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We should increase gun control
gun control
In December 2000, the Boards of Trustees for HCI and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence voted to honor Jim and Sarah Brady's hard work and commitment to gun control by renaming the two organizations the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence [REF].
In December 2000, the Boards of Trustees for HCI and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence voted to honor Jim and Sarah Brady's hard work and commitment to TOPIC_CONCEPT by renaming the two organizations the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence [REF].
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
We should increase gun control
gun control
During the 1990s he was a strong opponent of the Clinton administration's spending and tax policies, while supporting some gun control measures.
During the 1990s he was a strong opponent of the Clinton administration's spending and tax policies, while supporting some TOPIC_CONCEPT measures.
Richard Shelby
We should increase gun control
gun control
Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, had indicated support of federal legislation which would repeal the D.C. gun ban.
Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, had indicated support of federal legislation which would repeal the D.C. TOPIC_CONCEPT.
District of Columbia v. Heller
We should increase gun control
gun control
Recently, the New York Times has criticized the NRA for promoting politicians that oppose "sensible gun control laws."[REF]
Recently, the New York Times has criticized the NRA for promoting politicians that oppose "sensible TOPIC_CONCEPT."[REF]
National Rifle Association
We should increase gun control
gun control
The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia states that there is no evidence that gun control restrictions in 1987, 1996 and 2002 had any impact on the already established trends [REF].
The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia states that there is no evidence that TOPIC_CONCEPT restrictions in 1987, 1996 and 2002 had any impact on the already established trends [REF].
Gun politics in Australia
We should increase gun control
gun control
Sestak supports gun control and has a 100% rating from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence[REF] and an F rating from the National Rifle Association [REF].
Sestak supports TOPIC_CONCEPT and has a 100% rating from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence[REF] and an F rating from the National Rifle Association [REF].
Joe Sestak
We should increase gun control
gun control
Chafee was one of the few Republicans to support strict gun control laws.
Chafee was one of the few Republicans to support strict TOPIC_CONCEPT.
John Chafee
We should increase gun control
gun control
On June 28, 2010, the US Supreme Court held, in a 5-4 decision in McDonald v. Chicago, that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was incorporated under the Fourteenth Amendment, thus protecting the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" from local governments,[REF] and all but declared Mayor Jane Byrne's 1982 handgun ban unconstitutional [REF].
On June 28, 2010, the US Supreme Court held, in a 5-4 decision in McDonald v. Chicago, that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was incorporated under the Fourteenth Amendment, thus protecting the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" from local governments,[REF] and all but declared Mayor Jane Byrne's 1982 TOPIC_CONCEPT unconstitutional [REF].
Richard M. Daley
We should increase gun control
gun control
Halbrook did clarify in the first sentences of his article that, "Gun control laws are depicted as benign and historically progressive.
Halbrook did clarify in the first sentences of his article that, "TOPIC_CONCEPT are depicted as benign and historically progressive.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
We should increase gun control
gun control
Since Heller, the federal courts have ruled on many Second Amendment challenges to convictions and gun control laws [REF].
Since Heller, the federal courts have ruled on many Second Amendment challenges to convictions and TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
We should increase gun control
gun control
Scozzafava opposes gun control and has a lifetime "A" rating from the National Rifle Association [REF].
Scozzafava opposes TOPIC_CONCEPT and has a lifetime "A" rating from the National Rifle Association [REF].
Dede Scozzafava
We should increase gun control
gun control
The Violence Policy Center is a research-based organization located in Washington, D.C. Their programming efforts include lobbying the United States Congress to address gun control concerns and pass legislation that would prohibit ownership of firearms in the country.
The Violence Policy Center is a research-based organization located in Washington, D.C. Their programming efforts include lobbying the United States Congress to address TOPIC_CONCEPT concerns and pass legislation that would prohibit ownership of firearms in the country.
Violence Policy Center
We should increase gun control
gun control
In April 2010, the constitutional law committee of the Finnish parliament said that more gun control is not necessary in Finland [REF].
In April 2010, the constitutional law committee of the Finnish parliament said that more TOPIC_CONCEPT is not necessary in Finland [REF].
Gun politics in Finland
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Dr. Smith developed the Secure 1000 whole body scanner in 1992 and then sold the device and associated patents to Rapiscan Systems who now manufactures and distributes the device.
Dr. Smith developed the Secure 1000 TOPIC_CONCEPT in 1992 and then sold the device and associated patents to Rapiscan Systems who now manufactures and distributes the device.
