Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
1 value
1 value
"private String escapeUnsafe(String s) { s = s.replace("&", "&amp;"); s = s.replace("<", "&lt;"); s = s.replace(">", "&gt;"); s = s.replace("\n", "<BR/>"); return s; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "escapeUnsafe"
"private String escapeUnsafe(String s) { <MASK>s = s.replace("\n", "<BR/>");</MASK> s = s.replace("&", "&amp;"); s = s.replace("<", "&lt;"); s = s.replace(">", "&gt;"); return s; }"
"public void end() { _running.set(false); _events.add(false); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "end"
"public void end() { <MASK>_events.add(false);</MASK> _running.set(false); }"
"public SWTBotToolbarCheckboxButton toggle() { log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Clicking on {0}", this)); //$NON-NLS-1$ assertEnabled(); internalToggle(); notify(SWT.MouseEnter); notify(SWT.MouseMove); notify(SWT.Activate); notify(SWT.MouseDown); notify(SWT.MouseUp); notify(SWT.Selection); notify(SWT.MouseHover); notify(SWT.MouseMove); notify(SWT.MouseExit); notify(SWT.Deactivate); notify(SWT.FocusOut); log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Clicked on {0}", this)); //$NON-NLS-1$ return this; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "toggle"
"public SWTBotToolbarCheckboxButton toggle() { log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Clicking on {0}", this)); //$NON-NLS-1$ assertEnabled(); notify(SWT.MouseEnter); notify(SWT.MouseMove); notify(SWT.Activate); notify(SWT.MouseDown); notify(SWT.MouseUp); notify(SWT.Selection); notify(SWT.MouseHover); notify(SWT.MouseMove); notify(SWT.MouseExit); notify(SWT.Deactivate); notify(SWT.FocusOut); <MASK>internalToggle();</MASK> log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Clicked on {0}", this)); //$NON-NLS-1$ return this; }"
"public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes a) throws SAXException { // Initialize string buffer to hold content of the new element. // This will start a fresh buffer for every element encountered. m_elementContent=new StringBuffer(); if (uri.equals(F) && !m_inXMLMetadata) { // WE ARE NOT INSIDE A BLOCK OF INLINE XML... if (localName.equals("digitalObject")) { m_rootElementFound=true; //====================== // OBJECT IDENTIFIERS... //====================== m_obj.setPid(grab(a, F, "PID")); //===================== // OBJECT PROPERTIES... //===================== } else if (localName.equals("property") || localName.equals("extproperty")) { m_objPropertyName = grab(a, F, "NAME"); if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.STATE.uri)){ String stateString = grab(a, F, "VALUE"); String stateCode = null; if (MODEL.DELETED.looselyMatches(stateString, true)) { stateCode = "D"; } else if (MODEL.INACTIVE.looselyMatches(stateString, true)) { stateCode = "I"; } else if (MODEL.ACTIVE.looselyMatches(stateString, true)) { stateCode = "A"; } m_obj.setState(stateCode); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.CONTENT_MODEL.uri)){ m_obj.setContentModelId(grab(a, F, "VALUE")); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.LABEL.uri)){ m_obj.setLabel(grab(a, F, "VALUE")); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.CREATED_DATE.uri)){ m_obj.setCreateDate(DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "VALUE"))); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(VIEW.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE.uri)){ m_obj.setLastModDate(DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "VALUE"))); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(RDF.TYPE.uri)) { String oType = grab(a, F, "VALUE"); if (oType==null || oType.equals("")) { oType=MODEL.DATA_OBJECT.localName; } if (MODEL.BDEF_OBJECT.looselyMatches(oType, false)) { m_obj.setFedoraObjectType(DigitalObject.FEDORA_BDEF_OBJECT); } else if (MODEL.BMECH_OBJECT.looselyMatches(oType, false)) { m_obj.setFedoraObjectType(DigitalObject.FEDORA_BMECH_OBJECT); } else { m_obj.setFedoraObjectType(DigitalObject.FEDORA_OBJECT); } } else { // add an extensible property in the property map m_obj.setExtProperty(m_objPropertyName, grab(a, F, "VALUE")); } //=============== // DATASTREAMS... //=============== } else if (localName.equals("datastream")) { // get datastream container-level attributes... // These are common for all versions of the datastream. m_dsId=grab(a, F, "ID"); m_dsState=grab(a, F, "STATE"); m_dsControlGrp=grab(a, F, "CONTROL_GROUP"); String versionable =grab(a, F, "VERSIONABLE"); // If dsVersionable is null or missing, default to true. if (versionable==null || versionable.equals("")) { m_dsVersionable=true; } else { m_dsVersionable=new Boolean(versionable).booleanValue(); } // Never allow the AUDIT datastream to be versioned // since it naturally represents a system-controlled // view of changes over time. if (m_dsId.equals("AUDIT")) { m_dsVersionable=false; } } else if (localName.equals("datastreamVersion")) { // get datastream version-level attributes... m_dsVersId=grab(a, F, "ID"); m_dsLabel=grab(a, F, "LABEL"); m_dsCreateDate=DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "CREATED")); String altIDsString = grab(a, F, "ALT_IDS"); if (altIDsString.length() == 0) { m_dsAltIds = new String[0]; } else { m_dsAltIds = altIDsString.split(" "); } m_dsFormatURI=grab(a, F, "FORMAT_URI"); if (m_dsFormatURI.length() == 0) { m_dsFormatURI = null; } checkMETSFormat(m_dsFormatURI); m_dsMimeType=grab(a, F, "MIMETYPE"); String sizeString=grab(a, F, "SIZE"); if (sizeString!=null && !sizeString.equals("")) { try { m_dsSize=Long.parseLong(sizeString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new SAXException("If specified, a datastream's " + "SIZE attribute must be an xsd:long."); } } else { m_dsSize=-1; } if (m_dsVersId.equals("AUDIT.0")) { m_gotAudit=true; } //====================== // DATASTREAM CONTENT... //====================== // inside a datastreamVersion element, it's either going to be // xmlContent (inline xml), contentLocation (a reference) or binaryContent } else if (localName.equals("xmlContent")) { m_dsXMLBuffer=new StringBuffer(); m_xmlDataLevel=0; m_inXMLMetadata=true; } else if (localName.equals("contentLocation")) { String dsLocation=grab(a,F,"REF"); if (dsLocation==null || dsLocation.equals("")) { throw new SAXException("REF attribute must be specified in contentLocation element"); } // check if datastream is ExternalReferenced if (m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("E") || m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("R") ) { // URL FORMAT VALIDATION for dsLocation: // make sure we have a properly formed URL try { ValidationUtility.validateURL(dsLocation, false); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new SAXException(ve.getMessage()); } // system will set dsLocationType for E and R datastreams... m_dsLocationType="URL"; m_dsLocation=dsLocation; instantiateDatastream(new DatastreamReferencedContent()); // check if datastream is ManagedContent } else if (m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { // URL FORMAT VALIDATION for dsLocation: // For Managed Content the URL is only checked when we are parsing a // a NEW ingest file because the URL is replaced with an internal identifier // once the repository has sucked in the content for storage. if (m_obj.isNew()) { try { ValidationUtility.validateURL(dsLocation, false); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new SAXException(ve.getMessage()); } } m_dsLocationType="INTERNAL_ID"; m_dsLocation=dsLocation; instantiateDatastream(new DatastreamManagedContent()); } } else if (localName.equals("binaryContent")) { // FIXME: implement support for this in Fedora 1.2 if (m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { m_readingBinaryContent=true; m_binaryContentTempFile = null; try { m_binaryContentTempFile = File.createTempFile("binary-datastream", null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SAXException(new StreamIOException("Unable to create temporary file for binary content")); } } //================== // DISSEMINATORS... //================== } else if (localName.equals("disseminator")) { m_dissID=grab(a, F,"ID"); m_bDefID=grab(a, F, "BDEF_CONTRACT_PID"); m_dissState=grab(a, F,"STATE"); String versionable =grab(a, F, "VERSIONABLE"); // disseminator versioning is defaulted to true if (versionable==null || versionable.equals("")) { m_dissVersionable=true; } else { m_dissVersionable=new Boolean(versionable).booleanValue(); } } else if (localName.equals("disseminatorVersion")) { m_diss = new Disseminator(); m_diss.dissID=m_dissID; m_diss.bDefID=m_bDefID; m_diss.dissState=m_dissState; String versionable =grab(a, F, "VERSIONABLE"); // disseminator versioning is defaulted to true if (versionable==null || versionable.equals("")) { m_dissVersionable=true; } else { m_dissVersionable=new Boolean(versionable).booleanValue(); } m_diss.dissVersionID=grab(a, F,"ID"); m_diss.dissLabel=grab(a, F, "LABEL"); m_diss.bMechID=grab(a, F, "BMECH_SERVICE_PID"); m_diss.dissCreateDT=DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "CREATED")); } else if (localName.equals("serviceInputMap")) { m_diss.dsBindMap=new DSBindingMap(); m_dsBindings = new ArrayList(); // Note that the dsBindMapID is not really necessary from the // FOXML standpoint, but it was necessary in METS since the structMap // was outside the disseminator. (Look at how it's used in the sql db.) // Also, the rest of the attributes on the DSBindingMap are not // really necessary since they are inherited from the disseminator. // I just use the values picked up from disseminatorVersion. m_diss.dsBindMapID=m_diss.dissVersionID + "b"; m_diss.dsBindMap.dsBindMapID=m_diss.dsBindMapID; m_diss.dsBindMap.dsBindMechanismPID = m_diss.bMechID; m_diss.dsBindMap.dsBindMapLabel = ""; // does not exist in FOXML m_diss.dsBindMap.state = m_diss.dissState; } else if (localName.equals("datastreamBinding")) { DSBinding dsb = new DSBinding(); dsb.bindKeyName = grab(a, F,"KEY"); dsb.bindLabel = grab(a, F,"LABEL"); dsb.datastreamID = grab(a, F,"DATASTREAM_ID"); dsb.seqNo = grab(a, F,"ORDER"); m_dsBindings.add(dsb); } } else { //=============== // INLINE XML... //=============== if (m_inXMLMetadata) { // we are inside an xmlContent element. // just output it, remembering the number of foxml:xmlContent elements we see, appendElementStart(uri, localName, qName, a, m_dsXMLBuffer); // FOXML INSIDE FOXML! we have an inline XML datastream // that is itself FOXML. We do not want to parse this! if (uri.equals(F) && localName.equals("xmlContent")) { m_xmlDataLevel++; } // if AUDIT datastream, initialize new audit record object if (m_gotAudit) { if (localName.equals("record")) { m_auditRec=new AuditRecord();, uri, "ID"); } else if (localName.equals("process")) { m_auditProcessType=grab(a, uri, "type"); } } } else { // ignore all else } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "startElement"
"public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes a) throws SAXException { // Initialize string buffer to hold content of the new element. // This will start a fresh buffer for every element encountered. m_elementContent=new StringBuffer(); if (uri.equals(F) && !m_inXMLMetadata) { // WE ARE NOT INSIDE A BLOCK OF INLINE XML... if (localName.equals("digitalObject")) { m_rootElementFound=true; //====================== // OBJECT IDENTIFIERS... //====================== m_obj.setPid(grab(a, F, "PID")); //===================== // OBJECT PROPERTIES... //===================== } else if (localName.equals("property") || localName.equals("extproperty")) { m_objPropertyName = grab(a, F, "NAME"); if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.STATE.uri)){ String stateString = grab(a, F, "VALUE"); String stateCode = null; if (MODEL.DELETED.looselyMatches(stateString, true)) { stateCode = "D"; } else if (MODEL.INACTIVE.looselyMatches(stateString, true)) { stateCode = "I"; } else if (MODEL.ACTIVE.looselyMatches(stateString, true)) { stateCode = "A"; } m_obj.setState(stateCode); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.CONTENT_MODEL.uri)){ m_obj.setContentModelId(grab(a, F, "VALUE")); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.LABEL.uri)){ m_obj.setLabel(grab(a, F, "VALUE")); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(MODEL.CREATED_DATE.uri)){ m_obj.setCreateDate(DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "VALUE"))); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(VIEW.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE.uri)){ m_obj.setLastModDate(DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "VALUE"))); } else if (m_objPropertyName.equals(RDF.TYPE.uri)) { String oType = grab(a, F, "VALUE"); if (oType==null || oType.equals("")) { oType=MODEL.DATA_OBJECT.localName; } if (MODEL.BDEF_OBJECT.looselyMatches(oType, false)) { m_obj.setFedoraObjectType(DigitalObject.FEDORA_BDEF_OBJECT); } else if (MODEL.BMECH_OBJECT.looselyMatches(oType, false)) { m_obj.setFedoraObjectType(DigitalObject.FEDORA_BMECH_OBJECT); } else { m_obj.setFedoraObjectType(DigitalObject.FEDORA_OBJECT); } } else { // add an extensible property in the property map m_obj.setExtProperty(m_objPropertyName, grab(a, F, "VALUE")); } //=============== // DATASTREAMS... //=============== } else if (localName.equals("datastream")) { // get datastream container-level attributes... // These are common for all versions of the datastream. m_dsId=grab(a, F, "ID"); m_dsState=grab(a, F, "STATE"); m_dsControlGrp=grab(a, F, "CONTROL_GROUP"); String versionable =grab(a, F, "VERSIONABLE"); // If dsVersionable is null or missing, default to true. if (versionable==null || versionable.equals("")) { m_dsVersionable=true; } else { m_dsVersionable=new Boolean(versionable).booleanValue(); } // Never allow the AUDIT datastream to be versioned // since it naturally represents a system-controlled // view of changes over time. <MASK>checkMETSFormat(m_dsFormatURI);</MASK> if (m_dsId.equals("AUDIT")) { m_dsVersionable=false; } } else if (localName.equals("datastreamVersion")) { // get datastream version-level attributes... m_dsVersId=grab(a, F, "ID"); m_dsLabel=grab(a, F, "LABEL"); m_dsCreateDate=DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "CREATED")); String altIDsString = grab(a, F, "ALT_IDS"); if (altIDsString.length() == 0) { m_dsAltIds = new String[0]; } else { m_dsAltIds = altIDsString.split(" "); } m_dsFormatURI=grab(a, F, "FORMAT_URI"); if (m_dsFormatURI.length() == 0) { m_dsFormatURI = null; } m_dsMimeType=grab(a, F, "MIMETYPE"); String sizeString=grab(a, F, "SIZE"); if (sizeString!