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Home and Garden
Hi everyone so yesterday, I found my xbox not working. So I figured I'll do a video and show you how to troubleshoot this this issue. So what happened is in front with xbox when I press the power button. Nothing happens, no power, ok. And want to look at the back of the entertainment console. The where I plug in the power adapter from the xbox, 360 slim, the light here shows red, ok. So before you go ahead and buy another xbox and check the microsoft website, it will show you how to troubleshoot this issue. Because when this is not powered up, and this is red and most likely is the power adapter, not expose itself. So don't, replace your xbox yet. And normally this light, this indicator should be either orange or green green when it's plugged into the one at the wall and wall outlet and xbox orange just kind of stand by if it's not plugged here, but plugged it into the wall outlet. So red is no good. So microsoft's website will tell you you might need to replace the power adapter, which is quite inexpensive. You provide on ebay used if you're lucky, you can bid for less than 20 nowadays, but it's, not necessary. The website also tells you how to replace I mean gray, reset this power power, adapter power brick. So once you've done it, you find it very simple and very stupid so here's. What you do you just unplug from the xbox, then you unplug from the wall outlet. And then you take this part out of the other. This is the light indicator side right? And the other side is this is where you plug in the power cable cable I'll, show you unplug, this part as well. So that's, it that's, essentially how you reset. So you already done the most important part, which is reset this power brick. Now, why would you do that? What why you've done that you might want to check all these because it's on the back of the entertainment console, most of time right? So it might have collected tests. So the ventilation check the ventilation hose because there's a fan inside, if these are very dusty blow out to the test, because it might block the fan and causing the issue and while you're at it do this, and then your plug in the part where it goes to xbox the first step. So the microsoft website shows you a specific sequence with which to plug first, I don't, think it matters. But follow it. Then second part plug this power cable to power brick at the third step plug this back to the wall outlet. Then when you press the power button on the xbox, it should work and it. And before that you can check the indicator, a power indicator will show green. So it's, very simple, like I said, very stupid. And once you've done that, this is reset it should work, but still not working most likely is it's too. You might have to open up the power brick it's, not extremely hard. You just need some special screwdriver tips. If you have a multi head screwdriver, most likely you'll be able to open this up and there's a fan inside here, you need to clean up all the dust or fiber on it.
Home and Garden
Home Improvements and Repairs
Hi everyone cut in here and I'm going to show you how to use gilding wax today and it's so super simple, if you haven't used it before, just you need to watch this because it's so easy, I've been sitting on well, not literally sitting on, but contemplating, adding gilding wax to a sideboard that I've been working on it's, getting very close to finish the outsides or finish it's been done in the milk, fresco paint and beautiful wax finishes and it's unique and individual on its own. So I did sort of I'm an hour will I or won't? I add the gilding wax will it be too much? But I've decided no it won't be too much it'll. Just add it that little bit more that will make it even extraspecial. So it's, beautiful, blue, carved sideboard I'm going to add some gold building wax and I'll show you how easy it is to do that. So take a look here is where I'm adding the gold gilding wax those beautiful, carved features, the edges of the doors, perhaps the handles and knobs a little bit there and around the drawers it'll, look, beautiful, I'm, gonna start here in this centerpiece. And this is what I'm using it's, the gilding wax it's in a little tiny container. You just open it up and it's a solid form. And you just put a little bit on your finger like this. You don't need a lot just a bit like that. Then you gently apply it to the edges of the features that you want to have the gold on or whatever color you use, you might be using silver or copper, or rose gold or black or whatever color you're using to add those little features now, I'm touching it very very lightly, I'm, only just touching those and I'm deliberately focusing on the sections that have been distressed back to the oak so I'm picking up those little pieces. There are all those little sections and so it's, giving it a look that gives the impression that the gold is underneath that there's gold leaf underneath that. So as you can see, it goes a long way a little bit on my finger is going all the way around here and here and I'm just I'm starting to run out, but I'm pushing it on. And as I start to run out, you just push a little bit harder, but you've got to go very soft at the start to make sure you just don't, put big clumps on. And if you get a bit extra, it can be, it can drop so drop into piece pieces on your furniture or drop on the floor. So so you just don't need a lot. It goes a very long way to just rub it in here. You're just tickling you're tickling the features of the furniture now we're moving closer to have a good look and look at that isn't. It beautiful it's just adds that extra something to the features. And it just looked before. It was really nice with the distressing, and that really unique fresco finish, but that gold is so beautiful. So guys that is all there was to it. I will leave that for about a day. Well, we're not finished. It only did a little bit to show you for now, but I'll finish the whole cabinet. And when I done the waxing, I like to leave it for a day that's me, I prefer to leave it for a day, come back with a soft cloth and get a bit of a wipe over and make sure there's, no loose wax, because sometimes you can have a bit of a buildup in places. So you just remove that, and then you let it properly harden and that's. It that's all there is to it. So I hope you enjoyed the video. And if you do wherever you are give me a thumbs up or a like or a comment or and please share it around. And I I'll do more. Ok, bye.
