7 values
6 values
7 values
7 values
Goodbye, Papa. It's hard to die. But the stars on the beach were just. No, the starfish on the beach were the stars I read.
goodbye, papa. it's hard to die. but the stars on the beach were just. no, the starfish on the beach were the stars i read.
moderate speed
ɡʊdbaɪ, pɑpʌ. ɪt'ɛs hɑɹd tu daɪ. bʌt ðʌ stɑɹz ɑn ðʌ bitʃ wɜ˞ dʒʌst. noʊ, ðʌ stɑɹfɪʃ ɑn ðʌ bitʃ wɜ˞ ðʌ stɑɹz aɪ ɹɛd.
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
didn't have enough ESP. I was, when I was standing on top of the PA speakers on those columns, I was trying to do a solo like, you know, arena rock.
didn't have enough esp. i was, when i was standing on top of the pa speakers on those columns, i was trying to do a solo like, you know, arena rock.
slightly fast
'ti hæv ɪnʌf . aɪ wɑz, wɛn aɪ wɑz stændɪŋ ɑn tɑp ʌv ðʌ pɑ spikɜ˞z ɑn ðoʊz kɑlʌmz, aɪ wɑz tɹaɪɪŋ tu du ʌ soʊloʊ laɪk, ju noʊ, ɜ˞inʌ ɹɑk.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
one last time test the audience to see if I could jump into it and I failed. You know, and I stood there for a long time and I know they couldn't read my mind, but I was trying to like with my eyes trying to tell them, don't hurt me. Can't you tell? I mean, haven't you read enough bitching? We're not rock stars, you know, we're not trying to be. Although we did display a lot of rock star. They immediately just started grabbing for me and trying to rip my flesh off for souvenirs. You know, oh, I have a piece of Kurt's forearm. Well, that's, I think that's a reaction.
one last time test the audience to see if i could jump into it and i failed. you know, and i stood there for a long time and i know they couldn't read my mind, but i was trying to like with my eyes trying to tell them, don't hurt me. can't you tell? i mean, haven't you read enough bitching? we're not rock stars, you know, we're not trying to be. although we did display a lot of rock star. they immediately just started grabbing for me and trying to rip my flesh off for souvenirs. you know, oh, i have a piece of kurt's forearm. well, that's, i think that's a reaction.
quite fast
wʌn læst taɪm tɛst ðʌ ɑdiʌns tu si ɪf aɪ kʊd dʒʌmp ɪntu ɪt ʌnd aɪ feɪld. ju noʊ, ʌnd aɪ stʊd ðɛɹ fɔɹ ʌ lɔŋ taɪm ʌnd aɪ noʊ ðeɪ 'ti ɹɛd maɪ maɪnd, bʌt aɪ wɑz tɹaɪɪŋ tu laɪk wɪð maɪ aɪz tɹaɪɪŋ tu tɛl ðɛm, dɑn'ti hɜ˞t mi. kæn'ti ju tɛl? aɪ min, heɪvʌn'ti ju ɹɛd ɪnʌf bɪtʃɪŋ? wi'ɹeɪ nɑt ɹɑk stɑɹz, ju noʊ, wi'ɹeɪ nɑt tɹaɪɪŋ tu bi. ɔlðoʊ wi dɪd dɪspleɪ ʌ lɑt ʌv ɹɑk stɑɹ. ðeɪ ɪmidiʌtli dʒʌst stɑɹtɪd ɡɹæbɪŋ fɔɹ mi ʌnd tɹaɪɪŋ tu ɹɪp maɪ flɛʃ ɔf fɔɹ suvʌnɪɹz. ju noʊ, oʊ, aɪ hæv ʌ pis ʌv kɜ˞t'ɛs fɔɹɑɹm. wɛl, ðæt'ɛs, aɪ θɪŋk ðæt'ɛs ʌ ɹiækʃʌn.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
Yeah, probably. I think so. My father one time.
yeah, probably. i think so. my father one time.
slightly slowly
jæ, pɹɑbʌbli. aɪ θɪŋk soʊ. maɪ fɑðɜ˞ wʌn taɪm.
slightly noisy
quite confined sounding
quite monotone
A few years ago, he wrote me a letter and he said, I would like, in one way or another, he said, you know, if it wasn't for.
a few years ago, he wrote me a letter and he said, i would like, in one way or another, he said, you know, if it wasn't for.
slightly fast
ʌ fju jɪɹz ʌɡoʊ, hi ɹoʊt mi ʌ lɛtɜ˞ ʌnd hi sɛd, aɪ wʊd laɪk, ɪn wʌn weɪ ɔɹ ʌnʌðɜ˞, hi sɛd, ju noʊ, ɪf ɪt 'ti fɔɹ.
moderate ambient sound
moderate reverberation
quite monotone
It's just, you know, some environments are more restrictive than others. No, that was about the time.
it's just, you know, some environments are more restrictive than others. no, that was about the time.
slightly fast
ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst, ju noʊ, sʌm ɪnvaɪɹʌnmʌnts ɑɹ mɔɹ ɹistɹɪktɪv ðæn ʌðɜ˞z. noʊ, ðæt wɑz ʌbaʊt ðʌ taɪm.
slightly noisy
quite roomy sounding
very monotone
Yeah, he made a compilation tape for me. I was commuting back and forth between Aberdeen and Monteceno. I was living in Aberdeen, and I was going to school in Monteceno, which is about thirty miles away.
yeah, he made a compilation tape for me. i was commuting back and forth between aberdeen and monteceno. i was living in aberdeen, and i was going to school in monteceno, which is about thirty miles away.
slightly fast
jæ, hi meɪd ʌ kɑmpʌleɪʃʌn teɪp fɔɹ mi. aɪ wɑz kʌmjutɪŋ bæk ʌnd fɔɹθ bɪtwin æbɜ˞din ʌnd . aɪ wɑz lɪvɪŋ ɪn æbɜ˞din, ʌnd aɪ wɑz ɡoʊɪŋ tu skul ɪn , wɪtʃ ɪz ʌbaʊt θɜ˞di maɪlz ʌweɪ.
quite noisy
quite confined sounding
very monotone
I had Buzz in a couple of classes. I had him in an art class, an electronic class, and I remember just hanging out with him. He had a few punk rock magazines, and I would look at them. I was just mesmerized. I was just like, oh, god, what would that sound like? And only one day I convinced him to make me a tape.
i had buzz in a couple of classes. i had him in an art class, an electronic class, and i remember just hanging out with him. he had a few punk rock magazines, and i would look at them. i was just mesmerized. i was just like, oh, god, what would that sound like? and only one day i convinced him to make me a tape.
slightly fast
aɪ hæd bʌz ɪn ʌ kʌpʌl ʌv klæsʌz. aɪ hæd hɪm ɪn æn ɑɹt klæs, æn ɪlɛktɹɑnɪk klæs, ʌnd aɪ ɹɪmɛmbɜ˞ dʒʌst hæŋɪŋ aʊt wɪð hɪm. hi hæd ʌ fju pʌŋk ɹɑk mæɡʌzinz, ʌnd aɪ wʊd lʊk æt ðɛm. aɪ wɑz dʒʌst mɛzmɜ˞aɪzd. aɪ wɑz dʒʌst laɪk, oʊ, ɡɑd, wʌt wʊd ðæt saʊnd laɪk? ʌnd oʊnli wʌn deɪ aɪ kʌnvɪnst hɪm tu meɪk mi ʌ teɪp.
quite noisy
slightly confined sounding
very monotone
together all the time. You know, we're best friends. She's my best friend. And so when she's playing music, I like to listen to it and maybe suggest some things. And she does the same thing with me, too. And.
together all the time. you know, we're best friends. she's my best friend. and so when she's playing music, i like to listen to it and maybe suggest some things. and she does the same thing with me, too. and.
slightly fast
tʌɡɛðɜ˞ ɔl ðʌ taɪm. ju noʊ, wi'ɹeɪ bɛst fɹɛndz. ʃi'ɛs maɪ bɛst fɹɛnd. ʌnd soʊ wɛn ʃi'ɛs pleɪɪŋ mjuzɪk, aɪ laɪk tu lɪsʌn tu ɪt ʌnd meɪbi sʌdʒɛst sʌm θɪŋz. ʌnd ʃi dʌz ðʌ seɪm θɪŋ wɪð mi, tu. ʌnd.
slightly noisy
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
She's just, this was just an opportunity for her to, she came with us and her, and Patty, her drummer came too. It's just a vacation and so this was just a spontaneous thing for them to just make a few demos.
she's just, this was just an opportunity for her to, she came with us and her, and patty, her drummer came too. it's just a vacation and so this was just a spontaneous thing for them to just make a few demos.
slightly fast
ʃi'ɛs dʒʌst, ðɪs wɑz dʒʌst æn ɑpɜ˞tunʌti fɔɹ hɜ˞ tu, ʃi keɪm wɪð ʌs ʌnd hɜ˞, ʌnd pæti, hɜ˞ dɹʌmɜ˞ keɪm tu. ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst ʌ veɪkeɪʃʌn ʌnd soʊ ðɪs wɑz dʒʌst ʌ spɑnteɪniʌs θɪŋ fɔɹ ðɛm tu dʒʌst meɪk ʌ fju dɛmoʊz.
quite noisy
slightly confined sounding
slightly monotone
see what they're gonna do with that arnaldo baptista is that how you pronounce his name.
see what they're gonna do with that arnaldo baptista is that how you pronounce his name.
quite fast
si wʌt ðeɪ'ɹeɪ ɡɑnʌ du wɪð ðæt ɑɹnɑldoʊ bæptɪstʌ ɪz ðæt haʊ ju pɹʌnaʊns hɪz neɪm.
