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Granites paleomagnetism all micro shots 2
Коррозионная структура сростаний пирита, кварца, борнита, блёклой руды, карбоната и халькопирита. Микрофотография в отражённом свете.
Photomicrograph (PPL)showing a brachiopod and trilobite
Polished slab of skeletal wackestone
Photomicrograph of a skeletal grainstone
Laminated lime mudstone
Fenestral lime mudstone (dismicrite)
Photomicrograph (PPL) of fenestral lime mudstone (dismicrite). Same image but with crossed polars is provided below under "other versions"
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a siderite nodule from an intraformational conglomerate. Same image but with crossed polars available below
Photomicrograph of a granite. Image is in cross-polarized light.
Thin section showing quartz crystals in a granite.
Ooids in thin section. Silurian Keel Limestone in Oklahoma.
Peloids in the Ordovician Benner Formation, PA (100x; 3 of 3)
Peloids and fenestrae in the Ordovician Benner Formation, PA (20x; 1 of 3)
Ooids in thin section
Ooids in the Silurian Mifflintown Formation, PA
Ooids in the Silurian Mifflintown Formation, PA
Ooids in the Silurian Mifflintown Formation, PA
Secondary porosity in an oolitic limestone of the Silurian Keefer Formation, PA
Lithoclasts in Mifflintown Formation (Silurian), PA.
Geopetal structure in a fossiliferous limestone of the Silurian Mifflintown Formation, PA
Polished slab of foram grainstone
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a skeletal grainstone
Photomicrograph (PPL) of foraminifera in a grainstone
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a bivalve in lime mudstone.
Laminated lime mudstone
Lithoclasts in thin section
Ooids and peloids in thin section, Snyder Formation (Ordovician) exposed in the Union Furnace section, PA
Ooids and peloids in thin section, Snyder Formation (Ordovician) exposed in the Union Furnace section, PA
photomicrograph of oolitic grainstone in plane polarized light. Same image but with crossed polars provided under "other versions" below
Photomicrograph of oolitic grainstone in plane polarized light. Same image but with crossed polars provided under "other versions" below
Lithoclast in oolitic grainstone
Apatitkristall im Dünnschliff unter gekreuzten Polarisatoren
aplite. nicol incrociati
aplite. nicol paralleli
This is an approximate reconstruction of Figure 6-4 of the <i>Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report</i> (NASA SP-289), which has the following caption: <dl><dd>Thin section of sample 15076,12 (crossed polars) showing zoned clinopyroxene and plagioclase that contain cores of pyroxene. The inner zone is pigeonite, and the outer zone is augite; opaque mineral is ilmenite.</dd></dl> Scale bar is 1 mm.
Prismatic crystal of unidentified authigenic mineral in Arnager Kalk (“Arnager Limestone”) from the Upper Cretaceous of Bornholm, Denmark (SEM photo).
SEM photomicrograph of Arnager Kalk (“Arnager Limestone”) from the Upper Cretaceous of Bornholm, Denmark, showing unidentified authigenic minerals.
SEM photomicrograph of Arnager Kalk (“Arnager Limestone”) from the Upper Cretaceous of Bornholm, Denmark: close up of prismatic crystals and spheroidal aggregates of unidentified authigenic minerals.
Photomicrograph (PPL) of calcite and dolomite from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation in SW Montana. Specimen is from 0.0 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a> Same image but with crossed polars available below under "other versions"
Photomicrograph (PPL) of peloids in a limestone from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana.
Photomicrograph (PPL) of fenestrae from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana. Specimen is from 47.2 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Oolitic grainstone from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation in SW Montana. Specimen is from 96.2 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a recrystallized limestone from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana. Specimen is from 119.5 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Lithoclasts in a limestone from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation in SW Montana. Specimen is from 134.4 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Polished slab of partially recrystallized wackestone from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana. Specimen is from 23.2 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Polished slab of partially recrystallized fossiliferous wackestone from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana. Specimen is from 29.5 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a dismicrite from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana. Specimen is from 47.2 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Polished slab of dismicrite (fenestral lime mudstone) from the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, SW Montana. Specimen is from 47.2 m in the Benbow Mine Road section shown in <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a stromatoporoid from the Devonian Jefferson Formation, SW Montana.
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a stromatoporoid.
Thin section in plane-polarized light through sediment collected at the Great Barrier Reef. Seagrass facies in backreef environment - many benthic foraminifer species.
