Fitur Terbaik:r2 dan l2 mantap Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Pertama masih belum bisa konek. Setelah beberapa percakapan baru bisa. Untuk tombol XYAB terlalu dekat, belum terbiasa karena user stik ps
best features:r and l are great value for money:first worth still can't connect. after some new conversations can. the xyab button is too close, I'm not used to it because I'm a PS stick user
Baguuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssd baaaaannnnnnnngggggggggeeeeeeeeeeetttt SUdah d pake yaaassssa
it's really good already using yasa
Packing brg pecah belah rawan sekali keamanannya.
broken brg packaging is very vulnerable to security.
cpt sekali pengirimanny psn kmrn brng udh dtng nunggu 1 hari aja,puas hslny brng mulus tdk cacat.makasih seller,kurir udh lngganan
the delivery was very fast, how many days has it arrived, but I'm just waiting for the day, I'm satisfied, the item is smooth, not defective. Thank you seller, the courier has subscribed
Keren mousenya, anak ku suka.. mdh2 an awet lama.
the mouse is cool, my son likes it... hope it lasts a long time.
pengiriman cepat dan packing sangat baik , barang ori berfungsi baik
Fast delivery and very good packaging, original product works well
bagus dan praktis tanpa angkat galon
nice and practical without lifting gallons
Bagus baet sodara 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😂
that's good bro
Fitur Terbaik:ok Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau Barang bagus sesuai pesanan pengiriman cepat semoga cocok untuk anak saya terimakasih
best feature: ok worth the price: affordable good item as ordered fast delivery hope it suits my child thank you
Barang gud, tangan gabisa lepas dari ni barang awokwaokawokawokawo
gud stuff, hands can't let go of this awokawokawokawokawok stuff
Fitur Terbaik:Bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:Sepadan Tapi kartunya kadaluarsa sayang bgt ga bisa dipake 😣 untuk Tab nya bagus… Semoga sellernya lebih amanah…
best features: good worth the price: worth it but the card is expired it's a shame it can't be used for the tab it's good… hope the seller is more reliable…
lain kali kalau tidsk bisa kirim di hari itu jangan bilang bisa ya. barang diterima pas saya dinas keluar kota jadi belum bisa lihat tapi bagus, ramah, response cepat.
Next time, if you can't send it on that day, don't say you can. the item was received when I was on duty out of town so I couldn't see it yet but it was good, friendly, fast response.
Recomende bgt seller respon cepat
highly recommended seller fast response
Over all good..
over all good..
Packagingnya fancy. Dapat kartu garansi & manual. Besar+agak berat jadi harus pake pad. Cuma tombol DPI (+) & (-) agak ngaco pas di setting pake software. Yang (+) di set ke volume up tapi malah jd volume down, gitu juga yg satunya. Ga masalah sih cuma gangerti knp gitu
the packaging is fancy. got warranty card & manual. big + a bit heavy so you have to use a pad. only the dpi (+) & (-) buttons are a bit awkward when you set them using software. the (+) one is set to volume up but instead turns volume down, so does the other one. it's not a problem, I just don't understand why
Bagus tapi sayang gak sesuai pesan merah yg dtg putih
it's good but it's a shame it doesn't match the red message that came with white
barangnya sesuai, tokonya amanah moga tambah banyak rezekinya trimakasih🙏🙏
the goods are appropriate, the shop is trustworthy, hopefully there will be more sustenance, thank you
Barang bagus. Pengiriman nya sangat lama
good stuff. the delivery is very long
paket sdh sampai,terima kasih seller,tp sedikit kecewa, barang yg dikirim warnanya tidak sesuai dg barang yg ditawarkan warna merah,
The package has arrived, thank you seller, but a little disappointed, the color of the item sent does not match the red color offered,
Alhamdulilah produk smpe dgn Aman, produk baik, toko baik, tks
alhamdulillah, the product arrived safely, good product, good shop, thanks
Mantap mantap Mantap mantapMantap mantapMantap Mantap mantapMantap mantapMantap mantapMantap mantapMantap mantap asik bisa main game nih, barang kualitas keren ga nyesel dah lu semua beli ini, asli keren abis
steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady steady it's cool to be able to play this game, cool quality stuff don't regret it, you all bought this, it's really cool
barang sesuai pesanan tidak ada kendala sehat selalu buat kita semua positifthinking aja good next order ya
goods as ordered, no health problems, always for all of us positive, just think good, next order
bagus. diterima baik. sesuai deskripsi. mantab.
