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Dataset Summary

This dataset provides vibration and motor current data for fault diagnosis of motor winding faults.

Dataset Details

Vibration data is acquired with a sampling frequency of 25.6 kHz, and current data is acquired with a sampling frequency of 100 kHz.

For more detailed information about this dataset, please check this article published in "Data in Brief".

Title: Vibration and Current Dataset of Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Stator Faults


Dataset Description

aaaaW_bb_cc_vibration_dddd.tdms : This file includes "dddd" short circuit fault vibration data of z-direction with "" % severity acquired from the motor whose capacity is "aaaa" W.

For examples, "1000W_00_00_vibration_interturn.tdms" means healthy inter-turn short circuit vibration data of z-direction acquired from the motor whose capacity is 1.0 kW and "1500W_05_70_vibration_intercoil.tdms" means coil-coil short circuit fault vibration data of z-direction with 5.70 % severity acquired from the motor whose capacity is 1.5 kW.

aaaaW_bb_cc_current_dddd.tdms : This file includes "dddd" short circuit fault motor current data of three phases with "" % severity acquired from the motor whose capacity is "aaaa" W.

For examples, "1000W_00_00_current_interturn.tdms" means healthy inter-turn short circuit motor current data of three phases acquired from the motor whose capacity is 1.0 kW and "1500W_05_70_current_intercoil.tdms" means coil-coil short circuit fault motor current data of three phases with 5.70 % severity acquired from the motor whose capacity is 1.5 kW.

Dataset Reference



The difference between Reference is that our team adheres to the consistency of digit counts; for instance, the number '5' has been revised to '05' to align with the subsequent two-digit figures.

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