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
who has a record label called Gassatanker Records, and he was in White Flag.
who has a record label called gassatanker records, and he was in white flag.
moderate speed
hu hæz ʌ ɹʌkɔɹd leɪbʌl kɔld ɹʌkɔɹdz, ʌnd hi wɑz ɪn waɪt flæɡ.
moderate ambient sound
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
And he's friends with Red Cross. He's a very nice guy. He has a mustache.
and he's friends with red cross. he's a very nice guy. he has a mustache.
quite fast
ʌnd hi'ɛs fɹɛndz wɪð ɹɛd kɹɔs. hi'ɛs ʌ vɛɹi naɪs ɡaɪ. hi hæz ʌ mʌstæʃ.
slightly noisy
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
And he's a really nice guy, and he sent me a tape of the first two records a few weeks ago, about a month ago, and I really liked it. And he said, if you go to Brazil, you have to say to everybody that this is a great band, and I agree with him. I think this is a very influential and cool band for the time.
and he's a really nice guy, and he sent me a tape of the first two records a few weeks ago, about a month ago, and i really liked it. and he said, if you go to brazil, you have to say to everybody that this is a great band, and i agree with him. i think this is a very influential and cool band for the time.
moderate speed
ʌnd hi'ɛs ʌ ɹɪli naɪs ɡaɪ, ʌnd hi sɛnt mi ʌ teɪp ʌv ðʌ fɜ˞st tu ɹʌkɔɹdz ʌ fju wiks ʌɡoʊ, ʌbaʊt ʌ mʌnθ ʌɡoʊ, ʌnd aɪ ɹɪli laɪkt ɪt. ʌnd hi sɛd, ɪf ju ɡoʊ tu bɹʌzɪl, ju hæv tu seɪ tu ɛvɹibɑdi ðæt ðɪs ɪz ʌ ɡɹeɪt bænd, ʌnd aɪ ʌɡɹi wɪð hɪm. aɪ θɪŋk ðɪs ɪz ʌ vɛɹi ɪnfluɛnʃʌl ʌnd kul bænd fɔɹ ðʌ taɪm.
slightly noisy
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
all-girl Japanese band on tour with us in England. And they've been a favorite of ours for years, and no one really knows who they are in England or anywhere in Europe. And we've taken the Melvins on tour with us.
all-girl japanese band on tour with us in england. and they've been a favorite of ours for years, and no one really knows who they are in england or anywhere in europe. and we've taken the melvins on tour with us.
slightly fast
ɔl-ɡɜ˞l dʒæpʌniz bænd ɑn tʊɹ wɪð ʌs ɪn ɪŋɡlʌnd. ʌnd ðeɪ'vi bɪn ʌ feɪvɜ˞ɪt ʌv aʊɜ˞z fɔɹ jɪɹz, ʌnd noʊ wʌn ɹɪli noʊz hu ðeɪ ɑɹ ɪn ɪŋɡlʌnd ɔɹ ɛniwɛɹ ɪn jʊɹʌp. ʌnd wi'vi teɪkʌn ðʌ ɑn tʊɹ wɪð ʌs.
moderate ambient sound
very confined sounding
very monotone
In the future, we hope to take Hall and Jesus Lizard and a bunch of other bands who we like.
in the future, we hope to take hall and jesus lizard and a bunch of other bands who we like.
slightly fast
ɪn ðʌ fjutʃɜ˞, wi hoʊp tu teɪk hɔl ʌnd dʒizʌs lɪzɜ˞d ʌnd ʌ bʌntʃ ʌv ʌðɜ˞ bændz hu wi laɪk.
slightly clear
very confined sounding
very monotone
But nothing really exciting happens on tour. People think that the rock star life is so exciting. You play a show. You usually get into the town by the time it's dark, and you sound check, and you don't get to see the city. You play the show, and then you leave the next morning. You go to the hotel room, and you leave, and do the same thing over and over again. It's kind of boring.
but nothing really exciting happens on tour. people think that the rock star life is so exciting. you play a show. you usually get into the town by the time it's dark, and you sound check, and you don't get to see the city. you play the show, and then you leave the next morning. you go to the hotel room, and you leave, and do the same thing over and over again. it's kind of boring.
slightly fast
bʌt nʌθɪŋ ɹɪli ɪksaɪtɪŋ hæpʌnz ɑn tʊɹ. pipʌl θɪŋk ðæt ðʌ ɹɑk stɑɹ laɪf ɪz soʊ ɪksaɪtɪŋ. ju pleɪ ʌ ʃoʊ. ju juʒʌwʌli ɡɛt ɪntu ðʌ taʊn baɪ ðʌ taɪm ɪt'ɛs dɑɹk, ʌnd ju saʊnd tʃɛk, ʌnd ju dɑn'ti ɡɛt tu si ðʌ sɪti. ju pleɪ ðʌ ʃoʊ, ʌnd ðɛn ju liv ðʌ nɛkst mɔɹnɪŋ. ju ɡoʊ tu ðʌ hoʊtɛl ɹum, ʌnd ju liv, ʌnd du ðʌ seɪm θɪŋ oʊvɜ˞ ʌnd oʊvɜ˞ ʌɡɛn. ɪt'ɛs kaɪnd ʌv bɔɹɪŋ.
very noisy
very confined sounding
quite monotone
I mean, still, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do.
i mean, still, i can't think of anything else i'd rather do.
quite fast
aɪ min, stɪl, aɪ kæn'ti θɪŋk ʌv ɛniθɪŋ ɛls aɪ'di ɹæðɜ˞ du.
moderate ambient sound
very confined sounding
very monotone
It's not as excited as everyone thinks. But it's getting harder for me to jump out in the audience now because the crowds are bigger and some of the people don't realize that.
it's not as excited as everyone thinks. but it's getting harder for me to jump out in the audience now because the crowds are bigger and some of the people don't realize that.
slightly fast
ɪt'ɛs nɑt æz ɪksaɪtʌd æz ɛvɹiwʌn θɪŋks. bʌt ɪt'ɛs ɡɛtɪŋ hɑɹdɜ˞ fɔɹ mi tu dʒʌmp aʊt ɪn ðʌ ɑdiʌns naʊ bɪkɔz ðʌ kɹaʊdz ɑɹ bɪɡɜ˞ ʌnd sʌm ʌv ðʌ pipʌl dɑn'ti ɹiʌlaɪz ðæt.
quite noisy
very confined sounding
very monotone
I don't know what they realize actually, because they're putting their hands in my pockets and trying to steal my money and my wallet, and they're hitting me really hard.
i don't know what they realize actually, because they're putting their hands in my pockets and trying to steal my money and my wallet, and they're hitting me really hard.
slightly fast
aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ wʌt ðeɪ ɹiʌlaɪz æktʃuʌli, bɪkɔz ðeɪ'ɹeɪ pʌtɪŋ ðɛɹ hændz ɪn maɪ pɑkʌts ʌnd tɹaɪɪŋ tu stil maɪ mʌni ʌnd maɪ wɔlʌt, ʌnd ðeɪ'ɹeɪ hɪtɪŋ mi ɹɪli hɑɹd.
slightly noisy
very confined sounding
very monotone
So, I don't know, after a while I'm probably not going to be able to do it anymore. That's too bad because it's a fun little bonding thing to do with the audience.
so, i don't know, after a while i'm probably not going to be able to do it anymore. that's too bad because it's a fun little bonding thing to do with the audience.
very fast
soʊ, aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ, æftɜ˞ ʌ waɪl aɪ'ɛm pɹɑbʌbli nɑt ɡoʊɪŋ tu bi eɪbʌl tu du ɪt ɛnimɔɹ. ðæt'ɛs tu bæd bɪkɔz ɪt'ɛs ʌ fʌn lɪtʌl bɑndɪŋ θɪŋ tu du wɪð ðʌ ɑdiʌns.
moderate ambient sound
very confined sounding
very monotone
that will be recorded on eight-track, go back to the Bleach sound. Because I really like the production of Bleach, and I don't know, I feel kind of weird straying so far away from it. There's definitely going to be some more abrasive songs on the next record.
that will be recorded on eight-track, go back to the bleach sound. because i really like the production of bleach, and i don't know, i feel kind of weird straying so far away from it. there's definitely going to be some more abrasive songs on the next record.
quite fast
ðæt wɪl bi ɹʌkɔɹdɪd ɑn eɪt-tɹæk, ɡoʊ bæk tu ðʌ blitʃ saʊnd. bɪkɔz aɪ ɹɪli laɪk ðʌ pɹʌdʌkʃʌn ʌv blitʃ, ʌnd aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ, aɪ fil kaɪnd ʌv wɪɹd stɹeɪɪŋ soʊ fɑɹ ʌweɪ fɹʌm ɪt. ðɛɹ'ɛs dɛfʌnʌtli ɡoʊɪŋ tu bi sʌm mɔɹ ʌbɹeɪsɪv sɔŋz ɑn ðʌ nɛkst ɹʌkɔɹd.
quite noisy
very confined sounding
very monotone
this musical is pop music as far as i'm concerned as long as it's good and it's catchy it's pop.
this musical is pop music as far as i'm concerned as long as it's good and it's catchy it's pop.
quite fast
ðɪs mjuzɪkʌl ɪz pɑp mjuzɪk æz fɑɹ æz aɪ'ɛm kʌnsɜ˞nd æz lɔŋ æz ɪt'ɛs ɡʊd ʌnd ɪt'ɛs kætʃi ɪt'ɛs pɑp.
moderate ambient sound
very confined sounding
very monotone
What kind of ugly answer can I give? I think the point that we're trying to put off in the beginning of when we were doing all those interviews when Nevermind was getting really popular was that we were really concerned with the people who wanted to come to see our shows and have a good time. We were.
