. How to control the budget of a conservatory. There are items that are certainly worth a bit more, and items that put cost over the top.When designing a conservatory, we try to start with the basics and then provide you with the options (again, like the luxury car!). The roof might be polycarbonate or glass.s we all know, all cars (well most) have 4 wheels, a motor, a steering wheel and can get you where you want to go. Conservatories have windows, doors, and a glass roof. A luxury car may cost $30,000.00 or it may cost $100,000.00 (or more). That is about the same budget range for most all conservatories.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Cost of Conservatory Planning Permission. One of the most frequently asked questions regarding conservatories is whether or not planning permission is required. The good news is that in most cases there is no need to have planning permission.t would not be at all surprising if you still find yourself in the dark. The cost of a 3 X 3 conservatory can vary from £1,500 to £18,000. Some of this huge variation is due to the questionable work of commission only salesman, some to quality and possibly some due to unusual site conditions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What is the average price of a conservatory & how to get the best conservatories prices. It's a fact of life, if you want to get a good deal on anything you buy, you need to shop around - we all know this.onservatories Price UK. So that you can be confident in the quality of the work that is being done, we use conservatory installers that are current members of industry recognised trade associations, meaning they companies have been through independent vetting by industry professionals & abide by a code of conduct.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A guide to our conservatory prices. All our conservatories excluding our special offer conservatories are made to your specific sizes, design and specification so the cost of your new DIY conservatory can be tailored to suit your specific requirements and budget.ll our conservatories excluding our special offer conservatories are made to your specific sizes, design and specification so the cost of your new DIY conservatory can be tailored to suit your specific requirements and budget.", "url": "" } ]
budget cost of conservatory
[ "A 3 X 3 conservatory can vary from £1,500 to £18,000." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I didn't know anything about side effects before my first treatment. I had an allergic reaction to the Taxol, which the staff seemed prepared to handle (but, I didn't know what was going on, no prep). Anyway, they stopped the treatment and called my gyn onc. He ordered steroids and they continued with the Taxol at a slower pace.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Course of treatment ended 5: 5; Doctor's advice 2: 2; Side effects too severe 1: 1", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "what are the usual side effects with taxol/carbo chemotherapy ?? Asked by obxdogmom on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 what are the usual side effects with taxol/carbo chemotherapy ?? I start chemo June 10 (taxol/carboplatin). I got the list of side effects from my doctor but want to know which ones are common & how to deal with them. Does everyone lose their hair ? How much does a decent wig cost ? Do pain pills help with aches & pains caused by chemo ?", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Taxol Side Effects. Hair loss, anemia, and neutropenia are among the most common side effects reported by people using Taxol. Problems that are less common (but potentially more serious) include bloody stool, severe mouth sores, and severe vomiting or diarrhea.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In these studies, the most common Taxol side effects (used alone or in combination with other chemotherapy medications) included: Neutropenia (low levels of white blood cells called neutrophils) -- in up to 100 percent of people. Anemia -- up to 97 percent (see Chemotherapy and Anemia)", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What is Taxol? Category: Prescription Drugs. Generic name: Paclitaxel. Taxol® is a brand of paclitaxel, an anticancer drug used in the treatment of breast, nonsmall cell lung, and ovarian cancers; and AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma. It has also been used for bladder, cervical, small cell lung, and head and neck cancers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Other common side effects, occurring in 3 to 80 percent of people, included: 1 Unusual sensations, such as burning or tingling. 2 Low platelets in the blood (see Blood Clotting Problems and Chemotherapy) 3 Mouth sores or sores in the digestive tract (see Mouth and Gum Problems During Chemotherapy)", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Taxol (paclitaxel): Find the most comprehensive real-world treatment information on Taxol (paclitaxel) at PatientsLikeMe. 9 patients with fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, diabetes type 2, post-traumatic stress disorder, systemic lupus erythematosus, bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, panic disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure (hypertension), myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, persistent depressive ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Taxol Side Effects Hair loss, anemia, and neutropenia are among the most common side effects reported by people using Taxol. Problems that are less common (but potentially more serious) include bloody stool, severe mouth sores, and severe vomiting or diarrhea.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The most common Taxol side effects seen in clinical trials include hair loss, diarrhea, and leukopenia. This eMedTV resource lists other possible side effects seen with the drug, including rare but serious problems that should be reported to a doctor.", "url": "" } ]
most reported side effects of taxol
[ "Hair loss, anemia, and neutropenia are among the most common side effects reported by people using Taxol." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The history of the term Not worth a tinkers dam or Not worth a tinkers Damn may be traced back to England to around the time of 1450 AD....and since it is so old in its origin, it has had plenty of time to settle in... It is so commonly used in some parts of the world that I doubt people give it a second thought when they say it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "TRENDING NOW. 1 nonnuclear 'Not nuclear'. 2 armada 'A fleet of warships'. 3 volunteer 'Someone who does something without being forced to do it'. 4 operationalize Bannon was removed from the National Security Council. filibuster 'An effort to prevent action in a legislature'.", "url": "'s%20damn" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "tinker's dam - something of little value; his promise is not worth a damn; not worth one red cent; not worth shucks. damn, darn, red cent, shucks, tinker's damn, hoot, shit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Now that we know what or who a Tinker was... lets look at the words Damn, and Dam. Usually when a person makes the statement Not worth a tinkers DAM, they are using it in the most derogatory way they know how... and usually say it while thinking of the word DAMN (a curse word).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Idiom Definitions for 'Not worth a tinker's dam'. This means that something is worthless and dates back to when someone would travel around the countryside repairing things such as a kitchen pot with a hole in it. He was called a 'tinker'. His dam was used to stop the flow of soldering material being used to close the hole.", "url": "'s+dam.html" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's dam is the history we made today. The truth is that old rivalries and geography and travel costs don't count a tinker's dam in this reorganization.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Tinker's dam. A tinker's dam is a temporary patch to repair a hole in a metal vessel such as a pot or a pan. It was used by tinkers and was usually made of mud or clay, or sometimes other materials at hand, such as wet paper. The material was built up around the outside of the hole, so as to plug it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "not give a tinker's damn. Fig. not to care at all. (A tinker's damn or dam may be a worthless curse from a tinker or a small dam or barrier used to contain molten metal.) I don't give a tinker's damn whether you go or not! See also: damn, give, not.", "url": "'s+damn" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "tinker's damn in American English or tinker's dam. something of no value. : now chiefly in the phrase not worth a tinker's damn. Word origin of 'tinker's damn'. < tinker + damn: with reference to the lowly status and reputed profane speech of tinkers. Useful links. Nearby words of 'tinker's damn'. tinily.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "the least value or merit; nothing or anything at all: It's not worth a tinker's damn. Idioms. 2. care / give a tinker's damn, to have or feel little or no concern; be unaffected or unmoved: I don't care a tinker's damn for their opinions. Origin of tinker's damn.", "url": "" } ]
what is a tinker's dam
[ "A tinker's dam is a temporary patch to repair a hole in a metal vessel such as a pot or a pan." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "MCHC is elevated (hyperchromic) in hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell disease and homozygous hemoglobin C disease. This count is used to give a rough guide to what shade of red erythrocytes will be (i.e., the paler the color the lower the MCHC will be than the standard).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A complete blood count (CBC) gives important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, especially red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. A CBC helps your doctor check any symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, or bruising, you may have. A CBC also helps him or her diagnose conditions, such as anemia, infection, and many other disorders. A CBC test usually includes: 1 White blood cell (WBC, leukocyte) count.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hello Fan, The RBC (red blood cell) count, MCH (mean corpuscular volume) and MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) are some of the results reported out on your CBC (complete blood count).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Red blood cell indices. 2 There are three red blood cell indices: mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). 3 They are measured by a machine, and their values come from other measurements in a CBC.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, a measure of the concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells. It is reported as part of a standard complete blood count.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hi Doc! You look great these days! By the way, I am a 40 year old female that had recent blood work done. Everything was completely normal except my MCH and MCV The one that can change due to altitude is higher than normal, the other lower.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "1 There are three red blood cell indices: mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). 2 They are measured by a machine, and their values come from other measurements in a CBC. 3 The MCV shows the size of the red blood cells.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It is calculated by dividing the hemoglobin by the hematocrit. Reference ranges for blood tests are 32 to 36 g/dL, or between 19.9 and 22.3 mmol/L. It is thus a mass or molar concentration. Still, many instances measure MCHC in percentage (%), as if it were a mass fraction (m Hb / m RBC). Numerically, however, the MCHC in g/dL and the mass fraction of hemoglobin in red blood cells in % are identical, assuming a RBC density of 1g/mL and negligible hemoglobin in plasma.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Too many or too few of the different types of white blood cells can help find an infection, an allergic or toxic reaction to medicines or chemicals, and many conditions, such as leukemia. 2 Red blood cell (RBC) count. 3 Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fatigue can be associated with anemia. Anemia would show up on your CBC as a decreased in RBC's or hemoglobin, a protein, which enables RBC's to carry oxygen throughout the body. Normal hemoglobin levels are 12-16 g/dL for women and 14-18 g/dL for men. So if your hemoglobin level and RBC counts are normal, you are not anemic.", "url": "" } ]
what does mch in blood test mean
[ "The test used to determine the quantity of hemoglobin in the blood is known as the mean corpuscular hemoglobin blood test." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cover-Collapse Sinkholes. A geologic hazard is a naturally occurring geologic condition that may result in property damage or may be a threat to the safety of people. The geologic hazards associated with karst are: sinkhole flooding, groundwater vulnerability, radon, and cover-collapse sinkholes described on this page.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The average cost for a sink or faucet installer is $115. You are likely to spend between $70 and $185 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details. Next Step: Find out exactly how much your project will cost.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Jackie Posted at 01 November 2013 Reply We have a “partial” sink cover/cutting board. It’s piece of some very hard Mexican wood that is the width of the sink and about 7″ wide. Usually it’s over the divider of our double sink, but it can be pushed easily either way.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Deck-mount faucets attach to the countertop or rest on the sink. Wall-mount faucets attach through the wall and hang over the sink. If you choose a replacement deck-mount faucet, the number of holes on your sink is important. One-piece faucets, with integrated handle and spout, need one hole for the handle / spout piece and another for the sprayer.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I like the depth and size of the farmhouse sink. I prefer to wash dishes in it than the smaller sinks we have. But one does make a point about trends - my current kitchen is 9-10 years old and the colour of the cabinets, appliances, type of counter top, sink (because it is not under-mount) are all dated.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This is how farmhouse sinks still are typically installed in a kitchen. They also are usually installed just under the level of the countertop so the counter can slightly overhang the sides of the sink, making it easy to wipe water from the counter straight into the sink.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The collapse occurs only in the overlying soil cover, not in the limestone bedrock. Here is a diagram of the steps in the formation of a typical cover-collapse sinkhole. Cover-collapse sinkholes can vary in size from 1 or 2 feet deep and wide, to tens of feet deep and wide.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Removable sink covers can go a long ways. At the Annapolis Boat Shows (both power and sail), I noticed that most boats under about 45 feet come with sink covers right from the manufacturer. But don’t despair if a new boat isn’t in your future — the photos below can give you a lot of ideas on how to make your own.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The average cost for a sink or faucet installer is $115. You are likely to spend between $70 and $185 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details. Updated April 1st, 2017. Next Step: Find out exactly how much your project will cost.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "GET THE PERFECT KITCHEN SINK AT THE HOME DEPOT. At the Home Depot, we know how important it is for you to have the right kind of kitchen sink. Choose from a variety of styles - farmhouse sinks, vessel sinks, enamel sinks, stainless steel sinks - to make the space yours. Customize your kitchen sink with a clever faucet to really make a statement.", "url": "" } ]
how much is a sink cover
[ "The cost of a sink cover is $115." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Neutrophils are the commonest type of white blood cell found in a blood smear. They make up 60-70% of the total amount of white blood cells. Neutrophils have 3 types of granules: 1 azure granules (lysosomes), 2 secretory granules in salmon pink cytoplasm, anti-microbial enzymes.3 have glycoproteins and gelatinase.hey make up 60-70% of the total amount of white blood cells. Neutrophils have 3 types of granules: 1 azure granules (lysosomes), 2 secretory granules in salmon pink cytoplasm, anti-microbial enzymes. 3 have glycoproteins and gelatinase.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Red blood cells and white blood cells are, in essence, completely different. While both are necessary for the body's proper functioning, they each have singular roles.Red blood cells carry oxygen, while white cells do not, for example. Red blood cells in humans do not have nuclei, while white cells do.Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, are responsible for the characteristic color of our blood.ed blood cells and white blood cells are, in essence, completely different. While both are necessary for the body's proper functioning, they each have singular roles.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A low white blood cell count, or leukopenia, is a decrease in disease-fighting cells (leukocytes) circulating in your blood. The threshold for a low white blood cell count varies from one medical practice to another.Some healthy people have white cell counts that are lower than what's considered normal.A count lower than 4,000 white blood cells per microliter of blood is generally considered a low white blood cell count. The threshold for a low white blood cell count in children varies with age and sex.1 Causes. low white blood cell count, or leukopenia, is a decrease in disease-fighting cells (leukocytes) circulating in your blood. The threshold for a low white blood cell count varies from one medical practice to another.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "White blood cells protect the body from infection. They are much fewer in number than red blood cells, accounting for about 1 percent of your blood. The most common type of white blood cell is the neutrophil, which is the immediate response cell and accounts for 55 to 70 percent of the total white blood cell count.he most common type of white blood cell is the neutrophil, which is the immediate response cell and accounts for 55 to 70 percent of the total white blood cell count.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "White Blood Cells. White blood cells (WBCs), or leukocytes, are a part of the immune system and help our bodies fight infection. They circulate in the blood so that they can be transported to an area where an infection has developed.In a normal adult body there are 4,000 to 10,000 (average 7,000) WBCs per microliter of blood.hen the number of WBCs in your blood increases, this is a sign of an infection somewhere in your body. Here are the six main types of WBCs and the average percentage of each type in the blood: 1 Neutrophils - 58 percent.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "All the white blood cells are able to move like an amoeba, and can migrate out of blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. Note-it is easy to confuse the different leucocytes in blood smears. To identify them, you need to look for the shape of the nucleus, and compare their size, relative to that of a red blood cell.hey make up 60-70% of the total amount of white blood cells. Neutrophils have 3 types of granules: 1 azure granules (lysosomes), 2 secretory granules in salmon pink cytoplasm, anti-microbial enzymes. 3 have glycoproteins and gelatinase.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Lastet opp 23. jan. 2012. The white blood cells are an important part of our body's immune system. Neutrophils are a special group of white blood cells that play an extremely important role in protecting the body against infections.Mature neutrophils do not divide.astet opp 23. jan. 2012. The white blood cells are an important part of our body's immune system. Neutrophils are a special group of white blood cells that play an extremely important role in protecting the body against infections.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "White blood cells are produced inside the bone marrow and stored in your blood and lymphatic tissues. Because some white blood cells have a short lifespan of one to three days, your bone marrow is constantly producing them. Click to Enlarge.ypes of white blood cells. Among your white blood cells are: Monocytes. They have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells and help to break down bacteria. Lymphocytes. They create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Neutrophils. They kill and digest bacteria and fungi. They are the most numerous type of white blood cell and your first line of defense when infection strikes. Basophils. These small cells appear to sound an alarm when infectious agents invade your blood.ypes of white blood cells. Among your white blood cells are: Monocytes. They have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells and help to break down bacteria. Lymphocytes. They create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Types of white blood cells. Among your white blood cells are: Monocytes. They have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells and help to break down bacteria. Lymphocytes. They create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders.ypes of white blood cells. Among your white blood cells are: Monocytes. They have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells and help to break down bacteria. Lymphocytes. They create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders.", "url": "" } ]
what do white blood cells do quizlet
[ "White blood cells protect the body from infection." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Assets and Liabilities (December 31, 2011) 1 Dollar figures in thousands. 2 720Total employees (full-time equivalent) 3 $14,666,121Total assets. $135,748Cash and due from depository 1 institutions. $7,002,505Securities. $0Federal funds sold & reverse repurchase 1 agreements. $7,156,589Net loans & leases. $9Trading account assets.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Welcome to Signature Bank of Arkansas! At Signature Bank there's no commitment more important to our team than the relationships we build with our customers. With one on one personal service and reliable availability, we make a point of keeping connected.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Routing Number for Signature Bank. 1 Routing number for Signature Bank is a 9 digit bank code required for initiating various financial transactions such as direct deposits, electronic payments, wire transfers, check ordering and many more. Routing numbers are also known as ABA routing numbers, routing transit numbers (RTNs), transit numbers, ABA numbers, and ACH routing numbers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "List of Signature bank routing numbers with branch details. What is Signature bank routing number? Signature bank routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Signature Bank's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 91017581. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch! The main phone number for Signature Bank is 952-746-3384. The assigned Federal Reserve Office for Signature Bank is Fed 091000080. A bank's Routing Transit Number (RTN) is a 9-digit code used to identify your bank on checks, direct deposit, bill pay, and in other transactions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "SIGNATURE BANK has 9 active routing numbers. Routing numbers consist of a nine-digit numeric code printed on the bottom of checks that is required for electronic routing of funds (such as direct deposits, domestic and international wire transfers, electronic payments, automatic payments, ACH transfers) from one bank account to another.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI. 1 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank. 2 1 = Send items to customer routing number. 3 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Search all SIGNATURE BANK routing numbers in the table below. Use the Search box to filter by city, state, address, routing number. Click on the routing number link in the table below to navigate to it and see all the information about it (address, telephone number, zip code, etc.).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Visit our Private Client Offices page for a complete listing. Signature Bank’s regular business hours for Client Care Services are 8am EST to 8pm EST, Monday through Friday, and 9am EST to 5pm EST on Saturday and Sunday. To report a lost or stolen ATM/DEBIT card, please call 1-866-sigline, option 5.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Signature Bank of Georgia routing and transit number is 061120615.", "url": "" } ]