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
came out in the Fall 2010 issue of the internationally distributed University of Denver Transportation Law Journal that argued that the full-body scanners are unconstitutional in the United States because they are (1) too invasive and (2) not effective enough because the process is too inefficient [REF].
came out in the Fall 2010 issue of the internationally distributed University of Denver Transportation Law Journal that argued that the TOPIC_CONCEPT are unconstitutional in the United States because they are (1) too invasive and (2) not effective enough because the process is too inefficient [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
A full-body scanner is a device that creates an image of a person's nude body through their clothing to look for hidden objects without physically removing their clothes or making physical contact.
TOPIC_CONCEPT is a device that creates an image of a person's nude body through their clothing to look for hidden objects without physically removing their clothes or making physical contact.
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In 2010, IHRC publicly advocated against the introduction of full body scanners at UK ports [REF].
In 2010, IHRC publicly advocated against the introduction of TOPIC_CONCEPT at UK ports [REF].
Islamic Human Rights Commission
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Airport employees in Lagos have been caught using full body scanner images as a type of porn [REF].
Airport employees in Lagos have been caught using TOPIC_CONCEPT images as a type of porn [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The United States plans to deploy 1,000 full body scanners by the end of 2011 [REF].
The United States plans to deploy 1,000 TOPIC_CONCEPT by the end of 2011 [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Other full-body scanner lobbyists with Government connections include:[REF] .
Other TOPIC_CONCEPT lobbyists with Government connections include:[REF] .
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The Transportation Security Administration has taken several thousand images of individuals passing through the Full Body Scanner to demonstrate its effectiveness to TSA employees.
The Transportation Security Administration has taken several thousand images of individuals passing through TOPIC_CONCEPT to demonstrate its effectiveness to TSA employees.
Ricardo M. Urbina
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In March 2011, it was found that some of the full body scanners in the US were emitting 10 times the normal level of radiation:[REF][REF][REF] Contractors charged with routinely examining the scanners submitted reports containing discrepancies, including mathematical miscalculations showing that some of the devices emitted radiation levels 10 times higher than normal.. .
In March 2011, it was found that some of TOPIC_CONCEPT in the US were emitting 10 times the normal level of radiation:[REF][REF][REF] Contractors charged with routinely examining the scanners submitted reports containing discrepancies, including mathematical miscalculations showing that some of the devices emitted radiation levels 10 times higher than normal.. .
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Opponents of full-body scanners argue that strip searches without probable cause violate basic human rights.
Opponents of TOPIC_CONCEPT argue that strip searches without probable cause violate basic human rights.
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Respondents also asserted that the body scanner program was not substantial enough of a change in agency policy to constitute a "rule" under the Administrative Procedures Act.
Respondents also asserted that TOPIC_CONCEPT program was not substantial enough of a change in agency policy to constitute a "rule" under the Administrative Procedures Act.
Transportation Security Administration
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Ms. Al-Khalili is Legal Counsel for the Council on American Islamic Relations, one of the organizations that supported EPIC's petition, which is the basis for the challenge to the body scanner program.
Ms. Al-Khalili is Legal Counsel for the Council on American Islamic Relations, one of the organizations that supported EPIC's petition, which is the basis for the challenge to TOPIC_CONCEPT program.
Transportation Security Administration
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In the United States, the TSA requires that their full-body scanners "allow exporting of image data in real time",[REF] and cases of the government's storing of images have been confirmed [REF].
In the United States, the TSA requires that their TOPIC_CONCEPT "allow exporting of image data in real time",[REF] and cases of the government's storing of images have been confirmed [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
TSA states that independent polling indicates that the U.S. public generally supports the deployment and use of body scanners at airports [REF].
TSA states that independent polling indicates that the U.S. public generally supports the deployment and use of TOPIC_CONCEPT at airports [REF].
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Christophe Naudin considers that the body scan (or full-body scanners) are a major step forward for passengers security, because it saves them to undress or to avoid an unpleasant palpation.
Christophe Naudin considers that the body scan (or TOPIC_CONCEPT) are a major step forward for passengers security, because it saves them to undress or to avoid an unpleasant palpation.
Christophe Naudin
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Opponents of backscatter x-ray scanners, including the head of the center for radiological research at Columbia University, say that the radiation emitted by some full-body scanners is as much as 20 times stronger than officially reported and is not safe to use on large numbers of persons because of an increased risk of cancer to children and at-risk populations [REF].
Opponents of backscatter x-ray scanners, including the head of the center for radiological research at Columbia University, say that the radiation emitted by some TOPIC_CONCEPT is as much as 20 times stronger than officially reported and is not safe to use on large numbers of persons because of an increased risk of cancer to children and at-risk populations [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Opponents of full-body scanners cite these incidents as examples of how radiation-based scanning machines can overdose people with radiation despite all safety precautions [REF].