what kind of ugly answer can i give? i think the point that we're trying to put off in the beginning of when we were doing all those interviews when nevermind was getting really popular was that we were really concerned with the people who wanted to come to see our shows and have a good time. we were.
slightly fast
wʌt kaɪnd ʌv ʌɡli ænsɜ˞ kæn aɪ ɡɪv? aɪ θɪŋk ðʌ pɔɪnt ðæt wi'ɹeɪ tɹaɪɪŋ tu pʊt ɔf ɪn ðʌ bɪɡɪnɪŋ ʌv wɛn wi wɜ˞ duɪŋ ɔl ðoʊz ɪntɜ˞vjuz wɛn nɛvɜ˞maɪnd wɑz ɡɛtɪŋ ɹɪli pɑpjʌlɜ˞ wɑz ðæt wi wɜ˞ ɹɪli kʌnsɜ˞nd wɪð ðʌ pipʌl hu wɔntɪd tu kʌm tu si aʊɜ˞ ʃoʊz ʌnd hæv ʌ ɡʊd taɪm. wi wɜ˞.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
We were afraid that there would be these fringe, mean type of people who don't really like the music. We'd just go to the shows to cause trouble. We didn't want that, you know. And we didn't want to have to have, like, security to, like, beat up on people to keep them in line and stuff. But since we've had the experience and since we've played a bunch of shows like this, there hasn't been any trouble.
we were afraid that there would be these fringe, mean type of people who don't really like the music. we'd just go to the shows to cause trouble. we didn't want that, you know. and we didn't want to have to have, like, security to, like, beat up on people to keep them in line and stuff. but since we've had the experience and since we've played a bunch of shows like this, there hasn't been any trouble.
slightly fast
wi wɜ˞ ʌfɹeɪd ðæt ðɛɹ wʊd bi ðiz fɹɪndʒ, min taɪp ʌv pipʌl hu dɑn'ti ɹɪli laɪk ðʌ mjuzɪk. wi'di dʒʌst ɡoʊ tu ðʌ ʃoʊz tu kɑz tɹʌbʌl. wi 'ti wɑnt ðæt, ju noʊ. ʌnd wi 'ti wɑnt tu hæv tu hæv, laɪk, sɪkjʊɹʌti tu, laɪk, bit ʌp ɑn pipʌl tu kip ðɛm ɪn laɪn ʌnd stʌf. bʌt sɪns wi'vi hæd ðʌ ɪkspɪɹiʌns ʌnd sɪns wi'vi pleɪd ʌ bʌntʃ ʌv ʃoʊz laɪk ðɪs, ðɛɹ 'ti bɪn ɛni tɹʌbʌl.
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
very monotone
You know, there's nothing worse than seeing some kid getting beat up on just because he got pushed over the side, you know.
you know, there's nothing worse than seeing some kid getting beat up on just because he got pushed over the side, you know.
slightly fast
ju noʊ, ðɛɹ'ɛs nʌθɪŋ wɜ˞s ðæn siɪŋ sʌm kɪd ɡɛtɪŋ bit ʌp ɑn dʒʌst bɪkɔz hi ɡɑt pʊʃt oʊvɜ˞ ðʌ saɪd, ju noʊ.
very noisy
moderate reverberation
quite monotone
It's too far beyond that now. I mean, it's been going on for so long, there's nothing we can do about it. That issue doesn't even come up. Well, when I said that.
it's too far beyond that now. i mean, it's been going on for so long, there's nothing we can do about it. that issue doesn't even come up. well, when i said that.
moderate speed
ɪt'ɛs tu fɑɹ bɪɑnd ðæt naʊ. aɪ min, ɪt'ɛs bɪn ɡoʊɪŋ ɑn fɔɹ soʊ lɔŋ, ðɛɹ'ɛs nʌθɪŋ wi kæn du ʌbaʊt ɪt. ðæt ɪʃu 'ti ivɪn kʌm ʌp. wɛl, wɛn aɪ sɛd ðæt.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
Like I said, the main reason was to make sure that we could have a good time at live shows, you know? And we just weren't comfortable with it at the time, you know? And now that.
like i said, the main reason was to make sure that we could have a good time at live shows, you know? and we just weren't comfortable with it at the time, you know? and now that.
slightly fast
laɪk aɪ sɛd, ðʌ meɪn ɹizʌn wɑz tu meɪk ʃʊɹ ðæt wi kʊd hæv ʌ ɡʊd taɪm æt laɪv ʃoʊz, ju noʊ? ʌnd wi dʒʌst 'ti kʌmfɜ˞tʌbʌl wɪð ɪt æt ðʌ taɪm, ju noʊ? ʌnd naʊ ðæt.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
Now that it's been proven to us that there aren't any problems, it shows.
now that it's been proven to us that there aren't any problems, it shows.
quite fast
naʊ ðæt ɪt'ɛs bɪn pɹuvʌn tu ʌs ðæt ðɛɹ ɑɹʌn'ti ɛni pɹɑblʌmz, ɪt ʃoʊz.
moderate ambient sound
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
It doesn't matter. Obviously, people are behaving themselves. Maybe the message got across to them somehow. Maybe all that bitching and complaining that we did may have worked a little bit. I was in the beginning about a year and a half ago. I was completely fed up with the whole thing. I didn't want to be a rock star at all. It was just freaking me out.
it doesn't matter. obviously, people are behaving themselves. maybe the message got across to them somehow. maybe all that bitching and complaining that we did may have worked a little bit. i was in the beginning about a year and a half ago. i was completely fed up with the whole thing. i didn't want to be a rock star at all. it was just freaking me out.
slightly fast
ɪt 'ti mætɜ˞. ɑbviʌsli, pipʌl ɑɹ bɪheɪvɪŋ ðɛmsɛlvz. meɪbi ðʌ mɛsʌdʒ ɡɑt ʌkɹɔs tu ðɛm sʌmhaʊ. meɪbi ɔl ðæt bɪtʃɪŋ ʌnd kʌmpleɪnɪŋ ðæt wi dɪd meɪ hæv wɜ˞kt ʌ lɪtʌl bɪt. aɪ wɑz ɪn ðʌ bɪɡɪnɪŋ ʌbaʊt ʌ jɪɹ ʌnd ʌ hæf ʌɡoʊ. aɪ wɑz kʌmplitli fɛd ʌp wɪð ðʌ hoʊl θɪŋ. aɪ 'ti wɑnt tu bi ʌ ɹɑk stɑɹ æt ɔl. ɪt wɑz dʒʌst fɹikɪŋ mi aʊt.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
we don't want to over practice the new song actually it's a good idea to to play new songs you know to that to see what the vibe is like live but i guess i don't have an explanation why we didn't play more new songs do is uh. and a while ago we got so tired of people bootlegging stuff and we want the new album to be more or less a surprise we don't want anyone to know what the new songs sound like because they'd be bootlegged like that and everyone wouldn't be surprised to hear any new songs uh. i.
we don't want to over practice the new song actually it's a good idea to to play new songs you know to that to see what the vibe is like live but i guess i don't have an explanation why we didn't play more new songs do is uh. and a while ago we got so tired of people bootlegging stuff and we want the new album to be more or less a surprise we don't want anyone to know what the new songs sound like because they'd be bootlegged like that and everyone wouldn't be surprised to hear any new songs uh. i.
slightly fast
wi dɑn'ti wɑnt tu oʊvɜ˞ pɹæktʌs ðʌ nu sɔŋ æktʃuʌli ɪt'ɛs ʌ ɡʊd aɪdiʌ tu tu pleɪ nu sɔŋz ju noʊ tu ðæt tu si wʌt ðʌ vaɪb ɪz laɪk laɪv bʌt aɪ ɡɛs aɪ dɑn'ti hæv æn ɛksplʌneɪʃʌn waɪ wi 'ti pleɪ mɔɹ nu sɔŋz du ɪz ʌ. ʌnd ʌ waɪl ʌɡoʊ wi ɡɑt soʊ taɪɜ˞d ʌv pipʌl butlɛɡɪŋ stʌf ʌnd wi wɑnt ðʌ nu ælbʌm tu bi mɔɹ ɔɹ lɛs ʌ sɜ˞pɹaɪz wi dɑn'ti wɑnt ɛniwʌn tu noʊ wʌt ðʌ nu sɔŋz saʊnd laɪk bɪkɔz ðeɪ'di bi laɪk ðæt ʌnd ɛvɹiwʌn 'ti bi sɜ˞pɹaɪzd tu hiɹ ɛni nu sɔŋz ʌ. aɪ.