=null && !sizeString.equals("")) { try { m_dsSize=Long.parseLong(sizeString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new SAXException("If specified, a datastream's " + "SIZE attribute must be an xsd:long."); } } else { m_dsSize=-1; } if (m_dsVersId.equals("AUDIT.0")) { m_gotAudit=true; } //====================== // DATASTREAM CONTENT... //====================== // inside a datastreamVersion element, it's either going to be // xmlContent (inline xml), contentLocation (a reference) or binaryContent } else if (localName.equals("xmlContent")) { m_dsXMLBuffer=new StringBuffer(); m_xmlDataLevel=0; m_inXMLMetadata=true; } else if (localName.equals("contentLocation")) { String dsLocation=grab(a,F,"REF"); if (dsLocation==null || dsLocation.equals("")) { throw new SAXException("REF attribute must be specified in contentLocation element"); } // check if datastream is ExternalReferenced if (m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("E") || m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("R") ) { // URL FORMAT VALIDATION for dsLocation: // make sure we have a properly formed URL try { ValidationUtility.validateURL(dsLocation, false); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new SAXException(ve.getMessage()); } // system will set dsLocationType for E and R datastreams... m_dsLocationType="URL"; m_dsLocation=dsLocation; instantiateDatastream(new DatastreamReferencedContent()); // check if datastream is ManagedContent } else if (m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { // URL FORMAT VALIDATION for dsLocation: // For Managed Content the URL is only checked when we are parsing a // a NEW ingest file because the URL is replaced with an internal identifier // once the repository has sucked in the content for storage. if (m_obj.isNew()) { try { ValidationUtility.validateURL(dsLocation, false); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new SAXException(ve.getMessage()); } } m_dsLocationType="INTERNAL_ID"; m_dsLocation=dsLocation; instantiateDatastream(new DatastreamManagedContent()); } } else if (localName.equals("binaryContent")) { // FIXME: implement support for this in Fedora 1.2 if (m_dsControlGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { m_readingBinaryContent=true; m_binaryContentTempFile = null; try { m_binaryContentTempFile = File.createTempFile("binary-datastream", null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SAXException(new StreamIOException("Unable to create temporary file for binary content")); } } //================== // DISSEMINATORS... //================== } else if (localName.equals("disseminator")) { m_dissID=grab(a, F,"ID"); m_bDefID=grab(a, F, "BDEF_CONTRACT_PID"); m_dissState=grab(a, F,"STATE"); String versionable =grab(a, F, "VERSIONABLE"); // disseminator versioning is defaulted to true if (versionable==null || versionable.equals("")) { m_dissVersionable=true; } else { m_dissVersionable=new Boolean(versionable).booleanValue(); } } else if (localName.equals("disseminatorVersion")) { m_diss = new Disseminator(); m_diss.dissID=m_dissID; m_diss.bDefID=m_bDefID; m_diss.dissState=m_dissState; String versionable =grab(a, F, "VERSIONABLE"); // disseminator versioning is defaulted to true if (versionable==null || versionable.equals("")) { m_dissVersionable=true; } else { m_dissVersionable=new Boolean(versionable).booleanValue(); } m_diss.dissVersionID=grab(a, F,"ID"); m_diss.dissLabel=grab(a, F, "LABEL"); m_diss.bMechID=grab(a, F, "BMECH_SERVICE_PID"); m_diss.dissCreateDT=DateUtility.convertStringToDate(grab(a, F, "CREATED")); } else if (localName.equals("serviceInputMap")) { m_diss.dsBindMap=new DSBindingMap(); m_dsBindings = new ArrayList(); // Note that the dsBindMapID is not really necessary from the // FOXML standpoint, but it was necessary in METS since the structMap // was outside the disseminator. (Look at how it's used in the sql db.) // Also, the rest of the attributes on the DSBindingMap are not // really necessary since they are inherited from the disseminator. // I just use the values picked up from disseminatorVersion. m_diss.dsBindMapID=m_diss.dissVersionID + "b"; m_diss.dsBindMap.dsBindMapID=m_diss.dsBindMapID; m_diss.dsBindMap.dsBindMechanismPID = m_diss.bMechID; m_diss.dsBindMap.dsBindMapLabel = ""; // does not exist in FOXML m_diss.dsBindMap.state = m_diss.dissState; } else if (localName.equals("datastreamBinding")) { DSBinding dsb = new DSBinding(); dsb.bindKeyName = grab(a, F,"KEY"); dsb.bindLabel = grab(a, F,"LABEL"); dsb.datastreamID = grab(a, F,"DATASTREAM_ID"); dsb.seqNo = grab(a, F,"ORDER"); m_dsBindings.add(dsb); } } else { //=============== // INLINE XML... //=============== if (m_inXMLMetadata) { // we are inside an xmlContent element. // just output it, remembering the number of foxml:xmlContent elements we see, appendElementStart(uri, localName, qName, a, m_dsXMLBuffer); // FOXML INSIDE FOXML! we have an inline XML datastream // that is itself FOXML. We do not want to parse this! if (uri.equals(F) && localName.equals("xmlContent")) { m_xmlDataLevel++; } // if AUDIT datastream, initialize new audit record object if (m_gotAudit) { if (localName.equals("record")) { m_auditRec=new AuditRecord();, uri, "ID"); } else if (localName.equals("process")) { m_auditProcessType=grab(a, uri, "type"); } } } else { // ignore all else } } }"
"private void fireValueChange ( final DataItemValue.Builder builder ) { injectAttributes ( builder ); this.sourceValue = (); updateData ( this.sourceValue ); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "fireValueChange"
"private void fireValueChange ( final DataItemValue.Builder builder ) { <MASK>this.sourceValue = ();</MASK> injectAttributes ( builder ); updateData ( this.sourceValue ); }"
"protected ThreadState pickNextThread() { //Set up an Iterator and go through it Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int ticketCount = 0; Iterator<ThreadState> itr = this.waitQueue.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { ticketCount +=; System.out.println("ticketCount is " + ticketCount); } if(ticketCount > 0) { int num = randomGenerator.nextInt(ticketCount); itr = this.waitQueue.iterator(); ThreadState temp; while(itr.hasNext()) { temp =; num -= temp.effectivePriority; if(num <= 0){ return temp; } } } return null; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "pickNextThread"
"protected ThreadState pickNextThread() { //Set up an Iterator and go through it Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int ticketCount = 0; Iterator<ThreadState> itr = this.waitQueue.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { ticketCount +=; } <MASK>System.out.println("ticketCount is " + ticketCount);</MASK> if(ticketCount > 0) { int num = randomGenerator.nextInt(ticketCount); itr = this.waitQueue.iterator(); ThreadState temp; while(itr.hasNext()) { temp =; num -= temp.effectivePriority; if(num <= 0){ return temp; } } } return null; }"
"protected int childCount(IThread thread) { try { int count = thread.getStackFrames().length; if (isDisplayMonitors()) { if (((IJavaDebugTarget)thread.getDebugTarget()).supportsMonitorInformation()) { IJavaThread jThread = (IJavaThread) thread; count += jThread.getOwnedMonitors().length; if (jThread.getContendedMonitor() != null) { count++; } } else { // make room for the 'no monitor info' element count++; } } return count; } catch (DebugException e) { } return -1; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "childCount"
"protected int childCount(IThread thread) { try { int count = thread.getStackFrames().length; if (isDisplayMonitors()) { if (((IJavaDebugTarget)thread.getDebugTarget()).supportsMonitorInformation()) { IJavaThread jThread = (IJavaThread) thread; count += jThread.getOwnedMonitors().length; if (jThread.getContendedMonitor() != null) { count++; } } else { // make room for the 'no monitor info' element count++; } <MASK>return count;</MASK> } } catch (DebugException e) { } return -1; }"
"public void setRelativeAxisVisible(boolean visibility) { this.isVisibleRelativeAxis = visibility; canvas.lock(); marker.SetEnabled(Utils.booleanToInt(visibility)); relativeAxes.SetVisibility(Utils.booleanToInt(visibility)); canvas.RenderSecured(); canvas.unlock(); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "setRelativeAxisVisible"
"public void setRelativeAxisVisible(boolean visibility) { this.isVisibleRelativeAxis = visibility; canvas.lock(); marker.SetEnabled(Utils.booleanToInt(visibility)); <MASK>canvas.unlock();</MASK> relativeAxes.SetVisibility(Utils.booleanToInt(visibility)); canvas.RenderSecured(); }"
"public void close() { if (closed == null) { try { closed = new Exception("Connection Closed Traceback"); shutdownConnection(); jcbcStorageClientConnection.releaseClient(this);"Sparse Content Map Database Connection closed."); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("Failed to close connection ", t); } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "close"
"public void close() { if (closed == null) { try { shutdownConnection(); jcbcStorageClientConnection.releaseClient(this); <MASK>closed = new Exception("Connection Closed Traceback");</MASK>"Sparse Content Map Database Connection closed."); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("Failed to close connection ", t); } } }"
"public static void mutate(Individual ind, double prob) { int mask = 1; for (int i = 0; i < BITS; i++) { double r = rand.nextDouble(); if (r < prob) { ind.val ^= mask; } mask <<= 1; }; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "mutate"
"public static void mutate(Individual ind, double prob) { int mask = 1; for (int i = 0; i < BITS; i++) { <MASK>mask <<= 1;</MASK> double r = rand.nextDouble(); if (r < prob) { ind.val ^= mask; } }; }"
"protected JPanel buildInfoPanel() { JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); pnl.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)); pnl.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gc.weighty = 1.0; gc.weightx = 1.0; gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START; pnl.add(new JLabel(tr("<html>Please select the values to keep for the following tags.</html>")), gc); gc.gridy = 1; gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gc.weighty = 0.0; pnl.add(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly = new JCheckBox(tr("Show tags with conflicts only")), gc); pnl.add(cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly = new JCheckBox(tr("Show tags with multiple values only")), gc); cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { model.setShowTagsWithConflictsOnly(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.isSelected()); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.setEnabled(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.isSelected()); } } ); cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.setSelected( Main.pref.getBoolean(getClass().getName() + ".showTagsWithConflictsOnly", false) ); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { model.setShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly(cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.isSelected()); } } ); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.setSelected( Main.pref.getBoolean(getClass().getName() + ".showTagsWithMultiValuesOnly", false) ); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.setEnabled(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.isSelected()); return pnl; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "buildInfoPanel"
"protected JPanel buildInfoPanel() { JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); pnl.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)); pnl.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gc.weighty = 1.0; gc.weightx = 1.0; gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START; pnl.add(new JLabel(tr("<html>Please select the values to keep for the following tags.</html>")), gc); gc.gridy = 1; gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gc.weighty = 0.0; pnl.add(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly = new JCheckBox(tr("Show tags with conflicts only")), gc); cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { model.setShowTagsWithConflictsOnly(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.isSelected()); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.setEnabled(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.isSelected()); } } ); cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.setSelected( Main.pref.getBoolean(getClass().getName() + ".showTagsWithConflictsOnly", false) ); <MASK>pnl.add(cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly = new JCheckBox(tr("Show tags with multiple values only")), gc);</MASK> cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { model.setShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly(cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.isSelected()); } } ); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.setSelected( Main.pref.getBoolean(getClass().getName() + ".showTagsWithMultiValuesOnly", false) ); cbShowTagsWithMultiValuesOnly.setEnabled(cbShowTagsWithConflictsOnly.isSelected()); return pnl; }"
"@Test public void testChannelAwareMessageListenerDontExpose() throws Exception { ConnectionFactory mockConnectionFactory = mock(ConnectionFactory.class); Connection mockConnection = mock(Connection.class); final Channel firstChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(firstChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final Channel secondChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(secondChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final SingleConnectionFactory singleConnectionFactory = new SingleConnectionFactory(mockConnectionFactory); when(mockConnectionFactory.newConnection((ExecutorService) null)).thenReturn(mockConnection); when(mockConnection.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final AtomicReference<Exception> tooManyChannels = new AtomicReference<Exception>(); doAnswer(new Answer<Channel>(){ boolean done; @Override public Channel answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { if (!done) { done = true; return firstChannel; } return secondChannel; } }).when(mockConnection).createChannel(); final AtomicReference<Consumer> consumer = new AtomicReference<Consumer>(); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { consumer.set((Consumer) invocation.getArguments()[2]); return null; } }).when(firstChannel) .basicConsume(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(Consumer.class)); final CountDownLatch commitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { commitLatch.countDown(); return null; } }).when(firstChannel).txCommit(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicReference<Channel> exposed = new AtomicReference<Channel>(); SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(singleConnectionFactory); container.setMessageListener(new ChannelAwareMessageListener() { public void onMessage(Message message, Channel channel) { exposed.set(channel); RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(singleConnectionFactory); rabbitTemplate.setChannelTransacted(true); // should use same channel as container rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("foo", "bar", "baz"); latch.countDown(); } }); container.setQueueNames("queue"); container.setChannelTransacted(true); container.setExposeListenerChannel(false); container.setShutdownTimeout(100); container.afterPropertiesSet(); container.start(); consumer.get().handleDelivery("qux", new Envelope(1, false, "foo", "bar"), new BasicProperties(), new byte[] {0}); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Exception e = tooManyChannels.get(); if (e != null) { throw e; } // once for listener, once for exposed + 0 for template (used bound) verify(mockConnection, Mockito.times(2)).createChannel(); assertTrue(commitLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); verify(firstChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).basicPublish(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(BasicProperties.class), Mockito.any(byte[].class)); assertSame(secondChannel, exposed.get()); verify(firstChannel, Mockito.never()).close(); verify(secondChannel, Mockito.times(1)).close(); container.stop(); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "testChannelAwareMessageListenerDontExpose"