Opponents of TOPIC_CONCEPT cite these incidents as examples of how radiation-based scanning machines can overdose people with radiation despite all safety precautions [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
John Sedat, the principal author of the UCSF letter, responded in November 2010 that the White House's claim that full-body scanners pose no health risks to air travelers is in "error," adding that the White House statement has "many misconceptions, and we will write a careful answer pointing out their errors."[REF] .
John Sedat, the principal author of the UCSF letter, responded in November 2010 that the White House's claim that TOPIC_CONCEPT pose no health risks to air travelers is in "error," adding that the White House statement has "many misconceptions, and we will write a careful answer pointing out their errors."[REF] .
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Unions for airline pilots working for American Airlines and US Airways have urged pilots to avoid the full body scanners [REF].
Unions for airline pilots working for American Airlines and US Airways have urged pilots to avoid TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The Fiqh Council of North America have also issued the following fatwa in relation to full-body scanners: It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women.
The Fiqh Council of North America have also issued the following fatwa in relation to TOPIC_CONCEPT: It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women.
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Go measure my penis and let me get on the airplane: James Carville's answer to Kornheiser's question (January 8, 2010) about full-body scanners being installed at airports in the wake of the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 bomb scare.
Go measure my penis and let me get on the airplane: James Carville's answer to Kornheiser's question (January 8, 2010) about TOPIC_CONCEPT being installed at airports in the wake of the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 bomb scare.
The Tony Kornheiser Show
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The implementation of widespread full-body scanners has raised a public controversy.
The implementation of widespread TOPIC_CONCEPT has raised a public controversy.
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Other scientists at Columbia University have made the following statements in support of the safety of body scanners:[REF] "A passenger would need to be scanned using a backscatter scanner, from both the front and the back, about 200,000 times to receive the amount of radiation equal to one typical CT scan," said Dr. Andrew J. Einstein, director of cardiac CT research at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.
Other scientists at Columbia University have made the following statements in support of the safety of TOPIC_CONCEPT:[REF] "A passenger would need to be scanned using a backscatter scanner, from both the front and the back, about 200,000 times to receive the amount of radiation equal to one typical CT scan," said Dr. Andrew J. Einstein, director of cardiac CT research at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In a December 2, 2010 letter to the House of Representatives, Dr. Steven Smith, inventor of the body scanner in 1991, has stated that the concerns of Dr. Brenner and UCSF regarding the skin dose of backscatter scanners is incorrect and the result of a confusion between dose and imaging penetration.
In a December 2, 2010 letter to the House of Representatives, Dr. Steven Smith, inventor of TOPIC_CONCEPT in 1991, has stated that the concerns of Dr. Brenner and UCSF regarding the skin dose of backscatter scanners is incorrect and the result of a confusion between dose and imaging penetration.
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Dr. Steve Smith, inventor of the body scanner in 1991, and president of Tek84, one of the companies that that produces the machines, has stated that the concerns of Dr. Brenner and UCSF Scientists regarding the skin dose of backscatter scanners is incorrect.
Dr. Steve Smith, inventor of TOPIC_CONCEPT in 1991, and president of Tek84, one of the companies that that produces the machines, has stated that the concerns of Dr. Brenner and UCSF Scientists regarding the skin dose of backscatter scanners is incorrect.
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The Italian government had planned to install full-body scanners at all airport and train stations throughout the country,[REF] but announced in September 2010 plans to remove the scanners from airports, calling them "slow and ineffective."[REF] .
The Italian government had planned to install TOPIC_CONCEPT at all airport and train stations throughout the country,[REF] but announced in September 2010 plans to remove the scanners from airports, calling them "slow and ineffective."[REF] .
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
As of 2011, the security screening area in each airside is equipped with Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) walk-thru detection machines, made by L3 Communications, whose devices use Millimeter wave scanner millimeter wave technology and not backscatter radiation.
As of 2011, the security screening area in each airside is equipped with TOPIC_CONCEPT (AIT) walk-thru detection machines, made by L3 Communications, whose devices use Millimeter wave scanner millimeter wave technology and not backscatter radiation.
Tampa International Airport
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Michael Chertoff has been an advocate of enhanced technologies, such as full body scanners [REF].
Michael Chertoff has been an advocate of enhanced technologies, such as TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Michael Chertoff
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
1896 - X-ray machine and whole-body scanner - Dayton C. Miller (Case School of Applied Science); X-Ray photograph in the U.S. - Dudley Wick (his hand) .