Home and Garden
Home Improvements and Repairs
As you can see, this is my sink on fullblast. The water does not come out very well. It doesn't get more very quickly either because of that very quickly I'm going to show you a couple things you can do to try to combat this as you can see. I have a pair of channellocks right here. And I've bought in a new aerator it's called, um, which you can see if you click the link in the bottom left it'll, take you to that on amazon I'm just going to take the channel acts here just get. It started get this loose. And then you can just take it off with your thumb. Now, as you can see, it has a very similar looking piece inside of here as this new one, the new ones, the red one, the green ones you old one. The green one is the one that came with this faucet it's, not that great the aerator so I'm going to take this out. I've already tried to clean this by putting in a shot glass with some 409, but it still isn't making it better. So that's, why I went out and purchased, and this is a guy. So you'll, notice that my old one didn't come with a rubber ring. This one did so I'm going to use that I'm going to take that rubber ring off like I just did and now I'm going to drop it in. And this is kind of idiotproof because I dropped it in if you drop it in the wrong way, it's not going to fit see so drop it in with the red facing towards the top I'm going to put this little flange back all right and now screw this in clockwise. And this thing is only five bucks again, it's, just on that little link in the bottom left corner. If you click on that box, it will take you to it on amazon I'm gonna give it a final tighten with the channel axe, not too hard. And then lip check this out.
Home and Garden
There's, no mistake that yellow flag iris is a gorgeous eye catching plant. However, this plan is as destructive as it is beautiful. It was brought from europe as an ornamental that quickly escaped when looking at the leaves of both cattails and yellow flag, iris, they both appear flat. However, when you look at the basis, the yellow flag iris has a flat base. Whereas the cattails have a round base. It has swordlike leaves that are flat, erect and bright green. This plant is commonly transplanted by landowners because of its showy flowers. But as soon found to be a disastrous mistake because it chokes out all beneficial vegetation because of this it is now found in all 50 states. Yellow flag. Iris is very invasive may look like cattails in its early stages of life, but it's hard to miss when it's in full bloom. Yellow flag. Iris is a serious invader and likes to grow along shorelines. Ditches stream banks, floodplains, floodplains areas with shallow water, lowlying wetlands and fish ponds. The root system forms a dense mat, which inhibits seed germination of other plants, clogs irrigation systems and streams and can narrow waterways, each seed pod can produce 120 seeds and can travel miles in the waterway. All parts of this plan are toxic to livestock, dogs cats and humans. And the sap may cause severe skin irritation treatment for this invader can be very difficult. Small, clumps can be dug out though, this is only effective if the rhizomes are entirely removed repeated mowing can help and special aquatic. Herbicides can be a useful tool in management. When used correctly, the most important thing about noxious weeds is to educate yourself to protect the landscape for wildlife and future generations. If you think you have noxious weeds contact, your local weed district extension office or department of agriculture you.
Home and Garden
And I'm back for an update on the first potato baby that was introduced to its now loving youtube family, my prayer plant. Yeah, this little baby's been praying for all of mama sins and she's been doing really well. I know she looks a little bit tattered here in these clips, but that's, just how the leaves are. So I originally bought this in a four inch pot, and you can see it's got some new growth there. This was maybe, oh, I want to say it was a long time ago, maybe six months ago. But here you can see its progress. Two months later with these fresh new green leaves. So I don't know, if you can tell the difference, but it's, it comes out to be a lot lighter green when it first unfurls and it's, actually the most interesting thing to witness. I was having a conversation on the couch with my husband. When all of a sudden I heard what sounded like a piece of paper fall onto the floor. And as I looked, I realized it was actually one of the leaves unfurling from a different plant. It just it was just so crazy a cycle, not a pop, but it's, just weird it's hard to explain you had to be there. But here it is, again, three months later and it's, looking a little bit crowded in here. I mean, I don't know, this is a plant that's supposed to have a trailing quality. So I in retrospect, probably should have just left it alone. But I mean, I was very eager to get a whole other plant and get a bigger bang for my buck out of dividing this plan so I couldn't help myself. So here I'm, showing you this the leaf that was bright green when it first and furled and it's, getting a lot more green like this more mature leaf. So, yeah, you know, what can you do? I wanted to plants and I made it happen. Also one indicator that I normally have in deciding to repot a plant is roots coming out of the bottom. So these aren't too bad. This is probably what a lot of your plants look like at the bottom, when you're buying from a nursery or a big big box store, but I didn't want it to get too rootbound and crazy. And so I just I just went for it. I divided it into two plants. This is pretty small like I said, this is a four inch pot. I kept the main piece of the planting in this four inch pot and just kind of took off one of the babies as you can see here, see it's starting to trail and grow longer. And this is the one piece that I separated and took from the main plant. Yeah, I probably need to water her as you can tell the soil is a lot lighter brown than this one on the left. So, yeah, this is a great way for you to divide your plants. If you have friends and family that are super into plants as well. You can do a plant swap or a trade. The roots were not disturbed at all as you can see from the new growth, that's already, sorry for the blurriness guys. But you can tell it's already doing quite well since unfurled, a brand new leaf there on the left and it's already showing new growth there there I had a croton that I recently split into three and apparently crotons have really really find roots that get disturbed quite easily. When you report it, it is not doing well, I'll have to do a separate video on that. But anyway, guys that's the end of my update. Thank you so much for watching if you're new to my channel, uh. So sorry about that guys. I hate forgetting to keep my phone on mute. That was my husband asking what I was up to he's so nosey. Anyway, thank you so much for watching if you're new to my channel, please don't, forget to subscribe and hit your notification button. So you won't.