"@Test public void testChannelAwareMessageListenerDontExpose() throws Exception { ConnectionFactory mockConnectionFactory = mock(ConnectionFactory.class); Connection mockConnection = mock(Connection.class); final Channel firstChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(firstChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final Channel secondChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(secondChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final SingleConnectionFactory singleConnectionFactory = new SingleConnectionFactory(mockConnectionFactory); when(mockConnectionFactory.newConnection((ExecutorService) null)).thenReturn(mockConnection); when(mockConnection.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final AtomicReference<Exception> tooManyChannels = new AtomicReference<Exception>(); doAnswer(new Answer<Channel>(){ boolean done; @Override public Channel answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { if (!done) { done = true; return firstChannel; } return secondChannel; } }).when(mockConnection).createChannel(); final AtomicReference<Consumer> consumer = new AtomicReference<Consumer>(); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { consumer.set((Consumer) invocation.getArguments()[2]); return null; } }).when(firstChannel) .basicConsume(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(Consumer.class)); final CountDownLatch commitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { commitLatch.countDown(); return null; } }).when(firstChannel).txCommit(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicReference<Channel> exposed = new AtomicReference<Channel>(); SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(singleConnectionFactory); container.setMessageListener(new ChannelAwareMessageListener() { public void onMessage(Message message, Channel channel) { exposed.set(channel); RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(singleConnectionFactory); rabbitTemplate.setChannelTransacted(true); // should use same channel as container rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("foo", "bar", "baz"); latch.countDown(); } }); container.setQueueNames("queue"); container.setChannelTransacted(true); container.setExposeListenerChannel(false); container.setShutdownTimeout(100); container.afterPropertiesSet(); container.start(); consumer.get().handleDelivery("qux", new Envelope(1, false, "foo", "bar"), new BasicProperties(), new byte[] {0}); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Exception e = tooManyChannels.get(); if (e != null) { throw e; } // once for listener, once for exposed + 0 for template (used bound) verify(mockConnection, Mockito.times(2)).createChannel(); assertTrue(commitLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); verify(firstChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).basicPublish(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(BasicProperties.class), Mockito.any(byte[].class)); <MASK>container.stop();</MASK> assertSame(secondChannel, exposed.get()); verify(firstChannel, Mockito.never()).close(); verify(secondChannel, Mockito.times(1)).close(); }"
"@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String ipAddressesList = nullToEmpty(request.getParameter("ipAddressesList")); String getAllLogs = nullToEmpty(request.getParameter("getLogs")); String clearLogs = nullToEmpty(request.getParameter("clearLogs")); String[] ipAddresses = null; if (!ipAddressesList.isEmpty()) { if (ipAddressesList.contains(",")) { ipAddressesList = ipAddressesList .substring(0, ipAddressesList.length() - 1); ipAddresses = ipAddressesList.split(","); } else { ipAddresses = new String[]{ipAddressesList}; } } else { response.sendError(404, "empty ip address"); } if(!getAllLogs.isEmpty()){ for(String ipAddress : ipAddresses){ getLogsFromIp(ipAddress); } formatLogs(LOCALHOST); } if(!clearLogs.isEmpty()){ for(String ipAddress : ipAddresses){ clearLogs(ipAddress); } } response.sendRedirect(PageNames.AMAZON); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "doGet"
"@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String ipAddressesList = nullToEmpty(request.getParameter("ipAddressesList")); String getAllLogs = nullToEmpty(request.getParameter("getLogs")); String clearLogs = nullToEmpty(request.getParameter("clearLogs")); String[] ipAddresses = null; if (!ipAddressesList.isEmpty()) { if (ipAddressesList.contains(",")) { ipAddressesList = ipAddressesList .substring(0, ipAddressesList.length() - 1); ipAddresses = ipAddressesList.split(","); } else { ipAddresses = new String[]{ipAddressesList}; } } else { response.sendError(404, "empty ip address"); } if(!getAllLogs.isEmpty()){ for(String ipAddress : ipAddresses){ getLogsFromIp(ipAddress); <MASK>formatLogs(LOCALHOST);</MASK> } } if(!clearLogs.isEmpty()){ for(String ipAddress : ipAddresses){ clearLogs(ipAddress); } } response.sendRedirect(PageNames.AMAZON); }"
"@Override protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { _blurTask =; _configuration = context.getConfiguration(); setupCounters(context); setupZookeeper(context); setupAnalyzer(context); setupDirectory(context); setupWriter(context); if (_blurTask.getIndexingType() == INDEXING_TYPE.UPDATE) { _reader =, true); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "setup"
"@Override protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { _blurTask =; setupCounters(context); setupZookeeper(context); setupAnalyzer(context); setupDirectory(context); setupWriter(context); <MASK>_configuration = context.getConfiguration();</MASK> if (_blurTask.getIndexingType() == INDEXING_TYPE.UPDATE) { _reader =, true); } }"
"public void clear () { Object[] items = this.items; for (int i = 0, n = size; i < n; i++) items[i] = null; size = 0; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "clear"
"public void clear () { <MASK>size = 0;</MASK> Object[] items = this.items; for (int i = 0, n = size; i < n; i++) items[i] = null; }"
"private void createProject() { // get the target and try to resolve it. int targetId = mSdkCommandLine.getParamTargetId(); IAndroidTarget[] targets = mSdkManager.getTargets(); if (targetId < 1 || targetId > targets.length) { errorAndExit("Target id is not valid. Use '%s list targets' to get the target ids.", SdkConstants.androidCmdName()); } IAndroidTarget target = targets[targetId - 1]; ProjectCreator creator = new ProjectCreator(mSdkFolder, mSdkCommandLine.isVerbose() ? OutputLevel.VERBOSE : mSdkCommandLine.isSilent() ? OutputLevel.SILENT : OutputLevel.NORMAL, mSdkLog); String projectDir = getProjectLocation(mSdkCommandLine.getParamLocationPath()); String projectName = mSdkCommandLine.getParamName(); String packageName = mSdkCommandLine.getParamProjectPackage(); String activityName = mSdkCommandLine.getParamProjectActivity(); if (projectName != null && !ProjectCreator.RE_PROJECT_NAME.matcher(projectName).matches()) { errorAndExit( "Project name '%1$s' contains invalid characters.\nAllowed characters are: %2$s", projectName, ProjectCreator.CHARS_PROJECT_NAME); return; } if (activityName != null && !ProjectCreator.RE_ACTIVITY_NAME.matcher(activityName).matches()) { errorAndExit( "Activity name '%1$s' contains invalid characters.\nAllowed characters are: %2$s", activityName, ProjectCreator.CHARS_ACTIVITY_NAME); return; } if (packageName != null && !ProjectCreator.RE_PACKAGE_NAME.matcher(packageName).matches()) { errorAndExit( "Package name '%1$s' contains invalid characters.\n" + "A package name must be constitued of two Java identifiers.\n" + "Each identifier allowed characters are: %2$s", packageName, ProjectCreator.CHARS_PACKAGE_NAME); return; } creator.createProject(projectDir, projectName, packageName, activityName, target, false /* isTestProject*/); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "createProject"
"private void createProject() { // get the target and try to resolve it. int targetId = mSdkCommandLine.getParamTargetId(); IAndroidTarget[] targets = mSdkManager.getTargets(); if (targetId < 1 || targetId > targets.length) { errorAndExit("Target id is not valid. Use '%s list targets' to get the target ids.", SdkConstants.androidCmdName()); } IAndroidTarget target = targets[targetId - 1]; ProjectCreator creator = new ProjectCreator(mSdkFolder, mSdkCommandLine.isVerbose() ? OutputLevel.VERBOSE : mSdkCommandLine.isSilent() ? OutputLevel.SILENT : OutputLevel.NORMAL, mSdkLog); String projectDir = getProjectLocation(mSdkCommandLine.getParamLocationPath()); String projectName = mSdkCommandLine.getParamName(); String packageName = mSdkCommandLine.getParamProjectPackage(); String activityName = mSdkCommandLine.getParamProjectActivity(); if (projectName != null && !ProjectCreator.RE_PROJECT_NAME.matcher(projectName).matches()) { errorAndExit( "Project name '%1$s' contains invalid characters.\nAllowed characters are: %2$s", projectName, ProjectCreator.CHARS_PROJECT_NAME); return; } if (activityName != null && !ProjectCreator.RE_ACTIVITY_NAME.matcher(activityName).matches()) { errorAndExit( "Activity name '%1$s' contains invalid characters.\nAllowed characters are: %2$s", <MASK>activityName,</MASK> ProjectCreator.CHARS_ACTIVITY_NAME); return; } if (packageName != null && !ProjectCreator.RE_PACKAGE_NAME.matcher(packageName).matches()) { errorAndExit( "Package name '%1$s' contains invalid characters.\n" + "A package name must be constitued of two Java identifiers.\n" + "Each identifier allowed characters are: %2$s", packageName, ProjectCreator.CHARS_PACKAGE_NAME); return; } creator.createProject(projectDir, projectName, <MASK>activityName,</MASK> packageName, target, false /* isTestProject*/); }"
"private void chartMouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); if (x >= chartRect.x && x <= (chartRect.x + chartRect.width) && y >= chartRect.y && y <= (chartRect.y + chartRect.height)) { xHoverInfo = x; yHoverInfo = y; showHoverInfo(); hoverWindow.setVisible(true); } else { hoverWindow.setVisible(false); xHoverInfo = -1; yHoverInfo = -1; } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "chartMouseMoved"
"private void chartMouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); if (x >= chartRect.x && x <= (chartRect.x + chartRect.width) && y >= chartRect.y && y <= (chartRect.y + chartRect.height)) { <MASK>hoverWindow.setVisible(true);</MASK> xHoverInfo = x; yHoverInfo = y; showHoverInfo(); } else { hoverWindow.setVisible(false); xHoverInfo = -1; yHoverInfo = -1; } }"
"private void drawWord(int x, int y, ZLTextWord word, int start, int length, boolean addHyphenationSign) { final ZLPaintContext context = getContext(); context.setColor(myTextStyle.getColor()); if ((start == 0) && (length == -1)) { context.drawString(x, y, word.Data, word.Offset, word.Length); } else { int startPos = start; int endPos = (length == -1) ? word.Length : start + length; if (!addHyphenationSign) { context.drawString(x, y, word.Data, word.Offset + startPos, endPos - startPos); } else { String substr = new String(word.Data); substr = substr.substring(word.Offset + startPos, word.Offset + endPos); substr += "-"; context.drawString(x, y, substr.toCharArray(), 0, substr.length()); } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "drawWord"
"private void drawWord(int x, int y, ZLTextWord word, int start, int length, boolean addHyphenationSign) { final ZLPaintContext context = getContext(); if ((start == 0) && (length == -1)) { <MASK>context.setColor(myTextStyle.getColor());</MASK> context.drawString(x, y, word.Data, word.Offset, word.Length); } else { int startPos = start; int endPos = (length == -1) ? word.Length : start + length; if (!addHyphenationSign) { context.drawString(x, y, word.Data, word.Offset + startPos, endPos - startPos); } else { String substr = new String(word.Data); substr = substr.substring(word.Offset + startPos, word.Offset + endPos); substr += "-"; context.drawString(x, y, substr.toCharArray(), 0, substr.length()); } } }"
"private void initFromConfig() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { String aliasFileName = System.getProperty("alias.file"); if (aliasFileName != null) {"Reading from file " + aliasFileName); props.load(new FileInputStream(aliasFileName)); reinit(props); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "initFromConfig"
"private void initFromConfig() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { String aliasFileName = System.getProperty("alias.file"); <MASK>"Reading from file " + aliasFileName);</MASK> if (aliasFileName != null) { props.load(new FileInputStream(aliasFileName)); reinit(props); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }"
"@FireExtended public void setDTG_Start(HiResDate newStart) { // check that we're still after the start of the host track if(newStart.lessThan(this.getReferenceTrack().getStartDTG())) { newStart = this.getReferenceTrack().getStartDTG(); } // ok, how far is this from the current end long delta = newStart.getMicros() - startDTG().getMicros(); // and what distance does this mean? double deltaHrs = delta / 1000000d / 60d / 60d; double distDegs = this.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.Kts) * deltaHrs / 60; double theDirection = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2Rads(this.getCourse()); // we don't need to worry about reversing the direction, since we have a -ve distance // so what's the new origin? WorldLocation currentStart =new WorldLocation(this.getTrackStart()); WorldLocation newOrigin = currentStart.add(new WorldVector(theDirection, distDegs, 0)); // and what's the point on the host track Watchable[] matches = this.getReferenceTrack().getNearestTo(newStart); Watchable newRefPt = matches[0]; WorldVector newOffset = newOrigin.subtract(newRefPt.getLocation()); // right, we know where the new track will be, see if we need to ditch any if(delta > 0) { // right, we're shortening the track. // check the end point is before the end if (newStart.getMicros() > endDTG().getMicros()) return; // ok, it's worth bothering with. get ready to store ones we'll lose Vector<FixWrapper> onesToRemove = new Vector<FixWrapper>(); Iterator<Editable> iter = this.getData().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FixWrapper thisF = (FixWrapper); if (thisF.getTime().lessThan(newStart)) { onesToRemove.add(thisF); } } // and ditch them for (Iterator<FixWrapper> iterator = onesToRemove.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { FixWrapper thisFix =; this.removeElement(thisFix); } } // right, we may have pruned off too far. See if we need to put a bit back in... if (newStart.lessThan(startDTG())) { // right, we if we have to add another // find the current last point FixWrapper theLoc = (FixWrapper) this.first(); // don't worry about the location, we're going to DR it on anyway... WorldLocation newLoc = null; Fix newFix = new Fix(newStart, newLoc, MWC.Algorithms.Conversions .Degs2Rads(this.getCourse()), MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Kts2Yps(this.getSpeed().getValueIn( WorldSpeed.Kts))); // and apply the stretch FixWrapper newItem = new FixWrapper(newFix); // set some other bits newItem.setTrackWrapper(this._myTrack); newItem.setColor(theLoc.getActualColor()); newItem.setSymbolShowing(theLoc.getSymbolShowing()); newItem.setLabelShowing(theLoc.getLabelShowing()); newItem.setLabelLocation(theLoc.getLabelLocation()); newItem.setLabelFormat(theLoc.getLabelFormat()); this.add(newItem); } // and sort out the new offset this._offset = newOffset; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "setDTG_Start"