Good. well received. according to the description. great.
Bsjsjskj hjjjjjj ehkb work deh hp ku tgl free si of dan ke gmm UU yg gak hd si hp ci jg si of Dr BBM td SH of di KBN foto yg ci UG di PT yg di wa ehh HM om ok cm yg ci yg gak go go go up up up up up dkkk Joko di to go go to try Rp SD
bsjsjskj hj ehkb my cellphone works on free si of and to gmm uu which isn't hd the ci cellphone also si of dr bbm td sh of in kbn the photos that ci ug in pt that are in wa ehh hm om ok cm those ci that don't go go go up up up up up dk joko in to go go to try rp sd
no complaint selain build qualitynya yg kurang sih. padahal kalo dinaikin harganya asal build quality bagus sih oke aja. ngeri patah clickernya.
no complaints apart from the lack of build quality. even though if the price is increased as long as the build quality is good, it's okay. the clicker broke.
ma'af baru di ulas.... barang aman dan sesuai dgn deskripsi terimakasih lazada, seller dan pengirim
sorry just reviewed. the goods are safe and according to the description thank you lazada, seller and sender
Sudah belum sempat di coba........terimakasiiiiihhhh
arrived, but haven't tried it yet, thank you
helpful and recommended
Pengiriman sangat cepat, respon penjual sangat baik
Very fast delivery, seller's response is very good
barangnya mewah enak dipakai
it's luxurious and comfortable to wear
bagus parah no comment
really good no comment
micny enak tapi harus beli Splitter kalau mau pa ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤke
the mic is good but you have to buy a splitter if you want it ㅤke
bukan Maspion asli, minta warna ungu yg Dateng lain, kecewa
not the original maspion, asked for a different purple color, disappointed
Pengemasan rapi dan aman ,,sampai tujuan dengan selamat ,belum dicoba ,semoga gak ada kendala
neat and safe packaging ,, arrived safely , have not tried , hopefully there are no problems
Puas dengan harga 1.3 dapat hp yg bagus. Pokoknya mantap cepat pengirimann
satisfied with the price . get a good phone. basically great fast delivery
peyok di bagian tulisan oxonenya .. tapi yg Laen bagus smua .. lebih teliti lagi jika ada yg memesan barang
a dent in the part where the oxone is written .. but everything else is all good .. be even more careful if someone orders something
Agak telat
bit late
Bagus ..... cepet sampai Barang aman plus ada hadiah nya tas laptop lumayan lah .... pokonya mantaps
Good . quickly arrived safely plus there was a prize for a laptop bag that was not bad. the point is steady
saya sangan beruntung pengiriman ke sumba NTT barang masih utuh. wlu tanpa bubble wrap gabus didalam hancur bersyukur sekali bukan blendernya. blender smua normal.sdh dites. makasih seller. untuk kedepannya tolong lebih safety lg, smga lebih banyak pelanggan yg berdatangan.
I am very lucky that the delivery to Sumba, NTT, the goods are still intact. wlu without the bubble wrap the cork inside was crushed, thankfully not the blender. blender all normal. already tested. thanks seller. in the future, please be more secure, so that more customers will come.
Respon penjual cepat dan ramah
seller response fast and friendly
keren! harga segini worthed banget. red switch nya enak dipake ngetik dan gak terlalu berisik. Pengiriman cepat, 2 jam setelah pesan langsung nyampe.