Home and Garden
Home Improvements and Repairs
Applause applause, hey, do yourself first I'm tyler with jionni today, I'm going to demonstrate how you can transform the look of your front door. Look like real wood with our wood. Look paint. Kids for front doors. This project is gonna take about four hours. But a lot of that time is dry time. So you'll be able to do other change. And we created our front door kits to match our wood. Look pink kits for garage doors. So just take a look that fits your home, you're, ready to paint along with me. So I'm going to be demonstrating the process a day on a wood door. But our kids also work on steel and aluminum as long as they're already painted. And since this is an outdoor project, you're gonna have to take the weather into consideration you're, gonna have to pick a day where the temperature ranges anywhere from 50 to 85 degrees and make sure there's no rain in the forecast for at least four hours you're also going to want to avoid any direct sunlight as it'll cause the paint to dry too quickly. We have all those weather conditions in our favor right now. So let's get painting as you can tell I'm working on an exterior today. But our kits also work on interior doors. If your doors are shiny or glossy finish to it just use a fine grit sandpaper to lightly scuff up or d, gloss existing finish then you're gonna want to thoroughly clean your doors, there's soap and water and remove any of the hardware removing the hardware makes it easier to create the wood. Look just be sure to take pictures. So you know how to reinstall the hardware later and then you're gonna use the included painters tape to protect the door frame, it's only necessary to tape the frame on the hinge side, because the door will be open while painting so tape, the full length of the door, three steps wide and be sure to include the hinges tape, the perimeter edges of the back of the door in the inside top corner of the frame for proper protection, sure tape off any of the remaining hardware as well. And now it's time to apply the wood tone base coat start by using the provided to twoinch cut brush. It cut in the doubled areas and also around the doors hardware. Then next you're gonna use the provided roller to fill in the raised panels it's. At the base coat has some variations variations they'll. Add to the wood. Look, make sure you get the outer edges of the door as well. If the paint forms awake on the edges of the door, sure to brush them out when you finish applying the whip tone base coat, make sure you wash out the brush and paint tray in preparation for step two. We dan our for your door to dry it and then tape off the horizontal sections of the doors, shown as well, create the wood book. And now it's time to apply the wood grain, finish coat, lightly, wet, your wood grain bit and apply a light even coat to the vertical sections of the door work in small sections. And quickly finish with long vertical strokes without stopping to create the grain use this technique on all the vertical sections. If your application looks a little streaky, don't worry about it. The second coat will film in wait at least 30 minutes for the first coat to dry and then use the same technique that a second coat be sure to keep your wood grain mitt in the bag between coats. So it doesn't dry out, wait 30 minutes for the second coat to dry and tape off the vertical sections as shown as you prepare to paint the horizontal sections. When you tape, the vertical sections leave a small line of the painted area exposed. So it gets painted twice and forms a board line. Then use the same technique as before this time finished with long, horizontal strokes and wait 30 minutes for the first coat dry and apply a second coat at the same way. If you want a darker fill choose three coats and lasts all there's left to do is remove the painters tape and replace your doors hardware all right? Well here it is. This is the finished look the baby. We painted with our black walnuts kit, I'm, tyler gianni. And as always thanks for watching.