1896 - X-ray machine and TOPIC_CONCEPT - Dayton C. Miller (Case School of Applied Science); X-Ray photograph in the U.S. - Dudley Wick (his hand) .
History of Cleveland
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Opponents of full-body scanners claim that the technology is ineffective for multiple reasons, including that the scanners can easily be bypassed: A study published in the November edition of the Journal of Transportation Security suggested terrorists might fool the Rapiscan machines and others like it employing the X-ray "backscatter" technique.
Opponents of TOPIC_CONCEPT claim that the technology is ineffective for multiple reasons, including that the scanners can easily be bypassed: A study published in the November edition of the Journal of Transportation Security suggested terrorists might fool the Rapiscan machines and others like it employing the X-ray "backscatter" technique.
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The US Government has also hinted at the possibility of deploying the full body scanners at train stations and subways [REF].
The US Government has also hinted at the possibility of deploying TOPIC_CONCEPT at train stations and subways [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Dr. Smith has provided measured data from an operating body scanner to explain his position [REF].
Dr. Smith has provided measured data from an operating TOPIC_CONCEPT to explain his position [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
The National Human Rights Commission of Korea opposes the use of full-body scanners and has recommended that they are not deployed at airports [REF].
The National Human Rights Commission of Korea opposes the use of TOPIC_CONCEPT and has recommended that they are not deployed at airports [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In relation to Khan's comments, The Economic Times has also raised concerns over the new body scanners and the possibilities of it being abused to distribute naked pictures of celebrities [REF].
In relation to Khan's comments, The Economic Times has also raised concerns over the new TOPIC_CONCEPT and the possibilities of it being abused to distribute naked pictures of celebrities [REF].
My Name Is Khan
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
As of November 23, the new procedures were implemented at all U.S. airports, with many having added the new Advanced Imaging Technology, or AIT, units.
As of November 23, the new procedures were implemented at all U.S. airports, with many having added the new TOPIC_CONCEPT, or AIT, units.
Transportation Security Administration
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
On May 26, 2010 NCRP issued a press release to address such comments about full body scanners that are compliant with ANSI N43.17.
On May 26, 2010 NCRP issued a press release to address such comments about TOPIC_CONCEPT that are compliant with ANSI N43.17.
Backscatter X-ray
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Opponents in the US argue that full body scanners and the new TSA patdowns are unconstitutional [REF].
Opponents in the US argue that TOPIC_CONCEPT and the new TSA patdowns are unconstitutional [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In the UK, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has argued that full-body scanners are a risk to human rights and may be breaking the law [REF].
In the UK, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has argued that TOPIC_CONCEPT are a risk to human rights and may be breaking the law [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
Shortly thereafter, it was announced that Boone County Hospital would be one of the first facilities in the nation to acquire a whole body scanner, which represented the very latest in radiological diagnosis [REF].
Shortly thereafter, it was announced that Boone County Hospital would be one of the first facilities in the nation to acquire TOPIC_CONCEPT, which represented the very latest in radiological diagnosis [REF].
Boone Hospital Center
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
EPIC claims that the full-body scanners violate the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution because they subject citizens to virtual strip searches without any evidence of wrongdoing [REF].
EPIC claims that the TOPIC_CONCEPT violate the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution because they subject citizens to virtual strip searches without any evidence of wrongdoing [REF].
Full body scanner
We should ban full-body scanners
full-body scanners
In Idaho a bill has been introduced to prevent the use of full-body scanners as a primary screening method, and to allow people to request alternative screening methods:[REF] .
In Idaho a bill has been introduced to prevent the use of TOPIC_CONCEPT as a primary screening method, and to allow people to request alternative screening methods:[REF] .
Full body scanner
We should end development aid
development aid
The Pope considers a number of trends harmful to development: the prevalence of corruption in both poor and rich countries, the existence of harmful speculative capital flows, the tendency for development aid to be "diverted from it proper ends due to irresponsible actions", the "unregulated exploitation of the earths resources", and "on the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property, especially in the field of health care."
The Pope considers a number of trends harmful to development: the prevalence of corruption in both poor and rich countries, the existence of harmful speculative capital flows, the tendency for TOPIC_CONCEPT to be "diverted from it proper ends due to irresponsible actions", the "unregulated exploitation of the earths resources", and "on the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property, especially in the field of health care."
Caritas in Veritate
We should end development aid
development aid
In 2008 USAID began two technical assistance projects, one to provide managerial systems and tools to utilities, the other aimed at "developing a strategic plan for the sector", "creating a framework for public-private partnerships", and "improving investment planning" at the national level [REF].