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
Who said it was going to be heavier? Fuck, man. What would they know? I think we're going in more of an experimental new wave.
who said it was going to be heavier? fuck, man. what would they know? i think we're going in more of an experimental new wave.
slightly fast
hu sɛd ɪt wɑz ɡoʊɪŋ tu bi hɛviɜ˞? fʌk, mæn. wʌt wʊd ðeɪ noʊ? aɪ θɪŋk wi'ɹeɪ ɡoʊɪŋ ɪn mɔɹ ʌv æn ɪkspɛɹɪmɛntʌl nu weɪv.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
type of direction. It's kind of hard to explain. Actually, have you heard the incesticide?.
type of direction. it's kind of hard to explain. actually, have you heard the incesticide?.
slightly slowly
taɪp ʌv dɜ˞ɛkʃʌn. ɪt'ɛs kaɪnd ʌv hɑɹd tu ɪkspleɪn. æktʃuʌli, hæv ju hɜ˞d ðʌ ?.
quite noisy
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
That's the kind of band we used to be. We used to be more like Gang of Four, New Wave influence, like more experimental with more noise and different effects boxes and stuff.
that's the kind of band we used to be. we used to be more like gang of four, new wave influence, like more experimental with more noise and different effects boxes and stuff.
moderate speed
ðæt'ɛs ðʌ kaɪnd ʌv bænd wi juzd tu bi. wi juzd tu bi mɔɹ laɪk ɡæŋ ʌv fɔɹ, nu weɪv ɪnfluʌns, laɪk mɔɹ ɪkspɛɹɪmɛntʌl wɪð mɔɹ nɔɪz ʌnd dɪfɜ˞ʌnt ɪfɛkts bɑksʌz ʌnd stʌf.
quite noisy
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
you know, sound and see if we can get away with it. Because we love that kind of music. We like a lot of commercial music. It's good. It's old, old commercial stuff we like.
you know, sound and see if we can get away with it. because we love that kind of music. we like a lot of commercial music. it's good. it's old, old commercial stuff we like.
quite fast
ju noʊ, saʊnd ʌnd si ɪf wi kæn ɡɛt ʌweɪ wɪð ɪt. bɪkɔz wi lʌv ðæt kaɪnd ʌv mjuzɪk. wi laɪk ʌ lɑt ʌv kʌmɜ˞ʃʌl mjuzɪk. ɪt'ɛs ɡʊd. ɪt'ɛs oʊld, oʊld kʌmɜ˞ʃʌl stʌf wi laɪk.
quite noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
It was just something to do. We're pretty much.
it was just something to do. we're pretty much.
slightly fast
ɪt wɑz dʒʌst sʌmθɪŋ tu du. wi'ɹeɪ pɹɪti mʌtʃ.
quite noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
bored with that phase now because you're really limited, especially when you're a three-piece, because there's not much you can do with three-chord guitar rock. There's Devo, you know, anything. No, no. I think that's one of the most grossest periods of music in history is right around the mid-eightiethies when this crossover metal and punk rock thing started happening where it wasn't cool.
bored with that phase now because you're really limited, especially when you're a three-piece, because there's not much you can do with three-chord guitar rock. there's devo, you know, anything. no, no. i think that's one of the most grossest periods of music in history is right around the mid-eightiethies when this crossover metal and punk rock thing started happening where it wasn't cool.
moderate speed
bɔɹd wɪð ðæt feɪz naʊ bɪkɔz ju'ɹeɪ ɹɪli lɪmʌtʌd, ʌspɛʃli wɛn ju'ɹeɪ ʌ θɹi-pis, bɪkɔz ðɛɹ'ɛs nɑt mʌtʃ ju kæn du wɪð θɹi-kɔɹd ɡɪtɑɹ ɹɑk. ðɛɹ'ɛs , ju noʊ, ɛniθɪŋ. noʊ, noʊ. aɪ θɪŋk ðæt'ɛs wʌn ʌv ðʌ moʊst pɪɹiʌdz ʌv mjuzɪk ɪn hɪstɜ˞i ɪz ɹaɪt ɜ˞aʊnd ðʌ mɪd- wɛn ðɪs kɹɔsoʊvɜ˞ mɛtʌl ʌnd pʌŋk ɹɑk θɪŋ stɑɹtɪd hæpʌnɪŋ wɛɹ ɪt 'ti kul.
slightly noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
to write songs that had melody in them, total noise, aggression all the time. I just got really sick of that. Is there an ashtray around here somewhere?.
to write songs that had melody in them, total noise, aggression all the time. i just got really sick of that. is there an ashtray around here somewhere?.
slightly fast
tu ɹaɪt sɔŋz ðæt hæd mɛlʌdi ɪn ðɛm, toʊtʌl nɔɪz, ʌɡɹɛʃʌn ɔl ðʌ taɪm. aɪ dʒʌst ɡɑt ɹɪli sɪk ʌv ðæt. ɪz ðɛɹ æn æʃtɹeɪ ɜ˞aʊnd hiɹ sʌmwɛɹ?.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
You know, yeah, it revolves in a circle all the time. You know, everything will always revert back to melody. I mean, because that's the most palatable thing to an ear.
you know, yeah, it revolves in a circle all the time. you know, everything will always revert back to melody. i mean, because that's the most palatable thing to an ear.
moderate speed
ju noʊ, jæ, ɪt ɹivɑlvz ɪn ʌ sɜ˞kʌl ɔl ðʌ taɪm. ju noʊ, ɛvɹiθɪŋ wɪl ɔlweɪz ɹɪvɜ˞t bæk tu mɛlʌdi. aɪ min, bɪkɔz ðæt'ɛs ðʌ moʊst pælʌtʌbʌl θɪŋ tu æn iɹ.
very noisy
slightly confined sounding
moderate intonation
I mean, already, I mean, obviously, the most popular alternative bands.
i mean, already, i mean, obviously, the most popular alternative bands.
moderate speed
aɪ min, ɔlɹɛdi, aɪ min, ɑbviʌsli, ðʌ moʊst pɑpjʌlɜ˞ ɔltɜ˞nʌtɪv bændz.
quite noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
on a national commercial scale are more, you know,.
on a national commercial scale are more, you know,.
quite slowly
ɑn ʌ næʃʌnʌl kʌmɜ˞ʃʌl skeɪl ɑɹ mɔɹ, ju noʊ,.
quite noisy
moderate reverberation
moderate intonation
commercial they're more clean you know like like pearl jam and and stuff like that and that's the same thing that happened with with punk rock you know punk rock was really aggressive and raunchy and um those bands got signed to major labels and it didn't do too well the mass media and um so then all these punk rock bands turned into new wave bands exactly what we are we're a new wave band well i hope i i hope.
commercial they're more clean you know like like pearl jam and and stuff like that and that's the same thing that happened with with punk rock you know punk rock was really aggressive and raunchy and um those bands got signed to major labels and it didn't do too well the mass media and um so then all these punk rock bands turned into new wave bands exactly what we are we're a new wave band well i hope i i hope.
slightly fast
kʌmɜ˞ʃʌl ðeɪ'ɹeɪ mɔɹ klin ju noʊ laɪk laɪk pɜ˞l dʒæm ʌnd ʌnd stʌf laɪk ðæt ʌnd ðæt'ɛs ðʌ seɪm θɪŋ ðæt hæpʌnd wɪð wɪð pʌŋk ɹɑk ju noʊ pʌŋk ɹɑk wɑz ɹɪli ʌɡɹɛsɪv ʌnd ɹɔntʃi ʌnd ʌm ðoʊz bændz ɡɑt saɪnd tu meɪdʒɜ˞ leɪbʌlz ʌnd ɪt 'ti du tu wɛl ðʌ mæs midiʌ ʌnd ʌm soʊ ðɛn ɔl ðiz pʌŋk ɹɑk bændz tɜ˞nd ɪntu nu weɪv bændz ɪɡzæktli wʌt wi ɑɹ wi'ɹeɪ ʌ nu weɪv bænd wɛl aɪ hoʊp aɪ aɪ hoʊp.
slightly noisy
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
I don't really like to think of us as just strictly one of those kind of bands who used to be punk rock and then went to a commercial.
i don't really like to think of us as just strictly one of those kind of bands who used to be punk rock and then went to a commercial.
very fast
aɪ dɑn'ti ɹɪli laɪk tu θɪŋk ʌv ʌs æz dʒʌst stɹɪktli wʌn ʌv ðoʊz kaɪnd ʌv bændz hu juzd tu bi pʌŋk ɹɑk ʌnd ðɛn wɛnt tu ʌ kʌmɜ˞ʃʌl.
slightly noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
uh. option just for for you know.
uh. option just for for you know.
slightly slowly
ʌ. ɑpʃʌn dʒʌst fɔɹ fɔɹ ju noʊ.
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
financial reasons and be played on the radio it was something that we sincerely wanted to do we really liked the stuff that we were trying to do at the time small way yeah it was more of a test more of a test for us actually to see if we had enough guts to um get away with.
financial reasons and be played on the radio it was something that we sincerely wanted to do we really liked the stuff that we were trying to do at the time small way yeah it was more of a test more of a test for us actually to see if we had enough guts to um get away with.
slightly fast
fʌnænʃʌl ɹizʌnz ʌnd bi pleɪd ɑn ðʌ ɹeɪdioʊ ɪt wɑz sʌmθɪŋ ðæt wi sɪnsɪɹli wɔntɪd tu du wi ɹɪli laɪkt ðʌ stʌf ðæt wi wɜ˞ tɹaɪɪŋ tu du æt ðʌ taɪm smɔl weɪ jæ ɪt wɑz mɔɹ ʌv ʌ tɛst mɔɹ ʌv ʌ tɛst fɔɹ ʌs æktʃuʌli tu si ɪf wi hæd ɪnʌf ɡʌts tu ʌm ɡɛt ʌweɪ wɪð.
quite noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
Well, I think the only thing that I was inspired by was Chipmunk's Sing the Beatles album.
well, i think the only thing that i was inspired by was chipmunk's sing the beatles album.
slightly fast
wɛl, aɪ θɪŋk ðʌ oʊnli θɪŋ ðæt aɪ wɑz ɪnspaɪɜ˞d baɪ wɑz tʃɪpmʌŋk'ɛs sɪŋ ðʌ bitʌlz ælbʌm.
very noisy
slightly confined sounding
slightly monotone
It's better than the Beatles. Better than the real McCoy. Sounds nice. Well, that's too bad. That's their problem.
it's better than the beatles. better than the real mccoy. sounds nice. well, that's too bad. that's their problem.
slightly fast
ɪt'ɛs bɛtɜ˞ ðæn ðʌ bitʌlz. bɛtɜ˞ ðæn ðʌ ɹil mʌkɔɪ. saʊndz naɪs. wɛl, ðæt'ɛs tu bæd. ðæt'ɛs ðɛɹ pɹɑblʌm.