Home and Garden
Hey, guys, so today I'm gonna teach you how to make tiny terrariums and little jars like this one. I've already made two before, and they worked out pretty well, actually so here's. The first one, this one's, a short and wider and this one's taller and thinner, and they both have gotten to the point where the roots are actually growing up the sides of the glass, but they've grown really well, and they haven't died, even though I actually forgot about them for several months. So you actually don't have to water these at all. They take care of themselves and I'm going to teach you guys how to make them check it out all right so we're, looking for mas to use in the terrariums. There are certain what kinds we want to look for and certain cuz we want to avoid this moss here is kind of hairy and stringy, and it looks nice. But we want to avoid that because this moss has already gone to seed so it's, not the best to put in our terrariums. We want to look for moss that looks more like more like this stuff here. No, no. Ha, tristan moss we're gonna use a knife. So if you're a small being child get an adult to help, you I'm, just gonna kind of cut a square around it out of the ground, flat end to peel up the piece like that. Alright, so now it's time to assemble the terrariums. The first step is to put in the charcoal, because for some reason that helps filter the whole thing. So what I like to do is to take a sticky note like this and wrap it around to make a sort of a funnel, you can put it in the bottle like this and pour in your charcoal, just get a spoonful and pour it in. And then you know, you kind of got a tap it to get it to filter in there and just a small layer on the bottom. It's gonna be enough. You don't need a lot. So then I'm gonna go ahead and put it in the rest of the bottles. Now, the next step is a layer of soil for the moss to grow roots into I'm gonna use qtips to push this in and get it all planted up. Now I don't want to push it in too hard and like pack it in because then there won't, the soil won't be able to get air in it. And the roots won't be able to grow, but I do want to pack it in far enough that it's not taking up extra space. So now we've got our bottles, and we have the dirt and the charcoal in there, but it's kind of hard to see inside of them to put in the moss now. So we're gonna take some qtips and we're going to clean them off. So the next step is, of course, putting the moss inside of them. So you want to choose a good piece of moss something that has maybe a little other small plant in it for a piece of interest and you're gonna break it down to a really little piece that you can fit inside of the bottle, and then you're just gonna place it in and get one of your cutest from earlier or clean one. It doesn't matter and just kind of push it in there. Now you want to make sure that the roots get packed down into the dirt, and it has a chance to grow. So when you're putting in the water for the terrariums, you just want to get a little trickle going in your sink, and then you want to take it and just dip it in there really fast. I need twice and that's. It that's all the water it's gonna need you don't want to put in too much after waiting some time. Here, the fruits of my effortless, I'll do a onceover each one of them. So in the tool one, we've got a stick and two rocks as sort of centerpieces as a visual. I don't know what you want to call it it's, a hair stuck to it for the shorter wider one. The moss got really green. It did a really good job. I didn't put in any sort of visual aids here to make it more appealing. But as time goes on it'll set a little bit, and the plants will take root a little bit better and it'll. Look nicer. Lastly, the really small one. Now, this one it didn't take root. So, well, it didn't do that great, and I think that's because it was so small, and I couldn't get the root systems in there very well. So I really wouldn't suggest using the tiny ones.
Home and Garden
Home Improvements and Repairs
Hi guys kirk here, kirk giordano, plastic, I'm gonna show you today is some vent holes, hopefully you guys have never have to do this on stuff. What I'll show you what we're up against today all right? Well, the homeowners they put about 20 vent holes on this side, because of a new construction, they got rid of their gable vents. Why I don't recommend you doing that. But anyhow, the carpenters left me with this. So what we're doing right now is we're taking our two layers of paper and going under there for fiber flash button button. Well, the southwest side here gets hammered. It's, just the rain just slams on this. If I were to put these little vents right here in these holes and try to caulk around and I'm still be kind of nervous. So what I'm doing is that's what I recommend I've done these about 10 20 times and it's always a drag what I've done is, I got some my core out of my truck and what I'm doing is I'm peeling and sticking this. So you see now, when you peel this and I'm working in a hot sun, it's fixed, everything, if it wasn't that hot and have a little bit more time, but anyhow, we we take it. We want to go all the way to that fascia board up there. And then we just stick that down. And I've marked every one of these on the gutter. So I know where they are are that way we take our utility knife. And I recommend a brand new blade, and we cut around them. And I generally won't cut around them, real nice, because these guys have a tendency not to want to fit in there or sometimes, well, I'd rather help I rather force these in then a big hole where they just float. So anyhow, what we're doing is we're taking there's 20 on this side, 20 on the other side, 30 on the other side is kind of odd. I I would have recommended a two inch continuous vent. But anyway, here's, what we're doing we're taking these vents. Now now, this with this membrane here, it allows me to and it's like if you put a staple through this and kind of seals it yourself. So now I'm putting the event in here and we're straightening them out because they have a flange on it. So when the water hits it, they don't go inside and we're, just gonna do this on both sides, it's, a really timeconsuming thing again, hopefully you guys have never run across this budget. They left me with the porta fiber and said, just stick them in there we're, not comfortable doing that, even with this we're still gonna caulk around here because off what side we're gonna get hammered. I just thought I'd show this because we're covering a lot of bases with stucco and everything in regards to it having seen it about a year. So just thought I'd point it out. My name is kirk I'm with kirk zhu donald plastering. Thank you folks for watching and as usual we'll, see, you guys on the next one.
