belum sempat di buka dan di coba.. semoga berfungsi dengan baik semuanya.. thx u seller and shopee
haven't had time to open and try it yet. i hope everything will work fine. thx u seller and shopee
delivery bisa 10hari..kecewa. padahal dikirim oleh penjual nya langsung
delivery can take days..disappointed. even though it was sent by the seller directly
Barang selamat sampai tujuan. Cuma ekspedisi nya lama banget. Estimasi maksimal sampai tgl 5 juli. Di extend jadi 6 juli. Trus sampai nya tgl 7. Mgkn itu aja. Makasi min. Worth it lah pokok nya 🙏🏻🙏🏻
goods safely to their destination. it's just that the expedition took too long. maximum estimate until july. extended to july. then until the date. maybe that's all. thanks min. it's worth it anyway
Kualitas barang sangat bagus hanya admin sama pengirimannya mengecewakan
the quality of the goods is very good, only the admin and the delivery are disappointing
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. elegant design. light but sturdy.
suara menggelegar, tv ringan pas dipasang bracket. Kok keyboardnya gak ada ?
booming sound, light tv fits the bracket. why isn't there a keyboard?
ok, no problem. the problem is the admin can't communicate good. if you reply, don't copy and paste just read it, people ask when you're delivering
good good good good good good no damage and hope it will last
Barangnya bagus banget, yang menarik remot tv bisa digabung ke remot stb nya. Barangnya original 👍.
the item is really good, what's interesting is that the tv remote can be combined with the stb remote. the goods are original.
Bagus sih pengiriman cepat ada bagian yg patah tpi
it's good, fast delivery, but there are broken parts
Fitur Terbaik:barang bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:harga terjangkau Barang nya bagusssss selalu Cuman pengiriman nya lama
best features:good stuff worth the price:affordable prices always good stuff it's just the long delivery
Fitur Terbaik:belum dicoba Sepadan dengan Harga:mantap Masya Allah pesen Wkt 10.10 posisinya tengah malem kmrn, hari ini tgl 12 malem udah sampe.. cepet bgt, pengirimannya jg aman, kurirnya baik, pokoknya recomended, terimakasih.. ibu bapak dirumah seneng.. semoga berkah Aamiin
best features: haven't tried worth the price: great masya allah order time . it was in the middle of the night yesterday, today on the evening it arrived. really fast, the delivery is also safe, the courier is good, just recommended, thank you.. the parents are happy at home.. god bless you aamiin
Bagus. Mudah dioperasikan. Pengiriman seminggu baru sampai rumah. Kurir hanya antar. Ga bantu pasang. Sterofoam pelindung dalam mesin susah dilepas. Terlalu ketat dalam tabung. Admin sangat slow respon dichat. Bahkan sampai sekarang gak dibalas. Saya sampai harus menghubungi admin WA brand.
good. easy to operate. delivery just a week to the house. courier delivery only. don't help install. the protective styrofoam in the engine is difficult to remove. too tight in the tube. admin is very slow to respond in chat. even now, no reply. i even had to contact the wa brand admin.
Fitur Terbaik:kualitas DTV-nya mantap banget Sepadan dengan Harga:2.603.000 Bagus banget semoga awet
best features: the quality of the dtv is really great worth the price:.. very good, hope it lasts
bagus. kaget ekspedisinya cuma bisa pilih 1 dan yg dateng dari kgx (gramedia expedisi) pas ditanya emg kerjasama dengan itu tapi puas aman barangnya
good. surprised that the expedition could only choose and those who came from kgx (gramedia expedition) when asked did they cooperate with it but were satisfied the goods were safe
penjual responnya jelek alias no respon pengiriman ga jelas seenaknya berhari-hari
the seller's response is bad, aka no response, the delivery is not clear, it takes days
brng nya cpt sampai tujuan dan peackingan nya sangat rapih sesuai pesanan pokok nya sangat puas
the goods arrived quickly to their destination and the packaging was very neat according to the main order, very satisfied
pengiriman agak lama
delivery a bit long
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh. Gampang rakitnya.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. elegant design. the material is sturdy. easy to assemble.
kualitas barang bintang 4 tp pelayanan ke customernya bintang 2, chat ga pernah respon, gimana nanti kalau ada kendala kalau tanya di cahat aja tidak pernah respon. memangnya tidak punya admin khusus buat balas2 chat di online sebesar POLYTRON?
the quality of the goods is stellar but the service to the customers is stellar, the chat never responds, what if there are problems if you ask in chat, you never respond. do you really not have a special admin to reply to online chats as big as polytron?