very noisy
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
It says arena on a lot of the shows on the itinerary, but they're like five,zero, six,zero seat places. We wanted to for sure. I mean, we were determined about a year and a half ago after getting off of the grueling tour that we had that we wanted to play.
it says arena on a lot of the shows on the itinerary, but they're like five,zero, six,zero seat places. we wanted to for sure. i mean, we were determined about a year and a half ago after getting off of the grueling tour that we had that we wanted to play.
moderate speed
ɪt sɛz ɜ˞inʌ ɑn ʌ lɑt ʌv ðʌ ʃoʊz ɑn ðʌ aɪtɪnɜ˞ɛɹi, bʌt ðeɪ'ɹeɪ laɪk faɪv,zɪɹoʊ, sɪks,zɪɹoʊ sit pleɪsʌz. wi wɔntɪd tu fɔɹ ʃʊɹ. aɪ min, wi wɜ˞ dɪtɜ˞mʌnd ʌbaʊt ʌ jɪɹ ʌnd ʌ hæf ʌɡoʊ æftɜ˞ ɡɛtɪŋ ɔf ʌv ðʌ ɡɹuɪlɪŋ tʊɹ ðæt wi hæd ðæt wi wɔntɪd tu pleɪ.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
Well, first of all, we were going to put out a record that would completely, you know.
well, first of all, we were going to put out a record that would completely, you know.
slightly fast
wɛl, fɜ˞st ʌv ɔl, wi wɜ˞ ɡoʊɪŋ tu pʊt aʊt ʌ ɹʌkɔɹd ðæt wʊd kʌmplitli, ju noʊ.
slightly noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
ruin our reputation and only a few thousand people from every city would show up. That wasn't the case. And then we realized that because of the production costs to bring our own lights and our own PA and all that stuff, it costs a lot of money and if we were to just play like venues and clubs and stuff, we'd be totally in the hole. We're not nearly as rich as everyone thinks we are.
ruin our reputation and only a few thousand people from every city would show up. that wasn't the case. and then we realized that because of the production costs to bring our own lights and our own pa and all that stuff, it costs a lot of money and if we were to just play like venues and clubs and stuff, we'd be totally in the hole. we're not nearly as rich as everyone thinks we are.
slightly fast
ɹuʌn aʊɜ˞ ɹɛpjʌteɪʃʌn ʌnd oʊnli ʌ fju θaʊzʌnd pipʌl fɹʌm ɛvɜ˞i sɪti wʊd ʃoʊ ʌp. ðæt 'ti ðʌ keɪs. ʌnd ðɛn wi ɹiʌlaɪzd ðæt bɪkɔz ʌv ðʌ pɹʌdʌkʃʌn kɑsts tu bɹɪŋ aʊɜ˞ oʊn laɪts ʌnd aʊɜ˞ oʊn pɑ ʌnd ɔl ðæt stʌf, ɪt kɑsts ʌ lɑt ʌv mʌni ʌnd ɪf wi wɜ˞ tu dʒʌst pleɪ laɪk vɛnuz ʌnd klʌbz ʌnd stʌf, wi'di bi toʊtʌli ɪn ðʌ hoʊl. wi'ɹeɪ nɑt nɪɹli æz ɹɪtʃ æz ɛvɹiwʌn θɪŋks wi ɑɹ.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
very monotone
You have to try to play as big a place as you can if you're using this kind of production. I mean, we actually have a few, you know, we have a couple mannequins on stage, which is nothing compared to a big inflatable monster, you know, or an Eddie from Iron Maiden. Well, it is an ugly question, but.
you have to try to play as big a place as you can if you're using this kind of production. i mean, we actually have a few, you know, we have a couple mannequins on stage, which is nothing compared to a big inflatable monster, you know, or an eddie from iron maiden. well, it is an ugly question, but.
slightly fast
ju hæv tu tɹaɪ tu pleɪ æz bɪɡ ʌ pleɪs æz ju kæn ɪf ju'ɹeɪ juzɪŋ ðɪs kaɪnd ʌv pɹʌdʌkʃʌn. aɪ min, wi æktʃuʌli hæv ʌ fju, ju noʊ, wi hæv ʌ kʌpʌl mænʌkɪnz ɑn steɪdʒ, wɪtʃ ɪz nʌθɪŋ kʌmpɛɹd tu ʌ bɪɡ ɪnfleɪtʌbʌl mɑnstɜ˞, ju noʊ, ɔɹ æn ɛdi fɹʌm aɪɜ˞n meɪdʌn. wɛl, ɪt ɪz æn ʌɡli kwɛstʃʌn, bʌt.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
I don't know. Yeah, it's nothing new. It's been going on for years and years and years, and I don't understand why it's such an issue still. But it seems like when bands do it now, even when we do it, it's so exhausted, you know. I don't know. I personally like to wear dresses, and I wear them around the house sometimes.
i don't know. yeah, it's nothing new. it's been going on for years and years and years, and i don't understand why it's such an issue still. but it seems like when bands do it now, even when we do it, it's so exhausted, you know. i don't know. i personally like to wear dresses, and i wear them around the house sometimes.
slightly fast
aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ. jæ, ɪt'ɛs nʌθɪŋ nu. ɪt'ɛs bɪn ɡoʊɪŋ ɑn fɔɹ jɪɹz ʌnd jɪɹz ʌnd jɪɹz, ʌnd aɪ dɑn'ti ʌndɜ˞stænd waɪ ɪt'ɛs sʌtʃ æn ɪʃu stɪl. bʌt ɪt simz laɪk wɛn bændz du ɪt naʊ, ivɪn wɛn wi du ɪt, ɪt'ɛs soʊ ɪɡzɔstɪd, ju noʊ. aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ. aɪ pɜ˞sʌnʌli laɪk tu wɛɹ dɹɛsʌz, ʌnd aɪ wɛɹ ðɛm ɜ˞aʊnd ðʌ haʊs sʌmtaɪmz.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
I want to ask me about it. Just some images I've had in my mind for years. It's kind of a way of expressing our views on prejudice.
i want to ask me about it. just some images i've had in my mind for years. it's kind of a way of expressing our views on prejudice.
slightly slowly
aɪ wɑnt tu æsk mi ʌbaʊt ɪt. dʒʌst sʌm ɪmʌdʒʌz aɪ'vi hæd ɪn maɪ maɪnd fɔɹ jɪɹz. ɪt'ɛs kaɪnd ʌv ʌ weɪ ʌv ɪkspɹɛsɪŋ aʊɜ˞ vjuz ɑn pɹɛdʒʌdɪs.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
benefit to raise consciousness of the atrocities in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
benefit to raise consciousness of the atrocities in bosnia-herzegovina.
moderate speed
bɛnʌfɪt tu ɹeɪz kɑnʃʌsnʌs ʌv ðʌ ʌtɹɑsʌtiz ɪn bɑzniʌ-hɛɹtsʌɡoʊvinʌ.
quite noisy
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
some awful things going on down there. And so we decided to play Benefit.
some awful things going on down there. and so we decided to play benefit.
moderate speed
sʌm ɑfʌl θɪŋz ɡoʊɪŋ ɑn daʊn ðɛɹ. ʌnd soʊ wi dɪsaɪdɪd tu pleɪ bɛnʌfɪt.
very noisy
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
It was just a natural thing for us to do. And having a new child and all the press coming down on us and stuff like that, I decided to.
it was just a natural thing for us to do. and having a new child and all the press coming down on us and stuff like that, i decided to.
slightly fast
ɪt wɑz dʒʌst ʌ nætʃɜ˞ʌl θɪŋ fɔɹ ʌs tu du. ʌnd hævɪŋ ʌ nu tʃaɪld ʌnd ɔl ðʌ pɹɛs kʌmɪŋ daʊn ɑn ʌs ʌnd stʌf laɪk ðæt, aɪ dɪsaɪdɪd tu.
slightly noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
Just use experiences from books and other stories instead of even dealing with. I mean, there's a little bit of my life, personal things in it, but for the most part it's just.
just use experiences from books and other stories instead of even dealing with. i mean, there's a little bit of my life, personal things in it, but for the most part it's just.
slightly fast
dʒʌst jus ɪkspɪɹiʌnsɪz fɹʌm bʊks ʌnd ʌðɜ˞ stɔɹiz ɪnstɛd ʌv ivɪn dilɪŋ wɪð. aɪ min, ðɛɹ'ɛs ʌ lɪtʌl bɪt ʌv maɪ laɪf, pɜ˞sɪnʌl θɪŋz ɪn ɪt, bʌt fɔɹ ðʌ moʊst pɑɹt ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst.
slightly noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly expressive
It's very un-personal, impersonal.
it's very un-personal, impersonal.
slightly slowly
ɪt'ɛs vɛɹi ʌn-pɜ˞sɪnʌl, ɪmpɜ˞sʌnʌl.
moderate ambient sound
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
I think that'll be a surprise to a lot of people.
i think that'll be a surprise to a lot of people.
very fast
aɪ θɪŋk ðæt' bi ʌ sɜ˞pɹaɪz tu ʌ lɑt ʌv pipʌl.
very noisy
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
the album may not sell as much and so they were concerned with that you know but um.
the album may not sell as much and so they were concerned with that you know but um.
slightly fast
ðʌ ælbʌm meɪ nɑt sɛl æz mʌtʃ ʌnd soʊ ðeɪ wɜ˞ kʌnsɜ˞nd wɪð ðæt ju noʊ bʌt ʌm.
quite noisy
very roomy sounding
moderate intonation
They never, ever once put any pressure on us. They just basically told us their feelings and their thoughts of what they thought of the record. Most people don't like the record. A lot of my friends don't.
they never, ever once put any pressure on us. they just basically told us their feelings and their thoughts of what they thought of the record. most people don't like the record. a lot of my friends don't.