Home and Garden
Disaster Preparedness
Our first power outage, look at the meter, nothing, no power let's going to house out on vista. Second tips is running fine. Take a look at this one. We got molly using 62 wise 3% that's about normal this. One here, hot early makes anyone four percent that's about normal t. We disappear, 20 percent one in four hundred and forty watts, they're better picture. But everybody else have no life. We have power today. The hottest day of the year let's see what the temperature is hold on. Just a second okay is 119. power been on for about an hour, outdoor temperature, 97.3 indoor temperature, 83.3 still a little warm in here. But at least we can run our ceiling fans and have lights and watch tv still cooler than it is outdoors so I'm happy for that that's. The first time we ever got to run without the lights. So the pictures can pay for themselves already.
Home and Garden
Home Improvements and Repairs
Hey, this is larry janeski with the all things basement, tea, video, series, basement, waterproofing basement, finishing basement structural repair and nasty crawl spaces a lot of people have heard about this thing called the rim joist in their house and do I need to insulate the rim joist in my house. And the answer is, yes and I'm going to show you why because it's not insulated now and it's making your floors colder. What is the rim joist? The rim joist is the perimeter of your floor framing system. So here's your foundation, we're going to insulate that with our crawl space encapsulation system. We've talked about that in other videos and here's your wall starts here and that's insulated. But this part is your floor, framing your floor joist. And at the edge of it it's, not insulated. Let me show you so here we're in our crawl space. And we've insulated the block wall with our silver glow, insulation, but here's, the rim, joist it's, right there, it's, in this case, a 2 by 8 and it's, not insulated. So it's, just a one piece of framing, plus some siding between the outside air, which could be, you know, 20 degrees, 10 degrees and the inside, which we want to be 72 if it was cold inside here, then right here about 3/4 of an inch above this would surface as our feet. And our feet are going to be cold if this floor is cold. And this rim joist being uninsulated is definitely a problem in here. We you can see there's a silk hawk out here, where the you attach the hose and there's a hole through the wood and air can come right in. We can see daylight and here's a wire going to the outside right through the rim joist that has a hole in it. So these spaces definitely need to be sealed up with expanding foam and the rim, joist insulated. So we have a warmer floor. You can see what a difference. This will make in keeping these floors warmer. When these rim joists are insulated in in the case of this year. Here we have a duct, which is carrying warm air. And we had an uninsulated rim, joist, right? There cooling this duct, and you know, went making the sheet metal cold. And when the warm air goes through, it will cool down some to some degree. So this will just help the overall comfort and energy efficiency of this house for help at your home anywhere in north america, give us a call.
Home and Garden
Leland cypresses are a fastgrowing evergreen with fine leathery. Soft green pointed needles on flattened branches. The needles turn, dark, bluish green and maturity. It matures to a noble dense pyramidal outline it tolerates, many soils and should be planted in full sun. He grows to 60 to 70 feet with a 15 to 25 foot spread in zone. Six through ten. It does, however live and thrive in shade, but it will be a weaker more open form. We like to plant the leland cypresses between five and eight feet apart. Eight feet is the best separation for the leyland cypress. We like to also trim it to a single leader if it's a wet and windy location this plant will probably fail because its root system is not conducive to staying in wet soils with windy conditions. We deliver this plant in three forms. We can have seedlings bare root, seedlings, potted plants or large bald and burlap trees. We also can install for you so give us a call at two one. Five, six, five, one, eight, three to nine for your leyland cypress. You, hi little farm is a grower located in fountain ville ta we will give free landscaping plans that we draw up for our customers just email us pictures of your site in a description of what you want your landscaping to accomplish, and we will help you select trees and shrubs for the desired purpose that you have in mind.
