from mpi4py import MPI |
from mpi4py.futures import MPICommExecutor |
import warnings |
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PPBuilder, CaPPBuilder |
from Bio.PDB.NeighborSearch import NeighborSearch |
from Bio.PDB.Selection import unfold_entities |
import numpy as np |
import dask.array as da |
from rdkit import Chem |
from functools import partial |
import os |
import re |
import sys |
import io |
import random |
import gzip |
import copy |
from atomic_renamer import AtomicNamer |
from prody import * |
import webdataset as wd |
amino_acids = {'L': 'LEU', 'A': 'ALA', 'G': 'GLY', 'V': 'VAL', 'E': 'GLU', 'S': 'SER', 'I': 'ILE', 'K': 'LYS', |
'R': 'ARG', 'D': 'ASP', 'T': 'THR', 'P': 'PRO', 'N': 'ASN', 'Q': 'GLN', 'F': 'PHE', 'Y': 'TYR', |
'M': 'MET', 'H': 'HIS', 'C': 'CYS', 'W': 'TRP'} |
nfeat = 15 |
punctuation_regex = r"""(\(|\)|\.|=|#|-|\+|\\|\/|:|~|@|\?|>>?|\*|\$|\%[0-9]{2}|[0-9])""" |
molecule_regex = r"""(\[[^\]]+]|Br?|Cl?|N|O|S|P|F|I|b|c|n|o|s|p|\(|\)|\.|=|#|-|\+|\\|\/|:|~|@|\?|>>?|\*|\$|\%[0-9]{2}|[0-9])""" |
def get_protein_sequence_and_coords(structure): |
hv = structure.getHierView() |
seq = '' |
xyz = [] |
resindex = [] |
for chain in hv: |
cid = chain.getChid() |
calpha = structure.select(f'calpha chain {cid} icode _') |
N = structure.select(f'name N chain {cid} icode _') |
C = structure.select(f'name C chain {cid} icode _') |
xyz += [(ca,n,c) for ca,n,c in zip(calpha.getCoords(), N.getCoords(), C.getCoords())] |
seq += calpha.getSequence() |
resindex += [ca.getResindex() for ca in calpha] |
return seq, xyz, resindex |
def get_pdb_components(pdb_id): |
""" |
Split a protein-ligand pdb into protein and ligand components |
:param pdb_id: |
:return: |
""" |
with open(pdb_id,'r') as f: |
pdb = parsePDBStream(f,model=1) |
protein = pdb.select('protein') |
return protein |
def rot_from_two_vecs(e0_unnormalized, e1_unnormalized): |
"""Create rotation matrices from unnormalized vectors for the x and y-axes. |
This creates a rotation matrix from two vectors using Gram-Schmidt |
orthogonalization. |
Args: |
e0_unnormalized: vectors lying along x-axis of resulting rotation |
e1_unnormalized: vectors lying in xy-plane of resulting rotation |
Returns: |
Rotations resulting from Gram-Schmidt procedure. |
""" |
e0 = e0_unnormalized / np.linalg.norm(e0_unnormalized) |
c = np.dot(e1_unnormalized, e0) |
e1 = e1_unnormalized - c * e0 |
e1 = e1 / np.linalg.norm(e1) |
e2 = np.cross(e0, e1) |
return np.stack([e0,e1,e2]).T |
def parse_complex(aa, data_dir, i_pdb_fns): |
shard_idx, pdb_fns = i_pdb_fns |
chunk_name = [] |
chunk_smiles = [] |
chunk_lig_xyz = [] |
chunk_seq = [] |
chunk_rec_xyz = [] |
chunk_rec_R = [] |
chunk_rec_feat = [] |
for pdb_fn in pdb_fns: |
try: |
name = os.path.basename(pdb_fn) |
protein = get_pdb_components(pdb_fn+'/'+name+'_protein.pdb') |
seq, xyz, resindex = get_protein_sequence_and_coords(protein) |
if len(seq) < 3: |
raise ValueError |
assert len(xyz) == len(seq), "sequence and coord mismatch" |
R_receptor = [] |
for t in xyz: |
CA = np.array(t[0]) |
N = np.array(t[1]) |
C = np.array(t[2]) |
R_receptor.append(rot_from_two_vecs(N-CA,C-CA).flatten().tolist()) |
feat = np.zeros((len(resindex),nfeat,3),dtype=np.float32) |
feat[:] = np.nan |
for i,(n, res) in enumerate(zip(resindex, seq)): |
atoms = protein.select(f'resindex {n}') |
ss = io.StringIO() |
prody.writePDBStream(ss, atoms) |
try: |
mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(ss.getvalue()) |
ref_aa = copy.deepcopy(aa[res]) |
reflabels = [l.split()[0] for l in ref_aa.reflabels] |
labels = [l.split()[0] for l in ref_aa.name(mol)] |
pos = mol.GetConformer().GetPositions() |