Alhamdulilah , Pesanan sudah sampai kemarin ya min , Mdh mdhn awet dan tidak ada kerusakan sampai menua aamiin
thank god, the order arrived yesterday yamin, it's easy to last and there's no damage until it's old, amen
Barang sudah diterima, tapi belum sempat dites
item received, but not tested yet
So far produk di terima dengan baik. Ga ada lecet, aman. Mesin juga sudan dicek sejauh ini aman. Pengirimannga sesuai deskripsi ya 5-7hari kerja. Semoga awet kulkasnya~
so far the product has been well received. no scratches, safe. the machine has also been checked so far it is safe. delivery according to the description yes - working days. hope it lasts in the fridge~
Top markotop banget dah
top markotop really
sistem pengirim nya harus diperbaiki, kurang cepet, CS tidak bisa jawab posisi barang ter update
the sending system must be repaired, it's not fast enough, cs can't answer the updated item position
barang yg diterima lengkap, tapi kenapa yaa saat proses mencari channel berhenti di 38% dan STBnya off sendiri (warna merah) sudah diulang lebih dr 5 kali
the item received is complete, but why is it that when the process of searching for a channel stops at % and the stb turns itself off (red color) it has been repeated more than once
pokonya makasih barang bagus puas
anyway, thanks, good stuff, satisfied
barang original. Pengiriman cepat langsung dri polytron.
original item. fast delivery direct from polytron.
mantap , pengiriman cepet cuma yg bikin kesel kalo chat gak d bales ..
great, fast delivery only makes it annoying if the chat doesn't reply..
kesalahan kurir nyampe nya lama
courier fault it took a long time
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ringan tapi kokoh. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. light but sturdy. there are many features. elegant design. sleek design.
Alhamdulillah barang sampai dengan selamat, barang nya juga sesuai. Semoga bisa awet
thank god the goods arrived safely, the goods are also suitable. hope it lasts
bagusss.. kiriman tnyt cepat nympe, barang lengkap , trimksh seller..
good.. tnyt fast delivery, complete items, thank you seller..
Pengiriman di hr ke6 kerja, estimasi memang 7hari kerja jd harap sabar klo nunggu barang dtg.. mesin beroperasi dgn sempurna, kurir ramah
delivery on working days, estimates are indeed working days so please be patient when waiting for the goods to arrive. the machine operates perfectly, the courier is friendly
bagus barangnya cuma telat pengiriman
good product only late delivery
Pengemasan lammaaa.. Pengiriman lamaaaa... Barang aman Suara oke Bagus..
lamma packaging.. long delivery. goods are safe sound okay good..
Alhamdulillah cepet pengirimannya..bagus suaranya semoga awet ya terimakasiih
thank god, the delivery is fast.. the sound is good, i hope it lasts, thank you
Fitur Terbaik:good Sepadan dengan Harga:cocok Cepat..pngiriman 5 hari sudah smpai
best features:good worth the price:fits quickly..shipping day arrived
Kurir kurang ramah saat pengiriman
unfriendly courier during delivery
Respon seller cepat , barang asli harga juga murah
fast response from seller, original product at low price
Barang datang agak lama. Dan kurang informatif chat dengan penjual. Overall oke sih utk kualitas sound nya.
items took a while to arrive. and less informative chat with the seller. overall it's okay for the sound quality.
Tumben lama ini saya udh order yg ke 3 kali ini yg paling lama.
it's been a long time since i ordered the longest one this time.
Mendarat dengan selamat dan sempurna.... Awalnya sempat galau karena resi tidak bisa terlacak. Tp ternyata dikirim langsung oleh kurir pribadi Polytron..... Terimakasih..... Sudah terpasang dengan baikkkk semoga awet tahan lama....
land safely and flawlessly. initially, i was confused because the receipt could not be traced. but apparently it was sent directly by polytron's personal courier. thank you. it has been installed properly, hopefully it will last a long time.
Bintang 4 dulu, blm dicoba nyalain
first star, haven't tried it yet
barang kurang 1 raknya sudah di komplain tidak ada respon
goods lacking shelves have been complained there is no response
barangnya bagus cuma pengiriman yang lama
the item is good only the delivery took a long time
adminnya sepertinya perlu diefisiensikan
the admin seems to need to be streamlined
Keren...murah...semoga berfungsi.
cool, cheap, hopefully it works.