slightly fast
ðeɪ nɛvɜ˞, ɛvɜ˞ wʌns pʊt ɛni pɹɛʃɜ˞ ɑn ʌs. ðeɪ dʒʌst beɪsɪkli toʊld ʌs ðɛɹ filɪŋz ʌnd ðɛɹ θɔts ʌv wʌt ðeɪ θɔt ʌv ðʌ ɹʌkɔɹd. moʊst pipʌl dɑn'ti laɪk ðʌ ɹʌkɔɹd. ʌ lɑt ʌv maɪ fɹɛndz dɑn'ti.
slightly noisy
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
All three of us are totally excited about it. We've achieved exactly what we've been wanting to achieve for the last two records. This is the sound that we've had in our heads.
all three of us are totally excited about it. we've achieved exactly what we've been wanting to achieve for the last two records. this is the sound that we've had in our heads.
slightly fast
ɔl θɹi ʌv ʌs ɑɹ toʊtʌli ɪksaɪtʌd ʌbaʊt ɪt. wi'vi ʌtʃivd ɪɡzæktli wʌt wi'vi bɪn wɑntɪŋ tu ʌtʃiv fɔɹ ðʌ læst tu ɹʌkɔɹdz. ðɪs ɪz ðʌ saʊnd ðæt wi'vi hæd ɪn aʊɜ˞ hɛdz.
quite noisy
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
one of those things that you do, you know, to relieve the pain, but.
one of those things that you do, you know, to relieve the pain, but.
moderate speed
wʌn ʌv ðoʊz θɪŋz ðæt ju du, ju noʊ, tu ɹɪliv ðʌ peɪn, bʌt.
quite clear
very roomy sounding
quite monotone
You know, as I expected before I started doing heroin, I realized that.
you know, as i expected before i started doing heroin, i realized that.
moderate speed
ju noʊ, æz aɪ ɪkspɛktʌd bɪfɔɹ aɪ stɑɹtɪd duɪŋ hɛɹoʊʌn, aɪ ɹiʌlaɪzd ðæt.
slightly clear
very confined sounding
moderate intonation
I knew it at the beginning that it would become just as boring as marijuana does. Like all drugs, after a few months, it's just as boring as breathing air.
i knew it at the beginning that it would become just as boring as marijuana does. like all drugs, after a few months, it's just as boring as breathing air.
moderate speed
aɪ nu ɪt æt ðʌ bɪɡɪnɪŋ ðæt ɪt wʊd bɪkʌm dʒʌst æz bɔɹɪŋ æz mɛɹʌwɑnʌ dʌz. laɪk ɔl dɹʌɡz, æftɜ˞ ʌ fju mʌnθs, ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst æz bɔɹɪŋ æz bɹiðɪŋ ɛɹ.
moderate ambient sound
moderate reverberation
slightly monotone
So I just don't want to try it. I've always lied about it because I didn't want to influence anybody. I didn't want anyone to even consider the thought of doing drugs because it's really stupid.
so i just don't want to try it. i've always lied about it because i didn't want to influence anybody. i didn't want anyone to even consider the thought of doing drugs because it's really stupid.
slightly fast
soʊ aɪ dʒʌst dɑn'ti wɑnt tu tɹaɪ ɪt. aɪ'vi ɔlweɪz laɪd ʌbaʊt ɪt bɪkɔz aɪ 'ti wɑnt tu ɪnfluʌns ɛnibʌdi. aɪ 'ti wɑnt ɛniwʌn tu ivɪn kʌnsɪdɜ˞ ðʌ θɔt ʌv duɪŋ dɹʌɡz bɪkɔz ɪt'ɛs ɹɪli stupʌd.
moderate ambient sound
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
There's nothing more embarrassing than a group of people walking up to you and shaking and clamoring and, you know, and praising you like you're some kind of fucking god or something. It's embarrassing.
there's nothing more embarrassing than a group of people walking up to you and shaking and clamoring and, you know, and praising you like you're some kind of fucking god or something. it's embarrassing.
quite fast
ðɛɹ'ɛs nʌθɪŋ mɔɹ ɪmbɛɹʌsɪŋ ðæn ʌ ɡɹup ʌv pipʌl wɔkɪŋ ʌp tu ju ʌnd ʃeɪkɪŋ ʌnd klæmɜ˞ɪŋ ʌnd, ju noʊ, ʌnd pɹeɪzɪŋ ju laɪk ju'ɹeɪ sʌm kaɪnd ʌv fʌkɪŋ ɡɑd ɔɹ sʌmθɪŋ. ɪt'ɛs ɪmbɛɹʌsɪŋ.
quite noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
I was a big heavy metal fan for years in junior high school, and I have nothing against heavy metal fans at all, you know, except for, you know, some of the.
i was a big heavy metal fan for years in junior high school, and i have nothing against heavy metal fans at all, you know, except for, you know, some of the.
moderate speed
aɪ wɑz ʌ bɪɡ hɛvi mɛtʌl fæn fɔɹ jɪɹz ɪn dʒunjɜ˞ haɪ skul, ʌnd aɪ hæv nʌθɪŋ ʌɡɛnst hɛvi mɛtʌl fænz æt ɔl, ju noʊ, ɪksɛpt fɔɹ, ju noʊ, sʌm ʌv ðʌ.
slightly noisy
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
You know, for the most part, most heavy metal has always been pretty sexist. So, you know, there are a lot of areas in it that I don't agree with.
you know, for the most part, most heavy metal has always been pretty sexist. so, you know, there are a lot of areas in it that i don't agree with.
quite fast
ju noʊ, fɔɹ ðʌ moʊst pɑɹt, moʊst hɛvi mɛtʌl hæz ɔlweɪz bɪn pɹɪti sɛksɪst. soʊ, ju noʊ, ðɛɹ ɑɹ ʌ lɑt ʌv ɛɹiʌz ɪn ɪt ðæt aɪ dɑn'ti ʌɡɹi wɪð.
quite clear
very roomy sounding
moderate intonation
That's no reason to exclude a person.
that's no reason to exclude a person.
quite fast
ðæt'ɛs noʊ ɹizʌn tu ɪksklud ʌ pɜ˞sʌn.
quite noisy
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
from having the opportunity to listen to your music, to eventually start playing acoustic guitars and be thought of as a singer and a songwriter rather than a grunge rocker, you know? Because then I might be able to take advantage of that when I'm older and sit down on a chair and play acoustic guitar like Johnny Cash or something, you know? And it won't be a big joke, but who knows?.
from having the opportunity to listen to your music, to eventually start playing acoustic guitars and be thought of as a singer and a songwriter rather than a grunge rocker, you know? because then i might be able to take advantage of that when i'm older and sit down on a chair and play acoustic guitar like johnny cash or something, you know? and it won't be a big joke, but who knows?.
slightly fast
fɹʌm hævɪŋ ðʌ ɑpɜ˞tunʌti tu lɪsʌn tu jɔɹ mjuzɪk, tu ɪvɛntʃʌwʌli stɑɹt pleɪɪŋ ʌkustɪk ɡɪtɑɹz ʌnd bi θɔt ʌv æz ʌ sɪŋɜ˞ ʌnd ʌ sɔŋɹaɪtɜ˞ ɹæðɜ˞ ðæn ʌ ɡɹʌndʒ ɹɑkɜ˞, ju noʊ? bɪkɔz ðɛn aɪ maɪt bi eɪbʌl tu teɪk ædvæntɪdʒ ʌv ðæt wɛn aɪ'ɛm oʊldɜ˞ ʌnd sɪt daʊn ɑn ʌ tʃɛɹ ʌnd pleɪ ʌkustɪk ɡɪtɑɹ laɪk dʒɑni kæʃ ɔɹ sʌmθɪŋ, ju noʊ? ʌnd ɪt wʌn'ti bi ʌ bɪɡ dʒoʊk, bʌt hu noʊz?.
moderate ambient sound
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
any kind of participation or any kind of feelings with the audience. You know what I'm saying? Like, I can never really, because I'm concentrated on my guitar, and I have to remember the lyrics, and I have to remember to push these little buttons down on my buzz pedals and stuff, and I have to sing and all this stuff, and it just confuses me. I can't chew gum and walk at the same time, so I'm doing, I'm expected to do like six things at once, instead of just adding another guitar player or something.
any kind of participation or any kind of feelings with the audience. you know what i'm saying? like, i can never really, because i'm concentrated on my guitar, and i have to remember the lyrics, and i have to remember to push these little buttons down on my buzz pedals and stuff, and i have to sing and all this stuff, and it just confuses me. i can't chew gum and walk at the same time, so i'm doing, i'm expected to do like six things at once, instead of just adding another guitar player or something.
quite fast
ɛni kaɪnd ʌv pɑɹtɪsʌpeɪʃʌn ɔɹ ɛni kaɪnd ʌv filɪŋz wɪð ðʌ ɑdiʌns. ju noʊ wʌt aɪ'ɛm seɪɪŋ? laɪk, aɪ kæn nɛvɜ˞ ɹɪli, bɪkɔz aɪ'ɛm kɑnsʌntɹeɪtɪd ɑn maɪ ɡɪtɑɹ, ʌnd aɪ hæv tu ɹɪmɛmbɜ˞ ðʌ lɪɹɪks, ʌnd aɪ hæv tu ɹɪmɛmbɜ˞ tu pʊʃ ðiz lɪtʌl bʌtʌnz daʊn ɑn maɪ bʌz pɛdʌlz ʌnd stʌf, ʌnd aɪ hæv tu sɪŋ ʌnd ɔl ðɪs stʌf, ʌnd ɪt dʒʌst kʌnfjuzɪz mi. aɪ kæn'ti tʃu ɡʌm ʌnd wɔk æt ðʌ seɪm taɪm, soʊ aɪ'ɛm duɪŋ, aɪ'ɛm ɪkspɛktʌd tu du laɪk sɪks θɪŋz æt wʌns, ɪnstɛd ʌv dʒʌst ædɪŋ ʌnʌðɜ˞ ɡɪtɑɹ pleɪɜ˞ ɔɹ sʌmθɪŋ.