Cool! this price is really worth it. the red switch is comfortable to type on and not too noisy. Fast delivery, hours after ordering, arrived immediately.
alhamdulillah paket sudah saya Terima dengan ke adaan bagus mulus. barang nya sesuai dengan yang saya harapkan mudah mudahan rice coker nya awet makasih
Thank God, I have received the package in good condition. the item is in accordance with what I expected, hopefully the rice coker will last, thanks
tiidak sesuai gambar
doesn't match the picture
Minusnya pengiriman lama sama kotak dikit penyokk tapi gamasalah si, isinya bagus tidak ada kendala kok recomended
minus the long delivery and the box is a little dented but it's not a problem, the contents are good, there are no problems, how come it's recommended
untuk gamepad nya tidak ada atau lupa y
for the gamepad there is no or forgot y
Produk mantap , bass mantep serasa di bioskop. Pengiriman cepat sekali. Revomended seller dah. Biar bintang yg berbicara
great product, solid bass feels like in the cinema. very fast delivery. recommended seller already. let the stars do the talking
kualitas sesuai dengan harga suara lumayan untuk desain mantap👍
quality according to the price of the sound is decent for a solid design
Barang dibterima dngan baik..berfungsi semoga awet,tp kok gk ada pengukusnya ya,
the item is well received... it works hopefully it lasts, but how come there's no steamer huh,
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:oke Mantap sesuai pesanan dan pengirimannya cepat barangnya oke
best features: okay worth the price: okay, great according to the order and fast delivery, the goods are okay
work, well done
work, well done
kualitas produk baik, produk original, harga ter jangkau, pengiriman cepat, kemasan di bungkus dg bubble wrap sesuai pesanan
good product quality, original product, affordable price, fast delivery, packaged with bubble wrap as ordered
sesuai berfungsi dengan baik
fit works fine
Pengiriman cpt yaa untuk kategori ke Kupang-NTT. Soal kualitas hanya waktu yg bs menjawab. Tp over all aku suka sih. Ga ada cacat walaupun agak nyesek awalnya liat ga di bubble wrap. Cm tutup teko yg corongnya itu trlalu kecil, jd hrs dipaksa gitu.
Fast delivery for the category to Kupang-NTT. As for quality, only time can answer. but over all I like it. There are no defects even though it was a bit annoying at first when I saw it wasn't bubble wrapped. cm the lid of the teapot, the funnel of which is too small, so you have to force it like that.
Barangnya rusak, pengatur kalibrasinya ga fungsi Jarumnya ga gerak. dan pas di injek ga gerak juga jarumnya, ga ada respon.
the item is damaged, the calibration control doesn't work, the needle doesn't move. and when it was injected, the needle didn't move either, there was no response.
ibu saya senang bngt...mksh byak untuk semuanya
my mother is very happy. thanks a lot for everything
Brg uda sampai hari ini sesuai pesenan makasih ya seller maaf foto ma video nya ga sesuai uda lgs di pake anak nya td .makasih
the item arrived today according to the order thank you seller sorry the photo and the video are not suitable the child has used it thank you
Gk tau paket nya sdah sampai apa blom karena saya kirim ke kampung buat ibu saya karena gk punya hp karena rusak semga aja dah sampai karena sampi skarng blom ada panggilan dari ibu saya smga aja gk salah kirim expedisi nya karena yg terima nmanya bkan orang yang sya kenal
I don't know how long the package has arrived because I sent it to the village for my mother because I don't have a cell phone because it's broken, I hope it has arrived because until now there haven't been any calls from my mother so I can't send the wrong expedition because the person who received it wasn't the person I know
memang nggk pernah mengecewakan💯
it never disappoints
Awalnya barang waktu udh di unboxing keadaan barang bener" di luar dugaan bgt, bagian bawah gk rata, dan ada kendala jga pas di coba , tpi sama suami di usahain buat di benerin, alhamdulillah setelah di coba, bisa di pakai.. Maaf kasih bintang sagitu krna emng barang tdk sesuai dengan yang di harap
Initially, when the item was unboxed, the condition of the item was really "unbelievable, the bottom was not flat, and there were problems when I tried it, but my husband and I tried to fix it, thank God, after trying it, it can be used... sorry, give a star that's because the goods don't match what is expected
Harga termurah di surabaya
cheapest price in surabaya
Yang di sayang kan suara mic nya agak kecil ,jadi kalau mao ngoceh pake mic hetsed harus gede suara nya ..