signature bank routing number
[ "The routing number of Signature Bank is 91017581." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "How to Calculate Adjusted Gross Sales. Adjusted gross sales reflect the amount of returns and allowances for a company in a given period. Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images. Adjusted gross sales, also known as net sales, represent gross sales less returns and allowances.This measure is a gauge of market demand and pricing power, and is commonly used to determine relative market share for various industries including retail, apparel, manufacturing and technology hardware.he gross sales figure, also known as revenue, is always the top line of an income statement. Calculate gross sales indirectly using sales tax receipts, and verify them with bank deposits and register tapes. Step 2. Compile returns and allowances for the reporting period.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Obtain gross sales from your financial statements. The gross sales figure, also known as revenue, is always the top line of an income statement. Calculate gross sales indirectly using sales tax receipts, and verify them with bank deposits and register tapes.Step 2. Compile returns and allowances for the reporting period.he gross sales figure, also known as revenue, is always the top line of an income statement. Calculate gross sales indirectly using sales tax receipts, and verify them with bank deposits and register tapes. Step 2. Compile returns and allowances for the reporting period.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In total, these deductions are the difference between gross sales and net sales. If a company does not record sales allowances, sales discounts, or sales returns, there is no difference between gross sales and net sales.ross sales are the grand total of all sale transactions reported in a period, without any deductions included within the figure. Net sales are defined as gross sales minus the following three deductions: 1 Sales allowances. 2 A reduction in the price paid by a customer, due to minor product defects.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In the United States income tax system, adjusted gross income (AGI) is an individual's total gross income minus specific deductions. Taxable income is adjusted gross income minus allowances for personal exemptions and itemized deductions.For most individual tax purposes, AGI is more relevant than gross income.djusted gross income is gross income less deductions from a business or rental activity and 21 other specific items.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A measure of overall sales that isn't adjusted for customer discounts or returns, calculated simply by adding all sales invoices, and not including operating expenses, cost of goods sold, payment of taxes, or any other charge.Next Up. measure of overall sales that isn't adjusted for customer discounts or returns, calculated simply by adding all sales invoices, and not including operating expenses, cost of goods sold, payment of taxes, or any other charge. Next Up.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Gross sales is usually an important measure for those companies in the consumer retail industry. It measures the amount of product that a company sells relative to its competitors, and can also reflect consumer spending habits.RELATED TERMS. measure of overall sales that isn't adjusted for customer discounts or returns, calculated simply by adding all sales invoices, and not including operating expenses, cost of goods sold, payment of taxes, or any other charge. Next Up.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Thus, if sales are to be reported separately from the income statement, the amount should be reported as net sales. The difference between gross sales and net sales can be of interest to an analyst, especially when tracked on a trend line.If the difference between the two figures is gradually increasing over time, it can indicate quality problems with products that are generating unusually large sales returns and allowances.ross sales are the grand total of all sale transactions reported in a period, without any deductions included within the figure. Net sales are defined as gross sales minus the following three deductions: 1 Sales allowances. 2 A reduction in the price paid by a customer, due to minor product defects.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In an appraisal, the answer obtained when the sales price of a comparable property is adjusted for factors that make it different from the property being appraised.Example: Property Ais being appraised, and property B is a similar property that sold recent-ly. Property B has some features that property A does not.n an appraisal, the answer obtained when the sales price of a comparable property is adjusted for factors that make it different from the property being appraised.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Adjusted gross income is gross income less deductions from a business or rental activity and 21 other specific items.Several deductions (e.g. medical expenses and miscellaneous itemized deductions) are limited based on a percentage of AGI.djusted gross income is gross income less deductions from a business or rental activity and 21 other specific items.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Gross Sales Overview. Gross sales is the sum of all revenue earned from the sale of all products and services. Gross sales can be found on both a single-step and a multiple-step income statement.In both instances, gross sales is usually the first item listed in the revenue section of the income statement.ross Sales Overview. Gross sales is the sum of all revenue earned from the sale of all products and services. Gross sales can be found on both a single-step and a multiple-step income statement.", "url": "" } ]
what are adjusted gross sales
[ "Adjusted gross sales reflect the amount of returns and allowances for a company in a given period." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hale County AL Jail. Hale County AL Jail is classed as a medium security facility. It has a strengthened perimeter fence and electronic detection systems to ensure inmates stay within the confined areas within the facility. To help inmates prepare themselves to rejoin the wider community, offers a wide range of work and treatment programs.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Greensboro Courthouse in Greensboro Alabama. Greensboro Courthouse, a Court, in Greensboro, AL 36744, address and phone number. Courts provide information on legal cases, law documents, case searches, and appeals. Greensboro Courthouse in Greensboro Alabama.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Welcome to Greensboro Elementary School! We are so excited about the new school year. Visit our page frequently throughout the year to stay up to date with all of our latest news and events. It's going to be an AWESOME year! Latest News.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "More than 250 people were killed in Alabama, including two people in Greensboro, Hale County. The 2000 U.S. Census reported a population of 2,735; in 2006, the Census estimates for the population were approximately 2,598. The population is 38.3 percent white, 60.9 percent black, and 0.9 percent Hispanic.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hale County Jail, a Jail & Prison, in Greensboro, AL 36744, address and phone number. Jails and prisons provide information on inmate searches, rosters, lookups, lists, records, and mugshot photos. Hale County Jail in Greensboro Alabama. Hale County Jail, a Jail & Prison, in Greensboro, AL 36744, address and phone number. Jails and prisons provide information on inmate searches, rosters, lookups, lists, records, and mugshot photos.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hale County Water. Office Hours 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.‎ Telephone Number (334)624-8868‎ After Hours Number (334)624-8868 for water outage or low pressure calls after 4:00 if any problems. ‎We have an on-call answering service to report no water or low pressure calls.‎. Read More.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hale County AL Jail is a County Jail used by the jurisdictions of Hale to confine inmates for short periods while awaiting trial or processing. As inmates are staying for usually less than one year, therefore it has fewer amenities than a jail or prison.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hale County Hospital opened its doors on November 16th, 1963 as an acute care 25-bed facility. Hale County Hospital has since grown into a 39-bed facility with a busy Physician's Clinic and Home Health Agency. In 2007 the hospital added a new $2 million patient care wing to better serve its patients. Hale County Hospital is the only hospital in the county of 17,000 citizens.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hale County, Alabama. Hale County is a county of the U.S. state of Alabama. As of the 2010 census, the population was 15,760. Its county seat is Greensboro. It is named in honor of Confederate officer Stephen Fowler Hale. Hale County is part of the Tuscaloosa, AL Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "url": ",_Alabama" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "More than 250 people were killed in Alabama, including two people in Greensboro, Hale County. Demographics. The 2000 U.S. Census reported a population of 2,735; in 2006, the Census estimates for the population were approximately 2,598. The population is 38.3 percent white, 60.9 percent black, and 0.9 percent Hispanic.", "url": "" } ]
what county is greensboro al in alabama
[ "Greensboro is in Hale County in Alabama." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A feedstock is defined as any renewable, biological material that can be used directly as a fuel, or converted to another form of fuel or energy product. Biomass feedstocks are the plant and algal materials used to derive fuels like ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, and other hydrocarbon fuels.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Biomass Feedstocks. An alternate text version of this video is available online. A feedstock is defined as any renewable, biological material that can be used directly as a fuel, or converted to another form of fuel or energy product.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Biomass feedstocks are the plant and algal materials used to derive fuels like ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, and other hydrocarbon fuels. Examples of biomass feedstocks include corn starch, sugarcane juice, crop residues such as corn stover and sugarcane bagasse, purpose-grown grass crops, and woody plants.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The following feedstocks have been traditionally grown for use as a raw material or for charcoal or other form of bioenergy production. Most of these crops are also candidates for being used as a feedstock for second generation technologies.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "A feedstock is defined as any renewable, biological material that can be used directly as a fuel, or converted to another form of fuel or energy product.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "First generation feedstocks includes those that are already widely grown and used for some form of bioenergy or biofuel production. The vast majority of these crops are also used for food and feed production, which means that there are possible food versus fuel conflicts.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Traditional biomass feedstocks. The following feedstocks have been traditionally grown for use as a raw material or for charcoal or other form of bioenergy production. Most of these crops are also candidates for being used as a feedstock for second generation technologies.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An alternate text version of this video is available online. A feedstock is defined as any renewable, biological material that can be used directly as a fuel, or converted to another form of fuel or energy product.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Feedstocks. Biochar can and should be made from biomass waste materials. Making biochar from biomass waste materials should create no competition for land with any other land use option—such as food production or leaving the land in its pristine state.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Nearly all ethanol produced in the world is derived from starch-and sugar-based feedstocks. The sugars in these feedstocks are easy to extract and ferment, making large-scale ethanol production affordable. Corn is the leading U.S. crop and serves as the feedstock for most domestic ethanol production.", "url": "" } ]
what are feedstocks
[ "A feedstock is defined as any renewable, biological material that can be used directly as a fuel, or converted to another form of fuel or energy product." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Hows and Whys of Baby Vaccines. Thanks to vaccines, many once-common childhood illnesses have virtually been eliminated. But because we don't see children suffering or dying from these diseases anymore, we don't fear them the way our parents and grandparents did. Instead, the vaccines scare us.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Immunize On Time, Every Time. The recent trend of delaying or skipping vaccines has put children across the country at risk for diseases like Hib, whooping cough and measles. Learn why immunizing your child on time, every time is the right choice:", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This is the age range in which this vaccine should be given. 2. Your baby may not need a dose of Hep B vaccine at age 4 months, depending on the vaccine used. Check with your doctor or nurse. 3. Your baby may not need a dose of Hib vaccine at age 6 months, depending on the vaccine used. Check with your doctor or nurse.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Influenza (Flu): The flu vaccine is recommended every year for children 6 months and older: Kids younger than 9 who get the flu vaccine for the first time (or who have only had one dose before July 2015) will get it in two separate doses at least a month apart.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Your baby will get up to 31 vaccinations by age 4 -- but they can be tough to keep track. A vaccine schedule was created and approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the CDC, and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to make sure your child is receiving vaccines on time and in a safe manner.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Vaccines protect your baby from diseases and illnesses like measles, mumps, and rubella. Today, there is even a flu vaccine that is encouraged every year. Learn about the different types of vaccines and which ones your baby will receive during his first year.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Your child will need 2 doses of HepA vaccine, given at least 6 months apart. 6–18 mos 1. 12–15 mos1 15–18 mos1. Check with your doctor or nurse to make sure your baby is receiving all vaccinations on schedule. Many. times vaccines are combined to reduce the number of injections. Be sure you ask for a record card with the. dates of your baby’s vaccinations; bring this with you to every visit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "How To Handle Your Baby's First Shots. Make your little one's first vaccinations as pain-free as possible -- for both of you. Find out why and when your child needs the Hib vaccine. Learn why and when your child needs the DTaP and Tdap vaccines.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Copyright © 2015 Meredith Corporation. All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Founded in 1991 by Rosalynn Carter and Betty Bumpers, Every Child By Two works to raise awareness of the critical need for timely immunizations and to foster a systematic way to immunize all of America's children by age two.", "url": "" } ]
vaccination baby
[ "There are 31 vaccinations for baby by the age 4." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Just fine The Cleveland Cavaliers saw a 10-point fourth-quarter lead evaporate, but after holding on to beat the Indiana Pacers, concerns are at a minimum. about 4 days ago | Dave McMenamin |", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A father dedicated to helping his son. Even at a young age, Kyrie Irving's father knew his son was destined for greatness. The son swears the father saw it all coming. Kyrie Irving ticks off the milestones as if they were fresh produce on a weekly grocery list.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "How Tall Is Kyrie Irving? Kyrie Irving height is 6 feet and 3 inches. Or in metric units, Kyrie Irving height is 191 centimetres. Gender: Male. Date of birth: March 23, 1992. Zodiac sign: Aries. Kyrie Irving's Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia. Country of nationality: Australia, United States of America.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Prospect Profile. Kyrie Irving. Depending on the outcome of the lottery, Irving could be the first player chosen in the draft. Like recent point guard draftees Derrick Rose and John Wall, who were the top overall picks in the 2008 and 2010 drafts, respectively, Irving should be an immediate contributor.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cavaliers take 2-0 series lead behind efficient night from Big Three Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love and LeBron James combined for 89 points as the Cleveland Cavaliers held off another late Indiana Pacers rally. about 2 days ago | Dave McMenamin |", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Kyrie was only a toddler in a stroller, yet his bright eyes followed the action, followed his father. Afterward, when released from the constraints of his perch, Kyrie would clamor for the ball, dribbling with one hand, his steady gaze fixed on Drederick. He was 13 months old.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cavs' Big 3 dominates in Game 2 win Cleveland's trio of LeBron James, Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love combine to score 89 points in a 117-111 victory over Indiana in Game 2. about 2 days ago.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "When Kyrie was 4 and his sister, Asia, was 5, their mother, Elizabeth, died suddenly, leaving Drederick to care for two confused, heartbroken children. His own grief needed to be tucked away during the hectic daylight hours of raising two active kids.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I'm barely 5'10 and I got within a few feet of AI once and I felt we were the same height, +/- 1cm. This was 5 years ago and AI was pretty skinny by NBA standards, which I think makes him look taller than he actually is.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Lillard is listed at 6'3. In DraftExpress, he's only listed 0.5 inches shorter than Westbrook, but he looks at least 2 inches shorter than him in this picture at the All-Star game this year. Look at the height disparity of their shoulders as well. I feel like players should be measured by their shoulder height, wingspan and standing reach to give an idea of how big they are. For example, Westbrook is listed at 6'2.25 without shoes, but his standing reach is 8'4.", "url": "" } ]
how tall is kyrie
[ "The height of Kyrie is 191 centimetres." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rocket planes are the fastest airplanes in existence. They can also can fly to the highest altitudes, often so high that they are on the verge of entering outer space. Rockets planes are used mainly for research. The X-15 holds both speed and altitude records. It was 15.24 meters long and had a 6.7-meter wingspan.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fastest speed with tanks was 4,520 mph (Mach 6.70) on flight 2-53-97 with pilot William Knight. Highest altitude was 354,200 ft (67 miles) on flight 3-22-36 with Joseph Walker.. An airplane is a heavier-than-air flying machine whose primary purposes are transport and research.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The U-2 is probably the highest altitude aircraft still flying. The SR-71 could probably fly higher, but it isn't flying any more. The U-2's published maximum altitude is somewhere above 74,000 feet. There is no such thing as so high radar can not detect it, since radar can detect things in outer space.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The highest altitude obtained in an unpowered aircraft is 15,460 m (50,720 ft) on 30 August 2006 by Steve Fossett (pilot) and Einar Enevoldson (co-pilot) in their high performance research glider, a modified DG-500. This record was achieved over El Calafate ( Argentina) and set as part of the Perlan Project.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Flight altitude record. This listing of flight altitude records are the records set for the highest aeronautical flights conducted in the atmosphere, set since the age of ballooning. Some, but not all of the records were certified by the non-profit international aviation organization, the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It really depends on what the size of the jets. The Airlines fly from 32,000 to 38,000 feet. Normal Jet Planes fly at about 30,000 feet Military Jet planes fly anywher…e from 100 feet all the way up to 80,000 (Some do go higher but those are for special occasions)", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I am sure this is a military plane, can it fly so high radar can not detect it, at what height would that be(?) and one more thing, what part on a plane fails first when flying to high for any given particular plane that is not meant to fly so high?", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Highest flying manned aircraft: X-15. Highest flying drone aircraft: X-43A. Highest flying U.S. jet aircraft zoom: F-104. Highest flying absolute jet aircraft zoom: MiG-25.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An educational, Fair Use website. An airplane is a heavier-than-air flying machine whose primary purposes are transport and research. A plane's wings, engines, and control surfaces enable it to fly. Control surfaces are movable sections of the wings and tail.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Aircraft, on the other hand, do fly. They do so by utilising nature's abhorrence of a v…acuumn. Simply put, as an aircraft is pushed forward, air flows over and under its wings. A basic wing, or aerofoil, is flat underneath and curved on top.", "url": "" } ]
highest flying airplane