STB nya bagus, instalasi mudah dan berfungsi dengan baik. Minusnya cm pengiriman kurir toko yang lelet. Thanks
the stb is good, easy installation and works fine. the minus is the slow shop courier delivery. thanks
Barang sudah diterima terimakasih somaga awet ya barang nya
item received, thank you, hopefully it will last
Fitur Terbaik:mantap barang nya oke Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sesuai🙂🙂 Pokonya puas , makasih
best features: great stuff, okay worth the price: the price is according to the point, it's satisfied, thanks
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sangat murah dan kualitas bagus Fitur Terbaik:semua fitur bekerja Sangat bagus dan saya puas, barang, harga pengiriman top markotop
worth the price:very cheap price and good quality best features:all features work very good and i'm satisfied, goods, top markotop shipping prices
puas dengan kualitasnya. Bass nya masih terasa empuk untuk menemani di atas meja kerja. Bahan speaker terasa premium dibanding bahan plastik speaker yg lainnya.
satisfied with the quality. the bass still feels soft to accompany on the work table. the speaker material feels premium compared to other plastic speaker materials.
pikir2 lagi buat yg mau beli ditoko yg katanya oficial store. pengiriman super lama pdhl dr tangerang ke jakarta barat. untuk barang bagus seller mati suri gak ada respon sama sekali.
think again for those who want to buy at a store that is said to be the official store. super long shipping from tangerang to west jakarta. for good goods, the seller is in suspended animation, there is no response at all.
pesan 620T2 dikirimnya 600T2. ya udahlah, drpd ga ada. minn, mintul diupdate selalu stoknya ya.
message t was sent t. never mind, rather than nothing. admin, please always update the stock, ok?
mantap sekali sanagat memuaskan
really really satisfying
barang ORI garansi
warranty ori goods
Alhamdulillah,,,barangnya udah nyampe,semoga barangnya awet,makasih shopee,makasih bapak kurirnya ramah banget malem2 dianterin 😍
thank god, the goods have arrived, i hope the goods will last, thank you shopee, thank you, the courier is very friendly at night to be delivered
Baguss bgt barangnya Pengiriman nya ajh yg kurang
the goods are really good, the delivery is just lacking
Belum tau blm di unboxing
not yet or unboxed
cacat produksi
manufacturing defects
Fitur Terbaik:cukup bagus lah Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau Pengiriman lumayan lamaa apalagi status pesanan tidak terdeteksi di shoppe , panik banget grgr 5 hari pengiriman di tlpn tapi ngga aktif akhirnya di bawa lagi nunggu satu Minggu lagi baru di kirim ulang untung kurirnya baik mau nganterin buat ke dua kali.a🥺. Saran si buat admin toko tolong kalo chat segera di bales biar ada komunikasi yang baik selebihnya ok
best feature: it's pretty good worth the price: affordable the delivery took quite a while, especially when the order status was not detected at shoppe, i was really panicked, the delivery day was on the phone but it wasn't active, finally i was taken again, i waited one more week to send it back, fortunately the courier was kind enough to deliver it to me the second time. a. the advice for the shop admin, please reply to the chat immediately so that there is good communication, the rest is ok
Bagus bgt suara jernih, worth it sekali
really good, clear sound, really worth it
Desain elegan 😍. Ada banyak fiturnya.
elegant design. there are many features.
Pengiriman lama sampe 2 minggu Alsanya offline terus
long delivery until weeks. the reason is it keeps going offline
mantap, sudah dicoba dan berfungsi dengan baik.
great, tested and working fine.
kualitas produk sesuai, hanya saja pengiriman lama banget... tidak direkomendasikan jika ingin cepat sampai.
the quality of the product is appropriate, it's just that the delivery is very long. not recommended if you want to arrive quickly.
Alhamdulillah sampe juga setelah menunggu dr tgl 5 April diproses, sempet galau krna ga bls chat admin nya n mau ajukan pengembalian krna ga sampe2 di tgl 19 :")
thank god it arrived after waiting for april to be processed, i was confused because i couldn't chat with the admin and wanted to submit a return because it didn't arrive on the date :")
Bagus, gampang di pasang, bentuknya mungil, gx gampang panas di pakai dalam jangka waktu lama
good, easy to install, tiny shape, not easy to heat up for long periods of time
Official store tp chat aj kga d respon, pengiriman sesuai estimasi, tapi lama....hmpir smnggu bru dkrm
the official store, but the chat is not responding, the delivery is according to estimates, but it takes a long time
stb tersimpel
the simplest stb
barang sesuai, sayangnya pèngiriman tidak bisa sampai tujuan, dan perlindungan barang kurang hanya kardus bawaan.
the goods are appropriate, unfortunately the delivery cannot reach its destination, and the protection of the goods is lacking, only the default cardboard.
Barang sudah dterima tpi bru dikonfirmasi krna bru dpakai bru smpat unboxing ,barang bgus sudah lgsung dpkai,yg saya syangkan pengirimannya yg luaaammmaa bggtt
the item has been received but just confirmed because it's bru used bru smpat unboxing, the good stuff has already been used, which i'm sorry the delivery took so long
Alat ini tidak bisa dipakai untuk Mola TV . padahal says sdh terlanjur berlangganan Mola Tv
this tool cannot be used for mola tv. even though it says already subscribed to mola tv
Barang sampai ke Jogja dengan aman.
the goods arrived in jogja safely.