quite noisy
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
totally a relief. It just really helps. It's great. And we got this guy, Pat Smear, who's in the germs. The pleasure I get out of it is knowing that that many people like the music, you know.
totally a relief. it just really helps. it's great. and we got this guy, pat smear, who's in the germs. the pleasure i get out of it is knowing that that many people like the music, you know.
quite fast
toʊtʌli ʌ ɹɪlif. ɪt dʒʌst ɹɪli hɛlps. ɪt'ɛs ɡɹeɪt. ʌnd wi ɡɑt ðɪs ɡaɪ, pæt smɪɹ, hu'ɛs ɪn ðʌ dʒɜ˞mz. ðʌ plɛʒɜ˞ aɪ ɡɛt aʊt ʌv ɪt ɪz noʊɪŋ ðæt ðæt mɛni pipʌl laɪk ðʌ mjuzɪk, ju noʊ.
slightly noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
But I was validated beyond any expectations when we were playing in clubs, you know, just to have that many people, just to have fifty or one hundred people say that.
but i was validated beyond any expectations when we were playing in clubs, you know, just to have that many people, just to have fifty or one hundred people say that.
slightly fast
bʌt aɪ wɑz vælʌdeɪtɪd bɪɑnd ɛni ɛkspɛkteɪʃʌnz wɛn wi wɜ˞ pleɪɪŋ ɪn klʌbz, ju noʊ, dʒʌst tu hæv ðæt mɛni pipʌl, dʒʌst tu hæv fɪfti ɔɹ wʌn hʌndɹʌd pipʌl seɪ ðæt.
slightly noisy
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
of personalities really. We're all pretty much the same kind of people, you know. So we started as friends and I can't see anything getting in the way to stop us from being friends. To tell you the truth, I would rather just quit my band and join Hole, you know, but only because when I have played music with them,.
of personalities really. we're all pretty much the same kind of people, you know. so we started as friends and i can't see anything getting in the way to stop us from being friends. to tell you the truth, i would rather just quit my band and join hole, you know, but only because when i have played music with them,.
moderate speed
ʌv pɜ˞sʌnælɪtiz ɹɪli. wi'ɹeɪ ɔl pɹɪti mʌtʃ ðʌ seɪm kaɪnd ʌv pipʌl, ju noʊ. soʊ wi stɑɹtɪd æz fɹɛndz ʌnd aɪ kæn'ti si ɛniθɪŋ ɡɛtɪŋ ɪn ðʌ weɪ tu stɑp ʌs fɹʌm biɪŋ fɹɛndz. tu tɛl ju ðʌ tɹuθ, aɪ wʊd ɹæðɜ˞ dʒʌst kwɪt maɪ bænd ʌnd dʒɔɪn hoʊl, ju noʊ, bʌt oʊnli bɪkɔz wɛn aɪ hæv pleɪd mjuzɪk wɪð ðɛm,.
moderate ambient sound
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
There's a level of connection that's a little bit higher than with anyone else that I've ever played with. It's amazing.
there's a level of connection that's a little bit higher than with anyone else that i've ever played with. it's amazing.
slightly fast
ðɛɹ'ɛs ʌ lɛvʌl ʌv kʌnɛkʃʌn ðæt'ɛs ʌ lɪtʌl bɪt haɪɜ˞ ðæn wɪð ɛniwʌn ɛls ðæt aɪ'vi ɛvɜ˞ pleɪd wɪð. ɪt'ɛs ʌmeɪzɪŋ.
moderate ambient sound
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
It's something that's totally satisfying for Courtney and I, but completely unrealistic because we're already so intertwined with each other. And, you know, everyone doesn't even, most people don't even think of the band Nirvana anymore. They think of Kurt and Courtney, you know, and it's just, it's just too much. It gets in the way. People would overlook the music.
it's something that's totally satisfying for courtney and i, but completely unrealistic because we're already so intertwined with each other. and, you know, everyone doesn't even, most people don't even think of the band nirvana anymore. they think of kurt and courtney, you know, and it's just, it's just too much. it gets in the way. people would overlook the music.
slightly fast
ɪt'ɛs sʌmθɪŋ ðæt'ɛs toʊtʌli sætɪsfaɪɪŋ fɔɹ kɔɹtni ʌnd aɪ, bʌt kʌmplitli ʌnɹilɪstɪk bɪkɔz wi'ɹeɪ ɔlɹɛdi soʊ ɪntɜ˞twaɪnd wɪð itʃ ʌðɜ˞. ʌnd, ju noʊ, ɛvɹiwʌn 'ti ivɪn, moʊst pipʌl dɑn'ti ivɪn θɪŋk ʌv ðʌ bænd nɪɹvɑnʌ ɛnimɔɹ. ðeɪ θɪŋk ʌv kɜ˞t ʌnd kɔɹtni, ju noʊ, ʌnd ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst, ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst tu mʌtʃ. ɪt ɡɛts ɪn ðʌ weɪ. pipʌl wʊd oʊvɜ˞lʊk ðʌ mjuzɪk.
slightly noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
I don't know if I can see anything for the next five years.
i don't know if i can see anything for the next five years.
very fast
aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ ɪf aɪ kæn si ɛniθɪŋ fɔɹ ðʌ nɛkst faɪv jɪɹz.
moderate ambient sound
quite roomy sounding
quite monotone
We still gam together every once in a while.
we still gam together every once in a while.
slightly fast
wi stɪl tʌɡɛðɜ˞ ɛvɜ˞i wʌns ɪn ʌ waɪl.
moderate ambient sound
very roomy sounding
slightly monotone
I really wish we could just join bands. We wanted to have a title that related to.
i really wish we could just join bands. we wanted to have a title that related to.
moderate speed
aɪ ɹɪli wɪʃ wi kʊd dʒʌst dʒɔɪn bændz. wi wɔntɪd tu hæv ʌ taɪtʌl ðæt ɹɪleɪtɪd tu.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
to the good majority of the themes that are on the album, which are mostly medical themes, you know, sickness and death and rebirth and having to be restrained in a bed with an IV in your arm and being sick all the time. You know, I, for some reason, see a connection between death and life and being sick all the time, and I'm just kind of obsessed with it, so I had to get it out of my system.
to the good majority of the themes that are on the album, which are mostly medical themes, you know, sickness and death and rebirth and having to be restrained in a bed with an iv in your arm and being sick all the time. you know, i, for some reason, see a connection between death and life and being sick all the time, and i'm just kind of obsessed with it, so i had to get it out of my system.
moderate speed
tu ðʌ ɡʊd mʌdʒɔɹʌti ʌv ðʌ θimz ðæt ɑɹ ɑn ðʌ ælbʌm, wɪtʃ ɑɹ moʊstli mɛdʌkʌl θimz, ju noʊ, sɪknʌs ʌnd dɛθ ʌnd ɹibɜ˞θ ʌnd hævɪŋ tu bi ɹistɹeɪnd ɪn ʌ bɛd wɪð æn ɪn jɔɹ ɑɹm ʌnd biɪŋ sɪk ɔl ðʌ taɪm. ju noʊ, aɪ, fɔɹ sʌm ɹizʌn, si ʌ kʌnɛkʃʌn bɪtwin dɛθ ʌnd laɪf ʌnd biɪŋ sɪk ɔl ðʌ taɪm, ʌnd aɪ'ɛm dʒʌst kaɪnd ʌv ʌbsɛst wɪð ɪt, soʊ aɪ hæd tu ɡɛt ɪt aʊt ʌv maɪ sɪstʌm.
moderate ambient sound
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
more biographical of the way I felt a few years ago. I tell you the truth, it's not really as personal as a lot of people would like it to be. I actually had some themes on this album that don't have anything to do with my life at all.
more biographical of the way i felt a few years ago. i tell you the truth, it's not really as personal as a lot of people would like it to be. i actually had some themes on this album that don't have anything to do with my life at all.
moderate speed
mɔɹ baɪʌɡɹæfɪkʌl ʌv ðʌ weɪ aɪ fɛlt ʌ fju jɪɹz ʌɡoʊ. aɪ tɛl ju ðʌ tɹuθ, ɪt'ɛs nɑt ɹɪli æz pɜ˞sɪnʌl æz ʌ lɑt ʌv pipʌl wʊd laɪk ɪt tu bi. aɪ æktʃuʌli hæd sʌm θimz ɑn ðɪs ælbʌm ðæt dɑn'ti hæv ɛniθɪŋ tu du wɪð maɪ laɪf æt ɔl.
quite noisy
quite confined sounding
slightly monotone
In a way, yeah, for a few songs.
in a way, yeah, for a few songs.
moderate speed
ɪn ʌ weɪ, jæ, fɔɹ ʌ fju sɔŋz.
very noisy
quite roomy sounding
slightly monotone
at times who are blissfully happy. And a lot of those people aren't bothered with the complications of knowledge and everything else that life has to offer. I know a lot of people who are.
at times who are blissfully happy. and a lot of those people aren't bothered with the complications of knowledge and everything else that life has to offer. i know a lot of people who are.
slightly slowly
æt taɪmz hu ɑɹ blɪsfʌli hæpi. ʌnd ʌ lɑt ʌv ðoʊz pipʌl ɑɹʌn'ti bɑðɜ˞d wɪð ðʌ kɑmplʌkeɪʃʌnz ʌv nɑlʌdʒ ʌnd ɛvɹiθɪŋ ɛls ðæt laɪf hæz tu ɔfɜ˞. aɪ noʊ ʌ lɑt ʌv pipʌl hu ɑɹ.