"@FireExtended public void setDTG_Start(HiResDate newStart) { // check that we're still after the start of the host track if(newStart.lessThan(this.getReferenceTrack().getStartDTG())) { newStart = this.getReferenceTrack().getStartDTG(); } // ok, how far is this from the current end long delta = newStart.getMicros() - startDTG().getMicros(); // and what distance does this mean? double deltaHrs = delta / 1000000d / 60d / 60d; double distDegs = this.getSpeed().getValueIn(WorldSpeed.Kts) * deltaHrs / 60; double theDirection = MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Degs2Rads(this.getCourse()); // we don't need to worry about reversing the direction, since we have a -ve distance // so what's the new origin? WorldLocation currentStart =new WorldLocation(this.getTrackStart()); WorldLocation newOrigin = currentStart.add(new WorldVector(theDirection, distDegs, 0)); // and what's the point on the host track Watchable[] matches = this.getReferenceTrack().getNearestTo(newStart); Watchable newRefPt = matches[0]; WorldVector newOffset = newOrigin.subtract(newRefPt.getLocation()); // right, we know where the new track will be, see if we need to ditch any if(delta > 0) { // right, we're shortening the track. // check the end point is before the end if (newStart.getMicros() > endDTG().getMicros()) return; // ok, it's worth bothering with. get ready to store ones we'll lose Vector<FixWrapper> onesToRemove = new Vector<FixWrapper>(); Iterator<Editable> iter = this.getData().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FixWrapper thisF = (FixWrapper); if (thisF.getTime().lessThan(newStart)) { onesToRemove.add(thisF); } } // and ditch them for (Iterator<FixWrapper> iterator = onesToRemove.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { FixWrapper thisFix =; this.removeElement(thisFix); } } // right, we may have pruned off too far. See if we need to put a bit back in... if (newStart.lessThan(startDTG())) { // right, we if we have to add another // find the current last point FixWrapper theLoc = (FixWrapper) this.first(); // don't worry about the location, we're going to DR it on anyway... WorldLocation newLoc = null; Fix newFix = new Fix(newStart, newLoc, MWC.Algorithms.Conversions .Degs2Rads(this.getCourse()), MWC.Algorithms.Conversions.Kts2Yps(this.getSpeed().getValueIn( WorldSpeed.Kts))); // and apply the stretch FixWrapper newItem = new FixWrapper(newFix); // set some other bits <MASK>newItem.setColor(theLoc.getActualColor());</MASK> newItem.setTrackWrapper(this._myTrack); newItem.setSymbolShowing(theLoc.getSymbolShowing()); newItem.setLabelShowing(theLoc.getLabelShowing()); newItem.setLabelLocation(theLoc.getLabelLocation()); newItem.setLabelFormat(theLoc.getLabelFormat()); this.add(newItem); } // and sort out the new offset this._offset = newOffset; }"
"private void addDatabaseComponents() { container.addSingleton(JdbcDriverHolder.class); container.addSingleton(DryRunDatabase.class); // mybatis container.addSingleton(BatchDatabase.class); container.addSingleton(MyBatis.class); container.addSingleton(DatabaseVersion.class); container.addSingleton(DatabaseBatchCompatibility.class); for (Class daoClass : DaoUtils.getDaoClasses()) { container.addSingleton(daoClass); } // hibernate container.addSingleton(DefaultDatabaseConnector.class); container.addSingleton(ThreadLocalDatabaseSessionFactory.class); container.addPicoAdapter(new DatabaseSessionProvider()); container.addSingleton(BatchDatabaseSettingsLoader.class); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "addDatabaseComponents"
"private void addDatabaseComponents() { container.addSingleton(JdbcDriverHolder.class); container.addSingleton(DryRunDatabase.class); // mybatis container.addSingleton(BatchDatabase.class); container.addSingleton(MyBatis.class); container.addSingleton(DatabaseVersion.class); for (Class daoClass : DaoUtils.getDaoClasses()) { container.addSingleton(daoClass); } // hibernate container.addSingleton(DefaultDatabaseConnector.class); container.addSingleton(ThreadLocalDatabaseSessionFactory.class); container.addPicoAdapter(new DatabaseSessionProvider()); <MASK>container.addSingleton(DatabaseBatchCompatibility.class);</MASK> container.addSingleton(BatchDatabaseSettingsLoader.class); }"
"@Test public void testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement() throws Exception { EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); final EntityManager em2 = createIsolatedEntityManager(); try { Lock lock = new Lock(); // lock.setName( "name" ); em.getTransaction().begin(); // create the test entity first em.persist( lock ); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.getTransaction().begin(); // start tx1 lock = em.getReference( Lock.class, lock.getId() ); final Integer id = lock.getId(); em.lock( lock, LockModeType.READ ); // start with READ lock in tx1 // upgrade to OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT in tx1 em.lock( lock, LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT); lock.setName( "surname" ); // don't end tx1 yet final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { em2.getTransaction().begin(); // start tx2 Lock lock2 = em2.getReference( Lock.class, id ); lock2.setName("renamed"); // change entity } finally { em2.getTransaction().commit(); em2.close(); latch.countDown(); // signal that tx2 is committed } } } ); t.setDaemon( true ); t.setName("testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement tx2"); t.start();"testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement: wait on BG thread"); boolean latchSet = latch.await( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertTrue( "background test thread finished (lock timeout is broken)", latchSet ); // tx2 is complete, try to commit tx1 try { em.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Throwable expectedToFail) { while(expectedToFail != null && !(expectedToFail instanceof javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException)) { expectedToFail = expectedToFail.getCause(); } assertTrue("upgrade to OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT is expected to fail at end of transaction1 since tranaction2 already updated the entity", expectedToFail instanceof javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException); } } finally { em.close(); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement"
"@Test public void testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement() throws Exception { EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); final EntityManager em2 = createIsolatedEntityManager(); try { Lock lock = new Lock(); // lock.setName( "name" ); em.getTransaction().begin(); // create the test entity first em.persist( lock ); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.getTransaction().begin(); // start tx1 lock = em.getReference( Lock.class, lock.getId() ); final Integer id = lock.getId(); em.lock( lock, LockModeType.READ ); // start with READ lock in tx1 // upgrade to OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT in tx1 em.lock( lock, LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT); lock.setName( "surname" ); // don't end tx1 yet final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { em2.getTransaction().begin(); // start tx2 Lock lock2 = em2.getReference( Lock.class, id ); lock2.setName("renamed"); // change entity } finally { em2.getTransaction().commit(); <MASK>latch.countDown(); // signal that tx2 is committed</MASK> em2.close(); } } } ); t.setDaemon( true ); t.setName("testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement tx2"); t.start();"testUpgradeReadLockToOptimisticForceIncrement: wait on BG thread"); boolean latchSet = latch.await( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertTrue( "background test thread finished (lock timeout is broken)", latchSet ); // tx2 is complete, try to commit tx1 try { em.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Throwable expectedToFail) { while(expectedToFail != null && !(expectedToFail instanceof javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException)) { expectedToFail = expectedToFail.getCause(); } assertTrue("upgrade to OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT is expected to fail at end of transaction1 since tranaction2 already updated the entity", expectedToFail instanceof javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException); } } finally { em.close(); } }"
"public void run() { try { em2.getTransaction().begin(); // start tx2 Lock lock2 = em2.getReference( Lock.class, id ); lock2.setName("renamed"); // change entity } finally { em2.getTransaction().commit(); em2.close(); latch.countDown(); // signal that tx2 is committed } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "run"
"public void run() { try { em2.getTransaction().begin(); // start tx2 Lock lock2 = em2.getReference( Lock.class, id ); lock2.setName("renamed"); // change entity } finally { em2.getTransaction().commit(); <MASK>latch.countDown(); // signal that tx2 is committed</MASK> em2.close(); } }"
"@Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { mCurrentModeFrame.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mModeSelectionFrame.setVisibility(View.GONE); changeToSelectedMode(); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "onAnimationEnd"
"@Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { <MASK>changeToSelectedMode();</MASK> mCurrentModeFrame.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mModeSelectionFrame.setVisibility(View.GONE); }"
"@Override public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { this.context = context; classType = context.getTypeOracle().getType(typeName); PrintWriter sourceWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, getPackageName(),getClassName()); if (sourceWriter != null) { StringWriter templateWriter = new StringWriter(); createTemplate().process(scan(), templateWriter); sourceWriter.print(templateWriter.toString()); context.commit(logger, sourceWriter); } return getPackageName() + "." + getClassName(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.Type.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } return null; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "generate"
"@Override public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { this.context = context; classType = context.getTypeOracle().getType(typeName); PrintWriter sourceWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, getPackageName(),getClassName()); if (sourceWriter != null) { StringWriter templateWriter = new StringWriter(); createTemplate().process(scan(), templateWriter); sourceWriter.print(templateWriter.toString()); context.commit(logger, sourceWriter); <MASK>return getPackageName() + "." + getClassName();</MASK> } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.Type.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } return null; }"
"public void refresh(final ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { SubscriberDiffTreeEventHandler handler = getHandler(); if (handler != null) { GroupProgressMonitor group = getGroup(monitor); if (group != null) handler.setProgressGroupHint(group.getGroup(), group.getTicks()); handler.initializeIfNeeded(); ((CVSWorkspaceSubscriber)getSubscriber()).refreshWithContentFetch(traversals, monitor); runInBackground(new IWorkspaceRunnable() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { cacheContents(traversals, getDiffTree(), true, monitor); } }); } else { super.refresh(traversals, flags, monitor); runInBackground(new IWorkspaceRunnable() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { cacheContents(traversals, getDiffTree(), false, monitor); } }); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "refresh"
"public void refresh(final ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { SubscriberDiffTreeEventHandler handler = getHandler(); if (handler != null) { GroupProgressMonitor group = getGroup(monitor); if (group != null) handler.setProgressGroupHint(group.getGroup(), group.getTicks()); handler.initializeIfNeeded(); runInBackground(new IWorkspaceRunnable() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { cacheContents(traversals, getDiffTree(), true, monitor); } }); <MASK>((CVSWorkspaceSubscriber)getSubscriber()).refreshWithContentFetch(traversals, monitor);</MASK> } else { super.refresh(traversals, flags, monitor); runInBackground(new IWorkspaceRunnable() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { cacheContents(traversals, getDiffTree(), false, monitor); } }); } }"
"@Override public void run() { while (!done) { Map<Lock,T> map = ((PessimisticLockManagerImpl)mgr).getLockStore(); System.out.println("Locks currently held at " + new Date() + ":"); for (Lock lock : map.keySet()) { LockImpl<T> l = (LockImpl) lock; System.out.println(l); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long then = l.getCreationTime(); if (now - then > timeOutMinutes * 60000) { System.out.println("Removing stale lock " + l); mgr.releaseLock(l); } } try { Thread.sleep(1000 * sleepSeconds); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "run"
"@Override public void run() { while (!done) { Map<Lock,T> map = ((PessimisticLockManagerImpl)mgr).getLockStore(); System.out.println("Locks currently held at " + new Date() + ":"); for (Lock lock : map.keySet()) { LockImpl<T> l = (LockImpl) lock; System.out.println(l); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long then = l.getCreationTime(); if (now - then > timeOutMinutes * 60000) { System.out.println("Removing stale lock " + l); } <MASK>mgr.releaseLock(l);</MASK> } try { Thread.sleep(1000 * sleepSeconds); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }"
"private String takeScreenshotAndReturnFileName(ITestResult result) { String imageName = screenshotFileNameFrom(result); String imagePath = concat(output, separator, imageName); try { output.createIfNecessary(); screenshotTaker.saveDesktopAsPng(imagePath); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); return null; } return imageName; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "takeScreenshotAndReturnFileName"
"private String takeScreenshotAndReturnFileName(ITestResult result) { <MASK>output.createIfNecessary();</MASK> String imageName = screenshotFileNameFrom(result); String imagePath = concat(output, separator, imageName); try { screenshotTaker.saveDesktopAsPng(imagePath); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); return null; } return imageName; }"
"@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.my_tag_activity); if (savedInstanceState != null) { mTagIdInEdit = savedInstanceState.getLong(BUNDLE_KEY_TAG_ID_IN_EDIT, -1); } // Set up the check box to toggle My tag sharing. mEnabled = (CheckBox) findViewById(; mEnabled.setChecked(false); // Set after initial data load completes. findViewById(; // Setup the active tag selector. mActiveTagDetails = findViewById(; mSelectActiveTagAnchor = findViewById(; findViewById(; updateActiveTagView(null); // Filled in after initial data load. mActiveTagId = getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getLong(PREF_KEY_ACTIVE_TAG, -1); // Setup the list. mAdapter = new TagAdapter(this); mList = (ListView) findViewById(; mList.setAdapter(mAdapter); mList.setOnItemClickListener(this); findViewById(; // Don't setup the empty view until after the first load // so the empty text doesn't flash when first loading the // activity. mList.setEmptyView(null); // Kick off an async task to load the tags. new TagLoaderTask().execute((Void[]) null); // If we're not on a user build offer a back door for writing tags. // The UX is horrible so we don't want to ship it but need it for testing. if (!Build.TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) { mWriteSupport = true; } registerForContextMenu(mList); if (getIntent().hasExtra(EditTagActivity.EXTRA_RESULT_MSG)) { NdefMessage msg = (NdefMessage) Preconditions.checkNotNull( getIntent().getParcelableExtra(EditTagActivity.EXTRA_RESULT_MSG)); saveNewMessage(msg); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "onCreate"