[ "U-2 is the highest flying airplane." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "$4,953.90. Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Re-Wire a Home! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Home Re-Wiring project. For a basic 1 wiring project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Re-Wire a Home ranges between $3,321.82 - $4,953.90 per wiring.To estimate costs for your project: 1.or a basic 1 wiring project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Re-Wire a Home ranges between $3,321.82 - $4,953.90 per wiring.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Copper wire is increasingly expensive, so just the materials alone for rewiring a typical home can start around $400-$1,000 and might run $1,500-$3,000 or more for an extensive upgrade (lots of outlets, light fixtures) in a larger home. Depending on local rates, having an electrician rewire your home can run about $65-$120 per device (outlet, switch, light fixture), plus $800-$3,000 to upgrade to a 100-200 amp electrical panel.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Install Electrical Wiring! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Electrical Wiring Installation project. For a basic 1 wiring project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Electrical Wiring ranges between $131.55 - $216.42 per wiring.To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.ur free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Electrical Wiring Installation project. For a basic 1 wiring project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Electrical Wiring ranges between $131.55 - $216.42 per wiring. To estimate costs for your project:", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "However, new outlets and switches will need to be installed. Asmentioned above, replacing outlets and switches can cost between $70 - $120 per outlet. The copper wire used to rewire a house is expensive and can cost around $1,000 for an average home, and $3,000 for a larger home.Rewiring your home will provide you with safety and piece of mind.Find out the cost to rewire a house in your area-get free quotes from reliable local electricians.smentioned above, replacing outlets and switches can cost between $70 - $120 per outlet. The copper wire used to rewire a house is expensive and can cost around $1,000 for an average home, and $3,000 for a larger home.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Add up the number of additional circuits you desire. A new circuit runs approximately $175 to install. If you need a new electrical panel to service the home, the cost will be between $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the number of circuits.Factor in the cost of the supplies to the estimate.ount the receptacles and switches that you add to the home. Typical costs for each one in San Francisco is approximately $300 to $400 to install, and might be a little more if the contractor has to work through the attic instead of the basement.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Average Cost to Install Electrical Panels & Wiring. The average cost to hire an electrician to install an electrical panel and wiring is $1,175. Most homeowners pay between $960 and $1,395 to have this type of work completed, with a general maximum of around $2,220.verage Cost to Install Electrical Panels & Wiring. The average cost to hire an electrician to install an electrical panel and wiring is $1,175. Most homeowners pay between $960 and $1,395 to have this type of work completed, with a general maximum of around $2,220.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Average total cost (materials and labor) for rewiring a house starts around $3,500-$8,000 for a moderate-sized home with easy access (at least 18-inches of crawlspace under the home plus an accessible attic) but can run $8,500-$20,000 or even as high as $30,000 for a large house and/or one with difficult access. Depending on local rates, having an electrician rewire your home can run about $65-$120 per device (outlet, switch, light fixture), plus $800-$3,000 to upgrade to a 100-200 amp electrical panel.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If you’re wondering how much does it cost to wire a house, the answer is a bit more complex to say. For one thing, it depends on the area of your house. For another thing, the cost is extra if you want to wire a separate portion of the house that’s not heated.f you just want your house to be re-wired, the cost is different altogether also. The cost will depend on the current materials for your house’s wiring, whether aluminum or nob and tube. It might be a little cheaper because of the ready panelboards and the existing wires.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Count the receptacles and switches that you add to the home. Typical costs for each one in San Francisco is approximately $300 to $400 to install, and might be a little more if the contractor has to work through the attic instead of the basement.ount the receptacles and switches that you add to the home. Typical costs for each one in San Francisco is approximately $300 to $400 to install, and might be a little more if the contractor has to work through the attic instead of the basement.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Shopping for rewiring a house: 1 If holes must be cut in the walls to run wiring, be sure the cost of the plaster or drywall repair is included in the estimate -- these repairs can be as much as 25-30 percent of the total cost of the rewiring project. Depending on local rates, having an electrician rewire your home can run about $65-$120 per device (outlet, switch, light fixture), plus $800-$3,000 to upgrade to a 100-200 amp electrical panel.", "url": "" } ]
cost to wire house
[ "The cost of wiring a house costs between $960 and $1,395." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Freezer Upright and Chest Temperatures. The correct operating temperature of chest and upright freezers, including smaller, compact models is -5 to +5 degrees Fahrenheit.In order to take the temperature of solid food, place a thermometer between frozen packages or in some ice cream.our chest freezer has a test position on the temperature monitor control. In order to verify that the buzzer is working, just put the switch in the test position and turn the thermostat to the coldest setting. The buzzer should go off within 10 to 15 seconds.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The ideal freezer temperature is 0 Fahrenheit (-18 Celsius) for storing food.And -10 Fahrenheit (-23 Celsius) is recommended when freezing food. The faster food freezes the smaller the ice crystals. The smaller the ice crystals the smaller the change in texture and better quality when thawed.YTH: A freezer that is too cold causes freezer burn. Temperature does not cause freezer burn. Freezer burn is the dehydration of your food by air. The moisture leaves the food, entering the air in the freezer.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Freezer Temperature. Freezers should maintain a temperature of 0 F, or about -18 C. This temperature will stop the growth of bacteria but will not kill it.Although the taste of frozen food will deteriorate over time, colder temperatures will preserve flavors longer. thermometer should be used to check the temperature of the freezer. The thermometer should be placed near the front of the freezer and checked at least once a week to assure that the freezer is maintaining the proper temperature.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Upright freezers have a temperature control that allows you to adjust the temperature inside the freezer. Proper adjustment of the temperature control is important to maintain the appropriate temperature to keep foods safe and flavorful. thermometer should be used to check the temperature of the freezer. The thermometer should be placed near the front of the freezer and checked at least once a week to assure that the freezer is maintaining the proper temperature.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If you want to test your freezer to see what temperature it is use a freezer thermometer. Ideally read the thermometer after the freezer door has been closed for quite awhile, like first thing in the morning, so you get an accurate reading.YTH: A freezer that is too cold causes freezer burn. Temperature does not cause freezer burn. Freezer burn is the dehydration of your food by air. The moisture leaves the food, entering the air in the freezer.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "To make sure your freezer is running at the correct temperature, get a freezer thermometer to monitor the temperature, and make sure you defrost your freezer every once in awhile to make sure it's running efficiently.Kitchen Fact Source: Freezing and Food Safety at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).urns out the temperature at which food freezes and the freezer temperature it should be stored at can be two different things. Even if your freezer seems to be doing its job, you should know the correct temperature to set it to!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If you have an upright freezer, you will need to keep the temperature regulated to minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit. To be sure it is set correctly, and calibrated, pick up another thermometer at a hardware or home improvement store. Attach it with some wire or string beside of the upright freezer's thermometer.Check to be sure both are at the same temperature after 24 hours. If your upright freezer is warmer than the thermometer, you may lower the temperature.If it is colder, then you will not have to do anything. Check the thermometers monthly to be sure it is running cold enough to keep foods safe.heck to be sure both are at the same temperature after 24 hours. If your upright freezer is warmer than the thermometer, you may lower the temperature. If it is colder, then you will not have to do anything.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A thermometer should be used to check the temperature of the freezer. The thermometer should be placed near the front of the freezer and checked at least once a week to assure that the freezer is maintaining the proper temperature. thermometer should be used to check the temperature of the freezer. The thermometer should be placed near the front of the freezer and checked at least once a week to assure that the freezer is maintaining the proper temperature.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Your chest freezer has a test position on the temperature monitor control. In order to verify that the buzzer is working, just put the switch in the test position and turn the thermostat to the coldest setting. The buzzer should go off within 10 to 15 seconds.our chest freezer has a test position on the temperature monitor control. In order to verify that the buzzer is working, just put the switch in the test position and turn the thermostat to the coldest setting. The buzzer should go off within 10 to 15 seconds.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Turns out the temperature at which food freezes and the freezer temperature it should be stored at can be two different things. Even if your freezer seems to be doing its job, you should know the correct temperature to set it to!Kitchen Fact: The ideal temperature range for your freezer is 0° Fahrenheit or below (-18° Celsius or below).urns out the temperature at which food freezes and the freezer temperature it should be stored at can be two different things. Even if your freezer seems to be doing its job, you should know the correct temperature to set it to!", "url": "" } ]
What is correct temperature for upright freezer
[ "The correct temperature for upright freezer is 0 Fahrenheit or -18 Celsius for storing food." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Carbon and oxygen are absorbed from the air, while other nutrients are absorbed from the soil. Green plants obtain their carbohydrate supply from the carbon dioxide in the air by the process of photosynthesis. Each of these nutrients is used in a different place for a different essential function.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Nitrogen is a major constituent of several of the most important plant substances. For example, nitrogen compounds comprise 40% to 50% of the dry matter of protoplasm, and it is a constituent of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins (Swan 1971a).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Silicon is not considered an essential element for plant growth and development. It is always found in abundance in the environment and hence if needed it is available. It is found in the structures of plants and improves the health of plants.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Most soil conditions across the world can provide plants with adequate nutrition and do not require fertilizer for a complete life cycle. However, humans can artificially modify soil through the addition of fertilizer to promote vigorous growth and increase yield.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "balance between plants & animals is essential because plants are autotrophs, they can make their own food but animals are heterotrophs, they cannot prepare their own food so … they have to depend on plants (autotrophs) for their food.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Foe plants they need water to survive or they will dry up and they need water for photosynthesis which is how they get their food.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The habitat is where a species fulfills its basic life needs: nourishment, procreation, and rest. Habitat management, the most essential aspect of wildlife management, safegua … rds the essential elements to meet these needs: food and water, cover, space, and arrangement. 6 people found this useful.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Plant nutrition is the study of the chemical elements and compounds necessary for plant growth, plant metabolism and their external supply.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Nitrogen (N) is essential for plant growth and is part of every living cell. It plays many roles in plants and is necessary for chlorophyll synthesis. Plants take up most of their N as the ammonium (NH 4 +) or nitrate (NO 3 -) ion.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Element Tree Essentials are a luxurious addition to your home and body and can bring a variety of delicious scents to your space. The ambiance and aromatherapeutic properties of our scented candles are simple and classy, and the warm moisturizer that our candles provide is a lavish gift to your skin. These distinctive candles last between 60 and 80 hours, and are designed to be both a scented candle and a lovely body moisturizer. Element Tree Essentials lotion candles are made with cosmetic grade soy, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, Shea butter, almond oil, vitamin E and fragrances that are infused with essential oils. Our candles are always handmade in small batch quantities, ensuring the highest level of quality and consistency.", "url": "" } ]
what essential element do trees supply?
[ "Tress supply a Nitrogen." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Digestion happens in the mouth. Mastication (the action of chewing and mechanically breaking down food) triggers you're exocrine glands to excret a watery liquid called saliva.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In the digestive system, digestion starts in your mouth. Your teeth grind your food into small pieces. Your digestive juices can only work on the outside of food. by grinding … food into small pieces, it gives your food a whole lot more area for your digestive juices to work on.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Digestion works by moving food through the GI tract. Digestion begins in the mouth with chewing and ends in the small intestine. As food passes through the GI tract, it mixes with digestive juices, causing large molecules of food to break down into smaller molecules.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Digestion happens in the mouth. Mastication (the action of chewing and mechanically breaking down food) triggers you're exocrine glands to excret a watery liquid called saliva.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Stages of digestion. Different things happen to food as it passes through the digestive system: 1 food is digested in the mouth, stomach and small intestine. 2 digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. 3 excess water is absorbed back into the body in the large intestine.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system, and, in fact, digestion starts here before you even take the first bite of a meal. The smell of food triggers the salivary glands in your mouth to secrete saliva, causing your mouth to water. When you actually taste the food, saliva increases.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 The muscular walls of your esophagus, stomach, and intestines continue mechanical digestion, pushing the food along, churning and breaking it into smaller particles. 2 Chemical digestion occurs at every point in the digestive system, beginning when you see or smell food.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Several organs of the digestive system are involved in the digestion process. The process starts in the mouth and passes through the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, rectum and ends with the anus. But, before we go further, it is important to know what controls the digestive system.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Different things happen to food as it passes through the digestive system: 1 food is digested in the mouth, stomach and small intestine. 2 digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. 3 excess water is absorbed back into the body in the large intestine.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The process starts in the mouth and passes through the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, rectum and ends with the anus. But, before we go further, it is important to know what controls the digestive system. There are hormones that control the functioning of the digestive system.", "url": "" } ]
digestion what happens in the mouth
[ "In the mouth, mastication triggers you're exocrine glands to excreta watery liquid called saliva." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Each PWM module has a comparator register and boast four modes of operation: standard PWM output, set output on comparator register match, toggle output on comparator register match, or center-align the pulse with the center of another PWM pulse.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1. (General Engineering) any instrument used to measure a property of a system by comparing it with a standard system. 2. (Electronics) an electric circuit that compares two signals and gives an indication of the extent of their dissimilarity.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "comparator definition, comparator meaning | English dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. comparator. n. 1 any instrument used to measure a property of a system by comparing it with a standard system. 2 an electric circuit that compares two signals and gives an indication of the extent of their dissimilarity.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1. any of various instruments for making comparisons, as of lengths, distances, or tints of colors. 2. a circuit for comparing two signals, as readings of duplicate information stored in a digital computer. comparator.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A comparator is used to detect the 101010 pattern and generate a clock for the equalization circuit. has announced the latest addition to its Linear Building Blocks Family, the TC1026, a low power voltage reference combined with an op amp and comparator in a single 8-pin package.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Comparator. In electronics, a comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents and switches its output to indicate which is larger. They are commonly used in devices such as analog-to-digital converters.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to comparator: comparator circuit, Digital comparator, mechanical comparator. An investigational or marketed product (i.e., active control), or placebo, which is used as a reference in a clinical trial.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Use comparator in a sentence. 1 any of various instruments, esp. in electronics, for comparing some measurement, as of length, brightness, or voltage, with a fixed standard. 2 Any of various instruments for comparing a measured property of an object, such as its shape, color, or brightness, with a standard.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: In electronics, a comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents and switches its output to indicate which is larger. They are commonly used in devices such as analog-to-digital converters.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Use comparator in a sentence. any of various instruments, esp. in electronics, for comparing some measurement, as of length, brightness, or voltage, with a fixed standard. noun. Any of various instruments for comparing a measured property of an object, such as its shape, color, or brightness, with a standard.", "url": "" } ]
comparator definition
[ "The definition of a comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents and switches its output to indicate which is larger." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Azithromycin can also be used “off-label” to prevent and treat other opportunistic infections of HIV infection. “Off-label” use refers to use of an FDA-approved medicine in a manner different from that described on the medicine label.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Learn more about refills and transfers on About Azithromycin Dihydrate. Your physician may give you azithromycin in one of these forms: tablet, oral suspension (liquid or powder), or extended-release (long-acting) suspension. It may also be sold under the brand names Zithromax ® , Zithromax Z-Pak ® , Zithromax Tri-Pak ™ , and Zmax ® . AzaSite ® is azithromycin eye drops that your doctor may prescribe if you have a bacterial infection in your eyes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "500 mg PO once, then 250 mg once daily for 4 days. 2 g extended release suspension PO once. 500 mg IV as single dose for at least 2 days; follow with oral therapy with single dose of 500 mg to complete 7-10 days course of therapy.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Use for infections brought about by mycobacterium, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and rickettsia. More effective with acute outbreaks in younger rats. May require the use of a second antibiotic like doxycycline, when given in older rats, for chronic respiratory infection.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Due to azithromycin’s high oral bioavailability, long half-life, and ability to attain high tissue concentrations, it lends itself to a once daily dosing regimen. The drug undergoes some hepatic (liver) metabolism, with the majority of the drug being excreted in bile, and to a lesser extent in urine.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "15 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg, PO, q24hrs 34 38. 1 Drug recommendation is to give on empty stomach (1-2 hours before meal or 2 hours after meals) to prevent interference with absorption of the antibiotic.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For azithromycin to be effective, you must take it exactly how and for as long as your doctor tells you to. Your doctor will give you the right dose of azithromycin and tell you how long to take it depending on your type of infection. Azithromycin should not be used in larger or smaller doses than your doctor recommends.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "How should azithromycin be stored? 1 Store azithromycin injection vials below 86°F (30°C). 2 Store azithromycin extended-release dry powder for oral suspension at or below 86°F (30°C). 3 Store azithromycin dry powder for oral suspension below 86°F (30°C). 4 Store azithromycin tablets between 59°F and 86°F (15°C to 30°C). 5 Do not use azithromycin if the ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tablets: 250 mg & 600 mg. Azithromycin, an azolide, is a subclass of the macrolide antibiotics. It is derived from erythromycin, but its chemical structure differs slightly by having a methyl-substituted nitrogen atom in the lactone ring.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Azithromycin is an antibacterial prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat certain infections, such as: 1 Various bacterial respiratory diseases, including pneumonia and acute sinus and ear infections. 2 Pelvic inflammatory disease. 3 Genital ulcer disease.", "url": "" } ]