Goethite (light grey) replacing pyrite (white) in quartz (dark grey) Baratta goldfield, South Australia
This is a thin section of radial growths of Barite (or Heavy Spar). Collected from a mineral vein in the Hope Valley, near Castleton, Derbyshire. Crossed nicols image, magnification 2x (Field of view = 7mm)
Human face-like Pyroxene crystal in a Basalt from Etna (Italy). Plane polarized light image, magnification 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Thin section of a basalt with olivine phenocrysts
To study rocks using special preparations - thin sections. These are thin (0.03 mm) rock plates glued to a glass slide and covered with a coverslip. On the photo you can see the basalt thin section in crossed nicols. Basalts are calledmafic extrusive igneous rock with specific mineral composition and microstructure. As can be seen in the photo, the rock is almost completely composed of plagioclase microlites (light gray) and clynopyroxene (colored) formed during solidification of the lava. However, one can observe large crystals of clynopyroxene (bottom right, colored) and plagioclases (rounded grains in the center and top), which formed in magma long before its eruption. This panoramic image was obtained by gluing together 45 images, FOV 25 mm.
Basalto tholeitico. nicol incrociati
Basalto Tholeitico. nicol paralleli
Rudstone with foraminifers, green algae, red algae and coral fragments. Beach in the Bahamas. Exact locality unknown. Scan of a thin section. Modern sediment. Sample no AM 258.
<p>Polarizing microscope picture of thin section taken in crossed polarized light. The green mineral is biotite and the coloured one is muscovite. The black inclusion in biotite is magnetite. Rock:Nepheline syenite gneiss Local:Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Author:Eurico Zimbres Free for all use </p> Date: 1990
No description available
No description available
Native gold (bright yellow) on / between pyrite crystals (pale yellow). Dark grey mineral is quartz.
Native gold (bright yellow) on / between pyrite crystals (pale yellow). Dark grey mineral is quartz.
Replacement of pyrite by base metal sulphides, Bird In Hand gold deposit, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia <p>Pyrite - whitish-yellow Chalcopyrite - yellow Covellite - blue Galena - white </p> Quartz - dark grey
Bismuth crystal. Bottom front edge has a length of about 3.5cm. Iridescent colour is created due to interference effects in a thin oxide layer, which forms when the hot crystal is pulled out of the bismuth melt.
Pottery body sherd decorated with three impressed circular indentations, in clusters, running horizontally along the width of the sherd. <pre> The surface and core of the sherd have been oxidised to an light brown colour. There are carbonised remains on the interior surface of the sherd, and there is the impression of the textile used to wipe the interior, probably before reaching the 'leather-hard' stage while drying, in order to remove surface condensation. The fabric looks, from microscopic investigation, to have mica, white feldspar, and slate inclusions, which is typical of the clay used during the Bronze Age in Cornwall. There are two other body sherds found with identical decoration in pattern, depth and diameter, which are probably all from the same vessel. These were passed on to the landowner before they could be recorded, but the recorder does have drawings of them. </pre> The style of the decoration makes this sherd comparable to Trevisker ware sherds excavated from the Bronze Age settlement site at Trethellan Farm, Newquay, reported on in Cornish Archaeology No.30 (1991), page 110, Fig.41, No.8, which date it to the Middle Bronze Age c.1500-1150.
Pottery rim sherd with a flat, flanged rim and decorated with five vertical thumbnail impressions on the exterior of the body, running along the width of the sherd, between the rim and the shoulder. <pre> The surface and core of the sherd have been oxidised to an orangey red colour. The interior surface of the sherd has been wiped, probably before reaching the 'leather-hard' stage while drying, in order to remove surface condensation. The fabric looks, from macroscopic investigation, to have mica, white feldspar, quartz and slate inclusions, which is typical for pottery of this period in Cornwall. </pre> This is very similar to another body sherd, found at the same site, (CORN-F06751) and both are probably from the same vessel, which would have been a large cooking vessel. The flattened and flanged rim and its decoration make it comparable to Trevisker ware sherds excavated from the Bronze Age settlement site at Trethellan Farm, Newquay, reported on in Cornish Archaeology No.30 (1991), page 109, Fig.40, No.4, which date it to the Middle Bronze Age c.1500-1150.
<i>Figure caption:</i> Antietam Schist. Porphyroblastic biotite, <b>a</b>, in a dolomitic matrix. The tourmaline, <b>t</b>, is epigenetic.<br><i>Text from the Bulletin referring to this figure:</i> Microscopically the rock shows abundant calcite, dolomite, and biotite; some of the biotite occurs as porphyroblastic blades with inclusions of the groundmass. Quartz, albite, titanite, and pyrite are present in small amounts. Tourmaline crystals which contain inclusions of the rock minerals show that the mineral was formed as a result of pneumatolytic action subsequent to recrystallization of the rock.