"@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.my_tag_activity); if (savedInstanceState != null) { mTagIdInEdit = savedInstanceState.getLong(BUNDLE_KEY_TAG_ID_IN_EDIT, -1); } // Set up the check box to toggle My tag sharing. mEnabled = (CheckBox) findViewById(; mEnabled.setChecked(false); // Set after initial data load completes. findViewById(; // Setup the active tag selector. mActiveTagDetails = findViewById(; mSelectActiveTagAnchor = findViewById(; findViewById(; updateActiveTagView(null); // Filled in after initial data load. mActiveTagId = getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getLong(PREF_KEY_ACTIVE_TAG, -1); // Setup the list. mAdapter = new TagAdapter(this); mList = (ListView) findViewById(; mList.setAdapter(mAdapter); mList.setOnItemClickListener(this); findViewById(; // Don't setup the empty view until after the first load // so the empty text doesn't flash when first loading the // activity. mList.setEmptyView(null); // Kick off an async task to load the tags. new TagLoaderTask().execute((Void[]) null); // If we're not on a user build offer a back door for writing tags. // The UX is horrible so we don't want to ship it but need it for testing. if (!Build.TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) { mWriteSupport = true; <MASK>registerForContextMenu(mList);</MASK> } if (getIntent().hasExtra(EditTagActivity.EXTRA_RESULT_MSG)) { NdefMessage msg = (NdefMessage) Preconditions.checkNotNull( getIntent().getParcelableExtra(EditTagActivity.EXTRA_RESULT_MSG)); saveNewMessage(msg); } }"
"private void applySepia() { if (mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap != null) { Bitmap tmp = ImageFilter.sepia(mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap); ivPicture.setImageBitmap(mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap); mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap.recycle(); mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap = tmp; } else { Toast.makeText(this, "No ale nie ma jeszcze żadnego zdjęcia...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "applySepia"
"private void applySepia() { if (mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap != null) { Bitmap tmp = ImageFilter.sepia(mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap); mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap.recycle(); mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap = tmp; <MASK>ivPicture.setImageBitmap(mCurrentlyDisplayedBitmap);</MASK> } else { Toast.makeText(this, "No ale nie ma jeszcze żadnego zdjęcia...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }"
"@Override public boolean engine(GPSProblem myProblem, SearchStrategy myStrategy, StatsHolder holder) { boolean solutionFound = false; while (!solutionFound) { holder.resetStats(); solutionFound = super.engine(myProblem, myStrategy, holder); depth++; } return solutionFound; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "engine"
"@Override public boolean engine(GPSProblem myProblem, SearchStrategy myStrategy, StatsHolder holder) { boolean solutionFound = false; while (!solutionFound) { <MASK>depth++;</MASK> holder.resetStats(); solutionFound = super.engine(myProblem, myStrategy, holder); } return solutionFound; }"
"public void endElement(final Object parent, final String tag, final Object node, final XMLElement attributes, final String content) { if (tag.equals("richcontent")) { final String xmlText = content; final Object typeAttribute = attributes.getAttribute(NodeTextBuilder.XML_NODE_XHTML_TYPE_TAG, null); if (NodeTextBuilder.XML_NODE_XHTML_TYPE_NOTE.equals(typeAttribute)) { final NoteModel note = new NoteModel(); note.setXml(xmlText); ((NodeModel) node).addExtension((IExtension) note); noteController.setStateIcon(((NodeModel) node), true); } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "endElement"
"public void endElement(final Object parent, final String tag, final Object node, final XMLElement attributes, final String content) { if (tag.equals("richcontent")) { final String xmlText = content; final Object typeAttribute = attributes.getAttribute(NodeTextBuilder.XML_NODE_XHTML_TYPE_TAG, null); if (NodeTextBuilder.XML_NODE_XHTML_TYPE_NOTE.equals(typeAttribute)) { final NoteModel note = new NoteModel(); <MASK>noteController.setStateIcon(((NodeModel) node), true);</MASK> note.setXml(xmlText); ((NodeModel) node).addExtension((IExtension) note); } } }"
"public void switchLogFile() throws StandardException { boolean switchedOver = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Freeze the log for the switch over to a new log file. // This blocks out any other threads from sending log // record to the log stream. // // The switching of the log file and checkpoint are really // independent events, they are tied together just because a // checkpoint is the natural place to switch the log and vice // versa. This could happen before the cache is flushed or // after the checkpoint log record is written. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// synchronized (this) { // Make sure that this thread of control is guaranteed to complete // it's work of switching the log file without having to give up // the semaphore to a backup or another flusher. Do this by looping // until we have the semaphore, the log is not being flushed, and // the log is not frozen for backup. Track (2985). while(logBeingFlushed | isFrozen) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { InterruptStatus.setInterrupted(); } } // we have an empty log file here, refuse to switch. if (endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE) { if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { Monitor.logMessage("not switching from an empty log file (" + logFileNumber + ")"); } return; } // log file isn't being flushed right now and logOut is not being // used. StorageFile newLogFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber+1); if (logFileNumber+1 >= maxLogFileNumber) { throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LOG_EXCEED_MAX_LOG_FILE_NUMBER, new Long(maxLogFileNumber)); } StorageRandomAccessFile newLog = null; // the new log file try { // if the log file exist and cannot be deleted, cannot // switch log right now if (privExists(newLogFile) && !privDelete(newLogFile)) { logErrMsg(MessageService.getTextMessage( MessageId.LOG_NEW_LOGFILE_EXIST, newLogFile.getPath())); return; } try { newLog = privRandomAccessFile(newLogFile, "rw"); } catch (IOException ioe) { newLog = null; } if (newLog == null || !privCanWrite(newLogFile)) { if (newLog != null) newLog.close(); newLog = null; return; } if (initLogFile(newLog, logFileNumber+1, LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(logFileNumber, endPosition))) { // New log file init ok, close the old one and // switch over, after this point, need to shutdown the // database if any error crops up switchedOver = true; // write out an extra 0 at the end to mark the end of the log // file. logOut.writeEndMarker(0); endPosition += 4; //set that we are in log switch to prevent flusher //not requesting to switch log again inLogSwitch = true; // flush everything including the int we just wrote flush(logFileNumber, endPosition); // simulate out of log error after the switch over if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL2)) throw new IOException("TestLogSwitchFail2"); } logOut.close(); // close the old log file logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint += endPosition; endPosition = newLog.getFilePointer(); lastFlush = endPosition; if(isWriteSynced) { //extend the file by wring zeros to it preAllocateNewLogFile(newLog); newLog.close(); newLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(newLogFile);; } logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, newLog, logBufferSize); newLog = null; if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { if (endPosition != LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE) SanityManager.THROWASSERT( "new log file has unexpected size" + + endPosition); } logFileNumber++; if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { SanityManager.ASSERT(endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE, "empty log file has wrong size"); } } else // something went wrong, delete the half baked file { newLog.close(); newLog = null; if (privExists(newLogFile)) privDelete(newLogFile); logErrMsg(MessageService.getTextMessage( MessageId.LOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NEW, newLogFile.getPath())); newLogFile = null; } } catch (IOException ioe) { inLogSwitch = false; // switching log file is an optional operation and there is no direct user // control. Just sends a warning message to whomever, if any, // system adminstrator there may be logErrMsg(MessageService.getTextMessage( MessageId.LOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NEW_DUETO, newLogFile.getPath(), ioe.toString())); try { if (newLog != null) { newLog.close(); newLog = null; } } catch (IOException ioe2) {} if (newLogFile != null && privExists(newLogFile)) { privDelete(newLogFile); newLogFile = null; } if (switchedOver) // error occur after old log file has been closed! { logOut = null; // limit any damage throw markCorrupt( StandardException.newException( SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe)); } } // Replication slave: Recovery thread should be allowed to // read the previous log file if (inReplicationSlaveMode) { allowedToReadFileNumber = logFileNumber-1; synchronized (slaveRecoveryMonitor) { slaveRecoveryMonitor.notify(); } } inLogSwitch = false; } // unfreezes the log }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "switchLogFile"
"public void switchLogFile() throws StandardException { boolean switchedOver = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Freeze the log for the switch over to a new log file. // This blocks out any other threads from sending log // record to the log stream. // // The switching of the log file and checkpoint are really // independent events, they are tied together just because a // checkpoint is the natural place to switch the log and vice // versa. This could happen before the cache is flushed or // after the checkpoint log record is written. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// synchronized (this) { // Make sure that this thread of control is guaranteed to complete // it's work of switching the log file without having to give up // the semaphore to a backup or another flusher. Do this by looping // until we have the semaphore, the log is not being flushed, and // the log is not frozen for backup. Track (2985). while(logBeingFlushed | isFrozen) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { InterruptStatus.setInterrupted(); } } // we have an empty log file here, refuse to switch. if (endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE) { if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { Monitor.logMessage("not switching from an empty log file (" + logFileNumber + ")"); } return; } // log file isn't being flushed right now and logOut is not being // used. StorageFile newLogFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber+1); if (logFileNumber+1 >= maxLogFileNumber) { throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LOG_EXCEED_MAX_LOG_FILE_NUMBER, new Long(maxLogFileNumber)); } StorageRandomAccessFile newLog = null; // the new log file try { // if the log file exist and cannot be deleted, cannot // switch log right now if (privExists(newLogFile) && !privDelete(newLogFile)) { logErrMsg(MessageService.getTextMessage( MessageId.LOG_NEW_LOGFILE_EXIST, newLogFile.getPath())); return; } try { newLog = privRandomAccessFile(newLogFile, "rw"); } catch (IOException ioe) { newLog = null; } if (newLog == null || !privCanWrite(newLogFile)) { if (newLog != null) newLog.close(); newLog = null; return; } if (initLogFile(newLog, logFileNumber+1, LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(logFileNumber, endPosition))) { // New log file init ok, close the old one and // switch over, after this point, need to shutdown the // database if any error crops up switchedOver = true; // write out an extra 0 at the end to mark the end of the log // file. logOut.writeEndMarker(0); endPosition += 4; //set that we are in log switch to prevent flusher //not requesting to switch log again inLogSwitch = true; // flush everything including the int we just wrote flush(logFileNumber, endPosition); // simulate out of log error after the switch over if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL2)) throw new IOException("TestLogSwitchFail2"); } logOut.close(); // close the old log file logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint += endPosition; endPosition = newLog.getFilePointer(); lastFlush = endPosition; if(isWriteSynced) { //extend the file by wring zeros to it preAllocateNewLogFile(newLog); newLog.close(); newLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(newLogFile);; } logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, newLog, logBufferSize); newLog = null; if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { if (endPosition != LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE) SanityManager.THROWASSERT( "new log file has unexpected size" + + endPosition); } logFileNumber++; if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { SanityManager.ASSERT(endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE, "empty log file has wrong size"); } } else // something went wrong, delete the half baked file { newLog.close(); newLog = null; if (privExists(newLogFile)) privDelete(newLogFile); <MASK>newLogFile = null;</MASK> logErrMsg(MessageService.getTextMessage( MessageId.LOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NEW, newLogFile.getPath())); } } catch (IOException ioe) { inLogSwitch = false; // switching log file is an optional operation and there is no direct user // control. Just sends a warning message to whomever, if any, // system adminstrator there may be logErrMsg(MessageService.getTextMessage( MessageId.LOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NEW_DUETO, newLogFile.getPath(), ioe.toString())); try { if (newLog != null) { newLog.close(); newLog = null; } } catch (IOException ioe2) {} if (newLogFile != null && privExists(newLogFile)) { privDelete(newLogFile); <MASK>newLogFile = null;</MASK> } if (switchedOver) // error occur after old log file has been closed! { logOut = null; // limit any damage throw markCorrupt( StandardException.newException( SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe)); } } // Replication slave: Recovery thread should be allowed to // read the previous log file if (inReplicationSlaveMode) { allowedToReadFileNumber = logFileNumber-1; synchronized (slaveRecoveryMonitor) { slaveRecoveryMonitor.notify(); } } inLogSwitch = false; } // unfreezes the log }"
"public void internalAbortWorkItem(long id) { Environment env = this.kruntime.getEnvironment(); EntityManager em = (EntityManager) env.get(EnvironmentName.CMD_SCOPED_ENTITY_MANAGER); WorkItemInfo workItemInfo = em.find(WorkItemInfo.class, id); // work item may have been aborted if (workItemInfo != null) { WorkItemImpl workItem = (WorkItemImpl) workItemInfo.getWorkItem(env); WorkItemHandler handler = (WorkItemHandler) this.workItemHandlers.get(workItem.getName()); if (handler != null) { handler.abortWorkItem(workItem, this); } else { if ( workItems != null ) { workItems.remove( id ); throwWorkItemNotFoundException( workItem ); } } if (workItems != null) { workItems.remove(id); } em.remove(workItemInfo); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "internalAbortWorkItem"
"public void internalAbortWorkItem(long id) { Environment env = this.kruntime.getEnvironment(); EntityManager em = (EntityManager) env.get(EnvironmentName.CMD_SCOPED_ENTITY_MANAGER); WorkItemInfo workItemInfo = em.find(WorkItemInfo.class, id); // work item may have been aborted if (workItemInfo != null) { WorkItemImpl workItem = (WorkItemImpl) workItemInfo.getWorkItem(env); WorkItemHandler handler = (WorkItemHandler) this.workItemHandlers.get(workItem.getName()); if (handler != null) { handler.abortWorkItem(workItem, this); } else { if ( workItems != null ) { workItems.remove( id ); } <MASK>throwWorkItemNotFoundException( workItem );</MASK> } if (workItems != null) { workItems.remove(id); } em.remove(workItemInfo); } }"