In 2008 USAID began two TOPIC_CONCEPT projects, one to provide managerial systems and tools to utilities, the other aimed at "developing a strategic plan for the sector", "creating a framework for public-private partnerships", and "improving investment planning" at the national level [REF].
Water supply and sanitation in Egypt
We should end development aid
development aid
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is currently (April 2008) supporting several projects and contributing to various technical assistance initiatives in the power sector in Brazil.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is currently (April 2008) supporting several projects and contributing to various TOPIC_CONCEPT initiatives in the power sector in Brazil.
Electricity sector in Brazil
We should end development aid
development aid
The Inter-American Development Bank provides technical assistance through three projects in the energy sector in Bolivia: .
The Inter-American Development Bank provides TOPIC_CONCEPT through three projects in the energy sector in Bolivia: .
Electricity sector in Bolivia
We should end development aid
development aid
In response to water pollution and flooding challenges, the Government of Argentina (GoA) is working with the World Bank to address industrial water pollution by providing technical assistance and mentoring to the 50 worst industrial polluters which represent 95% of the total effluent [REF].
In response to water pollution and flooding challenges, the Government of Argentina (GoA) is working with the World Bank to address industrial water pollution by providing TOPIC_CONCEPT and mentoring to the 50 worst industrial polluters which represent 95% of the total effluent [REF].
Integrated urban water management in Buenos Aires, Argentina,_Argentina
We should end development aid
development aid
The Bush administration has stated its belief that development aid works better in countries with good economic policies, such as free markets and low corruption.
The Bush administration has stated its belief that TOPIC_CONCEPT works better in countries with good economic policies, such as free markets and low corruption.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
We should end development aid
development aid
While development aid is an important source of investment for poor and often insecure societies, aid's complexity and the ever expanding budgets leave it vulnerable to corruption, yet discussing it remains difficult as for many it is a taboo subject [REF].
While TOPIC_CONCEPT is an important source of investment for poor and often insecure societies, aid's complexity and the ever expanding budgets leave it vulnerable to corruption, yet discussing it remains difficult as for many it is a taboo subject [REF].
Development aid
We should end development aid
development aid
MicroDreams uses loans, loan guarantees and technical assistance to help provide meaningful economic opportunity to the poorest members of society.
MicroDreams uses loans, loan guarantees and TOPIC_CONCEPT to help provide meaningful economic opportunity to the poorest members of society.
The MicroDreams Foundation
We should end development aid
development aid
The German Government's present priority areas of development cooperation to Nepal as agreed between the two Governments are - renewable energy and energy efficiency, health and family planning, and promotion of local self-governance and civil society.
The German Government's present priority areas of TOPIC_CONCEPT to Nepal as agreed between the two Governments are - renewable energy and energy efficiency, health and family planning, and promotion of local self-governance and civil society.
Foreign relations of Nepal
We should end development aid
development aid
Many econometric studies in recent years have supported the view that development aid has no effect on the speed with which countries develop.
Many econometric studies in recent years have supported the view that TOPIC_CONCEPT has no effect on the speed with which countries develop.
Development aid
We should end development aid
development aid
In 2008, ATSDR had cooperative agreements with 29 states and one tribal government, providing technical assistance to help those partners address local environmental health concerns [REF].
In 2008, ATSDR had cooperative agreements with 29 states and one tribal government, providing TOPIC_CONCEPT to help those partners address local environmental health concerns [REF].
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
We should end development aid
development aid
From 2004 to 2007, GBI implemented over 40 technical assistance projects and investments impacting the lives of over 3.4 million direct and indirect beneficiaries at the bottom of the socioeconomic pyramid [REF].
From 2004 to 2007, GBI implemented over 40 TOPIC_CONCEPT projects and investments impacting the lives of over 3.4 million direct and indirect beneficiaries at the bottom of the socioeconomic pyramid [REF].
Grassroots Business Fund
We should end development aid
development aid
Budgetary support from Australia and development aid under World Bank auspices have helped sustain the economy.
Budgetary support from Australia and TOPIC_CONCEPT under World Bank auspices have helped sustain the economy.
Economy of Papua New Guinea
We should end development aid
development aid
IFAD's development partners in Viet Nam include the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), which have financed grants supporting technical assistance and training in four of IFAD's five projects implemented in the country.
IFAD's development partners in Viet Nam include the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), which have financed grants supporting TOPIC_CONCEPT and training in four of IFAD's five projects implemented in the country.