for what purpose is the medication azithromycin
[ "The purpose of medication Azithromycin is to prevent and treat other opportunistic infections of Human immunodeficiency virus infection." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fenton Town Court. Tort, contract cases., Real property ($0 -$3,00), Small claims (upto $3,000), Misdemeanor, preliminary hearings., Traffic/other violations. *Not location specific. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Port Crane Clerk. Find Port Crane New York clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Depending on local laws and specific court policies, exemptions MAY include persons over age 70, and those having recently served on a jury (usually within 1-3 years depending on county policy). In the state of New York, there are no automatic professional or government employee exemptions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "And I was privileged to try my hand at both. Throughout my youth I heard of Ernie Youngs, the chief of the Port Crane Fire Department, the County Fire Coordinator, the operator of his Department’s ambulance service, insurance man, radio dealer, and deputy sheriff. Everybody, it seemed, had a favorite Ernie story.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Port Crane, Broome County, New York Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Port Crane, Broome County, New York? has thousands of rural properties in Port Crane, Broome County, New York, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Chenango Valley State Park. Chenango Valley State Park is an ice age wonder. Its two kettle lakes, Lily and Chenango, were created when the last glacier retreated and left behind huge chunks of buried ice which melted to form the lakes and bog.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Port Crane (in Broome County, NY) Populated Place Profile. Port Crane (GNIS FID: 960961) is a populated place located within the Town of Fenton, a minor civil division (MCD) of Broome County. The elevation of Port Crane is 889 feet. Port Crane appears on the Chenango Forks U.S. Geological Survey Map. Broome County is in the Eastern Time Zone (UTC -5 hours).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Port Crane, NY. Port Crane is located close to the center of New York. Port Crane is part of Broome County. On average, the public school district that covers Port Crane is better than the state average in quality. The Port Crane area code is 607.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Geocache Challenge 2017. Chenango Valley State Park is an ice age wonder. Its two kettle lakes, Lily and Chenango, were created when the last glacier retreated and left behind huge chunks of buried ice which melted to form the lakes and bog.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Port Crane redirects here. For the device, see container crane. Fenton is a town in Broome County, New York, United States. The population was 6,674 at the 2010 census. The town was named after Reuben Fenton, a governor of New York. The original name was Port Crane.", "url": ",_New_York" } ]
what county is port crane, ny
[ "Port Crane, New York is in Broome County." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "land forms. the study of the earths surface and the people on it. the seven large land areas usually surrounded my water. the pattern of weather conditions in a certain place (temperat…. physical features made of land (mountains, plateaus, deltas...) geography. the study of the earths surface and the people on it. continents.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tip 7: Make your word wall work. A word wall is a special section of a classroom wall designated for the exploration and study of words (see Cunningham, 1995). If you have a word wall in your classroom, be sure it is more than a simple display of words-make it work for you and your students.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Etymology and definitions. The word psychology derives from Greek roots meaning study of the psyche, or soul (ψυχή psukhē, breath, spirit, soul and -λογία -logia, study of or research).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "View Full Document. Word Study and Fluency Major concepts of beginning word study Dr. Jeanne R. Paratore states that there are four significant elements for a beginner of reading and writing. These elements are the critical concepts of starting word student for any young child.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and a social science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Use the posters to take notes on the lecture. In this video segment, Dr. Paratore presents and discusses the research-based principles of effective word study instruction. The lecture focuses on three areas of word study in grades K-2: emergent literacy, phonics, and reading accuracy and fluency. All three areas provide the foundation for learning to read and write.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Study sets matching word study cultural geography basic concepts beginning. Study sets matching word study cultural geography basic concepts beginning. Anthropology includes the study of ___. includes the study of society.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The bottom line is this: For a word study program to be successful, the teacher has to invest sufficient time preparing for daily instruction and word work. Carving out preparation time may be one of the biggest challenges you face in implementing a word study program.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Learning Goals. At the end of this session, you will better understand: • concepts and research-based principles of effective word study. • the difference between phonemic awareness and phonics. • why fluency is important in beginning reading instruction. • issues and controversies in word study instruction.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Word study is an approach to spelling instruction that moves away from a focus on memorization. The approach reflects what researchers have discovered about the alphabetic, pattern, and meaning layers of English orthography. This article describes nine tips for implementing a word study program in your classroom.", "url": "" } ]
major concepts of beginning word study
[ "Emergent literacy, phonics, reading accuracy and fluency are major concepts of beginning word study in K-2 grades." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Email. Print. Arthritis of the hip is a condition in which there is loss of the cartilage of the head of the thighbone and of the cup-shaped socket of the pelvis where the thighbone fits into the joint (the acetabulum).This cartilage allows the bone to glide inside the socket of the joint as you move.mail. Print. Arthritis of the hip is a condition in which there is loss of the cartilage of the head of the thighbone and of the cup-shaped socket of the pelvis where the thighbone fits into the joint (the acetabulum).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Inflammation of the pubic joint (osteitis pubis) is especially seen in sports characterised by activity with sprinting with sudden changes of direction (soccer, ice hockey). Symptoms: Pain around the pubic bone, the abdominal muscle fastening and in the groin.Aggravated with asymmetric loads (jumping on one leg).nflammation of the pubic joint is often preceded by long-term inflammation of the abdominal muscle fastening on the pubic bone and inflammation of the adductor muscle of the thigh.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Arthritis, which literally means inflammation of a joint (where two or more bones meet), actually refers to more than 100 different diseases. Rheumatic diseases include any diseases that cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints or other supportive body structures, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. cartilage-a type of tissue that covers the surface of a bone at a joint. 2 Cartilage helps reduce the friction of movement. within a joint. 3 synovial membrane-a tissue called the synovial membrane lines the joint. 4 The synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid (a clear, sticky fluid) around the joint to lubricate it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Inflammation of the pubic bone joint (osteitis pubis). Diagnosis: INFLAMMATION OF THE PUBIC JOINT (Osteitis pubis) Anatomy: The pelvis consists of two halves joined at the back by the sacral bone (os sacrum) and at the front by the pubic joint (symphysis).nflammation of the pubic joint is often preceded by long-term inflammation of the abdominal muscle fastening on the pubic bone and inflammation of the adductor muscle of the thigh.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Treatment: Inflammation of the pubic bone joint is often the end stage of a poorly treated chronic overloading of the muscle fastenings on the pubic bone and the groin.nflammation of the pubic joint is often preceded by long-term inflammation of the abdominal muscle fastening on the pubic bone and inflammation of the adductor muscle of the thigh.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Inflammation of the pubic joint is often preceded by long-term inflammation of the abdominal muscle fastening on the pubic bone and inflammation of the adductor muscle of the thigh.nflammation of the pubic joint is often preceded by long-term inflammation of the abdominal muscle fastening on the pubic bone and inflammation of the adductor muscle of the thigh.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The pubic symphysis or symphysis pubis is the midline cartilaginous joint (secondary cartilaginous) uniting the superior rami of the left and right pubic bones.It is located anterior to the urinary bladder and superior to the external genitalia; for females it is above the vulva and for males it is above the penis.he pubic symphysis or symphysis pubis is the midline cartilaginous joint (secondary cartilaginous) uniting the superior rami of the left and right pubic bones. It is located anterior to the urinary bladder and superior to the external genitalia; for females it is above the vulva and for males it is above the penis.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Arthritis Related Conditions. ... of structures inside the body, especially bones; CT scan —a type of x-ray that uses a computer to make pictures of structures inside the body, used to view fractures of the pelvis. ... Open reduction is often done if the thigh or pelvic bones are also broken...... of structures inside the body, especially bones; CT scan —a type of x-ray that uses a computer to make pictures of structures inside the body, used to view fractures of the pelvis. ... Open reduction is often done if the thigh or pelvic bones are also broken. ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The three most prevalent forms of arthritis include the following: 1 osteoarthritis-the most common type of arthritis. 2 It is a chronic disease involving the joints, particularly the weight-bearing joints such as the knee, hip, and spine. cartilage-a type of tissue that covers the surface of a bone at a joint. 2 Cartilage helps reduce the friction of movement. within a joint. 3 synovial membrane-a tissue called the synovial membrane lines the joint. 4 The synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid (a clear, sticky fluid) around the joint to lubricate it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Pelvis. The pelvic region is the headquarters for reproductive organs and the end of the line for the digestive tract. It is also home to a collection of bones known as the pelvis, where the femur — the largest bones in the body — meets to form the leg.elvis. The pelvic region is the headquarters for reproductive organs and the end of the line for the digestive tract. It is also home to a collection of bones known as the pelvis, where the femur — the largest bones in the body — meets to form the leg.", "url": "" } ]
what is arthritis of pubic bone
[ "Arthritis of pubic bone is the end stage of a poorly treated chronic overloading of the muscle fastenings on the pubic bone and the groin." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Earth's Four Spheres. Four major parts of Earth work together as a complex system: rocks, water, air, and life. On a global scale, each part can be thought of as a sphere, roughly the same size and shape as the planet.The four parts are called the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.!our major parts of Earth work together as a complex system: rocks, water, air, and life. On a global scale, each part can be thought of as a sphere, roughly the same size and shape as the planet.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "The area near the surface of the earth can be divided up into four inter-connected geo-spheres: the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.Scientists can classify life and material on or near the surface of the earth to be in any of these four spheres.The names of the four spheres are derived from the Greek words for stone (litho), air (atmo), water (hydro), and life (bio).ost of the planet's life is found from three meters below the ground to thirty meters above it and in the top 200 meters of the oceans and seas. The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located close to the earth's surface where it is most dense.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The hydrosphere is composed of all of the water on or near the earth. This includes the oceans, rivers, lakes, and even the moisture in the air. Ninety-seven percent of the earth's water is in the oceans.ost of the planet's life is found from three meters below the ground to thirty meters above it and in the top 200 meters of the oceans and seas. The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located close to the earth's surface where it is most dense.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Everything in Earth's system can be placed into one of four major subsystems: land, water, living things, or air. These four subsystems are called spheres.. Specifically, they are the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), biosphere (living things), and atmosphere (air).Each of these four spheres can be further divided into sub-spheres.ydrosphere The hydrosphere contains all the solid, liquid, and gaseous water of the planet. **It ranges from 10 to 20 kilometers in thickness. The hydrosphere extends from Earth's surface downward several kilometers into the lithosphere and upward about 12 kilometers into the atmosphere.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "(Answer #1). The four spheres show how the four main components of Planet Earth form a complete system. These main components are land, air, water, and life. The lithosphere, also known as Geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, rocks, alphalt, bricks, etc.The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, snow, and ice caps.hese main components are land, air, water, and life. The lithosphere, also known as Geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, rocks, alphalt, bricks, etc. The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, snow, and ice caps.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Describe the four main spheres of Earth. 1.lithosphere 2.hydrosphere 3.atmosphere 4.biosphere. The four spheres show how the four main components of Planet Earth form a complete system. These main components are land, air, water, and life.The lithosphere, also known as Geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, rocks, alphalt, bricks, etc.The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, snow, and ice caps.hese main components are land, air, water, and life. The lithosphere, also known as Geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, rocks, alphalt, bricks, etc. The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, snow, and ice caps.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Overview of Four Spheres. From rocks or crabs to wind or rain, there are four geospheres into which all the elements and life present on and around the surface of the Earth can be classified. These geospheres are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and the atmosphere.he hydrosphere, from the Greek 'hydro' meaning water, classifies all water on or near the surface of the Earth. From oceans to humidity to rainstorms, all water falls into this category.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Hydrosphere. Knowing that 'hydro' means 'water,' you may have guessed that the hydrosphere is made up of all the water on Earth. This includes all of the rivers, lakes, streams, oceans, groundwater, polar ice caps, glaciers and moisture in the air (like rain and snow).he Geosphere. Since 'geo' means 'ground,' the geosphere describes all of the rocks, minerals and ground that are found on and in Earth. This includes all of the mountains on the surface, as well as all of the liquid rock in the mantle below us and the minerals and metals of the outer and inner cores.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The hydrosphere is found on the surface of Earth, but also extends down several miles below, as well as several miles up into the atmosphere. Most of Earth's water is salty and in the oceans-about 97%. Two-thirds of the remaining 3% is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.he Geosphere. Since 'geo' means 'ground,' the geosphere describes all of the rocks, minerals and ground that are found on and in Earth. This includes all of the mountains on the surface, as well as all of the liquid rock in the mantle below us and the minerals and metals of the outer and inner cores.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Atmosphere= it cotains the oxygen we breathe and protects the earth from radiation. Lithosphere= which includes the crust and uppermost mantle. Hydrosphere= is made up of the water elements on the earth.Biosphere= the part of the earth where plants and animals live.tmosphere= it cotains the oxygen we breathe and protects the earth from radiation. Lithosphere= which includes the crust and uppermost mantle. Hydrosphere= is made up of the water elements on the earth.", "url": "" } ]
what are the four spheres of the earth
[ "The four spheres of the earth are land, air, water, and life." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Make Davidson Village Inn, one of the leading Davidson bed and breakfasts, your destination. The town of Davidson, NC, features quaint shops, great restaurants, and family-friendly events – all within walking distance of Davidson College.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hotels within 3 miles of Davidson College. 1 Hampton Inn Charlotte / Cornelius - I-77 North 2.5 stars Excellent 4.3 / 5( 140 genuine reviews )® RewardsFor every 10 nights, get 1 free! 70 people looked at this hotel in the last hour.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hotels near Davidson College, North Carolina. Davidson College is located in Davidson, North Carolina, about 22 miles north of downtown Charlotte. The closest hotels are along I-77 which is west of the campus. Map of Hotels near Davidson College.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Davidson College in the Davidson area, North Carolina. Are you looking for a cheap Davidson College hotel, a 5 star Davidson College hotel or a family friendly Davidson College hotel? You just landed in the best site to find the best deals and offers on the most amazing accommodations for your stay.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Davidson Village Inn is a boutique Davidson hotel with intimate, well-appointed rooms and suites and a focus on comfort and exceptional customer service. We are located in the heart of the Lake Norman area. Boating, fishing, excellent golfing, and quiet sunset cruises are among the area’s many activities.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Our Davidson NC Hotel Packages. Wildcat Basketball Specials. This season the Wildcats are picked to be one of the top teams in the A-10 so you can look forward to lots of excitement on Mckillop Court. Book a room at the Inn for two games in February (Wed. the 15th or Tues. the 28th) and we’ll include two complimentary tickets to the game.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tom Watson and Sue Bartlett are pleased to introduce themselves, and to welcome you into their home on your next visit to Davidson. The Cedars Davidson Bed and Breakfast is truly a labor of love. Tom loves the land, gardening and native plants. Sue loves food and entertaining. Together they love Davidson for its village feel and for the number and variety of things to do, all within walking distance to their comfortable and gracious home.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "notgogplace. 1 We've negotiated with thousands of hotels to get the very best deals. 2 You can get these deals for free by subscribing to our newsletters. 3 Don't worry – your email address is safe with us.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Hotels within 5 miles of Davidson College. 1 Country Inn & Suites By Carlson, Lake Norman Huntersville, NC 3 stars Excellent 4.3 / 5( 452 genuine reviews )® RewardsFor every 10 nights, get 1 free! 97 people looked at this hotel in the last hour.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Discover the Best Hotels, B&Bs, Inns and Vacation Rentals in Davidson – Based on 43 Real Reviews from Actual Guests. Best Hotels in Davidson Based on 43 guest reviews Homewood Suites by Hilton Davidson #1 of 1 hotels in Davidson. From $116 per night.", "url": "" } ]
hotels in davidson nc