"public boolean isConditionTrue(String id, Properties variables) { Condition cond = getCondition(id); if (cond == null) { Debug.trace("Condition (" + id + ") not found."); return true; } else { cond.setInstalldata(installdata); Debug.trace("Checking condition"); try { return cond.isTrue(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { Debug.error("Nullpointerexception checking condition: " + id); return false; } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "isConditionTrue"
"public boolean isConditionTrue(String id, Properties variables) { Condition cond = getCondition(id); <MASK>cond.setInstalldata(installdata);</MASK> if (cond == null) { Debug.trace("Condition (" + id + ") not found."); return true; } else { Debug.trace("Checking condition"); try { return cond.isTrue(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { Debug.error("Nullpointerexception checking condition: " + id); return false; } } }"
"public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for org.eclipse.mylar.tests"); //$JUnit-BEGIN$ suite.addTest(AllMonitorTests.suite()); suite.addTest(AllXmlTests.suite()); // HACK: first because it doesn't clean up properly suite.addTest(AllCoreTests.suite()); suite.addTest(AllTasklistTests.suite()); suite.addTest(AllJavaTests.suite()); suite.addTest(MiscTests.suite()); //$JUnit-END$ return suite; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "suite"
"public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for org.eclipse.mylar.tests"); //$JUnit-BEGIN$ suite.addTest(AllMonitorTests.suite()); suite.addTest(AllXmlTests.suite()); // HACK: first because it doesn't clean up properly <MASK>suite.addTest(AllJavaTests.suite());</MASK> suite.addTest(AllCoreTests.suite()); suite.addTest(AllTasklistTests.suite()); suite.addTest(MiscTests.suite()); //$JUnit-END$ return suite; }"
"Painter(Area area, double mag, Layer la, AffineTransform at) throws Exception { super("AreaWrapper.Painter"); setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); = la; = at; this.at_inv = at.createInverse(); // if adding areas, make it be a copy, to be added on mouse release // (In this way, the receiving Area is small and can be operated on fast) if (adding) { this.target_area = area; this.area = new Area(); } else { this.target_area = area; this.area = area; } brush_size = ProjectToolbar.getBrushSize(); brush = makeBrush(brush_size, mag); if (null == brush) throw new RuntimeException("Can't paint with brush of size 0."); accumulator = Utils.newFixedThreadPool(1, "AreaWrapper-accumulator"); composer = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); this.interpolator = new Runnable() { public void run() { final ArrayList<Point> ps; final int n_points; synchronized (arealock) { n_points = points.size(); if (0 == n_points) return; ps = new ArrayList<Point>(points); points.clear(); points.add(ps.get(n_points -1)); // to start the next spline from the last point } if (n_points < 2) { // No interpolation required final AffineTransform atb = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, ps.get(0).x, ps.get(0).y); atb.preConcatenate(at_inv); Area chunk = slashInInts(brush.createTransformedArea(atb)); synchronized (arealock) { if (adding) Painter.this.area.add(chunk); else Painter.this.area.subtract(chunk); } return; } try { // paint the regions between points, using spline interpolation // A cheap way would be to just make a rectangle between both points, with thickess radius. // A better, expensive way is to fit a spline first, then add each one as a circle. // The spline way is wasteful, but way more precise and beautiful. Since there's only one repaint, it's not excessively slow. int[] xp = new int[ps.size()]; int[] yp = new int[xp.length]; int j = 0; for (final Point p : ps) { xp[j] = p.x; yp[j] = p.y; j++; } PolygonRoi proi = new PolygonRoi(xp, yp, xp.length, Roi.POLYLINE); proi.fitSpline(); FloatPolygon fp = proi.getFloatPolygon(); proi = null; double[] xpd = new double[fp.npoints]; double[] ypd = new double[fp.npoints]; // Fails: fp contains float[], which for some reason cannot be copied into double[] //System.arraycopy(fp.xpoints, 0, xpd, 0, xpd.length); //System.arraycopy(fp.ypoints, 0, ypd, 0, ypd.length); for (int i=0; i<xpd.length; i++) { xpd[i] = fp.xpoints[i]; ypd[i] = fp.ypoints[i]; } fp = null; // VectorString2D resampling doesn't work VectorString3D vs = new VectorString3D(xpd, ypd, new double[xpd.length], false); double delta = ((double)brush_size) / 10; if (delta < 1) delta = 1; vs.resample(delta); xpd = vs.getPoints(0); ypd = vs.getPoints(1); vs = null; // adjust first and last points back to integer precision Point po = ps.get(0); xpd[0] = po.x; ypd[0] = po.y; po = ps.get(ps.size()-1); xpd[xpd.length-1] = po.x; ypd[ypd.length-1] = po.y; final Area chunk = new Area(); final AffineTransform atb = new AffineTransform(); for (int i=0; i<xpd.length; i++) { atb.setToTranslation((int)xpd[i], (int)ypd[i]); // always integers atb.preConcatenate(at_inv); chunk.add(slashInInts(brush.createTransformedArea(atb))); } synchronized (arealock) { if (adding) Painter.this.area.add(chunk); else Painter.this.area.subtract(chunk); } Display.repaint(, 3, r_old, false, false); } catch (Exception e) { IJError.print(e); } } }; composition = composer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(interpolator, 200, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); start(); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "Painter"
"Painter(Area area, double mag, Layer la, AffineTransform at) throws Exception { super("AreaWrapper.Painter"); setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); = la; = at; this.at_inv = at.createInverse(); // if adding areas, make it be a copy, to be added on mouse release // (In this way, the receiving Area is small and can be operated on fast) if (adding) { this.target_area = area; this.area = new Area(); } else { this.target_area = area; this.area = area; } brush_size = ProjectToolbar.getBrushSize(); brush = makeBrush(brush_size, mag); if (null == brush) throw new RuntimeException("Can't paint with brush of size 0."); <MASK>start();</MASK> accumulator = Utils.newFixedThreadPool(1, "AreaWrapper-accumulator"); composer = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); this.interpolator = new Runnable() { public void run() { final ArrayList<Point> ps; final int n_points; synchronized (arealock) { n_points = points.size(); if (0 == n_points) return; ps = new ArrayList<Point>(points); points.clear(); points.add(ps.get(n_points -1)); // to start the next spline from the last point } if (n_points < 2) { // No interpolation required final AffineTransform atb = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, ps.get(0).x, ps.get(0).y); atb.preConcatenate(at_inv); Area chunk = slashInInts(brush.createTransformedArea(atb)); synchronized (arealock) { if (adding) Painter.this.area.add(chunk); else Painter.this.area.subtract(chunk); } return; } try { // paint the regions between points, using spline interpolation // A cheap way would be to just make a rectangle between both points, with thickess radius. // A better, expensive way is to fit a spline first, then add each one as a circle. // The spline way is wasteful, but way more precise and beautiful. Since there's only one repaint, it's not excessively slow. int[] xp = new int[ps.size()]; int[] yp = new int[xp.length]; int j = 0; for (final Point p : ps) { xp[j] = p.x; yp[j] = p.y; j++; } PolygonRoi proi = new PolygonRoi(xp, yp, xp.length, Roi.POLYLINE); proi.fitSpline(); FloatPolygon fp = proi.getFloatPolygon(); proi = null; double[] xpd = new double[fp.npoints]; double[] ypd = new double[fp.npoints]; // Fails: fp contains float[], which for some reason cannot be copied into double[] //System.arraycopy(fp.xpoints, 0, xpd, 0, xpd.length); //System.arraycopy(fp.ypoints, 0, ypd, 0, ypd.length); for (int i=0; i<xpd.length; i++) { xpd[i] = fp.xpoints[i]; ypd[i] = fp.ypoints[i]; } fp = null; // VectorString2D resampling doesn't work VectorString3D vs = new VectorString3D(xpd, ypd, new double[xpd.length], false); double delta = ((double)brush_size) / 10; if (delta < 1) delta = 1; vs.resample(delta); xpd = vs.getPoints(0); ypd = vs.getPoints(1); vs = null; // adjust first and last points back to integer precision Point po = ps.get(0); xpd[0] = po.x; ypd[0] = po.y; po = ps.get(ps.size()-1); xpd[xpd.length-1] = po.x; ypd[ypd.length-1] = po.y; final Area chunk = new Area(); final AffineTransform atb = new AffineTransform(); for (int i=0; i<xpd.length; i++) { atb.setToTranslation((int)xpd[i], (int)ypd[i]); // always integers atb.preConcatenate(at_inv); chunk.add(slashInInts(brush.createTransformedArea(atb))); } synchronized (arealock) { if (adding) Painter.this.area.add(chunk); else Painter.this.area.subtract(chunk); } Display.repaint(, 3, r_old, false, false); } catch (Exception e) { IJError.print(e); } } }; composition = composer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(interpolator, 200, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }"
"@Override public void update(float deltaTime) { List<TouchEvent> touchEvents = game.getInput().getTouchEvents(); game.getInput().getKeyEvents(); int len = touchEvents.size(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { TouchEvent event = touchEvents.get(i); if(event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_UP) { //int contin_x = g.getWidth()/2 - Assets.contin.getWidth()/2; //int contin_y = (int) (g.getHeight() - (g.getHeight()*.05)) - Assets.contin.getHeight(); int next_x = game.getGraphics().getWidth() -; int next_y = game.getGraphics().getHeight() -; int back_x = game.getGraphics().getWidth() - Assets.back.getWidth() - - 50; int back_y = game.getGraphics().getHeight() - Assets.back.getHeight(); int home_x = 0; int home_y = game.getGraphics().getHeight() - Assets.home.getHeight(); //Did you click next? if(event.x > next_x && event.x < next_x + && event.y > next_y && event.y < + next_y){; if(Assets.helpScreen.length == (index+1)){ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game)); return; }else{ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new HelpScreen(game, index+1)); } } //Did you click back? if(event.x > back_x && event.x < back_x + Assets.back.getWidth() && event.y > back_y && event.y < Assets.back.getWidth() + back_y){; if(index == 0){ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game)); return; }else{ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new HelpScreen(game, index-1)); } } //Did you click home? if(event.x > home_x && event.x < home_x + Assets.home.getWidth() && event.y > home_y && event.y < Assets.home.getWidth() + home_y){; game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game)); } /*if(event.x > 256 && event.y > 416 ) { game.getGraphics().clear(0);; if(!(Assets.helpScreen.length == i)){ game.setScreen(new HelpScreen(game, i+1)); } return; }*/ } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "update"
"@Override public void update(float deltaTime) { List<TouchEvent> touchEvents = game.getInput().getTouchEvents(); game.getInput().getKeyEvents(); int len = touchEvents.size(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { TouchEvent event = touchEvents.get(i); if(event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_UP) { //int contin_x = g.getWidth()/2 - Assets.contin.getWidth()/2; //int contin_y = (int) (g.getHeight() - (g.getHeight()*.05)) - Assets.contin.getHeight(); int next_x = game.getGraphics().getWidth() -; int next_y = game.getGraphics().getHeight() -; int back_x = game.getGraphics().getWidth() - Assets.back.getWidth() - - 50; int back_y = game.getGraphics().getHeight() - Assets.back.getHeight(); int home_x = 0; int home_y = game.getGraphics().getHeight() - Assets.home.getHeight(); //Did you click next? if(event.x > next_x && event.x < next_x + && event.y > next_y && event.y < + next_y){ <MASK>;</MASK> if(Assets.helpScreen.length == (index+1)){ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game)); return; }else{ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new HelpScreen(game, index+1)); } } //Did you click back? if(event.x > back_x && event.x < back_x + Assets.back.getWidth() && event.y > back_y && event.y < Assets.back.getWidth() + back_y){ if(index == 0){ <MASK>;</MASK> game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game)); return; }else{ game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new HelpScreen(game, index-1)); } } //Did you click home? if(event.x > home_x && event.x < home_x + Assets.home.getWidth() && event.y > home_y && event.y < Assets.home.getWidth() + home_y){ <MASK>;</MASK> game.getGraphics().clear(0); game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game)); } /*if(event.x > 256 && event.y > 416 ) { game.getGraphics().clear(0); <MASK>;</MASK> if(!(Assets.helpScreen.length == i)){ game.setScreen(new HelpScreen(game, i+1)); } return; }*/ } } }"
"final void finishFullFlush(boolean success) { assert setFlushingDeleteQueue(null); if (success) { // release the flush lock flushControl.finishFullFlush(); } else { flushControl.abortFullFlushes(); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "finishFullFlush"
"final void finishFullFlush(boolean success) { if (success) { // release the flush lock flushControl.finishFullFlush(); } else { flushControl.abortFullFlushes(); } <MASK>assert setFlushingDeleteQueue(null);</MASK> }"
"public void run() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(jobType+" Job: "+jobName+" started"); ActivityLogger.logJobStarted(jobName, jobType, upCell, savedHighlights, savedHighlightsOffset); try { if (jobType != Type.EXAMINE) changingJob = this; if (jobType == Type.CHANGE) Undo.startChanges(tool, jobName, upCell, savedHighlights, savedHighlightsOffset); doIt(); if (jobType == Type.CHANGE) Undo.endChanges(); } catch (Throwable e) { endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); e.printStackTrace(System.err); ActivityLogger.logException(e); if (e instanceof Error) throw (Error)e; } finally { if (jobType == Type.EXAMINE) { databaseChangesThread.endExamine(this); } else { changingJob = null; Library.clearChangeLocks(); } endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (DEBUG) System.out.println(jobType+" Job: "+jobName +" finished"); finished = true; // is this redundant with Thread.isAlive()? // Job.removeJob(this); //WindowFrame.wantToRedoJobTree(); // say something if it took more than a minute by default if (reportExecution || (endTime - startTime) >= MIN_NUM_SECONDS) { if (User.isBeepAfterLongJobs()) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } System.out.println(this.getInfo()); } // delete if (deleteWhenDone) { databaseChangesThread.removeJob(this); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "run"
"public void run() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(jobType+" Job: "+jobName+" started"); ActivityLogger.logJobStarted(jobName, jobType, upCell, savedHighlights, savedHighlightsOffset); try { if (jobType == Type.CHANGE) Undo.startChanges(tool, jobName, upCell, savedHighlights, savedHighlightsOffset); <MASK>if (jobType != Type.EXAMINE) changingJob = this;</MASK> doIt(); if (jobType == Type.CHANGE) Undo.endChanges(); } catch (Throwable e) { endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); e.printStackTrace(System.err); ActivityLogger.logException(e); if (e instanceof Error) throw (Error)e; } finally { if (jobType == Type.EXAMINE) { databaseChangesThread.endExamine(this); } else { changingJob = null; Library.clearChangeLocks(); } endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (DEBUG) System.out.println(jobType+" Job: "+jobName +" finished"); finished = true; // is this redundant with Thread.isAlive()? // Job.removeJob(this); //WindowFrame.wantToRedoJobTree(); // say something if it took more than a minute by default if (reportExecution || (endTime - startTime) >= MIN_NUM_SECONDS) { if (User.isBeepAfterLongJobs()) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } System.out.println(this.getInfo()); } // delete if (deleteWhenDone) { databaseChangesThread.removeJob(this); } }"