IFAD Vietnam
We should end development aid
development aid
As the spokesperson of the VVD in the parliament on this matter, Hirsi Ali said that the current development aid policy did not work to increase prosperity, peace and stability in the developing countries: "The VVD believes that Dutch international aid has failed until now, as measured by [the Dutch aid effects on] poverty reduction, famine reduction, life expectancy and the promotion of peace."[REF] .
As the spokesperson of the VVD in the parliament on this matter, Hirsi Ali said that the current TOPIC_CONCEPT policy did not work to increase prosperity, peace and stability in the developing countries: "The VVD believes that Dutch international aid has failed until now, as measured by [the Dutch aid effects on] poverty reduction, famine reduction, life expectancy and the promotion of peace."[REF] .
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
We should end development aid
development aid
Later, U.S. aid shifted from infrastructure projects to technical assistance programs to help develop the skills needed to build a modern economy.
Later, U.S. aid shifted from infrastructure projects to TOPIC_CONCEPT programs to help develop the skills needed to build a modern economy.
Foreign relations of Afghanistan
We should end development aid
development aid
FAO is the world's agricultural knowledge agency, providing policy and technical assistance to developing countries to promote food security, nutrition and sustainable agricultural production, particularly in rural areas.
FAO is the world's agricultural knowledge agency, providing policy and TOPIC_CONCEPT to developing countries to promote food security, nutrition and sustainable agricultural production, particularly in rural areas.
We should end development aid
development aid
Development aid is aid given by developed countries to support development in general which can be economic development or social development in developing countries.
TOPIC_CONCEPT is aid given by developed countries to support development in general which can be economic development or social development in developing countries.
We should end development aid
development aid
Already the Japanese and South Korean governments, as well as companies from these two countries and France, have offered technical assistance to develop Bolivia's lithium reserves and are seeking to gain access to the lithium resources through a mining and industrialization model suitable to Bolivian interests [REF].
Already the Japanese and South Korean governments, as well as companies from these two countries and France, have offered TOPIC_CONCEPT to develop Bolivia's lithium reserves and are seeking to gain access to the lithium resources through a mining and industrialization model suitable to Bolivian interests [REF].
Plug-in electric vehicle
We should end development aid
development aid
Canada has since 2004 abided by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1533-imposed sanctions on arms exports, military technical assistance to the DRC, in addition to assets freezes and travel bans to, in December 2010, 24 Congolese, Rwandans and Ugandans who are suspected of involvement in illegal armed groups or criminal activity, and are listed under UN Security Resolution 1952 [REF].
Canada has since 2004 abided by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1533-imposed sanctions on arms exports, military TOPIC_CONCEPT to the DRC, in addition to assets freezes and travel bans to, in December 2010, 24 Congolese, Rwandans and Ugandans who are suspected of involvement in illegal armed groups or criminal activity, and are listed under UN Security Resolution 1952 [REF].
Canada–Democratic Republic of the Congo relations–Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_relations
We should end development aid
development aid
While in Solomon Islands, Ma outlined a development in technical assistance programmes to Taiwan's allies in the region, encompassing assistance in such areas as "encouraging a return to healthier diets, operating on cataracts [or] advising on land reform" [REF].
While in Solomon Islands, Ma outlined a development in TOPIC_CONCEPT programmes to Taiwan's allies in the region, encompassing assistance in such areas as "encouraging a return to healthier diets, operating on cataracts [or] advising on land reform" [REF].
Sino-Pacific relations
We should end development aid
development aid
Consistent with the call in the Monterrey Consensus for a "global information campaign", the Millennium Campaign aims to increase support for development assistance, trade opportunities, debt relief, technology transfer and other support needed to achieve the MDGs and, in the process, encourage the emergence of broad, self-sustaining and pragmatic coalitions of partners for action on the MDGs.
Consistent with the call in the Monterrey Consensus for a "global information campaign", the Millennium Campaign aims to increase support for TOPIC_CONCEPT, trade opportunities, debt relief, technology transfer and other support needed to achieve the MDGs and, in the process, encourage the emergence of broad, self-sustaining and pragmatic coalitions of partners for action on the MDGs.
United Nations Millennium Campaign
We should end development aid
development aid
To Evaluate, support and execute the implementation of technical assistance projects to strengthen the tax administrations.
To Evaluate, support and execute the implementation of TOPIC_CONCEPT projects to strengthen the tax administrations.
Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations
We should end development aid
development aid
Staff members implementing the High Performance Building program provide technical assistance, education and support of the building industry to build energy, water and resource efficient and healthy commercial, institutional and residential buildings.