[ "The Davidson Village Inn is a hotel in Davidson, North Carolina." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Tree Swallow: Nest building can take 2-4 weeks, and is done only by the female, and usually only during the morning. 2 There may be quite a gap for egg laying, but it is usually done synchronously with neighbors – i.e., neighbors lay within 7-10 days of each other (sometimes just 1-2 days apart.).t depends on a variety of factors: 1 weather and day length, which stimulates hormones etc. 2 brood number: e.g., bluebirds may complete the nest for a second brood much more quickly. 3 food availability. 4 competition: e.g., if a bird has to spend days fighting off others of its same species or competitors, this can delay nest building. 5 experience: I ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 If food is scarce, it takes time away from nest building. 2 E.g., Tree Swallows may abandon nests for days at a time and fly 20 miles away looking for food. 3 competition: e.g., if a bird has to spend days fighting off others of its same species or competitors, this can delay nest building.t depends on a variety of factors: 1 weather and day length, which stimulates hormones etc. 2 brood number: e.g., bluebirds may complete the nest for a second brood much more quickly. 3 food availability. 4 competition: e.g., if a bird has to spend days fighting off others of its same species or competitors, this can delay nest building. 5 experience: I ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Both male and female swallows help build the nest. They have to take their time, allowing the mud to dry and harden. Depending on the climate, nest construction could take up to 2 weeks. A typical cliff swallow's nest contains about 900 - 1400 mud pellets. Swallows lay their eggs during early spring.arn swallows usually nest as a single pair or a few pairs in one structure. The cliff swallow, 5 to 6 inches in length, is the only squared-tailed swallow in most of North America.. It has a pale, orange-brown rump, white forehead, dark, rust colored throat, and steel-blue crown and back.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 food availability. 2 Birds seem to sense or are programmed to know when there is enough for babies that need to be fed every 15-30 minutes. 3 If food is scarce, it takes time away from nest building. 4 E.g., Tree Swallows may abandon nests for days at a time and fly 20 miles away looking for food.t depends on a variety of factors: 1 weather and day length, which stimulates hormones etc. 2 brood number: e.g., bluebirds may complete the nest for a second brood much more quickly. 3 food availability. 4 competition: e.g., if a bird has to spend days fighting off others of its same species or competitors, this can delay nest building. 5 experience: I ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Reproduction Time from start of nest building to departure of young is 44 to 58 days. Nest building is done by both sexes and begins around April. Both parents take turns incubating three to five eggs, which hatch after 12 to 17 days.igure 1. The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) is a distinctive bird with bold plumage and a long, slender, deeply forked tail. It has blue-black upper parts, a reddish throat and breast, and a rust or buff colored belly. Females are slightly duller and shorter-tailed than males.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 Egg laying can be delayed (sometimes for a week or two - 3 weeks is not unheard of) in cold weather, for young parents, or in cases where food is scarce. 2 Tree Swallow: Nest building can take 2-4 weeks, and is done only by the female, and usually only during the morning.t depends on a variety of factors: 1 weather and day length, which stimulates hormones etc. 2 brood number: e.g., bluebirds may complete the nest for a second brood much more quickly. 3 food availability. 4 competition: e.g., if a bird has to spend days fighting off others of its same species or competitors, this can delay nest building. 5 experience: I ...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Even in species where the male does not incubate the eggs the male may sit on them when the female is away to reduce heat loss. Incubation stints last for 5–15 minutes and are followed by bursts of feeding activity. From laying, swallow eggs take between 10–21 days to hatch, with 14–18 days being more typical.The chicks of swallows hatch naked, generally with only a few tufts of down. The eyes are closed and do not fully open for up to 10 days.ven in species where the male does not incubate the eggs the male may sit on them when the female is away to reduce heat loss. Incubation stints last for 5–15 minutes and are followed by bursts of feeding activity. From laying, swallow eggs take between 10–21 days to hatch, with 14–18 days being more typical.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Swallows and the law. Swallows and their nests are fully protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which makes it illegal to intentionally kill, injure or take any migratory bird. It is illegal to intentionally damage or destroy the nest, eggs, or young of a swallow while it is being built or in use.wallows and the law. Swallows and their nests are fully protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which makes it illegal to intentionally kill, injure or take any migratory bird. It is illegal to intentionally damage or destroy the nest, eggs, or young of a swallow while it is being built or in use.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Why did it take so long to start laying eggs, and why did they start laying now? * Tree Swallow eggs are small, about 1.9 gm, but female swallows are small birds, averaging only 20 gm. Each egg weighs about one-tenth the weight of the bird laying it, and females lay between four and seven eggs, one per day. Tree Swallow eggs are small, about 1.9 gm, but female swallows are small birds, averaging only 20 gm. Each egg weighs about one-tenth the weight of the bird laying it, and females lay between four and seven eggs, one per day.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Top. 1 Nests contain and confine eggs and young in one place. 2 Nest structure clusters eggs and young together for efficient incubation and brooding. 3 Nests can protect and insulate eggs and young from wind, cold, and damp that could conduct heat away. 4 Tree Swallow arrival, site claiming, and pair formation take place while it's still cold. 5 Early .... Nest structure clusters eggs and young together for efficient incubation and brooding. 2 Nests can protect and insulate eggs and young from wind, cold, and damp that could conduct heat away. 3 Tree Swallow arrival, site claiming, and pair formation take place while it's still cold.", "url": "" } ]
how long does it take for a swallow to build a nest
[ "It takes 2 weeks for a swallow to build a nest." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Best Answer: No, it's not going to hurt you, more than likely. Rust comes from moisture protecting an iron metal surface (oxidizing it, forming iron oxide, which is rust). Unless your rust extensive, it won't hurt the microwave's operation.However, the rust could lead to a penetration of the metal and thus electric arcing when the oven is operating -- that's very bad. Arcing could make the spot larger or even cause microwave energy to leak. You can touch it up, if it isn't too bad.owever, the rust could lead to a penetration of the metal and thus electric arcing when the oven is operating -- that's very bad. Arcing could make the spot larger or even cause microwave energy to leak. You can touch it up, if it isn't too bad.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In general, a bit of rust in the cavity of a microwave oven doesn't hurt things. It's a bit hard to clean around it, and it might be best to sand it down and spritz that place with a bit of paint to seal it from spatters. The only problem is if the rust is allowed to eat a hole in the cavity.That's bad.It can (and probably will) cause a microwave leak, and this may make the oven unsafe to use. If you are uncomfortable taking a bit of emory cloth or the like to a rust spot, rubbing it down, and then spraying just a hint of paint (clear or any color) on the sanded area, ask a handyman to do it.t can (and probably will) cause a microwave leak, and this may make the oven unsafe to use. If you are uncomfortable taking a bit of emory cloth or the like to a rust spot, rubbing it down, and then spraying just a hint of paint (clear or any color) on the sanded area, ask a handyman to do it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Add your answer. Sign in to answer a question. 1 Answer from this member: If it's just surface rust and not rusted completely through the bottom, you could sand the rust off using fine grit sandpaper and then spray paint over the area with some microwave spray paint.If it's rusted bad enough to be pitted, I recommend replacing the microwave.dd your answer. Sign in to answer a question. 1 Answer from this member: If it's just surface rust and not rusted completely through the bottom, you could sand the rust off using fine grit sandpaper and then spray paint over the area with some microwave spray paint.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The cavity of the microwave oven is outfitted with metal and covered by a paint. The metal bounces the microwaves inside the oven to heat the food. Rusted parts on the interior will still bounce the waves, but the longer the rust has a presence, the more it can grow.Once the paint inside the oven cavity begins to chip, oxygen bonds with the metal to form rust.Once rust forms, it weakens the metal and breaks it down. Continual use of a microwave oven with a rusted interior is an accident waiting to happen.nce the paint inside the oven cavity begins to chip, oxygen bonds with the metal to form rust. Once rust forms, it weakens the metal and breaks it down. Continual use of a microwave oven with a rusted interior is an accident waiting to happen.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Yes, rust inside your microwave is extremely dangerous. Dispose of it immediately, and wear a lead apron if you can get one. Otherwise just don't hold it too close to your, rust inside your microwave is extremely dangerous. Dispose of it immediately, and wear a lead apron if you can get one. Otherwise just don't hold it too close to your body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Repairing a rusty panel. PROBLEM: Your microwave oven has developed some rust on interior surfaces. Rust that develops on a panel inside the cabinet of a microwave oven can eat through the panel and lead to radiation leakage.It should be repaired as soon as possible.Do the following: Unplug the unit. Wipe the damaged surface with a soft rag to remove loose flakes of rust.ROBLEM: Your microwave oven has developed some rust on interior surfaces. Rust that develops on a panel inside the cabinet of a microwave oven can eat through the panel and lead to radiation leakage. It should be repaired as soon as possible. Do the following: Unplug the unit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If the paint inside a microwave is deteriorating or peeling, a repaint is a possible solution. Not just any kind of paint is suited for this project. In addition, there are certain preparations that need to be done in order to make the repainting a success.f the paint inside a microwave is deteriorating or peeling, a repaint is a possible solution. Not just any kind of paint is suited for this project. In addition, there are certain preparations that need to be done in order to make the repainting a success.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rust is safe on the walls or door of the mic. But, if you put a incandescent light bulb in a cup of water just past the metal on the bottom. Then turn on the micro for 10 secs. you can power the light bulb with the excited energy from the water.ust is safe on the walls or door of the mic. But, if you put a incandescent light bulb in a cup of water just past the metal on the bottom. Then turn on the micro for 10 secs. you can power the light bulb with the excited energy from the water.", "url": "" } ]
is rust inside a microwave bad
[ "No, Rust is not inside a microwave bad." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Electronic reproduction of any portion of this website is strictly prohibited absent the written consent of the City of Madison Lake. The purpose of this web site is to provide the general public with convenient and efficient access to information and services provided by the City of Madison Lake.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Madison Lake, Minnesota. Madison Lake is a small town in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 1,017 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Mankato–North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "url": ",_Minnesota" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The City's vision is to be a thriving, engaged and supportive community with a legacy for small town character and big opportunities. The City's mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of life for Madison Lake Residents, Business Owners and Visitors, by providing excellent public services.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Depending on local laws and specific court policies, exemptions MAY include persons over age 70, and those having recently served on a jury (usually within 1-3 years depending on county policy). In the state of Minnesota, there are possible exemptions for judicial officers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "So Join Us at the Lac qui Parle County Fair! We invite you to visit Lac qui Parle County for the annual LqP County Fair celebration that has been going on since 1873! The fairgrounds are located in Madison, Minnesota along U.S. Highway 75 just as you enter the city limits on the south edge of town. Lac qui Parle County is located along the western edge of Minnesota bordering South Dakota. Our county has the following incorporated towns: Bellingham, Boyd, Dawson, Louisburg, Madison, Marietta and Nassau; in addition we have two unincorporated communities: Lac qui Parle Village and Rosen.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Sidewalk Shoveling. City Ordinance requires all sidewalks to be cleared within 24 hours of accumulating snow or ice. If your sidewalk is not cleared within the allotted time, city crews will remove the snow and ice at your expense.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Care Center. The care center is a 65-bed skilled nursing facility offering updated amenities, experienced, compassionate staff, 24-hour nursing care, personalized living environments with on-site social services, chapel/chaplain as well as restorative services. Please call 320-598-7536 for availability.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Sidewalk Shoveling. Snow Shoveling Ordinance. City Ordinance requires all sidewalks to be cleared within 24 hours of accumulating snow or ice. If your sidewalk is not cleared within the allotted time, city crews will remove the snow and ice at your expense.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Sponsored Topics. Madison is a city in Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota, United States, along the 45th parallel. The population was 1,551 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Lac qui Parle County. It proclaims itself to be the lutefisk capital of the world..", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Recent posts about Madison, Minnesota on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Madison is mentioned 671 times on our forum: Latest news from Madison, MN collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Norwegian (38.6%), German (32.6%), American (5.5%), Irish (2.8%), Swedish (2.4%), English (1.5%). Current Local Time: CST time zone. Elevation: 1080 feet.", "url": "" } ]
what county is madison mn
[ "Madison is in Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are four basic types of alkaloids found in nightshade plants. These types are: (1) Steroid alkaloids, which contain a fairly complicated fused ring structure and are found in most food nightshades including potato and tomato.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Many of the nightshade family vegetables fall under the species of Capscium and Solanum. Although these do contain toxic aspects, they still bear edible parts, like the fruits and tubers, depending on the plant. Several of these plants are cultivated in the home garden and are known as nightshade vegetables.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Solanine is the toxin (Glycoalkaloid Poison) contained in all nightshade plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, and goji berries. It can occur naturally in any part of the plant, including the leaves, fruit, and tubers. Solanine has fungicidal and pesticidal properties. Again, it is one of the plant’s natural defenses.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Problems from these Popular Foods Exposed to the Light of Day. The nightshades are members of an enormous family of plants called Solanaceae, represent a huge family of plants.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "There are four basic types of alkaloids found in nightshade plants. (1) Steroid alkaloids, which contain a fairly complicated fused ring structure and are found in most food nightshades including potato and tomato. *Both important groups from a drug standpoint.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "List of Nightshade Vegetables. Here is a list of the most common (and maybe not so common) vegetables in the nightshade family. While these are perfectly safe to eat under ordinary circumstances, some people may be sensitive to these plants regardless, suffering allergic reactions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I used to eat a ton of foods in the nightshade family, but now I avoid them as much as possible. I am one of those who is very sensitive to these foods. In my medical practice, I treat pain often. My goal in pain treatment is pain relief.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Some people may think nightshade vegetables are harmful because they’re confusing them with ‘deadly nightshade‘ or Atrope belladonna, an inedible weed that’s also part of the Solanaceae family, explains Micallef. Historically, the deadly nightshade has been associated with witchcraft.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Sometimes even vegetables get a bad rap. Take the nightshade vegetables or Solanaceae, a plant family that includes eggplant, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Overconsumption of calcitriol from nightshade foods can circumvent the kidney’s control and over time lead to calcium deposits in the soft tissues such as the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, cardiovascular tissues, kidneys and skin. Osteoarthritis is basically calcium deposits in the soft tissues of joints.", "url": "" } ]
what are the nightshade foods
[ "The nightshade foods are tomatoes, potatoes, and goji berries." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A spigelian hernia protrudes through a weakness between the muscle fibres of the abdominal wall. This protrusion may contain a section of the intestines but in other cases it takes the form of an empty sac. This often forms on the right hand side of the abdomen.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "A Spigelian hernia is a rare type of abdominal wall hernia that develops below the naval, more often on the right side of the abdomen. Spigelian hernias can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms can vary and depend on the size of the hernia and contents within the hernia sac.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Spigelian hernia is caused by intra-abdominal pressure that pushes a portion of an abdominal organ into the layers of abdominal muscle that make up the abdominal wall. Spigelian hernias are also known as spontaneous hernias because they can develop suddenly after injury or trauma to the abdomen area.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Often known as a “Lateral ventral” hernia, this type of hernia is a form of hernia developing throughout the Spigelian fascia. This is unlike most hernias that grow right below the fat layers. Instead this type of hernia develops in amid the muscles in the wall of the abdomen.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Spigelian hernia is a rare type of abdominal wall hernia that develops below the naval, more often on the right side of the abdomen. Spigelian hernias can be difficult to diagnose.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Spigelian hernia is a rare type of abdominal wall hernia that develops below the naval, more often on the right side of the abdomen.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A spigelian hernia protrudes through a weakness between the muscle fibres of the abdominal wall. This protrusion may contain a section of the intestines but in other cases it takes the form of an empty sac.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. Sometimes known as a lateral ventral hernia, a spigelian hernia is a type of hernia that develops through the spigelian fascia. Unlike many hernias that thrive just below layers of fat, a spigelian hernia occurs in between the muscles found in the abdominal wall.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Spigelian hernia is a type of hernia of the diaphragm muscle, says Howard Baron, MD, a pediatric gastroenterologist at Sunrise Hospital. In this video, he describes a variety of hernias and their locations in the body.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Spigelian Hernia Causes. This type of hernia normally is caused by pressure intra-abdominally pushing out a portion of an abdominal organ into the abdominal muscle layers. This type hernia is also known as “spontaneous” hernias since they often are created suddenly after trauma or injury to this abdomen area.", "url": "" } ]
what is a spigelian hernia
[ "A Spigelian hernia is a rare type of abdominal wall hernia that develops below the naval, more often on the right side of the abdomen." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Corporation characteristics. When evaluating types of corporations, many business owners consider taxation to be the most noteworthy difference between S corporations and C corporations. In a nutshell, an S corp is a “pass-through” tax entity, like the LLC.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Summary. 1 Incorporation and corporation cannot be differentiated as one leads to the other. 2 While incorporation is the process, corporation is the organisation formed out of this process.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "corporation corporationâ vs Incorporation corporation and incorporation are two very closely related. Words A, corporation as is generally, known is a body formed for the purpose of carrying out a business of any. kind", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "All incorporation options are not created equal. When deciding between a corp vs. LLC, the best choice for your business not only helps you start off on the right foot, but also acts as a foundation for your company’s ongoing success and growth.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "LLC vs. corporation: Other key differences. We’ve already noted taxation and management as two distinctions between limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations, but there are other key differences worth highlighting, including: 1 Business losses. 2 Self-employment taxes. 3 Ownership restrictions. 4 Dividends and venture capitalists. 5 Earnings.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 While incorporation is the process, corporation is the organisation formed out of this process. 2 Corporation, as is generally known, is a body formed for the purpose of carrying out a business of any kind. 3 The term Corporation should be used when talking of business institutions or organisations or groups.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For this reason, an S corporation is most often chosen by companies incorporating with multiple shareholders, and is considered a good alternative to legal business partnership because it provides tax benefits without the overhead and complexity. Form aC Corporationnow.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Forming a limited liability company protects your personal assets by keeping them separate from your business assets, and it provides the greatest flexibility available when it comes to taxation and business structure.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Just like we make it easy to incorporate, we also make it easier for you to learn about different business entities and make the right choice for your company: 1 C Corporation FAQs. 2 Forming a C Corporation. 3 S Corporation FAQs. 4 Forming an S Corporation. 5 LLC FAQs. 6 Forming an LLC.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "It is a process by which a corporation is formed. Incorporation is the legal process of setting up a corporation. A. â when using incorporation as a, noun it can mean a business’organisation s corporate. Status the Term corporation should be used when talking of business institutions or organisations or. groups", "url": "" } ]
is there a difference between corporation and incorporation?