Tidak ada fasilitas untuk copy remote…
there is no facility for remote copy…
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan Fitur Terbaik:bagus Pengiriman super lama, penjualnya super duper lama jg balesnya pdhl lg aktif, tp yaudah yg penting udh sampe, Suaranya oke tp pas dtg ternyata agak kecil, tp worth to buy lahh, semoga bertahan lama
worth the price: not bad best features: good super long delivery, the seller takes super duper long to reply even though it's active, but okay, the important thing is that it arrived, the sound is okay but when it arrives it turns out to be a bit small, but it's worth buying, i hope it lasts a long time
mantap berfungsi dengan baik, walau hanya pake antena dalam
steady, it works well, even though it only uses an internal antenna
Kurir baik ramah Barang di terima drngan baik semoga awet
good friendly courier goods well received hopefully durable
Semoga Awet Thankkk you seller
hope it lasts thank you seller
pengiriman sangat lama barang ori
very long delivery of original goods
pengiriman cepat, kurir nya ramah barang pun original Terima kasih 🙏
fast delivery, the courier is friendly, the item is original, thank you
Pengiriman sesuai waktu, kurir jg bisa koordinasi dengan baik. Dapet bonus rinso matic 2 lagi, emang gak salah pilih kalo beli di polytron lgsg. Satisfied
delivery on time, courier can also coordinate well. got another matic rinso bonus, i really can't choose wrong if i buy it at polytron lgg. satisfied
Barangnya sih bagus, tapi sumpah sih adminnya jujur enggak suka, slow respon bgt chat kapan bls kapan. Ekspedisinya juga lama
the goods are good, but i swear the admin honestly doesn't like it, the response is slow, how can i chat when i can. the expedition was also long
bagus suaranya jernih enak buat telp
nice clear sound good for tel
saya kemakan iklan. baru kali ini saya beli elektronik merk ini. pengering tidak berfungsi maksimal, diangkat masih bisa diperes lagi. sudah hubungi service center dan di konfirmasi oleh teknisi namun teknisi sudah lewat 3hr kerja masih blm dtg juga, di hubungi ulang tidak ada hasil apa2.
i eat ads. this is the first time i bought this brand of electronics. the dryer doesn't work optimally, it can still be cleaned again. i have contacted the service center and confirmed by the technician, but the technician has passed the working day and still hasn't come, contacted again, no results.
Chat gak dibales
chat not answered
kulkasnya sudah sampai berfungsi dengan baik semuanya termurah sejagat raya
the refrigerator has arrived to function properly, everything is the cheapest in the universe
Remotenya ga bs fungsi..
the remote doesn't work..
mantul poko namah..mudah2n awet
mantul poko namah..easy to last
Bluetooth sering bisa konek
bluetooth often fails. can't connect
Respon penjualnya top.
top seller response.
Pengiriman super lama, hampir seminggu barang baru sampai itupun setelah saya melakukan komplain satu hari sebelumnya, tapi kualitas barang bagus.
super long delivery, almost a week the new item arrived after i made a complaint the day before, but the quality of the item is good.
Produk aman, freezer lebih luas dari kulkas mini lainnya, cuma pengiriman lama sekali
the product is safe, the freezer is wider than other mini fridges, only the delivery takes a long time
mesin cuci sampai dengan selamat dan sudah di coba bisa,cuma kok bukan 8 kg ya di bukunya hanya 6 kg...sisanya ok
the washing machine arrived safely and has been tried, but how come it's not kg, yes, in the book, it's only kg. the rest is ok
Fiturnya canggih Mutu terjamin SNI Ada garansi resmi Gampang dipakai Desainnya elegan ✨ Hemat listrik ⚡ Bisa muat banyak Banyak fiturnya Barangnya original 👍 Respon penjualnya top Packaging aman 🙏 Packaging rapi Penjualnya ramah banget
sophisticated features guaranteed sni quality there is an official warranty easy to use elegant design save electricity can fit many features many of its features original item top seller response safe packaging neat packaging the seller is very friendly
Parah pdahal shopee mall, respon admin g respon sm sekali , pengiriman lama dan g bisa di lacak pas barang ny sampai langsung aku pasang , dan ternyata pas dicoba bunyi dengung Ngan gitu suara ny makin kenceng ,auto kang AC langsung nyari" sumber ny , ternyata ada yg putus bagian unit yg di luar😡
it's bad, even though the shopee mall, the admin's response didn't respond at all, the delivery took a long time and couldn't be tracked when the item arrived, i immediately installed it, and it turned out that when i tried it, it made a buzzing sound. there is a broken part of the unit outside
ok pengiriman tercepat sippp
ok fast delivery sip
pengiriman lumayan cepat semoga bisa lebih cepat lagi trimakasih tuk pelayanan nya...
delivery is quite fast, wish it could be even faster, thanks for the service.