What's a shame is that the sound of the mic is rather low, so if you want to chat using a hetsed mic, you have to make the sound louder..
tombol RB/LB ternyata tidak ada fungsi gas/rem hanya bagian luarnya aja kaya gamepad yang support fitur adjustment throttle/brake di game racing, kecewa sih untuk harga segini
it turns out that the rb/lb button doesn't have a gas/brake function, only the outside is like a gamepad that supports the throttle/brake adjustment feature in racing games, I'm disappointed at this price
Barang sudah sampai sesuai dengan pesanan Terima kasih seller
the goods arrived according to the order, thank you seller
Overall berfungsi dengan baik, cuma bonus flip case ketinggalan dikirimkan. Tlg bisa dikirimkan besok Senin sesuai chat kemarin ya..
overall works well, only the flip case bonus is left behind. Can you send it tomorrow Monday according to yesterday's chat?
biar bintang yang berbicara...👍
let the stars do the talking.
the goods are in accordance with the price but the prime card bonus doesn't have a shop in the body chat
The seller didn’t send package until I paid more money for packing paper
the seller didn't send the package until i paid more money for packing paper
Jangan beli disini barang rongsokan
Don't buy junk here
harga terjangkau, cocok utk kado nikahan 👍 pengiriman cepat
affordable price, perfect for a wedding gift fast delivery
Kecepatan pengiriman produk sangat cepat, profuk original harga produk sangat baik maaf tidak sesuai karna produk sudah diambil
the speed of product delivery is very fast, the product is original, the product price is very good, sorry it's not suitable because the product has already been taken
Bagus semoga awet tp gk ada saringan nya lucuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
good, hopefully it lasts, but there's no filter, it's funny
Sudah dipakai dan barang berfungsi dengan baik.... seller terpercaya....
it's been used and it's working fine. trusted seller.
Suaranya jernih, bahannya empuk ga sakit di telinga, cuma itu yg pinggirannya ga nyala , sy yg ga tau nyalain nya atow emang ga nyala
the sound is clear, the material is soft, it doesn't hurt the ears, it's just that the edges don't turn on, I don't know if I turn it on or it won't turn on
pengiriman cepet bnget,dan barang gk mengecewakan
Very fast delivery, and the item did not disappoint
semoga aja awet... walau ada yg pecah gitu... mau d retur barangnya keburu mau d pakek🙄🙄
hopefully it won't last. even though something broke. want to return the item in a hurry to use it
Alhamdulillah barang sudah diterima dengan baik dan saya suka bgt dgn motifnya 🥰
alhamdulillah the item has been well received and I really like the pattern
lapak dropsip resi yg berbeda dan lama sampai
The dropshipping shop has different receipts and takes a long time to arrive
Sayang sekali model bagus tapi pas di coba pake produk nya lengket jadi nasi banyak yg nempel & jd berkerak
it's a shame the model is good but when I tried using the product it was sticky so a lot of rice stuck & it became crusty
Oke oke muntup👍👍
okay okay mutup
Alhamdulillah sesuai pesanan hanya beda warna pesan warana orengs malah di kasi hijo to ga apa2 bagus
thank God, according to the order, only the color is different, the impression is orange, instead it is given green, it's okay
Yeah I think so too I think I have a good feeling about it with you is not a good idea to get me a pro artist help with the real one of the box
yeah i think so too i think i have a good feeling about it with you is not a good idea to get me a pro artist help with the real one of the box
asli kecewa, barang dateng kaya bekas, ada debu, ada goresan, dan parahnya lagi bagian dalam kuping ga ada busanya harusnya ada yang bentuk honey comb, kalo ga ada kan jadi sakit pakeknya. Sebelumnya beli di toko lainnya yang lebih murah 20 ribu karena kondisinya sama kayak yang di atas jadinya saya return, berharap beli di official store bakalan beda, eh malah sama aja.