[ "No, there is no difference between corporation and incorporation." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cells become specialized to perform different function in multicellular organisms through differentiations. Stem cell which is unspecialized cell is transformed in certain condition to perform specific functions.As a results stem cell become a specialized cell to perform special function.ifferent tissues are in turn cooperating to make larger functions that serve the entire organism. Volvox which some of whose species have as many as 50,000 or more cells linked together to form a hollow sphere. Volvox is more like a multicellular organism than a simple colony.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cell Specialization All organisms are composed of cells. Unicellular organisms are composed of a single cell. Multicellular organisms are composed of many specialized cells.Specialized cells differ in structure (size, shape...) and function (the role they perform in the organism).The structural modifications that occur in a specialized cell equip it to do its job in the organism.pecialized cells differ in structure (size, shape...) and function (the role they perform in the organism). The structural modifications that occur in a specialized cell equip it to do its job in the organism.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Answers. Best Answer: Multicellular organisms contain specialized cells in order to more efficiently perform a wide variety of physiological and biochemical functions.(1) Hepatocytes make up 70-80% of the cytoplasmic mass of the liver.nswers. Best Answer: Multicellular organisms contain specialized cells in order to more efficiently perform a wide variety of physiological and biochemical functions.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "By contrast, a multicellular organism is made up of many cells that are dependent on each other to perform these essential functions as a group. The cells have divided up the labor and each cell has become specialized to perform a specific task.This specialization is a key characteristic of multicellular organisms.y contrast, a multicellular organism is made up of many cells that are dependent on each other to perform these essential functions as a group. The cells have divided up the labor and each cell has become specialized to perform a specific task.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "All different kinds of cells were derived from the fertilized egg cell through the process of differentiation. The process of differentiation allows the specialized cells to become specialized into one of the many cells that make up the body such as heart, liver or muscle cell.During the process of differentiation, there are certain cells which become inactivated while other genes are activated.ifferent tissues are in turn cooperating to make larger functions that serve the entire organism. Volvox which some of whose species have as many as 50,000 or more cells linked together to form a hollow sphere. Volvox is more like a multicellular organism than a simple colony.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Through cell division, a single cell becomes two cells. Those two cells divide into four, and the four cells divide into eight, and so on. A multicellular organism grows because cell division increases the number of cells in it.As the organism develops and its cells divide, many of the cells become specialized, and most of them continue to divide. Even when growth and development appear to stop, cell division is still occurring.hrough cell division, a single cell becomes two cells. Those two cells divide into four, and the four cells divide into eight, and so on. A multicellular organism grows because cell division increases the number of cells in it.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Because multicellular organisms has many organs that perform functions.And specialized cells are important because they make the function for the cell.ell differentiation is the process where cells become specialized in structure and function, which means it's when cells decide what kind of cell they are going to be.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A multicellular organism is a community of cells. Cells in a multicellular organism are specialized. The ways in which the cells work together and interact depend on the organism. You can think of the cells of an organism as members of a community.evels of organization in multicellular organisms include cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and the organism itself. Different tissues working together to perform a particular function represent another level of organization, the organ. The eye is an organ that functions with the tarsier's brain to allow sight.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Levels of organization in multicellular organisms include cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and the organism itself. Different tissues working together to perform a particular function represent another level of organization, the organ.The eye is an organ that functions with the tarsier's brain to allow sight.evels of organization in multicellular organisms include cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and the organism itself. Different tissues working together to perform a particular function represent another level of organization, the organ. The eye is an organ that functions with the tarsier's brain to allow sight.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A specialized cell means simply that: it has a specific job in the body. Therefore, specialized cells will contain more of the parts it needs to carry out the specialized task … . A unicellular organism has only one cell, which means that it has to carry out all functions of life in a single cell.Thus, it will have all the needed parts rather than specialized parts.ell differentiation is the process where cells become specialized in structure and function, which means it's when cells decide what kind of cell they are going to be.", "url": "" } ]
multicellular organisms cells become specialized
[ "Multicellular organisms cells become specialized to perform different function in multicellular organisms through differentiations." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Best Answer: Depends upon how good he is. All the famous and established lawyers are working at a average 16 hours a day and 7 days a week. More work more MONEY.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If you are talking about a lawyer who works for and is an employee of a law firm that concentrates in this area, that lawyer also may be required to work 7 days a week to meet the needs of his/her clients.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Lawyers will put in very long hours when they're working on a case. Remember, they bill for their time, and the longer they work, the more money they make. Of course, the downside is that that they don't have much time to enjoy all that money.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Work Hours. As a brand-new lawyer, you’re going to work more hours than those who’ve been with a firm for 20 years. Depending on the type of law you’re practicing, and the policies of your firm, you may work as many as 70 hours per week. Large law firms have locker rooms where employees can shower and dress and some even have small rooms with cots for new associates to catch a few hours of sleep.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "How long do lawyers work per day? not the cheap lawyers, but the ones that make 100,000 per year. i'm thinking about being a lawyer but my sister said they work for 18 hours a day. is that true?", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Report Abuse. I have my own law firm in employment law. I usually work 7 days a week. If by Corporate Finances and Commercial Transactions you mean a lawyer that works as an employee for a corporation, then that lawyer probably would normally work the same hours as the corporation is open.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What Does a Lawyer Do? Lawyers work in a variety of fields, from criminal law to divorce law to patent law, navigating the legal system on behalf of their clients. If you'd like to be a lawyer, you'll need formal education and the ability to work in a competitive environment.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Duties and Responsibilities. The exact duties you'll perform as a lawyer will vary depending on the type of law in which you specialize. For example, tax lawyers spend less time in courtrooms than criminal lawyers, because they are usually not involved in prosecution or defense.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Day in the Life of a Lawyer. If you’ve been watching Law & Order reruns, you might have a slightly distorted idea of what it’s like to be a lawyer. Typical lawyers don’t spend every day making impassioned speeches in front of juries and they don’t often track down killers and accompany police on stakeouts. If you’re interested in working as a lawyer, it a good idea to see what their days usually include.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Confidence votes 1.5K. Lawyers work all the time. They dont have a clock, and most wish that they did. Lawyers and job dissatisfaction are the same word. Then, they do something that counts. Somebody else's life. It gets changed and something happens, and for a second or so, lawyers get gratification.", "url": "" } ]
what days do lawyers work
[ "Lawyer works 7 days a week." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Astronomers use another measurement tool for calculating distance in the Solar System called “astronomical units”. 1 astronomical unit is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun; approximately 150 million km. At its closest point, Saturn is 9 AU, and then at its most distant point, it’s 10.1 AU. Saturn’s average distance from the Sun is 9.6 AU. We have written many articles about Saturn for Universe Today.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Saturn’s average distance from the Sun is 891 million miles. Noticed that I said that these numbers are Saturn’s average distance from the Sun. That’s because Saturn is actually following an elliptical orbit around the Sun.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Pages on the Solar System, the sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Impact on Jupiter-July 2009. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is also one of the brighter objects in the night sky. No one knows for sure who discovered Jupiter, but we know the ancient Greeks named him after ...more.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The exact number for Saturn’s average distance from the Sun is 1,433,449,370 km.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An Overview of the Evolution of Jupiter's Atmosphere. The mesosphere of Jupiter is a region of balance between warming and cooling. That essentially means that nothing happens there. Except for diffusion, the atmosphere is still.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 The inner planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. 2 They are relatively small, composed mostly of rock, and have few or no moons. 3 The outer planets include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (a dwarf planet).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "You may need to remind the children that scale involves showing relationships of size and distance accurately. At the scale used in Part 1, Earth would be about a mile from the Sun and Pluto would be about 36 miles away. Ask the children what they might find about a mile or 36 miles from where they are now.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Comets. Meteors. Astronomers. Your weight on the Planets. The Planets. Your age on the Planets. 1 The inner planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. 2 They are relatively small, composed mostly of rock, and have few or no moons. 3 The outer planets include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (a dwarf planet).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A Look at Jupiter's Magnetosphere. Jupiter has a series of rings circling it! Unlike Saturn's rings, which are clearly visible from Earth even through small telescopes, Jupiter's rings are very difficult to see. So difficult, in fact, that ...more.", "url": "" } ]
distance of saturn from the sun in miles
[ "The distance of Saturn from the sun is 891 million miles." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Synagen IQ claims to reverse these signs of cognitive decline, boosting both long and short term memory, energy and clarity in just one pill a day. The consumer information for Synagen IQ is contained on the official website which, while explaining what the product does, is limited in other details. No FAQ section for the product is provided and there are no testimonials or reviews from former customers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Access is Everything. With technology at our fingertips, we’re able to engage with the world faster than ever. iQ examines our increasingly on-demand culture and what it means when access is everything. Follow this Collection.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What is Synagen IQ Core Focus? Synagen IQ Core Focus is a nootropic brain boosting supplement intended to raise your focus, memory, and energy. The supplement is targeted towards people over the age of 30 who have started to notice loss of brain power. As the brain ages, our brain power naturally declines.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Raise Expectations. Core iQ lets you communicate across channels with new and existing relationships. Grow revenue without being locked into a multi-year agreement at an outrageous price. The more I see Core iQ, the more I fall in love.”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "CORE INTELLIGENCE. Drawing on his hands-on experience with the worlds largest disasters, Dr. Randall Bell has developed a variety of tools to help elevate Core IQ - those essential skills required to manage setbacks and build success. He is an avid volunteer with youth groups, at-risk teens, the homeless and other groups. RICH HABITS RICH LIFE.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As a socio-economist and appraiser who specializes in property damage, Dr. Bell has consulted on Hurricane Katrina, the Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Sites, the World Trade Center and Flight 93 Crash Site; the largest climate, environmental and terrorist cases in recent history.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For 15 years, Dr. Bell served as the CEO of Bell Anderson & Sanders LLC. Prior to this, he directed the real estate damages practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He sits on the Advisory Board of the Bureau of National Affairs in Washington, DC and holds the MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Synagen IQ is one of a number of products on the market that claim to improve cognitive function in several ways. While the obvious sign of cognitive decline is memory loss, symptoms can also include trouble concentrating, lack of focus, low energy, inability to retain knowledge and an overall ‘brain fog’.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Ever since the first IQ tests emerged, attempts to classify IQ have followed. While different test publishers utilize different scoring systems, for many modern IQ tests the average (or mean) score is set at 100 with a standard deviation of 15 so that scores conform to a normal distribution curve. 1 68 percent of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean (that is, between 85 and 115)", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Dr. Bell has a PhD from Fielding Graduate University and a MBA from UCLA. As a qualified expert, Dr. Bell has testified in Federal and state courts, as well as international tribunals. Dr. Bell is the author of several books, including Real Estate Damages which is published by the Appraisal Institute.", "url": "" } ]
what is core iq
[ "Core iQ lets you communicate across channels with new and existing relationships." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Truck Drivers’ Per Diem Rate Increasing. Sep 25 • Money, News, Taxes • 1640 Views • 5 Comments on Truck Drivers’ Per Diem Rate Increasing. Beginning October 1, 2015, truck drivers will see a small pump in per diem pay. The current per diem rate for the transportation industry is $59 per day.On October 1, the per diem rate will increase to $63. For those traveling outside of the continental United States, the per diem rate will be $68. “The transportation industry has special rates for meals and incidental expenses.he current per diem rate for the transportation industry is $59 per day. On October 1, the per diem rate will increase to $63. For those traveling outside of the continental United States, the per diem rate will be $68.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Read article that related about 2015 per diem rates for truck drivers. Here we will discuss about Per diem rates for 20142015 watson cpa group.Per diem rates unchanged for 2013 by jason watson (google+) the us gsa office announces that domestic per diem rates for 2013 will remain at 2012 levels.ead article that related about 2015 per diem rates for truck drivers. Here we will discuss about Per diem rates for 20142015 watson cpa group.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "And yet again, the IRS can not changed the DOT per diem rates from the $59 (contiguous United States) and $65 (for anything outside). The per diem rate for the incidental expenses-only deduction is $5 per day. This includes van driver tips, porter tips, tips to housekeepers, tips to your best friend, tips tips tips.So, No, van driver tips are NOT deductible separately from a per diem deduction contrary to what you hear at FL350.nd yet again, the IRS can not changed the DOT per diem rates from the $59 (contiguous United States) and $65 (for anything outside). The per diem rate for the incidental expenses-only deduction is $5 per day. This includes van driver tips, porter tips, tips to housekeepers, tips to your best friend, tips tips tips.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "One way that truck drivers can offset some of their earnings and receive a tax deduction is to use the per diem allowance established by the Internal Revenue Service.This information is published in IRS Publication 463 and establishes the limits for daily meal deductions that truck drivers can take.Employers, on the other hand, adhere to Publication 1542, which establishes the maximum per diem rates the employer can pay the employee as a reimbursement of expenses.his information is listed in Publication 1542 You can take a per diem deduction for meals and all incidental expenses as one expense, rather than itemizing them. As of 2013, the IRS standard per diem rate is $251 for all qualified high-cost locations and $170 for all other locations.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The statdard rate for per diem (meals) for 2014 is $59 for transportation workers. As a truck driver, assuming he is subject to the DOT hours of service rules, he can deduct 80% of that without saving receipts.So, you might say, he can deduct $47.20 per day.ransportation workers, which includes truck drivers, the amount for 2014 is $59. If you are subject to DOT rules of service (10,001 # and over) you can deduct 80% of that. If not, 50%. The rates do go up to $63 for 2015.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "NO, you need to amend your statement again. The per diem rate change took effect during the 2010 tax year. The correct rate for truck drivers for the 2012 tax year is 59./day for the entire year and a driver can deduct 80% of any un-reimbursed meal expenses.ransportation workers, which includes truck drivers, the amount for 2014 is $59. If you are subject to DOT rules of service (10,001 # and over) you can deduct 80% of that. If not, 50%. The rates do go up to $63 for 2015.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rates vary by location. According to the U.S. General Services Administration, if a trucker is allotted $56 in per diem expenses a day, that breaks down to about $9 for breakfast, $13 for lunch, $29 for dinner and $5 for incidental diem expenses for truckers are expenses that are granted for truckers that live away from home during work. For example, meals are a per diem expense. Lodging and clothing might be acceptable as well, depending on the employer. Employers grant truckers a certain amount of per diem expenses each day, week or job.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The CONUS per diem rate for an area is actually three allowances: the lodging allowance, the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance. Most of the CONUS (approximately 2600 counties) are covered by the standard CONUS per diem rate of $140 ($89 lodging, $51 meals and incidental expenses).In fiscal year (FY) 2016, there continue to be about 400 Non-Standard Areas (NSAs) that have per diem rates higher than the standard CONUS rate.he CONUS per diem rate for an area is actually three allowances: the lodging allowance, the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance. Most of the CONUS (approximately 2600 counties) are covered by the standard CONUS per diem rate of $140 ($89 lodging, $51 meals and incidental expenses).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Per diem expenses for truckers are expenses that are granted for truckers that live away from home during work. For example, meals are a per diem expense. Lodging and clothing might be acceptable as well, depending on the employer. Employers grant truckers a certain amount of per diem expenses each day, week or diem expenses for truckers are expenses that are granted for truckers that live away from home during work. For example, meals are a per diem expense. Lodging and clothing might be acceptable as well, depending on the employer. Employers grant truckers a certain amount of per diem expenses each day, week or job.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The trucking company will begin with the drivers’ base mileage rate and then they will apply the per diem tax reduction amount by a certain CPM rate. For illustration purposes, let’s use the reduction amount of 11.5 CPM. The drivers’ taxes will then be calculated on that reduced amount.he trucking company will begin with the drivers’ base mileage rate and then they will apply the per diem tax reduction amount by a certain CPM rate. For illustration purposes, let’s use the reduction amount of 11.5 CPM. The drivers’ taxes will then be calculated on that reduced amount.", "url": "" } ]
2015 per diem for truck drivers
[ "The per diem for truck drivers in 2015 is $63." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Pain in the area of the coccyx (tailbone) is called coccydynia or coccygodynia (or sometimes a variety of other spellings). Coccydynia can be anything from discomfort to acute pain, varying between people and varying with time in any individual.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Coccygodynia is a term that refers to the pain in or around the coccyx, also known as tailbone. The sacrum is the big triangular bone below the spine and is situated between the right and the left hipbones.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Pain in the area of the coccyx (tailbone) is called coccydynia or coccygodynia (or sometimes a variety of other spellings).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Coccydynia is actually a medical term for tailbone pain or pain in the coccyx. The term is also otherwise known as coccygodynia. You’ll further understand this condition by first acquainting yourself with the anatomy of the coccyx. The coccyx is actually the terminal portion of the vertebral column.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Coccydynia. is the term used to describe pain and discomfort in the tailbone (coccyx), the last bone of the spinal column that consists of 3 to 5 fused vertebrae. It defines a set of symptoms due to which it is often considered as a collection of conditions which may have different causes and treatment options.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "is the term used to describe pain and discomfort in the tailbone (coccyx), the last bone of the spinal column that consists of 3 to 5 fused vertebrae. It defines a set of symptoms due to which it is often considered as a collection of conditions which may have different causes and treatment options.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Coccydynia. is the term used to describe pain and discomfort in the tailbone (coccyx), the last bone of the spinal column that consists of 3 to 5 fused vertebrae.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Coccygodynia may also occur in individuals with a normal coccyx. In such cases, the pain may derive from secondary causes, such as tumor, infection, bursitis, or posttraumatic arthritis.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "or. is the term used to describe pain and discomfort in the tailbone (coccyx), the last bone of the spinal column that consists of 3 to 5 fused vertebrae.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The term is also otherwise known as coccygodynia. You’ll further understand this condition by first acquainting yourself with the anatomy of the coccyx. The coccyx is actually the terminal portion of the vertebral column.", "url": "" } ]
what is coccygodynia