Home and Garden
Landscaping and Outdoor Building
We're going to show you how to build a shed. This is our six by four shed. First of all, we've got our base down, which is nice and solid. But we've actually got the wooden side base. You've got the two gable ends. The one with the door in as well. We've got the two roof panels. We've got the shed felt to make it nice and watertight. And we've got the side panels and even one with a window in so let's, not forget the tools we need for the job. We don't need a great deal of stuff. A drill driver, klumps, stanley knife and a hammer. So real good tip is to mark where the floor barriers are. So we know where to screw the sides down. If you look on the side here, you can actually see where they've been nailed to the floor panel. But it just gives you a bit extra to go to. So first for the back gable up and we're going to connect the sides to the gable, both sides up, then we'll do the front gable after just three screws, that's. All it requires when we get these two sides attached to the back gable that gives us something to work from it makes it really solid really easy. We will be screwing the whole lot down to the base, but it's important to get all the sides and the gables up. And then we can make sure it's all square it's, great to have the clamps, because we can make sure both side panels are perfectly aligned before we screw them together. Okay, boss. Do you want to screw so we're getting the window panel up? Now you can see it's, really quick results, it's coming together, really quickly. What we're actually doing here is we've pre drilling the sides because when we put the screw in stop the chamber from splitting. So I mentioned earlier about cutting the marks on the floor where the bear is run across the floor, because this is where we're going to fix the sides to the base I'm going to predrill them, but I'm, not going to fix them yet. And another thing that's really important on the sides, there's, an overlap of the panel at the bottom it's important that overlaps the edge of the shed base and pushes tight up, right, we're, ready for the gable we're going to screw the sides and gables to the base. So these are what we call ridge rails. These go across the top of the shed. These give us something to fasten the roof panels to so let's get them in. So, as you can see, these are going in, and there is a pretty cut piece in the top of the gable for them to sit into. So what we're doing here is we're connecting the two roof rails. We screen them together just make some nice and solid we're ready for the roof panels now, but what's really important with these other two roof, battens, these roof rails. These need to fix one on each roof panel down the long edge and we're going to nail these on. And what these are for is when we put the faults on, it gives us something to nail the felt to so that's. Both roof panels done it's time to get them into position. So there you go, we've got both roof panels ready to be nailed on. And as you can see the button, we put onto the roof panel is at the bottom here. So we can actually nail this side up. Now we've made sure it's, nice and square, and it meets the two panels meet and they're, not protruding over each other really important. What's really important is we put your nails in we don't want the roof blown away. So what I've done, I've put six down the sides, and I put ten across the top on both pieces. So now we're ready for the felt to get it nice and watertight and what's really important is we get this the right way up it's more minerally on one side and that's the side we need facing up. The other side is obviously down on the wood. We've got the first piece of felt up. And the way we've done this is we've actually nailed the felt to the back edge of the button on the bottom of the roof panel that enables is then to pull the felt nice and tight and nail it over the ridge. Now, as you can see here, the felt goes beyond the ridge and down the other side. And when we put the other piece on that will come up and go down that side that gives us double the thickness to make it even more waterproof at the top. And we've also got an even amount hanging over either side. Now we can get some nails on the top. What I've done, I started in the middle and I'm going to work outwards. It just makes it a little bit easier. So the faults on the roof. Now we've got this overhang to deal with. And this is going to be covered. What with what we call fascias what's really important is we don't want to make any cuts and split the felt? So what we're going to do is just going to simply fold the felt over like so the same at the top. And when we nail this, this fascia on here, we're going to make sure we get a nail through the button on the side of the roof and a nail through the button, the red button at the top. What comes supplied is this little diamond that's going to go onto there, a good tip for this as well as to predrill it. So it doesn't split and all we're going to do then is repeat what we've done here on the back of the shed right, it's time to fit the door. But before we do that, I've got david here, he's just doing the finishing touches, which of these finishing strips that go on to the corners here so there's, four for each corner and then there's one that goes down the joint between the two panels in the middle so right the door. These are the hinges. We've got three, t, hinges and we're going to put them in line with the three cross rails at the back so I'm going to square that up along there bang, all the screws in on all three hinges. And then we can put the door into position. So there we go, we've got the door. We've got a nice even gap all the way around let's, screw the in jizan it's also worth probably just putting one to do in each hinge, just to make sure it all shots and opens properly. So that's the door on all working properly. Now for a security, we need to fit this husband staple. Now in the past, I've seen people put that on like that onto the husk, and you can access these screws. Now you think about a burglary is going to come and undo those screws, it's really important that it goes that way around. And then the husk covers the screws. So there's, no access to those we're nearly finished. We've got one little job to do and that's to fit the window. Now just a couple of safety precautions. You are going to be handling in a piece of glass, make sure you've got some gloves on and another good tip is to keep this out of the way until you're ready for it before we fit the window. What we need to do. We've got some bits of extra timber here we've got. We need to form a rebate for the glass to sit into. And these are the ones that are slightly wider. But before they can go in, we've also got this piece, which is going to form a window sill and a bit of a drip for the water to run off and not damage the shed a couple of nails in that secured into place. So now we're going to form the rebate with these pieces there's, two, shorter ones and two longer ones put the shorter ones in first that's, the one across the bottom, and the one across the top and just simply nail them into place. You could tip from me is that I put a bead of clear silicon on the back of there. And that does two jobs for me. It holds the glass into place while I fit the other buttons that hold the glass in. And it also stops it rattling in the wind. So this glass here is going to be trapped in with these buttons. Now in the instructions, it says to nail these there and across the bottom, but a good tip for me is out what I do is I predrill these, and I put screws in them because the last thing you want is a hammer against the glass and the chance of it breaking. So there you go all finished and it's, a lovely little neat, 6x4 shed that's been really easy to build, but just remember like anything wooden. It needs to be looked after so a good treatment with some wood, preservative it'll. Last you for years,.