Really disappointed, the item arrived like it was used, there was dust, there were scratches, and what's worse, the inside of the ear didn't have foam, there should have been a honeycomb form, if it wasn't there, it would hurt to use it. Previously I bought it at another shop which was thousands cheaper because the condition was the same as the one above so I returned it, hoping that buying at the official store would be different, uh, it's just the same.
Belum dicoba. Nanti diupdate kembali
untried. later update again
Mousenya berfungsi dengan baik, packagingnya juga bagus bgt........
the mouse works fine, the packaging is also very good.
Packing super aman, barang sesuai deskripsi, anginnya lumayan adem, barangnya juga ringan. Pelayanan juga memuaskan pokoknya
super safe packing, items according to the description, the wind is quite cool, the goods are also light. service is also satisfying
Smga awet
may it last
terimakasih barang sudah sampai dan berfungsi dengan baik. rspon cepak
Thank you, the item arrived and works fine. short response
awalnya aku suka banget warnanya cantik wlo ada pekok sedikit maklum mungkin kurirnya kurang hati²..tapiii setelah dicoba 1 kali bener bunyi 2x bener juga giliran 3x kok bocor yah..dilehernya hmm
at first I really liked the color, it was beautiful, even though there was a little crack, I'm sorry, maybe the courier was careless... but after trying it, it actually sounded like it didn't really sound right, turn x, how come it leaked, hmm, on the neck
Pasti bagus banget sih dalemnya .. orangnya ga mau di buka .. ini buat temen saya soalnya .. tapi keren ga sampe 3 jam sampe .. respon penjual juga best ..
the inside must be really good.. the person doesn't want to open it.. this is for my friend the problem.. but it's cool, it doesn't arrive until the clock arrives.. the seller's response is also the best..
proses dan pengiriman cepat. dipacking dengan cukup baik dan barang sampai dengan baik jg. kualitas mantap untuk harga segitu. tinggal upgrade ram lebih besar. sangat cukup untuk inventaris sekolah. mantap
fast processing and shipping. well packed and items arrived well. great quality for that price. just upgrade more ram. very sufficient for school inventory. Excellent
Paket sampai dengan cepat, admin sangat fast respond. Sesuai dengan pesanan. Barang tidak ada yg rusak, cacat ataupun robek. Proses pengiriman cepat. Mantap banget. Terima kasih, Kak. 🙏🏼
the package arrived quickly, admin is very fast respond. according to order. Items are not damaged, deformed or torn. fast delivery process. awesome. thank you, sis.
pelayanan nya oke.. dan yg mengantarnya ramah makasih 👍
the service is okay ... and those who deliver are friendly, thanks
barang nya bagus mungil cocok buat travelling
the item is nice tiny suitable for traveling
Seller ramah dan kirimnya super cepat Barang oke punya Kl untuk daring anak lumayan lah Bagus menurut sy utk harga segini Makasih bonusnya
the seller is friendly and the delivery is super fast, the goods are okay, I have children online, it's pretty good, in my opinion, for this price, thanks for the bonus
Cocok dgn barangnya puas Dan cepat sampai... Sukses yaa....
satisfied with the goods and arrived quickly. good luck.
Model nya sih saya suka, ringan, kecil tapi pas dicoba ternyata kurang panas jadi lama nyetrika nya Trus tempat jet spray nya copot-copot sendiri harus di isolasi😌
I like the model, it's light, it's small but when I tried it it turned out it wasn't hot enough so it took a long time to iron it and then the jet spray dislodged itself and had to be isolated
Lama dalam pengemasannya barang blm di coba smoga berfungsi dgan baikkk makasihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
it took a long time to pack it, haven't tried it, everything works fine, thanks
Mantap semoga awet..
great hope it lasts..