[ "Coccygodynia is a that refers to the pain in or around the coccyx, also known as tailbone." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Actinic keratosis is a type of keratosis condition that produces precancerous lesions that increase with age and is usually resulting from radiation of the sun. People with light complexion are more susceptible to developing actinic keratoses than those with darker complexion.reventing exposure to the sun is idyllic for individuals with actinic keratosis, even if actinic keratoses are in remission. Generally, cryotherapy treatment is applied for superficial lesions. Individuals suffering from actinic keratosis can also use acid peels and sun screens.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Actinic (solar) keratosis is the most common type of pre-cancer and results from chronic, cumulative sun exposure. Actinic keratosis looks like a scaly patch of dry skin, either flesh-colored or pink, which occurs on sun-exposed areas such as the head and neck, arms, chest and legs.Actinic keratoses should be treated early, as they can lead to squamous cell carcinoma.ctinic (solar) keratosis is the most common type of pre-cancer and results from chronic, cumulative sun exposure. Actinic keratosis looks like a scaly patch of dry skin, either flesh-colored or pink, which occurs on sun-exposed areas such as the head and neck, arms, chest and legs.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Actinic keratosis is also referred to as a solar keratosis. Specialized forms of actinic keratoses include cutaneous horns, in which the skin protrudes in a thick, hornlike manner, and actinic cheilitis, a scaling and roughness of the lower lip and blurring of the border of the lip and adjacent skin.ctinic keratosis is also referred to as a solar keratosis. Specialized forms of actinic keratoses include cutaneous horns, in which the skin protrudes in a thick, hornlike manner, and actinic cheilitis, a scaling and roughness of the lower lip and blurring of the border of the lip and adjacent skin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Actinic keratosis is formed of abnormal cells which are confined to the top layer of the skin (epidermis). Actinic keratoses usually develop in skin areas that are exposed to sun such as face, scalp, ears, arms, and hands. They are red, scaly areas which feel rough to the touch.Actinic keratosis often occurs in people:People with dark skin rarely get actinic keratosis.The prevalence of actinic keratosis in a study in Australia estimated that 40 to 50 % of the population 40 years and older is affected.o if you discover an area of your skin that is red and scaly and you are not sure what it may be go and see a dermatologist because actinic keratosis may look harmless and may not hurt but it is a serious condition which needs to be treated.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Understanding Actinic Keratosis. Actinic keratoses (AKs) are small, red, rough, scaly, flat spots that feel like dry skin patches. They often occur on sun-exposed areas, such as the nose, ears, face, chest, forearms, and back of the hands.ctinic keratosis is also referred to as a solar keratosis. Specialized forms of actinic keratoses include cutaneous horns, in which the skin protrudes in a thick, hornlike manner, and actinic cheilitis, a scaling and roughness of the lower lip and blurring of the border of the lip and adjacent skin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A. An actinic keratosis, also known as a solar keratosis, is a small, rough spot occurring on skin that has been chronically exposed to the sun.Actinic keratoses generally measure in size between two to six millimeters in diameter (between the size of a pencil point and that of an eraser).pecialized forms of actinic keratoses include cutaneous horns, in which the skin protrudes in a thick, hornlike manner, and actinic cheilitis, which refers to scaling and roughness of the lower lip and blurring of the border of the lip and adjacent skin. This answer should not be considered medical advice...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Specialized forms of actinic keratoses include cutaneous horns, in which the skin protrudes in a thick, hornlike manner, and actinic cheilitis, which refers to scaling and roughness of the lower lip and blurring of the border of the lip and adjacent skin.This answer should not be considered medical advice...pecialized forms of actinic keratoses include cutaneous horns, in which the skin protrudes in a thick, hornlike manner, and actinic cheilitis, which refers to scaling and roughness of the lower lip and blurring of the border of the lip and adjacent skin. This answer should not be considered medical advice...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Keratosis a condition that has affected many people in the world and it is everyone’s concern to know what it looks like. This is a skin disorder that affects various parts of the body.It has different signs and symptoms.hat does Keratosis look like is a question many people ask themselves. Different types of Keratosis can be identified depending on the signs and symptoms that they represent on the surface of the skin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "in Blog. Keratosis a condition that has affected many people in the world and it is everyone’s concern to know what it looks like. This is a skin disorder that affects various parts of the body. It has different signs and symptoms.hat does Keratosis look like is a question many people ask themselves. Different types of Keratosis can be identified depending on the signs and symptoms that they represent on the surface of the skin.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The lesions of actinic keratosis will commence as a spot of increased vascularity and the facade of the skin will become rough and coarse. The primary key to visual diagnosis of actinic keratosis early lesions is the texture of the skin of an individual.reventing exposure to the sun is idyllic for individuals with actinic keratosis, even if actinic keratoses are in remission. Generally, cryotherapy treatment is applied for superficial lesions. Individuals suffering from actinic keratosis can also use acid peels and sun screens.", "url": "" } ]
what does actinic keratosis look like
[ "Actinic keratosis looks like scaly patch." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 It is difficult to adjust the dosage of the medication, and the dosage of Strattera is administered on an individual basis. Although studies may suggest otherwise, many U.S. experts report that fewer children have a positive response to atomoxetine than to stimulants.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In the medium term, however, the medication's interactions also affect the dopaminergic system. Following its approval in Germany in December 2004, Strattera (atomoxetine) became available on the German market as of March 2005. However, its approval is limited to use in the treatment of children and adolescents. The effects of atomoxetine can first be seen a few days to a few weeks after intake.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Atomoxetine hydrochloride is a propylamine derivative and selective ADRENERGIC UPTAKE INHIBITOR that is used in the treatment of ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Swallow atomoxetine capsules whole; do not open, chew, or crush them. If a capsule is accidentally broken or opened, wash away the loose powder with water right away. Try not to touch the powder and be especially careful not to get the powder in your eyes.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As such, a 97-week analysis of the use of atomoxetine in adults was recently published as part of a study on the long-term effects of Strattera. ( More information .) The medication demonstrated a high-level of therapeutic efficacy.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Although its precise mechanism of action is unknown, atomoxetine appears to selectively inhibit the pre-synaptic norepinephrine transporter, resulting in inhibition of the presynaptic reabsorption of norepinephrine and prolongation of norepinephrine activity in the synaptic cleft.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Atomoxetine Hydrochloride is the hydrochloride salt of atomoxetine, a phenoxy-3-propylamine derivative and selective non-stimulant, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor with cognitive-enhancing activity.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Atomoxetine is used as part of a total treatment program to increase the ability to pay attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in children and adults with ADHD. Atomoxetine is in a class of medications called selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "While your child is taking atomoxetine, you should watch his or her behavior very carefully, especially at the beginning of treatment and any time his or her dose is increased or decreased. Your child may develop serious symptoms very suddenly, so it is important to pay attention to his or her behavior every day.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Atomoxetine comes as a capsule to take by mouth. It is usually taken either once a day in the morning, or twice a day in the morning and late afternoon or early evening. Atomoxetine may be taken with or without food. Take atomoxetine at around the same time(s) every day.", "url": "" } ]
what is atomoxetine
[ "An Atomoxetine is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tamales. Guatemalan cuisine may be most known for its many varieties of tamales. Unlike Mexican tamales, the Guatemalan version is usually steamed in a banana leaf. Tamales colorado, or red tamales, are colored with annatto seed and stuffed with tomato sauce, chilies, raisins and meat, usually chicken or pork.andy in the Guatemalan city of Antigua is famous for its quality and variety of flavors. The most famous candy shop in Antigua, and quite probably in Guatemala as a whole, is Dona Doña­mari Marí. a gordillo", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Varieties of Guatemalan tamales [edit]. Black and red tamales in Guatemala. There are reportedly hundreds of varieties of tamales throughout Guatemala. The key variations include the ingredients in the masa or dough (corn, potatoes, rice), in the filling (meat, fruits, nuts), and what it is wrapped with (leaves, husks).amales in Guatemala are more typically wrapped in plantain or banana leaves and maxan leaves than corn husks. Additionally Guatemalan tamales use cooked masa, which is prepared in a time-consuming process that requires a significant amount of work.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Traditional Guatemalan snack foods come in the form of tamales and empanadas. These fried pastries usually consist of corn meal, potatoes and meat. Fresh fruits from the rain forest are also popular as cheap and healthy snack foods.ood. Guatemala does not have a standout national dish, but several foods feature in everyday diets. Almost all dishes include some form of black beans, white rice and corn tortillas. Breakfast often combines the aforementioned elements with scrambled eggs and fried plantains.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Many traditional foods in Guatemalan cuisine are based on Maya cuisine and prominently feature corn, chilies and beans as key ingredients. There are also foods that are commonly eaten on certain days of the week.amales in Guatemala are more typically wrapped in plantain or banana leaves and maxan leaves than corn husks. Additionally Guatemalan tamales use cooked masa, which is prepared in a time-consuming process that requires a significant amount of work.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "All about Guatemala food and drink, from beverages to breakfasts: Guatemala food and drink is primarily influenced by the country's Mayan and Spanish cultures. Nowadays, international influences are found in Guatemala food as well, such as Chinese, American, and the vegetarian movement.uatemala food and drink is primarily influenced by the country's Mayan and Spanish cultures. Nowadays, international influences are found in Guatemala food as well, such as Chinese, American, and the vegetarian movement.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Traditional Guatemalan snack foods come in the form of tamales and empanadas. These fried pastries usually consist of corn meal, potatoes and meat. Fresh fruits from the rain forest are also popular as cheap and healthy snack foods.uatemala does not have a standout national dish, but several foods feature in everyday diets. Almost all dishes include some form of black beans, white rice and corn tortillas.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fried Chicken. Guatemala is home to the largest fast-food company in Latin America, Pollo Campero. Pollo Campero specializes in fried chicken, and it not only has hundreds of outlets in the Western hemisphere, it's expanded as far as Indonesia, China and Bahrain as well as across the US.andy in the Guatemalan city of Antigua is famous for its quality and variety of flavors. The most famous candy shop in Antigua, and quite probably in Guatemala as a whole, is Dona Doña­mari Marí. a gordillo", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Fiambre is a traditional food from Guatemala eaten on November 1 and 2. Guatemala, like many other Catholic countries, celebrates the Day of the Dead (Dia día de Los) muertos and The All Saints (Day dia día De). Los'santos it s a chilled salad that may be made from over. 50 ingredientsamales in Guatemala are more typically wrapped in plantain or banana leaves and maxan leaves than corn husks. Additionally Guatemalan tamales use cooked masa, which is prepared in a time-consuming process that requires a significant amount of work.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING AND ENVIRONMENT. Guatemala is located in Central America. It has an area of 108,890 square kilometers (42,043 square miles), slightly smaller than the state of Tennessee. Because of its consistently temperate climate, Guatemala has been called the Land of Eternal Spring..hicken, turkey, and beef (roasted, grilled, or fried) are the country's most popular meats and are normally accompanied by beans and rice (frijoles con arroz). Meats are often served in stews (caldos) or cooked in a spicy chili sauce, though whole chickens may occasionally be served with the feet still attached.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Guatemala does not have a national dish, but there are many foods that have become a part of the everyday diet. Just as during the time of the Mayans, corn continues to be a staple food. It is most often eaten in the form of a tortilla (a thin corn pancake). These are usually served warm and wrapped in cloth.hicken, turkey, and beef (roasted, grilled, or fried) are the country's most popular meats and are normally accompanied by beans and rice (frijoles con arroz). Meats are often served in stews (caldos) or cooked in a spicy chili sauce, though whole chickens may occasionally be served with the feet still attached.", "url": "" } ]
popular food in guatemala
[ "Popular foods in Guatemala include fried pastries consisting of corn meal, potatoes, and meat as well as fresh fruits from the rain forest. " ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Weight Loss. The minimum a woman should consume daily is 1,200 calories, according to Medline Plus. One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories. To lose one pound a week, a woman should reduce her calories or increase her physical activity by 500 calories a day.To lose two pounds a week, a deficit of 1,000 calories is needed.he National Institutes of Heath offer a chart for women and men, childhood through adulthood, to help determine appropriate caloric intake. For women, those aged 19 to 25 are allowed the most calories on this chart, ranging from 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day depending on activity level.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Your gender, age and level of physical activity aren't the only factors that dictate how many calories you should get per day. Your weight also plays a role. The CNPP's caloric needs for women are based on a woman who is 5 feet, 4 inches and 126 pounds. For men, the standard is based on 5 feet, 10 inches and 154 pounds.aloric Intake for Men. On average, men need considerably more calories than women. Average-size men who are 19 to 30 should eat 2,400 to 2,600 calories if they don't exercise, 2,600 to 2,800 calories if they get a moderate amount of exercise and 3,000 calories if they exercise frequently.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Recommended daily calorie intake varies from person to person, but there are guidelines for calorie requirements you can use as a starting point. UK Department of Health Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) are a daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women and 2550 for men.How many calories are needed each day can vary greatly depending on lifestyle and other factors.o lose 1lb a week you need a negative calorie balance of 500 calories per day. To lose weight at 2lb a week you need to reduce your calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. Weight Loss Resources has all the tools you need to calorie count for weight loss.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "According to the What We Eat in America report for 2009 to 2010, a woman's average daily caloric intake changes at different stages of life. In her twenties, she takes in about 1,949 calories a day, which is the highest caloric intake level of her lifetime, and this decreases to 1,831 in her thirties.edentary women ages 19 to 25 need 2,000 calories a day; sedentary women ages 26 to 50 need 1,800 calories a day and sedentary women ages 51 and over need 1,600 calories a day.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Caloric Intake for Women. According to the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, average-size women between 19 and 30 years of age should get 1,800 to 2,000 calories per day if they're inactive, 2,000 to 2,200 calories if they get a moderate amount of exercise and 2,400 calories if they're consistently active.aloric Intake for Men. On average, men need considerably more calories than women. Average-size men who are 19 to 30 should eat 2,400 to 2,600 calories if they don't exercise, 2,600 to 2,800 calories if they get a moderate amount of exercise and 3,000 calories if they exercise frequently.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Sedentary women don’t participate in exercise outside of normal, day-to-day activities—such as house cleaning. Based on USDA guidelines, inactive women need about 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day for healthy weight management. To estimate a sedentary woman’s individualized calorie needs, multiply her body weight by 13.ased on USDA guidelines, inactive women need about 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day for healthy weight management. To estimate a sedentary woman’s individualized calorie needs, multiply her body weight by 13.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The number of calories you need to eat each day depends on several factors, including your age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health. As an example, a physically active 6ft 2in male, aged 22 years, requires considerably more calories than a 5ft 2ins sedentary woman in her 70s.he number of calories you need to eat each day depends on several factors, including your age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health. As an example, a physically active 6ft 2in male, aged 22 years, requires considerably more calories than a 5ft 2ins sedentary woman in her 70s.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Throughout her forties, her average caloric intake is 1,794 and in her fifties, it is 1,759. During her sixties, she eats about 1,717 calories per day and that number decreases to about 1,535 for women ages 70 and up.edentary women ages 19 to 25 need 2,000 calories a day; sedentary women ages 26 to 50 need 1,800 calories a day and sedentary women ages 51 and over need 1,600 calories a day.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Activity Level. If you are inactive, you should consume less than the recommended daily calorie consumption. Active women, defined as those that perform physical activity equivalent to 1.5 to 3 miles of brisk walking per day, should aim for the middle of the calorie range.he amount of fuel a woman needs daily depends on many factors, including size, age and activity level. Treat the recommended daily caloric intakes for women as guidelines only -- you may need more or fewer depending on your personal situation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The National Institutes of Heath offer a chart for women and men, childhood through adulthood, to help determine appropriate caloric intake. For women, those aged 19 to 25 are allowed the most calories on this chart, ranging from 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day depending on activity level.Sedentary women ages 51 and older should consume the least amount, at 1,600 a day.he National Institutes of Heath offer a chart for women and men, childhood through adulthood, to help determine appropriate caloric intake. For women, those aged 19 to 25 are allowed the most calories on this chart, ranging from 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day depending on activity level.", "url": "" } ]
recommended calories per day for a woman
[ "Recommended calories for a woman is 1,200 per day." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "CEDAR POINT, TX. CEDAR POINT, TEXAS. Cedar Point, east of Beach City in extreme west central Chambers County, was the site of the Sam Houston's summer home on Trinity Bay known as Raven Moor. Houston purchased the home from John Iiamqv's wife, Tabitha Harris, in 1837 and used it until 1862.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Come one come all for some springtime fun! In 1713, the Town of Cedar Point, NC was founded on a platform of family and small town values. When you visit this part of the North Carolina Coast, you will see how this close-knit community has grown while holding fast to its small town roots. Please browse our site for information on our area and the Town Administration.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cedar Point is even great for commuters, thanks to the proximity of Highway 100, Highway 10 and I-97. Within minutes of your home, you can dine at Sakura, Whispers Restaurant, Bella Napoli, Double T Diner, Carrabba’s and more.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The 607 acre Cedar Point, with commanding views of Gardiner's Bay, offers individual and organized group camping areas. Picnic areas, boat rentals, nature trails, vehicular access to the outer beach (with permit only), licensed hunting for waterfowl (in season), surfcasting for bass and bluefish.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "-Follow to right onto Spencer Rd. -Follow .6 miles to the community entrance on the right (the community entrance is located across from Howard Manor Drive). Model Address: 301 Cedar Point Drive, Glen Burnie, MD 21060. GPS Address: 7830 Spencer Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21060.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cedar Point Country Club. Welcome to Cedar Point Country Club! Cedar Point Country Club is located at the confluence of the Nansemond and James Rivers in Suffolk, Virginia. The Civil War ironclads, Monitor and Merrimac, battled in the waters of Hampton Roads just outside the clubhouse windows.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cedar Point Clerk. Find Cedar Point North Carolina clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cedar Point County Park. Cedar Point County Park offers camping options for individuals and organized groups. Picnic areas are available on grounds as are nature trails, fishing areas, licensed waterfowl (in season) hunting, boat rentals and scuba diving. The 607-acre park allows for spectacular views of Gardiner's Bay.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "This is another hidden gem favorite of mine for camping. The Good: This county park is a hidden gem. History (Grey Gardens family orig. ownership of the land) and natural beauty (Long Island Sound) abound. You can camp here for about $40 (give or take) a night depending on the campsite area and busy /on / off season rates. Campsites...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Cedar Point Clerk.", "url": "" } ]
what county is cedar point in
[ "Cedar Point is in LaSalle County." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Babies are at greatest risk of contracting whooping cough until they have had at least two doses of the vaccine (aged four months), as their mother’s antibodies do not provide reliable protection. About one in 200 infants under the age of six months who contract whooping cough will die from pneumonia or brain damage.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Whooping cough (pertussis) is a serious, contagious, respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. The disease begins like a cold and then the characteristic cough develops. This cough may last up to three months, even after antibiotic treatment is completed and the person is no longer infectious.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A: Yes. Pertussis, or whooping cough, can be prevented with vaccines. Before pertussis vaccines became widely available in the 1940s, about 200,000 children got sick with it each year in the United States and about 9,000 died as a result of the infection.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Whooping Cough (pertussis)is an extremely contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacteriumBordetella pertussis. The disease causes uncontrolled coughing and vomiting, which can last for several months and can be particularly dangerous for babies under the age of 12 months.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Whooping cough is most serious in babies under 12 months of age. In young babies less than six months of age, the symptoms can be severe or life threatening. Seek urgent medical attention if your child's lips or skin go blue (cyanosis) or if they are having breathing difficulties associated with the coughing.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As whooping cough causes severe disease in the elderly, adults who are 65 years of age are recommended a single booster dose of dTpa if they haven’t received one already in the previous 10 years.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Pertussis vaccines are recommended for people of all ages. Babies and children should get 5 doses of DTaP for maximum protection. A dose is given at 2, 4 and 6 months, at 15 through 18 months, and again at 4 through 6 years. A booster dose of Tdap is given to preteens at 11 or 12 years old.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Tdap is a combination vaccine that protects against three potentially life-threatening bacterial diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough). Td is a booster vaccine for tetanus and diphtheria. It does not protect against pertussis. Tetanus enters the body through a wound or cut.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The time from infection to appearance of symptoms (incubation period) is between six and 20 days. A person is infectious for the first 21 days of their cough or until they have had five days of a 10-day course of antibiotics. In countries where immunisation rates are high, the risk of catching whooping cough is low.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Caregivers of infants under 1 year old, including parents, grandparents, and babysitters. Pregnant women in their third trimester (ideally 27th through 36th week), even if they have previously received Tdap vaccine; this can protect a newborn from whooping cough in the first months of life.", "url": "" } ]