Home and Garden
You you, hi, everybody, its christina from cardmaking magic today, I'm here with the tonic craft kit. Number 15, and this beautiful die set is called the memento book maker. So let me show you some of the items that are in the kit and I'll come back to the dyes later. So to start with you have some of the new expanding mousse. And this gives you a beautiful textured effect when it's used with a heat tool, all the colors are designed to work together, and there are coppers and browns. So we have chestnut brown glitter and chestnut brown confetti here. Then we've got the copper gilding flakes and some brown ink some hybrid ink. Then over here, we have the glitter marker with some of the little crystal drops that will all work together your beautiful papers and card are all here and there's a beautiful miracle there. This is my favorite one with the hearts on it now to create your book you're going to need some rings, and you get six of each. These are the classic bronze and beasts of the antique brass. And these rings open very easily for you to thread your pages onto so all your dies will come in a wallet like this. And then every so often you'll get a binder that will hold these all together with other kits that you may have purchased. Now, this is the piece that's going to make the book pages and the back and the front for you. If you don't want the holes in the book pages, you can always remove that centerpiece, but to make sure that your the holes are all lined up together, you're going to need this piece and you're going to need to just tape it in place. So it's the same on every one now you'll cut all of your pages and the back and the front to your book using this. But then you can decorate it with other items from the kit. This one will create a front for you, but can layer up. And this one will give you a stitched edge. And then you have several corners in there that you can use to decorate your car. This little piece will create four two corners for you. So you can pop that onto your page and slide your photographs inside there, so that they won't fall out. And then we have the words we have reminisce, and we have remember when so you can add those to the front of your box if you wish, and you've also got these pieces that will help you to create tabs for each section to your book, then in cypress pack, you've also got the stamps, and they are time to remember and so another adventure begins. Now this is created with this circular die here and I'll show you the purpose of that when we get to make the book. So let me show you one little book that I've made I've decorated this with flowers and diamante. I've used the reminisce from the stamp from the die set. This is just a hair bound, but I've covered. And again, I'll show you this when we come up to this in the booklet, and I've stumped the first page with and saw our adventure begins. I've done the back and the front covers, the same and there's. The little circle thing I was telling you about before with each of the pages has been dyed for ready to add to my book. And that is now a beautiful gift decorated with some ribbon to give to somebody and don't forget christmas is on its way. Now, with this piece of the die sets and this with the two holes in it I'm going to make sure that they are joined together with the the cutting edge is facing down into the card and keeping that in place you're going to need to cut as many pages as you want to add to your book. Now I've just used a really inexpensive copy of paper. And I've got lots of pages for mine and they're, all cut with the holes ready to be used. Now you can do your pages as deep as the rings will hold. So this is all the pages ready for another book that I'm going to make as well. Now to make the fulton, the back for my card, like my book, I'm going to take this die and place the cutting edges facing down. And this one with the two holes in it again, with the coffin edges facing down and I'm going to tape those in place, so that that can't move. And then I know that that won't cut the same place every time and I'm going to run that through the die cutting machine. So once you have your pages and the back and front to your book, cut don't, throw these away, because these could be big enough for you to add some words to or to use one of the corners, that's in your crack to create beautiful effects on your book, the die with the little edges around there and I'm going to use the linen card and cut a layer. And then with the dive with the stitched edge on it I'm going to cut another layer from the rolls. So with my pcs hope, they will be attached to the front of my book. And with the stamp set I've got, and so the adventure begins. And with some black ink I'm going to stamp this onto the very first page of my book now to complete my card card. I've taken the alphabet from the kit number 10, and I have got the word notes four times from the bronzy colored card in the pack. And I've also taken the little label that says hummed made with love. And that was also in kit 10 and then from kit. I've taken all the little flowers that I wanted to use and the leaves and I'm going to add these to the front of my cat. My book, my book page, well, just stack them up so that they look really pretty so now I'm ready to assemble my book. And for this I'm going to use the classic crumbs you you you you you you you you so here's, the notebook that I've just finished. And this is the one that I did earlier. If you wanted to change the color of the band that goes around the bottom of your booklet, then all I did with that was color it with alcohol markers. You don't have to use them that way around you can use it that way around. And for this one, I've just added a little sentiment in the center cup from the card. And that just says, remember when so if you use the mirror card and you get fingerprints on it, then all you need to do is take a soft cloth and just clean them off. So here's. Another look at tomica craft kit, 15 with the beautiful dies. And the stamps inside, I've used many of the papers to create my two booklets here. And this was some more that I had in my stash. Now you have in offerings in the packet to create six booklets, but you will be able to get more from the tonic website. So I hope you've enjoyed the video. And if you have, please join me on the next one and I'll see you again soon bye for now you.