"protected int feedData() { if(initFeed){ initFeed = false; boolean feedResult; if(learnAhead){ feedResult = dbHelper.getListItems(-1, learningQueueSize, learnQueue, 3, activeFilter); } else{ feedResult = dbHelper.getListItems(-1, learningQueueSize, learnQueue, 4, activeFilter); } if(feedResult == true){ for(int i = 0; i < learnQueue.size(); i++){ Item qItem = learnQueue.get(i); if(qItem.isScheduled()){ if(maxRetId < qItem.getId()){ maxRetId = qItem.getId(); } } else{ if(maxNewId < qItem.getId()){ maxNewId = qItem.getId(); } } } /* Shuffling the queue */ if(shufflingCards){ Collections.shuffle(learnQueue); } currentItem = learnQueue.get(0); return 0; } else{ currentItem = null; return 2; } } else{ Item item; for(int i = learnQueue.size(); i < learningQueueSize; i++){ if(learnAhead){ /* Flag = 3 for randomly choose item from future */ item = dbHelper.getItemById(0, 3, true, activeFilter); learnQueue.add(item); } else{ /* Search out the maxRetId and maxNew Id * before queuing in order to achive consistence */ for(int j = 0; j < learnQueue.size(); j++){ Item qItem = learnQueue.get(j); if(qItem.isScheduled()){ if(maxRetId < qItem.getId()){ maxRetId = qItem.getId(); } } else{ if(maxNewId < qItem.getId()){ maxNewId = qItem.getId(); } } } item = dbHelper.getItemById(maxRetId + 1, 2, true, activeFilter); // Revision first if(item != null){ maxRetId = item.getId(); } else{ item = dbHelper.getItemById(maxNewId + 1, 1, true, activeFilter); // Then learn new if no revision. if(item != null){ maxNewId = item.getId(); } } if(item != null){ learnQueue.add(item); } else{ break; } } } int size = learnQueue.size(); if(size == 0){ /* No new items */ currentItem = null; return 2; } else if(size == learningQueueSize){ currentItem = learnQueue.get(0); return 0; } else{ /* Shuffling the queue */ if(shufflingCards){ Collections.shuffle(learnQueue); } currentItem = learnQueue.get(0); return 1; } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "feedData"
"protected int feedData() { if(initFeed){ initFeed = false; boolean feedResult; if(learnAhead){ feedResult = dbHelper.getListItems(-1, learningQueueSize, learnQueue, 3, activeFilter); } else{ feedResult = dbHelper.getListItems(-1, learningQueueSize, learnQueue, 4, activeFilter); } if(feedResult == true){ for(int i = 0; i < learnQueue.size(); i++){ Item qItem = learnQueue.get(i); if(qItem.isScheduled()){ if(maxRetId < qItem.getId()){ maxRetId = qItem.getId(); } } else{ if(maxNewId < qItem.getId()){ maxNewId = qItem.getId(); } } } /* Shuffling the queue */ if(shufflingCards){ Collections.shuffle(learnQueue); } <MASK>currentItem = learnQueue.get(0);</MASK> return 0; } else{ currentItem = null; return 2; } } else{ Item item; for(int i = learnQueue.size(); i < learningQueueSize; i++){ if(learnAhead){ /* Flag = 3 for randomly choose item from future */ item = dbHelper.getItemById(0, 3, true, activeFilter); learnQueue.add(item); } else{ /* Search out the maxRetId and maxNew Id * before queuing in order to achive consistence */ for(int j = 0; j < learnQueue.size(); j++){ Item qItem = learnQueue.get(j); if(qItem.isScheduled()){ if(maxRetId < qItem.getId()){ maxRetId = qItem.getId(); } } else{ if(maxNewId < qItem.getId()){ maxNewId = qItem.getId(); } } } item = dbHelper.getItemById(maxRetId + 1, 2, true, activeFilter); // Revision first if(item != null){ maxRetId = item.getId(); } else{ item = dbHelper.getItemById(maxNewId + 1, 1, true, activeFilter); // Then learn new if no revision. if(item != null){ maxNewId = item.getId(); } } if(item != null){ learnQueue.add(item); } else{ break; } } } int size = learnQueue.size(); if(size == 0){ /* No new items */ currentItem = null; return 2; } else if(size == learningQueueSize){ <MASK>currentItem = learnQueue.get(0);</MASK> return 0; } else{ /* Shuffling the queue */ <MASK>currentItem = learnQueue.get(0);</MASK> if(shufflingCards){ Collections.shuffle(learnQueue); } return 1; } } }"
"public String[][] getUserNames() throws SQLException { String query="SELECT name, fullname from user_list;"; logger.debug("Running query: "+query); stmt.executeQuery(query); ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); ArrayList<String[]> als = new ArrayList<String[]>(); while( { String[] row = new String[2]; row[0]=rs.getString(1); row[1]=rs.getString(2); als.add(row); } String[][] result = new String[1][1]; rs.close(); return als.toArray(result); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "getUserNames"
"public String[][] getUserNames() throws SQLException { String query="SELECT name, fullname from user_list;"; logger.debug("Running query: "+query); stmt.executeQuery(query); ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); ArrayList<String[]> als = new ArrayList<String[]>(); <MASK>String[] row = new String[2];</MASK> while( { row[0]=rs.getString(1); row[1]=rs.getString(2); als.add(row); } String[][] result = new String[1][1]; rs.close(); return als.toArray(result); }"
"public void turnOff(Player player, TurnOffReason reason) { SPMPlayerSave spPlayerSave = spPlayersSave.remove(player); spPlayerSave.restore(player); player.setSleepingIgnored(false); player.setNoDamageTicks(120); if (isVanished(player)) { turnOffVanish(player, reason); } for (Player vanished : spVanished.players()) { vanish(player, vanished); } if (reason != TurnOffReason.Stop) { EthilVan.getAccounts().removePseudoRole(player, "spm"); } spPlayers.remove(player); logConsole(ChatColor.GREEN + "SuperPig Mode desactivé pour " + player.getDisplayName()); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "turnOff"
"public void turnOff(Player player, TurnOffReason reason) { <MASK>spPlayers.remove(player);</MASK> SPMPlayerSave spPlayerSave = spPlayersSave.remove(player); spPlayerSave.restore(player); player.setSleepingIgnored(false); player.setNoDamageTicks(120); if (isVanished(player)) { turnOffVanish(player, reason); } for (Player vanished : spVanished.players()) { vanish(player, vanished); } if (reason != TurnOffReason.Stop) { EthilVan.getAccounts().removePseudoRole(player, "spm"); } logConsole(ChatColor.GREEN + "SuperPig Mode desactivé pour " + player.getDisplayName()); }"
"public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(FitNesseContext.recentChangesDateFormat); date = dateFormat.format(Clock.currentDate()); SimpleDateFormat rfcDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(FitNesseContext.rfcCompliantDateFormat); rfcDate = rfcDateFormat.format(Clock.currentDate()); hostName =; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "setUp"
"public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(FitNesseContext.recentChangesDateFormat); date = dateFormat.format(Clock.currentDate()); SimpleDateFormat rfcDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(FitNesseContext.rfcCompliantDateFormat); rfcDate = rfcDateFormat.format(Clock.currentDate()); hostName =; <MASK>Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);</MASK> }"
"public static void fillInBreeding(IGenericCharacter character, Map<Object, Object> parameters) { for (IGenericTrait background : character.getBackgrounds()) { if (background.getType().getId().equals(DbCharacterModule.BACKGROUND_ID_BREEDING)) { parameters.put(ICharacterReportConstants.BREEDING_VALUE, background.getCurrentValue()); return; } } parameters.put(ICharacterReportConstants.BREEDING_VALUE, 0); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "fillInBreeding"
"public static void fillInBreeding(IGenericCharacter character, Map<Object, Object> parameters) { for (IGenericTrait background : character.getBackgrounds()) { if (background.getType().getId().equals(DbCharacterModule.BACKGROUND_ID_BREEDING)) { parameters.put(ICharacterReportConstants.BREEDING_VALUE, background.getCurrentValue()); return; } <MASK>parameters.put(ICharacterReportConstants.BREEDING_VALUE, 0);</MASK> } }"
"protected void setSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber) { super.setSubscriber(subscriber); if (CVSUIPlugin.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(ICVSUIConstants.PREF_CONSIDER_CONTENTS)) { setSyncInfoFilter(contentComparison); } try { ISynchronizeParticipantDescriptor descriptor = TeamUI.getSynchronizeManager().getParticipantDescriptor(CVSCompareSubscriber.ID); setInitializationData(descriptor); CVSCompareSubscriber s = (CVSCompareSubscriber)getSubscriber(); setSecondaryId(s.getId().getLocalName()); } catch (CoreException e) { CVSUIPlugin.log(e); } CVSUIPlugin.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().addPropertyChangeListener(this); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "setSubscriber"
"protected void setSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber) { super.setSubscriber(subscriber); if (CVSUIPlugin.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(ICVSUIConstants.PREF_CONSIDER_CONTENTS)) { setSyncInfoFilter(contentComparison); } <MASK>CVSUIPlugin.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().addPropertyChangeListener(this);</MASK> try { ISynchronizeParticipantDescriptor descriptor = TeamUI.getSynchronizeManager().getParticipantDescriptor(CVSCompareSubscriber.ID); setInitializationData(descriptor); CVSCompareSubscriber s = (CVSCompareSubscriber)getSubscriber(); setSecondaryId(s.getId().getLocalName()); } catch (CoreException e) { CVSUIPlugin.log(e); } }"
"private void handleClosedSite(String string) { if (!noDB) { noDB = true; DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox(); DOM.setElementAttribute(dialogBox.getElement(), "id", "closed_site"); HTML html = new HTML(string); dialogBox.setWidget(html);; } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "handleClosedSite"
"private void handleClosedSite(String string) { <MASK>noDB = true;</MASK> if (!noDB) { DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox(); DOM.setElementAttribute(dialogBox.getElement(), "id", "closed_site"); HTML html = new HTML(string); dialogBox.setWidget(html);; } }"
"@Test public void testMetricsCache() { MetricsSystem ms = new MetricsSystemImpl("cache"); ms.start(); try { String p1 = "root1"; String leafQueueName = "root1.leaf"; QueueMetrics p1Metrics = QueueMetrics.forQueue(ms, p1, null, true, conf); Queue parentQueue1 = make(stub(Queue.class).returning(p1Metrics). from.getMetrics()); QueueMetrics metrics = QueueMetrics.forQueue(ms, leafQueueName, parentQueue1, true, conf); Assert.assertNotNull("QueueMetrics for A shoudn't be null", metrics); // Re-register to check for cache hit, shouldn't blow up metrics-system... // also, verify parent-metrics QueueMetrics alterMetrics = QueueMetrics.forQueue(ms, leafQueueName, parentQueue1, true, conf); Assert.assertNotNull("QueueMetrics for alterMetrics shoudn't be null", alterMetrics); } finally { ms.shutdown(); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "testMetricsCache"
"@Test public void testMetricsCache() { MetricsSystem ms = new MetricsSystemImpl("cache"); try { String p1 = "root1"; String leafQueueName = "root1.leaf"; <MASK>ms.start();</MASK> QueueMetrics p1Metrics = QueueMetrics.forQueue(ms, p1, null, true, conf); Queue parentQueue1 = make(stub(Queue.class).returning(p1Metrics). from.getMetrics()); QueueMetrics metrics = QueueMetrics.forQueue(ms, leafQueueName, parentQueue1, true, conf); Assert.assertNotNull("QueueMetrics for A shoudn't be null", metrics); // Re-register to check for cache hit, shouldn't blow up metrics-system... // also, verify parent-metrics QueueMetrics alterMetrics = QueueMetrics.forQueue(ms, leafQueueName, parentQueue1, true, conf); Assert.assertNotNull("QueueMetrics for alterMetrics shoudn't be null", alterMetrics); } finally { ms.shutdown(); } }"
"public boolean act (float delta) { if (!ran) { ran = true; run(); } return true; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "act"
"public boolean act (float delta) { if (!ran) { <MASK>run();</MASK> ran = true; } return true; }"
"protected String convertViewIdIfNeed(FacesContext context) { WebappConfig webappConfig = getWebappConfig(context); ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext(); String viewId = context.getViewRoot().getViewId(); // PortletSupport if (PortletUtil.isPortlet(context)) { return viewId; } String urlPattern = getUrlPattern(webappConfig, context); if (urlPattern != null && isExtensionMapping(urlPattern)) { String defaultSuffix = externalContext .getInitParameter(ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME); String suffix = defaultSuffix != null ? defaultSuffix : ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX; if (!viewId.endsWith(suffix)) { int dot = viewId.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot == -1) { viewId = viewId + suffix; } else { viewId = viewId.substring(0, dot) + suffix; } } } return viewId; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "convertViewIdIfNeed"
"protected String convertViewIdIfNeed(FacesContext context) { WebappConfig webappConfig = getWebappConfig(context); ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext(); <MASK>String urlPattern = getUrlPattern(webappConfig, context);</MASK> String viewId = context.getViewRoot().getViewId(); // PortletSupport if (PortletUtil.isPortlet(context)) { return viewId; } if (urlPattern != null && isExtensionMapping(urlPattern)) { String defaultSuffix = externalContext .getInitParameter(ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME); String suffix = defaultSuffix != null ? defaultSuffix : ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX; if (!viewId.endsWith(suffix)) { int dot = viewId.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot == -1) { viewId = viewId + suffix; } else { viewId = viewId.substring(0, dot) + suffix; } } } return viewId; }"
"@Override public void onDestroy() { synchronized(sSyncLock) { alwaysLog("!!! EAS ExchangeService, onDestroy"); // Stop the sync manager thread and return synchronized (sSyncLock) { if (sServiceThread != null) { sStop = true; sServiceThread.interrupt(); } } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "onDestroy"
"@Override public void onDestroy() { synchronized(sSyncLock) { alwaysLog("!!! EAS ExchangeService, onDestroy"); // Stop the sync manager thread and return synchronized (sSyncLock) { <MASK>sStop = true;</MASK> if (sServiceThread != null) { sServiceThread.interrupt(); } } } }"
"public PlayerManager(ChatCore instance) { clean(); plugin = instance; config = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "players.yml"); if (!config.exists()) { getConfig().setDefaults(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(plugin.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/defaults/players.yml"))); getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig(); } saveConfig(); persist = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("plugin.persist_user_settings"); buildPlayerList(); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "PlayerManager"
"public PlayerManager(ChatCore instance) { clean(); plugin = instance; <MASK>persist = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("plugin.persist_user_settings");</MASK> config = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "players.yml"); if (!config.exists()) { getConfig().setDefaults(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(plugin.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/defaults/players.yml"))); getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig(); } saveConfig(); buildPlayerList(); }"