Staff members implementing the High Performance Building program provide TOPIC_CONCEPT, education and support of the building industry to build energy, water and resource efficient and healthy commercial, institutional and residential buildings.
North Carolina Solar Center
We should end development aid
development aid
The CDU PAETC (Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center) offers trainings, conferences, clinical consultations, and technical assistance to clinicians treating HIV positive patients and to local clinics and health centers [REF].
The CDU PAETC (Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center) offers trainings, conferences, clinical consultations, and TOPIC_CONCEPT to clinicians treating HIV positive patients and to local clinics and health centers [REF].
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
We should end development aid
development aid
Japan has continued to extend significant support to development and technical assistance projects in Latin America [REF].
Japan has continued to extend significant support to development and TOPIC_CONCEPT projects in Latin America [REF].
Foreign relations of Japan
We should end development aid
development aid
For the 2000-2006 budgetary period, the financial assistance of the EU to Ukraine was framed in the TACIS programme, established in 1991, a programme of technical assistance that supports the process of transition to market economies for the 11 CIS countries and Georgia [REF].
For the 2000-2006 budgetary period, the financial assistance of the EU to Ukraine was framed in the TACIS programme, established in 1991, a programme of TOPIC_CONCEPT that supports the process of transition to market economies for the 11 CIS countries and Georgia [REF].
Ukraine–European Union relations–European_Union_relations
We should end development aid
development aid
The United States has a large bilateral development assistance program, $20.6 million in 2007, and also contributes funds as a major member of a number of multilateral agencies such as the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank.
The United States has a large bilateral TOPIC_CONCEPT program, $20.6 million in 2007, and also contributes funds as a major member of a number of multilateral agencies such as the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank.
Foreign relations of East Timor
We should end development aid
development aid
In a briefing to President Barack Obama, he was described as "no friend of the US: he opposes Dutch military involvement in Afghanistan; he believes development assistance is money wasted; he opposes NATO missions outside 'allied' territory; he is against most EU initiatives; and, most troubling, he foments fear and hatred of immigrants."[REF] .
In a briefing to President Barack Obama, he was described as "no friend of the US: he opposes Dutch military involvement in Afghanistan; he believes TOPIC_CONCEPT is money wasted; he opposes NATO missions outside 'allied' territory; he is against most EU initiatives; and, most troubling, he foments fear and hatred of immigrants."[REF] .
Geert Wilders
We should end development aid
development aid
The agreement, signed on March 11, includes a new partnership with the Andean Development Corporation, a Latin American multilateral financial institution that is expected to provide $1 million in non-reimbursable technical assistance this year to help Porto Alegre complete the preparation phase of the "Portais da Cidade" bus rapid transit project, a groundbreaking transport system designed to reduce pollution and congestion downtown.
The agreement, signed on March 11, includes a new partnership with the Andean Development Corporation, a Latin American multilateral financial institution that is expected to provide $1 million in non-reimbursable TOPIC_CONCEPT this year to help Porto Alegre complete the preparation phase of the "Portais da Cidade" bus rapid transit project, a groundbreaking transport system designed to reduce pollution and congestion downtown.
Porto Alegre
We should end development aid
development aid
According to Collier, "technical assistance is not negligible - money spent on countries with the skilled people who constitute technical assistance is a quarter of total aid flows."[REF]
According to Collier, "TOPIC_CONCEPT is not negligible - money spent on countries with the skilled people who constitute TOPIC_CONCEPT is a quarter of total aid flows."[REF]
We should end development aid
development aid
First, the EPA awards federal grants to provide technical assistance to livestock operators for preventing discharges of water pollution (and reducing air pollution).
First, the EPA awards federal grants to provide TOPIC_CONCEPT to livestock operators for preventing discharges of water pollution (and reducing air pollution).
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
We should end development aid
development aid
Billions of dollars are being invested in new and upgraded road infrastructure in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Make Roads Safe campaign argues that this development aid should be invested with the safety and mobility needs of all road users in mind.
Billions of dollars are being invested in new and upgraded road infrastructure in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Make Roads Safe campaign argues that this TOPIC_CONCEPT should be invested with the safety and mobility needs of all road users in mind.
Make Roads Safe
We should end development aid
development aid
King Khalid Foundation's Program Department aims to provide funding and support for training, capacity building, technical assistance, community development and emergency relief projects in the field of social and economic development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
King Khalid Foundation's Program Department aims to provide funding and support for training, capacity building, TOPIC_CONCEPT, community development and emergency relief projects in the field of social and economic development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
King Khalid Foundation
We should end development aid
development aid
ACAC provides background checks, identifies business opportunities, provides information and technical assistance helps member firms access tools and resources to consummate their business deals, and hosts workshops and other learning opportunities [REF].