moderate ambient sound
slightly confined sounding
moderate intonation
simpletons, you know, they're very simple that they can enjoy their lives and be totally happy and secure with, you know, just watching sports on television and having a beer every once in a while, you know.
simpletons, you know, they're very simple that they can enjoy their lives and be totally happy and secure with, you know, just watching sports on television and having a beer every once in a while, you know.
slightly fast
, ju noʊ, ðeɪ'ɹeɪ vɛɹi sɪmpʌl ðæt ðeɪ kæn ɛndʒɔɪ ðɛɹ lɪvz ʌnd bi toʊtʌli hæpi ʌnd sɪkjʊɹ wɪð, ju noʊ, dʒʌst wɑtʃɪŋ spɔɹts ɑn tɛlʌvɪʒʌn ʌnd hævɪŋ ʌ bɪɹ ɛvɜ˞i wʌns ɪn ʌ waɪl, ju noʊ.
slightly noisy
slightly confined sounding
slightly monotone
And I've always felt too complicated, so I kind of envy those people.
and i've always felt too complicated, so i kind of envy those people.
quite fast
ʌnd aɪ'vi ɔlweɪz fɛlt tu kɑmplʌkeɪtʌd, soʊ aɪ kaɪnd ʌv ɛnvi ðoʊz pipʌl.
slightly noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
I'm not saying that I'm smarter than most people. It's just that I.
i'm not saying that i'm smarter than most people. it's just that i.
slightly fast
aɪ'ɛm nɑt seɪɪŋ ðæt aɪ'ɛm smɑɹtɜ˞ ðæn moʊst pipʌl. ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst ðæt aɪ.
quite clear
quite roomy sounding
moderate intonation
I'm too sensitive and I just wish sometimes I could just enjoy the simple things in life, you know, and just not forget about everything else.
i'm too sensitive and i just wish sometimes i could just enjoy the simple things in life, you know, and just not forget about everything else.
slightly fast
aɪ'ɛm tu sɛnsʌtɪv ʌnd aɪ dʒʌst wɪʃ sʌmtaɪmz aɪ kʊd dʒʌst ɛndʒɔɪ ðʌ sɪmpʌl θɪŋz ɪn laɪf, ju noʊ, ʌnd dʒʌst nɑt fɜ˞ɡɛt ʌbaʊt ɛvɹiθɪŋ ɛls.
moderate ambient sound
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
I'm a great father damn it damn it aren't I no I love my child it's it's really fun really fun I had no idea yeah it has I mean it's made me a lot more.
i'm a great father damn it damn it aren't i no i love my child it's it's really fun really fun i had no idea yeah it has i mean it's made me a lot more.
slightly fast
aɪ'ɛm ʌ ɡɹeɪt fɑðɜ˞ dæm ɪt dæm ɪt ɑɹʌn'ti aɪ noʊ aɪ lʌv maɪ tʃaɪld ɪt'ɛs ɪt'ɛs ɹɪli fʌn ɹɪli fʌn aɪ hæd noʊ aɪdiʌ jæ ɪt hæz aɪ min ɪt'ɛs meɪd mi ʌ lɑt mɔɹ.
quite noisy
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
um, positive, you know? I have.
um, positive, you know? i have.
quite slowly
ʌm, pɑzʌtɪv, ju noʊ? aɪ hæv.
moderate ambient sound
slightly roomy sounding
slightly monotone
I have a goal now, you know, I have a child to raise and so that gives me more reason to want to live, you know.
i have a goal now, you know, i have a child to raise and so that gives me more reason to want to live, you know.
slightly fast
aɪ hæv ʌ ɡoʊl naʊ, ju noʊ, aɪ hæv ʌ tʃaɪld tu ɹeɪz ʌnd soʊ ðæt ɡɪvz mi mɔɹ ɹizʌn tu wɑnt tu laɪv, ju noʊ.
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
moderate intonation
I've read Perfume by Patrick Suskin.
i've read perfume by patrick suskin.
moderate speed
aɪ'vi ɹɛd pɜ˞fjum baɪ pætɹɪk .
very noisy
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
That's really one of the first times that I've ever used an actual story, you know, as a book, as an example of a song.
that's really one of the first times that i've ever used an actual story, you know, as a book, as an example of a song.
moderate speed
ðæt'ɛs ɹɪli wʌn ʌv ðʌ fɜ˞st taɪmz ðæt aɪ'vi ɛvɜ˞ juzd æn æktʃʌwʌl stɔɹi, ju noʊ, æz ʌ bʊk, æz æn ɪɡzæmpʌl ʌv ʌ sɔŋ.
slightly noisy
quite confined sounding
quite monotone
I've always tried to stay away from that, but now that I'm running out of ideas more and more.
i've always tried to stay away from that, but now that i'm running out of ideas more and more.
very fast
aɪ'vi ɔlweɪz tɹaɪd tu steɪ ʌweɪ fɹʌm ðæt, bʌt naʊ ðæt aɪ'ɛm ɹʌnɪŋ aʊt ʌv aɪdiʌz mɔɹ ʌnd mɔɹ.
slightly noisy
very confined sounding
very monotone
I tend to do that.
i tend to do that.
quite slowly
aɪ tɛnd tu du ðæt.
slightly noisy
slightly roomy sounding
quite monotone
I don't know, I just noticed that people expect.
i don't know, i just noticed that people expect.
slightly fast
aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ, aɪ dʒʌst noʊtʌst ðæt pipʌl ɪkspɛkt.
moderate ambient sound
very confined sounding
quite monotone
expect more of a thematic angle with our music. You know, they always want to read into it. And before, I was just using pieces of poetry and just garbage, you know, just stuff that just would spew out of me at the time. And a lot of times when I write lyrics, it's just at the last second because I'm really lazy. And then I find myself having to come up with explanations for it, you know? So I thought I'd prevent that this time and actually have an explanation for some of the songs, at least.
expect more of a thematic angle with our music. you know, they always want to read into it. and before, i was just using pieces of poetry and just garbage, you know, just stuff that just would spew out of me at the time. and a lot of times when i write lyrics, it's just at the last second because i'm really lazy. and then i find myself having to come up with explanations for it, you know? so i thought i'd prevent that this time and actually have an explanation for some of the songs, at least.
quite fast
ɪkspɛkt mɔɹ ʌv ʌ θimætɪk æŋɡʌl wɪð aʊɜ˞ mjuzɪk. ju noʊ, ðeɪ ɔlweɪz wɑnt tu ɹɛd ɪntu ɪt. ʌnd bɪfɔɹ, aɪ wɑz dʒʌst juzɪŋ pisʌz ʌv poʊʌtɹi ʌnd dʒʌst ɡɑɹbɪdʒ, ju noʊ, dʒʌst stʌf ðæt dʒʌst wʊd spju aʊt ʌv mi æt ðʌ taɪm. ʌnd ʌ lɑt ʌv taɪmz wɛn aɪ ɹaɪt lɪɹɪks, ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst æt ðʌ læst sɛkʌnd bɪkɔz aɪ'ɛm ɹɪli leɪzi. ʌnd ðɛn aɪ faɪnd maɪsɛlf hævɪŋ tu kʌm ʌp wɪð ɛksplʌneɪʃʌnz fɔɹ ɪt, ju noʊ? soʊ aɪ θɔt aɪ'di pɹɪvɛnt ðæt ðɪs taɪm ʌnd æktʃuʌli hæv æn ɛksplʌneɪʃʌn fɔɹ sʌm ʌv ðʌ sɔŋz, æt list.
quite noisy
very confined sounding
quite monotone
It has been a part of my life before Courtney was even pregnant, though. I've always been just fascinated with medical texts and charts, and I guess I secretly want to be a doctor or something. I don't know.
it has been a part of my life before courtney was even pregnant, though. i've always been just fascinated with medical texts and charts, and i guess i secretly want to be a doctor or something. i don't know.
quite fast
ɪt hæz bɪn ʌ pɑɹt ʌv maɪ laɪf bɪfɔɹ kɔɹtni wɑz ivɪn pɹɛɡnʌnt, ðoʊ. aɪ'vi ɔlweɪz bɪn dʒʌst fæsʌneɪtʌd wɪð mɛdʌkʌl tɛksts ʌnd tʃɑɹts, ʌnd aɪ ɡɛs aɪ sikɹɪtli wɑnt tu bi ʌ dɑktɜ˞ ɔɹ sʌmθɪŋ. aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ.
slightly noisy
very confined sounding
quite monotone
Or a person that works in a cremation factory. I don't know.
or a person that works in a cremation factory. i don't know.
moderate speed
ɔɹ ʌ pɜ˞sʌn ðæt wɜ˞ks ɪn ʌ kɹimeɪʃʌn fæktɜ˞i. aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ.
very noisy
very confined sounding
quite monotone
I've always liked anatomy, ever since I was a little kid, when I first got that little model of the invisible man, or the visible man. It's just something I really like.
i've always liked anatomy, ever since i was a little kid, when i first got that little model of the invisible man, or the visible man. it's just something i really like.
slightly fast
aɪ'vi ɔlweɪz laɪkt ʌnætʌmi, ɛvɜ˞ sɪns aɪ wɑz ʌ lɪtʌl kɪd, wɛn aɪ fɜ˞st ɡɑt ðæt lɪtʌl mɑdʌl ʌv ðʌ ɪnvɪzʌbʌl mæn, ɔɹ ðʌ vɪzʌbʌl mæn. ɪt'ɛs dʒʌst sʌmθɪŋ aɪ ɹɪli laɪk.
moderate ambient sound
slightly confined sounding
quite monotone

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