Glauconite, and dolomite in the Cambrian Gros Ventre Formation, WY in the Cambrian Gros Ventre Formation, WY. Same image but with crossed polars provided under "other versions" below
Photomicrograph (PPL) showing a trilobite from the Cambrian Meagher Formation, SW Montana.
Photomicrograph (PPL) showing a trilobite from the Cambrian Meagher Formation, SW Montana.
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a brachiopod and trilobite in the Cambrian Meagher Formation, SW Montana.
Photomicrograph of an oncoid from the Cambrian Meagher Formation, Tobacco Root Mountains, MT
Oolitic grainstone in the Cambrian Meagher Formation, SW Montana
Illustration showing some fundamentals of carbonate rocks in thin section as they would appear in plane polarized light.
Skeletal leucite (Cartwheel) from vulsini volcano, Central Italy. Plane polarized light image, magnification 20x (Field of view = 1mm)
Thin section image of zoned cassiterite crystals under crossed polarised light in quartz-topas greisen. The sample was taken on the dump of Haupt-/Ottoschacht, Prebuz, Czech Republic. The image width is 3.3 mm.
Cemented clast at base outlined in red. Light brown matrix in plane polars (right) appears optically opaque in crossed polars (left). Grains are generally rounded and vary in size. Core sample taken from the San Andreas Fault at Elizabeth Lake, CA.
Chlorit im Dünnschliff (gekreuzte Polarisatoren)
Chondrule Textures
Thin section image of a sheared cataclasite in both plane polars (right) and crossed polars (left). Very highly fractured quartz and feldspar wall rock (right half of image). Contact outlined in red. Cataclasite (left half of image) is generally clast supported with rounded to subangular grains of quartz and feldspar within an optically opaque matrix (light brown on right to black on left). Core sample taken from the San Andreas Fault at Elizabeth Lake, CA.
Illustration showing the major components of sandstones in thin section as they would appear in cross polarized light.
Basal section of green pyroxen (with 90° cleavage ) in a Pyroxenite Xenolith from Vulsini volcano, Lazion region, Italy. Plane polarized light image, magnification 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
<a href="" class="extiw" title="en:Thin section">Thin section</a> in plane-polarized light of <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:coral">coral</a>, from <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:Holocene">Holocene</a> lagoonal sediment of Rice Bay, <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:San Salvador Island">San Salvador Island</a>, Bahamas. Scale bar 100 micrometres. From: <i>Petrographic Analysis and Depositional History of an Open, Carbonate Lagoon: Rice Bay, San Salvador, Bahamas</i>, 2000, James L. Stuby, masters thesis, <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:Wright State University">Wright State University</a>, Dayton, Ohio. Figure A3-7 from Appendix 3: Photomicrographs of Carbonate Grains in Rice Bay
Cordierit-Magnetit-Hornfels, Dünnschliff, LPL
Cordierit-Magnetit-Hornfels, Dünnschliff, XPL
Cordierit-Magnetit-Hornfels, Dünnschliff, XPL, Details der Cordieritkristalle
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a recrystallized carbonate in thin section, Cambrian Pilgrim Formation, SW Montana
Regular Twinning Planes in Calcite crystal. Crossed nicols image, magnification 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Thin section image in crossed polars of a <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:Dacite">Dacite</a> sample from a dome in <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:Mount St. Helens">Mount St. Helens</a>. Image by United States Geological Survey, a federal scientific agency.
dacite. nicol incrociati
Dacite. nicol paralleli
<p><a href="//" title="User:Siim">Siim Sepp</a>, 2006 Igneous rock diorite. Photomicrograph with crossed polars. The width of the view is approximately 0,15 cm. </p> Main minerals are plagioclase, hornblende and magnetite.
Photomicrograph showing fine-grained, partially recrystallized limestone in plane-polarized light (above) and cross-polarized light (below). This specimen would be classified as a dismicrite using in the Folk (1964) classification scheme or a mudstone using the Dunham classification scheme.
Distribution pattern of organic aggregates in a thin section of the Aan of Valenakker (40–50  cm ). In the fabric of the aggregates are charcoal particles visible.
Photomicrograph (PPL) of a dolomitized limestone and algal fragment from the Devonian Jefferson Formation, SW Montana. Same image with crossed polars is available under "file history"
Photomicrograph (PPL) of recrystalized and dolomitized carbonate in the Devonian Jefferson Formation, SW Montana.Same image but with crossed polars avaialable below under "other versions"
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