how long does whooping cough vaccine last
[ "Whooping cough vaccines last for four months." ]
[ { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Yalta Conference In February 1945, Roosevelt had met with Churchill and Stalin at the Soviet city of Yalta on the Black Sea. At this Yalta Conference, the three leaders made a number of important decisions about the future.They agreed to move ahead in creating a new international peacemaking body, the UN, based on the principles of Atlantic charter. Stalin promised to enter the war against Japan after the surrender of Germany.t this Yalta Conference, the three leaders made a number of important decisions about the future. They agreed to move ahead in creating a new international peacemaking body, the UN, based on the principles of Atlantic charter.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Yalta Conference was a World War II meeting between the heads of state of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met in … February, 1945 at Yalta, in the Crimea, to plan the occupation of postwar Germany.46 people found this useful.t this Yalta Conference, the three leaders made a number of important decisions about the future. They agreed to move ahead in creating a new international peacemaking body, the UN, based on the principles of Atlantic charter.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A+E Networks. The February 1945 Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.During the conference, the three leaders agreed to demand Germany’s unconditional surrender and began plans for a post-war world.+E Networks. The February 1945 Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Introduction. The February 1945 Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.During the conference, the three leaders agreed to demand Germany’s unconditional surrender and began plans for a post-war world.+E Networks. The February 1945 Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Yalta Conference was a World War II meeting between the heads of state of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met in … February, 1945 at Yalta, in the Crimea, to plan the occupation of postwar Germany.he Yalta Conference was the World War II meeting of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Mini … ster Winston Churchill and Premier Joseph Stalin to discuss Europe's post-war reorganization.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Yalta Conference In February 1945, Roosevelt had met with Churchill and Stalin at the Soviet city of Yalta on the Black Sea.At this Yalta Conference, the three leaders made a … number of important decisions about the future.he Yalta Conference was the World War II meeting of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Mini … ster Winston Churchill and Premier Joseph Stalin to discuss Europe's post-war reorganization.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Yalta-February 1945: Germany was not yet defeated, so, although there were tensions about Poland, the big three-Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill-managed to agree to split Germany into four zones of occupation, and to allow free elections in Eastern European countries.ussia was invited to join the United Nations, and Russia promised to join the war against Japan when Germany was defeated. Potsdam-July 1945: Germany had been defeated, Roosevelt had died and Churchill had lost the 1945 election-so there were open disagreements.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Yalta Conference was a meeting of British prime minister Winston Churchill, Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt early in February 1945 as World War II was winding down.+E Networks. The February 1945 Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The conference at Yalta produced decisions that were decidedly among the most important of the 20th century, perhaps of modern history. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin carved up much of the modern world and set into motion the creation of the foundation of the world`s first real world government, the United Nations.he Yalta Conference of February 1945 took place in the Crimea. Yalta is an ancient city on the shores of the Black Sea. This war conference is where the Big Three, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin issued the Yalta Agreement, their Declaration on Liberated Europe..", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Joseph Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt agreed and at Yalta, the decision at Teheran to form a United Nations organization was confirmed. It was only on this issue that all three leaders were enthusiastically in agreement.talin at the Yalta Conference. The historian, Christopher Andrew, who has made a close study of the KGB archive, has argued that Stalin was determined to discover what Allied leaders were thinking: Yalta was to prove an even bigger success for Soviet intelligence than Tehran.", "url": "" } ]
what decisions were made at the yalta conference
[ "At the Yalta conference, they agreed to move ahead in creating a new international peacemaking body, the United Nations, based on the principles of Atlantic charter." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Grace Health and Rehab Center of Greene County delivers warm and personalized care in a home-like setting. In fact, it feels like we are a big family. Our residents enjoy using our outdoor swimming pool during the summer months, growing vegetables in our garden, pet therapy, home-baked bread, and regular visits from local entertainers.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Stanardsville is a town in Greene County, Virginia, United States. The population was 476 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Greene County. The name is from Robert Stanard, a benefactor who donated land for public use. It is part of the Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "url": ",_Virginia" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Greene County Library had its beginnings in the 1960’s when a committee, spearheaded by members of the Home Demonstration and Lions Clubs, formed to explore the idea of a library and to generate support for its formation.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Jump to: Adult Programs | Kids Programs | Teen Programs | Friends of the Greene County Library| Volunteer. Meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of each month to discuss interesting books chosen by members. Program listings are below.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "They also enjoy excursions to local restaurants, shops, the library, the movie theater, and the many historic homes and buildings in our town of Stanardsville. Our caregivers are people of integrity, compassion and skill with attitudes that are responsive and positive.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Clerks near Stanardsville VA. Find Stanardsville, VA clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Showing 1-20 of 21 Clerks.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.3 square miles (0.9 km²), all of it land. Stanardsville is at the junction of U.S. Route 33 and State Highway 230. As of the census of 2000, there were 476 people, 183 households, and 116 families residing in the town. The population density was 1,361.0 people per square mile (525.1/km²).", "url": ",_Virginia" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Stanardsville is a town in Greene County, Virginia, United States. The population was 476 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Greene County. The name is from Robert Stanard, a benefactor who donated land for public use. It is part of the Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area. Stanardsville is located at 38°17′49″N 78°26′22″W / 38.29694°N 78.43944°W / 38.29694; -78.43944 (38.296852, -78.439367). According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.3 square miles (0.9 km²), all of it land.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "After negotiation between the County Board of Supervisors and the JMRL Board of Trustees, the Greene County Branch Library opened its doors in October 1974 in a small brick building on Main Street in Stanardsville, formerly known as the Gibson residence.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Greene County Library continues to be a community hub with an active Friends of the Library Group, which sponsors many initiatives in the branch including a huge Summer Reading Kick-off party each June, and a yearly Festival of the Book program.", "url": "" } ]
what county is stanardsville, va in?
[ "Stanardsville, Virginia is located in Greene County." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: situation comedy (Noun). An episodic comedy television program with a plot or storyline based around a particular humorous situation. situation comedy (Noun). An episode of such a program.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "1. (Broadcasting) (on television or radio) a comedy series involving the same characters in various day-to-day situations which are developed as separate stories for each episode.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: situation comedy, sitcom (noun). a humorous drama based on situations that might arise in day-to-day life. situation comedy, sitcom (noun). a humorous television program based on situations that could arise in everyday life.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In television programming, the situation comedy or sitcom may be recorded using either a multiple-camera setup or a single-camera setup.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Some, but not all, single-camera comedy series may also be classified as comedy-drama, a genre which blends comedic and dramatic elements. The distinction between a sitcom and a comedy-drama series is based on the show's content, not its form. In alphabetical order. 1 10 Items or Less (2006-2009, TBS).", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "As part of our occasional series on idioms used in or in relation to business, we look today at the important area of making projects happen – getting projects started, making progress with those projects and, as sometimes happens, failing to make progress.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A situation comedy, often shortened to the portmanteau sitcom, is a genre of comedy that features characters sharing the same common environment, such as a home or workplace, with often humorous dialogue.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "situation comedy noun [C or U]. › a ​funny ​television or ​radio show in which the same ​characters ​appear in each ​programme in a different ​story. (Definition of situation comedy from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press). See all translations.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A situation comedy television program may be recorded in front of a studio audience, depending on the program's production format. The effect of a live studio audience can be imitated by the use of a laugh track.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Some of the characters, pratfalls, routines and situations as preserved in eyewitness accounts and in the texts of the plays themselves, are remarkably similar to those in earlier modern sitcoms such as I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners.", "url": "" } ]
situation comedy definition
[ "The definition of situation comedy is a humorous television program based on situations that could arise in everyday life." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The cost of equipment to Mud Pump a house is far greater than any other piece of equipment used in foundation repair. A Mud Pump unit (truck, trailer, Mud Pump, mixer, etc.) costs between $50,000 – $60,000. It is time consuming and easier not to do.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Cost breakdown. 1 Materials: Poured slab concrete typically costs $3-$5 per square foot. Footings 1 can add an additional $1-$2 per square foot. 2 Labor: labor costs from contractors or concrete specialists typically adds another $2-$3 per square foot, for a total of $2000-$3000 for this project.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "For this example, we'll consider the cost of a new 1000 square foot foundation. The average installed cost is $5-$8 per square foot, or $5000-$8000. Materials: Poured slab concrete typically costs $3-$5 per square foot. Footings 1 can add an additional $1-$2 per square foot. A crawl space foundation can be a better option, but it also requires more materials and labor time and can double the overall cost of the project.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Whether you are installing a foundation that will accommodate a basement or crawl space or if your foundation will be a concrete slab, it is important to do whats best for your home as well as your geographical area. Soil implications may dictate the type of foundation that you will have to install.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "With major foundation repairs involving hydraulic piers costing $10,000 or more, and minor cracks costing as low as $500, most homeowners will pay around $4,005 to repair foundation issues. Here are a few things that can influence the cost of a foundation repair.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Whether your need to repair your foundation, install one, raise it or level it, you want to be sure that you hire the absolute best person for the job - which is not always the cheapest nor is it the most expensive!", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "I've recently purchased a home unaware of the severity of the foundation problem(s). My inspector didn't perform as thorough a job as thought. However, I've invited several contractors to estimate the foundation problem and it looks to be a costly repair ranging from $5,000 for stabilization alone.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Wow, I have been told repeatedly that foundation repairs would cost anywhere from 500 to 2000, so when I am looking at two sides being bad and I am hearing 90000 and 27,000 this is sickening. I could build a room for 27000. So right now I am pretty mad Shelly Spencer.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Continue Reading. 1 Seal a Basement or Foundation Costs. Most homeowners spent between: $2,052 - $5,908. 2 Repair a Foundation Costs. Most homeowners spent between: $1,889 - $6,322. 3 Level or Mudjack Concrete Slabs Costs. Most homeowners spent between: $504 - $1,214.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Answer: because it is much more profitable for the repair company. The cost of foundation repair is primarily determined by the repair method chosen by the contractor. The primary reason most foundation repair companies use segmented concrete pilings (pressed piles) as their repair method of choice is because it is more profitable for the repair contractor.", "url": "" } ]
how much does it cost to repair slab foundation
[ "It costs between $504 and $1,214 to repair a slab foundation. ", "The cost to repair a slab foundation is $504 to $1,214." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "According to the separation of powers doctrine, the legislature in a presidential system is considered an independent and coequal branch of government along with both the judiciary and the executive.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "noun. Legislation is defined as laws and rules made by the government. An example of legislation is a new state rule that changes textbook requirements. 1 the act or process of making a law or laws. 2 the law or laws made.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "n. 1 A bill being considered by a legislature that will become law if enacted. 2 The entire body of such bills under consideration or already enacted as law by a legislature. 3 The process of enacting bills into law.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A legislature with only one house is a unicameral legislature, while a bicameral legislature possesses two separate chambers, usually described as an upper house and a lower house .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "A legislature is composed of one or more deliberative assemblies that separately debate and vote upon bills.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An Act to designate the United States courthouse located at 200 NW 4th Street in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as the “William J. Holloway, Jr. United States Courthouse”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "An Act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Walter Hammond Place in Waldwick, New Jersey, as the “Staff Sergeant Joseph D’Augustine Post Office Building”.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Laws enacted by legislatures are known as legislation. Legislatures observe and steer governing actions and usually have exclusive authority to amend the budget or budgets involved in the process. The most common names for national legislatures are parliament and congress .", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "In terms of events, Legislation defines the governing legal principles outlining the responsibilities of event organisers, and other stakeholders such as the local authority, to protect the safety of the public. The key piece of Legislation that applies to events is the 2003 Licensing Act. It is very important that you familiarise yourself with the key points in this act as you have a legal duty, whatever the size of your event, to comply with this.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "legislation noun [U]. C2 a ​law or set of ​laws ​suggested by a ​government and made ​official by a ​parliament: [+ to infinitive] The ​government has ​promised to ​introduce legislation to ​limit ​fuel emissions from ​cars. More examples. 1 There are some ​ ambiguities in the legislation. 2 The ​ effects of this legislation will ​ extend ​ further than the ​ government ​ intends. 3 This legislation is ​ designed to ​ stimulate the ​ faltering ​ economy.", "url": "" } ]
what is a legislation?
[ "Legislation is laws and rules made by the government." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Rockport-Fulton High School (RFHS) Lady Pirate softball team nears the end of their regular season fighting for the playoffs. The Aransas County Independent School District (ACISD) Education Foundation bought copies of A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park for the Rockport-Fulton High School (RFHS) sophomores. And, that was the unintended catalyst for the upcoming Amazi Run at the RFHS track.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "THE EDUCATION FOUNDATION, Supporting Aransas County ISD invites you to honor the 2017 Shining Stars and Honored Educators SHINING STARS OVER ARANSAS CELEBRATION BANQUET Rockport-Fulton High School Commons April 23,...", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Rockport, TX 78382. Main:(361) 729-2222. Fax: (361) 790-0164. Sheriff. Long respected as the county's top lawman, the sheriff has a range of duties that include criminal investigations, traffic enforcement, operation of the jail and other responsibilities. Duties of the sheriff include: Providing security for the operation of county and district courts; Enforcing traffic laws, other county ordinances and other state laws; Service of process; Accepting bail for prisoners in his custody; Conducting sales of seized and unclaimed properties; and.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Rockport is a city in Aransas County, Texas, United States. The population was 7,385 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Aransas County. The coastal community has approximately 8000 citizens. Large windswept live oaks are a dominating feature of the area and the state's oldest live oak, Big Tree, resides on nearby Lamar Peninsula.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Posted: April 14, 2017. The Aransas County Independent School District (ACISD) Education Foundation bought copies of A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park for the Rockport-Fulton High School (RFHS) sophomores. And, that was the unintended catalyst for the upcoming Amazi Run at the RFHS track.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "While care has been used in creating this site, the Aransas County Independent School District cannot guarantee its accuracy. While the Aransas County Independent School District actively monitors the content of this website, we do not claim responsibility for the content on outside, or linked, sites. All material on this website, unless otherwise noted, is the intellectual property of the Aransas County Independent School District.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "- Terry Jeanson. Designed by J. Riley Gordon whose other courthouses include the Counties of Bexar, Comal, Ellis, Erath, Fayette, Gonzales, Hopkins, Lee, Victoria and Wise. Rockport had been the seat of Refugio County until the creation of Aransas County in 1871. This ornate Moorish design enjoyed popularity for a time.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "If your business provides an interesting product or service to pilots, flight crews, aircraft, or users of the Aransas County Airport, you should consider listing it here. To start the listing process, click on the button below.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "He proudly served in the U.S. Army. LEONARD Harry Leonard, 84, of Rockport, passed away Tuesday, April 11, 2017. He was born April 28, 1932 in San Antonio. SANTINI Emily Kay Santini 68, of Rockport, Texas passed away on April 15, 2017 in Corpus Christi, Texas. She was born on December 23, 1948 in Las Cruces, New Mexico to Carl and Marian Bundschuh.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "The Rockport-Fulton High School (RFHS) Academic team won the sweepstakes at the UIL district contest. RFHS competed against seven schools, including; Aransas Pass, H.M. King, Ingleside, Orange Grove, Sinton, Robstown, and West Oso.", "url": "" } ]
what county is rockport texas in
[ "Rockport is in Aransas County, Texas." ]
[ { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Page 1. Explanation of IDD Services and Supports. This is a brief description of intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) services and supports. provided by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS). Some services and. supports have interest lists because they do not have immediate openings available. People who.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Health Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Toolkit for Primary Care Providers. IDD Toolkit Telehealth Project offered for Tennessee physicians, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants; AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM or AAFP Prescribed credits for each one-hour session you complete. Project ends February 2017. Email for information.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "IDD Therapy is credible. It is the only treatment that was developed by a team of back specialists including neurosurgeons, orthopedists, physiatrists, osteopaths, chiropractors, neurologists, and physical therapists. IDD Therapy is proven and effective.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 1, "passage_text": "Science and technology. 1 Insulin-dependent diabetes, called diabetes mellitus type 1. 2 Interictal dysphoric disorder. 3 International direct dialing, in telephony. Iodine deficiency disorders, commonly used when discussing IDD eradication 1 programs. IDD, the electric current in the drains of a CMOS circuit.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "IDD Therapy - Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy® is a proven treatment for the relief of lower back pain. With a significant success rate, thousands of patients have experienced dramatic pain relief and healing. IDD Therapy is an innovative approach for the relief of lower back syndromes, including:", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "What is IDD Therapy: Understanding Back Pain. Back pain most often occurs because of a pinched (impinged) nerve, most often the sciatic nerve. While the most common reason for this pinched nerve is disc herniation, other disc problems can cause this pain.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Some individuals may have a condition that includes a physical and intellectual disability, for example, Down syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome. Intellectual disability encompasses the “cognitive” part of this definition, that is, a disability that is broadly related to thought processes.", "url": "!" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Under the terms of the agreement, RTP will receive license fees, milestone payments and royalties on net sales of the IDD formulated injectable medications developed for Baxter's global pharmaceutical company partners.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "NC Innovations Waiver. The NC Innovations Waiver is a Medicaid program that serves people who would otherwise live in an intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID). This program gives people the opportunity to live in a community setting instead of an institution or group home.", "url": "" }, { "is_selected": 0, "passage_text": "Report of the Mission's Observations and Recommendations, Program of International Cooperation for the Elimination of IDD in China by the year 2000. After doing a course on the IDD machines, she is now pain-free and back at work.", "url": "" } ]
what is idd
[ "In telephony, IDD stands for International direct dialing." ]