Home and Garden
Hello youtube, this is how you deep rhyme any cartridge without the use of a deep rhyming tool. Let me show you this will work for any different type of cartridge. But today I have some 2 to 3 / 5 5, 6 brass with me. So I will just be using this this. This grass has already been cleaned if you would like to see how I got my brass so clean, please comment in the comment box below, and I will show you how I clean them in a later. Video, okay, let's start off with the things that you will need. You will need a hard surface. I am doing this inside my house. And my table is just a little bit flimsy. So I have to use this piece of wood wood. You also need a sledgehammer, preferably a heavy one. You will also need a very small, flathead, preferably, a 1.0 millimeter to a 1.8 millimeter anywhere in that range. I think the one I have now is a 1. It fits perfectly in the hole. What you see here is a 3/8 inch socket. The 3/8 inch socket works perfect in holding the two two, three, five, five, six. Let me show you some other sockets that will hold the nine mil, nine millimeter, 30.6 and 357. So here you see the 30.6 being held by a halfinch socket. If you go to the right, you will see the 9 millimeter being held in by the 7/16 inch socket. And then if you go to the right once more, you will see the two two three being held by a 3/8 inch socket. If your d priming, a 357 cartridge, you're in luck, the 7/16 socket that held the 9 millimeter also will d prime. The 357. The last thing you will need is your brass I'm using the two two, three, five, five, six. If you are using the two two, three, five, five, six as well, you need to make sure you are not using military brass. If you are the military brass has a crimp around the primer. If you try to take out the primer using my method, you might actually harm your brass casing instead of d, priming it. Please use civilian brass not military. If you want to d prime military brass, you have to first take out the crimp. If you not take out the crimp, and you try to use my method, you will harm your brass casing. Now, the fun part I'm going to show you how to deep rhyme the cartridge. So what you do is you put it into your socket. In this case, I'm using two, two, three so I'm, putting in the threeeighths sorry for my finger, it's, always in the spotlight, then you put your screw in or your flathead. Do you try to find that hole as you can see it's really hard with one hand, just keep going just keep going find it? I found it now. Ah, you grab your big sledgehammer or whatever you have preferably something heavy. Now watch me epically fail. I don't know why I thought that was a good idea, learn from my mistakes, a smart man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from others. As you can see, this is the home stretch I'm, just gonna let you guys see what I do and see how fast you can do it. Sorry, guys, I had to switch the camera angle, my eye. This is impossible to do with one hand. So I had to, um use the frontfacing camera, which has lesser quality. So my bad. So I'm gonna be quiet and I'm gonna let you guys watch how fast you can get this going. And that my friends is the end of the video. I really hoped you guys enjoyed and learn something on how to deep rhyme without using a deep rhymer. If you enjoyed the video, I would greatly appreciate if you subscribed like door, even favorited. And I would love if you comment, I always respond to all of my comments. Thank you for watching. And um, if you guys would like to see how I clean my casing, just leave a comment down below, I'd love to make a video. If you guys would want to see it. So I hoped you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys.
Home and Garden
Home Improvements and Repairs
Put on cotton, so we want it hot? Okay, all right. So this is going to be my cents disgusting room with a nice big stain from wax we're gonna pull the wax out of the carpet. Come on. So we're gonna ring it up really good just a damp cloth. And yeah, you want it pretty wet. This is really this is solid that's, a solid piece. So this would be the worst wax thing I've ever tried to get out let's, see, let's hope you can get it all the way. Thank you for trying because otherwise I would still be there. Well, if nothing else, you can get maybe a good portion of it out. She goes coming out starting to lift now and haas. Did you keep the iron moving kind of like you? Would if you were ironing or piece of clothing, because you don't want to burn it these shirts way, too much money for this. And for a couple of minutes worth of work, I'd rather show you how to do it I'm gonna get down close to those spot hair. So you can see that was really caked in that the fibers of the carpet have come back up and it's, not stuck down anymore.