"@Override public void paintCollapsiblePanesBackground(JComponent c, Graphics g, Rectangle rect, int orientation, int state) { if (!c.isOpaque()) { return; } Boolean highContrast = UIManager.getBoolean("Theme.highContrast"); if (highContrast) { super.paintCollapsiblePanesBackground(c, g, rect, orientation, state); return; } Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; if (!(c.getBackground() instanceof UIResource)) { JideSwingUtilities.fillGradient(g2d, new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height), ColorUtils.getDerivedColor(c.getBackground(), 0.6f), c.getBackground(), orientation == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL); } else { JideSwingUtilities.fillGradient(g2d, new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height), getCurrentTheme().getColor("CollapsiblePanes.backgroundLt"), getCurrentTheme().getColor("CollapsiblePanes.backgroundDk"), orientation == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "paintCollapsiblePanesBackground"
"@Override public void paintCollapsiblePanesBackground(JComponent c, Graphics g, Rectangle rect, int orientation, int state) { if (!c.isOpaque()) { return; } Boolean highContrast = UIManager.getBoolean("Theme.highContrast"); if (highContrast) { super.paintCollapsiblePanesBackground(c, g, rect, orientation, state); return; } Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; if (!(c.getBackground() instanceof UIResource)) { JideSwingUtilities.fillGradient(g2d, new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height), <MASK>c.getBackground(),</MASK> ColorUtils.getDerivedColor(<MASK>c.getBackground(),</MASK> 0.6f), orientation == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL); } else { JideSwingUtilities.fillGradient(g2d, new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height), getCurrentTheme().getColor("CollapsiblePanes.backgroundLt"), getCurrentTheme().getColor("CollapsiblePanes.backgroundDk"), orientation == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL); } }"
"protected void undeployBeans(KernelController controller, KernelDeployment deployment) { Set<NamedAliasMetaData> aliases = deployment.getAliases(); if (aliases != null && aliases.isEmpty() == false) { for (NamedAliasMetaData alias : aliases) controller.removeAlias(alias.getAliasValue()); } super.undeployBeans(controller, deployment); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "undeployBeans"
"protected void undeployBeans(KernelController controller, KernelDeployment deployment) { <MASK>super.undeployBeans(controller, deployment);</MASK> Set<NamedAliasMetaData> aliases = deployment.getAliases(); if (aliases != null && aliases.isEmpty() == false) { for (NamedAliasMetaData alias : aliases) controller.removeAlias(alias.getAliasValue()); } }"
"private static InputStream inflate(final InputStream in, final long size, final ObjectId id) { final Inflater inf = InflaterCache.get(); return new InflaterInputStream(in, inf) { private long remaining = size; @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int cnt) throws IOException { try { int r =, off, cnt); if (r > 0) remaining -= r; return r; } catch (ZipException badStream) { throw new CorruptObjectException(id, JGitText.get().corruptObjectBadStream); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { if (remaining <= 0) checkValidEndOfStream(in, inf, id, new byte[64]); } finally { InflaterCache.release(inf); super.close(); } } }; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "inflate"
"private static InputStream inflate(final InputStream in, final long size, final ObjectId id) { final Inflater inf = InflaterCache.get(); return new InflaterInputStream(in, inf) { private long remaining = size; @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int cnt) throws IOException { try { int r =, off, cnt); if (r > 0) remaining -= r; return r; } catch (ZipException badStream) { throw new CorruptObjectException(id, JGitText.get().corruptObjectBadStream); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { if (remaining <= 0) checkValidEndOfStream(in, inf, id, new byte[64]); <MASK>super.close();</MASK> } finally { InflaterCache.release(inf); } } }; }"
"@Override public void close() throws IOException { try { if (remaining <= 0) checkValidEndOfStream(in, inf, id, new byte[64]); } finally { InflaterCache.release(inf); super.close(); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "close"
"@Override public void close() throws IOException { try { if (remaining <= 0) checkValidEndOfStream(in, inf, id, new byte[64]); <MASK>super.close();</MASK> } finally { InflaterCache.release(inf); } }"
"protected ProgressMonitorDialog openProgress() { progressDialog = new ProgressMonitorDialog(getShell()); progressDialog.setCancelable(true);; return progressDialog; }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "openProgress"
"protected ProgressMonitorDialog openProgress() { progressDialog = new ProgressMonitorDialog(getShell()); <MASK>;</MASK> progressDialog.setCancelable(true); return progressDialog; }"
"@Override public SqlScript createCleanScript(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { final List<String> allDropStatements = new ArrayList<String>(); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "SEQUENCE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "FUNCTION", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "MATERIALIZED VIEW", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "PACKAGE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "PROCEDURE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "SYNONYM", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "VIEW", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "TABLE", "CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "TYPE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForSpatialExtensions(jdbcTemplate)); List<SqlStatement> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<SqlStatement>(); int count = 0; for (String dropStatement : allDropStatements) { count++; sqlStatements.add(new SqlStatement(count, dropStatement)); } return new SqlScript(sqlStatements); }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "createCleanScript"
"@Override public SqlScript createCleanScript(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { final List<String> allDropStatements = new ArrayList<String>(); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "SEQUENCE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "FUNCTION", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "MATERIALIZED VIEW", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "PACKAGE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "PROCEDURE", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "SYNONYM", "")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "TABLE", "CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE")); allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "TYPE", "")); <MASK>allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForObjectType(jdbcTemplate, "VIEW", ""));</MASK> allDropStatements.addAll(generateDropStatementsForSpatialExtensions(jdbcTemplate)); List<SqlStatement> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<SqlStatement>(); int count = 0; for (String dropStatement : allDropStatements) { count++; sqlStatements.add(new SqlStatement(count, dropStatement)); } return new SqlScript(sqlStatements); }"
"@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if ((event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) || ((event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK))) { BlockState state = event.getClickedBlock().getState(); Player player = event.getPlayer(); if ((state instanceof Sign)) { Sign sign = (Sign) state; if (sign.getLines()[0].equalsIgnoreCase("[ClickMe]")) { if (has(event.getPlayer())) { if (sign.getLines()[1].equalsIgnoreCase("console")) { if (hasConsole(player)) getServer() .dispatchCommand( getServer().getConsoleSender(), sign.getLines()[2].toString() + sign.getLines()[3] .toString()); else player.sendMessage("You don't have the required permissions for this..."); } else getServer().dispatchCommand( event.getPlayer(), sign.getLines()[1].toString() + sign.getLines()[2].toString() + sign.getLines()[3].toString()); } else { player.sendMessage("You don't have the required permissions for this..."); } } } } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "onPlayerInteract"
"@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if ((event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) || ((event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK))) { BlockState state = event.getClickedBlock().getState(); Player player = event.getPlayer(); if ((state instanceof Sign)) { Sign sign = (Sign) state; if (sign.getLines()[0].equalsIgnoreCase("[ClickMe]")) { if (has(event.getPlayer())) { if (sign.getLines()[1].equalsIgnoreCase("console")) { if (hasConsole(player)) getServer() .dispatchCommand( getServer().getConsoleSender(), sign.getLines()[2].toString() + sign.getLines()[3] .toString()); else player.sendMessage("You don't have the required permissions for this..."); <MASK>}</MASK> else getServer().dispatchCommand( event.getPlayer(), sign.getLines()[1].toString() + sign.getLines()[2].toString() + sign.getLines()[3].toString()); <MASK>}</MASK> <MASK>}</MASK> else { player.sendMessage("You don't have the required permissions for this..."); <MASK>}</MASK> <MASK>}</MASK> <MASK>}</MASK> <MASK>}</MASK>"
"public void getDissemination(Context context, String PID, String bDefPID, String methodName, Property[] userParms, Date asOfDateTime, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, ServerException { ServletOutputStream out = null; MIMETypedStream dissemination = null; dissemination = s_access.getDissemination(context, PID, bDefPID, methodName, userParms, asOfDateTime); out = response.getOutputStream(); if (dissemination != null) { // testing to see what's in request header that might be of interest for (Enumeration e= request.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String)e.nextElement(); Enumeration headerValues = request.getHeaders(name); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (headerValues.hasMoreElements()) { sb.append((String) headerValues.nextElement()); } String value = sb.toString(); if (fedora.server.Debug.DEBUG) System.out.println("FEDORASERVLET REQUEST HEADER CONTAINED: "+name+" : "+value); response.setHeader(name,value); } // Dissemination was successful; // Return MIMETypedStream back to browser client if (dissemination.MIMEType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/fedora-redirect")) { // A MIME type of application/fedora-redirect signals that the // MIMETypedStream returned from the dissemination is a special // Fedora-specific MIME type. In this case, the Fedora server will // not proxy the datastream, but instead perform a simple redirect to // the URL contained within the body of the MIMETypedStream. This // special MIME type is used primarily for streaming media where it // is more efficient to stream the data directly between the streaming // server and the browser client rather than proxy it through the // Fedora server. BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(dissemination.getStream())); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } response.sendRedirect(sb.toString()); } else { response.setContentType(dissemination.MIMEType); Property[] headerArray = dissemination.header; if(headerArray != null) { for(int i=0; i<headerArray.length; i++) { if(headerArray[i].name != null && !(headerArray[i].name.equalsIgnoreCase("content-type"))) { response.addHeader(headerArray[i].name, headerArray[i].value); if (fedora.server.Debug.DEBUG) System.out.println("THIS WAS ADDED TO FEDORASERVLET RESPONSE HEADER FROM ORIGINATING PROVIDER "+headerArray[i].name+" : "+headerArray[i].value); } } } long startTime = new Date().getTime(); int byteStream = 0; InputStream dissemResult = dissemination.getStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[255]; while ((byteStream = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, byteStream); } buffer = null; dissemResult.close(); dissemResult = null; long stopTime = new Date().getTime(); long interval = stopTime - startTime; logger.logFiner("[FedoraAccessServlet] Read InputStream " + interval + " milliseconds."); } } else { // Dissemination request failed; echo back request parameter. String message = "[FedoraAccessServlet] No Dissemination Result " + " was returned."; showURLParms(PID, bDefPID, methodName, asOfDateTime, userParms, response, message); logger.logInfo(message); } }"
You are a Java Developer and you want to perform "Inversion-Mutation" by changing order of statementsfor provided "getDissemination"
"public void getDissemination(Context context, String PID, String bDefPID, String methodName, Property[] userParms, Date asOfDateTime, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, ServerException { ServletOutputStream out = null; MIMETypedStream dissemination = null; dissemination = s_access.getDissemination(context, PID, bDefPID, methodName, userParms, asOfDateTime); if (dissemination != null) { // testing to see what's in request header that might be of interest for (Enumeration e= request.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String)e.nextElement(); Enumeration headerValues = request.getHeaders(name); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (headerValues.hasMoreElements()) { sb.append((String) headerValues.nextElement()); } String value = sb.toString(); if (fedora.server.Debug.DEBUG) System.out.println("FEDORASERVLET REQUEST HEADER CONTAINED: "+name+" : "+value); response.setHeader(name,value); } // Dissemination was successful; // Return MIMETypedStream back to browser client if (dissemination.MIMEType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/fedora-redirect")) { // A MIME type of application/fedora-redirect signals that the // MIMETypedStream returned from the dissemination is a special // Fedora-specific MIME type. In this case, the Fedora server will // not proxy the datastream, but instead perform a simple redirect to // the URL contained within the body of the MIMETypedStream. This // special MIME type is used primarily for streaming media where it // is more efficient to stream the data directly between the streaming // server and the browser client rather than proxy it through the // Fedora server. BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(dissemination.getStream())); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } response.sendRedirect(sb.toString()); } else { response.setContentType(dissemination.MIMEType); Property[] headerArray = dissemination.header; if(headerArray != null) { for(int i=0; i<headerArray.length; i++) { if(headerArray[i].name != null && !(headerArray[i].name.equalsIgnoreCase("content-type"))) { response.addHeader(headerArray[i].name, headerArray[i].value); if (fedora.server.Debug.DEBUG) System.out.println("THIS WAS ADDED TO FEDORASERVLET RESPONSE HEADER FROM ORIGINATING PROVIDER "+headerArray[i].name+" : "+headerArray[i].value); } } } <MASK>out = response.getOutputStream();</MASK> long startTime = new Date().getTime(); int byteStream = 0; InputStream dissemResult = dissemination.getStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[255]; while ((byteStream = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, byteStream); } buffer = null; dissemResult.close(); dissemResult = null; long stopTime = new Date().getTime(); long interval = stopTime - startTime; logger.logFiner("[FedoraAccessServlet] Read InputStream " + interval + " milliseconds."); } } else { // Dissemination request failed; echo back request parameter. String message = "[FedoraAccessServlet] No Dissemination Result " + " was returned."; showURLParms(PID, bDefPID, methodName, asOfDateTime, userParms, response, message); logger.logInfo(message); } }"
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