ACAC provides background checks, identifies business opportunities, provides information and TOPIC_CONCEPT helps member firms access tools and resources to consummate their business deals, and hosts workshops and other learning opportunities [REF].
African-Americans in foreign policy
We should end development aid
development aid
For decades, Peace Corps volunteers have provided technical assistance in the areas of environmental education, natural resources, management, small business development, microfinance, basic business education, urban youth, and community education.
For decades, Peace Corps volunteers have provided TOPIC_CONCEPT in the areas of environmental education, natural resources, management, small business development, microfinance, basic business education, urban youth, and community education.
Costa Rica–United States relations–United_States_relations
We should end development aid
development aid
The program supports technical assistance and civil construction works in middle sized municipalities that are reforming water supply and sanitation services.
The program supports TOPIC_CONCEPT and civil construction works in middle sized municipalities that are reforming water supply and sanitation services.
Water supply and sanitation in Honduras
We should end development aid
development aid
In a second agreement, France will provide technical assistance to Brazil so that Brazil can design and produce indigenous nuclear powered submarines, to be completely built in Brazil [REF].
In a second agreement, France will provide TOPIC_CONCEPT to Brazil so that Brazil can design and produce indigenous nuclear powered submarines, to be completely built in Brazil [REF].
Brazilian Armed Forces
We should end development aid
development aid
In addition to programs funded through PEPFAR, the President's Malaria Initiative, and the Millennium Challenge Account Threshold Program, USAID's program in Zambia supported training and technical assistance to promote economic growth through trade and investment; create health and educational opportunities to improve lives; and reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS through multi-sectoral responses.
In addition to programs funded through PEPFAR, the President's Malaria Initiative, and the Millennium Challenge Account Threshold Program, USAID's program in Zambia supported training and TOPIC_CONCEPT to promote economic growth through trade and investment; create health and educational opportunities to improve lives; and reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS through multi-sectoral responses.
United States–Zambia relations–Zambia_relations
We should end development aid
development aid
Women's World Banking (WWB)spcial organisation is a nonprofit organization that provides strategic support, technical assistance and information to a global network of 40 independent microfinance institutions (MFIs) and banks that offer credit and other financial services to low-income entrepreneurs in the developing world, with a particular focus on women.
Women's World Banking (WWB)spcial organisation is a nonprofit organization that provides strategic support, TOPIC_CONCEPT and information to a global network of 40 independent microfinance institutions (MFIs) and banks that offer credit and other financial services to low-income entrepreneurs in the developing world, with a particular focus on women.
Women's World Banking's_World_Banking
We should end development aid
development aid
In the years that followed, the government, the Association and the School Management Committee have continuously supported the school by providing professional advice, technical assistance and financial resources.
In the years that followed, the government, the Association and the School Management Committee have continuously supported the school by providing professional advice, TOPIC_CONCEPT and financial resources.
Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)
We should end development aid
development aid
OSDFS administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving the quality and excellence of programs and activities that are designed to provide financial and technical assistance for drug and violence prevention and to promote the health and well being of students in elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education.
OSDFS administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving the quality and excellence of programs and activities that are designed to provide financial and TOPIC_CONCEPT for drug and violence prevention and to promote the health and well being of students in elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education.
Citizen Corps
We should adopt mobile payments
mobile payments
Government to Peer payments can also be made easier and more effective[REF] by using mobile payment channels[REF] and is being explored for schemes like NREGA [REF].
Government to Peer payments can also be made easier and more effective[REF] by using TOPIC_CONCEPT channels[REF] and is being explored for schemes like NREGA [REF].
Mobile Payments in India
We should adopt mobile payments
mobile payments
NFC wallets include the Google Wallet and ISIS (mobile payment system).
NFC wallets include the Google Wallet and ISIS (TOPIC_CONCEPT system).
Proximity marketing
We should adopt mobile payments
mobile payments
Mobile payments is a new and rapidly-adopting alternative payment method - especially in Asia and Europe.
TOPIC_CONCEPT is a new and rapidly-adopting alternative payment method - especially in Asia and Europe.
Alternative payments
We should adopt mobile payments
mobile payments
Mobile payments could also open the possibility for new business models as now, one would have the ability to pay and receive even small sums of money, almost instantaneously.
TOPIC_CONCEPT could also open the possibility for new business models as now, one would have the ability to pay and receive even small sums of money, almost instantaneously.
Mobile Payments in India