xyz_labels = sorted([(xyz, reflabels.index(l)) for xyz,l in zip(pos,labels) |
if l in reflabels], key=lambda t: t[1]) |
for r, j in xyz_labels: |
feat[i,j,:] = r |
except Exception as e: |
print('Unsuccesful in assigning atoms to amino acid letter {}'.format(res),ss.getvalue(),e) |
raise |
suppl = Chem.SDMolSupplier(pdb_fn+'/'+name+'_ligand.sdf') |
mol = next(suppl) |
smi = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) |
atom_order = [int(s) for s in list(filter(None,re.sub(r'[\[\]]','',mol.GetProp("_smilesAtomOutputOrder")).split(',')))] |
tokens = list(filter(None, re.split(molecule_regex, smi))) |
masked_tokens = [re.sub(punctuation_regex,'',s) for s in tokens] |
k = 0 |
token_pos = [] |
for i,token in enumerate(masked_tokens): |
if token != '': |
token_pos.append(tuple(mol.GetConformer().GetAtomPosition(atom_order[k]))) |
k += 1 |
else: |
token_pos.append((np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)) |
chunk_name.append(name) |
chunk_seq.append(seq) |
chunk_rec_xyz.append(np.array([np.array(t[0]).tolist() for t in xyz])) |
chunk_rec_R.append(np.array(R_receptor)) |
chunk_rec_feat.append(feat) |
chunk_smiles.append(smi) |
chunk_lig_xyz.append(token_pos) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
pass |
try: |
shard_idx = str(shard_idx) |
with wd.TarWriter(f'{data_dir}/part-' + shard_idx + '.tar', compress=True) as sink: |
for index in range(len(chunk_name)): |
sink.write({ |
'__key__': "%s_%06d" % (shard_idx, index), |
'name.txt': chunk_name[index], |
'seq.txt': chunk_seq[index], |
'smiles.txt': chunk_smiles[index], |
'rec_xyz.pyd': chunk_rec_xyz[index], |
'rec_R.pyd': chunk_rec_R[index], |
'rec_feat.pyd': chunk_rec_feat[index], |
'lig_xyz.pyd': chunk_lig_xyz[index], |
}) |
return len(chunk_name) |
except Exception as e: |
print('Exception while writing', repr(e)) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
import glob |
filenames = glob.glob('data/pdbbind/v2020-other-PL/*') |
filenames.extend(glob.glob('data/pdbbind/refined-set/*')) |
filenames = sorted(filenames) |
with open('split_direction/timesplit_no_lig_overlap_train','r') as f: |
train_rec = f.read().split() |
with open('split_direction/timesplit_no_lig_overlap_val','r') as f: |
val_rec = f.read().split() |
with open('split_direction/timesplit_test','r') as f: |
test_rec = f.read().split() |
train = [x for x in filenames if x.split('/')[-1] in train_rec] |
val = [x for x in filenames if x.split('/')[-1] in val_rec] |
test = [x for x in filenames if x.split('/')[-1] in test_rec] |
print(f'Train has {len(train)} items and first 5 are {train[:5]}') |
print(f'Val has {len(val)} items and first 5 are {val[:5]}') |
print(f'Test has {len(test)} items and first 5 are {test[:5]}') |
def chunks(lst, n): |
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" |
for i in range(0, len(lst), n): |
yield lst[i:i + n] |
with MPICommExecutor(comm, root=0) as executor: |
if executor is not None: |
aa = {k: AtomicNamer(v) for k,v in amino_acids.items()} |
chunk_sizes = executor.map(partial(parse_complex, aa, 'train'), enumerate(chunks(train, 512))) |
total_train_rows = 0 |
for s in chunk_sizes: |
total_train_rows += s |
chunk_sizes = executor.map(partial(parse_complex, aa, 'val'), enumerate(chunks(val, 512))) |
total_val_rows = 0 |
for s in chunk_sizes: |
total_val_rows += s |
chunk_sizes = executor.map(partial(parse_complex, aa, 'test'), enumerate(chunks(test, 512))) |
total_test_rows = 0 |
for s in chunk_sizes: |
total_test_rows += s |
print('Total number of train rows {}'.format(total_train_rows)) |
print('Total number of val rows {}'.format(total_val_rows)) |
print('Total number of test rows {}'.format(total_test_rows)) |